
Sample records for peace organismo internacional

  1. La cooperación internacional entre los organismos electorales de América Latina

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    Luis Antonio Sobrado González


    Full Text Available Ensayo sobre la relación de cooperación internacional entre los órganos electorales de los países latinoamericanos y los órganos de cooperación internacionales y regionales que contribuyen a esta cooperación horizontal. El artículo inicia con una reseña breve de los antecedentes de los procesos electorales, desarrolla seguidamente las características generales de la cooperación internacional y los órganos de cooperación que coadyuvan a estas relaciones entre los organismos electorales de la región

  2. Momentos de transición. El organismo ruso y la intervención internacional

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    Maxine David


    Full Text Available Desde la anexión rusa de Crimea en Marzo de 2014 y el conflicto en curso en Ucrania, han proliferado las especulaciones sobre la posible dirección de la política exterior rusa y sus relaciones con Occidente. Relativamente pocos análisis hasta el momento han situado las acciones de Rusia en un contexto de debate más amplio sobre la intervención internacional y los valores posmodernos, que es lo que este artículo pretende conseguir. Apoyándonos en las ideas del Análisis de Política Exterior sobre los debates organismo-estructura, se argumenta que las acciones recientes de Rusia deben ser consideradas como una respuesta a la evolución a largo plazo de la intervención internacional. Además, se centra en la necesidad de reconocer el impacto de las unidades sobre las estructuras sistémicas y por lo tanto contribuye a la bibliografía sobre la relación organismo-estructura. El presente artículo sitúa la política exterior rusa en el contexto más amplio del pensamiento moderno versus el posmoderno, argumentando que el motor primordial de la política exterior rusa en la actualidad es asegurarse de que el sistema internacional que emerge tras las estructuras de la Guerra Fría es un sistema reformado, en el que Rusia tiene voz y en el que se establecen y se mantienen los principios fundamentales del derecho y del orden internacionales.


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    Florisbal de Souza Del’Olmo


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem por escopo estudar a questão da Propriedade Intelectual no cenário internacional, fazendo uma abordagem do histórico desse instituto jurídico e seus desdobramentos, sendo no estudo dos tratados internacionais e na criação dos organismos internacionais que visam dar guarida a esses direitos. A criação da OMPI (Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual foi um grande avanço, pois além de ser um órgão das Nações Unidas especializado na matéria, teve em seu principal objetivo disciplinar e proteger os direitos intelectuais. Consequentemente, com a dinamização do comércio em escala mundial e a intensificação das relações internacionais de cunho comercial, uma otimização dos órgãos competentes se fez necessária, haja vista a criação da OMC (Organização Mundial do Comérico em substituição do já ultrapassado GATT ( Acordo Geral de Tarifas e Comércio. Nesse sentido, também fora necessário a criação de um novo documento internacional sobre a propriedade intelectual, surge então o TRIPS (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, tendo como seus propósitos centrais a redução de distorções e obstáculos ao comércio internacional e assegurar o cumprimento das medidas e procedimentos de proteção a propriedade intelectual, e, inclusive o ter o propósito de amenizar as tenções entre os países ricos detentores das pesquisas no campo da biodiversidade e os países pobres detentores da biodiversidade.

  4. El Papel de los Organismos Supervisores de las Bolsas en el Proceso de Armonización Contable Internacional

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    Juan Luis Gandía Cabedo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo consiste en poner de manifiesto el papel que en los últimos años están desempeñando los organismos supervisores de los mercados de valores en el proceso de armonización contable internacional. Así, las mayores necesidades de financiación de ciertas empresas que podríamos denominar "transnacionales" y la creciente globalización del negocio bursátil, acrecientan el interés de los mercados de capitales porque las sociedades cotizadas depositen información financiera que sea comparable para sus usuarios internacionales. En este sentido, analizamos la viabilidad del acuerdo suscrito entre la 10SCO y el IASC en julio de 1995, teniendo en cuenta la estrategia propia adoptada por los mercados de capitales estadounidenses y el papel que como organismo normalizador desempeña en aquel país el FASB. Todo ello supone cambios sustanciales en el futuro de la armonización contable internacional. The purpose of this article is to analyze the role player by supervisory organizations of the stock markets in the process of international accounting harmonization. Thus, the increasing needs for financing experience by international corporations and the growing globalization of the stock market, increase the inte¬rest of the capital markets because the companies listing deposit financial information that it will be comparable for their international users. In this sense, we analyze the viability of the agreement subscribed among the IOSCO and the IASC in July of 1995, taking into account the own strategy adopted by American stock markets and the paper that as standard organization performs in that country the FASE. All this supposes changes essential in the future of the international accounting harmonization.

  5. The Texts of the Agency's Agreements with the United Nations; Texto de los Acuerdos Concertados Entre el Organismo y las Naciones Unidas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The texts of the following agreements and supplementary agreements between the Agency and the United Nations are reproduced in this document for the information of all Members of the Agency: I. A. Agreement Governing the Relationship Between the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency; B. Protocol Concerning the Entry into Force of the Agreement between the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency; II. Administrative Arrangement Concerning the Use of the United Nations Laissez-Passer by Officials of the International Atomic Energy Agency; and III. Agreement for the Admission of the International Atomic Energy Agency into the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund [Spanish] En este documento se reproduce, para conocimiento de todos los Estados Miembros del Organismo, el texto de los acuerdos que a continuacion se indican, concertados entre el Organismo y las Naciones Unidas, asi como el del protocolo relativo a uno de ellos: A. Acuerdo sobre las Relaciones entre las Naciones Unidas y el Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica; B. Protocolo relativo a la entrada en vigor del Acuerdo entre las Naciones Unidas y el Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica; II. Acuerdo administrativo relativo al uso del laissez-passer de las Naciones Unidas por los funcionarios del Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica; III. Acuerdo sobre la admision del Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica en la Caja Comun de Pensiones del Personal de las Naciones Unidas.

  6. Cooperações técnicas bilaterais de saúde entre Brasil e organismos internacionais

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    Mateus Aparecido de Faria


    Full Text Available A cooperação internacional é a expressão de solidariedade entre as nações, segundo o Ministério da Saúde brasileiro; baseada no respeito mútuo, onde as nações e instituições compartilham de experiências e conhecimentos acumulados a fim de resolver problemas de um ou mais envolvidos, a cooperação se dá de diversas formas: judiciária, econômica, técnica, entre países em desenvolvimento, bilateralmente, multilateralmente, entre países e organizações etc. Verificando a necessidade de produção científica em língua portuguesa sobre os organismos internacionais que atuam na área de saúde no Brasil e a importância do conhecimento sobre esses organismos para o planejamento das ações nas áreas da saúde, o presente texto apresenta um panorama das cooperações técnicas de saúde entre Brasil e seis organismos internacionais: Movimento de Saúde dos Povos, Fundação Bill e Melinda Gates, Fundo Monetário Internacional, Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, Fundação Rockfeller e Organização Pan-americana de Saúde. Aborda-se brevemente a história do organismo, o momento de chegada no Brasil e os principais projetos de cooperação realizados entre essas entidades e o país. Também é analisado, quando significativo, o impacto de tais cooperações no cenário sociopolítico brasileiro. Apesar de ainda ser, muito comumente, praticada de forma vertical e sobreposta à cultura local, a cooperação técnica em saúde é importante no tocante à superação das fragilidades dos sistemas nacionais de saúde e, especificamente no Brasil, no fortalecimento de um sistema verdadeiramente único de saúde (SvUS – único em suas políticas e no respeito à diversidade.

  7. El derecho internacional del medio ambiente y el principio de precaución: una atención a los organismos vivos modificados (OVM

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    Carlos Ignacio González Arruti


    Full Text Available Uno de los mayores retos que afronta la humanidad en este siglo es el de lograr un crecimiento económico mundial sostenido que garantice la protección y conservación del medio ambiente y la seguridad alimentaria para las generaciones futuras. los problemas ambientales han dejado de ser un campo de construcción teórico, para convertirse en un referente de fenómeno real perceptible por sectores que resultan afectados en diversos intereses. el comercio de alimentos seguros y saludables es esencial tanto para empresarios como para autoridades y consumidores en todo el mundo. en la elaboración de las políticas alimentarias los estados deben asegurar un nivel de protección de la salud y vida de las personas, además de los intereses sociales y económicos, ya sea a nivel internacional o nacional. en este artículo analizaremos la función del principio de precaución en el ámbito de la diversidad biológica, poniendo especial énfasis en la regulación de los organismos vivos modificados.

  8. Los organismos internacionales frente al trabajo infantil y juvenil: Aportes para un análisis de sus discursos y propuestas

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    María Laura Peiró


    Full Text Available El artículo recupera y analiza las visiones que organismos internacionales como la Organización de las Naciones Unidas y la Organización Internacional del Trabajo construyen en torno de dos fenómenos : el trabajo infantil y el trabajo juvenil. La importancia de focalizar en los discursos de estos organismos reside en que contribuyen a conformar los enfoques desde los cuales a nivel gubernamental se abordan tales problemáticas. En este marco, el presente artículo se propone revisar qué diagnósticos construyen sobre estos fenómenos, desde qué matrices conceptuales los analizan y qué propuestas de políticas desarrollan. Para ello se utiliza como estrategia metodológica el análisis documental : se utilizan como fuentes una serie de documentos oficiales publicados por los organismos en los últimos quince años

  9. Diseño institucional y organismos electorales: la reforma electoral constarricense de 2009 en perspectiva comparada


    Picado León, Hugo


    [ES] Esta tesis analiza la reforma electoral costarricense de 2009 en perspectiva comparada, tomando en cuenta la relación de los organismos electorales con los procesos de rediseño institucional y su papel como canales para la difusión y convergencia internacional de políticas legislativas. El trabajo pretende contribuir a la comprensión de los procesos de reforma institucional, en general, así como de la gobernanza electoral, en particular. Ello a partir del análisis del t...

  10. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency; Acuerdo sobre privilegios e inmunidades del Organismo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the text of which is reproduced herein, was approved by the Board of Governors on 1 July 1959. As required by section 38, the Director General has transmitted a certified copy of the Agreement to the Government of each Member of the Agency, and will transmit such a copy to the Government of every State that becomes a Member hereafter [Spanish] El Acuerdo sobre Privilegios e Inmunidades del Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica, cuyo texto se reproduce en este documento, fue aprobado por la Junta de Gobernadores el dia 1 de julio de 1959. Como se dispone en la seccion 38, el Director General ha remitido copias certificadas del Acuerdo a cada uno de los Estados que son Miembros del Organismo, y se las remitira a todos los Estados que pasen a serlo en lo sucesivo.

  11. Momentos de transición. El organismo ruso y la intervención internacional


    Maxine David


    Desde la anexión rusa de Crimea en Marzo de 2014 y el conflicto en curso en Ucrania, han proliferado las especulaciones sobre la posible dirección de la política exterior rusa y sus relaciones con Occidente. Relativamente pocos análisis hasta el momento han situado las acciones de Rusia en un contexto de debate más amplio sobre la intervención internacional y los valores posmodernos, que es lo que este artículo pretende conseguir. Apoyándonos en las ideas del Análisis de Política Exterior sob...


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    Alexandre Bota Arqué


    Full Text Available La modificación genética de organismos vivos ha generado interrogantes éticos de difícil solución. La búsqueda de marcos conceptuales lleva a plantear si ha habido una modificación del estatuto ontológico de los organismos alterados por la biotecnología. Este artículo realiza una aproximación al organismo biotecnológico a partir del pensamiento de los filósofos José Ortega y Gasset y Xavier Zubiri acerca del hombre y de la técnica, conceptualizando el objeto artificial biotecnológico como "organismo artificial", con la particularidad de ser el primer objeto producido por el hombre que se reproduce independientementeA modificação genética de organismos vivos gerou interrogativos éticos de difícil solução. A busca de marcos conceituais leva a questionar se ocorreu uma modificação do estatuto ontológico dos organismos modificados pela biotecnologia. Este artigo realiza uma aproximação ao organismo biotecnológico a partir do pensamento dos filósofos José Ortega y Gasset e Xavier Zubiri a respeito do homem e da técnica. Conceptualiza o objeto artificial biotecnológico como um "organismo artificial", com a particularidade de ser o primeiro objeto produzido pelo homem que se reproduz independentementeThe possibility of genetic modification of living organisms has generated ethical questions of difficult solution. The searching for conceptual frames has put into question whether the ontological status of organisms altered by biotechnology has been changed. This paper approaches the biotechnological organism following the thinking of philosophers Ortega y Gasset and Xavier Zubiri, based on their view on anthropology and technology conceptualizing the biotechnological artificial object as an "artificial organism" with the particularity that it is the first object produced by human beings which reproduces independently

  13. Colombia frente a la coyuntura financiera internacional

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    Fernando E. Suescún M.


    Full Text Available Las perspectivas de la economía colombiana y en particular su situación fiscal y cambiaria se analizan a la luz de las políticas sugeridas por el Consenso de Washington (ajuste fiscal, privatización y apertura y las críticas a este enfoque realizadas por el premio Nobel, Joseph Stiglitz. A partir de la experiencia de los países del sudeste asiático y su respuesta exitosa a la crisis financiera internacional, las políticas de austeridad fiscal y apertura a los mercados externos ganan credibilidad ante los organismos financieros internacionales. Sin embargo, los casos de Argentina y Brasil minan las bases de esta confianza. Argentina enfrenta una situación caótica, con una devaluación del 250% y restricciones a las operaciones comerciales. También Brasil presenta un alto riesgo de cri- sis, a pesar del apoyo recibido por el FMI. ...

  14. La importancia de los organismos electorales

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    Carlos Alberto Urruty Navatta


    Full Text Available Estudia la importancia de los organismos electorales en la consolidación de la democracia como sistema político. Puntualiza que toda elección debe estar precedida de un marco regulatorio de jerarquía constitucional o legal que establezca las reglas de juego del acto electoral. El establecimiento de ese marco regulatorio excede la potestad reglamentaria que debe otorgarse al organismo electoral que prepara el acto eleccionario y la competencia del órgano que debe juzgarla.

  15. Convergencia de los US GAAP con las NIIF del IASB


    Piña Garau, Catalina


    En la presente tesis, se revisa la problemática conceptual e institucional de la convergencia contable, especialmente en referencia a los organismos llamados a representar un rol más activo en la escena contable internacional, es decir, el organismo regulador internacional IASB (International Accounting Standards Board), el organismo regulador en los Estados Unidos, la FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) y el organismo supervisor del mercado de capitales en Estados Unidos, la SEC (Sec...

  16. Co-operation Agreement. The Text of the Agreement of 25 May 1998 between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials; Acuerdo de Cooperacion. Texto del Acuerdo de 25 de Mayo de 1998 entre el Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica y la Agencia Brasileno-Argentina de Contabilidad y Control de Materiales Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The text of the Co-operation Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials is reproduced herein for the information of all Members. The Agreement entered into force on 25 May 1998, pursuant to Article 8 [Spanish] El texto del Acuerdo de Cooperacion entre el Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica y la Agencia Brasileno-Argentina de Contabilidad y Control de Materiales Nucleares se reproduce en el presente documento para informacion de todos los Miembros. El Acuerdo entro en vigor el 25 de mayo de 1998 en conformidad con lo dispuesto en el articulo 8.

  17. A Cooperação Triangular e as Transformações da Cooperação Internacional para o Desenvolvimento


    Bruno Ayllón Pino


    Nas últimas décadas, a Cooperação Internacional para o Desenvolvimento (CID) tem experimentado modalidades alternativas de execução, integrando países desenvolvidos, países em desenvolvimento e organismos multilaterais em formatos triangulares. Em um contexto de crise econômica, as limitações da CID para promover o desenvolvimento, somadas às dúvidas sobre o cumprimento dos compromissos financeiros dos doadores da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE), propiciaram o...

  18. Alcance jurídico fiscal del establecimiento permanente de empresas extranjeras en los convenios de doble imposición internacional


    Bermeo Córdova, Carmen Lucía


    Los convenios de doble imposición internacional surgen ante la necesidad de regular aquellas situaciones en las que dos potestades fiscales ejercen su facultad tributaria gravando la actividad de un mismo sujeto pasivo y dentro de un mismo período. Este fenómeno, más allá de crear un conflicto entre los Estados, constituye un obstáculo para el libre intercambio de bienes y servicios, por lo que ha sido motivo de análisis y discusión de organismos internacionales y regionales, entre ellos, la ...

  19. OCM: Organismos Culturalmente Modificados

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    Gaetano Chiurazzi


    Full Text Available Con la palabra “biotecnología” podemos entender una tecnología que modifica la vida en el sentido de zoé o de bios. Mientras en el primer caso hablamos de OGM (Organismos Genéticamente Modificados, en el segundo sería más indicado hablar de OCM (Organismos Culturalmente Modificados. En este texto me propongo examinar el significado de esta intervención tecnológica sobre la vida, partiendo de que el hombre es un animal intrínsecamente cultural, que modifica con la tecnología el ambiente circundante y por lo tanto a sí mismo. Los conceptos que intervienen en la definición del hombre como OCM son el de “mundo” (siguiendo a Heidegger y el de “espíritu objetivo” (deducido por Hegel. En la parte final presento una confrontación con la teoría de la mente extendida de Clark y Chalmers, proponiendo una tesis diferente, la “mente concreta”

  20. O Papel da ONU e do Banco Mundial na Consolidação do Campo Internacional de Desenvolvimento

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    Fernanda Cimini Salles


    Full Text Available ResumoO artigo tem por objetivo resgatar o processo histórico de construção do modus operandi das práticas de desenvolvimento, destacando o papel das organizações internacionais nesse processo e como elas mobilizavam seus recursos tangíveis e intangíveis para a conformação de uma agenda legítima de intervenção social. A análise terá como foco as dinâmicas políticas que sucederam a Comissão Pearson, conferência internacional realizada em 1969, que teve como objetivo repensar e propor diretrizes internacionais para o desenvolvimento. O ponto crítico deste momento será o reconhecimento, por parte do Banco Mundial e da ONU, de que a cooperação internacional para o desenvolvimento mobilizava diferentes projetos de coordenação societária que tinham como pano de fundo o problema da desigualdade internacional. A partir da análise dos documentos e discursos da época, é possível perceber que, embora a ONU e o Banco Mundial compartilhassem a percepção de que a ajuda internacional ainda teria um papel a cumprir, esses organismos ofereciam agendas distintas para solucionar o problema do subdesenvolvimento. Com isso, buscar-se-á identificar o projeto que sai vitorioso desse embate e nos fornece elementos para a compreensão da sobrevivência e ampliação da agenda de desenvolvimento no pós-Guerra Fria.

  1. Agreement of 30 January 1992 between the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons; Acuerdo De 30 De Enero De 1992 Entre El Gobierno De La Republica Popular Democratica De Corea Y El Organismo Internacional De Enercia Atomica Para La Aplicacion De Salvaguardias En Relacion Con El Tratado Sobre La No Proliferacion De Las Armas Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The text of the Agreement between the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. The Agreement was approved by the Agency's Board of Governors on 12 September 1991 and signed in Vienna on 30 January 1992. The Agreement entered into force, pursuant to Article 25, on 10 April 1992 [Spanish] El texto del Acuerdo entre el Gobierno de la Republica Popular Democratic-a de Corea y el Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica para la aplica cion de salvaguardias en relacion con el Tratado sobre la no proliferacion de las armas nuclearese reproduce en este documento para informacion de to dos los Estados Miembros. El Acuerdo fue aprobado por la Junta de Gobernado res del Organismo el 12 de septiembre de 1991 y firmado en Viena el 30 de ene ro de 1992.

  2. Rethinking Peace, Peace Research and Peacebuilding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Goetschel, Laurent; Hagmann, Tobias


    We develop our argument in five steps. The first section retraces the evolving interaction between peace research and politics. It recalls some of the central features of critical peace research as well as the articulation between norms and causal assumptions. The second and third sections expound...... what we call the bureaucratisation of positive peace by governments and NGOs at both the institutional and ideational levels. We draw attention to how peacebuilding has been institutionalized in diplomatic and aid organizations and how it propagates a set of received wisdoms about peace. In the fourth...... section we problematize a number of paradoxes of state sponsored peacebuilding from the viewpoint of critical peace research. Finally, we offer a number of concluding observations on the role of peace researchers and some suggestions how a tradition of critical peace research could be reinvigorated...

  3. Peace as an event, peace as utopia: a re-imagining of peace and its implications for peace education and development


    Horner, L.K


    This paper aims to provide a new approach to peace in order to contribute to a theoretically informed approach to peace education and development practice. Arguing that liberal peace can be counter-productive and can actually betray peace, I offer an alternative approach in order to contribute to thinking on peace for educators and development practitioners. Introducing the theory of peace that I developed in my recent Ph.D., I explore how utopian and post-structural theory conceptualises pea...

  4. Challenges of Managing and Planning Peace Education and Peace ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper examined the challenges of managing and planning peace education and peace culture in Nigeria's educational system. Its presents contemporary definitions of peace education and peace culture as well as highlighted the importance of peace education and peace culture in achieving the national goals and ...

  5. The culture of peace and peace education (United States)

    Năstase, Adrian


    In the present world situation, there is an urgent need for new strategies of peace based on the common fundamental interest of mankind, rejecting the use of force, and aimed at creating a new world order. Recognising the close interrelationship between culture and peace, and the extension of international interdependencies in reducing economic disparities, emphasis must be given to developing positive attitudes to peace in the minds of all men: a qualitative change in thinking has to occur before international security can be ensured without resort to military alliances and nuclear deterrence. The dangers inherent in the arms race require that education for disarmament be an integral part of peace education. Likewise, the connections between peace and other international objectives such as development and human rights, need to be stressed. Peace education should lead not only to a greater awareness of problems but also to a sense of responsibility and an active involvement in efforts towards promoting equal rights, economic and social development, and mutual respect and understanding among nations. The power of informed public opinion, internationally, in influencing governments towards peace and disarmament should not be underestimated; therefore, greater attention in peace education needs to be given to identifying and overcoming the structural, conceptual and cultural obstacles to peace. What is being undertaken in Romania, especially amongst young people, by way of education and action for peace, reflects a coherent policy, comprises a powerful and effective educational whole, and is contributing towards the building up of an international `constituency' of peace and disarmament.

  6. The Texts of the Agency's Relationship Agreements with Specialized Agencies; Texto de los Acuerdos de Relacignes del Organismo con los Organismos Especializados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The texts of the relationship agreements which the Agency has concluded with the specialized agencies listed below, together with the respective protocols authenticating them, are reproduced in this document in the order which the agreements entered into force, for the information of all Members of the Agency [Spanish] Para conocimiento de todos los Estados Miembros del Organismo, en este documento se reproducen, en el orden en que entraron en vigor, los textos de los acuerdos de relaciones que el OIEA ha concertado con los organismos especializados que a continuacion se enumeran, junto con los respectivos protocolos que les confieren autenticidad.

  7. A política externa cubana nos anos 90: condicionantes internos e inserção internacional

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    Marcos Antonio da Silva


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho analisa a política externa cubana nos anos 90, depois do colapso do bloco soviético, que conduziu o país a mais grave crise econômica de sua história recente e a um relativo isolamento internacional, elementos que foram determinantes para sua reinserção internacional. A partir disto aponta que sua reinserção internacional se fundamenta na afirmação da soberania nacional, na ampliação dos atores envolvidos na formulação e execução de tal política, na busca de novos parceiros que conduziu a uma inserção pendular no cenário internacional e no desenvolvimento da diplomacia social. A pesquisa foi realizada através de levantamento e análise bibliográfica, bem como de dados indicativos da situação econômica do país e de sua inserção internacional, combinando elementos de análise quantitaviva com a qualitativa. A hipótese inicial fundamenta-se na reorientação da política externa cubana, com o fim do bloco soviético, e na sua reinserção, embora tensa, no cenário internacional determinadas pela crise interna e pelo novo contexto internacional. O levantamento de dados foi possível através de pesquisas in loco e em portais e publicações de organismos como a CEPAL (Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e ONEI (Oficina Nacional de Estadistica y Informaciones, assim como de autores dedicados ao tema. Através de análise crítica e comparativa de tais dados e informações estabelece as variáveis fundamentais e os elementos que permitem a compreensão da política externa cubana no período mencionado. Tal trabalho demonstra que a política externa cubana foi resultado da interação entre os fatores domésticos, a crise econômica e social que o país enfrentou, e de fatores internacionais. Além disto, aponta que ocorreu uma reorientação da política externa cubana com o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias e parcerias para sua reinserção internacional. Finalmente, demonstra que tal

  8. Museums for Peace: Agents and Instruments of Peace Education (United States)

    Tamashiro, Roy; Furnari, Ellen


    Although museums for peace claim peace education to be a primary mission, their definitions of "peace" and their aims and practices for peace education vary widely. In this article, we draw from the field of critical museology and the knowledge construction perspective to understand the role of museums for peace in the service of peace…

  9. Responsabilidad internacional del individuo y responsabilidad internacional del Estado: Encuentros y desencuentros en torno a la figura de los `crímenes de derecho internacional´


    Chinchón Álvarez, Javier


    Lo que nos va a ocupar en la presente contribución es la necesidad de una clara distinción entre lo propio de la responsabilidad internacional del Estado y lo relativo a la responsabilidad internacional del individuo; en un ámbito singular como es el de los conocidos como "crímenes de derecho internacional". Cuestión que, a nadie escapa, tiene unas implicaciones esenciales para no naufragar en los procelosos mares del Derecho internacional contemporáneo

  10. Conferencia Internacional Informática, Educación y Salud en la Sociedad del Conocimiento

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    Fepafem- ANM – Colciencias


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    La Federación Panamericana de Asociaciones de Facultades (Escuelas de Medicina, FEPAFEM, propuso a la Academia Nacional de Medicina y a COLCIENCIAS la realización de un evento para tratar temas que son motivo de preocupación contemporánea. En desarrollo de la alianza estratégica entre FEPAFEM y la Academia Nacional de Medicina, se acordó realizar una Conferencia Internacional titulada Informática, Educación y Salud en la Sociedad del Conocimiento, la cual tendrá lugar en la Academia Nacional de Medicina con los auspicios de COLCIENCIAS en los días Julio 22 a 24 de 1999.

    La Conferencia Internacional cubrirá cinco temas principales:

    Sistemas complejos, complejidad y caos en los organismos biológicos y en la organización social.
    Educación médica. Sistemas de acreditación.
    Informática, educación y salud: su impacto en la ciencia, la medicina y la sociedad.
    La universidad, la educación superior y los nuevos métodos de comunicación. La universalización de la universidad. Educación vs. capacitación.
    Ley 100: reforma y crisis de la salud en Colombia. La medicina en la era de la atención gerenciada de la salud. Impacto de la reforma de la seguridad social sobre la medicina como ciencia y como profesión.
    Los temas principales de la Conferencia Internacional, que aparecen más detallados a continuación, serán presentados a través de confe-rencias y páneles, y serán luego discutidos en Páneles Virtuales en Internet bajo la coordinación de FEPAFEM...

  11. Peace Education in Secondary Schools: A Strategic Tool for Peace Building and Peace Culture in Nigeria (United States)

    Ubogu, Rowell


    The paper discusses Peace Education as Strategic Tool for Peace Building and Peace Culture in Nigeria. This was prompted by the inherent incompatibility between the objectives of individuals, ethnic/social groups in Nigeria. The research question addresses Normative and Ethical issues regarding peace, the absence of violence/hostility and its…

  12. Language of Peace in the Peaceful Classroom (United States)

    Stomfay-Stitz, Aline; Wheeler, Edyth


    For the past 30 years, peace educators have drawn attention to the vital role of language--the caring, creative words that describe and enhance peace. The language of peace has evolved through several stages of growth and complexity. It also offers a heritage of caring and acceptance for all children who enter through educators' classroom doors.…

  13. Participación de México en el comercio internacional

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    Manuel Vázquez Sandoval


    Full Text Available México es una de las trece economías más importantes en el comercio internacional. Exporta productos a los cinco continentes, aunque con la gran concentración en el continente americano y particularmente en Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, mercado al que en el año de 200 se destinó 89% de las ventas nacionales. La ubicación geográfica, colindante con la economía más poderosa del país consumidor número uno en el mundo, ha limitado las posibilidades y necesidades de diversificación. A Europa, segundo continente en importancia para los productos mexicanos, solo se le vende 3.90% de las exportaciones. En cuanto a productos, se ha disminuido la dependencia del petróleo y otros productos primarios y han crecido las exportaciones de manufactureras, como automóviles, equipos electrónicos y productos químicos. Por otro lado, la apertura comercial de México, manifestada con la pertenencia a organismos internacionales como la OMC, OCDE y APEC, así como la firma de múltiples tratados comerciales, no ha servido para equilibrar el comercio.

  14. Alimentos Transgénicos : Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (OGM)


    Martín López, Jimena


    Los alimentos transgénicos son aquellos que proceden de un organismo modificado genéticamente. La introducción de este tipo de productos en nuestra dieta es un tema que genera controversia ya que en muchos casos no se conoce con exactitud los efectos que esta modificación puede tener en el ser humano. A lo largo de las páginas de este trabajo se explica la historia de la aparición de estos organismos gracias a procedimientos de ingeniería genética, en los que se modifican fragmentos de su ADN...

  15. Argentina y su inserción internacional en un período de recuperación. Los principales cursos de acción de la política exterior del gobierno de Kirchner

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    Miguel Agustín Torres


    Full Text Available La presidencia de Duhalde había logrado contener los efectos inmediatos de la crisis de 2001 y, en consecuencia, había restaurado condiciones de estabilidad necesarias para asegurar la transición presidencial. Sin embargo, al empezar la gestión de Kirchner, aún carecían de resolución una serie de cuestiones que anticipaban aspectos de su agenda internacional y condicionaban su accionar externo. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en caracterizar la inserción internacional de Argentina durante la presidencia de Kirchner. Se sostiene en este aporte que la política exterior de administración se caracterizó por: i una posición moderada en la relación con Estados Unidos; ii una perspectiva política de la región; iii la promoción internacional de los avances domésticos en derechos humanos; y iv una posición, en el problema de la deuda, que combinó la crítica retórica contra los organismos multilaterales de crédito con el cumplimiento de los compromisos financieros importantes.

  16. La Normalización Nacional e Internacional de cementos

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    Soria Santamaría, Francisco


    Full Text Available A brief exposition of the situation and tendencies of the cement industry to contemplate its incidence in the development of norms of the conglomerates. Comments are made on the historical development of the norms of cements in Spain and the present situation of the national norms at a world level. Justifying the necessity of an international norm, the participation of ISO and other Bodies is required, emphasizing the requirement of work to be carried out by the Committee TC/51 of the CEN (European Committee of Standardization, in order to achieve a European standard on cements.

    Se hace una breve exposición de la situación y tendencias de la industria cementera para contemplar su incidencia en el desarrollo de la normativa de los conglomerantes. Se comenta el desarrollo histórico de la normativa de cementos en España y la situación actual de las normas nacionales a nivel mundial. Justificada la necesidad de una normativa internacional, se cita la participación de ISO y otros Organismos, destacando y precisando la labor llevada a cabo por el Comité TC/51 del CEN (Comité Europeo de Normalización, para conseguir una norma europea sobre cementos.

  17. Análisis de la influencia de los organismos adscritos a la organización de naciones unidas (UNICEF- ECPAT) en la solución de la problemática de la trata de niños en el sudeste asiático continental. periodo 2000-2010


    Granada Brito, Juliana


    La trata de niños es un fenómeno cada vez más relevante en el sistema internacional y ha generado importantes esfuerzos de cooperación de agencias internacionales como UNICEF y ECPAT. En ese sentido, ambos organismos han enfocado su actividad en las regiones donde se han registrado los mayores índices de violación de los Derechos Humanos. Este Estudio de Caso se ha centrado en el Sudeste Asiático continental conformado por Tailandia, Laos, Camboya, Vietnam, Singapur, Myanmar y Malasia; con ...

  18. Tan lejos de dios y tan cerca del New York times. Los grandes medios y el conflicto internacional

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    Clemencia Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En un mundo tan complejo, los medios de comunicación son las fuentes de información fundamentales. La calidad de la información que éstos nos ofrecen va a determinar nuestra visión del mundo. Sin embargo, los medios de comunicación siguen siendo banalizados y mal entendidos. Tampoco existen organismos que fiscalicen la calidad de la información internacional. Cuando se piensa en cómo prevenir o solucionar una crisis, rara vez se toma en cuenta la calidad de la información y el cubrimiento de los medios. Pero es fundamental que cambiemos esta concepción. Sólo con base en una sólida visión del conflicto desde la economía política y desde la historia pueden evitarse las interpretaciones culturales facilistas.

  19. Algunas reflexiones sobre la clasificación de los organismos vivos


    Medina,Rita Daniela Fernández


    Clasificar es una manera de organizar la información que puede ser definida como una actividad donde diferentes objetos, conceptos o seres son asignados a categorías según algún criterio. Los criterios de clasificación de los organismos vivos han mudado a lo largo del tiempo. En el presente trabajo, a partir de un recorrido histórico se presentan las diferentes formas que han existido de clasificar a los organismos vivos. Se presentan también algunas discusiones existentes en relación a la fo...

  20. Peace and Conflict in Zimbabwe – A Call for Peace Education (A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Developments in peace studies and peace theory have resulted in two conceptualizations of peace, notably, 'negative / cold' peace and 'positive / hot / stable' peace, respectively. It can be surmised that situations and conditions in most countries internationally and Zimbabwe in particular, seem consistent with negative ...

  1. Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional

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    Carrillo Salcedo, Juan Antonio


    Full Text Available Not available

    La aparición de un nuevo consenso internacional en torno a las nociones de derechos humanos y democracia, como valores generalmente aceptados por la comunidad de naciones en su conjunto, y la afirmación de que el ser humano es titular de derechos propios, oponibles jurídicamente a todos los Estados, constituyen extraordinarias innovaciones que hacen que, a diferencia del Derecho internacional clásico, la persona no pueda seguir siendo considerada como un mero objeto del Derecho internacional.

  2. Mercadotecnia internacional: instrumento para el comercio global

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    Elizabeth Guadalupe Ramírez Moreno


    Full Text Available La investigación tiene por objeto analizar la mercadotecnia internacional y sus contribuciones al comercio internacional. En muchas empresas toman la decisión de expandir su producción hacia otro u otros países. Así mismo sin embargo hay factores que se deben de tomar en cuenta antes de competir en un mercado hacia el extranjero. Todos los temas referentes del marketing internacional se han expandido en su ámbito internacional.

  3. La protección internacional del medio ambiente


    Bou Franch, Valentín


    PowerPoint del Tema 14 de la asignatura "Derecho Internacional Público". Curso 2017-18. Tema 14. La protección internacional del medio ambiente: 1.- El Derecho Internacional del Medio Ambiente: caracteres específicos. 2.- Principios fundamentales del Derecho Internacional del Medio Ambiente. 3.- Medio ambiente y Desarrollo: el Desarrollo Sostenible.

  4. Analyzing Peace Pedagogies (United States)

    Haavelsrud, Magnus; Stenberg, Oddbjorn


    Eleven articles on peace education published in the first volume of the Journal of Peace Education are analyzed. This selection comprises peace education programs that have been planned or carried out in different contexts. In analyzing peace pedagogies as proposed in the 11 contributions, we have chosen network analysis as our method--enabling…

  5. Building a Peaceful Society: Creative Integration of Peace Education. Peace Education (United States)

    Finley, Laura


    To truly move toward a more peaceful society, it is imperative that peace education better address structural and institutional violence. This requires that it be integrated into institutions outside of schools and universities. Doing so will be challenging, as many of these institutions are structured on domination and control, not on partnership…

  6. Virtual Peace Education (United States)

    Firer, Ruth


    This article is based on the convictions that peace education is the basis for any sustainable non-violent relations between parties in a conflict, and that virtual peace education is almost the only feasible way to practise peace education in an open violent conflict as is the current Israeli/Palestinians one. Moreover, virtual peace education…


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    Mesa de derechos humanos y protección humanitaria del Oriente Antioqueño


    Full Text Available El presente informe sobre la situación de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario en el Oriente del Departamento de Antioquia (Colombia es el producto del trabajo de la Mesa de Derechos Humanos y Protección Humanitaria del Oriente Antioqueño. Acompañados en la fundamentación y presentación por el equipo de profesionales de los proyectos Unidad Móvil de Derechos Humanos y Observatorio de Paz del Oriente Antioqueño, como apoyo técnico y en terreno a su labor. Se promueve como evidencia del compromiso de la Mesa en la defensa y promoción de los Derechos Humanos y de su fortalecimiento como escenario de articulación interinstitucional. Confluyen en ella organismos de carácter gubernamental y ciudadano de orden local, departamental e internacional querealizan el seguimiento a una de las crisis humanitarias de mayor dimensión en la geografía nacional a través de actividades como sesiones permanentes de observación y análisis a la situación social y política de la región, jornadas de acompañamiento a comunidades vulneradas o en riesgo, seguimiento en situaciones de emergencia mediante misiones a terreno, asesoría jurídica a las víctimas y fortalecimiento a la institucionalidad pública.

  8. Nobel peace speech

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    Joshua FRYE


    Full Text Available The Nobel Peace Prize has long been considered the premier peace prize in the world. According to Geir Lundestad, Secretary of the Nobel Committee, of the 300 some peace prizes awarded worldwide, “none is in any way as well known and as highly respected as the Nobel Peace Prize” (Lundestad, 2001. Nobel peace speech is a unique and significant international site of public discourse committed to articulating the universal grammar of peace. Spanning over 100 years of sociopolitical history on the world stage, Nobel Peace Laureates richly represent an important cross-section of domestic and international issues increasingly germane to many publics. Communication scholars’ interest in this rhetorical genre has increased in the past decade. Yet, the norm has been to analyze a single speech artifact from a prestigious or controversial winner rather than examine the collection of speeches for generic commonalities of import. In this essay, we analyze the discourse of Nobel peace speech inductively and argue that the organizing principle of the Nobel peace speech genre is the repetitive form of normative liberal principles and values that function as rhetorical topoi. These topoi include freedom and justice and appeal to the inviolable, inborn right of human beings to exercise certain political and civil liberties and the expectation of equality of protection from totalitarian and tyrannical abuses. The significance of this essay to contemporary communication theory is to expand our theoretical understanding of rhetoric’s role in the maintenance and development of an international and cross-cultural vocabulary for the grammar of peace.

  9. International education for peace in higher education : promoting cultures of peace in Japan


    中村, 耕二; Koji, Nakamura


    The kernel of international education is to create peace-loving citizens capable of participating in building a peaceful and sustainable society. Integrated and systematic education for peace can achieve a shared culture of peace. In the new millennium, as the world has become increasingly interdependent and interactive, peace education seeks to harness the power and intellect of future generations in the hope of building a sustainable culture of peace together. International education for pe...

  10. Contenido y alcance del derecho a la educación en el ámbito internacional

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    Alfonso Chacón Mata


    Full Text Available El derecho a la educación en el orden internacional ha tendido, desde mediados del siglo pasado, a ser una materia susceptible de tutelar debido a su creciente interés y necesidad. En el ámbito del sistema de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas se han diseñado pactos o tratados capaces de ser ratificados por todos los Estados miembros de la comunidad internacional, en los que se protege el derecho a la educación, señalando obligaciones positivas o de hacer, concretizar; ejecutar determinadas políticas para los Estados suscriptores. Asimismo, los mecanismos extraconvencionales de protección de los derechos humanos han establecido las Relatorías especiales, siendo la Relatoría del derecho a la educación una posibilidad de diagnosticar los alcances y desfases que se puedan presentar en la práctica. Por otra parte, el desarrollo multilateral de Conferencias Mundiales no solo con los gobiernos, sino además con otros actores de influencia dentro de los respectivos sistemas políticos (organismos no gubernamentales; activistas y académicos etc., han ido abordando cada vez más acertadamente el fenómeno educativo en sus diferentes niveles de acción. Esta anterior preocupación nace de los efectos nugatorios y restrictivos que el derecho a la educación ha tenido al interior de muchos países –sobre todo del denominado Tercer Mundo-, por lo que se hace necesario apoyarse en la normativa jurídica internacional con la finalidad de abrir espacios de exigibilidad y respeto a este derecho. La importancia que reviste esta situación para el caso del ámbito educativo costarricense, radica en que este tipo de cobertura exógena se complementa con la protección jurídica interna, en aras de proporcionar mayores márgenes de justiciabilidad y exigibilidad del derecho que nos ocupa. En este sentido la Sala Constitucional le ha proporcionado a los instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos suscritos por el país, rango superior por

  11. Predatory peace

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Christian


    The end of the civil war in Aceh brought peace, but it has been of a predatory nature. As a moment of rupture, the peace revealed interests, powers and dynamics, and it offered an opportunity for their reconfiguration. When unrest ceased, old agrarian conflicts between smallholders and planters r....... The study is based on fieldwork in areas where current land conflicts are played out, as well as on secondary sources.......The end of the civil war in Aceh brought peace, but it has been of a predatory nature. As a moment of rupture, the peace revealed interests, powers and dynamics, and it offered an opportunity for their reconfiguration. When unrest ceased, old agrarian conflicts between smallholders and planters...

  12. Predatory peace

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Christian


    The end of the civil war in Aceh brought peace, but it has been of a predatory nature. As a moment of rupture, the peace revealed interests, powers and dynamics, and it offered an opportunity for their reconfiguration. When unrest ceased, old agrarian conflicts between smallholders and planters r....... The study is based on fieldwork in areas where current land conflicts are played out, as well as on secondary sources.......The end of the civil war in Aceh brought peace, but it has been of a predatory nature. As a moment of rupture, the peace revealed interests, powers and dynamics, and it offered an opportunity for their reconfiguration. When unrest ceased, old agrarian conflicts between smallholders and planters...

  13. The Promotion of Peace Education through Guides in Peace Museums. A Case Study of the Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University (United States)

    Tanigawa, Yoshiko


    This paper focuses on how peace education at a peace museum is promoted by a volunteer guide service for visitors. Peace museums are places where many materials related to war and peace history are on display. To support the learning experience of museum visitors, many peace museums in Japan provide a volunteer guide service. The Kyoto Museum for…

  14. The Everyday Peace Project: An Innovative Approach to Peace Pedagogy (United States)

    Dutta, Urmitapa; Andzenge, Andrea Kashimana; Walkling, Kayla


    A critical task for peace pedagogy is to challenge views of peace as primarily responses to declared war. Crisis-based politics tend to focus on exceptional situations and fail to capture the entire spectrum of violence. Premised on the idea that peace cannot be understood in isolation of larger structural problems, this paper proposes the concept…

  15. El concepto de terrorismo en derecho internacional penal


    Valdés Tomàs, Clàudia


    Este trabajo consiste en el estudio de la incidencia del concepto de terrorismo en la represión efectiva del delito de terrorismo en el marco del derecho internacional. Por ello, ha sido necesario dividir el trabajo en una primera parte sobre el estudio de la definición del terrorismo en derecho penal internacional y una segunda parte sobre su estudio en derecho internacional penal, específicamente en el contexto de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI). En la primera parte analizaremos las def...

  16. From Clouds of Chemical Warfare to Blue Skies of Peace: The Tehran Peace Museum, Iran (United States)

    Lewis, Elizabeth; Khateri, Shahriar


    Despite the limited number of peace museums around the world, there exists an essential role for existing peace museums to promote a culture of peace and peace education. The purpose of this article was to introduce the origins, rationale, scope and work of the Tehran Peace Museum in Iran. The concept of the museum is to facilitate peace education…

  17. Representations of Peace in News Discourse: Viewpoint and Opportunity for Peace Journalism

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    Lea Mandelzis


    Full Text Available This study presents a news discourse analysis of a case in which the dominant political and ideological discourse of conflict and violence gave way to optimism and hopes for peace in Israel. It offers a profile of three types of discourse used by Israeli print news media in the context of 'peace' and 'war' in the immediate aftermath of the Oslo Accords signed on September 13, 1993. By this time, the Israeli media had already demonstrated a dramatic change in attitude and terminology: The familiar war discourse was rapidly being replaced by peace representations and peace images. The assumption of the study is that overuse of the term 'peace' at a time of revolutionary change in Israeli socio-political practice not only detracted from Israeli peace perspectives and beliefs, but also caused news discourses to deteriorate into war discourses. The purpose of the study was to uncover the role of the contextual system developed to communicate specific topics relating to 'peace' representations in news discourse and the negative socio-political consequences of the incompatibility of discourse types with actual political conditions at a given time. The findings suggest that inter-textual representations of 'war' and 'peace' led to a discourse type which imposed unwanted meanings upon itself. It also suggests that certain types of news discourse, such as reconciliation, peace and war reporting, may be important in establishing the proper relations between discourse, language, media and the meaning of peace because of the essential role that the mass media play, not only in war coverage, but, no less important, also in peace reporting. Ultimately, inappropriate discourse at a given time may lessen the chances of building trust among peoples and nations.

