
Sample records for pasta-agregado leve em

  1. Propriedades espectrais da matéria orgânica leve-livre e leve intra-agregado de dois latossolos sob plantio direto e preparo convencional

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    A. A. Freixo


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a natureza química das frações leves-livres (FLL e leves intra-agregado (FLI da matéria orgânica do solo, obtidas pelo fracionamento físico do solo por densidade, por meio da espectroscopia na região do infravermelho, para verificar se tais frações constituem compartimentos distintos da matéria orgânica do solo. Foram analisadas amostras de Latossolos de dois estados do Brasil (RS e GO, submetidos a plantio direto e preparo convencional, em distintos sistemas de rotação de culturas. A análise por infravermelho revelou diferenças contrastantes entre os compartimentos orgânicos estudados. Os espectros de IV da fração leve-livre apresentaram configuração semelhante aos dos resíduos vegetais, indicando que ela se encontra em estádios iniciais de transformação. Não foram observadas diferenças estruturais na FLL entre os distintos sistemas de preparo e rotação de culturas. Os espectros de IV da FLI apresentaram bandas de absorção N-H e C-O de polissacarídeos menos intensas e em maior conjugação, em relação aos espectros da FLL, características de material mais humificado. Foi observada ainda uma maior transformação estrutural da fração leve intra-agregado em solos sob preparo convencional, quando comparada à FLI de solo sob vegetação natural e plantio direto. Os índices de hidrofobicidade (IH e de condensação (IC, determinados a partir de relações entre as bandas de absorção de grupamentos - CH3 alifáticos, C-O de polissacarídeos e C=O conjugados, permitiram identificar as diferenças na recalcitrância e condensação das frações leves. Constatou-se que ambos os índices foram significativamente maiores para a matéria orgânica intra-agregado, por conseqüência de seu maior grau de humificação.

  2. Caracterização de massas cerâmicas do estado de S. Paulo para produção de agregados leves para concreto

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    B. C. Santis


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo a caracterização de diferentes massas cerâmicas do estado de S. Paulo para a produção de agregados leves de argila calcinada visando à utilização em concretos de cimento Portland. A caracterização das massas cerâmicas deu-se por meio das técnicas de limites de liquidez e plasticidade, análise granulométrica, análise química e difração de raios X. Os corpos de prova confeccionados com essas massas cerâmicas, queimados a 900 ºC, foram caracterizados por meio da avaliação da retração linear, absorção de água, porosidade aparente, massa específica aparente, expansão por umidade e resistência à compressão. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicaram a viabilidade da produção de agregados leves de argila calcinada para utilização em concretos e os valores da massa específica (1,555 a 1,785 kg/m³ e da resistência à compressão (18,0 a 55,8 MPa apresentaram-se em um patamar intermediário entre os observados para a argila expandida (agregado leve comercial e para o agregado convencional (basalto.

  3. Uso de agregado leve de EVA em contrapiso argamassado para isolamento ao ruído de impacto em edificações residenciais

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    Bernardo Fonseca Tutikian

    Full Text Available Resumo O copolímero etileno acetato de vinila (EVA é largamente utilizado na indústria calçadista. Entretanto, a geração de resíduos no processo de fabricação é bastante significativa. Com a implementação da norma de desempenho, NBR 15575, os projetos de construções habitacionais devem atender aos níveis de desempenho exigidos. Dentre os requisitos prescritos pela norma está a isolação ao ruído de impacto entre pisos, a qual pode ser otimizada com a utilização de materiais de baixa massa específica. Nesse contexto, este artigo visa desenvolver uma argamassa leve, a partir da incorporação de EVA proveniente da indústria calçadista, a ser utilizada como contrapiso para isolamento acústico. Para tanto, fez-se um estudo por meio de ensaios de resistência à compressão e à tração, bem como nível de pressão sonora de impacto padronizado ponderado, realizado em câmara normatizada. Foram desenvolvidos cinco traços, com proporções de 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% e 100% de substituição da agregado miúdo por EVA, além do contrapiso convencional. Foram moldadas placas de 1 m2 de contrapiso leve, e uma amostra representativa do tamanho da laje com 16 m2, as quais diferiram em 2 dB para o isolamento acústico. O traço com melhor desempenho proporcionou uma redução de 9 dB em relação ao contrapiso convencional, mostrando ser eficaz para utilização como isolante acústico.

  4. Agregação, carbono e nitrogênio em agregados do solo sob plantio direto com integração lavoura-pecuária

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    Arcângelo Loss


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estabilidade dos agregados, o conteúdo de matéria orgânica leve do solo (MOL, a distribuição dos teores de carbono orgânico total (COT e nitrogênio (N e a abundância natural de 13C e 15N dos agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho argiloso sob sistema plantio direto (SPD com integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP, em comparação à uma área em SPD sem ILP e uma área de Cerrado natural em Montividiu, GO. Foram coletadas amostras de solo nas camadas de 0-5 e 5-10 cm, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Foram avaliados distribuição da massa dos agregados, diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP, diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG e MOL, e foram quantificados os teores de COT, N, δ13C e δ15N dos agregados. A área de Cerrado apresentou os maiores valores de DMP, DMG e MOL. O SPD-ILP apresentou valores maiores de DMP, DMG, COT, N e MOL na camada 5-10 cm do que o SPD, sem braquiária. O SPD-ILP promoveu aumentos nos índices de agregação do solo (0-5 e 5-10 cm, nos teores de MOL (5-10 cm, COT e N (0-5 cm e na formação de agregados estáveis em água (5-10 cm, em comparação ao SPD, sem braquiária.

  5. Análise da interface entre agregados reciclados de concreto e argamassas de concretos com cinza de casca de arroz e fíler basáltico por nanoindentação

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    Daniel Gustavo Brusius Wilbert

    Full Text Available Resumo Os agregados provenientes da reciclagem de concreto geralmente possuem propriedades inferiores às dos agregados naturais, o que limita suas alternativas de reciclagem. Entretanto, muitos estudos vêm demonstrando seu potencial de utilização na confecção de concretos, a partir de avaliações de propriedades mecânicas e microestruturais, e de melhorias na forma de mistura dos agregados. O presente trabalho analisa a viabilidade de utilização da técnica de nanoindentação para a avaliação da interface que se forma entre a pasta e o agregado reciclado em concretos com esse tipo de agregado. Foram produzidos corpos de prova que representam a região de interface em concretos em que os agregados reciclados foram adicionados à mistura no estado seco, método que vem sendo utilizado com o intuito de melhorar a zona de transição em função da absorção do excesso de água da pasta e de partículas de aglomerante pelos poros vazios do agregado reciclado. Os corpos de prova de referência foram comparados com outros em que foi realizada a adição de fíler basáltico e de cinza de casca de arroz. A técnica de nanoindentação possibilitou verificar que a utilização de agregado no estado seco gera zonas de transição de elevada qualidade e que a adição de cinza de casca de arroz aumenta a dureza da região de interface.

  6. Relação entre a erodibilidade em entressulcos e estabilidade dos agregados

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    J. A. Albuquerque


    Full Text Available A erodibilidade do solo é uma característica utilizada nos planejamentos conservacionistas, especialmente, quando áreas agrícolas são utilizadas intensivamente. As práticas de conservação devem ser mais intensas em solos com erodibilidade alta do que em áreas com erodibilidade baixa. Como a determinação da erodibilidade do solo é difícil de ser realizada no campo, avaliou-se a relação entre os índices de expressão de estabilidade dos agregados e a erodibilidade do solo em entressulcos, utilizando amostras de solos do Rio Grande do Sul com propriedades químicas, físicas e mineralógicas diferentes. Foram medidas em laboratório a estabilidade dos agregados e a erodibilidade do solo em entressulcos, servindo-se de chuva simulada. Os coeficientes de determinação (R² entre diferentes índices de estabilidade dos agregados e a erodibilidade do solo em entressulcos foram significativos (p < 0,01, indicando que esses índices foram adequados para predizer a erodibilidade do solo em entressulcos. Alguns índices que usam o diâmetro médio ponderado para expressar a estabilidade dos agregados também foram significativos (p < 0,05. A estabilidade dos agregados mostrou-se adequada para estimar a suscetibilidade dos solos à erosão hídrica em entressulcos.

  7. Efeitos do treinamento auditivo em idosos com Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve


    Renata Rezende de Almeida Ávila; Cristina Ferraz Borges Murphy; Eliane Schochat


    INTRODUÇÃO: Pesquisas demonstram a existência do Transtorno do Processamento Auditivo em indivíduos com Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve. OBJETIVO: Verificar os efeitos de um treinamento auditivo, em indivíduos com comprometimento cognitivo leve. MÉTODOS: Participaram 25 indivíduos, com idades entre 69 e 91 anos e diagnóstico de Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve, sendo que, 10 receberam treinamento auditivo (grupo estudo), 10 receberam treinamento visual (grupo alternativo) e cinco não re...

  8. Distribuição de agregados e carbono orgânico em um Argissolo Amarelo distrocoeso em diferentes manejos Distribution of aggregates and organic carbon in an Ultisol submitted to different managements

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    Veronildo S. Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar a estabilidade e a distribuição de agregados em um Argissolo Amarelo distrocoeso comparando-se os valores de uma área de mata nativa (MA, com três áreas cultivadas com cana-de-açúcar sendo uma sem irrigação (MSI, uma com irrigação (MCI e outra sob fertirrigação com vinhaça (MCV. O solo das três áreas cultivadas foi submetido ao mesmo tipo de preparo: gradagem pesada, gradagem leve e subsolagem. Amostras de solo com estrutura indeformada na área de mata e de cada área cultivada foram coletadas para determinação da estabilidade de agregados, expressa pelo diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP, índice de estabilidade de agregados (IEA, módulo de finura (MF, porcentagem de agregados estáveis em água com diâmetros maiores que 2,0 mm (AGRI e valores de carbono total. Os distintos tipos de manejo do solo com cana-de-açúcar promoveram perda da estabilidade de agregados com o aumento da profundidade. A estabilidade de agregados foi reduzida em relação à mata nativa na sequência: MA > MCV > MCI > MSI. Registraram-se, na área sem irrigação (MSI os menores índices de agregação, em que na submetida a fertirrigação com vinhaça (MCV os valores foram semelhantes aos da área de mata nativa apresentando maior índice de estabilidade de agregados em água. Correlações significativas e positivas foram obtidas entre carbono orgânico total e os índices de agregação do solo (DMP > AGRI > MF > IEA sob diferentes situações de manejo.The main objective of this study was to evaluate the stability and aggregate distribution of an Ultisol submitted to different management systems under sugarcane cultivation. Evaluated areas consisted of native forest (MA and sugarcane managed areas with irrigation (MCI, vinasse irrigation (MCV and without irrigation (MSI. Management of the areas followed the same conventional preparation: heavy and light harrowing and subsoiling. Undeformed soil samples

  9. Efeitos do treinamento auditivo em idosos com Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve

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    Renata Rezende de Almeida Ávila


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Pesquisas demonstram a existência do Transtorno do Processamento Auditivo em indivíduos com Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve. OBJETIVO: Verificar os efeitos de um treinamento auditivo, em indivíduos com comprometimento cognitivo leve. MÉTODOS: Participaram 25 indivíduos, com idades entre 69 e 91 anos e diagnóstico de Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve, sendo que, 10 receberam treinamento auditivo (grupo estudo, 10 receberam treinamento visual (grupo alternativo e cinco não receberam intervenção (grupo controle. Testes cognitivos e de processamento auditivo foram aplicados antes e após os treinamentos. RESULTADOS: Apenas o grupo estudo apresentou melhora significante para todas as habilidades auditivas testadas, mas com piora do desempenho para as habilidades cognitivas. CONCLUSÃO: O treinamento auditivo foi efetivo em relação às habilidades auditivas, mas não em relação às habilidades cognitivas.

  10. Utilización de pastas como alimentos funcionales


    Martínez, Cristina S.


    Objetivo general Evaluar la aptitud de las pastas para actuar como alimentos funcionales, estudiando el efecto del agregado de diferentes ingredientes sobre su calidad tecnológica y nutricional. Objetivos específicos Objetivo I: estudiar los parámetros que definen la calidad de las pastas. Objetivo II: evaluar el efecto del almidón, del gluten y del agua sobre la calidad de las pastas frescas elaboradas con harina de trigo pan. Objetivo III:...

  11. Carbono total e δ13C em agregados do solo sob vegetação nativa e pastagem no bioma cerrado

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    Ciniro Costa Junior


    Full Text Available Diferentes sistemas de uso e manejo alteram o teor de carbono no solo (C, porém diminuições no C do solo têm sido reportadas quando áreas de Cerrado nativo são convertidas em pastagem. Disso resulta a necessidade da realização de pesquisas em diferentes sistemas e condições edafoclimáticas, a fim de elucidar as tendências encontradas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a agregação, os teores de C e a abundância natural de δ13C do solo em uma área cultivada há nove anos sob lavoura seguida de 20 anos sob pastagem, a qual atualmente apresenta sinais de degradação (PA, comparando-a a uma vegetação nativa no bioma Cerrado (CE que ocorre em área adjacente. As áreas de estudo estão localizadas no município de Rio Verde (GO, em solo classificado como Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, de textura argilosa. Em amostras de solo coletadas nas camadas de 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm de profundidade, foram determinados a distribuição de agregados estáveis em água (micro, meso e macroagregados, o diâmetro médio aritmético (DMA e geométrico (DMG, os teores de C total e de δ13C, o tempo de residência média do C (TRM e a fração da matéria orgânica leve livre (FLL. Os resultados indicaram que o uso sob lavoura seguido de pastagem reduziu em 21 % o estoque de C original, possivelmente devido ao menor aporte de material na FLL. O solo apresentou elevada agregação e não houve diferenças significativas entre as áreas avaliadas. No entanto, os teores de C nos macroagregados foram menores na PA em relação ao CE, enquanto nos microagregados não houve diferença entre os sistemas de uso, sugerindo, respectivamente, maior e menor sensibilidade ao manejo e menor e maior proteção do C por essas classes de agregados. Os valores de TRM e as análises isotópicas reforçaram esses resultados, mostrando, ainda, substituição de 83 % do C original durante os 29 anos de cultivo. O constante aporte de resíduos vegetais, assim como a

  12. "Determinação cromatografica quantitativa de gases leves em hidrogenio"


    Newton Pimenta Neves Jr


    Resumo: O hidrogênio ultrapurificado tem sido utilizado em ritmo crescente em diversos processos de alta tecnologia, com destaque para a indústria de micro-eletrônica, onde a presença de impurezas no gás influi decisivamente nos resultados obtidos. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos aspectos relacionados à determinação cromatográfica quantitativa de gases leves em hidrogênio. Inicialmente foram desenvolvidas técnicas de amostragem e análise que possibilitam determinar concentrações de até 1mm...


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    Juliana Oliveira Malta


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE Os diferentes tratamentos dados aos agregados reciclados influenciam nas propriedades das argamassas nos estados fresco e endurecido. Como estes agregados também possuem características peculiares, tais como, elevada absorção, forma lamelar, textura áspera e menor massa específica, surge a necessidade de estudar as diferentes práticas empregadas na dosagem de misturas contendo resíduos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a influência da incorporação de agregado miúdo reciclado em argamassas nos estados fresco e endurecido. Foram realizadas misturas de referência, e com teores de 25% e 50% de substituição de agregado miúdo natural por agregado miúdo reciclado. Para avaliar a influência da adição do resíduo nas argamassas no estado fresco utilizou-se o ensaio da mesa de consistência. Para avaliar essa influência no estado endurecido, foram realizados os ensaios de resistência à compressão axial nas idades de 3, 7 e 28 dias, além do ensaio de Absorção por imersão, na idade de 28 dias. Os resultados mostram que as misturas com agregado miúdo reciclado apresentaram-se menos resistentes e mais absorventes em relação às de referência. Este fato pode endossar a ideia de que a água de compensação utilizada para misturar as argamassas recicladas pode não permanecer no interior do agregado reciclado, migrando para a pasta, aumentando a relação a/c da mesma, tornando-a mais porosa e menos resistente. /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabela normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso

  14. Transporte de fósforo e de potássio em colunas com agregados de um latossolo vermelho distrófico

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    C. A. S. Araujo


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar os coeficientes dispersivo-difusivos de fósforo e de potássio e descrever o transporte desses nutrientes em diferentes classes de agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, cultivado com milho por vários anos, usando dois modelos teóricos. O experimento foi realizado, em laboratório, com colunas de percolação, utilizando cinco classes de agregados (2,0-1,0, 1,0-0,5, 0,5-0,25, 0,25-0,105 e < 0,105 mm. A eluição foi realizada em um cilindro de vidro de 2 cm de diâmetro interno e 30 cm de comprimento, preenchido com agregados até 10 cm da borda superior. A coluna foi saturada, sob vácuo, com uma solução de CaCl2 0,005 mol L-1. A velocidade de percolação do efluente foi controlada e mantida próxima daquela obtida para a menor classe de agregados. Aplicou-se, a seguir, a solução saturante até percolação constante, seguida de um pulso de uma solução de KH2PO4 que continha 1.550 e 1.950 mg L-1 de fósforo e de potássio, respectivamente (Co. No efluente coletado, determinou-se a concentração de fósforo e de potássio (C, que permitiu obter a relação C/Co, de acordo com o número de volume de poros da solução percolada. Isso permitiu obter a curva de eluição experimental para esses elementos, a qual foi comparada com curvas teóricas estimadas por dois modelos, um dos quais considera o transporte dispersivo e o outro, o dispersivo-difusivo. O coeficiente dispersivo-difusivo para o potássio foi maior do que para o fósforo nas classes de agregados de diâmetro maior que 0,5 mm. Nas de menor diâmetro, ocorreu o contrário, indicando que o fósforo foi transportado mais rapidamente que o potássio nessas colunas de agregados. O modelo que considera apenas o fluxo dispersivo apresentou melhor predição de transporte do fósforo e do potássio, em todas as classes de agregados. As curvas teóricas descreveram melhor o transporte de potássio do que o de fósforo.

  15. Fatores críticos para a produção de agregado reciclado em usinas de reciclagem de RCC da região nordeste do Brasil

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    Adriana Virgínia Santana Melo

    Full Text Available As usinas de reciclagem de resíduos da construção civil (RCC no Brasil produzem agregado reciclado com alta variabilidade mineral e baixa empregabilidade. Suas atividades dependem da construção civil e das diretrizes para produção do agregado reciclado, com foco na substituição ao agregado natural. Este trabalho identifica fatores críticos para a produção de agregado reciclado em usinas de reciclagem de RCC por meio da avaliação das usinas da região Nordeste do Brasil, conforme a norma NBR 15114 (ABNT, 2004b. A pesquisa foi dividida em três etapas. Na primeira, foi estabelecida a fundamentação teórica do estudo. Na segunda fase, foram realizadas visitas às usinas para entrevistas, levantamento fotográfico e observação visual. Na última, os dados coletados foram analisados à luz das diretrizes brasileiras para produção de agregado reciclado. Como resultado, identificou-se que as usinas visitadas sofrem interferências negativas na produção decorrente da gestão dos resíduos da construção civil. Observou-se, ainda, que as usinas avaliadas apresentaram não conformidades em relação aos requisitos da NBR 15114. A contribuição principal deste trabalho é a identificação de fatores críticos e proposições para a produção do agregado reciclado com pureza mineral e maior empregabilidade.


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    Ana Rodriguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de las propiedades puzolánicas de algunos minerales, como las diatomitas, que potencialmente pueden reaccionar con la portlandita contenida en las pastas y morteros de cemento Portland. También se estudia si estas adiciones minerales pueden incrementar la resistencia térmica y la refractariedad de los morteros. En el comportamiento de estos agregados se sigue midiendo como parámetro el comportamientopuzolánico de las diatomitas en las pastas de cemento Portland, y las variaciones de la resistencia mecánica de probetas estandarizadas construidas con y sin agregado de diatomitas. El desarrollo experimental programado consta de tratamientostérmicos a las diatomitas, reducción de tamaño hasta compatibilidad con la granulometría del cemento Portland, ensayos de DRX, análisis de puzolanidad, construcción de probetas de morteros con y sinagregado, y finalmente la medición de sus propiedades mecánicas residuales después de haber sido sometidas a elevadas temperaturas.Del análisis de los resultados experimentales se puede informar que las diatomitas estudiadas si le confieren propiedadespuzolánicas al cemento Portland, y como consecuencia mejoran la resistencia mecánica residual de las probetas de mortero cuando son sometidas a altas temperaturas.

  17. Estabilidade de agregados de um planossolo sob diferentes sistemas de manejo

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    C. L. R. Lima


    Full Text Available Os solos de várzea no Rio Grande do Sul, considerando a heterogeneidade do material de origem e os diferentes graus de hidromorfismo, apresentam grandes variações nas suas características morfológicas, físicas, químicas e mineralógicas. Sua principal exploração tem ocorrido por meio do binômio: arroz irrigado e pecuária de corte, freqüentemente de baixa rentabilidade. A introdução de espécies de sequeiro em rotação e/ou sucessão com o arroz irrigado vem sendo apregoada para aumentar a utilização desses solos, permitir maior controle de plantas daninhas do arroz irrigado e melhorar o seu estado físico degradado mediante sistemas que envolvam menor mobilização do solo. Nesse contexto, avaliou-se o efeito de sistemas de preparo convencional (SC, cultivo mínimo (CM, semeadura direta (SD e pré-germinado (PG sobre o estado de agregação de um Planossolo Hidromórfico eutrófico, por meio dos seguintes atributos: distribuição de agregados estáveis em água em diferentes classes de tamanho e diâmetro médio ponderado dos agregados (DMP. O experimento vem sendo realizado desde 1995/96 e encontra-se instalado na Estação Experimental de Terras Baixas (ETB da Embrapa - Clima Temperado, no município do Capão do Leão (RS. Após três anos, o sistema de manejo SD favoreceu a formação de agregados de maior tamanho, originando maior diâmetro médio ponderado de agregados, enquanto o sistema de plantio PG proporcionou a maior concentração de agregados do solo na classe de menor tamanho, com menor diâmetro médio ponderado dos agregados. O diâmetro médio ponderado de agregados do solo correlacionou-se linear e positivamente com o C-orgânico, não apresentando correlação com a argila dispersa em água.

  18. Agregação e estabilidade de agregados do solo em sistemas agropecuários em Mato Grosso do Sul Soil aggregation and aggregate stability under crop-pasture systems in Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil

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    Júlio Cesar Salton


    Full Text Available Sistemas de manejo do solo, incluindo lavouras em plantio direto, lavouras (soja em rotação com pastagens em plantio direto e pastagens permanentes (Brachiaria sp., foram avaliados quanto à agregação do solo e estabilidade dos agregados. Em três experimentos de longa duração (9 e 11 anos localizados em Mato Grosso do Sul, o solo foi amostrado nas camadas de 0 a 5, 5 a 10 e 10 a 20 cm, para determinação da estabilidade dos agregados em água e a seco. Foram calculados o diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP e o índice de estabilidade dos agregados (IEA. Em todos os experimentos, nos sistemas com pastagens, seja de forma isolada ou em rotação com lavouras, foi verificado maior volume do solo, constituindo agregados com tamanho superior a 4,76 mm. Os sistemas com pastagens também apresentaram maior DMP e maior IEA em todos os experimentos. O sistema apenas com lavouras apresentou, nos três experimentos, o maior volume de solo com agregados de tamanho entre 0,25 e 2,00 mm. Esses efeitos ocorreram de forma semelhante em todas as profundidades avaliadas. Entre os locais, observou-se o efeito do teor de argila na agregação, sendo maior em Maracaju e menor em Campo Grande. Foi observada estreita relação entre a estabilidade dos agregados e o teor de C no solo. A formação de macroagregados parece estar relacionada à presença de raízes, que são mais abundantes sob pastagem de gramíneas.Soil management systems, with crops under no-tillage (NT, crops (soybean in rotation with pastures under NT and permanent pastures (Brachiaria sp., were evaluated for soil aggregation and aggregate stability. Three long-term experiments (9 and 11 years in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul were sampled in the layers 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm for determination of the aggregate stability in wet and dry sieving. The mean weight diameter (MWD and the aggregate stability index (IAS were calculated. In all experiments, the greatest soil volume was verified in the

  19. Variação na resistência tênsil de agregados em função do conteúdo de carbono em dois solos na região dos Campos Gerais

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    Ademir de Oliveira Ferreira


    Full Text Available O comportamento em macroescala do solo depende das propriedades mecânicas de agregados individuais. A resistência tênsil (RT de agregados do solo é uma das propriedades mecânicas mais úteis e utilizadas como indicadora do impacto do manejo na qualidade do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento da RT em relação ao conteúdo do C orgânico total (COT em dois solos (Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico com classes texturais diferentes, em sistema plantio direto de longa duração. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi fatorial 2 x 2 x 2 inteiramente casualizado, com 12 tratamentos. Os fatores analisados foram: (a dois solos: Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico classe textural franco-argiloarenosa e Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico classe textural franco-argilosa; (b profundidades de amostragem: 0-5 e 5-20 cm; e (c épocas de amostragem (E1-outubro de 2007; E2-setembro de 2008. Para determinação da resistência tênsil, foram coletados 1.440 blocos de solo. A RT e o conteúdo de COT foram mensurados em 1.920 agregados para cada época de amostragem. A RT reduziu à medida que o conteúdo de COT aumentou e com maior impacto no LV classe textural franco-argilosa, ou seja, o conteúdo de argila influenciou o comportamento da RT, que respondeu inversamente proporcional ao conteúdo de argila. O impacto do conteúdo de COT na RT foi mais importante na camada superficial do solo de 0-5 cm do que na de 5-20 cm.

  20. Ação antimicrobiana de pastas obturadoras usadas em dentes decíduos = Antimicrobial action of root canal filling pastes used in deciduous teeth

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    Vargas-Ferreira, Fabiana


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou a ação antimicrobiana de pastas, uma à base de iodofórmio conhecida por Pasta Guedes-Pinto (PGP e outra modificada pela adição de digluconato de clorexidina (CHX a 2% em substituição ao paramonoclorofenol canforado da formulação original da PGP. Metodologia: A ação antimicrobiana das duas pastas foi testada contra Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus oralis, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli e Bacillus subtilis. O método empregado foi o de Diluição em Meio Sólido, Difusão em Ágar. Dezoito placas de Petri com 20 mL de BHIA foram inoculados com 0,1 mL das suspensões microbianas. Discos de papel foram imersos nas soluções experimentais por 1 min e colocados sobre a superfície de BHIA em cada placa. As placas foram mantidas em temperatura ambiente por 1 h e então incubadas a 37ºC por 48 h. O diâmetro da inibição microbiana foi medida ao redor dos discos de papel. Os dados foram pelo teste U de Mann-Whitney (a=0,05. Resultados: A PGP teve ação bacteriostática contra todos os microrganismos e também bactericida exceto para Enterococcus faecalis e Bacillus subtilis. A CHX apresentou ação bacteriostática e bactericida contra todos os microrganismos. Não houve diferença estatística significante quanto à efetividade antimicrobiana entre as pastas avaliadas. Conclusão: Ambas as pastas apresentaram ação antimicrobiana contra quase todos os microrganismos encontrados em infecções endodônticas de dentes decíduos

  1. Análise de agregados de solos Soil aggregate analysis

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    F. Grohmann


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho apresentamos o método de análise de agregados estáveis de solos, pela peneiragem lenta, em água. Em tal método seleciona-se do massa do solo uma subamostra de 25 gramas, que é empregada na determinação dos agregados do solo. Obtém-se, dêsse modo, uma distribuição de agregados estáveis em água, em várias classes de tamanhos. Como prétratamento usou-se o umedecimento lento do amostra, por meio de um atomizador, e repouso de 24 horas antes de se proceder à análise. Êste prétratamento aumentou a estabilidade dos agregados. Os resultados da agregação são apresentados como porcentagem dos agregados maiores que uma classe de tamanho tomada como base. A representação da agregação a partir do diâmetro médio compensado é um ótimo índice da agregação do solo. Vários métodos podem ser usados para representar a agregação de um solo, a partir dos resultados obtidos pela peneiragem em água. Dentre êstes, os mais recomendáveis são aquêles que se utilizam de um simples número para sua representação. Dois tipos de solos com usos variáveis foram estudados: massapê e terra-roxa-legítima.The wet-sieving method as a measure of the size distribution of water-stable aggregates, is presented. Two types of soils are studied. Twenty five grs of a sub-sample of the total mass of soil was taken. The aggregate analysis reported in this paper were made on soil samples that were dry-sieved to pass through a 7 mm sieve and be retained on a 4 mm sieve. The pretreatment of the sample showed an increase in water-stable aggregates. The samples were moisted by a fine spray with an atomizer. The results of aggregation ore presented by the selection of one single size class for comparative studies. Procedures which utilize all size fractions to express aggregation are the best method to express the results. The fraction greater than 2.000 mm of the soil studied in this paper showed a very high aggregation when in

  2. Medidas de adesão entre agregado e ligante asfáltico

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    Kamilla Lima Vasconcelos


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    A adesão entre agregado e ligante asfáltico vem sendo apontada como uma propriedade de grande importância para a causa de defeitos encontrados em pavimentos asfálticos, tais como trincas por fadiga, e dano por umidade. Diferentes mecanismos existem na literatura para explicar a adesão entre os dois materiais, porém, estes mecanismos podem ser resumidos em três grandes grupos: inter- travamento mecânico, adesão física, e interação química. A ocorrência de mais de um mecanismo simultaneamente parece ser o fenô- meno mais provável, sendo a relevância de cada um dependente das características físicas e químicas do agregado e do ligante asfálti- co. No presente trabalho, dois procedimentos foram utilizados para acessar a adesão entre agregado e ligante. O primeiro constou do cálculo do trabalho de adesão através da energia livre de superfície dos materiais envolvidos e o segundo, da determinação da entalpia de imersão quando soluções de asfalto são postas em contato com o agregado. Todos os materiais usados foram provenientes da biblio- teca de referência do SHRP sendo um pedregulho como agregado, e três diferentes ligantes asfálticos. Os resultados mostraram a capa- cidade do microcalorímetro em detectar possíveis interações químicas na adesão entre agregado e ligante asfáltico, em conjunto com adesão física. A presença de grupos funcionais mais fortemente adsorvidos pela superfície dos agregados justificou os maiores valores de entalpia de imersão para as combinações onde esses grupos se encontravam presentes.

    <em>Abstract Adhesion between the asphalt binder and the aggregate is critical to the performance and durability of asphalt mixtures. According to the literature, distresses mechanisms such as fatigue cracking and moisture induced damage are correlated to the nature and quality of adhesion between these two materials. Different mechanisms already exist to explain

  3. Uso da terra e a qualidade microbiana de agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo

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    Rogério Melloni


    Full Text Available A maioria dos estudos relacionados à agregação do solo associa o efeito de manejos ou tipos de uso da terra ao teor de matéria orgânica. No entanto, a avaliação de microrganismos e seus processos, feita diretamente em estruturas indeformadas do solo, permite maior entendimento do real efeito de diferentes tipos de manejos exercidos sobre esse. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar modificações impostas por diferentes tipos de uso da terra (pastagem, mata de eucalipto, mata com araucária, plantio convencional com cenoura e plantio convencional com abóbora em atributos químicos (pH, Ca, Mg, Al, P, K, S e matéria orgânica e físicos (diâmetro médio geométrico - DMG, diâmetro médio ponderado - DMP, densidade do solo e densidade de partículas e na qualidade microbiana (atividade e carbono microbianos, micélio extrarradicular total de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares e quociente metabólico - qCO2 de classes de tamanho de agregados (I- 4,00 a 2,36 mm; II- 2,36 a 1,18 mm; III- 1,18 a 0,60 mm; IV- 0,60 a 0,30 mm; e V- 0,30 a 0,15 mm de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, no sul de Minas Gerais. Os resultados evidenciaram que os tipos de uso da terra interferem na formação, no tamanho e na qualidade microbiana dos agregados. Em agregados menores (classes IV e V, há redução de micélio extrarradicular de fungos e biomassa microbiana e aumento da atividade e do quociente metabólico, independentemente do tipo de uso da terra. A qualidade microbiana de agregados maiores do solo sob mata de araucária, com tamanho entre 0,60 e 4,00 mm (I, II e III, é semelhante a todas as classes de tamanho de agregados do solo sob mata de eucalipto, enquanto a de agregados menores de 0,60 mm (IV e V é semelhante a todas de tamanho de agregados da pastagem. Agregados do cultivo convencional, diferentemente dos demais tipos de uso da terra, apresentam baixa qualidade microbiana e relação com a fertilidade do solo.

  4. Effects of meat addition on pasta structure, nutrition and in vitro digestibility. (United States)

    Liu, Tingting; Hamid, Nazimah; Kantono, Kevin; Pereira, Loveena; Farouk, Mustafa M; Knowles, Scott O


    In our study, semolina flour was substituted with beef emulsion (EM) at three different levels of 15, 30 and 45% (w/w) to develop a pasta with enhanced nutritional profile. The protein, fat, and water content significantly increased with addition of meat. The addition of meat enhanced the pasta gluten network. The redness and yellowness of cooked pasta increased with meat addition. Tensile strength increased from 0.018N/mm(2) in the control sample to 0.046N/mm(2) in 45% beef emulsion (45EM) sample. All meat-containing samples had significantly higher elasticity than control (0.039N/mm(2)). GI significantly decreased and IVPD value increased in 45EM sample. Five essential amino acids (leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan) in pasta digesta increased significantly with increasing meat addition. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Resistência e elasticidade de concretos compactados com agregados reciclados de construção e de demolição para aplicações em pavimentação

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    Gino Ricci


    Full Text Available O emprego de agregados reciclados de resíduos sólidos da construção civil e demolição tem sido objeto de interesse de agentes públicos engajados em projetos e obras de pavimentação viária. A coleta, triagem e classificação desses materiais como agregados alternativos torna ainda possível seu emprego em concretos para algumas finalidades, sendo que no caso do concreto compactado para fins de pavimentação ainda não se tem precedente de uso no país. Estudos sobre este material para pavimentação têm sido realizados, sendo aqui apresentados resultados relativos a características mecânicas fundamentais para a análise das potencialidades do material para bases de pavimentos asfálticos e de concreto, ainda que para aplicações urbanas e em volumes limitados. Foram empregados nos estudos agregados reciclados de diferentes origens em substituição parcial ou total dos de agregados nos concretos. Os resultados obtidos permitem observar inexpressiva alteração em resistências com pequenos ajustes nos consumos de cimento. Todavia, concomitantemente ocorreu queda expressiva dos valores de módulo de elasticidade dos materiais na medida em que frações menos densas de agregados foram empregadas em maior quantidade e a parcela de substituição de agregados virgens por reciclados aumentou. As características observadas permitem a indicação do emprego do material para vias de baixo volume de tráfego além de áreas residenciais, condomínios, estacionamentos, etc. Por outro lado, o aumento da porosidade dos concretos em função da presença de reciclados exige atenção e estudos mais aprofundados sobre o comportamento à fratura e à fadiga desses materiais.

    Abstract: Along the last decades, recycled aggregate produced from waste material from civil construction activities gained growing interest for its employment in pavements. Appropriate collection, selection and sieving of such a material make

  6. Avaliação de pastas de cimento Portland contendo cinza pesada moída


    Pilar, Ronaldo; Schankoski, Rudiele Aparecida; Moro, Agostinho João Dal; Repette, Wellington Longuini


    Neste trabalho avalia-se a influência da incorporação de cinza pesada moída, obtida da combustão de carvão mineral, em pastas de cimento Portland. A cinza pesada foi incorporada as pastas de cimento em três distribuições granulométricas distintas e dosadas para teores de substituição ao cimento, em volume, de 10%, 30% e 50%. As pastas foram dosadas com duas relações água/aglomerante, em massa, de 0,35 e 0,40. As primeiras idades foram investigadas por calorimetria isotérmica. Após passarem po...

  7. Análise micromorfométrica de agregados de um LATOSSOLO VERMELHO Distroférrico em diferentes sistemas de manejo = Micromorphometric analysis of aggregates of Rhodic Hapludox under different management systems

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    Cassiano Cremon


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar micromorfometricamente os agregados de um Latossolo submetido a diferentes formas de manejo do solo. O trabalho desenvolveu-se em um LATOSSOLO VERMELHO Distroférrico, de Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e os tratamentos foram arranjados em parcelas sub-subdivididas. Os tratamentos consistiram de dois sistemas de manejo (convencional e plantio direto, duas doses de gesso (zero e 2 t ha-1 e a utilização de duas culturas de verão (soja e milho. Os agregados foram coletados, nas profundidades de 0 a 10 e 10 a 20 cm, utilizando-se, nos procedimentos experimentais, os retidosno intervalo de diâmetro de 9,52 e 4,76 mm, após peneiramento em um jogo de peneiras-padrão. As análises dos agregados foram realizadas por meio de imagens digitais obtidas via scanner (300 dpi em 60 agregados dispostos em um tabuleiro de furos desencontrados. As imagens foram posteriormente analisadas com o programa QUANTPORO, e a característica analisada dos agregados foi a área e sua inter-relação com atributos químicos do solo. Os resultados demonstraram que o sistema de plantio direto proporcionou a formação de agregados maiores, a soja como cultura de verão contribuiu para esse efeito estrutural no solo e a aplicação de gesso agrícola incrementou a agregação em maiores profundidades.The aim of this work is to characterize, using a micromorphometric analysis, the aggregates of a Hapludox submitted to different management systems. This work was carried out in a Rhodic Hapludox in Dourados-MS. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four replications and treatments arranged in subsubdivided plots. Treatments were established in two management systems (conventional and no-tillage, two doses of gypsum (zero and 2 t ha-1 and the use of two summer crops (soybean and corn. Aggregates were collected, in depths of 0 to 10

  8. Memoria lexico-semantica no comprometimento cognitivo leve amnestico e doença de Alzheimer leve : aspectos neuropsicologicos, de neuroimagem estrutural e modelo de organização cerebral


    Marcio Luiz Figueredo Balthazar


    Resumo: A organização cerebral da memória léxico-semântica, assim como suas alterações em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer (DA) leve e Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve amnéstico (CCLa) não são completamente conhecidas. Neste estudo, avaliamos o desempenho de pacientes com DA leve, CCLa e idosos normais em testes léxico-semânticos como o Teste de Nomeação de Boston (TNB), Teste de Similaridades do CAMCOG e Fluência Verbal (FV) para categoria animais, além de outros domínios cognitivos. Aprofund...


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    Cleidson Carneiro Guimarães


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O setor da construção civil apresenta grande potencial para aproveitamento de vários tipos de resíduos industriais. A incorporação dos resíduos, principalmente nas argamassas e concretos, produtos com vasta aplicabilidade no setor, tem se mostrado como uma ótima alternativa na diversificação das matérias-primas e para a economia de recursos naturais. Esse trabalho avaliou as propriedades das argamassas, no estado fresco e endurecido, produzidas com substituição parcial da areia por resíduo de EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate. Para isso, foram preparadas argamassas com teores de substituição do agregado 0% (referência, 5%, 10% e 15%, em massa. A relação água/cimento, para cada traço, foi determinada empiricamente e mantida constante para as argamassas com substituição. Os resultados apontam que as argamassas produzidas com agregado de EVA apresentam menor absorção de água e também um decréscimo da resistência mecânica. Desta forma, a produção de argamassas utilizando EVA em substituição ao agregado natural é viável, todavia é necessário avaliar os parâmetros mínimos de aplicação para cada finalidade. Dessa forma, o trabalho apresenta contribuição ao servir de suporte a gestores de empresas de argamassas ou gestores de obra a tomarem decisões acerca da inserção do resíduo de EVA na produção de argamassa. ABSTRACT: The construction sector has great potential for use of various types of industrial waste. The incorporation of waste, especially in mortar and concrete products with wide applicability in the industry, has proven to be a great alternative for diversification of raw materials and the economy of natural resources. This study evaluated the properties of mortars in fresh and hardened state, made with partial replacement of sand by waste EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate. For this, mortars were prepared with substitution aggregate content 0%(reference, 5%, 10% and 15% by weight. The water


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    Regina Márcia Longo


    Full Text Available RESUMO Com o presente trabalho objetivou-se avaliar os impactos decorrentes da remoção das coberturas originais e seu posterior uso agrícola tomando-se, para tanto, duas distintas condições fisiográficas brasileiras - cerrado e floresta amazônica, tendo como atributos primordiais de análise as modificações da estrutura/agregação dos solos. As áreas selecionadas para as investigações foram Porto Velho, RO (floresta e Senador Canedo, GO (cerrado de ocorrência de Latossolos argilosos, cujas amostras foram coletadas ao longo de transeções contendo 24 pontos (pequenas trincheiras de 60 cm de profundidade, 12 sob vegetação natural (floresta e cerrado e 12 sob pastagem plantada, em cada uma das áreas de estudo; em seguida, estas foram analisadas quanto à distribuição e estabilidade de agregados em água. Verificou-se diminuição acentuada no diâmetro médio dos agregados (DMP no sentido vegetação natural-pastagem, sendo mais pronunciada na região do cerrado; de maneira geral, os maiores valores foram observados na região amazônica em que a remoção da cobertura vegetal original promoveu efeitos negativos sobre os atributos dos solos estudados, notadamente sobre a estrutura/agregação dos mesmos, mostrando a fragilidade dos solos dos ecossistemas brasileiros, quando submetidos ao cultivo.

  11. Dosagem de concretos produzidos com agregado miúdo reciclado de resíduo da construção civil

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    Clarissa Ribeiro de Sá Rodrigues

    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa apresenta uma investigação sobre concretos confeccionados com agregado reciclado de resíduo da construção civil (RCC, com a finalidade de observar a influência da utilização desse material nas características mecânicas dos concretos. O material utilizado foi coletado em uma obra na Região Metropolitana do Recife, PE, na fase de estrutura, constituído por cerca de 70% de concreto. Foi realizado um estudo de dosagem experimental em concretos com 0%, 50% e 100% de substituição do agregado miúdo natural pelo reciclado, em massa. Foram analisadas as características dos concretos no estado fresco e endurecido. Após a obtenção dos resultados dos ensaios, foram construídos diagramas de dosagem, em que foi possível estudar as correlações entre as propriedades mecânicas dos concretos e as variáveis que influenciam esses parâmetros. Observou-se que os concretos reciclados apresentaram um aumento de volume de argamassa seca, devido às diferenças existentes nos valores de massa específica entre o material natural e o reciclado. Percebeu-se, ainda, que com a substituição do agregado miúdo natural pelo reciclado houve um incremento na absorção de água e consumo de cimento do concreto reciclado. Houve a diminuição do módulo de elasticidade, o que, contudo não causou grandes prejuízos à resistência à compressão do concreto reciclado, sendo o teor de 50% em massa de substituição do agregado miúdo natural pelo reciclado o mais adequado.

  12. Formação e estabilização de agregados pelo sistema radicular de braquiária em um Nitossolo Vermelho Formation and stabilization of aggregates by the grass root system in an Oxisol

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    Eliane Duarte Brandão


    Full Text Available As gramíneas atuam de maneira direta na formação e na estabilização de agregados do solo, devido à maior densidade de raízes e à liberação de exsudatos orgânicos no solo. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do sistema radicular da Brachiaria ruziziensis Germain et Evrard na formação e na estabilização de agregados de um Nitossolo Vermelho. O experimento foi conduzido em abrigo telado, utilizando-se solo coletado na camada de 0-20cm de profundidade. O solo foi destorroado manualmente e passado em peneira de 2,00mm de abertura de malha e, posteriormente, separadas por classes de diâmetro de agregados de 2,00-1,00, 1,00-0,50 e 0,50-0,25mm com auxílio de peneiras de malhas específicas. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3x2x2x4, correspondendo a três classes de diâmetro de agregados (2,00-1,00, 1,00-0,50 e 0,50-0,25mm, duas condições de cultivo (com e sem gramínea, dois conteúdos de umidade (100% e 60% de água disponível e quatro épocas de avaliação (90, 180, 270 e 360 dias após o plantio da gramínea, com quatro repetições. As amostras de agregados foram acondicionadas em vasos de polietileno com capacidade para 10kg. O conteúdo de umidade foi equilibrado através de irrigações a cada dois dias. As amostragens foram realizadas a cada três meses, determinando-se o diâmetro médio ponderado de agregados secos ao ar (DMPAs, o diâmetro médio ponderado de agregado estáveis em água (DMPAu e o índice de estabilidade dos agregados (IEA = DMPAu/DMPAs. Verificaram-se maiores valores de DMPAu e de IEA para o tratamento com gramínea, indicando que o sistema radicular da Brachiaria ruziziensis favoreceu maior formação e estabilização dos agregados no solo.Grasses take direct action in the formation and stabilization of soil aggregates due to the density of roots and the release of organic exudates in soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of

  13. Avaliação de processos de misturas de concretos com agregados graúdos reciclados

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    Luciana de Nazaré Pinheiro Cordeiro

    Full Text Available Resumo A reutilização dos resíduos de construção civil vem sendo uma estratégia do setor para alcançar a sustentabilidade, mesmo sendo aplicada em um pequeno volume de obras. A variabilidade do resíduo de concreto é uma condição inerente do produto, que precisa ser levada em consideração, e o controle do processo produtivo de concretos produzidos com resíduos de concreto pode ser uma maneira de majorar a qualidade do compósito final. Nesse sentido, este artigo tem por objetivo avaliar a eficiência do processo de mistura e do tipo de misturador ante a fragilidade do desempenho de concretos com agregados graúdos reciclados de concreto e verificar a influência na resistência à compressão. Como objetivo específico tem-se o efeito do misturador no desempenho do concreto. O agregado graúdo reciclado de concreto foi usado em substituição total ao agregado graúdo natural. E os resultados mostraram que não há diferença significativa entre os concretos produzidos a partir de diferentes ordens de misturas; ambas promoveram resultados satisfatórios de resistência à compressão na idade de 28 dias. Porém, as misturas realizadas em misturador de eixo vertical se mostraram mais eficientes que as misturas produzidas em betoneiras de eixo inclinado, uma vez que os concretos produzidos pelas primeiras se mostram com menor coeficiente de variação. Acredita-se que as características do equipamento contribuíram para uma melhor homogeneidade, levando à menor variabilidade nos resultados do concreto.


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    Daniel Lima Araújo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: É notório o desperdício de materiais na construção civil, o que resulta na geração de resíduos de construção. Com a normalização ambiental recente, não se pode mais descartar esses resíduos de forma indiscriminada, porém deve-se dar aos mesmos uma destinação final adequada ou, sempre que possível, buscar a sua reutilização. Em grande parte, o resíduo gerado na indústria da construção civil é formado por concreto e argamassa, denominados de resíduos “cinzas”. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a substituição dos agregados graúdos naturais por agregados graúdos oriundos da reciclagem de resíduos “cinzas” da construção. Para isso, foram analisados traços de concreto contendo vários níveis de substituição (0%, 19%, 43%, 75%, 100% do agregado natural pelo agregado reciclado. Foi verificada a influência dos agregados reciclados em algumas propriedades do concreto nos estados fresco e endurecido, com destaque para a resistência à compressão e o módulo de elasticidade. Os resultados mostraram ser possível a substituição de até 100% do agregado natural pelo agregado reciclado sem prejuízo da resistência mecânica do concreto e com redução de apenas 12% no módulo de elasticidade, o que indica a possibilidade do mesmo ser utilizado na produção de concretos com fins estruturais. ABSTRACT: The material loss in civil construction is large, which results in a great amount of construction waste. The latest environmental standards in Brazil do not allow that wastes are indiscriminately disposed of, and it is necessary to ensure their adequate final destination or, whenever possible, their reuse. The greater amount of construction waste is made up of concrete and mortar, called “grey waste”. The aim of this paper is analyze the replacement of natural aggregates with coarse recycled aggregates from grey construction waste. Several concrete mixes were produced with various

  15. Propriedades nanomecânicas de pastas de cimento

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    F. Pelisser

    Full Text Available O entendimento da influência de cada fase do concreto, dentre as quais merece destaque a pasta de cimento, é importante para o desenvolvimento de um concreto mais eficiente, com maior velocidade de hidratação e resistência à propagação de fissuras. O módulo de elasticidade do concreto é um dos principais parâmetros de projeto de estruturas e têm grande influência na velocidade do processo de construção e na durabilidade das estruturas. A capacidade de deformação do concreto depende das características intrínsecas dos produtos de hidratação do cimento, agregados, zona de transição e poros, além de variáveis inerentes ao processo, como velocidade de hidratação e condições climáticas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades mecânicas de módulo de elasticidade e resistência superficial (dureza para uma pasta de cimento, através da técnica da nanoindentação instrumentada e, complementarmente, comparar este valor do módulo de elasticidade, utilizando o método normatizado para concreto. Os resultados obtidos pela nanoindentação foram de 17,2 GPa para o módulo de elasticidade e de 0,90 GPa para a dureza. A determinação do módulo de elasticidade tangente inicial calculado pela NBR 6118 1 foi de 9,6 GPa. A nanoindentação mostrou-se uma ferramenta válida para avaliar modificações nanoestruturais de pastas de cimento.

  16. PASTA for Proteins. (United States)

    Collins, Kodi; Warnow, Tandy


    PASTA is a multiple sequence method that uses divide-and-conquer plus iteration to enable base alignment methods to scale with high accuracy to large sequence datasets. By default, PASTA included MAFFT L-INS-i; our new extension of PASTA enables the use of MAFFT G-INS-i, MAFFT Homologs, CONTRAlign, and ProbCons. We analyzed the performance of each base method and PASTA using these base methods on 224 datasets from BAliBASE 4 with at least 50 sequences. We show that PASTA enables the most accurate base methods to scale to larger datasets at reduced computational effort, and generally improves alignment and tree accuracy on the largest BAliBASE datasets. PASTA is available at and has also been integrated into the original PASTA repository at Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  17. Desempenho de concretos com agregados reciclados de cerâmica vermelha Performance of red ceramic recycled aggregate concrete

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    A. E. B. Cabral


    Full Text Available Os resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD constituem uma importante parcela dos resíduos sólidos produzidos nas cidades brasileiras, correspondendo em torno de 50% dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Dentre os diversos constituintes do RCD, a cerâmica vermelha, proveniente de restos de tijolos e telhas cerâmicas utilizados nas construções, equivale a uma considerável parcela destes resíduos. A reciclagem do RCD para a produção de agregados reciclados tem se tornado uma prática cada vez mais comum, particularmente em cidades onde há uma inacessibilidade ou escassez de agregados naturais, proporcionando altos custos para adquiri-los. Com o intuito de se determinar o comportamento do agregado reciclado de cerâmica vermelha na produção de concretos, desenvolveu-se um programa experimental baseado em um projeto de experimentos onde se substituiu os agregados miúdos e graúdos naturais pelos seus respectivos reciclados, além de se variar a relação água/cimento. Os concretos produzidos foram analisados com relação a três propriedades: resistência à compressão, módulo de deformação e volume de poros permeáveis (VPP. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados utilizando-se ferramentas estatísticas, desenvolvendo-se modelos matemáticos que descrevem o comportamento das propriedades estudadas ao se substituir o agregado natural pelos reciclados de cerâmica vermelha. Todos os modelos obtiveram excelentes coeficientes de determinação, acima de 95%. Simulações realizadas utilizando-se os modelos propostos apontam que a substituição do agregado miúdo natural pelo miúdo reciclado resulta em um acréscimo da resistência à compressão dos concretos produzidos e para a substituição do agregado graúdo natural pelo graúdo reciclado, um decréscimo. Para as demais propriedades do concreto estudadas, observou-se que a utilização dos agregados reciclados, tanto graúdo quanto miúdo, influi negativamente no comportamento

  18. Comparação entre métodos para o estudo da estabilidade de agregados em solos Comparison of methods for aggregate stability studies in soils

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    Full Text Available A estabilidade de agregados constitui-se em importante parâmetro na avaliação do efeito de manejo na agregação de solos. Entretanto, os resultados obtidos pelos diferentes métodos são, às vezes, contrastantes, e alguns desses métodos não permitem a definição do nível de energia envolvido na análise. Objetivou-se, com este estudo, comparar diferentes métodos para determinação da estabilidade de agregados em solos. Agregados de horizontes A e B de Latossolo Roxo (LR e Terra Roxa Estruturada (TR foram submetidos a peneiramento úmido, três testes de impacto de gotas, e sonificação a oito níveis de energia ultra-sônica; o primeiro foi comparado aos últimos, que permitem a quantificação da energia aplicada. De modo geral, o LR apresentou agregados mais estáveis do que a TR; a resistência dos agregados a altos níveis de energia ultra-sônica foi relacionada a teores de matéria orgânica, óxidos de ferro e gibbsita. Os resultados de diâmetro médio ponderado e porcentagem de agregados maiores que 2 mm foram semelhantes nos horizontes A de ambos os solos. O impacto de gotas causou maior desagregação no material de horizonte B do LR, enquanto o material de horizonte B da TR foi mais afetado pelo peneiramento úmido. O nível de 15,88 J mL-1 se apresentou, na sonificação, como mais sensível para detectar diferenças entre solos estudados.Aggregate stability is an important parameter to express the effect of management on soil aggregation. However, the results from different methods are sometimes contrasting. Some of them do not express the aggregate stability in terms of level of energy needed for aggregate disruption. The objective of this study was to compare methods for determining soil aggregate stability. Aggregates of Dusky-Red Latossol (DRL and a Structured Dusky-Red Earth (SDR were submitted to wet sieving (WS, three water drop tests, and eight levels of sonication energy. Correlation was obtained between the

  19. Semeadura de milho em solo sob preparo reduzido

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    W. Boller


    Full Text Available Para avaliar a viabilidade da implantação da cultura do milho em solo sob preparo reduzido, em dezembro de 1988, instalou-se um experimento em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro distrófico, no município de Passo Fundo (RS. Na testemunha, o preparo do solo foi realizado por meio de uma escarificação mais uma gradagem com grade leve. Nos demais cinco tratamentos, o solo foi preparado por meio de uma operação conjugada (escarificador equipado com rolo destorroador. Na testemunha e em um dos tratamentos sob preparo conjugado, não foram realizadas adaptações na semeadora-adubadora. Nos demais tratamentos, foram adaptados discos de corte ondulados, ou secções de rolos destorroadores, na frente das linhas da semeadora. A percentagem de cobertura do solo, dois dias após a semeadura, foi significativamente menor (Tukey ao nível de 5% na testemunha, enquanto nos demais tratamentos, caracterizados como conservacionistas, não se perceberam diferenças. O diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG dos agregados do solo não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, porém os agregados coletados nas linhas apresentaram DMG significativamente menores do que aqueles encontrados nas entrelinhas. A velocidade de absorção de água pelas sementes, o comprimento médio ponderado das radículas, o índice de velocidade de emergência e o estande inicial de plantas de milho não variaram significativamente em função dos tratamentos. Os resultados evidenciam que o preparo conjugado do solo por meio de um escarificador equipado com um cilindro destorroador permitiu implantar a cultura do milho, sem a necessidade de operações de preparo secundário (gradagens e sem requerer adaptações na semeadora-adubadora.

  20. Distribuição dos agregados e carbono orgânico influenciados por manejos agroecológicos = Aggregate and organic carbon distribution influenced by agroecological handling

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    Arcângelo Loss


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a influência do manejo agroecológico na distribuição dos agregados estáveis em água e no teor de carbono orgânico dos agregados em diferentes coberturas vegetais. Foram selecionadas cinco áreas, a saber: sistema agroflorestal; cultivo de figo (Ficus carica L.; consórcio maracujá (Passiflora edulis S.–Desmodium sp.; cultivo de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L., em manejo convencional, e cultivo de milho (Zeamays L., em plantio direto. Em cada área, foram coletadas amostras de terra indeformadas, nas profundidades de 0 - 5 e 5 - 10 cm, e avaliada a estabilidade dos agregados e o teor de carbono orgânico nos agregados (COAGR. A maior massa de agregados encontra-se naclasse de 2,00 mm, em ambas as profundidades, com exceção do cultivo de feijão. Nas duas profundidades, a classe de 2,00 mm apresentou os maiores valores de COAGR para a área do consórcio macaracujá - Desmodium sp.The objective of this study was to verify the influence ofagroecological handling in the distribution of stable aggregates in water and in the levels of aggregate organic carbon under different vegetable covers. Five areas were selected: agroflorestal system; fig cultivation (Ficus carica L.; passion fruit (Passiflora edulis S. and Desmodium sp. consortium; bean cultivation (Phaseolus vulgaris L, under conventional system; and corn (Zea mays, in no-tillage system. In each area, undisturbed samples were collected, in 0-5 and 5-10 cm depths, and water aggregate distribution and organic carbon ofaggregate (OCAGR were quantified. The highest aggregate mass was observed in the 2.00 mm aggregate class, in both depths, except for the bean cultivation area. In both depths, the class with greater diameter showed the highest OCAGR values for the area of passion fruit– Desmodium sp. consortium.

  1. Novo método para calcular o diâmetro médio de agregados de solos

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    Q. de JONG van LIER


    Full Text Available Ao calcular o diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP ou o diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG de uma amostra de solo, ponderam-se o diâmetro médio aritmético (no caso do DMP ou o logarítmico (no caso do DMG de cada classe pela massa de agregados nela retida. A média aritmética de cada classe, multiplicada pela massa de agregados retidos na respectiva classe, apenas é correta, quando ocorrer uma distribuição simétrica de massa de agregados dentro de cada classe, o que é muito pouco provável. O objetivo deste trabalho, desenvolvido no final de 1996 no Departamento de Solos da UFRGS, Porto Alegre, é propor um novo método para o cálculo do diâmetro médio dos agregados, presumindo ser a distribuição dentro de cada classe semelhante à distribuição dos agregados de toda a amostra. Essa proposta pressupõe ser o diâmetro médio da classe mais bem estimado por aquele diâmetro que divide os agregados contidos nela em duas partes de massa igual. Para isso foi apresentado um procedimento de cálculo, e o diâmetro médio assim encontrado foi denominado "diâmetro médio ajustado" (DMA. Para testar o método, utilizaram-se dados existentes de vários solos, condições de manejo do solo e rotações de culturas. Considerando os resultados, justifica-se a utilização do parâmetro DMA no lugar do DMP ou DMG, por representar mais corretamente o diâmetro médio dos agregados de uma amostra de solo.

  2. 44 CFR 65.10 - Mapping of areas protected by levee systems. (United States)


    ..., compressibility of embankment soils, compressibility of foundation soils, age of the levee system, and... described in the COE manual, “Soil Mechanics Design—Settlement Analysis” (EM 1100-2-1904) must be submitted...

  3. Obtenção de cermet por tecnologia do pó a partir da utilização da cinza leve proveniente da queima do carvão mineral em termoelétrica


    Andréia Brogni


    Este trabalho busca produzir cermet (Cinza-Fe) pela tecnologia do pó utilizando cinza leve produzida com a queima do carvão mineral em termoelétrica para uma possível utilização e aplicação na usinagem. Esse estudo tem como objetivo específico caracterizar e analisar as propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas das amostras obtidas a partir das misturas. Utilizouse o ferro como componente da mistura em função do baixo custo e vasta disponibilidade. Após a obtenção da cinza leve, determinou-se o t...


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    Robson Arruda dos Santos


    Full Text Available A indústria da construção civil consome muitos recursos naturais e é grande geradora de resíduos. Há uma grande problemática relacionada com o tratamento destes, sendo uma alternativa a sua reutilização como substituto de materiais naturais, por exemplo, na produção de argamassas e de concreto. Este trabalho tem como escopo estudar o reaproveitamento dos resíduos da britagem de granito como agregado em argamassa. Os resíduos foram ensaiados de acordo com as normas da ABNT para agregado miúdo utilizados na construção civil. Foram determinados dois traços com a substituição total da areia natural pelo resíduo em estudo e realizados ensaios de resistência nos corpos de prova, segundo a NBR 13279, bem como o estudo da influência do resíduo na aparência e no consumo de água. Constatou-se que a substituição refletiu positivamente na resistência à compressão e flexão da argamassa. Contudo, ressalta-se que para obter-se um agregado com bom desempenho é preciso classificar o material, sendo necessária a utilização de classificadores para se eliminar as frações mais finas e mais grossas possibilitando às suas aplicações um desempenho aceitável.

  5. Estabilidade dos agregados e sua relação com o teor de carbono orgânico num latossolo roxo distrófico, em função de sistemas de plantio, rotações de culturas e métodos de preparo das amostras

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    C. Castro Filho


    Full Text Available O tamanho dos agregados do solo e o estado de agregação podem ser influenciados por diferentes processos de manejo e práticas culturais que alteram o teor de matéria orgânica e a atividade biológica do solo. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar as relações entre o teor de C-orgânico e o tamanho e estabilidade dos agregados do solo em dois sistemas de plantio (convencional e direto e três rotações de culturas (milho/trigo/milho, soja/trigo/milho e soja/trigo/soja, submetendo-se as amostras a dois processos de preparo: uso das peneiras de 4 e 8 mm antes do tamisamento úmido. O trabalho foi executado em 1990, usando-se amostras de solo, coletadas num experimento com 14 anos de duração, localizado em Londrina, PR, num Latossolo Roxo (Typic Haplorthox. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em 5 de abril de 1990, em duas profundidades: 0-10 e 10-20 cm. Os índices de agregação determinados foram: o diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP, o diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG e o índice de estabilidade de agregados (IEA. Os resultados mostraram que o sistema de plantio direto melhorou o estado de agregação do solo com o incremento do teor de C-orgânico, sobretudo na camada de 0-10 cm, onde os valores de DMP e DMG foram significativamente superiores. A agregação tendeu a aumentar quando a sucessão de culturas incluiu espécie de relação C/N mais alta (milho. O aumento do teor de C-orgânico resultou em aumento do IEA pela diminuição de agregados das classes com diâmetro < 0,25 mm e aumento das classes de diâmetro maior. Os métodos de preparo das amostras produziram diferenças na agregação do solo, tendo o preparo com peneira 8 mm melhorado a sensibilidade para determinar o estado de agregação em função dos processos de manejo.

  6. Avaliação do risco de crédito agregado: aplicação do Creditrisk


    Silveira, Marcos de Andrade Melo da


    A Avaliação do risco de crédito agregado é um grande desafio para as empresas em todo mundo. O dinamismo do mercado e o desenvolvimento dos derivativos de crédito tornaram a gestão do risco de crédito fundamental para o negócio das instituições financeiras. Nas instituições não-financeiras, o foco na gestão do risco de crédito agregado ainda é pequeno, mas os benefícios e a necessidade de uma visão agregada da carteira já são identificados. No caso brasileiro, esse trabalho é dificultado devi...

  7. Estabilidade de agregados de um latossolo vermelho degradado em recuperação com adubos verdes, calcário e gesso

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    Carolina dos Santos Batista Bonini


    Full Text Available A utilização incorreta dos solos e as grandes construções no meio rural vêm causando alterações no ambiente edafoclimático, o que torna os solos menos produtivos, aumentando assim as áreas degradadas. Tendo em vista esse problema, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a recuperação de um Latossolo Vermelho que se encontra há 17 anos com o uso de adubos verdes, calcário, gesso e braquiária. Foi utilizada a qualidade da estrutura como indicadora da recuperação do solo. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com nove tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: testemunha (solo mobilizado até 1999, sendo depois implantada Brachiaria decumbens; mucuna-preta (Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy até 1999, substituída por B. decumbens; guandu (Cajanus cajan (L. Millsp até 1994, substituído por feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformis (L. e, a partir de 1999, por B. decumbens; calcário+mucuna-preta até 1999, substituído por B. decumbens; calcário+guandu até 1994, substituído por feijão-de-porco e, a partir de 1999, por B. decumbens; calcário+gesso+mucuna-preta até 1999, substituído por B. decumbens; calcário+gesso+guandu até 1994, substituído por feijão-de-porco e, partir de 1999, por B. decumbens; e duas testemunhas: solo exposto (sem técnica de recuperação e vegetação nativa de Cerrado. Foi avaliada a estabilidade de agregados em água e o conteúdo de matéria orgânica nas camadas de 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm. O solo vem sendo recuperado, e a qualidade da estrutura, comparada à condição natural de Cerrado, na camada de 0-10 cm foi mais alterada positivamente; os tratamentos que receberam calcário e gesso foram os melhores, e o teor de matéria orgânica nessa camada foi superior ao das demais. Abaixo da camada superficial do solo, os tratamentos estão agindo de forma semelhante. O solo exposto, em todas as camadas, apresentou-se com má qualidade

  8. Solução concentrada de albumina eqüina na fluidoterapia em eqüinos com desidratação leve a moderada


    Belli,C.B.; Michima,L.E.S.; Latorre,S.M.; Fernandes,W.R.


    Avaliou-se o efeito da solução concentrada de albumina eqüina diluída a 5% em solução fisiológica (SF) durante fluidoterapia em eqüinos, após indução de desidratação leve a moderada, utilizando-se cinco eqüinos adultos, sem alterações clínicas. Cada animal passou por dois protocolos de fluidoterapia: apenas com SF (metade sob pressão e metade em fluxo contínuo - grupo-controle); com solução de albumina eqüina e SF (apenas em fluxo contínuo - grupo experimental). Avaliaram-se peso, exame físic...

  9. Drying of Durum Wheat Pasta and Enriched Pasta: A Review of Modeling Approaches. (United States)

    Mercier, Samuel; Mondor, Martin; Moresoli, Christine; Villeneuve, Sébastien; Marcos, Bernard


    Models on drying of durum wheat pasta and enriched pasta were reviewed to identify avenues for improvement according to consumer needs, product formulation and processing conditions. This review first summarized the fundamental phenomena of pasta drying, mass transfer, heat transfer, momentum, chemical changes, shrinkage and crack formation. The basic equations of the current models were then presented, along with methods for the estimation of pasta transport and thermodynamic properties. The experimental validation of these models was also presented and highlighted the need for further model validation for drying at high temperatures (>-100°C) and for more accurate estimation of the pasta diffusion and mass transfer coefficients. This review indicates the need for the development of mechanistic models to improve our understanding of the mass and heat transfer mechanisms involved in pasta drying, and to consider the local changes in pasta transport properties and relaxation time for more accurate description of the moisture transport near glass transition conditions. The ability of current models to describe dried pasta quality according to the consumers expectations or to predict the impact of incorporating ingredients high in nutritional value on the drying of these enriched pasta was also discussed.

  10. Pasta Primavera (United States)

    ... this page: Pasta Primavera To use the sharing features on this ... Total time: 25 minutes Number of Servings: 4 Pasta, vegetables, and a sprinkle of cheese make this ...

  11. Dams and Levees: Safety Risks (United States)

    Carter, N. T.


