
Sample records for peraluminosos al oeste

  1. Análisis del peso al nacer en una población toba del oeste formoseño

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    Lanza, Norberto


    Full Text Available La inversión materna es un importante determinante del peso al nacer. En poblaciones con fecundidad natural, esta inversión afectaría negativamente la propia condición física de la madre a medida que aumenta su edad y paridad. Estudios realizados en una población rural Toba del oeste formoseño indicaron un aumento de la masa corporal materna con la edad y un elevado porcentaje de mujeres con sobrepeso y obesidad. ¿Se traslada este aumento en las reservas energéticas maternas al peso al nacer de sus hijos? El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el peso al nacer de esta población aborigen en relación a la edad materna y el sexo del recién nacido. Los datos fueron tomados de registros de agentes sanitarios Toba y de la sala médica. Se analizaron 528 nacimientos (253 femeninos y 275 masculinos desde el año 1983 al 2007. El peso al nacer mostró una asociación positiva estadísticamente significativa con la edad de la madre. Estos resultados confirmarían la condición física materna como un importante predictor del peso al nacer. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias sexuales en el peso al nacer. Se hipotetiza una mayor inversión materna hacia las hijas como parte de la estrategia reproductiva materna.

  2. Índice de Vantagem Comparativa Revelada do Complexo Soja da Região Centro-Oeste Brasileira

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    Marciele de Freitas Oliveira


    Full Text Available O Centro-Oeste brasileiro se destaca no setor agrícola por ser uma das principais regiões produtoras e exportadoras de grãos. O objetivo central desse trabalho foi fazer uma caracterização da exportação dos produtos do complexo soja na região Centro-Oeste. Além disso, buscou-se analisar a importância desses produtos para a região. Os dados utilizados nesta pesquisa referem-se à exportação dos produtos do complexo soja na região e no Brasil, oriundos do Sistema de Análise Exterior (ALICE, da Secretaria de Comércio Exterior (SECEX e do World Trade Organization (WTO. Como método de pesquisa, utilizou-se primeiramente o Índice de Vantagem Comparativa Revelada (IVCR, porém, como esse índice apresenta valores positivos assimétricos, recorreu-se ao Índice de Vantagem Comparativa Revelada Simétrica (IVCRS, a fim de suprir essa limitação, pois os valores do IVCRS variam entre -1 e 1. Como resultado constatou-se que a região Centro-Oeste apresenta vantagens comparativas na exportação do complexo soja, porém essa vantagem vem apresentando queda nos últimos anos.

  3. Chapecó (SC), para além de polo regional, uma cidade média no oeste catarinense


    Cristiane Gretzler


    Uma das primeiras cidades criadas no impulso colonizador do Oeste Catarinense, Chapecó, durante vários anos foi à sede administrativa de vasto território, situação que conferiu à cidade uma centralidade que se manifesta ainda hoje. O processo de urbanização brasileira provocou mudanças na estrutura das diferentes cidades, independente de seu porte, suscitando novas análises e interpretações. As metrópoles assumiram novos papéis em escala mundial e, muitas cidades polo regionais, acabam criand...

  4. A dinâmica locacional da avicultura e suinocultura no centro-oeste brasileiro.


    Leopoldo Viriato Saboya


    Visando investigar a dinâmica locacional das empresas dos complexos aves e suínos estabelecidas na região Centro-Oeste brasileira, foi conduzida uma pesquisa empírica do processo de decisão locacional e dos fatores-chave na escolha do local produtivo, tendo como referencial teórico uma abordagem comportamental da Teoria da Localização. A pressuposição central deste estudo é a de que os preços mais baixos das matérias-primas básicas (em especial o milho) nos estados da região Centro-Oeste não ...

  5. Aporte a la geología del Alto de Mogna, al norte de la depresión del Tulum, provincia de San Juan


    J.J. Zambrano; G. Suvires


    El Alto de Mogna, elevación estructural situada en la parte central de la provincia de San Juan, entre las provincias geológicas de las Sierras Pampeanas y la Precordillera Oriental, tiene rumbo este-oeste, transversal a las estructuras de las mencionadas cadenas montañosas, y separa dos depresiones tectónicas regionales: el valle del Bermejo, al norte, y la depresión de Tulum, al sur. En esta elevación estructural afloran fallas y pliegues, cuyo rumbo es prácticamente este-oeste, salvo en la...

  6. L'Hemisferic: Una ventana al mundo

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    Calatrava Valls, Santiago


    Full Text Available The "Hemisféric-Planetario" building is located in the center line East-West of the "Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias" complex, flanked by two rectangular lakes, in the north and in the south, respectively. In the East side we can find a promenade between the Museum and its south lake. Nevertheless its West side is virtual. and located in the area of the "Hermanos Marista 's" viaducto The building is visited, daily, by about 3.000 people, distributed between its 8 duties. The showing room holds 321 seats, four of those for wheel-chairs. The building has a possible room of 999 people (at the same time.El edificio Hemisféric-Planetarío está situado sobre el eje Este-Oeste del complejo de la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias; está flanqueado por dos estanques rectangulares, al Norte y al Sur, respectivamente. Por el Este, un paseo limita la parcela con el Museo y su estanque Sur. El limite Oeste, sin embargo. es virtual y se encuentra en la proyección del viaducto de Hermanos Maristas. Este edificio es visitado diariamente por unos 3.000 personas, distribuyéndose en 8 funciones. La sala de proyección dispone de 321 butacas, con posibilidad de alojar 4 sillas de ruedas. La capacidad de acogida del edificio (al mismo tiempo es de 999 personas.

  7. La importancia de palmas en el oeste de la cuenca Amazónica

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev, Henrik


    Las palmas forman un elemento conspicuo y dominante en muchos bosques tropicales en el oeste de la cuenca Amazónica. Existen alrededor de 100 especies de palmas en la zona, y tienen densidades de hasta 8000 individuos por hectárea. Además de su importancia ecológica, las palmas son de gran...

  8. Carretera oeste de circunvalación de Estrasburgo. Paso del Foso de las Murallas – Francia

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    Vauday, -


    Full Text Available The Western Bypass Road at Strassbourg is a wide motor road, which runs around the city and linics the northern and sourthem motor roads. This ensures the continuity of the motor road network in the vincinity of Strassbourg's urban zone, and also facilitates communications with the city centre. The motor road crosses the moat next to the city walls near the railway crossing, this being achieved by means of prefabricated reinforced concrete boxes.La carretera oeste de circunvalación de Estrasburgo es una autopista que contornea la ciudad y une las autopistas norte y sur, asegurando la continuidad de ia red de autopistas a su paso por la aglomeración y la distribución del tráfico interurbano generado por la villa, al mismo tiempo que facilita ciertas uniones puramente urbanas. Atraviesa el foso de las murallas cerca de donde lo hace el ferrocarril Estrasburgo-Basilea, mediante una obra constituida por cajones de hormigón armado prefabricados.

  9. Usos populares de la flora tipica del oeste de Cartagena


    Martínez Madrid, María José; Martínez Madrid, Isabel María


    Se recopilan los usos que popularmente se llevan o llevaban a cabo con la flora local del Oeste de Cartagena, para as´ı estudiar los conocimientos que a ´un conserva la poblaci´on y realizar un peque ˜ no sondeo de las plantas m´as utilizadas, atendiendo a su ubicaci´on y uso. Esta recopilaci´on de datos la he realizado mediante una serie de entrevistas abiertas a diversas personas de distintas edades en las que les preguntaba por plantas medicinales, enfermedades q...

  10. Projeto Caminhão da Ciência: Popularização da Ciência no Oeste da Bahia

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    E. C. V. de Magalhães


    Full Text Available O Projeto Caminhão da Ciência tem por objetivo promover a divulgação científica em Escolas e espaços públicos da Região Oeste da Bahia. O projeto teve início no ano de 2009, com apoio do CNPq, ocorrendo a sua primeira apresentação no ano de 2010, na feira libre de Barreiras. Várias áreas do conhecimento são contempladas entre eles: Biologia, Física, Química, Matemática, Geologia e Engenharias. O projeto se fundamenta por apresentações de temáticas desenvolvidas por alunos de graduação, sob a orientação de professores da Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia-UFOB, envolvidos no projeto. Diversas temáticas são desenvolvidas na forma trabalhos interdisciplinares entre eles: elaboração de maquetes, experimentos com uso de materiais alternativos, vídeos, jogos e ainda informativos em websites e webblogs. Para as apresentações do projeto, são realizadas visitas nas escolas ou outros espaçoes e os materiais trasportados no Caminhão são montados no espaço físico disponibilizado, criando um cenário similar ao de uma feira de ciências. Neste trabalho são apresentados relatos de apresentações realizadas em Escolas, enfatizando os resultados obtidos que demonstram a socialização do conhecimento científico entre os monitores e a comunidade assistida, além da interação entre a Universidade e a sociedade.

  11. Aporte a la geología del Alto de Mogna, al norte de la depresión del Tulum, provincia de San Juan A contribution to the Geology of the Mogna High, to the North of the Tulum depression, Province of San Juan


    J.J. Zambrano; G. Suvires


    El Alto de Mogna, elevación estructural situada en la parte central de la provincia de San Juan, entre las provincias geológicas de las Sierras Pampeanas y la Precordillera Oriental, tiene rumbo este-oeste, transversal a las estructuras de las mencionadas cadenas montañosas, y separa dos depresiones tectónicas regionales: el valle del Bermejo, al norte, y la depresión de Tulum, al sur. En esta elevación estructural afloran fallas y pliegues, cuyo rumbo es prácticamente este-oeste, salvo en la...

  12. Cultura Associativa: A Gênese do Cooperativismo Agropecuário da Mesorregião Oeste Paranaense

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    Ednilse Maria Willers


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é publicizar parte de minha tese de doutorado. Essa tese teve por objetivo geral analisar e compreender a gênese do cooperativismo agropecuário da mesorregião Oeste paranaense a partir da cultura associativa de seus fundadores. Para este artigo abordou-se: a parte do referencial teórico pautado no conceito da cultura associativa e; b no quadro de análise pautado no processo de formação e colonização da mesorregião Oeste paranaense, seguido do processo histórico de fundação das cooperativas agropecuárias selecionadas: Copacol, C.Vale, Lar, Coopavel e Copagril. A metodologia adotada partiu da abordagem qualitativa, a partir da premissa descritivo-explicativa.  Como fonte de dados utilizou-se dados secundários. Como resultado constatou-se que a gênese das cooperativas em estudo se deu em função das necessidades sociais dos sujeitos, dos colonos que as fundaram. A cultura associativa resgatada por meio das memórias desses colonos tornou-se o marco cultural, mantido e reproduzido pela estrutura comunitária desses colonos. A dinâmica de convivência coletiva e as relações comunitárias mantiveram-se independentes das mudanças macroeconômicas do país. Foi esse espírito gregário, entranhado na estrutura social dos migrantes que colonizaram a mesorregião Oeste paranaense, o norteador das iniciativas de cooperação que desencadearam nas associações de produtores, e essas, nas cooperativas agropecuárias em estudo.


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    Raifran Abidimar de Castro


    The studies on the effects of economic activities on the environment have contributed to identify activities degradetions. However there are few studies that use of catchment basins as area of analysis of the environmental fragility, particularly in relation to the Amazon. With this, the objective of this paper is to present data on the areas of greatest and least environmental fragility of the basin of the Água Branca, west of Maranhão, Brazil. To do this if you have used the empirical analysis based on data from geology, pedology, geomorphology, and uses and soil cover, aiming to identify the areas of greatest environmental fragility. With the analysis of the data, it was found that there is a need for new forms of management, and their respective procedures for use and occupation of the basin are conducted, aiming at the reduction of fragility strong emerging which represents 42.2% of the area of the basin. Keywords: Environmental Degradation; Watershed; Use and Soil Cover. LA FRAGILIDAD DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE EN LA CUENCA DEL ARROYO DE AGUA BLANCA, AL OESTE DE MARANHÃO RESUMEN Los estudios sobre los efectos de la actividad económica sobre el medio ambiente han contribuido a identificar actividades degradantes. Sin embargo, existen pocos estudios que utilizan de las cuencas hidrográficas como ámbito de análisis de la fragilidad ambiental, particularmente en relación a la Amazonía. Con esto, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los datos sobre las áreas de mayor y menor fragilidad ambiental de la cuenca del Água Branca, oeste maranhense. Para ello si ha utilizado el análisis empírico basado en datos de la geología, la edafología, la geomorfología, y uso y cobertura del suelo, con el objetivo de identificar las áreas de mayor fragilidad ambiental. Con el análisis de los datos se comprobó que existe una necesidad de nuevas formas de gestión, y sus respectivos procedimientos para el uso y la ocupación de la cuenca se lleven a cabo, encaminadas a

  14. Food, feeding, and refuelling of Red Knots during northward migration at San Antonio Oeste, Rio Negro, Argentina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gonzalez, PM; Piersma, T; Verkuil, Y; González, Patricia M.


    We studied the food and feeding ecology of Red Knots Calidris canutus rufa on an area of rocky flat, or restinga, near San Antonio Oeste in the northwest of Golfo San Matias, Provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina in March 1992. These Red Knots are on their way north, from ''wintering'' areas in Tierra

  15. The Carboniferous-Permian boundary in the central western Argentinean basins: paleontological evidences El límite Carbonífero-Pérmico en las cuencas del centro oeste de Argentina: evidencias paleontológicas

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    Gabriela A Cisterna


    Full Text Available The central western Argentinean basins of Río Blanco, Calingasta-Uspallata and western Paganzo, enclose the most complete marine successions used for examining the Carboniferous-Permian boundary in Gondwana. A detailed review of the key stratigraphical sections has allowed the identification of the latest Carboniferous assemblages; NBG, Interval megafloristic Zone and DM (Raistrickia densa-Convolutispora muriornata Palynological Zone in the lower part, and the earliest Permian T-S (Tivertonia jachalensis-Streptorhynchus inaequiornatus invertebrate Zone and FS (Pakhapitesfusus-Vittatina subsaccata Palynological Zone in the upper part. This diagnostic mega/microflora and marine invertebrate paleontological evidence provides a biostratigraphical framework for the definition of the Carboniferous-Permian boundary inside the basins of central western Argentina.Las cuencas del centro oeste de Argentina, Río Blanco, Calingasta-Uspallata y el sector oeste de la cuenca Paganzo, contienen las secuencias marinas más completas para el estudio del límite Carbonífero-Pérmico en Gondwana. Un estudio detallado de secciones estratigráficas claves ha permitido la identificación de las asociaciones megaflo-rísticas NBG y de Intervalo, y de la palinozona DM (Raistrickia densa-Convolutispora muriornata, del Carbonífero Tardío, en la parte inferior de dichas secciones; en tanto, en la parte media superior de las secciones estudiadas, se han identificado la biozona de invertebrados T-S (Tivertonia jachalensis-Streptorhynchus inaequiornatus y la palinozona FS (Pakhapites fusus-Vittatina subsaccata, ambas asignadas al Pérmico Temprano. El registro de estas asociaciones diagnósticas de mega/microflora e invertebrados marinos provee un esquema bioestratigráfico integrado que permite ubicar el límite Carbonífero-Pérmico en las cuencas del centro oeste de Argentina.

  16. Autoestima y estilos de afrontamiento al estrés, en el personal de salud de la Policía Nacional del Perú, Red Norte y Red Oeste, Lima, 2016.


    Leiva Olivera, Carla Rebeca


    Hoy en día, se reconoce que el estrés laboral es uno de los principales problemas para la salud de los trabajadores, así como para el buen desempeño laboral (Leka, Griffiths y Cox, 2004). La presente investigación tuvo el objetivo de determinar la relación entre la autoestima y los estilos de afrontamiento del estrés, en el personal de salud de la Policía Nacional del Perú red norte y red oeste. El diseño de la investigación fue no experimental, descriptivo y correlacional, de corte transvers...

  17. Ensino da odontogeriatria nas faculdades de odontologia do sul e centro-oeste do Brasil: situação atual e perspectivas = Teaching of geriatric dentistry in Brazilian universities current situation the south and western


    Saintrain, Maria Vieira de Lima; Souza, Eliane Helena Alvim de; Caldas Júnior, Arnaldo de França


    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo levantar a situação do ensino da Odontologia Geriátrica nas faculdades de Odontologia do Sul e Centro-Oeste brasileiro. O Universo foi constituído pelas 24 escolas das regiões e constantes da relação do INEP/200 1, como forma de se garantir que apenas participassem do estudo alunos, de fato, cio último ano ou período do curso. Além dos estudantes, participaram os coordenadores dos cursos. Para cálculo da amostra (aleatória estratificada), adotou-se um interval...

  18. Delimitación de zonas susceptibles a filtraciones en el túnel Serones-Salida Guaro del Trasvase Este-Oeste

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    José A. Otaño-Noguel


    Full Text Available La existencia de flujos de agua subterránea en un macizo rocoso muy agrietado, unido a un relieve favorable al escurrimiento superficial, facilita la infiltración del agua hacia el interior de los túneles, laboreados al nivel del manto freático o por debajo de éste, en el Trasvase Este-Oeste que se construye en la provincia de Holguín, Cuba. Como consecuencia, se producen inundaciones arciales y derrumbes por la pérdida de resistencia de las rocas o por el lavado del relleno de las grietas. Para adoptar medidas correctoras que aumenten la seguridad de las excavaciones y garanticen una mayor estabilidad de las obras es necesaria la delimitación de las áreas susceptibles a inundaciones y derrumbes por infiltración del agua. Mediante la combinación de métodos geomecánicos de análisis de macizos, estudios hidrogeológicos y cartografía digital se delimitaron, para el túnel Serones-Salida Guaro, cuatro zonas muy susceptibles por infiltración atendiendo a su alta permeabilidad (más de 10 m/día y a su ubicación en la intersección de dos sistemas de fallas donde han ocurrido movimientos rumbo-deslizantes.

  19. Esperanças docentes em uma escola pública no oeste do Paraná, Brasil

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    Ahlert, Alvori


    Full Text Available O presente estudo discute o tema da esperança futura na profissão docente com o objetivo de identificar o nível de esperança com que as pessoas docentes enfrentam sua vida cotidiana no complexo contexto educacional da atualidade em uma escola pública no oeste do Paraná. A pesquisa foi realizada pela Linha de Pesquisa Formação de Professores do Grupo de Extensão e Pesquisa em Educação Física Escolar – GEPEFE, numa escola pública no Oeste do Paraná, através de uma abordagem quantitativa, de nível descritivo. A discussão dos resultados evidencia que as pessoas docentes possuem um alto nível de esperança, acompanhada de uma auto-imagem ou auto-representação e auto-conceito que conferem grande valor ao trabalho que realizam. Trata-se de docentes que tem a dimensão afetiva e emocional para sua atividade profissional e em suas realizações como educadores e educadoras. En este estudio se discute el tema de la esperanza para el futuro en la profesión docente con el fin de identificar el nivel de esperanza con que maestras y maestros enfrentan la vida cotidiana en el contexto complejo educativo de hoy, en una escuela pública en el oeste de Paraná. La pesquisa fue realizada por la Línea de Investigación de Formación Grupo de Extensión de la Enseñanza y la Investigación de la Escuela de Educación Física - GEPEFE a través de un enfoque cuantitativo, nivel descriptivo. La discusión muestra que el profesorado tiene un alto nivel de esperanza, acompañado por una imagen propia o de auto-representación y auto-concepto que conceden gran valor a su trabajo. Se trata de docentes que tienen una dimensión afectiva y emocional para sus actividades profesionales y sus logros como educadoras y educadores.

  20. Semelhanças e contrastes nos padrões de uso de crack em Santa Catarina, Brasil: capital vs Meio Oeste

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    Maria Terezinha Zeferino

    Full Text Available Resumo O crack é um problema relevante de saúde pública no Brasil, em função dos danos e riscos individuais e sociais secundários ao seu uso/abuso. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever características das cenas de uso de crack na Capital e no Meio-Oeste de Santa Catarina. O projeto se valeu da metodologia Time-Location Sampling. Em janeiro-junho de 2011, foram mapeadas 41 cenas de uso de crack na Capital e 33 no Meio-Oeste catarinense. Após seleção aleatória das cenas a serem observadas, foram sorteados os dias e os turnos em que estas seriam observadas em detalhe, totalizando 98 cenas/turno na Capital e 62 no Meio-O-este. As observações foram registradas em caderno de campo, analisadas via análise de conteúdo de Bardin e discutidas à luz da literatura nacional e internacional. Os usuários de crack entrevistados eram majoritariamente adultos do sexo masculino, com uma maior associação entre estar em situação de rua e consumir a droga na Capital. Enquanto no Meio-Oeste a maioria das cenas estavam ativas no período noturno, na Capital, apresentaram-se ativas em todos os períodos. Foram identificadas práticas de risco associadas ao uso do crack, como associação de múltiplas drogas, prostituição, compartilhamento de cachimbo e favores sexuais em troca da substância.

  1. O uso do endomarketing pelas empresas de São Miguel do Oeste-SC

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    Josiane Romancini


    Full Text Available Endomarketing ou marketing interno são ações de Marketing voltadas para o público interno das empresas. O artigo que se apresenta a seguir foi baseado em uma pesquisa de campo financiada pelo Projeto PIC SENAC realizada na cidade de São Miguel do Oeste/SC, no ano de 2010, onde, em um primeiro momento, pesquisou-se os gestores das empresas que eram associados à Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas naquele ano. Com os rumos daquela pesquisa, buscou-se, no ano de 2011, trabalhar uma segunda etapa, desta vez, pesquisando os funcionários das empresas cadastradas na Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas (CDL da mesma cidade. Os pesquisadores procuraram identificar o grau de uso de algumas ferramentas do Endomarketing nas empresas da referida cidade, na visão dos funcionários. Neste estudo, trabalhamos com pesquisa bibliográfica e exploratória. A partir deste estudo, buscamos cruzar alguns dados a fim de diagnosticar se realmente as informações apresentadas pelos gestores no ano de 2010 condiziam com a visão dos funcionários na etapa de 2011. Percebemos com esta pesquisa que o uso de algumas ferramentas do endomarketing por parte das empresas de São Miguel do Oeste ainda é pequeno. Também constatamos, ao longo deste estudo, que trabalhar o capital humano dentro das organizações trará resultados positivos para elas, pois, quando os funcionários estão motivados, certamente seus trabalhos refletem no público externo (consumidores das empresas.

  2. Relación del Virus del Oeste del Nilo con las Aves Silvestres


    Diego Soler-Tovar; Victor J Vera


    El Virus del Oeste del Nilo (VON) es un Flavivirus que produce una encefalomielitis y puede afectar aves y mamíferos; los efectos varían desde poco notorios hasta la muerte, y en su difusión es importante la participación de especies animales como las aves donde es transmitido a través de mosquitos vectores. El VON se conoce de Uganda desde 1937 y está ampliamente distribuido en África, el oriente y la región sur y tropical de Eurasia. En el Hemisferio Occidental, el VON fue la primera causa ...

  3. Land-use practices in Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondonia, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedlowski, M.A.; Dale, V.H.


    Road development and colonization projects have brought about wide-scale deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. The state of Rondonia, located in the western Amazon Basin, best exemplifies the problems related to land-use changes because it has the highest rates of deforestation in the Amazon Basin. In order to identify the main land-use practices in Rondonia, interviews with local farmers were carried out in the central part of Rondonia, in the PIC (Integrated Colonization Project) Ouro Preto do Oeste. This is the oldest colonization project in the state. The governmental colonization programs attracted migrants to the area through the construction of roads and infrastructure necessary for the colonists to occupy the land for agricultural practices. The interviews were done on lots of the PIC Ouro Preto and in PAD Urupa to define the background of the colonists, their land-use practices, their economic situation, and their relationships with governmental institutions.


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    Maria José Carvalho de Souza Domingues


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva identificar e analisar as ações, o perfil e as características intraempreendedoras dos gestores de cursos de graduação em Ciências Contábeis do oeste do Paraná. Assim, a questão de pesquisa formulada foi: Quais são as características intraempreendedoras e as principais ações dos gestores de cursos de Ciências Contábeis da região oeste do Paraná? Utilizou-se como método a pesquisa descritiva do tipo survey e, para coleta de dados, um questionário de Mastella (2005 e de Dornelas (2003, adaptado por Walter et al. (2007. Como principais resultados, constatou-se que os gestores são homens, tendo a maioria mais de 50 anos, titulação de especialista ou mestre e o principal vínculo com a instituição na qual atuam. Percebeu-se que as ações mais desenvolvidas pelos gestores apresentam-se voltadas às ações internas, fato que deveria ser objeto de reflexão, uma vez que ações consideradas mais importantes pelos gestores são menos realizadas. Assim, pouco tempo de dedicação à gestão, discrepâncias entre ações desejadas e efetivamente realizadas e demasiado enfoque interno de suas ações são aspectos a serem melhorados pelos gestores investigados. Todos os respondentes apresentam características intraempreendedoras. Percebe-se a necessidade de maior clareza no diálogo entre os superiores e os gestores para um maior alinhamento em relação ao desempenho atual dos gestores. Nota-se também que questões como a conciliação entre a carga horária ensino/gestão ainda precisa ser aperfeiçoada.

  5. Nutritional status of schoolchildren aged 6 to 10 years in the city of Cruzeiro do Oeste - PR

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    Ana Paula de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Objective: To assess the nutritional status of schoolchildren. Methods: Data of the crosssectional study were obtained during the development of the “Project Educational Activities Related to School Process” in the city of Cruzeiro do Oeste-PR, Brazil. The study included children of both sexes enrolled in all six schools of the municipal network, in academic year 2010. We conducted anthropometric measurements of 1,074 schoolchildren aged 6 to 10 years. The variables assessed were weight and height to calculate BMI (Body MassIndex for classification according to criteria proposed by Cole et al. Results: According to the nutritional status, were found 5.1% (55 of children with low weight and a significant portion of overweight and obesity, 16.6% (178 and 9.8% (105, respectively, totaling 26, 4%(283 of schoolchildren with excess weight. There was no association between nutritional status of scholars and gender. BMI and age showed a direct relationship. Conclusion: The assessment of nutritional status in the schools surveyed points to, the nutritional transition, as a significant portion of the children was considered overweight and obese. It is noteworthy that the distribution between the different nutritional statuses did not differ between thesexes, but correlated with age; with increasing age, overweight also increases.

  6. Frequência de ocorrência de carcinoma basocelular palpebral na região Centro-Oeste paulista e características dos portadores

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    Silvia Narikawa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Observar a frequência de ocorrência do carcinoma basocelular palpebral na região Centro-Oeste paulista e descrever o perfil demográfico dos portadores. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de amostragem aleatória, realizado em doze cidades da região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Foram examinados 11.167 indivíduos. Os pacientes foram avaliados em uma Unidade Móvel, com atendimento oftalmológico completo. O diagnóstico de carcinoma basocelular palpebral foi feito através do exame clínico e biomicroscópico da lesão. Os pacientes diagnosticados foram encaminhados ao Ambulatório de Plástica Ocular da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu para tratamento. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de frequência de ocorrência. RESULTADOS: Cinco casos de carcinoma basocelular palpebral foram identificados na amostra, correspondendo a uma frequência de ocorrência de 0,045%. Quatro pacientes eram do sexo feminino, a maioria com idade maior ou igual a 70 anos e todos os casos tinham a cor da pele branca. Apenas três indivíduos encaminhados compareceram ao serviço para exérese da lesão e confirmação diagnóstica. CONCLUSÃO: O carcinoma basocelular palpebral acomete 0,045% dos habitantes da região Centro-Oeste paulista, afetando principalmente o sexo feminino, na faixa etária próxima dos 70 anos.

  7. Captura de mosquitos antropofílicos (Diptera, Culicidae em uma área urbana da região oeste da Bahia, Brasil

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    Isana M. dos Santos


    Full Text Available A região oeste da Bahia passa por acelerado processo de desenvolvimento agrícola, o que tem gerado problemas de infraestrutura nos municípios. A falta de saneamento básico e de coleta dos resíduos são alguns desses problemas, os quais têm papel importante no aumento de criadouros disponíveis aos culicídeos. Assim, considerando as possibilidades de contato entre vetor e população humana, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a fauna de culicíeos adultos em uma área urbana no oeste da Bahia e verificar a presença de espécies de interesse em saúde pública. As amostragens de mosquitos adultos foram realizadas no município de Barreiras, de fevereiro de 2009 a janeiro de 2010, das 17h30min às 21h00min. Ao total foram capturados 1.744 mosquitos e oito gêneros foram identificados: Aedes, Coquilletidia, Culex, Limatus, Mansonia, Ochlerotatus, Psorophora e Uranotaenia. Culex quinquefasciatus foi a espécie mais frequente e abundante. Outras espécies encontradas, e que apresentam importância epidemiológica, foram Aedes aegypti e Ochlerotatus scapularis. Considerando que muitas espécies coletadas em Barreiras possuem importância epidemiológica e ocorrem mesmo durante a estação seca devido à ausência de saneamento básico, é importante que os municípios da região oeste da Bahia sejam alvo constante das atividades de vigilância epidemiológica.


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    Jardel Pauber Matos e Silva


    Full Text Available Incubadoras de empresas são habitats de inovação dinâmicos capazes de fomentar empreendimentos, dispondo de infraestrutura gerencial, intelectual e física adequada, de maneira a propiciar ao empreendedor (nascente ou em crescimento estabilidade inicial para gerar emprego e renda impactando positivamente no desenvolvimento econômico e social no mercado em que se encontra inserido. Inovar, empreender e proteger a produção tecnológica contribui para o desenvolvimento econômico e social. Assim, este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a gestão da propriedade intelectual gerada no processo de incubação de empresas (compreendido as fases de incubação e graduação nas incubadoras da Região Centro-Oeste brasileira. Com os dados obtidos na pesquisa verificou-se que a relação entre o número de empreendimentos incubados (e graduados, e a proteção de ativos de PI ainda é muito baixa na Região. Fatores como a falta de conhecimento dos gestores, além de pouco incentivo para a proteção e ausência de NIT em Universidade foram considerados relevantes para o quadro de tal escassez.

  9. Autopista Ronda-Oeste de Murcia – España

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available The Ronda-West expressway in Murcia detours the traffic of route CN-301, from Madrid to Cartagena, around the center of the city, thereby facilitating the routing of vehicular traffic. This expressway consists of two access roads, four cloverleaves, three viaducts, two elevated bypasses and a large amount of masonry work. The structures are built with post-stressed beams, replaced in some stretches by prestressed slabs or also post-stressed slabs, and abutments made with formwork. The foundations have been laid over piles in situ.La autopista Ronda- Oeste de Murcia evita el paso del tráfico de la carretera CN-301, de Madrid a Cartagena, por el centro de la ciudad, con lo que facilita la ordenación de la circulación rodada. Dicha autopista consta de dos enlaces, cuatro nudos, tres viaductos, dos pasos elevados y una gran obra de fábrica. Las estructuras están realizadas a base de vigas postensadas, sustituidas en algunos tramos por losas pretensadas o también postensadas y estribos realizados con cimbra. La cimentación se ha hecho sobre pilotes in situ.

  10. Fatores de risco associados ao excesso de peso entre adolescentes da Região Oeste Paulista Factores de riesgo asociados al exceso de peso entre adolescentes de la Región Oeste Paulista Risk factors associated with overweight among adolescents from Western São Paulo state

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    Rômulo Aráujo Fernandes


    Full Text Available Analisar a associação entre excesso de peso e diferentes fatores de risco familiares em adolescentes da região oeste do estado de São Paulo. Estudo transversal com 1779 adolescentes de ambos os sexos, e idade compreendida entre 11 e 17 anos. Calculou-se o índice de massa corporal e os fatores de risco familiares foram analisados por meio de questionário. O excesso de peso foi associado com o sexo masculino (RC=1,55 [1,22-1,97], estudar em escola particular (RC=2,14 [1,56-2,94] e maior escolaridade materna (RC=0,52 [0,33-0,83]. Iniciativas de combate à obesidade devem ser instauradas em meio escolar e atingir toda a estrutura familiar, bem como levar em consideração particularidades decorrentes do sexo.Analizar la asociación entre exceso de peso y diferentes factores de riesgo familiares en adolescentes de la región oeste del estado de São Paulo. Estudio transversal con 1779 adolescentes de ambos sexos, y edad comprendida entre 11 y 17 años. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal; los factores de riesgo familiares fueron analizados por medio de cuestionario. El exceso de peso fue asociado con: sexo masculino (RC=1,55 [1,22-1,97], estudiar en escuela particular (RC=2,14 [1,56-2,94], y mayor escolaridad materna (RC=0,52 [0,33-0,83]. Iniciativas de combate a la obesidad deben ser instauradas en el medio escolar y alcanzar a toda la estructura familiar, así como llevar en consideración particularidades provenientes del sexo.The objective of this study was to analyze the association between being overweight and family risk factors in adolescents from Western Sao Paulo state. This cross-sectional study involved 1779 adolescents of both genders and with ages ranging between 11 and 17 years. The participants' body mass index was calculated, and the family risk factors were analyzed through a questionnaire. Excessive weight was associated with the male gender (CR=1.55 [1.22-1.97], studying in a private school (CR=2.14 [1.56-2.94] and

  11. Movimento de expansão dos cursos superiores de enfermagem na região centro-oeste do Brasil: uma perspectiva histórica

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    Thais Silva Corrêa Barbosa


    Full Text Available Estudo documental de abordagem histórico social, cujo objeto foi a trajetória de crescimento dos cursos superiores de enfermagem na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Os objetivos foram: levantar o número de cursos superiores de enfermagem criados na região Centro-Oeste, na série histórica 1933-2006; comparar o número de cursos vinculados a instituições públicas aos vinculados a instituições privadas na região em estudo; e comentar os nexos entre o contexto histórico e a configuração desses cursos no que se refere à vinculação institucional, ao longo dos anos. Até o final do ano de 1999, haviam sido criados na região Centro-Oeste 14 cursos de enfermagem, dos quais 57% eram privados e 43% públicos. Em decorrência das políticas de educação adotadas no país, principalmente na década de 90, observa-se a criação de mais 30 cursos na região entre os anos 2000 e 2006, perfazendo um total de 44 cursos superiores de enfermagem, dos quais 79,5% são privados e 20,5% públicos, sendo Goiás, o estado com maior concentração destes cursos. A rede privada expandiu-se na região e concentra, atualmente, a grande maioria dos cursos de enfermagem, o que nos faz entender que a mesma determina, quase que por completo, o perfil do futuro profissional de enfermagem.

  12. O problema do transporte rodoviario para o escoamento da soja produzida no Centro-Oeste brasileiro


    Vivian Helena Capacle


    Resumo:A região Centro-Oeste do país se destaca como um pólo produtor de soja, constituindo-se em um exemplo típico de região de fronteira. A expansão para a área de fronteira agrícola foi incentivada pelo governo, entre os anos 60-70, amparada por uma base infra-estrutural de transportes rodoviários. A partir dos anos 80, pela crise fiscal do Estado, o setor agrícola perde o apoio que tinha e a malha rodoviária brasileira perde participação nos recursos públicos para investimentos em sua amp...

  13. Insectos polinizadores e seu efeito na produção de pereira Rocha na Região do Oeste


    Reis, Catarina Andreia Flausino


    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia The present work was aimed at studying the effect of insect pollinators in the production of fruits, identifying the major groups of flower visiting insects, determining the frequency of visits to flowers along the day, throughout the flowering period, and studying pollinators’ behavior during flower visiting, in four orchards of ‘Rocha’ pear in the Oeste region, Portugal. The possibility of using artificial nests to enhan...

  14. Efeitos do Comércio Eletrônico: a percepção dos empresários associados à Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas (CDL) de São Miguel do Oeste-SC


    Dayani Gwozdz; Josiane Romancini; Karina Fries; Lucas Miguel Gnigler; Sodriane Cezar


    Diante do cenário econômico atual, os empresários buscam agilidade, facilidade e precisão nos processos de venda e gestão de estoques. O comércio eletrônico propõe ao empresário uma forma diferenciada para disponibilizar seu produto ou serviço em um ambiente virtual ou, ainda, fazer uso dessa ferramenta em transações com indústria e fornecedores. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar as consequências do comércio eletrônico para os comerciantes do município de São Miguel do Oeste-S...

  15. Tuberculose: tratamento supervisionado nas Coordenadorias de Saúde Norte, Oeste e Leste do Município de São Paulo Tuberculosis: tratamiento supervisionado en las Coordinaciones Norte, Oeste y Este de la Municipalidad de São Paulo Tuberculosis: supervised treatment in North, West and East Health Departments of São paulo

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    Elisangela Martins de Queiroz


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou analisar potencialidades e limites da estratégia do Tratamento Diretamente Supervisionado (DOTS, sob o ponto de vista de pacientes e trabalhadores de Unidades Básicas de Saúde das Coordenadorias Norte, Oeste e Leste, do Município de São Paulo. Os depoimentos foram coletados, após consentimento livre e esclarecido, e decodificados por meio de técnica de análise de discurso. Tomando-se como referencial teórico a Teoria da Determinação Social do Processo Saúde-Doença, de modo geral, identificou-se que o DOTS possibilita a criação de vínculo e que a adesão ao tratamento se associa à necessidade de volta ao trabalho. Os limites identificados foram: o não envolvimento dos profissionais no tratamento e a irregular distribuição de incentivos. Os achados revelam que a adesão ao tratamento transcende o âmbito biológico e individual, apontando-se como fundamental que os trabalhadores de saúde reconheçam os pacientes como portadores de necessidades, que não se restringem ao tratamento da tuberculose.El estudio objetivó analizar las potencialidades y límites de la estrategia del Tratamiento Directamente Supervisado (DOTS, de acuerdo el punto de vista de pacientes y empleados de Unidades Básicas de Salud de las Coordinaciones Norte, Oeste y Este de la Municipalidad de São Paulo. Las entrevistas fueron recolectadas con consentimiento libre y aclarado, y decodificadas a través de la técnica de análisis del discurso. Se tomó como referencia teórica la Teoría de la Determinación Social del Proceso Salud-Enfermedad. De un modo general, se identificó que el DOTS posibilita la creación de vínculo y que la adhesión al tratamiento se asocia a la necesidad de volver al trabajo. Los límites detectados fueron la ausencia de compromiso por parte de los profesionales respecto del tratamiento y la distribución irregular de incentivos. Los hallazgos revelan que la adhesión al tratamiento trasciende los

  16. Intenção comportamental de agricultores do Oeste de Santa Catarina para a conservação de florestas nativas

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    Elaine Zuchiwschi


    Full Text Available ResumoConciliar a conservação de florestas nativas e a produção agropecuária em estabelecimentos rurais é uma tarefa complexa que demanda abordagens sistêmicas e multidisciplinares que incluam, além de aspectos biológicos dos recursos, outros de natureza socioeconômica, cultural e mesmo psicológica. Para identificar e comparar a intenção comportamental de agricultores da região Oeste de Santa Catarina para a conservação e manejo de florestas nativas em seus imóveis rurais, foi utilizada neste trabalho a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado. Verificou-se que a Intenção Comportamental de agricultores de diferentes sistemas de produção e de agricultores com e sem dependência por recursos florestais nativos para compor a renda, diferem. Diferenças entre grupos de agricultores em relação aos resultados da Atitude e do Controle Comportamental Percebido estavam associadas de forma coerente com aspectos socioeconômicos e ambientais. Os resultados das Normas Subjetivas indicam que a família é a principal referência dos agricultores, exercendo pressão positiva para a conservação florestal.

  17. Características petrográficas e químicas das rochas encaixantes das mineralizações auríferas do depósito Lavra Velha (Região de Ibitiara, borda oeste da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia)


    Carlin, Aline de Cassia [UNESP


    O depósito de ouro Lavra Velha, que pertence ao Alvo de Prospecção Lavra Velha, da empresa Yamana Gold, localiza-se na cidade de Ibitiara, centro-oeste do Estado da Bahia e borda oeste do domínio fisiográfico da Chapada Diamantina, situado no Aulacógeno do Paramirim, na região norte do Cráton São Francisco. O depósito foi recentemente inserido na classe de modelo IOCG (Iron Oxide Cooper Gold), onde a mineralização de ouro se hospeda em brechas hematíticas sericitizadas. O principal objetivo d...

  18. Do Planejamento ao Ordenamento Territorial: Estudo da Região Costa Oeste do Paraná

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    Adriana Eliane CASAGRANDE


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o papel do planejamento, tendo em perspectiva o ordenamento do território na região Costa Oeste do Paraná. Para a realização deste trabalho foram analisados alguns indicadores socioeconômicos fornecidos pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE, pelo Instituto Paranaense de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (IPARDES e Itaipu Binacional, tais como o Fundo de Participação dos Municípios (FPM, Imposto sobre Circulação dos Municípios (ICMS, Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano por Município (IDH-M e royalties. Com ênfase no planejamento e no ordenamento territorial, analisou-se se esses indicadores têm evidenciado socioeconomicamente os municípios dessa região.

  19. Las mineralizaciones litiniferas del oeste de Salamanca y Zamora

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    Palero, F.


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to describe the most important geological, mineralogical and geochemical features of the Li ores (bouth pegmatites and quartz veins located in the west part of the Salamanca and Zamora provinces. The pegmatites mostly belong to the lepidolite type and they are complex and zoned. In one case, the ore in the pegmatite is litiophilite, and the pegmatite is simple. The veins are quartz rich with ambligonite and sorne feldspar and sulphides. They appear always related to granitic rocks. All these bodies are also mineralized with cassiterite, and sorne of them contain columbite tantalite too.El objeto de este trabajo es el describir las características geológicas, mineralógicas y geoquímicas más importantes de las mineralizaciones de Li (pegmatitas y filones localizadas en el oeste de las provincias de Salamanca y Zamora. La mayor parte de las pegmatitas son de lepidolita como mena de Li, resultando todas éstas ser complejas y zonadas. En un caso, la mineralización es de litiofilita y la pegmatita que la alberga es simple. Los filones son de cuarzo con ambligonita y algo de feldespato y sulfuros. Todos los yacimientos aparecen siempre en relación con rocas graníticas. A su vez, todos los cuerpos estudiados están mineralizados en casiterita, y algunos de ellos en columbo-tantalita también.

  20. Análise de chuvas intensas por meio da desagregação de precipitações diárias de Jaru e Machadinho d’Oeste – RO, Brasil

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    Vinicius Alexandre Sikora de Souza


    Full Text Available A precipitação pluviométrica, dentre os elementos hidrológicos, é o que mais interfere na vida humana, uma vez que, se configura como a principal entrada de água no sistema hidrológico. Atualmente uma das soluções para realizar a caracterização e estimativa das precipitações intensas é a utilização de curvas Intensidade-Duração-Frequência (IDF, as quais consistem em modelos matemáticos semi-empíricos que preveem a intensidade precipitada por meio da duração e distribuição temporal. Neste contexto, esse estudo objetiva estimar a função IDF para os municípios de Jaru e Machadinho d’Oeste, localizados no estado de Rondônia – Brasil, por meio da metodologia da desagregação de chuvas diárias, que gera séries sintéticas com duração em intervalos menores, por meio de coeficientes que transformam chuva de 24h em outras de menor duração, permitindo assim o desenvolvimento de curvas IDF. As equações geradas apresentaram um coeficiente de ajuste de aproximadamente 96% para o município de Jaru e 92,85% para Machadinho d’Oeste. Por fim, constatou-se que as equações propostas para a estimativa da intensidade das precipitações máximas são de grande aplicabilidade tanto para o município de Machadinho d’Oeste quanto para Jaru.

  1. Parasitismo humano por Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (ACARI: IXODIDAE no Mato Grosso do Sul, Centro-Oeste do Brasil

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    Igor Cunha Lima Acosta


    Full Text Available O parasitismo humano pelo carrapato marrom do cão, Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (s. l., um importante parasita para a saúde pública e veterinária, é raramente relatado no continente americano. Este trabalho relata o registro de um macho de R. sanguineus s. l. parasitando um humano na cidade de Campo Grande, estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Essa observação é relevante para a saúde pública, uma vez que os carrapatos desse complexo são conhecidos como vetores de riquétsias do grupo da febre maculosa para cães e humanos.

  2. Quintais urbanos de Mirassol D'Oeste-MT, Brasil: uma abordagem etnobotânica Urban homegardens of Mirassol D'Oeste-MT, Brazil: an ethnobotany stady

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    Maria Antonia Carniello


    Full Text Available Quintais são espaços de fácil acesso e cômodos para os moradores cultivarem uma diversidade de espécies que desempenham funções de estética, lazer, alimentação e medicinal, dentre outras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de descrever a composição florística e a respectiva utilização em quintais urbanos de Mirassol D'Oeste, MT, (15º 45'30"S e 058º16'36"W, com a coleta de dados envolvendo: entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas aplicadas a 29 moradores; coleta simultânea do material botânico das espécies indicadas, incorporação destas no Laboratório de Botânica da UNEMAT, Cáceres e análise da freqüência absoluta e relativa das espécies mais citadas e encontradas nos quintais. Foram registradas 397 denominações locais de plantas (etnoespécies, 275 taxa reunidos em 79 famílias destacando-se com maior número de espécies: Solanaceae (23, Asteraceae (17, Lamiaceae (14, Rosaceae (12 e Verbenaceae (9. Os atributos alimentar e ornamental representam, individualmente, 35% das espécies e o medicinal, 29%. Algumas plantas detêm até quatro potencialidades. Do universo vegetal conhecido e utilizado localmente as espécies nativas correspondem a 8%, resultado considerado baixo comparando-se aos obtidos em populações mato-grossenses radicadas no Cerrado e Pantanal. Essa população manifesta por meio de suas práticas uma tradição agrícola em interface às características de uma sociedade urbano - industrial coabitando em espaços comuns, o quintal.A home garden is a small track of ground next to or surrounding a house where its residents can cultivate a diversity of plants, whose function is aesthetic, leisure, food, medicinal among others. The aim of this work was to study the floristic composition of urban homegardens in the city of Mirassol D'Oeste, state of Mato Grosso, coordinate 15º45'30"S and 58º16'36"W. For colleting data we interviewed 29 residents using structured and semi-structured interviews; and

  3. Atividades Agrícolas dos Imigrantes Italianos e seus Descendentes na Microrregião Oeste do Vale do Taquari, Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil

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    Janaíne Trombini


    Full Text Available Os imigrantes italianos que chegaram a partir das últimas décadas do século XIX no RS estabeleceram-se na encosta superior do planalto, precisamente entre os vales dos Rios Caí e das Antas, e dedicaram-se às atividades agropecuárias. Após esta ocupação avançaram sobre novas terras e a partir do final da década de 1880, atingiram áreas que posteriormente passaram a denominar-se Vale do Taquari. O objetivo do estudo consiste em analisar as atividades agrícolas dos imigrantes italianos e seus descendentes na Microrregião Oeste do Vale do Taquari e as relações com o ambiente. A metodologia da pesquisa é qualitativa e os procedimentos metodológicos consistem na pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, pesquisa de campo com elaboração de diários e entrevistas com descendentes de italianos. Constatou-se que as práticas envolvendo atividades agrícolas, tais como cultivo do milho, trigo, uva, feijão e a criação de animais como gado, porcos e galinhas em áreas da Microrregião Oestes pelos imigrantes italianos e seus descendentes acarretaram significativos impactos ambientais.


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    Full Text Available Com o uso intensivo de herbicidas inibidores da acetolactato sintase (ALS em áreas cultivadas com soja, no município de São Gabriel d'Oeste (MS, Brasil, selecionou-se um biótipo resistente da planta daninha Bidens pilosa. A confirmação bioquímica desta resistência, no entanto, é muito difícil de ser feita em campo. Assim, realizou-se um bioensaio com o objetivo de testar a sensibilidade da ALS desse biótipo aos herbicidas inibidores dessa enzima, por meio da aplicação simultânea de herbicidas inibidores da ALS e da KARI (cetoácido reductoisomerase. Para a inibição desta última enzima, utilizou-se o teste CPCA (ácido 1,1-ciclopropanodicarboxílico. Por ele, confirmou-se que a resistência do biótipo de Bidens pilosa é decorrente da insensibilidade da ALS aos herbicidas, que visam inibi-la; pois, quanto maior a quantidade de acetoína, maior é a atividade da enzima e mais intensa a coloração desenvolvida, proporcionando maiores valores nas leituras de absorbância.

  5. Expansión del rango de la Paloma Coroniblanca Columba leucocephala al territorio continental de Colombia

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    Moreno José Gregorio


    Full Text Available Entre las 32 especies de la familia Columbidae anotadas para Colombia, Hilty & Brown (1986 incluyeron a la Paloma Coroniblanca Columba leucocephala L. como restringida al archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia. Esta especie, de amplia distribución en las Antillas, ha sido registrada en algunas islas continentales o localidades costeras en el sur de la Florida, Costa Rica y Panamá (Bond 1950, 1961, Wetmore 1968, Stiles & Skutch 1989. En Colombia C leucocephala fue encontrada en las islas de San Bernardo, a menos de 30 km del litoral Caribe del Departamento de Sucre (9° 40'Norte, 75° 45'Oeste en 1980 y 1981 por Moreno & López (1982, hallazgo que no fue reseñado en la literatura ornitológica de amplia circulación. En esta nota formalizamos la ampliación del rango geográfico de esta especie al territorio continental colombiano, agregando registros adicionales recientes.

  6. Viabilidade hidro-sedimentológica de um canal de maré projetado no oeste da Lagoa de Araruama – RJ


    Silva, Rodrigo Amado Garcia; Rosman, Paulo Cesar Colonna


    RESUMO A Lagoa de Araruama, maior laguna hipersalina do Brasil, é um importante sistema estuarino situado na Região dos Lagos, sudeste do estado do Rio de Janeiro. A lagoa tem forma oblonga, estendendo-se por cerca de 40 km de oeste a leste em seu eixo maior. Por apresentar um balanço hídrico negativo e apenas uma ligação com o mar, através do longo Canal de Itajuru em sua extremidade leste, a laguna apresenta pouquíssima renovação de águas, o que a torna naturalmente propensa a eutrofização....

  7. Fluctuaciones interanuales a multidecádicas de la temperatura de verano en el centro-oeste de Argentina y procesos atmosféricos/oceánicos/astronómicos globales

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    Eduardo Andres Agosta


    Full Text Available La temperatura estival (octubre-marzo en la región Centro-Oeste de Argentina (COA, 28°-36°S y 65°-70°O tiene un comportamiento espacial coherente y temporal en fase, en escalas interanuales a interdecádicas (Agosta y otros 2004. Se encuentra que la temperatura del aire presenta cuasi-oscilaciones significativas en las bandas de 11 años y 18 años aproximadamente. La primera se vincula al forzante solar, la segunda, a los efectos de la transición climática de 1976/77 (IPCC, 2001. Esta transición afectó transitoriamente la variabilidad de baja frecuencia de la temperatura como fenómeno de interferencia sobre el cuasi-ciclo solar de 11 años dominante.The summer (Oct-Mar temperature in Central-West Argentina (CWA, 28°-36°S y 65°-70°W shows a behaviour spatially coherent and temporally in phase at interannual to interdecadal scales. (Agosta et al. 2004. It is found the air temperature shows significant cuasi-oscillations in the spectral bands of roughly 11-yr. and 18- yr. The former is linked to the solar forcing, the latter to the effects of the climate transition of the summer 1976/77 (IPCC 2001. This transition transitorily affected the low-frequency variability of the temperature as an interference phenomenon upon the cuasi-11-yr.-solar cycle domain.

  8. Avifauna from a campus of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Guarapuava, Paraná State, Brazil - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v33i2.7710 Avifauna from a campus of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Guarapuava, Paraná State, Brazil - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v33i2.7710

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    Claudio Henrique Zawadzki


    Full Text Available This study examined the structure and species richness of the avifauna in CEDETEG campus of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (Unicentro, in the urban area of Guarapuava, at Paraná State. Data were monthly taken from July 2006 to June 2007 using transects. A total of 125 bird species belonging to 42 families and 16 orders was recorded. The absence of large frugivorous species reveals the destabilization of native vegetation, evidencing that the current floristic structure does not support more specialized species. However, from the total amount of registered birds, 47 (38% are related to the forest environment in the study area and 25 species (20% are exclusive of this environment, pointing out the strong relevance of this campus for the conservation of these populations.This study examined the structure and species richness of the avifauna in CEDETEG campus of Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (Unicentro, in the urban area of Guarapuava, at Paraná State. Data were monthly taken from July 2006 to June 2007 using transects. A total of 125 bird species belonging to 42 families and 16 orders was recorded. The absence of large frugivorous species reveals the destabilization of native vegetation, evidencing that the current floristic structure does not support more specialized species. However, from the total amount of registered birds, 47 (38% are related to the forest environment in the study area and 25 species (20% are exclusive of this environment, pointing out the strong relevance of this campus for the conservation of these populations.

  9. Feeding ecology of the Green-cheeked parakeet (Pyrrhura molinae in dry forests in western Brazil Ecologia alimentar da Tiriba-de-cara-suja (Pyrrhura molinae em matas secas do oeste brasileiro

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    J. Ragusa-Netto


    utilização desses recursos. Pyrrhura molinae exibiu uma dieta flexível em que utilizou recursos de 16 espécies arbóreas, sendo flores de três, sementes de outras três, a polpa dos frutos ou arilo de quatro espécies e, simultaneamente, a polpa e semente de seis espécies. Os periquitos consumiram principalmente frutos carnosos na floresta semidecídua, especialmente as infrutescências de Cecropia pachystachya. Por outro lado, na floresta altamente decídua, figos predominaram na dieta (70% dos registros de alimentação, somados ao néctar e sementes de frutos secos. Ficus calyptroceras, além de abundante produziu frutos o ano todo, que foram consumidos substancialmente pelos periquitos mês a mês. Presumivelmente, por explorar uma ampla variedade de recursos vegetais e subsistir, em grande parte, a base de figos produzidos assincronicamente, Pyrrhura molinae persiste à severa estação seca nas matas decíduas do oeste brasileiro.

  10. Presencia del virus del oeste del Nilo en el noreste de México Presence of west Nile virus in northeast Mexico

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    Ildefonso Fernández-Salas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Detectar la presencia del virus del oeste del Nilo (VON en aves, equinos y seres humanos en el noreste de México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se buscó en diferentes localidades del noreste de México la presencia de anticuerpos antivirus del oeste del Nilo (anti-VON en suero de 33 aves, 24 caballos y 237 personas mediante pruebas de ELISA durante el periodo de julio de 2003 a julio de 2006. En los sueros humanos se buscó también el RNA-VON mediante RT-PCR. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron tres aves seropositivas y 15 equinos. En el hombre, 40% de los sueros fue positivo para anticuerpos IgG y ninguno para anticuerpos IgM. CONCLUSIONES: El VON se encuentra activo en México y se suma a otras enfermedades emergentes transmitidas por vectores que representan un reto a la investigación y a los programas de prevención.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the presence of WNV in birds, horses and humans in northeast Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Serum samples from 33 birds, 24 horses and 237 humans were screened by ELISA for Anti-WNV antibodies. Human serum samples were also screened for WNV RNA using an RT-PCR assay. RESULTS: Positive sera were found in three birds and 15 horses. Forty percent of the human serum samples were positive for IgG antibodies and 0% for IgM antibodies and viral RNA. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study show that WNV is present in northeast Mexico and it is a new emergent infectious agent that represents a challenge for research and prevention programs in Mexico.


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    Oscar Vicente Quinonez Fernandez


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho é estimar e comparar dois tipos de vazões dominantes (vazão de margens plenas e descarga com determinado tempo de retorno em 12 estações fluviométricas localizadas nas regiões Oeste e Sudoeste do Estado do Paraná. As estações, operadas pelo Instituto das Águas do Paraná (antiga Suderhsa - Superintendência de Desenvolvimento de Recursos Hídricos e Saneamento Ambiental, estão situadas em regiões cuja geologia, clima e tipo de relevo são similares. A área da bacia a montante das estações variou de 969 a 12.124km2.A descarga com 1,58 anos de recorrência (Q1,58 foi escolhida para representar a vazão dominante com determinado tempo de retorno. Para cada estação foi calculada a vazão Q1,58, a partir de dados históricos de cheias disponíveis no site da Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA. A vazão de margens plenas (Qmp foi estimada através de observações em campo adotando como referencia os depósitos de diques marginais. O tempo de retorno de Qmp nas estações estudadas variou de 0,60 a 3,35 anos. O coeficiente de determinação (R2 obtidas para as relações entre Área de drenagem versus Qmp e Q1,58 versus Qmp foi de 0,961 e 0,909 respectivamente. Tais valores mostram o uso promissor dos depósitos de diques marginais na demarcação da cota de margens plenas no planalto basáltico das regiões Oeste e Sudoeste do Paraná.

  12. Crescimento em altura dominante do Pinus elliottii e Pinus taeda em solos arenizados degradados no oeste do Rio Grande do Sul


    Schneider, Paulo Renato; Elesbão, Luiz Ernesto Grilo; Schneider, Paulo Sérgio Pigato; Longhi, Régis Villanova


    A introdução de espécies florestais de rápido crescimento em áreas com solos arenizados e degradados pode ser uma alternativa tanto para a prevenção como para a minimização desse problema. O trabalho objetivou avaliar o crescimento em altura dominante do Pinus elliottii Engelm. e Pinus taeda L. em relação aos solos arenizados e degradados por ação antrópica, no oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Para isso, foram selecionadas árvores dominantes em povoamentos com 29 anos de idade, em á...



    Verduzco Cedeño, Luis Alberto


    El tiradero de Morelia, localizado 15 km al oeste de la ciudad de Morelia, ha funcionado desde 1984 y constituyó un sitio de depósito de residuos no controlado, que ha ocupado una extensión de 15 ha. Actualmente se han hecho las obras civiles necesarias para que los residuos que recibe (aproximadamente 800 ton diarias de basura) puedan ser clasificados. Para evaluar el nivel de contaminación en la región Morelia-Capula, definimos el universo de puntos de muestreo de los cuales ...

  14. As Práticas Turísticas na Orla Oeste da Ilha de Mosqueiro, Região Metropolitana de Belém, PA

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    Willame de Oliveira Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 A Ilha do Mosqueiro pertence ao município de Belém, mas localiza-se a 77 km da sua sede. A Ilha teve seu processo de valorização para o Turismo iniciado no período áureo da economia da borracha e se acelerou com a implantação da ponte ligando-a ao continente, durante a década de 1970. Este artigo objetiva apresentar as práticas turísticas na orla oeste da Ilha de Mosqueiro, identificando o processo de des-re-territorialização de tais práticas e o viés do [eco] turismo como uma possibilidade de nova significação ao uso da orla oeste da ilha.  Tourist Practices in Waterfront West Island Mosqueiro, metropolitan region of Belém, PA, Brazil - The island Mosqueiro belonging to the municipality of Belem and it is located 77 km from the capital. The process for introduction of tourism practice started in the heyday of the rubber economy and it was accelerated during the 1970s with the build of the bridge connecting the island to the mainland. This article presents the tourism practices on the west of the Ilha do Mosqueiro, identifying the its process of de-re- territorialization and the [eco] tourism as a possibility for new meaning to the use of the western edge of the island.  

  15. Respuesta neuroinmunológica en la encefalitis asociada al virus del dengue

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    Bárbara Padilla-Docal


    Full Text Available El virus del dengue es un virus ARN miembro de la familia Flaviviridae, la cual incluye, además, el de la fiebre amarilla, el del Nilo del Oeste y la encefalitis japonesa. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo con tres pacientes diagnosticados de encefalitis asociada al dengue, en cuyas muestras de suero y líquido cefalorraquídeo se cuantificaron los niveles de las clases mayores de inmunoglobulinas por inmunodifusión radial y la manosa de unión a lectina, proteína de la vía de las lectinas del sistema del complemento por fluorometría. En el reibergrama se muestra la presencia de síntesis intratecal de las tres clases de inmunoglobulinas y ausencia de síntesis intratecal de lectina de unión a manosa. Existieron diferencias en cuanto al por ciento de síntesis intratecal de inmunoglobulinas, las cuales estuvieron relacionadas con el momento de la infección por el virus y la aparición de las manifestaciones neurológicas compatibles con una encefalitis. Este es el primer reporte de afectaciones neurológicas en pacientes cubanos con dengue. La respuesta inmune intratecal puede ser utilizada para el mejor conocimiento de la enfermedad y contribuir al desarrollo de posibles candidatos vacunales.

  16. Precipitación de verano en el Centro Oeste de Argentina y procesos atmosféricos/oceánicos de escala regional y global


    Agosta Scarel, Eduardo Andrés


    Trabajos previos mostraron un cambio en el verano 1976/77 en la variabilidad de baja frecuencia de la precipitación de verano (oct-mar) en el en el Centro-Oeste de Argentina (COA). El cuasi-ciclo característico de 18 años, que produce períodos alterantes de secuencias de verano húmedo/seco de duración 9 años cada uno hasta mediados de los 1970s, se desplazó hacia menores frecuencias. El principal objetivo de la tesis es caracterizar la variabilidad de baja frecuencia de los procesos dinámicos...

  17. Trajetórias da organização político-sindical dos docentes do Oeste catarinense: um estudo descritivo

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    Joviles Vitório Trevisol


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma dissertação de mestrado em educação, realizada entre janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2006, sobre o processo de organização político-sindical dos profissionais da educação em Santa Catarina, mais particularmente no Oeste de Santa Catarina. O propósito fundamental desta pesquisa foi descrever a trajetória das lutas empreendidas pela categoria no período entre 1988 e 2006. Tomando como referência os mais importantes trabalhos sobre organização sindical no Brasil, desenvolvidos por Ricardo Antunes, Armando Boito, Leôncio Martins Rodrigues e outros, este trabalho descreve os processos de organização político-sindical dos docentes no Oeste de Santa Catarina. Por meio da pesquisa documental e das técnicas de memória oral, procurou-se conhecer as experiências vivenciadas pelos dirigentes sindicais envolvidos nesse processo. A investigação demonstrou que a organização política dos professores em Santa Catarina chegou ao seu ápice com a criação do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educação (Sinte, em 1998, finalizando a forte tradição assistencialista alimentada pela Associação Catarinense dos Professores (ACP e a Associação dos Licenciados de Santa Catarina (Alisc, fundadas, respectivamente, em 1952 e 1966. O Sinte fortaleceu politicamente a categoria e foi decisivo para a conquista de inúmeros direitos trabalhistas para a categoria docente em Santa Catarina. A pesquisa mostra, também, que a partir da segunda metade dos anos 90 o movimento político-sindical dos professores começa a enfrentar dificuldades de mobilização e inicia um processo gradativo de enfraquecimento e deslegitimação, inclusive entre os professores e a comunidade escolar. O sindicalismo de luta foi substituído pelo de negociação.

  18. Solidariedade étnica, poder local e banditismo: uma quadrilha calabresa no oeste paulista, 1895-1898

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    Monsma Karl


    Full Text Available A história de uma quadrilha de bandidos calabreses no município de São Carlos, oeste paulista, ao final do século XIX permitiu-nos investigar por que o banditismo italiano era raro no Brasil. A quadrilha contou com certa rede de apoio entre calabreses e com o silêncio de outros italianos, seja pela intimidação, seja pela desconfiança que estes nutriam das autoridades brasileiras. Uma epidemia devastadora de febre amarela, que afastou da região grande parte da elite local e debilitou a polícia, garantiu ao bando alguns anos de impunidade. O fato de terem imigrado para a região italianos de várias origens não é suficiente para explicar a raridade do banditismo e do crime organizado entre italianos no Brasil. Dois fatores foram decisivos nesse sentido, ao contrário do que ocorreu na Calábria e nos Estados Unidos: ausência de elites dispostas a proteger bandidos imigrantes e dificuldade para os bandidos corromperem as autoridades locais, especialmente a polícia.


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    Lucianne Leigue dos Santos


    Full Text Available Clinical or sub-clinical mastitis are the main illnesses that affect dairy herds, with impact on the economy, the industry, and with consequence to public health. Considering that the city of Santa Izabel do Oeste is located in the second bigger milk region of Paraná state, and that mastitis cases are epidemiologically classified as ambient or contagious, the purpose of this study was to identify possible etiologic agents of bovine mastitis, by the use of a preliminary, fast and cheap diagnostic method to differentiate these types of illness, to orient treatment and prophylactic measures. Two triplates were employed. Triplate I was composed by blood agar, bile-esculine agar and mannitol-salt agar, while triplate II was composed by MacConkey agar; Baird-Parker agar and sabouraud-dextrose agar with cloranfenicol. Additionally, a tube with sabouraud-dextrose agar with cloranfenicol incubated at room temperature temperature was used for the research of filamentous moulds. It was observed that the great majority of the isolated samples had Staphylococcus coagulase negative, coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus, no-fermenters bacilli gram negative, Coryneforms, Streptococcus spp. and Streptococcus agalactiae.

  20. Análise das estratégias de renda dos Agricultures Familiares de Itapejara D’ Oeste – PR

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    Ana Paula Schevinski Villwock


    Full Text Available Sabendo-se que a reprodução social da agricultura familiar se consolida na diversificação das fontes de renda e na capacidade de se adaptar aos novos contextos sociais da modernidade, questiona-se: quais são as estratégias de renda dos agricultores familiares que pertencem a categorias de maior e menor renda? Para tanto, procurou-se analisar as estratégias de renda de um grupo representativo de agricultores familiares do município de Itapejara D’Oeste categorizados entre grupos de alta e baixa renda nos anos de 2005 e 2010. Como resultado se identificou que o aumento de renda decorreu da junção do binômio grãos e leite com a possibilidade de dispor de um maior acesso a área agrícola cultivável; bem como, da oportunidade de dispor de uma renda não agrícola.

  1. Rb-Sr geochronology and geochemical characteristics of mafic dikes in the Nova Lacerda and Conquista D'Oeste region, Mato Grosso, SW Amazonian Craton; Geocronologia Rb-Sr e caracteristicas geoquimicas dos diques maficos da regiao de Nova Lacerda e Conquista D'Oeste (MT), porcao sudoeste do Craton Amazonico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Costa, Paulo Cesar Correa da; Matos, Joao Batista de [Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiaba, MT (Brazil). Dept. de Recursos Minerais; Grupo de Pesquisas em Evolucao Crustal e Metalogenia Guapore, Cuiaba, MT (Brazil)], e-mail:, e-mail:; Girardi, Vicente Antonio Vitorio [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Inst. de Geociencias. Dept. de Mineralogia e Geotectonica], e-mail:; Ruiz, Amarildo Salina [Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiaba, MT (Brazil). Dept. de Geologia Geral; Grupo de Pesquisas em Evolucao Crustal e Metalogenia Guapore, Cuiaba, MT (Brazil)], e-mail:


    In the Nova Lacerda and Conquista D'Oeste regions, Mato Grosso State, SW part of the Amazonian Craton, mafic dikes trending NNW intrude the Nova Lacerda Granite (1462{+-}12 Ma), within the Jauru Domain, in the Rondonia-San Ignacio Province (1.55 - 1.3 Ga). The mafic swarm comprises diabases, metadiabases and amphibolites. Metadiabases originated from uralitization of diabases. These rocks have tholeiitic affinity and predominant basaltic composition. Some samples are andesi-basalts. The ages of diabases and metabasites are 1380 {+-} 32 Ma and 1330 {+-} 120 Ma respectively. Geochemical data indicate that the compositional variation of diabases and metadiadases is due to fractional crystallization of evolved tholeiitic magmas. The origin of the basaltic magmas is related to a heterogeneous mantle source. (author)

  2. Falência é fracasso? O caso da Associação dos Produtores Alternativos de Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia, Brasil

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    Florent Kohler

    Full Text Available O artigo examina a falência da Associação dos Produtores Alternativos (APA de Ouro Preto do Oeste, em Rondônia, buscando identificar elementos estruturantes e explicativos das relações entre atores locais e evidenciando seus próprios quadros interpretativos. A partir de um breve histórico da implantação do Projeto Integrado de Colonização (PIC Ouro Preto do Oeste, são destacadas a origem social dos colonos, sua cultura política e o tipo de capital social construído nos assentamentos. Por outro lado, apresenta-se a lógica das instituições envolvidas no desenvolvimento desse projeto. As relações entre os diversos atores institucionais são apresentadas como uma rede multiconectada, unindo os níveis local, regional, nacional e internacional. A análise mostra o descompasso entre a visão econômica das instituições de apoio, voltadas para a produção, e as aspirações dos produtores da APA. Ao final, concluímos que a falência pode estar associada a dois fatores interligados: a 'desconfiança' dos produtores da APA em relação aos órgãos de apoio à agricultura familiar (Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira, Agência de Defesa Sanitária Agrosilvopastoril do Estado de Rondônia, Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural e a ausência dos governos estadual e municipal no grupo de atores do sistema de redes multiconectadas, no qual poderiam ter desempenhado um papel de mediadores entre aquelas diferentes aspirações. Finalmente, a questão colocada relativiza a noção de 'fracasso' associada à falência.

  3. Crescimento em diâmetro do Pinus elliottii e Pinus taeda em áreas arenizadas e degradadas no Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul


    Schneider, Paulo Renato; Elesbão, Luiz Ernesto Grilo; Schneider, Paulo Sérgio Pigato; Longhi, Régis Villanova


    Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar o desempenho do Pinus elliottii Engelm. e Pinus taeda L. em áreas arenizadas e degradadas por ação antrópica, na região da fronteira oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Em povoamentos, foram selecionadas árvores médias, que foram abatidas e seccionadas pelo método de Smalian, a fim de obter discos de madeira para a análise dendrocronológica, para a obtenção do diâmetro por idade. O crescimento em diâmetro, quando comparado entre espécies...

  4. Reptiles de zonas bajas de Yacopí (Cundinamarca, Colombia

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    Rafael Ángel Moreno Arias


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un inventario de reptiles que ocurren por debajo de 1.000 m en el municipio de Yacopí, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Se registraron 47 especies (26 Sauria, 19 Serpentes, un Amphisbaenia y un Testudinata, la familia y género más ricos fueron Colubridae y Anolis. La riqueza entre Sauria y  Serpentes fue diferente a la que se encuentra en el país. La fauna se agrupó según su distribución en dos tipos:  Trasandino (al oeste de la cordillera Oriental y Amplio (tanto al este como al oeste de la misma cordillera, los Saurios fueron más numerosos en el primero y las Serpentes en el segundo. Se encontró que la mayoría de reptiles se distribuye entre 0 y 2.000 m.

  5. A influencia da politica de recursos humanos na satisfação docente : o caso da Fundação Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana - FUNIOESTE


    Nogueira, Paulo Roberto Chavarria


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socio-Economico O presente estudo analisou a política de recursos humanos da Fundação Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - FUNIOESTE e sua relação com a satisfação no trabalho, envolvendo os docentes lotados nos quatros campi da instituição, a saber: FACISA, FACIMAR, FACITOL e FECIVEL. Esta pesquisa objetivou identificar os componentes que integram a política de recursos humanos da FUNIOESTE, apurar o índice de s...

  6. Uma Análise Comparativa da Competitividade Econômico-financeira das Cooperativas Agroindustriais do Oeste do Paraná

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    Paulo César da Silva Ilha

    Full Text Available Resumo: O objetivo do estudo foi o de analisar comparativamente a competitividade econômico-financeira das cooperativas agroindustriais, do oeste do Paraná, utilizando-se do procedimento metodológico de análise de cluster ou agrupamento. A análise serviu para classificar hierarquicamente em categorias de agrupamentos e medir o grau de competitividade das cooperativas. Os dados foram apropriados numa série temporal de 2011 a 2014. Com os resultados alcançados pelas cooperativas, nos aspectos de classificação hierárquica, através do gráfico dendograma (árvore, demonstrou-se que as ações de gestão, no que se referem à sustentabilidade econômico-financeira, são díspares. Nos aspectos de medidas de competitividade, classificou-se a cooperativa Copacol como a mais competitiva, comparada aos padrões estabelecidos.