  18. Safety, antinuclear and peace

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The contents of this report are two testimonies, Korean peninsula and nuclear problem including the US Army and nuclear weapon site in South Korea and antinuclear and peace movement in Korean peninsula, peace and church women, discussion on antiwar, antinuclear and peace, scripts of play on for peace nuclear kids, introduction movie prediction and guide and the business report of Korea Church Women United.

  19. Contestação de normas e ameaça à paz e à segurança regional e internacional: a facilidade excessiva de acesso a armas Norm contestation and threat to regional and international peace and security: excessive ease of access to arms

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    Denise Garcia


    Full Text Available A facilidade de acesso a armas, pelos governos e atores não governamentais afins, exacerba os conflitos, destrói os acordos de paz frágeis e facilita a perpetração de violações dos direitos humanos e crimes hediondos contra a humanidade. Agravando isso, o comércio de armas está fora do alcance do direito internacional, ou seja, não existe um tratado global internacional juridicamente vinculativo que regulamente todos os aspectos da transferência de armas. A prática de transferência de armas para atores não estatais sem critérios em relação aos usuários finais é uma característica recorrente do comércio mundial de armas e, geralmente, tem consequências deletérias. Estas são percebidas nos conflitos prolongados no Afeganistão, na República Democrática do Congo, no Sudão, no Chifre da África, no Oriente Médio e mais recentemente na Síria e na Líbia, entre muitos outros. O presente artigo analisa uma tentativa contestada na construção de normas internacionais para conter uma prática internacional de longa data - a da transferência de armas para atores não estatais - e suas implicações para a segurança internacional, direito internacional e formulação de políticas a nível multilateral. No entanto, diferente dos construtivistas, examina uma norma que, apesar de difundida em diferentes contextos regionais, não conseguiu encontrar validade jurídica como uma realidade normativa internacional.The ease of access to arms, by governments and non-government actors alike, exacerbates conflicts, destroys fragile peace agreements, and facilitates the perpetration of violations of human rights and egregious crimes against humanity. Compounding this, the arms trade is out of the purview of International Law; that is, there is no comprehensive legally binding international treaty regulating all aspects of arms transfers. The practice of transferring arms to non-state actors with no criteria regarding the end users is a

  20. Comercio electrónico. Una revisión desde la Unión internacional de Telecomunicaciones

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    Gladys S. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Desde hace ya un tiempo se han creado organismos públicos destinados a superoisar los acuerdos sobre cuestiones técnicas y a garantizar la interconexión y la interoperabilidad de las redes, de las normas y de lasfrecuencias nacionales; un ejemplo es la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT. Por ello, se describe al mercado electrónico, la relación sociedad de la información y desarrollo, se expone el papel de la UIT -ONU frente al comercio electrónico, se indica la naturaleza y los sectores que comprende, as( como sus perspectivas para desarrollar el comercio electrónico principalmente en los pa(ses subdesarrollados. La metodolog(a es descriptiva - explicativa con base en material bibliográfico y hemerográfico, as( como documentos oficiales. Se concluye que el trabajo de la UIT-ONU, en materia de comercio electrónico en pa(ses subdesarrollados, ha sido asertivo, mas son sólo recomendaciones y declaraciones sin ningún tipo de obligatoriedad

  1. Organismos modificados genéticamente: una nueva amenaza para la seguridad alimentaria

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    Liliane Spendeler


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza todos los aspectos referentes a la seguridad alimentaria relacionados con la introducción de los organismos modificados genéticamente en la agricultura y la alimentación. Se discuten las incertidumbres asociadas a la inserción de genes extra- ños en organismos, facilitando ejemplos de efectos imprevistos e indeseados y de inestabilidades de los organismos así fabricados artificialmente. Luego se aportan datos tanto de agencias oficiales como de la literatura existente, que cuestionan la seriedad y fiabilidad de los análisis de riesgo sobre la inocuidad para la salud de estos organismos y se discute la falta casi absoluta de estudios científicos que analicen la seguridad/peligrosidad de los alimentos transgénicos para la salud. Dadas todas estas incógnitas, se tienen que tomar en cuenta otros factores, en particular la contaminación genética de los cultivos no modificados genéticamente, que empieza a ser generalizada en algunas partes del mundo. No poder dar marcha atrás en caso de problemas resulta irresponsable. Otros elementos importantes son los impactos sobre el medio ambiente (como la aparición de resistencias en insectos, la pérdida de biodiversidad, el aumento de los productos químicos empleados con repercusiones indirectas sobre la salud y/o la futura producción de alimentos. Por último se introducen elementos de discusión sobre la seguridad alimentaria en términos de disponibilidad de alimentos y soberanía alimentaria, dado que el mercado de las semillas transgénicas y los agroquímicos asociados está copado por cinco grandes empresas transnacionales. La conclusi ón hace un análisis de la contribución de la agricultura biotecnoló- gica a la sostenibilidad.

  2. Protocol Additional to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ghana and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; Protocolo Adicional Al Acuerdo Entre La Republica De Ghana Y El Organismo Internacional De Energia Atomica Para La Aplicacion De Salvaguardias En Relacion Con El Tratado Sobre La No Proliferacion De Las Armas Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The text of the Protocol Additional to the Safeguards Agreement concluded between the Government of the Republic of Ghana and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty for the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. The Additional Protocol was approved by the Board of Governors on 11 June 1998. It was signed in Vienna on 12 June 1998 [Spanish] Se transcribe en el presente documento, para informacion de todos los Estados Miembros, el texto del Protocolo adicional al Acuerdo de salvaguardias concertado entre la Republica de Ghana y el Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica para la aplicacion de salvaguardias en relacion con el Tratado sobre la no proliferacion de las armas nucleares (TNP). El Protocolo adicional fue aprobado por la Junta de Gobernadores el 11 de junio de 1998 y firmado en Viena el 12 de junio de 1998.


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    Amaral Palevi Gómez-Arévalo


    Full Text Available This chapter is a theoretical analysis contributes to an initial structuring of Pedagogy for Peace today, from their field of study: Education for Peace. We intend to show both theoretical, practical, disciplined, methodical and scientific maturity that owns the Peace Education at this time, to structure Pedagogy for Peace. An analysis of disciplinary and educational support realization of Pedagogy for Peace is made, which includes educational models, approaches, content, keystones and applied methodologies. A main point of analysis is the existence of a specific type of teacher: Educator / a for Peace. This educator / a is a key to educational activities around peacebuilding practice carried factor.

  4. Legalidad internacional y derecho a decidir

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    Xavier Pons Rafols


    Full Text Available En el contexto del actual debate político en Cataluña sobre el derecho a decidir, el autor intenta clarificar en términos jurídicos que alcance tiene la expresión derecho a decidir y trata de identificar qué es lo que puede ampararse y con qué alcance en el Derecho Internacional. A tal efecto, analiza los principios y normas del Derecho Internacional que pueden resultar pertinentes en este contexto: de un lado, el principio de la libre determinación y, en especial, la dimensión interna de este principio; y, de otro lado, los derechos humanos, la democracia y el estado de derecho, que constituyen en el Derecho Internacional una tríada inescindible. El autor considera que en el Derecho Internacional actual está reconocido que la voluntad del pueblo es la base de la autoridad del poder político y que todas las pretensiones políticas deben fundamentarse en el estado de derecho, la base sobre la que se construyen sociedades justas y equitativas

  5. Peace Incentives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Emmanuel, Nikolas G.


    How does economic assistance influence the success or failure of peace processes in Africa? Can economic assistance act as an incentive to facilitate an end to conflict? The literature largely ignores aid as a factor supporting peace processes. In addressing this topic, the current study tries...


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    Gloria María Abarca Obregón


    Full Text Available This article is written from the experience of Holistic Peace Education through the practice of more than twelve years in the educative job; at the same time it is the support of a PhD research. The first part shows the theoretical basis of the proposed “Practices of Peace”, starting with the origins of peace education, Peace as a subject of study and the many peaces, to finally get the concept of Holistic Peace Education, wherein the dimensions of inner peace, political peace and social-ecological peace integrate. Once we had the theoretical framework established, we started the research and systematization of the peace educative practice. This paper presents some conclusions about this experience, conducted by teachers from Mexico and Spain. Rather than establishing models, we offer a choice of moving away from violence by sharing an experience that has enabled a peace space. It is an invitation for teachers to provide opportunities for peace through exercises held in education, aimed to be peace practices.

  7. Generalización de un modelo determinístico para el análisis del crecimiento de organismos vivos


    González Pérez, Huberto


    Con base en los planteamientos de Van Bertalanffy (1976), se propone un modelo matemático para el estudio del crecimiento de organismos vivos, el cual permite analizar el efecto de variables exógenas, relacionadas con la disponibilidad y capacidad de aprovechamiento por parte del organismo de recursos medioambientales, en la tasa de crecimiento y en las constantes de proporcionalidad del anabolismo y catabolismo. El modelo permite hacer proyecciones del tamaño del organismo a partir de unas c...

  8. O novo Direito Internacional Privado e o conflito de fontes na cooperação jurídica internacional


    Carvalho Ramos, André de


    O Direito Internacional Privado contemporâneo possui na cooperação jurídica internacional uma de suas áreas de maior dinamismo. A existência de fontes internacionais e internas da cooperação jurídica internacional exige uma análise da solução dos conflitos de fontes. The current Private International Law treats the international legal cooperation as one of its most dynamic subjects. However, the existence of both international and national law sources of legal cooperation requires a study ...

  9. Filipino children's understanding of peace

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oppenheimer, L.J.T.; Kuipers, I.


    This study reports on 10-year-old Filipino children's understanding of peace, war, and strategies to attain peace. In total, 56 children were presented with a semistructured interview consisting of free associations to peace and questions pertaining to the definitions of peace and war and strategies

  10. For the Sake of Peace: Maintaining the Resonance of Peace and Education (United States)

    Ide, Kanako


    This article is an attempt to develop the idea of peace education for adults through the assumption that, compared to peace education for children, educational approaches for adults are as yet undeveloped. This article also assumes that the progress of educational approaches for adults is necessary to the further development of peace education for…

  11. Peace Education and Childhood (United States)

    Lombardo, Lucien X.; Polonko, Karen A.


    Peace studies and peace education are multifaceted processes focusing on diverse audiences from children in elementary grades to those involved in political negotiations at the highest levels. This paper addresses the foundational importance of including conflict embedded in adult-child relationships in peace education. It conceptually grounds…

  12. Approaching peace in Patani, Southern Thailand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Horstmann, A.


    This article analyzes ways of approaching peace building and peace negotiations in Patani. Choosing an anthropological approach, the article argues that participant observation helps identify indigenous, local peace instruments. Hence, the design of local sovereignty is the most important step...... to durable peace in internal conflicts. The Surayud government has identified the recommendations of the National Reconciliation Commission as guide-posts and has praised the peace agreement in Aceh as model to emulate. There is an opening for peace talks, in which the solution to historical and cultural...... grievances will be a key to peace....

  13. La aplicación del Derecho Internacional en el Derecho interno


    Torres Pérez, María


    PowerPoint del Tema 15 de la asignatura "Derecho Internacional Público". Curso 2017-2018. Tema 15.- La aplicación del Derecho Internacional en el Derecho interno. 1.-Las relaciones entre el Derecho Internacional y el Derecho interno. 2.- Los procesos de remisión entre el Derecho Internacional y el Derecho interno. 3.- La integración de las normas internacionales en el Derecho interno. 4.- Los conflictos entre el Derecho Internacional y el Derecho interno.

  14. Medio siglo de historia del organismo electoral de Bolivia

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    Full Text Available En 1956 se celebró la primera elección con sufragio universal de la historia boliviana. Para la ocasión se fundó la Corte Nacional Electoral (CNE, cuya historia retrata el artículo. La primera etapa corre de 1956 hasta 1985, cuando su funcionamiento no era permanente y muchos comicios se celebraron bajo un manto de sospechas de irregularidades por el dominio del gobierno sobre la institución; la segunda va desde 1985 hasta 1991, en ella el organismo electoral desarrolla sus actividades de forma constante y los partidos lo controlan provocando dudas sobre la legitimidad de los resultados; la última abarca desde 1991 hasta 2007, cuando el sistema político acuerda conformar una CNE auténticamente imparcial e independiente, exigiéndole la celebración de elecciones irreprochables que aseguren una fuerte legitimidad de origen a las autoridades elegidas. El estudio presta atención a las disposiciones legales que rigen las tareas del organismo electoral pero sobre todo intenta comprender su acción considerando el contexto político, intelectual y social en el cual las cumplió

  15. Derecho internacional privado y Derecho comunitario


    Fernández Rozas, José Carlos


    Las Comunidades Europeas en el proceso de formación del Derecho internacional privado: un nuevo modelo de codificación. Ventajas de una interpretación uniforme por parte del TJCE. Realizaciones concretas y problemas suscitados en España tras su adhesión a las Comunidades Europeas. Las técnicas de Derecho internacional privado en la aplicación del Derecho comunitario.

  16. Understanding peace a comprehensive introduction

    CERN Document Server

    Fox, Michael Allen


    Understanding Peace: A Comprehensive Introduction fills the need for an original, contemporary examination of peace that is challenging, informative, and empowering. This well-researched, fully documented, and highly accessible textbook moves beyond fixation on war to highlight the human capacity for nonviolent cooperation in everyday life and in conflict situations. After deconstructing numerous ideas about war and explaining its heavy costs to humans, animals, and the environment, discussion turns to evidence for the existence of peaceful societies. Further topics include the role of nonviolence in history, the nature of violence and aggression, and the theory and practice of nonviolence. The book offers two new moral arguments against war, and concludes by defining peace carefully from different angles and then describing conditions for creating a culture of peace. Understanding Peace brings a fresh philosophical perspective to discussions of peace, and also addresses down-to-earth issues about effecting ...

  17. Ask a Futurist. Peace [and] Robots. (United States)

    Joseph, Earl C.

    A futurist addresses two questions concerning world peace and the implications of using robots. In the section on peace (part 1), recommendations for world peace include: (1) implementing peace education as a mandatory part of education; (2) establishing a Department of Peace in each country to create a societal infrastructure for implementing…

  18. A roadmap to peace. Journey metaphors in political speeches on the Middle East peace process

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    Assunta Caruso


    Full Text Available Abstract – This paper investigates the metaphorical conceptualization of peace by former leaders George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon, and Mahmoud Abbas. Specifically, it examines how peace/the peace process is conceptualized via metaphors through the notion of JOURNEY and MOVEMENT. The corpus in this study comprises twenty speeches given by the three politicians over a four-year period (2002-2005. The corpus data is analyzed using a combination of different methods. The tools are mainly Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Lakoff and Johnson 1980, the MIPVU procedure (Steen et al. 2010, and Critical Metaphor Analysis (Charteris-Black 2004. Findings reveal that JOURNEY metaphors are a vital and common part of the three politicians’ political discourse. Overall, there are very few metaphors for peace unique to the individual politicians. The main differences observed lie not in which metaphors are used, but in what aspects of peace or the peace process they are used to highlight.Keywords: metaphor identification, conceptual metaphor, Critical Metaphor Analysis, political discourse, peace.

  19. Global Conflicts Shattered World Peace: John Dewey's Influence on Peace Educators and Practitioners (United States)

    Cohan, Audrey; Howlett, Charles F.


    The need to build an awareness of peace and of peace education is often a message that is difficult to share with the larger society. John Dewey, an acclaimed American philosopher and intellectual, used his public platform to espouse his ideas on democracy and peace as a resolution to global discord during the years preceding and during World Wars…

  20. Retooling Peace Philosophy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Johannes Dragsbæk; Hersh, Jacques; Petersen-Overton, Kristofer


    This book documents recent and historical events in the theoretically-based practice of peace development. Its diverse collection of essays describes different aspects of applied philosophy in peace action, commonly involving the contributors’ continual engagement in the field, while offering sup...

  1. Peace diplomacy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mandrup, Thomas


    reform, terrorism, private security actors, peacekeeping and peace-building and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. This book is a result of research carried out over a number of years by the Southern African Defence and Security Management Network (SADSEM) on many of these new and emerging......Africa faces a seemingly ever-increasing range of security challenges. The traditional threats of civil and border conflicts, crises of governance and military coups may have receded but they remain active. Meanwhile, other issues have risen to prominence, such as globalisation, security sector...... and national case studies and makes an important contribution to debates on security sector reform. The topics covered include policing transformation, intelligence governance, regulation of private security actors, challenges of nuclear proliferation, regional security, peace diplomacy and peace missions...

  2. Conferencia Internacional: Informática, Educación y Salud en la Sociedad del Conocimiento

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    Juan Mendoza Vega


    Full Text Available

    En los días 22-24 de julio de 1999 se realizó en el Auditorio César Augusto Pantoja de la Academia Nacional de Medicina, con el patrocinio de COLCIENCIAS y el apoyo técnico de la Federación Panamericana de Asociaciones de Facultades (Escuelas de Medicina, FEPAFEM, la Conferencia Internacional titulada INFORMATICA, EDUCACION Y SALUD EN LA SOCIEDAD DEL CONOCIMIENTO.

    La Conferencia Internacional cubrió cinco temas principales:

    1. Sistemas complejos, complejidad y caos en los organismos biológicos y en la organización social
    2. Educación médica. Sistemas de acreditación.
    3. Informática, educación y salud: su impacto en la ciencia, la medicina y la sociedad.
    4. La universidad, la educación superior y los nuevos métodos de comunicación y educación a distancia. La universalización de la universidad. Educación vs. capacitación.
    5. Ley 100: reforma y crisis de la salud en Colombia. La medicina en la era de la atención gerenciada de la salud. Impacto de la reforma de la seguridad social sobre la medicina como ciencia y como profesión.

    Los temas principales fueron presentados a través de conferencias y páneles, utilizando modernos métodos de comunicación, y fueron luego discutidos en páneles virtuales en Internet (en la red FEPANET de FEPAFEM bajo la coordinación de la Oficina de Recursos Educacionales de FEPAFEM.

    Participaron en este certamen distinguidas personalidades del sector académico, la mayoría médicos, pero también físicos y miembros de otras disciplinas, de Colombia y de varios países de América Latina, de la República Popular China y de los Estados Unidos. El certamen ha sido calificado por diferentes observadores como uno de singular trascendencia en el panorama de las conferencias realizadas en el mundo el año pasado

    La Academia invitó a los decanos de las Facultades de Medicina de Colombia, a las directivas de la Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de

  3. Genealogy of behaviourist peace research

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    Ricardo Real P. Sousa


    Full Text Available This paper presents the behaviourist “non-normative” Peace Research (PR tradition with two objectives. One objective is to locate this field in relation to closely related fields of research. PR specificity is: the dependent variable of peace and conflict when compared with Political Science and International Relations; the normative concern with the causes of war when compared with Strategic Studies; and the rejection of the “practicality” of research and a restraint on normativity when compared with Peace Studies (defined as peace research, peace teaching and peace action and Conflict Resolution. Also, PR is considered here as one of the sub-fields of International Security Studies. The second objective of the paper is to present the history of PR. Since its creation in the 1950s, with a focus on inter-state conflict as an alternative to Strategic Studies, PR had two defining periods: one in the late 1960s labelled as the “socialist revolution”, with the conceptualisation of peace as more than the absence of war (positive peace and a challenge for normativity in research; and a second period in the 1980s that brought the broadening of the referent object to intra-state conflict and liberal peace, and the emergence of other social sciences dedicated to the study of issues in, or close to, PR, broadly defined as security with some of them adopting a normative stance in research. The epistemological community of PR kept its behaviourist approach in spite of these two normative challenges, and its distinctiveness and unity is much due to its method.

  4. Top dogs have set the agenda for peace: international social position and peace attitudes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hartmann, A.; van der Veer, C.G.


    Everybody agrees that peace is good, but not on how to achieve it. The Y2K study contained many questions on peace proposals, as well as on prospects for East/West and North/South peace. It ranked these proposals by popularity and studied how the social positions of the 1967 respondents and their

  5. Performances of Peace : Utrecht 1713

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The Peace of Utrecht (1713), which brought an end to the War of the Spanish Succession, was a milestone in global history. Performances of Peace aims to rethink the significance of the Peace of Utrecht by exploring the nexus between culture and politics. For too long, cultural and political

  6. Developmentally Appropriate Peace Education Curricula (United States)

    Lewsader, Joellen; Myers-Walls, Judith A.


    Peace education has been offered to children for decades, but those curricula have been only minimally guided by children's developmental stages and needs. In this article, the authors apply their research on children's developmental understanding of peace along with peace education principles and Vygotsky's sociocultural theory to present…

  7. Charles Taylor na Haia: limites da justiça internacional?

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    Full Text Available Recentemente o julgamento de Charles Taylor, um dos protagonistas no conflito civil na Libéria, atraiu a corte internacional em Haia para o foco da comunidade internacional. Assim, o presente artigo busca delimitar as conseqüências políticas e jurídicas que advirão desse processo para a comunidade internacional como um todo.

  8. Peace at last? Appraisal of the Addis Ababa Peace and Security ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    As a result, the Congolese government and other peace stakeholders in the Great Lakes region and beyond signed the Addis Ababa Peace and Security Cooperation (PSC) Framework in February 2013, paving the way to the adoption, a month later, of Resolution 2098 by the United Nations (UN) Security Council.

  9. Help Increase the Peace, A Youth-Focused Program in Peace Education (United States)

    Morrison, Mary Lee; Austad, Carol Shaw; Cota, Kate


    This study investigated specific attitudes and beliefs, related to the concepts of peace education, of participants in an "Introductory, basic help increase the peace program" (HIPP) workshop. Pre- and post-workshop ratings showed significant differences on two important attitudinal variables: first, the importance of being familiar with the…

  10. Os direitos humanos e a política internacional

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    Rossana Rocha Reis


    Full Text Available O artigo trata da questão do crescente reconhecimento internacional dos direitos humanos desde o fim da II Guerra Mundial e discute os efeitos desse processo sobre a política internacional. De modo geral os argumentos sobre o papel dos direitos humanos na política internacional dividem-se entre os que acham que eles não passam de retórica para encobrir interesses particulares, e os que enxergam na sua afirmação um potencial transformador da ordem internacional. No contexto atual,em que se discute a adoção de mecanismos coercitivos mais fortes para a proteção dos direitos humanos, como as intervenções humanitárias, por exemplo, essa discussão torna-se mais complexa e mais urgente.

  11. The PEC Network 1993. Directory of the Peace Education Commission. Peace Education Miniprints, No. 47. (United States)

    Bjerstedt, Ake, Ed.

    This extensive list of the council members of the Peace Education Commission (PEC) from 1992-1994 gives mailing addresses and some telephone and fax numbers to enable direct contact with network members. The Peace Education Commission (PEC) facilitates international cooperation among individuals interested in peace education and research related…

  12. La Corte Penal Internacional: abriendo caminos

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    Alfredo Etcheberry


    Full Text Available A partir del análisis de las decisiones de la Corte Penal Internacional en el Caso Lubanga y la solicitud del Fiscal de detener al Presidente en ejercicio de Sudán, los autores analizan los desafíos y perspectivas del trabajo de la Corte Penal Internacional, particularmente en lo relativo a cómo se ha configurado su labor después de una etapa inicial dedicada a esclarecer su rol y constitución.

  13. The coexistence of peace and conflict in South America: toward a new conceptualization of types of peace

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    Jorge Mario Battaglino


    Full Text Available South America's predominant democratic regimes and its increasing interdependence on regional trade have not precluded the emergence of militarized crises between Colombia and Venezuela or the revival of boundary claims between Chile and Peru. This way, how can we characterize a zone that, in spite of its flourishing democracy and dense economic ties, remain involved in territorial disputes for whose resolution the use of force has not yet been discarded? This article contends that existing classifications of zones of peace are not adequate to explain this unusual coexistence. Thus, its main purpose is to develop a new analytical category of regional peace for assessing this phenomenon: the hybrid peace. It aims to research the evolution of security systems in South America during the previous century and build a new, threefold classification of peace zones: negative peace zones, hybrid peace zones, and positive peace zones.

  14. Las mujeres, las guerras y el derecho internacional humanitario

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    Marta Postigo Asenjo


    Full Text Available La violencia sexual se emplea como instrumento de intimidación, castigo y terror, e incluso coadyuvante de limpieza étnica, en los conflictos armados. En las últimas décadas, se han producido importantes avances en la inclusión de la violación entre los crímenes contra el derecho internacional humanitario. Sin embargo, aún son necesarias acciones más eficaces para evitar que se produzcan violaciones sistemáticas en las zonas en conflictos y post-conflicto. Este trabajo destaca la importancia que tiene la lucha por la igualdad y la incorporación de las mujeres en los procesos de toma de decisiones para combatir esta lacra y asegurar la paz y la estabilidad.  Sexual violence has long been used as a weapon of war, with the purpose of intimidating, injuring and punishing civilians, and even as an ethnic cleansing adjuvant, in armed conflicts. In the last decades, though, there have been important advances towards the definition and prosecution of rape as a crime against international humanitarian law. Notwithstanding, more effective measures are needed to protect women from this heinous crime in the conflict zones and post-conflict. This article stresses the need to keep struggling for gender equality and improving women’s participation in decision making processes to achieve peace and stability

  15. The Text of the Safeguards Agreement of 26 February 1976 between the Agency, Brazil and the Federal Republic of Germany; Texto Del Acuerdo De 26 De Febrero De 1976 Entre El Organismo, El Brasil Y La Republica Federal De Alemania Para La Aplicacion De Salvaguardias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The text of the Agreement of 26 February 1976 between the Agency, Brazil and the Federal Republic of Germany relating to the agreement of 27 June 1975 between the two Governments for co-operation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members [Spanish] Para informacion de todos los Estados Miembros, en el presente documento se transcribe el texto del Acuerdo de 26 de febrero de 1976 concertado entre el Organismo, el Brasil y la Republica Federal de Alemania en relacion con el Acuerdo de 27 de junio de 1975 entre los dos Gobiernos relativo a la cooperacion en la esfera de los usos pacificos de la energia nuclear.


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    Elizabeth Arapé Copello


    Full Text Available This paper shows a research about Communication and Peace Culture developed with Venezuelan students. We did a theoretical review and field-work with students. We are looking for visions and perceptions about communication to peace from students. The research is focused on three student groups who live near of Venezuela frontier. We work with three test: (COMPAZ-1, Peace Builder and Learning to Dialoguing. The students show changes in their initials perceptions after the workshop. The experience developed that short training could be useful to be better the communication behavior as support of peace project.

  17. Dangers of peace journalism

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    Wilhelm Kempf


    Full Text Available The sense of mission shared by some peace journalists is a dangerous attitude. All journalists can do to give peace a chance is to serve as mediators, helping conflict parties overcome the competitive misperceptions and societal beliefs that fuel conflict. If peace journalists try to promote and impose their own solutions, however, frustration is inevitable and will finally result in the search for an evildoer who can be made responsible. Thus by involving themselves in conflicts, journalists can become unintentional agents of conflict escalation.

  18. Cooperação jurídica internacional e o diálogo das fontes no Direito Internacional Privado contemporáneo


    André de Carvalho Ramos


    El presente artículo analiza las diferentes fuentes de la cooperación jurídica internacional, que hoy representan una importante área del derecho internacional privado, centrándose en el diálogo de las fuentes para solucionar eventuales conflictos normativos.

  19. Membership Directory of the PEC Network: Mailing Addresses of the Peace Education Commission. Peace Education Miniprints No. 21. (United States)

    Bjerstedt, Ake, Ed.

    The Peace Education Commission (PEC) was established to facilitate international cooperation among individuals interested in peace education and research related to peace education. The main ambition of PEC is to serve as a useful network for transnational information and support in the peace education area. This document provides current mailing…

  20. Generalización de un Modelo Determinístico para el Análisis del Crecimiento de Organismos Vivos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    González Pérez Huberto


    Full Text Available Con base en los planteamientos de Van Bertalanffy (1976, se propone un modelo matemático para el estudio del crecimiento de organismos vivos, el cual permite analizar el efecto de variables exógenas, relacionadas con la disponibilidad y capacidad de aprovechamiento por parte del organismo de recursos medioambientales, en la tasa de crecimiento y en las constantes de proporcionalidad del anabolismo y catabolismo. El modelo permite hacer proyecciones del tamaño del organismo a partir de unas condiciones iníciales y muestra como su valor asintótico varía de acuerdo con la disponibilidad de recursos medioambientales y de que manera el crecimiento es un factor determinante para la sobrevivencia de los individuos.

  1. Building a Culture of Peace through Global Citizenship Education: An Enriched Approach to Peace Education (United States)

    Toh, Swee-Hin; Cawagas, Virginia


    Thought leaders in peace education, Swee-Hin Toh was awarded the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education in 2000, and Virginia Cawagas served as a Professor at the University for Peace in Costa Rica. Both actively support the work of the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) under the auspices of UNESCO in Seoul, Korea.

  2. Competitividad internacional, productividad y costos laborales unitarios en la industria manufacturera

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    Víctor Manuel Cuevas Ahumada


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se investigan los efectos de la productividad laboral, el tipo de cambio real y otras variables, sobre la competitividad internacional (ci manufacturera durante el período 1996-2008. Para ello, se construye un índice de competitividad internacional y se estiman dos modelos var generalizados. La evidencia sugiere que la productividad laboral influye más sobre la competitividad internacional que el tipo de cambio real. Así mismo, la competitividad internacional aumenta cuando los costos laborales unitarios descienden; es decir, cuando la productividad de los trabajadores crece por encima de los salarios. En este contexto, un paquete de políticas sectoriales de estímulo a la productividad laboral fortalecería más la competitividad internacional que una depreciación cambiaria.

  3. Realism and Peaceful Change

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wivel, Anders


    This chapter discusses how to understand peaceful change from the perspective of classical realism, structural realism and neoclassical realism.......This chapter discusses how to understand peaceful change from the perspective of classical realism, structural realism and neoclassical realism....

  4. Governing the Israeli-Palestinian peace process: The European Union Partnership for Peace

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    İşleyen, B.


    This study applies a governmentality approach to analyse the European Union’s civil society promotion in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process through the EU’s Partnership for Peace instrument. Contrary to a widespread conviction in earlier academic research, it argues that the EU

  5. Cooperação jurídica internacional e o diálogo das fontes no Direito Internacional Privado contemporáneo

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    André de Carvalho Ramos


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza las diferentes fuentes de la cooperación jurídica internacional, que hoy representan una importante área del derecho internacional privado, centrándose en el diálogo de las fuentes para solucionar eventuales conflictos normativos.

  6. Introducing the PEC Network: Mailing Addresses of the Peace Education Commission. Peace Education Miniprints No. 1. (United States)

    Bjerstedt, Ake, Ed.

    The Peace Education Commission (PEC) was established to facilitate international cooperation among individuals interested in peace education and research related to the field. The major ambition of PEC is to serve as a useful network for transnational information and support in the peace education area. This document gives current mailing…

  7. El Estoppel: dificultades para definir una regla en derecho internacional y el rol deslucido de la Corte Internacional de Justicia

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    Vassallo, Federico J.


    Full Text Available Nacido como instituto del common law, el estoppel fue introducido en el Derecho Internacional a través de laudos de árbitros británicos y norteamericanos en los siglos XIX y XX. Recogido luego –implícita o explícitamente– por la CPJI y la CIJ (Empréstitos Serbios, Estatus Legal de Groenlandia Oriental, Pesquerías, Plataforma Continental del Mar del Norte, entre otros, se ha convertido en una defensa perentoria de frecuente invocación. Sin embargo, la Corte Internacional no parece haber sabido precisar sus elementos constituyentes, derivando en una interpretación inconsistente del silencio y de la denominada detrimental reliance. Esto ha generado una incertidumbre que ha puesto incluso en duda la misma existencia del estoppel como regla del Derecho Internacional.

  8. Reflections of a Peace Educator: The Power and Challenges of Peace Education with Pre-Service Teachers (United States)

    Cook, Sharon Anne


    This retrospective essay examines one long-standing peace and global education initiative for pre-service teacher candidates. The article probes the meanings of peace education and of global education embedded in the program, as well as the program's apparent consequences: What understandings of peace education did the pre-service candidates…


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    Gabriela A. Pérez


    Full Text Available La influjo de organismos internacionales en la aplicación de políticas orientadas a la solución del “problema de la vivienda” de los sectores pobres en los países latinoamericanos ocurre desde hace varios decenios. El origen suele ubicarse a partir de la década de 1950, cuando en los países de la región se observa la intensificación del crecimiento vegetativo y de las emigraciones rurales-urbanas. El comienzo del milenio encuentra nuevamente a las ciudades de América Latina como escenarios de profundas transformaciones y de problemas complejos, entre los cuales la resolución de las carencias habitacionales se reposiciona en la agenda internacional como un “eje estratégico” para la superación de la pobreza y la precariedad urbana. En este marco destaca el surgimiento de Cities Alliance, una asociación que agrupa a instituciones y organismos de desarrollo con el propósito de asistir a las ciudades a abordar los desafíos urbanos del siglo XXI, entre ellos la eliminación-mejoramiento de los barrios marginales. En la primera parte de la ponencia se presentan los principales rasgos de Cities Alliance destacando: enfoque dominante, orientaciones de las estrategias o modelos de intervención de gobiernos y otros actores, políticas y programas impulsados. En la segunda parte se realizan algunos señalamientos sobre la actual política habitacional en la ciudad de Neuquén a la luz del planteo de Cities Alliance.

  10. ¿Por qué son mejores los organismos de agua de Baja California que los de Sonora? Instituciones locales y desempeño de los organismos públicos

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    Nicolás Pineda Pablos


    Full Text Available El desempeño de los principales organismos operadores de agua para uso urbano de Baja California, a juzgar por los indicadores de gestión, es superior al de los de Sonora. El objetivo de este artículo es compararlos, y reflexionar sobre las variables explicativas de dicha diferencia. Los dos estados tienen características geográficas y demográficas similares: son fronterizos, su clima es semidesértico y su población comparte la misma cultura y comportamientos. El estudio indaga las causas, y revisa las reglas institucionales que pueden explicar el desempeño diferenciado: la instancia gubernamental responsable del servicio, la duración de los directores, la tarifa, facturación y cobranza, así como la alternancia de partido político en el gobierno local y aquél del cual han emanado los gobiernos responsables del servicio. El estudio concluye que las instituciones importan, y que sus reglas han hecho la diferencia en el desempeño de los organismos de agua de ambas entidades.

  11. Cosmopolitanism and peace in Kant's essay on 'Perpetual Peace'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huggler, Jørgen


    Immanuel Kant's essay on Perpetual Peace (1795/96) contains a rejection of the idea of a world government (earlier advocated by Kant himself). In connexion with a substantial argument for cosmopolitan rights based on the human body and its need for a space on the surface of the Earth, Kant presents...... the most rigorous philosophical formulation ever given of the limitations of the cosmopolitan law. In this contribution, Kant's essay is analysed and the reasons he gives for these restrictions discussed in relation to his main focus: to project a realistic path to perpetual peace....

  12. War, Peace, and Peace Education: Experiences and Perspectives of Pre-Service Teachers (United States)

    Gurdogan-Bayir, Omur; Bozkurt, Mahmut


    The purpose of this study was to reveal the perceptions of preservice teachers with war experience regarding war, peace and peace education. In the study, the phenomenological design was applied. The participants of the study were individuals who experienced wars or conflicts for several reasons in their countries and who received teacher training…

  13. Revisiting peace and conflict studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hagmann, Tobias


    dominant geopolitics it initially set out to criticise. Secondly, I will map – undoubtedly in cursory and incomplete fashion – the scholarly communities and literatures dealing with questions of peace and conflict. Rather than a literature review or an attempt at synthesis, my purpose is to highlight...... the broad variety of existing units of analysis, motivations, theories and methodologies of peace and conflict studies. Thirdly, I will propose a number of suggestions for a research attitude that, in absence of a better word, I subsume under the heading of ‘critical peace and conflict research’, striving...... to understand peace and conflict as concomitantly subjective and objective, as critique and hegemony, as normative and value-free, as local and global....

  14. What Do Students Learn when We Teach Peace? A Qualitative Assessment of a Theater Peace Program (United States)

    Duckworth, Cheryl Lynn; Allen, Barb; Williams, Teri Triguba


    This is a qualitative assessment of a theater arts peace education program for high-school students. We present the results of qualitative interviews with students who participated in a peace education program. They tell us in their own words what they believe they learned. Given that most peace education evaluation is quantitative or focuses on…

  15. Quo vadis Banco Mundial?. El Estado y el desarrollo en la agenda y discursos del organismo desde la mirada latinoamericana

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    Víctor Ramiro Fernández


    – claramente visualizables en América latina – de contar con un Estado activo y motorizador del desarrollo económico, capaz de compatibilizar el crecimiento interno y la cohesión social con la inserción en el mercado internacional. Se argumenta, finalmente, acerca del desafío que pesa sobre las sociedades latinoamericanas para enfrentar un camino de desarrollo autónomo que – más allá de los planteos de los organismos financieros, como el BM, y atendiendo a las limitaciones que parecen pesar sobre éstos para desarrollar una redefinición estructural de su agenda – se cimiente sobre una estatidad altamente enraizada y cualificada para dar respuestas a las demandas antes mencionadas.

  16. Is peace not for everyone? : Narratives on a struggle for peace, equality and development in Sudan : Narratives on a struggle for peace, equality and development in Sudan

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verwijk, M


    Once again, the award of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize focused our attention on the vital role women play in conflict resolution. However, what do we really know about their role in peace processes? Do women count, as declared by the Security Council in Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security?

  17. El e-commerce a nivel internacional algunos casos

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    Gladys Stella Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo trata del comercio electrónico y el tratamiento que de él hacen los organismos internacionales competentes. En primer lugar se definen los actos juridicos electrónicos y, en consecuencia, el comercio electr6nico, se exponen sus modalidades, las ventajas e inconvenientes de esta nueva forma de hacer negocios a través de Internet principalmente, y por último se explican los proyectos y alternativas reguladoras de algunos organismos internacionales. Se empleó una revisión documental: bibliografía, hemerográfíca y de acuerdos internacionales. Se concluye que existen valiosos esfuerzos de regulación en materia de e-commerce, pero los países deben trabajarse de manera conjunta

  18. Border Cosmopolitanism in Critical Peace Education (United States)

    Golding, David


    This paper intends to contribute to recent developments in the theory of critical peace education. The role of cosmopolitanism in critical peace education is examined, particularly in relation to universal moral inclusion, secularism and universalism. It is then recommended that critical peace education draw from post-universalist and dialogical…

  19. Las actividades terroristas ante el derecho internacional contemporáneo


    Alcaide Fernández, Joaquín


    La comunidad internacional logro recientemente llegar a un consenso en la condena de los actos y actividades terroristas. Esa condena supone una radical novedad en el derecho internacional, permitiendo identificar el concepto normativo de terrorismo inter



    Iannacone, José; Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Perú).; Alvariño, Lorena; Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Perú).


    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar la ecotoxicidad del cartap (Bala® 50 PS) sobre ocho organismos animales no destinatarios: 1) Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774) (Mollusca), 2) Emerita analoga (Stimpson, 1857) (Crustácea), 3) Chironomus calligraphus Goeldi, 1805 (Diptera), 4) Cyprinus carpio (Linné, 1758) (Osteichyties), 5) Eisenia foetida (Savigny, 1826) (Annelida), 6) Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas, 1851) (Hemiptera), 7) Trichogramma fuentesi Torre, 1980 (Hymenoptera) y 8...

  1. Sociedades fantasma y Derecho Internacional Privado

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    Javier Carrascosa González


    Full Text Available Las conocidas como "sociedades fantasma" son una realidad en el escenario de la economía mundial del siglo XXI. Se trata de entes jurídicos constituidos en ciertos Estados, en los que poseen su sede social, pero en los que no realizan actividad económica o societaria alguna. El presente estudio analiza el régimen jurídico de estas sociedades fantasma en Derecho internacional privado europeo y español. Se aborda la cuestión de la determinación de la Ley reguladora de las sociedades fantasma, la reacción legal contra las pseudo-foreign corporations, la libertad de establecimiento de sociedades fantasma en la UE y la responsabilidad patrimonial de estas sociedades y de sus administradores, en especial, cuando se emplean testaferros. Por último, se presta una especial atención a régimen jurídico de la insolvencia internacional de la sociedad fantasma, lo que comporta el análisis del "centro de intereses principales" de la sociedad fantasma como deudor insolvente, así como del traslado internacional de la sede social de la sociedad fantasma

  2. The Peaceful Revolts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thue, Fredrik W.; Hansen, Else; Brandt, Thomas


    The student revolts of 1968 in the Nordic countries were peaceful in comparison with what happened in places like Berlin, Paris or Rome. Students in the Nordic countries were also protesting and revolting against the authoritarian traditions of higher education, but only rarely did they take...... to the streets like their German and French counterparts. As this chapter argues, the relatively peacefulness of the Nordic 1968 must be understood within a wider political context. The growth within higher education went hand in hand with the development of the welfare state. Students' demands for reform...... converged with university policy development, especially in terms of democratization in higher education. Still, by drawing on examples from Copenhagen, Oslo, Reykjavik and Trondheim, the chapter shows that there were many tensions and paradoxes related to the various ways these peaceful revolts were played...

  3. Turismo y género: desempeño laboral de la mujer en los organismos turísticos públicos del estado Nueva Esparta

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    Mila Rujano


    Full Text Available Se determinó el desempeño laboral del género femenino en los organismos públicos relacionados con la actividad turística del estado Nueva Esparta. La metodología es descriptiva y de campo, basada en la revisión bibliográfica, en entrevistas dirigidas a los Gerentes o representantes de estos organismos, en la aplicación de un cuestionario a las mujeres empleadas en ellos. Se revisaron leyes y reglamentos que regulan la participación de la mujer en estos organismos. Se concluye que en relación al perfil de la mujer, estas ocupan cargos relevantes en áreas administrativas y directivas; con experiencia laboral en los organismos relacionados con el turismo, e igualdad de participación con respecto a los hombres. Los representantes de estos organismos consideran positivo el aporte del recurso humano femenino, demostrado en el manejo eficiente de información y habilidades para desempeñar las funciones relacionadas con su cargo.

  4. Education for a Culture of Peace: The Culture of Peace News Network as a Case Study (United States)

    Adams, David


    The Culture of Peace News Network, an internet news service, is analyzed in the framework of a general approach to education for a culture of peace. Its format reflects the eight program areas for a culture of peace as adopted by the UN General Assembly. Among its other operating principles are universality of news with all cultures and regions of…

  5. Peace and development: two sides of the same coin?

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    Viveros Tafur, Memphis Ronald


    Full Text Available There is the notion that peace and development are positively correlated, that peace drives development and that development drives peace, for Galtung (1985: 147 Peace and Development should be regarded as two sides of the same coin and considers development in relation to peace. This paper shows that peace and development are uncorrelated in several countries where there is peace without development or development without peace. The use of quantitative models as a tool for the analysis is a plus for the findings because most of the related theories are qualitative.

  6. Disarmament and Peace Education. (United States)

    Reardon, Betty


    Questions of disarmament and the legitimacy of the nation-state system should be the core of peace education and should comprise a major aspect of citizenship education. The approach to peace education should be cognitive and affective, intellectual and political, and should be initiated in the early elementary years. (Author/KC)

  7. Education for Peace: A Conference Report from Budapest. Peace Education Reports No. 10. (United States)

    Bjerstedt, Ake, Ed.

    Eight papers and nine summaries of papers present themes and discussions addressed during the European Peace Research Association (EUPRA) conference in Budapest (Hungary) in 1993. Following an introduction with overview information regarding the conference, the first three sections present eight papers on areas studies, peace museums, concepts,…

  8. Social psychology, war and peace: Towards a critical discursive peace psychology.


    Gibson, Stephen


    In this paper I make two related arguments: that peace psychology and social psychological peace research should give greater attention to discourse, and that critical discursive approaches in social psychology should explore matters of international military conflict, an area which has hitherto been somewhat neglected in this tradition of work. These arguments are developed in relation to debates concerning the nature and status of psychological ‘science’, and the neglect of language in soci...

