
Sample records for oral transmucosa como


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    José Ignacio Reyes González


    Full Text Available El artículo profundiza en uno de los temas más polémicos de la investigación histórica, lo relacionado con el reconocimiento del valor de las fuentes orales para reconstruir la historia. Se exponen los argumentos que fundamentan la necesidad de darle el espacio que merece la historia oral, así como la connotación que esto puede tener para la enseñanza de la disciplina.

  2. Enjuagues de Calendula officinalis como alternativa de los antisépticos orales

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    Luis Fang Mercado

    Full Text Available En la progresión de la enfermedad periodontal intervienen múltiples factores, incluyendo los diversos microorganismos orales que conforman la placa bacteriana o patógenos libres en cavidad oral que logran desencadenar una respuesta inmunológica e inflamatoria en el huésped. Existen herramientas químicas que combaten cualquier posibilidad de colonización e infección por parte de algún microorganismo. Los antisépticos orales son de gran utilidad especialmente luego de cirugías periodontales. Es allí donde su importancia se hace casi imprescindible, para controlar la noxa, pero a su vez deben facilitar el proceso de cicatrización de los tejidos involucrados. El objetivo del presente manuscrito consistió en reportar y describir un caso clínico donde el empleo de clorhexidina al 0,12 % como antiséptico oral postoperatorio no favoreció la cicatrización adecuada de los tejidos mucosos luego de realizarse un injerto gingival libre. Como alternativa antiséptica se prescribieron enjuagues a base de Caléndula, observándose cicatrización de los tejidos afectados a los pocos días de uso. Se discute que posterior a todo proceso operatorio de carácter quirúrgico se debe colocar en una balanza riesgo-beneficio, donde se escoge la posibilidad de evitar la infección posoperatoria o la cicatrización oportuna de esta. Los enjuagues orales de caléndula permitieron la cicatrización oportuna; los colutorios de caléndula contemplan una pequeña proporción de capacidad antimicrobiana y una alta habilidad inductora de la cicatrización tisular.

  3. A linguagem oral como elemento integrante da brincadeira Oral language as an integral component of play

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    Dânia Monteiro Vieira Costa


    Full Text Available Este texto discute a importância da brincadeira infantil para o desenvolvimento da linguagem oral nas crianças. É o desdobramento de pesquisa que investigou o trabalho com a linguagem em uma instituição educativa infantil que atende crianças de 2 a 6 anos de idade. O estudo de caso utilizou como técnica de coleta dos dados a observação participante. Conclui que as crianças recriam, nas brincadeiras, situações vivenciadas nas diversas esferas de comunicação humana das quais participam e, portanto, que as brincadeiras são de natureza cultural. Acentua, ainda, a importância do trabalho colaborativo para o desenvolvimento infantilThis paper discusses the importance of children's play in the development of oral language. It is the unfolding of a research whose aim was to assess language acquisition by 2 to 6 year-old children enrolled at an early childhood education institution. This case study uses participant observation as a data collection method. It concludes that, while playing, children recreate the situations they experience in the diverse spheres of human communication in which they take part and, therefore, their playing activities are cultural in nature. It further stresses the importance of collaborative work in child development

  4. Efecto del levonorgestrel como anticonceptivo oral de emergencia en la ovulación, el endometrio y los espermatozoides Effect of levonorgestrel in the ovulation, endometrium, and spermatozoa for emergency oral contraception

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    Víctor J. Suárez


    Full Text Available Existe amplia controversia acerca del mecanismo de acción del levonorgestrel como anticonceptivo oral de emergencia; numerosas organizaciones, tanto científicas como de la sociedad civil, muestran su disconformidad con su uso, debido a su posible acción como inductor de aborto. Con el objetivo de evaluar la evidencia científica disponible sobre los mecanismos de acción del levonorgestrel utilizado como anticonceptivo oral de emergencia (AOE, se realizó una revisión sistemática en las bases de datos Medline y Cochrane Library donde se encontró 444 artículos; después de revisar los resúmenes, se seleccionó 22 artículos, los cuales fueron evaluados a texto completo. Se encontró que el principal mecanismo de acción del levonorgestrel, a las dosis recomendadas como AOE, es la inhibición o retraso de la ovulación; no afecta a los espermatozoides en su capacidad de migración ni de penetración al óvulo. No se ha demostrado alteraciones morfológicas ni moleculares en el endometrio que puedan interferir con la implantación del huevo fecundado. No existe evidencia científica actual disponible que sustente que el uso de levonorgestrel como AOE sea abortivo.There is wide controversy about the mechanism of action of the levonorgestrel used for emergency oral contraception, and many organizations, both scientific as well as from the civil society, show their discrepancy with its use, due to its possible action as an abortion- inducer. In order to evaluate the scientific evidence available on the mechanisms of action of the levonorgestrel used for emergency oral contraception (EOC, a systematic revision was performed in the Medline and Cochrane library databases. We found 444 articles. After reviewing the abstracts, we selected 22 articles, whose complete texts were evaluated. We found that the main mechanism of action of the levonorgestrel, given at the doses recommended for EOC, is the inhibition or retardation of the ovulation, it


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    María Nela Barba Téllez


    Full Text Available The material presented discloses a topic of great value and current importance in the context of Pedagogy and Educative Psychology: the storytelling for children. It is intended for those teachers, who before the imminence and fast pace of daily life, are aware of the value of the communication, participation and conversation as resources that enhance the imagination. The purpose of this material is to stimulate the reflection and creativity of teachers to enable the development of storytelling skill in groups of boys and girls, based on the communicative approach, through which is acknowledged that in the storytelling, as a communicative act, the communicative elements that are involved in communication are present. They are essentially a code, a message, a channel, a transmitter, a receiver and the communicative situation. RESUMEN: El material que se presenta se adentra en un tema de gran valor y actualidad en el contexto actual de la Pedagogía y la Psicología Educativa: la narración (oral para/con niñas y niños. Va dirigido a aquellos maestros que ante la inmediatez y el ritmo acelerado de la vida cotidiana, toman conciencia del valor de la comunicación, la participación y el diálogo, como recursos que potencian la dinámica de la narración oral. La intención es despertar la reflexividad y la creatividad de los maestros para favorecer el desarrollo de la narración en grupos de niñas y niños, desde la óptica del enfoque comunicativo, donde se reconoce que en la narración oral como acto de comunicación están presentes los elementos que intervienen en el acto comunicativo. Estos son esencialmente un código, un mensaje, un canal; un emisor, un interlocutor y la situación comunicativa.

  6. Hipnosis como complemento en la cirugía oral del adulto mayor

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    Elina Muñiz Manzano


    Full Text Available Introducción: el envejecimiento poblacional es un fenómeno mundial y la cirugía oral es compleja en los adultos mayores, por lo que la preparación preoperatoria es de vital importancia para una evolución satisfactoria. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo demostrar la eficacia de la hipnosis en pacientes con temor en la cirugía oral del adulto mayor. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, con muestra de 20 pacientes de 60 años o más, atendidos en la consulta de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario "Comandante Manuel Fajardo", en el año 2011, donde se analizaron las variables edad, sexo, número de sesiones de hipnosis, antecedentes patológicos, diagnósticos más frecuentes y temor. Resultados: el mayor número de pacientes se encontró entre 60-69 años de edad, (70 % y el menor en 70-79, (30 %. El sexo femenino prevaleció con 70 %. El número de sesiones fue en el grupo de 60-69 con 58, con un promedio total de 4 por pacientes. En los antecedentes patológicos más frecuentes fue la hipertensión arterial en 14 (70 % y le siguió la diabetes tipo II en 2 (10 % En los diagnósticos más frecuentes fue la caries de cuarto grado con 10 (50 % seguido por los dientes parodontósicos con 4 (20 %. El temor se midió en una escala confeccionada, en la que los pacientes con cifras de l0, 8 y 7 se redujeron a 4 y 5. Conclusiones: Se demuestra la efectividad de la terapia de hipnosis para disminuir el temor y realizar la cirugía oral en el adulto mayor.

  7. Candidíase oral como marcador de prognóstico em pacientes portadores do HIV


    Cavassani Valdinês Gonçalves dos Santos; Andrade Sobrinho Jozias de; Homem Maria da Graça Naclério; Rapoport Abrão


    Introdução: A candidíase oral é uma das doenças oportunistas mais fortemente associadas à infecção pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV). Vários relatos epidemiológicos enfatizam a prevalência da candidíase em pacientes HIV positivos e ressaltam a sua importância como marcador da progressão da doença e preditivo para o aumento da imunodepressão. Objetivo: Verificar as alterações estomatológicas em pacientes portadores do HIV tratados no Hospital Heliópolis - São Paulo, Brasil e comparar...

  8. Eficácia da fonoterapia em disfagia neurogênica usando a escala funcional de ingestão por via oral (FOIS como marcador Efficacy of speech therapy in neurogenic dysphagia using functional oral intake scale (FOIS as a parameter

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    Ana Maria Furkim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a eficácia da fonoterapia e a interferência dos fatores de risco para disfagia no atendimento de pacientes adultos internados com doença neurológica e sintoma de disfagia, tendo a escala funcional de ingestão por via oral como marcador da progressão segura da dieta por via oral. MÉTODOS: foi realizado estudo retrospectivo de 49 prontuários de pacientes com disfagia neurogênica, atendidos em fonoterapia no leito hospitalar e comparada a escala de ingestão de alimentação por via oral antes e depois da terapia - FOIS, (mede a quantidade e tipo de alimento que o paciente consegue ingerir por via oral de forma segura. Foram estudados também possíveis fatores de interferência na melhora via ingestão oral na fonoterapia como: doença de base, idade, condições respiratórias, condições clínicas, estado de consciência, tempo de terapia e número de sessões. RESULTADOS: dos 49 pacientes, 36 apresentaram melhora na FOIS após a fonoterapia. Quanto aos possíveis fatores de interferência nessa melhora, foram constatados: a piora clínica do doente, as intercorrências clínicas e o rebaixamento do nível de consciência, como estatisticamente significantes para a não evolução em fonoterapia visando à ingestão de alimentos por via oral. Os outros fatores analisados como: doença de base, idade, condições respiratórias, tempo e numero de sessões não demonstraram significância estatística, sugerindo não interferir na melhora ou piora do paciente. CONCLUSÃO: observa-se melhora efetiva da ingestão de alimentos por via oral nos pacientes com disfagia neurogênica atendidos em ambiente hospitalar em fonoterapia, salvo se apresentarem intercorrências clínicas e rebaixamento do nível de consciência durante o processo.PURPOSE: to evaluate efficacy of speech therapy treatments and the interference of risk factors in adult patients admitted to the wards with neurological diseases and symptoms of dysphagia

  9. A metodologia da história oral de vida como estratégia humanizadora de aproximação entre cuidador/idoso

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    Carla Souza Mota


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva apresentar um estudo sobre o uso da abordagem da História Oral de Vida como estratégia de aproximação entre cuidador e idoso, a fim de contribuir para a humanização na relação entre profissional da saúde e paciente. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva. Nossa amostra reuniu sete idosos, homens e mulheres, maiores de 65 anos que, por meio de entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, possibilitaram a produção de narrativas de histórias de vida, as quais, uma vez finalizadas, foram devolvidas aos colaboradores na forma de cadernos personalizados para que dispusessem delas como quisessem. Como resultado pôdese perceber que tal abordagem contribuiu para a geração e fortalecimento do vínculo entre enfermeiro e idoso, apresentando-se não apenas como elemento humanizador, mas também terapêutico.

  10. A história oral e pesquisa documental como itinerário de pesquisa na enfermagem: um estudo bibliométrico (2000-2014

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    Sheila Saint-Clair da Silva Teodosio

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar a aplicação da história oral temática associada à pesquisa documental catalogados no Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Enfermagem da Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, no período de 2000 a 2014. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo documental. Considerou-se 26 teses e 49 dissertações, que adotaram a história oral temática e documental como itinerário de pesquisa como fontes importantes para a sistematização do conhecimento histórico da enfermagem. Resultados: Verificamos que no Sudeste brasileiro são contabilizados o maior número de estudos, perfazendo um total de 16 teses e 27 dissertações, seguido da região Sul, com nove teses e nove dissertações e região Nordeste com dez dissertações. O referencial teórico de escolha é Pierre Bordieu, sendo utilizado por 22 estudos seguido de Michel Lowi, Michelle Perrot, Karl Max e Michel Foucault. Conclusão: A história oral e documental tem sido parte importante dos Programas de pós-graduação no país, ampliando a criação de uma rede de pesquisa e pesquisadores em história da enfermagem.

  11. A contagem oral como pré-requisito para a aquisição do conceito de número com crianças pré-escolares Oral counting as a pre-requisite for the acquisition of the concept of number with pre-scholars

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    Giseli Monteiro


    Full Text Available A contagem oral como pré-requisito para aquisição do conceito de número foi ensinada através do procedimento de escolha de acordo com o modelo com crianças pré-escolares. Aos dois grupos foram ensinadas as relações de equivalência entre número e quantidade, porém a contagem oral foi ensinada apenas para o Grupo Experimental. No treino foram utilizados estímulos impressos (números, palavras e figuras e auditivos (ditado. Ambos os grupos foram, então, submetidos a diferentes condições de teste para verificar o efeito da contagem oral. Na generalização foi utilizado um jogo de dominó. O desempenho dos sujeitos que foram submetidos ao ensino da contagem oral foi superior ao dos sujeitos que não passaram por esse procedimento. É discutida a importância da contagem oral na aquisição do conceito de número, sendo apontada como facilitadora no estabelecimento de relações de equivalência de estímulos não diretamente ensinadas (generalização.The oral counting as a pre-requisite for the acquisition of the concept of number taught through procedure of matching to sample with pre-scholars. To both groups were taught the equivalence relations between number and quantity, whereas the oral counting was taught just to the Experimental Group (EG. In training were used printed stimuli (numbers, words and figures and words dictated by the research. After that, both groups' subjects were assessed to different conditions of testing to evaluate the effects the oral counting. Lastly, all the subjects (CG and EG were given the Generalization Test I and Generalization Test II (game of domino, made out of all the relations. The behavior of subjects submitted to the training of oral counting was superior in relation of the subject's behavior that no submitted to that procedure. The importance of oral counting in the acquisition of the concept of numbers related to the setting up of the relations number-quantity is discussed, being the oral

  12. O "Kung Fu" no Brasil na perspectiva dos mestres pioneiros: problemas e perspectivas no uso da história oral como instrumental de análise

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    Fernando Dandoro Castilho FERREIRA


    Full Text Available Objetivando analisar a disseminação das artes marciais chinesas no Brasil optamos por entrevistar mestres pioneiros que imigraram da China trazendo na bagagem o "Kung Fu". Ao fazer esta opção em nossa dissertação, tomamos contato com um instrumental que é o uso de entrevistas na perspectiva da História Oral. Remexer a memória, aceitar os silêncios, respeitar o conhecimento construído e desconstruir outros, por si só já se mostram tarefas bastante árduas. Escutar estes mestres nos levou, mesmo que superficialmente, a tentar compreender aspectos da cultura chinesa sob os quais os mestres e o próprio "Kung Fu" se fundamentaram. Entender as lacunas, as dificuldades e as possibilidades do uso da História Oral como ferramenta metodológica é o que neste artigo buscamos, na perspectiva de contribuir com análises semelhantes, seja de outras práticas marciais ou mesmo de outros olhares sobre a cultura chinesa. Assim sendo, objetivamos neste artigo apontar e discutir a metodologia da História Oral e sua pertinência para o estudo das práticas marciais a partir do uso de entrevistas. Podemos, fruto da discussão apresentada, apontar a História Oral como instrumental bastante útil para a discussão das práticas marciais, considerando logicamente, as pertinências e especificidades necessárias para a adequada utilização desta metodologia de pesquisa.

  13. Hipnosis como complemento en la cirugía oral del adulto mayor Hypnosis as a complement to oral surgery in elderly persons

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    Elina Muñiz Manzano


    Full Text Available Introducción: el envejecimiento poblacional es un fenómeno mundial y la cirugía oral es compleja en los adultos mayores, por lo que la preparación preoperatoria es de vital importancia para una evolución satisfactoria. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo demostrar la eficacia de la hipnosis en pacientes con temor en la cirugía oral del adulto mayor. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, con muestra de 20 pacientes de 60 años o más, atendidos en la consulta de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario "Comandante Manuel Fajardo", en el año 2011, donde se analizaron las variables edad, sexo, número de sesiones de hipnosis, antecedentes patológicos, diagnósticos más frecuentes y temor. Resultados: el mayor número de pacientes se encontró entre 60-69 años de edad, (70 % y el menor en 70-79, (30 %. El sexo femenino prevaleció con 70 %. El número de sesiones fue en el grupo de 60-69 con 58, con un promedio total de 4 por pacientes. En los antecedentes patológicos más frecuentes fue la hipertensión arterial en 14 (70 % y le siguió la diabetes tipo II en 2 (10 % En los diagnósticos más frecuentes fue la caries de cuarto grado con 10 (50 % seguido por los dientes parodontósicos con 4 (20 %. El temor se midió en una escala confeccionada, en la que los pacientes con cifras de l0, 8 y 7 se redujeron a 4 y 5. Conclusiones: Se demuestra la efectividad de la terapia de hipnosis para disminuir el temor y realizar la cirugía oral en el adulto mayor.Introduction: population aging is a worldwide phenomenon, and oral surgery is complex in elderly patients. Therefore, preoperative preparation is vital to their satisfactory evolution. The purpose of the present paper is to show the efficacy of hypnosis in elderly patients who fear oral surgery. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 20 patients aged 60 or over, cared for at the maxillofacial surgery service of Comandante Manuel

  14. Candidíase oral como marcador de prognóstico em pacientes portadores do HIV Oral candidiasis as prognostic marker of HIV-infected patients

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    Valdinês Gonçalves dos Santos Cavassani


    Full Text Available Introdução: A candidíase oral é uma das doenças oportunistas mais fortemente associadas à infecção pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV. Vários relatos epidemiológicos enfatizam a prevalência da candidíase em pacientes HIV positivos e ressaltam a sua importância como marcador da progressão da doença e preditivo para o aumento da imunodepressão. Objetivo: Verificar as alterações estomatológicas em pacientes portadores do HIV tratados no Hospital Heliópolis - São Paulo, Brasil e comparar com a literatura. Forma de Estudo: Retrospectivo clínico não-randomizado. Casuística e Método: Foram analisados 431 pacientes HIV+/AIDS (298 homens e 133 mulheres no Hospital Heliópolis - São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 1995 a 2001. Resultados: A idade média mais comum foi dos 31 aos 40 anos (47,10%; a via de contágio mais comum foi a sexual (71,26%. Dentre as patologias, a candidíase apresentou maior prevalência (29,69%, seguida pela gengivite (16,70% e queilite angular (14,15%. Conclusões: Concluímos que o exame oral e o diagnóstico precoce da candidíase em pacientes infectados pelo HIV são fundamentais para o tratamento imediato, melhorando a sua qualidade de vida, uma vez que a candidíase é uma lesão bucal muito freqüente nesta população.Introduction: Strongly associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV, oral candidiasis is one of the most common opportunistic infections. Various epedemiological data now emphasize the prevalence of candidiasis in HIV-infected patients and its importance as useful marker for disease progression and prediction for increasing immunossupression. Aim: The purposes of this study were to assess a group of HIV positive patients treated in Heliopólis Hospital, Hosphel - São Paulo, Brazil and refer the oral changing related to the syndrom and compared the results to the literature. Study design: Retrospective clinical no randomized. Casuistic and method: Four hundred thirty one

  15. Las fuentes orales en la Enseñanza Superior. // Oral sources in Higher Education

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    Guadalupe Trigueros Gordillo


    Full Text Available (ES El interés por la historia presente ha llevado a considerar la historia oral como una herramienta que trasciende la investigación histórica para convertirse en una práctica de creación de patrimonio histórico. Planteamos la necesidad de utilizarlo como recurso docente y de su conservación. Parte de un marco teórico que enmarca el concepto y caracteres de las fuentes orales, sus posibilidades didácticas en las materias relacionadas con la Historia de la educación, como medio para la recuperación de la memoria escolar. Para ello se presenta el instrumento de recogida de datos, el análisis y una muestra de los resultados. // (EN People interest in the present history has led to consider the oral history as a tool that transcends the historical research to become a practice of historical heritage creation. We raise the need to use it as a teaching resource and to provide its preservation. It is based on a theoretical framework that frames the concept and characters from oral sources and its educational possibilities in matters related to the History of Education, as a way for the recovery of memory concerning schools. For that reason, the author introduces the instrument of data collection, the analysis of the subject and a sample of the results.

  16. Da história oral ao filme de pesquisa: o audiovisual como ferramenta do historiador

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    Hebe Mattos

    Full Text Available Resumo: Ensaio analítico do processo de produção de imagens, formação de arquivo audiovisual, análise das fontes e criação da narrativa fílmica dos quatro filmes historiográficos que formam a caixa de DVDs Passados presentes, do Laboratório de História Oral e Imagem da Universidade Federal Fluminense (Labhoi/UFF. A partir de trechos do arquivo audiovisual do Labhoi e dos filmes realizados, o artigo analisa: como o problema de pesquisa (a memória da escravidão e o legado da canção escrava no agrofluminense nos levou à produção de imagens em situação de pesquisa; o deslocamento analítico em relação ao documentário cinematográfico e ao filme etnográfico; as especificidades de revisitar o acervo audiovisual constituído a partir da formulação de novos problemas de pesquisa.

  17. Oral Candida as an aggravating factor of mucositis Induced by radiotherapy; Candida Oral como fator agravante da mucosite radioinduzida

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    Simoes, Cristiane Araujo; Castro, Jurema Freire Lisboa de; Cazal, Claudia [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de odontologia


    Antineoplastic treatment induces some undesirable consequences in head and neck cancer patients. Often, the emergence of major clinical manifestations, such as oral mucositis, results in temporary interruption of the treatment, decreasing the patients' quality of life, and increasing hospital costs. Radio-induced or chemo-induced oral mucositis is possibly aggravated by opportunist fungal infections, which turn the mucositis more resistant to the conventional treatments. Objective: this study aims to identify the presence of Candida sp. as a possible aggravating factor of oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer under antineoplastic treatment. Method: all patients with radio- or chemo-induced oral mucositis from the Cancer Hospital of Pernambuco, treated between October 2008 and April 2009, were selected for the study. The prevalence of Candida sp was measured through the cytological analysis of oral mucosa in patients with oral mucositis. The fungal presence was correlated with the mucositis severity. Results: the results showed a positive association between fungal colonization and more several lesions (degrees III and IV of mucositis). Conclusion: The outcomes shown may contribute to a solution for unconventional mucosites, which do not respond to the usual treatment. (author)



    Pablo Pozzi

    2012-01-01 Este artículo/conferencia discute la relación entre historia, historia oral, y la historia del presente. Postula que escisión entre estas no es fija sino que se articulan entre sí hasta el punto que sus fronteras se desdibujan. Asimismo, a partir de plantear a la historia oral como una subrama de la ciencia histórica, se discute si las particularidades latinoamericanas pueden significar que existe una historia oral propiamente “latinoamericana”...

  19. Oralidade, um estado de escritura Orality: a state of writing

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    Gloria Radino


    Full Text Available A proposta deste artigo é uma reflexão sobre o tratamento dado à oralidade na educação infantil. Tomou-se, como referência, a forma como os contos de fadas são apresentados aos alunos, pêlos professores. Foi analisada a abordagem dada pelo Referencial Curricular para Educação Infantil (1998 à linguagem oral e escrita, bem como trechos de entrevistas realizadas com professores de educação infantil, em uma cidade do interior paulista, como parte de uma pesquisa que resultou na dissertação de Mestrado da autora. Como resultados, percebemos que a escola, em sua função alfabetizadora e por acreditar que as crianças provêm de um meio sócio-cultural desfavorecido, valoriza a linguagem escrita e despreza a oralidade, que perde sua função auxiliar na construção simbólica da criança, o que facilitaria o próprio processo de alfabetização.The aim of this paper is a reflection on the treatment given to orality in infant education. One takes as a reference the way fairy tales are presented to the students by the teachers. The approach given by the Standard Curriculum for Infant Education (1998 was analyzed in relation to oral and written language. Parts of interviews concerning the acquisition of literacy, made with infant education teachers in a city of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, and which were part of the research that resulted in the author’s MA dissertation, were also analyzed. The results of this research show that the school, believing that the children come from an unfavorable social-cultural environment, gives more weight to the written language to the detriment of oral language when teaching how to read. By being played down, orality loses its auxiliary function in the child’s symbolic construction which could help in the acquisition of literacy.

  20. La enseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera mediante la interacción oral: estudio de caso con niños y adultos en el ámbito no formal


    Vejo Sainz, Rocío


    RESUMEN En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se presenta un estudio sobre la didáctica de la interacción oral en el área de inglés cuando este idioma se aborda como lengua extranjera (EFL). En primer lugar se realiza una revisión teórica sobre la importancia de estudiar este idioma en la actualidad y se plantean diversas cuestiones relativas a la didáctica de dicho campo. Se presta especial interés a la expresión oral, dada su relevancia fundamental para dominar la lengua y, sobre todo, para alcanzar...


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    Darío Muñoz Onofre


    Full Text Available Desde una mirada transdisciplinar, que articula componentes de orden epistemológico, ético y metodológico, este artículo presenta un análisis integral de tres momentos de la producción narrativa de la historia oral: primero, muestra su prefiguración tanto en las anécdotas e historias fragmentarias que circulan en la cultura como en los planes que formula el investigador antes de desarrollar su estudio; segundo, examina su configuración en la entrevista y los relatos que resultan de ésta; tercero, describe algunos procedimientos para integrar los relatos obtenidos en una trama narrativa global, la cual se propone como el resultado final de las investigaciones que acuden a la historia oral.

  2. Administração oral de peptídios e proteínas: I. Estratégias gerais para aumento da biodisponibilidade oral Oral delivery system for peptides and proteins: I. Approaches to improve oral bioavailability

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    Catarina Silva


    Full Text Available Existem, atualmente, centenas de peptídios e proteínas com ação terapêutica. Os obstáculos inerentes à sua administração oral têm impulsionado a investigação de estratégias capazes de os ultrapassar. Nesta revisão são abordados estes dois aspectos. A microencapsulação, pela sua versatilidade, sobressai entre as demais estratégias, afirmando-se como escolha potencial na administração oral de fármacos peptídicos.There are hundreds of peptides and proteins clinically relevant. The difficulties associated with their oral administration have been responsible for the major efforts in developing ways to improve oral bioavailability. Both these subjects are described in this review. The potentiality of microencapsulation presents this technique as a privileged approach for the oral delivery of peptide and protein drugs.

  3. Estabilidad de las gotas orales de picosulfato de sodio Stability of sodium picosulphate oral drops

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    María Teresa Herrera Santi


    Full Text Available Las gotas orales de picosulfato de sodio son muy efectivas en el tratamiento del estreñimiento agudo y crónico en paciente de todas las edades. Se realizó un estudio de estabilidad de una formulación de picosulfato de sodio, para su administración por vía oral, que cumpliera con los requisitos de calidad exigidos para el producto, como: características organolépticas, pH, valoración y conteo microbiológico. Como resultado se logró una formulación con un tiempo de vida útil de 12 meses, a temperatura ambiente de 30 ± 2 °C. Se mantuvieron invariables sus características físicas, químicas y microbiológicas durante el estudio de estabilidad realizado.The oral drops of sodium picosulphate are very effective in the treatment of acute and chronic constipation in patients of all ages. It was conducted a stability study of a formulation of sodium picosulphate for its oral administration that meets all the quality requirements demanded for the product, such as: organoleptic characteristics, pH, assessment and microbiological count. As a result, it was attained a formulation with a time of useful life of 12 months, at an ambient temperature of 30 ± 2 °C. Its physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics remained invariable during the stability study

  4. Oral History: Methodology for Dialogue


    DAVID, Priscila [UNESP


    A história oral, como metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa, traz outras dimensões ao debate historiográfico. Por meio dela o historiador consegue visualizar diversos pontos de vista de um determinado fato histórico. Neste aspecto, cabe ressaltar que sua utilização depende da compreensão de que o diálogo entre pesquisador e entrevistado apresenta especificidades. Utilizar-se da história oral requer a compreensão de que a pesquisa somente é possível mediante a vontade do pesquisador, o qual deli...

  5. La prótesis bucal como causante del carcinoma espinocelular oral


    Caballero Herrera, Rafael; Bru de Sala Oms, Carlos


    La aparición de cáncer bucal está vinculada a múltiples factores de riesgo. En este artículo queremos exponer como uno de ellos la úlcera crónica producida por las prótesis dentales removibles o fijas.

  6. Caso clínico: reabilitação oral multidisciplinar


    Casacão, Ana Catarina Malveiro


    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz O caso clínico apresentado tem como objetivo a reabilitação oral de um paciente periodontal, através da intervenção de diferentes áreas da Medicina Dentária, como a Periodontologia, a Dentisteria e a Reabilitação Oral, num tratamento multidisciplinar. A doença periodontal é uma das doenças crónicas orais mais prevalentes a nível mundial. O tratamento da doença periodontal visa eliminar o princ...

  7. Cáncer de Cavidad Oral

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    Edmond Chediak


    Hay un consenso general en que el estado de la enfermedad en el momento del diagnóstico es el factor determinante mas importante en el pronóstico. No hay enfermedad maligna más fácil de curar que el Cáncer oral de menos de un centímetro de diámetro. Desafortunadamente como el tamaño y la sintomatología están directamente relacionadas, la mayoría de las lesiones orales son diagnosticadas cuando se vuelven sintomáticas, es decir cuando ya han crecido demasiado...

  8. Toxicología subcrónica oral del D-003 en ratones NMRI


    Gámez, Rafael; Noa, Miriam; Más, Rosa; Rodríguez, María; Rodeiro, Idania; Menéndez, Roberto; Hernández, Caridad; García, Haydée


    El D-003 es una mezcla de ácidos alifáticos primarios de muy alto peso molecular purificada de la cera de caña, con efectos hipolipemiante y antiagregante plaquetario demostrados experimental y clí- nicamente. Los estudios toxicológicos han investigado la toxicidad del D-003, administrado como dosis orales únicas y repetidas en ratas y perros. Este estudio investigó la toxicidad oral del D-003 administrado como dosis repetidas a ratones NMRI. Los animales se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en 4 ...

  9. Líquen plano oral (LPO: diagnóstico clínico e complementar Oral lichen planus (OLP: clinical and complementary diagnosis

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    Alan Motta do Canto


    Full Text Available O líquen plano é uma desordem comum do epitélio escamoso estratificado que acomete as mucosas oral e genital, a pele, as unhas e o couro cabeludo. O líquen plano oral (LPO afeta mulheres de meiaidade e apresenta padrões e distribuição característicos, como estriações brancas, pápulas ou placas brancas, eritema, erosões e bolhas, que podem estar associadas a medicações e/ou materiais dentários no paciente. O diagnóstico clínico somente poderá ser feito se a doença apresentar padrões clássicos, como lesões concomitantes na mucosa oral e na pele. O diagnóstico laboratorial por meio do exame histopatológico se caracteriza pela presença de projeções do epitélio em forma de dentes de serra e corpos de Civatte, e possibilita excluir condições de displasia e malignidade. A imunofluorescência direta é utilizada em suspeita de outras doenças, como pênfigo e penfigoide. O LPO é tratado com agentes anti-inflamatórios, principalmente, corticosteroides tópicos, e novos agentes e técnicas têm-se demonstrado eficazes. A transformação maligna do LPO e sua incidência exata permanecem controversas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar, com base na revisão da literatura, a etiopatogenia, o diagnóstico clínico, exames complementares e complicações do LPO.Lichen planus is a common disorder of the stratified squamous epithelium that affects oral and genital mucous membranes, skin, nails, and scalp. Oral Lichen Planus (OLP affects middle-aged women and shows distribution patterns and characteristics such as white striations, white plaques or papules, erythema, blisters and erosions, and may be associated with medication and/or dental materials used by the patient. The clinical diagnosis can only be made if the disease presents classical patterns such as concomitant lesions in the oral mucosa and skin. The laboratory diagnosis is histopathologically characterized by the presence of projections of the epithelium in the

  10. As principais lesões enegrecidas da cavidade oral

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    Rodrigo Gadelha Vasconcelos

    Full Text Available Introdução: as lesões pigmentadas podem ser encontradas na cavidade oral, essas pigmentações são provenientes de diversos fatores, tais como, locais, sistêmicos, fisiológicos ou patológicos. A cor, localização, distribuição e duração são características essenciais para o diagnóstico destas lesões, não devendo- se negligenciar a história médica, odontológica e familiar, bem como o consumo de drogas. Apesar de algumas lesões apresentarem características bastante específicas que as confere um diagnóstico apenas através do exame clínico, é importante que o profissional lance mão de métodos adicionais, como biópsias e exames laboratoriais, afim de alcançar um diagnóstico confiável e consequentemente, executar o tratamento adequado. Objetivos: essa revisão de literatura tem como objetivo discorrer sobre as principais lesões orais enegrecidas da cavidade oral, enfatizando o diagnóstico diferencial para cada uma delas, já que tal abordagem implicará diretamente na conduta profissional e no estabelecimento do tratamento adequado para cada paciente. Métodos: para isso foi realizada uma revisão de literatura através da busca de artigos no PubMED/Medline, Lilacs e Scielo. Resultados: a literatura estudada destacou que as lesões pigmentadas orais e maxilofaciais podem clinicamente simular o melanoma, uma lesão maligna. Conclusões: devemos ter especial atenção durante o exame clínico deste tipo de ocorrência, saber questionar o paciente para obter informações importantes a respeito da lesão, ter conhecimento dos diferentes tipos de lesões pigmentadas que acometem a cavidade oral e face, assim como ter em mente a necessidade do exame histopatológico para se obter o diagnóstico definitivo de lesões pigmentadas suspeitas.

  11. Prueba de tolerancia oral a la glucosa modificada en puérperas como diagnóstico retrospectivo de diabetes gestacional

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    Joel Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la prueba de tolerancia oral a la glucosa (PTOG en puérperas con macrosomia fetal y plantearla como método de diagnóstico retrospectivo para diabetes gestacional. Diseño de estudio: Estudio clínico, de corte transversal, analítico, casos y controles. Material y Métodos: Estudio de 142 puérperas, 71 con recién nacidos macrosómicos y 71 con recién nacidos con pesos en percentiles de la normalidad. Se realizó una PTOG modificada de dos horas (basal, 1h y 2 h, con 100 g de glucosa, entre las primeras 8 y 48 horas posparto (positivo si [glicemia 2h - basal] + [glicemia 1h - basal] 110 mg/dL. Se utilizó el SPSS 10,0 para crear la base de datos y realizar el análisis estadístico: análisis univariado, bivariado para evaluar la hipótesis, y finalmente un análisis multivariado. Resultados: La PTOG anormal resultó un factor de riesgo para macrosomia fetal, con un odds ratio ajustado de 5,9; IC95% 2,6-13,4. Se encontró asociación entre antecedente de macrosomia fetal, odds ratio 15,7; IC95% 1,9-123,6 y control prenatal odds ratio 5,7; IC95% 1,2-26,8. Conclusión: Existe relación entre la PTOG en puérperas y macrosomia fetal, que puede ser usada como prueba diagnóstica retrospectiva de diabetes gestacional.

  12. Linguagem oral na escola em tempo de redes Oral language at school in an age of networks

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    Claudemir Belintane


    Full Text Available O presente artigo propõe reflexões sobre as possibilidades de ensino da língua oral, a partir das concepções veiculadas nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Brasil do ensino fundamental e de críticas consensuais que evidenciam a carência de materiais didáticos e de currículos que dêem à língua falada e às produções orais um tratamento didático-pedagógico à altura do papel que esses fenômenos desempenham, tanto no uso pragmático da língua como no campo literário. As reflexões são elaboradas a partir de uma concepção que assume a língua como instrumento, meio de interação e constituição de subjetividades; adotam o conceito de gêneros do discurso de Bakthin e constroem sua coerência contextual tendo como base a práxis pedagógica do autor em cursos de formação de professores (iniciais e em serviço. Argumenta em prol de uma perspectiva curricular que considere a oralidade, neste contexto de novas tecnologias, um campo complexo, dinâmico e suficientemente propício a impregnações com a escrita, sobretudo com a literatura. Sugere-se um esboço de modelo que propõe o tratamento didático-pedagógico das atividades de escuta e produção oral em conjunção explícita com as atividades de leitura e produção escrita e, ainda, apresenta reflexões sobre as possibilidades e vantagens de incluir, sem preconceitos, produções orais contemporâneas e as originárias da tradição do oral.This paper offers reflections about the possibilities of teaching the oral language. It starts from the conceptions put forward by the National Curriculum Guidelines (Brazil for the primary school as well as from consensual criticisms that have disclosed the lack of pedagogical material and of curricula that can provide the spoken language and the oral productions with a didactic-pedagogical treatment adequate to the role they play both in the practical use of language and in the literary field. The reflections are developed from

  13. La música como herramienta facilitadora del aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera

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    Carmen María TOSCANO FUENTES


    Full Text Available Numerosas investigaciones aseguran que la inclusión de canciones y/o de elementos sonoro-musicales en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras (LE aporta beneficios en el proceso de aprendizaje a niveles lingüísticos, afectivos y sociolingüísticos. El objetivo central de este estudio fue el de mostrar los resultados de un programa sonoro-musical puesto en práctica en la enseñanza de inglés como le con escolares españoles de sexto de primaria. Primeramente, se estudió cuantitativamente si el alumnado con habilidades auditivas avanzadas aprendía una LE de forma más efectiva y si éstos mostraban también un alto nivel de desarrollo de la inteligencia musical. Seguidamente, se puso en marcha la intervención sonoro-musical para comprobar si aquellos estudiantes con un bajo nivel de inteligencia musical podrían mejorar su capacidad auditiva y su competencia comunicativa. Los resultados apuntan que este programa no solo incrementa la comprensión oral, sino la producción oral, la lectora y la motivación del alumnado.

  14. In Defense of Oral History: Evidence from the Mercosur Case En defensa de la Historia Oral: Evidencia del caso de Mercosur

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    Gian Luca Gardini


    Full Text Available This article makes a case in defense of oral history in the study of political science and international relations. The existing literature has scrutinized the technical aspects and appropriate use of oral material. This article focuses on the circumstances under which oral history may be an indispensable method of scholarly investigation: first, when written primary sources are not readily available; second, when an investigation targets complex and secret high-level negotiations; and third, when the main research concern is the human agent’s perspective and ideational factors. The article first addresses the issue of reliability and rigor of oral history as compared to written sources and then concentrates on the creation of Mercosur as an example of the validity of oral history under the three circumstances identified. The conclusion proposes a revival of a more historical approach to political studies.Este artículo argumenta en favor del uso de la historia oral como método de estudio de las relaciones internacionales y de las ciencias políticas. La literatura académica se ha centrado en las cuestiones más técnicas de las entrevistas y en el uso apropiado de este método. El foco innovador del articulo analiza las circunstancias en que la historia oral puede representar una herramienta indispensable para la investigación académica: primero, cuando las fuentes escritas no están disponibles; segundo, cuando se investigan negociaciones reservadas y complejas de alto nivel; tercero, cuando el interés principal de la investigación es la perspectiva del agente y los factores ideacionales. En primer lugar, el artículo discute la confiabilidad y el rigor de la historia oral en comparación con las fuentes escritas. Luego, el análisis se centra en el caso de estudio de la creación de Mercosur, usado como ejemplo de la validez de la historia oral bajo las tres circunstancias identificadas. La conclusión propone un uso más amplio del

  15. Infecção oral pelo HPV e lesões epiteliais proliferativas associadas HPV oral infection and proliferative epithelial associated lesions

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    Cíntia Tereza Lima Ferraro


    Full Text Available Os papilomavírus humanos (HPVs pertencem à família Papillomaviridae e seu ciclo de vida é diretamente ligado à diferenciação das células epiteliais do hospedeiro. Possuem seis genes que se expressam precocemente e dois genes que se expressam tardiamente, sendo denominados respectivamente E (early e L (late. O ácido desoxirribonucleico (DNA viral dentro da célula do hospedeiro pode assumir duas formas: epissomal e integrada. O HPV tem como alvo as células basais de epitélios escamosos, em particular da área genital, onde está associado ao carcinoma da cérvice uterina. Na boca, o HPV está associado a papiloma escamoso oral, condiloma acuminado, verruga vulgar e hiperplasia epitelial focal. Entretanto, seu papel na carcinogênese oral é ainda controverso, sendo também identificado como agente etiológico de alguns carcinomas de células escamosas de cabeça e pescoço. A infecção pelo HPV pode agir sinergicamente com agentes carcinogênicos, como o tabaco e o álcool. Pelo menos 150 subtipos diferentes de HPV já foram identificados, sendo que 25 têm sido detectados em lesões orais. Considerando a relevância do tema para a melhor compreensão da infecção oral pelo HPV, o objetivo desta atualização é rever os aspectos relevantes da biologia do HPV, com ênfase na relação HPV-ceratinócitos, e a importância dos dados clínicos e histopatológicos na definição diagnóstica das lesões orais possivelmente associadas ao HPV.Papillomaviruses belong to the family Papillomaviridae and their life cycle is directly linked to the differentiation of host epithelial cells. They have six genes that are expressed earlier and two genes that are expressed later in their life cycle, named respectively E (early and L (late. Host cell viral DNA can take two forms: episomal and integrated. The human papillomavirus (HPV targets the basal cells of squamous epithelia, particularly from the genital area, which is associated with uterine



    Santomé-Lemos, Jesús


    La historia sobre la educación de las personas sordas ha venido demostrando la confusión que ha rodeado desde la antigüedad todo lo referente a su discapacidad. Considerados como dementes o discapacitados intelectuales hasta bien entrada la edad media, no han sido comprendidos por el resto de la población. Tras vivir etapas donde la lengua de signos era utilizada como medio para su educación, posteriormente fue excluida de ésta, por considerarse la metodología oral como la más apropiada. Se h...

  17. Reflexões sobre corpora de pesquisa discursiva e produção oral em aprendizagem de língua inglesa como LE na modalidade a distância

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    Simone Tiemi Hashiguti


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta questionamentos e considerações teórico-metodológicas, em uma perspectiva discursiva, sobre processos de aprendizagem de língua inglesa como língua estrangeira na modalidade a distância e a partir de uma pesquisa em andamento. O objetivo é expor: (a uma discussão do conceito de arquivo, expandindo os sentidos já existentes para o termo na teoria, e enfocando o caso dos dados que se referem à produção oral em língua inglesa, e (b relatar como a pesquisa tem lidado, até o momento, com os dados coletados, de maneira geral, e que constituem um corpus híbrido.  Em relação a (a, defende-se que a língua inglesa pode ser, ela mesma, considerada um arquivo que, no caso do curso analisado, é arquivo de si, em formato digital, um registro particular que pode ter efeitos particulares no processo de aprendizagem. Em relação a (b, expõe-se como os conceitos de regularidades enunciativas e funcionamento de paráfrase tem norteado a análise e possibilitado o que se propõe ser um mapeamento, unidade geral que mostre um funcionamento discursivo em acontecimento. O estudo pode contribuir tanto para a área da linguística aplicada ao ensino de línguas estrangeiras quanto para a teoria de análise de discurso.

  18. El efecto de rebote y la expresión oral en inglés

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    Ulises Escalona Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se analizó la formación de la habilidad de expresión oral en inglés en estudiantes de preuniversitario, con énfasis en las potencialidades del efecto de rebote de la categoría evaluación dadas sus implicaciones en tal proceso. Primeramente, se abordó la mencionada habilidad comunicativa. Luego, se trata la categoría evaluación vista como un proceso donde su efecto de rebote juega un rol trascendental al estimular a los estudiantes hacia el aprendizaje de la expresión oral en la lengua extranjera. Para realizar este trabajo se tuvo en cuenta categorías clave como competencia comunicativa, expresión oral, evaluación y efecto de rebote, con una mirada desde las diferentes ciencias relacionadas con las mismas. Finalmente, se abogó por una reconceptualización teórica de estas categorías y su profundo conocimiento y sistematización por parte del profesor de Inglés para lograr una mejor comunicación oral en los estudiantes.

  19. DNA Checkerboard Method for Bacterial Pathogen Identification in Oral Diseases


    Nascimento, Cássio do; Issa, João Paulo Mardegan; Watanabe, Evandro; Ito, Izabel Yoko


    This work aim to show by literature review the principal characteristics of the DNA checkerboard method for bacterial pathogens identification in oral diseases, showing the most varieties uses and applications of this technique Este trabajo tiene como objetivo, presentar en una revisión de la literatura, las principales características del método de chequeo del DNA para la identificación de bacterias patógenas en la cavidad oral, mostrando las diferentes utilizaciones y aplicaciones de est...

  20. Actividades dramáticas como herramienta didáctica

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    Marta Diago Romero


    Full Text Available He estudiado Filología Hispánica en la Universidad de Valencia, continué con elMáster en Artes Escénicas y Patrimonio Cultural y el postgrado en Teatro y Educación.A través de estos, pude investigar y aunar mis dos grandes intereses: el teatro y laenseñanza del español, realizando mi trabajo de investigación sobre actividadesdramáticas aplicadas a la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera.El objetivo primordial de esta propuesta es mostrar los beneficios de laaplicación de técnicas dramáticas en la enseñanza de E/LE y cómo estas favorecen unagradable aprendizaje en las distintas destrezas: comprensión escrita, comprensión oral,expresión escrita y expresión oral.

  1. Actividades dramáticas como herramienta didáctica

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    Marta Diago Romero


    Full Text Available He estudiado Filología Hispánica en la Universidad de Valencia, continué con el Máster en Artes Escénicas y Patrimonio Cultural y el postgrado en Teatro y Educación. A través de estos, pude investigar y aunar mis dos grandes intereses: el teatro y la enseñanza del español, realizando mi trabajo de investigación sobre actividades dramáticas aplicadas a la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera.El objetivo primordial de esta propuesta es mostrar los beneficios de la aplicación de técnicas dramáticas en la enseñanza de E/LE y cómo estas favorecen un agradable aprendizaje en las distintas destrezas: comprensión escrita, comprensión oral,expresión escrita y expresión oral.


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    Olga Cabrera García


    Full Text Available Este ensayo se propone analizar algunas cuestiones acerca de la perspectiva multidisciplinar en la metodología de la historia oral. Las investigaciones de historia oral tienen algunas características que le dan su especificidad pero, el artículo se concentra sobre dos de ellas: la entrevista y la construcción del documento oral. Se presentan algunas experiencias de ambas etapas de la investigación aunque el énfasis recae sobre el segundo aspecto. Se estudia la vida cotidiana así como la memoria, vinculadas al tiempo, con el propósito de comprender la historia oral.

  3. La oralidad como primer elemento de formación de la Poética Mistraliana

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    Ana María Cuneo


    Full Text Available La poesía de Gabriela Mistral conserva numerosos rastros del lenguaje oral y parece exigir para su "performance'" la lectura comunitaria y no la de la soledad de texto y lector. En el presente trabajo se ha denominado "oralidad residual" a este fenómeno, y se intenta, como primer paso de una investigación más amplia, determinar las causas de dicho fenómeno. The poetry of Gabriela Mistral retains many traces of oral language and seems to require conmunal reading for its "performance" and not the loneliness of text and reader. This phenomenon is called "residual oralness" in this work; and an intent is made to determine the causes of the phenomenon as a first step in research.

  4. Aproximações entre história pública e história oral: o caso do Laboratório de História Oral da Univille

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    Ilanil Coelho


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, construímos uma aproximação teórico-metodológica entre a História Pública (HP e História Oral (HO. O texto encontra-se estruturado em três partes. Na primeira, além de apresentarmos nossa perspectiva conceitual sobre HP, refletimos sobre a historicidade da noção de HP na Inglaterra, nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, pontuando seus diversos cruzamentos com a HO. Em seguida, com base numa ampla pesquisa documental, perscrutamos os sentidos de História Oral e o papel atribuído ao historiador e ao conhecimento histórico durante a criação do Laboratório de História Oral da Universidade da Região de Joinville (LHO/Univille. Nesse fazer, analisamos como, no início dos anos 1980, esse espaço foi concebido como parte de uma rede de produção de fontes orais que envolvia numerosas instituições de ensino superior do sul do Brasil e, também, entidades internacionais de atuação multilateral, tais como a Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA e a Secretaria de Cooperação Técnica Internacional do Brasil, subordinada ao então Ministério de Educação e Cultura (SUBIN/MEC. No terceiro e último item, finalizamos o texto tecendo algumas considerações sobre os limites e as possibilidades reflexivas da HP quando articulada à HO e aos recentes debates sobre o papel público do historiador na escrita da História do Tempo Presente.   Palavras-chave: História Pública; História Oral; História do Tempo Presente; LHO/Univille.

  5. Representaciones del Mundo Andino en un relato oral sobre fantasmas.

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    Florencia Raquel Angulo Villán


    Full Text Available Este trabajo centra el análisis en las narraciones de tradición oral que tematizan las historias de fantasmas. Si bien existen “constelaciones de imágenes” más o menos constantes compartidas por el ser humano y su entorno material y social, éstas se enriquecen en tanto pueden ser leídas desde los códigos de la cultura que las produce. En este caso, representada por la zona andina. La metodología utilizada pondrá en relación las categorías de imaginario desde una perspectiva antropológica y los aportes de la filosofía andina, sustentada en los principios de reciprocidad y complementariedad. La lectura analítica tiene como objetivo poner de manifiesto cómo los discursos orales que circulan en una comunidad en particular se constituyen como estrategias de consolidación de la “memoria” de un pueblo.

  6. Malos hábitos orales: rehabilitacion neuromuscular y crecimiento facial


    K. Reni Muller, Dra.; Soledad Piñeiro, Dra.


    Hoy en día el desarrollo de las estructuras craneofaciales no puede ser evaluado sin analizar la influencia que tienen las distintas funciones que se llevan a cabo en la cavidad oral. Malos hábitos orales que se prolongan en el tiempo como la deglución infantil, la succión de dedo y chupete, interposición de labio y la respiración bucal alteran el crecimiento y desarrollo craneofacial y son de gran importancia en establecimiento o severidad de las anomalías dentomaxilares. En este artículo...

  7. A influência das fases oral e faríngea na dinâmica da deglutição The influence of oral and pharyngeal phases on the swallowing dynamic

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    Elaine Keiko Yamada


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Embora a dinâmica da deglutição ocorra de forma integrada, a fase oral não tem sido tão valorizada quanto a fase faríngea. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar, através do método videofluoroscópico, a fase oral da deglutição, para observar as características da organização do bolo líquido em voluntários sadios e as variações desta organização em exames de pacientes disfágicos. Estabelecer a inter-relação funcional dos estágios de organização e ejeção oral do bolo. Verificar a presença (ou ausência de interferência do binômio organização/ejeção oral, sobre a fase faríngea da deglutição. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Analisaram-se os exames videofluoroscópicos de 44 indivíduos; destes, 14 eram adultos, voluntários sadios, e 30 disfágicos, sendo 15 pacientes com seqüelas de acidente vascular encefálico e 15 com doença de Parkinson. Todos os indivíduos estudados foram submetidos a avaliação videofluoroscópica da dinâmica da deglutição seguindo protocolo descrito por Junqueira e Costa. Privilegiou-se a incidência em perfil direito com meio de contraste líquido (solução de sulfato de bário. RESULTADOS: Segundo a organização intra-oral do bolo contrastado, pôde-se classificar a organização oral como: fechada, aberta, que pode ser subdividida em anterior e ântero-superior, alongada e instável. A ejeção pode ser definida como: adequada, lentificada e em dois tempos. A correlação entre a dinâmica oral representada pela organiza��ão e a dinâmica faríngea pode ser percebida como: adequada, adaptada e alterada. Os diversos tipos de organização e ejeção, assim como as correlações observadas, mostram-se estatisticamente significantes. CONCLUSÕES: A organização do tipo fechada é a que se caracterizou como normal. Organizações aberta ântero-superior, alongada e instável revelam alteração no processo da deglutição. As ejeções dos tipos lentificada e dois tempos também denotam

  8. From strengths to weaknesses: Guiding students in their development of oral skills

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    Ariza Ariza Aleida


    Full Text Available This article intends to report on a small research project carried out with a group of adult EFL learners at the National University extension program, in Bogotá. Founded on a needs analysis process, some activities based on students’ strengths were proposed and developed in order to meet the students’ main need: oral skills. The proposal was implemented and evaluated revealing oral portfolios and debates as useful tools in the development of oral proficiency as well as support in students’ self-regulation processes. Key words: Adult Second Language Acquisition-Methodology-Evaluation, English- Teaching-Evaluation, Oral Communication-Teaching-Methodology, Teaching Adults- Programs El objetivo del presente artículo es dar a conocer un proyecto de investigación a pequeña escala, desarrollado con un grupo de estudiantes adultos de inglés como lengua extranjera en la Unidad de Extensión de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, en Bogotá. A partir de un proceso de análisis de necesidades, se plantearon y desarrollaron algunas actividades basadas en las fortalezas de los estudiantes con miras a suplir la principal necesidad de los estudiantes: las habilidades orales. La implementación y evaluación de la propuesta mostró que los portafolios y los debates son herramientas claves en el desarrollo de la proficiencia así como en el apoyo de los procesos de autorregulación de los estudiantes. Palabras claves: Adquisición de una segunda lengua-Metodología-Evaluación, Inglés-Enseñanza-Evaluación, Comunicación oral-Enseñanza-Metodología, Educación de adultos-Programas

  9. Preformulación de mesilato de dihidroergotoxina, gotas orales

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    Natalia Diduk


    Full Text Available Se realizaron estudios para determinar la influencia de diferentes factores: el efecto de varios solventes, del pH, la hermeticidad del envase y la adición de un agente antioxidante con el propósito de recomendar la formulación adecuada del producto. Se utilizó la cromatografía líquida de alta resolución con método analítico en dichos estudios, la especificidad del mismo se comprobó en los ensayos previos. Como resultado se recomienda emplear en la fomulación de mesilato de dihidroegotoxina, gotas orales, glicerina o etanol como solventes, ajustar el pH en el intervalo 4,5 y 5,5, utilizar un envase hermético y añadir tiourea como agente antioxidante.

  10. PALIMPSESTOS DE CLIO ENTRE A CLEPSIDRA E O CLARIM: Comunicação, História Oral e Tempo Presente


    Soares, Fagno da Silva; Rovai, Marta Gouveia de Oliveira; Porto Junior, Francisco Gilson Rebouças


    A Revista Observatório vem se estabelecendo como importante periódico interdisciplinar nacional, traz à baila seu Dossiê Volume 2, "Comunicação, História Oral e Tempo Presente", objetivando visibilizar trabalhos de diversos campos do conhecimento que perscrutam temáticas filigranadas na relação entre comunicação, história oral e tempo presente, bem como, suas ressonâncias historiográficas em face das sociedades do contemporâneo. Soma-se a isto, o intento de coadunar estudos aparentemente dí...

  11. Presença do papilomavirus humano em lesões malignas de mucosa oral Presence of human papillomavirus in malignant oral lesions

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    Christiane Pienna Soares


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a prevalência do papilomavírus humano 6/11 e 16/18 em pacientes, com lesões orais clínicamente diagnosticadas como leucoplasias, atendidas na Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara, UNESP, Brasil. Após a inclusão em parafina, os cortes corados com H&E, foram selecionadas 30 biópsias e separadas em 3 grupos: lesões sem displasia (n=10, lesões com diferentes graus de displasia (n=10 e carcinoma espinocelular invasivo(n=10. As lesões que apresentaram displasia epitelial foram classificadas de acordo com os critérios histopatológicos propostos por Van Der Waal. As lesões foram investigadas para a presença de HPV por hibridização in situ com sondas biotiniladas de amplo espectro, 6/11 e 16/18. HPV 16/18 foi detectado em 20% (n=2 das biópsias com displasia severa. A presença de HPV 16/18 em lesões malignas sugere sua importância como fator de risco na carcinogênese oral.The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of human papillomavirus 6/11 and 16/18 in patients, with oral lesions clinically diagnosed as leucoplakia, attending the School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo State/UNESP, Brazil. After paraffin embedded process, in the sections staining with H&E, 30 biopsies were screened and separated on 3 groups: 10 oral lesions without dysplasia, 10 with dysplasia, and 10 with invasive squamous cell carcinoma. The lesions with dysplasia were classified in agreement with Van Der Wall's histopathological standard method. Oral lesions were investigated for the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV by in situ hybridization with wide-spectrum, 6/11 and 16/18 biotinylated probes. HPV 16/18 was found in 20% (n=2 of the leucoplakia with severe-degree dysplasia. The presence of HPV 16/18 in malignant lesions suggests its importance as a risk factor for oral carcinogenesis.

  12. Catarata subcapsular posterior em pacientes com pênfigo e penfigóide tratados com corticoterapia oral Posterior subcapsular cataract in patients with pemphigus and pemphigoid using oral corticosteroid

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    Viviane Reggiani


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O tratamento mais utilizado para pacientes com dermatoses bolhosas crônicas é a corticoterapia oral, muitas vezes em altas doses e por períodos prolongados. Como efeitos colaterais dessa terapêutica, freqüentemente ocorrem: hipertensão arterial, diabete, osteoporose, infecções e distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos. A catarata subcapsular posterior é raramente citada na literatura como efeito colateral da corticoterapia em pacientes com doenças bolhosas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de catarata subcapsular posterior como efeito colateral da corticoterapia oral. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo incluindo 49 pacientes com dermatoses bolhosas crônicas em uso de corticoterapia acompanhados entre janeiro de 1987 e dezembro de 1997 no ambulatório de Dermatoses Bolhosas do Departamento de Dermatologia da Unifesp/EPM e regularmente submetidos à avaliação oftalmológica em busca de catarata cortisônica. RESULTADOS: No período de 1987 a 1997, 49 pacientes foram avaliados, tendo apresentado prevalência de catarata subcapsular posterior como efeito colateral da corticoterapia oral de 28,57%. CONCLUSÕES: 1 a prevalência de catarata foi de 28,57%; 2 o tempo médio de tratamento até o surgimento de catarata foi de 45,71 meses; 3 a média da dose máxima de corticosteróide utilizada pelos pacientes foi de 78,57mg/dia.BACKGROUND: Oral corticosteroid is the treatment most used for patients with chronic bullous dermatosis, often at high dosages and over long periods of time. Arterial hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, infections and hydro-electrolytic disturbances frequently occur as side effects of this therapy. Posterior subcapsular cataract is rarely mentioned in the literature as a side effect of corticosteroid in patients with bullous diseases. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the incidence of posterior subcapsular cataract as a side effect of oral corticosteroid. METHODS: A retrospective study: 49 patients with chronic

  13. La Narración oral: Alternativa para el desarrollo de una experiencia educativa con perspectivas de género

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    Marianela Rosa Peña Lora


    Full Text Available El trabajo que se presenta explica el carácter de la experiencia pedagógica realizada en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, referida a la creación de una Cátedra de Oralidad con enfoque de género, que tiene como objetivo contribuir a la gestión y desarrollo de prácticas y procesos sociales de carácter educativo/comunicacional y a los procesos formativos que de ello se derivan, así como desarrollar una reflexión crítica sobre el papel de la mujer en la experiencia narrativa de la vida cotidiana y en el rescate de la palabra en diferentes contextos educativos y socioculturales. En la implementación de la cátedra, organizada en áreas de desarrollo: "Historia de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas"; "La narrativa oral y la relación interdisciplinaria"; "La medicina narrativa"; "La narración oral como arte y conducta ex-presivo-comunicativa", la transversali-dad del enfoque de género aparece como una estrategia metodológica que desde un planteamiento sistémico vislumbra todo el proceso educativo que posibilita el desarrollo de las habilidades básicas del pensamiento y comunicación basadas en la narración oral. En las conclusiones se expresa cómo el logro de estos objetivos ha transcurrido por un conjunto de actividades en las esferas de la docencia, investigación y extensión, donde además de abordar los aspectos teóricos, se ha realizado una reflexión compartida como construcción y experiencia sociocultural que permitió un intercambio de saberes, experiencias y participación a través de la narración oral, la cual se ha proyectado como espacio abierto para el aprendizaje, experiencia esencialmente humana y estrategia para la investigación.

