
Sample records for otras aves domesticas

  1. Interacciones entre el estornino pinto (Sturnus vulgaris) y aves nativas de Argentina por el uso de cavidades


    Ibañez, Lucía M.; Girini, Juan M.; Palacio, Facundo X.; Fiorini, Vanina D.; Montalti, Diego


    Resumen: El estornino pinto, Sturnus vulgaris, es un ave introducida en Argentina que nidifica en cavidades y puede desplazar a otras aves de sus nidos. Durante las temporadas reproductivas 2010 y 2011 observamos en el parque Pereyra Iraola 3 intentos de usurpación de nidos de aves nativas, hornero (Furnarius rufus), carpintero real (Colaptes melanochloros) y carpintero campestre (C. campestris). Además, en 2 ocasiones se observaron estorninos nidificando en cavidades que estaban construyendo...

  2. Presencia y abundancia de aves de la Isla Farallón de San Ignacio, Sinaloa

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    Miguel Angel Guevara Medina


    Full Text Available Para determinar la presencia y abundancia de aves que utilizan la isla Farallón de San Ignacio, Sinaloa, documentamos las aves observadas durante 46 visitas de cinco días a la isla entre 2003 y 2008. Registramos 57 especies de aves. En la isla anidaron regularmente cinco especies de aves marinas:Sula nebouxii, S. leucogaster, Phaethon aethereus, Phalacrocorax auritus y Larus heermanni. En 2008 anidó una rapaz, Falco peregrinus. Además, observamos 24 especies de aves acuáticas no reproductoras y 27 especies de aves terrestres. La temporada reproductiva de las especies anidantes coincide con la época de alta productividad primaria en el sur del Golfo de California. La isla es importante como sitio de anidación para P. aethereus y es una de las dos colonias más importantes en el Golfo de California. Para el resto de las especies anidantes, la isla tiene una importancia marginal, pues otras islas albergan colonias mayores. Debido a la ausencia de vegetación, las aves terrestres usan la isla sólo de manera ocasional y por breves periodos, especialmente los migrantes neotropicales durante la migración. Al comparar con otras islas de la parte sur del Golfo de California, Farallón de San Ignacio exhibió una riqueza de especies mayor a lo esperado de acuerdo con su tamaño. Esta discordancia se podría explicar por un esfuerzo mayor en el muestreo y posiblemente por la existencia de una mayor cantidad de especies de aves terrestres usando los hábitats costeros de Sinaloa y dispersándose ocasionalmente a islas cercanas.

  3. Aves de la confluencia del Caquetá y Orteguaza (Base aérea de Tres Esquinas Colombia

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    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available Los autores enumeran 156 especies y subespecies de aves coleccionadas (410 ejemplares y 24 adicionales observadas entre el 11 de agosto y el 18 de septiembre de 1947 alrededor de la base aérea militar de Tres Esquinas, cerca de la confluencia de los ríos Caquetá y Orteguaza, en la Amazonia colombiana. Entre ellas, 10 se registran por primera vez en la avifauna de Colombia.  La introducción comprende una breve reseña geográfica (un mapa y ecológica (tres fotografías de la región, y algunos datos de interes ornitogeográfico acerca de la presencia allá de tres migratorias (2 del sur y 1 del norte y otras 28 aves que muy raras veces han sido señaladas en Colombia. Además de las diez aves nuevas para este país, se extiende hasta el Alto Caquetá el área de dispersión geográfica de otras 22 (12 colecionadas y 10 observadas que son mas o menos comunes en otras partes del territorio colombiano, pero que hasta ahora no habían sido señaladas en aquella región.

  4. Plantas usadas por aves en paisajes cafeteros de Nariño, Colombia

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    Yulieth Viviana Castillo R.


    Full Text Available Las plantas son un importante recurso alimenticio para las aves presentes en los paisajes cafeteros, por lo que la heterogeneidad en las diferentes unidades de estos paisajes, garantizan la disponibilidad de alimento. Conocer este tipo de interacciones entre plantas y aves es importante para la conservación de la biodiversidad en paisajes cafeteros. En esta investigación, se presenta la lista inicial de especies de plantas usadas por las aves de paisajes cafeteros en zonas rurales de los municipios de Colón-Génova, La Unión, Arboleda y San Pedro de Cartago en el departamento de Nariño, Colombia. Las observaciones en campo y colectas generales de plantas muestran que 25 especies vegetales son consumidas por aves frugívoras, ocho especies son aprovechadas por aves nectarívoras y nueve especies son aprovechadas por aves insectívoras. Los resultados obtenidos permiten proponer un listado de especies de plantas potenciales como fuente de recursos para las aves, algunas nativas y otras introducidas, que pueden ser útiles para el manejo de paisajes cafeteros en la región a través de la implementación de estrategias de producción y propagación para la restauración.

  5. Técnica de Necropsia en Aves


    L S Martínez-Acevedo


    En aves al igual que en otras especies, la necropsia hace parte integral de la medicina clínica. Esta se realiza con la finalidad de determinar la causa de enfermedad y muerte de un animal, confirmar un diagnóstico clínico o identificar la etiología de una enfermedad por medio de la toma de muestras complementarias. Siempre es indispensable tener en cuenta las diferencias anatómicas y biológicas de cada especie. El examen de necropsia es un procedimiento que debe realizarse de forma sistem...

  6. Aves ocasionales en la Sabana de Bogotá y las Lagunas de Fúquene y de Tota

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    Borrero José Ignacio


    Full Text Available En números anteriores de esta misma revista publiqué algunas listas preliminares anotando la presencia ocasional de ciertas aves en la Sabana de Bogotá y la Laguna de Fúquene. A continuación hago mención de otras especies que he encontrado en las mismas localidades o también en la Laguna de Tota, Boyacá, a 3015 metros de altitud. Por considerarlo de importancia desde el punto de vista de la distribución geográfica, doy también datos referentes a la presencia de un ave migratoria norteamericana (Colymbus niqricollis californicus en la Laguna de Tota.


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN La ausencia de dimorfismo sexual en los estadios juveniles y durante la edad adulta de gran cantidad de especies de aves, dificulta o imposibilita la determinación del sexo basados en el fenotipo. El empleo de marcadores moleculares para determinar el sexo de las aves es una herramienta útil debido a la exactitud y rapidez de los resultados y a su vez se constituye en un método que minimiza el estrés durante la toma de muestra, comparado con otras técnicas invasivas que pudieran afectar la salud o estabilidad biológica del animal. La determinación temprana del sexo en aves resulta de especial relevancia cuando se consideran programas de conservación ex situ, producción, explotación y estudios de ecología de poblaciones. Esta revisión presenta las metodologías usadas para determinar el sexo, haciendo especial énfasis en herramientas moleculares, presentando sus ventajas y limitaciones. Palabras clave: dimorfismo sexual, aves, CHD, tipificación molecular cromosoma W, cromosoma Z. ABSTRACT The lack of sexual dimorphism in nestling, juvenile or adult birds of large number of avian species, makes it difficult or impossible sex determination based on phenotipic characteristics. To use molecular markers for bird sex determination is a rapid and safe procedure; moreover this methodology minimizes the stress during sampling, compared to other invasive techniques that could affect the health or biological stability of the animal. The early sex determination in birds is of particular importance when considering ex situ conservation programs, production, exploitation or population ecology studies. This review presents the methodologies used to sex determination, making emphasize on molecular tools, showing its advantages and limitations. Keywords: sexual dimorphism, birds, CHD, molecular typing, W chromosome, Z chromosome

  8. Reporte de albinismo en Podiceps major, Pelecanus thagus y Cinclodes fuscus y revisión de aves silvestres albinas del Perú

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    Miriam Torres


    Full Text Available Reportamos observaciones de individuos albinos en tres especies de aves peruanas, el Zambullidor Grande (Podiceps major, el Pelícano peruano (Pelecanus thagus y el Churrete cordillerano (Cinclodes fuscus. Los individuos eran albinos parciales casi totalmente blancos, aparentemente adultos, que mostraron un comportamiento normal entre sus conespecíficos. La supervivencia después de varios meses pudo ser comprobada para el Pelícano peruano y el Churrete cordillerano. Debido a que la información publicada sobre albinismo en aves peruanas es muy escasa, se realizó una revisión y se recopilaron registros para otras nueve especies que son también presentados.

  9. Aves y literatura. El vuelo de las aves por la literatura


    Ricardo Andrés Manrique Granados


    La presencia de las aves en la literatura de Colombia puede rastrearse hasta sus inicios. Para todos es inmediata la imagen del ave negra de la María (1867), obra del vallecaucano Jorge Isaacs que cumple un papel figurativo fundamental similar al del poema El cuervo de 1845, del estadounidense Edgar Allan Poe, pues remite a la cercana muerte de la amada del protagonista [Isaacs, 1967, pág. 23; Poe, 1840, pág. 321]. La presencia de las aves en la escritura colombiana, así como en múltiples pro...

  10. Aves y literatura. El vuelo de las aves por la literatura

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    Ricardo Andrés Manrique Granados


    Full Text Available La presencia de las aves en la literatura de Colombia puede rastrearse hasta sus inicios. Para todos es inmediata la imagen del ave negra de la María (1867, obra del vallecaucano Jorge Isaacs que cumple un papel figurativo fundamental similar al del poema El cuervo de 1845, del estadounidense Edgar Allan Poe, pues remite a la cercana muerte de la amada del protagonista [Isaacs, 1967, pág. 23; Poe, 1840, pág. 321]. La presencia de las aves en la escritura colombiana, así como en múltiples producciones literarias destacadas en los cánones occidentales, está provista de profundos simbolismos que trascienden funciones tan determinadas como la de la romántica ave negra. Retomando simbolismos que tienen sus bases en el islam y el cristianismo, las imágenes de las aves se vinculan esencialmente con el alma humana y con el tránsito que recorre entre la tierra y el cielo tras la muerte, lo cual les otorga a los pájaros funciones de mediadores entre los dos mundos: un papel que tiene múltiples gamas y matices de significación en diversas culturas [Roque, 2009, págs. 236-237]. En consecuencia, más que ahondar en los referentes modernos de una metáfora como la del ave negra de mal presagio, veremos gamas de significados que tienen los pájaros en la literatura colombiana, y las circulaciones regionales e históricas de estos referentes alados, en particular entre escritores del Eje Cafetero.

  11. Pertumbuhan dan Reproduksi Lalat Musca domestica pada Berbagai Media Perkembangbiakan

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    Endang Puji Astuti


    Full Text Available Abstract. Musca domestica was insect that disturbing human and other animal. Intensity M. Domestica with human living includes public healthy. The aim of research is to observe succeed of Mdomestica in breeding wether difJerent place. Larva growth in each stadia was different, 2-4 days average. Its contributed by humidity. On dry container, pupae that succes eksklosi only 50%. Presentation offood show difJerences oflarvae development. 3rd stage of larvae that has enough food is 17mm in length and 12mm in length for larvae with less food. Salty water make larvae growing faster than water without salto Development of Musca domestica in laboratory injluenced by high humidity, preset of food and adaptation of Musca domestica its self.Keywords : Musca domestica, rearing, development, humidity, food, salt - water

  12. Aves y endemismo en los bosques relictos de la vertiente occidental andina del norte del Perú y sur del Ecuador

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    Jeremy N. M. Flanagan


    Full Text Available Los bosques relictos de las vertientes occidentales de los Andes del norte del Perú y el sur del Ecuador forman parte de dos regiones, una la denominada región de endemismo tumbesina (caracterizada principalmente por bosques secos y otra, en altitudes mayores, la región de endemismo del sur de los Andes centrales (caracterizada por bosques nublados y páramo. La región tumbesina es reconocida por albergar gran cantidad de aves endémicas, muchas de las cuales están amenazadas, y también por el alto grado de deforestación y fragmentación de sus hábitats naturales. Este artículo presenta un resumen del estado de conservación de dichas aves y bosques, con recomendaciones para mejorar la conservación de los últimos bosques de la vertiente occidental.

  13. Programa de conservacion para aves migratorias neotropicales (United States)

    Deborah Finch; Marcia Wilson; Roberto Roca


    Mas de 250 especies de aves terrestres migran a Norte America durante la epoca reproductiva para aprovechar los sistemas templados. No obstante, las aves migratorias neotropicales pasan la mayor parte de su ciclo de vida en los habitat tropicales y subtropicales de paises latinoamericanos y caribefios donde viven en una asociacion cercana con las aves residentes. Para...

  14. AVE project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    During 1998, ANAV began to optimize Human Resources to cope with the ERE and ANA-ANV integration. Project AVE was intended to achieve an orderly transfer of know-how, skills, attitudes and experiences. The most complex part was renovation of personnel with Operating Licenses. Nearly 140 people had joined the organization by late December 2003. This opportunity was seized to draw up a new Training Manual, and a common Initial Training Plan was designed for the two plants, accounting for the singularities of each one. The plan is divided into 5 modules: Common Training, Specific Training, PEI/CAT, Management, and on-the-job Training. The training environments were defined according to the nature of the capabilities to be acquired. Project AVE resulted in the merger of the Asco and Vandellos II Training services. (Author)

  15. Mortandad de aves marinas durante "El Niño 1997-98" en el litoral sur de San Juan de Marcona, Ica -Perú

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    Manuel Apaza


    Full Text Available Entre agosto de 1997 y abril de 1998, se evaluó, al sur de la punta guanera de San Juan de Marcona, la mortandad de las poblaciones de aves marinas. Especies de alimentación exclusivamente pelágica y de distribución restringida al ámbito de la Corriente Peruana, como las aves guaneras Pelecanus thagus, Sula variegata y Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, el pingüino Spheniscus humboldti y el zarcillo Larosterna inca, mostraron una correlación significativa en el comportamiento mensual, relacionados con la temperatura superficial del mar y con la ausencia del recurso anchoveta Engraulis ringens durante el evento "El Niño". Otras especies consideradas en el análisis presentaron una mortandad diferente, como la gaviota de Franklin Larus pipixcan y la gaviota gris Larus modestus, en ambos casos, las especies se alimentaron de recursos alternativos, como Calosoma sp. y Emeríta analoga, respectivamente.

  16. Masayo Ave õpetab puudutama / Lylian Meister

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meister, Lylian, 1966-


    Jaapani disainerist ja arhitektist Masayo Avest, tema mõtteid disainist, arvamus eestlastest. 2006. a. juhendas M. Ave Eesti Kunstiakadeemias workshop'i, kus osalesid tootedisaini ja tekstiilieriala üliõpilased. Talve tekstuuride väljendamiseks sündis "Haptic Dictionary" ja näitus Tallinnas Arhitektuuri- ja Disainigaleriis. 15 ill., neist 9 M. Ave töödest

  17. Aves municipales oficiales de Puerto Rico (United States)

    Carlos M. Domínguez Cristóbal


    Las aves constituyen uno de los recursos de muy poco uso como símbolo oficial representativo de los municipios en Puerto Rico. Es muy probable que la decisión que màs pueda influenciar en esa selección esté relacionada con la movilidad de las aves ya que éstas no se limitan a una municipalidad en específico...

  18. Sexagem cirúrgica em aves silvestres

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    Raso T.F.


    Full Text Available Relata-se a utilização da laparoscopia na sexagem de 349 aves silvestres nacionais e exóticas, pertencentes a 61 espécies, de 11 famílias e seis ordens. Foram sexadas aves com idades entre quatro meses e 42 anos e peso corpóreo entre 55g e 3,4kg. Com essa técnica foi possível visualizar as gônadas, avaliar seu estágio de desenvolvimento e observar os órgãos adjacentes. A técnica cirúrgica utilizando endoscópio rígido para sexagem de aves silvestres foi considerada rápida e segura. Nenhum óbito foi verificado durante ou em conseqüência do procedimento cirúrgico.

  19. La diversidad en aves como factor determinante de la interacción entre ecosistemas del departamento del Huila

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    Alfredo Ramos Moreno


    Full Text Available En este estudio se realizó una descripción y análisis, en primera aproximación, de la oferta en diversidad de aves en el predio La Primavera, vereda Estambul, municipio de Teruel, departamento del Huila. A partir de la información generada, se procedió a comparar los resultados obtenidos con los reportes de aves inventariadas en el estudio GEMA (2006 desarrollado por el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander Von Humboldt, en el Corredor Biológico entre los PNN Puracé y Cueva de Los Guácharos, con el fin de determinar la relación entre estos espacios naturales a partir del concepto de interacción entre ecosistemas, entendido como las relaciones de suministro, flujo e intercambio de materiales, energía o información, que para el casoque compete al estudio se refiere al movimiento de aves de un ecosistema a otro. El predio La Primavera, ubicado en el municipio de Teruel en el occidentedel departamento del Huila, a una altitud promedio de 900 m. s. n. m., perteneciente a la zona de vida de bosque seco tropical, sirvió de sitio de trabajo para la identificación de 32 especies de aves medianteobservación visual directa y captura con redes de niebla, de las cuales hubo dos familias que resultaron comunes a los dos estudios, pertenecientes a laThraupinae (tángaras y Tyrannidae (atrapamoscas, lo cual indica su capacidad de adaptación a pisos altitudinales diferentes. Caso particular merece la especie Tangara vitriolina (tángara rastrojera, la cual está considerada casi endémica, lo que se traduce en una alta vulnerabilidad y de especial cuidado yvigilancia. Se sugiere la realización de otras valoraciones similares en sitios que permitan establecer esta conexión ecosistémica con el fin de identificar aquellas especies que presenten características comunes para ecosistemas diferentes.

  20. Feeding Behavior-Related Toxicity due to Nandina domestica in Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum

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    Moges Woldemeskel


    Full Text Available Dozens of Cedar Waxwings were found dead in Thomas County, Georgia, USA, in April 2009. Five of these were examined grossly and microscopically. Grossly, all the examined birds had pulmonary, mediastinal, and tracheal hemorrhages. Microscopically, several tissues and organs were diffusely congested and hemorrhagic. Congestion and hemorrhage were marked in the lungs. Intact and partly digested berries of Nandina domestica Thunb. were the only ingesta found in the gastrointestinal tract of these birds. Due to their voracious feeding behavior, the birds had eaten toxic doses of N. domestica berries. N. domestica contains cyanide and is one of the few berries readily available at this time of the year in the region. The gross and microscopic findings are consistent with lesions associated with cyanide toxicity. This paper for the first time documents toxicity associated with N. domestica in Cedar Waxwings.

  1. Wound Myiasis Due to Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae in Persian Horned Viper, Pseudocerastes persicus (Squamata: Viperidae

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    R Dehghani


    Full Text Available A case of myiasis due to Musca domestica describes in Pseudocerastes persicus for the first time. The snake was found in Bari Karafs, Kashan, Iran, with a lesion on its body. Fourteen live larvae of M. domestica removed from its wound. This is the first report of a new larval habitat of M. domestica.

  2. [Cloning and characterization of Caveolin-1 gene in pigeon, Columba livia domestica]. (United States)

    Zhang, Ying; Yu, Jian-Feng; Yang, Li; Wang, Xing-Guo; Gu, Zhi-Liang


    Caveolins, a class of principal proteins forming the structure of caveolae in plasmalemma, were encoded by caveolins gene family. Caveolin-1 gene is a member of caveolins gene family. In the present study, a full-length of 2605 bp caveolin-1 cDNA sequence in Columba livia domestica, which included a 537 bp complete ORF encoding a 178 amino acids long putative peptide, were obtained by using RT-PCR and RACE technique. The Columba livia domestica caveolin-1 CDS shared 80.1% - 93.4% homology with Bos taurus, Canis lupus familiaris, Gallus gallus and Rattus norvegicus. Meanwhile, the putative amino acid sequence of Columba livia domestica caveolin-1 shared 85.4% - 97.2% homology with the above species. The semi-quantity RT-PCR revealed that Caveolin-1 expressions were detectable in all the Columba livia domestica tissues and the expressional level of caveolin-1 gene was high in adipose, medium in various muscles, low in liver. These results demonstrated that Caveolin-1 gene was potentially involved in some metabolic pathways in adipose and muscle.

  3. Afecções cirúrgicas em aves: estudo retrospectivo


    Patricia Ferreira de Castro


    As aves representam a grande maioria das espécies da fauna silvestre mantidas como animais de companhia em nosso meio e respondem diretamente pela crescente demanda pelo atendimento médico veterinário. O avanço na área da anestesiologia viabilizou a realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos mais longos e complexos e contribuiu para o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento da técnica operatória em aves, contudo, dados nacionais de casuística relacionados às afecções cirúrgicas de aves ainda são inexiste...

  4. Oggetti e memoria domestica

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    Marina Brancato


    Full Text Available Questo contributo è un ideale viaggio nella memoria attraverso le stanze che compongono le nostre case. Un itinerario fra gli oggetti che fanno da sfondo quotidiano alla nostra scenografia domestica. Nello specifico indagheremo album fotografici, souvenir, ninnoli (mnemoteche domestiche. Sin dall’inizio abbiamo considerato gli ambienti domestici veri e propri serbatoi di memorie individuali e collettive. In tali serbatoi i soggetti depositano tracce delle proprie biografie, esprimendo e confermando progetti identitari.

  5. Larvicidal potential of essential oils against Musca domestica and Anopheles stephensi. (United States)

    Chauhan, Nitin; Malik, Anushree; Sharma, Satyawati; Dhiman, R C


    The larvicidal activity of Mentha piperita, Cymbopogan citratus (lemongrass), Eucalyptus globulus and Citrus sinensis (orange) essential oils and their combinations was evaluated against Musca domestica (housefly) and Anopheles stephensi (mosquitoes) through contact toxicity assay. Among all the tested essential oils/combinations, Me. piperita was found to be the most effective larvicidal agent against Mu. domestica and An. stephensi with LC50 values of 0.66 μl/cm(2) and 44.66 ppm, respectively, after 48 h. The results clearly highlighted that the addition of mentha oil to other oils (1:1 ratio) improved their larvicidal activity. The order of effectiveness of essential oils/combinations indicated that the pattern for An. stephensi follows the trend as mentha > mentha + lemongrass > lemongrass > mentha + eucalyptus > eucalyptus > mentha + orange > orange and for Mu. domestica as mentha > mentha + lemongrass > lemongrass > mentha + orange > orange > mentha + eucalyptus > eucalyptus. The images obtained from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis indicated the toxic effect of Me. piperita as the treated larvae were observed to be dehydrated and deformed. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of tested essential oils/combinations against the larval stages of Mu. domestica and An. stephensi and has the potential for development of botanical formulations.

  6. OTRA-Based Multi-Function Inverse Filter Configuration

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    Abdhesh Kumar Singh


    Full Text Available A new OTRA-based multifunction Inverse filter configuration is presented which is capable of realizing low pass, high pass and band pass filters using only two OTRAs and five to six passive elements. To the best knowledge of the authors, any inverse filter configuration using OTRAs has not been reported in the literature earlier. The effect of the major parasitics of the OTRAs and their effect on the performance filter have been investigated and measured through simulation results and Monte-Carlo analysis. The workability of the proposed circuits has been confirmed by SPICE simulations using CMOS-based-OTRA realizable in 0.18 µm CMOS technology. The proposed circuits are the only ones which provide simultaneously the following features: use of reasonable number of active elements (only 2, realizability of all the three basic filter functions, employment of all virtually grounded resistors and capacitors and tunability of all filter parameters (except gain factor, H_0 for inverse high pass. The centre/cut-off frequency of the various filter circuits lying in the vicinity of 1 MHz have been found to be realizable, which has been verified through SPICE simulation results and have been found to be in good agreement with the theoretical results.

  7. R. Strauss: Symphonia domestica, Op. 53 / David Nice

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    Nice, David


    Uuest heliplaadist "R. Strauss: Symphonia domestica, Op. 53. National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain / Christopher Seaman. Pickwick IMP Classics CD PCD 1080; Selected comparisons: SNO, Järvi (3/88) Chandos CHAN 8572"

  8. Antimicrobial activity of alcohols from Musca domestica. (United States)

    Gołębiowski, Marek; Dawgul, Małgorzata; Kamysz, Wojciech; Boguś, Mieczysława I; Wieloch, Wioletta; Włóka, Emilia; Paszkiewicz, Monika; Przybysz, Elżbieta; Stepnowski, Piotr


    Information on the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of cuticular alcohols on growth and virulence of insecticidal fungi is unavailable. Therefore, we set out to describe the content of cuticular and internal alcohols in the body of housefly larvae, pupae, males and females. The total cuticular alcohols in larvae, males and females of Musca domestica were detected in comparable amounts (4.59, 3.95 and 4.03 μg g(-1) insect body, respectively), but occurred in smaller quantities in pupae (2.16 μg g(-1)). The major free alcohol in M. domestica larvae was C(12:0) (70.4%). Internal alcohols of M. domestica larvae were not found. Among cuticular pupae alcohols, C(12:0) (31.0%) was the most abundant. In the internal lipids of pupae, only five alcohols were identified in trace amounts. The most abundant alcohol in males was C(24:0) (57.5%). The percentage content of cuticular C(24:0) in males and females (57.5 and 36.5%, respectively) was significantly higher than that of cuticular lipids in larvae and pupae (0.9 and 5.6%, respectively). Only two alcohols were present in the internal lipids of males in trace amounts (C(18:0) and C(20:0)). The most abundant cuticular alcohols in females were C(24:0) (36.5%) and C(12:0) (26.8%); only two alcohols (C(18:0) and C(20:0)) were detected in comparable amounts in internal lipids (3.61±0.32 and 5.01±0.42 μg g(-1), respectively). For isolated alcohols, antimicrobial activity against 10 reference strains of bacteria and fungi was determined. Individual alcohols showed approximately equal activity against fungal strains. C(14:0) was effective against gram-positive bacteria, whereas gram-negative bacteria were resistant to all tested alcohols. Mixtures of alcohols found in cuticular lipids of larvae, pupae, males and females of M. domestica generally presented higher antimicrobial activity than individual alcohols. In contrast, crude extracts containing both cuticular and internal lipids showed no antifungal activity against the

  9. Tere tulemast allveelaevale / Ave Alavainu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alavainu, Ave, 1942-


    22. nov. toimub Kärdla kultuurikeskuses Nikolai Tihhonovi "Balladi naeltest" lahtine proov. Loo on tõlkinud ja lavastanud Ave Alavainu. Lavastust mängitakse ka Jõgeval toimuvatel Betti Alveri XIII luulepäevadel "Tähetund"

  10. Differential dependence of apple ( Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Golden Delicious' and 'Topred' apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) peel on the xanthophyll cycle for photoprotection was studied under laboratory conditions. Mature fruit peel was either treated with 1 mm dithiothreitol (DTT) to inhibit the ...

  11. Composición y riqueza de las comunidades de aves, muciélagos y escarabajos coprófagos asociados a agro-paisajes y áreas protegidas de un bosqeu tropical seco (Norte de Costa Rica)


    Carvajal Sánchez, José Pablo


    [ES] La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general analizar y comparar la composición y riqueza de las comunidades aves, murciélagos y escarabajos coprófagos presentes en seis tipos de cobertura vegetal: bosque ribereño, bosque secundario, charral, cercas vivas, pastizales (potreros), con alta y baja cobertura arbórea. La investigación se realiza en un área protegida del bosque seco tropical ¿Parque Nacional Palo Verde¿ y otra de agrocenósis, Cañas (N de Costa Rica). Los resultado...

  12. Algunas de las aves emblemáticas del Eje Cafetero

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    Daniel Uribe Restrepo


    La región del Eje Cafetero no es una excepción, por el contrario, su variedad de climas, paisajes y ecosistemas albergan un gran número de especies de aves. Es difícil estimar la cantidad exacta de especies de aves en esta región, pero dicho número con seguridad supera las seiscientas cincuenta especies. Las aves conquistaron con éxito la geografía montañosa de las cordilleras Central y Occidental, y los humedales del valle interandino del río Cauca, irradiando sus múltiples formas, tamaños, colores, cantos y adaptaciones hasta conformar un caleidoscopio de indescriptible belleza.

  13. New Realizations of Single OTRA-Based Sinusoidal Oscillators

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    Hung-Chun Chien


    Full Text Available This study proposes three new sinusoidal oscillators based on an operational transresistance amplifier (OTRA. Each of the proposed oscillator circuits consists of one OTRA combined with a few passive components. The first circuit is an OTRA-based minimum RC oscillator. The second circuit is capable of providing independent control on the condition of oscillation without affecting the oscillation frequency. The third circuit exhibits independent control of oscillation frequency through a capacitor. This study first introduces the OTRA and the related formulations of the proposed oscillator circuits, and then discusses the nonideal effects, sensitivity analyses, and frequency stability of the presented circuits. The proposed oscillators exhibit low sensitivities and good frequency stability. Because the presented circuits feature low impedance output, they can be connected directly to the next stage without cascading additional voltage buffers. HSPICE simulations and experimental results confirm the feasibility of the new oscillator circuits.

  14. Photoreactivation of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers and erythema in the marsupial Monodelphis domestica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ley, R.D.


    Post-UV treatment of the gray, short-tailed opossum Monodelphis domestica with photoreactivating light (320-400 nm) suppressed the appearance of UV-induced erythema as evidenced by an increase in the dose of UV required to elicit an erythemal response. Pre-UV exposure to photoreactivating light had no effect on the UV induction of erythema. The dose-response for the photoreversal of pyrimidine dimers in epidermal DNA of M. domestica was similar to that for the photoreactivation of erythema induction. These data not only support the notion that DNA is the primary chromophore involved in the induction of erythema but also identify pyrimidine dimers as the major DNA change responsible for its induction. These results also identify M. domestica as a useful whole-animal system with which to determine the role of pyrimidine dimers in other photobiological responses of mammalian skin

  15. Plantas usadas por aves en paisajes cafeteros de Nariño, Colombia


    Yulieth Viviana Castillo R.; Jhon Jairo Calderón L.


    Las plantas son un importante recurso alimenticio para las aves presentes en los paisajes cafeteros, por lo que la heterogeneidad en las diferentes unidades de estos paisajes, garantizan la disponibilidad de alimento. Conocer este tipo de interacciones entre plantas y aves es importante para la conservación de la biodiversidad en paisajes cafeteros. En esta investigación, se presenta la lista inicial de especies de plantas usadas por las aves de paisajes cafeteros en zonas rurales de los muni...

  16. Transcriptomic responses to biotic stresses in Malus x domestica: a meta-analysis study


    Balan, Bipin; Marra, Francesco Paolo; Caruso, Tiziano; Martinelli, Federico


    RNA-Seq analysis is a strong tool to gain insight into the molecular responses to biotic stresses in plants. The objective of this work is to identify specific and common molecular responses between different transcriptomic data related to fungi, virus and bacteria attacks in Malus x domestica. We analyzed seven transcriptomic datasets in Malus x domestica divided in responses to fungal pathogens, virus (Apple Stem Grooving Virus) and bacteria (Erwinia amylovora). Data were dissected using an...

  17. Electronically Tunable Transimpedance Instrumentation Amplifier Based on OTRA

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    Rajeshwari Pandey


    Full Text Available Operational transresistance amplifier (OTRA is the most suitable analog building block (ABB for transimpedance type signal processing due to its very nature of current input and voltage output. In this paper, OTRA-based transimpedance instrumentation amplifier (TIA is presented. It provides high differential gain and bandwidth, which is independent of gain. It also offers high common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR. The amplifier gain can be controlled electronically by implementing resistors using MOS transistors operating in linear region. The circuit can be made fully integrated. The proposed circuit is insensitive to parasitic input capacitances and input resistances due to the internally grounded input terminals of OTRA. Theoretical analysis is verified through PSPICE simulations and experimentation.

  18. Science World Journal - Vol 3, No 1 (2008)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gastrointestinal helminths of the domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica gmelin, 1789 aves:columbidae) in Zaria, northern Nigeria. EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. K.L Adang, S.L Oniye, O.J Ajanusi, A.U Ezealor, P.A Abdu.

  19. Fatal attraction. Control of the housefly (Musca domestica)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smallegange, R.C.


    Despite its long association with man, the housefly (Musea domestica Linnaeus) remains one of the most difficult pests to control. It is a ubiquitous insect that can be found in houses, stables, food processing factories and other domesticated areas and buildings. Reliance on insecticides for fly

  20. Impactos del AVE en el turismo de Bocairent


    Francés Gimeno, Andreu


    En el presente trabajo se va a realizar un análisis de los impactos que ha generado la llegada del AVE en la localidad de Bocairent. Población sin estación pero que supuestamente se encuentra dentro del área de influencia y forma parte de una asociación con fines turísticos que se llama AVE Villena y Levante Interior. Para ello se han analizado tanto las condiciones de la localidad, como la de la estación receptiva de turistas, además, de las organizaciones encargadas para atraer a este tipo ...

  1. Piojos (Phthiraptera: Insecta) de aves de la familia Laridae (Aves: Charadriiformes) en Chile




    Seis especies de piojos (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae, Menoponidae) fueron colectadas sobre cuatro especies de aves marinas de la familia Laridae en la costa de Chile. Se registran: Saemundssonia sternae (Linnaeus, 1758) y Quadraceps sellatus (Burmeister, 1838) sobre el gaviotín boreal (Sterna hirundo, Linnaeus, 1758); Saemundssonia lari (O. Fabricius, 1780), Quadraceps punctatus (Burmeister, 1838) y Quadraceps ornatus (Grube, 1851) parasitando a la gaviota dominicana (Larus dominicanus Lichte...

  2. Efficacy and safety of Curcuma domestica extracts compared with ibuprofen in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a multicenter study (United States)

    Kuptniratsaikul, Vilai; Dajpratham, Piyapat; Taechaarpornkul, Wirat; Buntragulpoontawee, Montana; Lukkanapichonchut, Pranee; Chootip, Chirawan; Saengsuwan, Jittima; Tantayakom, Kesthamrong; Laongpech, Supphalak


    Objective To determine the efficacy and safety of Curcuma domestica extracts in pain reduction and functional improvement. Methods 367 primary knee osteoarthritis patients with a pain score of 5 or higher were randomized to receive ibuprofen 1,200 mg/day or C. domestica extracts 1,500 mg/day for 4 weeks. The main outcomes were Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) total, WOMAC pain, WOMAC stiffness, and WOMAC function scores. Adverse events (AEs) were also recorded. Results 185 and 182 patients were randomly assigned into C. domestica extracts and ibuprofen groups, respectively. The baseline characteristics were no different between groups. The mean of all WOMAC scores at weeks 0, 2, and 4 showed significant improvement when compared with the baseline in both groups. After using the noninferiority test, the mean difference (95% confidence interval) of WOMAC total, WOMAC pain, and WOMAC function scores at week 4 adjusted by values at week 0 of C. domestica extracts were noninferior to those for the ibuprofen group (P=0.010, P=0.018, and P=0.010, respectively), except for the WOMAC stiffness subscale, which showed a trend toward significance (P=0.060). The number of patients who developed AEs was no different between groups. However, the number of events of abdominal pain/discomfort was significantly higher in the ibuprofen group than that in the C. domestica extracts group (P=0.046). Most subjects (96%–97%) were satisfied with the treatment, and two-thirds rated themselves as improved in a global assessment. Conclusion C. domestica extracts are as effective as ibuprofen for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. The side effect profile was similar but with fewer gastrointestinal AE reports in the C. domestica extracts group. PMID:24672232


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    Marlyn Romero P


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la circulación del virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle (ENC en aves de traspatio de siete municipios del eje cafetero por medio de la técnica ELISA. Materiales y métodos. Fueron encuestados 465 predios para evaluar las normas de bioseguridad de las aves de traspatio de los municipios de Armenia, Circasia, Quimbaya, Montenegro, Filandia, Calarcá y La Tebaida del Departamento del Quindío. Se analizaron 662 muestras de suero para detectar anticuerpos IgG contra el virus de la ENC por ELISA. Resultados. La seroprevalencia de la ENC en la población de aves evaluada fue del 30.7%.(203/662, que corresponde al 38.5% de los predios encuestados. No se encontró asociación entre la especie y la seroreactividad (p=0.21, ni entre la distribución de los anticuerpos por grupos productivos y la edad (p>0.05. Los predios de traspatio son manejados de forma extensiva, albergan en las mismas instalaciones aves de diferentes especies y edades en el 64.3% (299/465, con edades en intervalos entre tres meses y cinco años. Fueron detectadas malas prácticas de manejo de la gallinaza y la mortalidad, sin encontrar asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables evaluadas y la presencia de anticuerpos anti-virus de ENC (p>0.05. Conclusiones. Es necesario el establecimiento de planes adecuados de vacunación de las aves de traspatio, la vigilancia epidemiológica activa, la observación de los casos sospechosos, sin dejar de lado la educación y capacitación, sobre el adecuado manejo de los animales, dirigida a los propietarios de las aves como medidas de control de la enfermedad.

  4. A new alkaloid from the fruit of Nandina domestica Thunb. (United States)

    Peng, Cai-Ying; Liu, Jian-Qun; Zhang, Rui; Shu, Ji-Cheng


    A new steroidal alkaloid, (20S,22R,24R)-24-ethyl-3-oxocholest-4-en-22-amino, named as nandsterine (1), together with 10 known alkaloids, palmatine (2), O-methylbulbocapnine (3), nantenine (4), dehydronantenine (5), glaucine (6), didehydroglaucine (7), dehydrocorydaline (8), jatrorrhizine (9), magnoflorine (10) and berberine (11), was isolated from the fruit of Nandina domestica Thunb. Their structures were elucidated by using spectroscopic methods as well as by comparing with the published data. Compound 1 was a new class of steroidal alkaloid isolated from the family Berberidaceae, meanwhile compounds 2, 3, 6-8 and 10 were obtained from N. domestica for the first time. Compound 1 exhibited cytotoxicity against HL-60 cells (human leukaemia) with IC50 values of 52.1 μM.


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    Full Text Available Las asociaciones entre aves marinas y mamíferos marinos es un evento común en todos los mares y océanos del mundo. Muchos autores han denominado estas asociaciones como relaciones comensalistas, oportunistas o parasitarias, según el efecto que dicha interacción resulte sobre una o ambas especies relacionadas. Con la finalidad de describir la existencia de agrupaciones entre Sotalia guianensis y aves marinas en la porción sur del Golfo de Venezuela, desde junio 2011 a junio 2012 se realizaron observaciones en plataformas móviles de grupos de este cetáceo y aves marinas, utilizando el protocolo "group-follow" bajo la metodología de "Ad libitum sampling". Todos los avistamientos fueron georreferenciados, realizándose anotaciones de la ocurrencia o no-asociación con aves marinas, de igual forma, se registró la especie y el número de aves presentes al momento de la interacción. Se realizaron 721 avistamientos, de los cuales en 197 eventos se registró asociación entre aves marinas y Sotalia guianensis. Las especies de aves marinas residentes que presentaron mayor frecuencia en eventos de asociación con S. guianensis fueron: Fregata magnificens (49%; n=98, Phalacrocorax brasilianus (29,5%; n=59 y Pelecanus occidentalis (22,5%; n=45; siendo Thalasseus maxima (71%; n=142 la única especie migratoria. Durante las observaciones realizadas en el período de muestreo se notó la presencia de una especie de golondrina (Riparia riparia en un solo evento de agrupación con Sotalia guianensis. Dichas asociaciones aves-delfines, sólo fueron observadas cuando notables congregaciones de peces fueron registrados, donde el o los grupos de delfines realizaban alguna actividad con grandes movimientos de agua, lo que pudiese permitir a las aves realizar un menor gasto energético en la ubicación y la captura de la presa.

  6. Aves acuáticas de la laguna de Acuitlapilco, Tlaxcala, México

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    Juanita Fonseca


    Full Text Available Estudiamos la abundancia y distribución estacional de las aves acuáticas en la laguna de Acuitlapilco, Tlaxcala, México. De febrero de 2011 a enero de 2012, realizamos censos en puntos de conteo para el registro de las especies. Registramos un total de 36 especies de aves acuáticas con una abundancia total acumulada de 48,794 individuos. Doce de las especies registradas fueron residentes, 10 migratorias y 14 fueron especies transitorias o de registro accidental. Observamos que la mayor riqueza de especies y abundancia de aves fueron en invierno, cuando la mayoría de las especies migratorias llegaron a la laguna. Nuestros resultados muestran que esta área es importante para especies de aves acuáticas tanto residentes como migratorias, y refleja la necesidad de un mayor número de estudios sobre el papel de las lagunas continentales como reservorios de biodiversidad.

  7. Novel cycloartane-type triterpenoid from the fruits of Nandina domestica. (United States)

    Kodai, Tetsuya; Horiuchi, Yoshinori; Nishioka, Yasuhiro; Noda, Naoki


    A novel cycloartane-type triterpenoid was isolated from the fruits of Nandina domestica (Berberidaceae). The structure was characterized as 24-methylene-3-oxocycloartane 13-carboxylic acid on the basis of NMR spectroscopic data.

  8. Effect of Triflumuron and Pyriproxyfen on Musca domestica L Larval Stages in the Laboratory

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    S Sulaiman


    Full Text Available Background:  The residual effect of triflumuron and pyriproxyfen on Musca domestica L larval stages was studied in the laboratory."n"nMethods: Both IGRs at varying concentrations ranging between 0.5 to 2.5 mg/L were placed inside beakers with mice chow and vitamin B complex and water as food for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd instars M.domestica larvae."n"nResults: Both IGRs inhibit M. domestica adult emergence of 98-98.5% when applied at the lowest concentration of 0.5 mg/L on the 1st instar, 93-97% of adult emergence inhibition on the 2nd instar,and 91-97% of adult emergence inhibi­tion on the 3rd instar larvae respectively. There was no significant difference between triflumuron and pyriproxy­fen on house­fly adult emergence inhibition when fed to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd instars M.domestica larvae (P> 0.05. However, there was a significant difference between the IGRs and the control (P< 0.05."n"nConclusion: Both triflumuron and pyriproxyfen are effective in inhibiting adult emergence of housefly M  domes­tica and therefore should be recommended for fly control particularly in chicken farms and dumping grounds in Malaysia for housefly control activities.

  9. Ganancia de peso del depredador Podisus distinctus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae en combinaciones de las presas Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae y Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae

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    Fausto da Costa Matos Neto


    Full Text Available Entre las ninfas de los asopíneos usados para el control de gusanos desfoliadores en plantaciones de eucalipto, Podisus distinctus (Stal (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae representa un potencial agente de control biológico, sin embargo esta especie ha sido poco estudiada. El presente trabajo evaluó el efecto de las diferentes combinaciones de las presas Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae y Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae sobre el peso de ninfas de P. distinctus. El experimento se realizó en laboratorio do "Instituto de Biotecnologia Aplicada à Agropecuaria (BIOAGRO", a 25 ± 0.5ºC, 60 ± 10% de humedad relativa y 14 horas de fotoperiodo. Las ninfas de P. distinctus fueron individualizadas en cajas de Petri y alimentadas de acuerdo con los siguientes tratamientos: T1- larvas de M. domestica durante toda la fase ninfal; T2- larvas de M. domestica en el II estadio y de T. molitor en los III, IV y V estadios; T3- larvas de M. domestica en el II y III estadios y de T. molitor en los IV y V estadios; T4- larvas de M. domestica en el II, III y IV estadios y de T. molitor en el V estadio; T5- larvas de T. molitor en todos los estadios. Los mejores resultados de peso y ganancia de peso fueron encontrados cuando P. distinctus fue alimentado alternadamente con larvas de M. domestica y T. molitor. Cuando esse depredador fue solamente alimentado con larvas de M. domestica, presentó pesos menoresLitlle is known about Podisus distinctus (Stal (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae one of the Asopinae species with good possibilities for mass rearing and releasing against defoliator caterpillars in eucalyptus reforested areas in Brazil. We evaluated the impact of prey combinations on weight of nymphs and adults of P. distinctus. The prey were Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae and Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae. The experiment was developed under 25 ± 0.5ºC, 60 ± 10% R.H. and photophase of 14 hr, with nymphs of P. distinctus

  10. Building a SuAVE browse interface to R2R's Linked Data (United States)

    Clark, D.; Stocks, K. I.; Arko, R. A.; Zaslavsky, I.; Whitenack, T.


    The Rolling Deck to Repository program (R2R) is creating and evaluating a new browse portal based on the SuAVE platform and the R2R linked data graph. R2R manages the underway sensor data collected by the fleet of US academic research vessels, and provides a discovery and access point to those data at its website, R2R has a database-driven search interface, but seeks a more capable and extensible browse interface that could be built off of the substantial R2R linked data resources. R2R's Linked Data graph organizes its data holdings around key concepts (e.g. cruise, vessel, device type, operator, award, organization, publication), anchored by persistent identifiers where feasible. The "Survey Analysis via Visual Exploration" or SuAVE platform ( is a system for online publication, sharing, and analysis of images and metadata. It has been implemented as an interface to diverse data collections, but has not been driven off of linked data in the past. SuAVE supports several features of interest to R2R, including faceted searching, collaborative annotations, efficient subsetting, Google maps-like navigation over an image gallery, and several types of data analysis. Our initial SuAVE-based implementation was through a CSV export from the R2R PostGIS-enabled PostgreSQL database. This served to demonstrate the utility of SuAVE but was static and required reloading as R2R data holdings grew. We are now working to implement a SPARQL-based ("RDF Query Language") service that directly leverages the R2R Linked Data graph and offers the ability to subset and/or customize output.We will show examples of SuAVE faceted searches on R2R linked data concepts, and discuss our experience to date with this work in progress.

  11. Sexual dimorphism in Ramphastos toco and Ramphastos dicolorus (Piciformes, Aves

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    Márcio S. Castro


    Full Text Available Con frecuencia, en la familia Ramphastidae no hay un dimorfismo sexual aparente, excepto en Pteroglossus viridis y en el género Selenidera. Muchos criadores de aves silvestres creen que los especímenes de Ramphastos toco pueden ser sexados usando las caracteríticas del pico. En este estudio, fueron analizadas algunas variables feno-típicas discriminantes en aves cuyo sexo fue previamente determinado con metodos citogenéticos. Un total de 51 especimenes de R. toco y 20 de R. dicolorus fueron estudiados. Los parámetros estadísticos significativos que son útiles para distinguir el sexo en estas especies son la longitud del culmen y del tomium, la longitud del pico corneo inferior y de la cloaca. Usando estos parámetros, los criadores de aves cautivas pueden sexar los especimenes de Ramphastos toco mediante análisis fenotípico y formar parejas reproductoras más rapidamente.

  12. O Comportamento das Aves Poultry Behavior

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    EJ Campos


    Full Text Available Os estudos sobre o comportamento das aves, principalmente as galinhas, datam de 1912, quando o gênero Gallus passou a ser estudado com mais intensidade na área da Genética. Tais estudos eram simplesmente filosóficos até o início da década de 80, quando uma nova era da produção industrial avícola surgiu, objetivando um maior volume de produção econômica em todas as áreas de exploração. Esse objetivo reativou de maneira científica os estudos de comportamento das aves face à tecnologia de produção empregada nos sistemas de exploração, tornando-os mais acentuados já na década de 90, culminando com um simpósio internacional realizado nos Estados Unidos onde foram traçados os objetivos ou linhas de pesquisas na exploração avícola. O intuito era evitar problemas com os movimentos ambientalistas, traçando novos rumos para uma produção eficiente sem interferir no comportamento das aves já no início do novo milênio. Esta revisão, tem como objetivo principal uma análise científica e filosófica sobre o comportamento das aves em diversos métodos de exploração.Studies on poultry behavior initiated in 1972, at that time, fowls from Gallus domesticus species were the most important animal for the initial studies of Genetic. Since then, just the philosophical concepts where involved in those studies. However, at the beginning of 80 decade, these studies were intensified taking into account technological approaches for an economical industrial poultry production. Meanwhile, the reactions from activists involved in the behavior of the animal subjected to production became more strong at the beginning of 90's as well as those studies on chicken behavior. Finally, in 1998, an international symposium, promoted by chicken behavior scientists were held in the United States, in order to establish new methods of exploitation of poultry without interfering in its normal behavior, at the beginning of new millenium. The main

  13. Atlas de aves: Un metodo para documentar distribucion y seguir poblaciones (United States)

    Robbins, C.S.; Dowell, B.A.; Dawson, D.K.; Alvarez-Lopez, Humberto; Kattan, Gustavo; Murcia, Carolina


    Los Atlas de Aves son proyectos nacionales o regionalies para trazar en mapas la distribucion en reproduccion de cada especie de ave. Ese procedimiento se esta usando en Europa, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Norteamerica, y partes de Africa. El tama?o de los cuadrados varia de medio grado de latitud y Iongitud hasta 5 x 5 km. El trabajo de campo de cada proyecto exige aproxlmadamente cinco a?os, pero los aficionados pueden llevar a cabo la mayor parte del trabajo. Es posible almacenar los resultados en un computador personal. Hay muchos beneficios: (I) se presenta la distribucion corriente de las aves de la nacion, del estado, o de la Iocalidad; (2) se desarrolla nueva informacion especialmente sobre especies raras o en peligro; (3) se descubren areas que tienen una avlfauna sobresaliente o habitats raros y ayuda a su proteccion, (4) se documentan cambios de dlstribucion; (5) se pueden usar para documentar cambios de poblacion, especialmente en los tropicos donde otros metodos son mas dificiles de usar porque hay muchas especies y no hay muchos observadores calificados en la identificacion de sonidos de las aves; (6) son proyectos buenos de investigacion para estudiantes graduados; (7) los turistas y los jefes de excursiones de historia natural pueden contribuir con muchas informaciones

  14. Ritmos circadianos en el metabolismo del calcio en aves de postura.


    Correa Cardona Héctor Jairo


    Se revisó literatura relacionada con las variaciones circadianas en el metabolismo del calcio en aves de postura y se concluye que la información analizada y discutida suministra evidencia suficiente que demuestra la existencia de ritmos circadianos en diferentes procesos relacionados con el metabolismo y la alimentación del calcio en las aves de postura. Esto demuestra la necesidad de ajustar el momento y la cantidad de calcio a suministrar...

  15. Chemical composition and insecticidal property of Myrsine stolonifera (Koidz.) walker (Family: Myrsinaceae) on Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). (United States)

    Wang, Xue Gui; Li, Qian; Jiang, Su Rong; Li, Pei; Yang, Ji Zhi


    Musca domestica is one of the most important pests of human health, and has developed strong resistance to many chemicals used for its control. One important approach for creating new pesticides is the exploration of novel compounds from plants. During a wide screening of plants with insecticidal properties that grow in southern China, we found that the methanolic extracts of Myrsine stolonifera had insecticidal activity against the adults of M. domestica. However, the insecticidal constituents and mechanisms of the M. stolonifera extracts remain unclear. The insecticidal components of the methanolic extracts of M. stolonifera were isolated with activity-guided fractionation. From the spectra of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS), the compounds were identified as syringing (1), 2,6-dimethoxy-4-hydroxyphenol-1-O-β-d-glu (2), kaempferol-3-O-glu-rha-glu (3), and quercetin-3-O-glu-rha-glu (4). This study is the first to report the spectral data for compounds 3 and 4, and their LC 50 values were 0.52mg/g sugar and 0.36mg/g sugar 24h after treatment of the adults of M. domestica, respectively. Compounds 3 and 4 (LC 25 ) also inhibited the activities of the enzymes carboxylesterase, glutathione S-transferase, mixed function oxidase, and acetylcholine esterase of adult M. domestica, particularly mixed function oxidase and acetylcholine esterase. The cytotoxic effects of compounds 3 and 4 on cell proliferation, mitochondrial membrane potentials (MMP) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) were demonstrated on SL-1 cells. From the extracts of M. stolonifera, quercetin-3-O-glu-rha-glu and kaempferol-3-O-glu-rha-glu have displayed comparable toxicities to rotenone on M. domestica and also exhibited cytotoxic effects on SL-1 cells; therefore, the extracts of M. stolonifera and their compounds have potential as botanical insecticides to control M. domestica. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Circadian rhytm in the house fly (Musca domestica)


    BAZALOVÁ, Olga


    In this thesis the expression pattern of five circadian clock genes (cwo, pdp 1{$\\varepsilon$}, ck 1{$\\varepsilon$}, ck 2{$\\beta$} and pdh) was studied in the housefly (Musca domestica). The influence of temperature on the expression pattern of these five genes and of two others genes, per and tim, was examined. The locomotor activity of flies exposed to three different temperature conditions was studied.

  17. Musca domestica laboratory susceptibility to three ethnobotanical culinary plants. (United States)

    El Zayyat, Elham A; Soliman, Mohammed I; Elleboudy, Noha A; Ofaa, Shaimaa E


    Throughout history, synanthropic Musca domestica had remained a worldwide problem whenever poor sanitation and bad hygienic conditions exists. Houseflies growing resistance to chemical insecticides are a rising environmental problem that necessitates search for alternatives. Mentha cervina, Ocimum basilicum, and Coriandrum sativum were tested for bioactivity on M. domestica adults and larvae. They are culinary Mediterranean plants. In adulticidal bioassay, using both CDC bottles and fumigation techniques, basil was the most effective extract with LC50 1.074 and 34.996 g/L, respectively. Concerning larvicidal bioassay by fumigation technique, coriander had the highest toxicity index with LC50 29.521 g/L. In both dipping and feeding technique, basil had the highest toxicity with LC50 32.643 and 0.749 g/L, respectively. Basil showed the highest toxicity results in four out of the five models tested followed by coriander then mint; this result highlights the potentiality of basil as a green insecticide in management of flies and opens new insight in the industrialization of basil-based fly control products.

  18. Ácaros plumícolas (Acari: Astigmata) em aves do Cerrado do Distrito Federal, Brasil


    Kanegae,Mieko Ferreira; Valim,Michel; Fonseca,Marcelo Andrade da; Marini,Miguel Ângelo; Freire,Nicolau Maués Serra


    O objetivo do estudo foi identificar os ácaros plumícolas em aves do cerrado. O mesmo foi realizado na Fazenda Água Limpa (FAL), Distrito Federal, Brasil, entre janeiro e agosto de 2002. As aves foram capturadas com rede de neblina e anilhadas. Foram amostradas 696 aves pertencentes a 83 espécies e 25 famílias de Passeriformes e não-Passeriformes. Foram encontrados ácaros plumícolas pertencentes a cinco famílias: Analgidae, Trouessartiidae, Proctophyllodidae, Avenzoariidae e Psoroptoididae. O...

  19. Rahvusvahelise kogemusega personalijuht Ave Kareda: Personalijuhi koostöö juhiga peaks rajanema aususel ja usaldusel / Ave Kareda ; interv. Tiina Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kareda, Ave


    Logistikaettevõtte DHL Baltikumi personalijuht Ave Kareda vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad ettevõtete personalipoliitikat, personalijuhi rolli, personaliosakonna võimalusi juhi ja inimeste vahel, rahvusvahelisuse osatähtsust personalitöös, mentorlust ning juhi ebaeetilisi otsuseid raskes olukorras

  20. Biological trait analysis and stability of lambda-cyhalothrin resistance in the house fly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). (United States)

    Abbas, Naeem; Shah, Rizwan Mustafa; Shad, Sarfraz Ali; Iqbal, Naeem; Razaq, Muhammad


    House flies, Musca domestica L., (Diptera: Muscidae), are pests of poultry and have the ability to develop resistance to insecticides. To design a strategy for resistance management, life history traits based on laboratory observations were established for lambda-cyhalothrin-resistant, susceptible and reciprocal crosses of M. domestica strains. Bioassay results showed that the lambda-cyhalothrin-selected strain developed a resistance ratio of 98.34 compared to its susceptible strain. The lambda-cyhalothrin-selected strain had a relative fitness of 0.26 and lower fecundity, hatchability, lower number of next generation larvae, and net reproductive rate compared with its susceptible strain. Mean population growth rates, such as intrinsic rate of population increase, and biotic potential were lower for the lambda-cyhalothrin-selected strain compared to its susceptible strain. Resistance to lambda-cyhalothrin, indoxacarb, and abamectin was unstable while resistance to bifenthrin and methomyl was stable in the lambda-cyhalothrin-selected strain of M. domestica. Development of resistance can cost considerable fitness for the lambda-cyhalothrin-selected strain. The present study provided useful information for making potential management strategies to delay resistance development in M. domestica.

  1. House Fly (Musca domestica L. (Diptera Muscidae Development in Different Types of Manure Desarrollo de la Mosca Doméstica (Musca domestica L. (Díptera Muscidae en Distintos Tipos de Estiércol

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    Patricia Larraín S


    Full Text Available Animal production units with different management systems can be found along the Huasco Valley, Region of Atacama, Chile. These constitute sources of house flies (Musca domestica L. and other vector fly species that cause damage to animals and nuisance problems in urban areas. In order to asses the importance of fly breeding sources, an experiment was carried out under laboratory conditions to evaluate different types of animal manure and composted swine manure. Time of larval development, larva mortality, pupa size, and weight and time of development to the adult stage were assessed. Results show that swine, poultry and calf manure produced a significantly higher number of adult flies, shorter life cycles and larger and heavier pupae. Cow, dog, goat and horse manure follow in effectiviveness for fly production. Composted swine manure was totally ineffective for domestic fly development.En algunas comunas del Valle del Huasco, Región de Atacama, Chile, se encuentran diversas explotaciones pecuarias con diferentes sistemas de manejo, las cuales constituyen focos generadores de mosca doméstica, Musca domestica L., y otras especies de moscas con importancia sanitaria y médica. Estos insectos provocan pérdidas económicas en dichos planteles afectando además el bienestar de poblaciones urbanas cercanas. Con el objetivo de cuantificar la importancia de dichos focos en la generación de mosca doméstica, se realizó un ensayo de laboratorio donde se evaluó como sustrato de desarrollo del insecto estiércol de diferentes especies animales y estiércol de cerdo compostado. La calidad de estos sustratos en la producción del insecto se evaluó a través de los siguientes parámetros biológicos: tiempo de desarrollo de larvas, mortalidad de larvas, tamaño y peso de pupas, y tiempo hasta la emergencia de moscas adultas. Los resultados indicaron que el estiércol de cerdo, gallina y ternero produce significativamente más moscas adultas, con un

  2. Identificación de parásitos gastrointestinales en aves silvestres en cautiverio


    García Corredor, Diego José; Sánchez Parada, Oscar Javier; Pulido Medellín, Martin Orlando; Andrade Becerra, Roy José


    Este trabajo identifica los parásitos gastrointestinales que presentaron las aves silvestres en cautiverio, en el municipio de Tibasosa (Boyacá, Colombia). Se tomaron 100 muestras de materia fecal de aves silvestres correspondientes a 11 familias (Psittacidae, Ramphastidae, Ophistocomidae, Cracidae, Anatidae, Icteridae, Alaudidae, Burhinidae, Phoenicopteridae, Anhimidae y Rallidae) y 16 especies (Ara ararauna, Ara macao, Amazona spp, Amazona ochrocephala, Ramphastos toco,...

  3. Aves ocasionales en la Sabana de Bogotá

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    Borrero José Ignacio


    Full Text Available La altiplanicie andina conocida con el nombre de Sabana de Bogotá, situada en la llamada "tierra fría" de los Andes Orientales de Colombia, a 2600 metros sobre el nivel del mar y con temperatura media de 13o C., esta bordeada en todo su derredor por montañas cuya altura en ningún sitio se eleva a menos de 2700 metros y esto solamente en el lado occidental, hacia el valle del Magdalena. Sin embargo, es visitada con alguna frecuencia por aves propias de pisos climáticos más cálidos y aun del llamado "Tropical" o "tierra caliente". Por lo que se ha podido averiguar, las aves visitantes observadas hasta ahora proceden de las vertientes occidentales y del valle del Magdalena; ninguna, con la única posible excepción de Elanoides forticatus yetapa, viene de las faldas orientales que descienden hasta los llanos del Meta pues hacia este lado de la Sabana se hallan las montañas más altas, cuya mayor depresión -la de Chipaque- es de 3150 metros en el sitio por donde pasa la carretera de Bogotá a Villavicencio. Parece por lo tanto que este ramal de la cordillera constituye una barrera infranqueable para las aves que habitan en el oriente de Cundinamarca, mientras que el ramal occidental, de menor altura, no lo es para las que habitan en las vertientes que conducen al Magdalena.

  4. Efficacy and safety of Curcuma domestica extracts compared with ibuprofen in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a multicenter study

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    Kuptniratsaikul V


    Full Text Available Vilai Kuptniratsaikul,1 Piyapat Dajpratham,1 Wirat Taechaarpornkul,2 Montana Buntragulpoontawee,3 Pranee Lukkanapichonchut,4 Chirawan Chootip,5 Jittima Saengsuwan,6 Kesthamrong Tantayakom,7 Supphalak Laongpech8 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand; 2Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Center, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi, Thailand; 3Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand; 4Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ratchaburi Hospital, Ministry of Public Health, Ratchaburi, Thailand; 5Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Songkhla Hospital, Ministry of Public Health, Songkhla, Thailand; 6Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand; 7Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Rajvithi Hospital, Ministry of Public Health, Bangkok, Thailand; 8Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vachira Phuket Hospital, Ministry of Public Health, Phuket, Thailand Objective: To determine the efficacy and safety of Curcuma domestica extracts in pain reduction and functional improvement. Methods: 367 primary knee osteoarthritis patients with a pain score of 5 or higher were randomized to receive ibuprofen 1,200 mg/day or C. domestica extracts 1,500 mg/day for 4 weeks. The main outcomes were Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC total, WOMAC pain, WOMAC stiffness, and WOMAC function scores. Adverse events (AEs were also recorded. Results: 185 and 182 patients were randomly assigned into C. domestica extracts and ibuprofen groups, respectively. The baseline characteristics were no different between groups. The mean of all WOMAC scores at weeks 0, 2, and 4 showed significant improvement when compared with the baseline in both groups. After using the noninferiority test, the mean difference (95% confidence interval of WOMAC total

  5. Antioxidant, antimicrobial activity and mineral composition of low-temperature fractioning products of Malus domestica Borkh (common Antonovka

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    Elena Kuznetsova


    Full Text Available The low-temperature fractionation of fruit Malus domestica Borkh (Common Antonovka has been performed. We obtained by fractionation the biologically active products that are the dehydrated concentrate of juice and the powder of pomace fibers. Use of low temperature minimizes biological value losses during processing. These fractions of fruit Malus domestica Borkh (Common Antonovka are experimentally studied. It is found that the fractions have high antioxidant activity and include bioflavonoids and organic and phenol carboxylic acids. Analysis of chromatograms showed availability of the identical compounds in the products of low-temperature fractionation. Sodium and potassium are part of the cells of biological systems as highly mobile ionic forms. Therefore, these elements prevail in the concentrated juice. Iron, manganese, copper, and zinc are biogenic trace elements or components of enzyme systems and are evenly distributed as in plant cell walls as well in protoplasm. It follows from the results of the study of the mineral composition that the products of the low-temperature fractioning can be used for a functional food as a result of its high content of magnesium and iron. The low-temperature fractionation of fruit Malus domestica Borkh (Common Antonovka has antimicrobial activity against the standard strains of spoilage: Bacillus subtilis VKM-B-501, Micrococcus luteus VKM-As-2230, Aspergillus flavus VKM-F-1024, Penicillium expansion VKM-F-275, Mucor mucedo VKM- F-1257, Rhizopus stolonifer VKM- F-2005. Experimental data show that the products of low-temperature fractioning of Malus domestica Borkh (Common Antonovka inhibit microorganism's growth. The detected composition of Malus domestica Borkh (Common Antonovka fractions allows using these products as natural additives in food technology to maintain and increase period of storage and also for preventive nutrition.

  6. Anticuerpos séricos contra la enfermedad de Newcastle e Influenza Aviar en aves rapaces de Chile.

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    Daniel González-Acuña


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Detectar la presencia de anticuerpos séricos sanguíneos contra los virus de la Enfermedad de Newcastle (ENC e Influenza aviar (IA, para comprender la contribución de las aves silvestres en la transmisión de estos virus en Chile. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron 63 aves pertenecientes a los órdenes Falconiformes y Strigiformes desde centros de rehabilitación de aves de las zonas central y sur de Chile. Se realizaron las pruebas de inhibición de la hemoaglutinación (IHA para detectar anticuerpos contra el virus ENC e inmunodifusión en gel agar (IDGA y ELISA para IA. Resultados. Se detectaron 14 aves positivas (22.2% para anticuerpos séricos contra el virus de la ENC. En cambio, no se registraron anticuerpos séricos sanguíneos para el virus de la IA. Conclusiones. La presencia de aves rapaces positivas en los centros de rescate a los anticuerpos séricos contra el virus de la ENC puede ser explicada por el consumo de carne de pollos que han sido vacunados contra ENC o consumo de aves que han adquirido directamente el virus vacunal a través de los distintos procedimientos de administración (aerosoles, bebederos de la vacuna o por el ingreso a los centros de rescate de aves rapaces migratorias, las que podrían facilitar la diseminación de la infección desde los países de origen, hecho que debe ser investigado.

  7. Evaluation of Beauveria bassiana infection in the hemolymph serum proteins of the housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). (United States)

    Mishra, Sapna; Kumar, Peeyush; Malik, Anushree


    Beauveria bassiana plays a prominent role in biocontrol of houseflies, Musca domestica (L.). Thus, a deeper insight into immune response of M. domestica during B. bassiana infection was warranted to assist the production of more efficient mycoinsecticides. The present study investigates changes in protein profile of M. domestica hemolymph serum post B. bassiana infection using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) followed by identification of selected proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The non-infected or control group of flies showed an expression of 54 proteins, while M. domestica infected with B. bassiana expressed a total of 68 hemolymph serum proteins. Thirty three proteins were expressed in both groups of houseflies, whereas 35 proteins were exclusively expressed in infected flies and 21 proteins were exclusively expressed in control flies. Among the 33 proteins which were expressed in both groups of houseflies, 17 proteins showed downregulation, while16 proteins were upregulated in the infected flies compared to the non-infected ones. The results from this study are expected to facilitate better understanding of insect's immune response mechanism.

  8. The effect of gamma irradiation on curcumin component of Curcuma domestica (United States)

    Chosdu, R.; Erizal; Iriawan, T.; Hilmy, N.


    The effect of gamma irradiation on curcumin component of Curcuma domestica rhizome were investigated. Pure curcumin, sliced and powdered rhizome with 10% of moisture content were irradiated at 0, 10, 30 and 50 kGy (dose rate of 6 kGy/h). Curcumin content was analysed using HPLC method and ESR spectra. Results show that free radicals are already present in unirradiated rhizome. Gamma irradiation at the doses of 10, 30 and 50 kGy induced the free radicals formation of pure curcumin and Curcuma domestica rhizome. The ESR spectra of irradiated rhizome gave a very similar spectra to the signal of irradiated pure curcumin. The percentage of free radicals intensity from pure curcumin was very stable at room temperature up to 670 hours of storage. However, the percentage intensity of free radicals in the irradiated rhizome were decay during storage. Irradiation treatment and storage time did not give a significant change on curcumin content, water activity, pH and moisture content of rhizome investigated.

  9. The effect of gamma irradiation on curcumin component of Curcuma domestica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chosdu, R.E.; Erizal; Iriawan, T.; Hilmy, N. [National Atomic Energy Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia). Center for Applications of Isotopes and Radiation


    The effect of gamma irradiation on curcumin component of Curcuma domestica rhizome were investigated. Pure curcumin, sliced and powdered rhizome with 10% of moisture content were irradiated at 0, 10, 30 and 50 kGy (dose rate of 6 kGy/h). Curcumin content was analysed using HPLC method and ESR spectra. Results show that free radicals are already present in unirradiated rhizome. Gamma irradiation at the doses of 10, 30 and 50 kGy induced the free radicals formation of pure curcumin and curcuma domestica rhizome. The ESR spectra of irradiated rhizome gave a very similar spectra to the signal of irradiated pure curcumin. The percentage of free radicals intensity from pure curcumin was very stable at room temperature up to 670 hours of storage. However, the percentage intensity of free radicals in the irradiated rhizome were decay during storage. Irradiation treatment and storage time did not give a significant change on curcumin content, water activity, pH and moisture content of rhizome investigated. (Author).

  10. The effect of gamma irradiation on curcumin component of Curcuma domestica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chosdu, R.E.; Erizal; Iriawan, T.; Hilmy, N.


    The effect of gamma irradiation on curcumin component of Curcuma domestica rhizome were investigated. Pure curcumin, sliced and powdered rhizome with 10% of moisture content were irradiated at 0, 10, 30 and 50 kGy (dose rate of 6 kGy/h). Curcumin content was analysed using HPLC method and ESR spectra. Results show that free radicals are already present in unirradiated rhizome. Gamma irradiation at the doses of 10, 30 and 50 kGy induced the free radicals formation of pure curcumin and curcuma domestica rhizome. The ESR spectra of irradiated rhizome gave a very similar spectra to the signal of irradiated pure curcumin. The percentage of free radicals intensity from pure curcumin was very stable at room temperature up to 670 hours of storage. However, the percentage intensity of free radicals in the irradiated rhizome were decay during storage. Irradiation treatment and storage time did not give a significant change on curcumin content, water activity, pH and moisture content of rhizome investigated. (Author)

  11. Transcriptomic responses to biotic stresses in Malus x domestica: a meta-analysis study. (United States)

    Balan, Bipin; Marra, Francesco Paolo; Caruso, Tiziano; Martinelli, Federico


    RNA-Seq analysis is a strong tool to gain insight into the molecular responses to biotic stresses in plants. The objective of this work is to identify specific and common molecular responses between different transcriptomic data related to fungi, virus and bacteria attacks in Malus x domestica. We analyzed seven transcriptomic datasets in Malus x domestica divided in responses to fungal pathogens, virus (Apple Stem Grooving Virus) and bacteria (Erwinia amylovora). Data were dissected using an integrated approach of pathway- and gene- set enrichment analysis, Mapman visualization tool, gene ontology analysis and inferred protein-protein interaction network. Our meta-analysis revealed that the bacterial infection enhanced specifically genes involved in sugar alcohol metabolism. Brassinosteroids were upregulated by fungal pathogens while ethylene was highly affected by Erwinia amylovora. Gibberellins and jasmonates were strongly repressed by fungal and viral infections. The protein-protein interaction network highlighted the role of WRKYs in responses to the studied pathogens. In summary, our meta-analysis provides a better understanding of the Malus X domestica transcriptome responses to different biotic stress conditions; we anticipate that these insights will assist in the development of genetic resistance and acute therapeutic strategies. This work would be an example for next meta-analysis works aiming at identifying specific common molecular features linked with biotic stress responses in other specialty crops.

  12. Análisis de los compuestos volátiles de la ciruela amarilla (Prunus domestica L. ssp. domestica

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    Yineth Ruiz


    Full Text Available El aroma de las frutas se debe a los constituyentes volátiles presentes que, aunque se encuentran en muy bajas concentraciones, contribuyen al aroma global en grados muy diversos. Se hace necesario usar técnicas de aislamiento y concentración que garanticen el análisis de una composición química semejante a la de la fruta. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo el análisis de los compuestos volátiles de la ciruela amarilla (Prunus domestica L. ssp. domestica por el método de evaporación del aroma asistida por solvente (SAFE. Este método utiliza un equipo de destilación conectado a una bomba de alto vacío que ofrece la posibilidad de aislar rápidamente compuestos volátiles sin daño térmico en diferentes matrices alimentarias. La separación e identificación de los compuestos volátiles se realizó por cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas (GC-MS. Se identificaron 47 compuestos (6,55 mg/kg de pulpa de fruta, entre ellos 14 alcoholes, 8 aldehídos, 7 ésteres, 5 cetonas, 4 ácidos carboxílicos, 4 hidrocarburos aromáticos, 3 lactonas, un compuesto azufrado y una hidroxicetona; 16 de ellos se informan por primera vez. El acetato de etilo (2,88 mg/kg, etanol (1 mg/kg y ácido octanoico (0,78 mg/kg fueron los constituyentes volátiles mayoritarios de esta variedad de ciruela.