  9. El Derecho del comercio internacional en el contorno de la globalización


    Fernández Rozas, José Carlos


    I. Escenario del nuevo comercio internacional. 1. Perspectiva histórica y sociológica; 2. Marketing internacional y comercio internacional. II. Comercio multilateral o mundializado, exterior e intracomunitario. 1. Marco general. 2. Principios del sistema multilateral de comercio. 3. Comercio exterior. 4. Comercio intracomunitario. III. Derecho del comercio internacional. 1. La polémica cuestión de la autonomía de este ordenamiento. 2. Ensayo de definición y elementos constitutivos. 3. Derecho...

  10. Peace education: why and how?

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    Pamela Baxter


    Full Text Available Pamela Baxter discusses why peace education programmes are so important and Vick Ikobwa presents the methodology and lessons learned from the UNHCR/INEE Peace Education Programme in East Africa and the Horn.

  11. Peace Education: Perspectives from Costa Rica and Japan. Peace Education Miniprints No. 62. (United States)

    Brenes, Abelardo; Ito, Takehiko

    This publication explores the views of two present members of the International Peace Research Association: Abelardo Brenes and Takehiko Ito. Brenes and Ito answer 13 questions related to peace education issues in their individual interviews. Abelardo Brenes is a professor at the University of Costa Rica and a consultant to the University for…

  12. Activity Report: Peace Education in Liberia (United States)

    Vonhm Benda, Ebenezer Mainlehwon


    In March of 2009, the author decided to establish the Center for Peace Education (CPE) in Liberia solely dedicated to promoting a non-violent culture by imbuing students with the skills, knowledge, and attitude needed to peacefully coexist. To begin the process of building a culture of peace, in April of 2009, CPE conducted a baseline survey in 14…

  13. Let Freedom Ring! Let Peace Reign! (United States)

    Moore, Mary Elizabeth Mullino


    True freedom and true peace are cousins, but they can only work together if the freedom of one people is seen in relation to the freedom of another. Struggles for freedom and peace can only enhance each other if the peace people seek is a robust harmony in which conflict is embraced and people are encouraged to imagine a far stronger freedom and…

  14. Forums for consultation and follow-up of the peace agreements in Guatemala: lessons learnt for territorial peace in Colombia

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    Cécile Mouly


    Full Text Available This article considers the experience of the forums for consultation and the follow-up of the peace agreements in Guatemala and draws lessons for territorial peace in Colombia. Based on data from observation, interviews, and documents, it analyses how the consultation forums evolved into an infrastructure for peace, and the role they played in the decentralization of peace implementation. From this experience, It emphasizes the importance of the departmental level as a bridge between the grassroots and decision makers at the central level, and of the participation of traditionally marginalized groups for territorial peace. Additionally, the successful local peacebuilding initiatives that emerged during the war must be considered. It also discusses the role of multisectoral spaces in the peaceful transformation of local conflicts, and the need to maintain a balance between institutionalization and flexibility.


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    Abner Ribeiro Salaroli


    Full Text Available A contabilidade pública segue na direção da contabilidade financeira buscando a convergência aos padrões internacionais, sendo a IFAC o organismo responsável pela emissão de normas internacionais de contabilidade pública. Nesse contexto, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de criação da norma contábil internacional sobre ativos intangíveis públicos. A análise foi realizada com base nas sugestões presentes em cartas-comentário enviadas no processo de consulta pública. Como base teórica usou-se a Teoria Tridimensional do Direito de Miguel Reale, em que fato, valor e norma estão sempre presentes e correlacionados no processo de criação de normas. A população da pesquisa refere-se às sugestões das 19 cartas enviadas, todavia, a amostra final foi de 117 sugestões contidas em 18 documentos, que sofreram análise de conteúdo. Das 117 sugestões levantadas, 51 contribuições (44% foram de alguma maneira consideradas para elaboração da versão final da norma. Ressalta-se a participação da Accounting Standards Board (África do Sul e da KPMG como os entes que mais forneceram contribuições. As evidências sugerem que a participação tanto de organismos públicos como de entidades privadas no processo de consulta pública pode contribuir para emissão de uma norma moldada de forma a ser implementada por diferentes países.

  16. Peace Education: Exploring Some Philosophical Foundations (United States)

    Page, James S.


    Peace education has been recognized as an important aspect of social education for the past three decades. The critical literature as well as official documents, however, have given little attention to its philosophical foundations. This essay explores these foundations in the ethics of (1) virtue, (2) consequentialism, (3) aesthetics, (4) conservative politics and (5) care. Each of these alone composes a significant element of peace education, although ultimately its solid basis can only be established through an integrative approach encouraging a culture of peace. The more complete development and articulation of the philosophical rationale of peace education is yet to be accomplished and remains a task for the future.

  17. El proyecto kantiano en la teoría legal internacional moderna

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    Patrick Capps


    Full Text Available Los desarrollos en los últimos cincuenta años sobre la naturaleza del derecho internacional y la situación política que éste regula han llevado a un resurgimiento de la posición kantiana con respecto a la teoría legal internacional. Los argumentos de Kant requieren, primero, que se haga una distinción entre Estados injustos y justos, para regular el derecho internacional, y segundo, que el derecho internacional deba estar institucionalizado para que las disputas se resuelvan pacíficamente. La filosofía del derecho internacional de Fernando Tesón -la cual es objeto de esta reseña­ representa una defensa total de la teoría kantiana del derecho internacional. Se argumenta en este escrito que el trabajo de Tesón contiene dos problemas: primero, Tesón no defiende las bases metodológicas y justificatorias de la teoría kantiana, la cual, en la mayoría de los casos, es el imperativo categórico en sí mismo. Adicionalmente, su alusión a una metodología empírica es problemática. Segundo, Tesón no desarrolla suficientemente la segunda de las 'más importantes tesis de Kant, esto es, el mantenimiento de la paz mediante instituciones internacionales legales. De hecho, el argumento de Tesón puede ser mejor entendido como un relato sobre la aproximación kantiana a una política exterior de carácter moral, en vez de una concepción kantiana del derecho internacional.

  18. The Qualities of Teachers Who Instruct Peace Education: Views of Prospective Teachers' Who Attended the Peace Education Programme (United States)

    Polat, Soner; Arslan, Yaser; Günçavdi, Gizem


    The concept of peace can be described as the values including respecting features such as race, gender, religion, physical appearance, and age; appreciating diversities, unity, cooperation, tolerance and being fair. Related to this, the concept of peace education can be defined as an educational process during which peaceful problem-solving…

  19. Towards a Sustainable and Holistic Model of Peace Education: A Critique of Conventional Modes of Peace Education through Dialogue in Israel (United States)

    Schimmel, Noam


    This article explores ways of improving peace education, placing emphasis on peace education programmes in Israel that use dialogue to foster mutual understanding and respect. This article offers a critical assessment of contemporary Israeli peace education initiatives, emphasizing that current peace education programmes in Israel have failed to…

  20. Rumo a um novo regime monetário internacional

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    Elena Soihet


    Full Text Available O artigo procura avançar na reflexão sobre a ordem internacional. O objetivo do artigo é examinar o impacto no sistema monetário internacional sob a dominância do dólar e a possibilidade de formação de uma cesta de moeda entre os países a  fim de se  ter uma ordem internacional  mais simétrica. The article seeks to foster reflection on the international order. The article aims to examine the impact in international monetary system under the dominance of the dollar as key currency and the possibility of forming a basket of currencies between countries in order to have a more balanced international.

  1. Educating for peace

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Karen Egedal; Ydesen, Christian


    In the aftermath of the two world wars, strong international networks and organisations manifested themselves with promotion of peace through education on their agenda. Danish pedagogical experiments and experimental schools were strongly influenced by these trends and played a role in subsequent...... peace through education transferred, translated, and transformed in Danish school experiments in interwar and post-war scenarios? In exploring this question, the article uses transnational and Danish archival sources as well as journals and reports linked to the Danish progressive education movement...

  2. Education and Training in Peace Research in Hamburg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goettsche, M.; Kalinowski, M.; Neuneck, G.


    In Hamburg, peace and security education is mainly offered by the Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker Centre for Science and Peace Research at the University of Hamburg and the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy. The former institute offers interdisciplinary lectures and seminars open for students from all faculties; the latter institute offers the Master of Peace and Security Studies programme. This paper introduces these education and training opportunities in Hamburg. Special emphasis is put on simulation conferences that are offered each semester, the summer school 'Young Scientists Cooperate for Peace' (SCooP) and the workshop 'Teaching Ethics and Peace to Science and Engineering Students'. Specific lectures from the 'Scientific contributions to peace research' series include disarmament, the non-proliferation regime and nuclear verification. Specific lectures from the 'Physical basics of peace research' series include neutron and gamma detectors for nuclear verification, satellite imagery, detection of signatures from banned nuclear activities from long distances, and material accounting of plutonium, HEU and tritium. The paper is followed by the slides of the presentation. (authors)

  3. Cooperação jurídica internacional e dever geral de cooperar


    Saulo Stefanone Alle


    O direito internacional clássico oferta argumentos à resistência dos Estados à cooperação jurídica internacional, especialmente em matéria criminal. Nesse sentido, o ponto principal é a necessidade indispensável de tratado, sob um viés voluntarista extremado. Entretanto, a atual ordem onusiana e a primazia dos direitos humanos deslocam o eixo do voluntarismo extremado a pautar o direito internacional. Evidencia-se, nessa linha, que o dever de cooperação jurídica internacional é um princípio p...

  4. Media Peace Discourse: Constraints, Concepts and Building Blocks

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    Dov Shinar


    Full Text Available Normative, professional, and academic premises steer the discussion of the importance and the absence of a peace discourse in the media, and of the need and possibility to invent one. Among the possible points of departure are that the media should be involved in the promotion of peace; that peace coverage is hindered by the absence of a peace discourse in the professional media repertoire; and that the creation, development, and marketing of a media peace discourse should be included in the current research agenda. The development of a peace-oriented media discourse can be assisted by three conceptual elements, namely, the existing strategies employed by the media to cover peace; the competition in the media among dominant and alternative frames, in which news-value is the measure of success; and the concept of “constitutive rhetoric” – the creation, change and legitimization of realities through texts, rhetorical constructs and the manipulation of symbols – as a discourse-building device. Research on the three major strategies used by the media in the coverage of peace – Framing Peace Coverage in War Discourse; Trivialization; and Ritualization – suggests that the latter fits this conceptual framework better than the others, and thus is more suitable for the development of a media peace discourse. Some findings and models of media research can be used for conceptual leverage by providing paradigmatic frameworks and variables. Good examples include the media events and the textual analysis genres, as they are particularly related to professional effects; narrative techniques; and performance styles; and concepts such as “master-frames” and “super-texts” – major motifs, composed of many smaller frames or sub-texts – to suggest the potential contents of a media peace discourse. Finally, it is proposed that research and development efforts of media peace coverage along these lines should include work on adapting the current

  5. Cooperação jurídica internacional e dever geral de cooperar

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    Saulo Stefanone Alle


    Full Text Available O direito internacional clássico oferta argumentos à resistência dos Estados à cooperação jurídica internacional, especialmente em matéria criminal. Nesse sentido, o ponto principal é a necessidade indispensável de tratado, sob um viés voluntarista extremado. Entretanto, a atual ordem onusiana e a primazia dos direitos humanos deslocam o eixo do voluntarismo extremado a pautar o direito internacional. Evidencia-se, nessa linha, que o dever de cooperação jurídica internacional é um princípio previsto em convenções internacionais e que, além disso, decorre de princípios gerais de direito internacional, inclusive da igualdade soberana entre os Estados, e princípios de direitos humanos.

  6. Desarrollo profesional docente en el discurso de los organismos internacionales


    Monarca, Héctor; Manso Ayuso, Jesús


    El objetivo del artículo es presentar las concepciones y tendencias sobre el Desarrollo Profesional Docente (DPD) de los discursos de los Organismos Internacionales (OI). La metodología empleada fue el análisis del discurso, para lo cual se han analizado 39 documentos editados por: UNESCO, OCDE, OEI y PREAL producido entre el año 2005 y 2012. El análisis se ha realizado a partir de 8 categorías siguiendo una lógica deductiva-inductiva-deductiva. Los resultados reflejan que, en términos genera...

  7. Confianza en las Elecciones y el Rol del los Organismos Electorales en América Latina

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    Fernando Barrientos del Monte


    Full Text Available Para llevar a cabo procesos electorales eficaces en América Latina se ha privilegiado el modelo de gestión electoral encomendado a órganos especializados e independientes. ¿En que medida éstos organismos generan confianza de los partidos –representados por sus élites parlamentarias- hacia las elecciones? En este artículo se analizan los organismos electorales (OE en once países de la región, se propone una tipología de los OE en base a la nominación y composición de sus miembros, así como un índice de independencia respecto del Parlamento y se explora en que medida generan la indicada confianza de las élites parlamentarias hacia las elecciones..

  8. Spirituality, Religion, and Peace Education (United States)

    Brantmeier, Edward J., Ed.; Lin, Jing, Ed.; Miller, John P., Ed.


    "Spirituality, Religion, and Peace Education" attempts to deeply explore the universal and particular dimensions of education for inner and communal peace. This co-edited book contains fifteen chapters on world spiritual traditions, religions, and their connections and relevance to peacebuilding and peacemaking. This book examines the…

  9. Strengthening Peace Research and Peace Education in African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    peace education in African higher education, especially in the universities. ..... of research, teaching and learning in the universities and, by logical ... of violence profile is that in most volatile conflict-prone and war-affected countries and.

  10. Una perspectiva internacional de la contabilidad

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    Martha Lucia Suarez Suarez


    Full Text Available En la medida en que la internacionalización empresarial ha ido intensificándose y va surgiendo un nuevo usuario de la información internacional, la problemática ha ido pasando tanto al ámbito académico como al profesional. Consciente de esta realidad, la Facultad de Contaduría Pública de la Universidad de La Salle ha ido reformando el plan de estudios, e incorporando a los profesores a una visión internacional de la profesión, para atender la demanda formativa en este campo de la Contaduría Pública, para cualificar a los profesionales de la empresa en el escenario que la nueva dimensión internacional de la información contable está creando y necesitando. Uno de los principales objetivos de la contabilidad es proporcionar información útil para la toma de decisiones por parte de los usuarios. Esto adquiere mayor relevancia en la utilización de la información contable, la cual no se ciñe al ámbito nacional, sino que va más allá de las fronteras; la evolución del entorno que rodea a la empresa ha propiciado en los últimos años un proceso de internacionalización de la actividad económica, como consecuencia de la información contable.

  11. The process of the construction of peace in Colombia, beyond negotiation: a proposal starting from a Transformative and Participatory Peace

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    Esteban Ramos Muslera


    Full Text Available Analysis is made of the peace process, which is being held in Colombia between the insurgents of the FARC-EP and the Colombian Government, which is noted from the theoretical approaches of the Studies of Peace and from the perspective of the social movement, arguing the need of assuming the epistemological approach of the Transformative and Participatory Peace as a way to favor integral processes for the construction of peace beyond negotiation.

  12. The Human Right to Peace

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Villán Durán


    Full Text Available The international codification of the human right to peace was brought to the United Nations by civil society organizations. The draft declaration submitted to the States has a holistic nature, is very rooted in the international human rights law, and considers peace as the absence of all forms of violence (Santiago Declaration on the Human Right to Peace of 10 December 2010. A working group appointed by the UN Human Rights Council should achieve a new and consensual text to bridge the existing gap between developed and developing States in this field, the former being more supportive of the thesis maintained by civil society.

  13. Interfaith Dialogue at Peace Museums in Kenya (United States)

    Gachanga, Timothy; Mutisya, Munuve


    This paper makes a case for further studies on the contribution of peace museums to interfaith dialogue debate. Based on our experiences as museum curators, teachers and peace researchers and a review of published materials, we argue that there is a lacuna in the study on the contribution of peace museums to the interfaith dialogue debate. The…

  14. Corporate interests, philanthropies, and the peace movement. (United States)

    Wright, T; Rodriguez, F; Waitzkin, H


    Corporate and philanthropic involvement in the peace movement is growing. In considering medical peace groups as examples, we have studied the ways that corporate and philanthropic funding have shaped the course of activism. Our methods have included: review of the Foundations Grant Index from 1974-1983; analysis of corporations' and foundations' criteria for grants in the categories of peace, arms control, and disarmament; interviews with leaders of activist organizations and with foundation officials; and our own experiences in the peace movement. Corporate interests in preventing nuclear war stem from a concern for global stability in which world markets may expand, and from a hope to frame issues posed by the peace movement in a way that will not challenge basic structures of power and finance. Several general features make peace groups respectable and attractive to philanthropies; an uncritical stance toward corporate participation in the arms race; a viewpoint that the main danger of nuclear war stems from a profound, bilateral conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union; and a single-issue focus that does not deal with the many related problems reflecting the injustices of capitalism. The two major medical groups working for peace, Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), have accomplished many goals; however, their adherence to subtle criteria of respectability and their dependence on philanthropic funding have limited the scope of their activism. The struggle for peace can not succeed without fundamental changes in the corporate system that initiates, maintains, and promotes the arms race.

  15. Con-/Divergences between Postcolonial and Critical Peace Education: Towards Pedagogies of Decolonization in Peace Education (United States)

    Zembylas, Michalinos


    This paper focuses on the limitations of the Eurocentric modernist framework that undergirds Freirean theory and critical pedagogy in relation to critical peace education, highlighting in particular the contributions of post-colonial and decolonial thinking. The paper posits that critical approaches to peace education need to consider these…

  16. Peace and conflict in Africa

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Many interpretations of peace and conflict in Africa are too simplistic. The book under review, therefore, seeks to deviate from those interpretations and provide a more detailed perspective. A collection of essays edited by David J. Francis, the book is touted as an introduction text to key themes with regard to peace and.

  17. A Peace Education Pioneer: A Swedish Professor in Pedagogy Dedicated to Peace Education--Ake Bjerstedt (United States)

    Andersson, Irene; Johansson, Roger


    This article profiles Swedish professor Ake Bjerstedt and discusses his contributions to the field of peace education. Bjerstedt helped history researchers a great deal by writing bibliographies like "Educating towards a culture of peace. A select bibliography focusing on the last 25 years", 2001, and by keeping a well organized archive…

  18. Peaceful berkelium (United States)

    Trabesinger, Andreas


    The first new element produced after the Second World War has led a rather peaceful life since entering the period table -- until it became the target of those producing superheavy elements, as Andreas Trabesinger describes.

  19. La migracion internacional en Argentina hacia 2010

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    Laura Calvelo

    Full Text Available El artículo presenta los principales lineamientos de la migración internacional en Argentina hacia el año 2010, con detenimiento en el período 2000-2010. En el caso de la inmigración no nativa se basa en información de los censos nacionales de población 2001 y 2010. En el caso de la migración internacional de la población nativa de Argentina el análisis se sustenta en información de censos extranjeros hasta la ronda 2000 y en otras fuentes de datos de los principales países de destino hasta 2010 (Estados Unidos y España.

  20. The Butterfly Effect on Peace Education

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    Evelyn Cerdas-Agüero


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper on peace education is to generate a reflection, through the metaphor of the butterfly effect, on the importance of educating for peace during the change process of human beings and society.  It proposes education for peace as a human right, an experience and learning process that is put into practice by human beings.  It aims at changing attitudes and actions to create harmonious relationships based on the respect and recognition of human rights, and the freedom and dignity of every person.

  1. Work Towards a (New) Definition of Peace Constitution


    Gilliam, Jay R.; Jay R., Gilliam


    Current research on peace constitutions generally centers on Japan’s post-World War II pacifist constitution, specifically Article 9 where Japan renounces war, dissolves its military, and vows to work towards peace in the world. In fact, researching peace constitution (or 平和憲法 in Japanese) in books, academic journals, or on the Internet routinely returns only results about Japan and its Article 9. While a substantial body of work exists about Japan’s peace constitution, too often that body of...


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    Alberto Romero


    Full Text Available La división internacional del trabajo experimentó cambios trascendentales en su estructura durante el siglo XX, jalonados por impresionantes avances tecnológicos durante las décadas que siguieron a la segunda guerra mundial. El mapa político surgido de la conflagración mundial condujo a la conformación de dos campos antagónicos: el socialista y el capitalista, los cuales ejercieron gran influencia en el avance del conocimiento. Con el derrumbe del sistema socialista la economía de mercado salió fortalecida, intensificándose el proceso de globalización a nivel planetario, sin que ello condujese a disminuir la brecha entre un pequeño grupo de potencias tecnológicamente desarrolladas y la mayoría de países del mundo. En este sentido, el entorno internacional sigue caracterizándose por la participación desigual de los diferentes grupos de países en los principales indicadores de la economía mundial, especialmente en aquellos relacionados con las tecnologías de punta, lo cual ha impedido disminuir el atraso socioeconómico en los llamados países en desarrollo. Igualmente, el modelo consumista adoptado por las naciones desarrolladas ha dado como resultado el creciente deterioro del medio ambiente y el agotamiento de los recursos naturales, poniendo en peligro la calidad de vida de las futuras generaciones.

  3. Infrastructure for Peace: The African Experience

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nneka Umera-Okeke

    As a cutting-edge approach for violent prevention, ... view of the increasing need to transcend the small-scale approach to peace building, ..... as belief in dialogue to resolve conflict, there is the need to instutionalise peace through the creation ...

  4. El Derecho internacional y el sistema jurídico mexicano: problemas actuales


    Orozco Torres, Luis Ernesto


    Para el desarrollo de este trabajo de investigación, partimos de una idea originaria para el proceso de investigación sobre la problematicidad entre el Derecho internacional y el sistema jurídico mexicano, que hila nuestra empresa cognitiva: el ordenamiento jurídico internacional y los ordenamientos jurídicos nacionales mantienen una ínsita, simbiótica e inextricable conexión. En ésta interrelación el Derecho internacional determina al Derecho nacional en tanto que para que aquel sea eficaz e...

  5. Introducción al Control de Plagas: consideraciones éticas y ambientales


    Nestor Varela


    Plaga es un concepto antropocéntrico para definir organismos que entran en conflicto con los intereses humanos, pero en el manejo de vida silvestre es más apropiado denominar a estos organismos como invasores. Muchos de los cambios causados al entorno natural y uso de los recursos naturales determinan la presentación de animales plaga o invasores, en particular el comercio internacional, la alteración del entorno y el almacenamiento masivo de recursos. El control de plagas se realiza mediante...

  6. Accounting for Peace and Economic Development in Nigeria, the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Accounting for Peace and Economic Development in Nigeria, the Niger-Delta Case. ... roads, efficient communication systems, portable water, employment opportunities, ... Keywords: Accounting for peace; cost of peace keeping; Economic ...

  7. Peace linguistics for language teachers

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    Francisco GOMES DE MATOS


    Full Text Available This text aims at presenting the concept of Peace Linguistics - origins and recent developments -- as being implemented in the author's ongoing work in that emerging branch of Applied Linguistics. Examples of applicational possibilities are given, with a focus on language teaching-learning and a Checklist is provided, of topics for suggested linguistic-educational research, centered on communicative peace.

  8. Peace Operations

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Proks, Josef


    Peace operations are more and more important in the contemporary world. The end of the Cold War increased not only possibilities of solving disputes by the international community but also by the number and diversity of threats and issues...

  9. The Geopolitics of Peace Education. Learning to Hate the War, to Love Peace, and to Do Something About it

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    Johan Galtung


    Full Text Available In this paper we present four central theories, four policy tasks and four education topics that build a Peace education. We start from the thesis that every education should be prepared for practice, but guided from the general theory. From a Peace education, we aim to mediate and illustrate in stages and practical exercises to help us understand how important Peace research are in a true comprehensive education.

  10. A política nas políticas de cooperação portuguesa (1974-2014)


    Costa, Fernando Pinto da; Sousa Júnior, Fernando de


    Lusíada. Política internacional e segurança. - ISSN 1647-1342. - S. 1, n. 10 (2014). - p. 141-176 A implantação do regime democrático em 1974 marcou uma viragem da ação de Portugal no contexto da ajuda internacional. Nesse ano o país abandonou o Comité de Ajuda ao Desenvolvimento (CAD) da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE) e apenas regressou àquele organismo internacional em 1991, já no âmbito da Comunidade Económica Europeia (CEE), como país doador. Apesar da...

  11. Innovaciones organizativas y productividad: el caso del outsourcing internacional

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    José Carlos Fariñas


    Full Text Available La evolución reciente del comercio internacional se ha caracterizado, entre otros factores, por un creciente aprovisionamiento de inputs intermedios en los mercados internacionales. En este artículo se analizan estas decisiones empresariales a través de la comparación de las características de tamaño, productividad, edad, intensidad de capital, composición de la mano de obra, esfuerzo innovador, costes, participación de capital extranjero, entre las empresas que hacen outsourcing internacional y las que no lo hacen. Para organizar el análisis empírico se toma como referencia el modelo de Antràs y Helpman (2004 que predice que las empresas con mayor productividad se autoseleccionan al tomar la decisión de realizar outsourcing internacional. El artículo ofrece evidencia empírica que confirma esta predicción a partir de una muestra de empresas industriales españolas de la Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales.

  12. Innovaciones organizativas y productividad: el caso del outsourcing internacional

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    José Carlos Fariñas


    Full Text Available La evolución reciente del comercio internacional se ha caracterizado, entre otros factores, por un creciente aprovisionamiento de inputs intermedios en los mercados internacionales. En este artículo se analizan estas decisiones empresariales a través de la comparación de las características de tamaño, productividad, edad, intensidad de capital, composición de la mano de obra, esfuerzo innovador, costes, participación de capital extranjero, entre las empresas que hacen outsourcing internacional y las que no lo hacen. Para organizar el análisis empírico se toma como referencia el modelo de Antràs y Helpman (2004 que predice que las empresas con mayor productividad se autoseleccionan al tomar la decisión de realizar outsourcing internacional. El artículo ofrece evidencia empírica que confirma esta predicción a partir de una muestra de empresas industriales españolas de la Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales.

  13. Daisaku Ikeda's Philosophy of Peace, Education Proposals, and Soka Education: Convergences and Divergences in Peace Education (United States)

    Goulah, Jason; Urbain, Olivier


    In this article, the authors introduce and explicate Daisaku Ikeda's contributions to peace education. Ikeda is a Buddhist leader, peacebuilder, school founder, and prolific author whose six decades of contributions to peace education have had a global impact in practice but have remained unexamined in the extant, particularly Anglophone,…

  14. Living Peace: An Exploration of Experiential Peace Education, Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention Programs for Youth (United States)

    Hettler, Shannon; Johnston, Linda M.


    The authors review the types of experiential peace education programs available to teens in the US and provide a classification guide for educators, parents, other concerned adults and teens who may be interested in developing conflict, peace and/or violence prevention knowledge, skills and attitudes. The authors identify experiential programs in…

  15. Peace and development through the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Nuclear science and technology can help find solutions to many of the problems people face every day across the globe. When used safely and securely, nuclear science and technology are effective supplements or provide alternatives to conventional approaches, which makes them an important part of the international community’s work for development. In its contribution to global objectives, the IAEA serves the international goals of peace, health and prosperity by assisting countries to adopt nuclear tools for a wide range of peaceful applications. Within the context of global trends and development, IAEA services — some highly visible on the global stage, others delivered more discreetly— underpin collective efforts for the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear science and technology. They are supported by the IAEA’s specialized laboratories in Seibersdorf, Austria, and in Monaco, as well as dedicated programmes, networks and collaborations with partners. Through the IAEA’s assistance, nuclear techniques are put to use in various areas, including human health, food and agriculture, the environment, water, energy, nuclear safety and security, and the preservation of artefacts.


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    Josmar Cappa, José Henrique Souza


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisa o Aeroporto Internacional de Viracopos como infra-estrutura de apoio logístico integrado às operações industriais de empresas instaladas no Brasil que atuam no comércio internacional. A análise conta com o referencial teórico da Economia Industrial, Estratégias de Administração e Logística Industrial, além da recuperação do papel institucional da Infraero na gestão dos aeroportos. Assim, o movimento de mercadorias no país permite entender o caráter estratégico de Viracopos. O trabalho conclui a ampliação do aeroporto em desarmonia com uma política nacional de transporte pode gerar problemas de aglomeração, redução da qualidade de vida e dificuldades para consolidar Viracopos como centro cargueiro da América Latina.

  17. In search of the peaceful atom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patterson, W.C.


    In the mid-50s, the 'peaceful atom' was a much-used phrase. However, it seems a link between civil and nuclear activities and nuclear weapons lingers on. With the United Nations Conference on the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy in mind, this article takes a look at nuclear industry worldwide. It paints a gloomy picture of the situation for reactor manufacturers, uranium mining and uranium enrichment. Reprocessing, too, looks bleak to the author. However, one of the main problems of the nuclear industry is seen as its preoccupation with public acceptance of the 'peaceful atom'. (UK)

  18. Fifty years of 'Atoms for Peace'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heller, W.


    Fifty years ago, on December 8, 1953, the then U.S. President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his famous speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed his 'Atoms for Peace' program, which was to initiate a policy of international cooperation. The event had been preceded by a policy of the United States intended to guarantee to the United States the monopoly in the production and use of nuclear weapons, which ultimately failed because of the resistance of the Soviet Union. The doctrine of a technological monopoly in the nuclear field was to be changed in favor of cooperative ventures under the rigorous control of the United States. The 1954 Atomic Energy Act clearly formulated the will to cooperate. Following a U.S. initiative, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was founded in 1956 to assist in transfers of nuclear technology and assume controlling functions to prevent abuse for non-peaceful purposes. Quite a number of countries used the 'Atoms for Peace' offer to develop nuclear power in very close cooperation with American industry and depending on U.S. nuclear fuel supply. On the whole, 'Atoms for Peace' has paved the way to a worldwide peaceful use of nuclear power. (orig.)

  19. Promoting peace in engineering education: modifying the ABET criteria. (United States)

    Catalano, George D


    Modifications to the ABET Criterion 3 are suggested in support of the effort to promote the pursuit of peace in engineering education. The proposed modifications are the result of integrating the United Nations' sponsored "Integral Model of Education for Peace, Democracy and Sustainable Development" into the modern engineering curriculum. The key elements of the model are being at peace with oneself, being at peace with others, and being at peace with the planet. In addition to proposing modifications, specific classroom activities are described and implemented, and students' reactions and the effectiveness of the various exercises are discussed.

  20. The International Criminal Court and Peace Processes in Africa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gissel, Line Engbo

    justice, while also tracing how and why international decision-making processes interfered with the negotiations, narrated the conflicts and insisted on a narrow scope of justice. Building on this interpretive analysis, a comparative analysis of peace processes in Uganda, Kenya and Colombia explores a set......The book investigates how involvement by the International Criminal Court (ICC) affects efforts to negotiate peace. It offers an interpretive account of how peace negotiators and mediators in two peace processes in Uganda and Kenya sought to navigate and understand the new terrain of international...... of general features pertaining to the judicialisation of peace....


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    Leticia Carranza-Peña


    Full Text Available This qualitative research article presents the relationship between human rights and peace in high school. The importance of the study centers on human relations as expressed through the language and behavior of teachers and students during daily coexistence at school. The materials used (stationery and technological supports were those needed for academic classroom work. The process was based on ethnography for peace, stemming from observation and structured interviews; the results show the nuances that oscillate between the presence and absence of human rights and peace, since peaceful practices exist, but so do violent ones that hamper healthy coexistence. The conclusions point to the establishment of transversal school projects to bring about respect for human rights, in order to foster a peaceful atmosphere in school through the collective.

  2. Sri Lanka: In peace or in pieces? A critical approach to peace education in Sri Lanka

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lopes Cardozo, M.T.A.


    This article seeks to explore the 'two faces of education' through a critical analysis of peace education in Sri Lanka. It aims to contribute to the wider debate on the complex role of education in situations of conflict. The article starts with an overview of what peace education is, or should be.


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    Silvana Grande


    Full Text Available En el derecho internacional es muy conocida la controversia sobre la existencia de un ordenamiento jurídico regulador del comercio internacional, también denominada doctrina de la lex mercatoria. Los diferentes argumentos de la doctrina en debate se presentan como irreconciliables, sin embargo, todos ellos se basan en postulados comunes. Este artículo está dedicado a explicar el consenso que aparece en la disputa y confrontarlo con la práctica arbitral internacional para averiguar si dicho acuerdo alcanza para justificar la lex. Con ese propósito analizamos los laudos de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional relativos a la elección del derecho aplicable al fondo del litigio y en los cuales los árbitros no contaban con facultades para pronunciarse ex aequo et bono. El resultado principal del estudio es que la existencia de la lex mercatoria no puede ser demostrada por la práctica arbitral bajo las condiciones comunesde la doctrina. La única certeza en los laudos es la remisión a los usos del comercio internacional, y el reconocimiento de principios generales establecidos en instrumentos universalmente aceptados. En conclusión, la lex mercatoria necesita fundamento dogmático y fáctico. Es la filosofía del derecho quien debe indagar la legitimidad y estructura del derecho comercial internacional.

  4. Hiroshima: A City with Peace as Its Purpose. (United States)

    Nesbitt, Donna


    Employs a summary of the story "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes" by Eleanor Coerr as an introduction to the city of Hiroshima's (Japan) quest for world peace, peace education, and strong opposition to nuclear warfare. Discusses various symbols of peace, such as paper cranes in Japanese culture, and offers five teaching activities.…

  5. Peace, Security, Globalisation & Cultural Diplomacy

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    Ashok Natarajan


    Full Text Available This article argues for a positive, comprehensive conception of peace that goes beyond the mere absence of war and a more integrated conception of human security that encompasses a wider range of issues than threats of physical violence. Education is one of humanity’s most effective social institutions for redirecting the violent physical energies of destruction into higher avenues of civilization and culture as an instrument of conscious social evolution. Organization is knowledge of higher accomplishment. Organization has the power to vastly accelerate and multiply the potentials of education for the promotion of peace and security. Peace and Security have a mutually reinforcing effect on each other in the sense that peace results in security while security results in peace. Physical violence eventually led to the development of the knowledge needed for the avoidance of violence by means of diplomacy, trade and cultural exchanges, marking the beginning of the transition from the physical to the mental level of evolution. Trade requires travel, transport, human interaction, exchange, trust with respect to products, and reliable mechanisms for the exchange of a stable currency that can only be effectively founded on an enduring peace that generates confidence among the traders. Isolated communities evolve a communal consciousness as they mature into organized social units founded on shared customs and culture, which later develop into a common legal framework. What began as diplomacy so many centuries ago has now evolved into a near universal recognition of fundamental human rights and the rule of law. The evolution of diplomacy in previous centuries is the foundation for the remarkable betterment of human life witnessed in recent times. The world is in the process of evolving a unifying global culture founded on universal values and recognition of the rich contributions of different cultures to humanity’s progress. As physical force once

  6. Atoms-for-Peace: an uncertain future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hansen, O.


    The United States was the originator and a principal architect of Atoms-for-Peace. In his address to the United Nations General Assembly on December 8, 1953, President Eisenhower proposed a ''way by which the miraculous inventiveness of man shall not be dedicated to his death, but consecrated to his life.'' He called for the creation of a new international agency and for the pooling of materials and technology to enhance the peaceful uses of atomic energy. The United States has contributed more than any other country to make this dream a reality. Today, the need to apply these same principles to assure mankind the peaceful benefits of the atom and to avoid nuclear war is more urgent than ever before. Now, however, Atoms-for-Peace may be a casualty of changing the U.S. nuclear policies. To place current developments in perspective, a brief review of the evolution of the program is presented



    Silvana Grande


    En el derecho internacional es muy conocida la controversia sobre la existencia de un ordenamiento jurídico regulador del comercio internacional, también denominada doctrina de la lex mercatoria. Los diferentes argumentos de la doctrina en debate se presentan como irreconciliables, sin embargo, todos ellos se basan en postulados comunes. Este artículo está dedicado a explicar el consenso que aparece en la disputa y confrontarlo con la práctica arbitral internacional para averiguar si dicho ac...

  8. A Report on the Peace Education Commission Program, International Peace Research Association Conference 2010, Sydney, Australia (United States)

    Toh, Swee-Hin


    From July 6th to 10th, 2010, International Peace Research Association (IPRA) held its biennial conference at the University of Sydney in Australia. Hosted by the University's Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies and coordinated by Jake Lynch and a team of dedicated staff and volunteers, the conference featured seven plenary panels and many…

  9. The pan-americanist imaginary and O Cruzeiro Internacional (1957-1965

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marlise Regina Meyrer


    Full Text Available Abstract The article aims to identify the main ideas that supported the launch of the magazine O Cruzeiro Internacional (1957-1965, Brazilian journal published in Spanish and distributed throughout Latin America, Spain and areas of the United States. It tries to understand how these ideas have permeated the diffusion of a specific pan-American imaginary on certain groups and/or governments that guided through texts and photographic images a set of social representations on Latin America. These, in general, were selected for the defense of a Latin American unity under the economic, political and cultural hegemony of Brazil, at the regional level and the of USA worldwide.   Keywords: Photojournalism – Latin America; O Cruzeiro Internacional; Journals - Brazil.   Original title: O imaginário pan-americanista e O Cruzeiro Internacional (1957-1965.

  10. Engaged Learning and Peace Corps Service in Tanzania: An Autoethnography (United States)

    Darling, Brianna; Thorp, Laurie; Chung, Kimberly


    The Peace Corps Masters International program offers students the opportunity to combine their Peace Corps service with their master's education. This article demonstrates how classroom learning strengthened the author's Peace Corps service in Tanzania, which in turn strengthened her master's thesis. Peace Corps supports an approach to community…

  11. The International Trend of Peace Education in the 1990s


    Murakami, Toshifumi


    This paper describes the international trend of peace education in the 1990s. It became clear that peace educators in the world have different interests in educational matters by the comparative study of peace education in the 1990s. In the post cold war period, educators in the world did not take much interest in anti-war peace education nor disarmament education. Peace educators have shown more interest in nonviolent conflict resolution, conciliation between multi-ethnic and cultural groups...

  12. Maintaining International Peace and Security: Reflections on Peace ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    it may take, under Article 42, "action by air, sea and land forces as may be necessary to ... budget. Police officers, election observers, human rights monitors and other civilians .... In Asia, only one of the five peace-support operations resulted in ..... armoured personnel carriers in less than satisfactory condition for moving.


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    Hernando Barajas; et al.


    Full Text Available Resumen INTRODUCCIÓN La competitividad es un criterio fundamental para permanecer activos en un mercado, y esto se logra con cantidad, calidad y sostenibilidad de un producto determinado. Es por eso que día a día, cobra mayor importancia el desarrollo y conocimiento en la biodiversidad y potencial de los organismos en los procesos biotecnológicos, entre ellos el control biológico. Sin embargo, antes de hacer un desarrollo biotecnológico es fundamental el conocimiento de la biología y ecología de cada uno de los organismos a trabajar. Con este seminario y los diferentes talleres se pretende hacer un abordaje a diferentes organismos que tienen potencial para ser utilizados como alternativa de desarrollo sostenible, es decir, se pretende hacer un abordaje general con un fin particular que es el desarrollo sostenible con el conocimiento del uso potencial de diferentes biológicos.Esto hace que desde el programa de Microbiología Industrial, con el grupo de investigación Microorganismos y Sostenibilidad, se esté promoviendo el conocimiento del comportamiento de organismos que tienen potencial para ser utilizados en: control biológico e, indicadores de impacto ambiental. Actividad que con la vinculación del grupo de Investigación MAJUMBA de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander UFPS, y en apoyo de RENATA y UNIRED se utilizarán los servicios de conectividad que permita la apropiación y uso de las redes académicas de alta velocidad para la actualización e intercambio de experiencias;durante el seminario se utilizará además de las conferencias magistrales y los talleres, el recurso de las videoconferencias, que permiten integrar a expertos desde Brasil, Argentina y Estados Unidos. OBJETIVOS Ofrecer un espacio para la profundización en temáticas relacionadas con el potencial biotecnológico de diferentes organismos especialmente las relacionadas con el control biológico de especies, así como propiciar el encuentro de expertos

  14. El factor internacional en la transición española: la influencia del contexto internacional y el papel de las potencias centrales

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La transición española hacia la democracia ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios; sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos la transición se ha analizado desde el punto de vista interno o de los protagonistas nacionales. En nuestra investigación analizamos, por el contrario, la influencia del factor internacional en ese proceso de transición. Entendemos el factor internacional desde dos perspectivas: la incidencia de este factor hacia el interior, es decir, la influencia del contexto internacional y sus actores; por otro lado, hacia el exterior, es decir, cómo se produce también una transición en el proceso de formulación, decisión y ejecución de la política exterior del autoritarismo a la democracia. Se presenta en este trabajo unos primeros resultados de la investigación sobre la influencia del contexto internacional, planteando una propuesta teórico-metodológica que se aplica al caso español. Por último, nos centramos más concretamente en la intervención de Francia, Alemania y Estados Unidos, como potencias centrales en esa influencia internacional. Palabras clave: Transición Española, Contexto Internacional, Francia, Alemania, Estados Unidos ABSTRACT: The Spanish Transition to democracy has been the aim of many studies, but the majority of the cases the transition has been analysed from the inside point of view or from the perspective of national actors. In our reserach we study, on the other hand, the International Factor in this process of transition. We consider the International Factor from two perspectives: on the one hand, the impact of this factor toward the domestic affairs, the influence of International Context and its actors; and, on the other hand, toward outside, the way of transition in the process of formulation, decision and execution of the foreign policy from authoritarianism to democracy. We show in this work a first results of the research about the influence of the International Context and

  15. Nuclear disarmament and peaceful nuclear technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, T.B.


    According to the author, it remains to be seen whether nuclear disarmament can reduce the risks of nuclear war sufficiently for the residual risks to be acceptable to a majority of the world's population, while at the same time vigorous growth in the world's dependence on nuclear energy for peaceful purposes continues. This paper discusses how use of nuclear materials from dismantled weapons as fuel for peaceful purposes may help progress to be made towards that goal, by stimulating considerable improvements in the effectiveness of arrangements for preventing diversion of the materials from peaceful to military purposes, while at the same time eliminating large numbers of nuclear weapons

  16. Peace Education with Refugees: Case Studies (United States)

    Kyuchukov, Hristo; New, William


    The authors suggest the possibility of using concepts and practices drawn from peace education to assist in the treatment and education of refugees suffering from post-traumatic stress. They introduce four basic principles of peace education, which permit students/clients to work through memory and present conflicts, and calls on…




  18. Teaching peace, transforming conflict? : exploring participants' perceptions of the impact of informal peace education training in Uganda

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    May, A.


    Peace education has recemtly become very fashionable but little is known about he outcome and impact of both formal and informal peace-education programmes. This book is an attempt to fill the gap between well-meant intentions and reality by exploring the impact of an informal workshop-style


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    Leonam Baesso da Silva Liziero


    Full Text Available O presente artigo problematizará o papel do jus cogens como uma fonte do direito internacional público, de reconhecimento posterior ao estabelecido pelo Estatuto da Corte Internacional de Justiça. Neste aspecto, é necessário se discutir o que representa o denominado jus cogens dentro da atual configuração do direito internacional público. Inicialmente será debatido a respeito de uma nova visão das fontes do direito internacional público que, a partir de 1945 com o advento do sistema Nações Unidas e posteriormente com a implementação das normas internacionais humanitárias e de proteção aos direitos humanos, é necessária para a compreensão da sociedade internacional contemporânea. O que se defende é a obsolescência do direito internacional composto apenas pelas fontes reconhecidas pelo Estatuto da Corte Internacional de Justiça. Posteriormente será discutido o lugar que ele ocupa no direito internacional, se é fonte ou apenas um critério de resolução de antinomias.

  20. I Jornada Internacional GEMInIS (JIG/2014

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    GEMInIS Grupo de Estudos sobre Mídias Interativas em Imagem e Som


    Full Text Available A I Jornada Internacional GEMInIS (JIG/2014 terá como tema central os processos da convergência midiática que transformam o “entretenimento transmídia” na base da economia criativa. O ‘entretenimento transmídia’ ocupa um lugar central na esfera da produção e consumo, porém, é uma noção que permanece relativamente inédita no campo acadêmico. Historicamente, entretenimento é um conceito que aparece associado ao que é ‘alegre, divertido, emocionante e prazeroso’. Na I Jornada Internacional GEMInIS, pretende-se debater os processos de compartilhamento da propriedade intelectual e comercial das marcas, visando um maior entendimento sobre o modo como o conteúdo audiovisual é concebido e distribuído nas redes culturais e comunicacionais.

  1. Building Infrastructure for Peace in Nigerian Schools

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    violence from its root and work to entrench a lasting culture of peace. Dealing with ... the cultivation of a culture of peace, positive attitudinal change among students, development of ...... Nigeria. Germany: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing.