  14. Proposta de documentação fotográfica em motricidade oral Oral motricity photographic registration proposal

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    Michelly Cristina da Silveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: propor um protocolo específico para documentação fotográfica do paciente na área de Motricidade Oral. MÉTODO: foi utilizada uma câmera digital fixada em um tripé e foram realizadas fotografias padronizadas corporais e de face. Realizou-se ainda, a teleradiografia lateral contrastada com bário sobre a língua. RESULTADOS: as fotografias facilitaram a visualização dos nossos resultados terapêuticos. CONCLUSÃO: concluiu-se que a documentação proposta auxilia no diagnóstico e no estudo do prognóstico do paciente, bem como, pode ser utilizado como material auxiliar nas orientações aos responsáveis e ao paciente.PURPOSE: to propose a specific protocol for photographic register of Oral Motricity patients. METHODS: a digital camera mounted on a tripod was used. Standardized photos of body and face were taken. A tele-radiography modified by using contrast with barium which was spread over the patient's tongue was taken. RESULT: the pictures made easy the visualization of our therapeutic results. CONCLUSION: so far it is possible to conclude that the proposed documentation helps in the diagnosis process and prognosis analysis, and it may be used as supplementary material for guiding patients and parents on the best treatment to follow.

  15. Propuesta de un programa de intervención psicopedagógica para trabajar el lenguaje oral en Educación Infantil


    Echaide-Larrayoz, Nerea


    Con este Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) pretendemos ofrecer tanto a las familias como al profesorado una herramienta útil para el desarrollo del lenguaje oral en el segundo ciclo de la etapa de Educación Infantil. Así mismo, queremos transmitir la importancia de una adecuada estimulación y detección en el desarrollo del lenguaje oral, haciendo especial hincapié en la prevención de posibles alteraciones en el lenguaje. Por otro lado, queremos ofrecerles tanto al psicopedagogo del centro como al e...

  16. A Obra Cinematográfica como Formadora de Sentidos: uma análise do filme Memórias de uma Gueixa


    Maria Perufo, Dangela; Cavalli, Vanessa


    O estudo tem como objetivo verificar o papel da Direção de Arte como formadora de sentidos em imagens e sons, dentro do conjunto da produção cinematográfica, analisando dois aspectos: figurino e fotografia, no filme Memórias de uma Gueixa, dirigido por Rob Marshall. Inicia-se o texto tratando de referenciais teóricos que fundamentam a pesquisa, conceituando tópicos como nova linguagem oral, cultura, adaptação de literatura para vídeo, linguagem verbal e não verbal. O artigo também trata de de...

  17. Nuevos anticoagulantes orales en fibrilación auricular no valvular New oral ant icoagulants in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation

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    Andrés F Buitrago


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia cardiaca sostenida más común y su prevalencia se duplica cada decenio por encima de los cincuenta años. Entretanto, las condiciones clínicas que más se asocian con ésta son la hipertensión arterial, la insuficiencia cardíaca, la enfermedad valvular cardíaca y la diabetes mellitus. Como complicaciones está la falla cardiaca, pero tal vez una de las peores son los eventos cardioembólicos, que ocurren aproximadamente en 4,5% de los pacientes no anticoagulados. El tratamiento antitrombótico con antagonistas de la vitamina K fue, durante más de cincuenta años, la única alternativa disponible, a pesar de sus múltiples limitaciones, las mismas que llevaron al desarrollo de nuevos fármacos anticoagulantes que disminuyen muchos de los problemas de los antagonistas de la vitamina K. Pueden agruparse en dos clases: inhibidores orales directos de la trombina e inhibidores orales del factor X activado. Tanto dabigatrán, rivaroxabán como apixabán, cuentan ya con estudios clínicos controlados aleatorizados que apoyan su uso en el tratamiento antitrombótico de la fibrilación auricular y recientemente se incluyeron en las guías basadas en la evidencia como alternativa (ACC e incluso con un grado de recomendación superior (CCS, CHEST al de los antagonistas de la vitamina K.Atrial fibrillation is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia and its prevalence doubles every decade for people older than fifty years. Meanwhile, the clinical conditions most associated with it are hypertension, heart failure, valvular heart disease and diabetes mellitus. Complications include heart failure, but perhaps one of the worst ones are the stroke events, which occur in approximately 4.5% of not anticoagulated patients. Antithrombotic therapy with vitamin K antagonists was for over fifty years the only alternative available, despite its many limitations. These limitations led to the development of new

  18. Oral cysticercosis: case report and review of the literature Cisticercose oral: relato de caso e revisão da literatura

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    Fernando Melhem Elias


    Full Text Available Cysticercosis is a condition that occurs when man is infested by the larvae of Taenia solium, acting as an intermediate host instead of definitive. Oral cysticercosis is a rare event, and it represents a difficulty in clinical diagnosis. A case of oral cysticercosis in a 23-year-old white female who presented a painless swelling in the dorsal portion of the tongue is reported. An excisional biopsy was performed and histopathological examination revealed a cystic cavity containing the tapeworm.A cisticercose é uma doença que ocorre quando o indivíduo é infectado pela larva da Taenia solium, atuando como hospedeiro intermediário ao invés de definitivo. A cisticercose em cavidade oral é rara e seu diagnóstico clínico é difícil. Neste trabalho, é relatado um caso de cisticercose oral em paciente de 23 anos, sexo feminino que apresentou um crescimento indolor na região de dorso de língua. Foi realizada uma biópsia excisional e o exame histopatológico revelou uma cavidade cística apresentando em seu interior a larva.

  19. Memória e cidadania nos acervos de história oral e mídia digital


    Goulart, Elias Estevão; Perazzo, Priscila Ferreira; Lemos, Vilma


    Este texto tem como proposta discutir a importância da constituição de acervos de história oral, levando em consideração a difusão da memória e o exercício da cidadania a partir dela, bem como as relações de poder envolvidas nesse processo. As técnicas de história oral possibilitam a organização de um acervo de relatos de história de vida que, no seu conjunto, levam à recuperação da identidade coletiva e da memória da comunidade. São os sentimentos de pertencimento a um grupo, garantindo por ...

  20. A busca da graduação em enfermagem como opção dos técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem La búsqueda del pre grado en enfermería como opción de los técnicos y auxiliares de enfermería Undergratuate nursing education as an option for nursing technicians and assistants

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    Neuma Vital Julca Medina


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo apreender os motivos que levam técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem a buscarem a graduação nesta profissão. Realizado em um hospital escola, na cidade de São Paulo, sob a perspectiva da pesquisa qualitativa e como metodologia, a História Oral Temática e a Análise Categorial Temática. Deste trabalho participaram onze colaboradores: três técnicas de enfermagem e oito auxiliares de enfermagem.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo, conocer los motivos que influenciaron al técnico y auxiliar de enfermería a graduarse, a nivel superior, en su misma profesión. Fue realizado en un hospital docente de la ciudad de San Pablo, bajo la perspectiva de la investigación cualitativa y como metodología, la historia oral temática y el análisis de categoría temática. Paticiparon once colaboradores, siendo tres técnicos de enfermería y ocho auxiliares de enfermería.The aim of this study was to understand the reasons that lead both nursing technicians and assistants to enter undergraduate nursing programs. This study was carried out in a teaching hospital in the city of Sao Paulo, under a qualitative research perspective, and the methodologies adopted were the Thematic Oral History and the Thematic Categorical Analysis. There were eleven participants: three nursing technicians and eight nursing assistants.

  1. La ciclooxigenasa-2 (COX-2) y el factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EFG) en lesiones epiteliales orales premalignas Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in oral premalignant epithelial lesions


    S. Díaz Prado; A. Gallego Guadalupe; J.L. López-Cedrún; J. Ferreras Granado; L. Antón Aparicio


    Las lesiones premalignas orales incluyen eritroplasias (manchas rojas) y leucoplasias (manchas blancas), las cuales se desarrollan a lo largo de superficies epiteliales. Estas lesiones son considerados marcadores en la "carcinogénesis de campo" ya que pacientes con lesiones premalignas orales pueden desarrollar carcinoma de células escamosas (CCS) en el sitio de las lesiones, así como en otros lugares de tracto aerodigestivo superior. Se está haciendo un gran esfuerzo para identificar nuevos ...

  2. Farmacos orales para el control quimico de las biopeliculas dentales (placa bacteriana

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    Rodrigo Abello Moreno


    Full Text Available La placa dentobacteriana o biopelicula es la responsable de patologias clinicas como la caries dental, gingivitis y enfermedad periodontal, por lo tanto productos con agentes germicidas actuan en la prevencion de la biopelicula dental cuando las medidas de higiene oral no son las mas apropiadas.

  3. Técnica do grupo focal como método de avaliação do conhecimento de adolescentes sobre saúde bucal = The focus group technique as a method of evaluating teenager knowledge of oral health

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    Kléryson Martins Soares Francisco


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, por meio da técnica do Grupo Focal, o entendimento de adolescentes em relação à saúde bucal. A pesquisa foi realizada em três escolas públicas da cidade de Araçatuba, Estado de São Paulo, com dez alunos em cada uma delas. Para a realização dos grupos focais foram abordadas as seguintes palavras, presentes em perguntas de questionários sobre saúde bucal, as quais apresentaram altos índices de erros: saúde bucal; placa bacteriana; dente permanente; flúor; gengiva sangra?; fio dental; transmissão da cárie. Durante as discussões dos grupos focais, observou-se que muitos adolescentes ficavam surpresos com a situação a qual foram submetidos e com o tema que estavam discutindo. A palavra ‘saúde bucal’ foi associada à condição de limpeza dacavidade bucal, não identificando a saúde bucal como parte da saúde geral. O termo ‘transmissão da cárie’ não teve um entendimento suficiente. A expressão ‘dente permanente’ foi bem compreendida, sendo associada a um tipo de dente que não seria mais substituído.A palavra ‘flúor’ teve maior associação à função de limpeza do que à proteção dos dentes. Conclui-se que a utilização da técnica do Grupo Focal é de grande importância na interpretação do conhecimento dos adolescentes sobre saúde bucal e na adequação da terminologia de questionários sobre o mesmo tema.This study aims to the understanding of adolescents regarding oral health, using the Focus Group technique. The study was conducted at three public schools in the city of Araçatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, with ten students in each. In order to conduct the focus groups, the following words, which featured high error levels, wereaddressed in survey questions on oral health: oral health; plaque, permanent teeth; fluoride; gum bleeds?; dental floss; transmission of cavities. During the discussions in the focus groups, it was observed that many

  4. Planificación de Talento Humano en Salud Oral en Colombia

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    Jairo Hernán Ternera Pulido


    Full Text Available La planificación del talento humano profesional en odontología en un país pretende alinear las necesidades poblacionales en salud oral, la oferta educativa y la absorción del mercado laboral de los nuevos profesionales, bien sea laborando en la práctica liberal de la profesión o en el sistema sanitario. Se analiza el caso colombiano, teniendo como referencia los estudios realizados en el país sobre recursos humanos en odontología, se describe el potencial impacto de normas como la ley de educación y la ley de seguridad social y el impacto de dichas políticas públicas en el número de facultades y egresados entre 1970 y el año 2009. Se plantea una posible sobre oferta de odontólogos y se proponen alternativas para intentar intervenir en tan complejo escenario laboral caracterizado por sobre oferta profesional, desempleo y precarización del empleo para los trabajadores de la salud oral.

  5. Antibioticoterapia oral versus endovenosa em crianças neutropênicas febris recebendo quimioterapia Oral vs. intravenous empirical antimicrobial therapy in febrile neutropenic patients receiving childhood cancer chemotherapy

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    Ângela Rech Cagol


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar o uso de antibioticoterapia endovenosa versus oral. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas todas as crianças e adolescentes neutropênicos com idade inferior a 18 anos classificados como baixo risco para complicações e recebendo quimioterapia. O estudo ocorreu entre 2002 e 2005 na Unidade de Oncologia Pediátrica, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre (RS. Os pacientes, divididos em grupo A e grupo B, eram randomizados para receber terapia oral ou endovenosa. O tratamento utilizado para o grupo A foi ciprofloxacina e amoxicilina/clavulanato via oral e placebo endovenoso e, para o grupo B, cefepime e placebo oral. RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 91 episódios consecutivos de neutropenia febril em 58 crianças. Para os pacientes do grupo A, a taxa de falência foi de 51,2% e a média de tempo de hospitalização foi de 8 dias (variação de 2-10. Para os pacientes tratados com antibioticoterapia endovenosa, a taxa de falência foi de 45,8% e a média de tempo de hospitalização foi de 7 dias (variação de 3-10. CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo não houve diferenças entre a antibioticoterapia oral versus a terapia endovenosa. Estudos randomizados com maior número de pacientes são necessários antes de padronizar a terapêutica oral como tratamento para esta população de pacientes.OBJECTIVE: To compare the use of intravenous vs. oral antibiotic therapy. METHODS: All febrile neutropenic patients younger than 18 years old with low risk of complications and receiving chemotherapy were selected. The study was conducted from 2002 to 2005 at the Pediatric Oncology Unit of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Patients were divided into group A and group B and were randomly assigned to receive oral or intravenous therapy. The empirical antimicrobial treatment used for group A consisted in oral ciprofloxacin plus amoxicillin-clavulanate and intravenous placebo, and group B received cefepime and oral placebo

  6. Nuevos anticoagulantes orales en fibrilación auricular no valvular

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    Andrés F. Buitrago, MD


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia cardiaca sostenida más común y su prevalencia se duplica cada decenio por encima de los cincuenta años. Entretanto, las condiciones clínicas que más se asocian con ésta son la hipertensión arterial, la insuficiencia cardíaca, la enfermedad valvular cardíaca y la diabetes mellitus. Como complicaciones está la falla cardiaca, pero tal vez una de las peores son los eventos cardioembólicos, que ocurren aproximadamente en 4,5% de los pacientes no anticoagulados. El tratamiento antitrombótico con antagonistas de la vitamina K fue, durante más de cincuenta años, la única alternativa disponible, a pesar de sus múltiples limitaciones, las mismas que llevaron al desarrollo de nuevos fármacos anticoagulantes que disminuyen muchos de los problemas de los antagonistas de la vitamina K. Pueden agruparse en dos clases: inhibidores orales directos de la trombina e inhibidores orales del factor X activado. Tanto dabigatrán, rivaroxabán como apixabán, cuentan ya con estudios clínicos controlados aleatorizados que apoyan su uso en el tratamiento antitrombótico de la fibrilación auricular y recientemente se incluyeron en las guías basadas en la evidencia como alternativa (ACC e incluso con un grado de recomendación superior (CCS, CHEST al de los antagonistas de la vitamina K.

  7. El CO2 como disolvente y como reactivo


    La Franca Pitarresi, Vincenzo Rosario


    Existen numerosas ventajas asociada con el uso de CO2 , tanto como disolvente que como reactivo, y todas se pueden resumir en cuatro categorías generales: beneficios ambiental, beneficios de salud y seguridad, beneficios en el procedimiento y beneficios químicos. Los procesos que implican el CO2 como disolvente no aumentaría las emisiones de CO2, más bien proporcionaría una oportunidad para el reciclaje de CO2 residual. Además, los esfuerzos para secuestrar el CO2 producido de los gases de co...

  8. A história oral na pesquisa social sobre espaço urbano

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    Aloísio Ruscheinsky


    Full Text Available Este texto apresenta algumas reflexões sobre o uso da metodologia denominada de História Oral em pesquisas no campo das ciências humanas. A metodologia da História Oral tem-se espraiado por diversas disciplinas e entre pesquisadores de origens diversas, ao mesmo tempo o seu uso tem provocado simpatias e adversidades. Os autores do presente texto buscam demonstrar que os indivíduos tomados como fonte original de informação junto às lutas sociais por moradia popular, a partir de sua prática social, alçam a condição de sujeitos sociais uma vez que contribuem para a produção da História e do espaço urbano. Na ampla tarefa das ciências sociais, cabe-lhe atribuir que trate os indivíduos como capazes de serem construtores e partícipes da História. Esta é uma tarefa científica, política e educativa de quem assim procede optando pelo uso da História Oral. Deve ficar claro que aqui nos atemos ao emprego da metodologia e não à apresentação dos resultados de uma pesquisa.

  9. Human papillomavirus in oral lesions Virus papiloma humano en lesiones orales

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    Joaquín V. Gónzalez


    Full Text Available Growing evidence suggests a role for human papillomavirus (HPV in oral cancer; however its involvement is still controversial. This study evaluates the frequency of HPV DNA in a variety of oral lesions in patients from Argentina. A total of 77 oral tissue samples from 66 patients were selected (cases; the clinical-histopathological diagnoses corresponded to: 11 HPV- associated benign lesions, 8 non-HPV associated benign lesions, 33 premalignant lesions and 25 cancers. Sixty exfoliated cell samples from normal oral mucosa were used as controls. HPV detection and typing were performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR using primers MY09, 11, combined with RFLP or alternatively PCR using primers GP5+, 6+ combined with dot blot hybridization. HPV was detected in 91.0% of HPV- associated benign lesions, 14.3% of non-HPV associated benign lesions, 51.5% of preneoplasias and 60.0% of cancers. No control sample tested HPV positive. In benign HPV- associated lesions, 30.0% of HPV positive samples harbored high-risk types, while in preneoplastic lesions the value rose to 59.9%. In cancer lesions, HPV detection in verrucous carcinoma was 88.9% and in squamous cell carcinoma 43.8%, with high-risk type rates of 75.5% and 85.6%, respectively. The high HPV frequency detected in preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions supports an HPV etiological role in at least a subset of oral cancers.Crecientes evidencias sugieren que el virus Papiloma humano (HPV tiene un rol en el cáncer oral; sin embargo su participación es todavía controvertida. Este estudio evalúa la frecuencia de ADN de HPV en una variedad de lesiones orales de pacientes de Argentina. Se seleccionaron 77 muestras de tejido oral de 66 pacientes (casos; el diagnóstico histo-patológico correspondió a: 11 lesiones benignas asociadas a HPV, 8 lesiones benignas no asociadas a HPV, 33 lesiones premalignas y 25 cánceres. Como controles se usaron 60 muestras de células exfoliadas de mucosa oral normal. La

  10. El docente ante la evaluación de la expresión e interacción orales en ELE

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    López Moya, Consuelo


    Full Text Available Aunque cada vez más la expresión y la interacción orales están siendo dotadas de mayor relevancia en la clase de español como lengua extranjera, su evaluación todavía escapa de una sistematización conjunta en dicha enseñanza. Ante esta situación, el presente artículo trata de acercarse a esa realidad y, para ello, profesores de ELE de diferentes centros han mostrado tanto su modo de proceder en la evaluación de estas destrezas como el propio de su centro. A través de un cuestionario ha sido valorado este proceso desde una triple vertiente: considerando el grado de importancia otorgado a la expresión e interacción orales, según el método desarrollado para evaluar estas destrezas y atendiendo al proceso de evaluación desde la óptica del docente. Las respuestas han reafirmado la inexistencia de un consenso a la hora de llevar a cabo la evaluación de la expresión e interacción orales en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera.

  11. Carolee Schneemann. El cine como autobiografía, la artista como actriz, el cuerpo como pincel

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    María Barbaño González-Moreno


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza la relación de cine y mujer a partir de la obra fílmica de Carolee Schneemann, principalmente de su obra autobiográfica Fuses (1964-1966. Desde ella, se plantea el papel de la artista como productora, directora y protagonista principal de todas sus obras. Reflexionamos así sobre el rol del creador-director como actor que derivaría en la consecución de una obra cinematográfica de tintes necesariamente autobiográficos. Asumiendo la visión vanguardista del cine como diario personal/Entendido el cine como diario personal, Schneemann va a explorar en su obra diferentes aspectos de la identidad y la sexualidad de la mujer en un cine artístico, alternativo y de tendencia política feminista. Entendido/Asumido su cine como elemento plástico, la artista explorará de forma paralela la experimentación matérica y física a través de los cuerpos filmados así como de la propia materialidad de la película, excluyendo toda posibilidad narrativa, dramática e ilusoria de proyección del espectador en el espacio cinematográfico y el espacio privado del creador.

  12. Evaluación continua y autoevaluación como herramientas de aprendizaje


    Zubcoff Vallejo, José Jacobo


    En el contexto actual, en los planes de estudio de los grados se incluye la evaluación continua como parte fundamental de la evaluación. En este trabajo se resumen las principales conclusiones y aspectos destacados del debate de los trabajos presentados en la mesa 12 de comunicaciones orales de las Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria desarrollada en la Universidad de Alicante durante los días 3 y 4 de Julio de 2014. Entre las herramientas que han mostrado resultados p...

  13. O papel da Porphyromonas gingivalis nas doenças da cavidade oral e sua relação com doenças sistémicas


    Lemos, André Filipe Pereira de


    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz A Porphyromonas gingivalis é uma bactéria anaeróbia presente na cavidade oral sendo classificada como o agente patogénico chave na sua capacidade de promover a remodelação do microbioma da cavidade oral e, subsequentemente, a doença periodontal. Porphyromonas gingivalis apresenta diversas características estruturais e funcionais, tais como os fatores que conferem virulência à bactéria, que ...

  14. Los signos manuales como sistema de comunicación alternativa y aumentativa. Artículo de revisión


    Vega Llobera, Fàtima; Gràcia Garcia, Marta


    Hay una larga tradición científica sobre el uso de los signos manuales de manera simultánea a la lengua oral para promover el desarrollo de la comunicación y el lenguaje en niños con o sin discapacidad. Este artículo tiene como objetivo revisar y analizar trabajos de intervención centrados en el uso de signos manuales como sistema de comunicación aumentativa (AAC) en participantes oyentes. Se han utilizado diversos criterios para delimitar la búsqueda, selección, codificación y síntesis de lo...

  15. Entre ritmo e poesia: rap e literatura oral urbana

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    Marcus Rogerio Salgado


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente artigo é um estudo do rap enquanto manifestação de literatura oral urbana e forma de oralidade tecnológica. Para tanto, o artigo passará em revista as relações entre literatura e palavra falada/cantada, assim como as possibilidades de interface estética entre a literatura e a música que estão em questão quando tratamos do rap.

  16. Una puesta en escena: la oralidad como performance en la vida escolar

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    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es presentar una revisión de los Derechos Básicos de Aprendizaje (DBA y de los Estándares Básicos de Competencias del Lenguaje (EBCL relacionados con la oralidad que en estos se propone, específicamente de grado sexto a undécimo. A ello se suma una comparación con las propuestas de autores cuyo trabajo con el discurso oral tiene un reconocimiento a nivel nacional e internacional, y que está emparentado con la oralidad entendida como performance . A partir de este ejercicio se proponen unas estrategias pedagógicas procedentes de las discusiones y experiencias que se han tenido con los estudiantes del grupo de estudio El discurso oral en el Quindío: de la Academia a la cotidianidad (DOQAC, encaminadas a explorar y experimentar algunas características de la oralidad, que apenas se sugieren en los DBA y en los EBCL.

  17. Modelo de promoción, fortalecimiento y evaluación de la producción oral en estudiantes adultos de inglés como lengua extranjera (ILE) basado en factores de aprendizaje de mayor impacto en un estudio de caso


    Castelblanco Barrera, Jenny Viviana


    En esta investigación se diseñó un modelo de promoción, fortalecimiento y evaluación de la habilidad de producción oral en Inglés como Lengua Extranjera (ILE) para estudiantes adultos basado en los factores de aprendizaje con mayor impacto en esta habilidad, de acuerdo con un estudio de caso. En el estudio participaron 21 estudiantes adultos, 16 mujeres y 5 hombres, de los cursos de Extensión del Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Se exploraron sus con...

  18. Avaliação da existência de controle de infecção oral nos pacientes internados em hospitais do estado do Rio de Janeiro Evaluating the existence of oral infection control in patients admitted in state hospitals in Rio de Janeiro

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    Sérgio Kahn


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a existência de um protocolo de controle de infecção oral nos hospitais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram avaliados 62 hospitais da rede pública e privada. Quando questionados se existia na instituição algum procedimento destinado aos pacientes internados (no caso de UTIs, 39% dos hospitais pesquisados responderam positivamente. Das instituições pesquisadas, apenas 15% possuem um protocolo regular para o controle de placa nos pacientes internados. Pesquisas têm demonstrado a inter-relação da doença periodontal com doenças sistêmicas, como doenças cardiovasculares, osteoporose, nascimento de bebês de baixo peso e parto prematuro, diabetes e doenças respiratórias. A cavidade oral tem sido considerada como um potente reservatório de patógenos respiratórios. Diante destes fatos, evidencia-se a importância da higiene bucal como um meio de se prevenir patologias diversas. Desta forma, existe a necessidade de se criar um protocolo de controle de infecção da cavidade oral para contribuir para a redução da mortalidade de pacientes internados e propor medidas preventivas para este fim.The aim of the present study is to ascertain whether an oral infection control protocol is being used in Rio de Janeiro State hospitals. Sixty two hospitals, both public and private have been surveyed. When asked whether any procedure was being adopted with admitted patients (in case of ICU patients, 39% of the hospitals responded positively. Among all institutions surveyed, only 15% conduct a regular plaque control protocol in admitted patients. Studies have shown that there is an inter-relationship between periodontal disease and systemic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, preterm births and low birthweight, diabetes and respiratory diseases. The oral cavity is considered a potent reservoir of respiratory pathogens. Based on these findings, it has become evident that oral hygiene is

  19. Avaliação do exame citopatológico como método para diagnosticar a paracoccidioidomicose crônica oral Evaluation of cytopathologic exam for diagnosis of oral chronic paracoccidioidomycosis

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    Marcelo Sivieri de Araújo


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o exame citológico esfoliativo no diagnóstico das lesões orais da paracoccidioidomicose, foram estudados oito portadores desta doença. Em todos os casos, demonstrou-se o fungo através de esfregaços citológicos corados com impregnação pela prata Gomori-Grocott. Conclui-se que a citologia esfoliativa oral é um método diagnóstico útil e válido na paracoccidioidomicose, podendo auxiliar no controle terapêutico das formas orais desta micose.With the aim of evaluating exfoliative cytology for the diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis oral lesions, eight patients that presented the disease were studied. The presence of fungi was demonstrated in all these cases. It was concluded that the oral exfoliative cytology exam can be effectively used in the diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis and contribute to the therapeutic control of oral forms of this mycosis.

  20. Probable brote de transmisión oral de enfermedad de Chagas en Turbo, Antioquia

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    Juan Fernando Ríos


    Conclusión. Se identificó un probable brote agudo de enfermedad de Chagas en Antioquia y se plantea como hipótesis la transmisión por vía oral, mediante la ingestión de T. cruzi en alimentos contaminados con restos de triatominos o excrementos de marsupiales.

  1. Oral sex, oral health and orogenital infections

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    Rajiv Saini


    Full Text Available Oral sex is commonly practiced by sexually active male-female and same-gender couples of various ages, including adolescents. The various type of oral sex practices are fellatio, cunnilingus and analingus. Oral sex is infrequently examined in research on adolescents; oral sex can transmit oral, respiratory, and genital pathogens. Oral health has a direct impact on the transmission of infection; a cut in your mouth, bleeding gums, lip sores or broken skin increases chances of infection. Although oral sex is considered a low risk activity, it is important to use protection and safer sex precautions. There are various methods of preventing infection during oral sex such as physical barriers, health and medical issues, ethical issues and oral hygiene and dental issues. The lesions or unhealthy periodontal status of oral cavity accelerates the phenomenon of transmission of infections into the circulation. Thus consequences of unhealthy or painful oral cavity are significant and oral health should be given paramount importance for the practice of oral sex.

  2. Frequency and enzymatic activity of Candida albicans isolated from the oral cavity of HIV-positive patients at Fortaleza, Ceará Freqüência e atividade enzimática de Candida albicans isolado da cavidade oral de pacientes HIV-positivos em Fortaleza, Ceará

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    Everardo Albuquerque Menezes


    % apresentaram positividade para Candida, sendo 65% (52 identificados como C. albicans, 27,5% (22 como C. tropicalis, 2,5% (2 como C. glabrata, 2,5% (2 como C. krusei e 2,5% (2 como C. guilliermondii. Entre as cepas de C. albicans isoladas da cavidade oral foram detectadas proteinase e fosfolipase em 69,2% e 73%, respectivamente. Os resultados sugerem que a C. albicans foi a espécie mais freqüentemente observada, com intermediária expressão de proteinase e fosfolipase.


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    Gerardo Necoechea Gracia


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo subraya la importancia del análisis y contextualización de los recuerdos vertidos en una entrevista de historia oral, señalando que esta es una de las características que distinguen la historia oral de otras maneras de trabajar con la memoria. El historiador oral lleva a cabo el examen crítico de la fuente, como lo hace con fuentes documentales escritas, prestando atención a las particularidades de la memoria y la oralidad que definen la fuente, y la peculiaridad de la entrevista que produce la fuente. El ensayo propone que para llevar a cabo el análisis es necesario observar cómo la narración de recuerdos maneja el tiempo y el espacio, cómo el narrador presenta su yo y las redes sociales en las que se desenvuelve, y cómo la narración privilegia el relato de anécdotas para desplegar símbolos y significados que dan coherencia a lo vivido. Esta es una primera parte de análisis, con el fin de comprender el sentido cabal del documento integro que es la entrevista. La segunda parte consiste en situar la entrevista y el relato en contexto, tanto el contexto histórico de lo relatado como el contexto del tiempo y las condiciones de producción de lo que es en realidad una conversación histórica. Ello nos permite entender la entrevista como un documento cultural de su época.

  4. História oral: a experiência das doulas no cuidado à mulher Historia Oral: la experiencia de las doulas en el cuidado a la mujer Oral History: experience of doulas in the care of women

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    Karla Romana Ferreira de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Mostrar a possibilidade de utilização da História Oral como referencial metodológico para compreender o significado da experiência das doulas durante o processo de parto e nascimento em uma maternidade pública. MÉTODOS: Estudo qualitativo, realizado em uma maternidade pública municipal na cidade do Recife-Pernambuco, na qual o programa encontra-se institucionalizado há quatro anos. O instrumento de investigação utilizado foi a entrevista junto a nove doulas, analisada segundo a história oral temática. RESULTADOS: Emergiram dois eixos temáticos que trazem a experiência das doulas no cuidado à mulher: um caminho para a humanização e acolhendo e criando vínculos. CONCLUSÃO: Os discursos revelaram que as doulas oferecem um cuidado que envolve uma escuta ativa, alicerçada em atitudes de respeito, acolhimento, conhecimento técnico e amor.OBJETIVO: Mostrar la posibilidad de utilizar la Historia Oral como referencia metodológica para comprender el significado de la experiencia de las doulas durante el proceso de parto y nacimiento en una maternidad pública. MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, realizado en una maternidad pública municipal en la ciudad de Recife, en Pernambuco, en la cual el programa se encuentra institucionalizado hace cuatro años. El instrumento de investigación utilizado fue la entrevista junto a nueve doulas, analizada según la historia oral temática. RESULTADOS: Surgieron dos ejes temáticos que muestran la experiencia de las doulas en el cuidado a la mujer: un camino para la humanización y acogiendo y creando vínculos. CONCLUSIÓN: Los discursos revelaron que las doulas ofrecen un cuidado que contiene un escuchar activo, basada en actitudes de respeto, acogimiento, conocimiento técnico y amor.OBJECTIVE: To show the possibility of using oral history as a methodological reference for understanding the meaning of the experience of doulas during labor and birth in a maternity. METHODS

  5. Educação em saúde como estratégia de promoção de saúde bucal em gestantes Health education as a strategy for the promotion of oral health in the pregnancy period

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    Deise Moreira Reis


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta revisão da literatura é discutir a importância da educação em saúde como estratégia de promoção de saúde bucal no período gestacional. Foram estudadas as manifestações bucais mais comuns na gestação, concluindo-se que, embora a gestação por si só não seja responsável por tais manifestações como, por exemplo, a cárie dentária e a doença periodontal, faz-se necessário o acompanhamento odontológico no pré-natal, considerando-se que as alterações hormonais da gravidez poderão agravar as afecções já instaladas. Destacou-se na promoção de saúde bucal na gestante a educação em saúde bucal, considerando-a parte importante do Programa de Atenção à Saúde da Mulher, conforme recomendado pelas atuais Diretrizes da Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal. Considera-se que, por meio de ações de educação em saúde bucal, desenvolvidas no pré-natal por uma equipe multiprofissional, orientada por um cirurgião-dentista, a mulher poderá se conscientizar da importância de seu papel na aquisição e manutenção de hábitos positivos de saúde bucal no meio familiar e atuar como agente multiplicador de informações preventivas e de promoção de saúde bucal.This literature revision is intended to discuss the importance of health education as a strategy to oral health promotion in the pregnancy period. The most common mouth manifestations during pregnancy have been studied, and the conclusion is that, although pregnancy itself is not responsible for such manifestations in the mouth, e.g. dental decay and periodontal diseases, a dentistry follow-up during prenatal care is necessary, considering that hormonal alterations in pregnancy may aggravate the diseases contracted. The oral health promotion for pregnant women has been focused on mouth health education, considering it an important part of the Program of Attention to Women's Health, as recommended by the current National Politics' Mouth Health

  6. El discurso generado en el aula de español como lengua extranjera: ¿un discurso con características propias?


    González Arg, Ma. Vicenta (María Vicenta)


    El discurso que se genera en el aula de español como lengua extranjera por el contexto en el que se realiza académico y por la situación en la que se produce el aula en presencia de los alumnos como destinatarios presenta unos rasgos que dificultan su clasificación dentro de los esquemas elaborados hasta la fecha para el análisis de los diferentes tipos de discurso. Si repasamos la bibliografía existente sobre el tema, tradicionalmente se ha partido de la dicotomía oral/escrito por lo que...

  7. Desarrollo de un liofilizado oral antihistamínico de segunda generación


    Flórez Borges, Paloma


    El liofilizado oral es una forma farmacéutica sólida que tiene como objetivo facilitar la administración de un medicamento mediante la disolución instantánea del mismo en la cavidad bucal, con la consiguiente deglución del contenido por vía oral. Dicha forma farmacéutica se obtiene mediante preparación previa de una solución, suspensión o emulsión que contenga el principio activo que se quiere administrar antes de la aplicación de la técnica de liofilización. La liofilización permite generar ...


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    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: El tumor de Masson o hemangioendotelioma vegetante intravascular, es una hiperplasia endotelial  papilar hacia el interior del vaso pudiendo ocluirlo y trombosarlo con necrosis e infartos locales, constituyendo tumoraciones rojizas irregulares bien delimitadas de localización preferente en piel y riñón, siendo muy raros en cavidad oral. Son elásticos no indurados, depresibles y frágiles, con crecimiento lentamente progresivo . MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS:Presentamos dos casos . Varón afecto de hematemesis repetidas sin identificarse origen inicialmente, demostrándose tumor de Masson de paladar duro oculto por prótesis dental, que fue resecado mediante pinza bipolar previa infiltración con suero perilesional para devascularizarlo. El segundo fue una mujer  que en relación con la ingesta presentó cuadro de hematemesis importante. La valoración de Urgencias y la endoscopia digestiva no identificaron el origen del sangrado en tubo digestivo, aunque la endoscopista identificó nuevo sangrado desde cavidad oral. La exploración ORL objetivó una pequeña tumoración rojiza de apariencia vascular en zona de mordida izquierda, sangrante al mínimo roce, cuya resección se realizó de urgencia sin incidencias, con idéntica técnica y diagnóstico anatomopatológico. Posteriormente, se constató el antecedente de episodios previos de menor cuantía. DISCUSIÓN: Los tumores de Masson son muy raros en tubo digestivo y excepcionales en cavidad oral. Se han relacionado con irritaciones repetidas o traumatismos locales,hematomas encapsulados o preexistencia de otras lesiones vasculares. Estos factores parecen haber acontecido en nuestros pacientes (roce de prótesis dental en paladar y mordidas de repetición. Son masas de lento crecimiento en las que se producen con frecuencia fenómenos trombóticos. Sin embargo, el roce de su superficie puede dar lugar a sangrados importantes como en estos casos. Deben diferenciarse de tumores


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    M. Gloria Ríos Guardiola


    Full Text Available En el ámbito de la enseñanza de idiomas, las herramientas virtuales (aplicaciones de la web 2.0 y los campus virtuales forman ya parte de los recursos pedagógicos con más perspectivas, dado que facilitan el aprendizaje y la comunicación en una lengua extranjera. Las competencias de expresión y comprensión, tanto orales como escritas, pueden ser desarrolladas gracias al uso de una interfaz en la lengua objeto de estudio, soportes de vídeo y audio, y la posibilidad de relacionarse tanto con los miembros de la comunidad de aprendizaje como con otros internautas. En el presente estudio analizamos las distintas posibilidades de estos recursos desde un punto de vista pedagógico, lingüístico y cultural, desde la óptica del enseñante y desde la del alumno, y mostramos tanto las múltiples ventajas que poseen como sus limitaciones, basándonos en el análisis de experiencias concretas.

  10. La improvisación dramática como entrenamiento estratégico en el aula de LE

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    Renaudin, Jeanne


    Full Text Available En este artículo, se plantea la dramatización como procedimiento válido para el entrenamiento estratégico de destrezas orales. Más concretamente se desarrolla el concepto de improvisación teatral y su papel en el proceso de aprendizaje de la competencia estratégica. Este trabajo se propone igualmente describir un experimento de dramatización realizado con alumnos y sus resultados.

  11. La ciclooxigenasa-2 (COX-2) y el factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EFG) en lesiones epiteliales orales premalignas


    Díaz Prado, S.; Gallego Guadalupe, A.; López-Cedrún, J.L.; Ferreras Granado, J.; Antón Aparicio, L.


    Las lesiones premalignas orales incluyen eritroplasias (manchas rojas) y leucoplasias (manchas blancas), las cuales se desarrollan a lo largo de superficies epiteliales. Estas lesiones son considerados marcadores en la "carcinogénesis de campo" ya que pacientes con lesiones premalignas orales pueden desarrollar carcinoma de células escamosas (CCS) en el sitio de las lesiones, así como en otros lugares de tracto aerodigestivo superior. Se está haciendo un gran esfuerzo para identificar nuevos ...


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    Flávia Martinelli Pelegrino


    Full Text Available Se trata de un relato de experiencia sobre la construcción y validación de un protocolo educativo para pacientes en fase de uso de anticoagulación oral. Con base en la Teoría Cognitiva Social de Bandura se identificó tres fases necesarias para componer el protocolo educativo. La revisión de la literatura sobre anticoagulante oral ayudó a preparar el contenido de cada fase del protocolo. Como resultado, en la fase de la atención y retención se dio la elaboración de orientación verbal y escrita. En la fase de la reproducción y motivación fue realizado un refuerzo por contacto telefónico. Finalmente, en la fase de desempeño se espera la mejora en la evaluación de los resultados relacionados al uso de anticoagulante oral. Definido el protocolo educativo se dio la validación de la cara y el contenido. Este proceso permitió adaptaciones que permitieron la finalización de la construcción del protocolo educativo.

  13. A enfermagem como objeto da história: uma reflexão sobre o tema

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    Regina Maria dos Santos


    Full Text Available Neste estudo propomos refletir sobre a Enfermagem como objeto da História. Ancoramos nossa proposta nos estudos que vêm sendo realizados sobre a História da Enfermagem Brasileira e na abertura que a História Nova confere aos estudos históricos. Para tanto, buscamos compreender a História da Enfermagem Brasileira e as circunstâncias sociais que determinaram o desenvolvimento da profissão nessa ou naquela direção. Apresentamos algumas propostas metodológicas comumente utilizadas em estudos históricos, propondo a história oral e a análise de documentos como métodos de coleta de dados. A releitura dos acontecimentos sociais, a partir dos dados coletados, é capaz de favorecer o entendimento da importância dos estudos sobre a História da Enfermagem no reconhecimento da sua identidade profissional, como contribuição para o fortalecimento da categoria. Esperamos estimular a produção de novos trabalhos sobre o tema e, principalmente, alertar para a necessidade de preservarmos nossa memória.

  14. Toxicidad aguda oral de la o-vainillina Acute oral toxicity of o-vanillin

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    Yamisleydi Alonso Moreno


    Full Text Available El 2-hidroxi-3-metoxibenzaldehído (o-vainillina posee una probada actividad anti sickling y una baja actividad hemolítica sobre hematíes SS y normales, por lo que puede ser eficaz en el tratamiento de la anemia drepanocítica, enfermedad genética de alta prevalencia a nivel global. En este sentido se desarrolló un estudio de toxicidad aguda oral, con el objetivo de determinar sus efectos adversos. Se administró una dosis de 2 000 mg/kg de peso corporal a un grupo de ratas (3 hembras y 3 machos y el vehículo a otro grupo utilizado como control. Los animales se mantuvieron en observación durante 14 días, se determinaron las variaciones de peso, la presencia o no de síntomas y signos clínicos, y la necropsia al finalizar el estudio. Como resultado no se observó disminución del peso corporal en ninguno de los grupos experimentales, presentaron síntomas como: piloerección, respiración acelerada, actividad disminuida, acicalamiento, aislamiento a la esquina de la caja y la muerte de un animal. El análisis macroscópico de los órganos no detectó variación alguna. La DL50 de la o-vainillina se encuentra por encima de 2 000 mg/kg de peso corporal, según el sistema global armonizado2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde (o-vanillin has a proven anitsickling activity and a low haemolytic activity on SS and normal red corpuscles, so it may be efficient in the treatment of drepanocytic anemia, a genetic disease of high prevalence at the world level. In this sense, an acute oral toxicity study was conducted aimed at determining its adverse effects. A dose of 2 000 mg/kg of body weight was administered to a group of rats (3 females and 3 males, where the vehicle was given to the control group. The animals were observed for 14 days. The variations of weight, the presence or not of symptoms and clinical signs, and the necropsy at the end of the study were determined. Body weight reduction was not observed in any of the experimental groups. They

  15. A Obra Cinematográfica como Formadora de Sentidos: uma análise do filme Memórias de uma Gueixa

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    Dangela Maria Perufo


    Full Text Available O estudo tem como objetivo verificar o papel da Direção de Arte como formadora de sentidos em imagens e sons, dentro do conjunto da produção cinematográfica, analisando dois aspectos: figurino e fotografia, no filme Memórias de uma Gueixa, dirigido por Rob Marshall. Inicia-se o texto tratando de referenciais teóricos que fundamentam a pesquisa, conceituando tópicos como nova linguagem oral, cultura, adaptação de literatura para vídeo, linguagem verbal e não verbal. O artigo também trata de definições dos dois aspectos de direção de arte estudados e características da cultura das gueixas. Em seguida, faz-se a análise de quatro momentos intensos da vida da protagonista. 

  16. PALIMPSESTOS DE CLIO ENTRE A CLEPSIDRA E O CLARIM: Comunicação, História Oral e Tempo Presente

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    Fagno da Silva Soares


    Full Text Available A Revista Observatório vem se estabelecendo como importante periódico interdisciplinar nacional, traz à baila seu Dossiê Volume 2,  “Comunicação, História Oral e Tempo Presente”, objetivando visibilizar trabalhos de diversos campos do conhecimento que perscrutam temáticas filigranadas na relação entre comunicação, história oral e tempo presente, bem como, suas  ressonâncias historiográficas em face das sociedades do contemporâneo. Soma-se a isto, o intento de coadunar estudos aparentemente díspares ao vasto e transdisciplinar universo das ciências humanas, enquanto espaço heterogêneo do debate acadêmico, amalgamando Comunicação, Jornalismo e Educação, num palmilhar ladrilhado do fazer acadêmico.

  17. El debate como estrategia de innovación docente. Experiencias en Filosofía del Derecho y Teoría de la Cultura


    Rodríguez-Prieto, Rafael


    El debate puede ser una estrategia muy útil para el desarrollo intelectual del estudiante y para conectar los temas que se tratan en la universidad con los problemas sociales. La tendencia a la hiperespecialización y a la falta de una reflexión crítica es uno de los grandes retos a los que se enfrenta nuestra educación superior. Es por ello que técnicas como el debate estimulan a alumnos y profesor a cultivar destrezas como la expresión oral o la contextualización de los problemas. El objetiv...

  18. Tratamento da anemia ferropriva com ferro por via oral

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    Rodolfo D. Cançado

    Full Text Available A anemia ferropriva permanece como uma das deficiências nutricionais mais frequentes e importantes no mundo. O tratamento com ferro deve ser iniciado preferencialmente por via oral e a investigação apropriada de sua causa é obrigatória. Os autores discutem os compostos com ferro atualmente disponíveis, o perfil de eficácia, segurança e tolerabilidade desses medicamentos, e o plano terapêutico mais adequado possível para o sucesso no tratamento dessa doença tão comum e importante.

  19. Influência da estimulação sensório-motora-oral em recém-nascidos pré-termo Influence of sensory-motor-oral stimulation on preterm newborns

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    Patricia Pereira Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: verificar a influência da estimulação sensório-motora-oral em recém-nascidos pré-termo. MÉTODOS: a amostra constou de 28 recém-nascidos pré-termo internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal de um Hospital Universitário. Os sujeitos foram alocados em dois grupos, o estimulado e o controle. O grupo estimulado recebeu estimulação sensório-motora-oral duas vezes por dia. Realizaram-se duas avaliações, mensurando frequência respiratória e cardíaca, taxa de transferência, tempo de transição entre sonda e via oral plena, bem como incremento de peso. Os resultados foram analisados por meio do software STATA (10, comparando-se os grupos com o Teste T Student independente (pPURPOSE: to evaluate the influence of a sensory-motor-oral stimulation in preterm newborns. METHODS: twenty-eight preterm newborns in a neonatal intensive care unit of a University Hospital were randomly placed into stimulated and control groups. The stimulated group received a sensory-motor-oral stimulation twice a day. There were two ratings, measuring respiratory rate and heart rate, transfer tax, transition time between tube and oral feeding and weight increase. The results were analyzed through STATA 10 software, and the groups were compared through the Independent T Student Test (p<0,05. RESULTS: no statistically significant difference was found between the groups. CONCLUSION: there was no influence of sensory-motor-oral stimulation on the evaluated parameters.

  20. Estudo epidemiológico das doenças dermatológicas imunologicamente mediadas na cavidade oral An epidemiological study of immune-mediated skin diseases affecting the oral cavity

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    Cyntia Helena Pereira de Carvalho


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: As doenças dermatológicas imunologicamente mediadas compõem diversas patologias que apresentam formas variadas de manifestação no organismo. OBJETIVO: Foi proposição desta pesquisa, estabelecer a prevalência das principais doenças dermatológicas imunologicamente mediadas que apresentam manifestação oral. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados laudos histopatológicos de 10.292 casos arquivados no Serviço de Anatomia Patológica da Disciplina de Patologia Oral da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, no período de 1988 a 2009. Dos casos diagnosticados como algum tipo de doença em estudo, coletaram-se dados clínicos como sexo, idade, raça, sítio anatômico e sintomatologia das doenças. RESULTADOS: Do total de casos registrados, no serviço supracitado, 82 (0,8% corresponderam a doenças dermato lógicas imunologicamente mediadas com manifestação na cavidade oral. As doenças encontradas neste estudo foram: líquen plano oral, pênfigo vulgar e penfigoide benigno das membranas mucosas, sendo o líquen plano oral a lesão mais prevalente, representando 68,05% dos casos analisados, dos quais 64,3% apresentavam-se em mu lheres, sendo a mucosa jugal o sítio anatômico mais acometido (46,8%. CONCLUSÃO: A ocorrência de doenças dermatológicas imunologicamente mediadas que apresentam manifestação oral ainda é um fato incomum, semelhante ao observado na maioria das regiões mundiais. No entanto, a busca pelo diagnóstico precoce é um requisito essencial para a condução do tratamento dessas doenças, tendo em vista o possível comprometimento sistêmico do organismo nos pacientes.BACKGROUND: Immune-mediated skin diseases encompass a variety of pathologies that present in different forms in the body. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to establish the prevalence of the principal immune-mediated skin diseases affecting the oral cavity. METHODS: A total of 10,292 histopathology reports stored in the archives of the

  1. Nuevas soluciones para hidratación oral New solutions for oral rehydration therapy (ORT: a review

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    Carlos A. Bernal Parra


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    La hidratación oral es uno de los descubrimientos médicos más importantes del siglo veinte; su base fisiológica es el transporte acoplado de sodio y otros solutos, que favorece el ingreso de agua a las células del intestino. El suero de hidratación oral (SHO con la fórmula recomendada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS, utiliza como so luto transportador la glucosa. Su osmolaridad es ligeramente mayor que la de los líquidos corporales: 311 mOsm/L.

    ORT solution with the composition recommended by the World Health Organization, is one of the most important medical advances of the present century; it has, however, some drawbacks that may partly explain why it is used with a lower frequency than it is desirable. In order to overcome such limitations other substances have been tried for the preparation of OR solutions; the ideal preparation should both hydrate and prevent further dehydration, decrease the volume of stools and the duration of diarrhea and provide some nutrients. The following substances have been tried for the preparation of oral solution: glycine, glutamine, alanine, rice and other cereals, maltodextrines, protein hydrolysates and low osmolarity solutions; in light of the results obtained so far, these products offer no advantage over the standard solution.


    Mendoza-Ticona, Alberto


    Existe evidencia suficiente para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en diversos profesionales especialmente entre los trabajadores de salud. En el Perú están normados y reglamentados los derechos laborales inherentes a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional, como la cobertura por discapacidad temporal o permanente. Sin embargo, estos derechos aún no han sido suficientemente socializados. En este trabajo se presenta información sobre el riesgo de adquirir tuberculosis en el lugar de trabajo, se revisan las evidencias para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en trabajadores de salud y se presenta la legislación peruana vigente al respecto. PMID:22858771

  3. Taller intercultural del imaginario resiliencia y prácticas de narración oral en grupos interculturales

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    Lucille Guilbert


    Full Text Available Este artículo muestra la pertinencia de la utilización de la narración oral como elemento de ayuda en la adaptabilidad de inmigrantes y refugiados que han tenido vivencias traumáticas y que intentan acoplarse a nuevos contextos sociales. De igual manera,

  4. La tradición oral en la novelística de Ciro Alegría

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    Nécker Salazar Mejía


    Full Text Available El artículo estudia la influencia de la literatura oral en la trilogía novelística de Ciro Alegría, conformada por La serpiente de oro (1935, Los perros hambrientos (1938 y El mundo es ancho y ajeno (1941. En dicho corpus, figuran narraciones que pertenecen a la tradición oral andina, cuya inclusión demuestra la firme identificación del autor con el relato popular, así como el papel decisivo que este desempeña en el contenido y estructura de su novelística. En esa misma dirección, se halla la figura del narrador oral, cuya perfomance y estrategias discursivas siguen el modelo del narrador popular. Por otro lado, en la novelística alegriana, la tradición oral se articula con la memoria colectiva y expresa la visión de los indios mediante narraciones testimoniales. En un plano mayor, la filiación de la novelística alegriana con la literatura oral representa una valoración de las expresiones de la literatura no canónica en el Perú.

  5. Relaciones entre las dificultades del lenguaje oral a los 5 y 6 años y los procesos de lectura a los 8 y 9 años

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    María Fernanda Lara Díaz


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Diferentes estudios relacionan las dificultades del lenguaje oral con las dificultades de lectura. La mayoría de estas investigaciones se han realizado en lenguas con ortografías opacas como el inglés y sus resultados no pueden ser completamente generalizables al español. Objetivo. Describir la relación entre las dificultades del lenguaje oral y la adquisición de lectura en el español como lengua de ortografía transparente, en una muestra de niños escolarizados. Material y métodos. Participaron 58 niños en dos momentos diferentes, una evaluación inicial, realizada entre los cinco y seis años de edad y otra final realizada tres años después. La evaluación inicial del lenguaje oral se realizó mediante la aplicación de la prueba Preeschool Language Scale (PSL-3 y en un segundo tiempo se evaluó la lectura utilizando la prueba Evaluación de los Procesos Lectores PROLEC. Resultados. Se observó una relación entre la evaluación del lenguaje oral (comprensión auditiva y comunicación expresiva y la lectura (decodificación y comprensión. La lectura de los niños identificados con retraso de lenguaje presenta diferencias clínica y estadísticamente significativas con respecto a los niños sin retraso, especialmente en el proceso de decodificación. Se observa igualmente un ritmo evolutivo diferente entre los dos grupos coincidiendo con la hipótesis de la recuperación ilusoria. Conclusiones. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que las dificultades del lenguaje oral en español repercuten tanto en los procesos de decodificación como en los de comprensión. La relevancia de este estudio, radica en que se aproxima a la relación entre los componentes del lenguaje oral y la lectura, favoreciendo los procesos de promoción, prevención, diagnóstico e intervención fonoaudiológica en contextos tanto clínicos como educativos.


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    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Oral Myiasis, a condition of infestation of the body by fly larvae (maggots is a rare pathology in humans. It is associated with poor oral hygiene, alcoholism, senility, suppurating lesions, severe halitosis. It is seen frequently in tropical countries and hot climatic regions. The reported cases in literature of oral Myiasis associated with oral cancer are few. The treatment is a mechanical removal of the maggots but a systemic treatment with Ivermectin, a semi - synthetic macrolide antibiotic, has been used successfully for treatment for oral m yiasis. We present a case of 55 yr old male alcoholic patient with oral myiasis with extensive proliferative growth of oral cavity. Our patient was managed with manual debridement and administration of systemic ivermect in along with antibiotic coverage. Incisional biopsy of the proliferative lesion showed well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Thus our patient showed presence of oral myiasis in association with oral squamous cell carcinoma.

  7. Examining the association between oral health and oral HPV infection. (United States)

    Bui, Thanh Cong; Markham, Christine M; Ross, Michael Wallis; Mullen, Patricia Dolan


    Oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the cause of 40% to 80% of oropharyngeal cancers; yet, no published study has examined the role of oral health in oral HPV infection, either independently or in conjunction with other risk factors. This study examined the relation between oral health and oral HPV infection and the interactive effects of oral health, smoking, and oral sex on oral HPV infection. Our analyses comprised 3,439 participants ages 30 to 69 years for whom data on oral HPV and oral health were available from the nationally representative 2009-2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Results showed that higher unadjusted prevalence of oral HPV infection was associated with four measures of oral health, including self-rated oral health as poor-to-fair [prevalence ratio (PR) = 1.56; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.25-1.95], indicated the possibility of gum disease (PR = 1.51; 95% CI, 1.13-2.01), reported use of mouthwash to treat dental problems in the past week (PR = 1.28; 95% CI, 1.07-1.52), and higher number of teeth lost (Ptrend = 0.035). In multivariable logistic regression models, oral HPV infection had a statistically significant association with self-rated overall oral health (OR = 1.55; 95% CI, 1.15-2.09), independent of smoking and oral sex. In conclusion, poor oral health was an independent risk factor of oral HPV infection, irrespective of smoking and oral sex practices. Public health interventions may aim to promote oral hygiene and oral health as an additional measure to prevent HPV-related oral cancers.

  8. Valoración de la citología exfoliativa como factor de predicción en lesiones de la mucosa oral.


    Brunotto, M.; Zárate, A.M.; Cismondi, A.; Fernández, M.D.C.; Noher de Halac, R.I.


    El objetivo de este estudio fue inmunomarcar las oncoproteínas CK14, p53, p21 y Bc1-2 a fin de evaluar la magnitud de su expresión en lesiones estomatológicas premalignas y malignas en el epitelio oral, y comparar esta expresión con alteraciones en las citologías exfoliativas de los mismos pacientes. Se estudiaron biopsias y citologías de trece sujetos con líquenes plano oral con y sin infección con Virus Papiloma Humano (HPV), leucoplasias, y carcinomas espinoce...

  9. Photodynamic Therapy, a new approach in the treatment of oral cancer Terapia Fotodinámica, un nuevo acercamiento en el tratamiento del cáncer oral

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    Leandro Santos Bicalho


    Full Text Available The worldwide incidence of head and neck cancer is, approximately, 640,000 new cases per year. Oral cancer accounts for one third of all cancers and it is the eighth most diagnosed in men. The most used treatments for these tumors are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these therapeutic modalities. Due to the large structural, functional and aesthetic impairment that conventional treatments cause, many studies seek new methods to replace or to assist the treatment of oral cancer. Photodynamic therapy (PDT is a promising new modality of cancer treatment that is already being used clinically. This article describes the use of PDT as an alternative for the treatment of oral cancer. Salud UIS 2010; 42: 167-174.La incidencia del cáncer de cabeza y cuello es aproximadamente 640.000 casos nuevos por año. El cáncer oral representa un tercio de todos los cánceres y es el octavo más diagnosticado en hombres. Los tratamientos más usados para estos tumores son la cirugía, radioterapia, quimioterapia, o una combinación de estas modalidades terapéuticas. Debido al gran deterioro estructural, funcional y estético que causan los tratamientos convencionales, muchos estudios buscan nuevos métodos para remplazar o asistir el tratamiento del cáncer oral. La terapia fotodinámica (PDT es una nueva modalidad promisoria en el tratamiento del cáncer que apenas está siendo usada clínicamente. Este artículo describe el uso de PDT como una alternativa para el tratamiento del cáncer oral. Salud UIS 2010; 42: 167-174


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    Ayane Nararela Santos Almeida


    Full Text Available Analisamos, por meio dos resultados obtidos na aplicação do Teste 2 da Provinha Brasil 2011 e de uma matriz de competência de fluência em leitura oral, o desempenho dos alfabetizandos na fluência em leitura oral e sua convergência com o desempenho na Provinha Brasil. Como corpus, tomamos quatro histórias sem imagens para que alunos, do 2º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola municipal de Aracaju, fizessem a leitura oral. Durante a análise, correlacionamos a competência de fluência em leitura oral desenvolvida pelos alunos, e verificada por meio da matriz proposta neste estudo, com os resultados obtidos no Teste 2 da Provinha Brasil 2011. Concluímos que a articulação entre a matriz de competência de fluência em leitura oral em conjunto com a matriz de referência da Provinha Brasil 2011 permite contribuir significativamente para o aprimoramento da competência comunicativa e letramento do aluno alfabetizando.


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    Aliesky Caballero González


    Full Text Available El artículo aborda lo limitado que era el empleo de las fuentes orales desde la historiografía, también muestra la importancia que tienen las fuentes del conocimiento histórico, y dentro de ellas, las antes mencionadas; así como su clasificación y definición desde la didáctica de la Historia. Además de especificar cómo los profesores deben dar tratamiento correcto a las fuentes orales, dándole su valor y mostrando las potencialidades de estas en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Historia, para lograr una educación histórica en los adolescentes de la educación secundaria básica.