    The nation's flood risk is increasing. The condition of U.S. dams and levees contributes to that risk. Dams and levee owners are responsible for the safety, maintenance, and rehabilitation of their facilities. Dams-Of the more than 90,000 dams in the United States, about 4% are federally owned and operated; 96% are owned by state and local governments, public utilities, or private companies. States regulate dams that are not federally owned. The number of high-hazard dams (i.e., dams whose failure would likely result in the loss of human life) has increased in the past decade. Roughly 1,780 state-regulated, high-hazard facilities with structural ratings of poor or unsatisfactory need rehabilitation. Levees-There are approximately 100,000 miles of levees in the nation; most levees are owned and maintained by municipalities and agricultural districts. Few states have levee safety programs. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) inspects 15,000 miles of levees, including levees that it owns and local levees participating in a federal program to assist with certain post-flood repairs. Information is limited on how regularly other levees are inspected. The consequence of a breach or failure is another aspect of risk. State and local governments have significant authority over land use and development, which can shape the social and economic impacts of a breach or failure; they also lead on emergency planning and related outreach. To date, federal dam and levee safety efforts have consisted primarily of (1) support for state dam safety standards and programs, (2) investments at federally owned dams and levees, and (3) since 2007, creation of a national levee database and enhanced efforts and procedures for Corps levee inspections and assessments. In Public Law 113-121, enacted in 2014, Congress (1) directed the Corps to develop voluntary guidelines for levee safety and an associated hazard potential classification system for levees, and (2) authorized support for the

  12. Morfologia e estabilidade de agregados superficiais de um argissolo vermelho-amarelo sob diferentes manejos de longa duração e mata atlântica secundária

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    Clério Hickmann


    Full Text Available Experimentos de longa duração submetidos a diferentes manejos de solo fornecem importantes informações quando as alterações nas propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas são avaliadas e comparadas às das condições originais do solo. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a morfologia externa e a estabilidade de agregados superficiais de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo sob diferentes tipos de manejo em experimento de longa duração e nas condições sob Mata Atlântica secundária. Foram coletadas amostras de solo deformadas e indeformadas na camada de 0-5 cm, em dois tipos de manejo de solo: plantio direto (PD e preparo com arado de disco + grade pesada (AD + GP. Também foi avaliada, como referência do estado de agregação original do solo, uma área de Mata Atlântica secundária (MS adjacente ao experimento. As amostras indeformadas foram impregnadas com resina de poliéster e, na sequência, lâminas delgadas com 30 µm de espessura foram confeccionadas. Posteriormente, as lâminas foram examinadas em microscópio óptico, acoplado à câmera digital, para obtenção de imagens fotográficas mediante seleção aleatória de campos nas lâminas. As imagens geradas foram processadas pelo programa de computador Adobe Photoshop CS3 para análise de parâmetros relacionados à morfologia externa de agregados (perímetro, área, comprimento do maior eixo, comprimento do menor eixo, diâmetro de Feret, alongamento e arredondamento, que visam fornecer informações sobre o tamanho, a forma e a rugosidade dos agregados. Para as amostras deformadas, além da estabilidade dos agregados em água em classes de tamanho 4-2; 2-1; 1-0, 5; 0,5-0,25; 0,25-0,105; e < 0,105 mm de diâmetro, foi determinado o C orgânico total (COT. Foram calculados: diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP, diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG e índice de estabilidade de agregados (IEA. Houve predomínio da classe de agregados de 4-2 mm nos dois tipos de manejo e na MS

  13. Fosfato e micorriza na estabilidade de agregados em amostras de latossolos cultivados e não-cultivados Aggregate stability in two cropped and no-cropped Oxisols as affected by phosphate addition and mycorrhiza

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    Júlio César Azevedo Nóbrega


    Full Text Available Nos trópicos, existe escassez de informação quanto à contribuição de espécies fúngicas do solo na formação e estabilização de agregados. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do histórico de uso, níveis de P, de inoculação micorrízica e cultivo com braquiária e soja em casa de vegetação, sobre o diâmetro médio geométrico dos agregados (DMG, o índice de floculação das partículas, a matéria seca das raízes, a colonização micorrízica e o comprimento total de hifas, em amostras de Latossolo Vermelho distrófico e Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. Amostras dos dois solos, previamente cultivados por longos períodos, e de solos não-cultivados, foram trazidas para casa de vegetação, submetidas a inoculação, e a dois níveis de P, e então cultivadas com braquiária e soja, em dois cultivos sucessivos. Os resultados mostraram que o solo previamente cultivado apresentou menor comprimento total de hifas, menor estabilidade de agregados (menor diâmetro médio de agregados e menor índice de floculação. A inoculação propiciou maior estabilidade dos agregados, e este efeito é condicionado ao nível de P do solo e ao histórico de uso. A presença de P promoveu, indiretamente, maior agregação, por propiciar maior comprimento total das hifas e matéria seca de raízes.In the tropics there is little information on the contribution of soil microorganisms on aggregate stability in the soils. Soil management, crop and fertilization can affect the fungi specie in soil, and also affect aggregate stability. This study attempted to evaluate the effect of earlier cropping, phosphate, inoculation with AMF, and brachiaria and soybean on the geometric mean diameter (GMD, particle flocculation index, root dry matter, and total hyphal length, in dystrophic Red Latosol and dystroferric Red Latosol (both Oxisols. Samples of both soils under natural condition and previously cultivated were brought to the green house and

  14. Análise do fluxo informacional presente em uma empresa do segmento de serviços de valor agregado (SVA

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    Izabella Bauer de Assis Cunha

    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste artigo foi demonstrar a existência e a importância do fluxo informacional entre o setor de Business Intelligence e os setores de Negócios e Produtos de uma empresa do segmento de Serviço de Valor Agregado (SVA. A principal fundamentação teórica baseou-se em modelos de identificação das necessidades, percepções e análises informacionais, processos de busca e uso da informação e representação do fluxo de informação. Foi utilizado o estudo de caso único como principal método de pesquisa. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais em profundidade com o diretor de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento e os representantes das áreas envolvidas da empresa foco do estudo. Como resultados alcançados, foram identificados os gaps e possíveis melhorias do atual fluxo de informação existente entre os setores analisados, e proposto um modelo "ideal", com objetivo de aumentar a eficiência operacional e analítica entre os setores.


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    Full Text Available La pasta de sémola es un alimento de consumo masivo, pero el valor biológico de su proteína es bajo, dada la deficiencia de Usina en la proteína del trigo. Al complementar la sémola con harina de quinua y zanahoria, se mejora la calidad de la proteína por ser la quinua muy rica en Usina y se incrementa el contenido de fibra soluble y vitamina A con la adición de zanahoria. Este estudio se desarrolló en dos etapas; en la Etapa I se elaboraron y analizaron pastas enriquecidas con harina integral de quinua, con niveles de sustitución del 30%, 40% y50% en la Etapa II, se sustituyó con zanahoria un 15% de la fase líquida de la formulación que en la fase I presentó mejor calidad. En las dos etapas se evaluó calidad de cocción, composición química y calidad sensorial de las pastas. La sustitución de la sémola por un 30% de harina de quinua, al igual que la inclusión de zanahoria en la formulación, permitió la obtención de un producto de mayor calidad nutricional y de excelente aceptación por el consumidor. Se logró un incremento significativo en la concentración de proteína y fibra, acompañado de una disminución en el contenido de carbohidratos; igualmente, mejoró el cómputo químico de las pastas pasando de 55.2% en las pastas control a 72.4 en las pastas enriquecidas con quinua. La calidad de cocción fue inferior en las pastas enriquecidas; sin embargo, las propiedades tecnológicas de las pastas se mantienen dentro de los rangos adecuados para su preparaciónAs pastas de sêmola de trigo é um alimento de consumo massivo, mas o valor biológico da sua proteína é baixo devido à; sua deficiencia em Usina. Ao complementar a sêmola com farinha de quinua e cenoura, não só se melhora a qualidade da proteína por complementaridade de aminoácidos entre a proteína do trigo e os aminoácidos da proteína de quinua, pseudo cereal muito rico em Usina, senão que também se incrementa o conteúdo de fibra e vitamina A com

  16. Influência da forma dos agregados miúdos nas propriedades do concreto

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    F. Fabro

    Full Text Available Os agregados miúdos utilizados na produção de concretos são basicamente as areias naturais provenientes dos leitos dos rios e os agregados artificiais oriundos da britagem de rocha. A principal diferença entre estes dois agregados está no formato de seus grãos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é avaliar o formato dos grãos de agregados miúdos por meio de diferentes parâmetros, analisando as diferenças entre as formas dos agregados, e suas conseqüências nas propriedades das argamassas e concretos confeccionadas com estes materiais. Para medição dos grãos dos agregados empregou-se a análise digital de imagens e foram calculados os seguintes parâmetros: relação de aspecto, esfericidade, indicador de lamelaridade e coeficiente de forma, sendo que os dois últimos foram os que melhor avaliaram a forma dos agregados. Observou-se que o formato dos grãos dos agregados artificiais depende do tipo de britador empregado pelas pedreiras no processo de britagem das rochas. Os agregados oriundos do britador do tipo vertical de impacto possuem grãos mais arredondados, semelhantes aos grãos da areia natural. Verificou-se que o formato dos grãos dos agregados tem influência direta sobre a consistência das argamassas e concretos, porém não apresentou influência nos resultados de resistência à compressão.

  17. Agregados reciclados pretratados para uso en hormigón


    Priano, Carla; Señas, Lilia; Moro, Juan; Marfil, Silvina Andrea


    Los residuos de la construcción, principalmente aquellos que provienen de la trituración de hormigones de demolición, pueden ser utilizados como reemplazo total o parcial del agregado natural. Como consecuencia de su mayor porosidad, el agregado reciclado resulta menos denso y con una mayor capacidad de absorción de agua que el natural. En este trabajo se presentan distintos tratamientos de impregnación sobre el agregado grueso reciclado de un hormigón de canto rodado, con el fin de...

  18. Tecnologias leves em saúde e sua relação com o cuidado de enfermagem hospitalar Tecnologías leves en salud y su relación con el cuidado de enfermería hospitalaria Light technologies in health and its relation with the hospital nursing care

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    Denise Conceição da Silva


    Full Text Available O objeto da pesquisa foi a incorporação de tecnologias leves no contexto hospitalar, na ótica de enfermeiras, e sua relação com o cuidado de enfermagem. Objetivos: caracterizar as tecnologias consideradas leves no hospital, na ótica de enfermeiras, e analisar as concepções de enfermeiras sobre o uso dessas tecnologias no cuidado de enfermagem. Fundamentou-se na classificação dos diferentes tipos de tecnologias no trabalho em saúde e em pressupostos sobre o cuidado de enfermagem. Pesquisa exploratória, qualitativo-descritiva, desenvolvida em dois hospitais universitários na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados através da técnica de criatividade e sensibilidade "Almanaque", conjugada à entrevista semi-estruturada. Do discurso das enfermeiras emergiram tecnologias fundamentadas em suas experiências de cuidado. Suas concepções sobre tecnologias leves revelaram o que teoristas de enfermagem referem como atributos da relação humana no cuidado. Essas, quando discutidas no âmbito do cuidado de enfermagem, emergem como qualidades do cuidado em si.El objeto de la investigación fue la incorporación de tecnologías leves en hospitales, desde la perspectiva de las enfermeras y las relaciones establecidas con el cuidado de enfermería. Objetivos: caracterizar las tecnologías consideradas leves en el hospital, desde la perspectiva de las enfermeras; y analizar las concepciones de las enfermeras sobre el uso de estas tecnologías en el cuidado de enfermería. El estudio se fundamentó en la clasificación de diferentes tipos de tecnologías aplicadas en el área de la salud y en presuposiciones sobre el cuidado de enfermería. Investigación exploratoria, cualitativa y descriptiva, desarrollada en dos hospitales universitarios de la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de dos técnicas: creatividad y sensibilidad, denominada "Almanaque," y entrevista semi-estructurada. De los discursos de las

  19. The PASTA Bridge: A Technique for the Arthroscopic Repair of PASTA Lesions. (United States)

    Hirahara, Alan M; Andersen, Wyatt J


    PASTA (partial articular supraspinatus tendon avulsion) lesions of greater than 50% thickness are usually repaired, whereas those of less than 50% thickness receive subacromial decompression and debridement. However, tears of greater than 25% thickness of the tendon result in increased strain of the adjacent, intact tendon fibers. Re-creating the tendon footprint at the greater tuberosity is the goal of a repair. Transtendon repairs have been considered the gold standard in repair but have shown varying outcomes and are technically difficult procedures. This report details the PASTA bridge-a technique for the arthroscopic, percutaneous repair of PASTA lesions. The PASTA bridge uses a spinal needle to ensure the repair includes the leading edge of the good tissue and is at the appropriate angle and area. Most procedures use a knife or trocar blindly to access the joint to place anchors, which has the potential to damage surrounding tissues and result in poor anchor and suture placement. The PASTA bridge is a safe, reliable procedure that is easily reproducible and appropriate for surgeons of all experience levels and should be strongly considered when repairing PASTA lesions.


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    Leandro Pereira da Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO O presente estudo trata sobre a ocorrência de processos erosivos acelerados em áreas de extração de agregados da construção civil (areia e cascalho, localizados nas proximidades dos rios Canavieiras e Itapicuruzinho, afluentes do rio ltapicuru-mirim, no município de Jacobina (BA. A área estudada possui 10,8 km² e mantém o processo de extração desde a década de 70, sendo favorecida pela grande ocorrência de reservas minerais em toda planície fluvial e em encostas próximas ao leito do rio. Neste contexto, foram levantadas e estudadas as causas da grande ocorrência de feições erosivas em torno das áreas de extração, sendo feita a caracterização morfológica, granulométrica e do teor de matéria orgânica em dois perfis de solo. Foram realizadas medições em uma voçoroca localizada na área de estudo, sendo traçado um perfil tridimensional para ser calculado o volume de sedimentos que saiu da mesma. Além disso, foi realizado o mapeamento da rota dos sedimentos erodidos com auxílio de GPS e Imagens de Satélite. A partir dos resultados das análises no perfil do solo foi possível verificar a alta vulnerabilidade dos solos aos agentes erosivos, comprovados pelo baixo conteúdo de matéria orgânica, pela textura com altas concentrações de areia, silte e baixas de argila, e também pela natureza da estrutura apresentada pelos agregados. Foi verificado ainda, através do monitoramento da rota de sedimentos erodidos, que estes têm como destino a lagoa Antônio Teixeira Sobrinho, os rios Canavieiras e Itapicuruzinho, potencializando o assoreamento dos mesmos. Palavras-chave: Erosão de Solos; Voçorocas; Agregados da Construção Civil. THE ACCELERATED EROSION PROCESSES IN AREAS OF AGGREGATES EXTRACTION OF CIVIL CONSTRUCTION IN THE TOWN OF JACOBINA - BAHIA   ABSTRACT This paper presents a study based on the occurrence of accelerated erosion in extraction areas of aggregates of the building (sand and gravel, it is

  1. Fluorose dentaria em criancas de Sao Paulo, SP, 1998-2010

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    Paulo Capel Narvai


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a tendência de prevalência de fluorose dentária em crianças de 12 anos em contexto de exposição a múltiplas fontes de flúor. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se análise de tendência da prevalência de fluorose dentária no período de 1998 a 2010 na cidade de São Paulo, SP. As prevalências foram calculadas para diferentes anos (1998, 2002, 2008 e 2010, a partir de dados secundários obtidos em levantamentos epidemiológicos com amostras representativas da população de 12 anos de idade. A ocorrência de fluorose foi avaliada sob luz natural utilizando o índice de Dean, preconizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde e categorizada em normal, questionável, muito leve, leve, moderada e severa. Em 1998 foram examinadas 125 crianças; 249 em 2002; 4.085 em 2008; e 231 em 2010. RESULTADOS: Em 1998 a prevalência de fluorose foi de 43,8% (IC95%35,6;52,8, em 2002 de 33,7% (IC95% 28,2;39,8, de 40,3% (IC95% 38,8;41,8 em 2008 e de 38,1% (IC95% 32,1;44,5 em 2010. As categorias muito leve + leve registraram 38,4% (IC95%30,3;47,6 em 1998, 32,1% (IC95% 26,6;38,2 em 2002, 38,0% (IC95% 36,5;39,5 em 2008 e 36,4% (IC95%30,4;42,7 em 2010. Não se observou fluorose severa com significância estatística. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de fluorose dentária em crianças paulistanas pode ser classificada como estacionária no período de 1998 a 2010, tanto em geral quanto ao se considerarem apenas as categorias muito leve + leve.

  2. River Loire levees hazard studies – CARDigues’ model principles and utilization examples on Blois levees

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    Durand Eduard


    Full Text Available Along the river Loire, in order to have a homogenous method to do specific risk assessment studies, a new model named CARDigues (for Levee Breach Hazard Calculation was developed in a partnership with DREAL Centre-Val de Loire (owner of levees, Cerema and Irstea. This model enables to approach the probability of failure on every levee sections and to integrate and cross different “stability” parameters such topography and included structures, geology and material geotechnical characteristics, hydraulic loads… and observations of visual inspections or instrumentation results considered as disorders (seepage, burrowing animals, vegetation, pipes, etc.. This model and integrated tool CARDigues enables to check for each levee section, the probability of appearance and rupture of five breaching scenarios initiated by: overflowing, internal erosion, slope instability, external erosion and uplift. It has been recently updated and has been applied on several levee systems by different contractors. The article presents the CARDigues model principles and its recent developments (version V28.00 with examples on river Loire and how it is currently used for a relevant and global levee system diagnosis and assessment. Levee reinforcement or improvement management is also a perspective of applications for this model CARDigues.

  3. National Levee Database, series information for the current inventory of the Nation's levees. (United States)

    Federal Geographic Data Committee — The National Levee Database is authoritative database that describes the location and condition of the Nation’s levees. The database contains 21 feature classes...

  4. Enrichment of pasta with different plant proteins. (United States)

    Kaur, Gurpreet; Sharma, Savita; Nagi, H P S; Ranote, P S


    Effects of supplementation of plant proteins from mushroom powder, Bengal gram flour and defatted soy flour at different levels were assessed on the nutritional quality of pasta. Supplementation of wheat semolina was done with mushroom powder (0-12%), Bengal gram flour (0-20%) and defatted soy flour (0-15%). Mushroom powder and defatted soy flour increased the cooking time of pasta whereas non significant variation was observed in cooking time of Bengal gram supplemented pasta. Significant correlation (r = 0.97, p ≤ 0.05) was observed between water absorption and volume expansion of pasta. Instantization of pasta by steaming improved the cooking quality. Steamed pasta absorbed less water and leached fewer solids during cooking. On the basis of cooking and sensory quality, pasta in combination with 8% mushroom powder, 15% Bengal gram flour and 9% defatted soy flour resulted in a better quality and nutritious pasta.


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    Everton Luis Krabbe


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho foi realizado em Teutônia, RS, em 1990, em solo da classe Terra Roxa Estruturada (Paleudult. Consistiu de quatro áreas submetidas a diferentes sistemas de cultivo (plantio direto, convencional e mata natural, onde foram enumeradas e identificadas as oligoquetas, além da determinação da distribuição de agregados estáveis em água, em cada uma das estações do ano. O diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG dos agregados estáveis em água foi maior nas áreas sob mata e plantio direto. A distribuição dos agregados estáveis em água, para os diferentes sistemas de cultivo, bem como nas estações do ano, apresentou pouca variação. As maiores populações de oligoquetas ocorreram nas áreas com plantio direto. A maioria dos indivíduos encontrados pertencia ao gênero Pheretima.



    Brenda Lanza Nakashima


    Pastas iodoformadas (PI) e a base de hidróxido de cálcio (PH) são empregadas na pulpectomia de dentes decíduos, complementando a ação antimicrobiana do preparo químico mecânico e favorecendo o reparo tecidual. Essas pastas ocupam e permanecem por um período de tempo ao longo do canal radicular, entrando em contato com a região periapical e tecidos adjacentes, tornando-se o objetivo deste estudo quantificar a expressão relativa de genes de toxicidade manifestados pelas pastas, de forma a avali...

  7. Utilização do rejeito de sinter feed como agregado na produção de peças de concreto para pavimentação


    Ayrton Vianna Costa


    O presente trabalho versa sobre os estudos e a viabilidade técnica e conveniência ecológica do aproveitamento e emprego do rejeito de sinter feed, oriundo de atividades mineradoras de ferro, como agregado na produção do concreto para a fabricação de elementos pré-fabricados destinados à pavimentação. Em virtude da restrita bibliografia a respeito do assunto, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com base no conhecimento dos agregados tradicionais e de algumas poucas experiências práticas do uso de reje...

  8. Levee Health Monitoring With Radar Remote Sensing (United States)

    Jones, C. E.; Bawden, G. W.; Deverel, S. J.; Dudas, J.; Hensley, S.; Yun, S.


    Remote sensing offers the potential to augment current levee monitoring programs by providing rapid and consistent data collection over large areas irrespective of the ground accessibility of the sites of interest, at repeat intervals that are difficult or costly to maintain with ground-based surveys, and in rapid response to emergency situations. While synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has long been used for subsidence measurements over large areas, applying this technique directly to regional levee monitoring is a new endeavor, mainly because it requires both a wide imaging swath and fine spatial resolution to resolve individual levees within the scene, a combination that has not historically been available. Application of SAR remote sensing directly to levee monitoring has only been attempted in a few pilot studies. Here we describe how SAR remote sensing can be used to assess levee conditions, such as seepage, drawing from the results of two levee studies: one of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta levees in California that has been ongoing since July 2009 and a second that covered the levees near Vicksburg, Mississippi, during the spring 2011 floods. These studies have both used data acquired with NASA's UAVSAR L-band synthetic aperture radar, which has the spatial resolution needed for this application (1.7 m single-look), sufficiently wide imaging swath (22 km), and the longer wavelength (L-band, 0.238 m) required to maintain phase coherence between repeat collections over levees, an essential requirement for applying differential interferometry (DInSAR) to a time series of repeated collections for levee deformation measurement. We report the development and demonstration of new techniques that employ SAR polarimetry and differential interferometry to successfully assess levee health through the quantitative measurement of deformation on and near levees and through detection of areas experiencing seepage. The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta levee study, which covers

  9. [Quality of pastas supplemented with rice bran]. (United States)

    Sangronis, E; Rebolledo, M A


    The objective of this research was to investigate the potential of using rice bran as an ingredient in pastas spaghetti type. Two of the pastas were made with semolina from durum as raw material, supplemented with 10 and 20% rice bran. The other two were made with granular flour and the same percentage of rice bran. Proximate composition of raw material was analyzed. Pastas were elaborated in a local industry. Composition, proximal, color, texture, and sensorial quality of pastas were determined. Protein content (13.9-15.0%), ash (1.47-3.09%) and dietary fiber (6.71-8.45%) of pastas increased according to the percentage of rice bran added. The hardest pastas were those elaborated with semolina from durum wheat and with a 10% of substitution. Also, they were the most yellow. The sensory panel found differences in quality among the pastas evaluated. Pastas with 10% rice bran had the best quality. The results demonstrated that is possible to elaborate pastas with 20% as maximum of rice bran resulting products with high protein, ash and dietetic fiber content, but some undesirable characteristics were given by the rice bran as white spots, wrinkles and color changes.

  10. Transport Properties in Nuclear Pasta (United States)

    Caplan, Matthew; Horowitz, Charles; Berry, Donald; da Silva Schneider, Andre


    At the base of the inner crust of neutron stars, where matter is near the nuclear saturation density, nuclear matter arranges itself into exotic shapes such as cylinders and slabs, called `nuclear pasta.' Lepton scattering from these structures may govern the transport properties of the inner crust; electron scattering from protons in the pasta determines the thermal and electrical conductivity, as well as the shear viscosity of the inner crust. These properties may vary in pasta structures which form at various densities, temperatures, and proton fractions. In this talk, we report on our calculations of lepton transport in nuclear pasta and the implication for neutron star observables.

  11. Desenvolvimento de eletrodos de pasta de carbono modificada com 2-aminotiazol sílica gel para a determinação de metais em etanol combustível


    Takeuchi, Regina Massako [UNESP


    Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos métodos eletroanalíticos para a determinação de íons metálicos em etanol combustível, empregando-se eletrodos de pasta de carbono modificada com uma sílica organofuncionalizada com grupos 2-aminotiazol (CPE-SiAt). Foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre dois aglutinantes: Nujol® e parafina; sendo observado que este último foi mais apropriado para aplicações em amostras comerciais de etanol combustível. Além da utilização dos CPE-SiAt, empregou-se também um...

  12. Avaliação do tipo de agregado e da reidratação Do concreto submetido à elevadas temperaturas

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    A. A. A. de Souza

    Full Text Available O efeito do comportamento do concreto perante o fogo está sendo estudado por um grupo formado no Laboratório de Estruturas e Construção Civil da Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo da UNICAMP. Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação sobre a perda de re- sistência mecânica ocorrida em diferentes misturas de concreto depois de submetidas a temperaturas elevadas, bem como, uma investigação da influência da reidratação. As misturas foram preparadas com três diferentes agregados: argila expandida, basalto e calcário. Os corpos-de-prova C, obedecendo a mesma taxa de 300 ºC e 600 ºC foram submetidos às temperaturas de 300 aquecimento da Curva ISO-834 (1999. Após o trata- mento térmico, parte dos corpos-de-prova foram reidratados ao ar, outra parte foi imersa em água e outros envolvidos em filme plástico durante 28, 56 e 112 dias. Nestas idades os concretos foram caracterizados em relação à resistência à compressão, resistência à tração e módulo de elasticidade e assim uma avaliação da influência do tipo de agregado e da reidratação na recuperação da resistência mecânica pôde ser feita.

  13. Transient Seepage for Levee Engineering Analyses (United States)

    Tracy, F. T.


    Historically, steady-state seepage analyses have been a key tool for designing levees by practicing engineers. However, with the advances in computer modeling, transient seepage analysis has become a potentially viable tool. A complication is that the levees usually have partially saturated flow, and this is significantly more complicated in transient flow. This poster illustrates four elements of our research in partially saturated flow relating to the use of transient seepage for levee design: (1) a comparison of results from SEEP2D, SEEP/W, and SLIDE for a generic levee cross section common to the southeastern United States; (2) the results of a sensitivity study of varying saturated hydraulic conductivity, the volumetric water content function (as represented by van Genuchten), and volumetric compressibility; (3) a comparison of when soils do and do not exhibit hysteresis, and (4) a description of proper and improper use of transient seepage in levee design. The variables considered for the sensitivity and hysteresis studies are pore pressure beneath the confining layer at the toe, the flow rate through the levee system, and a levee saturation coefficient varying between 0 and 1. Getting results for SEEP2D, SEEP/W, and SLIDE to match proved more difficult than expected. After some effort, the results matched reasonably well. Differences in results were caused by various factors, including bugs, different finite element meshes, different numerical formulations of the system of nonlinear equations to be solved, and differences in convergence criteria. Varying volumetric compressibility affected the above test variables the most. The levee saturation coefficient was most affected by the use of hysteresis. The improper use of pore pressures from a transient finite element seepage solution imported into a slope stability computation was found to be the most grievous mistake in using transient seepage in the design of levees.

  14. Resistência inter e intra-agregados em ensaios de cisalhamento direto de um nitossolo vermelho distrófico Inter and intra-aggregate strength in direct shear tests of a typic hapludox

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    João Alfredo Braida


    Full Text Available Para solos agregados, a envoltória da resistência ao cisalhamento pode ser dividida em dois segmentos, com declividades e interceptos diferentes. Um primeiro segmento mais inclinado e com intercepto menor representaria a envoltória de ruptura definida pelo atrito e coesão interagregados, enquanto o segundo segmento, menos inclinado e com intercepto maior, seria a envoltória definida pelo atrito e coesão intra-agregados. O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar se a envoltória de resistência ao cisalhamento de agregados do horizonte superficial de um Nitossolo Vermelho pode ser subdividida em segmentos distintos, com coeficientes angulares diferentes, e se isso está relacionado à existência de agregados nele. Inicialmente, amostras coletadas na superfície de um Nitossolo Vermelho distrófico latossólico de textura argilosa foram submetidas ao ensaio de cisalhamento direto com pressões normais de 24,4; 48,9; 98,2; 196,4; 294,6; 392,8 e 491,8 kPa. Posteriormente, o ensaio foi realizado com amostras de agregados de cinco classes de diâmetro: For aggregated soils the Mohr failure line can be separated into two straight lines, with different slopes and intercepts. In the range of low normal load, when the slope is very steep and the intercept is small, the failure line is defined by the friction and cohesion inter-aggregates, while for the higher load range the slope becomes smaller and intercept is larger, which defines the intra-aggregate friction and cohesion. Therefore, for aggregated soils the normal load range used in the direct shear test affects the final result. The present study was carried out with the objective of evaluating if the Mohr failure line of a Red Latosolic Nitisol can be subdivided in different segments, with different steepness and intercepts, and if this is related to the existence of soil aggregates. Initially, soil surface samples of a Typic Hapludox (Nitossolo Vermelho Distrófico latoss

  15. Entre armas leves e a regulamentação internacional: para que lado o Brasil dirige uma política pública?


    Cristiano Armando Diniz Guerra Silvestre; Flávia de Ávila


    Resumo: O crescimento da atenção internacional acerca da temática relacionada a armas leves tem gerado várias ações que evidenciam esta preocupação no âmbito internacional. Diversas organizações multilaterais – como a ONU com seu Programa de Ação da ONU para Prevenir, Combater e Suprimir o Comércio Ilícito de Armas Pequenas e Armamentos Leves em Todos seus Aspectos – e não-governamentais – tendo a Caritas por exemplo, seguem registrando seu uso em diversas zonas de conflito do mundo. Entretan...

  16. Nutritional, antioxidant, microstructural and pasting properties of functional pasta

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    Amir Gull


    Full Text Available The present study aimed to characterize millet-pomace based pasta on the basis of functional, morphological, pasting and nutritional properties with control pasta (100% durum semolina. Functional pasta was developed by using blend of 20% finger millet flour, 12% pearl millet flour, 4% carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC and 64% composite flour containing durum semolina and carrot pomace. Nutritional analysis of developed pasta showed high content of minerals viz calcium, iron, zinc and dietary fiber compared to control pasta. The developed pasta showed better quality characteristics in terms of cooked weight, swelling index and water absorption. Color evaluation of developed pasta showed increase in L∗ and b∗ values. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of developed pasta was significantly higher with respect to control. Also significant (p < 0.05 variations were observed in pasting properties between pasta samples. Microstructure evaluation of cooked pasta showed better interaction between starch and protein matrix with addition of carboxy methyl cellulose gum. Keywords: Pasta, Phenolic content, Antioxidant activity, Nutritional properties, Microstructure


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    Elaine Cristina Gonçalves Moreira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetiva analisar o processo de produção de Pasta Diamantada, avaliando o número de operadores e máquinas, tempos de produção, alocação de atividades, dentre outros parâmetros importantes para avaliar a dinâmica do sistema e suas regras operacionais. O método utilizado tem por base a técnica de Simulação Computacional Estocástica de Eventos Discretos em virtude das variadas fontes de incertezas e da complexidade operacional relacionada ao processo de produção de Pasta Diamantada. O modelo conceitual deste sistema foi construído a partir da técnica IDEF-SIM e traduzido para o software Arena® 12 Rockwell Automation. O modelo de Simulação elaborado permitiu representar diversos cenários com considerável rapidez e flexibilidade, necessários à implantação da empresa ABRASDI. Este método permitiu identificar problemas e oportunidades de melhoria no processo, antes do início das linhas de produção. As principais medidas de desempenho avaliadas foram a taxa de utilização de operadores e o lead time do processo, considerando como restrições o custo da Pasta Diamantada, a qualidade do produto e o tempo total de produção. Os resultados obtidos a partir das análises demonstram que alguns cenários podem ser considerados ideais, dependendo das necessidades da empresa, tendo em vista que consideráveis ganhos podem ser obtidos com algumas mudanças de parâmetros.

  18. Spatial variability of aggregate stability in latosols under sugarcane Variabilidade espacial da estabilidade de agregados em latossolos sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar

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    Zigomar Menezes de Souza


    Full Text Available The spatial variability of soils under a same management system is differentiated, as expressed in the properties. The spatial variability of aggregate stability of a eutrophic Red Latosol (ERL and a dystrophic Red Latosol (DRL under sugarcane was characterized. Samples were collected in a regular 10 m grid, in the layers 0.0-0.2 and 0.2-0.4 m, with 100 points per area, and the following properties were determined: geometric mean diameter (GMD of aggregates, mean weight diameter (MWD of aggregates, percent of aggregates in the > 2.0 mm class and organic matter (OM content. The eutrophic Red Latosol (ERL had a higher aggregate stability thn the dystrophic Red Latosol (DRL, which may be attributed to the higher clay and OM content and the gibbsitic mineralogy of this soil class. The differentiated evolution of the studied Oxisols explains the wider range and lower variation coefficient and variability, for all properties studied in the eutrophic Red Latosol.Solos submetidos ao mesmo sistema de manejo manifestam variabilidade espacial diferenciada de seus atributos. A variabilidade espacial da estabilidade de agregados foi caracterizada em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico e Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar. Foram realizadas amostragens de terra nos pontos de interseção de uma malha de 10 x 10 linhas, espaçadas de 10 m, totalizando 100 pontos de amostragem por área, coletadas nas camadas de 0,0-0,2 e 0,2-0,4 m de profundidade, para determinação de diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG, diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP, agregados na classe >2,0 mm e teor de matéria orgânica do solo. O Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico apresenta maior estabilidade de agregados quando comparado com o Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, condizente com o maior teor de argila, matéria orgânica e mineralogia gibbsítica. A evolução diferenciada dos Latossolos estudados explica os maiores alcances, o menor coeficiente de variação (CV e

  19. Hydrodynamic and sedimentological controls governing formation of fluvial levees (United States)

    Johnston, G. H.; Edmonds, D. A.; David, S. R.; Czuba, J. A.


    Fluvial levees are familiar features found on the margins of river channels, yet we know little about what controls their presence, height, and shape. These attributes of levees are important because they control sediment transfer from channel to floodplain and flooding patterns along a river system. Despite the familiarity and importance of levees, there is a surprising lack of basic geomorphic data on fluvial levees. Because of this we seek to understand: 1) where along rivers do levees tend to occur?; 2) what geomorphic and hydrodynamic variables control cross-sectional shape of levees? We address these questions by extracting levee shape from LiDAR data and by collecting hydrodynamic and sedimentological data from reaches of the Tippecanoe River, the White River, and the Muscatatuck River, Indiana, USA. Fluvial levees are extracted from a 1.5-m resolution LiDAR bare surface model and compared to hydrological, sedimentological, and geomorphological data from USGS stream gages. We digitized banklines and extracted levee cross-sections to calculate levee slope, taper, height, e-folding length, and e-folding width. To answer the research questions, we performed a multivariable regression between the independent variables—channel geometry, sediment grain size and concentration, flooding conditions, and slope—and the dependent levee variables. We find considerable variation in levee presence and shape in our field data. On the Muscatatuck River levees occur on 30% of the banks compared to 10% on the White River. Moreover, levees on the Muscatatuck are on average 3 times wider than the White River. This is consistent with the observation that the Muscatatuck is finer-grained compared to the White River and points to sedimentology being an important control on levee geomorphology. Future work includes building a morphodynamic model to understand how different hydrodynamic and geomorphic conditions control levee geometry.

  20. Erosion of Earthen Levees by Wave Action (United States)

    Ozeren, Y.; Wren, D. G.; Reba, M. L.


    Earthen levees of aquaculture and irrigation reservoirs in the United States often experience significant erosion due to wind-generated waves. Typically constructed using local soils, unprotected levees are subjected to rapid erosion and retreat due to wind generated waves and surface runoff. Only a limited amount of published work addresses the erosion rates for unprotected levees, and producers who rely on irrigation reservoirs need an economic basis for selecting a protection method for vulnerable levees. This, in turn, means that a relationship between wave energy and erosion of cohesive soils is needed. In this study, laboratory experiments were carried out in order to quantify wave induced levee erosion and retreat. A model erodible bank was packed using a soil consisting of approximately 14% sand, 73% silt, and 13% clay in a 20.6 m long 0.7 m wide and 1.2 m deep wave tank at the USDA-ARS, National Sedimentation Laboratory in Oxford MS. The geometry of the levee face was monitored by digital camera and the waves were measured by means of 6 capacitance wave staffs. Relationships were established between levee erosion, edge and retreat rates, and incident wave energy.

  1. Determinação da exigência nutricional de treonina para poedeiras leves e semipesadas

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    Valerio Sandra Roselí


    Full Text Available Desenvolveu-se este experimento com o objetivo de determinar a exigência nutricional de treonina para poedeiras leves e semipesadas no período de 21 a 36 semanas. Foram utilizadas 576 aves, 288 poedeiras leves e 288 semipesadas, durante quatro períodos experimentais de 28 dias cada. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 6 x 2 (níveis x marcas, com seis repetições e oito aves por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos consistiram em uma ração basal contendo 14,2% de proteína bruta, suplementada com cinco níveis de L-treonina (0,025; 0,050; 0,075; 0,100; e 0,125%, resultando em um total de 0,510; 0,535; 0,560; 0,585; 0,610; e 0,635% de treonina. O desempenho produtivo e a qualidade interna dos ovos foram avaliados. Consumo de ração, produção de ovos massa de ovos e o ganho de peso foram superiores para as poedeiras semipesadas. A produção e qualidade interna dos ovos, a conversão alimentar e o ganho de peso não foram influenciados pelos níveis de treonina utilizados. O nível de 0,510% de treonina, que corresponde a 515 mg/ave/dia (0,423% de treonina digestível e 535 mg/ave/dia (0,440% de treonina digestível, foi suficiente para atender, satisfatoriamente, o desempenho e a qualidade interna dos ovos das poedeiras leves e semipesadas, respectivamente, para as características avaliadas.

  2. Avaliação de solução concentrada de albumina eqüina na fluidoterapia em eqüinos com desidratação leve a moderada


    Carla Bargi Belli


    A utilização de colóides é indicada em várias situações, mas nem sempre aplicável na clínica de eqüinos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o uso de solução concentrada de albumina eqüina (diluída a 5%) durante fluidoterapia em eqüinos com desidratação leve a moderada, comparando-a com fluidoterapia apenas com solução fisiológica. Foram utilizados dois grupos de cinco eqüinos adultos, sem alterações clínicas. Cada animal passou pelo protocolo dos dois grupos experimentais (fluidoterapia ap...

  3. Protein enriched pasta: structure and digestibility of its protein network. (United States)

    Laleg, Karima; Barron, Cécile; Santé-Lhoutellier, Véronique; Walrand, Stéphane; Micard, Valérie


    Wheat (W) pasta was enriched in 6% gluten (G), 35% faba (F) or 5% egg (E) to increase its protein content (13% to 17%). The impact of the enrichment on the multiscale structure of the pasta and on in vitro protein digestibility was studied. Increasing the protein content (W- vs. G-pasta) strengthened pasta structure at molecular and macroscopic scales but reduced its protein digestibility by 3% by forming a higher covalently linked protein network. Greater changes in the macroscopic and molecular structure of the pasta were obtained by varying the nature of protein used for enrichment. Proteins in G- and E-pasta were highly covalently linked (28-32%) resulting in a strong pasta structure. Conversely, F-protein (98% SDS-soluble) altered the pasta structure by diluting gluten and formed a weak protein network (18% covalent link). As a result, protein digestibility in F-pasta was significantly higher (46%) than in E- (44%) and G-pasta (39%). The effect of low (55 °C, LT) vs. very high temperature (90 °C, VHT) drying on the protein network structure and digestibility was shown to cause greater molecular changes than pasta formulation. Whatever the pasta, a general strengthening of its structure, a 33% to 47% increase in covalently linked proteins and a higher β-sheet structure were observed. However, these structural differences were evened out after the pasta was cooked, resulting in identical protein digestibility in LT and VHT pasta. Even after VHT drying, F-pasta had the best amino acid profile with the highest protein digestibility, proof of its nutritional interest.

  4. Reología de las pastas crudas


    Laffarga Osteret, José


    En las fábricas de cemento, por vía húmeda, ha sido y es una preocupación constante el porcentaje en agua de las pastas. Muchos estudios se han realizado para lograr pastas manejables con bajo contenido en agua. Constantemente se proponen materias fluidificantes que aumentan la manejabilidad de las pastas, disminuyendo el agua necesaria. La mayoría de estos estudios son de carácter experimental y, en muchas ocasiones, los fluidificantes que dan un resultado óptimo en unas pastas, en otras dan...

  5. Design of New Nordic Pasta

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Mai; Fisker, Anna Marie

    The wave The Danish nature is characterized by the rough oceans that capture Denmark, which has been an inspiration for this pasta-design. The Wave is supposed to be the base of a new Nordic meal that creates experiences and surprises on the journey through the meal. The Boiled sweet The pasta...... captures the the experience of taste in each single piece of the boiled sweet, that associates to pearls in a row. It creates a meal that is divided sharply into pieces and creates a simplicity and pureness on the plate like the Nordic designers like it. The colors of the stuffing are struggling to get out...... through the holes in the pasta which makes the guests interested and curious in the meal. Dualism This pasta-design is based on the clash between the Italian and the Danish culture. The simplicity and sharpness of the Danish design meets the soft and curved Italian design with the sharp edge and the soft...

  6. Bioactive Properties of Phaseolus lunatus (Lima Bean) and Vigna unguiculata (Cowpea) Hydrolyzates Incorporated into Pasta. Residual Activity after Pasta Cooking. (United States)

    Drago, Silvina R; Franco-Miranda, Hanai; Cian, Raúl E; Betancur-Ancona, David; Chel-Guerrero, Luis


    The aims of the study were to study the inclusion of P. lunatus (PLH) and V. unguiculata (VUH) protein hydrolyzates with bioactive properties into a pasta-extruded product and determine residual activity after extrusion or pasta cooking. Both protein hydrolyzates showed angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (ACEI) and antioxidant activity (TEAC). PLH showed higher ACEI but lower TEAC than VUH (97.19 ± 0.23 vs. 91.95 ± 0.29 % and 244.7 ± 3.4 vs. 293.7 ± 3.3 μmol Trolox/g, respectively). They were included at 5 or 10 % into wheat pasta. Control pasta had the lowest ACEI activity or TEAC (22.01 ± 0.76 % or 14.14 ± 1.28 μmol Trolox/g, respectively). Higher activity remained in pasta with PLH than VUH after extrusion, and higher the level of addition, higher the ACEI was. Pasta had practically the same ACEI activity after cooking, thus active compounds were not lost by temperature or lixiviation. Regarding TEAC, higher activity remained in pasta with 10 % VUH (31.84 ± 0.17 μmol Trolox/g). Other samples with hydrolyzates had the same activity. After cooking, pasta with hydrolyzates had higher TEAC values than control, but these were not modified by the level of incorporation. Moreover, the profile changed because pasta with PLH had the highest TEAC values (21.39 ± 0.01 and 20.34 ± 0.15 for 5 or 10 % hydrolyzates, respectively). Cooking decreased this activity (~ 20 %), for all samples. Although a certain loss of antioxidant activity was observed, pasta could be a good vehicle for bioactive compounds becoming a functional food.

  7. Functional properties of pasta enriched with variable cereal brans. (United States)

    Kaur, Gurkirat; Sharma, Savita; Nagi, H P S; Dar, Basharat N


    To explore the potentiality of cereal brans for preparation of fiber enriched pasta, various cereal brans (Wheat, Rice, Barley and Oat) were added at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 per cent to durum wheat semolina. The effect of cereal bran enrichment on the colour, cooking, sensory quality and shelf life of enriched pasta was assessed at ambient temperature. Pasta prepared with added fiber at 25 per cent level had the highest protein and dietary fiber content as compared to control. Enrichment with variable fiber sources improved the brightness of pasta, as colour of pasta enhanced significantly. Addition of cereal brans resulted an increase in the water absorption and cooking losses of pasta. This effect was dependent on the level and type of cereal brans. Significant correlation (r = 0.80) was obtained between water absorption and volume expansion in all types of bran enriched pasta. At 25 per cent level of supplementation, maximum solids were leached into cooking water. Bran enriched pasta required less cooking time for complete gelatinization of starch. Increasing level of cereal brans had significantly affected the overall acceptability of enriched pasta. Cooking quality of pasta remained constant during storage. Non significant effect of storage was found on water activity, free fatty acids. Enriched pasta (15 per cent level of wheat, rice and oat bran and 10 per cent barley bran) was highly acceptable upto 4 months of storage with respect to quality.

  8. Addition of mushroom powder to pasta enhances the antioxidant content and modulates the predictive glycaemic response of pasta. (United States)

    Lu, Xikun; Brennan, Margaret A; Serventi, Luca; Liu, Jianfu; Guan, Wenqiang; Brennan, Charles S


    This study reports the effects of addition of mushroom powder on the nutritional properties, predictive in vitro glycaemic response and antioxidant potential of durum wheat pasta. Addition of the mushroom powder enriched the pasta as a source of protein, and soluble and insoluble dietary fibre compared with durum wheat semolina. Incorporation of mushroom powder significantly decreased the extent of starch degradation and the area under the curve (AUC) of reducing sugars released during digestion, while the total phenolic content and antioxidant capacities of samples increased. A mutual inhibition system between the degree of starch gelatinisation and antioxidant capacity of the pasta samples was observed. These results suggest that mushroom powder could be incorporated into fresh semolina pasta, conferring healthier characteristics, namely lowering the potential glycaemic response and improving antioxidant capacity of the pasta. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  9. O uso da mucilagem de cacto em pastas de gesso: efeitos na absorção de água e na resistência à flexão estática

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    Ana Cristina Tinôco Verçosa de Magalhães

    Full Text Available A utilização de painéis de gesso acartonado na construção civil tem aumentado por diversos fatores, entre eles a facilidade e a rapidez na instalação por ser um processo de construção a seco. No Brasil, a maior parte da produção do gesso é destinada à produção desses painéis. O gesso possui um tempo de pega rápido, sendo necessária a incorporação de aditivos para estender esse tempo. Os aditivos permitem modificar ou acrescentar alguma propriedade ao material. Eles são, na maioria, sintéticos e custam caro, aumentando o preço final do produto. Neste trabalho, foi pesquisado um aditivo natural, a mucilagem dos cactos Nopalea cochenillifera e Opuntia fícus-indica, adicionado em forma de pó e de gel em pastas de gesso. Constatou-se que as mucilagens de ambos os cactos possuem propriedades aditivas, pois permitiram a redução do consumo de água das pastas de gesso e modificaram a taxa de absorção de água e a resistência à flexão nos corpos de prova moldados.

  10. Applying Mechanistic Dam Breach Models to Historic Levee Breaches


    Risher Paul; Gibson Stanford


    Hurricane Katrina elevated levee risk in the US national consciousness, motivating agencies to assess and improve their levee risk assessment methodology. Accurate computation of the flood flow magnitude and timing associated with a levee breach remains one of the most difficult and uncertain components of levee risk analysis. Contemporary methods are largely empirical and approximate, introducing substantial uncertainty to the damage and life loss models. Levee breach progressions are often ...

  11. Determining moisture content in pasta by vibrational spectroscopy. (United States)

    Czaja, Tomasz; Kuzawińska, Ewelina; Sobota, Aldona; Szostak, Roman


    Pasta aside from bread is the most consumed cereal-based product in the world. Its taste and cooking ease makes it the basis of many cuisines. The pasta dough formed by mixing flour and water is extruded through an extrusion die to mould the appropriate pasta form and is dried to obtain a stable product. The concentration of moisture in the pasta dough is a one of key parameters determining the final quality of the product. Monitoring the moisture content of pasta after extrusion is also critically important. It enables a selection of suitable drying conditions that ensure the appropriate parameters of pasta, such as texture, color and taste, are met. A method for the quantitative determination of moisture content in pasta dough and in pasta based on the partial least squares treatment of infrared spectra registered using a single-reflection attenuated total reflectance diamond accessory is described. Results of a similar quality were found using models derived from near infrared spectra obtained in a diffuse reflectance mode and slightly worse based on Raman spectra. Relative standard errors of prediction calculated for moisture quantification by ATR/NIR/Raman techniques amounted to 2.54/3.16/5.56% and 2.15/3.32/5.67%, for calibration and validation sets, respectively. The proposed procedures can be used for fast and efficient pasta moisture quantification and may replace the current, more laborious methods used. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.





    2014 Latar belakang : Baking soda dan fluor merupakan bahan yang biasa ditambahkan dalam pasta gigi. Baking soda dan fluor mempunyai kemampuan untuk meningkatkan sekresi saliva dan pH saliva. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pH saliva antara pengguna pasta gigi yang mengandung baking soda dan pengguna pasta gigi yang mengandun fluor. Bahan dan metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental dengan desai...

  13. quality of corn-field bean gluten-free pasta

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    Dib Ahlem


    Full Text Available Corn semolina supplemented by field bean semolina in ratio of 2/1 (w/w were used for obtaining protein and fiber enriched gluten-free pasta. The effect of hydrothermal treatment of corn flour on its applicability as gluten-free pasta improver was tested. A central composite design involving water hydration level and the amount of hydrothermal treated corn flour were used. Instrumental analyses of pasta (cooking loss, water absorption capacity, hydration and pasting properties, textural parameters and microstructure were carried out to assess the impact of experimental factors. Results showed that hydrothermal treatment of corn flour affected in different extent on pasta properties, improving cooking and textural characteristics of pasta. The optimum formulation of corn-field bean contained 7.41 g of treated corn flour and 77.26 mL of water was selected on the base of desirability function approach with value of 0.825 which showed the best pasta properties. Obtained results showed also that addition of treated flour induced significant differences (p < 0.05 in all parameters in comparison with control pasta.

  14. Protection of Levees against Beavers (United States)

    Kozłowski, Wojciech; Balawejder, Adam


    Beavers are a protected species, so the levees must be properly protected so as not to harm the beavers and protect the levees from the destruction caused by these animals. This protection requires the use of bentonite mats as shaft seals, and wire mesh. Recently, such new protection structures began to be used successfully.

  15. Numerical Hydrodynamic Study of Hypothetical Levee Setback Scenarios (United States)


    has recorded peak flows up to 9,919 cms (350,000 cfs) before the construction of flow control dams. The New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam (NSBLD...of the levee setback alternatives at the observation point downstream of the levee setbacks are nearly identical as the WSE of the base condition...the levee setback, respectively. The WSE of the levee setback alternatives at the observation point downstream are nearly identical as the WSE of the


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    Full Text Available RESUMOO objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes métodos de conservação sobre a qualidade de pasta de cebola armazenada à temperatura ambiente (25ºC. Foram testados três métodos de conservação do produto envasado em vidros: branqueamento da pasta após trituração, seguido de enchimento à quente (BD; branqueamento da matéria-prima antes da trituração, seguido de exaustão e pasteurização (BA; e, branqueamento da matéria-prima antes da trituração, adição de conservante químico e envase a frio em embalagens de vidro (CV e potes plásticos (CP. Os produtos processados foram estocados por 90 dias, sendo avaliados no tempo zero e a cada 30 dias através de análises objetivas de cor e análise sensorial dos atributos aparência, cor, odor e sabor. Os resultados foram avaliados estatisticamente através do teste de médias (Tukey e Análise de Variância (ANOVA. Em relação à avaliação objetiva de cor, todas as amostras apresentaram escurecimento durante o tempo de estocagem. As avaliações sensoriais revelaram que apenas o atributo odor sofreu queda significativa no decorrer do armazenamento das amostras CV e BA. Os demais atributos não apresentaram alterações significativas durante o tempo de avaliação. As amostras tratadas quimicamente apresentaram melhor aparência e cor, que sãofatores importantes para o consumidor.Palavras-chaves: Hortaliças, Conservação, Avaliação Sensorial.

  17. A influência do tipo de instrução escolar na formação de conceitos em portadores de deficiência mental leve

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    Stefan, Heloísa


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a influência do tipo de instrução escolar no processo de formação de conceitos em portadores de deficiência mental leve educados em classes especiais e classes regulares de ensino. Pressupõe-se que a formação de conceitos permite que um indivíduo atinja um nível abstrato de pensamento, o qual propicia a independência em relação às caracteristícas do momento e do espaço presentes e auxilia todo o funcionamento cognitivo. Contudo, o desenvolvimento desse processo não depende somente do esforço individual, mas também do contexto social em que a pessoa está inserida. Com a entrada em um novo contexto desafiador e estimulante como a escola, e como a classe regular, há a introdução de elementos novos no desenvolvimento do indivíduo. A colaboração de pessoas mais competentes e de métodos mais homogêneos leva o indivíduo ao desenvolvimento de formas culturalmente apropriadas que o tornam capaz de executar um pensamento mais lógico e complexo

  18. Nuclear Pasta: Topology and Defects (United States)

    da Silva Schneider, Andre; Horowitz, Charles; Berry, Don; Caplan, Matt; Briggs, Christian


    A layer of complex non-uniform phases of matter known as nuclear pasta is expected to exist at the base of the crust of neutron stars. Using large scale molecular dynamics we study the topology of some pasta shapes, the formation of defects and how these may affect properties of neutron star crusts.

  19. Concreto leve com pérolas de EPS: estudo de dosagens e de características mecânicas


    Bianca Pereira Moreira Ozório


    Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o comportamento do concreto leve com pérolas de poliestireno expandido (expanded polystyrene – EPS), para posterior utilização em estruturas pré-moldadas constituídas, por exemplo, por painéis de paredes e lajes sujeitas a ações mecânicas. Também foram considerados parâmetros de durabilidade e mecanismos de redução da porosidade. Dentre um universo de solicitações a que as estruturas de concreto leve podem estar submetidas, analisaram-se, para d...

  20. Acolhimento: tecnologia leve nos processos gerenciais do enfermeiro Acogimiento: tecnología leve en los procesos gerenciales del enfermero Welcoming: soft technology in nurse's management processes

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    Flávia Raquel Rossi


    Full Text Available O estudo teve por objetivo identificar a utilização das tecnologias leves nos processos gerenciais do enfermeiro e a sua interferência na produção do cuidado. Constituiu-se em um estudo de caso de abordagem qualitativa, cujos sujeitos da pesquisa foram enfermeiros de um setor de internação de um hospital geral localizado em um município do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram coletados através da observação livre do trabalho do enfermeiro. Nos processos gerenciais do enfermeiro identificou-se a utilização de tecnologias leves, entre elas o acolhimento, assim como alguns fatores que o configuram, sendo possível afirmar que ao utilizar essa tecnologia o enfermeiro produz e promove a humanização do cuidado.El objetivo de este estudio fué la utilización de tecnologías leves en los procesos gerenciales del enfermería e su interferencia al producir lo cuidado. Se constituye en un estudio de caso de abordaje cualitativa e los sujetos de investigación eran enfermeros de un sector de internación de un hospital general localizado en una ciudad del Río Grande do Sul. Los datos fueron colectados a través de la libre observación de sus trabajos. En los procesos gerenciales del enfermero, se identifico el uso de tecnologías leves, entre ellas, el acogimiento, así como algunos factores que lo configuran, siendo posible afirmar que al utilizar esa tecnología, el enfermero produce e promociona la humanización del cuidado.This study aimed the identification of the use of soft technologies in nursing management processes and their interference in care production. It was constituted in a case study case of quality feature and the research subjects were nurses of a public hospital located in a city of Rio Grande do Sul. Data were collected by means of free observation of the nurses' job. In their managing processes, it was identified the use of soft technologies, among them the welcoming, as well as some factors that present it

  1. Effects of housing system and age of laying hens on egg performance in fresh pasta production: pasta cooking behaviour. (United States)

    Alamprese, Cristina; Casiraghi, Ernestina; Rossi, Margherita


    Very few studies concern the effects of layer housing systems and age on egg technological properties. Thus the aim of this work was to study the influence of these two factors on egg performance in fresh pasta production, focusing on pasta cooking behaviour. Samples of pasta subjected to analysis were prepared with eggs laid by Hy-Line Brown hens (from 27 to 68 weeks old) housed in cage, barn and organic systems. Higher average values of weight increase and matter loss during pasta cooking were observed for samples prepared with eggs laid by older hens. Such cooking behaviour indicated the development of a weaker pasta protein network, resulting from a decrease in the quantity of albumen protein and an increase in fat content, which is due to the reduction in albumen/yolk ratio during hen aging. The housing system had a significant effect only on matter loss in cooking water, but differences between samples were so small as to be unlikely perceived by consumers. Both hen age and housing system significantly affected pasta cooking behaviour, but the greatest effect was exerted by the hen age. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry.

  2. Interferência da fração mineral na estimativa do grau de humificação da matéria orgânica em agregados organominerais por ressonância paramagnética eletrônica

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    C. Bayer


    Full Text Available A concentração de radicais livres semiquinona (CRLS, determinada por ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (EPR, é considerada um índice do grau de humificação, sendo uma importante determinação em estudos qualitativos da matéria orgânica do solo. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a interferência da fração mineral na quantificação da CRLS em agregados organominerais 20-53, 2-20 e < 2 ∝m de Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo, Podzólico Vermelho-Escuro e Latossolo Roxo. A CRLS foi determinada pela área do sinal, estimada pela aproximação intensidade do sinal (I, em cm, multiplicada pela sua largura de linha ao quadrado (∆H², em Gauss. Os parâmetros espectrais I e ∆H foram obtidos em espectros de EPR com e sem interferência da fração mineral. No Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo e no Podzólico Vermelho-Escuro, foram detectados dois sinais de radicais livres, um com um valor g 2,004 e largura de linha de 5-6 G, típico de radicais livres semiquinona, outro com um valor g 2,000 e largura de linha de 2-3 G, associado à fração mineral, especificamente ao quartzo (SiO2, como confirmado posteriormente por análise de amostra purificada. Nestes solos, a interferência da fração mineral na obtenção dos parâmetros I e ∆H resultou num erro na estimativa da CRLS de -7 a +488%, comparativamente às quantificações realizadas a partir dos espectros sem interferência da fração mineral. No Latossolo Roxo, os altos teores de Fe3+ não permitiram detectar os sinais dos radicais livres semiquinona por causa da sobreposição dos sinais do metal. A eliminação da interferência da fração mineral demonstrou ser um pré-requisito fundamental no estudo da matéria orgânica por EPR em agregados organominerais, para a qual são sugeridos alguns procedimentos alternativos.

  3. Morfologia de agregados do solo avaliada por meio de análise de imagens Morphology of soil aggregates evaluated by images analysis

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    N. Olszevski


    Full Text Available O uso intensivo do solo, aliado a condições inadequadas de manejo, concorre para a deterioração de suas propriedades físicas e isso se deve, principalmente, às modificações em sua estrutura. Uma vez que as mudanças estruturais influem diretamente na morfologia dos agregados, considera-se fundamental a procura de novos métodos de estudos macromorfológicos para permitir o acompanhamento das modificações dessa característica nos solos cultivados. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo adaptar e testar um método digital de análise macromorfológica qualitativa de agregados, visando detectar modificações morfológicas causadas pela ação antrópica. Para tal estudo, foram escolhidos cinco sistemas de preparo do solo: plantio direto, escarificador, grade aradora, arado de discos e arado de aivecas. Realizou-se o estudo da forma e do tamanho das diferentes classes de agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico, em amostras coletadas em 1998, após a aquisição de imagens com o uso de um scanner (HP 6100C com capacidade de resolução ótica de 1.200 dpi e o posterior processamento dessas imagens pelo programa de computador denominado UTHSCSA Image Tool. Este programa fornece índices sobre os agregados, tais como: arredondamento, compacidade e alongamento. O índice arredondamento é dependente da medida de perímetro (rugosidade externa e os índices compacidade e alongamento são dependentes da medida do comprimento do maior eixo (arestas. De maneira geral, os sistemas de manejo utilizados por três anos consecutivos não promoveram diferenças morfológicas dos agregados do Latossolo Vermelho textura argilosa para as variáveis analisadas. A análise de imagens mostrou-se sensível à detecção de mudanças na morfologia dos agregados do solo, sendo bastante promissora como uma nova ferramenta nos estudos da estrutura do solo.The intensive soil use together with inadequate management practices contribute to the

  4. Climate and floods still govern California levee breaks (United States)

    Florsheim, J.L.; Dettinger, M.D.


    Even in heavily engineered river systems, climate still governs flood variability and thus still drives many levee breaks and geomorphic changes. We assemble a 155-year record of levee breaks for a major California river system to find that breaks occurred in 25% of years during the 20th Century. A relation between levee breaks and river discharge is present that sets a discharge threshold above which most levee breaks occurred. That threshold corresponds to small floods with recurrence intervals of ???2-3 years. Statistical analysis illustrates that levee breaks and peak discharges cycle (broadly) on a 12-15 year time scale, in time with warm-wet storm patterns in California, but more slowly or more quickly than ENSO and PDO climate phenomena, respectively. Notably, these variations and thresholds persist through the 20th Century, suggesting that historical flood-control effects have not reduced the occurrence or frequency of levee breaks. Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union.

  5. Subjective satiety and plasma PYY concentration after wholemeal pasta. (United States)

    Costabile, Giuseppina; Griffo, Ettore; Cipriano, Paola; Vetrani, Claudia; Vitale, Marilena; Mamone, Gianfranco; Rivellese, Angela A; Riccardi, Gabriele; Giacco, Rosalba


    Dietary fiber and whole grain foods may contribute to the regulation of appetite; however, evidence has produced inconclusive findings. The objective was to evaluate the effects of an experimental wholemeal pasta on appetite ratings, plasma concentrations of gastrointestinal hormones involved in appetite control, and postprandial glucose/insulin responses in healthy adults. Fourteen healthy adults (7M/7F), mean age 30±2 yrs (mean±SEM), participated in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial. Participants consumed on two different days, at one week interval, 117g of wholemeal pasta or 100g of refined wheat pasta (control pasta), similar in energy and macronutrient composition except for fiber amount, which was higher in wholemeal pasta (11 vs 3 g). Appetite ratings, glucose/insulin/lipid and gastrointestinal hormone responses were measured at fasting and for 4-h after the ingestion of the pasta tests, after which self-reported energy intake for 8-h was evaluated. After the wholemeal pasta, the desire to eat and the sensation of hunger were lower (-16%, p=0.04 and -23%, p=0.004, respectively) and satiety was higher (+13%; p=0.08) compared with the control pasta; no effect on self-reported energy intake at subsequent meal was observed. After wholemeal pasta, glucose, triglyceride increased and GLP-1 responses were not different compared to control pasta but insulin response at 30 min (ppasta contributed to appetite control but did not seem to influence acute energy balance. Appetite ratings were associated with modifications in PYY hormone concentrations. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Optimization and functionality of millet supplemented pasta

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    Amir Gull


    Full Text Available AbstractMillets are having superior nutritional qualities and health benefits; hence they can be used for supplementation of pasta. Pasta was prepared using composite flour (CF of durum wheat semolina (96% and carrot pomace (4% supplemented with finger millet flour (FMF, 0-20g, pearl millet flour (PMF, 0-30g and carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC, 2-4g. Second order polynomial described the effect of FMF, PMF and CMC on lightness, firmness, gruel loss and overall acceptability of extruded pasta products. Results indicate that an increasing proportion of finger and pearl millet flour had signed (p≤0.05 negative effect on lightness, firmness, gruel loss and overall acceptability. However, CMC addition showed significant (p≤0. 05 positive effect on firmness, overall acceptability and negative effect on gruel loss of cooked pasta samples. Numeric optimization results showed that optimum values for extruded pasta were 20g FMF, 12g PMF and 4g CMC per 100g of CF and 34ml water with 0.981 desirability. The pasta developed is nutritionally rich as it contains protein (10.16g, fat (6g, dietary fiber (16.71g, calcium (4.23mg, iron (3.99mg and zinc (1.682mg per 100g.

  7. A baixa estatura leve está associada ao aumento da pressão arterial em adolescentes com sobrepeso La baja estatura leve está asociada al aumento de la presión arterial en adolescentes con sobrepeso Mild stunting is associated with higher blood pressure in overweight adolescents

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    Ana Paula Grotti Clemente


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Estudos têm demonstrado que a desnutrição pré/pós-natal leva a um maior risco de doenças não transmissíveis, como diabetes, hipertensão e obesidade na idade adulta. OBJETIVO: Determinar se os adolescentes com sobrepeso e desnutrição leve [escores-Z altura/idade (HAZ na faixa de -2] têm pressão arterial mais elevada do que os indivíduos com sobrepeso e com estatura normal (HAZ > -1. MÉTODOS: Os participantes foram classificados como de baixa estatura leve ou de estatura normal, e estratificados de acordo com os percentis de massa corporal para a idade, como sobrepeso, peso normal ou abaixo do peso. As pressões arteriais sistólica (PAS e diastólica (PAD foram determinadas de acordo com as diretrizes e a gordura abdominal foi analisada por absorciometria de dupla emissão de raios-X. RESULTADOS: Indivíduos com baixa estatura leve e sobrepeso apresentaram valores mais elevados da PAD (p = 0,001 do que suas contrapartes de baixo peso (69,75 ± 12,03 e 54,46 ± 11,24 mmHg, respectivamente, mas semelhantes àqueles com IMC normal. Não foram encontradas diferenças nos valores de PAD em indivíduos normais, indivíduos com sobrepeso e com baixo peso entre os grupos de estatura normal. Foi encontrado um aumento na PAS (p = 0,01 entre os indivíduos com baixa estatura leve quando comparados os indivíduos com sobrepreso com suas contrapartes de baixo peso e IMC normal (114,70 ± 15,46, 97,38 ± 10,87 e 104,72 ± 12,24 mmHg, respectivamente. Embora não tenham sido observadas diferenças nas médias de PAS entre os grupos de baixa estatura leve e estatura normal, foi encontrado um intercepto significativo (p = 0,01, revelando maior PAS entre os indivíduos com baixa estatura leve. Houve correlação entre PAS e gordura abdominal (r = 0,42, ρ = 0,02 no grupo com baixa estatura leve. CONCLUSÃO: Indivíduos de baixa estatura leve com sobrepeso apresentaram maior PAS do que os de estatura normal e sobrepeso. Esses achados

  8. Productividad y eficiencia de uso de nitrógeno y energía en pollos de engorda alimentados con pasta de soya o pasta de canola

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    Sergio Gómez Rosales


    Full Text Available Se realizaron dos experimentos de sacrificio para evaluar el crecimiento, contenido y deposición de tejidos y retención de proteína y energía en la carne de la canal en pollos en crecimiento alimentados con pasta de canola (PCAN en sustitución de pasta de soya (PSOY. En el Exp 1, seis pollos machos, de 43 días de edad, se sacrificaron al inicio y 36 pollos fueron asignados a tres dietas con cantidades crecientes de PCAN (0, 10 y 20 % combinadas con dos niveles de lisina digestible (LD: 0.85 y 0.95 %. En el Exp 2, seis hembras y seis machos, de 28 días de edad, se sacrificaron al inicio y 72 pollos fueron asignados, por sexo, a dos dietas (PSOY o PCAN como único ingrediente proteico combinadas con tres niveles de energía (3.0, 3.1 y 3.2 Mcal de EM/kg de alimento. Cada experimento duró dos semanas y al final todos los pollos fueron sacrificados. En el Exp 1, no hubo diferencias estadísticas en la productividad o retención de proteína y energía en la canal entre niveles de PCAN (P>0.05. En el Exp 2, el consumo de alimento, proteína y energía y la deposición de grasa fueron mayores (P<0.05 con PSOY, pero la ganancia de peso, eficiencia alimenticia y retención de proteína y energía en la canal fueron similares entre dietas. Los resultados indican que es factible sustituir parcial o totalmente la pasta de soya por pasta de canola en la dieta de pollos de engorda en crecimiento.

  9. Commercially available gluten-free pastas elevate postprandial glycemia in comparison to conventional wheat pasta in healthy adults: a double-blind randomized crossover trial. (United States)

    Johnston, C S; Snyder, D; Smith, C


    Given the popularity of gluten-free diets, research regarding the health implications of gluten-free (GF) products is necessary. This study compared the postprandial glycemic responses to three GF pastas commonly available in the U.S. market to that of wheat pasta in healthy adults. Thirteen healthy non-smoking men and women from a university campus population were enrolled in this randomized 4 × 4 block crossover study and completed all four treatments. Participants followed a standardized diet and activity protocol the day prior to testing, and one week separated testing periods. The test meal (a macaroni and cheese dish prepared with conventional wheat pasta or with GF pasta composed of either brown rice, rice and corn, or corn and quinoa flours) was consumed under observation, and blood was sampled in the fasted state and at one-half hour intervals for the first 2 hours following meal ingestion. A significant pasta × time interaction was observed for the incremental postprandial glycemia curves (p = 0.036, repeated measures ANOVA; effect size [partial eta squared], 0.943). Post-hoc analysis revealed a significant difference for the 30-minute postprandial blood glucose concentrations: the plasma glucose concentration was 57% higher for the GF rice and corn pasta compared to traditional wheat pasta (p = 0.011). Since postprandial glycemia was higher for GF pasta composed of rice and corn flours compared to wheat pasta, more research is needed to understand how the substitute ingredients for GF pastas impact health parameters and disease risk.