  7. A pequena produção avícola familiar e o Sistema de Integração no oeste catarinense: "uma prisão de portas abertas"

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    Claudia Mazzei Nogueira

    Full Text Available Esse texto é parte da pesquisa sobre a divisão sexual do trabalho dos pequenos avicultores familiares inculados ao Sistema de Integração das agroindústrias, no contexto da reestruturação produtiva. Para tanto, o texto analisa o referido sistema na avicultura no Oeste Catarinense, contemplando alguns elementos das metamorfoses que vêm ocorrendo no mundo do trabalho e como elas vêm intensificando a precarização do pequeno produtor rural familiar no segmento da avicultura.

  8. Characterization of quality of raw milk and pasteurized commercialized informally in Colorado do Oeste City, RO, Brazil | Caracterização da qualidade do leite cru e pasteurizado comercializado informalmente na cidade de Colorado do Oeste, RO, Brasil

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    Edmar Costa Alves


    Full Text Available Milk quality can be characterized by physicochemical parameters indicating possible changes in the product properties. The poor quality of milk may affect human health and compromise the shelf life of the product. The objective of this study was to characterize the physicochemical quality of milk and to perform reductase testing of twenty four samples of raw milk and of twelve samples of pasteurized milk being informally commercialized in the city of Colorado do Oeste, RO. The density, the cryoscopic index, the fat (using the method of Gerber, the acidity (in Dornic degrees, and the defatted solids (SNG (according to official methods were evaluated accoring to the Normative Instruction 68. The results of cryoscopy and density, showed that 27% (n = 10 and 27% (n = 10 of the samples, respectively, do not comply with the IN-62 criteria. For the content of defatted solids, 19% of the samples were at odds with the legislation. The assessment of physicochemical parameters suggest that the informal trade of milk in the studied retail outlets can compromise the integrity of the product, a problem that might be solved by correcting and intensifying enforcement actions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A qualidade do leite pode ser caracterizada pelos parâmetros físico-químicos que indicam possíveis alterações nas propriedades do produto. A baixa qualidade do leite pode afetar a saúde humana e comprometer a vida útil do produto. O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar a qualidade físico-química em 24 amostras de leite cru e 12 amostras de leite pasteurizado comercializados informalmente na cidade de Colorado do Oeste, RO. Foram avaliados: densidade; índice crioscópico; gordura pelo método de Gerber; acidez em graus Dornic e sólidos desengordurados, de acordo com os métodos oficiais preconizados pela Instrução Normativa no 68. Os resultados da crioscopia e da densidade, apontam

  9. Sienogranitos leucocráticos do Domínio Macururé, Sistema Orogênico Sergipano, Nordeste do Brasil: Stock Glória Sul

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    Joane Almeida da Conceição

    Full Text Available RESUMO: O Stock Glória Sul (SGS (41 km2 é arredondado e intrusivo na parte central do Domínio Macururé, no Sistema Orogênico Sergipano (SOS. Internamente o Stock é formado por vários tipos de sienogranitos leucocráticos (biotita sienogranito, sienogranito com muscovita e biotita e muscovita sienogranito. Os biotita sienogranitos apresentam abundância de enclaves máficos microgranulares que correspondem a sienitos e são ocasionais nos sienogranitos com muscovita e biotita. Os sienogranitos são metaluminosos, com termos mais evoluídos peraluminosos, posicionando-se no campo dos granitos do tipo I e exibem assinatura geoquímica cálcio-alcalino de alto K2O. Os enclaves sieníticos são metaluminosos e exibem assinatura shoshonítica. Os dados geoquímicos sugerem que as diferentes rochas presentes no SGS podem ser explicadas como produto da mistura entre um magma fortemente diferenciado e peraluminoso (≈ 73% SiO2 com outro máfico shoshonítico (≈ 56% SiO2, representado pelos enclaves. Os valores dos elementos traços são mais elevados nos enclaves do que nos granitos, tais como Ba (1.179 - 319 ppm, Rb (351 - 55,3 ppm, Y (16,7 - 1,6 ppm. Os padrões de elementos terras raras mostram variação de ∑38,58 - 299,21 ppm, LaN/YbN 12,57 - 137,22 e Eu/Eu* 0,72 - 1,94. O SGS, ante aos resultados obtidos neste estudo, evidencia que a granitogênese no Domínio Macururé (DM é complexa e que os sienogranitos leucocráticos que ocorrem bem distribuídos nesse domínio são pós-tectônicos e representam o produto de interação entre magmas riolíticos peraluminosos com magmas mantélicos shoshoníticos.

  10. Conservação, diversidade e distribuição de variedades locais de milho e seus parentes silvestres no extremo oeste de Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil


    Silva, Natália Carolina de Almeida


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Genéticos Vegetais, Florianópolis, 2015. As informações sobre a atual diversidade de milho do Brasil são escassas e a maior parte dos estudos tem se destinado a caracterizar e analisar a diversidade conservada ex situ. Pesquisas antecedentes têm demonstrado que a microrregião Extremo Oeste do estado de Santa Catarina possui uma importante riqueza de variedades locai...


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    Valter Pereira ROMANO


    Full Text Available Este trabalho utiliza como corpus de análise os dados coletados pela equipe do Projeto Atlas Linguístico do Brasil em três regiões: Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul. Os dados referem-se às cidades do interior e às capitais de cada estado, coletados junto a informantes selecionados segundo o perfil estabelecido. Nesta oportunidade, objetiva-se discutir a distribuição diatópica das variantes lexicais para a questão 132 - "Criança pequenininha, a gente diz que é bebê. E quando ela tem de 5 a 10 anos, do sexo masculino?" - do Questionário Semântico-Lexical (COMITÊ NACIONAL DO PROJETO ALIB, 2001. A metodologia utilizada envolveu análises descritivas e inferenciais pertinentes ao estudo. Para tanto, oito hipóteses foram testadas no sentido de averiguar o comportamento e a distribuição diatópica das cinco variantes mais produtivas no conjunto de respostas. Os principais resultados observados indicam que as variantes apresentam comportamento distinto nas três regiões: (i a variante "menino" apresenta distribuição homogênea nos dez estados; (ii as formas lexicais "guri" e "piá" possuem distribuição heterogênea na região Sul; (iii as variantes de etimologia indígena ("guri" e "piá" são mais representativas nas regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste; (iv há uma maior representatividade da variante "moleque" (étimo africano na região Sudeste, principalmente em São Paulo e Minas Gerais.

  12. Análise econômica de sistemas agroflorestais na Amazônia ocidental, Machadinho d'Oeste- RO Economic analysis of agroforestry systems in eastern Amazonia, Machadinho d'Oeste- RO, Brazil

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    Michelliny de Matos Bentes-Gama


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a análise financeira e a simulação de risco de investimento em sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs implantados em 1987, no Campo Experimental da Embrapa Rondônia, localizado no município de Machadinho d'Oeste, RO. A análise financeira foi realizada mediante os métodos de avaliação de projetos florestais, e para a análise de risco utilizou-se a técnica de simulação de Monte Carlo, mediante o programa @RISK. Entre os arranjos testados, o SAF T1 Castanha-do-brasil-banana-pimenta-do-reino-cupuaçu apresentou o melhor desempenho financeiro em relação aos SAFs T2 Freijó-banana-pimenta-do-reino-cupuaçu e T3 Pupunha-banana-pimenta-do-reino-cupuaçu . Os custos com tratos culturais e colheita representaram mais de 70% da composição dos custos totais, e a participação da mão-de-obra foi superior a 50% nas fases de preparo da área e de manutenção (tratos culturais dos SAFs. A simulação da análise de risco indicou que as variáveis que afetaram o Valor Presente Líquido no Horizonte Infinito (VPL*, de acordo com a ordem de importância (R, foram: taxa de desconto, preço do fruto de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum, custo de colheita, preço da madeira de castanha-do-brasil (Bertholletia excelsa e o custo de tratos culturais. Apesar do alto custo de implantação e manutenção, o SAF T1 apresentou uma probabilidade de 15% de os valores do Valor Presente Líquido (VPL se concentrarem em torno de R$35.000 ha-1.ano-1.The objective of this study was to carry out the financial analysis and the risk of investment simulation in agroforestry systems (AFSs established in 1987 in the Experimental Field of Embrapa Rondônia, located in the County of Machadinho d'Oeste, RO. Financial analysis was made through the evaluation of results from the forestry enterprise evaluation methods, and the risk analysis was carried out through the Monte Carlo simulation technique by @RISK software. Among the arrangements

  13. Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos eretos de amendoim cultivados nas regiões Nordeste e Centro-Oeste

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    Felipe Matheus Teles de Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estimar a estabilidade e a adaptabilidade de oito genótipos de amendoim ereto e comparar os modelos de análise de EBERHART & RUSSELL (1966, WRICKE (1965 e LIN & BINNS (1988, baseando-se em dados de produtividade de vagens e sementes. Os genótipos de amendoim foram avaliados em 14 ambientes situados nas Regiões Nordeste e Centro-Oeste, durante os anos de 2006 a 2011, sob o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com cinco repetições. Verificou-se que, entre os três métodos estudados, os de EBERHART & RUSSELL(1966 e LIN & BINNS (1988 geraram informações concordantes para estimativas de adaptação e estabilidade de produção de vagens e sementes, baseando-se nas condições deste estudo. Os genótipos L7 Bege e BRS 151 L7 foram os mais produtivos, com adaptabilidade específica a ambientes favoráveis, enquanto que CNPA 280 revelou adaptabilidade ampla e alta estabilidade fenotípica.

  14. As ferramentas da gestão social utilizada pelas organizações que prestam serviços sociais à comunidade e pertencem à microrregião do extremo Oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina

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    Wieczynski, Marineide


    Full Text Available O presente artigo aborda resultados de uma pesquisa de iniciação científica que teve como objetivo identificar e relatar quais são as ferramentas da gestão social utilizada pelas organizações que prestam serviços sociais e pertencem à microrregião do extremo oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina. O tipo de pesquisa foi de natureza quali-quantitativa, com o uso de questionários semi-estrutrados, amostragem por acessibilidade e um universo de 30 ONGs, cujos sujeitos foram os gestores dessas organizações. Constatou-se que nenhuma das organizações pesquisada utiliza plenamente as ferramentas da gestão social. O não uso das ferramentas – planejamento, organização, direção e controle/avaliação – comprometem a eficiência, a eficácia e a efetividade dos programas e projetos que vem sendo desenvolvidos por elas. Sugere-se a elaboração de um projeto de extensão e/ou de filantropia, no qual o Curso de Serviço Social da UNOESC – São Miguel do Oeste possa prestar assessoria e consultoria no que tange à gestão social de ONGs

  15. Milk quality according to the daily range in farm production in the Mesoregion Central Mineira and Oeste of Minas Gerais regions, Brazil

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    L.R. Borges


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to characterize milk production from the Central Mineira and Oeste Mesoregions regions in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, according to quality parameters such as somatic cell count, total bacteria count, and composition for specific production ranges. Average results for milk fat, protein, total and nonfat solids were compliant with Brazilian legal requirements (IN-62/2011 in all the production ranges selected. Average somatic cell counts (SCC complied with the legal requirements of 600,000 cells/mL, except for the range with a daily production above 1,000 liters. However, average maximum values of 400,000 cells/mL are recommended for good milk quality. Total bacterial count was the most critical quality factor, with the highest values found in breeds with milk production above 500 liters per day.

  16. Relaciones de intercambio en el oeste pampeano: el papel de los ambulantes

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    María Eugenia Comerci


    Full Text Available RESUMEN En el extremo oeste de la provincia de La Pampa persisten prácticas culturales, productivas y vinculares arraigadas desde comienzos del siglo XX. Dentro de los agentes tradicionales que históricamente han interactuado con los productores del área, se destacan los vendedores ambulantes o mercachifles. A través de densas redes, éstos han proveído a los productores de bienes de consumo. En el artículo se pretenden explorar los vínculos históricos establecidos entre los vendedores ambulantes y los campesinos, las trayectorias y estrategias comerciales gestadas en el pasado y en el presente. Las relaciones entre los mercachifles y los intermediarios con los productores, se estudian a través de testimonios y el cruce de datos obtenidos en el trabajo de gabinete y de campo en Chos Malal y La Humada. Finalmente se reflexiona sobre los factores que posibilitan la persistencia de ciertas relaciones de subordinación entre comerciantes y productores que habitan en parajes rurales. ABSTRACT In the far west of the province of La Pampa persist cultural, productive and relational practices rooted from the early twentieth century. Among the traditional agents that have historically interacted with area producers stand street vendors or hawkers. Through these dense networks they have provided to producers of consumer goods. In the article aims to explore the established historical ties between street vendors and farmers, paths and business strategies engendered in the past and in the present. Relations between peddlers and producers intermediaries are studied through testimonials and crossing data obtained in office work and field in Chos Malal and the Humada. Finally we examine the factors that make the persistence of certain reporting relationships between traders and farmers who live in rural places.



    Rodniski, Cleber Marcos; Lamera, Daniela; Ecco, Katia


    O objetivo com esta pesquisa foi verificar a efetiva utilização das práticas de análise Custo/Volume/Lucro (CVL) na tomada de decisões dos laticínios da região Oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina. As práticas de CVL investigadas foram a margem de contribuição, a margem de contribuição com fator de restrição, o ponto de equilíbrio, a margem de segurança e a alavancagem operacional. Para isso, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa descritiva, de caráter qualitativo, com metodologia de levantamento ou surve...

  18. Petrología y geoquímica del granito Los Cuartos, Tafí del Valle, Tucumán, noroeste de Argentina: integración al esquema magmático regional

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    López, J. P.


    Full Text Available Los Cuartos Granite crops out on the western flank of the Cumbres Calchaquíes, east of Tafí del Valle, Tucumán Province, Argentina. It has a granitic to granodioritic composition, of two micas, being biotite dominant. The granite is medium grained and inequigranular, with rare K-feldspar megacrysts. It contains host-rock xenoliths with different degrees of assimilation. The granite intrusion produced con tact metamorphism in the surrounding basement, with development of andalucite porphyroblasts and poikiloblastic biotite. The granite is calk-alkaline and peraluminous, and is K- and P-rich and Ca- and Na poor compared to other granitoids of the region. The pluton shows late-tectonic features with regard to the regional deformation. The granite possibly intruded during the Ordovician (Famatinian Cycle and its emplacement was structurally controlled by the Tafí Megafracture. Los Cuartos Granite and other intrusive bodies of the region share similar petrographical, geochemical, structural and geochronological characteristics.

    El Granito Los Cuartos aflora sobre la ladera occidental de Cumbres Calchaquíes, al E de la localidad de Tafí del Valle, provincia de Tucumán, Argentina. Es de composición granítica a granodiorítica, con desarrollo de dos micas, predominando la biotita. Es de grano medio e inequigranular, con megacristales de feldespato potásico raros o ausentes. Contiene xenolitos de la roca de caja con diferentes grados de digestión. Este cuerpo desarrolla fenómenos de metamorfismo de contacto en el basamento al que intruye, con desarrollo de porfiroblastos de andalucita y biotita poiquiloblástica. El granitoide presenta características calcoalcalina, peraluminosos, rico en K y P y con contenidos comparativamente más bajos en Ca y Na que los granitoides del área; poseen rasgos tardío-tectónicos con respecto a la deformación y su emplazamiento se habría producido durante el Ordovícico (Ciclo Famatiniano.

  19. Análise biogeográfica da avifauna da região oeste do baixo Rio Negro, amazônia brasileira Biogeographical analysis of the avifauna in the lower western Rio Negro region in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Sérgio H. Borges


    Full Text Available Neste estudo é realizada uma análise biogeográfica detalhada da avifauna da Amazônia Central a oeste do Rio Negro, região onde está localizado o Parque Nacional do Jaú (PNJ. As distribuições geográficas de 383 táxons (espécies e subespécies de aves registradas no PNJ foram analisadas através de métodos biogeográficos qualitativos e quantitativos (análise de agrupamento e análise de parcimônia de endemismo. A avifauna do PNJ é fortemente influenciada pelas regiões noroeste e oeste da bacia amazônica. Foram identificadas três unidades biogeográficas e o PNJ se agrupa com sítios localizados no alto Rio Orinoco e na Guiana. De modo similar, o PNJ se agrupa com o sítio do alto Rio Orinoco tendo a Guiana como grupo-irmão no cladograma de área com maior suporte. Diferentes sub-grupos de espécies revelaram cladogramas de áreas com variadas topologias, sugerindo complexos cenários de diversificação da avifauna amazônica. Estes cenários biogeográficos podem ter sido influenciados por eventos geológicos ocorridos durante o Mioceno e Pleistoceno. Neste estudo foi identificada uma área de endemismo não descrita para a Amazônia - a área de endemismo Rio Negro. A avifauna da região do PNJ, além de ser representativa dos setores noroeste e oeste da Amazônia, possui táxons de distribuição restrita à região central da Amazônia, reforçando ainda mais sua importância na proteção da biodiversidade amazônica.This study makes a detailed biogeographical analysis of Central Amazon avifauna west of the Rio Negro, where Parque Nacional do Jaú (PNJ is located. The geographical distribution of 383 bird taxa (species or subspecies recorded in PNJ was analyzed through qualitative and quantitative biogeographic methods (cluster analysis and parsimony analysis of endemicity. Results showed that the avifauna of PNJ is strongly influenced by the northwestern and western regions of the Amazon Basin. Three biogeographic units

  20. Pteridófitas do Parque Estadual da Vassununga, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro (SP, Brasil. Glebas Capetinga Leste e Capetinga Oeste. Pteridophytes from Vassununga State Park, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, Brazil. Glebas Capetinga Leste and Capetinga Oeste.

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    Áurea Maria Therezinha COLLI


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi realizado umlevantamento de pteridófitas nas Glebas CapetingaLeste e Capetinga Oeste do Parque Estadual daVassununga, localizado no município de Santa Rita doPassa Quatro, sob as coordenadas 21º41’00’’ –21º41’21’’S e 47º34’37’’ – 47º39’39’’W. As coletasforam realizadas em quatro trilhas, denominadasTrilha da Mina, Trilha do Ribeirão Bebedouro,Trilha dos Jequitibás e Trilha do Córrego da Gruta.Foram reconhecidas 34 espécies de pteridófitaspertencentes a 10 famílias. Destas, as maisrepresentativas foram Polypodiaceae e Thelypteridaceaecom seis espécies cada e Aspleniaceae e Pteridaceaeque apresentaram cinco espécies cada. Das 34espécies registradas 10 apresentam distribuiçãobastante restrita, ocorrendo apenas na Trilha da Mina.Por outro lado, Polypodium polypodioides (L. Watt,Pteris denticulata var. denticulata Sw eThelypteris dentata (Forssk. E. St. John são asespécies de ocorrência mais ampla. Em todas astrilhas há pteridófitas, sendo que a Trilha da Minaé a mais rica e a Trilha do Ribeirão Bebedouro amais pobre em número de espécies. As pteridófitasocorrem na floresta estacional semidecidual e namata ciliar. A maior diversidade de espécies foiencontrada na floresta estacional semidecidual.This work presents a pteridophyticalsurvey carried out at Glebas Capetinga Leste andCapetinga Oeste at Vassununga State Park,Santa Rita do Passa Quatro county, (21º41’00’’ –21º41’21’’S and 47º34’37’’ – 47º39’39’’W.Collections were done at four places called “Trilhada Mina”, “Trilha do Ribeirão Bebedouro”, “Trilhados Jequitibás” and “Trilha do Córrego da Gruta.”Thirty-four species of pteridophytes pertaining to10 families were recognized. Among them, themost representative ones were Polypodiaceaeand Thelypteridaceae, with six species each,and Aspleniaceae and Pteridaceae, with fivespecies each. Considering the 34 species registered,10

  1. Feições Cársticas em Rochas Siliciclásticas no Oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil

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    Luis Eduardo de Souza Robaina


    Full Text Available Na Bacia Hidrográfica do Ibicuí, localizada na região oeste-sudoeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, ocorrem formas do terreno e mesmo associação de formas semelhantes àquelas de relevo cárstico, entretanto são produzidas por diferentes processos. Este artigo apresenta estudos desenvolvidos em feições de cavernas, típicas de relevo cárstico que se desenvolvem em rochas siliciclásticas da Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná. A origem morfogenética está relacionada com a evolução e aceleração de processos erosivos associado ao fluxo subterrâneo controlados por lineamentos estruturais e estratificação da rocha sedimentar. O mapeamento e estudo destas feições podem demonstrar a extensão e diversidade das formas tipo cársticas na área e contribuir para entender o modelo evolutivo das vertentes na área de estudo.

  2. Inquérito epidemiológico sobre plantas tóxicas das mesoregiões Central e Oeste do Rio Grande do Norte

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    Severino Antonio Geraldo Neto


    Full Text Available Foi realizado um estudo para determinar as plantas tóxicas incriminadas como de interesse zootécnico em 35 municípios das mesorregiões Central e Oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN. Foram entrevistados 180 produtores, 20 médicos veterinários, 12 técnicos agrícolas e 5 agrônomos. Os dados obtidos nas entrevistas foram compilados e analisados com auxílio do programa Epi Info versão 6.04. As plantas tóxicas relatadas pelos entrevistados como causadoras de diversos surtos foram Ipomoea asarifolia, Aspidosperma pyrifolium, Indigofera suffruticosa, Manihot carthaginensis subsp. glaziovii, Amorimia septentrionalis, Tephrosia cinerea, Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil, Marsdenia megalantha, Anacardium occidentale, Cnidoscolus quercifolius, Crotalaria retusa, Froelichia humboldtiana, Ipomoea carnea, Leucaena leucocephala, Manihot esculenta, Mimosa tenuiflora, Nerium oleander, Prosopis juliflora, Ricinus communis, Sorghum bicolor, Sorghum halepense e Urochloa (Brachiaria decumbens.

  3. Infraestructura y significado en la dominiación Inka del centro oeste argentino (Coa extremo austral Oriental del Tawantinsuyu

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    J. Roberto Bárcena


    Full Text Available Con el apoyo de la ANPCyT (SECYT y del CONICET mediante subsidios, desarrollamos investigaciones arqueológicas y etnohistóricas sobre la dominación inka en el Centro oeste argentino, extremo austral oriental del Tawantinsuyu. En la actualidad trabajamos en las provincias de La Rioja (Famatina, Laguna Brava, Guandacol, entre otras áreas, San Juan (Reserva de la Biosfera de San Guillermo, Valle Fértil, Paso del Lámar —Jáchal—, entre otros sectores y Mendoza (Valle de Uspallata, Valle de Uco, entre otras zonas, estudiando la vialidad y los sitios relacionados, excavando varios de éstos. Un abordaje de tal envergadura implica, entre otras, la posibilidad de contrastar semejanzas y diferencias en la implantación territorial, diversidad en las relaciones con las poblaciones locales y sumanifestación en los indicadores arqueológicos y etnohistóricos y permite contrastar los modelos de dominación regional. En este contexto nos referimos, desde la perspectiva del significado, al registro de bienes inka como ser, entre otros, la propia arquitectura o los relacionados con los sitios ceremoniales de alturaWith the support of the ANPCyT (SECYT and of the CONICET we have undertaken archaeological and ethnohistorical research on the Inka domination in the Argentine centralwest, at the oriental austral extreme of the Tawantinsuyu. Our team is presently working in the provinces of: La Rioja (at Famatina, Laguna Brava,Guandacol, among other areas, San Juan (at the Reserva de la Biosfera de San Guillermo, Valle Fértil and Paso del Lámar -Jáchal-, among other sectors and,Mendoza (at the Valle deUspallata, Valle deUco, among other zones, studying the net of roads and other related sites, excavating several of the later ones. Such an approach implies, between others, the possibility of contrasting similarities and differences in the territorial implantation, the diversity in relations with the local inhabitants and its manifestation in the

  4. Caracterización petrográfica y geoquímica y condiciones de deformación del plutón San Cristóbal, Sierra de Velasco (La Rioja, Argentina

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    Bellos, L. I.


    Full Text Available The San Cristóbal pluton is a 35 km2 granitic body that outcrops at the southestern tip of the Sierra de Velasco, located west of La Rioja city, Argentina. It is formed by monzogranites and syenogranites, together with scarce granodiorites, with medium to fine-grained, equigranular to slightly porphyritic textures. Their mineral assemblage consists of quartz + microcline + plagioclase + biotite ± muscovite + zircon + apatite + magnetite. The granite contains dioritic to tonalitic mafic enclaves. The central and eastern parts of the granite have been deformed by the NNW-SSE trending South Mylonitic shear zone formed by mylonitic rocks. The metamorphic host-rock is represented by scarce greenschist facies xenoliths and hornfels with the high T / P assemblage K-feldspar - cordierite - biotite ± sillimanite. The granites are calc-alkaline, weak- to moderately peraluminous, and formed as part of a continental magmatic arc developed along the active margin of western Gondwana during the Early Paleozoic. The depth of emplacement of the San Cristóbal pluton is estimated at ~12 km.

    El plutón San Cristóbal constituye un cuerpo granítico de 35 km2 que aflora en el extremo sudeste de la Sierra de Velasco, situada al oeste de la ciudad de La Rioja, Argentina. Está formado por monzogranitos y sienogranitos con escasas granodioritas, de texturas equigranulares de grano medio a fino a ligeramente porfíricas. La asociación mineral es cuarzo + microclino + plagioclasa + biotita ± moscovita + circón + apatito + magnetita. Contiene enclaves magmáticos máficos de composición diorítica a tonalítica. El granito fue afectado en su parte media y este por una zona de cizalla, formada por milonitas que integran la Faja Milonítica Sur, de rumbo NNO-SSE. La roca de caja se reconoce por xenolitos de esquistos y cuarcitas en facies esquistos verdes, y septos de corneanas con la paragénesis feldespato potásico cordierita

  5. Génesis de la estructura arqueada de la Sierra de las Cabras al Gibalto (Subbético, provincias de Málaga y Granada, España

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    Sanz de Galdeano, C.


    Full Text Available The Subbetic sierras of Las Cabras to the Gibalto form an arched structure, giving it a high relief, constituted by many tectonic slices, verging to the South in its southern border and to the North and West in its concave border. Although it could be interpreted as an allochthonous structure, really is rooted in the transitional area between the Median and the Internal Subbetic. Several local factors have influenced this complex structure, but the final cause is the oblique collision (transpression of the In-ternal Zone against External Zone of the Betic Chain, producing an important strike-slip system.

    Las sierras subbéticas de las Cabras al Gibalto forman una estructura arqueada, que da un fuerte relieve, constituida por escamas tectónicas, vergentes al sur en su borde convexo, meridional, y al nor-te y oeste en su borde cóncavo. Aunque podría interpretarse como una estructura alóctona, se en-cuentra enraizada en el área de tránsito entre el Subbético Medio y el Interno. En su génesis han in-fluido varios factores locales pero la causa que controla a todos ellos es la colisión oblicua, en trans-presión, de la Zona Interna Bética contra la Externa, que produjo un importante sistema de desgarre.

  6. Percepção e medidas de gestão de riscos por produtores de arroz irrigado na Fronteira Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul Risk perception and risk management measures by irrigated rice growers in Fronteira Oeste, Rio Grande do Sul

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    Maria Isabel Fernandes Finger


    Full Text Available A produção agrícola apresenta características particulares, se comparada a outras atividades econômicas, sendo uma das mais marcantes a extensão dos riscos aos quais está exposta. O cultivo de arroz (Oryza sativa L. irrigado, embora pareça menos suscetível do que as culturas de sequeiro, também está exposto a riscos. Maior produtor mundial de arroz fora da Ásia, o Brasil tem no Rio Grande do Sul seu principal estado produtor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar como o orizicultor da Fronteira Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul percebe os riscos da sua atividade e quais medidas adota para geri-los. A metodologia empregada envolveu aplicação presencial de questionários a orizicultores, de acordo com uma amostra não probabilística. Os resultados indicaram que os orizicultores atribuem maior relevância aos riscos socioeconômicos do que aos de produção. Evidencia-se, assim, a importância da gestão do negócio pelos orizicultores, para que sua atividade esteja integrada com os demais elos da cadeia produtiva. A redução de custos pode ser uma alternativa para mitigação de riscos de mercado, apontados como os mais relevantes pelos orizicultores. A percepção dos orizicultores sobre riscos e sobre medidas para mitigá-los pode representar a base na formulação de estratégias de gestão de riscos.Agricultural production has many different influencing factors compared to other economic activities. One of the most striking is the extent of the risks to which it is exposed. Irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L. cultivation, although seeming less susceptible than non-irrigated crops, is also exposed to risks. World's largest producer of rice outside Asia, Brazil has the state of Rio Grande do Sul as its main producer. The aim of this study was to analyze how rice farmers in Fronteira Oeste, Rio Grande do Sul realize the risks of their activity and how they manage them. Methodology involved the administration of a questionnaire, according to

  7. La Torre Portal y el Portal Torreado en las fortificaciones ibéricas. Estudio de las entradas Norte y Oeste de la Bastida de les Alcusses (Moixent, Valéncia

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    Enrique Díes Cusí


    Full Text Available En este trabajo presentamos dos estructuras halladas en el poblado ibérico de La Bastida de les Alcusses durante la campaña de excavación de 1998. Se trata de dos entradas (la Oeste y la Norte que presentan la particularidad de ser edificios en sí mismos, si bien de factura diversa. Estos edificios se describen y se estudian constructivamente, analizando la posibilidad de que se trate de dos Portales, uno de ellos una Torre Portal y el otro un Portal Torreado, de larga tradición en la arquitectura oriental y, creemos, con paralelos en la arquitectura ibérica.

  8. Los grabados exteriores de Santo Adriano (Tuñón. Santo Adriano. Asturias

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    F.J. Fortea Pérez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se dan a conocer los grabados exteriores de la cueva de Santo Adriano, que se comparan con grabados del mismo tipo existentes en la Región Cantábrica, a lo largo de una franja territorial de 220 km, entre las cuencas de los ríos Nalón al oeste y el Asón al este.

  9. A phylogenetic study of canine parvovirus type 2c in midwestern Brazil Estudo filogenético do parvovírus canino tipo 2c no Centro-Oeste do Brasil

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    Danúbia S. Fontana


    Full Text Available Since the late 1970s, canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2 has emerged as a causative agent of fatal severe acute hemorrhagic enteritis in dogs. To date, three antigenic types of CPV-2 were described worldwide (CPV-2a/b/c. This study was conducted to determine the variants of CPV-2 circulating in dogs from the Cuiabá Municipality in Midwestern Brazil. Out of 50 fecal samples, collected between 2009 and 2011, 27 tested positive for CPV-2. A 583 bp fragment of the VP2 gene was amplified by PCR, 13 representative samples were analyzed further by DNA sequencing. All strains were characterized as CPV-2c, displayed a low genetic variability although observed several amino acid substitution. These findings indicated that CPV-2c has been circulating in dogs from the Cuiabá Municipality in Midwestern Brazil.Desde o final dos anos de 1970, o parvovírus canino tipo 2 (CPV-2 tem emergido como agente de severa e fatal enterite hemorrágica, principalmente em cães com idade inferior a seis meses. Três variantes antigênicas de CPV-2 foram descritas mundialmente (CPV-2a/b/c. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a presença do CPV-2 e suas variantes circulantes em cães no Município de Cuiabá, Centro-oeste, Brasil. Das 50 amostras fecais, coletadas entre 2009 e 2011, 27 foram positivas para CPV-2 na PCR, sendo 13 analisadas pelo sequenciamento de um fragmento de 583 pares de base do gene VP2. Todas as cepas foram caracterizadas como CPV-2c e apresentaram baixa variabilidade genética. Estes achados indicaram que o CPV-2c está circulando na população canina do Município de Cuiabá, Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil.

  10. Análisis de paleoesfuerzos mediante datos de fallas estriadas en el “stock” de chinchiná-santa rosa, en la cantera la virgen manizales, caldas


    Gómez-Hurtado, Eliana; Marín-Marín, Juan Sebastián; Hincapié-Jaramillo, Gustavo


    Eliana Gómez-Hurtado1, Juan Sebastián Marín-Marín1, & Gustavo Hincapié-Jaramillo 2 1 Estudiante programa de Geología, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Caldas , 2Profesor Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Caldas Falla Silvia Pijao pertenece al Sistema de Fallas de Romeral y pone en contacto rocas de los complejos Quebradagrande (al este) y Arquía (al oeste). El “Stock” ...

  11. Evolução e mapeamento do uso da terra, através de imagens aerofotogramétricas e orbitais em Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP Land use mapping and evolution through aerial photographs and orbital images, in Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP

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    M.H. Borges


    Full Text Available Em Santa Bárbara D'Oeste,SP, foram realizados dois mapeamentos do uso da terra em área de 14.625 ha. No primeiro utilizou-se fotografias aéreas verticais pancromáticas (data de 25/6/78, na escala 1:35.000, e no segundo utilizou-se imagens orbitais do satélite LANDSAT-5 com sensor "Thematic Mapper" (data de 12/8/91, escala 1: 100.000, nas bandas 3, 4 e 5 e composição colorida 3/4/5. Para auxiliar a confecção desses mapas, obteve-se chaves de interpretação, tanto para as aerofotos como para as imagens orbitais. As fotografias aéreas proporcionaram um maior nível de detalhamento na identificação do uso da terra. A banda 3 e a composição colorida 3/4/5 foram as mais eficientes entre as imagens orbitais. Entre 1978 e 1991, a área de ocorrência de cana-de-açúcar permaneceu a mesma, as áreas de mata e pastagem diminuíram, enquanto que as áreas de reflorestamento e urbana aumentaram. Essa região teve sua capacidade de uso enquadrada, na maior parte, na classe IV: terras mais apropriadas para pastagens ou plantas perenes como a cana-de-açúcar, devendo-se aplicar técnicas intensivas de conservação, e com aptidão baseada em práticas agrícolas que refletem um alto nível tecnológico.Land use was studied in Santa Bárbara D'Oeste,SP in an area of 14,625 ha. Two land use mappings were made using pancromatic aerial photographs (date 25/6/78, in a scale of 1:35,000 and orbital images from LANDSAT-5 satellite (date 12/8/91 in a scale 1:100,000, at bands 3, 4 and 5 and color composition 3/4/5. Interpretation keys for aerial photos and orbital images were established to assist map making. For land use identification photos presented more details. On the other hand, orbital images at band 3 and color composition 3/4/5 were more efficient in relation to the other bands. Sugar cane crop area did not change in the studied period (1978-1991, forest and pasture areas had a reduction and urban areas increased. Using the land capability

  12. Desarrollo general agropecuario y forestal del estado de Querétaro en el periodo 1930-1960

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    Elizabeth Holt Büllner


    Full Text Available El estado de Querétaro situado en la Meseta Central de la República Mexicana, está limitado por cinco Estados: San Luis Potosí al norte y noreste, Hidalgo al este, Guanajuato al oeste y suroeste y México y Michoacán al sureste y sur respectivamente. Está localizado geográficamente entre los paralelos 20º01´02ºº y 21º37´17" N y los meridianos 99º03´23" y 100º34´01" O del Meridiano de Greenwich.


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    Christian Brannstrom


    Full Text Available El artículo compara dos regiones con base en los discursos publicados em publicaciones bien diseminadas, complementada con investigación de campo. La región Oeste de Bahia, con agricultura intensive, compárase con el Eagle Ford Shale, región de producción no convencional de petroleo e gas natural. El trabajo focalízase en como las elites usan la sustentabilidad en la gobernanza ambiental para justificar el uso de los recursos naturales en la agricultura e los hidrocarbonos. Enfatizo como el espetáculo sirve para augmenter el “prestigio regional” (CHASE, 2003 e como los aspectos sociales de la sustentabilidad ajudan a consolidar las ambiciones de explotación de los recursos naturales. En los dos casos las elites regionals no reproducem verbatim los discursos nacionales, pero sí las elites investen en traduzir los discursos en formato regional o canalizar las preocupaciones regionales e los parametros regionales en nuevas soluciones discursivos para mantener la explotación de los recursos naturales.

  14. Inserção de um hospital de grande porte na Rede de Urgências e Emergências da região Centro-Oeste

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    Emanuelly Paulino Soares

    Full Text Available Em face da exigência de se configurar as redes de cuidados, este estudo qualitativo analisa a inserção de um hospital de grande porte na Rede de Atenção às Urgências e Emergências na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil utilizando dados secundários, análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas aos gestores e profissionais que atuam no Centro de Trauma. Os resultados sugerem desconhecimento dos profissionais quanto à inserção do Hospital na rede; definição de fluxos e pactos incipiente; boas práticas na regulação pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgências. Conclui-se que a inserção do Hospital acontece de forma lenta e depende da articulação dos vários níveis do Sistema Único de Saúde.

  15. Difusão do agronegócio e reestruturação urbano-regional no Oeste Baiano

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    Camila Dutra dos Santos


    Full Text Available As redes agroindustriais, com apoio deliberado do Estado, vêm se estabelecendo nos lugares e produzindo uma reestruturação produtiva condizente com seus interesses, atingindo tanto a base técnica quanto a econômica e social do setor agrícola, e promovendo a formação e/ou a reestruturação de regiões que passam a encarnar especializações territoriais. O Oeste Baiano se configura como um desses exemplos de região funcional ao agronegócio, contendo, principalmente a partir da década de 1980, condições favoráveis à expansão dessa atividade, com investimento maciço de capital público e privado na tecnificação do território. Essa região tem sua organização socioespacial atual pautada por redes agroindustriais que participam dos circuitos espaciais de produção e círculos de cooperação da produção moderna de grãos, principalmente da soja. Os conteúdos urbanos e os papéis regionais das principais cidades do Oeste Baiano resultam de uma crescente integração entre o agronegócio e os circuitos da economia urbana, transformando tais cidades em espaços funcionais às exigências produtivas do campo moderno. Nessa região, a difusão do agronegócio tem-se processado de forma conservadora e excludente, traduzindo-se no reforço de históricas desigualdades socioespaciais, bem como na criação de novas. Résumé LA DIFFUSION DE L’AGROBUSINESS ET RESTRUCTURATION URBAINE-RÉGIONALE DANS L’OUEST BAIANO Les réseaux agro-industrielles, avec le soutien delibere de l’Etat, sont établis dans des lieux et provoquent une restructuration productive compatible avec leurs intérêts, changeant la base technique et aussi économique et sociale du secteur agricole, et provoquant la formation e/ou la restructuration des régions qui viennent à incarner des spécialisations territoriales. L’Ouest de Bahia, situé au Nordeste du Brésil, est configuré comme un exemple de ces régions fonctionnels au l

  16. Anemia em gestantes de municípios das regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste do Brasil Anemia en mujeres enbarazadas de ciudades de regiones Sur y Centro-Oeste de Brasil Anemia in pregnant women from two cities in the South and Mid-West Regions of Brazil

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    Elizabeth Fujimori


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se analisar a distribuição da anemia em gestantes da rede básica de saúde de dois municípios, na região Sul e Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Estudo transversal retrospectivo e descritivo desenvolvido a partir de dados de prontuários de 954 e 781 gestantes em Cuiabá-MT e Maringá-PR, respectivamente. Coletaram-se dados de caracterização sociodemográfica, de pré-natal e indicadores sociais. Foram consideradas anêmicas, as mulheres com hemoglobina inferior a 11g/dL. A desigualdade social existente entre os municípios foi evidente. Gestantes atendidas em Cuiabá-MT apresentavam características sociodemográficas significativamente mais precárias. A prevalência de anemia era significativamente maior e valores médios de hemoglobina menores em Cuiabá-MT, independentemente da idade gestacional. Encontrou-se associação dos níveis de hemoglobina com a idade, situação conjugal, número de gestações anteriores, estado nutricional e trimestre gestacional. As diferenças regionais na ocorrência da anemia gestacional são socialmente determinadas, o que deve ser considerado nas propostas de intervenção em saúde coletiva.Se analizó la distribución de anemia en mujeres embarazadas asistidas en servicios básicos de salud de dos ciudades de las regiones Sur y Centro-Oeste de Brasil. Estudio transversal retrospectivo y descriptivo. Se usó datos de registros médicos de 954 y 781 embarazadas de Cuiabá-MT y Maringá-PR, respectivamente. Se recopilaron datos sobre características sociodemográficas, atención prenatal e indicadores sociales. Hemoglobina-HbWe aimed to analyze anemia distribution in pregnant women who were attending health services in two cities in the South and Mid-West Regions in Brazil. This is a retrospective cross-sectional study developed from 954 and 781 medical records data in Cuiabá-MT and Maringá-PR. We collected data of social and demographic features as well as pre-natal care. Women who presented

  17. O gênero Strangalia Audinet-Serville no Norte e Centro-Oeste do Brasil (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae The genus Strangalia Audinet-Serville in northern and central Brazil (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lepturinae

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    Marcela L. Monné


    Full Text Available As espécies do gênero Strangalia Audinet-Serville do Norte e Centro-Oeste do Brasil são revistas. Strangalia xanthomelaena sp. nov. é descrita de Rondônia e Mato Grosso, Brasil. Dois novos sinônimos são propostos: Ophistomis irene Gounelle, 1911 = Euryptera albicollis Pascoe, 1860; O. paraensis Bates, 1870 = O. bivittatus Bates, 1870. São fornecidas ilustrações e chave para identificação das espécies.The species of the genus Strangalia from northern and central Brazil are revised. Strangalia xanthomelaena sp. nov. is described from Rondônia and Mato Grosso, Brazil. Two new synonyms are proposed: Ophistomis irene Gounelle, 1911 = Euryptera albicollis Pascoe, 1860; O. paraensis Bates, 1870 = O. bivittatus Bates, 1870. Illustrations and key for identification are provided.

  18. Aerofotos convencionais e imagens orbitais TM/LANDSAT no mapeamento morfopedológico em Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP Mapping and fisiographic characterization of soils using conventional aerial photographs and orbital images TM/LANDSAT-5 in Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP

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    J.A.M. Demattê


    Full Text Available Foram estudados, com o auxílio de fotografias aéreas, aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos do relevo e da rede de drenagem de solos de uma área de Santa Bárbara D'Oeste, SP. Esta região compreende 14.625 ha, onde foram selecionadas bacias hidrográficas de 3ª ordem de ramificação e amostras circulares de 5km². As unidades de mapeamento simples ou associações de solos são: Latossolo Vermelho Escuro, Podzólico, Litossolo + Podzólico, Terra Roxa Estruturada + Latossolo Roxo distrófico. Após a caracterização das feições fisiográficas, da área de ocorrência desses solos, foram realizados dois mapas morfopedológicos. No primeiro utilizou-se fotografias aéreas verticais pancromáticas na escala 1: 35.000 (data de 25/6/78 e no segundo imagens orbitais do sensor "Thematic Mapper" do LANDSAT-5, nas bandas 3, 4 e 5 e composição colorida 3/4/5 na escala 1: 100.000 (data de 12/9/91. As análises qualitativas e quantitativas do relevo (índice de declividade média e rede de drenagem (densidade de drenagem, freqüência de rios, razão de textura mostraram-se eficientes na diferenciação das unidades de solo estudadas, tanto em bacias hidrográficas como em amostras circulares. A utilização de fotografias aéreas, permitiu maior riqueza de detalhes na precisão dos limites das unidades de mapeamento e no maior número de unidades de mapeamento discriminadas em relação as imagens orbitais. A composição colorida 3/4/5 permitiu diferenciar os Latossolos argilosos dos Latossolos de textura média, assim como o Latossolo Húmico.Using aerial photographs quantitative and qualitative parameters of drainage patterns and landscape were studied in an area located in Santa Barbara D'Oeste,SP. This area has 14,625 ha, represented by the following simple map units or associations: Dark Red Latosols; Red Yellow Podzoh'c associated with some Lithosols; Dusky Latosol associated with "Terra Roxa Estruturada" (a Rodudal. Sampling areas were

  19. Lei de Acesso à Informação nos Municípios do Extremo Oeste de Santa Catarina

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    Deneide Teresinha de Carli


    Full Text Available A Lei de Acesso à Informação (LAI, nº 12.527, de 18/11/2011, regula o acesso a informações públicas em todos os âmbitos do Poder Público. Objetivou investigar de que forma a LAI é disponibilizada nas prefeituras catarinenses integrantes da Associação dos Municípios do Extremo Oeste de Santa Catarina (AMEOSC. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, documental e quantitativa. Utilizou checklist e questionário aplicado às 13 prefeituras da AMEOSC, que formaram o universo desta pesquisa. Fundamentou-se a revisão de literatura abordando sobre a LAI, a gestão documental arquivística e os ciclos de vida dos documentos. Dos 13 questionários aplicados, responderam seis prefeituras, (três possuem população acima de dez mil, obrigadas a disponibilizar o acesso à LAI e três abaixo de dez mil. Conclui-se que é cedo para fazer uma ampla avaliação da disponibilização da LAI nos municípios pesquisados, visto que a mesma foi aprovada em 2011. As prefeituras estão se estruturando para atender as demandas. Considerou-se como obstáculos a insuficiência de recursos humanos, inadequada divulgação e conscientização dos servidores e da população em geral.

  20. Conservacion de truchas del Pacifico (United States)

    Brooke E. Penaluna


    La historia de las truchas del Pacífico, pertenecientes al género Oncorhynchus, es una historia muy interesante que se basa en la persistencia y diversificación de sus especies debido, en gran parte, al dinamismo propio que existe en su medio ambiente. Desde el oeste de Norteamérica, extendiéndose hasta el este de Asia, las truchas del Pacífico han experimentado la...


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    Issacar Nguendjo


    Full Text Available Según los últimos desarrollos teóricos en la enseñanza de idiomas en general y del español en particular, identificar y explicar los puntos sensibles y los errores sistemáticos propios a una muestra de alumnos con perfil e historial lingüístico similares contribuye a mejorar el aprendizaje. Asimismo, en este trabajo hemos centrado nuestra atención en los errores generalizados cometidos por nuestros alumnos de español de la Universidad de Dschang en Camerún desde una perspectiva esencialmente fonética y fonológica. Hemos identificado algunos aspectos que en su pronunciación distan del modelo fonético español como resultados de los sustratos, interferencias y del bagaje lingüístico de nuestros alumnos que casi todos son bantúes, nativos de la región del oeste de Camerún, y francófonos. Este trabajo es pues una descripción explicativa de estos errores con el fin de enfocar mejor las enseñanzas y conseguir más eficacia en el aprendizaje.

  2. Custos na prestação de serviço público de saúde do município de São João do Oeste - SC: um estudo empírico

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    Marino Luiz Eyerkaufer


    Full Text Available Objetiva-se identificar o custo da prestação de serviço público do transporte depacientes para fora do Município da Secretaria da Saúde de São João do Oeste – SC visando concluir pela sua manutenção sob responsabilidade direta do município, ou então, pela sua terceirização. Trata-se de um estudo teórico e empírico, que se caracteriza como descritivo e quantitativo. Por meio de coleta documental, chegou-se aos dados numéricos municipais, como viagens realizadas, pacientes transportados, veículos utilizados neste transporte e mão-de-obra direta e indireta, envolvidas neste tipo de prestação de serviço nos meses de abril, maio, junho e julho de 2006. Aplicou-se questionário às empresas do setor, interessadas em prestar o serviço de forma terceirizada. Para atender ao objetivo proposto e dar sustentação ao tema, buscou-se na literatura conceitos de: contabilidade, contabilidade de custo, análise de custos, prestação de serviços, sistemas de custo, métodos de custeio, contabilidade pública, serviços públicos, terceirização, terceirização no setor público e saúde pública. Conclui-se, por meio da pesquisa, que o custo da prestação do serviço público de transporte de pacientes da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São João do Oeste - SC é elevado, porém, está abaixo do custo orçado para a terceirização, devendo a municipalidade optar pela manutenção do serviço.

  3. Theropoda dinosaurs tracks from Triassic basin nd Ischigualasto - Villa Union, western Argentina; Huellas de dinosaurios teropodos de la cuencas triasica de Ischigualasto-Villa Union, oeste de Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Contreras, V; Bracco, A [Instituto de Geologia Emiliano P. Aparicio, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina)


    The Anchisauripus isp. and Theropoda indet. dinosaurs tracks from the Triassic Los Rastros and Ischigualasto formations, at the Ischigualasto-Villa Union Basin, Western Argentina, are described in this paper. This record completes the paleontological data provided by rest of bones and increases the stratigraphic range of some taxa in which bones are either missing or scarse. On the other hand, this report also allows us to enlarge the faunistic assemblage of some vertebrate assemblages. [Spanish] Se describen huellas de dinosaurios teropodos asignados a Anchisauripus isp. y Theropoda indet. para las formaciones triasicas de Los Rastros e Ischigualasto en el Oeste de Argentina. Los sitios con huellas en la cuenca triasica de Ischigualasto - Villa Union complementan los datos paleontologicos ofrecidos por los restos oseos, ampliando el rango estratigrafico de algunos taxa donde sus huesos estan ausentes o son relativamente escasos e incluso permiten ampliar el cortejo faunistico de algunas asociaciones de vertebrados.


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    Cristiane da Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho é fruto de constantes observações acerca da reação dos discentes a respeito de aulas práticas realizadas no período de estagio supervisionado. Conta com um delineamento metodológico de estudo de caso onde foi aplicado um questionário de composição mista a todos os docentes de biologia das escolas estaduais de nível médio de Colorado do Oeste num total de quatro profissionais, contou também com o levantamento documental sobre o projeto do curso e os planejamentos anuais dos professores. Conclui-se ao final que a possibilidade da utilização de aulas práticas neste nível de ensino potencializa o aprendizado, tornando-o mais eficaz e integrado a realidade apesar da infraestrutura física básica ou precária utilizada para sua realização.

  5. Crescimento em altura dominante do Pinus elliottii e Pinus taeda em solos arenizados degradados no oeste do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Paulo Renato Schneider


    Full Text Available A introdução de espécies florestais de rápido crescimento em áreas com solos arenizados e degradados pode ser uma alternativa tanto para a prevenção como para a minimização desse problema. O trabalho objetivou avaliar o crescimento em altura dominante do Pinus elliottii Engelm. e Pinus taeda L. em relação aos solos arenizados e degradados por ação antrópica, no oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS. Para isso, foram selecionadas árvores dominantes em povoamentos com 29 anos de idade, em áreas com dois níveis de degradação, as quais foram abatidas e seccionadas pelo método de Smalian para a obtenção de discos de madeira para a análise dendrocronológica e determinação da altura dominante por idade, no período de 1982 a 2010. Os crescimentos em altura dominante dessas espécies, quando comparados entre si e por nível de degradação do solo, apresentaram tendências diferentes de desenvolvimento no tempo, indicando a presença de polimorfismo das curvas.

  6. Importancia de la Pedagogía Social en la formación profesional de jóvenes socialmente desfavorecidos en Berlín (Alemania

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    Mónica Drebing Ruiz Holst


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la situacion de j6venes que estan en para o amenazados por este, asi como la importancia de la Pedagogia Social en la formación profesional de jóvenes socialmente desfavorecidos en Alemania, concretamente en Berlin. Como en otros parses industriales del oeste, la Republica Federal Alemana anota un número considerable de parados a raiz de la crisis de 1974/75 en los años 80. El número de parados ascendio a casi 2,5 millones en enero de 1983. En el misrno afio en Berlin Oeste 88 7 I9 mujcres y hombres adultos estuvieron en pam con una tasa de 11,I%. Los jovenes menores de 20 aiios alcanzaron una tasa de pam de 16,4% con 6 321 j6venes. Al considerar las estadfsticas de estos juveniles, se pucdc constatar que la mayorfa de ellos no recibieran una formaci6n profesional. A consecuencia de esta situacion extremadamente negativa para los j6venes en cuestion, la Prestacion Juvenil estatal (staatliche Jugendhil[e intenta seguir un nuevo camino al ofrecer fuera del ambito de los hogares juveniles, plazas para la formaci6n profesional con un componente socio-pedag6gico. Esto es el caso del Modelo Experimental (Modellversuch que se cre6 en Berlin Oeste en 1979. Par ultimo, se trata de reflejar la situacion actual del para y de la formación profesional para jovenes socialmente desfavorecidos en Berlin. 


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    Janice Costa da Silva Fauro


    Full Text Available O principal objetivo deste artigo é analisar as implicações das transformações tecnológicas da agricultura paranaense e os impactos ambientais decorrentes dessas mudanças estruturais, elegendo como cenário a região Oeste do Paraná. O modelo agrário tecnológico introduzido na agricultura brasileira desde a década de 1950, e, posteriormente (década de 1970, especificamente no quadro agrícola paranaense, tem como uma de suas características centrais a exclusão dos pequenos produtores, estimulando a produção de cultivos de elevada cotação comercial (commodities, os quais por sua natureza requerem extensas áreas de plantio, em detrimento dos alimentos produzidos pela maioria dos produtores. Cabe destacar que a pressão do setor industrial sobre o setor agrícola, fortalecido após o processo de industrialização e de internacionalização do capital, é significativa. A metodologia empregada envolveu a revisão bibliográfica, relacionando os ciclos econômicos que marcaram a ocupação do território paranaense e a exploração dos recursos naturais, como também a manutenção das áreas de preservação ambiental, mais especificamente o Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, instituído em 1939, como reserva de Proteção Integral. A análise dos resultados permitiu considerar o caráter de dispersão das mudanças tecnológicas na agricultura do Estado do Paraná, entendendo que nem todas as regiões do Estado se tecnificaram e mecanizaram ao mesmo tempo.

  8. Mapping the Lisbon Potential Foodshed in Ribatejo e Oeste: A Suitability and Yield Model for Assessing the Potential for Localized Food Production

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    Andreia Saavedra Cardoso


    Full Text Available Research on food planning has been recently proposed in North American and European planning to account for how cities might change their food provision to respond to the rising demands for a more sustainable and ethical food system. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the agro-ecological potential of the Lisbon city region, Ribatejo e Oeste, to increase its Regional Food Self-Reliance (RFSR, through adopting demand restraint and food system relocalization approaches to food system sustainability. Three new diet scenarios were considered: meat-based, plant-based and strict vegetarian, defined in accordance with healthy dietary patterns. We used agro-climatic and agro-edaphic agricultural suitability models to evaluate the agro-ecological potential for RFSR, and proposed the use of Foodshed Landscape Plans within a landscape planning methodology. Results showed the extent of local food production that could improve food self-reliance, with 72%, 76%, 84% of total food needs in the meat-based, plant-based, and strict vegetarian scenarios, respectively. Thus, food system transformation by means of relocalization, is therefore ecologically feasible and would ensure the sustainable use of the ecological basis of food security. Additionally, a dietary transition would imply significant land sparing, which strengthens the demand restraint perspective for a transition to food system sustainability.

  9. Prevalência de doenças oculares e causas de comprometimento visual em crianças atendidas em um Centro de Referência em Oftalmologia do centro-oeste do Brasil

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    Maria Nice Araujo Moraes Rocha


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar os níveis de comprometimento visual e a prevalência de oftalmopatias e ametropias em crianças atendidas em um centro de referência em oftalmologia do centro-oeste brasileiro. Comparar os achados com dados publicados referentes a outras regiões do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo transversal, descritivo e retrospectivo com análise de prontuários de crianças atendidas no Centro de Referência em Oftalmologia (CEROF da Universidade Federal de Goiás, no período compreendido entre abril de 2009 e março de 2010. Resultados: Foram avaliados 2408 prontuários, sendo 2128 (88,4% de atendimento eletivo e 280 (11,6% de atendimento no setor de urgências do CEROF. Houve predomínio na faixa etária de 6 a 10 anos (44,2%, seguido pela de 11 a 14 anos (29,6%. O exame foi considerado normal em 12,9% (n=274 dos atendimentos eletivos e em 6,8 (n=19 dos atendimentos de urgência. As doenças mais encontradas nas crianças foram as conjuntivites infecciosas (248 casos, 26,4% e alérgicas (204 casos, 21,7%, blefarite (69 casos, 7,3%, calázio (34 casos, 3,6%, estrabismo (133 casos, 12,06%, as doenças de retina e vítreo (24 casos, 2,6%, catarata e alterações de cristalino (20 casos, 2,1%. As ametropias mais frequentes, contadas por olho, foram a hipermetropia (46,9% e o astigmatismo (42,2% e as doenças sistêmicas mais informadas foramprematuridade (30 casos e diabete melito (26 casos. Conclusão: Este estudo identificou as principais causas de doenças oculares em crianças atendidas em um centro universitário de referência. O grupo de doenças mais prevalente foi o das doenças de córnea e conjuntiva (conjuntivites alérgicas, olho seco e ceratites. As doenças de pálpebra ocuparam o segundo lugar (blefarite, calázio, e obstrução de vias lacrimais. As ametropias mais frequentes foram a hipermetropia e o astigmatismo. Os achados na população estudada mostram-se semelhantes aos observados na literatura nacional.

  10. Alguns Comentários à Margem de um Artigo Relativo à Distribuição Espacial do Centro-Oeste na Questão do Milho e do Arroz

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    José Manuel Carvalho Marta


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é discutir os aspectos econômico-culturais que determinam a produção do milho e do arroz na região Centro Oeste, considerando a cultura de abertura de lavouras temporárias. Utilizou-se o método histórico-analítico, considerando aspectos da interpretação antropológica de outros autores e a própria vivência do autor. O artigo procura mostrar a necessidade da pesquisa de campo regional em face da generalização estatística que omite aspectos importantes. Dessa maneira, mostra como a produção de milho se desenvolveu principalmente em Goiás, considerando os aspectos culturais decorrentes da origem da população. Ao mesmo tempo procura realçar a produção do arroz de sequeiro como “amansadora” das terras de Mato Grosso, no processo de abertura da fronteira do cerrado.

  11. Crescimento em diâmetro do Pinus elliottii e Pinus taeda em áreas arenizadas e degradadas no Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Paulo Renato Schneider


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar o desempenho do Pinus elliottii Engelm. e Pinus taeda L. em áreas arenizadas e degradadas por ação antrópica, na região da fronteira oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Em povoamentos, foram selecionadas árvores médias, que foram abatidas e seccionadas pelo método de Smalian, a fim de obter discos de madeira para a análise dendrocronológica, para a obtenção do diâmetro por idade. O crescimento em diâmetro, quando comparado entre espécies, apresentou tendências diferentes de níveis de desenvolvimento no tempo. O uso de variáveis dummy no modelo de crescimento permitiu definir uma equação única para estimar o diâmetro em função da idade para ambas as espécies, considerando os níveis de degradação do solo médio e baixo, como variáveis necessárias para estimar o crescimento destas espécies nestes tipos de solos arenizados e degradados.

  12. Isolamento e caracterização de estirpes de Bacillus thuringiensis coletadas em solos do oeste baiano - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v7i2.999

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    Lílian Botelho Praça


    Full Text Available A partir de 21 amostras de solos da região oeste da Bahia, foram isoladas nove estirpes de B. thuringiensis. As estirpes de B. thuringiensis foram testadas contra lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda, Anticarsia gemmatalis, Plutella xylostella e Anthonomus grandis. Das nove estirpes, duas apresentaram efetividade, a S2183 contra S. frugiperda e a S2186 contra S. frugiperda, A. gemmatalis e P. xylostella. Com relação ao A. grandis, nenhuma das estirpes apresentou mortalidade acima de 70%. Estas estirpes foram submetidas à bioensaios para cálculo da CL50 e a caracterizações bioquímicas e moleculares. Em bioensaio, a S2183 não apresentou efetividade nas doses recomendadas contra os insetos testados e S2186 apresentou uma CL50 de 375 µg/mL apenas para P. xylostella. As estirpes apresentaram duas proteínas principais de 100 e 70 kDa. Somente S2186 apresentou produtos de PCR para o gene cry2 e cristais bipiramidais, apresentando-se semelhante ao padrão B. thuringiensis subespécie kurstaki.

  13. Sobrepeso y obesidad en una población Wichi del oeste formoseño: prevalencia y efectos bioculturales

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    Lanza, Norberto


    Full Text Available La prevalencia sobrepeso y obesidad ha estado aumentando significativamente en los últimos años, aún en poblaciones socioeconómicamente carenciadas. Las poblaciones indígenas parecen ser particularmente susceptibles a este factor de riesgo, aunque las razones para esto no son claras. El objetivo de este trabajo fue el de analizar la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en una población rural Wichí del oeste de la provincia de Formosa. Se tomaron medidas de peso y talla en 109 mujeres y 58 varones mayores de 12 años, estimándose el índice de masa corporal (IMC. Nuestros resultados muestran una alta prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en esta población: 36% de las mujeres y 29% de los hombres tenían sobrepeso, mientras que 5% de las mujeres y 7% de los hombres eran obesos. También se encontró una asociación significativa entre el IMC y la edad. La ausencia de diferencias significativas en el IMC entre sexos resulta notable ya que son las mujeres las que constitucionalmente tienden a tener mayores valores de IMC. Se hipotetiza que, debido a la intervención de factores bioculturales, los hombres tienen un mayor acceso a alimentos que las mujeres. Estos resultados y otros obtenidos por nuestro equipo en comunidades Toba, contribuyen a un mejor entendimiento de los factores de riesgo sanitario en estas poblaciones y facilitan la aplicación de políticas de salud pública culturalmente más sensibles y, por lo tanto, más efectivas.

  14. Régimen jurídico de las islas uruguayas

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    Carlos Delpiazzo


    Full Text Available Introducción. Uruguay en América. El territorio nacional.- Conformación. - Principales islas. Islas del Océano Atlántico. Islas del Río de la Plata. Islas del Río Uruguay. Islas de la Laguna Merín. Islas interiores. Marco normativo. Marco conceptual. - Caracterización. - Naturaleza jurídica. - Tipología. Marco organizativo. Encuadramiento en la organización nacional. - Encuadramiento en la organización departamental. Conclusiones.La República Oriental del Uruguay es uno de los países más pequeños de América del Sur, que está situado entre los paralelos 30º y 35º de latitud Sur y los meridianos 53º y 58º de longitud Oeste, limitando al Norte y Noreste con la República Federativa del Brasil, al Oeste con la República Argentina, al Sur con el Río de la Plata y al Este con el Océano Atlántico, siendo su capital, Montevideo, la ciudad capital más austral del mundo.El espacio geográfico nacional abarca actualmente un área terrestre de 176.215 kilómetros cuadrados, al que corresponde agregar el espacio acuático de sus ríos y lagunas limítrofes y de su mar territorial sobre el Océano Atlántico, con sus respectivas islas, totalizando 313.782 kilómetros cuadrados.


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    Ana Paula Salcedo


    Full Text Available El paisaje patagónico se caracteriza en líneas generales por la cordillera de los Andes al Oeste, las mesetas de origen sedimentario y basáltico en la porción central y los valles y faldeos dispuestos en sentido Oeste-Este. Dentro de la unidad de mesetas basálticas el macizo de Somuncura es el de mayor dimensión en la Patagonia, ocupando una importante superficie de las provincias de Río Negro y Chubut. El manto basáltico que lo constituye actúa como un gran reservorio del agua que infiltra producto de las precipitaciones, lo que da lugar a la formación de numerosas vertientes en la periferia de la meseta, siendo un importante recurso para el asentamiento humano y el desarrollo de actividades agrícolas y ganaderas. Sin embargo, durante las últimas décadas, distintos factores han confluido en detrimento de las potencialidades para el desarrollo rural en la región, conllevando a un progresivo despoblamiento, a la retracción de las actividades productivas e incluso al abandono de los campos.

  16. Meteorological database 1994 – 2015 Nuclear Center “RACSO”


    Osores, José


    Se presenta los datos meteorológicos diarios relativos a la presión atmosférica, temperatura, humedad relativa, dirección y velocidad del viento, de la zona de emplazamiento del Centro Nuclear RACSO, distrito de Carabayllo, provincia de Lima, correspondientes al período 1994 al 31 de diciembre de 2015. El CN RACSO se encuentra ubicado a 410 metros sobre el nivel del mar, a 11°47’45” de latitud sur y 77°00’29”de longitud oeste.

  17. Els isòpodes terrestres (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscidea) del Parc Natural de l’illa de sa Dragonera (Illes Balears, Mediterrània occidental)


    Garcia, Ll.


    S’han recol·lectat 17 espècies d’isòpodes terrestres (Crustacea: Oniscidea) al Parc natural de l’illa de sa Dragonera, situada al sud-oest de l’illa de Mallorca (Espanya, Illes Balears, Mediterrània occidental). En el decurs de vàries expedicions realitzades a l’illa en els anys 1989, 1999, 2000, 2005 i 2006 s’han capturat aproximadament 400 exemplars, directament a mà o mitjançant trampes de caiguda. Fins aleshores únicament s’havia citat a sa Dragonera una espècie d’Oniscidea...

  18. Las mineralizaciones argentíferas de Plasenzuela, Cáceres. España


    Lago Rodríguez, A.; Castroviejo Bolibar, Ricardo; Nodal Ramos, T.


    En el distrito de Plasenzuela, constituido por cinco minas reconocidas y numerosas labores menores, se desarrolló, especialmente en el siglo XIX y a comienzos del XX, una intensa actividad minera para la extracción de menas de plata y plomo. Estas cementan brechas y rellenan fracturas, principalmente de dirección N-S, con buzamientos fuertes al oeste, que ocupan una faja N-S, de unos 10 X 3 Km., próxima al borde occidental del macizo granítico de Plasenzuela. Los materiales encajantes están e...

  19. The academic qualification of sexual education in biological science at IFRO Campus Colorado Do Oeste/RO

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    Juliana Negrello Rossarolla


    Full Text Available This article gives evidence of results in an initial training offered to the students from the seventh semestre in Biological Sciences course at the Federal Institute in Education, Science and Technology of Rondônia - IFRO - CampusColoradodo Oeste. This activity was developed during the IX Environmental Week, an event that took place at Campus in June, 2016. During the activity, the academics in Biological Sciences course carried out mini-courses in which was approached the subject of human sexuality for four classes from the first year students in Agricultural Technical Course integrated to High School. After completing the activities of Sexual Education that dealt with some topics such as: early sexual initiation, STIs (sexually transmitted infections, homophobia, sexual harassment, media exposure, gender difference, contraceptive methods, among others and after all the data were collected. For that, the students answered a questionnaire about the subject on sexuality, the contributions of this practice is in order to discuss situations related to the subject. After the analysis, was checked a great relevance of the theme proposed for the initial qualification of academics in order to them approach the subject in a significant way to teenagers who attend the schools in which these academics will be able to develop their activities. It was checked out that students from the Agricultural Course integrated to High School who was developing the course have a very restricted index of information about the subject that was handled it. This can be a reality that reaches many young people who attend the Basic Education in many Brazilian schools. On the other hand, the information obtained gave the academics and teachers from the Biological Sciences Course moments of reflection about the inclusion of contents that contemplate this subject in the school curriculum of Basic Education and of the higher course that they attend, as well as the need of a

  20. Sementes de soja produzidas em épocas de safrinha na região oeste do Estado do Paraná = Soybean seeds produced in out season in west of Paraná state

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    Leandro Paiola Albrecht


    Full Text Available O cultivo de soja em safrinha é prática que se consolida, em termos de opção, para a entressafra, podendo servir também à produção de sementes de soja. O presente trabalho foi conduzido com objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes épocas de semeadura, na safrinha da soja, sobre a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária das sementes de três cultivares de soja, na região oeste do Estado do Paraná. Para tanto, foram conduzidos quatro ensaios, no ano de 2005, com delineamento em blocos completos casualizados, instalando-se um ensaio em quatro épocas de semeadura (15/01, 30/01, 15/02 e 15/03. Os cultivares estudados foram CD 202, CD 215 e CD 216. As sementes foram avaliadas por meio dos testes de germinação e de vigor (primeira contagem e envelhecimento acelerado e a sanidade por meio do “blotter test”. As sementes produzidas no período de safrinha no ano de 2005, para ascondições edafoclimáticas da região oeste do Estado do Paraná, não foram favoráveis à obtenção de sementes de alta qualidade fisiológica.The soybean culture in out season as a practice that consolidates in terms of an option between harvests, could also serve to the production of soybean seeds. The present work was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effect of sowing in out season, on physiological and sanitary quality of seeds of three soybeans cultivars, in west of Paraná state. For such way were conducted four assays in the year of 2005, arranged in a completely randomized blockdesign, with each assay sown in different dates (01/15, 01/30, 02/15 and 03/15. The studied cultivars were CD 202, CD 215 and CD 216. The seeds were evaluated by germination and vigor tests (first counting and accelerated aging and of health. The seeds produced in “outseason” in the year of 2005, to the environmental conditions of the west of Paraná state were not favorable to the attainment of high physiological quality seeds.

  1. “Ni derechos ni humanos”

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    Eduardo Galeano


    Full Text Available Según Bush los enemigos de la humanidad son Iraq, Irán y Corea del Norte, principales candidatos para sus próximos ejercicios de tiro al blanco. La economía de guerra multiplica la prosperidad de los prósperos y cumple funciones de intimidación y castigo. Las puertas de los países ricos se cierran en la narices de los millones de fugitivos que peregrinan del Sur al Norte del Este al Oeste, huyendo de los cultivos aniquilados, de los ríos envenenados, de los bosques arrasados, de los precios arruinados, de los salarios enanizados...

  2. Práticas de Gestão de Custos Adotadas por Empresas Estabelecidas nas Regiões Noroeste e Oeste do Estado do ParanáCosts Management Practices by Organizations Located at Northwest and West ParanáPrácticas de Gestión de Costos Adoptadas por Empresas Establecidas en las Regiones Noroeste y Oeste del Estado de Paraná

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    DIEHL, Carlos Alberto


    environment. Some papers about cost management practices are discussed, and concepts and reasons to use them are analyzed. The research was conducted in 38 big and medium companies during 2005, using an exploratory and descriptive study. Companies are located in West and Northwest Paraná, a Brazilian State. The findings were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results show the companies doesn't use new cost management practices or improved ones. The main reasons are: they don’t know these practices, the cost/benefit relationship isn’t favorable and the preference for conventional cost management practices.RESUMENEsta investigación tiene por finalidad identificar las prácticas de gestión de costos adoptadas por las empresas, en el contexto de su aceptación como necesarias al actual ambiente de mercado. El estudio se circunscribe a las transformaciones ocurridas en el ambiente de negocios en las últimas décadas, así como a las nuevas y/o perfeccionadas prácticas de gestión de costos. Entre estas prácticas se destaca el costeo y la gestión basada en actividades, el costo de la calidad, el costo meta, el costeo del ciclo de vida y el análisis de la cadena de valor, defendidas por algunos autores como las más adecuadas al nuevo ambiente. Se examinan los conceptos y justificativas comprendidos en estas prácticas de gestión de costo, desde un prisma crítico, confrontando las opiniones de diversos investigadores. Clasificado como de naturaleza descriptiva y exploratoria, el estudio se fundamenta en una investigación efectuada en 38 empresas de mediano y gran porte, situadas en las regiones Oeste y Noroeste del Estado de Paraná, cuyos datos se recolectaron por medio de entrevistas realizadas en el período de septiembre a diciembre de 2005. Para el análisis se utilizó la estadística descriptiva. Como conclusión se tiene que, las nuevas y/o perfeccionadas prácticas de gestión de costos no recibieron la debida atención por parte de las empresas

  3. Mudanças institucionais e produção familiar na cadeia produtiva do leite no Oeste Catarinense

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    Luis Fernando Tividini Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral analisar como os agricultores familiares comportam-se frente às mudanças significativas no ambiente institucional da cadeia produtiva do leite a partir de novas legislações. Nesse sentido, foram investigadas as principais consequências e impactos na organização socioprodutiva das famílias produtoras de leite na região Oeste Catarinense em decorrência da Instituição Normativa n. 51 do Ministério da Agricultura. Para tanto, foi utilizada a abordagem da Nova Economia Institucional (NEI, especialmente no que tange à formação e adaptação dos agricultores ao ambiente institucional da cadeia leiteira. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso, e as informações analisadas foram obtidas através de pesquisa de campo junto a atores estratégicos envolvidos na produção de leite e derivados na região. Concluiu-se que a IN51 influencia decisivamente a forma de organização e participação da agricultura familiar na cadeia produtiva do leite.This paper aims to analyze how family farmers behave facing significant changes in the institutional environment of milk production chain. In this sense, we investigated main consequences and impacts on the social and productive organization of milk producing families as a result of the Institution Normative 51 by Ministry of Agriculture in the western region of Santa Catarina state. We used the approach of New Institutional Economics (NIE and field research with strategic actors involved in the dairy production in the region. We concluded that the IN51 decisively influences the form of organization and participation of family farming in the milk production chain.