  12. La comunicación oral en el aula de inglés en Educación Primaria


    Ibarguren Ibeas, Sara


    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado nace a partir del interés y pasión por fomentar la comunicación oral entre los alumnos de Educación Primaria en aulas de lengua extranjera. El propósito de este trabajo es incrementar y mejorar el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera para estimular en los alumnos un interés y disfrute hacia ello. En él abordaremos desde una perspectiva teórica la comunicación oral en el aula de inglés así como el desarrollo de estrategias de comunicación en el aula. ...

  13. Saúde oral: um desafio para a equipe de saúde

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    Vera Lúcia de Oliveira Gomes


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo desvelar o conhecimento dos formandos dos cursos de Enfermagem e Medicina de uma Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul acerca da promoção da Saúde Oral. Participaram do estudo 58 acadêmicos, sendo 26 do Curso de Enfermagem e 32 do Curso de Medicina, estes responderam a um questionário com três perguntas semi-estruturadas. Através da triangulação constatamos que esse conhecimento entre os formandos dos referidos cursos é deficitário. Sabemos que é grande a dificuldade de acesso da população infantil carente aos gabinetes dentários, por esse motivo, acreditamos ser indispensável que os profissionais de Enfermagem e Medicina tenham conhecimentos referentes à promoção de saúde oral em crianças.

  14. Heidegger E A Técnica Moderna Como Perigo E Como Salvação

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    Robson Costa Cordeiro


    Full Text Available O mundo contemporâneo é marcado por uma compreensão de técnica que se ergue como tal a partir de um sentido próprio e autônomo. Este sentido pode ser caracterizado como um logos que se constitui a partir de sua própria natureza e se manifesta como tecnologia no decorrer da história. Compreender esse sentido e assumi-lo como condição de nossa existência no mundo é comprender a técnica como nossa herança e nosso envio. Nesse sentido, compreender a essência da técnica é fundamental para o mundo contemporâneo, assumindo que, nesse processo, consiste o perigo e a salvação da espécie.

  15. Metabolomic Studies of Oral Biofilm, Oral Cancer, and Beyond. (United States)

    Washio, Jumpei; Takahashi, Nobuhiro


    Oral diseases are known to be closely associated with oral biofilm metabolism, while cancer tissue is reported to possess specific metabolism such as the 'Warburg effect'. Metabolomics might be a useful method for clarifying the whole metabolic systems that operate in oral biofilm and oral cancer, however, technical limitations have hampered such research. Fortunately, metabolomics techniques have developed rapidly in the past decade, which has helped to solve these difficulties. In vivo metabolomic analyses of the oral biofilm have produced various findings. Some of these findings agreed with the in vitro results obtained in conventional metabolic studies using representative oral bacteria, while others differed markedly from them. Metabolomic analyses of oral cancer tissue not only revealed differences between metabolomic profiles of cancer and normal tissue, but have also suggested a specific metabolic system operates in oral cancer tissue. Saliva contains a variety of metabolites, some of which might be associated with oral or systemic disease; therefore, metabolomics analysis of saliva could be useful for identifying disease-specific biomarkers. Metabolomic analyses of the oral biofilm, oral cancer, and saliva could contribute to the development of accurate diagnostic, techniques, safe and effective treatments, and preventive strategies for oral and systemic diseases.


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    Full Text Available O presente estudo expande a investigação de Fontanini, Weissheimer, Bergsleithner, Perucci and D’Ely (2005 utilizando parte dos dados dessa pesquisa para examinar a relação entre capacidade de memória de trabalho, medida pelo teste de amplitude oral e pelo teste de amplitude geral, e o uso de fala gramaticalmente complexa e lexicalmente densa de doze alunos iniciantes ao elaborarem uma descrição de gravura em Inglês como L2. Adicionando aos resultados obtidos por Fontanini et al (2005, não houve correlação estatisticamente significativa entres as medidas de memória de trabalho e a fala complexa e lexicalmente densa dos aprendizes. Portanto, os resultados corroboram a existência de efeito de troca de recursos atencionais (trade-off effects entre variáveis da produção oral como uma função de diferenças individuais na capacidade de memória de trabalho.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: produção oral, complexidade, densidade lexical, capacidade de memória de trabalho, efeito de troca de recursos atencionais.

  17. Oral Carcinogenesis and Oral Cancer Chemoprevention: A Review


    Tanaka, Takuji; Tanaka, Mayu; Tanaka, Takahiro


    Oral cancer is one of the major global threats to public health. The development of oral cancer is a tobacco-related multistep and multifocal process involving field cancerization and carcinogenesis. The rationale for molecular-targeted prevention of oral cancer is promising. Biomarkers of genomic instability, including aneuploidy and allelic imbalance, are possible to measure the cancer risk of oral premalignancies. Understanding of the biology of oral carcinogenesis will yield important adv...

  18. Memorias convocadas. Los concursos de testimonios como fuente para la historia oral contemporánea

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    Jorge E. Aceves Lozano


    Full Text Available El uso de documentos personales en las ciencias sociales y en la historia en particular es un recurso para la investigación interesada en el conocimiento del punto de vista de los sujetos sociales. La búsqueda de estos acervos no siempre es fácil, por lo que en este trabajo se propone reconsiderar un procedimiento para la producción de acervos testimoniales mediante la convocatoria a concursos de testimonios. El método propuesto se basa en la experiencia y enfoque de la historia oral y de vida, en México y en otras latitudes. Se mencionan sus aportes y algunos problemas para el aprovechamiento de estas fuentes testimoniales.

  19. Estudio de la mucosa oral en pacientes que emplean colutorios


    Marzal Gamarra, Cristina


    INTRODUCCIÓN 1. Recuerdo histológico de la mucosa oral La cavidad bucal, como toda cavidad orgánica que se comunica con el exterior, esta tapizada por una membrana mucosa de superficie húmeda. La humedad, que es aportada por las glándulas salivales mayores y menores, es necesaria para el mantenimiento de la estructura normal de los tejidos. 2. Colutorios y su utilización en Odontología Los colutorios son preparaciones líquidas destinadas a ser aplicadas sobre los dientes, las...

  20. Halitosis y colutorios orales: Revisión de la literatura


    Pascual-La Rocca, Andrés; Savoini, Marzia; Santos, Antonio


    La halitosis viene siendo descrita en la literatura desde hace muchos años, pero sólo en los últimos años se le ha dado una importancia profesional significativa. Existen numerosos factores localizados y sistémicos causantes del mal olor oral. Sin embargo, según se trate de una u otra causa podemos estar ante condiciones transitorias, como en los casos del hambre, de un bajo nivel de saliva durante el sueño, de restos alimenticios o de prescripción de drogas o tabaco. En caso de halitosis pat...

  1. Oral microbiome and oral and gastrointestinal cancer risk


    Ahn, Jiyoung; Chen, Calvin Y.; Hayes, Richard B.


    A growing body of evidence implicates human oral bacteria in the etiology of oral and gastrointestinal cancers. Epidemiological studies consistently report increased risks of these cancers in men and women with periodontal disease or tooth loss, conditions caused by oral bacteria. More than 700 bacterial species inhabit the oral cavity, including at least 11 bacterial phyla and 70 genera. Oral bacteria may activate alcohol and smoking-related carcinogens locally or act systemically, through c...

  2. Development and characterization of orally-disintegrating films for propolis delivery Desenvolvimento e caracterização de filmes de desintegração para liberação oral de própolis

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    Josiane Gonçalves Borges


    Full Text Available This study aimed at evaluating the effect of different concentrations of hydrolyzed collagen (HC on the properties of an orally disintegrating film containing propolis ethanol extract (PEE as an active component. The films were evaluated in terms of total phenols, mechanical properties, solubility, contact angle, disintegration time, and microstructure. The films were prepared by casting with 2 g of protein mass (gelatin and HC, 30 g of sorbitol/100 g of protein mass, and 100 g of PEE/100 g of protein mass. HC was incorporated at concentrations of 0, 10, 20, and 30 g/100 g of protein mass. It was found that increased concentrations of HC reduced tensile strength and increased elongation; however, all films showed plastic behavior. An increase in solubility at 25 ºC, a reduction in the contact angle, and disintegration time were also observed. Thus, higher concentrations of collagen led to more hydrophilic and more soluble polymeric matrices that showed shorter dissolution time, favoring the use of these materials as carriers for active compounds to be delivered in the oral cavity.Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de colágeno hidrolisado nas propriedades de filmes de desintegração oral contendo extrato etanólico de própolis como componente ativo. Os filmes foram avaliados em relação aos fenóis totais, propriedade mecânica, solubilidade, ângulo de contato, tempo de desintegração e microestrutura. Os filmes foram produzidos por "casting" com concentrações de 2 g de massa proteica (gelatina e colágeno hidrolisado, 30 g de sorbitol/100 g de massa proteica e 100 g de extrato fenólico de própolis/100 g de massa proteica. Colágeno hidrolisado foi incorporado nas concentrações de 0, 10, 20 e 30 g/100 g de massa proteica. Verificou-se que o aumento da concentração de colágeno hidrolisado provocou redução na tensão de ruptura e aumento da elongação, entretanto todos os filmes

  3. O brincar como portador de significados e práticas sociais Playing as a carrier of meanings and social practice

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    Léa Stahlschmidt P. Silva


    Full Text Available Neste artigo estudamos as concepções sobre o brincar de três professores da pré-escola, de uma instituição pública, que lecionam para crianças na faixa etária de cinco anos. São traduzidas pelo relato de suas experiências em interfaces com a memória e a comunicação oral. Após a análise qualitativa dos dados observa-se um paradoxo nas narrativas das professoras que comunicam a sua concepção do brincar como espaço de criação, de liberdade, fantasia e imaginação e, ao mesmo tempo, a idéia do brincar como estratégia pedagógica.This article examines the conceptions of playing identified in three kindergarten teachers who teach five-year-old children at a public institution. Such conceptions are found in the reports of their experiences with memory and oral communication. After qualitative data analysis a paradox is observed in the teachers' narratives in which we find a conception of playing as related to creation, freedom, fantasy and imagination, and at the same time, the idea of playing as a pedagogical strategy.

  4. Metabolomic Studies of Oral Biofilm, Oral Cancer, and Beyond

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    Jumpei Washio


    Full Text Available Oral diseases are known to be closely associated with oral biofilm metabolism, while cancer tissue is reported to possess specific metabolism such as the ‘Warburg effect’. Metabolomics might be a useful method for clarifying the whole metabolic systems that operate in oral biofilm and oral cancer, however, technical limitations have hampered such research. Fortunately, metabolomics techniques have developed rapidly in the past decade, which has helped to solve these difficulties. In vivo metabolomic analyses of the oral biofilm have produced various findings. Some of these findings agreed with the in vitro results obtained in conventional metabolic studies using representative oral bacteria, while others differed markedly from them. Metabolomic analyses of oral cancer tissue not only revealed differences between metabolomic profiles of cancer and normal tissue, but have also suggested a specific metabolic system operates in oral cancer tissue. Saliva contains a variety of metabolites, some of which might be associated with oral or systemic disease; therefore, metabolomics analysis of saliva could be useful for identifying disease-specific biomarkers. Metabolomic analyses of the oral biofilm, oral cancer, and saliva could contribute to the development of accurate diagnostic, techniques, safe and effective treatments, and preventive strategies for oral and systemic diseases.

  5. Oral myiasis

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    Thalaimalai Saravanan


    Full Text Available Myiasis is a pathologic condition in humans occurring because of parasitic infestation. Parasites causing myiasis belong to the order Diptera. Oral myiasis is seen secondary to oral wounds, suppurative lesions, and extraction wounds, especially in individuals with neurological deficit. In such cases, neglected oral hygiene and halitosis attracts the flies to lay eggs in oral wounds resulting in oral myiasis. We present a case of oral myiasis in 40-year-old male patient with mental disability and history of epilepsy.

  6. El cambio lexemático como signo antropológico en dos versiones de un cuento tradicional

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    Patricia H. Coto de Attilio


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza una versión del conocido cuento “El herrero Miseria y el Diablo”, divulgado en una zona semiurbana, habitada por migrantes del Litoral de la Argentina. Se parte del concepto de metacódigo, como modalidad particular de interacción de un grupo. La narración oral puede ser considerada parte o expresión de ese metacódigo y, por consiguiente, su análisis será más complejo para comprender el texto en sus contextos y en su contexto ideológico. Es necesario apelar a una metodología narratológica, que rescate estrategias discursivas de la narración oral, y a metodología lingüística y semiótica, que retome enunciados y observe su significación de acuerdo con relaciones intertextuales, extratextuales y contextuales.

  7. Scandinavian Fellowship for Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kragelund, Camilla; Reibel, J; Hietanen, J


    as new approaches, treatments and diagnostic possibilities develop. Likewise, the role of the dentist in the community changes and may vary in different countries. As members of the Scandinavian Fellowship for Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine and subject representatives of oral pathology and oral......In Scandinavia, as in many European countries, most patients consult their general dentist once a year or more. This gives the dentist a unique opportunity and an obligation to make an early diagnosis of oral diseases, which is beneficial for both the patient and the society. Thus, the dentist must...... medicine, we feel obliged to contribute to the discussion of how the guidelines of the dental curriculum support the highest possible standards of dental education. This article is meant to delineate a reasonable standard of oral pathology and oral medicine in the European dental curriculum and to guide...

  8. Hidratación oral continua o a dosis fraccionadas en niños deshidratados por diarrea aguda

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    Mota-Hernández Felipe


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la seguridad y efectividad de dos técnicas de hidratación oral. Material y métodos. Ensayo clínico aleatorio, hecho en el Servicio de Hidratación Oral del Hospital Infantil de México, Federico Gómez, entre septiembre de 1998 y junio de 1999. Cuarenta pacientes deshidratados por diarrea aguda, menores de cinco años, recibieron suero oral ad libitum (grupo AL y otros cuarenta lo recibieron en dosis fraccionada (grupo DF. Las características clínicas fueron similares en ambos grupos. Los resultados se presentan como promedio y desviación estándar o mediana, según la distribución de frecuencias simples y relativas. Resultados. El promedio de gasto fecal en el grupo AL fue 11.0±7.5 g/kg/h y en el grupo DF 7.1±7.4 (p=0.03. La ingesta de suero, el tiempo de hidratación y la diuresis promedio, fueron similares entre ambos grupos (p>0.05. Seis pacientes del grupo AL y cinco del DF tuvieron gasto fecal alto (>10 g/kg/hora, mejorando con la administración de atole de arroz. Un paciente del grupo AL y dos pacientes del DF tuvieron vómitos persistentes, mejorando con gastroclisis. Ningún paciente requirió rehidratación intravenosa. Conclusiones. Estos resultados sugieren que la administración de suero oral ad libitum, bajo supervisión, es tan segura y efectiva como la técnica de dosis fraccionada para el tratamiento de niños deshidratados por diarrea aguda.

  9. Células madre mesenquimales orales: estado del arte en Odontología


    M. Cea-Sanhueza; G. Sánchez-Sanhueza


    Desde la organogénesis y hasta estadios adultos, las células madre mesenquimales participan activamente dando origen y manteniéndola homeostasis del organismo. En la cavidad oral han sido aisladas desde variadas estructuras del órgano dental tales como el ligamento periodontal, pulpa dental, tejido gingival, folículo dental y papila apical significando una prometedora fuente de células madre mesenquimales las que pueden ser caracterizadas de acuerdo a los criterios mínimos establecidos por "T...

  10. HISTÓRIA ORAL E FOLKCOMUNICAÇÃO: em busca de uma abordagem interdisciplinar na Festa do Divino Espírito Santo de Natividade –Tocantins

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    Marina Haizenreder Ertzogue


    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo busca compreender os aspectos comunicacionais dos elementos religiosos da Festa do Divino Espírito Santo de Natividade – Tocantins, além de trazer da memória do grupo participante dessa manifestação algo mais antigo e que tenha relação entre a produção dos saberes e a ocupação dos espaços por grupos sociais que buscam assegurar a reprodução de suas marcas identitárias, utilizando o campo da folkcomunicação e da história oral como referencial metodológico e suporte teórico. A pesquisa é participante, na qual aplicamos a vertente da tradição oral, com entrevistas e observação, como método que dá suporte à interdisciplinaridade. Com isso, percebemos que será pelos processos históricos de produção, reprodução e negociação dessas memórias e identidades religiosas que percebemos a importância da perspectiva da metodologia da História Oral e da Folkcomunicação para prover a abordagem interdisciplinar que a pesquisa necessita.   Palavras-chave: História Oral; Folkcomunicação; Festas religiosas; Divino Espírito Santo; Natividade.   ORAL HISTORY AND FOLKCOMUNICATION: in search of an interdisciplinary approach in the Divine Spirit Festival of Holy Nativity -Tocantins   Abstract: This article find to understand the communicational aspects of the religious elements of the Divine Spirit Festival of Holy Natividade - Tocantins, and bring the memory of the group participating in this event something older and has relationship between the production of knowledge and the occupation of spaces for groups social seeking to ensure the reproduction of their identity marks, using the field of folk communication and oral history as methodological framework and theoretical support. Research is participator in that we apply the slope of the oral tradition, with interviews and observation as a method that supports interdisciplinarity. With this, we realize that is the historical processes of production

  11. Influência da levodopa sobre a fase oral da deglutição em pacientes com Doença de Parkinson Influence of levodopa on the oral phase of swallowing in patients with Parkinson's disease

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    Renata Mancopes


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetiva realizar levantamento bibliográfico para verificar a possível influência da Levodopa sobre a fase oral da deglutição de indivíduos com Doença de Parkinson. Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico em periódicos indexados no Science Direct, periódicos Capes, LILACS, SciELO, MedLine e Scopus e livros. Para busca foram utilizados os termos disfagia, medicamentos, levodopa, Parkinson, dysphagia, drugs, swallowing disorders, Parkinson's disease, disfagia, las drogas e enfermedad de parkinson. Foram identificados 16 artigos internacionais e 25 nacionais, após a leitura de todos os artigos identificados foram selecionados 32, utilizaram-se ainda quatro livros e um resumo de anais de congresso. Para tal seleção utilizou-se como critério de inclusão aqueles artigos que considerassem o comprometimento causado pela Doença de Parkinson, especialmente na fase oral da deglutição, bem como os efeitos da levodopa sobre a mesma, e como critério de exclusão a influência do fármaco na fase faríngea, pois geralmente ele parece ter maior efeito na fase oral. Existe discordância na literatura quanto aos possíveis efeitos da Levodopa na deglutição. Quando estes ocorrem, geralmente afetam a fase oral desta função, uma vez que as dificuldades que o portador da Doença de Parkinson já apresenta são maximizadas pela xerostomia decorrente da administração deste fármaco. Em virtude da grande diversidade dos resultados dos estudos encontrados, faz-se necessária a realização de estudos controlados para uma elucidação mais detalhada dos efeitos da Levodopa na deglutição.The purpose of this study is to conduct a literature review in order to verify the possible influence of Levodopa on the oral phase of deglutition in individuals with Parkinson disease. The survey was conducted in journals indexed in Science Direct, Capes periodicals, LILACS, SciELO, MedLine and Scopus, as well as in books. For this survey, the terms

  12. Determinants of Oral Health: Does Oral Health Literacy Matter?


    Naghibi Sistani, Mohammad Mehdi; Yazdani, Reza; Virtanen, Jorma; Pakdaman, Afsaneh; Murtomaa, Heikki


    Objective. To evaluate oral health literacy, independent of other oral health determinants, as a risk indicator for self-reported oral health. Methods. A cross-sectional population-based survey conducted in Tehran, Iran. Multiple logistic regression analysis served to estimate the predictive effect of oral health literacy on self-reported oral health status (good versus poor) controlling for socioeconomic and demographic factors and tooth-brushing behavior. Results. In all, among 1031 partici...

  13. Historial oral y memoria de los enfermos de Hansen en dos lazaretos de Colombia: trayectorias de vida, conflictos y resistencias

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    Natalia Botero-Jaramillo

    Full Text Available Resumen Investiga la historia oral de la enfermedad de Hansen en dos comunidades de Colombia que fueron hasta 1961 lazaretos. La historia oral en torno de la enfermedad ha permitido conjugar la memoria individual con la memoria colectiva. Esta historia ha quedado en la oralidad y pocos trabajos académicos la han recopilado. Utilizamos la historia oral como método de investigación cualitativo, para analizar cómo enfermos y convivientes se posicionan ante la enfermedad y cómo atraviesa toda su existencia, resignificando los conceptos de salud y enfermedad, de normalidad y anormalidad, y cómo en sus trayectorias de vida emprendieron estrategias de resistencia que les permitiera aproximarse a la normalidad, desde sus propias significaciones socioculturales.

  14. A Revista Illustração Pelotense como Objeto Biográfico

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    Vivian Herzog


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objeto as memórias de descendentes de mulheres retratadas na revista Illustração  Pelotense. Dessa forma partiu-se do pressuposto de que para essas “herdeiras” das representadas o periódico apresenta um caráter simbólico que muitas vezes auxilia na forma que elas elaboram e atualizam o seu passado. Essa proposta de estudo considera uma  inter -relação entre os registros fotográficos da revista e a história oral coletada a partir dos relatos das depoentes.PALAVRAS-CHAVE:  Objetos biográficos, Illustração Pelotense, fotografia e memória.ABSTRACT:  This article presents the memories of descendants of women portrayed in the magazine Illustração Pelotense. For these "heirs" of represented the publication presents a symbolic character who often helps in the way they prepare and update its past. This study consider the inter-relationship between the photographic records of the magazine and oral history collected from reports of women.KEY-WORKS:  biographic objects, Illustração Pelotense, fotographic records and memory.

  15. Tratamiento antibiótico oral versus intravenosopara la neutropenia febril en pacientes con cáncer

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    Conclusiones de los autores: Según los datos actuales, el tratamiento oral es una opción aceptable al tratamiento con antibióticos intravenosos en los pacientes con cáncer con neutropenia febril (se excluye a los pacientes con leucemia aguda hemodinámicamente estables, sin insuficiencia orgánica y sin neumonía, infección de una vía central o infección grave de partes blandas. El IC amplio en la mortalidad permite el uso actual del tratamiento oral en grupos de pacientes con bajo riesgo de mortalidad esperado y los estudios de investigación adicionales deben tener como objetivo aclarar la definición de pacientes con bajo riesgo.

  16. Betel nut chewing, oral premalignant lesions, and the oral microbiome. (United States)

    Hernandez, Brenda Y; Zhu, Xuemei; Goodman, Marc T; Gatewood, Robert; Mendiola, Paul; Quinata, Katrina; Paulino, Yvette C


    Oral cancers are attributed to a number of causal agents including tobacco, alcohol, human papillomavirus (HPV), and areca (betel) nut. Although betel nut chewing has been established as an independent cause of oral cancer, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis are poorly understood. An investigation was undertaken to evaluate the influence of betel nut chewing on the oral microbiome and oral premalignant lesions. Study participants were recruited from a dental clinic in Guam. Structured interviews and oral examinations were performed. Oral swabbing and saliva samples were evaluated by 454 pyrosequencing of the V3- V5 region of the 16S rRNA bacterial gene and genotyped for HPV. One hundred twenty-two adults were enrolled including 64 current betel nut chewers, 37 former chewers, and 21 with no history of betel nut use. Oral premalignant lesions, including leukoplakia and submucous fibrosis, were observed in 10 chewers. Within-sample bacterial diversity was significantly lower in long-term (≥10 years) chewers vs. never chewers and in current chewers with oral lesions vs. individuals without lesions. Between-sample bacterial diversity based on Unifrac distances significantly differed by chewing status and oral lesion status. Current chewers had significantly elevated levels of Streptococcus infantis and higher and lower levels of distinct taxa of the Actinomyces and Streptococcus genera. Long-term chewers had reduced levels of Parascardovia and Streptococcus. Chewers with oral lesions had significantly elevated levels of Oribacterium, Actinomyces, and Streptococcus, including Streptococcus anginosus. In multivariate analyses, controlling for smoking, oral HPV, S.anginosus, and S. infantis levels, current betel nut chewing remained the only predictor of oral premalignant lesions. Our study provides evidence that betel nut chewing alters the oral bacterial microbiome including that of chewers who develop oral premalignant lesions. Nonetheless, whether microbial changes

  17. Oral biopsy: Oral pathologist′s perspective

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    K L Kumaraswamy


    Full Text Available Many oral lesions may need to be diagnosed by removing a sample of tissue from the oral cavity. Biopsy is widely used in the medical field, but the practice is not quite widespread in dental practice. As oral pathologists, we have found many artifacts in the tissue specimen because of poor biopsy technique or handling, which has led to diagnostic pitfalls and misery to both the patient and the clinician. This article aims at alerting the clinicians about the clinical faults arising preoperatively, intraoperatively and postoperatively while dealing with oral biopsy that may affect the histological assessment of the tissue and, therefore, the diagnosis. It also reviews the different techniques, precautions and special considerations necessary for specific lesions.

  18. Perceived oral health, oral self-care habits and dental attendance ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Perceived oral health, oral self-care habits and dental attendance among pregnant women in Benin-City, Nigeria. ... Results: The majority of the respondents (81.7%) rated their oral health as excellent/good using the global oral health rating scale. Seventy one percent of the respondents did not change their oral self-care ...

  19. Oral cancer screening practices of oral health professionals in Australia. (United States)

    Mariño, Rodrigo; Haresaku, Satoru; McGrath, Roisin; Bailey, Denise; Mccullough, Michael; Musolino, Ross; Kim, Boaz; Chinnassamy, Alagesan; Morgan, Michael


    To evaluate oral cancer-related screening practices of Oral Health Professionals (OHPs - dentists, dental hygienists, dental therapists, and oral health therapists) practising in Victoria, Australia. A 36-item survey was distributed to 3343 OHPs. Items included socio-demographic and work-related characteristics; self-assessed knowledge of oral cancer; perceived level of confidence in discussing oral health behaviors with patients; oral cancer screening practices; and self-evaluated need for additional training on screening procedures for oral cancer. A total of 380 OHPs responded this survey, achieving an overall response rate of 9.4%. Forty-five were excluded from further analysis. Of these 335 OHP, 72% were dentists; (n = 241); either GDP or Dental Specialists; 13.7% (n = 46) were dental hygienists; 12.2% (n = 41) were oral health therapists, and the remaining 2.1% (n = 7) were dental therapists. While the majority (95.2%) agreed that oral cancer screening should be routinely performed, in actual practice around half (51.4%) screened all their patients. Another 12.8% "Very rarely" conducted screening examinations. The probability of routinely conducting an oral cancer screening was explored utilising Logistic Regression Analysis. Four variables remained statistically significant (p oral cancer screening rose with increasing levels of OHPs' confidence in oral cancer-related knowledge (OR = 1.35; 95% CI: 1.09-1.67) and with higher levels of confidence in discussing oral hygiene practices with patients (OR = 1.25; 95% CI: 1.03-1.52). Results also showed that dental specialists were less likely to perform oral cancer screening examinations compared with other OHPs (OR = 0.18; 95% CI: 0.07-0.52) and the likelihood of performing an oral cancer screening decreased when the "patient complained of a problem" (OR = 0.21; 95% CI: 0.10-0.44). Only half the study sample performed oral cancer screening examinations for all of their patients

  20. Oral Cancer Screening (United States)

    ... decrease the risk of oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer. Oral cavity, pharyngeal, and laryngeal cancer are diseases in ... and treatment of oral cavity, pharyngeal, and laryngeal cancer: Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancer Prevention Lip and Oral ...

  1. Inequalities in oral health and oral health promotion


    Moysés, Samuel Jorge


    This article offers a critical review of the problem of inequalities in oral health and discusses strategies for disease prevention and oral health promotion. It shows that oral health is not merely a result of individual biological, psychological, and behavioral factors; rather, it is the sum of collective social conditions created when people interact with the social environment. Oral health status is directly related to socioeconomic position across the socioeconomic gradient in almost all...



    Alfredo Ramón Morte


    La tradición oral puede aportar informaciones complementarias e incluso decisivas en el estudio del clima; además, su cualidad de sintetizar la percepción empírica durante siglos de experiencias humanas en el medio natural, incrementa su valor para la Geografía. En este trabajo se pretende analizar las apreciaciones populares sobre las formaciones nubosas y su relación con determinados tipos de tiempo.

  3. Aquisição de escrita por alunos surdos: a categoria aspectual como um exemplo do processo

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    Rossana Finau

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a formação de interlíngua no processo de aquisição de escrita da Língua Portuguesa por alunos surdos. Para esse propósito, a categoria aspectual é o principal objeto de análise, a partir das propostas teóricas dos trabalhos de Jake (1998, White (2003, Ilari (1997, Castilho (1994, entre outros. Os resultados da investigação indicam a formação da interlíngua no processo de aquisição de segunda língua, bem como a influência do período em que os alunos entraram em contato com a Libras para organização gramatical da língua alvo. Esses resultados permitem apontar a hipótese de que é importante que os alunos surdos tenham acesso à escrita da língua de sinais como apoio para a aprendizagem da modalidade escrita da oral.

  4. The relationship between oral hygiene and oral colonisation with Candida species. (United States)

    Muzurovic, Selma; Babajic, Emina; Masic, Tarik; Smajic, Rubina; Selmanagic, Aida


    The aim of this study is to determine relationship between oral hygiene and colonisation of Candia species in oral cavity. Maintenance oral hygiene is reducing pathological agents in the mouth and preventing violation of oral health. Study included 140 patients. For oral hygiene assessement were used the dental plaque index, oral hygiene index and dental calculus index. Ph test strips were used to determine pH of saliva. For isolation of Candida species oral swabs were taken to all patients. It was found out that pH of oral cavity does not varies notably, no matter of oral hygiene level. Candida species were identified in 28.6% respondents. The most present were Candida albicans, in 85% cases. The presence of plaque, tartar and high index oral hygiene (IOH) in patients with Candida is statistically significant. It was found that 83.4% of patients with Candida poorly maintained oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene is associated with a significantly higher score in the presence of tartar, plaque and high IOH. In total patient's population 67% has amalgam fillings. Presence of amalgam fillings in patients with identified Candida was statistically significant. This study indicates low level of oral hygiene. Correlation between presence of Candida species and poor oral hygiene was proved. Also Candida was more present among patients with amalgam fillings. Improvement of oral hygiene is necessery for oral health and health in general, as well.

  5. Effect of Fixed Metallic Oral Appliances on Oral Health. (United States)

    Alnazzawi, Ahmad


    There is a substantial proportion of the population using fixed metallic oral appliances, such as crowns and bridges, which are composed of various dental alloys. These restorations may be associated with a number of effects on oral health with variable degrees of severity, to review potential effects of using fixed metallic oral appliances, fabricated from various alloys. The MEDLINE/PubMed database was searched using certain combinations of keywords related to the topic. The search revealed that burning mouth syndrome, oral pigmentation, hypersensitivity and lichenoid reactions, and genotoxic and cytotoxic effects are the major potential oral health changes associated with fixed prosthodontic appliances. Certain oral disorders are associated with the use of fixed metallic oral appliances. Patch test is the most reliable method that can be applied for identifying metal allergy, and the simultaneous use of different alloys in the mouth is discouraged.

  6. [Oral microbiota: a promising predictor of human oral and systemic diseases]. (United States)

    Xin, Xu; Junzhi, He; Xuedong, Zhou


    A human oral microbiota is the ecological community of commensal, symbiotic, and pathogenic microorganisms found in human oral cavity. Oral microbiota exists mostly in the form of a biofilm and maintains a dynamic ecological equilibrium with the host body. However, the disturbance of this ecological balance inevitably causes oral infectious diseases, such as dental caries, apical periodontitis, periodontal diseases, pericoronitis, and craniofacial bone osteomyelitis. Oral microbiota is also correlated with many systemic diseases, including cancer, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, and preterm birth. Hence, oral microbiota has been considered as a potential biomarker of human diseases. The "Human Microbiome Project" and other metagenomic projects worldwide have advanced our knowledge of the human oral microbiota. The integration of these metadata has been the frontier of oral microbiology to improve clinical translation. By reviewing recent progress on studies involving oral microbiota-related oral and systemic diseases, we aimed to propose the essential role of oral microbiota in the prediction of the onset, progression, and prognosis of oral and systemic diseases. An oral microbiota-based prediction model helps develop a new paradigm of personalized medicine and benefits the human health in the post-metagenomics era.

  7. Role of oral microbiome on oral cancers, a review. (United States)

    Gholizadeh, Pourya; Eslami, Hosein; Yousefi, Mehdi; Asgharzadeh, Mohammad; Aghazadeh, Mohammad; Kafil, Hossein Samadi


    The oral cavity is inhibited by many of the bacterial species. Some of them have a key role in the development of oral disease. Interrelationships between oral microbiome and systemic conditions such as head-and-neck cancer have become increasingly appreciated in recent years. Emerging evidence also suggests a link between periodontal disease and oral cancer, and the explanation being that chronic inflammation could be a major factor in both diseases. Squamous cell carcinoma is that the most frequently occurring malignancy of the oral cavity and adjacent sites, representing over 90% of all cancers. The incidence of oral cancer is increasing, significantly among young people and women. Worldwide there are 350,000-400,000 new cases diagnosed every year. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi are strongly implicated as etiological factors in certain cancers. In this review we will discuss the association between the development of oral cancer in potentially malignant oral lesions with chronic periodontitis, chronic Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fusobacterium nucleatum, candida, other microbes and described mechanisms which may be involved in these carcinoma. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  8. Strengthening of Oral Health Systems: Oral Health through Primary Health Care (United States)

    Petersen, Poul Erik


    Around the globe many people are suffering from oral pain and other problems of the mouth or teeth. This public health problem is growing rapidly in developing countries where oral health services are limited. Significant proportions of people are underserved; insufficient oral health care is either due to low availability and accessibility of oral health care or because oral health care is costly. In all countries, the poor and disadvantaged population groups are heavily affected by a high burden of oral disease compared to well-off people. Promotion of oral health and prevention of oral diseases must be provided through financially fair primary health care and public health intervention. Integrated approaches are the most cost-effective and realistic way to close the gap in oral health between rich and poor. The World Health Organization (WHO) Oral Health Programme will work with the newly established WHO Collaborating Centre, Kuwait University, to strengthen the development of appropriate models for primary oral health care. PMID:24525450

  9. Oral symptoms and salivary findings in oral lichen planus, oral lichenoid lesions and stomatitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Kristine Roen; Johansen, Jeanne Duus; Reibel, Jesper


    BACKGROUND: To examine if patients with oral lichen planus, oral lichenoid lesions and generalised stomatitis and concomitant contact allergy have more frequent and severe xerostomia, lower unstimulated and chewing-stimulated saliva and citric-acid-stimulated parotid saliva flow rates, and higher...... of xerostomia, clinical examination, sialometry, mucosal biopsy and contact allergy testing. RESULTS: Nineteen patients had oral lichen planus, 19 patients had oral lichenoid lesions and 11 patients had generalised stomatitis. 38.8% had contact allergy. Xerostomia was significantly more common and severe...... in the chewing stimulated saliva samples from patients when compared to healthy controls. The differences were not significant and they were irrespective of the presence of contact allergy. CONCLUSION: Xerostomia is prevalent in patients with oral lichen planus, lichenoid lesions and generalised stomatitis...

  10. Úlcera eosinófila de la mucosa oral Eosinophilic ulcer of oral mucosa

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    A.C. Bencini


    Full Text Available La Úlcera Eosinófila de la Mucosa Oral, es una entidad poco frecuente, pobremente descrita en la literatura mundial. Se define como una lesión benigna autolimitada que si bien puede presentarse en distintas áreas de la cavidad bucal, presenta una marcada predilección por la mucosa ventral de la lengua. Clínicamente, se presenta como una lesión ulcerada de bordes indurados y sobreelevados. Los hallazgos histopatológicos son característicos y consisten en un infiltrado mixto rico en eosinófilos, acompañado de una población de grandes células mononucleadas. Recientes artículos basados en estudios inmunohistoquimicos, permiten afirmar la presencia de grandes linfocitos atípicos CD30+ y por lo tanto, incluir esta lesión en el espectro de las entidades simuladoras de desordenes linfoproliferativos. A pesar de esto, el mecanismo etiopatogenico permanece oscuro y el trauma local juega un rol todavía no dilucidado; aunque se halla presente en la mayoría de las publicaciones, explicando el fenómeno como un mecanismo reactivo. La importancia de esta lesión, radica en su diagnostico diferencial por su semejanza clínica al carcinoma espinocelular, histoplasmosis, chancro sifilítico, Úlcera tuberculosa, carcinoma epidermoide y otras. En nuestro trabajo se revisa la literatura y se discuten la características clínicas, histopatológicas y alternativas terapéuticas, a partir del artículo de un caso clínico en una paciente joven, que luego de la biopsia escisión como método para el diagnostico de certeza, se produce una recidiva de la lesión; lo que orientó el tratamiento hacia la cirugía combinada con corticoterapia local intralesional, logrando su remisión.Eosinophilic Ulcer of the Oral Mucosa, an entity, poorly deciphers in world-wide literature. It is defined as a self-limited, benign injury that although it can appear in different areas of the buccal cavity it presents a noticeable predilection via the ventral mucosa of the


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    Alfredo Ramón Morte


    Full Text Available La tradición oral puede aportar informaciones complementarias e incluso decisivas en el estudio del clima; además, su cualidad de sintetizar la percepción empírica durante siglos de experiencias humanas en el medio natural, incrementa su valor para la Geografía. En este trabajo se pretende analizar las apreciaciones populares sobre las formaciones nubosas y su relación con determinados tipos de tiempo.

  12. Efectividad de una intervención comunitaria en salud oral: resultados después de 18 meses.

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de una intervención comunitaria en salud oral, dirigida a niños entre 6 y 14 años de edad de comunidades urbano-marginales de Sol Naciente (Carabayllo, realizada por estudiantes de pregrado de la Facultad de Estomatología Roberto Beltrán Neira de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Materiales y métodos: Ciento doce niños fueron cubiertos en la intervención preventivo-promocional hasta la evaluación a los 18 meses. La efectividad fue evaluada midiendo la variación en la prevalencia y experiencia de caries dental, así como también en el nivel de obturaciones, higiene oral y proporción de molares permanentes sellados y obturados al inicio y a los 18 meses de la intervención. Resultados: No hubo variación significativa en la prevalencia y experiencia de caries dental entre ambas evaluaciones. Sin embargo, se encontró una mejora significativa en la proporción de dientes y superficies cariadas que fueron obturados (p < 0,001 y p = 0,015 respectivamente, en el nivel de higiene oral (p < 0,001 y en la proporción de molares permanentes sellados y obturados (p < 0,001 en ambos casos. Conclusiones: Los presentes resultados indican que la intervención fue efectiva en el control de caries dental y en la mejora de los niveles de obturaciones e higiene oral así como de la proporción de molares permanentes sellados y obturados en los niños evaluados. Se requieren futuros estudios para evaluar la efectividad y costos de intervenciones similares en el Perú (Rev Med Hered 2006;17:170-176.

  13. El cine en E/LE: explotación didáctica de “Te doy mis ojos” (Icíar Bollaín, 2003 para el trabajo del español oral (conversacional y coloquial

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    Carmen Azuar Bonastre


    Full Text Available El objetivo primordial de esta propuesta es propiciar el desarrollo y aprendizaje del lenguaje oral (conversacional y coloquial por medio del material cinematográfico.La destreza oral suele ser el objetivo último de todo estudiante; en ésta, el dominio delos recursos de la conversación, que es el prototipo discursivo de lo oral, se hacen imprescindibles, así como los del lenguaje coloquial, variedad más auténtica de lo oral,con suma frecuencia de uso en el español actual.

  14. O Papel da epidemiologia no planejamento das ações de saúde bucal do trabalhador Epidemiology role in worker oral health actions planning

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    Tatiana Frederico de Almeida


    Full Text Available Este é um estudo de revisão que sistematiza achados de pesquisas sobre exposições ocupacionais e seus efeitos na saúde bucal, destacando a importância dos dados epidemiológicos no planejamento de programas de saúde bucal do trabalhador. Existem relatos de associação potencial entre exposições ocupacionais e alterações bucais; entretanto, são escassos os estudos sobre as condições de saúde bucal dos trabalhadores em países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil. Entre as exposições ocupacionais presentes na literatura odontológica, observa-se uma predominância de estudos sobre substâncias ácidas e também exposições relacionadas com o açúcar, como a poeira de açúcar. As alterações bucais podem manifestar-se tanto nos tecidos duros (cárie, erosão dental, etc. como nos tecidos moles (lesões da mucosa oral, doenças periodontais, etc. Por outro lado, observa-se que os programas de saúde bucal do trabalhador, quando existem, muitas vezes não consideram as especificidades dessa parcela da população que, além de exposta aos fatores de risco mais conhecidos das principais doenças bucais, está submetida a outros fatores relacionados ao ambiente de trabalho. Assim, considera-se relevante a discussão sobre a necessidade de maior produção de conhecimento nessa área, de capacitação de recursos humanos e de implementação de programas mais efetivos, baseados nos princípios da vigilância em saúde do trabalhador.This study is a review of published research findings in occupational exposures and their impact on oral health, emphasizing the relevance of epidemiological studies in the planning of workers' oral health programs. There are some studies reporting potential association between occupational exposures and oral diseases; nevertheless, there are few studies concerning workers oral health conditions in developing countries, as Brazil. In current dental literature related to occupational exposures, there are

  15. Gingivitis prevalence associated to oral hygiene, familiar income, and time passed since the last dental appointment in a group of Mexican adolescents


    Murrieta-Pruneda, José Francisco; Juárez-López, Lilia Adriana; Linares-Vieyra, Celia; Zurita-Murillo, Violeta; Meléndez-Ocampo, Arcelia F.; Ávila-Martínez, Claudia Raquel; Nava-Delgado, Claudia Maricela


    Introducción. La gingivitis es considerada la entidad más común de las enfermedades periodontales. El presente estudio tuvo como propósito evaluar la prevalencia de gingivitis en un grupo de adolescentes y su posible asociación con la calidad de higiene oral, el ingreso familiar y el tiempo transcurrido desde la última consulta dental. Métodos. Se estudió una población de 677 adolescentes. Para la encuesta se calibraron dos examinadores para el levantamiento del índice de higiene oral simplif...

  16. A condicionalidade como zona conceitual

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    Taísa Peres de OLIVEIRA

    Full Text Available RESUMO Neste trabalho avaliam-se diferentes padrões de construções condicionais no português a partir dos parâmetros de condicionalidade. O objetivo principal é mostrar como a categoria está internamente organizada não apenas em termos de um núcleo prototípico, mas mostrando como os exemplares mais periféricos se relacionam a ele. As bases teóricas deste trabalho assentam-se sobre concepções funcional-cognitivistas, nos termos de Bybee (2010 e Dancygier (1998, especialmente considerando a relativa instabilidade da gramática e a fluidez da categoria. As reflexões principais apontam a condicionalidade como uma categoria bastante complexa que serve de/como abrigo de múltiplas construções.

  17. Prevention of gingival trauma : Oral hygiene devices and oral piercings

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoenderdos, N.L.


    Maintaining healthy teeth and soft oral tissues for life is important. Oral hygiene devices and oral piercings can damage the soft oral tissues. This thesis investigates the safety of manual toothbrushes, interdental brushes and rubber bristles interdental cleaners by analysing the gingival abrasion

  18. Movimentos involuntários anormais como primeira manifestação do lupus eritematoso sistêmico: relato de caso

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    Kakehasi Adriana Maria


    Full Text Available Relatamos o caso de uma paciente, de 36 anos de idade, que desenvolveu quadro de coréia após dois meses do início do uso de anticoncepcional oral, acompanhando-se, posteriormente, de trombocitopenia, úlcera mucosa em cavidade oral, artrite, positividade para os anticorpos antinuclear (FAN, anti-DNA e anti-Sm, preenchendo critérios para lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, segundo o Colégio Americano de Reumatologia. A pesquisa para os anticorpos anticoagulante lúpico e anticardiolipina (IgG e IgM foi negativa. A paciente foi tratada com prednisona, fenitoína, fenobarbital e clonazepam, obtendo melhora clínica e laboratorial. Discutimos a ocorrência da coréia e outros movimentos anormais como primeira manifestação do lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, sua relação com os anticoncepcionais orais e os anticorpos antifosfolípides.

  19. Biomodelo para la evaluación de cepas atenuadas como candidatos vacunales contra el cólera humano. I. Estudio de la virulencia, capacidad de colonización y adherencia a la mucosa intestinal

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    Reynaldo Oliva


    Full Text Available El cólera continúa siendo en muchos países un problema para la salud humana, manteniéndose como una enfermedad epidémica o endémica que afecta tanto a niños como adultos y causa la muerte en casos no tratados. Una vacuna viva oral contra esta enfermedad puede ser la solución. En el presente trabajo se seleccionó y aplicó un biomodelo para la evaluación de cepas atenuadas genéticamente de Vibrio cholerae como candidatas vacunales contra el cólera. La virulencia, capacidad de colonización y adherencia a la mucosa intestinal de las cepas fueron evaluadas mediante el uso de ratones neonatos de 2 a 4 días de nacidos de la línea Balb/c, con un peso entre 1,5-2 g. Los resultados obtenidos con este biomodelo demostraron que las cepas atenuadas genéticamente son no virulentas, colonizan y se adhieren a la mucosa intestinal. Se concluye que el biomodelo utilizado permite la evaluación y selección de cepas candidatas para vacunas vivas orales contra el cólera.

  20. Oral symptoms and functional outcome related to oral and oropharyngeal cancer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamstra, Jolanda I.; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriet; Dijkstra, Pieter U.; Huisman, Paulien M.; van Oort, Rob P.; van der Laan, Bernard F. A. M.; Roodenburg, Jan L. N.

    Purpose This study aimed to assess: (1) oral symptoms of patients treated for oral or oropharyngeal cancer; (2) how patients rank the burden of oral symptoms; (3) the impact of the tumor, the treatment, and oral symptoms on functional outcome. Methods Eighty-nine patients treated for oral or

  1. Age and oral health: current considerations Edad y salud oral: consideraciones actuales

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    Andrew Tawse-Smith


    Full Text Available Dental plaque is still considered the main etiological factor for periodontal diseases. Our understanding of periodontal disease has advanced from the previous concepts where gingivitis slowly progressed to periodontitis to a more complex scenario that correlates several risk factors in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. Among these factors, age has been associated with increased rates of periodontal disease as the population gets older. Although the loss of alveolar bone and periodontal attachment is common in the elderly population, and there is evident age-related changes in the periodontium, severe periodontitis is not a natural consequence of ageing. The importance of identifying the risk factors that participate in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease at an early phase, both of the individual and the disease, as well as evaluating the capacity of the individual to control dental plaque will enable the implementation of an adequate preventive program, where the needs and limitations of the individual are considered to specifically tailor the oral hygiene procedures and the mouthwashes to be used.La placa dental es aún considerada el factor etiológico primario de la enfermedad periodontal. La etiopatogenia de esta enfermedad ha avanzado del concepto anterior donde una gingivitis progresaba lentamente a una periodontitis, a un escenario más complejo donde varios factores de riesgo se correlacionan. Dentro estos factores, el envejecimiento ha sido asociado con mayores porcentajes de enfermedad periodontal a medida que la población envejece. Aunque la pérdida ósea y de inserción es común en el adulto mayor y los cambios del periodonto son evidentes con la edad, la enfermedad periodontal severa no es una consecuencia natural del envejecimiento. La importancia de identificar en una etapa temprana del individuo y de la enfermedad los factores de riesgo que participan en la patogenesis de la enfermedad periodontal, así como la

  2. Oral Cancer (United States)

    Oral cancer can form in any part of the mouth. Most oral cancers begin in the flat cells that cover the ... your mouth, tongue, and lips. Anyone can get oral cancer, but the risk is higher if you are ...

  3. El trabajo de campo como proceso. La "etnografía colaborativa" como perspectiva analítica

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    Leticia Katzer


    Full Text Available El presente artículo contiene una serie de reflexiones elaboradas al poner en diálogo experiencias de campo en el marco de investigaciones individuales; una, con indígenas adscriptos como Huarpes, en el noreste de la provincia de Mendoza; la otra, con indígenas adscriptos como Qom. Éstas reflexiones intentan contribuir a desnaturalizar y visibilizar la complejidad de los contextos de interacción, considerando que abarcan distintas dimensiones y aspectos —tales como posición de los interlocutores en la estructura social, expectativas individuales, experiencias y relaciones previas de los sujetos, y recursos materiales y simbólicos en intermediación—, enfatizando así el carácter situacional y dinámico de esas relaciones de interlocución.A la luz de los actuales debates de la crítica cultural y en un intento por contribuir a los estudios de la Etnografía Colaborativa, el objetivo de este artículo es exponer y describir comparativamente lo que entendemos como performances de campo, situando como objeto de análisis la experiencia etnográfica en sí misma. Entendiendo el trabajo etnográfico como proceso y texto, identificamos tres grandes nudos críticos, reunidos en tres escenas etnográficas, que analizamos como una red multisituada de mediaciones e interrelaciones.

  4. Self-reported oral health, oral hygiene, and oral HPV infection in at-risk women in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (United States)

    Bui, Thanh Cong; Tran, Ly Thi-Hai; Markham, Christine M; Huynh, Thuy Thi-Thu; Tran, Loi Thi; Pham, Vy Thi-Tuong; Tran, Quan Minh; Hoang, Ngoc Hieu; Hwang, Lu-Yu; Sturgis, Erich Madison


    This study aimed to examine the relationships among self-reported oral health, oral hygiene practices, and oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in women at risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Convenience and referral sampling methods were used in a clinic-based setting to recruit 126 women aged 18-45 years between August and October 2013. Behavioral factors were self-reported. Oral-rinse samples were tested for HPV DNA of 2 low-risk and 13 high-risk genotypes. A higher unadjusted prevalence of oral HPV infection was associated with poorer self-rated overall oral health (P = .001), reported oral lesions or problems in the past year (P = .001), and reported a tooth loss not because of injury (P = .001). Higher unadjusted prevalence of oral HPV infection was also associated with two measures of oral hygiene: lower frequencies of toothbrushing per day (P = .047) and gargling without toothbrushing (P = .037). After adjusting for other factors in multivariable logistic regression models, poorer self-rated overall oral health remained statistically associated with oral HPV infection (P = .042); yet the frequency of tooth-brushing per day did not (P = .704). Results corroborate the association between self-reported poor oral health and oral HPV infection. The effect of oral hygiene on oral HPV infection remains inconclusive. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Estudio epidemiológico de salud oral en adultos. Comunidad Valenciana, 2006


    Eustaquio Raga, Mª Vicenta


    RESUMEN En las últimas dos décadas se han venido realizando estudios epidemiológicos de salud oral en adultos en las diferentes comunidades autónomas españolas. Así la ausencia de dicho estudio de ámbito autonómico valenciano justifica plenamente su realización. En la realización del presente estudio nos hemos propuesto como objetivo general el evaluar el estado de salud bucodental de la población adulta y mayor de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se ha diseñado un estudio transversal o de p...

  6. Dental management of the complications of radio and chemotherapy in oral cancer


    Caribé Gomes, Fabiana; Chimenos Küstner, Eduardo; López López, José, 1958-; Finestres Zubeldia, Fernando; Guix Melcior, Benjamín


    El cáncer más comúnmente encontrado en la cavidad oral es el carcinoma de células escamosas o epidermoide, que constituye, aproximadamente, el 5% de todas las neoplasias. Desafortunadamente, la gran mayoría de estos tumores son diagnosticados en estadios que exigen la instauración de tratamientos quirúrgicos, radioterapia y quimioterapia. La radioterapia se presenta como una importante opción en la terapéutica de los tumores bucales, pudiendo ser empleada sola o en combinación con la cirugía ...

  7. Entender el lenguaje oral : la diferencia entre escuchar y oír


    Universidad del Rosario, Programa de Divulgación Científica; Universidad del Rosario, Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud


    En el mundo, muchos niños, jóvenes y adultos pueden oír, pero no escuchar, lo cual afecta su calidad de vida. Debido a esta dificultad, que se conoce como Desorden de Procesamiento Auditivo Central (DPAC), afrontan diferentes problemas: pobre comprensión del lenguaje oral, respuestas inapropiadas a las preguntas que se les formulan, necesidad de evitar distracciones, dificultad para seguir la información que se dicta en el aula y tomar apuntes. De acuerdo con estos síntomas y signos, este...

  8. Neurilemomas de cavidad oral y cuello Neurilemmomas of the oral cavity and the neck

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    J.A. García de Marcos


    Full Text Available Los neurilemomas son tumores neurogénicos benignos, con origen en la vaina neural. De los neurilemomas extracraneales, aproximadamente un 25 a un 45% ocurren en cabeza y cuello. La edad de afectación predominante es entre la tercera y la cuarta décadas de vida. El neurilemoma es un tumor claramente circunscrito y, generalmente, de pequeño tamaño. Clínicamente aparece como una masa de crecimiento lento y gradual. El examen microscópico es necesario para el diagnóstico. El tratamiento de elección es la escisión quirúrgica completa tumoral y después de ésta es muy rara su recurrencia. El propósito de este artículo es presentar un estudio retrospectivo, de nueve casos, de neurilemomas de cavidad oral y cuello, tratados en nuestro servicio de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial, entre 1997 y 2001. Hemos valorado una serie de parámetros epidemiológicos (edad, sexo, localización, tamaño, clínica, estudios previos a la cirugía, tiempo trascurrido entre aparición de síntomas y primera consulta, nervio de origen, patrón histológico predominante (Antoni A, Antoni B, y evolución postquirúrgica. Se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura.Neurilemomas are benign neurogenic tumours, that derive from the neural sheath. Approximately 25 to 45 per cent of the extracraneal neurilemomas occur in the head and neck region. Neurilemomas usually occur between the third and the fourth decades of life. Neurilemoma is a sharply circumscribed, and usually small tumor. Clinically it manifests as a slow and gradually growing mass; microscopic examination is neccesary for diagnosis. Complete tumoral excision remains the treatment of choice and after this, they rarely recur. The aim of this article is to report a retrospective study, of nine cases, of oral cavity and neck neurilemomas, treated in our service of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, between 1997 and 2001. A series of epidemiological parameters (age, sex, location, size, symptoms, preoperative

  9. Presencia de pautas narrativas de la tradición oral y popular en Cartucho de Nellie Campobello

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    Marco González, Ana


    Full Text Available This article examines the presence of discursive and symbolic patterns from Hispanic oral tradition in one of the most significant narratives of the Mexican Revolution, Nellie Campobello’s Cartucho (1931. With a view to offering a subjective, community and regionalist picture of the fights between villistas and carrancistas in the north of Mexico, the author decided to reproduce stories passed on to her by relatives and neighbours, thus creating a deeply polyphonic and testimonial tale. Hence, orality gives shape to a text where the dialogue with literary forms of the Mexican folklore is highly discernible. Particularly relevant is the dialogue maintained by Cartucho with such an outstanding expression of the ballad tradition as the corrido, which is incorporated into the prose through direct quotation, as well as through the reproduction of its typical language and poetics.Este trabajo examina la presencia de estrategias discursivas y representacionales propias de la tradición oral hispánica en uno de los testimonios más sobresalientes del ciclo narrativo de la Revolución Mexicana como es Cartucho (1931, de Nellie Campobello. En su voluntad de ofrecer una visión subjetiva, comunitaria y regionalista de las luchas entre villistas y carrancistas en el norte de México, la autora optó por reproducir historias que le habían sido transmitidas por familiares y vecinos, dando con ello lugar a un relato marcadamente polifónico y testimonial. La voz condiciona así de manera indeleble un texto en el que es perceptible además el diálogo con formas literarias del folclore mexicano, en particular con un representante destacado del género baladístico como el corrido, el cual es convocado en la prosa tanto por medio de la cita directa como por la mímesis de su poética y su lenguaje característicos.

  10. Oral Cryotherapy for Preventing Oral Mucositis in Patients Receiving Cancer Treatment. (United States)

    Riley, Philip; McCabe, Martin G; Glenny, Anne-Marie


    In patients receiving treatment for cancer, does oral cryotherapy prevent oral mucositis? Oral cryotherapy is effective for the prevention of oral mucositis in adults receiving fluorouracil-based chemotherapy for solid cancers, and for the prevention of severe oral mucositis in adults receiving high-dose melphalan-based chemotherapy before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).

  11. Respiración oral y traumatismo dentoalveolar en niños de 6 a 14 años

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    Macarena de los Ángeles González Acuña

    Full Text Available Introducción: el trauma dentoalveolar corresponde a una lesión traumática de alta prevalencia, elevado costo de tratamiento y efectos negativos a nivel funcional, estético y psicológico. Existen factores predisponentes de traumatismo dentoalveolar que coinciden con ciertas características de niños respiradores orales, sin embargo, el rol de la respiración oral como factor predisponente no está claramente determinado. Objetivo: determinar la asociación entre respiración oral y trauma dentoalveolar controlando por otras covariables en niños de 6 a 14 años. Métodos: se aplicó un estudio de casos y controles 1:2. La muestra quedó constituida por 57 casos y 113 controles asumiendo un nivel de confianza del 95 %, una potencia del 80 % y un 10 % de pérdidas. Los casos correspondieron a niños de 6 a 14 años de edad ingresados por TDA a la Unidad de Odontopediatría del Hospital "Dr. Sótero del Río", centro de referencia que atiende a una población de 1 521 144 habitantes de la capital. Los controles correspondieron a niños voluntarios sin TDA del mismo centro asistencial y grupo etario. Los datos fueron recolectados a partir de una entrevista, además de la medición clínica y observación directa para determinar el modo respiratorio. Para diferencias entre grupos se aplicó prueba de Fisher y Mann Whitney. La asociación entre respiración oral y trauma dentoalveolar se evaluó a partir de un modelo logístico considerando sexo, resalte y edad. Resultados: la prevalencia de niños respiradores orales fue mayor en los casos con un 47,4 % (p 0,05 como para ninguna de las covariables del modelo. Conclusiones: respirar a través de la cavidad oral no constituiría un aumento del riesgo de sufrir un trauma dentoalveolar durante un golpe o caída en los niños estudiados.

  12. Oral candidiasis following steroid therapy for oral lichen planus. (United States)

    Marable, D R; Bowers, L M; Stout, T L; Stewart, C M; Berg, K M; Sankar, V; DeRossi, S S; Thoppay, J R; Brennan, M T


    The purpose of this multicentre study was to determine the incidence of oral candidiasis in patients treated with topical steroids for oral lichen planus (OLP) and to determine whether the application of a concurrent antifungal therapy prevented the development of an oral candidiasis in these patients. Records of 315 patients with OLP seen at four Oral Medicine practices treated for at least 2 weeks with steroids with and without the use of an antifungal regimen were retrospectively reviewed. The overall incidence of oral fungal infection in those treated with steroid therapy for OLP was 13.6%. There was no statistically significant difference in the rate of oral candidiasis development in those treated with an antifungal regimen vs those not treated prophylactically (14.3% vs 12.6%) (P = 0.68). Despite the use of various regimens, none of the preventive antifungal strategies used in this study resulted in a significant difference in the rate of development of an oral candidiasis in patients with OLP treated with steroids. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. "DISCURSOS OCULTOS DE RESISTENCIA": tradición oral y cultura política en comunidades negras de la costa pacífica colombiana

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    Full Text Available EL TEXTO PRESENTA UNA MUESTRA DE LA LITERATURA ORAL DE POBLACIONES AFROCOlombianas, incluyendo coplas y versos inéditos recogidos por el autor en Guapi, en la costa caucana del Pacífico. Se resalta la importancia de los ancianos, sabios y decimeros en los procesos actuales de re-construcción de memoria colectiva en el Pacífico, y cómo sus narrativas revelan un sentido de lugar que habla de patrones históricos de asentamiento, migraciones y viajes reales e imaginarios. Se sostiene que la tradición oral y sus formas poéticas como documento literario constituyen "discursos ocultos de resistencia" que desafían a las representaciones dominantes del Pacífico y sus pobladores, y que se dejan movilizar como articulación política en la lucha por el reconocimiento de derechos culturales y territoriales de comunidades negras en Colombia.