  2. A cooperação internacional

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    Leila Arruda Cavallieri


    Full Text Available Constata-se no atual cenário mundial a necessidade, cada vezmais premente, de que os Estados colaborem, de forma recíproca, para omelhor exercício de atos de sua jurisdição. Já que a jurisdição tem caráterterritorial, urgente se torna a cooperação internacional para a efetivação dejulgados ou quaisquer atos de cunho transnacional. Através de instrumentostais como a carta rogatória é que esse auxílio se dá de forma mais célere eefetiva. O presente trabalho busca mostrar o que se tem logrado obter deprogresso no uso deste mecanismo rogatório, ainda que não se encontreno patamar ideal. Constata-se a importância do trabalho do Departamentode Recuperação de Ativos e Cooperação Jurídica Internacional, órgão doMinistério da Justiça.

  3. Peaceful uses of nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seaborg, Glenn T.


    It is now a quarter of a century since nuclear energy was introduced to the public. Its introduction was made in the most dramatic, but unfortunately in the most destructive way - through the use of a nuclear weapon. Since that introduction enormous strides have been made in developing the peaceful applications of this great and versatile force. Because these strides have always been overshadowed by the focusing of public attention on the military side of the atom, the public has never fully understood or appreciated the gains and status of the peaceful atom. This booklet is an attempt to correct, in some measure, this imbalance in public information and attitude. It is a compilation of remarks, and excerpts of remarks, that I have made in recent years in an effort to bring to the public the story of the remarkable benefits the peaceful atom has to offer man. This is a story that grows with the development and progress of the peaceful atom. It must be told so that we can learn to use the power of nuclear energy wisely and through this use help to build a world in which the military applications of the atom will never again be a threat to mankind

  4. Doing "Leftist Propaganda" or Working towards Peace? Moving Greek-Cypriot Peace Education Struggles beyond Local Political Complexities (United States)

    Charalambous, Constadina; Charalambous, Panayiota; Zembylas, Michalinos


    This paper investigates the interference of local politics with a peace education initiative in Greek-Cypriot education and the consequent impact on teachers' perceptions and responses. Focusing on a recent educational attempt to promote "peaceful coexistence", the authors explain how this attempt was seen by many teachers as being a…

  5. Peace and development through the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Nuclear science and technology can help find solutions to many of the problems people face every day across the globe. When used safely and securely, nuclear science and technology are effective supplements or provide alternatives to conventional approaches, which makes them an important part of the international community’s work for development. In its contribution to global objectives, the IAEA serves the international goals of peace, health and prosperity by assisting countries to adopt nuclear tools for a wide range of peaceful applications. Within the context of global trends and development, IAEA services — some highly visible on the global stage, others delivered more discreetly— underpin collective efforts for the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear science and technology. They are supported by the IAEA’s specialized laboratories in Seibersdorf, Austria, and in Monaco, as well as dedicated programmes, networks and collaborations with partners. Through the IAEA’s assistance, nuclear techniques are put to use in various areas, including human health, food and agriculture, the environment, water, energy, nuclear safety and security, and the preservation of artefacts. Within the context of global trends and development, IAEA services — some highly visible on the global stage, others delivered more discreetly— underpin collective efforts for the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear science and technology. They are supported by the IAEA’s specialized laboratories in Seibersdorf, Austria, and in Monaco, as well as dedicated programmes, networks and collaborations with partners. Through the IAEA’s assistance, nuclear techniques are put to use in various areas, including human health, food and agriculture, the environment, water, energy, nuclear safety and security, and the preservation of artefacts.

  6. Aproximación al concepto de fuentes del derecho internacional

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    Marco Gerardo Monroy-Cabra


    Full Text Available El presente artículo hace un análisis de las diferentes fuentes del derecho internacional, bajo dos perspectivas, la primera, una visión clásica señalando las diferentes fuentes del artículo 38 del Estatuto de la Corte Internacional de justicia; y la segunda, señalando aquellas fuentes que, sin encontrarse en el artículo 38, han sido desarrolladas por la jurisprudencia  y la doctrina.

  7. Elise Boulding and Peace Education: Theory, Practice, and Quaker Faith (United States)

    Stephenson, Carolyn M.


    Elise Boulding wrote academically to help to create and influence the field of peace education, and lived a life that exemplified it. Her life integrated theory and practice and exemplified peace "praxis" as the "craft and skills of doing peace" and "the integration of thought and action". For Boulding, peace education occurred at all levels,…


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    María Yaravit Bernal-Lujano


    Full Text Available This article is to give an overview priority of teachers versus Group in Elementary Education with regard to the realization of peace practices that begin from the ethics of care for conflict transformation, the school building towards a peaceful coexistence with analysis of nonviolence; it is important that this education is based on the interests of children from the lighter side such as cooperative games that allow integration with others, forming emotional bonds. The promotion of education for peace from the care of themselves, others, including the environment and all living beings as part of that indispensable for the education of children holistic peace.

  9. Diseño de la estructura documental del sistema de gestión de la calidad basado en la norma ISO 9001:2008, para el proyecto flacsoandes


    Ríos Parra, Adriana Gabriela


    La Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), es un organismo internacional que surge en 1956 en la Conferencia General de la UNESCO. Su intención original fue apoyar a los países de América Latina en la creación de una entidad de ciencias sociales que genere un espacio de reflexión, hasta entonces inexistente, desde la cual se impulse el desarrollo de nuestras sociedades. FLACSO Internacional tiene sedes en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatem...

  10. Economia Internacional: Teoria e Prática

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    João Gabriel Ayello Leite


    Full Text Available Resenha do livro BAUMANN, Renato, Otaviano Canuto, Reinaldo Gonçalves. Economia Internacional: teoria e experiência brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2004, 1ª ed., 442 p. ISBN: 85-352-1441-0.

  11. Atoms for peace: after thirty years

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bolet, A.M.; Ebinger, C.K.; Pilat, J.; Pendley, R.


    An overview of the conference marking the thirtieth anniversary of Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace proposal is presented. The conference provided a forum for exchange of information and opinion among nuclear scientists, statesmen, and scholars on the objectives and implementation of Atoms for Peace. The principal themes and opinions presented at the meeting are summarized

  12. Atoms for peace awards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In making their annual selection for 1968 the Atoms for Peace Award Trust has paid signal tribute to the Agency. Each of the three recipients has for many years contributed to its work. Sigvard Eklund, Abdus Salam and Henry DeWolf Smyth received their gold medallion and $30 000 honorarium at a ceremony in New York on 14 October this year. All of them have achieved high distinction in science, but their greatest efforts have been to make the world aware of the benefits to be gained from using nuclear knowledge for peace, health and prosperity. (author)

  13. El principio precautorio y el caso de los organismos genéticamente modificados en Argentina El principio precautorio y el caso de los organismos genéticamente modificados en Argentina

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    Silvina Gernaert Willmar


    Full Text Available Since it inception, at the Rio de Janeiro summit in 1992, the precautionary principle has evolved in terms of its interpretation and application. Both have made some progress in relation to genetically-modified organisms (GMO and its consequences for the domestic and international markets in Argentina. As regards the normative framework, Argentina does not dispose yet of well-established rules as to how the principle should be applied. This opens up the debate about the political standing of the principle. As for as international trade is concerned, Argentina is an important GMO producer but, when incertitude is the key element regarding the application of precaution, crucial discrepancies about the possibility of transforming the principle in to a political tool, rather than in to a legal tool emerge. In the case of the municipal ordinance on compulsory identification of genetically-modified food, the lack of experience about conditions of application of the precautionary principle might have led to justify it on the grounds of European directives.Desde su esbozo en la Declaración de Río de Janeiro en 1992, el principio precautorio ha ido evolucionando en cuanto a su interpretación y aplicación. En la Argentina, ambos han progresada con relación al tema de los Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (OGM y de sus implicaciones para el comercio interno internacional. En cuanta al marco normativo argentino, no existe aún una práctica clara que especifique las condiciones de aplicación del principio y esta carencia abre la discusión sobre su relevancia política. En relación can el comercio exterior la Argentina es un productor importante de productos derivados de los OGM, y, cuando la incertidumbre prima como rasgo del principio, surgen discrepancias relativas a la posibilidad de que la aplicación de la precaución pueda transformarse básicamente en una herramienta política más que en un instrumento de regulación legal. En el estudio

  14. Methods Used to Deal with Peace Process Spoilers

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    MA. Bilbil Kastrati


    Full Text Available The conflicts of the past three decades have shown that the major problems which peace processes face are the spoilers. Spoilers are warring parties and their leaders who believe that peaceful settlement of disputes threatens their interests, power and their reputation; therefore, they use all means to undermine or completely spoil the process. Spoilers of peace processes can be inside or outside of the process and are characterized as limited, greedy or total spoilers. Their motives for spoiling can be different, such as: political, financial, ethnic, security, etc. Furthermore, it is important to emphasise that spoilers are not only rebels and insurgents, but can often be governments, diasporas, warlords, private military companies, etc. In order to counteract the spoilers, the international community has adopted and implemented three methods: inducement, socialization and coercion. Often all three methods are used to convince the spoilers to negotiate, accept and implement peace agreements. Hence, this paper will examine the methods used to deal with peace process spoilers through an assessment of the strategies employed, impact, success and failures. This paper will also argue that the success or failure of the peace process depends on the method(s used to deal with spoilers. If the right method is chosen, with a persistent engagement of the international community, the peace process will be successful; on the contrary, if they fail to do so, the consequences will be devastating.

  15. Competitividad y desarrollo en Colombia: influencia de los organismos supranacionales e interés nacional

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    Jeniffer Granados Ruíz


    Full Text Available El presente escrito argumenta que la influencia de los organismos supranacionales en las decisiones en cuanto a estrategias comerciales de orden nacional no es coherente con las necesidades del país y por tanto, no están destinadas a favorecer el desarrollo económico regional que se genera a partir del fortalecimiento del aparato exportador. Dichas estrategias estarían más en función del mercado global.Palabras Clave: Organismos supranacionales; comercio; subvenciones; desarrollo; pobreza;  libertad. Competitiveness and development in Colombia. Influence of the supranational organizations and national interestAbstractThis article argues that the influences that supranational organizations are having on trading decisions made by national governments is not being coherent with those countries’ needs, and thus, are not meant to favor the regional economic development that is expected to be generated by the strengthening of the export sector. These strategies are thought in function of the global market.Key Words: Supranational organizations; trade; subsidies; development; poverty; freedom.

  16. a Gender Perspective on Peace Education and the Work for Peace (United States)

    Brock-Utne, Birgit


    This article offers a gender perspective on peace education and the work for peace. To what extent are girls and boys in our society being socialised equally or differently when it comes to learning how to care, empathise with others and engage in or endure violent behaviour? Why are women generally more likely than men to support conscientious objectors, and oppose war toys and war itself? Gender is a powerful legitimator of war and national security. As in other conflict situations around the world, gendered discourses were used in the US following 11 September 2001 in order to reinforce mutual hostilities. Our acceptance of a remasculinised society rises considerably during times of war and uncertainty. War as a masculine activity has been central to feminist investigations.

  17. Towards a Spirituality of Peace | De Villiers | Acta Theologica

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article contributes towards designing a Spirituality of Peace within Spirituality as a discipline. It first analyses the increasing attention to violence and peace generally and within religious contexts specifically. It then critically evaluates some approaches that view violence and peace as moral issues and shows how these ...

  18. Towards a theory and (better practice of peace journalism

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    Wilhelm Kempf


    Full Text Available Situating peace journalism in the context of social-psychological and media-sociological theories, this paper argues that peace journalism can best be furthered by a gradual process of development that adapts it to the level of conflict escalation, mainstream media discourse and over-all societal climate. Only if it takes these factors into consideration can peace journalism be effective and reach at least moderate segments of society. Hardliners who are already committed to a war frame can seldom be converted, but rather will defend their beliefs using all available means, including attempts to discredit peace journalism itself. In order to maintain their credibility, peace journalists must prove their integrity and avoid crossing the line separating journalism from activism.

  19. Finding a Reasonable Foundation for Peace

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    Roberta Bayer


    Full Text Available Can world peace come about through a world federation of governments? Is growing agreement and appreciation for, throughout the world, the doctrine of equal human rights inevitable? Such questions are raised by Mortimer Adler in How to Think about War and Peace. Adler argues in this book that both are possible, and in doing so he argues that the insights of liberal contract thinkers, particularly Immanuel Kant, are essentially true. Kant argues that each person has the capacity to discover within himself the foundation for human rights because they are self-evident. It follows that over time inequalities and prejudices will disappear, and people will gain the freedom to advance the cause of peace. About this account of the possibility of world peace I ask the question: is it indeed reasonable? For if it is reasonable, it is not reasonable for the reasons that would have been advanced by Aristotle or Plato or their medieval followers. In older political philosophy it is agreement about the unchanging truth of things that can bring peace. To seek the unchanging truth of things, philosophical speculation about God and things divine, is the highest human activity. It is that end to which life in this world is directed, and upon which human flourishing depends. Freedom depends upon our openness to unchanging eternal truth, even more than self-evident rights; the exercise of speculative reasoning allows for political discourse and an open society.

  20. Translating biotechnology to knowledge-based innovation, peace, and development? Deploy a Science Peace Corps--an open letter to world leaders. (United States)

    Hekim, Nezih; Coşkun, Yavuz; Sınav, Ahmet; Abou-Zeid, Alaa H; Ağırbaşlı, Mehmet; Akintola, Simisola O; Aynacıoğlu, Şükrü; Bayram, Mustafa; Bragazzi, Nicola Luigi; Dandara, Collet; Dereli, Türkay; Dove, Edward S; Elbeyli, Levent; Endrenyi, Laszlo; Erciyas, Kamile; Faris, Jack; Ferguson, Lynnette R; Göğüş, Fahrettin; Güngör, Kıvanç; Gürsoy, Mervi; Gürsoy, Ulvi K; Karaömerlioğlu, M Asım; Kickbusch, Ilona; Kılıç, Türker; Kılınç, Metin; Kocagöz, Tanıl; Lin, Biaoyang; LLerena, Adrián; Manolopoulos, Vangelis G; Nair, Bipin; Özkan, Bülent; Pang, Tikki; Sardaş, Şemra; Srivastava, Sanjeeva; Toraman, Cengiz; Üstün, Kemal; Warnich, Louise; Wonkam, Ambroise; Yakıcıer, Mustafa Cengiz; Yaşar, Ümit; Özdemir, Vural


    Scholarship knows no geographical boundaries. This science diplomacy and biotechnology journalism article introduces an original concept and policy petition to innovate the global translational science, a Science Peace Corps. Service at the new Corps could entail volunteer work for a minimum of 6 weeks, and up to a maximum of 2 years, for translational research in any region of the world to build capacity manifestly for development and peace, instead of the narrow bench-to-bedside model of life science translation. Topics for translational research are envisioned to include all fields of life sciences and medicine, as long as they are linked to potential or concrete endpoints in development, foreign policy, conflict management, post-crisis capacity building, and/or peace scholarship domains. As a new instrument in the global science and technology governance toolbox, a Science Peace Corps could work effectively, for example, towards elucidating the emerging concept of "one health"--encompassing human, environmental, plant, microbial, ecosystem, and planet health--thus serving as an innovative crosscutting pillar of 21(st) century integrative biology. An interdisciplinary program of this caliber for development would link 21(st) century life sciences to foreign policy and peace, in ways that can benefit many nations despite their ideological differences. We note that a Science Peace Corps is timely. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations released the Fifth Assessment Report on March 31, 2014. Worrisomely, the report underscores that no person or nation will remain untouched by the climate change, highlighting the shared pressing life sciences challenges for global society. To this end, we recall that President John F. Kennedy advocated for volunteer work that has enduring, transgenerational, and global impacts. This culminated in establishment of the Peace Corps in 1961. Earlier, President Abraham Lincoln aptly observed, "nearly

  1. y el Reino Unido.

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    Eutimio Mejía Soto


    Full Text Available La estandarización internacional contable ha generado una dinámica en los procesos de regulación internacional; busca la uniformidad de los procedimientos contables en el registro, preparación y presentación de los diferentes rubros que componen los estados financieros. Dichos rubros presentan en la actualidad divergencias en sus criterios de reconocimiento, valoración, medición y revelación. El presente artículo relaciona los criterios contables establecidos para el tratamiento de los activos intangibles de los organismos reguladores de Colombia, Canadá, Chile, México, Estados Unidos, España, Reino Unido y el modelo de estandarización internacional del IASB.

  2. Studying Peace in Elementary Schools: Laying a Foundation for the "Peaceable Kingdom." (United States)

    Tabachnick, B. Robert


    Examines peace education at the elementary school level, stressing the need to include interpersonal and international relations when teaching peace. Suggests peace education can lead children to prosocial behavior. Sees peace as a positive of being. Urges the infusion of peace education throughout the elementary social studies curriculum. (CH)

  3. The Rise and Fall of Liberal Peace in Libya

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    Siyum Adugna Mamo


    Full Text Available In the wake of the 2011 “Arab Uprising”, liberal elements were haunting in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya – countries which experienced the uprising at its early stage. The liberal elements triggered the youth particularly in Libya to boldly oppose their long-serving Libyan president, Muammar Qaddafi. In what followed, the West not only interfered to help the rebels and become involved in a direct military intervention in the guise of humanitarian intervention, it also tried to install a liberal peace in the process of state reconstruction and peacebuilding in the aftermath of the revolution that ousted Qaddafi. The intervention had an implicit agenda of regime change and installing liberal peace in post-Qaddafi Libya. However, the intervention descended the country into a protracted civil war that the country has been suffering from for more than six years after the downfall of Qaddafi, instead of bringing peace and stability to the Libyans. The liberal peace that was rising during the revolution and immediately after the fall of Qaddafi through the liberal ideals that triggered the Libyan revolutionaries ruptured as the country descended into protracted civil war among different factions due to Western intervention. The aim of this desk research is therefore to unpack the rise and fall of liberal peace in Libya. Employing discussion of the debate over liberal peace in Libya as a core methodological analysis, this paper argues that the liberal peace that the West attempted to install in the country failed mainly because it was rooted in hegemonic liberal values, which are incompatible with Libyan tribal society, and disregarded the indigenous peacebuilding mechanisms. This paper concludes that liberal peace, which privileges the international over the local, is irreconcilable with post-conflict environments in the Global South and hence was unable to solve the Libyan crises. Therefore, emphasis should be given to indigenous peacebuilding


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    Muhammad Rivai Abbas


    Full Text Available The study attempts to look at the existing inter-religious peace and harmony in Manado. The focus is an attempt to compare between Manado and Ambon which are similar in terms of demographic composition, historical background, political and cultural values but at the same time both are different; the former was in conflict, while the latter was an area of peace during the conflict escalation that engulfed some parts of East Indonesia. This study also tries to look at the strategy of Christian and Muslim communities in both cities in dealing with social tensions. In addition, this article specifically tries to explain factors that contribute to the presence of peace in Manado and its absence in Ambon. Subsequently, attention is also paid to the impact and mechanisms used by the elite in maintaining peace in Manado. This study uncovers some interesting findings. First, there are five elements that support the existence of peace in Manado: education, cultural values (local wisdom, economic situations, spiritual understanding, and the role of the elite. Second, inter-religious peace and harmony can exist in Manado, because of the synergy and cooperation of these three levels of leadership. Third, although the theory of Lederach seems to suggest that top-level leaders are the most dominant element of the elite, it is found that the role of grassroots leaders including leaders of congregations (imam, ustadz, clergymen, and priests is more vital as their more directly involved in the daily activities of the society. Fourth, the mechanisms of these elites seem to be various in every stage of leadership.

  5. Peace without women does not go!’ Women’s struggle for inclusion in Colombia’s peace process with the FARC

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    Lina M. Céspedes-Báez


    Full Text Available In this study, we analyze the tactics deployed by Colombian women’s rights NGOs, movements, and advocacy groups to challenge masculinism in the peace negotiations between the Colombian government and the former Colombian guerrilla Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC held in Havana.1 By drawing on the literature on women’s participation in peace and transitional justice processes, the research assesses the presence of women in Colombia’s peace talks, the way women’s movements articulated their demands, the role of the sub-commission on gender, and the manner in which gender was introduced in the drafts of the peace agreement and in the document the parties to the negotiation signed in Cartagena in September 2016.

  6. Community based rehabilitation: a strategy for peace-building


    Hodgson Jennifer; Koros Michael; Boyce William


    Abstract Background Certain features of peace-building distinguish it from peacekeeping, and make it an appropriate strategy in dealing with vertical conflict and low intensity conflict. However, some theorists suggest that attempts, through peace-building, to impose liberal values upon non-democratic cultures are misguided and lack an ethical basis. Discussion We have been investigating the peace-building properties of community based approaches to disability in a number of countries. This p...

  7. Partnership for Peace

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Penner, Vernon


    Partnership for Peace (PFP) has gotten off to a highly successful start over the past two years with an accelerated growth in membership encompassing the Euro-Atlantic community, the rapid development of its own military...

  8. Peace journalism and radical media ethics

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    Marta Natalia Lukacovic


    Full Text Available The radical characteristics of peace journalism position it as a model that expands the current understandings of normative media theory. Peace journalism echoes the most innovative calls of media ethicists, such as the proposition of radical media ethics. This idea asserts the necessity to expand media ethics to better fit the globalized and democratized media landscape, which is enabled by contemporary new media technologies. Essentially a global shift, among professionals as well as regular citizen-communicators, should advance towards conflict sensitivity in order to transcend the culturally violent elements of covering conflicts. Similar efforts will bring numerous challenges, however, these efforts are tremendously worthwhile with their potential to assist the creation of more peace-prone global societies.

  9. Do peaceful nuclear explosions have a future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The idea of peaceful uses for nuclear explosive devices arose almost simultaneously with the concept of the nuclear explosion itself. It has been a powerful idea in that it soon generated major study efforts in the United States and the USSR and also captured the interest of many developing nations. But in spite of this considerable interest and much expenditure of funds and effort, the expectation that economically viable uses will be found for peaceful nuclear explosions looks even more distant now that when the first studies were initiated. This, at least, is the conclusion of two recent U.S. studies of the economic feasibility and time scale for application of peaceful nuclear explosions by the United States. The larger of these two studies was prepared by the Gulf Universities Research Consortium, and dealt particularly with possibilities for use in the United States by 1990 of contained, i.e., underground, peaceful nuclear explosions. This paper provides briefer analysis by an ad hoc panel assesses the implications of the Gulf report, considers other uses for peaceful nuclear explosions, and summarizes the reasons why there is only a small possibility that there will be significant use of them by the United States before the year 2000

  10. The Ecuador-Peru Peace Process

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    Marcel Fortuna Biato

    Full Text Available Abstract The 1998 Brasilia Peace Agreement ended a territorial dispute between Ecuador and Peru that, due to the size and location of the contested area, had remained a source of regional instability and continental tensions for decades. This paper examines the circumstances that finally allowed negotiations, beginning in 1995, to overcome an almost two-centuries-old conflict, long after almost all territorial disputes in South America had been laid to rest. It will focus in particular on the diplomatic endeavours by the guarantor countries of the 1942 Rio de Janeiro Protocol, which involved a unique set of negotiations, and the setting up of the first effective multilateral peace operation in South America. It also suggests that the peace agreement benefited from the dynamics of economic integration underway since the 1980s. Finally, it considers the implications for regional security arrangements, as well as Brazil’s leadership credentials in South America.

  11. Foreign Language Training in the United States Peace Corps. (United States)

    Kulakow, Allan

    This document reports on the foreign language training offered in the Peace Corps. Following a brief introductory statement, a list of languages taught by the Peace Corps in the years 1961-67 is provided, as well as a brief description of Peace Corps language training methods. Guidelines for language coordinators are outlined, and the approach to…

  12. Personality dimensions and attitudes towards peace and war


    Blumberg, Herbert H.; Zeligman, Ruth; Appel, Liat; Tibon-Czopp, Shira


    Purpose\\ud The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between major personality dimensions and attitudes towards peace and war.\\ud \\ud Design/methodology/approach\\ud Three samples – two consisting of British psychology students (n=64 and 121) and one of Israeli students (n=80), responded to measures of some or all of: five-factor inventory, SYMLOG trait form, general survey including authoritarianism; attitudes towards peace and war; specific attitudes towards peace and war poli...


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    José Benito Pérez Sauceda


    Full Text Available The Mediation is a principal element for the construction of a real Positive Peace. If we want create a Peace State, we need conditions of Justice and Equity, is necessary that the justice system use the Mediation in first place. A government who promote it and citizens educated in this competitions of dialogues, empathy, cooperation and constructions agreements. In this document we make a theory study contribution concerning to the Positive Conflict Resolution in the Culture of Peace and special of the Mediation with the objective to understand the importance, patterns, haracteristics, purposes, objectives and promote its implementation.

  14. Bibliografía sobre organismos, ambientes y procesos marinos y atmosféricos en Bahía Culebra, Pacífico norte, Guanacaste, Costa Rica (1922-2012

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    Jorge Cortés


    Full Text Available Bahía Culebra se locoaliza en la parte norte de la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. Es una región de afloramiento estacional, rica en ambientes y organismos marinos, y además, la zona de mayor desarrollo turístico del país. En este trabajo compilo y analizo una lista de 182 publicaciones en revista científcas y 23 tesis, informes y libros sobre organismos, ambientes y procesos marinos y atmosféricos en Bahía Culebra o donde se menciona la Bahía, se presentan y analizan. La gran mayoría de los trabajos, empezando en 1922 con la descripción de un poliqueto, son sobre biodiversidad y ecología. Faltan trabajos sobre algunos ambientes de la bahía, por ejemplo, el bentos de los fondos blandos, y grupos de organismos, por ejemplo, sobre gusanos planos de vida libre. Faltan investigaciones sobre pesquería y manejo de los organismos y ambientes marinos de la Bahía.

  15. CSIR eNews: Defence peace safety and security

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available , peace, safety and security. CSIR Defence, Peace, Safety and Security provides a national defence S&T capability: supplying knowledge, advice and solutions in defence and matters of national security....

  16. Good journalism or peace journalism?


    David Loyn


    This paper argues against the prescriptive notions of Peace Journalism, and in particular its exclusive nature and attempt to define itself as a new orthodoxy. Most of the paper is a critique of the work of Jake Lynch and Annabel McGoldrick, in a book published in 2005, as well as their earlier Reporting the World series. They condemn all other ways of reporting as 'War Journalism, biased in favour of war.' I argue instead that the opposite of Peace Journalism is good journalism. Much of ...

  17. Empresas multinacionales y estructura del comercio internacional : España


    Criollo Galindo, Yuri Lizeth


    Inicialmente se estudia el comercio internacional haciéndose una revisión de sus teorías y la estructura del comercio exterior para el caso de España. Posteriormente se analiza el papel desempeñado por las empresas multinacionales, resaltando la importancia de la inversión extranjera directa. Finalmente se realiza un modelo explicativo para el comercio, evaluando el impacto de los flujos de entrada de capitales en España sobre el comercio internacional de nuestro país. Departamento de Fund...

  18. Harvesting Social Signals to Inform Peace Processes Implementation and Monitoring. (United States)

    Nigam, Aastha; Dambanemuya, Henry K; Joshi, Madhav; Chawla, Nitesh V


    Peace processes are complex, protracted, and contentious involving significant bargaining and compromising among various societal and political stakeholders. In civil war terminations, it is pertinent to measure the pulse of the nation to ensure that the peace process is responsive to citizens' concerns. Social media yields tremendous power as a tool for dialogue, debate, organization, and mobilization, thereby adding more complexity to the peace process. Using Colombia's final peace agreement and national referendum as a case study, we investigate the influence of two important indicators: intergroup polarization and public sentiment toward the peace process. We present a detailed linguistic analysis to detect intergroup polarization and a predictive model that leverages Tweet structure, content, and user-based features to predict public sentiment toward the Colombian peace process. We demonstrate that had proaccord stakeholders leveraged public opinion from social media, the outcome of the Colombian referendum could have been different.

  19. Fifty years of atoms for peace

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Airey, P.; Tuniz, C.


    The nuclear community around the world will be marking the 50th anniversary of President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace Speech on 8 December 2003. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is organising a series of seminars in the US, Japan and France which will culminate in consensus statement Atoms for Peace after 50 Years; New Challenges and Opportunities. A separate initiative has seen the foundation of the World Nuclear University with the mission to strengthen international institutions to guide the ongoing development of the peaceful nuclear technology. The challenge for the nuclear community over the next 50 years is to redefine and recommit to the old vision in a new world challenged by new dimensions in national security, by environmental degradation and by the impacts of population pressures coupled with predicted climate change

  20. War and peace in the Internet era

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    Josep M. Porta Fabregat


    Full Text Available This article looks to find the ideological causes that lead human beings to war or peace nowadays, in the Internet era. This proposal is worthy of study as war is not a need in terms of human nature or history: we are capable of war and peace simultaneously. However, why does war survive if we are able to live in peace? In our opinion, the actual cause of conflict is fanaticism. This phenomenon comes from the perversion of the two bases of our civilisation: liberty and rationality. This twofold perversion leads us to believe that we are the Absolute, or at least its instrument.Since the fall of the Berlin wall, this kind of fanaticism has come from the generalised conviction that we are at the "end of history"; in this light, one can conclude that this irrationality is definitive and, thus, that any efforts to achieve world peace are useless. However, we believe that the formula for peace can only be derived from reflection and the effective extension around the world of a technical medium that makes communication between all men possible. This would be able to resolve all the perversions of liberty and rationality and make people aware of the infinite distance between us and the Absolute. However, this reflection is not enough. For this awareness to triumph, the technical and ideological situation represented by the Internet has to spread over the whole planet: liberty for those taking part, rationality to allow for communication among all those connected and universal access. This is the moral trend for the Internet, which in itself encourages progress towards world peace.

  1. Pacifist Empowerment of the Current Peace Process in Colombia: 2012-2015

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    Esperanza Hernández Delgado


    Full Text Available Colombia has been an internal armed conflict that has over half a century and is identified within the oldest. This country is also evidence, an important cumulative learning in peace processes; and the search for a negotiated end of the conflict, by governments and insurgent movements in the past thirty- three years. However, so far it not achieved the desired final peace agreement with all insurgent movements, leaving the country in a permanent limbo: neither peace nor total war; nor peace negotiations with the expected scope, or defeat the enemy. It is in this context that this paper feed, product of a research exercise for peace, conducted with the Institute of Political Studies at the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga -UNAB- , is located and focused on the peace process, since October 2012, a head President Juan Manuel Santos and the rebel movement Farc Ep. The object of the research was to characterize this peace process in order to produce academic knowledge around itself, and learning from it since the peacebuilding perspective. It was made from the historical - sociological analysis methodological model. Researchers consulted relevant primary and secondary sources. The first sources, represented in 35 semi –structured interviews with academic experts, peace negotiators, not academic experts and builders of peace. Considering that peace negotiations are still ongoing, this article presents partial findings, represented in one of its essential characteristics: build an experience of «pacifist empowerment».

  2. In the service of peace: 2005 Nobel Peace prize

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Nobel Citation: The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2005 is to be shared, in two equal parts, between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its Director General, Mohamed ElBaradei, for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way. At a time when the threat of nuclear arms is again increasing, the Norwegian Nobel Committee wishes to underline that this threat must be met through the broadest possible international cooperation. This principle finds its clearest expression today in the work of the IAEA and its Director General. In the nuclear non-proliferation regime, it is the IAEA which controls that nuclear energy is not misused for military purposes, and the Director General has stood out as an unafraid advocate of new measures to strengthen that regime. At a time when disarmament efforts appear deadlocked, when there is a danger that nuclear arms will spread both to states and to terrorist groups, and when nuclear power again appears to be playing an increasingly significant role, IAEA's work is of incalculable importance. In his will, Alfred Nobel wrote that the Peace Prize should, among other criteria, be awarded to whoever had done most for the abolition or reduction of standing armies. In its application of this criterion in recent decades, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has concentrated on the struggle to diminish the significance of nuclear arms in international politics, with a view to their abolition. That the world has achieved little in this respect makes active opposition to nuclear arms all the more important today. The full Nobel Lecture of the Director General of the IAEA, Mr. Mohamed ElBaradei is given in this paper

  3. Translating Biotechnology to Knowledge-Based Innovation, Peace, and Development? Deploy a Science Peace Corps—An Open Letter to World Leaders (United States)

    Abou-Zeid, Alaa H.; Ağırbaşlı, Mehmet; Akintola, Simisola O.; Aynacıoğlu, Şükrü; Bayram, Mustafa; Bragazzi, Nicola Luigi; Dandara, Collet; Dereli, Türkay; Dove, Edward S.; Elbeyli, Levent; Endrenyi, Laszlo; Erciyas, Kamile; Faris, Jack; Ferguson, Lynnette R.; Göğüş, Fahrettin; Güngör, Kıvanç; Gürsoy, Mervi; Gürsoy, Ulvi K.; Karaömerlioğlu, M. Asım; Kickbusch, Ilona; Kılıç, Türker; Kılınç, Metin; Kocagöz, Tanıl; Lin, Biaoyang; LLerena, Adrián; Manolopoulos, Vangelis G.; Nair, Bipin; Özkan, Bülent; Pang, Tikki; Şardaş, Semra; Srivastava, Sanjeeva; Toraman, Cengiz; Üstün, Kemal; Warnich, Louise; Wonkam, Ambroise; Yakıcıer, Mustafa Cengiz; Yaşar, Ümit


    Abstract Scholarship knows no geographical boundaries. This science diplomacy and biotechnology journalism article introduces an original concept and policy petition to innovate the global translational science, a Science Peace Corps. Service at the new Corps could entail volunteer work for a minimum of 6 weeks, and up to a maximum of 2 years, for translational research in any region of the world to build capacity manifestly for development and peace, instead of the narrow bench-to-bedside model of life science translation. Topics for translational research are envisioned to include all fields of life sciences and medicine, as long as they are linked to potential or concrete endpoints in development, foreign policy, conflict management, post-crisis capacity building, and/or peace scholarship domains. As a new instrument in the global science and technology governance toolbox, a Science Peace Corps could work effectively, for example, towards elucidating the emerging concept of “one health”—encompassing human, environmental, plant, microbial, ecosystem, and planet health—thus serving as an innovative crosscutting pillar of 21st century integrative biology. An interdisciplinary program of this caliber for development would link 21st century life sciences to foreign policy and peace, in ways that can benefit many nations despite their ideological differences. We note that a Science Peace Corps is timely. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations released the Fifth Assessment Report on March 31, 2014. Worrisomely, the report underscores that no person or nation will remain untouched by the climate change, highlighting the shared pressing life sciences challenges for global society. To this end, we recall that President John F. Kennedy advocated for volunteer work that has enduring, transgenerational, and global impacts. This culminated in establishment of the Peace Corps in 1961. Earlier, President Abraham Lincoln aptly observed

  4. Toward a Critical Peace Education for Sustainability (United States)

    Brantmeier, Edward J.


    This article proposes the need for peace education as a field to embrace critical power analysis of place in efforts toward social and environmental sustainability. Rather than status quo reproduction, a critical peace education for sustainability should both elucidate and transform the power dynamics inherent in structural violence and cultural…

  5. Los Servicios de Inteligencia ante los retos de la Comunidad Internacional

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    Torres Muro, Federico


    Full Text Available El título de mi contribución a este número de la revista Arbor, «Los Servicios de inteligencia ante los retos de la comunidad internacional", posiblemente debería completarse con la frase, para las que aquéllos deben tener respuesta. Me explico. Es obvio que la comunidad internacional tiene que afrontar retos como el hambre, la pobreza, el cambio climático, que no menciono en mi artículo ya que no entran dentro del ámbito de actuación de los servicios de inteligencia, aunque ningún analista cualificado los ignoraría. No obstante, he creído conveniente centrar mi descripción, necesariamente sucinta, del panorama actual de las relaciones internacionales en aquellos factores que entiendo afectan directamente a la seguridad internacional y, por tanto, a la tarea de los servicios de inteligencia.

  6. Peace and power: a theory of emancipatory group process. (United States)

    Chinn, Peggy L; Falk-Rafael, Adeline


    To present the theoretical basis for the group process known as "Peace and Power." A dialectic between two dominant forms of power-peace powers and power-over powers-forms the basis for a synthesis that yields an emancipatory group process characterized by praxis, empowerment, awareness, cooperation, and evolvement for individuals and groups. Critical analysis of prevailing competitive group dynamics and the ideals of cooperative group dynamics was conducted to project the potential for achieving group interactions that yield profound changes in the direction of justice, empowerment, and well-being for all. The theoretical framework of "Peace and Power" is consistent with characteristics of emancipatory integrity that are vital for social change. The processes of "Peace and Power" can be used to create peaceful, cooperative interactions among nurses, with other health professionals, with patients and families, and in communities. © 2014 Sigma Theta Tau International.

  7. Play, a mechanism for developing peaceful behaviour among elementary school pupils for sustainable peace in Cross River State, Nigeria

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    Rita A. Ndifon


    Full Text Available This research work was aimed at investigating play, as a mechanism for developing peaceful behaviour among elementary school pupils for sustainable peace in Cross River State, Nigeria. In order to determine this, Ex-post facto research design was used. Some determinants of play such as; playing age preference of pupils, gender differences and willingness to play with opposite sex and pupils’ home background were identified as variables for the study. The population of the study was 26,363. A total of 200 primary six pupils formed the sample for the study through which the data were obtained, using purposive sampling technique. The instruments were faced validated and reliability ascertained. The data were analyzed using Pearson Product Movement Correlation Analysis (PPMCA and Independent T-test at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study revealed a significant relationship between playing age preference of pupils and their home background, between boys and girls exist no significant difference in their willingness to play with opposite sex.. The implication is that when pupils play together they develop peaceful behavior which will help the interact freely in their adult life leading to sustainable peace wherever they find themselves. Also, when pupils are allowed to play with their peers at home, they learn to tolerate others and develop peaceful behaviours. It was therefore recommended that Children should be allowed to play with their age mates and also with the ones of the same sex and opposite sex as this will help them to interact freely and also develop the social relationship that will bring about peaceful co-existence.

  8. Breves reflexões sobre a soberania e a supranacionalidade nos procesos de integração regional - 10.5102/uri.v8i2.1161

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    Elisa de Sousa Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar uma realidade que emergiu no mundo globalizado: o debate acerca da (impossibilidade de concessão de parcela de soberania dos Estados para um organismo supranacional de integração. Com base nos discursos de cientistas políticos e internacionalistas, apresentam-se diferentes perspectivas sobre a afirmativa de que a soberania seria um atributo exclusivo do Estado e que esse não poderia ceder uma parcela a outro ente. Em outras palavras, procura-se refletir se o Estado efetivamente cede o exercício de algumas competências soberanas aos organismos de integração ou se a soberania poderia ser compartilhada ou até mesmo concedida parcial ou totalmente a um organismo internacional.

  9. Control de procesos mediante tecnologías de diagnóstico isotópico


    Vargas, Celso; Chaverri, Oscar; Chiné, Bruno; Conejo, Mario


    La cooperación con el Organismo Internacional de la Energía Atómica (OIEA) ha sido fundamental en nuestra institución para promover el uso pacíficode la tecnología nuclear, especialmente en las aplicaciones industriales. Este año se cumplen 17 años de cooperación permanente entre dicho organismo y la Escuela de Ciencia e Ingeniería de los Materiales. Desde el 2003 y hasta el 2005, ha estado en desarrollo un proyecto de dotación de capacidad, orientado a la formación de profesionales y equipam...

  10. Los grupos armados ante el Derecho Internacional contemporáneo. : Obligaciones y responsabilidad

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Inigo Alvarez, L.


    Los grupos armados no estatales no son un fenómeno nuevo. Sin embargo, el incremento de los conflictos armados internos desde el final de la Guerra Fría así como el surgimiento del terrorismo internacional han abierto el debate sobre la eficacia del Derecho Internacional Humanitario (DIH)y del

  11. Factores asociados al desempeño en organismos operadores de agua potable en México

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    Alejandro Salazar Adams


    Full Text Available en este estudio se investigan los factores asociados con el desempeño de los organismos operadores de agua en México, mediante el análisis de la estructura de correlación de los principales indicadores para una muestra de 106 de ellos. Se clasificaron a partir de un análisis de cluster sobre componentes más importantes, para identificar patrones de eficiencia relacionados con variables contextuales. Los resultados indican que el volumen de agua no contabilizada es mayor en organismos con más empleados, por cada mil tomas. Esto también se correlaciona con bajos costos de producción y tasas elevadas de precipitación. Las ciudades más grandes y desarrolladas tienen mejor acceso a los servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado; aunque la cobertura tiende a ser menor en las que crecen con mayor rapidez. El porcentaje de recaudación y el ingreso promedio por metro cúbico son mayores en localidades con micromedición alta, donde también la relación ingreso-costo es mejor.

  12. A course in Peace Journalism

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    Jake Lynch


    Full Text Available This article sets out a reasoned and annotated plan for a short course in Peace Journalism, suitable for teaching to students of Journalism, Communications, Media and Peace and Conflict Studies. It is based on courses the author has taught, over many years, and the aim of the article is to help teachers to devise their own courses. The best way to help students to begin thinking about issues in the representation of conflicts, the article argues, is to give them a flavour of it, by showing them different ways in which the same story can be told. The article gives story-boards and scripts for two television news treatments of the same event, a bombing in the Philippines. The first is an example of War Journalism, it is argued; the second, Peace Journalism. The article suggests ways to develop a course from this illustrative starting point, to ask why the distinctions between these two approaches should be considered important - both in their own terms, and in terms of their potential influence on the course of events in conflict. Different approaches to conceptualising and measuring this possible influence are discussed, with suggestions for further exploration. The article recounts some of the author's experiences in introducing and discussing what is, inevitably sometimes, difficult and sensitive material, with groups including participants from conflict-affected countries - Palestine, Israel and the Philippines. Not all students will be aspiring journalists. The article offers brief notes on practical Peace Journalism, as well as showing how learning outcomes can be formulated to allow the same issues to be tackled in the form of a civil society campaign, or as a peace-building intervention in conflict. The article also explains how students can be equipped to question elements of journalistic practice which they may take for granted, and which pass unexamined in many current journalism courses. That, in turn, entails examining the emergence

  13. Situating peace journalism in journalism studies: A critical appraisal

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    Thomas Hanitzsch


    Full Text Available Most wars were not brought to our attention if there were no journalists to report on them and no news media to send reporters to conflict spots. At the same time, the media often give priority to conflict and war at the expense of playing a positive role in attempts to bring about peace. The concept of peace journalism is, therefore, seen as an alternative model to traditional ways of war reporting. This article argues, however, that the idea of peace journalism comes as old wine in new bottles. Although carrying a noble goal, it ignores the manifold nuances in the media and tends to highlight the exceptional, spectacular and negative of war coverage. The idea of peace journalism tends to overestimate the influence journalists and the media have on political decisions; and it often understands audiences in terms of a passive mass that needs to be enlightened by virtue of peace reporting. In addition to this, peace journalism is, to a considerable extent, based on an overly individualistic perspective and ignores the many structural constraints that shape and limit the work of journalists: few personnel, time and material resources; editorial procedures and hierarchies; textual constraints; availability of sources; access to the scene and information in general - just to name a few. All this suggests that the conduct of peace journalism is not a matter of individual leeway, and media structures and professional routines cannot be modified from the position of the individual journalist. Modern corporate journalism involves processes of organized news production, thus giving priority to organizational and institutional factors as well as processes of professional socialization. To have any impact on the way the news is made, and its critical scrutiny, the advocates of peace journalism must address the structural constraints of news production. The discussion of peace journalism, and particularly of its practical implications, must be tied to the

  14. Contributions of developmental psychology to peace education

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oppenheimer, L.; Salomon, G.; Cairns, E.