  13. Análisis de los compuestos volátiles de la ciruela amarilla (Prunus domestica L. ssp. domestica

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    Yineth Ruiz


    Full Text Available El aroma de las frutas se debe a los constituyentes volátiles presentes que, aunque se encuentran en muy bajas concentraciones, contribuyen al aroma global en grados muy diversos. Se hace necesario usar técnicas de aislamiento y concentración que garanticen el análisis de una composición química semejante a la de la fruta. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo el análisis de los compuestos volátiles de la ciruela amarilla (Prunus domestica L. ssp.domestica por el método de evaporación del aroma asistida por solvente (SAFE. Este método utiliza un equipo de destilación conectado a una bomba de alto vacío que ofrece la posibilidad de aislar rápidamente compuestos volátiles sin daño térmico en diferentes matrices alimentarias. La separación e identificación de los compuestos volátiles se realizó por cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas (GC-MS. Se identificaron 47 compuestos (6,55 mg/kg de pulpa de fruta, entre ellos 14 alcoholes, 8 aldehídos, 7 ésteres, 5 cetonas, 4 ácidos carboxílicos, 4 hidrocarburos aromáticos, 3 lactonas, un compuesto azufrado y una hidroxicetona; 16 de ellos se informan por primera vez. El acetato de etilo (2,88 mg/kg, etanol (1 mg/kg y ácido octanoico (0,78 mg/kg fueron los constituyentes volátiles mayoritarios de esta variedad de ciruela.

  14. Desenvolvimento de Supputius cincticeps (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae alimentado com larvas de Zophobas confusa, Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae e Musca domestica (Diptera, Muscidae Development of Supputius cincticeps (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae fed with Zophobas confusa, Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae and Musca domestica (Diptera, Muscidae larvae

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    Eduardo B. Beserra


    Full Text Available Egg viability and nymphal development of the predatory bug Supputius cincticeps (Stål, 1860 were evaluated during two generations in the Biological Control Laboratory of the Núcleo de Biotecnologia Aplicada à Agropecuária (Bioagro/UFV in Viçosa (Minas Gerais, Brazil at 24.72±1.10ºC and photophase of 12 hours. Three treatments were represented by S. cincticeps fed with Zophobas confusa Gebien, 1906, Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus, 1758 and Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758 larvae. Higher egg viability of this predator was found when the preys were Z. confusa and T. molitor, 74.46% and 80.91 %, than in M. domestica, 57.02%, but incubation period showed no differences between preys. Shorter nymphal development and higher nymphal viability were found with Z. confusa and T. molitor than with M. domestica. Higher weight increase was found for nymphs which originated males and females in the second generation specialy with the first two preys.

  15. En Otras Palabras... (Grupo Mujer Y Sociedad)


    Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo


    En otras palabras.... nace en Colombia en 1996 como una publicación especializada editada por el Grupo Mujer y Sociedad, Escuela de Estudios de Género de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y la Corporación Casa de la Mujer de Bogotá.

  16. La pájara vida: breve historia de la observación de aves en Colombia

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    Luis Germán Naranjo


    Colombia tiene una larga tradición ornitológica, pero a pesar de ello la observación de aves como pasatiempo solo en años recientes se hizo popular, lo cual no deja de ser curioso en un país que se enorgullece de tener la máxima riqueza de especies de aves silvestres en su territorio. Si bien la gran mayoría de los estudiosos de las aves son verdaderos apasionados por su oficio, la línea divisoria entre sus afanes y los de quienes se consideran primariamente pajareros apenas se empieza a trazar ya bien entrado el siglo XXI.

  17. The mitochondrial genomes of the barklice, Lepinotus reticulatus and Dorypteryx domestica (Psocodea: Trogiomorpha): Insight into phylogeny of the order Psocodea. (United States)

    Feng, Shiqian; Stejskal, Václav; Wang, Yannan; Li, Zhihong


    The order Psocodea which has incorporated the two former orders Psocoptera (barklice and booklice) and Phthiraptera (parasitic lice) attracts much attention for its unusual mitochondrial (mt) genome rearrangements. Available phylogenetic analysis for Psocodea is subjected to partial taxa and a complete one is needed. To further explore the genome rearrangement and phylogeny in Psocodea, we sequenced the mt genomes of two barklice, Lepinotus reticulatus (collected from China) and Dorypteryx domestica (collected from Czech Republic). Both of newly sequenced barklice had typical one-chromosome mt genomes and the same mt gene arrangement with the reported Lepidopsocidae sp. The mt genomes of L. reticulatus and D. domestica contained 37 genes typical of bilateral animals. In contrast with the recent report mt genome of D. domestica, our strain was found with many single nucleotide polymorphisms in intra-specific difference. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred from all available mt genomes of Psocodea data using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian methods. The mt genome of L. reticulatus is the first representative with complete sequences of the family Trogiidae and our D. domestica data enriched the family Psyllipsocidae, which will contribute to the further study of mt gene rearrangement and phylogeny of Psocodea. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Potencial de árvores frutíferas para a atração de aves

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    Leonardo Ribeiro Góes-Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o potencial atrativo de aves presente em oito espécies de árvores frutíferas: Callicarpa reevesii Wall.ex Walp., Ficus microcarpa L.f., Ficus tomentella Miq., Michelia champaca L., Morus nigra L., Nectandra nitidula Nees, Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi e Syagrus romanzoffiana Cham. A interação de aves-plantas foi observada no município de Ouro Fino (MG, nos domínios da Serra da Mantiqueira. As referentes árvores foram observadas durante 24 horas nos períodos em que estavam frutificando, entre julho de 2007 a abril de 2008. Com o uso de ferramentas de análise de diversidade biológica, pode-se constatar que as espécies com maiores potenciais de atração de aves foram Ficus microcarpa, Ficus tomentella, Morus nigra, Nectandra nitidula e Schinus terebinthifolius e as espécies de aves que apresentaram alto índice de interação com as árvores foram Dacnis cayana, Elaenia flavogaster, Tangara cayana, Tersina viridis, Thraupis sayaca, Turdus amaurochalinus e Turdus rufiventris.

  19. Musca domestica Salivary Gland Hypertrophy Virus, a Globally Distributed Insect Virus That Infects and Sterilizes Female Houseflies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prompiboon, Pannipa; Lietze, Verena-Ulrike; Denton, John S S


    The housefly, Musca domestica, is a cosmopolitan pest of livestock and poultry and is of economic, veterinary, and public health importance. Populations of M. domestica are naturally infected with M. domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus (MdSGHV), a nonoccluded double-stranded DNA virus...... that inhibits egg production in infected females and is characterized by salivary gland hypertrophy (SGH) symptoms. MdSGHV has been detected in housefly samples from North America, Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, and the southwestern Pacific. In this study, houseflies were collected from various locations......, and the polymorphism detected was correlated with geographic source. The virulence of the geographic MdSGHV isolates was evaluated by per os treatment of newly emerged and 24-h-old houseflies with homogenates of infected salivary glands. In all cases, 24-h-old flies displayed a resistance to oral infection...

  20. Grupos avicaptores del Tardiglaciar : las aves de Berroberria

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    C. Diez Fernandez-Lomana


    Full Text Available En este artículo presentamos un estudio sobre marcas de cortes en aves de Berroberria. Los restos proceden de un nivel Magdaleniense superior final datable mediante C14 y con la ayuda de estudios palinológicos y arqueológicos. Los restos avianos pertenecen a la especie Lagopus mutus (perdiz nival y evidencian la caza de esta especie por grupos humanos. El estudio realizado plantea la existencia de poblaciones que recurrían a la caza de aves en épocas del año concretas, las cuales desarrollaron una estrategia de descuartizamiento primario en el lugar de caza y de descarnación en la cavidad. La ausencia de restos avianos quemados, y la minuciosidad en el desmembramiento y deshuesado, implican una búsqueda de carne aviar para un consumo no inmediato. Se postula un acopio de carne, con técnicas de secado y ahumado, para ulteriores necesidades alimenticias, ligadas al encarecimiento de los recursos durante el invierno. Las especies avianas presentes aportan algunas notas sobre las consiciones climáticas que imperaban en la zona.

  1. Riqueza e densidade de aves que nidificam em cavidades em plantações abandonadas de eucalipto

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    Hugo de Siqueira Pereira


    Full Text Available Monoculturas de árvores, como as de espécies de eucalipto, têm substituído florestas naturais, impactando a fauna pela perda de habitat e recursos. Diversas espécies de aves necessitam de ocos em árvores para nidificar. A falta de recursos como cavidades formadas pela degradação da árvore ou locais apropriados para serem criadas cavidades leva a diminuição na abundância das populações destas espécies. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de comparar a riqueza e a densidade de aves que nidificam em ocos em áreas de plantação de eucalipto abandonadas com áreas de vegetação nativa em duas unidades de conservação em Minas Gerais. Em cada tipo de vegetação de cada reserva foram estabelecidos 25 pontos, nas quais foi utilizado o método de contagem por remoção para o levantamento das espécies de aves. A riqueza de espécies de aves de cada área foi estimada por Jackniffe e a densidade foi estimada através do método de máxima verossimilhança; modelos candidatos que poderiam influenciar a abundância das aves foram avaliados utilizando-se o Critério de Informação Akaike (AIC. Os resultados mostraram que a riqueza de espécies foi maior nas áreas de florestas nativas e que a densidade foi significantemente mais alta nas áreas de florestas nativas, e que o tipo de vegetação e a hora do dia influenciam na abundância e detecção das aves. Esses resultados indicam que as plantações de eucaliptos influenciam negativamente a comunidade de aves que nidificam em ocos, provavelmente por causa da falta de cavidades ou de sub-bosque. Plantações de eucaliptos normalmente não substituem as florestas nativas e seu uso deve ser controlado em áreas de conservação.

  2. Interaction of some organophosphorus compounds in susceptible and resistant houseflies (Musca domestica L.)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abdallah, M.D.


    The effect of tri-ortho-cresylphosphate (TOCP) on poisoning by parathion and paraoxon in susceptible and resistant houseflies (Musca domestica L.) was investigated.

    TOCP influenced the penetration of parathion and paraoxon, and this could explain the contradictory results of both an

  3. Temperature and Population Density Effects on Locomotor Activity of Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schou, T. M.; Faurby, S.; Kjærsgaard, A.


    The behavior of ectotherm organisms is affected by both abiotic and biotic factors. However, a limited number of studies have investigated the synergistic effects on behavioral traits. This study examined the effect of temperature and density on locomotor activity of Musca domestica (L.). Locomot...

  4. The effects of sex-ratio and density on locomotor activity in the house fly, Musca domestica

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bahrndorff, Simon; Kjaersgaard, Anders; Pertoldi, Cino


    Although locomotor activity is involved in almost all behavioral traits, there is a lack of knowledge on what factors affect it. This study examined the effects of sex-ratio and density on the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity of adult Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) using an infra......-red light system. Sex-ratio significantly affected locomotor activity, increasing with the percentage of males in the vials. In accordance with other studies, males were more active than females, but the circadian rhythm of the two sexes was not constant over time and changed during the light period...... of the behavioral interactions between houseflies and highlight the importance of these factors when designing behavioral experiments using M. domestica....

  5. Genetic variability in apple fruit polyphenol composition in Malus × domestica and Malus sieversii germplasm grown in New Zealand. (United States)

    Volz, Richard K; McGhie, Tony K


    Variations in the concentrations of flavan-3-ol, oligomeric procyanidin, chlorogenic acid, dihydrochalcone, flavonol, and anthocyanin polyphenol groups and total polyphenols were examined in the fruit peel and cortical flesh of 93 (80 Malus × domestica and 13 Malus sieversii) apple genotypes in at least 1 year between 2003 and 2005 grown at one site in New Zealand (NZ). Differences among genotypes accounted for 46-97% of the total variation in the concentrations of total polyphenols and each of the individual phenol groups in the flesh and peel in both species, whereas effects of year and genotype × year were minimal, except for peel flavonols in M. × domestica and flesh flavonols in both species. In these cases, differences among genotypes accounted for less than 30% of the total variation, which was less than the variation found for the interaction between genotype and year. Total polyphenol concentrations among genotypes were spread over a 7- and 9-fold range in the flesh and a 4- and 3-fold range in the peel of M. sieversii and M. × domestica, respectively, with the spread in concentrations of individual polyphenol groups in each tissue and within each species varying from a 2-fold to over a 500-fold range. Higher concentrations were generally found in M. sieversii. In M. × domestica, cultivars and breeding selections originating in NZ had lower average flesh and peel total polyphenols and chlorogenic acid than older cultivars previously imported into NZ from overseas countries.

  6. The Effects of Sex-Ratio and Density on Locomotor Activity in the House Fly, Musca domestica (United States)

    Bahrndorff, Simon; Kjærsgaard, Anders; Pertoldi, Cino; Loeschcke, Volker; Schou, Toke M.; Skovgård, Henrik; Hald, Birthe


    Although locomotor activity is involved in almost all behavioral traits, there is a lack of knowledge on what factors affect it. This study examined the effects of sex—ratio and density on the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity of adult Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) using an infra—red light system. Sex—ratio significantly affected locomotor activity, increasing with the percentage of males in the vials. In accordance with other studies, males were more active than females, but the circadian rhythm of the two sexes was not constant over time and changed during the light period. There was also an effect of density on locomotor activity, where males at intermediate densities showed higher activity. Further, the predictability of the locomotor activity, estimated as the degree of autocorrelation of the activity data, increased with the number of males present in the vials both with and without the presence of females. Overall, this study demonstrates that locomotor activity in M. domestica is affected by sex—ratio and density. Furthermore, the predictability of locomotor activity is affected by both sex—ratio, density, and circadian rhythm. These results add to our understanding of the behavioral interactions between houseflies and highlight the importance of these factors when designing behavioral experiments using M. domestica.

  7. La ciencia de vida escrita en las aves. Tercera parte: Feekaje “Pava” (Penelope jacquacu

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    Aniceto Nejedeka


    Full Text Available Texto bilingüe muinane-español sobre el ave feekaje, “pava” (Penelope jacquacu, elaborado por Aniceto Nejedeka a partir del conocimiento de los mayores de la etnia muinane. Este texto es la tercera parte de un libro que hemos venido publicando por fascículos, titulado La ciencia de vida escrita en las aves. El muinane es una lengua de la familia lingüística bora.

  8. Adaptation of Musca domestica L. field population to laboratory breeding causes transcriptional alterations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højland, Dorte H.; Vagn Jensen, Karl-Martin; Kristensen, Michael


    The housefly, Musca domestica, has developed resistance to most insecticides applied for its control. Expression of genes coding for detoxification enzymes play a role in the response of the housefly when encountered by a xenobiotic. The highest level of constitutive gene expression of nine P450 ...

  9. Relación del Virus del Oeste del Nilo con las Aves Silvestres


    Diego Soler-Tovar; Victor J Vera


    El Virus del Oeste del Nilo (VON) es un Flavivirus que produce una encefalomielitis y puede afectar aves y mamíferos; los efectos varían desde poco notorios hasta la muerte, y en su difusión es importante la participación de especies animales como las aves donde es transmitido a través de mosquitos vectores. El VON se conoce de Uganda desde 1937 y está ampliamente distribuido en África, el oriente y la región sur y tropical de Eurasia. En el Hemisferio Occidental, el VON fue la primera causa ...

  10. Chlorophyll Catabolites in Senescent Leaves of the Plum Tree (Prunus domestica). (United States)

    Erhart, Theresia; Mittelberger, Cecilia; Vergeiner, Clemens; Scherzer, Gerhard; Holzner, Barbara; Robatscher, Peter; Oberhuber, Michael; Kräutler, Bernhard


    In cold extracts of senescent leaves of the plum tree (Prunus domestica ssp. domestica), six colorless non-fluorescent chlorophyll catabolites (NCCs) were characterized, named Pd-NCCs. In addition, several minor NCC fractions were tentatively classified. The structure of the most polar one of the NCCs, named Pd-NCC-32, featured an unprecedented twofold glycosidation pattern. Three of the NCCs are also functionalized at their 3 2 -position by a glucopyranosyl group. In addition, two of these glycosidated NCCs carry a dihydroxyethyl group at their 18-position. In the polar Pd-NCC-32, the latter group is further glycosidated at the terminal 18 2 -position. Four other major Pd-NCCs and one minor Pd-NCC were identified with five NCCs from higher plants known to belong to the 'epi'-series. In addition, tentative structures were derived for two minor fractions, classified as yellow chlorophyll catabolites, which represented (formal) oxidation products of two of the observed Pd-NCCs. The chlorophyll catabolites in leaves of plum feature the same basic structural pattern as those found in leaves of apple and pear trees. © 2016 The Authors. Chemistry & Biodiversity Published by Wiley-VHCA AG, Zurich, Switzerland.

  11. Crystallization, data collection and phasing of two digestive lysozymes from Musca domestica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marana, S. R.; Cançado, F. C. [Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil); Valério, A. A. [Centro de Biologia Molecular e Estrutural (CeBiMe), Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), CP 6192, Campinas, SP 13084-971 (Brazil); Departamento de Bioquímica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas (Brazil); Ferreira, C.; Terra, W. R. [Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil); Barbosa, J. A. R. G., E-mail: [Centro de Biologia Molecular e Estrutural (CeBiMe), Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), CP 6192, Campinas, SP 13084-971 (Brazil); Departamento de Bioquímica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas (Brazil); Departamento de Genética e Evolução, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas (Brazil); Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil)


    The digestive lysozymes 1 and 2 from M. domestica were crystallized by vapour diffusion. The crystallographic data were processed to a maximum resolution of 1.9 Å in both cases. Lysozymes are mostly known for their defensive role against bacteria, but in several animals lysozymes have a digestive function. Here, the initial crystallographic characterization of two digestive lysozymes from Musca domestica are presented. The proteins were crystallized using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method in the presence of ammonium sulfate or PEG/2-propanol as the precipitant. X-ray diffraction data were collected to a maximum resolution of 1.9 Å using synchrotron radiation. The lysozyme 1 and 2 crystals belong to the monoclinic space group P2{sub 1} (unit-cell parameters a = 36.52, b = 79.44, c = 45.20 Å, β = 102.97°) and the orthorhombic space group P2{sub 1}2{sub 1}2 (unit-cell parameters a = 73.90, b = 96.40, c = 33.27 Å), respectively. The crystal structures were solved by molecular replacement and structure refinement is in progress.


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    Carlos López Coello


    Full Text Available Este artículo de revisión aborda la importancia de los ácidos fenólicos, flavonoides, taninos y sus compuestos derivados en la nutrición y alimentación de las aves. Los sorgos café presentan altos tenores de taninos, lo cual les proporciona como ventajas la resistencia a pájaros y a algunas plagas, sin embargo, reducen el valor nutricional del grano para las aves. Las informaciones sobre el contenido de estos compuestos es aún incierta, principalmente en la literatura, donde los sorgos café tienen sólo estimaciones sobre su contenido de taninos. Estos compuestos afectan también la ganancia de peso y la conversión de alimentos. En el aspecto nutricional, los taninos reducen la disponibilidad de metionina, This review article discusses the effects of phenolic acids, flavonoids, tannins and derivatives in poultry feeding and nutrition. The high tannin sorghum is advantageous for grain producers because of its resistance to birds’ attacks and insects, as compared to low tannin cultivar, but the nutritional value is reduced. The information about the amont of these compounds is really uncertain in scientific literature, and the high tannin sorghum has only estimated values for its tannin percentage. It’s clear that tannins affect weight gain and feed efficiency. The tannin can affect necesitando de la suplementación de este aminoácido, mientras para las proteínas los valores de digestibilidad varian de 45.5 a 66.7% en comparación con 89.9% de los sorgos bajos en taninos. Por otro lado, la presencia de taninos combinada con micotoxinas pueden determinar reducciones significativas del comportamiento de las aves. Se sugiere, por tanto, como forma de disminuir los efectos perjudiciales de estos compuestos en raciones formuladas con sorgo café, la suplementación de metionina, no obstante, la utilización de niveles suplementarios de vitaminas y el uso de calentamiento en horno microondas, no mostró resultados positivos

  13. Polyphenolic Characterization and Antioxidant Activity of Malus domestica and Prunus domestica Cultivars from Costa Rica. (United States)

    Navarro, Mirtha; Moreira, Ileana; Arnaez, Elizabeth; Quesada, Silvia; Azofeifa, Gabriela; Vargas, Felipe; Alvarado, Diego; Chen, Pei


    The phenolic composition of skin and flesh from Malus domestica apples (Anna cultivar) and Prunus domestica plums (satsuma cultivar) commercial cultivars in Costa Rica, was studied using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-DAD-ESI-MS) on enriched-phenolic extracts, with particular emphasis in proanthocyanidin and flavonoids characterization. A total of 52 compounds were identified, including 21 proanthocyanidins ([(+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin]) flavan-3-ols monomers, five procyanidin B-type dimers and two procyanidin A-type dimers, five procyanidin B-type trimers and two procyanidin A-type trimers, as well as one procyanidin B-type tetramer, two procyanidin B-type pentamers, and two flavan-3-ol gallates); 15 flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin and naringenin derivatives); nine phenolic acids (protochatechuic, caffeoylquinic, and hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives); five hydroxychalcones (phloretin and 3-hydroxyphloretin derivatives); and two isoprenoid glycosides (vomifoliol derivatives). These findings constitute the first report of such a high number and diversity of compounds in skins of one single plum cultivar and of the presence of proanthocyanidin pentamers in apple skins. Also, it is the first time that such a large number of glycosylated flavonoids and proanthocyanidins are reported in skins and flesh of a single plum cultivar. In addition, total phenolic content (TPC) was measured with high values observed for all samples, especially for fruits skins with a TPC of 619.6 and 640.3 mg gallic acid equivalents/g extract respectively for apple and plum. Antioxidant potential using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhidrazyl (DPPH) and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) methods were evaluated, with results showing also high values for all samples, especially again for fruit skins with IC 50 of 4.54 and 5.19 µg/mL (DPPH) and 16.8 and 14.6 mmol TE/g (ORAC) respectively for apple and plum, indicating the potential

  14. Food partitioning between breeding White-tailed Kites (Elanus leucurus; Aves; Accipitridae and Barn Owls (Tyto alba; Aves; Tytonidae in southern Brazil

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    DR. Scheibler

    Full Text Available I examined the diet of breeding White-tailed Kites (Elanus leucurus; Aves; Accipitridae and Barn Owls (Tyto alba; Aves; Tytonidae in an agrarian area of southern Brazil by analyzing regurgitated prey remains. The objective was to evaluate how these raptors, which differ markedly in their hunting activity periods (owls are nocturnal and kites diurnal, share their mammalian food component. 2,087 prey consumed by Barn Owls and 1,276 by White-tailed Kites were identified. They presented a high overlap of food-niches (Pianka’s index was 0.98. Based on the daily activity period of their main small mammal prey, a lower overlap would be expected. The crepuscular/nocturnal Mus musculus was the main prey for the diet of breeding Barn Owls (81% and White-tailed Kites (63%. This small exotic rodent provided 63% of the small mammal biomass ingested by owls and 44% by kites. Larger native small mammals were also considered important for the diet of kites, mainly because of their biomass contribution. Although these raptors differ markedly in their hunting activity periods, Barn Owls and White-tailed Kites are very similar predators in southern Brazil, overlapping their diets.

  15. Dos nuevos registros de piojos masticadores (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae sobre Leptotila megalura (Aves: Columbidae en la Argentina Two new records of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae on Leptotila megalura (Aves: Columbidae from Argentina

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    Leonor Guardia


    Full Text Available Dos especies de piojos masticadores (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae, Physconelloides ceratoceps Ewing y Columbicola gracilicapitis Carriker, son registradas por primera vez sobre Leptotila megalura Sclater & Salvin ("yerutí yungueña" (Aves: Columbidae. Además, C. gracilicapitis es citada por primera vez para la Argentina.Two species of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae, Physconelloides ceratoceps Ewing and Columbicola gracilicapitis Carriker are recorded for the first time on Leptotila megalura Sclater & Salvin ("Large-tailed dove" (Aves: Columbidae. In addition, C. gracilicapitis is recorded for the first time in Argentina.

  16. Formulation and quality control of Prunus domestica syrup, prepared according to Iranian Traditional Medicine

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    M. Hamzeloo-Moghadam


    Full Text Available Background and objectives: Prunus domestica (plum has been considered as a useful remedy for several disorders in Iranian Traditional Medicine (ITM. It has cold and wet temperament and is used as syrup for hot temperament diseases such as hot headache and stomach disorders. In the present study, plum syrup has been formulated according to ITM manuscripts and quality control evaluations have been accomplished to present a suitable formulation. Methods: The fruits of Prunus domestica L. were macerated in water, then decocted. The mixture was filtered. The filtrate was concentrated to have a suitable viscosity. The extract was sweetened by adding sugar (1:2 and heated till sugar was completely dissolved. The final product was evaluated physicochemically and microbiologically according to standard protocols and total phenolics content of the syrup stability was determined. The syrup was assessed in accelerated condition (40 ºC during 6 months. Results: The prepared formulation was a viscose and brown syrup with plum flavor and fragrance. No precipitation and cap locking were observed in the syrup. Dry residue, pH, density, viscosity and total phenolics of the syrup were found 43.1%, 3.49, 1.27 g/ml, 6.5 cP and 152.3 mg/100ml, respectively. No microbial growth was observed in the formulation. In the accelerated stability tests, no remarkable changes were seen in the product. Total phenolics content was decreased 2.2% during 6 months in 40 ºC. Conclusion: The formulated Prunus domestica syrup could be introduced for further mass production after completing the final required evaluations.

  17. AVE0991, a nonpeptide analogue of Ang-(1-7), attenuates aging-related neuroinflammation. (United States)

    Jiang, Teng; Xue, Liu-Jun; Yang, Yang; Wang, Qing-Guang; Xue, Xiao; Ou, Zhou; Gao, Qing; Shi, Jian-Quan; Wu, Liang; Zhang, Ying-Dong


    During the aging process, chronic neuroinflammation induced by microglia is detrimental for the brain and contributes to the etiology of several aging-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. As a newly identified axis of renin-angiotensin system, ACE2/Ang-(1-7)/MAS1 axis plays a crucial role in modulating inflammatory responses under various pathological conditions. However, its relationship with aging-related neuroinflammation is less studied so far. In this study, by using SAMP8 mice, an animal model of accelerated aging, we revealed that the neuroinflammation in the aged brain might be attributed to a decreased level of Ang-(1-7). More importantly, we provided evidence that AVE0991, a nonpeptide analogue of Ang-(1-7), attenuated the aging-related neuroinflammation via suppression of microglial-mediated inflammatory response through a MAS1 receptor-dependent manner. Meanwhile, this protective effect might be ascribed to the M2 activation of microglia induced by AVE0991. Taken together, these findings reveal the association of Ang-(1-7) with the inflammatory response in the aged brain and uncover the potential of its nonpeptide analogue AVE0991 in attenuation of aging-related neuroinflammation.

  18. Effects of Persea americana Mill. seed extracts on the postembryonic development of Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscoide

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    Silvia del C. Molina Bertrán


    Full Text Available Context: The synthetic insecticides used to control Diptera are harmful to the environment and humans. Extracts and compounds from plants are a more sustainable source for the development of bio-insecticides. Aims: To evaluate the efficacy of a hydroalcoholic extract of Persea americana Mill seeds as an alternative control of the species Musca domestica. Methods: The extracts were obtained by two methods, the Shaker (S and the Soxhlet extraction (SE method, using 94% ethanol as the solvent. Also, the qualitative chemical composition was determined by phytochemical screening. The effect of the two extracts on the post-embryonic development of the fly as well as the adulticidal effect was evaluated. Results: Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of metabolites such as alkaloids, coumarins, tannins, flavonoids, sugars and amino acids. The influence on the post-embryonic development of M. domestica was demonstrated, especially on the viability of larvae and neolarvae to adults; however, the effect on the weight and duration of each period was low. The adulticidal effects of the extracts were determined by the lethal concentration 50(LC50 of 2.910 mg/100 mL and 3.944 mg/100 mL for the S and SE extracts, respectively. Conclusions: Both extracts showed their insecticidal effects against Musca domestica, but the extract elaborated by S method showed greater influence diminishing viability and better adulticidal effect.

  19. The blow fly, Chrysomya megacephala, and the house fly, Musca domestica, as mechanical vectors of pathogenic bacteria in Northeast Thailand. (United States)

    Chaiwong, T; Srivoramas, T; Sueabsamran, P; Sukontason, K; Sanford, M R; Sukontason, K L


    The Oriental latrine fly, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and the house fly, Musca domestica L., (Diptera: Muscidae) are synanthropic flies which are adapted to live in close association with human habitations, thereby making them likely mechanical vectors of several pathogens to humans. There were two main aims of this study. The first aim was to determine the prevalence of these two fly species from five types of human habitations including: fresh-food markets, garbage piles, restaurants, school cafeterias and paddy fields, in the Muang Ubon Ratchathani and Warinchamrap districts of Ubon Ratchathani province of Northeast Thailand. Flies collection were conducted monthly from September 2010-October 2011 using a reconstructable funnel trap, containing 1 day-tainted beef offal as bait. A total of 7 750 flies (6 401 C. megacephala and 1 349 M.domestica) were collected. The second aim was to examine the potential of these flies to carry pathogenic bacteria. Bacteria were isolated from 994 individual flies collected using a sweep net (555 C. megacephala and 439 M. domestica). A total of 15 bacterial genera were isolated from the external surfaces, comprising ten genera of gram-negative bacteria and five gram-positive bacteria. The most common bacteria isolated from both species were coagulase-negative staphylococci, followed by Streptococcus group D non-enterococci. Human pathogenic enteric bacteria isolated were Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella typhi, Bacillus sp., and Enterococcus sp., of which S. typhi is the first report of isolation from these fly species. Other human pathogens included Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Not only were the number of C. megacephala positive for bacteria significantly higher than for M. domestica, but they were also carrying ~11-12 times greater bacterial load than M. domestica. These data suggest that both fly species should be considered potential

  20. Using the Spanish Online Resource Aula Virtual de Español (AVE to Promote a Blended Teaching Approach in High School Spanish Language Classrooms / Utilisation de la ressource en ligne espagnole AVE pour favoriser l’approche de l’enseignement hybride

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    Martine Pellerin


    Full Text Available The study explores the effectiveness of the implementation of blended teaching (BT by combining the Spanish online resource Aula Virtual de Español (AVE with the face-to-face (F2F delivery approach in second language Spanish programs in two high schools in Alberta, Canada. Findings demonstrate the effectiveness of combining the online resource AVE to the F2F teaching approach to promote BT in the Spanish language classroom. The use of BT approach in the language classroom had a positive impact on the students’ attitudes towards the study of the language, the students’ motivation and their participation levels in class, as well as their use of the target language in the classroom. Moreover, the multimodal experiences provided by the use of the online AVE resource combined with the F2F delivery approach responded more to the different learners learning styles and specific needs. Finally, the use of online AVE in conjunction with F2F teaching was also perceived as an effective tool in the preparation for the International Spanish Diplomas (DELE taken by the students in the more advanced Spanish classes. La présente étude explore l’efficacité de l’enseignement hybride combinant l’utilisation de la ressource espagnole en ligne Aula Virtual de Español (AVE et l’interaction face à face dans les programmes d’enseignement de l’espagnol, langue seconde, dans deux écoles secondaires de l’Alberta (Canada. Les résultats démontrent l’efficacité de la combinaison de la ressource en ligne AVE à la prestation face à face pour favoriser l’approche de l’enseignement hybride dans les cours d’espagnol. L’utilisation de l’approche de l’enseignement hybride dans le cours de langue a eu une incidence positive sur l’attitude des élèves relativement à l’apprentissage de la langue, la motivation des élèves et leur taux de participation en classe, ainsi que leur utilisation de la langue d’apprentissage dans la classe

  1. Associations between chewing lice (Insecta, Phthiraptera and albatrosses and petrels (Aves, Procellariiformes collected in Brazil Associações entre malófagos (Insecta, Phthiraptera e albatrozes e petréis (Aves, Procellariiformes capturados no Brasil

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    Michel P. Valim


    Full Text Available Chewing lice were searched on 197 skins of 28 species of procellariiform birds collected in Brazil. A total of 38 species of lice were found on 112 skins belonging to 22 bird species. The lice were slide-mounted and identified. A list of lice species found and their host species is given and some host-louse associations are discussed under an evolutionary perspective.Malófagos foram procurados em 197 peles de 28 espécies de aves Procellariiformes capturadas no Brasil. Um total de 38 espécies de piolhos foram encontradas em 112 peles pertencentes a 22 espécies de aves. Os piolhos foram montados em lâminas e identificados. Uma lista com as espécies de piolhos encontradas e seus hospedeiros é dada, além de algumas associações entre os piolhos e as aves serem discutidas sob uma perspectiva evolutiva.

  2. Comunidades de aves y lepidopteros diurnos y las relaciones entre ellas en bosque nuboso y cafetal de Finca Santa Maura, Jinotega (United States)

    M. Torrez; W. Arendt; J. M. Maes


    Para evaluar la diversidad de aves y mariposas ninfálidas visitamos la Estación Biológica Juan Roberto Zarruk en Jinotega, donde colectamos datos en todos los hábitats presentes en la finca. Obtuvimos 123 especies de aves y 29 especies de ninfálidos. El hábitat con mayor riqueza para aves fue el cafetal y para ninfálidos el tacotal. Entre las especies más comunes...

  3. Sexual dimorphism in Ramphastos toco and Ramphastos dicolorus (Piciformes, Aves

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    Márcio S. Castro


    Full Text Available Con frecuencia, en la familia Ramphastidae no hay un dimorfismo sexual aparente, excepto en Pteroglossus viridis y en el género Selenidera. Muchos criadores de aves silvestres creen que los especímenes de Ramphastos toco pueden ser sexados usando las caracteríticas del pico. En este estudio, fueron analizadas algunas variables feno-típicas discriminantes en aves cuyo sexo fue previamente determinado con metodos citogenéticos. Un total de 51 especimenes de R. toco y 20 de R. dicolorus fueron estudiados. Los parámetros estadísticos significativos que son útiles para distinguir el sexo en estas especies son la longitud del culmen y del tomium, la longitud del pico corneo inferior y de la cloaca. Usando estos parámetros, los criadores de aves cautivas pueden sexar los especimenes de Ramphastos toco mediante análisis fenotípico y formar parejas reproductoras más rapidamente.Phenotypic sexual dimorphism seems to be rare in the Ramphastidae family, except in Pteroglossus viridis and in the genus Selenidera. Many breeders of wild birds believe that specimens of Ramphastos toco can be sexed using bill characteristics. In this study, various discriminant phenotypic variables were analyzed in birds which were sexed cytogenetically. Fifty-one specimens of R. toco and 20 R. dicolorus were studied. The statistically significant parameters which served to distinguish the sex in these species were the length of the culmen and tomium, length of the lower corneous beak and the cloaca. Using these parameters, capitive bird breeders can determine sex of R. toco specimens by phenotypic analysis and form breeding couples more quickly.

  4. Boron toxicity causes multiple effects on Malus domestica pollen tube growth

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    Kefeng eFang


    Full Text Available Boron is an essential micronutrient for plants. However, boron is also toxic to cells at high concentrations, although the mechanism of this stress is not known. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of boron stress on Malus domestica pollen tube growth and its possible regulatory pathway. Our results show that a high concentration of boron inhibited pollen germination and tube growth and led to the morphological abnormality of pollen tubes. Fluorescent labeling coupled with a scanning ion-selective electrode technique detected that boron stress could decrease [Ca2+]c and induce the disappearance of the [Ca2+]c gradient, which are critical for pollen tube polar growth. Actin filaments were therefore altered by boron stress. Immuno-localization and fluorescence labeling, together with Fourier-transform infrared analysis (FTIR, suggested that boron stress influenced the accumulation and distribution of callose, de-esterified pectins, esterified pectins and arabinogalactan proteins in pollen tubes. All of the above results provide new insights into the regulatory role of boron in pollen tube development. In summary, boron likely plays a structural and regulatory role in relation to [Ca2+]c, actin cytoskeleton and cell wall components and thus regulates Malus domestica pollen germination and tube polar growth.

  5. Boron Toxicity Causes Multiple Effects on Malus domestica Pollen Tube Growth. (United States)

    Fang, Kefeng; Zhang, Weiwei; Xing, Yu; Zhang, Qing; Yang, Liu; Cao, Qingqin; Qin, Ling


    Boron is an important micronutrient for plants. However, boron is also toxic to cells at high concentrations, although the mechanism of this toxicity is not known. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of boron toxicity on Malus domestica pollen tube growth and its possible regulatory pathway. Our results showed that a high concentration of boron inhibited pollen germination and tube growth and led to the morphological abnormality of pollen tubes. Fluorescent labeling coupled with a scanning ion-selective electrode technique detected that boron toxicity could decrease [Ca(2+)]c and induce the disappearance of the [Ca(2+)]c gradient, which are critical for pollen tube polar growth. Actin filaments were therefore altered by boron toxicity. Immuno-localization and fluorescence labeling, together with fourier-transform infrared analysis, suggested that boron toxicity influenced the accumulation and distribution of callose, de-esterified pectins, esterified pectins, and arabinogalactan proteins in pollen tubes. All of the above results provide new insights into the regulatory role of boron in pollen tube development. In summary, boron likely plays a structural and regulatory role in relation to [Ca(2+)]c, actin cytoskeleton and cell wall components and thus regulates Malus domestica pollen germination and tube polar growth.

  6. Variación temporal y espacial de aves playeras en la laguna Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, en tres temporadas no reproductivas


    Salvador Hernández; Sergio Serrano; Xóchitl A. Hernández; María Isabel Robles


    Hay un escaso conocimiento de las aves playeras en los humedales costeros de Jalisco, y en particular en la laguna Barra de Navidad. El presente trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de este grupo de aves y describe su distribución temporal y espacial en la laguna Barra de Navidad durante tres temporadas no reproductivas (1999-2000, 2006-2007 y 2008-2009). Se realizaron censos mensuales de noviembre-abril en las tres temporadas con el fin de registrar todas las especies de aves playeras. Se iden...

  7. Variación temporal y espacial de aves playeras en la laguna Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, en tres temporadas no reproductivas

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    Salvador Hernández


    Full Text Available Hay un escaso conocimiento de las aves playeras en los humedales costeros de Jalisco, y en particular en la laguna Barra de Navidad. El presente trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de este grupo de aves y describe su distribución temporal y espacial en la laguna Barra de Navidad durante tres temporadas no reproductivas (1999-2000, 2006-2007 y 2008-2009. Se realizaron censos mensuales de noviembre-abril en las tres temporadas con el fin de registrar todas las especies de aves playeras. Se identificaron 19 especies (tres residentes y 16 visitantes de invierno, de las cuales Charadrius wilsonia, Limosa fedoa y Tringa semipalmata presentaron la mayor abundancia. Doce especies son consideradas como prioritarias en la “Estrategia para la Conservación y Manejo de las Aves Playeras y su Hábitat en México”. El mayor número de especies fue registrado en noviembre, diciembre y marzo en la primera y tercera temporada. El mayor número de individuos fue registrado alimentándose en marea baja, principalmente en diciembre, enero y febrero de la primera y tercera temporada. En marea baja hubo un mayor número de especies e individuos alimentándose en la zona C. Esta zona se caracterizó por tener sustratos lodosos expuestos durante marea baja y que fueron aprovechados por las aves para alimentarse. La laguna Barra de Navidad proporcionó hábitats de alimentación y descanso para las aves residentes y migratorias. Sin embargo, estos hábitats se ven amenazados por las actividades humanas realizadas dentro de la laguna, que sin duda tendrán consecuencias negativas para la distribución y abundancia de las aves playeras.

  8. Hemoparásitos aviares de los llanos orientales colombianos

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    Oscar A. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Un total de 315 aves, pertenecientes a 75 (23 familias de Villavicencio y San Miguel (Meta, Colombia fueron examinadas para hematozoarios, donde 50 aves (15.9% presentaron uno o mas hemoparasitos. Microfilaria fue el hematozoario más encontrado, seguido numéricamente por: especies de Haemoproteus, Plasmodium y Trypanosoma y finalmente par un ejemplar de Hepatozoon. El estudio incluye 15 nuevos registros hospedero-parasito para el mundo y 18 para Colombia y 8 especies de aves fueron examinadas para hemoparasitos por primera vez. La baja prevalencia registrada por este estudio coincide con los estudios para otras zonas del Neotrópico y Colombia.

  9. Compost de ave de corral como componente de sustratos

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    Lorena Alejandra Barbaro¹


    Full Text Available El sustrato para cultivo es un material que colocado en un contenedor permite el anclaje del sistema radicular, proporcionando agua y nutrientes. Entre los materiales empleados para formular sustratos se encuentran los compost. Entre ellos el compost de cama de ave de corral (CAC, elaborado en base al estiércol de aves mezclado con los materiales que forman su lecho. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar dos compost de CAC como componente de sustrato, mediante el desarrollo de plantas de Coral (Salvia splendens. Uno de los compost contenía cama de stud (CAC+S durante su compostaje. Se formularon sustratos con diferentes proporciones de compost de CAC, compost de corteza de pino y pinocha, luego fueron analizados física y químicamente. A las plantas cultivadas en cada sustrato se midió la longitud y el diámetro del tallo, peso fresco y seco de la parte aérea y radicular. La densidad, porosidad y capacidad de retención de agua de todos los sustratos fueron aceptables. El pH de ambos compost de CAC fue mayor a 6,3, y los valores de las mezclas se encontraron dentro del rango aceptable. Todos los sustratos superaron 1 dS m-1 (1+5 v/v, principalmente los formulados con compost de CAC+S, cuyo material puro contenía altos niveles salinos. Al disminuir el porcentaje de CAC en las mezclas, diminuyó la concentración de cada nutriente. Las plantas cultivadas en el sustrato comercial y en las mezclas con 20% de CAC fueron las que lograron los mayores pesos aéreos y radiculares, diámetro y longitud del tallo. Por lo tanto, el compost de ave de corral podría ser una alternativa viable como componente de sustrato si se lo utiliza hasta un 20%.



    Segovia H., Karen; Icochea D., Eliana; González V., Rosa; Ghersi, Bruno; González Z., Armando


    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la presencia del virus de influenza aviar (IA) en aves silvestres presentes en los Humedales de Puerto Viejo, en el departamento de Lima. Novecientas muestras de heces frescas de 18 especies de aves silvestres fueron colectadas desde abril de 2008 hasta febrero de 2009. Dichas muestras se analizaron mediante aislamiento viral en huevos embrionados de pollo SPF. Se logró aislar siete cepas de virus de IA de baja patogenicidad del subtipo H12N5 (seis cepas...

  11. Nidificação de aves em duas localidades amazonicas : sucesso e adaptações


    Yoshika Oniki Willis


    Resumo: As taxas de sucesso em ninhos de aves bera como as características de ninhos e ovos relacionados com o ambiente foram estudadas em duas localidades brasileiras tropicais, Belém e Manaus. As taxas de mortalidade em ninhos de aves, de Belém e Manaus, medidas pela fórmula N/(P + S + N), sugerida por Mayfield (1975) variaram entre 1,5 e 6,8 % por dia para diferentes tipos de ninhos e habitats. Sendo que estas figuras às vezes não são significantemente mais altas que taxas constatadas em z...

  12. Aves de Caldas: la complejidad cotidiana entre la sobrevivencia y la belleza

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    Natalia Ruíz Rodgers


    En la región andina central de Colombia, la belleza resulta aún más difícil de analizar debido a que es una región muy heterogénea, con una variación altitudinal amplia, una topografía desigual, condiciones climáticas y edafológicas diversas, diferentes formaciones vegetales (bosque andino, bosque de niebla, páramos, nieves perpetuas y zonas productivas (cafetales, guaduales, ganadería, cultivos de papa, frutales, minería, etc.. Toda esta heterogeneidad produce una gran riqueza de especies, solo Caldas acoge el cuarenta y ocho por ciento de las aves que se encuentran en el país. Esta riqueza se representa además en la importancia que tienen las aves gracias a sus múltiples interacciones, su efecto en el ecosistema y sus diferentes estrategias evolutivas.

  13. Evaluation of the house fly Musca domestica as a mechanical vector for an anthrax.

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    Antonio Fasanella

    Full Text Available Anthrax is a disease of human beings and animals caused by the encapsulated, spore-forming, Bacillus anthracis. The potential role of insects in the spread of B. anthracis to humans and domestic animals during an anthrax outbreak has been confirmed by many studies. Among insect vectors, the house fly Musca domestica is considered a potential agent for disease transmission. In this study, laboratory-bred specimens of Musca domestica were infected by feeding on anthrax-infected rabbit carcass or anthrax contaminated blood, and the presence of anthrax spores in their spots (faeces and vomitus was microbiologically monitored. It was also evaluated if the anthrax spores were able to germinate and replicate in the gut content of insects. These results confirmed the role of insects in spreading anthrax infection. This role, although not major, given the huge size of fly populations often associated with anthrax epidemics in domestic animals, cannot be neglected from an epidemiological point of view and suggest that fly control should be considered as part of anthrax control programs.

  14. Characterisation of Sorbus domestica L. Bark, Fruits and Seeds: Nutrient Composition and Antioxidant Activity

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    Boris Majić


    Full Text Available The aim of this work is to assess the nutritional value of service tree (Sorbus domestica L. bark, fruit exocarp and mesocarp, and seeds by establishing the levels of macro- and microelements, total phenolics, flavonoids and tannins. Our results revealed that all of the tested service tree samples were rich in potassium. Bark was the best source of calcium and zinc, while seeds were the best source of magnesium. Compared to the bark and seeds, fruit exocarp and mesocarp contained significantly lower amounts of these three elements. Immature exocarp and bark contained the highest amounts of total phenolics and showed the highest antioxidant activity. Maturation significantly decreased the amount of total phenolics in fruits, as well as the antioxidant activity of total phenolics and total tannins from exocarp, but not from mesocarp. Exocarp was the richest in total flavonoids. Based on the obtained data, we have concluded that the under-utilised species S. domestica L. could serve as an important source of mineral elements and antioxidants in the human diet.

  15. Relação entre Triatoma infestans, aves domésticas e o homem num povoado de Santiago del Estero, Argentina

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    Gajate Patrícia P.


    Full Text Available Determinou-se a associação entre Triatoma infestans, aves domésticas e o homem no povoado de Trinidad, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Para coletar triatomíneos foram realizadas quatro amostragens no peridomicílio de seis casas, utilizando-se o método de captura hora/homem (dezembro de 1991 a outubro de 1992. Os anexos foram classificados em antrópicos (onde o homem realiza atividades cotidianas e não-antrópicos. Além disso, determinou-se o perfil alimentar dos barbeiros. De um total de 134 ecótopos investigados, 21% tinham T. infestans; 22% possuíam aves domésticas; e 54% eram antrópicos. Em 25% destes ecótopos foram encontradas aves e T. infestans simultaneamente. As aves foram os únicos animais domésticos associados com o T. infestans, sendo que esta relação só ocorreu nos ecótopos antrópicos. A proporção de ingestas em aves (61/146 foi altamente significativa. Em Trinidad não há galinheiros, utilizando-se, assim, os anexos entrópicos do peridomicílio como local para se construir os ninhos para as aves. tanto pelos elementos usados na preparação dos ninhos como pelo uso posterior dos mesmos, poder-se-ia estabelecer um fluxo periódico de barbeiros do intradomicílio para o peridomicílio, e vice-versa, através do transporte passivo. Esta relação estreita entre Triatoma infestans, aves domésticas e o homem, encontrada nos ecótopos antrópicos, onde também existem outros reservatórios de T. cruzi, como os cães, favorece a manutenção de colônias de barbeiros domiciliares e a transmissão da doença de Chagas ao homem.

  16. Relação entre Triatoma infestans, aves domésticas e o homem num povoado de Santiago del Estero, Argentina

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    Patrícia P. Gajate

    Full Text Available Determinou-se a associação entre Triatoma infestans, aves domésticas e o homem no povoado de Trinidad, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Para coletar triatomíneos foram realizadas quatro amostragens no peridomicílio de seis casas, utilizando-se o método de captura hora/homem (dezembro de 1991 a outubro de 1992. Os anexos foram classificados em antrópicos (onde o homem realiza atividades cotidianas e não-antrópicos. Além disso, determinou-se o perfil alimentar dos barbeiros. De um total de 134 ecótopos investigados, 21% tinham T. infestans; 22% possuíam aves domésticas; e 54% eram antrópicos. Em 25% destes ecótopos foram encontradas aves e T. infestans simultaneamente. As aves foram os únicos animais domésticos associados com o T. infestans, sendo que esta relação só ocorreu nos ecótopos antrópicos. A proporção de ingestas em aves (61/146 foi altamente significativa. Em Trinidad não há galinheiros, utilizando-se, assim, os anexos entrópicos do peridomicílio como local para se construir os ninhos para as aves. tanto pelos elementos usados na preparação dos ninhos como pelo uso posterior dos mesmos, poder-se-ia estabelecer um fluxo periódico de barbeiros do intradomicílio para o peridomicílio, e vice-versa, através do transporte passivo. Esta relação estreita entre Triatoma infestans, aves domésticas e o homem, encontrada nos ecótopos antrópicos, onde também existem outros reservatórios de T. cruzi, como os cães, favorece a manutenção de colônias de barbeiros domiciliares e a transmissão da doença de Chagas ao homem.

  17. Maize Lc transcription factor enhances biosynthesis of anthocyanins, distinct proanthocyanidins and phenylpropanoids in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.). (United States)

    Li, Houhua; Flachowsky, Henryk; Fischer, Thilo C; Hanke, Magda-Viola; Forkmann, Gert; Treutter, Dieter; Schwab, Wilfried; Hoffmann, Thomas; Szankowski, Iris


    Flavonoids are a large family of polyphenolic compounds with manifold functions in plants. Present in a wide range of vegetables and fruits, flavonoids form an integral part of the human diet and confer multiple health benefits. Here, we report on metabolic engineering of the flavonoid biosynthetic pathways in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) by overexpression of the maize (Zea mays L.) leaf colour (Lc) regulatory gene. The Lc gene was transferred into the M. domestica cultivar Holsteiner Cox via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation which resulted in enhanced anthocyanin accumulation in regenerated shoots. Five independent Lc lines were investigated for integration of Lc into the plant genome by Southern blot and PCR analyses. The Lc-transgenic lines contained one or two Lc gene copies and showed increased mRNA levels for phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), chalcone synthase (CHS), flavanone 3 beta-hydroxylase (FHT), dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR), leucoanthocyanidin reductases (LAR), anthocyanidin synthase (ANS) and anthocyanidin reductase (ANR). HPLC-DAD and LC-MS analyses revealed higher levels of the anthocyanin idaein (12-fold), the flavan 3-ol epicatechin (14-fold), and especially the isomeric catechin (41-fold), and some distinct dimeric proanthocyanidins (7 to 134-fold) in leaf tissues of Lc-transgenic lines. The levels of phenylpropanoids and their derivatives were only slightly increased. Thus, Lc overexpression in Malus domestica resulted in enhanced biosynthesis of specific flavonoid classes, which play important roles in both phytopathology and human health.

  18. The construction of women and the situation of exile in Aves exóticas by Reina Roffé

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    Nadia Vannesa Mendez


    Full Text Available This article analyze the construction of a different style of woman in the stories compiled in the book´s Reina Roffé Aves Exóticas (2004. The female characters that appear are crossed by different ways of exile, as the political exile caused by military dictatorships. It is also interesting as, in the second edition of Aves, Roffé raises a new reading of the play Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.

  19. Estructura de la comunidad y asociación de las aves acuáticas con la heterogeneidad espacial del complejo lagunar Bahía Magdalena-Almejas, Baja California Sur, México

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    Bulmara Zárate-Ovando


    Full Text Available Para probar la hipótesis que la heterogeneidad espacial determina la diversidad de aves acuáticas en un humedal costero, comparamos la densidad, diversidad y composición de especies de aves acuáticas entre habitats y otras unidades de paisaje del complejo Bahía Magdalena-Almejas, Baja California Sur, México. Se realizaron censos de aves acuáticas en 329 segmentos de habitat de la línea de costa interna del complejo lagunar, desde febrero 2002 hasta febrero 2003. La densidad de aves fue mayor en invierno y otoño en las tres lagunas del área de estudio; de las zonas, la densidad fue mayor en la costa insular; y de los habitats en playa arenosa y dunas pero en los pocos segmentos de sustrato antrópico la densidad fue alta. La diversidad fue significativamente mayor en otoño; en Canal Santo Domingo; en la costa peninsular; y de los habitats en manglar-dunas y manglar. La modificación del habitat natural costero y el disturbio por tránsito de embarcaciones no tuvieron influencia en la densidad o diversidad de aves acuáticas, pero la riqueza acumulada mayor ocurrió en las costas bien conservadas y sin disturbio. El análisis de la composición de especies mostró diferencias entre las asociaciones de Canal Santo Domingo y Bahía Magdalena. El ambiente pelágico y el manglar tuvieron diferencia mayor en la composición de especies con respecto a las asociaciones de los demás habitats, tales diferencias en elencos de especies por habitat sugieren que la comunidad de aves está estructurada de acuerdo a los recursos naturales disponibles de las lagunas, zonas y habitats, en relación con la complejidad estructural de las unidades de paisaje. Las condiciones ecológicas del complejo lagunar ocasionan que las aves acuáticas piscívoras sean el grupo dominante de esta comunidad.Community structure and association of waterbirds with spatial heterogeneity in the Bahía Magdalena-Almejas wetland complex, Baja California Sur, Mexico. To test

  20. Melia azedarach L. extracts and their activity on Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae

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    Marise M. O. Cabral

    Full Text Available Crudes extracts and fractions from seeds of Melia azedarach L. (Meliaceae have been assayed on Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758 (Diptera: Muscidae. Thus, the post-embryonic development of the flies was reduced and the delay from newly hatched larvae to adults had significant increase. In addition, the pupal weights were reduced and the sexual ratio altered. Toxicity to fly eggs was also observed.

  1. Biological changes in Musca domestica L., 1758 (Diptera:Muscidae), induced by gamma radiation (60 Co)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grecchi, M.A.


    This work was carried out in the Entomology Section of the Centre of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA), University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The objective of the present research work was to investigate some effects of gamma radiation on the various stages of M. domestica life cycle. (author)

  2. Reproduction and longevity of Supputius cincticeps (Het.: Pentatomidae fed with larvae of Zophobas confusa, Tenebrio molitor (Col.: Tenebrionidae or Musca domestica (Dip.: Muscidae

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    José Cola Zanuncio


    Full Text Available Reproduction and longevity of Supputius cincticeps (Stål (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae fed on Zophobas confusa Gebien, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae or Musca domestica (L. (Diptera: Muscidae larvae were studied during two generations at 24.7 ± 1.1ºC, 70 ± 10% R.H. and 12 h of photophase. Body weight of newly-emerged adults, oviposition period, number of egg masses, total number of eggs and longevity of S. cincticeps were higher when fed on Z. confusa or T. molitor larvae than on M. domestica larvae. Regardless of diet, S. cincticeps showed better reproduction and longevity in the second generation in laboratory conditions.Foram avaliadas, em duas gerações, a reprodução e a longevidade de Supputius cincticeps (Stål (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae alimentado com larvas de Zophobas confusa Gebien, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae ou Musca domestica (L. (Diptera: Muscidae a 24,7 ± 1,1ºC, 70 ± 10% de U.R. e fotofase de 12 h. O peso de adultos recém emergidos, o período de oviposição, o número de posturas, de ovos totais e a longevidade de fêmeas de S. cincticeps foram maiores com larvas de Z. confusa ou T. molitor que com M. domestica. Independentemente do tipo de presa, S. cincticeps mostrou melhor performance reprodutiva e longevidade na segunda geração.

  3. Crianza Artificial de Aves Rapaces Nocturnas en Cautiverio


    Carolina Sastre-Corredor


    El objetivo de este trabajo, fue realizar el seguimiento a dos casos de aves rapaces neonatos que ingresaron al Centro de Recepción y Rehabilitación de Fauna Silvestre (CRRFS) de la Secretaria Distrital de Ambiente (SDA), con el fin de registrar, conocer e informar el manejo general de los mismos. Al momento de ingresar el primer grupo de ejemplares al CRRFS, se detectaron varias limitaciones de tipo físico, por ejemplo insumos alimentarios en mal estado o inexistencia de los mismos, y de...

  4. Microscopic investigation to determine the effect of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. and Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf. treatment on different life stages of Musca domestica (L.). (United States)

    Mishra, Sapna; Kumar, Peeyush; Malik, Anushree


    Microscopic investigation was done to determine the effect of entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana and essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus on different life stages of Musca domestica . Scanning electron microscopy investigation of fungal infected larvae showed sluggish movement, rigor, and failure of body to balance in water. Treated larvae also revealed varied level of cuticle shrinkage and extreme dehydration. Surface of B. bassiana infected pupae showed varied stage of mycelial growth, while the cadaver of adult fly was observed to have extensive fungal growth covering their entire body surface. The application of C. citratus oils on M. domestica larvae resulted in skin shrinkage, spinous cells proliferation and bleb formation, while the treated pupae showed high incidence of incomplete emergence and malformation in emerged adult flies. The current study establishes effect of C. citratus essential oil and B. bassiana infection on different life stages of M. domestica .


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    José Geraldo Bezerra Galvão Júnior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou realizar um diagnóstico de caracterização dos sistemas de criação de aves adotados na Comunidade Rural Base Física, município de Ipanguaçu/RN, com o intuito de produzir subsídios para orientação de ações de suporte técnico à comunidade local. Foram elaborados e aplicados 50 questionários, com questões relacionadas ao perfil socioeconômico dos criadores e aos aspectos zootécnicos relativos à criação de aves. Posteriormente, os dados foram agrupados e analisados graficamente, utilizando-se planilha eletrônica. Na análise dos resultados, a maioria dos entrevistados corresponderam ao gênero feminino (70%, faixa etária de 41 a 60 anos (50%, representados em sua maioria por agricultores (52%, apresentando renda familiar de menos de 1 salário mínimo (16%, até 2 salários (20% e acima de 2 salários mínimos (34%. Na análise das respostas referentes aos aspectos zootécnicos da criação de aves, constatou-se um rebanho efetivo de 1046 aves, onde 81% dos entrevistados mantinham a criação para consumo da família. A avicultura representa grande importância na agricultura familiar da região, tanto na questão de segurança alimentar para a família quanto no aspecto econômico. A alimentação foi considerada o principal fator limitante para o desenvolvimento da criação, seguida da área para criação e presença de doenças nas aves. Programas de capacitação e assistência técnica devem ser implantados, para que possa haver um incremento quantitativo e qualitativo da criação de aves, principalmente, ligados aos aspectos de manejo alimentar e sanitário, bem como, no delineamento de modelos produtivos que expressem competitividade no setor. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: avicultura, sistemas de criação, agricultura familiar.

  6. AVE5026, a new hemisynthetic ultra-low-molecular-weight heparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients after total knee replacement surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Michael Rud; Dahl, O E; Mismetti, P


    BACKGROUND: AVE5026 is a new hemisynthetic ultra-low-molecular-weight heparin, with a novel anti-thrombotic profile resulting from high anti-factor (F)Xa activity and residual anti-FIIa activity. AVE5026 is in clinical development for venous thromboembolism (VTE) prevention, a frequent complication....... The primary safety outcome was the incidence of major bleeding. RESULTS: The primary efficacy outcome was assessed in 464 patients. There was a significant dose-response across the five AVE5026 groups for VTE prevention (Pincidence of VTE ranging from 5.3% to 44.1% compared with 35...

  7. Nuevos avistamientos de aves para Tamaulipas, México

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    Erick Rubén Rodríguez-Ruíz


    Full Text Available Los inventarios y registros avifaunísticos facilitan el conocimiento de la composición de las comunidades de aves y ayudan a la comprensión de las interacciones en los ecosistemas. En este trabajo obtuvimos registros notables de cinco especies de aves de 2005 a 2011 en los municipios de Altamira, El Mante, González, Jaumave, Madero, Matamoros, Miquihuana y Soto La Marina, en el estado de Tamaulipas. Registramos por primera vez la presencia de Aphelocoma californica e Icterus wagleri en el estado, confirmando las predicciones de algunos autores. Con la colecta de un nido, reafirmamos la presencia de Psarocolius montezuma en el sur del estado. Registramos nuevamente la presencia de Falco femoralis en la entidad, especie reportada hace algunos años como extirpada. ParaLepidocolaptes affinis definimos parte de su área de distribución en los límites neotropicales del estado. Las modificaciones antropogénicas en los ecosistemas son algunos de los principales factores que influyen en los movimientos distribucionales de las especies; por esto, es necesario incrementar el esfuerzo de muestreo que permita el registro de un mayor número de especies y así poder tener un mejor conocimiento de su distribución y temporalidad a nivel local y regional para entender su historia natural y ecología a escalas más finas.

  8. Conhecimento de moradores sobre frugivoria por aves em uma região urbanizada e com fragmentos de restinga no sudeste do Brasil

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    César Cestari


    Full Text Available O conhecimento ecológico é importante para revelar a consciência ambiental de pessoas, refletindo em ações para conservação no meio ambiente onde vivem. No presente estudo foi avaliado o conhecimento de moradores sobre frugivoria por aves em fragmentos da restinga, um ecossistema ameaçado pela crescente ocupação humana. Entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram aplicadas para 73 moradores em dois bairros da cidade de Itanhaém, litoral sul do estado de São Paulo. A maioria das respostas evidenciou pouca observação de frugivoria por aves em plantas nativas. Os moradores demonstraram dificuldades na identificação de aves frugívoras e na discriminação de plantas nativas da região. No entanto, possuíam conhecimento lógico de processos ecológicos envolvendo as interações entre aves e plantas. A ave popularmente conhecida como tiê-sangue (Ramphocelus bresilius e a palmeira jerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana foram mais frequentemente citadas. Essas espécies são facilmente encontradas na restinga da região e apresentam características estruturais que atraíram a atenção das pessoas tais como cor vermelho intenso e elevada altura, respectivamente. Dessa forma, as epécies citadas podem ser utilizadas para trabalhos iniciais envolvendo identificação de aves e plantas, e para o aprofundamento da educação ambiental dos moradores locais.

  9. Efficacy of Essential Oils from Edible Plants as Insecticides Against the House Fly, Musca Domestica L.

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    Sara M. Palacios


    Full Text Available The compositions of 12 essential oils (EOs obtained by hydrodistillation of edible fruits and herbs were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS. The insecticidal activity of each oil against the house fly Musca domestica was evaluated by placing flies in a glass jar with a screw cap that held a piece of EO-treated cotton yarn. The dose necessary to kill 50% of flies (LC50 in 30 min was determined at 26 ± 1°C. Twelve EOs and 17 individual terpenes were assayed against M. domestica, showing LC50 values ranging from 3.9 to 85.2 and from 3.3 to >100 mg/dm3, respectively. EO from Citrus sinensis was the most potent insecticide (LC50 = 3.9 mg/dm3, followed by EOs from C. aurantium (LC50 = 4.8 mg/dm3 and Eucalyptus cinerea (LC50 = 5.5 mg/dm3. According to GC/MS analysis, limonene (92.47%, linalool (1.43%, and b-myrcene (0.88% were the principal components of C. sinensis EO. Limonene was also the principal constituent (94.07% of C. aurantium, while 1,8-cineole (56.86% was the major constituent of E. cinerea EO. 1,8-Cineole was most active against M. domestica (LC50 = 3.3 mg/dm3, while (4R(+-limonene, was moderately active (LC50 = 6.2 mg/dm3. Dimethyl 2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate (DDVP selected as a positive control, showed an LC50 of 0.5 mg/dm3. EOs from C. sinensis, C. aurantium, and E. cinerea show promise as natural insecticides against houseflies.


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    Hadi Suwasono


    Full Text Available The house fly, Musca domestica have been implicated in the mechanical transmission of pathogens causing diseases. Important diseases that may be transmitted under certain conditions include infection of virus, bacterial, protozoan, fungal and helminthic. Therefore control measures should be carried out only when the presence of the house fly is intolerable to humans due to their being a health hazard or nuisance. The larvicide with active ingredient of dichlorvos 250 g/l was applied to the house fly larvae which conducted in the laboratory. There were jive concentrations of larvicides to be tested i.e. 6; 12; 24; 48 and 96 ml by product/ 3 l of water/m2. A dried powder of chicken dung was utilized as larvae medium. The medium was inoculated with the third instar larvae then it sprayed with the larvicide suspension. All larvicidal assays were carried out at 26 - 30°C temperature and 60-80% RH in the laboratory. The results revealed that all of the five tested concentrations yielded between 0 and 5.2 percent larval mortalities.   Keywords: house fly, Musca domestica, larvicide, dichlorvos

  11. Molecular detection and antimicrobial resistance of Aeromonas from houseflies (Musca domestica in Iran

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    Davood Ommi


    Full Text Available Objective. This study aimed to report the molecular detection and antimicrobial resistance of Aeromonas among houseflies (Musca domestica in Shahrekord and Isfahan provinces of Iran. Materials and methods. Flies were caught from household kitchens, cattle farms, animal hospitals, human hospitals, slaughter house and poultry farms and put in collection separate sterile tubes. Isolation was accomplished by culture of flies in alkaline peptone water followed by identification with Aeromonas-specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR. Results. Out of 600 houseflies 73 (12.2% were infected with Aeromonas spp. Significantly higher frequencies of Aeromonas were isolated in Shahrekord province (13.0%; 39/300 than in Isfahan province (11.3%; 34/300. The recovery frequencies of the organisms were significantly lower in kitchens as compared to those in cattle farms and hospital wards which were similar. Higher proportions of infected flies were obtained during summer whereas low proportions were obtained during winter. Conclusions. It is concluded that houseflies do harbor diarrheagenic pathogens, including Aeromonas especially during summer. The carried organisms are resistant to a number of antimicrobials at different levels. Thus, future plans aimed at stemming infections caused by these organisms should take flies into account. Control efforts of infections caused by this particular bacterium should therefore take into account Musca domestica.

  12. Restos de aves en los yacimientos prehistóricos vascos. Estudios realizados.

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    Miguel Elorza


    Full Text Available En el trabajo se indican los estudios realizados, hasta el momento, de arqueozoología de aves en el País Vasco. Se hace especial referencia a los trabajos más antiguos y se presentan varias avifaunas, algunas inéditas, de forma cualitativa.

  13. Mis motiveerib Eesti, Soome ja Tšehhi õpetajaid? / Ave Abroi ; kommenteerinud Kertu Laanesoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Abroi, Ave


    Artikkel on ilmunud Ave Abroi Tartu Ülikooli Euroopa Kolledžis 2008. aastal kaitstud magistritöö "Õpetajate motiveerimise võimalused Euroopa Liidus Eesti, Tšehhi ja Soome näitel" põhjal. Kommenteerib Audentese erakooli inglise keele õpetaja Kertu Laanesoo

  14. Influenza. Vacunas clásicas y novedosas a las puertas de otra pandemia

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    Raiza Martínez


    Full Text Available Los virus de la influenza A, además del hombre, infectan otros mamíferos y una gran variedad de especies de aves. Desde 1997 se sabe que cepas aviares son capaces de infectar al hombre provocando una enfermedad generalmente leve. El brote actual de gripe aviar H5N1 en humanos ha puesto en alerta a la comunidad científica internacional, no solo por su elevada mortalidad sino por su potencialidad en la generación de una nueva pandemia. Las autoridades sanitarias han puesto en marcha un amplio programa para la preparación ante esta contingencia, que abarca diferentes campos, desde el diagnóstico y la detección precoz de los brotes tanto en animales como en humanos, la caracterización sistemática de las cepas circulantes, el sacrificio de aves infectadas, la producción masiva de antivirales y por supuesto el desarrollo y producción a gran escala de vacunas eficaces. En este último tema se trabaja intensamente tanto en el mejoramiento de las vacunas ya existentes como en la búsqueda de alternativas basadas en tecnologías de nueva generación.

  15. ‘Fuji’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh) volatile production during high pCO2 controlled atmosphere storage (United States)

    ‘Fuji’apple [Malus sylvestris var. domestica (Borkh.) Mansf.] volatile compound dynamics were characterized during cold storage in air or at low pO2 controlled atmosphere (CA) with up to 5 kPa CO2. Volatile compounds in storage chambers were adsorbed onto solid sorbent traps and analyzed by GC-MS....

  16. Apple ring rot-responsive putative microRNAs revealed by high-throughput sequencing in Malus × domestica Borkh. (United States)

    Yu, Xin-Yi; Du, Bei-Bei; Gao, Zhi-Hong; Zhang, Shi-Jie; Tu, Xu-Tong; Chen, Xiao-Yun; Zhang, Zhen; Qu, Shen-Chun


    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs, which silence target mRNA via cleavage or translational inhibition to function in regulating gene expression. MiRNAs act as important regulators of plant development and stress response. For understanding the role of miRNAs responsive to apple ring rot stress, we identified disease-responsive miRNAs using high-throughput sequencing in Malus × domestica Borkh.. Four small RNA libraries were constructed from two control strains in M. domestica, crabapple (CKHu) and Fuji Naga-fu No. 6 (CKFu), and two disease stress strains, crabapple (DSHu) and Fuji Naga-fu No. 6 (DSFu). A total of 59 miRNA families were identified and five miRNAs might be responsive to apple ring rot infection and validated via qRT-PCR. Furthermore, we predicted 76 target genes which were regulated by conserved miRNAs potentially. Our study demonstrated that miRNAs was responsive to apple ring rot infection and may have important implications on apple disease resistance.

  17. Viajes por el tiempo y otras perplejidades matemáticas


    Méndez, José Manuel


    Se presenta una breve descripción de los contenidos de cada uno de los artículos de el libro Viajes por el tiempo y otras perplejidades matemáticas. De algunos capítulos se puede extraer material didáctico para llevar a las aulas de enseñanza secundaria.

  18. The enhancement by caffeine of the frequency of lethal dominant mutation induced by gamma radiation in oocytes of Musca domestica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Targa, H.J.; Rogatko, A.


    The results obtained, when a new technique for feeding insects is employed, on the effects of caffeine of the radiation - induced breaks of oocyte chromatids of Musca domestica are presented. (M.A.) [pt

  19. Sodium-hydrogen exchanger inhibitory potential of Malus domestica, Musa × paradisiaca, Daucus carota, and Symphytum officinale. (United States)

    Verma, Vivek; Singh, Nirmal; Jaggi, Amteshwar Singh


    The involvement of sodium-hydrogen exchangers (NHE) has been described in the pathophysiology of diseases including ischemic heart and brain diseases, cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, epilepsy, dementia, and neuropathic pain. Synthetic NHE inhibitors have not achieved much clinical success; therefore, plant-derived phytoconstituents may be explored as NHE inhibitors. In the present study, the NHE inhibitory potential of hydroalcoholic and alkaloidal fractions of Malus domestica, Musa × paradisiaca, Daucus carota, and Symphytum officinale was evaluated. The different concentrations of hydroalcoholic and alkaloidal extracts of the selected plants were evaluated for their NHE inhibitory activity in the platelets using the optical swelling assay. Among the hydroalcoholic extracts, the highest NHE inhibitory activity was shown by M. domestica (IC50=2.350 ± 0.132 μg/mL) followed by Musa × paradisiaca (IC50=7.967 ± 0.451 μg/mL), D. carota (IC50=37.667 ± 2.517 μg/mL), and S. officinale (IC50=249.330 ± 1.155 μg/mL). Among the alkaloidal fractions, the highest NHE inhibitory activity was shown by the alkaloidal fraction of Musa × paradisiacal (IC50=0.010 ± 0.001 μg/mL) followed by D. carota (IC50=0.024 ± 0.002 μg/mL), M. domestica (IC50=0.031 ± 0.005 μg/mL), and S. officinale (IC50=4.233 ± 0.379 μg/mL). The IC50 of alkaloidal fractions was comparable to the IC50 of synthetic NHE inhibitor, EIPA [5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)amiloride] (IC50=0.033 ± 0.004 μg/mL). It may be concluded that the alkaloidal fractions of these plants possess potent NHE inhibitory activity and may be exploited for their therapeutic potential in NHE activation-related pathological complications.