  10. Estabilidade de agregados de um latossolo vermelho tratado com cama de peru Aggregate stability of a Red Latosol amended with turkey litter

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    Adriana Monteiro da Costa


    Full Text Available Recentemente, tem ocorrido um grande aumento na produção de aves, com destaque para a carne de peru, motivado pelo aumento das exportações e a conquista de novos mercados. Como conseqüência, tem sido gerada uma grande quantidade de resíduos orgânicos com potencial impacto sobre o ambiente. A cama de peru constitui-se no principal resíduo dessa atividade avícola, e uma das formas de sua utilização é a sua disposição em solos como condicionador de suas características físicas e químicas. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da aplicação da cama de peru na estabilidade de agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico, sob pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens, localizado em Uberlândia, no Triângulo Mineiro, Minas Gerais. A cama de peru foi aplicada nas dosagens de: 0 (controle, 1.200, 2.400 e 4.800 kg ha-1 e 2.400 kg ha-1 + adubação mineral (36 kg ha-1 N, 60 kg ha-1 K2O e 60 kg ha-1de P2O5. As aplicações foram realizadas em janeiro de 2004 e o solo amostrado em duas épocas distintas (60 e 210 dias após aplicação nas camadas de 0-20 e 20-40 cm para análise da estabilidade de agregados, avaliada pela percentagem total de agregados, percentagem de agregados maiores que 2mm, menores que 0,25mm e diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG. Não houve efeito das dosagens de cama de peru aplicadas na agregação do solo, entretanto, independentemente da dose aplicada houve um aumento na estabilidade de agregados, ao longo do tempo, notadamente na camada de 0-20 cm.Recently, there has been occurring a great increase in poultry production, especially in turkey's meat, motivated by the increase of exports and conquest of new markets. As a consequence, a great amount of organic residues has been generated, providing potential impact on the environment. Turkey litter is the main residue from such activity, and has been used as soil conditioner, intended to improve physical and chemical characteristics. Therefore, the

  11. Effects of relaxation of gluten network on rehydration kinetics of pasta. (United States)

    Ogawa, Takenobu; Hasegawa, Ayako; Adachi, Shuji


    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the relaxation of the gluten network on pasta rehydration kinetics. The moisture content of pasta, under conditions where the effects of the diffusion of water on the moisture content were negligible, was estimated by extrapolating the average moisture content of pasta of various diameters to 0 mm. The moisture content of imaginary, infinitely thin pasta did not reach equilibrium even after 1 h of rehydration. The rehydration of pasta made of only gluten was also measured. The rate constants estimated by the Long and Richman equation for both the pasta indicated that the rehydration kinetics of infinitely thin pasta were similar to those of gluten pasta. These results suggest that the swelling of starch by fast gelatinization was restricted by the honeycomb structural network of gluten and the relaxation of the gluten network controlled pasta rehydration kinetics.

  12. Growth- and Stress-Induced PASTA Kinase Phosphorylation in Enterococcus faecalis. (United States)

    Labbe, Benjamin D; Kristich, Christopher J


    Transmembrane Ser/Thr kinases containing extracellular PASTA domains are ubiquitous among Actinobacteria and Firmicutes Such PASTA kinases regulate critical processes, including antibiotic resistance, cell division, toxin production, and virulence, and are essential for viability in certain organisms. Based on in vitro studies with purified extracellular and intracellular fragments of PASTA kinases, a model for signaling has been proposed, in which the extracellular PASTA domains bind currently undefined ligands (typically thought to be peptidoglycan, or fragments thereof) to drive kinase dimerization, which leads to enhanced kinase autophosphorylation and enhanced phosphorylation of substrates. However, this model has not been rigorously tested in vivo Enterococcus faecalis is a Gram-positive intestinal commensal and major antibiotic-resistant opportunistic pathogen. In E. faecalis , the PASTA kinase IreK drives intrinsic resistance to cell wall-active antimicrobials, suggesting that such antimicrobials may trigger IreK signaling. Here we show that IreK responds to cell wall stress in vivo by enhancing its phosphorylation and that of a downstream substrate. This response requires both the extracellular PASTA domains and specific phosphorylatable residues in the kinase domain. Thus, our results provide in vivo evidence, with an intact full-length PASTA kinase in its native physiological environment, that supports the prevailing model of PASTA kinase signaling. In addition, we show that IreK responds to a signal associated with growth and/or cell division, in the absence of cell wall-active antimicrobials. Surprisingly, the ability of IreK to respond to growth and/or division does not require the extracellular PASTA domains, suggesting that IreK monitors multiple parameters for sensory input in vivo IMPORTANCE Transmembrane Ser/Thr kinases containing extracellular PASTA domains are ubiquitous among Actinobacteria and Firmicutes and regulate critical processes. The

  13. Effects of technological processes on enniatin levels in pasta. (United States)

    Serrano, Ana B; Font, Guillermina; Mañes, Jordi; Ferrer, Emilia


    Potential human health risks posed by enniatins (ENs) require their control primarily from cereal products, creating a demand for harvesting, food processing and storage techniques capable to prevent, reduce and/or eliminate the contamination. In this study, different methodologies to pasta processing simulating traditional and industrial processes were developed in order to know the fate of the mycotoxin ENs. The levels of ENs were studied at different steps of pasta processing. The effect of the temperature during processing was evaluated in two types of pasta (white and whole-grain pasta). Mycotoxin analysis was performed by LC-MS/MS. High reductions (up to 50% and 80%) were achieved during drying pasta at 45-55°C and 70-90°C, respectively. The treatments at low temperature (25°C) did not change EN levels. The effect of pasta composition did not cause a significant effect on the stability of ENs. The effect of the temperature allowed a marked mycotoxin reduction during pasta processing. Generally, ENA1 and ENB showed higher thermal stability than did ENA and ENB1 . The findings from the present study suggested that pasta processing at medium-high temperatures is a potential tool to remove an important fraction of ENs from the initial durum wheat semolina. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry.

  14. [Development and technological transfer of functional pastas extended with legumes]. (United States)

    Granito, Marisela; Ascanio, Vanesa


    Development and technological transfer of functional pastas extended with legumes. Semolina pasta is a highly consumed foodstuff, the biological value of which is low because its protein is deficient in lysine. However, if the semolina is extended with legumes rich in this essential aminoacid, not only and aminoacid supplementation is produced, but also the dietary fibre and minerals are increased. In this work, pastas extended in 10% with a white variety of Phaseolus vulgaris and with Cajanus cajan were produced on a pilot plant scale, and this technology was transferred to a cooperative producing artisanal pastas. The cooking qualities and the physical, chemical, and nutritional characteristics of the pastas were evaluated, as well as the sensorial acceptability in institutionalized elderly people. The extension of the pastas with legume flours increased the optimum cooking time (15 to 20%), the weight (20% and 25%), and the loss of solids by cooking. Similarly, the functional value of the pastas increased by increasing the contents of minerals and dietary fibre. The protein content, as well as the protein digestibility in vitro also increased; however, the parameters of colour L, a and b, and the total starch content of the pastas decreased. At consumer level, the pastas extended with legumes had a good acceptability, for what it was concluded that the extension of the semolina with legume flours in the manufacture of pastas is technologically feasible.


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    Full Text Available La energía superficial libre (ESL es una propiedad termodinámica fundamental de los materiales que puede ser empleada para cuantificar la calidad de la adhesión entre diversos materiales, la susceptibilidad de éstos a perder su adhesión por la presencia de agua en el sistema y la capacidad del recubrimiento de un material sobre otro con diferentes valores de ESL (i.e., humectabilidad. Estos principios son aplicables a diferentes materiales, incluidos los sistemas asfalto-agregado (i.e., mezclas asfálticas. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal presentar un análisis, basado en mediciones de ESL de los materiales constitutivos de las mezclas asfálticas, mediante el cual se puede cuantificar la calidad de la adhesión, la susceptibilidad al daño por humedad y la calidad del recubrimiento del asfalto sobre el agregado en diversos sistemas asfalto-agregado. Las mediciones de ESL de asfaltos y agregados fueron realizadas en laboratorio a través del método de la Placa Wilhelmy y de la Máquina de Adsorción Universal (USD, respectivamente. Los materiales evaluados incluyeron asfaltos colombianos y agregados de origen colombiano y norteamericano. El análisis específico consistió en evaluar el efecto de procesos industriales de modificación y la adición de llenante mineral sobre la calidad de la adhesión, la susceptibilidad al daño por humedad y la humectabilidad de diversos sistemas asfalto-agregado. Los resultados sugieren que la medición de la ESL de asfaltos y agregados es una herramienta eficiente para evaluar la compatibilidad y el desempeño esperado de diversos sistemas asfalto-agregado, así como los cambios inducidos a nivel fundamental por diferentes procesos propios de la fabricación de mezclas asfálticas (e.g., adición de llenante mineral.

  16. From raw material to dish: pasta quality step by step. (United States)

    Sicignano, Angelo; Di Monaco, Rossella; Masi, Paolo; Cavella, Silvana


    Pasta is a traditional Italian cereal-based food that is popular worldwide because of its convenience, versatility, sensory and nutritional value. The aim of this review is to present a step-by-step guide to facilitate the understanding of the most important events that can affect pasta characteristics, directing the reader to the appropriate production steps. Owing to its unique flavor, color, composition and rheological properties, durum wheat semolina is the best raw material for pasta production. Although pasta is traditionally made from only two ingredients, sensory quality and chemical/physical characteristics of the final product may vary greatly. Starting from the same ingredients, there are a lot of different events in each step of pasta production that can result in the development of varieties of pasta with different characteristics. In particular, numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of temperature and humidity conditions of the pasta drying operation as well as the significance of the choice of raw material and operating conditions on pasta quality. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry.

  17. Exploring the Use of Whole Grain Pasta in School Lunches (United States)

    Rosen, Renee A.; Hauge, Denise A.; Arndt, Elizabeth A.; Veal, Mike; Marquart, Len


    Pasta is a popular grain food served as an entree or side dish in both home and away-from-home settings. In schools, pasta is served less frequently than other entrees. Pasta, especially whole-grain pasta, offers an opportunity to incorporate less expensive, nutritious, and versatile dishes into school meals. A need exists to develop whole-grain…

  18. Microbial Transglutaminase in Noodle and Pasta Processing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gharibzahedi, Seyed Mohammad Taghi; Yousefi, Shima; Chronakis, Ioannis S.


    -formulations for noodles and pasta products based on microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) can guarantee the shelf life extension with minimum quality losses. The current review focuses on recent trends and future prospects of MTGase utilization in the structural matrix of noodles and pasta products and represents......Nowadays, there is an aggressive rate in consumption of noodles and pasta products throughout the world. Consumer acceptability and preference of these functional products can be promoted by the discovery of novel knowledge to improve their formulation and quality. The development of fortified...... from new microbial sources. The high potential of MTGase in developing commercial noodles and pasta products is successfully demonstrated. MTGase by modifying the crystallinity or molecular structure via covalent crosslinks between protein molecules strengthens the doughs stability and the textural...

  19. High Protein Pasta is Not More Satiating than High Fiber Pasta at a Lunch Meal, Nor Does it Decrease Mid-Afternoon Snacking in Healthy Men and Women. (United States)

    Korczak, Renee; Timm, Derek; Ahnen, Rylee; Thomas, William; Slavin, Joanne L


    This study compared satiety after high protein pasta (16 g protein, 6 g fiber), high fiber pasta (11 g protein, 8 g fiber) or control pasta (11 g protein, 6 g fiber) in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover trial. Participants were 36 healthy and men and women from the University of Minnesota campus. Fasted men and women ate calorie controlled, but macronutrient different pastas at 12:00 pm along with 500 mL of water. The primary outcome was satiety assessed by Visual Analogue Scales at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, and 180 min daily after consuming the pastas. Secondary outcomes were calories consumed at an ad libitum snack at 3:00 pm, calories from food intake, gastrointestinal tolerance, and palatability. No differences were found among the pasta treatments for satiety, snacking, or gastrointestinal tolerance. Men ate significantly more calories for the rest of the (P = 0.007) after the high protein pasta versus the high fiber pasta (1701 ± 154 compared with 1083 ± 154) with control pasta being intermediate to the other treatments. No significant differences were found for gastrointestinal tolerance, but the palatability ratings showed the high protein pasta was less tasty (P = 0.03) and less pleasant (P = 0.01) than the other 2 pastas. Satisfaction was positively associated with pleasantness and negatively associated with aftertaste. Our results do not support the idea that high protein or high fiber pasta produces a greater satiety response compared to pasta with lower amounts of either nutrient. It is likely that since pasta is already a very satiating food, the subjects were unable to differentiate between the 3 conditions. © 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®

  20. Lidar-based mapping of flood control levees in south Louisiana (United States)

    Thatcher, Cindy A.; Lim, Samsung; Palaseanu-Lovejoy, Monica; Danielson, Jeffrey J.; Kimbrow, Dustin R.


    Flood protection in south Louisiana is largely dependent on earthen levees, and in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina the state’s levee system has received intense scrutiny. Accurate elevation data along the levees are critical to local levee district managers responsible for monitoring and maintaining the extensive system of non-federal levees in coastal Louisiana. In 2012, high resolution airborne lidar data were acquired over levees in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, and a mobile terrestrial lidar survey was conducted for selected levee segments using a terrestrial lidar scanner mounted on a truck. The mobile terrestrial lidar data were collected to test the feasibility of using this relatively new technology to map flood control levees and to compare the accuracy of the terrestrial and airborne lidar. Metrics assessing levee geometry derived from the two lidar surveys are also presented as an efficient, comprehensive method to quantify levee height and stability. The vertical root mean square error values of the terrestrial lidar and airborne lidar digital-derived digital terrain models were 0.038 m and 0.055 m, respectively. The comparison of levee metrics derived from the airborne and terrestrial lidar-based digital terrain models showed that both types of lidar yielded similar results, indicating that either or both surveying techniques could be used to monitor geomorphic change over time. Because airborne lidar is costly, many parts of the USA and other countries have never been mapped with airborne lidar, and repeat surveys are often not available for change detection studies. Terrestrial lidar provides a practical option for conducting repeat surveys of levees and other terrain features that cover a relatively small area, such as eroding cliffs or stream banks, and dunes.

  1. National Levee Database: monitoring, vulnerability assessment and management in Italy (United States)

    Barbetta, Silvia; Camici, Stefania; Maccioni, Pamela; Moramarco, Tommaso


    A properly designed and constructed levees system can often be an effective device for repelling floodwaters and provide barriers against inundation to protect urbanized and industrial areas. However, the delineation of flooding-prone areas and the related hydraulic hazard mapping taking account of uncertainty (Apel et al., 2008) are usually developed with a scarce consideration of the possible occurrence of levee failures along river channels (Mazzoleni et al., 2014). Indeed, it is well known that flooding is frequently the result of levee failures that can be triggered by several factors, as: (1) overtopping, (2) scouring of the foundation, (3) seepage/piping of levee body/foundation, and (4) sliding of the foundation. Among these failure mechanisms that are influenced by the levee's geometrical configuration, hydraulic conditions (e.g. river level and seepage), and material properties (e.g. permeability, cohesion, porosity, compaction), the piping caused by seepage (ICOLD, is considered one of the most dominant levee failure mechanisms (Colleselli F., 1994; Wallingford H. R., 2003). The difficulty of estimating the hydraulic parameters to properly describe the seepage line within the body and foundation of the levee implies that the study of the critical flood wave routing is typically carried out by assuming that the levee system is undamaged during the flood event. In this context, implementing and making operational a National Levee Database (NLD), effectively structured and continuously updated, becomes fundamental to have a searchable inventory of information about levees available as a key resource supporting decisions and actions affecting levee safety. The ItaliaN LEvee Database (INLED) has been recently developed by the Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection (IRPI) for the Civil Protection Department of the Presidency of Council of Ministers. INLED has the main focus of collecting comprehensive information about

  2. Nutritive value of selected variety breads and pastas. (United States)

    Ranhotra, G S; Gelroth, J A; Novak, F A; Bock, M A; Winterringer, G L; Matthews, R H


    Nine types of commercially produced variety breads, plain bagels, corn tortillas, and three types of pasta products were obtained from each of four cities, New York, San Francisco, Atlanta, and Kansas City. Proximate components and 12 minerals and vitamins were determined in these and in cooked pasta products. Available carbohydrate and energy values were calculated. On the average, French, Italian, and pita breads were lower in moisture than other breads. Protein in bread products averaged between 7.6% and 10.4% and in cooked pastas and tortillas between 4.4% and 5.3%. Bagels averaged 10.2% protein. Insoluble dietary fiber in whole wheat bread averaged 5.6%; for most products, dietary fiber values were five- to eightfold higher than crude fiber values. Pasta products and tortillas were virtually free of sodium. Sodium in bread products averaged between 379 and 689 mg/100 gm. Although all pasta products and most bread products were enriched, calcium was often not included. Iron averaged from 2.16 to 3.29 mg/100 gm in bread products and 3.10 to 4.24 mg/100 gm in dry pasta products. Products made with unrefined or less-refined flours and/or containing germ and bran tended to be high in phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and manganese, and, to a lesser extent, in copper. A good portion of potassium, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin in pasta products was lost during cooking.

  3. Quantum nuclear pasta and nuclear symmetry energy (United States)

    Fattoyev, F. J.; Horowitz, C. J.; Schuetrumpf, B.


    Complex and exotic nuclear geometries, collectively referred to as "nuclear pasta," are expected to appear naturally in dense nuclear matter found in the crusts of neutron stars and supernovae environments. The pasta geometries depend on the average baryon density, proton fraction, and temperature and are critically important in the determination of many transport properties of matter in supernovae and the crusts of neutron stars. Using a set of self-consistent microscopic nuclear energy density functionals, we present the first results of large scale quantum simulations of pasta phases at baryon densities 0.03 ≤ρ ≤0.10 fm-3 , proton fractions 0.05 ≤Yp≤0.40 , and zero temperature. The full quantum simulations, in particular, allow us to thoroughly investigate the role and impact of the nuclear symmetry energy on pasta configurations. We use the Sky3D code that solves the Skyrme Hartree-Fock equations on a three-dimensional Cartesian grid. For the nuclear interaction we use the state-of-the-art UNEDF1 parametrization, which was introduced to study largely deformed nuclei, hence is suitable for studies of the nuclear pasta. Density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy is simulated by tuning two purely isovector observables that are insensitive to the current available experimental data. We find that a minimum total number of nucleons A =2000 is necessary to prevent the results from containing spurious shell effects and to minimize finite size effects. We find that a variety of nuclear pasta geometries are present in the neutron star crust, and the result strongly depends on the nuclear symmetry energy. The impact of the nuclear symmetry energy is less pronounced as the proton fractions increase. Quantum nuclear pasta calculations at T =0 MeV are shown to get easily trapped in metastable states, and possible remedies to avoid metastable solutions are discussed.

  4. Digestibility of pasta made with three wheat types: a preliminary study. (United States)

    Simonato, Barbara; Curioni, Andrea; Pasini, Gabriella


    The aim of this study was to assess the digestibility of the protein and starch in pasta made with different cereals, i.e. Triticum durum, Triticum polonicum and Triticum dicoccum, and to measure the glycemic index (GI) of the different types of pasta. The digestibility of the starch in T.polonicum pasta differed significantly from the others. It seemed to be less digested than dicoccum and durum wheat pasta. T.polonicum pasta also had a lower glycemic index, while there were no significant differences in the protein digestibility of the three types of pasta. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Biotechnological Approach To Preserve Fresh Pasta Quality. (United States)

    Angiolillo, L; Conte, A; Del Nobile, M A


    Fresh pasta is highly susceptible to microbial contamination because of its high water activity and nutrient content. In this study, a new biopreservation system was examined that consists of an active sodium alginate solution containing Lactobacillus reuteri and glycerol, which was added during the production process of pasta. Our aim was to extend the fresh pasta shelf life by the in situ production of reuterin, thereby avoiding the use of thermal treatments that generally compromise food sensory characteristics. Two experimental studies were carried out with the product packaged under either ordinary or modified atmospheric conditions. Microbiological and sensory quality indices were monitored to determine the effectiveness of biopreservation on product quality during storage. The use of the active solution with L. reuteri and glycerol during the production process of pasta improved both microbial and sensory quality, particularly when combined with modified atmosphere.

  6. Game theory and risk-based leveed river system planning with noncooperation (United States)

    Hui, Rui; Lund, Jay R.; Madani, Kaveh


    Optimal risk-based levee designs are usually developed for economic efficiency. However, in river systems with multiple levees, the planning and maintenance of different levees are controlled by different agencies or groups. For example, along many rivers, levees on opposite riverbanks constitute a simple leveed river system with each levee designed and controlled separately. Collaborative planning of the two levees can be economically optimal for the whole system. Independent and self-interested landholders on opposite riversides often are willing to separately determine their individual optimal levee plans, resulting in a less efficient leveed river system from an overall society-wide perspective (the tragedy of commons). We apply game theory to simple leveed river system planning where landholders on each riverside independently determine their optimal risk-based levee plans. Outcomes from noncooperative games are analyzed and compared with the overall economically optimal outcome, which minimizes net flood cost system-wide. The system-wide economically optimal solution generally transfers residual flood risk to the lower-valued side of the river, but is often impractical without compensating for flood risk transfer to improve outcomes for all individuals involved. Such compensation can be determined and implemented with landholders' agreements on collaboration to develop an economically optimal plan. By examining iterative multiple-shot noncooperative games with reversible and irreversible decisions, the costs of myopia for the future in making levee planning decisions show the significance of considering the externalities and evolution path of dynamic water resource problems to improve decision-making.

  7. 78 FR 55095 - Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey (United States)


    ...)] Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey Determinations On the basis of the record \\1\\ developed in the subject... countervailing and antidumping duty orders on certain pasta from Italy and Turkey would be likely to lead to... respect to imports of certain pasta from Turkey. Background The Commission instituted these reviews on...


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    Paulo Cesar Conceição


    Full Text Available Os mecanismos de estabilização da matéria orgânica (MO têm sido estudados em solos tropicais e subtropicais brasileiros; no entanto, poucos trabalhos avaliaram a influência da parte metodológica do uso das soluções nos resultados obtidos. Objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de duas soluções salinas (iodeto de sódio - NaI 1,8 kg dm-3 e politungstato de sódio - PTS 2,0 kg dm-3 na separação de frações densimétricas da MO em dois solos (Argissolo Vermelho do sul do Brasil - 220 g kg-1 argila e Latossolo Vermelho do Cerrado - 630 g kg-1 argila e o reflexo dessa eficiência na magnitude e importância do mecanismo de proteção física por oclusão em agregados no acúmulo de MO em solos brasileiros. Amostras de solo coletadas nas camadas de 0,00-0,05; 0,05-0,10; e 0,10-0,20 m foram submetidas ao fracionamento físico densimétrico e separadas as frações leve livre (FLL, leve-oclusa (FLO e pesada (FP da MO do solo. O uso de PTS 2,0 kg dm-3 aumentou o rendimento de carbono orgânico (CO das FLL e FLO em ambos os solos em relação à solução de NaI 1,8 kg dm-3, sendo o efeito mais pronunciado na FLO. A utilização do sistema plantio direto (PD aumentou os estoques de CO total na camada de 0,00-0,05 m do Argissolo em relação ao solo em preparo convencional (PC. O mecanismo de proteção física da MO por oclusão em agregados foi efetivo no aumento dos estoques de C do solo, sendo responsável por aproximadamente ⅓ do acúmulo na camada superficial do Argissolo (0,00-0,05 m. Para o Latossolo, não houve diferenças entre o estoque de CO total do PD e do PC, porém o solo sob PD apresentou acúmulo de aproximadamente ⅔ do estoque de C como FLO na camada superficial do solo. A proteção física por oclusão em agregados é um mecanismo expressivo na estabilização e sequestro de C em solos tropicais e subtropicais, cuja importância pode ser mascarada pela baixa eficiência da solução de NaI em estudos de fracionamento

  9. Fresh pasta quality as affected by enrichment of nonstarch polysaccharides. (United States)

    Brennan, C S; Tudorica, C M


    Nonstarch polysaccharides (NSPs), both soluble and insoluble, were added to pasta doughs at levels of 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% levels. The cooking and textural characteristics of the pastas were evaluated using a range of analytical techniques. Generally, NSP addition was found to increase the cooking losses, and reduce the protein and starch contents of the pasta. This effect was dependent on the level of NSP added and also the type (soluble or insoluble). Pasta firmness was generally reduced in relation to the level of NSP addition, although some gel-forming NSPs resulted in higher firmness values. Pasta stickiness, adhesiveness, and elasticity were also affected. The results indicate that careful selection of NSP addition is needed to ensure optimum textural and cooking characteristics in NSP enriched pasta products.

  10. Evaluation of levee setbacks for flood-loss reduction, Middle Mississippi River, USA (United States)

    Dierauer, Jennifer; Pinter, Nicholas; Remo, Jonathan W. F.


    SummaryOne-dimensional hydraulic modeling and flood-loss modeling were used to test the effectiveness of levee setbacks for flood-loss reduction along the Middle Mississippi River (MMR). Four levee scenarios were assessed: (1) the present-day levee configuration, (2) a 1000 m levee setback, (3) a 1500 m levee setback, and (4) an optimized setback configuration. Flood losses were estimated using FEMA's Hazus-MH (Hazards US Multi-Hazard) loss-estimation software on a structure-by-structure basis for a range of floods from the 2- to the 500-year events. These flood-loss estimates were combined with a levee-reliability model to calculate probability-weighted damage estimates. In the simplest case, the levee setback scenarios tested here reduced flood losses compared to current conditions for large, infrequent flooding events but increased flood losses for smaller, more frequent flood events. These increases occurred because levee protection was removed for some of the existing structures. When combined with buyouts of unprotected structures, levee setbacks reduced flood losses for all recurrence intervals. The "optimized" levee setback scenario, involving a levee configuration manually planned to protect existing high-value infrastructure, reduced damages with or without buyouts. This research shows that levee setbacks in combination with buyouts are an economically viable approach for flood-risk reduction along the study reach and likely elsewhere where levees are widely employed for flood control. Designing a levee setback around existing high-value infrastructure can maximize the benefit of the setback while simultaneously minimizing the costs. The optimized levee setback scenario analyzed here produced payback periods (costs divided by benefits) of less than 12 years. With many aging levees failing current inspections across the US, and flood losses spiraling up over time, levee setbacks are a viable solution for reducing flood exposure and flood levels.

  11. Rheological and sensory behaviors of parboiled pasta cooked using a microwave pasteurization process. (United States)

    Joyner, Helen S; Jones, Kari E; Rasco, Barbara A


    Pasta hydration and cooking requirements make in-package microwave pasteurization of pasta a processing challenge. The objective of this study was to assess instrumental and sensory attributes of microwave-treated pasta in comparison to conventionally cooked pasta. Fettuccine pasta was parboiled for 0, 3, 6, 9, or 12 min, pasteurized by microwaves at 915 MHz, then stored under refrigeration for 1 week. Pastas were evaluated by a trained sensory panel and with rheometry. Total pasta heat treatment affected both rheological and sensory behaviors; these differences were attributed to ultrastructure differences. Significant nonlinear behavior and dominant fluid-like behavior was observed in all pastas at strains >1%. Sensory results suggested microwave pasteurization may intensify the attributes associated with the aging of pasta such as retrogradation. A clear trend between magnitude of heat treatment and attribute intensity was not observed for all sensory attributes tested. The microwave pasta with the longest parboil time showed rheological behavior most similar to conventionally cooked pasta. Principal component analysis revealed that no microwave-treated pasta was similar to the control pasta. However, pasta parboiled for 9 min before microwave treatment had the greatest number of similar sensory attributes, followed by pasta parboiled for 6 or 12 min. Further study is needed to determine overall consumer acceptance of microwave-treated pasta and whether the differences in sensory and rheological behavior would impact consumer liking. The results of this study may be applied to optimize microwave pasteurization processes for cooked pasta and similar products, such as rice. The measurement and analysis procedures can be used to evaluate processing effects on a variety of different foods to determine overall palatability. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Using Levee Setbacks to Increase Floodplain Connectivity and Reduce Flood Risk (United States)

    Dahl, T. A.; Echevarria-Doyle, W.


    Levees typically constrain flood flows to within the main channel, isolating the river from its natural floodplain. Levees limit the areal and temporal extents of flooding, but can increase flood peaks, alter ecosystems, and cause scour. In order to mitigate these effects, some groups have begun moving portions of levees further away from the main channel, creating setback levees. Here we describe a series of levee setback scenarios for a hypothetical river that were modeled with the unsteady, 2D-hydraulic model AdH. In our scenarios, the water surface elevations were reduced both at the location of the levee setback and for some distance upstream. The models also show that the floodplain roughness can have a greater effect on the reduction in water surface elevation than the size of the levee setback. Groups planning levee setbacks can use these results to help guide their designs.

  13. Mild cognitive impairment: cognitive screening or neuropsychological assessment? Comprometimento cognitivo leve: rastreio cognitivo ou avaliação neuropsicológica?

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    Breno Satler Diniz


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To describe the neuropsychological profile of mild cognitive impairment subtypes (amnestic, non-amnestic and multiple-domain of a clinical sample. We further address the diagnostic properties of the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Cambridge Cognitive Examination for the identification of the different mild cognitive impairment subtypes in clinical practice. METHOD: Cross-sectional clinical and neuropsychological evaluation of 249 elderly patients attending a memory clinic at a university hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. RESULTS: The performance of patients with mild cognitive impairment was heterogeneous across the different subtests of the neuropsychological battery, with a trend towards an overall worse performance for amnestic (particularly multiple domain mild cognitive impairment as compared to non-amnestic subtypes. Screening tests for dementia (Mini-Mental State Examination and Cambridge Cognitive Examination adequately discriminated cases of mild Alzheimer's disease from controls, but they were not accurate to discriminate patients with mild cognitive impairment (all subtypes from control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: The discrimination of mild cognitive impairment subtypes was possible only with the aid of a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment. It is necessary to develop new strategies for mild cognitive impairment screening in clinical practice.OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil neuropsicológico dos subtipos de comprometimento cognitivo leve, amnéstico, não-amnéstico e múltiplos domínios, de uma amostra clínica. Além disto, avaliou-se as propriedades diagnósticas do Mini-exame do Estado Mental e do Cambridge Cognitive Examination na identificação dos diferentes subtipos de comprometimento cognitivo leve na prática clínica. MÉTODO: Avaliação clínica e neuropsicológica transversal de 249 idosos em uma clínica de memória de um hospital universitário em São Paulo, Brasil. RESULTADOS: Testes de rastreio para

  14. Desempenho cognitivo em pacientes operados de aneurisma cerebral

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    Full Text Available Vinte e cinco pacientes operados de aneurisma cerebral foram submetidos a avaliação cognitiva pós operatória tardia para linguagem, praxia, orientação, lógica, compreensão, memória, depressão, demência e gnosia visual. Os resultados foram correlacionados com idade, escala de Hunt-Hess à admissão, lado, local e tamanho do aneurisma, sangue à TC (Fisher, vaso-espasmo angiográfico (George. Déficit cognitivo tardio estava ausente em 8 pacientes (32%, era leve em 5 (20%, moderado em 6 (24% e grave em 6 (24%. A função cognitiva isoladamente mais alterada foi a da lógica com acometimento moderado e grave em 7 pacientes (28%, seguida de praxia em 6 (24%, orientação em 5 (20%, linguagem e memória em 4 (16%. A alteração gnósica visual, demência e depressão foram pouco frequentes. A compreensão estava levemente alterada em 3 pacientes. Na faixa etária 25-50 anos ocorreu melhor resultado cognitivo com sequela inexistente ou leve em 9 pacientes (75%. Os aneurismas da artéria comunicante posterior direita apresentaram déficit cognitivo tardio ausente ou leve em 5 pacientes (71,42%, os da artéria cerebral média direita apresentaram resultado equivalente em 2 (66,66%. Os aneurismas de artéria cerebral média esquerda apresentaram o pior resultado com sequela cognitiva moderada e grave em 5 pacientes (71,42%. As sequelas neuropsicológicas tardias apresentaram correlação direta com a idade, Hunt-Hess, sangue à TC, vaso-espasmo angiográfico e localização anatômica do aneurisma.

  15. Obtenção do módulo dinâmico de misturas asfálticas com agregados sintéticos de argila calcinada, utilizando o ensaio de compressão diametral

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    Fábio Roberto Garcia Nunes


    Full Text Available

    No Brasil, o módulo dinâmico de misturas asfálticas ainda é pouco utilizado, sobretudo por ser, em regra, obtido por intermédio do estado de compressão ou da tração axial, a necessitar, em razão disso, de corpos de prova com aproximadamente 200 mm de altura, a partir de um compactador giratório. Tal imperativo dificulta os estudos realizados com amostras retiradas diretamente do pavimento. Neste trabalho, determinou-se o citado parâmetro por meio do ensaio de compressão diametral em corpos de prova compactados (Marshall de misturas asfálticas, nas dimensões 101,5 × 63,50 mm. Figuraram como agregados graúdos os agregados sintéticos de argila calcinada (ASAC. Os resultados se mostraram equivalentes entre as misturas asfálticas com ASAC e segundo o ensaio de compressão diametral com aqueles obtidos pelo trabalho de KING (2004, quando utilizado o ensaio de compressão axial.

  16. Recent progress on understanding 'pasta' phases in dense stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Gentaro; Sonoda, Hidetaka


    In cores of supernovae and crusts of neutron stars, nuclei can adopt interesting shapes, such as rods or slabs, etc., which are referred to as nuclear 'pasta'. Recently, we have been studying the pasta phases focusing on their dynamical aspects with quantum molecular dynamic (QMD) approach. We review our findings on the following topics: dynamical formation of the pasta phases by cooling down the hot uniform nuclear matter; a phase diagram on the density versus temperature plane; structural transitions between the pasta phases induced by compression and their mechanism. Properties of the nuclear interaction used in our works are also discussed

  17. Aspectos morfológicos de biópsias musculares em equinos com miopatia sob forma de surto

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    Rogério M. Amorim


    Full Text Available As miopatias em equinos são classificadas de acordo com aspectos clínicos, morfológicos e moleculares, em três grandes grupos: não associadas ao exercício, associadas ao exercício e devido alteração da condução elétrica do sarcolema. Apesar dos avanços no diagnóstico, a literatura ainda relata surtos de miopatia em equinos sem etiologia esclarecida em diversos países. O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever as alterações histológicas e histoquímicas de biópsias musculares de equinos acometidos por miopatia. Sete equinos da raça Quarto de Milha, com 18-24 meses de idade, apresentaram sinais clínicos de miopatia. Dentre esses animais, cinco apresentaram sinais subagudos leves a moderados e dois apresentaram sinais hiperagudos severos e decúbito lateral. Foram realizadas biópsias musculares utilizando a técnica percutânea, por agulha tipo Bergström, no músculo glúteo médio em todos os animais acometidos. As amostras foram processadas por meio de técnicas histológicas (HE, Tricrômio de Gomori modificado e histoquímicas (PAS, NADH, ATPase. Nos quadros clínicos mais leves, a principal alteração encontrada foi a presença de fibras vermelhas rajadas do tipo I e IIA, que estão associadas às alterações do metabolismo oxidativo e das funções mitocondriais, como ocorrem nas miopatias mitocondriais. Também foram observadas fibras atróficas do tipo I e IIA, além da presença de agregados subsarcolemais. Nos quadros mais severos o tecido muscular apresentou infiltrado inflamatório, aumento de colágeno, fagocitose, necrose, calcificação e regeneração muscular. Diante dos achados morfológicos, da resposta à terapia com vitamina E e Se e da baixa mortalidade quando comparado aos relatos de miopatia atípica, conclui-se que esse surto foi desencadeado por lesões mitocondriais, caracterizadas pelas fibras musculares vermelhas rajadas, possivelmente devido uma quebra da homeostase de vitamina E e Se, sendo compat

  18. Amino acid composition of protein-enriched dried pasta


    Vidrih, Rajko; Filip, Sebastjan


    Today, obesity is one of the major health problems, a so-called epidemic of the developed world. Obesity arises through an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure, so it is important for products to have a balanced nutritional composition. The aim of this study is to prepare high-protein pasta with high nutritional quality, with emphasis on its amino acid composition, as ordinary durum pasta lacks lysine and threonine. Ordinary durum wheat pasta contains, on average, 77 % carbo...

  19. Efeito da adição de CO2 sobre o crescimento microbiano em macarrão tipo massa fresca Effect of CO2 addition on microbial growth in fresh pasta

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    Renato Souza Cruz


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da adição de CO2 sobre a qualidade do macarrão tipo massa fresca. O uso de atmosfera modificada no interior da embalagem, com concentrações mais elevadas de CO2, tem sido empregado comercialmente com a finalidade de inibir microrganismos, principalmente os aeróbios. Dessa forma, neste trabalho foi empregada uma nova técnica para a adição do CO2 no produto. Esta técnica consistiu em carbonatar a água que foi utilizada para a produção do macarrão tipo massa fresca, em substituição à injeção do gás CO2 na embalagem. Foram testadas as concentrações de 160 e 745mg/L de CO2. Os resultados mostraram, pelas análises microbiológicas, que o nível de 745mg/L de CO2 foi satisfatório para a inibição de bolores e leveduras durante os 50 dias de armazenamento a 7±1ºC. No entanto, não houve efeito na inibição de psicrotróficos e coliformes totais.The objective of this work was to evaluate CO2 addition on the inhibition of microbial growth in fresh pasta. Modified atmosphere packages using higher levels of CO2 have been commercially used to inhibit mainly aerobes microorganisms. Therefore, a new technique of adding CO2 directly to the product was tested promoting better contact between the dough and the gas. Carbon dioxide was dissolved in water at concentrations of 160 and 745mg/L and the carbonated water was mixed with the ingredients to produce the pasta. The results showed that 745mg/L of CO2 inhibited fungi and yeast growth in pasta stored at 7±1ºC up to 50 days, however, growth of psychrotrophics and coliforms was not affected.


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    Angelina Maron


    Full Text Available Este trabalho estuda a viabilidade técnica do uso conjunto de resíduos de serraria (costaneiras dentre outros e topos de árvores de Eucalyptus grandis com 15 anos de idade, destinadas à produção de madeira sólida, com madeira de árvores de plantio industrial, com 7 anos de idade, destinadas à produção de pasta kraft. São apresentados modelos úteis à realização de estimativas de alturas total e comercial e de volumes de madeira comercial e adequadas para serraria, todos baseados no DAP. São fornecidos dados anatômicos, de densidade básica e de composição química de misturas desses tipos de materiais. Mostra-se que é tecnicamente viável realizar deslignificações kraft com misturas contendo madeira comercial de Eucalyptus grandis 7 anos com resíduo de serraria ou topos de árvores. A deslignificação kraft de resíduos de serraria resulta em perda rápida de rendimento, mas a pasta produzida sob as mesmas condições apresenta número Kappa menor que a de Eucalyptus grandis com 7 anos. A deslignificação de topos de árvores resulta em perda de rendimento bruto, mas o consumo específico de madeira é menor. Conforme aumenta a madeira de topo nas misturas, ocorre um aumento na densidade básica, o comprimento médio das fibras fica praticamente o mesmo e um pequeno aumento no teor de lignina; há diminuição nos extrativos em etanol, em água quente e na solubilidade em NaOH 1%. Diminui um pouco o rendimento bruto em pasta, mas praticamente não afeta o número Kappa, caindo sensivelmente o consumo específico de madeira. Com o aumento de madeira de resíduo de serraria das árvores nas misturas, praticamente não há efeito sobre a densidade básica, mas o comprimento médio das fibras aumenta, ocorrendo também um pequeno aumento no teor de lignina. Os extrativos em etanol, em água quente e na solubilidade em NaOH 1% diminuem. O rendimento bruto em pasta cai um pouco, mas com uma queda sensível no número Kappa

  1. Whole-grain pasta reduces appetite and meal-induced thermogenesis acutely

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cioffi, Iolanda; Santarpia, Lidia; Vaccaro, Andrea


    In epidemiological studies, the intake of foods rich in dietary fiber is associated with a reduced risk of developing overweight and type 2 diabetes. This work aims to identify acute strategies to regulate appetite and improve glucose control by using different pasta meals. Hence, 4 different...... isocaloric lunch meals, consisting of (i) refined-grain pasta (RG+T), (ii) whole-grain pasta (WG+T), (iii) lemon juice-supplemented refined-grain pasta (LRG+T), and (iv) refined-grain pasta with legumes (RG+L), were administered to 8 healthy participants in a crossover design. On the test days, participants...... glucose (p = 0.001) was lower for RG+T, and triacylglycerols (p = 0.02) increased for LRG+T; however, insulin, C-peptide, and ghrelin were comparable in all other meals. In conclusion, our study indicates that acute consumption of whole-grain pasta may promote fullness and reduce hunger, lowering...

  2. Propriedades de pasta de amidos de arroz nativo e acetilados Pasting properties of native and acetylated rice starches

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josiane Bartz


    Full Text Available O amido de arroz apresenta características favoráveis a muitas aplicações industriais; no entanto, a natureza hidrofílica do amido na forma nativa pode apresentar algumas limitações para determinados tipos de processamento. Neste estudo, amido de arroz com médio teor de amilose foi acetilado sob catálise alcalina em duas condições reacionais para produzir acetatos de amido com diferentes graus de substituição (GS. A introdução de grupos acetila ao amido foi confirmada por espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FT-IV e os acetatos de amido produzidos foram avaliados quanto às suas propriedades de pasta em viscoamilógrafo (RVA. A acetilação ocasionou reduções em todas as propriedades de pasta avaliadas (temperatura de pasta, viscosidade mínima, pico de viscosidade, viscosidade final e tendência à retrogradação, sendo a redução mais intensa no amido acetilado com maior GS.Rice starch has characteristics suitable to many industrial applications, however, the hydrophilic nature of the starch in native form may present some limitations for some uses. In this study, rice starch with medium amylose content was acetylated under alkaline catalysis on two reaction conditions to produce starch acetates with different degrees of substitution (DS. The introduction of acetyl groups to the starch was confirmed by infrared Fourier transform (FT-IR and starch acetates produced were evaluated for their paste properties in viscoelastograf (RVA. Acetylation caused reductions in all properties paste (paste temperature, minimum viscosity, peak viscosity, final viscosity and retrogradation tendency being the most intense reduction in acetylated starch with greater GS.

  3. The Panda Strip Asic: Pasta (United States)

    Lai, A.


    PASTA is the 64 channel front-end chip, designed in a 110 nm CMOS technology to read out the strip sensors of the Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) of the PANDA experiment. This chip provides high resolution timestamp and deposited charge information by means of the time-over-threshold technique. Its working principle is based on a predecessor, the TOFPET ASIC, that was designed for medical applications. A general restructuring of the architecture was needed, in order to meet the specific requirements imposed by the physics programme of PANDA, especially in terms of radiation tolerance, spatial constraints, and readout in absence of a first level hardware trigger. The first revision of PASTA is currently under evaluation at the Forschungszentrum Jülich, where a data acquisition system dedicated to the MVD prototypes has been developed. This paper describes the main aspect of the chip design, gives an overview of the data acquisition system used for the verification, and shows the first results regarding the performance of PASTA.

  4. Whole grain gluten-free pastas and flatbreads (United States)

    Whole grain gluten-free products were formulated and evaluated for acceptance by volunteer tasters. The tastes judged acceptance of whole grain, gluten-free, egg-free pastas for corn 83%, sorghum 79%, brown rice 77% and millet 50%. The acceptance for similar high protein pasta was corn-garbanzo 70...

  5. Influência da adição de resíduo de gesso no calor de hidratação da argamassa de revestimento interno


    Bernhoeft,Luiz Fernando; Gusmão,Alexandre Duarte; Tavares,Yêda Vieira Póvoas


    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a influência da adição de resíduo beneficiado de pasta de gesso como agregado no calor de hidratação da argamassa de gesso para uso em revestimentos internos. Na metodologia utilizada foi fixada a relação água/gesso de 0,66, valor obtido por meio de ensaio de consistência normal, e executados ensaios comparativos entre o gesso natural e o gesso aditivado com 5% e 10 % de resíduo. Para as adições de 5% e 10% de resíduo, os resultados mostraram a dim...

  6. Pasta phases in core-collapse supernova matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pais, Helena; Chiacchiera, Silvia; Providência, Constança


    The pasta phase in core-collapse supernova matter (finite temperatures and fixed proton fractions) is studied within relativistic mean field models. Three different calculations are used for comparison, the Thomas-Fermi (TF), the Coexisting Phases (CP) and the Compressible Liquid Drop (CLD) approximations. The effects of including light clusters in nuclear matter and the densities at which the transitions between pasta configurations and to uniform matter occur are also investigated. The free energy and pressure, in the space of particle number densities and temperatures expected to cover the pasta region, are calculated. Finally, a comparison with a finite temperature Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculation is drawn. (paper)

  7. Processamento e estudo da estabilidade de pasta de pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Processing and stability study of pequi paste (Caryocar brasiliense

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    Aroldo Arévalo-Pinedo


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho de pesquisa teve como objetivo desenvolver um processo de obtenção de pasta de pequi (Caryocar brasiliense para uso culinário e avaliar a sua estabilidade quando acondicionada em embalagens de plástico e de vidro durante 180 dias de armazenamento. O processamento da pasta envolveu: descascamento, retirada da polpa em forma de lascas, obtenção da pasta em liquidificador, acidificação do produto com ácido cítrico até um pH The aim of this paper was to develop a process to obtain a salted and unsalted pequi paste for culinary use and to evaluate its stability when packed in plastic or in glass jars during 180 days of storage. The process included peeling of pequi fruit, pulp cutting, obtain the paste with the use of a blender, acidification of the product with citric acid at a pH < 4,5, addition 10% of NaCl (to avoid the development of deteriorating microorganisms and enzymatic darkening, thermal treatment at 80 ºC during 10 minutes, and hot filling in plastic and glass jars. The final product was submitted to microbiological and physicochemical analysis of the pH values and acidity and color evaluation. The results showed what the acidification with citric acid and hot filling process was effective to establish commercial sterility to the pequi paste in glass jars during a four-month period. The paste was more stable when packed in glass jars than in plastic jars with respect to microbiological and physicochemical analysis and color degradation during the four-month period.

  8. Condrossarcoma mesenquimal extraesquelético em um gato: relato de caso

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    T.N. Guim


    Full Text Available Condrossarcoma mesenquimal extraesquelético (CME é um neoplasma maligno e raro em animais domésticos. Descreve-se um caso de CME em uma gata que apresentava uma massa firme, branco-amarelada, medindo 18cm de diâmetro, aderida à musculatura do membro pélvico esquerdo. O exame citológico revelou presença de células fusiformes individualizadas pleomórficas e agregados de pequenas células ovais, sem bordas definidas em meio à matriz intercelular amorfa. Devido à impossibilidade de tratamento e ao prognóstico desfavorável, foi realizada eutanásia. Microscopicamente foram observadas células fusiformes indiferenciadas e agregados de células condroides pleomórficas. O diagnóstico de CME foi confirmado pelas técnicas de azul alciano, tricrômico de Masson e pela prova imunoistoquímica, utilizando-se anticorpos antivimentina.

  9. Metabolomics and food processing: From semolina to pasta

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Beleggia, R


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to investigate the metabolite variations during industrial pasta processing (from semolina to dried pasta) for five different commercial products. Up to 76 metabolites were detected. Significant differences were...

  10. Game Theory and Risk-Based Levee System Design (United States)

    Hui, R.; Lund, J. R.; Madani, K.


    Risk-based analysis has been developed for optimal levee design for economic efficiency. Along many rivers, two levees on opposite riverbanks act as a simple levee system. Being rational and self-interested, land owners on each river bank would tend to independently optimize their levees with risk-based analysis, resulting in a Pareto-inefficient levee system design from the social planner's perspective. Game theory is applied in this study to analyze decision making process in a simple levee system in which the land owners on each river bank develop their design strategies using risk-based economic optimization. For each land owner, the annual expected total cost includes expected annual damage cost and annualized construction cost. The non-cooperative Nash equilibrium is identified and compared to the social planner's optimal distribution of flood risk and damage cost throughout the system which results in the minimum total flood cost for the system. The social planner's optimal solution is not feasible without appropriate level of compensation for the transferred flood risk to guarantee and improve conditions for all parties. Therefore, cooperative game theory is then employed to develop an economically optimal design that can be implemented in practice. By examining the game in the reversible and irreversible decision making modes, the cost of decision making myopia is calculated to underline the significance of considering the externalities and evolution path of dynamic water resource problems for optimal decision making.

  11. Evaluation of fresh pasta-making properties of extra-strong common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). (United States)

    Ito, Miwako; Maruyama-Funatsuki, Wakako; Ikeda, Tatsuya M; Nishio, Zenta; Nagasawa, Koichi; Tabiki, Tadashi; Yamauchi, Hiroaki


    The relationship between characterictics of flour of common wheat varieties and fresh pasta-making qualitites was examined, and the fresh pasta-making properties of extra-strong varieties that have extra-strong dough were evaluated. There was a positive correlation between mixing time (PT) and hardness of boiled pasta, indicating that the hardness of boiled pasta was affected by dough properties. Boiled pasta made from extra-strong varieties, Yumechikara, Hokkai 262 and Hokkai 259, was harder than that from other varieties and commercial flour. There was a negative correlation between flour protein content and brightness of boiled pasta. The colors of boiled pasta made from Yumechikara and Hokkai 262 grown under the condition of standard manuring culture were superior to those of boiled pasta made from other varieties. Discoloration of boiled pasta made from Yumechikara grown under the condition of heavy manuring culture was caused by increase of flour protein content. On the other hand, discoloration of boiled pasta made from Hokkai 262 grown under the condition of heavy manuring culture was less than that of boiled pasta made from Yumechikara. These results indicate that pasta made from extra-strong wheat varieties has good hardness and that Hokkai 262 has extraordinary fresh pasta-making properties.

  12. Dementia and mild cognitive impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease Demência e transtorno cognitivo leve em pacientes com doença de Parkinson

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria Maria Almeida Souza Tedrus


    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to assess the occurrence of cognitive impairment in 32 individuals (average age: 67.2 years old with Parkinson' disease (PD. Procedures: clinical-neurological assessment; modified Hoehn and Yahr staging scale (HYS; standard neuropsychological battery of CERAD (Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer' Disease; Pfeffer questionnaire; and Clinical Dementia Rating. A comparison was made with a control group (CG, consisting of 26 individuals with similar age and educational level but without cognitive impairment. The PD patients showed an inferior performance in the CERAD battery when compared to the CG. Three PD sub-groups were characterised according to cognition: no cognitive impairment - 15 cases; mild cognitive impairment - 10; dementia - 7 cases. There was a significant association between motor disability (HYS and the occurrence of dementia. Dementia and mild cognitive impairment frequently occur in PD patients and should be investigated in a routine way.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a ocorrência de déficits cognitivos em 32 indivíduos (idade média: 67,2 anos com doença de Parkinson (DP. Procedimentos: avaliação clínico-neurológica, escala de Hoehn and Yahr modificada (EHY, bateria neurospicológica do CERAD (Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer' Disease, questionário de Pfeffer e escore clínico da demência (Clinical Dementia Rating. Foi feita comparação com grupo controle (GC de 26 indivíduos sem declínio cognitivo, com idade e nível educacional similares. Os pacientes com DP tiveram desempenho inferior na bateria CERAD, quando comparados ao do GC. Foram caracterizados 3 subgrupos com PD segundo a cognição: sem déficits cognitivos - 15 casos; transtorno cognitivo leve - 10; demência - 7 casos. Houve associação entre comprometimento motor e ocorrência de demência. Demência e transtorno cognitivo leve são freqüentes em pacientes com DP e devem ser

  13. Rheological properties and mineral content of buckwheat enriched wholegrain wheat pasta

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    Nedeljković Nataša


    Full Text Available Light buckwheat flour (LBF was used to substitute 20% of whole wheat flour (WWF in the formulation of wholegrain wheat pasta. Wholegrain wheat pasta (WWP and buckwheat enriched wholegrain wheat pasta (BWWP were produced on an industrial scale. Substitution level of buckwheat flour (20% was based on previously conducted rheological tests on LBF/WWF blends which were performed using 10, 20 and 30% of LBF. The obtained Mixolab profiles have indicated that wheat blend containing 20% LBF expressed the most similar rheological parameters to WWF. Proximate composition, cooking quality and mineral content of BWWP were analyzed and compared with those of WWP. The substitution of WWF with LBF in the pasta formulation resulted in significantly increased (P < 0.05 contents of P, Mg, K and Zn compared to WWP in dry pasta. The reduction in mineral content of BWWP during cooking was significantly higher (P < 0.05 compared to WWP. The content of P, Mg and K were at same level in both type of pasta after cooking. The obtained results suggest that enrichment of WWP with LBF at the level of 20% did not improve the mineral content of cooked pasta, although increase in minerals was observed in dry pasta. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR31029

  14. Modelagem da retração por secagem de concretos produzidos com agregados reciclados

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    A. E. B. Cabral

    Full Text Available A preocupação com a conservação dos recursos não renováveis tem levado o meio acadêmico a pesquisar sobre a utilização dos agregados reciclados na produção de concretos. A retração por secagem do concreto é um fenômeno que está intimamente ligado à perda de água da massa do concreto, a qual é quase inevitável, desde que o concreto esteja exposto a um ambiente de umidade abaixo da condição de saturação. Este artigo apresenta um estudo experimental, onde foram produzidos concretos variando-se a relação água/cimento (de 0,4 a 0,8 e o tipo e a proporção dos três principais constituintes do resíduo de construção e demolição (concreto, argamassa e cerâmica vermelha usados como agregados graúdos e miúdos reciclados, produzindo-se modelos matemáticos que correlacionam tais variáveis com a retração por secagem dos concretos aos 56 e 224 dias de idade. Os resultados apontam que, para a idade de 56 dias, o modelo apresentou uma excessiva variabilidade, manifestando somente 4 das 7 variáveis como termos significativos. Para a idade de 224 dias, o modelo proposto ainda apresentou uma elevada variabilidade, entretanto todas as variáveis foram tidas como significativas. Os resultados apontam que a substituição do agregado natural pelo reciclado propicia um acréscimo na retração por secagem, sendo este efeito mais sentido para a substituição do agregado miúdo. O efeito mais pronunciado está associado ao emprego do agregado miúdo reciclado de concreto e o menor, ao do agregado graúdo reciclado de concreto.

  15. Neutrino opacities and the pasta phase structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menezes, D.P.; Alloy, M.D.


    The diffusion coefficients that are related to the neutrino opacities are calculated in such a way that the formation of nuclear pasta and homogeneous matter at low densities are taken into account. Two methods are developed to build the pasta phase and their differences are outlined. One of them is chosen as part of a complete equation of state used in the calculation of the diffusion coefficients. Our results show that the mean free paths are significantly altered by the presence of nuclear pasta in stellar matter when compared with the results obtained with pure homogeneous matter. These differences in neutrino opacities will have consequences in the calculation of the Kelvin-Helmholtz phase of protoneutron stars. (author)

  16. Polyphenol content and glycemic load of pasta enriched with Faba bean flour

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    Imma Turco


    Full Text Available Background: Legumes contain elevated levels of health functional components. The objective of the present paper was to evaluate the nutritional properties and the post-prandial glycaemic responses of pasta obtained using 35% Vicia Faba (VF bean flour, which is an important source of fiber and phytochemical compounds. Results: Protein and fiber content were higher in VF pasta compared with durum wheat semolina (DWS pasta. The total phenol content in VF pasta was about two fold higher compared to that of DWS pasta. A higher total flavonoid content, higher antioxidant activity against peroxyl radicals evaluated by oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC assay was also observed in VF pasta. The comparison of post-prandial increase of glucose after VF intake or DWS demonstrated significant differences and VF pasta exhibited a lower glycemic index value, a lower glycemic load and higher glycemic profile compared with DWS pasta. Conclusion: The results suggest that enrichment with 35% Vicia faba bean has potential health benefits and that VF flour can be used as an ingredient to prepare added-value products.

  17. Green Barley as an Ingredient in Pasta: Antioxidant Activity and Sensory Characteristics Evaluation

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    Ivanišová Eva


    Full Text Available The aims of the present study was to determine antioxidant activity, sensory properties as well as total polyphenol, flavonoid and chlorophyll content of raw and cooked pasta enriched by 1%, 3% and 5% addition of green barley powder. Results of antioxidant activity showed that increase of green barley addition increase antioxidant activity of pasta. The values in raw pasta obtained by DPPH ranged from 1.17 (control to 1.81 (5% addition mg TEAC/g DM, after cooking values ranged from 0.82 (control to 1.59 (5% addition mg TEAC/g DM. Similar tendency was signed by molybdenum reducing antioxidant power method. In enriched pasta was also found higher content of total polyphenol (0.19 in control raw sample and 1.81 mg GAE/g DM in pasta with 5 % of green barley addition; values of cooked pasta ranged from 0.10 in control sample to 0.73 mg GAE/g DM in pasta with 5 % of green barley addition as well as total flavonoid content (results of raw pasta were from 0.00 in control sample to 0.41 mg QE/g DM in pasta with 5% of green barley addition; values of cooked pasta were from 0.00 in control sample to 0.29 mg QE/g DM in variant with 5% green barley. Green barley also enriched pasta for chlorophyll with the best results in 5% addition. From prepared variants of enriched pasta the best overall acceptability was sign in 3% of green barley addition. Pastas enriched with plant-derived bioactive compounds such as green barley may confer health benefits to consumers.

  18. Fate of SDS-insoluble glutenin polymers from semolina to dry pasta. (United States)

    Joubert, Marianne; Lullien-Pellerin, Valérie; Morel, Marie-Hélène


    Pasta cooking quality is well known to be related to semolina protein content and composition, however impact of the unextractable polymeric protein content (%UPP) remains disputed. In this work different semolina samples, of variable protein contents (10.5-14.2%) and %UPP (20.2-46.3%) are studied. The changes in %UPP induced by the successive pasta processing steps (mixing, extrusion, drying) but also those occurring during resting periods at 35°C, applied in-between them, were investigated. Effect of a resting period was moderate after mixing, but pronounced after extrusion. Resting of extruded pasta at 35°C significantly increased %UPP, which can even grow beyond that of the semolina. No relationship was found between pasta viscoelastic index (VI) and semolina %UPP or protein content. However, cooked pasta VI was found related to the calculated %UPP of rested fresh pasta. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Efeito antibacteriano do preparo biomecÃnico e de uma pasta à base de hidrÃxido de cÃlcio sobre bactÃrias presentes em canais radiculares de dentes decÃduos necrosados apÃs trauma


    Denise Lins de Sousa


    Um dos principais objetivos do tratamento endodÃntico dos canais radiculares de dentes com polpa necrÃtica consiste em eliminar os microorganismos localizados no sistema de canais radiculares. Dessa forma, esta dissertaÃÃo, constituÃda por um artigo, propÃe-se a avaliar o efeito antibacteriano do preparo quÃmico-mecÃnico e de uma pasta à base de hidrÃxido de cÃlcio sobre bactÃrias presentes em canais radiculares de dentes decÃduos necrosados apÃs trauma bem como verificar a presenÃa dos micro...

  20. Traumatismo craneoencefálico leve (United States)

    Ortega Zufiría, José Manuel; Prieto, Noemí Lomillos; Cuba, Bernardino Choque; Degenhardt, Martin Tamarit; Núñez, Pedro Poveda; López Serrano, María Remedios; López Raigada, Azahara Belén


    Resumen Introducción y objetivo: El TCE leve representa un problema sanitario de enorme interés debido a que un número significativo de enfermos con trauma leve desarrollará complicaciones potencialmente mortales. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido describir una serie amplia de pacientes adultos, mayores de 14 años, que sufren TCE leve, atendidos en el Hospital Universitario de Getafe, entre los años 2010 y 2015 (n = 2480), estudiar el perfil epidemiológico y analizar el diagnóstico y el tratamiento efectuados, así como establecer los principales factores pronósticos que influyen en el resultado final. Método: Se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo, de revisión de historias clínicas, analizando los resultados con estudio estadístico bivariable y multivariable. Resultados: El TCE leve es más frecuente en varones, y el mecanismo causante más común en nuestro medio es el accidente de tráfico. Se propone un modelo de clasificación de pacientes según grupos de riesgo, que los subdivide en riesgo bajo, intermedio o alto, que se correlaciona bien con la probabilidad de desarrollar complicación intracraneal, y, consecuentemente, con el resultado final. Se discute la indicación de la radiografía simple de cráneo y de la Tomografía Computarizada (TC), así como del ingreso hospitalario para observación neurológica. Conclusiones: En este estudio, la presencia de focalidad neurológica en la exploración clínica, la edad, las alteraciones de la coagulación y la existencia de fractura en la radiografía simple se relacionan con mayor posibilidad de desarrollar lesiones traumáticas intracraneales y con peor pronóstico final. La escala de Glasgow para el Coma es deficitaria en la determinación del resultado final del paciente que sufre TCE, porque no considera variables tales como la amnesia o la pérdida de conocimiento, muy frecuentes en el traumatismo craneoencefálico leve. PMID:29430327

  1. Compressibility of Oxisol aggregates under no-till in response to soil water potential Compressibilidade de agregados de Latossolo Vermelho sob plantio direto em resposta ao potencial da água do solo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Tavares Filho


    ão. Entretanto, por meio do manejo, qualquer que seja ele, ocorrem modificações da estrutura do solo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a influência do estado energético da água e do teor de matéria orgânica sobre o mecanismo de compactação de Latossolo Vermelho sob plantio direto. Utilizaram-se para este estudo amostras de solo úmidas e indeformadas, coletadas no horizonte Ap de duas áreas agrícolas sob plantio direto com e sem rotação de culturas. No laboratório, essas amostras foram fragmentadas e peneiradas para obtenção de agregados de 4 a 5 mm de diâmetro, os quais foram colocados em equilíbrio com umidade de quatro potenciais matriciais para, após essa etapa, sofrerem uma compressão uniaxial com pressões de 32 a 1.000 kPa. Os resultados mostram que a maior compressibilidade dos agregados tanto para o manejo com rotação de culturas como para o manejo sem rotação de culturas, ocorreu para o potencial matricial de -32 kPa (umidade entre 0,29 e 0,32 kg kg-1, enquanto a menor ocorreu para os potenciais de -1 e -1.000 kPa (umidades de 0,35 e 0,27 kg kg-1, respectivamente, indicando que esse solo não deve ser trabalhado com umidade em torno de 0,29-0,32 kg kg-1. A maior redução de volume dos agregados foi obtida para pressões mecânicas inferiores a 600 kPa, indicando que esses solos mostraram-se bastante sensíveis à compactaçãoquando expostos ao trabalho mecânico. Além disso, os agregados do solo com plantio direto e rotação de culturas apresentaram sensibilidade maior à compressão que os agregados do solo com plantio direto e sem rotação de culturas, possivelmente por terem melhores condições estruturais, graças ao maior teor de matéria orgânica.

  2. α particles and the ''pasta'' phase in nuclear matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avancini, S. S.; Barros, C. C. Jr.; Menezes, D. P.; Providencia, C.


    The effects of the α particles in nuclear matter at low densities are investigated within three different parametrizations of relativistic models at finite temperature. Both homogeneous and inhomogeneous matter (pasta phase) are described for neutral nuclear matter with fixed proton fractions and stellar matter subject to β equilibrium and trapped neutrinos. In homogeneous matter, α particles are present only at densities below 0.02 fm -3 and their presence decreases with increase of the temperature and, for a fixed temperature, the α particle fraction decreases for smaller proton fractions. A repulsive interaction is important to mimic the dissolution of the clusters in homogeneous matter. The effect of the α particles on the pasta structure is very small except close to the critical temperatures and/or proton fractions, when it may still predict a pasta phase while no pasta phase would occur in the absence of light clusters. It is shown that for densities above 0.01 fm 3 the α-particle fraction in the pasta phase is much larger than that in homogeneous matter.

  3. Quality and nutritional properties of pasta products enriched with immature wheat grain. (United States)

    Casiraghi, Maria Cristina; Pagani, Maria Ambrogina; Erba, Daniela; Marti, Alessandra; Cecchini, Cristina; D'Egidio, Maria Grazia


    In this study, nutritional and sensory properties of pasta enriched with 30% immature wheat grain (IWG), a natural source of fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), are evaluated. Colour and cooking quality, nutritional value and glycaemic index (GI) of pasta were assessed in comparison with commercially enriched inulin and 100% wholewheat pastas. IWG integration induced deep changes in colour, without negatively affecting the cooking quality of pasta, and promoted nutritional quality by increasing the fibre content; IWG pasta presented a remarkable leaching of FOS in cooking water, thus providing only 1 g of FOS per serving. IWG pastas showed a GI of 67 (dried) and 79 (fresh), not significantly different from commercial pasta products. IWG can be considered an interesting ingredient to obtain functional products 'naturally enriched' in FOS and fibre. Results about FOS leaching suggest that, in dealing with functional effects, the actual prebiotic content should be carefully considered on food 'as eaten'.

  4. 78 FR 48146 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2011-2012 (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... certain pasta (pasta) from Italy,\\1\\ covering the period July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012. The review... e Pastificio and its affiliates Rummo S.p.A., Lenta Lavorazione, and Pasta Castiglioni (collectively...


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    Eko Hari Purnomo


    Full Text Available Pasta is an extrusion product which is commonly produced from wheat flour. Gluten is key substance of wheat flour that affect quality of pasta, such as low cooking loss, low adhesiveness and firm pasta structure. However, gluten may cause health problem for consumers with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Rice is safe for celiac disease sufferer, but it is technologically challenging to develop rice-based pasta. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of different ratio between xanthan gum and guar gum (2% on the physical characteristics of macaroni pasta from rice flour. This research consisted of several steps which include flour milling and characterization, formulation, and final product analysis. The result showed that different ratio of xanthan gum and guar gum had significant effect to cooking loss, adhesiveness, springiness and hue parameters (P0.05. The optimum formula was noodle by hydrocolloid ratio 2% of xanthan gum and 0 % of guar gum which had desirability value of 0.798. The selected formula was organoleptically accepted by panelists and containing 9.84 % of water, 1.65% of ash, 12.05% of protein, 1.41% of fat, 75.05% of carbohydrate, 24.49% of amylose, also 33.49 "μm" of pore size.

  6. Compressibilidade de agregados de um Latossolo Amarelo da Amazônia em resposta ao potencial da água do solo Aggregate compressibility of an Amazon Oxisol in response to water potential

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    João Tavares Filho


    Full Text Available Normalmente a utilização agrícola dos solos é realizada com máquinas e implementos pesados que lhes causam compactação, responsável por afetar a disponibilidade de ar e de água para as plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento de agregados de Latossolo Amarelo da Amazônia sob compressão mecânica, submetidos a quatro níveis de umidade. Amostras de solo, úmidas e indeformadas, coletadas sob floresta, no horizonte A, a 10 cm de profundidade, e no horizonte B, a 150 cm de profundidade, foram utilizadas neste trabalho. No laboratório, essas amostras foram fragmentadas e peneiradas para obtenção de agregados de 2 a 3 mm de diâmetro, os quais foram colocados em equilíbrio com umidade de quatro potenciais matriciais para, após essa etapa, sofrerem uma compressão uniaxial com pressões de 32 a 1.000 kPa. Os resultados mostraram que a maior compressibilidade dos agregados, tanto para o horizonte A como para o B, ocorreu para o potencial matricial -32 kPa (umidade de 0,38 kg kg-1, enquanto a menor ocorreu para os potenciais -1 kPa e -1.000 kPa (umidade de 0,32 e 0,30 kg kg-1, respectivamente, indicando que esse solo não deve ser trabalhado com umidades próximas a 0,38 kg kg-1. A maior redução de volume dos agregados, tanto para o horizonte A como para o horizonte B, foi obtida para pressões mecânicas inferiores a 400 kPa, indicando que esses solos são bastante sensíveis à compactação, principalmente os agregados do horizonte A, possivelmente por terem melhores condições estruturais decorrentes do maior teor de matéria orgânica.The agricultural use of soils usually relies on the use of heavy machinery that cause soil compaction, affecting the amount of air and water available for plants. The present study was carried out in the year 2000 and aimed at studying the performance of aggregates of an Amazon Oxisol under mechanical compression and that were subjected to varying degrees of matric potential

  7. Effects of incorporating nonmodified sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) flour on wheat pasta functional characteristics. (United States)

    Saleh, Mohammed; Lee, Youngseung; Obeidat, Hayat


    The effects of substituting wheat flour using fractions of blanched or nonblanched sweet potato flour on produced pasta functional characteristics were investigated. The use of sweet potato flour to replace fractions of wheat flour, regardless of blanching treatment, resulted in significant (p pasta water uptake and solid leaching out and freeze-thaw stability of produced pasta. For instance, treatment containing 40% of nonblanched sweet potato flour and held at 55C resulted in 27% point increase in WHC compared to the control. Sweet potato flour was also contributed to the decrease in treatments pasting viscosities and in cooked pasta hardness. Cooked pasta hardness was significantly (p pasta made using fractions of sweet potato were equivalent to or sometimes superior to that of the control sample. Results indicated the possible enhancement of pasta nutritional quality including firmness, cooking loss, and water uptake without impairing consumer acceptability. The use of sweet potato flour in pasta would enhance the nutritional and physicochemical properties of developed pasta and pasta products. Furthermore, since sweet potato is not cultivated most of the year; sweet potato flour pasta would be better utilized in food processing and is expected to enhance sweet potato consumption year around. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. A Bivariate return period for levee failure monitoring (United States)

    Isola, M.; Caporali, E.