  14. Podoplanin expression in oral potentially malignant disorders and oral squamous cell carcinoma. (United States)

    A G, Deepa; Janardanan-Nair, Bindu; B R, Varun


    Podoplanin is a type I transmembrane sialomucin-like glycoprotein that is specifically expressed in lymphatic endothelial cells. Studies have shown that assessment of podoplanin expression in the epithelial cells can be used to predict the malignant transformation of potentially malignant disorders and the metastatic tendency of primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. The aim of our study was to compare the expression of podoplanin in oral leukoplakia, oral submucous fibrosis and oral squamous cell carcinoma with that in normal buccal mucosa by immunohistochemical methods. Immunohistochemical expression of podoplanin was analyzed in 20 cases each of oral leukoplakia, oral submucous fibrosis, oral squamous cell carcinoma and normal buccal mucosa, with monoclonal antibody D2-40. The expression of podoplanin was graded from grade 0-4. There was a statistically significant upregulation of the grades of podoplanin expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma(100%), oral submucous fibrosis (90%) and oral leukoplakia (65%) when compared to that in normal mucosa(35%). Podoplanin expression increased with decrease in grades of differentiation in oral squamous cell carcinoma . Podoplanin expression in the samples of oral submucous fibrosis was higher than that in oral leukoplakia. Evaluation of podoplanin expression in the epithelial cells of oral dysplastic lesions may provide valuable information to predict their risk of malignant transformation. Key words: Immunohistochemistry, Oral leukoplakia, Oral submucous fibrosis, Podoplanin, Squamous cell carcinoma.

  15. OralCard: a bioinformatic tool for the study of oral proteome. (United States)

    Arrais, Joel P; Rosa, Nuno; Melo, José; Coelho, Edgar D; Amaral, Diana; Correia, Maria José; Barros, Marlene; Oliveira, José Luís


    The molecular complexity of the human oral cavity can only be clarified through identification of components that participate within it. However current proteomic techniques produce high volumes of information that are dispersed over several online databases. Collecting all of this data and using an integrative approach capable of identifying unknown associations is still an unsolved problem. This is the main motivation for this work. We present the online bioinformatic tool OralCard, which comprises results from 55 manually curated articles reflecting the oral molecular ecosystem (OralPhysiOme). It comprises experimental information available from the oral proteome both of human (OralOme) and microbial origin (MicroOralOme) structured in protein, disease and organism. This tool is a key resource for researchers to understand the molecular foundations implicated in biology and disease mechanisms of the oral cavity. The usefulness of this tool is illustrated with the analysis of the oral proteome associated with diabetes melitus type 2. OralCard is available at Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Setting oral health goals that include oral health-related quality of life measures: a study carried out among adolescents in Thailand Incorporação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal em metas de saúde bucal: estudo conduzido em adolescentes tailandeses

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    Sudaduang Krisdapong


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to assess the association between oral diseases and condition-specific oral health-related quality of life (CS-OHRQoL as a basis for proposing OHRQoL-based goals for the population of 15-year-olds in Thailand. Oral examinations and OHRQoL interviews were conducted with 871 15-year-olds as part of the Sixth Thailand National Oral Health Survey. The severity of oral impacts was categorized using "intensity". Associations between oral diseases and CS-OHRQoL were analyzed using chi-square and logistic regression. Thirty-nine percent of 15-year-olds experienced moderate/higher levels oral impacts on quality of life. Compared to those individuals with no tooth decay, adolescents with one or four or more decaying teeth were three and seven times more likely to experience moderate/higher impacts, respectively. Adolescents with extensive gingivitis in 3 or more mouth sextants were twice as likely to experience moderate/higher CS-impacts. Based on these findings, it is proposed that goals should focus on untreated decaying teeth and extensive gingivitis. Oral health goals for 15-year-olds should include specific OHRQoL measures.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a associação entre doença bucal e a condição específica de qualidade de vida associada à saúde bucal (CS-OHRQoL, como base para propor OHRQoL metas para adolescentes tailandeses. Exame clínico bucal e entrevista foram realizados em 871 adolescentes na faixa etária de 15 anos, como parte da 6ª Pesquisa Nacional Tailandesa de Saúde Bucal. A severidade do impacto bucal foi categorizada usando-se a "intensidade". A associação entre doença bucal e CS-OHRQoL foi investigada usando-se o teste qui-quadrado e regressão lógica. Trinta e nove por cento da amostra reportaram impactos bucais de grau moderado/elevado. A probabilidade de reportar um impacto bucal de grau moderado/elevado dos adolescentes com um dente cariado e aqueles com 4 ou mais foi 3 e 7 vezes

  17. La actuación del profesor para el desarrollo de habilidades de expresión oral en estudiantes universitarios: resultados de una estrategia didáctica

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    Dania Rosa León Meneses


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los estudiantes arriban al nível superior con dificultades de comunicación oral y escrita, carencia que afecta su permanência en los diferentes cursos. También es común que el cuerpo docente no posea La preparación para ofrecer tratamiento adecuado a esta necesidad de formación de los profesionales. En el artículo se ofrecen los resultados de la aplicación de una estratégia didáctica para el desarrollo de habilidades de expresión oral en estudiantes atletas de la Facultad de Cultura Física de Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. Se combina la preparación de los profesores y las acciones transversales realizadas por el colectivo pedagógico para La superación de deficiencias en la construcción oral. En las conclusiones de la investigación se revela la pertinencia de la estrategia para el desarrollo de la expresión oral en alumnos universitarios, así como la satisfacción de estudiantes y profesores con las acciones realizadas. La estrategia puede ser adaptada y recontextualizada para su implementación en otras facultades o carreras universitarias, como parte de un esfuerzo conjunto de los docentes para la mejora continua de la formación de los egresados

  18. Administración oral de preparado parenteral de vitamina K en anticoagulación excesiva por warfarina Oral administration of intravenous preparation of Vitamin K for excessive anticoagulation due to warfarin

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    Yoleima Lozada


    Full Text Available La warfarina es frecuentemente usada en la terapia anticoagulante actual, su acción debe ser monitorizada usando el tiempo de protrombina expresado como International Normalized Ratio (INR; cuando se excede el rango de seguridad se puede administrar vitamina K (Vit-K, preferentemente por vía oral. Dicha presentación no está disponible en Venezuela. Se realizó un ensayo clínico, doble ciego, donde a 20 pacientes, edad 18-60 años, sin sangrado e INR inicial de 6 a 10 inclusive; les fue suspendida la warfarina e inmediatamente agrupados al azar a recibir dosis única de Vit-K (oral 1.25mg de Vit-K fraccionada de una presentación parenteral o placebo. El punto final primario, INR Anticoagulation therapy with warfarin, a common clinical practice, needs to be monitored using protombine time expressed as the International Normalized Ratio (INR; when safety range is exceeded, Vitamin K (Vit-K could be administered with preference orally. In Venezuela the specific oral preparation for Vit-K is not available. This is a double blinded, randomized, placebo controlled, clinical trial; 20 patients, age 18-60 year with initial INR ≥ 6, ≤10, were randomized to oral Vit-K 1.25mg (prepared from intravenous presentation or placebo plus withholding warfarin. INR < 3.5 at 24 hours of treatment (the primary end point was achieved by 70% among Vit-K, and 20% among placebo patients; given an absolute risk reduction (ARR, of 50% (CI95%: 14.4-85.6 ρ = 0.028, NNT 2 (CI95%: 1.3 - 6.9. No adverse events were recorded including INR < 2 at 24 hours of treatment administration. Our results are consistent with studies where specific oral presentation of Vit-K was used. The results indicate that oral administration of Vit-K, prepared from an intravenous Vit-K preparation, is safe and more effective to revert excessive anticoagulation than simply withholding warfarin, in places where specific preparation of oral Vit-K is not available or too expensive.

  19. Tipos de tabaquismo como factor de riesgo asociado a cáncer bucal. Reporte de dos casos

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    Martha Rebolledo Cobos


    Full Text Available El tabaquismo corresponde a uno de los hábitos más comunes en la población mundial, tanto en hombres como en mujeres, siendo un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de lesiones neoplásicas malignas y premalignas en la cavidad bucal. Las diferentes formas de utilización de este hábito, como fumar cigarrillo de manera convencional, tabaquismo invertido y pasivo, presentan variables en cuanto a la incidencia y prevalencia de aparición de tumores, así como el tipo, cantidad y la intensidad de tabaco consumido. Las células epiteliales que recubren la mucosa bucal reaccionan como mecanismos de defensa ante el estímulo del humo y la combustión, al igual que frente a los sustancias químico- tóxicas que de ellos provienen; manifestándose como lesiones que varían entre leucoedemas, hiperqueratosis nicotínicas, fibrosis epiteliales, lesiones precancerosas, carcinomas in situ, hasta el desarrollo de verdaderas neoplasias malignas. El estomatólogo juega un rol fundamental en el diagnóstico oportuno y la prevención de estas afecciones, puesto que está entrenado para detectar cualquier lesión en estado incipiente, y así simplificar su tratamiento, mejorando la calidad de vida del paciente; pero mucho más importante que detectar la lesión es prevenir que aparezca, orientando, población y combatiendo los factores de riesgo. Se presentan dos casos de pacientes fumadoras activas que acudieron al servicio de Estomatología y Cirugía Oral de la Fundación Universitaria San Martín, sede Puerto Colombia, por presentar lesiones tumorales en cavidad bucal semejantes clínicamente a carcinomas bucales; a quienes se les realizaron biopsias que confirmaron diagnósticos de carcinoma escamocelular.

  20. Hoy como ayer


    Rodríguez M.


    Leyendo el artículo titulado “Los medicamentos baratos” de la revista La Farmacia Española, publicada en Madrid el jueves 21 de diciembre de 1893, uno se pregunta cómo puede ser que se reconozca la situación como si fuera de ahora mismo, cómo puede ser que estemos igual que hace más de cien años. Entonces eran los descuentos que se empezaban a extender en las farmacias, francesas sobre todo, y que amenazaban el prestigio profesional de todo el colectivo. Con frases como éstas se define la sit...

  1. Consideraciones teóricas sobre la expresión oral profesional pedagógica en inglés

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    Julio César Rodríguez Peña


    Full Text Available En el artículo se abordó uno de los problemas más importantes y actuales para el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera: la formación de la habilidad de expresión oral. Para ello, el autor realizó un análisis de las fuentes que han dado tratamiento al tema. El aporte fundamental consiste en brindarles a los profesores de Inglés fundamentosteórico-metodológicos sobre las principales categorías pedagógicas de la habilidad de expresión oral en inglés, con un enfoque sistémico-comunicativo y profesional pedagógico.

  2. Midazolam por via oral como medicação pré-anestésica em crianças e adolescentes com paralisia cerebral: estudo comparativo das variações do índice bispectral Midazolam por vía oral como medicación preanestésica en niños y adolescentes con parálisis cerebral: estudio comparativo de las variaciones del índice bispectral Oral midazolam as pre-anesthetic medication in children and teenagers with cerebral palsy: a comparative study on the variations of the bispectral index

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    Verônica Vieira da Costa


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O midazolam é um derivado benzodiazepínico com ação hipnótica e muito utilizado como medicação pré-anestésica em anestesia pediátrica. As crianças com paralisia cerebral (PC também se beneficiam do uso do midazolam, mas seus efeitos são ainda desconhecidos sobre esse grupo de pacientes que apresentam uma série de particularidades, com alterações inclusive no local de ação do midazolam. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a ação do midazolam utilizado como medicação pré-anestésica sobre o índice bispectral (EEG-BIS dos pacientes com paralisia cerebral. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados dois grupos de pacientes: um com diagnóstico de PC e outro sem doença do sistema nervoso central (SNC e periférico. Foram registrados valores de EEG-BIS na enfermaria na véspera da operação e no dia da operação, 40 minutos depois da administração de 0,6 de midazolam via oral. Foram excluídos pacientes com história de reação paradoxal ao midazolam e pacientes do grupo-controle que estivessem em uso de outra medicação. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 77 pacientes de ambos os sexos, entre 4 e 18 anos de idade. Não houve diferença entre os valores de EEG-BIS basal entre os grupos estudados. Após o uso do midazolam houve diminuição dos valores do EEG-BIS nos dois grupos estudados, com diferença estatística significativa em cada grupo. Na comparação entre grupos não houve diferença estatística. CONCLUSÕES: O midazolam administrado como medicação pré-anestésica na dose de 0,6 diminui os valores basais do EEG-BIS sem caracterizar hipnose e sem diferença estatística nos grupos estudados.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El midazolam es un derivado benzodiazepínico con acción hipnótica y muy utilizado como medicación preanestésica en anestesia pediátrica. Los niños con parálisis cerebral (PC también se benefician del uso del midazolam, pero sus efectos todavía se desconocen sobre ese

  3. Utilisation of oral health services, oral health needs and oral health status in a peri-urban informal settlement. (United States)

    Westaway, M S; Viljoen, E; Rudolph, M J


    Interviews were conducted with 294 black residents (155 females and 138 males) of a peri-urban informal settlement in Gauteng to ascertain utilisation of oral health services, oral health needs and oral health status. Only 37 per cent of the sample had consulted a dentist or medical practitioner, usually for extractions. Teenagers and employed persons were significantly less likely to utilise dentists than the older age groups and unemployed persons. Forty per cent were currently experiencing oral health problems such as a sore mouth, tooth decay and bleeding/painful gums. Two hundred and twelve (73 per cent) interviewees wanted dental treatment or advice. Residents who rated their oral health status as fair or poor appeared to have the greatest need for oral health services. The use of interviews appears to be a cost-effective method of determining oral morbidity.

  4. El cambio lexemático como signo antropológico en dos versiones de un cuento tradicional Mudança dos lexemas como sinal antropológico em duas versões de uma história tradicional Lexematic change as anthropological sign, in two versions of a tradicional story

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    Patricia H. Coto de Attilio


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza una versión del conocido cuento "El herrero Miseria y el Diablo", divulgado en una zona semiurbana, habitada por migrantes del Litoral de la Argentina. Se parte del concepto de metacódigo, como modalidad particular de interacción de un grupo. La narración oral puede ser considerada parte o expresión de ese metacódigo y, por consiguiente, su análisis será más complejo para comprender el texto en sus contextos y en su contexto ideológico. Es necesario apelar a una metodología narratológica, que rescate estrategias discursivas de la narración oral, y a metodología lingüística y semiótica, que retome enunciados y observe su significación de acuerdo con relaciones intertextuales, extratextuales y contextuales.Este artigo analisa uma versão do conhecido conto "O ferreiro Miséria e o Diabo", divulgado numa área semi-urbana habitada por migrantes do litoral da Argentina. Começa com o conceito de metacódigo como modalidade particular de interação de um grupo. A narração oral pode ser considerada parte ou expressão desse metacódigo, e logicamente, sua análise será mais complexa, para compreender o texto nos seus contextos e no seu contexto ideológico. É preciso apelar a uma metodologia narratológica, que resgate estratégias discursivas da narração oral, e metodologia lingüística e semiótica que resgate enunciados e observe sua significação de acordo com relações intertextuais, extra textuais e contextuais.This paper analyzes a new version of the well-known story "The wicked blacksmith and the Devil", spread around a semi-urbanized area inhabited by migrants from the Argentine coastal zone. The starting point is the concept of meta-code as a specific group interaction mode. Oral narratives may be considered as part or expressions of such meta-codes and, therefore, their analysis will be more complex, in order to understand the text within its contexts and in its ideological context. It is

  5. Oral Microbiome: A New Biomarker Reservoir for Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancers


    Lim, Yenkai; Totsika, Makrina; Morrison, Mark; Punyadeera, Chamindie


    Current biomarkers (DNA, RNA and protein) for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers demonstrate biological variations between individuals, rendering them impractical for clinical translation. Whilst these biomarkers originate from the host, there is not much information in the literature about the influence of oral microbiota on cancer pathogenesis, especially in oral cancers. Oral microbiotas are known to participate in disease initiation and progression not only limited to the oral cavity, ...

  6. Oral symptoms and functional outcome related to oral and oropharyngeal cancer. (United States)

    Kamstra, Jolanda I; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriet; Dijkstra, Pieter U; Huisman, Paulien M; van Oort, Rob P; van der Laan, Bernard F A M; Roodenburg, Jan L N


    This study aimed to assess: (1) oral symptoms of patients treated for oral or oropharyngeal cancer; (2) how patients rank the burden of oral symptoms; (3) the impact of the tumor, the treatment, and oral symptoms on functional outcome. Eighty-nine patients treated for oral or oropharyngeal cancer were asked about their oral symptoms related to mouth opening, dental status, oral sensory function, tongue mobility, salivary function, and pain. They were asked to rank these oral symptoms according to the degree of burden experienced. The Mandibular Function Impairment Questionnaire (MFIQ) was used to assess functional outcome. In a multivariate linear regression analyses, variables related to MFIQ scores (p≤0.10) were entered as predictors with MFIQ score as the outcome. Lack of saliva (52%), restricted mouth opening (48%), and restricted tongue mobility (46%) were the most frequently reported oral symptoms. Lack of saliva was most frequently (32%) ranked as the most burdensome oral symptom. For radiated patients, an inability to wear a dental prosthesis, a T3 or T4 stage, and a higher age were predictive of MFIQ scores. For non-radiated patients, a restricted mouth opening, an inability to wear a dental prosthesis, restricted tongue mobility, and surgery of the mandible were predictive of MFIQ scores. Lack of saliva was not only the most frequently reported oral symptom after treatment for oral or oropharyngeal cancer, but also the most burdensome. Functional outcome is strongly influenced by an inability to wear a dental prosthesis in both radiated and non-radiated patients.

  7. Associations between adult attachment and: oral health-related quality of life, oral health behaviour, and self-rated oral health. (United States)

    Meredith, Pamela; Strong, Jenny; Ford, Pauline; Branjerdporn, Grace


    Although adult attachment theory has been revealed as a useful theoretical framework for understanding a range of health parameters, the associations between adult attachment patterns and a range of oral health parameters have not yet been examined. The aim of this study was to examine potential associations between attachment insecurity and: (1) oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL), (2) oral health behaviours, and (3) self-rated oral health. In association with this aim, sample characteristics were compared with normative data. The sample in this cross-sectional study was comprised of 265 healthy adults, recruited via convenience sampling. Data were collected on attachment patterns (Experiences in Close Relationships Scale-Short Form, ECR-S), OHRQoL (Oral Health Impact Profile-14, OHIP-14), oral health behaviours (modified Dental Neglect Scale, m-DNS), and self-rated oral health (one-item global rating of oral health). Multivariate regression models were performed. Both dimensions of attachment insecurity were associated with lowered use of favourable dental visiting behaviours, as well as decreased OHRQoL for both overall well-being and specific aspects of OHRQoL. Attachment avoidance was linked with diminished self-rated oral health. This study supports the potential value of an adult attachment framework for understanding a range of oral health parameters. The assessment of a client's attachment pattern may assist in the identification of people who are at risk of diminished OHRQoL, less adaptive dental visiting behaviours, or poorer oral health. Further research in this field may inform ways in which attachment approaches can enhance oral health-related interventions.

  8. The New Orality: Oral Characteristics of Computer-Mediated Communication. (United States)

    Ferris, Sharmila Pixy; Montgomery, Maureen


    Considers the characteristics of orality and literacy developed in the work of scholars such as Walter Ong to consider computer-mediated communication (CMC) as the potential site of a "new orality" which is neither purely oral or literate. Notes that the medium of CMC is writing, which has traditionally represented the…

  9. To assess the self-reported oral health practices, behaviour and oral ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Oct 3, 2017 ... in order to improve referral of pregnant women, oral health awareness and dental service utilization among pregnant women in the region. Keywords: oral health practices, oral health status, pregnant women, traditional birth attendant clinics, Nigerian rural community. 17. African Journal of Oral Health.

  10. [Association between oral hygiene, chronic diseases, and oral squamous cell carcinoma]. (United States)

    Huang, Jiangfeng; He, Baochang; Chen, Fa; Liu, Fangping; Yan, Lingjun; Hu, Zhijian; Lin, Lisong; He, Fei; Cai, Lin


    To investigate the association between oral hygiene, chronic diseases, and oral squamous cell carcinoma. We performed a case-control study with 414 cases and 870 controls in Fujian during September 2010 to January 2015. Patients were newly diagnosed oral squamous cell carcinoma cases according to the pathologic diagnoses, control subjects were enrolled from community population. Epidemiological data were collected by in-person interviews using a standard questionnaire. The contents of the questionnaire included demography character, history of tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking, dietary habits, oral hygiene status, family history of cancer, etc. Using unconditional logistic regression analysis to estimate adjusted odds ratios (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) for oral hygiene and chronic diseases. We also stratified by sex, smoking and drinking to explore possible difference in association between subgroups. The multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that number of teeth (20-27 and oral ulceration were the risk factors of oral squamous cell carcinoma, the adjusted OR (95% CI) values were 2.01 (1.49-2.73), 3.51 (2.39-5.15), 2.33 (1.79-3.04), 3.96 (2.11-7.44), respectively; brushing tooth once per bay, brushing tooth more than once per day, regular oral health examination at least 5 years per time were the protective factors of oral squamous cell carcinoma, the adjusted OR (95% CI) values were 0.24 (0.13-0.43), 0.13 (0.07-0.24), 0.37 (0.26-0.53), respectively. The stratification analysis indicated that recurrent oral ulceration could increase the risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma for non-smokers and non-drinking, the adjusted OR (95% CI) value was 5.21 (2.42-11.18) and 4.71 (2.37-9.36); and a risky effect of hypertension on risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma was observed for non-smokers and non-drinking, the adjusted OR (95% CI) values were 1.70 (1.10-2.61) and 1.58 (1.07-2.34). Oral hygiene and chronic diseases could affect the

  11. Saúde oral, capacidade mastigatória e estado nutricional de indivíduos pós-tratamento de câncer de cabeça e pescoço


    Jeanne Kelly Gonçalves


    Câncer de cabeça e pescoço é um termo amplo comumente utilizado para definir neoplasias da cavidade oral, faringe e laringe. O tratamento com cirurgia, quimioterapia e radioterapia está associado a vários efeitos colaterais, dentre eles prejuízos na condição oral, capacidade mastigatória e quadros de desnutrição. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência da condição de saúde oral sobre a capacidade mastigatória e o estado nutricional em indivíduos que realizaram tratamento ...

  12. Fatores dietéticos e câncer oral: estudo caso-controle na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil Dietary factors and oral cancer: a case-control study in Greater Metropolitan São Paulo, Brazil

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    Dirce Maria Lobo Marchioni


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, investigou-se os fatores dietéticos associados com o câncer oral, em um estudo tipo caso-controle de base hospitalar no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, entre 1998 e 2002. Participaram 835 indivíduos, sendo 366 casos incidentes de câncer de cavidade oral ou faringe e 469 controles. Os dados de consumo alimentar foram obtidos por um Questionário de Freqüência Alimentar (QFA. Os valores de odds ratio (OR e intervalos com 95% de confiança (IC95% foram estimados por regressão logística não condicional, ajustada por potenciais fatores de confusão. Verificaram-se associações inversas entre o câncer oral e o consumo mais elevado de feijão, OR = 0,37 (IC95%: 0,22-0,64, vegetais crus, OR = 0,51 (IC95%: 0,29-0,93 e para o tercil intermediário de arroz e massas, OR = 0,56 (IC95%: 0,38-0,83. Associações diretas foram observadas para o mais elevado consumo de ovos, OR = 1,84 (IC95%: 1,23-2,75, batata, OR = 2,22 (IC95%: 1,53-3,25 e leite, OR= 1,80 (IC95%: 1,09-2,98. Alimentos básicos da dieta do brasileiro, como arroz e feijão, emergiram como fatores de proteção para o câncer oral, independente de outros fatores de risco.Dietary factors associated with oral cancer were investigated in a case-control hospital-based study in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, from 1998 to 2002. A total of 835 subjects, 366 with histologically confirmed incident cases of oral-cavity or pharyngeal cancer and 469 controls participated in the study. Dietary data were collected with a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ. Odds ratios (OR and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI were obtained from unconditional logistic regression, adjusted for potential confounders. Inverse associations with risk of oral cancer were found for the highest intake of beans, OR = 0.37 (95%CI: 0.22-0.64, raw vegetables, OR = 0.51 (95%CI: 0.29-0.93 and the intermediate tertile of rice and pasta intake, OR = 0.56 (95%CI: 0.38-0.83. Positive associations were observed for the

  13. The Oral Microbiome in Health and Its Implication in Oral and Systemic Diseases. (United States)

    Sampaio-Maia, B; Caldas, I M; Pereira, M L; Pérez-Mongiovi, D; Araujo, R


    The oral microbiome can alter the balance between health and disease, locally and systemically. Within the oral cavity, bacteria, archaea, fungi, protozoa, and viruses may all be found, each having a particular role, but strongly interacting with each other and with the host, in sickness or in health. A description on how colonization occurs and how the oral microbiome dynamically evolves throughout the host's life is given. In this chapter the authors also address oral and nonoral conditions in which oral microorganisms may play a role in the etiology and progression, presenting the up-to-date knowledge on oral dysbiosis as well as the known underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms involving oral microorganisms in each condition. In oral pathology, oral microorganisms are associated with several diseases, namely dental caries, periodontal diseases, endodontic infections, and also oral cancer. In systemic diseases, nonoral infections, adverse pregnancy outcomes, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes are among the most prevalent pathologies linked with oral cavity microorganisms. The knowledge on how colonization occurs, how oral microbiome coevolves with the host, and how oral microorganisms interact with each other may be a key factor to understand diseases etiology and progression. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Restrição como técnica avançada de controlo de comportamento em odontopediatria


    Martins, Augusta Maria Pereira


    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária É comum, na prática clínica de odontopediatria, manifestações de medo e ansiedade por parte do paciente infantil, e quando estas não são controladas pelo médico dentista poderão comprometer a qualidade dos serviços de saúde oral prestados. Perante estas situações o profissional de saúde deverá recorrer a estratégias básicas de comuni...

  15. Gabapentina a dosis de 300 vs. 450 mg como premedicación anestésica para hipertensión reactiva, ansiedad y analgesia. (United States)

    Rascón-Martínez, Dulce María; Guzmán-Sánchez, Joaquín Antonio; Corral-Urdapilleta, Nora Paulina; Arguelles-Uribe, Gema Damaris; Velázquez-Loeza, Jazmín; Soto-Palma, Gustavo; Carrillo-Torres, Orlando


    Observar el comportamiento de la gabapentina para aminorar la hipertensión reactiva secundaria a ansiedad y dolor en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftálmica, así como el consumo de opiáceos entre los grupos. Ensayo clínico controlado aleatorizado y doble ciego que analizó a 125 pacientes divididos en tres grupos: grupo A, gabapentina 300 mg; grupo B, gabapentina 450 mg; grupo C, amaranto en grageas como control 2 horas antes del procedimiento quirúrgico. Se utilizó la prueba de ji al cuadrado para variables sociodemográficas y ANOVA de un factor para variables numéricas continuas. Se consideró como significativo un valor de p consumo de opiáceos en los grupos que usaron gabapentina. La gabapentina por vía oral, 300 o 450 mg, 2 horas antes de la cirugía, reduce el dolor, la ansiedad y el consumo de opiáceos durante el posoperatorio en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oftalmológica. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  16. Relationship of oral hygiene status and practices with oral lesions in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: The oral health of HIV positive patients may be compromised because of their depressed immunity and may increase their risk of developing some oral lesions. This study was carried out to assess the relationship of the oral hygiene status and practices with oral lesions in HIV positive patients at a dedicated HIV ...

  17. Evaluación del efecto de la ozonoterapia sobre la diversidad y número de bacterias presentes en la cavidad oral de perros con enfermedad periodontal


    Patiño Godoy, Norma del Consuelo


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la eficacia de la ozonoterapia como tratamiento para el control de las bacterias de la cavidad oral en la enfermedad periodontal en los perros que llegaron a consulta a la veterinaria Orovet del cantón Huaquillas. Para el cumplimiento del objetivo se diseñó una investigación de tipo experimental. Se trabajó con una muestra de 30 perros que llegaron a la veterinaria Orovet de la ciudad de Huaquillas, quienes presentaron signos de enfermedad ...

  18. [Oral medicine 9. Lichen planus and lichenoid lesions of the oral mucosa]. (United States)

    van der Meij, E H; Schepman, K P; de Visscher, J G A M


    The general dentist is sometimes confronted with white lesions of the oral mucosa. Oral lichen planus is the most common oral white lesion. The diagnosis can usually be made on the basis of the clinical aspect, but is sometimes made more difficult by certain abnormalities in the oral mucosa which clinically resemble oral lichen planus or by abnormalities which cannot be distinguished from oral lichen planus but have a different origin. Those lesions are classified as oral lichenoid lesions. Malignant deterioration has been described in allforms of oral lichen planus lesions and oral lichenoid lesions. There is no known method to predict or prevent malignant transformation. Nor are there any studies examining the efficacy of frequent follow-up visits. It seems sensible, in keeping with the tendency in recent literature, to schedule annual check-ups for patients to be on the safe side. These follow-up visits may reasonably be performed in a general dental practice.

  19. Hidratación oral continua o a dosis fraccionadas en niños deshidratados por diarrea aguda Oral rehydration in continuous administration or in fractionated doses in dehydrated children with acute diarrhea

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    Felipe Mota-Hernández


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la seguridad y efectividad de dos técnicas de hidratación oral. Material y métodos. Ensayo clínico aleatorio, hecho en el Servicio de Hidratación Oral del Hospital Infantil de México, Federico Gómez, entre septiembre de 1998 y junio de 1999. Cuarenta pacientes deshidratados por diarrea aguda, menores de cinco años, recibieron suero oral ad libitum (grupo AL y otros cuarenta lo recibieron en dosis fraccionada (grupo DF. Las características clínicas fueron similares en ambos grupos. Los resultados se presentan como promedio y desviación estándar o mediana, según la distribución de frecuencias simples y relativas. Resultados. El promedio de gasto fecal en el grupo AL fue 11.0±7.5 g/kg/h y en el grupo DF 7.1±7.4 (p=0.03. La ingesta de suero, el tiempo de hidratación y la diuresis promedio, fueron similares entre ambos grupos (p>0.05. Seis pacientes del grupo AL y cinco del DF tuvieron gasto fecal alto (>10 g/kg/hora, mejorando con la administración de atole de arroz. Un paciente del grupo AL y dos pacientes del DF tuvieron vómitos persistentes, mejorando con gastroclisis. Ningún paciente requirió rehidratación intravenosa. Conclusiones. Estos resultados sugieren que la administración de suero oral ad libitum, bajo supervisión, es tan segura y efectiva como la técnica de dosis fraccionada para el tratamiento de niños deshidratados por diarrea aguda.Objective. To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of two oral rehydration techniques. Material and Methods. A randomized clinical trial was conducted at the oral rehydration unit of Hospital Infantil de Mexico "Federico Gomez", between September 1998 and June 1999. Forty patients five-year old and younger children, dehydrated due to acute diarrhea, were given oral rehydration solution (ORS ad libitum (AL group; another forty patients received ORS in fractionated doses (FD group. Clinical characteristics were similar in both groups. Results are presented as

  20. Efecto de la motivación sobre la higiene oral: valoración mediante el índice de placa de Quigley-Hein modificado por Turesky


    Poyato Ferrera, Manuel María; Segura-Egea, Juan J; Bullon, Pedro


    Objetivo. Estudiar el efecto de una intensa motivación sobre la higiene oral de los pacientes. Pacientes. Cuarenta y seis alumnos del primer curso del ciclo superior “Higiene Bucodental” del IES Santa Aurelia de Sevilla, 10 hombres (21,73%) y 36 mujeres (78,26%), con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 30 años.Material y métodos. Se ha utilizado como índice de higiene oral el índice de placa de Quigley-Hein modificado por Turesky (IPQHT). La motivación se mantuvo de forma muy intensa (al menos...

  1. [Frequency of oral squamous cell carcinoma and oral epithelial dysplasia in oral and oropharyngeal mucosa in Chile]. (United States)

    Martínez, Carolina; Hernández, Marcela; Martínez, Benjamín; Adorno, Daniela


    Oral cancer in Chile corresponds approximately to 1.6% of all cancer cases. There are few studies about oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma in the Chilean population. To determine the frequency of hyperkeratosis, mild, moderate and severe oral epithelial dysplasia, in situ carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the oral and oropharyngeal mucosa in a registry of the Oral Pathology Reference Institute of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Chile, in a ten years period. Review of clinical records and pathological plates of 389 patients, obtained between 1990 and 2009. Cases were selected according to their pathological diagnosis, including hyperkeratosis, oral epithelial dysplasia, in situ carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and verrucous carcinoma. Forty four percent of cases were squamous cell carcinoma, followed by hyperkeratosis in 37% and mild epithelial dysplasia in 11%. Squamous cell carcinoma was more common in men aged over 50 years. Most of the potentially malignant disorders presented clinically as leukoplakia and squamous cell carcinoma were clinically recognized as cancer. In this study, men aged over 50 years are the highest risk group for oral cancer. Early diagnosis is deficient since most of these lesions were diagnosed when squamous cell carcinoma became invasive. Leukoplakia diagnosis is mostly associated with hyperkeratosis and epithelial dysplasia, therefore biopsy of these lesions is mandatory to improve early diagnosis.

  2. Oral health information systems--towards measuring progress in oral health promotion and disease prevention

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Poul Erik; Bourgeois, Denis; Bratthall, Douglas


    and the general public. WHO has developed global and regional oral health databanks for surveillance, and international projects have designed oral health indicators for use in oral health information systems for assessing the quality of oral health care and surveillance systems. Modern oral health information...... been designed by WHO and used by countries worldwide for the surveillance of oral disease and health. Global, regional and national oral health databanks have highlighted the changing patterns of oral disease which primarily reflect changing risk profiles and the implementation of oral health...... programmes oriented towards disease prevention and health promotion. The WHO Oral Health Country/Area Profile Programme (CAPP) provides data on oral health from countries, as well as programme experiences and ideas targeted to oral health professionals, policy-makers, health planners, researchers...

  3. Las leyendas regionales como intangibles territoriales

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    Eloy Martos Núñez


    Full Text Available El artículo examina el concepto de leyenda como intangible territorial en diversas escalas, desde la local a la regional o nacional, y su relación con la construcción de mitos étnicos y la emergencia de tradiciones translocales. Para ello, se revisan la metodología de los estudios corográficos y las nociones de ecotipo y de paisaje cultural, así como la etnografía de los territorios simbólicos a la luz de conceptos como el clásico «témenos» y modernos como el «mytho-moteur» (Abadal, 1958. Se aplican estudios de casos que evidencian cómo es el Imaginario, en interacción con factores geohistóricos del lugar, el que a menudo acota y perimetrea un territorio a través de cauces como la fabulación legendaria y los ritos paralitúgicos, como procesiones o peregrinaciones. La conclusión es que las leyendas y los arquetipos de origen étnico y genealógico reescriben tradiciones que crean identidades y se pueden proyectar en ámbitos diferentes de la vida política o recreativa, con perfiles igualmente diferentes.

  4. Evaluación de la toxicidad aguda oral e irritación sobre mucosa bucal de la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente Oral acute toxicity and irritation on buccal mucosa evaluation of the CM-95 solution magnetically treated

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    Jorge Díaz Bestard


    Full Text Available La Solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente es un producto en desarrollo que mostró propiedades inmunoestimulantes en ensayos preclínicos, característica que la hacen adecuada como candidata a inmunopotenciador. En este trabajo se evaluaron los posibles efectos tóxicos preclínicos de la Solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente, por el método de las Clases de Toxicidad Aguda y el de irritación de la mucosa oral, adaptando las normas OECD 423 y la ISO 10993-10, respectivamente. En el método de las Clases de Toxicidad Aguda se utilizó el ensayo límite, en ratas Sprague Dawley hembras, en el cual la dosis estuvo relacionada con el nivel de inducción magnética, en este caso 0,16 T, aplicado a la Solución CM-95; y el volumen a administrar de la misma, calculado sobre la base de 2 ml de la solución por 100 g de peso corporal. La determinación de la irritación de la mucosa oral se llevó a cabo en hámster Sirios Dorados hembras mediante un ensayo a dosis repetidas durante 7 días de tratamiento en la bolsa gular derecha, con pellet de algodón impregnado con 0,5 ml de la solución tratada magnéticamente con la misma inducción. No se encontró mortalidad ni evidencias de signos tóxicos para el ensayo de toxicidad aguda, y se obtuvo un índice de irritación sobre mucosa oral de 0, por lo que la sustancia estudiada se enmarcó como "No clasificada" y "No irritante" según la metodología empleada. Estos resultados complementarán otros estudios toxicológicos para avalar la seguridad de esta Solución para su uso futuro como fármaco por vía oral.CM-95 solution magnetically treated is a product which showed immunologic properties in preliminary tests, characteristic that makes it adequate as inmunopotentiator candidate. In this study the possible preclinical toxic effects of CM-95 Solution magnetically treated were evaluated, by the Acute Toxicity Class method and oral mucosa irritation test, adapting guideline OECD 423 and ISO 10993

  5. Towards understanding oral health

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zaura, E.; ten Cate, J.M.


    During the last century, dental research has focused on unraveling the mechanisms behind various oral pathologies, while oral health was typically described as the mere absence of oral diseases. The term ‘oral microbial homeostasis' is used to describe the capacity of the oral ecosystem to maintain

  6. Relationship between oral motor dysfunction and oral bacteria in bedridden elderly. (United States)

    Tada, Akio; Shiiba, Masashi; Yokoe, Hidetaka; Hanada, Nobuhiro; Tanzawa, Hideki


    The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between oral bacterial colonization and oral motor dysfunction. Oral motor dysfunction (swallowing and speech disorders) and detection of oral bacterial species from dental plaque in 55 elderly persons who had remained hospitalized for more than 3 months were investigated and statistically analyzed. The detection rates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia were significantly higher in subjects with than in those without a swallowing disorder. A similar result was found with regard to the presence of a speech disorder. About half of subjects who had oral motor dysfunction and hypoalbuminemia had colonization by MRSA and/or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These results suggest that the combination of oral motor dysfunction and hypoalbminemia elevated the risk of opportunistic microorganisms colonization in the oral cavity of elderly patients hospitalized over the long term.

  7. Building oral health research infrastructure: the first national oral health survey of Rwanda. (United States)

    Morgan, John P; Isyagi, Moses; Ntaganira, Joseph; Gatarayiha, Agnes; Pagni, Sarah E; Roomian, Tamar C; Finkelman, Matthew; Steffensen, Jane E M; Barrow, Jane R; Mumena, Chrispinus H; Hackley, Donna M


    Oral health affects quality of life and is linked to overall health. Enhanced oral health research is needed in low- and middle-income countries to develop strategies that reduce the burden of oral disease, improve oral health and inform oral health workforce and infrastructure development decisions. To implement the first National Oral Health Survey of Rwanda to assess the oral disease burden and inform oral health promotion strategies. In this cross-sectional study, sample size and site selection were based on the World Health Organization (WHO) Oral Health Surveys Pathfinder stratified cluster methodologies. Randomly selected 15 sites included 2 in the capital city, 2 other urban centers and 11 rural locations representing all provinces and rural/urban population distribution. A minimum of 125 individuals from each of 5 age groups were included at each site. A Computer Assisted Personal Instrument (CAPI) was developed to administer the study instrument. Nearly two-thirds (64.9%) of the 2097 participants had caries experience and 54.3% had untreated caries. Among adults 20 years of age and older, 32.4% had substantial oral debris and 60.0% had calculus. A majority (70.6%) had never visited an oral health provider. Quality-of-life challenges due to oral diseases/conditions including pain, difficulty chewing, self-consciousness, and difficulty participating in usual activities was reported at 63.9%, 42.2% 36.2%, 35.4% respectively. The first National Oral Health Survey of Rwanda was a collaboration of the Ministry of Health of Rwanda, the University of Rwanda Schools of Dentistry and Public Health, the Rwanda Dental Surgeons and Dental (Therapists) Associations, and Tufts University and Harvard University Schools of Dental Medicine. The international effort contributed to building oral health research capacity and resulted in a national oral health database of oral disease burden. This information is essential for developing oral disease prevention and management

  8. An oral hygiene protocol improves oral health for patients in inpatient stroke rehabilitation. (United States)

    Murray, Joanne; Scholten, Ingrid


    To determine whether a simple oral hygiene protocol improves the oral health of inpatients in stroke rehabilitation. Poor oral health can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia. The comorbidities associated with stroke, such as dysphagia, hemiparesis and cognitive impairment, can further impede independent oral care. International stroke guidelines recommend routine oral care but stop short of detailing specific regimes. The oral health assessment tool (OHAT) was conducted by speech-language pathologists with 100 patients with and without dysphagia in three metropolitan inpatient stroke rehabilitation facilities. A simple nurse-led oral hygiene regime was then implemented with all participants, which included twice daily tooth brushing and mouth rinsing after lunch, and oral health was measured again one week later. Initially, dysphagia was negatively associated with OHAT scores, and independence for oral hygiene was positively associated with oral health. After one week of a simple oral hygiene regime, the OHAT scores available for 89 participants indicated an improvement on average for all participants. In particular, 59% of participants with dysphagia had an improvement of 1 or more points. None of the participants developed pneumonia. A simple, inexpensive oral hygiene regime resulted in positive outcomes for patients with and without dysphagia in inpatient stroke rehabilitation settings. Oral health assessments and oral hygiene regimes that are simple to implement by the interdisciplinary team can be incorporated into standard stroke care with positive effect. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S and The Gerodontology Association. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. The Oral Microbiome of Children: Development, Disease, and Implications Beyond Oral Health. (United States)

    Gomez, Andres; Nelson, Karen E


    In the era of applied meta-omics and personalized medicine, the oral microbiome is a valuable asset. From biomarker discovery to being a powerful source of therapeutic targets and to presenting an opportunity for developing non-invasive approaches to health care, it has become clear that oral microbes may hold the answer for understanding disease, even beyond the oral cavity. Although our understanding of oral microbiome diversity has come a long way in the past 50 years, there are still many areas that need to be fine-tuned for better risk assessment and diagnosis, especially in early developmental stages of human life. Here, we discuss the factors that impact development of the oral microbiome and explore oral markers of disease, with a focus on the early oral cavity. Our ultimate goal is to put different experimental and methodological views into perspective for better assessment of early oral and systemic disease at an early age and discuss how oral microbiomes-at the community level-could provide improved assessment in individuals and populations at risk.

  10. Experiencias de montaje creativo: de la historia oral a la imagen en movimiento ¿Quién escribe la historia oral?

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    Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui


    Full Text Available Este artículo marca la apertura de Silvia Rivera al mundo de la sociología de la imagen y del montaje audiovisual. De este modo nos ofrece una reflexión importante sobre la práctica de la historia oral ¿Quién escucha? ¿Quién habla? Por otro lado, nos invita a pensar acerca de la producción audiovisual y la autoría, vinculándola con los distintos movimientos sociales y políticos de gran influencia en la historia social boliviana, como el anarquismo, el katarismo y el indianismo. Finalmente nos comparte los procesos creativos que la llevaron a trabajar en el cine, mayoritariamente en el género de docu ficción.

  11. Low prevalence of high risk human papillomavirus in normal oral mucosa by hybrid capture 2 Baixa prevalência de papilomavírus humano de alto risco na mucosa oral normal através de Captura Híbrida 2

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    Maria del Refugio González-Losa


    Full Text Available High risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV are recognized as a necessary factor to development cervical cancer. During the last decade many studies have found HR-HPV in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC and normal oral mucosa, however the association between HR-HPV and OSCC is still uncertain. The aim of the study was to determine DNA HR-HPV in normal oral cavity of healthy adults. A cross-sectional study was performed; samples from 77 patients with normal oral cavity were collected at the Dentistry school, Autonomous University of Yucatan, Merida, Yucatan, México. HR-HPV was detected by hybrid capture 2. One sample out of 77(1.2% was positive for HR-PVH. It was from a man of 50 years old. HR-HPV is present in low rate among healthy oral mucosa. Hybrid capture 2 could be a good methodology for large epidemiology studies.Papilomavírus humano de alto risco (HR-HPV é um fator reconhecido como necessário para o desenvolvimento de câncer cervical. Na última década vários estudos encontraram HR-HPV em OSCC (oral squamous cell carcinoma e em mucosa oral normal, mas a associação entre HR-HPV e OSCC não é bem conhecida. O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar DNA de HR-HPV na cavidade oral normal de adultos saudáveis. Realizou-se um estudo cross-sectional com amostras da cavidade oral normal de 77 pacientes da Escola de Odontologia da Autonomous University of Yucatan, Merida, Yucatan, México. HR-HPV foi detectado através de Captura Híbrida 2. Uma amostra em 77 (1,2% foi positiva para HR-PVH e era proveniente de um homem de 50 anos de idade. Concluiu-se que HR-HPV tem baixa prevalência na mucosa oral normal e a Captura Híbrida 2 pode ser um método adequado para estudos epidemiológicos.

  12. Oral manifestations of lupus. (United States)

    Menzies, S; O'Shea, F; Galvin, S; Wynne, B


    Mucosal involvement is commonly seen in patients with lupus; however, oral examination is often forgotten. Squamous cell carcinoma arising within oral lupoid plaques has been described, emphasizing the importance of identifying and treating oral lupus. We undertook a retrospective single-centre study looking at oral findings in patients attending our multidisciplinary lupus clinic between January 2015 and April 2016. A total of 42 patients were included. The majority of patients were female (88%) and had a diagnosis of discoid lupus erythematosus (62%). Half of the patients had positive oral findings, 26% had no oral examination documented, and 24% had documented normal oral examinations. Our findings suggest that oral pathology is common in this cohort of patients. Regular oral examination is warranted to identify oral lupus and provide treatment. Associated diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome may also be identified. Patients should be encouraged to see their general dental practitioners on a regular basis for mucosal review. Any persistent ulcer that fails to respond to treatment or hard lump needs urgent histopathological evaluation to exclude malignant transformation to squamous cell carcinoma.

  13. La razonabilidad como virtud


    Muñoz Oliveira, Luis Humberto


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada Esta tesis doctoral explora la idea de que la razonabilidad es una virtud fundamental para que las sociedades plurales puedan convertirse en, o mantenerse como, un sistema de cooperación donde la justicia sea posible. La hipótesis central es que la razonabilidad como virtud es una manera de ser tolerante de forma solidaria, es entender al conciudadano, escucharlo, saber que juntos acordaron las reglas de cooperación y ac...


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    Full Text Available Background Inflammatory Bowel Disease is known for its extra intestinal manifestations, the oral cavity is no exception. Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and oral mucosa lesions and symptoms, and complementary to evaluate their possible relation with oral hygiene, smoking habits, drug therapy, duration and activity of the disease. Methods Patients were selected from the Gastroenterology Clinic of a Portuguese tertiary referral hospital. This sample consisted of 113 patients previously diagnosed with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease along with a control group of 58 healthy individuals that were accompanying the study group patients to their appointments. Clinical interviews and clinical examinations were performed for data collection. Results The patients in the study group were more affected by oral symptoms (P=0.011, and showed a trend towards a higher incidence of oral mucosal lesions, even though statistical significance was not reached (8.8% versus 3.4% in the control group; P=0.159. Patients in active phase were the most affected. No differences were detected between Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, or concerning smoking habits. The corticosteroid and immunosuppressant therapy seemed to increase the incidence of oral symptoms (P=0.052. The oral mucosa lesions increased and the oral symptoms decreased over the course of the disease, however without statistical significance. Conclusion Oral mucosa’s lesions and oral symptoms were positively associated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, mainly during disease activity periods and conceivably, associated with corticosteroid and immunosuppressant therapy.

  15. [An oral function improvement program utilizing health behavior theories ameliorates oral functions and oral hygienic conditions of pre-frail elderly persons]. (United States)

    Sakaguchi, Hideo


    Oral function improvement programs utilizing health behavior theories are considered to be effective in preventing the need for long-term social care. In the present study, an oral function improvement program based upon health behavior theories was designed, and its utility was assessed in 102 pre-frail elderly persons (33 males, 69 females, mean age: 76.9 +/- 5.7) considered to be in potential need of long-term social care and attending a long-term care prevention class in Sayama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. The degree of improvement in oral functions (7 items) and oral hygienic conditions (3 items) was assessed by comparing oral health before and after participation in the program. The results showed statistically significant improvements in the following oral functions: (1) lip functions (oral diadochokinesis, measured by the regularity of the repetition of the syllable "Pa"), (2) tongue functions, (3) tongue root motor skills (oral diadochokinesis, measured by the regularity of the repetition of the syllables "Ta" and "Ka"), (4) tongue extension/retraction, (5) side-to-side tongue movement functions, (6) cheek motor skills, and (7) repetitive saliva swallowing test (RSST). The following measures of oral hygiene also showed a statistically significant improvement: (1) debris on dentures or teeth, (2) coated tongue, and (3) frequency of oral cleaning. These findings demonstrated that an improvement program informed by health behavior theories is useful in improving oral functions and oral hygiene conditions.

  16. Josep Beuys : el arte como creencia y como salvación

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    María López Ruido


    Full Text Available Joseph Beuys, nacido en Cléveris (Renania del Norte-Westfalia en 1921 y faliecido en Dusseldorf en 1986, posee una obra madura casi desde un primer momento. Superficialmente podríamos verla como el canto a sí mismo de un gran narcisista, donde sus experiencias y su persona son los grandes protagonistas. En una lectura más profunda, estos hechos personales no son más que el medio para ir más allá del yo y dar lugar a una creación plástica de trascendencia social. Tras la 2- Guerra Mundial, en la que lucha como piloto de la Luftwaffe, estudia en la Academia de Bellas Artes de Dusseldorf. Será a partir de los años 60 cuando encontremos al auténtico Beuys, escultor objetual e instalador, el creador de la plástica social, y desde sus contactos con Fluxus en 1962, el Beuys accionista. En los 70, se nos presenta el artista más claramente politizado. La educación, la incidencia social del arte, el arte como «tercera vía o vía alternativa» entre socialismo y capitalismo, la ecología serán sus materiales de trabajo.

  17. Oral Candida colonization in oral cancer patients and its relationship with traditional risk factors of oral cancer: a matched case-control study. (United States)

    Alnuaimi, Ali D; Wiesenfeld, David; O'Brien-Simpson, Neil M; Reynolds, Eric C; McCullough, Michael J


    Candida, an opportunistic fungal pathogen, has been implicated in oral and oesophageal cancers. This study aimed to examine oral Candida carriage in 52 oral cancer patients and 104 age-, gender- and denture status-matched oral cancer-free subjects. We assessed general health, smoking and alcohol drinking habits, use of alcohol-containing mouthwash and periodontal status (community periodontal index of treatment needs). Yeasts were isolated using oral rinse technique and genetically identified via Real-Time PCR-High resolution melting curve analysis of conserved ribosomal DNA. Conditional and binary logistic regressions were used to identify explanatory variables that are risk factors for oral cancer. The frequencies of oral yeasts' presence and high oral colonization were significantly higher in oral cancer than non-oral cancer patients (p=001; p=0.033, respectively). No significant difference in the isolation profile of Candida species was found between the two groups, except C. parapsilosis was more frequent in non-oral cancer group. Differences were noticed in the incidence of C. albicans strains where significantly more C. albicans genotype-A was isolated from cancer patients and significantly more C. albicans genotype-B isolated from non-cancer patients. Multiple regression analyses showed significant association with cancer observed for alcohol drinking (OR=4.253; 95% CI=1.351, 13.386), Candida presence (OR=3.242; 95% CI=1.505, 6.984) and high oral colonization (OR=3.587; 95% CI=1.153, 11.162). These results indicate that there is a significant association between oral cancer occurrence and Candida oral colonization and that the observed genotypic diversity of C. albicans strains may play a role in oral carcinogenesis. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. La universidad como organización

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    Luis Aurelio Ordoñez Burbano


    Full Text Available El presente artículo versa sobre la unviersidad como organización y tiene como objetivo hacer una reflexión sobre la misión de la universidad colombiana en el marco de diversos entornos. Como punto de partida, se propone una precisión sobre la misión de la universidad moderna y la investigación, a diferencia de la universidad colonial y decimonónica limitada a la divulgación de conocimientos preexistentes.

  19. A animação sociocultural como fator de preservação das tradições populares do concelho de Chaves


    Alves, Sandra Manuela Silveira


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, Especialização em Animação Sociocultural O presente trabalho consiste num estudo sobre a Animação Sociocultural como fator de preservação das tradições populares, elementos relevantes da cultura local, no concelho de Chaves: artesanato, agricultura tradicional, literatura popular de tradição oral, festas e romarias, gastronomia, medicina popular, jogos populares, festividades cíclicas, santos populares juninos, entre outras tradi...

  20. Oral hygiene practices and risk of oral leukoplakia | Macigo | East ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To determine the influence of oral hygiene habits and practices on the risk of developing oral leukoplakia. Design: Case control study. Setting: Githongo sublocation in Meru District. Subjects: Eighty five cases and 141 controls identified in a house-to-house screening. Results: The relative risk (RR) of oral ...

  1. Pérdida de la expresión antigénica ABH en pacientes con lesiones orales precancerosas y cancerosas Loss of ABH antigenic expression in patients with precancerous and cancerous oral lesions

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    Carlos Campi


    Full Text Available Los antígenos ABH, productos de la interacción de 2 sistemas genéticos, Hh y ABO, están sujetos a leyes de herencia y pueden estar localizados no sólo en los eritrocitos, sino también en la mayoría de las células humanas. El objetivo del este trabajo fue investigar la expresión de antígenos ABH en pacientes con lesiones orales premalignas y malignas orales. Se trabajó con muestras incluidas en tacos de parafina de pacientes con lesiones orales (n= 57. Los pacientes fueron clasificados en 2 grupos: a lesiones premalignas y malignas diagnosticadas clínica y anatopatológicamente y b lesiones benignas (n=93. Se investigaron los antígenos ABH por la técnica de inmunoadherencia específica modificada. Se utilizó la adherencia al tejido vascular como control positivo y al tejido adiposo como control negativo. Los resultados fueron semicuantificados desde adherencia fuertemente positiva a negativa. Se observó una significativa relación entre la expresión antigénica ABH y el grado de malignidad de las lesiones analizadas (P Yates= 0,005. La pérdida de reactividad ABH en los sitios de mayor invasividad tumoral se correlaciona con el grado del desarrollo del tumor, el grado histológico y su malignidad.The ABH antigens, which are produced by the interaction of 2 genetic systems, Hh and ABO, are subjected to laws of heredity and may be located not only in the erythrocytes, but also in most of the human cells. The objective of this paper was to investigate the expression of ABH antigens in patients with premalignant and malignant oral lesions. Work was done with samples included in paraffin plugs in patients with oral lesions (n= 57. The patients were classified into 2 groups: a clinical and anatomopathologically diagnosed premalignant and malignant lesions, and b benign lesions (n=93. The ABH antigens were investigated by the modified specific immunoadherence technique. Adherence to the vascular tissue was used as a positive control

  2. Present trophic conditions of the Como and Lecco basins of lake Como; Attuali condizioni trofiche dei bacini di Como e Lecco del Lario

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mosello, R.; Brizzio, M.C. [Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Verbania (Italy). Ist. Italiano di Idrobiologia; Garibaldi, L. [Milan Univ. La Bicocca, Milan (Italy). Dipt. di Scienze dell' Ambiente; Buzzi, P. [Azienda Sanitaria Locale, Lecco (Italy). Unita' Operativa Fisica e Tutela Ambiente; Colzani, L.; Pizzotti, E. [Azienda Sanitaria Locale, Como (Italy). Unita' Operativa Chimica; Mocellin, D. [Azienda Sanitaria Locale, Sondrio (Italy). Unita' Operativa Chimica


    Monthly measurements of temperature, water chemistry and phytoplankton performed from september 1997 to August 1998 in lake basins close the towns of Como and Lecco (Italy) are presented and discussed. Chemical variables show a high trophic level in both stations, more pronounced in the Como station due to unfavourable hydrological conditions and to urban and industrial sources of pollution, which show the predominance of Oscillatoria rubescens. [Italian] Il presente lavoro riporta i risultati di un'indagine condotta con campionamenti mensili dal settembre 1997 all'agosto 1998 nei bacini di Como e Lecco. Le variabili chimiche analizzate evidenziano, per entrambe le stazioni considerate, un elevato livello di trofia piu' pronunciato nella stazione di Come a causa di sfavorevoli condizioni idrologiche e per la presenza di sorgenti di inquinamento urbano e industriale, confermato dalla predominanza di Oscillatoria rubescens.

  3. El Derecho como argumentación

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    Atienza, Manuel


    Full Text Available Not available

    Frente a las concepciones del Derecho como norma, como hecho o como valor (que caracterizan, respectivamente, al norrnativismo, al realismo jurídico y al iusnaturalismo, se propone aquí un cuarto enfoque que consiste en ver el Derecho como argumentación (y que cohra especial relevancia en las sociedades democráticas. Sin embargo, no hay una única forma de entender la argumentación jurídica. Aunque conectadas entre sí, en el trabajo se distinguen tres concepciones: la formal, la material y la pragmática o dialéctica; muchas cuestiones que se plantean en el ámbito de la teoría de la argumentación jurídica pueden resolverse -o aclararse- teniendo en cuenta esa triple perspectiva.

  4. Oral microbiota of Patagonian lizards of genus Diplolaemus (Leiosauridae: fable to facts

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    Ibargüengoytía, Nora R.


    Full Text Available Existe la creencia popular de que los lagartos del género Diplolaemus (Leiosauridae de Patagonia, Argentina, son capaces de conferir mordeduras venenosas que pueden causar inflamación e incluso la muerte de animales de granja o salvajes. No obstante, no existe evidencia de la existencia de glándulas de veneno en estos lagartos. La inflamación y absceso provocado como resultado de las heridas de mordedura podría ser causado por agentes infecciosos. Este es el primer estudio acerca de la microbiota oral de los lagartos del género Diplolaemus de Argentina. Para este trabajo se analizó un espécimen de D. darwini y tres individuos de Diplolaemus "forma alto patagonica". Las muestras de hisopados de boca de los lagartos fueron incubados aeróbica y anaeróbicamente, algunos de ellos fueron subcultivados en agar de sangre ovina al 5% e incubados nuevamente. Todas las colonias representativas observadas fueron subcultivadas para su purificación y sujetas a tests bioquímicos. La bacteria Clostridium perfigrens fue determinada por medio de la técnica de reacción en cadena de la Polimerasa. Se identificaron cuatro especies de bacterias: Staphylococus warneri, Clostridium bifermentans, Clostridium perfringens y Stomatococcus muscilaginosus. Estas especies son conocidas como agentes etiológicos de numerosas infecciones de humanos y animales. Si bien estas bacterias representan sólo un pequeño número de las posibles bacterias aisladas de la cavidad oral de Diplolaemus, están indicando la presencia de patógenos humanos y animales. Lizards of genus Diplolaemus (Leiosauridae from Patagonia, Argentina are believed to have "poisonous" bites that can cause inflammation and death of farm and wild animals. However there is no evidence of poisonous glands in these lizards. It is proposed that the inflammation and abscesses resulting from these bite wounds are caused by infectious agent(s. This is the first study of the oral microbiota of Diplolaemus

  5. Oral Hygiene and Oral Flora Evaluation in Psychiatric Patients in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusions: The oral hygiene of most patients was insufficient. The presence of Gram‑negative Bacilli growth in the oral flora can be explained by poor hand hygiene. These findings suggest that it is useful to educate individuals about oral hygiene and hand hygiene and to inform the staff and families about this issue.