  20. 'HoneySweet' (C5), the first genetically engineered Plum pox virus-resistant plum (Prunus domestica L.) cultivar (United States)

    ‘HoneySweet’ plum was released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, to provide U.S. growers and P. domestica plum breeders with a high fruit quality plum cultivar resistant to Plum pox virus (PPV). ‘HoneySweet’ was developed through genetic engineering utilizing the...

  1. Factibilidad del empleo de hongos entomopatógenos en el control de Musca domestica l. en paisajes antropizados del Noroeste de Michoacán, México.


    García Munguía, Carlos Alberto


    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue seleccionar aislamientos de los hongos M. anisopliae y B. bassiana capaces de colonizar y controlar adultos y larvas de Musca domestica e identificar las condiciones ambientales de temperatura y humedad relativa favorables para su empleo. B. bassiana y M. anisopliae fueron transmitidos sexualmente en M. domestica usando 1, 5 y 10 machos vírgenes de 3 dias de edad, expuestos a 6 x 108 conidias mL- 1 de hongos los cuales fueron confinados con 30 hemb...

  2. A advertência poética de Hilda Hilst em As aves da noite

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    Rubens da Cunha


    Full Text Available Entre 1967 y 1969, Hilda Hilst escribió ocho piezas de teatro, entre ellas, As aves da noite, en la cual relata los últimos momentos de seis prisioneros en la celda del hambre, en un campo de concentración nazi. En este artículo, analizamos As aves da noite como una pieza de advertencia sobre el terror impuesto por cualquier estado totalitario, no solamente el instaurado por el nacionalsocialismo alemán. El análisis fue fundamentado, entre otros pensadores, en Alain Badiou, para quien el siglo XX no ha cumplido la promesa de la modernidad y la vida y por el contrario solamente he cumplido su destino y su designio positivo a través del terror. Nos apoyamos en las ideas de Hannah Arendt para analizar el odio y la violencia de los estados totalitarios.

  3. San Telmo, backpackers y otras globalizaciones

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    Fernando Firmo


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende contribuir al debate sobre otras formas de globalización  presentando una etnografía realizada en el barrio de San Telmo sobre mochileros que combinan en sus experiencias viaje y trabajo. Su objetivo es viajar al mismo tiempo que sacan provecho de esto para conseguir el capital necesario que les permita continuar en movimiento alrededor del globo. En este texto quiero hablar sobre estos auténticos actores de la globalización popular que ponen el foco en procesos y agentes alternativos no hegemónicos y que en este caso desarrollan su actividad en el contexto de la experiencia mochilera en San Telmo, siendo mi intención enriquecer las reflexiones sobre la globalización desde abajo.

  4. Using the fungus Entomophthora muscae (chon Fresenius to eliminate some larval roles of Musca domestica

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    Walaa Yas Lahmood


    Full Text Available Studied effect serial concentrations from spores filtrate of fungus Entomophthora muscae on some larval roles of musca domestica in laboratory. Results were made clear that the insect roles are sensitive to fungus, and treated the food larva of musca domestica and sprinkle it by concentration 2.8×106 , 2.8×107, 2.8×108 (spore/ml has led to get rates of destruction of cumulative faculty certified on the concentration and time its magnitude 16.60 , 47.67, 53.30 % respectively , also recorded some phenotypic distortion infected dead larva represent by contraction and blackening body. The treatment of pupael by sprinkling the previous fungus concentration recorded rate of destruction of accumulative faculty its magnitude 13.33, 26.67, 33.33% respectively, also the rates emergence of adults ranged between 66.67 – 86.67 % in comparison with rates of emergence of adults in control treatment 96.67% The results are made clear that adults treatment by sprinkle with last concentration from fungus spore filtrate recorded rates of distraction its magnitude 46.61, 56.67, 70% respectively after one week from treatment .

  5. Nuevos registros de aves en el bosque mesófilo de montaña del noreste de Hidalgo, México

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    Miguel Angel Martínez-Morales


    Full Text Available Se reportan nuevos registros y ampliaciones en el área de distribución de Harpagus bidentatus, Glaucidium sanchezi, Attila spadiceus, Cyanolyca nana, Oreoscoptes montanus y Peucedramus taeniatus. Estas seis especies de aves fueron registradas en el bosque mesófilo de montaña del estado de Hidalgo, México. Dos de estas especies (G. sanchezi y C. nana son especies de distribución restringida, lo que eleva a tres el número de especies de distribución restringida en la zona. Esto enfatiza la importancia de esta región en la conservación de la diversidad de aves. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos nuevos registros en la obtención de inventarios completos de la avifauna de la región y en la conservación de su diversidad de aves.

  6. Prava trećih država u gospodarskom pojasu obalne države

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    Marina Vokić Žužul


    Full Text Available Predmet ovoga rada je analiza prava koja u gospodarskom pojasu obalne države mogu ostvarivati sve obalne i neobalne države. uz detaljan prikaz pravnog uređenja materije u odredbama Konvencije o pravu mora iz 1982., razmatraju se i vladajuća gledišta međunarodnopravne doktrine te rješenja u zakonodavstvima pojedinih zemalja. Posebna pozornost je posvećena ostvarivanju tuh prava u potencijalnom hrvatskom gospodarskom pojasu, prvenstveno mogućim zahtjevima od strane susjednih neobalnih država i država u nepovoljnom geografskom položaju. Sva pitanja razmatrana u ovom radu upućuju na zaključak da ispunjavanje dužnosti prema drugim državama u budućem gospodarskom pojasu RH ne bi trebalo imati utjecaja na donošenje odluke o njegovom proglašenju.

  7. The distribution and impact of common copy-number variation in the genome of the domesticated apple, Malus x domestica Borkh. (United States)

    Boocock, James; Chagné, David; Merriman, Tony R; Black, Michael A


    Copy number variation (CNV) is a common feature of eukaryotic genomes, and a growing body of evidence suggests that genes affected by CNV are enriched in processes that are associated with environmental responses. Here we use next generation sequence (NGS) data to detect copy-number variable regions (CNVRs) within the Malus x domestica genome, as well as to examine their distribution and impact. CNVRs were detected using NGS data derived from 30 accessions of M. x domestica analyzed using the read-depth method, as implemented in the CNVrd2 software. To improve the reliability of our results, we developed a quality control and analysis procedure that involved checking for organelle DNA, not repeat masking, and the determination of CNVR identity using a permutation testing procedure. Overall, we identified 876 CNVRs, which spanned 3.5 % of the apple genome. To verify that detected CNVRs were not artifacts, we analyzed the B- allele-frequencies (BAF) within a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array dataset derived from a screening of 185 individual apple accessions and found the CNVRs were enriched for SNPs having aberrant BAFs (P apple scab. We present the first analysis and catalogue of CNVRs in the M. x domestica genome. The enrichment of the CNVRs with R gene models and their overlap with gene loci of agricultural significance draw attention to a form of unexplored genetic variation in apple. This research will underpin further investigation of the role that CNV plays within the apple genome.

  8. Estudo da eficácia de espuma para a depopulação de aves para situações de emergência sanitária

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    Masaio Mizuno Ishizuka


    Full Text Available São inúmeras as dificuldades observadas na depopulação de elevado número de aves e é importante proceder-se à depopulação no interior do próprio aviário por questões de biossegurança do homem em casos de emergência sanitária causada por doenças de aves de elevada transmissibilidade, como a influenza aviária e a doença de Newcastle. Construiu-se o equipamento gerador de espuma para provocar a anóxia física em aves. Verificou-se a eficácia da espuma gerada através do uso de líquido detergente de alta expansão sobre o sacrifício de galinhas, avaliando-se os sinais sensoriais, tempo de morte, letalidade e lesões macro e microscópicas. Duzentas galinhas de postura com 78 semanas de idade foram divididas em dez grupos experimentais e submetidas a diferentes períodos de exposição à espuma, variando de 5min30s minutos a 8min15s minutos. A partir de seis minutos de exposição à espuma 100% das aves foram mortas. A presença de bolhas de espuma na cavidade oral e traqueia foram constatadas em todos os períodos de exposição à espuma, indicando a ocorrência de asfixia física. Congestão nas mucosas da cavidade oral e traqueia foram também observadas em todos os períodos de exposição. No exame histopatológico dos pulmões de todas as aves, observou-se a presença de congestão e hemorragia difusa de moderada intensidade. Nenhuma alteração foi observada na traqueia das aves. A eficácia da espuma como método de depopulação de aves foi constatada neste trabalho, podendo ser recomendada diante da necessidade de atendimento a emergências sanitárias.

  9. Diversidad de aves en el Centro Agropecuario Cotové, Santa Fe de Antioquia, Colombia

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    Caty Milena Martínez-Bravo


    Full Text Available En el Centro Agropecuario Cotové, en el municipio de Santa Fe de Antioquia (Colombia, se estudió la diversidad de aves utilizando las metodologías de puntos fijos de conteo y redes de niebla en cinco usos del suelo (Frutales, Sistema silvopastoril, Bosque secundario, Pastoreo con baja densidad de árboles y Pastos de corte, para analizar la influencia sobre la composición, riqueza y abundancia de la avifauna. Se registraron 6 633 individuos de 101 especies, de las cuales 11 especies son migratorias. En términos de abundancia, la mayoría de las especies fueron raras y pocas comunes. Los gremios alimenticios mejor representados fueron insectívoros y frugívoros. El índice de Shannon indica que el Sistema silvopastoril presenta los valores de diversidad alfa más altos y los frutales los más bajos. Los usos del suelo que compartieron más especies fueron sistema Silvopastoril y Pastoreo con baja densidad de árboles. La heterogeneidad ambiental del centro actúa de forma diferente para las especies, beneficia en su mayoría aves de baja y media especificidad de hábitat, y con preferencia de hábitats de borde y áreas abiertas, por lo que se deben implementar acciones de manejo dirigidas a la conservación de áreas de regeneración natural y conectividad entre usos del suelo, para que las poblaciones de especies de aves presentes en la zona puedan ser mantenidas en el tiempo.

  10. Chlamydia psittaci and C. avium in feral pigeon (Columba livia domestica) droppings in two cities in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burt, Sara A.; Röring, Romy E.; Heijne, Marloes


    Background: Feral pigeons (Columba livia domestica) live and breed in many city centres and contact with their droppings can be a hazard for human health if the birds carry Chlamydia psittaci. Objective: The aim of this study was to establish whether pigeon droppings in two Dutch cities (Utrecht and

  11. Effects of relative humidity, temperature, and population density on production of cuticular hydrocarbons in housefly Musca domestica L.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Noorman, N; Den Otter, CJ

    The production of cuticular hydrocarbons by both males and females of Musca domestica L. under very wet conditions (90% relative humidity) compared to the production at 50 and 20% relative humidity is delayed up to at least 3 days after emergence from the pupae. Eight days after emergence, however,

  12. The Occurrence of the Cicada Cicadatra persica on Apple Trees, Malus domestica, in Erneh, Syria (United States)

    Dardar, Marah A.; Belal, Hamzeh M.R.; Basheer, Abedlnabi M.


    An infestation of Cicadatra persica KirKaldy (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) on apple trees, Malus domestica Borkhausen (Rosales: Rosaceae), was reported for the first time in the apple fruit orchards of Erneh, Syria. Nymphs, adults, exuvia, and exit holes in the soil were observed. The species was identified as C. persica based on morphological characters. Some biological observations and an acoustic analysis of the male's songs were also achieved. PMID:23909877

  13. The development of enamel tubules during the formation of enamel in the marsupial Monodelphis domestica.


    Sasagawa, I; Ferguson, M W


    In Monodelphis domestica, although both processes from odontoblasts and projections from ameloblasts were found in developing enamel, the majority of the contents of enamel tubules were probably processes that originated from odontoblasts. Processes from odontoblasts penetrating into enamel touched part of the ameloblasts in the stage of enamel formation. No specialised cell junctions were seen at the adherence between the two. There were no enamel tubules in the aprismatic and pseudoprismati...

  14. Caffeoyl glucosides from Nandina domestica inhibit LPS-induced endothelial inflammatory responses. (United States)

    Kulkarni, Roshan R; Lee, Wonhwa; Jang, Tae Su; Lee, JungIn; Kwak, Soyoung; Park, Mi Seon; Lee, Hyun-Shik; Bae, Jong-Sup; Na, MinKyun


    Endothelial dysfunction is a key pathological feature of many inflammatory diseases, including sepsis. In the present study, a new caffeoyl glucoside (1) and two known caffeoylated compounds (2 and 3) were isolated from the fruits of Nandina domestica Thunb. (Berberidaceae). The compounds were investigated for their effects against lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-mediated endothelial inflammatory responses. At 20 μM, 1 and 2 inhibited LPS-induced hyperpermeability, adhesion, and migration of leukocytes across a human endothelial cell monolayer in a dose-dependent manner suggesting that 1 and 2 may serve as potential scaffolds for the development of therapeutic agents to treat vascular inflammatory disorders. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Ecología energética y nutricional en aves herbívoras pequeñas Energetics and nutritional ecology of small herbivorous birds

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    Full Text Available La herbivoría en aves es una estrategia poco común. Solo el 3% de las aves actuales consumen plantas como fuente de energía. Tanto la composición química de las plantas como las restricciones asociadas al vuelo y digestión en aves pueden explicar el reducido número de pequeños endotermos, como las aves, que son herbívoros. Nuestro objetivo es explicar como las aves herbívoras satisfacen sus requerimientos nutricionales y energéticos cuando consumen dietas extremadamente pobres. Para lo cual nos centramos en Phytotoma rara (Phytotomidae, posiblemente el ave herbívora más pequeña. Phytotoma rara presenta numerosas características, como el rápido tiempo de transito, un efectivo rompimiento de la pared celular, y la alta y constante actividad de las enzimas digestivas, que le permiten disponer de nutrientes y energía celulares, sin los costos energéticos asociados al desarrollo de estructuras anatómicas de fermentación bacteriana o lentos tiempos de transito. Estos son posiblemente adaptaciones cruciales en la evolución de la herbivoría en aves pequeñas.Herbivory is a rare strategy in birds. Only 3% of extant birds exploit plant material as an energy source. Both plant chemical composition and bird constraints associated to flight and digestion may explain why herbivory is so scarce in small endotherms such as birds. Here we tackle the question of how herbivorous birds meet energy/nutrient requirements when feeding on extremely poor diets. We focus on Phytotoma rara (Phytotomidae, possibly the smallest herbivorous bird. From our mini-review we conclude that several features such as the fast passage rates, an effective physical breakdown of cell walls, and constant and high activities of digestive enzymes make available the highly nutritious cell contents to the small herbivore, without the energy costs of anatomical structures for bacterial fermentation or slow passage rates. These are possible crucial adaptations in the

  16. Cativeiro de aves como fonte de Cryptococcus neoformans na cidade de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

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    Filiú Wander Fernando de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Cryptococcus neoformans é a levedura capsulada causadora de criptococose em humanos e animais. A variedade neoformans, encontrada em diversas fontes ambientais, inclusive habitats de aves, é importante causa de mortalidade em indivíduos com AIDS em todo o Mundo. Contudo, ainda não há estudos sobre a sua ecologia na região Centro Oeste brasileira, onde há registro da ocorrência de casos humanos da micose. Para estudar fontes saprofíticas de C. neoformans, na cidade de Campo Grande, foram coletadas 20 amostras de excretas de aves em distintos ambientes. Suspensão das amostras em salina estéril foram semeadas em placas com meio ágar níger. Após 5 dias, colônias mucóides marrom-escuro foram subcultivadas para identificação através de provas morfofisiológicas, determinação da variedade e sorotipagem. C. neoformans var. neoformans sorotipo A foi isolado de 10 (50% das amostras, comprovando a ocorrência saprofítica de C. neoformans na cidade de Campo Grande, relacionada a habitat de aves em cativeiro.

  17. Salmonella Enteritidis em Aves: Retrospectiva no Brasil

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    Silva EN


    Full Text Available Salmonella Enteritidis (SE emergiu como um grande problema avícola e de saúde pública no Brasil a partir de 1993. Os estudos epidemiológicos, incluindo a fagotipagem e sonda complementar de rRNA, sugerem a entrada de SE no Brasil via importação de material genético avícola contaminado, provavelmente no final da década de 80. As taxas de crescimento da avicultura brasileira na década de 90 criaram condições favoráveis para a manutenção e proliferação da SE nos plantéis avícolas. Além disso, o uso indiscriminado de antibióticos em aves, particularmente as quinolonas, encorajou a manutenção de lotes positivos para SE. As cepas de SE isoladas de aves têm mostrado alta sensibilidade aos antibióticos de uso comum em avicultura, incluindo as quinolonas. Entretanto, o aumento da resistência antimicrobiana e multirresistência tem sido observado em cepas de origem humana. Os últimos levantamentos realizados no ano de 2001 continuam a mostrar que a SE em materiais avícolas é o principal sorovar responsável pelas infecções humanas. Embora as carcaças de frangos apresentem altas taxas de contaminação por SE, são os ovos e seus derivados - principalmente a maionese caseira - os principais responsáveis pelos surtos humanos. O uso de vacinas específicas em poedeiras e reprodutoras tem se mostrado uma ferramenta auxiliar no controle de SE. O procedimento mais indicado para o controle de SE na avicultura está na aquisição e produção de lotes livres do agente. As rações e matérias primas de origem animal parecem não ser tão importantes na perpetuação do problema de SE, porém, os roedores parecem ser reservatórios ambientais importantes de SE em granjas contaminadas.

  18. Genome of the house fly, Musca domestica L., a global vector of diseases with adaptations to a septic environment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scott, Jeffrey G; Warren, Wesley C; Beukeboom, Leo W; Bopp, Daniel; Clark, Andrew G; Giers, Sarah D; Hediger, Monika; Jones, Andrew K; Kasai, Shinji; Leichter, Cheryl A; Li, Ming; Meisel, Richard P; Minx, Patrick; Murphy, Terence D; Nelson, David R; Reid, William R; Rinkevich, Frank D; Robertson, Hugh M; Sackton, Timothy B; Sattelle, David B; Thibaud-Nissen, Francoise; Tomlinson, Chad; van de Zande, Louis; Walden, Kimberly; Wilson, Richard K; Liu, Nannan


    BACKGROUND: Adult house flies, Musca domestica L., are mechanical vectors of more than 100 devastating diseases that have severe consequences for human and animal health. House fly larvae play a vital role as decomposers of animal wastes, and thus live in intimate association with many animal

  19. Effect of four commercial fungal formulations on mortality and sporulation of house flies (Musca domestica) and stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) (United States)

    House flies (Musca domestica L.) and stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)) (Diptera: Muscidae) are major pests of livestock. Biological control is an important tool in an integrated control framework. Increased mortality in filth flies has been documented with entomopathogenic fungi, and several s...

  20. Operation of river systems. The Otra river

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harby, A.; Vaskinn, K.A.; Wathne, M.; Heggenes, J.; Saltveit, S.J.


    The purpose of the project described in this report was to prepare an operative tool for making decisions about the operation of the power system on the river Otra (Norway) with regard to how this operation might affect the various users of the river system. Above all this affects fish, outdoor life and esthetic values. The connection between water quality and volume of discharge has been examined in a sub project. How suitable parts of the river are as habitats for trout has been simulated on a computer. From field investigation it is concluded that near the Steinfoss power station the physical conditions for trout depend on the operation of the river system. Outdoor life is not much affected downstream Vikeland. 11 refs., 22 figs., 2 tabs

  1. Estudo retrospectivo de afecções cirúrgicas em aves

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    Patrícia F. Castro


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se retrospectivamente as cirurgias realizadas em aves no Serviço de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais do Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, durante período de oito anos. De um total de 90 intervenções cirúrgicas para diagnóstico e/ou tratamento de afecções, 27 foram ortopédicas e 63 de tecidos moles. Quanto ao percentual de cirurgias ortopédicas realizadas segundo as diferentes ordens, observou-se: Psittaciformes 85,19%, Piciformes 7,41%, Anseriformes 3,70% e Falconiformes 3,70%. Para as de tecidos moles os Psittaciformes representaram 92,06%, Columbiformes 3,17%, Passeriformes 3,17% e Anseriformes 1,60%. Entre os tipos de afecções ortopédicas encontradas as fraturas apresentaram a maior ocorrência (88,90%, seguidas de luxação (3,70%, avulsão traumática de extremidade (3,70% e artrite/osteomielite (3,70%. Dentre as afecções cirúrgicas de tecidos moles as neoplasias apresentaram a maior ocorrência (30,15%, seguidas das neoformações cutâneas ou de anexos não neoplásicos (17,46%, neoformações cutâneas sem diagnóstico (7,94%, distocia (7,94%, fístula de papo (7,94%, hérnia abdominal (4,76%, sinusite (4,76%, gangrena de extremidade de membros (3,17%, perfuração de esôfago (3,17%, prolapso de cloaca (3,17%, "Necrose avascular de dígito" (1,59%, ferida na região da quilha (1,59%, perfuração de cavidade celomática (1,59%, neoformação em cavidade celomática sem diagnóstico (1,59%, corpo estranho em trato gastrointestinal (1,59% e otite (1,59%. A distribuição das afecções cirúrgicas segundo as espécies acometidas mostrou o "grupo dos papagaios", representado em sua maioria por espécies do gênero Amazona, como prevalente. O conhecimento das afecções cirúrgicas e espécies de aves mais acometidas acrescentam informações para aqueles que já atuam nesta área e servem como indicador de estudo para futuros cirurgiões de aves.

  2. AVE5026, a new hemisynthetic ultra-low-molecular-weight heparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients after total knee replacement surgery--TREK: a dose-ranging study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, M R; Dahl, O E; Mismetti, P


    BACKGROUND: AVE5026 is a new hemisynthetic ultra-low-molecular-weight heparin, with a novel anti-thrombotic profile resulting from high anti-factor (F)Xa activity and residual anti-FIIa activity. AVE5026 is in clinical development for venous thromboembolism (VTE) prevention, a frequent complication....... The primary safety outcome was the incidence of major bleeding. RESULTS: The primary efficacy outcome was assessed in 464 patients. There was a significant dose-response across the five AVE5026 groups for VTE prevention (Pincidence of VTE ranging from 5.3% to 44.1% compared with 35...

  3. Parasitos de aves e mamíferos silvestres em cativeiro no estado de Pernambuco

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    Pauline Marie de Souza Santos


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os animais silvestres são hospedeiros de uma grande variedade de parasitos que podem interferir em sua conservação ex situ. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os parasitos gastrointestinais (PGI e ectoparasitos dos animais do Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres (CETAS do Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA de Recife, Pernambuco, além de determinar os aspectos do manejo em cativeiro que possam estar relacionados com os parasitos identificados. Foram coletados ectoparasitos e amostras fecais de 223 aves e mamíferos, as quais foram processadas pelos métodos: microscopia direta, flutuação e sedimentação. Helmintos e/ou protozoários foram detectados em 91 (40,8% amostras fecais, sendo 64 (70,3% de aves e 27 (29,7% de mamíferos. Ovos de Capillaria sp., Ascaridida, Spirurida e oocistos de Eimeria sp. foram detectados nas amostras fecais das aves, enquanto ovos de Trichuris trichiura, Strongyloides sp., Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma sp., Strongylida e oocistos de Coccídios foram encontrados nas amostras fecais de mamíferos. Os ectoparasitos identificados em aves foram Colpocephalum turbinatum, Kurodaia (Kurodaia fulvofasciata, Halipeurus sp., Naubates sp., Saemundssonia sp., Austromenopon sp., Paragoniocotes sp., Brueelia sp., Myrsidea sp. and Pseudolynchia sp., enquanto em mamíferos os ectoparasitos identificados foram Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Amblyomma varium, A. calcaratum, A. nodosum, Ornithodoros talaje e Ctenocephalides felis felis. A. calcaratum e O. talaje são registrados pela primeira vez em Pernambuco e T. tetradactyla é apresentado como novo hospedeiro de O. talaje. Nenhum dos animais estudados apresentou sinais clínicos em decorrência da infecção/infestação parasitária. Parasitos com potencial zoonótico como T. trichiura, Strongyloides sp., T. canis e Ancylostoma sp. foram identificados em primatas não humanos e carnívoros. Precárias condições estruturais

  4. Population trends and survival of nesting green sea turtles Chelonia mydas on Aves Island, Venezuela (United States)

    Garcia-Cruz, Marco A.; Lampo, Margarita; Peñaloza, Claudia L.; Kendall, William L.; Solé, Genaro; Rodriguez-Clark, Kathryn M.


    Long-term demographic data are valuable for assessing the effect of anthropogenic impacts on endangered species and evaluating recovery programs. Using a 2-state open robust design model, we analyzed mark-recapture data from green turtles Chelonia mydas sighted between 1979 and 2009 on Aves Island, Venezuela, a rookery heavily impacted by human activities before it was declared a wildlife refuge in 1972. Based on the encounter histories of 7689 nesting females, we estimated the abundance, annual survival, and remigration intervals for this population. Female survival varied from 0.14-0.91, with a mean of 0.79, which is low compared to survival of other populations from the Caribbean (mean = 0.84) and Australia (mean = 0.95), even though we partially corrected for tag loss, which is known to negatively bias survival estimates. This supports prior suggestions that Caribbean populations in general, and the Aves Island population in particular, may be more strongly impacted than populations elsewhere. It is likely that nesters from this rookery are extracted while foraging in remote feeding grounds where hunting still occurs. Despite its relatively low survival, the nesting population at Aves Island increased during the past 30 years from approx. 500 to >1000 nesting females in 2009. Thus, this population, like others in the Caribbean and the Atlantic, seems to be slowly recovering following protective management. Although these findings support the importance of long-term conservation programs aimed at protecting nesting grounds, they also highlight the need to extend management actions to foraging grounds where human activities may still impact green turtle populations.

  5. Estudo retrospectivo de afecções cirúrgicas em aves


    Castro, Patrícia F.; Fantoni, Denise T.; Matera, Julia M.


    Avaliaram-se retrospectivamente as cirurgias realizadas em aves no Serviço de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais do Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, durante período de oito anos. De um total de 90 intervenções cirúrgicas para diagnóstico e/ou tratamento de afecções, 27 foram ortopédicas e 63 de tecidos moles. Quanto ao percentual de cirurgias ortopédicas realizadas segundo as diferentes ordens, observou-se: Psittaciformes 85,19%, Pici...

  6. Saurios como predadores de ectoparásitos de aves guaneras


    Pérez, José; Jahncke, Jaime


    Las altas densidades de las colonias favorecen el rápido contagio de ectopárasitos en las poblaciones de aves guaneras, destacando la garrapata Ornitodoros amblus, que en algunos casos llega a causar la muerte de los pichones. La lagartija Microlophus peruvianus ha sido introducida en las islas guaneras con la intención de reducir las poblaciones de garrapatas. En el presente estudio se observa que existe una predación sobre ectoparásitos por parte de las poblaciones de saurios en los tres lu...

  7. Aves acuáticas de la Laguna de Agua Dulce y el Estero El Ermitaño, Jalisco, México

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    Salvador Hernández Vázquez


    Full Text Available Se analizó la presencia y número de aves acuáticas, así como la distribución estacional y espacial de los diferentes grupos en la laguna de Agua Dulce y el estero El Ermitaño, Jalisco, México, entre diciembre de 1997 a noviembre de 1998. Considerando únicamente el mes de máxima abundancia de cada especie hubo 86 471 aves en ambos humedales (29 686 en Agua Dulce y 56 785 en El ermitaño, y una abundancia acumulada (suma de las abundancias mensuales de 179 808 aves (66 976 en Agua Dulce y 112 832 en Ermitaño. Se identificaron 87 especies de aves, de las cuales 78 especies estuvieron presentes en Agua Dulce y 73 especies en El Ermitaño. La riqueza y abundancia fueron influenciados por la llegada de aves migratorias por lo que el mayor número de especies e individuos se presentó durante el invierno. En general las aves mostraron preferencia por áreas someras, excepto las marinas que prefirieron áreas arenosas y protegidas por dunas como las que se encuentran en Agua Dulce. Los demás grupos como los patos y afines prefirieron las áreas con salinidades bajas, como las que se encuentran al sureste del estero El Ermitaño. La mayor abundancia de aves playeras fue observada en niveles de agua bajos, y al igual que las garzas se les observó con mayor frecuencia en sitios con salinidades altas e influenciados por las variaciones en las mareas, como los que se encuentran cerca de la boca-barra del ErmitañoWater birds from Agua Dulce lake and El Ermitaño estuary, Jalisco, Mexico. Waterbird abundance, and seasonal and spatial distribution, were studied in two natural water pools at Jalisco, México, from December 1997 through November 1998. Maximum monthly abundance in Agua Dulce lake and El Ermitaño estuary was 86 471 birds (29 686 in Agua Dulce and 56 785 in Ermitaño, with a total cummulative abundance of 179 808 individuals (66 976 in Agua Dulce and 112 832 in Ermitaño. A total of 87 waterbirds species were recorded, 78 in Agua Dulce

  8. Experimental Salmonella Gallinarum infection in light laying hen lines Infecção experimental por Salmonella Gallinarum de aves leves de postura comercial

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    Angelo Berchieri Júnior


    Full Text Available Although the epidemiology of fowl typhoid in chickens supposedly involves a vertical transmission stage, a previous work run by the authors has suggested that this did not happen in a commercial line of laying hens highly susceptible to systemic disease with Salmonella Gallinarum. A new experiment was carried out in two other lines of commercial layers, considerably more resistant than those used in the previous study. Clinical fowl typhoid was not observed, but Salmonella Gallinarum was isolated from the spleen and liver four weeks after infection and, sporadically, from the ovary.Estudo anterior, realizado pelos mesmos autores com aves consideradas susceptíveis ao agente do tifo aviário, sugeriu que a relação entre a bactéria e a aves restringe-se ao período da enfermidade. Neste trabalho avaliou-se a relação hospedeiro-parasita entre Salmonella Gallinarum e aves leves de postura comercial, consideradas mais resistentes ao tifo aviário. As aves não desenvolveram a doença clínica, mas a bactéria foi isolada do baço e do fígado quatro semanas após a infecção e, em algumas ocasiões, também do ovário.

  9. Muuseumihoone autorid : minevikuga tuleb silmitsi seista / Tsuyoshi Tane, Lina Ghotmeh, Dan Dorell ; interv. Ave Randviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tane, Tsuyoshi


    Eesti Rahva Muuseumi arhitektuurivõistluse võiduprojekti autorid Tsuyoshi Tane, Lina Ghometh ja Dan Dorell omavahelisest koostööst, võistlustööst, vastuseid kriitikale. Teistest premeeritud projektidest. Ave Randviiru kommentaar "Võidutöö teeb ajaloole psühhoanalüüsi"

  10. Aves acuáticas del estero El Salado, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

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    Fabio Germán Cupul Magaña


    Full Text Available El estero El Salado es un cuerpo costero único en la región de Bahía de Banderas, México, que se encuentra sometido a la fuerte presión del crecimiento urbano de la ciudad de Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. Su evaluación como hábitat para la avifauna acuática puede contribuir al establecimiento de las bases técnicas para la toma de decisiones acertadas en el diseño de estrategias de conservación y explotación de sus hábitats. Con este fin, de junio de 1996 a mayo de 1997, se realizó una visita mensual al estero. En cada visita se realizaron dos transectos de 250 m de largo, de la boca a la cabeza del estero, de acuerdo al método modificado del censo de transecto en banda. Se determinaron 28 especies de aves acuáticas y se contabilizaron 1,304 individuos. De acuerdo con su presencia a lo largo del año, se registraron 16 especies residentes, 11 residentes de invierno y una migratoria. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la zona como espacio de sustentación alimenticia, de descanso y de anidación para aves acuáticas temporales y residentes.

  11. The Impact of Different Water Regime on Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Pyrus pyraster L. and Sorbus domestica L

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    Viera Šajbidorová


    Full Text Available The water deficit is considered to be significant cause of photosynthesis defects. Measuring of chlorophyll fluorescence is one of the methods revealing defects in the photosynthetic apparatus. The experiment was established with two woody plant (Pyrus pyraster L. and Sorbus domestica L. cultivated in two different regimes of the substrate saturation. The measurement of the modulated fluorescence of chlorophyll a was done by FMS1 fluorometer during three-week period between June and September (2012 and 2013. There were analysed selected parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence: Fv/Fm – maximum quantum efficiency of PSII, ΦPSII – effective quantum yield of PSII and RFD – chlorophyll fluorescence decrease ratio. According to the obtained results, Pyrus pyraster has probably higher potential for adaptation to water deficiency. There were recorded the significant decreases mainly in the values of parameter RFD and ΦPSII for Sorbus domestica within duration of experiment with different water regime in both growing seasons 2012 and 2013. The results document a weak sensitivity of the parameter Fv/Fm on changes in the amount of available water in the substrate in both taxa.

  12. Ruumi kohta arvamuse avaldamiseks ei pea olema arhitekt / Katrin Koov, Ave Kongo ; intervjueerinud Merle Karro-Kalberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koov, Katrin, 1973-


    Erahuvikoolina tegutseva arhitektuurikooli eestvedamisel töötatakse välja ruumiõppe valikainemoodulit gümnaasiumile. Ruumiõppest räägivad arhitektide liidu president, arhitektuurikooli õpetaja Katrin Koov ja Saue gümnaasiumi kunstiõpetaja Ave Kongo

  13. Echinuria uncinata (Rudolphi (Nematoda, Acuariidae in Netta peposaca (Vieillot (Aves, Anatidae in South America Echinuria uncinata (Rudolphi (Nematoda, Acuariidae em Netta peposaca (Vieillot (Aves, Anatidae na América do Sul

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    Eliane F. da Silveira


    Ponta da Antena, Município de Santa Vitória do Palmar, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, região Sul do Brasil e Alvear, Província de Corrientes, região Norte da Argentina. As amostras foram obtidas no período de 2003 a 2004. Imediatamente após o abate, cada ave foi congelada em gelo seco. As aves foram separadas por sexo, pesadas e medidas. O estado de maturidade de cada ave foi avaliado (juvenil ou adulto com base na presença ou ausência da bolsa de Fabricius. Os granulomas, contendo os nematóides, estavam situados na base do esôfago quase junto à junção com o proventrículo. Duas aves estavam positivas, com um (fistulado e dois granulomas, respectivamente. Uma das aves era proveniente do Brasil (pólo de invernia na planície costeira do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A outra da região Norte da Argentina, capturada em um dos pólos de nidificação, antes de empreender sua viagem em direção à costa brasileira ao longo de sua rota de migração. A prevalência da infecção foi de 3,8% e a intensidade média de infecção de 7,2. A morfometria de machos e de fêmeas permitiu a identificação dos espécimes como E. uncinata.

  14. Genome-wide Identification and Expression Analysis of Half-size ABCG Genes in Malus × domestica

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    Juanjuan MA


    Full Text Available Half-size adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette transporter subgroup G (ABCG genes play crucial roles in regulating the movements of a variety of substrates and have been well studied in several plants. However, half-size ABCGs have not been characterized in detail in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.. Here, we performed a genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the half-size ABCG gene family in apple. A total of 46 apple half-size ABCGs were identified and divided into six clusters according to the phylogenetic analysis. A gene structural analysis showed that most half-size ABCGs in the same cluster shared a similar exon–intron organization. A gene duplication analysis showed that segmental, tandem and whole-genome duplications could account for the expansion of half-size ABCG transporters in M. domestica. Moreover, a promoter scan, digital expression analysis and RNA-seq revealed that MdABCG21 may be involved in root's cytokinin transport and that ABCG17 may be involved in the lateral bud development of M. spectabilis ‘Bly114’ by mediating cytokinin transport. The data presented here lay the foundation for further investigations into the biological and physiological processes and functions of half-size ABCG genes in apple. Keywords: apple, ABCG gene, duplication, gene expression

  15. Diversidad de insectos y aves insectivoras de sotobosque en hábitats pertubados de selva lluviosa tropical

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    Naranjo Luis Germán


    Full Text Available To examine variation in species composition, stability and diversity of insectivorous birds and their prey in understory habitats of disturbed rainforest, from March 1993 to May 1994 we measured structural variables of the vegetation and quantified bird and insect species richness and diversity at eight plots ranging from 0 to over 10 years of secondary succesion. Of all the vegetation variables, only canopy cover tended. to increase with forest age. Variation of DBH classes and total density of plants among plots explained changes in both insect richness and diversity. While variation in bird species richness and diversity among plots did not show significant trends, the abundance of insectivores was related both to foliage height diversitv and DBH diversity. Insect abundance explained both bird abundance and species richness, and insect richness was an adequate predictor of abundance of insectivorous birds. The polar coordinates of the study plots (Bray-Curtis ordination based on the abundances of insectivorous birds were inversely related to forest age.Para examinar la variación en abundancia y diversidad de aves insectívoras y de sus presas en sotobosque de selva lluviosa tropical perturbada, entre marzo de 1993 y mayo de 1994 medimos variables estructurales de la vegetación y cuantificamos la  abundancia, riqueza y diversidad de insectos y aves en ocho parcelas de 0 a más de 10 años de sucesión secundaria. Exceptuando la cobertura del dosel, que aumentó con la madurez del bosque, la vegetación no presentó tendencias relacionadas con el tiempo de regeneración del bosque. La variación en cuanto a tamaños de tallos (clases de DAP y a la densidad total de plantas entre parcelas estuvo relacionada con las diferencias de riqueza y diversidad de insectos. Aunque la variación en riqueza y diversidad de aves insectívoras no presentó tendencias significativas, su abundancia estuvo relacionada tanto con la diversidad de estratos

  16. Estudio de la fauna de aves de la cueva de Pico Ramos (Muskiz, Bizkaia.

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    P. Castaños


    Full Text Available Se estudian los restos de Aves de la cuenca de Pico Ramos. Destaca entre las especies halladas la presencia de Alca Gigante (Pinguinus impennis a cuya extinción y hallazgos holocenos se dedica especial atención. Se ofrecen datos osteométricos y biogeográficos de las restantes especies.

  17. Radiation induced cerebellum impairments in Swiss albino mice and its modulation by dietary Prunus domestica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, Garima; Sisodia, Rashmi


    To study the biochemical, quantitative histopathological and behavioural changes after 5 Gy whole body irradiation and its modulation by supplementation of Prunus domestica extract (PDE) for 15 consecutive days on male Swiss albino. For this study healthy mice from an inbred colony were divided into five groups: (i) Control; (ii) PDE treated - mice in this group were orally supplemented with PDE (400 mg/kg body weight (bw)/day) once daily for 15 consecutive days; (iii) Irradiated-mice were whole body exposed to 5 Gy irradiated; (iv) PDE + irradiated-mice in this group were orally supplemented PDE for 15 days (once a day) prior to irradiation; and (v) irradiated+PDE -mice in this group were administered PDE orally for 15 days (once a day) consequently after irradiation. Marked radiation induced changes in the amount of cerebellar lipid peroxidation (LPO), glutathione (GSH), protein, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and histopathological changes (molecular layer, granular layer and purkinje cell numbers) could be significantly ameliorated supplementation of PDE prior/post irradiation. Radiation induced deficits in learning and memory were also significantly ameliorated. PDE was found to have strong radical scavenging activity in 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and also showed in vitro radioprotective activity. The result of present study showed that prior/post-supplementation of Prunus domestica has radioprotective potential as well as neuroprotective properties against the radiation. (author)

  18. Una colonia reproductiva de la Golondrina de la Tempestad Peruana, Oceanodroma tethys kelsalli (Lowe 1925, en la Isla Santa, Perú

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    Liliana Ayala


    Full Text Available Las áreas reproductivas de la Golondrina de la tempestad Peruana eran desconocidas hasta hace poco. Esta especie anida en la costa central del Perú, en las islas: Ferrol, Chao y Corcovado. Reportamos un área reproductiva para esta ave marina en la isla Santa. Localizamos un total de 407 nidos activos, incluyendo 92 (22% con huevos y 7 (8% con polluelos. La mayor parte de las aves reproductivas se hallaron cerca de la casa al este de la isla, en el sur y suroeste, donde se registraron aves guaneras y altas cantidades de garrapatas pocas golondrinas fueron halladas. En el sur y suroeste de la isla la humedad contribuye a que algunas pircas estén cubiertas de musgos y algas, en estas paredes no se hallaron aves anidando. Es posible que existan otras áreas de reproducción en la costa peruana. Estudios de las áreas de anidación en la costa del Perú proveerá la información necesaria sobre el estatus de la Golondrina de la Tempestad Peruana.

  19. P-gp activity is a critical resistance factor against AVE9633 and DM4 cytotoxicity in leukaemia cell lines, but not a major mechanism of chemoresistance in cells from acute myeloid leukaemia patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, Ruoping; Legrand, Ollivier; Marie, Jean-Pierre; Cohen, Simy; Perrot, Jean-Yves; Faussat, Anne-Marie; Zuany-Amorim, Claudia; Marjanovic, Zora; Morjani, Hamid; Fava, Fanny; Corre, Elise


    AVE9633 is a new immunoconjugate comprising a humanized monoclonal antibody, anti-CD33 antigen, linked through a disulfide bond to the maytansine derivative DM4, a cytotoxic agent and potent tubulin inhibitor. It is undergoing a phase I clinical trial. Chemoresistance to anti-mitotic agents has been shown to be related, in part, to overexpression of ABC proteins. The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential roles of P-gp, MRP1 and BCRP in cytotoxicity in AVE9633-induced acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). This study used AML cell lines expressing different levels of P-gp, MRP1 or BCRP proteins and twenty-five samples from AML patients. Expression and functionality of the transporter protein were analyzed by flow cytometry. The cytotoxicity of the drug was evaluated by MTT and apoptosis assays. P-gp activity, but not MRP1 and BCRP, attenuated AVE9633 and DM4 cytotoxicity in myeloid cell lines. Zosuquidar, a potent specific P-gp inhibitor, restored the sensitivity of cells expressing P-gp to both AVE9633 and DM4. However, the data from AML patients show that 10/25 samples of AML cells (40%) were resistant to AVE9633 or DM4 (IC 50 > 500 nM), and this was not related to P-gp activity (p-Value: 0.7). Zosuquidar also failed to re-establish drug sensitivity. Furthermore, this resistance was not correlated with CD33 expression (p-Value: 0.6) in those cells. P-gp activity is not a crucial mechanism of chemoresistance to AVE9633. For patients whose resistance to conventional anthracycline AML regimens is related to ABC protein expression, a combination with AVE9633 could be beneficial. Other mechanisms such as microtubule alteration could play an important role in chemoresistance to AVE9633

  20. The Effects of Temperature and Innate Immunity on Transmission of Campylobacter jejuni (Campylobacterales: Campylobacteraceae) Between Life Stages of Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bahrndorff, Simon; Gill, C.; Lowenberger, C.


    The house fly (Musca domestica L.) is a well-established vector of human pathogens, including Campylobacter spp., which can cause infection of broiler chicken flocks, and through contaminated broiler meat can cause outbreaks of campylobacteriosis in humans. We investigated whether Campylobacter j...

  1. Phenology of Spalangia endius Walker (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae in pupae of Musca domestica Linnaeus (Diptera, Muscidae under laboratory conditions Fenologia de Spalangia endius Walker (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae em pupas de Musca domestica Linnaeus (Diptera, Muscidae em condições de laboratório

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    Dani Furtado de Araújo


    Full Text Available This work describes the phenology of Spalangia endius Walker in pupae of Musca domestica Linnaeus under laboratory conditions. In order to understand the developmental cycle of Spalangia endius under laboratory conditions, 360 Musca domestica pupae aged from 24 to 48 hours were exposed to 15 S. endius pairs for a period of 24 hours at 26 ± 2ºC. These pupae were kept in a BOD incubator at the same temperature, with a relative humidity of Objetivando conhecer o ciclo de desenvolvimento de Spalangia endius sob condições de laboratório, 360 pupas de Musca domestica com idade de 24 a 48 horas foram expostas a 15 casais de S. endius por um período de 48 horas a 26 ± 2ºC. Estas pupas foram mantidas em BOD. Com mesma temperatura, umidade relativa <70% e com fotofase de 12 horas, onde diariamente dissecava-se 15 espécimes para avaliar o estágio e tempo de desenvolvimento do himenóptero. A fenologia permite concluir que S. endius apresenta um ciclo de desenvolvimento de 19 dias, cujo período de incubação foi de 24 horas, o desenvolvimento de larvas de S. endius ocorreu nos oito dias subsequentes nos quais uma série de alterações morfológicas foi observada. O estágio de pré-pupa deu-se no décimo dia onde cessa a movimentação e inicia a eliminação de mecônio. O estágio pupal ocorreu do décimo primeiro dia ao décimo nono, momento da emergência dos primeiros machos, já as fêmeas iniciaram a emergência aproximadamente 24 horas após. Estes resultados permitem avaliar aspectos da bionomia pormenorizada do desenvolvimento de S. endius para armazenar e programar a produção deste parasitóide, otimizando sua utilização como agente de controle biológico.

  2. Survival and Movement of Insect Parasitic Nematodes in Poultry Manure and Their Infectivity Against Musca domestica


    Georgis, Ramon; Mullens, Bradley A.; Meyer, Jeffery A.


    Survival, infectivity, and movement of three insect parasitic nematodes (Steinernema feltiae All strain, S. bibionis SN strain, and Heterorhabditis heliothidis NC strain) in poultry manure were tested under laboratory conditions. The majority (70-100%) of the nematodes died within 18 hours after exposure to the manure. Nematodes exposed to manure slurry for 6 hours killed at least 95% of the house fly larvae, Musca domestica, but nematodes exposed for 12 hours achieved less than 40% larval mo...

  3. The Effects of Sex-Ratio and Density on Locomotor Activity in the House Fly, Musca domestica


    Bahrndorff, Simon; Kjærsgaard, Anders; Pertoldi, Cino; Loeschcke, Volker; Schou, Toke M.; Skovgård, Henrik; Hald, Birthe


    Although locomotor activity is involved in almost all behavioral traits, there is a lack of knowledge on what factors affect it. This study examined the effects of sex-ratio and density on the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity of adult Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) using an infra-red light system. Sex-ratio significantly affected locomotor activity, increasing with the percentage of males in the vials. In accordance with other studies, males were more active than females, but th...



    Gálvez Martínez, Carlos Fernando; Ramírez Benavides, Ginés Fernando; Osorio, José Henry


    El empleo de las técnicas de laboratorio en la práctica veterinaria, es una herramienta indispensable que aporta información valiosa en el momento de confirmar un diagnóstico. El hemograma es uno de los estudios de rutina con mayor importancia. Los parámetros normales en el hemograma, pueden ser un indicador del buen estado de salud del animal. Sin embargo, un hemograma normal, no excluye la posibilidad de que el ave sea un portador asintomático de entidades como la psitacosis, enfermedades v...

  5. Crescimento e absorção de nutrientes pelo feijoeiro adubado com cama de aves e fertilizantes minerais

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    Késia Silva Lourenço


    Full Text Available O feijoeiro é tradicionalmente cultivado em pequenas propriedades, onde é comum o uso de dejetos animais para adubação das culturas. Como é uma cultura de ciclo curto, os nutrientes precisam estar disponíveis logo após a germinação, o que nem sempre acontece quando a fertilização ocorre a partir de fertilizantes orgânicos. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de diferentes camas de aves em relação aos fertilizantes minerais na produção de matéria seca e na liberação de nutrientes para o feijoeiro, em casa de vegetação. O experimento foi conduzido em 2010, com amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico com 16 g kg-1 de matéria orgânica, 1,9 e 84 mg dm-3 de P e K, respectivamente, e pH 6,0. Adotou-se delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com 10 tratamentos e cinco repetições. As unidades experimentais foram constituídas por vasos com 14 dm³ de solo e cinco plantas de feijão, do cultivar BRS Requinte, durante 60 dias. Os tratamentos consistiram de cinco camas de aves compostas pelos seguintes materiais: palha de milho, bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, palha de pastagem natural, areia ou acícula de Pinus, formulações de nutrientes (NPK, NP, PK e NK e um testemunha, sem nenhum fertilizante. Os fertilizantes minerais com P proporcionaram maior produção de matéria seca da parte aérea (MSPA e de raízes (MSRA do feijoeiro do que as camas de aves, por causa da maior liberação para o solo de N e P disponíveis. Dentre as camas estudadas, aquela constituída por areia foi a que proporcionou os maiores valores de MSPA e de MSRA. As plantas fertilizadas com as camas de aves acumularam, em média, 58,6 % do N e 59,0 % do P, em relação às fertilizadas com os tratamentos que continham N e P minerais. A taxa de recuperação pelas plantas de N e K foi maior para os nutrientes aplicados na forma mineral do que na orgânica. As camas de aves podem ser utilizadas como fertilizantes para a cultura do

  6. Mortandad de aves marinas durante "El Niño 1997-98" en el litoral sur de San Juan de Marcona, Ica -Perú


    Manuel Apaza; Aída Figari


    Entre agosto de 1997 y abril de 1998, se evaluó, al sur de la punta guanera de San Juan de Marcona, la mortandad de las poblaciones de aves marinas. Especies de alimentación exclusivamente pelágica y de distribución restringida al ámbito de la Corriente Peruana, como las aves guaneras Pelecanus thagus, Sula variegata y Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, el pingüino Spheniscus humboldti y el zarcillo Larosterna inca, mostraron una correlación significativa en el comportamiento mensual, relacionados ...

  7. Registros nuevos y notables de aves acuáticas en Querétaro y estados adyacentes

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    Rubén Pineda-López


    Full Text Available Como resultado de muestreos mensuales durante un año en embalses de Querétaro y zonas adyacentes de estados vecinos, así como de visitas a la Sierra de Lobos en Guanajuato, presentamos nuevos registros estatales de aves acuáticas para los estados de Querétaro (Bucephala albeola, Fregata magnificens, Numenius americanus, Hidalgo (Charadrius semipalmatus, Leucophaeus atricilla, Hydroprogne caspia y Guanajuato (Pelecanus occidentalis; además de registros notables de especies poco conocidas en zonas alejadas de las costas mexicanas. Estos registros muestran que los embalses de zonas semiáridas altas de México son más utilizados por especies poco frecuentes que lo que se ha pensado, y elevan a 70 las especies observadas en la zona semiárida de Querétaro, lo que confirma la importancia de los cuerpos de agua artificiales de esta región para la conservación de las aves acuáticas.

  8. Prevention of Salmonella infection by contact using intestinal flora of adult birds and/or a mixture of organic acids Controle da transmissão de Salmonella por contato entre aves de exploração comercial pelo uso de flora intestinal de aves adultas e/ou uma mistura de ácidos orgânicos

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    Gláucia Helaine de Oliveira


    Full Text Available This study was carried out to assess the ability of competitive exclusion and a mixture of organic acids to prevent Salmonella infection by contact between newly hatched chicks. A bird infected with Salmonella was placed in a box containing non-infected birds, previously treated with a broth culture of faeces of adult birds (CE and/or a mixture of organic acids. The number of Salmonella organisms in the caeca of the contact birds was estimated at 4 and 8 days post-challenge. The birds were infected with Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Enteritidis (both repeated 5 times, Salmonella Agona and Salmonella Infantis (3 repetitions. The same approach was used to test the mixture of organic acids alone. In this case the birds received feed containing 0.8% of a mixture of formic acid (70% and propionic acid (30%. Also, a third trial was carried out with birds inoculated with the broth culture of faeces and fed with feed containing the mixture of organic acids. Appropriate controls were included. Whereas the birds from the control groups and the groups treated with the mixture of organic acids were heavily infected with Salmonella, those pre-treated with CE or CE plus the mixture of organic acids had no viable cells per gram of caecal contents.O presente trabalho avaliou a prevenção da disseminação de quatro sorotipos de Salmonella, de interesse em avicultura e saúde pública (Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Agona, Salmonella Infantis e Salmonella Enteritidis, entre aves recém-nascidas, com o intuito de diminuir a disseminação de salmonelas em rebanhos avícolas por aves que contraíram a infecção pela via vertical. Analisou-se experimentalmente a administração de microbiota intestinal de aves adultas em aves recém-nascidas, a incorporação de uma mistura de ácidos orgânicos na ração e a associação desses dois tratamentos, em grupos onde colocou-se uma ave infectada, para provocar a transmissão por contato. A microbiota

  9. Ultraviolet radiation-induced histopathologic changes in the skin of the marsupial Monodelphis domestica. II. Quantitative studies of the photoreactivation of induced hyperplasia and sunburn cell formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ley, R.D.; Applegate, L.A.


    Induction of sunburn cells (SBCs) and hyperplasia of the epidermis of the marsupial Monodelphis domestica by ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has been studied. A dose of 500 J/m2 (approximately 1 minimal erythemal dose) from an FS-40 sunlamp induced measurable numbers of SBCs with a peak number at 32-48 h post-UVR exposure of skin to photoreactivating light suppressed the induction of SBCs by approximately 75%. Pre-UVR exposure to photoreactivating light had no effect on the induction of SBCs. Induction of hyperplasia also was suppressed to a similar extent by post-UVR photoreactivation treatment. These studies identify pyrimidine dimers in DNA as the major photoproduct involved in the induction of SBCs and hyperplasia in M. domestica by UVR

  10. Contenido de metales pesados en hígado y plumas de aves marinas afectadas por el accidente del "Prestige" en la costa de Galicia


    M Pérez López; F Cid Galán; D Hernández Moreno; AL Oropesa Jiménez; AM López Beceiro; LE Fidalgo Álvarez; F Soler Rodríguez


    Las aves marinas son organismos situados en la cumbre de las cadenas alimentarias oceánicas, lo que permite su empleo en programas de biomonitorización para evaluar el efecto de los más diversos contaminantes sobre estos sensibles ecosistemas. En el presente trabajo se han analizado las concentraciones de distintos metales pesados (Pb, Zn, Cd y Cu) en hígado y plumas de tres especies de aves marinas (arao, frailecillo y alca) directamente afectadas por el vertido de crudo...

  11. Educación básica para la “Otra Colombia”: Retos y propuestas

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    Alfredo Sarmiento G\\u00F3mez


    Full Text Available La educación es la base del desarrollo económico y social. La estrategia de apoyo a los municipios parte de la convicción de que la educación ha sido siempre, pero principalmente en las actuales circunstancias de un mundo globalizado, el elemento fundamental de la construcción de una sociedad desarrollada económica y socialmente. Este trabajo presenta inicialmente una breve caracterización de la educación en Colombia, sus principales logros y retos como marco dentro del cual se puedan comprender mejor las especificidades para los municipios de la "Otra Colombia". Una segunda parte identifica y presenta las experiencias probadas con éxito en Colombia para enfrentar los retos que tiene la educación hoy en los municipios de la Colombia que padece los azotes de la pobreza y los cultivos ilícitos. Una tercera parte analiza detalladamente el perfil de la "Otra Colombia" y su contraste con la Colombia visible. La caracterización busca resaltar la necesidad de adaptar las políticas públicas en su diseño y ejecución a los perfiles propios de estos grupos de municipios. Finalmente, se plantean algunas propuestas que constituyen un grupo estratégico para el mejoramiento de la educación en los municipios de la "Otra Colombia".

  12. Factores técnicos y ambientales implicados en la electrocución de aves en los tendidos eléctricos

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    Izquierdo Rosigue, A.


    Full Text Available Technical and environmental factors responsible of bird electrocution have been analyzed in low and medium tension power lines in a bird important area placed in the south of Alicante province (SE Spain. One hundred eighty six dead birds (119 birds of prey have been located in 182 poles inspected. Most species are legally protected and some are in jeopardy. Some pole types with suspended insulators have caused the same number of victims than poles with rigid insulators. Poles with rigid insulators in two levels produce more accidents than poles with one level. A different pole use according to the habitat has been observed. Birds of prey avoid poles in cultures, in the vicinity of roads and in flatlands or in hill tops. Furthermore, more electrocutions occur near bath zones. Poles in high places and located near to human altered habitats, where feeding is easy, are preferred by remainder birds.

    Se analizan los factores técnicos y ambientales responsables de la electrocución de aves en tendidos de media y baja intensidad -situados en un área con una valiosa población de aves- en el sur de la provincia de Alicante. Se han localizado 186 aves muertas (119 rapaces en 182 postes visitados. La mayoría han sido especies protegidas, encontrándose, algunas de ellas, especialmente amenazadas. Los resultados muestran que algunos tipos de poste, con aisladores suspendidos, provocan un número de accidentes similar a otros tipos de postes con aisladores rígidos. Los postes con aisladores rígidos en dos planos producen más víctimas que los que presentan un único plano. Se observa que las aves realizan un uso diferente del poste en función del hábitat que lo rodea. Las rapaces evitan los postes situados sobre cultivos, los más próximos a las carreteras y los ubicados en zonas llanas o en las partes más altas de las laderas. Se encuentran más rapaces electrocutadas en aquellos postes próximos a zonas de baño. Para el resto de aves los

  13. Otra vez hablando de lo que habla

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    García Calvo, Agustín


    Full Text Available Reconociendo la contradicción que se da entre la lengua DE que se habla y la lengua EN que se habla, se trata de hacer sentir al lector la inmensa complejidad de la máquina de la lengua, que nos pasa casi enteramente desapercibida. Para entender esto es preciso darse cuenta de que el artilugio de la lengua se encuentra en un nivel sub-conciente, común, que no pertenece a nadie. Hablamos así de bien gracias a que no nos damos cuenta de lo que hacemos cuando hablamos. Esto se ilustra negativamente con varios fenómenos lingüísticos bien conocidos: la pronunciación pedante de ciertas palabras, las alternancias “se me cayó” / ”me se cayó” y otras, etc., además de hacer ver lo inútil de empeñarse en pronunciar a conciencia los fonemas estraños de la lengua que uno aprende.

  14. Optimizing dehydration of apples Malus Domestica with fructo-oligosaccharide incorporation

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    Mariana Buranelo Egea


    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to study the effect of the variables of the osmotic dehydration process on sliced Fuji apples (Malus domestica using a 2 x 3² factorial design. The variables studied in the apple slices were the pretreatment (blanching or acidification, the temperatures (30, 45 and 60ºC and the FOS concentration (40%, 50% and 60% m/v of the osmotic solution. There was no difference among the pretreatments for the water activity and titratable acidity. The slices pre-treated by the acidification presented less enzymatic browning (greatest luminosity L* value combined with a greater soluble solid contents (thus, this treatment was selected. Treatments T4 (45ºC and 40% m/v and T7 (60ºC and 40%m/v, using the acidification presented responses within the recommended standards and FOS were validated by the repetition.

  15. Plasticity in behavioural responses and resistance to temperature stress in Musca domestica

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjaersgaard, Anders; Blackenhorn, Wolf U.; Pertoldi, Cino


    , at the stressful high temperature Spanish flies flew the furthest and Danish flies the shortest distance. Neither body size nor wing loading affected flight performance, although flies with narrower wings tended to fly further (wing shape effect). Swiss flies were most active in terms of locomotor activity......Organisms can respond to and cope with stressful environments in a number of ways including behavioural, morphological and physiological adjustments. To understand the role of behavioural traits in thermal adaptations we compared heat resistance, locomotor (walking and flying) activity, flight...... performance and morphology of three European populations of Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) originating from different thermal conditions (Spain, Switzerland and Denmark) at benign and stressful high temperatures. Spanish flies showed greater heat resistance than Swiss and Danish flies. Similarly...

  16. Checklist das aves do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

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    Alessandro Pacheco Nunes

    Full Text Available RESUMO Em contraste com vários outros estados brasileiros, apenas recentemente o Mato Grosso do Sul iniciou o inventário organizado de sua avifauna. Relacionamos 630 espécies de aves para o Mato Grosso do Sul, pertencentes a 26 ordens e 74 famílias, que corresponde a 34% da avifauna ocorrente no Brasil. Cerca de 90% dessas espécies apresentam registros comprobatórios de ocorrência no estado conforme as normas propostas pelo CBRO. As demais ainda aguardam documentação comprobatória adequada. Quarenta e cinco espécies foram incluídas na lista terciária por apresentarem problemas de documentação comprobatória devido à ausência de circunstanciação e distribuição incompatível. A grande diversidade de fitofisionomias e paisagens sob influência dos biomas Cerrado, Pantanal, Chaco, Bosques Chiquitanos e Mata Atlântica são responsáveis em parte, pela diversidade de espécies ocorrentes no Mato Grosso do Sul. No entanto, várias dessas fitofisionomias e paisagens já foram suprimidas e/ou alteradas pela pecuária e principalmente monoculturas ( Pinus, Eucalyptus e cana-de-açúcar. Trinta e sete espécies de aves ocorrentes no estado encontram-se presentes em listas de espécies ameaçadas de extinção em âmbito global e/ou nacional. Ainda existem grandes lacunas de conhecimento sobre a avifauna sul-matogrossense, notadamente no Pantanal do Paiaguás e em regiões limítrofes com o estado de Goiás e países como Paraguai (Chaco e a Bolívia (Bosques Chiquitanos. Instituições como Embrapa Pantanal e Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, bem como o trabalho de consultores ambientais e observadores de aves foram relevantes no avanço do conhecimento sobre a avifauna no estado. Grande parte dos museus institucionais no exterior abriga exemplares coletados no Mato Grosso do Sul, dentre os quais se destacam o Museum of Comparative Zoology (Cambridge, EUA, o American Museum of Natural History (Nova York, EUA, o The Field

  17. Aplicación de las funciones elípticas de Fourier para la descripción de la forma de los huevos de las aves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dennis Denis Ávila


    Full Text Available La forma de los huevos es difícil de cuantificar por la ausencia de fórmulas exactas que describan su geometría. Se describe un algoritmo para la caracterización y comparación de estas formas, basado en la aplicación de las funciones de Fourier. Estas permiten delinear cualquier tipo de contorno cerrado y han sido aplicadas efectivamente al análisis de varias formas biológicas. Se describen los pasos para la toma de datos, su procesamiento y el empleo del programa SHAPE para la obtención de los descriptores, a partir de un estudio de caso. En este se comparan las formas de los huevos de tres especies de aves que representan tres estrategias reproductivas bien diferentes: el Catey (Aratinga euops, la Gaviota Real (Thalasseus maximus y el Totí (Dives atroviolaceus. A partir de 73 fotografías digitales a huevos depositados en colecciones, se calcularon los coeficientes de las funciones para 4, 6, 8, 16 y 20 armónicos, y se redujeron por medio de un Análisis de Componentes Principales. Los puntajes de los componentes que describen hasta el 90 % de la variabilidad fueron empleados en un Análisis de Función Discriminante Lineal para analizar la posibilidad de separar los huevos según sus formas. Con solo cuatro armónicos los primeros cinco componentes explicaron 97% de la varianza en formas. Más armónicos disminuyen la varianza explicada, requiriéndose hasta ocho componentes para explicar la misma cantidad. Los polígonos convexos en el espacio discriminante muestran una clara distinción entre especies sugiriendo la posible discriminación (errores de clasificación entre 7-15%. Los errores en las clasificaciones estuvieron relacionados a diferencias específicas en la forma entre especies. En el estudio de caso, los huevos de A. euops fueron perfectamente clasificados pero en las otras especies los errores fueron entre 5 y 29%, con este número de armónicos y componentes empleados. El algoritmo propuesto a pesar de su

  18. Dos nuevos registros de piojos masticadores (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) sobre Leptotila megalura (Aves: Columbidae) en la Argentina


    Leonor GUARDIA


    Dos especies de piojos masticadores (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae), Physconelloides ceratoceps Ewing y Columbicola gracilicapitis Carriker, son registradas por primera vez sobre Leptotila megalura Sclater & Salvin (“yerutí yungueña”) (Aves: Columbidae). Además, C. gracilicapitis es citada por primera vez para la Argentina.

  19. In silico analysis of the polygalacturonase inhibiting protein 1 from apple, Malus domestica. (United States)

    Matsaunyane, Lerato Bt; Oelofse, Dean; Dubery, Ian A


    The Malus domestica polygalacturonase inhibiting protein 1 (MdPGIP1) gene, encoding the M. domestica polygalacturonase inhibiting protein 1 (MdPGIP1), was isolated from the Granny Smith apple cultivar (GenBank accession no. DQ185063). The gene was used to transform tobacco and potato for enhanced resistance against fungal diseases. Analysis of the MdPGIP1 nucleotide sequence revealed that the gene comprises 993 nucleotides that encode a 330 amino acid polypeptide. In silico characterization of the MdPGIP1 polypeptide revealed domains typical of PGIP proteins, which include a 24 amino acid putative signal peptide, a potential cleavage site [Alanine-Leucine-Serine (ALS)] for the signal peptide, a 238 amino acid leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain, a 46 amino acid N-terminal domain and a 22 amino acid C-terminal domain. The hydropathic evaluation of MdPGIP1 indicated a repetitive hydrophobic motif in the LRR domain and a hydrophilic surface area consistent with a globular protein. The typical consensus glycosylation sequence of Asn-X-Ser/Thr was identified in MdPGIP1, indicating potential N-linked glycosylation of MdPGIP1. The molecular mass of non-glycosylated MdPGIP1 was calculated as 36.615 kDa and the theoretical isoelectric point as 6.98. Furthermore, the secondary and tertiary structure of MdPGIP1 was modelled, and revealed that MdPGIP1 is a curved and elongated molecule that contains sheet B1, sheet B2 and 310-helices on its LRR domain. The overall properties of the MdPGIP1 protein is similar to that of the prototypical Phaseolus vulgaris PGIP 2 (PvPGIP2), and the detected differences supported its use in biotechnological applications as an inhibitor of targeted fungal polygalacturonases (PGs).

  20. Los Anhingidae (Aves: Suliformes) del Neógeno de América del Sur: sistemática, filogenia y paleobiología


    Diederle, Juan M.


    Los Anhingidae están integrados por aves acuáticas conocidas vulgarmente como anhingas o biguá-víboras (darters o snakebirds en inglés), incluidas en el orden Suliformes. Estas aves llegan a pesar de 1,05-1,81 kg y no tienen dimorfismo sexual en tamaño. Son buenas voladoras y se caracterizan por alternar planeos prolongados y utilizar corrientes termales de aire ascendentes para elevarse. En tierra caminan torpemente, mientras que en el agua pueden nadar y bucear hábilmente propulsadas por su...

  1. Aves marinas de las costas e islas colombianas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available La lista de aves marinas que presento en este artículo se refiere en su mayor parte a especies que varios autores (véase Obras citadas han señalado en las costas e islas marítimas de Colombia o en las aguas extraterritoriales del Mar Caribe y del Océano Pacífico inmediatamente próximas a este país. Los ejemplares examinados que menciono fuera de tales referencias pertenecen casi todos a la colección ornitológica del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales y se señalan con las siglas ICN. Unos pocos son del museo de historia natural del Colegio Biffi, en Barranquilla, a cuyo custodio, el Hermano Hildeberto María, doy las gracias por haberme permitido examinarlos. Los que señalo con las palabras Exped. Askoy, seguidas de un numero (de la serie del American Museum of Natural History, forman parte de una interesante colección que nos envió en 1942 el doctor Robert Cushman Murphy, actual Director del Departamento de Aves del American Museum of Natural History, Nueva York. Estos fueron obtenidos por la expedición oceanográfica que, bajo la dirección del doctor Murphy, realizaron en la goleta "Askoy" varios miembros de aquel museo, acompañados por el Comandante Eduardo Fallon, de la Marina Colombiana, en aguas del Pacifico desde Panamá hasta el Ecuador. La Expedición de la "Askoy", que duró de febrero a mayo de 1941, exploró varias bahías y ensenadas en el litoral del Chocó y del Departamento del Valle, así como las islas de Gorgona y Gorgonilla al norte de la costa de Nariño, y el peñón inhabitado de Malpelo, posesión oceánica colombiana situada a unos 500 kilómetros al occidente de Buenaventura, en la latitud de 3° 59' 07" N. y la longitud de 81° 34' 27" W. de Greenwich, según posición determinada por Murphy (1936, I, p. 319, fig. 49 .

  2. Sustainable production of housefly (Musca domestica) larvae as a protein-rich feed ingredient by utilizing cattle manure (United States)

    Hussein, Mahmoud; Pillai, Viju V.; Goddard, Joshua M.; Park, Hui G.; Kothapalli, Kumar S.; Ross, Deborah A.; Ketterings, Quirine M.; Brenna, J. Thomas; Milstein, Mark B.; Marquis, Helene; Johnson, Patricia A.; Nyrop, Jan P.


    The common housefly, Musca domestica, is a considerable component of nutrient recycling in the environment. Use of housefly larvae to biodegrade manure presents an opportunity to reduce waste disposal while the rapidly assimilated insect biomass can also be used as a protein rich animal feed. In this study, we examine the biodegradation of dairy cattle manure using housefly larvae, and the nutritional value of the resulting larva meal as a feed ingredient. Our results demonstrated that dairy cattle manure presents a balanced substrate for larval growth, and the spent manure showed reductions in concentration of total nitrogen (24.9%) and phosphorus (6.2%) with an overall reduction in mass. Larva yield at an optimum density was approximately 2% of manure weight. Nutritional analysis of M. domestica larva meal showed values comparable to most high protein feed ingredients. Larva meal was 60% protein with a well-balanced amino acid profile, and 20% fat with 57% monounsaturated fatty acids, and 39% saturated fatty acids. Larva meal lacked any significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Evaluation of micronutrients in larva meal suggested that it is a good source of calcium and phosphorus (0.5% and 1.1% respectively). The nutritional value of larva meal closely matches that of fishmeal, making it a potentially attractive alternative for use as a protein-rich feed ingredient for livestock and aquaculture operations. PMID:28170420

  3. Aportación a las patologías de aves en cautividad


    Melián Melián, Ayose


    Por ello, el objetivo general de la presente tesis doctoral es contribuir a un mayor conocimiento de la Medicina y la Sanidad aviar de las especies en cautividad de una colección zoológica a través de la revisión de los casos clínicos, datos anatomopatológicos y análisis laboratoriales complementarios, Para ello, se emplearon los siguientes objetivos específicos: Objetivos específicos: 1.- Diagnóstico clínico y patológico de enfermedades en aves en cautividad. 2.- Determi...

  4. Naised käsu korras firmade juhatusse! Jah või ei? / Kairi Alt, Aveli Kippari, Karl Koort... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Columbus IT Partner Eesti AS personalijuht Kairi Alt, Stele ja Riveli omanik Aveli Kippari, AS Panaviatic'i turundusjuht Karl Koort, OÜ Tarkvara Tehnoloogia Arenduskeskuse tegevjuht Indrek Vainu, AS PricewaterhouseCoopers auditiosakonna direktor Eva Jansen, Kalev Chocolate Factory tootmisjuht Hardo Reinike

  5. Dos nuevos registros de piojos masticadores (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae sobre Leptotila megalura (Aves: Columbidae en la Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonor GUARDIA


    Full Text Available Dos especies de piojos masticadores (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae, Physconelloides ceratoceps Ewing y Columbicola gracilicapitis Carriker, son registradas por primera vez sobre Leptotila megalura Sclater & Salvin (“yerutí yungueña” (Aves: Columbidae. Además, C. gracilicapitis es citada por primera vez para la Argentina.