  4. El legado del Movimiento Moderno. Conjuntos de vivienda masiva en ciudades europeas del Oeste y del Este. No tan diferentes…

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    Javier Monclús


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es comparar y contrastar algunos conjuntos de vivienda modernos en ciudades europeas del Oeste (“capitalistas” y del Este (“socialistas”. Nuestro trabajo se centra en conjuntos de vivienda masiva construidos en el periodo de crecimiento urbano acelerado que tuvo lugar en Europa principalmente en las décadas de los años 60 y 70 del pasado siglo. El punto de partida más obvio es que las ciudades socialistas son diferentes de las europeas occidentales por la distinta naturaleza de sus políticas urbanas, el sistema de planificación económica socialista centralizada, la ausencia de un mercado del suelo libre, el impacto de la industrial­ización en el sector de la construcción, etc. Sin embargo, hay muchos conceptos en urbanismo, así como en los procesos urbanos, que fueron compartidos en ambos sistemas políticos e ideológicos. El artículo ofrece una perspectiva comparada de la naturaleza de esos conjuntos residenciales modernos construidos a ambos lados del Telón de Acero –Housing Es­tates en UK, Grands Ensembles en Francia, Großsiedlungen en Alemania, Polígonos en España o los grandes conjuntos residenciales socialistas en los países del Bloque del Este– con el fin de entender mejor si –y hasta qué punto– las formas urbanas de dichos conjuntos son el resultado de la cultura internacional del urbanismo moderno.

  5. Caracterización de algunos factores de riesgo asociados al intento suicida en adolescentes

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    Idelis Fedeslinda Arias de la Torre


    Full Text Available El intento suicida es un problema de salud frecuente en los adolescentes, su manejo en muchas ocasiones resulta complejo y desalentador, por el riesgo de suicidio. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, con el objetivo de caracterizar algunos de los factores de riesgo asociados al intento suicida en los adolescentes del municipio de Bayamo en el año 2014. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por los 108 adolescentes que presentaron intento suicida, notificados por tarjeta de enfermedad de declaración obligatoria (EDO, en el departamento de Estadística de dicho municipio, en el período de estudio. Se estudiaron las variables edad, sexo, área de salud, antecedentes patológicos personales de enfermedades o sintomatologías psiquiátricas, conflictos personales, conflictos familiares y el método empleado de suicidio. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS, mostrados en tablas, expresados en números y porcientos. En la población de estudio predominó el sexo femenino (78,70 %, el grupo de edad de 14 a 16 años (50 %, el área de salud del policlínico Bayamo Oeste (tasa 74,9 x 10 000 habitantes, los deseos de hacerse daño (100 %, las malas relaciones con los padres (63,9 % y la ingestión de tabletas (92,7 %

  6. Caracterização faciológica e estratigráfica dos depósitos Flúvio-eólicos da Formação Pirambóia, permo-triássico da Bacia do Paraná, Oeste do Rio Grande


    Adriana Damiani Rodrigues


    O objetivo principal desta dissertação é elaborar um arcabouço faciológico e estratigráfico para os depósitos flúvio-eólicos da Formação Pirambóia, Permo-Triássico da Bacia do Paraná, no bloco oeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O entendimento dos processos controladores da sedimentação e a relação entre os depósitos fluviais e eólicos foram fundamentais para estabelecer um modelo estratigráfico de alta resolução. A análise faciológica determinou 10 litofácies que foram agrupadas em seis as...



    Santos, Paulo Ricardo; Paganini, Alice


    Este trabalho tem como tema principal o estudo das estratégias de marketing digital utilizadas nos Cursos de Comunicação Social da Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (Unoesc) de Joaçaba, assim como analisar os benefícios que trouxeram aos cursos e aos acadêmicos. Para isso, efetuou-se um estudo referente a esse tipo de marketing, suas ferramentas e estratégias, além da respectiva evolução dessa nova forma de atuação dentro da comunicação. Além de o presente trabalho ter como objetivo apr...

  8. Evolución magmatotectónica cenozoica del noroeste de Neuquén (37° 00´- 38° 00´S., Argentina)


    Rovere, Elizabeth Ivonne


    Este trabajo constituye un completo aporte al conocimiento geológico del volcanismo cenozoico en el noroeste de Neuquén. Presenta novedosos datos de índole científica, tales como datos geocronológicos y geoquímicos de rocas volcánicas y plutónicas. Estas rocas pertenecen a una región denominada "área clave", ubicada en un sector ubicado entre los 37° y 38° S al oeste de la cordillera del Viento. En este trabajo se presentan por primera vez estudios geoquímicos y geocronológicos con el propósi...





    Los valles intermontanos y costeros de la Cordillera de Nahuelbuta (38°) son un área clásicamente poblada por el pueblo Mapuche y por lo tanto, muy sencible para evaluar el impacto humano en la estructura del paisaje frente a cambios climáticos durante el Holoceno. Esta latitud representa una transición climático-vegetacional de la celda de alta presión (Anticiclón del Pacífico), al régimen de precipitaciones del cinturón de vientos del oeste y al efecto estacional de El Niño Osci...

  10. Presentación. A través del espejo

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    Full Text Available Presenta la traducción de dos influyentes artículos de Thorstein Veblen "El instinto del trabajo útil y el fastidio del trabajo" (1898 y "El status bárbaro de las mujeres" (1899, destacando sus impactos en el pensamiento social y económico del siglo XX en U.S.A. Enraizado en la antropología evolucionista del siglo XIX, ambos trabajos exploraron como el medio ambiente de trabajo de los humanos primitivos se desarrolló en la estructura de trabajo en el oeste, enfocando al humano como al animal como criaturas sociales. Ambos trabajos examinan la degradante naturaleza de lo repetitivo, trabajo de poca categoría y cómo relaciona la distinción entre clase y género. Elaboraciones en estos trabajos continuaron apareciendo en cada década del siglo XX, indicando no sólo la profundidad del análisis socioeconómico de Veblen, también su estilo claro y provocativo. Su antropológica opinión de U.S.A y la cultura del oeste europeo impactó el trabajo de muchos de los pensadores sociales del siglo, incluidos Robert. K. Merton, John A. Hobson y John Kenneth Galbraith.

  11. Population dynamics of spittlebugs in the Western Region of Paraná StateFlutuação populacional de cigarrinhas-das-pastagens na Região Oeste do Paraná

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    Dayanne Fabrício Bressan


    Full Text Available The spittlebugs are considered the most important pests in tropical pastures. The damages caused by these insects decrease the production of pastures. The objective this work was to study the population dynamics of Notozulia entreriana, from June 2007 to June 2008, and the correlation with meteorological and environmental factors (rainfall, temperature, daily solar radiation and pasture height. Therefore, sampled were made in three areas of grassland in the municipality of Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR. Sampling of adults and nymphs was made. Also we determined which species of spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae occur in the western region of Paraná State. The population fluctuation of N. entreriana showed four peaks during the period of favorable development - spring / summer. The daily solar radiation had a higher correlation with the population. Rainfall, temperature and pasture height had little correlation with the population dynamics. The species that occurred with greater abundance was N. entreriana, representing 88.4% of the total insects collected in western of Paraná State.As cigarrinha-das-pastagens são consideradas as mais importantes pragas em pastagens tropicais. Os danos ocasionados por estes insetos diminuem a produção das pastagens. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a flutuação populacional de Notozulia entreriana, no período de junho de 2007 a junho de 2008, e a correlação com os fatores meteorológicos/ambientais (precipitação pluviométrica, temperatura, radiação solar diária e altura da pastagem. Para tanto, amostraram-se três áreas de pastagem no município de Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR. Foram realizadas amostragens de adultos e ninfas. Também se determinaram quais as espécies de cigarrinhas-das-pastagens (Hemiptera: Cercopidae ocorrem na região oeste do Estado do Paraná. A flutuação populacional de N. entreriana apresentou quatro picos durante o período favorável de desenvolvimento - primavera

  12. A precariedade do transporte rodoviário brasileiro para o escoamento da produção de soja do Centro-Oeste: situação e perspectivas

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    Vivian Helena Capacle Correa


    Full Text Available O Centro-Oeste do Brasil se destaca como um pólo produtor de soja. Pela crise fiscal do Estado, a partir dos anos 80, a malha rodoviária brasileira perde investimentos públicos para sua ampliação, conservação e restauração, refletindo na competitividade internacional da oleaginosa dos cerrados. Isso porque o principal modal utilizado para o escoamento da produção do grão aos portos das regiões Sul e Sudeste é o rodoviário, com destaque para as rodovias BR 163 e 364. Por conta da inadequação desse modal às características do produto e às longas distâncias percorridas, aliada ao estado precário de conservação da malha rodoviária do País, 25% da receita de vendas da produção de soja está comprometida com os custos internos de transportes. Neste trabalho, apontam-se perspectivas e possíveis soluções à reversão desse cenário, via concessões rodoviárias e Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPP. Analisa-se o uso de diferentes modais para o escoamento da soja do Centro-Oeste, e conclui-se que os hidroviários e ferroviários são os mais eficientes, em razão da eficiência energética e da maior produtividade à movimentação de cargas de densidade mais elevadas por distâncias maiores - o que conferiria custos menores de circulação.The Center-Western of Brazil is known to be a soy production center. At the beginning of the 80's, because of a governmental fiscal crises, the Brazilian road infrastructure and conservation lost its investment, which reflected on the soy international competition. The main transportation used to deliver this product to the ports at the South and South-Eastern regions is the roads, highlighting the BR 163 and 364 road's. Due to the inadequacy of the roads to the characteristics of this product, the long distances that have to be filled and also the bad conservation state of the Brazilian roads, 25% of this products sales are already accounted for internal transportation costs. There are a

  13. La formación de educadores sexuales en la licenciatura en ciencias biológicas del IFRO - Campus Colorado del Oeste/RO

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    Juliana Negrello Rossarolla


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de una formación inicial propuesta a los alumnos del séptimo período del curso de Licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas del Instituto Federal de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de Rondônia - IFRO - Campus Colorado del Oeste. La actividad formativa fue desarrollada durantela IX SemanaAmbiental, evento que ocurrió en el Campus, en junio de 2016. En el curso de la actividad, los académicos del curso de Ciencias Biológicas realizaron cursos de corta duración que abordaron la temática de la sexualidad humana para cuatro grupos del primer año del curso Técnico en Agropecuaria Integrado ala Enseñanza Media.Concluidas las actividades de Educación Sexual que trataron temas como iniciación sexual precoz, IST (Infecciones Sexualmente Transmisibles, homofobia, acoso sexual, exposición a los medios, diferencia de género, métodos anticonceptivos, entre otros, se procedió a la recolección de datos. Para ello, los ministrantes respondieron a un cuestionario que con respecto a la formación docente en cuanto a la temática de la sexualidad las contribuciones de esa práctica para discutir situaciones relacionadas al asunto. Después de realizar los análisis, se constató la relevancia de la temática propuesta para la formación inicial de los académicos a fin de que puedan, abordar de forma significativa, el tema en cuestión, a los adolescentes que frecuentan las escuelas en las que estos académicos podrán desarrollar sus propias Actividades docentes. Se verificó que los alumnos del curso Técnico en Agropecuaria Integrado ala Enseñanza Media, con los que se desarrolló el curso de corta duración, presentan un índice bastante restringido de informaciones acerca de la temática abordada y muchas son las dudas e inquietudes que esos adolescentes tienen. Esta puede ser una realidad que llegue a muchos jóvenes que frecuentanla Educación Básicaen muchas escuelas brasileñas. Por otro lado, las

  14. Estudo de Caso de um Distúrbio Ondulatório de Leste sobre o Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil

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    Danielson Jorge Delgado Neves

    Full Text Available Resumo Distúrbios ondulatórios de leste (DOL são sistemas atmosféricos presentes na região tropical, preferencialmente sobre áreas dos oceanos Atlântico e Pacífico. Sobre o Atlântico são identificados, inicialmente, próximos à costa oeste do continente Africano e se propagam embebidos no fluxo dos Alíseos, em forma de ondas que se deslocam de leste para oeste. No Atlântico tropical sul, os DOL atuam, preferencialmente sobre o leste do Nordeste do Brasil (NEB contribuindo significativamente para os totais anuais de chuva. O presente trabalho analisa um caso de ocorrência de um DOL sobre o NEB, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, no dia 13 de Junho de 2014, fazendo o uso de dados de reanálise da componente meridional do vento e vorticidade relativa nos níveis de 850 hPa, água precipitável e dados observados de chuva. Observa-se que o DOL se intensifica entre os dias 12 e 13 de Junho, com valores de vorticidade negativa e água precipitável significativos, próximo à costa do NEB, e se apresenta inicialmente como uma extensão da atividade convectiva presente na ZCIT, desde o Oeste Africano. O DOL causou valores significativos de chuva, gerando deslizamentos de terra, alagamentos e problemas no trânsito de Natal, durante copa do mundo de futebol.

  15. Calendário floral de plantas melíferas nativas da Borda Oeste do Pantanal no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul

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    Suzana Maria Salis


    Full Text Available Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o padrão de floração, ao longo do ano, de plantas melíferas na Borda Oeste do Pantanal, no Maciço do Urucum, MS, bem como o tipo de recurso oferecido pela flora melífera, para elaborar um calendário floral para a região. A floração das plantas melíferas visitadas pelas abelhas nativas e africanizadas foi acompanhada quinzenalmente, por 3 anos consecutivos, tendo-se anotado a data de florescimento, o hábito de crescimento e os recursos coletados pelos insetos. Foram identificadas 160 espécies florescendo e sendo visitadas pelas abelhas, mas somente 73 espécies foram consideradas como plantas melíferas e incluídas no calendário floral, das quais 34 eram ervas, 17 árvores, 15 arbustos e 7 lianas. Foram observadas plantas melíferas em flor ao longo de todo o ano, com maior número no verão e menor no inverno. As ervas florescem mais intensamente no verão e no outono (janeiro-junho, enquanto as árvores e os arbustos, na primavera (final de setembro-dezembro. As lianas florescem, principalmente, no final do verão (março-abril. Néctar e pólen são oferecidos às abelhas ao longo de todo o ano, com diminuição da oferta nos meses de inverno (julho-setembro.

  16. Interpretación de anomalías de potencial espontáneo aplicada a un vertedero de desechos urbanos en el occidente de México


    Miguel A. Alatorre-Zamora; Luis Cortina; José O. Campos-Enríquez; Francis S. Birch


    Fue realizada la interpretación de anomalías de potencial espontáneo en dos perfiles norte-sur medidos en el depósito de desechos caseros de Matatlán, Guadalajara, al oeste de México. El sitio se localiza al este de la Ciudad de Guadalajara, sobre un flanco occidental del cañón del Río Grande de Santiago, y se asienta sobre una pequeña meseta densamente fracturada de andesitas basálticas y riolitas. La interpretación se realizó mediante el uso de tres técnicas numéricas. La primera consiste d...


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    Juan Minetti


    Full Text Available Aprovechando la reconstrucción del índice de posición latitudinal del anticiclón del O.Pacífico Sur sobre la costa de Chile (L durante el período 1901-2004, se analiza su comportamiento de largo plazo como variable anual o mensual en el período más precipitante del clima mediterráneo sudamericano. Existe una importante evidencia del traslado de L hacia latitudes altas desde mediados del Siglo XX al presente, que podría ser justificado con el actual proceso de calentamiento global, sin embargo esto no parece justificar el comportamiento opuesto observado en la primer mitad del Siglo XX. En términos mensuales la tendencia hacia latitudes altas es más evidente en L, pero el mes de Junio (opuesto es el encargado de mostrar que fluctuaciones de media y alta frecuencia pueden torcer una tendencia larga, lo que no hace recomendable el análisis en esta escala. Esto también es válido para series de variables anuales de alrededor de medio siglo o menos. Otra variable importante para el análisis en esta ocasión fue la intensidad anual del flujo de los Oeste en latitudes altas, que sí parece tener un comportamiento tendencial acorde a los cambios del calentamiento global.

  18. Al-Qurû’ fi Al-Qur’an ‘Inda Al-Anbary fi Al-Adhdâd

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    Raushani Azza


    Full Text Available This study examines about the term al-Qurû in the Qur’an. Al-Qurû is one of the most popular discussions among muslim scholars and mufasir, both in terms of language and fiqh. However, there is a bate among muslim scholar and mufasir about the meaning of al-Qurû. It’s because al-Qurû is one of the sentence of al-Adhdâd wich has two meaning, especially in the Qur’an, namely haid (menstruation and thahr. One of the most popular muslim scholar who concern in Qur’an and Arabic is al-Anbari with his book al-Adhdâd. Al-Anbari explains that Qurû has two meanings, First, al-Qurû in etymology is the form of Jama’ from aqra and qurû. Second, al-Qurû has a meaning of menstruation, thahr, or the period of iddah as a sign of being allowed to remarry after certain period of time.

  19. Estructura en profundidad del granito de Pozo de la Serna (Ciudad Real en base a datos gravimétricos

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    Bergamín, J. F.


    Full Text Available It has been done a 16 Km 1ength gravimetric outline with E-W trend and 44 gravity readings above granitic outcrop of Pozo de la Serna (W from Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real province.
    It is obtained the suitable Bouguer anomaly profile from which we calculate a serie of twodimensional cuantitative models of the structure in depth of such granitic body.
    Different summons posibilities are discussed subsequently.

    Se ha realizado un perfil gravimétrico de 16 kilómetros con dirección este-oeste y 44 lecturas de gravedad, sobre el afloramiento granítico de Pozo de la Serna (al oeste de Valdepeñas, en la provincia de Ciudad Real.
    De este modo se obtiene el perfil de anomalías de Bouger correspondiente, sobre el cual se calculan una serie de modelos bidimensionales cuantitativos de la estructura en profundidad de dicho cuerpo granítico.
    Posteriormente son discutidas las distintas posibilidades de emplazamiento.





    1) El orógeno Andino es fundamentalmente bi-vergente, incluyendo un gran sistema de fallas inversas cabalgantes en el frente occidental chileno, que son sintéticas con respecto al acoplamiento tectónico causante de la orogenia Andina (subducción de la placa Nazca, oceánica, bajo la placa Sudamericana, continental); 2) El funcionamiento del Cabalgamiento Andino Occidental (West Andean Thrust, WAT), documentado por la estructura con vergencia oeste de la Cordillera Principal en Chile, tiene ...

  1. Al-Âyah al-Mutasyâbihât al-Lafzhiyyah fi Sûrah al-An’âm ‘Inda al-Kirmâny

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    Hikmatiar Pasya


    Full Text Available This paper discusses about the verses of mutasyâbihât in the Quran. The debate of this verses caused various opinions. The meaning of the mutasyâbihât in this paper is the similarity and difference of the words in the Qur'an. Mufasir have different opinion about the meaning of the verse of mutasyâbihât al-lafdzi. In addition, many Hufadz of the Quran who are confused from one verse to another, or one chapter to another. It’s because similarity of verses in the Qur'an with other verses. So the writer wants to explain the verses mutasyâbihât al-lafdzi in the perspective of Hamzh al-Karmani in Surah al-An'âm. In this discussion the author discovers some passages in mutasyâbihât al-lafdzi, namely Asrâru al-balaghah fi mutasyabih al-lafdzi, Asrar al-balaghah fi mutasyabih al-hurf, and murâ'ah al-ikhtilâfmurâd bi al-lafdzi al-mukarrar.

  2. Diffusion-induced quadrupole relaxation of 27Al nuclei in dilute Al-Ti, Al-Cr, Al-Mn, and Al-Cu alloys at high temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bottyan, L.; Beke, D.L.; Tompa, K.


    The temperature dependence of the laboratory frame spin-lattice relaxation time of 27 Al nuclei is measured in 5N Al and in dilute Al-Ti, Al-Cr, Al-Mn, and Al-Cu alloys at 5.7 and 9.7 MHz resonance frequencies. The relaxation in pure aluminium is found to be purely due to the conduction electrons. An excess T 1 -relaxation contribution is detected in all Al-3d alloys investigated above 670 K. The excess relaxation rate is proportional to the impurity content and the temperature dependence of the excess contribution is of Arrhenius-type with an activation energy of (1.3 +- 0.3) eV for all of the investigated alloys. The relaxation contribution is found to be quadrupolar in origin and is caused by the relative diffusional jumps of solute atoms and Al atoms relatively far from the impurity. (author)

  3. Análisis del consumo de inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angioténsina en el territorio oeste de La Habana, 2005-2009

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    José Ramón Cabrera Cepero


    Full Text Available La planificación de los recursos es un problema trascendental en los países en desarrollo y también en Cuba, por lo que hacer el mejor uso de los presupuestos limitados y de las escasas divisas, es de vital importancia. Planificar las cantidades de medicamentos necesarias, para lograr garantizar una disponibilidad adecuada de estos en todos los niveles de asistencia, es una tarea en la cual intervienen un sinnúmero de factores. El objetivo de este trabajo fue demostrar en qué medida la introducción del enalapril tabletas influyó en el consumo del captopril tabletas, mediante el análisis de los patrones de consumo de los medicamentos inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina en el territorio oeste de La Habana entre marzo de 2005 y diciembre de 2009. Para ello se realizó un estudio de utilización de medicamentos de consumo, de tipo descriptivo, observacional y retrospectivo. Se calcularon las DHD (dosis por mil habitantes día. Los resultados de este trabajo demuestran cómo en este grupo hay un desplazamiento del consumo hacia el enalapril. Este es un comportamiento lógico por la comodidad de la administración y la menor incidencia de efectos adversos. Sin embargo, el captopril se mantiene en valores entre 20 y 30 DHD x 1 000 habitantes ya que hay un grupo de pacientes que continúan con este tratamiento y es de elección en la crisis hipertensiva.

  4. Acreditação do laboratório de metrologia dimensional da universidade de Brasília, região centro-oeste do Brasil

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    Antonio Piratelli-Filho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso envolvendo a acreditação de um Laboratório de Calibração da área de metrologia dimensional, pertencente à Universidade de Brasília, junto ao Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial (INMETRO. O laboratório localizado nesta Universidade Federal da região Centro-oeste brasileira, realiza calibração de instrumentos de medição de comprimento. A motivação para a acreditação tem origem na necessidade de reduzir as diferenças de desenvolvimento entre as regiões do Brasil, sendo que laboratórios inseridos nas Universidades tem um papel estratégico na sociedade, com um grande potencial para disseminar aspectos técnicos e organizacionais da qualidade. O desenvolvimento foi feito pela apresentação das exigências dos organismos de acreditação descritas pela Norma ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025:2005, sendo que as características intrínsecas e as ações implementadas no laboratório para atendimento a estes quesitos são descritos. A análise da demanda de serviços no laboratório nos últimos dez anos indicou uma tendência de crescimento, justificando a opção pela melhoria da qualidade dos serviços de calibração através da acreditação.

  5. Interfacial phenomena in the reactions of Al-B, Al-Ti-B, and Al-Zr-B alloys with KF-AlF3 and NaF-AlF3 melts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, M.S.; Terry, B.S.; Grieveson, P.


    The interfacial phenomena occurring during the contacting of liquid Al-B, Al-Ti-B, and Al-Zr-B melts with KF-AlF 3 liquid fluxes have been investigated by optical examination of quenched metal drops previously immersed in the liquid fluxes. Reactions in the Al-B/KF-AlF 3 system involve the formation of metastable AlB 12 at the metal/flux interface. At high KBF 4 levels in the flux, the AlB 12 is dispersed in the flux and also at low KBF 4 levels in the metal. Reactions in the Al-Ti-B/KF-AlF 3 system involve the formation of TiB 2 , which may be dispersed in either the metal or the flux depending upon the composition of the flux. The results obtained for the Al-Ti-B/NaF-AlF 3 and Al-Zr-B/KF-AlF 3 systems were similar to those observed for the Al-Ti-B/KF-AlF 3 system

  6. Entre a Especialização Produtiva e a Agroecologia: Estratégias de Reprodução Social de Agricultores familiares da Região Extremo Oeste Catarinense

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    Adinor José Capellesso


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as estratégias de reprodução social de estabelecimentos familiares com o objetivo de avaliar suas formas de inserção nos mercados e possíveis implicações socioambientais. O estudo de caso contou com 37 entrevistas com produtores convencionais e orgânicos no Extremo Oeste Catarinense. Enquanto as criações integradas demandam especialização, a agroecologia orienta-se pela diversificação produtiva. Entre esses polos, a atividade leiteira apresenta elevada expressão social, mas com reconfigurações importantes em curso na sua relação com os mercados. A demanda por maior escala, necessária para manter-se nessa cadeia e obter melhores preços, expande o modelo produtivista de elevado uso de insumos, o qual subjuga a preservação ambiental e reduz a margem de manobra frente às oscilações de mercado e aos possíveis problemas sanitários. Nesse contexto, o Estado e as organizações representativas do setor podem: a assumir papel ativo, disputando a construção dos mercados; ou b aceitar o fatalismo da concentração excludente em curso.

  7. "2por km2" chozos, estructuras y corrales de piedra en seco en la superficie del término de Tebar, Cuenca


    Ruiz Checa, José Ramón; Cristini, Valentina


    [ES] Tanto en la península Ibérica (Maestrazgo... Islas Baleares...), como en Europa (Provenza... Liguria...) aparecen «paisajes construidos» con piedra en seco. Se trata realmente de parajes antropizados prácticamente en toda su totalidad, resultado de un afán milenario de domesticación del territorio, a través de estructuras hidráulicas, pistas, cañadas...caminos, bancales, construcciones o recintos. El caso de Tébar, un municipio a 94 km al sur oeste de Cuenca, e...

  8. Synthesizing (ZrAl3 + AlN)/Mg-Al composites by a 'matrix exchange' method (United States)

    Gao, Tong; Li, Zengqiang; Hu, Kaiqi; Han, Mengxia; Liu, Xiangfa


    A method named 'matrix exchange' to synthesize ZrAl3 and AlN reinforced Mg-Al composite was developed in this paper. By inserting Al-10ZrN master alloy into Mg matrix and reheating the cooled ingot to 550 °C, Al and Mg atoms diffuse to the opposite side. As a result, liquid melt occurs once the interface areas reach to proper compositions. Then dissolved Al atoms react with ZrN, leading to the in-situ formation of ZrAl3 and AlN particles, while the Al matrix is finally replaced by Mg. This study provides a new insight for preparing Mg composites.

  9. Coupled growth of Al-Al2Cu eutectics in Al-Cu-Ag alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hecht, U; Witusiewicz, V; Drevermann, A


    Coupled eutectic growth of Al and Al 2 Cu was investigated in univariant Al-Cu-Ag alloys during solidification with planar and cellular morphology. Experiments reveal the dynamic selection of small spacings, below the minimum undercooling spacing and show that distinct morphological features pertain to nearly isotropic or anisotropic Al-Al 2 Cu interfaces.


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    Misbakhudin Misbakhudin


    Full Text Available One of the most precious achievement in qur’anic studies was the book of Al-Ittijâhât al-Munharifah fî al-Tafsîr: Dawâfi’uha wa Daf’uha written by A great Islamic scholar, Muhammad Husein al-Dzahabî. He was succeeded in discussing several issues of corruptions of the exegesis of the holy Qur’an. This article is aimed to explain and to describe his analysis toward several corrupted linguist interpretations in their originations and such corrupted linguistic interpretations of the holy Qur’an which are ignoring Arabic structures and grammers

  11. Utilização medicinal da secreção (“vacina-do-sapo” do anfíbio kambô (Phyllomedusa bicolor (Anura: Hylidae por população não-indígena em Espigão do Oeste, Rondônia, Brasil

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    Paulo Sérgio Bernarde


    Full Text Available Anfíbios apresentam substâncias farmacologicamente ativas em sua pele com funções de proteção contra infecções de microorganismos e predadores. Algumas tribos indígenas no Sudoeste da Amazônia utilizam a secreção de Phyllomedusa bicolor para fins medicinais. Apesar de existirem relatos sobre a utilização dessa secreção em comunidades indígenas, praticamente nada existe em literatura sobre a prática em populações não indígenas. O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar a utilização da “vacina-do-sapo” por populações não-indígenas em Espigão do Oeste (Rondônia. Foram entrevistadas 31 pessoas que receberam aplicações dessa vacina. A utilização da “vacina-do-sapo” em Espigão do Oeste não se trata de um hábito tradicional da região, sendo que o aplicador veio de outra parte da Amazônia. Em geral, as pessoas que utilizaram a vacina são de classe média a alta e apresentam algum nível de escolaridade (ensino fundamental, médio ou superior. Cerca de metade dos entrevistados acharam que as aplicações ajudaram no problema de saúde que as levaram a receber a vacina ou sentiram melhor disposição após o tratamento e fariam novamente as aplicações. A maioria das pessoas não conhece a espécie P. bicolor, da qual são retiradas as secreções para elaboração da vacina. Embora várias pessoas tenham procurado o tratamento achando que a vacina servia para tudo, suas propriedades medicinais ainda se encontram em estudo.

  12. O pós-abolição e suas dinâmicas de sociabilidade: lógicas familiares e relações interpessoais no oeste paulista cafeeiro

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    Rogério da Palma


    Full Text Available Tomando como foco o município de São Carlos, um dos principais centros da economia cafeeira do oeste paulista durante a virada do século XIX para o XX, o artigo analisa as tensões presentes nas relações interpessoais tecidas entre negros, de um lado, e fazendeiros e pequenos proprietários rurais, de outro. Por meio da leitura de dois inquéritos policiais da época, percebeu-se que essas relações eram mediadas por determinados códigos morais, os quais, por sua vez, delimitavam certas normas de sociabilidade. Quando alguns destes códigos eram quebrados, as situações de conflito se potencializavam. Pode-se afirmar que, se a proximidade com pessoas de posse ainda era, para a população negra do pós-abolição, uma das principais fontes para obtenção de recursos materiais e simbólicos, as relações de poder inscritas nesses vínculos não deixavam de produzir contestações quanto às identificações e hierarquias encerradas no âmbito familiar. De modo geral, acredita-se que as disputas de poder presentes nessas interações podem estar relacionadas à renegociação, trazida pelo fim do escravismo, de determinadas formas de distinção social.

  13. Adiciones al inventario avifaunístico del estado de Querétaro, México

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    José Belem Hernández-Díaz


    Full Text Available Reportamos por primera vez nueve especies de aves para el estado de Querétaro, México, cinco de ellas nativas (Cyrtonyx montezumae, Buteo lineatus, Phalaropus fulicarius, Falco mexicanus e Icterus spurius y cuatro introducidas (Streptopelia roseogrisea, Cyanoliseus patagonus, Amazona finschi yCalocitta colliei. El inventario avifaunístico del estado incluye ahora 430 especies, de las cuales 418 son nativas y 12 introducidas. Consideramos que el estudio de la avifauna en la zona oeste de Querétaro, que corresponde a la Faja Volcánica Transmexicana, se ha venido completando en los últimos años con un importante esfuerzo de muestreo, por lo que con los presentes registros se conocen 271 especies de aves en ella.

  14. Variación de la recarga entre La Plata y Santa Isabel (provincias de Buenos Aires y La Pampa - Argentina) : Propuesta metodológica


    Hernández, Mario Alberto; Giai, Santiago B.


    Se analiza la recarga potencial de aguas subterráneas sobre un perfil entre La Plata y Santa Isabel (Buenos Aires y La Pampa). El mismo tiene la particularidad de ser perpendicular a las isohietas, extendiéndose desde una zona húmeda lindante con el río de la Plata, hasta otra de fuerte aridez y continentalidad, unos 900 km al Oeste. Algunos de los factores influyentes en el monto de la recarga tienen el mismo valor en todo el perfil, alcanzando su intervención igual peso en todas las local...



    Franco, Cleiton; Eidt, Kamila Moraes; Anunciato, Karine Medeiros; Melz, Laercio Juarez; de Andrade, Mario Geraldo Ferreira


    O Mato Grosso apresenta-se como principal produtor de soja na região centro-oeste, no entanto os produtores têm sofrido com as constantes desvalorizações cambiais, além das incertezas geradas pela crise econômica mundial, as variações climáticas, o aparecimento de novas pragas na lavoura e as falhas na infra-estrutura de escoamento das safras, fatores que ocasionam aumento dos custos de produção. Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar comparação dos custos, da produtividade e da rentabili...

  16. Transformaciones del territorio Avá Guarani a partir de la construccion de la Usina Hidroelectrica Itaipu y por la actual expansion de la agricultura capitalista


    Portillo Guillen, Rafael


    Trabajo de conclusión de curso presentado al Instituto Latinoamericano de Economía, Sociedad y Política de la Universidad Federal De la Integración Latinoamericana como requisito parcial para la obtención del título de Bacharel en Ciencia Política y Sociología. Orientadora: Profa. Dra. SenildeAlcantara Guanaes Las comunidades Avá Guaraní, situada en el departamento de Alto Paraná (Paraguay) y del Oeste de Paraná (Brasil) han pasado por un proceso de desplazamiento sobre su territorio...

  17. Effects of ocean acidification on primary production in a coastal North Sea phytoplankton community


    Eberlein, Tim; Wohlrab, Sylke; Rost, Bjoern; John, Uwe; Bach, Lennart T.; Riebesell, Ulf; Van de Waal, Dedmer B.


    El efecto de la contaminación sobre el reclutamiento ha sido insuficientemente estudiado. Este trabajo trata el tema del reclutamiento en sitios ubicados a diferentes distancias de dos importantes fuentes de contaminación. Se caracterizó la composición y estructura de las asociaciones de reclutas de corales pétreos (escleractinios y milepóridos) al oeste de la Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Esta área está influenciada por la contaminación urbana del río Almendares y del emisario submarino constru...

  18. La transformación de los medios forestales en el Norte de Argentina. Implicaciones sociales y ambientales.


    Cuadra, Dante Edin


    En el Norte de Argentina se encuentran las mayores extensiones de bosques nativos del país. Se trata de un ámbito subtropical con marcadas variaciones pluviométricas, resultantes de la dinámica atmosférica, los tipos y disposiciones del relieve y la distancia al mar, factores que han posibilitado el desarrollo de formaciones vegetales diferenciadas como las selvas de riberas y mesetas en el Este, los bosques húmedos y xerófilos en el centro y las selvas serranas en el Oeste. Las primeras ...

  19. Familial ALS (United States)

    Boylan, Kevin


    Synopsis Genes linked to ALS susceptibility are being identified at an increasing rate owing to advances in molecular genetic technology. Genetic mechanisms in ALS pathogenesis appear to exert major effects in ~10% of patients, but genetic factors at some level may be important components of disease risk in most ALS patients. Identification of gene variants associated with ALS has informed concepts of the pathogenesis of ALS, aided the identification of therapeutic targets, facilitated research to develop new ALS biomarkers, and supported the establishment of clinical diagnostic tests for ALS-linked genes. Translation of this knowledge to ALS therapy development is ongoing. PMID:26515623

  20. Malamih al-Ashwat al-'Arabiyyah wa Makharijaha

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    Amrah Muhammad Kasim


    Full Text Available This writing discusses on al-ashwat al-‘arabiyyah that is known with “phonetic” term. It talks and interprets makharij al-huruf or place for producing sounds and also processing production of sounds by parts of mouth in Arabic language. The problems of sounds and its systems in Arabic language have been conducted by the scholars of al-ashwat al-‘arabiyyah attractively, neatly, and detail and gotten ahead the phonetic western scholars. Part of their analysis results formulate the study about al-ashwat al-sakinah (al-Shamit is known with vocal and consonant sounds in research questions shawait – shawamit. Ibnu Jinni has formulated “harakat”(wowel in Arabic language and dimension of letter  mad and liyn on alif  letter - waw - ya’ (ا و ي, from these letters create  harakat fathah, dammah, and kasrah. Moreover, in this writing also exist the description of hija’i letters and its makhraj that are correct from parts of mouth and the unity of coordinative sounds that produce sounds in morphemes arrangement, in one word that produces meaning. The result of phonological study has divided al-ashwat to be kinds of sound like the pronounced sounds, produced sounds from mouth, and heard sound.

  1. Transient oxidation of Al-deposited Fe-Cr-Al alloy foil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andoh, A.


    The oxide phases formed on an Al-deposited Fe-Cr-Al alloy foil and an Fe-Cr-Al alloy foil of the same levels of Al and (La+Ce) contents, and their oxidation kinetics have been studied in air at 1173 and 1373 K using TGA, XRD and SEM. Al deposition promotes the growth of metastable aluminas (θ-Al 2 O 3 , γ-Al 2 O 3 ). Scales consisting of θ-Al 2 O 3 and a small amount of α-Al 2 O 3 develop on the Al-deposited foil at 1173 K and exhibit the whisker-type morphology. In the early stage of oxidation at 1373 K, thick scales consisting of θ-Al 2 O 3 and α-Al 2 O 3 grow rapidly on the Al-deposited foil. The transformation from θ-Al 2 O 3 to α-Al 2 O 3 is very fast, and the scales result in only α-Al 2 O 3 . In contrast, α-Al 2 O 3 scales containing a minor amount of FeAl 2 O 4 develop on the alloy foil. The growth rate of α-Al 2 O 3 scales on the Al-deposited foil is smaller than that on the alloy foil and very close to that on NiAl at 1373 K. (orig.)

  2. Espectroscopia de refletância e emissividade de rochas fosfáticas ígneas e sedimentares do centro-oeste do Brasil : estudos de caso nos depósitos de Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG), Rocinha e Lagamar (MG) = Reflectance and emissivity spectroscopy of igneous and sedimentary rocks from Midwest Brazil: case study of the Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG), Rocinha and Lagamar deposits


    Emanuel Amorer Hernández


    Resumo: A pesquisa compreende estudos sobre a assinatura ultraespectral e multiespectral de fosfatos de origem ígnea e sedimentar contidos, respectivamente, nos depósitos de Catalão I (GO), Tapira (MG) e Rocinha-Lagamar (MG), centro-oeste do Brasil. Medidas de reflectância e emissividade (focadas na faixa de 8-12µm) foram analisadas em conjunto com dados de Difração de Raios X e Fluorescência de Raios X visando a determinação da mineralogia e quimismo das rochas envolvidas nas áreas de estudo...

  3. The effect of container volume on seedling production and initial growth of Jatropha curcas L. on the Western ParanaEfeito do volume do recipiente na produção de mudas e no crescimento inicial de Jatropha curcas L. no Oeste Paranaense

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    Michelle Cristina Ajala


    Full Text Available The effect of container volume on seedling production and initial growth of Jatropha curcas L. on the Western ParanaEste trabalho objetivou comparar a influência do volume de recipientes na produção de mudas e no crescimento, durante o primeiro ano, de pinhão manso no oeste paranaense. A produção de mudas no viveiro utilizou saco plástico de 1.178 cm3 e tubetes de 120 e 180 cm3 preenchidos com substrato comercial. As mensurações quinzenais incluíram os incrementos em altura, diâmetro do coleto e área foliar. Após o plantio foram avaliados os incrementos no número de folhas, de ramificações e a porcentagem de sobrevivência trimestral. Ao final da fase de viveiro, o maior incremento em altura (1,56 cm e em diâmetro do coleto (1,3 mm foi obtido nas mudas de J. curcas conduzidas em saco plástico com volume de 1.178 cm3, enquanto que os valores para mudas em tubetes de 180 cm3 e 120 cm3 resultaram em 1,24 cm e 1,2 mm e 1,48 cm e 1,1 mm, respectivamente. Após o plantio, não foram verificadas diferenças nos incrementos trimestrais em altura, diâmetro de colo, número de folhas, número de ramos (primários e secundários e porcentagem de mortalidade em função do volume dos recipientes utilizados para a formação das mudas. Os incrementos observados no primeiro trimestre após o plantio apresentaram os maiores valores em diâmetro do coleto, número de folhas, e mortalidade. Mudas de J.curcas semeadas no final de agosto, conduzidas em viveiro de setembro a novembro em tubetes de 120 cm3, e plantadas em dezembro em solo PVd da região oeste do Estado do Paraná resultam em crescimento equivalente ao de mudas produzidas em recipientes de maior volume com economia de substrato, espaço de viveiro e esforço no plantio.

  4. Proton irradiation studies on Al and Al5083 alloy (United States)

    Bhattacharyya, P.; Gayathri, N.; Bhattacharya, M.; Gupta, A. Dutta; Sarkar, Apu; Dhar, S.; Mitra, M. K.; Mukherjee, P.


    The change in the microstructural parameters and microhardness values in 6.5 MeV proton irradiated pure Al and Al5083 alloy samples have been evaluated using different model based techniques of X-ray diffraction Line Profile Analysis (XRD) and microindendation techniques. The detailed line profile analysis of the XRD data showed that the domain size increases and saturates with irradiation dose both in the case of Al and Al5083 alloy. The corresponding microstrain values did not show any change with irradiation dose in the case of the pure Al but showed an increase at higher irradiation doses in the case of Al5083 alloy. The microindendation results showed that unirradiated Al5083 alloy has higher hardness value compared to that of unirradiated pure Al. The hardness increased marginally with irradiation dose in the case of Al5083, whereas for pure Al, there was no significant change with dose.

  5. Globalización, sistemas productivos locales y dinámicas territoriales: miradas cruzadas en Québec, Canadá, y en sud-oeste francés. / Globalization, local production systems and territorial dynamics: Perspectives in Quebec, Canada, and south-west of France.

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    Guillaume, Régis


    Full Text Available Este artículo es un extracto de una investigación mayor (citada que trata de esclarecer, a partir del análisis de casos concretos comparables en Québec y en el Sud-Oeste francés, el impacto territorial de mutaciones económicas que se expresan en un contexto de competencia exacerbada y (re activan un juego de actores locales cuya ambición es doble. Se trata, en el marco de una acción pública renovada, de reforzar la dimensión relacional interna a esas configuraciones territoriales y de suscitar una mejor conectividad con las redes productivas que se desarrollan a escala planetaria./This is an extract of a larger investigation that seeks to clarify the impact on the territory that economic mutations might generate in two specific cases: Quebec and south western France.


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    Zaenuddin Mansyur


    Full Text Available Abstract:   In order to answer a variety of issues faced by human being in the current era, such as human rights abuses, social disintegration, and terrorism, the renewal of Islamic law in the level of theoretical and practical aspects is very urgent. This paper aims to examine one of the Islamic legal reform efforts, namely to build a more technical understanding of the concept of maṣlaḥah contained in the maqāṣīd sharī‘ah, called the al-kulliyat al-khamsah. Therefore, the concept of maṣlaḥah in ḥifẓ al-dīn is technically defined as al-ḥurriyah al-i‘tiqād (freedom of religion and schools; in ḥifẓ al-nafs as al-karamat al-insān (human being breeding; in ḥifẓ al-nasl as ḥifẓ al-usrah (wholeness and harmony of the family; in ḥifẓ al-māl as al-taḍammun al-insān (social solidarity , and in ḥifẓ al-‘aql as al-ḥuqūq as al-tarbiyāt (increasing human resources quality.Abstrak: Demi menjawab aneka persoalan zaman yang dihadapi manusia era sekarang, seperti penyelewengan terhadap HAM, disintegrasi sosial, dan terorisme, maka pembaharuan hukum Islam dalam tataran teoretis dan praktis urgen dilakukan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji salah satu upaya pembaruan hukum Islam, yaitu membangun pemahaman yang lebih teknis terhadap konsep maṣlaḥah yang terkandung dalam maqāṣīd sharī‘ah, yang disebut dengan al-kulliyāt al-khamsah. Oleh karena itu, konsep maṣlaḥah dalam ḥifẓu al-dīn secara teknis dimaknai sebagai ḥurriyah al-i‘tiqād (kebebasan untuk beragama dan beraliran; dalam ḥifẓu al-nafs sebagai al-karāmāt al-insān (pemuliaan kemanusiaan; dalam ḥifẓu al-nasl sebagai ḥifẓu al-usrah (keutuhan dan keharmonisan keluarga; dalam ḥifẓu al-māl sebagai al-taḍammun al-insān (solidaritas sosial; dan dalam ḥifẓu al-‘aql sebagai al-ḥuqūq al-tarbiyāt (peningkatan sumber daya manusia.

  7. Proposta de um Mapa Estratégico para uma Universidade Pública

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    Vinicius Abilio Martins


    Full Text Available A ferramenta de tradução da estratégia, medição e avaliação do desempenho organizacional chamado Balanced Scorecard (BSC vem sendo estudada de forma crescente desde a sua publicação em 1990. O formato inicialmente proposto é aplicado muito bem às empresas privadas. Porém, sua aplicação em organizações não pertencentes ao ramo privado não foi contemplado nos estudos iniciais. Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma proposição de um mapa estratégico na forma do Balanced Scorecard para a Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE, localizada na região Oeste daquele estado. Foram utilizados dados secundários relacionados ao Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional, dentre outros documentos relacionados com a estratégia da instituição. Este estudo de caso se classifica como exploratório e qualitativo. A UNIOESTE possui, além da Reitoria, 5 campis localizados nas cidades de Cascavel, Toledo, Foz do Iguaçu, Marechal Cândido Rondon e Francisco Beltrão, além do Hospital Universitário do Oeste do Paraná (HUOP. Conta com corpo docente composto por 1.229 docentes e 1.267 agentes universitários. Para o problema desta pesquisa, tem-se: é possível a criação de um Balanced Scorecard para uma Universidade Pública? Para o tratamento dos dados, utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo, apoiado pelo software ATLAS.ti. Ao final do trabalho, propôs-se um total de 5 perspectivas: Educacional, Financeira, Sociedade, Aprendizado e Crescimento e Processos Internos, distribuídos nestas perspectivas, 16 objetivos estratégicos e 30 indicadores estratégicos. A contribuição deste artigo consiste em apresentar as especificidades não abordadas no modelo tradicional, proposto por Kaplan e Norton, a uma instituição que se apresenta nas características de instituição pública e voltada para o ensino superior.

  8. Combustion synthesis of AlB2-Al2O3 composite powders with AlB2 nanowire structures (United States)

    Yang, Pan; Xiao, Guoqing; Ding, Donghai; Ren, Yun; Yang, Shoulei; Lv, Lihua; Hou, Xing


    Using of Al and B2O3 powders as starting materials, and Mg-Al alloy as additives, AlB2-Al2O3 composite powders with AlB2 nanowire structures were successfully fabricated via combustion synthesis method in Ar atmosphere at a pressure of 1.5 MPa. The effect of different amount of Mg-Al alloy on the phase compositions and morphology of the combustion products was investigated. The results revealed that AlB2 and Al2O3 increased, whereas Al decreased with the content of Mg-Al alloy increasing. The impurities MgAl2O4 and AlB12 would exist in the sample with adding of 18 wt% Mg-Al alloy. Interestingly, FESEM/TEM/EDS results showed that AlB2 nanowires were observed in the products when the content of Mg-Al alloy is 6 wt% and 12 wt%. The more AlB2 nanowires can be found as the content of Mg-Al alloy increased. And the yield of AlB2 nanowires with the diameter of about 200 nanometers (nm) and the length up to several tens of micrometers (μm) in the combustion product is highest when the content of Mg-Al alloy is 12 wt%. The vapor, such as Mg-Al (g), B2O2 (g), AlO (g) and Al2O (g), produced during the process of combustion synthesis, reacted with each other to yield AlB2 nanowires by vapor-solid (VS) mechanism and the corresponding model was also proposed.

  9. The effects of boron in TiAl/Ti3Al

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng, C.R.; Michel, D.J.; Crowe, C.R.


    The authors discuss the TiAl/Ti 3 Al interfacial misfit dislocations structures investigated by TEM in Ti-45Al alloy and Ti-45Al/TiB 2 composite. For TiAl with c/a = 1.02, only a single set of misfit dislocation arrays are crystallographically possible; these were observed in Ti-45Al alloy. However, the observation of three sets of misfit dislocation arrays in the Ti-45Al/TiB 2 composite suggests that the occupation of octahedral sites in the TiAl structure by excess boron was responsible for a decrease in the c/a ratio leading to an increased fcc character of the TiAl at the TiAl/Ti 3 Al interface

  10. In Situ Fabrication of AlN Coating by Reactive Plasma Spraying of Al/AlN Powder

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    Mohammed Shahien


    Full Text Available Reactive plasma spraying is a promising technology for the in situ formation of aluminum nitride (AlN coatings. Recently, it became possible to fabricate cubic-AlN-(c-AlN based coatings through reactive plasma spraying of Al powder in an ambient atmosphere. However, it was difficult to fabricate a coating with high AlN content and suitable thickness due to the coalescence of the Al particles. In this study, the influence of using AlN additive (h-AlN to increase the AlN content of the coating and improve the reaction process was investigated. The simple mixing of Al and AlN powders was not suitable for fabricating AlN coatings through reactive plasma spraying. However, it was possible to prepare a homogenously mixed, agglomerated and dispersed Al/AlN mixture (which enabled in-flight interaction between the powder and the surrounding plasma by wet-mixing in a planetary mill. Increasing the AlN content in the mixture prevented coalescence and increased the nitride content gradually. Using 30 to 40 wt% AlN was sufficient to fabricate a thick (more than 200 µm AlN coating with high hardness (approximately 1000 Hv. The AlN additive prevented the coalescence of Al metal and enhanced post-deposition nitriding through N2 plasma irradiation by allowing the nitriding species in the plasma to impinge on a larger Al surface area. Using AlN as a feedstock additive was found to be a suitable method for fabricating AlN coatings by reactive plasma spraying. Moreover, the fabricated coatings consist of hexagonal (h-AlN, c-AlN (rock-salt and zinc-blend phases and certain oxides: aluminum oxynitride (Al5O6N, cubic sphalerite Al23O27N5 (ALON and Al2O3. The zinc-blend c-AlN and ALON phases were attributed to the transformation of the h-AlN feedstock during the reactive plasma spraying. Thus, the zinc-blend c-Al

  11. Instability of TiC and TiAl3 compounds in Al-10Mg and Al-5Cu alloys by addition of Al-Ti-C master alloy

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The performance of Al-Ti-C master alloy in refining Al-10Mg and A1-5Cu alloys was studied by using electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA) and X-ray diffractometer (XRD) analysis.The results indicate that there are obvious fading phenomena in both Al-10Mg and Al-5Cu alloys with the addition of Al-5Ti-0.4C refiner which contains TiC and TiAl3 compounds.Mg element has no influence on the stability of TiC and TiAl3, while TiC particles in Al-10Mg alloy react with Al to form Al4C3 particles, resulting in the refinement fading.However, TiC particles are relatively stable in Al-5Cu alloy, while TiAl3 phase reacts with Al2Cu to produce a new phase Ti(Al, Cu)2, which is responsible for the refinement fading in Al-5Cu alloy.These indicate that the refinement fading will not occur only when both the TiC particles and TiAl3 compound of Al-Ti-C refiner are stable in Al alloys.


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    Benny Afwadzi


    Full Text Available This paper explores the understanding of tarbawi (education hadith from one of the major influential clerics in the Islamic educational system, especially in pesantren. He is Burhan al Islam al Zarnuji with his landmark book Ta’lim al Muta’allim. The conclusion that can be drawn is that al Zarnuji has shades of sufistical view in understanding tarbawi hadith. This can be seen in his understanding of hadith on obligation to seek knowledge (thalab al ilmi faridhatun ‘ala kulli muslimin wa muslimatin, which is interpreted as ilm al hal, the science concerning the condition of the human religious or simplistically said as the religious sciences; and the hadith of intention of studying (innama al a’malu bi al niyyat with the intention for the sake of the hereafter and religion, not mundane. Such an understanding is not something taken for granted, but it can be reinterpreted and perfected in accordance with the spirit of the times of context.

  13. Calculation of Gibbs energy of Zr-Al-Ni, Zr-Al-Cu, Al-Ni-Cu and Zr-Al-Ni-Cu liquid alloys based on quasiregular solution model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, H.Q.; Yang, Y.S.; Tong, W.H.; Wang, Z.Y.


    With the effects of electronic structure and atomic size being introduced, the mixing enthalpy as well as the Gibbs energy of the ternary Zr-Al-Cu, Ni-Al-Cu, Zr-Ni-Al and quaternary Zr-Al-Ni-Cu systems are calculated based on quasiregular solution model. The computed results agree well with the experimental data. The sequence of Gibbs energies of different systems is: G Zr-Al-Ni-Cu Zr-Al-Ni Zr-Al-Cu Cu-Al-Ni . To Zr-Al-Cu, Ni-Al-Cu and Zr-Ni-Al, the lowest Gibbs energy locates in the composition range of X Zr 0.39-0.61, X Al = 0.38-0.61; X Ni = 0.39-0.61, X Al = 0.38-0.60 and X Zr = 0.32-0.67, X Al = 0.32-0.66, respectively. And to the Zr-Ni-Al-Cu system with 66.67% Zr, the lowest Gibbs energy is obtained in the region of X Al = 0.63-0.80, X Ni = 0.14-0.24

  14. Bipolar characteristics of AlGaN/AlN/GaN/AlGaN double heterojunction structure with AlGaN as buffer layer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng, Enchao; Wang, Xiaoliang; Xiao, Hongling; Wang, Cuimei; Yin, Haibo; Chen, Hong; Feng, Chun; Jiang, Lijuan; Hou, Xun; Wang, Zhanguo


    Highlights: •2DEG and 2DHG coexist in the AlGaN/AlN/GaN/AlGaN DH-structure. •The sheet densities of 2DEG and 2DHG vary with buffer Al content and GaN thickness. •The conditions for the disappearance of 2DHG are discussed. •Increasing buffer Al content provides better electron confinement. •Dislocation scattering is reduced in the DH-structure. -- Abstract: This is a theoretical study of AlGaN/AlN/GaN/AlGaN double heterojunction (DH) structure with AlGaN as buffer layer. Our calculation shows that as the buffer Al content increases, though two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) sheet density decreases, the channel back-barrier caused by polarization-induced electric field in GaN provides better electron confinement. And under certain conditions the DH-structure shows bipolar characteristics, with an additional two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) formed at GaN/AlGaN interface. The influence of the buffer Al content and GaN channel thickness on the 2DEG and 2DHG sheet densities are investigated, and the conditions for the disappearance of 2DHG are discussed. Also, the mobility inhibited by dislocation scattering is enhanced in DH-structure due to the enhancement of screening effect of the 2DEG

  15. The code of light: al-ghazali and al-suhrawardi


    Gediminaitė, Barbora


    The Code of Light: Al-Ghazali and Al-Suhrawardi The Bachelor’s thesis The Code of Light in Islam: al-Ghazali and al-Suhrawardi presents a comparative study of light. The study analyses the philosophical systems of al-Ghazali and al-Suhrawardi through the reconstruction of the image of light and its operation principles. The main subject of the thesis are the attributes of light. The main problem of the research is the semantics and contextuality of light in Islamic theology and philosophy. Th...

  16. Pemikiran Filosofis Sadra Dalam Tafsir Al-Qur’an Al-Karim : Surah Al-’A‘la

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    Kerwanto Kerwanto


    Full Text Available Abstrak : Dalam tafsir atas Surah al-’A‘lā, Mulla Sadra, melalui karyanya Tafsīr al Qur’ān al-Karīm, mengajak jiwa kita berpetualang menuju lapisan makna terdalam untuk mengenali realitas ketauhidan (al- mabdā’, kenabian (shirāth atau nubuwwah dan kebangkitan (ma‘ād dan mengulasnya secara filosofis. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu upaya untuk menggali manfaat dari aspek-aspek penting dari sumber-sumber keagamaan yang tergali dari petunjuk al Qur’an yang berpadu dengan prinsip- prinsip rasional filosofis dan pengalaman mistik (intuitif Sadra. Setiap bab pada tafsir ini diberikan judul dengan tasbīḥ (pernyataan pemujian dan pensucian, dengan tetap memaparkan beragam pokok persoalan terkait metafisika al-Qur’an. Prinsip-prinsip filosofis yang digunakan dalam risalah tafsir ini bisa menjadi salah satu bukti ketidakberjarakan antara filsafat dengan teks-teks keagamaan. Sadra menggunakan metode tafsir yang tetap menerima sisi lahiriah al-Qur’an, dan selanjutnya mencari misteri-misteri, rahasia-rahasia, dan dengan bantuan intelek (akal, intuisi dan iluminasi Tuhan untuk memperoleh realitas-realitas dan makna- makna dibalik selaput ekternalnya (aspek literalnyaKata kunci : Ḥikmah Muta’āliyah, irfan, al-mabdā’, kebangkitan setelah mati, nubuwwah, takwīl, gerak substansial (ḥarakah jawhariyyah, denotasi utama (al-maqshūd al-ashlī, penyempurnaan diri (takammul, tasbīḥ.  Abstract : In his commentary on Surah al-’ A‘lā, Mulla Sadra, through his Tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-Karīm invites our souls to ventureinto the deepest layers of meaning to recognize the reality of Divinity (al- mabdā’, prophethood (Ṣirāṭ or nubuwwah and resurrection (ma‘ād and discusses it in a more philosophical manner. This study is an attempt to explore the benefits of these important aspects of religious sources unearthed from Qur’anic injunctions combined with rational principles of philosophical and mystical experiences

  17. A united refinement technology for commercial pure Al by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma Xiaoguang; Liu Xiangfa; Ding Haimin


    Because flake-like TiAl 3 particles in Al-Ti-C master alloys prepared in a melt reaction method dissolve slowly when they are added into Al melt at 720 deg. C, Ti atoms cannot be released rapidly to play the assistant role of grain refinement, leading to a poor refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys. A united refinement technology by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys was put forward in this paper. The rational combination of fine blocky TiAl 3 particles in Al-10Ti and TiC particles in Al-Ti-C can improve the nucleation rate of α-Al. It not only improves the grain refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys, but also reduces the consumption

  18. Liquidus projection of the Nb-Cr-Al system near the Al3(Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) eutectic region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, S.A.; Ferrandini, P.L.; Nunes, C.A.; Coelho, A.A.; Caram, R.


    The system Nb-Cr-Al was investigated in the region near the Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) eutectic and the liquidus projection of that region was determined based on the microstructural characterization of arc melted alloys. The characterization utilized scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results allowed one to determine three primary solidification liquidus surfaces ((Cr,Al) 2 Nb, Cr(Al,Nb) and Al 3 (Nb,Cr)), that are originated from the binary systems Cr-Nb, Cr-Al and Al-Nb. It is proposed the occurrence of the invariant reaction L + (Cr,Al) 2 Nb ↔ Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) and of a point of minimum, which involves a three phase reaction, L ↔ Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb). All alloys studied showed formation of the Al 3 (Nb,Cr) + Cr(Al,Nb) eutectic as the last solidification step with Al(Nb)Cr 2 precipitating from Cr(Al,Nb)


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    Federico Miguel Bobillo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se abordan las canteras y talleres asociados de Punta de la Peña, Quebrada Seca y Pampa Oeste, en Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, con el objeto de explorar la multiplicidad de actividades y prácticas sociales involucradas en la utilización de dichas fuentes. Se trata de tres fuentes de vulcanitas intensamente explotadas a lo largo de la secuencia prehispánica del área. De esta forma, se toma a las canteras no sólo como un depósito de rocas útiles para la subsistencia, sino como un escenario social donde confluyen y se materializan diferentes prácticas y expresiones sociales. Así, a la explotación de las rocas se suman toda una serie de tareas vinculadas, por ejemplo, con prácticas de enseñanza/aprendizaje y actividades de subsistencia, procesamiento/consumo y rituales. Esta aproximación considera a las canteras desde una perspectiva orientada a abordar las elecciones y prácticas llevadas a cabo por los agentes en contextos de aprovisionamiento, partiendo de la base de que estos actúan desarrollando una diversidad de actividades conectadas en torno a la apropiación de un recurso específico.Abstract  Quarries and workshops at Punta de la Peña, Quebrada Seca and Pampa Oeste (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca are considered in this paper. The goal is to explore the multiplicity of social activities and practices involved in the use of these quarries. These three vulcanite sources were intensively exploited during the pre-Hispanic history of the region. In this way, quarries are not only considered rock deposits useful for subsistence, but also a social scenario where different social practices and social expressions converge and are materialized. Thereby, series of linked tasks are added to rock exploitation. For example, teaching/learning practices and subsistence, processing/consumption and ritual activities. This approach considers quarries from a perspective oriented to the analysis of elections and

  20. A united refinement technology for commercial pure Al by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ma Xiaoguang [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061 (China); Liu Xiangfa [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061 (China)], E-mail:; Ding Haimin [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061 (China)


    Because flake-like TiAl{sub 3} particles in Al-Ti-C master alloys prepared in a melt reaction method dissolve slowly when they are added into Al melt at 720 deg. C, Ti atoms cannot be released rapidly to play the assistant role of grain refinement, leading to a poor refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys. A united refinement technology by Al-10Ti and Al-Ti-C master alloys was put forward in this paper. The rational combination of fine blocky TiAl{sub 3} particles in Al-10Ti and TiC particles in Al-Ti-C can improve the nucleation rate of {alpha}-Al. It not only improves the grain refinement efficiency of Al-Ti-C master alloys, but also reduces the consumption.

  1. United modification of Al-24Si alloy by Al-P and Al-Ti-C master alloys

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    韩延峰; 刘相法; 王海梅; 王振卿; 边秀房; 张均艳


    The modification effect of a new type of Al-P master alloy on Al-24Si alloys was investigated. It is foundthat excellent modification effect can be obtained by the addition of this new type of A1-P master alloy into Al-24Simelt and the average primary Si grain size is decreased below 47 μm from original 225 μm. It is also found that theTiC particles in the melt coming from Al8Ti2C can improve the modification effect of the Al-P master alloy. Whenthe content of TiC particles in the Al-24Si melt is 0.03 %, the improvement reaches the maximum and keeps steadywith increasing content of TiC particles. Modification effect occurs at 50 min after the addition of the Al-P master al-loy and TiC particles, and keeps stable with prolonging holding time.

  2. Nanoporous Al sandwich foils using size effect of Al layer thickness during Cu/Al/Cu laminate rolling (United States)

    Yu, Hailiang; Lu, Cheng; Tieu, A. Kiet; Li, Huijun; Godbole, Ajit; Kong, Charlie


    The roll bonding technique is one of the most widely used methods to produce metal laminate sheets. Such sheets offer interesting research opportunities for both scientists and engineers. In this paper, we report on an experimental investigation of the 'thickness effect' during laminate rolling for the first time. Using a four-high multifunction rolling mill, Cu/Al/Cu laminate sheets were fabricated with a range of thicknesses (16, 40, 70 and 130 μm) of the Al layer. The thickness of the Cu sheets was a constant 300 μm. After rolling, TEM images show good bonding quality between the Cu and Al layers. However, there are many nanoscale pores in the Al layer. The fraction of nanoscale pores in the Al layer increases with a reduction in the Al layer thickness. The finite element method was used to simulate the Cu/Al/Cu rolling process. The simulation results reveal the effect of the Al layer thickness on the deformation characteristics of the Cu/Al/Cu laminate. Finally, we propose that the size effect of the Al layer thickness during Cu/Al/Cu laminate rolling may offer a method to fabricate 'nanoporous' Al sandwich laminate foils. Such foils can be used in electromagnetic shielding of electrical devices and noisy shielding of building.

  3. Structural stability and electronic properties of AlCu3, AlCu2Zr in AlZr3: Stabilnost strukture in elektronske lastnosti AlCu3, AlCu2Zr in AlZr3:


    Cheng, Rong; Wu, Xiao-Yu


    First-principles calculations were performed to study the alloying stability and electronic structure of the Al-based intermetallic compounds AlCusub3, AlCusub{2}Zr and AlZrsub3. The results show that the lattice parameters obtained after the full relaxation of the crystalline cells are consistent with the experimental data, and these intermetallics have a strong alloying ability and structural stability due to their negative formation energies and their cohesive energies. A further analysis ...

  4. Relaciones entre el clima y la vegetación en el suroeste de Michoacán

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    Enriqueta García


    Full Text Available Este trabajo es parte de un estudio que tiene como objeto correlacionar los climas con los tipos de vegetación en el Estado de Michoacán. El área de estudio que ahora se presenta, abarca la porción situada al sur del paralelo 19º30´ N y al oeste del meridiano 101º30´ W; fisiológicamente comprende una parte de la región conocida por algunos autores cono Eje Volcánico, la cuenca del río Tepalcatepec afluente del Blasas, y la de este río cerca de su desembocadura, así como una arte de la Sierra Madre del Sur denominada, en Michoacán, Sierra de Coalmán y de Aguililla.

  5. Spawning areas and larval distributions of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in relation to environmental conditions in the Gulf of Tunis (Central Mediterranean Sea)


    Rafik Zarrad; Hechmi Missaoui; Francisco Alemany; Romdhane Mohamed Salah; Alberto Garcia; M'rabet Ridha; Jarboui Othman; El Abed Amor


    Se estudiaron los huevos y larvas de anchoa en el Golfo de Túnez por medio de cuatro campañas estacionales llevadas a cabo entre verano del 2002 y primavera del 2003. Los huevos y larvas de anchoa se encontraron a lo largo de todo el año; pero fueron mucho más abundantes en primavera y verano. En primavera, la principal área de puesta se localizó en el norte del Golfo, al oeste y suroeste de la isla de Zembra. En verano, las mayores concentraciones de huevos y larvas también se encontra...

  6. Uma Aplicação de Regressão Quantílica para Dados em Painel do PIB e do Pronaf


    Marioni, Larissa da Silva; Vale, Vinicius de Almeida; Perobelli, Fernando Salgueiro; Freguglia, Ricardo da Silva


    Resumo: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o impacto do Pronaf no PIB da economia brasileira e nos PIBs setoriais (PIB de serviços, agropecuário e industrial) a partir da aplicação de regressão quantílica com efeitos fixos para dados em painel. Além disso, diante da questão relativa à distribuição dos recursos, avaliam-se os diferentes resultados dentro do contexto regional, isto é, os diferentes impactos nas cinco macrorregiões do País (Norte, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul)...

  7. /Cu-Al System (United States)

    Kish, Orel; Froumin, Natalya; Aizenshtein, Michael; Frage, Nachum


    Wettability and interfacial interaction of the Ta2O5/Cu-Al system were studied. Pure Cu does not wet the Ta2O5 substrate, and improved spreading is achieved when relatively a high fraction of the active element (~40 at.% Al) was added. The Al2O3 and AlTaO4 phases were observed at the Ta2O5/Cu-Al interface. A thermodynamic evaluation allowed us to suggest that the lack of wetting bellow 40 at.% Al is due to the presence of a native oxide, which covers the drop. The conditions of the native oxide decomposition and the formation of the volatile Al2O suboxide strongly depend on the vacuum level during sessile drop experiments and the composition of the Cu-Al alloy. In our case, Al contents greater than 40% provides thermodynamic conditions for the formation of Al2O (as a result of Al reaction with Al2O3) and the drop spreading. It was suggested that the final contact angle in the Ta2O5/Cu-Al system (50°) is determined by Ta adsorption on the newly formed alumina interlayer.

  8. Metodologi Kitab Ma‘alim al-Tanzil Karya Al-Bagawiy

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    M. Rusydi Khalid


    This study aims to describe the metodology of Ma'a> lim al-tanzi>l book by al-Bagawi. The book is one of the books of exegesis written on the basis of hadith, which by the commentary scholars recognized avoided from heresy and weak hadith. The author of this book is Imam Abu Humaid Hussein bin Mas‘u>d al-Farra>’ Al-Bagawi al-Syafi‘i>, died in the year 510 H. This exegesis book combines the interpretation of the companions, tabi‘i>n, and tabi‘i> tabi‘i>n. Interpretation is broken down with easy, simple, and concise diction choices. The stoning of the interpretation of the salaf scholars without mentioning the sanad as already mentioned in the introduction to his book. This book was first printed in one edition with the exegesis book of Ibn Kas}i>r and al-kha>zin. This book interprets the Qur'an analytically from the beginning to the end of the surah by using the method of interpretation based on the hadith, namely by mentioning the arguments of the hadith sahih, the fatwa of the companions and the tabi‘i>n. The characteristic or purpose of this book is fiqh oriented, which tends to the Shafi‘i fiqh.   Abstrak Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan metode penafsiran dalam kitab Ma’a>lim al-tanzi>l karya al-bagawi. Kitab tafsir ini merupakan salah satu di antara kitab-kitab tafsir yang ditulis berdasarkan riwayat, yang oleh para ulama tafsir diakui terhindar dari bid’ah dan hadis dhaif (lemah. Penulis buku ini adalah Imam Abu Muhammad Husain bin Mas‘u>d al-Farra>‘ al-Bagawi al-Syafi‘i>, wafat pada tahun 510 H. Kitab ini adalah kitab pertengahan yang mengutip penafsiran para Sahabat, ta>bi‘i>n, dan tabi‘i ta>bi‘i>n. Penafsiran diuraikan dengan pilihan diksi yang mudah, sederhana, dan ringkas. Penukilan dari interpretasi ulama salaf tanpa menyebutkan sanad karena telah disebutkan dalam pendahuluan bukunya. Buku ini pertama kali dicetak dalam satu edisi dengan tafsir Ibn Kas\\i>r dan tafsir al-Kha>zin. Kitab ini menafsirkan al-Qur’an secara

  9. ALS Association (United States)

    ... toward a world without ALS! Walk to Defeat ALS® Walk to Defeat ALS® draws people of all ... We need your help. I Will Advocate National ALS Registry The National ALS Registry is a congressionally ...

  10. AlN nanoparticle-reinforced nanocrystalline Al matrix composites: Fabrication and mechanical properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Y.Q.; Cong, H.T.; Wang, W.; Sun, C.H.; Cheng, H.M.


    To improve the specific strength and stiffness of Al-based composites, AlN/Al nanoparticles were in-situ synthesized by arc plasma evaporation of Al in nitrogen atmosphere and consolidated by hot-pressing to fabricate AlN nanoparticle-reinforced nanocrystalline Al composites (0-39 vol.% AlN). Microstructure characterization shows that AlN nanoparticles homogeneously distribute in the matrix of Al nanocrystalline, which forms atomically bonded interfaces of AlN/Al. The hardness and the elastic modulus of the nanocomposite have been improved dramatically, up to 3.48 GPa and 142 GPa, respectively. Such improvement is believed to result from the grain refinement strengthening and the interface strengthening (load transfer) between the Al matrix and AlN nanoparticles

  11. Comparison of one and two-neutron transfer near the Coulomb barrier for the 27Al(18O, 16O)29Al, 27Al(18O, 17O)28Al and 27Al(13C, 12C)28Al reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schiller, S.A.; Eck, J.S.