    According to Resolution A/52/243 of the UN General Assembly (United Nations, 1998), "The purposes and principles of the United Nations . . . has been a major act towards transformation from a culture of war and violence to a culture of peace and non-violence" (p. 1). A culture of peace is then said

  15. Pedagogy of Peace and Philosophy of War: the Search for Truth

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    Serhiy Klepko


    Full Text Available Peace pedagogy (German: Friedenspedagogik and the Peace education are identified as relevant educational paradigm and set of educational projects aimed at solving problems of teaching non-violence and the capacity for peace in the context of the democratic movement for peace. There is a set of reasons to state that the education system of the world depends not only on technological trends and mastering the sum of strategies of war and peace but, first of all, on what extends the whole education is true for its subjects and able to provide research on the ultimate question of social and personal life, including eternal mankind’s dream for peace. This paper describes methodological role for pedagogy of peace of geophilosophy as a concept to solve socio-economic conflicts in the dimensions of truth and earthly life in which modern geophilosophical research carried out to find a man’s place in the world and territory for him

  16. Life, Writing, and Peace: Reading Maxine Hong Kingston's The Fifth Book of Peace

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    Te-Hsing Shan


    Full Text Available Unlike her former award-winning and critically acclaimed works, Maxine Hong Kingston's The Fifth Book of Peace has received little attention. This is an unthinkable phenomenon for a writer who has been hailed as one of the most widely taught authors living in the United States. One of the main reasons is that critics and reviewers do not know how to cope with this complicated, heterogeneous, and "weird" text that defies easy categorization. Nor do they know how to respond to the ways the author urges her readers to squarely face collective American traumas and symptoms through writing (especially the Vietnam War. This paper attempts to approach this intriguing text from the perspective of life writing. Part I points out the undue neglect of this book, refutes some serious misunderstandings, and offers "life writing" as a critical approach. Part II places this book in the context of Kingston's career and life trajectory in order to show that "peace" has always been her major concern. Part III argues that, whereas the 1991 Berkeley-Oakland fire destroyed the manuscript of her "Fourth Book of Peace" along with her house, this "baptism of fire" and its accompanying sense of devastation generated a special empathy, enabling her to better understand those who suffer, especially Vietnam War veterans. Part IV deals with both the subjects of writing trauma and trauma narrative and indicates how Kingston combines her writing expertise with the Buddhist mindfulness expounded by the Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh to lead the Veterans Writing Workshop. Finally, Part V stresses how Kingston and her writing community, by combining life, writing, and peace, tell their own stories and create new lives both personally and collectively.

  17. Cosmopolitanism and Peace in Kant's Essay on "Perpetual Peace" (United States)

    Huggler, Jorgen


    Immanuel Kant's essay on Perpetual Peace (1795/96) contains a rejection of the idea of a world government (earlier advocated by Kant himself). In connexion with a substantial argument for cosmopolitan rights based on the human body and its need for a space on the surface of the Earth, Kant presents the most rigorous philosophical formulation ever…

  18. Emerging challenges to long-term peace and security in Mozambique

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adedokun, Ayokunu


    Mozambique's transition from civil war to peace is often considered among the most successful implementations of a peace agreement in the post-Cold War era. Following the signing of the 1992 Rome General Peace Accords (GPA), the country has not experienced any large-scale recurrence of war. Instead,

  19. Bringing science to bear--on peace, not war: elaborating on psychology's potential to promote peace. (United States)

    Leidner, Bernhard; Tropp, Linda R; Lickel, Brian


    We argue that psychological and contextual factors play important roles in bringing about, facilitating, and escalating violent conflict. Yet rather than conclude that violent conflict is inevitable, we believe psychology's contributions can extend beyond understanding the origins and nature of violent conflict, to promote nonviolence and peace. In this article, we summarize psychological perspectives on the conditions and motivations underlying violent conflict. Drawing on this work, we then discuss psychological and contextual factors that can mitigate violence and war and promote nonviolence and peace. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved

  20. Impacto Provocado pelo Voo em Aviões de Alta Performance no Organismo Humano


    Candeias, Carlos


    As actuais aeronaves de combate e de treino, pelas suas elevadas performances, provocam efeitos adversos no organismo humano. Os pilotos operam num ambiente consideravelmente agressivo e potencialmente perigoso, cujas características podem limitar as suas capacidades e desempenho ao ponto de os levar até à inconsciência. Daqui decorre naturalmente um factor de risco muito acrescido que não está presente na operação de outras aeronaves, por exemplo de transporte. São vários os sistemas do orga...

  1. Every Day, A New Chance for Peace. (United States)

    Turner, Joy


    Presents a Montessorian view of the causes of war and how to achieve peace in the world, focusing on how early experiences shape one's sense of security and one's attitudes and habits regarding conflict resolution. Examines the frequency of war in world history, current threats of warfare, and proposals for promoting world peace, including…

  2. Modelos de reputação internacional e paradigmas de política externa


    Medeiros,Sabrina Evangelista


    Reputação internacional é um objeto do direito internacional cujo valor se dá pela atribuição positiva ou negativa a respeito de um Estado pelos demais ou, de outro modo, pela capacidade de um determinado Estado agir de acordo com seus compromissos, frequentemente chamada de confiabilidade. Dessa forma, os imperativos da política externa de um país são qualificadores de sua recepção pela comunidade internacional entre graus variáveis de confiança e desconfiança. Este artigo tem como finalidad...

  3. History, Culture, Peace: Rumi Mevlana

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    Alina Beatrice Cheşcă


    Full Text Available Along the history, for so many centuries, Rumi Mawlana – perhaps the most loved mystical poet of all times – has been alive and talking to people of all cultures through the language of love, peace, faith and true kindness. This remarkable man has always transcended the boundaries of time, space, race, religion, considering that “Love is the very meaning of creation and life”. It would not be an exaggeration to assert that the history of humankind would have been a paradise if human beings had followed such principles like peace, love and understanding. Rumi Mawlana created a splendid, humanitarian and universal type of art, culture and mentality; his message is God’s message to humankind: friendship, hope, generosity, peace, beauty, in one word: Love and happiness in all forms. Thus, he used his huge poetic talent not only in order to touch people’s hearts, but also to reach the most splendid goal of the human race: that of making people more sensitive to the eternal and most important human values.

  4. Confucian Self-Cultivation and Daoist Personhood: Implications for Peace Education (United States)

    Wang, Hongyu


    This essay argues that the concept of reaching peace within in order to sustain peace outside in classical Confucianism and Daoism offers us important lessons for peace education in the contemporary age. Building harmonious connections between differences in one's personhood paves a path for negotiating interconnections across conflicting…

  5. Concepción normológica de la problemática científica del derecho tributario internacional


    Feuillade, Milton César


    El Derecho Tributario Internacional se encuentra dentro del horizonte jurídico del Derecho Internacional Privado. Puede hablarse de conflictos de normas en el Derecho Tributario Internacional y de la aplicación de las instituciones propias del Derecho Internacional Privado para su mejor solución. El Derecho extranjero tomado de forma sistémica requiere el tener en cuenta junto al Derecho Civil al Derecho Público, del cual el Derecho Tributario es parte, a efectos de hacer una correcta aplicac...

  6. (DeConstructing Conflict: A Focused Review of War and Peace Journalism

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    Susan Dente Ross


    Full Text Available This overview of the media and conflict literature and case study of media coverage of peace offers a framework and guidance for peace journalism. Many studies show media rarely report conflict neutrally. Human psychology, journalistic norms, and structural constraints draw media away from complex historical reporting of violence. Limited systematic research on media coverage of peace is insufficient to direct response to prevalent war journalism. A case study of The Washington Report coverage of Middle East peace initiatives suggests problems in media coverage of peace. It demonstrates five trends in press orientations. Peace initiatives are: 1. political maneuvering and strategic posturing, 2. rhetorical games to mask intractable differences, 3. a charade among players with little belief in their success, 4. fragile and impermanent, and 5. an exercise in doublespeak and distortion. Peace journalists are divided between an activist, advocacy role for media and a definition of peace journalism as quality, objective journalism that includes under-represented perspectives to provide deeper and broader information. The divide reflects long-standing imprecision and ideological objectives in the fields of conflict studies, peace studies, conflict resolution, and more. Thus, economic theorists contend that industry structure and profit-motives drive media to privilege the powerful, limiting the potential for change. The propaganda model of media suggests peace journalism initiatives are impotent because media are a mouthpiece for government. Some say the realities of the post-Cold War world undermine quality journalism, and local media are an inefficient and limited mechanism to disseminate dissident ideas. Critical scholars view peace journalism as flawed, ineffectual, or certain to be co-opted. However, media texts are subject to multiple interpretations; cracks in the monolith offer opportunities for reform. Peace journalism must transform deeply

  7. La mercadotecnia agroalimentaria gubernamental en el comercio exterior

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    José Fernando Reyes Pantoja


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar una panorámica de la situación de México y de la estrategia global por seguir en el mercado de productos agroalimentarios, donde se encuentran involucrados varios organismos que impulsan la capacidad de comercialización internacional de México.

  8. The Urgency for Peace in Teachings of John Paul II

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    Jerzy Lewandowski


    Full Text Available Peace has always been a topic of great importance. Its presence is desired by all nations and societies. It brings the world together in unity. John Paul II considered peace to be an integral part in creation of an independent and healthy society. Papal encyclicals and messages, intended to present the response of the teaching Church to problems that arise from time to time, often dwell on the principles that advocate peace. Since freedom and peace are in many cases a privilege for many nations, the mentioned pope commits himself to speak about the cruelty and evilness of wars and national conflicts. Pope John Paul II denounces intolerance as denial of freedom for many people, and consequently a great threat to peace. The pope teaches that peace has its roots in the family. Yet, in many societies, the family is deprived of the utmost importance that it certainly deserves. Without the adequate means for a decent livelihood, families can experience hardship in committing themselves to promote solidarity and a proper social fabric worthy of human dignity. For John Paul II, a nation’s freedom and peace are safeguarded and promoted through particular attention and a much-devoted effort by strong and healthy families.

  9. Concepts of peace education: A view of western experience (United States)

    Burns, Robin; Aspeslagh, Robert


    Approaches to the theory and practice of peace education are as varied as the situations across the world in which it is undertaken. Against a framework established by the Peace Education Commission of IPRA, current trends in the conceptualization and experience of peace education (from a Western view-point) are considered and reveal (1) acceptance of `development' with `justice' and `human rights' as integral to the concept of peace; (2) emphasis on the psychological as well as socio-political, economic and structural conditions that maintain present injustices and oppressions; (3) renewed efforts to try out innovative educational approaches to a variety of learning situations, from the pre-school to adult formal and non-formal settings; (4) new concern about the materials, content and techniques of learning; and (5) fresh examination of the inter-relationships between theory and practice, research and action. Analyzing a number of conceptual approaches to peace and disarmament education, the authors support a political, participatory strategy and set it in a historical context. Hence, its connection with development education and the significance and implications of a global perspective are demonstrated. The global perspective is seen as a growing-point for peace education today, providing the potential for political consciousness and action.

  10. Peace Through Integration or Peace Through Separation?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reher, Stefanie


    to the different groups by creating homogeneous federal units will mediate political conflict and prevent secession by reducing discrimination of minorities. Integrationists reject this idea, claiming that integration in form of heterogeneous federal units promotes tolerance and thereby peace. This study sheds...... light on the debate by comparing India’s federal states, which differ in their levels of religious heterogeneity. The results of the quantitative analysis indicate that religiously homogeneous federal units have higher levels of interreligious tolerance than heterogeneous units, lending support...

  11. Good fences: the importance of setting boundaries for peaceful coexistence.

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    Alex Rutherford

    Full Text Available We consider the conditions of peace and violence among ethnic groups, testing a theory designed to predict the locations of violence and interventions that can promote peace. Characterizing the model's success in predicting peace requires examples where peace prevails despite diversity. Switzerland is recognized as a country of peace, stability and prosperity. This is surprising because of its linguistic and religious diversity that in other parts of the world lead to conflict and violence. Here we analyze how peaceful stability is maintained. Our analysis shows that peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups, allowing for partial autonomy within a single country. In Switzerland, mountains and lakes are an important part of the boundaries between sharply defined linguistic areas. Political canton and circle (sub-canton boundaries often separate religious groups. Where such boundaries do not appear to be sufficient, we find that specific aspects of the population distribution guarantee either sufficient separation or sufficient mixing to inhibit intergroup violence according to the quantitative theory of conflict. In exactly one region, a porous mountain range does not adequately separate linguistic groups and that region has experienced significant violent conflict, leading to the recent creation of the canton of Jura. Our analysis supports the hypothesis that violence between groups can be inhibited by physical and political boundaries. A similar analysis of the area of the former Yugoslavia shows that during widespread ethnic violence existing political boundaries did not coincide with the boundaries of distinct groups, but peace prevailed in specific areas where they did coincide. The success of peace in Switzerland may serve as a model to resolve conflict in other ethnically diverse countries and regions of the world.

  12. Peaceful applications of nuclear explosions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallin, L.B.


    The intension of this report is to give a survey of the field of peaceful applications of nuclear explosions. As an introduction some examples of possibilities of application are given together with a simple description of nuclear explosions under ground. After a summary of what has been done and will be done in this field nationally and internationally, a short discussion of advantages and problems with peaceful application of nuclear explosions follows. The risks of spreading nuclear weapons due to this applications are also touched before the report is finished with an attempt to judge the future development in this field. (M.S.)

  13. Talking Peace in the Ogaden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hagmann, Tobias

    Since the 1990s, war in the Ogaden region of Ethiopia has claimed thousands of lives. The conflict between the Government of Ethiopia and the insurgent Ogaden National Liberation Front has impoverished the communities of Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State, swollen the refugee population in Kenya......, and added to insecurity in the Somali territories of the Horn of Africa. Talking Peace in the Ogaden is the outcome of extensive research in Ethiopia, East Africa and the global Ogaadeeni diaspora. It analyses the evolution of the conflict, the changing balance of forces, and the current prospects for peace....


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    Fulvio Attinà


    Full Text Available In recent years, the multilateral practice of peacekeeping and peace support operations has been growing as legitimate instrument to interrupt violence, strengthen security, and protect against gross human rights violations. Invented by the United Nations, peace operations have passed through a process of change that has given new features to multilateral security. Since the late 1980s, the number of UN-authorized peace operations has been growing. Also regional organisations have engaged themselves in an unprecedented number of peace support operations. Recently, the European Union has entered into the practice of peacekeeping, and put multilateralism at the centre of its presence in the world political system. This paper reviews political science knowledge on peace operations (especially, the legitimacy and efficacy issues, and examines the hypothesis of the appearance of minilateralism as the consequence of the engagement of regional organisations and actors, like the EU, in peace operations. The hypothesis is tested by comparing the data of the peace missions of three European organisations (EU, OSCE, and NATO with those of the United Nations. The paper conclusion is that the European states are developing a preference for selective engagement (i.e. minilateralism in peace operations, and the EU is capable of playing both as multilateral and minilateral security provider.

  15. Peace Pilgrim: A Readers Theatre Approach to Peace Education. (United States)

    Curran, Joanne M.

    Readers theater is a dramatic art that directs attention to the words of a text. During a performance, a reader (rather than an actor) presents and interprets the work within a narrative context intended by the author. In this project, the text, a collection of the words and writings of a woman known as the Peace Pilgrim, tells the story of her…

  16. Atoms for peace plus fifty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eisenhower, S.


    One of Dwight Eisenhower's most significant political legacies stemmed from his management of the nuclear question. Five decades after Eisenhower's 'Atoms for Peace' speech before the United Nations, the nuclear dilemma persists but the world is a different, and I would submit, a better place today than it might have been had that vision not been articulated, or its proposals not advanced. The 'Atoms for Peace' speech had a number of objectives, but it is over arching goal was to propose a set of ideas, a nuclear strategy, which would call on the Soviets to cooperate internationally for the betterment of mankind. This would reengage the Soviets in discussions on nuclear matters at a time when arms control talks had stalled, but it would also offer hope, and a practical set of ideas, to the developing world. 'Atoms for Peace' spawned many developments, including the establishment of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and eventually the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. While 'Atoms for Peace', as well as the institutions it created, has come under fire in recent years, it is hard to imagine what the world would have been like without it. Largely through the international Atomic Energy Agency, nations around the world have participated in research and development programs, including the use of nuclear energy in important civilian applications. Nuclear electric power accounts for nearly one-fifth of the world's electricity - reducing global tensions by replacing oil in many applications, and providing much of the world's electricity that is generated without the release of greenhouse gases or other destructive emissions. Many other nuclear and radiation-related technologies, especially radiopharmaceuticals and medical advances involving radiation, have resulted in large part from research spawned by 'Atoms for Peace'. Millions of lives have been saved in the process. While the 'nuclear dilemma' remains a challenge almost as complex as it was fifty years ago, the

  17. Harvesting Social Change: A Peace Education Program in Three Acts (United States)

    Cann, Colette N.


    This article narrates the story of how a peace education program, over the course of a year, shifts from a more traditional form of peace education as conflict resolution skill building to a critical form of peace education. The path of this journey was neither straight nor direct; rather it meandered through an iteration of itself that actually…

  18. Peace, welfare, culture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gad, Ulrik Pram


    and multiculturalism – pitted in opposition. By analytically focusing on “security narratives”, the article details how initial narratives of Muslims as threats to culture, welfare and societal peace merged and morphed to award surprising new roles to the state and multiculturalism. The re-evaluation of cultural...

  19. Derecho internacional privado español y pensión compensatoria entre cónyuges


    Ortega Giménez, Alfonso


    La pensión compensatoria entre cónyuges en el ámbito del Derecho internacional privado español es fiel reflejo del proceso de codificación internacional en la materia desarrollado en los tres ámbitos tradicionales: competencia judicial internacional, ley aplicable y reconocimiento y ejecución de las relaciones en esta materia. La compleja situación que ha existido hasta el momento en esta materia se ha resuelto gracias al Reglamento 4/2009 (y al Protocolo de La Haya 2007). En u...

  20. A crise Armada Colômbia-Equador no contexto da Guerra contra o Terrorismo Internacional

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    Full Text Available A recente crise armada entre Colômbia e Equador trouxe a América do Sul ao foco da mídia internacional. As FARC representam o maior barril de pólvora da América Latina, além de um determinante ator a ser combatido na luta contra o terrorismo internacional. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo busca analisar, sob o prisma da segurança e do direito internacional o papel das FARC em âmbito global e as maneiras segundo as quais elas são combatidas.

  1. Seminari Internacional: e-Learning around the World: Achievements, Challenges and Broken Promises


    Planell Estany, Josep A.


    Discurs del rector de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Josep A. Planell Estany, amb motiu del Seminari Internacional: e-­Learning around the World: Achievements, Challenges and Broken Promises. Discurso del rector de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Josep A. Planell Estany, con motivo del Seminario Internacional: ¿e­-Learning around the World: Achievements, Challenges and Broken Promises. Speech by the president of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Josep A. Planell Estany, on t...

  2. Lebanese Young Citizens’ Attitudes toward Peace and Democracy

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    Khayrazad Kari Jabbour


    Full Text Available Lebanon is a small democratic country with a population of less than four million and a range of diversity; there are at least 18 different religious sects and 19 different political parties. The diversity among ethnic, religious and/or political groups has created conflicts that severely impact the Lebanese economy, environment, politics and most importance our young citizens. The aim of this investigation is to capture students’ awareness and attitudes toward the accountability and mechanisms of peace and democracy. Data for the study was obtained from extensive literature reviews and questionnaire surveys of 70 high school students. The investigation was conducted in the fall of the year 2013. The results of the study showed that most Lebanese young citizen view peace and democracy process associated with the end of violence and conflict behaviors; very small percent of respondents believe that bringing peace and democracy process should be answered by the people or by themselves. Results also indicate a lack of a sense of security among young citizen. This raises the urgent need to put into practice an effective peace education program that inspires and motivates young citizens to be involved in the peace and the democracy building process.

  3. Towards a theory and (better) practice of peace journalism


    Wilhelm Kempf


    Situating peace journalism in the context of social-psychological and media-sociological theories, this paper argues that peace journalism can best be furthered by a gradual process of development that adapts it to the level of conflict escalation, mainstream media discourse and over-all societal climate. Only if it takes these factors into consideration can peace journalism be effective and reach at least moderate segments of society. Hardliners who are already committed to a war frame can s...

  4. Peace Negotiations in the Third World: A Comparative Analysis

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    Raúl Benítez Manaut


    Full Text Available In this article the negotiations and peace processes in the Third World are analized from a comparative viewpoint in order to focus in on the case of Centroamerica. Reference is made to the special features and common elements of those peace processes in otherregions of the Third World and they are compared to those which have taken place in Centroamerica. It is a retrospective and comparative analysis. For this reason, the author has decided to carry out a brief typology of those conflicts offered by Centroamerica: inNicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala. Later, the author goes on to analyse the most relevant peace and negotiation processes involving the Third World including one or two from Latin America: the cases of Panama, Afghanistan, Iran-Iraq, Colombia, southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia and Angola and Cambodia. Later, the author goes overthe peace process periods in Centroamerica and the temporary contradictions which are presented by internal conflict, regional conflict and geopolitical conflict. Finally, a comparative methodological exercise is carried out which allows to focus on modes of implementation of the peace processes.

  5. La ordenación de los asientos bibliográficos en los catálogos. Hacia una normativa internacional

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    Frías, José Antonio


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the issue of bibliographic entry filing related to the retrieval of the information contained in catalogues. The main problems created by the filing of automated catalogues are discussed and the codes drawn up by the Library of Congress, the British Library and the Library Association are analysed. The attempts made by two international organizations, IFLA and ISO, in order to achieve a higher degree of uniformity in the rules for catalogue and bibliography filing, also taking into consideration the use of computers in the treatment of bibliographic data and their international exchange, are described.

    Se hace un planteamiento general de la problemática de la ordenación de los asientos bibliográficos en relación con la recuperación de la información contenida en los catálogos. Se exponen los principales problemas que presenta la ordenación de las entradas en los catálogos automatizados y se analizan los nuevos códigos elaborados por la Library of Congress, la British Library y la Library Association. Finalmente, se describen los intentos llevados a cabo por dos organismos internacionales, IFLA e ISO, para lograr un mayor grado de uniformidad en las reglas de ordenación de catálogos y bibliografías teniendo en cuenta la utilización de ordenadores en el tratamiento de los datos bibliográficos y el intercambio internacional de los mismos.

  6. The Significance of Peaceful Values in Global Perspective: Challenges and Hopes

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    Azhar Arsyad


    Full Text Available The paper talks about how violence and conflict in every form of life will get anybody nowhere and how the call for peace and tranquility should be implemented by each mankind, wherever he lives and wherever they as a group may reside. Hence, peaceful values in global perspective are of great significance. The questions which may be raised are what do we need to have and what do we need to know prior to talking about peace and tranquility? The other questions which may spur are how to implement peace and what makes peace fail and tranquility never becomes a reality. The answer to those questions will become an elaboration of the gist of this article. Historically and spiritually speaking, peace will not be realized if the reason of failure to achieve peace has not been made aware and known to mankind. Albeit various advices and directions have been given, peace shall not be realized. This is due to the fact that the advice and directions given have not met the substance of the cause and have not been able to provide a comprehensive solution to peace itself. Some of the substances of this article, therefore, will try to prove how the need to recognizing and understanding the “voice of the heart” as “inner-soul” and “inner capacity” themselves will become an essential thing to be realized by every individual, so that they can thereafter be known by all mankind globally wherever they may be.

  7. Peace is more than the absence of war

    CERN Multimedia


    Last week, the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG) issued an infographic that gives a snapshot of what international Geneva does to foster peace around the world. Its publication was part of the UN’s ongoing campaign to show the remarkable breadth and depth of work carried out by Geneva’s international organisations, and it was released through the Twitter account @GenevaImpact with the hashtag #FridayInfographic. Michael Møller, Director-General of UNOG, blogged about it in the Huffington Post (see here).     In his blog, Mr Møller points out all the ways that the UN works every day to translate peace into food, shelter, water, healthcare, education and decent work, as well as freedom, rights, and equality. In Geneva, he says, organisations contribute to peace in all its different shapes and forms. And, he says, peace is much more than the absence of war. The reason I’m drawing attention to this is that CERN takes pride of place in the...


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    Rocio Belandria Cerdeira


    Full Text Available The objective of this research has been to determine the conformation of the discourse for peace, through the characterization of the sample under the semantic – pragmatic approach. The sample was comprised by the Declaration and program of action on a peace culture from the UN General Assembly. The onomasiologic and semasiologic route of the text took place. The study is descriptive in nature and the sample was intentional and not probabilistic. The study theoretically starts in the work carried out by Molero (1985, 1998, 2003 and Cabeza and others (2002. The result of the analysis of speech led to the conclusion that the resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the UN agent is a diplomatic, political document; which stated the conditions necessary for the construction of peace between peoples, development of quality of life and human rights. Likewise it is a prescriptive speech, where while explicitly manifest the ability of change agents, not explicitly manifest causing degradation agents; so it does not promote the real commitment of the first world countries in the construction of the culture of peace.

  9. Atoms for peace. A vision for the future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    ElBaradei, M.


    'Atoms for Peace', these three words embody the vision that has driven the IAEA since its inception: that the power of the atom, newly tapped in the mid-20th century, held a vast potential - as a weapon of destruction on a scale previously unimaginable, or as a reservoir of energy that could be harnessed for a wealth of benefits to humankind. As with any advanced science, atomic energy posed a choice for the human race: would we use this tool for good or for ill? With the horrific images of Hiroshima and Nagasaki still fresh in the mid-1950s, 'Atoms for Peace' invoked the solemn commitment that nuclear science and technology would henceforth be used exclusively for peaceful purposes. Fifty years later, the 'Atoms for Peace' ideal remains appropriate and vital, the unifying principle behind the IAEA's dual mission. We are committed to containing the spread of r nuclear weapons, and we firmly support the elimination of the nuclear arsenals that exist. And we are equally committed to advancing the use of nuclear science and technology in peaceful pursuits: to enhance human health; to increase t agricultural productivity; to improve the management of water resources; to generate electricity free of greenhouse gas emissions; and to strengthen many other aspects of social and economic development. But with new times come new challenges. While 'Atoms for Peace' continues to express the IAEA vision in the 21st century, it is worth considering how our approach has evolved, in response to these new challenges, as we seek to implement various aspects of this vision. Fifty years ago, the international community set about to move towards a world in which nuclear weapons would no longer be needed or pursued, and in which peaceful nuclear technologies would provide enduring benefits to all peoples and cultures. The 21st century has brought new and critical challenges to this mission. But the question remains: what legacy do we want to leave to our children?

  10. Israel: the Division before Peace

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    Ferran Izquierdo Brichs


    Full Text Available The process of the Middle East peace negotiations at the beginning of the 1990s has its roots in the changes in the international system and in Israeli society. The end of the Cold War, the Gulf War in 1990-1991 and globalization forced all the region’s actors to resituate themselves within the new international context. However, Israeli society neither experienced the international changes in the same way as its neighbors nor did it undergo the same evolutionduring the conflict with the Arabs. Because of this, the debate over peace and the future of the occupied territories became a factor for political and ideological division. Influencing this debate were revised conceptions on security, the economy, and the role Israel should play in the world. The Middle East peace talks began because the strongest side in the conflict, Israel’s Labor government, came to perceive that the maintenance of the status quo was negative forits interests. From the Israeli point of view, the conflict had long been considered a zero-sum game despite the Palestinian’s compromises since the construction of the Palestinian State involved handing over part of the territory claimed by the Jews. Recent changes in the perceptions of Israeli’s own interests, though, led some sectors of Jewish society to re-think and diminish the supposed incompatibility between Palestine nationalism and Zionism, which then opened the doors towards peace. For the Labor government, the territorial occupation of all Palestine was no longer a central objective. In fact, the basic interests of the Labor party’s policies shifted due to the globalization of the international system. For Likud and the Zionist revisionists, however, the occupation and the colonization of Eretz Israel still form the basic ideology of the State –of its reason for being– for which even today both are associated with the national interest, together with Israel’s very survival. Seen this way, Israel

  11. Utilization of Peace Education in Adult Literacy Programmes in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mrs Afam


    Dec 15, 2016 ... Therefore, a culture of peace and non-violence goes to the substances of ... skills necessary to prevent conflict peacefully; instill in people appropriate ... political thuggery, electoral malpractices, murder, terrorism, religious ...

  12. Central America's "Peace Parks" and Regional Conflict Resolution. (United States)

    Weed, Timothy J.


    Examines the development of transborder conservation zones, known as "peace parks," in terms of their potential importance as proving grounds for international cooperation and sustainable development, and then in their role as symbols and outright manifestations of the peace process. Includes case studies of La Amistad Biosphere Reserve,…

  13. Indigenous approaches to peace building: examining the strategies ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Many groups such as Governmental organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Women's Organizations and other various Civil Society groups troop into this post conflict zones in order to achieve a sustainable peace. More importantly, women at the grass roots formed groups/movements in order to help in the peace ...

  14. Women's Perspectives of Peace: Unheard Voices from Pakistan (United States)

    Habib, Zehra


    Pakistan is currently impacted by rampant terrorism and is simultaneously grappling with intrastate ethnic and sectarian violence. The focus of this dissertation was on examining grassroots Pakistani women's perspectives on peace and women's contributions to peace in Pakistan. The study was centered on grassroots women because their voices remain…

  15. Strategies for Integrating Peace Education into Social Studies ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The findings also identified co-curricular and instructional strategies for use in teaching the identified peace education concepts. It was recommended that the identified peace education concepts could be added to the Social Studies curriculum and the thematic approach should be used in restructuring the Social Studies ...

  16. Insider Peace Builders in Societies in Transition | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Where there are peace agreements and political settlements in place (Aceh and Nepal), implementation processes have been ... the role of insider peace builders during the post-war political settlement phase and how they can help prevent future conflict. ... Bringing Women's Voices into the Mainstream: A Media Research ...

  17. The Evolution of US Army Peace Operations. (United States)


    Social constructionism predicts that until a new mission is accepted by the individual and the group, it will continue to cause disequilibrium. The...institution. Insight from the sociological perspective known as social construction was used to examine doctrinal development and institutionalization...mission. The national security strategy of the US is the primary, the first step in the social construction of peace operations. When peace operations

  18. Developing a Peace Course in Police Studies: How a Culture of Peace Can Enhance Police Legitimacy in a Democratic Society (United States)

    McDonald, James Russell


    This paper reflects my experiences developing a course within the Criminal Justice Technology Associates of Science degree program at Valencia College that fuses topics unique to peace and police studies. The key challenge in developing this course was in confronting the paradox of the police as instruments of both peace and conflict. In dealing…


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    Sergio Daniel Paz


    Full Text Available Este trabajo nace de una preocupación profunda por las acciones desplegadas por los países latinoamericanos en las pasadas dos décadas, asociadas a la integración al circuito global de intercambios. La confianza en que el comercio y la vinculación internacional procuraría el umbral máximo de bienestar a sus poblaciones, impulsó reformas estructurales que desmantelarían el carácter autárquico de sus aparatos productivos; proceso que caló profundamente en Argentina. Pero en este camino, en mayor o menor medida, las economías latinoamericanas no lograron un crecimiento económico sostenido, a pesar de haber recreado sus capacidades productivas y practicado su reestructuración política, salvo algunas economías regionales, o el dinamismo que exhibieron algunas ciudades y comunidades locales. El presente trabajo está dirigido a explorar los elementos que deben ser atendidos a partir de la caracterización del esquema global de producción e intercambio, el cual destaca la relevancia de la actuación de las políticas públicas y la gestión de las ciudades y regiones, espacios dinámicos de la economía global. La búsqueda de competitividad en las ciudades y regiones, como una exigencia de la actual agenda pública, deberá guiar los esfuerzos, por un lado, hacia el desarrollo de competencias en los ambientes locales, y por el otro, al fomento de las exportaciones para ganar competitividad internacional. Se hace presente la relevancia de atender a la construcción de la marca de sus productos, como herramientas para la proyección internacional, y el impulso de las ventas en los mercados externos.

  20. Atoms for peace: thirtieth anniversary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramey, J.T.


    This paper was prepared for the thirtieth anniversary of President Eisenhower's programme: ''Atoms for Peace''. The author wants to demonstrate that nuclear power has made major contributions to reduction of oil imports and that at the same time, despite repeated predictions of unbridled proliferation, the fact is that proliferation has proceeded at a dramatically slower pace than foreseen by some. To date no country has employed plutonium derived from the nuclear power fuel cycle to initiate its nuclear explosion program. The author concludes that the ''Atoms for Peace'' programme, from the viewpoint of its goal of reducing the spread of nuclear weapons, has been a successful policy. (NEA) [fr

  1. Vitoria y Suárez: el Derecho Internacional

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    Adolfo J. Sánchez Hidalgo


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende mostrar la convivencia de dos estructuras de pensamiento en la escolástica española y, especialmente, en Suárez. Vitoria presenta una visión comunitaria del orden internacional y sus enseñanzas serán transmitidas a Suárez, quien, al contrario, presenta una visión societaria del orden internacional. Esta diferencia no es una casualidad, sino un auténtico cambio de paradigma en el sabio granadino, que hace de él un autor más próximo a la modernidad que a la tradición escolástica. Gracias a un estudio comparado mostraremos el punto de inflexión que supone Suárez en el tránsito hacia la modernidad y su idea de un orden mundial fundado en una sociedad de Estados.

  2. Peace, Conflict and Development

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    in Palestinian communities has a dual strategy: it contains both a ... It will consolidate the theory ... and equitable and sustainable development; to build domestic ownership of peace processes; to open spaces for discussion and dialogue;.

  3. Tendencias de la economía internacional y elementos para una estrategia de comercio exterior


    Schuldt, Jürgen


    La experiencia reciente de economías que han logrado insertarse dinámicamente a los flujos de intercambio internacional y las lecciones de la nueva teoría del comercio internacional, nos servirán de pilares para diseñar algunos principios rectores que podría adoptar el Ecuador. Como tal se trata de un cuestionamiento del paradigma ortodoxo de apertura e inserción internacional y de las políticas actualmente en curso en el país; propuestas convencionales que, por lo demás, resultan estériles p...

  4. Do Reconhecimento de Estado e de Governo no Direito Internacional: considerações sobre a evolução do tema na jurisprudência e prática internacional

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    Tatiana Waisberg


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda o tema do reconhecimento de Estado e de governo no Direito Internacional sob a perspectiva da jurisprudência e prática internacional.  São apresentados três estágios evolutivos referentes ao assunto, com o objetivo de demonstrar as principais características de cada um deles, e delinear os contornos da prática e jurisprudência internacional relativa ao reconhecimento de Estado e de governo no contexto pós-guerra fria.   This article approaches the subject related to the recognition of states and governments in International Law from a jurisprudential and state practice perspective. It is presented three stages of evolution of this issue in order to describe its main characteristics, and to trace the outline of jurisprudence and state practice related to the recognition of states and government in the post-cold war context.

  5. Peace Education, Militarism and Neo-Liberalism: Conceptual Reflections with Empirical Findings from the UK (United States)

    Behr, Hartmut; Megoran, Nick; Carnaffan, Jane


    This article explores 'peace days' in English schools as a form of peace education. From a historical overview of academic discussions on peace education in the US and Great Britain since the First World War, we identify three key factors important for peace education: the "political" context, the "place" in which peace days…

  6. The European Union Building Peace Near and Afar: Monitoring the Implementation of International Peace Agreements

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    Máire Braniff


    Full Text Available The European Union’s (EU support and contribution to international peace and security continues to develop with involvement in the Balkans, South Caucasus, Africa, Middle East and South Asia (Council of the European Union 2005. Within the broad range of civilian and military interventions under the Common Security and Defence policy (CSDP there have been two monitoring missions that have emerged from peace agreements, in Aceh (2005-2006 and in Georgia (2008 to date. This article maps the evolution EU’s role in international peace building by focusing on how this role is increasingly constructed by the scope of monitoring missions which it has embarked upon outside of its borders. A thematic analysis of literature is used to explore how the EU’s monitoring role has evolved regarding the different degrees of intervention, time-frame and size of the monitoring mission which have resulted in a multi-level impact regarding societal transition. The article finds that political will, shadows of past and future missions and intergovernmental concerns dominates how the EU’s monitoring missions unfurl, affecting the practice of monitors and other EU actors in local conflict settings and contemplates scenarios for future monitoring missions.

  7. Adoção internacional: realidades, conceitos e preconceitos (International adoption: realities, concepts and prejudices Doi: 10.5212/Emancipacao.v.13iEspecial.0003

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    Elizane Lunardon Pereira


    Full Text Available Resumo: A adoção representa um tema passível de grande discussão e aprofundamento, ainda mais ao se tratar da adoção por estrangeiros. Este estudo pretende refletir sobre realidades que envolvem o encaminhamento de crianças e adolescentes à adoção internacional, bem como a aplicação dessa medida enquanto mecanismo garantidor de direitos. Para tanto, realiza reflexões sobre referencial teórico que trata da adoção, sobre legislações nacionais e internacionais e análises de cartas escritas por adotados, enviadas ao organismo (AFN/PR responsável pela mediação da adoção por italianos. Além disso, apresenta análise entre procedimentos legais e visão societária da adoção. O intuito principal está em verificar o que a experiência adotiva significou para esses sujeitos após alguns anos da inserção no novo país.Palavras-chave: Adoção Internacional. Paternidade/Filiação. Afirmação de Direitos.Abstract: Adoption is a topic subject that generates a lot of discussion and deepening thought, even more the case of the adoption by foreigners. This study aims to reflect on the realities that involve referral of children and adolescents to international adoption and the application of this measure as a mechanism guarantor of the rights. The study presents theoretical reflections on dealing with the adoption of national laws and international analyzes letters written by who were adopted to the agency (AFN / PR responsible for mediating the adoption by Italians. Moreover, it presents legal and vision analysis procedures of corporate adoption. The main intention is to look at what the experience meant to foster these guys after a few years of entering the new country.Keywords: International Adoption. Fatherhood/Sonship. Affirmation of Rights.

  8. Good journalism or peace journalism?

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    David Loyn


    Full Text Available This paper argues against the prescriptive notions of Peace Journalism, and in particular its exclusive nature and attempt to define itself as a new orthodoxy. Most of the paper is a critique of the work of Jake Lynch and Annabel McGoldrick, in a book published in 2005, as well as their earlier Reporting the World series. They condemn all other ways of reporting as 'War Journalism, biased in favour of war.' I argue instead that the opposite of Peace Journalism is good journalism. Much of this Peace Journalism argument is derived from the work of Johan Galtung, who accuses 'war journalists' of reporting war in an enclosed space and time, with no context, concealing peace initiatives and making wars 'opaque/secret.' Galtung specifically calls on journalists as part of their mission to search out peace proposals which might begin as something small and beneath notice, but which might then be picked up and owned by politicians as their own. My response is clear and simple: creating peacemaking politicians is not the business of a reporter. I examine the traditional journalistic methods of using objectivity to get at a version of the truth. I concede that perfect truth is unattainable, (and paradoxically the tool of objectivity we use to get there is slippery too. I conclude that a more quotidian truth, or 'truthfulness' is though a manageable goal. I engage with philosophers who examine objectivity, concluding with the assistance of Thomas Nagel that it does still have a value. Nagel's account also has the merit of explaining how practices such as peace-reporting are bound to be less objective than alternatives, 'since they commit themselves to the adoption of particular perspectives, in effect giving up on the ideal of stripping away as much…as possible.' I examine the responses of the so-called 'journalism of attachment' framed as a desire of journalists faced by the horrors of Bosnia to cast off impartiality and emotional detachment and take

  9. The Contribution of the Secondary School Curriculum to Peace in Kenya (United States)

    Chiriswa, Andika Patrick; Thinguri, Ruth


    The Kenya Government recognizes the role of peace in socio economic development as emphasized in the national anthem while the national goals of education endeavour to promote national unity, sustainable development, peace, respect for diversity, and international consciousness among others. The Kenya vision 2030 underscores the need for peace and…


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    Flavia Luciane Scherer


    Full Text Available O ajustamento internacional do expatriado é considerado fator preponderante ao desenvolvimento das atividades internacionais da empresa e é definido por Ali (2003 como o grau de conforto do trabalhador no país hospedeiro. O objetivo deste artigo foi avaliar como ocorreu o processo de ajustamento internacional de expatriados brasileiros na China e na Espanha, considerando os dois níveis de análise propostos no modelo de Black, Mendenhall e Oddou (1991: ajustamento antecipado (antes da mudança para o exterior e ajustamento no país hospedeiro. Foi realizado um estudo exploratório de natureza qualitativa com dez expatriados brasileiros: cinco residentes na Espanha e cinco na China. Dentre as principais constatações, percebeu-se a ausência do preparo prévio à expatriação por parte da equipe de Gestão de Pessoas e verificou-se que a diferença psíquica influencia negativamente o ajustamento, mas a avidez a desafios e a mentalidade global do executivo apaziguariam esse fator.

  11. Peace Education Theory (United States)

    Harris, Ian M.


    During this past century there has been growth in social concern about horrific forms of violence, like ecocide, genocide, modern warfare, ethnic hatred, racism, sexual abuse and domestic violence, and a corresponding growth in the field of peace education where educators, from early child care to adult, use their professional skills to warn…

  12. Language Civility, Immediacy and Peace Valence among Nigerian ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 seeks, in part, to “promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development ….” Since the university is a vital component of any society, promoting peace, the university can have a ripple effect on the larger Nigerian society. In addition, since interactions in the ...

  13. Integrating peace education curriculum into the formal primary ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    An un-conducive environment can never encourage any worthwhile development. Wars, riots and all types of violent situations can cause untold hardship, separation and death of members of families in many communities and nations. In this 21st Century, all round the world people are seeking for peace. Peace is needed ...

  14. The Role of TESOL in Educating for Peace (United States)

    Kruger, Frans


    As communication specialists, teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) professionals should be at the forefront of promoting peaceful interaction. Yet, at present they only play a peripheral role in educating for peace. The present article investigates the interplay between English, as expressed in terms of being a global language,…

  15. 50 CFR 38.9 - Breach of the peace. (United States)


    ... 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Breach of the peace. 38.9 Section 38.9... peace. No person on Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge will: (a) With intent to cause public..., gestures, or displays, or address abusive language to any person present; or create a hazardous or...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    spots in the world is stark: civil wars, wars against rebel groups and Islamists, ... peace in Africa, trying to answer questions on the meaning of true peace and the ... salaries and preferential treatment for politicians by civil society and the media, .... in mutual tolerance, mutual acceptance and mutual friendship, which will ...

  17. O Brasil e a construção da ordem econômica internacional contemporânea Brazil and the making of the modern global economic order

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    Paulo Roberto de Almeida


    Full Text Available Entre o Congresso de Viena, no qual estiveram representados apenas oito Estados "cristãos", as Conferências de Paz da Haia e o Tratado de Versalhes, que envolveram pouco mais de duas dezenas de países, e o atual sistema onusiano, praticamente universal, a sociedade internacional conheceu uma profunda democratização nos últimos dois séculos, mesmo que os fundamentos do poder político e econômico não tenham conhecido modificação substancial. Esse fenômeno de ampliação da antiga "democracia censitária" é particularmente visível na elaboração de normas e instituições para o relacionamento econômico internacional, em que as organizações multilaterais de cooperação técnica e econômica, dentre as quais se destacam o Fundo Monetário Internacional, o Banco Mundial e a Organização Mundial do Comércio, desempenham relevante papel na construção da interdependência global. Este ensaio histórico segue, na longa duração, a evolução do multilateralismo, fundamentalmente em sua vertente econômica, e examina a inserção internacional do Brasil, um dos poucos países da periferia a ter participado ativamente da construção da ordem econômica internacional em várias épocas, por meio de sua presença nas mais diversas conferências multilaterais que presidiram ao nascimento dessas organizações intergovernamentais de cooperação.Starting from the Congress of Vienna, in which only eight "Christian" states assisted, through the Hague Peace conferences and the Versailles treaty, mobilizing no more than two dozens countries, to the current UNO system, virtually universal, international society has undergone a deep democratization in the last two centuries, even if the sources of political and economic power and its distribution among countries have been substantially maintained. This process of enlargement of the old "restrictive democracy" is mostly evident in the institutional rule making for the international economic

  18. Elementos de la soberanía y del tribunal penal internacional


    Scalquette, Rodrigo Arnoni


    Com o título de Elementos da Soberania e do Tribunal Penal Internacional procuramos demonstrar a ligação e pontos conflitantes entre o poder soberano e a Corte Internacional Criminal. No capítulo I, abordamos o conceito de soberania e seu enfoque de concepção política, realizado por Jean Bodin. Vimos o Estado-Leviatã de Thomas Hobbes e a soberania inalienável e indivisível de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. A relação entre Umberto Campagnolo e seu professor, Hans Kelsen, também foi abordada, nota...

  19. Una reconstrucción milliana del modelo ricardiano de comercio internacional

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    Raffo López Leonardo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se desarrolla una reconstrucción completa de la parte real del modelo ricardiano de comercio internacional. Esta permite demostrar que la participación de la demanda de cada bien en el gasto total y el tamaño relativo de las economías son los factores clave en la determinación de los términos de intercambio de equilibrio y de las ganancias relativas de los países. Adicionalmente, se prueban algunas de las ideas de John Stuart Mill en torno al comercio internacional.