  6. Medios, noticias y otras cuestiones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lic. Alberto Enrique Ferreyra


    Full Text Available Según las historias elegidas, un medio de comunicación de masas construye realidades sociales diferentes, algunas de las cuales contribuyen a pensar acerca de cuestiones relevantes mientras otras refieren a materias de orden menor.El comunicador puede elegir al menos tres caminos: a Dedicarse a temáticas que conciten interés masivo por más que se agoten en poco tiempo, tal la situación contractual del hábil futbolista de Boca Juan Román Riquelme. b Aludir a asuntos como la insuficiente asignación de fondos para investigación científica, que no obstante ser un tema de conversación menos extendido impactará más en el porvenir del país que el contrato de un jugador.c Asumir que la vida no es únicamente ciencia ni fútbol, lo cual no da derecho a igualar la trascendencia de la una a la del otro.En cada una de las opciones es menester considerar que el modo en que una historia se relata condiciona su percepción. Y recordar que, al tiempo que un cantante expresa "cómo dueles en los labios" y genera pesar evocativo o imaginativo, otro, que emite sonidos que permiten escuchar "Tú, que vienes y pasas como un huracán", apenas si deja la impresión de que el huracán es un vientito.

  7. Radiological verification survey results at 14 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey (PJ001V)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, R.E.; Johnson, C.A.


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) conducted remedial action during 1993 at the Pompton Plains Railroad Spur and eight vicinity properties in the Wayne and Pequannock Townships in New Jersey as part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). These properties are in the vicinity of the DOE-owned Wayne Interim Storage Site (WISS), formerly the W. R. Grace facility. The property at 14 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey is one of these vicinity properties. At the request of DOE, a team from Oak Ridge National Laboratory conducted an independent radiological verification survey at this property. The purpose of the survey, conducted between September and December 1993, was to confirm the success of the remedial actions performed to remove any radioactive materials in excess of the identified guidelines. The verification survey included surface gamma scans and gamma readings at 1 meter, beta-gamma scans, and the collection of soil and debris samples for radionuclide analysis. Results of the survey demonstrated that all radiological measurements on the property at 14 Peck Ave. were within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the remedial action data and confirmed by the verification survey data, the portions of the site that had been remediated during this action successfully meet the DOE remedial action objectives

  8. Radiological verification survey results at 3 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey (PJ002V)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, R.E.; Johnson, C.A.


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) conducted remedial action during 1993 at the Pompton Plains Railroad Spur and eight vicinity properties in the Wayne and Pequannock Townships in New Jersey as part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). These properties are in the vicinity of the DOE-owned Wayne Interim Storage Site (WISS), formerly the W.R. Grace facility. The property at 3 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey is one of these vicinity properties. At the request of DOE, a team from Oak Ridge National Laboratory conducted an independent radiological verification survey at this property. The purpose of the survey, conducted between September and December 1993, was to confirm the success of the remedial actions performed to remove any radioactive materials in excess of the identified guidelines. The verification survey included surface gamma scans and gamma readings at 1 meter, beta-gamma scans, and the collection of soil and debris samples for radionuclide analysis. Results of the survey demonstrated that all radiological measurements on the property at 3 Peck Ave. were within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the remedial action data and confirmed by the verification survey data, the portions of the site that had been remediated during this action successfully meet the DOE remedial action objectives

  9. Radiological verification survey results at 15 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey (PJ005V)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, R.E.; Johnson, C.A.


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) conducted remedial action during 1993 at the Pompton Plains Railroad Spur and eight vicinity properties in the Wayne and Pequannock Townships in New Jersey as part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). These properties are in the vicinity of the DOE-owned Wayne Interim Storage Site (WISS), formerly the W.R. Grace facility. The property at 15 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey is one of these vicinity properties. At the request of DOE, a team from Oak Ridge National Laboratory conducted an independent radiological verification survey at this property. The purpose of the survey, conducted between September and December 1993, was to confirm the success of the remedial actions performed to remove any radioactive materials in excess of the identified guidelines. The verification survey included surface gamma scans and gamma readings at 1 meter, beta-gamma scans, and the collection of soil and debris samples for radionuclide analysis. Results of the survey demonstrated that all radiological measurements on the property at 15 Peck Ave. were within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the remedial action data and confirmed by the verification survey data, the portions of the site that had been remediated during this action successfully meet the DOE remedial action objectives

  10. Radiological verification survey results at 17 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey (PJ006V)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, R.E.; Johnson, C.A.


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) conducted remedial action during 1993 at the Pompton Plains Railroad Spur and eight vicinity properties in the Wayne and Pequannock Townships in New Jersey as part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). These properties are in the vicinity of the DOE-owned Wayne Interim Storage Site (WISS), formerly the W.R. Grace facility. The property at 17 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey is one of these vicinity properties. At the request of DOE, a team from Oak Ridge National Laboratory conducted an independent radiological verification survey at this property. The purpose of the survey, conducted between September and December 1993, was to confirm the success of the remedial actions performed to remove any radioactive materials in excess of the identified guidelines. The verification survey included surface gamma scans and gamma readings at 1 meter, beta-gamma scans, and the collection of soil and debris samples for radionuclide analysis. Results of the survey demonstrated that all radiological measurements on the property at 17 Peck Ave. were within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the remedial action data and confirmed by the verification survey data, the portions of the site that had been remediated during this action successfully meet the DOE remedial action objectives

  11. Radiological verification survey results at 7 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey (PJ003V)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, R.E.; Johnson, C.A.


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) conducted remedial action during 1993 at the Pompton Plains Railroad Spur and eight vicinity properties in the Wayne and Pequannock Townships in New Jersey as part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). These properties are in the vicinity of the DOE-owned Wayne Interim Storage Site (WISS), formerly the W.R. Grace facility. The property at 7 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey is one of these vicinity properties. At the request of DOE, a team from Oak Ridge National Laboratory conducted an independent radiological verification survey at this property. The purpose of the survey, conducted between September and December 1993, was to confirm the success of the remedial actions performed to remove any radioactive materials in excess of the identified guidelines. The verification survey included surface gamma scans and gamma readings at 1 meter, beta-gamma scans, and the collection of soil samples for radionuclide analysis. Results of the survey demonstrated that all radiological measurements on the property at 7 Peck Ave. were within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the remedial action data and confirmed by the verification survey data, the portions of the site that had been remediated during this action successfully meet the DOE remedial action objectives

  12. Radiological verification survey results as 13 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey (PJ004V)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, R.E.; Johnson, C.A.


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) conducted remedial action during 1993 at the Pompton Plains Railroad Spur and eight vicinity properties in the Wayne and Pequannock Townships in New Jersey as part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). These properties are in the vicinity of the DOE-owned Wayne Interim Storage Site (WISS), formerly the W.R. Grace facility. The property at 13 Peck Ave., Pequannock, New Jersey is one of these vicinity properties. At the request of DOE, a team from Oak Ridge National Laboratory conducted an independent radiological verification survey at this property. The purpose of the survey, conducted between September and December 1993, was to confirm the success of the remedial actions performed to remove any radioactive materials in excess of the identified guidelines. The verification survey included surface gamma scans and gamma readings at 1 meter, beta-gamma scans, and the collection of soil and debris samples for radionuclide analysis. Results of the survey demonstrated that all radiological measurements on the property at 13 Peck Ave. were within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the remedial action data and confirmed by the verification survey data, the portions of the site that had been remediated during this action successfully meet the DOE remedial action objectives

  13. Mortality Due to Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus in Immunocompromised G?ttingen Minipigs (Sus scrofa domestica)


    Pils, Marina C; Dreckmann, Karla; Jansson, Katharina; Glage, Silke; Held, Nadine; Sommer, Wiebke; L?nger, Florian; Avsar, Murat; Warnecke, Gregor; Bleich, Andr?


    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection was diagnosed in 6 G?ttingen minipigs (Sus scrofa domestica) with severe interstitial pneumonia. The virus was defined as a North American (NA) subtype virus, which is common in the commercial pig population and might be derived from a widely used attenuated live-virus vaccine in Europe. The ORF5 sequence of the isolated PRRSV was 98% identical to the vaccine virus. The affected pigs were part of a lung transplantation mode...


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bellini, R; Mullens, B A; Jespersen, J B


    Dose-mortality studies were conducted with 2 members of the Entomophthora muscae (Cohn) Fresenius complex from southern California (CA) and Denmark (DA) infecting house flies, Musca domestica L., from southern California. Primary conidia of the DA form were significantly more infective (LC50 = 34...

  15. Manual de métodos de campo para el monitoreo de aves terrestres (United States)

    C. John Ralph; Geoffrey R. Geupel; Peter Pyle; Thomas E. Martin; David F DeSante; Borja Milá


    El presente manual es una recopilación de métodos de campo para la determinación de índices de abundancia y datos demográficos de poblaciones de aves terrestres en una amplia variedad de hábitats. Está dirigido a biólogos, técnicos de campo, e investigadores de cualquier parte del Continente Americano. Los métodos descritos incluyen cuatro tipos de censos...

  16. Helminth-bacteria interaction in the gut of domestic pigeon Columba livia domestica. (United States)

    Biswal, Debraj; Nandi, Anadi Prasad; Chatterjee, Soumendranath


    The present paper is an attempt to study the interaction between the helminth parasite and bacteria residing in the gut of domestic pigeon, Columba livia domestica. Biochemical and molecular characterization of the gut bacterial isolate were done and the isolate was identified as Staphylococcus sp. DB1 (JX442510). The interaction of Staphylococcus sp. with Cotugnia cuneata, an intestinal helminth parasite of domestic pigeon was studied on the basis of the difference between 'mean worm burden' of antibiotic treated infected pigeons and infected pigeons without any antibiotic treatment. The ANOVA and Tukey tests of the data obtained showed that antibiotic treatment reduced the mean worm burden significantly. The biochemical properties of Staphylococcus sp. DB1 (JX442510) also showed a mutualistic relationship with the physiology of C. cuneata.

  17. Variation of Musca domestica L. acetylcholinesterase in Danish housefly populations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Michael; Huang, Jing; Qiao, Chuan-Ling


    Anti-cholinesterase resistance is in many cases caused by modified acetylcholinesterase (MACE). A comparison was made of toxicological data and AChE activity gathered from 21 field populations and nine laboratory strains of houseflies, Musca domestica L., to elucidate the best way of generating...... data to provide advice for management strategies and gathering information for resistance risk assessment on the organophosphates azamethiphos and dimethoate and the carbamate methomyl, which have been the primary insecticides used against adult houseflies in Denmark. Cluster analysis was performed...... and > 2000 houseflies were assigned to one of three phenotypes based on total acetylcholinesterase activity as well as inhibition by azamethiphos, methomyl or omethoate. A cluster, i.e. a phenotype, with high total AChE activity and high sensitivity to azamethiphos and less sensitivity to inhibition...

  18. Two QTL characterized for soft scald and soggy breakdown in apple (Malus × domestica) through pedigree-based analysis of a large population of interconnected families

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Howard, Nicholas P.; Weg, van de Eric; Tillman, John; Tong, Cindy B.S.; Silverstein, Kevin A.T.; Luby, James J.


    Soft scald and soggy breakdown are important postharvest physiological disorders of apple (Malus × domestica). ‘Honeycrisp’ and some of its offspring are particularly susceptible to developing these disorders. The purpose of this study was to identify molecular markers associated with high

  19. Protozoarios parásitos de importancia en salud pública transportados por Musca domestica Linnaeus en Lima, Perú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martín Cárdenas


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo investiga los protozoarios parásitos de importancia para la salud pública transportados por Musca domestica. El estudio se llevó a cabo entre los meses de junio y diciembre de 1998, en los distritos de Comas y San Juan de Lurigancho de la provincia de Lima. Se estudiaron 3014 moscas colectadas en la basura acumulada en la vía pública de los pueblos jóvenes de los distritos mencionados. Las capturas se agruparon en lotes constituidos por un promedio de 30 moscas. Se estudiaron un total de 100 lotes. Las moscas fueron disecadas y procesadas con agua destilada estéril para obtener un macerado intestinal. Para la observación de los parásitos se utilizó el método directo simple y la coloración tricrómica de Gomori ácido resistente modificado. Se encontraron los siguientes protozoarios que parasitan al hombre: Blastocystis hominis (9,0%, Giardia lamblia (3,0%, Cryptosporidium sp. (2,0%, Cyclospora cayetanensis (1,0%, Iodamoeba bütschlii (17,0%, Endolimax nana (5,0% y Chilomastix mesnili (3,0%. Se reporta por primera vez para el Perú a B. hominis y Cyclospora cayetanensis en M. domestica.

  20. New drive axles for hybrid applications in low-floor city busses. The electric axle AVE 130; Neue Antriebsachse fuer Hybridapplikationen in Niederflur-Stadtbussen. Die Elektroachse AVE 130

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solka, Ulrich [ZF Passau GmbH (Germany); Mueller, Axel M. [ZF Friedrichshafen AG (Germany)


    The contribution under consideration reports on the mechanically constructional structure of the electrically driven low-floor axle AVE 130 of ZF Friedrichshafen AG (Friedrichshafen, Federal Republic of Germany). The characteristics of the electric drive are presented with the particularities of the implemented asynchronous machine and the road performances which can be developed by a city bus using this axle. Also the system characteristics of a hybrid bus with serial hybrid drive system concerning to aggregate arrangement, mass balances and the interaction of the aggregates in the drive briefly are discussed. The results of numerical simulation regarding fuel saving potential in these systems round the remarks off.

  1. Historia, evolución y otras cuestiones sobre el plagio musical


    Grilo Bartolomé, Félix


    El estudio y propósito del presente Trabajo Fin de Máster es, además de la búsqueda de originalidad y creatividad sobre la materia tratada, analizar la modalidad delictiva del plagio (musical) y sus variedades, dentro del campo de la Propiedad Intelectual (artículo 270 del Código Penal), en el que se aborda, desde una perspectiva objetiva, algunas cuestiones problemáticas a la hora de determinar y comprender los límites con otras figuras afines, así como la posibles interpre...

  2. Ophthalmomyiasis externa by Musca domestica in a case of orbital metastasis

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    Rose Mary Tomy


    Full Text Available Infestation of the living tissues of the eye, ocular adnexae or orbit by larvae of flies of the order Diptera is known as ophthalmomyiasis. Ophthalmomyiasis externa is a limited superficial infestation of external ocular structures such as conjunctiva and adnexae. A case of follicular carcinoma thyroid with orbital metastasis presenting as ophthalmomyiasis externa is reported. The patient presented with foul smelling ulcers of the medial and lateral orbital walls of the right eye extending into the lids and nose, teeming with maggots. Computerized Tomography (CT showed widespread bone destruction with extension into surrounding sinuses. Over 200 maggots were manually removed after immobilisation with turpentine oil instillation. Entomological examination showed it to be a case of accidental myiasis caused by the common housefly Musca domestica. The patient was managed conservatively and the ulcer cavities filled up with healthy granulation tissue. This case is presented on account of its rarity.

  3. Using multilevel systematic sampling to study apple fruit (Malus domestica Borkh.) quality and its variability at the orchard scale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martínez Vega, Mabel V.; Wulfsohn, Dvoralai; Clemmensen, Line Katrine Harder


    sample of ‘Granny Smith’ (Malus x domestica cv. ‘Granny Smith’) apples obtained from a 17 ha orchard based on a final sample of 74 fruit. Estimates of fruit marketable yield and fruit size distribution agreed well with packing house records. The estimated marketable yield was 356.6 ± 89.2 t compared...... recommended sample sizes to accurately describe the distribution of various quality variables of apples at the orchard scale....

  4. O ambiente virtual como interface na reabilitação pós-AVE: relato de caso

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    Silvia Leticia Pavão

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O acidente vascular encefálico (AVE é um quadro neurológico agudo de repercussões amplas, que exige de suas vítimas programas de reabilitação desafiadores na promoção da função. Nesse contexto, a Realidade Virtual (RV é uma ferramenta de interface na reabilitação que pode gerar altos índices de motivação do paciente e permitir adaptação da terapia ao seu nível de função. OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito da RV por meio de videogame sobre o controle postural de um indivíduo pós-AVE. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Um indivíduo pós-AVE com um ano de lesão foi submetido a um protocolo de reabilitação física com videogame numa frequência de três vezes por semana por um período de 12 semanas. Anteriormente e após o programa foi realizada dinamometria por plataforma de força para análise de variáveis relacionadas ao centro de pressão (COP. RESULTADOS: Na reavaliação, observou-se que a amplitude de deslocamento médio-lateral (x aumentou 67% na condição de olhos abertos (OA e fechados (OF; amplitude anteroposterior (y aumentou 25 e 44% em OA e OF, respectivamente; área aumentou 109 e 141% em OA e OF; velocidade diminuiu 26 e 0,27% em OA e OF. CONCLUSÃO: A RV como interface na reabilitação possivelmente ampliou a exploração da base de suporte para manutenção da estabilidade, constituindo recurso adicional no tratamento desses indivíduos.


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    Flávia Nogueira e Ferreira


    Full Text Available The objective was verify the benefits of the physical therapist s intervention in the community in attention to AVE patient. This study describes a 74 year-old patient's case, feminine sex, attacked by AVE eight years ago, and possessesed the body s right side committed and was submit to physical therapeutics treatment once a week for four followed following. The patient is accompanied by PSF(Programa de Saúde da Família Inocoop neighborhood in the distrit of Jequié city, in the inclusion s areas of the Unidade de Saúde Padre Hilário Terrosi. She presented sinergismo flexor pattern and disagreements in the deambulação. We emphasized treatment the cinesioterapia with emphasis in PNF s technique, besides measures preventive to decrease complications of the hypertension, diabetes and falls. The movement of abduction foot s fingers was reestablished, as well as extension and deflection of fingers and ankle. In a significant less way, but representing patient's evolution, improvement her posture was gotten and march s aid, obtaining more safety. The patient woke up tocorporal conscience to hemiplégico side. The orientations for improvement of circulatory dynamics, hygiene, posture was valid. Conclusion: The physiotherapist's presence in the community becomes important because contribue for the promotion, prevention, recovery and rehabilitation obeing the beginnings of the current health s model and consequently promoting the improvement the life s quality of the population.

  6. Joomɨ fíivo gaaja kaatɨi aame - La ciencia de vida escrita en las aves. Cuarta parte: Kɨɨñu “Gallineta” (Crypturellus undulatus

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    Aniceto Nejedeka (Numeyɨ


    Full Text Available Texto bilingüe muinane-español sobre el ave kɨɨñu, “gallineta” (Crypturellus undulatus, elaborado por Aniceto Nejedeka a partir del conocimiento de los mayores de la etnia muinane. Este texto es la cuarta parte de un libro que hemos venido publicando por fascículos, titulado La ciencia de vida escrita en las aves. El muinane es una lengua de la familia lingüística bora.

  7. Ticks on birds caught on the campus of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Carrapatos em aves capturadas no campus da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Ísis Daniele Alves Costa Santolin


    Full Text Available The prevalence of parasitic infections, particularly those caused by ectoparasites, may influence the biology and ecology of wild birds. The aim of this study was to investigate occurrences and identify the species of ticks collected from wild birds caught on the campus of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. The birds were caught using mist nets between October 2009 and December 2010. In total, 223 birds were caught, represented by 53 species and 19 families in nine orders. Nineteen birds (n = 7 species were parasitized by immature ticks (prevalence of 8.5%. Forty-four ticks were collected, of which 23 were nymphs and 21 were larvae. There were associations between parasitism by ticks and non-Passeriformes birds, and between parasitism and ground-dwelling birds, which was possibly due to the presence (or inclusion among the captured birds of Vanellus chilensis (Charadriiformes: Charadriidae. All the nymphs collected were identified as Amblyomma cajennense. In general terms, we must emphasize that wild birds in the study area may play the role of dispersers for the immature stages of A. cajennense, albeit non-preferentially.A prevalência das infecções parasitárias e em particular, aquelas causadas por ectoparasitos, pode influenciar na biologia e ecologia das aves silvestres. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a ocorrência e identificar as espécies de carrapatos coletadas em aves silvestres capturadas no campus da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. As aves foram coletadas em rede-de-neblina durante o período de outubro de 2009 a dezembro de 2010. No total foram capturadas 223 aves representadas por 53 espécies, 19 famílias em 9 ordens. Parasitismo por formas imaturas de carrapatos, foram encontradas em 19 aves (n = 7 espécies correspondendo a uma prevalência de 8,5%. Foram coletados 44 carrapatos onde 23 estavam em estágio de ninfa e 21 em estágio de larva. Houve associação entre o parasitismo por carrapatos

  8. Two new records of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) on Leptotila megalura (Aves: Columbidae) from Argentina


    Guardia, Leonor


    Dos especies de piojos masticadores (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae), Physconelloides ceratoceps Ewing y Columbicola gracilicapitis Carriker, son registradas por primera vez sobre Leptotila megalura Sclater & Salvin ("yerutí yungueña") (Aves: Columbidae). Además, C. gracilicapitis es citada por primera vez para la Argentina.Two species of chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae), Physconelloides ceratoceps Ewing and Columbicola gracilicapitis Carriker are recorded for t...

  9. Nota sobre colisiones de aves en las ventanas de edificios universitarios en Puerto Vallarta, México

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    Fabio Germán Cupul-Magaña


    Full Text Available Esta nota presenta las observaciones de 15 colisiones de aves en ventanas de edificios de la Universidad de Guadalajara en Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México, a lo largo de 94 días de estudio (24 de enero al 27 de abril del 2003. Columbina passerina fue la especie que presentó el mayor número de fatalidades: ocho.

  10. Record of Spot-winged Pigeon Patagioenas maculosa (Aves: Columbidae in Santa Catarina state, southern Brazil.

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    Felipe Lohmann Arend


    Full Text Available We present the first record of the Spot-winged Pigeon Patagioenas maculosa (Aves: Columbidae for Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. One individual was observed on 10 September 2006 in an open area (cattle pasture and shrubby vegetation in the town of Anita Garibaldi (center-south of the state. We suggest that this punctual encounter is a result of the recent expansion of this species’ distribution due to landscape modification in the region.

  11. Evolution of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in Musca domestica. (United States)

    Scott, Jeffrey G


    Houseflies, Musca domestica L., are a significant pest because of the numerous diseases they transmit. Control of housefly populations, particularly at animal production facilities, is frequently done using pyrethroid insecticides which kill insects by prolonging the open time of the voltage-sensitive sodium channel (VSSC). Houseflies have evolved resistance to pyrethroids owing to mutations in Vssc and by cytochrome-P450-mediated detoxification. Three Vssc mutations are known: kdr (L1014F), kdr-his (L1014H) and super-kdr (M918T + L1014F). Generally, the levels of resistance conferred by these mutations are kdr-his resistance than kdr. P450-mediated resistance can result from overexpression of CYP6D1 or another P450 (unidentified) whose overexpression is linked to autosomes II or V. The initial use of field-stable pyrethroids resulted in different patterns of evolution across the globe, but with time these mutations have become more widespread in their distribution. What is known about the fitness costs of the resistance alleles in the absence of insecticide is discussed, particularly with respect to the current and future utility of pyrethroid insecticides. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  12. Nuevos registros de piojos (Insecta: Phthiraptera) en aves domésticas y ornamentales en Chile New records of lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from domestic and ornamental birds from Chile


    D González-Acuña; J Lara; A Cicchino


    Por medio del examen del plumaje de aves domésticas y ornamentales en Chile se reconfirma la presencia de los phthiraptera Menopon gallinae, Goniodes gigas, Goniocotes gallinae y Menacanthus stramineus en la gallina doméstica, Gallus gallus domesticus y se registra además por primera vez en el país la especie Menacanthus pallidulus. En aves ornamentales se registran en pavo, Meleagris gallipavo, la especie M. stramineus, en pavo real, Pavo cristatus las especies Goniodes pavonis y Amrysidea m...

  13. Patrón de actividad y abundancia de aves en un relleno sanitario de Chile central Abundance and activity-pattern of birds at a landfill in central Chile




    Los rellenos sanitarios constituyen un foco de atracción para la avifauna, aunque las implicancias de esta relación no han sido exploradas en el país. Nosotros monitoreamos la actividad de aves en un relleno sanitario ubicado en las proximidades de la ciudad de Santiago, capital administrativa de Chile. Las principales aves en el área fueron la gaviota dominicana (Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein), el tiuque (Milvago chimango Vieillot), la garza boyera {Buculbus ibis Linnaeus) y el águila (Gera...

  14. Development of novel techniques to extract phenolic compounds from Romanian cultivars of Prunus domestica L. and their biological properties. (United States)

    Mocan, Andrei; Diuzheva, Alina; Carradori, Simone; Andruch, Vasil; Massafra, Chiara; Moldovan, Cadmiel; Sisea, Cristian; Petzer, Jacobus P; Petzer, Anél; Zara, Susi; Marconi, Guya Diletta; Zengin, Gokhan; Crișan, Gianina; Locatelli, Marcello


    In the present work, fourteen cultivars of Prunus domestica were analysed to investigate their phenolic pattern with the purpose of using the leaves as potential resources of bioactive compounds in the pharmaceutical and food industry. Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and sugaring-out liquid-liquid extraction techniques were optimized in order to obtain an exhaustive multi-component panel of phenolic compounds. The best phenolic-enriched recovery was achieved using MAE in water:methanol (30:70), and this procedure was further applied for quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds in real samples. In order to prove the safeness of these extracts, the biological potential of the Prunus cultivars was tested by several in vitro antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory assays. Moreover, their cytotoxicity was evaluated on human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs), and in most of the cases the treatment with different concentrations of extracts didn't show cytotoxicity up to 500 μg/mL. Only 'Carpatin' and 'Minerva' cultivars, at 250 and 500 μg/mL, reduced partially cell viability of HGFs population. Noteworthy, Centenar cultivar was the most active for the α-glucosidase inhibition (6.77 mmolACAE/g extract), whereas Ialomița cultivar showed the best antityrosinase activity (23.07 mgKAE/g extract). Overall, leaves of P. domestica represent a rich alternative source of bioactive compounds. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  15. Are camouflaged seeds less attacked by wild birds? Sementes camufladas são menos atacadas por aves silvestres?

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    Alexandre de Almeida


    Full Text Available Wheat, corn and rice crops in Brazil use seeds treated with systemic insecticide/nematicide carbofuran, mixed to rhodamine B red dye. Carbofuran is toxic and rhodamine B is attractive to wild birds that eat up these seeds, resulting in notable mortality during planting. A field experiment was performed in southeast Brazil to evaluate if camouflaged seeds would be less consumed by wild birds in comparison to commercial seeds with red-colored rhodamine B and aposematic blue seeds. Camouflaged seeds were less removed than seeds with rhodamine B and natural colors. The camouflaging was more effective in the presence of irregularities and litter. There was no removal of blue-colored seeds. As legislation requires treated seeds to receive a different color to avoid accidents with humans, camouflaging may be used as replacement of rhodamine B to reduce mortality rates of wild birds.Plantações de trigo milho e arroz no Brasil utilizam sementes tratadas com o inseticida e nematicida sistêmico carbofuran, associado ao corante vermelho rodamina B. O carbofuran é tóxico e a rodamina B é atrativa às aves silvestres, as quais consomem estas sementes, resultando em notável mortalidade durante o plantio. Um experimento realizado em campo agrícola no sudeste do Brasil mostrou que sementes camufladas foram menos removidas por aves silvestres do que sementes com rodamina B. A camuflagem foi potencializada em presença de irregularidades e serrapilheira no solo. Não houve remoção de sementes de cor azul, mas a formulação granular de cor azul tem causado mortalidade de aves nos USA e Canadá. Como sementes tratadas com agrotóxicos devem, de acordo com a legislação, receber coloração diferenciada para evitar acidentes com humanos, a camuflagem pode ser utilizada, substituindo a rodamina B.

  16. Medidas de vigilancia y contención de la influenza aviar en aves. Implicaciones para la salud pública

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    Alejandro Arteaga Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La Influenza Aviar es una enfermedad infecciosa que afecta principalmente a las aves, producida por virus de la gripe A, en la mayoría de los casos de baja patogenicidad. Debido a la rápida mutación de estos virus a formas altamente patógenas, el nivel de riesgo para la sanidad animal y la salud pública puede ser alto. Desde el año 2003, está teniendo lugar un brote de Influenza Aviar en aves producido por el subtipo H5N1 de alta patogenicidad, con transmisión y afectación humana y que presenta un riesgo potencial de producir una nueva pandemia de gripe. Ante estos brotes, es fundamental la colaboración entre los sectores implicados de la Sanidad Animal y Salud Pública que permita localizar con precisión las zonas de actividad de la enfermedad en los animales e intensificar en ellas la vigilancia de los casos en humanos. Las medidas de control de la enfermedad en animales deben ser compatibles con la reducción del riesgo de exposición humana. El objetivo de este artículo es hacer una revisión de las medidas generales desarrolladas contra la Influenza Aviar en aves, destacando los aspectos de coordinación y comunicación entre las autoridades de Sanidad Animal y Salud Pública, teniendo en cuenta que la legislación está sujeta a una renovación rápida y constante en consonancia con la dinámica de esta enfermedad.

  17. Anquilobléfaron filiforme adherente y otras malformaciones Ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum and other malformations

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    Josefa Rodríguez Vargas


    Full Text Available Se realizó un examen físico a un recién nacido con malformaciones presentadas en el momento del parto, de un embarazo valioso de la raza negra, presentó los párpados superior e inferior de ambos ojos unidos por finas bandas en número variable que impedían la separación y los movimientos normales. Además asociado a labio leporino y hendidura palatina. Luego de descartar otras malformaciones congénitas, fue intervenido para reparar la malformación. Su estado actual es normal, después de la recanalización de sus otras anomalías.A physical examination was made to a newborn of the black race with malformations at the time of delivery. His upper and lower eyelids were united by a variable number of fine bands that impeded the separation and the normal movements. It was also associated with cleft lip and palate. After discarding other congenital malformations, he was operated on to repair the malformation. His present state is normal after the recanalization of his other abnormalities.

  18. Biologically based machine vision: signal analysis of monopolar cells in the visual system of Musca domestica. (United States)

    Newton, Jenny; Barrett, Steven F; Wilcox, Michael J; Popp, Stephanie


    Machine vision for navigational purposes is a rapidly growing field. Many abilities such as object recognition and target tracking rely on vision. Autonomous vehicles must be able to navigate in dynamic enviroments and simultaneously locate a target position. Traditional machine vision often fails to react in real time because of large computational requirements whereas the fly achieves complex orientation and navigation with a relatively small and simple brain. Understanding how the fly extracts visual information and how neurons encode and process information could lead us to a new approach for machine vision applications. Photoreceptors in the Musca domestica eye that share the same spatial information converge into a structure called the cartridge. The cartridge consists of the photoreceptor axon terminals and monopolar cells L1, L2, and L4. It is thought that L1 and L2 cells encode edge related information relative to a single cartridge. These cells are thought to be equivalent to vertebrate bipolar cells, producing contrast enhancement and reduction of information sent to L4. Monopolar cell L4 is thought to perform image segmentation on the information input from L1 and L2 and also enhance edge detection. A mesh of interconnected L4's would correlate the output from L1 and L2 cells of adjacent cartridges and provide a parallel network for segmenting an object's edges. The focus of this research is to excite photoreceptors of the common housefly, Musca domestica, with different visual patterns. The electrical response of monopolar cells L1, L2, and L4 will be recorded using intracellular recording techniques. Signal analysis will determine the neurocircuitry to detect and segment images.

  19. Chemical Composition and In Vitro Cytotoxic Activity of Essential Oil of Leaves of Malus domestica Growing in Western Himalaya (India)


    Walia, Mayanka; Mann, Tavleen S.; Kumar, Dharmesh; Agnihotri, Vijai K.; Singh, Bikram


    Light pale-colored volatile oil was obtained from fresh leaves of Malus domestica tree, growing in Dhauladhar range of Himalaya (Himachal Pradesh, India), with characteristic eucalyptol dominant fragrance. The oil was found to be a complex mixture of mono-, sesqui-, di-terpenes, phenolics, and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Seventeen compounds accounting for nearly 95.3% of the oil were characterized with the help of capillary GC, GC-MS, and NMR. Major compounds of the oil were characterized as euca...

  20. Rectification of radiation-induced damage in swiss albino mice by aloe vera leaf extracts (AVE)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gehlot, P.; Goyal, P. K.


    From the time immemorial man has been exposed to ionizing radiation from the environment in which he lives. Radiation protection concepts and philosophy have been evolving over the past several decades. Materials and Methods: The radioprotective of effect of Aloe vera leaf extract (1000 mg/kg b.wt. orally for 15 consecutive days) has been studied against 6 Gy of gamma radiation in the intestine of Swiss albino mice at various post irradiation intervals viz. 12 hours, 24 hours. and 3, 5, 10, 20 and 30 days. Results: Crypt survival, villus length, apoptic cells, mitotic figures and goblet cells in jejunum were studied after irradiation. Irradiation produced a significant decrease in crypt survival, mitotic figures and villus length; whereas goblet and apoptic cells showed a significant increase from sham irradiated animals. The major changes were observed on day 3 after irradiation. AVE pre-treated irradiated animals resulted in a significant increase in the number of crypt cells, mitotic figures and villus length; whereas the counts of apoptic and goblet cells showed a significant decrease from respective control group at all the autopsy intervals. Irradiated animals resulted in the elevation in lipid peroxidation and a reduction in glutathione activity. On contrary, AVE treatment before irradiation caused a significant depletion in lipid peroxidation and elevation in glutathione activity. Conclusion: The present study suggests the possible radioprotective ability of Aloe vera leaf extract

  1. El electroencefalograma en el síndrome de West y otras entidades clínicas relacionadas

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    Desiderio Rafael Pozo Lauzán

    Full Text Available Se realiza una revisión de las características electroencefalográficas de los espasmos infantiles, espasmos epilépticos o síndrome de West, y otras entidades relacionadas con este. Se enfatiza en los patrones más frecuentes, fundamentalmente en los 2 tipos de hipsarritmia: clásica y periódica o fragmentada, observados en el síndrome anteriormente mencionado. Se comenta en relación con el trazado de suppression-burst o paroxismos-supresión, y su correlación con los síndromes de Ohtahara, y Aicardi y Goutières, descritos respectivamente en 1976 y 1978. Se aclara que estos 2 patrones no son exclusivos de estos síndromes, y pueden ser observados en otras entidades en el neonato, como la encefalopatía anóxica isquémica, la meningitis neonatal bacteriana y trastornos metabólicos, entre otros.

  2. Studies on the Utilization, Metabolism and Function of Sterols in the House-Fly, Musca Domestica; Utilisation. Metabolisme et fonctions des sterols chez la mouche domestique (Musca Domestica); Izuchenie usvoeniya, metabolizma i funktsii sterinov v organizme domashnej mukhi Musca Domestica; Estudios sobre la asimilacion, el metabolismo y la funcion de los esteroles in la mosca comun (Musca Domestica)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robbins, W. E. [United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Entomology Research Division, Beltsville, MD (United States)


    ne satisfont que partiellement les besoins en sterols de l'insecte. L'utilisation et le sort du ''sterol pauvre'' ont ete etudies a Taide de cholestanol marque par {sup 14}C; a l'aide de cholesterol marque par {sup 14}C d'activite specifique elevee, on poursuit les recherches sur le metabolisme de la microquantite de cholesterol indispensable. On a etudie chez d'autres especes d'insectes, notamment la blatte allemande (Blattela germanica), l'utilisation et les voies metaboliques des sterols et on les a comparees a celles qui ont ete observees chez la mouche domestique. (author) [Spanish] Se ha descubierto que en general los insectos necesitan consumir habitualmente esterol para que el desarrollo de las larvas y las metamorfosis se efectuen en condiciones normales. El presente trabajo se refiere a otras dos funciones fisiologicas del esterol en la mosca comun (Musca domestica L.), que pueden concretarse del modo siguiente: 1) Las hembras necesitan consumir habitualmente esterol para poder producir huevos fertiles; en caso de consumo insuficiente, loe huevos son de escasa fertilidad y viabilidad; 2) El colesterol intervienne tambien en el mecanismo de utilizacion de las reservas nutritivas en la mosca hembra cuando se inicia la maduracion ovarica. La cantidad de esterol necesaria para el proceso fisiologico indicado y las transformaciones metabolicas que se producen durante el desarrollo, la metamorfosis y la reproduccion han sido estudiadas en este insecto empleando esteroles marcados con {sup 14}C y {sup 3}H; al mismo tiempo se ha hecho uso de diversos procedimientos de analisis, entre ellos la dilucion isotopica reciproca, la cromatografia gas-liquido y la espectroscopia, y se han utilizado procedimientos de cria en medio aseptico y dietas semidefinidas de larvas y adultos. Como fuente de esterol en la dieta de los individuos adultos o de las larvas de mosca comun, se emplearon el colesterol-{sup 14}C y el sitosterol-{beta}-{sup 3}H, habiendo sido casi identicos en

  3. Ensambles de aves en agroecosistemas de la provincia de Buenos Aires: su relación con los patrones de uso de la tierra y las características del paisaje


    Codesido, Mariano


    Entre enero de 2006 y enero de 2008 se estudió estacionalmente la estructura de los ensambles de aves en los agroecosistemas de las diferentes unidades ecológicas de la Región Pampeana comprendidas dentro de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Pampa Ondulada, Pampa Interior Plana, Pampa Interior Arenosa, Pampa Deprimida y Pampa Austral). Los objetivos generales de la tesis son: a) describir la estructura de los ensambles de aves terrestres de los agroecosistemas de la provincia de Buenos Aires, b) ...


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    Full Text Available Los micoplasmas son importantes patógenos en las aves por ser responsables de cuadros respiratorios que ocasionan grandes pérdidas económicas a la industria avícola a nivel mundial. Existen principalmente dos especies de micoplasmas como causantes de enfermedad en aves comerciales, el Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG y el Mycoplasma synoviae (MS. Teniendo en cuenta su importancia y la necesidad de conocer y diferenciar la presencia de las diferentes especies de micoplasmas presentes en las explotaciones avícolas, se tomaron 91 muestras de hisopos traqueales de aves con síntomas respiratorios, provenientes de igual número de granjas de pollo de engorde, ponedoras comerciales y reproductoras pesadas ubicadas en los departamentos de Cundinamarca y Boyacá y se determinó la presencia de MG y MS por la técnica de PCR. La prevalencia determinada fue de 39,6% para MG y 47,3% para MS, encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas cuando se comparó la positividad a MG y MS y el tipo de explotación (p

  5. Development of Supputius cincticeps (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) fed with Zophobas confusa, Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) and Musca domestica (Diptera, Muscidae) larvae


    Beserra, Eduardo B.; Zanuncio, Teresinha V.; Zanuncio, José C.; Santos, Germi P.


    Egg viability and nymphal development of the predatory bug Supputius cincticeps (Stål, 1860) were evaluated during two generations in the Biological Control Laboratory of the Núcleo de Biotecnologia Aplicada à Agropecuária (Bioagro/UFV) in Viçosa (Minas Gerais, Brazil) at 24.72±1.10ºC and photophase of 12 hours. Three treatments were represented by S. cincticeps fed with Zophobas confusa Gebien, 1906, Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus, 1758 and Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758 larvae. Higher egg viabil...

  6. NRE58/2: Programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el 2012


    Universidad de Granada


    Programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el 2012. Resoluci??n del Rectorado de la Universidad de Granada por la que se aprueba la programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el 2012

  7. Errores innatos del metabolismo de las purinas y otras enfermedades relacionadas

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    Jiovanna Contreras Roura


    Full Text Available Los errores innatos en el metabolismo de las purinas son trastornos hereditarios complejos de gran impacto clínico, que presentan síntomas variables de acuerdo con el tipo de enfermedad. Pueden presentarse problemas renales de origen desconocido, retardo mental con manifestaciones neurológicas, retardo del crecimiento, infecciones recurrentes, automutilación, inmunodeficiencias, anemia hemolítica inexplicable, artritis gotosa, historia familiar, consanguinidad y reacciones adversas a fármacos que son análogos de las purinas. Las investigaciones de estas enfermedades comienzan generalmente con la cuantificación del ácido úrico en suero y en orina, por ser el producto final del metabolismo de las purinas en humanos. La dieta y el consumo de medicamentos, entre otras condiciones patológicas, fisiológicas y clínicas, también pueden modificar los niveles de este compuesto. Esta revisión pretende divulgar información de los errores innatos en el metabolismo de las purinas, y facilitar la interpretación de los niveles del ácido úrico y otros marcadores bioquímicos útiles en el diagnóstico de estas enfermedades. Se incluyen tablas que relacionan estas enfermedades con los niveles de excreción de ácido úrico y otros marcadores bioquímicos, las enzimas alteradas, los síntomas clínicos, el modo de herencia y, en algunos casos, el tratamiento propuesto. Este trabajo nos permite afirmar que las variaciones en los niveles del ácido úrico y la presencia de otros marcadores bioquímicos en orina, constituyen una herramienta importante en la pesquisa de algunos errores innatos en el metabolismo de las purinas, así como de otras condiciones patológicas relacionadas.

  8. Motion Rehab AVE 3D: A VR-based exergame for post-stroke rehabilitation. (United States)

    Trombetta, Mateus; Bazzanello Henrique, Patrícia Paula; Brum, Manoela Rogofski; Colussi, Eliane Lucia; De Marchi, Ana Carolina Bertoletti; Rieder, Rafael


    Recent researches about games for post-stroke rehabilitation have been increasing, focusing in upper limb, lower limb and balance situations, and showing good experiences and results. With this in mind, this paper presents Motion Rehab AVE 3D, a serious game for post-stroke rehabilitation of patients with mild stroke. The aim is offer a new technology in order to assist the traditional therapy and motivate the patient to execute his/her rehabilitation program, under health professional supervision. The game was developed with Unity game engine, supporting Kinect motion sensing input device and display devices like Smart TV 3D and Oculus Rift. It contemplates six activities considering exercises in a tridimensional space: flexion, abduction, shoulder adduction, horizontal shoulder adduction and abduction, elbow extension, wrist extension, knee flexion, and hip flexion and abduction. Motion Rehab AVE 3D also report about hits and errors to the physiotherapist evaluate the patient's progress. A pilot study with 10 healthy participants (61-75 years old) tested one of the game levels. They experienced the 3D user interface in third-person. Our initial goal was to map a basic and comfortable setup of equipment in order to adopt later. All the participants (100%) classified the interaction process as interesting and amazing for the age, presenting a good acceptance. Our evaluation showed that the game could be used as a useful tool to motivate the patients during rehabilitation sessions. Next step is to evaluate its effectiveness for stroke patients, in order to verify if the interface and game exercises contribute into the motor rehabilitation treatment progress. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Efeito de diferentes tratamentos químicos em cama para aves de corte

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    Walter Lucca


    Full Text Available O objetivo do experimento foi avaliar diferentes tratamentos químicos em cama aviária para frango de corte. Foram 2 utilizadas 500 aves, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos: Hidróxido de cálcio (500g/m ; Sulfato de Alumínio (500g/m ; Sulfato de cálcio (1000g/m ; Sulfato de cálcio 48% + Filosilicato Expandido 28% (500g/m e testemunha com quatro repetições. As amostras de cama aviária foram coletadas a cada sete dias para determinação do pH, umidade e contagem bacteriana nos meios de cultura Ágar MacConkey, Plate Count Agar (PCA. O peso das aves não se diferenciaram estatisticamente aos 42 dias, porém se observou significância na mortalidade e a conversão alimentar, entretanto em relação ao pH da cama o ideal seria após o término da segunda semana fazer nova aplicação dos produtos químicos. Todos os tratamentos foram eficazes quanto à umidade. Na contagem bacteriana com o meio PCA para mesófilas totais houve redução do desenvolvimento bacteriano, porém com o meio Ágar MacConkey para Enterobactérias totais somente o tratamento a base de Sulfato de cálcio (48% + Filosilicato expandido (28% se mostrou significativo (P < 0,05. Para a análise estatística utilizou-se sistema SISVAR (Sistema de Analise Estatístico e Planejamento de Sistemas, 2006.

  10. Lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) From species of the families Furnariidae, Tyrannidae, Turdidae and icteridae (Aves: Passeriformes) from Chile


    González-Acuña, Daniel; Vergara, Francisco; Moreno, Lucila; Barrientos, Carlos; Ardiles, Karen; Cicchino, Armando


    A total of 185 birds (nine captured alive and 176 preserved in a museum), belonging to the families Furnariidae (n=14), Tyrannidae (n=4), Turdidae (n=24) and Icteridae (n=143) (Aves: Passeriformes) were searched for lice (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae, Menoponidae). The species collected and identified were: Furnaricola titicacae Carriker 1949 from Phleocryptes melanops (Vieillot 1817), and Picicola cuniculariae Cicchino 1981 from Geositta rufipennis fasciata (Burmeister 1860) (Furnariidae); Pi...

  11. New feather mites of the subfamily Pterodectinae (Acari: Astigmata: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mironov, S. V.; Literák, I.; Čapek, Miroslav


    Roč. 1947, - (2008), s. 1-38 ISSN 1175-5326 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60930519 Keywords : Acari * Astigmata * feather mites * systematics * Brazil * Proctophyllodidae * Aves * Passeriformes Subject RIV: EG - Zoology Impact factor: 0.740, year: 2008

  12. Diversidad de Piojos de Aves Silvestres en Bosque Seco Tropical al Norte del Tolima -resumen-


    M K Ariza-Lozano; Gloria María Ariza-Lozano; M J Gómez-Martínez


    Los Phthiraptera son insectos ápteros dorsoventralmente aplanados. Se encuentran divididos en cuatro subórdenes de los cuales Amblycera e Ischnocera son los que parasitan aves. En Colombia los estudios de ectoparásitos son escasos en comparación con otros grupos de insectos‚ los existentes poseen un enfoque generalmente taxonómico. Con respecto al departamento del Tolima hasta el momento se ha realizado una única investigación en la que se identificaron los organismos hasta el nivel de famili...

  13. Modelación matemática del consumo de presas y el flujo de energía asociado a la reproducción de Rostrhamus sociabilis (Aves, Falconiformes)


    Denis, D.; Rodríguez–Ochoa, A.


    El gavilán caracolero (Rostrhamus sociabilis) es un ave rapaz, residente permanente y común en Cuba, clasificada como de alto interés conservacionista en el Plan de Conservación de las Aves Acuáticas de Norteamérica, en parte debido a su dieta altamente especializada en caracoles acuáticos del género Pomacea. En el presente estudio se elabora un modelo matemático en el programa Stella para analizar el consumo y la movilización de energía durante la reproducción del gavilán caracolero, ...

  14. Valor nutricional de Lemna valdiviana Phil (Araceae submetida a diferentes concentrações de fertilização com excremento de aves

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    Graça Maria de Oliveira França


    Full Text Available As lemnaceas são plantas aquáticas com grande potencial de uso como matéria prima para ração de peixes devido ao alto valor nutricional. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a composição química e a qualidade nutricional de Lemna valdiviana submetida a diferentes concentrações de adubação com excremento de aves. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram: Controle (sem adubação; T1 – 150g.m-3, T2 – 300g.m-3 e T3 – 450 g.m-3 de excremento de aves fresco, distribuídos em dose única para fertilizar o cultivo de L. valdiviana. A dose que proporcionou a melhor qualidade nutricional de L. valdiviana foi 450g.m-3 de excremento de aves, com teor de proteína bruta de 19,66% na matéria seca, percentual de fibras de 13,06% e teor de 0,26% de P, 1, 63% de N, 0,37% de Na e 1,22% de Ca na massa seca. Os teores alcançados nesse estudo indicam a possibilidade da L. valdiviana ser considerada uma matéria prima de boa qualidade nutricional para ser utilizada em outros experimentos como complemento na ração para peixes.

  15. Nitrógeno dietario como un nutriente limitante en aves frugívoras Dietary nitrogen as a limiting nutrient in frugivorous birds

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    Full Text Available La pulpa de las frutas es considerada un alimento inadecuado para las aves frugívoras debido a su bajo contenido de proteína. Por lo tanto, se espera que los frugívoros minimicen sus pérdidas de nitrógeno como una adaptación a la frugivoría. En esta revisión examinamos las propiedades de las frutas y los rasgos fisiológicos de los frugívoros que afectan su capacidad para subsistir en base a una dieta de frutas. La mayoría de las frutas tropicales y templadas parecen contener suficiente nitrógeno para satisfacer los requerimientos de los pájaros, si su ingesta de alimento estuviera ajustada para compensar el gasto energético. Los requerimientos, sin embargo, dependen del tamaño corporal. Las aves más grandes deberían requerir alimentos con una relación de nitrógeno a energía más elevada que las aves pequeñas. No obstante, el nitrógeno digerible puede de hecho ser limitante ya que las pulpas de las frutas parecen contener cantidades considerables de nitrógeno no-proteico y una composición de aminoácidos diferente a la requerida por las aves. Ambas características de las frutas conducen a un aumento de las pérdidas de nitrógeno en aves frugívoras al consumir dietas naturales. En términos de sus adaptaciones fisiológicas, esperaríamos que los frugívoros posean una elevada capacidad de extracción de nitrógeno de la dieta y esbozamos la posibilidad de que las bajas pérdidas urinarias de nitrógeno de los frugívoros pudieran estar relacionadas con una baja tasa metabólica. La minimización de las pérdidas endógenas fecales podría ser la adaptación más importante de los frugívoros para subsistir con base en dietas pobres en nitrógeno. No es evidente como los frugívoros especializados pueden tener requerimientos de nitrógeno más bajos que los esperados en comparación a aves de otros grupos dietarios. Finalmente, sugerimos varios tópicos de investigación que conducirían a mejorar nuestra comprensión de

  16. Implementation and Analysis of the Chromakey Augmented Virtual Environment (ChrAVE) Version 3.0 and Virtual Environment Helicopter (VEHELO) Version 2.0 in Simulated Helicopter Training

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Hahn, M. E


    The Chromakey Augmented Virtual Environment (ChrAVE) 3.0 System is a training system created to augment initial, refresher, and proficiency training in helicopter aviation using accurate simulation...

  17. Characterization of resistance gene analogues (RGAs) in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) and their evolutionary history of the Rosaceae family. (United States)

    Perazzolli, Michele; Malacarne, Giulia; Baldo, Angela; Righetti, Laura; Bailey, Aubrey; Fontana, Paolo; Velasco, Riccardo; Malnoy, Mickael


    The family of resistance gene analogues (RGAs) with a nucleotide-binding site (NBS) domain accounts for the largest number of disease resistance genes and is one of the largest gene families in plants. We have identified 868 RGAs in the genome of the apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) cultivar 'Golden Delicious'. This represents 1.51% of the total number of predicted genes for this cultivar. Several evolutionary features are pronounced in M. domestica, including a high fraction (80%) of RGAs occurring in clusters. This suggests frequent tandem duplication and ectopic translocation events. Of the identified RGAs, 56% are located preferentially on six chromosomes (Chr 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 15), and 25% are located on Chr 2. TIR-NBS and non-TIR-NBS classes of RGAs are primarily exclusive of different chromosomes, and 99% of non-TIR-NBS RGAs are located on Chr 11. A phylogenetic reconstruction was conducted to study the evolution of RGAs in the Rosaceae family. More than 1400 RGAs were identified in six species based on their NBS domain, and a neighbor-joining analysis was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among the protein sequences. Specific phylogenetic clades were found for RGAs of Malus, Fragaria, and Rosa, indicating genus-specific evolution of resistance genes. However, strikingly similar RGAs were shared in Malus, Pyrus, and Prunus, indicating high conservation of specific RGAs and suggesting a monophyletic origin of these three genera.

  18. Characterization of resistance gene analogues (RGAs in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh. and their evolutionary history of the Rosaceae family.

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    Michele Perazzolli

    Full Text Available The family of resistance gene analogues (RGAs with a nucleotide-binding site (NBS domain accounts for the largest number of disease resistance genes and is one of the largest gene families in plants. We have identified 868 RGAs in the genome of the apple (Malus × domestica Borkh. cultivar 'Golden Delicious'. This represents 1.51% of the total number of predicted genes for this cultivar. Several evolutionary features are pronounced in M. domestica, including a high fraction (80% of RGAs occurring in clusters. This suggests frequent tandem duplication and ectopic translocation events. Of the identified RGAs, 56% are located preferentially on six chromosomes (Chr 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 15, and 25% are located on Chr 2. TIR-NBS and non-TIR-NBS classes of RGAs are primarily exclusive of different chromosomes, and 99% of non-TIR-NBS RGAs are located on Chr 11. A phylogenetic reconstruction was conducted to study the evolution of RGAs in the Rosaceae family. More than 1400 RGAs were identified in six species based on their NBS domain, and a neighbor-joining analysis was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among the protein sequences. Specific phylogenetic clades were found for RGAs of Malus, Fragaria, and Rosa, indicating genus-specific evolution of resistance genes. However, strikingly similar RGAs were shared in Malus, Pyrus, and Prunus, indicating high conservation of specific RGAs and suggesting a monophyletic origin of these three genera.

  19. Characterization of Resistance Gene Analogues (RGAs) in Apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) and Their Evolutionary History of the Rosaceae Family (United States)

    Baldo, Angela; Righetti, Laura; Bailey, Aubrey; Fontana, Paolo; Velasco, Riccardo; Malnoy, Mickael


    The family of resistance gene analogues (RGAs) with a nucleotide-binding site (NBS) domain accounts for the largest number of disease resistance genes and is one of the largest gene families in plants. We have identified 868 RGAs in the genome of the apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) cultivar ‘Golden Delicious’. This represents 1.51% of the total number of predicted genes for this cultivar. Several evolutionary features are pronounced in M. domestica, including a high fraction (80%) of RGAs occurring in clusters. This suggests frequent tandem duplication and ectopic translocation events. Of the identified RGAs, 56% are located preferentially on six chromosomes (Chr 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 15), and 25% are located on Chr 2. TIR-NBS and non-TIR-NBS classes of RGAs are primarily exclusive of different chromosomes, and 99% of non-TIR-NBS RGAs are located on Chr 11. A phylogenetic reconstruction was conducted to study the evolution of RGAs in the Rosaceae family. More than 1400 RGAs were identified in six species based on their NBS domain, and a neighbor-joining analysis was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among the protein sequences. Specific phylogenetic clades were found for RGAs of Malus, Fragaria, and Rosa, indicating genus-specific evolution of resistance genes. However, strikingly similar RGAs were shared in Malus, Pyrus, and Prunus, indicating high conservation of specific RGAs and suggesting a monophyletic origin of these three genera. PMID:24505246

  20. Aspectos histomorfométricos y cuantitativos del ovario de Patagioenas maculosa (Aves, Columbidae

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    Carina Maron


    Full Text Available Se analizaron las variaciones estructurales y cuantitativas del ovario de Patagioenas maculosa (Temminck, 1813 durante el ciclo anual 2005 - 2006. Treinta y cinco hembras adultas se capturaron en el Departamento Río Primero (Córdoba, Argentina. Las gónadas se extrajeron, pesaron y fijaron en formol tamponado a pH 7.0 y procesaron de acuerdo a la técnica de inclusión en parafina. En la mayoría de las aves el análisis morfohistológico del ovario reveló un notorio desarrollo de la gónada desde mayo a febrero, observándose 4 ó 5 folículos vitelogénicos amarillos ≥ de 4 mm y folículos preovulatorios. El incremento del peso gonadal con un valor máximo en setiembre y octubre concordó con las características morfológicas de la fase de recrudescencia gonadal. Luego de la ovipostura, los escasos folículos en desarrollo y abundantes folículos postovulatorios y atrésicos indicaron el comienzo de la regresión ovárica. En los meses de marzo y abril, el ovario exhibió el aspecto del reposo gonadal con abundantes ovocitos primarios, folículos previtelogénicos y vitelogénicos blancos ≤ 2 mm, escasos folículos vitelogénicos amarillos ≥ 2 mm y folículos atrésicos pequeños. El peso mínimo fue registrado en marzo. De los resultados se infiere que P. maculosa ovipone durante la mayor parte del año y que la prolongada actividad gonadal de esta ave estaría relacionada con la gran disponibilidad de alimento en el área de muestreo.

  1. Aplicação de pintura cromossômica em espécies da família Accipitridae (Aves, Falconiformes): considerações filogenéticas e evolutivas


    TAGLIARINI, Marcella Mergulhão


    As análises citogenéticas de diversos Falconiformes mostraram que os acipitrídeos têm uma organização cromossômica atípica na classe Aves, com um número diplóide relativamente baixo (média de 2n= 66) e poucos pares de microcromossomos (4 a 6 pares). Propostas baseadas em citogenética clássica sugeriram que esse fato devia-se à fusão de microcromossomos presentes no cariótipo ancestral das Aves. No intuito de contribuir para o esclarecimento das questões referentes à evolução cromossô...

  2. NRE70/9: Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno


    Universidad de Granada


    Resoluci??n del Rectorado de la Universidad de Granada por la que se aprueba el Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el ejercicio 2013.

  3. Valores de energia metabolizável de alguns alimentos obtidos com aves de diferentes idades Metabolizable energy values of feedstuffs obtained from poultry at different ages

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    Heloisa Helena de Carvalho Mello


    Full Text Available Foram realizados quatro ensaios de metabolismo com a finalidade de determinar a energia metabolizável aparente (EMA e a energia metabolizável aparente corrigida (EMAn de dez alimentos em aves em diversas idades. Os alimentos testados foram: milho, farelo de soja, sorgo, farelo de trigo, farelo de arroz integral, duas farinhas de penas, duas farinhas de vísceras e plasma sangüíneo. Utilizou-se o método de coleta total de excretas, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com 11 tratamentos (dez alimentos e uma ração-referência e seis repetições. No primeiro ensaio, foram utilizados 528 pintos de corte machos de 10 a 17 dias de idade, totalizando oito aves por repetição; no segundo ensaio, 396 frangos de corte machos de 26 a 33 dias de idade, com seis aves por repetição; no terceiro ensaio, 264 frangos de corte machos de 40 a 47 dias de idade, com quatro aves por repetição; e, no quarto ensaio, 132 galos, com duas aves por repetição. A idade das aves influenciou os valores de EMA e EMAn do farelo de soja, do sorgo, do farelo de arroz integral, das farinhas de penas e do plasma sangüíneo, enquanto, para o farelo de trigo, teve efeito apenas sobre a EMAn.Four assays were carried out to determine the apparent metabolizable energy (AME and the corrected apparent nitrogen metabolizable energy (AMEn of ten feeds for poultry at different poultry ages. The feeds studied were: corn grain, soybean meal, ground sorghum, wheat bran, integral rice bran, two kinds of feather meal, two kinds of poultry viscera meal and spray-dried plasma. The method of total excreta collection was used to determine the AME and AMEn values. The broiler chicks were distributed on a completely randomized experimental design, with 11 treatments, six replications, with different number of animals by replication according to the assay. In the first assay, 528 male broiler chicks in the period from 10 to 17 days of age were used, with eight animals


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    DC Álvarez


    Full Text Available El virus de bronquitis infecciosa (IBV causa una enfermedad altamente contagiosa, distribuida mundialmente, que conlleva graves pérdidas económicas. En algunas oportunidades se asocia con otras entidades como los virus de las enfermedades de Gumboro y de Newcastle, Mycoplasma gallisepticum y Escherichia coli. La alta variabilidad genética del virus ha generado una gran cantidad de cepas virales con diferentes cuadros clínicos. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la dinámica de anticuerpos del IBV en aves vacunadas y no vacunadas contra IBV, alojadas en una explotación de pollo de engorde donde se detectó el agente por RT-PCR, en Fusagasugá, Colombia, y aves vacunadas en semiaislamiento en Bogotá. Para esto se organizaron 3 grupos de aves (Ross 308 de 1 día de edad (44 aves/grupo, las cuales fueron vacunadas con un virus vivo atenuado, cepa Massachusetts H120, y se evaluó la respuesta inmune a través de la prueba de Elisa. Desde el primer día hasta el día 24 de edad se observó una disminución progresiva de los títulos de anticuerpos en los tres grupos, aunque en las aves vacunadas y no vacunadas mantenidas en granja se observaron niveles de anticuerpos superiores al grupo en condiciones de semiaislamiento. A partir del día 28 en las aves alojadas en campo se incrementaron levemente los títulos hasta final de ciclo. El leve aumento en el nivel de anticuerpos puede ser consecuencia de exposición al virus vacunal que generó reversión de patogenicidad, persistencia viral o una exposición tardía al virus de campo.

  5. Actividad reproductiva de Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae en Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008 Reproductive activity of Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae in Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008

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    Vicente Vera


    Full Text Available Isla de Aves, una isla a 650km de La Guaira, Venezuela, protegida como Refugio de Fauna Silvestre, constituye el segundo sitio de mayor anidación de la tortuga verde (Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus 1758 en el Caribe. El seguimiento de la población comenzó en 1972 y de manera más continua desde 1978. Los datos históricos indican que la captura de hembras en la isla, afectó severamente la población hasta 1978, cuando fue construida una base científico-naval. Durante las temporadas de anidación entre 2001-2008 con excepción de 2003 y 2004, las hembras fueron marcadas con placas metálicas y medidas. Asimismo, se muestreó durante 458 noches, en donde se observaron 5 154 eventos, con un máximo de 53 por noche. Los posibles eventos no observados fueron calculados ajustando la distribución temporal de eventos observados a una curva normal. El total de eventos estimados varió de =637.1±106.6 en 2001 a =2 853±42.5 en 2008 (ANOVA F(6.5gl=60.37, pReproductive activity of Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae in Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008. The second major nesting-site for green turtles in the Caribbean is Isla de Aves, an island protected as a wildlife refuge since 1972, located at 650km Northeast from La Guaira, Venezuela. In this island, the nesting population monitoring started in 1972 and in a more continuous way after 1978, when a Scientific-Naval Station was established and scientific observations started. Since historical data show that female captures had severely affected population levels in this island before 1978, this study aim to describe recent reproductive activities. For this, during the nesting seasons of 2001-2002 and 2005-2008, nesting females were measured and tagged using metal flipper tags. A total of 458 nights were sampled observing 5 154 female emergences, with a maximum of 53 in a single night. Non-observed emergences were calculated fitting the temporal distribution of observed emergences to a normal curve

  6. Unusual behavior of growing pollen tubes in the ovary of plum culture (Prunus domestica L.

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    Đorđević Milena


    Full Text Available Unusual behavior of growing pollen tubes in different combinations of pollination was observed in the ovary of the plum (Prunus domestica L. cv 'Čačanska Lepotica'. It primarily refers to several issues, i.e. the curling up of pollen tubes within the micropyle, the growth of two pollen tubes into the nucellus of an ovule, the occurrence of a bundle above the nucellar cap and fluorescence of the part of the embryo sac containing the egg apparatus. Upon the growth of pollen tubes into the nucellus of the ovule, subsequently penetrating pollen tubes form a bundle either above the micropyle entrance or above the nucellus. Branching and bending of pollen tubes by 180o upon their growth into the micropyle was also observed.

  7. Ectopic expression of class 1 KNOX genes induce and adventitious shoot regeneration and alter growth and development of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L) and European plum (Prunus domestica L) (United States)

    Transgenic plants of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L) and plum (Prunus domestica L) were produced by transforming with apple class 1 KNOX genes (MdKN1 and MdKN2) or corn KN1 gene. Transgenic tobacco plants were regenerated in vitro from transformed leaf discs cultured in a tissue medium lacking cytoki...

  8. Riqueza y abundancia de aves en bosques ribereños de diferentes anchos en la microcuenca del río Sesesmiles, Copán, Honduras

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    Inty T Arcos


    Full Text Available El estudió se realizó en la microcuenca del río Sesesmiles, Departamento de Copán, Honduras. El propósito fue explorar el efecto del ancho de franja de los bosques ribereños sobre la riqueza y abundancia de especies de aves que visitan estos bosques. Se encontraron 1 294 aves pertenecientes a 145 especies en bosques ribereños. La diversidad de aves estuvo ligada al ancho de franja de los bosques ribereños: se encontró mayor número de especies e individuos, en anchos iguales o mayores a 50 m. Las especies pertenecientes al grupo alimenticio de los insectívoros y nectarívoros fueron las más abundantes en las franjas ribereñas. Todas las especies de aves identificadas dependen de los bosques ribereños y responden al ancho del bosque; aún las especies más generalistas tienen algún grado de dependencia a las franjas ribereñas más anchas. Para conservar las poblaciones de aves en los paisajes agrícolas fragmentados es de suma importancia mantener franjas ribereñas que sean mayores a 50 m de ancho y que brinden suficientes habitas y recursos.Richness and abundance of birds in riparian forest belts of varied breadths at the Sesesmiles river microwatershed, Copan, Honduras. Riparian forests protect many species of plants and animals. We studied bird communities in riparian forest belts of the Sesesmiles river microwatershed, Copan, Honduras (140o 43’ 12" - 140o 58’ 35" N, 88o 53’ 23" - 89o 14’ 17" W. The main goal was to explore the effects of belt breadth on the richness and abundance of avian species visiting these forests. We selected 20 belts, and randomly established 30 observation points to monitor bird presence in the dry (March-April 2005 and rainy (June-July 2005 season (N= 60 observations. A total of 1 294 birds belonging to 145 species were recorded. Bird diversity was significantly correlated to the breadth of the riparian belts, with a greater number of species and individuals in belts 50 m wide or wider

  9. The effects of temperature and innate immunity on transmission of Campylobacter jejuni (Campylobacterales: Campylobacteraceae) between life stages of Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). (United States)

    Bahrndorff, S; Gill, C; Lowenberger, C; Skovgård, H; Hald, B


    The house fly (Musca domestica L.) is a well-established vector of human pathogens, including Campylobacter spp., which can cause infection of broiler chicken flocks, and through contaminated broiler meat can cause outbreaks of campylobacteriosis in humans. We investigated whether Campylobacter jejuni (Jones) could be transferred between life stages of M. domestica (larvae-pupae-adults) and determined bacterial counts of C. jejuni at different time points after bacterial exposure. C. jejuni was transmitted from infected larvae to pupae, but not to the adult stage. Infected larvae maintained at 25 degrees C had mean bacterial numbers of 6.5 +/- 0.2 SE log10 (colony forming units [CFU]/g) that subsequently dropped to 3.6 +/- 0.3 SE log10 (CFU/g) 8 h after infection. Pupae originating from infected larvae contained mean bacterial numbers of 5.3 +/- 0.1 SE log10 (CFU/g), and these numbers dropped to 4.8 +/- 0.1 SE log10 (CFU/g) 24 h after pupation. The decline in C. jejuni numbers during pupal development coincided with increased expression of antimicrobial peptides, including cecropin, diptericin, attacin, and defensin, in the larva-pupa transition stage and a later second peak in older pupae (4 or 48 h). Conversely, there was a reduced expression of the digestive enzyme, lysozyme, in pupae and adults compared with larvae.

  10. Simulaton of the Avedøreværket Unit 1 Cogeneration Plant with DNA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elmegaard, Brian; Houbak, Niels


    The simulator contest proposed for the ECOS 2003 conference has been solved using the DNA energy system simulator. The contest concerns the steam process of the Avedøreværket Unit 1 (AVV1) power plant. The plant is a 250 MWCHP plant with a maximum district heat production of 330 MJ/s. The plant has...... a net electric efficiency of 42% and a maximum energy utilization of 92%. In this paper it is demonstrated, that the DNA model of AVV1 can calculate the whole flow sheet balance at any load point, i.e., any possible combination of power production and district heat production. The paper also contains...

  11. Diversidad y distribución de las especies de Mallophaga (Insecta en Aves y Mamíferos de la Comunidad de Madrid

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    Martín Mateo, M. P.


    Full Text Available Based on the entomological collection of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, MNCN (Madrid, Spain and the literature, a total of 145 species of birds and 12 species of mammals that could be potential hosts of Mallophaga, are cited for Madrid. These species are potential hosts to 306 species of Mallophaga. Only 29 species of birds (20% and 2 species of mammals (14,3% have been searched for the presence of Mallophaga. These species could be potential hosts of 91 different Mallophaga species, but only 40 species (44% are recorded. Each species present in Madrid is indicated with its the host, the material known and respective references.

    Se presenta información general sobre la biodiversidad y distribución de los Mallophaga parásitos de aves y mamíferos en la Comunidad de Madrid. Con base en datos obtenidos en colecciones del MNCN (Madrid y revisión de la bibliografía de referencia, se obtienen un total de 145 especies de aves y 12 de mamíferos hospedadores potenciales de 306 especies de malófagos en la Comunidad de Madrid. De ésas, solo 29 especies de aves (20 % y 2 de mamíferos (14,3 % han sido exploradas, las cuales podrían estar parasitadas por, al menos, 91 especies diferentes de malófagos, pero solo se conocen citas de 40 especies (44 %. En cada especie indicada se señalan los hospedadores conocidos, material y referencia correspondiente para cada especie de Mallophaga citada en la Comunidad de Madrid.

  12. Tarabilla canaria: ¿por qué tan vulnerable?


    Illera, Juan Carlos; Díaz, Mariano; Nogales, Manuel


    Hoy en día la tarabilla canaria sólo vive en Fuerteventura. Que no esté asentada en otras islas de Canarias similares y cercanas, como Lanzarote y Lobos, parece indicar un déficit de habitats semiáridos de calidad. La fidelidad a sus territorios actuales hace a esta pequeña ave amenazada muy vulnerable a impactos como el desarrollo turístico, el exceso de pastoreo o la depredación por gatos asilvestrados.

  13. Características técnico-sanitarias de expendios de carnes, pescados, aves y huevos de la ciudad de Tunja 2003

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    Fred Gustavo Manrique-Abril


    Full Text Available Se presenta una caracterización epidemiológica de los expendios de carnes, pescado y aves de Tunja en el año 2003, resultado del diagnóstico sanitario del municipio y las visitas adelantadas por la unidad de saneamiento. Al partir del compromiso que el sector salud tiene en el componente de ambiente, surge la necesidad de crear un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica ambiental, cuya metodología y estrategia esté orientada hacia el conocimiento de los factores de riesgo ambientales a que están expuestos los grupos humanos, con el fin de determinar prioridades y orientar los recursos de salud disponibles en el desarrollo de intervenciones; es por eso que se implantó en Tunja la vigilancia de factores de riesgo del consumo en esta estrategia, la cual, incluye la de expendios decarnes y derivados, aves huevos y pescado; entonces, se usaron las actas de inspección sanitaria y se tabuló en EPIINFO 2002 para su análisis con SPSS 11,5. Así se realizó un análisis descriptivo a 173 establecimientos y se encontró que existen condiciones diversas de sanidad respecto de la estructura física, los procesos productivos y el producto para la venta; también hay un incumplimiento de normas técnico-sanitarias, en diferentes sectores de la ciudad, que se priorizan para el control por parte de la autoridad sanitaria. Al 75% de los establecimientos no cumplen con las condiciones higiénico sanitarias en cárnicos; el 66,6% no cuenta con las condiciones en establecimiento de venta de pescados ý el 52,5% delos establecimientos de venta de aves y huevos, no cumplen con las condiciones higiénico sanitarias para tal fin.

  14. Análisis toxicológico y estudio histopatológico de las aves muertas por la catástrofe del petrolero “Prestige”


    Rodríguez Ledesma, Percy Arturo


    El presente trabajo de investigación es un estudio multidisciplinar que intenta explicar las posibles causas de muerte de las aves marinas afectadas por el derrame del petrolero Prestige en noviembre de 2002, frente a las costas de Galicia.

  15. Housefly (Musca domestica as Carrier of Enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus in Broiler Farms in Iran: Is it Important for Public Health?

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    Mehdi Rashki Ghalehnoo


    Full Text Available Background: During the last decade, the prevalence of insect borne diseases due to contaminated food as well as the outbreaks of diseases due to enterotoxin-producing Staphylococcus aureus (ETSA strains has increased. Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the prevalence rate, enterotoxigenecity, and antimicrobial resistance of S. aureus isolated from M. domestica collected from the residential areas of nine districts broiler farms in Zabol, Iran. Materials and Methods: The flies were captured with a sterile nylon net and washed twice with distilled water. The contents were streaked onto selective media and S. aureus was identified using the conventional biochemical tests. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed using CLSI guideline. Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs, SEA, SEB, SEC and SED, was detected by the reverse passive latex agglutination (PRLA method. Coagulase typing was performed with coagulase typing kit. Results: A total of 87 (17% S. aureus was isolated from 450 samples. The ability to synthesize staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs was determined in 62 of 87 (71% isolates. SE type B was the most common enterotoxin found in the isolated S. aureus (45%, followed by SE type A (26%, SE type C (5%, SE type D (8%, SEA + SEC (7% and SEA + SEB (7%. Among the antibiotic tested, Penicillin was the most resistant antibiotic tested. Sixty seven percent of isolates belonged to coagulase type III, VI, VII, VIII, IV, and V. Conclusions: Our results suggest that S. aureus, including ETSA, is being carried by house flies such as M. domestica and may contribute to the spread of pathogenic isolates, with an impact on public health.