  6. La sabidur?a como competencia gerencial


    Pinzon-Barrios, Ana-Maria; Cort?s Zapata, Gabriela


    Aunque el concepto de sabidur?a ha sido ampliamente estudiado por expertos de ?reas como la filosof?a, la religi?n y la psicolog?a, a?n enfrenta limitaciones en cuanto a su definici?n y evaluaci?n. Por esto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, formular una definici?n del concepto de sabidur?a que permita realizar una propuesta de evaluaci?n del concepto como competencia en los gerentes. Para esto, se realiz? un an?lisis documental de tipo cualitativo. De esta manera, se analizaron divers...

  7. Scandinavian Fellowship for Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine: statement on oral pathology and oral medicine in the European Dental Curriculum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kragelund, C; Reibel, J; Hadler-Olsen, E S


    source in revisions of dental curricula throughout Europe converging towards a European Dental Curriculum. In order to render the best conditions for future curriculum revisions providing the best quality dentist we feel obliged to analyse and comment the outlines of oral pathology and oral medicine...

  8. Head, Neck, and Oral Cancer

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Extractions and Other Oral Surgeries Extractions and Other Oral Surgeries Oral and maxillofacial surgeons surgically treat the soft ... Extractions and Other Oral Surgeries Extractions and Other Oral Surgeries Oral and maxillofacial surgeons surgically treat the soft ...

  9. La obesidad como problema de salud en la comunidad

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    Waldo Orlando García Ferrera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en la población adulta del consultorio 38 del Policlínico - Hospital "Santos Suárez" en el año 1995 con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de obesidad y las enfermedades que se asociaron a este grupo. De los 332 pacientes mayores de 15 años de edad se detectaron 60 obesos (18 % a los cuales se les realizaron diferentes exámenes como: ultrasonido abdominal, electrocardiograma, prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa oral, colesterol total y triglicéridos séricos. Además se obtuvieron datos de las historias clínicas familiares. De esta forma se diagnosticaron las principales entidades asociadas con la obesidad.Se estableció la relación entre la obesidad y el sedentarismo. Se exponen los resultados y se comparan con los reportados en la literatura nacional y extranjera. Se aprecia la eficacia de la labor del médico de la familia en acciones de salud de la comunidad y en particular para la obesidad, y se resalta la importancia de pesquisar en este grupo de pacientes las principales afecciones asociadas.

  10. Effect of different oral hygiene measures on oral malodor in children aged 7-15 years. (United States)

    Patil, Piyusha S; Pujar, Pallavi; Subbareddy, V V


    To evaluate the effect of various oral hygiene measures individually and in combination in reducing oral malodor. A total number of 120 children diagnosed as having oral malodor (oral malodor scores 2 and above) were included in the study. Children were then grouped under four oral hygiene categories (tooth brushing, tongue cleaning, mouth rinsing, and a combination group). There were 30 children in each group. The children were asked to perform oral hygiene methods individually and in combination. The children were then reassessed for oral malodor 2 h later. The results were analyzed and compared. Both individual oral hygiene measure or in combination of tooth brushing, tongue cleaning, and mouth rinsing; all were effective in reducing oral malodor. Significant reduction (P oral malodor was seen when all three oral hygiene measures performed together. Oral malodor was significantly reduced after performing oral hygiene measures individually, but reduced more when used in combination.

  11. Oral Health and Aging (United States)

    ... please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Oral Health and Aging Oral Health and Aging Past Issues / Summer 2016 Table of Contents Jerrold ... they may need. Read More "Oral Health and Aging" Articles Oral Health and Aging / 4 Myths About ...

  12. Análise do conhecimento e das concepções sobre saúde oral de alunos de odontologia: avaliação por meio de mapas conceituais Analysis of dental students' knowledge and concepts in oral health: evaluation by concept maps

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    Miriam Struchiner


    Full Text Available O objetivo inicial deste trabalho foi apreender a estrutura cognitiva de alunos do último ano (sétimo período do curso de graduação em odontologia da UFRJ em relação à temática do esmalte. Essa temática é de fundamental importância para a compreensão da saúde oral, na medida em que oferece conceitos científicos importantes e fundamentais para o exercício da prática clínica e preventiva, bem como por ser objeto de estudo em várias disciplinas ao longo do curso de Odontologia. Para a análise da estrutura cognitiva, utilizou-se a estratégia de mapas conceituais proposta por Novak e fundamentou-se na teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa, de Ausubel. A análise dos mapas elaborados pelos estudantes possibilitou um estudo não só sobre a estrutura cognitiva e as concepções sobre saúde oral dos alunos, como também permitiu um diagnóstico do conhecimento em diversos aspectos relevantes à formação científica e profissional, apontando para a necessidade de se repensar o processo ensino-aprendizagem nos cursos de Odontologia.This study sought to analyze senior dental students' cognitive structure concerning the topic of "enamel", which is fundamentally important for understanding oral health, since it offers basic scientific concepts for clinical and preventive practices and is the main subject of several courses during dentistry training. The strategy used to analyze students' cognitive structures was Novak's Concept Maps, based on Ausubel's Meaningful Learning theory. Analysis of students' maps allowed for a study of students' cognitive structure and concepts concerning oral health. It also fostered a diagnosis of students' knowledge in several important aspects of scientific and professional training. The results highlighted the need for rethinking the teaching/ learning process in dentistry training.


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    Aliesky Caballero González


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan las ideas esenciales relacionadas con las características del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Historia en la Educación Secundaria Básica, y una valoración crítica del estado del tratamiento de las fuentes orales por los docentes, teniendo determinado valor para la didáctica, lo que facilitó caracterizar su estado histórico tendencial y metodológicamente orientar la investigación por un camino científico. Para realizar esta evolución histórica de las fuentes orales en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Historia se hizo la consulta de resultados investigativos que tienen relación con el objeto y campo, la revisión de programas de la asignatura en la Educación Secundaria Básica, de orientaciones metodológicas, planes de clases de los Profesores de historia, así como entrevistas a docentes que impartieron la asignatura en su momento. Palabras clave: enseñanza aprendizaje, Historia, fuentes orales, Historia Oral, educación histórica.

  14. Aprendizagem como/na prática

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    Jean Lave


    Full Text Available ResumoEste artigo considera como o estudo da cultura e da aprendizagem pode ser de particular relevância para o campo da antropologia sociocultural em geral. O termo mais importante na expressão “cultura & aprendizagem” talvez seja o logograma “&” – ou seja, coloca-se a questão sobre o que conecta cultura e aprendizagem, perguntando-se como esses termos estão relacionados. Como devemos compreender cultura e aprendizagem como instâncias produtoras delas próprias, e uma da outra, na prática? Recalibrando em termos relacionais, podemos dizer que não é possível abordar a “aprendizagem” ou “cultura e aprendizagem” sem o seu emaranhamento na vida político-econômica, nas lutas e disputas históricas, em suas coerências e incoerências, e na produção relacional e histórica da vida cotidiana. Através das lentes da teoria da prática social, os estudos etnográficos sobre aprendizagem na prática oferecem diferentes entendimentos sobre como certa vida e certas disputas e incoerências são produzidas.

  15. Evaluation of mast cells, eosinophils, blood capillaries in oral lichen planus and oral lichenoid mucositis. (United States)

    Reddy, D Santhosh; Sivapathasundharam, B; Saraswathi, T R; SriRam, G


    Mast cells are granule containing secretory cells present in oral mucosal and connective tissue environment. Oral lichen planus and oral lichenoid lesions are commonly occurring oral diseases and have some similarity clinically and histologically. Both are characterized by an extensive sub epithelial infiltrate of T cells, together with mast cells, eosinophils and blood capillaries. In this study mast cell and eosinophil densities along with number of blood capillaries were studied to find out if they could aid in histopathological distinction between oral lichen planus and lichenoid mucositis. To enumerate mast cells and compare the status of Mast Cells (Intact or Degranulated) in Lichen planus, Lichenoid mucositis and normal buccal mucosa in tissue sections stained with Toluidine Blue, and also to enumerate Eosinophils and blood capillaries in tissue sections stained with H and E. The study group included 30 cases each of oral lichen planus and oral lichenoid mucositis. 10 cases of clinically normal oral buccal mucosa formed the control group. All the sections were stained with Toluidine blue and H and E separately. Histopathological analysis was done using binocular light microscope equipped with square ocular grid to standardize the field of evaluation. The result of the study showed. · Significant increase in number of mast cells in oral lichen planus and oral lichenoid mucositis compared to normal buccal mucosa. · Significant increase of intact mast cells suepithelially within the inflammatory cell infiltrate in oral lichen planus compared to oral lichenoid mucositis. · Significant increase of degranulated mast cells in oral lichenoid mucositis to oral lichen planus, and increase in number of eosinophil densities in oral lichenoid mucositis compared to oral lichen planus. · Significant increase in number of capillaries in oral lichenoid mucositis compared to oral lichen planus. The findings of increased number of intact mast cells sub epithelially in oral

  16. Characteristics of Oral Problems and Effects of Oral Care in Terminally Ill Patients With Cancer. (United States)

    Nakajima, Nobuhisa


    Various distresses appear in the terminal stage of cancer. Oral problems including dry mouth, stomatitis and candidiasis are one of the important problems which should be resolved. The purpose of this study was to investigate oral problems in this stage and improvement of dry mouth by oral care. The study subjects were consecutive terminally ill cancer patients admitted over the past 2 years. Patients were divided based on the status of oral food intake into good oral food intake group (≥30%) and poor oral food intake group. The following 3 items were retrospectively investigated: 1) The incidences of these oral problems, 2) Severity of dry mouth and complication with other oral problems, 3) Improvement of dry mouth using standard oral care by nursing staff and specialist oral care including dentists as needed. There were 115 and 158 patients in good and poor oral intake groups, respectively. 1) The incidences of dry mouth, stomatitis, and candidiasis were significantly higher in poor oral intake group ( p oral intake groups, respectively ( p oral intake group ( p = 0.0002). 3) The rate of dry mouth improvement by oral care was 100% in Grade-1, 86% in Grade-2 and 81% in Grade-3. Oral problems occur in many of terminally ill cancer patients. Accurate diagnosis of oral problems and corresponding appropriate interventions are important for improving quality of end-of-life care.

  17. Effect of different oral hygiene measures on oral malodor in children aged 7-15 years

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    Piyusha S Patil


    Full Text Available Purpose: To evaluate the effect of various oral hygiene measures individually and in combination in reducing oral malodor. Materials and Methods: A total number of 120 children diagnosed as having oral malodor (oral malodor scores 2 and above were included in the study. Children were then grouped under four oral hygiene categories (tooth brushing, tongue cleaning, mouth rinsing, and a combination group. There were 30 children in each group. The children were asked to perform oral hygiene methods individually and in combination. The children were then reassessed for oral malodor 2 h later. The results were analyzed and compared. Results: Both individual oral hygiene measure or in combination of tooth brushing, tongue cleaning, and mouth rinsing; all were effective in reducing oral malodor. Significant reduction (P < 0.05 in oral malodor was seen when all three oral hygiene measures performed together. Conclusion: Oral malodor was significantly reduced after performing oral hygiene measures individually, but reduced more when used in combination.

  18. Técnica do grupo focal como método de avaliação do conhecimento de adolescentes sobre saúde bucal - DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v31i2.5830 The focus group technique as a method of evaluating teenager knowledge of oral health- DOI: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v31i2.5830

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    Artênio José Ísper Garbin


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, por meio da técnica do Grupo Focal, o entendimento de adolescentes em relação à saúde bucal. A pesquisa foi realizada em três escolas públicas da cidade de Araçatuba, Estado de São Paulo, com dez alunos em cada uma delas. Para a realização dos grupos focais foram abordadas as seguintes palavras, presentes em perguntas de questionários sobre saúde bucal, as quais apresentaram altos índices de erros: saúde bucal; placa bacteriana; dente permanente; flúor; gengiva sangra?; fio dental; transmissão da cárie. Durante as discussões dos grupos focais, observou-se que muitos adolescentes ficavam surpresos com a situação a qual foram submetidos e com o tema que estavam discutindo. A palavra ‘saúde bucal’ foi associada à condição de limpeza da cavidade bucal, não identificando a saúde bucal como parte da saúde geral. O termo ‘transmissão da cárie’ não teve um entendimento suficiente. A expressão ‘dente permanente’ foi bem compreendida, sendo associada a um tipo de dente que não seria mais substituído. A palavra ‘flúor’ teve maior associação à função de limpeza do que à proteção dos dentes. Conclui-se que a utilização da técnica do Grupo Focal é de grande importância na interpretação do conhecimento dos adolescentes sobre saúde bucal e na adequação da terminologia de questionários sobre o mesmo tema.This study aims to the understanding of adolescents regarding oral health, using the Focus Group technique. The study was conducted at three public schools in the city of Araçatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, with ten students in each. In order to conduct the focus groups, the following words, which featured high error levels, were addressed in survey questions on oral health: oral health; plaque, permanent teeth; fluoride; gum bleeds?; dental floss; transmission of cavities. During the discussions in the focus groups, it was observed that many

  19. Can the oral microflora affect oral ulcerative mucositis?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laheij, A.M.G.A.; de Soet, J.J.


    Purpose of review: Oral mucositis is one of the most prevalent toxicities after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Mucositis is initiated by the chemotherapy or radiotherapy preceding the transplantation. It is commonly accepted that microorganisms play a role in the process of oral mucositis.

  20. Fuentes orales, olores y remedios caseros

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    Andrea Catalina Nensthiel Orjuela


    Full Text Available This work presents the way orality can be used as a tool to make history, bringing its value especially for studies mentality, private life or popular classes, between others. This study develops itself, according with an inter¬view that was made to a woman who lived in Pandi- Cundinamarca during the first half of the, 20th. Century. It tries to understand the cultural wealth that is found in the practice of the traditional rural medicine as the homemade medicine. Also tries to analyze the relation between the sense of the smell, the memory and the meaning of the smells that projects cultural constructions that are surrounded by dense and sometimes by unknown thoughts models. In this way, it tries to bring the sense of the smell as a way how human being notice, understand and preserve the world and their own life experiences. It has special characteristics as it reveals secrets that were hidden and unknown in the social body, which is not easy to express through visual and hearing sense.//Este trabajo reflexiona sobre la manera en que la oralidad puede ser usada como fuente al momento de hacer historia, rescatando su valor, en especial para estudios acerca de las mentalidades, la vida privada o las clases populares, entre otros. Se desarrolla con base a una entrevista realizada a una mujer que vivió en Pandi Cundinamarca durante la primera mitad del siglo XX y busca entender la riqueza cultural que se inscribe en prácticas propias de la medicina tradicional campesina como la preparación de remedios caseros. También intenta analizar la relación del sentido del olfato con la memoria y el significado que se le da a los olores como construcciones culturales que encierran complejos y muchas veces desapercibidos modelos de pensamiento. De este modo, se intenta rescatar el olfato como un medio por el cual los hombres han percibido, comprendido y perpetuado el mundo y sus experiencias de vida y que cuenta con unas características especiales en la

  1. Oral complications of cancer therapies. Oral complications in the pediatric population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leggott, P.J.


    A number of acute oral complications may be associated with cancer therapy in children, but the extent and duration of these complications, and the most effective management techniques. have not been well described. The few studies differ in design, making comparisons difficult. Well-controlled, prospective clinical studies are needed to define the most effective strategies for the management of acute oral complications in children. However, it is clear that dental intervention prior to cancer therapy is an important factor in the optimal preparation of the patient. During cancer therapy, intensive supervised oral preventive protocols appear to be of benefit to the child's oral health, overall comfort, and well-being. Furthermore, the prevention of oral infection may significantly reduce the morbidity associated with cancer therapy. Long-term preventive oral care may help prevent dental disease and infection in medically compromised children and contribute to improving the quality of life. 41 references

  2. Oral health literacy and oral health outcomes in an adult population in Brazil. (United States)

    Batista, Marília Jesus; Lawrence, Herenia Procopio; Sousa, Maria da Luz Rosário de


    To investigate the association between critical and communicative oral health literacy (OHL) and oral health outcomes (status, oral health-related quality of life and practices) in adults. This cross-sectional study examined a household probability sample of 248 adults, representing 149,635 residents (20-64 years old) in Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. Clinical oral health and socioeconomic and demographic data, as well as data on oral health-related quality of life (OHIP-14) and health practices were collected. The oral examinations were carried out in the participants' homes, using the World Health Organization criteria for oral diseases. The critical and communicative OHL instrument was the primary independent variable, and it was measured using five Likert items that were dichotomized as 'high' ('agree' and 'strongly agree' responses for the 5 items) and 'low' OHL. Binary and multinomial logistic regressions were performed on each outcome (oral health status and practices), controlling for age, sex and socioeconomic status (SES). Approximately 71.5% presented low OHL. When adjusted for age and sex (first model) low OHL was associated with untreated caries (Odds Ratio = 1.92, 95% Confidence Interval = 1.07-3.45), tooth brushing oral health impact on quality of life (OR = 2.06, 1.15-3.69). Adjusting for age, sex and SES, OHL is related to a risk factor (biofilm) and a consequence of poor oral health (emergency dental visits) and can interfere with the impact of oral diseases on quality of life. As low OHL can be modified, the results support oral health promotion strategies directed at improving critical and communicative oral health literacy in adult populations.


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    Júlia Renata Fernandes de Magalhães


    Full Text Available Objetivo: revelar las expresiones de la violencia intrafamiliar vividas por adolescentes. Método: estudio con abordaje cualitativo que utilizó como referencial metodológico la historia oral. Se entrevistaron a ocho adolescentes matriculados en una escuela pública de Salvador, Bahía, Brasil, en el período de marzo a mayo de 2015. Los datos fueron sistematizados conforme al análisis temático y respaldados en referenciales teóricos sobre violencia doméstica y adolescencia. Resultados: los adolescentes con una infancia y adolescencia marcadas por la ausencia de atención a las necesidades físicas y emocionales, fundamentales para el crecimiento y desarrollo, y por la vivencia cotidiana de humillaciones, depreciaciones, difamaciones, calumnias, injurias, además de agresiones por medio de agresiones. Estos hallazgos se organizaron en las siguientes categorías: Negligencia y abandono; Violencia moral y psicológica; y la violencia física. Conclusión: considerando que la historia oral de los adolescentes desvela un contexto familiar permeado por las más variadas formas de expresión de la violencia, el estudio ratifica la realidad de abuso a que nuestros niños y adolescentes se encuentran expuestos dentro de sus hogares, entendidos como escenarios de protección y seguridad. Nos alerta, además, para la naturalización de la violencia intrafamiliar, socialmente arraigada en la creencia de la educación de los hijos a partir de medidas punitivas y coercitivas, más comúnmente por medio de castigos y agresiones físicas. Urgen estrategias que viabilicen la deconstrucción de esa cultura de maltrato a niños y adolescentes.

  4. Portuguese self-reported oral-hygiene habits and oral status. (United States)

    Melo, Paulo; Marques, Sandra; Silva, Orlando Monteiro


    Good oral health is essential for good general health and quality of life. In Portugal, there are few studies on oral-health habits and the population's perceptions of this behaviour. The main purpose of this study was to characterise the Portuguese population's self-reported oral-health status, habits and perceptions, as well as their demands regarding national oral health-care services. A randomised group of 1,395 individuals, > 15 years of age, was selected as a representative sample of the Portuguese population. Face-to-face interviews were conducted, based on a structured questionnaire with closed and semi-closed questions. The data were submitted for statistical analysis using SPSS. A sample of 1,102 individuals answered the questionnaire. The great majority of the sample (97.6%) brushed their teeth daily, 70.3% had lost permanent teeth and 6.4% were edentulous. The loss of permanent teeth was statistically associated with poor oral-hygiene habits (P hygiene habits among older people and people from lower social classes. © 2016 FDI World Dental Federation.

  5. Como reescribir funciones aleatorias multivariadas como univariadas para hacer cokrigeage. La teoría

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    Adrian Martínez-Vargas


    Full Text Available En el año 2005 Martínez-Vargas formuló un sistema de cokrigeage puro heterotópico para estimar una función aleatoria regionalizada (RF Z*(x definida como la combinación lineal de n RF's univariadas Zi(x, cuyos coeficientes 1i(x son indicatrices de un set disyuntivo de categorías i. Aparentemente este modelo se contradice pues asume que las covarianzas cruzadas existen en un mismo punto, a pesar de su carácter puramente heterotópico. Para evadir dicha contradicción se redefinió el set de RF Zi(x como una única RF Z(x,i, siendo los puntos (x,i y (x,j no coincidentes si i y j no son iguales. La heterotopía fue simplemente considerada como una omisión de la RF Z(x,. en los datos y en los puntos a estimar, no impuesta por el modelo; entonces el resultado es simplemente un caso particular del cokrigeage clásico. Con esta notación se reescribió el sistema de cokrigeage clásico como el sistema de krigeage de la RF univariada Z(x,i, asumiendo que esta posee un drift definido como m(x,i,j, donde los miembros fl(x,i,j de m(x,i,j pueden ser linealmente dependientes o independientes. Bajo esta notación el sistema de krigeage se reduce a un sistema univariado, la existencia de más de una variable o la presencia de heterotropía no impone la necesidad de manipulaciones extras para definir el sistema de ecuaciones de krigeage, incrementándose la eficiencia computacional.

  6. A rota como memória

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    Patrick Fraysse

    Full Text Available No contexto de estudo do patrimônio por um ponto de vista comunicacional, este artigo permitiu-nos visualisar um objeto de comunicação por excelência « a estrada » como portador de informação a decifrar e a interpretar um documento, mas também como um repositário da memória coletiva, quer dizer um monumento. Paralelamente, a patrimonialização dos monumentos, dos conjuntos arquiteturais e sobretudo dos itinerários que os religam, dito de outra maneira, da estrada, assim como a sua documentarização (relatos de viagens, guias, bancos de dados participam de uma nova institucionalização da memória integrante também das estradas míticas como o caminho de São Tiago na França ou a famosa estrada 66 nos Estados-Unidos.

  7. Screening for oral cancer. (United States)

    Jitender, Solanki; Sarika, Gupta; Varada, Hiremath R; Omprakash, Yadav; Mohsin, Khan


    Oral cancer is considered as a serious health problem resulting in high morbidity and mortality. Early detection and prevention play a key role in controlling the burden of oral cancer worldwide. The five-year survival rate of oral cancer still remains low and delayed diagnosis is considered as one of the major reasons. This increases the demand for oral screening. Currently, screening of oral cancer is largely based on visual examination. Various evidence strongly suggest the validity of visual inspection in reducing mortality in patients at risk for oral cancer. Simple visual examination is accompanied with adjunctive techniques for subjective interpretation of dysplastic changes. These include toluidine blue staining, brush biopsy, chemiluminescence and tissue autofluorescence. This review highlights the efficacy of various diagnostic methods in screening of oral cancer. © 2016 Old City Publishing, Inc.

  8. Oral cancer (United States)

    Cancer - mouth; Mouth cancer; Head and neck cancer; Squamous cell cancer - mouth; Malignant neoplasm - oral ... National Cancer Institute. PDQ lip and oral cavity cancer ... September 25, 2015. ...

  9. Oral Ketamine

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Oral Ketamine: A Four-years Experience in ... Key words: Oral Ketamine, Premedication and Oncology. .... form of a letter published in 19835. .... Acta. Anaesthesiol Scandinavica, 1998; 42: 750-758. 4. Murray P. Substitution of another opioid ...

  10. Diagnóstico de policitemia absoluta como posible causa de episodios convulsivos en un perro

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    Sandra Acevedo T.


    Full Text Available Se expone el caso de un perro poodle de 3 años de edad, el cual hace un año comenzó a convulsionar esporádicamente, principalmente después de hacer ejercicio y en algunas ocasiones presentó temblor generalizado. Al examen clínico realizado se observó mucosas orales y oculares hiperémicas. Al realizar los exámenes paraclínicos complementarios se encontró en hemogramas seriados un aumento marcado del hematocrito y la hemoglobina con niveles de proteínas plasmáticas en rangos normales, y una eritropoyectina 10 veces por debajo del rango normal. Se realizó ecografía abdominal y evaluación cardiaca. El diagnóstico fue de policitemia absoluta como la causa de las convulsiones.

  11. Oral hygiene and number of oral mucosal lesion correlate with oral health-related quality of life in elderly communities

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    Dewi Agustina


    Full Text Available Background: Quality of life assessment mostly is based on general health. Deterioration of physiologic condition, polypharmacy and the high occurrence of chronic disease in elderly may manifest in oral cavity that can affect oral function, in turn it will affect quality of life of elderly. Purpose: This study was aimed to determine the correlation of oral health status and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL in elderly communities of Yogyakarta city. Method: Seventy three elders were subjects of this study. Data of OHRQoL and oral health status were obtained from modification of questionnaire of Dental Impact of Daily Living (DIDL Index and from intraoral examination, respectively. Intraoral examination comprised oral mucosal lesion amount, oral hygiene, DMFT index and periodontal tissue status. The data then were analyzed statistically using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Result: The results showed that mean of DMFT index was 16.9 and 63% of subjects were found with gingivitis, most subject had moderate oral hygiene and each subject at least had two oral mucosal lesions. Mean score of quality of life was 27.2 and classified as satisfying. Oral hygiene and number of oral mucosal lesion had correlation with OHRQoL with r were -0.236 (Sig. : 0.045 and -0.288 (Sig. : 0.013, respectively. Conclusion: The study suggested that oral hygiene and number of oral mucosal lesion correlate with oral health related-quality of life in elderly communities of Yogyakarta city.Latar belakang: Penilaian kualitas hidup terutama didasarkan pada kesehatan umum. Memburuknya kondisi fisiologis, polifarmasi dan tingginya kejadian penyakit kronis pada lansia dapat termanifestasi di dalam rongga mulut sehingga dapat mempengaruhi fungsi mulut yang pada gilirannya akan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup lansia. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti hubungan antara status kesehatan mulut dan kualitas hidup berdasarkan kesehatan mulut pada masyarakat lanjut

  12. Strengthening of oral health systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Poul Erik


    is either due to low availability and accessibility of oral health care or because oral health care is costly. In all countries, the poor and disadvantaged population groups are heavily affected by a high burden of oral disease compared to well-off people. Promotion of oral health and prevention of oral...... diseases must be provided through financially fair primary health care and public health intervention. Integrated approaches are the most cost-effective and realistic way to close the gap in oral health between rich and poor. The World Health Organization (WHO) Oral Health Programme will work......Around the globe many people are suffering from oral pain and other problems of the mouth or teeth. This public health problem is growing rapidly in developing countries where oral health services are limited. Significant proportions of people are underserved; insufficient oral health care...

  13. Hábitos de higiene bucal e índice de higiene oral de escolares do ensino público

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    Adriano Pivotto


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Verificar os hábitos de higiene bucal e o índice de higiene oral de escolares do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas do município de Itajaí-SC. Métodos: Investigação descritiva transversal. A amostra constou de escolares do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas da rede municipal de Itajaí-SC matriculados em 2011. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de registro do Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado (IHOS das crianças e da aplicação de um questionário aos pais/responsáveis sobre a caracterização da higiene oral dos escolares. Resultados: Avaliaram-se 202 escolares. Quanto à escovação dental diária, 121 (59,9% relataram que um adulto é o responsável pela realização desse procedimento na criança e 81 (40,1% informaram que a própria criança executa a escovação. O número de escovações em 128 (63,4% crianças foi de três vezes ao dia e o fio dental não era utilizado por 137 (68%. Encontrou-se em 114 (56,4% escolares um IHOS classificado como higiene razoável – de 1,3 a 2. Com relação a como proceder com a higiene bucal da criança, 140 (69% pais responderam já ter recebido essa informação e a fonte citada por 118 (58,4% foi o cirurgião-dentista. Conclusão: Os escolares apresentaram hábitos de higiene bucal com deficiência na remoção da placa bacteriana e no uso do fio dental, resultando em um IHOS razoável.

  14. Oral leukoplakia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmstrup, Palle; Dabelsteen, Erik


    The idea of identifying oral lesions with a precancerous nature, i.e. in the sense of pertaining to a pathologic process with an increased risk for future malignant development, of course is to prevent frank malignancy to occur in the affected area. The most common oral lesion with a precancerous...... nature is oral leukoplakia, and for decades it has been discussed how to treat these lesions. Various treatment modalities, such as systemic therapies and surgical removal, have been suggested. The systemic therapies tested so far include retinoids, extracts of green tea, inhibitors of cyclooxygenase-2...

  15. Streptococcus agalactie como agente etiológico de Doença Sexualmente Transmissível Streptococcus agalactie involved in the etiology of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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    Marcos Noronha Frey


    Full Text Available O Streptococcus agalactie é um importante micro-organismo causador de doenças em gestantes, neonatos, idosos (maiores de 65 anos de idade, e portadores de doenças crônicas debilitantes, sendo um patógeno incomum em pacientes que não se enquadrem nestas faixas etárias ou perfil clínico (1-5, e, raramente, é descrito como agente causador de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. Descrevemos o caso de um adulto jovem hígido de 19 anos, apresentando lesões ulceradas genitais e oral, assim como corrimento uretral e ocular, sugestivas de terem sido causadas pelo Streptococcus agalactie, e adquiridas através do contato sexual (doenças sexualmente transmissíveis.Streptococcus agalactiae is an important microorganism involved in a number of conditions in pregnant women, newborns, elderly people (over 65 years of age and individuals with chronic disabling illnesses. This pathogen is infrequently found among patients outside this age range or clinical profile(1-5 and is rarely reported in the etiology of sexually transmitted diseases. Here we describe a case of an otherwise healthy 19 year-old male, who presented with ulcerative genital and oral lesions in association with urethral and ocular discharge, suggestive of Streptococcus agalactiae infection acquired through sexual contact.

  16. Probiotics as oral health biotherapeutics. (United States)

    Saha, Shyamali; Tomaro-Duchesneau, Catherine; Tabrizian, Maryam; Prakash, Satya


    Oral health is affected by its resident microorganisms. Three prominent oral disorders are dental caries, gingivitis and periodontitis, with the oral microbiota playing a key role in the initiation/progression of all three. Understanding the microbiota and the diseases they may cause is critical to the development of new therapeutics. This review is focused on probiotics for the prevention and/or treatment of oral diseases. This review describes the oral ecosystem and its correlation with oral health/disease. The pathogenesis and current prevention/treatment strategies of periodontal diseases (PD) and dental caries (DC) are depicted. An introduction of probiotics is followed by an analysis of their role in PD and DC, and their potential role(s) in oral health. Finally, a discussion ensues on the future research directions and limitations of probiotics for oral health. An effective oral probiotic formulation should contribute to the prevention/treatment of microbial diseases of the oral cavity. Understanding the oral microbiota's role in oral disease is important for the development of a therapeutic to prevent/treat dental diseases. However, investigations into clinical efficacy, delivery/dose optimization, mechanism(s) of action and other related parameters are yet to be fully explored. Keeping this in mind, investigations into oral probiotic therapies are proving promising.

  17. Uso de videos para la comprensión oral del idioma francés

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    Michelle Serrano León


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación en la enseñanza del francés. El propósito fue verificar si el uso de videos educativos como herramienta para la instrucción del francés promueve la adquisición de la habilidad de comprensión oral y apoya para que los alumnos adquieran actitudes de seguridad y confianza con este idioma. La investigación se desarrolló en un curso de francés de la Universidad Tecnológica de Tecámac en México, de enero a marzo de 2011; los alumnos tuvieron acceso a videos durante cuatro semanas y los pudieron revisar a través de Moodle, plataforma utilizada como depositario de contenidos y recursos del curso. El nivel estudiado del idioma fue A1, con base en el "Marco de referencia europeo para las lenguas". La investigación manejó un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo experimental, con una muestra aleatoria simple, con base en el método de diseño con pre-test y post-test y grupo de control. Los resultados muestran que el uso de videos educativos en las clases de francés sí son una herramienta educativa e instruccional que ayudan a que los alumnos obtengan la práctica necesaria en la habilidad de comprensión oral y, de esa forma, adquieran actitudes de seguridad y confianza en ellos mismos para su manejo comunicativo interpersonal.

  18. Oral candidosis in relation to oral immunity. (United States)

    Feller, L; Khammissa, R A G; Chandran, R; Altini, M; Lemmer, J


    Symptomatic oral infection with Candida albicans is characterized by invasion of the oral epithelium by virulent hyphae that cause tissue damage releasing the inflammatory mediators that initiate and sustain local inflammation. Candida albicans triggers pattern-recognition receptors of keratinocytes, macrophages, monocytes and dendritic cells, stimulating the production of IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-23. These cytokines induce the differentiation of Th17 cells and the generation of IL-17- and/or IL-22-mediated antifungal protective immuno-inflammatory responses in infected mucosa. Some immune cells including NKT cells, γδ T cells and lymphoid cells that are innate to the oral mucosa have the capacity to produce large quantities of IL-17 in response to C. albicans, sufficient to mediate effective protective immunity against C. albicans. On the other hand, molecular structures of commensal C. albicans blastoconidia, although detected by pattern-recognition receptors, are avirulent, do not invade the oral epithelium, do not elicit inflammatory responses in a healthy host, but induce regulatory immune responses that maintain tissue tolerance to the commensal fungi. The type, specificity and sensitivity of the protective immune response towards C. albicans is determined by the outcome of the integrated interactions between the intracellular signalling pathways of specific combinations of activated pattern-recognition receptors (TLR2, TLR4, Dectin-1 and Dectin-2). IL-17-mediated protective immune response is essential for oral mucosal immunity to C. albicans infection. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Oral microbiota and cancer

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    Jukka H. Meurman


    Full Text Available Inflammation caused by infections may be the most important preventable cause of cancer in general. However, in the oral cavity the role of microbiota in carcinogenesis is not known. Microbial populations on mouth mucosa differ between healthy and malignant sites and certain oral bacterial species have been linked with malignancies but the evidence is still weak in this respect. Nevertheless, oral microorganisms inevitably up-regulate cytokines and other inflammatory mediators that affect the complex metabolic pathways and may thus be involved in carcinogenesis. Poor oral health associates statistically with prevalence of many types of cancer, such as pancreatic and gastrointestinal cancer. Furthermore, several oral micro-organisms are capable of converting alcohol to carcinogenic acetaldehyde which also may partly explain the known association between heavy drinking, smoking, poor oral health and the prevalence of oral and upper gastrointestinal cancer. A different problem is the cancer treatment-caused alterations in oral microbiota which may lead to the emergence of potential pathogens and subsequent other systemic health problems to the patients. Hence clinical guidelines and recommendations have been presented to control oral microbiota in patients with malignant disease, but also in this area the scientific evidence is weak. More controlled studies are needed for further conclusion.

  20. The prevalence of oral and peri-oral piercings in young adults: a systematic review. (United States)

    Hennequin-Hoenderdos, N L; Slot, D E; Van der Weijden, G A


    To determine the prevalence of oral and/or peri-oral piercings in young adults based on a systematic review of the available literature. The MEDLINE-PubMed, Cochrane-CENTRAL and EMBASE databases were comprehensively searched through April 2012 to identify appropriate studies. The prevalence of oral and/or peri-oral piercings was evaluated in the general population, as well as by gender and by anatomical site. An independent screening of 1711 unique titles and abstracts resulted in 13 publications that met the eligibility criteria. In total, 11 249 participants (mean age, 20.6 years) were questioned and/or examined for oral and/or peri-oral piercings. In the studies that provided information concerning the presence of oral and/or peri-oral piercings, the prevalence varied from 0.8% to 12%, resulting in a mean prevalence of 5.2%. When examined based on anatomical site, the most common sites were the tongue (a prevalence of 5.6%), followed by the lip (1.5%). Oral piercings were more prevalent in women (5.6%) than men (1.6%). Among the populations that were studied, oral and/or peri-oral piercings were observed in a relatively small percentage (5.2%) of young adults. The prevalence was approximately four times higher among females when compared with males. On the basis of the literature, the tongue was the most common oral site for a piercing. Dental care professionals are in an ideal position to offer information regarding safe piercings and to provide advice regarding oral hygiene, aftercare and possible complications. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  1. Therapeutic strategies with oral fluoropyrimidine anticancer agent, S-1 against oral cancer. (United States)

    Harada, Koji; Ferdous, Tarannum; Ueyama, Yoshiya


    Oral cancer has been recognized as a tumor with low sensitivity to anticancer agents. However, introduction of S-1, an oral cancer agent is improving treatment outcome for patients with oral cancer. In addition, S-1, as a main drug for oral cancer treatment in Japan can be easily available for outpatients. In fact, S-1 exerts high therapeutic effects with acceptable side effects. Moreover, combined chemotherapy with S-1 shows higher efficacy than S-1 alone, and combined chemo-radiotherapy with S-1 exerts remarkable therapeutic effects. Furthermore, we should consider the combined therapy of S-1 and molecular targeting agents right now as these combinations were reportedly useful for oral cancer treatment. Here, we describe our findings related to S-1 that were obtained experimentally and clinically, and favorable therapeutic strategies with S-1 against oral cancer with bibliographic considerations.

  2. Interventions for preventing oral mucositis in patients with cancer receiving treatment: oral cryotherapy. (United States)

    Riley, Philip; Glenny, Anne-Marie; Worthington, Helen V; Littlewood, Anne; Clarkson, Jan E; McCabe, Martin G


    Oral mucositis is a side effect of chemotherapy, head and neck radiotherapy, and targeted therapy, affecting over 75% of high risk patients. Ulceration can lead to severe pain and difficulty eating and drinking, which may necessitate opioid analgesics, hospitalisation and nasogastric or intravenous nutrition. These complications may lead to interruptions or alterations to cancer therapy, which may reduce survival. There is also a risk of death from sepsis if pathogens enter the ulcers of immunocompromised patients. Ulcerative oral mucositis can be costly to healthcare systems, yet there are few preventive interventions proven to be beneficial. Oral cryotherapy is a low-cost, simple intervention which is unlikely to cause side-effects. It has shown promise in clinical trials and warrants an up-to-date Cochrane review to assess and summarise the international evidence. To assess the effects of oral cryotherapy for preventing oral mucositis in patients with cancer who are receiving treatment. We searched the following databases: the Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register (to 17 June 2015), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (Cochrane Library 2015, Issue 5), MEDLINE via Ovid (1946 to 17 June 2015), EMBASE via Ovid (1980 to 17 June 2015), CANCERLIT via PubMed (1950 to 17 June 2015) and CINAHL via EBSCO (1937 to 17 June 2015). We searched the US National Institutes of Health Trials Registry, and the WHO Clinical Trials Registry Platform for ongoing trials. No restrictions were placed on the language or date of publication when searching databases. We included parallel-design randomised controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the effects of oral cryotherapy in patients with cancer receiving treatment. We used outcomes from a published core outcome set registered on the COMET website. Two review authors independently screened the results of electronic searches, extracted data and assessed risk of bias. We contacted study authors for information

  3. The oral microbiome - an update for oral healthcare professionals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kilian, M; Chapple, I L C; Hannig, M


    disease-promoting bacteria to manifest and cause conditions such as caries, gingivitis and periodontitis. For practitioners and patients alike, promoting a balanced microbiome is therefore important to effectively maintain or restore oral health. This article aims to give an update on our current...... and health. The mouth houses the second most diverse microbial community in the body, harbouring over 700 species of bacteria that colonise the hard surfaces of teeth and the soft tissues of the oral mucosa. Through recent advances in technology, we have started to unravel the complexities of the oral...

  4. Oral cancer. (United States)

    Gerson, S J


    In the U.S. oral cancer accounts for 2.1% of all cancers and 1% of cancer deaths. Two to three times as many males as females are affected. Blacks have more intra-oral cancer than whites, and their incidence and mortality rates have increased in recent years. The etiologic process very likely involves several factors. The major etiologic agents are tobacco (all types) and alcoholic beverages. Herpes simplex virus, human papilloma virus, and Candida have been implicated. Host factors include poor state of dentition, nutritional aberrations, cirrhosis of liver, lichen planus, and immunologic impairmant. Cellular changes include amplification of some oncogenes, alterations in antigen expression, production of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, and disturbance of keratin and involucrin production. Experimentally, cancer is readily produced on the hamster cheek pouch and rat oral mucosa. Unlike oral cancer in humans, most experimental lesions are exophytic, and they rarely metastasize.

  5. Uso indiscriminado de tetraciclinas en afecciones bucales de origen odontógenas Overuse of tetracycline in oral diseases of odontogenous origin

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    Hilda Rodríguez Chala


    Full Text Available El uso de los antibióticos en la terapéutica de las enfermedades infecciosas constituyó un avance en la historia de la humanidad. Sin embargo, en la actualidad existe un uso indiscriminado de estos, que trae consigo la resistencia bacteriana y por ende, la no efectividad del mismo. Se realizó un estudio en 40 pacientes que ingerían la tetraciclina debido a afecciones bucales de origen odontógeno, con el objetivo de conocer cuáles eran las enfermedades bucales donde esta se utilizaba indiscriminadamente, así como los mecanismos (automedicación o prescripción. Se obtuvieron comos resultados que las odontalgias por alteraciones pulpares y los abscesos dentoalveolares agudos son las patologías bucales donde se usa irracionalmente la tetraciclina, tanto en el fenómeno de automedicación como en la prescripción por parte de facultativos. La automedicación fue la vía dónde se evidenció mayor uso de la tetraciclina con el 67,5 %, y se observaron varios factores que condicionan este comportamiento. Existió un elevado porcentaje de no efectividad de este ante afecciones bucales debido al uso indiscriminado, ya sea por no ser el antibiótico de elección ante la patología o por ser ingerido innecesariamente.The use of antibiotics in treating infectious diseases was a breakthrough in the history of mankind. However, there is at present an excessive use of these drugs that leads to antimicrobial resistance and ineffectiveness. Forty patients, who took tetracycline for oral diseases of odontogenous origin, were studied to find out the oral diseases where this drug was overused as well as the intake mechanisms (self-medication or prescription. The achieved results showed that odontalgias from pulpar disturbances and acute dentoalveolary abscesses are the oral pathologies where tetracycline is irrationally overused through self-medication and prescription by physicians. Self-medication was the most frequent way of administering tetracycline

  6. Morfologia de flexão verbal no inglês como L2: Uma abordagem a partir da morfologia distribuída


    Marisa Mendonca Carneiro


    O presente trabalho insere-se no campo da pesquisa em aquisição de línguas estrangeiras e investiga as implicações da variabilidade no uso de morfologia flexional verbal do inglês por aprendizes falantes de português brasileiro, em contexto instrucional. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi explicar a variabilidade na realização de morfologia verbal do verbo to be e verbos lexicais na produção oral de aprendizes em dois níveis distintos de proficiência, tendo como ponto de partida a Hipóte...

  7. A narrativa oral, a análise de discurso e os estudos de gênero Oral narrative, discourse analysis and gender studies

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    Maria Lúcia Rocha-Coutinho


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho desenvolvemos a idéia de que os Estudos de Gênero inserem-se na nova tradição em ciência, que alguns autores denominam pós-empírica, que questiona a objetividade do conhecimento e a impessoalidade do pesquisador e que toma como importante a dimensão interpretativa da realidade social. Dentro dessa tradição, acreditamos que o uso da narrativa oral e da análise de discurso pode ser um rico e poderoso instrumento para uma melhor compreensão de mulheres e homens e, assim, em muito pode contribuir para os Estudos de Gênero nas Ciências Humanas e Sociais, em geral, e na Psicologia, em particular.In this work we argue that Gender Studies can be seen as part of the new tradition in science, that some authors call post-empirical, which questions the objectivity of knowledge and the impersonality of researchers and which takes the interpretative dimension of social reality as important. In accordance with this tradition, we believe that the use of oral narrative and of discourse analysis can be a rich and powerful instrument to a better understanding of women and men and, thus, can greatly contribute to Gender Studies in Social Sciences, in general, and in Psychology, in particular.

  8. Hoy como ayer

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    Rodríguez M.


    Full Text Available Leyendo el artículo titulado “Los medicamentos baratos” de la revista La Farmacia Española, publicada en Madrid el jueves 21 de diciembre de 1893, uno se pregunta cómo puede ser que se reconozca la situación como si fuera de ahora mismo, cómo puede ser que estemos igual que hace más de cien años. Entonces eran los descuentos que se empezaban a extender en las farmacias, francesas sobre todo, y que amenazaban el prestigio profesional de todo el colectivo. Con frases como éstas se define la situación que se presentaba en aquel momento: “…el desprestigio de que vaya por unos cuantos desnaturalizándose el ejercicio de la farmacia en tal forma que se convierta en un comercio impuro y de la peor estofa; pero conviene mucho combatir con mano firme la tendencia a la baratería, tanto más cuanto que no puede dudarse que significa un rebajamiento a todas luces nocivo y que supone una desorganización que nos llevaría en breve a la más completa ruina, y lo que creo aún más grave, a la desmoralización y el desorden, que no se compadecen en modo alguno con lo que en realidad es hoy y ha sido siempre el ejercicio de una profesión genuinamente científica como lo es la de la farmacia”. La propuesta que se hacía para controlar la situación era “la limitación de farmacias, con vigilancia estrecha del Estado y tarifa uniforme oficial”, así como “hace falta mucha inteligencia y mucha unión, hace falta que nadie permanezca indiferente, que todos y cada uno pongan de su parte lo que puedan”. Nuestra profesión mezcla una doble vertiente sanitaria y comercial que no siempre es fácil mantener equilibrada y, por lo que se ve, esto ha ocurrido así desde siempre. El problema que existe hoy en día es la mercantilización de la farmacia, un desplazamiento de establecimiento sanitario hacia una simple empresa.

  9. Evaluation of tissue engineered models of the oral mucosa to investigate oral candidiasis. (United States)

    Yadev, Nishant P; Murdoch, Craig; Saville, Stephen P; Thornhill, Martin H


    Candida albicans is a commensal organism that can be isolated from the majority of healthy individuals. However, in certain susceptible individuals C. albicans can become pathogenic leading to the mucocutaneous infection; oral candidiasis. Murine models and in vitro monolayer cultures have generated some data on the likely virulence and host factors that contribute to oral candidiasis but these models have limitations. Recently, tissue engineered oral mucosal models have been developed to mimic the normal oral mucosa but little information is available on their true representation. In this study, we assessed the histological features of three different tissue engineered oral mucosal models compared to the normal oral mucosa and analysed both cell damage and cytokine release following infection with C. albicans. Models comprised of normal oral keratinocytes and a fibroblast-containing matrix displayed more similar immunohistological and proliferation characteristics to normal mucosa, compared to models composed of an oral carcinoma cell line. Although all models were invaded and damaged by C. albicans in a similar manner, the cytokine response was much more pronounced in models containing normal keratinocytes. These data suggest that models based on normal keratinocytes atop a fibroblast-containing connective tissue will significantly aid in dissecting the molecular pathogenesis of oral candidiasis. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Oral health disparities in older adults: oral bacteria, inflammation, and aspiration pneumonia. (United States)

    Scannapieco, Frank A; Shay, Kenneth


    Poor oral hygiene has been suggested to be a risk factor for aspiration pneumonia in the institutionalized and disabled elderly. Control of oral biofilm formation in these populations reduces the numbers of potential respiratory pathogens in the oral secretions, which in turn reduces the risk for pneumonia. Together with other preventive measures, improved oral hygiene helps to control lower respiratory infections in frail elderly hospital and nursing home patients. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. [Drug-induced oral ulcerations]. (United States)

    Madinier, I; Berry, N; Chichmanian, R M


    Different side effects of drugs have been described in the oral cavity, including oral ulcerations. Direct contact between drugs and oral mucosa may induce chemical burn or local hypersensitivity. Less frequently, these drug-induced oral ulcerations are part of a complex reaction with cutaneous or systemic manifestations. Sometimes, one or more oral ulcerations appear as the main side-effect of a drug, or exceptionally as solitary lesions. Solitary oral ulcerations usually appear after few weeks of treatment. In most of cases, these lesions resist to conventional treatments, with a rapid healing following the suppression of the responsible drug. This diagnosis is usually difficult, particularly with patients receiving multiple drug therapy. Besides, special attention must be paid to new drugs. Oral ulcerations following symptoms of burning mouth, metallic taste, dysgueusia or agueusia are strongly suggestive of a pharmacological origin. Most of the molecules able to induce solitary oral ulcerations are commonly prescribed in a) rheumatology: NSAI (diclofenac, flurbiprofen, indomethacin, naproxen), long-term rheumatoid arthritis therapy (azathioprine, methotrexate, penicillamine, gold compounds, tiopronin); b) cardiology: angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors (captopril, enalapril), angiotensin 2-receptor antagonist (losartan), anti-angorous (nicorandil), c) psychiatry: antidepressants (fluoxetine, lithium), d) AIDS therapy (foscarnet, zalcitabine).

  12. El videojuego como material educativo: La Odisea

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    Belén Mainer Blanco


    Full Text Available La investigación se basa en la función educativa que pueden cumplir los videojuegos, un campo que consideramos inexplorado por tres motivos principalmente: su reciente incorporación, su impopularidad educativa (el rechazo el videojuego como herramienta de aprendizaje y considerado, por el contrario, como una distracción, y la incompleta incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC en el ámbito familiar y educativo. En una segunda parte, se ha realizado una aplicación práctica tomando como referencia la gran obra universal “La Odisea”, cuya intención es mostrar la utilidad del videojuego como complemento educativo.

  13. Associations between Indigenous Australian oral health literacy and self-reported oral health outcomes

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    Jamieson Lisa M


    Full Text Available Abstract Objectives To determine oral health literacy (REALD-30 and oral health literacy-related outcome associations, and to calculate if oral health literacy-related outcomes are risk indicators for poor self-reported oral health among rural-dwelling Indigenous Australians. Methods 468 participants (aged 17-72 years, 63% female completed a self-report questionnaire. REALD-30 and oral health literacy-related outcome associations were determined through bivariate analysis. Multivariate modelling was used to calculate risk indicators for poor self-reported oral health. Results REALD-30 scores were lower among those who believed teeth should be infrequently brushed, believed cordial was good for teeth, did not own a toothbrush or owned a toothbrush but brushed irregularly. Tooth removal risk indicators included being older, problem-based dental attendance and believing cordial was good for teeth. Poor self-rated oral health risk indicators included being older, healthcare card ownership, difficulty paying dental bills, problem-based dental attendance, believing teeth should be brushed infrequently and irregular brushing. Perceived need for dental care risk indicators included being female and problem-based dental attendance. Perceived gum disease risk indicators included being older and irregular brushing. Feeling uncomfortable about oro-facial appearance risk indicators included problem-based dental attendance and irregular brushing. Food avoidance risk indicators were being female, difficulty paying dental bills, problem-based dental attendance and irregular brushing. Poor oral health-related quality of life risk indicators included difficulty paying dental bills and problem-based dental attendance. Conclusions REALD-30 was significantly associated with oral health literacy-related outcomes. Oral health literacy-related outcomes were risk indicators for each of the poor self-reported oral health domains among this marginalised population.

  14. Complications of oral and peri-oral piercings: a summary of case reports. (United States)

    Hennequin-Hoenderdos, N L; Slot, D E; Van der Weijden, G A


    To systemically search the literature for case reports concerning adverse effects associated with oral and peri-oral piercings on oral health and/or general health.   MEDLINE and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) were searched up through 1 April 2010 to identify appropriate studies. Independent screening of the titles and abstracts identified 1169 papers from MEDLINE and 73 papers from CENTRAL. Subsequently, 67 papers describing 83 cases were processed for data extraction. The case reports described complications in oral and general health. In this review, 96 complications were described for 83 cases. Of the 96 reported complications, 81% (n=84) occurred in cases of tongue piercings, 20% (n=21) in cases of lip piercings and 1% (n=1) in cases of other oral piercings. In eight cases, subjects had two oral and/or peri-oral piercings. Gingival recession was the most frequently described complication. Periodontitis and gingival recession were seen at the central mandibular incisors. Tooth fracture is mostly reported in subjects with tongue piercings. Among the case reports, there were complications like normal post-operative swelling and localized inflammation but also more serious complication that may even have been life threatening. Also in the long term, piercing may be associated with gingival recession and tooth fracture. Therefore, oral and/or peri-oral piercings are not without risks. Patients considering a piercing should be made aware of this. Those patients wearing a piercing should be screened by a dental professional for possible complications on a regular basis. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  15. Oral contraceptives induced hepatotoxicity


    B. Akshaya Srikanth; V. Manisree


    Oral Contraceptives are the pharmacological agents used to prevent pregnancy. These are divided as the combined and progestogen methods and are administered orally, transdermally, systemically and via vaginal route. All these methods contain both oestrogen and progestogen. Vigorous usage of oral contraceptives and anabolic steroids as associated with cholestasis, vascular lesions and hepatic neoplasm. Benign hepatic neoplasms are clearly associated with oral contraceptives. In this article we...

  16. Complications of oral and peri-oral piercings: a summary of case reports

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hennequin-Hoenderdos, N.L.; Slot, D.E.; van der Weijden, G.A.


    Objective: To systemically search the literature for case reports concerning adverse effects associated with oral and peri-oral piercings on oral health and/or general health. Material and methods: MEDLINE and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) were searched up through 1

  17. Role of Mast Cells in Oral Lichen Planus and Oral Lichenoid Reactions. (United States)

    Ramalingam, Suganya; Malathi, Narasimhan; Thamizhchelvan, Harikrishnan; Sangeetha, Narasimhan; Rajan, Sharada T


    Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic T cell mediated disease of oral mucosa, skin, and its appendages with a prevalence of 0.5 to 2.6% worldwide. Oral lichenoid reactions (OLR) are a group of lesions with diverse aetiologies but have clinical and histological features similar to OLP, thereby posing a great challenge in differentiating both lesions. Mast cells are multifunctional immune cells that play a major role in the pathogenesis of lichen planus by release of certain chemical mediators. Increased mast cell densities with significant percentage of degranulation have been observed as a consistent finding in pathogenesis of oral lichen planus. The current study was aimed at quantifying the mast cells in histopathological sections of OLP and OLR thereby aiding a means of distinguishing these lesions. The study group involved 21 cases of oral lichen planus, 21 cases of oral lichenoid reactions, and 10 control specimens of normal buccal mucosa. All the cases were stained with Toluidine Blue and routine haematoxylin and eosin and the mast cells were quantified. The results were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and an intergroup analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney U test. The number of mast cells showed an increased value in oral lichen planus when compared to oral lichenoid reaction and thus an estimation of mast cells count could aid in distinguishing OLP from OLR histopathologically.

  18. Atividade antifúngica do extrato de Psidium guajava Linn. (goiabeira sobre leveduras do gênero Candida da cavidade oral: uma avaliação in vitro

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    Pollianna M. Alves

    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade antifúngica do extrato da folha de Psidium guajava Linn. sobre leveduras do gênero Candida, isoladas da cavidade oral, incluindo Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, C. stelatoidea e C. krusei, em análise comparativa com o gluconato de clorexidina à 0,12%. Os ensaios antifúngicos foram realizados pelas técnicas de difusão em meio sólido para a determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM. A CIM do extrato de Psidium guajava sobre C. albicans e C. tropicalis foi de 1:32, C. stelatoidea e C. krusei de 1:2, formando, em média, halos de inibição entre 11 e 22 mm. Diante dos resultados, concluí-se que o extrato da folha de Psidium guajava (goiabeira apresenta a capacidade de inibir o crescimento de leveduras do gênero Candida da cavidade oral, o que sugere a possibilidade de utilização deste extrato como meio alternativo no tratamento das candidose orais.

  19. Granuloma telangiectásico en cavidad oral

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    Antonio José Díaz Caballero

    Full Text Available El granuloma telangiectásico se considera como una lesión benigna no neoplásica de la mucosa gingival de tipo reactivo asociado a trauma. Durante varios años tuvo diferentes nombres dentro de los que destacan granuloma piógeno del embarazo o gravídico, hemangioma capilar lobular y épulis. Histológicamente se caracteriza por una proliferación vascular, infiltrado inflamatorio crónico y tejido de granulación. El objetivo del presente caso es describir las características clínicas e histológicas de un granuloma telangiectásico en cavidad oral y su plan de tratamiento. Llega a consulta paciente femenina de 50 años de edad, refiere presentar sangrado gingival en repetidas ocasiones en zona posterior de la arcada dentaria superior, durante el cepillado o con el consumo de algunos alimentos. Clínicamente se observa prótesis provisional desadaptada en órganos dentarios 11 al 15. Al retirar la prótesis es notorio un aumento de volumen en la encía interdental, con aspecto eritematoso, que sangra con facilidad. El reporte de anatomía patológica mostró una lesión con engrosamiento del epitelio escamoso, formación de nuevos vasos sanguíneos e infiltrado inflamatorio crónico. Diagnosticado como granuloma telangiectásico. La lesión fue eliminada quirúrgicamente por alargamiento coronal con reducción ósea. Ocho días después de la cirugía se evidencia proceso de cicatrización sin ninguna complicación. La lesión presentó recidiva transcurrido seis meses. Ello nos lleva a destacar la importancia del control de factores locales, como la presencia de prótesis desadaptadas y el acúmulo de placa bacteriana luego de la eliminación quirúrgica de este tipo de lesiones.

  20. Linguagem oral e escrita em adolescentes infratores institucionalizados Oral and written language in institutionalized juvenile offenders

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    Carla Maria Ariano Destro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: mapear e caracterizar a ocorrência de distúrbios de comunicação oral e/ou escrita em um grupo de jovens infratores institucionalizados, verificando possíveis impactos das dificuldades de linguagem e comunicação na vida social desses sujeitos. MÉTODO: estudo exploratório e descritivo, com 40 internos da Fundação Casa, entre 15 e 18 anos, da unidade UI 25 - Rio Negro, do complexo da cidade de Franco da Rocha - SP. Para a coleta de dados, foram aplicados o Teste do Mini-Exame do estado mental, com o objetivo de detectar eventuais alterações cognitivas; o Teste Montreal, que analisou habilidades simples de linguagem oral e escrita; e uma entrevista semi-estruturada, cujo roteiro versou sobre Saúde Geral, Trajetória Escolar, Trajetória Profissional e percepções sobre o comportamento infracional. RESULTADOS: verificou-se que a maior parte da população era alfabetizada e que não houve ocorrência de déficits cognitivos. Houve índice alto de abandono escolar, oriundo de dificuldades em acompanhar conteúdos escolares e se adaptar às regras e dinâmica escolar, o que indica impactos das dificuldades de linguagem, especialmente da linguagem escrita, em condição que, associadas a outros fatores, favoreceram os comportamentos infracionais. CONCLUSÃO: os jovens infratores apresentaram problemas para se desenvolver e se engajar a valores e normas sócio-culturais, como também escolares, o que impõe limites ao acesso e circulação discursiva desses sujeitos, restringindo os usos da linguagem, na condição de prática social ao desenvolvimento pessoal e da cidadania. Tais achados dão indícios, entre outros fatores, do impacto social que a precária escolarização e socialização dos jovens pode ajudar a acarretar. O estudo demonstra que a linguagem deve ser concebida como prática social, sobretudo, nas formas de expressão e de comunicação desses sujeitos.PURPOSE: to map and characterize the occurrence of oral and

  1. Sarcoidosis: Oral and extra-oral manifestation

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    Sanjay Gupta


    Full Text Available Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disease, which is usually associated with the formation of noncaseating granulomas in affected tissues and organs. It is mostly present with bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, pulmonary infiltration, ocular, and cutaneous lesions. Oral manifestations of this disease are relatively rare. The present case report shows a 40-year-old male with lesions in the soft tissue of oral cavity (buccal mucosa, gingiva, and palate and a diagnosis of sarcoidosis was established following hematological, biochemical and pulmonary function tests, chest radiograph, and histopathological investigation.