    Levee breaches are strongly linked with the interaction processes among water, soil and structure, thus many are the factors that affect the breach development. One of the main is the hydraulic load, characterized by intensity and duration, i.e. by the flood event hydrograph. On the magnitude of the hydraulic load is based the levee design, generally without considering the fatigue failure due to the load duration. Moreover, many are the cases in which the levee breach are characterized by flood of magnitude lower than the design one. In order to implement the strategies of flood risk management, we built here a procedure based on a multivariate statistical analysis of flood peak and volume together with the analysis of the past levee failure events. Particularly, in order to define the probability of occurrence of the hydraulic load on a levee, a bivariate copula model is used to obtain the bivariate joint distribution of flood peak and volume. Flood peak is the expression of the load magnitude, while the volume is the expression of the stress over time. We consider the annual flood peak and the relative volume. The volume is given by the hydrograph area between the beginning and the end of event. The beginning of the event is identified as an abrupt rise of the discharge by more than 20%. The end is identified as the point from which the receding limb is characterized by the baseflow, using a nonlinear reservoir algorithm as baseflow separation technique. By this, with the aim to define warning thresholds we consider the past levee failure events and the relative bivariate return period (BTr) compared with the estimation of a traditional univariate model. The discharge data of 30 hydrometric stations of Arno River in Tuscany, Italy, in the period 1995-2016 are analysed. The database of levee failure events, considering for each event the location as well as the failure mode, is also created. The events were registered in the period 2000-2014 by EEA

  9. 75 FR 78223 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty Changed Circumstances Review... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy... certain pasta from Italy. See Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Initiation of Changed Circumstances... Notice''). The Department confirmed that New World Pasta Company, Dakota Growers Pasta Company, and...

  10. Conteúdo de carbono orgânico em planossolo háplico sob sistemas de manejo do arroz irrigado

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    Carla Machado da Rosa


    Full Text Available Nos solos de várzea da região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, onde um milhão de hectares são cultivados com arroz irrigado por alagamento em diferentes sistemas de manejo, a influência da condição de má drenagem e alternância entre ciclos de oxidação e redução sobre o conteúdo de C orgânico do solo (COS é pouco conhecida. Este estudo foi realizado em um experimento de longa duração (21 anos, localizado no município do Capão do Leão, RS, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de sistemas de manejo do arroz irrigado sobre os estoques de COS e das frações físicas da matéria orgânica em um Planossolo Háplico. O fracionamento físico da matéria orgânica do solo foi realizado pelo método densimétrico, em amostras de solo coletadas das camadas de 0-0,025; 0,025-0,05; 0,05-0,10; e 0,10-0,20 m, nos tratamentos: ST- Sistema tradicional de cultivo um ano com arroz (preparo convencional e dois anos com pousio; APC- Sistema de cultivo contínuo de arroz (preparo convencional e controle de invasoras com herbicida; APD- Sucessão azevém/arroz (plantio direto; e SN- Solo mantido com vegetação natural (campo nativo. O sistema com arroz/azevém em plantio direto APD foi mais eficiente em manter os estoques de COS e da fração leve livre até 0,05 m de profundidade, em comparação com o ST e APC. A fração leve oclusa não se mostrou sensível aos efeitos dos diferentes sistemas de manejo, sugerindo para o solo de várzea baixa eficiência da proteção física da MOS por oclusão em agregados, o que pode estar relacionado aos efeitos da condição de má drenagem no processo de agregação. A umidade excessiva no inverno e o alagamento durante os cultivos de arroz estariam proporcionando agregação transitória entre cultivos. A quantidade de CO nesse Planossolo, tanto entre os sistemas de cultivo quanto em profundidade, deve-se principalmente à fração pesada, que é a fração mais estável e mais difícil de ser degradada.

  11. McGee Creek Drainage and Levee District, Illinois. (United States)


    J COUNTY MC GEE REEK DRAINAGE BLEVEE DISTRICT N~ i, 0. ~ I I LEGEND Co ,. 3 ~ . -~------~----EXISTING LEVEE _____________PROPOSED LEVEE...Development, Conservation, Environmental Protection Agency, Health, Institute for Environmental Quality, Mines and Minerals. Pollution Control Board...Protection Agency, Health, Institute for Environmental Quality, Mines and Minerals, Pollution Control Board, Registration and Education, Transportation

  12. Structural, Culinary, Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Properties of High Protein, Gluten Free, 100% Legume Pasta. (United States)

    Laleg, Karima; Cassan, Denis; Barron, Cécile; Prabhasankar, Pichan; Micard, Valérie


    Wheat pasta has a compact structure built by a gluten network entrapping starch granules resulting in a low glycemic index, but is nevertheless unsuitable for gluten-intolerant people. High protein gluten-free legume flours, rich in fibers, resistant starch and minerals are thus a good alternative for gluten-free pasta production. In this study, gluten-free pasta was produced exclusively from faba, lentil or black-gram flours. The relationship between their structure, their cooking and Rheological properties and their in-vitro starch digestion was analyzed and compared to cereal gluten-free commercial pasta. Trypsin inhibitory activity, phytic acid and α-galactosides were determined in flours and in cooked pasta. All legume pasta were rich in protein, resistant starch and fibers. They had a thick but weak protein network, which is built during the pasta cooking step. This particular structure altered pasta springiness and increased cooking losses. Black-gram pasta, which is especially rich in soluble fibers, differed from faba and lentil pasta, with high springiness (0.85 vs. 0.75) and less loss during cooking. In comparison to a commercial cereal gluten-free pasta, all the legume pasta lost less material during cooking but was less cohesive and springy. Interestingly, due to their particular composition and structure, lentil and faba pasta released their starch more slowly than the commercial gluten-free pasta during the in-vitro digestion process. Anti-nutritional factors in legumes, such as trypsin inhibitory activity and α-galactosides were reduced by up to 82% and 73%, respectively, by pasta processing and cooking. However, these processing steps had a minor effect on phytic acid. This study demonstrates the advantages of using legumes for the production of gluten-free pasta with a low glycemic index and high nutritional quality.

  13. Estudo de argamassa à base de cal e metacaulim para intervenções em revestimento das edificações históricas


    Souza, Juliana Santa Cruz


    O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar argamassas a base de cal com teores diferenciados de metacaulim para a restauração de revestimento nas edificações históricas. Confrontou-se cinco traços de argamassa à base de cal, metacaulim e mistura binária de agregado miúdo, sendo mantida a proporção de ligante e agregado em massa constante 1:3. Os traços possuem modificação na proporção de cal e metacaulim, sendo a cal substituída em massa por metacaulim nas porcentagens de 0%, ...

  14. Relationship between the properties of raw and cooked spaghetti - new indices for pasta quality evaluation (United States)

    Biernacka, Beata; Dziki, Dariusz; Różyło, Renata; Wójcik, Monika; Miś, Antoni; Romankiewicz, Daria; Krzysiak, Zbigniew


    The quality of pasta can be evaluated by measuring the characteristics which encompass the most important quality parameters, such as colour, cooking properties and texture. The aim of the study was to suggest new indices which can be used to evaluate the quality of pasta. For the tests, 15 samples of spaghetti (produced from either semolina or common wheat flour) were used. The bending test was performed for the determination of the strength properties of raw pasta, while the pasta colour parameters were evaluated via the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage system. The pasta cooking test included the evaluation of optimum cooking time, weight increase index and cooking loss. The samples of cooked spaghetti were cut, and the parameters describing pasta texture were determined. Statistical analysis showed significant correlations (α = 0.05) between colour parameters (lightness and redness) and pasta ash content (R = -0.90 and 0.84, respectively). The mechanical properties of raw pasta correlated positively with pasta density. The strongest correlation was found between pasta density and flexural strength. The destruction force for raw spaghetti during the bending test correlated significantly and positively with the cutting force of the cooked pasta. The obtained correlations can be helpful in pasta quality evaluation.

  15. Structural properties and digestion of green banana flour as a functional ingredient in pasta. (United States)

    Zheng, Zeqi; Stanley, Roger; Gidley, Michael J; Dhital, Sushil


    Gluten free pasta was made from raw banana flour in combination with vegetable gums and protein for comparison to pasta similarly made from wheat flour. After cooking, it was found that the banana flour pasta was less susceptible to alpha-amylase digestion compared to conventional wheat flour pasta. Release of glucose by alpha-amylase digestion followed first order kinetics with an initial rapid rate of digestion and a subsequent second slower phase. The structure of green banana pasta starch at the inner and outer pasta surfaces was observed under confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and the viscosities of the flour mixtures were measured by a Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA). The digestibility of banana flour pasta was found to be related, not only to the properties of the starch granules, but also to the protein network of the surrounding food matrix. The effects of gums and proteins on pasta formation and digestibility are discussed in the context of its potential use as a gluten free lower glycaemic alternative to conventional wheat based pastas.

  16. Effect of pumpkin powder incorporation on cooking and sensory parameters of pasta

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    Lucia Minarovičová


    Full Text Available Pasta is commonly consumed and low glycaemic cereal-based food with long shelf life, which is suitable food matrix for substitution with functional ingredients. Pumpkin powder can be considered as suitable component in pasta making. The effect of addition of pumpkin powder at different levels (5, 7.5, and 10% on wheat dough rheology, cooking quality of pasta as well as on sensory properties was evaluated. Pumpkin powder included: 6.1% moisture, 8.2%, protein, 0.7% crude fat, 2.3% ash, 27.4% total dietary fiber which is included soluble (10.2% and insoluble (17.2% dietary fiber. Farinograph properties of pumpkin powder incorporated dough showed increase in water absorption and dough development time while dough stability and mixing tolerance indes were decreased. It was also observed that addition of pumpkin powder significantly altered cooking quality of pasta. Generally, pasta incorporated with pumpkin powder had shorter optimal cooking time. The shortest optimal time (5.9 min was after addition of 10% of pumpkin powder compared with control pasta (7.0 min. From the results also concluded that addition of pumpkin powder significantly increased cooking loss. The highest cooking loss (6.6% was after addition 10% pumpkin powder. Furthermore it could be stated that incorporation of pumpkin powder in pasta increased water absorption of pasta from 181.0% (control to 211.2% (10% of pumpkin powder. From sensory evaluation resulted that pumpkin powder incorporated pasta were characterized by lower colour, flavor and grain taste. On the other hand vegetable taste and granular structure of pasta increased with higher addition level of pumpkin powder. Moreover, it was concluded that pasta with addition level 10% were the most acceptable for accesors. Normal 0 21 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE Normal 0 21 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE

  17. Viscosidade cinemática de pastas cimentícias com incorporadores de ar avaliadas em diferentes temperaturas Kinematic viscosity of cement pastes with air-entrained admixtures evaluated in different temperatures

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    R. C. O. Romano


    Full Text Available A presença de aditivos incorporadores de ar (AIA em suspensões cimentícias torna esses materiais sensíveis às etapas de processamento e às condições ambientais de preparo das composições. Diversos estudos têm sido reportados em literatura avaliando o efeito de incorporadores de ar nas propriedades de materiais cimentícios, sobretudo no estado endurecido. Porém o efeito da temperatura na incorporação de ar e nas propriedades reológicas dessas composições tem sido menos investigado, sendo este o objetivo do presente trabalho. Para tanto, foram avaliadas as características de pastas cimentícias, compostas por cimentos CPIIF ou CPIIE e dois tipos de AIA, em função da variação da temperatura. O conceito de viscosidade cinemática foi adotado na análise dos resultados para compensar diferenças de inércia das pastas com densidades distintas. Os resultados mostraram que o tipo de cimento, a presença do aditivo e a temperatura influenciaram significativamente na incorporação de ar e nas propriedades reológicas.Air-entrained admixtures (AEA makes the cementitious pastes very sensitive to the mix process, environmental conditions and, consequently modifies the final properties. Many studies have been found in literature evaluating the AEA effect on the material properties, mainly in the hardened state. However, the temperature effect in the air incorporation and rheological properties have been less investigated, and this has been the objective of our work. The properties of cementitious pastes formulated with CPIIE or CPIIF and different air-entrained admixtures were evaluated in distinct temperatures. Furthermore, the concept of kinematic viscosity was used in the analysis of the results to compensate the differences in the inertia of cement pastes with different densities. The results shown that the cement type, the additive presence and the temperature significantly affects the air incorporation and the rheological

  18. Caracterização de agregados em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico submetido a diferentes doses de vinhaça Evaluation of aggregate stability in an oxisol treated with different vinasse doses

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    Amarildo Luiz Passarin


    Full Text Available A distribuição de classes de tamanho, a quantidade e a estabilidade dos agregados constituem importantes critérios para avaliação da estrutura, a qual desempenha papel relevante nas relações entre o solo e as plantas. A vinhaça, quando aplicada ao solo, provoca aumento na atividade microbiana em conseqüência da adição da matéria orgânica nela contida. Essa atividade é acompanhada pelo aumento na produção de mucilagem, que pode favorecer a agregação e promover aumento na estabilidade estrutural do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a estabilidade de agregados em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico textura muito argilosa tratado com diferentes doses de vinhaça. O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda-Escola da Universidade Estadual de Londrina no período de agosto de 1997 a agosto de 1999, num delineamento de blocos ao acaso com cinco tratamentos (doses de vinhaça e quatro repetições. Amostras de solo foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 e 30-40 cm. As avaliações do presente trabalho são referentes à quinta colheita (quarta soca, realizada em agosto de 1999. As doses de vinhaça foram de 0, 150, 300, 450 e 600 m³ ha-1, e os índices de agregação determinados foram diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP, diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG e índice de estabilidade de agregados (IEA. Os resultados mostraram que as diferentes doses de vinhaça não promoveram mudanças significativas nos índices de agregação nas profundidades estudadas.The size distribution, the quantity and stability of soil aggregates are important parameters to evaluate the soil structure, which plays a relevant role in soil-plant relationships. Vinasse when applied on soil stimulates microbial activity because of its organic matter content. This activity may increase mucilage production and improve the aggregation and soil structural stability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the aggregate stability in an

  19. 77 FR 64313 - Certain Pasta From Turkey: Rescission of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2011 (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-489-806] Certain Pasta From Turkey...'') is rescinding its administrative review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta (``pasta... request an administrative review of the countervailing duty order on pasta from Turkey for the period of...

  20. Clinical and biological predictors of Alzheimer's disease in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment Preditores clínicos e biológicos da evolução para doença de Alzheimer em pacientes com comprometimento cognitivo leve amnéstico

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    Orestes V. Forlenza


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of the progression from pre-dementia stages of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease is relevant to clinical management and to substantiate the decision of prescribing antidementia drugs. METHOD: Longitudinal study of a cohort of elderly adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment and healthy controls, carried out to estimate the risk and characterize predictors of the progression to Alzheimer's disease. RESULTS: Patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment had a higher risk to develop Alzheimer's disease during follow-up (odds ratio = 4.5, CI95% [1.3-13.6], p = 0.010. At baseline, older age, lower scores on memory tests and presence of the APOE*4 allele predicted the progression from amnestic mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease. In a sub sample of amnestic mild cognitive impairment patients, those who progressed to Alzheimer's disease had lower cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of amyloid-beta peptide (Aβ42, p = 0.020 and higher concentrations of total TAU (p = 0.030 and phosphorylated TAU (p = 0.010, as compared to non-converters. DISCUSSION: This is the first Brazilian study to report cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in the prediction of the conversion from MCI to Alzheimer's disease. Our data are in accordance with those reported in other settings. The measurement of cerebrospinal fluid total-TAU, phospho-TAU and Aβ42 may help identify patients with mild cognitive impairment at higher risk for developing Alzheimer's disease.OBJETIVO: A identificação de preditores da conversão para a doença de Alzheimer em pacientes com comprometimento cognitivo leve é relevante para o manejo clínico e para decidir sobre a prescrição de drogas antidemência. MÉTODO: Estudo longitudinal em coorte de indivíduos idosos com comprometimento cognitivo leve amnéstico e controles saudáveis; estimativa do risco da progressão para doença de Alzheimer nos dois grupos; determinação das vari

  1. Geometric approach to nuclear pasta phases (United States)

    Kubis, Sebastian; Wójcik, Włodzimierz


    By use of the variational methods and differential geometry in the framework of the liquid drop model we formulate appropriate equilibrium equations for pasta phases with imposed periodicity. The extension of the Young-Laplace equation in the case of charged fluid is obtained. The β equilibrium and virial theorem are also generalized. All equations are shown in gauge invariant form. For the first time, the pasta shape stability analysis is carried out. The proper stability condition in the form of the generalized Jacobi equation is derived. The presented formalism is tested on some particular cases.

  2. 77 FR 46386 - Certain Pasta From Turkey: Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-489-806] Certain Pasta From Turkey...'') is conducting an administrative review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta (``pasta... order on pasta from Turkey.\\1\\ On July 29, 2011, we received a letter from Marsan Gida Sanayi ve Ticaret...

  3. Pasta production: complexity in defining processing conditions for reference trials and quality assessment models (United States)

    Pasta is a simple food made from water and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum) semolina. As pasta increases in popularity, studies have endeavored to analyze the attributes that contribute to high quality pasta. Despite being a simple food, the laboratory scale analysis of pasta quality is ...

  4. Propiedades físicas y mecánicas de los agregados reciclados de concreto


    Gómez Soberón, José Manuel Vicente; Agulló Fité, Luís; Vázquez Ramonich, Enric


    Las propiedades a largo plazo, como la contracción y fluencia, de los concretos reciclados(CR) presentan algunas variaciones con los concretos usuales. Dichas variaciones son interpretadas por las diferencias de densidad, porosidad y absorción de los agregados reciclados procedentes de concreto (ARC), dada su constitución de carácter parcial. En este trabajo se presenta el análisis experimental de especimenes de CR con reemplazo de agregados naturales por ARC. Se proporcionan y discuten la...

  5. Lexical semantic memory in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease Memória léxico-semântica no comprometimento cognitivo leve amnéstico e doença de Alzheimer leve

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    Marcio L.F. Balthazar


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To study lexical semantic memory in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI, mild Alzheimer's disease (AD and normal controls. METHOD: Fifteen mild AD, 15 aMCI, and 15 normal control subjects were included. Diagnosis of AD was based on DSM-IV and NINCDS-ADRDA criteria, and that of aMCI, on the criteria of the International Working Group on Mild Cognitive Impairment, using CDR 0.5 for aMCI and CDR 1 for mild AD. All subjects underwent semantic memory tests (Boston Naming-BNT, CAMCOG Similarities item, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT, Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE, neuropsychological tests (counterproofs, and Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia. Data analysis used Mann-Whitney test for intergroup comparisons and Pearson's coefficient for correlations between memory tests and counterproofs (statistical significance level was pOBJETIVO: Estudar a memória léxico-semântica no comprometimento cognitivo leve amnéstico (aCCL, doença de Alzheimer (DA leve e controles normais. MÉTODO: Incluímos 15 pacientes com DA leve, 15 com aCCL e 15 controles normais, usando os critérios DSM-IV, NINCDS-ADRDA e CDR 1 para DA, e os do International Working Group on Mild Cognitive Impairment, e CDR 0,5 para aCCL. Todos os sujeitos passaram por testes de memória semântica (Teste de nomeação de Boston - TNB, item de Similaridades do CAMCOG, teste de aprendizado auditivo-verbal de Rey (TAAVR, Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM, testes neuropsicológicos (contraprovas e Escala Cornell para Depressão em Demência. A análise dos dados usou o teste de Mann-Whitney para comparações entre os grupos e o coeficiente de Pearson para correlação entre testes e contraprovas (nível de significância p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes com aCCL foram semelhantes aos controles no TNB e Similaridades, mas inferiores no MEEM e TAAVR. Pacientes com DA leve tiveram performance inferior à de sujeitos com aCCL e controles em todos os

  6. ANÁLISE Multimétodo de Percepções de Agentes Intervenientes na Pesquisa e no Gerenciamento de Agregados Reciclados de Resíduos da Construção Civil




    O gerenciamento dos resíduos de construção civil apresenta limitações tanto pela iniciativa privada quanto pelo setor público. Isso ocorre nos canteiro de obras, nas usinas de reciclagem e na reutilização desses resíduos, em larga escala, em substituição aos agregados naturais para fabricação de materiais de construção. Este trabalho objetiva identificar e analisar os elementos que dificultam o desenvolvimento do setor da reciclagem de resíduos da construção civil, bem como utilizar os result...

  7. Studies on effect of additives on protein profile, microstructure and quality characteristics of pasta. (United States)

    Purnima, C; Ramasarma, P R; Prabhasankar, P


    Wheat storage proteins play a vital role in pasta making quality. In the present study, SDS-PAGE, Gel filtration chromatography and Scanning electron microscopy techniques were employed to understand the changes in the wheat protein fractions and their interactions with additives namely Sodium Steroyl Lactate (SSL), Glycerol Monostearate (GMS) and Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) during processing of pasta. SDS-PAGE studies indicated changes in High Molecular Weight Glutenin (HMW) fractions during drying stages of pasta preparation and in cooked pasta samples. In uncooked pasta, gel filtration patterns showed four peaks corresponding to different storage proteins whereas in the case of cooked pasta, these peaks were merged into three peaks. Pasta quality characteristics studies indicated that pasta with HPMC was found to have minimum percentage of cooking loss (5.6%), increased cooked weight (82 g), firmness (2.97 N) and high overall quality score (27) than GMS, SSL and control. Microstructure studies confirm the beneficial effect of HPMC. The present study indicated that HPMC is better additive for pasta manufacture followed by GMS. This could be due to interaction of HPMC with starch and protein matrix is different from that of GMS and SSL.

  8. Combined techniques for characterising pasta structure reveals how the gluten network slows enzymic digestion rate. (United States)

    Zou, Wei; Sissons, Mike; Gidley, Michael J; Gilbert, Robert G; Warren, Frederick J


    The aim of the present study is to characterise the influence of gluten structure on the kinetics of starch hydrolysis in pasta. Spaghetti and powdered pasta were prepared from three different cultivars of durum semolina, and starch was also purified from each cultivar. Digestion kinetic parameters were obtained through logarithm-of-slope analysis, allowing identification of sequential digestion steps. Purified starch and semolina were digested following a single first-order rate constant, while pasta and powdered pasta followed two sequential first-order rate constants. Rate coefficients were altered by pepsin hydrolysis. Confocal microscopy revealed that, following cooking, starch granules were completely swollen for starch, semolina and pasta powder samples. In pasta, they were completely swollen in the external regions, partially swollen in the intermediate region and almost intact in the pasta strand centre. Gluten entrapment accounts for sequential kinetic steps in starch digestion of pasta; the compact microstructure of pasta also reduces digestion rates. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Pastas de Rhodomonas salina (Cryptophyta como alimento para Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera

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    Miguel Guevara


    Full Text Available Pastas de Rhodomonas salina, obtenidas mediante centrifugación y floculación con quitosano y preservadas con o sin vitamina C, a -20°C fueron evaluadas bioquímicamente y proporcionadas como alimento al rotífero Brachionus plicatilis. Las pastas microalgales: (1 centrifugada y con vitamina C (CV, (2 centrifugada y sin vitamina C (C, (3 floculada y con vitamina C (FV y (4 floculada y sin adición de vitamina C (F; mantuvieron sus contenidos de proteínas y lípidos totales similares al cultivo control, con valores de 40.0±2.32% y 12.0±1.45%, respectivamente. La relación feofitina a/clorofila a fue similar (0.09-0.11 entre las pastas centrifugadas y el cultivo control, pero mayor en las pastas floculadas (1.28-1.48. Las pastas centrifugadas presentaron porcentajes de PUFAs totales, EPA y DHA similares al cultivo control (PUFAs: 47%, EPA: 4% y DHA: 4.7% y superiores al de las pastas floculadas. Las pastas obtenidas por centrifugación indujeron un crecimiento del rotífero igual al obtenido con el alimento control (densidad máxima: 320rotíferos/mL; tasa instantánea de crecimiento: 0.23rotíferos/día, fecundidad: 1.49huevos/ hembra y productividad: 43x103rotíferos/L/día. Se concluye que la pasta de R. salina centrifugada y congelada a -20°C, durante cuatro semanas, sin adición de vitamina C, mantiene su calidad nutricional similar a la del alga fresca y puede ser usada como alimento de Brachionus plicatilis.

  10. Effect of Ingredients on the Quality of Gluten-Free Sorghum Pasta. (United States)

    Palavecino, Pablo Martín; Bustos, Mariela Cecilia; Heinzmann Alabí, María Belén; Nicolazzi, Melani Solange; Penci, María Cecilia; Ribotta, Pablo Daniel


    Sorghum is an underutilized cereal in human food production, despite its flour being a potential gluten-free (GF) source in the development of several foods. Thus, the aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the effects and interactions of different ingredients on cooking quality and texture of GF pasta. Egg albumen (A), egg powder (E), xanthan gum (X), and pregelatinized corn starch (P) were used as ingredients, and Box-Behnken experimental design was applied to study the effects of these ingredients on pasta cooking behavior, color, and texture attributes. Responses were fitted to a second order polynomial equation, and multivariable optimization was performed using maximization of general desirability. Next, optimal formulations were validated, compared with two commercial gluten-free pastas by sensory evaluation, and finally, an industrial assay was carried out. Regression coefficients indicated that A and P improved cooking properties while A and E contributed the most to improving the pasta textural properties. As, X and P effects varied depending on the kind of sorghum flour used, the optimal formulations levels were different, but in both cases these models were satisfactory and capable of predicting responses. The industrial assay was carried out with white sorghum flour because it showed a higher acceptability in the sensory evaluation than brown sorghum flour pasta. This industrially made pasta resulted in slightly better cooking properties than the laboratory produced one, with the formulation adapting well to the conventional wheat pasta industrial process. Gluten-free sorghum pasta was produced, showing good cooking and textural properties and being a suitable option for gluten-sensitive individuals. © 2017 Institute of Food Technologists®.

  11. Effect of Pleurotus eryngii Mushroom β-Glucan on Quality Characteristics of Common Wheat Pasta. (United States)

    Kim, SunHee; Lee, Jo-Won; Heo, Yena; Moon, BoKyung


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of β-glucan-rich fractions (BGRFs) from Pleurotus eryngii mushroom powder on the quality, textural properties, and sensory evaluation of common wheat pasta. Pasta was prepared from semolina flour and common wheat flour by replacing common wheat flour at 2%, 4%, and 6% with BGRFs. Semolina flour showed significantly higher viscosities than common wheat flour samples. However, all viscosities, except the breakdown viscosity, were reduced with increasing percentages of BGRFs. Replacement of the common wheat flour with BGRFs resulted in a reddish brown colored pasta with a lower L* value and a higher a* value. The common wheat pastas containing up to 4% BGRFs were not significantly different from semolina pasta with regard to cooking loss. Addition of up to 2% BGRFs had no significant impact on swelling index and water absorption. The addition of BGRFs in common wheat flour had a positive effect on the quality of common wheat pasta and resulted in hardness values similar to those of semolina pasta. In a sensory evaluation, cooked pasta with 2% BGRFs had the highest overall acceptability score. In summary, the results showed that common wheat flour containing 4% BGRFs could be used to produce pasta with an improved quality and texture properties similar to semolina pasta. © 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®

  12. Distribution of PASTA domains in penicillin-binding proteins and serine/threonine kinases of Actinobacteria. (United States)

    Ogawara, Hiroshi


    PASTA domains (penicillin-binding protein and serine/threonine kinase-associated domains) have been identified in penicillin-binding proteins and serine/threonine kinases of Gram-positive Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. They are believed to bind β-lactam antibiotics, and be involved in peptidoglycan metabolism, although their biological function is not definitively clarified. Actinobacteria, especially Streptomyces species, are distinct in that they undergo complex cellular differentiation and produce various antibiotics including β-lactams. This review focuses on the distribution of PASTA domains in penicillin-binding proteins and serine/threonine kinases in Actinobacteria. In Actinobacteria, PASTA domains are detectable exclusively in class A but not in class B penicillin-binding proteins, in sharp contrast to the cases in other bacteria. In penicillin-binding proteins, PASTA domains distribute independently from taxonomy with some distribution bias. Particularly interesting thing is that no Streptomyces species have penicillin-binding protein with PASTA domains. Protein kinases in Actinobacteria possess 0 to 5 PASTA domains in their molecules. Protein kinases in Streptomyces can be classified into three groups: no PASTA domain, 1 PASTA domain and 4 PASTA domain-containing groups. The 4 PASTA domain-containing groups can be further divided into two subgroups. The serine/threonine kinases in different groups may perform different functions. The pocket region in one of these subgroup is more dense and extended, thus it may be involved in binding of ligands like β-lactams more efficiently.

  13. Aggradation of Leveed Channels and Their Flood Plains in Arroyo Bottoms (United States)

    Vincent, K. R.


    Many arroyos that formed by incision more than a century ago in the southwestern United States are currently filling with sediment. This reversal of processes is important because it causes changes in riparian ecology, erosion hazards, ground water recharge, and sediment supply to downstream. Along the Rio Puerco and Chaco Wash in New Mexico, we examined the geometry and facies of channel and floodplain stratigraphy exposed in trenches, used high-resolution dating of the sedimentary beds, and used photographs and other historical evidence to investigate the processes of aggradation in naturally leveed channels within arroyos. Prior to the onset of aggradation, the streambeds were composed of sand and had low relief, and arroyo walls retreated rapidly due to stream undermining. Aggradation began with the formation of sand levees at the margins of the streambeds, followed by formation of newer levees increasingly closer to the thalweg. These levees coincide with rows of woody shrubs (tamarisk and willow), plants that germinated in moist sand along the high-water marks of moderate flows, and survived because subsequent periods lacked flows large enough to remove them. Flow entering a row of woody shrubs decelerates, promoting deposition of suspended sand. Stream flows in this setting are always turbid but do not have the rheology of debris flows. The rows of shrubs probably are a requirement for initial formation of sand levees on low relief streambeds in this setting. As new levees formed closer to the thalweg the channel effectively narrowed, and smaller discharges overtopped the levees adjacent to the channel. Those closer levees accumulated sand most rapidly, leaving the suspended sand concentration depleted by the time water reached more distant ones. All levees aggraded vertically. As the main channel narrowed it acquired a roughly trapezoidal-shape (Top Width/Depth ~ 9 to 5) with banks inclined close to the angle of repose. In addition, sediment deposited on

  14. Estudio DFT de agregados moleculares en aerosoles y nubes estratosféricas polares


    Verdes Gago, María de los Ángeles


    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Química Física Aplicada. Fecha de lectura: 19-12-2015 El interés por profundizar en mecanismos de nucleación de los agregados y de las nubes estratosféricas polares, responsables de la destrucción del ozono estratosférico, ha sido la motivación para realizar los cálculos de agregados mediante la teoría del funcional de la densidad (DFT) en esta tesis, para obtener estructuras optimizada...

  15. Experimental study on distributed optical fiber-based approach monitoring saturation line in levee engineering (United States)

    Su, Huaizhi; Li, Hao; Kang, Yeyuan; Wen, Zhiping


    Seepage is one of key factors which affect the levee engineering safety. The seepage danger without timely detection and rapid response may likely lead to severe accidents such as seepage failure, slope instability, and even levee break. More than 90 percent of levee break events are caused by the seepage. It is very important for seepage behavior identification to determine accurately saturation line in levee engineering. Furthermore, the location of saturation line has a major impact on slope stability in levee engineering. Considering the structure characteristics and service condition of levee engineering, the distributed optical fiber sensing technology is introduced to implement the real-time observation of saturation line in levee engineering. The distributed optical fiber temperature sensor system (DTS)-based monitoring principle of saturation line in levee engineering is investigated. An experimental platform, which consists of DTS, heating system, water-supply system, auxiliary analysis system and levee model, is designed and constructed. The monitoring experiment of saturation line in levee model is implemented on this platform. According to the experimental results, the numerical relationship between moisture content and thermal conductivity in porous medium is identified. A line heat source-based distributed optical fiber method obtaining the thermal conductivity in porous medium is developed. A DTS-based approach is proposed to monitor the saturation line in levee engineering. The embedment pattern of optical fiber for monitoring saturation line is presented.

  16. A systematic review on the relations between pasta consumption and cardio-metabolic risk factors. (United States)

    Huang, M; Li, J; Ha, M-A; Riccardi, G; Liu, S


    The traditional Italian dish pasta is a major food source of starch with low glycemic index (GI) and an important low-GI component of the Mediterranean diet. This systematic review aimed at assessing comprehensively and in-depth the potential benefit of pasta on cardio-metabolic disease risk factors. Following a standard protocol, we conducted a systematic literature search of PubMed, CINAHL, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials for prospective cohort studies and randomized controlled dietary intervention trials that examined pasta and pasta-related fiber and grain intake in relation to cardio-metabolic risk factors of interest. Studies comparing postprandial glucose response to pasta with that to bread or potato were quantitatively summarized using meta-analysis of standardized mean difference. Evidence from studies with pasta as part of low-GI dietary intervention and studies investigating different types of pasta were qualitatively summarized. Pasta meals have significantly lower postprandial glucose response than bread or potato meals, but evidence was lacking in terms of how the intake of pasta can influence cardio-metabolic disease risk. More long-term randomized controlled trials are needed where investigators directly contrast the cardio-metabolic effects of pasta and bread or potato. Long-term prospective cohort studies with required data available should also be analyzed regarding the effect of pasta intake on disease endpoints. Copyright © 2017 The Italian Society of Diabetology, the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, and the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Aggregate stability as affected by short and long-term tillage systems and nutrient sources of a hapludox in southern Brazil Efeitos de curto e de longo prazo da aplicação de sistemas de manejo do solo e de fontes de nutrientes sobre a estabilidade de agregados, em um nitossolo vermelho

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    Milton da Veiga


    sources on GMD AD and GMD WS was small and did not affect SI.A capacidade do solo em manter sua estrutura diante da ação de agentes erosivos como a água é geralmente alta em condições naturais e reduz quando o solo é sujeito a um preparo frequente e intensivo. O efeito de curto e de longo prazo de cinco sistemas de preparo do solo (PD = plantio direto; PE = escarificação e gradagem; PC = aração e duas gradagens; PCq = PC com resíduos queimados; e PCr = PC com resíduos retirados associados com cinco fontes de nutrientes (T = testemunha; AM = adubação mineral de acordo com a recomendação para manutenção de cada cultura; EA = 5 Mg ha-1 ano-1 de cama de aviário, base úmida; EB = 60 m³ ha-1 ano-1 de esterco líquido de bovinos; e 40 m³ ha-1 ano-1 de esterco líquido de suínos sobre a estabilidade dos agregados foi determinado ao final do nono ano de experimentação (coleta em quatro camadas e em cinco épocas de amostragens efetuadas durante o décimo ano (coleta em duas camadas, em um Nitossolo Vermelho com alto teor de argila, no Sul do Brasil. A distribuição de tamanho de agregados secos ao ar foi fortemente alterada pela densidade do solo, e os maiores valores de diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG SA encontrado em alguns sistemas de preparo ou camadas podem ser parcialmente devidos ao maior estado de compactação do solo. Depois de nove anos, o PD e o PE apresentaram maior DMG SA na camada superficial, em comparação com os sistemas de preparo convencional (PC, PCq e PCr, devido ao maior conteúdo de matéria orgânica, bem como à menor mobilização do solo. A estabilidade dos agregados em água, por outro lado, foi influenciada pela pequena variação na umidade das amostras por ocasião da realização do teste, resultando em alto coeficiente de variação dessa determinação. O PD apresentou maior diâmetro médio geométrico dos agregados estáveis em água (DMG EA na camada de 0,00-0,05 m; o PC, nas camadas de 0,05-0,10 e 0,12-0,17 m; e

  18. com aditivo

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    Márcio Joaquim Estefano de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O emprego de agregado reciclado de resíduo de concreto e de rejeitos cerâmicos se apresenta como alternativa promissora para a fabricação de componentes e elementos de construção civil, com a finalidade de atender às questões técnicas, econômicas, sociais e ambientais. A matéria-prima empregada na pesquisa foi o resíduo de concreto descartado pelas obras de construção civil que, muitas vezes, contém restos de materiais cerâmicos provenientes de blocos e azulejos, com idade, composição e outros parâmetros originais diferentes. O objetivo do trabalho foi melhorar as propriedades do concreto obtido com agregado reciclado, pelo emprego de aditivo terpolímero acrílico em emulsão aquosa, com incorporador de bolhas de ar para tornar o concreto leve e melhorar a consistência, a trabalhabilidade, a impermeabilidade e a resistência mecânica do concreto. O cimento Portland, os agregados graúdos naturais e os agregados graúdos reciclados foram caracterizados de acordo com as normas brasileiras. O concreto de referência e o concreto com agregado reciclado foram dosados para uma tensão de ruptura média de 30 MPa aos 28 dias de idade e estudados quanto à resistência, à compressão, resistência à tração, absorção de água e massa específica. Fez-se também interpretação da microestrutura dos concretos por meio de análise petrográfica e da microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV. A viabilidade técnica deste novo material vai ao encontro do desenvolvimento sustentável, na medida em que minimiza impactos ambientais e cria a possibilidade do emprego de sistemas construtivos mais otimizados, facilitando a construção de edifícios convencionais e de interesse social.

  19. Morphology of fluvial levee series along a river under human influence, Maros River, Hungary (United States)

    Kiss, Tímea; Balogh, Márton; Fiala, Károly; Sipos, György


    The development and morphometry of fluvial levees reflect the connection between channel and overbank processes, which can be altered by various human activities. The aims of this study are to investigate the morphology and spatial characteristics of fluvial levees and evaluate the role of some local- and catchment-scale human activities on their medium-term (150 years) development. This study applies LiDAR data along a 53-km-long reach of the Maros River in Hungary. Six fluvial levee types are identified based on the beginning and end of their evolution. These levee types were generated by local nineteenth century channel regulation works (cutoffs) and mid-twentieth century channel narrowing, which was caused by gravel mining and water impoundment in the upstream sections. However, other human activities also influenced the development of active fluvial levees because their horizontal evolution could have been limited by embanked flood-protection levees or the widening of low-lying floodplain benches that were generated by channel narrowing. Additionally, revetment constructions influenced their vertical parameters as higher fluvial levees developed along the fixed banks. Generally, the older active fluvial levees are wider, while the younger active levees are narrower with steeper slopes but not always lower. On the low-lying floodplain levels (benches), the youngest fluvial levees evolved quite rapidly and consist of coarser material. Currently, only 9.8- to 38-year return-period floods could cover the fluvial levees, contributing to their evolution. This fact and the development of fluvial levee series with two-three members reflect a gradual decoupling of the channel from the floodplain.

  20. Whole-grain pasta reduces appetite and meal-induced thermogenesis acutely: a pilot study. (United States)

    Cioffi, Iolanda; Santarpia, Lidia; Vaccaro, Andrea; Iacone, Roberto; Labruna, Giuseppe; Marra, Maurizio; Contaldo, Franco; Kristensen, Mette; Pasanisi, Fabrizio


    In epidemiological studies, the intake of foods rich in dietary fiber is associated with a reduced risk of developing overweight and type 2 diabetes. This work aims to identify acute strategies to regulate appetite and improve glucose control by using different pasta meals. Hence, 4 different isocaloric lunch meals, consisting of (i) refined-grain pasta (RG+T), (ii) whole-grain pasta (WG+T), (iii) lemon juice-supplemented refined-grain pasta (LRG+T), and (iv) refined-grain pasta with legumes (RG+L), were administered to 8 healthy participants in a crossover design. On the test days, participants underwent baseline measurements, including appetite sensation, blood sample, and resting energy expenditure (EE), after which the test lunch was served. Subjective appetite was assessed and a blood sample was taken each hour for 240 min, and postprandial EE was measured for 3 h. In repeated-measures analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), postprandial fullness (p = 0.001) increased and hunger (p = 0.038) decreased. WG+T had a lower EE than did both LGR+T (p = 0.02) and RG+L (p pasta may promote fullness and reduce hunger, lowering postprandial thermogenesis, and adding lemon juice to the pasta or legumes does not appear to affect appetite. However, none of pasta meal alterations improved the postprandial metabolic profile.

  1. Levee Vertical Land Motion Changes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (United States)

    Telling, J. W.; Brooks, B. A.; Glennie, C. L.; Ericksen, T. L.; Knowles, N.


    The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is home to numerous islands that provide economically and agriculturally important land. However, the island interiors are sinking and most sit below sea level, making the levee roads that surround the islands vital for their continued health and productivity. Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data over the islands was collected in 2007 by the California Department of Water Resources and mobile LiDAR data was collected along the levee roads on Bacon, Bouldin, Jersey, and Brannan-Andrus Islands in 2015 and 2016 by the USGS. These datasets provide high resolution topographic models with 8 year separation that can be used to examine topographic change along the levees. A cross-section of each dataset was output along the approximate centerline of the levee road, so that profiles of the 2007 and 2015/2016 LiDAR observations could be compared. Regions of levee road subsidence and of levee road construction and reinforcement on the order of 0-3 centimeters per year were evident in locations around the islands. There is a high degree of spatial variability of these rates even for individual islands. These results were compared to the levee road maps published by the CA Delta Stewardship Council and it was found that the regions of reinforcement and subsidence did not always align between the published maps and the LiDAR data. Additionally, the levee road heights and rates of change, in regions of road subsidence, were compared to sea level rise projections to evaluate the risk that rising sea level may pose to the islands in the future.

  2. Nutritional Profile and Chemical Stability of Pasta Fortified with Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Flour. (United States)

    Monteiro, Maria Lúcia G; Mársico, Eliane T; Soares, Manoel S; Magalhães, Amanda O; Canto, Anna Carolina V C S; Costa-Lima, Bruno R C; Alvares, Thiago S; Conte, Carlos A


    Physicochemical parameters of pasta enriched with tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) flour were investigated. Five formulations were prepared with different concentrations of tilapia flour as partial substitute of wheat flour: pasta without tilapia flour (PTF0%), pasta with 6% (PTF6%), 12% (PTF12%), 17% (PTF17%), and 23% (PTF23%) of tilapia flour. The formulations were assessed for proximate composition, fatty acid and amino acid profile on day 1 whereas, instrumental color parameters (L*, a* and b* values), pH, water activity (aw), and lipid and protein oxidation were evaluated on days 1, 7, 14, and 21 of storage at 25°C. Fortification with tilapia flour increased (p pasta with tilapia flour decreased (p pasta containing 12%, 17%, and 23% of tilapia flour than their counterparts, and the storage promoted an increase (p pasta with 6% of tilapia flour has the potential to be a technological alternative to food industry for the nutritional enrichment of traditional pasta with negligible negative effects on the chemical stability of the final product during 21 days at 25°C.

  3. Entre armas leves e a regulamentação internacional: para que lado o Brasil dirige uma política pública?

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    Cristiano Armando Diniz Guerra Silvestre


    Full Text Available Resumo: O crescimento da atenção internacional acerca da temática relacionada a armas leves tem gerado várias ações que evidenciam esta preocupação no âmbito internacional. Diversas organizações multilaterais – como a ONU com seu Programa de Ação da ONU para Prevenir, Combater e Suprimir o Comércio Ilícito de Armas Pequenas e Armamentos Leves em Todos seus Aspectos – e não-governamentais – tendo a Caritas por exemplo, seguem registrando seu uso em diversas zonas de conflito do mundo. Entretanto, sua regulamentação no Direito Internacional Humanitário é esparsa, o que convém, sobretudo, aos fabricantes de armas. A Indústria de Defesa, como se apresenta na literatura do tema, tem sido incentivada indiscriminadamente no Brasil. Segundo o Small Arms Trade Survey, o país figura na quarta posição mundial em vendas de armas leves atrás somente de Estados Unidos, Itália e Alemanha. Por sua vez, o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC afirma que houve crescimento de 500% no valor de exportações deste setor, que passaram de US$ 109,6 milhões em 2005 para US$ 321,6 milhões em 2010, considerando somente as armas de fogo. Contudo, este não é um dado surpreendente, pois o incentivo a esta indústria aparece na Estratégia Nacional de Defesa de 2008. Esta pesquisa, realizada sob abordagem qualitativa e de acordo com o método indutivo com caráter prospectivo, segundo a técnica de pesquisa de análise de conteúdo jurídico-documental, apresenta a seguinte hipótese: que o desenvolvimento à indústria de Defesa tem sido fator a impedir a adoção medidas jurídicas mais enérgicas para o tratamento da regulamentação de armas convencionais, ainda que o Brasil seja signatário de alguns tratados sobre o tema.

  4. Effect of pregelatination on rheology, cooking and antioxidant activity of pasta. (United States)

    Rafiq, Aasima; Sharma, Savita; Singh, Baljit


    The present study explores the possibility of using twin screw extruder for preparation of pregelatinized pasta. The effects of extrusion parameters feed moisture (28 and 32%), barrel temperature (60-105 °C) and screw speed (100-200 rpm) on pregelatinized pasta were investigated. Prepared pasta was analysed for quality characteristics in terms of cooking quality, degree of gelatinization, color, texture, pasting properties, bioactive composition. Results indicated that higher screw speed improved the cooking quality of pasta and decreased gruel solid loss. Degree of gelatinization revealed positive relation with temperature and feed moisture. Extrusion conditions, altered the color of pasta, a decrease in L*, increase in a* and b* values was observed. Higher peak viscosity was observed at lower barrel temperature and feed moisture. A significant retention in total phenolic content and flavonoid content was observed with higher feed moisture. Extrusion leads to increase in antioxidant activity and firmness upon increasing screw speed and feed moisture.


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    Carla da Silva TEBA


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    A mistura em proporções adequadas de arroz com feijão fornece proteína de alta qualidade, em decorrência da complementação mútua de aminoácidos, contribuindo para o aumento da qualidade nutricional de produtos elaborados a partir da combinação desses alimentos. O processo de extrusão termoplástica leva a gelatinização do amido e à desnaturação de proteínas, melhorando as propriedades funcionais e tecnológicas dos produtos produzidos com este processo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos das variáveis independentes como umidade, temperatura e formulação nas propriedades de pasta de massas alimentícias pré-cozidas e isentas de glúten, elaboradas a partir de farinha mista de arroz polido e feijão preto sem tegumento. Foi utilizado um delineamento experimental central rotacional para estimar o efeito de três níveis de umidade (30, 35 e 40%, três níveis de temperatura na zona de alta pressão (70, 80 e 90°C e três níveis de substituição de farinha de feijão preto (20, 40 e 60%, originando 20 experimentos. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o percentual de farinha de feijão exerceu efeito mais signifi cativo para a viscosidade de pasta inicial a 25°C, a viscosidade de pasta máxima a 95°C, a quebra de viscosidade, a viscosidade fi - nal a 25°C e tendência à retrogradação. Entretanto, para a viscosidade mínima, a temperatura exerceu efeito negativo mais signifi cativo. Em geral, as massas alimentícias précozidas por extrusão termoplástica, elaboradas com 6,36 e 20,00% de farinha de feijão apresentaram as melhores propriedades de pasta, quando comparadas com massas comerciais à base de semolina de trigo e arroz polido.

  6. Influência da adição de resíduo de gesso no calor de hidratação da argamassa de revestimento interno

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    Luiz Fernando Bernhoeft

    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a influência da adição de resíduo beneficiado de pasta de gesso como agregado no calor de hidratação da argamassa de gesso para uso em revestimentos internos. Na metodologia utilizada foi fixada a relação água/gesso de 0,66, valor obtido por meio de ensaio de consistência normal, e executados ensaios comparativos entre o gesso natural e o gesso aditivado com 5% e 10 % de resíduo. Para as adições de 5% e 10% de resíduo, os resultados mostraram a diminuição dos tempos de pega (inicial e final diretamente correlacionado ao incremento da adição, claramente observados nas curvas de calor de hidratação, porém sem redução proporcional no tempo útil das argamassas, indicando uma alternativa para a diminuição do tempo improdutivo na mistura da pasta de gesso.


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    Heriawan Budiarto


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian "Pengaruh Konsentrasi Gliserin Terhadap Viskositas Dari Pembuatan Pasta Gigi Cangkang Kerang Darah" yang dilakukan di PT Biotek Indonesia. Pasta gigi tersebut dibuat dari tepung cangkang kerang darah berukuran 800 mesh dengan campuran gliserin, MgC03, minyak peppermint, ekstrak daun sirih, dan pewarna appel green. Alasan penggunaan cangkang kerang darah adalah untuk memanfaatkan limbah cangkang kerang darah dan kandungan kalsium pada cangkang kerang darah itu tinggi.   Prosedur penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara pembersihan dan pengeringan cangkang kerang darah, grinding dan screening, penambahan bahan-bahan sampai terbentuk gel pasta gigi berwarna hijau seulas, kemudian dilakukan pengukuran viskositas dari masing- masing konsentrasi gliserin dengan menggunakan viskometer Brookfield model LVDVI+, dengan spindle 4, kecepatan 0,3 rpm. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan konsentrasi gliserin ideal pembuatan pasta gigi tersebut adalah sebesar 50%. Pasta gigi ini memenuhi standar SNI 12-3524-1994 dengan viskositas 120.000 cP. Peningkatan kadar gliserin (x terbukti menurunkan viskositas pasta gigi (y menurut persamaan linier : y = -25.900x + 14.200.   Kata kunci : gliserin, viskositas, cangkang, kerang darah, limbah

  8. Obtaining a Functional Product Through the Exploitation of Mushroom Flour in Pasta

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    Crina Carmen MURESAN


    Full Text Available The present study focuses on the influence of adding mushroom powder on a certain assortment of pasta. The research comprises two major directions: the study of the raw materials used to produce pasta from a compositional point of view and the quantification of some biologically active compounds of interest; emphasizing the potential of using Boletus edulis mushroom powder in the composition of pasta and evaluating the quality of the product from a nutritional and sensorial point of view. For this purpose, two types of pasta have been created, with different percentages of mushroom, 10% and 20%, but also a blank sample obtained in the same conditions, but without mushroom powder. To achieve the goal the following analyzes were conducted: proteins, total polyphenols, antioxidant activity, fat, humidity, ashes, acidity, increase in volume of the boiled pasta and customers’ preferences. By using sensory analysis has been established that the consumers preferred pasta enriched with 10% mushroom powder. In conclusion, the addition of mushrooms flour assures an enhancement of the nutritional value, as well as of the organoleptic characteristics of the final product.

  9. The effect of quantity of added eggs on whole meal pasta quality

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    Filipović Jelena S.


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the convenience of different chemical and rheological methods for determining the quality of two spelt cultivars for pasta making and the influence of egg quantity on whole meal pasta quality. Post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test at 95% confidence limit has been calculated to show significant differences between different samples. Score analysis is being useful tool for accessing the effect of eggs to spelt pasta quality, and this analysis proved that though lower scores (0.270 for rheological characteristics experienced with cultivar Eco, the addition of eggs is positively contributing to the spelt pasta quality yielding the best score for pasta (0.75, contrary to the cultivar Austria attributed with superior rheology scores. Whole meal spelt is characterised by lower Ca, but higher Fe and Mn content in comparison to bread wheat. In comparison with common pasta, spelt is a suitable raw material for a new product with improved functional properties at the market.[Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TRI 46005 i br. TR 31055

  10. Understanding nuclear 'pasta': current status and future prospects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Gentaro


    In cores of supernovae and crusts of neutron stars, nuclei can adopt interesting shapes, such as rods or slabs, etc., which are referred to as nuclear 'pasta'. In recent years, we have studied the pasta phases focusing on their dynamical aspects with a quantum molecular dynamic (QMD) approach. In this article, we review these works. We also focus on the treatment of the Coulomb interaction

  11. Dynamical response of the nuclear 'pasta' in neutron star crusts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horowitz, C.J.; Perez-Garcia, M.A.; Berry, D.K.; Piekarewicz, J.


    The nuclear pasta - a novel state of matter having nucleons arranged in a variety of complex shapes - is expected to be found in the crust of neutron stars and in core-collapse supernovae at subnuclear densities of about 10 14 g/cm 3 . Owing to frustration, a phenomenon that emerges from the competition between short-range nuclear attraction and long-range Coulomb repulsion, the nuclear pasta displays a preponderance of unique low-energy excitations. These excitations could have a strong impact on many transport properties, such as neutrino propagation through stellar environments. The excitation spectrum of the nuclear pasta is computed via a molecular-dynamics simulation involving up to 100,000 nucleons. The dynamic response of the pasta displays a classical plasma oscillation in the 1- to 2-MeV region. In addition, substantial strength is found at low energies. Yet this low-energy strength is missing from a simple ion model containing a single-representative heavy nucleus. The low-energy strength observed in the dynamic response of the pasta is likely to be a density wave involving the internal degrees of freedom of the clusters

  12. Warm and cold pasta phase in relativistic mean field theory (United States)

    Avancini, S. S.; Menezes, D. P.; Alloy, M. D.; Marinelli, J. R.; Moraes, M. M. W.; Providência, C.


    In the present article we investigate the onset of the pasta phase with different parametrizations of the nonlinear Walecka model. At zero temperature two different methods are used, one based on coexistent phases and the other on the Thomas-Fermi approximation. At finite temperature only the coexistence phases method is used. npe matter with fixed proton fractions and in β equilibrium is studied. The pasta phase decreases with the increase of temperature. The internal pasta structure and the beginning of the homogeneous phase vary depending on the proton fraction (or the imposition of β equilibrium), on the method used, and on the chosen parametrization. It is shown that a good parametrization of the surface tension with dependence on the temperature, proton fraction, and geometry is essential to describe correctly large isospin asymmetries and the transition from pasta to homogeneous matter.

  13. Neutrino-'pasta' scattering: The opacity of nonuniform neutron-rich matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horowitz, C.J.; Perez-Garcia, M.A.; Piekarewicz, J.


    Neutron-rich matter at subnuclear densities may involve complex structures displaying a variety of shapes, such as spherical, slablike, and/or rodlike shapes. These phases of the nuclear pasta are expected to exist in the crust of neutron stars and in core-collapse supernovae. The dynamics of core-collapse supernovae is very sensitive to the interactions between neutrinos and nucleons/nuclei. Indeed, neutrino excitation of the low-energy modes of the pasta may allow for a significant energy transfer to the nuclear medium, thereby reviving the stalled supernovae shock. The linear response of the nuclear pasta to neutrinos is modeled via a simple semiclassical simulation. The transport mean free path for μ and τ neutrinos (and antineutrinos) is expressed in terms of the static structure factor of the pasta, which is evaluated using Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations

  14. Warm and cold pasta phase in relativistic mean field theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avancini, S. S.; Menezes, D. P.; Alloy, M. D.; Marinelli, J. R.; Moraes, M. M. W.; Providencia, C.


    In the present article we investigate the onset of the pasta phase with different parametrizations of the nonlinear Walecka model. At zero temperature two different methods are used, one based on coexistent phases and the other on the Thomas-Fermi approximation. At finite temperature only the coexistence phases method is used. matter with fixed proton fractions and in β equilibrium is studied. The pasta phase decreases with the increase of temperature. The internal pasta structure and the beginning of the homogeneous phase vary depending on the proton fraction (or the imposition of β equilibrium), on the method used, and on the chosen parametrization. It is shown that a good parametrization of the surface tension with dependence on the temperature, proton fraction, and geometry is essential to describe correctly large isospin asymmetries and the transition from pasta to homogeneous matter

  15. Fresh pasta production enriched with Spirulina platensis biomass

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    Ailton Cesar Lemes


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to study the enrichment of Spirulina platensis in wheat flour to prepare fresh pasta to evaluate the green color and nutritional enrichment in addition to functional properties due to the presence of the bioactive compounds in the cyanobacterium. The pastas were evaluated for the centesimal composition, microbiological contamination, sensorial acceptance and technological characteristics such as cooking time, water absorption, volume displacement and loss of solids. The superior protein contents and the satisfactory technological and sensorial attributes compared with the control with no cyanobacterium showed the usefulness of incorporating S. platensis biomass in the fresh pastas. The microbiological quality was in compliance with the legislation in force. The sensorial quality was considered satisfactory (“liked very much” and purchase intention high (“probably would buy”.

  16. Novel Soy Germ Pasta Enriched in Isoflavones Ameliorates Gastroparesis in Type 2 Diabetes (United States)

    Setchell, Kenneth D.R.; Nardi, Elisabetta; Battezzati, Pier-Maria; Asciutti, Stefania; Castellani, Danilo; Perriello, Gabriele; Clerici, Carlo


    OBJECTIVE To determine the effect of soy germ pasta enriched in biologically active isoflavone aglycons on gastric emptying in type 2 diabetic patients with gastroparesis. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS This randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study compared soy germ pasta with conventional pasta for effects on gastric emptying. Patients (n = 10) with delayed gastric emptying consumed one serving per day of each pasta for 8 weeks, with a 4-week washout. Gastric emptying time (t1/2) was measured using the [13C]octanoic acid breath test at baseline and after each period, and blood glucose and insulin concentrations were determined after oral glucose load. RESULTS Soy germ pasta significantly accelerated the t1/2 in these patients (161.2 ± 17.5 min at baseline vs. 112.6 ± 11.2 min after treatment, P = 0.009). Such change differed significantly (P = 0.009) from that for conventional pasta (153.6 ± 24.2 vs. 156.2 ± 27.4 min), without affecting glucose or insulin concentrations. CONCLUSIONS These findings suggest that soy germ pasta may offer a simple dietary approach to managing diabetic gastropathy. PMID:23835688

  17. Evaluation of replacing wheat flour with chia flour (Salvia hispanica L. in pasta

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    Matheus Rodrigues Oliveira


    Full Text Available In recent years, chia (Salvia hispanica L. has become increasingly more prevalent in the Brazilian diet and has triggered the interests of many researchers due to its functional properties and associated health benefits. The objective of this study was to develop pasta with different percentages of chia flour in lieu of wheat flour, and to evaluate the impact of chia on the nutritional, technological, and sensory properties of pasta. Pastas were prepared by replacing 7.5% (T1, 15% (T2, and 30% (T3 of wheat flour with chia flour relative to the control formulation (C. The quality of the pastas were evaluated through cooking tests (increase in weight and volume, cooking time, and loss of solids in the cooking water, chemical composition (moisture, fat, fiber, protein, ash, and carbohydrates, and color, using a Minolta colorimeter and sensory analysis by means of acceptance testing. Pasta made with chia flour had higher nutritional value and superior technological characteristics than did the control. Sensory analysis results showed that pasta with 7.5% chia flour had higher rates of acceptability in terms of the flavor, while the control pasta prevailed in terms of color and texture.

  18. Application of GPR Method for Detection of Loose Zones in Flood Levee (United States)

    Gołębiowski, Tomisław; Małysa, Tomasz


    In the paper the results of non-invasive georadar (GPR) surveys carried out for detection of loose zones located in the flood levee was presented. Terrain measurements were performed on the Vistula river flood levee in the village of Wawrzeńczyce near Cracow. In the investigation site, during the flood in 2010, leakages of levee were observed, so detection of inner water filtration paths was an important matter taking into account the stability of the levee during the next flood. GPR surveys had reconnaissance character, so they were carried out with the use of short-offset reflection profiling (SORP) technique and radargrams were subjected to standard signal processing. The results of surveys allowed to outline main loose zone in the levee which were the reason of leakages in 2010. Additionally gravel interbeddings in sand were detected which had an important influence, due to higher porosity of such zones, to water filtration inside of the levee. In the paper three solutions which allow to increase quality and resolution of radargrams were presented, i.e. changeable-polarisation surveys, advanced signal processing and DHA procedure.

  19. 76 FR 10879 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Extension of Time Limits for the Preliminary Results of Fourteenth... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Italy, covering the period July 1, 2009... consist of New World Pasta Company, Dakota Growers Pasta Company, and American Italian Pasta Company. This...

  20. Effect of Fortification with Fish (Pseudophycis bachus) Powder on Nutritional Quality of Durum Wheat Pasta. (United States)

    Desai, Ajay S; Brennan, Margaret A; Brennan, Charles S


    This paper investigates the nutraceutical (phenolic content and antioxidant activity) and nutritional potential (protein and starch digestibility) of supplementation of durum wheat semolina with 5–20% fish powder ( Pseudophycis bachus ). In general, all enriched pasta with fish powder showed a significant decrease ( p pasta. The potentially bioaccessible fraction of pasta enriched with 20% fish powder (FP) was characterized as having a 177–191% increase in phenolic content and a 145–556% higher antiradical activity. Elevation of these parameters in fortified pasta was accompanied by interaction of wheat starch, protein, and fish powder protein. Supplementation of fish powder also influenced protein digestibility (a reduction from 84.60% for control pasta to 80.80% for pasta with 20% fish powder). Fortification improved the nutraceutical and nutritional potential of the studied pasta with the effects depending on factors including protein-starch-phenolic interactions.

  1. Characterization of Whole Grain Pasta: Integrating Physical, Chemical, Molecular, and Instrumental Sensory Approaches. (United States)

    Marti, Alessandra; Cattaneo, Stefano; Benedetti, Simona; Buratti, Susanna; Abbasi Parizad, Parisa; Masotti, Fabio; Iametti, Stefania; Pagani, Maria Ambrogina


    The consumption of whole-grain food-including pasta-has been increasing steadily. In the case of whole-grain pasta, given the many different producers, it seems important to have some objective parameters to define its overall quality. In this study, commercial whole-grain pasta samples representative of the Italian market have been characterized from both molecular and electronic-senses (electronic nose and electronic tongue) standpoint in order to provide a survey of the properties of different commercial samples. Only 1 pasta product showed very low levels of heat damage markers (furosine and pyrraline), suggesting that this sample underwent to low temperature dry treatment. In all samples, the furosine content was directly correlated to protein structural indices, since protein structure compactness increased with increasing levels of heat damage markers. Electronic senses were able to discriminate among pasta samples according to the intensity of heat treatment during the drying step. Pasta sample with low furosine content was discriminated by umami taste and by sensors responding to aliphatic and inorganic compounds. Data obtained with this multidisciplinary approach are meant to provide hints for identifying useful indices for pasta quality. As observed for semolina pasta, objective parameters based on heat-damage were best suited to define the overall quality of wholegrain pasta, almost independently of compositional differences among commercial samples. Drying treatments of different intensity also had an impact on instrumental sensory traits that may provide a reliable alternative to analytical determination of chemical markers of heat damage in all cases where there is a need for avoiding time-consuming procedures. © 2017 Institute of Food Technologists®.

  2. Health based pasta: redefining the concept of the next generation convenience food. (United States)

    Krishnan, Murali; Prabhasankar, P


    Pasta, a delicious meal favorite and the signature dish of many of the world's most famous chefs and a bonding comfort meal for millions all over the world, it has been recognized as an identifying ingredient of traditional healthy Mediterranean and Latin American meals. Pasta has come a long way from the days when it was erroneously considered by consumers to be a "fattening food." Today it is perceived as one of the "healthy options." In fact, because pasta is so supremely versatile as a base to a meal, it is easily possible to serve it in ways to satisfy both our notions of "healthy eating" and our appetites for interesting and tasty food. Pasta, being so popular as a delicious family meal favorite and equally relished all over the world, it deserves a lot than any other food to serve as an ideal functional food. Here we analyze various health ingredients that have been incorporated in pasta as disease/disorder curing agents and/or potent nutritional supplements and their effects on cooking and quality parameters of pasta as well as their various health benefits and therapeutic attributes.

  3. Pasta Fortified with Potato Juice: Structure, Quality, and Consumer Acceptance. (United States)

    Kowalczewski, Przemysław; Lewandowicz, Grażyna; Makowska, Agnieszka; Knoll, Ismena; Błaszczak, Wioletta; Białas, Wojciech; Kubiak, Piotr


    The potential of potato juice in relieving gastrointestinal disorders has already been proven. Work continues on implementation of this active component into products that are widely consumed. In this article, results of an attempt to fortify pasta with potato juice are presented and discussed. Fortification is performed using fresh and dried juice. The influence of the addition on culinary properties of the final product, such as cooking weight and cooking loss, as well as microstructure, color, texture, and consumer acceptance were evaluated. It was found that potato juice can be used for fortification of pasta both in its fresh and dried forms, however the effects on different responses depend on the potato juice form used. The addition of potato juice influenced the color of the product reducing its lightness and shifting color balances from green to red, yellow color saturation was decreased as well. Changes in color were more significant in the case of fresh juice addition. The firmness and microstructure of pasta was also influenced. The surface microstructure of pasta containing fresh potato juice was different from that of the other 2 products being a likely explanation of the lower cooking loss observed in its case. In contrast, the consistency of dough was strengthened by addition of dried potato juice. Principal components analysis indicated that the color change had the most pronounced effect on consumer acceptance. Other physicochemical changes were slightly less significant. Nevertheless, sensory evaluation proved that functional pasta produced with fresh potato juice finds consumer acceptance comparable with that of classic pasta. © 2015 Institute of Food Technologists®

  4. Transient Flow through an Unsaturated Levee Embankment during the 2011 Mississippi River Flood (United States)

    Jafari, N.; Stark, T.; Vahedifard, F.; Cadigan, J.


    The Mississippi River and corresponding tributaries drain approximately 3.23 million km2 (1.25 million mi2) or the equivalent of 41% of the contiguous United States. Approximately 2,600 km ( 1,600 miles) of earthen levees presently protect major urban cities and agricultural land against the periodic Mississippi River floods within the Lower Mississippi River Valley. The 2011 flood also severely stressed the levees and highlighted the need to evaluate the behavior of levee embankments during high water levels. The performance of earthen levees is complex because of the uncertainties in construction materials, antecedent moisture contents, hydraulic properties, and lack of field monitoring. In particular, calibration of unsaturated and saturated soil properties of levee embankment and foundation layers along with the evaluation of phreatic surface during high river stage is lacking. Due to the formation of sand boils at the Duncan Point Levee in Baton Rouge, LA during the 2011 flood event, a reconnaissance survey was conducted to collect pore-water pressures in the sand foundation using piezometers and identifying the phreatic surface at the peak river level. Transient seepage analyses were performed to calibrate the foundation and levee embankment material properties using field data collected. With this calibrated levee model, numerical experiments were conducted to characterize the effects of rainfall intensity and duration, progression of phreatic surface, and seasonal climate variability prior to floods on the performance of the levee embankment. For example, elevated phreatic surface from river floods are maintained for several months and can be compounded with rainfall to lead to slope instability.

  5. Consumer Perception and Buying Decisions(The Pasta Study) (United States)

    Kazmi, Syeda Quratulain


    The project ìconsumer perception and buying behavior (the pasta studyî) is basically measures the development of perception through different variables and identify those factors which stimulate buying decision of consumer. Among various variables which effect consumer buying pattern I choose AWARENESS and AVAILABILITY of the product as two main variables which have strong effect on popularity and sale of pasta product. As my research is totally based on qualitative method thatís why I choose quota sampling technique and collect data by interviewing house wives resides in different areas of Karachi. The reason of choosing only house wives as respondent is that house wives can give true insight factors which hinder the popularity of pasta products in Pakistan. Focus group discussions have been conducted to extract findings. 30 house wives have been interviewed and their responses have been analyzed.