  16. Effects of human disturbance on a burrow nesting seabird Efectos de la presencia de humanos en aves marinas que anidan en madrigueras

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    Yuri V. Albores-Barajas


    Full Text Available During 2004, we followed 72 natural burrows to determine the effects of disturbance on breeding success of Cassin's auklets (Ptychoramphus aleuticus. We used distance from a human settlement or path in the analysis of disturbance. Birds whose burrows were closer to the path or the village had a higher rate of nest abandonment and lower breeding success compared to birds nesting further away from the path or the village. Also, older and more experienced individuals represented a larger proportion of the breeding population on less disturbed areas than on highly disturbed ones, probably as older individuals tend to arrive earlier at the breeding grounds, and failed breeders may change burrow sites to move away from disturbance. P. aleuticus are adversely affected by human activity at colonies even if birds are not handled and burrows are not opened, and this has implications for conservation, and planning of ecotourism. On the long term, this can have negative consequences for this species and others with similar characteristics.Durante el 2004 seguimos 72 nidos de la alcuela (Ptychoramphus aleuticus para determinar los efectos de disturbio en el éxito reproductivo. Utilizamos la distancia del nido a áreas asentamientos humanos o al camino como medidas de disturbio. Los nidos que estaban más cerca de los asentamientos o del camino tuvieron una tasa de abandono mayor y un éxito reproductivo menor en comparación con los nidos que estaban más alejados de las fuentes de disturbio. También observamos que en las zonas menos expuestas la proporción de adultos, con mayor experiencia, era más alta, posiblemente porque los individuos con mayor experiencia llegan antes a la zona de anidación. Las alcuelas son afectadas negativamente por la presencia de los humanos y sus actividades, aunque las aves no entren en contacto directo con los humanos. A largo plazo, esto puede acarrear consecuencias graves para esta especie y otras con caracter

  17. Avaliação dos comportamentos de aves poedeiras utilizando seqüência de imagens Behavior evaluation of laying hens using image sequences

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    José A. D. Barbosa Filho


    Full Text Available A grande preocupação com o uso de gaiolas dá-se quanto ao espaço oferecido às aves poedeiras, o qual, certamente, afeta seu bem-estar. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar aspectos relacionados ao comportamento e bem-estar animal, comparando o sistema de criação alternativo (com cama e ninho com o sistema convencional em gaiolas. Para isso, dois grupos de 20 aves (10 Hy-Line W36 e 10 Hy-Line Brown em início de produção foram divididos em dois sistemas de criação (cama+ninho e gaiolas e colocadas em câmara climática: um grupo a 26 °C e 60% UR (condição de conforto térmico, e outro a 35 °C e 70% UR (condição de estresse térmico, onde eram constantemente monitoradas por câmeras de vídeo. Com base na análise dos comportamentos, verificou-se que o sistema de criação em cama propiciou a expressão de todos os comportamentos naturais relacionados ao conforto das aves, evidenciando o estado de bem-estar das mesmas. Para o sistema em gaiolas, pôde ser constatado que as aves tentavam expressar seus comportamentos naturais, mesmo não tendo condições para isso. Essa impossibilidade de expressão dos comportamentos agravou as condições de estresse provocadas por esse sistema de criação e pela condição ambiental a que as aves foram submetidas.The concern about the use of cages is related to barren environment and the minimal space offered to the laying hens, which negatively affects bird welfare. The present study focused on the aspect evaluation related to the behavior and welfare of birds, making a comparison between the alternative housing system (with litter and nests and the conventional cage system. Two groups of 20 laying hens (10 Hy-Line W36 and 10 Hy-line Brown at the beginning of the production were divided in two breeding systems (litter+nest and cages. Both of them were kept in climatic controlled chambers: one group with an ambient temperature of 26 °C and 60% RH (Thermal Comfort Condition


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    Petronela Poláčeková


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false SK X-NONE X-NONE Nowadays, the awareness is given more and more to underutilized and  unusual fruits. One of them is Sorbus domestica, L. not only as an endangered species, but as well as a promising and economically usable crop. The work was aimed for finding a total genomic DNA isolating methods from fresh plant material and confirmation of the optimized method by the detection of 18S rRNA gene using real-time PCR. Two commercial isolation kits were tested -  Invisorb® Spin Plant Mini Kit and Wizard ® Genomic DNA. Higher purity and yield of DNA isolation kit showed Invisorb kit. The effective and pure PCR amplification was confirmed for Invisorb, too when 20 ng undiluted DNA at annealing temperature of 64.5 °C.doi:10.5219/203

  19. Isolation and sequence of cDNA encoding a cytochrome P-450 from an insecticide-resistant strain of the house fly, Musca domestica.


    Feyereisen, R; Koener, J F; Farnsworth, D E; Nebert, D W


    A cDNA expression library from phenobarbital-treated house fly (Musca domestica) was screened with rabbit antisera directed against partially purified house fly cytochrome P-450. Two overlapping clones with insert lengths of 1.3 and 1.5 kilobases were isolated. The sequence of a 1629-base-pair (bp) cDNA was obtained, with an open reading frame (nucleotides 81-1610) encoding a P-450 protein of 509 residues (Mr = 58,738). The insect P-450 protein contains a hydrophobic NH2 terminus and a 22-res...

  20. Consumo de alcohol y otras sustancias, un problema en estudiantes universitarios de salud

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    Estela Rodríguez-Torres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: caracterizar el consumo de alcohol y otras sustancias, los motivos para consumir o no consumir en estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad privada en Santiago de Cali. Materiales y Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal, con una muestra de 207 estudiantes pertenecientes a dos programas de salud de una universidad privada, estuvo integrada por estudiantes entre los 14 y 49 años de edad, media de 23 años, seleccionados aleatoriamente por muestreo estratificado proporcional. Se utilizó un cuestionario de auto reporte Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test y preguntas sobre los motivos de consumo de sustancias legales e ilegales. Se realizó análisis univariado y estimadores con intervalos de confianza, en relación con otras variables se calculó prueba de X 2 utilizando Epi Info 7. Resultados: el consumo en el último año para sustancias legales como alcohol es de 76.8% (IC 95%: 70.5-82.4 para cigarrillo de 15% (IC 95%: 10.4-20.6. Para sustancias ilegales como la marihuana un 1% (IC 95%: 0.1-3.4. Entre las razones para el consumo los participantes manifiestan que los hace sentir bien en un 69.3% (IC 95%: 60.6-75.2 Conclusiones: entre los universitarios del área de la salud, el consumo de sustanciales legales es semejante al de la población general. La elaboración de planes de intervención para prevenir el consumo de drogas legales e ilegales, es una tarea que debe asumir la academia en su labor educativa y de proyección social de manera permanente.

  1. Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase-mediated neonicotinoid resistance in the house fly Musca domestica L

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Markussen, Mette D K; Kristensen, Michael


    Neonicotinoids play an essential role in the control of house flies Musca domestica. The development of neonicotinoid resistance was found in two field populations. 766b was 130- and 140-fold resistant to imidacloprid and 17- and 28-fold resistant to thiamethoxam in males and females, respectively....... 791a was 22- and 20-fold resistant to imidacloprid and 9- and 23-fold resistant to thiamethoxam in males and females, respectively. Imidacloprid selection of 791a increased imidacloprid resistance to 75- and 150-fold in males and females, respectively, whereas selection with thiamethoxam had minimum...... of the imidacloprid-selected strain after neonicotinoid exposure. CYP6D1 expression was increased after neonicotinoid exposure in resistant males. CYP6D3 expression was induced in both sexes upon neonicotinoid exposure but significantly higher in females....

  2. Leishmaniasis mucosa y otras lesiones destructivas centrofaciales

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    G. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Varias enfermedades producen lesiones del área centrofacial. Una de las más frecuentes en nuestro medio es la leishmaniasis destructivas mucosa. Como el INS es un centro de estudio de leishmaniasis, se atendieron pacientes o sus biopsias con afecciones del macizo centrofacial, primariamente remitidas con el diagnóstico clínico de leihsmaniasis mucosa. En un período de 7 años (1987-1993, se estudiaron 134 biopsias de estos pacientes. El diagnóstico de leishmaniasis mucosa fue definitivo en 26 casos, por demostración del amastigote con la coloración de hematoxilina eosina y el mismo diagnóstico se estableció por patrón histopatológico solamente, en 27 casos. Una técnica inmunoenzimática para demostrar los amastigotes no fue satisfactoria. La perforación banal del tabique nasal (52 biopsias es la entidad que el clínico y el patólogo confunden con mayor frecuencia con la leishmaniasis mucosa. Otras entidades demostradas fueron la paracoccidioidomicosis (3, histoplasmosis (2, rinosporidiosis (2. esporotricosis (l, tuberculosis bucal (3, lepra leprornatosa (l, escleroma nasal (2, granulomatosis de Wegener (2, linfomas angiocéntricos (4, aspiración crónica de cocaína (l, y carcinoma escamocelular palatino (1. La biopsia, luego de la historia clínica, es el pilar esencial para identificar y manejar adecuadamente estas lesiones, que pueden originar destrucción facial grave, a veces letal, si no se dispone del diagnóstico preciso y del tratamiento oportuno.

  3. PCR detection of oxytetracycline resistance genes otr(A) and otr(B) in tetracycline-resistant streptomycete isolates from diverse habitats

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nikolakopoulou, T; Egan, S; van Overbeek, L; Guillaume, G; Heuer, H; Wellington, EMH; van Elsas, JD; Collard, JM; Smalla, K; Karagouni, A


    A range of European habitats was screened by PCR for detection of the oxytetracycline resistance genes otr(A) and otr(B), found in the oxytetracycline-producing strain Streptomyces rimosus. Primers were developed to detect these otr genes in tetracycline-resistant (Tc-R) streptomycete isolates from

  4. Reproduction and longevity of Supputius cincticeps (Het.: Pentatomidae) fed with larvae of Zophobas confusa, Tenebrio molitor (Col.: Tenebrionidae) or Musca domestica (Dip.: Muscidae)


    Zanuncio,José Cola; Beserra,Eduardo Barbosa; Molina-Rugama,Adrián José; Zanuncio,Teresinha Vinha; Pinon,Tobias Baruc Moreira; Maffia,Vanessa Pataro


    Reproduction and longevity of Supputius cincticeps (Stål) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) fed on Zophobas confusa Gebien, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) or Musca domestica (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) larvae were studied during two generations at 24.7 ± 1.1ºC, 70 ± 10% R.H. and 12 h of photophase. Body weight of newly-emerged adults, oviposition period, number of egg masses, total number of eggs and longevity of S. cincticeps were higher when fed on Z. confusa or T. mol...

  5. Presencia y abundancia de aves que se reproducen en islas de la bahía de Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México

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    Alberto Piña-Ortiz


    Full Text Available Registramos la presencia y abundancia de aves, así como el hábitat y temporalidad de la reproducción de especies en las islas Pájaros, Venados, Lobos, Hermano Norte y Hermano Sur, ubicadas en la bahía de Mazatlán. Realizamos siete recorridos entre noviembre de 2014 y mayo de 2015; además contábamos con información colectada en mayo de 2004. Observamos un total de 59 especies de aves, de las cuales 15 fueron reproductoras: Dendrocygna autumnalis (pijije ala blanca, Phaethon aethereus (rabijunco pico rojo, Sula leucogaster (bobo café, Pelecanus occidentalis (pelícano café, Ardea herodias (garza morena, Ardea alba (garza blanca, Egretta thula (garza pie dorado, Bubulcus ibis (garza ganadera, Nycticorax nycticorax (pedrete corona negra, Nyctanassa violacea (pedrete corona clara, Eudocimus albus (ibis blanco, Coragyps atratus (zopilote común, Haematopus palliatus (ostrero americano, Larus heermanni (gaviota ploma y Falco peregrinus (halcón peregrino. Para P. aethereus y S. leucogaster no había reportes previos de reproducción en estas islas; además, confirmamos la anidación de L. hermanni. La isla Pájaros fue la que albergó el mayor número de especies reproductoras (10 especies. Pelecanus occidentalis fue la especie más abundante con un total de 1 559 individuos, seguido de Fregata magnificens (fragata magnífica y Sula nebouxii (bobo pata azul con 1 526 y 1 100 individuos, respectivamente; aunque para estas dos últimas especies no hubo registros de reproducción. Las islas se encuentran bajo protección, pero se requiere realizar monitoreos para establecer el estado y tendencias de las poblaciones de aves, así como los efectos de las perturbaciones por actividades humanas y por las especies introducidas.

  6. Fluorescence technique application of X-ray in labeling with Mn, Sr and Cu, of the parasitoid and host: Muscidifuax uniraptor Kogan and Legner, 1970 (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and Musca domestica L., 1758 (Diptera: Muscidae)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itepan, Natanael Marcio


    The objective of this work was to develop the methodology of the labeling adult of Musca domestica and Muscidifurax uniraptor using the elements Mn, Sr and Cu with the use of x-ray fluorescence. This work was carried out in the Laboratory of Biological Control of House Flies, 'Eduardo Hiroshi Mizumoto', of the 'Entomology, Phytopatology and Zoology Department of the College of Agriculture 'Luiz de Queiroz' ESALQ/USP), and the Division of Methods the Development and Nuclear Analytics Techniques, of CENA/USP, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The larvae was removed to the labeled diet with increasing level of the elements Mn, Sr and Cu. The levels tested for all element were: 0 (control); 0,25; 0,50; 1,00; 2,00; 4,00; 8,00; 16,00; 32,00 and 64,00 mg/gr of diet. Labeled pupae with 1,00 to 4,00 (Mn) and 1,00 (Sr and Cu) mg/gr of diet were tested for the pupal parasitoid M. uniraptor. The concentration quantity of the chemical elements was realized by the Analytical Technique denominated (EDXRF) energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence. Concentrations of 2,00 (Mn) and 1,00 (Sr) supplemented to the diet of M. domestica were sufficient for the adult insect labeled, however, not affecting its life expectancy. Pupae originated from the larvae of M. domestica treated with dose of 2,00 (Mn) and 1,00 (Sr and Cu) mg supplemented to the diet, and used as hosts of the parasitoid M. uniraptor, affected the viability of the immature phase and did not label the adults. (author)

  7. ¿Por qué las caras de otras etnias nos parecen iguales?

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    Beatriz Martín-Luengo


    Full Text Available ¿Por qué a veces somos incapaces de distinguir entre personas de otra etnia? Una razón puede ser porque no recordamos de la misma manera las caras dependiendo de la etnia a la que pertenecen. Actualmente existen varias teorías que explican por qué nuestra memoria es mejor para caras de nuestra propia etnia, como son las teorías del procesamiento perceptivo de caras, las teorías basadas en la cognición social del procesamiento de caras y las teorías híbridas entre las perceptivas y las basadas en cognición social. En este artículo repasamos y explicamos a grandes rasgos cada uno de estos acercamientos teóricos.

  8. Search efficiency of Spalangia cameroni and Muscidifurax raptor on Musca domestica pupae in dairy cattle farms in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skovgård, Henrik


    significantly to overall parasitism, M. raptor had a significantly higher attack rate when first a female had located bags with sentinel pupae. Based on the above results, however, S. cameroni seems the most appropriate species for managing house flies in straw bedded dairy cattle farms in Denmark. A biological......Indoor releases of Spalangia cameroni Perkins and Muscidifurax raptor Girauelt & Sanders (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) were conducted in five organic dairy cattle farms to evaluate the overall effect on parasitism and efficiency at different pupal depths of Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae...... control strategy of simultaneous releases of S. cameroni and M. raptor is discussed. Key words: biological control, dairy cattle, dispersion, parasitism, Phygadeuon fumat...

  9. Otras masculinidades posibles: Hacia una humanidad diferente y diferenciada

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    Octavio Salazar Benítez


    Full Text Available La igualdad entre hombres y mujeres no será plena mientras que no transformemos el orden patriarcal que sigue sustentando una diferenciación jerárquica entre unos y otras. Ello pasa por revisar la masculinidad tradicional y la racionalidad construida a imagen y semejanza del varón. Un reto que supone a su vez transformar las relaciones entre lo público y lo privado, así como las bases del conocimiento y de una concepción de lo humano basada en los privilegios masculinos y en la negación de la diversidad.Equality will not be full if we don’t transform the patriarchal order that continues to support a hierarchical differentiation between men and women. This calls for reviewing the traditional masculinity and the rationality constructed in the image and the likeness of the male. A challenge  which in turn means to transform the relationship between public and private, and the basis of knowledge and a conception of humanity based on male privilege and the denial of diversity.

  10. Grão de girassol e seus subprodutos: potenciais fontes proteicas para alimentação de aves

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    Raimunda Thyciana Vasconcelos Fernandes


    Full Text Available O setor de avicultura pode ser considerado um dos mais desenvolvidos e tecnificados da agropecuária mundial. Os avanços do melhoramento genético aliado ao desenvolvimento da nutrição, sanidade e técnicas de manejo, resultaram na avicultura atual, de alta eficiência e organização com a finalidade de produzir proteína animal de alto valor biológico para o consumo humano a baixo custo. A cadeia produtiva avícola tem íntima relação com a agricultura, principalmente com milho e soja (principais alimentos utilizados na alimentação de aves, no entanto a utilização destes alimentos para nutrição humana e ou refinarias gera uma competição e consequentemente a valorização dos preços destas commodities, o que aumenta o custo de produção e reduz as margens de comercialização. Desta forma, pesquisadores buscam alternativas alimentares economicamente viáveis numa tentativa de minimizar estes custos e manter os índices de desempenho produtivo.  Neste contexto, o grão de girassol e seus subprodutos são caracterizados como uma fonte proteica de boa qualidade capaz de compor dietas para aves.

  11. Detección de aves exóticas en parques urbanos del centro de México

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    Rubén Pineda-López


    Full Text Available Las áreas arboladas urbanas son utilizadas por algunas aves invasoras en su proceso de colonización; la detección temprana de estas especies es una acción necesaria para su vigilancia y control. Utilizamos un muestreo rápido en parques urbanos, que requiere de poco tiempo de planeación y ejecución, como una forma de detección de aves que actualmente aumentan su distribución en México: Streptopelia decaocto (paloma de collar, Myiopsitta monachus (perico monje, Turdus rufopalliatus (mirlo dorso rufo y Sturnus vulgaris (estornino pinto. Realizamos los muestreos en la mayoría de los parques de las ciudades de León de los Aldama, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes y Santiago de Querétaro. Presentamos los primeros registros de M. monachus, T. rufopalliatus y S. vulgaris para la ciudad de León de los Aldama; así como de M. monachus en la de Guanajuato. Además, en Santiago de Querétaro registramos las cuatro especies buscadas; a T. rufopalliatus en Guanajuato, y a S. vulgaris en Aguascalientes. Analizamos las variables asociadas con la presencia de las especies, así como el establecimiento de las especies en cada ciudad en relación con la proporción de parques en que se presentan. Sugerimos que este método es útil para evaluar la distribución actual de estas especies en México y proveer de conocimiento básico para futuros estudios.

  12. Codon usage bias and phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial ND1 gene in pisces, aves, and mammals. (United States)

    Uddin, Arif; Choudhury, Monisha Nath; Chakraborty, Supriyo


    The mitochondrially encoded NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit 1 (MT-ND1) gene is a subunit of the respiratory chain complex I and involved in the first step of the electron transport chain of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). To understand the pattern of compositional properties, codon usage and expression level of mitochondrial ND1 genes in pisces, aves, and mammals, we used bioinformatic approaches as no work was reported earlier. In this study, a perl script was used for calculating nucleotide contents and different codon usage bias parameters. The codon usage bias of MT-ND1 was low but the expression level was high as revealed from high ENC and CAI value. Correspondence analysis (COA) suggests that the pattern of codon usage for MT-ND1 gene is not same across species and that compositional constraint played an important role in codon usage pattern of this gene among pisces, aves, and mammals. From the regression equation of GC12 on GC3, it can be inferred that the natural selection might have played a dominant role while mutation pressure played a minor role in influencing the codon usage patterns. Further, ND1 gene has a discrepancy with cytochrome B (CYB) gene in preference of codons as evident from COA. The codon usage bias was low. It is influenced by nucleotide composition, natural selection, mutation pressure, length (number) of amino acids, and relative dinucleotide composition. This study helps in understanding the molecular biology, genetics, evolution of MT-ND1 gene, and also for designing a synthetic gene.

  13. Differential distribution of glutamate- and GABA-gated chloride channels in the housefly Musca domestica. (United States)

    Kita, Tomo; Ozoe, Fumiyo; Azuma, Masaaki; Ozoe, Yoshihisa


    l-Glutamic acid (glutamate) mediates fast inhibitory neurotransmission by affecting glutamate-gated chloride channels (GluCls) in invertebrates. The molecular function and pharmacological properties of GluCls have been well studied, but not much is known about their physiological role and localization in the insect body. The distribution of GluCls in the housefly (Musca domestica L.) was thus compared with the distribution of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated chloride channels (GABACls). Quantitative PCR and ligand-binding experiments indicate that the GluCl and GABACl transcripts and proteins are predominantly expressed in the adult head. Intense GluCl immunostaining was detected in the lamina, leg motor neurons, and legs of adult houseflies. The GABACl (Rdl) immunostaining was more widely distributed, and was found in the medulla, lobula, lobula plate, mushroom body, antennal lobe, and ellipsoid body. The present findings suggest that GluCls have physiological roles in different tissues than GABACls. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Por los caminos de Sodoma. Discurso de réplica, promesa formativa para una homosexualidad otra (1932

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    Alexánder Hincapié García


    Full Text Available [PDF]InicioRevista No 41- Por los caminos de Sodoma. Discurso de réplica, promesa formativa para una homosexualidad otra (1932[*]Alexánder Hincapié García[**]DossierRESUMENEl presente trabajo realiza una lectura de la novela Por los caminos de Sodoma: confesiones íntimas de un homosexual, publicada en 1932, de Sir Edgar Dixon; seudónimo utilizado por el intelectual caldense Bernardo Arias Trujillo. La tesis que proponemos refiere que el gesto literario que presenta a la homosexualidad en los años treinta, desde la toma de la palabra de los sujetos constituidos como homosexuales, supone el ejercicio de un discurso de réplica (o contradiscurso que, a pesar del signo trágico de sus personajes, inaugura la promesa formativa de una homosexualidad otra para aquellos sujetos portadores de las marcas de la injuria y la degradación. El artículo está dividido en tres apartados que abordan la relación entre literatura y formación, la homosexualidad como discurso de réplica y, para concluir, la novela Por los caminos de Sodoma entendida como un alegato.

  15. La categoría bienestar psicológico: Su relación con otras categorías sociales

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    Carmen R Victoria García-Viniegras


    Full Text Available Desde los tiempos más remotos los pensadores, poetas y científicos han intentado reflexionar y postular principios de diversa índole acerca del bienestar o felicidad del ser humano, constituyendo en la actualidad un tema de estudio importante para la psicología y en general para las ciencias sociales. Numerosos esfuerzos se han dirigido hacia el establecimiento de los componentes del bienestar, creándose para ellos distintos modelos para su estudio desde las perspectivas de muy variadas disciplinas. El bienestar colinda con una serie de otras categorías psico-sociológicas y sociológicas, siendo su delimitación conceptual y metodológica uno de los retos más grandes que tienen ante sí estas ciencias. El presente trabajo pretende realizar un análisis de la categoría bienestar desde un ángulo psicológico, estableciendo puntos de contacto con otras categorías sociales, tales como: desarrollo económico, nivel de vida, condiciones materiales de vida, modo de vida y estilo de vida

  16. A new record of the Restinga Tyrannulet Phylloscartes kronei (Aves, Rynchocyclidae at Ilha do Cardoso State Park, southeastern Brazil (Scientific Note. Novo registro de maria-da-restinga, Phylloscartes kronei (Aves, Rynchocyclidae no Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, Sudeste do Brasil (Nota Científica

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    Augusto João PIRATELLI


    Full Text Available During an expedition to Ilha do Cardoso State Park, in Cananéia, São Paulo, Brazil, two individuals of the Restinga Tyrannulet (Phylloscartes kronei, Aves: Rynchocyclidae were captured with a 36 mm mesh mist net in a restinga area (25o 12.243’S and 47o 59.502’W at Núcleo Marujá. This random record highlights the relevance of this protected area for this globally threatened species (vulnerable, where it is apparently abundant, due to the existence of suitable sites for its survival and reproduction. Durante uma expedição ao Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, em Cananéia, SP, dois indivíduos de maria-da-restinga (Phylloscartes kronei, Aves: Rynchocyclidae foram capturados com uma rede de neblina de malha 36 mm em uma área de restinga (25o 12.243’S e 47o 59.502’O, no Núcleo Marujá. Esse registro fortuito ressalta a relevância desta Unidade de Conservação para esta espécie globalmente ameaçada (vulnerável, onde ela aparentemente é abundante, devido à existência de habitats adequados à sua sobrevivência e reprodução.

  17. Nuevos registros de aves con anormalidad pigmentaria en México y propuesta de clave dicotómica para la identificación de casos

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    Erick R. Rodríguez-Ruíz


    Full Text Available Las anormalidades pigmentarias en aves han adquirido mayor importancia e interés entre la comunidad ornitológica; sin em- bargo, resulta necesario contar con una herramienta de diagnóstico apropiada que brinde los criterios para lograr un sistema de identificación entre los distintos tipos de anormalidades. Para ello, proponemos una clave dicotómica para su identificación en campo con base en terminología obtenida de literatura especializada y una asociación de caracteres fenotípicos de aves. También, reportamos la presencia de anormalidades pigmentarias en la coloración corporal y de plumaje de cinco especies de aves que han sido observadas de forma ocasional en áreas perturbadas por impacto antropogénico en Tamaulipas, México: melanismo en la tortolita mexicana (Columbina inca, aberración ino en la paloma turca (Streptopelia decaocto, aberración ino en el correcaminos norteño (Geococcyx californianus, leucismo parcial en el pijuy (Crotophaga sulcirostris y leucismo parcial en el tordo de ojo rojo (Molothrus aeneus. Las evidencias de casos actuales sugieren un aparente aumento de especies en vida libre con variación en la pigmentación. Las causas que lo provocan aún son discutibles, por lo cual, relacionar qué factores naturales o artificiales están involucrados en estos padecimientos podrá contribuir a determinar su origen y detectar problemas a nivel de poblaciones. La clave dicotómica propuesta en la identificación de anormalidades pigmentarias puede ser una herramienta continua en contextos modernos, si se unifica la terminología empleada.

  18. Suspension-firing of wood with coal ash addition: Probe measurements of ash deposit build-up at Avedøre Power Plant (AVV2)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shafique Bashir, Muhammad; Jensen, Peter Arendt; Jappe Frandsen, Flemming

    This report is about full-scale probe measurements of deposit build-up and removal conducted at the Avedøreværket Unit 2, a 800 MWth suspension boiler, firing wood and natural gas with the addition of coal ash. Coal ash was used as an additive to capture potassium (K) from wood-firing. Investigat...... to the gas phase as HCl(g). Effect of boiler operational parameters on gas emissions has also been investigated.......This report is about full-scale probe measurements of deposit build-up and removal conducted at the Avedøreværket Unit 2, a 800 MWth suspension boiler, firing wood and natural gas with the addition of coal ash. Coal ash was used as an additive to capture potassium (K) from wood...... and boiler load on ash deposition propensity was investigated. Results of ash deposition propensity showed increasing trend with increasing flue gas temperature. Video monitoring revealed that the deposits formed were not sticky and could be easily removed, and even at very high flue gas temperatures (> 1350...

  19. Contracaecumovale (Nematoda: Anisakidae from Rollandia rolland Quoy & Gaimard 1824 (Aves, Podicipedidae in Argentina Contracaecumovale (Nematoda: Anisakidae de Rollandia rolland Quoy & Gaimard 1824 (Aves, Podicipedidae na Argentina

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    Noelia Adelina Galeano


    Full Text Available Necropsy on 15 specimens of white-tufted grebe, Rollandiarolland, caught in the Mar Chiquita and Chascomús lagoons (Buenos Aires province, revealed the presence of Contracaecumovale (Linstow, 1907. This nematode shows a marked specificity for podicipediform birds. The specimens were identified from morphological study on features such as cephalic and esophageal structures and caudal papillae, using both optical and scanning electron microscopy. This is the first record of C. ovale parasitizing R. rolland in Argentina.Necropsia de 15 espécimes de mergulhão-de-orelha-branca, Rollandiarolland, coletados nas lagoas Mar Chiquita e Chascomús (Província de Buenos Aires, revelou a presença de Contracaecumovale (Linstow, 1907. Esse nematóide tem uma marcada especificidade pelas aves podicipediformes. Os espécimes foram identificados a partir de características, tais como estruturas morfológicas cefálicas e esofágicas e papilas caudais, utilizando-se microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV. Esse é o primeiro registro de C. ovale parasito de R. rolland na Argentina.

  20. La contaminación atmosférica derivada de las aglomeraciones urbanas y otras causas


    Almenar-Muñoz, Mercedes


    [ES] Se analiza el incumplimiento de varios Estados miembros de los niveles máximos permitidos por la UE respecto a la calidad del aire y propone medidas urgentes para paliar este grave problema ambiental. También se aborda el tratamiento de la contaminación atmosférica en el planeamiento urbanístico. Almenar-Muñoz, M. (2017). La contaminación atmosférica derivada de las aglomeraciones urbanas y otras causas. Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental. (67):1-10.



    Marín Togo, María Consuelo


    Entre las aves terrestres, la familia Psittacidae presenta el mayor número de especies en riesgo de extinción en el medio silvestre, tanto en México como globalmente. La fuerte presión que sufren por la acelerada pérdida de hábitat por el cambio de uso de suelo, y la elevada cantidad de organismos que son extraídos para satisfacer el mercado de mascotas son consideradas las principales causas. Por otra parte la falta de información sobre su distribución actual dificulta el dise...


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    Livia Danyelle Viana Lima


    Full Text Available Resumo: O exercício associado a terapia espelho potencializa a retenção de habilidades, melhorando o desempenho de atividades motoras de indivíduos hemiparéticos pós-AVE. Este estudo objetivou a análise do efeito da terapia espelho na amplitude de movimento e funcionalidade do membro inferior. Amostra composta de 11 participantes, com hemiparesia em membro inferior, submetidas a fisioterapia convencional. A intervenção constituiu de 10 atendimentos, 30 minutos diários e três vezes por semana. Para avaliação foram usados: Goniometria; Escala Modificada de Ashworth (EMA; Escala de Força de Oxford; Cadência de Subida e Descida de Escada; Time Up And Go Test. Os dados foram coletados antes e após a intervenção da Terapia Espelho e comparados. Segundo resultados do estudo a Terapia Espelho proporcionou ganhos na ADM e função do membro inferior parético pós-AVE, porém não interferiu na espasticidade. Palavras-chave: Acidente Vascular Encefálico, Hemiparesia, Retroalimentação Visual.

  3. RNA interference silencing of CHS greatly alters the growth pattern of apple (Malus x domestica). (United States)

    Dare, Andrew P; Hellens, Roger P


    Plants produce a vast array of phenolic compounds which are essential for their survival on land. One major class of polyphenols are the flavonoids and their formation is dependent on the enzyme chalcone synthase (CHS). In a recent study we silenced the CHS genes of apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) and observed a loss of pigmentation in the fruit skin, flowers and stems. More surprisingly, highly silenced lines were significantly reduced in size, with small leaves and shortened internode lengths. Chemical analysis also revealed that the transgenic shoots contained greatly reduced concentrations of flavonoids which are known to modulate auxin flow. An auxin transport study verified this, with an increased auxin transport in the CHS-silenced lines. Overall, these findings suggest that auxin transport in apple has adapted to take place in the presence of high endogenous concentrations of flavonoids. Removal of these compounds therefore results in abnormal auxin movement and a highly disrupted growth pattern.

  4. Contribución al conocimiento de los malófagos (Phthiraptera, Amblycera, Ischnocera de aves peruanas. Parte 1

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    Luis A. Gomez-Puerta


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se reporta nueve especies de malófagos colectados de aves peruanas. Dos malófagos Amblycera: Heteromenopon laticapitis y Menacanthus pici, así como siete malófagos Ischnocera: Alcedoffula theresae, Brueelia brunneinucha, Chelopistes meleagridis, Columbicola columbae, Paragoniocotes aratingae, Penenirmus jungens y Saemundssonia (Saemundssonia lari, fueron determinados mediante el diagnóstico morfológico. Se realiza una breve descripción de cada malófago, así como la discusión de sus hospederos y distribución.

  5. O potencial do DNA barcode na identificação de espécies de aves neotropicais


    Priscila Fernanda Mussi Gonçalves


    O presente trabalho foi organizado em cinco capítulos. No primeiro é apresentada uma breve revisão da bibliografia relacionada ao DNA barcode, apontando as aplicações e os limites desse marcador. Os resultados obtidos são apresentados nos três capítulos subsequentes. O segundo capítulo teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial do método de DNA barcoding na distinção de 783 amostras de 228 espécies diferentes de aves neotropicais de 16 ordens baseado na diferença dos valores de divergências intra...

  6. Las otras rebeliones: cultura popular e independencias

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    Glave, Luis Miguel


    Full Text Available This article comments on historiographical developments pertaing to popular participation during the Independence of Mexico and on the political culture of the period. Its point of departure is the argument advanced by Eric Van Young in his book The Other Rebellion (2001 and the debate sparked by its publication. The article also discusses wether or not a “cultural turn” may be said to characterize historical studies of Latin America and compares the political process in Mexico with that of the Andes. It is suggested that we need to take into account, too, the symbolic and cultural world of both Indians and commoners who participated in the political and military actions of “other rebellions”, the outcome of a time of change and general crisis in colonial society.

    Este artículo comenta los avances historiográficos sobre la participación popular en la independencia mexicana y la cultura política de la época. Toma como punto de partida los aportes de Eric Van Young en su libro The Other Rebellion y el debate que se abrió a partir de su publicación. Discute, además, la aceptación o no de un “giro cultural” en los estudios históricos sobre América Latina y compara el proceso político mexicano con el de los Andes a partir de los aportes más recientes al respecto. Postula, por último, la necesidad de explorar el mundo simbólico y cultural de los indios y la plebe que participa en las movilizaciones políticas y militares, en tantas “otras rebeliones” producto de un momento de cambio y crisis general en la sociedad colonial.

  7. The Malus domestica sugar transporter gene family: identifications based on genome and expression profiling related to the accumulation of fruit sugars. (United States)

    Wei, Xiaoyu; Liu, Fengli; Chen, Cheng; Ma, Fengwang; Li, Mingjun


    In plants, sugar transporters are involved not only in long-distance transport, but also in sugar accumulations in sink cells. To identify members of sugar transporter gene families and to analyze their function in fruit sugar accumulation, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of the Malus domestica genome. Expression profiling was performed with shoot tips, mature leaves, and developed fruit of "Gala" apple. Genes for sugar alcohol [including 17 sorbitol transporters (SOTs)], sucrose, and monosaccharide transporters, plus SWEET genes, were selected as candidates in 31, 9, 50, and 27 loci, respectively, of the genome. The monosaccharide transporter family appears to include five subfamilies (30 MdHTs, 8 MdEDR6s, 5 MdTMTs, 3 MdvGTs, and 4 MdpGLTs). Phylogenetic analysis of the protein sequences indicated that orthologs exist among Malus, Vitis, and Arabidopsis. Investigations of transcripts revealed that 68 candidate transporters are expressed in apple, albeit to different extents. Here, we discuss their possible roles based on the relationship between their levels of expression and sugar concentrations. The high accumulation of fructose in apple fruit is possibly linked to the coordination and cooperation between MdTMT1/2 and MdEDR6. By contrast, these fruits show low MdSWEET4.1 expression and a high flux of fructose produced from sorbitol. Our study provides an exhaustive survey of sugar transporter genes and demonstrates that sugar transporter gene families in M. domestica are comparable to those in other species. Expression profiling of these transporters will likely contribute to improving our understanding of their physiological functions in fruit formation and the development of sweetness properties.

  8. The Malus domestica sugar transporter gene family: identifications based on genome and expression profiling related to the accumulation of fruit sugars

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    Xiaoyu eWei


    Full Text Available In plants, sugar transporters are involved not only in long-distance transport, but also in sugar accumulations in sink cells. To identify members of sugar transporter gene families and to analyze their function in fruit sugar accumulation, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of the Malus domestica genome. Expression profiling was performed with shoot tips, mature leaves, and developed fruit of ‘Gala’ apple. Genes for sugar alcohol (including 17 sorbitol transporters, sucrose, and monosaccharide transporters, plus SWEET genes, were selected as candidates in 31, 9, 50, and 27 loci, respectively, of the genome. The monosaccharide transporter family appears to include five subfamilies (30 MdHTs, 8 MdEDR6s, 5 MdTMTs, 3 MdvGTs, and 4 MdpGLTs. Phylogenetic analysis of the protein sequences indicated that orthologs exist among Malus, Vitis, and Arabidopsis. Investigations of transcripts revealed that 68 candidate transporters are expressed in apple, albeit to different extents. Here, we discuss their possible roles based on the relationship between their levels of expression and sugar concentrations. The high accumulation of fructose in apple fruit is possibly linked to the coordination and cooperation between MdTMT1/2 and MdEDR6. By contrast, these fruits show low MdSWEET4.1 expression and a high flux of fructose produced from sorbitol. Our study provides an exhaustive survey of sugar transporter genes and demonstrates that sugar transporter gene families in M. domestica are comparable to those in other species. Expression profiling of these transporters will likely contribute to improving our understanding of their physiological functions in fruit formation and the development of sweetness properties.

  9. Actividad reproductiva de Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae en Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008

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    Vicente Vera


    Full Text Available Isla de Aves, una isla a 650km de La Guaira, Venezuela, protegida como Refugio de Fauna Silvestre, constituye el segundo sitio de mayor anidación de la tortuga verde (Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus 1758 en el Caribe. El seguimiento de la población comenzó en 1972 y de manera más continua desde 1978. Los datos históricos indican que la captura de hembras en la isla, afectó severamente la población hasta 1978, cuando fue construida una base científico-naval. Durante las temporadas de anidación entre 2001-2008 con excepción de 2003 y 2004, las hembras fueron marcadas con placas metálicas y medidas. Asimismo, se muestreó durante 458 noches, en donde se observaron 5 154 eventos, con un máximo de 53 por noche. Los posibles eventos no observados fueron calculados ajustando la distribución temporal de eventos observados a una curva normal. El total de eventos estimados varió de =637.1±106.6 en 2001 a =2 853±42.5 en 2008 (ANOVA F(6.5gl=60.37, p<0.0001. El intervalo entre reanidaciones fue de =10.7±1.32 días. La frecuencia de anidación se calculó en =1.71±1.6 veces por hembra. El número de hembras estimadas varió entre =373±12.5 para 2001 y =1 669±56.1 para 2008 (ANOVA F(5.6gl=89.42, p<0.0001. La tendencia es significativa (r=0.842, p=0.036. Los resultados indican que el número de hembras que anidan en Isla de Aves ha aumentado, y se sugiere que más de 30 años de protección del área de reproducción está resultando en un creciente número de hembras.

  10. Tres patos ocasionales en la Sabana de Bogotá y la Laguna de Fúquene

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    Borrero José Ignacio


    Full Text Available Agradezco al Dr. Armando Dugand la ayuda que se sirvió dispensarme para la presentación de este articulo. Creo de interes, para principiar, hacer una breve descripción de las condiciones de la Sabana de Bogotá y la Laguna de Fúquene, como localidades de paso o estacionamiento temporal para las especies migratorias de Anátidas.  La Sabana de Bogotá ocupa una vasta altiplanicie de unos 2000 kilómetros cuadrados a 2600 mts. de altura media, rodeada de montanas o cerros en toda su extensión y cruzada por pequeños rios. El rio Bogotá, que la atraviesa, forma en sus riberas y en casi toda su extensión grandes lagunas y pantanos apropiados para la llegada de los patos y otras aves acuáticas que anualmente vienen del Norte y otras regiones.

  11. Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of dried Portuguese apple variety (Malus domestica Borkh. cv Bravo de Esmolfe). (United States)

    Pires, Tânia C S P; Dias, Maria Inês; Barros, Lillian; Alves, Maria José; Oliveira, M Beatriz P P; Santos-Buelga, Celestino; Ferreira, Isabel C F R


    Malus domestica Borkh apples are one of the most consumed fruits in the world, due to their sweetness and flavour. Herein, 'Bravo de Esmolfe' apple fruits were characterized regarding their nutritional value, chemical composition and bioactive properties. Besides nutrients, flavan-3-ols (i.e., epicatechin and B-type procyanidins) as also hydroxycinnamoyl-quinic acids and phloretin derivatives were identified in the samples. Extracts prepared from 'Bravo de Esmolfe' also proved to have antioxidant activity and antibacterial effects against Gram-positive bacteria, namely methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Listeria monocytogenes and Enterococcus faecalis, and against the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli (ESBL) (producing extended spectrum β-lactamases) and Morganella morganii. There is very little information about 'Bravo de Esmolfe' apple, so this study is important to inform consumers about an alternative source of nutritional and bioactive compounds. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Difracción de luz a través de una pluma de ave

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    Hugo Pérez García


    Full Text Available Se ha utilizado una pluma de ave para estudiar la difracción de la luz, tanto de forma cualitativa como cuantitativa. La medida experimental de la separación entre los puntos luminosos del patrón de difracción obtenido con un puntero láser ha permitido determinar el espaciado entre las barbas y entre las bárbulas de la pluma. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un acuerdo satisfactorio con los correspondientes a la estructura típica de una pluma. Los materiales empleados, los conceptos involucrados y los resultados experimentales convierten a esta experiencia en un excelente recurso didáctico para el estudio de la difracción, tanto en los primeros cursos universitarios como en los últimos cursos del Bachillerato.

  13. Gamma-irradiation of pupae of the house fly musca domestica L., and adult survival

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guneidy, A.M.; Abdu, R.M.; Hamed, M.S.


    Effects of gamma-irradiation on pupae of the house fly, Musca domestica L., were determined. Pupae of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5-day old, when exposed to a single dose of gamma rays, showed that the younger pupae were more susceptible than older pupae. The 1- and 2-day age groups were fully susceptible to all levels of treatment where no emergence was observed. The 3-day and 4-day age groups were of equal susceptibility to irradiation where emergence of 23.50% and 24.84%, respectively, was recorded at 5 Kr only. Pupae failed to emerge at dosages of 10, 15 and 25 Kr. Emergence was observed at all dosages in the 5-day old group of pupae where there was a correlation between dosage and emergence. At 5 Kr and 10 Kr, 85% and 66.36% of flies, respectively, emerged. This figure declined to 22.54% at 15 Kr and 4.09% at 25 Kr. Males were less susceptible than females. Flies of both sexes emerging from irradiated pupae died earlier than the control flies

  14. Effects of multiple stresses hydropower, acid deposition and climate change on water chemistry and salmon populations in the River Otra, Norway. (United States)

    Wright, Richard F; Couture, Raoul-Marie; Christiansen, Anne B; Guerrero, José-Luis; Kaste, Øyvind; Barlaup, Bjørn T


    Many surface waters in Europe suffer from the adverse effects of multiple stresses. The Otra River, southernmost Norway, is impacted by acid deposition, hydropower development and increasingly by climate change. The river holds a unique population of land-locked salmon and anadromous salmon in the lower reaches. Both populations have been severely affected by acidification. The decrease in acid deposition since the 1980s has led to partial recovery of both populations. Climate change with higher temperatures and altered precipitation can potentially further impact fish populations. We used a linked set of process-oriented models to simulate future climate, discharge, and water chemistry at five sub-catchments in the Otra river basin. Projections to year 2100 indicate that future climate change will give a small but measureable improvement in water quality, but that additional reductions in acid deposition are needed to promote full restoration of the fish communities. These results can help guide management decisions to sustain key salmon habitats and carry out effective long-term mitigation strategies such as liming. The Otra River is typical of many rivers in Europe in that it fails to achieve the good ecological status target of the EU Water Framework Directive. The programme of measures needed in the river basin management plan necessarily must consider the multiple stressors of acid deposition, hydropower, and climate change. This is difficult, however, as the synergistic and antagonistic effects are complex and challenging to address with modelling tools currently available. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Nuevo examen de los grabados paleolíticos de El Pendo (Cantabria, España. Consideraciones sobre las aves del arte paleolítico de la Península Ibérica

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    García Díez, Marcos


    Full Text Available Birds are very scarce in Palaeolithic rock art. Since 1907 figures of razorbill and raptors (probably vulture have been described at the end of the Pendo cave, both attributed to an Upper Palaeolithic origin (from Aurignacian to Lower Magdalenian, depending on the authors. The new revision of the group of engravings shows the presence of an unambiguous bird, but the morphology of the figure did not permit its precise taxonomic identification. The work also presents a revision of the birds known in Iberian Palaeolithic rock art.

    La presencia de aves en el repertorio iconográfico del arte rupestre paleolítico es muy escasa. Desde 1907 se vienen describiendo unas figuras de alca y de rapaz (probablemente buitre en la parte final de la cueva de El Pendo. Los autores las asignan a un momento antiguo, desde el Auriñaciense hasta el Magdaleniense inferior. Una nueva lectura del conjunto de grabados permite apuntar la presencia inequívoca de una imagen de ave, sin características que permitan su identificación taxonómica precisa. El trabajo revisa, además, las imágenes de aves conocidas en el arte rupestre paleolítico de la Península Ibérica.

  16. Filosofía y ciencia: el problema de las otras mentes y las neuronas espejo


    Raúl Robles Chamorro


    Resumen El propósito del siguiente artículo es mostrar cómo el descubrimiento de las neuronas espejo ayudó a resolver uno de los tantos y eternos problemas de la filosofía: el problema de las otras mentes, y cómo este hecho particular es solo el síntoma de una enfermedad que acosa a la filosofía desde hace bastante tiempo: el haber llegado a su limite y sin embargo no acudir a las herramientas que la ciencia le puede proporcionar para superar su actual estancamiento y así volver a ser una ...



    Rodríguez Ramos, Paulo Adrián; Aguilera Ávila, Laura


    IntroducciónLa violencia obstétrica (VO), es el tema central de este trabajo. Se considera VO a las diferentes formas de control y opresión sobre las mujeres que están embarazadas o que se encuentran en trabajo de parto. Dado que la VO se ejerce con el fin de controlar y oprimir a las mujeres, podemos afirmar que es otra forma de violencia de género y también se considera violencia institucional y simbólica.ObjetivoEl objetivo de este estudio es conocer si las mujeres que paren en los hospita...

  18. Homing pigeons ( Columba livia f. domestica) can use magnetic cues for locating food (United States)

    Thalau, Peter; Holtkamp-Rötzler, Elke; Fleissner, Gerta; Wiltschko, Wolfgang


    An experimental group of homing pigeons ( Columba livia f. domestica) learned to associate food with a magnetic anomaly produced by bar magnets that were fixed to the bowl in which they received their daily food ration in their home loft; the control group lacked this experience. Both groups were trained to search for two hidden food depots in a rectangular sand-filled arena without obvious visual cues; for the experimental birds, these depots were also marked with three 1.15 × 106 μT bar magnets. During the tests, there were two food depots, one marked with the magnets, the other unmarked; their position within the arena was changed from test to test. The experimental birds searched within 10 cm of the magnetically marked depot in 49% of the test sessions, whereas the control birds searched there in only 11% of the sessions. Both groups searched near the control depot in 11 and 13% of the sessions, respectively. The significant preference of the magnetically marked food depot by the experimental birds shows that homing pigeons cannot only detect a magnetic anomaly but can also use it as a cue for locating hidden food in an open arena.

  19. Campylobacter jejuni in Musca domestica: An examination of survival and transmission potential in light of the innate immune responses of the house flies. (United States)

    Gill, Carson; Bahrndorff, Simon; Lowenberger, Carl


    The house fly, Musca domestica, has been implicated as a vector of Campylobacter spp., a major cause of human disease. Little is known whether house flies serve as biological amplifying hosts or mechanical vectors for Campylobacter jejuni. We investigated the period after C. jejuni had been ingested by house flies in which viable C. jejuni colonies could be isolated from whole bodies, the vomitus and the excreta of adult M. domestica and evaluated the activation of innate immune responses of house flies to ingested C. jejuni over time. C. jejuni could be cultured from infected houseflies soon after ingestion but no countable C. jejuni colonies were observed > 24 h postingestion. We detected viable C. jejuni in house fly vomitus and excreta up to 4 h after ingestion, but no viable bacteria were detected ≥ 8 h. Suppression subtractive hybridization identified pathogen-induced gene expression in the intestinal tracts of adult house flies 4-24 h after ingesting C. jejuni. We measured the expression of immune regulatory (thor, JNK, and spheroide) and effector (cecropin, diptericin, attacin, defensing, and lysozyme) genes in C. jejuni-infected and -uninfected house flies using quantitative real time PCR. Some house fly factor, or combination of factors, eliminates C. jejuni within 24 h postingestion. Because C. jejuni is not amplified within the body of the housefly, this insect likely serves as a mechanical vector rather than as a true biological, amplifying vector for C. jejuni, and adds to our understanding of insect-pathogen interactions. © 2016 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  20. Riesgos y consecuencias de las prácticas sexuales en adolescentes bajo los efectos de alcohol y otras drogas

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    Guillermo Castaño Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la sexualidad, y el consumo de alcohol y drogas en los adolescentes, figuran en la actualidad como uno de los asuntos con mayor prioridad para la salud pública. La preocupación radica en reducir los riesgos de infecciones de transmisión sexual, el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y los embarazos tempranos no deseados. Objetivo: analizar las prácticas sexuales bajo el efecto de alcohol y otras drogas, y los riesgos que esto implica, en los adolescentes de la ciudad de Medellín. Métodos: la muestra se estableció mediante método probabilístico aleatorio y por conglomerados. El universo correspondió al número total de estudiantes matriculados en colegios públicos y privados de la ciudad de Medellín de 8vo., 9no., 10mo. y 11no. grados, en el año 2010 (91 857 estudiantes con edades comprendidas entre los 14 y 17 años. El tamaño muestral incluido fue de 955 estudiantes usando un intervalo de confianza de 95. Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo, transversal para conocer las prácticas sexuales bajo el efecto de alcohol u otras drogas, y los riesgos que corren los adolescentes. Se establecieron frecuencias, porcentajes y asociaciones estadísticas con el programa SPSS, versión 19.0 Resultados: consumir alcohol u otras drogas y tener prácticas sexuales presenta una asociación estadística significativa (p= 0,000. El 62,4 % de los adolescentes que han consumido una sustancia psicoactiva, han tenido relaciones sexuales, frente a un 29,4 % que, habiendo consumido alcohol y otras drogas, no lo han hecho. El alcohol es la droga más usada (79,8 %. Le siguen la marihuana (31,83 %, poppers (8,97 %, la cocaína (7,75 % y el éxtasis (5,71 %. Las prácticas sexuales más frecuentes bajo el efecto de sustancias psicoactivas son las exploratorias (manoseo, caricias, para un 71,02 %, seguida de la penetrativa vaginal (63,67 %, el sexo oral (45,30 % y la masturbación (19,59 %. De los adolescentes que tienen prácticas sexuales (N

  1. A bumblefoot outbreak and fatal septicemia in captive aquatic birds in Brazil Surto de esparavão e septicemia fatal em aves aquáticas cativas no Brasil

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    Marcus Vinícius Romero Marques


    Full Text Available A bumblefoot outbreak with different prognosis according to host species was studied in captive aquatic avian species. Six wood ducks (Aix sponsa, three scarlet-ibis (Eudocimus ruber, two black-swans (Cygnus atratus, five white-faced ducks (Dendrocygna viduata and two roseate spoonbills (Platalea ajaja were kept in a common pen with abrasive pavement pond margin, predisposing to podal skin wear. Incoordination and mortality occurred in the two roseate spoonbils and one black swan. Coagulase-positive penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from the synovial fluid and from the liver. All birds sharing the pen presented active or cicatricial foot lesions, indicating a possible challenge to the environmental Staphylococci. However, except for the roseate spoonbill and the black swan, which had fatal disease, for all other species the case did not evolve to a clinically debilitating or fatal disease. The different susceptibility to a fatal Staphylococcus aureus coagulase positive infection is discussed.Este trabalho relata um surto de esparavão em aves aquáticas cativas com prognóstico variado conforme a espécie de ave. Foram examinados um marreco carolina (Aix sponsa, três guarás (íbis vermelha (Eudocimus ruber, dois cisnes negros (Cygnus atratus, cinco marrecas piadeiras (Dendrocygna viduata e dois colhereiros (Platalea ajaja mantidos em recinto comunitário, em cativeiro e em criatório. No recinto, a piscina é margeada por borda de cimento abrasivo que possibilita a abrasão da pele podal. Todas as aves apresentaram erosões da pele na face de apoio dos pés, indicando fator predisponente (erosão similar e possível semelhante desafio infeccioso. Entretanto, incoordenação e mortalidade ocorreram em colhereiros e no cisne negro, mas não nas outras espécies. Staphylococcus aureus coagulase positivo e resistente à penicilina foi isolado do líquido sinovial e do fígado das aves recém-mortas e conservadas em geladeira

  2. Seasonal changes in the use of marine food resources by Cinclodes nigrofumosus (furnariidae, aves: carbon isotopes and osmoregulatory physiology Cambios estacionales en el uso de recursos alimenticios marinos en Cinclodes nigrofumosus (furnariidae, aves: isótopos de carbono y fisiología osmoregulatoria

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    Full Text Available Passerines lack functional salt glands and to a large extent avoid feeding on marine invertebrates. An exception is Cinclodes nigrofumosus. Previous studies reported that the contents of its gastrointestinal tract had a lower osmolality than seawater suggesting that birds were supplementing their marine invertebrate diet with terrestrial invertebrates and fresh water at certain periods of the year. We report seasonal changes in the diet of C. nigrofumosus at two contrasting coastal localities in Central Chile and document the potential correlation between weather and feeding habits with osmoregulatory features in this species. We expected that C. nigrofumosus would increase its use of osmotically challenging marine dietary sources when fresh water is available. Animals were collected at El Quisco and Los Vilos from central Chile during the mist cool winter and during the hot and dry summer. Immediatly after capture several physiological and morphological variables were determined at the field. We used stable isotope analysis as a proxy variable to measure the relative contribution of marine and terrestrial sources to the diet of Cinclodes nigrofumosus. Our results support the notion that osmoregulatory factors constraint dietary selection: in both localities birds consumed more marine prey when environmental conditions were less stressing, i.e., when lower environment temperatures, higher humidity and more fresh water was available. Our results also indicate that osmoregulatory physiology does not respond in a similar fashion in both seasons and suggest that osmoregulatory physiology of birds is affected by environmental variables in a complex fashionLas aves paseriformes no poseen glándula de la sal funcional y en gran medida evitan el consumo de invertebrados marinos. Una excepción es Cinclodes nigrofumosus. Estudios previos han documentado que el contenido del tracto gastrointestinal posee una osmolalidad menor que el agua de mar, lo que

  3. Registro da pomba-do-orvalho Patagioenas maculosa (Aves: Columbidae no estado de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil

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    Ivo Rohling Ghizoni-Jr


    Full Text Available Apresentamos o primeiro registro da pomba-do-orvalho Patagioenas maculosa (Aves: Columbidae para Santa Catarina, região sul do Brasil. Um indivíduo foi observado em 10 de setembro de 2006 em uma área aberta (pastagens para gado e vegetação arbustiva no município de Anita Garibaldi (centro-sul do estado. Sugerimos que este encontro pontual é resultado de uma recente expansão da distribuição desta espécie devido a modificações na paisagem nesta região.

  4. Nuevas otras de Jenaro Pérez Villaamil y Carlos de Haes

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    Arias Anglés, Enrique


    Full Text Available La intención del presente trabajo es dar a conocer y catalogar algunas obras, aparecidas últimamente, de estos dos grandes maestros del paisajismo español del siglo XIX. Unas tienen el interés de aportamos, o ampliamos, la visión de una etapa determinada del artista de la que tenemos escaso conocimiento; otras meramente contribuyen a aumentar el catálogo conocido de las obras de estos pintores y, aunque nada nuevo aporten al juicio que de su pintura poseemos en general, ya eso mismo siempre resulta de por sí un valor añadido a su producción, y más si se trata de algún buen cuadro; y, por último, también tenemos el caso de la obra que ha podido ser identificada gracias a sernos conocido previamente su dibujo preparatorio. Comenzaremos por las que nos amplían la visión de una etapa pictórica poco conocida del paisajista romántico español Jenaro Pérez Villaamil…

  5. Aves explorando flores de Erythrina fusca (Leguminosae, Fabaceae durante a estação seca no Pantanal de Mato Grosso Exploitation of Erythrina fusca (Leguminosae, Fabaceae flowers by birds during the dry season in Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    Ricardo Parrini


    Full Text Available Estudos recentes têm evidenciado a importância de flores como recurso alimentar de diversas espécies de aves neotropicais. Este estudo teve o objetivo de listar espécies e descrever o comportamento das aves que se alimentaram de recursos florais de Erythrina fusca (Fabaceae no Pantanal Mato-Grossense. Para isso, foram acompanhadas aves que se alimentaram em 14 árvores floridas dessa espécie em um total de cerca de 25 horas de observação. Como resultados, 20 espécies de aves pertencentes a sete famílias taxonômicas foram observadas alimentando-se de recursos florais de E. fusca. Apesar de várias espécies de aves terem apresentado comportamentos destrutivos em maior proporção, algumas espécies, sobretudo das famílias Trochilidae e Icteridae, apresentaram estratégias alimentares compatíveis com o transporte de pólen. O cruzamento dos dados obtidos neste estudo com os da literatura indicam que a família Icteridae pode ter relevante papel na polinização dessa espécie vegetal.Recent studies reported the importance of flowers in the diet of many Neotropical bird species. In this paper we identify and describe the feeding behaviour of bird species that feed on flower resources of Erythrina fusca (Fabaceae in the Pantanal Mato-Grossense, Brazil. We recorded birds foraging in 14 flowered individuals of E. fusca during 25 hours of observation. We recorded 20 bird species belonging to seven families feeding on the flowers. Several of the observed behaviours were destructive, despite some species, especially the Trochilidae and Icteridae, showed feeding strategies that preserve the integrity of the flowers and are compatible with pollen transportation. The comparison of the data gathered in this study with the available literature indicates that the Icteridae may play an important role in pollination of this tree species.

  6. La otra América. Influencia de la literatura estadounidense en Roberto Bolaño


    Fernández Díaz, José Javier


    Los vínculos entre la literatura estadounidense y la obra de Roberto Bolaño han sido objeto de numerosas reseñas y artículos. Sin embargo su estudio hasta la fecha no ha cristalizado en un trabajo monográfico. «La otra América: influencias de la literatura estadounidense en Roberto Bolaño» tiene entre sus objetivos construir un mapa literario que dé cuenta del diálogo entre textos y autores. El corpus de la tesis se ha extraído de las más de cien menciones explícitas a escritores y libros est...

  7. Influences of nutrition on the biology and midgut histology of gamma irradiated Musca domestica L. (diptera: muscidae)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banditsing, C.


    The interaction between gamma irradiation and nutrition in the house fly, M. domestica, was investigated following irradiation of 2-hr-old adult virgin females mated with non-irradiated males. Radiation levels used were: 0 (non-irradiated), 250 rads, 500 rads, 750 rads, and 1,500 rads. Flies were fed diets consisting of varying ratio by weight of casein and sucrose at 1:1, 0.5:1, 1:0.5, and 0.1 respectively, and kept in the insectary at 25 +- 2 0 C and 70 percent R.H. Egg hatchability, adult emergence, body and ovary weights, survival of irradiated females, and histopathology were investigated at 4, 7, 11, and 15 days after irradiation. Survival of irradiated females was also determined at 45 days after irradiation. The results of these studies suggest that carbohydrate is important in house fly survival and repair of radiation damage

  8. A apropriação e transformação de As Aves, de Aristófanes, por Paul Muldoon

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    Munira H Mutran


    Full Text Available Um texto como As Aves, de Aristófanes, produzido em Dionísia em 414 a.C., é passível de diferentes leituras e interpretações. Este artigo examina as relações intertextuais entre o original grego e sua recente tradução pelo poeta irlandês Paul Muldoon; investiga, também, como os motivos predominantes de guerra, política, corrupção e utopia tornaram-se significativos na tradução de 1999.

  9. NRE81/10: Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la oficina de control interno durante el ejercicio 2014


    Universidad de Granada


    Resoluci??n del Rectorado de la Universidad de Granada por la que se aprueba la programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la oficina de control interno durante el ejercicio 2014.

  10. Molecular phylogeny of the spoonbills (Aves: Threskiornithidae) based on mitochondrial DNA (United States)

    Chesser, R. Terry; Yeung, Carol K.L.; Yao, Cheng-Te; Tian, Xiu-Hua; Li, Shou-Hsien


    Spoonbills (genus Platalea) are a small group of wading birds, generally considered to constitute the subfamily Plataleinae (Aves: Threskiornithidae). We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships among the six species of spoonbills using variation in sequences of the mitochondrial genes ND2 and cytochrome b (total 1796 bp). Topologies of phylogenetic trees reconstructed using maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and Bayesian analyses were virtually identical and supported monophyly of the spoonbills. Most relationships within Platalea received strong support: P. minor and P. regia were closely related sister species, P. leucorodia was sister to the minor-regia clade, and P. alba was sister to the minor-regia-leucorodia clade. Relationships of P. flavipes and P. ajaja were less well resolved: these species either formed a clade that was sister to the four-species clade, or were successive sisters to this clade. This phylogeny is consistent with ideas of relatedness derived from spoonbill morphology. Our limited sampling of the Threskiornithinae (ibises), the putative sister group to the spoonbills, indicated that this group is paraphyletic, in agreement with previous molecular data; this suggests that separation of the Threskiornithidae into subfamilies Plataleinae and Threskiornithinae may not be warranted.

  11. Niche evolution and diversification in a Neotropical radiation of birds (Aves: Furnariidae). (United States)

    Seeholzer, Glenn F; Claramunt, Santiago; Brumfield, Robb T


    Rapid diversification may be caused by ecological adaptive radiation via niche divergence. In this model, speciation is coupled with niche divergence and lineage diversification is predicted to be correlated with rates of niche evolution. Studies of the role of niche evolution in diversification have generally focused on ecomorphological diversification but climatic-niche evolution may also be important. We tested these alternatives using a phylogeny of 298 species of ovenbirds (Aves: Furnariidae). We found that within Furnariidae, variation in species richness and diversification rates of subclades were best predicted by rate of climatic-niche evolution than ecomorphological evolution. Although both are clearly important, univariate regression and multivariate model averaging more consistently supported the climatic-niche as the best predictor of lineage diversification. Our study adds to the growing body of evidence, suggesting that climatic-niche divergence may be an important driver of rapid diversification in addition to ecomorphological evolution. However, this pattern may depend on the phylogenetic scale at which rate heterogeneity is examined. © 2017 The Author(s). Evolution © 2017 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  12. Noteworthy bird records at Lagoa Santa, southeastern Brazil Registros notáveis de aves em Lagoa Santa, sudeste do Brasil

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    Marcos Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Lagoa Santa, a small town in southeastern Brazil where naturalist Peter Lund lived, is regarded nowadays as an important historical site for the biological sciences. From 1847 to 1855, J.T. Reinhardt, hosted by Lund, collected 343 bird species. This material is an outstanding reference for many modern ornithological studies. The present paper reports the occurrence of some rare and threatened birds for the region of Lagoa Santa between 1998 and 2005. In this account I list the Rusty-margined Guan Penelope superciliaris Temminck, 1815; the Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja Linnaeus, 1758; the Maguari Stork Ciconia maguari (Gmelin, 1789; the Wood Stork Mycteria americana Linnaeus, 1758; the Black Hawk-eagle Spizaetus tyrannus (Wied, 1820 and the Turquoise-fronted Parrot Amazona aestiva (Linnaeus, 1758. It is also reported the southernmost record for the Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna (Linnaeus, 1758 and the range extension of the Crowned Slaty flycatcher Griseotyrannus aurantioatrocristatus (d'Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837. These data can be used as a baseline for studies of colonization and extinction.Lagoa Santa, cidade onde viveu Peter Lund é um dos sítios de maior importância histórica para as ciências biológicas. Durante os anos de 1847 e 1855, J.T. Reinhardt, a convite de Lund, coletou 343 espécies de aves que são hoje referência para vários estudos ornitológicos. O presente artigo relata a ocorrência de algumas aves raras e/ou ameaçadas para a região de Lagoa Santa, entre 1998 e 2005. A lista de espécies inclui a jacupemba Penelope superciliaris Temminck, 1815, o colhereiro Platalea ajaja Linnaeus, 1758, a maguari Ciconia maguari (Gmelin, 1789, a cabeça-seca Mycteria americana Linnaeus, 1758, o gavião-pega-macaco Spizaetus tyrannus (Wied, 1820; e o papagaio-verdadeiro Amazona aestiva (Linnaeus, 1758. Relata-se também a ocorrência mais meridional da arara-canindé Ara ararauna (Linnaeus, 1758, e a expansão da distribui

  13. El electroencefalograma en el síndrome de West y otras entidades clínicas relacionadas


    Pozo Lauzán, Desiderio Rafael; Pozo Alonso, Albia Josefina; Sayú Stewart, José Manuel


    Se realiza una revisión de las características electroencefalográficas de los espasmos infantiles, espasmos epilépticos o síndrome de West, y otras entidades relacionadas con este. Se enfatiza en los patrones más frecuentes, fundamentalmente en los 2 tipos de hipsarritmia: clásica y periódica o fragmentada, observados en el síndrome anteriormente mencionado. Se comenta en relación con el trazado de suppression-burst o paroxismos-supresión, y su correlación con los síndromes de Ohtahara, y Aic...

  14. LD50 and inviably dose of gamma radiation for Musca domestica L., 1758 (diptera: muscidae) pupae aged 1, 2, 3 and 4 days

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itepan, Natanael M.; Itepan, Sara E.D.Z.


    This experiment was carried out in Biological Control of Domestic Fly 'Eduardo Hiroshi Mizumoto' Laboratory at Entomology and Acarology Department (LEA/ESALQ/USP) and in Food Irradiation and Radioentomology Laboratory (LIARE/CENA/USP). The gamma radiation source that was used is a Co-60 irradiator model Gammabeam-650 of the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. whose activity in the beginning of the experiments was 9.8x10 13 Bq. (2,644 Ci). The lots of pupae of Musca domestica had been kept in acclimatized room with 25 ± 2 deg C of temperature and 70 ± 5% of relative humidity, until reaching the desired ages. Lots of pupae of M. domestica that had been used, gotten by the flotation process. They had been irradiated with the ages of 1, 2, 3 and 4 days. The used doses for 1 day pupae was 0 (control) 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 20, 22.5, 25, 27.5 and 30 Gy; for 2 days pupae: 0 (control), 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280 and 300 Gy; for 3 days pupae: 0 (control), 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280, 320 and 360 Gy; and for 4 days pupae: 0 (control), 40; 80; 120; 160, 200, 240, 280, 320, 360, 400 480 and 520 Gy. The dose rate was about 1,500Gy/hr. At these age intervals, the dose to prevent adult emergence was 25, 220, 360 and 520 Gy and the LD50 was 14.28, 128.04, 243.09 e 353.57 Gy, respectively. (author)

  15. LD50 and inviably dose of gamma radiation for Musca domestica L., 1758 (diptera: muscidae) pupae aged 1, 2, 3 and 4 days

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Itepan, Natanael M., E-mail: [Instituto Federal de Sao Paulo (IFSP), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil); Itepan, Sara E.D.Z., E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (FFCLRP/USP), Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Filosofia Ciencias e Letras; Arthur, Valter, E-mail: [Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP), Piracicaba, SP (Brazil)


    This experiment was carried out in Biological Control of Domestic Fly 'Eduardo Hiroshi Mizumoto' Laboratory at Entomology and Acarology Department (LEA/ESALQ/USP) and in Food Irradiation and Radioentomology Laboratory (LIARE/CENA/USP). The gamma radiation source that was used is a Co-60 irradiator model Gammabeam-650 of the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. whose activity in the beginning of the experiments was 9.8x10{sup 13} Bq. (2,644 Ci). The lots of pupae of Musca domestica had been kept in acclimatized room with 25 ± 2 deg C of temperature and 70 ± 5% of relative humidity, until reaching the desired ages. Lots of pupae of M. domestica that had been used, gotten by the flotation process. They had been irradiated with the ages of 1, 2, 3 and 4 days. The used doses for 1 day pupae was 0 (control) 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 20, 22.5, 25, 27.5 and 30 Gy; for 2 days pupae: 0 (control), 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280 and 300 Gy; for 3 days pupae: 0 (control), 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280, 320 and 360 Gy; and for 4 days pupae: 0 (control), 40; 80; 120; 160, 200, 240, 280, 320, 360, 400 480 and 520 Gy. The dose rate was about 1,500Gy/hr. At these age intervals, the dose to prevent adult emergence was 25, 220, 360 and 520 Gy and the LD50 was 14.28, 128.04, 243.09 e 353.57 Gy, respectively. (author)


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    Musa Abu Hassan


    Full Text Available Why should public relations (PR not be evaluated for its economic value? Despite the point of its social or intangible values, the argument goes on and on in most management meetings where PR practitioners always face the challenges of justifying their worth – often in monetary terms. In an open dialogue with Grunig during his visit to Malaysia in 2004, this renowned PR guru also expressed the difficulty of quantifying the actual PR worth. It is best to qualify PR values by assessing its priceless relationships with the company’s stakeholders. However, in our routine business life, especially at the middle management level, the above question seems unavoidable. In enhancing excellence for PR and communication management, Ehling (1992 placed the logic underlying the economic values of PR on the relationship between benefits and costs associated with the implementation of a PR programme. The above question and problem serve as the main objective of this article. In exploring the solutions for the quantification of PR values in Malaysia, economic education is taken as a remedy for the absence of knowledge and skills in making intelligent decisions in the marketplace (Baskin et al., 1997; Lattimor et al., 2004. In this research context, the researchers (a combination of a practitioner and an academician respectively confined the scope to the experience of a selected public-listed company for its PR campaign implemented in 2004. Quantification was attempted by evaluating the assessment in print media exposures. All earned media coverage for that particular PR campaign was measured for the media type, space, position, and the corresponding advertising rate. Monetary value was assigned to every single piece of PR news in the way disbursements are made to paid media for advertising activities. The explication of this advertising-value-equivalent (AVE method in quantifying economic values for PR news with regard to the selected campaign was made

  17. A three-dimensional stereotaxic atlas of the gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) brain. (United States)

    Majka, Piotr; Chlodzinska, Natalia; Turlejski, Krzysztof; Banasik, Tomasz; Djavadian, Ruzanna L; Węglarz, Władysław P; Wójcik, Daniel K


    The gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica) is a small marsupial gaining recognition as a laboratory animal in biomedical research. Despite numerous studies on opossum neuroanatomy, a consistent and comprehensive neuroanatomical reference for this species is still missing. Here we present the first three-dimensional, multimodal atlas of the Monodelphis opossum brain. It is based on four complementary imaging modalities: high resolution ex vivo magnetic resonance images, micro-computed tomography scans of the cranium, images of the face of the cutting block, and series of sections stained with the Nissl method and for myelinated fibers. Individual imaging modalities were reconstructed into a three-dimensional form and then registered to the MR image by means of affine and deformable registration routines. Based on a superimposition of the 3D images, 113 anatomical structures were demarcated and the volumes of individual regions were measured. The stereotaxic coordinate system was defined using a set of cranial landmarks: interaural line, bregma, and lambda, which allows for easy expression of any location within the brain with respect to the skull. The atlas is released under the Creative Commons license and available through various digital atlasing web services.