    Total reaction cross sections for the transfer reactions 27 Al( 18 O, 16 O) 29 Al, 27 Al( 18 O, 17 O) 28 Al and 27 Al( 13 C, 12 C) 28 Al are reported for center-of-mass energies between 13 and 20 MeV for 18 O projectiles and between 11 and 17.5 MeV for 13 C projectiles. The reaction products, 29 Al, and 28 Al, beta decay to 29 Si and 28 Si, respectively, and the subsequent γ decays of 29 Si and 28 Si were measured. Due to the relatively long beta decay half lives, data were taken in a beam-off mode, resulting in very clean spectra. Total cross sections were calculated and compared with a theoretical model for barrier penetration proposed by C.Y. Wong. Differences between 18 O induced one and two-neutron total transfer reaction cross sections are discussed. (orig.) [de

  12. Cataract prevalence in Central-West region of São Paulo State, Brazil Prevalência de catarata na região centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Gabriel Arantes Carlos


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Cataract is considered the main preventable cause of blindness and visual impairment mainly in poor countries. This study was done to evaluate if cataract is still an important cause of blindness in Central-West region of State of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a systematically randomized sample of households in five cities located in Central-West region of São Paulo State, Brazil. The sample consisted of 4,229 individuals (8,458 eyes of all ages. All household members were considered eligible. They were submitted to a complete ophthalmological examination (visual acuity with and without visual correction, biomicroscopy, fundoscopy, tonometry, and refractometry. Cataract diagnosis was given to eyes presenting lens opacity in biomicroscopy exam, according to Lens Opacities Classification System II (LOCS II. Eye with a best correction, presenting visual deficiency or blindness caused by cataract was considered after excluded other pathologies that decrease visual acuity (VA. We considered as visual deficiency eyes with 0.05 OBJETIVO: A catarata é a principal causa tratável de cegueira e deficiência visual em países subdesenvolvidos. Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar se a catarata continua sendo uma importante causa de cegueira no centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Um estudo transversal, de caráter observacional, realizado em cinco cidades da região centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo, para as quais o centro de referência é a cidade de Botucatu. A amostra estabelecida para este estudo, de forma aleatória, seria composta por 5.555 indivíduos, sendo que foram examinados 4.229 indivíduos (8.458 olhos, ou seja, 78% da amostra pretendida. Os indivíduos foram submetidos a um exame oftalmológico completo que consistia em avaliação da acuidade visual (com e sem correção, tonometria, biomicroscopia, fundoscopia e exame refracional. O diagnóstico de catarata foi dado aos

  13. Controladoria como suporte de gestão das indústrias moveleiras na Região Oeste de Santa Catarina = Controlling as support for management of furniture industries in West Region of Santa Catarina

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    Valdenir Flesch


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo verificar as informações fornecidas pela controladoria, que são utilizadas no apoio à gestão das indústrias do setor moveleiro do Oeste de Santa Catarina. A pesquisa se classifica como descritiva, pois tem como objetivo descrever as características da população em estudo. A população da pesquisa compreende indústrias moveleiras do Oeste de Santa Catarina, que participam do programa de Arranjo Produtivo Local, desenvolvido pelo Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e pequena Empresa (SEBRAE, contendo 83 empresas listadas. Após o levantamento do endereço eletrônico destas empresas, foi encaminhado a todas um questionário com perguntas de múltipla escolha, sendo que de apenas 22 empresas se obteve as respostas, o que representa 27% do universo investigado e se constitui na amostra não probabilística. A análise dos dados foi realizada com a utilização da estatística descritiva, com ênfase no grau de importância dada pelos gestores das empresas para o objeto de estudo. Os resultados obtidos com a pesquisa evidenciam a controladoria nas organizações e o processo de tomada de decisão. Por meio da pesquisa, conclui-se que a controladoria está presente em todas as organizações, como setor independente ou que se divida dentre os departamentos da empresa, e ainda que o processo de decisão ocorre baseado na experiência do gestor associada às informações que lhe são prestadas.The present study aims at verifying the information provided by the controller, which is used to support the management of industries in the furniture sector in western Santa Catarina. This research is characterized as descriptive, once it has as an objective to describe the characteristics of the studied population. The survey includes furniture industries of the West of Santa Catarina, participating in the Local Productive Arrangement program developed by the Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small

  14. Al-matrix composite materials reinforced by Al-Cu-Fe particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonneville, J; Laplanche, G; Joulain, A; Gauthier-Brunet, V; Dubois, S


    Al-matrix material composites were produced using hot isostatic pressing technique, starting with pure Al and icosahedral (i) Al-Cu-Fe powders. Depending on the processing temperature, the final reinforcement particles are either still of the initial i-phase or transformed into the tetragonal ω-Al0 0.70 Cu 0.20 Fe 0.10 crystalline phase. Compression tests performed in the temperature range 293K - 823K on the two types of composite, i.e. Al/i and Al/ω, indicate that the flow stress of both composites is strongly temperature dependent and exhibit distinct regimes with increasing temperature. Differences exist between the two composites, in particular in yield stress values. In the low temperature regime (T ≤ 570K), the yield stress of the Al/ω composite is nearly 75% higher than that of the Al/i composite, while for T > 570K both composites exhibit similar yield stress values. The results are interpreted in terms of load transfer contribution between the matrix and the reinforcement particles and elementary dislocation mechanisms in the Al matrix.

  15. Piezo-tunnel effect in Al/Al2O3/Al junctions elaborated by atomic layer deposition (United States)

    Rafael, R.; Puyoo, E.; Malhaire, C.


    In this work, the electrical transport in Al/Al2O3/Al junctions under mechanical stress is investigated in the perspective to use them as strain sensors. The metal/insulator/metal junctions are elaborated with a low temperature process (≤200 °C) fully compatible with CMOS back-end-of-line. The conduction mechanism in the structure is found to be Fowler-Nordheim tunneling, and efforts are made to extract the relevant physical parameters. Gauge factors up to -32.5 were found in the fabricated devices under tensile stress. Finally, theoretical mechanical considerations give strong evidence that strain sensitivity in Al/Al2O3/Al structures originates not only from geometrical deformations but also from the variation of interface barrier height and/or effective electronic mass in the tunneling oxide layer.

  16. Generation and evolution of nanoscale AlP and Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4} particles in Al-Fe-P system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qiao, Huan; Gao, Tong; Zhu, Xiangzhen; Wu, Yuying; Qian, Zhao; Liu, Xiangfa, E-mail:


    Highlights: • Diffusion and gradual solid reactions between Al and Fe{sub x}P phases in Al-Fe-P alloy were investigated. • Nanoscale AlP clusters are in-situ generated and evolve during the whole process. • This novel Al-Fe-P alloy has an excellent low-temperature refining performance on hypereutectic Al-Si alloy. - Abstract: In this paper, the gradual solid reactions between Al and Fe{sub x}P phases in Al-Fe-P alloy were investigated. The results show that the whole reaction process undergoes four main stages: the diffusion of Al atom, the generation of (Al, Fe, P) intermediate compound, the precipitation of nano AlP and Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4} clusters and their growth to submicron particles. The microstructure of Fe-P particles evolves from the “egg-type”, the “sponge-type” to the “sesame-cake” structure. AlP and Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4} nano phases have in-situ generated and evolved during the whole process. The gradual reaction mechanism has been discussed. Furthermore, a novel Al-Fe-P alloy which contains (Al, Fe, P) intermediate compounds and nano AlP particles has been synthesized and its low-temperature refining performance on A390 alloy has also been investigated.

  17. Japanese version of the ALS-FTD-Questionnaire (ALS-FTD-Q-J). (United States)

    Watanabe, Yasuhiro; Beeldman, Emma; Raaphorst, Joost; Izumi, Yuishin; Yoshino, Hiide; Masuda, Michihito; Atsuta, Naoki; Ito, Satoru; Adachi, Tadashi; Adachi, Yoshiki; Yokota, Osamu; Oda, Masaya; Hanashima, Ritsuko; Ogino, Mieko; Ichikawa, Hiroo; Hasegawa, Kazuko; Kimura, Hideki; Shimizu, Toshio; Aiba, Ikuko; Yabe, Hayato; Kanba, Makoto; Kusumi, Kimiyoshi; Aoki, Tetsuya; Hiroe, Yu; Watanabe, Hirohisa; Nishiyama, Kazutoshi; Nomoto, Masahiro; Sobue, Gen; Nakashima, Kenji


    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) share common clinical, genetic and neuropathological features. Some ALS patients have behavioral/personality changes, which could result in significant obstacles in the care provided by family members and caregivers. An easy screening tool would contribute greatly to the evaluation of these symptoms. We translated the ALS-FTD-Questionnaire, developed in the Netherlands, into Japanese (ALS-FTD-Q-J) and examined the clinimetric properties (internal consistency, construct and clinical validity). Patients with ALS and/or behavioral variant FTD (bvFTD) were evaluated alongside healthy controls in this multicenter study. All ALS patients, regardless of bvFTD status, were further evaluated by the frontal behavioral inventory (FBI) and for frontal/executive function, cognition, anxiety/depression, and motor functions. Data from 146 subjects were analyzed: ALS (92), ALS-bvFTD (6), bvFTD (16), and healthy controls (32). The internal consistency of the ALS-FTD-Q-J was good (Cronbach α=0.92). The ALS-FTD-Q-J showed construct validity as it exhibited a high correlation with the FBI (r=0.79). However, correlations were moderate with anxiety/depression and low with cognitive scales, in contrast to the original report, i.e. a moderate correlation with cognition and a low correlation with anxiety/depression. The ALS-FTD-Q-J discriminated ALS patients from (ALS-)bvFTD patients and controls. Thus, the ALS-FTD-Q-J is useful for evaluating Japanese ALS/FTD patients. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Talón de Aquiles en el motor europeo: una rémora al desarrollo en la Alemania reunificada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria Priego de Montiano


    Full Text Available En la Alemania actual, la mayor cualificación profesional de las mujeres procedentes de los Landërs del Este, junto con una intensa corriente migratoria hacia el Oeste -mayoritariamente femenina-, está provocando un importante desequilibrio en el “motor europeo”.  La situación está obligando al Gobierno federal a aplicar medidas de urgencia para evitar un necrosamiento económico y demográfico en la parte oriental del país, que afectaría al crecimiento global. El estudio aquí abordado muestra una relación directa del problema con las políticas sociales desarrolladas en las antiguas República Democrática Alemana y República Federal Alemana; esto es, en la Alemania anterior a la Reunificación.Palabras claves: Economía alemana, Reunificación, Género.__________________________________Abstract:Nowadays, the evidence, in Germany, that women from the ancient Democratic German Republic are better qualified for working than women from the Federal German Republic, in addition with the general tendency of population –most of all female-  to emigrate to the West side of the country, is provoking a complete imbalance of ‘the engine of the European Union’. Therefore, the old East Landers are becoming ‘overloaded’ with male and lower skilled population. This situation, which is being shown by the Press and is obligating the German Government to adopt serious politic measures to resolve it, will result into a necrotic of the rate of economic and population growth if it continues. In order to analyze the origin, factor and consequences of the mentioned issue, this paper studies and compares the historical evolution of social politics applied to women and families in the Democratic German Republic and the Federal German Republic. This approach shows how the result of these politics in the new and reunified order of Germany have a strong relation to the demographic and economic problems that are suffering the East Landers of the

  19. Radiation detection with Nb/Al-AlOx/Al/Nb superconducting tunnel junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumura, Atsuki; Takahashi, Toru; Kurakado, Masahiko


    Superconductor radiation detectors have the possibility of 20-30 times better energy resolution than that of a high resolution Si detector. We fabricated Nb/Al-AlOx/Al/Nb superconducting tunnel junctions with low leakage current. X rays were detected with large area junctions of 178x178 μm 2 . High energy resolution of 160 eV for 5.9 keV was obtained. We also fabricated series connected junctions which covers a rather large area of 4x4 mm 2 . α particles injected into the rear substrate were detected using nonthermal phonons induced by the radiations in the substrate. (author)

  20. ALS-Plus Syndrome: Non-Pyramidal Features in a Large ALS Cohort (United States)

    McCluskey, Leo; Vandriel, Shannon; Elman, Lauren; Van Deerlin, Vivianna M.; Powers, John; Boller, Ashley; Wood, Elisabeth McCarty; Woo, John; McMillan, Corey T.; Rascovsky, Katya; Grossman, Murray


    Objective Autopsy studies show widespread pathology in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but clinical surveys of multisystem disease in ALS are rare. We investigated ALS-Plus syndrome, an understudied group of patients with clinical features extending beyond pyramidal and neuromuscular systems with or without cognitive/behavioral deficits. Methods In a large, consecutively-ascertained cohort of 550 patients with ALS, we documented atypical clinical manifestations. Genetic screening for C9orf72 hexanucleotide expansions was performed in 343 patients, and SOD1, TARDBP, and VCP were tested in the subgroup of patients with a family history of ALS. Gray matter and white matter imaging was available in a subgroup of 30 patients. Results Seventy-five (13.6%) patients were identified with ALS-Plus syndrome. We found disorders of ocular motility, cerebellar, extrapyramidal and autonomic functioning. Relative to those without ALS-Plus, cognitive impairment (8.0% vs 2.9%, p=0.029), bulbar-onset (49.3% vs 23.2%, pALS-Plus. Survival was significantly shorter in ALS-Plus (29.66 months vs 42.50 months, p=0.02), regardless of bulbar-onset or mutation status. Imaging revealed significantly greater cerebellar and cerebral disease in ALS-Plus compared to those without ALS-Plus. Conclusions ALS-Plus syndrome is not uncommon, and the presence of these atypical features is consistent with neuropathological observations that ALS is a multisystem disorder. ALS-Plus syndrome is associated with increased risk for poor survival and the presence of a pathogenic mutation. PMID:25086858

  1. Tailoring ultrafine grained and dispersion-strengthened Ti 2 AlC/TiAl ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    In situ Ti 2 AlC/TiAl composite was fabricated by hot-pressing method via the reaction system of Ti 3 AlC 2 and Ti-Al pre-alloyed powders at low temperature of 1150 ∘ C. The composite mainly consisted of TiAl, Ti 3 Al and Ti 2 AlC phases. Fine Ti 2 AlC particles were homogeneously distributed and dispersed in the matrix.

  2. Assessing behavioural changes in ALS: cross-validation of ALS-specific measures. (United States)

    Pinto-Grau, Marta; Costello, Emmet; O'Connor, Sarah; Elamin, Marwa; Burke, Tom; Heverin, Mark; Pender, Niall; Hardiman, Orla


    The Beaumont Behavioural Inventory (BBI) is a behavioural proxy report for the assessment of behavioural changes in ALS. This tool has been validated against the FrSBe, a non-ALS-specific behavioural assessment, and further comparison of the BBI against a disease-specific tool was considered. This study cross-validates the BBI against the ALS-FTD-Q. Sixty ALS patients, 8% also meeting criteria for FTD, were recruited. All patients were evaluated using the BBI and the ALS-FTD-Q, completed by a carer. Correlational analysis was performed to assess construct validity. Precision, sensitivity, specificity, and overall accuracy of the BBI when compared to the ALS-FTD-Q, were obtained. The mean score of the whole sample on the BBI was 11.45 ± 13.06. ALS-FTD patients scored significantly higher than non-demented ALS patients (31.6 ± 14.64, 9.62 ± 11.38; p ALS-FTD-Q was observed (r = 0.807, p ALS-FTD-Q. Good construct validity has been further confirmed when the BBI is compared to an ALS-specific tool. Furthermore, the BBI is a more comprehensive behavioural assessment for ALS, as it measures the whole behavioural spectrum in this condition.

  3. Las facies Keuper al SW de la provincia de Soria

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    Hernando, S.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the sedimentological analysis of the materials that correspond to the Keuper facies in the area situated between the Iberian Ranges and the Central System. Acording to the obtained data, two main aspects are emphasized: - During the Upper Triassic, a c1ear retreat of the roast line towards the East took place, since this area constituted the litoral zone during the sedimentation of the Rot and Muschelkalk. - Facies change lateraly from West to East as proximal alluvial Can sediments pass into facies interpreted as distal alluvial fans and continental sabkha environment.Se analizan, desde el punto de vista sedimentológico, unos materiales correspondientes a las facies Keuper entre la Cordillera Ibérica y el Sistema Central. Dos aspectos resaltan tras este análisis: - Desplazamiento de la línea de costa (que durante la sedimentación del Rot y del Muschelkalk estaba situada en esta zona hacia el Este. - Marcado cambio lateral de facies desde el Oeste hacia el Este, pasando de unas facies proximales-medias de abanico aluvial a unas facies distales y ambiente de sabkha continental.

  4. Plastic deformation of Al13Fe4 particles in Al-Al13Fe4 by high-speed compression

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoneyama, N.; Mizoguchi, K.; Kumai, S.; Sato, A.; Kiritani, M.


    Spray-formed Al-Fe alloys having undergone high-speed deformation were examined under a high-voltage electron microscope. Two types of specimens were examined; one containing fine Al 13 Fe 4 particles, and the other containing large particles. In the former specimen, deformation is found to proceed in three patterns, depending on specimen thickness and strain rate: (1) without deformation of the Al 13 Fe 4 ; (2) breaking of the Al 13 Fe 4 ; or (3) melting of the Al 13 Fe 4 . Local melting is found to alter some of the Al 13 Fe 4 particles, to impart five-fold symmetry in diffraction or an amorphous structure. In the latter specimen, introduction of glide dislocations enabled us to determine a shear system in the mc102 monoclinic c2/m crystal of Al 13 Fe 4 . On the bases of these observations, the mechanism of high-speed deformation is discussed while taking into account the highly stressed and/or heated states of Al 13 Fe 4 embedded in Al matrix

  5. Synthesis and characterization of pillared bentonite with Al, AL/Fe and impregnated with Pd; Sintese e caracterizacao de bentonitas pilarizadas com Al, AL/Fe e impregnadas com Pd

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Marcus Vinicius Costa; Pizarro, Alejandro Herrero; Molina, Carmen Belen, E-mail: [Universidade Federal do Para (UFPA), Belem, PA (Brazil). Instituto de Tecnologia. Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica; Seccion de Ingenieria Quimica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autonoma de Madri (Spain)


    In this work, a north american bentonite was pillared with Al and Al/Fe, creating the Al-PILC and Al-Fe-PILC, respectively. Then the Pd was impregnated in the materials, generating Pd-Al-PILC and Pd-Al-Fe-PILC, respectively. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric and N{sub 2} adsorption at 77 K to determine the specific surface area by BET method (Brunauer - Emmett - Teller). There was an increase in the basal spacing of bentonite from 12.4Å in the original sample to 17.81Å in the Al-Fe-PILC, 17.20Å in Pd-Al-PILC and 17.05Å in the Pd-Al-Fe-PILC. The specific surface area increased from 19.05m{sup 2}/g in the original sample to 173.49m{sup 2}/g in Al-Fe-PILC, 101.31m{sup 2}/g to Pd-Al-PILC and 92m{sup 2}/g in Pd-Al-Fe-PILC. The pillaring process was successful and the synthesized materials have great potential for use as catalysts. (author)

  6. Electrodeposition of Al from a 1-butylpyrrolidine-AlCl3 ionic liquid

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    Giridhar Pulletikurthi


    Full Text Available The addition of 1-butylpyrrolidine to AlCl3 results in the formation of an electrolyte that is suited to Al deposition. The feasibility of electrodepositing Al from the synthesized electrolyte was investigated. Several compositions of AlCl3 and 1-butylpyrrolidine were prepared for this purpose. These mixtures show a different phase behavior at various compositions of AlCl3 and 1-butylpyrrolidine. IR, Raman and NMR spectroscopy were employed to characterize the synthesized liquids. Among the prepared compositions, 1:1.2 mol ratio of 1-butylpyrrolidine:AlCl3 and the upper phase of 1:1.3 mol ratio of 1-butylpyrrolidine:AlCl3 were found to be suitable for Al electrodeposition at room temperature (RT. Uniform and thick (~µm thick layers of Al were obtained on copper at RT. Al deposition occured from the cationic species of AlCl3−xLy+ (where x≤2, y=1–2, and L=1-butylpyrrolidine in this electrolyte. This behavior is contrary to the well investigated classic AlCl3 based ionic liquids, where the deposition of Al occurs mainly from anionic Al2Cl7− ions.

  7. Orientation of Al3Ti platelets in Al-Al3Ti functionally graded material manufactured by centrifugal method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Y.; Fukui, Y.


    Al-Al 3 Ti functionally graded materials (FGMs) were manufactured by the centrifugal method with a commercial ingot of Al-5 mass% Ti master alloy. The alloy was melted at a liquid/solid coexisting temperature, at which Al 3 Ti remains as a solid, and then it was cast into a thick-walled ring. It was found that the Al-Al 3 Ti functionally graded material can be successfully fabricated by the centrifugal method. It was also found that the volume fraction of the Al 3 Ti can be increased by repetition of the centrifugal method. Since the shape of Al 3 Ti particles in a commercial alloy ingot is that of a platelet, the Al 3 Ti particles are arranged with their platelet planes nearly perpendicular to the radial direction. The orientation effects become stronger when the G number becomes larger. Although the final centrifugal casting was conducted under a very large centrifugal force for the specimen cast three times, the orientation effects were weaker than those in the specimen cast one time. From these observations, it is concluded that the origin of orientation of Al 3 Ti platelets can be attributed to the angular velocity gradient of the melt along the radial direction produced by the difference in the viscosity. (orig.)

  8. In situ synthesis of Ti{sub 2}AlC–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/TiAl composite by vacuum sintering mechanically alloyed TiAl powder coated with CNTs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Jian [Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Tianjin University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Composite and Functional Materials, Tianjin 300072 (China); Zhao, Naiqin, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin (China); Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Tianjin University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Composite and Functional Materials, Tianjin 300072 (China); Nash, Philip [Thermal Processing Technology Center, Illinois Institute of Technology, IL (United States); Liu, Enzuo; He, Chunnian; Shi, Chunsheng; Li, Jiajun [Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Tianjin University, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Composite and Functional Materials, Tianjin 300072 (China)


    Highlights: •Using zwitterionic surfactant to enhance the dispersion of the CNTs on the powder surface. •CNTs as carbon source decreased the formation temperature of Ti{sub 2}AlC. •Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} was generated in situ from the oxygen atoms introduced in the drying procedure. •Nanosized Ti{sub 3}Al was precipitated at 1250 °C and distribute in the TiAl matrix homogeneously. •Ti{sub 2}AlC–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/TiAl composite was synthesized in situ by sintering pre-alloy Ti–Al coated with CNTs. -- Abstract: Bulk Ti{sub 2}AlC–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/TiAl composites were in situ synthesized by vacuum sintering mechanically alloyed Ti–50 at.% Al powders coated with carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The pre-alloyed Ti–50 at.% Al powder was obtained by ball milling Ti and Al powders. The multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the carbon resource were covered on the surface of the pre-alloyed powders by immersing them into a water solution containing the CNTs. A zwitterionic surfactant was used to enhance the dispersion of the CNTs on the powder surface. The samples were cold pressed and sintered in vacuum at temperatures from 950 to 1250 °C, respectively. The results show that the reaction of forming Ti{sub 2}AlC can be achieved below 950 °C, which is 150 °C lower than in the Ti–Al–TiC system and 250 °C lower than for the Ti–Al–C system due to the addition of CNTs. Additionally, the reinforcement of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} particles was introduced in situ in Ti{sub 2}AlC/TiAl by the drying process and subsequent sintering of the composite powders. Dense Ti{sub 2}AlC–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/TiAl composites were obtained by sintering at 1250 °C and exhibited a homogeneous distribution of Ti{sub 2}AlC, Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} and precipitated Ti{sub 3}Al particles and a resulting high hardness.

  9. 27Al NMR studies of NpPd5Al2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chudo, H.; Sakai, H.; Tokunaga, Y.; Kambe, S.; Aoki, D.; Homma, Y.; Shiokawa, Y.; Haga, Y.; Ikeda, S.; Matsuda, T.D.; Onuki, Y.; Yasuoka, H.


    We present 27 Al NMR studies for a single crystal of the Np-based superconductor NpPd 5 Al 2 (T c =4.9K). We have observed a five-line 27 Al NMR spectrum with a center line and four satellite lines separated by first-order nuclear quadrupole splittings. The Knight shift clearly drops below T c . The temperature dependence of the 27 Al nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate shows no coherence peak below T c , indicating that NpPd 5 Al 2 is an unconventional superconductor with an anisotropic gap. The analysis of the present NMR data provides evidence for strong-coupling d-wave superconductivity in NpPd 5 Al 2 .

  10. Magnetic tunnel junctions with AlN and AlNxOy barriers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwickert, M. M.; Childress, J. R.; Fontana, R. E.; Kellock, A. J.; Rice, P. M.; Ho, M. K.; Thompson, T. J.; Gurney, B. A.


    Nonoxide tunnel barriers such as AlN are of interest for magnetic tunnel junctions to avoid the oxidation of the magnetic electrodes. We have investigated the fabrication and properties of thin AlN-based barriers for use in low resistance magnetic tunnel junctions. Electronic, magnetic and structural data of tunnel valves of the form Ta (100 Aa)/PtMn (300 Aa)/CoFe 20 (20 Aa - 25 Aa)/barrier/CoFe 20 (10 - 20 Aa)/NiFe 16 (35 - 40 Aa)/Ta (100 Aa) are presented, where the barrier consists of AlN, AlN x O y or AlN/AlO x with total thicknesses between 8 and 15 Aa. The tunnel junctions were sputter deposited and then lithographically patterned down to 2 x 2μm 2 devices. AlN was deposited by reactive sputtering from an Al target with 20% - 35% N 2 in the Ar sputter gas at room temperature, resulting in stoichiometric growth of AlN x (x=0.50±0.05), as determined by RBS. TEM analysis shows that the as-deposited AlN barrier is crystalline. For AlN barriers and AlN followed by natural O 2 oxidation, we obtain tunnel magnetoresistance >10% with specific junction resistance R j down to 60Ωμm 2 . [copyright] 2001 American Institute of Physics

  11. A study of the Al-rich part of the Al-Re alloy system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balanetskyy, S.; Grushko, B.


    The Al-rich part of the Al-Re phase diagram was reinvestigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis. The earlier reported Al 12 Re, Al 6 Re, and Al 11 Re 4 phases were confirmed. Close to the Al 4 Re composition a high-temperature h-Al 4 Re and a low-temperature l-Al 4 Re phase were found to be formed at slightly different compositions. Both exhibited compositional ranges. A new phase was revealed close to the Al 3 Re composition. The Al 11 Re 4 phase is formed congruently at 1650 deg. C, Al 3 Re peritectically at 1610 deg. C, h-Al 4 Re peritectically at 1410 deg. C, l-Al 4 Re peritectically at ∼1000 deg. C, Al 6 Re peritectically at 813 deg. C and Al 12 Re peritectically at 746 deg. C. Finally, the Al 12 Re-(Al) eutectic is formed at 658 deg. C. The Al 3 Re and h-Al 4 Re are decomposed by eutectoid reactions at ∼946 and 833 deg., respectively. The structure of the h-Al 4 Re phase has not yet been clarified, but it is distinctly different from the Al 4 W phase suggested earlier. The structure of l-Al 4 Re was confirmed. The Al 3 Re phase was found to have a monoclinic structure with a = 0.5180(4) nm, b = 3.97641(9) nm, c = 0.4955(3) nm and β = 99.55(7) o

  12. Abu al-Layth al-Libi (United States)


    success. As an Arab participant acknowledged very early on, “the situation was really harsh. All the brothers were tired,” as they lacked food and... glorious battles that occurred during the early Islamic period.133 He stressed the importance of the battlefield as the path to achieve honor and dignity...diaspora in Waziristan. In the words of Walid Othmani, a French jihadi trained by al-Qa`ida in Waziristan in 2008, “[Al-Libi] was someone well-known and

  13. SAP-like ultrafine-grained Al composites dispersion strengthened with nanometric AlN

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balog, M.; Krizik, P.; Yan, M.; Simancik, F.; Schaffer, G.B.; Qian, M.


    This paper reports the development of novel Sinter-Aluminum-Pulver (SAP)-like Al–AlN nanocomposites via replacing the native Al 2 O 3 thin films on fine Al powder with a large volume fraction of in situ formed nanometric AlN dispersoids. Fine gas-atomized Al powder (d 50 =1.3 µm) compacts were first partially nitrided at 590 °C in flowing nitrogen, controlled by a small addition of Sn (0.3–0.4 wt%), and subsequently consolidated by hot direct extrusion. The resulting Al–AlN composites consisted of submicrometric Al grains reinforced with nanometric AlN dispersoids together with some nanometric Al 2 O 3 dispersoids. An Al–13 vol% AlN nanocomposite fabricated this way achieved exceptional ultimate tensile strength of 227 MPa, yield strength of 195 MPa and Young's modulus of 66 GPa at 300 °C, superior to typical SAP materials and coarse grained Al–AlN composites. In addition, the Al–13 vol% AlN nanocomposite exhibited good thermal stability up to 500 °C. The strengthening mechanism is discussed

  14. Fiebre petequial experimental de las montañas rocosas: resultado del tratamiento con algunas drogas (1

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    Edward A. Steinhaus


    Full Text Available En 1939, Topping informó que el Prontosil y la sulfadiazina aparentemente no tenían valor en el tratamiento de la fiebre petequial de las Montañas Rocosas, en los curíes. Estudios recientes han conducido a los autores a la misma observación con respecto al Sulfatiazol, Sulfatiazol sódico, Sulfaguanidina, Sulfadiazina, Atebrina y Tirotricina (2. Se usó una cepa de alta y fatal virulencia, de Fiebre Petequial de las Montañas Rocosas del oeste de Montana. La dosificación de cada una de las drogas varió de acuerdo con el grado de toxicidad. En general, por lo menos se usaron 3 dosificaciones y de estas se administraban una vez, 2 ó 3 veces al día. Todos los datos se resumen en el Cuadro N° 1.

  15. Analisis Kecenderungan Manhaj Akidah Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera’i

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    Full Text Available Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i is a very great and respected scholar during 16th and 17th century of Acheh. His knowledge in various fields recognized by local and international scholars. He had been a Qadi Malik al-’Adil, a religious leader, who became a referred by communities and country during the reign of the three Sultans of Aceh. He has authored nearly 40 pieces of books related to the theology and sufism. This study focuses on the methods used by Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i in his theological writings. This study found that Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i had used six methods in the such writings.

  16. Ultrasonic spot welding of Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macwan, A.; Patel, V.K.; Jiang, X.Q.; Li, C.; Bhole, S.D.; Chen, D.L.


    Highlights: • The optimal welding condition is achieved at 100 J and 0.1 s. • Failure load first increases and then decreases with increasing welding energy. • The highest failure load after welding is close to that of the clad sheets. • At low energy levels failure occurs in the mode of interfacial failure. • At high energy levels failure takes place at the edge of nugget region. - Abstract: Solid-state ultrasonic spot welding (USW) was used to join Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets, aiming at exploring weldability and identifying failure mode in relation to the welding energy. It was observed that the application of a low welding energy of 100 J was able to achieve the optimal welding condition during USW at a very short welding time of 0.1 s for the tri-layered clad sheets. The optimal lap shear failure load obtained was equivalent to that of the as-received Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets. With increasing welding energy, the lap shear failure load initially increased and then decreased after reaching a maximum value. At a welding energy of 25 J, failure occurred in the mode of interfacial failure along the center Al/Al weld interface due to insufficient bonding. At a welding energy of 50 J, 75 J and 100 J, failure was also characterized by the interfacial failure mode, but it occurred along the Al/Mg clad interface rather than the center Al/Al weld interface, suggesting stronger bonding of the Al/Al weld interface than that of the Al/Mg clad interface. The overall weld strength of the Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets was thus governed by the Al/Mg clad interface strength. At a welding energy of 125 J and 150 J, thinning of weld nugget and extensive deformation at the edge of welding tip caused failure at the edge of nugget region, leading to a lower lap shear failure load


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    Zakiyah Zakiyah


    Tulisan ini mereview buku yang berjudul al-Sanī al-Maṭālib yang ditulis oleh Kiai Nur Iman Mlangi Yogyakarta. Buku ini ditulis dalam bahasa Arab yang me­ngandung interkoneksi antara ilmu Nahwu (tata bahasa Arab dengan mis­tisis­me. Buku ini sangat menarik karena kenyataan bahwa kedua pengetahuan tersebut memiliki aturan sendiri-sendiri. Selain itu, sangat sedikit penulis yang menulis dengan gaya seperti itu. Salah satunya adalah Syaikh Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad al-Kuhany dengan karyanya yang berjudul Manniyat al-Fāqir al-Munjarid wa Sayrat al-Murīd al-Mutafarrid. Buku al-Saniy al-Muthalib diduga telah ditulis pada akhir abad ke-18 atau awal abad ke-19, menurut periode kehidupan Kiai Nur Iman yaitu sekitar pertengahan abad ke-18. Aturan Nahwu dalam buku ini dijelaskan secara teosofi yang dimulai dengan penjelasan mengenai tauhid (keesaan Tuhan sebagai kajian dasar bagi orang Islam, yang diikuti dengan makna dari masing-masing aturan bahasa Arab dalam aspek mistiknya.

  18. Rekonstruksi Konsep Ijtihad: Studi Pemikiran Ben’umar tentang al-Ijtihad fi al-Waqi’

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    Duski Ibrahim


    Full Text Available This paper is the result of a research that evaluating the reconstruction the concept of ijtihad, by discuss the idea of al-Ijtihad Ben'umar fi al-waqi’. This paper concludes that Al-Ijtihad fi al-waqi’ is actually a form of collective ijtihad (al ijtihad al-jama'i, by gathering the experts of shari'ah law (fuqaha` ash-shar'i and experts Researchers and scientists (khubara` al-'ashr. Because experts know the nash purposes, while researchers and scientists (al-khubara` know the reality (al-waqi’, the effects in the future (ma'alat = future effect and challenges (tahaddiyat. The idea of formulating the concept of al-ijtihad fi al-waqi’ emerged based on a premise that ijtihad is a creation of experts to implement Islamic law in society. Therefore, the concept of ijtihad experienced a significant development, start from using the nash from the language aspects, continue to the using of logic. At the moment when the situation people are increasingly develop, then the creation of ijtihad become a necessary to developed, for example in the form of al-ijtihad fi al-waqi’ . About the source of the formation of the concept of al -ijtihad fi al-waqi’ comes from theory about the functions of nash, al-manath theory in Islamic law, and supported by the theory of al-mashlalah al-mursalah.


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    Angélica Cargnin de Souza


    Full Text Available A região Sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul apresenta áreas de intensa degradação, com extensas porções da superfície recobertas por areias submetidos aos condicionantes climáticos locais, sendo denominadas de areais ou campos de areias. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar uma análise da evolução da arenização da Bacia Hidrográfica do Arroio Puitã no período 1984 a 2014, através de mapeamento multitemporal. Assim se seguiram algumas etapas: primeiramente se deu a coleta de dados; após, o trabalho de campo; a seguir se deu a etapa de geoprocessamento com a confecção dos mapas de uso e cobertura da terra dos anos de 1984, 1994, 2004 e 2014 de toda a Bacia, a validação das classificações e as análises geográficas. A partir do mapeamento da arenização na bacia foi encontrada uma expansão considerável da área para os períodos correspondentes de 1984-1994 e 1994-2004, e uma redução de área em um terceiro período de 2004-2014, no entanto considerando todo o período estudado foi verificado apenas um aumento de 1,87 km² de área. Assim se observou que o mapeamento da arenização no Oeste do RS, visando o monitoramento da mesma área considerando um grande intervalo temporal foi mais eficaz utilizando-se do mapeamento multitemporal.


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    Marcelo Notti Miranda


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    Determinou-se a soma térmica, expressa em graus-dia, para o subperíodo semeadura-maturação do feijoeiro comum, cultivar Carioca. O estudo foi desenvolvido com base em dados fenológicos de experimentos de campo, realizados no período de entressafra, com o uso de irrigação, no ano de 2006, e no período de safra normal, com e sem o uso de irrigação, no ano de 2007. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Instituto Federal de Rondônia (IFRO, no município de Colorado do Oeste, Estado de Rondônia. A soma dos graus-dia (GD foi determinada utilizando-se dois métodos: o primeiro considerando-se três diferentes temperaturas-base inferiores (Tb, 10°C, 12°C e 15°C, e o segundo tomando-se as temperaturas-base inferiores 10°C, 12°C e 15°C e a temperatura-base superior (TB de 35°C. Os valores diários da temperatura do ar foram obtidos na estação meteorológica do IFRO, instalada próxima aos locais dos experimentos. Os métodos não apresentaram diferença significativa entre si, fornecendo valores médios que variaram de 686 a 1.261,9 graus-dia, com Tb de 15°C, para o período de safra normal com irrigação, e de 10°C, para o período de entressafra, respectivamente. Pelos resultados obtidos, evidencia-se que as condições de soma térmica, para o cultivo do feijão, são favoráveis, principalmente no período de safra normal com irrigação.

  1. Avaliação da degradação das terras nas regiões oeste e norte da cidade de Campina Grande, PB: um estudo de caso Evaluation of land degradation in north and western regions of Campina Grande, PB: a case study

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    João M. de Moraes Neto


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, avaliar a degradação das terras nas regiões oeste e norte da cidade de Campina Grande, PB, cuja metodologia incluiu: processamento digital de imagem, interpretação visual e correlação com os dados de campo. Na análise digital utilizou-se o método de classificação supervisionada por Maximoverossimilhança (Maxver, cujos resultados se mostraram satisfatórios permitindo, assim, o mapeamento das principais áreas degradadas da região de estudo.The objective of the present work was to evaluate and characterize the land degradation in western and northern regions of Campina Grande, PB. Data were obtained through digital image processing, followed by visual interpretation of the digitally processed image and final field checking. The Gaussian Maximum Likelihood Classifier was used in digital analysis. The results of the classification showed to be satisfactory, allowing to map the main degraded areas of the studied region.

  2. Obtención de Antraquinona contenida en el exudado de Aloe Vera (L.) Burm. f. (Zábila)


    Saavedra, Oswaldo; Rondón, Carlos; Gallignani, Máximo; Ayala, Carlos; Nicola, Margarelli


    La investigación tuvo como propósito obtener la antraquinona contenida en el exudado de Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f. (zábila) mediante el método de cristalización y su identificación mediante la técnica de espectrofotometría de radiación infrarroja. La muestra la conformaron 18 plantas de zábila, recolectadas al oeste de la ciudad Santa Ana de Coro, estado Falcón. Se utilizaron tres métodos para la obtención de antraquinona a partir del exudado de zábila. En el método A, la antraquinona se obtuvo p...

  3. La zoantropía en Galicia

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    Laureano PRIETO


    Full Text Available La zoantropía es una creencia muy antigua. La literatura clásica nos ofrece numerosos casos de personajes convertidos en animales por efectos mágicos o por castigo de los dioses. En Alemania se halla muy extendida la creencia en el Werwol], denominada Boexenwolj en el Oeste de la Alemania central, es decir, en la transformación del hombre en lobo, señalándose entonces por su ferocidad, tanto con los animales como los seres humanos. En Noruega se cree en el Berseker, o sea el hombre oso, que se caracteriza por su fuerza extraordinaria.

  4. Evaluación ambiental de las condiciones de explotación y uso del recurso hidríco subterráneo en el Barrio Cerro Los Leones, Tandil


    Rodríguez, Corina Iris


    Se basa esta investigación en la evaluación ambiental de las condiciones de explotación y uso del recurso hídrico subterráneo en el Barrio Cerro Los Leones, ubicado al Oeste de la ciudad de Tandil, en el centro-SE de la provincia de Buenos Aires. El interés por dicho sector surgió a partir de las falencias en la provisión de agua potable y servicios sanitarios. El objetivo principal consistió en la generación de pautas de gestión sustentable basadas en el análisis y evaluación del sistema sub...

  5. Modificaciones en la composición corporal después de realizar una prueba de ultrarresistencia de 1.700 km en bicicleta de montaña


    Clemente Suárez, Vicente J.; González-Ravé, José María


    El estudio de los cambios en la composición corporal en pruebas de resistencia se ha limitado en la mayoría de los casos al estudio de las pérdidas de peso corporal. El presente estudio pretende analizar los cambios producidos en la composición corporal (agua, proteínas, minerales, grasa, y músculo) producidos después de realizar una prueba de 1.700 Km en bicicleta de montaña cruzando África de este a oeste. Se analizaron 5 sujetos (73,3±10,2 kg, 170±0,1 cm, 51,2±6,9 a...

  6. Study of the 26Al(n,p)26Mg and 26Al(n,α)23Na reactions using the 27Al(p,p')27Al inelastic scattering reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benamara, S; De Séréville, N; Hammache, F; Stefan, I; Roussel, P; Ancelin, S; Assié, M; Guillot, J; Le Crom, B; Lefebvre, L; Adsley, P; Laird, A M; Barton, C; Diget, C; Fox, S; Coc, A; Deloncle, I; Hamadache, C; Kiener, J; Lefebfre-Schuhl, A


    26 Al was the first cosmic radioactivity ever detected in the galaxy as well as one of the first extinct radioactivity observed in refractory phases of meteorites. Its nucleosynthesis in massive stars is still uncertain mainly due to the lack of nuclear information concerning the 26 Al(n,p) 26 Mg and 26 Al(n,α) 23 Na reactions. We report on a single and coincidence measurement of the 27 Al(p,p') 27 Al(p) 26 Mg and 27 Al(p,p') 27 Al(α) 23 Na reactions performed at the Orsay TANDEM facility aiming at the spectroscopy study of 27 Al above the neutron threshold. Fourteen states are observed for the first time within 350 keV above the 26 Al+n threshold. (paper)

  7. AlN/Al dual protective coatings on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Jinlong; Mao Shoudong; Sun Kefei [Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China); Li Xiaomin [Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050 (China); Song Zhenlun [Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Magnetic Materials and Application Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo 315201 (China)], E-mail:


    AlN/Al dual protective coatings were prepared on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering in a home-made industrial apparatus. Comparing with Al coating, AlN/Al coatings have a denser structure of an outmost AlN amorphous layer following an inner Al columnar crystal layer. The coatings and NdFeB substrate combine well, and moreover, there is occurrence of metallurgy bonding in the interface layer. Both Al and AlN/Al coatings have a good protective ability to NdFeB. Especially, the corrosion resistance of AlN/Al coated NdFeB is improved largely. AlN/Al and Al protective coatings not only do not deteriorate the magnetic properties of NdFeB, but contribute to their slight increase.

  8. AlN/Al dual protective coatings on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jinlong; Mao Shoudong; Sun Kefei; Li Xiaomin; Song Zhenlun


    AlN/Al dual protective coatings were prepared on NdFeB by DC magnetron sputtering in a home-made industrial apparatus. Comparing with Al coating, AlN/Al coatings have a denser structure of an outmost AlN amorphous layer following an inner Al columnar crystal layer. The coatings and NdFeB substrate combine well, and moreover, there is occurrence of metallurgy bonding in the interface layer. Both Al and AlN/Al coatings have a good protective ability to NdFeB. Especially, the corrosion resistance of AlN/Al coated NdFeB is improved largely. AlN/Al and Al protective coatings not only do not deteriorate the magnetic properties of NdFeB, but contribute to their slight increase.

  9. Al-Si/Al2O3 in situ composite prepared by displacement reaction of CuO/Al system

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    Zhang Jing


    Full Text Available Al2O3 particle-reinforced ZL109 composite was prepared by in situ reaction between CuO and Al. The microstructure was observed by means of OM, SEM and TEM. The Al2O3 particles in sub-micron sizes distribute uniformly in the matrix, and the Cu displaced from the in situ reaction forms net-like alloy phases with other alloy elements. The hardness and the tensile strength of the composites at room temperature have a slight increase as compared to that of the matrix. However, the tensile strength at 350 ℃ has reached 90.23 MPa, or 16.92 MPa higher than that of the matrix. The mechanism of the reaction in the CuO/Al system was studied by using of differential scanning calorimetry(DSC and thermodynamic calculation. The reaction between CuO and Al involves two steps. First, CuO reacts with Al to form Cu2O and Al2O3 at the melting temperature of the matrix alloy, and second, Cu2O reacts with Al to form Cu and Al2O3 at a higher temperature. At ZL109 casting temperature of 750–780 ℃, the second step can also take place because of the effect of exothermic reaction of the first step.

  10. AlGaN nanocolumns and AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN nanostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ristic, J.; Sanchez-Garcia, M.A.; Ulloa, J.M.; Calleja, E. [Departamento de Ingenieria Electronica, ETSI Telecomunicacion, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid (Spain); Sanchez-Paramo, J.; Calleja, J.M. [Departamento de Fisica de Materiales, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid (Spain); Jahn, U.; Trampert, A.; Ploog, K.H. [Paul-Drude-Institut fuer Festkoerperelektronik, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, 10117 Berlin (Germany)


    This work reports on the characterization of hexagonal, single crystal AlGaN nanocolumns with diameters in the range of 30 to 100 nm grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si(111) substrates. The change of the flux ratio between the Al and the total III-element controls the alloy composition. The Al composition trend versus the Al flux is consistent both with the E{sub 2} phonon energy values measured by inelastic light scattering and the luminescence emission peaks position. High quality low dimensional AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN heterostructures with five GaN quantum discs, 2 and 4 nm thick, embedded into the AlGaN columns, were designed in order to study the quantum confinement effects. (Abstract Copyright [2002], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)


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    Muhammad Ardy Zaini


    Full Text Available Islam hadir dengan beberapa tujuan, diantaranya adalah terciptanya khoirul ummah dan rahmatan lil’alamin dengan al-Qur’an dan al-Hadits sebagai penuntun umat Islam demi tercapainya tujuan tersebut. Sebagai pedoman hidup, al-Qur’an dan al-Hadits memberikan berbagai petunjuk tentang keteraturan dan permasalahan hidup, termasuk didalamnya mengenai perbankan yang telah memenuhi hampir separuh sisi-sisi kehidupan manusia. Untuk memaksimal ajaran syariah secara kaffah, maka nilai-nilai yang terdapat dalam al-Quran harus mampu diturunkan pada tataran praktis. Salah satu usaha dan langkah dalam rangka menemukan formula perbankan masa depan, al-Quran dan Hadits memiliki konsepsi dalam kegiatan operasional Bank Syariah. Hal ini dilakukan untuk membentuk sikap mental atau watak yang terjabarkan dalam pola berpikir, cara berbicara, dan etika bertingkah laku, sebagai ekspresi jiwa dari manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Allah Swt. Agar umat Islam mampu menjadi umat yang unggul (khayr ummah.

  12. Caracterização de isolados de Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis = Characterization of isolates of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis

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    Roberto Luis Portz


    Full Text Available A bacteriose (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis e a doenca de maior importancia economica na cultura da mandioca. Para estudar a variabilidade genetica desta bacteria no Oeste do Parana, foram realizados levantamentos em Entre Rios do Oeste, Marechal Candido Rondon, Mercedes, Missal, Nova Santa Rosa e Pato Bragado. Os isolados foram caracterizados em relacao a atividade de amilase, ƒ¿ e ƒÀ-esterase e agressividade. Dos 61 materiais vegetais coletados, obtiveram-se 19 isolados da bacteria, com maior incidencia para variedades de mesa em relacao aqueles para industria. Manivas provenientes de Pato Bragado, Entre Rios do Oeste e Mercedes apresentaram incidencias de 10, 27 e 10%, respectivamente, valores inferiores aos de Marechal Candido Rondon (50% e Nova Santa Rosa (58%. Os isolados foram agrupados em cinco, seis e 12 grupos em relacao a capacidade amilolitica, agressividade e isoenzimas de esterase, respectivamente. Nao houve relacao entre atividade de amilase e agressividade. Isolados de Marechal Candido Rondon foram mais agressivos que os provenientes das outras regioes. O agrupamento com base em esterase permitiu verificar que isolados provenientes de Entre Rios do Oeste, Nova Santa Rosa e Mercedes apresentaram alto grau de similaridade. Estes resultados indicam haver diferenciacaoentre os isolados da bacteria presentes nos municipios amostrados.The bacterial blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis is the most important disease of cassava. To study the genetic variability of pathogen in the West of Parana, a research was carried out at Entre Rios do Oeste, Marechal Candido Rondon, Mercedes, Missal, Nova Santa Rosa and Pato Bragado. The isolates were characterized to amylase activity, ƒ¿ and ƒÀ-esterase and aggressiveness. From 61 collected materials, were obtained 19 bacterial isolates, with larger incidence for varieties of human consume than those for industry. Stems from Pato Bragado, Entre Rios do Oeste and Mercedes

  13. Fabrication of AlN-TiC/Al composites by gas injection processing

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    YU Huashun; CHEN Hongmei; MA Rendian; MIN Guanghui


    The fabrication of AlN-TiC/Al composites by carbon-and nitrogen-containing gas injection into Al-Mg-Ti melts was studied. It was shown that AlN and TiC particles could be formed by the in situ reaction of mixture gas (N2+C2H2+NH3) with Al-Mg-Ti melts. The condition for the formation of AlN was that the treatment temperature must be higher than 1373 K, and the amounts of AlN and TiC increased with the increase of the treatment temperature and the gas injection time.It was considered that AlN was formed by the direct reaction of Al with nitrogen-containing gas at the interface of the gas bubble and the melt. However, the mechanism of TiC formation is a combination mechanism of solution-precipitation and solid-liquid reaction.

  14. The formation of AlB2 in an Al-B master alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xiaoming


    The formation of borides in an Al-3 wt.%B master alloy, produced via chemical reactions of KBF 4 and aluminium has been investigated. The chemical reactions produce boron, which dissolves into molten aluminium and subsequently forms aluminium borides. Backscattered electron imaging (BEI) of the Al-3 wt.%B master alloy under a scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed the presence of two types of phases that contain different levels of boron. Combined with X-ray diffraction (XRD) results, the two types of phases are identified as AlB 2 on AlB 12 . This gives a direct evidence for a peritectic reaction of AlB 12 and aluminium, which produces AlB 2 . The thermodynamic properties of the reactions that may be involved are examined, and the presence of AlB 12 phase in the master alloy explained. The observed microstructure is explained according to the peritectic reaction in an Al-B phase diagram. The stability of AlB 2 and AlB 12 at lower temperature than 975 deg. C is clarified

  15. Construction and evaluation of multi-component Zn-Al based bearing alloys (Zn-Al-Si, Zn-Al-Cu)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shahmiri, M.; Shahin, K.


    Zn-Al based alloys, with excellent mechanical properties, are finding increasing applications in various industries, especially bearing and bushing fields. Observed dimensional instabilities, in their multicomponent systems, (e. g. Zn-Al-Si and, Zn-Al Si-Cu), is believed to be as the result of some kinds of phase transformation, due to the temperature variations, while in service. Profound understanding of the phase transformations due to the temperature variation, requires detailed evaluations of the isothermal sections of the multi-components phase diagrams of Zn-Al-Si and, Zn-Al-Si-Cu alloy systems. In the present article, the isothermal sections of the aforementioned ternary and quaternary systems in the solid state regions have been investigated and observed phase transitions have been critically evaluated

  16. The Existence of a Designer Al=Al Double Bond in the LiAl2 H4- Cluster Formed by Electronic Transmutation. (United States)

    Lundell, Katie A; Zhang, Xinxing; Boldyrev, Alexander I; Bowen, Kit H


    The Al=Al double bond is elusive in chemistry. Herein we report the results obtained via combined photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio studies of the LiAl 2 H 4 - cluster that confirm the formation of a conventional Al=Al double bond. Comprehensive searches for the most stable structures of the LiAl 2 H 4 - cluster have shown that the global minimum isomer I possesses a geometric structure which resembles that of Si 2 H 4 , demonstrating a successful example of the transmutation of Al atoms into Si atoms by electron donation. Theoretical simulations of the photoelectron spectrum discovered the coexistence of two isomers in the ion beam, including the one with the Al=Al double bond. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Characterization of N-polar AlN in GaN/AlN/(Al,Ga)N heterostructures grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (United States)

    Li, Haoran; Mazumder, Baishakhi; Bonef, Bastien; Keller, Stacia; Wienecke, Steven; Speck, James S.; Denbaars, Steven P.; Mishra, Umesh K.


    In GaN/(Al,Ga)N high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMT), AlN interlayer between GaN channel and AlGaN barrier suppresses alloy scattering and significantly improves the electron mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas. While high concentrations of gallium were previously observed in Al-polar AlN interlayers grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, the N-polar AlN (Al x Ga1-x N) films examined by atom probe tomography in this study exhibited aluminum compositions (x) equal to or higher than 95% over a wide range of growth conditions. The also investigated AlN interlayer in a N-polar GaN/AlN/AlGaN/ S.I. GaN HEMT structure possessed a similarly high x content.

  18. KRITIK ATAS KRITIK EPISTEMOLOGI TAFSIR M. ABIED AL JABIRI: Studi Kritis atas Madkhal ila al Quran al Karim

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    Ahmad Fawaid


    Full Text Available This paper critically views the epistemology of Muhammad Abid al Jabiri’s interpretation in his book, Madkhal ila al Quran al Karim. His latest work is projected to make the Quran relevant to mankind today and with certainly critiquing classical Quranic studies that have been constructed by previous scholars. Starting from Arab criticism, which is expected to synergize the gap between Turath and modernity, al Jabiri tried out his theory in the realm of Quranic studies oriented to maintain its originality and interpretation from sectarian influence. Focusing on al Jabiri’s review on the Quran, this paper examines and associates some of the problems with the epistemology of critique in Arab reasoning. Finally, it is inferred that the epistemologic offer of al Jabiri used in Turath is not fully applicable in Quranic studies for several reasons. First, the Quranic studies existed within the chain of sanad in its formation. Secondly, at the application stage, al Jabri often overlooked the sanad and narrations from the companions.

  19. Lubrication performance and mechanisms of Mg/Al-, Zn/Al-, and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxide nanoparticles as lubricant additives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Shuo; Bhushan, Bharat


    Highlights: • Mg/Al-, Zn/Al- and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxide were synthesized. • Mg/Al-LDH had superior tribological performance compared to other LDHs. • The best thermal stability of Mg/Al-LDH was responsible for its friction property. - Abstract: Solid lubricant particles are commonly used as oil additives for low friction and wear. Mg/Al-, Zn/Al-, and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxides (LDH) were synthesized by coprecipitation method. The benefits of LDH nanoparticles are that they can be synthesized using chemical methods where size and shape can be controlled, and can be modified organically to allow dispersal in fluids. The LDH nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, thermogravimetry, and differential scanning calorimetry. A pin-on-disk friction and wear tester was used for evaluating the friction and wear properties of LDH nanoparticles as lubricant additives. LDH nanoparticles have friction-reducing and anti-wear properties compared to oil without LDHs. Mg/Al-LDH has the best lubrication, possibly due to better thermal stability in severe conditions.

  20. Lubrication performance and mechanisms of Mg/Al-, Zn/Al-, and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxide nanoparticles as lubricant additives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Shuo [School of Materials Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), 29 Xueyuan Road, Haidian Distract, Beijing 100083 (China); Nanoprobe Laboratory for Bio- & Nanotechnology and Biomimetics (NLBB), The Ohio State University, 201 W. 19th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1142 (United States); Bhushan, Bharat, E-mail: [Nanoprobe Laboratory for Bio- & Nanotechnology and Biomimetics (NLBB), The Ohio State University, 201 W. 19th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210-1142 (United States)


    Highlights: • Mg/Al-, Zn/Al- and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxide were synthesized. • Mg/Al-LDH had superior tribological performance compared to other LDHs. • The best thermal stability of Mg/Al-LDH was responsible for its friction property. - Abstract: Solid lubricant particles are commonly used as oil additives for low friction and wear. Mg/Al-, Zn/Al-, and Zn/Mg/Al-layered double hydroxides (LDH) were synthesized by coprecipitation method. The benefits of LDH nanoparticles are that they can be synthesized using chemical methods where size and shape can be controlled, and can be modified organically to allow dispersal in fluids. The LDH nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, thermogravimetry, and differential scanning calorimetry. A pin-on-disk friction and wear tester was used for evaluating the friction and wear properties of LDH nanoparticles as lubricant additives. LDH nanoparticles have friction-reducing and anti-wear properties compared to oil without LDHs. Mg/Al-LDH has the best lubrication, possibly due to better thermal stability in severe conditions.

  1. Dakwah Kultural Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Kayu Khas Melayu Palembang

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    Reza Pahlevi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkap berbagai fenomena yang menggambarkan serangkaian kegiatan dakwah kultural Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang. Sehingga dapat diperoleh sejumlah informasi mengenai berbagai upaya penerapan program yang dimaksud. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan, pertama kontribusi Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang terhadap perkembangan metode dakwah kultural adalah dakwah melalui seni. Kedua, Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang sebagai tempat Wisata Religi yang sangat signifikan.   This research tries to reveal the various phenomenon that describe a series of cultural propaganda activities Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang. In order to obtain some informations about the efforts of the implementation of the program in question. It can be concluded, the first contribution of Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang on the development of methods of cultural propaganda is propaganda through art. Second Bayt al-Qur’an al-Akbar Ukiran Khas Melayu Palembang as a very significant Religious Tourism.

  2. Optical phonon scattering on electronic mobility in Al2O3/AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures (United States)

    Zhou, X. J.; Qu, Y.; Ban, S. L.; Wang, Z. P.


    Considering the built-in electric fields and the two-mode property of transverse optical phonons in AlGaN material, the electronic eigen-energies and wave functions are obtained by solving Schrödinger equation with the finite difference method. The dispersion relations and potentials of the optical phonons are given by the transfer matrix method. The mobility of the two dimensional electron gas influenced by the optical phonons in Al2O3/AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures is investigated based on the theory of Lei-Ting force balance equation. It is found that the scattering from the half-space phonons is the main factor affecting the electronic mobility, and the influence of the other phonons can be ignored. The results show that the mobility decreases with increasing the thicknesses of Al2O3 and AlN layers, but there is no definite relationship between the mobility and the thickness of AlGaN barrier. The mobility is obviously reduced by increasing Al component in AlGaN crystal to show that the effect of ternary mixed crystals is important. It is also found that the mobility increases first and then decreases as the increment of the fixed charges, but decreases always with increasing temperature. The heterostructures constructed here can be good candidates as metal-oxide-semiconductor high-electron-mobility-transistors since they have higher electronic mobility due to the influence from interface phonons weakened by the AlN interlayer.

  3. Al2O3 adherence on CoCrAl alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kingsley, L.M.


    Adherence of protective oxides on NiCrAl and CoCrAl superalloys has been promoted by a dispersion of a highly oxygen reactive element or its oxide being produced within the protection system. Two aspects of this subject are investigated here: the use of Al 2 O 3 as both the dispersion and protective oxide; and the production of an HfO 2 dispersion while simultaneously aluminizing the alloy. It was found that an Al 2 O 3 dispersion will act to promote the adherence of an external scale of Al 2 O 3 to a degree comparable to previously tested dispersions and an HfO 2 dispersion comparable to that produced by a Rhines pack treatment is produced during aluminization

  4. Tracing Al Shabaab’s Decision to Cooperate with Al Qaeda in Somalia (2008

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    Adlini Ilma Ghaisany Sjah


    Full Text Available 'Al Shabaab, a Somali insurgent with predominantly nationalistic causes (alongside transnational [global Jihad] and Islamic goals made the choice to fight on behalf of Al Qaeda in 2008. The decision to do so contrasted with Al Shabaab’s previous behaviour of actively denying cooperation and distancing itself from Al Qaeda. This study aims to uncover factors that contributed to Al Shabaab’s decision through the use of process-tracing. The results show that Al Shabaab’s declaration of cooperation with Al Qaeda in August 2008 was brought about by a series of events that traced back to four factors: public reactions to the implementation of a Salafi ideology, the shift to a radical leadership, Al Shabaab’s inability to maintain stability in areas under its control and its increasing attacks by Al Shabaab on the Somali public. Al Shabaab pursued cooperation with Al Qaeda after realizing that their nationalistic preference was no longer achievable in the near future.' ' '

  5. All About ALS (United States)

    ... Subscribe August 2015 Print this issue All About ALS Understanding a Devastating Disorder En español Send us ... Sports Concussions Wise Choices How Can I Help ALS Research? If you have ALS, join the National ...

  6. Atomistic simulations of diffusion mechanisms in off-stoichiometric Al-rich Ni3Al

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duan, Jinsong


    This paper presents dynamics simulation results of diffusion in off-stoichiometric Al-rich Ni 3 Al (Ni 73 Al 27 ) at temperature ranging from 1300 to 1550 K. The interatomic forces are described by the Finnis-Sinclair type N-body potentials. Particular attention is devoted to the effect of the extra 2% of Al atoms sitting on the Ni sublattice as antisite point defects (Al Ni ) on diffusion. Simulation results show that Ni atoms mainly diffuse through the Ni sublattice at the temperatures investigated. Al atoms diffuse via both the intrasublattice and antistructure bridge (ASB) mechanisms. The contribution to Al diffusion from the ASB mechanism decreases at the lower temperature (T Ni ) enhances both Al and Ni diffusion in Ni 73 Al 27 . The Ni-Al coupled diffusion effect is observed and understood at the atomic level for the first time

  7. Methodology and Characteristics of Zad al-masir fi ‘ilm al-tafsirby AllamaIbn al-Jawzī (Urdu

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    Dr. Muhammad Riaz al Azhari


    Full Text Available This article describes the methodology and characteristics of Zad al-masir fi ‘ilm al-tafsir. This is one the finest work of AllamaIbn al-Jawzī, a 6th century prominent Interpreter. Several editions of this Tafsir have been published. However, the edition of dar al-kitab al-‘arbi, Beirut published in four volumes is selected for this study. This exegesis is based on conventional narrations, authentic quotations from the Islamic Scholars and lingual & grammatical discussions. As a witness, causes of verses (asbabal-Nuz┴l,Makki and MadaniSurah’s (chapters, the abrogating and abrogated verses (al-nasikhwal-mans┴kh and Islamic jurisprudence have been discussed in it where needed. The quality of this translation which is admirable is that mostly authentic Ahadith from original sources, and references to well known basic books in relevant discussions have been described. `

  8. Phenotypic and genotypic studies of ALS cases in ALS-SMA families. (United States)

    Corcia, Philippe; Vourc'h, Patrick; Blasco, Helene; Couratier, Philippe; Dangoumau, Audrey; Bellance, Remi; Desnuelle, Claude; Viader, Fausto; Pautot, Vivien; Millecamps, Stephanie; Bakkouche, Salah; Salachas, FranÇois; Andres, Christian R; Meininger, Vincent; Camu, William


    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) are the most frequent motor neuron disorders in adulthood and infancy, respectively. There is a growing literature supporting common pathophysiological patterns between those disorders. One important clinical issue for that is the co-occurrence of both diseases within a family. To collect families in which ALS and SMA patients co-exist and describe the phenotype and the genotype of ALS patients. Nine families with co-occurrence of SMA and ALS have been gathered over the last 15 years. Epidemiological, phenotype and genetic status were collected. Out of the nine families, six corresponded to the criteria of familial ALS (FALS). Clinical data were available for 11 patients out of the 15 ALS cases. Mean age of onset was 58.5 years, site of onset was lower limbs in nine cases (81.8%), median duration was 22 months. Four ALS patients carried a mutation: three mutations in SOD1 gene (G147N in two cases and one with E121G) and one repeat expansion in the C9ORF72 gene. Three patients had abnormal SMN1 copy numbers. While the high proportion of familial history of ALS cases in these ALS-SMA pedigrees could have suggested that these familial clusters of the two most frequent MND rely on a genetic background, we failed to exclude that this occurred by chance.

  9. Fluxo gênico em soja na Região Oeste do Paraná Soybean gene flow in the Western Region of Paraná

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    Ivan Schuster


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o fluxo gênico em soja, na Região Oeste do Paraná. Foram semeados cinco círculos concêntricos, com a cultivar CD 219RR, que contém o gene CP4 EPSPS. Os círculos foram espaçados em 50 cm, com círculo interno de diâmetro de 50 cm. Externamente a estes, foi semeada a cultivar CD 211 (convencional, também em cinco círculos concêntricos, espaçados em 1 m. As plantas da cultivar CD 211 foram colhidas e trilhadas individualmente, e as sementes semeadas novamente no campo. Após a emergência, foram obtidas 151.772 plântulas, as quais, com 15 dias, foram pulverizadas com 900 g ha-1 de i.a. de glifosato. Após uma semana, plantas sobreviventes foram submetidas à análise de PCR, para verificar a presença do gene CP4 EPSPS. A taxa de fecundação cruzada foi de 0,61, 0,29, 0,23, 0,22 e 0,23% respectivamente a 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 m de distância das plantas geneticamente modificadas.The objective of this work was to evaluate soybean gene flow in the Western Region of Paraná. Five concentric circles were sowed with the CD 219RR cultivar, which contains the CP4 EPSPS gene. The circles were spaced in 50 cm and the central circle had 50 cm in diameter. Externally to the CD 219RR circles, five concentric circles were sowed with CD 211 cultivar, a no genetically modified soybean, spaced of 1 m. The CD 211 plants were harvested and threshed separately and the seeds were sowed again. After the emergency, 151,772 seedlings were obtained, which with 15 days were sprayed with 900 g ha-1 a.i. of glyphosate. After one week, the surviving plants were analysed by PCR to verify the CP4 EPSPS gene presence. The cross-pollinating rate was 0.61, 0.29, 0.23, 0.22 and 0.23% in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 m distance of the genetically modified plants, respectively.

  10. Eutectic microstructures of Al-ThA13 and Al-UA14 alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vieira, R.R.; Ambrozio Filho, F.


    This paper deals on the microstructures of systems Al-ThAl3 and Al-UAL4, which are composed by a non faceted phase (aluminium) and an intermetallic phase (ThAl3 or UAL4) which is normally faceted phase. (C.M.)

  11. Interface reactions in the Al-Si-SiC and Mg-Al-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composite systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johnson, P.K. [Commission of the European Communities, Petten (Netherlands). Inst. for Advanced Materials; Fazal-Ur-Rehman [Imperial Coll. of Science, Technology and Medicine, London (United Kingdom). Dept. of Materials; Fox, S. [Imperial Coll. of Science, Technology and Medicine, London (United Kingdom). Dept. of Materials; Flower, H.M. [Imperial Coll. of Science, Technology and Medicine, London (United Kingdom). Dept. of Materials; West, D.R.F.


    Structural and compositional observations are reported on the influence of the interfaces on the mechanisms and kinetics of liquid metal-ceramic reactions in Al-SiC, Al-Si-SiC, Mg-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} and Mg-Al-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composites. The aluminium based materials contained up to 20 vol% SiC in particulate form, and were produced by a spray casting process; subsequently the interface reactions were studied in samples heated to temperatures up to 1100 C. The reaction product was Al{sub 4}C{sub 3} in both Al-SiC and Al-Si-SiC composites. The influence of the crystallography and topology of the SiC particle surfaces on the nucleation of the Al{sub 4}C{sub 3} has been demonstrated; surface asperities play an important role. Growth of nuclei proceeds to form continuous reaction product layers which control the subsequent kinetics. The magnesium based composites contained 5 vol% Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} fibres (3 {mu}m in diameter), and were produced by a liquid infiltration process. SD Safimax fibres with relatively low and high porosity, and also RF Saffil fibres, with a silica binder, were investigated. Fibre porosity plays a major role in accelerating the penetration of Mg into the fibres with reaction to form MgO. Silica binder on the fibre surface transforms to MgO. The reaction rate was reduced by the presence of aluminium in the matrix. The factors controlling the reactions in the aluminium and magnesium based composites are compared. (orig.)


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    Abdul Sattar


    Popularitas Imam Bukhari sebagai penyusun kitab Hadits memiliki posisi yang tinggi di kalangan masyarakat muslim. Kitab Al-Jami ‘al-Shahih karya Imam  Bukhari dianggap sebagai koleksi hadits terbaik setelah Quran. Namun, tidak ada banyak informasi tentang kemampuannya di bidang Hukum Islam (fiqh. Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang dapat diajukan dalam hal tersebut;  pertama, apakah pemikiran Imam Bukhari dipengaruh salah satu dari empat fuqaha Sunni saat menulis al-Jami ‘al-Shahih?. Kedua, apa yang diupayakan Imam Bukhari untuk mengartikulasikan pemikirannya tentang hukum Islam? Dengan menggunakan pendekatan eksploratif, verifikatif dan hermenetical, artikel ini akan mengungkapkan bahwa Imam Bukhari tidak berada di bawah pengaruh madhab tertentu dalam mengartikulasikan pemikirannya tentang hukum Islam. Dia mengartikulasikan pandangannya dengan cara yang unik dan execelent berdasarkan kapasitasnya sebagai muhaddits.

  13. La "historia de los omeyas de al-Andalus" en los Masalik al-Absar


    Molina, Luis


    [ES]Los Masalik al-absar de Ibn Fadl Allah al-`Umari incluyen un breve resumen de la Historia de los omeyas de al-Andalus. En este trabajo se analizan las relaciones textuales entre ese pasaje y el Muqtabis de Ibn Hayyan, crónica que resulta ser la fuente casi única utilizada por al-`Umari para redactar ese capítulo. [EN]The Masalik al-absar by Ibn Fadl Allah al-`Umari contains a brief summary of the Umayyad history in al-Andalus. In this article, the textual relationship between this p...