  6. Use of Olive Oil Industrial By-Product for Pasta Enrichment. (United States)

    Padalino, Lucia; D'Antuono, Isabella; Durante, Miriana; Conte, Amalia; Cardinali, Angela; Linsalata, Vito; Mita, Giovanni; Logrieco, Antonio F; Del Nobile, Matteo Alessandro


    During recent years food industries generally produce a large volume of wastes both solid and liquid, representing a disposal and potential environmental pollution problem. The goal of the study was to optimize, from both sensory and nutritional points of view, the formulation of durum wheat spaghetti enriched with an olive oil industrial by-product, indicated as olive paste. Three consecutive steps were carried out. In the first one, the olive paste was air-dried at low temperature, milled to record olive paste flour and properly analyzed for its biochemical composition. In the second step, the olive paste flour was added to the pasta dough at 10% and 15% ( w / w ). In the last step, different concentrations of transglutaminase were added to enriched pasta (10% olive paste) to further improve the quality. Sensory properties and nutritional content of enriched and control pasta were properly measured. Spaghetti with 10% olive paste flour and 0.6% transglutaminase were considered acceptable to the sensory panel test. Nutritional analyses showed that addition of 10% olive paste flour to pasta considerably increased content of flavonoids and total polyphenols. The proper addition of olive paste flour and transglutaminase for pasta enrichment could represent a starting point to valorize olive oil industrial by-products and produce new healthy food products.

  7. Polyadenylation state microarray (PASTA) analysis. (United States)

    Beilharz, Traude H; Preiss, Thomas


    Nearly all eukaryotic mRNAs terminate in a poly(A) tail that serves important roles in mRNA utilization. In the cytoplasm, the poly(A) tail promotes both mRNA stability and translation, and these functions are frequently regulated through changes in tail length. To identify the scope of poly(A) tail length control in a transcriptome, we developed the polyadenylation state microarray (PASTA) method. It involves the purification of mRNA based on poly(A) tail length using thermal elution from poly(U) sepharose, followed by microarray analysis of the resulting fractions. In this chapter we detail our PASTA approach and describe some methods for bulk and mRNA-specific poly(A) tail length measurements of use to monitor the procedure and independently verify the microarray data.

  8. Novas evidências empíricas sobre a dinâmica trimestral do consumo agregado das famílias brasileiras no período 1995-2009 New empirical evidence on the quarterly dynamics of Brazilian aggregate household consumption from 1995 to 2009

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    Bernardo Patta Schettini


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta especificações econométricas inéditas para o consumo agregado das famílias brasileiras em níveis trimestrais, no período 1995-2009. Argumenta-se, em particular, que a utilização de aproximações trimestrais da renda disponível do setor privado (a preços de 1995 encadeados, do crédito disponibilizado às famílias brasileiras (em % do PIB e (de uma proxy da taxa de juros real da economia como variáveis explicativas da dinâmica trimestral do consumo agregado dessas famílias gera modelos com elevado grau de ajuste "dentro da amostra" e "fora da amostra". Tais modelos sugerem, ainda, uma elasticidade-renda (privada, excluindo rendas líquidas de propriedade próxima de 0,4 e semielasticidades-crédito e taxa de juros da ordem de 2% e -2% para o consumo agregado das famílias brasileiras.This paper presents new econometric specifications for the quarterly behavior of aggregate consumption of Brazilian households from 1995 to 2009. It is argued, in particular, that the use of quarterly measures of both private disposable income (in chained 1995 prices, the credit granted to households (as a % of GDP and a proxy for real interest rates as explanatory variables for the level of quarterly household consumption lead to well adjusted models "within the sample" with good "out of sample" performance. Moreover, the models presented in this paper point to values of the (approximated private income elasticity around 0.4 and credit and interest (semi elasticities of household consumption around 2% and -2%, respectively.

  9. 76 FR 48130 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Preliminary Results of the 14th (2009) Countervailing Duty... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy...'') is conducting an administrative review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Italy..., 1996, the Department published a countervailing duty order on certain pasta (``pasta'' or ``subject...

  10. 75 FR 18806 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Preliminary Results of the 13th (2008) Countervailing Duty... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy...'') is conducting an administrative review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Italy..., 1996, the Department published a countervailing duty order on certain pasta (``pasta'' or ``subject...

  11. On the importance of processing conditions, product thickness and egg addition for the glycaemic and hormonal responses to pasta: a comparison with bread made from 'pasta ingredients'. (United States)

    Granfeldt, Y; Björck, I; Hagander, B


    The importance of processing conditions, product thickness and effect of egg addition for the glycaemic and hormonal responses to pasta was studied. Healthy subjects were given test meals with an equivalent amount of available carbohydrate from extruded high-temperature dried spaghetti and three varieties of fresh roll-sheeted linguine (thick, thin, thin with egg) made from the same ingredients (durum wheat, water and monoglycerides). As a reference bread was baked from the same ingredients as in the pasta products. Glucose, insulin and C-peptide levels were measured over a 3 h period. Glycaemic, insulin and C-peptide indexes (GI, II, CI) were calculated using 120 min areas under the curves. Glycaemic index was also calculated using the 90 min area. Also studied were the rates of in vitro starch digestion. The four pasta products produced significantly lower peak values (glucose, insulin, C-peptide) and lower GI (90 min), II (120 min) and CI (120 min) than the corresponding bread. The rate of in vitro starch digestion in pasta was also slower than in bread. In contrast to the pasta products, bread resulted in a prominent hypoglycaemia in the late phase, that is a drop below fasting blood glucose level. Minor differences in metabolic responses also appeared in the pasta products. In particular, the insulin and C-peptide response to the thin linguine was accentuated in the phase around 120 min.

  12. Numerical simulation of pore pressure changes in levee under flood conditions (United States)

    Stanisz, Jacek; Borecka, Aleksandra; Pilecki, Zenon; Kaczmarczyk, Robert


    The article discusses the potential for using numerical simulation to assess the development of deformation and pore pressure changes in a levee as a result of the increase and decrease of the flood wave. The simulation made in FLAC 2D did not take into account the filter-erosion deformation associated with seepage in the levee. The simulations were carried out for a field experimental storage consisting of two combined levees, which was constructed with the help of homogeneous cohesive materials with different filtration coefficients. Calculated and measured pore pressure changes were analysed at 4 monitoring points. The water level was increased to 4 m in 96 hours and decreased in 120 hours. The characteristics of the calculated and measured pore pressure changes over time were similar. The maximum values of the calculated and measured pore pressure were almost identical. The only differences were the greater delay of the experimental levee response to changes in water level increase compared to the response of the numerical model. These differences were probably related to filtering-erosion effects during seepage in the levee.

  13. Spatial relationships of levees and wetland systems within floodplains of the Wabash Basin, USA (United States)

    Bray, E. N.; Morrison, R. R.; Nardi, F.; Annis, A.; Dong, Q.


    Given the unique biogeochemical, physical, and hydrologic services provided by floodplain wetlands, proper management of river systems should include an understanding of how floodplain modifications influences wetland ecosystems. The construction of levees can reduce river-floodplain connectivity, yet it is unclear how levees affect wetlands within a river system, let alone the cumulative impacts within an entire watershed. This paper explores spatial relationships between levee and floodplain wetland systems in the Wabash basin, United States. We used a hydrogeomorphic floodplain delineation technique to map floodplain extents and identify wetlands that may be hydrologically connected to river networks. We then spatially examined the relationship between levee presence, wetland area, and other river network attributes within discrete HUC-12 sub-basins. Our results show that cumulative wetland area is relatively constant in sub-basins that contain levees, regardless of maximum stream order within the sub-basin. In sub-basins that do not contain levees, cumulative wetland area increases with maximum stream order. However, we found that wetland distributions around levees can be complex, and further studies on the influence of levees on wetland habitat may need to be evaluated at finer-resolution spatial scales.

  14. 78 FR 9672 - Certain Pasta From Turkey; 2010-2011; Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-489-805] Certain Pasta From Turkey...) is conducting an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta (pasta) from...-preliminary decision memorandum. \\1\\ See Certain Pasta From Turkey: Notice of Preliminary Results of the 2010...

  15. 77 FR 45582 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Preliminary Results of the 15th (2010) Countervailing Duty... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy... order on certain pasta from Italy for the period January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2010. We... duty order on certain pasta (``pasta'' or ``subject merchandise'') from Italy. See Notice of...

  16. Levee Seepage Detection in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Using Polarimetric SAR (United States)

    An, K.; Jones, C. E.; Bekaert, D. P.


    The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta's extensive levee system protects over 2,800 km2 of reclaimed lands and serves as the main irrigation and domestic water supply for the state of California. However, ongoing subsidence and disaster threats from floods and earthquakes make the Delta levee system highly vulnerable, endangering water supplies for 23 million California residents and 2.5 million acres of agricultural land. Levee failure in the Delta can cause saltwater intrusion from San Francisco Bay, reducing water quality and curtailing water exports to residents, commercial users, and farmers. To protect the Delta levee system, it is essential to search for signs of seepage in which water is piping through or beneath levees, which can be associated with deformation of the levees themselves. Until now, in-situ monitoring has largely been applied, however, this is a time-consuming and expensive approach. We use data acquired with NASA's UAVSAR (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar) airborne radar instrument to identify and characterize levee seepages and associated land subsidence through advanced remote sensing technologies. The high spatial resolution of UAVSAR can help to direct surveys to areas that are likely to be experiencing damage. UAVSAR is an L-band airborne sensor with high signal-to-noise ratio, repeat flight track accuracy, and spatial resolution of 7x7 m2 (for multi-looked products) that is necessary for detailed levee monitoring. The adaptability of radar instruments in their ability to see through smoke, haze, and clouds during the day or night, is especially relevant during disaster events, when cloud cover or lack of solar illumination inhibits traditional visual surveys of damage. We demonstrate the advantages of combining polarimetric radar imagery with geographic information systems (GIS) datasets in locating seepage features along critical levee infrastructure in the Delta for 2009-2016. The ability to efficiently locate potential

  17. Levee Presence and Wetland Areas within the 100-Year Floodplain of the Wabash Basin (United States)

    Morrison, R. R.; Dong, Q.; Nardi, F.; Grantham, T.; Annis, A.


    Wetlands have declined over the past century due to land use changes and water management activities in the United States. Levees have been extensively built to provide protection against flooding events, and can fundamentally alter the water distribution and hydrologic dynamics within floodplains. Although levees can reduce wetlands in many places, it is unclear how much wetland areas are impacted at a basin-scale. This study explores the relationship between wetlands, levee presence, and other important hydrologic metrics within a 100-year floodplain. We estimated total wetland area, levee length, floodplain area and other variables, in discrete 12-digit hydrologic units (HUC-12) of the Wabash Basin (n=854) and examined the relationship between these variables using non-parametric statistical tests. We found greater areas of wetland habitat in HUC12 units that contain levees compared to those without levees when we aggregated the results across the entire basin. Factors such as stream order, mean annual flow, and HUC12 area are not correlated with the wetland area in HUC-12 units that contain levees. In addition, median wetland area in HUC12 units with levees is surprisingly consistent regardless of maximum stream order. Visual observations of wetland distributions indicate that wetland presence may be dependent on its location relative to levees. These results indicate that refined geospatial analyses may be necessary to explore the complex influence of levees on wetland habitat, and that additional basins should be explored to develop more generalized trends. This information is preliminary and subject to revision.

  18. 75 FR 49907 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... antidumping duty order on certain pasta (``pasta'') from Italy for the period of review (``POR'') July 1, 2008... Attilio Mastromauro--Pasta Granoro S.r.L. (``Granoro'') and Pastaficio Lucio Garofalo S.p.A. (``Garofalo...

  19. 75 FR 56992 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Initiation of Changed Circumstances Review and Consideration... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy..., in part, the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Italy with respect to gluten-free pasta... published in the Federal Register the countervailing duty order on pasta from Italy. See Notice of...

  20. Colloquium: Astromaterial science and nuclear pasta (United States)

    Caplan, M. E.; Horowitz, C. J.


    "Astromaterial science" is defined as the study of materials in astronomical objects that are qualitatively denser than materials on Earth. Astromaterials can have unique properties related to their large density, although they may be organized in ways similar to more conventional materials. By analogy to terrestrial materials, this study of astromaterials is divided into hard and soft and one example of each is discussed. The hard astromaterial discussed here is a crystalline lattice, such as the Coulomb crystals in the interior of cold white dwarfs and in the crust of neutron stars, while the soft astromaterial is nuclear pasta found in the inner crusts of neutron stars. In particular, how molecular dynamics simulations have been used to calculate the properties of astromaterials to interpret observations of white dwarfs and neutron stars is discussed. Coulomb crystals are studied to understand how compact stars freeze. Their incredible strength may make crust "mountains" on rotating neutron stars a source for gravitational waves that the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) may detect. Nuclear pasta is expected near the base of the neutron star crust at densities of 1014 g /cm3 . Competition between nuclear attraction and Coulomb repulsion rearranges neutrons and protons into complex nonspherical shapes such as sheets (lasagna) or tubes (spaghetti). Semiclassical molecular dynamics simulations of nuclear pasta have been used to study these phases and calculate their transport properties such as neutrino opacity, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity. Observations of neutron stars may be sensitive to these properties and can be used to interpret observations of supernova neutrinos, magnetic field decay, and crust cooling of accreting neutron stars. This Colloquium concludes by comparing nuclear pasta shapes with some similar shapes seen in biological systems.

  1. 77 FR 47816 - Certain Pasta from Italy: Notice of Initiation of Antidumping Duty Changed Circumstances Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta from Italy... certain pasta from Italy (``pasta'') with respect to Delverde Industire Alimentari S.p.A. (``Delverde... Federal Register the antidumping duty order on pasta from Italy.\\1\\ On remand, Del Verde S.p.A. was found...

  2. 76 FR 23974 - Certain Pasta From Turkey: Notice of Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-489-805] Certain Pasta From Turkey... duty order on certain pasta (pasta) from Turkey. The period of review (POR) is July 1, 2009, through.... A.S. (Birlik), had knowledge that the pasta it produced and sold to Marsan was destined for the...

  3. 77 FR 46377 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... certain pasta (``pasta'') from Italy for the period of review (``POR'') July 1, 2010, through June 30... antidumping duty order on pasta from Italy.\\1\\ On July 1, 2011, the Department published a notice of...

  4. Estudio comparativo de distintas alternativas tecnológicas para la producción de quesos semiduros de pasta lavada bajos en grasa

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    Zalazar, C. A.


    Full Text Available In the present paper the addition of a commercial fat substitute based on whey proteins, alone or in combination with goat rennet and with a food grade protease, is analyzed. Six different cheeses were produced: a control with whole milk (3.3 % of fat, and five experimental with partially skimmed milk (1.8 % of fat without additions and with different combinations of the fat substitute, the goat rennet and the food grade protease. Results of analytical controls performed at the beginning and at the end of ripening show that low fat cheese without additions was the best of experimental. Addition of fat substitute, alone or in different combinations with goat rennet or with food grade protease, was negative for the sensory characteristics.En el presente trabajo se analiza el efecto del agregado de un sustituto comercial de la materia grasa a base de proteínas de suero, solo o en combinaciones con un coagulante de cabrito en pasta y con una proteasa alimenticia, sobre la calidad de un queso semiduro argentino. Se elaboraron seis tipos distintos de quesos, un testigo con leche entera (3.3 % de materia grasa, y cinco experimentales con leche parcialmente descremada (1.8 % de materia grasa, sin ningún agregado y con distintas combinaciones del sustituto de grasa, el coagulante de cabrito y la proteasa. Los resultados de los controles analíticos realizados al principio y al final de la maduración, indicaron que el queso descremado sin ningún aditivo resultó ser el mejor de los experimentales ya que la inclusión del sustituto de la grasa, solo o en distintas combinaciones con el coagulante de cabrito o con la proteasa, afectó negativamente a los atributos sensoriales .

  5. [Cooking quality of pastas supplemented with rice bran]. (United States)

    Sangronis, E; Cafiero, J; Mosqueda, M


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality during and after cooking of four pastas spaghetti type. Rice bran was used as ingredient in order to increase protein and dietetic fiber content. In two of the four formulation, semolina durum was supplemented with 10 and 20% rice bran. In the other two formulation granular flour was supplemented with 10 and 20% rice bran. Time cooking, water absorbtion, solid loss, color and hardness, (instrumental and sensory), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) and Apparent Digestibility in vivo were determined. Acceptability was evaluated by a 35-member consumer panel. Rice bran improved solid loss during cooking and increased cooking time, PERs were not affected significantly but Apparent Digestibility decreased when rice bran was increased. Sensory quality was affected because rice bran made pastas hard and dark but they were comparable to high fiber pasta existing in market.

  6. An assessment of two methods for identifying undocumented levees using remotely sensed data (United States)

    Czuba, Christiana R.; Williams, Byron K.; Westman, Jack; LeClaire, Keith


    Many undocumented and commonly unmaintained levees exist in the landscape complicating flood forecasting, risk management, and emergency response. This report describes a pilot study completed by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assess two methods to identify undocumented levees by using remotely sensed, high-resolution topographic data. For the first method, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers examined hillshades computed from a digital elevation model that was derived from light detection and ranging (lidar) to visually identify potential levees and then used detailed site visits to assess the validity of the identifications. For the second method, the U.S. Geological Survey applied a wavelet transform to a lidar-derived digital elevation model to identify potential levees. The hillshade method was applied to Delano, Minnesota, and the wavelet-transform method was applied to Delano and Springfield, Minnesota. Both methods were successful in identifying levees but also identified other features that required interpretation to differentiate from levees such as constructed barriers, high banks, and bluffs. Both methods are complementary to each other, and a potential conjunctive method for testing in the future includes (1) use of the wavelet-transform method to rapidly identify slope-break features in high-resolution topographic data, (2) further examination of topographic data using hillshades and aerial photographs to classify features and map potential levees, and (3) a verification check of each identified potential levee with local officials and field visits.

  7. O casamento putativo e seu papel perante a proteção das relações jurídicas do agregado social - Cônjuges, filhos e terceiros

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    Karina Almeida do Amaral


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo examinar o instituto jurídico do casamento putativo, tendo por base o ordenamento português. Nesse sentido, trata-se da evolução do casamento perante a sociedade e a sua constituição enquanto contrato. Além disso, analisam-se os principais aspetos desse instrumento, quais sejam, os fundamentos de existência, os efeitos em relação ao agregado social, o que inclui cônjuges, filhos e terceiros, assim como pretende-se traçar uma ideia da relação jurídica considerando-se não apenas o espaço familiar fechado mas, também, o convívio em sociedade.

  8. Sensorial and physicochemical qualities of pasta prepared with amaranth

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    Juliana Lopes dos Santos


    Full Text Available Current assay analyzed the sensorial acceptability of pasta when amaranth flour (AF is added at different percentages. The physical and chemical composition and the acceptance similarities of standard formulation and formulation with a greater level of AF addition were assessed. Five formulations of pasta were used: F1 standard (0% AF; F2 (20% AF; F3 (25% AF; F4 (30% AF; F5 (35% AF. Fifty-six untrained tasters, from both genders and aged between 17 and 27 years, participated in the sensorial analysis. The physicochemical analyses determined moisture content, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, and calories. F4 with the highest AF content obtained acceptance similar to the standard formulation in all attributes. In addition, F4 provided higher levels of dietary fiber, proteins, ash, calories and lipids than standard formulation. Only carbohydrates levels in F4 were lower. Current study demonstrated that pasta with the addition of up to 30% of AF was the most sensory-accepted among the AF-added pastas. Since it provided sensory acceptance similar to the standard product, good marketing expectations are given.

  9. Incorporation of Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina maxima biomass in pasta products. Part 1: Preparation and evaluation. (United States)

    Fradique, Mónica; Batista, Ana Paula; Nunes, M Cristiana; Gouveia, Luísa; Bandarra, Narcisa M; Raymundo, Anabela


    Microalgae are able to enhance the nutritional content of conventional foods and hence to positively affect human health, due to their original chemical composition. The aim of the present study was to prepare fresh spaghetti enriched with different amounts of microalgae biomass (Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina maxima) and to compare the quality parameters (optimal cooking time, cooking losses, swelling index and water absorption), chemical composition, instrumental texture and colour of the raw and cooked pasta enriched with microalgae biomass with standard semolina spaghetti. The incorporation of microalgae results in an increase of quality parameters when compared to the control sample. The colour of microalgae pastas remained relatively stable after cooking. The addition of microalgae resulted in an increase in the raw pasta firmness when compared to the control sample. Of all the microalgae studied, an increase in the biomass concentration (0.5-2.0%) resulted in a general tendency of an increase in the pasta firmness. Sensory analysis revealed that microalgae pastas had higher acceptance scores by the panellists than the control pasta. Microalgae pastas presented very appellative colours, such as orange and green, similar to pastas produced with vegetables, with nutritional advantages, showing energetic values similar to commercial pastas. The use of microalgae biomass can enhance the nutritional and sensorial quality of pasta, without affecting its cooking and textural properties. Copyright (c) 2010 Society of Chemical Industry.

  10. Impact of nuclear 'pasta' on neutrino transport in collapsing stellar cores

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sonoda, Hidetaka; Watanabe, Gentaro; Sato, Katsuhiko; Takiwaki, Tomoya; Yasuoka, Kenji; Ebisuzaki, Toshikazu


    Nuclear 'pasta', nonspherical nuclei in dense matter, is predicted to occur in collapsing supernova cores. We show how pasta phases affect the neutrino transport cross section via weak neutral current using several nuclear models. This is the first calculation of the neutrino opacity of the phases with rod-like and slab-like nuclei taking account of finite temperature effects, which are well described by the quantum molecular dynamics. We also show that pasta phases can occupy 10-20% of the mass of supernova cores in the later stage of the collapse

  11. Physico-chemical properties of ready to eat, shelf-stable pasta during storage. (United States)

    Carini, E; Curti, E; Cassotta, F; Najm, N E O; Vittadini, E


    The changes in physico-chemical properties of RTE shelf stable pasta were studied during storage with a multianalytical and multidimensional approach (with special focus on water status) to understand the ageing process in this product. Pasta hardness and amylopectin recrystallisation increased, macroscopic water status indicators and proton molecular translational mobility remained constant, and significant changes were measured in the proton rotational molecular mobility indicators ((1)H FID, (1)H T2) during storage. Since the main changes observed in RTE pasta during storage were similar to those observed in other cereal-based products, it would be interesting to verify the effect of the anti-staling methods commonly used in the cereal processing industry in improving RTE pasta shelf-stability. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Pancreatite aguda leve: avaliação pela ultra-sonografia. estudo prospectivo Mild acute pancreatitis: ultrasound evaluation: a prospective study

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    Márcio Martins Machado


    Full Text Available Resumo Neste estudo foram avaliados, por meio da ultra-sonografia, 21 pacientes com pancreatite aguda leve. Foram analisadas a presença ou ausência de hipoecogenicidade do pâncreas e a presença ou ausência de líquido peripancreático. Em 19 pacientes (90,5% foi identificada hipoecogenicidade pancreática, e em três (15,8% destes pacientes foi identificada a presença de pequena quantidade de líquido na pequena cavidade dos epíploons. Em dois pacientes (9,5% não se identificou qualquer alteração pancreática. Com relação à possível etiologia da pancreatite aguda, em 15 pacientes (71,5% pôde-se demonstrar a presença de colecistopatia calculosa, em quatro pacientes (19,0% havia história de alcoolismo crônico e não foram identificados cálculos na vesícula biliar, e em dois pacientes (9,5% não foi identificada qualquer causa aparente. Os autores concluem que a ultra-sonografia pode identificar alteração na maioria dos pacientes com pancreatite aguda leve e permite, ainda, o acompanhamento daqueles com pequenas coleções líquidas peripancreáticas.We analyzed the ultrasonographic findings of 21 patients with mild acute pancreatitis. The presence or absence of pancreatic hypoechogenicity and peripancreatic fluid collection was assessed. Pancreatic hypoechogenicity was identified in 19 patients (90.5% whereas small sac fluid collection was identified in 3 (15.8% of these patients. No abnormality was seen in 2 patients (9.5%. Regarding the etiology of acute pancreatitis, cholelithiasis was identified in 15 patients (71.5%, alcohol abuse was identified in 4 patients (19.0%, and in 2 patients (9.5% no probable etiology could be found. The authors conclude that ultrasonography may identify abnormalities in the majority of patients with mild acute pancreatitis and can be used to assess patients with peripancreatic fluid collections.

  13. Disordered nuclear pasta, magnetic field decay, and crust cooling in neutron stars


    Horowitz, C. J.; Berry, D. K.; Briggs, C. M.; Caplan, M. E.; Cumming, A.; Schneider, A. S.


    Nuclear pasta, with non-spherical shapes, is expected near the base of the crust in neutron stars. Large scale molecular dynamics simulations of pasta show long lived topological defects that could increase electron scattering and reduce both the thermal and electrical conductivities. We model a possible low conductivity pasta layer by increasing an impurity parameter Q_{imp}. Predictions of light curves for the low mass X-ray binary MXB 1659-29, assuming a large Q_{imp}, find continued late ...

  14. Soil aggregation in a crop-livestock integration system under no-tillage Agregação do solo em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária em plantio direto

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    Edicarlos Damacena de Souza


    Full Text Available Grazing intensities can influence soil aggregation, which can be temporarily and permanently affected. The objective of this study was to evaluate the aggregate stability in water at the end of a soybean cycle and during pasture development in a crop-livestock integration system under no-tillage and grazing intensities. The experiment was initiated in 2001, in a dystrophic Red Latosol, after soybean harvest. Treatments consisted of pasture (black oat + Italian ryegrass at heights of 10, 20 and 40 cm, grazed by young cattle, and a control (no grazing, followed by soybean cultivation, in a randomized block design. Soil samples were collected at the end of the soybean cycle (May/2007, during animal grazing (September/2007 and at the end of the grazing cycle (November/2007. The grazing period influences aggregate distribution, since in the September sampling (0-5 cm layer, there was a higher proportion of aggregates > 4.76 mm at all grazing intensities. Soil aggregation is higher in no-tillage crop-livestock integration systems in grazed than in ungrazed areas.As intensidades de pastejo podem influenciar o estado de agregação do solo, que pode sofrer alterações temporárias ou permanentes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a estabilidade dos agregados em água ao final do ciclo da soja e durante o desenvolvimento da pastagem em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária em plantio direto submetido a intensidades de pastejo. O experimento foi iniciado em 2001, em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, após a colheita da soja. Os tratamentos constaram de alturas de manejo da pastagem (aveia-preta + azevém: 10, 20 e 40 cm, com bovinos jovens, e sem pastejo, seguido do cultivo de soja, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso. Amostras de solo foram retiradas nas camadas de 0 a 5, 5 a 10 e 10 a 20 cm. As amostras foram coletadas ao final do ciclo da soja (maio/2007, em pleno pastejo pelos animais (setembro/2007 e ao final do pastejo (novembro/2007. O tempo

  15. Study of Movement and Seepage Along Levees Using DINSAR and the Airborne UAVSAR Instrument (United States)

    Jones, Cathleen E.; Bawden, Gerald; Deverel, Steven; Dudas, Joel; Hensley, Scott


    We have studied the utility of high resolution SAR (synthetic aperture radar) for levee monitoring using UAVSAR (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar) data collected along the dikes and levees in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and along the lower Mississippi River. Our study has focused on detecting and tracking changes that are indicative of potential problem spots, namely deformation of the levees, subsidence along the levee toe, and seepage through the levees, making use of polarimetric and interferometric SAR techniques. Here was present some results of those studies, which show that high resolution, low noise SAR imaging could supplement more traditional ground-based monitoring methods by providing early indicators of seepage and deformation.

  16. Effect of adding unconventional raw materials on the technological properties of rice fresh pasta

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    Meg da Silva Fernandes


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to develop fettuccini type rice fresh pasta by cold extrusion. To produce the pasta, a 2² Central Composite Rotational Design was used, in which the effects of the addition of pre-gelatinized rice flour - PGRF (0-60% and modified egg albumin - MEA (0-10% were studied. The dependent variables were the results of the cooking test and of the instrumental texture. The optimum cooking time for all of the formulations of rice fresh pasta was 3 minutes. MEA had a greater effect on increasing the weight of the pasta when compared to that of PGRF. It was found that with the addition of PGRF increase in loss of solids in cooking water, whereas MEA exerted the opposite effect on this parameter. Moreover, the maximum value of MEA (10% had an optimum effect on pasta firmness, while PGRF had a negative effect on this parameter. The maximum values of PGRF and MEA reduced the stickiness of the pasta. Based on these results and on the parameters considered as most important, the rice pasta with the best technological characteristics was that with the maximum levels of MEA (10% and no addition of PGRF (0%. This product was submitted to sensory and microbiological analyses, with good results.

  17. Partículas coloidais, dispersão e agregação em latossolos

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    Azevedo Antonio Carlos de


    Full Text Available Latossolos cobrem extensas áreas no Brasil e são essenciais para a produção agrícola e a qualidade ambiental. As funções ambientais destes solos se baseiam na existência de pequenos agregados bastante estáveis. Ainda não há consenso sobre os mecanismos formadores e reguladores da estabilidade dos agregados em Latossolos e os processos de agregação propostos para outros tipos de solos não podem ser extrapolados para os Latossolos sem alguma dificuldade, pois estes não possuem hierarquia de agregados. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar informações sobre características de partículas minerais presentes na maioria dos Latossolos e como suas propriedades e sua associação com colóides orgânicos podem influenciar a agregação e a dispersão.

  18. 78 FR 692 - Certain Pasta From Turkey: Final Results of the Expedited Third Sunset Review of the... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-489-806] Certain Pasta From Turkey... Sunset Review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Turkey. The Department finds that... pasta from Turkey was published on July 24, 1996. See Notice of Countervailing Duty Order: Certain Pasta...

  19. Resultados da reabilitação neuropsicológica em paciente com doença de Alzheimer leve Results of neuropsychological rehabilitation in patient with mild Alzheimer's disease - A case study

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    Renata Ávila


    Full Text Available Tradicionalmente sempre houve mais grupos de suporte e informação para familiares e cuidadores de pacientes com doença de Alzheimer (DA do que para os próprios pacientes. Entretanto, com o aumento do número de diagnósticos de DA em sua fase inicial, esta realidade está se modificando. Cresce a demanda por tratamento tanto medicamentoso como comportamental para esses pacientes. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever uma experiência de reabilitação neuropsicológica (RN em grupo, e posteriormente individual, com a mesma paciente com DA leve. CGP participou primeiramente de dois grupos de RN com duração de quatro meses cada, e em seguida iniciou RN individual por um período de 22 meses. Na RN foram trabalhados principalmente déficits de memória, linguagem e treinos de atividades de vida diária. Neste período de tratamento, verificou-se alteração positiva de seu escore no MEEM, além de nenhuma função cognitiva ter apresentado deterioração. Este estudo de caso corroborou pesquisas anteriores que apontam efeitos positivos da RN com pacientes com DA leve.Traditionally, Alzheimer's support and information groups have been developed for families and caregivers rather than for the actual patient. However, this reality is changing because of the increase in early AD diagnosis. The demand for medication and behavioral treatment for patients is also increasing. The purpose of this case report is to describe the neuropsychological rehabilitation (NR of a mild AD patient in group and in individual sessions. First, CGP took part in two NR groups each for a 4 month period, and then started individual NR sessions for a 22 month period. In the sessions, memory and language abilities were the focus of the NR as well as the activities of daily living. During this period it was possible to observe positive changes in MMSE score, as will as preservation of other cognitive function scores. This single case study is in agreement of

  20. Microbial transglutaminase treatment in pasta-production does not affect the immunoreactivity of gliadin with celiac disease patients' sera. (United States)

    Ruh, Tobias; Ohsam, Jürgen; Pasternack, Ralf; Yokoyama, Keiichi; Kumazawa, Yoshiyuki; Hils, Martin


    The effect of microbial transglutaminase (MTG)-treatment of pasta-dough on the immunoreactivity with celiac disease patient's sera has been investigated. Modification by MTG has been proven by determination of the MTG reaction product ε-(γ-glutamyl)lysine (3.63 μmol/g protein), which was not detectable in non-MTG-treated pasta. Antigenicity has been analyzed by immunoblotting and ELISA using gliadin-extracts from pasta and MTG-treated pasta. Immunoblotting showed that the antibody-population (antigliadin antibodies and antideamidated gliadin antibodies) of the sera is specific for every individual patient. Immunoblotting and ELISA showed that there is no difference in immunoreactivity of gliadin extracted from pasta and MTG-pasta. Recognition pattern and intensity in Western blot as well as antibody titer has also been identical even for sera with a high antideamidated gliadin antibody titer. These results indicate no difference between pasta-gliadin and MTG-pasta-gliadin and especially no increased deamidation in pasta-gliadin by MTG-treatment.

  1. Effect of amaranth flour (Amaranthus mantegazzianus) on the technological and sensory quality of bread wheat pasta. (United States)

    Martinez, Cristina S; Ribotta, Pablo D; Añón, María Cristina; León, Alberto E


    The technological and sensory quality of pasta made from bread wheat flour substituted with wholemeal amaranth flour (Amaranthus mantegazzianus) at four levels, 15, 30, 40 and 50% w/w was investigated. The quality of the resulted pasta was compared to that of control pasta made from bread wheat flour. The flours were analyzed for chemical composition and pasting properties. Cooking behavior, color, raw and cooked pasta texture, scanning electron microscopy and sensory evaluation were determined on samples. The pasta obtained from amaranth flour showed some detriment of the technological and sensory quality. So, a maximum substitution level of 30% w/w was defined. This is an equilibrium point between an acceptable pasta quality and the improved nutritional and functional properties from the incorporation of amaranth flour.

  2. Atributos químicos e estabilidade de agregados sob diferentes culturas de cobertura em Latossolo do cerrado Chemical properties and aggregate stability under different cover crops in cerrado Oxisol

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    Glenio G. Santos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o efeito de diferentes culturas de cobertura sobre os atributos químicos e a estabilidade de agregados de um Latossolo do cerrado, sob plantio direto. O estudo foi conduzido em área experimental na Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, em Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO. As culturas de cobertura avaliadas foram: braquiária, milho em consórcio com braquiária (integração lavoura-pecuária, guandu anão, milheto, capim mombaça, sorgo granífero, estilosantes e crotalária. As amostras foram coletadas em abril de 2005 e 2006. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos ao acaso com quatro repetições e os tratamentos arranjados em esquema fatorial 8 x 2, sendo oito culturas de cobertura e duas profundidades de amostragem do solo: 0-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m. As culturas de cobertura influenciam, de forma diferenciada, os valores de pH e os teores de cálcio, magnésio, alumínio, fósforo, potássio, cobre, zinco e ferro do solo. O tratamento estilosantes tem maior poder em acidificar o solo. A agregação do solo varia com as culturas de cobertura e com a profundidade.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different cover crops on chemical properties and aggregate stability in a cerrado Oxisol under no-tillage. The study was carried out in Embrapa Rice and Beans, in Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, Brazil. The cover crops evaluated were: Urochloa brizantha, Urochloa brizantha and corn in association (crop-livestock integrated, Cajanus cajan, Pennisetum glaucum, Panicum maximum, Sorghum bicolor, Stylosanthes guianensis and Crotalaria juncea. The soil samples were collected in April and September 2005 and April 2006. The experimental design was in completely randomized blocks with four replications and treatments arranged in factorial scheme 8 x 2, eight cover crops and two soil sampling depths, 0-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m. The different cover crops affect pH values and calcium, magnesium, aluminum

  3. Transport Properties of the Nuclear Pasta Phase with Quantum Molecular Dynamics (United States)

    Nandi, Rana; Schramm, Stefan


    We study the transport properties of nuclear pasta for a wide range of density, temperature, and proton fractions, relevant for different astrophysical scenarios adopting a quantum molecular dynamics model. In particular, we estimate the values of shear viscosity as well as electrical and thermal conductivities by calculating the static structure factor S(q) using simulation data. In the density and temperature range where the pasta phase appears, the static structure factor shows irregular behavior. The presence of a slab phase greatly enhances the peak in S(q). However, the effect of irregularities in S(q) on the transport coefficients is not very dramatic. The values of all three transport coefficients are found to have the same orders of magnitude as found in theoretical calculations for the inner crust matter of neutron stars without the pasta phase; therefore, the values are in contrast to earlier speculations that a pasta layer might be highly resistive, both thermally and electrically.

  4. 77 FR 69792 - Certain Pasta From Turkey: Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2010 (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-489-806] Certain Pasta From Turkey... review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Turkey for the period January 1, 2010... subject merchandise during the period of review. See Certain Pasta From Turkey: Preliminary Results of...

  5. Warm ''pasta'' phase in the Thomas-Fermi approximation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avancini, Sidney S.; Menezes, Debora P.; Chiacchiera, Silvia; Providencia, Constanca


    In the present article, the 'pasta' phase is studied at finite temperatures within a Thomas-Fermi (TF) approach. Relativistic mean-field models, both with constant and density-dependent couplings, are used to describe this frustrated system. We compare the present results with previous ones obtained within a phase-coexistence description and conclude that the TF approximation gives rise to a richer inner ''pasta'' phase structure and the homogeneous matter appears at higher densities. Finally, the transition density calculated within TF is compared with the results for this quantity obtained with other methods.

  6. 77 FR 69793 - Certain Pasta From Italy; Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2010 (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy... review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Italy for the period January 1, 2010... August 1, 2012. See Certain Pasta From Italy: Preliminary Results of the 15th (2010) Countervailing Duty...

  7. Environment - Borrow Area for Temporary Levee (United States)

    Army Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, Department of Defense — This data represents the location of a borrow site for construction materials used in temporary levee building during flood events. The footprint of these areas have...

  8. Screening Mississippi River Levees Using Texture-Based and Polarimetric-Based Features from Synthetic Aperture Radar Data

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    Lalitha Dabbiru


    Full Text Available This article reviews the use of synthetic aperture radar remote sensing data for earthen levee mapping with an emphasis on finding the slump slides on the levees. Earthen levees built on the natural levees parallel to the river channel are designed to protect large areas of populated and cultivated land in the Unites States from flooding. One of the signs of potential impending levee failure is the appearance of slump slides. On-site inspection of levees is expensive and time-consuming; therefore, a need to develop efficient techniques based on remote sensing technologies is mandatory to prevent failures under flood loading. Analysis of multi-polarized radar data is one of the viable tools for detecting the problem areas on the levees. In this study, we develop methods to detect anomalies on the levee, such as slump slides and give levee managers new tools to prioritize their tasks. This paper presents results of applying the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL’s Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR quad-polarized L-band data to detect slump slides on earthen levees. The study area encompasses a portion of levees of the lower Mississippi River in the United States. In this paper, we investigate the performance of polarimetric and texture features for efficient levee classification. Texture features derived from the gray level co-occurrence (GLCM matrix and discrete wavelet transform were computed and analyzed for efficient levee classification. The pixel-based polarimetric decomposition features, such as entropy, anisotropy, and scattering angle were also computed and applied to the support vector machine classifier to characterize the radar imagery and compared the results with texture-based classification. Our experimental results showed that inclusion of textural features derived from the SAR data using the discrete wavelet transform (DWT features and GLCM features provided

  9. 75 FR 81212 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Final Results of the Thirteenth Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ... Foods Company, Inc. and its affiliate Euro-American Foods Group Inc. (Fasolino/Euro-American Foods). See... canned pastas, as well as all forms of egg pasta, with the exception of non-egg dry pasta containing up...

  10. Pasta Structures of Quark-Hadron Phase Transition in Proto-Neutron Stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasutake, Nobutoshi; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka


    We study the quark-hadron mixed phase in proto-neutron stars with the finite-size effects. In the calculations of pasta structures appeared in the mixed phase, the Gibbs conditions require the pressure balance and chemical equilibrium between two phases besides the thermal equilibrium. We find that the region of the mixed phase is limited due to thermal instability. Moreover, we study the effects of neutrinos to the pasta structures. As a result, we find that the existence of neutrinos make the pasta structures unstable, too. These characteristic features of the hadron-quark mixed phase should be important for the middle stage of the evolutions of proto-neutron stars.


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    Susi Susi


    Full Text Available AbstrakKaries gigi dan penyakit periodontal dapat dicegah dengan mengontrol pembentukan plak secara teratur. Penggunaan pasta gigi herbal dapat memberikan efek kimia untuk mengontrol pembentukan plak. Studi terdahulu mendapatkan bahwa pasta gigi herbal dapat mengurangi jumlah bakteri utama pada rongga mulut yaitu Streptococcus mutans. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti perbedaan daya hambat beberapa pasta gigi herbal (mengandung siwak, cengkeh, dan daun sirih terhadap pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans. Metode penelitian adalah eksperimental dengan meletakkan cakram yang sudah direndam dengan pasta gigi ke medium agar darah yang mengandung koloni Streptococcus mutans. Uji daya hambat bakteri dilakukan dengan metode difusi. Terbentuknya zona bening di sekitar koloni bakteri menunjukkan adanya penghambatan pertumbuhan bakteri uji. Hasil uji satu arah ANOVA menunjukkan adanya perbedaan daya hambat yang bermakna antar pasta gigi herbal yang digunakan (p<0.05. Ketiga pasta gigi didapakan memiliki kemampuan antibakteri kuat dengan rata-rata zona hambat 16.075 mm, 13.375 mm dan 11.080 mm. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pasta gigi herbal mempunyai efek anti bakteri terhadap pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans dengan efek anti bakteri terkuat di tunjukkan oleh pasta gigi mengandung cengkeh.AbstractDental caries and periodontal disease can be eliminated by regularly control plaque formation. The usage of herbal toothpaste is able to give chemical effect toward plaque control. Previous studies shown that the usage of herbal toothpaste was able to reduce the growth of Streptococcus mutans, the main bacteria in the mouth. The study aimed at investigating the difference of zone of inhibition of several herbal toothpastes (siwak- , cloves- , and betel leaves- contained toward the growth of Streptococcus mutans.This study was experimental research using disc that had been immersed and subsequently put it onto Blood agar medium that contain Streptococcus mutans

  12. Tree growth and recruitment in a leveed floodplain forest in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, USA (United States)

    Gee, Hugo K.W.; King, Sammy L.; Keim, Richard F.


    Flooding is a defining disturbance in floodplain forests affecting seed germination, seedling establishment, and tree growth. Globally, flood control, including artificial levees, dams, and channelization has altered flood regimes in floodplains. However, a paucity of data are available in regards to the long-term effects of levees on stand establishment and tree growth in floodplain forests. In this study, we used dendrochronological techniques to reconstruct tree recruitment and tree growth over a 90-year period at three stands within a ring levee in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley (MAV) and to evaluate whether recruitment patterns and tree growth changed following levee construction. We hypothesized that: (1) sugarberry is increasing in dominance and overcup oak (Quercus lyrata) is becoming less dominant since the levee, and that changes in hydrology are playing a greater role than canopy disturbance in these changes in species dominance; and (2) that overcup oak growth has declined following construction of the levee and cessation of overbank flooding whereas that of sugarberry has increased. Recruitment patterns shifted from flood-tolerant overcup oak to flood-intolerant sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) after levee construction. None of the 122 sugarberry trees cored in this study established prior to the levee, but it was the most common species established after the levee. The mechanisms behind the compositional change are unknown, however, the cosmopolitan distribution of overcup oak during the pre-levee period and sugarberry during the post-levee period, the lack of sugarberry establishment in the pre-levee period, and the confinement of overcup oak regeneration to the lowest areas in each stand after harvest in the post-levee period indicate that species-specific responses to flooding and light availability are forcing recruitment patterns. Overcup oak growth was also affected by levee construction, but in contrast to our hypothesis, growth actually

  13. Nuclear 'pasta phase' and its consequences on neutrino opacities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alloy, M. D.; Menezes, D. P.


    In this paper, we calculate the diffusion coefficients that are related to the neutrino opacities considering the formation of nuclear pasta and homogeneous matter at low densities. Our results show that the mean-free paths are significantly altered by the presence of nuclear pasta in stellar matter when compared with the results obtained with homogeneous matter. These differences in neutrino opacities certainly influence the Kelvin-Helmholtz phase of protoneutron stars and consequently the results of supernova explosion simulations.


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    M. Mahrooghy


    Full Text Available Earthen levees have an important role to protect large areas of inhabited and cultivated land in the US from flooding. Failure of the levees can threaten the loss of life and property. One of the problems which can lead to a complete failure during a high water event is a slough slide. In this research, we are trying to detect such slides using X-band SAR data. Our methodology consists of the following four steps: 1 segmentation of the levee area from background; 2 extracting features including backscatter features and texture features; 3 training a back propagation neural network classifier using ground-truth data; and 4 testing the area of interest and validation of the results using ground truth data. A dual-polarimetric X-band image is acquired from the German TerraSAR-X satellite. Ground-truth data include the slides and healthy area. The study area is an approximately 1 km stretch of levee along the lower Mississippi River in the United States. The output classification shows the two classes of healthy and slide areas. The results show classification accuracies of approximately 67% for detecting the slide pixels.

  15. 76 FR 68399 - Certain Pasta From Turkey: Notice of Final Results of the 14th Antidumping Duty Administrative... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-489-805] Certain Pasta From Turkey... antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Turkey (pasta).\\1\\ The review covers one exporter: Marsan Gida...\\ See Certain Pasta From Turkey: Notice of Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review...

  16. 75 FR 10464 - Certain Pasta from Italy: Notice of Partial Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta from Italy... pasta from Italy. See Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Order, Finding, or Suspended Investigation....A. (``Garofalo''), Pastaficio Attilio Mastromauro Pasta Granoro S.r.L. (``Granoro''), Industria...

  17. Novel soy germ pasta enriched in isoflavones ameliorates gastroparesis in type 2 diabetes: a pilot study. (United States)

    Setchell, Kenneth D R; Nardi, Elisabetta; Battezzati, Pier-Maria; Asciutti, Stefania; Castellani, Danilo; Perriello, Gabriele; Clerici, Carlo


    To determine the effect of soy germ pasta enriched in biologically active isoflavone aglycons on gastric emptying in type 2 diabetic patients with gastroparesis. This randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study compared soy germ pasta with conventional pasta for effects on gastric emptying. Patients (n = 10) with delayed gastric emptying consumed one serving per day of each pasta for 8 weeks, with a 4-week washout. Gastric emptying time (t1/2) was measured using the [(13)C]octanoic acid breath test at baseline and after each period, and blood glucose and insulin concentrations were determined after oral glucose load. Soy germ pasta significantly accelerated the t1/2 in these patients (161.2 ± 17.5 min at baseline vs. 112.6 ± 11.2 min after treatment, P = 0.009). Such change differed significantly (P = 0.009) from that for conventional pasta (153.6 ± 24.2 vs. 156.2 ± 27.4 min), without affecting glucose or insulin concentrations. These findings suggest that soy germ pasta may offer a simple dietary approach to managing diabetic gastropathy.

  18. Redox agents and N-ethylmaleimide affect protein polymerization during laboratory scale dry pasta production and cooking. (United States)

    Bruneel, Charlotte; Buggenhout, Joke; Lagrain, Bert; Brijs, Kristof; Delcour, Jan A


    Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) semolina gluten proteins consist of monomeric gliadin and polymeric glutenin and determine the quality of pasta products made therefrom. During pasta drying, glutenin starts polymerizing already below 60 °C (65% relative humidity (RH)), whereas gliadin only is incorporated in the protein network at temperatures exceeding 68 °C (68% RH) through thiol (SH)/disulfide (SS) exchange reactions. Removal of free SH groups in glutenin by adding 2.3 μmol KBrO3 or KIO3 per g dry matter semolina protein (g protein) or 13.8 μmol N-ethylmaleimide/g protein reduces gliadin-glutenin cross-linking during pasta drying and/or cooking and yields cooked pasta of high quality. Introducing free SH groups by adding 13.8 μmol glutathione/g protein increases gliadin-glutenin cross-linking during pasta processing, resulting in cooked pasta of lower quality. We hypothesize that too much gliadin incorporation in the glutenin network during pasta processing tightens the protein network and results in lower cooking quality. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Levee reliability analyses for various flood return periods - a case study in southern Taiwan (United States)

    Huang, W.-C.; Yu, H.-W.; Weng, M.-C.


    In recent years, heavy rainfall conditions have caused disasters around the world. To prevent losses by floods, levees have often been constructed in inundation-prone areas. This study performed reliability analyses for the Chiuliao First Levee in southern Taiwan. The failure-related parameters were the water level, the scouring depth, and the in situ friction angle. Three major failure mechanisms were considered: the slope sliding failure of the levee and the sliding and overturning failures of the retaining wall. When the variability of the in situ friction angle and the scouring depth are considered for various flood return periods, the variations of the factor of safety for the different failure mechanisms show that the retaining wall sliding and overturning failures are more sensitive to the change of the friction angle. When the flood return period is greater than 2 years, the levee could fail with slope sliding for all values of the water level difference. The results of levee stability analysis considering the variability of different parameters could aid engineers in designing the levee cross sections, especially with potential failure mechanisms in mind.


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    Regislaine Damasio Barreto


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se o estudo de pavimentos intertravados com agregado miúdo utilizando material reciclado, ou seja, o resíduo gerado por demolição de construções. Foram feitos testes nas peças, chegando a resultados que atendem as expectativas de serem aplicados em calçadas, sem fins estruturais. O pavimento intertravado é um pavimento por si só ecológico, tem maior durabilidade e reduz à temperatura em relação á outros tipos de pavimentos têm uma grande capacidade de drenagem, baixa e fácil manutenção e redução de custo. O sistema é intertravado, os pavers se encaixam uns nos outros como um quebra-cabeça, possibilitando a personalização e troca rápida de peças, a drenagem e devolução de água ao solo por conta de suas fissuras.


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    Felipe Coutinho Onofre


    Full Text Available

    Quando se comparam as metodologias de dosagem Superpave e Marshall de misturas asfálticas, uma das vantagens da primeira é a obtenção do gráfico de compactação. Tem sido verificado para misturas densas e contínuas do tipo Concreto Asfáltico (CA que determinadas áreas observadas nesse gráfico podem diferenciar estas misturas quanto à trabalhabilidade e à resistência à deformação permanente. No presente estudo, os parâmetros <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">Compaction Densification Indexem> (CDI e <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">Traffic Densification Indexem> (TDI foram utilizados como indicadores da compactabilidade. Desenvolveu-se um estudo de correlação entre estas variáveis e a resistência à deformação permanente de misturas asfálticas. Foram avaliadas três misturas asfálticas contendo: (i apenas agregados graníticos, (ii 50% de agregados graníticos e 50% de escória de aciaria e (iii 50% de agregados graníticos e 50% de Resíduo de Construção e Demolição (RCD. As variáveis escolhidas para determinação da resistência à deformação permanente foram o ensaio uniaxial de carga repetida (amostras compactadas para dois percentuais de Volume de vazios e o ensaio com um simulador de tráfego do tipo LCPC. Foi utilizado também o Processamento Digital de Imagens (PDI para a determinação da esfericidade dos agregados estudados, propriedade que influencia na resistência à deformação permanente. Os resultados indicam que as variáveis CDI e TDI podem ser usadas como parâmetros de estudo para prever a resistência à deformação permanente, mesmo para misturas com utilização de resíduos. A caracterização pela técnica do PDI mostrou que o agregado de origem granítica possui uma forma menos próxima a uma esfera em relação aos res

  2. PASTA in Penicillin Binding Proteins and Serine/Threonine Kinases: A Recipe of Structural, Dynamic and Binding Properties. (United States)

    Calvanese, Luisa; Falcigno, Lucia; Squeglia, Flavia; D'Auria, Gabriella; Berisio, Rita


    Penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) and Serine Threonine kinases (STPKs) are two classes of bacterial enzymes whose involvement in a series of vital processes in bacterial growth and division is well assessed. Many PBPs and STPKs show linked an ancillary domain named PASTA, whose functional role is not completely deciphered so far. It has been proposed that PASTAs are sensor modules that by binding opportune ligands (i.e. muropeptides) activate the cognate proteins to their functions. However, based on recent data, the sensor annotation sounds true for PASTA from STPKs, and false for PASTA from PBPs. Different PASTA domains, belonging or not to different protein classes, sharing or not appreciable sequence identities, always show identical folds. This survey of the structural, binding and dynamic properties of PASTA domains pursues the reasons why identical topologies may turn in different roles. Amino acid compositions, total charges and distribution of the hydrophobic/hydrophilic patches on the surface, significantly vary among PASTAs from STPKs and PBPs and appear to correlate with different functions. A possible criterion to discriminate between PASTA modules of STPKs or PBPs solely based on their sequences is proposed. Possibly reflecting different species as well as functional roles and evolutionary profile, our routine represents a fast even though approximate method to distinguish between PASTA belonging to different classes. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  3. Multi-isotopic signatures of organic and conventional Italian pasta along the production chain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bontempo, L.; Camin, F.; Paolini, M.


    The variability of stable isotope ratios (δ2H, δ13C, δ15N, δ18O and δ34S) along the production chain of pasta (durum wheat, flour and pasta) produced by using both conventional and organic farming systems in four Italian regions in 2 years was investigated. The aim was to evaluate if and how...... control procedures that can be used to check the geographical origin of Italian organic and conventional pasta and its raw materials....

  4. Características das Famílias, Estruturação da Produção e Estratégias de Comercialização em um Assentamento de Reforma Agrária

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    Luciane Cristina De Gaspari

    Full Text Available Resumo: A estruturação dos estabelecimentos rurais está associada às características das famílias e às suas estratégias de inserção no mercado, em termos de geração de renda e exposição a riscos. Para entender essa associação foram estudados os casos de sete famílias assentadas em Araraquara (SP, região dominada por cana-de-açúcar e citros. Os indicadores foram o valor agregado total, o valor agregado por trabalhador, a estrutura e a dinâmica familiar e a organização do trabalho. Os casos incluíram dois estabelecimentos integrados à agroindústria (cana e frango, leite e frango, três estabelecimentos produtores de hortaliças (venda em atacado, semiatacado e direta ao consumidor, um caso de produção exclusivamente para consumo doméstico e um sem nenhuma produção econômica. As famílias vinculadas à agroindústria obtiveram valores agregados mais elevados, mas precisaram fazer investimentos maiores, o que fragilizou seus sistemas de produção frente a riscos. A crise financeira mundial de 2008 quebrou as agroindústrias integradoras e, com elas, as duas propriedades integradas. Para os produtores de hortaliças, para o mercado local, o valor agregado foi inferior ao do das integradas, como também seus investimentos em infraestrutura. A opção pela via de escoamento das hortaliças foi associada ao tamanho, ao conhecimento tecnológico e do mercado pelas famílias.

  5. 76 FR 77204 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Partial Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... pasta from Italy.\\1\\ Pursuant to requests from interested parties, the Department published in the.... & C. (``P.A.P.''), Premiato Pastificio Afeltra S.r.L. (``Afeltra''), Pasta Lensi S.r.l. (``Lensi...

  6. 78 FR 20091 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Partial Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... request an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Italy.\\1\\ Pursuant to....A. (Delverde), Industria Alimentare Colavita, S.p.A. (Indalco), Pasta Lensi S.r.L. (Lensi...

  7. 76 FR 71311 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Partial Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... review of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Italy.\\1\\ Pursuant to requests from interested... antidumping duty administrative review with respect to Pastificio Attilio Mastromauro-Pasta Granoro S.r.L...

  8. 75 FR 6352 - Certain Pasta from Italy: Notice of Final Results of the Twelfth Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta from Italy... antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Italy. The review covers ten manufacturers/exporters: Domenico...), Pasta Lensi (Lensi), Pastificio Fratelli Pagani S.p.A. (Pagani), Pastificio Labor S.r.L. (Labor...

  9. 76 FR 64897 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Partial Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... to request an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Italy.\\1....P.''), Premiato Pastificio Afeltra S.r.L. (``Afeltra''), Pasta Lensi S.r.l. (``Lensi''), Pastaficio...

  10. Carbonate Channel-Levee Systems Influenced by Mass-Transport Deposition, Browse Basin, Australia (United States)

    Dunlap, D.; Janson, X.; Sanchez-Phelps, C.; Covault, J. A.


    Submarine channels are primary conduits for clastic sediment transport to deep-water basins, thereby controlling the location of marine depocenters and sediment bypass. The evolution and depositional character of submarine channels have broad implications to sediment dispersal, sediment quality, and hydrocarbon exploration potential. Siliciclastic channel systems have been extensively studied in modern environments, seismic and outcrop; however, carbonate channel-levee deposits have only recently been explored. Here we utilize newly released high-resolution (90 Hz) seismic-reflection data from the Australian Browse Basin to document the influence of mass-transport complex (MTC) deposition on the stratigraphic architecture of carbonate channel-levee systems. The 2014 vintage seismic survey is 2500 km2 and hosts numerous large Miocene-age carbonate channel-levee complexes basinward of the shelf edge. Regional horizons and individual channel forms were mapped. Channels range from 200-300 m wide and are bounded by high-relief levee-overbank wedges (>100 ms TWTT). These channels extend across the survey area >70 km. The leveed-channels were sourced from middle and late Miocene slope gullies linked to platform carbonates. Slope-attached and locally derived MTC's are evident throughout the Miocene section likely related to periods of basin inversion and shelf-edge gully incision. We interpret that regionally extensive (>1000 km2) slope-attached MTC's can shut down a channel-levee system and trigger the initiation of a new system, whereas more locally derived (wasting and turbidity currents, which informs depositional models of carbonate slope systems and calls for re-evaluation of the controls on stratigraphic patterns in mixed siliciclastic-carbonate deep-water basins.

  11. 77 FR 53909 - Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey; Institution of Five-year Reviews Concerning the... (United States)


    ...)] Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey; Institution of Five-year Reviews Concerning the Countervailing and Antidumping Duty Orders on Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey AGENCY: United States International Trade... revocation of the countervailing and antidumping duty orders on certain pasta from Italy and Turkey would be...

  12. 77 FR 7129 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Final Results of the 2009 Countervailing Duty Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy... review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Italy for the period January 1, 2009... preliminary results of this review. See Certain Pasta From Italy: Preliminary Results of the 14th (2009...

  13. 78 FR 49256 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Preliminary Results of the Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2011 (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy...'') is conducting an administrative review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Italy... The scope of the order consists of certain pasta from Italy. The merchandise subject to the order is...

  14. 78 FR 57129 - Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey: Continuation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders (United States)


    ...-806] Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey: Continuation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders... antidumping duty (AD) orders on certain pasta from Italy and Turkey would likely lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping, that revocation of the countervailing duty (CVD) orders on certain pasta from Italy...

  15. Oficinas de estimulação cognitiva adaptadas para idosos analfabetos com transtorno cognitivo leve

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    Izabel Borges dos Santos


    Full Text Available Oficinas de estimulação cognitiva para idosos analfabetos com transtorno cognitivo leve é um tema pouco pesquisado. Objetivou-se verificar a autopercepção da memória em idosos analfabetos com transtorno cognitivo leve, antes e após oficinas de estimulação cognitiva, adaptadas para analfabetos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, realizada na Unidade de Saúde de Taguatinga-DF, envolvendo 63 idosos: 22 no Grupo Experimental (GE, com 10 oficinas; 21 no Grupo Controle 1 (GC1, com 10 palestras; e 20 no Grupo Controle 2 (GC2, sem intervenção. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas antes e após intervenções, perguntando-se sobre memória. Aos GE e GC1 foram oferecidas atividades semanais de duas horas. A idade média foi 72,8 anos, 92% do sexo feminino. Na pré-intervenção, 82% haviam piorado memória no último ano. Na pós-intervenção, GC1 e GC2 mantiveram alterações da memória, enquanto GE melhorou cognição. Conclui-se que as oficinas e palestras proporcionaram melhora na funcionalidade e socialização/integração.

  16. PASTA repeats of the protein kinase StkP interconnect cell constriction and separation of Streptococcus pneumoniae. (United States)

    Zucchini, Laure; Mercy, Chryslène; Garcia, Pierre Simon; Cluzel, Caroline; Gueguen-Chaignon, Virginie; Galisson, Frédéric; Freton, Céline; Guiral, Sébastien; Brochier-Armanet, Céline; Gouet, Patrice; Grangeasse, Christophe


    Eukaryotic-like serine/threonine kinases (eSTKs) with extracellular PASTA repeats are key membrane regulators of bacterial cell division. How PASTA repeats govern eSTK activation and function remains elusive. Using evolution- and structural-guided approaches combined with cell imaging, we disentangle the role of each PASTA repeat of the eSTK StkP from Streptococcus pneumoniae. While the three membrane-proximal PASTA repeats behave as interchangeable modules required for the activation of StkP independently of cell wall binding, they also control the septal cell wall thickness. In contrast, the fourth and membrane-distal PASTA repeat directs StkP localization at the division septum and encompasses a specific motif that is critical for final cell separation through interaction with the cell wall hydrolase LytB. We propose a model in which the extracellular four-PASTA domain of StkP plays a dual function in interconnecting the phosphorylation of StkP endogenous targets along with septal cell wall remodelling to allow cell division of the pneumococcus.

  17. In vitro dialyzability of essential minerals from white and whole grain pasta. (United States)

    Vignola, María Belén; Bustos, Mariela Cecilia; Pérez, Gabriela Teresa


    The aim of the present investigation was to study the in vitro mineral dialyzability of pasta made with white and whole-grain flours obtained from two genotypes (Klein Guerrero and Baguette Premium 11) with different mineral contents. Pasta samples were made from white flour (FP), and whole grain flour from cyclonic mill (WFAP) and blade mill (WFBP). Mineral content and in vitro digestion were determined on all samples to study starch variation and mineral dialyzability. Whole-grain pasta contained significantly higher amounts of minerals than FP, since bran and embryo are richer in minerals than endosperm. In addition to the low content of mineral composition observed in FP, the dialyzability of some minerals (Cu, Fe, Mg and Zn) was higher than whole-grain pasta even when the percentage of starch hydrolyzed after intestinal digestion was higher than FP. These results can also be useful for developing wheat-based products rich in the desired minerals. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. 76 FR 76937 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Final Results of the Fourteenth Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... review for the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Italy.\\1\\ The review covers two manufacturers... (``POR'') is July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010. \\1\\ See Certain Pasta from Italy: Notice of Preliminary...

  19. 76 FR 27634 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Final Results of Countervailing Duty Changed Circumstances Review and... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy... and intent to revoke, in part, the countervailing duty (``CVD'') order on certain pasta from Italy.\\1\\ We are now revoking this order, in part, with regard to gluten-free pasta, as described in the...

  20. Caracterización de mezclas semidensas con agregados de la región de Tunja

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    Carlos Hernando Higuera Sandoval


    Full Text Available Esta investigación determinó la viabilidad de las Mezclas Semidensas en Caliente, o Gap Graded, para el uso en vías de tránsito medio, como una alternativa a la capa asfáltica y a la base asfáltica. Para elaborar las mezclas se utilizaron agregados de dos canteras de la Provincia Centro del departamento de Boyacá: la recebera Piedra Gorda y la cantera La Calera, junto con el ligante bituminoso de penetración 60/70, proveniente de IncoAsfaltos S.A., empresa localizada en Mosquera (Cundinamarca. El diseño de las mezclas se realizó por medio de las metodologías Marshall y Ramcodes. La determinación de los módulos dinámicos de las mezclas se llevó a cabo por medio del equipo Nottingham Asphalt Tester (NAT. Los resultados mostraron valores de módulos mayores para las mezclas realizadas con el agregado de Piedra Gorda. Se diseñó la estructura de pavimento con agregados de La Calera, por cumplir con todas las especificaciones.

  1. Amino Acid Composition of Protein-Enriched Dried Pasta: Is It Suitable for a Low-Carbohydrate Diet?

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    Rajko Vidrih


    Full Text Available Today, obesity is one of the major health problems, a so-called epidemic of the developed world. Obesity arises through an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure, so it is important for products to have a balanced nutritional composition. The aim of this study is to prepare high-protein pasta with high nutritional quality, with emphasis on its amino acid composition, as ordinary durum pasta lacks lysine and threonine. Ordinary durum wheat pasta contains, on average, 77 % carbohydrate, and can have even less than 10 % protein. It is therefore oft en excluded from normal energy-restricted diets, and especially from low-carbohydrate diets. In this study pasta that can satisfy the nutritional requirements of a low-carbohydrate diet and is suitable for daily use was developed and evaluated. Protein-enhanced pasta was produced by adding high amounts of plant protein extract (40 % dry matter without (plain high-protein pasta or with 3 % dried spinach powder (high-protein spinach pasta to durum wheat semolina. According to the sensory analysis data, the addition of 40 % of plant protein extract satisfied sensory and nutritional requirements, allowing further development and evaluation for possible marketing. This analysis shows that these high-protein neutral and spinach pasta contain 36.4 and 39.6 g of protein per 100 g of dry mass, 12.07 and 14.70 g of total essential amino acids per 100 g of dry mass, and a high content of branched-chain amino acids, i.e. 5.54 and 6.65 g per 100 g of dry mass, respectively. This therefore represents a true alternative to durum wheat pasta for low-carbohydrate diets.


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    Full Text Available Pastas are generally accepted all over the world, mainly because they are versatile, cheap and easy - to - prepare. They are not nutritionally balanced, since they provide mainly carbohydrates. As a result of this, it is important to use ingredients which could improve the nutritional deficiencies, without affecting the technological and sensorial characteristics. This study evaluated the effect of using wheat semolina and micronized corn pericarp (MCP, on the proximate composition, cooking quality and color of spaghetti type pasta. Spaghetti pasta was produced using wheat semolina with the incorporation of micronized corn pericarp, at levels of 0, 10, 20 and 30%. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05 between the formulated samples with regards to the contents of moisture and lipid, cooking time, weight gain and volume increase. As observed, supplementation with micronized corn pericarp presented significant difference on the contents of proteins, minerals, dietary fiber and solid soluble loss of the spaghetti pasta (p < 0.05. With increase in micronized corn pericarp concentration, the color difference became accentuated. The use of MCP appears to be viable, providing a nutritionally enriched product without further impairment on pasta quality.

  3. Estrutura e armazenamento de água em um Argissolo sob pastagem cultivada, floresta nativa e povoamento de eucalipto no Rio Grande do Sul

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    Luis Eduardo Akiyoshi Sanches Suzuki


    Full Text Available Práticas pouco adequadas de manejo têm ocasionado a compactação e a degradação da estrutura do solo. Identificar atributos que melhor representem essas alterações são relevantes na recuperação e na indicação de práticas para evitar danos na estrutura do solo. Objetivou-se avaliar o impacto de diferentes usos em atributos estruturais e hídricos de um Argissolo Vermelho. O estudo foi realizado no município de Butiá, na região fisiográfica da Serra do Sudeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico. As áreas analisadas corresponderam a: floresta antropizada constituída por espécies arbóreas e arbustivas (Floresta; pastagem com cinco anos de idade, com braquiária brizanta (Brachiaria brizantha consorciada com pensacola (Paspalum lourai e trevo (Trifolium sp. (Pastagem; povoamento de Eucalyptus saligna com 20 anos de idade (Eucalipto 20; e plantio clonal de Eucalyptus saligna conduzido em segunda rotação, com 4,5 anos de idade (Eucalipto 4,5. Avaliaram-se nessas áreas a textura, a condutividade hidráulica, a porosidade, a densidade, o diâmetro médio ponderado de agregados (DMP, a curva de retenção de água, a distribuição do tamanho de poros e o parâmetro S, obtendo-se as seguintes conclusões: até a camada de 0,10 m na Pastagem, e 0,40 m no Eucalipto 4,5, os agregados foram formados pela ação da textura e matéria orgânica e pelo efeito compressivo, decorrente do pisoteio dos bovinos e da colheita do eucalipto. Conforme a profundidade aumentou, ocorreu redução do DMP de agregados, em razão da diminuição da matéria orgânica, e aumento do cascalho, especialmente para as áreas de Pastagem e Eucalipto 4,5, e ao menor efeito da compressão do solo. A textura e a matéria orgânica evidenciaram influência na agregação do solo e, mesmo em pequena proporção, o cascalho reduziu o DMP de agregados, pois sua baixa reatividade e seu maior diâmetro dificultaram a formação de

  4. An Approach for Real-time Levee Health Monitoring Using Signal Processing Methods

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pyayt, A.L.; Kozionov, A.P.; Mokhov, I.I.; Lang, B.; Krzhizhanovskaya, V.V.; Sloot, P.M.A.