  20. Evaluating the Success of Peace Operations | Garb | Scientia ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Questioning and investigating the success of peace operations is not a new research activity. However, there are still many open questions, because the surveys do not show the same results. One of the crucial points in the analysis of the success of peace operations is a definition of such success. In this article, firstly, ...

  1. Peaceful Co-existence in The Light of Objectives of Sharia’h

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    Shayuthy Abdul Manas


    Full Text Available The study focuses on clarifying the concept of peaceful coexistence, and its principles in the perspective of the “Maqasid Al-Shariah, (objectives of Islamic “Shariah” because, the most important purposes of “Maqasid AlShariah” are protection of soul, family, dignity and money. And also the establishment of security and peaceful life through the peaceful coexistence by following the basic foundations which are considered as important pillars of peaceful co-existence, these are nature, justice, freedom, and equality under the multiplicity of religions, different races and colors. Therefore, according to the interdependence between the objectives of “Shariah” and co-existence which is considered an important pillar of the social system, and the development of communities,the study focuses on highlighting some of the important problems that hinder the achievement of peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims in the “Sri Lanka” due to the lack of knowledge about the reality of “Maqasid Al-Shariah” and its relationship to peaceful co-existence.

  2. Building Human Rights, Peace and Development within the United Nations

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    Christian Guillermet Fernández


    Full Text Available War and peace have perpetually alternated in history. Consequently, peace has always been seen as an endless project, even a dream, to be in brotherhood realized by everyone across the earth. Since the XVII century the elimination of war and armed conflict has been a political and humanitarian objective of all nations in the world. Both the League of Nations and the United Nations were conceived with the spirit of eliminating the risk of war through the promotion of peace, cooperation and solidarity among Nations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the subsequent human rights instruments were drafted with a sincere aspiration of promoting the value of peace and human rights worldwide. International practice shows the close linkage between the disregard of human rights and the existence of war and armed conflict. It follows that the role of human rights in the prevention of war and armed conflict is very important. Since 2008 the Human Rights Council has been working on the ‘Promotion of the Right of Peoples to Peace.’ Pursuant resolutions 20/15 and 23/16 the Council decided firstly to establish, and secondly to extend the mandate of the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG aimed at progressively negotiating a draft United Nations declaration on the right to peace. The OEGW welcomed in its second session (July 2014 the approach of the Chairperson-Rapporteur, which is basically based on the relationship between the right to life and human rights, peace and development.

  3. The Fragility of the Liberal Peace Export to South Sudan: Formal Education Access as a Basis of a Liberal Peace Project

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    Ngambouk Vitalis Pemunta


    Full Text Available This study examines the disjuncture between the policy transposition of the Liberal Peace Project (LPP in South Sudan from the country's local context. It underlines how deep rooted historical exclusion from social welfare services reinforces political exclusion and exacerbates poor civic engagement among different ethnicities in the country causing a constant relapse to violence. The study combines a qualitative review of data from Afrobarometer, the National Democratic Institute, international NGOs, and South Sudan's government reports within depth interviews and participants' observation. The research finds that restricted access to formal education alongside the conservative and orthodox approaches to peacebuilding, which broadly focus on centralised urban political institutions and exclude diverse local needs and preferences, limit citizenship participation to elections and preclude an equitable social order in South Sudan, establishing a continuum of fragile authoritarian peace, institutional peace and constitutional peace. In an emancipatory approach, the study proposes a framework that prioritizes an extended access to primary and post-primary vocational education as a more credible establishment for sustainable civil peace in the country. The LPP by the international community needs to be tailored to enhance the political will of the South Sudan government to extend free primary education access, incentivize primary education with school feeding programmes and to invigorate vocational training curricula. These will yield civil peace dividends, which avert South Sudan's structural source of relapse into violence with sustainable disincentives. Apart from women's empowerment through education and in all spheres of life, the government needs to ensure sustainability by guaranteeing a sustainable future for the present and for returning refugees by reducing the effects of climate change so as to cope with the increasing pressure on natural

  4. Education for Peace and a Pedagogy of Hope (United States)

    Carl, A. E.


    There are many approaches and arguments on how hope could be given to children in a society characterised by violence and conflict, hope that may contribute towards optimising their potential. This article focuses on the notion and meaning of Peace Education, what the possible link between Peace Education and a Pedagogy of Hope might be and…

  5. Life, Writing, and Peace: Reading Maxine Hong Kingston's The Fifth Book of Peace

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    Te-Hsing Shan


    Full Text Available

    Unlike her former award-winning and critically acclaimed works, Maxine Hong Kingston's The Fifth Book of Peace has received little attention. This is an unthinkable phenomenon for a writer who has been hailed as one of the most widely taught authors living in the United States. One of the main reasons is that critics and reviewers do not know how to cope with this complicated, heterogeneous, and "weird" text that defies easy categorization. Nor do they know how to respond to the ways the author urges her readers to squarely face collective American traumas and symptoms through writing (especially the Vietnam War. This paper attempts to approach this intriguing text from the perspective of life writing. Part I points out the undue neglect of this book, refutes some serious misunderstandings, and offers "life writing" as a critical approach. Part II places this book in the context of Kingston's career and life trajectory in order to show that "peace" has always been her major concern. Part III argues that, whereas the 1991 Berkeley-Oakland fire destroyed the manuscript of her "Fourth Book of Peace" along with her house, this "baptism of fire" and its accompanying sense of devastation generated a special empathy, enabling her to better understand those who suffer, especially Vietnam War veterans. Part IV deals with both the subjects of writing trauma and trauma narrative and indicates how Kingston combines her writing expertise with the Buddhist mindfulness expounded by the Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh to lead the Veterans Writing Workshop. Finally, Part V stresses how Kingston and her writing community, by combining life, writing, and peace, tell their own stories and create new lives both personally and collectively.

  6. Para além da paz liberal? respostas ao "retrocesso" Beyond liberal peace? responses to "backsliding"

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    Oliver P Richmond


    Full Text Available A ortodoxia familiar de construção da paz liberal depende da transplantação e da exportação de condicionalidade e dependência, com vistas a consolidar um contrato social entre populações, seus governos e o Estado, em que repouse uma paz liberal legítima e consensual. O que, com frequência, ocorre, é uma forma híbrida de paz liberal, sujeita a críticas locais poderosas, à resistência, por vezes, e à percepção de que a construção da paz internacional está fracassando em corresponder às expectativas. Em termos kantianos, os problemas com que a paz liberal tem se deparado e a crise pela qual está hoje passando podem ser denominados "retrocesso". Tem sido particularmente notável que a construção da paz liberal não vem sendo capaz de construir políticas unidas a partir de fragmentos territoriais no Kosovo, na Bósnia, no Afeganistão, no Iraque, no Sri Lanka e mesmo na Irlanda do Norte, onde alguns ou todos de seus elementos estão em desenvolvimento. Isso indica uma necessidade ou de reforma do modelo liberal para a paz, ou de estabelecimento de uma capacidade de coexistência desse modelo com alternativas, ou de substituição do modelo. Este artigo examina uma gama de questões inerentes ao paradigma de construção da paz liberal, algumas causas de "retrocesso" e o que pode ser feito no que tange a tais causas, no sentido de utilizar a construção da paz para criar um novo contrato social e atingir o que se poderia muito bem ser uma forma "híbrida liberal-local" de paz.The familiar orthodoxy of liberal peacebuilding depends upon transplanting and exporting conditionality and dependency in order to cement a social contract between populations, their governments and the state, on which rests a legitimate and consensual liberal peace. What often emerges is a hybrid form of the liberal peace, subject to powerful local critiques, sometimes resistance, and to the perception that international peacebuilding is failing to

  7. El principio de cooperacion entre los estados y el Fondo Monetario Internacional

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    Miguel De la Lama Eggerstedt


    Full Text Available A diferencia del Derecho Internacional clásico que se limitaba a señalar como su objeto fundamentalel mantenimiento de la paz y la seguridad internacionales, el Derecho Internacional contemporáneo enfatiza que el logro de dicho objeto implica el crecimiento económico. Así el Principio de Igualdad Soberana de los Estados es limitado a su acepción de igualdad jurídica, mientras se reconocela desigualdad económica y social existente, y se establecen normas en favor de la categoría especial de "países en desarrollo". Al Principio de Proscripción del uso de la fuerza o de la amenaza del uso de ésta, se añade el Principio de Cooperación que obliga a los Estados a colaborar entre sí para lograr el crecimiento económico, particularmente, de los países en desarrollo. El autor propone el estudio de la vigencia del Principio de Cooperación en la esfera monetaria internacional. Para ello estudia tres aspectos del Fondo Monetario Internacional que han sido especialmente criticados por los países en desarrollo: La distribución del poder votante: la escasa ligazón entre la creación y distribución de Derechos Especiales de Giro y el desarrollo: y la condicionalidad en la utilización de los recursos del Fondo.

  8. Education for peace through transformative dialogue: Perspectives from Kashmir (United States)

    Singh, Shweta


    Research has shown that there has been severe disruption in the educational sector in Kashmir post-1989 (the year Kashmiri unrest erupted). Inhibiting problems include the destruction of school buildings, parents' fear of sending their children to school, the recruitment of youth into armed groups, the economic decline of households, and forced displacement. This article examines the challenge posed by conditions of protracted conflict for young people and national education systems, based on a case study of Kashmir, India. The article has a twofold objective. First, it analyses how ongoing conflicts such as that in Kashmir impinge on both youth and education, and considers why it is necessary to engage substantively with national educational systems (through frameworks like Education for Peace) to promote transformative dialogue and sustainable peace. Second, it explores how contact-based, participatory models of education for peace (such as the Hum Kadam programme spearheaded by the non-governmental organisation Women in Security Conflict Management and Peace [WISCOMP] in Kashmir) can play a transformative role in divided societies, specifically in Kashmir and broadly in all situations of protracted religious and cultural conflict. Most importantly, it supports the rationale that spaces for dialogue in situations of protracted conflict are critical for making and maintaining peace.

  9. Gema Perdamaian: Tourism, Religion and Peace in Multicultural Bali

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    Shinji Yamashita


    Full Text Available Abstract Balinese tourism has experienced serious challengesbecause of such negative incidents as the bombings bythe Muslim terrorists in the Balinese resort of Kuta in2002 and 2005. The inter-faith measures enacted as partof the crisis management for Balinese tourism after thebombings on 12 October 2002 are particularly interesting.These measures included joint- prayers to promote interreligiousharmony such as the prayer for world peace, DoaPerdamainan Dunia dari Bali (“Prayer for Peace of the Worldfrom Bali” on 21 October 2002, which was attended bythe minister of religious affairs, who is himself Muslim. Inthis event the bombings were then interpreted by Balineseas an expression of the anger of gods, a consequence ofbad karma. Therefore, a massive ceremony, involving themost powerful priests, was carried out on 15 November2002 in order to cleanse Bali of the trauma of the bombingand restore peace. Since then the “prayer for peace” (GemaPerdamaian, literally “Echo of Peace” has continued to beheld on 12 October every year. By focusing on this eventand the Balinese peace movement after the bombings,this paper discusses a new relationship between tourism,religion and peace within the framework of multiculturalBali in the age of transnationalism.

  10. Peace in The Basque Country. An Interpretation from Social Meanings

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    Xavier Mínguez-Alcaide


    Full Text Available The study goal is to identify key elements for the peace building in the Basque Country from the visions of the citizenship. Following this objective, the paper presents a psycho-social approach to the building of peace in the Basque Country from meanings socially constructed. The study was developed on the basis of 60 interviews made to people of different sectors from the Basque society, and analyzed from a qualitative analysis. The results aim at 7 central elements for the construction of peace in the Basque Country: the ETA end; changes on antiterrorist and penitentiary policy of the Spanish State; to repair of integral way to the victims of human rights violations committed by ETA and compatible groups, the terrorism of tardo-francoist groups, and the Spanish state; dialogue, negotiation and agreements; the paper of the civil society for peace; the work by memory; psycho-social changes. Finally, this concludes about the needs to approach the construction of peace in the Basque Country being followed a complex optics and considering the social, political and psycho-social dimensions.

  11. Efectos del comercio internacional sobre la distribución de la renta


    Conde González, Noelia


    Desde el inicio del mercantilismo hasta nuestros días, ha existido controversia entre los defensores del libre comercio y los que se posicionan a favor del proteccionismo. El presente trabajo pretende esclarecer qué factores motivan el comercio internacional y para ello, se realiza una revisión de los modelos teóricos. Asimismo, se analiza de qué manera el comercio internacional incide sobre el crecimiento económico y sobre la distribución de la renta. Se hace especial hincapié en el teorema ...

  12. Strengthening and Renewing UN Peace Operations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Katja Lindskov; Engell, Troels Gauslå

    This report is a part of Centre for Military Studies’ policy research services for the Ministry of Defence. The purpose of the report is to shed light on the possibilities and challenges related to the current efforts at reforming UN peace operations and to arrive at a set of recommendations...... for how Denmark can contribute to the reform process, thereby enhancing the relevance of UN peace operations for Danish security policy. The Centre for Military Studies is a research centre at the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen. The Centre undertakes research on security...

  13. Guiding Warfare to Reach Sustainable Peace

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestenskov, David; Drewes, Line

    The conference report Guiding Warfare to Reach Sustainable Peace constitutes the primary outcome of the conference It is based on excerpts from the conference presenters and workshop discussions. Furthermore, the report contains policy recommendations and key findings, with the ambition of develo......The conference report Guiding Warfare to Reach Sustainable Peace constitutes the primary outcome of the conference It is based on excerpts from the conference presenters and workshop discussions. Furthermore, the report contains policy recommendations and key findings, with the ambition...... of developing best practices in the education and implementation of IHL in capacity building of security forces....

  14. Progress and challenges in implementing the women, peace and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article provides an initial overview of the African Union's progress and challenges in implementing the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda in its peace and security architecture. It reviews implementation in relation to representation, programming and in peacekeeping. The article contends that the WPS agenda ...

  15. The Peace System - As a self-referential communication system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gorm Harste


    Full Text Available Peace communication as diplomatic communication is an often neglected phenomenon in social and political theory that concerns problems of international order, justice and peace. Political philosophy seldom embarks on the theme with more than a few comments. Yet, throughout history, diplomacy has a strong record not only for negotiations but also for social learning processes about communication codes. Many codes of respect, trust, expression and listening have a top-down history from aristocratic circles to broader social layers. However, the article argues that communication codes of peace developed in opposition to violence and war exactly when they transgress dividing lines allowing for cross-cultural and even cross-stratified communication. The article’s main point is to describe how such communication codes about peace and diplomacy can be described in recent social theory of communication, and to get some added value in this respect, Niklas Luhmann’s theory of self-referential communication systems has been applied.

  16. El Fondo Monetario Internacional ante la crisis financiera actual

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    Romualdo Bermejo y Rosana Garciandía


    Full Text Available La convulsión financiera iniciada en octubre de 2008 ha reavivado el debate político, social y doctrinal sobre las debilidades del sistema monetario y financiero internacional. Desde su consolidación institucional en la segunda post-guerra mundial, su legitimidad,eficiencia y justicia se han cuestionado constantemente. En estos últimos meses, su incapacidad para prever y evitar crisis como la actual se ha criticado especialmente. La crisis de la deuda de los años ochenta, el “tequilazo” mexicano de 1994 o la crisisasiática de finales de los años noventa ponen de manifiesto la existencia de elementos que dichas instituciones no han sido capaces de controlar. La cadena de infortunios financieros de los últimos meses lo corrobora y hace necesaria una profunda reflexión en términos económicos, jurídicos y también institucionales.El Fondo Monetario Internacional constituye, junto con el Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento, el núcleo del sistema monetario y financiero internacional. Creado por los acuerdos de Bretton Woods en diciembre de 1945, el Fondo debía encargarse en su origen de favorecer la estabilidad financiera y el crecimiento económico de los Estados, poniendo a disposición de éstos sus recursos. Con el paso de los años, su cometido se ha ampliado abarcando cada vez más aspectos como la supervisión de las políticas económicas de los países miembros o la influencia en las políticas macroeconómicas nacionales. Esa extensión de sus facultades va unida, sin lugar a duda, a una creciente responsabilidad por el cumplimiento satisfactorio de su misión.Teniendo esto en cuenta, el actual debate sobre la necesidad de una nueva arquitectura financiera internacional debe ahondar en las fortalezas y debilidades del Fondo, por su papel fundamental en la misma. En este sentido, la reforma iniciada en 2005 bajo ladirección del español Rodrigo Rato se ha enfrentado a la evaluación más exigente: una crisis

  17. Algunas reflexiones sobre la clasificación de los organismos vivos Some reflections on the classification of living organisms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Daniela Fernández Medina


    Full Text Available Clasificar es una manera de organizar la información que puede ser definida como una actividad donde diferentes objetos, conceptos o seres son asignados a categorías según algún criterio. Los criterios de clasificación de los organismos vivos han mudado a lo largo del tiempo. En el presente trabajo, a partir de un recorrido histórico se presentan las diferentes formas que han existido de clasificar a los organismos vivos. Se presentan también algunas discusiones existentes en relación a la forma en que se agrupan los organismos hoy en día, así como también los supuestos sobre los cuales se realiza dicha clasificación, como la noción de ancestro común, de jerarquía y divergencia, las nociones de categoría natural y de clasificaciones naturales dentro de las ciencias biológicas.Classifying is a way of organizing information, which can be defined as an activity where different objects, concepts or beings are assigned to categories according to a given criterion. The criteria for classification of living organisms have changed over the course of time. In this paper, based on a historical survey, the different ways that have existed for classifying living organisms are presented. Some current discussions regarding how organisms are grouped today are also presented, as well as the premises upon which such classifications are made, such as the notion of common ancestry, hierarchy and divergence, the notions of natural category and natural classifications within the biological sciences.

  18. Ordem jurídica, desordem mundial. Um contributo para o estudo do Direito Internacional

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    José Manuel Pureza


    Full Text Available O ensino e o estudo do Direito Internacional aqui e neste tempo são, neste texto, objecto de um duplo esforço de contextualização. Por um lado, relacionando-os com o que tem sido a sua trajectória singular em Portugal. Esse primeiro exercício confere visibilidade não só ao descompasso entre a “nossa” agenda substantiva do Direito Internacional e a que tem sido internacionalmente desenvolvida, como também aos défices teóricos e práticos dessa agenda „nacional”. Por outro lado, contextualização pela dinâmica de transformação do próprio Direito Internacional, que conduziu do tradicional direito vestefaliano ao direito da humanidade.

  19. Comprehending Peace in Religious Propagation in Islam

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    Hayati Aydin


    Full Text Available The word ‘Islam’ manifests its meaning to the word peace which provides security and serenity to individuals and the community. The article focuses on this dimension of Islam and aims to present evidence from religious sources which assert that Islam is not a religion that supports terrorism but a religion which emphasizes peace and salvation. As a noun, the word ‘Islam’ is a system of beliefs revealed by Allah to Muhammad (pbuh. In retrospect, in its verb form Islam is derived from the infinitive of transitive four category verbs namely if’al, Islam is “ef’ale-yüf’ilus” infinitive form. The root of this word is also derived from the infinitive Arabic trilateral root of silm or salamet (peace and security. For this reason Islam is not only encyclopaedic definition referring to submitting or resigning oneself or one’s person to God or the will of God, surrendering to the will of Allah (God, but also has the transitive meaning (ta’diyat, becoming (sayrurat, becoming of anything over an adjective and criterion (ta’ridh. Islam is not only the believer’s submission to Allah, but it also has peace and safety that spreads right throughout to others. It is therefore, benefitting every individual as well as the society.

  20. The Texts of the Agency's Co-operation Agreements with Regional Intergovernmental Organizations; Texto de los Acuerdos de Colaboracion del Organismo con las Organizaciones Intergubernamentales Regionales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The texts of the Agency's agreements for co-operation with the regional inter-governmental organizations listed below, together with the respective protocols authenticating them, are reproduced in this document in the order in which the agreements entered into force, for the information of all Members of the Agency [Spanish] Para conocimiento de todos los Estados Miembros del Organismo, en este documento se transcriben en el orden en que entraron en vigor, los acuerdos de colaboracion que el Organismo ha concertado con las organizaciones intergubernamentales regionales que a continuacion se enumeran, junto con los respectivos protocolos de autenticacion.

  1. Contributions of Positive Psychology to Peace: Toward Global Well-Being and Resilience (United States)

    Cohrs, J. Christopher; Christie, Daniel J.; White, Mathew P.; Das, Chaitali


    In this article, we analyze the relationship between positive psychology and peace psychology. We discuss how positive emotions, engagement, meaning, personal well-being, and resilience may impact peace at different levels, ranging from the personal and interpersonal to community, national, and global peace. First, we argue that an…

  2. The Peace System – As a Self-Referential Communication System

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harste, Gorm


    developed in opposition to violence and war exactly when they transgress dividing lines allowing for cross-cultural and even cross-stratified communication. The article’s main point is to describe how such communication codes about peace and diplomacy can be described in recent social theory......Peace communication as diplomatic communication is an often neglected phenomenon in social and political theory that concerns problems of international order, justice and peace. Political philosophy seldom embarks on the theme with more than a few comments. Yet, throughout history, diplomacy has...... a strong record not only for negotiations but also for social learning processes about communication codes. Many codes of respect, trust, expression and listening have a top-down history from aristocratic circles to broader social layers. However, the article argues that communication codes of peace...

  3. War and Peace: an Economic Liberalist Assessment


    N.M. HUNG


    In a simple formal model of two-country, two-good with an elementary Conflict Technology, we use a rudimentary game theoretics to study the matter of war and peace, where under peace, cooperative exchange takes place, and where, in case of war, the winner takes all through appropriation of the whole endowment left after payment of armament expenditures. We provide conditions under which war is inevitable, then go on to characterize situations where war, still probable, is not necessarily the ...

  4. Epilogue: Peace Journalism – The State of the Art

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    Dov Shinar


    Full Text Available This epilogue aims at integrating the series of articles offered by the Toda Peace Journalism group in cco (4/2 2005; 5/2 2006; 6/1, 2007 into a framework designed to orient the reader, without repeating the arguments presented in the articles; to encourage instructors and students to use these materials; and to stimulate thinking on "where do we go next". Coherence is sought through looking at critical analyses of the conventional coverage of war and peace and at the promise and performance of Peace Journalism, analyzing epistemological and professional constraints, presenting ways to improve Peace Journalism concepts and practices, and offering an agenda and some development strategies. The initial premise that Peace Journalism (PJ is a mode of responsible and conscientious media representation of conflict, alternative to conventional coverage, develops into a summary of critical evaluations of such coverage, and of the efforts to conceptualize PJ. A discussion of the promises offered by PJ follows suit, including professional improvement, the enhancement of journalistic values, the provision of better public service, and the widening of scholarly and professional horizons. Also PJ performance is analyzed, suggesting some explanations for its lack of popularity and some of its built-in problems, such as in the debate over the tradition of objectivity and other normative alternatives. Epistemological and professional considerations converge in the discussion of needs for clearer formulation and application of concepts, expectations, and procedures, and for an agenda that includes the production of persuasive evidence of PJ value; for overcoming rejection by journalists, for avoiding self-manipulation in field staff-editor relations, and for encouraging the development of a media peace discourse.

  5. The international legal regime governing the peaceful uses of nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talaie, F.


    This paper studies the legal regime governing the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. It addresses the issue of the prevention of the use by states of the nuclear weapons (as the most destructive weapon of mass destruction) and their elimination as the main purpose for maintaining international peace and security.Then, the paper presents examples of peaceful applications of nuclear energy. It points out that the peaceful uses of nuclear materials and technology are not hampered by obligation of States not to divert these materials into nuclear weapons. In this context, the paper analyses the provisions of the main international and regional treaties related to the nuclear energy (especially the Treaty on Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Regional Treaty of TLATELOLCO). It also examines the international mechanism for monitoring the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and in particular studies the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the prevention of the proliferation of nuclear weapons through the application of safeguards agreements and the additional protocol to these agreements. One special part of the paper is dedicated to Iran and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The paper concludes that the existing rules of international law do not prevent any State from using and applying nuclear energy and technology for peaceful uses. These rules only make such uses subject to a comprehensive verification mechanism through the International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards agreements and the additional protocol the these agreements


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    Reiny Beth Torres Barroso


    Full Text Available The present article is a reflection about the humanization and peace ways, which the Venezuelan society in these complex times and of political tension, presents as encouraging and own signs of the living together. The central purpose is discusses about communication and politics, understood as vital practices with the transformation and with the development of the country, his des- humanization prevents from advancing towards a just well-being. Also, this one paper of work constitutes a sample of Doctoral thesis: Humanization of communication and politic to build the peace in Venezuela. Framed in a qualitative methodology, it is at first (in principle a theoretical - conceptual review confirmed with the reality of the country, by what there are analyzed some features of the democracy that assumes as a project of participative citizenship and in addition intercultural that they form today, a panorama of possible alternatives humanizadoras and of peace in this new century

  7. Desarrollo profesional docente en el discurso de los organismos internacionales

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    Héctor A. Monarca


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es presentar las concepciones y tendencias sobre el Desarrollo Profesional Docente (DPD de los discursos de los Organismos Internacionales (OI. La metodología empleada fue el análisis del discurso, para lo cual se han analizado 39 documentos editados por: UNESCO, OCDE, OEI y PREAL producido entre el año 2005 y 2012. El análisis se ha realizado a partir de 8 categorías siguiendo una lógica deductiva-inductiva-deductiva. Los resultados reflejan que, en términos generales, los discursos suelen estar caracterizados por abordar aspectos acotados del DPD. Como conclusión hay que destacar que el DPD, desde estos discursos, no ha logrado instalar una conceptualización realmente sistémica y dinámica de la temática. De la misma manera, hay que advertir sobre ciertas conceptualizaciones que empobrecen o debilitan la misma concepción de DPD.

  8. The International Politics of Peace Education: The Conflict between Deterrence and Disarmament. (United States)

    Willers, Jack Conrad

    The main impetus for peace education is the arms race, which places peace education in the conflict between conservatives advocating increased nuclear deterrence and liberals supporting nuclear disarmament. In the United States, education for peace is still in its infancy. Other developed nations, such as the Scandinavian countries and to a lesser…

  9. Peace Education in Israel: An Educational Goal in the Test of Reality (United States)

    Vered, Soli


    Peace education is considered a necessary element in establishing the social conditions required for promoting peace-making between rival parties. As such, it constitutes one of Israel's state education goals, and would therefore be expected to have a significant place in Israel's educational policy in general and in response to peace moves that…

  10. Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI)

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Kim-Mitchell, Elena


    .... In terms of manpower, the initiative aims at deploying 75,000 peace support operations (PSO) troops worldwide over the next 5 years, primarily to Africa, but also to Latin America, Europe, and Asia...

  11. La Actio Popularis en el Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo

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    Marcus Vinicius Xavier de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este trabajo objetivó enfrentar el problema relacionado a la vigencia, validez y eficacia del instituto de la actio popularis en el derecho internacional contemporáneo, teniendo como punto de intersección, por un lado, las decisiones dictadas por la Corte Internacional de Justicia en los casos Etiopía y Liberia v. África del Sur en los años 1962 y 1966, así como las críticas en relación a la vuelta radical que la Corte promovió entre los juicios de las Cuestiones Preliminares y la segunda fase, teniendo como sustrato teórico la crítica hecha por Egon Schwelb. Para ello, después de establecer las bases de la discusión en el tema relativo a la transición del sistema westfaliano al de la Carta, se discutía sobre el origen del instituto en el derecho romano, teniendo como principal apoyo la obra de Theodor Mommsen. El acto seguido se pasó a la presentación y discusión de las decisiones de la Corte Internacional de Justicia en el caso indicado, para señalar, en líneas posteriores, las críticas que dicha decisión sufrió. En el último tópico se discutió la correlación entre el instituto de la actio popularis con la máxima aut dedere aut judicare, en especial en el régimen indirecto de implementación del Derecho Penal Internacional. Se concluye el trabajo con consideraciones a confirmar la vigencia, validez y condiciones de eficacia y legitimidad de la justicia cosmopolita, cuya fundamentación se encuentra en la actio popularis. El método de abordaje adoptado en el presente trabajo fue el crítico, y el de procedimiento la consulta bibliográfica.

  12. Estabilidade de micro-organismos potencialmente probióticos em barra de cereais - efeito da técnica de incorporação

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    Gustavo Almeida Bastos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou desenvolver formulações de barras de cereais contendo Lactobacillus acidophilus e Saccharomyces boulardii e avaliar a estabilidade destes micro-organismos potencialmente probióticos no produto elaborado durante o tempo de armazenamento (shelf life. Foram formuladas barras de cereais contendo separadamente os agentes probióticos S. boulardii e L. acidophilus, ambos nas formas liofilizada, granulados com lactose e encapsulados em alginato de cálcio. Foi avaliada a estabilidade dos micro-organismos durante o tempo de armazenamento. Tanto a levedura S. boulardii quanto a bactéria L. acidophilus apresentaram maior sobrevida na forma liofilizada, quando comparado com as outras formas de incorporação, mantendo contagem na faixa de 7 log UFC/g, durante oito semanas e na faixa de 7 log UFC/g, durante seis semanas, respectivamente. Comparando os resultados da incorporação dos dois micro-organismos na forma livre liofilizada observouse que a população de S. boulardii apresentou melhores resultados de viabilidade quando comparada com a população de L. acidophilus. Este estudo mostrou que é possível incorporar micro-organismos potencialmente probióticos em barras de cereais, preferencialmente na forma liofilizada, por proporcionar maior sobrevida dos micro-organismos.Palavras-chave: Barra de cereais. Probiótico. Saccharomyces boulardii. Lactobacillus acidophilus. ABSTRACT This study aims to develop formulations of cereal bars that contain Lactobacillus acidophilus and Saccharomyces boulardii and evaluate the stability of these potentially probiotic microorganisms in the elaborated product during the time of storage (shelf life. Cereal bars were designed containing separately the probiotic agents S. boulardii and L. acidophilus, both in the lyophilized form, granulated with lactose form and encapsulated in calcium alginate form. The stability of microorganisms during storage time was evaluated. Both, the yeast S

  13. Repercusiones de la crisis internacional en el comercio de artesanías en la región Puno 2007 - 2009


    Quispe Quispe, Paulina


    El presente trabajo de investigación, titulado "REPERCUSIONES DE LA CRISIS INTERNACIONAL EN EL COMERCIO DE ARTESANÍAS EN LA REGIÓN PUNO 2007 - 2009" cuyos objetivos específicos fueron: 1) Estudiar de qué manera ha afectado la crisis internacional al turismo en la región Puno. 2) Estudiar cómo ha afectado la crisis internacional al comercio de artesanías en la región Puno. 3) Explicar cómo ha afectado la crisis internacional en los créditos financieros de los comerciantes de artesanías en la R...

  14. Peace Corps Aquaculture Training Manual. Training Manual T0057. (United States)

    Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Information Collection and Exchange Div.

    This Peace Corps training manual was developed from two existing manuals to provide a comprehensive training program in fish production for Peace Corps volunteers. The manual encompasses the essential elements of the University of Oklahoma program that has been training volunteers in aquaculture for 25 years. The 22 chapters of the manual are…

  15. Against All Odds: Peace Education in Times of Crisis (United States)

    Culp, Julian


    Contexts of violent, intractable conflict such as those present in Israel, Nigeria, or Iraq represent times of severe crisis. Reducing the high indices of violence is very urgent, but the attempts of establishing peaceful arrangements in the short- or medium-term usually fail. Peace education, by contrast, is a "long-term" endeavor to…

  16. Problematizing War: Reviving the Historical Focus of Peace Education (United States)

    McCorkle, William


    In the last forty years, peace education has broadened its focus from primarily international peace and the prevention of war to an approach that encompasses social justice, environmental education, critical theory, and multicultural education. While this is a positive evolution in many respects, there is a danger in de-emphasizing the actual…

  17. Nuevamente sobre la segmentación internacional de la producción


    Minian, Isaac


    El presente trabajo aborda un aspecto fundamental de la globalización: la segmentación internacional de la producción y el correspondiente crecimiento en el comercio internacional de productos manufacturados intermedios. En esta óptica se estudia la lógica económica que subyace al proceso de segmentación, en especial aquella que tiene lugar entre países avanzados y países emergentes. Un factor primordial de este fenómeno radica en la organización modular de la producción manufacturera en país...

  18. Warlike and Peaceful Societies: The Interaction of Genes and Culture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fog, Agner

    Are humans violent or peaceful by nature? We are both. In this ambitious and wide-ranging book, Agner Fog presents a ground-breaking new argument that explains the existence of differently organised societies using evolutionary theory. It combines natural sciences and social sciences in a way...... this theory on data from contemporary and ancient societies, and provides a detailed explanation of the applications of regality theory to issues of war and peace, the rise and fall of empires, the mass media, economic instability, ecological crisis, and much more. Warlike and Peaceful Societies...

  19. Peace Journalism through the Lense of Conflict Theory: Analysis and Practice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel Peleg


    Full Text Available Peace Journalism is a bold attempt to redefine and reconstruct the role of journalists who cover conflicts. As a new arena of knowledge, Peace Journalism draws upon several theories and disciplines to enrich its validity and applicability. A major source which peace journalism can rely on to bolster its analytical as well as its normative rigor is conflict theory. This article demonstrates how several insights from conflict theory can advance the lucidity of peace journalism and render it a powerful tool in the hands of reporters and their readers to realize the futility of conflict and to bring about its resolution. More specifically, the article introduces the notion of the media as a third party to a conflict. The third party is the facilitator of communication, the mediator or the arbitrator between the two rivaling sides. It is our contention that Peace Journalism as a third side can best enhance prospects for resolution and reconciliation by changing the norms and habits of reporting conflicts. This is succinctly illustrated in three case studies of protracted conflicts, which are described through the lenses of conflict theory. By contrasting regular newspaper coverage with peace journalism coverage, the merits of the latter are revealed.

  20. A National Peace Education Program in Lebanon: Exploring the Possibilities from the Leaders' Perspectives (United States)

    Tannous, Joseph M.; Oueijan, Harvey N.


    This document reports the findings of a doctoral project regarding peace education in Lebanon. The emergence of Lebanon from a long civil war necessitates the existence of a peace program that will educate the new generations for a culture of peace. In this study, we tried to explore the potential of the development of a unified peace program…

  1. Gestión de recursos humanos en organismos de agua de Hermosillo y Mexicali


    Loera Burnes, Edmundo; Salazar Adams, Alejandro


    Resumen: Este estudio investiga cómo los Sistemas de Gestión de Recursos Humanos (SGRH) impactan en el desempeño de los Organismos Operadores de Agua Potable (OOAP) en México. Se comparó el desempeño diferenciado de los OOAP de Hermosillo y Mexicali con las características de sus SGRH a través del análisis de cuatro categorías: 1) Políticas de contratación de personal, 2) Desarrollo y capacitación, 3) Salario, prestaciones y estímulos, y 4) Sanciones. Las principales diferencias se encuentran...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xochitlally Arévalo-Sánchez


    Full Text Available This paper will present at first the peace impossible situation inside the elementary schools, with the reference records of daily field studies in secondary schools; subsequently propose cooperative games as an educational alternative to support peace comprehensive schools in the State of Mexico, analyzing the above from the perspective of methodology of latin peace studies.

  3. (De)Constructing Conflict: A Focused Review of War and Peace Journalism


    Susan Dente Ross


    This overview of the media and conflict literature and case study of media coverage of peace offers a framework and guidance for peace journalism. Many studies show media rarely report conflict neutrally. Human psychology, journalistic norms, and structural constraints draw media away from complex historical reporting of violence. Limited systematic research on media coverage of peace is insufficient to direct response to prevalent war journalism. A case study of The Washington Report cov...

  4. The Middle East Peace Talks

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Migdalovitz, Carol


    After the first Gulf war, in 1991, a new peace process was begun, with Israel and the Palestinians discussing a five-year period of interim self-rule leading to a final sefllernent Israel and Syria...

  5. Attitudes toward Peace, War and Violence in Five Countries (United States)

    Biaggio, Angela; De Souza, Luciana; Martini, Rosa


    This study investigated attitudes towards peace, war and violence in students from five countries: Brazil, Chile, Germany, Portugal, and the USA. The total sample consisted of 171 male and female adolescents and adults. An 11-item questionnaire about peace, war and violence was developed. The data were submitted to content analysis by groups of…

  6. The Stillpoint: Taoist Quietism, Human Relationships, and Living Peacefully. (United States)

    Crawford, Lyall

    As individuals and social beings, at whatever the level and complexity of organization, a gentle spirit and manner weaken aggressiveness and mean-mindedness. The idea that peaceful persons make for a peaceful world can be explored by considering philosophical Taoism. An examination of the first nine chapters of D. C. Lau's translation of "Lao…

  7. Daphnia exilis Herrick, 1895 (Crustacea: Cladocera): Una especie zooplanctónica potencialmente utilizable como organismo de prueba en bioensayos de toxicidad aguda en ambientes tropicales y subtropicales




    La evaluación biológica de los efectos tóxicos que producen los contaminantes químicos sobre los organismos acuáticos es fundamental para establecer medidas de control que restrinjan o limiten la contaminación en los ecosistemas acuáticos receptores de descargas. Para realizar esta valoración con frecuencia se emplean como organismos de prueba a diferentes especies planctónicas, siendo Daphnia magna el cladócero más utilizado en todo el mundo en pruebas de toxicidad, pese a que su utilidad en...

  8. Peaceful nuclear explosions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Article V of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) specifies that the potential benefits of peaceful applications of nuclear explosions be made available to non-nuclear weapon states party to the Treaty 'under appropriate international observation and through appropriate international procedures'. The International Atomic Energy Agency's responsibility and technical competence in this respect have been recognized by its Board of Governors, the Agency's General Conference and the United Nations' General Assembly. Since 1968 when the United Nations Conference of Non-Nuclear Weapon States also recommended that the Agency initiate the necessary studies in the peaceful nuclear explosions (PNE) field, the Agency has taken the following steps: 1. The exchange of scientific and technical information has been facilitated by circulating information on the status of the technology and through the Agency's International Nuclear Information System. A bibliography of PNE-related literature was published in 1970. 2. In 1972, guidelines for 'the international observation of PNE under the provisions of NPT and analogous provisions in other international agreements' were developed and approved by the Board of Governors. These guidelines defined the basic purpose of international observation as being to verify that in the course of conducting a PNE project the intent and letter of Articles I and II of the NPT are not violated. 3. In 1974, an advisory group developed 'Procedures for the Agency to Use in Responding to Requests for PNE-Related Services'. These procedures have also been approved by the Board of Governors. 4. The Agency has convened a series of technical meetings which reviewed the 'state-of-the- art'. These meetings were convened in 1970, 1971, 1972 and in January 1975. The Fourth Technical Committee was held in Vienna from 20-24 January 1975 under the chairmanship of Dr. Allen Wilson of Australia with Experts from: Australia, France, Federal

  9. Cost of Peace Accounting and National Security in Nigeria: Does it Really Matter?

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    Okoro Godsday Edesiri


    Full Text Available Purpose of the article: The cost of ensuring national security is very high, but measuring this cost has received little attention. One way of reacording and ascertaining the financial resources expended on national security is via Peace Accounting. Peace Accounting is an innovative idea that is taking a firm root in Nigeria and the world over. Peace accounting deals with ascertaining and reporting the financial resources accompanying domestic violence such as insecurity, political violence, insurgency, militancy, economic predicament, corruption and all other costs associated with national security. Methodology/methods: Secondary data were obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin and the International Monetary Fund Cross Country Macroeconomic Statistics from 1996–2015. Ordinary Least Square estimation technique was employed in analyzing the data and analysis performed via SPSS. Scientific aim: This paper gauged the costs of peace accounting and its implication for national security in Nigeria. Findings: The study found that expenditure on internal security, cost of peace keeping and gross fixed capital formation are dynamics of peace accounting. Furthermore, cost of peace keeping is statistically significant except that expenditure on internal security and gross fixed capital formation were statistically flawed. Expenditure on internal security has negative impact on GPI. Conclusions: On the basis of the above, we recommend among others that countries like Nigeria faced with security challenges should engage professionals/experts that can help develop peace accounting models aimed at measuring the cost of peace. Also, special attention should be paid to expenditure on internal security since it has negative effect on GPI.

  10. Are attitudes toward peace and war the two sides of the same coin? Evidence to the contrary from a French validation of the Attitudes Toward Peace and War Scale. (United States)

    Van der Linden, Nicolas; Leys, Christophe; Klein, Olivier; Bouchat, Pierre


    Bizumic et al. (2013) have recently shown that attitudes towards peace and war reflect two distinct constructs rather than two poles of a single dimension. We present an attempt at validating the French version of their 16-item Attitudes toward Peace and War Scale (APWS) on five distinct (mainly Belgian) French-speaking samples (total N = 808). Confirmatory factor and criterion validity analyses confirmed that attitudes toward peace and war, although negatively related, are distinct in terms of their antecedents and consequences. On the one hand, antecedents of attitudes toward peace included egalitarian ideological beliefs and empathic concern for others, and consequences included intentions to engage in pro-peace behaviors. On the other hand, antecedents of attitudes toward war included national identification and authoritarian ideological beliefs, and consequences included intentions to engage in pro-war behaviors. Furthermore, both attitudes toward peace and war were, respectively, negatively and positively related to (a right-wing) political orientation. Unexpectedly however, attitudes toward war were positively related to nonegalitarian ideological beliefs and were not related to personal distress. Scores on the translated scale were unrelated to socially desirable responding. In terms of known-groups validity, men had, respectively, more and less positive attitudes toward war and peace than women. Finally, based on exploratory factor analyses, the inclusion of some items for the factorial structure of the measure is questioned and a shortened form of the measure is validated. Overall, these findings are in line with Bizumic et al. and suggest that attitudes toward peace and war also reflect two distinct constructs in a French-speaking population.

  11. Influencia de la cooperación internacional Norte-Sur sobre la agenda ambiental en Colombia (Tema Central)


    Burbano Galeano, Mario Ediñho


    La política ambiental de Colombia se centra en mecanismos e instrumentos de protección ambiental y desarrollo sostenible sobre los cuales se sustenta el crecimiento económico del país; además, establece medidas para la adaptación del país al cambio climático. Tal política se articula en el desarrollo de la agenda internacional de cambio climático, en cuya sincronía –entre la política internacional y política doméstica– contribuye la cooperación internacional (Norte-Sur), ahora que ha existido...

  12. La teoría de la política internacional treinta años después


    Leire Moure


    En 2009 la Teoría de la Política Internacional de K. N. Waltz ha cumplido treinta años. Es indudable que la escena internacional ha cambiado sustancialmente desde la publicación de su obra cumbre. La Guerra Fría, que a finales de los setenta la convirtió en marco explicativo destacado de la realidad internacional de la época, se desvaneció a comienzos de los noventa del siglo pasado. El mundo bipolar caracterizado por la intensa rivalidad entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética dio paso...

  13. Actualidad y proyecciones de la maternidad subrogada en el derecho internacional privado argentino

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    Brodsky, Jonathan M.


    Full Text Available La maternidad subrogada, y en general las técnicas de reproducción humana asistida, son hoy una realidad de la que el derecho interno e internacional no pueden desentenderse. El silencio en la materia de la normativa argentina es insostenible, mas el Proyecto de Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación acierta en hacerse cargo de regular la gestación por sustitución, tanto a nivel interno como en la sección dedicada especialmente al derecho internacional privado. Tras una sucinta evaluación de la (inconveniencia de admitir legislativamente la institución, el presente trabajo se centrará en los requisitos de procedencia exigidos para dicha práctica en el Código proyectado (porque son de orden público internacional, así como en los criterios de atribución de jurisdicción y ley aplicable en la especie, y el reconocimiento de la filiación habiendo nacido el hijo, a través de la maternidad por otro, en un país extranjero (y cuya ley lo permite. Finalmente, se abordará el juego del orden público internacional con el principio del interés superior del niño, y se examinará la aplicación analógica de las soluciones propuestas ante supuestos que se pudieran plantear en la actualidad, frente al actual vacío normativo.

  14. 8 de marzo "Día internacional de la mujer"


    Gutiérrez González, Acela Elena


    Este año se cumple, setenta y cinco años de conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer 8 de marzo, constituido desde 1910 para unificar las luchas que se gestaron a partir del siglo XVII por el derecho al voto.