  14. Cryptanalysis of Lin et al.'s Efficient Block-Cipher-Based Hash Function

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liu, Bozhong; Gong, Zheng; Chen, Xiaohong; Qiu, Weidong; Zheng, Dong


    Hash functions are widely used in authentication. In this paper, the security of Lin et al.'s efficient block-cipher-based hash function is reviewed. By using Joux's multicollisions and Kelsey et al.'s expandable message techniques, we find the scheme is vulnerable to collision, preimage and second

  15. From Kitāb al-ḥadā’iq to Kitāb al-dawā’ir: Reconsidering Ibn al-Sīd al-Batalyawsī’s Philosophical Treatise

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    Eliyahu, Ayala


    Full Text Available The philosophical treatise known as Kitāb al-ḥadā’iq is generally ascribed to the 12th century Andalusian author Ibn al-Sīd al-Batalyawsī, although this attribution is sometimes contested. This paper offers a new interpretation of the title, textual history, authorship, sources, and literary genre of this treatise, on the basis of new textual evidence, a reexamination of known evidence, and a comparison between the treatise and Batalyawsī’s works. The conclusions of this study are first, that Kitāb al-ḥadā’iq was not the treatise’s original title, and therefore it should be renamed Kitāb al-dawā’ir; second, that Kitāb al-dawā’ir was originally part of (one of the versions of Batalyawsī’s Kitāb al-masā’il; and third, that the textual and stylistic similarities between this treatise and Batalyawsī’s other works prove the authenticity of the treatise’s attribution to Batalyawsī. In addition, new findings regarding Batalyawsī’s use of formulas from the Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Safā, in Kitāb al-dawā’ir and Kitāb al-masā’il provide further evidence for the deep impact of the Ikhwān on Batalyawsī’s thought, as well as for the close connection between Kitāb al-dawā’ir and Kitāb al-masā’il. This connection is further highlighted according to the attribution of both treatises to the genre of questions and answers in Arabic literature. The evidence gathered in this paper supports the claim that Batalyawsī’s Kitāb al-dawā’ir should be seen as an integral part of his literary oeuvre, as well as of Andalusian philosophical literature in general.Generalmente el tratado filosófico conocido como Kitāb al-ḥadā’iq se asocia al autor andalusí del siglo XII Ibn al-Sid al-Batalyawsī, aunque esta atribución ha sido discutida en ocasiones. Este artículo ofrece una nueva interpretación del título, la historia del texto, la autoría, las fuentes e incluso del género literario al que se

  16. Theory and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy for Aluminum Coordination Complexes – Al K-Edge Studies of Charge and Bonding in (BDI)Al, (BDI)AlR2, and (BDI)AlX2 Complexes. (United States)

    Altman, Alison B; Pemmaraju, C D; Camp, Clément; Arnold, John; Minasian, Stefan G; Prendergast, David; Shuh, David K; Tyliszczak, Tolek


    Polarized aluminum K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy and first-principles calculations were used to probe electronic structure in a series of (BDI)Al, (BDI)AlX2, and (BDI)AlR2 coordination compounds (X = F, Cl, I; R = H, Me; BDI = 2,6-diisopropylphenyl-β-diketiminate). Spectral interpretations were guided by examination of the calculated transition energies and polarization-dependent oscillator strengths, which agreed well with the XANES spectroscopy measurements. Pre-edge features were assigned to transitions associated with the Al 3p orbitals involved in metal-ligand bonding. Qualitative trends in Al 1s core energy and valence orbital occupation were established through a systematic comparison of excited states derived from Al 3p orbitals with similar symmetries in a molecular orbital framework. These trends suggested that the higher transition energies observed for (BDI)AlX2 systems with more electronegative X(1-) ligands could be ascribed to a decrease in electron density around the aluminum atom, which causes an increase in the attractive potential of the Al nucleus and concomitant increase in the binding energy of the Al 1s core orbitals. For (BDI)Al and (BDI)AlH2 the experimental Al K-edge XANES spectra and spectra calculated using the eXcited electron and Core-Hole (XCH) approach had nearly identical energies for transitions to final state orbitals of similar composition and symmetry. These results implied that the charge distributions about the aluminum atoms in (BDI)Al and (BDI)AlH2 are similar relative to the (BDI)AlX2 and (BDI)AlMe2 compounds, despite having different formal oxidation states of +1 and +3, respectively. However, (BDI)Al was unique in that it exhibited a low-energy feature that was attributed to transitions into a low-lying p-orbital of b1 symmetry that is localized on Al and orthogonal to the (BDI)Al plane. The presence of this low-energy unoccupied molecular orbital on electron-rich (BDI)Al distinguishes

  17. Thermodynamic properties of Al-Mn, Al-Cu, and Al-Fe-Cu melts and their relations to liquid and quasicrystal structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaitsev, A I; Zaitseva, N E; Shimko, R Yu; Arutyunyan, N A; Dunaev, S F; Kraposhin, V S; Lam, Ha Thanh


    Thermodynamic properties of molten Al-Mn, Al-Cu and Al-Fe-Cu alloys in a wide temperature range of 1123-1878 K and the whole range of concentrations have been studied using the integral effusion method and Knudsen mass spectrometry. Thermodynamic functions of melts were described by the associated solution model. The possibility of icosahedral quasicrystal (i-QC) precipitation from liquid Al-Mn and Al-Cu-Fe alloys was found to be a consequence of the existence in liquid associates (clusters). A geometric model is suggested for the structure of associates in liquid

  18. Sintering Behavior of CNT Reinforced Al6061 and Al2124 Nanocomposites

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    Nouari Saheb


    Full Text Available Ball milling and spark plasma sintering were successfully used to produce carbon nanotube reinforced Al6061 and Al2124 nanocomposites which have potential applications in the fields of aerospace, automotive, electronics, and high precision instrumentation. Al2124 and Al6061 nanocomposite powders containing 0.5 to 2 wt.% CNTs prepared through sonication and wet ball milling were spark plasma sintered at 400, 450, and 500°C for 20 minutes under a pressure of 35 MPa. CNTs were better dispersed, and less agglomerated and had good adhesion to the matrix in composites containing 1 wt.% CNTs. The increase of CNT content to 2 wt.% led to the formation of CNT clusters which resulted in less uniform and homogenous composite powders. Almost full densification of Al6061 reinforced with CNTs was achieved at 500°C. Also, CNTs reinforced Al2124 nanocomposites reached very high densities at 500°C. Composites reinforced with 1 wt.% CNTs displayed better densification compared to composites containing 2 wt.% CNTs. The increase of CNTs content from 0.5 to 1 wt.% increased the hardness of the Al6061 and Al2124 alloys to maximum values. Further increase of CNTs content to 2 wt.% decreased the hardness to values lower than that of the monolithic alloys.

  19. Tetragonal phase in Al-rich region of U-Fe-Al system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meshi, L.; Zenou, V.; Ezersky, V.; Munitz, A.; Talianker, M.


    A new ternary aluminide U 2 FeAl 20 with the approximate composition Al-4.2at% Fe-8.5at% U was observed in the Al-rich corner of the U-Al-Fe system. Transmission electron microscopy and electron microdiffraction technique were used for characterization of the structure of this phase. It has a tetragonal unit cell with the parameters a=12.4A and c=10.3A and can be described by the space group I4-bar 2m

  20. Ilhaq al-Masa'il bi Nazairiha dan Penerapannya dalam Bahth al-Masa'il

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    Luthfi Hadi Aminuddin


    Full Text Available Abstract: Ilh}a>q al-Masa>’il bi Naz}a>iriha is one of the methods used by Nahdlatul Ulama in resisting the opinion based on (manhaji analytical concept of Islamic jurisprudence (the solution for complex social problems as the main purpose of Islamic shari’ah. As known that, up to now, ilh}a>q has been understood as a process of answering a new case by the way of equating to the old one which is written in the book called al-mu’tabarah. Such ilh}a>q has got many criticisms both from the definitions, procedures and its epistemogical footing. This paper is about to reveal how the NU clerics of Islam understand the concept of Ilh}a>q}, what its epistemological footing was and how the concept was applied in discussing many cases (bah}th al-masa>’il. Based on the writer’s study to several documents of decision results of NU that Ilh}a>q did not only simplify to equate the new cases with the old ones that have been freely discussed in the books of al-mu’tabarah, but both cases should have similar legal substance, that is, both should be under the decrees of laws of al-qawa> ‘id al-fiqhi>yah. Thus, Ilh}a>q is actually answering the problem by applying al-qawa>‘id al-fiqhi>yah, whereas the formulation al-qawa>‘id al-fiqhi>yah itself was set off from the examination of a number of furu>’ generated by qiya> s. This paper also found three variations of the implementation of Ilh}a>q in bah}th al-masa>’il. First, the application of Ilh}a>q was without mentioning al-qawa> ‘id al-fiqhi>yah which covered new cases (mulh}aq and the old case law that has been known in the books of fiqh (mulh}aq bih/attached to. Second, the application of Ilh}a>q was accompanied by mentioning mulh}aq bih and al-qawa> ‘id al-fiqhi>yah. Third, the application of Ilh}a>q, was only by the mentioning al-qawa> ‘id al-fiqhi>yah.

  1. Nanoindentation studies of ex situ AlN/Al metal matrix nanocomposites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fale, Sandeep; Likhite, Ajay; Bhatt, Jatin


    Highlights: • Formation of in-situ phases nucleated on AlN particles strengthens the matrix. • Formation of in-situ phases increases with AlN content in nanocomposites. • Stronger in-situ phases results in increased hardness and modulus of elasticity. - Abstract: Nanocrystalline Aluminium nitride (AlN) powder is dispersed in different weight ratio in Aluminum matrix to fabricate metal matrix nanocomposite (MMNC) using ex situ melt metallurgy process. The synthesized Al–AlN nanocomposites are studied for phase analysis using high resolution scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) and for hardness behavior using microindentation and nanoindentation tests. Quantitative analysis of the oxide phases is calculated from thermodynamic data and mass balance equation using elemental data obtained from energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) results. Role of oxide phases in association with AlN particles is investigated to understand the mechanical behavior of composites using nanoindentation tester. Load–displacement profile obtained from nanoindentation test reveals distribution of oxide phases along with AlN particle and their effect on indent penetration

  2. Isothermal cross-sections of Sr-Al-Ge and Ba-Al-Ge systems at 673 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kutsenok, N.L.; Yanson, T.I.


    X-ray and microstructural analyses are used to study phase equilibria in Sr-Al-Ge and Ba-Al-Ge systems. Existence of SrAl 2 Ge 2 , Sr(Al, Ge) 2 Ba(Al, Ge) 2 , Sr 3 Al 2 Ge 2 , Ba 3 Al 2 Ge 2 ternary compounds is confirmed, a new BaGe 4 binary compound and also new ternary compounds of approximate composition Sr 57 Al 30 Ge 13 and Ba 20 Al 40 Ge 40 , which crystal structure is unknown, are detected. Aluminium solubility in SrAl 4 and BaAl 4 binary compounds (0.05 atomic fraction) is determined. Ba(Al, Ge) 2 compound homogeneity region is defined more exactly (aluminium content varies from 0.27 to 0.51 at. fractions)

  3. Production of 26Al by spallation of Fe, Si, Al nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paillard, P.


    Cross sections for 7 Be, 10 Be and 26 Al formation in Al, Si and Fe targets bombarded with 0.6 and 24GeV protons have been measured by using highly selective chemical separation and low level background counters. Results for 26 Al at 0.6GeV are in mb: 17.9 + or - 2.7 in Al, 12.5 + or - 2.5 in Si and 0.45 + or - 0.14 in Fe; at 24GeV 2.6 + or - 0.5mb in Fe. Results for 10 Be are not valid on account of experimental difficulties. It is deduced from these values of aluminium in cosmic ray propagation that 26 Al is not yet cosmic ray chronometer [fr

  4. 143 - 148_Makeri et al.

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 1, 2015 ... Yuan et al., 2003), antimicrobial activity (Sundarrao et al., 1993; Betancur-Galvis et al., 1999; Takashi et al., 2006), anti-parasitic, anti-malarial activities (Alali et al., 1998; Jaramillo et al., 2000; Luna et al.,. 2005). This study evaluates the antibacterial activity of extract of stem –bark and leaf extracts of Annona.

  5. Phase relationships in the Al-rich region of the Al-Cu-Er system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Ligang; Masset, Patrick J.; Cao Fuyong; Meng Fangui; Liu Libin; Jin Zhanpeng


    Research highlights: → One ternary phase τ 1 -Al 8 Cu 4 Er in Al-rich region with a composition of 59.4-60.4 at.% Al, 32.2-33.8 at.% Cu, and 6.4-7.7 at.% Er is observed in both as-cast and annealed alloys. At 673 K, the binary Al 3 Er phase dissolves about 3.51 at.% Cu. → The calculated solidification paths (based on the CALPHAD method) of as-cast alloys are in agreement with the experimental results. → It can be found that the resultant thermodynamic database can be applied to case studies of as-cast alloys, showing that the literature thermodynamic description of the Al-Cu-Er system is reliable as a working basis for computer-assisted alloy design. - Abstract: The Al-rich region of the ternary Al-Cu-Er system is investigated using the method of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Phase equilibria in the Al-rich region of the Al-Cu-Er system at 673 K have been obtained, and the microstructures of as-cast alloys in the Al-rich region are also investigated. One ternary phase τ 1 -Al 8 Cu 4 Er with a composition of 59.4-60.4 at.% Al, 32.2-33.8 at.% Cu, and 6.4-7.7 at.% Er is observed in both as-cast and annealed alloys. At 673 K, the binary Al 3 Er phase dissolves about 3.51 at.% Cu. The calculated solidification paths (based on the CALPHAD method) of as-cast alloys are in agreement with the experimental results.

  6. Mechanical properties and deformation behavior of Al/Al7075, two-phase material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sherafat, Z.; Paydar, M.H.; Ebrahimi, R.; Sohrabi, S.


    In the present study, mechanical properties and deformation behavior of Al/Al7075, two-phase material were investigated. The two-phase materials were fabricated by mixing commercially pure Al powder with Al7075 chips and consolidating the mixture through hot extrusion process at 500 o C. Mechanical properties and deformation behavior of the fabricated samples were evaluated using tensile and compression tests. A scanning electron microscope was used to study the fracture surface of the samples including different amount of Al powder, after they were fractured in tensile test. The results of the tensile and compression tests showed that with decreasing the amount of Al powder, the strength increases and ductility decreases. Calculation of work hardening exponent (n) indicated that deformation behavior does not follow a regular trend. In a way that the n value was approved to be variable and a strong function of strain and Al powder wt% of the sample. The results of the fractography studies indicate that the type of fracture happened changes from completely ductile to nearly brittle by decreasing the wt% of Al powder from 90% to 40%.

  7. A Scholar from Saray: Mawlana Zada al-Sarayi (754/1353–791/1389 in the Biographical Dictionary of Taqi al-Din al-Maqrizi (766/1365–845/1441 “Kitab al-Muqaffa al-Kabir” (The Great Rhymed Book

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    D.R. Zaynuddinov


    Full Text Available Research objective: to introduce into academic circulation previously unknown source on the Golden Horde history. Research materials: biographical dictionary of Taqi al-Din al-Maqrizi (766/1365 – 845/1441 “Kitab al-Muqaffa al-Kabir” (The Great Rhymed Book. Results and novelty of the research: This article contains materials from the works of historians engaged in the narrative biography, which V.G. Tiesenhausen did not include in his “Collection of Materials on the Golden Horde history (extract from Arab writings”, although their writings contain very valuable information about the Golden Horde History. Research novelty consists in the fact that the author of this article presents one paragraph from biographical dictionary of Taqi al-Din al-Maqrizi, whose article number 421 provides information about a scholar from Saray – Mawlana Zada al-Sarayi. The author provides its translation and commentary referring to the more than ten medieval Arab sources. After receiving basic education at home, Mawlana Zada al-Sarayi traveled to many Eastern countries in search of knowledge and after having received high recognition he settled in Cairo as a teacher of Sharia Sciences. Despite the fact that his life was interrupted at an early age (36 years, he left a deep mark in science. His son Muhibbu al-Din (Cairo, 791/1389 – Mecca, Friday, the 3rd of Dhu al-Hijjah 859/13 November 1455 also became a great scholar as well as an imam of Sultan al-Ashraf Barsbay himself and other sultans after him. Nisba al-Sarayi sounded on the lips of the Ulema of the East as a symbol of learnedness and high temper. As a result of research it must be said that the study of life of Mawlana Zada al-Sarayi (754/1353 – 791/1389 and the number of migrants from Desht-i Kipchak in Egypt will help researchers in a deeper and more detailed study of the Golden Horde history.

  8. Improved AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Grown on Si Substrates Using Stacked AlGaN/AlN Interlayer by MOCVD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yong; Yu Nai-Sen; Li Ming; Lau Kei-May


    AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are grown on 2-inch Si (111) substrates by MOCVD. The stacked AlGaN/AlN interlayer with different AlGaN thickness and indium surfactant doped is designed and optimized to relieve the tensile stress during GaN epitaxial growth. The top 1.0μm GaN buffer layer grown on the optimized AlGaN/AlN interlayer shows a crack-free and shining surface. The XRD results show that GaN(002) FWHM is 480 arcsec and GaN(102) FWHM is 900 arcsec. The AGaN/GaN HEMTs with optimized and non-optimized AlGaN/AlN interlayer are grown and processed for comparison and the dc and rf characteristics are characterized. For the dc characteristics of the device with optimized AlGaN/AlN interlayer, maximum drain current density I dss of 737mA/mm, peak transconductance G m of 185mS/mm, drain leakage current density I ds of 1.7μA/mm, gate leakage current density I gs of 24.8 μA/mm and off-state breakdown voltage V BR of 67 V are achieved with L g /W g /L gs /L gd = 1/10/1/1 μm. For the small signal rf characteristics of the device with optimized AlGaN/AlN interlayer, current gain cutoff frequency f T of 8.3 GHz and power gain cutoff frequency f max of 19.9 GHz are achieved with L g /W g /L gs /L gd = 1/100/1/1 μm. Furthermore, the best rf performance with f T of 14.5 GHz and f max of 37.3 GHz is achieved with a reduced gate length of 0.7μm. (condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)

  9. Konsepsi Ibnu Jarir Al-Tabari Tentang Al-Qur’an, Tafsir Dan Ta’wil

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    A.M Ismatulloh


    Full Text Available The objective of this research is to describe the concept of Ibnu Jarir al-Tabari about al-Qur’an, tafsir and ta’wil. Ibn Jarir al-Tabari is an outstanding expert in the classic Islamic tradition. His knowledge in hadits, fiqh, lughah, history, and tafseer is unquestionable. This study uses an analytical descriptive design. The findings show that: Firstly, in defining al-Qur’an, al-Tabari focused on the al-Qur’an as an Arabic language text, not in other language. Secondly, al-Qur’an is written in sab’ah ahruf. It means that there are 7 different kinds of language with the same meaning. Thirdly, al-Qur’an comes from seven heaven’s door. Fourthly, there is no different word between tafseer and ta’wil. They have same meaning. These concepts are different to other concepts proposed by other ulama.

  10. Predicting glass-forming compositions in the Al-La and Al-La-Ni systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gargarella, P.; de Oliveira, M.F.; Kiminami, C.S.; Pauly, S.; Kuehn, U.; Bolfarini, C.; Botta, W.J.; Eckert, J.


    Research highlights: → The glass-forming ability of the Al-La and Al-La-Ni systems was studied using the λ* and the λ.Δe criteria. → Both criteria predicted with just 1% at. of error the best glass-former verified so far in the Al-La system. → Four new glass-former compositions could be predicted in the Al-La-Ni system using the λ.Δe criterion. → The best glass-former reported so far in the Al-La-Ni system was found. - Abstract: In this work, a criterion considering the topological instability (λ) and the differences in the electronegativity of the constituent elements (Δe) was applied to the Al-La and Al-Ni-La systems in order to predict the best glass-forming compositions. The results were compared with literature data and with our own experimental data for the Al-La-Ni system. The alloy described in the literature as the best glass former in the Al-La system is located near the point with local maximum for the λ.Δe criterion. A good agreement was found between the predictions of the λ.Δe criterion and literature data in the Al-La-Ni system, with the region of the best glass-forming ability (GFA) and largest supercooled liquid region (ΔT x ) coinciding with the best compositional region for amorphization indicated by the λ.Δe criterion. Four new glassy compositions were found in the Al-La-Ni system, with the best predicted composition presenting the best glass-forming ability observed so far for this system. Although the λ.Δe criterion needs further refinements for completely describe the glass-forming ability in the Al-La and Al-La-Ni systems, the results demonstrated that this criterion is a good tool to predict new glass-forming compositions.

  11. ¿Qué deber saber un médico sobre el ébola?

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    Full Text Available El reciente brote provocado por el virus Ébola en varios países del oeste africano (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leona y Nigeria, se ha traducido, según el último informe de la Organización mundial de la Salud (OMS, en 13.567 infectados y 4.951 fallecidos, cifra que se cree, está subestimada debido a los inexistentes sistemas de sanitarios disponibles en los países centro de la epidemia. Con una mortalidad cercana al 40% ha supuesto una gran preocupación para todos servicios de salud pública mun-diales, especialmente, una vez que se ha tenido conocimiento de los primeros casos en los países desarrollados

  12. Modificaciones en la composición corporal después de realizar una prueba de ultrarresistencia de 1.700 km en bicicleta de montaña


    Vicente Clemente Suárez; José María González-Ravé


    El estudio de los cambios en la composición corporal en pruebas de resistencia se ha limitado en la mayoría de los casos al estudio de las pérdidas de peso corporal. El presente estudio pretende analizar los cambios producidos en la composición corporal (agua, proteínas, minerales, grasa, y músculo) producidos después de realizar una prueba de 1.700 Km en bicicleta de montaña cruzando África de este a oeste. Se analizaron 5 sujetos (73,3±10,2 kg, 170±0,1 cm, 51,2±6,9 años) antes y después de ...

  13. Electric quadrupole moments of neutron-rich nuclei {sup 32}Al and {sup 31}Al

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kameda, D., E-mail:; Ueno, H. [RIKEN Nishina Center (Japan); Asahi, K.; Nagae, D.; Takemura, M.; Shimada, K. [Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Physics (Japan); Yoshimi, A.; Nagatomo, T.; Sugimoto, T. [RIKEN Nishina Center (Japan); Uchida, M.; Arai, T.; Takase, K.; Suda, S.; Inoue, T. [Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Physics (Japan); Murata, J.; Kawamura, H. [Rikkyo University, Department of Physics (Japan); Watanabe, H. [Australian National University, Department of Nuclear Physics (Australia); Kobayashi, Y.; Ishihara, M. [RIKEN Nishina Center (Japan)


    The electric quadrupole moments for the ground states of {sup 32}Al and {sup 31}Al have been measured by the {beta} ray-detected nuclear quadrupole resonance method. Spin-polarized {sup 32}Al and {sup 31}Al nuclei were obtained from the fragmentation of {sup 40}Ar projectiles at E/A = 95 MeV/nucleon, and were implanted in a single crystal {alpha}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} stopper. The measured Q moment of {sup 32}Al, |Q({sup 32}Al)| = 24(2) mb, is in good agreement with a conventional shell-model calculation with a full sd model space and empirical effective charges, while that of {sup 31}Al is considerably smaller than the sd calculations.

  14. The constitution of alloys in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markoli, B.; Spaic, S.; Zupanic, F.


    The constitution of alloys and the liquidus surface in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system were determined by the examination of controlled heated and cooled specimens, as well as heat-treated specimens by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction. The Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system comprises five regions of primary crystallisation (α Al , β Si , Al 3 Sm, Al 2 Si 2 Sm and AlSiSm) with following characteristic invariant reaction sequences: ternary eutectic reaction L → α Al + β Si + Al 2 Si 2 Sm, and two liquidus transition reactions, i. e., L + Al 3 Sm → α Al + AlSiSm, and L + AlSiSm → α Al + Al 2 Si 2 Sm. Along with the position of ternary eutectic and both interstitial points in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system, the temperatures for each reaction were determined. (orig.)

  15. Resposta da Produção Agrícola aos Preços no Centro-Oeste Brasileiro: Uma Análise de Econometria Espacial para o Período 1975-1995/1996

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    Adriano Marcos Rodrigues Figueiredo


    Full Text Available A influência de uma localidade sobre seus vizinhos é sempre vista como uma interdependência entre as regiões em estudo e a localização afeta a resposta da produção agrícola às alterações de preços ou de políticas. O objetivo geral é determinar a importância dos efeitos e inter-relações decorrentes da localização na resposta da produção agrícola aos preços, na região Centro-Oeste, no período entre 1975 e 1995. Contribui-se para a literatura econômica ao conciliar um modelo de função de lucro translog com efeitos de dependência espacial nos resíduos do sistema estimado de parcelas de lucros. Existem evidências econométricas da dependência espacial nos resíduos do modelo, confirmadas pelo teste de hipótese para os parâmetros espaciais. Ocorreram altas autocorrelações espaciais positivas nos produtos, com parâmetros espaciais sempre acima de 0,91. As áreas selecionadas em geral apresentaram oferta-preço elásticas para milho e oferta-preço inelásticas para arroz e feijão. Os efeitos espaciais alteram de forma decisiva as elasticidades calculadas, mostrando que todos os produtos analisados sofrem destes efeitos. Enfatiza-se que estudos com cortes seccionais e dados geograficamente dispostos devem ser avaliados quanto à presença de dependência espacial.

  16. Disordered crystal structure of 20H-AlON, Al10O3N8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banno, Hiroki; Funahashi, Shiro; Asaka, Toru; Hirosaki, Naoto; Fukuda, Koichiro


    The disordered crystal structure of 20H-AlON (Al 10 O 3 N 8 ) was determined by combined use of X-ray powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. The title compound is hexagonal with space group P6 3 /mmc (Z=2) and the unit-cell dimensions are a=0.307082(5) nm, c=5.29447(8) nm and V=0.432376(12) nm 3 . The structural model showed the positional disordering of three of the six Al sites in the unit cell. The reliability indices calculated from the Rietveld method were R wp =6.97%, S (=R wp /R e )=1.68, R p =5.45%, R B =5.13% and R F =4.56%. We interpreted the disordered structure of 20H-AlON as a statistical average of six different types of ordered structural configurations, which are composed of an octahedral [Al(O, N) 6 ] layer and tetrahedral [Al(O, N) 4 ] layers. We demonstrated the high correlations between the hexagonal unit-cell dimensions and the octahedral layer concentrations for AlON and SiAlON polytypoids. - Graphical abstract: Variations of a and c/(n O +n T ) with n O /(n O +n T ). The a and c are the hexagonal unit-cell dimensions of AlON, SiAlON and AlN. The n O and n T are, respectively, the numbers of octahedral and tetrahedral layers in the unit cells. The unit-cell dimensions in literature are plotted in black plus for AlON and black cross for SiAlON. The unit-cell dimensions of AlN are a=0.3110 nm and c=0.4980 nm. - Highlights: • Crystal structure of Al10O3N8 is determined by laboratory X-ray powder diffraction. • The atom arrangements are represented by the split-atom model. • Six types of ordered atom arrangements are derived from the disordered structure. • Hexagonal unit-cell dimensions changed systematically for AlON and SiAlON compounds

  17. Prinsip Pendidikan Karakter dalam Islam: Studi Komparasi Pemikiran Al-Ghazali dan Burhanuddin Al-Zarnuji

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    Agus Setiawan


    Full Text Available The impelemtantion of character education that is done by the Indonesian government recently has been provoked by al-Ghazali and Burhanuddin al-Zarnuji long ago. It was proven by some written thoughts of al-Ghazali and Burhanuddin al-Zarnuji. They were very famous scientists in their era and widely welknown as educational experts who produced some phenomenal thoughts many people use today. Al-Ghazali and Burhanuddin al-Zarnuji lived in the era of Bani Abbasiyah monarchy, but Both of them lived in different era. Al-Ghazali was born first, then Burhanuddin al-Zarnuji. They had different mazhab, al-Ghazali went to the traditional principle of mazhab Syafi’I and Burhanuddin al-Zarnuji went to the modern principle of mazhab Hanafi. The differences, of course, would create a different thought. Still, they might have a similar principle of Islamic character education. The thoughts of character education of al-Ghazali have been poured in the “Ayyuha Walad” focusing to the students’ character building characterized by religiously obedient, skillfull of general and religious knowledge, socially helpful, affectionate, generous, good citizen, and coloring the society. Some applicable thoughts of character education of Ayyuha al-Walad of al-Gazhali to the contemporary education are: the balance of the happiness purposes of the recent life and the life after death, qana’ah and tawakal, affectionate, caring other, patience, honesty, philanthrophy, social works, generousity, democratic, peace makers, and patriotic. Those characters are also directed in the islamic character education nowdays. So that, the thoughts of al-Ghazali positively and responsively are absorbed by the Indonesian government to build the national character widely implementing in the national curriculum based on the local wisdom and the Islamic values. In the end, the students are able to live happily based on the Islamic rules by implementing the good behavior. Similar to the al


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    M. S. Kaiser


    Full Text Available The evaluation of texture as a function of recrystallization has been characterized for directly cold rolled Al-6Mg, Al-6Mg-0.4Sc and Al-6Mg-0.4Sc-0.2Zr alloys. Samples were annealed isothermally at 400 °C for 1 to 240 minutes to allow recrystallization. Recrystallization kinetics of the alloys is analyzed from the micro-hardness variation. Isothermally annealed samples of aluminum alloys were also studied using JMAK type analysis to see if there exists any correlation between the methods. Recrystallization fraction behavior between two methods the scandium added alloys show the higher variation due to precipitation hardening and higher recrystallization behavior. The scandium and zirconium as a combined shows the more variation due to formation of Al3(Sc, Zr precipitate. From the microstructure it is also observed that the base Al-Mg alloy attained almost fully re-crystallized state after annealing at 400 °C for 60 minutes

  19. Chemical failure modes of AlQ3-based OLEDs: AlQ3 hydrolysis. (United States)

    Knox, John E; Halls, Mathew D; Hratchian, Hrant P; Schlegel, H Bernhard


    Tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum(III), AlQ3, is used in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) as an electron-transport material and emitting layer. The reaction of AlQ3 with trace H2O has been implicated as a major failure pathway for AlQ3-based OLEDs. Hybrid density functional calculations have been carried out to characterize the hydrolysis of AlQ3. The thermochemical and atomistic details for this important reaction are reported for both the neutral and oxidized AlQ3/AlQ3+ systems. In support of experimental conclusions, the neutral hydrolysis reaction pathway is found to be a thermally activated process, having a classical barrier height of 24.2 kcal mol(-1). First-principles infrared and electronic absorption spectra are compared to further characterize AlQ3 and the hydrolysis pathway product, AlQ2OH. The activation energy for the cationic AlQ3 hydrolysis pathway is found to be 8.5 kcal mol(-1) lower than for the neutral reaction, which is significant since it suggests a role for charge imbalance in promoting chemical failure modes in OLED devices.

  20. Study on Mg/Al Weld Seam Based on Zn–Mg–Al Ternary Alloy

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    Liming Liu


    Full Text Available Based on the idea of alloying welding seams, a series of Zn–xAl filler metals was calculated and designed for joining Mg/Al dissimilar metals by gas tungsten arc (GTA welding. An infrared thermography system was used to measure the temperature of the welding pool during the welding process to investigate the solidification process. It was found that the mechanical properties of the welded joints were improved with the increasing of the Al content in the Zn–xAl filler metals, and when Zn–30Al was used as the filler metal, the ultimate tensile strength could reach a maximum of 120 MPa. The reason for the average tensile strength of the joint increasing was that the weak zone of the joint using Zn–30Al filler metal was generated primarily by α-Al instead of MgZn2. When Zn–40Al was used as the filler metal, a new transition zone, about 20 μm-wide, appeared in the edge of the fusion zone near the Mg base metal. Due to the transition zones consisting of MgZn2- and Al-based solid solution, the mechanical property of the joints was deteriorated.

  1. Optical, structural, and nuclear scientific studies of AlGaN with high Al composition (United States)

    Lin, Tse Yang; Chung, Yee Ling; Li, Lin; Yao, Shude; Lee, Y. C.; Feng, Zhe Chuan; Ferguson, Ian T.; Lu, Weijie


    AlGaN epilayers with higher Al-compositions were grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) on (0001) sapphire. Trimethylgallium (TMGa), trimethylaluminium (TMAl) and NH3 were used as the source precursors for Ga, Al, and N, respectively. A 25 nm AlN nucleation layer was first grown at low-temperature of 590 °C at 300 Torr. Followed, AlxGa1-xN layers were grown at 1080 °C on low-temperature AlN nucleation layers. The heterostructures were characterized by a series of techniques, including x-ray diffraction (XRD), Rutherford backscattering (RBS), photoluminescence (PL), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman scattering. Precise Al compositions were determined through XRD, RBS, and SEM combined measurements. Room Temperature Raman Scattering spectra shows three major bands from AlGaN alloys, which are AlN-like, A1 longitudinal optical (LO) phonon modes, and E2 transverse optical (TO) band, respectively, plus several peak comes from the substrate. Raman spectral line shape analysis lead to an optical determination of the electrical property free carrier concentration of AlGaN. The optical properties of AlGaN with high Al composition were presented here.

  2. Ion-beam mixing and thermal annealing of Al--Nb and Al--Ta thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rai, A.K.; Bhattacharya, R.S.; Mendiratta, M.G.; Subramanian, P.R.; Dimiduk, D.M.


    Ion-beam mixing and thermal annealing of thin, alternating layers of Al and Nb, as well as Al and Ta, were investigated by selected area diffraction and Rutherford backscattering. The individual layer thicknesses were adjusted to obtain the overall compositions as Al 3 Nb and Al 3 Ta. The films were ion mixed with 1 MeV Au + ions at a dose of 1 x 10 16 ions cm/sup -2/ . Uniform mixing and amorphization were achieved for both Al--Nb and Al--Ta systems. Equilibrium crystalline Al 3 Nb and Al 3 Ta phases were formed after annealing of ion mixed amorphous films at 400 0 C for 6 h. Unmixed films, however, remained unreacted at 400 0 C for 1 h. Partial reaction was observed in the unmixed film of Al--Nb at 400 0 C for 6 h. After annealing at 500 0 C for 1 h, a complete reaction and formation of Al 3 Nb and Al 3 Ta phases in the respective films were observed. The influence of thermodynamics on the phase formation by ion mixing and thermal annealing is discussed

  3. Effect of elevated Al and pH on the growth and root morphology of Al-tolerant and Al-sensitive wheat seedlings in an acid soil

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    Md. Toufiq Iqbal


    Full Text Available Aluminium ion (Al3+ toxicity and hydrogen ion (H+ activity are the major constraints for plant growth in acid soil. This study was undertaken to determine the effect of pH and Al on the growth response and changes in root morphology of Al-tolerant (ET8 and Al-sensitive (ES8 wheat seedlings. Different levels of AlCl3 and CaCO3 were added to the soils to manipulate soil pH and extractable Al. The results showed that the bulk soil pH remained constant at pH 4.1 with further applications of AlCl3, and that the seedlings died at the 200 mg AlCl3/kg treatments. The ET8 seedlings responded better than the ES8 seedlings in both low and high Al and pH. The ET8 seedlings had higher root surface areas and root tip numbers than the ES8 seedlings in the Al treatment. In contrast, the ES8 had higher root diameters than the ET8 seedlings due to the elevated Al supply. Apoplast Al increased with the increase of soil available extractable Al, and declined with the decrease of soil extractable Al. The ET8 seedlings accumulated more Al in their apoplast than the ES8 seedlings. This study concluded that accumulation of Al in the apoplast is also involved in Al tolerance mechanism with the addition of organic acid exudation.

  4. Information of “Nukhbat al-dahr fi ‘aja’ib al-barr wa-al-bahr” by ad-Dimashqi about the Turkic Tribes of Dasht-i Kipchak »

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    Z.S. Ilyasova


    Full Text Available This article introduced into academic circulation information of such a historical source as “Nukhbat al-dahr fi ‘aja’ib al-barr wa-al-bahr” (Excerpts of Time on the Marvels of the Land and Sea on Kipchak clans and Turkic tribes of Dasht-i Kipchak. The material of the study is drawn from this source. Main scientific result of this work was the source’s translation into Russian accompanied by scientific comments. Sheikh Shams al-Din Abu Abdallah Muhammad Abu Talib al-Ansari al-Sufi al-Dimashqi was the author of this work. Some scholars have mistakenly confuse him with another chronicler named Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Yahya Ibn Fadlallah al-Omari al-Dimashqi. There is a widespread misconception that while writing on Kipchak clans and Turkic tribes al-Dimashqi used the data of such an author as Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Yahya al-Ansari al-Qutub al-Warraq al-Vatvat, also known as Ahmad al-Tini. After had studying the manuscripts of al-Tini and al-Dimashqi, we did not notice the connection between these two authors regarding their information about Kipchak clans and Turkic tribes of Dasht-i Kipchak. After had studying the information about Kipchak clans and Turkic tribes of Dasht-i Kipchak, we put forward the theory that 16 ethnonyms previously identified as Kipchak clans, are actually the etnonyms of eight Kipchak clans and eight Turkic tribes. The article also contains the extraction from “Nukhbat al-dahr fi ‘aja’ib al-barr wa-al-bahr” regarding the geography of Dasht-i Kipchak and the countries inhabited by the Turks. The following data are unique in this source: 1. The text describes such rivers as Ceyhun (Amu Darya, Seyhun (Syr Darya, Itil (Volga, as well as Khorezm and Khazar Seas (Aral and Caspian Seas. 2. Additionally, this text lists the following Turkic peoples: al-Kharlukhiya (Karluks, al-Khirgaziya (Kyrgyz, al-Kaymakiya (Kimaks, al-Guzziya (Oguz, al-Bazhanakiya (Pechenegs, al-Tuguzguziya (Uighurs, al-Khulkhiya (?, al

  5. Studies on SiC(p) reinforced Al-Al sub 3 Ni eutectic matrix composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masrom, A.K.; Foo, L.C.; Ismail, A.B.


    An investigation on processing of Al-5.69wt% Ni eutectic with SiC particulate composites is reported. The intermetallic composites are prepared by elemental powder metallurgy route and sintered at two different temperatures, i.e., 600 degree C and 620 degree C. Results show that the metal matrix was Al-Al sub 3 Ni eutectic. The phase analysis by XRD identified the presence of Al sub 3 Ni and Al as dominant phases together with silicon and Al sub 4 C sub 3 phase as minor phases. The Al sub 4 C sub 3 and Si phases are formed during sintering due to SiC-Al interface reaction. SEM micrographs also reveal the formation of microvoid surrounding the SiC particle

  6. The constitution of alloys in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Markoli, B.; Spaic, S. [Ljubljana Univ. (Slovenia). Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering; Zupanic, F. [Maribor Univ. (Slovenia). Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


    The constitution of alloys and the liquidus surface in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system were determined by the examination of controlled heated and cooled specimens, as well as heat-treated specimens by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction. The Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system comprises five regions of primary crystallisation ({alpha}{sub Al}, {beta}{sub Si}, Al{sub 3}Sm, Al{sub 2}Si{sub 2}Sm and AlSiSm) with following characteristic invariant reaction sequences: ternary eutectic reaction L {yields} {alpha}{sub Al} + {beta}{sub Si} + Al{sub 2}Si{sub 2}Sm, and two liquidus transition reactions, i. e., L + Al{sub 3}Sm {yields} {alpha}{sub Al} + AlSiSm, and L + AlSiSm {yields} {alpha}{sub Al} + Al{sub 2}Si{sub 2}Sm. Along with the position of ternary eutectic and both interstitial points in the Al-rich corner of the Al-Si-Sm ternary system, the temperatures for each reaction were determined. (orig.)

  7. Electronic Structures and Bonding Properties of Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    MIN Xinmin; REN Yi


    The relation among electronic structure, chemical bond and property of Ti2AlC, Ti3AlC2 and doping Si into Ti2AlC was studied by density function and the discrete variation (DFT-DVM) method. After adding Si into Ti2AlC, the interaction between Si and Ti is weaker than that between Al and Ti, and the strengths of ionic and covalent bonds decrease both. The ionic and covalent bonds in Ti3AlC2, especially in Ti-Al, are stronger than those in Ti2AlC. Therefore, in synthesis of Ti2AlC, the addition of Si enhances the Ti3AlC2 content instead of Ti2AlC. The density of state (DOS) shows that there is mixed conductor characteristic in Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2. The DOS of Ti3AlC2 is much like that of Ti2AlC. Ti2SixAl1-x C has more obvious tendency to form a semiconductor than Ti2AlC, which is seen from the obvious difference of partial DOS between Si and Al3p.

  8. Pornographie als Metapher

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    Caroline Schubarth


    Full Text Available In diesem Artikel werden unterschiedliche metaphorische Verwendungen des Pornografiebegriffs und deren Implikationen untersucht. Während die Existenz von Pornografie der feministischen Anti-Porno-Bewegung als Erklärung für die anhaltende Diskriminierung von Frauen in westlichen Gesellschaften dient, nutzen rechtskonservative Kräfte den Pornografievorwurf als Rechtfertigung für die Zensur von als deviant empfundenen Identitäten und sexuellen Praktiken.

  9. Deletion of ALS5, ALS6 or ALS7 increases adhesion of Candida albicans to human vascular endothelial and buccal epithelial cells




    C. albicans yeast forms deleted for ALS5, ALS6 or ALS7 are more adherent than a relevant control strain to human vascular endothelial cell monolayers and buccal epithelial cells. In the buccal and vaginal reconstituted human epithelium (RHE) disease models, however, mutant and control strains caused a similar degree of tissue destruction. Deletion of ALS5 or ALS6 significantly slowed growth of the mutant strain; this phenotype was not affected by addition of excess uridine to the culture medi...

  10. Alpha and beta stabilizer character of Al in Zr-Nb-Al alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peruzzi Bardella, A.; Bolcich, J.C.


    The T β/α+β of Zr5Nb and Zr5Nb2Al (weight %) were determined in order to observe the alpha-stabilizer character of Al in ternary Zr-Nb-Al alloys. Techniques employed were change of resistivity with temperature in dynamic experiences, and metallography of samples quenched to room temperature after isothermal annealings. The T β/α+β of the ternary resulted 17 ± 8 deg C higher than that of the binary alloy. In addition, taking into account the results of previous investigations of the transformation of beta on quenching Zr-Nb-Al alloys from the beta field to room temperature, it is concluded that the beta-stabilizer character of Nb is stronger than the alpha-stabilizer character of Al in these Zr alloys, and that the Al can have important influence on the mechanical properties by the appearance of TRIP effect. (Author) [es

  11. Insulator-semiconductor interface fixed charges in AlGaN/GaN metal-insulator-semiconductor devices with Al2O3 or AlTiO gate dielectrics (United States)

    Le, Son Phuong; Nguyen, Duong Dai; Suzuki, Toshi-kazu


    We have investigated insulator-semiconductor interface fixed charges in AlGaN/GaN metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) devices with Al2O3 or AlTiO (an alloy of Al2O3 and TiO2) gate dielectrics obtained by atomic layer deposition on AlGaN. Analyzing insulator-thickness dependences of threshold voltages for the MIS devices, we evaluated positive interface fixed charges, whose density at the AlTiO/AlGaN interface is significantly lower than that at the Al2O3/AlGaN interface. This and a higher dielectric constant of AlTiO lead to rather shallower threshold voltages for the AlTiO gate dielectric than for Al2O3. The lower interface fixed charge density also leads to the fact that the two-dimensional electron concentration is a decreasing function of the insulator thickness for AlTiO, whereas being an increasing function for Al2O3. Moreover, we discuss the relationship between the interface fixed charges and interface states. From the conductance method, it is shown that the interface state densities are very similar at the Al2O3/AlGaN and AlTiO/AlGaN interfaces. Therefore, we consider that the lower AlTiO/AlGaN interface fixed charge density is not owing to electrons trapped at deep interface states compensating the positive fixed charges and can be attributed to a lower density of oxygen-related interface donors.

  12. Effects of Al(III and Nano-Al13 Species on Malate Dehydrogenase Activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rong Fu Chen


    Full Text Available The effects of different aluminum species on malate dehydrogenase (MDH activity were investigated by monitoring amperometric i-t curves for the oxidation of NADH at low overpotential using a functionalized multi-wall nanotube (MWNT modified glass carbon electrode (GCE. The results showed that Al(III and Al13 can activate the enzymatic activity of MDH, and the activation reaches maximum levels as the Al(III and Al13 concentration increase. Our study also found that the effects of Al(III and Al13 on the activity of MDH depended on the pH value and aluminum speciation. Electrochemical and circular dichroism spectra methods were applied to study the effects of nano-sized aluminum compounds on biomolecules.

  13. Effects of Al(III) and nano-Al13 species on malate dehydrogenase activity. (United States)

    Yang, Xiaodi; Cai, Ling; Peng, Yu; Li, Huihui; Chen, Rong Fu; Shen, Ren Fang


    The effects of different aluminum species on malate dehydrogenase (MDH) activity were investigated by monitoring amperometric i-t curves for the oxidation of NADH at low overpotential using a functionalized multi-wall nanotube (MWNT) modified glass carbon electrode (GCE). The results showed that Al(III) and Al(13) can activate the enzymatic activity of MDH, and the activation reaches maximum levels as the Al(III) and Al(13) concentration increase. Our study also found that the effects of Al(III) and Al(13) on the activity of MDH depended on the pH value and aluminum speciation. Electrochemical and circular dichroism spectra methods were applied to study the effects of nano-sized aluminum compounds on biomolecules.

  14. Fracture toughness of Ti-Al3Ti-Al-Al3Ti laminate composites under static and cyclic loading conditions (United States)

    Patselov, A. M.; Gladkovskii, S. V.; Lavrikov, R. D.; Kamantsev, I. S.


    The static and cyclic fracture toughnesses of a Ti-Al3Ti-Al-Al3Ti laminate composite material containing at most 15 vol % intermetallic compound are studied. Composite specimens are prepared by terminating reaction sintering of titanium and aluminum foils under pressure. The fracture of the titanium layers is quasi-cleavage during cyclic crack growth and is ductile during subsequent static loading.

  15. Data supporting Al-Abed et al., Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2016, (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Data files representing each of the Figures and Tables published in Al-Abed et al., Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2016, 3, 593. The data file names identify the Figure or...

  16. Ti, Al

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    In the present study, authors report on the effect that substrate bias voltage has on the microstructure and mechanical properties of (Ti, Al)N hard coatings deposited with cathodic arc evaporation (CAE) technique. The coatings were deposited from a Ti0.5Al0.5 powder metallurgical target in a reactive nitrogen atmosphere at ...

  17. Growth of CdTe: Al films; Crecimiento de peliculas de CdTe: Al

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez A, M.; Zapata T, M. [CICATA-IPN, 89600 Altamira, Tamaulipas (Mexico); Melendez L, M. [CINVESTAV-IPN, A.P. 14-740, 07000 Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Pena, J.L. [CINVESTAV-IPN, A.P. 73 Cordemex, 97310 Merida, Yucatan (Mexico)


    CdTe: AI films were grown by the close space vapor transport technique combined with free evaporation (CSVT-FE). The Aluminum (Al) evaporation was made by two kinds of sources: one made of graphite and the other of tantalum. The films were deposited on glass substrates. The Al source temperature was varied maintaining the CdTe source temperature fixed as well as the substrate temperature. The films were characterized by x-ray energy dispersive analysis (EDAX), x-ray diffraction and optical transmission. The results showed for the films grown with the graphite source for Al evaporation, the Al did not incorporate in the CdTe matrix, at least to the level of EDAX sensitivity; they maintained the same crystal structure and band gap. For the samples grown with the tantalum source, we were able to incorporate the Al. The x-ray diffraction patterns show that the films have a crystal structure that depends on Al concentration. They were cubic up to 2.16 at. % Al concentration; for 19.65 at. % we found a mixed phase; for Al concentration higher than 21 at. % the films were amorphous. For samples with cubic structure it was found that the lattice parameter decreases and the band gap increases with Al concentration. (Author)

  18. First-principles study of L10 Ti-Al and V-Al alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chubb, S.R.; Papaconstantopoulos, D.A.; Klein, B.M.


    As a first step towards understanding the reduced embrittlement of L1 0 Ti-Al alloys which accompanies the introduction of small concentrations of V, we have determined from first principles, using full-potential linearized--augmented-plane-wave calculations, the equilibrium values of the structural parameters and the associated electronic structure for the stoichiometric (L1 0 ) Ti-Al (tetragonal) compound. Our calculated values of c/a and a are in good agreement with experiment. Using the same method of calculation, we have also studied the electronic structure associated with the (hypothetical) L1 0 V-Al alloy that would form when V is substituted for Ti. We find that (1) the electronic structures of these V-Al alloys are relatively insensitive to variations of c/a and a; (2) near the Ti-Al equilibrium geometry, the electronic structures of the V-Al and Ti-Al alloys are very similar; and (3) that a rigid-band model involving substitution of V for Ti can be used to gain a qualitative understanding of the reduction in c/a which accompanies the introduction of small concentrations of V. We relate the reduction in c/a to important changes in the bonding that accompany the occupation of bands immediately above the Fermi level of the stoichiometric Ti-Al compound

  19. Kinetic studies of oxidation of MgAlON and a comparison of the oxidation behaviour of AlON, MgAlON, O'SiAlON-ZrO{sub 2}, and BN-ZCM ceramics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang Xidong; Seetharaman, S. [Div. of Metallurgy, Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm (Sweden); Li Wenchao [Dept. of Physical Chemistry, Univ. of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), Beijing, BJ (China)


    The kinetics and morphology of the oxidation process of magnesium-aluminium oxynitride (MgAlON), aluminium oxynitride (AlON), O'SiAlON-ZrO{sub 2}, and BN-ZCM have been studied in the temperature range 1373-1773 K (ZCM=30 wt% ZrO{sub 2}, 52 wt% Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} and 18 wt% 3 Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}.2 SiO{sub 2}). Oxidation experiments with powder and plate samples of the above materials have been carried out in air. MgAlON shows the best resistance to oxidation at lower temperatures (< 1473 K), whereas at higher temperatures ({proportional_to} 773 K), AlON shows the best resistance. O'SiAlON-ZrO{sub 2} shows very good oxidation resistance up to 1673 K. But its oxidation rate increases strongly above 1673 K, presumably due to the formation of liquid phase. BN-ZCM has the poorest oxidation resistance due to the evaporation of B{sub 2}O{sub 3}. The activation energies for the chemical oxidation reaction of AlON, MgAlON, and O'SiAlON-ZrO{sub 2} are 214, 330 and 260 kJ/mol, respectively. The overall diffusion activation energies for AlON, MgAlON, O'SiAlON-ZrO{sub 2} and BN-ZCM are 227, 573, 367 and 289 kJ/mol, respectively. (orig.)

  20. Grain refining mechanism of Al-containing Mg alloys with the addition of Mn-Al alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin, Gaowu W.; Ren Yuping; Huang Wei; Li Song; Pei Wenli


    Graphical abstract: Display Omitted Research highlights: The ε-AlMn phase acts as the heterogeneous nucleus of α-Mg phase during the solidification of the AZ31 Mg alloy, not the γ-Al 8 Mn 5 phase. The grain refinement effect is very clear with the addition of only 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy (pure ε-AlMn). The grain refinement does not deteriorate up to the holding time of 60 min at 740 o C. - Abstract: The effect of manganese on grain refinement of Al-containing AZ31 Mg alloy has been investigated by designing a series of Mn-Al alloys composed of either pure ε-AlMn, γ 2 -Al 8 Mn 5 or both of them using optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. It is experimentally clarified that the grain refinement of the AZ31 Mg alloy is due to the existence of the ε-AlMn phase in the Mn-Al alloys, not the γ 2 -Al 8 Mn 5 phase. The grain size of AZ31 Mg alloy is about 91 μm without any addition of Mn-Al alloys, but remarkably decreases to ∼55 μm with the addition of either Mn-34 wt% Al or Mn-28 wt% Al. With a minor addition of 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy, the grain size of AZ31 alloy decreases to ∼53 μm, and the Mn-28Al alloy can be active as grain refiner for holding time up to 60 min for the melt AZ31 alloy at 750 o C.

  1. Ibn Qutayba en al-Andalus. La préface à I 'Adab al-Kātib dans le commentaire d'Ibn al-Sīd al-Baṭalyawsī

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    Soravia, Bruna


    Full Text Available Ibn Qutayba's preface to his Adab al-kātib has been considered for centuries the most important section of this work and it has been the object of many commentaries, both in the Muslim East and West. This paper deals with Ibn al-Sīd al-Baṭalyawsī´s commentary al-Iqtiḍāb, trying to show the peculiar way in which Ibn al-Sīd develops his own critique of Ibn Qutayba's controversial thesis on the relation between orthodoxy, falsafa and kalām. At the same time, the Andalusi author works out his own conception of adab, deeply influenced by his biographical experience. Finally a full translation of Ibn Qutayba's preface is proposed, half a century after G. Lecomte's partial one.

    El prefacio de Ibn Qutayba a su Adab al-Kātib ha sido considerado durante siglos como el fragmento más importante de su obra, y ha sido objeto de muchos comentarios, tanto orientales como occidentales. Este artículo trata del comentario que Ibn al-Sīd al-Baṭalyawsī hizo de ese texto de Ibn Qutayba, e intenta mostrar la forma peculiar en que Ibn al-Sīd desarrolla su propia crítica a la polémica tesis de Ibn Qutayba sobre la relación entre ortodoxia, falsafa y kalām. Al mismo tiempo, el autor andalusí elabora su propia concepción del adab, profundamente influida por su experiencia biográfica. Para concluir, se presenta una traducción completa del prefacio de Ibn Qutayba, medio siglo después de la parcial realizada por G. Lecomte.

  2. Interview als Text vs. Interview als Interaktion

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    Arnulf Deppermann


    Full Text Available Das Interview ist nach wie vor das beliebteste sozialwissenschaftliche Verfahren des Datengewinns. Ökonomie der Erhebung, Vergleichbarkeit und die Möglichkeit, Einsicht in Praxisbereiche und historisch-biografische Dimensionen zu erhalten, die der direkten Beobachtung kaum zugänglich sind, machen seine Attraktivität aus. Zugleich mehren sich Kritiken, die seine Leistungsfähigkeit problematisieren, indem sie auf die begrenzte Reichweite der Explikationsfähigkeiten der Befragten, die Reaktivität der Erhebung oder die Differenz zwischen Handeln und dem Bericht über Handeln verweisen. Im Beitrag wird zwischen Ansätzen, die das Interview als Text, und solchen, die es als Interaktion verstehen, unterschieden. Nach dem Text-Verständnis werden Interviews unter inhaltlichen Gesichtspunkten analysiert und als Zugang zu einer vorgängigen sozialen oder psychischen Wirklichkeit angesehen. Das Interaktions-Verständnis versteht Interviews dagegen als situierte Praxis, in welcher im Hier und Jetzt von InterviewerInnen und Befragten gemeinsam soziale Sinnstrukturen hergestellt werden. Anhand ubiquitärer Phänomene der Interviewinteraktion – Fragen, Antworten und die Selbstpositionierung von InterviewerInnen und Befragten – werden Praktiken des interaktiv-performativen Handelns im Interview dargestellt. Ihre Relevanz für die Interviewkonstitution und ihre Erkenntnispotenziale für die Interviewauswertung werden aufgezeigt. Es wird dafür plädiert, die interaktive Konstitutionsweise von Interviews empirisch zu erforschen und methodisch konsequent zu berücksichtigen. URN:

  3. Structure and phase composition of Al-Ce-Cu system alloys in range of quasi-binary Al-Al8CeCu4 section

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belov, N.A.; Khvan, A.V.


    The phase diagram of the Al-Cu-Ce system in the quasibinary section area of Al-Al 8 CeCu 4 has been investigated by metallographic, thermal, micro-X-ray spectral and X-ray structural analyses. The parameters of the eutectic reaction L→(Al)+CeCu 4 Al 8 : T=610 Deg C were found out; the composition was 14% Cu and 7% Ce. This eutectics is of a disperse structure and the ternary compound contained is capable of fragmentation and spheroidizing in the heating process (starting from 540 Deg C). It was demonstrated that the area of optimal (Al)+CeCu 4 Al 8 eutectics-based alloy compositions was within the narrow limits. That is related to the fact that at a comparatively little variation of the Cu:Ce=2 ratio solidus sharply decreases and, as a result, the crystallization interval considerably extends [ru

  4. Structural and electrical characterization of AuPtAlTi ohmic contacts to AlGaN/GaN with varying annealing temperature and Al content


    Fay, Mike W.; Han, Y.; Brown, Paul D.; Harrison, Ian; Hilton, K.P.; Munday, A.; Wallis, D.; Balmer, R.S.; Uren, M.J.; Martin, T.


    The effect of varying annealing temperature and Al layer thickness on the structural and electrical characteristics of AuPtAlTi/AlGaN/GaN ohmic contact structures has been systematically investigated. The relationship between annealing temperature, Al content, interfacial microstructure, surface planarity and contact resistance is\\ud examined. In particular, the presence of a detrimental low temperature Pt-Al reaction is identified. This is implicated in both the requirement for a higher Al:T...

  5. Grain refining mechanism of Al-containing Mg alloys with the addition of Mn-Al alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qin, Gaowu W., E-mail: [Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials (Ministry of Education), Northeastern University, Wenhu Road 3-11, Heping District, Shenyang 110004, Liaoning Province (China); Ren Yuping; Huang Wei; Li Song; Pei Wenli [Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials (Ministry of Education), Northeastern University, Wenhu Road 3-11, Heping District, Shenyang 110004, Liaoning Province (China)


    Graphical abstract: Display Omitted Research highlights: The {epsilon}-AlMn phase acts as the heterogeneous nucleus of {alpha}-Mg phase during the solidification of the AZ31 Mg alloy, not the {gamma}-Al{sub 8}Mn{sub 5} phase. The grain refinement effect is very clear with the addition of only 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy (pure {epsilon}-AlMn). The grain refinement does not deteriorate up to the holding time of 60 min at 740 {sup o}C. - Abstract: The effect of manganese on grain refinement of Al-containing AZ31 Mg alloy has been investigated by designing a series of Mn-Al alloys composed of either pure {epsilon}-AlMn, {gamma}{sub 2}-Al{sub 8}Mn{sub 5} or both of them using optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. It is experimentally clarified that the grain refinement of the AZ31 Mg alloy is due to the existence of the {epsilon}-AlMn phase in the Mn-Al alloys, not the {gamma}{sub 2}-Al{sub 8}Mn{sub 5} phase. The grain size of AZ31 Mg alloy is about 91 {mu}m without any addition of Mn-Al alloys, but remarkably decreases to {approx}55 {mu}m with the addition of either Mn-34 wt% Al or Mn-28 wt% Al. With a minor addition of 0.5 wt% Mn-28Al alloy, the grain size of AZ31 alloy decreases to {approx}53 {mu}m, and the Mn-28Al alloy can be active as grain refiner for holding time up to 60 min for the melt AZ31 alloy at 750 {sup o}C.

  6. AYAT-AYAT WAH}DAT AL-WUJUd dalam Kitab Tanbi>h al-Ma>shi Karya ‘Abdurrauf al-Sinkili

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    Asep Nahrul Musadad


    Full Text Available Abstract: One of the key moments in discussing the history of Indonesian Islam is a polemic related to the negotiation on the doctrine of wahdat al-wujud that occured in Aceh in 17th century between the followers of Hamzah al-Fansuri and Nuruddin al-Raniri. This article focuses on analyzing several Qur’anic verses used by ‘Abdurrauf as the confirmation of his argument. In the polemical context, Abdurrauf al-Sinkili appeared to be an actor of reconciliation between two opposite sides. He tried to respond to the disputed issues through his book called “Tanbi>h al-Mashi”. As an exponent of the so-called moderate sufism (mysticism, he built the argument concerning wah}dat al-wujud based on the Quranic text. After making a thematic classification chronologically, his interpretation on these verses is analyzed by using Hussain al-Dhahaby’s theory of sufistic exegesis. In conclusion, it shows that ‘Abdurrauf’s commentary is “sufi-nazari type”, featured by his exegeses pattern. This, of course, represents his attitude as a reconciler who then needs to seek confirmation to the Qur’anic verses in evaluating wah}dat al-wujud doctrine, through which such a polemical issues occurred at that time. الملخص: إن من المرحلة الأساسية التي مرّ بها تاريخ الإسلام في اندونيسيا الجدل و النزاع حول عقيدة وحدة الوجود فى أتشيه (Aceh حول قرن السابع عشر بين أتباع حمزة الفنسوري و نور الدين الرانيري. ففي ذلك الخطاب النزاعي جاء عبد الرؤوف السنكيلي مصلحا بين الجانبين المعاكسين. وعلى مقتضى الظروف، كتب كتاب " تنبيه الماشي" الذي تطرّق فيه طريق التوسّط، ممثّلا للتصوّف المعتدل. اعتمد عبد الرؤوف على النصوص القرآنية فى تحقيق آراءه حول ت

  7. Reviewing Medical Education in KamelAl-Senaat Al-Tebieh

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    Shahla Moradi


    Full Text Available Background and Objective: Among the human sciences, medicine is superior to all other sciences. One of the effective factors in education, especially in medical education is using appropriate textbooks. This study aims to consider a classic book of medical education and find its relevance to modern medicine. Materials and Methods: Reviewing and analyzing parts of Kamel Al-Senaat Al-Tebieh medical textbook. Results: This book has about four hundred thousand words and it was divided into twenty articles, each consisting of several chapters, first ten topics of which are about theoretical medicine, and others are information related to practical medicine. Conclusion: One of the most important obligations of every nation is to protect and preserve written and unwritten cultural and scientific resources Kamel Al-Senaat Al-Tebieh was written in one of the glorious periods of Iranian Medical History by Ali Ibn Abbas. It has a dignified position because of its recording method. This method is one of the best methods that is used after Ahvazi. Even today it is a valuable source of medical education.

  8. Density and atomic volume in liquid Al-Fe and Al-Ni binary alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plevachuk, Yu. [Ivan Franko National Univ., Lviv (Ukraine). Dept. of Metal Physics; Egry, I.; Brillo, J.; Holland-Moritz, D. [Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt, Koeln (Germany). Inst. fuer Raumsimulation; Kaban, I. [Chemnitz Univ. of Technolgy (Germany). Inst. of Physics


    The density of liquid Al-Fe and Al-Ni binary alloys have been determined over a wide temperature range by a noncontact technique combining electromagnetic levitation and optical dilatometry. The temperature and composition dependences of the density are analysed. A negative excess volume correlates with the negative enthalpy of mixing, compound forming ability and chemical short-range ordering in liquid Al-Fe and Al-Ni alloys. (orig.)

  9. TEM characterization of Al-C-Cu-Al2O3 composites produced by mechanical milling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos-Beltran, A.; Gallegos-Orozco, V.; Estrada-Guel, I.; Bejar-Gomez, L.; Espinosa-Magana, F.; Miki-Yoshida, M.; Martinez-Sanchez, R.


    Novel Al-based composites (Al-C-Cu-Al 2 O 3 ) obtained by mechanical milling (MM), were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Analyses of composites were carried out in both, the as-milled and the as-sintered conditions. C nanoparticles were found in the as-milled condition and Al 2 O 3 nanofibers were found in as-sintered products, as determined by EELS. C and Cu react with Al to crystallize in Al 3 C 4 and Al 2 Cu structures, respectively

  10. Formation of AlFeSi phase in AlSi12 alloy with Ce addition

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    S. Kores


    Full Text Available The influence of cerium addition on the solidification sequence and microstructure constituents of the Al-Si alloys with 12,6 mass % Si was examined. The solidification was analyzed by a simple thermal analysis. The microstructures were examined with conventional light and scanning electron microscopy. Ternary AlSiCe phase was formed in the Al-Si alloys with added cerium during the solidification process. AlSiCe and β-AlFeSi phases solidified together in the region that solidified the last. Cerium addition influenced on the morphology of the α-AlFeSi phase solidification.

  11. Compressive performance and crack propagation in Al alloy/Ti{sub 2}AlC composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanaor, D.A.H., E-mail: [School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); Hu, L. [Ames Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Ames, Iowa 50011 (United States); Kan, W.H.; Proust, G. [School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); Foley, M. [Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); Karaman, I.; Radovic, M. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Texas A& M University, College Station, TX 77843 (United States)


    Composite materials comprising a porous Ti{sub 2}AlC matrix and Al 6061 alloy were fabricated by a current-activated pressure assisted melt infiltration process. Coarse, medium and fine meso-structures were prepared with Al alloy filled pores of differing sizes. Materials were subjected to uniaxial compressive loading up to stresses of 668 MPa, leading to the failure of specimens through crack propagation in both phases. As-fabricated and post-failure specimens were analysed by X-ray microscopy and electron microscopy. Quasi-static mechanical testing results revealed that compressive strength was the highest in the fine structured composite materials. While the coarse structured specimens exhibited a compressive strength of 80% relative to this. Reconstructed micro-scale X-ray tomography data revealed different crack propagation mechanisms. Large planar shear cracks propagated throughout the fine structured materials while the coarser specimens exhibited networks of branching cracks propagating preferentially along Al alloy-Ti{sub 2}AlC phase interfaces and through shrinkage pores in the Al alloy phase. Results suggest that control of porosity, compensation for Al alloy shrinkage and enhancement of the Al alloy-Ti{sub 2}AlC phase interfaces are key considerations in the design of high performance metal/Ti{sub 2}AlC phase composites.

  12. Phase equilibria and crystalline structure of compounds in the Lu-Al and Lu-Cu-Al systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Stel'makhovich, B.M.; Galamushka, L.I.


    Phase equilibria and crystal structure of compounds in Lu-Al and Lu-Cu-Al systems were studied. Existence of Lu 2 Al compound having the structure of the PbCl 2 type is ascertained. Diagram of phase equilibria of Lu-Cu-Al system at 870 K is plotted. Compounds Lu 2 (Cu,Al) 17 (the Th 2 Zn 17 type structure), Lu(Cu,Al) 5 (CaCu 5 type structure), Lu 6 (Cu,Al) 23 (Th 6 Mn 23 type structure) and ∼ LuCuAl 2 have been prepared for the first time. Investigation of component interaction in Lu-Cu-Al system shows that the system is similar to previously studied systems Dy-Cu-Al and Er-Cu-Al. The main difference consists in the absence of LuCuAl 3 compound with rhombic structure of the CeNi 2+x Sb 2-x type in the system investigated

  13. Análise do monitoramento de descargas atmosféricas na área de concessão da companhia força e luz do oeste em Guarapuava, Estado do Paraná = Analysis of the monitoring of atmospheric discharges in the area of cocession of the western força e luz company in Guarapuava, state of Paraná

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    Aparecido Ribeiro de Andrade


    Full Text Available Objetivando uma análise do monitoramento da incidência de descargasatmosféricas, a região de concessão da Companhia Força e Luz do Oeste (CFLO, localizada no município de Guarapuava, Estado do Paraná, foi selecionada para um estudo realizado no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2003. Após a descrição da dinâmica da entrada de massas de ar, foi possível identificar a ocorrência de descargas atmosféricas e compará-las com as interrupções de energia. Para tanto, foram criados mapas de densidade de descargas atmosféricas dentro da área de concessão da CFLO para posterior análise de sua influênciano fornecimento de energia elétrica. O monitoramento das descargas atmosféricas e a comparação da incidência desse fenômeno com a ocorrência de interrupções no fornecimento de energia elétrica possibilitaram concluir que tais eventos estão diretamenterelacionados, e que a área rural da região em estudo sofre uma interferência maior.Aiming to analyze the monitoring of the atmospheric discharges incidence, the concession area of Companhia Força e Luz do Oeste (CFLO – Western Power and Light Company, located in the district of Guarapuava, state of Paraná, was chosen for a study developed in2003, from January to December. After the air masses dynamics description, it was possible to identify the occurrence of atmospheric discharges and to compare them to the energy interruptions. To that end, atmospheric discharges density maps were created within the CFLO concession area for a later analysis of their influence in the electric energy supply. The monitoring of the atmospheric discharges and the comparison between this phenomenon and the occurrence of interruptions in the electric energy supply enabled this study. Results showed that such events are directly related, and that the rural area of the region under study underwent a major interference.

  14. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP): An Al Qaeda Affiliate Case Study (United States)


    Villarosa, Al-Qaeda in Yemen, Carnegie Endowment, July 7, 2009, event-1372. 53 Brian Whitaker...73 Khaled Fattah, “Yemen’s Insecurity Dilemma,” Yemen Times, February 11, 2014, http:// carnegie, and Shari Villarosa, “Al-Qaeda in Yemen.” Carnegie Endowment. July 7, 2009. yemen-event

  15. Formation of epitaxial Al 2O 3/NiAl(1 1 0) films: aluminium deposition (United States)

    Lykhach, Y.; Moroz, V.; Yoshitake, M.


    Structure of epitaxial Al 2O 3 layers formed on NiAl(1 1 0) substrates has been studied by means of reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). The elucidated structure was compared to the model suggested for 0.5 nm-thick Al 2O 3 layers [K. Müller, H. Lindner, D.M. Zehner, G. Ownby, Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. 25 (1990) 1130; R.M. Jaeger, H. Kuhlenbeck, H.J. Freund, Surf. Sci. 259 (1991) 235]. The stepwise growth of Al 2O 3 film, involving deposition and subsequent oxidation of aluminium onto epitaxial 0.5 nm-thick Al 2O 3 layers, has been investigated. Aluminium was deposited at room temperature, whereas its oxidation took place during annealing at 1070 K. The Al 2O 3 thickness was monitored by means of Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). It was found that Al 2O 3 layer follows the structure of 0.5 nm thick Al 2O 3 film, although a tilting of Al 2O 3(1 1 1) surface plane with respect to NiAl(1 1 0) surface appeared after Al deposition.

  16. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (United States)

    Lou Gehrig disease; ALS; Upper and lower motor neuron disease; Motor neuron disease ... One out of 10 cases of ALS is due to a genetic defect. The cause is unknown in most other cases. In ALS, motor nerve cells (neurons) waste away ...

  17. Pemikiran Politik al-Shawkânî dalam Fath al-Qadîr

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    Yusuf Hanafi


    Full Text Available Muhammad b. ‘Alî Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allâh al-Shawkânî al-San‘ânî. He was born in the Hijrah in Shawkân village, Yemen on Monday 28 Dhû al-Qa‘dah 1172 H and died on Tuesday, 27 Jumâd al-Akhîr 1250 H at the age about 78 years. Al-Shawkânî grew up in the San‘a city, it is the capital of the republic of Yemen now. He study first time about religion from his father, then from renowed scholars in San‘a and its surrounding, he was known as a scolar who mastered the various branches of religious sciences. Such as tafsîr, h}adîth, fiqh, us}ûl al-fiqh, history, science of kalâm, philosophy, balâghah, mant}iq etc. the main issue in this article is how political thought in the book of tafsir Fath al-Qadîr is the work of Shawkânî. At the end of article, the authors found that the intended political thinking in the study of Fath al-Qadîr is about constitutional ideas. These ideas about the constitution is limited to the concept of leadership and deliberation, the concept of the right of citizen to obtain justice, and the concept pf the right of citizens to live association and assembly

  18. Oxidation behavior of Al/Cr coating on Ti2AlNb alloy at 900 °C (United States)

    Yang, Zhengang; Liang, Wenping; Miao, Qiang; Chen, Bowen; Ding, Zheng; Roy, Nipon


    In this paper, the Al/Cr coating was fabricated on the surface of Ti2AlNb alloy via rf magnetron sputtering and double glow treatment to enhance oxidation resistance. The protective coating with an outer layer of Al and inner layer of Cr has great bonding strength due to the in-diffusion of Cr and the inter-diffusion between Al and Cr to form Al-Cr alloyed layer which has great hardness. Acoustic emission curve which was detected via WS-2005 scratch tester indicates the bonding strength between Al/Cr coating and substrate is great. Morphology of Ti2AlNb alloy with Al/Cr coating after scratch test shows that the scratch is smooth without disbanding, and the depth and breadth of scratch are changed uniformly. The mass change was reduced after oxidation test due to the Al/Cr protective coating. Isothermal oxidation test at 900 °C was researched. Results indicate that Al/Cr coating provided oxidation resistance of Ti2AlNb alloy with prolonged air exposure at 900 °C. Al2O3 was detected by XRD patterns and SEM images, and was formed on the surface of Ti2AlNb alloy to protect substrate during oxidation test. A certain content of Cr is beneficial for the formation of Al2O3. Besides, Cr2O3 was produced under Al2O3 by outward diffusion of Cr to protect substrate sequentially, no cracks were discovered on Al/Cr protective coating. The process of Ti outward diffusion into surface was suppressive due to integration of Cr-Ti and Al-Ti intermetallics. A steady, adherent and continuous coated layer of Al/Cr on Ti2AlNb alloy increases oxidation resistance.


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    Luis Alberto Girón Murillo


    Full Text Available Es complejo para gestores y administradores conocer las implicaciones que la adopción de modelos de desarrollo de software tendría para una región. Este artículo ofrece una evaluación de las implicaciones dinámicas que para el desarrollo de software de una región tendría el apostar de forma excluyente al software libre, al software de fuente abierta y al software propietario. Se desarrolló un modelo de simulación en Vensim de la dinámica de sistemas en donde se evaluaron 3 escenarios: uno en donde se adopta de forma excluyente el software libre, uno en donde se adopta el software propietario y uno en donde se adopta el software de fuente abierta. Se ofrecen descripciones y explicaciones de los resultados que sugieren las potencialidades de cada uno de los modelos de desarrollo evaluados.

  20. Investigation of annealing treatment on the interfacial properties of explosive-welded Al/Cu/Al multilayer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Honarpisheh, M.; Asemabadi, M.; Sedighi, M.


    Highlights: ► We studied explosive-welded Al/Cu/Al multilayer. ► We investigated heat treatment influence on the bond properties of Al/Cu/Al. ► Intermetallic compounds were studied using the SEM, OM and EDS analysis. ► Variations of hardness in the thickness were investigated using micro-hardness. ► Intermetallic phases such as AlCu 3 and Al 2 C create at the interface of Al/Cu/Al. -- Abstract: In this study, an Al/Cu/Al multilayer sheet was fabricated by explosive welding process and the effects of annealing temperature on the interfacial properties of explosively bonded Al/Cu bimetal have been investigated. For this purpose, hardness changes along the thickness of the samples have been measured, and the thickness and type of intermetallic compounds formed at the joining interface have been explored by means of optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and also energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The obtained results indicate that, with the increase of the annealing temperature, the thickness of intermetallic compounds has increased and the amount of hardness along the thickness of the joining interface has diminished. In the annealed sample at 400 °C for 30 min, it was observed that intermetallic layers have formed at the interface of Al/Cu bimetals. These layers consist of the intermetallic compounds AlCu 3 , Al 2 Cu and AlCu, and their thickness gets to about 5 μm at some points. The examinations performed by the SEM, following the Vickers micro-hardness test, indicated the existence of a number of microcracks at the top and bottom interface of the sample annealed at 400 °C. This shows the formation of brittle intermetallic compounds at the joining interface, and also indicates the low ductility of these compounds.