    We developed a levee health monitoring system within the UrbanFlood project funded under the EU 7th Framework Programme. A novel real-time levee health assessment Artificial Intelligence system is developed using data-driven methods. The system is implemented in the UrbanFlood early warning system.

  5. Terrestrial Lidar Datasets of New Orleans, Louisiana, Levee Failures from Hurricane Katrina, August 29, 2005 (United States)

    Collins, Brian D.; Kayen, Robert; Minasian, Diane L.; Reiss, Thomas


    Hurricane Katrina made landfall with the northern Gulf Coast on August 29, 2005, as one of the strongest hurricanes on record. The storm damage incurred in Louisiana included a number of levee failures that led to the inundation of approximately 85 percent of the metropolitan New Orleans area. Whereas extreme levels of storm damage were expected from such an event, the catastrophic failure of the New Orleans levees prompted a quick mobilization of engineering experts to assess why and how particular levees failed. As part of this mobilization, civil engineering members of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) performed terrestrial lidar topographic surveys at major levee failures in the New Orleans area. The focus of the terrestrial lidar effort was to obtain precise measurements of the ground surface to map soil displacements at each levee site, the nonuniformity of levee height freeboard, depth of erosion where scour occurred, and distress in structures at incipient failure. In total, we investigated eight sites in the New Orleans region, including both earth and concrete floodwall levee breaks. The datasets extend from the 17th Street Canal in the Orleans East Bank area to the intersection of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) with the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) in the New Orleans East area. The lidar scan data consists of electronic files containing millions of surveyed points. These points characterize the topography of each levee's postfailure or incipient condition and are available for download through online hyperlinks. The data serve as a permanent archive of the catastrophic damage of Hurricane Katrina on the levee systems of New Orleans. Complete details of the data collection, processing, and georeferencing methodologies are provided in this report to assist in the visualization and analysis of the data by future users.

  6. Levee Setbacks: An Innovative, Cost Effective, and Sustainable Solution for Improved Flood Risk management (United States)


    ER D C/ EL S R- 17 -3 Levee Setbacks: An Innovative , Cost-Effective, and Sustainable Solution for Improved Flood Risk Management En vi...EL SR-17-3 June 2017 Levee Setbacks: An Innovative , Cost-Effective, and Sustainable Solution for Improved Flood Risk Management David L. Smith...alternative view point is necessary. ERDC/EL SR-17-3 4 Levee setbacks are a relatively recent innovation in Corps flood risk management practice

  7. Pasta structures in neutron stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, Neha; Shabnam, I.S.; Arumugam, P.


    A neutron star (NS) is a stellar remnant, a super-compressed object left over when stars with a mass between 1.4 and about 3 times the mass of our Sun exhaust their nuclear fuel and collapse inwards. The result of such an implosion is a condensed sphere of matter about 10 km across. The outer layer of the of NS, with density less than the nuclear saturation density, represent different challenges and observational opportunities like thermal evolution, X-ray burst, glitches and the very important core-crust transition region. At this density, nucleons are correlated at short distances by attractive strong interactions, they are anti-correlated at large distances because of the Coulomb repulsion. Competition among short- and long-range interactions (i.e., frustration) leads to the development of complex and exotic nuclear shapes, such as sphere, bubbles, rods, slabs and tubes. The term 'pasta phases' has been coined to describe these complex structures. In this work the nuclear pasta phases using different mean-field models along with a droplet model has been studied

  8. Influence of extrusion-cooking parameters on some quality aspects of precooked pasta-like products. (United States)

    Wójtowicz, A; Mościcki, L


    The present article aims to evaluate some quality parameters and texture characteristics of precooked wheat pasta-like products. Using the methods for pasta and instant noodles the tested parameters were water absorption, starch gelatinization degree, cooking losses, and hardness. The texture profile was characterized using Zwick apparatus by cutting test with the head speed of 10 mm/min and expressed as hardness and firmness of hydrated products. SEM pictures were used to illustrate the internal structure of dry and cooked pasta-like products. Dough moisture content and process conditions influenced all tested quality parameters of the pasta-like products processed on a modified single screw extrusion-cooker TS-45 with L: D = 16: 1. Good organoleptical quality (notes higher than 4 in a 5-point scale) and firm texture were observed for common wheat flour pasta processed at 30% m.c. Hardness and firmness of hydrated products lowered with a longer hydration time in hot water. The firmest texture and low stickiness was observed for products with a highest starch gelatinization degree.

  9. Micronised bran-enriched fresh egg tagliatelle: Significance of gums addition on pasta technological features. (United States)

    Martín-Esparza, M E; Raga, A; González-Martínez, C; Albors, A


    The aim of the work was to produce fibre-enriched fresh pasta based on micronised wheat bran and durum wheat semolina with appropriate techno-functional properties. Wheat semolina was replaced with fine particle size (50% below 75 µm) wheat bran - up to 11.54% (w/w). A Box-Behnken design with randomised response surface methodology was used to determine a suitable combination of carboxymethylcellulose, xanthan gum and locust bean gum to improve pasta attributes: minimum cooking loss, maximum values for water gain and swelling index, as well as better colour and texture characteristics before and after cooking. The proximate chemical composition of wheat semolina and bran was determined and the microstructure of uncooked pasta was observed as well. From the response surface methodology analysis, it is recommended to use: (i) xanthan gum over 0.6% w/w as it led to bran-enriched pasta with a better developed structure and superior cooking behaviour, (ii) a combination of xanthan gum (0.8% w/w) and carboxymethylcellulose (over 0.6% w/w) to enhance uncooked pasta yellowness.

  10. Grain-size segregation and levee formation in geophysical mass flows (United States)

    Johnson, C.G.; Kokelaar, B.P.; Iverson, Richard M.; Logan, M.; LaHusen, R.G.; Gray, J.M.N.T.


    Data from large-scale debris-flow experiments are combined with modeling of particle-size segregation to explain the formation of lateral levees enriched in coarse grains. The experimental flows consisted of 10 m3 of water-saturated sand and gravel, which traveled ∼80 m down a steeply inclined flume before forming an elongated leveed deposit 10 m long on a nearly horizontal runout surface. We measured the surface velocity field and observed the sequence of deposition by seeding tracers onto the flow surface and tracking them in video footage. Levees formed by progressive downslope accretion approximately 3.5 m behind the flow front, which advanced steadily at ∼2 m s−1during most of the runout. Segregation was measured by placing ∼600 coarse tracer pebbles on the bed, which, when entrained into the flow, segregated upwards at ∼6–7.5 cm s−1. When excavated from the deposit these were distributed in a horseshoe-shaped pattern that became increasingly elevated closer to the deposit termination. Although there was clear evidence for inverse grading during the flow, transect sampling revealed that the resulting leveed deposit was strongly graded laterally, with only weak vertical grading. We construct an empirical, three-dimensional velocity field resembling the experimental observations, and use this with a particle-size segregation model to predict the segregation and transport of material through the flow. We infer that coarse material segregates to the flow surface and is transported to the flow front by shear. Within the flow head, coarse material is overridden, then recirculates in spiral trajectories due to size-segregation, before being advected to the flow edges and deposited to form coarse-particle-enriched levees.

  11. Optimization of food materials for development of nutritious pasta utilizing groundnut meal and beetroot. (United States)

    Mridula, D; Gupta, R K; Bhadwal, Sheetal; Khaira, Harjot; Tyagi, S K


    Present study was undertaken to optimize the level of food materials viz. groundnut meal, beetroot juice and refined wheat flour for development of nutritious pasta using response surface methodology. Box-benken design of experiments was used to design different experimental combinations considering 10 to 20 g groundnut meal, 6 to 18 mL beetroot juice and 80 to 90 g refined wheat flour. Quality attributes such as protein content, antioxidant activity, colour, cooking quality (solid loss, rehydration ratio and cooking time) and sensory acceptability of pasta samples were the dependent variables for the study. The results revealed that pasta samples with higher levels of groundnut meal and beetroot juice were high in antioxidant activity and overall sensory acceptability. The samples with higher content of groundnut meal indicated higher protein contents in them. On the other hand, the samples with higher beetroot juice content were high in rehydration ratio and lesser cooking time along with low solid loss in cooking water. The different level of studied food materials significantly affected the colour quality of pasta samples. Optimized combination for development of nutritious pasta consisted of 20 g groundnut meal, 18 mL beetroot juice and 83.49 g refined wheat flour with overall desirability as 0.905. This pasta sample required 5.5 min to cook and showed 1.37 % solid loss and rehydration ratio as 6.28. Pasta sample prepared following optimized formulation provided 19.56 % protein content, 23.95 % antioxidant activity and 125.89 mg/100 g total phenols with overall sensory acceptability scores 8.71.

  12. Solitons as candidates for energy carriers in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattices (United States)

    Ming, Yi; Ye, Liu; Chen, Han-Shuang; Mao, Shi-Feng; Li, Hui-Min; Ding, Ze-Jun


    Currently, effective phonons (renormalized or interacting phonons) rather than solitary waves (for short, solitons) are regarded as the energy carriers in nonlinear lattices. In this work, by using the approximate soliton solutions of the corresponding equations of motion and adopting the Boltzmann distribution for these solitons, the average velocities of solitons are obtained and are compared with the sound velocities of energy transfer. Excellent agreements with the numerical results and the predictions of other existing theories are shown in both the symmetric Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-β lattices and the asymmetric Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-α β lattices. These clearly indicate that solitons are suitable candidates for energy carriers in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattices. In addition, the root-mean-square velocity of solitons can be obtained from the effective phonons theory.

  13. 76 FR 20312 - Certain Pasta From Turkey: Extension of Time Limit for the Preliminary Results of Antidumping... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-489-805] Certain Pasta From Turkey..., the Department published in the Federal Register the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from... Value: Certain Pasta From Turkey, 61 FR 38545 (July 24, 1996). On July 1, 2010, we published in the...

  14. 78 FR 693 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Final Results of the Expedited Third Sunset Review of the... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy... Sunset Review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Italy. The Department finds that... pasta from Italy was published on July 24, 1996. See Notice of Countervailing Duty Order and Amended...

  15. 77 FR 46694 - Certain Pasta From Turkey: Notice of Preliminary Results of the 2010-2011 Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-489-805] Certain Pasta From Turkey... (the Department) is conducting an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta (pasta) from Turkey for the period of review (POR) July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011. The Department...

  16. 78 FR 9937 - Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey Scheduling of Full Five-Year Reviews Concerning the... (United States)


    ...)] Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey Scheduling of Full Five-Year Reviews Concerning the Countervailing and Antidumping Duty Orders on Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey AGENCY: United States International Trade... whether revocation of the countervailing and antidumping duty orders on certain pasta from Italy and...

  17. Influência da adição no comportamento reológico da pasta autoadensável de alto desempenho - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v30i2.5466

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    Igor André Rodrigues Piovezam


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa propõe o estudo da influência da área específica, forma e textura superficial das adições no comportamento reológico da pasta autoadensável de alto desempenho (PAAD. As adições selecionadas são o filer calcário e o filer basalto, por se tratarem de subprodutos industriais a fim de contribuir, desta forma, para o desenvolvimento sustentável. A pasta em estudo é constituída de cimento, sílica ativa, filer calcário ou filer basalto, água e aditivo superplastificante de última geração. São fixadas as relações água/cimento = 0,40 L kg-1, sílica ativa/cimento = 0,10 kg kg-1, e as relações filer/cimento e superplastificante/cimento são determinadas por meio de ensaios de cone de Marsh e de “mini-slump”. Os resultados mostram que, para as mesmas relações de filer/cimento, os teores de superplastificante para pasta com filer calcário são significativamente inferiores ao da pasta com filer basalto. A análise dos resultados permite concluir que a área específica, forma e textura superficial das adições influenciam significativamente o comportamento reológico das PAADs.

  18. 76 FR 53116 - Certain Pasta From Turkey: Extension of Time Limit for the Final Results of Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-489-805] Certain Pasta From Turkey... the preliminary results of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Turkey (pasta) for the period July [[Page 53117

  19. A Comparison of Carbon Footprint and Production Cost of Different Pasta Products Based on Whole Egg and Pea Flour. (United States)

    Nette, Antonia; Wolf, Patricia; Schlüter, Oliver; Meyer-Aurich, Andreas


    Feed and food production are inter alia reasons for high greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by the replacement of animal components with plant components in processed food products, such as pasta. The main components currently used for pasta are semolina, and water, as well as additional egg. The hypothesis of this paper is that the substitution of whole egg with plant-based ingredients, for example from peas, in such a product might lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and thus a reduced carbon footprint at economically reasonable costs. The costs and carbon footprints of two pasta types, produced with egg or pea protein, are calculated. Plant protein-based pasta products proved to cause 0.57 kg CO₂ equivalents (CO₂eq) (31%) per kg pasta less greenhouse gas emissions than animal-based pasta, while the cost of production increases by 10% to 3.00 €/kg pasta.

  20. Effect of sorghum flour addition on in vitro starch digestibility, cooking quality, and consumer acceptability of durum wheat pasta. (United States)

    Khan, Imran; Yousif, Adel M; Johnson, Stuart K; Gamlath, Shirani


    Whole grain sorghum is a valuable source of resistant starch and polyphenolic antioxidants and its addition into staple food like pasta may reduce the starch digestibility. However, incorporating nondurum wheat materials into pasta provides a challenge in terms of maintaining cooking quality and consumer acceptability. Pasta was prepared from 100% durum wheat semolina (DWS) as control or by replacing DWS with either wholegrain red sorghum flour (RSF) or white sorghum flour (WSF) each at 20%, 30%, and 40% incorporation levels, following a laboratory-scale procedure. Pasta samples were evaluated for proximate composition, in vitro starch digestibility, cooking quality, and consumer acceptability. The addition of both RSF and WSF lowered the extent of in vitro starch digestion at all substitution levels compared to the control pasta. The rapidly digestible starch was lowered in all the sorghum-containing pastas compared to the control pasta. Neither RSF or WSF addition affected the pasta quality attributes (water absorption, swelling index, dry matter, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, and springiness), except color and hardness which were negatively affected. Consumer sensory results indicated that pasta samples containing 20% and 30% RSF or WSF had acceptable palatability based on meeting one or both of the preset acceptability criteria. It is concluded that the addition of wholegrain sorghum flour to pasta at 30% incorporation level is possible to reduce starch digestibility, while maintaining adequate cooking quality and consumer acceptability. © 2014 Institute of Food Technologists®

  1. 75 FR 11116 - Certain Pasta from Italy: Notice of Amended Final Results of the Twelfth Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta from Italy... certain pasta from Italy for the period of review (POR) of July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008. See Certain Pasta from Italy: Notice of Final Results of the Twelfth Administrative Review, 75 FR 6352...

  2. 76 FR 6601 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Amended Final Results of the Thirteenth Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Italy for the period of review (POR) of July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009. See Certain Pasta from Italy: Notice of Final Results of the Thirteenth...

  3. Growth, Failure, and Erosion of Submarine Channel Levees on the Upper Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico (United States)

    Sawyer, D. E.; Flemings, P. B.; Nikolinakou, M. A.


    Late Pleistocene channel levees on the Mississippi Fan failed repeatedly along deep-seated listric faults. These growth faults begin at the top of the levee, as much as a kilometer away from the channel axis. They plunge 150-200 meters downward reaching their deepest point halfway towards the channel axis (0.5 km) along the base of a regional sand unit. They then rise toward the channel axis where they emerge. The erosion of toe-thrust material coupled with levee growth, promoted a dynamic equilibrium: turbidity currents flushed the channel axis and deposited new levee on the margins, which induced further displacement into the channel. With a geomechanical model we show that deep-seated failure occurred by undrained loading of an underlying low permeability mudstone. Excess pore pressure formed a low-strength layer that localized the detachment at the base of a regional sand. Our results show that deep-seated failure is expected when levee systems form above regional sand bodies that were deposited rapidly above low permeability mudstone. Furthermore, the presence of this failure style in channel-levee systems is a strong indicator that overpressures and low effective stresses were present during formation and thus record paleo-pressures. Understanding these systems is critical for the design of safe well penetrations, predicting hydraulic connectivity of deepwater channel sands, and the growth of submarine channel-levee systems. This study illuminates the linkages between sedimentation, erosion, and the mechanical stability of levees in submarine channel systems.

  4. Amino Acid Composition of Protein-Enriched Dried Pasta:
Is It Suitable for a Low-Carbohydrate Diet? (United States)

    Filip, Sebastjan; Vidrih, Rajko


    Today, obesity is one of the major health problems, a so-called epidemic of the developed world. Obesity arises through an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure, so it is important for products to have a balanced nutritional composition. The aim of this study is to prepare high-protein pasta with high nutritional quality, with emphasis on its amino acid composition, as ordinary durum pasta lacks lysine and threonine. Ordinary durum wheat pasta contains, on average, 77% carbohydrate, and can have even less than 10% protein. It is therefore often excluded from normal energy-restricted diets, and especially from low-carbohydrate diets. In this study pasta that can satisfy the nutritional requirements of a low-carbohydrate diet and is suitable for daily use was developed and evaluated. Protein-enhanced pasta was produced by adding high amounts of plant protein extract (40% dry matter) without (plain high-protein pasta) or with 3% dried spinach powder (high-protein spinach pasta) to durum wheat semolina. According to the sensory analysis data, the addition of 40% of plant protein extract satisfied sensory and nutritional requirements, allowing further development and evaluation for possible marketing. This analysis shows that these high-protein neutral and spinach pasta contain 36.4 and 39.6 g of protein per 100 g of dry mass, 12.07 and 14.70 g of total essential amino acids per 100 g of dry mass, and a high content of branched-chain amino acids, i.e. 5.54 and 6.65 g per 100 g of dry mass, respectively. This therefore represents a true alternative to durum wheat pasta for low-carbohydrate diets.

  5. Teff, buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth: Ancient whole grain gluten-free egg-free pasta (United States)

    This report demonstrates innovative ancient whole grains, gluten-free, egg-free pasta (no chemicals added) made using a kitchen counter-top appliance. Whole grain, fusilli pasta was prepared with teff, buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth flours. These ancient grains are called “Super Foods” due to thei...

  6. An Integrable Approximation for the Fermi Pasta Ulam Lattice (United States)

    Rink, Bob

    This contribution presents a review of results obtained from computations of approximate equations of motion for the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice. These approximate equations are obtained as a finite-dimensional Birkhoff normal form. It turns out that in many cases, the Birkhoff normal form is suitable for application of the KAM theorem. In particular, this proves Nishida's 1971 conjecture stating that almost all low-energetic motions of the anharmonic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice with fixed endpoints are quasi-periodic. The proof is based on the formal Birkhoff normal form computations of Nishida, the KAM theorem and discrete symmetry considerations.

  7. Biotechnology and pasta-making: Lactic Acid Bacteria as a new driver of innovation

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    Vittorio eCapozzi


    Full Text Available Cereals-derived foods represent a key constituent in the diet of many populations. In particular, pasta is consumed in large quantities throughout the world in reason of its nutritive importance, containing significant amounts of complex carbohydrates, proteins, B-vitamins, and iron. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB are a heterogeneous group of bacteria that play a key role in the production of fermented foods and beverages with high relevance for human and animal health. A wide literature testifies the multifaceted importance of LAB biotechnological applications in cereal-based products. Several studies focused on LAB isolation and characterization in durum wheat environment, in some cases with preliminary experimental applications of LAB in pasta-making. In this paper, using sourdough as a model, we focus on the relevant state-of-art to introduce a LAB-based biotechnological step in industrial pasta-making, a potential world driver of innovation that might represent a cutting-edge advancement in pasta production.

  8. New Approach to Enrich Pasta with Polyphenols from Grape Marc

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    V. Marinelli


    Full Text Available Food industry produces significant amount of waste that represents a problem for the sector. However, by-products are also promising sources of compounds which may be reused for their nutritional properties. The aim of this work is to exploit wine-making by-products, obtaining an extract by ultrasound-assisted extraction only using water as solvent. The characteristics of spaghetti enriched with grape marc were assessed and compared to control samples. In particular, total phenolic and flavonoids contents, the antioxidant activity, the cooking quality, and the sensory acceptability were evaluated at various steps of pasta production. The enriched spaghetti showed higher total phenolic and flavonoids contents and higher antioxidant activity than the control pasta. In addition, low cooking losses were found. In terms of sensory properties fortified pasta is acceptable as the traditional product, thus demonstrating that it is possible to exploit food waste to better satisfy consumer demand for healthy food products in a more sustainable perspective.

  9. A Comparison of Carbon Footprint and Production Cost of Different Pasta Products Based on Whole Egg and Pea Flour

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    Antonia Nette


    Full Text Available Feed and food production are inter alia reasons for high greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by the replacement of animal components with plant components in processed food products, such as pasta. The main components currently used for pasta are semolina, and water, as well as additional egg. The hypothesis of this paper is that the substitution of whole egg with plant-based ingredients, for example from peas, in such a product might lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions (GHG and thus a reduced carbon footprint at economically reasonable costs. The costs and carbon footprints of two pasta types, produced with egg or pea protein, are calculated. Plant protein–based pasta products proved to cause 0.57 kg CO2 equivalents (CO2eq (31% per kg pasta less greenhouse gas emissions than animal-based pasta, while the cost of production increases by 10% to 3.00 €/kg pasta.

  10. A Comparison of Carbon Footprint and Production Cost of Different Pasta Products Based on Whole Egg and Pea Flour (United States)

    Nette, Antonia; Wolf, Patricia; Schlüter, Oliver; Meyer-Aurich, Andreas


    Feed and food production are inter alia reasons for high greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by the replacement of animal components with plant components in processed food products, such as pasta. The main components currently used for pasta are semolina, and water, as well as additional egg. The hypothesis of this paper is that the substitution of whole egg with plant-based ingredients, for example from peas, in such a product might lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and thus a reduced carbon footprint at economically reasonable costs. The costs and carbon footprints of two pasta types, produced with egg or pea protein, are calculated. Plant protein–based pasta products proved to cause 0.57 kg CO2 equivalents (CO2eq) (31%) per kg pasta less greenhouse gas emissions than animal-based pasta, while the cost of production increases by 10% to 3.00 €/kg pasta. PMID:28231112

  11. Karakteristik Pasta TiO2 Suhu Rendah untuk Aplikasi Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC

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    Mariya Al Qibtiya


    Full Text Available Pada tulisan ini, diuraikan karakteristik pasta TiO2 suhu rendah untuk aplikasi sel surya berbasis dye-sensitized yang dipreparasi dengan penambahan serbuk TiO2 reflektor. Penambahan TiO2 reflektor sebagai light scattering layer pada pasta dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruhnya terhadap karakteristik listrik sel surya yang dihasilkan. Preparasi pasta dilakukan menggunakan bahan komersial yaitu pasta T-Nanooxide D-L (Solaronix dan serbuk pasta WER2-O (Dyesiol sebagai bahan reflector. Bahan tersebut dianalisis struktur kristalnya. Hasil karakterisasi X-Ray Diffraction (XRD menunjukan bahwa bahan TiO2 serbuk yang digunakan adalah nanokristal dengan struktur kristal anatase. Pasta ini dideposisi di atas permukaan plastik dan kaca konduktif (ITO-PET dan FTO dengan metode doctor blade printing. Proses sintering lapisan TiO2 dilakukan pada suhu rendah yaitu 120 ˚C selama 4 jam. Morfologi permukaan lapisan TiO2 dianalisa menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM. Lapisan TiO2 yang terbentuk diaplikasikan pada DSSC sebagai fotoelektroda. Pewarnaan dengan larutan N-719 (Ruthenium Complex, lapisan elektroda kerja platina dan larutan elektrolit iodine. Karakteristik kurva I-V dengan ukuran sel daerah aktif 1 cm2 diukur menggunakan Sun Simulator AM1,5 dengan sumber cahaya Xenon dan intensitas 50 mW/cm2. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan penambahan serbuk TiO2 reflektor dapat meningkatkan unjuk kerja sel surya fleksibel yang dihasilkan. Efisiensi terbaik DSSC yang dihasilkan adalah 0,166% untuk substrat plastik dan 0,167% untuk substrat kaca.


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    Adriana Goulart Santos


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O uso de agregados reciclados provenientes de resíduos de construções e demolições (RCD tem sido vistos como uma alternativa de reduzir a disposição inadequada destes materiais no meio ambiente, como também reduzir os custos de pavimentação. Neste contexto, o presente artigo tem como objetivo dimensionar, para as vias de tráfego intenso da cidade de Joinville-SC, uma estrutura de pavimento usando em sua composição misturas de solo e agregado reciclado e avaliar o seu custo de construção. Para isso, foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física do agregado reciclado e do solo. A partir daí foram dosadas duas misturas com teores diferentes de materiais e avaliado as suas respectivas resistências mecânicas. Com os resultados obtidos constatou-se que as misturas avaliadas podem ser empregadas na construção de camadas de sub-base. Verificou-se que houve uma redução de 8,8% nos custos de construção de pavimentos usando a mistura de solo-agregado reciclado. Por fim, o estudo apresenta que o uso do agregado reciclado pode ser uma alternativa econômica e tecnicamente viável para a área rodoviária, pois o dimensionamento mostrou que esse material pode ser utilizado para compor as camadas nobres de um pavimento. ABSTRACT: The use of recycled aggregate from construction and demolition waste has been seen as an alternative to reduce the improper disposal of these materials in the environment, and also reduce the cost of pavements construction. In this context, the present paper aims to pavement designer to the urban roads of the city of Joinville-SC, a structure of pavement that in its composition is used mixtures of soil and recycled aggregate and evaluation it costs of construction. For this, were made physical characterization tests for the recycled aggregate and the soil. Thereafter two mixtures were measured with different levels of materials and analyzed their respective mechanical behaviors. With the results

  13. Technological and nutritional assessment of dry pasta with oatmeal and the microalga Spirulina platensis

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    Fernanda Arnhold Pagnussatt


    Full Text Available Wheat flour is the most important raw material in the production of pasta. The production process consists of mixing water and flour, kneading, extrusion and drying. Oats and the microalga Spirulina platensis play a physiological role in the growth, development and maintenance of the human organism due to their high nutritional value. The aim of this study was to assess the technological and nutritional properties of dry pasta prepared with the addition of oatmeal and Spirulina platensis. The wheat flour was characterized and the effect of partial replacement by oatmeal and Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis was evaluated using response surface methodology (RSM. The mixtures were analysed for moisture, protein, ash, colour, particle size, falling number and alveography. The formulated pastas were dried and evaluated for moisture, colour, cooking test, acidity, proximate composition and amino acids. Generally, the addition of Spirulina platensis influenced the soluble solids content and colour of the pasta, while the oatmeal mainly affected the acid content. The oatmeal increased the values of crude protein and total dietary fibre (13.06% when compared with the commercial pasta (2.40% and may be considered as a source of fibre.

  14. Using ground penetrating radar in levee assessment to detect small scale animal burrows (United States)

    Chlaib, Hussein K.; Mahdi, Hanan; Al-Shukri, Haydar; Su, Mehmet M.; Catakli, Aycan; Abd, Najah


    Levees are civil engineering structures built to protect human lives, property, and agricultural lands during flood events. To keep these important structures in a safe condition, continuous monitoring must be performed regularly and thoroughly. Small rodent burrows are one of the major defects within levees; however, their early detection and repair helps in protecting levees during flooding events. A set of laboratory experiments was conducted to analyze the polarity change in GPR signals in the presence of subsurface voids and water-filled cavities. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys using multi frequency antennas (400 MHz and 900 MHz) were conducted along an 875 meter section of the Lollie Levee near Conway, Arkansas, USA, to assess the levee's structural integrity. Many subsurface animal burrows, water-filled cavities, clay clasts, and metallic objects were investigated and identified. These anomalies were located at different depths and have different sizes. To ground truth the observations, hand dug trenches were excavated to confirm several anomalies. Results show an excellent match between GPR interpreted anomalies and the observed features. In-situ dielectric constant measurements were used to calculate the feature depths. The results of this research show that the 900 MHz antenna has more advantages over the 400 MHz antenna.

  15. Evaluation of production and gamma radiation effects in pasta enriched with brown flaxseed bagasse (Linum usitatissimum L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Marcia Lage de; Arthur, Valter; Oliveira, Ana Claudia Sampaio; Polesi, Luiz Fernando; Silva, Lucia Cristina Aparecida Santos; Jesus, Jose Paulo de


    Flat pasta was produced using eggs, wheat flour added with brown flaxseed bagasse in 0,20% and 40% proportions. The pasta obtained in 20% and 40% proportions were irradiated with 20kGy and submitted to evaluation through determinations of moisture, acidity, ph., chemical composition and baking test. Utilizing the same proportions it was also produced pasta with the flaxseed bagasse flour irradiated with 10kGy and submitted to the same evaluations. Found values for different kinds of pasta, for moisture, acidity and ph. can be considered normal within the range of acceptation. (author)

  16. Evaluation of production and gamma radiation effects in pasta enriched with brown flaxseed bagasse (Linum usitatissimum L.)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Marcia Lage de; Arthur, Valter; Oliveira, Ana Claudia Sampaio, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Polesi, Luiz Fernando; Silva, Lucia Cristina Aparecida Santos [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil); Jesus, Jose Paulo de [Universidade de Sao Paulo (ESALQ/USP), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil). Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz; Oliveira, Andrea Lage de [Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos (UFSCAR), Araras, SP (Brazil)


    Flat pasta was produced using eggs, wheat flour added with brown flaxseed bagasse in 0,20% and 40% proportions. The pasta obtained in 20% and 40% proportions were irradiated with 20kGy and submitted to evaluation through determinations of moisture, acidity, ph., chemical composition and baking test. Utilizing the same proportions it was also produced pasta with the flaxseed bagasse flour irradiated with 10kGy and submitted to the same evaluations. Found values for different kinds of pasta, for moisture, acidity and ph. can be considered normal within the range of acceptation. (author)

  17. Polyphenols in Raw and Cooked Cereals/Pseudocereals/Legume Pasta and Couscous. (United States)

    Carcea, Marina; Narducci, Valentina; Turfani, Valeria; Giannini, Vittoria


    Pasta and couscous are popular foods manufactured (in their traditional form) from durum wheat semolina. In recent years, the consumers' quest for novel, functional, gluten-free, wholegrain foods has prompted the industry to manufacture new pasta and couscous products in which durum wheat has been partially or totally replaced by other vegetable flours. Besides dietary fibre, these raw materials might be an interesting source of phytochemicals. In this work, 16 commercial samples of pasta and four samples of couscous representative of the new products and made of refined and wholegrain flours of different species of cereals, pseudocereals and legumes were analysed for free, hydrolysable bound and total polyphenol content by means of the Folin-Ciocalteu procedure. Analyses were repeated on cooked samples to assess the quantity of polyphenols ingested by the consumers. The raw legume and pseudocereal products had a total polyphenol content higher than most cereal products (up to 1743.4 mg of Gallic Acid Equivalent (GAE) per 100 g dry weight). Wholegrain products had higher contents than refined products. The free fraction underwent up to 46% loss with cooking, probably because of solubility in water. The water absorption of pasta and couscous during cooking was in a ratio of 2:3, resulting in higher dilution of polyphenols in the cooked couscous.

  18. Aumento de matéria orgânica num latossolo bruno em plantio direto

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    Costa Falberni de Souza


    Full Text Available O aumento do estoque de matéria orgânica do solo em sistemas conservacionistas de manejo é dependente do tipo de solo e das condições climáticas, e tem reflexos na qualidade física do solo. Neste estudo, avaliou-se um experimento de longa duração (21 anos quanto ao efeito do sistema plantio direto (PD sobre os estoques de carbono orgânico total (COT e particulado (COP, >53mm, bem como a sua relação com a estabilidade de agregados de um Latossolo Bruno, em Guarapuava, PR. O solo em PD apresentou taxa de incremento de 0,15Mg ha-1 ano-1 de COT e 0,06Mg ha-1 ano-1 de COP na camada de 0-20cm, as quais foram calculadas em comparação aos estoques de carbono orgânico do solo em preparo convencional. As baixas taxas de incremento nos estoques de carbono orgânico possivelmente estejam relacionadas à alta estabilidade física da matéria orgânica neste solo argiloso e com mineralogia predominantemente gibsítica. O diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG dos agregados de solo variou de 1,6 a 3,7mm e foi positiva e linearmente relacionado com os teores de COT e COP, o que reforça a importância da matéria orgânica na qualidade física de Latossolos subtropicais.

  19. Coherent scattering of neutrinos by 'nuclear pasta' in dense matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sonoda, Hidetaka


    We examine coherent scattering cross section of neutrino and nucleon systems via weak-neutral current at subnuclear densities, which will be important in supernova cores. Below melting density and temparature of nuclei, nuclear shape becomes rodlike and slablike; this is called nuclear 'pasta'. Transition of structure will greatly influence coherent effects which can not easily be predicted. We calculate static structure factor of nuclear matter using data of several nuclear models, and discuss the effects of existence of nuclear pasta on neutrino opacity in hot dense matter

  20. Accuracy Analysis Comparison of Supervised Classification Methods for Anomaly Detection on Levees Using SAR Imagery

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    Ramakalavathi Marapareddy


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes the use of a synthetic aperture radar (SAR imagery to support levee condition assessment by detecting potential slide areas in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Levees are prone to a failure in the form of internal erosion within the earthen structure and landslides (also called slough or slump slides. If not repaired, slough slides may lead to levee failures. In this paper, we compare the accuracy of the supervised classification methods minimum distance (MD using Euclidean and Mahalanobis distance, support vector machine (SVM, and maximum likelihood (ML, using SAR technology to detect slough slides on earthen levees. In this work, the effectiveness of the algorithms was demonstrated using quad-polarimetric L-band SAR imagery from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s (JPL’s uninhabited aerial vehicle synthetic aperture radar (UAVSAR. The study area is a section of the lower Mississippi River valley in the Southern USA, where earthen flood control levees are maintained by the US Army Corps of Engineers.

  1. Effect of bioprocessing and fractionation on the structural, textural and sensory properties of gluten-free faba bean pasta


    Heiniö, Raija-Liisa; Cassan, Denis; Holopainen-Mantila, Ulla; Micard, Valerie; Lantto, Raija; Sozer, Nesli


    This work evaluated the effects of processing faba bean flour on textural, structural and sensory properties of gluten-free pasta. Pasta was prepared using faba bean flour, starch-rich fraction of faba bean flour or faba bean flour fermented with lactic acid bacteria. The impact of cross-linking enzyme transglutaminase (TG) on the quality of faba pasta was also studied. The structure, cooking quality, starch digestibility, textural and sensory characteristics of faba pasta samples were evalua...

  2. leve a moderada

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    Luis Felipe Zapata


    Full Text Available La Demencia Tipo Alzheimer (DTA representa un 70% del total de demencias que afectan a las personas de edad avanzada. Es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que ocasiona un significativo deterioro cognitivo en los pacientes e implica una incapacidad progresiva para el adecuado funcionamiento en la vida diaria. Los estudios han tenido como eje el deterioro cognitivo, principalmente los procesos de memoria que son los más dramáticos. Sólo en años recientes se ha empezado a investigar el deterioro que puede causar la enfermedad a otros niveles como en el reconocimiento de las expresiones faciales emocionales. El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar el reconocimiento de la expresión facial emocional en pacientes con DTA frente a personas sanas y determinar si se presentan alteraciones en este tipo de reconocimiento en los pacientes con dicha demencia. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: se conformaron dos grupos. Uno de 22 pacientes con DTA leves y moderados y otro grupo de 22 personas sin demencia. Se aplicó el MMSE para el diagnóstico del grado de severidad de la demencia y la prueba de rostros Pofa Kit de Paul Ekman para la evaluación del reconocimiento de la expresión facial emocional. RESULTADOS: se encontraron diferencias significativas en el reconocimiento global entre el grupo control y el grupo de pacientes. La única emoción que permaneció reconocida fue la de felicidad aún en estados moderados de la enfermedad. La rabia y tristeza se vieron afectadas desde los estados leves y el reconocimiento de la expresión de miedo se alteró solo en los estados moderados de la enfermedad

  3. Tracking the fate of pasta (T. Durum semolina) immunogenic proteins by in vitro simulated digestion. (United States)

    Mamone, Gianfranco; Nitride, Chiara; Picariello, Gianluca; Addeo, Francesco; Ferranti, Pasquale; Mackie, Alan


    The aim of the present study was to identify and characterize the celiacogenic/immunogenic proteins and peptides released during digestion of pasta (Triticum durum semolina). Cooked pasta was digested using a harmonized in vitro static model of oral-gastro-duodenal digestion. The course of pasta protein digestion was monitored by SDS-PAGE, and gluten proteins were specifically analyzed by Western blot using sera of celiac patients. Among the allergens, nonspecific lipid-transfer protein was highly resistant to gastro-duodenal hydrolysis, while other digestion-stable allergens such as α-amylase/trypsin inhibitors were not detected being totally released in the pasta cooking water. To simulate the final stage of intestinal degradation, the gastro-duodenal digesta were incubated with porcine jejunal brush-border membrane hydrolases. Sixty-one peptides surviving the brush-border membrane peptidases were identified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, including several gluten-derived sequences encrypting different motifs responsible for the induction of celiac disease. These results provide new insights into the persistence of wheat-derived peptides during digestion of cooked pasta samples.

  4. 78 FR 2368 - Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey; Final Results of Expedited Third Sunset Reviews of the... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818; A-489-805] Certain Pasta... Department'') initiated five-year (``sunset'') reviews of the antidumping duty orders on certain pasta (``pasta'') from Italy and Turkey. As a result of these reviews, the Department finds that revocation of...

  5. Can protein-fortified pasta serve as a meat substitute? (United States)

    Bingham, C J; Tsay, R; Babayan, V K; Blackburn, G L


    A seventeen-day metabolic balance study was conducted with 13 healthy adult subjects to test the protein utilization of a meat-based diet and a protein-fortified pasta diet in an isonitrogenous, isocaloric inpatient study (averaging 112 gm of protein, and 2,500 cal). Intakes of calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates, as well as ratios of meat protein or protein-fortified pasta protein (PEP), were controlled throughout the diets. The study was comprised of three experimental periods: a seven-day meat-protein control period, representing the typical american diet (TAD), averaging 18% protein, 40% fat, and 42% carbohydrate, a seven-day protein-enriched pasta control period (PEP), averaging 18% protein, 29% fat, and 53% carbohydrates, and a three-day PEP period composed of varied recipes, averaging 18% protein, 29% fat, and 53% carbohydrates. The subjects who consumed both the TAD and PEP diets achieved nitrogen balance (2.5 gN +/- 0.7 on the TAD, 2 gN +/- 0 on PEP with the PEP diet resulting in a decrease in plasma cholesterol (32 mg/dl, P less than .005), and a decrease in systolic (5.25 mm/Hg P less than .025) and diastolic blood pressure (5 mm/Hg, P less than .05), which was associated with an increase in urinary sodium excretion (19 +/- 17 mEq/day, P less than .025). In this study, it was determined that protein-fortified pasta may serve as a meat alternative. The PEP diet, which includes a beneficial change in fat/carbohydrate ratio, can alter lipid profiles, blood pressure, and sodium excretion, thus leading to improved health status and a decrease in cardiac risk factors.

  6. 75 FR 37386 - Certain Pasta from Italy: Final Results of the 13th (2008) Countervailing Duty Administrative Review (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta from Italy... pasta from Italy for the period January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2008. On April 13, 2010, we published the Preliminary Results of this review. See Certain Pasta From Italy: Preliminary Results of the...

  7. 76 FR 65179 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Extension of Time Limit for the Final Results of the Countervailing... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy... administrative review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Italy, covering the period January 1, 2009, through December 31, 2009. See Certain Pasta from Italy: Preliminary Results of the 14th (2009...

  8. Effect of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) enrichment on antioxidant and sensorial properties of wheat flour pasta. (United States)

    Armellini, R; Peinado, I; Pittia, P; Scampicchio, M; Heredia, A; Andres, A


    Saffron, used in cookery as a flavouring and colouring agent, is well-known for its antioxidant and beneficial health properties. In the present work, the effect of saffron addition (0-control, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4%, w/w) in the formulation of fresh pasta was evaluated on textural, physical-chemical, and sensory properties of the cooked product. Content and retention of the bioactive molecules of saffron (crocins) were evaluated by HPLC along with the corresponding antioxidant activity of enriched pasta. The presence of saffron significantly influenced textural and physical-chemical properties of pasta. Higher saffron concentrations enhanced the antioxidant activity of pasta with the higher values of crocins in samples enriched with 0.4% saffron extract even after 3 min of cooking (4.23-5.06 mg/g db). Sensory analysis showed an increased acceptability of the saffron enriched pasta for all descriptors selected (visual aspect, colour, aroma, taste, chewiness, hardness, gumminess and overall acceptability). Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Effect of fortification with parsley (Petroselinum crispum Mill.) leaves on the nutraceutical and nutritional quality of wheat pasta. (United States)

    Sęczyk, Łukasz; Świeca, Michał; Gawlik-Dziki, Urszula; Luty, Marcin; Czyż, Jarosław


    This study examines the nutraceutical (phenolics content, antioxidant activity, biological activity) and nutritional potential (starch and protein digestibility) of wheat pasta supplemented with 1-4% of powdered parsley leaves. Compared to the control, the potentially bioaccessible fraction of pasta fortified with 4% parsley leaves was characterized by 67% increased phenolics content, a 146% higher antiradical ability and 220% additional reducing power. Elevation of these parameters in fortified pasta was accompanied by an augmentation of its antiproliferative effect on carcinoma cells, which confirms their biological relevance. Supplementation of pasta had no significant effect on starch digestibility, while negatively affecting protein digestibility (a reduction by about 20% for pasta with a 4% supplement). Electrophoretic and chromatographic analyses indicated the presence of phenolic interactions with proteins and/or digestive enzymes. Fortification improved the nutraceutical and nutritional potential of the studied pasta; however, the final effect is made by many factors, including phenolics-food matrix interactions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Effects on satiation, satiety and food intake of wholegrain and refined grain pasta

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cioffi, Iolanda; Ibrügger, Sabine; Bache, Jessica


    studied. The objective was to investigate the effect of WG pasta (WGP) compared to refined grain pasta (RGP), on ad libitum energy intake (EI) within and at the subsequent meal as well as appetite. Two different ad libitum lunch meals (study A) and two different iso-caloric lunch meals (study B) were...

  11. Resultados preliminares do tratamento dos pacientes submetidos a radiofreqüência (baixa freqüência, somnoplastia no ronco e apnéia leve do sono

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    Dibbern Ralph S.


    Full Text Available Introdução: O ronco afeta 5 a 50% da população tornando-se um problema médico e social importante. O tratamento pode ser com medidas comportamentais, CPAP e cirúrgico. Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados pós-operatórios dos pacientes submetidos à radiofreqüência em palato. Forma de estudo: retrospectivo clínico. Material e método: 28 pacientes submetidos à radio-freqüência em palato, com diagnóstico de Ronco e Apnéia Leve do Sono. Observamos os resultados pós-operatórios através das Escalas de Epworth, Ronco e Sonolência diurna, complicações e percentual de melhora dos sintomas. A análise estatística foi pelo Mann Whytney Test. Resultados: 16 pacientes com melhora subjetiva do Ronco acima de 70% após a cirurgia; 26 pacientes mostraram redução significativa pelas Escalas, com complicações mínimas. Conclusão: Radio-freqüência é um método seguro e eficaz no tratamento do Ronco e Apnéia Leve do Sono. Resultados melhores serão obtidos com avaliação criteriosa pré e pós-operatórias.

  12. 78 FR 9364 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Final Results of 15th Antidumping Duty Administrative Review... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Italy. The period of review (POR) is... administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Italy.\\2\\ On October 26, 2012, Rummo...

  13. 76 FR 48122 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Court Decision Not in Harmony With Final Results of... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Italy covering the period of review (``POR'') of July 1, 2005... Department published its final results of the administrative review for pasta from Italy for the period from...

  14. Cogeneration plant in a pasta factory: Energy saving and environmental benefit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panno, Domenico; Messineo, Antonio; Dispenza, Antonella


    Italy produces approximately 4,520,000 tons of pasta annually, which is about 67% of its total productive potential. As factories need electric and thermal energy simultaneously, combined heat and power (CHP) systems are the most suitable. This paper describes a feasibility study of a CHP plant in a pasta factory in Italy while analyzing energy saving and environmental benefits. Commercially available CHP systems suitable for the power range of energy demand in pasta production use reciprocating engines or gas turbines. This study demonstrates how their use can reduce both energy costs and CO 2 equivalent greenhouse gas emission in the environment. An economic analysis was performed following the methodology set out by Italian National Agency for Technology, Energy and Environment (ENEA) based on a discounted cash flow (DCF) method called 'Valore Attuale Netto' (VAN), which uses a cash flow based on the saving of energy when using different energy processes

  15. Aumento do Acesso à Internet em Banda Larga no Brasil e Sua Possível Relação com o Crescimento Econômico: Uma Análise de Dados em Painel


    Hildebrando Rodrigues Macedo; Alexandre Xavier Ywata de Carvalho


    Aplicando-se modelos econométricos sobre dados em painel, analisou-se o possível relacionamento entre aumento da densidade de acessos de banda larga por habitantes no Brasil e o crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) e PIB per capita. Utilizaram-se dados, desagregados por Unidades da Federação (UFs), das densidades de acessos de banda larga, PIB, PIB per capita e escolaridade da população, e dados agregados nacionalmente dos investimentos em telecomunicações. Os dados de densidade de aces...

  16. Overview of Levee Setback Projects and Benefits (United States)


    other life-history stages of fish and other aquatic organisms . Levees can also increase the frequency of common floods in the floodplain where they...projects is the use of flood- borne sediments to supplement fertilizers in flooded farm fields. Historically, floodwaters were a significant source of

  17. Continuum approximation of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martina, L.


    A continuum approximation method is applied in order to discuss the connection between some properties of the infinite Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice and the ones displayed by the Korteweg-de Vries equation

  18. Mount St. Helens Project. Cowlitz River Levee Systems, 2009 Level of Flood Protection Update Summary (United States)


    of Flood Protection Update Summary Draft December 2009 Page F-5 soil in unsaturated region. So those equipotential lines above phreatic surface are...Lexington levee where a 50 percent probability of failure is assumed when the water surface is at the top of the levee and a 100 percent chance of assumed when the water surface is above the top of the levee. Additionally, for cases where the SWL is determined to be the same elevation as

  19. 77 FR 48964 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Notice of Court Decision Not in Harmony With Final Results of... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy... pasta from Italy with respect to the margin assigned to Atar S.r.L. (Atar) covering the period of review... Review of the Antidumping Duty Order on Certain Pasta from Italy, 72 FR 7011 (February 14, 2007) (Final...

  20. 78 FR 959 - Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey; Notice of Commission Determination To Conduct Full Five-Year... (United States)


    ...)] Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey; Notice of Commission Determination To Conduct Full Five-Year Reviews... revocation of the antidumping duty orders on certain pasta from Italy and Turkey would be likely to lead to... reviews of the countervailing duty order and antidumping duty order on imports of certain pasta from...

  1. Comparison of the weathering behavior of a very high strength concrete with that of a standard concrete Comparação do comportamento climatizado de um concreto de alta resistência com o de um concreto padrão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Blandine


    concreto VHSC apresenta resistencia a compressao muito maior que 100 MPa apos sete dias de cura. A resistencia a compressao aumenta com a diminuicao do valor da relacao agua/cimento e melhorando a distribuicao de tamanho de particula dos inumeros graos anidros residuais de clinquer e dos agregados de quartzo. Uma proporcao de 15% do cimento e substituida por residuo de silica nao condensada, que consiste de particulas esfericas de silica amorfa de 0,1 µm de diametro, com a vantagem de preencher o espaco entre as particulas de clinquer. Outra vantagem e densificar a zona interfacial entre a pasta de cimento e os agregados. Apos 28 dias de cura, as amostras de concreto VHSC consistem de agregados de quartzo e residuos de particulas anidras de clinquer ligadas umas as outras com uma pasta composta principalmente de hidrato silicato de calcio (C-S-H. Amostras de concreto VHSC foram imersas em agua destilada continuamente renovada sob atmosfera inerte. Apos dois meses de exposicao, ocorreram mudancas quimicas, mineralogicas e texturais em uma zona na superficie. A profundidade da zona degradada foi 300 µm. Este valor e muito menor que a profundidade da zona degradada formada em uma argamassa comum (800 µm ou em uma pasta comum (1500 µm submetida a mesma condicao. Na superficie das amostras climatizadas de concreto VHSC, as particulas anidras de clinquer dissolveram e o vazio resultante de 10 µm de diametro permaneceu vazio. Na fronteira entre o interior isolado e a zona climatizada da superficie os vazios resultantes da dissolucao das particulas de clinquer foram preenchidos com C-S-H secundario. Como conclusao, a baixa porosidade do concreto VHSC foi benefica para a resistencia a compressao e tambem para a durabilidade. A presenca de inumeras particulas anidras de clinquer nao resultou em problema.

  2. Ancient whole grain Gluten-free egg-free Teff, Buckwheat, Quinoa and Amaranth pasta (abstract) (United States)

    This report demonstrates innovative ancient whole grain, gluten-free, egg-free pasta (no chemicals added) made using a kitchen counter-top appliance. Whole grain, fusilli pasta was prepared with teff, buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth flours. These ancient grains are called “Super Foods” due to thei...

  3. Starch and antioxidant compound release during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of gluten-free pasta. (United States)

    Camelo-Méndez, Gustavo A; Agama-Acevedo, Edith; Rosell, Cristina M; de J Perea-Flores, Maria; Bello-Pérez, Luis A


    The microstructure of cooked gluten-free pasta depends on the ingredients used, and this microstructure affects the starch hydrolysis (SH), the release of phenolic compounds (PC) and their antioxidant capacity (AC). The aim of this study was to evaluate the SD and bioaccessibility of PC during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of gluten-free pasta and its relationship with the microstructure. The highest SH was during the intestinal phase (≈60%), but pasta with the highest content of unripe plantain and chickpea presented the lowest release of PC (≈60%). The insoluble dietary fibre could be responsible (≈12.5%) for these effects. The cooked pasta showed high AC in the intestinal phase. Regions with gelatinized starch granules in a less dense protein network and other regions with intact or swollen granules surrounded by a protein network were observed. The starch digestion and bioaccessibility of PC were related to the structure of the matrix. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Índice de especulação de valor agregado: IEVA

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    José Roberto Kassai


    Full Text Available Por meio deste artigo propõe-se a criação de um modelo de análise de balanços denominado de Índice de Especulação de Valor Agregado (IEVA, estabelecido com base em uma formulação matemática que envolve conceitos relacionados com a riqueza econômica de um empreendimento, tais como economic value added (EVA, market value added (MVA, weighted average cost of capital (WACC. Comparativamente a um outro modelo já existente na literatura: o Tobin's Q, contribui com novas análises; permite identificar o nível de especulação atribuído ao valor de uma empresa (market value, estabelecido em função do mercado de capitais (stock prices e, de acordo com a análise proposta dos quadrantes do IEVA, evidencia o ciclo de vida das empresas. Mostra, por exemplo, como o valor das empresas que têm suas ações negociadas na The National Association of Securities Dealer Automated Quotation (NASDAQ estaria "superestimado".This article proposes the creation of a balance sheet analysis model called Speculation Index of Value Added (IEVA, which is established on the basis of a mathematical formulation involving concepts related to the economic wealth of an enterprise, such as economic value added (EVA, market value added (MVA, weighted average cost of capital (WACC. In comparison with another model that already exists in literature, that is, Tobin's Q, this model contributes by means of new analyses, makes it possible to identify the level of speculation attributed to a company's market value, which is established in function of stock prices and, in accordance with the proposed analysis of the IEVA quadrants, discloses the company's life cycle. The model shows, for example, how the market value of companies whose stocks are traded in The National Association of Securities Dealer Automated Quotation (NASDAQ would be "overestimated".

  5. Condition Assessment of Levees, U.S. Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission. Report 5: Flood Simulation Study of Retamal Levee, Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, Using Seismic and Electrical Geophysical Models

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Dunbar, Joseph B; Llopis, Jose L; Sills, George L; Smith, Eric W; Miller, Rick D; Ivanov, Julian; Corwin, Robert F


    In November 2004, a team from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center conducted a ponding test on a reach of the Retamal levee in the Lower Rio Grande Valley to simulate performance of the levee during a flood event...

  6. Numerical modelling of levee stability based on coupled mechanical, thermal and hydrogeological processes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dwornik Maciej


    Full Text Available The numerical modelling of coupled mechanical, thermal and hydrogeological processes for a soil levee is presented in the paper. The modelling was performed for a real levee that was built in Poland as a part of the ISMOP project. Only four parameters were changed to build different flood waves: the water level, period of water increase, period of water decrease, and period of low water level after the experiment. Results of numerical modelling shows that it is possible and advisable to calculate simultaneously changes of thermal and hydro-mechanical fields. The presented results show that it is also possible to use thermal sensors in place of more expensive pore pressure sensors, with some limitations. The results of stability analysis show that the levee is less stable when the water level decreases, after which factor of safety decreases significantly. For all flooding wave parameters described in the paper, the levee is very stable and factor of safety variations for any particular stage were not very large.

  7. Caracterização micropedológica de solos reabilitados após exploração de bauxita em Porto Trombetas (PA

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    M. L. P. Ruivo


    Full Text Available Foi realizado um estudo micromorfológico em solos alterados após a exploração de bauxita, em sítios recuperados entre 1981 e 1987, em comparação ao Latossolo Amarelo inalterado (LA, como referência, para subsidiar indicadores de recuperação dos solos. O estudo foi desenvolvido no Platô Saracá, na mina de bauxita de Porto Trombetas, município de Oriximiná, no estado do Pará. Técnicas micromorfológicas e uso de microssonda de EDS, microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura foram avaliadas em conjunto com dados físicos e químicos dos solos alterados e do LA, nas profundidades de 0-10 e 40-50 cm. O Latossolo Amarelo mostrou forte microestrutura granular, enquanto os solos alterados apresentaram grande variabilidade em microestrutura e feições micropedológicas. O retorno do horizonte superficial, rico em matéria orgânica, favoreceu a microagregação. De modo geral, os solos alterados mostraram maior massividade e agregados mais coalescidos, em relação ao LA de referência. Análises microquímicas de EDS comprovaram a heterogeneidade dos solos superficiais alterados, com ocorrência de nódulos gibbsíticos, ferruginosos, concreções, agregados cauliníticos e plasma dominado por argilominerais 1:1, sob intensa pedobioturbação.

  8. Desarrollo de pasta untable de aceituna variedad Sevillana

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    Callejas, Julio


    Full Text Available The development of a spreadable olive paste was carried out. Sevillian or Gordal green olive varieties were used in the paste. Pastes were prepared by crushing olives after pit removal and adding preservatives (potassium solvate and sodium benzoate, and antioxidants (T. B. H. Q. to crushed olives. These were characterized by recording microbial, physical, chemical and sensory measurements and shelf life was evaluated over three months of storage at room temperature (18 °C and under refrigeration (4 °C. The final microbial count of the paste was less than 100 ufc/ml. Sensory testing demonstrated that it was acceptable and storage conditions did not significantly affect the product.The pH of the paste decreased with time (4.3 to 4.17, resulting in increased acidity which was affected by storage temperature. The peroxide index, increased with time, (from 5 to 27 meq peroxide/kg oil. However, the pastes were not perceived to be rancid after sensory testing. Regarding the color, the main change observed was a darkening of the paste, as determined using the parameter L*. The shelf life of the olive paste was 90 days either under refrigeration or at room temperature.Este estudio consistió en desarrollar una pasta untable de aceituna, variedad verde Sevillana o Gordal. La elaboración de la pasta consistió en deshuesar las aceitunas, triturarlas y adicionarles conservantes (sorbato de potasio y benzoato de sodio y antioxidante (T. B. H. Q., finalmente se envasaron. Ésta fue caracterizada microbiológica, físico-química y sensorialmente, y se evaluó su comportamiento durante 3 meses de almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente (18 °C y en refrigeración (4 °C. El recuento microbiano de la pasta es menor a 100 ufc/ml. Sensorialmente el producto fue aceptado y esta condición no varió durante el almacenamiento, al igual que el contenido de aceite (70% y aw (0,90. El pH diminuye con el tiempo, por lo tanto, la acidez aumenta; viéndose afectado por

  9. El Valor Económico Agregado de la Fundación Miguel Mujica Santiago de Surco -2013-2015


    Tarazón Rios, Wilmer Eduardo


    En la investigación titulada: El Valor Económico Agregado de la Fundación Miguel Mujica en Santiago de Surco 2013-2015, el objetivo general de la investigación es determinar la evolución de Valor Económico Agregado en la Fundación Miguel Mujica en los años 2013 al 2015. El tipo de investigación es básica, el nivel de investigación es descriptivo y el diseño de la investigación es descriptivo comparativo y el enfoque es comparativo. La información estuvo conformada por los es...

  10. Targeting Aging with Functional Food: Pasta with Opuntia Single-Arm Pilot Study. (United States)

    Aiello, Anna; Di Bona, Danilo; Candore, Giuseppina; Carru, Ciriaco; Zinellu, Angelo; Di Miceli, Giuseppe; Nicosia, Aldo; Gambino, Caterina Maria; Ruisi, Paolo; Caruso, Calogero; Vasto, Sonya; Accardi, Giulia


    Interventions to extend life span represent the new perspective in aging investigation. Healthy dietary habits are important modifiable factors that can favor a healthy aging phenotype. Many studies have demonstrated benefits for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus resulting from the traditional Mediterranean foods. Opuntia Ficus Indica (OFI), widespread in the Mediterranean basin, belongs to the Cactaceae family. It is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, products containing extracts from OFI fruits or cladodes have been used to control obesity and other metabolic parameters, such as glycemia and lipid profile. The aim of this study was to analyze the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect of pasta with 3% of OFI cladode extracts added to show its beneficial effect in human health. We performed a single arm longitudinal intervention study in 42 healthy volunteers, administrating 500 g/week of this functional pasta for 30 days. Our pasta had antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties with putative effect on the aging process and related metabolic diseases. We also demonstrated a hypoglycemic effect. The results are preliminary, but it is possible to speculate that our pasta could be considered an effective food for the prevention of age-related metabolic disorders.

  11. From seed to cooked pasta: influence of traditional and non-conventional transformation processes on total antioxidant capacity and phenolic acid content. (United States)

    Martini, Daniela; Ciccoritti, Roberto; Nicoletti, Isabella; Nocente, Francesca; Corradini, Danilo; D'Egidio, Maria Grazia; Taddei, Federica


    The aim of this work was to compare the traditional with a non-conventional (i.e. kernel micronisation) durum wheat milling process by monitoring the content of bound, conjugated and free phenolic acids (PAs) and the level of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) occurring in the durum wheat pasta production chain, from seed to cooked pasta. The traditional transformation processes negatively influenced TAC and PA content (40% and 89% decrease from seed to cooked pasta, respectively), mainly during the milling process (25% and 84% decrease of TAC and PA, respectively), which has been related to the removal of external layers of kernels. Conversely, the micronisation applied on durum wheat kernels allowed to obtain whole-wheat pasta that preserved the seed endowment of antioxidant compounds even in cooked pasta. These results indicate the micronisation as a valuable approach to produce pasta with improved nutritional value and potential health-promoting effects compared to the traditional pasta.

  12. Durum Wheat in Conventional and Organic Farming: Yield Amount and Pasta Quality in Southern Italy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Massimo Fagnano


    Full Text Available Five durum wheat cultivars were grown in a Mediterranean area (Southern Italy under conventional and organic farming with the aim to evaluate agronomic, technological, sensory, and sanitary quality of grains and pasta. The cultivar Matt produced the best pasta quality under conventional cropping system, while the quality parameters evaluated were unsatisfactory under organic farming. The cultivar Saragolla showed the best yield amount and pasta quality in all the experimental conditions, thus proving to be the cultivar more adapt to organic farming. In all the tested experimental conditions, nivalenol (NIV and deoxynivalenol (DON occurrence was very low and the other mycotoxins evaluated were completely absent. These data confirm the low risk of mycotoxin contamination in the Mediterranean climate conditions. Finally, it has been possible to produce high-quality pasta in Southern Italy from durum wheat grown both in conventional and organic farming.

  13. Geoestatística na avaliação dos atributos físicos em latossolo sob floresta nativa e pastagem na Região de Manicoré, Amazonas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renato Eleotério de Aquino


    Full Text Available A utilização das técnicas geoestatísticas permite detectar a existência da dependência e distribuição espacial dos atributos do solo, constituindo importante ferramenta na análise e descrição detalhada do comportamento dos atributos físicos do solo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo o uso da geoestatística na avaliação dos atributos físicos em Latossolo sob floresta nativa e pastagem na região de Manicoré no Amazonas. Nas áreas de floresta nativa e pastagem, foram estabelecidas malhas com dimensão 70 × 70 m e demarcados pontos nessas malhas espaçados a cada 10 m, totalizando 64 pontos. Esses pontos foram georreferenciados e, em seguida, foram feitas as coletadas de solo em cada ponto da malha nas camadas de 0,00-0,20 e 0,40-0,60 m para determinação dos atributos físicos, totalizando 128 amostras de solo em cada malha. Essas malhas encontram-se paralelas com uma distância uma da outra de 100 m e o solo nessas áreas é classificado como Latossolo. Determinaram-se textura, densidade do solo e de partículas, macroporosidade, microporosidade, porosidade total e estabilidade dos agregados em água. Após a tabulação dos dados, foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas e geoestatística. A pastagem apresentou leve variação nos seus atributos físicos em relação à floresta nativa, com coeficiente de variação alto e dependência espacial fraca. Os semivariogramas escalonados conseguiram reproduzir de forma satisfatória o comportamento espacial dos atributos no mesmo padrão dos semivariogramas individuais, e o uso do parâmetro alcance do semivariograma mostrou-se eficiente para determinar a densidade amostral ideal para os ambientes em estudo. Os resultados geoestatísticos indicaram que a retirada da floresta nativa para a implantação da pastagem alterou a variabilidade natural dos atributos físicos.

  14. The syntactic organization of pasta-eating and the structure of reach movements in the head-fixed mouse. (United States)

    Whishaw, Ian Q; Faraji, Jamshid; Kuntz, Jessica R; Mirza Agha, Behroo; Metz, Gerlinde A S; Mohajerani, Majid H


    Mice are adept in the use of their hands for activities such as feeding, which has led to their use in investigations of the neural basis of skilled-movements. We describe the syntactic organization of pasta-eating and the structure of hand movements used for pasta manipulation by the head-fixed mouse. An ethogram of mice consuming pieces of spaghetti reveals that they eat in bite/chew bouts. A bout begins with pasta lifted to the mouth and then manipulated with hand movements into a preferred orientation for biting. Manipulation involves many hand release-reach movements, each with a similar structure. A hand is advanced from a digit closed and flexed (collect) position to a digit extended and open position (overgrasp) and then to a digit closed and flexed (grasp) position. Reach distance, hand shaping, and grasp patterns featuring precision grasps or whole hand grasps are related. To bite, mice display hand preference and asymmetric grasps; one hand (guide grasp) directs food into the mouth and the other stabilizes the pasta for biting. When chewing after biting, the hands hold the pasta in a symmetric resting position. Pasta-eating is organized and features structured hand movements and so lends itself to the neural investigation of skilled-movements.

  15. Changes of antioxidant potential of pasta fortified with parsley (Petroselinum Crispum mill.) leaves in the light of protein-phenolics interactions. (United States)

    Sęczyk, Łukasz; Świeca, Michał; Gawlik-Dziki, Urszula


    Pasta is considered as an effective carrier of prohealth ingredients in food fortification. The aim of this study was to examine the changes of antioxidant potential of wheat pasta affected by fortification with powdered parsley leaves. A special attention was paid to effectiveness of fortification in the light of proteinphenolic interactions. To improve antioxidant activity of pasta, part of wheat flour was replaced with powdered parsley leaves from 1% to 4% (w/w). The total phenolics content was determined with Folin-Ciocalteau reagent. Antioxidant capacity was evaluated using in vitro assays - abilities to scavenge free radicals (ABTS) and to reduce iron (III) (FRAP). Predicted phenolic contents and antioxidant activity were calculated. To determine the protein-phenolics interactions SE-HPLC and SDS-PAGE techniques were used. Fortification of pasta had a positive effect on its phenolic contents and antioxidant properties. The highest phenolics level and antioxidant activity of pasta were obtained by supplementation with 4% of parsley leaves. However, in most cases experimental values were significantly lower than those predicted. The protein profiles obtained after SDS-PAGE differed significantly among control and enriched pasta. Furthermore, the addition of parsley leaves to pasta resulted in increase of peaks areas obtained by SE-HPLC. Results indicate the occurrence of the protein-phenolics interactions in fortified pasta. Overall, the effectiveness of fortification and consequently biological effect is limited by many factors including interactions between phenolics and pasta proteins. In the light of this results the study of potential interaction of bioactive supplements with food matrix should be taken into account during designing new functional food products.

  16. Effect of processing on phenolic acids composition and radical scavenging capacity of barley pasta. (United States)

    De Paula, Rosanna; Rabalski, Iwona; Messia, Maria Cristina; Abdel-Aal, El-Sayed M; Marconi, Emanuele


    Phenolic acids, total phenolics content and DPPH radical scavenging capacity in raw ingredients, fresh and dried spaghetti, and in uncooked and cooked spaghetti were evaluated and compared with semolina spaghetti as a reference. Ferulic acid was the major phenolic acid found in the free and bound phenolic extracts in all the investigated pasta samples. The addition of barley flour into pasta at incorporation levels of 30, 50 and 100% increased phenolic acids and total phenolics content. Pasta processing did not significantly affect the total phenolics content and free radical scavenging capacity, but a significant reduction in total phenolic acids measured by HPLC was found. Drying process differently affected individual phenolic compounds in the free and bound fractions, and thus, the total phenolic acids content. Free vanillic, caffeic and p-coumaric acids did not significantly change, while p-hydroxybenzoic and ferulic acids of the free extracts showed higher values compared to the corresponding fresh pasta. Cooking did not greatly affect total phenolic acids, more leading to conserving free and bound phenolic compounds. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Disordered nuclear pasta, magnetic field decay, and crust cooling in neutron stars (United States)

    Horowitz, C. J.; Berry, D. K.; Briggs, C. M.; Caplan, M. E.; Cumming, A.; Schneider, A. S.


    Nuclear pasta, with non-spherical shapes, is expected near the base of the crust in neutron stars. Large scale molecular dynamics simulations of pasta show long lived topological defects that could increase electron scattering and reduce both the thermal and electrical conductivities. We model a possible low conductivity pasta layer by increasing an impurity parameter Qimp. Predictions of light curves for the low mass X-ray binary MXB 1659-29, assuming a large Qimp, find continued late time cooling that is consistent with Chandra observations. The electrical and thermal conductivities are likely related. Therefore observations of late time crust cooling can provide insight on the electrical conductivity and the possible decay of neutron star magnetic fields (assuming these are supported by currents in the crust). This research was supported in part by DOE Grants DE-FG02-87ER40365 (Indiana University) and DE-SC0008808 (NUCLEI SciDAC Collaboration).

  18. Structural and Nutritional Properties of Pasta from Triticum monococcum and Triticum durum Species. A Combined ¹H NMR, MRI, and Digestibility Study. (United States)

    Pasini, Gabriella; Greco, Fulvia; Cremonini, Mauro A; Brandolini, Andrea; Consonni, Roberto; Gussoni, Maristella


    The aim of the present study was to characterize the structure of two different types of pasta, namely Triticum turgidum ssp. durum (cv. Saragolla) and Triticum monococcum ssp. monococcum (cv. Monlis), under different processing conditions. MRI analysis and NMR spectroscopy (i.e., T1 and T2 NMR relaxation times and diffusion parameters) were conducted on pasta, and (1)H NMR spectroscopic analysis of the chemical compounds released by pasta samples during the cooking process was performed. In addition, starch digestibility (enzimatically determined) was also investigated. The NMR results indicated that Saragolla pasta has a more compact structure, ascribed to pasta network and in particular to different technological gluten properties, that mainly determine the lower ability of Monlis pasta in binding water. These results correlate well with the lower rate of starch hydrolysis measured for Monlis pasta compared to Saragolla when both are dried at high temperature.