  18. Characterization of three chalcone synthase-like genes from apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.). (United States)

    Yahyaa, Mosaab; Ali, Samah; Davidovich-Rikanati, Rachel; Ibdah, Muhammad; Shachtier, Alona; Eyal, Yoram; Lewinsohn, Efraim; Ibdah, Mwafaq


    Apple (Malus x domestica Brokh.) is a widely cultivated deciduous tree species of significant economic importance. Apple leaves accumulate high levels of flavonoids and dihydrochalcones, and their formation is dependent on enzymes of the chalcone synthase family. Three CHS genes were cloned from apple leaves and expressed in Escherichia coli. The encoded recombinant enzymes were purified and functionally characterized. In-vitro activity assays indicated that MdCHS1, MdCHS2 and MdCHS3 code for proteins exhibiting polyketide synthase activity that accepted either p-dihydrocoumaroyl-CoA, p-coumaroyl-CoA, or cinnamoyl-CoA as starter CoA substrates in the presence of malonyl-CoA, leading to production of phloretin, naringenin chalcone, and pinocembrin chalcone. MdCHS3 coded a chalcone-dihydrochalcone synthase enzyme with narrower substrate specificity than the previous ones. The apparent Km values of MdCHS3 for p-dihydrocoumaryl-CoA and p-coumaryl-CoA were both 5.0 μM. Expression analyses of MdCHS genes varied according to tissue type. MdCHS1, MdCHS2 and MdCHS3 expression levels were associated with the levels of phloretin accumulate in the respective tissues. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Relação entre Triatoma infestans, aves domésticas e o homem num povoado de Santiago del Estero, Argentina The relationship between Triatoma infestans, poultry, and humans in a rural settlement in Santiago del Estero, Argentina

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    Patrícia P. Gajate


    Full Text Available Determinou-se a associação entre Triatoma infestans, aves domésticas e o homem no povoado de Trinidad, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Para coletar triatomíneos foram realizadas quatro amostragens no peridomicílio de seis casas, utilizando-se o método de captura hora/homem (dezembro de 1991 a outubro de 1992. Os anexos foram classificados em antrópicos (onde o homem realiza atividades cotidianas e não-antrópicos. Além disso, determinou-se o perfil alimentar dos barbeiros. De um total de 134 ecótopos investigados, 21% tinham T. infestans; 22% possuíam aves domésticas; e 54% eram antrópicos. Em 25% destes ecótopos foram encontradas aves e T. infestans simultaneamente. As aves foram os únicos animais domésticos associados com o T. infestans, sendo que esta relação só ocorreu nos ecótopos antrópicos. A proporção de ingestas em aves (61/146 foi altamente significativa. Em Trinidad não há galinheiros, utilizando-se, assim, os anexos entrópicos do peridomicílio como local para se construir os ninhos para as aves. tanto pelos elementos usados na preparação dos ninhos como pelo uso posterior dos mesmos, poder-se-ia estabelecer um fluxo periódico de barbeiros do intradomicílio para o peridomicílio, e vice-versa, através do transporte passivo. Esta relação estreita entre Triatoma infestans, aves domésticas e o homem, encontrada nos ecótopos antrópicos, onde também existem outros reservatórios de T. cruzi, como os cães, favorece a manutenção de colônias de barbeiros domiciliares e a transmissão da doença de Chagas ao homem.An association was determined between Triatona infestans, poultry, and humans in Trinidad, in the Province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. To collect triatomines, four samples were taken at the area immediately surrounding six houses by the one hour/man capture method (December 1991 - October 1992. Peridomiciliary ecotopes were classified as arthropic (where humans carry out daily


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    Janet Noseda Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Se investigaron los significados de la sexualidad en hombres transexuales. La muestra estuvo compuesta por diez participantes, a quienes se les entrevistó a través de entrevistas en profundidad, siendo los resultados contrastados y co construidos con los participantes para luego ser analizados los datos a través del análisis de contenido. Los resultados arrojaron que los hombres transexuales significan la sexualidad como un acto de profunda conexión afectuosa con otra persona, no determinada por la penetración si no que más bien por la exploración del cuerpo como un todo, transitando desde la genitalidad hacia un cuerpo que es significado como un solo órgano sexual, transmutando hacia una sexualidad más compleja, caracterizada por diversas y distintas prácticas que terminan por romper con el heterocentrismo. El estudio arrojó que los significados de relación sexual difieren completamente al de los de hombres biológicos. Se hacen necesarios más estudios acerca de la transexualidad masculina y de la sexualidad en parejas no heterosexuales.

  1. Old Apple (Malus domestica L. Borkh) Varieties with Hypoallergenic Properties: An Integrated Approach for Studying Apple Allergenicity. (United States)

    Vegro, Mara; Eccher, Giulia; Populin, Francesca; Sorgato, Chiara; Savazzini, Federica; Pagliarani, Giulia; Tartarini, Stefano; Pasini, Gabriella; Curioni, Andrea; Antico, Andrea; Botton, Alessandro


    Freshly consumed apples (Malus domestica L. Borkh) can cause allergic reactions because of the presence of four classes of allergens. Knowledge of the genetic factors affecting the allergenic potential of apples would provide important information for the selection of hypoallergenic genotypes, which can be combined with the adoption of new agronomical practices to produce fruits with a reduced amount of allergens. In the present research, a multiple analytical approach was adopted to characterize the allergenic potential of 24 apple varieties released at different ages (pre- and post-green revolution). A specific workflow was set up including protein quantification by means of polyclonal antibodies, immunological analyses with sera of allergic subjects, enzymatic assays, clinical assessments on allergic patients, and gene expression assays on fruit samples. Taken as a whole, the results indicate that most of the less allergenic genotypes were found among those deriving from selection processes carried out prior to the so-called "green revolution".

  2. NRE40/3: Plan de Control Interno, Auditor??as y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el ejercicio 2011


    Universidad de Granada


    Resoluci??n del Rectorado de la Universidad de Granada por el que se aprueba la programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, Auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el ejercicio 2011.

  3. Reduction of Escherichia coli, Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni in poultry manure by rearing of Musca domestica fly larvae

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordentoft, Steen; Fischer, C.; Bjerrum, L.


    A major barrier for using animal waste as substrate for production of insects for feed or food is the concern for safety of the end products. In this study we investigated how rearing of fly larvae of Musca domestica in poultry manure influenced the counts of three pathogenic test strains...... of the larvae stage. This study provides data for evaluation of feed safety of fly larvae reared on animal waste. Furthermore suggests a potential use for reduction of these pathogens in manure........ Enteritidis, and C. jejuni was faster in manure with rearing of fly larvae than in manure without larvae; an 8 log10 reduction of all three test bacteria was observed within four days in manure with larvae; compared to manure without larvae where a 1 to 2 log10 was observed. We found no sign of propagation...

  4. Reproductive periods in birds near the Equator Reproductive periods in birds near the Equator

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    Miller Alden H.


    Full Text Available Para el estudio de los ciclos reproductivos de las aves cerca al ecuador se seleccionó el Gorrión (Zonotrichia capensis teniendo en cuenta que se han realizado estudios intensivos en especies próximas que habitan el hemisferio norte.  Se escogió como estación de trabajo, el sitio denominado Mares localizado en la cima de la Cordillera Occidental sobre la carretera que conduce de Cali a Buenaventura. Mediante trabajos de anillado, instalación de trampas para captura de las aves, realización de laparotomías y observación constante. se ha llegado a las siguientes conclusiones preliminares: a Que las aves cerca del ecuador tienen como en otras latitudes periodos o ciclos de reproducción, aunque la especie en conjunto pueda estar anidando prácticamente durante todo el año. b Que los machos están en condiciones fisiológicas para reproducirse a los cinco meses de edad y que con seguridad algunos permanecen en condiciones de reproducción durante cuatro meses continuos; además que las hembras anidan a los cinco meses de edad. c Que estas aves tienen una marcada resistencia contra las infecciones que podrían sobrevenirles por el empleo de instrumental quirúrgico sin previa desinfección, usado en las intervenciones.  Algunos individuos fueron operados hasta tres veces y tan solo se sabe de uno que murió, no debido a infección sino a una alta dosis de anestesia. A partir del ocho de febrero del presente año, se han anillado ciento veinte (120 individuos en un área aproximada de dos hectáreas, y se ha coleccionado material adicional en la vecindad de la estación de estudio, el cual se preserva para futuros estudios comparativos. Para el estudio de los ciclos reproductivos de las aves cerca al ecuador se seleccionó el Gorrión (Zonotrichia capensis teniendo en cuenta que se han realizado estudios intensivos en especies próximas que habitan el hemisferio norte. Se escogió como estación de trabajo, el sitio denominado Mares

  5. Isolation of fungi in Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758 (Diptera: Muscidae captured at two natural breeding grounds in the municipality of Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Sales Márcia de Senna Nunes


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to isolate and identify fungal species found in natural association with adults of Musca domestica. The adult insects were collected from two natural breeding grounds: hog pens and an urban sanitary landfill. The isolated fungi were identified as: Aspergillus flavus (23.8%, A. niger var. niger (14.4%, Penicillium corylophilum (21.4%, P. fellutanum (11.9%, Cladosporium cladosporoides (4.7%, Fusarium sp. (4.7%, Alternaria alternata (11.9%, Curvularia brachyspora (2.4%, Mycelia sterilia (2.4% and the Mucorales order (2.4%.

  6. Presencia de campylobacter jejuni en aves de corral y sus manipuladores

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    Fabio Carmona


    Full Text Available En una granja procesadora de aves en la ciudad de Cali, donde se sacrifican 12.000 animales diarios, se escogió para buscar Campylobacter jejuni una muestra de 120 pollos tomando como base una prevalencia del 80% y empleando un muestreo sistemático para dar una mayor cobertura teniendo en cuenta que la procedencia de los animales variaba diariamente. El porcentaje de positividad en materia fecal fue de 98.33% (118/120. Con la finalidad de averiguar el grado de higiene empleado en la manipulación de las canales, se frotó la superficie de ellos antes y después de introducirle las vísceras que es sabido van dentro del pollo al llegar al consumidor; se encontró que las canales con vísceras estaban contaminadas en un 18.33% (11/60 mientras que antes de este procedimiento la contaminación tan solo fue del 8.33% (5/60. También fueron examinadas 62 personas para buscar en ellas el C. jejuni encontrhndose en 5 (8.06% la bacteria. A todas las cepas aisladas se les probó la sensibilidad a la eritromicina usando disco de 15 Ug observándose un 100% de sensibilidad a la droga.

  7. Effect of irradiance and spectral composition of radiation on in vitro shoot proliferation in Malus domestica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noè, N.; Eccher, T.; Bonini, L.


    Four clones of Malus domestica cv. Golden Delicious - namely Smoothee, Crielaard, Reinders and Golden B - were cultured in vitro from single-node microcuttings placed on solid medium under irradiance (PPFD) of 50 micromol m -2 s -1 . After 9 months an average shoot proliferation of 5.3 was achieved; Crielaard showed the highest rate (7.1), followed Golden B (5.4), Smoothee and Reinders (4.4). Proliferating shoots were then exposed to higher PPFD (80 micromol m -2 s -1 ) and different spectral composition of radiation using PMMA-B and PMMA-R/FR filters. High PPFD decreased the average proliferation rate to 4.5, in particular in Crielaard and Golden B, while it increased proliferation in Reinders. When a PMMA-R/FR filter was interposed, the mean proliferation rate slightly increased. PMMA-B filters decreased the overall proliferation rate to 3.0; only in Crielaard it was increased, but shoots were very small. Thus PPFD and spectral composition influenced in vitro shoot proliferation and growth and the responses were different among the clones. (author)

  8. Características técnico-sanitarias de expendios de carnes, pescados, aves y huevos de la ciudad de Tunja 2003


    Fred Gustavo Manrique-Abril; Diego Alexander Manrique-Abril; Pablo Fernandez; Elena Patricia Castro-Montaña


    Se presenta una caracterización epidemiológica de los expendios de carnes, pescado y aves de Tunja en el año 2003, resultado del diagnóstico sanitario del municipio y las visitas adelantadas por la unidad de saneamiento. Al partir del compromiso que el sector salud tiene en el componente de ambiente, surge la necesidad de crear un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica ambiental, cuya metodología y estrategia esté orientada hacia el conocimiento de los factores de riesgo ambientales a que están...

  9. Efectos de un Inhibidor de Síntesis de Quitina en el Control de Población de Musca Domestica en una Piara Comercial

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    Hoyos Duque Diego


    Full Text Available La Musca domestica asociada a las actividades pecuarias, se ha convertido en un grave problema económico y sanitario dadas las notables cantidades de desechos orgánicos generados por éstas. Se evaluó la actividad y eficacia de un insecticida inhibidor de la síntesis de quitina administrado en el alimento a cerdos en engorde. Para ello se conformaron tres grupos de animales, uno por tratamiento. A cada grupo se le suministró el insecticida mezclado en el alimento así: 25, 12,5 y 0 ppm. Los animales, durante 15 días, consumieron el alimento medicado. Durante los 7 días siguientes consumieron alimento sin medicar. En ambos periodos se evaluó el efecto del insecticida. Para ello, en los días 2, 6, 9, 12 y 15 del primer periodo, se sembraron muestras fecales con larvas de M. domestica. Igual se hizo a los 2,4, 6 y 8 del segundo periodo. Posteriormente se hicieron los recuentos de transformación de larvas a pupas y de eclosión de adultos, encontrándose un control efectivo tanto de la pupación como de la emergencia de adultos sin diferencia significativa entre las dos dosis utilizadas y significativa entre estas y la de O ppm. Se halló un incremento de la metahemoglobina proporcional a la dosis usada y no se detectaron, con la prueba de ICH, efectos teratogénicos. Se recomienda, para bajar picos poblacionales e implementar un programa integrado de control, el uso de 12,2 ppm, usada en periodos alternados de 7 días, excepto en cerdos de menos de 40 kilos y hembras gestantes.

  10. Variación temporal y espacial de aves playeras en la laguna Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, en tres temporadas no reproductivas Temporal and spatial variation of shorebirds in Barra de Navidad lagoon, Jalisco, during three non-breeding seasons

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    Salvador Hernández


    Full Text Available Hay un escaso conocimiento de las aves playeras en los humedales costeros de Jalisco, y en particular en la laguna Barra de Navidad. El presente trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de este grupo de aves y describe su distribución temporal y espacial en la laguna Barra de Navidad durante tres temporadas no reproductivas (1999-2000, 2006-2007 y 2008-2009. Se realizaron censos mensuales de noviembre-abril en las tres temporadas con el fin de registrar todas las especies de aves playeras. Se identificaron 19 especies (tres residentes y 16 visitantes de invierno, de las cuales Charadrius wilsonia, Limosa fedoa y Tringa semipalmata presentaron la mayor abundancia. Doce especies son consideradas como prioritarias en la “Estrategia para la Conservación y Manejo de las Aves Playeras y su Hábitat en México”. El mayor número de especies fue registrado en noviembre, diciembre y marzo en la primera y tercera temporada. El mayor número de individuos fue registrado alimentándose en marea baja, principalmente en diciembre, enero y febrero de la primera y tercera temporada. En marea baja hubo un mayor número de especies e individuos alimentándose en la zona C. Esta zona se caracterizó por tener sustratos lodosos expuestos durante marea baja y que fueron aprovechados por las aves para alimentarse. La laguna Barra de Navidad proporcionó hábitats de alimentación y descanso para las aves residentes y migratorias. Sin embargo, estos hábitats se ven amenazados por las actividades humanas realizadas dentro de la laguna, que sin duda tendrán consecuencias negativas para la distribución y abundancia de las aves playeras.Resident and migratory shorebirds inhabit different kinds of wetlands such as lagoons, rivers and seashores among others. In recent years, these areas have been importantly affected by urban, agriculture and touristic activities, such as the Barra de Navidad lagoon, for which little information is available to support conservation

  11. Molecular survey on zoonotic tick-borne bacteria and chlamydiae in feral pigeons (Columba livia domestica). (United States)

    Ebani, Valentina Virginia; Bertelloni, Fabrizio; Mani, Paolo


    To determine the presence of zoonotic tick-borne bacteria in feral pigeons (Columba livia domestica) from urban areas. Spleen samples from 84 feral pigeons, found dead with traumatic injuries in urban areas, were examined by PCR to detect DNA of Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Bartonella spp., Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Coxiella burnetii, Rickettsia spp., and Chlamydophila spp. Twenty (23.8%) pigeons were infected by tick-borne agents, in particular 2 (2.38%) animals resulted positive for Bartonella spp., 5 (5.95%) for C. burnetii, 5 (5.95%) for Rickettsia spp., 13 (15.47%) for B. burgdorferi sensu lato. All birds scored negative for A. phagocytophilum. Moreover, 17 (20.23%) pigeons were positive for Chlamydophila spp. and among them 10 (11.9%) for Chlamydophila psittaci. Mixed infections by two or three agents were detected in 8 (9.52%) animals. Feral pigeons living in urban and periurban areas are a hazard for the human health as source of several pathogens. The obtained results confirm pigeons as reservoirs of chlamydial agents and suggest that they may be involved in the epidemiology of zoonotic tick-borne infections too. Copyright © 2016 Hainan Medical College. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. The relative contribution of fruits and arthropods to the diet of three trogon species (Aves, Trogonidae in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest A contribuição relativa de frutos e artrópodes para a dieta de três espécies de surucuás (Aves, Trogonidae na Mata Atlântica

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    Marco Aurélio Pizo


    Full Text Available Trogons are pan-tropical forest birds that eat a mix of fruits and arthropods. With direct observations of wild feeding birds, I assessed the relative contribution of fruits and arthropods to the diet of three trogon species (Trogonviridis, T.surrucura, and T.rufus at Parque Estadual Intervales, southeast Brazil. Fruits and arthropods made the bulk of the food items recorded, with a tendency of frugivory increasing with body mass. The Trogon species differed in the proportion of fruits and arthropods taken, with T.viridis being the most frugivorous species (66% of feeding bouts, n = 47. The relative contribution of fruits and arthropods did not differ between the wet and dry seasons for any species. In the omnivorous gradient, T.viridis is close to the frugivorous extreme, whereas T.surrucura and T.rufus is next to the insectivorous end. Such a distinction may have important consequences for the territoriality and social behavior of these birds.Os surucuás são aves florestais pantropicais que se alimentam de frutos e artrópodes. Com observações diretas de aves forrageando na natureza, estudei a contribuição relativa de frutos e artrópodes para a dieta de três espécies de surucuás (Trogonviridis, T.surrucura, and T.rufus no Parque Estadual Intervales, sudeste do Brasil. Frutos e artrópodes foram os itens mais registrados, com uma tendência do grau de frugivoria aumentar com o aumento da massa corporal da ave. As três espécies diferiram em relação à proporção de frutos e artrópodes de que se alimentam; T.viridisfoi a espécie mais frugívora (66% dos registros, n = 47. As contribuições relativas de frutos e artrópodes para a dieta não diferiram entre as estações seca e úmida para nenhuma das três espécies. A diferença no grau de frugivoria aqui revelada pode ter conseqüências importantes para a territorialidade e organização social dos surucuás.

  13. Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in domestic (Columba livia domestica) and wild (Columba livia livia) pigeons in Niğde region, Turkey. (United States)

    Karatepe, Mustafa; Kılıç, Selçuk; Karatepe, Bilge; Babür, Cahit


    The present study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii specific antibodies in domestic (Columba livia domestica) and wild (Columba livia livia) pigeons between October 2003-June 2004. Blood samples were collected from 216 pigeons, consisting of 105 (55 female, 50 male) domestic pigeons and 111 (53 female, 58 male) wild pigeons. The sera were tested for T. gondii antibodies using the Sabin Feldman Dye Test (SFDT). One of the 105 (0.95%) domestic pigeon and one of the 111 (0.90%) wild pigeon were found to be seropositive for T. gondii antibodies at the titer of 1:16. This is the first serological study on toxoplasmosis in the domestic and wild pigeon in the Niğde region of Turkey.

  14. Involvement of Auxin and Brassinosteroid in Dwarfism of Autotetraploid Apple (Malus × domestica). (United States)

    Ma, Yue; Xue, Hao; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Feng; Ou, Chunqing; Wang, Feng; Zhang, Zhihong


    The plant height is an important trait in fruit tree. However, the molecular mechanism on dwarfism is still poorly understood. We found that colchicine-induced autotetraploid apple plants (Malus × domestica) exhibited a dwarf phenotype. The vertical length of cortical parenchyma cells was shorter in autotetraploids than in diploids, by observing paraffin sections. Hormone levels of indoleacetic acid (IAA) and brassinosteroid (BR) were significantly decreased in 3- and 5-year-old autotetraploid plants. Digital gene expression (DGE) analysis showed that the differentially expressed genes were mainly involved in IAA and BR pathways. microRNA390 was significantly upregulated according to microarray analysis. Exogenous application of IAA and BR promoted stem elongation of both apple plants grown in medium. The results show that dwarfing in autotetraploid apple plants is most likely regulated by IAA and BR. The dwarf phenotype of autotetraploid apple plants could be due to accumulation of miR390 after genome doubling, leading to upregulation of apple trans-acting short-interfering RNA 3 (MdTAS3) expression, which in turn downregulates the expression of MdARF3. Overall, this leads to partial interruption of the IAA and BR signal transduction pathway. Our study provides important insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying dwarfism in autopolyploid apple plants.

  15. Effiacy of citronella and eucalyptus oils against Musca domestica, Cimex lectularius and Pediculus humanus

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    Jehangir Khan


    Full Text Available Objective: To assess potential impacts of two indigenous plant oils: the citronella (Cymbopogon nardus and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus for their insecticidal effect against Musca domestica (house fly, Cimex lectularius (bed bug and Pediculus humanus (louse. Methods: The oils of these two medicinal plants were applied separately at various concentrations (1, 2 and 3 mL/cup in cups lined with filter paper containing the target insects. Mortality was evaluated after fixed intervals (6, 12 and 24 h subsequent to the release of adult insects. Results: Results showed that both oils exhibited concentration and time dependent mortality against the tested insects. Data pertaining to present investigation clearly showed that percentage mortality owing to these botanicals against these medical pests was significantly high (98.33% at the rate of 3 mL for 24 h of exposure, followed by 2 and 1 mL concentrations with 12 and 6 h of exposure times. Conclusions: The results suggest that these plant oils possess good insecticidal properties against house fly, bed bug, and louse, and are safe to humans. Furthermore, the molecular (biochemical based study of these botanicals against diverse species of pests will be of much significance to control these pest insects.

  16. Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan larva Musca domestica Linnaeus (Diptera: Muscidae dalam beberapa jenis kotoran ternak

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    Ramadhani Eka Putra


    Full Text Available House fly (Musca domestica is an important urban insect that can transmit various infectious diseases. This insect usually utilized organic wastes as nutrition source for their larvae. One of the main sources of organic wastes is livestock manure produced by animal farming located near human dwelling area. Thus, appropriate house fly population control program at animal farm is needed,based on information on the house fly’s life history. The research is focused on the development of house fly larvae reared with different livestock manures, such as cow, chicken, and horse. As comparison, rice bran were used as control. Results showed that larvae reared with horse manure has the shortest development time (5 days, with lowest larval survival rate (30%, pupal weight (6.8 ± 0.141 g, and weight of female imago (4.9 ± 0.14 g. This finding indicates the lowest nutrition value of horse manure for house flies larvae. Further research is needed to find the effect of manure to variables that directly influence population growth, such as fecundity of female flies and egg survivorship. These additional information on life history will help the design of appropriate house fly population management program for animal farm.

  17. Resíduos de aves e suínos: Potencialidades

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    Tiago Luan Hachmann


    Full Text Available O crescimento intenso da população mundial aumenta a demanda por alimentos. As carnes de frango e de suíno são as fontes mais exploradas de proteína na alimentação humana. Porém, com os métodos intensivos de produção, esses sistemas tem gerado insatisfação quanto ao aspecto ambiental e tem sido questionados quanto à sua sustentabilidade. A disposição inadequada dos resíduos gerados nos criatórios de suínos e aves afeta diretamente a qualidade do meio ambiente e a saúde pública. Assim deve-se buscar alternativas para minimizar os impactos causados ao meio, melhorando o aproveitamento e destinação desses resíduos. A aplicação desses resíduos nas áreas de produção agrícola é favorável à, tendo em vista que são uma fonte de nutrientes de grande demanda pelas culturas. Além disso é uma forma sustentável para destinação dos resíduos, já que promove seu reaproveitamento de forma a não poluir o ambiente e com alto retorno econômico. Dessa forma é possível aliar preservação ambiental com progresso econômico, promovendo uma produção sustentável.


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    Saúl Ugalde-Lezama


    Full Text Available Estudiar la coexistencia trófica en aves es relevante para su manejo y conservación. Para ello, de enero a octubre de 2008 se identificaron técnicas de cacería y componentes entomológicos de las dietas de aves piciformes. Para la observación de las aves se usó la técnica de búsqueda intensiva en puntos de radio fijo, y para su captura, redes de niebla. Melanerpes formicivorous y Picoides scalaris prefirieron las técnicas de cacería Perforar y Colectar. Dichas técnicas se explicaronpor cinco y cuatro variables (P<0.05, respectivamente. Los estratos más utilizados fueron Pinus cembroides y Quercus spp. Los órdenes de insectos más consumidos fueron Coleóptera y Hemíptera. Las principales familias registradas corresponden a Scolytidae, Curculionidae, Pentatomidae, Cicadellidae, Cleridae y Melyridae. Los insectos más consumidos fueron los tipo Plaga (P, No Plaga (NP y Predadores (PR. Se registró una proporción significativa de individuos (X2=9.19, X2 0.001(5=20.5 de insectos en las dietas. Sin embargo, no fue posible registrar todos los fragmentos (X2=56.33, X2 0.001(5=20.5. El número de individuos (a=0.05, P-value=0.2317 y fragmentos (a=0.05, P-value=0.2606 entre especies fue similar. Siete variables (P<0.05 determinaron la ocurrencia de grasa y el consumo de presas. Los Picidos bajo estudio, a pesar de poseer anatomías, fisiologías y etologías similares, coexistieron tróficamente segregados durante la procuración alimenticia, minimizando de esta manera la competencia interespecífica.



    Livia Danyelle Viana Lima; Bruno Vieira Cortez; Janaína de Moraes Silva


    Resumo: O exercício associado a terapia espelho potencializa a retenção de habilidades, melhorando o desempenho de atividades motoras de indivíduos hemiparéticos pós-AVE. Este estudo objetivou a análise do efeito da terapia espelho na amplitude de movimento e funcionalidade do membro inferior. Amostra composta de 11 participantes, com hemiparesia em membro inferior, submetidas a fisioterapia convencional. A intervenção constituiu de 10 atendimentos, 30 minutos diários e três vezes por semana....

  20. Trastornos oculares y otras enfermedades en casos con síndrome de Waardenburg Ocular disorders and other diseases in patients suffering from Waardenburg’s syndrome

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    Fidel Castro Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el síndrome de Waardenburg es una entidad infrecuente, hereditaria, que presenta heterocromía del iris, Distopia cantorum y cursa con cierto grado de discapacidad cuando aparece la hipoacusia neurosensorial entre otras alteraciones. Objetivo: determinar las alteraciones oculares y otras enfermedades crónicas de una familia afectada con el síndrome de Waardenburg. Material y método: estudio de casos, observacional, transversal y descriptivo realizado a una familia con síndrome de Waardenburg en el municipio Sandino. Se confeccionó base de datos automatizada. Las variables utilizadas fueron los trastornos de la agudeza visual, refracción visual y otras alteraciones. Se utilizaron medidas de frecuencia: absolutas y relativas porcentuales. Resultados: entre las alteraciones visuales crónicas 17 presentaron trastornos de la refracción, cuatro individuos padecían glaucoma y uno cataratas, no se encontró ningún caso de discapacidad visual. Los 4 individuos con hipertensión arterial, dos coinciden con los que padecen de glaucoma y la otra es diabética. Conclusiones: fueron detectados varios trastornos de la refracción y la agudeza visual, sin llegar a la discapacidad.Introduction: Waardenburg’s syndrome is a rare, hereditary entity which presents heterochromia of the iris, dystopia canthorum and having a certain degree of disability when sensorineural hypoacusis appears; among other alterations. Objective: to determine ocular alterations and other chronic diseases that a family suffering from Waardenburg’s syndrome present. Material and Method: observational, cross-sectional and descriptive case study carried out with a family suffering from Waardenburg’s syndrome in Sandino municipality, Pinar del Rio. A database was created. The variables used were visual acuity, visual refraction and other alterations. Absolute and relative percentages were used as measures of frequency. Results: among these chronic visual

  1. Adaptaciones musculares relacionadas a áreas corporales que participan activamente en el vuelo de Anhima cornuta (Aves: Anseriformes, Anhimidae

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    Marcos Antonio Manzanares


    Full Text Available La forma y correspondencia entre la anatomía muscular y ósea revela en gran medida el hábito locomotor de cualquier ave. Las especies pertenecientes a la Familia Anhimidae son relevantes dentro de las Aves, debido a las adaptaciones óseas (y por lo tanto, musculares que presentan, como la pérdida de procesos uncinados, el desarrollo de espolones metarcapales, la extrema neumatización y el notable desarrollo de forámenes. Se analizaron anatómicamente y numéricamente (superficie de origen e inserción, longitud en reposo y masa los componentes musculares relacionados a las zonas de la columna vertebral, tronco, miembros y cinturas de tres ejemplares de Anhima cornutade distintos sexos y se compararon con lo estudiado en 4 ejemplares de especies relacionadas (Dendrocygna bicolory Dendrocygna viduata, Anatidae. El estudio reveló que en Anhima existe un gran desarrollo de los músculos intercostales e intervertebrales (torácicos y lumbares, evidenciando una adaptación a la ausencia de procesos uncinados. En Anhimaexisten fascículos proporcionalmente menos pesados y de menor tamaño que en Dendrocygna, indicando morfológicamente la ocurrencia de un vuelo menos desarrollado en el primero. Algunos tendones y fibras musculares metacarpales cuya inserción ocurre en el primer dígito en Dendrocygna, en Anhimase insertan en la base de los espolones proximal y distal, demostrando el poco control del vuelo en Anhima. La musculatura de los miembros posteriores en Anhimaes mucho más desarrollada, tanto en tamaño, como en masa proporcional, evidenciando una gran actividad en esta zona en la propulsión del vuelo y en hábitos terrestres

  2. Abundance of two Dendrocincla woodcreepers (aves: Dendrocolaptidae in relation to forest structure in Central Amazonia O uso do habitat por duas espécies de arapaçus Dendrocincla (aves: Dendrocolaptidae em relação a estrutura da floresta na Amazônia Central

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    Renato Cintra


    Full Text Available Few studies have been conducted to verify how the structure of the forest affects the occurence and abundance of neotropical birds. Our research was undertaken between January 2002 and July 2004 at the Reserva Ducke, near Manaus (02º55',03º01'S; 59º53',59º59'W in central Amazonia, to verify how the forest structure affects the occurrence and abundance of two bird species: the Plain-brown Woodcreeper Dendrocincla fuliginosa and the White-chinned Woodcreeper Dendrocincla merula. Bird species occurrence was recorded using lines of 20 mist-nets (one sample unit, along 51 1-km transects distributed along 9 pararel 8 km trails covering an area of 6400 ha. Along these transects, we placed 50 x 50m plots where we recorded forest structure components (tree abundance, canopy openness, leaf litter, standing dead trees, logs, proximity to streams, and altitude. We then related these variables to bird occurence and abundance using multiple logistic and multiple linear regression models, respectively. We found that D. fuliginosa frequently used plateau areas; being more abundant in areas with more trees. On the other hand, D. merula occurred more frequently and was more abundant in areas with low tree abundance. Our results suggest that although both species overlap in the reserve (both were recorded in at least 68% of the sampled sites, they differ in the way they use the forest microhabitats. Therefore, local variation in the forest structure may contribute to the coexistence of congeneric species and may help to maintain local alpha diversity.Em florestas neotropicais, poucos estudos tem sido conduzidos para verificar como a estrutura da floresta afeta o uso desse ambiente por aves. Este estudo foi realizado entre Janeiro de 2002 e Julho de 2004 na Reserva Ducke próximo a Manaus (02º55',03º01'S; 59º53',59º59'W, para verificar como a estrutura da floresta afeta a ocorrência e abundância de duas espécies de aves: o Arapaçu-pardo, Dendrocincla

  3. Inventario de las aves de un bosque altoandino: comparación de dos métodos

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    Stiles Hurd Frank Galfierd


    Full Text Available Capturing birds with mist-nets has been the sole method used or proposed for making species inventories of several Neotropical forests, but this method has rarely been evaluated relative to the use of visual and auditory observations in these forests. This study compares the effectiveness and efficiency of these two methods in the elaboration of the list of bird species on a 15 ha study plot of forest and subparamo vegetation in the Eastern Andes of Colombia. Over ten months we made 11 visits of 4-6 days each, observing and running nets along ca. 3 km of study trails. Of 102 total species recorded, 101 were observed and 50 captured; 52 were observed but not captured vs. only one that was only recorded with the nets. The observations were more efficient in accumulating species, with a mean of 68.4 per visit vs. 17.1 species captured. More than half of the species observed had been recorded after a single visit, and over 90% in six visits; the corresponding figures for mist-net captures were four and nine visits. Compared with the totallist, the mist net sample was biased towards small species « 50 g; some diet groups or foraging guilds were over- or underrepresented in this sample. We conclude that visual and auditory observations are more effective and efficient for making inventories of birds in these forests. Mist nets are a useful supplement to these observations, but not a substitute; their greatest utility lies in obtaining other sorts of data.La captura con redes de niebla ha sido utilizada o propuesta como método único para realizar inventarios de aves en varios bosques neotropicales, pero pocas veces ha sido evaluado en este medio en relación a otros métodos como el de las observaciones visuales y auditivas. Este estudio compara la efectividad y eficiencia de estos dos métodos en la elaboración de la lista de las especies de aves de una parcela de 15 ha de bosque altoandino y subpáramo en la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia

  4. El CRAFFT/CARLOS como Instrumento para la Identificación Temprana de Consumo de Alcohol y Otras SPA: una Adaptación al Español

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    Augusto Pérez Gómez


    Full Text Available El consumo de alcohol en menores es un riesgo para su salud e incrementa la probabilidad de futuros problemas con esta y con otras sustancias psicoactivas, lo que hace necesario un instrumento para identificar rápida y eficazmente a adolescentes que consumen o en riesgo de iniciar el consumo. Con una muestra de 432 jóvenes de la ciudad de Bogotá, este estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar una adaptación de lenguaje y una calibración, mediante el modelo de Rasch, del instrumento CRAFFT/CARLOS, que poseería las características antes mencionadas. La utilización del modelo de Rasch mostró que el CRAFFT y su adaptación, el CARLOS, son instrumentos útiles para identificar problemas de consumo de alcohol y otras drogas entre adolescentes.

  5. Diploposthe laevis (Bloch Jacobi (Eucestoda, Hymenolepididae from Netta peposaca (Vieillot (Aves: Anatidae: first record for the Neotropical Region and a new host Diploposthe laevis (Bloch Jacobi (Eucestoda: Hymenolepididae em Netta peposaca (Vieillot (Aves, Anatidae: primeiro registro para Região Neotropical e novo hospedeiro

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    Eliane F. da Silveira


    Full Text Available One hundred eight rosy-billed pochards, Netta peposaca (Vieillot, 1816, collected in Brazil and Argentina were examined for endoparasites. Collection sites included the municipalities of Santa Vitória do Palmar and Jaguarão, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (wintering site and Alvear, Corrientes Province, northern Argentina (nesting site. Birds were frozen in dry ice after collection. During necropsy they were categorized according to sex and maturation, either adult or juvenile. The cestode Diploposthe laevis (Bloch Jacobi, 1896 was found (prevalence 68.5%, mean infection was 2. The mean prevalence of D. laevis in Alvear (25.9% was higher than found in Jaguarão and Santa Vitória do Palmar, Rio Grande do Sul (19%, and could be related to the nesting site and to the period when the birds may ingest a higher amount of food. This is the first record of a species of the genus Diploposthe in anatideans from South America, and the first record of the species in N. peposaca. Details of the cirrus pouch and vagina were described based on histological sections.Com o objetivo de conhecer a helmintofauna do marrecão, Netta peposaca (Vieillot, 1816, na América do Sul, 108 aves foram amostradas. Os pontos de captura foram os municípios de Santa Vitória do Palmar e Jaguarão, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil (pólo de invernia, e em Alvear, Província de Corrientes, região norte da Argentina (pólo de nidificação, entre 2002 e 2004. As aves foram congeladas em gelo seco logo após o abate. Durante o procedimento de necropsia tiveram o sexo identificado, e foram classificadas de acordo com estado de maturação sexual, em juvenil e adulto. O cestóide Diploposthe laevis (Bloch Jacobi, 1896 foi encontrado com prevalência média de 68,5% e intensidade média de infecção de dois espécimes por hospedeiro. A prevalência média de D. laevis em Alvear (25,9% foi maior do que a encontrada em Jaguarão e Santa Vitória do Palmar, Rio Grande

  6. High molecular diversity in the true service tree (Sorbus domestica) despite rareness: data from Europe with special reference to the Austrian occurrence. (United States)

    George, Jan-Peter; Konrad, Heino; Collin, Eric; Thevenet, Jean; Ballian, Dalibor; Idzojtic, Marilena; Kamm, Urs; Zhelev, Peter; Geburek, Thomas


    Sorbus domestica (Rosaceae) is one of the rarest deciduous tree species in Europe and is characterized by a scattered distribution. To date, no large-scale geographic studies on population genetics have been carried out. Therefore, the aims of this study were to infer levels of molecular diversity across the major part of the European distribution of S. domestica and to determine its population differentiation and structure. In addition, spatial genetic structure was examined together with the patterns of historic and recent gene flow between two adjacent populations. Leaf or cambium samples were collected from 17 populations covering major parts of the European native range from north-west France to south-east Bulgaria. Seven nuclear microsatellites and one chloroplast minisatellite were examined and analysed using a variety of methods. Allelic richness was unexpectedly high for both markers within populations (mean per locus: 3·868 for nSSR and 1·647 for chloroplast minisatellite). Moreover, there was no evidence of inbreeding (mean Fis = -0·047). The Italian Peninsula was characterized as a geographic region with comparatively high genetic diversity for both genomes. Overall population differentiation was moderate (FST = 0·138) and it was clear that populations formed three groups in Europe, namely France, Mediterranean/Balkan and Austria. Historic gene flow between two local Austrian populations was high and asymmetric, while recent gene flow seemed to be disrupted. It is concluded that molecular mechanisms such as self-incompatibility and high gene flow distances are responsible for the observed level of allelic richness as well as for population differentiation. However, human influence could have contributed to the present genetic pattern, especially in the Mediterranean region. Comparison of historic and recent gene flow may mirror the progress of habitat fragmentation in eastern Austria. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press

  7. Hiperaldosteronismo primario y otras formas de hipertension arterial endocrina

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    Cristian A. Carvajal


    Full Text Available La hipertensión arterial (HTA dependiente de mineralocorticoides representa actualmente una de las formas secundarias de hipertensión de mayor prevalencia. Entre las causas más prevalentes está el hiperaldosteronismo primario (HAP cuya prevalencia es cercana al 10% de la población de hipertensos. El HAP se detecta principalmente por una elevación de la razón aldosterona a actividad renina plasmática (ARR, ya que la hipokalemia es infrecuente de encontrar. La fisiopatología del HAP se presenta como un desequilibrio en el control electrolítico a nivel renal, por mayor actividad del receptor mineralocorticoides (MR, lo cual aumenta el volumen intravascular y la presión arterial. Recientemente se ha demostrado también que el exceso de aldosterona afecta también el endotelio vascular, el tejido cardiaco entre otros. Este exceso puede ser por una alteración a nivel de la glándula suprarrenal (generalmente hiperplasia o adenoma o formas genéticas (familiares. Por otra parte, alteraciones parciales o totales de la enzima 11β-Hidroxiesteroide deshidrogenasa tipo 2 (11β-HSD2 resulta en una metabolización total o parcial de cortisol, imitando los efectos de aldosterona sobre MR. La actividad de esta enzima se evalúa midiendo la razón cortisol a cortisona en suero por HPLC-MS/MS. La prevalencia de alteraciones parciales de la actividad de la enzima 11β-HSD2 en estudios de cohorte alcanza en alrededor del 15% en población hipertensa. El diagnóstico del HAP o deficiencias de 11BHSD2, permitiría un tratamiento específico del cuadro hipertensivo mediantes el uso de bloqueadores del receptor mineralocorticoideo y/o uso de corticoides de acción prolongada sin actividad mineralocorticoidea como dexametasona o betametasona.

  8. Riesgos y consecuencias de las prácticas sexuales en adolescentes bajo los efectos de alcohol y otras drogas


    Guillermo Castaño Pérez; Eduardo Arango Tobón; Santiago Morales Mesa; Alexander Rodríguez Bustamante; Carolina Montoya Montoya


    Introducción: la sexualidad, y el consumo de alcohol y drogas en los adolescentes, figuran en la actualidad como uno de los asuntos con mayor prioridad para la salud pública. La preocupación radica en reducir los riesgos de infecciones de transmisión sexual, el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y los embarazos tempranos no deseados. Objetivo: analizar las prácticas sexuales bajo el efecto de alcohol y otras drogas, y los riesgos que esto implica, en los adolescentes de la ciudad de Medellí...

  9. Fate of egg proteins during the development of Columba livia domestica embryo. (United States)

    Shbailat, Seba Jamal; Aslan, Ibtisam Omar


    The transfer of egg white into the yolk and consumption of yolk proteins by the embryo are largely unexplored in the pigeon Columba livia domestica. Here, we investigated the route of egg white transfer as well as the degradation and uptake of yolk proteins by the pigeon embryo. Initially, we tested the electrophoretic patterns of proteins in different egg compartments throughout development. Then, we used lysozyme as a reference protein to follow the egg white transfer, and we measured its activity using Micrococcus lysodeikticus as a substrate. Moreover, we determined the general protease activity during different developmental stages in the yolk using casein. Finally, we examined the expression of aminopeptidase-N (APN) and oligopeptide transporter PepT1 genes in the yolk sac membrane (YSM) from incubation day 8 until day 17. Several electrophoretic bands of presumptive egg white proteins appeared in different egg compartments. Also, lysozyme activity was detected chronologically in the egg compartments. It appeared on day 12 in the amniotic and intestinal fluids and on day 14 in the yolk. Moreover, protease activity in the yolk increased significantly on day 14 and thereafter. APN expression was largest on day 8 and reduced generally afterward, whereas PepT1 expression peaked between days 13 and 15 but then reduced substantially. Our results suggest that the egg white proteins move through the amnion and intestine into the yolk where they undergo degradation by the activated proteases. Furthermore, the YSM appears to have a role in protein consumption, and this role decreases toward hatch. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Convergent and divergent evolution of genomic imprinting in the marsupial Monodelphis domestica

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    Das Radhika


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon resulting in parent-of-origin specific monoallelic gene expression. It is postulated to have evolved in placental mammals to modulate intrauterine resource allocation to the offspring. In this study, we determined the imprint status of metatherian orthologues of eutherian imprinted genes. Results L3MBTL and HTR2A were shown to be imprinted in Monodelphis domestica (the gray short-tailed opossum. MEST expressed a monoallelic and a biallelic transcript, as in eutherians. In contrast, IMPACT, COPG2, and PLAGL1 were not imprinted in the opossum. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs involved in regulating imprinting in eutherians were not found at any of the new imprinted loci in the opossum. Interestingly, a novel DMR was identified in intron 11 of the imprinted IGF2R gene, but this was not conserved in eutherians. The promoter regions of the imprinted genes in the opossum were enriched for the activating histone modification H3 Lysine 4 dimethylation. Conclusions The phenomenon of genomic imprinting is conserved in Therians, but the marked difference in the number and location of imprinted genes and DMRs between metatherians and eutherians indicates that imprinting is not fully conserved between the two Therian infra-classes. The identification of a novel DMR at a non-conserved location as well as the first demonstration of histone modifications at imprinted loci in the opossum suggest that genomic imprinting may have evolved in a common ancestor of these two Therian infra-classes with subsequent divergence of regulatory mechanisms in the two lineages.

  11. Feeding associations between capybaras Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus (Mammalia, Hydrochaeridae and birds in the Lami Biological Reserve, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Associações alimentares entre capivaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus (Mammalia, Hydrochaeridae e aves na Reserva Biológica do Lami, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Ana C. Tomazzoni


    Full Text Available Feeding associations between capybaras Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766 and some bird species were registered in the Lami Biological Reserve, southern Brazil, through observations in a set of transects established in the five major vegetation types of the study area: shrubby and herbaceous swamps, wet grasslands, sandy grasslands and forests. Data included: date and time, vegetation type, bird species, number of individuals (birds and capybaras, type of prey consumed, foraging strategy of the birds and the behavior of the capybaras in relation to the presence of birds. Five species of birds were registered: Caracara plancus (Miller, 1777, Furnarius rufus (Gmelin, 1788, Machetornis rixosus (Vieillot, 1819, Milvago chimachima (Vieillot, 1816 and Molothrus bonariensis (Gmelin, 1789. The interactions were observed in the shrubby swamp (M. bonariensis, forest (C. plancus and wet grassland (F. rufus, M. rixosus, M. chimachima. The foraging strategies were: (1 use of the capybara as a perch, hunting from its back (M. rixosus, M. bonariensis; (2 use of the capybara as a beater, hunting in the ground (F. rufus, M. rixosus, M. bonariensis; (3 foraging in the skin of the capybara, by picking the ectoparasites (C. plancus, F. rufus, M. chimachima. Strategies (1 and (2 were employed to catch arthropods flushed from the vegetation. Sometimes, capybaras lay down and exposed the abdomen and lateral areas of their bodies to facilitate cleaning by M. chimachima, but the presence of other bird species seemed to be neutral to capybaras.Foram registradas associações alimentares entre capivaras Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766 e aves na Reserva Biológica do Lami, sul do Brasil, por meio de observações em um conjunto de transecções estabelecidas nos cinco principais tipos de vegetação existentes na área: banhado arbustivo, banhado herbáceo, campo úmido, campo arenoso e mata. As informações coletadas foram: data, horário, tipo de vegeta

  12. Thomas Armstrong (2012): El poder de la neurodiversidad. Las extraordinarias capacidades que se ocultan tras el autismo, la hiperactividad, la dislexia y otras diferencias cerebrales. Barcelona: Espasa Libros.


    Ángela María Lopera Murcia


    Reseña de la obra 'El poder de la neurodiversidad. Las extraordinarias capacidades que se ocultan tras el autismo, la hiperactividad, la dislexia y otras diferencias cerebrales' (2012) de Thomas Armstrong.

  13. Estudio de los riesgos ergonómicos presentes durante la construcción de los túneles urbanos de Gerona para el AVE


    Bermejo Cardona, Anahí


    El objetivo de este estudio es determinar el riesgo ergonómico presente en algunas de las tareas llevadas a cabo durante la construcción de los túneles urbanos de Gerona para el AVE. Primero se realizaron entrevistas con los responsables de seguridad y salud de la obra a los que se les solicitaron los datos de siniestralidad des del inicio de los trabajos. De esta manera se puede conocer el número de bajas médicas por sobreesfuerzos o posturas forzadas. Después se les acompañó durante s...

  14. Phenotypic changes associated with RNA interference silencing of chalcone synthase in apple (Malus × domestica). (United States)

    Dare, Andrew P; Tomes, Sumathi; Jones, Midori; McGhie, Tony K; Stevenson, David E; Johnson, Ross A; Greenwood, David R; Hellens, Roger P


    We have identified in apple (Malus × domestica) three chalcone synthase (CHS) genes. In order to understand the functional redundancy of this gene family RNA interference knockout lines were generated where all three of these genes were down-regulated. These lines had no detectable anthocyanins and radically reduced concentrations of dihydrochalcones and flavonoids. Surprisingly, down-regulation of CHS also led to major changes in plant development, resulting in plants with shortened internode lengths, smaller leaves and a greatly reduced growth rate. Microscopic analysis revealed that these phenotypic changes extended down to the cellular level, with CHS-silenced lines showing aberrant cellular organisation in the leaves. Fruit collected from one CHS-silenced line was smaller than the 'Royal Gala' controls, lacked flavonoids in the skin and flesh and also had changes in cell morphology. Auxin transport experiments showed increased rates of auxin transport in a CHS-silenced line compared with the 'Royal Gala' control. As flavonoids are well known to be key modulators of auxin transport, we hypothesise that the removal of almost all flavonoids from the plant by CHS silencing creates a vastly altered environment for auxin transport to occur and results in the observed changes in growth and development. © 2013 The Authors The Plant Journal © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  15. Transcriptomic analysis of Prunus domestica undergoing hypersensitive response to plum pox virus infection. (United States)

    Rodamilans, Bernardo; San León, David; Mühlberger, Louisa; Candresse, Thierry; Neumüller, Michael; Oliveros, Juan Carlos; García, Juan Antonio


    Plum pox virus (PPV) infects Prunus trees around the globe, posing serious fruit production problems and causing severe economic losses. One variety of Prunus domestica, named 'Jojo', develops a hypersensitive response to viral infection. Here we compared infected and non-infected samples using next-generation RNA sequencing to characterize the genetic complexity of the viral population in infected samples and to identify genes involved in development of the resistance response. Analysis of viral reads from the infected samples allowed reconstruction of a PPV-D consensus sequence. De novo reconstruction showed a second viral isolate of the PPV-Rec strain. RNA-seq analysis of PPV-infected 'Jojo' trees identified 2,234 and 786 unigenes that were significantly up- or downregulated, respectively (false discovery rate; FDR≤0.01). Expression of genes associated with defense was generally enhanced, while expression of those related to photosynthesis was repressed. Of the total of 3,020 differentially expressed unigenes, 154 were characterized as potential resistance genes, 10 of which were included in the NBS-LRR type. Given their possible role in plant defense, we selected 75 additional unigenes as candidates for further study. The combination of next-generation sequencing and a Prunus variety that develops a hypersensitive response to PPV infection provided an opportunity to study the factors involved in this plant defense mechanism. Transcriptomic analysis presented an overview of the changes that occur during PPV infection as a whole, and identified candidates suitable for further functional characterization.

  16. Transcriptomic analysis of Prunus domestica undergoing hypersensitive response to plum pox virus infection.

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    Bernardo Rodamilans

    Full Text Available Plum pox virus (PPV infects Prunus trees around the globe, posing serious fruit production problems and causing severe economic losses. One variety of Prunus domestica, named 'Jojo', develops a hypersensitive response to viral infection. Here we compared infected and non-infected samples using next-generation RNA sequencing to characterize the genetic complexity of the viral population in infected samples and to identify genes involved in development of the resistance response. Analysis of viral reads from the infected samples allowed reconstruction of a PPV-D consensus sequence. De novo reconstruction showed a second viral isolate of the PPV-Rec strain. RNA-seq analysis of PPV-infected 'Jojo' trees identified 2,234 and 786 unigenes that were significantly up- or downregulated, respectively (false discovery rate; FDR≤0.01. Expression of genes associated with defense was generally enhanced, while expression of those related to photosynthesis was repressed. Of the total of 3,020 differentially expressed unigenes, 154 were characterized as potential resistance genes, 10 of which were included in the NBS-LRR type. Given their possible role in plant defense, we selected 75 additional unigenes as candidates for further study. The combination of next-generation sequencing and a Prunus variety that develops a hypersensitive response to PPV infection provided an opportunity to study the factors involved in this plant defense mechanism. Transcriptomic analysis presented an overview of the changes that occur during PPV infection as a whole, and identified candidates suitable for further functional characterization.

  17. Patrón de actividad y abundancia de aves en un relleno sanitario de Chile central Abundance and activity-pattern of birds at a landfill in central Chile

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    Full Text Available Los rellenos sanitarios constituyen un foco de atracción para la avifauna, aunque las implicancias de esta relación no han sido exploradas en el país. Nosotros monitoreamos la actividad de aves en un relleno sanitario ubicado en las proximidades de la ciudad de Santiago, capital administrativa de Chile. Las principales aves en el área fueron la gaviota dominicana (Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein, el tiuque (Milvago chimango Vieillot, la garza boyera {Buculbus ibis Linnaeus y el águila (Geranoaetus melanoleucus Swann. La gaviota dominicana alcanzó los valores de abundancia más altos (entre 358 y 1950 individuos por día y destacó por su comportamiento bimodal, directamente relacionado con los niveles de operación en el relleno sanitario. En el caso del águila se registró una conducta carroñera cleptoparásita sobre los tiuques, estos últimos seleccionan desechos orgánicos (pescados, tripas, carne, que les son usurpados por ellas. Finalmente señalamos medidas simples de manejo que deberían disminuir los números de aves en este tipo de actividad industrial.Landfills are considered an attractive habitat for several bird species; however, implications of this condition have not yet been explored in the country. We monitored birds' activity patterns that use a landfill located in the vicinity of Santiago, Chile's capital. Main birds recorded in the area were, Kelp gull (Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein, Chimango caracara (Milvago chimango Vieillot, Cattle egret (Buculbus ibis Linnaeus and Black Chested Eagle (Geranoaetus melanoleucus Swann. Kelp Gull was the most abundant species, (with values between 358 to 1950 individuals per day and that also displayed a bimodal behavior linked directly to the landfill operation levels. In the case of Black Chested Eagle, we observed a kleptoparasitic behavior over Chimango Caracara which selected organic offal (fishes, innards, meat for its feeding and that are stolen by the eagle. Finally we

  18. Moa (Aves : Dinornithiformes) nesting material from rockshelters in the semi-arid interior of South Island, New Zealand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wood, J.R.


    The first descriptions of plant remains from the nests of extinct moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes) are presented. The samples of desiccated nesting material were collected during excavation of Holocene sediments within five rockshelters in semi-arid regions of southern South Island, New Zealand, between 1964 and 2006. The nesting materials were attributed to moa on the basis of associated moa coprolites, feathers and eggshell fragments. The nesting material includes short, clipped twigs from a range of locally available tree, shrub and liane species. These twig clippings show a size distribution similar to those recorded from moa gizzard content samples. Other nesting material from the sites includes longer twigs and fragments of bark. The plant materials suggest general similarities between the nests of moa and those of the extant Australasian ratites, emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) and cassowary (Casuarius spp.). (author). 37 refs., 7 figs., 1 tab

  19. Factors that can influence the economic feasibility of stand-alone and grid-connected photovoltaic systems: case studies using the software AVES-F

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blasques, L.C.M.; Pinho, J.T.


    This paper presents case studies of economic feasibility of solar photovoltaic systems using the software AVES-F (Analysis of Economic Feasibility of Photovoltaic Systems), developed by the authors, considering cases of stand-alone and grid-connected systems. The software takes into account several factors that can influence the economic feasibility of these kind of systems, like load to be supplied, distance to the grid, the use regime of the system, applied subsidies and others. The main goal of this paper is to analyze some of these factors and to observe how they can affect the economics of PV systems for electricity generation. (authors)

  20. NRE92/3: Programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el ejercicio 2015


    Universidad de Granada


    Resoluci??n del Rectorado de la Universidad de Granada, de 3 de febrero de 2015, por la que se aprueba la programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el ejercicio 2015.

  1. Análise espectral de flores utilizadas por aves nectarívoras em uma área urbana no Sudeste do Brasil


    Toledo, MCB.; Donatelli, RJ.


    Análise espectral de flores utilizada por aves nectarívoras em áreas urbanas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer a característica espectral das flores produtoras de néctar visitadas por nectarívoros em áreas urbanas. Este estudo foi desenvolvido na região central do município de Taubaté, no nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. As áreas amostradas incluíram espaços verdes, tais como praças e parques e a vegetação das ruas e avenidas. Foram registradas 12 espécies de plantas utilizadas por c...

  2. Efectos del área, edad y cobertura de la vegetación sobre la riqueza de especies de aves reproductoras en los parques urbanos de Vitoria-Gasteiz

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    De la Hera, I., Unanue, A., Aguirre, I.


    Full Text Available La rápida expansión urbana y el incremento de la población humana que vive en las ciudades dificultan el acceso de los ciudadanos a la naturaleza. Entre los múltiples beneficios de las áreas verdes urbanas, se encuentra su contribución a paliar este alejamiento. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto del área total del parque, de su edad y de la cobertura de diversos estratos vegetales (cobertura de césped, arbustos y árboles sobre la riqueza total de especies de aves en 20 parques urbanos de la ciudad de Vitoria-Gasteiz. El área total del parque y la cobertura arborea, que se correlacionó positivamente con la edad del parque, explicaron gran parte de la variación en la riqueza de especies en estos parques. Conocer como afectan las características de los parques a la riqueza de especies de aves en la áreas verdes de las ciudades, puede ser especialmente útil para los gestores urbanos a la hora de diseñar parques en los que se potencien, no sólo sus servicios sociales de esparcimiento, sino tambien sus valores naturales.

  3. Asociación Otras Memorias. Crear Espacios…Construir Memorias…Difundir la Historia

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    Laura Benadiba


    Full Text Available Cuando empezamos a construir este proyecto, que es la Asociación Otras Memorias, partimos de la necesidad de abrir espacios de reflexión con respecto a la utilización de la Historia Oral, sobre todo en distintos ámbitos culturales, sociales y de capacitación, para así poder incluir y dotar de herramientas metodológicas a muchísimos colectivos e individuos que, por no pertenecer a la “Academia”, quedan fuera de la posibilidad de que sus trabajos e investigaciones en las que utilizan fuentes orales sean “tomados en serio”, así como que los resultados de dichos trabajos tengan una repercusión directa en el entorno en donde se han realizado y en las personas que han brindado su testimonio, de modo que sirva para la transformación social y como justa “devolución” de aquello que como investigadores nos ha sido dado.Por otro lado, el artículo analiza los orígenes y el desarrollo de la Historia Oral dentro de las corrientes historiográficas, profundiza en las características específicas de las fuentes orales y debate sobre el uso de las TICs en proyectos de Historia Oral.

  4. Facial Mechanosensory Influence on Forelimb Movement in Newborn Opossums, Monodelphis domestica.

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    Marie-Josée Desmarais

    Full Text Available The opossum, Monodelphis domestica, is born very immature but crawls, unaided, with its forelimbs (FL from the mother's birth canal to a nipple where it attaches to pursue its development. What sensory cues guide the newborn to the nipple and trigger its attachment to it? Previous experiments showed that low intensity electrical stimulation of the trigeminal ganglion induces FL movement in in vitro preparations and that trigeminal innervation of the facial skin is well developed in the newborn. The skin does not contain Vater-Pacini or Meissner touch corpuscles at this age, but it contains cells which appear to be Merkel cells (MC. We sought to determine if touch perceived by MC could exert an influence on FL movements. Application of the fluorescent dye AM1-43, which labels sensory cells such as MC, revealed the presence of a large number of labeled cells in the facial epidermis, especially in the snout skin, in newborn opossums. Moreover, calibrated pressure applied to the snout induced bilateral and simultaneous electromyographic responses of the triceps muscle in in vitro preparations of the neuraxis and FL from newborn. These responses increase with stimulation intensity and tend to decrease over time. Removing the facial skin nearly abolished these responses. Metabotropic glutamate 1 receptors being involved in MC neurotransmission, an antagonist of these receptors was applied to the bath, which decreased the EMG responses in a reversible manner. Likewise, bath application of the purinergic type 2 receptors, used by AM1-43 to penetrate sensory cells, also decreased the triceps EMG responses. The combined results support a strong influence of facial mechanosensation on FL movement in newborn opossums, and suggest that this influence could be exerted via MC.

  5. Thomas Armstrong (2012: El poder de la neurodiversidad. Las extraordinarias capacidades que se ocultan tras el autismo, la hiperactividad, la dislexia y otras diferencias cerebrales. Barcelona: Espasa Libros.

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    Ángela María Lopera Murcia


    Full Text Available Reseña de la obra 'El poder de la neurodiversidad. Las extraordinarias capacidades que se ocultan tras el autismo, la hiperactividad, la dislexia y otras diferencias cerebrales' (2012 de Thomas Armstrong.

  6. Survey of chicken abattoir for the presence of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli Pesquisa de Campylobacter jejuni e Campylobacter coli em abatedouros de aves

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    Ana L.L. Cortez


    Full Text Available The genus Campylobacter is of great importance to public health because it includes several species that may cause diarrhea. These species may be found in water, food and in the intestinal tract of chickens. This study investigated the presence of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli in chicken abattoirs in São Paulo State, Brazil. A total of 288 samples of feces, feathers, scald water, evisceration water, chiller water, and the rinse water of eviscerated, not eviscerated and chilled carcasses were collected in six chicken abattoirs. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR was performed in Campylobacter spp.-positive isolates using the gene HIP, specific for hippuricase enzyme from Campylobacter jejuni and aspartokinase gene, specific to detect Campylobacter coli. The percentage of positive isolates of Campylobacter jejuni was 4.9% (14/288. Isolation was greater in feces samples (22%, 8/36. One sample was positive for the species C. coli. In conclusion, the results indicate that it is necessary to improve quality control for Campylobacter spp. in chicken abattoirs.O gênero Campylobacter tem grande destaque em saúde pública, principalmente por pertencerem a este gênero várias espécies que podem causar diarréia. Estas espécies podem ser encontradas em amostras de água, alimentos e no trato intestinal das aves. Este estudo investigou a presença de Campylobacter jejuni e Campylobacter coli em abatedouros de aves no Estado de São Paulo. As 288 amostras foram coletadas em seis estabelecimentos e incluíram: fezes; penas; água de escaldamento, de evisceração e de resfriamento; e água de enxaguadura de carcaça não eviscerada, eviscerada e resfriada. Após o isolamento microbiológico das amostras positivas de Campylobacter spp. foi realizada uma Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR utilizando o gene HIP, da hipuricase, específico para Campylobacter jejuni e o gene da enzima aspartoquinase, específico para Campylobacter coli. A

  7. Morphological and molecular characterization of Eimeria labbeana-like (Apicomplexa:Eimeriidae) in a domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica, Gmelin, 1789) in Australia. (United States)

    Yang, Rongchang; Brice, Belinda; Elloit, Aileen; Ryan, Una


    An Eimeria species is described from a domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica). Sporulated oocysts (n = 35) were subspherical, with a smooth bi-layered oocyst wall (1.0 μm thick). Oocysts measured 20.2 × 16.1 (22.0-18.9 × 15.7-18.9) μm, oocyst length/width (L/W) ratio, 1.38. Oocyst residuum and a polar granule were present. The micropyle was absent. Sporocysts are elongate-ovoid, 13.0 × 6.1 (14.5-12.5 × 5.5-7.0) μm, sporocyst L/W ratio, 2.13 (2.0-2.2), sporocyst residuum was present, composed of numerous granules in a spherical or ovoid mass. Each sporocyst contained 2 banana-shaped sporozoites, 12.3 × 3.5 (11.8-13.0 × 3.3-3.6) μm. A spherical-ellipsoid posterior refractile body was found in the sporozoites. A nucleus was located immediately anterior to the posterior refractile body. Molecular analysis was conducted at three loci; the 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA genes and the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase gene (COI). At the 18S locus, the new isolate shared 98.0% genetic similarity with three Isospora isolates from Japan from the domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica). At the 28S locus, it grouped separately and shared 92.4% and 92.5% genetic similarity with Isospora anthochaerae (KF766053) from a red wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata) from Australia and an Isospora sp. (MS-2003 - AY283845) from a Himalayan grey-headed bullfinch (Pyrrhula erythaca) respectively. At COI locus, this new isolate was in a separate clade and shared 95.6% and 90.0% similarity respectively with Eimeria tiliquae n. sp. from a shingleback skink in Australia and an Eimeria sp. from a common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) from America. Based on the morphological data, this isolate is most similar to Eimeria labbeana. As no molecular data for E. labbeana is available and previous morphological data is incomplete, we refer to the current isolate as E. labbeana-like. Crown Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Níveis de cloreto de sódio para aves de corte da linhagem Colonial criadas em semiconfinamento Sodium chloride levels for Colonial broiler chickens reared in free-range system

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    Sandra Regina Freitas Pinheiro


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se determinar níveis de inclusão de cloreto de sódio (NaCl em rações para aves machos e fêmeas da linhagem Colonial nas fases inicial (1 a 28 dias, de crescimento (28 a 56 dias e final (56 a 84 dias criadas em semiconfinamento. Em cada ensaio, 480 aves com idade correspondente à fase de criação foram alojadas em 24 unidades experimentais contendo áreas de abrigo e de pastejo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 × 2 (níveis de NaCl e sexos, totalizando oito tratamentos e três repetições de 20 aves. Os níveis de NaCl avaliados foram: 0,20; 0,40; 0,60 e 0,80% na fase inicial; 0,10; 0,30; 0,50 e 0,70% na fase de crescimento e 0,10; 0,25; 0,40 e 0,55% na fase final. Foram avaliados o ganho de peso, o consumo de ração, a ingestão de água, a conversão alimentar, o potencial hidrogeniônico, a pressão parcial de gás carbônico no sangue, a concentração de hematócritos e os teores de sódio e cloro no sangue. Para a fase inicial, o nível recomendado é de 0,53% de NaCl na ração para aves de ambos os sexos. Para a fase de crescimento, os níveis de 0,40 e 0,43% de NaCl, respectivamente, para machos e fêmeas e, para a fase final, de 0,25% para aves de ambos os sexos, atendem às exigências nutricionais.The objective of this work was to determine inclusion levels of sodium chloride (NaCl in diets for male and female Colonial strain birds in the starter (from one to 28 days of age, growing (from 28 to 56 days of age and finisher (from 56 to 84 days of age phases reared in free-range system. In each trial, 480 birds at age corresponding to the rearing phase were housed in 24 experimental units containing areas of shelter and pasture. The experimental design used was a completely randomized in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement (NaCl levels × sex, totaling eight treatments and three replications of 20 birds. Levels of NaCl evaluated were: 0.20, 0.40, 0.60 and 0.80% in

  9. Determinación de los factores que inciden en la captura incidental de aves marinas en la flota palangrera pelágica chilena Determination of factors affecting the bycatch of seabirds in Chilean pelagic longline fleet

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    Andrés González


    Full Text Available Se analizó la relación entre la variabilidad de la tasa de captura incidental de aves marinas en la pesquería palangrera pelágica de pez espada (Xiphias gladius y diversos factores temporales, ambientales, espaciales y pesqueros, entre 2007 y 2009. Los resultados muestran que las operaciones de pesca de esta flota afectan principalmente a los albatros, grupo que concentra el 83,7% de la captura incidental de aves marinas registrada en el período. Esta captura incidental se debe en primera instancia a la presencia del Frente Subtropical del Pacífico Sur, sistema que provoca la sobreposición entre la actividad de esta flota con la distribución espacial de aves marinas durante la fase residente del período no reproductivo. La variabilidad en esta captura incidental estaría fuertemente relacionada a los estímulos visuales (medido mediante el porcentaje de luces químicas y porcentaje de calamar y las condiciones de luminosidad ambiental existentes en los períodos de forrajeo diurno y nocturno de estas aves marinas durante el calado (medido a través del desfase de la hora del ocaso con respecto a la hora de inicio del calado y fase lunar.We analized the relationship between the variability in the rate of seabird bycatch in pelagic longline fishery for swordfish (Xiphias gladius, and several temporary, environmental, spatial and fisheries factors for the fishing period from 2007 to 2009. The results show that the fishing operations of this fleet mainly affect the albatross, group that accounts for 83.7% of the incidental catch of seabirds recorded in the period. This bycatch is due primarily to the presence of the South Pacific Subtropical Front, a system that causes the overlap between the activities of this fleet with the spatial distribution of these seabird species during the resident phase of the nonbreeding period. By the other hand, the variability in bycatch would be strongly linked to visual stimuli (measured by the percentage of

  10. Quantitative Prediction of Cell Wall Polysaccharide Composition in Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) and Apple (Malus domestica) Skins from Acid Hydrolysis Monosaccharide Profiles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arnous, Anis; Meyer, Anne S.


    On the basis of monosaccharide analysis after acid hydrolysis of fruit skin samples of three wine grape cultivars, Vitis vinifera L. Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Shiraz, and of two types of apple, Malus domestica Red Delicious and Golden Delicious, an iterative calculation method is reported...... for the quantitative allocation of plant cell wall monomers into relevant structural polysaccharide elements. By this method the relative molar distribution (mol %) of the different polysaccharides in the red wine grape skins was estimated as 57-62 mol % homogalacturonan, 6.0-14 mol % cellulose, 10-11 mol % xyloglucan......, 7 mol % arabinan, 4.5-5.0 mol % rhamnogalacturonan I, 3.5-4.0 mol % rhamnogalacturonan II, 3 mol % arabinogalactan, and 0.5-1.0 mol % mannans; the ranges indicate minor variations in the skin composition of the three different cultivars. These cell wall polysaccharides made up similar to 43...

  11. The effects of gamma irradiation on medicinal plants and spices (3), Curcuma xanthoriza, curcuma aeruginosa, curcuma domestica and kaemferia galanga

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chosdu, Rahayu; Hilmy, Nazly; Bagiawati, Sri


    This research was conducted to investigate the effects of gamma irradiation on medicinal plants by studying the characteristics of the essential oils of these samples. The samples studied were ''temu lawak'' (Curcuma xanthoriza), ''temu hitam'' (Curcuma aeruginosa), turmeric (Curcuma domestica) and galanga (Kaemferia galanga). The sliced tubers, which contained 8 to 14% of moisture were packed in low density polyethylene bags of 0.13 mm thickness, then irradiated with doses of 0, 5 and 10 kGy. Some samples were directly analyzed and the rest were stored for six months at temperatures of 29±2 0 C and under 70 to 95% humidity. The results showed that the water activity (Aw), the content and characteristics of essential oils, analyzed on a gas liquid chromatography, were not changed by irradiation and storage, but the water content was changed by storage. It was observed also that after irradiation and storage mould and bacteria contents decreased. (author)

  12. Effectiveness of Temulawak (Curcuma xanthoriza and Kunyit (Curcumae domestica Extracts to Enhance Productivity and as Immunostimulator of Avian Influenza in Broiler

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    Full Text Available The objective of the experiment was to investigate the effectiveness of treating broiler with temulawak (Curcuma xanthoriza and kunyit (Curcumae domestica extracts to enhance productivity and as imunostimulator of avian influenza. Broilers were given either temulawak, kunyit or temulawak+kunyit extracts. The treatments, including a control, were arranged in a factorial design. Variables measured were production index and immune titter with haemaglutination inhibition (HI test at 35 days of age. Results showed that control, temulawak-, kunyit- and temulawak+kunyit-treated chicken have production indexes of 302.80, 382.30, 327.71, and 358.30, respectively. HI test results were all negative. It can be concluded that neither temulawak, kunyit nor temulawak+kunyit extracts is effective imunostimulator of avian influenza in broiler. Nevertheless, temulawak-treated chicken showed highest production index. (Animal Production 9(2: 178-183 (2007 Key Words: Avian influenza, haemaglutination inhibition, temulawak, kunyit

  13. Zoológico de Cali. (pág. 224-229

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    Ingrit Pineda


    Full Text Available Es un importante centro de conservación de especies en peligro de extinción, en el se encuentra gran cantidad de fauna perteneciente a nuestro continente y algunas otras traídas del África. Los animales se encuentran agrupadosy distribuidos de acuerdo al grupo taxonómico en el que se ubican; es decir encontraremos en lugares diferentes a los primates, reptiles y anfibios, aves, felinos, algunosotros mamíferos. Lavariedad de formas, colores y conductas de los animales, han hecho de este lugar un importante centro educativo, tanto de diversiónpara adultos y niños.Está catalogado como uno de los mejoreszoológicos deLatinoamérica.