  1. NMR evidence for Co-Al-Co molecular groups trapped in cages of Co4Al13

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeglic, P.; Heggen, M.; Feuerbacher, M.; Bauer, B.; Gille, P.; Haarmann, F.


    We present the results of 27 Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments on the phase Co 4 Al 13 . These results are compared to a recent structure model [1], which demonstrates a unique bonding for Al atoms in the Co-Al-Co molecular groups. In our measurement, two 27 Al signals were identified. The first one originates from Al atoms forming cages. The second signal corresponds to Al sites with exceptionally large almost axially symmetric quadrupole coupling. This finding is in perfect agreement with isolated Co-Al-Co molecular groups in accordance to Ref. [1].

  2. Avaliação econômica de alternativas de investimentos no agronegócio da uva no meio oeste Catarinense Economic analysis of investment in the agribusiness of the grape in the half west Santa Catarina State

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    Carlos Leomar Kreuz


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as expectativas de retorno associadas ao agronegócio uva para vinho e para suco, no Meio Oeste Catarinense. Detalham-se os investimentos, os custos de produção e a rentabilidade financeira inerentes a esta atividade, tendo-se por base a produção de uva para vinho e para suco, em três sistemas de sustentação: latada, manjedoura e espaldeira. A metodologia utilizada, baseada no fluxo de caixa descontado, consistiu na geração de indicadores de retorno e risco. Apesar da leve supremacia da produção de uva destinada para vinho, os indicadores calculados sinalizam para uma rentabilidade baixa tanto para o caso do vinho como para o suco.The present article aims at analyzing the production costs, profitability and risks involved in the grape agro-business addressed to wine and juice production in West of Santa Catarina state region. Investments, production costs, profitability and risks involved in this activity are described based on three support systems for wine grape and juice grape production: trellis, Y type trellis and Vertical trellis. The methodology, based on the discounted cash flow, generated return and risk indicators. These indicators show low profitability and medium risk concerning wine, and low profitability and risk concerning juice.

  3. The Y-Cu-Al system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krachan, T.; Stel'makhovych, B.; Kuz'ma, Yu.


    The phase diagram of the Y-Cu-Al system at 820 K has been constructed using X-ray powder diffraction. The existence of earlier known ternary aluminides has been confirmed and their homogeneity regions and atomic distributions in the structures have been determined: YCu 4.6-4.0 Al 7.4-8.0 (ThMn 12 -type R I =0.049), Y 2 Cu 12.0-10.5 Al 5.0-6.5 (Th 2 Zn 17 -type R I =0.092), YCu 1.0-1.1 Al 1.0-0.9 (Fe 2 P-type R I =0.068). It has been shown that the structure of Y(Cu,Al) 3 is characterized by an ordered distribution of the Cu and Al atoms and it should be referred as Ca 3 Cu 2 Al 7 structure type (R I =0.060) besides the PuNi 3 structure type with statistical occupancies of the smaller atoms. At the investigated temperature the compound YCu 1.0-0.25 Al 3.0-3.75 (BaAl 4 -type) was not observed. However, we found the ternary aluminide with composition Y 3 Cu 2.7-2.0 Al 8.3-9.0 and related La 3 Al 11 -type (space group Immm, a=0.4192-0.4228, b=1.2423-1.2557, c=0.9812-0.9895 nm, R I =0.069). The compounds YCu 6.8 Al 4.2 (space group Fddd, Tb(Cu 0.58 Al 0.42 ) 11 -type, a=1.42755, b=1.48587, c=0.65654 nm, R I =0.062) and YCu 6.5 Al 4.5 (space group I4 1 /amd, BaCd 11 -type, a=1.02774, c=0.65838 nm, R I =0.071) have been found and structurally refined for the first time


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    Charlei Aparecido da Silva


    Full Text Available Los postulados newtoniano-mecanicista-cartesianos, al fragmentar el mundo, permitieron la estructuración y validación del método; sin embargo al mismo tiempo y paradójicamente nos llevaron a desconsiderar lo que había de más rico, las conexiones, las interrelaciones y la interdependencia entre los fenómenos. En el campo de la Climatología Geográfi ca la proposición del paradigma rítmico coincide con el surgimiento de teorías, conceptos y técnicas de análisis cuyas bases se fundamentan en la contraposición de la fragmentación del análisis científi co y en la búsqueda de posibilidades que permitan entender el clima y el tiempo por medio de sus procesos de interacción y interdependencia. Los fundamentos de la concepción sistémica presentes en la Climatología Geográfi ca nos hacen creer que la comprensión de las alteraciones climáticas en las más diversas escalas sólo pueden ser explicadas a partir del estudio de los procesos génesis del clima y del tiempo y, en ese contexto, la relación hombre-naturaleza gana proporciones en el análisis. Los valores numéricos, matemáticos, se manifi estan como resultados necesarios para la medición: pero, ellos por si solos no son la realidad. La realidad está presente en las dinámicas de los procesos y eso sí interesa cada vez más en el análisis de la Climatología Geográfica.

  5. Preparation, deformation, and failure of functional Al-Sn and Al-Sn-Pb nanocrystalline alloys (United States)

    Noskova, N. I.; Vil'Danova, N. F.; Filippov, Yu. I.; Churbaev, R. V.; Pereturina, I. A.; Korshunov, L. G.; Korznikov, A. V.


    Changes in the structure, hardness, mechanical properties, and friction coefficient of Al-30% Sn, Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb (wt %) alloys subjected to severe plastic deformation by equal-channel angular pressing (with a force of 40 tonne) and by shear at a pressure of 5 GPa have been studied. The transition into the nanocrystalline state was shown to occur at different degrees of plastic deformation. The hardness exhibits nonmonotonic variations, namely, first it increases and subsequently decreases. The friction coefficient of the Al-30% Sn, Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb alloys quenched from the melt was found to be 0.33; the friction coefficients of these alloys in the submicrocrystalline state (after equal-channel angular pressing) equal 0.24, 0.32, and 0.35, respectively. The effect of disintegration into nano-sized powders was found to occur in the Al-15% Sn-25% Pb, and Al-5% Sn-35% Pb alloys after severe plastic deformation to ɛ = 6.4 and subsequent short-time holding.

  6. Characterization of Al/Ni multilayers and their application in diffusion bonding of TiAl to TiC cermet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao, J.; Song, X.G.; Wu, L.Z.; Qi, J.L.; Feng, J.C.


    The Al/Ni multilayers were characterized and diffusion bonding of TiAl intermetallics to TiC cermets was carried out using the multilayers. The microstructure of Al/Ni multilayers and TiAl/TiC cermet joint was investigated. The layered structures consisting of a Ni 3 (AlTi) layer, a Ni 2 AlTi layer, a (Ni,Al,Ti) layer and a Ni diffusion layer were observed from the interlayer to the TiAl substrate. Only one AlNi 3 layer formed at the multilayer/TiC cermet interface. The reaction behaviour of Al/Ni multilayers was characterized by means of differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and X-ray diffraction. The initial exothermic peak of the DSC curve was formed due to the formation of Al 3 Ni and Al 3 Ni 2 phases. The reaction sequence of the Al/Ni multilayers was Al 3 Ni → Al 3 Ni 2 → AlNi → AlNi 3 and the final products were AlNi and AlNi 3 phases. The shear strength of the joint was tested and the experimental results suggested that the application of Al/Ni multilayers improved the joining quality. - Highlights: ► Diffusion bonding of TiAl to TiC cermet was realized using Al/Ni multilayer. ► The reaction sequence of the Al/Ni multilayers was Al 3 Ni → Al 3 Ni 2 → AlNi → AlNi 3 . ► The interfacial microstructure of the joint was clarified. ► The application of Al/Ni multilayers improved the joining quality.

  7. Hot Corrosion Behavior of Stainless Steel with Al-Si/Al-Si-Cr Coating (United States)

    Fu, Guangyan; Wu, Yongzhao; Liu, Qun; Li, Rongguang; Su, Yong


    The 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel with Al-Si/Al-Si-Cr coatings is prepared by slurry process and vacuum diffusion, and the hot corrosion behavior of the stainless steel with/without the coatings is studied under the condition of Na2SO4 film at 950 °C in air. Results show that the corrosion kinetics of stainless steel, the stainless steel with Al-Si coating and the stainless steel with Al-Si-Cr coating follow parabolic laws in several segments. After 24 h corrosion, the sequence of the mass gain for the three alloys is the stainless steel with Al-Si-Cr coating coating coating. The corrosion products of the three alloys are layered. Thereinto, the corrosion products of stainless steel without coating are divided into two layers, where the outside layer contains a composite of Fe2O3 and FeO, and the inner layer is Cr2O3. The corrosion products of the stainless steel with Al-Si coating are also divided into two layers, of which the outside layer mainly consists of Cr2O3, and the inner layer is mainly SiO2. The corrosion film of the stainless steel with Al-Si-Cr coating is thin and dense, which combines well with substrate. Thereinto, the outside layer is mainly Cr2O3, and the inside layer is Al2O3. In the matrix of all of the three alloys, there exist small amount of sulfides. Continuous and protective films of Cr2O3, SiO2 and Al2O3 form on the surface of the stainless steel with Al-Si and Al-Si-Cr coatings, which prevent further oxidation or sulfide corrosion of matrix metals, and this is the main reason for the much smaller mass gain of the two alloys than that of the stainless steel without any coatings in the 24 h hot corrosion process.

  8. Gate length scaling effect on high-electron mobility transistors devices using AlGaN/GaN and AlInN/AlN/GaN heterostructures. (United States)

    Liao, S Y; Lu, C C; Chang, T; Huang, C F; Cheng, C H; Chang, L B


    Compared to AlGaN/GaN HEMT with 0.15 μm T-gate length, the AlInN/AlN/GaN one exhibits much higher current density and transconductance of 1558 mA/mm at Vd = 2 V and 330 mS/mm, respectively. The high extrinsic ft and fmax of 82 GHz and 70 GHz are extracted from AlInN/AlN/GaN HEMT. Besides, we find that the transconductance roll-off is significant in AlGaN/GaN, but largely improved in AlInN/AlN/GaN HEMT, suggesting that the high carrier density and lattice-matched epitaxial heterostructure is important to reach both large RF output power and high operation frequency, especially for an aggressively gate length scaling.

  9. Some aspects of anelastic and microplastic creep of pure Al and two Al-alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sgobba, S. (Lab. de Metallurgie Mecanique, Dept. des Materiaux, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)); Kuenzi, H.U. (Lab. de Metallurgie Mecanique, Dept. des Materiaux, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)); Ilschner, B. (Lab. de Metallurgie Mecanique, Dept. des Materiaux, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland))


    Anelastic creep of pure Al, commercial Al-Cu and a binary Al-Cu alloy has been measured at room temperature by means of a high resolution laser interferometer. The irreversible component of the deformation was also quantified from measurements of the anelastic creep recovery. The dependence of the deformation-time curves on thermal treatment and cold work is analyzed. The mechanisms responsible for the room temperature anelastic creep are discussed. Materials loaded below their elastic limit can present either a pure anelastic behavior (commercial Al-Cu) or additional viscoelastic creep (pure Al, high purity Al-Cu). For commercial Al-Cu, the presence of an irreversible deformation appears to be mainly related to the state of the surface. A viscoelastic after effect has been measured for this alloy after a Cu-electroplating treatment. As a typical result for room temperature creep, the irreversible deformation depends logarithmically on load time. (orig.).

  10. Some aspects of anelastic and microplastic creep of pure Al and two Al-alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sgobba, S.; Kuenzi, H.U.; Ilschner, B.


    Anelastic creep of pure Al, commercial Al-Cu and a binary Al-Cu alloy has been measured at room temperature by means of a high resolution laser interferometer. The irreversible component of the deformation was also quantified from measurements of the anelastic creep recovery. The dependence of the deformation-time curves on thermal treatment and cold work is analyzed. The mechanisms responsible for the room temperature anelastic creep are discussed. Materials loaded below their elastic limit can present either a pure anelastic behavior (commercial Al-Cu) or additional viscoelastic creep (pure Al, high purity Al-Cu). For commercial Al-Cu, the presence of an irreversible deformation appears to be mainly related to the state of the surface. A viscoelastic after effect has been measured for this alloy after a Cu-electroplating treatment. As a typical result for room temperature creep, the irreversible deformation depends logarithmically on load time. (orig.)

  11. A study of ion damage in Al, Al/Cu and Al/Ag

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marikar, P.


    Specimens of pure aluminium, aluminium-copper and aluminium-silver have been irradiated with 20 keV helium ions and/or 100 keV aluminium ions and the nature of the damage assessed using transmission electron microscopy. Irradiation with 20 keV helium ions to a dose of 2.7 x 10 15 ions cm -2 results in the formation of interstitial loops and helium gas bubbles. The helium bubbles were detectable only after annealing at a high temperature following irradiation. When the helium preinjected aluminium specimens were irradiated with 100 keV Al + ions to a dose of 84 dpa at temperatures above 150 0 C, voids were observed to form. At a lower dose of 64 dpa, only a high density of dislocation loops was observed. Al-1 wt% Cu alloy containing partially coherent theta' precipitates resists void formation to a considerable extent, and Al-10 wt% Ag alloy containing coherent G.P. zones offers complete resistance to both dislocation loop nucleation and void formation. The experimental results are discussed in the light of the current theories of irradiation induced damage in metals. The importance of the dislocation-sink efficiency for point defects, the gaseous impurity and the alloying elements in determining void formation is highlighted. (author)

  12. Interdiffusion between U(Mo,Pt) or U(Mo,Zr) and Al or Al A356 alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komar Varela, C.; Mirandou, M.; Arico, S.; Balart, S.; Gribaudo, L.


    Solid state reactions in chemical diffusion couples U-7 wt.%Mo-0.9 wt.%Pt/Al at 580 deg. C and U-7 wt.%Mo-0.9 wt.%Pt/Al A356 alloy, U-7 wt.%Mo-1 wt.%Zr/Al and U-7 wt.%Mo-1 wt.%Zr/Al A356 alloy at 550 deg. C were characterized. Results were obtained from optical and scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis and X-ray diffraction. The UAl 3, UAl 4 and Al 20 Mo 2 U phases were identified in the interaction layers of γU(Mo,Pt)/Al and γU(Mo,Zr)/Al diffusion couples. Al 43 Mo 4 U 6 ternary compound was also identified in γU(Mo,Zr)/Al due to the decomposition of γU(Mo,Zr) phase. The U(Al,Si) 3 and U 3 Si 5 phases were identified in the interaction layers of γU(Mo,Pt)/Al A356 and γU(Mo,Zr)/Al A356 diffusion couples. These phases are formed due to the migration of Si to the interaction layer. In the diffusion couple U(Mo,Zr)/Al A356, Zr 5 Al 3 phase was also identified in the interaction layer. The use of synchrotron radiation at Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS, CNPq, Campinas, Brazil) was necessary to achieve a complete crystallographic characterization.

  13. CuAlO2 and CuAl2O4 thin films obtained by stacking Cu and Al films using physical vapor deposition (United States)

    Castillo-Hernández, G.; Mayén-Hernández, S.; Castaño-Tostado, E.; DeMoure-Flores, F.; Campos-González, E.; Martínez-Alonso, C.; Santos-Cruz, J.


    CuAlO2 and CuAl2O4 thin films were synthesized by the deposition of the precursor metals using the physical vapor deposition technique and subsequent annealing. Annealing was carried out for 4-6 h in open and nitrogen atmospheres respectively at temperatures of 900-1000 °C with control of heating and cooling ramps. The band gap measurements ranged from 3.3 to 4.5 eV. Electrical properties were measured using the van der Pauw technique. The preferred orientations of CuAlO2 and CuAl2O4 were found to be along the (1 1 2) and (3 1 1) planes, respectively. The phase percentages were quantified using a Rietveld refinement simulation and the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy indicated that the composition is very close to the stoichiometry of CuAlO2 samples and with excess of aluminum and deficiency of copper for CuAl2O4 respectively. High resolution transmission electron microscopy identified the principal planes in CuAlO2 and in CuAl2O4. Higher purities were achieved in nitrogen atmosphere with the control of the cooling ramps.

  14. Three-Dimensional FIB/EBSD Characterization of Irradiated HfAl3-Al Composite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hua, Zilong; Guillen, Donna Post; Harris, William; Ban, Heng


    A thermal neutron absorbing material, comprised of 28.4 vol% HfAl3 in an Al matrix, was developed to serve as a conductively cooled thermal neutron filter to enable fast flux materials and fuels testing in a pressurized water reactor. In order to observe the microstructural change of the HfAl3-Al composite due to neutron irradiation, an EBSD-FIB characterization approach is developed and presented in this paper. Using the focused ion beam (FIB), the sample was fabricated to 25µm × 25µm × 20 µm and mounted on the grid. A series of operations were carried out repetitively on the sample top surface to prepare it for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). First, a ~100-nm layer was removed by high voltage FIB milling. Then, several cleaning passes were performed on the newly exposed surface using low voltage FIB milling to improve the SEM image quality. Last, the surface was scanned by Electron Backscattering Diffraction (EBSD) to obtain the two-dimensional image. After 50 to 100 two-dimensional images were collected, the images were stacked to reconstruct a three-dimensional model using DREAM.3D software. Two such reconstructed three-dimensional models were obtained from samples of the original and post-irradiation HfAl3-Al composite respectively, from which the most significant microstructural change caused by neutron irradiation apparently is the size reduction of both HfAl3 and Al grains. The possible reason is the thermal expansion and related thermal strain from the thermal neutron absorption. This technique can be applied to three-dimensional microstructure characterization of irradiated materials.

  15. The Genyornis Egg: Response to Miller et al.'s commentary on Grellet-Tinner et al., 2016 (United States)

    Grellet-Tinner, Gerald; Spooner, Nigel A.; Handley, Warren D.; Worthy, Trevor H.


    Williams (1981) and Williams and Rich (1991) attributed Australian Quaternary fossil eggshell that differed from that of emu Dromaius novaehollandiae to the extinct bird Genyornis newtoni without any osteological or embryonic support. Such association by proximity or abundance mirrors the case of the mistaken association of oviraptor eggs to Protoceratops in the 1920's by Andrews (Grellet-Tinner and Makovicky, 2006). No other candidate species was considered, and this attribution has been unchallenged and followed by everyone thereafter. Much research has been done on this Australian eggshell, with one result being that the extinction of the parent of this eggshell is the most well documented for a taxon in Australia (e.g., Miller et al., 1999, 2005). Grellet-Tinner et al. (2016) raised several problems with the identity of the eggshell Williams (1981) attributed to Genyornis newtoni and suggested that extinct megapodes of the genus Progura were the more likely layer of this eggshell type, therein referred to as ;putative Genyornis oological material; (PGOM). Miller et al. (2017) challenged our hypothesis stating that ;Based on the dimensions of the reconstructed Spooner Egg,Grellet-Tinner et al. (2016)argue that PGOM is too small for a bird with the body mass estimated for Genyornis (168-275 kg) … …[and] …. None of the additional PGOM observations reported byGrellet-Tinner et al. (2016)are inconsistent with a Genyornis parent;. Here we take the opportunity to respond to their critique, the basis of which resolves into a few points, which we address in turn.

  16. Una nueva especie de Passiflora, subgénero Passiflora (Passifloraceae del oeste de Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerlach Gϋnter


    Full Text Available A new species of Passiflora from Colombia is here described: Passiflora chocoensis. It is closely related to P. menispermifolia, but differs by its sparsely spreading hairs, the finer texture of the leaves, its larger and cordate bracts, the number of petiolar glands and the lack of glands on the stipules and bracts.Se describe una nueva especie de Passiflora de Colombia: P. chocoensis, la cual tiene un parentesco cercano con P. menispermifolia, diferenciándose de ésta por su indumento ligero de pocos pelos dispersos, la textura de las hojas más fina, el mayor tamaño de sus brácteas en forma de corazón, la cantidad de glándulas en los pecíolos, al igual que por la ausencia de las glándulas en las brácteas y estípulas.

  17. Characterization of Al/Ni multilayers and their application in diffusion bonding of TiAl to TiC cermet

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cao, J., E-mail: [State Key Lab of Advanced Welding Production Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001 (China); Center for Composite Materials and Structures, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001 (China); Song, X.G. [State Key Lab of Advanced Welding Production Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001 (China); Wu, L.Z. [Center for Composite Materials and Structures, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001 (China); Qi, J.L.; Feng, J.C. [State Key Lab of Advanced Welding Production Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001 (China)


    The Al/Ni multilayers were characterized and diffusion bonding of TiAl intermetallics to TiC cermets was carried out using the multilayers. The microstructure of Al/Ni multilayers and TiAl/TiC cermet joint was investigated. The layered structures consisting of a Ni{sub 3}(AlTi) layer, a Ni{sub 2}AlTi layer, a (Ni,Al,Ti) layer and a Ni diffusion layer were observed from the interlayer to the TiAl substrate. Only one AlNi{sub 3} layer formed at the multilayer/TiC cermet interface. The reaction behaviour of Al/Ni multilayers was characterized by means of differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and X-ray diffraction. The initial exothermic peak of the DSC curve was formed due to the formation of Al{sub 3}Ni and Al{sub 3}Ni{sub 2} phases. The reaction sequence of the Al/Ni multilayers was Al{sub 3}Ni {yields} Al{sub 3}Ni{sub 2} {yields} AlNi {yields} AlNi{sub 3} and the final products were AlNi and AlNi{sub 3} phases. The shear strength of the joint was tested and the experimental results suggested that the application of Al/Ni multilayers improved the joining quality. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Diffusion bonding of TiAl to TiC cermet was realized using Al/Ni multilayer. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The reaction sequence of the Al/Ni multilayers was Al{sub 3}Ni {yields} Al{sub 3}Ni{sub 2} {yields} AlNi {yields} AlNi{sub 3}. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The interfacial microstructure of the joint was clarified. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The application of Al/Ni multilayers improved the joining quality.


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    Naoki Yamamoto


    Full Text Available This paper tries to present a new perspective on Islamic faith and Muslim identity to Muslim minorities who are challenged in practicing or following Islamic law in non-Islamic countries or non-Muslims in the contemporary world. It will uncover the multidimensional perspective of the concept of faith based on sin (dhanb and repentance (tawbah through the mystical philosophy of a Syrian scholar, Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi (d. 1143/1741 of the 18th century Ottoman Damascus who contributed to the field of Sufism particularly based on Ibn ‘Arabi’s thought of wahdat al-wujud (oneness of being and insan kamil (the perfect man. Nabulusi believes that anyone who lived during the inexistence of prophet’s revelation, inhabited an isolated place cut off from information about Islam, or lived in dar al-harb and did not make a hijra to dar al-islam could not be regarded as sinful in their deeds. However, faith in Allah is essential and infidelity is not forgiven regardless whether or not they live in dar al-islam or dar al-harb. Further, Nabulusi insists that true faith can be achieved by understanding the sin of existence; the ignorance of the difference of existence between Allah and men.  [Artikel ini menjelaskan identitas keberagamaan umat Islam minoritas yang dituntut untuk menerapkan syariat, namun harus hidup di negara non-muslim, dengan mendiskusikan perspektif multidimensional terhadap konsep dosa dan tobat seperti dikembangkan oleh Abd al-Ghanī al-Nabulusī (1143/1741, seorang sufi pemikir Syria, khususnya  wahdat al-wujūd dan insan kamil, yang hidup di masa kesultanan Usmani di Damaskus. Nabulusī berkeyakinan bahwa siapa saja yang hidup sebelum turunnya wahyu di masa Nabi, hidup di daerah terpencil yang tidak mengenal Islam, atau hidup di dar al-harb dan tidak hijrah ke dar al-islam, tidaklah dibebani dosa atas perbuatannya. Namun demikian, iman kepada Allah amatlah penting dan kekufuran tidaklah dimaafkan, baik seseorang tersebut hidup


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    W.H. Tian; K. Ohishi; M. Nemoto


    Microstructural variations and correlated hardness changes in B2-ordered NiAl containing fine precipitation of Ni2AlTi have been investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and hardness tests. The amount of age hardening is not large as compared to the large microstructural variations during aging. TEM observations have revealed that the L21-type Ni2AlTi precipitates keep a lattice coherency with the NiAl matrix at the beginning of aging. By longer periods of aging Ni2AlTi precipitates lose their coherency and change their morphology to the globular ones surrounded by misfit dislocations. The temperature dependence of the yield strength of precipitate-containing B2-ordered NiAl was investigated by compression tests over the temperature range of 873-1273K. The fine precipitation of Ni2AlTi was found to enhance greatly the yield strength and the high-temperature strength is comparison with that of superalloy Mar-M200.``

  20. Rupture of Al matrix in U-Mo/Al dispersion fuel by fission induced creep

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Gwan Yoon; Sohn, Dong Seong [UNIST, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Yeon Soo [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonnge (United States); Lee, Kyu Hong [KAERI, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    This phenomenon was found specifically in the dispersion fuel plate with Si addition in the Al matrix to suppress interaction layer (IL) formation between UMo and Al. It is known that the stresses induced by fission induced swelling in U-Mo fuel particles are relieved by creep deformation of the IL, surrounding the fuel particles, that has a much higher creep rate than the Al matrix. Thus, when IL growth is suppressed, the stress is instead exerted on the Al matrix. The observed rupture in the Al matrix is believed to be caused when the stress exceeded the rupture strength of the Al matrix. In this study, the possibility of creep rupture of the Al matrix between the neighboring U-Mo fuel particles was examined using the ABAQUS finite element analysis (FEA) tool. The predicted rupture time for a plate was much shorter than its irradiation life indicating a rupture during the irradiation. The higher stress leads Al matrix to early creep rupture in this plate for which the Al matrix with lower creep strain rate does not effectively relieve the stress caused by the swelling of the U-Mo fuel particles. For the other plate, no rupture was predicted for the given irradiation condition. The effect of creeping of the continuous phase on the state of stress is significant.

  1. Effect of Al and AlP on the microstructure of Mn-30 wt.%Si alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu Yuying [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jing Shi Road 73, Jinan 250061 (China); Liu Xiangfa [Key Laboratory of Liquid Structure and Heredity of Materials, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jing Shi Road 73, Jinan 250061 (China)], E-mail:


    Effect of Al and AlP particles on the microstructure of near eutectic Mn-Si alloy (Mn-30 wt.%Si) was studied by Electron Probe Micro-analyzer (EPMA) and Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). Crystal lattice correspondence analyses show that both Al and AlP have good lattice matching coherence relationships with MnSi phase, and the addition of Al and AlP particles results in an abnormal eutectic structure, i.e. the eutectic constitution MnSi and Mn{sub 5}Si{sub 3} precipitate separately: MnSi precipitates firstly, and then the Mn{sub 5}Si{sub 3} phase.

  2. Elastocaloric effect in CuAlZn and CuAlMn shape memory alloys under compression


    Qian, Suxin; Geng, Yunlong; Wang, Yi; Pillsbury, Thomas E.; Hada, Yoshiharu; Yamaguchi, Yuki; Fujimoto, Kenjiro; Hwang, Yunho; Radermacher, Reinhard; Cui, Jun; Yuki, Yoji; Toyotake, Koutaro; Takeuchi, Ichiro


    This paper reports the elastocaloric effect of two Cu-based shape memory alloys: Cu68Al16Zn16 (CuAlZn) and Cu73Al15Mn12 (CuAlMn), under compression at ambient temperature. The compression tests were conducted at two different rates to approach isothermal and adiabatic conditions. Upon unloading at a strain rate of 0.1 s−1 (adiabatic condition) from 4% strain, the highest adiabatic temperature changes (ΔTad) of 4.0 K for CuAlZn and 3.9 K for CuAlMn were obtained. The maximum stress and hystere...

  3. Formation of Al3Ti/Mg composite by powder metallurgy of Mg-Al-Ti system. (United States)

    Yang, Zi R; Qi Wang, Shu; Cui, Xiang H; Zhao, Yu T; Gao, Ming J; Wei, Min X


    An in situ titanium trialuminide (Al 3 Ti)-particle-reinforced magnesium matrix composite has been successfully fabricated by the powder metallurgy of a Mg-Al-Ti system. The reaction processes and formation mechanism for synthesizing the composite were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), x-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Al 3 Ti particles are found to be synthesized in situ in the Mg alloy matrix. During the reaction sintering of the Mg-Al-Ti system, Al 3 Ti particles are formed through the reaction of liquid Al with as-dissolved Ti around the Ti particles. The formed intermetallic particles accumulate at the original sites of the Ti particles. As sintering time increases, the accumulated intermetallic particles disperse and reach a relatively homogeneous distribution in the matrix. It is found that the reaction process of the Mg-Al-Ti system is almost the same as that of the Al-Ti system. Mg also acts as a catalytic agent and a diluent in the reactions and shifts the reactions of Al and Ti to lower temperatures. An additional amount of Al is required for eliminating residual Ti and solid-solution strengthening of the Mg matrix.

  4. Al-‘Alāqah baina Ushūl al-Fiqh wa Maqāshidi al-Sharīah wa al-Da’wah ilā Ta’sīsi ‘Ilmi al-Maqāshid

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    Anggraini Binti Ramli


    Full Text Available The study of Maqāshid sharīa is an important point in the discussion of Islamic legal theory (ushūl al-fiqh. Serious debates began to emerge in the 19th century among Islamic jurists concerning the position of maqāshid sharīa. At least, there are three important debates in the history; first, whether maqāshid is part of the discussion ushūl al-fiqh; second, is maqāshid sharīa built upon a foundation of classical Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh; and third, whether the maqāshid sharīa study is able to become an independent science that is separated from the study of classical Islamic jurisprudence. This article tries to present a discussion of the three paradigms by employing a descriptive-analytic method. The results of this study uncover that the study of maqāshid sharīa is like two sides of one coin; theoretically it is a distinctive study from ushūl al-fiqh, but it cannot be separated from one another. Ushūl al-fiqh has become the foundation to find out more details about the study of maqashid sharia. The separation between classical Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh and maqāshid sharīa study conducted by Islamic jurists is a relative separation.

  5. Solutional Landforms of Gabal Al-Qaraha, the Oasis of Al-Hasa, Saudi Arabia


    Embabi, Nabil S.


    Jabal Al-Qarah is one of the small outlier hills at the Oasis of Al-Hasa, lying at about lOkm ENE of Al-Hafuf Town. The solutional forms of Al-Qarah hill discussed in this paper are as follows : 1. A calcareous duricrust which covers the top and some of the slopes of the hill. 2. Rock Pillars which are long columns of white lime-stone. 3. Huge crevasses which are wide erosional openings along vertical joints. 4. Narrow, sinuous caves inside the hill. 5. Pedestal rocks with mushroo...

  6. Comparison on the interaction of Al3+/nano-Al13 with calf thymus DNA /salmon sperm DNA (United States)

    Ma, Fei; Ma, Yue; Du, Changwen; Yang, Xiaodi; Shen, Renfang


    The conformation change, binding mode and binding site between Al3+/nano-Al13 and calf thymus DNA/salmon sperm DNA were investigated by UV-vis absorption, FTIR spectra, Raman spectroscopy and CD spectra, as well as melting curves measurement. The UV-vis spectra and circular dichroism spectra results suggested that the phosphate group structure was changed when Al3+ interacted with DNA, while the double-helix was distorted when nano-Al13 interacted with DNA. The FTIR and Raman spectroscopy revealed that the binding sites were Al3+ … PO2, Al3+ … N7/guanine PO2 … Al13 … N7-C8/guanine with calf thymus DNA, and Al3+ … N3-O2/cytosine, Al3+ … N7-C8/guanine, PO2 … Al13 … N7-C8/guanine, PO2 … Al13 … N1/adenine with salmon sperm DNA, respectively. The electrostatic binding was existed between Al3+ and DNA, and the electrostatic binding and complexing were found between nano-Al13 and DNA.

  7. Bukti Kebenaran Al-quran


    Aliyah, Sri


    Al Quran is the greatest miracles of Muhammad SAW as the direction of humankind in order to reach eternal happiness. Scientific evidences show that Al Quran has the truth massages, although it was released far before the finding of modern sciences. The researches continue to study the truth of Al Quran an it revealed the historical fact.

  8. Seletividade de acaricidas e inseticidas a ácaros predadores (Acari: Phytoseiidae encontrados em seringueira no centro-oeste do Brasil Side-effect of acaricides and insecticides to predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae found in rubber-trees in mid-west Brazil

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    Noeli Juarez Ferla


    Full Text Available Euseius concordis (Chant e Neoseiulus anonymus (Chant & Baker são ácaros predadores da família Phytoseiidae comumente encontrados em seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. em Mato Grosso, região centro-oeste do Brasil. Este trabalho foi realizado para verificar o efeito de acaricidas e inseticidas-acaricidas empregados em plantações de seringueira, e outros que teriam potencial para serem empregados contra insetos e ácaros considerados pragas dessa cultura, sobre E. concordis e N. anonymus. Utilizou-se o método residual de pulverização em superfície, recomendado como padrão pelo Grupo de Trabalho "Pesticidas e Artrópodes Benéficos", da Organização Internacional de Controle Biológico e Integrado de Plantas e Animais Nocivos/Seção Regional do Paleártico Oeste. Duas concentrações de cada um dos seguintes ingredientes ativos foram utilizadas: acefato, dicofol, endosulfan, formetanate, metomil, monocrotofós, óxido de fenbutatin e propargite. Uma das concentrações utilizadas foi uma média daquelas sugeridas pelos fabricantes para o controle de ácaros e insetos fitófagos presentes em outras culturas, uma vez que nenhum dos produtos testados tem registro para o uso em seringueira e a outra correspondeu à cerca de um terço da primeira. Endosulfan a 320ppm, dicofol a 100ppm e óxido de fenbutatin a 100 e 320ppm foram inócuos a E. concordis, enquanto que endosulfan a 320ppm e dicofol a 100ppm foram inócuos a N. anonymus. Acefato, formetanate e monocrotofós, nas concentrações testadas, foram nocivos às duas espécies.Euseius concordis (Chant and Neoseiulus anonymus (Chant & Baker are predatory mites of the family Phytoseiidae commonly found on rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. in the State of Mato Grosso, in the mid-west Brazil. This work was conducted to verify the effect of acaricides and insecticides-acaricides occasionally used in rubber tree plantations, and other products that could be used against

  9. Sintering of (Ni,Mg)(Al,Fe)2O4 Materials and their Corrosion Process in Na3AlF6-AlF3-K3AlF6 Electrolyte (United States)

    Xu, Yibiao; Li, Yawei; Yang, Jianhong; Sang, Shaobai; Wang, Qinghu


    The application of ledge-free sidewalls in the Hall-Héroult cells can potentially reduce the energy requirement of aluminum production by about 30 pct (Nightingale et al. in J Eur Ceram, 33:2761-2765, 2013). However, this approach poses great material challenges since such sidewalls are in direct contact with corrosive electrolyte. In the present paper, (Ni,Mg)(Al,Fe)2O4 materials were prepared using fused magnesia, reactive alumina, nickel oxide, and iron oxide powders as the starting materials. The sintering behaviors of specimens as well as their corrosion resistance to molten electrolyte have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. The results show that after firing at temperature ranging from 1673 K (1400 °C) up to 1873 K (1600 °C), all the specimens prepared are composed of single-phase (Ni,Mg)(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel, the lattice parameter of which increases with increasing Fe3+ ion concentration. Increasing the iron oxide content enhances densification of the specimens, which is accompanied by the formation of homogeneously distributed smaller pores in the matrix. The corrosion tests show that corrosion layers consist of fluoride and Ni(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel grains are produced in specimens with Fe/Al mole ratio no more than 1, whereas dense Ni(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel layers are formed on the surface of the specimens with Fe/Al mole ratio more than 1. The dense Ni(Al,Fe)2O4 composite spinel layers formed improve the corrosion resistance of the specimens by inhibiting the infiltration of electrolyte and hindering the chemical reaction between the specimen and electrolyte.

  10. Synthesis of Al(OH3 Nanostructures from Al(OH3 Microagglomerates via Dissolution-Precipitation Route

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    Bo Yu


    Full Text Available A facile method was developed to synthesize Al(OH3 nanostructures from Al(OH3 microagglomerates by dissolution in 9.0 mol·L−1 NaOH at 115°C followed by dilution and aging of the solution at room temperature. The influence of Al(OH3 nanoseed and surfactants as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS, polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG6000, and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB on the formation of the Al(OH3 nano-structures was investigated. The experimental results indicated that the Al(OH3 microspheres composed of nanoparticles were prepared in the blank experiment, while dispersive Al(OH3 nano-particles with a diameter of 80–100 nm were produced in the presence of Al(OH3 nano-seed and CTAB.

  11. Effects of Al content on structure and mechanical properties of hot-rolled ZrTiAlV alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang, S.X.; Yin, L.X.; Che, H.W.; Jing, R.; Zhou, Y.K.; Ma, M.Z.; Liu, R.P.


    Highlights: • Phase structure is greatly dependent on the Al content. • Intermetallic compound will precipitates while Al content is over 6.9 wt%. • Equiaxed α-phase grains present in the hot-rolled alloy with 6.9 wt% Al. • Alloys with Al content from 3.3 wt% to 5.6 wt% have good mechanical properties. - Abstract: Zirconium alloys show attractive properties for astronautic applications where the most important factors are anti-irradiation, corrosion resistance, anti-oxidant, very good strength-to-weight ratio. The effects of Al content (2.2–6.9 wt%) on structure and mechanical properties of the hot-rolled ZrTiAlV alloy samples were investigated in this study. Each sample of the hot-rolled ZrTiAlV alloys with Al contents from 2.2 wt% to 5.6 wt% is composed of the α phase and β phase, meanwhile, the relative content of the α phase increased with the Al content. However, the (ZrTi) 3 Al intermetallic compound was observed as the Al content increased to 6.9 wt%. Changes of phase compositions and structure with Al content distinctly affected mechanical properties of ZrTiAlV alloys. Yield strength of the alloy with 2.2 wt% Al is below 200 MPa. As Al content increased to 5.6 wt%, the yield strength, tensile strength and elongation of the examined alloy are 1088 MPa, 1256 MPa and 8%, respectively. As Al content further increased to 6.9 wt%, a rapid decrease in ductility was observed as soon as the (ZrTi) 3 Al intermetallic compound precipitated. Results show that the ZrTiAlV alloys with Al contents between 3.3 wt% and 5.6 wt% have excellent mechanical properties

  12. Relationship between Al content and substitution mechanism of Al-bearing anhydrous bridgmanites (United States)

    Noda, M.; Inoue, T.; Kakizawa, S.


    It is considered that two substitution mechanisms, Tschermak substitution and oxygen vacancy substitution, exist in MgSiO3 bridgmanite for the incorporation of Al in anhydrous condition. Kubo and Akaogi (2000) has conducted the phase equilibrium experiment in the system MgSiO3-Al2O3, and established the phase diagram up to 28 GPa. However the careful observation in the bridgmanite shows that the chemical compositions are slightly deviated from Tschermak substitution join. The same tendency can be also observed in the run products by Irifune et al. (1996). This result indicates that pure Tschermak substitution bridgmanite cannot be stable even in the MgSiO3-Al2O3 join experiment. However, the previous studies used powder samples as the starting materials, so the absorbed water may affect the results. Therefore, we tried to conduct the experiment in the join MgSiO3-Al2O3 in extremely anhydrous condition to clarify whether the pure Tschermak substitution bridgmanite can be stable or not. In addition, we also examined the stability of oxygen vacancy bridgmanite in the extremely anhydrous condition for the comparison. The high pressure synthesis experiments were conducted at 28 GPa and 1600-1700° for 1hour using a Kawai-type multi-anvil apparatus. Four different Al content samples were prepared as the starting materials along the ideal substitution line of Tschermak (Al=0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 mol) and oxygen-vacancy (Al=0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 mol) substitutions, respectively (when total cation of 2). The glass rods were used as the starting materials to eliminate the absorbed water on the sample surface. The chemical compositions of the synthesized bridgmanite could not be measured by EPMA because of small grain size less than submicron. Therefore the chemical compositions were estimated from the result of the XRD pattern by subtracting the amount of the other phases. The estimated chemical compositions of Tschermak substitution bridgmanites were consistent with the

  13. Burden of rare variants in ALS genes influences survival in familial and sporadic ALS. (United States)

    Pang, Shirley Yin-Yu; Hsu, Jacob Shujui; Teo, Kay-Cheong; Li, Yan; Kung, Michelle H W; Cheah, Kathryn S E; Chan, Danny; Cheung, Kenneth M C; Li, Miaoxin; Sham, Pak-Chung; Ho, Shu-Leong


    Genetic variants are implicated in the development of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but it is unclear whether the burden of rare variants in ALS genes has an effect on survival. We performed whole genome sequencing on 8 familial ALS (FALS) patients with superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) mutation and whole exome sequencing on 46 sporadic ALS (SALS) patients living in Hong Kong and found that 67% had at least 1 rare variant in the exons of 40 ALS genes; 22% had 2 or more. Patients with 2 or more rare variants had lower probability of survival than patients with 0 or 1 variant (p = 0.001). After adjusting for other factors, each additional rare variant increased the risk of respiratory failure or death by 60% (p = 0.0098). The presence of the rare variant was associated with the risk of ALS (Odds ratio 1.91, 95% confidence interval 1.03-3.61, p = 0.03), and ALS patients had higher rare variant burden than controls (MB, p = 0.004). Our findings support an oligogenic basis with the burden of rare variants affecting the development and survival of ALS. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Influence of Al grain boundaries segregations and La-doping on embrittlement of intermetallic NiAl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kovalev, Anatoly I., E-mail:; Wainstein, Dmitry L.; Rashkovskiy, Alexander Yu.


    Highlights: • We investigated Al grain boundaries segregations in ordered pure and La-doped NiAl. • Structural segregation of Al decreases critical strain for brittle cracks nucleation. • La alloying sharply improves plasticity of NiAl intermetallic. • Metallicity of interatomic bonds on grain boundaries increases at La alloying. • We have experimentally measured by EELFS that La atoms are located in Al sublattice. - Abstract: The microscopic nature of intergranular fracture of NiAl was experimentally investigated by the set of electron spectroscopy techniques. The paper demonstrates that embrittlement of NiAl intermetallic compound is caused by ordering of atomic structure that leads to formation of structural aluminum segregations at grain boundaries (GB). Such segregations contain high number of brittle covalent interatomic bonds. The alloying by La increases the ductility of material avoiding Al GB enrichment and disordering GB atomic structure. The influence of La alloying on NiAl mechanical properties was investigated. GB chemical composition, atomic and electronic structure transformations after La doping were investigated by AES, XPS and EELFS techniques. To qualify the interatomic bonds metallicity the Fermi level (E{sub F}) position and electrons density (n{sub eff}) in conduction band were determined in both undoped and doped NiAl. Basing on experimental results the physical model of GB brittleness formation was proposed.

  15. Heterogeneous nucleation of solid Al from the melt by Al 3 Ti : Molecular dynamics simulations

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Junsheng; Horsfield, Andrew; Lee, Peter D.; Brommer, Peter


    It has been known experimentally for some time that Al3 Ti is a powerful nucleant for the solidification of aluminum from the melt; however, a full microscopic understanding is still lacking. To develop this understanding, we have performed molecular dynamics simulations of the nucleation and early stages of growth using published embedded atom method potentials for Al-Ti, but modified by us to stabilize the D 022 structure. We discover that Al3 Ti can indeed be very effective in promoting the growth of solid Al but the manner in which growth takes place depends sensitively on the surface on which the Al nucleates. In particular, complete growth of solid Al from the liquid on the (001) and (110) surfaces of Al3 Ti occurs at a lower temperature than on the (112) surface. This anisotropy agrees with observations in previous experiments. We explain this observation in terms of interfacial energies. On the preferential (111) surface of Al the solid-liquid interfacial energy is highest while the solid-vacuum energy is lowest. Our simulations also show that the extent of ordering taking place in liquid Al close to the Al 3 Ti substrate above the melting point correlates well with the effectiveness of the substrate as a nucleant below the melting temperature: this could provide a computationally efficient scheme to identify good nucleants. © 2010 The American Physical Society.

  16. Heterogeneous nucleation of solid Al from the melt by Al 3 Ti : Molecular dynamics simulations

    KAUST Repository

    Wang, Junsheng


    It has been known experimentally for some time that Al3 Ti is a powerful nucleant for the solidification of aluminum from the melt; however, a full microscopic understanding is still lacking. To develop this understanding, we have performed molecular dynamics simulations of the nucleation and early stages of growth using published embedded atom method potentials for Al-Ti, but modified by us to stabilize the D 022 structure. We discover that Al3 Ti can indeed be very effective in promoting the growth of solid Al but the manner in which growth takes place depends sensitively on the surface on which the Al nucleates. In particular, complete growth of solid Al from the liquid on the (001) and (110) surfaces of Al3 Ti occurs at a lower temperature than on the (112) surface. This anisotropy agrees with observations in previous experiments. We explain this observation in terms of interfacial energies. On the preferential (111) surface of Al the solid-liquid interfacial energy is highest while the solid-vacuum energy is lowest. Our simulations also show that the extent of ordering taking place in liquid Al close to the Al 3 Ti substrate above the melting point correlates well with the effectiveness of the substrate as a nucleant below the melting temperature: this could provide a computationally efficient scheme to identify good nucleants. © 2010 The American Physical Society.

  17. Strength of Al and Al-Mg/alumina bonds prepared using ultrahigh vacuum diffusion bonding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, W.E.; Campbell, G.H.; Wien, W.L.; Stoner, S.L.


    The authors have measured the cross-breaking strength of Al and Al-Mg alloys bonded with alumina. Diffusion bonding of Al and Al-Mg alloys requires significantly more bonding time than previously thought to obtain complete bonding. In contrast to previous diffusion bonding studies, fracture morphologies are similar to those obtained in bonds formed by liquid phase reaction; i.e., bonds are as strong or stronger than the ceramic; and fracture tends to propagate in the metal for pure Al and near the interface in the ceramic for the alloys. There are indications that the fracture morphology depends on Mg content and therefore on plasticity in the metal

  18. Wear protection in cutting tool applications by PACVD (Ti,Al)N and Al2O3 coatings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kathrein, M.; Heiss, M.; Rofner, R.; Schleinkofer, U.; Schintlmeister, W.; Schatte, J.; Mitterer, C.


    Various (Ti,Al)N-, Al 2 O 3 -, and (Ti,Al)N/Al 2 O 3 multilayer coatings were deposited onto cemented carbide cutting tool inserts by a plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (PACVD) technique. Al 2 O 3 coatings were deposited using the gaseous mixture AlCl 3 , Ar, H 2 , and O 2 . (Ti,Al)N intermediate layers were deposited in the same device using the process mentioned and the gases AICl 3 , Ar, H 2 , TiCl 4 and N 2 . The unique properties of (Ti,Al)N/Al 2 O 3 multilayer coatings result in superior wear protection for cutting inserts applied in severe multifunction cutting processes. The influence of different deposition temperatures an structure and properties of the coatings like crystallographic phases, chemical composition, mechanical and technological properties is shown. PACVD (Ti,Al)N/Al 2 O 3 coated cutting inserts with fine grained crystalline α/κ-Al 2 O 3 offer performance advantages which are superior with respect to coatings deposited by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) due to the low deposition temperature applied. (author)

  19. Current transport mechanism in graphene/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with various Al mole fractions (United States)

    Pandit, Bhishma; Seo, Tae Hoon; Ryu, Beo Deul; Cho, Jaehee


    The current transport mechanism of graphene formed on AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures with various Al mole fractions (x = 0.15, 0.20, 0.30, and 0.40) is investigated. The current-voltage measurement from graphene to AlGaN/GaN shows an excellent rectifying property. The extracted Schottky barrier height of the graphene/AlGaN/GaN contacts increases with the Al mole fraction in AlGaN. However, the current transport mechanism deviates from the Schottky-Mott theory owing to the deterioration of AlGaN crystal quality at high Al mole fractions confirmed by reverse leakage current measurement.

  20. Current transport mechanism in graphene/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with various Al mole fractions

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    Bhishma Pandit


    Full Text Available The current transport mechanism of graphene formed on AlxGa1−xN/GaN heterostructures with various Al mole fractions (x = 0.15, 0.20, 0.30, and 0.40 is investigated. The current–voltage measurement from graphene to AlGaN/GaN shows an excellent rectifying property. The extracted Schottky barrier height of the graphene/AlGaN/GaN contacts increases with the Al mole fraction in AlGaN. However, the current transport mechanism deviates from the Schottky-Mott theory owing to the deterioration of AlGaN crystal quality at high Al mole fractions confirmed by reverse leakage current measurement.

  1. Assessment of phase constitution on the Al-rich region of rapidly solidified Al-Co-Fe-Cr alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolf, W.; Bolfarini, C.; Kiminami, C.S.; Botta, W.J.


    The formation of quasicrystalline approximants in rapidly solidified Al-Co-Fe-Cr alloys was investigated. Alloys of atomic composition Al 71 Co 13 Fe 8 Cr 8 , Al 77 Co 11 Fe 6 Cr 6 and Al 76 Co 19 Fe 4 Cr 1 were produced using melt spinning and arc melting methods and their microstructural characterization was carried out by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Up to the present there is no consensus in the literature regarding the formation of quasicrystalline phase or quasicrystalline approximants in the Al 71 Co 13 Fe 8 Cr 8 alloy. This work presents, for the first time, a detailed structural characterization of selected alloys in the Al-Co-Fe-Cr system close to the atomic composition Al 71 Co 13 Fe 8 Cr 8 . The results indicated the samples to be composed, mostly, by two intermetallic phases, which are quaternary extensions of Al 5 Co 2 and Al 13 Co 4 and are quasicrystalline approximants. Although the Al 5 Co 2 phase has already been reported in the Al 71 Co 13 Fe 8 Cr 8 alloy, the presence of the monoclinic Al 13 Co 4 is now identified for the first time in the as cast state. In the binary Al-Co system a quasicrystalline phase is known to form in a rapidly solidified alloy with composition close to the monoclinic and orthorhombic Al 13 Co 4 phases. This binary quasicrystalline phase presents an average valence electron per atom (e/a) between 1.7 and 1.9; thus, in addition to the Al 71 Co 13 Fe 8 Cr 8 alloy, the compositions Al 77 Co 11 Fe 6 Cr 6 and Al 76 Co 19 Fe 4 Cr 1 were chosen to be within the region of formation of the quaternary extension of the Al 13 Co 4 phase and also within the (e/a) of 1.7 to 1.9. However, no quasicrystalline phase is present in any of the studied alloys. The Al-Co-Fe-Cr system, around the compositions studied, is composed of quaternary extensions of Al-Co intermetallic phases, which present solubility of Fe and Cr at Co atomic sites. - Highlights: •The Al rich region of the Al

  2. Comparison of ALS functionality and plant growth in ALS-inhibitor susceptible and resistant Myosoton aquaticum L. (United States)

    Liu, Weitang; Bai, Shuang; Jia, Sisi; Guo, Wenlei; Zhang, Lele; Li, Wei; Wang, Jinxin


    Herbicide target-site resistance mutations may cause pleiotropic effects on plant ecology and physiology. The effect of several known (Pro197Ser, Pro197Leu Pro197Ala, and Pro197Glu) target-site resistance mutations of the ALS gene on both ALS functionality and plant vegetative growth of weed Myosoton aquaticum L. (water chickweed) have been investigated here. The enzyme kinetics of ALS from four purified water chickweed populations that each homozygous for the specific target-site resistance-endowing mutations were characterized and the effect of these mutations on plant growth was assessed via relative growth rate (RGR) analysis. Plants homozygous for Pro197Ser and Pro197Leu exhibited higher extractable ALS activity than susceptible (S) plants, while all ALS mutations with no negative change in ALS kinetics. The Pro197Leu mutation increased ALS sensitivity to isoleucine and valine, and Pro197Glu mutation slightly increased ALS sensitivity to isoleucine. RGR results indicated that none of these ALS resistance mutations impose negative pleiotropic effects on relative growth rate. However, resistant (R) seeds had a lowed germination rate than S seeds. This study provides baseline information on ALS functionality and plant growth characteristics associated with ALS inhibitor resistance-endowing mutations in water chickweed. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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    Talqis Nurdianto


    Full Text Available Miftāhul ‘Ulūm, written by al-Sakākī, especially the third part, was the beginning of a new phase in the development of Arabic rhetoric. Al-Sakākī divided the rhetoric into three fields of study, which are  (1 Ma’ānī, (2 Bayān, (3 Badī’. However, his style is influenced by philosophers, theologians and their verbal lexicon, which are difficult to take, especially for the ordinary recipient. Al-Sakākī described that his book containing several types of literature, namely, ‘ilm ṣarf in complete version and its conclusion, derivation science, and the grammatical study in the completeness of Ma’ānī and Bayān. The meaning of Makna is the study of completeness and conclusion. Therefore, books and prose, and poem require al-‘Arūḍ and al-Qawāfī include Ṣarf, Grammar, Ma’ānī, Bayān, limitation, reasoning, al’Arūḍ, and al-Qawāfī. He argued that the fields of study were influential in delivering knowledge to the student in order to reach the goal of the author towards his book.This research was an analytical descriptive study of al-Sakākī rhetoric that focused on the normative aspect represented by rhetorical rule and aesthetic aspects. Those aspects were shown by the feeling. Al-Sakākī rhetoric thought is a method based on mental division and has conducted in the construction of many factors, which the most important of them are philosophy and logic. Keywords: thought, rhetoric, meanings, sakkaki, study

  4. A study on wear resistance and microcrack of the Ti3Al/TiAl + TiC ceramic layer deposited by laser cladding on Ti-6Al-4V alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jianing; Chen Chuanzhong; Squartini, Tiziano; He Qingshan


    Laser cladding of the Al + TiC alloy powder on Ti-6Al-4V alloy can form the Ti 3 Al/TiAl + TiC ceramic layer. In this study, TiC particle-dispersed Ti 3 Al/TiAl matrix ceramic layer on the Ti-6Al-4V alloy by laser cladding has been researched by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, electron probe micro-analyzer, energy dispersive spectrometer. The main difference from the earlier reports is that Ti 3 Al/TiAl has been chosen as the matrix of the composite coating. The wear resistance of the Al + 30 wt.% TiC and the Al + 40 wt.% TiC cladding layer was approximately 2 times greater than that of the Ti-6Al-4V substrate due to the reinforcement of the Ti 3 Al/TiAl + TiC hard phases. However, when the TiC mass percent was above 40 wt.%, the thermal stress value was greater than the materials yield strength limit in the ceramic layer, the microcrack was present and its wear resistance decreased.

  5. Study of the 27Al(n,2,)26Al reaction via accelerator mass spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallner, A.


    The excitation function for the 27 Al(n,2n) 26 Al reaction is expected to show a strongly non-linear behavior in the neutron-energy region around 14 MeV, the neutron energy in D-T plasmas; thus the production rate of 26 Al (t 1/2 =7.2*10 5 a) in D-T fusion environments can in principle be used to measure the temperature of such plasmas. Existing measurements, however, are strongly discordant. Therefore, a new accurate measurement of the 27 Al(n,2n) 26 Al cross sections in the near threshold region (E n =13.5-14.8 MeV) was performed with the goal to achieve relative cross sections with the highest accuracy possible. In addition, the measurements were also designed to provide good absolute cross-section values, as absolute cross sections are important for radioactive waste predictions. Samples of Al metal were irradiated with neutrons in the energy range near threshold (E th =13.55 MeV) at the Radiuminstitutes of both Vienna and St. Petersburg, and in Tokai-mura, Japan. In Tuebingen irradiations with neutrons of higher energies (17 and 19 MeV) were performed. The amount of 26 Al produced during the irradiations was measured via accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA). This work represents the first 26 Al measurements for this new facility. With this system, a background as low as 3*10 -15 for 26 Al/ 27 Al isotope ratios was obtained, corresponding to a (n,2n) cross section of 0.04 mb. Utilizing AMS, cross sections with much higher precision and considerably closer to the threshold than in previous investigations could be measured. The prerequisite for its application as a temperature monitor, namely a very well known shape of the excitation function was met. A quantitative prediction of the sensitivity of this method for monitoring the temperature in a D-T fusion plasma was therefore possible. For thermal plasmas temperature changes in the order of 5 to 15 % should be detectable. An even higher sensitivity was found

  6. Magnetostrictive properties of FeAl/polyester and FeAl/silicone composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Riesgo, G. [Dpto. de Ciencias y Técnicas de la Navegación, Universidad de Oviedo, Campus universitario de Gijón, 33203 Gijón (Spain); Carrizo, J. [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain); Elbaile, L., E-mail: [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain); Crespo, R.D. [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain); Sepúlveda, R. [Dpto. de Ingeniería Mecánica y de los Materiales, Universidad de Sevilla, Isla Cartuja, 41092 Sevilla (Spain); García, J.A. [Dpto. de Física de la Universidad de Oviedo, c/ Calvo Sotelo s/n, 33007 Oviedo (Spain)


    Highlights: • Nanocrystalline powders of FeAl have been obtained from the Fe{sub 81}Al{sub 19} ribbon produced by melt spinning. • The method allows the obtainment of a FeAl solid solution from the starting process. • The microstructure and magnetic properties of the powders were investigated. • Composites with a magnetostriction of 45 ppm have been obtained. - Abstract: Ribbons of composition Fe{sub 81}Al{sub 19} obtained by the melt spinning method have been used to yield powder by mechanical milling. Using this method, a rapid nanocrystallization and a FeAl solid solution phase was obtained from the start of the process. The microstructural and magnetic properties as well as the XRD patterns of the powders were studied in function of the milling time. Grain refinement and an increase of the coercive field were the main transformations resulting from increasing the milling time. Two sets of magnetostrictive composites were produced from the 100 h-milled powder. In one of them polyester was used as matrix and in the other one silicone. In the case of the silicone composites cured in a magnetic field of 140 mT in the longitudinal direction a saturation magnetostriction as high as 45 ppm was obtained.

  7. Thermodynamic calculation of Al-Gd and Al-Gd-Mg phase equilibria checked by key experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Groebner, J.; Kevorkov, D.; Schmid-Fetzer, R.


    The binary Al-Gd and the ternary Al-Gd-Mg systems were calculated using the Calphad method. It is demonstrated that previous interpretation of ternary liquidus temperatures below 700 C must be related to other phase equilibria. The actual ternary liquidus temperatures are much higher, up to some 600 C above the previous interpretation in literature. They are widely governed by the high-melting compounds Al 2 Gd and Al 3 Gd with liquidus surfaces stretching far into the ternary system. A small number of key experiments in this work confirmed the calculated liquidus temperature and the phase relations. The available experimental data in literature fit excellently with the calculation in the binary Al-Gd system. In the ternary Al-Gd-Mg system, which is shown in several sections of the phase diagram, a good agreement can be observed too, considering the necessary reinterpretation of the liquidus temperatures suggested by Rokhlin et al. Ternary solubilities were not found experimentally. The ternary compound Al 4 GdMg (τ) forms in a ternary peritectic reaction at 761 C. (orig.)

  8. Forged HITEMAL: Al-based MMCs strengthened with nanometric thick Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} skeleton

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Balog, Martin, E-mail: [Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Racianska 75, 83102 Bratislava (Slovakia); Krizik, Peter; Nosko, Martin; Hajovska, Zuzana [Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Racianska 75, 83102 Bratislava (Slovakia); Victoria Castro Riglos, Maria [Centro Atómico Bariloche, Av. Bustillo 9.500, 8400 Bariloche, Río Negro (Argentina); Rajner, Walter [New Materials Development GmbH, Römerstrasse 28, 83410 Laufen, Leobendorf (Germany); Liu, De-Shin [National Chung Cheng University, 168 University Rd., Min-Hsiung, 62102 Chia-Yi, Taiwan (China); Simancik, Frantisek [Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Racianska 75, 83102 Bratislava (Slovakia)


    Bulk Al–Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} metal matrix composites (MMCs) named HITEMAL (high temperature aluminum) were fabricated in situ by forging compaction of five different types of gas-atomized commercial purity Al powders with a mean particle size in the range of 1–9 µm. As-forged HITEMAL consisted of (sub)micrometric Al grains (matrix) decorated with nanometric thick amorphous Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} (a-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}) skeleton. Low-angle grain boundaries (LAGBs) free of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} were located in the Al grain interior. The Al grain size and the portion of LAGBs increased with the increase in the relative powder surface area. As-forged HITEMAL shows excellent thermal stability up to 400 °C for 24 h. Annealing at temperatures ≥450 °C led to crystallization and morphological transformation from a-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} skeleton to nanometric γ-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} particles. Owing to the pinning effect of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} phase, no Al grain growth took place during annealing up to 500 °C. HITEMAL showed attractive mechanical properties especially when tested at 300 °C (yield strength up to 220 MPa, Young's modulus up to 58 GPa). Despite the presence of a nearly continuous a-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} skeleton along adjacent Al grains, forged HITEMAL materials had reasonable room temperature elongation of 7–26%. HITEMAL's elongation decreased as the Al grain size decreased and with increased testing temperature. The loss in elongation (uniform and total) was attributed to the inhomogeneous flow, which occurred due to high densities of high angle grain boundaries (dislocation sinks) and small content of LAGBs. The strength of HITEMAL stemmed from grain boundary mediated strengthening mechanisms. The results showed a positive deviation from the Hall–Petch plot, which is typical behavior of ultrafine-grained metals. Transformation of a-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} skeleton to γ-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} particles led to deterioration of the HITEMAL strength and Young's modulus.

  9. Determination of Al concentration in Al doped ZnO using Auger spectra excited by Mo X-rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toth, J.; Koever, L.; Cserny, I.; Varga, D.


    Complete text of publication follows. A good conductor with excellent transparency is of crucial importance for the window layer of CIGS solar cells. Al doped ZnO is a good candidate for this purpose, its conductivity depends on the concentration and chemical state of the Al dopant atoms. It was demonstrated that the non-conventional XPS using Mo X-rays for excitation is a very sensitive tool for the detection of Al, P, Si [1, 2, 3]. The present paper compares the experimental ratios for Zn/Al photoinduced peak intensity ratios obtained using both Al and Mo X-ray excitations. The Mo excited Zn/Al intensity ratios can be determined with higher selectivity and sensitivity than the Zn/Al intensity ratios excited by Al X-rays. The experiments were performed with a hemispherical deflector electron spectrometer [4]. The chemical state of the Al was identified to be close to that in Al 2 O 3 . The atomic concentrations were determined using a calibration curve based on ZnO/Al samples with known composition of Al. The energy dependent efficiency of the electron spectrometer was determined comparing REELS spectra of Cu specimen to standard spectra measured by K. Goto (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan). For evaluation of the Al atomic concentrations from the measured photoelectron intensities the photoionisation cross-sections of Band et al [5] and the IMFP data of S. Tanuma et al [6] and C.J. Powell and A. Jablonski [7] were used. (author)

  10. Experimental evidences for reducing Mg activation energy in high Al-content AlGaN alloy by MgGa δ doping in (AlN)m/(GaN)n superlattice (United States)

    Wang, Xiao; Wang, Wei; Wang, Jingli; Wu, Hao; Liu, Chang


    P-type doping in high Al-content AlGaN alloys is a main challenge for realizing AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet optoelectronics devices. According to the first-principles calculations, Mg activation energy may be reduced so that a high hole concentration can be obtained by introducing nanoscale (AlN)5/(GaN)1 superlattice (SL) in Al0.83Ga0.17N disorder alloy. In this work, experimental evidences were achieved by analyzing Mg doped high Al-content AlGaN alloys and Mg doped AlGaN SLs as well as MgGa δ doped AlGaN SLs. Mg acceptor activation energy was significantly reduced from 0.378 to 0.331 eV by using MgGa δ doping in SLs instead of traditional doping in alloys. This new process was confirmed to be able to realize high p-type doping in high Al-content AlGaN.

  11. Al-Shebab: An Al-Qaeda Affiliate Case Study (2Rev) (United States)


    deputies responsible for finance , administration, and security. Coordination among regional groups is common.10 The deputy leader of al-Shebab, Mukhtar...Maaliya (Ministry of Finance ) controlled taxation. A complex court system also emerged. Multiple training camps were built that focused on hand-to-hand...Nathan Chandler, Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency in Somalia: Assessing the Campaign Against Al Shabaab, Rand Corporation , 2016, accessed 6/5

  12. Tránsito a la “modernidad”: crisis, turismo, administración, evolución e hibridez

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita María Trujillo González


    Full Text Available En La Aldea de San Nicolás, localidad situada en el oeste de Gran Canaria, la actual crisis tomatera ha provocado la búsqueda de alternativas económicas y complementarias a la agricultura. Una posibilidad que ha cobrado relevancia en los últimos años, es el otorgamiento de un mayor protagonismo al “turismo rural”. En este artículo me propongo plantear las dificultades a las que ha de hacer frente esta opción, como es el desacuerdo existente entre los vecinos ante una mayor implantación turística, al hacer un uso diferenciado de conceptos relevantes en la temática turística, tales como “identidad”, “cultura”, “valor” o “tradición”, que pueden abarcar contenidos más “esencialistas” o más “constructivistas”. Por otra parte, planteo la posibilidad de observar el proceso administrativo como una situación de tránsito propia de las sociedades contemporáneas, con características análogas al rito de paso, que modifican la realidad a nivel macro y micro etnográfico.

  13. Experimental evidences for reducing Mg activation energy in high Al-content AlGaN alloy by MgGa δ doping in (AlN)m/(GaN)n superlattice


    Xiao Wang; Wei Wang; Jingli Wang; Hao Wu; Chang Liu


    P-type doping in high Al-content AlGaN alloys is a main challenge for realizing AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet optoelectronics devices. According to the first-principles calculations, Mg activation energy may be reduced so that a high hole concentration can be obtained by introducing nanoscale (AlN)5/(GaN)1 superlattice (SL) in Al0.83Ga0.17N disorder alloy. In this work, experimental evidences were achieved by analyzing Mg doped high Al-content AlGaN alloys and Mg doped AlGaN SLs as well as MgG...

  14. Tadris Al Mufradat Li Tathbiq Maharah Al Kalam Fi Madrasah Al Muallimin Al Islamiyyah Li Mahad Bait Al Arqam Balong Jember

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Ardy Zaini


    Full Text Available There are four  skills in teaching Arabic. Ie listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Among these four, speaking considered one of the most important objectives of learning foreign language. In order to speak properly, one must know the vocabulary and apply it in a sentence. The aims of this research is to describe the teaching of vocabulary to apply the speaking skill in the school of Islamic teachers in the Institute of Bait al Arqom Balong Jember. This study used qualitative approach. The data collection was taken trough observation, personal interview, history and documentation. The teaching of vocabulary to apply the speaking skill at the Islamic Teachers' School at the Institute of Bait Al Arqam Balong Jember has gone well in terms of planning (general objectives and specific objectives, implementation (materials, use of the teaching method and teaching aids, and evaluation (assessment and evaluation. This teaching is to apply the speaking skill in terms of conversation or dialogue and lecture.

  15. NEK1 genetic variability in a Belgian cohort of ALS and ALS-FTD patients. (United States)

    Nguyen, Hung Phuoc; Van Mossevelde, Sara; Dillen, Lubina; De Bleecker, Jan L; Moisse, Matthieu; Van Damme, Philip; Van Broeckhoven, Christine; van der Zee, Julie


    We evaluated the genetic impact of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) risk gene never in mitosis gene a-related kinase 1 (NEK1) in a Belgian cohort of 278 patients with ALS (n = 245) or ALS with frontotemporal dementia (ALS-FTD, n = 33) and 609 control individuals. We identified 2 ALS patients carrying a loss-of-function (LOF) mutation, p.Leu854Tyrfs*2 and p.Tyr871Valfs*17, that was absent in the control group. A third LOF variant p.Ser1036* was present in 2 sibs with familial ALS but also in an unrelated control person. Missense variants were common in both patients (3.6%) and controls (3.0%). The missense variant, p.Arg261His, which was previously associated with ALS risk, was detected with a minor allele frequency of 0.90% in patients compared to 0.33% in controls. Taken together, NEK1 LOF variants accounted for 1.1% of patients, although interpretation of pathogenicity and penetrance is complicated by the observation of occasional LOF variants in unaffected individuals (0.16%). Furthermore, enrichment of additional ALS gene mutations was observed in NEK1 carriers, suggestive of a "second hit" model were NEK1 variants may modify disease presentation of driving mutations. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. The effect of ammonia flow in the AlN spacer on the electrical properties of InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMT structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gamarra, Piero; Lacam, Cedric; Magis, Michelle; Tordjman, Maurice; Di Forte Poisson, Marie-Antoinette


    During the past few years it has been reported that a thin AlN spacer of few nanometers needs to be inserted in InAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) to obtain high 2DEG carrier mobility. This work presents a systematic study of the effects of varying the ammonia flow in the AlN spacer of InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMTs grown by low pressure metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (LP-MOVPE). The strain state, the surface roughness and the growth rate of AlN were found to be dependent on the V/III ratio. In addition the ammonia flow in the interlayer has a strong impact on the structural properties of the subsequent InAlN barrier layer and on the electrical properties of the structure. A sheet resistance as low as 327 Ω/□ with a sheet carrier density of 1.5 x 10 13 cm -2 has been obtained at room temperature. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  17. The effect of ammonia flow in the AlN spacer on the electrical properties of InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMT structures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gamarra, Piero; Lacam, Cedric; Magis, Michelle; Tordjman, Maurice; Di Forte Poisson, Marie-Antoinette [III-V Lab., Marcussis (France)


    During the past few years it has been reported that a thin AlN spacer of few nanometers needs to be inserted in InAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) to obtain high 2DEG carrier mobility. This work presents a systematic study of the effects of varying the ammonia flow in the AlN spacer of InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMTs grown by low pressure metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (LP-MOVPE). The strain state, the surface roughness and the growth rate of AlN were found to be dependent on the V/III ratio. In addition the ammonia flow in the interlayer has a strong impact on the structural properties of the subsequent InAlN barrier layer and on the electrical properties of the structure.istance as low as 327 {omega}/{open_square} with a sheet carrier density of 1.5 x 10{sup 13} cm{sup -2} has been obtained at room temperature. (Copyright copyright 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  18. Assessment of phase constitution on the Al-rich region of rapidly solidified Al-Co-Fe-Cr alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wolf, W., E-mail: [Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luiz, Km 235, 13565-905 São Carlos, SP (Brazil); Bolfarini, C., E-mail: [Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luiz, Km 235, 13565-905 São Carlos, SP (Brazil); Kiminami, C.S., E-mail: [Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luiz, Km 235, 13565-905 São Carlos, SP (Brazil); Botta, W.J., E-mail: [Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Rod. Washington Luiz, Km 235, 13565-905 São Carlos, SP (Brazil)


    The formation of quasicrystalline approximants in rapidly solidified Al-Co-Fe-Cr alloys was investigated. Alloys of atomic composition Al{sub 71}Co{sub 13}Fe{sub 8}Cr{sub 8}, Al{sub 77}Co{sub 11}Fe{sub 6}Cr{sub 6} and Al{sub 76}Co{sub 19}Fe{sub 4}Cr{sub 1} were produced using melt spinning and arc melting methods and their microstructural characterization was carried out by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Up to the present there is no consensus in the literature regarding the formation of quasicrystalline phase or quasicrystalline approximants in the Al{sub 71}Co{sub 13}Fe{sub 8}Cr{sub 8} alloy. This work presents, for the first time, a detailed structural characterization of selected alloys in the Al-Co-Fe-Cr system close to the atomic composition Al{sub 71}Co{sub 13}Fe{sub 8}Cr{sub 8}. The results indicated the samples to be composed, mostly, by two intermetallic phases, which are quaternary extensions of Al{sub 5}Co{sub 2} and Al{sub 13}Co{sub 4} and are quasicrystalline approximants. Although the Al{sub 5}Co{sub 2} phase has already been reported in the Al{sub 71}Co{sub 13}Fe{sub 8}Cr{sub 8} alloy, the presence of the monoclinic Al{sub 13}Co{sub 4} is now identified for the first time in the as cast state. In the binary Al-Co system a quasicrystalline phase is known to form in a rapidly solidified alloy with composition close to the monoclinic and orthorhombic Al{sub 13}Co{sub 4} phases. This binary quasicrystalline phase presents an average valence electron per atom (e/a) between 1.7 and 1.9; thus, in addition to the Al{sub 71}Co{sub 13}Fe{sub 8}Cr{sub 8} alloy, the compositions Al{sub 77}Co{sub 11}Fe{sub 6}Cr{sub 6} and Al{sub 76}Co{sub 19}Fe{sub 4}Cr{sub 1} were chosen to be within the region of formation of the quaternary extension of the Al{sub 13}Co{sub 4} phase and also within the (e/a) of 1.7 to 1.9. However, no quasicrystalline phase is present in any of the studied alloys. The Al-Co-Fe-Cr system

  19. Corrosion analysis of AlMg2 and AlMgSi using electrochemical method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dian A; Maman Kartaman; Rosika K; Yanlinastuti


    Corrosion test of cladding materials and structures of research reactor fuel, AlMgSi and AlMg2 have been performed in demineralized water of pH 2 and 6.7 using an electrochemical method. Corrosion phenomenon is affected by several factor such as composition and condition of solution. The purpose of this activity is to investigate the corrosion phenomena through the determination of the parameters of corrosion and polarization curve. The materials used are AlMg2 and AlMgSi alloy in circular dish shape with an area of 1 Cm"2. Preparation of the test sample is performed through several stages polishing, cleaning and drying procedures followed ASTM G3. The electrochemical method is done by measuring the open circuit potential (OCP), polarization resistance and potentiodynamic in demineralized water of pH 2 and pH 6.7 at temperature of 25°C. The results of the OCP is the corrosion potential (Ecorr) of AlMg2 and AlMgSi each of -906.1 mV and -619.8 mV at pH 2 and -868.6 and -756.7 mV at pH 6.7 mV. The results of measurements by polarization resistance technique showed that the corrosion rate of AlMg2 and AlMgSi in safe category (<2 mpy) at pH 6.7 and at pH 2 corrosion rate increased significantly, but still in the lightweight category (<20 mpy). Potentiodynamic curves showed that the passivation at pH 6.7 is very low while the passivation at pH 2 occurs within a relatively short range potential and followed events corroded. (author)

  20. Catalytic effect of Al and AlN interlayer on the growth and properties of containing carbon films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou, Bing; Liu, Zhubo; Tang, Bin; Rogachev, A.V.