  2. Contabilidade gerencial como apoio ao "just in time"


    Costa, Sérgio De Carvalho


    Descreve as técnicas da filosofia "Just in Time" e apresenta as modificações necessárias aos Sistemas Gerencias para que se tornem coerentes com a filosofia JIT, bem como meçam adequadamente a melhoria contínua da Empresa. Critica tanto o Custeio' Direto como o Custeio por Absorção, apresentando como alternativa o Custeio "ABC". Mostra como o JIT facilita o Custeio dos Produtos e destaca os aspectos estratégicos da Avaliação de Desempenho. Finalmente discorre sobre um estudo de...

  3. Effectiveness of three oral hygiene regimens on oral malodor reduction: a randomized clinical trial. (United States)

    Aung, Ei Ei; Ueno, Masayuki; Zaitsu, Takashi; Furukawa, Sayaka; Kawaguchi, Yoko


    Breath odor is a nuisance problem for many people around the world. Bad breath affects social interactions of people in daily life by causing personal discomfort and emotional stress. There are chemical and mechanical methods for controlling oral malodor. Many studies of various mouth rinse applications and tongue cleaning procedures have been conducted. However, few studies have compared the effect of simultaneous chemical and mechanical procedures on the reduction of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) in subjects with oral malodor. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of different oral hygiene procedures on reduction of VSCs in subjects with oral malodor. Thirty male volunteers who matched with study criteria were divided randomly into two groups. Both groups performed tooth brushing, mouth washing with chlorine dioxide, tongue cleaning and combination of those in different sequence for five weeks. Total VSCs of subjects were measured with a Breathtron®, and oral health status was also examined. Quantitative analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 16.0). There were no significant differences in oral health status between the two groups at the baseline. No significant decrease in oral malodor was detected after one week of tooth brushing. Significant reductions in VSCs were shown by adding mouthwash or tongue cleaning to tooth brushing from the second week to fourth week (P oral hygiene regimens. Tooth brushing alone does not significantly reduce oral malodor. Mouth washing and tongue cleaning significantly reduce oral malodor, but combining tooth brushing, mouth washing and tongue cleaning regimens is most effective for oral malodor reduction. The results of this study could contribute to the formulation of appropriate preventive strategies against oral malodor not only for the general public but also for dental professionals serving as oral malodor-related service providers. Registration number - Clinical

  4. African Journal of Oral Health Sciences

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The African Journal of Oral Health Sciences is devoted to research into oral diseases and encourages a multidisciplinary approach. Emphasis is on oral pathology, oral microbiology, oral medicine, oral physiology and biochemistry and related clinical sciences.

  5. El Derecho Agrario como derecho para la paz

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    Ricardo Zeledón Zeledón


    Full Text Available Contenido: El Derecho agrario surgido de la paz y para la consolidación de la paz, como fuente e instrumento para su cumplimiento. La visión de Carrozza como conjunto de reglas destinadas al fin de la paz, y la equidad. Explicación de un Derecho agrario vinculado a la paz por su origen en los Derechos Humanos Económicos y Sociales. Evolución del Derecho Agrario en los Derechos Humanos de la tercera generación (principalmente ambiente, desarrollo y paz, en las nuevas dimensiones del Derecho agrario del futuro. Derecho agrario como derecho para la paz y el respeto de los derechos humanos. Desarrollo sostenible y agricultura del futuro. La nueva orientación de los institutos del derecho agrario como instrumentos de paz, dirigidos a cumplir los fines de la justicia social, el desarrollo económico y el equilibrio ambiental. Desarrollo como respuesta a los problemas del ambiente, alimentario, de la pobreza, indígena y de la mujer rural. El rol de la justicia agraria y ambiental como derecho para la paz. El derecho agrario, disciplina forjada en una concepción iushumanista, acorde con los derechos humanos y la paz. El derecho agrario como derecho para la paz.

  6. Los ritmos como terapia para la impulsividad

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    Mónica Triviño


    Full Text Available Investigaciones recientes muestran que el uso de patrones rítmicos facilita la respuesta óptima en el tiempo, por lo que el entrenamiento mediante ritmos podría proponerse como terapia novedosa ante problemas como la impulsividad. Esto podría beneficiar a pacientes con daño prefrontal o personas con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH, que suelen mostrar conductas impulsivas, así como dificultad para estimar el paso del tiempo.

  7. Oral vaccines against diarrhea associated with enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains based on genetically modified Bacillus subtilis strains


    Wilson Barros Luiz


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi a construção de linhagens geneticamente modificadas de B. subtilis capazes de expressar porções de intimina, principal componente envolvido na capacidade de colonização de linhagens enteropatogênicas de Escherichia coli (EPEC), como estratégia vacinal de administração oral contra diarréias infecciosas. As vacinas desenvolvidas empregaram cinco regiões da intimina de EPEC e linhagens de B. subtilis capazes de expressar e acumular proteínas recombinantes no citopla...

  8. Fotografía, testimonio oral y memoria: (Re Presentaciones de indígenas e inmigrantes del Chaco (Argentina

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    Mariana Giordano


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone un análisis de las representaciones visuales sobre indígenas e inmigrantes del Territorio Nacional del Chaco (Argentina, a partir de las huellas de enunciación y las narrativas visuales que se construyeron en/a través de la fotografía. Las lecturas actuales de ese corpus fotográfico, desde experiencias de recepción, permiten que el testimonio oral actualice las percepciones históricas. Con ello buscamos explorar, por un lado, cómo es representado cada grupo socio-étnico y de qué modo esas representaciones se convierten en memorias visuales de sus comunidades. Por el otro, procuramos indagar sobre las correspondencias y/o contradicciones entre lo que las narrativas fotográficas históricas (representan, como referentes de memorias visuales, y lo que los receptores actuales identifican o (desconocen, como parte de memorias identitarias en construcción, en una Provincia que desde el discurso político-cultural se busca mostrar como un crisol de raza.This paper analyses the visual representations of indigenous and immigrants located on Territorio Nacional del Chaco (National Territory of Chaco, Argentina, based on traces of enunciation and visual narratives constructed in/ through photography. The current readings of this photographic material, from experiences of reception, allowed the updating of historical perceptions through the oral testimony. In this way, we first explore how each ethnic group is represented and how these representations became visual memories of their communities. Furthermore, we search for correlations or contradictions between what the historical photographic narratives (represented, as references of visual memory, and what current receivers identify o do not acknowledge as part of their identities and memories under construction, in a Province considered a melting pot by the political and cultural discourse.

  9. Oral health literacy and oral health outcomes in an adult population in Brazil

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    Marília Jesus Batista


    Full Text Available Abstract Background To investigate the association between critical and communicative oral health literacy (OHL and oral health outcomes (status, oral health-related quality of life and practices in adults. Methods This cross-sectional study examined a household probability sample of 248 adults, representing 149,635 residents (20–64 years old in Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. Clinical oral health and socioeconomic and demographic data, as well as data on oral health-related quality of life (OHIP-14 and health practices were collected. The oral examinations were carried out in the participants’ homes, using the World Health Organization criteria for oral diseases. The critical and communicative OHL instrument was the primary independent variable, and it was measured using five Likert items that were dichotomized as ‘high’ (‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’ responses for the 5 items and ‘low’ OHL. Binary and multinomial logistic regressions were performed on each outcome (oral health status and practices, controlling for age, sex and socioeconomic status (SES. Results Approximately 71.5% presented low OHL. When adjusted for age and sex (first model low OHL was associated with untreated caries (Odds Ratio = 1.92, 95% Confidence Interval = 1.07–3.45, tooth brushing <3 times a day (OR = 2.00, 1.11–3.62 and irregular tooth flossing (OR = 2.17, 1.24–3.80. After SES inclusion in the first model, significant associations were found for low OHL when the outcomes were: presence of biofilm (OR = 1.83, 1.08–3.33, dental care for emergency only (OR = 2.24, 1.24–4.04 and prevalence of oral health impact on quality of life (OR = 2.06, 1.15–3.69. Conclusion Adjusting for age, sex and SES, OHL is related to a risk factor (biofilm and a consequence of poor oral health (emergency dental visits and can interfere with the impact of oral diseases on quality of life. As low OHL can be modified, the results support oral health promotion

  10. Impacto da saúde bucal no cotidiano de idosos institucionalizados e não institucionalizados da cidade do Recife (PE, Brasil Impact of oral health in the daily life of institutionalized and non institutionalized elder in the city of Recife (PE, Brazil

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    Eliane Helena Alvim de Souza


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar a influência da saúde bucal no cotidiano de idosos institucionalizados e não institucionalizados da cidade do Recife (PE, bem como verificar se a saúde bucal tem a mesma relevância para os dois grupos estudados. Para avaliar a percepção de saúde bucal, utilizou-se o índice Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI. As faixas do GOHAI foram categorizadas em baixa percepção (The objective of the study is to assess the influence of oral health in the daily routine of both institutionalized and non-institutionalized elders living in the city of Recife-PE, as well as to come to conclusions concerning the relevance level of oral health in both groups. In order to assess the perception of oral health, it was used the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI. The GOHAI levels, concerning the perception, were categorized in: low (<= 50, average (51 to 60 and high (57 to 60. Oral health conditions were represented by the DMFT index (with cavity, lost and repaired teeth. It was observed that the percentage of elderly with a GOHAI not higher than 50 (low perception of oral health was rather higher in the non-institutionalized group than in the institutionalized (92,2% x 64,9%. The average DMFT and the number of lost teeth were higher in the institutionalized group (96,01% x 87,87%. The perception of oral health was lower for more than half of the examined elderly population, but there being a meaningful difference between the two groups concerning the GOHAI, with lower levels for the non-institutionalized group. The result of the perception of oral health was compatible with the high number of decayed and lost teeth.

  11. Caracterização do perfil de colonização oral por Candida spp. em pacientes submetidos a transplante de celulas progenitoras hematopoieticas no Hospital de Clinicas da UNICAMP


    Monica Leal Alcure


    Resumo: As infecções superficiais e sistêmicas provocadas por Candida são freqüentes causas de morbidade e mortalidade em pacientes submetidos a transplante de células progenitoras hematopoiéticas (TCPH). Entre os fatores de risco destaca-se a colonização prévia a qual parece ser um pré-requisito para o desenvolvimento de infecção. Desta forma, a cavidade oral pode atuar como um reservatório para esses microorganismos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar, prospectivamente, o fluxo sa...

  12. Eficácia da promoção da saúde oral no controlo do biofilme bucal

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    Nélio Veiga


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia das instruções de higiene oral, em particular no controlo do biofilme dentário, bem como avaliar a eficácia do reforço dessas instruções. Métodos: Realizou-se estudo quasi-experimental na Clínica Universitária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP em Viseu-Portugal, desenvolvido entre janeiro e junho de 2012. Efectuouse três avaliações a 30 indivíduos através do Índice de Placa de O’Leary e aplicação de questionário abordando o comportamento de saúde oral, com um mês de periodicidade entre cada medição. Na primeira avaliação, todos os indivíduos receberam as mesmas instruções de higiene oral, registo do Índice de Placa de O’Leary e aplicação do questionário. Na segunda avaliação, realizou-se um novo registo do índice a todos os indivíduos, mas apenas o grupo de intervenção (n=16 recebeu o reforço dessas instruções e na terceira avaliação executouse um novo registo a todos os indivíduos (n=30. Resultados: Tanto o grupo de intervenção como o controlo apresentaram uma redução do índice, mas aquele mostrou uma redução mais importante na última avaliação realizada quando comparada a este: 38,19% (n=16 vs. 69,57% (n=14, respectivamente (p<0,05. Relativamente à frequência de escovação dentária, no grupo de intervenção, 68,8% (n=11 escovavam pelo menos duas vezes por dia, enquanto no grupo de controlo apenas 57,1% (n=8 escovavam com a mesma frequência. Nesse caso, foram registadas diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos (p<0.05. Conclusão: A promoção da saúde oral por meio de instruções de higiene demonstrou ser eficaz na melhoria dos comportamentos de saúde e, consequentemente, no controlo do biofilme dentário.

  13. Global Oral Health Inequalities (United States)

    Garcia, I.; Tabak, L.A.


    Despite impressive worldwide improvements in oral health, inequalities in oral health status among and within countries remain a daunting public health challenge. Oral health inequalities arise from a complex web of health determinants, including social, behavioral, economic, genetic, environmental, and health system factors. Eliminating these inequalities cannot be accomplished in isolation of oral health from overall health, or without recognizing that oral health is influenced at multiple individual, family, community, and health systems levels. For several reasons, this is an opportune time for global efforts targeted at reducing oral health inequalities. Global health is increasingly viewed not just as a humanitarian obligation, but also as a vehicle for health diplomacy and part of the broader mission to reduce poverty, build stronger economies, and strengthen global security. Despite the global economic recession, there are trends that portend well for support of global health efforts: increased globalization of research and development, growing investment from private philanthropy, an absolute growth of spending in research and innovation, and an enhanced interest in global health among young people. More systematic and far-reaching efforts will be required to address oral health inequalities through the engagement of oral health funders and sponsors of research, with partners from multiple public and private sectors. The oral health community must be “at the table” with other health disciplines and create opportunities for eliminating inequalities through collaborations that can harness both the intellectual and financial resources of multiple sectors and institutions. PMID:21490232

  14. Alterações bucais e cuidados orais no paciente transplantado de medula óssea Oral alterations and oral care in bone marrow transplant patients

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    Ana C. Luiz


    Full Text Available Os cuidados gerais relativos ao paciente submetido ao transplante de medula óssea (TMO incluem avaliações odontológicas rotineiras, as quais devem estar inseridas em um contexto multiprofissional. A cavidade oral constitui um sítio propício a infecções com grande potencial de desenvolvimento de bacteremia, sendo que lesões infecciosas devem ser previamente tratadas e controladas pelo cirurgião-dentista. O objetivo desta revisão é discutir questões em destaque na literatura nacional e internacional referentes aos quadros inflamatórios e infecciosos orais de importância para o paciente transplantado de medula óssea, tanto os predisponentes a complicações durante o transplante, quanto os que ocorrem durante e após a terapia mielossupressora. Destaca-se na literatura a doença periodontal avançada, a qual constitui um quadro infeccioso crônico que deve ser evitado ou controlado durante o TMO, principalmente devido à presença de S. viridans. Os fatores de risco para mucosite oral (OM, doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro (DECH e xerostomia ainda não estão definidos, principalmente para OM e DECH. São citadas na literatura alternativas promissoras de tratamento para OM, tais como crioterapia, administração de fatores de crescimento e laserterapia. O risco aumentado de cárie é controverso e, dentre as lesões fúngicas e virais, destacam-se as infecções orais e de orofaringe por Candida e pela família de herpesvírus, de importância clínica considerável. Em pacientes pediátricos são relevantes as alterações craniofaciais e dentárias, decorrentes principalmente da radioterapia.General care in bone marrow transplant (BMT patients includes routine dental evaluations, which must be included in a multi-professional context. The oral cavity is a site that favors infections with high potential for consequent bacteremia and so infectious lesions must be treated or controlled by the dentist. The aim of this review is

  15. Radiation induced oral mucositis

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    P S Satheesh Kumar


    Full Text Available Patients receiving radiotherapy or chemotherapy will receive some degree of oral mucositis The incidence of oral mucositis was especially high in patients: (i With primary tumors in the oral cavity, oropharynx, or nasopharynx; (ii who also received concomitant chemotherapy; (iii who received a total dose over 5,000 cGy; and (iv who were treated with altered fractionation radiation schedules. Radiation-induced oral mucositis affects the quality of life of the patients and the family concerned. The present day management of oral mucositis is mostly palliative and or supportive care. The newer guidelines are suggesting Palifermin, which is the first active mucositis drug as well as Amifostine, for radiation protection and cryotherapy. The current management should focus more on palliative measures, such as pain management, nutritional support, and maintenance, of good oral hygiene

  16. Head, Neck, and Oral Cancer

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... to detect oral cancer during your routine dental examinations. Don't risk it. Perform an oral cancer ... oral cancer self-exam each month. An oral examination is performed using a bright light and a ...

  17. Oral lichen planus to oral lichenoid lesions: Evolution or revolution (United States)

    Dudhia, Bhavin B; Dudhia, Sonal B; Patel, Purv S; Jani, Yesha V


    The diagnosis between different diseases may be impaired by clinical and histopathologic similarities, as observed in the oral lichen planus (OLP) and oral lichenoid lesion (OLL). Inspite of similar clinicopathological features; etiology, diagnosis and prognosis differ which mandates separation of OLL from OLP. Hence, it is essential for the oral physician and oral pathologist to be familiarized with the individual variations among clinicopathological features of OLP and OLL as well as to obtain a thorough history and perform a complete mucocutaneous examination in addition to specific diagnostic testing. The difficulties faced to establish the diagnosis between these two pathologies are widely investigated in the literature with a lack of definite conclusion. This review is an attempt to throw some light on these clinicopathologic entities with the aim to resolve the diagnostic dilemma. PMID:26980966

  18. Essentials of oral cancer. (United States)

    Rivera, César


    Oral cancer is one of the 10 most common cancers in the world, with a delayed clinical detection, poor prognosis, without specific biomarkers for the disease and expensive therapeutic alternatives. This review aims to present the fundamental aspects of this cancer, focused on squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity (OSCC), moving from its definition and epidemiological aspects, addressing the oral carcinogenesis, oral potentially malignant disorders, epithelial precursor lesions and experimental methods for its study, therapies and future challenges. Oral cancer is a preventable disease, risk factors and natural history is already being known, where biomedical sciences and dentistry in particular are likely to improve their poor clinical indicators.

  19. Age-related oral changes.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Mckenna, Gerald


    Age-related oral changes are seen in the oral hard and soft tissues as well as in bone, the temporomandibular joints and the oral mucosa. As older patients retain their natural teeth for longer, the clinical picture consists of normal physiological age changes in combination with pathological and iatrogenic effects. Clinical Relevance: With an ageing population retaining more of its natural teeth for longer, dental professionals should expect to observe oral age changes more frequently.

  20. Parental self-efficacy and oral health-related knowledge are associated with parent and child oral health behaviors and self-reported oral health status. (United States)

    de Silva-Sanigorski, Andrea; Ashbolt, Rosie; Green, Julie; Calache, Hanny; Keith, Benedict; Riggs, Elisha; Waters, Elizabeth


    This study sought to advance understanding of the influence of psychosocial factors on oral health by examining how parental self-efficacy (with regard to acting on their child's oral health needs) and oral health knowledge relate to parental and child oral health behaviors and self-rated oral health. Parents of children in grades 0/1 and 5/6 (n = 804) and children in grades 5/6 (n = 377, mean age 11.5 ± 1.0, 53.9% female) were recruited from a stratified random sample of 11 primary (elementary) schools. Participants completed surveys capturing psychosocial factors, oral health-related knowledge, and parental attitudes about oral health. Parents also rated their own oral health status and the oral health of their child. Correlations and logistic regression analysis (adjusted for socioeconomic status, child age, and gender) examined associations between psychosocial factors and the outcomes of interest (parent and child behaviors and self-rated oral health status). Higher parental self-efficacy was associated with more frequent toothbrushing (by parent and child), and more frequent visits to a dental professional. These associations were particularly strong with regard to dental visits for children, with parents with the highest tertile for self-efficacy 4.3 times more likely to report that their child attended a dentist for a checkup at least once a year (95%CI 2.52-7.43); and 3 times more likely to report their child brushing their teeth at least twice a day (Adjusted Odds Ratio 3.04, 95%CI 1.64-5.64) compared with those parents in the lowest tertile for self-efficacy. No associations with oral health knowledge were found when examined by tertile of increasing knowledge. Oral health self-efficacy and knowledge are potentially modifiable risk factors of oral health outcomes, and these findings suggest that intervening on these factors could help foster positive dental health habits in families. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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    Jorge Eduardo Vásquez Santamaría


    Full Text Available Resultado del escenario pedagógico como plataforma inicial problematizadora a partir de la cual se identifican y describen fundamentos orientadores tradicionales y no tradicionales que permitan reevaluar el Derecho para acreditarlo como ciencia social, se exponen los resultados obtenidos en el trabajo de campo adelantado con abogados docentes y estudiantes de Derecho como sus actores pedagógicos, quienes representan los elementos “Quién” y “A quién” del modelo pedagógico, en este caso primordialmente tradicionalista, imperante en los currículos de los programas de Derecho deColombia.

  2. Administração oral de peptídios e proteínas: III. Aplicação à insulina Oral delivery systems for peptides and proteins: III. Application to insulin

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    Catarina Silva


    Full Text Available A insulina é um peptídeo biologicamente ativo, normalmente administrado por via subcutânea, pelos obstáculos que se colocam a sua administração oral. O desenvolvimento de uma forma farmacêutica passível de ser administrada oralmente tem sido razão de uma investigação persistente, acentuada na última década, conforme é descrito. As estratégias utilizadas têm sido muito variadas, a saber, a utilização de inibidores das enzimas proteolíticas, promotores da absorção, modificação química e fórmulas farmacêuticas específicas, como sistemas de partículas, emulsões, sistemas de liberação targeting e sistemas bioadesivos. Embora ainda nenhuma abordagem tenha sido suficientemente eficaz, os resultados são encorajadores. A microencapsulação e, em particular, os métodos que utilizam polímeros naturais, mostram-se promissores neste propósito, pelas características vantajosas que apresentam.Insulin is an important therapeutic protein, generally administered subcutaneously due to the obstacles of oral delivery. A number of different methods have been explored to improve the low oral bioavailability of insulin, particularly in the last decade, namely protease inhibitors, absorption enhancers, chemical modification and the formulation approach which includes particulate systems, emulsions, targeting delivery systems and bioadhesive systems. Although an effective formulation for oral insulin delivery remains to be achieved, the results are encouraging. Microencapsulation has proven to be a promising method of choice, especially when using natural polymers.


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    Carlos Salgado


    Full Text Available Este ensayo trata de llamar la atención sobre los problemas del agro hoy, colocando especial énfasis en la disrupción entre las razones tecnológicas -que se asumen como ideológicas-, económicas y políticas que han inspirado el desarrollo del agro, o mejor, sobre las cuales se han basado las políticas de crecimiento agropecuario.

  4. Mensajería instantánea móvil: Whatsapp y su potencial para desarrollar las destrezas orales

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    Full Text Available La presente investigación analiza los beneficios de la comunicación mediante teléfonos móviles para desarrollar las destrezas orales de los estudiantes en la segunda lengua. Un total de 80 estudiantes españoles que realizaban un curso de inglés nivel B1 en la Universidad de Almería participaron en el estudio. De acuerdo con el tipo de tratamiento, los sujetos fueron divididos en dos grupos, experimental y control. Mediante la creación de un grupo de «Whatsapp», 40 de dichos sujetos participaron en una interacción oral diaria durante 6 meses. Las muestras recogidas en la aplicación, así como un examen oral, fueron utilizados para analizar el grado en que los estudiantes desarrollan la destreza oral y los tipos y desencadenantes que dan lugar a episodios relacionados con el lenguaje en los chats orales. Este estudio se centra en la interacción utilizando un análisis mixto y un eje temporal con el fin de medir las diferencias entre los grupos analizados. Los resultados demuestran mejoras significativas en cuanto a la competencia oral en los alumnos del grupo en el que se implementó la actividad, siendo las negociaciones de significado el episodio relacionado con el lenguaje más común durante la interacción. Cabe destacar la accesibilidad que la mensajería móvil confiere a los alumnos, pues son capaces de negociar el significado, reflexionar y evaluar sus propias actuaciones mediante interacción real y feed-back.

  5. La realidad como materia novelable: Alejo Carpentier

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    Raquel Arias Careaga


    Full Text Available Desde que en 1897 Benito Pérez Galdós defendiera como materia prima legítima de la literatura «la vida misma, de donde el artista saca las ficciones que nos instruyen y embelesan» (Pérez Galdós, 1990: 159, el realismo como instrumento de indagación y análisis de la sociedad no ha dejado de crecer y expandirse. Realismo crítico, como este de Galdós, que implica una ampliación del concepto chato de «realidad», incluyendo en ella «recuerdos, sueños, imaginación, locura, símbolos» para contribuir a la formación de un «realismo total» (Rodríguez Puértolas, 2000, II: 93, al que se une también la asimilación de enseñanzas esenciales como la que representa la narrativa de Cervantes: La novelística de Galdós hunde sus raíces en el mejor Cervantes, como puede verse en su peculiar sentido del humor y de la ironía, en la concepción perspectivista de la realidad y en tantas otras cosas, algunas de ellas en verdad fundamentales. Así el concepto de la Naturaleza y sus relaciones dialécticas con el ser humano; así el Amor como elemento vital y animador del orden cósmico, muy alejado del idealismo vulgar romántico (Ibid., 93.

  6. Oral vaccination of fish


    Embregts, Carmen W.E.; Forlenza, Maria


    The limited number of oral vaccines currently approved for use in humans and veterinary species clearly illustrates that development of efficacious and safe oral vaccines has been a challenge not only for fish immunologists. The insufficient efficacy of oral vaccines is partly due to antigen breakdown in the harsh gastric environment, but also to the high tolerogenic gut environment and to inadequate vaccine design. In this review we discuss current approaches used to develop oral vaccines fo...

  7. Treatment of recalcitrant erosive oral lichen planus and desquamative gingivitis with oral apremilast. (United States)

    AbuHilal, Mohn'd; Walsh, Scott; Shear, Neil


    Erosive oral lichen planus and desquamative gingivitis are uncommon but severe debilitating variants of oral lichen planus. Treatment of these presentations is difficult and challenging. A 44-year-old woman was referred to the dermatology clinic with chronic painful lichen planus-related gingivitis and buccal erosions. She has failed multiple treatments including topical clobetasol and tacrolimus, intralesional corticosteroids and several systemic and immunosuppressive agents. Following completion of three months of treatment with oral apremilast at a dose of 30 mg twice daily, significant improvement was noted in her disease activity. Oral apremilast may be a safe and effective treatment for erosive oral lichen planus.

  8. Head, Neck, and Oral Cancer (United States)

    ... find out more. Oral, Head and Neck Pathology Oral, Head and Neck Pathology Close to 49,750 Americans will be diagnosed ... find out more. Oral, Head and Neck Pathology Oral, Head and Neck Pathology Close to 49,750 Americans will be diagnosed ...

  9. Quantifying oral inflammatory load: oral neutrophil counts in periodontal health and disease. (United States)

    Landzberg, M; Doering, H; Aboodi, G M; Tenenbaum, H C; Glogauer, M


    Neutrophils are the primary white blood cells that are recruited to fight the initial phases of microbial infections. While healthy norms have been determined for circulating blood neutrophil counts in order to identify patients with suspected systemic infections, the levels of oral neutrophils (oPMNs) in oral health and in the presence of periodontal diseases have not been described. It is important to address this deficiency in our knowledge as neutrophils are the primary immune cell present in the crevicular fluid and oral environment and previous work has suggested that they may be good indicators of overall oral inflammation and periodontal disease severity. The objective of this study was to measure oPMN counts obtained in a standardized oral rinse from healthy patients and from those with chronic periodontal disease in order to determine if oPMN levels have clinical relevance as markers of periodontal inflammation. A parallel goal of this investigation was to introduce the concept of 'oral inflammatory load', which constitutes the inflammatory burden experienced by the body as a consequence of oral inflammatory disease. Periodontal examinations of patients with a healthy periodontium and chronic periodontal disease were performed (n = 124). Two standardized consecutive saline rinses of 30 s each were collected before patient examination and instrumentation. Neutrophils were quantified in the rinse samples and correlated with the clinical parameters and periodontal diagnosis. Average oPMN counts were determined for healthy patients and for those with mild, moderate and severe chronic periodontal diseases. A statistically significant correlation was found between oPMN counts and deep periodontal probing, sites with bleeding on probing and overall severity of periodontal disease. oPMN counts obtained through a 30-s oral rinse are a good marker of oral inflammatory load and correlate with measures of periodontal disease severity. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A

  10. Towards understanding oral health. (United States)

    Zaura, Egija; ten Cate, Jacob M


    During the last century, dental research has focused on unraveling the mechanisms behind various oral pathologies, while oral health was typically described as the mere absence of oral diseases. The term 'oral microbial homeostasis' is used to describe the capacity of the oral ecosystem to maintain microbial community stability in health. However, the oral ecosystem itself is not stable: throughout life an individual undergoes multiple physiological changes while progressing through infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Recent discussions on the definition of general health have led to the proposal that health is the ability of the individual to adapt to physiological changes, a condition known as allostasis. In this paper the allostasis principle is applied to the oral ecosystem. The multidimensionality of the host factors contributing to allostasis in the oral cavity is illustrated with an example on changes occurring in puberty. The complex phenomenon of oral health and the processes that prevent the ecosystem from collapsing during allostatic changes in the entire body are far from being understood. As yet individual components (e.g. hard tissues, microbiome, saliva, host response) have been investigated, while only by consolidating these and assessing their multidimensional interactions should we be able to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem, which in turn could serve to develop rational schemes to maintain health. Adapting such a 'system approach' comes with major practical challenges for the entire research field and will require vast resources and large-scale multidisciplinary collaborations. 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel

  11. Quantification of oral palatine Langerhans cells in HIV/AIDS associated oral Kaposi sarcoma with and without oral candidiasis. (United States)

    Jivan, Vibha; Meer, Shabnum


    Langerhans cells (LCs) are effective antigen-presenting cells that function as "custodians" of mucosa, modifying the immune system to pathogen entry, and tolerance to self-antigen and commensal microbes. A reduction in number of LCs in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive individuals may predispose to local mucosal infections. To quantitatively determine the number of oral mucosal LCs in HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) associated oral Kaposi sarcoma (KS) with/without oral candidiasis (OC) and to define in situ interrelationships between the cells, OC, and HIV infection. Thirty-two periodic acid-Schiff. (PAS) stained histologic sections of palatal HIV/AIDS associated KS with intact oral epithelium were examined for Candida and divided into two groups: . (1) KS coinfected with Candida and. (2) KS noninfected with Candida. Sections were immunohistochemically stained with CD1a. The standard length of surface epithelium was measured and number of positively stained LCs counted per unit length. Control cases included non-Candida infected palatal mucosa overlying pleomorphic adenoma. (PA) and oral mucosa infected with Candida in otherwise healthy individuals. LC number per unit length of surface epithelium was statistically significantly greatest in uninfected PA mucosa and lowest in KS coinfected with Candida (P = 0.0001). A statistically significant difference was also noted between uninfected PA mucosa and non-Candida infected KS (P = 0.0014), in KS coinfected with Candida and non-infected KS (P = 0.0035), between OC and PA (P = 0.0001), and OC and KS coinfected with Candida (P = 0.0247). LC numbers are significantly reduced in oral tissues of HIV/AIDS infected patients by Candida infection when compared to oral tissues without.

  12. El humanismo como paradigma de la enfermería como ciencia

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    Núñez Gómez Nicolás Arturo


    Full Text Available

    Humanism's philosophical conception is presented to development a paradigm of nursing science. The nursing from creation has been guided toward professional practice and category; of Care has been fundamental contribution. In this article our intends is to grow some fine general of reflection so that nurses contribute to development of a science called nursing and whose accent is man in their multiple dimensions.

    A partir del humanismo como concepción filosófica se presenta una propuesta para crear un paradigma de la enfermería como ciencia. Desde su creación, la enfermería se ha orientado hacia su práctica profesional y la categoría de cuidado ha sido su aporte fundamental. Este artículo se propone crear unas líneas generales de reflexión, para que las enfermeras aporten al desarrollo de una ciencia llamada enfermería y cuyo acento es el hombre en sus múltiples dimensiones.

  13. La entrevista colectiva como dispositivo para el abordaje transdisciplinar de la identidad socioterritorial. Un acercamiento desde la mirada decolonial

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    Martín Segovia Stanoss


    Full Text Available Hacia finales del siglo XX, se produce el reingreso del testimonio oral como fuente para la producción de conocimiento histórico, y de la Memoria al universo de la Historia como vía de acceso al imaginario de los sujetos; ello significó la posibilidad de dar cuenta de la multiplicidad de filiaciones identitarias mantenidas “al margen”, antes silenciadas, que pueden activarse en los sujetos en atención al “otro” en confrontación al cual se construye.La recuperación de las escalas de abordaje microsociales -lo local, lo barrial-, indispensable para el propósito de comprensión de los fenómenos culturales/simbólicos, permitió la organización de nuevos campos cuya adscripción disciplinar resulta dificultosamente definida.En este marco se involucran los estudios que abordan los mecanismos que contribuyen a la construcción de identidades socioterritoriales -a escala intraurbana- utilizando relatos biográficos y observando el espacio que los acontecimientos recordados ocupan en el establecimiento de relaciones simbólicas con el territorio habitado.Con los propósitos señalados, y a partir de una experiencia concreta, se propone la reflexión desde una matriz transdisciplinar sobre los alcances y limitaciones de la instancia de entrevista grupal como espacio de participación comunitaria y dispositivo de co-construcción de datos.Como resultado, se dispone de una mirada metodológica ampliada hacia dimensiones epistemológicas, que asisten a las reacciones que enfrentan tanto los acercamientos ingenuos que pretenden una suerte de desaparición del investigador para dar voz al “otro”, como los que asumen que el investigador interpreta las interpretaciones de los entrevistados desde una posición privilegiada y distante.

  14. Oral lichen planus (OLP), oral lichenoid lesions (OLL), oral dysplasia, and oral cancer: retrospective analysis of clinicopathological data from 2002-2011. (United States)

    Casparis, S; Borm, J M; Tektas, S; Kamarachev, J; Locher, M C; Damerau, G; Grätz, K W; Stadlinger, B


    This 10-year retrospective study analyzed the incidence of malignant transformation of oral lichen planus (OLP). The study also included dysplasia and oral lichenoid lesion (OLL) in the initial biopsy as a potential differential diagnosis. A total of 692 scalpel biopsies were taken from 542 patients (207 [38.2%] men and 335 [61.8%] women). Clinical and histopathological parameters were analyzed. The parameters gender (p = 0.022) and smoking behavior (p oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Smoking and joint disease appeared to be significant risk factors. Treatment with tretinoin in different concentrations (0.005-0.02%) significantly improved diagnosis. Twelve patients (8 female, 4 male) showed malignant transformation to OSCC within an average period of 1.58 years. The malignant transformation rate (MTR) was higher for OLL (4.4%) than OLP (1.2%). If the first biopsy showed intraepithelial neoplasia, the risk of developing OSCC increased (by 3.5% for squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (SIN) II and by 6.7% for SIN III). Although we cannot rule out that OLP is a premalignant oral condition, we can confirm that OLP had the lowest MTR of all diagnoses.

  15. Head, Neck, and Oral Cancer

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... find out more. Oral, Head and Neck Pathology Oral, Head and Neck Pathology Close to 49,750 Americans will be diagnosed ... find out more. Oral, Head and Neck Pathology Oral, Head and Neck Pathology Close to 49,750 Americans will be diagnosed ...

  16. Evaluation of Podoplanin in Oral Leukoplakia and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Ashok Patil


    Full Text Available Background. Recent studies have demonstrated that podoplanin was expressed in some dysplastic lesions adjacent to primary oral cancers suggesting that podoplanin expression may occur in early oral tumorigenesis and lymphangiogenesis and therefore is related to tumor growth. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of podoplanin as a biomarker for cancer risk assessment in oral leukoplakia and correlation of podoplanin expression with grades of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC. Materials and Methods. In the present retrospective study, podoplanin expression was investigated immunohistochemically in 40 patients each of oral leukoplakia and OSCC. The scores were analyzed statistically using one-way ANOVA test followed by Tukey HSD. Results. By applying one-way ANOVA test, there was a highly significant increase of the podoplanin expression from mild to severe dysplasia and from well to poorly differentiated OSCC (P<0.01. Statistically highly significant difference was present between scores of mild to moderate dysplasia, moderate to severe dysplasia, well to poorly differentiated OSCC, and moderately to poorly differentiated OSCC (Tukey HSD test, P<0.01. Conclusion. Podoplanin can be used as a biomarker for early oral tumorigenesis and for malignant transformation risk assessment of premalignant lesions and as a tumor progression biomarker for advanced grades of OSCC.

  17. Diabetes and oral health: the importance of oral health-related behavior. (United States)

    Kanjirath, Preetha P; Kim, Seung Eun; Rohr Inglehart, Marita


    The objective of this study was to explore oral health-related behavior, how patients with diabetes differ from patients not diagnosed with diabetes in their oral health and whether oral health-related behavior moderates the oral health status of patients with diabetes. Survey and chart review data were collected from 448 patients (52% male, 48% female, average age: 57 years) of which 77 were diagnosed with diabetes (17%). Patients with diabetes had a higher percentage of teeth with mobility than those not diagnosed with diabetes (14% vs. 8%, p=0.023), as well as gingival recession (16% vs. 12%, p=0.035) and more teeth with recession in the esthetic zone (1.17 vs. 0.88, p=0.046). They also had more decayed, missing and filled surfaces due to caries (101 vs. 82, pteeth due to caries (11 vs. 7, pbrushed and flossed less frequently. Patients with diabetes who did not brush regularly had poorer periodontal health (percentage of teeth with probing depth of teeth: 32% vs. 15%, p=0.033) than regularly brushing patients with diabetes. Educating patients with diabetes about the importance of good oral self care needs to become a priority for their oral health care providers.

  18. Montagem e Imagem como Paradigma

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    Cesar Huapaya


    Full Text Available O pensar como montagem e imagem tornou-se um método revelador nos processos de estudos práticos e teóricos do artista e dos pesquisadores nos séculos XX e XXI. Este artigo procura articular três formas de pensar por montagem: nas obras de Bertolt Brecht, Sergei Eisenstein e Georges DidiHuberman. O filósofo e historiador da arte Georges Didi-Huberman reinaugura o debate e o exercício de pensar a antropologia da imagem e a montagem como metalinguagem e forma de conhecimento.

  19. La biblioteca como editora de contenidos

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    Alonso-Arévalo, Julio


    Full Text Available Una de las características más innovadoras de la biblioteca del siglo 21 tiene que ver con la toma de una postura activa frente a la gestión y generación de contenidos. Con la llegada de la Web 2.0 las bibliotecas no sólo siguen salvaguardando y difundiendo información como han venido realizando a lo largo de su historia, también cada vez con más frecuencia crean nueva información con el objetivo de prestar los mejores servicios a sus ciudadanos, a través de recursos y servicios tales como la elaboración guías de investigación, boletines de alerta y novedades, recursos web, información a través de sus blogs, y como administradores de contenidos a través de repositorios y revistas de acceso abierto. Un paso más allá en esta dinámica tienen que ver con la biblioteca como editora y distribuidora de libros, especialmente en el ámbito local, siendo la impulsora, formadora, dinamizador y difusoras de las obras de los autores de su comunidad.

  20. Serum lipid profile in patients with oral cancer and oral precancerous conditions

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    Rajul Mehta


    Full Text Available Background: The present study was undertaken to estimate and compare the levels of plasma total cholesterol (TC, low density lipoprotein (LDL, high density lipoprotein (HDL, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL and triglycerides in patients with oral precancerous lesions/conditions, oral cancer and normal subjects. Materials and Methods: The study comprised of 60 patients with oral precancerous lesions/conditions, 60 patients with oral cancer and a control group of 60 healthy individuals. The diagnosis of oral precancerous lesions/conditions and oral cancer was confirmed histopathologically. Under aseptic condition 5 ml venous blood of overnight fasting patient was withdrawn from each individual. Serum was separated by centrifugation and plasma levels of TC, LDL, HDL, VLDL and triglycerides were estimated. Descriptive statistical analysis has been carried out in the present study. Analysis of variance has been used to find the significance of study parameters between three or more groups of patients, Post-hoc test as Tukey has been used to find the pair wise significance. Significance is assessed at 5% level of significance. Results: Statistically significant decrease in levels of plasma TC, LDL, HDL, VLDL and triglycerides was observed in the precancerous and cancerous groups as compared to the control group. On comparison between precancerous and cancerous groups, significant decrease was observed in cancerous group. Conclusion: The change in lipid levels may have an early diagnostic or prognostic role in the oral premalignant lesions/conditions and oral cancer. The presence of decreased plasma lipid profile should increase the suspicion of these lesions to be investigated further.

  1. Human papillomavirus in oral lesions Virus papiloma humano en lesiones orales


    Joaquín V. Gónzalez; Rafael A. Gutiérrez; Alicia Keszler; Maria Del Carmen Colacino; Lidia V. Alonio; Angélica R. Teyssie; Maria Alejandra Picconi


    Growing evidence suggests a role for human papillomavirus (HPV) in oral cancer; however its involvement is still controversial. This study evaluates the frequency of HPV DNA in a variety of oral lesions in patients from Argentina. A total of 77 oral tissue samples from 66 patients were selected (cases); the clinical-histopathological diagnoses corresponded to: 11 HPV- associated benign lesions, 8 non-HPV associated benign lesions, 33 premalignant lesions and 25 cancers. Sixty exfoliated cell ...

  2. Oral vaccination of fish

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Embregts, Carmen W.E.; Forlenza, Maria


    The limited number of oral vaccines currently approved for use in humans and veterinary species clearly illustrates that development of efficacious and safe oral vaccines has been a challenge not only for fish immunologists. The insufficient efficacy of oral vaccines is partly due to antigen

  3. Atividade antimicrobiana, antiaderente e antifúngica in vitro de plantas medicinais brasileiras sobre microrganismos do biofilme dental e cepas do gênero Candida In vitro antimicrobial, antiadherent and antifungal activity of Brazilian medicinal plants on oral biofilm microorganisms and strains of the genus Candida

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    Pollianna Muniz Alves


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se in vitro a atividade antimicrobiana, antifúngica e antiaderente da aroeira-do-sertão, malva e goiabeira sobre microrganismos do biofilme dental e candidose oral. Os extratos mostraram-se eficazes, inibindo o crescimento das bactérias do biofilme dental e fungos da candidose oral, sugerindo a utilização dessas plantas como meio alternativo na terapêutica odontológica.The antimicrobial, antifungal and antiadherent activity of aroeira-do-sertão, mallow and guava tree on oral biofilm microorganisms and oral candidiasis was evaluated in vitro. The extracts were shown to be effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria of the oral biofilm and fungi of oral candidiasis, thus suggesting that these extracts can be used as alternative means of dental therapy.

  4. The Oral Microbiota. (United States)

    Arweiler, Nicole B; Netuschil, Lutz


    The oral microbiota represents an important part of the human microbiota, and includes several hundred to several thousand diverse species. It is a normal part of the oral cavity and has an important function to protect against colonization of extrinsic bacteria which could affect systemic health. On the other hand, the most common oral diseases caries, gingivitis and periodontitis are based on microorganisms. While (medical) research focused on the planktonic phase of bacteria over the last 100 years, it is nowadays generally known, that oral microorganisms are organised as biofilms. On any non-shedding surfaces of the oral cavity dental plaque starts to form, which meets all criteria for a microbial biofilm and is subject to the so-called succession. When the sensitive ecosystem turns out of balance - either by overload or weak immune system - it becomes a challenge for local or systemic health. Therefore, the most common strategy and the golden standard for the prevention of caries, gingivitis and periodontitis is the mechanical removal of this biofilms from teeth, restorations or dental prosthesis by regular toothbrushing.

  5. Challenges in Comparative Oral Epic

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    John Miles Foley


    Full Text Available Originally written in 2001 and subsequently published in China, this collaborative essay explores five questions central to comparative oral epic with regard to Mongolian, South Slavic, ancient Greek, and Old English traditions: “What is a poem in oral epic tradition?” “What is a typical scene or theme in oral epic tradition?” “What is a poetic line in oral epic tradition?” “What is a formula in an oral epic tradition?” “What is the register in oral epic poetry?” Now available for the first time in English, this essay reflects a foundational stage of what has become a productive and long-term collaboration between the Center for Studies in Oral Tradition and the Institute of Ethnic Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

  6. The effect of oral habits in the oral cavity of children and its treatment

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    Meirina Gartika


    Full Text Available Oral habits include habit which is continuously done and has the potential to cause defects in teeth and perioral tissues. Some of the oral habits are finger/thumb sucking, lip sucking/biting, nail biting, bruxism, abnormal swallowing and mouth breathing. The etiology of oral habits includes the disharmonious relationship between parents and children, dissatisfaction in oral phase, premature weaning, emotional disturbance, anomaly, and diseases. Oral habits will influence the development of occlusion and perioral structures in children in the growing and development process. The treatment of oral habits can be done with or without appliances. The non-appliance treatment consists of psychological approach, medical approach and myofunctional therapy while the appliance treatment will include the use of orthodontic appliances.

  7. Oral Insulin – Fact or Fiction? - Possibilities of Achieving Oral ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education; Volume 8; Issue 5. Oral Insulin – Fact or Fiction? - Possibilities of Achieving Oral Delivery of Insulin. K Gowthamarajan Giriraj T Kulkarni. General Article Volume 8 Issue 5 May 2003 pp 38-46 ...

  8. Oral controlled release drug delivery system and Characterization of oral tablets; A review


    Muhammad Zaman; Junaid Qureshi; Hira Ejaz; Rai Muhammad Sarfraz; Hafeez ullah Khan; Fazal Rehman Sajid; Muhammad Shafiq ur Rehman


    Oral route of drug administration is considered as the safest and easiest route of drug administration. Control release drug delivery system is the emerging trend in the pharmaceuticals and the oral route is most suitable for such kind of drug delivery system. Oral route is more convenient for It all age group including both pediatric and geriatrics. There are various systems which are adopted to deliver drug in a controlled manner to different target sites through oral route. It includes dif...

  9. Close association between oral Candida species and oral mucosal disorders in patients with xerostomia. (United States)

    Shinozaki, S; Moriyama, M; Hayashida, J-N; Tanaka, A; Maehara, T; Ieda, S; Nakamura, S


    Heightened interest in oral health has lead to an increase in patients complaining of xerostomia, which is associated with various oral mucosal disorders. In this study, we investigated the relationship between Candida species and oral mucosal disorders in patients with xerostomia. We evaluated whole salivary flow rate and presence of oral mucosal disorders in 48 patients with xerostomia and 15 healthy controls. The number of Candida species was measured as colony-forming units after propagation on selective medium. Identification of Candida at the species level was carried out by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. We then examined the relationship between Candida species and oral mucosal symptoms. Compared with controls, patients with xerostomia exhibited significantly decreased whole salivary flow rate, increased rate of oral mucosal symptoms, and higher numbers of Candida. Salivary flow rate negatively correlated with the number Candida. Among patients with oral candidiasis, Candida albicans was isolated from the tongue mucosa and Candida glabrata was isolated from the angle of the mouth. These results suggest that particular Candida species are involved in the pathogenesis of oral mucosal disorders in patients with xerostomia. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  10. Assessment of relationship between oral health behavior, oral hygiene and gingival status of dental students

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    Afsheen Lalani


    Conclusion: Thus, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between the oral health behavior, oral hygiene, and gingival status of dental students. Dental students with better self-reported oral health behavior had lower plaque and gingival scores indicating a better attitude toward oral health.

  11. Quando um primitivo é como um orbe? Quando um primitivo é como um orbe?

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    J. Hillis Miller


    Full Text Available Minhas estratégias de analise textual se tornarão mais ou menos evidentes na leitura que se segue. Sua proveniência deveriam tornar-se & cia. 0 ensaio foi inicialmente pensado come parte do livro The Linguistic Moment (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985. Aqui, como no livro, minha preocupação maior e com aqueles momentos em poemas em que a poesia como meio de comunicação constitui problema. Interessa-me particularmente a forma pela qual as fronteiras entre a linguagem conceitual e a figurative se tornam pouco visiveis no poema "A Primitive like an Orb", da última fase da poesia de Wallace Stevens.

  12. Primera Jornada de Actualización en Patología Oral y Maxilofacial

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    Claudia Patricia Peña Vega


    Full Text Available Dedicamos las Lecturas recobradas a las memorias de la “Primera Jornada de Actualización en Patología Oral Y Maxilofacial” de las Facultades de Odontología y Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, realizado en septiembre 30 al 01 de octubre del año 2016, bajo la coordinación de la profesora asociada del Departamento de Salud Oral de la universidad Nacional de Colombia, Claudia Patricia Peña Vega. El objetivo general del encuentro fue realizar una jornada académica integral de actualización en el campo de la Patología Oral y Maxilofacial dirigida a los estudiantes, residentes, egresados, profesores, y profesionales odontólogos, médicos, de las diferentes especialidades de interés en el área de la Patología General y Oral que fortalezcan la interdisciplinariedad del diagnóstico en un contexto clínico, académico e investigativo. Con el propósito de actualizar a los odontólogos y médicos en el estado del arte, avances tecnológicos y científicos en los diferentes campos de la Patología Oral y Maxilofacial, fortaleciendo académica y científicamente el campo de la Patología Oral y Maxilofacial, enmarcado como ámbito importante del conocimiento de la Patología General. Proporciona y difunde el Servicio de diagnóstico histopatológico en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Todo esto, con el objetivo de crear un espacio académico para la presentación de casos clínicos y discusión de temas de interés, con la participación de diferentes expertos Patólogos de diferentes instituciones y creando nexos y vínculos académicos, hospitalarios y científicos con el Departamento de Patología de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y la Sección Académica de Patología de la Faculta de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

  13. O gerenciamento do erro em aulas de inglês como língua estrangeira: um estudo com foco na produção oral Error management in efl classes: a study on oral production

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    Suzi Marques Spatti Cavalari


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de se investigar o gerenciamento do erro em aulas de inglês como língua estrangeira e suas implicações para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Em sua primeira etapa, a investigação buscou (a verificar como os participantes da pesquisa vivenciavam o erro e a correção, (b descrever as principais características das interlínguas dos aprendizes naquele momento. Na segunda etapa do trabalho, desenvolveu-se uma proposta de intervenção e tratamento dos erros mais recorrentes, por meio da qual se pretendia implementar ações pedagógicas com foco na forma (FonF que promovessem a negociação de determinados aspectos lingüísticos. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas, questionários, gravações audiovisuais, observações das aulas, notas de campo transformadas em diários, sessões de visionamento com os aprendizes e de discussão com a professora participante, num processo cíclico e contínuo, a fim de se embasarem as decisões referentes ao processo interventivo. Verificou-se que os movimentos corretivos empregados para promover momentos de negociação da forma se mostraram uma importante ferramenta no tratamento dos erros por ajudarem os aprendizes a perceberem lacunas em suas interlínguas e a se esforçarem para refazer suas produções consideradas imprecisas. Nesse esforço, observou-se a importância do papel do professor ao fornecer os andaimes necessários para que cada aprendiz pudesse se monitorar. Considerou-se, também, a relevância do aspecto complementar entre os dois focos - foco na forma x foco na mensagem para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de língua estrangeira por instrução.This study was carried out in order to investigate error management in EFL (English as a foreign language classes and its implications for the teaching and learning process. In its first stage, this investigation aimed at assessing how the participants perceived error and its

  14. La ciudad de los prodigios somos nosotros. Actividades de expresión oral a partir de lecturas: una propuesta creativa para los alumnos

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    Eugenio Gillani Martín


    Full Text Available Entre los cometidos que tenemos los profesores en el nivel de enseñanza en el que trabajo, enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras (LE en escuelas oficiales de idiomas (E.O.I., están también la práctica de la comprensión escrita y el fomento de la lectura,  tanto en el aula como fuera de ella. Existe, al respecto, el hábito de  proponer a los alumnos, a lo largo del curso y de forma más o  menos obligatoria, la lectura en casa de cuentos y novelas que, posteriormente, se utilizarán en clase para actividades de análisis  lingüístico (generalmente sobre contenidos gramaticales, léxicos, estructuras sintácticas, modelos textuales, etc., o como estímulo para escribir resúmenes y redacciones y, cómo no, como objeto de evaluación de competencia en la expresión oral.

  15. Oral hygiene and oral flora evaluation in psychiatric patients in nursing homes in Turkey. (United States)

    Zengin, A Z; Yanik, K; Celenk, P; Unal-Erzurumlu, Z; Yilmaz, H; Bulut, N


    The World Health Organization has stated that psychiatric patients are a group of people who have oral and dental illnesses. The aims of this study were to document the oral hygiene of individuals with chronic psychiatric illness, to determine the extraoral and intraoral findings, to detect the dominant microorganisms in oral flora, and to inform clinicians of these findings. The study included 100 patients (69 men and 31 women) with different psychiatric illnesses living in a nursing home. They were 19-96 years old (median, 48 years). The participants completed a questionnaire about patients' oral health. They underwent extraoral and intraoral examinations. Two swab samples were obtained from the oral mucosa of these patients. Gram preparations were analyzed for leukocytes, bacteria, and yeast. Chi-square test and z-test were used. All patients (100%) had the necessary equipment for oral hygiene; however, many (43%) patients had poor oral hygiene. There was a high prevalence of xerostomia (56%) and fissured tongue (61.4%) (among other tongue anomalies). The most commonly isolated microorganisms were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus0 (35.9%), Streptococcus spp. (30.3%), nondiphtheroid Bacilli (16.9%), Staphylococcus aureus (2.3%), Candida spp. (11.8%), and Gram-negative Bacilli (2.8%). The oral hygiene of most patients was insufficient. The presence of Gram-negative Bacilli growth in the oral flora can be explained by poor hand hygiene. These findings suggest that it is useful to educate individuals about oral hygiene and hand hygiene and to inform the staff and families about this issue.

  16. Complicaciones orales en niños post-terapia antineoplásica

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    Samantha Rivas Urbina


    Full Text Available Las neoplasias malignas han ido adquiriendo a lo largo de los últimos años una prevalencia significativa. Esta enfermedad no excluye a la población infantil, aunque se presenta en baja frecuencia, constituye una de las tres causas de muerte en niños. El tratamiento antineoplásico a través de los años ha logrado porcentajes altos de curaciones, sin embargo, los grados de toxicidad que afectan a las células normales han aumentado por la intensidad de los tratamientos, siendo la cavidad oral muy susceptible a los efectos adversos directos e indirectos de la quimioterapia y radioterapia, debido a un alto índice de renovación celular. Dichas manifestaciones orales de carácter aguda o crónicas se ven agravadas por los problemas odontológicos preexistentes (caries, gingivitis y mala higiene. Es importante para el odontólogo conocer dichas alteraciones, identificarlas y así poder asistir adecuadamente a los pacientes para mejorar la calidad de vida. En este artículo se describen las alteraciones que se presentan con más frecuencia así como la experiencia y manejo clínico dentro del servicio de odontopediatría del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas.

  17. Las prácticas maternas frente a la enfermedad diarreica infantil y la terapia de rehidratación oral Maternal practice in case of infantile diarrhea and oral rehydration therapy

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    Selene Alvarez-Larrauri


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar las prácticas terapéuticas utilizadas por madres de Coatepec, Veracruz, cuando se presentan episodios diarreicos en sus hijos menores de cinco años, su grado de generalización, así como su relación con los entramados de significados sociales que las sustentan. Material y métodos. De un total de 15 740 familias, se seleccionó aleatoriamente una muestra de 300. Asimismo, se hizo un levantamiento de información cuantitativa y cualitativa a partir de entrevistas abiertas estucturadas. Se llevó a cabo un análisis estadístico (no paramétrico de las prácticas terapéuticas y se estudió su relación con variables socioeconómicas. Resultados. Fueron frecuentes las dos prácticas consideradas como las más importantes en la obstaculización de la terapia de rehidratación oral: bajo uso del sobre de hidratación oral (SHO y medicación contraindicada. El análisis no paramétrico indicó una relación de significancia entre las prácticas contraindicadas y el hecho de no tener claro el concepto de deshidratación. Por otro lado, se encontró que existe una relación de significancia entre tener el concepto correcto de deshidratación y: a usar el SHO; b no usar medicamentos contraindicados, y c utilizar menos la medicina tradicional. Las variables socioeconómicas no tuvieron relación de significancia con las prácticas ni con el hecho de saber lo que significa la deshidratación. Se describe, con base en la interpretación cualitativa, cómo se construyen los significados que sustentan estas prácticas y cómo se reproducen por medio de las redes sociales. Conclusiones. Se recomienda investigar también la participación de los proveedores de salud en la reproducción de las prácticas terapéuticas, así como la relación que ello guarda con los patrones de reproducción de los significados en las redes sociales de ayuda.Objective. To determine therapeutic practices used by mothers from Coatepec, Veracruz, in case

  18. La transparencia como objetivo del desarrollo sostenible


    Juan José Gilli


    El presente trabajo tiene por propósito precisar el significado de la transparencia en la gestión pública como una exigencia de carácter ético relacionada con la información que los agentes deben dar en el ámbito sus funciones, reconociendo al ciudadano como el dueño de la información que producen y guardan. La transparencia tiene un especial valor como herramienta para combatir la corrupción y, de esa forma, contribuir a la meta de lograr instituciones inclusivas y efectivas para el desarrol...

  19. Systematic review of oral cryotherapy for management of oral mucositis caused by cancer therapy. (United States)

    Peterson, Douglas E; Ohrn, Kerstin; Bowen, Joanne; Fliedner, Monica; Lees, Judith; Loprinzi, Charles; Mori, Takehiko; Osaguona, Anthony; Weikel, Dianna S; Elad, Sharon; Lalla, Rajesh V


    This systematic review analyzed the strength of the literature and defined clinical practice guidelines for the use of oral cryotherapy for the prevention and/or treatment of oral mucositis caused by cancer therapy. A systematic review on relevant oral cryotherapy studies indexed prior to 31 December 2010 was conducted by the Mucositis Study Group of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer/International Society for Oral Oncology (MASCC/ISOO) using OVID/MEDLINE, with publications selected for review based on defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Findings from the reviewed studies were integrated into guidelines based on the overall level of evidence for each intervention. Guidelines were classified into three types: recommendation, suggestion, or no guideline possible. Twenty-two clinical studies and two meta-analyses were analyzed. Results were compared with the MASCC/ISOO guidelines published in 2007. The recommendation for the use of oral cryotherapy to prevent oral mucositis in patients receiving bolus fluorouracil (5-FU) was maintained, in agreement with the 2007 guidelines. A suggestion for use of oral cryotherapy to prevent oral mucositis in patients receiving high-dose melphalan as conditioning regimen with or without total body irradiation for HCST was revised from the 2007 guidelines. No guideline was possible for any other intervention, due to insufficient evidence. The evidence continues to support the use of oral cryotherapy for prevention of oral mucositis in patients receiving bolus 5-FU chemotherapy or high-dose melphalan. This intervention is consistent with the MASCC/ISOO guidelines published in 2007. The literature is limited by the fact that utilization of a double-blind study design is not feasible. Future studies that compare efficacy of oral cryotherapy with other mucositis agents in patients receiving chemotherapy with relatively short plasma half-lives would be useful.