  15. Casualties of peace: an analysis of casualties admitted to the intensive care unit during the negotiation of the comprehensive Colombian process of peace. (United States)

    Ordoñez, Carlos A; Manzano-Nunez, Ramiro; Naranjo, Maria Paula; Foianini, Esteban; Cevallos, Cecibel; Londoño, Maria Alejandra; Sanchez Ortiz, Alvaro I; García, Alberto F; Moore, Ernest E


    After 52 years of war in 2012, the Colombian government began the negotiation of a process of peace, and by November 2012, a truce was agreed. We sought to analyze casualties who were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) before and during the period of the negotiation of the comprehensive Colombian process of peace. Retrospective study of hostile casualties admitted to the ICU at a Level I trauma center from January 2011 to December 2016. Patients were subsequently divided into two groups: those seen before the declaration of the process of peace truce (November 2012) and those after (November 2012-December 2016). Patients were compared with respect to time periods. Four hundred forty-eight male patients were admitted to the emergency room. Of these, 94 required ICU care. Sixty-five casualties presented before the truce and 29 during the negotiation period. Median injury severity score was significantly higher before the truce. Furthermore, the odds of presenting with severe trauma (ISS > 15) were significantly higher before the truce (OR, 5.4; (95% CI, 2.0-14.2); p  < 0.01). There was a gradual decrease in the admissions to the ICU, and the performance of medical and operative procedures during the period observed. We describe a series of war casualties that required ICU care in a period of peace negotiation. Despite our limitations, our study presents a decline in the occurrence, severity, and consequences of war injuries probably as a result in part of the negotiation of the process of peace. The hysteresis of these results should only be interpreted for their implications in the understanding of the peace-health relationship and must not be overinterpreted and used for any political end.

  16. Counselling for Sustainable Peace in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (United States)

    Nduka-Ozo, Stella Ngozi


    This study reviewed the nature of peace in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria using Ebonyi State University as a case study. The purpose of the study was to review the various factors responsible for lack of peace. The sample was drawn from the three hundred level students of the Faculty of Education. Thirty students were selected from each of the…


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    Juan Pablo Pérez-León Acevedo


    Full Text Available La presente investigación busca estudiar el proceso de surgimiento y afianzamiento de la figura de la responsabilidad internacional individual por crímenes de guerra cometidos en el contexto de conflictos armados no internacionales, los cuales han caracterizado el Derecho internacional contemporáneo. Para tal efecto, se hace un estudio de la respectiva norma de Derecho internacional consuetudinario la cual se cristalizó en el Derecho internacional convencional, representado por el Estatuto de la Corte Penal InternacionalThe present research seeks to study the process of emergence and consolidation of the institution of international individual responsibility for war crimes committed in the context of non-international armed conflicts, which have characterized contemporary International law. In order to reach that purpose, it is studied the respective customary international humanitarian law rule which crystallized in the treaty international law, represented by the International Criminal Court Statute

  18. Peac – A set of tools to quickly enable Proof on a cluster

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganis, G; Vala, M


    With advent of the analysis phase of Lhcdata-processing, interest in Proof technology has considerably increased. While setting up a simple Proof cluster for basic usage is reasonably straightforward, exploiting the several new functionalities added in recent times may be complicated. Peac, standing for Proof Enabled Analysis Cluster, is a set of tools aiming to facilitate the setup and management of a Proof cluster. Peac is based on the experience made by setting up Proof for the Alice analysis facilities. It allows to easily build and configure Root and the additional software needed on the cluster, and may serve as distributor of binaries via Xrootd. Peac uses Proof-On-Demand (PoD) for resource management (start, stop or daemons). Finally, Peac sets-up and configures dataset management (using the Afdsmgrd daemon), as well as cluster monitoring (machine status and Proof query summaries) using MonAlisa. In this respect, a MonAlisa page has been dedicated to Peac users, so that a cluster managed by Peac can be automatically monitored. In this paper we present and describe the status and main components of Peac and show details about its usage.


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    Linares Navarro, E.


    Full Text Available En los últimos años el uso por parte de las empresas de la estrategia de outsourcing en sus dos vertientes (nacional e internacional1 está siendo una práctica habitual en los países desarrollados, especialmente en los sectores manufactureros tradicionales. Dado el desarrollo experimentado y las implicaciones técnico-productivas y sociales que se derivan de su implementación, en este trabajo analizamos cuál ha sido la tendencia de esa estrategia en estos sectores durante el periodo 1985-2004 y contrastamos qué relación existe entre ésta y dos de sus principales factores determinantes: el tamaño y la experiencia internacional. De los resultados más generales se desprende que el outsourcing muestra un desarrollo claramente alcista. Respecto a sus determinantes, se contrasta la influencia negativa del tamaño en el uso del outsourcing global y se observa una significativa relación positiva entre el outsourcing internacional y la experiencia internacional de la empresa.

  20. Consuming democracy : local agencies and liberal peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Goede, J de M.


    This thesis focuses on liberal peace building in the DRC. The thesis takes a critical approach which emphasises local agencies and their engagements with liberal peace building. However, it seeks to bring this critique back to the institutions with which liberal peace building is preoccupied, by

  1. Sistema Político Internacional e Globalização: Continuidade ou Rotura?


    Abreu Varanda, Artur Jorge


    O presente trabalho realizado no âmbito da unidade currucular - Teoria da relações internacionais - 4º Ano procura identificar os efeitos das Globalização no Sistema Político Internacional. Para tal, é primeiro definido o conceito de Sistema Político Internacional, partindo do conceito de Sistema para chegar à definição de Kenneth Waltz, inserida no Realismo Estruesturalista, sendo ainda explorada a complexidade do sistema. Em seguida, é caracterizada a evolução do Sistema Político Internacio...

  2. Effect of regionalization on the allocation of third-party peace operations

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    Dagmar Zakopalová


    Full Text Available The paper “Effect of regionalization on the allocation of third-party peace operations” aims to discuss and then empirically test on large-N data what is the effect of the joint activity of the United Nations, regional organizations and ad hoc coalitions of states on the allocation of peace operations in the world. It is argued that after the end of the Cold War, all the actors have become much more active in organizing peace operations in intrastate armed conflicts, but it remains rather unclear to what extent they actually share the burden of peace operations at the macro level and especially whether the United Nations focuses on the regions that are rather overlooked by the other actors. The analysis shows that there are remarkable differences among various regions as regards the involvement of international actors and in fact, regional organizations as well as the ad hoc coalitions of states tend to follow similar patterns in allocation of peace operations as the United Nations.

  3. Scientists credit `Atoms for Peace' for progress on energy, security

    CERN Multimedia

    Jones, D


    "Fifty years after President Eisenhower unveiled his plan for developing peaceful uses for nuclear fission, the scientific advances spawned by his Atoms for Peace program have made possible major advances in energy and national security, a panel of physicists said last week" (1 page).

  4. International Consultation on Peace Education and Research in Higher Education. (United States)

    Higher Education in Europe, 1986


    A January 1986 UNESCO international conference on the role of higher education in promoting international understanding, cooperation, peace, and respect for human rights focused on the nuclear threat and conventional warfare, the role of international governmental and nongovernmental organizations, research and education for peace, and…

  5. Contenido y alcance del derecho a la educación en el ámbito internacional

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    Chacón Mata, Alfonso


    Full Text Available Resumen: El derecho a la educación en el orden internacional ha tendido, desde mediados del siglo pasado, a ser una materia susceptible de tutelar debido a su creciente interés y necesidad. En el ámbito del sistema de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas se han diseñado pactos o tratados capaces de ser ratificados por todos los Estados miembros de la comunidad internacional, en los que se protege el derecho a la educación, señalando obligaciones positivas o de hacer, concretizar; ejecutar determinadas políticas para los Estados suscriptores. Asimismo, los mecanismos extraconvencionales de protección de los derechos humanos han establecido las Relatorías especiales, siendo la Relatoría del derecho a la educación una posibilidad de diagnosticar los alcances y desfases que se puedan presentar en la práctica. Por otra parte, el desarrollo multilateral de Conferencias Mundiales no solo con los gobiernos, sino además con otros actores de influencia dentro de los respectivos sistemas políticos (organismos no gubernamentales; activistas y académicos etc., han ido abordando cada vez más acertadamente el fenómeno educativo en sus diferentes niveles de acción. Esta anterior preocupación nace de los efectos nugatorios y restrictivos que el derecho a la educación ha tenido al interior de muchos países –sobre todo del denominado Tercer Mundo-, por lo que se hace necesario apoyarse en la normativa jurídica internacional con la finalidad de abrir espacios de exigibilidad y respeto a este derecho. La importancia que reviste esta situación para el caso del ámbito educativo costarricense, radica en que este tipo de cobertura exógena se complementa con la protección jurídica interna, en aras de proporcionar mayores márgenes de justiciabilidad y exigibilidad del derecho que nos ocupa. En este sentido la Sala Constitucional le ha proporcionado a los instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos suscritos por el país, rango

  6. Handbook on Peace Education (United States)

    Salomon, Gavriel, Ed.; Cairns, Ed, Ed.


    This handbook encompasses a range of disciplines that underlie the field of peace education and provides the rationales for the ways it is actually carried out. The discipline is a composite of contributions from a variety of disciplines ranging from social psychology to philosophy and from communication to political science. That is, peace…

  7. Peace through Institutions: Woodrow Wilson and the Paris Peace Conference


    Burak Küntay


    As we approach the centennial of World War I, it is fitting to undertake a retrospective, academic review of the institutions devised in the war’s aftermath. The efforts to build and sustain a global order ensuring peace and cooperation in the international community - which ultimately failed with the beginning of a Second World War—constitute telling and timely lessons for world politics today. This paper looks critically at America’s role in World War I, diplomatic talks precedi...

  8. Cooperación Sur-Sur: Análisis de su impacto en la transformación del régimen internacional de la OCDE en materia de cooperación internacional


    Londoño Reyes, Alejandra


    Las relaciones de cooperación Sur-Sur revoluciona las lógicas tradicionales que dieron base al régimen de la cooperación internacional expedido desde la OCDE. La diferencia entre los donantes llamados “DAC” y los socios “No-DAC” en referencia a los Estados miembros del Comité de Asistencia al Desarrollo establece dos lógicas de cooperación internacional que se contraponen en sus dinámicas pero comparten un objetivo: el desarrollo. Estos dos tipos de relaciones de cooperación se diferencian en...

  9. An Overview of the Chinese Agenda: Global Sustainable Peace and Development

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    Hans Nibshan Seesaghur


    Full Text Available Our globalised world is prone to complex challenges affecting mankind. As an ancient saying goes- China is an old civilised nation endowed with a new mission. However, this new mission here is referred to as the “Chinese Dream” and can only be accomplished in a peaceful environment. The concept of peaceful rise is perhaps the most important Chinese foreign policy intended to shape the global architecture. The Chinese agenda of global sustainable peace and development is delicately interwoven with the peaceful rise concept, which can be plainly interpreted as an adherence to existing international norms and an obligation to respecting prevailing global norms. This paper investigates China’s agenda of peaceful rise and development to provide an in-depth and evidencebased analysis of the new policy thinking and its tenets. The study revealed that China tries to manifest the policy thinking in five major foreign policies namely: (1 Peaceful Development; (2 New Model of Major-country Relations; (3 Neighbourhood Diplomacy; (4 Cooperation with Developing Countries; and (5 Multilateral Relations. These doctrines have assisted China in establishing itself as a part of the international society and an integral part of the global system. This paper also examines the role of China at the United Nations, which is a priority for China’s foreign strategy in the new century. Moreover, this paper will discuss the challenges China will have to face in developing new standards on global governance for the 21st century. Finally, the paper will assess whether the new mission, “Chinese Dream”, is on the right path to accomplish sustainable peace and development.

  10. Global Peace through the Global University System

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    Cengiz Hakan AYDIN


    Full Text Available Utopia is defined in Encarta Dictionary as “an ideal and perfect place or state, where everyone lives in harmony and everything is for the best.” Developments all around the world especially in the last decade have supported the idea that global peace is nothing but just a utopian dream. However, for centuries a group of believers have always been in search of global peace via different means. This book, titled as “Global Peace through the Global University System”, can be considered as one of the artifacts of this search.Actually this book is a collection of papers presented in working conference on the Global University System (GUS hosted by the University of Tampere, Finland in 1999. The main goal of the conference was bringing international experts to share their philosophy, past and present experiences about the GUS. The conference was held by the University of Tampere because UNESCO has an agreement with the University to establish the UNESCOChair in Global e-Learning.

  11. Estudio de interacciones metal-biomolecula en organismos modelos Mus musculus/Mus spretus. Diagnosis de problemas ambientales


    Jara Biedma, Rocío


    La presencia creciente de una gran variedad de contaminantes químicos en el medio ambiente supone un riesgo para la salud de los organismos presentes en ellos y los correspondientes ecosistemas. La monitorización medioambiental convencional de los ecosistemas se lleva a cabo mediante análisis químico de elementos traza tóxicos (por ejemplo, Cd, As, Pb, Hg, etc), contaminantes orgánicos (plaguicidas, PCBs, PAHs), contaminantes emergentes (disruptores endocrinos, productos farmacéuticos, produc...

  12. A novíssima China e o Sistema Internacional

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    Paulo G. Fagundes Visentini


    Full Text Available A chegada da China à periferia em desenvolvimento, com uma agenda política e econômica abrangente, inaugura um novo estágio na projeção internacional chinesa e no próprio sistema mundial. Quais são os objetivos dessa Novíssima China em termos de política internacional? Não são poucos os que identificam nas ações chinesas aspirações ambiciosas de dominação mundial, sucedendo os Estados Unidos como liderança do planeta. Em uma manifestação que beira a sinofobia (como outrora o "perigo amarelo", argumentam que seu desenvolvimento almeja concentrar a riqueza mundial em suas mãos, quebrando com a economia das demais nações. Tomando como base as relações estabelecidas com o continente africano, defendemos a hipótese de que Pequim inaugura uma nova etapa na grande política internacional e suplanta a fase em que a Nova China lutava para recuperar sua soberania e desenvolvimento, começando a Novíssima China a transformar o próprio sistema mundial. Para tal, argumentamos que a China busca evitar as hegemonias, tanto a dos Estados Unidos como a dela própria, pois nesse último caso, poderia ter a mesma sorte que a Alemanha nas duas guerras mundiais. Não se trata de uma tarefa fácil, pois a China move-se em meio à fluidez diplomática do período posterior à Guerra Fria e ao envelhecimento do capitalismo contemporâneo em seus centros históricos.

  13. Effects of Integrating Peace Education in the Nigeria Education System (United States)

    Olowo, Oluwatoyin Olusegun


    This paper attempted to investigate the effects of integrating Peace Education into Nigeria educational system. Four research questions were designed for the study. The researcher designed an instrument tagged: Questionnaire on effect of Integrating Peace Education (QEIPE). The entire population of two hundred respondents spread across Secondary…

  14. War, Peace and Stabilisation: Critically Reconceptualising Stability in Southern Afghanistan

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    William Robert Carter


    Full Text Available This article critically treats stabilisation theory and programming through a perspective of peace and conflict, and argues for stabilisation’s reconceptualisation. Through tracking the concept’s emergence, it outlines that stabilisation is theoretically rooted in an insecurity-underdevelopment problematic and relies on the Liberal Peace thesis as a solution. When this concept was operationalised in southern Afghanistan, however, it was translated into a praxis informed by state-building and counterinsurgency imperatives. This approach ultimately produced confused, sometimes counterproductive, effects: simultaneously engendering a liberal, negative, rented and victor’s peace. The article concludes by arguing that stabilisation should be reconceptualised so that it pursues a positive and hybrid peace if it is to be a more effective source of guidance for policy and practice. The first step is to denaturalise the ‘formal’ state in conflict and fragile environments as being seen as a panacea to all ills of instability.

  15. IAEA Nobel Peace Prize cancer and nutrition fund

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinley, D. III


    The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize to the IAEA and Director General ElBaradei in equal shares. The IAEA and its Director General won the 2005 Peace Prize for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way. The IAEA Board of Governors subsequently decided that the IAEA's share of the prestigious prize would be used to create a special fund for fellowships and training to improve cancer control and childhood nutrition in the developing world. This fund is known as the 'IAEA Nobel Peace Prize Cancer and Nutrition Fund'. The money will be dedicated to enhancing human resources in developing regions of the world for improved cancer control and childhood nutrition. In the area of cancer control, the money will be spent on establishing regional cancer training institutes for the training of new doctors, medical physicists and technologists in radiation oncology to improve cancer treatment and care, as part of the IAEA's Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT). In the realm of nutrition, the focus of the Fund will be on capacity building in the use of nuclear techniques to develop interventions to contribute to improved nutrition and health for children in the developing world. Fund-supported fellowship awards will target young professionals, especially women, from Member States, through the IAEA's Technical Cooperation (TC) Programme. Alongside such awards, regional events will be organized in Africa, Asia and Latin America in cancer control and nutrition during 2006. The IAEA Secretariat is encouraging Member States and donors to contribute to the IAEA Nobel Peace Prize Cancer and Nutrition Fund by providing additional resources, in cash and in-kind

  16. MISSE PEACE Polymers Atomic Oxygen Erosion Results (United States)

    deGroh, Kim, K.; Banks, Bruce A.; McCarthy, Catherine E.; Rucker, Rochelle N.; Roberts, Lily M.; Berger, Lauren A.


    Forty-one different polymer samples, collectively called the Polymer Erosion and Contamination Experiment (PEACE) Polymers, have been exposed to the low Earth orbit (LEO) environment on the exterior of the International Space Station (ISS) for nearly 4 years as part of Materials International Space Station Experiment 2 (MISSE 2). The objective of the PEACE Polymers experiment was to determine the atomic oxygen erosion yield of a wide variety of polymeric materials after long term exposure to the space environment. The polymers range from those commonly used for spacecraft applications, such as Teflon (DuPont) FEP, to more recently developed polymers, such as high temperature polyimide PMR (polymerization of monomer reactants). Additional polymers were included to explore erosion yield dependence upon chemical composition. The MISSE PEACE Polymers experiment was flown in MISSE Passive Experiment Carrier 2 (PEC 2), tray 1, on the exterior of the ISS Quest Airlock and was exposed to atomic oxygen along with solar and charged particle radiation. MISSE 2 was successfully retrieved during a space walk on July 30, 2005, during Discovery s STS-114 Return to Flight mission. Details on the specific polymers flown, flight sample fabrication, pre-flight and post-flight characterization techniques, and atomic oxygen fluence calculations are discussed along with a summary of the atomic oxygen erosion yield results. The MISSE 2 PEACE Polymers experiment is unique because it has the widest variety of polymers flown in LEO for a long duration and provides extremely valuable erosion yield data for spacecraft design purposes.

  17. Control de eficiencia en el sector público: propuesta de un modelo de contabilidad analítica para organismos autónomos de investigación y asesoramiento


    Carmen Norverto Laborda; Clara Isabel Muñoz Colomina; Eloy Veuthey Martínez; Javier Zornoza Boy


    El carácter de los organismos a los que se destina el presente trabajo es mixto. Por una parte realizan o dirigen actividades de investigación básica y de interés público (como cartografías, investigaciones oceanográficas, etc.), en relación con las cuales dichos organismos se configuran como entes gestores de gastos públicos. Pero, acceden también al mercado como oferentes de servicios particulares de asesoramiento e investigación, lo que les convierte asimismo en centros de ingresos y les s...

  18. Making weapons, talking peace

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    York, H.F.


    The memoirs of the author traces his life from his first-year graduate studies in physics at the University of Rochester in 1942 to his present position as Director of the University of California's Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. The part of his life involved in making weapons extends from 1942 to 1961. During this period, he worked with E.O. Lawrence on the Manhattan Project and served as director of Livermore after it became the Atomic Energy Commission's second nuclear weapons laboratory. He also served on many government advisory boards and commissions dealing with nuclear and other weapons. In 1961, the combination of a heart attack and changes in administration in Washington led York too return to the University of California for the talking peace portion of his life. He has since become a public exponent of arms control and disarmament and the futility of seeking increased security through more and better nuclear weapons. York's explanation of his move from making weapons to talking peace leaves the reader with a puzzle

  19. Opinión consultiva de la Corte Internacional de Justicia sobre la conformidad con el derecho internacional de la declaración unilateral de independencia relativa a Kosovo

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    Corte Internacional de Justicia


    Full Text Available 1. En la 22ª sesión plenaria de su sexagésimo tercer período de sesiones, celebrada el 8 de octubre de 2008, en su resolución 63/3 la Asamblea General decidió, de conformidad con el Artículo 96 de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, solicitar a la Corte Internacional de Justicia que, en cumplimiento del Artículo 65 del Estatuto de la Corte, emitiera una opinión consultiva sobre la siguiente cuestión: “¿Se ajusta al derecho internacional la declaración unilateral de independencia formulada por las instituciones provisionales de autogobierno de Kosovo?”

  20. Mozambique's peace decades since the end of the conflict: Inclusive ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The article traces the trajectory of democratisation under the auspices of a liberal peace theoretical framework which was agreed upon in the General Peace Agreement ending the conflict in 1992. Secondary quantitative data were made available from leading International Organisations such as the World Bank and the Mo ...

  1. The Unexplored Power and Potential of Youth as Peace-builder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Del Felice, M.C.; Wisler, A.


    Around the world many young people are victims of cultural, direct, and structural violence and become carriers of that violence or perpetration. There is a strong tendency among politicians and researchers to see youth as a problem to be solved. However, many youth are peaceful and peace-builders.

  2. Peace Education in Conflict Zones--Experience from Northern Sri Lanka (United States)

    Harris, Simon; Lewer, Nick


    In September 2005, adult students from Kilinochchi, located in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)-controlled Wanni region of northern Sri Lanka, were awarded University of Bradford, UK, validated postgraduate certificates or diplomas in conflict resolution and peace preparedness. The diploma is, we think, a landmark in peace education…

  3. Speech by the director of the Peace Memorial Museum, Hiroshima

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harada, H.


    The Peace Memorial Museum in Hiroshima, established in 1955, shows not only the scenes of the city after the explosion but its main task is to send the messages of peace to the world, from the citizens of Hiroshima who are appealing for abolition of nuclear weapons for 50 years

  4. Collective actions of women´s organizations for peace in Colombia

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    Mayra Lucia Sánchez Mora


    Full Text Available Currently, Colombia is conducting a peace process that could glimpse the peace the country craves. This peace would bring the end of the armed conflict but not systematically the end of all kind of violence. To ensure the participation and influence of women in this process, it is essential to know the current role performed by the Colombian women’s peace networks. This is the aim of this article. This article explores the main ways of political action undertaken by Colombian women in peacebuilding. In order to do it, we have analyzed the main repertoires of collective action, organizational structure, framing processes and impacts of two women’s networks —Women’s Pacific Route and the Initiative of Colombian Women for Peace—. This analysis was conducted using qualitative techniques. We have made thus three in-depth interviews with the main leaders of each organization studied. Our results present what are the differences and similarities between both women’s networks through the observation of their political practices and their relationship with the concepts peace/conflict; and gender/feminism. While for the Pacific Route the articulating axis is the feminist movement, for the IMP it is the institutional framework. On the other hand, we remarked on identifying civil resistance developed by women in the different Colombia’s peace processes, the limits found by themselves, the strategies to overcome them and the political health of these movements.


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    Jaime Alberto Sandoval Mesa


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza las experiencias para la construcción de la justicia penal internacional que desde los Tribunales de Nüremberg y Tokio construyeron y adicionaron los principales factores de competencia que sirven de base en la actualidad para la realidad que se representa en la Corte Penal Internacional. A través del presente documento se pretende mostrar que antes de abordar la cuestión de admisibilidad contemporánea ante la CPI, es importante conocer como se han construido sus bases y de donde devienen sus principales instituciones.

  6. La filosofía de la integración económica internacional

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    Hernán Villegas Galarza


    Full Text Available Son muchos los estudios consagrados a definir el concepto de "integración económica internacional". La definición debe plantear tres preguntas, a las cuales trataremos de hallar respuesta, o, a lo menos, encontrar algunos elementos de definición. Ellas son: 1 ¿Existen mecanismos de integración internacional? 2 ¿Cómo se resuelve el problema del comando económico en un conjunto de vías de integración? 3 ¿Qué representa la idea de integración para la actual economía del mundo?

  7. Building Peace Poles: Inexpensive Woodworking Project Great for Middle and High School Students (United States)

    Roccanova, John


    The World Peace Prayer Society (WPPS) has at its core the message: "May peace prevail on Earth." This axiom appears on the roughly 200,000 Peace Poles that are planted at private residences, schools, in parks, and at other public places worldwide including at the Pentagon, the Pyramids in Egypt, and on Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest free-standing…

  8. Perspectivas y dimensiones de una gobernanza global: el futuro de la Unión Europea como actor internacional

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    Alberto Castillo Castañeda


    Full Text Available El artículo pretende analizar el papel global de la Unión Europea como actor internacional sobre la base de sus componentes de poder, las dimensiones de la gobernanza global y sus perspectivas como proyecto regional para lograr tener una lectura de su participación en el sistema internacional en el futuro. Dentro de estas perspectivas futuras se resaltará el papel que juega el poder blando de la Unión Europea como potencia normativa y civil dentro de una gobernanza global con nuevos actores, intereses y valores divergentes. Este trabajo parte de la hipótesis de que el cambio relacional de poder en la sociedad internacional está ocasionando dinámicas geopolíticas y geoeconómicas contrapuestas a los planteamientos de un multilateralismo eficaz. Se intentará responder o, al menos, brindar algunas luces a interrogantes tales como: ¿Podrá la UE preservar su relevancia como actor internacional en este mundo en cambio? ¿Mantendrá la relevancia en sus valores e intereses como proyecto regional? ¿La estrategia europea de incidencia internacional debe basarse simplemente en el ámbito del poder blando y el multilateralismo eficaz?

  9. Education for peace in the cross as a pillar upper level

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    Concepción Noemí Martínez Real


    Full Text Available Peace education is very important in our lives, prepare us to be peacemakers, in a problematic world, with high manifestations of different ways of violence. The principles of peace education must be fundamental part of the practice in education, in all systems and it methodology must be known and applied, in order to reach the goal not only of the curriculums, even more the goals of the integral and humanist education. In educative Mexican context, we can see a progress in the implementation of peace education.

  10. Must Dewey and Kierkegaard's Inquiry for World Peace Be Violent? (United States)

    Webster, R. Scott


    Amongst the many aims of education, surely the pursuit of global peace must be one of the most significant. The mandate of UNESCO is to pursue world peace through education by primarily promoting collaboration. The sort of collaboration that UNESCO endorses involves democratic dialogue, where various persons from differing backgrounds can come…

  11. Durability of Peace Education Effects in the Shadow of Conflict (United States)

    Rosen, Yigal; Salomon, Gavriel


    Value-oriented instructional programs, such as anti-racism, may often face societal barriers. A case in point are peace education programs in conflictual contexts. Close analysis of peace education programs in regions of conflict and tension suggest that they face formidable barriers that would appear to prevent the attainment of their goals of…

  12. Future Peace Operations - The Way Ahead

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Sunde, Herald


    .... In addition, training for the wide variety of tasks now involved in peace operations conflicts with the training necessary for national military forces to maintain their warfighting capabilities, their primary mission...

  13. Respuestas del derecho internacional ante la transformación del régimen de asilo en Europa

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    María Teresa Gil Bazo


    Full Text Available Los países de la Unión Europea se enfrentan a uno de los mayores retos de nuestro tiempo. El flujo cada vez mayor de inmigrantes hacia Europa en un momento de crisis en todos los órdenes (económico, político, y social comporta nuevos problemas e interrogantes que deben ser solucionados desde una perspectiva a largo plazo y de respeto a los valores democráticos y los derechos humanos. En este contexto, el proceso de integración europea supone que la cooperación en temas de inmigración adquiera carácter prioritario, y deba ser tratada a nivel internacional entre los Estados que forman la Unión Europea. El momento de transformaciones restrictivas en el contexto internacional europeo de extranjería y asilo obliga a la reflexión sobre el estatus en Derecho internacional del derecho de asilo, que viene dado no sólo por los instrumentos específicos relativos a la protección de refugiados, sino también por otros instrumentos internacionales de protección  de derechos humanos, y por el propio Derecho internacional consuetudinario. Es esta una vertiente con frecuencia soslayada cuya importancia se acrecienta ante las restricciones cada vez mayores impuestas por los países de la Unión Europea al régimen específico del asilo. Así, el presente artículo tiene por objeto el análisis del derecho internacional de asilo y el modo en que éste puede hoy ser complementado por el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos para dar respuesta a las modificaciones introducidas en las legislaciones europeas.

  14. Atlas of peaceful and military nuclear activities (from origins to proliferation)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaliand, G.; Jan, M.


    This atlas collects worldwide geopolitical data and maps concerning peaceful and military activities. It is made of six parts: (1) origins (history); (2) strategies; (3) nuclear fuel cycle; (4) peaceful activities; (5) military activities; (6) proliferation. (D.L.). figs., maps

  15. 'No Peace without Justice or No Justice without Peace?' : Some reflections on a Complex Relationship

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Wilt, H.


    This essay addresses the convoluted relationship between international criminal justice and peace by drawing parallels with the dialectics between these concepts within a domestic legal order. While it is acknowledged that national criminal law enforcement is functional in keeping and restoring the

  16. Transforming Education, Transforming Society: The Co-Construction of Critical Peace Education and Indigenous Education (United States)

    Sumida Huaman, Elizabeth


    This article seeks to contribute to the link between critical peace education and Indigenous education from an Indigenous international and comparative education perspective. The article first reviews the marginalization of critical peace education and Indigenous education. By bringing forward areas of common interest between peace education and…

  17. The Peace Corps and Higher Education: Finally the Envisioned Partnership? (United States)

    Quigley, Kevin F. F.


    A number of structural and contextual changes underway suggests that now that the Peace Corps has begun its second half-century, it may be the opportune time for a broader and deeper strategic partnership with higher education along the lines that the Peace Corps founders' envisioned. That partnership would involve higher education playing an…

  18. The Texts of the Agency's Headquarters Agreement with Austria and Related Agreements; Texto del Acuerdo Concertado Con Austria Relativo a la Sede del Organismo y de los Acuerdos Conexos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The texts of the Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Republic of Austria that were in force on 30 September 1975 are reproduced in this document for the information of all Members of the Agency [Spanish] Para informacion de todos los Estados Miembros, en el presente documento se transcribe el texto de seis acuerdos concertados entre el Organismo y la Republica de Austria como consecuencia de quedar situada en Austria la Sede del Organismo, que se hallaban en vigor el 31 de octubre de 1975.

  19. Implementing Peace Education In Secondary Schools Of Odisha: Perception Of Stake Holders


    MISHRA, Lokanath


    Peace education is fundamentally a process for engaging people in developing awareness of the causes of conflicts and ways to resolve these in daily life. Education is one of the essential factors that will aid in stopping violence and establishing soc emerged as the consequence of various approaches regarding peace from an educational perspective, is a component of teaching tolerance, sharing and honesty to adults and children. The main purpose of peace education is to encourage students to ...

  20. Multinational corporations and corporate social responsibility in the peace building in Colombia


    Jiménez Peña, Gabriel


    This paper focuses on the role of the multinational corporations in the Colombian peace process. First a theoretical frame work is built which aims to shed light on the significance of multinationals in this process. The study then presents the specific Colombian experience with relation to the role of multinationals in the peace process. The penultimate section deals with the relation between peace, corporate social responsibility, and the UN Global Compact. Finally it offers a conclusion wi...

  1. Disarmament processes for a world at peace in twenty years

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toernudd, K.


    Disarmament is not an end in itself. Security - or more accurately peace and security - is usually regarded as the real objective of both disarmament and the possession of arms. The most desirable road to international peace and security, however goes through disarmament. Disarmament programmes and strategies may include a wide range of partial or collateral measures, such as control, conversion, destruction, detection, dismantlement, inspection, limitation, non-proliferation, redeployment, reduction, removal, restriction, storage, verification. The more comprehensive concept to cover the whole range would probably be arms regulation. (The United Nations Charter mentions ''regulation of armaments'' in Articles 11 and 47). Whatever terms are used, the overall objective of strengthening international peace and security must be kept in sight. (author)

  2. Assessment of the hydraulic connection between ground water and the Peace River, west-central Florida (United States)

    Lewelling, B.R.; Tihansky, A.B.; Kindinger, J.L.


    The hydraulic connection between the Peace River and the underlying aquifers along the length of the Peace River from Bartow to Arcadia was assessed to evaluate flow exchanges between these hydrologic systems. Methods included an evaluation of hydrologic and geologic records and seismic-reflection profiles, seepage investigations, and thermal infrared imagery interpretation. Along the upper Peace River, a progressive long-term decline in streamflow has occurred since 1931 due to a lowering of the potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer by as much as 60 feet because of intensive ground-water withdrawals for phosphate mining and agriculture. Another effect from lowering the potentiometric surface has been the cessation of flow at several springs located near and within the Peace River channel, including Kissengen Spring, that once averaged a flow of about 19 million gallons a day. The lowering of ground-water head resulted in flow reversals at locations where streamflow enters sinkholes along the streambed and floodplain. Hydrogeologic conditions along the Peace River vary from Bartow to Arcadia. Three distinctive hydrogeologic areas along the Peace River were delineated: (1) the upper Peace River near Bartow, where ground-water recharge occurs; (2) the middle Peace River near Bowling Green, where reversals of hydraulic gradients occur; and (3) the lower Peace River near Arcadia, where ground-water discharge occurs. Seismic-reflection data were used to identify geologic features that could serve as potential conduits for surface-water and ground-water exchange. Depending on the hydrologic regime, this exchange could be recharge of surface water into the aquifer system or discharge of ground water into the stream channel. Geologic features that would provide pathways for water movement were identified in the seismic record; they varied from buried irregular surfaces to large-scale subsidence flexures and vertical fractures or enlarged solution conduits

  3. Enquadramento regulamentar do comércio internacional de medicamentos: o papel das autoridades reguladoras


    Santos, Maria Margarida Freire Leitão Candeias Silva, 1975-


    Tese de mestrado, Regulação e Avaliação de Medicamentos e Produtos de Saúde, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2010 As exigências cada vez maiores do comércio internacional dos medicamentos levam a pensar sobre qual a melhor forma de actuação das autoridades de saúde, para se conseguir atingir um melhor e eficaz controlo do mesmo. Neste sentido, é proposto um modelo de intervenção para a autoridade reguladora, no contexto do comércio internacional de medicamentos, proceden...

  4. Peaceful Uses Bona Fides: Criteria for Evaluation and Case Studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ajemian, Chris K.; Hazel, Mike; Kessler, Carol E.; Mathews, Carrie E.; Morris, Fred A.; Seward, Amy M.; Peterson, Danielle J.; Smith, Brian W.


    This study applies a set of indicators to assess the peaceful nature of a state’s nuclear program. Evaluation of a country’s nuclear program relative to these indicators can help the international community to take appropriate actions to ensure that the growth of the global nuclear energy industry proceeds peacefully and to minimize nuclear proliferation risks.

  5. Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy: A Collection of Speeches (United States)

    Seaborg, Glenn T.


    It is now a quarter of a century since nuclear energy was introduced to the public. Its introduction was made in the most dramatic, but unfortunately in the most destructive way - through the use of a nuclear weapon. Since that introduction enormous strides have been made in developing the peaceful applications of this great and versatile force. Because these strides have always been overshadowed by the focusing of public attention on the military side of the atom, the public has never fully understood or appreciated the gains and status of the peaceful atom. This booklet is an attempt to correct, in some measure, this imbalance in public information and attitude. It is a compilation of remarks, and excerpts of remarks, that I [Seaborg] have made in recent years in an effort to bring to the public the story of the remarkable benefits the peaceful atom has to offer man. This is a story that grows with the development and progress of the peaceful atom. It must be told so that we can learn to use the power of nuclear energy wisely and through this use help to build a world in which the military applications of the atom will never again be a threat to mankind.

  6. Glossary on peaceful nuclear explosions terms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report presents a glossary of terms in the area of peaceful nuclear explosions. The terms are in English, French, Russian and Spanish with cross-references for the corresponding terms of the other languages

  7. Los organismos internacionales y su incidencia en el desarrollo latinoamericano: la gravitación del pensamiento y las estrategias del Banco Mundial en las políticas públicas mexicanas


    Enríquez Pérez, Isaac


    El informe de investigación correspondiente a la Tesis Doctoral titulada Los organismos internacionales y su incidencia en el desarrollo latinoamericano, la gravitación del pensamiento y las estrategias del Banco Mundial en las políticas públicas mexicanas presenta un estudio sobre la relación orgánica suscitada entre las directrices de desarrollo diseñadas y difundidas por los organismos internacionales especialmente por el Banco Mundial y las políticas públicas de una nación subdesarrollada...

  8. 1er. Taller internacional sobre oso hormiguero gigante (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)


    M.V. Guillermo Pérez Jimeno


    ResumenLos pasados días 2 y 3 de noviembre se llevó a cabo el 1er. Taller internacional sobre oso hormiguero gigante (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), en instalaciones del Zoológico de Florencio Varela. Participaron activamente representantes de Brasil, Colombia, Holanda, Alemania y Argentina.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Garb, Maja

    Peacekeepers are lightly armed and do not fire except in self-defence; .... communication theories, he assumes that the success of peace support operations is ..... UNAVEM III – United Nations Angola Verification Mission III; UNIFIL –.


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    Carol Thiago Costa


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo mensurar o grau de correlação entre as bolsas de valores de alguns países considerados emergentes, segundo o Fundo Monetário Internacional (2009, adotando para tal dois períodos distintos, um anterior e outro durante a crise financeira do subprime em 2008, a partir de informações diárias de fechamento dos índices representativos daquelas bolsas. O período está compreendido entre 28 de junho de 2007 a 03 de abril de 2009, totalizando 438 observações para cada bolsa. As técnicas estatísticas abrangem o teste de correlação de Pearson e o teste de correlação móvel, este empregando um período de aproximadamente seis meses. Os principais resultados revelam que, em momentos de instabilidade financeira, tais como o da crise do subprime, em 2008, as correlações entre as bolsas de valores mudam significativamente, convergindo para um valor próximo a um (1, indicando que os mercados caminham de maneira paralela, com poucas opções para a estratégia de diversificação internacional de portfólios de investimento. Palavras-clave: Diversificação internacional. Portfólios de investimento. Correlação. Correlação móvel.

  11. Arab strategy for peaceful uses of nuclear energy until the year 2020

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The peaceful use of atomic energy in the Arab region constitutes an important contributor to economic and social development, and nuclear technologies are involved in various areas of life. Since the Khartoum Arab Summit in 2006, the Council of the League of Arab States has issued successive resolutions calling for the need of Arab cooperation in the peaceful uses of atomic energy. These decisions were embodied in the Arab strategy for peaceful uses of nuclear energy until the year 2020 - to which Arab Atomic Energy Agency developed with Arab experts an implementation program. Scientific research in the field of peaceful atomic energy applications is among the key elements of this strategy as it is an important factor for the implementation of these applications in order to improve their performance and achieve the targeted benefits.

  12. History of the Balkan Peace Team. An example of nonviolent international interventions

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    Diego Checa Hidalgo


    Full Text Available The Balkan Peace Team was the result of a project designed to make an international nonviolent intervention in some territories of the former Yugoslavia. This project, which was in operation from 1994-2001, generated processes that wanted to contribute to the peaceful resolution of violent conflicts that had erupted in the region in the early 90's. Its methodology consisted of sending international volunteers to collaborate with local peace groups and human rights organizations who may request their help. The Balkan Peace Team was able to strengthen empowerment processes of local organizations in areas of conflict where it was deployed. It also provided lessons to those organizations part of the project in order to increase awareness of the scope and operation of nonviolent international interventions for conflict transformation.

  13. Proceedings of Public Information Seminar on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The CD-ROM presents papers submitted to the Public Information Seminar on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, held in Havana, Cuba, on November 28-30, 2007. Specialist of several countries expose their experience in the promotion of the peaceful use of nuclear energy and radiation application

  14. Negociación y documentos preliminares en la contratación internacional

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    Jorge Oviedo Albán


    Full Text Available Con el fin de establecer la relevancia de los principios de la buena fe y de libertad de formas, la doctrina y la jurisprudencia han establecido ciertas pautas que deben tenerse en cuenta en el proceso de formación del contrato internacional, así, en estas páginas se fija el análisis de las negociaciones preliminares en los contratos internacionales, en particular el estudio de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías, y los Principios de Unidroit sobre los Contratos Comerciales Internacionales, apelando no solo al análisis doctrinal de las disposiciones involucradas, sino también al de los casos relevantes fallados por tribunales estatales y arbitrales.

  15. Negociación y documentos preliminares en la contratación internacional

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    Jorge Oviedo Albán


    Full Text Available Con el fin de establecer la relevancia de los principios de la buena fe y de libertad de formas, la doctrina y la jurisprudencia han establecido ciertas pautas que deben tenerse en cuenta en el proceso de formación del contrato internacional, así, en estas páginas se fija el análisis de las negociaciones preliminares en los contratos internacionales, en particular el estudio de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías, y los Principios de Unidroit sobre los Contratos Comerciales Internacionales, apelando no solo al análisis doctrinal de las disposiciones involucradas, sino también al de los casos relevantes fallados por tribunales estatales y arbitrales


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    Suban Kumar Chowdhury


    Full Text Available The study has started with the sole argument that peace process of this region is now turned into a complex political theatre where terrorism is the major menace. The aim of this study is to scrupulously investigate the nature and substance of South Asian peace process with particular emphasis on India-Pakistan. Thus intends to extend the scope of further research on peace process through linking it with terrorism. The methodology of this research relied largely on qualitative analysis. Methodologically, the study does not directly address the policies of the South Asian countries rather it uses already available literature of policy experts to research the linkage between terrorism and peace process, test their correlations (whether it is positive or negative in context to South Asia, and to conclusively make a judgment based on the research question-to what extent the incidence of terrorism is hindering the progress of South Asian peace process?

  17. Peace and nuclear war

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schweitzer, A.


    In the fifties and sixties, Albert Schweitzer fought for a policy of peace and warned of the dangers of nuclear war in speeches and publications. Reading his appeals again today, we find that they have lost nothing of their uncanny up-to-dateness. Just the opposite: The disaster predicted by Albert Schweitzer is a stronger threat now than it was at his time. (orig./HP) [de

  18. The Culture of Peace from a Transdisciplinary Perspective

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    Nahir Josefina Rodríguez De Betancourt


    Full Text Available Several researchers, such as: Fisas, Truvilla, UNESCO, among others, agree on the importance of the Culture of Peace, which is a human project of great importance and is a way to achieve harmony between the localities of each nation. This essay focuses on the Culture of Peace from a Transdisciplinary Perspective. Said essay is of a guiding and informative nature with documentary support. The purpose of this is to address the issue of the importance of the Culture of Peace, as a mechanism to promote in individuals respect for life, harmony among people, security, relevance to society and for in this way, the redemption of values ​​such as solidarity, respect, love, work, coexistence, among other interactions. Likewise, a culture that defeats elements that have to do with violence, peer abuse, discrimination and the preference of religions. On the contrary, we want the consolidation of brotherhood, justice, freedom and democracy in the resolution of problems or conflicts in the school, the family and the community.

  19. Measuring Government Expenditure Efficiencies Towards Peace and Human Development

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    Ahmad Danu Prasetyo


    Full Text Available In this paper, we investigate the efficiency level of government expenditure in 82 countries towards the human development and peace index of the respective countries by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA approach during 2007-2011. We found that only few countries that always being positioned in the efficient frontier during the sample period, namely: Japan, Nigeria, and Norway.  By using Malmquist index approach, we also found that Cyprus has the largest government expenditure efficiency improvement.Keywords: Government Expenditure Efficiencies, Human Development Index, Global Peace Indexdoi:10.12695/ajtm.2013.6.2.3 How to cite this article:Prasetyo, A.D., and Pudjono, A.N.S. (2013. Measuring Government Expenditure Efficiencies Towards Peace and Human Development. The Asian Journal of Technology Management 6 (2: 82-91. Print ISSN: 1978-6956; Online ISSN: 2089-791X. doi:10.12695/ajtm.2013.6.2.3

  20. Peaceful Development and Strategic Opportunity

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Yang Yi


    @@ The international strategic situation and environment China faces have changed dramatically since September 11. China has closely followed and adapted itself to the ever-changing situation, seized strategic opportunity, adjusted its global strategy, adhered to peaceful development and displayed diplomacy and strategic flexibility. These are manifested in the following four aspects:

  1. Peace Education Research in the Twenty-First Century: Three Concepts Facing Crisis or Opportunity? (United States)

    Cremin, Hilary


    This article focuses on the concepts of peace, education and research, and the ways in which they combine to form the field of peace education and peace education research. It discusses the ways in which each can be said to be facing a crisis of legitimation, representation and praxis, and the structural and cultural violence that inhibit efforts…

  2. Ground-Laboratory to In-Space Atomic Oxygen Correlation for the PEACE Polymers (United States)

    Stambler, Arielle H.; Inoshita, Karen E.; Roberts, Lily M.; Barbagallo, Claire E.; de Groh, Kim K.; Banks, Bruce A.