    Highlights: • DLC and CN x bilayers with Al (AlN) interlayer were fabricated by cathode arc technique. • Complete diffusion of Al and C atoms occurs at the interface of Al/DLC (CN x ) bilayer. • Al/CN x bilayer presents a higher content of Csp 3 /Csp 2 bonds. • The hardness of Al/DLC bilayer decreases but increases for the other bilayers. • Morphology of the bilayers was explained by growth mechanism of DLC and surface state of substrate. - Abstract: Diamond-like carbon (DLC) and carbon nitride (CN x ) bilayer films with Al and AlN interlayer were fabricated by pulse cathode arc technique. The structure, composition, morphology and mechanical properties of the films were investigated by Raman, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Knoop sclerometer and surface profilometer. The results indicated that the complete diffusion between C and Al atoms occurs in the Al/DLC and Al/CN x bilayer. Al interlayer induces the increase of the size and ordering of Csp 2 clusters in the films but AlN interlayer increases the disordering degree of Csp 2 clusters. XPS results showed that a higher content of Csp 3 /Csp 2 bonds presents in the Al/CN x bilayer, and Al and AlN interlayer decreases the atomic ratio of N/C. AFM with phase contrast mode illustrated the morphologic characteristics of the bilayer films. All the bilayers show a nano-structural surface. The morphology changes of the bilayer were well explained by the surface state of the substrate and the growth mechanism of DLC films. The hardness of Al/DLC bilayer decreases but it increases for the other bilayers compared to the corresponding DLC (CN x ) monolayer. The internal stress of the bilayer is significantly lower than that of the monolayer except for the AlN/CN x bilayer. These studies could make the difference at the time of choosing a suitable functional film for certain application

  1. Characteristics in AlN/AlGaN/GaN Multilayer-Structured High-Electron-Mobility Transistors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gui-Zhou, Hu; Ling, Yang; Li-Yuan, Yang; Si, Quan; Shou-Gao, Jiang; Ji-Gang, Ma; Xiao-Hua, Ma; Yue, Hao


    A new multilayer-structured AlN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructure high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) is demonstrated. The AlN/AlGaN/GaN HEMT exhibits the maximum drain current density of 800 mA/mm and the maximum extrinsic transconductance of 170 mS/mm. Due to the increase of the distance between the gate and the two-dimensional electron-gas channel, the threshold voltage shifts slightly to the negative. The reduced drain current collapse and higher breakdown voltage are observed on this AlN/AlGaN/GaN HEMT. The current gain cut-off frequency and the maximum frequency of oscillation are 18.5 GHz and 29.0 GHz, respectively. (condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)

  2. 60Co gamma radiation effect on AlGaN//AlN/GaN HEMT devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yanping; Luo Yinhong; Wang Wei; Zhang Keying; Guo Hongxia; Guo Xiaoqiang; Wang Yuanming


    The testing techniques and experimental methods of the 60 Co gamma irradiation effect on AlGaN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are established. The degradation of the electrical properties of the device under the actual radiation environment are analyzed theoretically, and studies of the total dose effects of gamma radiation on AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMTs at three different radiation bias conditions are carried out. The degradation patterns of the main parameters of the AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMTs at different doses are then investigated, and the device parameters that were sensitive to the gamma radiation induced damage and the total dose level induced device damage are obtained. (authors)

  3. Cu-segregation at the Q'/α-Al interface in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuda, Kenji; Teguri, Daisuke; Uetani, Yasuhiro; Sato, Tatsuo; Ikeno, Susumu


    Cu segregation was detected at the Q ' /α-Al interface in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy by energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy. By contrast, in a Cu-free Al-Mg-Si alloy no segregation was observed at the interface between the matrix and Type-C precipitate

  4. Effect of Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce Master Alloy on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Commercial Pure Al and Hypoeutectic Al-8Si Alloy

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    Wanwu Ding


    Full Text Available Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy was synthesized by a method of thermal explosion reaction in pure molten aluminum and used to modify commercial pure Al and hypoeutectic Al-8Si alloy. The microstructure and tensile properties of commercial pure Al and hypoeutectic Al-8Si alloy with different additions of Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy were investigated. The results show that the Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce alloy was composed of α-Al, granular TiC, lump-like TiAl3 and block-like Ti2Al20Ce. Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy (0.3 wt %, 5 min can significantly refine macro grains of commercial pure Al into tiny equiaxed grains. The Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy (0.3 wt %, 30 min still has a good refinement effect. The tensile strength and elongation of commercial pure Al modified by the Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy (0.3 wt %, 5 min increased by roughly 19.26% and 61.83%, respectively. Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy (1.5 wt %, 10 min can significantly refine both α-Al grains and eutectic Si of hypoeutectic Al-8Si alloy. The dendritic α-Al grains were significantly refined to tiny equiaxed grains. The morphology of the eutectic Si crystals was significantly refined from coarse needle-shape or lath-shape to short rod-like or grain-like eutectic Si. The tensile strength and elongation of hypoeutectic Al-8Si alloy modified by the Al-5Ti-0.62C-0.2Ce master alloy (1.5 wt %, 10 min increased by roughly 20.53% and 50%, respectively. The change in mechanical properties corresponds to evolution of the microstructure.

  5. Tailoring ultrafine grained and dispersion-strengthened Ti2AlC/TiAl ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    and Ti-Al pre-alloyed powders at low temperature of 1150◦C. The composite mainly consisted ... Metal–matrix composites; mechanical properties; microstructures; sintering. 1. Introduction γ-TiAl-based intermetallic alloys have been extensively.

  6. Stagnation of the exploitation of Al ores and the depression of world prices of Al

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    Slavkovský Jozef


    Full Text Available In the contribution, data on Al – a metal of the 20th century are compiled together with the problems of genesis of the Al mineral raw ma-terials as well as types of bauxite and Al-laterite deposits. Furthermore, an overview of the world exploitation of bauxite during 1935-1980 is given along with the prognoses to 2000 and present situation (1992-1996. Overviews of the production of Al follows, providing its rela-tion to the bauxite exploitation. Contrary to the prognoses, a stabilization or stagnation has been observed in the exploitation of bauxite and production of Al during nineties, which a tendency is directly reflected in the world price of this commodity. When analyzing the Al prices for a longer period, some serious deviations can be noticed, that however presently represent a long-term minimum. We hope the stagnation of the production and the price decline are only temporary and new possibilities of the utilization of Al will be found soon.

  7. A study on preparation and hydriding of β-Mg2Al3 and γ-Mg17Al12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hadi Suwarno


    The mechanism of the synthetic formation of β-Mg 2 Al 3 and γ-Mg 17 Al 12 has been studied. Mechanical alloying of Mg and Al powders with the atomic ratio of Mg:Al = 2:3 in toluene solution yields β-Mg 2 Al 3 compound after milling for 30 h. The γ-Mg 17 Al 12 can be formed by heating the β-Mg 2 Al 3 at 430°C under high vacuum. The measured hydrogen capacities of β-Mg 2 Al 3 and γ-Mg 17 Al 12 as hydride at 300°C are 3.2 and 4.9 wt%, respectively. Microstructure of the Mg-Al specimen shows that on hydriding at 300°C the polygonal shape of the γ-Mg 17 Al 12 changes into irregular shapes which are composed of γ-MgH 2 and Al. (author)

  8. Marinbiologisk optegnelse i NUḪBAT AL-DAHR FĪ ʿAǦ ʾIB AL-BARR WA-AL-BAḤR


    Provencal, Philippe


    I det arabiske geografiske værk NUḪBAT AL-DAHR FĪ ʿAǦ ʾIB AL-BARR WA-AL-BAḤR (færdigskrevet mellem 1324 og 1327) fra omtales seks dyr fra Adenbugten. Det dreje sig om savrokke, kuglefisk, pilrokke, pindsvinefisk og hvalhaj. Det sidste dyr har ikke kunnet bestemmes. Artiklen bringer en oversættelse af optegnelsen til engelsk samt både en filologisk som en biologisk kommentar. The aim of this article is to present a medieval Arabic report regarding sixanimals from the Gulf of Aden, to provid...


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    Imriyanti Imriyanti


    Full Text Available Abstract Mosque Architecture is a part of Islamic architecture. Mosque should be fused with elements of nature because its function as a place to pray to God who created the universe. Al Markas Al Islamic Makassar mosque is used as a center of Islamic aspirations of the people and the government to accommodate all the activities of moslems in Makassar. Through this function, the provision of Al Markas Al Islamic mosque began from the desire of Islamic societies in Makassar, which wants the Islamic center to be equipped with facilities and infrastructure as well as architectural, monumental buildings and structures that can be last for hundreds of years (continuous, blend with the environment, and also can be used by the public. Having regard to the function of a mosque especially at the Al Markas Al Islamic Makassar mosque, then the problem that arise is how the Al Markas Al Islamic mosque can be survived/sustainable  in order  to function  as a place  of worship  and  as a center  of Islam.  This research  is a descriptive qualitative research that is trying to generate data in the form of systematic and accurate picture of the object of study. The sustaiprophetlity  of Al Markas AL Islamic mosque can be known through the concept of Islam  in accordance with the view of Islam as well as the sustaiprophetlity of the buildings that seen in the spatial pattern of the mosque, appearance, natural lighting, natural ventilation, and user behavior of the mosque. Keywords: mosque architecture, sustaiprophetlity, view of Islam     Abstrak Arsitektur masjid merupakan bagian dari arsitektur Islam. Bangunan masjid sebaiknya dapat menyatu dengan unsur alam karena masjid difungsikan sebagai wadah dalam bersujud/sembahyang  kepada Allah SWT yang menciptakan alam semesta ini. Masjid Al Markas Al Islamic Makassar merupakan kompleks kegiatan Islam yang digunakan sebagai pusat aspirasi masyarakat  dan pemerintahan  yang dapat menampung

  10. Adhesive and tribocorrosive behavior of TiAlPtN/TiAlN/TiAl multilayers sputtered coatings over CoCrMo (United States)

    Canto, C. E.; Andrade, E.; Rocha, M. F.; Alemón, B.; Flores, M.


    The tribocorrosion resistance and adherence of multilayer coatings of TiAlPtN/TiAlN/TiAl synthesized by PVD reactive magnetron sputtering over a CoCrMo alloy substrate in 10 periods of 30 min each were analyzed and compared to those of the substrate alone and to that of a TiAlPtN single layer coating of the same thickness. The objective of the present work was to create multilayers with different amounts of Pt in order to enhance the tribocorrosion resistance of a biomedical alloy of CoCrMo. Tribocorrosion tests were performed using Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) at typical body temperature with a tribometer in a pin on disk test. The elemental composition and thickness of the coating which behave better at the tribocorrosion tests were evaluated by means of RBS (Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy) IBA (Ion Beam Analysis) technique, using an alpha particles beam of 1.8 MeV, before and after the reciprocating motion in the tribocorrosion test. In order to simulate the elemental profile of the samples, the SIMNRA simulation computer code was used. Measurements of the adhesion of the coatings to the substrate were carried on by means of a scratch test using a tribometer. By taking micrographs of the produced tracks, the critical loads at which the coatings are fully separated from the substrate were determined. From these tests it was observed that a coating with 10 min of TiAlPtN in a TiAlPtN/TiAl period of 30 min in multilayers of 10 periods and with an average thickness of 145 nm for the TiAlPtN nanolayers had the best tribocorrosion resistance behavior, compared to that of the CoCrMo alloy. The RBS experiments showed a reduction of the thickness of the films along with some loss of the multilayer structure after the reciprocating motion. The adhesion tests indicated that the multilayer with the average TiAlPtN thickness of 145 nm displayed the highest critical load. These results indicate a high correlation between the adherence and the tribocorrosion behavior.

  11. Microstructure of Reaction Zone Formed During Diffusion Bonding of TiAl with Ni/Al Multilayer (United States)

    Simões, Sónia; Viana, Filomena; Koçak, Mustafa; Ramos, A. Sofia; Vieira, M. Teresa; Vieira, Manuel F.


    In this article, the characterization of the interfacial structure of diffusion bonding a TiAl alloy is presented. The joining surfaces were modified by Ni/Al reactive multilayer deposition as an alternative approach to conventional diffusion bonding. TiAl substrates were coated with alternated Ni and Al nanolayers. The nanolayers were deposited by dc magnetron sputtering with 14 nm of period (bilayer thickness). Joining experiments were performed at 900 °C for 30 and 60 min with a pressure of 5 MPa. Cross sections of the joints were prepared for characterization of their interfaces by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), high resolution TEM (HRTEM), energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Several intermetallic compounds form at the interface, assuring the bonding of the TiAl. The interface can be divided into three distinct zones: zone 1 exhibits elongated nanograins, very small equiaxed grains are observed in zone 2, while zone 3 has larger equiaxed grains. EBSD analysis reveals that zone 1 corresponds to the intermetallic Al2NiTi and AlNiTi, and zones 2 and 3 to NiAl.

  12. Al-quran dalam Perspektif Budaya


    Sudrajat, Ajat


    Al-Quran merupakan kitab suci terakhir yang diturunkan kepada manusia. Tujuan utama diturunkannya al-Quran adalah sebagai kitab petunjuk yang meliputi bidang akidah, syariah, dan akhlak. Akan tetapi di luar ketiga petunjuk tersebut, al-Quran telah memberikan motivasi dan inspirasi kepada umat Islam dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan sehingga melahirkan jenis budaya tertentu. Dialog intelektual yang dilakukan secara kreatif oleh umat Islam terhadap al-Quran ternyata telah menghasilkan lahirnya ge...


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    Érika Cardoso da Silva Baptista


    Full Text Available Desastres associados ao transporte marinho e terrestre de hidrocarbonetos causam sérios impactos aos ambientes costeiros, afetando a fauna e a flora marinha, além de prejudicar diversas atividades econômicas, inclusive àquelas tradicionais, como é o caso da pesca artesanal. Assim, faz-se necessário conhecer a geologia e a geomorfologia da costa, em especial as praias devido à elevada dinâmica e vulnerabilidade desses ambientes. A construção de megaempreendimentos na zona costeira e o tráfego de navios petroleiros e pequenas embarcações, ou mesmo a implantação de dutos, localizados junto à linha de costa, representam uma ameaça ao equilíbrio dos ecossistemas. Para tal, foram analisados diversos aspectos da geomorfologia costeira de Maricá, para posterior identificação do grau de sensibilidade deste litoral a eventos de derramamento de óleo, a partir do Índice de Sensibilidade Ambiental (ISA proposto pelo Ministério do Meio Ambiente. O litoral de Maricá, ao longo de 34 km de extensão entre Itaipuaçú (no extremo oeste e Ponta Negra (a leste, apresenta quatro áreas distintas quanto à sensibilidade à poluição decorrente de derramamento de óleo, sendo: ISA1, para as áreas de costões rochosos localizados nas extremidades leste e oeste deste litoral; ISA4, para a quase totalidade das praias, formadas por areias quartzosas grossa e média, exceto o extremo-oeste de Itaipuaçú, que possui areia muito grossa e cascalhos sendo, portanto, representada pelo ISA5; e ISA10, para as lagoas costeiras e canais na retaguarda das barreiras arenosas, sujeitas à contaminação por meio dos canais e por transposição por grandes ondas de tempestades. Os índices compreendem os extremos dessa classificação, devido à grande variedade de elementos na paisagem costeira de Maricá e mostra a elevada sensibilidade deste litoral, frente à ameaça de desastres causados por derramamento de óleo.


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    Himmah Istomah


    Full Text Available One of human personalities is humanist. Based on the understanding of Maslow’s theory of motivation, researcher seeks to uncover kinds of motivational needs of Muhammad Saw contained in Maulid Al-Barzanjiy (the work of Ja 'far bin Hasan al-Barzanji (d. 1763 M. The goal is realized through a descriptive qualitative approach with  text analysis  about Psycholiterature of Endraswara. The results of this study indicate that in Maulid Al-Barzanji there are Muhammad Saw’s five needs and how their satisfying perfectly,  namely: physiological needs, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. Thus, it can be interpreted that Muhammad SAW as an ordinary human having motivational needs. His prophetic and apostleship honor is not a direct blessing from Allah, but he had been through some complicated processes in life. This can be applied by his followers, so they can complete their motivational needs to reach the satiation as a caliph and to be useful person in this world.

  15. Microstructure and bonding mechanism of Al/Ti bonded joint using Al-10Si-1Mg filler metal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, Woong H.; Bong, Ha H.; Hong, Soon H.


    The microstructures and liquid state diffusion bonding mechanism of cp-Ti to 1050 Al using an Al-10.0wt.%Si-1.0wt.%Mg filler metal with 100 μm in thickness have been investigated at 620 deg. C under 1x10 -4 Torr. The effects of bonding process parameters on microstructure of bonded joint have been analyzed by using an optical microscope, AES, scanning electron microscopy and EDS. The interfacial bond strength of Al/Ti bonded joints was measured by the single lap shear test. The results show that the bonding at the interface between Al and filler metal proceeds by wetting the Al with molten filler metal, and followed by removal of oxide layer on surface of Al. The interface between Al and filler metal moved during the isothermal solidification of filler metal by the diffusion of Si from filler metal into Al layer. The interface between Al and filler metal became curved in shape with increasing bonding time due to capillary force at grain boundaries. The bonding at the interface between Ti and filler metal proceeds by the formation of two different intermetallic compound layers, identified as Al 5 Si 12 Ti 7 and Al 12 Si 3 Ti 5 , followed by the growth of the intermetallic compound layers. The interfacial bond strength at Al/Ti joint increased with increasing bonding time up to 25 min at 620 deg. C. However, the interfacial bond strength of Al/Ti joint decreased after bonding time of 25 min at 620 deg. C due to formation of cavities in Al near Al/intermetallic interfaces

  16. Micromechanisms of fracture and fatigue in Ti3Al based and TiAl based intermetallics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    James, A.W.; Chave, R.A.; Hippsley, C.A.; Bowen, P.


    Micromechanisms of fracture and fatigue crack growth resistance in specific Ti 3 Al based and TiAl based intermetallics are reviewed. Effects of test temperature, environment and microstructure on crack growth resistance are considered in detail for several Ti 3 Al and Ti'Al based intermetallic systems under development. The implications of these studies for the structural reliability of these materials is also addressed briefly. (orig.)

  17. Core electron binding energy shifts of AlBr3 and Al2Br6 vapor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, Astrid M.; Plenge, Juergen; Leone, Stephen R.; Canton, Sophie E.; Rude, Bruce S.; Bozek, John D.


    The Al 2p and Br 3d inner-shell photoelectron spectra of aluminum tribromide monomer and dimer vapor were measured at 90 and 95 eV photon energy, respectively, to determine the core electron binding energies of the atoms in the two molecular species. While AlBr 3 has three identical Br atoms, Al 2 Br 6 exhibits four terminal and two bridging Br atoms. The species are identified by their distinct valence photoelectron spectra. Comparison of the observed Al 2p 1/2 and Al 2p 3/2 electron binding energies of AlBr 3 with those of Al 2 Br 6 shows that there is a chemical shift of (0.15 ± 0.03) eV to lower energy in the dimer. In Al 2 Br 6 , an assignment is proposed in which the Br 3d 3/2 and Br 3d 5/2 binding energies of terminal Br atoms are (1.18 ± 0.03) eV lower than those of bridging Br atoms. This assignment assumes that both types of Br atoms have similar cross-sections for ionization. With this result, the Br 3d 3/2 and Br 3d 5/2 binding energies of Br atoms in AlBr 3 are (0.81 ± 0.03) eV lower than those of bridging Br atoms of the dimer but (0.37 ± 0.03) eV higher than those of terminal Br atoms of the dimer. The obtained chemical shifts are considered in terms of the binding relations and electron density distributions in both molecules. Chemical shifts that are larger than a few hundred millielectron volts, as observed in the Al 2 Br 6 /AlBr 3 system, offer potential to study the dissociation dynamics of the dimer in a femtosecond visible or ultraviolet-pump/XUV-probe experiment

  18. PENDEKATAN HERMENEUTIK DALAM PEMAHAMAN HADIS (Kajian Kitab Fath al-Bari Karya Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani

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    Agusni Yahya


    Full Text Available The hadith explanation book of Sahih al-Bukhari written by Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani, Fath al-Bari, is one of the most pupular books in Moslem ummah. Is widely used by Moslem scholars to meet the meanings of hadiths compiled by the imam al-Bukhari in his Sahih al-Bukhari. Fath al-Bari is considered significant to do the research on it in order to develop the science of hadith, mainly through the hermeneutic method. By using this method, the research questions are: 1. How does Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani explain the matans (hadith texts of Sahih al Bukhari in connection with hermeneutic method? 2. What are the hermeneutic principles used by Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani in his explanations of hadith? This research is expected to respond the research questions above so that it can be implimented the field of hadith in relation to develop hadith methodology. Finally, the research uncover that in his explanations of hadiths,  Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani is oriented his world views to the classical Islam, the era of Prophet’s companions and their successors, the Salaf al-Salih. He does not express the Islamic world issues available in his time in his explanations of the hadiths. He is considered a normative ‘ulama since he is not influenced by the emerging cases situated his time in Egypt, Mecca and Madina. He tends to be textual to explain the matans of hadiths although to some extent he uncovers the historical contexts of the hadiths he explains. This is common for a muhadith  whose main jobs is to collect and narrate the whole data on Prophet's sayings, acts and permissions either on sanads (narrators or matans (texts.Keywords:  Fath al-Bari; sharh al-hadith; hermeneutik.

  19. Thermophysical properties of αAl2O3, MgAl2O4 and AlN at low tempertures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burghartz, S.


    A possibility for producing energy in future might be the nuclear fusion. The process of nuclear fusion is characterized by melting nuclei of hydrogen atoms (deuterium and tritium) which yield to the production of helium atom nuclei. For this process extremely high temperatures of the deuterium-tritium-gas plasma are necessary. The additional heating of the plasma by microwaves requires materials with low diaelectric losses and high thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity can be increased by cooling the windows which lead to the plasma chambre. Experimental investigations with the aim to check the influence of liquid nitrogen (T=70 K) on the cooling of the windows were performed in the temperature region 70 K 2 O 3 , MgAl 2 O 4 and AlN were measured. The thermal conductivity can be calculated using the equation λ=αc p ρ λ=thermal conductivity α=thermal diffusivity c p =specific heat (at constant pressure) ρ=density. Furthermore a theoretical method to calculate the thermal conductivity at low temperatures is presented; this is done by using a model modification of heat transport in electric insulators. As result the influence of intrinsic parameters (crystal structure, interatomar binding, anharmonicity) and extrinsic parameters (point defects, dislocations, boundary areas) upon thermal conductivity of α-Al 2 O 3 , MgAl 2 O 4 and AlN are achieved. (orig.)

  20. Grain refinement of Al wrought alloys with newly developed AlTiC master alloys; Kornfeinung von Al-Knetlegierungen mit neu entwickelten AlTiC-Vorlegierungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schneider, W. [Vereinigte Aluminium-Werke AG, Bonn (Germany). Forschung und Entwicklung


    AlTiC master alloys are a new grain refiner type to produce an equiaxed grain structure of cast extrusion and rolling ingots. These master alloys contain Ti carbides which act as nucleants of the {alpha} solid solution during solidification. The TiC content is lower than the TiB{sub 2} content of the industrial proved AlTiB master alloys. Benefits of the AlTiC master alloys are the low agglomeration tendency of the Ti carbides in the melt and that no Zr poisoning takes place. Despite of the low Ti carbide content the grain refinement performance can be very efficient, if low melt temperatures during casting will be used and as result of this a sufficient constitutional supercooling at the solidification front is achieved. (orig.)

  1. Advanced life support (ALS) instructors experience of ALS education in Western Australia: a qualitative exploratory research study. (United States)

    Taplin, John; McConigley, Ruth


    When cardiac arrest occurs, timely competent advanced life support (ALS) interventions by nursing staff can influence patient outcomes. Ongoing ALS education influences maintenance of competency and avoids skill decay. To explore the methods of ALS education delivery for nurses in the workplace; describe the issues relating to maintaining ALS competency; explore ALS competency decay for nurses and develop recommendations for the provision of continuing ALS education. A qualitative exploratory design was used to study ALS education provision in the workplace. Data were collected from ALS nurse experts in Western Australia by face-to-face and phone interviews. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and organised around a set of predetermined questions. Two major themes were identified; the first theme Demand and Supply describes the increasing demand for ALS education for nurses and the challenges with providing timely cost effective traditional face-to-face ALS education. The second theme, Choosing The Best Education Options describes new ways to provide ALS education using emerging technologies. The study suggested that using e-learning methods would assist with educating the maximum amount of nurses in a timely manner and e-learning and teleconferencing offer opportunities to reach nurses in distant locations. Delivering ALS education more frequently than annually would increase skills maintenance and lessen skill decay. Further research is required to explore which blended e-learning model is best suited to ALS education. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Al-Qaeda-Syria (AQS): An Al-Qaeda Affiliate Case Study (United States)


    Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict CT Counterterrorism FF Foreign Fighter FSA Free Syrian Army GEC Global Engagement Center HTS Hay’at...war as an opportunity for the global jihadist movement, an opportunity that paralleled the one Iraq had offered a decade earlier.11 He was initially...Zawahiri’s vision of Al-Qaeda franchises oriented toward winning popular support. When al-Zawahiri published his “General Guidelines for Jihad” in

  3. Mechanochemical synthesis of Cu-Al and methyl orange intercalated Cu-Al layered double hydroxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qu, Jun; He, Xiaoman; Chen, Min; Hu, Huimin; Zhang, Qiwu; Liu, Xinzhong


    In this study, a mechanochemical route to synthesize a Cu-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) and a methyl orange (MO) intercalated one (MO-LDH) was introduced, in which basic cupric carbonate (Cu_2(OH)_2CO_3) and aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)_3) with Cu/Al molar ratio at 2/1 was first dry ground for 2 h and then agitated in water or methyl orange solution for another 4 h to obtain the LDH and MO-LDH products without any heating operation. The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Thermogravimetry (TG), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The products showed high crystallinity phase of Cu-Al and MO intercalated Cu-Al LDH with no evident impurities, proving that the craft introduced here was facile and effective. The new idea can be applied in other fields to produce organic-inorganic composites. - Highlights: • A facile mechanochemical route to synthesize Cu-Al and MO intercalated Cu-Al LDH. • The products possesses high crystalline of LDH phase with no impure phases. • The dry milling process induces the element substitution between the raw materials. • The agitation operation helps the grain growth of LDH.

  4. Mechanochemical synthesis of Cu-Al and methyl orange intercalated Cu-Al layered double hydroxides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qu, Jun, E-mail: [School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Luoshi Road 122, Wuhan, Hubei 430070 (China); He, Xiaoman; Chen, Min; Hu, Huimin [School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Luoshi Road 122, Wuhan, Hubei 430070 (China); Zhang, Qiwu, E-mail: [School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Luoshi Road 122, Wuhan, Hubei 430070 (China); Liu, Xinzhong [College of Ecological Environment and Urban Construction, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350118 China (China)


    In this study, a mechanochemical route to synthesize a Cu-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) and a methyl orange (MO) intercalated one (MO-LDH) was introduced, in which basic cupric carbonate (Cu{sub 2}(OH){sub 2}CO{sub 3}) and aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH){sub 3}) with Cu/Al molar ratio at 2/1 was first dry ground for 2 h and then agitated in water or methyl orange solution for another 4 h to obtain the LDH and MO-LDH products without any heating operation. The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Thermogravimetry (TG), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The products showed high crystallinity phase of Cu-Al and MO intercalated Cu-Al LDH with no evident impurities, proving that the craft introduced here was facile and effective. The new idea can be applied in other fields to produce organic-inorganic composites. - Highlights: • A facile mechanochemical route to synthesize Cu-Al and MO intercalated Cu-Al LDH. • The products possesses high crystalline of LDH phase with no impure phases. • The dry milling process induces the element substitution between the raw materials. • The agitation operation helps the grain growth of LDH.

  5. Superstructure formation in PrNi_2Al_3 and ErPd_2Al_3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eustermann, Fabian; Hoffmann, Rolf-Dieter; Janka, Oliver; Oldenburg Univ.


    The intermetallic phase ErPd_2Al_3 was obtained by arc-melting of the elements and subsequent annealing for crystal growth. The sample was studied by X-ray diffraction on powders and single crystals. The structure of ErPd_2Al_3 was refined from X-ray diffraction data and revealed a superstructure of PrNi_2Al_3 - a CaCu_5 derivative (P6/m, a=1414.3(1), c=418.87(3) pm wR=0.0820, 1060 F"2 values, 48 variables). The same superstructure was subsequently found for PrNi_2Al_3 (P6/m, a=1407.87(4), c=406.19(2) pm, wR=0.0499, 904 F"2 values, 47 variables). In the crystal structure, the aluminium and transition metal atoms form a polyanionic network according to [T_2Al_3]"δ"-, while rare earth atoms fill cavities within the networks. They are coordinated by six transition metal and twelve aluminum atoms. In contrast to the PrNi_2Al_3 type structure reported so far, two crystallographic independent rare-earth sites are found of which one (1b) is shifted by 1/2 z, causing a distortion in the structure along with a recoloring of the T and Al atoms in the network.

  6. Derecho humano al agua y al saneamiento: derechos estrechamente vinculados al derecho a la vida


    Fernández Aller, Maria Celia; Luis Romero, Elena de; Guzmán Acha, Cristina


    Los derechos humanos al agua y al saneamiento están íntimamente relacionados con otros derechos esenciales para la vida, como la alimentación o la salud. Su reconocimiento como derechos humanos en 2010 marca un hito importante en el respeto, protección y realización de estos derechos, que se encuentran seriamente vulnerados para una mayoría de población más vulnerable y empobrecida, sobre todo en el ámbito rural. Mucho camino queda aún para conseguir no sólo la disponibilidad de agua y saneam...

  7. Deformation mechanisms of nanotwinned Al

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Xinghang [Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX (United States)


    The objective of this project is to investigate the role of different types of layer interfaces on the formation of high density stacking fault (SF) in Al in Al/fcc multilayers, and understand the corresponding deformation mechanisms of the films. Stacking faults or twins can be intentionally introduced (via growth) into certain fcc metals with low stacking fault energy (such as Cu, Ag and 330 stainless steels) to achieve high strength, high ductility, superior thermal stability and good electrical conductivity. However it is still a major challenge to synthesize these types of defects into metals with high stacking fault energy, such as Al. Although deformation twins have been observed in some nanocrystalline Al powders by low temperature, high strain rate cryomilling or in Al at the edge of crack tip or indentation (with the assistance of high stress intensity factor), these deformation techniques typically introduce twins sporadically and the control of deformation twin density in Al is still not feasible. This project is designed to test the following hypotheses: (1) Certain type of layer interfaces may assist the formation of SF in Al, (2) Al with high density SF may have deformation mechanisms drastically different from those of coarse-grained Al and nanotwinned Cu. To test these hypotheses, we have performed the following tasks: (i) Investigate the influence of layer interfaces, stresses and deposition parameters on the formation and density of SF in Al. (ii) Understand the role of SF on the deformation behavior of Al. In situ nanoindentation experiments will be performed to probe deformation mechanisms in Al. The major findings related to the formation mechanism of twins and mechanical behavior of nanotwinned metals include the followings: 1) Our studies show that nanotwins can be introduced into metals with high stacking fault energy, in drastic contrast to the general anticipation. 2) We show two strategies that can effectively introduce growth twins in

  8. Deformation mechanisms of nanotwinned Al

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Xinghang


    The objective of this project is to investigate the role of different types of layer interfaces on the formation of high density stacking fault (SF) in Al in Al/fcc multilayers, and understand the corresponding deformation mechanisms of the films. Stacking faults or twins can be intentionally introduced (via growth) into certain fcc metals with low stacking fault energy (such as Cu, Ag and 330 stainless steels) to achieve high strength, high ductility, superior thermal stability and good electrical conductivity. However it is still a major challenge to synthesize these types of defects into metals with high stacking fault energy, such as Al. Although deformation twins have been observed in some nanocrystalline Al powders by low temperature, high strain rate cryomilling or in Al at the edge of crack tip or indentation (with the assistance of high stress intensity factor), these deformation techniques typically introduce twins sporadically and the control of deformation twin density in Al is still not feasible. This project is designed to test the following hypotheses: (1) Certain type of layer interfaces may assist the formation of SF in Al, (2) Al with high density SF may have deformation mechanisms drastically different from those of coarse-grained Al and nanotwinned Cu. To test these hypotheses, we have performed the following tasks: (i) Investigate the influence of layer interfaces, stresses and deposition parameters on the formation and density of SF in Al. (ii) Understand the role of SF on the deformation behavior of Al. In situ nanoindentation experiments will be performed to probe deformation mechanisms in Al. The major findings related to the formation mechanism of twins and mechanical behavior of nanotwinned metals include the followings: 1) Our studies show that nanotwins can be introduced into metals with high stacking fault energy, in drastic contrast to the general anticipation. 2) We show two strategies that can effectively introduce growth twins in

  9. Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hypereutectic Al-18Si Alloy Modified with Al-3B. (United States)

    Gong, Chunjie; Tu, Hao; Wu, Changjun; Wang, Jianhua; Su, Xuping


    An hypereutectic Al-18Si alloy was modified via an Al-3B master alloy. The effect of the added Al-3B and the modification temperature on the microstructure, tensile fracture morphologies, and mechanical properties of the alloy were investigated using an optical microscope, Image-Pro Plus 6.0, a scanning electron microscope, and a universal testing machine. The results show that the size of the primary Si and its fraction decreased at first, and then increased as an additional amount of Al-3B was added. When the added Al-3B reached 0.2 wt %, the fraction of the primary Si in the Al-18Si alloy decreased with an increase in temperature. Compared with the unmodified Al-18Si alloy, the tensile strength and elongation of the alloy modified at 850 °C with 0.2 wt % Al-3B increased by 25% and 81%, respectively. The tensile fracture of the modified Al-18Si alloy exhibited partial ductile fracture characteristics, but there were more areas with ductile characteristics compared with that of the unmodified Al-18Si alloy.

  10. 26Mg(p,n)26Al and 23Na(α,n)26Al reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skelton, R.T.


    Cross sections for the 26 Mg(p,n) 26 Al reaction were measured from threshold at 4.988 MeV to 5.820 MeV. Cross sections for the 23 Na(α,n) 26 Al reaction were measured from threshold at 3.483 MeV to 4.597 MeV. In each case, separate measurements were to the ground state and to the first and second excited states of 26 Al. Cross sections for the inverse reactions were calculated and reaction rate factors relating to the destruction of 26 Al in a supernova environment were determined. Astrophysical implications relating to the observation of live and extinct 26 Al are discussed. Excitation functions for several additional exit channels for the 26 Mg + rho and 23 Na + α reactions are reported

  11. Occurrence of anti-Neospora caninum and anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies in goats and sheep in western Maranhão, Brazil Ocorrência de anticorpos IgG anti-Neospora caninum e anti-Toxoplasma gondii em caprinos e ovinos do oeste do Maranhão, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Larissa Martins de Brito Moraes


    Full Text Available Neosporosis and toxoplasmosis are parasitic diseases which can cause reproductive problems in goats and sheep. The current study aimed to determine the occurrence of anti-Neospora caninum and anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibodies in goats and sheep from the districts of Amarante do Maranhão and Buritirana, Imperatriz microregion, western area of Maranhão State, northeastern Brazil, and to assess factors associated to infection by these etiologic agents. Blood samples from 110 animals (46 goats and 64 sheep from five herds were collected, and indirect immunofluorescence assay was used for serological testing. Of 46 goat samples, 17.39% (n = 8 showed anti-N. caninum antibodies and 4.35% (n = 2 anti-T. gondii, while of 64 sheep samples 4.69% (n = 3 and 18.75% (n = 12 showed anti-N. caninum and anti-T. gondii antibodies, respectively. No significant difference regarding the presence of domestic cats and/or dogs on the property and veterinary care was seen for both etiologic agents studied. However, food supplementation and animal reproductive failure were significantly (p A neosporose e a toxoplasmose são doenças parasitárias que podem causar problemas reprodutivos em caprinos e ovinos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de anticorpos IgG anti-Neospora caninum e anti-Toxoplasma gondii em caprinos e ovinos dos municípios de Amarante do Maranhão e Buritirana, microrregião de Imperatriz, Oeste maranhense, Nordeste do Brasil, bem como avaliar fatores associados à infecção por esses agentes etiológicos. Amostras de sangue de 110 animais (46 caprinos e 64 ovinos, provenientes de cinco propriedades, foram coletadas, e a reação de imunofluorescência indireta utilizada para o diagnóstico sorológico. Das 46 amostras de caprinos, 17,39% (n = 8 apresentaram anticorpos anti-N. caninum e 4,35% (n = 2 anti-T. gondii, enquanto das 64 amostras de ovinos, 4,69% (n = 3 e 18,75% (n = 12 apresentaram anticorpos anti-N. caninum e anti

  12. effect of the parameters of AlN/GaN/AlGaN and AlN/GaN/InAlN heterostructures with a two-dimensional electron gas on their electrical properties and the characteristics of transistors on their basis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsatsulnikov, A. F., E-mail: [Russian Academy of Sciences, Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics Research and Engineering Center (Russian Federation); Lundin, V. W.; Zavarin, E. E.; Yagovkina, M. A.; Sakharov, A. V. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Ioffe Physical–Technical Institute (Russian Federation); Usov, S. O. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics Research and Engineering Center (Russian Federation); Zemlyakov, V. E.; Egorkin, V. I. [National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET) (Russian Federation); Bulashevich, K. A.; Karpov, S. Yu. [“Soft-Impact” Ltd. (Russian Federation); Ustinov, V. M. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics Research and Engineering Center (Russian Federation)


    The effect of the layer thickness and composition in AlGaN/AlN/GaN and InAlN/AlN/GaN transistor heterostructures with a two-dimensional electron gas on their electrical and the static parameters of test transistors fabricated from such heterostructures are experimentally and theoretically studied. It is shown that the use of an InAlN barrier layer instead of AlGaN results in a more than twofold increase in the carrier concentration in the channel, which leads to a corresponding increase in the saturation current. In situ dielectric-coating deposition on the InAlN/AlN/GaN heterostructure surface during growth process allows an increase in the maximum saturation current and breakdown voltages while retaining high transconductance.

  13. Fabrication and thermal characterization of amorphous and nanocrystalline Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti compound

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tavoosi, Majid, E-mail:


    In this study, the fabrication and structural characterization of amorphous/nanocrystalline Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti phase has been performed. In this regards, milling and annealing processes were applied on Al{sub 80}Fe{sub 10}Ti{sub 5}Ni{sub 5} (at. %) powder mixture for different periods of time. The prepared samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and differential scanning calorimetery (DSC). According to the results, supersaturated solid solution, nanocrystalline Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti (with average crystallite size of about 7 nm) and amorphous phases indicated three different microstructures which can be formed in Al{sub 80}Fe{sub 10}Ti{sub 5}Ni{sub 5} system during milling process. The formed supersaturated solid solution and amorphous phases were unstable and transformed to Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti intermetallic compound during annealing process. It is shown that, Al{sub 9}FeNi phase in Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti intermetallic compound can decompose into Al{sub 3}Ni, Al{sub 13}Fe{sub 4} and liquid phases during a reversible peritectic reaction at 809 °C. - Highlights: • We study the effect of milling process on Al{sub 80}Fe{sub 10}Ti{sub 5}Ni{sub 5} alloy. • We study the effect of annealing on Al{sub 80}Fe{sub 10}Ti{sub 5}Ni{sub 5} supersaturated solid solution phase. • We study the effect of annealing on Al{sub 80}Fe{sub 10}Ti{sub 5}Ni{sub 5} amorphous phase. • We study the thermal behaviour of Al{sub 9}FeNi/Al{sub 3}Ti compound.

  14. Computer aided cooling curve analysis for Al-5Si and Al-11Si alloys ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effect of grain refiner, modifier, and combination of grain refiner cum modifier was studied on Al-5Si and Al-11Si alloys using computer aided cooling curve analysis. For combined grain refinement and modification effect, Al-Ti-B-Sr single master alloy was developed that acted as both grain refiner and modifier.

  15. AL-USRCRN Station Information (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Documentation of United States Alabama Regional Climate Reference Network (AL-USRCRN) installations in 2006. Installations documented are for AL-USRCRN pilot project...

  16. Gd3+-ESR and magnetic susceptibility of GdCu4Al8 and GdMn4Al8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coldea, R.; Coldea, M.; Pop, I.


    Gd ESR of GdCu 4 Al 8 and GdMn 4 Al 8 and magnetic susceptibility of GdCu 4 Al 8 , GdMn 4 Al 8 , and YMn 4 Al 8 were measured in the temperature range of 290K--460K and 90K--1050K, respectively. The occurrence of the Mn moment in YMn 4 Al 8 and GdMn 4 Al 8 is strongly correlated with the critical value of d∼2.6 angstrom of the Mn-Mn distance below which the Mn moment is not stable. The experimental data for GdMn 4 Al 8 , compared with the data for the isostructural compounds GdCu 4 Al 8 and YMn 4 Al 8 , show that near the critical value of d, the existence of Mn moment depends not only on the value of d, but also on the local magnetic surroundings. It has been revealed that the magnetic character of Mn moment in YMn 4 Al 8 and GdMn 4 Al 8 changes from an itinerant electron type to a local-moment type with increasing temperature

  17. Effect of AlB2-Mg interaction on the mechanical properties of Al-based composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calderon, Hermes E.; Hidalgo, Ruth G.I.; Melgarejo, Z. Humberto; Suarez, O. Marcelo


    A series of Al-based composites with a matrix containing 2.5 wt.%Cu and 1 wt.%Mg, and reinforced with Al diborides was manufactured and characterized via microscopy and mechanical testing. The impact resistance of the composites revealed interaction between AlB 2 dispersoids and Mg originally present in the Al matrix. An unexpected increase in the absorbed impact energy of composites with diborides prompted complementary experiments leading to this finding. Hardness tests were correlated to those results and provided further evidence of the interaction between Mg and the dispersoids. Additional energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis and X-ray diffraction tests supported with crystal modeling demonstrated that Mg effectively diffused into the AlB 2 crystal producing a doped structure with an Al 1-x Mg x B 2 formula where x lies between 0.08 and 0.15.

  18. Potential skin involvement in ALS: revisiting Charcot's observation - a review of skin abnormalities in ALS. (United States)

    Paré, Bastien; Gros-Louis, François


    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease affecting motor neurons of the brain and spinal cord, leading to progressive paralysis and death. Interestingly, many skin changes have been reported in ALS patients, but never as yet fully explained. These observations could be due to the common embryonic origin of the skin and neural tissue known as the ectodermal germ layer. Following the first observation in ALS patients' skin by Dr Charcot in the 19th century, in the absence of bedsores unlike other bedridden patients, other morphological and molecular changes have been observed. Thus, the skin could be of interest in the study of ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. This review summarizes skin changes reported in the literature over the years and discusses about a novel in vitro ALS tissue-engineered skin model, derived from patients, for the study of ALS.

  19. Effects of O in a binary-phase TiAl-Ti3Al alloy: from site occupancy to interfacial energetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Ye; Xu Huibin; Zhou Hongbo; Zhang Ying; Lu Guanghong


    We have investigated site occupancy and interfacial energetics of a TiAl-Ti 3 Al binary-phase system with O using a first-principles method. Oxygen is shown to energetically occupy the Ti-rich octahedral interstitial site, because O prefers to bond with Ti rather than Al. The occupancy tendency of O in TiAl alloy from high to low is α 2 -Ti 3 Al to the γ-α 2 interface and γ-TiAl. We demonstrate that O can largely affect the mechanical properties of the TiAl-Ti 3 Al system. Oxygen at the TiAl-Ti 3 Al interface reduces both the cleavage energy and the interface energy, and thus weakens the interface strength but strongly stabilizes the TiAl/Ti 3 Al interface with the O 2 molecule as a reference. Consequently, the mechanical property variation of TiAl alloy due to the presence of O not only depends on the number of TiAl/Ti 3 Al interfaces but also is related to the O concentration in the alloy.

  20. A study on wear resistance and microcrack of the Ti{sub 3}Al/TiAl + TiC ceramic layer deposited by laser cladding on Ti-6Al-4V alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Jianing, E-mail: [Key Laboratory for Liquid-Solid Structural Evolution and Processing of Materials (Ministry of Education), Department of Materials Science, Shandong University, Jing Shi Road 17923, Jinan 250061, Shandong (China); Chen Chuanzhong [Key Laboratory for Liquid-Solid Structural Evolution and Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education, Department of Materials Science, Shandong University, Jing Shi Road 17923, Jinan 250061, Shandong (China); Squartini, Tiziano [INFM-Department of Physics, Siena University, Siena 53100 (Italy); He Qingshan [Key Laboratory for Liquid-Solid Structural Evolution and Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education, Department of Materials Science, Shandong University, Jing Shi Road 17923, Jinan 250061, Shandong (China)


    Laser cladding of the Al + TiC alloy powder on Ti-6Al-4V alloy can form the Ti{sub 3}Al/TiAl + TiC ceramic layer. In this study, TiC particle-dispersed Ti{sub 3}Al/TiAl matrix ceramic layer on the Ti-6Al-4V alloy by laser cladding has been researched by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, electron probe micro-analyzer, energy dispersive spectrometer. The main difference from the earlier reports is that Ti{sub 3}Al/TiAl has been chosen as the matrix of the composite coating. The wear resistance of the Al + 30 wt.% TiC and the Al + 40 wt.% TiC cladding layer was approximately 2 times greater than that of the Ti-6Al-4V substrate due to the reinforcement of the Ti{sub 3}Al/TiAl + TiC hard phases. However, when the TiC mass percent was above 40 wt.%, the thermal stress value was greater than the materials yield strength limit in the ceramic layer, the microcrack was present and its wear resistance decreased.

  1. Synthesis behavior of nanocrystalline Al-Al2O3 composite during low time mechanical milling process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alizadeh, Mostafa; Aliabadi, Morteza Mirzaei


    Research highlights: → In the low time milling the effect of Al 2 O 3 amount is investigated → Al 2 O 3 particles are distributed uniformly in the Al matrix → In the low time milling it is possible to produce nanostructured composite powder → Median size and bulk density measurements demonstrate reaching the steady state. - Abstract: In this work, four different volume fractions of Al 2 O 3 (10, 20, 30 and 40 vol.%) were mixed with the fine Al powder and the powder blends were milled for 5 h. Scanning electron microscopy analysis, particle size analysis and bulk density measurements were used to investigate the morphological changes and achieving the steady state conditions. The results showed that increasing the Al 2 O 3 content can provide the steady state particle size in 5 h milling process. It was found that increasing the volume fraction of Al 2 O 3 leads to increasing the uniformity of Al 2 O 3 . Standard deviations of microhardness measurements confirmed this result. The XRD pattern and XRF investigations depicted that increasing the Al 2 O 3 content causes an increase in the crystal defects, micro-strain and Fe contamination during 5 h milling process of nanocrystalline composite powders while the grain size is decreased. To investigate the effect of milling time, Al-30 vol.% Al 2 O 3 (which achieved steady state during 5 h milling process) was milled for 1-4 h. The results depicted that the milling time lower than 5 h, do not achieve to steady state conditions.

  2. Study of the ternary alloy systems Al-Ni-Fe and Al-Cu-Ru with special regard to quasicrystalline phases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemmerz, U.


    Two ternary alloy-systems, the Al-Ni-Fe system and the Al-Cu-Ru system were studied with special regard to quasicrystalline phases. Isothermal sections were established in both systems in the stoichiometric area of the quasicrystalline phase. In the Al-Ni-Fe system a new stable decagonal phase was found. Its stoichiometric range is very small around Al 71.6 Ni 23.0 Fe 5.4 . The temperature range in which it is stable lies between 847 and 930 C. The decagonal phase undergoes a eutectoid reaction to the three crystalline phases Al 3 Ni 2 , Al 3 Ni and Al 13 Fe 4 at 847 C. It melts peritectically at 930 C forming Al 13 Fe 4 , Al 3 Ni 2 and a liquid. The investigations in the Al-Cu-Ru system concentrated on the phase equilibria between the icosahedral phase and its neighbouring phases in a temperature range between 600 and 1000 C. The icosahedral phase was observed in the whole temperature range. The investigated stoichiometric area extends down to Al contents of 45%, which allows the fields of existence to be determined for the ternary phases α-AlCuRu, the icosahedral phase and Al 7 Cu 2 Ru. Binary phases were determined down to the upper (high Al content) border of AlRu. No hitherto unknown phase was observed in the investigated area. Rietveld analyses were carried out on α-AlCuRu and Al 7 Cu 2 Ru showing some discrepancies from the α-AlMnSi structure taken as a base for α-AlCuRu and confirming the Al 7 Cu 2 Fe structure for Al 7 Cu 2 Ru. (orig.)

  3. Al-Cu-Li and Al-Mg-Li alloys: Phase composition, texture, and anisotropy of mechanical properties (Review) (United States)

    Betsofen, S. Ya.; Antipov, V. V.; Knyazev, M. I.


    The results of studying the phase transformations, the texture formation, and the anisotropy of the mechanical properties in Al-Cu-Li and Al-Mg-Li alloys are generalized. A technique and equations are developed to calculate the amounts of the S1 (Al2MgLi), T1 (Al2CuLi), and δ' (Al3Li) phases. The fraction of the δ' phase in Al-Cu-Li alloys is shown to be significantly higher than in Al-Mg-Li alloys. Therefore, the role of the T1 phase in the hardening of Al-Cu-Li alloys is thought to be overestimated, especially in alloys with more than 1.5% Li. A new model is proposed to describe the hardening of Al-Cu-Li alloys upon aging, and the results obtained with this model agree well with the experimental data. A texture, which is analogous to that in aluminum alloys, is shown to form in sheets semiproducts made of Al-Cu-Li and Al-Mg-Li alloys. The more pronounced anisotropy of the properties of lithium-containing aluminum alloys is caused by a significant fraction of the ordered coherent δ' phase, the deformation mechanism in which differs radically from that in the solid solution.

  4. Infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C em gestantes em Mato Grosso do Sul, 2005-2007 Infección por el virus de la hepatitis C en gestantes en Mato Grosso do Sul, Centro-Oeste de Brasil, 2005-2007 Hepatitis C virus infection among pregnant women in Central-Western Brazil, 2005-2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clarice Souza Pinto


    Full Text Available O estudo teve por objetivo estimar a prevalência da infecção e genótipo do vírus da hepatite C (HCV, bem como determinar a subnotificação de casos. O total de 115.386 gestantes atendidas pelo Programa Estadual de Proteção à Gestante de Mato Grosso do Sul foi submetido à coleta de sangue para a detecção de anti-HCV, de 2005 a 2007. A prevalência da infecção pelo HCV foi de 1,07 casos/1.000. As amostras positivas foram submetidas à detecção do HCV-RNA e genotipadas. O genótipo 1 foi encontrado em 73% das amostras, 24,3% pertenciam ao genótipo 3 e 2,7% ao genótipo 2. A subnotificação de casos de hepatite C foi de 35,5%.El estudio tuvo por objetivo estimar la prevalencia de la infección y genotipo del virus de la hepatitis C (HCV, así como determinar la subnotificación de casos. El total de 115.386 gestantes atendidas por el Programa Estatal de Protección a la Gestante de Mato Grosso do Sul (Centro-Oeste de Brasil fueron sometidas a la colecta de sangre para la detección de anti-HCV, de 2005 a 2007. La prevalencia de la infección por el HCV fue de 1,07 casos/1000. Las muestras positivas fueron sometidas a la detección del HCV-RNA y genotipadas. El genotipo 1 fue encontrado en 73% de las muestras, 24,3% pertenecían al genotipo 3 y 2,7% al genotipo 2. La subnotificación de casos de hepatitis C fue de 35,5%.The study was aimed at estimating the prevalence of infection with and the genotype of hepatitis C virus (HCV, and to determine the extent of underreporting of HCV cases. A total of 115,386 pregnant women seen by the Program for Protection of Pregnancy [Programa Estadual de Proteção à Gestante] of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Central-Western Brazil, were tested for anti-HCV antibodies between 2005 and 2007. Prevalence of HCV infection was 1.07 cases per thousand. Positive samples were tested for HCV RNA and genotyped. Genotype 1 was detected in 73% of samples, genotype 3 in 24.3%, and genotype 2 in 2

  5. Pornographie als Metapher

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline Schubarth


    Full Text Available In diesem Artikel werden unterschiedliche metaphorische Verwendungen des Pornografiebegriffs und deren Implikationen untersucht. Während die Existenz von Pornografie der feministischen Anti-Porno-Bewegung als Erklärung für die anhaltende Diskriminierung von Frauen in westlichen Gesellschaften dient, nutzen rechtskonservative Kräfte den Pornografievorwurf als Rechtfertigung für die Zensur von als deviant empfundenen Identitäten und sexuellen Praktiken.This article examines different metaphorical uses of the term pornography and the resulting implications. While the existence of pornography for the feminist anti-porno movement serves as factor in the continuing discrimination of women in western societies, conservative powers on the right use the allegation of pornography as a justification for censorship of those identities and sexual practices deemed deviant.

  6. Strain Balanced AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN nanomembrane HEMTs. (United States)

    Chang, Tzu-Hsuan; Xiong, Kanglin; Park, Sung Hyun; Yuan, Ge; Ma, Zhenqiang; Han, Jung


    Single crystal semiconductor nanomembranes (NM) are important in various applications such as heterogeneous integration and flexible devices. This paper reports the fabrication of AlGaN/GaN NMs and NM high electron mobility transistors (HEMT). Electrochemical etching is used to slice off single-crystalline AlGaN/GaN layers while preserving their microstructural quality. A double heterostructure design with a symmetric strain profile is employed to ensure minimal residual strain in freestanding NMs after release. The mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), formed by the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure, is noticeably superior to previously reported values of many other NMs. AlGaN/GaN nanomembrane HEMTs are fabricated on SiO 2 and flexible polymeric substrates. Excellent electrical characteristics, including a high ON/OFF ratio and transconductance, suggest that III-Nitrides nanomembranes are capable of supporting high performance applications.

  7. Validated thermodynamic prediction of AlP and eutectic (Si) solidification sequence in Al-Si cast alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang, S M; Schmid-Fetzer, R


    The eutectic microstructure in hypoeutectic Al-Si cast alloys is strongly influenced by AlP particles which are potent nuclei for the eutectic (Si) phase. The solidification sequence of AlP and (Si) phases is, thus, crucial for the nucleation of eutectic silicon with marked impact on its morphology. This study presents this interdependence between Si- and P-compositions, relevant for Al-Si cast alloys, on the solidification sequence of AlP and (Si). These data are predicted from a series of thermodynamic calculations. The predictions are based on a self-consistent thermodynamic description of the Al-Si-P ternary alloy system developed recently. They are validated by independent experimental studies on microstructure and undercooling in hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys. A constrained Scheil solidification simulation technique is applied to predict the undercooling under clean heterogeneous nucleation conditions, validated by dedicated experimental observations on entrained droplets. These specific undercooling values may be very large and their quantitative dependence on Si and P content of the Al alloy is presented. (paper)

  8. Phase diagrams of aluminium alloys of Al-Cu-Mg, Al-Mg-Si-Cu, and Al-Mg-Li system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ber, L.B.; Kaputkin, E.Ya.


    Isothermal diagrams of phase transformations (DPT) and temperature-time charts (TTC) of variation of electric conductivity and of mechanical features at tension were plotted following thermal treatment according to the pattern of direct hardening and ageing and according to the pattern of normal aging for D16 commercial alloy, Al-Cu-Mg model alloy of the same system, AD37 commercial alloys of Al-Mg-Si-Cu and 1424 one of Al-Li-Mg system. Phase transformations were studied by means of fluorescence electron microscopy, micro-X-ray spectral analysis, X-ray phase analysis of single crystals and polycrystals and differential scanning calorimetry. For every alloy comparison of TTC and DPT enables to clarity the mechanism of phase composition effect on features and to optimize conditions of hardening cooling and ageing [ru

  9. Fluxos de radiação solar global em vinhedos de altitude de São Joaquim-SC

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    Claudia Guimarães Camargo Campos


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e quantificar a partição de energia solar em cultivos de videira (Vitis vinifera L. em São Joaquim-SC. Consideraram-se três diferentes posicionamentos dos sensores de radiação solar global: voltados para leste, oeste e no topo do dossel. Observou-se que, em plantas de videira conduzidas em espaldeira e posicionadas no sentido norte-sul, o ciclo diurno de radiação solar global apresentou características diferentes entre as faces leste e oeste do dossel, tanto em relação à disponibilidade, quanto à intensidade de radiação. Verificou-se que é em torno das 10 h que ocorre a maior disponibilidade de radiação solar na face leste (363W.m-2 e na face oeste ocorre próximo das 16 h (290W.m-2. A máxima disponibilidade de radiação solar global no topo do dossel é registrada próximo das 13 h (612W.m-2. Cerca de 30% a 40% da radiação solar global incidente está disponível nas faces leste e oeste do dossel, com valor superior para a face o leste. Na região de estudo, observou-se maior disponibilidade de radiação solar global nos meses de novembro e dezembro, período que correspondeu ao maior crescimento dos ramos da videira.

  10. Superhydrophobic ZnAl double hydroxide nanostructures and ZnO films on Al and glass substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De, Debasis, E-mail: [Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Department, Dr. B C Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, West Bengal 713206 (India); Sarkar, D.K. [Centre Universitaire de Recherche sur l' Aluminium (CURAL), L' Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 555 Blvd. Université, Chicoutimi, Saguenay, Québec G7H 2B1 (Canada)


    Superhydrophobic nanostructured ZnAl: layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and ZnO films have been fabricated on Al and glass substrates, respectively, by a simple and cost effective chemical bath deposition technique. Randomly oriented hexagonal patterned of ZnAl: LDHs thin nanoplates are clearly observed on Al-substrate in the scanning electron microscopic images. The average size of these hexagonal plates is ∼4 μm side and ∼30 nm of thickness. While on the glass substrate, a oriented hexagonal patterned ZnO nanorods (height ∼5 μm and 1 μm diameter) are observed and each rod is further decorated throughout the top few nanometers with several nanosteps. At the top of the nanorod, a perfectly hexagonal patterned ZnO surface with ∼250 nm sides is observed. The tendency to form hexagonal morphological features is due to the hexagonal crystal structure of ZnO confirmed from X-ray diffraction patterns and transmission electron microscopy image. The ZnAl: LDHs and/or ZnO coated substrates have been passivated by using stearic acid (SA) molecules. Infrared spectra of passivated ZnAl: LDHs coated substrates confirm the presence of SA. X-ray diffraction pattern also corroborates the results of infrared spectrum. The contact angle of the as prepared samples is zero. The superhydrophobicity is achieved by observing contact angle of ∼161° with a hysteresis of ∼4° for Al-substrate. On the glass substrate, a higher contact angle of ∼168° with a lower hysteresis of ∼3° is observed. A lower surface roughness of ∼4.93 μm is measured on ZnAl: LDHs surface layer on the Al substrate as compare to a higher surface roughness of 6.87 μm measured on ZnO layer on glass substrate. The superhydrophobicity of passivated nanostructured films on two different substrates is observed due to high surface roughness and low surface energy. - Highlights: • ZnAl: layered double hydroxides (LDHs) nanoplates are fabricated on Al substrate. • ZnO nanorods are fabricated on

  11. Entre a vida e a morte de trabalhadores: imagens de desigualdade e diferenciação Autos processuais e narrativas da experiência social no Oeste do Paraná (aspectos de relações mantidas em serrarias, olarias e frigoríficos em meados do século XX

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    Sheille Soares de FREITAS


    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo parte da identificação e seleção de processos criminais, ocupados com os trâmites investigativos da morte de determinados trabalhadores, para evidenciar relações construídas entre os sujeitos abordados na apuração criminal. Ao apontar a imbricação entre eles, pontuamos a historicidade de uma trama que anota aspectos expressivos da emergente ação industrial - materializada nas atuações de serrarias, olarias e frigoríficos - e a presença de trabalhadores nessas atividades. Essas relações, empreendidas a partir de meados do século XX, são destacadas com o interesse em discutir tensões sociais, suscitadas no processo de constituição territorial do Oeste do Paraná. Na documentação apresentada, promovemos a visualização de imagens da desigualdade e da diferenciação vivida por trabalhadores - fossem eles “sulistas”, “paraguaios” e/ou “nortistas” -, um convite para acessar essa experiência social por meio das ambiguidades e confrontações que compõem esse processo.

  12. Formation of Nb3Al in powder processed Nb-Al superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, P.E.


    In high magnetic fields, the critical current density is strongly dependent on the upper critical field, which is determined primarily by the stoichiometry of the Nb 3 Al. The critical temperature (T/sub c/), like the upper critical field, is considered to be a measure of the ''intrinsic'' quality of the superconductor, indicating the stoichiometry, order, and strain. If the A15 phase is stoichiometric and well ordered, a high T/sub c/ (and high H/sub C 2 /) is expected, regardless of the volume fraction of superconductor. On the other hand, if sigma phase is present with the A15, the resultant composition gradient across the sigma-A15 interface(s) requires that some of the A15 be off-stoichiometric, and therefore that the T/sub c/ (and H/sub C 2 /) be low. Thus the extent of the A15 (Nb 3 Al) reaction and the quality of the A15 formed are interdependent. This work focuses on the factors that control the extent of Nb 3 Al formation in Nb/Al powder wires. The morphology and content of the reacted and unreacted wires are studied in optical, SEM, and TEM micrographs. Critical current density data and its dependence on processing are explained in terms of the unreacted microstructure and its effect on the extent of Nb 3 Al formation. As a method of improving the critical current density, a new variation of the conventional powder process for wire manufacturing is developed and tested

  13. Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite coatings on Al-Si substrate by plasma spray technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sarikaya, Ozkan [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Anik, Selahaddin [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Aslanlar, Salim [Sakarya University, Faculty of Technical Education, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Cem Okumus, S. [Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Esentepe Campus, Sakarya 54187 (Turkey); Celik, Erdal [Dokuz Eylul University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Buca, Izmir 35160 (Turkey)]. E-mail:


    Plasma-sprayed coatings of Al-Si/B{sub 4}C have been prepared on Al-Si piston alloys for diesel engine motors. The Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite powders including 5-25 wt% B{sub 4}C were prepared by mixing and ball-milling processes. These powders were deposited on Al-Si substrate using an atmospheric plasma spray technique. The coatings have been characterised with respect to phase composition, microstructure, microhardness, bond strength and thermal expansion. It was found that Al, Si, B{sub 4}C and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} phases were determined in the coatings with approximately 600 {mu}m thick by using X-ray diffraction analysis. Scanning electron microscope observation revealed that boron carbide particles were uniformly distributed in composite coatings and B{sub 4}C particles were fully wetted by Al-Si alloy. Also, no reaction products were observed in Al-Si/B{sub 4}C composite coatings. It was found that surface roughness, porosity, bond strength and thermal expansion coefficient of composite coatings decreased with increasing fraction of the boron carbide particle. It was demonstrated that the higher the B{sub 4}C content, the higher the hardness of coatings because the hardness of B{sub 4}C is higher than that of Al-Si.

  14. Fluctuations of charge variance and interaction time for dissipative processes in 27 Al + 27 Al collision

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berceanu, I.; Andronic, A.; Duma, M.


    The systematic studies of dissipative processes in light systems were completed with experiments dedicated to the measurement of the excitation functions in 19 F + 27 Al and 27 Al + 27 Al systems in order to obtain deeper insight on DNS configuration and its time evolution. The excitation function for 19 F + 27 Al system evidenced fluctuations larger than the statistical errors. Large Z and angular cross correlation coefficients supported their non-statistical nature. The energy dependence of second order observables, namely the second moment of the charge distribution and the product ω·τ (ω - the angular velocity of the DNS and τ its mean lifetime) extracted from the angular distributions were studied for 19 F + 27 Al case. In this contribution we are reporting the preliminary results of similar studies performed for 27 Al + 27 Al case. The variance of the charge distribution were obtained fitting the experimental charge distribution with a Gaussian centered on Z = 13 and the product ω·τ was extracted from the angular distributions. The results for 19 F + 27 Al case are confirmed by a preliminary analysis of the data for 27 Al + 27 Al system. The charge variance and ω·τ excitation functions for Z = 11 fragment are represented together with the excitation function of the cross section. One has to mention that the data for 27 Al + 27 Al system were not corrected for particle evaporation processes. The effect of the evaporation corrections on the excitation function was studied using a Monte Carlo simulation. The α particle evaporation was also included and the evaluation of the particle separation energies was made using experimental masses of the fragments. The excitation functions for 27 Al + 27 Al system for primary and secondary fragments were simulated. No structure due to particle evaporation was observed. The correlated fluctuations in σ Z and ω·τ excitation functions support a stochastic exchange of nucleons as the main mechanism for

  15. Unprecedented Al supersaturation in single-phase rock salt structure VAlN films by Al+ subplantation (United States)

    Greczynski, G.; Mráz, S.; Hans, M.; Primetzhofer, D.; Lu, J.; Hultman, L.; Schneider, J. M.


    Modern applications of refractory ceramic thin films, predominantly as wear-protective coatings on cutting tools and on components utilized in automotive engines, require a combination of excellent mechanical properties, thermal stability, and oxidation resistance. Conventional design approaches for transition metal nitride coatings with improved thermal and chemical stability are based on alloying with Al. It is well known that the solubility of Al in NaCl-structure transition metal nitrides is limited. Hence, the great challenge is to increase the Al concentration substantially while avoiding precipitation of the thermodynamically favored wurtzite-AlN phase, which is detrimental to mechanical properties. Here, we use VAlN as a model system to illustrate a new concept for the synthesis of metastable single-phase NaCl-structure thin films with the Al content far beyond solubility limits obtained with conventional plasma processes. This supersaturation is achieved by separating the film-forming species in time and energy domains through synchronization of the 70-μs-long pulsed substrate bias with intense periodic fluxes of energetic Al+ metal ions during reactive hybrid high power impulse magnetron sputtering of the Al target and direct current magnetron sputtering of the V target in the Ar/N2 gas mixture. Hereby, Al is subplanted into the cubic VN grains formed by the continuous flux of low-energy V neutrals. We show that Al subplantation enables an unprecedented 42% increase in metastable Al solubility limit in V1-xAlxN, from x = 0.52 obtained with the conventional method to 0.75. The elastic modulus is 325 ± 5 GPa, in excellent agreement with density functional theory calculations, and approximately 50% higher than for corresponding films grown by dc magnetron sputtering. The extension of the presented strategy to other Al-ion-assisted vapor deposition methods or materials systems is straightforward, which opens up the way for producing supersaturated single

  16. Erudición y nostalgia. Al-Hanīn ilà l-awtān en el editor de al-Faraŷ ba,d al-šidda de al-Tanūjī

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    Garulo, Teresa


    Full Text Available If you want to read a book, a medieval Arabic book, that talks to you about man and his relation with power (God’s power or any kind of worldly power, or about daily life in 10th century Basra or Baghdad, you will probably choose al-Tanūkhī’s works. His Nishwār al-muhādara wa-l-mudhākara or al-Faraj ba,d al-shidda are so widely and so well provided with stories, anecdotes, historical narratives, etc., that you won’t be able to drop it and probably will forget to read the many comments and marginal notes by, Abbūd al-Shāljī, its editor. But if you are wise enough, you will read everything he writes, because you will find in his remarks not only a sustained scholarliness but a fascinating evocation of his life in Irak, mostly in the thirties, with its cooking, manners and customs, and a pang of nostalgia that deserves, I think, at least a note or a friendly comment. In this paper I try to analyse some of his nostalgic memories of Baghdad and its people and places.Uno de los temas clásicos de la literatura árabe, casi desde sus comienzos, es la nostalgia de la tierra natal (al-hanīn ilà l-awtān. Experiencia dolorosa de extrañamiento, que se nutre de las crisis políticas, la nostalgia ha dado lugar a obras que buscan recrear un pasado o unos lugares amados, que sólo la memoria es capaz de recuperar. En este artículo trato de mostrar cómo se articula la nostalgia de Iraq, y, más concretamente, de Bagdad, dentro del aparato crítico de al-Faraŷ ba,da l-šidda de al-Tanūjī (329-384/941-994 (con el apoyo de Nišwār al-muhādara, también de dicho autor en la edición de, Abbūd al-Šālŷī, publicada en los años setenta. La representación que hace al-Tanūjī de la vida cotidiana de la capital abbasí, expresada a través de un lenguaje claro y natural, en el que tienen cabida expresiones populares, suscita en al-Šālŷī toda una serie de remembranzas, sobre todo de sus años juveniles, que se desbordan en sus notas, e

  17. Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) (United States)

    ... disease. Who Gets ALS? Although this disease can strike anyone, ALS is extremely rare in kids. According ... home to provide care that the family cannot handle alone. Living With Lou Gehrig's Disease Living with ...