    Luis, A.; Sá, R.; Oliveira, E.; Oliveira, C.; Silva, J.; Barros, A.; Sousa, M.


    O impacto da presença de anomalias morfológicas ovocitárias na fertilização e taxas de gravidez é um tema controverso na literatura. A presença de agregados tubulares de retículo endoplasmático liso (AT-REL) foi associada a taxas de gravidez mais baixas e a maior incidência de complicações obstétricas. A estrutura ultramiscroscópica destes AT-REL não está descrita. Este trabalho teve como objectivos: a) determinar a influência da presença de AT-REL nas taxas de fertilização e gravidez; ...

  20. The external PASTA domain of the essential serine/threonine protein kinase PknB regulates mycobacterial growth. (United States)

    Turapov, Obolbek; Loraine, Jessica; Jenkins, Christopher H; Barthe, Philippe; McFeely, Daniel; Forti, Francesca; Ghisotti, Daniela; Hesek, Dusan; Lee, Mijoon; Bottrill, Andrew R; Vollmer, Waldemar; Mobashery, Shahriar; Cohen-Gonsaud, Martin; Mukamolova, Galina V


    PknB is an essential serine/threonine protein kinase required for mycobacterial cell division and cell-wall biosynthesis. Here we demonstrate that overexpression of the external PknB_PASTA domain in mycobacteria results in delayed regrowth, accumulation of elongated bacteria and increased sensitivity to β-lactam antibiotics. These changes are accompanied by altered production of certain enzymes involved in cell-wall biosynthesis as revealed by proteomics studies. The growth inhibition caused by overexpression of the PknB_PASTA domain is completely abolished by enhanced concentration of magnesium ions, but not muropeptides. Finally, we show that the addition of recombinant PASTA domain could prevent regrowth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and therefore offers an alternative opportunity to control replication of this pathogen. These results suggest that the PknB_PASTA domain is involved in regulation of peptidoglycan biosynthesis and maintenance of cell-wall architecture.

  1. Effect of hydrothermal treated corn flour addition on the quality of corn-field bean gluten-free pasta


    Dib Ahlem; Wójtowicz Agnieszka; Benatallah Leila; Bouasla Abdallah; Zidoune Mohammed Nasreddine


    Corn semolina supplemented by field bean semolina in ratio of 2/1 (w/w) were used for obtaining protein and fiber enriched gluten-free pasta. The effect of hydrothermal treatment of corn flour on its applicability as gluten-free pasta improver was tested. A central composite design involving water hydration level and the amount of hydrothermal treated corn flour were used. Instrumental analyses of pasta (cooking loss, water absorption capacity, hydration and pasting properties, textural param...

  2. Uso de agregado leve de EVA em contrapiso argamassado para isolamento ao ruído de impacto em edificações residenciais


    Tutikian, Bernardo Fonseca; Zuchetto, Letícia Kauer; Souza, Rodrigo Périco de; Oliveira, Maria Fernanda Nunes de


    Resumo O copolímero etileno acetato de vinila (EVA) é largamente utilizado na indústria calçadista. Entretanto, a geração de resíduos no processo de fabricação é bastante significativa. Com a implementação da norma de desempenho, NBR 15575, os projetos de construções habitacionais devem atender aos níveis de desempenho exigidos. Dentre os requisitos prescritos pela norma está a isolação ao ruído de impacto entre pisos, a qual pode ser otimizada com a utilização de materiais de baixa massa esp...

  3. Laboratory Modeling of Self-Formed Leveed Channels From Sediment-Laden Flows Entering Still Water (United States)

    Rowland, J. C.; Dietrich, W. E.


    Self-formed leveed channels constructed by deposition of suspended sediment from sediment-laden flows entering still water are common features in nature. Such channels drive delta progradation, develop at tidal inlets and occur where mainstem river flows empty into oxbows and blocked valley lakes. Presently there is no theory for the formation of such channels. This lack of theory is partly due to a lack of field or laboratory studies that provide insight about the mechanism controlling these self-formed, propagating channels. The creation of such features in the laboratory, have proved illusive to date. Our ongoing experiments aimed at modeling the formation of floodplain tie channels provide insight into the necessary conditions for levee formation and channel growth. Under conditions of steady water discharge, constant sediment feed rate, unimodal sediment distribution and invariant basin stage we are able to create subaqueous lateral bars (submerged levees) along the margins of a sediment laden jet. Our results highlight the sensitivity of channel formation to issues of scaling and experimental design. In the laboratory, levee formation has only been possible with the use of plastic particles (specific gravity ~1.5); complete bed alluviation and dune formation results from the use of particles with specific gravities of ~ 2.65 across a range grain diameters and shapes. We hypothesize this effect is related to high entrainment thresholds relative to suspension thresholds of small (< 100 mm) natural particles under conditions of reduced turbulence in laboratory scaled flows. Additionally, both the width to depth ratio and the form of the outlet channel introducing the sediment laden flow into the experimental basin exert a strong control on sedimentation pattern and levee growth. Continuing experiments are focused on generating emergent channel levees and a basin ward propagation of the channel by adjusting the form of the feed channel, varying basin stage, and

  4. 78 FR 15046 - Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey; Revised Schedule for the Subject Reviews (United States)


    ... INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION [Investigation Nos. 701-TA-365-366 and 731-TA-734-735 (Third Review)] Certain Pasta From Italy and Turkey; Revised Schedule for the Subject Reviews AGENCY: United States... pasta from Italy and Turkey (78 FR 9937, February 12, 2013). The Commission is revising its schedule as...

  5. The use of green banana (Musa balbisiana pulp and peel flour as an ingredient for tagliatelle pasta

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    Vanessa Naciuk Castelo-Branco


    Full Text Available Abstract Green banana flour shows good potential as a functional ingredient for special-purpose foods, but there are no data in the literature concerning the use of a green banana pulp and peel flour for the development of products such as pasta. The aim of the present study was to develop tagliatelle pasta substituting the wheat flour with different concentrations of a green banana mixed pulp and peel flour. The pasta formulations were prepared replacing the wheat flour by the green banana mixed pulp and peel flour in two concentrations: 15% and 30%. A control formulation with wheat flour was also prepared. The green banana mixed pulp and peel flour presented higher ash, total fibre and total phenolic compound contents than traditional wheat flour. The pasta formulation with the addition of 15% green banana flour showed the highest ash content and the best sensory acceptability of all the formulations. It was concluded that it was possible to develop a tagliatelle pasta with satisfactory acceptance replacing the wheat flour by a green banana mixed pulp and peel flour.

  6. Curvature effect on nuclear 'pasta': Is it helpful for gyroid appearance?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakazato, Ken'ichiro; Iida, Kei; Oyamatsu, Kazuhiro


    In supernova cores and neutron star crusts, nuclei are thought to deform to rodlike and slablike shapes, which are often called nuclear pasta. We study the equilibrium properties of the nuclear pasta by using a liquid-drop model with curvature corrections. It is confirmed that the curvature effect acts to lower the transition densities between different shapes. We also examine the gyroid structure, which was recently suggested as a different type of nuclear pasta by analogy with the polymer systems. The gyroid structure investigated in this paper is approximately formulated as an extension of the periodic minimal surface whose mean curvature vanishes. In contrast to our expectations, we find, from the present approximate formulation, that the curvature corrections act to slightly disfavor the appearance of the gyroid structure. By comparing the energy corrections in the gyroid phase and the hypothetical phases composed of d-dimensional spheres, where d is a general dimensionality, we show that the gyroid is unlikely to belong to a family of the generalized dimensional spheres.

  7. Comportamento agregativo em Subulina octona (Brugüière (Mollusca, Subulinidae Aggregative behavior in Subulina octona (Brugüière (Mollusca, Subulinidae

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    Sthefane D'ávila


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a existência de comportamento agregativo na espécie Subulina octona (Brugüière, 1789 e obter evidências da mediação química desse comportamento. Foram utilizados 150 animais adultos, distribuídos em 15 caixas com terra vegetal (10 animais por caixa. Em cada caixa foram colocados quatro discos plásticos identificados, em posição eqüidistante, os quais serviram como abrigos para os animais. No experimento I, foram colocados 10 animais no centro de cada caixa. Após 24, 48, 96, 120, 144 e 168 horas foram observados o número de agregados formados, a posição dos agregados (sob qual abrigo, o número de indivíduos por agregado e o número de indivíduos isolados. No experimento II, todos os indivíduos foram transferidos para outras caixas contendo terra vegetal, três novos discos e o disco que continha o maior agregado após as 168 horas do experimento I (denominado disco condicionado. Foi verificado, após 24 e 48 horas, o número de indivíduos sob o disco condicionado. Em todas as caixas utilizadas e em todos os intervalos de tempo observados no experimento I, houve a formação de agregados. Houve um aumento significativo do número de indivíduos por agregado e uma diminuição do número de indivíduos isolados com o passar do tempo (ANOVA, p The current study aimed to verify the existence of aggregative behavior in Subulina octona (Brugüière, 1789 and to obtain behavioral evidence of chemical mediation of this behavior. We used 150 adult animals allocated in 15 boxes with humus (10 animals per box. In each box we placed four identified plastic disks in an equidistant position. These disks worked as shelters for the animals. In experiment I, 10 animals were put in the middle of each box. After 24, 48, 96, 120, 144, and 168 hours we observed the number of formed aggregations, as well as the position of the aggregates (in each shelter, the number of individual per aggregation and the

  8. Batter and method for preparing a pasta

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wind, P.; Linden, van der E.


    This invention describes a batter that is suitable for preparing a pasta. The batter comprises water, a starch and a protein, whereby the weight ratio between the protein and the total amount of starch in the batter is represented by the symbol y and whereby the weight percentage of the total amount

  9. Rice husk derived waste materials as partial cement replacement in lightweight concrete Utilização de resíduos derivados da casca de arroz como substitutos parciais do cimento no concreto leve

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    Celso Yoji Kawabata


    Full Text Available In this study rice husk ash (RHA and broiler bed ash from rice husk (BBA, two agricultural waste materials, have been assessed for use as partial cement replacement materials for application in lightweight concrete. Physical and chemical characteristics of RHA and BBA were first analyzed. Three similar types of lightweight concrete were produced, a control type in which the binder was just CEMI cement (CTL and two other types with 10% cement replacement with, respectively, RHA and BBA. All types of similar lightweight concrete were prepared to present the same workability by adjusting the amount of superplasticizer. Properties of concrete investigated were compressive and flexural strength at different ages, absorption by capillarity, resistivity and resistance to chloride ion penetration (CTH method and accelerated carbonation. Test results obtained for 10% cement replacement level in lightweight concrete indicate that although the addition of BBA conducted to lower performance in terms of the degradation indicative tests, RHA led to the enhancement of mechanical properties, especially early strength and also fast ageing related results, further contributing to sustainable construction with energy saver lightweight concrete.Neste trabalho, cinzas de casca de arroz (RHA e cinzas de cama de frango (BBA, dois resíduos agrícolas, foram avaliadas para uso como substitutos parciais do cimento para produção de concreto leve. Características físicas e químicas de RHA e BBA foram analisadas. Três tipos semelhantes de concreto leve foram produzidos, um controle em que o ligante era totalmente cimento CEM I (CTL e dois outros tipos de concreto, com substituição de 10% com RHA e BBA, respectivamente. Todos os tipos de concreto leve foram feitos através do ajuste da quantidade de superplastificante para apresentarem a mesma trabalhabilidade. Propriedades de concreto investigados foram resistência à compressão e à flexão em diferentes idades

  10. Caracterização de MP2,5 e MP10 em Ar Ambiente de Estacionamento Fechado de Estabelecimento Comercial em Londrina-Paraná

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    Jurandir Pereira Pinto


    Full Text Available Para investigar o perfil de concentração do MP em diferentes tamanhos aerodinâmicos presentes na atmosfera impactada pelo tráfego veicular leve, foram coletadas amostras de MP (MP2,5 e MP10 em um estacionamento comercial fechado onde circulam somente veículos leves em baixa velocidade. Foram realizadas quatro campanhas de amostragem em junho e dezembro de 2011 e 2012. O MP foi coletado utilizando ciclones (URG para MP2,5 e Low-Vol para MP10. Os filtros foram pesados em ultra balança analítica com precisão de 1,0 µg. As concentrações medias para MP2,5 e MP10 obtidas para a campanha de junho de 2011 foi de 41,9±10,1 µg m-3 e 56,4±12,6 µg m-3. Para a campanha de dezembro de 2011 obtiveram-se as concentrações médias 30,6±11,7 µg m-3 para o MP2,5 e para o MP10 52,8±12,7 µg m-3.  Em junho de 2012 o valor médio foi de 39,6 ± 9,1 µg m-3 para MP2,5 e 71,4 ± 10,9 µg m-3 de MP10. Em dezembro de 2012 as concentrações médias foram 21,3±7,2 µg m-3 para o MP2,5 e 49,9±10,6 µg m-3 para o MP10. As razões MP2,5 /MP10 com valores entre 0,42 e 0,75 mostram a variabilidade das emissões da frota veicular brasileira e da contribuição de emissões consideradas fugitivas.

  11. SIRS Digues 2.0: A Cooperative Software For Levees Management

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    Moins Isabelle


    Full Text Available SIRS Digues is a computing tool that makes informations on levees more durable and accessible in order to enhance their management. The first version of the software, which was IRSTEA’s initiative, was deployed in 2004. The second version was released in 2015. This article aims at pointing out the innovative aspects of this last version. They concern thematic and functionalities, computing technics and architecture, and last but not least, the business model chosen in order to build a long lasting software. The software’s kernel is sketched to propose a general description of levees: it focuses on description of the levees and linked objects, on disorders that affects them, on works... Most of these topics were already broached by the first version. The kernel of the version 2 may be extended using optional thematic modules. These modules concern: vegetation monitoring, reporting (in coherence with current French regulatory requirements, riverbanks, riverbed... Main functionnalities perfomed by SIRS Digues V1 and V2 are : data structuring and centralisation, quick access to relevant data, reporting and mapping, etc. SIRS Digues 2.0 updates and improves already existing functionalities of the first version. SIRS Digues V2 relies on an documentoriented NoSQL database, CouchDB, and on geospatial libraries, Geotoolkit and Apache-SIS. SIRS Digues V2 was released with a copyleft license. Copyrights belong to the French levees managers’ society, “France Digues”, which acts as a cooperative. Members put their heads together in order to gather their financial capacities and fund software development. France Digues has got the technical and thematic expertise and supply various services to the members. This business model aims to ensure accessibility, durability and adaptability of the software.

  12. Nuclear ``pasta'' structures in low-density nuclear matter and properties of the neutron-star crust (United States)

    Okamoto, Minoru; Maruyama, Toshiki; Yabana, Kazuhiro; Tatsumi, Toshitaka


    In the neutron-star crust, nonuniform structure of nuclear matter—called the “pasta” structure—is expected. From recent studies of giant flares in magnetars, these structures might be related to some observables and physical quantities of the neutron-star crust. To investigate the above quantities, we numerically explore the pasta structure with a fully three-dimensional geometry and study the properties of low-density nuclear matter, based on the relativistic mean-field model and the Thomas-Fermi approximation. We observe typical pasta structures for fixed proton number fraction and two of them for cold catalyzed matter. We also discuss the crystalline configuration of “pasta.”

  13. Pemanfaatan Pasta Sukun (Artocarpus altilis pada Pembuatan Mi Kering

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    Novi Safriani


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the best treatment combination between the ratio of wheat flour and breadfruit pasta, and the combination of the drying temperature and time to produce dried noodles with good quality and preferred by consumers. The effect of the ratio of wheat flour and breadfruit pasta (70:30%, 60:40%, and 50:50%, and the combination of the drying temperature and time (60°C, 70 minutes and 70°C, 60 minutes on the quality of the dried noodles were investigated. The results showed that the best quality of the dried noodles based on the organoleptic and cooking quality test obtained from the combination of the treatment of ratio of wheat flour and breadfruit pasta = 70:30% and the combination of drying temperature and time = 700C for 60 minutes with the following characteristics: water content of 8,78%, fat content of 13,67%, protein content of 11.90%, ash content of 1,35%, and carbohydrate content of 65,22%. The organoleptic value of the best dried noodles before rehydration: color of 2,75; flavor of 2,83; texture of 2,73; whereas after the rehydration, the best dried noodles has organoleptic values: color of 2,81; flavor of 2,92; and taste of 2,77.

  14. Giuseppe Pasta (1742-1823): protophysician and pioneer of psychological studies in the medical field. (United States)

    Clerici, Carlo Alfredo; Veneroni, Laura; Poli, Marco


    Giuseppe Pasta was a pioneer of psychological support in physical disease. Born in Bergamo, Italy, he was a cousin of the physician Andrea Pasta who was a pupil of Giovanni Battista Morgagni. Giuseppe's cultural and clinical resources were the teachings of Francesco Redi's medical school in Tuscany. This paper discusses the courage and philosophical tolerance of disease and the etiquette of the physician.

  15. Natural levee evolution in the Rhine-Meuse delta, the Netherlands, during the first millennium CE

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pierik, H.J.; Stouthamer, E.; Cohen, K.M.


    This paper presents reconstructions on natural levee development in the Rhine-Meuse delta, the Netherlands, during the first millennium CE, covering the full delta plain. It is the first study that performs this on a delta scale, which allows seeing the delta-wide trends on levee-forming controls

  16. Efeito da temperatura ambiente e do empenamento sobre o desempenho de frangas leves e semipesadas Effect of environmental temperature and feather coverage on the performance of two laying-type pullets lines

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    Ellen Hatsumi Fukayama


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido para determinar os efeitos da temperatura ambiente e do empenamento das aves sobre o desempenho de duas linhagens de postura na fase de crescimento (10ª a 13ª semana de idade. Foram alojadas 480 aves de reposição da marca Hy-line, sendo 240 aves de cada linhagem W-36 (leve e Brown (semipesada, em 5 câmaras climáticas com temperaturas de 12, 18, 24, 30 e 36ºC. Em cada temperatura foram avaliadas 3 coberturas de pena; 100% (não depenada, 50% (depenada em 50% do corpo e 0% (totalmente depenada. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada segundo um esquema fatorial (5 x 3 x 2 sendo: 5 temperaturas, 3 porcentagens de cobertura de pena e 2 linhagens. Os dados foram submetidos a uma análise de regressão para a obtenção das curvas respostas com os melhores ajustes. A linhagem semipesada apresentou maior consumo de ração em relação à linhagem leve em todas as temperaturas. Houve diminuição do ganho de peso em função da redução no consumo de ração e aumento da temperatura. A linhagem leve apresentou uma maior amplitude nas faixas de conforto térmico (18,33ºC a 32,00ºC do que a linhagem semipesada (23,75ºC a 29,50ºC.This work aims to evaluate the effect of environmental temperature and feather covering on the performance of two laying-type lines pullets from (10 to 13 weeks old. Four hundred and eighteen Hy-line pullets, 240 birds of each strain W-36 (light and Brown (semi heavy were housed in five temperature controlled rooms at 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36ºC. At each temperature three feather coverings were evaluated: 100% (no plucked, 50% (50% of the body plucked and 0% (feathers removed. The statistical analysis was according to a 5 x 3 x 2 factorial scheme with 5 temperatures, 3 feather coverings and 2 strains. The data were analyzed by polynomial regression. The brown strain presented higher feed intake than the white strain at all temperatures. The decrease in feed intake with the temperature

  17. Seguranca alimentar, renda e Programa Bolsa Familia: estudo de coorte em municipios do interior da Paraiba, Brasil, 2005-2011

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    Caroline Sousa Cabral


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o impacto do Programa Bolsa Família na superação da Insegurança Alimentar. Realizou-se um estudo de coorte em 2005 e 2011, em amostra de famílias residentes em São José dos Ramos e Nova Floresta, Paraíba, Brasil. Em 2005 foram avaliados 609 domicílios e em 2011 foram encontradas e entrevistadas 406 famílias. Houve aumento da segurança alimentar/insegurança alimentar leve e melhoria nos indicadores socioeconômicos. Percebeu-se uma relação significativa entre a elevação da renda e a melhoria dos níveis de Insegurança Alimentar. O programa impacta positivamente no aumento da renda, propiciando melhorias dos níveis de segurança alimentar/insegurança alimentar leve. Percebeu-se que outras variáveis socioeconômicas podem estar contribuindo na melhoria deste perfil. Diante disso, no combate à insegurança alimentar e nutricional, são necessárias outras políticas e programas que ajam nos demais determinantes.

  18. Fate of enniatins and deoxynivalenol during pasta cooking

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijs, de Monique; Top, van den Hester; Stoppelaar, de Joyce; Lopez Sanchez, Patricia; Mol, Hans


    The fate of deoxynivalenol and enniatins was studied during cooking of commercially available dry pasta in the Netherlands in 2014. Five samples containing relatively high levels of deoxynivalenol and/or enniatins were selected for the cooking experiment. Cooking was performed in duplicate on


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    Sri Rahayuningsih


    Full Text Available Pewarna alami dari daun indigo yang berupa pasta sangat mudah dalam pemrosesannya, sangat menjanjikan apabila dijadikan suatu usaha karena pengusaha batik saat ini sudah tersebar diseluruh propinsi, sehingga kedepannya batik bisa menjadi komoditi eksport dengan pemanfaatan pewarna alamiah ini. Pewarna alami dari pasta daun indigo sangat ramah lingkungan, limbah yang dihasilkan bisa menyuburkan tanaman, selain itu pola penanaman yang sangat mudah. Pasta Indigo pada proses pembuatannya berbiaya rendah, sehingga sangat menguntungkan. Hal ini bisa mensejahterakan penduduk pedesaan dengan memanfaatkan sumberdaya pedesaan dengan budidaya tanaman indigo dengan pemanfaatan lahan-lahan kosong dimana masa petiknya adalah 3 bulan dan setelah 3 tahun tanaman diganti yang baru. Metode kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah pelatihan dan bimbingan implementasi IPTEK sederhana melalui pengenalan sistem produksi tepat guna. Hasil yang dicapai adalah mesin pengeblur dan mesin perajang daun khusus berbahan stenlis, sehingga umur ekonomisnya panjang, alat bisa diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga hasil pemotongan daun indigo dengan mesin perajang bisa terpotong sempurna karena kalau dilakukan perendaman bisa maksimal, demikian juga mesin pengeblur sangat efektif karena tidak melakukan secara manual pada proses pengebluran. Pasta Indigo diharapkan mampu meningkatkan peran industri mikro dalam pembangunan daerah, penciptaan lapangan kerja, peningkatan pendapatan bagi Pengrajin batik, maupun yang berkeinginan menekuni usaha penghasil pasta dengan menggandeng para pengrajin batik.

  20. Effect of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) flour on the antioxidant potential, nutritional quality, and sensory characteristics of fortified durum wheat pasta. (United States)

    Sęczyk, Łukasz; Świeca, Michał; Gawlik-Dziki, Urszula


    This paper presents a study on the effect of carob flour addition from 1% to 5% (w/w) on phenolics content, antioxidant activity, nutritional quality, and sensory attributes of wheat pasta. An increase of about 2-folds, 18-folds and 3-folds in phenolics content, antiradical activity and reducing power for pasta fortified with 5% of carob flour was observed, respectively, compared to the control. Expected glycemic index (eGI) was increased proportionally to the substitution level and ranged between 72.2 and 83.9 for 1-5% of supplement, respectively. Furthermore, pasta fortification affected the in vitro bioaccessibility of nutrients. In case of 5% supplemented pasta, the digestibility of starch and protein decreased by about 9% compared to the control. The replacement of semolina with carob flour from 1% to 5% had no significant effect on pasta sensory attributes. In conclusion, carob flour seems to be a promising functional ingredient for pasta fortification. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Espécies de pescado subexplotadas e seu potencial para elaboração de subprodutos com valor agregado

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    Danielle Regis Pires


    Full Text Available O pescado é um alimento conhecido por seu elevado valor nutricional, sendo uma das principais fontes de proteína de origem animal utilizadas na alimentação humana. A produção de pescado proveniente da pesca extrativa encontra-se estagnada há décadas em níveis mundial e nacional. Da mesma forma, as espécies mais visadas economicamente tanto no mercado externo como no interno encontram-se em sobrepesca. Por outro lado, tem ocorrido aumento no descarte das espécies oriundas da fauna acompanhante da captura do camarão, classificadas como subutilizadas de baixo e/ou sem valor econômico. Muitas destas espécies poderiam ser desembarcadas e utilizadas para a produção de subprodutos de alto valor agregado para o consumo humano. O aproveitamento destas espécies oriundas da fauna acompanhante do camarão e das espécies de menor valor comercial em nosso país, como as do peixe bagre (uma das onze espécies mais capturadas no país, que apresentam potencial pesqueiro para a explotação, poderia reduzir o esforço de pesca sobre as espécies mais exploradas, aumentar a produção e consequentemente o consumo per capita de pescado no Brasil. Além de oferecer ao consumidor um produto nutritivo e com um prazo de vida útil maior. Desta forma, seria dado um destino mais nobre a estas espécies, o que permitiria que a atividade pesqueira fosse praticada de forma sustentável.

  2. Case Study: Zutphen : Estimates of levee system reliability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roscoe, K.; Kothuis, Baukje; Kok, Matthijs


    Estimates of levee system reliability can conflict with experience and intuition. For example, a very high failure probability may be computed while no evidence of failure has been observed, or a very low failure probability when signs of failure have been detected.

  3. Conversão catalítica do etanol sobre catalisadores suportados em ZSM-5

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    D. S. Lima

    Full Text Available Resumo O petróleo, fonte de energia não renovável, é a principal matéria-prima usada na produção de derivados como combustíveis, lubrificantes e petroquímicos básicos. Neste contexto o etanol, uma matéria-prima renovável, torna-se fonte para a obtenção de hidrocarbonetos de maior valor agregado, tais como, benzeno, tolueno, etc. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes metais suportados em zeólita HZSM-5 para a conversão do etanol em produtos com maior valor agregado. Duas séries de catalisadores foram preparadas com diferentes metais e diferentes teores de Ni em HZSM-5 comercial. As amostras foram caracterizadas por área específica SBET, DRX, TPD-NH3 e TPO. Os ensaios de atividade foram realizados em um reator tubular de leito fixo na faixa de temperatura entre 300 e 400 °C, usando etanol como reagente. Os resultados sugerem que o tipo e a quantidade de metal usado na modificação da zeólita HZSM-5 comercial influencia a seletividade para formação dos hidrocarbonetos superiores, bem como a temperatura de reação. A utilização de menores vazões favoreceu a formação de produtos pesados. A formação dos hidrocarbonetos superiores diminuiu ao longo da reação devido à deposição de carbono sobre a superfície do catalisador.

  4. El impuesto al valor agregado en los contratos de campos marginales


    Niquinga Salazar, Oscar Javier


    Esta investigación dirigida por los métodos de investigación sistemático, exegético, y teleológico, pretende analizar los contratos petroleros de Campos Marginales utilizados por la legislación ecuatoriana y específicamente, el papel de Impuesto al Valor Agregado en la producción de la Curva Base; ésta, se convierte en una figura contractual innovadora que ha producido una interesante discusión a nivel nacional; sin embargo, la propuesta de este trabajo va encaminado a encontra...

  5. Study the effect of non-traditional type of flour on the quality of pasta products made of soft wheat

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    T. N. Malyutina


    Full Text Available Pasta products are very popular among different population groups. Therefore they are promising objects for their enrichment with functional ingredients. As the enriching raw materials for the manufacture of pasta products spelt wheat flour was used. Spelt is characterized by a high content complete protein, which is composed of essential amino acids. Spelt flour exceeds the wheat one greatly in the content of unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, iron, B vitamins. The effect of different doses of spelt flour on the properties of pasta dough, semifinished and finished products was studied. Short-cut macaroni products such as vermicelli were produced on a laboratory pasta press of the type AML-2. Soft type of dough, in which the mass fraction of moisture of all samples was 32.5%, was adopted in the work due to the design of the laboratory pasta press. An increasing number of wet gluten, washed from pasta dough samples with the addition of flour from spelt due to further introduced protein was defined. The quality of all of the gluten samples was characterized as good and elastic. Increased hydration of gluten ability and reducing of the critical moisture values upon drying at introduction of 20% spelt flour was found. The low temperature mode for convective drying of pasta semi-finished products with the proposed flour additive was recommended because of its high content of active enzymes that may cause browning of products during drying. Finished products had solid flat color with a touch of milk, without dark inclusions and traces of underkneading. Boiling properties of the samples of flour from spelt were characterized as good, all the samples retained their form at 100%, the rate of dry matter loss during cooking was maintained within the regulatory documentation requirements. The studies proved the feasibility of grain spelt flour application in manufacturing of pasta products.

  6. Different effectiveness of two pastas supplemented with either lipophilic or hydrophilic/phenolic antioxidants in affecting serum as evaluated by the novel Antioxidant/Oxidant Balance approach. (United States)

    Laus, Maura N; Soccio, Mario; Alfarano, Michela; Pasqualone, Antonella; Lenucci, Marcello S; Di Miceli, Giuseppe; Pastore, Donato


    Effectiveness in improving serum antioxidant status of two functional pastas was evaluated by the novel Antioxidant/Oxidant Balance (AOB) parameter, calculated as Antioxidant Capacity (AC)/Peroxide Level ratio, assessed here for the first time. In particular, Bran Oleoresin (BO) and Bran Water (BW) pastas, enriched respectively with either lipophilic (tocochromanols, carotenoids) or hydrophilic/phenolic antioxidants extracted from durum wheat bran, were studied. Notably, BO pasta was able to improve significantly (+65%) serum AOB during four hours after intake similarly to Lisosan G, a wheat antioxidant-rich dietary supplement. Contrarily, BW pasta had oxidative effect on serum so as conventional pasta and glucose, thus suggesting greater effectiveness of lipophilic than hydrophilic/phenolic antioxidants under our experimental conditions. Interestingly, no clear differences between the two pastas were observed, when AC measurements of either serum after pasta intake or pasta extracts by in vitro assays were considered, thus strengthening effectiveness and reliability of AOB approach. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Ira Mulyawanti


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to optimize gluten free pasta formula made from purple sweet potato puree and mung bean flour. Aplication of a mixture design allowed to find the optimal composition to achieve the desirable characteristic. The results showed that the optimal formula was mixture of 45.25% purple sweet potato puree and 51.75% mung bean flour. The characteristics of the chosen formula were springiness of 2.29 mm, 0.38 cohesiveness, cooking loss 17.62%,333.48 ͼHue, Ie   20.59%, and 42.42 mg/L anthocyanin content. Microscopic structure showed that cooked pasta with purple sweet potato puree composition below 50% in the formula had a solid texture appearance.   Keywords: Pasta, purple sweet potatoes, gluten free food, formulation optimization   ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengoptimasi formula pasta bebas gluten berbahan dasar puree ubi jalar ungu dan tepung kacang hijau. Aplikasi mixture design dalam optimasi formula dapat menghasilkan formula yang optimal dengan karakteristik produk sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi optimal puree ubi jalar ungu dengan tepung kacang hijau dalam formula adalah 45,25% puree ubi jalar ungu dan 51,75% tepung kacang hijau. Pada komposisi tersebut dihasilkan pasta ubi jalar ungu dengan karakteristik yaitu kekenyalan 2,29 mm, cohesiveness 0,38, KKP 17,62%, warna 333,48, Ie   20,59%, dan kandungan antosianin 42,42 mg/L. Dari segi mikroskopik, pasta ubi jalar ungu matang dengan rasio puree ubi jalar ungu dengan formula di bawah 50% sudah menunjukkan adanya struktur yang kompak. Kata kunci: Pasta, ubi jalar ungu, pangan bebas gluten, optimasi formula

  8. Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA no rastreio de comprometimento cognitivo leve (CCL em pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC pré-dialítica

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    Marilise de Andrade Paraizo


    Full Text Available Resumo Introdução: Indivíduos com doença renal crônica (DRC têm grande risco de desenvolver comprometimento cognitivo (CC, inicialmente leve (CCL, passível de identificação, mas ainda subdiagnosticado e subtratado. O Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA vem sendo indicado para rastreio de CCL na DRC. Objetivo: Avaliar o CCL em indivíduos com DRC pré-dialítica. Métodos: O estudo foi realizado em 72 indivíduos, não idosos, com DRC nos estágios pré-dialíticos. A avaliação neuropsicológica incluiu: o teste de cognição global MoCA; o teste do relógio (TDR; o Digit Span ordem direta (DOD e inversa (DOI; o teste de fluência verbal (FV, fonêmica (FAS e semântica (animais; o punho-borda-mão (PBM; e de memória 10 figuras. Resultados: A média de idade dos participantes foi de 56,74 ± 7,63 anos, com predominância de homens (55,6%, com escolaridade ≥ 4 anos (84,3%, a maioria com DRC 1, 2 e 3a e 3b (67,6%, hipertensa (93,1% e diabética (52,1%. O CC (MoCA ≤ 24 foi observado em 73,6% dos usuários. Não encontramos associação das variáveis demográficas e clínicas com CC, mas tendência de associação com a idade (p = 0,07, com a escolaridade (p = 0,06 e com o DM (0,06. Os testes de função executiva, TDR, DOI e PBM, isoladamente, apresentaram boa sensibilidade e valor preditivo negativo comparados ao MoCA para a identificação de CC e, em conjunto, foram capazes de predizer o resultado do MoCA. Conclusão: O CCL é frequente em usuários não idosos com DRC pré-dialítica. O TDR, DOI e PBM associados são equivalentes ao MoCA na identificação do CC nessa população, sugerindo comprometimento de funções executivas.

  9. 77 FR 11065 - Certain Pasta From Turkey: Extension of Time Limit for the Preliminary Results of the... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-489-806] Certain Pasta From Turkey: Extension of Time Limit for the Preliminary Results of the Countervailing Duty Administrative Review AGENCY... initiation of administrative review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Turkey, covering...

  10. 77 FR 15718 - Certain Pasta from Italy: Extension of Time Limit for the Preliminary Results of the... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta from Italy: Extension of Time Limit for the Preliminary Results of the Countervailing Duty Administrative Review AGENCY... notice of initiation of administrative review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from...

  11. 76 FR 6604 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Extension of Time Limit for the Preliminary Results of the... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [C-475-819] Certain Pasta From Italy: Extension of Time Limit for the Preliminary Results of the Countervailing Duty Administrative Review AGENCY... initiation of administrative review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Italy, covering...

  12. Um modelo de otimização para o planejamento agregado da produção em usinas de açúcar e álcool An optimization model for the aggregate production planning in alcohol and sugar mills

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    Rafael Piatti Oititica de Paiva


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho apresentamos um modelo de otimização para o planejamento agregado da produção de usinas de açúcar e álcool. Este modelo se baseia nos modelos clássicos de seleção de processos e dimensionamento de lotes para representar o sistema de produção de açúcar, álcool e melaço, incluindo decisões da etapa agrícola, das fases de corte, carregamento e transporte de cana e, principalmente, decisões de moagem, escolha do processo produtivo e estoque dos produtos finais. As decisões são tomadas em períodos semanais e o horizonte de planejamento são as semanas de safra. Para resolver o modelo de programação linear inteira mista resultante, utilizamos a linguagem de modelagem GAMS e o solver CPLEX. Um estudo de caso foi realizado em uma usina de açúcar e álcool do estado de Alagoas. Neste estudo foi possível verificar a adequação do modelo proposto quando aplicado para auxiliar nas decisões envolvidas no planejamento agregado da produção de empresas deste tipo. Resultados computacionais são apresentados resolvendo um exemplo com dados de uma safra típica.The main concern of this work is related to the presentation of an aggregate production planning model of a sugar and alcohol milling company. The mathematical model is based on the process selection model and the production lot-sizing model, and aims to help the decision makers in the production planning and control process of determining the quantity of sugarcane crushed, the selection of sugarcane suppliers, the selection of sugarcane transport system suppliers, the selection of industrial process used in the sugar, alcohol and molasses production and the storage decisions related to these final products. The decisions are taken on a weekly basis and the planning horizon is the whole sugarcane harvesting season. To solve the mixed integer mathematical problem found in this model, we applied the GAMS modeling language and the CPLEX solver. A case study was

  13. A screen for kinase inhibitors identifies antimicrobial imidazopyridine aminofurazans as specific inhibitors of the Listeria monocytogenes PASTA kinase PrkA. (United States)

    Schaenzer, Adam J; Wlodarchak, Nathan; Drewry, David H; Zuercher, William J; Rose, Warren E; Striker, Rob; Sauer, John-Demian


    Bacterial signaling systems such as protein kinases and quorum sensing have become increasingly attractive targets for the development of novel antimicrobial agents in a time of rising antibiotic resistance. The family of bacterial P enicillin-binding-protein A nd S erine/ T hreonine kinase- A ssociated (PASTA) kinases is of particular interest due to the role of these kinases in regulating resistance to β-lactam antibiotics. As such, small-molecule kinase inhibitors that target PASTA kinases may prove beneficial as treatments adjunctive to β-lactam therapy. Despite this interest, only limited progress has been made in identifying functional inhibitors of the PASTA kinases that have both activity against the intact microbe and high kinase specificity. Here, we report the results of a small-molecule screen that identified GSK690693, an imidazopyridine aminofurazan-type kinase inhibitor that increases the sensitivity of the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes to various β-lactams by inhibiting the PASTA kinase PrkA. GSK690693 potently inhibited PrkA kinase activity biochemically and exhibited significant selectivity for PrkA relative to the Staphylococcus aureus PASTA kinase Stk1. Furthermore, other imidazopyridine aminofurazans could effectively inhibit PrkA and potentiate β-lactam antibiotic activity to varying degrees. The presence of the 2-methyl-3-butyn-2-ol (alkynol) moiety was important for both biochemical and antimicrobial activity. Finally, mutagenesis studies demonstrated residues in the back pocket of the active site are important for GSK690693 selectivity. These data suggest that targeted screens can successfully identify PASTA kinase inhibitors with both biochemical and antimicrobial specificity. Moreover, the imidazopyridine aminofurazans represent a family of PASTA kinase inhibitors that have the potential to be optimized for selective PASTA kinase inhibition.

  14. Alterações ocorridas pelo manejo em Latossolo, Rondônia, Amazônia Brasileira

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    Gustavo Souza Valladares


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar atributos de fertilidade, frações da matéria orgânica, incluindo ácido fúlvico, ácido húmico, humina e matéria orgânica leve, densidade e volume total de poros, em um Latossolo Amarelo distrófico, sob cultura perene, pastagem e floresta amazônica em área de assentamento rural conhecida como Gleba Machadinho (RO. As coletas das amostras de solo ocorreram em 2004; foram amostradas as camadas superficiais do solo na profundidade de 0-0,1 m. Verificou-se melhoria na fertilidade dos solos sob culturas perenes, com diminuição da acidez e aumento dos teores de nutrientes. Não foi verificada diferença nos teores totais de carbono orgânico dos solos, porém variações nas frações orgânicas, ocorrendo menores teores de matéria orgânica leve e maior relação das substâncias húmicas alcalino solúveis em comparação à humina nos solos com culturas perenes. Nas áreas de pastagem, o pisoteio animal causou aumento da densidade do solo e redução do volume total de poros.

  15. Pasta made from durum wheat semolina fermented with selected lactobacilli as a tool for a potential decrease of the gluten intolerance. (United States)

    di Cagno, Raffaella; de Angelis, Maria; Alfonsi, Giuditta; de Vincenzi, Massimo; Silano, Marco; Vincentini, Olimpia; Gobbetti, Marco


    A pool of selected lactic acid bacteria was used to ferment durum wheat semolina under liquid conditions. After fermentation, the dough was freeze-dried, mixed with buckwheat flour at a ratio of 3:7, and used to produce the "fusilli" type Italian pasta. Pasta without prefermentation was used as the control. Ingredients and pastas were characterized for compositional analysis. As shown by two-dimensional electrophoresis, 92 of the 130 durum wheat gliadin spots were hydrolyzed almost totally during fermentation by lactic acid bacteria. Mass spectrometry matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight and reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography analyses confirmed the hydrolysis of gliadins. As shown by immunological analysis by R5-Western blot, the concentration of gluten decreased from 6280 ppm in the control pasta to 1045 ppm in the pasta fermented with lactic acid bacteria. Gliadins were extracted from fermented and nonfermented durum wheat dough semolina and used to produce a peptic-tryptic (PT) digest for in vitro agglutination tests on cells of human origin. The whole PT digests did not cause agglutination. Affinity chromatography on Sepharose-6-B mannan column separated the PT digests in three fractions. Fraction C showed agglutination activity. The minimal agglutinating activity of fraction C from the PT digest of fermented durum wheat semolina was ca. 80 times higher than that of durum wheat semolina. Pasta was subjected to sensory analysis: The scores for stickiness and firmness were slightly lower than those found for the pasta control. Odor and flavor did not differ between the two types of pasta. These results showed that a pasta biotechnology that uses a prefermentation of durum wheat semolina by selected lactic acid bacteria and tolerated buckwheat flour could be considered as a novel tool to potentially decrease gluten intolerance and the risk of gluten contamination in gluten-free products.

  16. Fortification of seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) flour on nutrition, iodine, and glycemic index of pasta (United States)

    Firdaus, Muhamad; Yahya; Raditya Hardany Nugraha, Galih; Dwi Utari, Dyah


    Pasta is a nutritious and energy product which produced from the dough of wheat flour and water. It contains less of iodine and high of glycemic index. Euchema cottonii belongs of red seaweed is food substance that contains much of iodine and dietary fiber. The objective of this study was to know the fortification effect of E. cottonii flour on the nutrition, iodine, and glycemic index of pasta. E. cottonii was collected from the culture farm of E. cottonii on the Wongsorejo beach, District of Banyuwangi, East Java on April-June 2015. Wheat flour and pasta ingredients were obtained locally at shops of Pasar Besar, Malang. Pasta was produced by weighing of components, mixing, dough, milling, steaming and drying. E. cottonii flour was added on mixing process at 0; 7; 14 and 21 % of ingredients. The parameter of this study was the level of water, lipid, protein, ash, and carbohydrate (by difference), iodine, crude fiber, the total of dietary fiber, soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, and glycemic index, respectively. Data were analyzed by variance and the least square difference used to determine the difference between treatments. The highest concentration group showed more nutritious than other treatments. The characters of its product were water 6.70%, lipid 2.26%, protein 23.09%, ash 14.11%, carbohydrate 53.84%, iodine 3.71 ppm, crude fiber 8.02%, the total of dietary fiber 20.88%, soluble fiber 11.69%, insoluble fiber 9.19%, and glycemic index 44.45, respectively. In conclusion, the fortification of E. cottonii flour enhances the nutrition value, iodine content, and glycemic index of pasta.

  17. 77 FR 11485 - Certain Pasta From Turkey: Extension of Time Limit for the Preliminary Results of Antidumping... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-489-805] Certain Pasta From Turkey: Extension of Time Limit for the Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review AGENCY: Import... initiation of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from Turkey, covering...

  18. Quality of spelt pasta enriched with eggs and identification of eggs using 13C MAS NMR spectroscopy

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    Filipović Jelena S.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the characteristics of spelt pasta enriched with eggs. Eggs were added to spelt farina in the quantity of 0, 124 or 248 g/kg (equivalent to 0, 3 or 6 eggs, respectively. Post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test at 95% confidence limit showed significant differences between various samples. Relatively low coefficients of variation have been obtained for each applied assay (1.25-12.42%, which confirmed the high accuracy measurements and statistically significant results. Standard score analysis is applied for accessing the contribution of eggs content to spelt pasta quality. Maximum scores regarding quality (0.89 and chemical characteristics (0.70, have been obtained for 6 eggs spelt pasta formulation. It is also shown that the presence of eggs in pasta can be clearly confirmed by 13C MAS NMR spectroscopy. Simultaneous increase in area of peak positioned at 29.5 and 176 ppm is directly associated with the increase in the content of added eggs in the corresponding samples. Pertinent data point at positive contribution of eggs to the spelt pasta and also that NMR spectrum can be used in the egg quantity control. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TRI 46005 i br. TR 31029

  19. Sustancias maleables en el proceso de la escultura: pastas cerámicas


    Cambra Antón, Marta de


    Esta tesis se basa en la obtención de pastas cerámicas nuevas, mediante el estudio y la combinación de materias primas y otras sustancias que respondan a unas características predeterminadas para ser utilizadas en la creación de la obra artística. Dichas pastas se forman al introducir en las arcillas otras materias que sirven para corregir los defectos que se producen en el moldeado, en el secado o en la cocción. Esta tesis pretende ser un archivo de arcillas sintéticas, testadas y documenta...

  20. Kommunen er død - længe leve den digitale disruption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kim Normann


    "New Public Management is Dead. Long Live the Digital Era." Sådan proklamerede Patrick Donleavy digitaliseringens muligheder i en banebrydende artikel fra 2005. Med en omskrivning af dette citat til "Kommunen er død, længe leve den digitale disruption", er ballet åbnet for denne artikel......."New Public Management is Dead. Long Live the Digital Era." Sådan proklamerede Patrick Donleavy digitaliseringens muligheder i en banebrydende artikel fra 2005. Med en omskrivning af dette citat til "Kommunen er død, længe leve den digitale disruption", er ballet åbnet for denne artikel....

  1. Gluten-Free Precooked Rice-Yellow Pea Pasta: Effect of Extrusion-Cooking Conditions on Phenolic Acids Composition, Selected Properties and Microstructure. (United States)

    Bouasla, Abdallah; Wójtowicz, Agnieszka; Zidoune, Mohammed Nasereddine; Olech, Marta; Nowak, Renata; Mitrus, Marcin; Oniszczuk, Anna


    Rice/yellow pea flour blend (2/1 ratio) was used to produce gluten-free precooked pasta using a single-screw modified extrusion-cooker TS-45. The effect of moisture content (28%, 30%, and 32%) and screw speed (60, 80, and 100 rpm) on some quality parameters was assessed. The phenolic acids profile and selected pasta properties were tested, like pasting properties, water absorption capacity, cooking loss, texture characteristics, microstructure, and sensory overall acceptability. Results indicated that dough moisture content influenced all tested quality parameters of precooked pasta except firmness. Screw speed showed an effect only on some quality parameters. The extrusion-cooking process at 30% of dough moisture with 80 rpm is appropriate to obtain rice-yellow pea precooked pasta with high content of phenolics and adequate quality. These pasta products exhibited firm texture, low stickiness, and regular and compact interne structure confirmed by high score in sensory overall acceptability. © 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®

  2. 77 FR 9637 - Process for Requesting a Variance From Vegetation Standards for Levees and Floodwalls; Additional... (United States)


    ... revetments, sand dunes, and barrier islands. b. New federally authorized cost-shared levee projects shall be..., the landside slope, and within 15 feet of the landside toe (subject to preexisting real estate... appropriate depth but not less than 20 feet below the levee toe. The determination and documentation of site...

  3. Pengaruh Cara Kematian Dan Tahapan Penurunan Kesegaran Ikan Terhadap Kualitas Pasta Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus)


    Wibowo, Imam Restu; Darmanto, YS; Anggo, Apri Dwi


    Kualitas produk hasil perikanan dipengaruhi oleh kesegaran ikan. Pengolahan merupakan salah satu cara untuk mempertahankan daya awet dan juga meningkatkan nilai ekonomis ikan. Pasta ikan merupakan salah satu alternatif penganekaragaman produk berbasis produk gel. Pasta ikan merupakan makanan yang berasal dari bahan baku lumatan daging ikan yang ditambahkan dengan tepung, garam dan berbagai jenis sayuran. Cara kematian ikan dan tahapan penurunan kesegaran ikan dapat mempengaruhi kualitas produ...

  4. The effect of hazelnut roasted skin from different cultivars on the quality attributes, polyphenol content and texture of fresh egg pasta. (United States)

    Zeppa, Giuseppe; Belviso, Simona; Bertolino, Marta; Cavallero, Maria Chiara; Dal Bello, Barbara; Ghirardello, Daniela; Giordano, Manuela; Giorgis, Marta; Grosso, Arianna; Rolle, Luca; Gerbi, Vincenzo


    Hazelnut skin is the perisperm of the hazelnut kernel. It is separated from the kernel during the roasting process and is normally discarded. Recent studies have reported that hazelnut skin is a rich source of dietary fibre as well as of natural antioxidants owing to the presence of phenolic compounds. The aim of this study was to assess the use of hazelnut skins obtained from different cultivars for enhancing the nutritional value of fresh egg pasta. Skins obtained from roasted hazelnuts of four different varieties were used at three concentrations as a flour replacement in fresh egg pasta. Hazelnut skin concentration significantly influenced all evaluated physicochemical parameters as well as consumers' appreciation for the pasta, but significant differences were also observed between the four varieties. Although pasta produced with 10 and 15% hazelnut skin displayed the highest content of polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in vitro, pasta containing 5% Tombul hazelnut skin showed maximum consumer preference. The results obtained in the present study highlighted that it is possible to use hazelnut skin in fresh pasta production to obtain a fortified food with high fibre content and antioxidant activity. The characteristics of the resulting pasta were strictly correlated with the hazelnut variety used for skin production and, of course, with the percentage of skin that was added. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry.

  5. Prevalência de fluorose dentária em escolares de Marinópolis, São Paulo

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    Ioneide Maria Gomes Brandão

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a freqüência e severidade da fluorose dentária em escolares de 5 a 12 e de 15 anos de idade da cidade de Marinópolis, São Paulo, Brasil, com o propósito de se obter um banco de dados-base inicial para o monitoramento da fluorose dentária nesta população. Foram envolvidos todos os escolares de ambos os sexos, nas idades citadas, matriculados nas instituições de ensino da referida cidade e tendo como pré-requisito a condição de residirem em Marinópolis desde o nascimento, totalizando 320 escolares. Os exames foram realizados por um examinador previamente calibrado para a aplicação do Índice de Dean. De acordo com os resultados, a prevalência de fluorose dentária no grupo estudado foi de 17,2%; no entanto, considerando apenas os graus de fluorose que determinam comprometimento estético (leve, moderado e severo, o percentual foi de 7,19%. O grau predominante foi o muito leve (10,0% seguido pelos graus leve (5,3%, moderado (1,3% e severo (0,6%. Conclui-se que a fluorose dentária na população estudada não se constitui em problema de amplas dimensões; estudos posteriores, contudo, são necessários, a fim de identificar as causas da presença de casos de fluorose moderada e severa.

  6. Green banana pasta: an alternative for gluten-free diets. (United States)

    Zandonadi, Renata Puppin; Botelho, Raquel Braz Assunção; Gandolfi, Lenora; Ginani, Janini Selva; Montenegro, Flávio Martins; Pratesi, Riccardo


    The objective of this study was to develop and analyze a gluten-free pasta made with green banana flour. The study was divided into five steps: preparation/selection, chemical, sensory, technological, and statistical analysis. The modified sample presented greater acceptance (84.5% for celiac individuals and 61.2% for nonceliac) than standard samples (53.6% for nonceliac individuals). There was no significant difference between the modified and the standard samples in terms of appearance, aroma, flavor, and overall quality. The modified pastas presented approximately 98% less lipids. Green bananas are considered a subproduct of low commercial value with little industrial use. The possibility of developing gluten-free products with green banana flour can expand the product supply for people with celiac disease and contribute to a more diverse diet. Copyright © 2012 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Phase diagram of nuclear 'pasta' and its uncertainties in supernova cores

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sonoda, Hidetaka; Watanabe, Gentaro; Sato, Katsuhiko; Yasuoka, Kenji; Ebisuzaki, Toshikazu


    We examine the model dependence of the phase diagram of inhomogeneous nulcear matter in supernova cores using the quantum molecular dynamics (QMD). Inhomogeneous matter includes crystallized matter with nonspherical nuclei--''pasta'' phases--and the liquid-gas phase-separating nuclear matter. Major differences between the phase diagrams of the QMD models can be explained by the energy of pure neutron matter at low densities and the saturation density of asymmetric nuclear matter. We show the density dependence of the symmetry energy is also useful to understand uncertainties of the phase diagram. We point out that, for typical nuclear models, the mass fraction of the pasta phases in the later stage of the collapsing cores is higher than 10-20%

  8. Optimisation of resistant starch II and III levels in durum wheat pasta to reduce in vitro digestibility while maintaining processing and sensory characteristics. (United States)

    Aravind, Nisha; Sissons, Mike; Fellows, Christopher M; Blazek, Jaroslav; Gilbert, Elliot P


    Foods with elevated levels of resistant starch (RS) may have beneficial effects on human health. Pasta was enriched with commercial resistant starches (RSII, Hi Maize™ 1043; RSIII, Novelose 330™) at 10%, 20% and 50% substitution of semolina for RSII and 10% and 20% for RSIII and compared with pasta made from 100% durum wheat semolina to investigate technological, sensory, in vitro starch digestibility and structural properties. The resultant RS content of pasta increased from 1.9% to ∼21% and was not reduced on cooking. Significantly, the results indicate that 10% and 20% RSII and RSIII substitution of semolina had no significant effects on pasta cooking loss, texture and sensory properties, with only a minimal reduction in pasta yellowness. Both RS types lowered the extent of in vitro starch hydrolysis compared to that of control pasta. X-ray diffraction and small-angle scattering verified the incorporation of RS and, compared to the control sample, identified enhanced crystallinity and a changed molecular arrangement following digestion. These results can be contrasted with the negative impact on pasta resulting from substitution with equivalent amounts of more traditional dietary fibre such as bran. The study suggests that these RS-containing formulations may be ideal sources for the preparation of pasta with reduced starch digestibility. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Deterioro cognitivo leve: Encuesta sobre actitudes de médicos especialistas y generalistas Mild cognitive impairment: Survey of attitudes of specialists and general physicians

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    Cecilia M. Serrano


    Full Text Available El deterioro cognitivo leve es una entidad caracterizada por el compromiso predominante de la memoria en ausencia de trastorno funcional. Ha sido asociado a un período predemencial de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Sin embargo, se considera que otras áreas cognitivas pueden verse afectadas, pudiendo implicar también otras etiologías. Así, algunos profesionales lo consideran un término etiológico, dirigido hacia la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otros un complejo sindromático, incluyendo varias enfermedades. Otro factor agregado que generó confusión ha sido el porcentaje de conversión a demencia. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue evaluar la opinión médica sobre el deterioro cognitivo leve y los problemas que genera en la práctica diaria. Se adaptó el cuestionario sobre deterioro cognitivo leve de Dubois y col, 2003; 24 médicos expertos en demencia de Argentina y Brasil (16 neurólogos y 8 psiquiatras y 30 médicos generalistas aceptaron responder al mismo. Los resultados muestran que el 92% de los médicos expertos piensa que es una entidad heterogénea, no la limitan a un estadio predemencia de la enfermedad de Alzheimer; y el 63% refieren que puede empeorar. El 83% de los expertos inician tratamiento específico utilizando preferentemente anticolinesterásicos, memantine y vitamina E. La vasta mayoría de médicos considera al deterioro cognitivo leve como una entidad sindromática, que no está limitada a la enfermedad de Alzheimer; pero sin embargo, inicia tratamiento con drogas dirigidas hacia ella. La ambigüedad existente hace necesario estandarizar definiciones y reconceptualizar la enfermedad de Alzheimer en su estadio pre-demencia.Mild cognitive impairment (MCI refers to persons who are slightly cognitively impaired for age but do not meet the criteria for dementia. MCI has been related to a pre-dementia stage of Alzheimer&'s disease (AD. However, other possible diagnoses such as cerebro-vascular disease, frontotemporal

  10. Modeling and analysis of the vertical roots distribution in levees - a case study of the third Rhone correction (United States)

    Gianetta, Ivan; Schwarz, Massimiliano; Glenz, Christian; Lammeranner, Walter


    In recent years the effects of roots on river banks and levees have been the subject of major discussions. The main issue about the presence of woody vegetation on levees is related to the possibility that roots increase internal erosion processes and the superimposed load of large trees compromise the integrity of these structures. However, ecologists and landscape managers argue that eliminating the natural vegetation from the riverbanks also means eliminating biotopes, strengthening anthropisation of the landscape, as well as limiting recreations areas. In the context of the third correction of the Rhone in Switzerland, the discussion on new levee geometries and the implementation of woody vegetation on them, lead to a detailed analysis of this issue for this specific case. The objective of this study was to describe quantitatively the processes and factors that influence the root distribution on levees and test modeling approaches for the simulation of vertical root distribution with laboratory and field data. An extension of an eco-hydrological analytic model that considers climatic and pedological condition for the quantification of vertical root distribution was validated with data provided by the University of Vienna (BOKU) of willows' roots (Salix purpurea) grown under controlled conditions. Furthermore, root distribution data of four transversal sections of a levee near Visp (canton Wallis, Switzerland) was used to validate the model. The positions of the levee's sections were chosen based on the species and dimensions of the woody vegetation. The dominant species present in the sections were birch (Betula pendula) and poplar (Populus nigra). For each section a grid of 50x50 cm was created to count and measure the roots. The results show that vertical distribution of root density under controlled growing conditions has an exponential form, decreasing with increasing soil depth, and can be well described by the eco-hydrological model. Vice versa, field

  11. Enrichment of pasta with faba bean does not impact glycemic or insulin response but can enhance satiety feeling and digestive comfort when dried at very high temperature. (United States)

    Greffeuille, Valérie; Marsset-Baglieri, Agnès; Molinari, Nicolas; Cassan, Denis; Sutra, Thibault; Avignon, Antoine; Micard, Valérie


    Enrichment of durum wheat pasta with legume flour enhances their protein and essential amino acid content, especially lysine content. However, despite its nutritional potential, the addition of a legume alters the rheological properties of pasta. High temperature drying of pasta reduces this negative effect by strengthening its protein network. The aim of our study was to determine if these changes in the pasta structure alter its in vitro carbohydrate digestibility, in vivo glycemic, insulin and satiety responses. We also investigated if high temperature drying of pasta can reduce the well-known digestive discomfort associated with the consumption of legume grains. Fifteen healthy volunteers consumed three test meals: durum wheat pasta dried at a low temperature (control), and pasta enriched with 35% faba bean dried at a low and at a very high temperature. When enriched with 35% legume flour, pasta maintained its nutritionally valuable low glycemic and insulin index, despite its weaker protein network. Drying 35% faba bean pasta at a high temperature strengthened its protein network, and decreased its in vitro carbohydrate digestion with no further decrease in its in vivo glycemic or insulin index. Drying pasta at a very high temperature reduced digestive discomfort and enhanced self-reported satiety, and was not associated with a modification of energy intake in the following meal.

  12. Determinación de la condición saturada y seca superficialmente (S.S.S. de agregados orgánicos para hormigón ligero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaime Salazar Contreras


    Full Text Available Como parte del provecto de grado titulado "DOSIFICACION DE HORMIGONES LIGEROS UTILIZANDO COMO ARIDO LA CASCARILLA DE CAFE II PARTE", se desarrolló un procedimiento para determinar la condición saturada y seca superficialmente (S.S.S. de la cascarilla de café debido a que no existe ninguna literatura técnica que establezca los pasos a seguir para hallar la condición s.s.s de agregados ligeros, como si la hay para los agregados tradicionales del hormigón. Puesto que los agregados orgánicos presentan una elevada absorción, se hace necesario determinar un procedimiento de ensaya que permita obtener la condición s.s.s., del agregado de una manera precisa y más confiable que la obtenida mediante la inspección visual, procedimiento éste utilizado hasta ahora en el diseño de mezclas para los agregados ligeros de naturaleza orgánica. El ensayo consiste básicamente en someter a un proceso de secado una muestra de cascarilla saturada hasta que desaparece el agua libre contenida en ella, hecho que se manifiesta por la variación de la temperatura del bulbo húmedo medida por un termómetro colocado en el centro de la muestra; la humedad determinada en este momento corresponde a la condición s.s.s. de la cascarilla, valor éste que se utilizará posteriormente para determinar las propiedades físicas requeridas para el diseño y en especial para establecer con gran aproximación la relación agua-cemento (A/c parámetro fundamental que rige la resistencia del hormigón. Estos ensayos se realizaron en el laboratorio de Ingeniería Agrícola de la Universidad Nacional de Bogotá

  13. A influência da capacidade de aprendizado, da criatividade organizacional, da orientação empreendedora internacional, da capacidade tecnológica e da capacidade de reconfiguração na habilidade em desenvolvimento de novos produtos


    Panizzon, Mateus


    Em um contexto de globalização, com a intensificação do desenvolvimento econômico baseado em conhecimento, inovação e criatividade como fontes de valor agregado, empresas buscam continuamente vantagem competitiva sustentável em ambientes de mudança e turbulência. Deste modo, a agenda de pesquisa teórica nos campos das Capacidades Dinâmicas Baseadas em Conhecimento, Criatividade Organizacional, Orientação Empreendedora Internacional e Desenvolvimento de Novos Produtos motiva novos estudos e re...

  14. Potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico por via óssea em indivíduos com perda auditiva sensorioneural

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Castelo Branco Camurça Fernandes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: caracterizar os resultados do PEATE por via óssea em indivíduos com perda auditiva sensorioneural leve, comparando esses dados com o grupo controle, formado por indivíduos audiologicamente normais. MÉTODO: a amostra foi constituída por 40 adultos, de ambos os sexos, com faixa etária de 18 a 55 anos, distribuídos em um grupo controle de 30 indivíduos com audição normal e um grupo estudo composto de 10 indivíduos com perda auditiva sensorioneural de grau leve. O PEATE foi realizado com equipamento EP15, da marca Interacoustics. O estímulo utilizado foi o clique com taxa de apresentação de 27,7/s, em um total de 2000 estímulos, com polaridade de rarefação por VA e alternada para VO e filtro passa-banda de 50Hz e 3000Hz. RESULTADOS: em indivíduos com perda sensorioneural de grau leve, não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o limiar do PEATE por via aérea e óssea, estando esses limiares equivalentes, com GAP aéreo-ósseo menor que 10dB. A latência da onda V no limiar eletrofisiológico e a 50 dBnNA foram menores que as referidas latências observadas em indivíduos com audição normal. CONCLUSÃO: foram encontrados limiares eletrofisiológicos por via óssea equivalente aos limiares obtidos por via aérea, com presença de GAP aéreo-ósseo menor que 10dBnNA. Assim a utilização do PEATE por VO fornece dados para uma caracterização mais detalhada do tipo da perda auditiva.

  15. Atualização em pneumonia comunitária viral


    Rocha Neto,Ozéas Galeno da; Leite,Ricardo Ferreira; Baldi,Bruno Guedes


    A pneumonia de origem viral é uma causa prevalente de infecção respiratória em adultos imunocompetentes. Tem apresentação variada, ocasionando desde formas leves a quadros graves de insuficiência respiratória com necessidade de ventilação mecânica. Contudo, em nosso país, há poucos estudos a respeito da apresentação clínica e diagnóstico dessa infecção. Dessa forma, os autores do presente artigo têm por objetivo revisar os principais agentes virais causadores de pneumonia na comunidade e disc...

  16. Nuclear Pasta at Finite Temperature with the Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Approach (United States)

    Schuetrumpf, B.; Klatt, M. A.; Iida, K.; Maruhn, J. A.; Mecke, K.; Reinhard, P.-G.


    We present simulations of neutron-rich matter at sub-nuclear densities, like supernova matter. With the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation we can study the evolution of the system at temperatures of several MeV employing a full Skyrme interaction in a periodic three-dimensional grid [1]. The initial state consists of α particles randomly distributed in space that have a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in momentum space. Adding a neutron background initialized with Fermi distributed plane waves the calculations reflect a reasonable approximation of astrophysical matter. The matter evolves into spherical, rod-like, connected rod-like and slab-like shapes. Further we observe gyroid-like structures, discussed e.g. in [2], which are formed spontaneously choosing a certain value of the simulation box length. The ρ-T-map of pasta shapes is basically consistent with the phase diagrams obtained from QMD calculations [3]. By an improved topological analysis based on Minkowski functionals [4], all observed pasta shapes can be uniquely identified by only two valuations, namely the Euler characteristic and the integral mean curvature. In addition we propose the variance in the cell-density distribution as a measure to distinguish pasta matter from uniform matter.

  17. Nuclear Pasta at Finite Temperature with the Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuetrumpf, B; Maruhn, J A; Klatt, M A; Mecke, K; Reinhard, P-G; Iida, K


    We present simulations of neutron-rich matter at sub-nuclear densities, like supernova matter. With the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation we can study the evolution of the system at temperatures of several MeV employing a full Skyrme interaction in a periodic three-dimensional grid [1].The initial state consists of α particles randomly distributed in space that have a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in momentum space. Adding a neutron background initialized with Fermi distributed plane waves the calculations reflect a reasonable approximation of astrophysical matter.The matter evolves into spherical, rod-like, connected rod-like and slab-like shapes. Further we observe gyroid-like structures, discussed e.g. in [2], which are formed spontaneously choosing a certain value of the simulation box length. The ρ-T-map of pasta shapes is basically consistent with the phase diagrams obtained from QMD calculations [3]. By an improved topological analysis based on Minkowski functionals [4], all observed pasta shapes can be uniquely identified by only two valuations, namely the Euler characteristic and the integral mean curvature.In addition we propose the variance in the cell-density distribution as a measure to distinguish pasta matter from uniform matter. (paper)

  18. Ansiedad y depresión en la esclerosis múltiple remitente-recidivante: relación con las alteraciones neuropsicológicas y la percepción subjetiva de deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con discapacidad mínima/leve.


    Teresa Olivares-Pérez; Antonieta Nieto-Barco; Moisés Betancort-Montesinos; Yaiza Pérez- Martín; Miguel Ángel Hernández-Pérez; José Barroso-Ribal


    Introducción. La ansiedad y la depresión son trastornos psiquiátricos vinculados a la Esclerosis Múltiple (EM). Sin embargo, la ansiedad no ha sido prácticamente estudiada. Objetivos. Examinar la asociación de ambos trastornos con el deterioro neuropsicológico y su contribución a la autopercepción de deterioro cognitivo. Sujetos y métodos. Se estudiaron 33 pacientes con EM Remitente-Recidivante y niveles de discapacidad mínima-leve. Instrumentos: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS); ...

  19. 77 FR 12008 - Certain Pasta From Italy: Extension of Time Limit for the Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-475-818] Certain Pasta From Italy: Extension of Time Limit for the Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review AGENCY: Import... notice of initiation of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain pasta from...