  14. Estrogenic Effect of 70% Ethanol Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val. Extract on Ovariectomized Female Mice (Mus musculus L.

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    A.N. Dewi


    Full Text Available The influence of extract turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val. on endometrium thickness, vaginal epithelium, mammary gland, and protein of estrogen receptor of ovariectomized mice was examined. Twenty five ovariectomized mice which were divided into five groups, were treated by ethynilestradiol (8,4 x 10-3 g, aquades (10 ml, and turmeric extract at doses 230 mg/kg b.w.; 310 mg/kg b.w.; and 390 mg/kg b.w. for eight days. At the end of experiments the mice were killed, then the uterus, vagina, and mammae were removed and the wet weight of uterus was recorded. Uterus, vagina, and mammae were examined histologically. Estrogen receptor protein from uterus were analized by using SDS-PAGE. One way anava test showed that turmeric extract at doses 310 mg/kg b.w. and 390 mg/kg b.w give estrogenic effect on vaginal ephitelium, endometrium thickness, and diametre of mammary glands. SDS-PAGE analysis showed there were differences in protein concentration between control and treatment groups which were seen in the thickness of the bands. Estrogen receptor band could be detected in sampel of treatment groups at molecular weight 45 kDa.


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    Vera Maria Barbosa de Moraes


    Full Text Available

    Mannan oligosaccharides, as an alternative to an-tibiotics, show promising results related to bird perfor-mance, immunity stimulus and improvement of intestinal mucosa. Enzyme inclusion in diets containing mannan oli-gosaccharides could improve these results. Poultry diets consist of corn and soybean meal, and approximately 30% of the phosphorus (P in these ingredients is bound to phytic acid. Phytase is capable of release not only the P but also other nutrients that can be better used by the birds while corn is relatively free of viscosous nonstarch poly-saccharides (NSP, soybean has about 20% of NSP, whose digestibility is almost null. NSP`s insoluble component of corn and soybean encapsulate nutrients and are responsive to exogenous enzymes. Negative environmental and nutri-tional consequences of dietary phytic acid are reduced by phytase inclusion in monogastric diets. Additionally, the enzymatic complex supplementation improves the nutri-tional value of feedstuffs through higher digestibility in birds. Finally, the use of exogenous enzymes allows re-duction in feed costs.

    KEY-WORDS: Animal nutrition, enzymatic supplementation, prebiotic.

    Os mananoligossacarídeos, como alternativa aos antibióticos, têm apresentado resultados promissores no que se refere tanto ao desempenho das aves quanto ao estímulo da imunidade e à melhora da mucosa intestinal. A inclusão de enzimas nas dietas contendo mananoligossacarídeos poderia melhorar ainda mais esses resultados. As dietas para aves são compostas de milho e farelo de soja, principalmente, e cerca de 30% do fósforo (P desses in-gredientes estão ligados ao ácido fítico. A fitase libera não só o P, mas também outros nutrientes para que sejam me-lhor utilizados pelas aves. O milho é relativamente isento de polissacarídeos não-amiláceos (PNAs viscosos e a soja apresenta cerca de 20% de PNAs, com digestibilidade praticamente nula. Os componentes insolúveis dos PNAs do

  16. Identificación de Arcobacter en niños y adultos con/sin diarrea y en reservorios animales: aves, ganado vacuno y porcino, peces y mariscos


    Zerpa, Rito; Alarcón, Jorge; Lezama, Percy; Patiño, Lilian; Reyes, Alberto; Valencia, Augusto; Velásquez, Jorge; Alarcón, Miriam


    Objetivos: Conocer la prevalencia de Arcobacter en niños y adultos con/sin diarrea y en animales: aves, ganado vacuno y porcino, peces y mariscos. Diseño: Estudio transversal descriptivo. Institución: Instituto de Medicina Tropical Daniel A. Carrión, Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM, Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño, Instituto Materno Infantil de San Bartolomé y Hospital Arzobispo Loayza. Material biológico: Aislamientos bacterianos de humanos y animales. Intervenciones: Búsqueda activa de Arc...

  17. LA “ACTUALIZACIÓN” DEL SOCIALISMO CUBANO: otra mirada desde sus utópias

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    Luis Suárez Salazar


    Full Text Available Este ensayo presenta una valoración crítica de la “actualización del modelo económico cubano” aprobada en abril del 2011 por el V Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Pero a diferencias de otras críticas (ya sean provenientes del pensamiento liberal o desde ciertas interpretaciones de los marxismos éstas se realizan partiendo de las que su autor denomina “utopías de la Revolución Cubana”; entendiéndolas como una crítica sistemática del pasado-presente a partir de la perenne esperanza de que, en el porvenir, siempre será necesario construir una sociedad y un mundo mejor. En su concepto, en el caso de Cuba, ello implica edificar un socialismo más eficaz, eficiente, económicamente auto sostenido, ecológicamente sustentable y democrático-participativo que el que hasta ahora han conocido las “cinco generaciones políticas” que han defendido y siguen defendiendo las “principales conquistas de la Revolución y del Socialismo”.

  18. La tortura y otras prácticas ilegales a detenidos, de Daniel Eduardo Rafecas

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    Roberto Bergalli


    Full Text Available Escribir sobre la tortura y otras prácticas ilegales a detenidos supone una toma de posición, no sólo jurídica (y por tanto, política sino también filosófica y, por supuesto, ideológica. Desde esta última, la única visión del mundo (Weltanschauung posible es la del respeto y máxima protección de todos los derechos fundamentales de las personas, de todas las personas. Y, cuando se alude a derechos fundamentales, no únicamente se hace alusión a aquellos derechos reconocidos por el derecho constitucional moderno, sino y en particular a los que de manera global (en ocasiones, de forma indiscriminada se denominan como “derechos humanos”, en seguimiento a lo que se constituyó como una categoría del conocimiento jurídico internacional por obra de la legislación de tal carácter, nacida como producto de la fuerte afirmación que emergió del derecho de las convenciones de la segunda post-Guerra mundial.

  19. Trehalose 6-phosphate signal is closely related to sorbitol in apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Gala

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    Wen Zhang


    Full Text Available Trehalose-6-phosphate (Tre6P is a precursor of trehalose, which is widespread in nature and greatly influences plant growth and development. Tre6P acts as a signal of carbon availability in many plants, but little is known about the function of Tre6P in rosaceous plants, which have specific sorbitol biosynthesis and transportation pathways. In the present study, Tre6P levels and Sorbitol:Tre6P ratios were analyzed in apple (Malus domestica, Borkh. cv. Gala. Tre6P levels were positively correlated with sorbitol content but negatively correlated with sucrose, glucose, and fructose content in developing fruit. However, under sorbitol-limited conditions, Tre6P levels were positively correlated with both sorbitol and sucrose. In the presence of different exogenous sugar supply, Tre6P levels increased corresponding with sorbitol, but this was not the case with sucrose. In addition, Tre6P content and sorbitol:Tre6P ratios were more highly correlated with ADP-glucose levels under sorbitol-limited conditions and fruit development stages, respectively. These results suggest that Tre6P is more closely related to sorbitol than other soluble sugars and has an important role in influencing carbon metabolism in apple.

  20. Trehalose 6-phosphate signal is closely related to sorbitol in apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Gala) (United States)

    Zhang, Wen; Lunn, John E.; Feil, Regina; Wang, Yufei; Zhao, Jingjing; Tao, Hongxia; Zhao, Zhengyang


    ABSTRACT Trehalose-6-phosphate (Tre6P) is a precursor of trehalose, which is widespread in nature and greatly influences plant growth and development. Tre6P acts as a signal of carbon availability in many plants, but little is known about the function of Tre6P in rosaceous plants, which have specific sorbitol biosynthesis and transportation pathways. In the present study, Tre6P levels and Sorbitol:Tre6P ratios were analyzed in apple (Malus domestica, Borkh. cv. Gala). Tre6P levels were positively correlated with sorbitol content but negatively correlated with sucrose, glucose, and fructose content in developing fruit. However, under sorbitol-limited conditions, Tre6P levels were positively correlated with both sorbitol and sucrose. In the presence of different exogenous sugar supply, Tre6P levels increased corresponding with sorbitol, but this was not the case with sucrose. In addition, Tre6P content and sorbitol:Tre6P ratios were more highly correlated with ADP-glucose levels under sorbitol-limited conditions and fruit development stages, respectively. These results suggest that Tre6P is more closely related to sorbitol than other soluble sugars and has an important role in influencing carbon metabolism in apple. PMID:28069587

  1. Distribuição de espécies de columbídeos (Aves: Coliumbiformes), na zona urbana de Uberlândia, MG


    Cândido, Claudiney Rocha


    Dentre as aves que vivem no ambiente urbano, podemos destacar os columbídeos (pombas e rolinhas). Em função da sua capacidade de adaptação, várias espécies desse grupo se tornaram tolerantes à presença e transformações humanas. Os objetivos desse estudo foram: determinar a distribuição de espécies de columbídeos na zona urbana de Uberlândia, MG e correlacionar a ocorrência dessas espécies com fatores ambientais (cobertura vegetal, tipos de edificações e distância em relação ao ...

  2. Ilustración de aves, comunicación científica y su difusión en la zona cafetera de Colombia

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    Sergio Córdoba Córdoba


    Existe una estrecha relación entre la ciencia y el arte de la comunicación gráfica. La posibilidad de transmitir a aquellos que se encuentran a grandes distancias información sobre especies, paisajes y el entorno de regiones a los cuales solo unos pocos han tenido la fortuna de conocer, ha hecho posible que se amplíe el conocimiento de las regiones, la fauna y la flora del planeta. También, permite imaginar cómo fueron esos seres que ya no nos acompañan, especies de organismos extintos como los dinosaurios, aves y mamíferos, entre otros, y su medioambiente.

  3. Investigation of Leptin gene in broiler and layer chicken lines Investigação do gene da Leptina em linhagens de aves de corte e postura

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    Kerli Ninov


    Full Text Available Leptin, a polypeptide hormone secreted mainly by adipose tissue, plays an important role in feed intake regulation, energy metabolism and reproduction in several species. Its function has been intensively studied in mammals; however, in birds limited information is available. The cDNA sequence for chicken leptin has been reported, and high hepatic expression levels of leptin were associated with fat deposition in selected bird lines. However, controversies still remain concerning to the chicken leptin gene and several authors failed to amplify this gene from genomic DNA or cDNA. In view of this controversy and the importance of this gene, the present study aimed to investigate the leptin gene in a population of birds developed by Embrapa Swine and Poultry Research Center (Brazil. First of all, the sequences of Gallus gallus leptin gene (GenBank AF012727 and Mus musculus (GenBank NM_008493 were aligned with the objective of designing primers in conserved regions among the two species, since 94.6% of similarity is described in the literature in those species. For all four pairs of primers designed, several amplification tests were performed with both DNA and cDNA, but neither unique fragment nor expected band size was ever achieved. The leptin sequence in GenBank does not represent the sequence of the chicken leptin gene.A leptina, hormônio polipeptídico secretado principalmente pelo tecido adiposo, tem um papel importante na regulação da ingestão de alimentos, metabolismo de energia e reprodução em mamíferos. A função do gene da leptina tem sido intensamente estudada em mamíferos, porém, em aves, ainda é pouco conhecida. O cDNA deste gene foi identificado em galinhas, e a alta expressão hepática e os níveis de leptina no plasma foram associados à alta deposição de gordura presente em linhagens de aves selecionadas. Entretanto, permanecem controvérsias sobre o gene da leptina em galinhas, pois diversos autores não conseguiram

  4. Composição das comunidades de aves em duas florestas secundárias contíguas no Sudeste do Brasil. Birds communities composition of two secondary forests in the Southeast Brazil.

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    Alexsander Zamorano ANTUNES


    Full Text Available Muitas décadas são necessárias até queuma floresta secundária apresente uma estruturasemelhante à de uma área em estádio avançado.Há espécies de aves florestais que dependem deflorestas avançadas, enquanto outras utilizamflorestas secundárias. Neste trabalho se comparaa riqueza de espécies de aves, a estrutura tróficada comunidade e a presença de espécies dedistribuição restrita em duas florestas secundáriascontíguas, mas com estruturas de vegetação distintas:os parques estaduais Alberto Löfgren - PEALe Cantareira - PEC. As aves foram amostradas emtrajetos efetuados entre agosto de 2005 e dezembrode 2008, e a vegetação foi avaliada a partir de 100pontos quadrantes por parque. A riqueza e onúmero de espécies de aves com distribuiçãorestrita foram significativamente maiores no PEC.As guildas insetívoros do sub-bosque, insetívorosterrestres e frugívoros terrestres apresentaramriqueza menor de espécies no PEAL em relação aoPEC. Concluiu-se que a avifauna florestal doPEAL é um subconjunto da avifauna do PEC,que a vegetação menos desenvolvida do primeiroe dificuldades de estabelecimento de populaçõessão as possíveis causas das diferenças observadasentre os parques e que ações de manejo podemaumentar a riqueza no PEAL, o que seriaimportante regionalmente.Many decades are required to asecondary forest shows a structure similar to anarea in advanced stage. Some forest bird speciesdepend on forest in advanced stage, while othersuse secondary forests. This work compares therichness of bird species, the trophic structure of thecommunity and the presence of species ofrestricted distribution in two adjacent secondaryforests, but with different structures of vegetation:the State Parks Alberto Löfgren - PEAL andCantareira - PEC. Birds were sampled on pathsmade between August 2005 and December 2008and vegetation was evaluated from 100 points perpark. The richness and number of bird specieswith restricted

  5. Patrones de diversidad de aves a lo largo de un gradiente latitudinal de bosques ribereños del río Paraná medio, Argentina


    Berduc, Alfredo; Lorenzón, Rodrigo Ezequiel; Beltzer, Adolfo Héctor


    Se estudió la variación de la riqueza de especies (diversidad alfa), la diversidad beta, la abundancia y la equidad de ensambles de aves a lo largo de un gradiente latitudinal de 500 km de bosques ribereños. Se muestrearon 5 localidades ubicadas en dirección norte-sur mediante una técnica mixta: transectos y puntos de conteo. La riqueza de especies decreció con el incremento de la latitud, reproduciendo el patrón de la riqueza regional informado en estudios previos. Los resultados apoyaron la...

  6. Avaliação do potencial de valorização dos ecossistemas fluviais : aplicação ao caso de estudo do rio Ave


    Costa, Francisco da Silva; Alonso, Joaquim Mamede; Fernandes, Susana Raquel


    A qualidade de vida depende da forma como o espaço se encontra organizado e articulado com as acessibilidades, os equipamentos e as atividades primárias, assumindo, cada vez maior importância, as intervenções territoriais integradas, que minimizem os impactes do abandono e das alterações no uso do solo. O presente trabalho de investigação tem como objetivos aferir o potencial de valorização de espaços ribeirinhos do rio Ave, para diferentes tipologias de usos/funções e desenvol...

  7. Overexpression of a Novel Apple NAC Transcription Factor Gene, MdNAC1, Confers the Dwarf Phenotype in Transgenic Apple (Malus domestica) (United States)

    Jia, Dongfeng; Gong, Xiaoqing; Li, Mingjun; Li, Chao; Sun, Tingting


    Plant height is an important trait for fruit trees. The dwarf characteristic is commonly associated with highly efficient fruit production, a major objective when breeding for apple (Malus domestica). We studied the function of MdNAC1, a novel NAC transcription factor (TF) gene in apple related to plant dwarfing. Localized primarily to the nucleus, MdNAC1 has transcriptional activity in yeast cells. Overexpression of the gene results in a dwarf phenotype in transgenic apple plants. Their reduction in size is manifested by shorter, thinner stems and roots, and a smaller leaf area. The transgenics also have shorter internodes and fewer cells in the stems. Levels of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and brassinosteroid (BR) are lower in the transgenic plants, and expression is decreased for genes involved in the biosynthesis of those phytohormones. All of these findings demonstrate that MdNAC1 has a role in plants dwarfism, probably by regulating ABA and BR production. PMID:29702625

  8. Las luchas por otras educaciones en el bicentenario: de la iglesia-docente a las educaciones étnicas

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    Elizabeth Castillo Guzmán


    Full Text Available La escuela se ha constituido en la institución que educa y disciplina las culturas, por ello, ha sido objeto de complejas disputas por su control. Aquí proponemos analizar el proceso que va de la Iglesia-docente a las luchas por otras educaciones, en las cuales, indígenas y afrodescendientes han promovido la etnoeducación, entendida como la batalla por el reconocimiento, la memoria y la identidad en el terreno educativo. Es éste un tema central en el debate contemporáneo respecto a nuestra condición como nación multicultural y su proyecto educativo frente a la alteridad étnica, en el que la escuela puede servir como medio para la dignificación y el empoderamiento de indígenas y afrodescendientes.

  9. Las luchas por otras educaciones en el bicentenario: de la iglesia-docente a las educaciones étnicas

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    Elizabeth Castillo Guzmán


    Full Text Available La escuela se ha constituido en la institución que educa y disciplina las culturas, por ello, ha sido objeto de complejas disputas por su control. Aquí proponemos analizar el proceso que va de la Iglesia-docente a las luchas por otras educaciones, en las cuales, indígenas y afrodescendientes han promovido la etnoeducación, entendida como la batalla por el reconocimiento, la memoria y la identidad en el terreno educativo. Es éste un tema central en el debate contemporáneo respecto a nuestra condición como nación multicultural y su proyecto educativo frente a la alteridad étnica, en el que la escuela puede servir como medio para la dignificación y el empoderamiento de indígenas y afrodescendientes.

  10. Nuevos tiempos para la comunicaci??n, "branded content" frente a otras tendencias = New times for communication, branded content against other trends


    Carrizo Rey, Vanessa


    La manera de comunicarnos entre las personas ha cambiado radicalmente respecto al pasado siglo. Las nuevas tecnolog??as de la informaci??n y comunicaci??n han irrumpido en nuestras vidas de manera que si echamos la vista atr??s apenas 10 a??os, nos daremos cuenta que nada es lo mismo a la hora de comunicarnos con otras personas, con las empresas e incluso en nuestra vida cotidiana como por ejemplo a la hora de hacer la compra o ver la televisi??n, nada es igual. En este trabajo, se hablar?? d...

  11. Evaluación del efecto del grano de soya crudo (C.S.C. suministrado por 42-28 o 14 semanas a aves en postura

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    López G. Arnobio


    Full Text Available An experiment was conducted with 144 middle weight Dekalb-Warren laying hens (28 to 70 weeks age, to evaluate the effects on feed consumption, % egg production, egg weight feed conversion per dozen and kilogram of egg produced, weight change, and pancreas size and weight due to the feeding of who le raw soybean (WRSB replacing soybean bean (SBM as a protein source in the diet in three feeding periods (42,28 and 14 weeks. There were no differences (P<0.05 due to protein sources used on egg weight, feed conversion per dozen and kilogram of egg produced and pancreas size. However, there were differences on egg production, weight change, feed consumption by hen per day and pancreas weight. Also there on differences (P < 0.05 due to feeding period on egg weight, feed conversion by dozen and kilograms of egg produced and pancreas weight, but there were differences (P<0.05 on egg production and pancreas size. In a similar way, there where no differences (P<0.05 to the interaction of protein sources feeding periods for any of the variables considerated.Un experimento se llevó a cabo con 144 gallinas Dekalb-Warren semipesadas en postura (28 a 70 semanas para evaluar los efectos de reemplazar la torta de soya por el grano de soya crudo (G.S.C suministrada por tres períodos de tiempo diferentes(42, 28 y 14 semanas. No hubo diferencias (P <0.05 por efecto de la fuente de proteína para las variables peso de huevo, eficiencia de conversión por docena y kilogramo de huevo producido y tamaño de pancreas. Sin embargo si hubo diferencias (P < 0.05 para el porcentaje de producción, cambio de peso en las aves, consumo de alimento por ave día y peso del páncreas. Tampoco se encontraron diferencias (P<0.05 por efecto del período de tiempo de suministro para las variables cambio de peso en las aves, peso de huevo, eficiencia de conversión por docena y kilogramo de huevo producido y peso del páncreas. Pero si hubo diferencias (P< Q05 para las variables

  12. ¿Algo más que "ganadores del pan"?: El papel de los hombres en el ámbito familiar en España (1975-1996

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    Full Text Available el aumento de la importancia de otras funciones del llamado cabeza de familia distintas de la provision economica (por ejemplo, el cuidado de los niños o la realizacion de las tareas domesticas se ha producido en menor medida en españa que en otros paises occidentales, si bien a nuestro pais porcentajes importates de la poblacion de ambos sexos opinan que las mencionadas actividades han de ser compartidas por ambos miembros de la pareja. este articulo explora algunos factores que explican esta divergencia entre actitudes mas bien igualitarias y comportamientos que no lo son tanto, entre otros: la distinta posicion de hombres y mujeres en el mercado de trabajo ; la carencia de habilidades, destrezas y conocimientos necesarios para realizar tareas domesticas y cuidar a los niños por parte de muchos varones, carencia que es en cierta medida el resultado de la educacion recibida en sus familias de origen y de las circunstancias del inicio de su edad adulta ; las concepciones de la mayor parte de lapoblacion acerca de las caracteristicas de los quehaceres del hogar ; la extendida opinion de que el trabajo extradomestico femenino es de menor importancia que el masculino, ademas de la creencia, bastante generalizada, de la importancia del cuidado materno para los niños pequeños ; y, por ultimo, la ausencia de politicas publicas que no solo permitan sino tambien incentiven a los hombres a participar en el cuidado de sus hijos.

  13. Avifauna en sistemas silvopastoriles en el Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano, Tabasco, México

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    Noel González-Valdivia


    Full Text Available Los sistemas silvopastoriles contienen rasgos ecológicos y económicos que contribuyen con la conservación de comunidades florísticas y faunísticas que en ellas se desarrollan. Entre otras comunidades faunísticas se encuentra la avifauna la cual es un grupo representativo de las alteraciones del habitat, tanto a nivel específico como grupo functional. Con el objetivo de atender la iniciativa de Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano en Tabasco, México, se analizó la diversidad de aves en dos sistemas silvopastoriles: árboles dispersos en potreros (ADP y árboles en cercos o linderos (AL. Se aplicó el método de punto de conteo de radio fijo en tres sitios prioritarios del CBM de Tabasco, ubicados en los municipios: Huimanguillo, Tacotalpa y Tenosique. Los datos provienen de las estaciones seca y húmeda del 2011. Se registraron 2 084 aves de 154 especies (79-89% del esperado y 36 familias. Se detectaron 92, 87 y 85 especies, incluyendo 35 protegidas, con 23, 19 y 16 en Huimanguillo, Tacotalpa y Tenosique, respectivamente. Todos los sitios mostraron alta diversidad (H’≥3.20, baja dominancia de especies (D≥0.08 y alta equidad (J≥0.77. La composición de especies mostró diferencias entre sitios, con mayor similitud entre Tacotalpa y Tenosique. Diez especies pueden considerarse características de los sitios. Aunque en los sistemas silvopastoriles se refugian aves protegidas, el componente arbóreo es poco diverso y corresponde a especies de sucesión secundaria temprana, lo que limita a las aves frugívoras y especialistas de bosque. Diversificar estos sistemas con árboles nativos puede mejorar estos hábitats complementarios e incrementar la conectividad del paisaje para cumplir con los objetivos del CBM en la conservación de la biodiversidad y provisión de bienes a las poblaciones humanas.

  14. Relación de la metacognición con otras ciencias: psicológicas y pedagógicas

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    Milena Omar Hechavarría


    Full Text Available El desempeño metacognitivo del escolar constituye una necesidad educativa cuyo propósito es la regulación de la actividad cognoscitiva que está realizando el sujeto de los procesos que en ella se generan y los resultados que se van obteniendo con la finalidad de formar una personalidad capaz de interactuar con la vida y la sociedad de manera que garantice soluciones inteligentes, flexibles y creadoras a los problemas actuales. Se ofrecen algunas consideraciones teóricas sobre la relación de la metacognición con otras ciencias: biológicas, psicológicas y pedagógicas; a partir de la manifestación de cada una de ellas en le proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje.

  15. Linguagem, participação e funcionalidade de adultos pós AVE em atendimento ambulatorial : avaliação baseada na CIF


    Maria Tereza Maynard Santana


    Resumo: INTRODUÇÃO: Dentre as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT), o AVE (Acidente Vascular Encefálico) trata de um importante problema de Saúde Pública, dado os altos índices de mortalidade e suas sequelas, tais como as alterações de linguagem e suas implicações na participação. Ao longo do tempo, diversas mudanças de paradigmas na saúde levam a ressignificação da clínica, incorporando-se em suas práticas aspectos funcionais e sociais tal como propõe a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OM...

  16. Beta2-adrenoceptor-mediated tracheal relaxation induced by higenamine from Nandina domestica Thunberg. (United States)

    Tsukiyama, Muneo; Ueki, Takuro; Yasuda, Yoichi; Kikuchi, Hiroko; Akaishi, Tatsuhiro; Okumura, Hidenobu; Abe, Kazuho


    The fruit of Nandina domestica Thunberg (ND, Berberidaceae) has been used to improve cough and breathing difficulties in Japan for many years, but very little is known about the constituent of ND responsible for this effect. We have recently reported that the crude extract from ND (NDE) inhibits histamine- and serotonin-induced contraction of isolated guinea pig trachea, and the inhibitory activity was not explained by nantenine, a well-known alkaloid isolated from ND. To explore other constituent(s) of NDE with tracheal smooth muscle relaxant activity, we fractionated NDE and assessed the pharmacological effects of the fractions using isolated guinea pig tracheal ring preparations. NDE was introduced into a polyaromatic absorbent resin column and stepwise eluted to yield five fractions, among which only the 40 % methanol fraction was active in relaxing tracheal smooth muscle precontracted with histamine. Further separation of the 40 % methanol fraction with high-performance liquid chromatography yielded multiple subfractions, one of which was remarkably active in relaxing histamine-precontracted trachea. Chemical analysis with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer identified the constituent of the most active subfraction as higenamine, a benzyltetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloid. The potency and efficacy of the active constituent from NDE in relaxing trachea were almost equivalent to synthetic higenamine. In addition, the effect of the active constituent from NDE was competitively inhibited by the selective beta (2)-adrenoceptor antagonist ICI 118,551. These results indicate that the major constituent responsible for the effect of NDE is higenamine, which probably causes the tracheal relaxation through stimulation of beta (2) adrenoceptors. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart-New York.

  17. Distribución espacial y temporal de aves playeras (Orden: Charadriiformes en Laguna San Ignacio, Baja California Sur, México Temporal and spatial distribution of shorebirds (Charadriiformes at San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California Sur, Mexico

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    Luis Francisco Mendoza


    Full Text Available Con la pérdida o degradación de humedales han declinado las poblaciones de algunas especies tales como las aves playeras. En vista de que ha crecido el interés internacional por los estudios ecológicos sobre estas especies, se determinó la abundancia, distribución y riqueza espacio-temporal de las aves playeras en Laguna San Ignacio, Península de Baja California. Se realizaron 12 censos mensuales (octubre 2007-septiembre 2008 en el perímetro interno de la laguna; la cual se dividió en cuatro zonas, dos al norte y dos al sur. Temporalmente las abundancias menores se presentaron en mayo (1 585 aves y las mayores en octubre (47 410. Las especies más abundantes fueron: el picopando canelo (Limosa fedoa; 55% de los registros totales, el playero occidental (Calidris mauri; 23% y el playero pihuiuí (Tringa semipalmata; 10%. Estas especies fueron más abundantes en otoño. El picopando canelo y el playero pihuiuí estabilizaron sus números en invierno y primavera y estuvieron presentes en verano en bajos números, el playero occidental mostró oscilaciones notorias. Se presentan los primeros reportes del playero rojizo del Pacifico (Calidris canutus roselaari para la zona. La riqueza y abundancia estuvieron influenciadas temporal y espacialmente por las aves migratorias. Las mayores abundancias se presentaron al sur de la laguna, probablemente por la disponibilidad del alimento. Los resultados presentes permitieron incluir al área en la Red Hemisférica de Reservas para las Aves Playeras como sitio de importancia internacional.Baja California Peninsula has several wetlands that represent important ecosystems for shorebirds. San Ignacio Lagoon is one of these sites, and supports 10% of the total abundance of shorebirds reported in this Peninsula. Since there is few information about this group in this area, we studied spatial and temporal changes in abundance and distribution of shorebirds in San Ignacio Lagoon. For this, we conducted twelve

  18. Genetic characterization of 11 microsatellite loci in Egyptian pigeons (Columba livia domestica) and their cross-species amplification in other Columbidae populations. (United States)

    Ramadan, Sherif; Dawod, Ahmed; El-Garhy, Osama; Nowier, Amira M; Eltanany, Marwa; Inoue-Murayama, Miho


    This study aimed to analyze the genetic diversity and relationships of 10 Egyptian pigeon populations belonging to Columba livia domestica speciesusing 11 microsatellite markers and to investigate the success of these markers amplification across another eight pigeon species. Genomic DNA was isolated from feather samples of179 pigeon samples from 10 Egyptian breeds: Asfer Weraq (n=14), Austoraly (n=20), Reehani (n=21), Messawed (n=17), Nemssawy (n=27), Otatti (n=12), Morasla (n=17), Tumbler (n=22), Halaby Asfer (n=10), and Karakandy (n=19) in addition to Japanese feral pigeons (n=30). Genotyping was done using 11 specific polymorphic microsatellite makers. Moreover, 37 samples not belonging to C. livia domestica but belonging to another eight pigeon species were genotyped. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products were electrophoresed on an ABI 3130xl DNA Sequencer. The basic measures of genetic diversity and phylogenetic trees were computed using bioinformatics software. Across the 10 studied Egyptian populations, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 19 and the average number of alleles observed was 9.091. The lowest value of expected heterozygosity (0.373) was obtained for the Reehani breed, and the highest value (0.706) was found for Morasla breed. The overall expected heterozygosity of Egyptian pigeons was 0.548. The F ST coefficient which indicates fixation coefficients of subpopulations within the total population for the 11 loci varied from 0.318 to 0.114 with a relatively high mean (0.226). In our study, the F IS showed a relatively high average(0.037). The pairwise Reynolds's genetic distance between the11 studied pigeon populations recorded lower values between Otatti and Austoraly (0.025) and between Morasla and Japanese feral pigeons (0.054). These results are supported by clustering pattern either by the neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree or by a Bayesian clustering of STRUCTURE with the admixture method. We confirm the applicability of

  19. Genetic characterization of 11 microsatellite loci in Egyptian pigeons (Columba livia domestica) and their cross-species amplification in other Columbidae populations (United States)

    Ramadan, Sherif; Dawod, Ahmed; El-Garhy, Osama; Nowier, Amira M.; Eltanany, Marwa; Inoue-Murayama, Miho


    Aim This study aimed to analyze the genetic diversity and relationships of 10 Egyptian pigeon populations belonging to Columba livia domestica speciesusing 11 microsatellite markers and to investigate the success of these markers amplification across another eight pigeon species. Methods Genomic DNA was isolated from feather samples of179 pigeon samples from 10 Egyptian breeds: Asfer Weraq (n=14), Austoraly (n=20), Reehani (n=21), Messawed (n=17), Nemssawy (n=27), Otatti (n=12), Morasla (n=17), Tumbler (n=22), Halaby Asfer (n=10), and Karakandy (n=19) in addition to Japanese feral pigeons (n=30). Genotyping was done using 11 specific polymorphic microsatellite makers. Moreover, 37 samples not belonging to C. livia domestica but belonging to another eight pigeon species were genotyped. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products were electrophoresed on an ABI 3130xl DNA Sequencer. The basic measures of genetic diversity and phylogenetic trees were computed using bioinformatics software. Results Across the 10 studied Egyptian populations, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 19 and the average number of alleles observed was 9.091. The lowest value of expected heterozygosity (0.373) was obtained for the Reehani breed, and the highest value (0.706) was found for Morasla breed. The overall expected heterozygosity of Egyptian pigeons was 0.548. The FST coefficient which indicates fixation coefficients of subpopulations within the total population for the 11 loci varied from 0.318 to 0.114 with a relatively high mean (0.226). In our study, the FIS showed a relatively high average(0.037). The pairwise Reynolds’s genetic distance between the11 studied pigeon populations recorded lower values between Otatti and Austoraly (0.025) and between Morasla and Japanese feral pigeons (0.054). These results are supported by clustering pattern either by the neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree or by a Bayesian clustering of STRUCTURE with the admixture method. Conclusions

  20. Comportamentos interespecíficos entre Callithrix jacchus (Linnaeus (Primates, Callitrichidae e algumas aves de Mata Atlântica, Pernambuco, Brasil Interspecific behaviour between Callithrix jacchus (Linnaeus (Callitrichidae, Primates and some birds of the Atlantic forest, Pernanbuco State, Brazil

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    Rachel M. de Lyra-Neves


    Full Text Available As observações ocorreram no período de dois anos, monitorando grupos marcados de sagüis durante oito horas por dia. Foram registrados seis tipos de eventos: predação de sagüis; predação de aves, disputa de área de forrageio e recurso alimentar; compartilhamento de área de forrageio e recurso alimentar; perseguição branda e utilização de ninho de ave como local de pernoite dos sagüis. Os eventos agrupados obtiveram diferenças significativas entre as estações do ano e os estratos ocupados.The observations cover a period of two years, monitoring groups of marked common marmosets in eight hour/day periods. Six types of events were recorded: marmoset predation; bird predation; foraging competition; food sharing; use of avian nest for nocturnal marmoset rest and mutual pursuit. All pooled events showed highly significant differences between season and vegetation strata.

  1. Distribution, habitat and behavior of grasshopper sparrows, Ammodramus savannarum(Passeriformes: Emberizidae in northeastern Nicaragua

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    Nidia Arguedas-Negrini


    Full Text Available During March and April of 1996, I made field observations of the sedentary subspecies of grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum cracens, in 600 points of the pine savannas of northeastern Nicaragua. Isolated individuals were found in the humid depressions, but breeding populations were located exclusively in areas that had suffered a recent fire. Territorial behavior varied in intensity apparently as a function of territory size: the most aggressive males were those trying to defend smaller territories in populations close to Miskito villages, where most of the fires occur. In contrast to what is happening in other parts of Central America, the Nicaraguan grasshopper sparrow may be indirectly protected from extinction by the Miskito’s traditional fire practices.En marzo y abril de 1996, llevé a cabo observaciones del semillero colicorto (Ammodramus savannarum cracens en las sabanas de pino del noreste de Nicaragua. Encontré individuos aislados en las depresiones más húmedas, pero las poblaciones en estado reproductivo ocupaban solamente áreas que hubieran sido quemadas recientemente. El comportamiento territorial de las aves parecía estar relacionado al tamaño del territorio: las aves más agresivas defendían territorios relativamente pequeños, cercanos a los poblados miskitos, que es adonde los fuegos se producen con mayor frequencia. Fue notable la ausencia de posibles depredadores en las áreas más abiertas de la savanna. Contrario a lo que sucede en otras partes de Centroamérica, la persistencia de esta ave en las savannas de pino de Nicaragua podría estar asegurada por las tradiciones miskitas en el uso del fuego.

  2. Presencia del virus del oeste del Nilo en el noreste de México Presence of west Nile virus in northeast Mexico

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    Ildefonso Fernández-Salas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Detectar la presencia del virus del oeste del Nilo (VON en aves, equinos y seres humanos en el noreste de México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se buscó en diferentes localidades del noreste de México la presencia de anticuerpos antivirus del oeste del Nilo (anti-VON en suero de 33 aves, 24 caballos y 237 personas mediante pruebas de ELISA durante el periodo de julio de 2003 a julio de 2006. En los sueros humanos se buscó también el RNA-VON mediante RT-PCR. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron tres aves seropositivas y 15 equinos. En el hombre, 40% de los sueros fue positivo para anticuerpos IgG y ninguno para anticuerpos IgM. CONCLUSIONES: El VON se encuentra activo en México y se suma a otras enfermedades emergentes transmitidas por vectores que representan un reto a la investigación y a los programas de prevención.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the presence of WNV in birds, horses and humans in northeast Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Serum samples from 33 birds, 24 horses and 237 humans were screened by ELISA for Anti-WNV antibodies. Human serum samples were also screened for WNV RNA using an RT-PCR assay. RESULTS: Positive sera were found in three birds and 15 horses. Forty percent of the human serum samples were positive for IgG antibodies and 0% for IgM antibodies and viral RNA. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study show that WNV is present in northeast Mexico and it is a new emergent infectious agent that represents a challenge for research and prevention programs in Mexico.

  3. Los municipios de la "otra Colombia" en la política de descentralización: Balance de la situación y propuestas

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    Alberto Maldonado


    Full Text Available En este documento se presenta un breve análisis del lugar que han ocupado los municipios pequeños y atrasados -los de la "Otra Colombia" en las políticas de descentralización y ordenamiento territorial durante las dos últimas décadas, analizar la situación actual y formular recomendaciones para una política de apoyo a este grupo de municipios, con énfasis en aquellos que presentan serios problemas de cultivos ilícitos y violencia. La idea central que orienta el documento es la necesidad de elaborar una política explícita de apoyo a los municipios pequeños y atrasados del país, con énfasis en aquellos afectados en especial por cultivos ilícitos y altos niveles de violencia, que se enmarque en los lineamientos generales de la descentralización pero que reconozca las particularidades de este conjunto de unidades territoriales. El documento desarrolla las siguientes partes: antecedentes de las políticas de descentralización y caracterización de los municipios de la «Otra Colombia»; los objetivos de la descentralización y el ordenamiento territorial; los instrumentos; los avances y resultados alcanzados; los factores explicativos de dichos avances y resultados; y los lineamientos de política.

  4. Indicadores de satisfacción de la demanda por turismo naturaleza en el Valle Central de Costa Rica

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    Daniel Villalobos-Céspedes


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar determinados aspectos relacionados con la gestión de la demanda turística internacional en Costa Rica. Los tour operadores y agencias de viajes, entre otros agentes, tienen dificultades para satisfacer la demanda turística por actividades como caminatas por senderos, observación de aves, observación de flora y fauna, visita a volcanes, entre otras. La oferta de esas actividades es organizada sin conocimiento de la mejor opción combinatoria o paquetes. Se analiza la tendencia global de las preferencias de los visitantes en 2001-2007. El modelo de análisis se basa instrumentos de la teoría microeconómica y herramientas estadísticas.

  5. La riqueza y la pobreza de las naciones. ¿Por qué algunas son tan ricas y otras tan pobres?

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    Abel Ignacio López


    Full Text Available Landes, David. La riqueza y la pobreza de las naciones. ¿Por qué algunas son tan ricas y otras son tan pobres?, Barcelona, Editorial Crítica, 1999, 604 páginas. ¿Porqué hay naciones pobres y naciones ricas y cuál es la contribución de la historia en la comprensión de esta cuestión? El autor entiende por cultura el espíritu de empresa, el conjunto de valores que guían la conducta de una población, el dominio de la ciencia, la tecnología y el espíritu racional.

  6. La riqueza y la pobreza de las naciones. ¿Por qué algunas son tan ricas y otras tan pobres?


    Abel Ignacio López


    Landes, David. La riqueza y la pobreza de las naciones. ¿Por qué algunas son tan ricas y otras son tan pobres?, Barcelona, Editorial Crítica, 1999, 604 páginas. ¿Porqué hay naciones pobres y naciones ricas y cuál es la contribución de la historia en la comprensión de esta cuestión? El autor entiende por cultura el espíritu de empresa, el conjunto de valores que guían la conducta de una población, el dominio de la ciencia, la tecnología y el espíritu racional.


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    Laura Parra-Anguita


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La atención a pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias se ha convertido en un objetivo prioritario de los sistemas sanitarios. Así lo demuestra el aumento del número de guías de práctica clínica (GPC elaboradas en nuestro país para ayudar a los profesionales en la toma de decisiones sanitarias. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue evaluar la calidad de las GPC españolas sobre enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias a través de la metodología de evaluación Appraisal of guidelines research and evaluation (AGREE II. Método: Se seleccionaron nueve GPC españolas con los criterios de inclusión: guías completas, dirigidas a personal sanitario, publicadas entre 2002-2013. Dos revisores evaluaron independientemente la calidad de las guías a través del instrumento AGREE II para la evaluación del rigor metodológico y la transparencia de las GPC. Resultados: El 88,8% de las guías obtuvieron una calificación de muy baja calidad con respecto a la Independencia editorial. En cuanto al rigor en la elaboración y la claridad en la presentación el 77,7% también obtuvieron muy baja calidad. Hay una guía que destaca por obtener una puntuación por encima del 50% en todos los dominios del instrumento. Conclusiones: El dominio peor valorado es la independencia editorial seguido de los dominios de rigor en la elaboración y aplicabilidad. Los dominios mejor valorados son alcance y objetivos y claridad en la presentación. La guía del Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad destaca obteniendo una valoración por encima del 50% en todos los dominios. La calidad global de las 9 guías evaluadas es baja o muy baja, sólo dos obtienen una puntuación global de buena calidad.

  8. Calidad de vida para personas con discapacidad intelectual y otras discapacidades del desarrollo. Aplicaciones para personas, organizaciones, comunidades y sistemas. Serie: Feaps


    Schalock, Robert L.; Gardner, James F.; Bradley, Valerie J.


    Las perspectivas de mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y otras discapacidades del desarrollo han ido variando de forma continua desde los comienzos del movimiento en los primeros años de la década de los ochenta. Todos estos cambios de perspectiva han forzado una nueva estructura y mejora de los procesos de la calidad en el desarrollo del concepto, sus aplicaciones lógicas, mediciones y resultados. Este nuevo libro de la colección FEAPS es una traducción...

  9. El costo de la atención ambulatoria del lupus eritematoso sistémico en Colombia. Contrastes y comparaciones con otras poblaciones.


    Calixto, Omar-Javier; Vargas-Zambrano, Juan-Camilo; Franco, Juan-Sebastian; Molano-Gonzalez, Nicolas; Salazar, Juan-Carlos; Rodríguez-Jímenez, Mónica; Vicente-Celis, Zayhro De San; Rojas-Villarraga, Adriana


    Introducción: el lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) es considerado una enfermedad de alto costo. La expresión clínica de la enfermedad depende de la ubicación geografía y la etnicidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue el calcular los costos ambulatorios relacionado al LES en una cohorte colombiana, identificar los predictores de costos y comparar nuestro resultados con otras poblaciones. Métodos: Se realizó una aproximación de tipo prevalencia en 100 pacientes LES en quienes se evaluaron los...

  10. La lexicografía y su relación con otras disciplinas independientes como la lingüística y la ciencia de la información

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tarp, Sven


    los importantes resultados que se han logado dentro de otras disciplinas independientes, como p.ej. la lingüística y la ciencia de la información, ya que recomienda que se haga amplio uso de estos resultados pero solo después de hacerlos pasar por un filtro que determina lo que es relevante o...

  11. Withers height of pig - Sus scrofa domestica L. 1758, domestic cow - Bos taurus L. 1758 and sheep - Ovis aries L. 1758 at the “Gornja šuma” archaeological site (Novi Sad

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    Radmanović Darko P


    Full Text Available In spring 2012, osteological material was collected at the “Gornja Šuma” site (site no. 47, located in the territory of Novi Sad, and it was dated to the early 9th century. The withers heights of pig - Sus scrofa domestica, domestic cow - Bos taurus and sheep - Ovis aries, as the three most dominant species at this archaeological site, were analysed based on the length of bones and according to various authors [Boessneck 1956; Zalkin 1960; Matolcsi 1970; Teichert 1975]. It was determined that in these three species the withers heights mostly corresponded to the data from the Middle Ages.

  12. Clínica. Localizaciones: rodilla, cadera, manos, columna, otras localizaciones

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    Álvaro Pérez Martín


    Full Text Available La clínica que presentan estos pacientes difiere mucho de unos a otros, dependiendo especialmente de la localización de la artrosis, y no hay buena correlación entre la afectación radiológica y el dolor. Generalmente, la clínica es de inicio gradual y evolución lenta, aunque progresiva, y las articulaciones más afectadas son las rodillas, las caderas, las manos y la columna vertebral. Los principales síntomas y signos son el dolor, la rigidez, la deformidad articular y la crepitación. El dolor es de características mecánicas y de causa multifactorial; en fases iniciales suele cursar en brotes autolimitados y posteriormente puede permanecer casi constante. Los criterios del American College of Rheumatology para clasificar las artrosis de rodilla, cadera y manos son una ayuda para la clasificación y estandarización, pero no sirven para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. La artrosis de cadera suele presentar dolor inguinal, en la parte interna y anterior del muslo hasta la rodilla y con la evolución tiende a producir limitación de la movilidad. La artrosis de rodilla es más frecuente en mujeres y suele asociarse con la de mano y la obesidad. En la artrosis de manos, las articulaciones más afectadas son las interfalángicas distales, seguidas de las interfalángicas proximales y la trapeciometacarpiana; es frecuente la aparición de nódulos de Heberden y Bouchard; la afectación de la articulación trapeciometacarpiana se denomina rizartrosis, siendo una de las artrosis que más limita la funcionabilidad de la mano. La artrosis de columna afecta a las articulaciones interapofisarias y a los cuerpos vertebrales. Otras artrosis menos frecuentes son las del pie, codo y hombro, que generalmente son secundarias.

  13. Evaluation of the hormonal state of columnar apple trees (Malus x domestica) based on high throughput gene expression studies. (United States)

    Krost, Clemens; Petersen, Romina; Lokan, Stefanie; Brauksiepe, Bastienne; Braun, Peter; Schmidt, Erwin R


    The columnar phenotype of apple trees (Malus x domestica) is characterized by a compact growth habit with fruit spurs instead of lateral branches. These properties provide significant economic advantages by enabling high density plantings. The columnar growth results from the presence of a dominant allele of the gene Columnar (Co) located on chromosome 10 which can appear in a heterozygous (Co/co) or homozygous (Co/Co) state. Although two deep sequencing approaches could shed some light on the transcriptome of columnar shoot apical meristems (SAMs), the molecular mechanisms of columnar growth are not yet elaborated. Since the influence of phytohormones is believed to have a pivotal role in the establishment of the phenotype, we performed RNA-Seq experiments to study genes associated with hormone homeostasis and clearly affected by the presence of Co. Our results provide a molecular explanation for earlier findings on the hormonal state of columnar apple trees. Additionally, they allow hypotheses on how the columnar phenotype might develop. Furthermore, we show a statistically approved enrichment of differentially regulated genes on chromosome 10 in the course of validating RNA-Seq results using additional gene expression studies.

  14. Validación de una escala de conocimiento sobre el VIH y otras infecciones de transmisión sexual en población adolescente


    José Pedro Espada; Alejandro Guillén-Riquelme; Alexandra Morales; Mireia Orgilés; Juan Carlos Sierra


    Objetivo El objetivo de esta investigaci??n es analizar la fiabilidad y validez de un cuestionario que eval??e de forma espec??fica el conocimiento sobre el VIH y otras infecciones de transmisi??n sexual en una muestra de adolescentes espa??oles. Dise??o Estudio descriptivo transversal para la validaci??n de un cuestionario. Emplazamiento 17 centros escolares de cinco provincias espa??olas. Participantes 1.570 adolescentes entre los 13 y los 17 a??os escolarizados en ...

  15. Una escuela de Cármenes: El patrimonio arquitectónico de las Escuelas del Ave María de Granada

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    Cristina Mª Moreno Fernández


    Full Text Available (ES En el presente artículo se analiza el proceso de creación y ampliación de las Escuelas del Ave María-Casa Madre por medio de la compra de diversos cármenes. Se seguirá un orden cronológico para mostrar de una manera más clara, el proceso de crecimiento que siguió la Institución, exponiendo las circunstancias que envolvieron cada una de las compras, personajes involucrados, intenciones de Andrés Manjón, funcionalidad de los espacios,.... El aspecto arquitectónico será el que centre el artículo, aunque sin olvidar la interrelación de todos los bienes que en este espacio confluyen, de cuya unión nace el valor patrimonial de estas Escuelas.

  16. A new look at the holotype and type locality of Setopagis maculosa (Todd, 1920) Aves: Caprimulgidae), with remarks on its systematic relationships. (United States)

    Costa, Thiago V V; Ingels, Johan; Cavarzere, Vagner; Silveira, Luís Fábio


    Setopagis maculosa (Todd, 1920) (Aves: Caprimulgidae) was described based on a single male specimen collected by Samuel Milton Klages in French Guiana, northeastern South America. Since then, no new specimens have been collected nor have any reliable records been made, and the validity of the species has been questioned. A detailed analysis of the holotype reveals that it has unique and distinctive morphological traits that support the validity and taxonomic status of the species, which is provisionally placed in Setopagis. We present new information on the type locality at the time of its collection, which may shed some light on the habitat preferences of the species, and we provide details on its plumage that have been largely overlooked and that will be important for future field identification.

  17. Synaptology of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH)-immunoreactive cells in the nervus terminalis of the gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica). (United States)

    Zheng, L M; Pfaff, D W; Schwanzel-Fukuda, M


    Light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry were used to examine the structure of LHRH neurons and fibers in the nervus terminalis of the gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica). LHRH-immunoreactive neurons and fibers form a loose plexus within the fascicular network of the ganglion terminale on the median surface of the olfactory bulb. There are at least two populations of LHRH-immunoreactive neurons within the network of the ganglion terminale: fusiform and round neurons similar to those described in the forebrain. At the ultrastructural level, axosomatic and axodendritic contacts were seen between LHRH-immunoreactive and nonimmunoreactive elements in the ganglion terminale. These contacts were classified as 1) synaptic input, with asymmetric synapses seen between a nonimmunoreactive axon terminal and a LHRH-immunoreactive cell body or a nonimmunoreactive axon terminal and a LHRH-immunoreactive dendritic process. 2) synaptic output, with symmetric synapses seen between LHRH-immunoreactive and nonimmunoreactive processes. This study is the first systematic examination of the ultrastructure of the LHRH-immunoreactive neurons and their synaptic contacts in the nervus terminalis. The possible integrative roles for this LHRH-immunoreactive system are discussed.

  18. Genome-wide analysis of the GH3 family in apple (Malus × domestica). (United States)

    Yuan, Huazhao; Zhao, Kai; Lei, Hengjiu; Shen, Xinjie; Liu, Yun; Liao, Xiong; Li, Tianhong


    Auxin plays important roles in hormone crosstalk and the plant's stress response. The auxin-responsive Gretchen Hagen3 (GH3) gene family maintains hormonal homeostasis by conjugating excess indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), salicylic acid (SA), and jasmonic acids (JAs) to amino acids during hormone- and stress-related signaling pathways. With the sequencing of the apple (Malus × domestica) genome completed, it is possible to carry out genomic studies on GH3 genes to indentify candidates with roles in abiotic/biotic stress responses. Malus sieversii Roem., an apple rootstock with strong drought tolerance and the ancestral species of cultivated apple species, was used as the experimental material. Following genome-wide computational and experimental identification of MdGH3 genes, we showed that MdGH3s were differentially expressed in the leaves and roots of M. sieversii and that some of these genes were significantly induced after various phytohormone and abiotic stress treatments. Given the role of GH3 in the negative feedback regulation of free IAA concentration, we examined whether phytohormones and abiotic stresses could alter the endogenous auxin level. By analyzing the GUS activity of DR5::GUS-transformed Arabidopsis seedlings, we showed that ABA, SA, salt, and cold treatments suppressed the auxin response. These findings suggest that other phytohormones and abiotic stress factors might alter endogenous auxin levels. Previous studies showed that GH3 genes regulate hormonal homeostasis. Our study indicated that some GH3 genes were significantly induced in M. sieversii after various phytohormone and abiotic stress treatments, and that ABA, SA, salt, and cold treatments reduce the endogenous level of axuin. Taken together, this study provides evidence that GH3 genes play important roles in the crosstalk between auxin, other phytohormones, and the abiotic stress response by maintaining auxin homeostasis.

  19. Amelotin Gene Structure and Expression during Enamel Formation in the Opossum Monodelphis domestica (United States)

    Gasse, Barbara; Liu, Xi; Corre, Erwan; Sire, Jean-Yves


    Amelotin (AMTN) is an ameloblast-secreted protein that belongs to the secretory calcium-binding phosphoprotein family, which also includes the enamel matrix proteins amelogenin, ameloblastin and enamelin. Although AMTN is supposed to play an important role in enamel formation, data were long limited to the rodents, in which it is expressed during the maturation stage. Recent comparative studies in sauropsids and amphibians revealed that (i) AMTN was expressed earlier, i.e. as soon as ameloblasts are depositing the enamel matrix, and (ii) AMTN structure was different, a change which mostly resulted from an intraexonic splicing in the large exon 8 of an ancestral mammal. The present study was performed to know whether the differences in AMTN structure and expression in rodents compared to non-mammalian tetrapods dated back to an early ancestral mammal or were acquired later in mammalian evolution. We sequenced, assembled and screened the jaw transcriptome of a neonate opossum Monodelphis domestica, a marsupial. We found two AMTN transcripts. Variant 1, representing 70.8% of AMTN transcripts, displayed the structure known in rodents, whereas variant 2 (29.2%) exhibited the nonmammalian tetrapod structure. Then, we studied AMTN expression during amelogenesis in a neonate specimen. We obtained similar data as those reported in rodents. These findings indicate that more than 180 million years ago, before the divergence of marsupials and placentals, changes occurred in AMTN function and structure. The spatiotemporal expression was delayed to the maturation stage of amelogenesis and the intraexonic splicing gave rise to isoform 1, encoded by variant 1 and lacking the RGD motif. The ancestral isoform 2, housing the RGD, was initially conserved, as demonstrated here in a marsupial, then secondarily lost in the placental lineages. These findings bring new elements towards our understanding of the non-prismatic to prismatic enamel transition that occurred at the onset of

  20. Amelotin Gene Structure and Expression during Enamel Formation in the Opossum Monodelphis domestica.

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    Barbara Gasse

    Full Text Available Amelotin (AMTN is an ameloblast-secreted protein that belongs to the secretory calcium-binding phosphoprotein family, which also includes the enamel matrix proteins amelogenin, ameloblastin and enamelin. Although AMTN is supposed to play an important role in enamel formation, data were long limited to the rodents, in which it is expressed during the maturation stage. Recent comparative studies in sauropsids and amphibians revealed that (i AMTN was expressed earlier, i.e. as soon as ameloblasts are depositing the enamel matrix, and (ii AMTN structure was different, a change which mostly resulted from an intraexonic splicing in the large exon 8 of an ancestral mammal. The present study was performed to know whether the differences in AMTN structure and expression in rodents compared to non-mammalian tetrapods dated back to an early ancestral mammal or were acquired later in mammalian evolution. We sequenced, assembled and screened the jaw transcriptome of a neonate opossum Monodelphis domestica, a marsupial. We found two AMTN transcripts. Variant 1, representing 70.8% of AMTN transcripts, displayed the structure known in rodents, whereas variant 2 (29.2% exhibited the nonmammalian tetrapod structure. Then, we studied AMTN expression during amelogenesis in a neonate specimen. We obtained similar data as those reported in rodents. These findings indicate that more than 180 million years ago, before the divergence of marsupials and placentals, changes occurred in AMTN function and structure. The spatiotemporal expression was delayed to the maturation stage of amelogenesis and the intraexonic splicing gave rise to isoform 1, encoded by variant 1 and lacking the RGD motif. The ancestral isoform 2, housing the RGD, was initially conserved, as demonstrated here in a marsupial, then secondarily lost in the placental lineages. These findings bring new elements towards our understanding of the non-prismatic to prismatic enamel transition that occurred at

  1. Suppressing Sorbitol Synthesis Substantially Alters the Global Expression Profile of Stress Response Genes in Apple (Malus domestica) Leaves. (United States)

    Wu, Ting; Wang, Yi; Zheng, Yi; Fei, Zhangjun; Dandekar, Abhaya M; Xu, Kenong; Han, Zhenhai; Cheng, Lailiang


    Sorbitol is a major product of photosynthesis in apple (Malus domestica) that is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and stress tolerance. However, little is known about how the global transcript levels in apple leaves respond to decreased sorbitol synthesis. In this study we used RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) profiling to characterize the transcriptome of leaves from transgenic lines of the apple cultivar 'Greensleeves' exhibiting suppressed expression of aldose-6-phosphate reductase (A6PR) to gain insights into sorbitol function and the consequences of decreased sorbitol synthesis on gene expression. We observed that, although the leaves of the low sorbitol transgenic lines accumulate higher levels of various primary metabolites, only very limited changes were found in the levels of transcripts associated with primary metabolism. We suggest that this is indicative of post-transcriptional and/or post-translational regulation of primary metabolite accumulation and central carbon metabolism. However, we identified significantly enriched gene ontology terms belonging to the 'stress related process' category in the antisense lines (P-value sorbitol plays a role in the responses of apple trees to abiotic and biotic stresses. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:


    Curioso, Walter H.; Blas, Magaly M.; Kurth, Ann E.; Klausner, Jeffrey D.


    Avances tecnológicos innovadores como Internet, computadoras personales de bolsillo, teléfonos celulares y otros equipos son un arsenal en crecimiento en el esfuerzo de impedir y controlar el VIH y otras infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS). A pesar que existe una diversidad de tecnologías de información y comunicación en diferentes etapas de desarrollo para la prevención del VIH e ITS, la investigación en esta área se encuentra aún en crecimiento, y el impacto en la incidencia de enfermedad, las evaluaciones con diseños rigurosos y los estudios económicos todavía son muy limitados. Sin embargo, algunas de estas evidencias son prometedoras y poseen un gran potencial para su uso en nuestro medio. En este artículo hemos realizado una revisión sistemática de la literatura relacionada con el uso de la tecnología aplicada a la prevención y control del VIH e ITS. De ser usada apropiadamente, esta tecnología podría mejorar la vigilancia del VIH y otras ITS, diagnóstico, notificación de parejas, prevención, manejo clínico, y capacitación de profesionales de la salud. PMID:26339254

  3. Prevalencia de autoanticuerpos contra receptores autonómicos en pacientes panameños con cardiopatía chagásica crónica y con otras formas de cardiopatía

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    Azael Saldaña


    Conclusiones. En comparación con el grupo de controles sanos, la frecuencia de los autoanticuerpos contra receptores autonómicos se encuentra significativamente aumentada en pacientes con enfermedad de Chagas crónica y con otras formas de cardiopatía.

  4. Repair of Tibiotarsal Rotation in 7 Chukar Partridges (Alectoris chukar) and 12 Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia domestica) with Type-2 External Skeletal Fixator Intramedullary Pin Tie-in. (United States)

    Kaya, Didar Aydin; Özsoy, Serhat


    Rotational deformities of the long bones affect various avian species. Tibiotarsal rotation may cause the leg to deviate up to 180° from the dorsoplantar axis in a matter of days, thus preventing the birds from walking freely and leading to the inability to stand. In this study, tibiotarsal rotation observed in pigeons and partridges was managed by creating a closed fracture in the tibiotarsus and then, following reduction, stabilizing it with an intramedullary tie-in Type 2 external skeletal fixation system. Functional healing was achieved in 12 pigeons (Columba livia domestica; mean healing time, 38 days) and 7 partridges (Alectoris chukar; mean healing time, 40 days). This treatment was successful. In small bird species (<1 kg), this simple and inexpensive surgical intervention may provide a highly effective method for the treatment of rotational deformities.

  5. Detection and molecular status of Isospora sp. from the domestic pigeon (Columba livia domestica). (United States)

    Matsubara, Ryuma; Fukuda, Yasuhiro; Murakoshi, Fumi; Nomura, Osamu; Suzuki, Toru; Tada, Chika; Nakai, Yutaka


    The domestic pigeon, Columba livia domestica, is reared for meat production, as a pet, or for racing. Few reports have characterized the parasitic protists from the genus Isospora isolated from Columbiformes. We detected Isospora-like oocysts from C. livia reared for racing. The oocyst contained two sporocysts, and each sporocyst included four sporozoites. The sporulated oocysts (n=4) were spherical; their mean diameters were 25.6 (24.0-27.2)×24.7 (23.4-26.0) μm. Micropyles, polar granules, and oocyst residuum were absent. The mean length and width of the sporocysts (n=8) were 19.5 (18.5-20.5) and 11.2 (10.2-12.1) μm, respectively. Stieda and sub-Stieda bodies were observed. Single-oocyst PCR revealed two different 18S rRNA gene sequences and one 28S rRNA gene sequence in a single oocyst of Isospora sp. Based on a phylogenetic analysis of the 18S rRNA gene, the two sequences made a group which fell within a cluster of known avian Isospora species. A tree based on the 28S rRNA gene sequence indicated that sequences from the pigeon Isospora sp. fell within a cluster of avian Isospora species. Both trees failed to clarify the phylogenetic relationships among the avian Isospora species due to limited resolution. Because the morphological description of Isospora sp. is based on only four oocysts, Isospora sp. is not proposed as a novel species here. This is the first description of Isospora sp. isolated from the domestic pigeon C. livia. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Uso de hábitat y estado de conservación de las aves en el humedal El Paraíso, Lima, Perú

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    Alessandra S. Quiñonez


    Full Text Available Las aves son el grupo taxonómico más representativo de los humedales. En la costa central peruana muchos de estos ecosistemas se encuentran seriamente afectados por actividades antropogénicas. Con el objetivo de brindar información que contribuya a la implementación de planes de manejo y conservación de la avifauna del humedal El Paraíso se evaluó las preferencias y usos de los dos hábitats acuáticos presentes en el humedal, la laguna salobre y la zona cenagosa. Se llevaron a cabo evaluaciones mensuales desde mayo del 2009 a marzo del 2010 utilizando el método de puntos de conteo. Se observaron 68 especies que hicieron uso directo de los hábitats de estudio. Las familias más abundantes fueron Anatidae (19.2%, Laridae (18.0%, Phalacrocoracidae (16.8% y Rallidae (16.1%. La especie más abundante fue Phalacrocorax brasilianus (16.7%, seguida de la Fulica ardesiaca (13.0%. Se encontró marcada diferencias en la composición de aves entre los dos hábitats evaluados debido, principalmente, a la  presencia de especies migratorias boreales quienes prefieren el hábitat cenagoso. Por otro lado, fueron identificados los sitios de anidamiento de especies representativas del humedal tales como Phalacrocorax brasilianus, Tachuris rubrigastra, Phleocryptes melanops, Charadrius nivosus. La actividad frecuentemente registrada fue el descanso (73.9%, seguido de la alimentación (23.4% y la reproducción (2.73%. Constituyen las principales amenazas para el humedal; la caza deportiva, quema de totorales y juncales, tránsito de vehículos por la orilla marina y desechos de residuos sólidos dejados por los bañistas.

  7. Endogenous recipes for controlling arthropod ectoparasites of domestic poultry Receitas caseiras para o controle do ectoparasita artrópode nas aves domésticas

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    Sahidou Salifou


    Full Text Available This study is a contribution to the inventory of medicinal plants and other methods used in controlling external parasitic diseases of backyard poultry in the localities of Djougou and Ouaké (department of Donga, Benin. It consists of a survey undertaken from December 2010 to March 2011 through visits and interviews with 210 poultry famers. The results indicate that 13 species of medicinal plants are used in controlling ectoparasites. Annona senegalensis, Tectona grandis, Securidaca longepedunculata, Indigofera hirsuta, Lophira lanceolata, Hyptis spicigera, Steganotaenia araliacea, Oxytenanthera abyssinica, Nicotiana tabacum, Jatropha curcas, Ficus exasperata, Azadirachta indica and Parkia biglobosa are believed to treat external parasitic diseases in the area of this study. Annona senegalensis was the most frequently cited plant (18%, p Este estudo é uma contribuição ao inventário de plantas curativas e outros métodos endógenos usados no combate aos ectoparasitos de pássaros de currais nas aldeias de Djougou e Ouaké (departamento do Donga, em Benin. A pesquisa foi conduzida entre dezembro de 2010 e março de 2011, durante visitas e entrevistas com 210 criadores de aves. Os resultados indicam que 13 espécies de plantas curativas são utilizadas no combate aos ectoparasitos. Annona senegalensis, Tectona grandis, Securidaca longepedunculata, Indigofera hirsuta, Lophira lanceolata, Hyptis spicigera, Steganotaenia araliacea, Oxytenanthera abyssinica, Nicotiana tabacum, Jatropha curcas, Ficus exasperata, Azadirachta indica e Parkia biglobosa, são usadas para tratar uma doença parasitária externa na área de estudo. Annona senegalensis foi a planta mais frequentemente usada (18%, p < 0.05 como medicação contra os parasitas externos das aves. Outras receitas tradicionais como o óleo de palma e a cinza tem sido comunicadas.

  8. Papel de la Vitamina D en la postmenopausia. Influencia de la suplementación en el metabolismo óseo y otras dianas.


    Arribas Ferriol, Gemma


    Actualmente existe un problema de salud mundial con la osteoporosis postmenopáusica y entre los determinantes de salud ósea está un nivel adecuado de vitamina D. También cabe considerar que mantener un nivel adecuado de dicha vitamina influye en otras dianas determinantes en la salud en la postmenopausia, como es el nivel de lípidos, glucemia e insulina, tensión arterial o peso. Entre las tácticas recomendadas por las guías de práctica clínica se contempla la suplementación universal con v...

  9. Memoria histórica y educación popular: practicar una “otra educación”. Entrevista a Carlos Rodrigues Brandão

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    Jessica Anahí Visotsky


    Full Text Available Carlos  Rodrigues Brandão (C.R.B.- Estamos aquí en la casa de Jessica… estamos mateando… tomando mate… y vamos a entrevistarnos mutuamente… Jessica Visotsky (J.V.- Bueno… yo hice algunas preguntas y otras que son invitaciones a jugar… yo te voy a decir algunas palabras y vos las tenés que completar… es como un juego de palabras…  C.R.B.- Una asociación libre, se dice…  J.V.- Claro… Bueno, ¿empezamos? C.R.B.- Si…

  10. Argos-Murcia : programa de prevención y atención del consumo de alcohol y otras drogas para Atención Primaria


    Villar Lorenzo, Ana Belén


    OBJETIVO GENERAL: Capacitar a los Equipos de Atención Primaria de la Región de Murcia en la realización de intervenciones sistematizadas para la prevención, detección precoz y tratamiento de los diferentes problemas asociados con el consumo de alcohol y otras drogas, en coordinación con el resto de los niveles asistenciales y con los recursos educativos y comunitarios de cada zona de salud. METODOLOGÍA: Este programa consta de cuatro proyectos denominados: 1.- Proyecto ARGOS – AP: Actu...

  11. Enterobacteria associated with houseflies (Musca domestica) as an infection risk indicator in swine production farms. (United States)

    Cervelin, V; Fongaro, G; Pastore, J B; Engel, F; Reimers, M A; Viancelli, A


    Houseflies (Musca domestica) spend part of their life development on animal or human manure. Manure is high in pathogenic microbes; thus, houseflies have been known as a mechanical vector for various important zoonotic diseases. Therefore, the present study showcases captured houseflies from intensive swine production regions (which are areas of high manure concentration) in Southern Brazil, and analyses their bodies' to the presence of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. and the sensitivity of these bacteria to various antibiotics. Additionally, Quantitative Microbiology Risk Assessment was performed simulating the contamination of lettuce by flies' bacteria and subsequent lettuce consumption by an adult human being. Houseflies were captured in swine buildings and farm houses from five farms. E. coli quantification values ranged from 10 4 to 10 6 CFU/20 flies, and all sampling sites had positive results from bacteria presence in the collected houseflies. On the other hand, Salmonella sp. presence was observed in only three farms, where the quantification ranged from 10 2 to 10 5 CFU/20 flies. The bacteria showed to be resistant to at least two from the four tested antibiotics (ampicillin, Cefalotin, Ciprofloxacin and Norfloxacin) antibiotics used in human or veterinary medicine. Infection probability analyses showed risk of human infection by E.coli, indicating possible transmission of zoonotic pathogens through flies. In this context, it was possible to conclude that there is a need for flies control, especially in swine farms where zoonotic pathogens can be abundant, to minimize the health impact of the vectorization of enteric bacteria. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. El compromiso de la investigación social en la construcción de otra escuela posible

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    Full Text Available Este artículo recoge una serie de experiencias y reflexiones entorno a la investigaciónDiversidad y convivencia en los cen-tros educativosllevada a cabo desde la Universidad Complu-tense de Madrid en 2013 y centrada en el análisis de bue-nas prácticas educativas en atención a la diversidad. Nosinterrogamos acerca de cómo la elección de la metodología,el formato en el que se elaboran los resultados y su posteriordifusión son decisiones fundamentales para que una investi-gación académica desarrolle todo su potencial de cambiosocial. En nuestro caso, la vertiente aplicada de la investiga-ción ha estado orientada a analizar y visibilizar en el contex-to escolar la diversidad sexual y familiar, así como diferentesidentidades de género, haciendo de ellas una oportunidadeducativa para el cambio hacia otra escuela posible.

  13. Foliar application of amino acids modulates aroma components of 'FUJI' apple (malus domestica L.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gou, W.; Zhang, L.; Chen, F.; Cui, Z.; Zhao, Y.; Zheng, P.; Tian, L.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, C.


    Volatile flavor compounds play a key role in determining the perception and acceptability as well as enhancing market competitiveness of apple (Malus domestica L.). In our study, we evaluated the effects of foliar-applied four different amino acids, i.e. leucine (Leu), isoleucine (Ile), valine (Val) and alanine (Ala), on aroma components and two key enzymes activities involved in aroma metabolism of Fuji apple. The total amount of aromatic components under Ala treatment was significantly higher than those under other treatments. There was a considerable increase in total aroma content, including hexanal, 2-methyl-butanol, nonanal, (E)-2-hexenal, methyleugenol, ethyl acetate, butanoic acid-pentyl ester, butanoic acid-hexyl ester, butyric acid ethyl ester, acetic acid-2-methyl-butyl ester, treated with spraying amino acids compared with the control. More specifically, hexanal, 2-methyl-butanol, methyleugenol and acetic acid-2-methyl-butyl ester exhibited a greater substantial increase of their contents than those of in other ingredients. However, butanoic acid-2-methyl-2-methyl butyl ester maintained a highest level among all aroma components regardless of different amino acids application. Furthermore, the activities of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and alcohol acyltransferase (AAT) were much higher under Ala treatment than those under other treatments. We concluded that foliar-applied organic nitrogen (N), especially for Ala, can improve aroma metabolism and it could be used in production to enhance fruit quality on a commercial scale. (author)

  14. Future bloom and blossom frost risk for Malus domestica considering climate model and impact model uncertainties. (United States)

    Hoffmann, Holger; Rath, Thomas


    The future bloom and risk of blossom frosts for Malus domestica were projected using regional climate realizations and phenological ( = impact) models. As climate impact projections are susceptible to uncertainties of climate and impact models and model concatenation, the significant horizon of the climate impact signal was analyzed by applying 7 impact models, including two new developments, on 13 climate realizations of the IPCC emission scenario A1B. Advancement of phenophases and a decrease in blossom frost risk for Lower Saxony (Germany) for early and late ripeners was determined by six out of seven phenological models. Single model/single grid point time series of bloom showed significant trends by 2021-2050 compared to 1971-2000, whereas the joint signal of all climate and impact models did not stabilize until 2043. Regarding blossom frost risk, joint projection variability exceeded the projected signal. Thus, blossom frost risk cannot be stated to be lower by the end of the 21st century despite a negative trend. As a consequence it is however unlikely to increase. Uncertainty of temperature, blooming date and blossom frost risk projection reached a minimum at 2078-2087. The projected phenophases advanced by 5.5 d K(-1), showing partial compensation of delayed fulfillment of the winter chill requirement and faster completion of the following forcing phase in spring. Finally, phenological model performance was improved by considering the length of day.