  20. Relationship of a turbidity of an oral rinse with oral health and malodor in Vietnamese patients. (United States)

    Pham, Thuy A V


    In the present study, the relationship between the turbidity of mouth-rinse water and oral health conditions, including oral malodor, in patients with (n = 148) and without (n = 231) periodontitis was examined. The turbidity of 20 mL distilled water that the patients rinsed in their mouths 10 times was measured using a turbidimeter. Oral malodor was evaluated using an organoleptic test and Oral Chroma. Oral health conditions, including decayed teeth, periodontal status, oral hygiene status, proteolytic activity of the N-benzoyl-dl-arginine-2-napthilamide (BANA) test on the tongue coating, and salivary flow rate, were assessed. Turbidity showed significant correlations with oral malodor and all oral health parameters in the periodontitis group. In the non-periodontitis group, turbidity showed significant correlations with oral malodor and oral health parameters, including dental plaque, tongue coating, BANA test, and salivary flow rate. The regression analysis indicated that turbidity was significantly associated with methyl mercaptan and the BANA test in the periodontitis group, and with hydrogen sulfide, dental plaque, tongue coating, and salivary flow rate in the non-periodontitis group. The findings of the present study indicate that the turbidity of mouth-rinse water could be used as an indicator of oral health conditions, including oral malodor. © 2013 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  1. Happiness, subjective and objective oral health status, and oral health behaviors among Korean elders. (United States)

    Yoon, Hyun-Seo; Kim, Hae-Young; Patton, Lauren L; Chun, Jin-Ho; Bae, Kwang-Hak; Lee, Mi-Ok


    This study aims to comprehensively assess the association of subjective and objective oral health status and oral health behaviors with happiness, under consideration of demographic, socioeconomic, and general health-related factors. This study also aims to test whether subjective oral health outcomes are better predictors of happiness compared with objective oral health outcomes. The data were collected from 479 community-dwelling elders aged 65 years or over selected by a cluster sampling method. A questionnaire and an oral examination were implemented. A multiple regression method was conducted to assess associations with happiness index (HI). The mean age of the elders was 74.6 years. Mean (standard deviation, SD) HI, EuroQol-visual analog scale (EQ-VAS) and 14-item oral health impact profile (OHIP-14) index were 5.7 (SD 2.3), 59.8 (SD 21.1), and 16.3 (SD 13.1). In the final model, a significant association with HI of the OHIP-14 index (P = 0.091) among all the participants and significant associations of oral symptoms (P = 0.038), wearing a removable denture (P = 0.039), and of the oral health behavior of daily toothbrushing (P = 0.007) among poorer oral health QoL group were confirmed under consideration of other related factors. While correlations of HI to subjective measures of health, EQ-VAS and OHIP-14 score were moderate to weak, those to objective measures of health were only weak or insignificant. Oral impacts which might persistently affect one's daily life need to be considered in designing and delivering public services aimed to promote people's happiness. With oral health impacts and behaviors accounting for 10% of happiness among elders, public and community services for the elderly that support oral health and daily toothbrushing for the dentate are critical for the well-being of our elders. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. A montagem cinematográfica como ato criativo

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    Maria Dora Genis Mourão


    Full Text Available O foco deste trabalho é refletir sobre a montagem cinematográfica como ato criativo, não a montagem pensada como simples agenciadora de planos, mas como criadora de sentidos. É na maneira como o cinema articula e aproxima as imagens e os sons que verificamos sua transformação em discurso. Criam-se novos sentidos, uma nova lógica onde os significados não são transparentes, nascida da associação de fragmentos. Justapõem-se duas realidades: a da vida propriamente dita e a do filme, a do discurso e, ainda dentro do filme, a justaposição de planos determinando novas leituras das Imagens. Partindo dos princípios da teoria da montagem cinematográfica de S. M. Eisenstein, faremos um rápido panorama de como o cinema, no decorrer de sua história, foi influenciado pelos conceitos desenvolvidos em sua teoria.

  3. Suplemento artesanal oral: uma proposta para recuperação nutricional de crianças e adolescentes com câncer Homemade oral supplement: a proposal for the nutritional recovery of children and adolescents with cancer

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    Fernanda Rodrigues Alves


    Full Text Available Objetivo Avaliar o impacto do suplemento oral artesanal na recuperação do estado nutricional de pacientes com desnutrição leve, grave e com risco nutricional. Métodos Propuseram-se oito receitas de suplementos visando ofertar entre 30,0% e 35,0% do gasto energético total. Os pacientes com desnutrição grave (grupo B receberam o suplemento oral por duas semanas, e os demais pacientes (grupo A, por quatro semanas. Para a comparação dos resultados obtidos com o emprego do suplemento oral artesanal, foram utilizados dados referentes a um protocolo anterior, com o mesmo desenho, entretanto, com a utilização de suplemento oral industrializado. Resultados O suplemento oral artesanal fica muito aquém no que diz respeito a alguns micronutrientes, entretanto é cinco vezes mais barato do que a preparação com o suplemento oral industrializado. Os pacientes do grupo A com suplemento oral artesanal apresentaram 88,0% de resposta positiva na semana de avaliação, enquanto os com suplemento oral industrializado tiveram 84,0%. No grupo B, foram recuperados 22,0% dos pacientes com suplemento oral artesanal e 25,0% do grupo com suplemento oral industrializado, não apresentando, portanto, diferença significante. Comparando o impacto do industrializado com o do artesanal na prega cutânea tricipital e circunferência do braço, verificou-se que o suplemento oral industrializado no grupo A apresentou melhores resultados que o suplemento oral artesanal, e no grupo B, esse efeito observado na prega cutânea não foi significante (p=0,16. Os consumos de energia e de proteína, assim como a evolução nutricional, foram semelhantes entre suplemento oral industrializado e suplemento oral artesanal. Apenas a composição corpórea no grupo A com suplemento oral industrializado apresentou melhores resultados. Conclusão Os resultados apresentados neste estudo sugerem que o emprego da terapia com suplemento artesanal seja uma opção capaz de auxiliar na

  4. Oral Hygiene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villadsen, Dorte Buxbom; Sørensen, Marie Toftdahl


    The aim of the study is to explore how adults with schizophrenia describe their lived experiences with oral hygiene. 23 adults with schizophrenia were interviewed within a period of four months in late 2015. Transcriptions of the interviews were analysed using the Reflective Lifeworld Research ph...... health care professionals and adults with schizophrenia in order to improve oral health, well-being and recovery....

  5. Oral Hygiene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Marie Toftdahl; Villadsen, Dorte Buxbom

    The aim of the study was to explore how adults with schizo- phrenia describe their lived experiences with oral hygiene. 23 adults with schizophrenia were interviewed within a period of four months in late 2015. Transcriptions of the interviews were analysed using the Reflective Lifeworld Research...... health care professionals and adults with schizophrenia in order to improve oral health, well-being and recovery....

  6. Oral findings in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome and oral lichen planus - a preliminary study on the effects of bovine colostrum-containing oral hygiene products

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, A.M.; Torpet, L.A.; Reibel, J.


    Primary Sjögren's syndrome, oral lichen planus, bovine colostrum, saliva, xerostomia, oral mucosa......Primary Sjögren's syndrome, oral lichen planus, bovine colostrum, saliva, xerostomia, oral mucosa...

  7. Pathogenesis of oral FIV infection.

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    Craig Miller

    Full Text Available Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV is the feline analogue of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV and features many hallmarks of HIV infection and pathogenesis, including the development of concurrent oral lesions. While HIV is typically transmitted via parenteral transmucosal contact, recent studies prove that oral transmission can occur, and that saliva from infected individuals contains significant amounts of HIV RNA and DNA. While it is accepted that FIV is primarily transmitted by biting, few studies have evaluated FIV oral infection kinetics and transmission mechanisms over the last 20 years. Modern quantitative analyses applied to natural FIV oral infection could significantly further our understanding of lentiviral oral disease and transmission. We therefore characterized FIV salivary viral kinetics and antibody secretions to more fully document oral viral pathogenesis. Our results demonstrate that: (i saliva of FIV-infected cats contains infectious virus particles, FIV viral RNA at levels equivalent to circulation, and lower but significant amounts of FIV proviral DNA; (ii the ratio of FIV RNA to DNA is significantly higher in saliva than in circulation; (iii FIV viral load in oral lymphoid tissues (tonsil, lymph nodes is significantly higher than mucosal tissues (buccal mucosa, salivary gland, tongue; (iv salivary IgG antibodies increase significantly over time in FIV-infected cats, while salivary IgA levels remain static; and, (v saliva from naïve Specific Pathogen Free cats inhibits FIV growth in vitro. Collectively, these results suggest that oral lymphoid tissues serve as a site for enhanced FIV replication, resulting in accumulation of FIV particles and FIV-infected cells in saliva. Failure to induce a virus-specific oral mucosal antibody response, and/or viral capability to overcome inhibitory components in saliva may perpetuate chronic oral cavity infection. Based upon these findings, we propose a model of oral FIV pathogenesis

  8. Oral cancer: A multicenter study (United States)

    Rojanawatsirivej, Somsri; Thosaporn, Watcharaporn; Kintarak, Sompid; Subarnbhesaj, Ajiravudh; Darling, Mark; Kryshtalskyj, Eugene; Chiang, Chun-Pin; Shin, Hong-In; Choi, So-Young; Lee, Sang-shin; Shakib, Pouyan-Amini


    Background To determine the prevalence and clinicopathologic features of the oral cancer patients. Material and Methods Biopsy records of the participating institutions were reviewed for oral cancer cases diagnosed from 2005 to 2014. Demographic data and site of the lesions were collected. Sites of the lesion were subdivided into lip, tongue, floor of the mouth, gingiva, alveolar mucosa, palate, buccal/labial mucosa, maxilla and mandible. Oral cancer was subdivided into 7 categories: epithelial tumors, salivary gland tumors, hematologic tumors, bone tumors, mesenchymal tumors, odontogenic tumors, and others. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using SPSS software version 17.0. Results Of the 474,851 accessioned cases, 6,151 cases (1.30%) were diagnosed in the category of oral cancer. The mean age of the patients was 58.37±15.77 years. A total of 4,238 cases (68.90%) were diagnosed in males, whereas 1911 cases (31.07%) were diagnosed in females. The male-to-female ratio was 2.22:1. The sites of predilection for oral cancer were tongue, labial/buccal mucosa, gingiva, palate, and alveolar mucosa, respectively. The three most common oral cancer in the descending order of frequency were squamous cell carcinoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Conclusions Although the prevalence of oral cancer is not high compared to other entities, oral cancer pose significant mortality and morbidity in the patients, especially when discovered late in the course of the disease. This study highlights some anatomical locations where oral cancers are frequently encountered. As a result, clinicians should pay attention to not only teeth, but oral mucosa especially in the high prevalence area as well since early detection of precancerous lesions or cancers in the early stage increase the chance of patient being cured and greatly reduce the mortality and morbidity. This study also shows some differences between pediatric and elderly oral cancer patients as well as

  9. Las primeras muestras del romancero de tradición oral moderna: Serafín Estébanez Calderón (The first signs of ballads from modern oral tradition: Serafin Estébanez Calderon

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    Carmen de la Vega de la Muela


    Full Text Available Resumen: Las primeras muestras del Romancero de la tradición oral moderna vinieron de la mano de románticos viajeros que, como Washington Irving, dejaron testimonios de romances que se cantaban en Andalucía; y más tarde, los pioneros del folklorismo español daban a conocer en sus escritos costumbristas algunos romances recogidos directamente en estas tierras meridionales, siendo Serafín Estébanez Calderón quien más datos nos ofrece sobre los ambientes en los que se desenvolvía el Romancero en la primera mitad del siglo XIX.Abstract: The first signs of ballads from modern oral tradition came from the hand of romantic travelers who, like Washington Irving, left testimonies of ballads that were sung in Andalusia, and later, the pioneers of Spanish folklore were to reveal in his writings some manners romances collected directly in these southern lands, where Serafin Estébanez Calderon who gives us more data about the environments in which unfolded the Ballads in the first half of the nineteenth century.

  10. Ethnicity and oral cancer. (United States)

    Scully, C; Bedi, R


    Oral squamous-cell carcinoma, the main type of oral cancer, is among the ten most common cancers in the world. The aims of this paper were first, to consider whether there was evidence of marked ethnic variations in the incidence, management, and survival of oral cancer, and then, to review possible explanations for these variations. Evidence from the literature suggests that there is marked, inter-country variation in both the incidence and mortality from oral cancer. There is also growing evidence of intracountry ethnic differences, mostly reported in the UK and USA. These variations among ethnic groups have been attributed mainly to specific risk factors, such as alcohol and tobacco (smoking and smokeless), but dietary factors and the existence of genetic predispositions may also play a part. Variations in access to care services are also an apparent factor. The extent of ethnic differences in oral cancer is masked by the scarcity of information available. Where such data are accessible, there are clear disparities in both incidence and mortality of oral cancer between ethnic groups.

  11. A utilização da chupeta e o desenvolvimento sensório motor oral Pacifier's use and oral motor sensory development

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    Cláudia Marina Tavares de Araújo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: verificar parâmetros do desenvolvimento sensório motor oral de lactentes no terceiro mês de vida, com e sem o hábito de chupar chupeta, além de identificar a frequência do uso da chupeta entre crianças em aleitamento materno e crianças que iniciaram o desmame. MÉTODOS: estudo observacional com corte transversal, envolvendo 74 bebês que nasceram e estavam realizando acompanhamento no Serviço de Puericultura de uma maternidade da rede pública, Recife-PE. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista com as mães e observação das crianças. RESULTADOS: as que não utilizavam chupeta apresentaram frequentemente padrão postural global simétrico, melhores respostas aos reflexos orais e língua mais posteriorizada (p=0,034. CONCLUSÃO: constatou-se que as crianças que não utilizaram chupeta apresentaram melhor postura das estruturas orais, como também melhores respostas em relação aos reflexos orais. Nas crianças em aleitamento materno exclusivo foi predominante o não uso da chupeta, havendo associação estatisticamente significante entre o aleitamento materno exclusivo e o não uso da chupeta (p=0,001. Por outro lado, entre as crianças que já haviam iniciado o desmame, o uso da chupeta foi mais frequente.PURPOSE: to check the parameters of breastfed babies' oral motor sensory development in their third month of life, with and without the pacifier use and identify the periodicity of pacifier use amongst infants being exclusively breastfed and those who already started weaning. METHODS: an observational study with transversal cut, involving 74 babies born at the Public Maternity, in Recife-PE, and being followed by the Child Welfare Service entity. Data were obtained through interviews with the mothers, followed by observation of the infants during their routine out-patient consultations. RESULTS: in this study, the Infants who do not regularly use pacifier, showed standard symmetric global posture, better response

  12. Tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional Tuberculosis as occupational disease


    Alberto Mendoza-Ticona


    Existe evidencia suficiente para declarar a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional en diversos profesionales especialmente entre los trabajadores de salud. En el Perú están normados y reglamentados los derechos laborales inherentes a la tuberculosis como enfermedad ocupacional, como la cobertura por discapacidad temporal o permanente. Sin embargo, estos derechos aún no han sido suficientemente socializados. En este trabajo se presenta información sobre el riesgo de adquirir tuberculosis ...

  13. Increased melatonin in oral mucosal tissue of oral lichen planus (OLP) patients: A possible link between melatonin and its role in oral mucosal inflammation. (United States)

    Luengtrakoon, Kirawut; Wannakasemsuk, Worraned; Vichitrananda, Vilasinee; Klanrit, Poramaporn; Hormdee, Doosadee; Noisombut, Rajda; Chaiyarit, Ponlatham


    The existence of extra-pineal melatonin has been observed in various tissues. No prior studies of melatonin in human oral mucosal tissue under the condition of chronic inflammation have been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of melatonin in oral mucosal tissue of patients with oral lichen planus (OLP) which was considered as a chronic inflammatory immune-mediated disease causing oral mucosal damage and ulcerations. Sections from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded oral mucosal tissue of OLP patients (n=30), and control subjects (n=30) were used in this study. Immunohistochemical staining was performed and the semiquantitative scoring system was used to assess the levels of arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase (AANAT: a rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis pathway of melatonin), melatonin, and melatonin receptor 1 (MT1) in oral mucosa of OLP patients and normal oral mucosa of control subjects. AANAT, melatonin, and MT1were detected in oral mucosal tissue of OLP patients and control subjects. Immunostaining scores of AANAT, melatonin, and MT1 in oral mucosal tissue of OLP patients were significantly higher than those in control subjects (p=0.002, poral mucosal tissue of OLP patients imply that chronic inflammation may induce the local biosynthesis of melatonin via AANAT, and may enhance the action of melatonin via MT1. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. A school-based oral health educational program: the experience of Maringa- PR, Brazil Programa educacional em saúde bucal baseado em escolas: a experiência de Maringá- PR, Brasil

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    Carlos Alberto Conrado


    Full Text Available The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the preliminary results of a school-based oral health educational strategy adopted in public primary schools from the city of Maringa, State of Parana, Brazil. The study sample was composed by 556 children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years old, 124 schoolteachers and a group of 55 mothers. The educational approach was implemented for 18 months and consisted of reinforcements of interventions addressed to students and schoolteachers at school level and few activities targeted at the mothers, performed by means of home visits. Baseline and follow-up interviews focused on oral health care were undertaken for the entire study population. As a stimulus for the students to achieve proper oral hygiene habits, the simplified oral hygiene index was assessed at three different moments. A statistically significant improvement in their oral hygiene index (pO principal propósito deste estudo foi avaliar os resultados preliminares de uma estratégia educacional baseada em escolas sobre saúde bucal adotada em escolas públicas de ensino fundamental da cidade de Maringá, estado do Paraná, Brasil. A amostra de estudo foi composta por 556 crianças e adolescentes entre 6 e 17 anos de idade, 124 professoras e um grupo de 55 mães. A abordagem educacional foi implementada por um período de 18 meses e consistiu de reforços das intervenções educativas dirigidas aos estudantes e professores a nível escolar e de poucas atividades tendo como alvo as mães, desenvolvidas através de visitas domiciliares. Entrevistas iniciais e de acompanhamento focando cuidados em saúde bucal foram realizadas com toda a população de estudo. Como um estímulo aos estudantes para assumirem hábitos apropriados de higiene bucal, o índice de higiene oral simplificado foi avaliado em três diferentes momentos. Uma melhora estatisticamente significante em seus índices de higiene oral (p< 0,001 foi registrada. Os resultados alcan

  15. Oral health-related quality of life after prosthetic rehabilitation in patients with oral cancer: A longitudinal study with the Liverpool Oral Rehabilitation Questionnaire version 3 and Oral Health Impact Profile-14 questionnaire. (United States)

    Dholam, K P; Chouksey, G C; Dugad, J


    Prosthodontic rehabilitation helps to improve the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQOL). The Liverpool Oral Rehabilitation Questionnaire (LORQ) and Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) are specific tools that measure OHRQOL. The primary objective of this study was to assess the impact of oral rehabilitation on patients' OHRQOL following treatment for cancer of oral cavity using LORQ version 3 (LORQv3) and OHIP-14 questionnaire. Secondary objectives were to identify issues specific to oral rehabilitation, patients compliance to prosthetic rehabilitation, the effect of radiation treatment on prosthetic rehabilitation, to achieve meaningful differences over a time before & after prosthetic intervention, to carryout and document specific patient-deprived problem. Seventy-five oral cancer patients were studied. Patients were asked to rate their experience of dental problems before fabrication of prosthesis and after 1 year using LORQv3 and OHIP-14. The responses were compared on Likert scale. Patients reported with extreme problems before rehabilitation. After 1 year of prosthetic rehabilitation, there was improvement noticed in all the domain of LORQv3 and OHIP-14. Complete compliance to the use of prosthetic appliances for 1 year study period was noted. In response to the question no. 40 (LORQv3), only 15 patients who belonged to the obturator group, brought to notice the problems which were not addressed in the LORQv3 questionnaire. The study showed that the oral cancer patients coped well and adapted to near normal oral status after prosthetic rehabilitation. This contributed to the improved overall health-related quality of life.

  16. Maintaining women's oral health. (United States)

    McCann, A L; Bonci, L


    Women must adopt health-promoting strategies for both general health and the oral cavity, because the health of a woman's body and oral cavity are bidirectional. For general health-maintenance strategies, dental practitioners should actively advise women to minimize alcohol use, abstain from or cease smoking, stay physically active, and choose the right foods to nourish both the body and mind. For oral health-maintenance strategies, dental practitioners should advise women on how to prevent or control oral infections, particularly dental caries and periodontal diseases. Specifically, women need to know how to remove plaque from the teeth mechanically, use appropriate chemotherapeutic agents and dentifrices, use oral irrigation, and control halitosis. Dental practitioners also need to stress the importance of regular maintenance visits for disease prevention. Adolescent women are more prone to gingivitis and aphthous ulcers when they begin their menstrual cycles and need advice about cessation of tobacco use, mouth protection during athletic activities, cleaning orthodontic appliances, developing good dietary habits, and avoiding eating disorders. Women in early to middle adulthood may be pregnant or using oral contraceptives with concomitant changes in oral tissues. Dental practitioners need to advise them how to take care of the oral cavity during these changes and how to promote the health of their infants, including good nutrition. Older women experience the onset of menopause and increased vulnerability to osteoporosis. They may also experience xerostomia and burning mouth syndrome. Dental practitioners need to help women alleviate these symptoms and encourage them to continue good infection control and diet practices.

  17. A Imagem como Ruína

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    Míriam Volpe


    Full Text Available O dialogismo ente o filme Citizen Kane, de Orson Welles, e o poema “Kubla Khan”, de S.T. Coleridgé, é analisado, sendo evidenciados não só o tema em comum – o mito do Paraíso perdido – como também a similariedade na organização do disurso na justaposição das images, como fragmentos da memória a serem preservados.

  18. Current stress and poor oral health. (United States)

    Vasiliou, A; Shankardass, K; Nisenbaum, R; Quiñonez, C


    Psychological stress appears to contribute to poor oral health systemically in combination with other chronic diseases. Few studies directly examine this relationship. Data from a cross-sectional study of 2,412 participants between the ages of 25-64 years old living in the City of Toronto between 2009 and 2012 were used to examine the relationship between current stress and two self-rated oral health outcomes (general oral health and oral pain). Dental care utilization and access to dental insurance were examined as effect modifiers. A positive relationship between current stress and poor oral health was observed for both outcomes (oral pain coefficient 0.32, 95 % CI 0.26-0.38; general oral health coefficient 0.28, 95 % CI 0.19-0.36). Effects on oral pain were stronger for the uninsured, while effects on general oral health were stronger with decreasing socioeconomic position. Our findings suggest that individuals with greater perceived stress also report poorer oral health, and that this relationship is modified by dental insurance and socioeconomic position. These findings warrant a greater focus on the role of psychological stress in the development of oral disease, including how perceived stress contributes to health inequities in self-reported oral health status. Patients experiencing stressful lives may differentially require closer monitoring and more vigilant maintenance of their oral health, above and beyond that which is needed to achieve a state of health in the oral environment of less stressed individuals. There may be health promoting effects of addressing psychosocial concerns related to dental care - particularly for the poor and uninsured.

  19. El Derecho como práctica y como discurso. La perspectiva de la persona como garantía de objetividad y razonabilidad en la interpretación

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    Full Text Available El trabajo se propone ofrecer una comprensión tanto de los orígenes como de los límites de la problematicidad de la interpretación jurídica -en particular, aunque no de modo único, de la interpretación constitucional-, focalizada en la estructura intencional del Derecho como discurso escrito y como práctica social. En cuanto discurso, el Derecho se concibe como un conjunto de "actos del habla"; en tanto práctica social, la comprensibilidad del Derecho se vincula a los fines o a las intenciones que se proponen sus participantes y que lo distinguen de otras prácticas sociales. Se concluye desde esta doble perspectiva que, lejos de ser un método entre otros, la interpretación teleológica es la estructura formal indisponible de toda interpretación jurídica. Sobre esta base se intenta mostrar que, aunque la proyección teleológica del Derecho opere como causal de la problematicidad de la interpretación jurídica, al mismo tiempo se constituye en el límite o marco para la dimensión creativa de la interpretación. A partir de aquí se defiende la tesis de que la problematicidad de la interpretación jurídica no es sinónimo de arbitrariedad en el Derecho constitucionalizado, al menos si se asumen dos postulados. Primero, que la abstracción del lenguaje jurídico es indeterminación, pero no vaguedad. Segundo, que los fines últimos del Derecho se ligan a una concepción de persona objetiva -metafísica, no política-.

  20. Fractal analysis in oral leukoplakia

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    Prashant Bhai Pandey


    Full Text Available Introduction: Fractal analysis (FA quantifies complex geometric structures by generating a fractal dimension (FD, which can measure the complexity of mucosa. FA is a quantitative tool used to measure the complexity of self-similar or semi-self-similar structures. Aim and Objective: The study was done to perform the FA of oral mucosa with keratotic changes, as it is also made up of self-similar tissues, and thus, its FD can be calculated. Results: In oral leukoplakia, keratinization increases the complexity of mucosa, which denotes fractal geometry. We evaluated and compared pretreated and post-treated oral leukoplakia in 50 patients with clinically proven oral leukoplakia and analyzed the normal oral mucosa and lesional or keratinized mucosa in oral leukoplakia patients through FA using box counting method. Conclusion: FA using the fractal geometry is an efficient, noninvasive prediction tool for early detection of oral leukoplakia and other premalignant conditions in patients.


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    Maria Silvia Serra


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Habitar las ciudades es un proceso en el que se encuentran anudadas cuestiones materiales y simbólicas. Este lazo debe ser atendido y puesto en valor en términos históricos y culturales ya que forma parte de nuestro aprendizaje como sujetos urbanos. En este sentido, tal como afirma Andreas Huyssen (2002: 191 " ciudad funciona como un tipo de prisma" que permite "enfocar" una multiplicidad de temáticas que no están solo ligadas al urbanismo o a la arquitectura, sino también a experiencias culturales y construcciones simbólicas que articulan el hecho concreto de vivir en las ciudades. Es así que, siguiendo a este autor, podemos afirmar que la ciudad es un texto que puede ser leído como un verdadero espacio de signos. Una casa, un barrio, un edificio, los espacios públicos, las calles y veredas, los monumentos son reservorios de un tiempo y una memoria que requieren de una multiplicidad de lecturas para transformarse en escenarios de aprendizajes integradores. Cuestionar a la ciudad como territorio de la educación integral así como reconocer las cuestiones centrales que se ponen a prueba cuando esto se postula como una política pública son los objetivos principales del presente artículo, para lo cual proponemos un recorrido a partir de considerar conceptos nodales como los de educación integral y pedagogía urbana.

  2. Effects of L-arginine oral supplements in pregnant spontaneously hypertensive rats Efeitos da oferta oral de L-arginina em ratas prenhas espontaneamente hipertensas

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    José Ricardo Sousa Ayres de Moura


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of L-arginine oral supplementation in spontaneously hypertensive pregnant rats (SHR. METHODS: Thirty SHR and ten Wistar-EPM-1 virgin female rats were used in the study. Before randomization, females were caged with males of the same strain (3:1. Pregnancy was confirmed by sperm-positive vaginal smear (Day 0. Wistar-EPM-1 rats served as counterpart control (C-1. SHR rats were randomized in 4 groups (n=10: Group Control 2, non-treated rats; Group L-Arginine treated with L-arginine 2%; Group Alpha-methyldopa treated with Alpha-methyldopa 33mg/Kg; Group L-Arginine+Alpha-methyldopa treated with L-arginine 2%+Alpha-methyldopa 33mg/Kg. L-arginine 2% solution was offered ad libitum in drinking water and Alpha-methyldopa was administered by gavage twice a day during the length of pregnancy (20 days. Blood pressure was measured by tailcuff plethysmography on days 0 and 20. Body weight was measured on days 0, 10 and 20. Results were expressed as mean ± SD (Standard Deviation. One-Way ANOVA/Tukey (or Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn, as appropriate was used for group comparisons. Statistical significance was accepted as pOBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da oferta oral de L-arginina em ratas prenhas espontaneamente hipertensivas (SHR. MÉTODOS: 30 SHR e 10 Wistar-EPM-1 ratas virgens foram utilizadas no estudo. Antes da distribuição, as fêmeas foram acasaladas com machos da mesma linhagem (3:1; a prenhez foi confirmada pela presença de espermatozóides no esfregaço vaginal. As ratas Wistar-EPM-1 foram utilizadas como controles. As ratas SHR foram aleatoriamente distribuídas em 4 grupos (n=10: Grupo Controle-2, não-tratado; Grupo L-Arginina, tratado com L-arginina; Grupo Alfa-metildopa, tratado com alfa-metildopa; Grupo L-Arginina+Alfa-metildopa, tratado com arginina+Alfa-metildopa. L-arginina (2% foi oferecida ad libitum na água de beber e a Alfa-metildopa (33 mg/Kg foi administrada por gavagem, duas vezes ao dia, durante toda a

  3. Oral yeast colonization throughout pregnancy. (United States)

    Rio, R; Simões-Silva, L; Garro, S; Silva, M-J; Azevedo, Á; Sampaio-Maia, B


    Recent studies suggest that placenta may harbour a unique microbiome that may have origin in maternal oral microbiome. Although the major physiological and hormonal adjustments observed in pregnant women lead to biochemical and microbiological modifications of the oral environment, very few studies evaluated the changes suffered by the oral microbiota throughout pregnancy. So, the aim of our study was to evaluate oral yeast colonization throughout pregnancy and to compare it with non-pregnant women. The oral yeast colonization was assessed in saliva of 30 pregnant and non-pregnant women longitudinally over a 6-months period. Demographic information was collected, a non-invasive intra-oral examination was performed and saliva flow and pH were determined. Pregnant and non-pregnant groups were similar regarding age and level of education. Saliva flow rate did not differ, but saliva pH was lower in pregnant than in non-pregnant women. Oral yeast prevalence was higher in pregnant than in non-pregnant women, either in the first or in the third trimester, but did not attain statistical significance. In individuals colonized with yeast, the total yeast quantification (Log10CFU/mL) increase from the 1st to the 3rd trimester in pregnant women, but not in non-pregnant women. Pregnancy may favour oral yeast growth that may be associated with an acidic oral environment.

  4. Oral complications of cancer therapies. Description and incidence of oral complications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dreizen, S.


    No part of the body reflects the complications of cancer chemotherapy as visibly and as vividly as the mouth. The infectious, hemorrhagic, cytotoxic, nutritional, and neurologic signs of drug toxicity are reflected in the mouth by changes in the color, character, comfort, and continuity of the mucosa. The stomatologic complications of radiotherapy for oral cancer are physical and physiological in nature, transient or lasting in duration, and reversible or irreversible in type. Some linger as permanent mementos long after the cancer has been destroyed. They stem from radiation injury to the salivary glands, oral mucosa, oral musculature, alveolar bone, and developing teeth. They are expressed clinically by xerostomia, trismus, radiation dermatitis, nutritional stomatitis, and dentofacial malformation. In both cancer chemotherapy and cancer radiotherapy, the oral complications vary in pattern, duration, intensity, and number, with not every patient developing every complication. 21 references

  5. Memoria social y producción de relatos orales en las asociaciones étnicas lituanas

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    Paola Monkevicius


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene por objetivo indagar sobre la memoria social como dimensión cultural determinante en la demarcación étnica de la comunidad lituana en la Argentina. Para tal fin, proponemos una perspectiva antropológica de los procesos de significación del pasado, en tanto diacrítico étnico en una comunidad de origen lituano, que en la actualidad se articula fundamentalmente en torno a las instituciones de ayuda mutua de Capital Federal, Gran Buenos Aires y Berisso. En consecuencia, situamos el énfasis sobre el trabajo de memoria realizado desde las asociaciones étnicas lituanas, es decir, sobre la versión "oficial", institucionalizada, dirigida por la elite intelectual. Particularmente analizamos las narrativas orales por constituirse como uno de los principales soportes o canales de vehiculización de ese pasado.The aim of this paper is to inquire into the role of social memory as a determining cultural dimension in the ethnic demarcation of the Lithuanian community in Argentina. In other words, this work consists of the anthropological study of the processes of signification of the past when acting as ethnic diacritic in a community of Lithuanian origin that presently articulates mainly around institutions of mutual aid in the Federal Capital, Greater Buenos Aires and Berisso. For that purpose, we focus on the memory work made within the Lithuanian ethnical associations, that is, on the "official" institutionalized version, lead by the intellectual elite. Particularly we have considered one of the main supports or channels of carriers of the past, the oral narratives.

  6. Irradiation mucositis and oral flora

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spijkervet, F.K.L.


    This study, which is motivated by the substantial morbidity of local signs of mucositis and generalized symptoms that result from mucositis induced by therapeutic irradiation, has the following objectives: To investigate if it is possible to prevent irradiation mucositis via oral flora elimination, and, if it is true that flora plays a role in irradiation mucositis, what fraction of the oral flora may be involved; to evaluate oral Gram-negative bacillary carriage; to investigate the possibility to eradicate Gram-negative bacilli from the oral cavity; to evaluate oral yeast carriage; to investigate the possibility to eradicate yeasts stomatitis and the 'selectivity' of elimination of flora. Two methods are described for monitoring alterations of mucositis of the oral cavity and changes in oral flora. Chlorhexidine has been tested as the commonly used prophylaxis. The effect of chlorhexidine 0.1% rinses on oral flora and mucositis has been studied in a prospective placebo controlled double blind randomized programme. The results of the influence of saliva on the antimicrobial activity of chlorhexidine and the results of selective elimination of oral flora in irradiated patients who have head and neck cancer are reported. Salivary inactivation of the topical antimicrobials used for selective elimination of oral flora has been studied and the results are reported. Finally, the objectives that have been achieved (or not) are delineated. The significance of the results of the study are discussed in terms of published information and further lines of research are suggested. (author). 559 refs.; 29 figs.; 20 tabs

  7. Oral Lichen Planus in Children


    Mohan Das, Usha; JP, Beena


    Oral lichen planus which is one of the most common oral mucosal diseases in adults, it has been rarely described in children. There are very reports in the literature regarding oral lichen planus in children, here we report a case of intraoral lesions of lichen planus. Lichen planus should be considered in the differential diagnosis of hyperkeratotic or erosive lesions of the oral mucosa in children.

  8. El texto literario en la clase de español como lengua extranjera: propuestas y modelos de uso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khemais Jouini


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es postular la inclusión del texto literario en los programas de español como lengua extranjera (E/LE, en tanto este tipo de textos deja de ser un mero trazo ornamental en las distintas unidades enseñadas a los alumnos, para convertirse en un acto de comunicación, vehículo de la enseñanza-aprendizaje del E/LE en un contexto institucional y artificial -adaptado a un perfil de alumnado intermedio / avanzado-, catalizador de diversas actividades tanto de orden oral como escrito, e instrumento didáctico integrador de las habilidades comunicativas. Además, en este artículo se establecen unos criterios de selección para delimitar las características de los textos a utilizar, en correspondencia con los objetivos y los contenidos lingüísticos, las necesidades y los intereses de los estudiantes, y se sugieren unos parámetros didácticos y metodológicos útiles para la elaboración de actividades adecuadas a cada tipo de texto. Finalizamos el trabajo con dos propuestas de aplicaciones prácticas para la transformación de un texto literario en una actividad comunicativa.

  9. Oral cancer: A multicenter study. (United States)

    Dhanuthai, K; Rojanawatsirivej, S; Thosaporn, W; Kintarak, S; Subarnbhesaj, A; Darling, M; Kryshtalskyj, E; Chiang, C-P; Shin, H-I; Choi, S-Y; Lee, S-S; Aminishakib, P


    To determine the prevalence and clinicopathologic features of the oral cancer patients. Biopsy records of the participating institutions were reviewed for oral cancer cases diagnosed from 2005 to 2014. Demographic data and site of the lesions were collected. Sites of the lesion were subdivided into lip, tongue, floor of the mouth, gingiva, alveolar mucosa, palate, buccal/labial mucosa, maxilla and mandible. Oral cancer was subdivided into 7 categories: epithelial tumors, salivary gland tumors, hematologic tumors, bone tumors, mesenchymal tumors, odontogenic tumors, and others. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using SPSS software version 17.0. Of the 474,851 accessioned cases, 6,151 cases (1.30%) were diagnosed in the category of oral cancer. The mean age of the patients was 58.37±15.77 years. A total of 4,238 cases (68.90%) were diagnosed in males, whereas 1911 cases (31.07%) were diagnosed in females. The male-to-female ratio was 2.22:1. The sites of predilection for oral cancer were tongue, labial/buccal mucosa, gingiva, palate, and alveolar mucosa, respectively. The three most common oral cancer in the descending order of frequency were squamous cell carcinoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Although the prevalence of oral cancer is not high compared to other entities, oral cancer pose significant mortality and morbidity in the patients, especially when discovered late in the course of the disease. This study highlights some anatomical locations where oral cancers are frequently encountered. As a result, clinicians should pay attention to not only teeth, but oral mucosa especially in the high prevalence area as well since early detection of precancerous lesions or cancers in the early stage increase the chance of patient being cured and greatly reduce the mortality and morbidity. This study also shows some differences between pediatric and elderly oral cancer patients as well as between Asian and non-Asian oral cancer patients.

  10. Symptomatic oral lesions may be associated with contact allergy to substances in oral hygiene products

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Kristine Røn; Johansen, J D; Reibel, J


    OBJECTIVE: Dental materials and oral hygiene products may be responsible for oral contact allergic reactions. We aimed to determine the occurrence of allergies in patients with symptomatic oral lichen planus (OLP), oral lichenoid lesions (OLLs) and stomatitis and investigate if patch testing could...... identify contact allergies to dental materials and oral hygiene products in these patients. METHODS: Forty-nine patients (7 men, 42 women) aged 31 to 77 years (61 ± 10.3 years) with symptomatic OLP, OLL or stomatitis and 29 healthy age- and gender-matched control subjects were included. They underwent.......01). Avoidance cleared symptoms in all cases. CONCLUSION/CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Allergic reactions to aroma substances in oral hygiene products are common in patients with symptomatic OLP, OLL and stomatitis....

  11. Interleukin-37 expression and its potential role in oral leukoplakia and oral squamous cell carcinoma. (United States)

    Lin, Lin; Wang, Jiayi; Liu, Dongjuan; Liu, Sai; Xu, Hao; Ji, Ning; Zhou, Min; Zeng, Xin; Zhang, Dunfang; Li, Jing; Chen, Qianming


    Interleukin 37 (IL-37) has been reported to play a significant role in innate immune response and to be involved in several kinds of cancers. However, the investigation of association between IL-37 and oral mucosa carcinogenesis hasn't been clearly established. The aim of the study was to assess IL-37 expression and explore its role in oral mucosa carcinogenesis. The expression of IL-37 increased from normal control (NC) to Oral leukoplakia (OLK) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Moreover, statistically highly significant difference was present between scores of OLK with and without mild/moderate dysplasia (P oral mucosa carcinogenesis. Overall, IL-37 can be used as a biomarker for early oral tumorigenesis and for malignant transformation risk assessment of premalignant lesions.

  12. Continuous low-dose oral chemotherapy in recurrent and persistent carcinoma of cervix following chemoradiation: A comparative study between prolonged oral cyclophosphamide and oral etoposide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Upasana Baruah


    Full Text Available Aim: To compare the efficacy and toxicities of low-dose oral cyclophosphamide and oral etoposide in patients with persistent and recurrent cervical cancer with gross pelvic disease following full course of chemoradiation therapy. Materials and Methods: 30 patients with recurrent and persistent cervical cancer with gross pelvic disease were enrolled in this trial. The patients were randomly divided into two groups of 15 patients each with one group receiving low dose oral cyclophosphamide (100 mg/day and the other group receiving low-dose oral etoposide (50 mg/day. Results were statistically analysed by IBM SPSS Statistics 19. Results: Oral etoposide was not well tolerated with grade 2 neutropenia occurring in 33.3% and grade 3 neutropenia in 6.6% and thrombocytopenia occurring in 13.3%. Oral cyclophosphamide group on the other hand was better tolerated with none of the patients having thrombocytopenia and 6.6% patients having grade 2 neutropenia. There were two complete response (15.38% and one partial response at the end of study (7.6% in the cyclophosphamide group whereas there was no complete response and two partial response (16.6% in the oral etoposide group. Conclusion: Long-term, low-dose oral etoposide was found to be less tolerated without any significant effect with patients with persistent and recurrent cervical cancer with gross pelvic disease following full course of chemoradiation therapy in contrast to oral cyclophosphamide which was found to be effective and well-tolerated by the patients.

  13. La sangre como espectáculo.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubén Darío Buitrón


    Full Text Available El autor asevera que cuando la información es concebida y tratada como una mercancía y no como un bien social, la avidez por el lucro la degenera en productos abyectos donde la sangre es espectáculo que sirve para exacerbar el morbo social, incrementar las ventas y los ingresos publicitarios. Señala que lamentablemente en el Ecuador este tipo de periodismo es una plaga muy bien vendida.

  14. Sage tea-thyme-peppermint hydrosol oral rinse reduces chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis: A randomized controlled pilot study. (United States)

    Mutluay Yayla, Ezgi; Izgu, Nur; Ozdemir, Leyla; Aslan Erdem, Sinem; Kartal, Murat


    This pilot study aimed to investigate the preventive effect of sage tea-thyme-peppermint hydrosol oral rinse used in conjunction with basic oral care on chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis. An open-label randomized controlled study. Two oncology hospitals in Ankara, Turkey. Patients receiving 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy regimens were divided into the intervention group (N=30) and control group (N=30). Basic oral care was prescribed to the control group, while the intervention group was prescribed sage tea-thyme-peppermint hydrosol in addition to basic oral care. All patients were called to assess their compliance with the study instructions on day 5 and 14. Oral mucositis was evaluated using an inspection method or by assessing oral cavity photos based on the World Health Organization oral toxicity scale on day 5 and 14. Most of the patients in the intervention group did not develop oral mucositis on day 5. In addition, the incidence of grade 1 oral mucositis was statistically lower in the intervention group (10%) than the control group (53.3%) on day 5. By day 14, the majority of patients in both the groups had grade 0 oral mucositis. Sage tea-thyme-peppermint hydrosol oral rinse has promising results in alleviating oral mucositis. This hydrosol can be recommended for clinical use as it is well tolerated and cost-effective. However, further randomized controlled trials are needed to support the study. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Comparação da eficácia de doses iguais de acetaminofeno retal e oral em crianças Comparison of antipyretic effectiveness of equal doses of rectal and oral acetaminophen in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sedigha Akhavan Karbasi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar uma dose de acetaminofeno oral e retal e avaliar a aceitabilidade do acetaminofeno retal, uma vez que o acetaminofeno oral e retal é amplamente usado como agente antipirético em crianças com febre e a eficiência comparativa dessas duas preparações não está bem estabelecida. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo prospectivo de grupos paralelos, foram incluídas 60 crianças admitidas na emergência ou clínica ambulatorial pediátrica em um hospital terciário, com idade entre 6 meses e 6 anos e com temperatura retal acima de 39 °C. Os pacientes foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de mesmo tamanho. O grupo 1 recebeu 15 mg/kg de acetaminofeno retal, e o grupo 2 recebeu a mesma dose oralmente. A temperatura foi registrada no tempo zero e 1 e 3 horas após administração da droga. RESULTADOS: No primeiro grupo, a redução média de temperatura, 1 e 3 horas após administração do acetaminofeno, foi de 1,07±0,16 (p 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: As preparações oral e retal de acetaminofeno têm eficácia antipirética equivalente em crianças. A via retal mostrou ser tão aceitável quanto a oral entre os pais.OBJECTIVE: To compare a dose of oral and rectal acetaminophen and to evaluate acceptability of rectal acetaminophen, since oral and rectal acetaminophen is widely used as an antipyretic agent in febrile children and the comparative effectiveness of these two preparations is not well established. METHODS: In this prospective parallel group designed study, 60 children who presented to the emergency department or outpatient pediatric clinic at a tertiary hospital and aged from 6 months to 6 years with rectal temperature over 39 °C were enrolled. Patients were randomly assigned to two equal-sized groups. Group 1 received 15 mg/kg acetaminophen rectally and group 2 received the same dose orally. Temperature was recorded at baseline and 1 and 3 hours after drug administration. RESULTS: In the first group, mean decrease in

  16. Development and evaluation of ofloxacin orally disintegrating tablets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Badrinath Pralhadrao Mohite


    Full Text Available Bitter taste of ofloxacin, a broad spectrum bactericidal agent, is masked and orally disintegrating tablets were formulated. The bitter taste is masked by forming complex between drug and weak cation exchange resins, Tulsion 335 and Indion 204. Effect of pH and drug:resin ratio on the drug loading was studied. Maximum drug loading was observed at pH 6. Ratio of 1:2 of drug:resin masked almost complete bitterness of ofloxacin. Formation of complexes was confirmed by IR spectroscopy. Physical characterization of taste masked complexes was carried out. Present work envisages the taste masking of ofloxacin and development of orally disintegrating tablets. The effect of pH and resin quantities on drug loading were studied to find the optimum conditions of drug loading for complete taste masking. Effect of superdisintegrants like sodium starch glycolate, croscarmellose sodium and polyplasdone XL at varying level on physical parameters of compressed tablets was also assessed. The formulations containing 5 % w/w polyplasdone XL showed about 90 % of drug release within 5 minutes. No significant differences were observed in the physical parameters of resinates as well as tablets prepared from Tulsion 335 and Indion 204.O gosto amargo de ofloxacina, agente bactericida de largo espectro, é mascarado e formularam-se comprimidos dispersíveis. O sabor amargo é mascarado pela formação de complexo entre o fármaco e resinas de troca catiônica fraca, Tulsion 335 e Indion 204. Efeito do pH e da proporção fármaco: resina sobre a carga de fármaco foi estudada. Carga de fármaco máxima foi observada em pH 6. Proporção 1:2 do fármaco: resina mascarou quase completamente o gosto amargo de ofloxacina. A formação de complexos foi confirmada por espectroscopia no IV. Caracterização física dos complexos de sabor mascarado foi realizada. O presente trabalho preconiza o mascaramento do gosto de ofloxacina e desenvolvimento decomprimidos por via oral, se

  17. Virulence of oral Candida isolated from HIV-positive women with oral candidiasis and asymptomatic carriers. (United States)

    Owotade, Foluso J; Patel, Mrudula


    This study compared the virulence of oral Candida species isolated from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive women with and without oral candidiasis. Candida species were isolated from 197 women, and their virulence attributes were measured. Of the 197 women, 117 (59.4%) carried Candida. Of these, 15 (12.8%) had symptoms of oral candidiasis. Among highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)-naive patients, 33% were diagnosed with oral candidiasis, whereas 5.9% were asymptomatic carriers (P oral candidiasis had higher levels of Candida (P = .02) than asymptomatic carriers. There was no difference in the CD4 counts and the virulence attributes of Candida from both the groups. This study indicates that oral candidiasis is mainly caused by high counts of C. albicans and suggests the importance of therapies targeting Candida counts in the oral cavity even in patients on HAART to reduce the development of infections. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Lisa Bøge; Hede, Borge; Nielsen, Ellen


    A cross-sectional study of oral health and oral health-related quality of life among frail elderly persons on admission to a special oral health care programme in Copenhagen City, Denmark Aim: To describe the oral health and the oral-health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of citizens in Copenhagen...... City on admission to a specific oral health-care programme for disabled elderly persons. Further, to analyse how various factors influence the oral health and the OHRQoL among these patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 189 persons (average 85 years) consecutively admitted to a special oral...... health-care programme. Clinical data and data from interviews comprising social factors, life-style, dental visit habits, oral hygiene practices and self-perceived oral health were collected. A modified index on perceived dysfunction, discomfort and disability due to oral disorders was used. Results...

  19. Oral vs. salivary diagnostics (United States)

    Marques, Joana; Corby, Patricia M.; Barber, Cheryl A.; Abrams, William R.; Malamud, Daniel


    The field of "salivary diagnostics" includes studies utilizing samples obtained from a variety of sources within the oral cavity. These samples include; whole unstimulated saliva, stimulated whole saliva, duct saliva collected directly from the parotid, submandibular/sublingual glands or minor salivary glands, swabs of the buccal mucosa, tongue or tonsils, and gingival crevicular fluid. Many publications state "we collected saliva from subjects" without fully describing the process or source of the oral fluid. Factors that need to be documented in any study include the time of day of the collection, the method used to stimulate and collect the fluid, and how much fluid is being collected and for how long. The handling of the oral fluid during and post-collection is also critical and may include addition of protease or nuclease inhibitors, centrifugation, and cold or frozen storage prior to assay. In an effort to create a standard protocol for determining a biomarker's origin we carried out a pilot study collecting oral fluid from 5 different sites in the mouth and monitoring the concentrations of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines detected using MesoScaleDiscovery (MSD) electrochemiluminesence assays. Our data suggested that 3 of the cytokines are primarily derived from the submandibular gland, while 7 of the cytokines come from a source other than the major salivary glands such as the minor salivary glands or cells in the oral mucosae. Here we review the literature on monitoring biomarkers in oral samples and stress the need for determining the blood/saliva ratio when a quantitative determination is needed and suggest that the term oral diagnostic be used if the source of an analyte in the oral cavity is unknown.

  20. What Is an Oral Piercing? (United States)

    ... to your desktop! more... What Is an Oral Piercing? Article Chapters What Is an Oral Piercing? print full article print this chapter email this article Oral piercing can cause pain, swelling, infection, drooling, taste loss, ...

  1. Oral White Lesions: Presentation and Comparison of Oral Submucous Fibrosis with Other Lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maqsood, A.; Aman, N.


    Objective: To compare oral submucous fibrosis with other white oral lesions for presentation and associated factors. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: The Departments of Oral Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ibad Institute of Oral Health Sciences (DIKIOHS), Karachi, from May 2008 to May 2009. Methodology: Patients presenting with oral white lesions were selected by consecutive non-purposive sampling and clinico-demographic data was collected. For patients with oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), additional information like duration of habits, maximal incisal opening (MIO), presence of any other associated lesion were noted. OSF was compared with other white lesions for any association between characteristic of subjects. Chi-square and independent t-tests for determining the statistical significance at p < 0.05. Results: OSF was present in 59.6% (n = 106) of the 178 patients; other white lesions were 40.4% (n = 72). The mean age of patients with OSF was 34 +- 12.7 years and 45.81 +- 16.2 years in patients with other white lesions, (p < 0.0001). Items containing areca nut were consumed more by patients with OSF, with a significant (p < 0.0001) compared to patients with other white lesions. Conclusion: OSF was the predominant white lesion in patients examined at DIKIOHS. Areca nut was found to be chewed more by patients with OSF and still longer by patients with SCC. (author)

  2. The Fungal Biome of the Oral Cavity. (United States)

    Chandra, Jyotsna; Retuerto, Mauricio; Mukherjee, Pranab K; Ghannoum, Mahmoud


    Organisms residing in the oral cavity (oral microbiota) contribute to health and disease, and influence diseases like gingivitis, periodontitis, and oral candidiasis (the most common oral complication of HIV-infection). These organisms are also associated with cancer and other systemic diseases including upper respiratory infections. There is limited knowledge regarding how oral microbes interact together and influence the host immune system. Characterizing the oral microbial community (oral microbiota) in health and disease represents a critical step in gaining insight into various members of this community. While most of the studies characterizing oral microbiota have focused on bacterial community, there are few encouraging studies characterizing the oral mycobiome (the fungal component of the oral microbiota). Our group recently characterized the oral mycobiome in health and disease focusing on HIV. In this chapter we will describe the methods used by our group for characterization of the oral mycobiome.

  3. Determinación de la sensibilidad a amoxicilina y a clindamicina de staphylococcus spp aislado de cavidad oral de pacientes con alto riesgo de endocarditis infecciosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Barrientos


    Full Text Available En la literatura existen pocos estudios acerca de la distribución de Staphylococcus spp en boca y los que hay sobre estos microorganismos como residentes de la cavidad oral son controversiales.El género Staphylococcus spp conforma un importante grupo de patógenos en el ser humano y origina distintas enfermedades, entre ellas, la Endocarditis Infecciosa; de igual forma, la literatura reporta tasas de resistencia a amoxicilina y clindamicina antibióticos usados comúnmente para la profilaxis en odontología. Objetivo: Conocer la sensibilidad de Staphylococcus spp a amoxicilina y la clindamicina aislados de cavidad oral de pacientes con alto riesgo de Endocarditis Infecciosa.

  4. Implication for second primary cancer from visible oral and oropharyngeal premalignant lesions in betel-nut chewing related oral cancer. (United States)

    Liu, Shyun-Yu; Feng, I-Jung; Wu, Yu-Wei; Chen, Ching-Yuan; Hsiung, Chao-Nan; Chang, Hsueh-Wei; Lin, Che-Yi; Chang, Min-Te; Yu, Hsi-Chien; Lee, Sheng-Yang; Yen, Ching-Yu


    Visible oral and oropharyngeal premalignant lesions may be used to monitor for a second primary oral cancer. To control for bias, we focused on the visible oral and oropharyngeal premalignant lesions of patients with oral cancer with a positive betel-nut chewing habit. Visible oral and oropharyngeal premalignant lesions that can predict second primary oral cancers were studied. Nine hundred ninety-seven patients with positive betel-nut chewing habits and oral cancer were enrolled in this retrospective cohort study. We analyzed the relevance of their visible oral and oropharyngeal premalignant lesion incidence and relative clinicopathological variables to the development of a second primary oral cancer. Second primary oral cancer risk was significantly higher in patients with positive visible oral and oropharyngeal premalignant lesions (P oral and oropharyngeal premalignant lesions make it a potentially valuable marker in follow-ups of patients with a positive betel-nut chewing habit with oral cancer, especially young patients with heterogeneous leukoplakia. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Head, Neck, and Oral Cancer

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Oral Surgeries Facial Cosmetic Surgery Facial Injury / Trauma Surgery Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Oral, Head and Neck Pathology TMJ and Facial Pain Wisdom Teeth Management Procedures Anesthesia Anesthesia Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are ...

  6. American Academy of Oral Medicine (United States)

    ... Statements Newsletters AAOM: Representing the Discipline of Oral Medicine Oral Medicine is the discipline of dentistry concerned with the ... offers credentialing, resources and professional community for oral medicine practitioners. Our membership provides care to thousands. We ...

  7. Patologías orales, dieta y modo de vida en Esquina de Huajra (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy

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    Gheggi, M. Soledad


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el estado de salud oral de una muestra osteológica de origen arqueológico proveniente del sitio Esquina de Huajra, ocupado ca. 1400-1550 A.D. por una población sedentaria y agricultora. Los indicadores considerados fueron el desgaste dental, la presencia de caries, enfermedad periodontal, abscesos y la pérdida antemortem de piezas dentales. Se registró la presencia de cada uno de ellos en los 10 individuos que componen la muestra, tanto adultos como subadultos. Presentamos detalladamente la metodología seguida, especialmente para el registro del desgaste dental. Los más altos grados de desgaste se observaron en los molares, tal como se esperaría de piezas funcionalmente relacionadas con la masticación de alimentos duros. Los resultados indicarían el consumo de alimentos ricos en carbohidratos y azúcares sin restricción etaria ni sexual. Tampoco se distinguieron grupos dentro de la muestra que pudieran haber tenido un consumo diferencial de alimentos. Esta homogeneidad concuerda con los resultados obtenidos a partir de los análisis de isótopos estables de C y N, así como de los estudios del patrón funerario.

  8. Características sistémicas y orales de la nefrolitiasis bilateral y asma en niños - Reporte de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen de la Luz Ayala Escandón


    Full Text Available Introducción. La nefrolitiasis es una enfermedad caracterizada por la formación de cálculos en el riñón, de gran incidencia y alta recurrencia, considerada rara en niños. Cuando no se trata evoluciona con altos índices de complicaciones. El asma es una enfermedad crónica inflamatoria de las vías respiratorias y ocasiona una importante morbilidad y mortalidad. Metodología: Se informa del caso de una niña de 4 años diagnosticada con nefrolitiasis bilateral y asma, referida para atención odontológica. Se incluye: Revisión bibliográfica de las patologías base, metodología clínica utilizada en el estado de salud general y oral, pre y post tratamiento dental. Conclusiones: En concordancia con lo descrito por diversos autores, los niños con nefrolitiasis bilateral y asma tienen un mayor índice de caries, higiene oral deficiente, una alta susceptibilidad a otras infecciones como candidiasis y a menudo exhiben defectos del esmalte, mucosas cianóticas, malposición dental y xerostomía. La prevención primaria es decisiva, una higiene dental apropiada, revisiones odontológicas habituales, así como el uso de broncodilatadores constituyen elementos significativos sobre todo en pacientes de alto riego.

  9. Oral health: equity and social determinants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kwan, Stella; Petersen, Poul Erik


    This book chapter discusses the social determinants of oral health, and identifies interventions that have been, or can be, used in addressing oral health inequities (e.g. oral health promotion, education programmes, improving access to oral health care)....

  10. Oral hygiene care of patients with oral cancer during postoperative irradiation. An alleviating effect on acute radiation mucositis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Katsura, Kouji; Masuko, Noriko; Hayashi, Takafumi [Niigata Univ. (Japan). School of Dentistry; Sugita, Tadashi; Sakai, Kunio; Tsuchida, Emiko; Matsumoto, Yasuo; Sasamoto, Ryuta


    To evaluate the effect of oral hygiene care of patients with oral cancer on alleviating acute radiation mucositis. Eighteen patients receiving postoperative radiotherapy for tongue and oral floor cancer were evaluated. Radiotherapy was given in 2 Gy per fraction, 5 times a week for a total dose of 50 Gy in most patients. Radiation field included the tongue and oral floor. During radiotherapy, 8 patients were treated by dento-maxillofacial radiologists with special concern on oral hygiene (oral hygiene group) and the remaining 10 patients were treated with routine dental care (standard medication group). Mucositis were evaluated using JCOG grade and EORTC/RTOG score by radiotherapists or dento-maxillofacial radiologists at 10 Gy intervals. Oral hygiene plans comprised motivation to maintain oral hygiene and establishing the habits of oral self care 4 times per day. Once a week, oral hygiene and oral cleaning of patients were checked by dento-maxillofacial radiologists. Oral self care included mechanical tooth brushing and a chemical mouthwash. No patients with grade 3 and score 4 mucositis were noted in the oral hygiene group. Severe mucositis occurred less frequently in the oral hygiene group than in the standard medication group. Interruption of radiotherapy due to severe mucositis did not occur in the oral hygiene group. On the other hand, interruption of radiotherapy occurred in four patients in the standard medication group, and in three it was due to severe oral pain. Our results suggested that our method of oral hygiene was more effective for alleviating acute radiation mucositis than other methods so far reported. In addition, our method is considered to be useful in preventing rampant dental caries and severe periodontitis due to the xerostomia induced by radiotherapy. (author)

  11. Oral hygiene care of patients with oral cancer during postoperative irradiation. An alleviating effect on acute radiation mucositis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katsura, Kouji; Masuko, Noriko; Hayashi, Takafumi; Sugita, Tadashi; Sakai, Kunio; Tsuchida, Emiko; Matsumoto, Yasuo; Sasamoto, Ryuta


    To evaluate the effect of oral hygiene care of patients with oral cancer on alleviating acute radiation mucositis. Eighteen patients receiving postoperative radiotherapy for tongue and oral floor cancer were evaluated. Radiotherapy was given in 2 Gy per fraction, 5 times a week for a total dose of 50 Gy in most patients. Radiation field included the tongue and oral floor. During radiotherapy, 8 patients were treated by dento-maxillofacial radiologists with special concern on oral hygiene (oral hygiene group) and the remaining 10 patients were treated with routine dental care (standard medication group). Mucositis were evaluated using JCOG grade and EORTC/RTOG score by radiotherapists or dento-maxillofacial radiologists at 10 Gy intervals. Oral hygiene plans comprised motivation to maintain oral hygiene and establishing the habits of oral self care 4 times per day. Once a week, oral hygiene and oral cleaning of patients were checked by dento-maxillofacial radiologists. Oral self care included mechanical tooth brushing and a chemical mouthwash. No patients with grade 3 and score 4 mucositis were noted in the oral hygiene group. Severe mucositis occurred less frequently in the oral hygiene group than in the standard medication group. Interruption of radiotherapy due to severe mucositis did not occur in the oral hygiene group. On the other hand, interruption of radiotherapy occurred in four patients in the standard medication group, and in three it was due to severe oral pain. Our results suggested that our method of oral hygiene was more effective for alleviating acute radiation mucositis than other methods so far reported. In addition, our method is considered to be useful in preventing rampant dental caries and severe periodontitis due to the xerostomia induced by radiotherapy. (author)

  12. [Oral films as perspective dosage form]. (United States)

    Walicová, Veronika; Gajdziok, Jan

    Oral films, namely buccal mucoadhesive films and orodispersible films represent innovative formulations for administration of a wide range of drugs. Oral films show many advantageous properties and are intended for systemic drug delivery or for local treatment of the oral mucosa. In both cases, the film represents a thin layer, which could be intended to adhere to the oral mucosa by means of mucoadhesion; or to rapid dissolution and subsequent swallowing without the need of liquid intake, in the case of orodispersible films. Main constitutive excipients are film-forming polymers, which must in the case of mucoadhesive forms remain on the mucosa within the required time interval. Oral films are currently available on the pharmaceutical market and could compete with conventional oral dosage forms in the future. oral cavity oral films buccal mucoadhesive films orodispersible films film-forming polymers.