    The Materials International Space Station Experiment 2 (MISSE 2) Polymer Erosion and Contamination Experiment (PEACE) polymers were exposed to the environment of low Earth orbit (LEO) for 3.95 years from 2001 to 2005. There were forty-one different PEACE polymers, which were flown on the exterior of the International Space Station (ISS) in order to determine their atomic oxygen erosion yields. In LEO, atomic oxygen is an environmental durability threat, particularly for long duration mission exposures. Although space flight experiments, such as the MISSE 2 PEACE experiment, are ideal for determining LEO environmental durability of spacecraft materials, ground-laboratory testing is often relied upon for durability evaluation and prediction. Unfortunately, significant differences exist between LEO atomic oxygen exposure and atomic oxygen exposure in ground-laboratory facilities. These differences include variations in species, energies, thermal exposures and radiation exposures, all of which may result in different reactions and erosion rates. In an effort to improve the accuracy of ground-based durability testing, ground-laboratory to in-space atomic oxygen correlation experiments have been conducted. In these tests, the atomic oxygen erosion yields of the PEACE polymers were determined relative to Kapton H using a radio-frequency (RF) plasma asher (operated on air). The asher erosion yields were compared to the MISSE 2 PEACE erosion yields to determine the correlation between erosion rates in the two environments. This paper provides a summary of the MISSE 2 PEACE experiment; it reviews the specific polymers tested as well as the techniques used to determine erosion yield in the asher, and it provides a correlation between the space and ground-laboratory erosion yield values. Using the PEACE polymers' asher to in-space erosion yield ratios will allow more accurate in-space materials performance predictions to be made based on plasma asher durability evaluation.

  3. 22 de marzo: Día Internacional del Agua


    Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales


    Con la excusa del día internacional del agua, nos parece importante compartir con ustedes algunos conceptos importantes. ¿A qué se denomina agua potable? Agua potable es aquella que, bien en su estado natural o después de un tratamiento adecuado, es apta para el consumo humano y no produce ningún efecto perjudicial para la salud. Es limpia, transparente, sin olores o sabores desagradables y está libre de contaminantes.

  4. The peace and nuclear war dictionary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, S.R.


    The Peace and Nuclear War Dictionary is organized so that entries and supplementary data can be located easily and quickly. Items are arranged alphabetically throughout, rather than grouped into chapters. When doubtful about how to locate an entry, consult the general index. Page numbers for terms appear in the index in heavy black type; subsidiary concepts discussed within entries can be found in the index, identified by page numbers in regular type. For study purposes, numerous entries have also been subsumed under major topical headings in the index, affording the reader access to broad classes of related information. The reader can also fully explore a topic by employing the extensive cross-references included in all entries. Many entries can be found as subsidiary terms, but in each case the concept is related to the main entry. The author has adopted the format of this book to provide the reader a variety of useful applications. These include its use as a dictionary and ready reference guide to the global language of peace and nuclear war; a study guide for introductory courses in Nuclear War and Peace of International Relations, or for any specialized course in the area; a supplement to a textbook or a group of paperback monographs adopted for use in these courses; a source of review material for the political science major enrolled in advanced courses; and a social science aid for use in business, education, government, policy sciences, and journalism

  5. Cluster PEACE observations of electrons of spacecraft origin

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    S. Szita


    Full Text Available The two PEACE (Plasma Electron And Current Experiment sensors on board each Cluster spacecraft sample the electron velocity distribution across the full 4 solid angle and the energy range 0.7 eV to 26 keV with a time resolution of 4 s. We present high energy and angular resolution 3D observations of electrons of spacecraft origin in the various environments encountered by the Cluster constellation, including a lunar eclipse interval where the spacecraft potential was reduced but remained positive, and periods of ASPOC (Active Spacecraft POtential Control operation which reduced the spacecraft potential. We demonstrate how the spacecraft potential may be found from a gradient change in the PEACE low energy spectrum, and show how the observed spacecraft electrons are confined by the spacecraft potential. We identify an intense component of the spacecraft electrons with energies equivalent to the spacecraft potential, the arrival direction of which is seen to change when ASPOC is switched on. Another spacecraft electron component, observed in the sunward direction, is reduced in the eclipse but unaffected by ASPOC, and we believe this component is produced in the analyser by solar UV. We find that PEACE anodes with a look direction along the spacecraft surfaces are more susceptible to spacecraft electron contamination than those which look perpendicular to the surface, which justifies the decision to mount PEACE with its field-of-view radially outward rather than tangentially.Key words. Magnetosheric physics (general or miscellaneous Space plasma physics (spacecraft sheaths, wakes, charging

  6. The World Peace and the Islamic Prospective

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    Bahram Navazeni


    Full Text Available World peace as an ideal situation associated with freedom and prosperity refers to a situation in which all the people of the world work together to avoid war and violence. This article is aimed at analyzing the formation and activation of the United Nations as a momentum of the international community. In Iran, after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 there has been an emphasis on dignity, human values and freedom, with responsibility before God. The Iranian constitution is opposed to all cruelty, oppression, domination and submission, and heralds the provision of social and political freedoms, within the limits of law. The present article is intended to use the descriptive-analytical method in order to study the positive concept of world peace. With the help of library resources and legal documents the present paper aims to explain the sustainable initiatives to creating of world peace contained in the Iranian Constitution, based on the Quranic verses and its interpretations of Ghotb in Egypt and Imam Khomeini in Iran. Among such principles of the constitution, is human happiness in Iran, in the entire Islamic Ummah, and in the whole human community. The Constitution also proclaims independence, freedom, the rule of justice and truth for all peoples.

  7. Making Sense of War and Peace

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Kirsten


    When people tell stories about their past experiences, they often include descriptions that infer changes in trust repertoires over time, especially when the stories relate to serious life dramas like war and peace. A happy ending can make a past war appear meaningful. In this case study......, retrospective narratives summarizing fifty years of history in Aceh, Indonesia, were analyzed using Fuglsang’s & Jagd’s framework (2013). The concept spiritual trust is introduced, and the case study indicates that when neither institutions nor powers are strong enough to support trusting, trust in a divine...... power can provide an alternative framework for sensemaking and trusting. In Aceh, three decades of civil war ended with a peace process in 2005, and extreme distrust was then replaced by institutional trust. Insights from that process are of relevance for the study of trust-repair....

  8. Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) — a glimpse into current and future projects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    With more than 170 projects successfully supported, benefiting more than 130 Member States, the Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) has been an effective mechanism for raising additional resources to meet the needs of Member States. The IAEA hopes to carry on with this initiative to further expand the benefits of the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology in promoting broad development goals. Here is a glimpse into some of the major current and future PUI-supported projects that need additional financial contributions. For more information, see: peaceful-uses-initiative.

  9. Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) — A glimpse into current and future projects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    With more than 170 projects successfully supported, benefiting more than 130 Member States, the Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) has been an effective mechanism for raising additional resources to meet the needs of Member States. The IAEA hopes to carry on with this initiative to further expand the benefits of the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology in promoting broad development goals. Here is a glimpse into some of the major current and future PUI-supported projects that need additional financial contributions. For more information, see: peaceful-uses-initiative

  10. Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) — A glimpse into current and future projects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    With more than 170 projects successfully supported, benefiting more than 130 Member States, the Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) has been an effective mechanism for raising additional resources to meet the needs of Member States. The IAEA hopes to carry on with this initiative to further expand the benefits of the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology in promoting broad development goals. Here is a glimpse into some of the major current and future PUI-supported projects that need additional financial contributions. For more information, see: peaceful-uses-initiative.

  11. Peace through History? The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace's Inquiry into European Schoolbooks, 1921-1924 (United States)

    Irish, Tomás


    In 1924 the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace published a volume investigating the teaching of school history in former belligerent states in Europe. The project sought to reconcile former enemies through mutual understanding and educational exchange and reflected a widely held belief that although the military conflict had finished, its…

  12. Regional Stability & Lessons Learned in Regional Peace Building

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestenskov, David; Johnsen, Anton Asklund

    , as none of the countries is able to deal with the intrastate and interstate conflicts on its own. The conference Regional Stability & Lessons Learned in Regional Peace Building was the result of comprehensive cooperation between Pakistan’s National Defence University and the Royal Danish Defence College......The NATO-led intervention in Afghanistan is coming to an end, and the necessity of regional peace building solutions for the region’s security issues seems more exigent than ever before. Regional states have to come to terms with each other in some ways if violent extremists are to be countered...

  13. La ubiquitinación: un sistema de regulación dinámico de los organismos

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    José Manuel Zamudio-Arroyo


    Full Text Available La regulación de la expresión génica ocurre a distintos niveles, desde el control de la transcripción hasta las modificaciones post-traduccionales que sufren las proteínas. Entre estas últimas se encuentra el mecanismo de ubiquitinación, consistente en la adición de una o varias moléculas de ubiquitina, una proteína pequeña, de manera covalente a proteínas blanco en residuos de lisina. Esto ocurre mediante un mecanismo conservado evolutivamente a rasgos generales desde las bacterias y que en eucariontes consta de tres enzimas: E1 de activación, E2 de conjugación y E3 de ligación. En particular, esta última define en buena medida la especificidad de la reacción, dirigiendo las E2-ubiquitina a las proteínas blanco. Las E3 se dividen en tres clases, dependiendo del dominio activo que posean: RING finger, HECT o U-box. La ubiquitinación puede tener varias consecuencias, aunque la más estudiada es la degradación por el proteasoma 26S de las proteínas marcadas. Estudiar el fenómeno de ubiquitinación en organismos genéticos modelo como la mosca de la fruta confiere muchas ventajas, entre las que se cuenta poder analizar las consecuencias de la función en el organismo completo. Esto permite, entre otras cosas, observar si existen o no relaciones entre células vecinas en el proceso.

  14. Comercio Internacional y Medio Ambiente en Colombia


    Pérez Rincón, Mario Alejandro


    Consultable des del TDX A portada: Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Ambientales, Opción Economía Ecológica y Gestión Ambiental A portada: Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA) Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada Desde la perspectiva de la Economía Ecológica, el Comercio Internacional no es un juego de suma positiva donde todos los participantes resultan ganadores por el intercambio comercial, sino que es un juego de suma cero, donde hay beneficiados y perjudic...

  15. Evolution of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    is the ability of the AU to mount properly constituted peace operations such as the AU Missions in Burundi and Sudan. However, even at this early stage, the author cautions that serious challenges, such as a lack of adequate manpower and funding for African peace operations, already plague the PSC. African Insight Vol.

  16. Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Peace Education: Solomon Islands (United States)

    Maebuta, Jack


    Technical and vocational education and training programs as a form of peace education are examined in this paper. It explores the notion of educating for a culture of peace through refocusing technical and vocational education and training programs on sustainable community development in the Solomon Islands. It further highlights the policy and…

  17. Eleventh Arab Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nasr, N.


    The Arab conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy is an important station where Arab researchers and scientists meet to present the results of their scientific and applied research activities, to exchange views, experiences and knowledge and to strengthen the bonds of cooperation among them. Under this framework, the Arab Atomic Energy Agency organized the eleventh Arab conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Communications of the Republic of Sudan and the Sudan Atomic Energy Commission in Khartoum city during the period of 23-27 December 2012. The sessions of the conference included scientific papers, in addition to specialized lectures on topics of particular importance in the field of peaceful applications of atomic energy followed by panel discussions.

  18. Discursos de los organismos de inteligencia argentinos sobre el Movimiento Nacionalista Tacuara durante la Guerra Fría (1958-1966

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    Maria Valeria Galvan


    Full Text Available En el marco del auge de la primera Guerra Fría y su traslado a la región, por causa de la ruptura de Washington con La Habana, se afi-nan los mecanismos de control de los organis-mos de inteligencia, principalmente, con el objetivo de sofocar posibles brotes comunistas en el país. En este contexto, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar las representaciones de la Dirección de Inteligencia de la Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (DIPBA y la Secre-taría de Inteligencia de Estado (SIDE sobre los grupos derechistas de jóvenes nacionalistas Tacuara, surgidos en la Argentina luego de la caída del peronismo en 1955 y conocidos por sus prácticas de violencia política de corte anticomunista, antiliberal y antisemita, bajo el presupuesto de que esto da cuenta del grado de penetración de los objetivos de la Guerra Fría en las prácticas de control y seguridad y en los informes de estos organismos.

  19. The uncertain application of peace journalism: The case of the Turkish Cypriot press

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    Sanem Şahin


    Full Text Available Using the press in North Cyprus as a focal case, this research explores the application of peace journalism’s philosophical and practical formulations in journalistic cultures that diverge from Western mainstream journalism. Turkish Cypriot journalism highlights those divergent traits that peace journalism needs to consider more carefully if the paradigm is to offer effective reform of journalism practices in this and similar contexts. Focusing on the on-going peace negotiations aimed at reuniting the island as a bi-zonal and bi-communal federation, this study suggests several obstacles to the implementation of peace journalism as a means to enhance the quality of news coverage and the role of the press in promoting rapprochement and mutual understanding between the communities of Cyprus.

  20. Discípulos de Rawls em busca de uma concepção cosmopolita de justiça distributiva internacional

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    Gabriel Cepaluni


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, argumentamos que alguns "discípulos" de John Rawls, refletindo sobre princípios de justiça internacional, apresentam uma posição mais consistente com o espírito da obra Uma teoria da Justiça do que seu próprio autor. Autores como Charles Beitz e Thomas Pogge defendem mecanismos de justiça distributiva internacional mais condizentes com o cosmopolitismo do "princípio da diferença" da obra Uma teoria da Justiça do que qualquer outro esforço que Rawls faz nesse sentido em sua obra posterior, mais voltada para as questões internacionais: O Direito dos Povos. Mais especificamente, sustentamos que Pogge e Beitz desenvolveram argumentos (a relativização do princípio da soberania absoluta dos Estados e a transferência internacional de recursos naturais mais sólidos para transportar o "princípio da diferença" para o cenário internacional do que a proposta rawlsiana de "dever de assistência", encontrada em O Direito dos Povos. Assim, demonstramos que os discípulos são mais fiéis ao espírito cosmopolita para o plano internacional do que Rawls por conta de três razões: a crença desses autores em uma comunidade global de concidadãos dentro de uma estrutura institucional internacional; a idéia segundo a qual a produção global de recursos coletivos deve ser redistribuída a partir de um princípio distributivo denso; e, por fim, uma redistribuição que somente pode ser justa se exigir reformas morais das instituições internacionais (Fundo Monetário Internacional, Organização Mundial do Comércio, Banco Mundial, princípio da soberania etc. no sentido de melhorar as condições de vida dos indivíduos mais pobres de todos os povos do sistema. Este artigo pretende, portanto, discutir o legado mais progressista de autores que, ao inspirarem-se em Rawls, desenvolveram argumentos mais condizentes com o espírito cosmopolita para o plano internacional.

  1. La configuración del orden internacional y el factor religioso

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    Petschen Verdaguer, Santiago


    Full Text Available Not available

    A lo largo de la historia ha habido unas religiones que han estado muy vinculadas con la tensión política internacionaL Actualmente también ocurre así. Cuando la religión está presente en un conflicto político el problema se intensifica, se extiende geográficamente y perdura temporalmente. Los intentos del siglo XX de contar con un gobierno mundial (Sociedad de las Naciones, ONU, G 8, OTAN, han sido, tras el 11 de septiembre, sustituidos por el poder de los Estados Unidos que lo ejerce en el marco de una tensión Norte-Sur. El Islam en el Sur y el judaismo en el Norte son importantes factores de operatividad en la sociedad internacional a cuya crisis se asoman también las demás religiones.

  2. Paradojas de la migración internacional y el medio ambiente

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    Rodolfo García-Zamora


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se analiza la relación entre migración internacional y degradación ambiental, se estudia el caso de Zacatecas. Se identifican tres paradojas: a factores como la degradación ecológica, la escasez de recursos naturales o la presión del crecimiento poblacional no explican la migración internacional; contrariamente, las causas se encuentran en la insostenibilidad social derivada de las relacione de producción; b merced a la migración, la fuerza de trabajo pasa de ser un recurso natural renovable a uno no renovable, en particular para la dinámica socioeconómica de los lugares de origen, y c la migración puede gestar el empoderamiento de las organizaciones de migrantes en tareas vinculadas a la reversión de la degradación ambiental.

  3. Transferencia internacional de datos sanitarios

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    María Ascensión Martín Huertas


    Full Text Available Los datos genéticos, como las muestras que los contienen, si están identificados o son identificables (codificados o disociados de forma reversible se consideran datos de carácter personal que por afectar a la salud del individuo tienen, además, la categoría de sensibles. Esta última nota impone que haya que garantizarles un Nivel de Seguridad Alto por lo que han de cumplir todos los requisitos que legalmente se establecen, entre otras cuestiones, cuando son objeto de una Transferencia Internacional. La finalidad perseguida por la regulación sobre Transferencias Internacional de Datos (TID es evitar la vulneración del derecho a la protección de datos una vez transferidos a terceros países. En el presente análisis se estudia dicha cuestión tal y como se contempla en el ordenamiento jurídico español. En su mecánica de actuación se parte de un principio general: la transferencia de datos personales de un Estado a un tercer país sólo podrá efectuarse cuando éste garantice un nivel de protección adecuado; o bien, cuando preste las garantías adecuadas que aseguren la protección de los datos personales. Fuera de estas hipótesis el resto de transferencias requieren la autorización del Director de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos. Finalmente, hay que tener en cuenta que se ha elaborado una propuesta de Reglamento por parte del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos que va a suponer, cuando entre en vigor, una adaptación de toda esta normativa a la era digital y, por ello, implicará, sin lugar a dudas, una mayor operatividad de las TID.

  4. Letramento digital e letramento informacional na literatura nacional e internacional em língua inglesa


    Lima, Alberto José Ferreira de


    Na última década, constata-se o crescente interesse pelos estudos voltados ao letramento informacional e letramento digital na literatura nacional e internacional em língua inglesa, o qual se reflete, principalmente, no número de publicações sobre esses temas. O propósito deste estudo é comparar na produção acadêmica nacional e internacional em língua inglesa as concepções, os usos e as relações entre letramento digital e letramento informacional. A fim de atingir os objetivos propostos ...

  5. A defense of peace as a human right | Hayden | South African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Recent years have seen increased debate about the contributions that human rights make to the creation of conditions of peace. However, less attention has been paid to the claim that peace itself is a genuine human right. Whereas some critics argue that a focus on rights results in an overly formal juridical account of ...

  6. Is There a Place for Peace Education? Political Education and Citizenship Activism in Israeli Schools (United States)

    Levy, Gal


    What is wrong with "peace education" in Israel? In this article, I attempt to decipher the cultural codes of Israeli schools in their relation to issues of peace, conflict and citizenship. It combines findings from two studies in order to understand how "school culture" animates "peace education." My main contention…

  7. Curbing Kidnapping in Nigeria: An Exploration of Strategic Peace Building Tools

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    Kelechi Johnmary Ani


    Full Text Available The increasing growth of kidnapping inNigeria has become a strong threat tonational peace and security. It has affected the national image of the state and has eaten deep into every region and segmentof the nation. This work unveils howidentity fanaticism and political violence led to emergence of economy of violence referred as "kidnapping” in Nigeria. Upon this circumstance, the paper argues that peace building is a potent strategic tool that can eliminates kidnapping and other terror related crime from Nigeria by ensuring that violent actors and their sponsors embrace peace while exploring other non-violent mechanisms for resolving such differences that trigger kidnapping in the Nigerian state. It adds that adequate public information process, a behavioural change messages and actions that return the mindsets of of kidnapping into the life of rule of law and peaceful coexistence, eliminates the network of organized crime used by kidnappers to carry out its nefarious activities. Essentially eradication of kidnapping restores security climate for establishment of democratic culture, promotion of national development, and foreign direct investment.

  8. Institutionalizing culture of peace in basic education through appropriate curriculum implementation

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    Lilian-Rita I. Akudolu


    Full Text Available This paper reports a study that was aimed at revealing the extent to which teachers implement Peace Education curriculum in Nigeria. The study was a survey and covered junior secondary schools in Enugu North and South Local Government Education Authorities in Enugu State, Nigeria. The sample constituted randomly selected 200 junior secondary school teachers. Questions that guided the study were based on how frequently teachers engaged in peace-prone instructional activities involving Interactive Instruction, Cooperative Learning, Conflict Resolution and Empathy. Data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The major findings showed that a good number of the respondents did not adopt peace-prone instructional strategies in curriculum implementation.

  9. Balochistan: Reaping the benefits of peace journalism

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    Shabbir Hussain


    Full Text Available If the focus of peace journalism is to press for quality journalism during conflict reporting which will ultimately contribute to peace, then the findings of this study show that the available reporting on the Balochistan conflict passes the litmus test. The coverage is pro-people, and the reporters are aware of their responsibility to society. Despite acute security problems, the journalists have been able to bring the conflict onto the public agenda. A majority of Pakistanis now agree that the people of Balochistan have been maltreated by both politicians and the army, and the time has come to grant them the rights for which they have been fighting for decades, sacrificed thousands of lives and endured great suffering.

  10. Arms Control, Disarmament, and Peace Newsletters. (United States)

    Atkins, Stephen


    Considers the research value of four types of newsletters on arms control, disarmament, and peace: direct-action, informational, scholarly, and single-issue. An annotated list of 58 newsletters includes those considered most significant of their type and recommended for library collections. (EM)

  11. Peace education in the Moluccas, Indonesia: between global models and local interests

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amirrachman, R.A.


    This book examines the impact of peace education projects supported by foreign agencies on the selected schools in the conflict-affected province of the Moluccas, Indonesia. This study reveals that the culturally exclusive orientation of the peace education curriculum - which favors one group over

  12. Perfil del viajero internacional: el trabajo como motivo de viaje

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    M.ª Belén Robles García

    Full Text Available Objetivos: describir la población a estudio y comparar el motivo de viaje laboral con el motivo turístico y con la Visita de Amigos o Familiares (VFRs para estimar si existe un perfil de riesgo diferente. Metodología: estudio de las variables edad, género, duración, motivo, destino y recomendación de quimioprofilaxis en viajeros que acuden al Centro de Atención Pre-viaje Internacional de Asturias (España entre 2008 y 2016. Un total de 9. 527 (89,83% viajeros cumplieron el criterio de inclusión (edad >18 años. Resultados: en 2013 el motivo laboral constituyó el 43,85% de todas las causas de viaje internacional. La mayoría de los trabajadores (70,89% fueron hombres (p=0,00, más jóvenes que los turistas (38 vs 40 años; p=0,00 o que los VFRs (38 vs 39 años; p=0,03. Además, los trabajadores viajaban durante más tiempo que los turistas (91 vs 23 días; p=0,00 o que los VFRs (91 vs 50 días; p=0,00. África Subsahariana fue la región más visitada por el motivo profesional (35,89%. Se recomendó quimioprofilaxis en 39,19% trabajadores vs 38,72% turistas más VFRs (p=0,68. Los desplazamientos laborales internacionales por regiones no mostraron diferencia respecto a la recomendación de quimioprofilaxis vs turistas y VFRs. Conclusiones: en la población estudiada el motivo laboral de un viaje internacional tiene un perfil del viajero específico. Se deben desarrollar iniciativas de salud pública para prevenir riesgos concretos y promover el consejo sanitario individualizado.

  13. The Importance of the Foreign Language Learning Contributing to World Peace (United States)

    Sahin, Yusuf


    The aim of this paper is to determine the elements which hinder peace, and emphasize the importance of the contribution of foreign language learning to international peace. Language affects the thought and behavior of human beings. The attitude of a person knowing more than one language of a position is not the same as a person not knowing a…

  14. Musicking as Education for Social and Ecological Peace: A New Synthesis (United States)

    Golden, Michael


    The aim of this article is twofold: first, to confirm the multi-level linkage between the ecological and social realms in terms of violence, peace, and education, and second, to explore what light ecological thinking can shed on musicking as a potentially effective tool in peace education. The effects of violence in the ecological and social…

  15. La restitución internacional de menores sustraídos por sus propios padres

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    Jinyola Blanco-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se identifica como sustracción interparental de menores (SIM aquella acción que realiza uno de los padres de un niño, niña o adolescente, mediante su  sustracción, retención u ocultamiento, para impedir al otro progenitor el ejercicio de sus derechos de visita o de custodia.1 La violación de estos derechos, establecidos a favor tanto de los padres como de los hijos, puede llegar a constituir, en el ámbito internacional, una retención ilícita o traslado ilegal del menor a un país diferente al de su residencia habitual. Esto ha llevado a la mayoría de países a adoptar una legislación interna especializada para el tratamiento de este fenómeno y a adherirse al Convenio de la Haya sobre Aspectos Civiles de la Sustracción Internacional de Menores. En este escrito, a partir del análisis de la situación colombiana, son reseñados los instrumentos comúnmente utilizados en el plano internacional para hacer cesar la violación de estos derechos.



    Suban Kumar Chowdhury; Shakirul Islam


    The study has started with the sole argument that peace process of this region is now turned into a complex political theatre where terrorism is the major menace. The aim of this study is to scrupulously investigate the nature and substance of South Asian peace process with particular emphasis on India-Pakistan. Thus intends to extend the scope of further research on peace process through linking it with terrorism. The methodology of this research relied largely on qualitative analysis. Metho...

  17. The DIAMOND Model of Peace Support Operations

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Bailey, Peter


    DIAMOND (Diplomatic And Military Operations in a Non-warfighting Domain) is a high-level stochastic simulation developed at Dstl as a key centerpiece within the Peace Support Operations (PSO) 'modelling jigsaw...

  18. La Convención de Viena sobre la compraventa internacional de mercancías como lex mercatoria

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    José Luis Marín


    Full Text Available El presente artículo, desarrollado en el marco de una conferencia sobre la materia, tiene como finalidad mostrar el papel que juega la Convención de Viena de 1980 sobre la compraventa internacional de mercancías en el desarrollo del comercio internacional y su aplicación en los diferentes ordenamientos nacionales, bien sea directamente como una ley positiva o como una costumbre mercantil o lex mercatoria. Todo ello para mostrar que si bien existen muchos Estados que aún no han ratificado esta Convención, eso no es óbice para que la misma no pueda ser aplicada de una forma subsidiaria en el evento de que estemos en presencia de un litigio que tenga las características exigidas para los casos de compraventa internacional de mercancías.

  19. La Cooperacion Argentina en la Lucha contra el Terrorismo en el Contexto Internacional e Interamericano

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    Javier Perotti


    Full Text Available Frente a las transformaciones y a la compleja dinámica que presenta la sociedad contemporánea, la problemática del terrorismo constituye una grave amenaza para la seguridad nacional, regional e internacional. Por ello, son fundamentales los esfuerzos para prevenir y combatir este tipo de crimen que se ha transnacionalizado, ya que suponen coordinación y requieren de pautas uniformes y de la cooperación regional e internacional para hacerle frente, pues el terrorismo no es sólo un problema de los países que lo engendran o que lo padecen, ya sea directa o indirectamente, sino de todos. En el presente trabajo se abordan de manera sintética diferentes cuestiones vinculadas a la lucha contra el terrorismo, al tratamiento desde el ámbito de la cooperación internacional e interamericana de la temática y a las iniciativas argentinas en la materia en años recientes -en particular, en la Triple Frontera-, para finalmente expresar algunas conclusiones que contribuyan a la reflexión sobre esta plaga.

  20. The Golden Rule and its Consequences: A Practical and Effective Solution for World Peace

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    Zahra Rakhshani


    Full Text Available Peace is something desirable and requested by all nations in the world. What makes it necessary to address this issue is the critical, undesirable state of the current world that, despite statements by international organizations with the theme of peace, reveals growing conflict and war and irreversible damages caused by them. This article seeks to provide a practical and effective solution for achieving peace in the global community. To this end, it introduces the golden rule (treating others as you wish others to treat you as a rule common to all nations. This rule which has a special place in moral philosophy and has been the common denominator of all religions and schools of thought from ancient times until the present provides peace throughout the world through its mechanism. With the use of analytical methods, this study examines and explains it. The results show that the most effective and powerful way to achieve world peace is the adherence to the golden rule.

  1. Cooperação Internacional em Ciência e Tecnologia: Refletindo Conceitos e Questões Contemporâneas

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    Maria Clotilde Meirelles Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O artigo discute a cooperação internacional para o desenvolvimento no eixo da Ciência e Tecnologia (C&T, analisando questões cruciais contemporâneas e questões brasileiras específicas. Partindo de contribuições de relevantes autores, o trabalho focaliza os conceitos centrais de ciência, tecnologia e cooperação internacional em C&T, com distintas visões de especialistas em diferentes períodos. Na sequência, aborda tipologias da cooperação internacional, introduzindo uma reflexão sobre a técnica e a natureza humana, e sobre distinções entre “técnica” e “tecnologia”, bem como especificidades dos vetores da cooperação científico-tecnológica e da cooperação técnica. Prosseguindo, o artigo traz um breve histórico da trajetória da cooperação internacional em C&T, notadamente nos momentos demarcados pela Guerra Fria, aporta exemplos concretos e debate dilemas, oportunidades, riscos e desafios, bem como a realidade do Brasil diante deste instrumento da política externa dos governos.

  2. The Person-Centered Approach to Peace. (United States)

    Whiteley, John M.


    This article introduces a special issue of the journal dedicated to Carl Rogers' person-centered approach to peace. Background work leading to the special issue is reviewed and a brief overview of Rogers' accomplishments in psychology before his death in 1987 is included. (NB)

  3. 3 CFR 8385 - Proclamation 8385 of May 22, 2009. Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2009 (United States)


    ... 3 The President 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Proclamation 8385 of May 22, 2009. Prayer for Peace..., 2009 Proc. 8385 Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2009By the President of the United States of America A... the people of the United States to observe each Memorial Day as a day of prayer for permanent peace...

  4. La política internacional de acceso a los recursos genéticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha Isabel Gómez Lee


    Full Text Available La biodiversidad es un asunto político. ¿Por qué es importante el acceso e intercambio de los recursos genéticos, y cómo se relaciona con las controversias sobre propiedad intelectual y con las negociaciones ambientales y comerciales en el ámbito internacional? La respuesta a estos interrogantes pone en evidencia un conjunto de reglas, interrelaciones internacionales y nuevos actores que de- finen la política internacional de acceso a los recursos genéticos. El Convenio sobre Diversidad Biológica establece que la diversidad biológica está sometida a la soberanía nacional. ¿El acceso estará determinado por un sistema multilateral o por acuerdos bilaterales?

  5. Enseñanza de la parasitología veterinaria a partir del uso de organismos vivos y tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC

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    Efraín Benavides Ortiz


    Full Text Available Los parásitos son organismos que viven en otros organismos vivos o sobre ellos para obtener nutrientes sin brindar compensación a cambio. En las ciencias médicas y veterinarias, generalmente, se acepta como “parásito” solamente a eucariotas y metazoarios; es decir, protozoarios, helmintos y artrópodos. Algunos incluyen bacterias transmitidas por artrópodos, las rickettsias. La enseñanza de esta disciplina ha hecho hincapié en componentes taxonómicos de los organismos y ha descuidado aspectos del entendimiento de la relación huéspedparásito, la comprensión de interacciones ecológicas y ciclos silvestres, la coevolución en los nichos, que sustenta la posible selección de animales resistentes a los parásitos y los argumentos de genética de poblaciones, que permiten comprender la problemática del desarrollo de resistencia a los antiparasitarios. En este artículo se presentan experiencias docentes de la cátedra de Parasitología Veterinaria en la cual, aunque se continúan utilizando especímenes fijados en alcohol y formol para demostrar estructuras parasitarias, cada vez usa más organismos vivos como base del proceso didáctico, junto con tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC para facilitar la comprensión sobre los procesos parasitarios en condiciones naturales del trópico.

  6. 22 de marzo: Día Internacional del Agua


    Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales


    Con la excusa del día internacional del agua, nos parece importante compartir con ustedes algunos conceptos importantes. ¿A qué se denomina agua potable? Agua potable es aquella que, bien en su estado natural o después de un tratamiento adecuado, es apta para el consumo humano y no produce ningún efecto perjudicial para la salud. Es limpia, transparente, sin olores o sabores desagradables y está libre de contaminantes. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales

  7. El leasing financiero internacional en el tratado UNIDROIT


    Flores Doña, Mª Sierra


    El Tratado UNIDROIT se refiere al contrato de leasing financiero internacional, esto es, al celebrado entre una Sociedad de leasing y un empresario con establecimientos (principal o secundario) situados en el territorio de dos Estados contratantes y caracterizado porque la primera adquiere elementos integrantes del patrimonio empresarial a un fabricante, según las instrucciones recibidas por su cliente y a quien se le entregará para su uso a cambio del pago de cuotas períodicas, al margen de ...

  8. Atoms-for-Peace: A Galactic Collision in Action (United States)


    European Southern Observatory astronomers have produced a spectacular new image of the famous Atoms-for-Peace galaxy (NGC 7252). This galactic pile-up, formed by the collision of two galaxies, provides an excellent opportunity for astronomers to study how mergers affect the evolution of the Universe. Atoms-for-Peace is the curious name given to a pair of interacting and merging galaxies that lie around 220 million light-years away in the constellation of Aquarius. It is also known as NGC 7252 and Arp 226 and is just bright enough to be seen by amateur astronomers as a very faint small fuzzy blob. This very deep image was produced by ESO's Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile. A galaxy collision is one of the most important processes influencing how our Universe evolves, and studying them reveals important clues about galactic ancestry. Luckily, such collisions are long drawn-out events that last hundreds of millions of years, giving astronomers plenty of time to observe them. This picture of Atoms-for-Peace represents a snapshot of its collision, with the chaos in full flow, set against a rich backdrop of distant galaxies. The results of the intricate interplay of gravitational interactions can be seen in the shapes of the tails made from streams of stars, gas and dust. The image also shows the incredible shells that formed as gas and stars were ripped out of the colliding galaxies and wrapped around their joint core. While much material was ejected into space, other regions were compressed, sparking bursts of star formation. The result was the formation of hundreds of very young star clusters, around 50 to 500 million years old, which are speculated to be the progenitors of globular clusters. Atoms-for-Peace may be a harbinger of our own galaxy's fate. Astronomers predict that in three or four billion years the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy will collide, much as has happened with Atoms-for-Peace. But don



    Bonilla-Maldonado, Daniel


    El derecho internacional ha sido reiteradamente cuestionado por su carácter excluyente y sus usos imperiales. Estas críticas describen de manera precisa muchas de sus estructuras y dinámicas. Sin embargo, el derecho internacional puede ser un instrumento útil para proteger los intereses legítimos de los Estados del Sur Global, en general, y de los distintos grupos sociales y culturales que los componen, en particular. El uso estratégico de sus normas y procedimientos puede contribuir eficient...

  10. The nonproliferation treaty and peaceful uses of nuclear explosives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ehrlich, Thomas [School of Law, Stanford University, CA (United States)


    In the past, nuclear arms control and peaceful uses of nuclear explosives were seen by many proponents of each as competing - if not opposing - interests. At one extreme, some viewed peaceful uses as an annoying irritant on the way to general and complete disarmament. At the other extreme, some considered arms-control arrangements - particularly those limiting nuclear testing - as bothersome barriers to realizing the full benefits of peaceful nuclear explosions. Most people found themselves somewhere between those extremes. But most also felt a continuing tension between essentially opposing forces. This polarity has been significantly altered by the 1968 Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons. It is believed that the future use of nuclear explosives for peaceful purposes will depend in large measure on the international arrangements worked out under the treaty. I also believe that the success of the treaty in checking proliferation of nuclear weapons is contingent, in substantial part, on those peaceful-uses arrangements. In the areas covered by the treaty, therefore, one could view an active development of peaceful uses for nuclear explosives as complementing rather than conflicting with nuclear arms control. The treaty is primarily a security agreement. It is aimed at reducing the risk of nuclear war by establishing permanency in the current separation of nuclear-weapon and non-nuclear-weapon nations. By its terms, each nuclear-weapon state agrees not to transfer nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices to any recipient, and each non-nuclear-weapon state agrees not to receive such weapons or devices. The non-nuclear- weapon parties are also obligated to negotiate safeguards agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency covering peaceful-uses activities. And all signatories agree not to transfer fissionable material to those parties unless they are subject to such agreements. These provisions are all part of a scheme to limit the

  11. The nonproliferation treaty and peaceful uses of nuclear explosives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ehrlich, Thomas


    In the past, nuclear arms control and peaceful uses of nuclear explosives were seen by many proponents of each as competing - if not opposing - interests. At one extreme, some viewed peaceful uses as an annoying irritant on the way to general and complete disarmament. At the other extreme, some considered arms-control arrangements - particularly those limiting nuclear testing - as bothersome barriers to realizing the full benefits of peaceful nuclear explosions. Most people found themselves somewhere between those extremes. But most also felt a continuing tension between essentially opposing forces. This polarity has been significantly altered by the 1968 Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons. It is believed that the future use of nuclear explosives for peaceful purposes will depend in large measure on the international arrangements worked out under the treaty. I also believe that the success of the treaty in checking proliferation of nuclear weapons is contingent, in substantial part, on those peaceful-uses arrangements. In the areas covered by the treaty, therefore, one could view an active development of peaceful uses for nuclear explosives as complementing rather than conflicting with nuclear arms control. The treaty is primarily a security agreement. It is aimed at reducing the risk of nuclear war by establishing permanency in the current separation of nuclear-weapon and non-nuclear-weapon nations. By its terms, each nuclear-weapon state agrees not to transfer nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices to any recipient, and each non-nuclear-weapon state agrees not to receive such weapons or devices. The non-nuclear- weapon parties are also obligated to negotiate safeguards agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency covering peaceful-uses activities. And all signatories agree not to transfer fissionable material to those parties unless they are subject to such agreements. These provisions are all part of a scheme to limit the


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Observer group activity was resumed after the wars of 1956, 1967 and 1973. .... International peacekeeping examines the theory and practice of peace-keeping .... U.O. Umozurike, Introduction to International Law, Spectrum Law Publishing, ...

  13. Giorgio Vasari and Niccolò Machiavelli’s Medicean Appetite for Peace and Glory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liana Cheney


    Full Text Available This study examines the literary and visual connections between war and peace as a cultural diplomacy made by both Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527 and Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574. The approach here is iconographical, focusing on three points. First, Machiavelli’s notions of condottiere, virtù, and war and peace in The Art of War (1521 are discussed in relation to Renaissance imagery, particularly in that produced as a result of Medicean patronage. Second, Vasari’s battle cycle in the Salone dei Cinquecento of the Palazzo Vecchio (1555-60 in Florence is examined within the context of peace as revealed in Renaissance art and emblems. Finally, Vasari’s assimilation of Machiavelli’s notions of the art of war are interpreted in relation to the painting cycle, which visually embodies the paradox of war and peace discussed in Machiavelli’s writing.

  14. Métodos alternativos para contagem de micro-organismos em carcaças suínas Alternative methods for the enumeration of microorganisms in swine carcasses

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    Cristhiane Stecanella de Oliveira Cattani


    Full Text Available Micro-organismos estão presentes em toda a cadeia de processamento da carne, desde a matéria-prima até o produto final e compete aos programas de qualidade industrial verificar se existe contaminação na matéria-prima e nos produtos finais para, dessa forma, garantir um produto seguro ao consumidor. Para tanto, faz-se necessário utilizar metodologias alternativas à convencional na rotina diagnóstica dos laboratórios para obtenção de resultados confiáveis e em menor tempo possível. Com objetivo de verificar e comparar a correlação e o tempo de processamento, da metodologia convencional com as metodologias alternativas do sistema PetrifilmTM (3M e sistema TEMPO® (bioMeriéux, foi realizada contagem de micro-organismos mesófilos, de enterobactérias e de Escherichia coli. As amostras foram coletadas da superfície de carcaças suínas em um abatedouro com Inspeção Federal no Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. A contagem de micro-organismos mesófilos, de enterobactérias e Escherichia coli foi feita por meio de ensaios realizados com os métodos alternativos TEMPO®, Petrifilm™ e o método convencional de contagem de micro-organismos em placas. Após análise estatística, o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r demonstrou fortes correlações, acima de 0.70 entre as metodologias utilizadas para a contagem de enterobactérias e micro-organismos mesófilos, porém demonstrou moderada correlação, entre 0.30 a 0.70, para o diagnóstico de Escherichia coli. O uso dos métodos alternativos testados em substituição à metodologia convencional pode ser utilizado para diagnóstico de Escherichia coli, enterobactérias e micro-organismos mesófilos, por haver concordância entre os resultados encontrados, acrescido da rapidez dessas metodologias com benefício direto para a indústria de carne suína.Micro-organisms are present throughout the meat processing chain, from raw materials until finished product. Industrial quality



    Terina Palacios Cruz; Minerva Monserrat Lagunes Delgado; Mauricio Jesús González Mendívil


    El documento presenta un análisis de dos casos resueltos ante la OMC, en donde se puede apreciar como dicho organismo facilita la solución de conflictos entre países miembros, a través de la utilización de medios claros, contenidos en documentos que son conocidos por todos los países que se encuentran actualmente en la organización.

  16. La labor educativa en el marco de las competencias de los organismos electorales en América Latina


    José Thompson


    Los organismos electorales, dada su especialidad en América Latina, tienen facultades y oportunidades para contribuir al impulso de programas educativos en promoción de la democracia, sea de mayor o menor alcance según la determinación de sus competencias funcionales. El artículo sugiere líneas de acción derivadas de la experiencia reciente latinoamericana en la materia y postula que existen importantes recursos conceptuales, metodológicos y didácticos, ya desarrollados, que pu...

  17. Sectarianism, Revolutionary Subjectivity and War in Syria - the case of the peaceful movement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brønd, Thomas Vladimir


    Events unfolding in Syria since 2011 have all too often been depicted too simply as a “sectarian war”. Against the backdrop of such accounts, this article investigates the lived revolutionary experience of Syrians active in the peaceful revolutionary movement and the local coordination committees...... of the peaceful movement not only counteract the narratives of the regime. It also offers a window into revolutionary subjectivity and ideology in Syria’s peaceful movement as part of broader social changes occurring in Syria in the context of devastating war and destruction....

  18. Culture of Peace and Musical Education in contexts of Cultural Diversity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastián Sánchez Fernández


    Full Text Available The cultural diversity of the world needs to education for the peace, working the values related to the Culture of Peace, like the respect, the justice, the equality, the tolerance and the interculturality. The fundamental aim of our research is to know and to value how the educational centers turn into the most suitable scenes to develop the education. For it we have realized a study in a center of Infantile and Primary Education of the Autonomous City of Melilla, the College Velázquez, with which we try to know the reality that is lived in the school centers of the city in the relative to the promotion of the Interculturality and the Culture of Peace between the pupils of different groups. We have used a qualitative methodology, which has allowed us to form a group of discussion with several teachers of different professional profiles. As more relevant result stands out than the music, in spite of the hourly restrictions that the legislation has established for this matter, it is one of the best resources to educate in values and to promote the Interculturality and the Culture of Peace.

  19. A Thousand Cranes: A Curriculum of Peace. (United States)

    Rees, Linda W.


    Relates the author's experiences as a teacher with a high school student, a soft-spoken Japanese young woman, who taught the author and her fellow high school students much about understanding, forgiveness, and peace. (SR)

  20. Beyond peaceful coexistence the emergence of space, time and quantum

    CERN Document Server


    Beyond Peaceful Coexistence: The Emergence of Space, Time and Quantum brings together leading academics in mathematics and physics to address going beyond the 'peaceful coexistence' of space-time descriptions (local and continuous ones) and quantum events (discrete and non-commutative ones). Formidable challenges waiting beyond the Standard Model require a new semantic consistency within the theories in order to build new ways of understanding, working and relating to them. The original A. Shimony meaning of the peaceful coexistence (the collapse postulate and non-locality) appear to be just the tip of the iceberg in relation to more serious fundamental issues across physics as a whole.Chapters in this book present perspectives on emergent, discrete, geometrodynamic and topological approaches, as well as a new interpretative spectrum of quantum theories after Copenhagen, discrete time theories, time-less approaches and 'super-fluid' pictures of space-time.As well as stimulating further research among establis...