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    Alfredo Jesús López Dávila


    Full Text Available López-Dávila, A. J. (2014. Hoy como ayer. Parabiosis y su combinación con otras técnicas para descubrir los secretos de la sangre. Pensar en Movimiento: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 12 (1, 1-15. Este artículo repasa algunos descubrimientos importantes relacionados con la fisiología del ejercicio, los cuales han sido posibles gracias al modelo llamado parabiosis. La parabiosis es una preparación fisiológica experimental en la cual dos animales comparten una sola circulación sanguínea. Este método permite demostrar la existencia de factores circulantes en la sangre y el efecto que estos tienen sobre diferentes tejidos. Aunque esta técnica se ha practicado por más de 150 años, sigue siendo muy utilizada y sus alcances se han reforzado gracias al uso de los métodos modernos de la biología molecular como herramienta complementaria. Por medio de experimentos de parabiosis se ha demostrado que en la sangre de modelos animales circulan moléculas capaces –entre otras acciones- de: a regular la masa grasa corporal por medio de retrocontrol negativo, b reducir la hipertrofia cardiaca asociada a la disfunción diastólica que ocurre con el envejecimiento c inhibir la neurogénesis en el giro dentado del hipocampo y causar disfunciones cognitivas, d favorecer la remielinización de la médula espinal y e activar o inhibir la regeneración del músculo esquelético que se da luego de una lesión. El constante descubrimiento de factores que circulan en la sangre y sus efectos en diversos órganos abren nuevas preguntas acerca de los mecanismos moleculares y celulares que explican estos fenómenos y su posible aplicación en la salud del ser humano. La fisiología del ejercicio es una herramienta valiosa para hallar las respuestas.

  16. Artrópodes em ninhos de Columba livia Gmelin, 1789 (Aves, Columbidae em área urbana de Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil.

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    Guilherme Maerschner Ogawa


    Full Text Available Resumo. Foi realizado um estudo sobre artrópodes que vivem em ninhos de Columba livia Gmelin 1789, ave conhecida como pombo urbano e que nidifica em construções humanas, com o intuito de inventariar as espécies de artrópodes associadas. Foram coletados 14 ninhos de C. livia em nove bairros da área urbana de Manaus os quais foram levados ao laboratótio e colocados em um extrator do tipo Berlese-Tulgren por 12 dias, para a captura dos artrópodes. Foram encontrados 10.323 artrópodes, pertencentes a 3 subfilos, 3 classes, 14 ordens e 33famílias. Acari foi mais abundante com 7.879 indivíduos, sendo o gênero Caloglyphus Berlese, 1923, o mais representativo (75%. A maioria das espécies encontradas é detritívora. A diversidade de artrópodes foi menor em Manaus se comparada à registrada em trabalhos da região Paleártica, provavelmente por C. livia ser uma espécie exótica na fauna Neotropical. Arthropods in the nests of Columba livia Gmelin 1789 (Aves, Columbidae in the urban area of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Abstract. The objective of this study was identify the arthropod fauna in nests of the urban pigeon, Columba livia Gmelin 1789 who build their nests in man-made buildings. Fourteen nests were collected in nine districts of the built up area of the city of Manaus. For twelve days, arthropods were extracted in a Berlese-Tulgren funnel. A total of 10.323 arthropods representing 3 subphyla, 3 classes, 14 orders and 33 families were detected. Acari was the most abundant group with 7879 individuals. Mites of the genus Caloglyphus Berlese, 1923, made up over 75 % of all arthropods collected. Most of the arthropods extracted are detrivorous and apterous. The diversity found in Manaus was lower than that reported for samples collected in the Palearctic Region, probably because C. livia is exotic in the Neotropical fauna. The introduction of this pigeon can be responsible for a major contact between some arthropods and humans.

  17. Fossil Suidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from Aves Cave I and nearby sites in Bolt’s Farm Palaeokarst System, South Africa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pickford, M.; Gommery, D.


    Excavations carried out since 2011 at Bolt’s Farm Palaeokarst System, South Africa, have led to the recovery of interesting remains of suids, notably from Aves Cave I. The taxa present are Potamochoeroides hypsodon and Notochoerus capensis, the same as those that occur at Makapansgat. The new Notochoerus material, which includes an upper third molar and a lower fourth premolar, strengthens the conclusion that this genus is a suine and not a tetraconodont as thought for the past half century. Potamochoeroides has thickened mandibular rami indicating that it descended from the genus Dasychoerus that dispersed into Africa from Eurasia about 5 million years ago. Other karst deposits at Bolt’s Farm have yielded a younger suid fauna comprising Metridiochoerus andrewsi and Phacochoerus modestus, indicating that the Bolt’s Farm Karst System was active for a considerable period of time (ca 4.5 Ma - 1.8 Ma). The fact that all the suid taxa from Bolt’s Farm are hypsodont indicates that the palaeoenvironment contained abundant grass. (Author)

  18. El teatro de Joaquín Dicenta: la otra revolución social

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    López Criado, Fidel


    Full Text Available This article studies Joaquín Dicenta’s contribution to the so called “social theatre” or “theater of social concern” in Spain. Its thesis differs from mainstream critical opinion and maintains that Dicenta’s plays are born out of a Kautskian political thought (socialdemocrat, not Marxist-Leninist, which is directed at a bourgeois and not a proletarian public. Thus, Dicenta’s theatre becomes a revolutionary tool, of agitation and propaganda, directed at the liberal bourgeoisie, in whose hands is entrusted the leadership of “the other Marxist social revolution”, through non-violent, democratic and parliamentary means.

    El trabajo estudia la aportación del teatro de Joaquín Dicenta al llamado “teatro social” o “de la cuestión social” en España. Su tesis difiere de la consideración crítica habitual y mantiene que el teatro social de Dicenta nace de un pensamiento kaustkiano (es decir, social-demócrata, que no marxista-leninista, que tiene a la burguesía y no al proletario como su principal destinatario. Así, pues, el teatro de Dicenta se convierte en un espectáculo revolucionario, de agitación y propaganda, dirigido a la burguesía progresista, a la que se le encomienda la labor de liderar esa “otra revolución social” marxista que debe discurrir por cauces parlamentarios y democráticos, no violentos.

  19. Doenças de aves selvagens diagnosticadas na Universidade Federal do Paraná (2003-2007 Diseases of wild birds diagnosed at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (2003-2007

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    Gizah G.C. Santos


    Full Text Available Dentre os 253 atendimentos realizados em aves selvagens entre agosto de 2003 a agosto de 2006 no Ambulatório de Animais Selvagens do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal do Paraná, 45 casos (17,8% referiram-se a consultas à espécie Serinus canarius (canário-belga. Dentre as aves atendidas e suas respectivas ordens obteve-se uma maior ocorrência da ordem Psittaciforme. As enfermidades mais freqüentemente visualizadas foram as afecções traumáticas com 56 casos (22,13%. Destas, 17 animais (30,91% possuíam algum tipo de fratura, sendo a fratura rádio-ulnar a mais comum, com 17,65% de ocorrência. As outras moléstias mais relatadas foram a presença de ectoparasitos (12,50% e endoparasitos (10,68%, doenças respiratórias (10,42%, procedimentos preventivos (7,55%, afecções dermatológicas (6,51%, neoplasias (4,95%, afecções oftálmicas (4,43%, afecções gastrintestinais (3,91%, caquexia (3,39%, afecções neurológicas (2,86%, automutilação (2,86%, obesidade (2,34%, agressão por outros animais (1,56 %, doenças nutricionais (1,30%, retenção de ovo (1,04%, bouba aviária (0,78% e gota úrica (0,52%. Tendo em vista a alta prevalência de traumatismos e presença de ecto e endo parasitas que poderiam ser evitados se estivesse ocorrendo um manejo adequado com a ave, sugere-se a necessidade que o Médico Veterinário assuma um papel mais efetivo na Medicina Veterinária Preventiva buscando informar e debater questões referentes ao modo correto de alimentação, criação e manejo das aves, assim como também o esclarecimento acerca das questões referentes às zoonoses quando da consulta veterinária.From 253 wild birds attended at the Wild Animal Ambulatory of the Veterinary Hospital, Paraná Federal University, between August 2003 and August 2006, 45 cases (17.8% were related to the species Serinus canarius (Belgian Canary. Within these attended birds and its respective orders, most morbid conditions occurred with the

  20. Avaliação nutricional de farinhas de vísceras de aves e a utilização em rações de frangos de corte


    Edney Pereira da Silva


    Os experimentos foram realizados com os objetivos de determinar os valores energéticos e nutricionais de farinhas de vísceras de aves (FVA) para frangos de corte.Inicialmente, analisou-se a composição de três FVAs e dois ensaios foram realizados; um para determinar a taxa de passagem e outro para determinar a energia metabolizável aparente e verdadeira corrigida (EMAn e EMVn). As FVAs apresentaram uma média de: 93,34% de matéria seca, 62,73% para proteína bruta (PB), 15,42% de extrato etér...

  1. Feeding associations between Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis (Van Bénèden, 1864 and seabirds in the Lagamar estuary, Brazil Associações de alimentação entre o boto-cinza (Sotalia guianensis (Van Bénèden, 1864 e aves marinhas no estuário do Lagamar, Brasil

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    MCO. Santos


    Full Text Available The main objective of the present study was to describe the characteristics regarding interactions between Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis and seabirds in feeding associations in two distinct areas of the Lagamar estuary, Brazil. Boat-based surveys directed towards photo-identification studies of S. guianensis were conducted in the Cananéia Estuary (CE (25° 01' S and 47° 55' W from July 2004 to March 2008, as well as in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex (PEC (25° 24' S and 48° 24' W from April 2006 to February 2008. On all occasions when seabirds were observed engaging in multi-species feeding associations with S. guianensis, data on species involved and their numbers were gathered. From 435 observed groups of S. guianensis in the CE, 38 (8.7% involved interactions with seabirds. In the PEC, from the 286 observed groups, 32 (11.2% involved the mentioned interactions. The following seabirds were observed in feeding associations with S. guianensis: Fregata magnificens, Sula leucogaster, Phalacrocorax brasilianus, and Sterna sp. In the CE, S. leucogaster was more commonly observed in feeding associations with Guiana dolphins (χ2 = 22.84; d.f. = 3, p O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi de descrever as características a respeito das associações de alimentação entre o boto-cinza, Sotalia guianensis, e aves marinhas em duas áreas distintas do estuário do Lagamar, Brasil. Investigações efetuadas a partir de embarcação e direcionadas a estudos de foto-identificação de S. guianensis foram conduzidas no Estuário de Cananéia (EC (25° 01' S e 47° 55' O entre julho de 2004 e março de 2008, bem como no Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá (CEP (25° 24' S e 48° 24' O entre abril de 2006 e fevereiro de 2008. Em todas as ocasiões em que aves marinhas foram observadas em associações de alimentação multiespecífica com S. guianensis, dados sobre as espécies envolvidas e seus números foram obtidos. Dos 435 grupos de S

  2. Efeito da microbiota cecal e do Lactobacillus salivarius inoculados in ovo em aves desafiadas com Salmonella enterica sorovar Enteritidis Effect of cecal microflora and Lactobacillus salivarius in ovo administration used on chicken previously challenged with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis

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    R.L. Andreatti Filho


    Full Text Available Ovos embrionados provenientes de matrizes pesadas foram inoculados na câmara de ar com microbiota cecal total, microbiota cecal diluída e cultura de Lactobacillus salivarius, no 18º dia de incubação. Dois dias após o nascimento, as aves foram desafiadas com Salmonella enterica sorovar Enteritidis (SE e, cinco dias após o desafio, avaliou-se a presença da bactéria no fígado e ceco. O efeito de exclusão competitiva, após o desafio com SE, somente foi observado pela ausência da bactéria no fígado das aves tratadas in ovo com L. salivarius. A inoculação in ovo de microbiota cecal indefinida ou diluída não reduziu a colonização de SE no fígado e no ceco das aves, incluindo, neste último, também o tratamento com L. salivarius. Nenhum dos tratamentos in ovo determinou índice de eclodibilidade superior a 65%.Commercial 18-day-old incubating chicken embryos were inoculated with total or diluted cecal microbiota and Lactobacillus salivarius cultures directly into the inner air sac. Two days after hatching, the chicks were challenged with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE, and five days later the presence of bacteria in cecum and liver was evaluated. The competitive exclusion effect was determined by the search for SE in the liver of chicks treated in ovo with L. salivarius and challenged with SE. The in ovo inoculation of total or diluted cecal microbiota, in addition to the L. salivarius treatment did not significantly decrease the colonization of SE in liver and cecum. All treatments resulted in hatchability of 65% or less.

  3. Diagnóstico y tipificación de unidades familiares con y sin gallinas de traspatio en una comunidad de Huatusco, Veracruz (México

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    Manuel Sánchez-Sánchez


    Full Text Available De un censo de 78 unidades familiares que conforman la comunidad de estudio, se obtuvo información de 38; éstos, cuentan con gallinas cuyo personal es responsable de: las aves, del estado de las instalaciones y equipo de trabajo, de conformación de la parvada, de técnicas de manejo, datos productivos y económicos, y de perspectivas de producción; asimismo, información de 30 familias sobre motivos para no dedicarse a dicha actividad. Mediante análisis de conglomerados fueron determinados tres tipos de unidades familiares con gallinas: productores con fin comercial (PFC, caracterizados por tener gallinas criollas para venta de carne y huevo, y tener planes de crecimiento de la parvada; productores para autoconsumo con venta de excedentes (PAV, que se distinguen por criar gallinas de raza comercial, y contar con mayor área de gallinero e implementos; y productores sólo para autoconsumo (PAC, que poseen gallinas de raza comercial, criadas en completa libertad en el traspatio y cafetales. Además de dos tipos de unidades sin gallinas: ex productores (EX, aquellos que han abandonado la actividad, principalmente por falta de espacio y por pérdida del interés; y familias que nunca han tenido gallinas (SN, principalmente porque les desagrada la cría de aves. Se concluye que, aproximadamente, la mitad de las familias están interesadas en las gallinas de traspatio, distinguiéndose tres tipos de productores, todos con instalaciones rústicas y manejo deficiente, especialmente en el cuidado de la salud de las aves; no obstante, otras familias de la comunidad también resultan beneficiadas por la producción excedente de aquéllas.

  4. Deposição diária e sazonal de gordura subcutânea em Phacellodomus rufifrons (Wied (Aves, Furnariidae Daily and seasonal deposition of subcutaneous fat in Phacellodomus rufifrons, a Neotropical ovenbird

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    Fernando F. Goulart


    Full Text Available Aves que habitam regiões temperadas acumulam gordura a fim de sobreviver às condições extremas da noite. Níveis de deposição de gordura nessas aves aumentam ao longo do dia e atingem um pico no entardecer e diminuem ao longo da noite, quando a alimentação não é possível. Aliado a isso, existe o aumento estacional dos depósitos de lipídeos assim que o inverno se aproxima, e permite que a ave sobreviva naquela estação. Pouco se conhece sobre esses padrões em aves tropicais. O presente trabalho verifica a dinâmica de deposição de gordura de Phacellodomus rufifrons (Wied, 1821, um furnarídeo (Passeriformes, Furnariidae endêmico da região Neotropical, em um ambiente tropical bastante sazonal, o cerrado do sudeste do Brasil. O trabalho de campo foi realizado entre agosto de 2001 a julho de 2002, no Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó, município de Jaboticatubas, Minas Gerais. Os dados de gordura subcutânea foram classificados visualmente em aves capturadas. Foram estabelecidas quatro categorias para a variação da gordura subcutânea depositada na cavidade da fúrcula. Foi encontrado um aumento significativo nos níveis de gordura ao longo do dia, como para espécies de regiões temperadas, mas não ouve variação ao longo das estações do ano. A massa corporal média não variou ao longo do ano e nem ao longo do dia. Os resultados mostram que variações diárias no cerrado podem atuar como fator de estresse que pode desencadear a adaptações fisiológicas para atravessar a noite. Por outro lado, variações estacionais podem ser balanceadas pelo habito dos indivíduos de P. rufifrons pernoitarem durante todo o ano dentro do ninho, um comportamento relativamente raro entre os Passeriformes.It is known that birds inhabiting temperate regions accumulate fat in order to survive a night of extreme conditions. Levels of fat depots arise as the day goes by, reaching its pick at dusk and decreasing along the night hours when no

  5. Primer registro de cráneos asignados a Palaeospheniscus (Aves, Spheniscidae procedentes de la Formación Bahía Inglesa (Mioceno Medio-tardío, Chile First record of skulls assigned to Palaeospheniscus (Aves, Spheniscidae from the Bahía Inglesa formation (middle-late Miocene, Chile

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    Full Text Available Los cráneos de los Spheniscidae (como los de todas las aves, aunque escasos en el registro paleontológico, muestran importantes caracteres a nivel taxonómico. Hasta el momento se conocían solo seis cráneos en todo el mundo: Paraptenodytes antarctica y una nueva especie de Spheniscidae procedentes de las formaciones Gaiman (Mioceno temprano y Puerto Madryn (Mioceno tardío de Argentina, respectivamente; Spheniscus megaramphus y 3S. urbinai de la formación Pisco (Mioceno tardío de Perú, Marplesornis novaezealandiae del Plioceno de Nueva Zelanda y un resto de Sphenicidae cf Spheniscus procedente de la formación Bahía Inglesa (Mioceno medio-tardío. De esta última unidad provienen cinco restos craneanos recientemente descubiertos en la localidad de Caldera (Región de Atacama, Chile, los cuales fueron descritos y asignados preliminarmente a Palaeospheniscus. Estos materiales constituyen el primer registro de cráneos para la especie y significan un importante aporte al conocimiento de la avifauna fósil de Chile y en particular de la formación Bahía InglesaAlthough the skulls of the Spheniscidae are unusual in the paleontologic record, they show important features useful in the systematics of the group, as well as in the rest of the birds. Until now, fossil occurrences were restricted to six skulls: Paraptenodytes antarctica and one new species from the Gaiman formation (Early Miocene and Puerto Madryn formation (late Miocene of Argentina, respectively; Spheniscus megaramphus and S. urbinai from the Pisco Formation (Late Miocene, Perú; Marplesornis novaezealandiae from New Zealand (Pliocene; and Spheniscidae cf. Spheniscus from the Bahía Inglesa Formation (Middle-Late Miocene, Chile. Five new materials have been exhumed from this last unit. These skulls, which come from the Caldera locality (Region of Atacama, Chile, have been preliminarily assigned to Palaeospheniscus (Aves, Spheniscidae, constituting the first skulls described for

  6. Parásitos metazoos de Anas georgica Gmelin, 1789 (Aves: Anseriformes en Chile central: especificidad, prevalencia y variaciones entre localidades Host specificity, prevalence and between-sites variation in metazoan parasites of Anas georgica Gmelin, 1789 (Aves: Anseriformes in Chile

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    Full Text Available Se estudiaron los parásitos metazoos en 65 ejemplares del pato jergón grande Anas geórgica Gmelin, 1789 (Aves: Anseriformes, capturados entre los meses de mayo y julio de 2004, en seis localidades de la zona centro-sur de Chile. Se evaluó si existía correlación entre el valor del índice de especificidad STD (Statistical Taxonomic Distinctiveness, para cada taxón determinado a nivel de especie, con sus respectivas prevalencias e intensidades. Además, se evaluó la significancia estadística de las variaciones entre localidades en la prevalencia e intensidad de ectoparásitos y endoparásitos, en la abundancia total de parásitos y en la riqueza de las infracomunidades. Finalmente, se evaluó si el peso corporal y el sexo de los hospedadores eran relevantes para entender las variaciones de la abundancia de cada taxon, la abundancia total y la riqueza en las infracomunidades. En el 81.5 % de los ejemplares examinados se encontraron 1,653 parásitos, pertenecientes a un total de 11 taxa, a saber, los ectoparásitos del orden Phthiraptera Anaticola crassicornis (Scopoli, 1763, Anatoecus icterodes (Nitzsch, 1818 y Trinoton querquedulae (Linneus, 1758, y los endoparásitos Digenea Australapatemon burti (Miller, 1923 Dubois, 1968, Notocotylus imbricatus (Loss, 1893, Paramonostomum pseudoalveatum Price, 1931, Echinostoma sp. Rudolphi, 1809, Echinoparyphium sp. Dietz, 1909, el Nematoda Porrocaecum sp. Railliet & Henry, 1912 y los Cestoda Cloacotaenia megalops (Nitzsch in Creplin, 1829 Wolfhuegel, 1938 y Fuhrmanacanthus propeteres (Fuhrmann, 1907 Spasskii, 1966. La correlación entre el índice de especificidad STD y la prevalencia de los taxa parasitarios resultó ser negativa y significativa, no así la correlación con la intensidad. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la abundancia o riqueza de los parásitos entre sexos de las aves, pero sí en la riqueza de especies y en la abundancia total entre sitios. Con excepción de los

  7. Preliminary studies on the reaction of growing geese (Anser anser f. domestica) to the proximity of wind turbines. (United States)

    Mikolajczak, J; Borowski, S; Marć-Pieńkowska, J; Odrowaz-Sypniewska, G; Bernacki, Z; Siódmiak, J; Szterk, P


    Wind farms produce electricity without causing air pollution and environmental degradation. Unfortunately, wind turbines are a source of infrasound, which may cause a number of physiological effects, such as an increase in cortisol and catecholamine secretion. The impact of infrasound noise, emitted by wind turbines, on the health of geese and other farm animals has not previously been evaluated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of noise, generated by wind turbines, on the stress parameters (cortisol) and the weight gain of geese kept in surrounding areas. The study consisted of 40 individuals of 5-week-old domestic geese Anser anser f domestica, divided into 2 equal groups. The first experimental gaggle (I) remained within 50 m from turbine and the second one (II) within 500 m. During the 12 weeks of the study, noise measurements were also taken. Weight gain and the concentration of cortisol in blood were assessed and significant differences in both cases were found. Geese from gaggle I gained less weight and had a higher concentration of cortisol in blood, compared to individuals from gaggle II. Lower activity and some disturbing changes in behavior of animals from group I were noted. Results of the study suggest a negative effect of the immediate vicinity of a wind turbine on the stress parameters of geese and their productivity.

  8. The effect of apple (Malus Domestica juice on the damage of mice liver cells due to paracetamol treatment

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    Anthony Hartanto


    Full Text Available The liver is an important organ for body metabolism process. Liver disease is one of serious health problems in developing countries including Indonesia. Liver damage is caused by viral infection, toxic agent exposure (medications, alcohol, hormonal disturbance, neoplasm and autoimmune diseases. The use of high dose paracetamol to reduce pain also leads to liver damage. Apple (Malus domestica juice is a natural anti oxidant agent. This laboratory experimental study was performed to discover the effect of giving apple juice on damaged cell regeneration due to the use of paracetamol. The study was performed in 21 male mice from Swiss-Webster strain that were divided into group I, II, and III. Group, I served as control while group II received 1 mg/ml paracetamol dose for 5 days and Group III received 1 mg/ml paracetamol for 5 days and 1 ml of apple juice on the 5th to 10th day. The observation of the mice liver cells was conducted using a light microscope with 400x magnification to get the number of necrotic liver cells per view field. The results of this study showed a difference in the number of necrotic liver cells between Group II and III. ANOVA statistical test ( = 0.05 concluded that apple juice significantly helps regeneration process in damaged liver cells caused by paracetamol.

  9. The First Report of Mycobacterium celatum Isolation from Domestic Pig (Sus scrofa domestica and Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus and an Overview of Human Infections in Slovenia

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    Mateja Pate


    Full Text Available Mycobacterium celatum, a slowly growing potentially pathogenic mycobacterium first described in humans, is regarded as an uncommon cause of human infection, though capable of inducing invasive disease in immunocompromised hosts. According to some reports, a serious disease due to M. celatum may also occur in individuals with no apparent immunodeficiency. In animals, an M. celatum-related disease has been described in three cases only: twice in a domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo and once in a white-tailed trogon (Trogon viridis. In this paper, we report the first detection of M. celatum in a domestic pig (Sus scrofa domestica and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus. A nation-wide overview of human M. celatum infections recorded in Slovenia between 2000 and 2010 is also given. Pulmonary disease due to M. celatum was recognized in one patient with a history of a preexisting lung disease.

  10. Equação de predição da exigência de proteína bruta para aves reprodutoras pesadas na fase de produção Prediction equation of crude protein requirements for broiler breeders hens

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    Carlos Bôa-Viagem Rabello


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar as exigências de proteína para aves reprodutoras pesadas através do método fatorial. A exigência de proteína bruta para mantença (PBm foi determinada por intermédio da técnica do balanço de nitrogênio por meio de ensaio de metabolismo com aves submetidas a quatro dietas com níveis decrescentes de proteína, proporcionando balanço positivo, próximo a zero e negativo. Para determinar a exigência de proteína bruta para o ganho de peso (PBg dois experimentos foram conduzidos, sendo que em um, determinou-se as exigências líquidas de nitrogênio e no outro, a eficiência de utilização do nitrogênio para o ganho, por meio de abates semanais de aves no período de 26 a 33 semanas de idade. A exigência de proteína bruta para produção de ovos (PBo foi determinada através de análises semanais de proteína bruta dos ovos coletados, no período de 31 a 37 semanas de idade, considerando a eficiência de deposição da proteína no ovo. A exigência e eficiência de utilização da proteína para mantença foram 2.282 mg PB/kg0,75/dia e 60,79%; respectivamente. As exigências de PBg e PBo determinadas foram: 356 mg PB/g e 262 mg PB/g, respectivamente, e as eficiências de utilização do nitrogênio, 40 e 46,80%, respectivamente. A equação de predição elaborada para aves reprodutoras pesadas na fase de produção foi: PB=2,282.P0,75+0,356.G+0,262.MO, onde PB é a exigência de proteína bruta (g/ave/dia, P o peso corporal (kg, G o ganho de peso (g/dia e MO a massa de ovos (g/dia.The objective of this study was to determine the protein requirement for broiler breeder hens using factorial method. The requirement of crude protein for maintenance (CPm was determined using nitrogen balance technique in metabolism assay. The birds were fed with four protein levels in order to get a positive, a close to zero and a negative nitrogen balance. To determine the crude protein weight gain

  11. Study of the volatile compounds from plum (Prunus domestica L. cv. Horvin and estimation of their contribution to the fruit aroma

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    Jorge Antonio Pino


    Full Text Available Simultaneous Distillation-Extraction (SDE and headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME combined with GC-FID and GC-MS were used to analyze volatile compounds from plum (Prunus domestica L. cv. Horvin and to estimate the most odor-active compounds by application of the Odor Activity Values (OAV. The analyses led to the identification of 148 components, including 58 esters, 23 terpenoids, 14 aldehydes, 11 alcohols, 10 ketones, 9 alkanes, 7 acids, 4 lactones, 3 phenols, and other 9 compounds of different structures. According to the results of SDE-GC-MS, SPME-GC-MS and OAV, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, hexyl acetate, (E-2-nonenal, ethyl butanoate, (E-2-decenal, ethyl hexanoate, nonanal, decanal, (E-β-ionone, Γ-dodecalactone, (Z-3-hexenyl acetate, pentyl acetate, linalool, Γ-decalactone, butyl acetate, limonene, propyl acetate, Δ-decalactone, diethyl sulfide, (E-2-hexenyl acetate, ethyl heptanoate, (Z-3-hexenol, (Z-3-hexenyl hexanoate, eugenol, (E-2-hexenal, ethyl pentanoate, hexyl 2-methylbutanoate, isopentyl hexanoate, 1-hexanol, Γ-nonalactone, myrcene, octyl acetate, phenylacetaldehyde, 1-butanol, isobutyl acetate, (E-2-heptenal, octadecanal, and nerol are characteristic odor active compounds in fresh plums since they showed concentrations far above their odor thresholds.

  12. Manipulation of primary sex ratio in birds: lessons from the homing pigeon (Columba livia domestica). (United States)

    Goerlich-Jansson, Vivian C; Müller, Martina S; Groothuis, Ton G G


    Across various animal taxa not only the secondary sex ratio but also the primary sex ratio (at conception) shows significant deviations from the expected equal proportions of sons and daughters. Birds are especially intriguing to study this phenomenon as avian females are the heterogametic sex (ZW); therefore sex determination might be under direct control of the mother. Avian sex ratios vary in relation to environmental or maternal condition, which can also affect the production of maternal steroids that in turn are involved in reproduction and accumulate in the developing follicle before meiosis. As the proximate mechanisms underlying biased primary sex ratio are largely elusive, we explored how, and to what extent, maternal steroid hormones may be involved in affecting primary or secondary sex ratio in clutches of various species of pigeons. First we demonstrated a clear case of seasonal change in sex ratio in first eggs both in the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) and in a related species, the Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus), both producing clutches of two eggs. In the Homing Pigeon (Columba livia domestica), domesticated from the Rock Pigeon, testosterone treatment of breeding females induced a clear male bias, while corticosterone induced a female bias in first eggs and we argue that this is in line with sex allocation theory. We next analyzed treatment effects on follicle formation, yolk mass, and yolk hormones, the latter both pre- and post-ovulatory, in order to test a diversity of potential mechanisms related to both primary and secondary sex ratio manipulation. We conclude that maternal plasma hormone levels may affect several pre-ovulatory mechanisms affecting primary sex ratio, whereas egg hormones are probably involved in secondary sex ratio manipulation only.

  13. Insecticide Mixtures Could Enhance the Toxicity of Insecticides in a Resistant Dairy Population of Musca domestica L (United States)

    Khan, Hafiz Azhar Ali; Akram, Waseem; Shad, Sarfraz Ali; Lee, Jong-Jin


    House flies, Musca domestica L., are important pests of dairy operations worldwide, with the ability to adapt wide range of environmental conditions. There are a number of insecticides used for their management, but development of resistance is a serious problem. Insecticide mixtures could enhance the toxicity of insecticides in resistant insect pests, thus resulting as a potential resistance management tool. The toxicity of bifenthrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos, profenofos, emamectin benzoate and fipronil were assessed separately, and in mixtures against house flies. A field-collected population was significantly resistant to all the insecticides under investigation when compared with a laboratory susceptible strain. Most of the insecticide mixtures like one pyrethroid with other compounds evaluated under two conditions (1∶1-“A” and LC50: LC50-“B”) significantly increased the toxicity of pyrethroids in the field population. Under both conditions, the combination indices of pyrethroids with other compounds, in most of the cases, were significantly below 1, suggesting synergism. The enzyme inhibitors, PBO and DEF, when used in combination with insecticides against the resistant population, toxicities of bifenthrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin and emamectin were significantly increased, suggesting esterase and monooxygenase based resistance mechanism. The toxicities of bifenthrin, cypermethrin and deltamethrin in the resistant population of house flies could be enhanced by the combination with chlorpyrifos, profenofos, emamectin and fipronil. The findings of the present study might have practical significance for resistance management in house flies. PMID:23613758

  14. Experiencias de vida económica y desarrollo humano de estudiantes universitarios de otras localidades en Barranquilla (Colombia

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    Mayilin Moreno Torres


    Full Text Available Esta investigación se propuso indagar si las experiencias económicas vividas en Barranquilla (Colombia por estudiantes universitarios provenientes de otras localidades favorecían su desarrollo humano. Para llevarla a cabo se utilizó un método cualitativo con orientación interpretativa. Los resultados mostraron que las experiencias económicas sí contribuyen notablemente a la construcción de desarrollo humano porque logran tener mucho significado en la vida de estos estudiantes. Es decir, a medida que viven estas experiencias, las decisiones de su vida van teniendo un solo y auténtico sujeto: él mismo. En consecuencia, lo que se impone es su libertad, su autonomía. Estas experiencias económicas, por tanto, no sólo le permiten tomar distancia de sus propios impulsos sino también de la tradición. Ello configura una experiencia de progreso, de ilustración, de modernidad.

  15. Beija-flores (Aves, Trochilidae e seus recursos florais em uma área urbana do Sul do Brasil Hummingbirds (Aves, Trochilidae and their flowers in an urban area of southern Brazil

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    Luciana Baza Mendonça


    Full Text Available A assembléia de flores visitadas por beija-flores e a partilha de recursos entre estas aves foram estudadas em uma área urbana do sul do Brasil. Vinte e duas espécies de plantas, em sua maioria exóticas e/ou não-ornitófilas, receberam visitas dos beija-flores. As espécies de beija-flores registradas apresentaram diferentes combinações de características morfológicas (massa, comprimento do bico, comprimento da asa e relação bico/asa, que refletiram no conjunto de flores exploradas e no papel comunitário desempenhado por cada espécie. De um modo geral, beija-flores com nichos tróficos mais amplos foram também os mais freqüentes na área de estudo, indicando que o ambiente urbano pode ser mais favorável às espécies generalistas.The main purpose of this study was to identify the assemblage of flowers used by hummingbirds in an urban area of southern Brazil, as well as describe the patterns of resource partitioning among the hummingbird species. Twenty two plant species were recorded, which flowers are visited by ten hummingbird species. Most of these plants are exotics and regarded as non-ornithophilous. The hummingbirds displayed different combinations of morphological features (mass, bill length, wing length and relation bill/wing, which were reflected in the sets of flowers visited and the community role played by each species. In general, hummingbirds with largest niche breadths were also the most frequent ones, indicating that urban areas could be more suitable for generalist species.

  16. Qualidade e satisfação na administração local: avaliação da satisfação dos munícipes da Amave NUTIII/AVE

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    Agostinho Cardoso


    Full Text Available Atualmente os cidadãos exigem e esperam mais e melhores serviços prestados pelo setor público, daí que a resposta deva ser rápida e eficiente, de modo a agilizar processos, facilitar seu acesso e proporcionar elevados padrões de qualidade. O presente estudo se centra na seguinte questão: Será que existem diferenças significativas ao nível dos antecedentes (imagem, expectativas, valor apercebido e, com destaque particular, a qualidade apercebida, e consequentes da satisfação (lealdade e reclamações dos munícipes? Para o efeito, concebemos uma estrutura de investigação alicerçada no modelo e nas variáveis latentes do ECSI, à qual adicionamos itens dos modelos SERVQUAL, CMT e CAF. O método utilizado foi uma pesquisa quantitativa, de caráter descritivo, sendo alvo de estudo os munícipes que utilizam os serviços prestados pelas câmaras municipais que integram a circunscrição geográfica da Associação de Municípios do Vale do Ave, NUTIII/Ave (Vieira do Minho, Póvoa de Lanhoso, Fafe, Guimarães, Vizela, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Cabeceiras de Basto e Mondim de Basto. Os resultados evidenciam que todos estes fatores têm um efeito positivo e significativo na satisfação global do munícipe e que há diferenças significativas entre as oito câmaras municipais.

  17. Strategic marker selection to detect quantitative trait loci in chicken Seleção estratégica de marcadores para detecção locos para características quantitativas em aves

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    Deborah Clea Ruy


    Full Text Available Selective genotyping for a certain trait in individuals with extreme phenotypes contributes sufficient information to determine linkage between molecular markers and quantitative trait loci (QTL. In this experiment an F2 population, developed by crossing males from a broiler line with females from a layer line, was employed to detect QTL on chromosomes 3 and 5. Twenty-eight performance and carcass traits were measured in F2 offspring, and phenotypic correlations between traits were calculated. Body weight at 42 days (BW42 presented the greatest positive correlations with most other traits, with correlation between body weights at 35 and 41 days, weight gain between birth and 35, 41 and 42 days, as well as weights of carcass and some body parts superior to 0.8. One hundred-and-seventy F2 offspring, representing the top (4.5% and the bottom (4.5% of a normal distribution curve of BW42, were selected with equal proportions of males and females, and within dam family. Samples were genotyped for 19 informative markers on chromosome 3, and 11 markers on chromosome 5. Marker allelic frequencies of phenotypic groups with high and low BW42 were compared with a chi-square test. Four regions on chromosome 3 and three regions on chromosome 5 had markers that were suggestively associated with BW42 (P A genotipagem seletiva de indivíduos com fenótipos extremos para uma determinada característica contribui com informação suficiente para determinar a ligação entre marcadores moleculares e locos para características quantitativas (QTL. Neste estudo uma população F2, formada a partir do cruzamento de uma linha parental de aves para corte com uma linha de postura foi empregada para obtenção de medidas fenotípicas e genotipagem por marcadores microssatélites, posicionados nos cromossomos 3 e 5. Foram medidas 28 características de desempenho e carcaça e determinada a correlação fenotípica entre elas. A característica peso vivo aos 42 dias (BW42

  18. Diferencias sociodemográficas entre usuarios de inhalables, usuarios de otras drogas y adolescentes no consumidores en una muestra mexicana de estudiantes

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    María Elena Medina-Mora


    Full Text Available Introducción: los inhalables como el pegamento, el thinner y otros derivados del petróleo son uno de los grupos de sustancias más utilizados entre la población adolescente mexicana. Estudios recientes han mostrado que, junto con la mariguana, los inhalables son el tipo de droga de preferencia de la población joven. Objetivo: el propósito de este estudio es determinar los factores que diferencian a los usuarios de inhalables de los usuarios de otras drogas, así como de quienes no las consumen. Método: se utilizaron datos de la Encuesta de Estudiantes 2009 del Distrito Federal, la cual contó con la participación de 22 mil 980 estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria. Resultados: los usuarios de inhalables son más jóvenes, provienen de niveles con menos recursos y sus padres y madres tienen menor nivel de escolaridad que los padres de los no usuarios; encontramos además que los usuarios de inhalables provienen de lugares en los que se tolera más el consumo de drogas, incluyendo el entorno familiar y social; son importantes también la disponibilidad y la oportunidad de consumo. En comparación con quienes consumen otras drogas, los usuarios de inhalables son más impulsivos, tienen más amigos con problemas antisociales y, con más frecuencia, reportan algún familiar usuario de drogas. Discusión y conclusiones: nuestros resultados reafirman la necesidad de diseñar programas de prevención que no se enfoquen únicamente en el consumo de drogas, sino en los factores familiares y socialesrelacionados con un mayor riesgo de consumo.

  19. Percepción del alumnado de las clases de educación física en relación con otras asignaturas

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    David Hortigüela Alcalá


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido valorar la percepción del alumnado que ha participado en procesos de evaluación formativa en el ámbito universitario, incidiendo en tres factores fundamentales: la carga de trabajo, el aprendizaje final y la responsabilidad en el proceso. La investigación se ha llevado a cabo en el curso académico 2013-2014 en 20 asignaturas de 7 universidades españolas (1220 alumnos. La totalidad de asignaturas se ha dividido en 2 grupos, uno que engloba 10 asignaturas vinculadas con la enseñanza de la educación física (EF y el deporte (587 alumnos, y otro compuesto por otras 10 asignaturas de diferentes campos y especialidades (633. En todas se ha aplicado un sistema de evaluación formativa y compartida. Se realiza un pretest-postest. Se utiliza el cuestionario validado sobre metodología y evaluación en formación inicial. Se emplea un análisis cuantitativo, tanto descriptivo (medias y desviaciones típicas como inferencial (correlaciones de Pearson, y Anovas. A pesar de que en el pretest no se encuentran diferencias significativas en ninguno de los grupos en el postest sí que existieron, obteniéndose en el grupo de EF un mayor aprendizaje y responsabilidad en el proceso. Por otro lado, y en relación con la dificultad para superar la asignatura, en el grupo de EF se alcanzan diferencias entre aquellos alumnos que han participado más y menos veces en evaluación formativa, mientras que en el grupo de otras disciplinas las diferencias se encuentran en función del curso. El número de alumnos en clase no influye en este hecho.

  20. Tamaño relativo encefálico e índices cerebrales en Vanellus c. chilensis (Aves: Charadriidae Relative encephalic size and cerebral indices of Vanellus c. chilensis (Aves: Charadriidae

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    Full Text Available Se analizó la composición cuantitativa encefálica y se estimaron índices cerebrales en Vanellus c. chilensis (tero o queltehue. Se estimó el volumen porcentual e índices cerebrales del encéfalo total y de siete de sus componentes, como así también los núcleos de relevo de las vías trigeminal, visual y acústica. El telencéfalo es el componente de mayor volumen relativo, siendo el neoestriado la estructura telencefálica de tamaño superior. El desarrollo del estriado propiamente dicho, tecto óptico y los núcleos de relevo de las vías visual y trigeminal concuerdan con la dieta carnívora de Vanellus c. chilensis. El tamaño relativo del Wulst y de los núcleos de la vía acústica se asocia a las complicadas tácticas que utiliza esta especie en la defensa del nido. Los índices cerebrales de las estructuras encefálicas analizadas indican que Vanellus c. chilensis es un ave progresivaThe quantitative encephalic composition and cerebral indices of Vanellus c. chilensis (southern lapwing were analyzed. The percentual volumes and cerebral indices for the whole encephalon and for seven components were calculated as well as relevous nuclei of the trigeminal, visual and acoustic pathways. The component of greater relative volume is the telencephalon. The neostriatum is the most developed encephalic structure. Developing of bulbus olfactorius, striatum, tectum opticum and relevous nuclei of visual and trigeminal pathways are according with the carnivorous diet of Vanellus c. chilensis. The relative size of Wulst and relevous nuclei of acoustic pathway appears associated with the complex tactics used by this species in the defense of nest. Cerebral indices of all the analyzed structures suggest that Vanellus c. chilensis is a progresive bird

  1. Aspectos estructurales y cuantitativos del ovario de Fulica armillata (Aves: Rallidae

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    Mirian Bulfon


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron los aspectos morfohistológicos y cuantitativos del ovario de Fulica armillata durante la fase de recrudescencia gonadal. Se utilizaron 5 hembras adultas. El análisis morfohistológico reveló la presencia de numerosos folículos en diferentes estadios de desarrollo y regresión. El epitelio simple de células granulosas caracterizó a los ovocitos primordiales y el pseudoestratificado a los folículos previtelogénicos, ambos tipos foliculares exhibieron un notorio cuerpo de Balbiani. En los folículos vitelogénicos blancos y amarillos (> de 1 mm se evidenció una compleja pared folicular formada por la zona radiada, el epitelio folicular estratificado y las envolturas tecales bien delimitadas, mientras que, en los vitelogénicos amarillos (> de 3 mm fue observado un epitelio simple con células cúbicas muy basófilas. Se identificaron dos tipos de atresia folicular: 1 pared folicular intacta o no bursting, la involución se realiza en el interior del folículo, comprende a la atresia lipoidal (Ovocitos primordiales y lipoglandular (folículos previtelogénicos y vitelogénicos pequeños y 2 atresia por ruptura de la pared o bursting con extrusión del contenido ovoplásmico (folículos vitelogénicos > 1 mm. El análisis cuantitativo reveló una diferencia significativa (p <0,05, entre los folículos en desarrollo (< de 2 mm y los folículos mayores e idéntica diferencia entre lo folículos atrésicos pequeños (lipoidales y lipoglandulares y los folículos bursting. Los procesos de crecimiento y diferenciación (foliculogénesis y vitelogénesis y el de atresia folicular se desarrollan normalmente durante la fase de recrudescencia gonadal, contribuyendo a la homeostasis del ovario de esta ave.

  2. Biogeography and taxonomy of racket-tail hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae: Ocreatus): evidence for species delimitation from morphology and display behavior. (United States)

    Schuchmann, Karl-L; Weller, André-A; Jürgens, Dietmar


    We analyzed geographic variation, biogeography, and intrageneric relationships of racket-tail hummingbirds Ocreatus (Aves, Trochilidae). Presently, the genus is usually considered monospecific, with O. underwoodii including eight subspecies (polystictus, discifer, underwoodii, incommodus, melanantherus, peruanus, annae, addae), although up to three species have been recognized by some authors. In order to evaluate the current taxonomy we studied geographic variation in coloration, mensural characters, and behavioral data of all Ocreatus taxa. We briefly review the taxonomic history of the genus. Applying the Biological Species Concept, species delimitation was based on a qualitative-quantitative criteria analysis including an evaluation of character states. Our results indicate that the genus should be considered a superspecies with four species, the monotypic Ocreatus addae, O. annae, and O. peruanus, and the polytypic O. underwoodii (including the subspecies underwoodii, discifer, incommodus, melanantherus, polystictus). In this taxonomic treatment, O. annae becomes an endemic species to Peru and O. addae is endemic to Bolivia. We recommend additional sampling of distributional, ethological, and molecular data for an improved resolution of the evolutionary history of Ocreatus.

  3. Characterization of anthocyanins in the hybrid progenies derived from Iris dichotoma and I. domestica by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS analysis. (United States)

    Xu, Wenji; Luo, Gangjun; Yu, Fengyang; Jia, Qingxiang; Zheng, Yang; Bi, Xiaoying; Lei, Jiajun


    Iris dichotoma with different flower colors and I. domestica are beardless wild irises belonging to the family Iridaceae that bloom in the summer and have long flowering periods. In this study, we collected three accessions of I. dichotoma with violet, yellow, and white flowers, respectively, in China, and crossed them with I. domestica individuals. The flower color of the hybrids derived from these crosses was categorized into eight groups: violet, purple, brown, orange, red, pink, yellow, and white. From this population, 45 individuals were selected for analysis, and their fully expanded inner and outer perianths were harvested for extraction of anthocyanins. Using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) analysis, 29 anthocyanins were identified by comparing MS and UV-visible spectra and elution order based on published data and guidelines. The 29 anthocyanins were classified into six groups: non-acylated glycosides (3RG, 3RG5G), acetylglycosides (3acRG5G), p-coumaroylglycosides (3pCRG, 3pCRG5G), caffeoylglycosides (3CRG5G), feruloylglycosides (3feRG, 3feRG5G), and acetyl-(p-coumaroyl) glycosides (3ac-pCRG5G). Acylated anthocyanin contents were considerably higher than non-acylated anthocyanin contents in the individuals evaluated, regardless of flower color, except in the yellow-flowered I. dichotoma and its yellow-flowered progeny. We found ten anthocyanins derived from pelargonidin, including pelargonidin 3-O-(caffeoyl)rutinoside-5-O-glucoside (Pg3CRG5G), pelargonidin 3-O-(feruloyl)rutinoside-5-O-glucoside (Pg3feRG5G), and pelargonidin 3-O-(feruloyl)rutinoside (Pg3feRG), that have not yet been reported in other Iris species. Moreover, delphinidin 3-O-(feruloyl) rutinoside-5-O-glucoside (Dp3feRG5G), and delphinidin 3-O-(feruloyl)rutinoside (Dp3feRG) were also characterized for the first time in Iris. Two to five major anthocyanins were detected in the petals of the violet and purple groups, whereas those of the brown group

  4. Study of the volatile compounds from plum (Prunus domestica L. cv. Horvin and estimation of their contribution to the fruit aroma Estudo de compostos voláteis de ameixa (Prunus domestica L. cv. Horvin e estimativa da sua contribuição ao aroma

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    Jorge Antonio Pino


    Full Text Available Simultaneous Distillation-Extraction (SDE and headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME combined with GC-FID and GC-MS were used to analyze volatile compounds from plum (Prunus domestica L. cv. Horvin and to estimate the most odor-active compounds by application of the Odor Activity Values (OAV. The analyses led to the identification of 148 components, including 58 esters, 23 terpenoids, 14 aldehydes, 11 alcohols, 10 ketones, 9 alkanes, 7 acids, 4 lactones, 3 phenols, and other 9 compounds of different structures. According to the results of SDE-GC-MS, SPME-GC-MS and OAV, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, hexyl acetate, (E-2-nonenal, ethyl butanoate, (E-2-decenal, ethyl hexanoate, nonanal, decanal, (E-β-ionone, Γ-dodecalactone, (Z-3-hexenyl acetate, pentyl acetate, linalool, Γ-decalactone, butyl acetate, limonene, propyl acetate, Δ-decalactone, diethyl sulfide, (E-2-hexenyl acetate, ethyl heptanoate, (Z-3-hexenol, (Z-3-hexenyl hexanoate, eugenol, (E-2-hexenal, ethyl pentanoate, hexyl 2-methylbutanoate, isopentyl hexanoate, 1-hexanol, Γ-nonalactone, myrcene, octyl acetate, phenylacetaldehyde, 1-butanol, isobutyl acetate, (E-2-heptenal, octadecanal, and nerol are characteristic odor active compounds in fresh plums since they showed concentrations far above their odor thresholds.As técnicas de extração-destilação simultâneas (SDE e de headspace-microextração em fase sólida (HS-SPME combinadas com GC-FID e GC-MS foram usadas para analisar compostos voláteis da ameixa (Prunus domestica L. cv. Horvin e para estimar os compostos de aroma mais ativos, pela aplicação de valores de atividade olfativa (OAV, considerando os compostos voláteis presentes no headspace da fruta. As análises levaram à identificação de 148 componentes, incluindo 58 ésteres, 23 terpenoides, 14 aldeídos, 11 álcoois, 10 cetonas, 9 alcanos, 7 ácidos, 4 lactonas, 3 fenóis e 9 outros compostos de diferentes estruturas. De acordo om os resultados de SDE

  5. Comunidade de aves da Reserva Estadual de Gurjaú, Pernambuco, Brasil Bird communities of the Gurjaú Reserve, Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Rachel Maria de Lyra-Neves


    Full Text Available Estudos quali-quantitativos foram realizados em um fragmento florestal da Reserva Estadual de Gurjaú, Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram registradas 220 espécies de aves no levantamento qualitativo. Através da contagem por pontos, foram identificadas 175 espécies em 6.470 contatos (270 amostras. A freqüência de ocorrência de 75% foi registrada para 43 espécies (19,6%; para a maioria das espécies a freqüência de ocorrência esteve abaixo de 25%.A qualitative and quantitative bird surveys were carried out in a forest fragment in Gurjau Reserve, Santo Agostinho Cape, Pernambuco State, Brazil. By qualitative census were registered 220 different bird species. Concerning the point counts, were identified 175 different species in 6.470 contacts (270 samples. A frequency of occurrence of 75% was registered for 43 species (19,6%; the most part of species had a frequency of occurrence below 25%.

  6. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the B-box gene family in the Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) genome. (United States)

    Liu, Xin; Li, Rong; Dai, Yaqing; Chen, Xuesen; Wang, Xiaoyun


    The B-box proteins (BBXs) are a family of zinc finger proteins containing one/two B-box domain(s). Compared with intensive studies of animal BBXs, investigations of the plant BBX family are limited, though some specific plant BBXs have been demonstrated to act as transcription factors in the regulation of flowering and photomorphogenesis. In this study, using a global search of the apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) genome, a total of 64 members of BBX (MdBBX) were identified. All the MdBBXs were divided into five groups based on the phylogenetic relationship, numbers of B-boxes contained and whether there was with an additional CCT domain. According to the characteristics of organ-specific expression, MdBBXs were divided into three groups based on the microarray information. An analysis of cis-acting elements showed that elements related to the stress response were prevalent in the promoter sequences of most MdBBXs. Twelve MdBBX members from different groups were randomly selected and exposed to abiotic stresses. Their expressions were up-regulated to some extent in the roots and leaves. Six among 12 MdBBXs were sensitive to osmotic pressure, salt, cold stress and exogenous abscisic acid treatment, with their expressions enhanced more than 20-fold. Our results suggested that MdBBXs may take part in response to abiotic stress.

  7. Characterisation of microRNAs from apple (Malus domestica 'Royal Gala') vascular tissue and phloem sap. (United States)

    Varkonyi-Gasic, Erika; Gould, Nick; Sandanayaka, Manoharie; Sutherland, Paul; MacDiarmid, Robin M


    Plant microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small, non-coding RNAs that play an important role in development and environmental responses. Hundreds of plant miRNAs have been identified to date, mainly from the model species for which there are available genome sequences. The current challenge is to characterise miRNAs from plant species with agricultural and horticultural importance, to aid our understanding of important regulatory mechanisms in crop species and enable improvement of crops and rootstocks. Based on the knowledge that many miRNAs occur in large gene families and are highly conserved among distantly related species, we analysed expression of twenty-one miRNA sequences in different tissues of apple (Malus x domestica 'Royal Gala'). We identified eighteen sequences that are expressed in at least one of the tissues tested. Some, but not all, miRNAs expressed in apple tissues including the phloem tissue were also detected in the phloem sap sample derived from the stylets of woolly apple aphids. Most of the miRNAs detected in apple phloem sap were also abundant in the phloem sap of herbaceous species. Potential targets for apple miRNAs were identified that encode putative proteins shown to be targets of corresponding miRNAs in a number of plant species. Expression patterns of potential targets were analysed and correlated with expression of corresponding miRNAs. This study validated tissue-specific expression of apple miRNAs that target genes responsible for plant growth, development, and stress response. A subset of characterised miRNAs was also present in the apple phloem translocation stream. A comparative analysis of phloem miRNAs in herbaceous species and woody perennials will aid our understanding of non-cell autonomous roles of miRNAs in plants.

  8. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of MAPK and MAPKK gene family in Malus domestica. (United States)

    Zhang, Shizhong; Xu, Ruirui; Luo, Xiaocui; Jiang, Zesheng; Shu, Huairui


    MAPK signal transduction modules play crucial roles in regulating many biological processes in plants, which are composed of three classes of hierarchically organized protein kinases, namely MAPKKKs, MAPKKs, and MAPKs. Although genome-wide analysis of this family has been carried out in some species, little is known about MAPK and MAPKK genes in apple (Malus domestica). In this study, a total of 26 putative apple MAPK genes (MdMPKs) and 9 putative apple MAPKK genes (MdMKKs) have been identified and located within the apple genome. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that MdMAPKs and MdMAPKKs could be divided into 4 subfamilies (groups A, B, C and D), respectively. The predicted MdMAPKs and MdMAPKKs were distributed across 13 out of 17 chromosomes with different densities. In addition, analysis of exon-intron junctions and of intron phase inside the predicted coding region of each candidate gene has revealed high levels of conservation within and between phylogenetic groups. According to the microarray and expressed sequence tag (EST) analysis, the different expression patterns indicate that they may play different roles during fruit development and rootstock-scion interaction process. Moreover, MAPK and MAPKK genes were performed expression profile analyses in different tissues (root, stem, leaf, flower and fruit), and all of the selected genes were expressed in at least one of the tissues tested, indicating that the MAPKs and MAPKKs are involved in various aspects of physiological and developmental processes of apple. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a genome-wide analysis of the apple MAPK and MAPKK gene family. This study provides valuable information for understanding the classification and putative functions of the MAPK signal in apple. © 2013.

  9. Syringeal specialization of frequency control during song production in the Bengalese finch (Lonchura striata domestica.

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    Kristen R Secora

    Full Text Available Singing in songbirds is a complex, learned behavior which shares many parallels with human speech. The avian vocal organ (syrinx has two potential sound sources, and each sound generator is under unilateral, ipsilateral neural control. Different songbird species vary in their use of bilateral or unilateral phonation (lateralized sound production and rapid switching between left and right sound generation (interhemispheric switching of motor control. Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata domestica have received considerable attention, because they rapidly modify their song in response to manipulations of auditory feedback. However, how the left and right sides of the syrinx contribute to acoustic control of song has not been studied.Three manipulations of lateralized syringeal control of sound production were conducted. First, unilateral syringeal muscular control was eliminated by resection of the left or right tracheosyringeal portion of the hypoglossal nerve, which provides neuromuscular innervation of the syrinx. Spectral and temporal features of song were compared before and after lateralized nerve injury. In a second experiment, either the left or right sound source was devoiced to confirm the role of each sound generator in the control of acoustic phonology. Third, air pressure was recorded before and after unilateral denervation to enable quantification of acoustic change within individual syllables following lateralized nerve resection.These experiments demonstrate that the left sound source produces louder, higher frequency, lower entropy sounds, and the right sound generator produces lower amplitude, lower frequency, higher entropy sounds. The bilateral division of labor is complex and the frequency specialization is the opposite pattern observed in most songbirds. Further, there is evidence for rapid interhemispheric switching during song production. Lateralized control of song production in Bengalese finches may enhance acoustic

  10. Down-regulation of POLYGALACTURONASE1 alters firmness, tensile strength and water loss in apple (Malus x domestica) fruit. (United States)

    Atkinson, Ross G; Sutherland, Paul W; Johnston, Sarah L; Gunaseelan, Kularajathevan; Hallett, Ian C; Mitra, Deepali; Brummell, David A; Schröder, Roswitha; Johnston, Jason W; Schaffer, Robert J


    While there is now a significant body of research correlating apple (Malus x domestica) fruit softening with the cell wall hydrolase ENDO-POLYGALACTURONASE1 (PG1), there is currently little knowledge of its physiological effects in planta. This study examined the effect of down regulation of PG1 expression in 'Royal Gala' apples, a cultivar that typically has high levels of PG1, and softens during fruit ripening. PG1-suppressed 'Royal Gala' apples harvested from multiple seasons were firmer than controls after ripening, and intercellular adhesion was higher. Cell wall analyses indicated changes in yield and composition of pectin, and a higher molecular weight distribution of CDTA-soluble pectin. Structural analyses revealed more ruptured cells and free juice in pulled apart sections, suggesting improved integrity of intercellular connections and consequent cell rupture due to failure of the primary cell walls under stress. PG1-suppressed lines also had reduced expansion of cells in the hypodermis of ripe apples, resulting in more densely packed cells in this layer. This change in morphology appears to be linked with reduced transpirational water loss in the fruit. These findings confirm PG1's role in apple fruit softening and suggests that this is achieved in part by reducing cellular adhesion. This is consistent with previous studies carried out in strawberry but not with those performed in tomato. In apple PG1 also appears to influence other fruit texture characters such as juiciness and water loss.

  11. Chlamydia psittaci and C. avium in feral pigeon (Columba livia domestica) droppings in two cities in the Netherlands. (United States)

    Burt, Sara A; Röring, Romy E; Heijne, Marloes


    Feral pigeons (Columba livia domestica) live and breed in many city centres and contact with their droppings can be a hazard for human health if the birds carry Chlamydia psittaci. The aim of this study was to establish whether pigeon droppings in two Dutch cities (Utrecht and Haarlem) contain C. psittaci and/or C. avium, which could be a potential hazard for transmission to humans. In May 2017 seven feral pigeon 'hot spots' with between 5 and 40+ pigeons present were identified in two cities by visual observations over two days. During the following ten days fresh droppings were collected at these hot spots and the samples were pooled per three droppings to achieve 40-41 samples per city. Samples were analysed for Chlamydia DNA with a broad range 23S Chlamydiaceae Real-Time PCR and positive samples were tested with a specific C. psittaci and C. avium Real-Time PCR. Positive C. psittaci samples were genotyped. C. psittaci and C. avium were detected in both cities. For C. psittaci the prevalences in Utrecht and Haarlem were 2.4% and 7.5%, respectively; for C. avium 36.6% and 20.0%, respectively. One sample contained both species. All C. psittaci samples belonged to genotype B. C. psittaci and C. avium are present in feral pigeon droppings in Utrecht and Haarlem. Human contact with droppings from infected pigeons or inhalation of dust from dried droppings represent a potential hazard to public health.

  12. Prunus domestica pathogenesis-related protein-5 activates the defense response pathway and enhances the resistance to fungal infection.

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    Ashraf El-kereamy

    Full Text Available Pathogenesis-related protein-5 (PR-5 has been implicated in plant disease resistance and its antifungal activity has been demonstrated in some fruit species. However, their roles, especially their interactions with the other defense responses in plant cells, are still not fully understood. In this study, we have cloned and characterized a new PR-5 cDNA named PdPR5-1 from the European plum (Prunus domestica. Expression of PdPR5-1 was studied in different cultivars varying in resistance to the brown rot disease caused by the necrotrophic fungus Monilinia fructicola. In addition transgenic Arabidopsis, ectopically expressing PdPR5-1 was used to study its role in other plant defense responses after fungal infection. We show that the resistant cultivars exhibited much higher levels of transcripts than the susceptible cultivars during fruit ripening. However, significant rise in the transcript levels after infection with M. fructicola was observed in the susceptible cultivars too. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants exhibited more resistance to Alternaria brassicicola. Further, there was a significant increase in the transcripts of genes involved in the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway such as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL and phytoalexin (camalexin pathway leading to an increase in camalexin content after fungal infection. Our results show that PdPR5-1 gene, in addition to its anti-fungal properties, has a possible role in activating other defense pathways, including phytoalexin production.

  13. Insecticide mixtures could enhance the toxicity of insecticides in a resistant dairy population of Musca domestica L [corrected].

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    Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan

    Full Text Available House flies, Musca domestica L., are important pests of dairy operations worldwide, with the ability to adapt wide range of environmental conditions. There are a number of insecticides used for their management, but development of resistance is a serious problem. Insecticide mixtures could enhance the toxicity of insecticides in resistant insect pests, thus resulting as a potential resistance management tool. The toxicity of bifenthrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos, profenofos, emamectin benzoate and fipronil were assessed separately, and in mixtures against house flies. A field-collected population was significantly resistant to all the insecticides under investigation when compared with a laboratory susceptible strain. Most of the insecticide mixtures like one pyrethroid with other compounds evaluated under two conditions (1∶1-"A" and LC50: LC50-"B" significantly increased the toxicity of pyrethroids in the field population. Under both conditions, the combination indices of pyrethroids with other compounds, in most of the cases, were significantly below 1, suggesting synergism. The enzyme inhibitors, PBO and DEF, when used in combination with insecticides against the resistant population, toxicities of bifenthrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin and emamectin were significantly increased, suggesting esterase and monooxygenase based resistance mechanism. The toxicities of bifenthrin, cypermethrin and deltamethrin in the resistant population of house flies could be enhanced by the combination with chlorpyrifos, profenofos, emamectin and fipronil. The findings of the present study might have practical significance for resistance management in house flies.

  14. A novel Haemosporida clade at the rank of genus in North American cranes (Aves: Gruiformes). (United States)

    Bertram, Miranda R; Hamer, Sarah A; Hartup, Barry K; Snowden, Karen F; Medeiros, Matthew C; Outlaw, Diana C; Hamer, Gabriel L


    The unicellular blood parasites in the order Haemosporida are highly diverse, infect many vertebrates, are responsible for a large disease burden among humans and animals, and have reemerged as an important model system to understand the evolutionary and ecological dynamics of host-parasite interactions. The phylogenetics and systematics of Haemosporida are limited by poor sampling of different vertebrate host taxa. We surveyed the Haemosporida of wild whooping cranes (Grus americana) and sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) (Aves: Gruiformes) using a combination of morphological and molecular approaches. We identified Haemoproteus antigonis in blood smears based on published morphological descriptions. Phylogenetic analysis based on partial cytochrome b (cytb) and cytochrome oxidase (coI) sequences placed H. antigonis parasites in a novel clade, distinct from all avian Haemosporida genera for which cytb and/or coI sequences are available. Molecular clock and divergence estimates suggest this crane clade may represent a new genus. This is the first molecular description of H. antigonis and the first report of H. antigonis in wild whooping cranes, an endangered bird in North America. Further sampling of Haemosporida, especially from hosts of the Gruiformes and other poorly sampled orders, will help to resolve the relationship of the H. antigonis clade to other avian Haemosporida genera. Our study highlights the potential of sampling neglected host species to discover novel lineages of diverse parasite groups. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Transcription Profiles Reveal Sugar and Hormone Signaling Pathways Mediating Flower Induction in Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.). (United States)

    Xing, Li-Bo; Zhang, Dong; Li, You-Mei; Shen, Ya-Wen; Zhao, Cai-Ping; Ma, Juan-Juan; An, Na; Han, Ming-Yu


    Flower induction in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) is regulated by complex gene networks that involve multiple signal pathways to ensure flower bud formation in the next year, but the molecular determinants of apple flower induction are still unknown. In this research, transcriptomic profiles from differentiating buds allowed us to identify genes potentially involved in signaling pathways that mediate the regulatory mechanisms of flower induction. A hypothetical model for this regulatory mechanism was obtained by analysis of the available transcriptomic data, suggesting that sugar-, hormone- and flowering-related genes, as well as those involved in cell-cycle induction, participated in the apple flower induction process. Sugar levels and metabolism-related gene expression profiles revealed that sucrose is the initiation signal in flower induction. Complex hormone regulatory networks involved in cytokinin (CK), abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid pathways also induce apple flower formation. CK plays a key role in the regulation of cell formation and differentiation, and in affecting flowering-related gene expression levels during these processes. Meanwhile, ABA levels and ABA-related gene expression levels gradually increased, as did those of sugar metabolism-related genes, in developing buds, indicating that ABA signals regulate apple flower induction by participating in the sugar-mediated flowering pathway. Furthermore, changes in sugar and starch deposition levels in buds can be affected by ABA content and the expression of the genes involved in the ABA signaling pathway. Thus, multiple pathways, which are mainly mediated by crosstalk between sugar and hormone signals, regulate the molecular network involved in bud growth and flower induction in apple trees. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists.

  16. Genome-wide identification and analysis of the SBP-box family genes in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.). (United States)

    Li, Jun; Hou, Hongmin; Li, Xiaoqin; Xiang, Jiang; Yin, Xiangjing; Gao, Hua; Zheng, Yi; Bassett, Carole L; Wang, Xiping


    SQUAMOSA promoter binding protein (SBP)-box genes encode a family of plant-specific transcription factors and play many crucial roles in plant development. In this study, 27 SBP-box gene family members were identified in the apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) genome, 15 of which were suggested to be putative targets of MdmiR156. Plant SBPs were classified into eight groups according to the phylogenetic analysis of SBP-domain proteins. Gene structure, gene chromosomal location and synteny analyses of MdSBP genes within the apple genome demonstrated that tandem and segmental duplications, as well as whole genome duplications, have likely contributed to the expansion and evolution of the SBP-box gene family in apple. Additionally, synteny analysis between apple and Arabidopsis indicated that several paired homologs of MdSBP and AtSPL genes were located in syntenic genomic regions. Tissue-specific expression analysis of MdSBP genes in apple demonstrated their diversified spatiotemporal expression patterns. Most MdmiR156-targeted MdSBP genes, which had relatively high transcript levels in stems, leaves, apical buds and some floral organs, exhibited a more differential expression pattern than most MdmiR156-nontargeted MdSBP genes. Finally, expression analysis of MdSBP genes in leaves upon various plant hormone treatments showed that many MdSBP genes were responsive to different plant hormones, indicating that MdSBP genes may be involved in responses to hormone signaling during stress or in apple development. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  17. “Mujeres de otra raza”: la irrupción del peronismo en el activismo femenino/feminista

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    Natalia Martínez Prado


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo realizamos un recorrido histórico del activismo femenino entre las décadas del treinta y el cincuenta con el propósito de detenernos en sus procesos (des articulatorios/ (des identificatorios. Desde una perspectiva post-estructuralista del análisis del discurso, procuramos rastrear esos procesos habilitados por ciertas maneras de hacer política, intentando reconocer los sentidos que históricamente se fueron fijando y desplazando en los principales significantes identitarios entre las mujeres activistas. Específicamente, nuestro recorrido se concentra en el activismo feminista y las continuidades y rupturas que se produjeron a partir de sus prácticas articulatorias con los diversos partidos políticos. Así, señalamos cómo las feministas, condicionadas por su histórica vinculación con el Partido Socialista, se vieron paradójicamente desarticuladas frente a la masiva movilización de las mujeres y la incorporación de sus reclamos en el flamante Partido Peronista Femenino. En otras palabras, señalamos cómo en ese período fueron subsumidas bajo la lógica hegemónica de la evitización de la política femenina.

  18. Molecular methods to evaluate effects of feed additives and nutrients in poultry gut microflora Metodologias moleculares para avaliar efeitos de aditivos e nutrientes na microflora intestinal das aves

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    Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón


    Full Text Available Intestines of each animal are the niche of a complex and dynamic ecosystem with important effects to the host. The members or final products of this ecosystem influence nutrient digestion, absorption, mucosa metabolism, general physiology, and local and systemic immunological responses of avian hosts. Better understanding of the avian gut microbial ecosystem may lead to improvements on poultry productivity, health, welfare, and reduction of food borne pathogens and the environmental impact of poultry production for a more sustainable industry. Molecular methods of microbial ecology are key tools to gain this knowledge. The objective of this presentation is to outline the basic concepts, applications, advantages, limitations, and evolution of these molecular methods used to study intestinal microbial ecology. The final goal is to stimulate their application in poultry applied research and development of new feed additives. Some practical examples in poultry research will be described to illustrate their relevance to advance in control methods for pathogens, avoid or manage disbiosis or subclinical intestinal diseases, reduce environmental impact, elucidate effects of nutrients in gut mucosa, microflora, and in general to improve poultry performance.O intestino de cada animal é o nicho de um ecossistema complexo e dinâmico com efeitos importantes para o hospedeiro. As comunidades microbianas componentes deste ecossistema e/ou os produtos finais do metabolismo influenciam a digestão e absorção de nutrientes, o metabolismo das mucosas, a fisiologia geral e as respostas imunitárias locais e gerais da ave hospedeira. A melhor compreensão do ecossistema microbiano do intestino das aves pode levar a melhorias na produtividade, saúde, bem estar, e redução de agente patogênicos dos alimentos e do impacto ambiental da produção avícola para uma indústria mais sustentável. Os métodos moleculares da ecologia microbiana são ferramentas chaves

  19. Perda de diversidade taxonômica e funcional de aves em área urbana no sul do Brasil

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    Anne G. Sacco


    Full Text Available RESUMO A urbanização é um processo globalmente estudado e considerado um dos distúrbios mais drásticos sobre a biodiversidade. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar como diferentes intensidades de urbanização atuam na estruturação da avifauna em uma cidade de tamanho médio e inserida em região de área úmida. Além das métricas tradicionais de riqueza, abundância e composição taxonômica, verificou-se como a diversidade e redundâncias funcionais das aves são influenciadas pelo gradiente urbano. A área urbana estudada foi a cidade de Pelotas (31°46'S, 52°20'W, extremo sul do Brasil, que está inserida em uma área úmida do bioma Pampa. A amostragem das aves e a medida das variáveis urbanas (número de árvores, número de construções de até dois andares ou de mais de dois andares, presença de ambiente aquático e presença de ambiente aberto foram realizadas em 216 pontos fixos de observação que foram marcados em diferentes intensidades de urbanização. Os atributos funcionais utilizados para caracterizar as espécies foram os relacionados à massa, dieta, substrato de forrageamento e substrato de nidificação. O aumento da intensidade de urbanização diminuiu a riqueza, a abundância e a diversidade funcional, sendo que a redundância, diferente do esperado, não aumentou com a urbanização. Foi possível observar que os atributos relacionados a áreas com urbanização mais intensa (com contruções de até dois andares e de mais de dois andares foram: preferência por forrageamento no ar, onivoria e ninhos em cavidades. Os atributos relacionados a áreas com menor intensidade de urbanização e com áreas úmidas foram: preferência de forrageamento na água e de ninhos sobre a água; e aquele relacionados a menores intensidades de urbanização (com maior número de árvores e maior presença de ambientes abertos foram: preferência por ninhos em vegetação, em locais baixos e no solo e carnivoria. O estudo

  20. Otra vez la censura, otra vez el erotismo

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    Jorge Enrique Adoum


    Full Text Available "He perdido la cuenta -nos escribe el autor- de los artículos que he publicado sobre la censura en el cine, y mis ideas al respecto no han cambiado. De ahí que, en estas páginas escritas con el propósito de aunarlas o resumirlas, sea inevitable repetirlas". Repetidas o no, el hecho es que sus ideas nos permiten conocer originales puntos de vista y cómo la censura, cuando confundida con el fundamentalismo, apunta contra el erotismo, conduce a idioteces.