  18. Difficulties on study of ISM 26Al and a possible new way to nucleosynthesize 26Al-SNIa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng Qiuhe


    Some observational results of the 1.809 MeV gamma-ray emitted by decay of the interstellar medium (ISM) 26 Al, which are obtained by spacecraft during (1979-1992) are firstly introduced. Secondly, both Mg-Al chain and Ne-Na cycle of nuclear reactions are discussed. Thirdly, some new experiments of nuclear physics, which are related with the question of the ISM 26 Al(e.g. measurements of the cross section of the nuclear reactions in the MgAl chain and in the NeNa cycle) are introduced. Then, comparing some experiments of nuclear physics, some difficulties confronted on various models responsible for the ISM 26 Al are discussed. The conclusions are: 1) all of hydrostatic H-burning models and all current nova models are hard to provide enough ISM 26 Al to be detected; 2) SN II + SN I b models are promising on responsibility for the half of ISM 26 Al, although current SN II + SN I b models should be improved, besides. Proposal of a new way to nucleosynthesizse 26 Al, 14 N + 16 O→ 26 Al + α, is suggested. SNI a as a possible source of the ISM 26 Al is discussed (63 refs.)

  19. Effect of the interface in laminated composites of Al-1100 and Al-2024

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godefroid, L.B.


    Laminated composites consisting of alternating layers of Al-1100 and Al-2024 were produced by hot rolling, with 45% Al-2024 volume fraction. These composites were subjected to cyclic thermal treatment (various numbers of cycles) and to isothermal treatment (various numbers of cycles) and to isothermal treatment (at peak temperature and for times equivalent to those of the thermal cycles. Microhardness, tensile and fatigue crack arrester modes) were studied in the initial state and after treatments. (E.G.) [pt

  20. AlGaN-Based Deep-Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes Fabricated on AlN/sapphire Template

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li-Wen, Sang; Zhi-Xin, Qin; Hao, Fang; Yan-Zhao, Zhang; Tao, Li; Zheng-Yu, Xu; Zhi-Jian, Yang; Bo, Shen; Guo-Yi, Zhang; Shu-Ping, Li; Wei-Huang, Yang; Hang-Yang, Chen; Da-Yi, Liu; Jun-Yong, Kang


    We report on the growth and fabrication of deep ultraviolet (DUV) light emitting diodes (LEDs) on an AlN template which was grown on a pulsed atomic-layer epitaxial buffer layer. Threading dislocation densities in the AlN layer are greatly decreased with the introduction of this buffer layer. The crystalline quality of the AlGaN epilayer is further improved by using a low-temperature GaN interlayer between AlGaN and AlN. Electroluminescences of different DUV-LED devices at a wavelength of between 262 and 317 nm are demonstrated. To improve the hole concentration of p-type AlGaN, Mg-doping with trimethylindium assistance approach is performed. It is found that the serial resistance of DUV-LED decreases and the performance of DUV-LED such as EL properties is improved. (condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)

  1. Surface study and thickness control of thin Al2O3 film on Cu-9%Al(111) single crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamauchi, Yasuhiro; Yoshitake, Michiko; Song Weijie


    We were successful in growing a uniform flat Al 2 O 3 film on the Cu-9%Al(111) surface using the improved cleaning process, low ion energy and short time sputtering. The growth of ultra-thin film of Al 2 O 3 on Cu-9%Al was investigated using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The Al 2 O 3 film whose maximum thickness was about 4.0 nm grew uniformly on the Cu-9%Al surface. The Al and O KLL Auger peaks of Al 2 O 3 film shifted toward low kinetic energy, and the shifts were related to Schottky barrier formation and band bending at the Al 2 O 3 /Cu-9%Al interface. The thickness of Al 2 O 3 film on the Cu-9%Al surface was controlled by the oxygen exposure

  2. Microstructural and mechanical properties of Al-Mg/Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanocomposite prepared by mechanical alloying

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Safari, J., E-mail: [Department of Material Science and Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, P.O. Box No. 76135-133, Kerman (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Akbari, G.H. [Department of Material Science and Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, P.O. Box No. 76135-133, Kerman (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Research Center for Mineral Industries, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, P.O. Box No. 76135-133, Kerman (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Shahbazkhan, A. [Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch, Saveh (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Delshad Chermahini, M. [Materials and Energy Research Center, Karaj (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Highlights: > The presence of Mg has remarkable effects on crystallite size and lattice strain. > The solution of Mg in the Al matrix accelerates the mechanical milling stages. > The microhardness increased in the presence of Mg. > The presence of Mg has significant effect on lattice parameter. > Steady-state situation was occurred in presence of Mg. - Abstract: The effect of milling time on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al and Al-10 wt.% Mg matrix nanocomposites reinforced with 5 wt.% Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} during mechanical alloying was investigated. Steady-state situation was occurred in Al-10Mg/5Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanocomposite after 20 h, due to solution of Mg into Al matrix, while the situation was not observed in Al/5Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} nanocomposite at the same time. For the binary Al-Mg matrix, after 10 h, the predominant phase was an Al-Mg solid solution with an average crystallite size 34 nm. Up to 10 h, the lattice strain increased to about 0.4 and 0.66% for Al and Al-Mg matrix, respectively. The increasing of lattice parameter due to dissolution of Mg atom into Al lattice during milling was significant. By milling for 10 h the dramatic increase in microhardness (155 HV) for Al-Mg matrix nanocomposite was caused by grain refinement and solid solution formation. From 10 to 20 h, slower rate of increasing in microhardness may be attributed to the completion of alloying process, and dynamic and static recovery of powders.

  3. Different magnetic behaviour of the Kondo compounds Al3Ce and Al11Ce3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benoit, A.; Flouquet, J.; Palleau, J.; Buevoz, J.L.


    Neutron diffraction experiments on the Al 3 Ce and Al 11 Ce 3 compounds have been performed on the multidetector of the I.L.L. high flux reactor. No magnetic structure has been detected on the Al 3 Ce compound down to 20 mK. This confirms the non magnetic ground state of Al 3 Ce. For Al 11 Ce 3 , two magnetic structures have been observed: a ferromagnetic one at 4.2 K and an antiferromagnetic one at 2 K. The antiferromagnetic structure, which corresponds to a propagation vector (0,0,1/3), implies a strong reduction of the magnetic moment of determined sites; this reflects the Kondo character of the compounds

  4. Cast AlSi9Cu4 alloy with hybride strenghtened by Fe{sub x}Al{sub y}-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} composite powder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piatkowski, J [Department of Materials Technology, Silesian University of Technology, Krasinskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice (Poland); Formanek, B, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science, Silesian University of Technology, Krasinskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice (Poland)


    The main objective of the study was to develop a technology of dispersion strenghtened hypoeutectic Al-Si alloy. The article presented the materials and technology conception for producing aluminium matrix composite AlSi9Cu4Fe alloy with hybride reinforcement of Al{sub x}Fe{sub y} intermetallic and aluminium oxide powders. Composite powder obtained in mechanical agllomerisation mixture of elemental powders. Changes in the structure were confirmed by TA and ATD thermal analyses plotting the solidification curves, which showed a decrease in temperature T{sub liq} compared to the unmodified alloy and an exothermic effect originating from the crystallisation of eutectics with alloying elements. The examinations carried out by SEM and BSE as well as the determination of local chemical composition by EDX technique have characterised the structure of the alloy as containing some binary Al-Si-Al-Cu and Al-Fe eutectics and multicomponent eutectics.

  5. Optical microcavities and enhanced electroluminescence from electroformed Al-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-Ag diodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hickmott, T. W. [Department of Physics, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, New York 12222 (United States)


    Electroluminescence (EL) and electron emission into vacuum (EM) occur when a non-destructive dielectric breakdown of Al-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-Ag diodes, electroforming, results in the development of a filamentary region in which current-voltage (I-V) characteristics exhibit voltage-controlled negative resistance. The temperature dependence of I-V curves, EM, and, particularly, EL of Al-Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-Ag diodes with anodic Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} thicknesses between 12 nm and 30 nm, has been studied. Two filters, a long-pass (LP) filter with transmission of photons with energies less than 3.0 eV and a short-pass (SP) filter with photon transmission between 3.0 and 4.0 eV, have been used to characterize EL. The voltage threshold for EL with the LP filter, V{sub LP}, is ∼1.5 V. V{sub LP} is nearly independent of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} thickness and of temperature and is 0.3–0.6 V less than the threshold voltage for EL for the SP filter, V{sub SP}. EL intensity is primarily between 1.8 and 3.0 eV when the bias voltage, V{sub S} ≲ 7 V. EL in the thinnest diodes is enhanced compared to EL in thicker diodes. For increasing V{sub S}, for diodes with the smallest Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} thicknesses, there is a maximum EL intensity, L{sub MX}, at a voltage, V{sub LMX}, followed by a decrease to a plateau. L{sub MX} and EL intensity at 4.0 V in the plateau region depend exponentially on Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} thickness. The ratio of L{sub MX} at 295 K for a diode with 12 nm of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} to L{sub MX} for a diode with 25 nm of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} is ∼140. The ratio of EL intensity with the LP filter to EL intensity with the SP filter, LP/SP, varies between ∼3 and ∼35; it depends on Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} thickness and V{sub S}. Enhanced EL is attributed to the increase of the spontaneous emission rate of a dipole in a non-resonant optical microcavity. EL photons interact with the Ag and Al films to create surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) at the metal-Al{sub 2}O

  6. Microstructure and Properties of Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x Composite Prepared by Reactive Liquid Processing (United States)

    Verona, Maria Nalu; Setti, Dalmarino; Paredes, Ramón Sigifredo Cortés


    A Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x composite was prepared using reactive liquid processing (RLP) through controlled mixture of carbon steel and aluminum in the liquid state. The microstructure and phases of the composite were assessed using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, optical microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry. In addition, the density, hardness, microhardness, and elastic modulus were evaluated. The Fe3Al-Fe3AlC x composite consisted of 65 vol pct Fe3Al and 35 vol pct Fe3AlC x ( κ). The κ phase contained 10.62 at. pct C, resulting in the stoichiometry Fe3AlC0.475. The elastic modulus of the Fe3Al-Fe3AlC0.475 composite followed the rule of mixtures. The RLP technique was shown to be capable of producing Fe3Al-Fe3AlC0.475 with a microstructure and properties similar to those achieved using other processing techniques reported in the literature.

  7. Resistência de Bidens subalternans aos herbicidas inibidores da enzima acetolactato sintase utilizados na cultura da soja Resistance of Bidens subalternans to the acetolactate synthase inhibitor herbicides used in soybean crop

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    G.A. Gelmini


    Full Text Available O uso contínuo e prolongado de produtos com o mesmo mecanismo de ação pode provocar a manifestação de biótipos resistentes. Para verificar possíveis novos casos de resistência, bem como alternativas para prevenção e manejo, foram coletadas sementes de Bidens subalternans na região de São Gabriel D' Oeste-MS, em plantas que sobreviveram a tratamentos em que inibidores da ALS foram sistematicamente utilizados. Em experimento conduzido em vasos em casa de vegetação, o biótipo com histórico de resistente foi comparado ao suscetível quando submetido aos diversos herbicidas com diferentes mecanismos de ação usados em pós-emergência, os quais foram aplicados nas doses de zero, uma, duas, quatro e oito vezes a recomendada. Decorridos 20 dias, foram avaliadas a porcentagem de controle e a produção da fitomassa verde, visando estabelecimento de curvas de dose-resposta e obtenção dos fatores de resistência. O biótipo oriundo de área com histórico de aplicações repetidas de inibidores da ALS apresentou elevado nível de resistência aos herbicidas chlorimuron-ethyl e imazethapyr, demonstrando ser portador de resistência cruzada aos inibidores da ALS dos grupos das sulfoniluréias e imidazolinonas. Entretanto, esse biótipo foi eficientemente controlado pelos herbicidas fomesafen, lactofen, bentazon, glufosinato de amônio e glyphosate.The continuous and prolonged use of products with the same mechanism of action can provoke the manifestation of resistant biotypes. In horder to verify possible new cases, as well as alternatives for prevention and control, seeds of Bidens subalternans were collected at São Gabriel D' Oeste (MS region at plants that survived continuous treatments which sistematically ALS inhibitors. Through an experiment performed in pots inside a greenhouse, a resistant biotype was compared to a susceptible one when submitted to herbicides with different mechanisms of action and applied at post emergence

  8. Appiah-Adjei et al

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    ing, sale of automobile spare parts, and metal fabrication. Some of these activities generate huge ... Keywords: Groundwater quality, pollution, waste disposal, Suame, Ghana ... of fertilizers (Chen et al., 2007; Parris, 2011;. Shen et al., 2011), ...


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    Chasnak Najidah


    Full Text Available One discourse which is receiving considerable attention from scholars of Islam is about the objectives of Islamic law (maqasid al-shari'ah. Taha Jabir al-'Alwānī as one reviewer of Maqasid al-shari'ah contemporary formulate the concept of maqasid al-shari'ah different from previous scholars. This article describes the concept of maqasid al-shari'ah by Taha Jabir al-'Alwānī. According to him, there are three levels of hierarchical of Maqasid al-Sharia. The highest value of maqasid al-shari'ah says is what he describes as al-Maqasid al-'ulyā al-Hakimah (intentions of the highest shari'ah and a legal basis, which consists of three main elements, namely al-Tawhid ( Onesess of God, al-Tazkiyah (purification and al-'umrān (prosperity. The position of the second al-shari'ah Maqasid are universal values such as justice, freedom, and equality. While the third position is the formulation of the previous scholars regarding maqasid al-shari'ah consisting of ḍarūriyyat, ḥājiyyāt, and taḥsīniyyāt. In terms of methodological, Taha Jabir al-'Alwānī basing the new system for Maqasid al-syarī'ahnya on the methods of al-jam'u Baina al-qirā'atain, a reading of the two entities: the revelation of God and the universe. With this basis, he argues that the maqasid al-shari'ah formulations are qaṭ'ī, so it can be a reference to the scholars in solving the problems of contemporary law.   [Salah satu diskursus yang mendapat perhatian cukup besar dari para akademisi Islam adalah seputar tujuan-tujuan hukum islam  (maqāṣid al-syarī'ah. Ṭāhā Jābir al-‘Alwānī sebagai salah satu ulama pengkaji maqāṣid asy-syarī’ahkontemporer merumuskan konsep maqāṣid asy-syarī’ahyang berbeda dari ulama sebelumnya. Artikel ini mendeskripsikan konsep maqāṣid asy-syarī’ahmenurut Ṭāhā Jābir al-‘Alwānī. Menurutnya, ada tiga tingkatan hierarkis maqāṣid al-syarī'ah. Nilai tertinggi maqāṣid asy-syarī’ahmenurutnya adalah apa

  10. Measurement of the d({sup 26}Al{sup m},p){sup 27}Al reaction for nuclear astrophysics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roeder, B.T.; Trache, L.; Iacob, V.E.; McCleskey, M.; Simmons, E.; Spiridon, A.; Tribble, R.E. [Texas A and M Univ., TX (United States); Davinson, T.; Lotay, G.; Woods, P.J. [University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom); La Cognata, M.; Pizzone, R.G.; Rapisarda, G.G.; Sparta, R.; Spitaleri, C. [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (LNS/INFN), Catania (Italy). Lab. Nazionali del Sud


    Full text: The detection of gamma rays from the decay of the {sup 26}Al ground state in the galaxy gives evidence that nucleosynthesis is occurring in present-day stars, but its origin is not yet clear. This implies that reactions involving {sup 26}Al are important for astrophysical processes. In a recent experiment at the Cyclotron Institute at Texas A and M University, reactions with the ground state and isomeric state of {sup 26}Al were investigated with the Texas A and M-Edinburgh-Catania Silicon detector Array (TECSA). TECSA is a collaborative effort to build a high-efficiency detector Si array useful for measuring reactions of interest for nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure. The array consists of up to 16 Micron Semiconductor YY1 detectors that are each 300 μm thick. Each detector has 16 annular ring sectors to measure the energy and the scattering angle of the detected particles. Using TECSA, we measured d({sup 26}Al{sup g},p){sup 27}Al and d({sup 26}Al{sup m},p){sup 27}Al with a {sup 26}Al secondary beam prepared in-flight with the MARS spectrometer. First, the composition of the {sup 26}Al beam was determined by measuring the ratio of beta-decays to {sup 26}Al ions produced. It was found that at different spectrometer rigidities, beams of 2/3 isomer to ground state ratio or vice-versa could be obtained. Then, in the second part of the experiment, angular distributions were measured for both reactions at backward angles with TECSA. The protons were measured in TECSA in coincidence with timing signals from the beam detected by a scintillator and with the cyclotron radio-frequency. Details of the experiment and preliminary results from the analysis of the d({sup 26}Al{sup m},p){sup 27}Al and d({sup 26}Al{sup g},p){sup 27}Al data will be presented. They will give information about the proton capture reactions {sup 26}Al{sup m}(p,γ){sup 27}Si and {sup 26}Al{sup g}(p,γ){sup 27}Si taking place in stars. (author)

  11. Khajeh Nasir al-Din al-Tusi’s Role in the Interaction of Triple Paradigms of Islamic Philosophy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    r Mohammadzadeh


    Full Text Available Our aim in this article is to investigate Khajeh Nasir`s effective role in emergence, growth and development of triple paradigms of Islamic philosophy, that are, Masha’, Ishraq and al-Hekmah al-Motealiyeh. Thus, first we present a summary of the meaning of “paradigm” and then discuss Tusi`s role in the development of triple paradigms of Islamic philosophy. We believe that, by using an interactive approach, Khajeh Nasir has attained a new approach to understand the paradigms. He is the first thinker in Islamic world who created a constructive and effective interaction between two paradigms of Masha’ and Ishraq, and paved the way for the emergence of al-Hekmah al-Motealiyeh. This can be explained with regard to either the conceptualization of al-Hekmat al-Motealiyeh or epistemological approach. Al-Hekmah Al-Motealiyah was influenced a lot by Tusi.

  12. Characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded AlMg5- Al_2O_3 nanocomposites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Babu, N. Kishore; Kallip, Kaspar; Leparoux, Marc; AlOgab, Khaled A.; Reddy, G.M.; Talari, M.K.


    In the present study, powder metallurgy processed unmilled AlMg5, milled AlMg5 and milled AlMg5-0.5 vol% Al_2O_3 nanocomposite have been successfully friction stir welded (FSW). The effect of friction stir welding on the evolution of weld microstructures; hardness and tensile properties were studied and discussed in detail. FSW of unmilled AlMg5 resulted in significant grain refinement and strain hardening in the nugget zone induced by the thermo-mechanical processing, thereby increasing the stir zone hardness and tensile strengths to 100 HV and 324 MPa when compared to 80 HV and 300 MPa of base metal, respectively. In contrast, the FSW of milled AlMg5 and milled AlMg5-0.5 vol% Al_2O_3 samples showed a reduction in UTS values to 375 MPa and 401 MPa in the stir zone compared to 401 MPa and 483 MPa of respective base metal values. Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) investigation of weld stir zones revealed the homogenous distribution of Al_4C_3 nanophases in milled AlMg5 and Al_2O_3 nanoparticles in milled AlMg5-0.5 vol% Al_2O_3 samples throughout the aluminium matrix. It was revealed that the pre-stored energy from the prior ball milling and hot pressing processes, higher deformation energy and grain boundary pinning effect due to the presence of reinforcement particles has resulted in a higher recrystallization tendency and retarded grain growth during FSW of milled samples. The welds prepared with milled AlMg5-0.5 vol% Al_2O_3 exhibited higher hardness and tensile strength in the stir zone when compared to all other conditions which was attributed to Hall Petch effect due to fine grain size and Orowan strengthening effect due to Al_2O_3 reinforcements.

  13. Experimental investigation of the Al-Y phase diagram

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Shuhong; Du Yong; Xu Honghui; He Cuiyun; Schuster, Julius C.


    The Al-Y phase diagram has been reinvestigated with 16 key alloys over its whole composition range by means of differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray techniques. The existence of five intermetallic phases, Al 3 Y, Al 2 Y, AlY, Al 2 Y 3 , and AlY 2 , has been confirmed. Al 2 Y and Al 2 Y 3 melt congruently at 1490 ± 2 and 1105 ± 2 deg. C, respectively. Al 3 Y, AlY, and AlY 2 are formed via the peritectic reactions L + Al 2 Y ↔ Al 3 Y at 980 ± 2 deg. C, L + Al 2 Y ↔ AlY at 1138 ± 2 deg. C, and L + Al 2 Y 3 ↔ AlY 2 at 977 ± 2 deg. C, respectively. Three eutectic reactions L ↔ (Al) + Al 3 Y at 637 ± 2 deg. C, L ↔ AlY + Al 2 Y 3 at 1081 ± 2 deg. C, and L ↔ AlY 2 + (αY) at 955 ± 2 deg. C , are observed. The previously reported Al 3 Y 5 , AlY 3 compounds were not found. A revised Al-Y phase diagram is presented mainly based on the present experimental results

  14. The corrosion and mechanical behaviour of Al, FeCrAlY, and CoCrAlY coatings in aggressive environments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haanappel, V.A.C.; Haanappel, V.A.C.; Geerdink, Bert; Fransen, T.; Gellings, P.J.


    The mechanical and chemical behaviours of aluminide coatings applied by pack cementation, FeCrAlY coatings applied by plasma spraying and CoCrAlY coatings applied by electrodeposition were studied. The coatings were pretreated for 0.5 h in argon at 1373 K to improve the adhesion and structural

  15. Precipitation and strengthening phenomena in Al-Si-Ge and Al-Cu-Si-Ge alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitlin, D.; Morris, J.W.; Dahmen, U.; Radmilovic, V.


    The objective of this work was to determine whether Al rich Al-Si-Ge and 2000 type Al-Cu-Si-Ge alloys have sufficient hardness to be useful for structural applications. It is shown that in Al-Si-Ge it is not possible to achieve satisfactory hardness through a conventional heat treatment. This result is explained in terms of sluggish precipitation of the diamond-cubic Si-Ge phase coupled with particle coarsening. However, Al-Cu-Si-Ge displayed a uniquely fast aging response, a high peak hardness and a good stability during prolonged aging. The high hardness of the Cu containing alloy is due to the dense and uniform distribution of fine θ' precipitates (metastable Al 2 Cu) which are heterogeneously nucleated on the Si-Ge particles. High resolution TEM demonstrated that in both alloys all the Si-Ge precipitates start out, and remain multiply twinned throughout the aging treatment. Since the twinned section of the precipitate does not maintain a low index interface with the matrix, the Si-Ge precipitates are equiaxed in morphology. Copyright (2000) AD-TECH - International Foundation for the Advancement of Technology Ltd

  16. Bankole et al (2)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Relationships of Clay-filled Channels on the Delta Flanks (Modified after Doust and Omatsola, 1990 and Lawrence et al., 2002). ... and in the Indo-Malaysian area (Germeraad et al.,. 1968). The genus ..... Upper Cretaceous of British Guiana.

  17. Aussprache als motorische Fertigkeit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonner, Maria


    Authentische Aussprache gilt im Fremdsprachenunterricht als schwer erreichbares Ziel, fremdsprachlicher Akzent wird als nahezu unvermeidbar gesehen. Weder die Hypothese einer kritischen Periode für den Erwerb einer authentischen Aussprache noch das Konzept der Fossilierung im Sprachlernprozess...

  18. The removal of bisphenol A from aqueous solutions by MIL-53(Al) and mesostructured MIL-53(Al). (United States)

    Zhou, Meimei; Wu, Yi-Nan; Qiao, Junlian; Zhang, Jing; McDonald, Amanda; Li, Guangtao; Li, Fengting


    In this work, metal-organic framework MIL-53(Al){Al(OH)[O2C-C6H4-CO2]} and MIL-53(Al)-F127{Al(OH)[O2C-C6H4-CO2]} were synthesized and used as sorbents to remove bisphenol A (BPA) from aqueous system. The sorption kinetics data of BPA were found to be in agreement with the pseudo-second-order model. The equilibrium sorption amounts of BPA on MIL-53(Al) and MIL-53(Al)-F127 reached 329.2±16.5 and 472.7±23.6 mg g(-1), respectively, far more than that of commercial activated carbons (ranging from 129.6 to 263.1 mg g(-1)). Both MIL-53(Al) and MIL-53(Al)-F127 could remove BPA fast from aqueous solutions, and the required contact time to reach equilibrium was approximately 90 min for MIL-53(Al) and 30 min for MIL-53(Al)-F127, respectively. The optimum pH levels for the removal of BPA using MIL-53 (Al) and MIL-53(Al)-F127 were 4 and 6 separately. The optimum temperature for the sorption behavior of BPA on the two sorbents was 20 °C. The results performed show that the resulting products, as one kind of MOFs, can be regarded as a new class of sorbents for water treatment and could find great applications in the fields of environmental water pollution control and resources reuse. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Hyperfine fields and spin relaxation of Ce in GdAl2 and DyAl2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waeckelgaard, E.; Karlsson, E.; Lindgren, B.; Mayer, A.


    We have investigated the ferromagnetic state of the cubic intermetallic compounds GdAl 2 and DyAl 2 with the 140 Ce nuclei using DPAC. The local fields of Ce are for the lowest measured temperatures B eff (30 K) = 54(2) T for GdAl 2 and B eff (12.5 K) = 27(1) T for DyAl 2 which are considerably lower than the hyperfine field measured for a free Ce ion (183 T). By introducing a crystal field, of cubic symmetry, a lower hyperfine field is obtained which is in quantitative agreement with the local field of Ce in GdAl 2 . For DyAl 2 an additional effect, represented by a non-magnetic level below the lowest magnetic level, may explain a further reduction of the hyperfine field. Two models relating to a Kondo non-magnetic state of Ce are discussed. Spin relaxation in the paramagnetic state are also studied and compared with observations of the same systems measured with μSR. (authors)

  20. Experimental evidence of structural transition at the crystal-amorphous interphase boundary between Al and Al2O3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Z.Q.; He, L.L.; Zhao, S.J.; Ye, H.Q.


    High-resolution transmission electron microscopy observations on the structure of the interphase boundary between crystalline Al and amorphous Al 2 O 3 coating reveal that an interfacial melting transition of Al occurs at 833 K, which is distinctly lower than the bulk melting point of Al. The crystalline lattice planes of Al near the interface bend or small segments of crystalline Al deviated from the matrix Al grains are formed. Stand-off dislocations formed at the interphase boundary are also observed. The amorphous Al 2 O 3 coating plays an important role in retaining the evidence for structural transition at high temperature to room temperature, which makes it possible to make experimental observations. (author)

  1. Room-Temperature Quantum Ballistic Transport in Monolithic Ultrascaled Al-Ge-Al Nanowire Heterostructures. (United States)

    Sistani, Masiar; Staudinger, Philipp; Greil, Johannes; Holzbauer, Martin; Detz, Hermann; Bertagnolli, Emmerich; Lugstein, Alois


    Conductance quantization at room temperature is a key requirement for the utilizing of ballistic transport for, e.g., high-performance, low-power dissipating transistors operating at the upper limit of "on"-state conductance or multivalued logic gates. So far, studying conductance quantization has been restricted to high-mobility materials at ultralow temperatures and requires sophisticated nanostructure formation techniques and precise lithography for contact formation. Utilizing a thermally induced exchange reaction between single-crystalline Ge nanowires and Al pads, we achieved monolithic Al-Ge-Al NW heterostructures with ultrasmall Ge segments contacted by self-aligned quasi one-dimensional crystalline Al leads. By integration in electrostatically modulated back-gated field-effect transistors, we demonstrate the first experimental observation of room temperature quantum ballistic transport in Ge, favorable for integration in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor platform technology.

  2. The effectiveness of ERC advanced life support (ALS) provider courses for the retention of ALS knowledge. (United States)

    Fischer, Henrik; Strunk, Guido; Neuhold, Stephanie; Kiblböck, Daniel; Trimmel, Helmut; Baubin, Michael; Domanovits, Hans; Maurer, Claudia; Greif, Robert


    Out-of-hospital emergency physicians in Austria need mandatory emergency physician training, followed by biennial refresher courses. Currently, both standardized ERC advanced life support (ALS) provider courses and conventional refresher courses are offered. This study aimed to compare the retention of ALS-knowledge of out-of-hospital emergency physicians depending on whether they had or had not participated in an ERC-ALS provider course since 2005. Participants (n=807) from 19 refresher courses for out-of-hospital emergency physicians answered eight multiple-choice questions (MCQ) about ALS based on the 2005 ERC guidelines. The pass score was 75% correct answers. A multivariate logistic regression analyzed differences in passing scores between those who had previously participated in an ERC-ALS provider course and those who had not. Age, gender, regularity of working as an out-of-hospital emergency physician and the self-reported number of real resuscitation efforts within the last 6months were entered as control variables. Out-of-hospital emergency physicians who had previously attended an ERC-ALS provider course had a significantly higher chance of passing the MCQ test (OR=1.60, p=0.015). Younger age (OR=0.95, pERC-ALS provider course since 2005 had a higher retention of ALS knowledge compared to non-ERC-ALS course participants. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. X-ray study of rapidly cooled ribbons of Al-Cr-Zr and Al-Ni-Y-Cr-Zr alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Betsofen, S.Ya.; Osintsev, O.E.; Lutsenko, A.N.; Konkevich, V.Yu.


    One investigated into phase composition, lattice spacing and structure of rapidly cooled 25-200 μm gauge strips made of Al-4,1Cr-3,2Zr and Al-1,5Cr-1,5Zr-4Ni-3Y alloys, wt. %, produced by melt spinning to a water-cooled copper disk. In Al-4,1Cr-3,2Zr alloy one detected intermetallic phases: Al 3 Zr and two Al 86 Cr 14 composition icosahedral phases apart from aluminium solid solution with 4.040-4.043 A lattice spacing. In Al-1,5Cr-1,5Zr-4Ni-3Y alloy one identified two Al 86 Cr 14 icosahedral phases and two AlNiY and Al 3 Y yttrium-containing ones, lattice spacing of aluminium solid solution was equal to 4.052-4.053 A [ru

  4. The Influence of the Asymmetric Arb Process on the Properties of Al-Mg-Al Multi-Layer Sheets / Wpływ Asymetrii W Procesie Arb Na Właściwości Wielowarstwowych Blach Al-Mg-Al

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wierzba A.


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of the experimental study of the three-layer Al-Mg-Al sheets rolling process by the ARB method. The tests carried out were limited to single-pass symmetric and asymmetric rolling processes. An Al-Mg-Al package with an initial thickness of 4 mm (1-2-1 mm was subjected to the process of rolling with a relative reduction of 50%. To activate the shear band in the strip being deformed, an asymmetry factor of av=2 was applied. From the test results, an increase in the tensile strength of the multi-layer Al-Mg-Al sheets obtained from the asymmetric process was observed. Microhardness tests did not show any significant differences in aluminium layer between respective layers of sheets obtained from the symmetric and the asymmetric process. By contrast, for the magnesium layer, an increase in microhardness from 72 HV to 79 HV could be observed for the asymmetric rolling. The analysis of the produced Al-Mg-Al sheets shows that the good bond between individual layers and grain refinement in the magnesium layer contributed to the obtaining of higher mechanical properties in the multi-layer sheets produced in the asymmetric process compared to the sheets obtained from the symmetric process.

  5. The investigation of Al0.29Ga0.71N/GaN/AlN and AlN/GaN/AlN thin films grown on Si (111) by RF plasma-assisted MBE (United States)

    Yusoff, Mohd Zaki Mohd; Mahyuddin, Azzafeerah; Hassan, Zainuriah; Hassan, Haslan Abu; Abdullah, Mat Johar


    Recently, gallium nitride (GaN) and its related compounds involving Al and In have attracted much attention because of their potential to be used as high-efficiency UV light emitting devices, and as high frequency and high power electronic devices. Consequently, the growth and physics of GaN-based materials have attracted remarkable scientific attention. In this work, the growth and characterization of epitaxial Al0.29Ga0.71N and AlN layers grown on Si (111) by RF-plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are described. The Al mole fraction was derived from the HR-XRD symmetric rocking curve (RC) ω/2θ scans of (0002) plane as x = 0.29. For AlN/GaN/AlN sample, the maximum Raman intensity at 521.53 cm-1 is attributed to crystalline silicon. It was found that the allowed Raman optical phonon mode of GaN, the E1 (high) is clearly visible, which is located at 570.74 cm-1. Photoluminscence (PL) spectrums of both samples have shown sharp and intense band edge emission of GaN without the existence of yellow emission band, showing good crystal quality of the samples have been successfully grown on Si substrate.

  6. Field ion microscopy and 3-D atom probe analysis of Al3Zr particles in 7050 Al alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sha, G.; Cerezo, A.


    Full text: For high strength 7xxx series Al alloys, Zr is an important trace alloy element which is often added to optimise properties, having effects such as refining grain size, inhibiting recrystallization, and improving stress corrosion cracking resistance and quench sensitivity. In addition, it has been reported recently that Zr addition also has a significant influence on early stage ageing behaviour of a 7xxx series Al alloy. Zr equilibrium solubility in solid Al is extremely low. After solution or ageing treatment, most Zr is present as small spherical Ai 3 Zr dispersoids approximately 20 nm in diameter, distributed at grain boundaries as well as within the Al matrix. The crystallographic nature of intermetallic phase Al 3 Zr has been well studied in the literatures. So far, no direct measurement of the chemistry of the Al 3 Zr particles in 7xxx series Al alloys has been published. It is unclear if there is significant Zn, Mg or Cu included in the particles. In this research, 3DAP has been employed for the first time to investigate ionisation behaviour of Al 3 Zr particles and determine the chemistry of the particles in 7050 Al alloy. Using field ion microscopy, the local evaporation radius of the Al 3 Zr particle has been measured to be equivalent to 36 nm for a 10 kV tip, less than the equivalent tip radius for the Al matrix of ∼68 nm. Using the matrix Al evaporation field (19 V/nm) as a reference, this allows the evaporation field of Al 3 Zr to be calculated as 35 V/nm, the same as the field calculated for evaporation of Al as Al 2+ (35 V/nm), and that of Zr as Zr 3+ (35 V/nm). This result is consistent with Al 2+ and Zr 3+ being the main species observed in the mass spectrum during analysis of Al 3 Zr particles. Using 3DAP, the chemical compositions of Al 3 Zr particles are determined to be 64.8∼67.7 at% Al, 23.6∼24.8 at% Zr, 6.9∼9.1 at% Zn, 0.4∼0.7 at% Cu, 0.5∼1.2 at% Mg, with a (Al+Zn)/Zr ratio close to 3. Choice of specimen temperature of

  7. Synthesis and structural transformations of hydrotalcite-like materials Mg-Al and Zn-Al

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prihod'ko, R.V.; Sychev, M.V.; Astrelin, I.M.; Erdmann, K.; Mangel, A.; Santen, van R.A.


    Mg-Al and Zn-Al hydrotalcite-like layered double hydroxides of various compositions were synthesized and characterized. A detailed comparative analysis of the structure and composition of starting and reconstructed layered double hydroxides was made

  8. Natural radioactivity survey in Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi Mountain Region Libya

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Askouri, N.A.; Hussain, M.O.; Al-Ojaily, A.S.


    The measurement of natural radioactivity in a given region or country is essential to provide a reference base-line map to follow up a possible variation in future. In order to perform such measurement, the natural radioactivity was measured in different locations. The locations (50 sites) were distributed over Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi Mountain, starting from the city Al-Azeeziah in the eastern part to Wazen on the Tunisian border in the west. The measurements showed obvious variation from one site to another. The levels were fluctuating from (12.8 counts/minute) in Bir-Ayad to (45.7 counts/minute) in Gherian. In order to investigate the cause for such variation, samples were collected from (27) sites for detailed study. The levels of natural radioactivity were determined in the laboratory, and were ranging from (58.7 Bq/kg) in Bir-Ayad to (102.1 Bq/kg) in Gherian. The variation in measured radioactivity was related to the geological structures taken in six perpendicular sections, namely, Gharian, Yevren, Zintan, Nalut, Wazen and Al-Azeeziah taking the naturally occurred radioisotopes concentration of 4 0K, 232 Th and 238 U present in consideration.

  9. Phase constituents and microstructure of laser cladding Al2O3/Ti3Al reinforced ceramic layer on titanium alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jianing; Chen Chuanzhong; Lin Zhaoqing; Squartini, Tiziano


    Research highlights: → In this study, Fe 3 Al has been chosen as cladding powder due to its excellent properties of wear resistance and high strength, etc. → Laser cladding of Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 /Al 2 O 3 pre-placed alloy powder on Ti-6Al-4V alloy substrate can form the Ti 3 Al/Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 /Al 2 O 3 ceramic layer, which can increase wear resistance of substrate. → In cladding process, Al 2 O 3 can react with TiB 2 leading to formation of Ti 3 Al and B. → This principle can be used to improve the Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 laser-cladded coating. - Abstract: Laser cladding of the Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 /Al 2 O 3 pre-placed alloy powder on Ti-6Al-4V alloy can form the Ti 3 Al/Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 /Al 2 O 3 ceramic layer, which can greatly increase wear resistance of titanium alloy. In this study, the Ti 3 Al/Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 /Al 2 O 3 ceramic layer has been researched by means of electron probe, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and micro-analyzer. In cladding process, Al 2 O 3 can react with TiB 2 leading to formation of amount of Ti 3 Al and B. This principle can be used to improve the Fe 3 Al + TiB 2 laser cladded coating, it was found that with addition of Al 2 O 3 , the microstructure performance and micro-hardness of the coating was obviously improved due to the action of the Al-Ti-B system and hard phases.

  10. Precipitation in cold-rolled Al-Sc-Zr and Al-Mn-Sc-Zr alloys prepared by powder metallurgy

    KAUST Repository

    Vlach, Martin


    The effects of cold-rolling on thermal, mechanical and electrical properties, microstructure and recrystallization behaviour of the AlScZr and AlMnScZr alloys prepared by powder metallurgy were studied. The powder was produced by atomising in argon with 1% oxygen and then consolidated by hot extrusion at 350 C. The electrical resistometry and microhardness together with differential scanning calorimetry measurements were compared with microstructure development observed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction. Fine (sub)grain structure developed and fine coherent Al3Sc and/or Al3(Sc,Zr) particles precipitated during extrusion at 350 C in the alloys studied. Additional precipitation of the Al3Sc and/or Al3(Sc,Zr) particles and/or their coarsening was slightly facilitated by the previous cold rolling. The presence of Sc,Zr-containing particles has a significant antirecrystallization effect that prevents recrystallization at temperatures minimally up to 420 C. The precipitation of the Al6Mn- and/or Al 6(Mn,Fe) particles of a size ~ 1.0 μm at subgrain boundaries has also an essential antirecrystallization effect and totally suppresses recrystallization during 32 h long annealing at 550 C. The texture development of the alloys seems to be affected by high solid solution strengthening by Mn. The precipitation of the Mn-containing alloy is highly enhanced by a cold rolling. The apparent activation energy of the Al3Sc particles formation and/or coarsening and that of the Al6Mn and/or Al 6(Mn,Fe) particle precipitation in the powder and in the compacted alloys were determined. The cold deformation has no effect on the apparent activation energy values of the Al3Sc-phase and the Al 6Mn-phase precipitation. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.

  11. Precipitation in cold-rolled Al-Sc-Zr and Al-Mn-Sc-Zr alloys prepared by powder metallurgy

    KAUST Repository

    Vlach, Martin; Stulí ková , Ivana; Smola, Bohumil; Kekule, Tomá š; Kudrnová , Hana; Daniš, Stanislav; Gemma, Ryota; Očená šek, Vladivoj; Má lek, Jaroslav; Tanprayoon, Dhritti; Neubert, Volkmar


    The effects of cold-rolling on thermal, mechanical and electrical properties, microstructure and recrystallization behaviour of the AlScZr and AlMnScZr alloys prepared by powder metallurgy were studied. The powder was produced by atomising in argon with 1% oxygen and then consolidated by hot extrusion at 350 C. The electrical resistometry and microhardness together with differential scanning calorimetry measurements were compared with microstructure development observed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction. Fine (sub)grain structure developed and fine coherent Al3Sc and/or Al3(Sc,Zr) particles precipitated during extrusion at 350 C in the alloys studied. Additional precipitation of the Al3Sc and/or Al3(Sc,Zr) particles and/or their coarsening was slightly facilitated by the previous cold rolling. The presence of Sc,Zr-containing particles has a significant antirecrystallization effect that prevents recrystallization at temperatures minimally up to 420 C. The precipitation of the Al6Mn- and/or Al 6(Mn,Fe) particles of a size ~ 1.0 μm at subgrain boundaries has also an essential antirecrystallization effect and totally suppresses recrystallization during 32 h long annealing at 550 C. The texture development of the alloys seems to be affected by high solid solution strengthening by Mn. The precipitation of the Mn-containing alloy is highly enhanced by a cold rolling. The apparent activation energy of the Al3Sc particles formation and/or coarsening and that of the Al6Mn and/or Al 6(Mn,Fe) particle precipitation in the powder and in the compacted alloys were determined. The cold deformation has no effect on the apparent activation energy values of the Al3Sc-phase and the Al 6Mn-phase precipitation. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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    Marcos Mare


    Full Text Available La metodología aplicada está centrada en el análisis holístico del medio biofísico mediante la definición de unidades fisiográficas o sistemas físiográfícos, a los efectos de evaluar aptitudes y limitaciones en relación a usos de suelo existentes en un territorio determinado. En este sentido, se toman como base los lincamientos generales de la metodología australiana Land System o su equivalente holandesa de estudios integrados y ecología del paisaje1, con la introducción de modificaciones en función del grado de complejidad territorial del área de estudio y de los alcances y limitaciones propios de un trabajo de tesis de licenciatura. La cuenca hidrográfica del arroyo Covunco se localiza en el centro de la pro­vincia del Neuquén, en la transición entre los ambientes húmedos cordilleranos y las mesetas semiáridas que caracterizan al norte de la Patagonia. El sector superior de la cuenca se desarrolla hacia el oeste de la localidad de Zapala y su límite oriental coinci­de, aproximadamente, con el emplazamiento de las rutas nacionales número 22 y 40. Asimismo, el área es atravesada en sentido este - oeste por las ratas provinciales núme­ro 46 y 13 por lo que constituye un área de tránsito para el turismo con destino a la región cordillerana, en el departamento Aluminé.

  13. Ukraine’s Multi-Vectorial Foreign Policy: Looking West while not Overlooking its Eastern Neighbour

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    María Raquel Freire


    Full Text Available La Ucrania post-soviética ha perseguido un curso independiente en su política exterior desde que lograse la independencia en 1991. Sin embargo su posición geográfica condicionó mucho el contorno de su política exterior. De hecho, mientras que un acercamiento al Oeste ha sido valorado grandemente, las relaciones con Rusia han seguido siendo el pilar central de Ucrania, intentándose por tanto, mirar hacia el Oeste sin perder de vista a su vecino oriental. En tal contexto, ¿cómo podrían conciliar las autoridades ucranianas los diferentes vectores de la política exterior de su país?¿En qué medida podrían pervivir los principios de la Revolución Naranja entre un contexto interior tan difícil y un contexto exterior complejo?¿En qué medida pueden afectar a las opciones en política exterior de Kiev la influencia occidental y las interferencias rusas? Intentando encontrar respuestas a tales preguntas, este artículo tiene como objetivo la deconstrucción de los varios círculos en la política exterior multi-vectorial de Kiev que se encargan de atender a la política exterior de una manera integrada y donde las formulaciones interiores se ven condicionadas por las opciones externas, echando luz de esta manera sobre cómo las interrelaciones e interconexiones se desarrollan en el proceso de toma de decisiones y en el curso elegido.

  14. Universitat popular al Cabanyal


    Ribés Granell, Juan Miguel


    La intención es dotar al barrio de un gran espacio verde y de un edificio de interés para los vecinos que enriquezca al Cabanyal, ya que actualmente se encuentra en proceso de degradación. Se pretende desarrollar un proyecto que signifique una mejora en la predisposición del visitante, cubriendo sus necesidades. Al mismo tiempo, se busca crear un espacio arquitectónico que mejore la relación entre las actividades que incluye y su entorno. El proyecto está condicionado por cuatro aspectos fund...

  15. Interação da torra e moagem do café na preferência do consumidor do oeste paranaense Influence of roasting and milling on consumers coffee preference at Paraná west-Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carla Adriana Pizarro Schmidt


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as preferências dos consumidores de café da região oeste do Paraná, em relação ao ponto de torra e à granulometria de moagem. Foram realizadas análises sensoriais de preferência e físico-químicas. As análises físico-químicas foram utilizadas para monitorar as mudanças ocorridas nos produtos ao longo do processo de torra. Os cafés com torras mais leves foram pouco aceitos. O café que apresentou aparência global, aroma e sabor preferido foi o que apresentava uma torra média escura, mais próxima das torras tradicionais brasileiras. A torra mais escura foi bem aceita apenas em relação à aparência. A moagem fina foi preferida em relação à aparência global do produto, mas, apesar de ter apresentado maior acidez, os provadores não diferenciaram seu sabor.This study aimed the evaluation of the consumers preference for coffee in the west region of Paraná State, Brazil, in relation to the roasting degree and grinding granulometry. Sensorial preference and physical-chemichal analysis were made. The physical-chemichal analysis were used to monitor the changes that occurred in the products along the roasting process. The samples of coffee with light toasts were little accepted. The kind of coffee that presented preferred global appearance, aroma and taste was the one which presented average dark toasting, which is the one that is more similar to the traditional Brazilians toastings. The darkest toasting, was well-accepted in relation to appearance. The thin milling was preferred in relation to the global appearance of the product, but in spite of having presented major acidity the tasters did not make difference about its taste.

  16. Nonequilibrium synthesis of NbAl3 and Nb-Al-V alloys by laser cladding. II - Oxidation behavior (United States)

    Haasch, R. T.; Tewari, S. K.; Sircar, S.; Loxton, C. M.; Mazumder, J.


    Isothermal oxidation behaviors of NbAl3 alloy synthesized by laser cladding were investigated at temperatures between 800 and 1400 C, and the effect of vanadium microalloying on the oxidation of the laser-clad alloy was examined. The oxidation kinetics of the two alloys were monitored using thermal gravimetric weight gain data, and the bulk and surface chemistries were analyzed using XRD and XPS, respectively. It was found that NbAl3 did not form an exclusive layer of protective Al2O3. The oxidation products at 800 C were found to be a mixture of Nb2O5 and Al2O3. At 1200 C, a mixture of NbAlO4, Nb2O5, and Al2O3 formed; and at 1400 C, a mixture of NbAlO4, Al2O3, NbO2, NbO(2.432), and Nb2O5 formed. The addition of V led to a dramatic increase of the oxidation rate, which may be related to the formation of (Nb, V)2O5 and VO2, which grows in preference to protective Al2O3.

  17. Completing the Heterocubane Family [Cp*AlE]4 (E = O, S, Se, and Te) by Selective Oxygenation and Sulfuration of [Cp*Al]4: Density Functional Theory Calculations of [Cp*AlE]4 and Reactivity of [Cp*AlO]4 toward Hydrolysis. (United States)

    Stelzer, Adrian C; Hrobárik, Peter; Braun, Thomas; Kaupp, Martin; Braun-Cula, Beatrice


    The subvalent aluminum compound [Cp*Al]4 (1) reacts with dioxygen, N2O, or sulfur to yield the heterocubane complexes [Cp*AlX]4 [X = O (2) and S (3)]. Treatment of [Cp*AlO]4 (2) with (tBuO)3SiOH gave [(tBuO)3SiOAlO]4 (6) and Cp*H. The structures and spectroscopic data of the Al clusters are supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, which also demonstrate the importance of noncovalent interactions (NCI) in oligomeric Al(I) complexes as well as in [Cp*AlS]4 and the heavier homologues of Se and Te. The computed (27)Al NMR shifts indicate a deshielding at the Al centers with increasing electronegativity of the chalcogen atom as well as significant spin-orbit shielding effects within the heavier heterocubane [Al4E4] cores. Further hydrolysis of 6 with an additional amount of silanol in the presence of water resulted in the formation of [Al4(OH)6(OH2)2(OSiOtBu3)6] (7), which shows a structural motif found in boehmite and diaspore.

  18. Reciprocating Wear Behaviour of 7075Al/SiC and 6061Al/Al2O3 Composites: A study of Effect of Reinforcement, Stroke and Load

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    J. Lakshmipathy


    Full Text Available The wear behaviour comparison of Al/SiC and Al/Al2O3 composites prepared by stir casting technique is investigated to find out the effects of weight percentage of SiC/Al2O3, load and the number of strokes on a reciprocating wear testing machine. The MMC pins are prepared with different weight percentage of SiC and Al2O3 (10, 15 and 20 %. The tests are carried out with different load conditions (25, 50 and 75 N and different number of strokes (420,780 and 1605 strokes. Wear surfaces of tested samples are examined in Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM. Hardness test and impact test are also carried out on the MMC samples. The experimental results shows that hardness of composites increases with increase in SiC and Al2O3 particle and the impact strength decreases with increase in SiC and Al2O3 content. The volume loss of MMC specimens are less than that of the matrix alloy. The temperature rise near the contact surface of the MMC specimens increases with increase in wt% of SiC and Al2O3, load and number of strokes. The coefficient of friction decreases with increase in the number of strokes. The WVAS (Wireless Vibration Acquisition System interfaced with MAT Lab software is used to record the amplitudes during the test.

  19. Microstructure of two phases alloy Al3Ti/Al3Ti0.75Fe0.25

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Angeles, C.; Rosas, G.; Perez, R.


    The titanium-aluminium system presents three intermetallic compounds from those Al 3 Ti is what less attention has received. The objective of this work is to generate and characterize the microstructure of multiphase alloys nearby to Al 3 Ti compound through Fe addition as alloying. This is because it has been seen that little precipitates of Al 2 Ti phase over Al 3 Ti intermetallic compound increases its ductility. (Author)

  20. Microstructural characterisation of Ni75Al25 and Ni31.5Al68.5 powder particles produced by gas atomisation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    García-Escorial, A.; Lieblich, M.


    Highlight: ► Successful production of gas atomised Ni75Al25 and Ni31.5Al68.5 powder particles. ► Characterization of the as-solidified microstructure of 75 Al 25 and Ni 31.5 Al 68.5 at.% powder particles below 100 μm in size have been studied. The gas atomised Ni 75 Al 25 powder particles are mainly spherical. The solidification of this alloy is very fast, and its microstructure consists of a dendrite and lamellar structure of partially ordered γ-(Ni), γ′-Ni 3 Al L1 2 phase, and β-NiAl phase. The order increases with the powder particle size. The gas atomised Ni 31.5 Al 68.5 powder particles are also spherical in shape. The microstructure consists of Ni 2 Al 3 dendrites with interdendritic peritectic NiAl 3 and eutectic NiAl 3 + α-Al. The amount of the Ni 2 Al 3 increases as the cooling rate increases. NiAl phase is absent in the gas atomised Ni 31.5 Al 68.5 powder

  1. Explosive destruction of "2"6Al

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kahl, D.; Yamaguchi, H.; Shimizu, H.


    The γ-ray emission associated with the radioactive decay of "2"6Al is one of the key pieces of observational evidence indicating stellar nucleosynthesis is an ongoing process in our Galaxy, and it was the first such radioactivity to be detected. Despite numerous efforts in stellar modeling, observation, nuclear theory, and nuclear experiment over the past four decades, the precise sites and origin of Galactic "2"6Al remain elusive. We explore the present experimental knowledge concerning the destruction of "2"6Al in massive stars. The precise stellar rates of neutron-induced reactions on "2"6Al, such as (n,p) and (n,α), have among the largest impacts on the total "2"6Al yield. Meanwhile, reactions involving the short-lived isomeric state of "2"6Al such as radiative proton capture are highly-uncertain at present. Although we presented on-going experimental work from n TOF at CERN with an "2"6Al target, the present proceeding focuses only on the "2"6Al isomeric radioactive beam production aspect and the first experimental results at CRIB.

  2. Al-Biruni: A Muslim Critical Thinker

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    Mohammad Noviani Ardi


    Full Text Available As an academic course, critical thinking has emerged in the last century as the one of the important subjects, especially in the second half. But as a kind of thinking and a process of the human reason, it was exist as old as mankind. What are known, nowadays, as (standards of critical thinking or (characteristic of critical thinker were used by some ancient Greek philosophers, e.g. Socrates, Aristotle, as well as great Muslim scholars, e.g. al-Biruni, al-Ghazali, etc. al-Biruni was known as a great Muslim scholar due to objectively scientific method in his works. Moreover, he also was famed in comparative religion which early in history of discipline of comparative religion. However, this study attempts to talk about al-Biruni, one of greatest Muslim scholar in history from another side of previously discussion. It is tries to analyze al-Biruni as a Muslim critical thinker based on his monumental work of Tahqiq ma li al-Hind min Maqulah Maqbulah fi al-‘Aql aw Mardhulah or it is known by Kitab al-Hind.

  3. A comparative wear study on Al-Li and Al-Li/SiC composite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Okumus, S. Cem, E-mail:; Karslioglu, Ramazan, E-mail:; Akbulut, Hatem, E-mail: [Sakarya University Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Esentepe Campus, 54187, Sakarya (Turkey)


    Aluminum-lithium based unreinforced (Al-8090) alloy and Al-8090/SiCp/17 vol.% metal matrix composite produced by extrusion after spray co-deposition. A dry ball-on disk wear test was carried out for both alloy and composite. The tests were performed against an Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} ball, 10 mm in diameter, at room temperature and in laboratory air conditions with a relative humidity of 40-60%. Sliding speed was chosen as 1.0 ms{sup −1} and normal loads of 1.0, 3.0 and 5.0 N were employed at a constant sliding distance of 1000 m. The wear damage on the specimens was evaluated via measurement of wear depth and diameter. Microstructural and wear characterization was carried out via scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that wear loss of the Al-8090/SiC composite was less than that of the Al-8090 matrix alloy. Plastic deformation observed on the wear surface of the composite and the matrix alloy, and the higher the applied load the greater the plastic deformation. Scanning electron microscopy examinations of wear tracks also reveal that delamination fracture was the dominant wear mechanism during the wear progression. Friction coefficient was maximum at the low applied load in the case of the Al-8090/SiC composite while a gradual increase was observed with applied load for the matrix alloy.

  4. ALS1 and ALS3 gene expression and biofilm formation in Candida albicans isolated from vulvovaginal candidiasis

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    Shahla Roudbarmohammadi


    Conclusion: The results attained indicated that there is an association between the expression of ALS1 and ALS3 genes and fluconazole resistance in C. albicans. A considerable percent of the isolates expressing the ALS1 and ALS3 genes may have contributed to their adherence to vagina and biofilm formation.

  5. Detección de Malpighamoeba mellificae (Protista: Amoebozoa en Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae de Argentina

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    Santiago PLISCHUK


    Full Text Available Debido a su rol como polinizador y productor de miel, la abeja Apis mellifera L. es considerado un insecto beneficioso. Si bien Argentina juega un papel de liderazgo en la producción de miel, existe un considerable vacío en el conocimiento acerca de las enfermedades de etiología protista que afectan las abejas en el país. La ameba Malpighamoeba mellificae Prell es un protista entomopatógeno que invade los túbulos de Malpighi de las abejas e interfiere con el proceso de excreción, debilitando al huésped y posiblemente facilitando la acción de otros patógenos. En esta contribución se presentan los primeros hallazgos de M. mellificae en Argentina y se brindan datos iniciales acerca de su frecuencia, intensidad de las infecciones, y co-ocurrencia con Nosema sp. Malpighamoeba mellificae se halló en dos de 36 localidades prospectadas: San Cayetano, al Sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires y San Carlos de Bariloche, en el Oeste de la provincia de Río Negro.

  6. Ação fiscalizatória e adequação da indicação, comércio e uso de agrotóxicos por agricultores da fronteira oeste do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Juliano Goulart Ritter


    Full Text Available A falta de fiscalização no uso de agrotóxicos junto aos agricultores é fator agravante para o cumprimento da legislação ambiental. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a validade da ação fiscalizatória no cumprimento da legislação referente ao uso de agrotóxicos por parte dos agricultores da Fronteira Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul e suas consequências à saúde e o ambiente. Foram fiscalizadas 80 propriedades rurais em duas safras agrícolas, antes e após as orientações oficiais da fiscalização estadual. Avaliaram-se os depósitos de agrotóxicos, disponibilidade e uso do EPI, receitas agronômicas, devolução de embalagens vazias e uso de agrotóxicos, conforme as normas e procedimentos legais. As avaliações foram agrupadas em 14 possíveis infrações à legislação de agrotóxicos. Verificou-se um aumento em oito tipos de infrações e em quatro, houve redução. As infrações mais comuns foram a utilização de agrotóxico em desacordo com a receita, o armazenamento irregular, o não fornecimento do EPI, a não destinação correta das embalagens vazias e a não apresentação das receitas agronômicas. A presença da fiscalização auxiliou diretamente na utilização de agrotóxicos em conformidade com a receita.

  7. BERKELEY: ALS ring

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Everybody at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's Center for Beam Physics is pleased with the rapid progress in commissioning LBL's Advanced Light Source (ALS) electron storage ring, the foundation for this third-generation synchrotron radiation facility. Designed for a maximum current of 400 mA, the ALS storage ring reached 407 mA just 24 days after storing the first beam on 16 March. ALS construction as a US Department of Energy (DOE) national user facility to provide high-brightness vacuum ultra-violet and soft x-ray radiation began in October 1987. One technical requirement marking project completion was to accumulate a 50-mA current in the storage ring. The ALS passed this milestone on 24 March, a week ahead of the official deadline. Once injected, the electron beam decays quasi-exponentially primarily because of interactions with residual gas molecules in the storage-ring vacuum chamber. Eventually, when the pressure in the vacuum chamber with beam decreases toward the expected operating level of 1 nano Torr, it will only be necessary to refill the storage ring at intervals of four to eight hours. At present the vacuum is improving rapidly as surfaces are irradiated (scrubbed) by the synchrotron radiation itself. At 100 mA, beam lifetime was about one hour (9 April)

  8. BERKELEY: ALS ring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Everybody at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's Center for Beam Physics is pleased with the rapid progress in commissioning LBL's Advanced Light Source (ALS) electron storage ring, the foundation for this third-generation synchrotron radiation facility. Designed for a maximum current of 400 mA, the ALS storage ring reached 407 mA just 24 days after storing the first beam on 16 March. ALS construction as a US Department of Energy (DOE) national user facility to provide high-brightness vacuum ultra-violet and soft x-ray radiation began in October 1987. One technical requirement marking project completion was to accumulate a 50-mA current in the storage ring. The ALS passed this milestone on 24 March, a week ahead of the official deadline. Once injected, the electron beam decays quasi-exponentially primarily because of interactions with residual gas molecules in the storage-ring vacuum chamber. Eventually, when the pressure in the vacuum chamber with beam decreases toward the expected operating level of 1 nano Torr, it will only be necessary to refill the storage ring at intervals of four to eight hours. At present the vacuum is improving rapidly as surfaces are irradiated (scrubbed) by the synchrotron radiation itself. At 100 mA, beam lifetime was about one hour (9 April)

  9. Lukman et al. (5)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1 Civil Engineering Department, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife- Nigeria and Corresponding author. 2Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Samaru, Zaria- Nigeria s Department of Civil Engineering, University of Hafr Al-Batin, Hafr Al-Batin, Saudi Arabia.

  10. MEMBUKA TABIR SUMPAH DALAM AL-QUR’AN (Studi Analisis Penafsiran ‘A’isyah Bint Al-Syati’ Tentang Ayat-Ayat Sumpah

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    Muhammad Hasdin Has


    Full Text Available Abstract This study discusses al-Aqsam fi al-Qur'an (Interpretation of 'A'isyah bint al-Shati 'in Kitab al-Tafsir al-Baya ni li al -Qur'a al-Karim. This research conducted library research by using the hermeneutics, philology, sociology, historical, and psychological approach. Results of this study conclude that curse in Tafsir al-Bayani is composed two aspects, the etymology and terminology. In terms of etymology, curse is true meaning and earnest pronounced by the reciter. As for the aspects of terminology, curse is a verse by way of sensory reasoning. It is diverting attention (la fitah of something that can be felt (Hissi to something abstract. The forms of curse are two, the oath with the letter wau al-qasam and vows with the letter la. The function of curse in al-Tafsir al-Bayani has shifted from its original function of which is to exalt or glorify oath object into a rhetorical aged in which aims to analogize between muqsam bih with Javab al-qasam. Keyword: curse, Bint Syati, interpretation.   Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas topik al-Aqsam fi al-Qur’an (Studi Penafsiran ‘A’isyah bint al-Syati’ dalam Kitab al-Tafsir al-Bayani li al-Qur’an al-Karim tentang Ayat-ayat sumpah. Untuk menjawab permasalahan pokok di atas maka dilakukan penelitian kepustakaan (library research dengan menggunakan pendekatan ilmu tafsir, filologi, sosiologi, historis, dan psikologis. Hasil Penelitian ini menyimpulkan: 1 Hakikat qasam dalam al-Tafsir al-Bayani terdiri dari dua aspek, yaitu etimologi dan terminologi. Dari segi etimologi qasam bermakna sumpah yang benar berbeda dengan kata half yang mengandung arti kebohongan sumpah dan ketidaksungguhan si pengucapnya. Secara terminologi, qasam adalah gaya bahasa dalam al-Qur’an yang menjelaskan makna sebuah ayat dengan cara penalaran indrawi yaitu pengalihan perhatian (lafitah dari sesuatu yang dapat dirasakan (hissi kepada sesuatu yang abstrak. 2 Bentuknya ada dua, yaitu sumpah dengan huruf wau al-qasam dan

  11. Application of Al-2La-1B Grain Refiner to Al-10Si-0.3Mg Casting Alloy (United States)

    Jing, Lijun; Pan, Ye; Lu, Tao; Li, Chenlin; Pi, Jinhong; Sheng, Ningyue


    This paper reports the application and microstructure refining effect of an Al-2La-1B grain refiner in Al-10Si-0.3Mg casting alloy. Compared with the traditional Al-5Ti-1B refiner, Al-2La-1B refiner shows better performances on the grain refinement of Al-10Si-0.3Mg alloy. Transmission electron microscopy analysis suggests that the crystallite structure features of LaB6 are beneficial to the heterogeneous nucleation of α-Al grains. Regarding the mechanical performances, tensile properties of Al-10Si-0.3Mg casting alloy are prominently improved, due to the refined microstructures.

  12. Theoretical analysis of compatibility of several reinforcement materials with NiAl and FeAl matrices (United States)

    Misra, Ajay K.


    Several potential reinforcement materials were assessed for their chemical, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), and mechanical compatibility with the intermetallic matrices based on NiAl and FeAl. Among the ceramic reinforcement materials, Al2O3, TiC, and TiB2, appear to be the optimum choices for NiAl and FeAl matrices. However, the problem of CTE mismatch with the matrix needs to be solved for these three reinforcement materials. Beryllium-rich intermetallic compounds can be considered as potential reinforcement materials provided suitable reaction barrier coatings can be developed for these. Based on preliminary thermodynamic calculations, Sc2O3 and TiC appear to be suitable as reaction barrier coatings for the beryllides. Several reaction barrier coatings are also suggested for the currently available SiC fibers.

  13. AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes grown on high-quality AlN template using MOVPE

    KAUST Repository

    Yan, Jianchang; Wang, Junxi; Zhang, Yun; Cong, Peipei; Sun, Lili; Tian, Yingdong; Zhao, Chao; Li, Jinmin


    In this article, we report the growth of high-quality AlN film using metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. Three layers of middle-temperature (MT) AlN were introduced during the high-temperature (HT) AlN growth. During the MT-AlN layer growth, aluminum and nitrogen sources were closed for 6 seconds after every 5-nm MT-AlN, while H2 carrier gas was always on. The threading dislocation density in an AlN epi-layer on a sapphire substrate was reduced by almost half. AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes were further fabricated based on the AlN/sapphire template. At 20 mA driving current, the emitted peak wavelength is 284.5 nm and the light output power exceeds 3 mW.

  14. AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes grown on high-quality AlN template using MOVPE

    KAUST Repository

    Yan, Jianchang


    In this article, we report the growth of high-quality AlN film using metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. Three layers of middle-temperature (MT) AlN were introduced during the high-temperature (HT) AlN growth. During the MT-AlN layer growth, aluminum and nitrogen sources were closed for 6 seconds after every 5-nm MT-AlN, while H2 carrier gas was always on. The threading dislocation density in an AlN epi-layer on a sapphire substrate was reduced by almost half. AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes were further fabricated based on the AlN/sapphire template. At 20 mA driving current, the emitted peak wavelength is 284.5 nm and the light output power exceeds 3 mW.

  15. Synthesis and characterization of high volume fraction Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite powders by high-energy milling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prabhu, B.; Suryanarayana, C.; An, L.; Vaidyanathan, R.


    Al-Al 2 O 3 metal matrix composite (MMC) powders with volume fractions of 20, 30, and 50% Al 2 O 3 were synthesized by high-energy milling of the blended component powders. The particle sizes of Al 2 O 3 studied were 50 nm, 150 nm, and 5 μm. A uniform distribution of the Al 2 O 3 reinforcement in the Al matrix was successfully obtained after milling the powders for a period of 20 h at a ball-to-powder ratio of 10:1 in a SPEX mill. The uniform distribution of Al 2 O 3 in the Al matrix was confirmed by characterizing these nanocomposite powders by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), X-ray mapping, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques

  16. Atomic-scale microstructures of Zr2Al3C4 and Zr3Al3C5 ceramics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Z.J.; Zhuo, M.J.; He, L.F.; Zhou, Y.C.; Li, M.S.; Wang, J.Y.


    The microstructures of bulk Zr 2 Al 3 C 4 and Zr 3 Al 3 C 5 ceramics have been investigated using transmission electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy. These two carbides were determined to have a point group 6/mmm and a space group P6 3 /mmc using selected-area electron diffraction and convergent beam electron diffraction. The atomic-scale microstructures of Zr 2 Al 3 C 4 and Zr 3 Al 3 C 5 were investigated through high-resolution imaging and Z-contrast imaging. Furthermore, intergrowth between Zr 2 Al 3 C 4 and Zr 3 Al 3 C 5 was identified. Stacking faults in Zr 3 Al 3 C 5 were found to result from the insertion of an additional Zr-C layer. Cubic ZrC was occasionally identified to be incorporated in elongated Zr 3 Al 3 C 5 grains. In addition, Al may induce a twinned ZrC structure and lead to the formation of ternary zirconium aluminum carbides

  17. Studies on the sedimentation and agglomeration behavior of Al-Ti-B and Al-Ti-C grain refiners

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gazanion, F.; Chen, X.G.; Dupuis, C. [Alcan International Ltd., Jonquiere, PQ (Canada). Arvida Research and Development Centre


    The sedimentation and agglomeration behavior of Al-Ti-B and Al-Ti-C grain refiners in liquid aluminum has been investigated using the LiMCA and PoDFA analysis techniques in combination with metallographic examination. The widely used Al-5%Ti-1%B and Al-3%Ti-0.15%C master alloys were chosen. Two aluminum alloys, an AAlxxx (commercially pure metal) and an AA5182 (Al-4.5%Mg) alloy, were prepared with different additions of grain refiners. The difference in particle behavior in liquid aluminum for both refiners is described and briefly analyzed in terms of sensitivity to agglomeration and grain refiner performance. Experimental results indicate that, in comparison with the Al-Ti-B refiner, the Al-Ti-C refiner is detrimentally affected by long holding periods due to the decomposition of TiC particles within the melt. (orig.)

  18. Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Neutron Irradiated Cold-worked Al-1050 and Al-6063 Alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Munitz, A.; Cotler, A; Talianker, M.


    The impact of neutron irradiation on the internal microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture morphology of cold-worked Al-1050 and Al-6063 alloys was studied, using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and tensile measurements. Specimens consisting of 50 mm long and 6 mm wide gauge sections, were punched out from Al-1050 and Al-6063 23% cold-worked tubes. They were exposed to prolonged neutron irradiation of up to 4.5x10 25 and 8x10 25 thermal neutrons/m 2 (E -3 s -1 . In general, the uniform and total elongation, the yield stress, and the ultimate tensile strength increase as functions of fluence. However, for Al-1050 a decrease in the ultimate tensile strength and yield stress was observed up to a fluence of 1x10 25 thermal neutrons/m 2 which then increase with thermal neutrons fluence. Metallographic examination and fractography for Al-6063 revealed a decrease in the local area reduction of the final fracture necking. This reduction is accompanied by a morphology transition from ductile transgranular shear rupture to a combination of transgranular shear with intergranular dimpled rupture. The intergranular rupture area increases with fluence. In contrast, for Al-1050, fracture morphology remains ductile transgranular shear rupture and the final local area reduction remains almost constant No voids could be observed in either alloy up to the maximum fluence. The dislocation density of cold-worked Al was found to decrease with the thermal neutron fluence. Prolonged annealing of unirradiated cold-worked Al-6063 at 52 degree led to similar results. Thus, it appears that, under our irradiation conditions, whereby the temperature encompassing the samples increases the exposure to this thermal field is the major factor influencing the mechanical properties and microstructure of aluminum alloys

  19. Effect of the heating rate on the microstructure of in situ Al2O3 particle-reinforced Al matrix composites prepared via displacement reactions in an Al/CuO system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Ge; Shi, Zhiming; Ta, Na; Ji, Guojun; Zhang, Ruiying


    Highlights: • The heating rate has a significant effect on the microstructures of composites. • The microstructure is determined by the diffusion rate of O and Cu in the heating stage. • The diffusion of Cu and O atoms is influenced by the heating rate. • With increasing heating rate, the Al 2 O 3 particle distribution becomes more uniformly. • With increasing heating rate, the form of Al 2 Cu changes from network to block-like. - Abstract: In this study, an in situ Al 2 O 3 particle-reinforced Al(Cu) matrix composite was successfully synthesized using a displacement reaction between Al and CuO powders. The powders were mixed at a weight ratio of 4:1 Al to CuO, cold-pressed and holding time at 900 °C for 1 h using varying heating rates. The effects of the heating rate on the microstructures of the composites were investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical microscopy (MO), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The results indicate that all of the composites contain Al, Al 2 O 3 particles and Al 2 Cu phases. Although the heating rate does not significantly affect the phase compositions of the composites, it has a significant effect on their microstructures, most likely because it strongly influences the diffusion rates of the Cu and O atoms. As the heating rate is increased, the Al 2 O 3 particles become more dispersed, and they have a more uniform particle size distribution. Meanwhile, the Al 2 Cu structure transforms from the network (Al + Al 2 Cu) eutectic to the block-like Al 2 Cu phase. The ∼2 μm Al 2 O 3 particles and the block-like Al 2 Cu phase are distributed uniformly in the Al matrix when the sample is placed directly into a 900 °C furnace. This sample has a relative higher Rockwell hardness B (HRB) value of 87

  20. Bulk-compositional changes of Ni2Al3 and NiAl3 during ion etching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Houwen; Wang Rong


    Bulk-compositional changes of Ni 2 Al 3 and NiAl 3 in a Ni-50 wt% Al alloy during ion etching have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic analyses. After etching with 7, 5 and 3 keV Ar + ions for 15, 24 and 100 h nickel contents in both Ni 2 Al 3 and NiAl 3 exceeded greatly those in the initial compounds and increased with the decrement of the sputtering energy. After 100 h etching with 3 keV Ar + ions the compositions of these two compounds reached a similar value, about Ni 80-83 Al 12-15 Fe 3-4 Cr 1-2 (at%). A synergistic action of preferential sputtering, radiation-induced segregation and radiation-enhanced diffusion enables the altered-layers at the top and bottom of the film extend through the whole film. The bulk-compositional changes are proposed to occur in the unsteady-state sputtering regime of ion etching and caused by an insufficient supply of matter in a thin film