  20. Preparo do solo em áreas de produção de grãos, silagem e pastejo: efeito na resistência tênsil e friabilidade de agregados Soil tillage in grain and silage-producing areas and pasture: effect on tensile strength and aggregate friability

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    Marina Araújo Bavoso


    Full Text Available A compreensão e a quantificação do impacto do uso e manejo na qualidade do solo são fundamentais no desenvolvimento e seleção de sistemas de produção agrícola sustentáveis. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a qualidade estrutural de um Latossolo Bruno argiloso submetido a diferentes sistemas de produção e preparo do solo por meio da resistência tênsil (RT e friabilidade (F de agregados. O estudo foi realizado no município de Castro, Estado do Paraná, em três sistemas de produção e sete tipos de preparo de solo, estabelecidos em um delineamento fatorial em blocos casualizados. Os sistemas avaliados foram: (SP I - plantio de azevém para cobertura do solo (no inverno e milho para a produção de grãos (no verão; (SP II - plantio de azevém para a produção de silagem pré-secada e milho para a produção de grãos; e (SP III - utilização de azevém como forrageira para pastejo animal e milho para a produção de grãos. Em cada sistema de produção foram avaliados sete tipos de preparo do solo: (G1 - grade aradora no inverno a 0,15 m de profundidade; (G2 - grade aradora no inverno e no verão a 0,15 m de profundidade; (Arado - arado de discos a 0,20 m de profundidade; (Subsolador Asa Laser - subsolador com ponteiras tipo asa até 0,45 m; (Subsolador - subsolador até a profundidade de 0,80 m; (Aerador - aerador de solo Aeromix® com profundidade efetiva de mobilização de 0,15 m; e (SPD - Sistema Plantio Direto, em que a semeadura do azevém foi realizada com disco duplo e a do milho com haste sulcadora. Um bloco de solo (0,20 x 0,15 x 0,07 m de cada parcela experimental foi manualmente destorroado em seus agregados naturais, os quais foram secos ao ar por 24 h e passados em peneiras com diâmetros de 12,5 e 19 mm. Quarenta agregados de cada bloco foram selecionados e submetidos a testes de tensão indireta com dinamômetro digital eletrônico de precisão (Lutron FG-20 kg, para determinação de RT e quantifica

  1. Wholegrain vs. refined wheat bread and pasta. Effect on postprandial glycemia, appetite, and subsequent ad libitum energy intake in young healthy adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, M.; Jensen, M.G.; Riboldi, G.


    based oil wholemeal wheat breads and pasta in comparison to similar refined wheat products on postprandial glycemia, appetite and ad libitum energy intake (EI). Test meals (50 g carbohydrates; 2MJ) consisted of refined wheat bread (RWB), wholegrain wheat bread (WWB), refined wheat pasta (RWP......) and wholegrain wheat pasta (WWP) and were served after an overnight fast. Appetite ratings and blood glucose were assessed for 180 min after which an ad libitum lunch meal was served and El measured. The 180 min glucose responses were similar for wholemeal and refined products, but pasta meals gave significantly...

  2. Recurrence phase shift in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam nonlinear dynamics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Devine, N., E-mail: [Optical Sciences Group, Research School of Physics and Engineering, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 (Australia); Ankiewicz, A. [Optical Sciences Group, Research School of Physics and Engineering, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 (Australia); Genty, G. [Tampere University of Technology, Optics Laboratory, FI-33101 Tampere (Finland); Dudley, J.M. [Institut FEMTO-ST UMR 6174 CNRS/Universite de Franche-Comte, Besancon (France); Akhmediev, N. [Optical Sciences Group, Research School of Physics and Engineering, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 (Australia)


    We show that the dynamics of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence is associated with a nonlinear phase shift between initial and final states that are otherwise identical, after a full growth-return cycle. The properties of this phase shift are studied for the particular case of the self-focussing nonlinear Schroedinger equation, and we describe the magnitude of the phase shift in terms of the system parameters. This phase shift, accumulated during the nonlinear recurrence cycle, is a previously-unremarked feature of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem, and we anticipate its wide significance as an essential feature of related dynamics in other systems. -- Highlights: → The dynamics of FPU recurrence is associated with a phase shift between initial and final states. → The properties of this phase shift are studied for the self-focussing NLS equation. → This phase shift is a previously-unremarked feature of the FPU growth-return cycle. → We anticipate its wide significance as an essential feature of related dynamics in other systems.

  3. Recurrence phase shift in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam nonlinear dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Devine, N.; Ankiewicz, A.; Genty, G.; Dudley, J.M.; Akhmediev, N.


    We show that the dynamics of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence is associated with a nonlinear phase shift between initial and final states that are otherwise identical, after a full growth-return cycle. The properties of this phase shift are studied for the particular case of the self-focussing nonlinear Schroedinger equation, and we describe the magnitude of the phase shift in terms of the system parameters. This phase shift, accumulated during the nonlinear recurrence cycle, is a previously-unremarked feature of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem, and we anticipate its wide significance as an essential feature of related dynamics in other systems. -- Highlights: → The dynamics of FPU recurrence is associated with a phase shift between initial and final states. → The properties of this phase shift are studied for the self-focussing NLS equation. → This phase shift is a previously-unremarked feature of the FPU growth-return cycle. → We anticipate its wide significance as an essential feature of related dynamics in other systems.

  4. Mineral composition of durum wheat grain and pasta under increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. (United States)

    Beleggia, Romina; Fragasso, Mariagiovanna; Miglietta, Franco; Cattivelli, Luigi; Menga, Valeria; Nigro, Franca; Pecchioni, Nicola; Fares, Clara


    The concentrations of 10 minerals were investigated in the grain of 12 durum wheat genotypes grown under free air CO 2 enrichment conditions, and in four of their derived pasta samples, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Compared to ambient CO 2 (400ppm; AMB), under elevated CO 2 (570ppm; ELE), the micro-element and macro-element contents showed strong and significant decreases in the grain: Mn, -28.3%; Fe, -26.7%; Zn, -21.9%; Mg, -22.7%; Mo, -40.4%; K, -22.4%; and Ca, -19.5%. These variations defined the 12 genotypes as sensitive or non-sensitive to ELE. The pasta samples under AMB and ELE showed decreased mineral contents compared to the grain. Nevertheless, the contributions of the pasta to the recommended daily allowances remained relevant, also for the micro-elements under ELE conditions (range, from 18% of the recommended daily allowance for Zn, to 70% for Mn and Mo). Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Utilização Potencial do Lenho de Acacia melanoxylon: a Crescer em Povoamentos Puros ou Mistos com Pinus pinaster - pela Indústria Florestal Portuguesa


    Santos, António; Teixeira, Andreia; Anjos, Ofélia; Simões, Rogério; Nunes, Lina; Machado, José S.; Tavares, Mário


    A Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. (acácia-austrália ou austrália) cresce bem em Portugal, em povoamentos puros ou mistos com Pinus pinaster Aiton, ainda que apresente fortes constrangimentos ecológicos e legais. Apesar de algumas dificuldades, por exemplo na secagem, a madeira de austrália é usada em mobiliário e produtos manufacturados devido, principalmente, à sua textura e cor escura. Pode também ser usada para pasta, sendo plantada em muitos países com esse propósito juntamente com Acacia mangi...

  6. Topographic effect on Radio-Magnetotelluric and Slingram signals: application to a levee along the Loire river, France. (United States)

    Duval, Rodolphe; Fauchard, Cyrille; Antoine, Raphael


    We study the influence of the topography of a levee on the electric and magnetic signals obtained with the Radio-Magnetotelluric method (RMT) and the Slingram method, respectively. For the RMT method, field measurements have been modelled with a finite element commercial software (AC/DC and Radio-Frequency modules of Comsol Multiphysics). A levee situated in Orléans (France) along the Loire river has been considered in order to design a model taking into account the skin depth and the incident wavelength. The effect of the incident electromagnetic field direction has been assessed with two different incident wave directions: BBC 5 from Salford (UK) and France-Inter from Allouis (France). The simulations highlight the tri-dimensional effects of the topography in the apparent resistivity, observed on the crest of the levee, depending on the incident field direction and topography. For the Slingram method, the magnetic field has been simulated using the AC/DC module of Comsol. The ratio of the primary magnetic field on the secondary one, received in a loop is determined above a straight levee. The study aims to show the various responses obtained in function of both vertical and horizontal coil configurations. We show that the signal also depends on the topography and the right configuration of the coils alignment with respect to the levee stretch direction. In this study, a buried gas pipe is also characterized by the two methods. Numerical modelling of 3D electromagnetic effects on geophysical signals helps to interpret the field measurements and offers to the stakeholder an optimized methodology for geophysical surveys on levees.

  7. The postprandial glucose response to some varieties of commercially available gluten-free pasta: a comparison between healthy and celiac subjects. (United States)

    Bacchetti, T; Saturni, L; Turco, I; Ferretti, G


    The objective of the present paper is to evaluate the post-prandial response to some varieties of gluten free (GF) pasta that are commonly consumed in Italy. The glycaemic responses were compared with a glucose standard in healthy subjects and gluten-free diet celiac subjects. Subjects were served portions of the test foods and a standard food (glucose), on separate occasions, each containing 50 g available carbohydrates. Capillary blood glucose was measured from finger-prick samples in fasted subjects and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after the consumption of each test food. For each type of pasta, the glycaemic index (GI) was calculated by expressing the incremental area under the blood glucose curve as a percentage of each subject's average incremental area under the blood glucose curve (AUC) for the standard food. Gluten free pasta exhibited a range of GI values from 46 to 66. The glycaemic load (GL) and glycaemic profile (GP) were also calculated. A higher GI value was observed in pasta containing rice flour as the main ingredient. Lower values were observed in pasta obtained using corn or a mixture of corn and rice flour as the main ingredients. The results were confirmed in celiac subjects. The information presented in this paper may be useful in helping celiac people to select low-GI pasta.

  8. Functional, textural and sensory properties of dry pasta supplemented with lyophilized tomato matrix or with durum wheat bran extracts produced by supercritical carbon dioxide or ultrasound. (United States)

    Pasqualone, Antonella; Gambacorta, Giuseppe; Summo, Carmine; Caponio, Francesco; Di Miceli, Giuseppe; Flagella, Zina; Marrese, Pier Paolo; Piro, Gabriella; Perrotta, Carla; De Bellis, Luigi; Lenucci, Marcello Salvatore


    A study was carried out to produce functional pasta by adding bran aqueous extract (BW) and bran oleoresin (BO) obtained using ultrasound and supercritical CO2, respectively, or a powdery lyophilized tomato matrix (LT). The bioactive compounds, hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activity (HAA and LAA) in vitro, were evaluated. BW supplementation did not improve antioxidant activity, whilst LT pasta showed unconventional taste and odor. BO pasta had good levels of tocochromanols (2551μg/100g pasta f.w.) and carotenoids (40.2μg/100g pasta f.w.), and the highest HAA and LAA. The oleoresin altered starch swelling and gluten network, as evidenced by scanning electron microscopy, therefore BO pasta had structural characteristics poor compared with the control (4.8% vs. 3.2% cooking loss), although this difference did not affect significantly overall sensory judgment (74 vs. 79 for BO and control, respectively). BO supplementation was most effective for increasing antioxidant activity without jeopardizing pasta quality. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



    TROVAO, A. P. M.


    A utilização do gesso pela construção civil gera um grande volume de resíduos, no entanto é um material que apresenta propriedades que o torna altamente competitivo no mercado. A principal causa da geração desse resíduo é o rápido endurecimento das pastas. A incorporação de resíduo de gesso às pastas provoca a aceleração no processo de endurecimento, podendo gerar maior volume de resíduos. Essa dissertação teve como objetivo buscar a forma de incorporação do resíduo às pastas de gesso para re...

  10. Fracionamento densimétrico com politungstato de sódio no estudo da proteção física da matéria orgânica em solos Densimetric fractionation with sodium polytungstate to investigate physical protection of soil organic matter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Cesar Conceição


    Full Text Available O fracionamento físico densimétrico é uma técnica que permite estudar a proteção física da matéria orgânica (MO no solo, sendo utilizadas, de forma indistinta, soluções densas de iodeto de sódio (NaI e de politungstato de sódio (PTS. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar (a o efeito de soluções de NaI (1,8 g cm-3 e de PTS (1,8, 2,0 e 2,2 g cm-3 no rendimento de carbono (C nas frações leve-livre (FLL e leve-oclusa (FLO da MO na camada de 0-5 cm de um Argissolo Vermelho [PVd, Eldorado do Sul (RS] e de um Latossolo Vermelho [LVdf, Dourados (MS] e (b a magnitude da proteção física da MO em agregados no acúmulo de C orgânico nesses solos submetidos, respectivamente, ao sistema plantio direto por 18 anos (PD e pastagem (Brachiaria decumbens por nove anos, em comparação à sua condição em preparo convencional (PC. Em ambos os locais, blocos indeformados de solo foram coletados em experimentos de longa duração; os agregados foram separados nos planos de fraqueza e passados em peneira de 9,51 mm; esse material foi submetido ao fracionamento densimétrico da MO do solo. O uso da solução de PTS 1,8 g cm-3 aumentou de 176 a 727 % o rendimento de C na FLO em comparação à solução de NaI na mesma densidade, mas não teve efeito no rendimento de C da FLL da MO do solo. O aumento da densidade da solução de PTS de 1,8 g cm-3 para 2,0 g cm-3 incrementou de 30 a 99 % o rendimento de C da FLO; contudo, o aumento da densidade para 2,2 g cm-3 resultou em aumento pouco expressivo (Through the densimetric fractionation it is possible to study the physical protection of soil organic matter (SOM. High density solutions of sodium iodide (NaI or sodium polytungstate (SPT have been indistinctively used for this purpose. This study aimed to assess: (a the capacity of these two solutions at a density of 1.8 g cm-3 (NaI-1.8 and SPT-1.8 and of SPT at densities of 2.0 (SPT-2.0 and 2.2 g cm-3 (SPT-2.2 to increase C recovery in the free light

  11. Reposição eletrolítica sobre variáveis fisiológicas de cavalos em provas de enduro de 30 e 60km

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teixeira-Neto Antônio Raphael


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo a comparação de variáveis fisiológicas (freqüência cardíaca, peso corporal, hematócrito, proteínas totais entre um grupo de eqüinos atletas submetidos a provas de enduro eqüestre nas distâncias de 30 e 60km com velocidade média de 10 e 15km h-1, respectivamente. Em ambas as provas, os animais foram divididos em dois grupos experimentais que receberam, ou não, reposição eletrolítica por via oral, na forma de pasta, antes, durante e após as referidas provas. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que a administração da pasta eletrolítica não apresentou nenhum efeito colateral aos animais, nas distâncias em que foi avaliada, e sugerem que um suplemento à base de eletrólitos pode contribuir para o desempenho de cavalos submetidos a esforços prolongados.

  12. Microbiological Quality of Raw Dried Pasta from the German Market, with Special Emphasis on Cronobacter Species. (United States)

    Akineden, Ömer; Murata, Kristina Johanna; Gross, Madeleine; Usleber, Ewald


    The microbiological quality of 132 dried pasta products available on the German market, originating from 11 different countries, was studied. Sample materials included soft or durum wheat products, some of which produced with other ingredients such as eggs, spices, or vegetables. Parameters included hygiene indicators (aerobic plate count, mold count, the presence of Enterobacteriaceae) and pathogenic/toxinogenic bacterial species (Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, presumptive Bacillus cereus, and Cronobacter spp.). The overall results of hygiene parameters indicated a satisfactory quality. Salmonella was not found in any sample. Three samples were positive for S. aureus (10(2) to 10(4) colony forming unit (CFU)/g). Presumptive B. cereus at levels of 10(3) to 10(4) CFU/g were detected in 3 samples. Cronobacter spp. were isolated from 14 (10.6%) products. Of these, 9 isolates were identified as C. sakazakii, 2 each as C. turicensis and C. malonaticus, and 1 as C. muytjensii. The isolates were assigned to 9 multilocus sequence typing (MLST) sequence types and to 14 different PFGE profiles. Although pasta products are typically cooked before consumption, some consumers, and children in particular, may also eat raw pasta as nibbles. Raw pasta seems to be a relevant source of exposure to dietary Cronobacter spp., although health risks are probably restricted to vulnerable consumers. High numbers of presumptive B. cereus as found in some samples may be a risk after improper storage of cooked pasta products because toxinogenic strains are frequently found within this species. © 2015 Institute of Food Technologists®

  13. Pastas de Rhodomonas salina (Cryptophyta como alimento para Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera

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    Miguel Guevara


    Full Text Available Pastas de Rhodomonas salina, obtenidas mediante centrifugación y floculación con quitosano y preservadas con o sin vitamina C, a -20°C fueron evaluadas bioquímicamente y proporcionadas como alimento al rotífero Brachionus plicatilis. Las pastas microalgales: (1 centrifugada y con vitamina C (CV, (2 centrifugada y sin vitamina C (C, (3 floculada y con vitamina C (FV y (4 floculada y sin adición de vitamina C (F; mantuvieron sus contenidos de proteínas y lípidos totales similares al cultivo control, con valores de 40.0±2.32% y 12.0±1.45%, respectivamente. La relación feofitina a/clorofila a fue similar (0.09-0.11 entre las pastas centrifugadas y el cultivo control, pero mayor en las pastas floculadas (1.28-1.48. Las pastas centrifugadas presentaron porcentajes de PUFAs totales, EPA y DHA similares al cultivo control (PUFAs: 47%, EPA: 4% y DHA: 4.7% y superiores al de las pastas floculadas. Las pastas obtenidas por centrifugación indujeron un crecimiento del rotífero igual al obtenido con el alimento control (densidad máxima: 320rotíferos/mL; tasa instantánea de crecimiento: 0.23rotíferos/día, fecundidad: 1.49huevos/ hembra y productividad: 43x103rotíferos/L/día. Se concluye que la pasta de R. salina centrifugada y congelada a -20°C, durante cuatro semanas, sin adición de vitamina C, mantiene su calidad nutricional similar a la del alga fresca y puede ser usada como alimento de Brachionus plicatilis.Rhodomonas salina (Cryptophyta pastes as feed for Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera. Rotifers are an important live feed for first feeding larvae of many fish species. The use of concentrated algae cells in the mass culture of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis (Brachionidae has opened new horizons for research on this organism. Pastes of Rhodomonas salina (Pyrenomonadaceae obtained either by centrifugation or flocculation with chitosan were preserved, with or without vitamin C, at -20°C for four weeks and were evaluated

  14. Dedicated IT infrastructure for Smart Levee Monitoring and Flood Decision Support

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    Balis Bartosz


    Full Text Available Smart levees are being increasingly investigated as a flood protection technology. However, in large-scale emergency situations, a flood decision support system may need to collect and process data from hundreds of kilometers of smart levees; such a scenario requires a resilient and scalable IT infrastructure, capable of providing urgent computing services in order to perform frequent data analyses required in decision making, and deliver their results in a timely fashion. We present the ISMOP IT infrastructure for smart levee monitoring, designed to support decision making in large-scale emergency situations. Most existing approaches to urgent computing services in decision support systems dealing with natural disasters focus on delivering quality of service for individual, isolated subsystems of the IT infrastructure (such as computing, storage, or data transmission. We propose a holistic approach to dynamic system management during both urgent (emergency and normal (non-emergency operation. In this approach, we introduce a Holistic Computing Controller which calculates and deploys a globally optimal configuration for the entire IT infrastructure, based on cost-of-operation and quality-of-service (QoS requirements of individual IT subsystems, expressed in the form of Service Level Agreements (SLAs. Our approach leads to improved configuration settings and, consequently, better fulfilment of the system’s cost and QoS requirements than would have otherwise been possible had the configuration of all subsystems been managed in isolation.

  15. Technical Note: Stability of a Levee Made of Bottom Sediments From a Dam Reservoir

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    Koś Karolina


    Full Text Available Stability analysis of a levee made of the bottom sediments from Czorsztyn-Niedzica Reservoir is presented in the paper. These sediments were classified as silty sands and, based on the authors' own research, their geotechnical parameters were beneficial, so the possibility of using this material for the hydraulic embankments was considered. Stability and filtration calculations were carried out for a levee that had the same top width - 3 m, slope inclinations 1:2 and different heights: 4, 6 and 8 m. Two methods were used: analytical and numerical. Calculations were carried out without and with a steady and unsteady seepage filtration. Based on the analysis carried out it was stated that the levee made of the bottom sediments is stable even at the height of 8.0 m, although because of the seepage on the downstream side it is recommended to use a drainage at the toe of the slope.

  16. New Orleans Levees and Floodwalls: Hurricane Damage Protection

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Carter, Nicole T


    .... The breaches occurred at the Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity Project being constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and maintained by local levee districts. Those observers questioning why infrastructure providing a greater level of hurricane protection was not available are countered by those arguing that structural protections carry their own risks. This report will be updated as needed to track significant developments.

  17. Intoxicação espontânea por Senna occidentalis em javalis (Sus scrofa ferus no estado de Goiás

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    Fabiano J.F. de Sant'Ana


    Full Text Available Descreve-se um surto de intoxicação por Senna occidentalis em javalis no Estado de Goiás. De um rebanho de 80 javalis, 15 adoeceram e um morreu. Os sinais clínicos observados foram apatia, prostração, ataxia, tremores musculares, incoordenação, relutância em mover-se, decúbito esternal ou lateral, paresia e paralisia espástica, principalmente dos membros pélvicos. As principais alterações macroscópicas consistiam de palidez moderada a acentuada da musculatura esquelética dos membros pélvicos e torácicos e no lombo, especialmente nos músculos da coxa. Microscopicamente, observou-se degeneração e necrose flocular, multifocal, leve a moderada, monofásica, com fragmentação de fibras na musculatura esquelética. Nos cortes transversais, havia fibras musculares tumefeitas e hipereosinofílicas. Adicionalmente, havia degeneração microvacuolar hepatocelular difusa, leve a moderada. A atividade sérica da CK estava acentuadamente elevada em dois javalis avaliados e da TGO aumentou em um javali afetado.

  18. Caracterização do crescimento de filmes ultra-finos e nano-estruturas em superfícies


    Marques, Hugo Emanuel Pedroso


    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Física, especialidade de Engenharia de Superfícies, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia O trabalho enquadra-se no estudo de sistemas de catálise heterogénea constituídos por agregados de metais nobres suportados em superfícies de dióxido de titânio. A evaporação de metais nobres sobre a superfície do dióxido de titânio leva à formação de nano-estruturas que conferem as propriedades cat...

  19. O amor em tempos de internet: as expectativas amorosas na rede social Badoo


    Xavier, Maria Rita Pereira


    A pesquisa propõe-se a analisar o fenômeno dos relacionamentos amorosos através da observação da Rede Social Badoo. Como meio para atingir este objetivo, foram realizadas entrevistas qualitativas em profundidade on-line. O principal questionamento é entender como se configuram as expectativas amorosas na modernidade líquida. Agregado a isto ainda há como categorias de análise a visão sobre relacionamentos e as experiências amorosas proporcionadas pelo uso da Rede Social Badoo. ...

  20. Stochasticity thresholds in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Callegari, B [Ferrara Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Matematica; Carotta, M C; Ferrario, C [Ferrara Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Fisica; Lo Vecchio, G [Ferrara Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Fisica; Gruppo Nazionale di Struttura della Materia, Ferrara (Italy)); Galgani, L [Milan Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Fisica; Milan Univ. (Italy). Ist. di Matematica)


    The authors consider the celebrated model of Fermi, Pasta and Ulam and give a numerical estimate for its thresholds of stochasticity, thus determining a critical energy as a function of the frequency of the corresponding oscillators. The results turn out to be qualitatively similar to those already obtained for a chain of particles with nearest-neighbour Lennard-Jones interaction potential.

  1. Stochasticity thresholds in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Callegari, B.; Galgani, L.; Milan Univ.


    The authors consider the celebrated model of Fermi, Pasta and Ulam and give a numerical estimate for its thresholds of stochasticity, thus determining a critical energy as a function of the frequency of the corresponding oscillators. The results turn out to be qualitatively similar to those already obtained for a chain of particles with nearest-neighbour Lennard-Jones interaction potential. (author)

  2. Signos, significados e práticas de manejo da crise em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial

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    Mônica Lima

    Full Text Available Neste artigo discutimos significados atribuídos pelos familiares e profissionais às situações de crise em saúde mental e suas relações com as tecnologias empregadas no cuidado de usuários de CAPS na Bahia e em Sergipe. Inspiramo-nos no modelo teórico-metodológico de Sistema de signos, significados e práticas, utilizando técnicas qualitativas de pesquisa. Organizamos os dados em duas categorias: os signos e significados de crise; as estratégias e as dificuldades no seu cuidado. Observamos que não há muita diferença entre as concepções de profissionais e familiares acerca da crise e que os significados negativos suplantam os positivos, evocando os conceitos de sujeição à doença, incapacidade de interação social racional e periculosidade do doente. Dois aspectos são importantes no manejo da crise: sua imprevisibilidade e sua inscrição na história da pessoa. Para contornar as dificuldades nesse manejo, é necessário investir nas tecnologias leve-duras e leves, pautadas em vínculos duradouros e na intensificação de cuidados.

  3. Signos, significados e práticas de manejo da crise em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial

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    Mônica Lima


    Full Text Available Neste artigo discutimos significados atribuídos pelos familiares e profissionais às situações de crise em saúde mental e suas relações com as tecnologias empregadas no cuidado de usuários de CAPS na Bahia e em Sergipe. Inspiramo-nos no modelo teórico-metodológico de Sistema de signos, significados e práticas, utilizando técnicas qualitativas de pesquisa. Organizamos os dados em duas categorias: os signos e significados de crise; as estratégias e as dificuldades no seu cuidado. Observamos que não há muita diferença entre as concepções de profissionais e familiares acerca da crise e que os significados negativos suplantam os positivos, evocando os conceitos de sujeição à doença, incapacidade de interação social racional e periculosidade do doente. Dois aspectos são importantes no manejo da crise: sua imprevisibilidade e sua inscrição na história da pessoa. Para contornar as dificuldades nesse manejo, é necessário investir nas tecnologias leve-duras e leves, pautadas em vínculos duradouros e na intensificação de cuidados.


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    Arcângelo Loss


    Full Text Available Decorrente dos sistemas de manejo empregados no solo, como o sistema de preparo convencional (SPC versus o sistema de plantio direto de hortaliças (SPDH, modificações nos atributos edáficos ocorrem; por exemplo, nos índices de agregação do solo e seu teor de carbono orgânico total (COT. Objetivaram-se quantificar os teores de COT e avaliar os índices de agregação do solo e a distribuição dos agregados por classes de diâmetro sob cultivo de cebola em SPDH e SPC, comparados a uma área de mata adjacente em Ituporanga, SC. Os tratamentos constituíram-se da semeadura de plantas de cobertura, solteiras e consorciadas, em SPDH: vegetação espontânea (VE; 100 % aveia; 100 % centeio; 100 % nabo-forrageiro; consórcio de nabo-forrageiro (14 % e centeio (86 %; e consórcio de nabo-forrageiro (14 % e aveia (86 %. Adicionalmente, foram avaliadas uma área de cultivo de cebola em SPC por ±37 anos e uma área de mata (floresta secundária; ±30 anos, ambas adjacentes ao experimento. Em setembro de 2013, cinco anos após a implantação dos tratamentos com plantas de cobertura, foram coletadas amostras indeformadas do solo nas camadas de 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm e separados os agregados para avaliar a estabilidade via úmida. Nos agregados, foi quantificado o COT; após a separação em classes de diâmetro (8,00 mm>Ø≥0,105 mm, calcularam-se o diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP e o geométrico (DMG dos agregados; a distribuição deles em macroagregados (Ø≥2,0 mm, mesoagregados (2,0>Ø≥0,25 mm e microagregados (Ø<0,25 mm; e o seu índice de sensibilidade (IS. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e de componentes principais (ACP. Os maiores teores de COT foram encontrados na área de mata (52,83; 37,77; e 26,70 g kg-1, respectivamente para 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm; e os menores, no SPC (18,23 g kg-1, 0-5 cm. Os tratamentos com plantas de cobertura, solteiras ou consorciadas, não apresentaram diferenças entre si (p≤0,05 para o

  5. Behaviour of levee on softsoil caused by rapid drawdown (United States)

    Upomo, Togani Cahyadi; Effendi, Mahmud Kori; Kusumawardani, Rini


    Rapid Drawdown is a condition where the water elevation that has reached the peak suddenly drops. As the water level reaches the peak, hydrostatic pressure helps in the stability of the slope. When water elevation decreases there will be two effects. First, reduced hydrostatic pressure and second, modification of pore water pressure. Rapid draw down usually comon in hydraulic structure such as dam and levee. This study will discuss behaviour of levee on softsoil caused by rapid drawdown. The analysis based on method which developed by US Army Corps Engineer and modified method which developed by Duncan, Wright, dan Wong. Results of analysis show that in drawdown condition, at 1 m drop of water, safety factor obtained based on US Army Corps Engineer method was 1.16 and 0.976 while based on Duncan, Wright, and Wong methods were 1.244 and 1.117. At 0.5 m water level, safety factor based on US Army Corps Engineer method was 1.287 and 1.09 while Duncan, Wright, and Wong were 1.357 and 1.194.

  6. Adição de resíduo do polimento de porcelanato em argamassas de restauro à base de cal

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    S. B. Breitenbach

    Full Text Available Resumo As argamassas de revestimento aplicadas ao restauro de obras e edifícios históricos devem ser compatíveis com os materiais pré-existentes, contribuindo com a preservação e reabilitação do patrimônio edificado sem comprometimento de seu valor arquitetônico. As argamassas mais empregadas no restauro de edifícios antigos são os traços de cal e agregado miúdo na razão de 1:3 por não serem tão duras quanto as de cimento. O desempenho e a durabilidade dessas argamassas podem ser melhorados, reduzindo o número de intervenções. A adição de resíduos finos pode contribuir com estes objetivos por meio do preenchimento de poros da argamassa no estado endurecido. O resíduo do polimento do porcelanato (RPP possui granulometria fina e pode ser aplicado substituindo parcialmente o agregado miúdo. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adição de RPP em argamassas de restauro à base de cal, substituindo o agregado fino. Concentrações entre 5 e 30% foram estudadas e o comportamento comparado ao da argamassa padrão. Foram realizados ensaios de consistência, densidade de massa aparente, retenção de água e teor de ar incorporado no estado fresco. Para a avaliação do estado endurecido, foram moldados corpos de prova prismáticos ensaiados aos 90 dias de idade para avaliação da resistência mecânica à tração, flexão e compressão e aderência. Todos os ensaios realizados são normatizados pela ABNT. Os resultados mostraram que a substituição de areia por RPP resultou em maior densidade e compacidade em consequência da diminuição no teor de ar incorporado. As argamassas com concentrações de RPP entre 10 e 20% apresentaram melhor conjunto de propriedades no estado endurecido, com ganho em retração livre, maior resistência mecânica e aderência. A adição de RPP em substituição parcial da areia resultou em argamassas com melhor desempenho que sugere maior durabilidade, contribuindo para o

  7. Diafragmas horizontais de piso em madeira, confeccionados com chapas de OSB e vigas I, submetido ao carregamento em seu plano - 10.4025/actascitechnol.v32i4.5046

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    Altevir Castro dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho aborda nova perspectiva para construções em madeira, sob a ótica construtiva de sistemas com estruturas leves (Lightweight wood-frame construction, pela sua consagrada aplicação internacional e forte viabilidade de utilização no Brasil. Apresenta ensaios realizados pela primeira vez no Brasil, trazendo contribuição inicial sobre o assunto, com subsídios para projeto e execução de diafragmas de piso com emprego de material nacional oriundo do manejo racional de florestas cultivadas. O objetivo geral é avaliar a resistência e a rigidez de diafragmas horizontais, construídos em Sistemas Leves de Madeira, quando submetidos ao carregamento monotônico em seu plano. Para atendimento desse propósito, foram ensaiados protótipos em escala real (2,50 x 5,00 m com diferentes arranjos construtivos e avaliou-se a influência dos seguintes parâmetros: utilização de dispositivos enrijecedores entre vigas, que constituem a ossatura do diafragma horizontal; rigidez das ligações e o efeito do espaçamento entre pregos na rigidez do conjunto, composto de madeira e chapas de OSB – Oriented Strand Board Nacional. Dos ensaios realizados, conclui-se que o emprego de dispositivos enrijecedores permite o aumento do número de pregos de fixação no perímetro das chapas e esse acréscimo é responsável pelo aumento da resistência e rigidez dos diafragmas.

  8. Microwave Pasteurization of Cooked Pasta: Effect of Process Parameters on Texture and Quality for Heat-and-Eat and Ready-to-Eat Meals. (United States)

    Joyner Melito, Helen S; Jones, Kari E; Rasco, Barbara A


    Pasta presents a challenge to microwave processing due to its unique cooking requirements. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of microwave processing on pasta physicochemical and mechanical properties. Fettuccine pasta was parboiled for selected times, then pasteurized using a Microwave Assisted Pasteurization System and stored under refrigeration for 1 wk. Samples were analyzed using microscopy, mechanical testing, and chemical analyses after storage. While no significant differences were observed for free amylose among fresh samples, samples parboiled for ≤6 min had significantly higher free amylose, suggesting reduced starch retrogradation. Increased heat treatment increased degree of protein polymerization, observed in microstructures as increased gluten strand thickness and network density. Firmness and extensibility increased with increased parboil time; however, extension data indicated an overall weakening of microwave-treated pasta regardless of total cooking time. Overall, microwave pasteurization was shown to be a viable cooking method for pasta. © 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®

  9. Topological analysis of nuclear pasta phases (United States)

    Kycia, Radosław A.; Kubis, Sebastian; Wójcik, Włodzimierz


    In this article the analysis of the result of numerical simulations of pasta phases using algebraic topology methods is presented. These considerations suggest that some phases can be further split into subphases and therefore should be more refined in numerical simulations. The results presented in this article can also be used to relate the Euler characteristic from numerical simulations to the geometry of the phases. The Betti numbers are used as they provide finer characterization of the phases. It is also shown that different boundary conditions give different outcomes.

  10. Hyperons in the nuclear pasta phase (United States)

    Menezes, Débora P.; Providência, Constança


    We have investigated under which conditions hyperons (particularly Λ s and Σ-s ) can be found in the nuclear pasta phase. As the density and temperature are larger and the electron fraction is smaller, the probability is greater that these particles appear, but always in very small amounts. Λ hyperons only occur in gas and in smaller amounts than would occur if matter were homogeneous, never with abundancies above 10-5. The amount of Σ- in the gas is at least two orders of magnitude smaller and can be disregarded in practical calculations.



    ABSTRACT Rotator cuff pathology can contribute to shoulder pain and may affect the performance of sport activities, work, and activities of daily living. The partial articular supraspinatus tendon avulsion (PASTA) lesion represents a very common type of rotator cuff pathology seen in rehabilitation. When conservative treatment fails, surgery is generally required. Success of recovery depends on several factors, including: repair techniques, healing process related to timing, rehabilitation programs, and patient compliance with home exercises. To date, most treatment modalities and rehabilitation programs are based on clinical experience rather than scientific evidence. Therefore, the purpose of this clinical commentary is to provide an overview on the PASTA lesion, discuss the common treatment approaches adopted to date and to propose a rehabilitation program based on the available scientific evidence. Level of Evidence 5 PMID:27274431

  12. Measurement of soil aggregate stability using low intensity ultrasonic vibration Medición de la estabilidad de agregados de suelo utilizando vibración ultrasónica de baja intensidad Medição da estabilidade dos agregados do solo por vibração ultrasónica de baixa intensidade

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    Herwig Mayer


    del laboreo sobre la estabilidad de los agregados del suelo (soil aggregate stability – SAS utilizando un método de dispersión ultrasónica con diferentes niveles de energía. Se hicieron ensayos con un equipo de dispersión ultrasónica desarrollado en la Universidad de Ciencias de Recursos Naturales y de la Vida (Viena. Este equipo facilita la aplicación de amplitudes de baja vibración, de 0.5 µm, 2 µm y 5 µm. La potencia ultrasónica determinada por un método de balance de energía es de 0.7 W, 8.9 W y 22.3 W para cada amplitud. Se tomaron muestras de agregados de 2 000 a 250 µm, en tres tipos de suelo del este de Austria: un suelo del tipo Chernozem franco limoso degradado, un Cambisol franco arcilloso y un Cambisol franco arenoso, y sometidos a diferentes tipos de laboreo: laboreo convencional (CT – conventional tillage, laboreo con eliminación mecánica de malas hierbas y sin laboreo (NT – no tillage, con siembra intercalada en invierno. Los resultados de la estabilidad de los agregados del suelo obtenidos según la norma DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung mostraron que la estabilidad disminuía en el siguiente orden: Cambisol franco arcilloso > Cambisol franco arenoso > Chernozem franco limoso. La influencia del tipo de laboreo se observó en el segundo y tercer tipo de los suelos mencionados. La dispersión ultrasónica por amplitudes de baja vibración mostró una estabilidad más alta en suelos del tipo Cambisol. Se observó una influencia significativa del tipo de laboreo sobre la estabilidad de los agregados del suelo (entre 1 y 1.7 J ml-1 en el Cambisol franco arcilloso y el Chernozem degradado, resultando una disminución de la estabilidad de los agregados en el orden siguiente: Cambisol NT > Cambisol CT > Chernozem NT > Chernozem CT. No se observaron diferencias en el Cambisol franco arenoso, porque el nivel de agregación de los macroagregados fue demasiado débil. Este trabajo destaca la importancia de cuantificar la energ

  13. Assessment of earthen levee stability for management and response: A NASA-DHS-California Dept. Water Resources collaboration (United States)

    An, K.; Jones, C. E.; Bekaert, D. P.; Dudas, J.


    Radar remote sensing of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the largest estuary in the western U.S. (over 2500 km2), and its levee system provides an opportunity for NASA Applied Science to aid the CA Department of Water Resources (CA-DWR) in monitoring and emergency response. The delta contains over 1,500 km of earthen levees, supports about 2.5 million acres of agricultural land, and serves as a main water supply for 23 million California residents. Many of the reclaimed islands are 10-25 feet below sea level, sit atop compressible peat and organic clay soils, and are surrounded by levees only 1 foot above the once in a century flood elevation threshold. Land subsidence in the delta can be attributed to a variety of factors, including: aerobic oxidation of soils, soil compaction from drainage, wind erosion, anaerobic decomposition, dissolved carbon fluxes, floods, seismic events, and even rodent burrowing. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is an established technique to measure surface displacements and has been used to map large-scale subsidence. The demonstration of earthen levee monitoring is a recent development that has been greatly furthered by the emergence of new instruments such as NASA's Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR). UAVSAR is an L-band airborne sensor with high signal-to-noise ratio, repeat flight track accuracy, and has a high spatial resolution (7 x 7 m) that is necessary for detailed levee monitoring. The adaptability of radar instruments in their ability to see through smoke, haze, and clouds during the day or night, is especially relevant during disaster events, when cloud cover or lack of solar illumination inhibits traditional visual surveys of damage. We demonstrate the advantages of combining InSAR with geographic information systems (GIS) datasets in locating subsidence features along critical levee infrastructure in the Delta for 2009-2016. The ability to efficiently locate potential areas of



    Hirsch B, Sandra; Barrera A, Gladys; Leiva B, Laura; de la Maza C, M. Pía; Bunout B, Daniel


    Introducción: Las pastas secas (industrializadas) se caracterizan por ser manufacturadas a base de harina dura de trigo y otros cereales, llamado semolina, a diferencia del pan que se prepara con harina fina, lo que supone que la respuesta insulinémica y glicémica debiera ser menor que la del pan. Objetivo: Medir la respuesta glicémica e insulinsulinémica de una pasta seca estándar y una pasta seca enriquecida con huevo, de presentación larga (espagueti) y corta (corbata). Material y Métodos:...

  15. Resistência mecânica de compósitos cimentícios leves utilizando resíduos industriais e fibras de sisal Mechanical resistence of lightweight cement composites utilizing industrial residues and fibers of sisal

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    Nivaldo T. de Arruda Filho


    Full Text Available A valorização de materiais alternativos incorporados com resíduos como opção ao convencional deve possibilitar a geração de um produto com qualidade, estética, produtividade e com potencial de reduzir impactos da poluição ambiental. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de desenvolver elementos construtivos para forro e divisórias, a partir de matrizes cimentícias com incorporação de resíduos industriais (resíduo cerâmico, etil vinil acetato - EVA e fibras de sisal. Desenvolveram-se técnicas de moldagem em matrizes cimentícias autoadensáveis e se avaliou a resistência mecânica dos novos compósitos. Uma placa com resíduos de EVA foi produzida e, através de trabalhos de reologia, encontrou-se a pasta matriz de revestimento desta placa, com teor adequado de adições pozolânicas e aditivo superplastificante. Avaliaram-se as resistências mecânicas das placas, da pasta matriz de revestimento encontrada, com e sem adição de fibras, e do novo compósito formado pela união desses dois elementos. Utilizou-se a técnica de alinhamento de fibras com o intuito de incrementar resistência ao novo compósito leve. A adição da matriz com fibras alinhadas melhorou a resistência a flexão do novo compósito.The appreciation of alternative materials incorporated in waste as an option to conventional material should enable to generate a product with quality, aesthetics, productivity and reduce the potential impacts of environmental pollution. This study aims to develop constructive elements for ceilings and walls from cementitious matrix incorporating industrial waste (ceramic waste, ethyl vinyl acetate - EVA and sisal fibers. Moulding techniques to produce self-compacting cementitious matrices were developed and the strength of the new composites were evaluated. A plate with EVA waste was produced and through rheology studies, a matrix plaster for coating of plate surface was found, with appropriate content of pozzolanic and

  16. Qualidade tecnológica de massas alimentícias frescas elaboradas de semolina de trigo durum (T. durum L. e farinha de trigo (T. aestivum L. Quality of fresh pastas obtained from blends of durum wheat semolina (T. durum L. and wheat flour (T. aestivum L.

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    Yoon Kil Chang


    Full Text Available Foram elaboradas massas alimentícias frescas utilizando as seguintes proporções de semolina de trigo durum e farinha de trigo comum: 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60; 20:80 e 0:100, respectivamente. As massas foram embaladas em sacos plásticos com propriedades de impermeabilidade a água, e armazenadas a 4ºC. No dia da preparação (dia 0 e nos dias 1, 2 e 3, foram avaliados o tempo de cozimento, aumento de volume, ganho de peso, perda de sólidos solúveis e textura (firmeza das massas. As massas preparadas com porcentagens acima de 60% de semolina de trigo durum apresentaram melhores características no tempo de cozimento, firmeza e intensidade da cor amarela. Os 3 dias de armazenamento não influenciaram de forma significativa (p Fresh pastas using the following proportions of durum wheat semolina and wheat flour: 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60; 20:80 and 0:100, respectively, were prepared. The pastas were stored at 4ºC in plastic bags with barrier properties to water steam. In the days 0 (preparation day, 1, 2 and 3, the cooking-time, volume increase, weight gain, cooking solids loss, and texture (firmness of fresh pastas were evaluated. The fresh pastas elaborated with at least 60% of durum wheat semolina, showed the best characteristics for cooking-time, firmness and intensity of yellow color. The three days of storage did not affect (p < 0.05 the quality characteristics of pastas.

  17. Effect of water and gluten on physico-chemical properties and stability of ready to eat shelf-stable pasta. (United States)

    Diantom, Agoura; Carini, Eleonora; Curti, Elena; Cassotta, Fabrizio; D'Alessandro, Alessandro; Vittadini, Elena


    A multi-analytical and multi-dimensional approach was used to investigate the effect of moisture and gluten on physico-chemical properties of shelf-stable ready to eat (RTE) pasta. Moisture and frozen water contents were not affected by formulation nor storage time. Hardness and retrograded amylopectin significantly increased during storage in all samples, more markedly in pasta with the lowest moisture content. Higher amounts of water and gluten reduced pasta hardening and contributed to control RTE pasta quality. (1)H FID became steeper in all samples during storage, but no effect of high moisture and gluten levels was observed on the mobility of these protons. Three proton T2 populations were observed (population C, population D and population E). Population C and D were not resolved during all storage. (1)H T2 relaxation time of the most abundant population (population E) shifted to shorter times and the amount of protons increased during storage, more importantly in the samples with lower moisture and gluten content. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Hvordan er det å leve med CRPS?


    Hovind, Thomas


    Hensikten med denne studien er å se på hvordan pasienter med komplekst regionalt smertesyndrom (CRPS) opplever å leve med tilstanden og hvordan disse pasientene har opplevd å bli møtt i helsevesenet. CRPS er en langvarig tilstand med sterke smerter som kan medføre økt smerterespons, redusert funksjon og nedsatt livskvalitet hos pasientene. Studien er en kvalitativ undersøkelse basert på dybdeintervju av fire pasienter med CRPS. Pasientene ble rekruttert fra en smerteavdeling i Nord-Norge og u...

  19. Use of natural compounds to improve the microbial stability of Amaranth-based homemade fresh pasta. (United States)

    Del Nobile, M A; Di Benedetto, N; Suriano, N; Conte, A; Lamacchia, C; Corbo, M R; Sinigaglia, M


    A study on the use of natural antimicrobial compounds to improve the microbiological stability of refrigerated amaranth-based homemade fresh pasta is presented in this work. In particular, the antimicrobial activity of thymol, lemon extract, chitosan and grapefruit seed extract (GFSE) has been tested against mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria, total coliforms, Staphylococcus spp., yeasts and moulds. A sensory analysis on both fresh and cooked pasta was also run. Results suggest that chitosan and GFSE strongly increase the microbial acceptability limit of the investigated spoilage microorganisms, being the former the most effective. Thymol efficiently reduces the growth of mesophilic bacteria, psychrotrophic bacteria and Staphylococcus spp., whereas it does not affect, substantially, the growth cycle of total coliforms. Lemon extract is the less effective in preventing microbial growth. In fact, it is able to delay only total mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacterial evolution. From a sensorial point of view no significant differences were recorded between the control samples and all the types of loaded amaranth-based pasta.

  20. Cold pasta phase in the extended Thomas-Fermi approximation (United States)

    Avancini, S. S.; Bertolino, B. P.


    In this paper, we aim to obtain more accurate values for the transition density to the homogenous phase in the nuclear pasta that occurs in the inner crust of neutron stars. To that end, we use the nonlinear Walecka model at zero temperature and an approach based on the extended Thomas-Fermi (ETF) approximation.

  1. Cold pasta phase in the extended Thomas–Fermi approximation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avancini, S.S.; Bertolino, B.P.


    In this paper, we aim to obtain more accurate values for the transition density to the homogenous phase in the nuclear pasta that occurs in the inner crust of neutron stars. To that end, we use the nonlinear Walecka model at zero temperature and an approach based on the extended Thomas–Fermi (ETF) approximation. (author)

  2. Proceedings of a Hydrology and Hydraulics Workshop on Riverine Levee Freeboard Held in Monticello, Minnesota on 27-29 August 1991 (United States)


    Presented by Earl E. Eiker) Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...................... 5 LEVEE FREEBOARD DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN (Paper 2) Brad...0~e a) . Plate PAPE 0 12 LEVEE FREEBOARD DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN by Brad Fowler 1 presented by Robert M. Daniel2 1. Introduction. It’s been now nearly... Deja Vu All Over Again (Bob Daniel, HQUSACE) 10:00 - 10:15 am Break 10:15 - 11:00 am Paper 3 FEMA Levee Accreditation Procedures (John Matticks, Asst

  3. Pengaruh Cara Kematian Ikan Dan Tahapan Penurunan Kondisi Kesegaran Ikan Terhadap Kualitas Pasta Ikan Gurami (Osphronemous Gouramy)


    Nugroho, Danuar Adi; Darmanto, YS; Romadhon, -


    Cara kematian ikan dapat mempengaruhi kualitas produk olahannya sehingga diperlukan bahan baku dengan tingkat kesegaran tertentu untuk menghasilkan bahan baku produk olahan yang baik. Salah satu produk olahan tersebut adalah pasta ikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh cara kematian dan penurunan kesegaran ikan yang berbeda terhadap kualitas pasta ikan gurami (Osphronemus gouramy). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan pada penelitian utama adalah eksperimental laboratories ...



    Salete Turra; Danielle Paná Vergini; Fellipe André Jacomossi; Nelson Hein


    O objetivo da pesquisa foi verificar a influência do Capital Intelectual medido pelo Valor Agregado do Capital Intelectual (VACI) sobre o desempenho financeiro em empresas brasileiras e chilenas no ano de 2013. Realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, documental, com abordagem quantitativa por meio da técnica estatística correlação canônica. Os dados foram coletados na base de dados da Tomnson®. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram correlação canônica existente entre as variáveis que compõem o VA...


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    José Luiz Rodrigues Torres


    Full Text Available A utilização do sistema de semeadura direta associado ao uso de plantas de cobertura e à rotação de culturas altera alguns atributos físicos do solo e pode indicar mudança em sua qualidade. Este estudo objetivou utilizar o índice de estabilidade de agregados (IEA e o índice de sensibilidade (IS para avaliar alterações nos atributos físicos do solo com o uso de diferentes plantas de cobertura após 12 anos de semeadura direta. Com delineamento de blocos ao acaso, utilizaram-se as coberturas: crotalária, milheto, sorgo, braquiária, pousio (vegetação espontânea, amostradas no ano de 2012, mais uma testemunha sem cobertura (semeadura convencional desde o ano de 2000, em que foram coletadas três amostras por parcela, perfazendo um total de 12 amostras por tratamento, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas a densidade do solo (Ds, macroporosidade (Ma, microporosidade (Mi, porosidade total (PT, estabilidade dos agregados (EA, diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG e ponderado (DMP, índice de sensibilidade (Is e índice da porcentagem de agregados com diâmetro superior a 2 mm (AGRI. A utilização das diferentes coberturas e a introdução do sistema de semeadura direta após 12 anos causaram alterações positivas nos atributos físicos na camada superficial do solo. As correlações positivas e negativas significativas entre densidade do solo e os outros atributos físicos avaliados evidenciaram a sua importância como bom indicador da qualidade do solo. Por meio do índice de sensibilidade, constatou-se que microporosidade aumentou mais do que os outros atributos físicos após a implantação do sistema de semeadura direta na área.

  6. Manejo ambiental y recuperación de la mina de agregados Rocafuerte en la parroquia Pifo, cantón Quito, provincia de Pichincha, Junio del 2011


    Bravo Yánez, Luis Fernando; Castillo Alejandro, Alberto Javier


    239 hojas : ilustraciones, 29 x 21 cm + CD-ROM 3697 Tesis sobre Manejo y recuperación ambiental de la mina de Agregados Rocafuerte. El objetivo es: minimizar los impactos ambientales producidos por la explotación y operación de la mina, definir las medidas y el plan de manejo ambiental que debe implementar Agregados Rocafuerte. El problema identificado es: contaminación al medio físico, biótico y antrópico por consiguiente paralización del desarrollo sustentable. La hipótesis dice: La im...

  7. Caracterização química e mineralógica de agregados de diferentes classes de tamanho de Latossolos Bruno e Vermelho localizados no estado do Paraná Chemical and mineralogical characterization of the different structure size classes of Red-Yellow and Dusky Red Latosols in Paraná, Brazil

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    Vander de Freitas Melo


    Full Text Available O teor e a forma dos minerais da fração argila são determinantes na definição da morfologia dos agregados do solo. Objetivando estudar a mineralogia da fração argila e as propriedades químicas de diferentes classes de agregados de Latossolos (Latossolo Bruno Ácrico húmico - LBd e Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico húmico - LVdf originados de rochas basálticas no Estado do Paraná, coletaram-se amostras indeformadas em diferentes profundidades (horizontes Bw1 e Bw2 em perfis de solos localizados em duas toposseqüências (quatro perfis no LBd e três no LVdf. Após secagem e separação das amostras indeformadas em seis classes de agregados (2-4; 1-2; 0,5-1; 0,25-0,5; 0,105-0,25; The content and shap of clay minerals are important in the definition of soil structure morphology. To evaluate the clay mineralogy and chemical properties of different aggregate size-classes of Latosols (Red-Yellow - LBd and Dusky Red - LVdf derived from basalt in the state of Paraná, Brazil, soil samples of the Bw1 and Bw2 horizons were collected in four LBd and three LVdf profiles, distributed across two distinct toposequences. Dried and undisturbed soil samples were separated into six size-classes (2-4; 1-2; 0.5-1; 0.25-0.5; 0.105-0.25; < 0.105 mm and the soluble Si in 0,5 mol L-1 acetic acid and exchangeable K, Ca, Mg and Al contents were determined. The clay fraction extracted from each aggregate size-class was investigated by X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis and chemical analysis. The content of exchangeable elements did not vary among the aggregate size-classes in the Bw1 and Bw2 horizons for Red-Yellow and Dusky Red Latosol profiles. In spite of the high and continuous weathering of these soils the mineralogical characteristics of the aggregate clay fraction were not homogenized. The highest variation in the mineral contents, according to the aggregate size class, was observed for the profile in the highest position of the LBd toposequence; the

  8. Responsabilidad ambiental: factor creador de valor agregado en las organizaciones

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    Alexa Senior


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la responsabilidad ambiental como oportunidad para crear valor en las organizaciones, en el entendido de que la misma permite cimentar las bases del desarrollo sustentable. Se considera igualmente la responsabilidad ambiental como elemento capaz de disminuir costos por riesgos y aumentar el "market share" a través de la innovación. Para lograr este objetivo se empleó la contrastación de teorías las cuales explican cómo la responsabilidad ambiental puede generar valor agregado en las organizaciones a partir de consideraciones tales como, ética ambiental, legitimidad y desarrollo sustentable. Se concluye que las empresas a través de sus esfuerzos socioambientales pueden obtener beneficios a la vez que mejoran su capital reputacional.

  9. California Levee Risk, Now and in the Future:Identifying Research and Tool Development Needs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Newmark, R L; Hanemann, M; Farber, D


    The Center for Catastrophic Risk Management (CCRM) and the California Center for Environmental Law and Policy (CCELP) at UC Berkeley and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) joined together to cosponsor a workshop to define research requirements to mitigate the hazards facing the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Levee system. The Workshop was intended to provide a forum to (1) Report assessments of current vulnerabilities facing the levees, such as structural failure, seismic loading, flooding, terrorism; (2) Consider longer term challenges such as climate change, sea level rise; and (3) Define research requirements to fill gaps in knowledge and reduce uncertainties in hazard assessments.

  10. Sedimentological analysis and bed thickness statistics from a Carboniferous deep-water channel-levee complex: Myall Trough, SE Australia (United States)

    Palozzi, Jason; Pantopoulos, George; Maravelis, Angelos G.; Nordsvan, Adam; Zelilidis, Avraam


    This investigation presents an outcrop-based integrated study of internal division analysis and statistical treatment of turbidite bed thickness applied to a Carboniferous deep-water channel-levee complex in the Myall Trough, southeast Australia. Turbidite beds of the studied succession are characterized by a range of sedimentary structures grouped into two main associations, a thick-bedded and a thin-bedded one, that reflect channel-fill and overbank/levee deposits, respectively. Three vertically stacked channel-levee cycles have been identified. Results of statistical analysis of bed thickness, grain-size and internal division patterns applied on the studied channel-levee succession, indicate that turbidite bed thickness data seem to be well characterized by a bimodal lognormal distribution, which is possibly reflecting the difference between deposition from lower-density flows (in a levee/overbank setting) and very high-density flows (in a channel fill setting). Power law and exponential distributions were observed to hold only for the thick-bedded parts of the succession and cannot characterize the whole bed thickness range of the studied sediments. The succession also exhibits non-random clustering of bed thickness and grain-size measurements. The studied sediments are also characterized by the presence of statistically detected fining-upward sandstone packets. A novel quantitative approach (change-point analysis) is proposed for the detection of those packets. Markov permutation statistics also revealed the existence of order in the alternation of internal divisions in the succession expressed by an optimal internal division cycle reflecting two main types of gravity flow events deposited within both thick-bedded conglomeratic and thin-bedded sandstone associations. The analytical methods presented in this study can be used as additional tools for quantitative analysis and recognition of depositional environments in hydrocarbon-bearing research of ancient

  11. Nuclear pasta in hot dense matter and its implications for neutrino scattering (United States)

    Roggero, Alessandro; Margueron, Jérôme; Roberts, Luke F.; Reddy, Sanjay


    The abundance of large clusters of nucleons in neutron-rich matter at subnuclear density is found to be greatly reduced by finite-temperature effects when matter is close to β equilibrium, compared to the case where the electron fraction is fixed at Ye>0.1 , as often considered in the literature. Large nuclei and exotic nonspherical nuclear configurations called pasta, favored in the vicinity of the transition to uniform matter at T =0 , dissolve at a relatively low temperature Tu as protons leak out of nuclei and pasta. For matter at β equilibrium with a negligible neutrino chemical potential we find that Tuβ≃4 ±1 MeV for realistic equations of state. This is lower than the maximum temperature Tmaxβ≃9 ±1 MeV at which nuclei can coexist with a gas of nucleons and can be explained by a change in the nature of the transition to uniform matter called retrograde condensation. An important new finding is that coherent neutrino scattering from nuclei and pasta makes a modest contribution to the opacity under the conditions encountered in supernovas and neutron star mergers. This is because large nuclear clusters dissolve at most relevant temperatures, and at lower temperatures, when clusters are present, Coulomb correlations between them suppress coherent neutrino scattering off individual clusters. Implications for neutrino signals from galactic supernovas are briefly discussed.

  12. Effect of the inclusion of dry pasta by-products at different levels in the diet of typical Italian finishing heavy pigs: Performance, carcass characteristics, and ham quality. (United States)

    Prandini, A; Sigolo, S; Moschini, M; Giuberti, G; Morlacchini, M


    The effect of pasta inclusion in finishing pig diets was evaluated on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and ham quality. Pigs (144) were assigned to 4 diets with different pasta levels: 0 (control, corn-based diet), 30, 60, or 80%. Pigs fed pasta had greater (linear, PPasta increased (quadratic, PPasta decreased (linear, Ppasta. Pasta could be considered as an ingredient in the diet for typical Italian finishing heavy pigs. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Desenvolvimento de espessante alimentar com valor nutricional agregado, destinado ao manejo da disfagia

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    Carlos Henrique Pagno


    Full Text Available A disfagia se caracteriza por uma disfunção no processo de deglutição, sinal prevalente de doenças degenerativas como esclerose múltipla e doença de Parkinson. Alimentos de textura modificada e bebidas espessadas são tradicionalmente utilizados no auxílio para o tratamento clínico da disfagia. Assim, este trabalho objetivou desenvolver uma formulação de espessante alimentar com valor nutricional agregado, e avaliar sua eficiência em diferentes alimentos líquidos (leite integral, sucos de maçã, uva e laranja, sob diferentes condições de tempo de preparo (10 e 120 minutos e 24 horas e temperatura ambiente (25°C e refrigerada (10°C. A formulação foi composta de concentrado proteico de soro, mix de vitaminas e minerais e goma guar como agente espessante. Os valores obtidos para a viscosidade mostraram diferença estatisticamente significativa (P<0,05 entre os tempos de espessamento, sendo que as viscosidades no tempo de 10 minutos e após 24 horas variaram, respectivamente, 58±3cP a 180±2cP na consistência de néctar; de 310±4Cp a 1084±3cP na consistência de mel e 844±14 a 2848±22cP na consistência de pudim. No entanto, a maioria das bebidas permaneceu dentro dos padrões internacionais sugeridos pela National Dysphagia Diet (NDD, para a consistência de alimentos destinados a pacientes disfágicos.

  14. Pasta quality as impacted by the type of flour and starch and the level of egg addition. (United States)

    Saleh, Mohammed; Al-Ismail, Khalid; Ajo, Radwan


    This study investigated the effects of substituting wheat flour with fractions of different starch types and egg levels on pasta quality. First order mixture response surface model was used where the effects of various starch types and egg levels on pasta quality were evaluated. Coefficients of estimation were determined and fractional contribution of wheat, starch type and egg levels were evaluated. Egg levels negatively (p egg level from 33 to 0%. Flow behavior index of treatments solution with various fractions of starch types and egg level ranged from 0.34 to 1.42 and was significantly (p cooked pasta quality including firmness, stickiness, cooking loss, and water uptake, keeping with consumer acceptability through varying starch type and egg level. Results show that flour and starch type and egg level interaction play significant role in pasta blends formulation. Moreover, substitution of wheat flour with acorn, native or modified corn and potato starches fractions, as well as with lupine, rice, tapioca, and stabilized rice bran flours would have significant effects on the physical properties and acceptability of various cereal products. For instance, the use of rice bran in potentially developed products would enhance the consumption of whole grain foods, resulting in improved intake of fiber and other healthy components. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches (PASTA): a study protocol for a multicentre project. (United States)

    Gerike, Regine; de Nazelle, Audrey; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark; Panis, Luc Int; Anaya, Esther; Avila-Palencia, Ione; Boschetti, Florinda; Brand, Christian; Cole-Hunter, Tom; Dons, Evi; Eriksson, Ulf; Gaupp-Berghausen, Mailin; Kahlmeier, Sonja; Laeremans, Michelle; Mueller, Natalie; Orjuela, Juan Pablo; Racioppi, Francesca; Raser, Elisabeth; Rojas-Rueda, David; Schweizer, Christian; Standaert, Arnout; Uhlmann, Tina; Wegener, Sandra; Götschi, Thomas


    Only one-third of the European population meets the minimum recommended levels of physical activity (PA). Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases. Walking and cycling for transport (active mobility, AM) are well suited to provide regular PA. The European research project Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches (PASTA) pursues the following aims: (1) to investigate correlates and interrelations of AM, PA, air pollution and crash risk; (2) to evaluate the effectiveness of selected interventions to promote AM; (3) to improve health impact assessment (HIA) of AM; (4) to foster the exchange between the disciplines of public health and transport planning, and between research and practice. PASTA pursues a mixed-method and multilevel approach that is consistently applied in seven case study cities. Determinants of AM and the evaluation of measures to increase AM are investigated through a large scale longitudinal survey, with overall 14,000 respondents participating in Antwerp, Barcelona, London, Örebro, Rome, Vienna and Zurich. Contextual factors are systematically gathered in each city. PASTA generates empirical findings to improve HIA for AM, for example, with estimates of crash risks, factors on AM-PA substitution and carbon emissions savings from mode shifts. Findings from PASTA will inform WHO's online Health Economic Assessment Tool on the health benefits from cycling and/or walking. The study's wide scope, the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods and health and transport methods, the innovative survey design, the general and city-specific analyses, and the transdisciplinary composition of the consortium and the wider network of partners promise highly relevant insights for research and practice. Ethics approval has been obtained by the local ethics committees in the countries where the work is being conducted, and sent to the European Commission before the start of the survey. The PASTA website

  16. Feminicidio (agregado) en el Perú y su relación con variables macrosociales


    Hernández Breña, Wilson


    En el Perú, la discrepancia en las cifras oficiales sobre feminicidios –variable que ha incluido solo feminicidios y no tentativas pese a la delgada línea que los separa en términos de la intencionalidad del victimario– ha llevado a una lectura incorrecta y parcial del fenómeno. Para superar este problema, construimos la variable feminicidio agregado (sumatoria de feminicidios y tentativas), e identificamos su aumento constante y a ritmo creciente en el tiempo. Sobre esa base, el objetivo de ...

  17. Carbono orgânico e Nitrogênio em agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico sob duas coberturas vegetais Organic carbon and Nitrogen in aggregates of a Dystrophic Red Latosol under two vegetation covers

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    Renato Ribeiro Passos


    Full Text Available A matéria orgânica do solo apresenta constituição variada, incluindo desde frações ativas a mais estáveis, com diferentes taxas de ciclagem. Práticas de manejo alteram os teores de carbono orgânico e N, a qualidade da matéria orgânica e a agregação dos solos. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de caracterizar o carbono orgânico e o N em agregados de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico de Minas Gerais sob vegetação natural de Cerradão e sob cultivo com milho durante 30 anos. Para isso, retiraram-se amostras do solo em quatro pontos diferentes nas profundidades de 5-10 e 15-20 cm, que foram fracionadas, por via seca, nas classes de agregados de: 4,75-2,0; 2,0-1,0; 1,0-0,5; 0,5-0,25; 0,25-0,105; e Soil organic matter is constituted by a vast array of compounds that include active and more stable fractions, with different cycling rates. Management practices affect organic carbon and nitrogen contents, organic matter quality, and soil aggregation. The present study aimed to characterize organic carbon and nitrogen in aggregates of a Dystrophic Red Latosol of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, in an area of native vegetation (Cerradão and another one that has been for 30 years under conventional corn cultivation. Soil samples were collected at depths of 5-10 and 15-20 cm at four different sites. The dried samples were fractioned in the following aggregate classes: diameter 4.75-2.0; 2.0-1.0; 1.0-0.5; 0.5-0.25; 0.25-0.105; and less than 0.105 mm. Total organic carbon (COT, water soluble organic carbon (COS, total nitrogen (NT and anaerobically-mineralized nitrogen (NMA were determined for each sample. On average, the COT contents of soil aggregates under conventional tillage were higher, while NT contents were greater in the aggregates of the Cerradão surface layer. The COS and NMA contents, that correspond to more active fractions of organic matter, were significantly higher in aggregates of Cerradão soil. Aggregates of smaller size

  18. Time-dependent Hartree-Fock approach to nuclear ``pasta'' at finite temperature (United States)

    Schuetrumpf, B.; Klatt, M. A.; Iida, K.; Maruhn, J. A.; Mecke, K.; Reinhard, P.-G.


    We present simulations of neutron-rich matter at subnuclear densities, like supernova matter, with the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation at temperatures of several MeV. The initial state consists of α particles randomly distributed in space that have a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in momentum space. Adding a neutron background initialized with Fermi distributed plane waves the calculations reflect a reasonable approximation of astrophysical matter. This matter evolves into spherical, rod-like, and slab-like shapes and mixtures thereof. The simulations employ a full Skyrme interaction in a periodic three-dimensional grid. By an improved morphological analysis based on Minkowski functionals, all eight pasta shapes can be uniquely identified by the sign of only two valuations, namely the Euler characteristic and the integral mean curvature. In addition, we propose the variance in the cell density distribution as a measure to distinguish pasta matter from uniform matter.

  19. Carbono, matéria orgânica leve e frações oxidáveis do carbono orgânico sob sistemas de aléias

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    Roni Fernandes Guareschi


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os teores de carbono orgânico (COT do solo, matéria orgânica leve (MOL em água e as frações oxidáveis do COT em uma área de cultivo de milho em aléias de Flemingia macrophylla submetida a diferentes manejos de sua parte aérea. A área de estudo está localizada na “Fazendinha Agroecológica”, no município de Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. O desenho experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com 3 tratamentos e 8 repetições, consistindo dos seguintes tratamentos: testemunha (cultivo de milho com ausência de aléias; cultivo de milho em sistema de aléias com poda de 0,6 m de altura e cultivo de milho em sistema de aléias sem poda. Em cada uma das áreas foram coletadas amostras compostas nas profundidades de 0-5 cm. A presença de aléias, bem como, as podas realizadas em Flemingia macrophylla na área que essa encontrava-se associada ao cultivo de milho não alterou o teor de COT do solo. No entanto, a utilização dos caules e das folhas como adubo verde oriunda do tratamento onde se realizou a poda da parte aérea das aléias de Flemingia macrophylla, proporcionou ao solo aumento dos teores de MOL, Conteúdo de C da MOL e da fração F1.

  20. S-wave velocity measurements along levees in New Orleans using passive surface wave methods (United States)

    Hayashi, K.; Lorenzo, J. M.; Craig, M. S.; Gostic, A.


    In order to develop non-invasive methods for levee inspection, geophysical investigations were carried out at four sites along levees in the New Orleans area: 17th Street Canal, London Avenue Canal, Marrero Levee, and Industrial Canal. Three of the four sites sustained damage from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and have since been rebuilt. The geophysical methods used include active and passive surface wave methods, and capacitively coupled resistivity. This paper summarizes the acquisition and analysis of the 1D and 2D passive surface wave data. Twelve wireless seismic data acquisition units with 2 Hz vertical component geophones were used to record data. Each unit includes a GPS receiver so that all units can be synchronized over any distance without cables. The 1D passive method used L shaped arrays of three different sizes with geophone spacing ranging from 5 to 340 m. Ten minutes to one hour of ambient noise was recorded with each array, and total data acquisition took approximately two hours at each site. The 2D method used a linear array with a geophone spacing of 5m. Four geophones were moved forward every 10 minutes along 400 1000 m length lines. Data acquisition took several hours for each line. Recorded ambient noise was processed using the spatial autocorrelation method and clear dispersion curves were obtained at all sites (Figure 1a). Minimum frequencies ranged from 0.4 to 0.7 Hz and maximum frequencies ranged from 10 to 30 Hz depending on the site. Non-linear inversion was performed and 1D and 2D S-wave velocity models were obtained. The 1D method penetrated to depths ranging from 200 to 500 m depending on the site (Figure 1b). The 2D method penetrated to a depth of 40 60 m and provided 400 1000 m cross sections along the levees (Figure 2). The interpretation focused on identifying zones beneath the levees or canal walls having low S-wave velocities corresponding to saturated, unconsolidated sands, or low-rigidity clays. Resultant S-wave velocity profiles