  13. O uso de diários como ferramenta de intervenção da Análise Institucional: potencializando reflexões no cotidiano da Saúde Bucal Coletiva The use of diaries as tools for intervention in institutional analysis: reflections on everyday work in collective oral health

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    Luciane M. Pezzato


    Full Text Available É significativo o numero de estudos de natureza qualitativa que utilizam a técnica do diário em trabalho de campo. Tendo em vista as diferentes abordagens teórico-metodológicas às quais tais investigações se vinculam, este artigo tem como objetivo discutir as potencialidades de diferentes formas de produção de diários, quando utilizados como uma ferramenta de intervenção da Análise Institucional na Saúde Coletiva. Este estudo inscreve-se no contexto de uma pesquisa que analisou o trabalho de um grupo de profissionais da Saúde Bucal dispostos a propor estratégias inovadoras no modo de produção do cuidado presente em seus cotidianos na atenção básica do SUS Campinas-SP. Realizar esses registros possibilitou aos diaristas uma reflexão acerca da própria prática, desnaturalizando-a, o que permitiu explorar a complexidade do trabalho em saúde bucal na atenção básica. Mostrou, também, ser um caminho possível para dar sentido às suas "práticas", sejam elas individuais ou coletivas.This paper discusses the potential of different ways of producing diaries when used in collective health as tools for intervention through institutional analysis. The text and its argument are based on an analysis of many different studies that use the technique of diaries in fieldwork. Several theoretical and methodological approaches are considered in this study, which was related to academic work for the attainment of a doctoral degree. The work of a group of oral health professionals interested in proposing innovative strategies for developing types of care in their work in the public health system in Campinas city, SP, Brazil. The practice of writing diaries allowed the professionals to reflect on their everyday work and experiences. Complex and often conflictive situations in basic activities in oral health are described and elaborated on, and the method has proved to be a feasible manner for these professionals to give meaning and form

  14. Addressing Geriatric Oral Health Concerns through National Oral Health Policy in India

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    Abhinav Singh


    Full Text Available There is an escalating demand for geriatric oral healthcare in all developed and developing countries including India. Two-thirds of the world’s elderly live in developing countries. This is a huge population that must receive attention from policy-makers who will be challenged by the changing demands for social and health services including oral health services. Resources are limited thus rather than being aspirational in wanting to provide all treatment needed for everybody, this critique presents a road map of how we might answer the present and future geriatric oral health concerns in a most efficient manner in a developing country. Viewing the recent Indian demographic profile and the trends in oral health, pertinent policy subjects have been discussed concerning the oral health needs of the elderly and also the associated challenges which include strategies to improve quality of life, strategies to train and educate the dental workforce and above all the role of healthcare systems towards realization of better aged society in India and other developing countries

  15. Oral and neck examination for early detection of oral cancer--a practical guide.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    MacCarthy, Denise


    Cancer of the head and neck region presents a challenge since, unlike other areas of the body, the boundaries are not always easy to delineate. The functional morbidity associated with head and neck cancer and its treatment are considerable. Head and neck cancer is described as cancer of the lip, mouth, tongue, tonsil, pharynx (unspecified), salivary gland, hypopharynx, larynx and other. Oral cancer refers to cancers of the lip, tongue, gingivae, floor of the mouth, palate (hard and soft), maxilla, vestibule and retromolar area up to the anterior pillar of the fauces (tonsil). When patients present with oral cancer, over 60% of them have regional (lymph node) and sometimes distant (metastatic) spread. The overall five-year survival rates for oral cancer average at between 50 and 80%, depending on the stage of the disease, varying from 86% for stage I to 12-16% for stage IV. The incidence of \\'field cancerisation\\'\\/unstable oral epithelium is high (17%), and even after successful treatment our patients need to be monitored for dental care and further disease. Unlike other areas in the body, the oral epithelium is readily accessible for examination and even self-examination. Dentists and dental hygienists are effective clinicians in the examination of the oral cavity for mouth cancer. An oral and neck examination must be part of every dental examination. An examination protocol is suggested here, which is similar to, but more detailed than, the standardised oral examination method recommended by the World Health Organisation, and consistent with those protocols followed by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health.

  16. La fatiga como estado motivacional subjetivo


    D. Cárdenas; J. Conde-González; J.C. Perales


    Actualmente no existe consenso sobre los factores que determinan la aparición de la fatiga. Hay factores que se derivan exclusivamente del esfuerzo físico, otros que dependen del esfuerzo mental que este lleva aparejado, y otros de los resultados de la tarea que se está realizando. Como consecuencia, se han desarrollado diferentes modelos explicativos que pretenden aunar las diferentes razones de su aparición. No obstante, la tendencia actual es entender la fatiga como un estado motivacion...

  17. Correlation of oral hygiene practices, smoking and oral health conditions with self perceived halitosis amongst undergraduate dental students. (United States)

    Setia, Saniya; Pannu, Parampreet; Gambhir, Ramandeep Singh; Galhotra, Virat; Ahluwalia, Pooja; Sofat, Anjali


    The present study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of oral hygiene practices, smoking habits and halitosis among undergraduate dental students and correlating the oral hygiene practices, oral health conditions to the prevalence of self perceived oral malodour. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed among 277 male and female students. A questionnaire was developed to assess the self-reported perception of oral breath, awareness of bad breath, timing of bad breath, oral hygiene practices, caries and bleeding gums, dryness of the mouth, smoking and tongue coating. The results indicate female students had better oral hygiene practices. Significantly less self-reported oral bad breath (P = 0.007) was found in female dental students (40%) as compared to their male counterparts (58%). It was found that smoking and dryness of mouth had statistically significant correlation with halitosis (P = 0.026, P = 0.001). Presence of other oral conditions such as tongue coating and dental caries and bleeding gums also showed higher prevalence of halitosis in dental students. A direct correlation exists between oral hygiene practices and oral health conditions with halitosis. Females exhibited better oral hygiene practices and less prevalence of halitosis as compared to male students.

  18. Oral sex. (United States)


    The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association urges HIV prevention specialists to regard male-to-male oral-genital sex as a low-risk activity and concentrate instead on the danger of unprotected anal intercourse. According to the association, the confusion and mixed messages surrounding oral sex are harming efforts to encourage gay men to make rational choices about truly risky behavior. The recommendations appear in the association's position paper issued March 19, 1996.

  19. Oral lichen planus

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    Šehalić Meliha


    Full Text Available 29 - year Lichen planus is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune skin disease, that is often manifested, except on the skin, in the oral cavity in a variety of clinical forms. The prevalence of the disease in the general population is about 1-2%. Etiopathogenesis is not still well understood. Histopathology, in addition to the basic methods, anamnesis and physical examination, is vital for proper diagnosis of oral lichen planus (OLP. Very diverse and loaded histological findings are common for all forms of oral lichen planus. We reported the case of oral lichen planus in a 49 years old male patient, who presented to the Dentistry clinic of Medical faculty of Priština with burning and itching symptoms and changes in the buccal mucosa. Histopathological analysis of biopsy tissue conformed clinical diagnosis of lichen planus. Due to the possibility for malignant transformation of lesions, the long-term follow-up of patients with this disease is of great importance.

  20. Oral yeast colonization throughout pregnancy


    Rio, Rute; Sim?es-Silva, Liliana; Garro, Sofia; Silva, M?rio-Jorge; Azevedo, ?lvaro; Sampaio-Maia, Benedita


    Background Recent studies suggest that placenta may harbour a unique microbiome that may have origin in maternal oral microbiome. Although the major physiological and hormonal adjustments observed in pregnant women lead to biochemical and microbiological modifications of the oral environment, very few studies evaluated the changes suffered by the oral microbiota throughout pregnancy. So, the aim of our study was to evaluate oral yeast colonization throughout pregnancy and to compare it with n...

  1. Necesidad de prótesis buco-maxilofacial en el municipio Matanzas en el año 1999 Need for oral-maxillofacial protheses in Matanzas municipality in the year 1999

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    Evelio García Pulido


    Full Text Available Resumen Se realizó este trabajo con el objetivo de conocer la necesidad de prótesis buco-máxilo-facial en el municipio Matanzas, así como el comportamiento de estas y su relación con el sexo, la edad y la etiología. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal donde se tomó como referencia la población perteneciente a las distintas áreas de salud de este municipio. Para la obtención de la muestra se aplicó un diseño muestral estratificado por conglomerado, la cual quedó constituida por 1 937 personas, y a aquellas que reunieron los criterios de inclusión, se les aplicó la encuesta de necesidad de rehabilitación buco-maxilofacial. Se obtuvo como resultado que existía necesidad de prótesis buco-maxilofacial con preferencia por la del tipo ocular, sexo masculino y pacientes jóvenes. La etiología traumática fue la predominante como causa de lesión para ambos sexos, seguida por la oncológica. Las regiones auriculares y maxilares estuvieron afectadas en el sexo masculino en mayor cuantía que en el femenino. En las regiones orbital, nasal, mandibular y compleja no hubo afectaciones.This paper was aimed at finding out the need for oral-maxillofacial prostheses in Matanzas municipality as well as the performance of these appliances and their relation with sex, age and etiology. A cross-sectional descriptive study was made in which the population cared for by the different health care areas of this municipality was taken as reference. A stratified sampling design by conglomerates was applied to obtain a sample, finally composed of 1937 persons and those who met the inclusion criteria were administered the Oral-maxillofacial rehabilitation requirement survey. The results showed that the ocular oral maxillofacial prosthesis was the one that males and young patients preferred most. Trauma lesion was the predominant cause for both sexes followed by oncological problems. Auricular and maxillary regions were more affected in

  2. Self-Esteem, Oral Health Behaviours, and Clinical Oral Health Status in Chinese Adults: An Exploratory Study (United States)

    Chin, Luzy Siu-Hei; Chan, Joanne Chung-Yan


    Objectives: This is an exploratory study to examine the relations among self-esteem, oral health behaviours and clinical oral health status in Chinese adults. In addition, gender differences in clinical oral health status and oral health behaviours were explored. Methods: Participants were 192 patients from a private dental clinic in Hong Kong…

  3. Solución de conflictos a través de la expresión del lenguaje oral en niños preescolares


    Márquez, A.; Vega, L.; Poncelis, M.F.


    Al interactuar con otras personas los seres humanos suelen tener conflictos los cuales son vistos como una experiencia negativa, sin embargo los conflictos son una oportunidad para los niños preescolares de desarrollar su lenguaje oral ya que se promueven oportunidades para que ellos puedan plantear alternativas frente a la solución del conflicto. Se observa la importancia de promover en los niños preescolares las habilidades necesarias para solucionar conflictos de manera independiente a tra...

  4. Oral health during pregnancy. (United States)

    Silk, Hugh; Douglass, Alan B; Douglass, Joanna M; Silk, Laura


    Oral health care in pregnancy is often avoided and misunderstood by physicians, dentists, and patients. Evidence-based practice guidelines are still being developed. Research suggests that some prenatal oral conditions may have adverse consequences for the child. Periodontitis is associated with preterm birth and low birth weight, and high levels of cariogenic bacteria in mothers can lead to increased dental caries in the infant. Other oral lesions, such as gingivitis and pregnancy tumors, are benign and require only reassurance and monitoring. Every pregnant woman should be screened for oral risks, counseled on proper oral hygiene, and referred for dental treatment when necessary. Dental procedures such as diagnostic radiography, periodontal treatment, restorations, and extractions are safe and are best performed during the second trimester. Xylitol and chlorhexidine may be used as adjuvant therapy for high-risk mothers in the early postpartum period to reduce transmission of cariogenic bacteria to their infants. Appropriate dental care and prevention during pregnancy may reduce poor prenatal outcomes and decrease infant caries.

  5. [Oral health in pregnancy]. (United States)

    Blagojević, Duska; Brkanić, Tatjana; Stojić, Sinisa


    Good oral health care during pregnancy is essential but often overlooked factor of dental growth as well as of other structures of oral cavity. Pregnancy is the time when conscious approach to preventive oral care should increase. Preventive measures during pregnancy mean usage of fluorides, special dietary measures and increased oral hygiene habits. Preventive measures in pregnant women have one goal: providing conditions for development of fetal teeth as well as preventing tooth decay in pregnant women. The optimal period for introducing preventive measures is the first trimester of pregnancy. Because of hormonal alterations there is an increased incidence of dental diseases: gingivitis and low salivary pH (inflammation and bleeding gums). Eating habits of pregnant women may lead to frequent snacking on candy or other decay-promoting foods, thereby increasing the risk of caries. However, very poor oral health, possible dental complications and their consequences to the health as well as emotional status represent very strong reasons for activation of dental health care in this period.

  6. Head, Neck, and Oral Cancer

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... cancer of the head, neck and mouth. The Oral Cancer Foundation estimates that close to 42,000 Americans ... diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. Oral cancer’s mortality is particularly high, not because it is ...

  7. A histochemical comparison of methyl green-pyronin, and hematoxylin and eosin for detecting apoptotic cells in oral squamous cell carcinoma, oral leukoplakia, oral submucous fibrosis and normal oral mucosa. (United States)

    Sumedha, S; Kotrashetti, V S; Somannavar, P; Nayak, R; Babji, D


    Analysis of apoptotic cells in oral pathological states could be useful for determining the rates of tissue turnover, which would help determine prognosis. The use of histochemical stains such as hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) and methyl green-pyronin (MGP) can provide a simple and cost-effective method for detecting apoptotic cells. We compared the efficacy of MGP and H & E for detecting apoptotic cells in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), oral leukoplakia (OL), oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) and normal oral mucosa (NOM). Ten cases each of OSCC, OSMF, OL and NOM were retrieved from the archives and two serial sections were stained, one with H & E and the other with MGP. Apoptotic cells were identified at 100 x magnification and the apoptotic index was calculated. Apoptotic cells were distinguished more readily in MGP stained sections than in those stained with H & E. Also, the apoptotic cell count was greater in OSCC compared to OL, OSMF and NOM. We concluded that MGP staining can be used as a routine, cost-effective method for detecting apoptotic cells.

  8. Impact of oral hygiene on oral health-related quality of life of preschool children. (United States)

    Shaghaghian, S; Bahmani, M; Amin, M


    To assess the impact of oral hygiene of preschool children and parental attitude on children's oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). In this cross-sectional study, 396 children of Shiraz kindergartens were selected by a randomized cluster sampling. Children's oral hygiene was assessed using the Simplified Debris Index (DI-S) and a self-made questionnaire about oral hygiene habits. Children's OHRQoL was evaluated by the Farsi version of Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (F-ECOHIS). The effect of oral hygiene determinants on OHRQoL was measured using Pearson and Spearman correlation, independent-sample t-test and anova. Children's mean DI-S and F-ECOHIS scores were 1.19 (± 0.77) and 19.36 (±8.42), respectively. Only 75% of the children had their teeth brushed once a day or more, and in 28%, toothbrushing had started before 2 years of age. DI-S values (P children. Children's OHRQoL was also significantly associated with parents' attitude towards the importance of brushing deciduous teeth (P = 0.002). Oral health status of preschool children in Shiraz was less than optimal and had a significant impact on their OHRQoL. Therefore, improvement of children's OHRQoL could be achieved by improving their home dental care. Strategies promoting parental attitude about the importance of children's toothbrushing may significantly influence children's oral hygiene and are highly recommended. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Oral and non oral diseases and conditions associated with bad breath. (United States)

    Migliario, M; Rimondini, L


    The causes of bad breath are numerous and related to conditions dependent or not on oral and general health. The aim of our observational study is the assessment of the simultaneous relationships between halitosis, oral and/or nonoral diseases, and lifestyles using the principal components analysis of categorical data (CATPCA) to identify the main components involved in the detection of the symptom. A sample of 192 patients, who requested general dental examination at the Dental Clinic, participated at the study. Alimentary and voluptuary habits, general health information, drugs assumption, the status of teeth and intraoral medical devices including fillers, lesions of the oral mucosa, tongue coating score (TCS), plaque index (PI), probing bleeding index (PBI) and organoleptic tests were all evaluated. Data were analysed using CATPCA model. A strong relationship between halitosis and plaque, probing bleeding and tongue coating indexes was observed, whereas incongruous fillers, prostheses, systemic pathologies or diet were not clearly associated with halitosis probably because their effects on breath were clinically sheltered by the periodontal condition. The data of our observational study confirm that halitosis is more indicative of tongue coating and periodontal disease, rather than other oral and non oral associated conditions, like systemic pathologies or specific habits of life.

  10. Understanding Carcinogenesis for Fighting Oral Cancer


    Tanaka, Takuji; Ishigamori, Rikako


    Oral cancer is one of the major global threats to public health. Oral cancer development is a tobacco-related multistep and multifocal process involving field cancerization and carcinogenesis. The rationale for molecular-targeted prevention of oral cancer is promising. Biomarkers of genomic instability, including aneuploidy and allelic imbalance, are able to measure the cancer risk of oral premalignancies. Understanding of the biology of oral carcinogenesis will give us important advances for...


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    Ríos González Gabriela


    Full Text Available Resumen:Este artículo es resultado de una investigación realizada con una muestra representativa de 512 estudiantes de último año de colegio en Costa Rica; en la que se utilizó la metodología de disponibilidad léxica por medio de encuestas, tiene como objetivo primordial demostrar que la manera de pronunciar influye en la escritura y, por lo tanto, también en la ortografía. Una vez procesados los datos llegamos a la conclusión que existen sonidos que oralmente solemos pronunciarlos de determinada manera, pero su escritura es de otra. No obstante, los jóvenes no saben discernir entre la oralidad y la escritura y, por desconocimiento de la lengua, escriben igual a como pronuncian. Es tarea del docente reforzar estas habilidades lingüísticas para un mejor desempeño académico y profesional de nuestros estudiantes.Abstract: This article is the result of a research made with a representative sample of 512 students of senior year in the high schools in Costa Rica; in which was used the methodology of lexical availability through surveys, as main objective it has to show that the way of pronunciation influence in writing, therefore, also in orthography. Once the data is process we conclude that there are sounds that orally we used to pronunciation in certain way, but it's writing is different. However, youngest do not know how to distinguish between orally and writing, and, by unknowing the language, they write as they pronounce. It's the teacher's homework to reinforce this linguistic skill for better academic and professional performance of our students.

  12. Oral hygiene and oral health in older people with dementia: a comprehensive review with focus on oral soft tissues

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Delwel, S.; Binnekade, T.T.; Perez, Roberto; Hertogh, Cees M. P. M.; Scherder, Erik; Lobbezoo, Frank


    BACKGROUND: The number of older people with dementia and a natural dentition is growing. Recently, a systematic review concerning the oral health of older people with dementia with the focus on diseases of oral hard tissues was published. OBJECTIVE: To provide a comprehensive literature overview

  13. Icing oral mucositis: Oral cryotherapy in multiple myeloma patients undergoing autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant. (United States)

    Chen, Joey; Seabrook, Jamie; Fulford, Adrienne; Rajakumar, Irina


    Background Up to 70% of patients receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplant develop oral mucositis as a side effect of high-dose melphalan conditioning chemotherapy. Oral cryotherapy has been documented to be potentially effective in reducing oral mucositis. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the cryotherapy protocol implemented within the hematopoietic stem cell transplant program. Methods A retrospective chart review was conducted of adult multiple myeloma patients who received high-dose melphalan conditioning therapy for autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Primary endpoints were incidence and severity of oral mucositis. Secondary endpoints included duration of oral mucositis, duration of hospital stay, parenteral narcotics use and total parenteral nutrition use. Results One hundred and forty patients were included in the study, 70 patients in both no cryotherapy and cryotherapy groups. Both oral mucositis incidence and severity were found to be significantly lower in the cryotherapy group. Fifty (71.4%) experienced mucositis post cryotherapy compared to 67 (95.7%) in the no cryotherapy group (p cryotherapy group (p = 0.03). Oral mucositis duration and use of parenteral narcotics were also significantly reduced. Duration of hospital stay and use of parenteral nutrition were similar between the two groups. Conclusion The cryotherapy protocol resulted in a significantly lower incidence and severity of oral mucositis. These results provide evidence for the continued use of oral cryotherapy, an inexpensive and generally well-tolerated practice.

  14. Oral calcitonin

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    Hamdy RC


    Full Text Available Ronald C Hamdy,1,2 Dane N Daley11Osteoporosis Center, College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, 2Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Johnson City, TN, USAAbstract: Calcitonin is a hormone secreted by the C-cells of the thyroid gland in response to elevations of the plasma calcium level. It reduces bone resorption by inhibiting mature active osteoclasts and increases renal calcium excretion. It is used in the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis, Paget's disease of bone, and malignancy-associated hypercalcemia. Synthetic and recombinant calcitonin preparations are available; both have similar pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles. As calcitonin is a peptide, the traditional method of administration has been parenteral or intranasal. This hinders its clinical use: adherence with therapy is notoriously low, and withdrawal from clinical trials has been problematic. An oral formulation would be more attractive, practical, and convenient to patients. In addition to its effect on active osteoclasts and renal tubules, calcitonin has an analgesic action, possibly mediated through β-endorphins and the central modulation of pain perception. It also exerts a protective action on cartilage and may be useful in the management of osteoarthritis and possibly rheumatoid arthritis. Oral formulations of calcitonin have been developed using different techniques. The most studied involves drug-delivery carriers such as Eligen® 8-(N-2hydroxy-5-chloro-benzoyl-amino-caprylic acid (5-CNAC (Emisphere Technologies, Cedar Knolls, NJ. Several factors affect the bioavailability and efficacy of orally administered calcitonin, including amount of water used to take the tablet, time of day the tablet is taken, and proximity to intake of a meal. Preliminary results looked promising. Unfortunately, in two Phase III studies, oral calcitonin (0.8 mg with 200 mg 5-CNAC, once a day for postmenopausal osteoporosis and twice a day for osteoarthritis failed to

  15. Hospitalisation impacts on oral hygiene: an audit of oral hygiene in a metropolitan health service. (United States)

    Danckert, Rachael; Ryan, Anna; Plummer, Virginia; Williams, Cylie


    Poor oral health has been associated with systemic diseases, morbidity and mortality. Many patients in hospital environments are physically compromised and rely upon awareness and assistance from health professionals for the maintenance or improvement of their oral health. This study aimed to identify whether common individual and environment factors associated with hospitalisation impacted on oral hygiene. Data were collected during point prevalence audits of patients in the acute and rehabilitation environments on three separate occasions. Data included demographic information, plaque score, presence of dental hygiene products, independence level and whether nurse assistance was documented in the health record. Data were collected for 199 patients. A higher plaque score was associated with not having a toothbrush (p = 0.002), being male (p = 0.007), being acutely unwell (p = 0.025) and requiring nursing assistance for oral hygiene (p = 0.002). There was fair agreement between the documentation of requiring assistance for oral care and the patient independently able to perform oral hygiene (ICC = 0.22). Oral hygiene was impacted by factors arising from hospitalisation, for those without a toothbrush and male patients of acute wards. Establishment of practices that increase awareness and promote good oral health should be prioritised. © 2015 Nordic College of Caring Science.

  16. La reforma agraria como factor del desarrollo regional

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    José Ambrósio Ferreira Neto


    Full Text Available Este trabajo debate la reforma agraria brasilera como instrumento de desarrollo regional, discutiendo la política actual de asentamientos rurales y su importancia en los procesos de interacción con las dinámicas locales y regionales, investigando las transformaciones que esos proyectos pueden provocar en los municipios donde están inmersos. El trabajo toma como punto central de discusión los argumentos de Polanyi sobre los factores de producción, tierra, capital y trabajo, y de Amartya Sen sobre libertad como factor de desarrollo. La discusión emprendida defiende la reforma agraria como forma de conceder oportunidades y una condición de agentes a sus beneficiarios. Argumentamos que el acceso a la tierra, y a los medios de producción, garantiza al trabajador el control sobre su fuerza de trabajo.

  17. Comparison of oral ketamine and oral midazolam as sedative agents in pediatric dentistry

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    Damle S


    Full Text Available The safe and effective treatment of uncooperative or combative preschool children with extensive dental needs is one of pediatric dentist′s ongoing challenges. The traditional methods of behavior management are no longer acceptable to parents as they are not ready to spare more time for dental treatment of their children. Keeping this in mind, the present study was designed and carried out to evaluate the sedative effects of oral ketamine and oral midazolam prior to general anesthesia. Twenty uncooperative children in the age-group of 2-6 years were selected after thorough medical examination and investigations. Informed consent was obtained from the parent. This was a randomized double-blind study. An anesthesiologist administered either 0.5 mg/kg midazolam or 5 mg/kg ketamine orally. The heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation were recorded at regular intervals. The sedation and anxiolysis scores were also recorded. The parents were asked to answer a questionnaire at the follow-up session the next day on the surgical experience of the parent and the child and side effects experienced, if any. When the data was subjected to statistical analysis, it was observed that both drugs resulted in adequate sedation at the end of 30 min, with oral midazolam providing significantly better anxiolysis. The heart rate and respiratory rate were marginally higher with oral ketamine. The questionnaire revealed a better response with oral midazolam; side effects were more prominent with oral ketamine.

  18. Head, Neck, and Oral Cancer

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. Oral cancer’s mortality is particularly high, not because it is ... OMS is in the best position to detect oral cancer during your routine dental examinations. Don't risk ...

  19. Oral Streptococcal Endocarditis, Oral Hygiene Habits, and Recent Dental Procedures: A Case-Control Study. (United States)

    Duval, Xavier; Millot, Sarah; Chirouze, Catherine; Selton-Suty, Christine; Moby, Vanessa; Tattevin, Pierre; Strady, Christophe; Euvrard, Edouard; Agrinier, Nelly; Thomas, Daniel; Hoen, Bruno; Alla, François


    We aimed to compare oral hygiene habits, orodental status, and dental procedures in patients with infective endocarditis (IE) according to whether the IE-causing microorganism originated in the oral cavity. We conducted an assessor-blinded case-control study in 6 French tertiary-care hospitals. Oral hygiene habits were recorded using a self-administered questionnaire. Orodental status was analyzed by trained dental practitioners blinded to the microorganism, using standardized clinical examination and dental panoramic tomography. History of dental procedures was obtained through patient and dentist interviews. Microorganisms were categorized as oral streptococci or nonoral pathogens using an expert-validated list kept confidential during the course of the study. Cases and controls had definite IE caused either by oral streptococci or nonoral pathogens, respectively. Participants were enrolled between May 2008 and January 2013. Cases (n = 73) were more likely than controls (n = 192) to be aged calculus, and infectious dental diseases did not significantly differ between groups. Patients with IE caused by oral streptococci differ from patients with IE caused by nonoral pathogens regarding background characteristics, oral hygiene habits, and recent dental procedures, but not current orodental status. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail:

  20. La proyección como proceso y como mecanismo


    Brusset, Bernard


    La proyección es a la vez un mecanismo elemental testimonio de la fragilidad de la organización defensiva y un proceso cuyo rol es fundamental en el funcionamiento psíquico. En este doble aspecto, la proyección guarda especificidades diferentes en la neurosis y en la psicosis al punto que se las deba considerar como fundamentalmente diferentes? O bien las diferencias de contexto, del nivel del funcionamiento psíquico, de lugar, de función pueden explicar las diferencias clínicas justificando ...

  1. The global burden of oral diseases and risks to oral health

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Poul Erik; Bourgeois, Denis; Ogawa, Hiroshi


    of preventive oral health care programmes. The important role of sociobehavioural and environmental factors in oral health and disease has been shown in a large number of socioepidemiological surveys. In addition to poor living conditions, the major risk factors relate to unhealthy lifestyles (i.e. poor diet...

  2. Quitina y carboximetilquitosana como agentes desintegrantes


    Sol A Fernández Monagas; María D Rodríguez Albadalejo; Ofelia Bilbao Revoredo; Olga M Nieto Acosta


    Se realizó un estudio comparativo de la quitina y la carboximetilquitosana como agentes desintegrantes, y se evaluó la influencia ejercida por el método empleado en la elaboración de las tabletas sobre la actividad desintegrante de ambos polímeros. La quitina presentó buenas características como agente desintegrante independientemente del método utilizado en la elaboración de las tabletas, mientras que la actividad desintegrante de la carboximetilquitosana fue afectada por el proceso de granu...

  3. Dibujo infantil como medio de diagnostico


    González Hernando, Elisa


    Con este documento se pretende demostrar la importancia que tiene el dibujo infantil en el correcto desarrollo integral de las personas. Se estudia la importancia del dibujo y su valor a la hora de utilizarlo como método de diagnóstico ante determinados aspectos que pueden determinar la vida de una persona. En definitiva lo que se desarrolla en este trabajo de Fin de Grado es el papel que juega el dibujo como herramienta para el seguimiento del desarrollo de los individuos centrándonos ...

  4. Tabaquismo, higiene bucal y periodontopatías inmunoinflamatorias crónicas en adultos del municipio Guanajay Smoking, oral higiene and chronic immunoinflammatory periodontopathies in adults of Guanajay municipality

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    Eladio Miguel Traviesas Herrera


    Full Text Available El tabaquismo ha sido identificado como el factor de riesgo ambiental más significativo en la enfermedad periodontal destructiva. Se realizó un estudio no experimental que comenzó prospectivo y continuó descriptivo; la muestra fue intencional de sujetos tipo, voluntarios, y la constituyeron 214 pacientes fumadores mayores de 19 años. Se agruparon los individuos atendiendo a la edad, grado de higiene bucal, estado periodontal y cantidad de cigarrillos que consumen diariamente. Se realizó una encuesta y el examen bucal a todos los que aprobaron formar parte de la muestra, se aplicaron los índices de higiene bucal de Greene y Vermillon y el índice periodontal de Russell, ambos revisados por la OMS. En nuestro estudio pudimos determinar que la prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal fue del 100 % de los examinados, la higiene bucal de los fumadores se encontró muy comprometida, al aparecer en dicha población predominio del cálculo en una mayor extensión. La intensidad del tabaquismo a medida que aumenta reporta mayores daños en la higiene bucal, así como en el estado periodontal.Smoking has been identified as the most significant environmental risk factor in destructive periodontal disease. A non-experimental study, which was firstly prospective and later descriptive, was conducted; the sample was intentional and composed of 214 voluntary smoker patients over 19 years of age. The individuals were grouped according to age, degree of oral hygiene, periodontal status and number of cigarettes that they smoked daily. A survey and an oral exam were applied to all those who agreed to be included in the sample. Greene and Vermilton oral hygiene indexes as well as Russell´s periodontal index, both revised by WHO, were used. Our study could determine that prevalence of periodontal disease was 100% in tested patients, their oral hygiene was very poor since calculus was predominantly extended in this population. As smoking intensity increases

  5. Filosofia da ciência como ferramenta microeconômica

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    Fabio Barbieri


    Full Text Available A teoria neoclássica pressupõe conhecimento perfeito. A crítica hayekiana a essa teoria, por sua vez, afirma que esse conhecimento é resultado do processo competitivo e, portanto, não pode ser considerado como dado. O “Problema de Hayek” investiga sob que condições o conhecimento do agente se aproxima dos reais fundamentos de uma economia. A fim de solucionar o “Problema de Hayek”, o nosso artigo utiliza algumas idéias da literatura de metodologia da Ciência, conhecida como teoria do “crescimento do conhecimento” (Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos e outros. Essas idéias são utilizadas para se compreender como evolui o conhecimento dos agentes econômicos, em especial o dos empresários. Estes são vistos como ativos formuladores de teorias empresariais conjecturais criticadas no processo competitivo, não como agentes passivos que maximizam funções já conhecidas da teoria convencional. Utiliza-se a Filosofia da Ciência não para analisar metodologicamente a microeconomia, mas, sim, como ferramenta analítica pertencente à própria teoria econômica.

  6. [A case-control study: association between oral hygiene and oral cancer in non-smoking and non-drinking women]. (United States)

    Wu, J F; Lin, L S; Chen, F; Liu, F Q; Huang, J F; Yan, L J; Liu, F P; Qiu, Y; Zheng, X Y; Cai, L; He, B C


    Objective: To evaluate the influence of oral hygiene on risk of oral cancer in non-smoking and non-drinking women. Methods: From September 2010 to February 2016, 242 non-smoking and non-drinking female patients with pathologically confirmed oral cancer were recruited in a hospital of Fuzhou, and another 856 non-smoking and non-drinking healthy women from health examination center in the same hospital were selected as control group. Five oral hygiene related variables including the frequency of teeth brushing, number of teeth lost, poor prosthesis, regular dental visits and recurrent dental ulceration were used to develop oral hygiene index model. Unconditional logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios ( OR ) and 95% confidence intervals (95 %CI ). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) was used to evaluate the predictability of the oral hygiene index model. Multivariate logistic regression model was used to analyze the association between oral hygiene index and the incidence of oral cancer. Results: Teeth brushing oral cancer in non-smoking and non-drinking women, the corresponding OR (95 %CI ) were 1.50 (1.08-2.09), 1.81 (1.15-2.85), 1.51 (1.03-2.23), 1.73 (1.15-2.59), 7.30 (4.00-13.30), respectively. The AUROC of the oral hygiene index model was 0.705 9, indicating a high predictability. Multivariate logistic regression showed that the oral hygiene index was associated with risk of oral cancer. The higher the score, the higher risk was observed. The corresponding OR (95 %CI ) of oral hygiene index scores (score 1, score 2, score 3, score 4-5) were 2.51 (0.84-7.53), 4.68 (1.59-13.71), 6.47 (2.18-19.25), 15.29 (5.08-45.99), respectively. Conclusion: Oral hygiene could influence the incidence of oral cancer in non-smoking and non-drinking women, and oral hygiene index has a certain significance in assessing the combined effects of oral hygiene.

  7. Oral care. (United States)

    Hitz Lindenmüller, Irène; Lambrecht, J Thomas


    Adequate dental and oral hygiene may become a challenge for all users and especially for elderly people and young children because of their limited motor skills. The same holds true for patients undergoing/recovering from chemo-/radiotherapy with accompanying sensitive mucosal conditions. Poor dental hygiene can result in tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontitis, tooth loss, bad breath (halitosis), fungal infection and gum diseases. The use of a toothbrush is the most important measure for oral hygiene. Toothbrushes with soft bristles operated carefully by hand or via an electric device help to remove plaque and to avoid mucosal trauma. A handlebar with a grip cover can be helpful for manually disabled patients or for those with reduced motor skills. In case of oral hygiene at the bedside or of patients during/after chemo-/radiotherapy a gauze pad can be helpful for gently cleaning the teeth, gums and tongue. The use of fluoride toothpaste is imperative for the daily oral hygiene. Detergents such as sodium lauryl sulphate improve the cleaning action but may also dehydrate and irritate the mucous membrane. The use of products containing detergents and flavouring agents (peppermint, menthol, cinnamon) should therefore be avoided by bedridden patients or those with dry mouth and sensitive mucosa. Aids for suitable interdental cleaning, such as dental floss, interdental brushes or dental sticks, are often complicated to operate. Their correct use should be instructed by healthcare professionals. To support dental care, additional fluoridation with a fluoride gel or rinse can be useful. Products further containing antiseptics such as chlorhexidine or triclosan reduce the quantity of bacteria in the mouth. For patients undergoing or having undergone radio-/chemotherapy, a mouthwash that concomitantly moisturizes the oral mucosa is advisable. Copyright © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  8. Fenproporex and amphetamine pharmacokinetics in oral fluid after controlled oral administration of fenproporex. (United States)

    Comiran, Eloisa; Souza, Daniele Zago; Boehl, Paula Otero; Cássia Mariotti, Kristiane de; Pechansky, Flavio; Duarte, Paulina do Carmo Arruda Vieira; De Boni, Raquel Brandini; Fröehlich, Pedro Eduardo; Limberger, Renata Pereira


    Fenproporex hydrochloride (FEN) is an anorectic drug used in the treatment of obesity, and its major metabolite is amphetamine (AMP), another central nervous system stimulant. The concentration versus time profile of FEN and its metabolite AMP has been described in classic biological matrices such as plasma and urine; however, there are no reports of such data in oral fluid. The aim of this study is to describe the pharmacokinetics of FEN and AMP in oral fluid after intake of FEN. Twenty-five milligrams of FEN (1 capsule of Desobesi-m) was orally administered to 6 male volunteers, and oral fluid samples were collected with a Quantisal device during 24.00 hours after drug ingestion. These samples were submitted to solid-phase microextraction before analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the selected-ion-monitoring mode, using deuterium-labeled AMP as internal standard. After FEN administration, both analytes could be detected in oral fluid of all volunteers with an initial detection time varying from 0.50 to 1.00 hour. FEN peak concentrations occurred between 1.00 and 1.50 hours after administration and were between 70.7 and 227.5 μg/L. For AMP, peak concentration occurred between 1.50 and 4.00 hours, reaching 33.0-150.9 μg/L. The authors observed that oral administration of FEN resulted in significant amounts of FEN and AMP in oral fluid, showing that oral fluid could be a biological matrix suitable for pharmacokinetic studies for both analytes. Using a compartmental approach, FEN data were best fitted by 1-compartment model with first-order input and output, whereas AMP followed a 2-compartment model with first-order input and output.

  9. Oral microbiota and cancer


    Meurman, Jukka H.


    Inflammation caused by infections may be the most important preventable cause of cancer in general. However, in the oral cavity the role of microbiota in carcinogenesis is not known. Microbial populations on mouth mucosa differ between healthy and malignant sites and certain oral bacterial species have been linked with malignancies but the evidence is still weak in this respect. Nevertheless, oral microorganisms inevitably up-regulate cytokines and other inflammatory mediators that affect the...

  10. Ecological therapeutic opportunities for oral diseases (United States)

    Hoare, Anilei; Marsh, Philip D.; Diaz, Patricia I.


    SUMMARY The three main oral diseases of humans, that is caries, periodontal diseases and oral candidiasis, are associated with microbiome shifts initiated by changes in the oral environment and/or decreased effectiveness of mucosal immune surveillance. In this review we discuss the role that microbial-based therapies may have in the control of these conditions. Most investigations on the use of microorganisms for management of oral disease have been conducted with probiotic strains with some positive but very discrete clinical outcomes. Other strategies such as whole oral microbiome transplantation or modification of community function by enrichment with health-promoting indigenous oral strains may offer more promise but research in this field is still in its infancy. Any microbial-based therapeutics for oral conditions, however, are likely to be only one component within a holistic preventive strategy that should also aim at modification of the environmental influences responsible for the initiation and perpetuation of microbiome shifts associated with oral dysbiosis. PMID:28840820

  11. Leukemic Oral Manifestations and their Management. (United States)

    Francisconi, Carolina Favaro; Caldas, Rogerio Jardim; Oliveira Martins, Lazara Joyce; Fischer Rubira, Cassia Maria; da Silva Santos, Paulo Sergio


    Leukemia is the most common neoplastic disease of the white blood cells which is important as a pediatric malignancy. Oral manifestations occur frequently in leukemic patients and may present as initial evidence of the disease or its relapse. The symptoms include gingival enlargement and bleeding, oral ulceration, petechia, mucosal pallor, noma, trismus and oral infections. Oral lesions arise in both acute and chronic forms of all types of leukemia. These oral manifestations either may be the result of direct infiltration of leukemic cells (primary) or secondary to underlying thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, or impaired granulocyte function. Despite the fact that leukemia has long been known to be associated with oral lesions, the available literature on this topic consists mostly of case reports, without data summarizing the main oral changes for each type of leukemia. Therefore, the present review aimed at describing oral manifestations of all leukemia types and their dental management. This might be useful in early diagnosis, improving patient outcomes.

  12. Two Unusual Cases of Oral Lichen Planus Arising After Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Can Oral Cancer Trigger Autoimmunity? (United States)

    Gissi, Davide Bartolomeo; Asioli, Sofia; Gabusi, Andrea


    Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system fails to recognize self-antigens expressed on the body's own cells and attacks them. Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic autoimmune mucocutaneous disease of the oral cavity characterized by white/red lesions. Considered a potentially malignant disorder, OLP evolution into oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is still a matter of debate. While chronic autoimmune inflammation is considered a potential risk factor for malignant transformation in many solid tumors, the opposite idea that cancer may trigger autoimmune responses remains controversial. We describe 2 patients who developed lesions clinically suggestive of OLP with histological evidence of lichenoid infiltration some time after OSCC removal, even in areas far from the neoplastic site. Neither patient had OLP before the diagnosis of OSCC, or reported exposure to OLP-associated etiologic factors, and neither. experienced tumor recurrence during follow-up. Our findings suggest that oral cancer remission may be linked to OLP development, but further studies are necessary to unveil the underlying mechanisms and possible prognostic implications.

  13. The presence of Helicobacter pylori in oral cavities of patients with leukoplakia and oral lichen planus

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    Magdalena Kazanowska-Dygdała


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most common bacterial infections in men. This gastrointestinal pathogen is closely related to gastritis, peptic ulcers, and the increased risk of gastric cancer. Numerous studies have indicated oral cavities as possible Helicobacter pylori reservoirs. Helicobacter pylori has been detected both in supragingival and subgingival plaques, and also in saliva. In addition, the relationship between lesions of oral mucosa and the presence of H. pylori has been evaluated and described in some studies. The aim of this study was to assess the presence of Helicobacter pylori DNA in the oral cavity of patients with oral leukoplakia and oral lichen planus. Material and Methods The study included 54 patients with oral leukoplakia, 72 with oral lichen planus lesions, and 40 healthy controls. The presence of Helicobacter pylori in oral cavity samples was analyzed using a single-step Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR method. All patients underwent a periodontal examination and the following clinical parameters were collected: pocket depth, bleeding, and plaque indexes. The periodontal status was assessed using the Offenbacher classification. Results In most patients, pathological lesions were in typical sites on the buccal mucosa (leukoplakia in 88%, and oral lichen planus in 93% of patients. The DNA of the Helicobacter pylori was present in 20% of patients with leukoplakia and 23% of patients with lichen planus. We did not find the DNA of H. pylori in healthy controls. The periodontal status described by periodontal indices was worse in the investigated group than in the control group. Conclusion These findings suggest that the H. pylori presence in oral cavities may be related with leukoplakia and lichen planus oral lesions.

  14. The presence of Helicobacter pylori in oral cavities of patients with leukoplakia and oral lichen planus. (United States)

    Kazanowska-Dygdała, Magdalena; Duś, Irena; Radwan-Oczko, Małgorzata


    Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most common bacterial infections in men. This gastrointestinal pathogen is closely related to gastritis, peptic ulcers, and the increased risk of gastric cancer. Numerous studies have indicated oral cavities as possible Helicobacter pylori reservoirs. Helicobacter pylori has been detected both in supragingival and subgingival plaques, and also in saliva. In addition, the relationship between lesions of oral mucosa and the presence of H. pylori has been evaluated and described in some studies. The aim of this study was to assess the presence of Helicobacter pylori DNA in the oral cavity of patients with oral leukoplakia and oral lichen planus. The study included 54 patients with oral leukoplakia, 72 with oral lichen planus lesions, and 40 healthy controls. The presence of Helicobacter pylori in oral cavity samples was analyzed using a single-step Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. All patients underwent a periodontal examination and the following clinical parameters were collected: pocket depth, bleeding, and plaque indexes. The periodontal status was assessed using the Offenbacher classification. In most patients, pathological lesions were in typical sites on the buccal mucosa (leukoplakia in 88%, and oral lichen planus in 93% of patients). The DNA of the Helicobacter pylori was present in 20% of patients with leukoplakia and 23% of patients with lichen planus. We did not find the DNA of H. pylori in healthy controls. The periodontal status described by periodontal indices was worse in the investigated group than in the control group. These findings suggest that the H. pylori presence in oral cavities may be related with leukoplakia and lichen planus oral lesions.

  15. A acetamida de pirrolidona como medicação auxiliar no tratamento da paralisia cerebral

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    Francisca Salete Pinheiro Chagas Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Vinte crianças, com diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral (PC e sob tratamento clássico, fisioterápico e pedagógico, receberam piracetam (acetamida de pirrolidona como medicação auxiliar. O objetivo foi melhorar os problemas de espasticidade, apredizagem, neurolabilidade, visando a um rendimento melhor do tratamento global da PC. O grupo medicado foi comparado com um grupo controle de 20 crianças que só eram objeto do tratamento habitual. A comparação mostrou resultados favoráveis no grupo medicado. A droga foi administrada na dose de 80 mg/kg/dia durante 10 semanas. Os critérios de avaliação dos resultados foram psicológicos, clínico, fisioterápico e pedagógico. A droga foi administrada em nova forma de apresentação: solução, para uso oral, a 6%.


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    Nacarato, Adair Mendes


    Full Text Available Desde as reformas curriculares da década de 1980 vem se discutindo a necessidade de uma nova cultura de aula que possibilite os processos de significação matemática, rompendo com práticas centradas apenas em procedimentos algorítmicos e mecanizados. Os processos de comunicação vêm se impondo como condição necessária para a aprendizagem matemática. Nos últimos anos, várias pesquisas foram desenvolvidas tomando os processos de escrita como uma das formas de comunicação entre os alunos e entre estes e os professores. No entanto, pouco se tem discutido sobre a importância da oralidade nas aulas de matemática. O presente artigo se propõe a discutir a constituição de um ambiente de aprendizagem que proporcione a oralidade nas aulas de matemática como forma de desenvolver a argumentação nos alunos e possibilitar o movimento de elaboração conceitual. Parte-se de pressupostos vigotskianos e bakhtinianos para a construção de um quadro teórico que dê sustentação aos processos de comunicação e significação em sala de aula. Tais pressupostos norteiam a análise de dois episódios em sala de aula com alunos dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental, de escolas públicas paulistas. Nesses episódios evidenciam-se como a interação verbal e a mediação pedagógica possibilitam modos de argumentação e a circulação de significações matemáticas.Since the curricular reforms in the 80’s, the need for a new classroom culture which allows mathematical meaning processes to take place has been discussed, breaking with the practices centered only in algorithmic and mechanized procedures. The communication processes have been imposing themselves as a necessary condition for the mathematical learning. During the last years, several studies in which the writing processes are taken as a communication tool among students and between students and teachers have been carried out. However, little has been discussed about the

  17. 31 CFR 103.83 - Oral communications. (United States)


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Oral communications. 103.83 Section... AND REPORTING OF CURRENCY AND FOREIGN TRANSACTIONS Administrative Rulings § 103.83 Oral communications... response to oral requests. Oral opinions or advice by Treasury, the Customs Service, the Internal Revenue...

  18. Autoatención en Salud Oral en el Pueblo Yanacona de los Andes del Sur de Colombia

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    Edson Jair Ospina Lozano


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. El pueblo indígena Yanacona tiene sus propias estrategias de entender y atender su proceso salud/enfermedad, referido particularmente a la cavidad oral. En estas actividades no se involucran terapeutas de la medicina tradicional ni de la medicina occidental, las realizan las mismas personas. Objetivo: identificar y analizar las prácticas de autoatención en salud oral de la población Yanacona de los resguardos de Caquiona y Pancitará. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizó el método etnográfico. Las técnicas fueron la entrevista semi-estructurada y la observación participante. La información se consignó en el diario de campo. El universo de trabajo fueron las familias de los resguardos de Pancitará y Caquiona. Las unidades de análisis las conformaron cinco familias que cumplían los criterios de inclusión: auto adscripción indígena, los ingresos económicos, la tenencia de dos o más hijos y la escolaridad de la madre.  Resultados: Para los integrantes de este pueblo indígena la boca es necesaria para comer y comunicarse. Las personas reconocen las enfermedades y otras dolencias en su cavidad oral y disponen de conocimientos y destrezas para enfrentarlas, principalmente plantas medicinales y medicamentos farmacéuticos. La caries dental es reconocida como la única enfermedad que afecta a la boca. Se reconoce un origen mágico de las aftas bucales. Los cuidados de la boca implican el uso de cepillo y crema dental y la masticación de una planta -chulco-. Conclusiones. La autoatención en salud oral es una estrategia que le permite a este pueblo indígena solucionar parcialmente los inconvenientes relacionados con su salud/enfermedad oral.

  19. Autoatención en Salud Oral en el Pueblo Yanacona de los Andes del Sur de Colombia

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    Edson Jair Ospina Lozano


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. El pueblo indígena Yanacona tiene sus propias estrategias de entender y atender su proceso salud/enfermedad, referido particularmente a la cavidad oral. En estas actividades no se involucran terapeutas de la medicina tradicional ni de la medicina occidental, las realizan las mismas personas. Objetivo: identificar y analizar las prácticas de autoatención en salud oral de la población Yanacona de los resguardos de Caquiona y Pancitará. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizó el método etnográfico. Las técnicas fueron la entrevista semi-estructurada y la observación participante. La información se consignó en el diario de campo. El universo de trabajo fueron las familias de los resguardos de Pancitará y Caquiona. Las unidades de análisis las conformaron cinco familias que cumplían los criterios de inclusión: auto adscripción indígena, los ingresos económicos, la tenencia de dos o más hijos y la escolaridad de la madre.  Resultados: Para los integrantes de este pueblo indígena la boca es necesaria para comer y comunicarse. Las personas reconocen las enfermedades y otras dolencias en su cavidad oral y disponen de conocimientos y destrezas para enfrentarlas, principalmente plantas medicinales y medicamentos farmacéuticos. La caries dental es reconocida como la única enfermedad que afecta a la boca. Se reconoce un origen mágico de las aftas bucales. Los cuidados de la boca implican el uso de cepillo y crema dental y la masticación de una planta -chulco-. Conclusiones. La autoatención en salud oral es una estrategia que le permite a este pueblo indígena solucionar parcialmente los inconvenientes relacionados con su salud/enfermedad oral.

  20. Administración oral de preparado parenteral de vitamina K en anticoagulación excesiva por warfarina

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    Yoleima Lozada


    Full Text Available La warfarina es frecuentemente usada en la terapia anticoagulante actual, su acción debe ser monitorizada usando el tiempo de protrombina expresado como International Normalized Ratio (INR; cuando se excede el rango de seguridad se puede administrar vitamina K (Vit-K, preferentemente por vía oral. Dicha presentación no está disponible en Venezuela. Se realizó un ensayo clínico, doble ciego, donde a 20 pacientes, edad 18-60 años, sin sangrado e INR inicial de 6 a 10 inclusive; les fue suspendida la warfarina e inmediatamente agrupados al azar a recibir dosis única de Vit-K (oral 1.25mg de Vit-K fraccionada de una presentación parenteral o placebo. El punto final primario, INR < 3.5 a las 24 horas de administrar la dosis, se alcanzó en 70% de los pacientes en Vit-K y 20% en placebo. La reducción absoluta del riesgo y su intervalo de confianza de 95%: RAR (IC95% = 50% (14.4 a 85.6 ρ = 0.028; NNT (IC95% = 2(1.3 a 6.9; no se registraron eventos adversos, ni INR < 2 luego de 24 horas de tratamiento. Los resultados obtenidos son consistentes con estudios donde se administró Vit-K en preparación específica para vía oral. Así la Vit-K en presentación parenteral, administrada por vía oral, es más efectiva y segura que simplemente detener la administración de warfarina para revertir la excesiva anticoagulación, en donde no exista presentación específica oral de Vit-K o ésta sea muy costosa.

  1. Impact of oral rehabilitation on patients with head and neck cancer: A study using the Liverpool Oral Rehabilitation Questionnaire and the Oral Health Impact Profile-14. (United States)

    Dholam, Kanchan P; Dugad, Jinesh A; Sadashiva, Karthik M


    The treatment of oral cancers affects oral functions and quality of life (QOL). Dental rehabilitation is a major step toward enhancing quality of life after controlling the disease. The effects of the disease, treatment, and rehabilitation need to be evaluated to assess oral health-related QOL. The Liverpool Oral Rehabilitation Questionnaire version 3 (LORQv3) and Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) are specific assessment questionnaires of oral rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of oral rehabilitation on patients with head and neck cancer by using the LORQv3 and OHIP-14 questionnaires and to discover and document specific patient-derived problems related to the issues of oral rehabilitation. The LORQv3 and OHIP-14 questionnaires were administered to 60 participants with oral cancer, who were in need of oral rehabilitation. They were asked to rate their dental problems on a Likert scale before fabrication of their prostheses (baseline) and at the 3-month follow-up visit after prosthetic rehabilitation. Paired comparison was done using the Wilcoxon signed rank test according to the distribution, and Cronbach alpha was used to assess internal consistency. Subscale scores were determined by mean value (α=.05). For the LORQv3 questionnaire, a 10% to 27% improvement was found in the domain of oral function, and a 20% improvement in orofacial appearance, with improvement in patient satisfaction with the prosthesis. Using the OHIP-14 questionnaire, a 45% to 67% improvement was generally seen in all domains. After assessment using the LORQv3 and OHIP-14 questionnaires, prosthetic rehabilitation was seen to contribute to the betterment of patients with head and neck cancer. Copyright © 2016 Editorial Council for the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Assessing Oral Cancer Awareness Among Dentists. (United States)

    Kebabcıoğlu, Özge; Pekiner, Filiz Namdar


    The aim of this study was to assess oral cancer awareness among dentists who attended 101st FDI World Dental Congress, İstanbul, Turkey. Among 170 dentists who agreed to participate, there were 13 oral surgeons, 6 restorative dentists, 4 endodontists, 4 orthodontists, 6 periodontists, 5 pedodontists, and 14 prosthodontists. Knowledge of oral cancer risk factors and diagnosis procedures, dentists' attitude towards oral cancers, management practice regarding oral cancer, and oral cancer information sources were assessed using 25 questions. The data were analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 program. Among 170 participant dentists, there were 69 (40.6%) male dentists and 101 (59.4%) female dentists. Largest number of them identified tobacco (98.8%) and alcohol usage (91.2%), prior oral cancer lesions (95.3%), viral infections (90.0%), UV exposure (86.5%), and betel quid chewing (80.6%), and lower numbers reported older age (56.5%) and low consumption of fruit and vegetables (52.4%). Oral medicine specialists scored marginally higher in indicating erythroplakia and leukoplakia most likely to be precancerous and squamous cell carcinoma as the most common form of oral cancer (p ral cancer detection and prevention.

  3. A salutogenic perspective to oral health:sense of coherence as a determinant of oral and general health behaviours, and oral health-related quality of life


    Savolainen, J. (Jarno)


    Abstract Dental diseases such as dental caries and periodontal disease could well be seen as being behaviour-related. The high prevalence of periodontal disease in the Finnish adult population mirrors the need for improving oral health behaviours in a comprehensive manner. Thus far, scant attention has been drawn to the underlying psycho-social factors that could, in part, explain oral health and oral health behaviours. Deficiencies in oral health behaviour may also be indicative of an ind...

  4. Oral bacteria and yeasts in relationship to oral ulcerations in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laheij, A.M.G.A.; de Soet, J.J.; von dem Borne, P.A.; Kuijper, E.J.; Kraneveld, E.A.; van Loveren, C.; Raber-Durlacher, J.E.


    BACKGROUND: Oral mucositis is a serious and debilitating side effect of conditioning regimens for hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). Through HSCT, the homeostasis in the oral cavity is disrupted. The contribution of the oral microflora to mucositis remains to be clarified. The aim of our

  5. Oral mucosa and lung cancer: Are genetic changes in the oral ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Feb 3, 2016 ... to lung cancer, although other risk factors (such as genetic tendency) ... analysis of oral mucosa identifying individuals predisposed to lung cancer. ... of the study is that oral epithelial cells of smokers who have lung cancer are ... Stratec Molecular, Berlin, Germany). p53 codon 72 ..... Validity and reliability of.

  6. Prevalence of oral hairy leukoplakia in 120 pediatric patients infected with HIV-1 Prevalência da leucoplasia pilosa oral em 120 pacientes pediátricos infectados pelo HIV-1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliane Pedra Dias


    Full Text Available Oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL is an EBV (Epstein-Barr virus opportunistic infection found in HIV-infected patients. It is an asymptomatic lesion that has an important prognostic value in AIDS. Differently from what takes place with HIV adult patients, OHL has been described in the literature as having a very small prevalence in pediatric patients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of OHL in HIV pediatric patients using cytopathology. The sample consisted of 120 patients who were submitted to oral examination and had material scraped from both sides of their tongues. The diagnostic criterion was based on the identification of nuclear alterations. Clinical OHL was identified in two (1.67% patients. The cytopathology revealed twenty (16.7% cases of subclinical OHL. Our results show that in pediatric patients the prevalence of OHL may be larger than that described in the literature.A leucoplasia pilosa oral (OHL é uma infecção oportunista causada pelo Vírus Epstein-Barr (EBV encontrada em pacientes infectados pelo HIV. É uma lesão assintomática que tem um importante valor prognóstico na AIDS. Diferentemente de pacientes adultos, a OHL tem sido descrita na literatura como tendo uma prevalência muito pequena em pacientes pediátricos. Logo, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a prevalência da OHL em pacientes pediátricos positivos para o HIV através do uso da citopatologia. A amostra consistiu-se de 120 pacientes, que foram submetidos a exame oral e coleta de material de ambos os lados da língua. O critério diagnóstico foi baseado na identificação de alterações nucleares. A OHL clínica foi identificada em dois (1,67% pacientes. A citopatologia revelou vinte casos (16,7% de OHL subclínica. Nossos resultados mostram que a prevalência de OHL em pacientes pediátricos infectados pelo HIV deve ser maior que a relatada na literatura.

  7. Extra-oral halitosis : an overview

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tangerman, A.; Winkel, E. G.

    Halitosis can be subdivided into intra-oral and extra-oral halitosis, depending on the place where it originates. Most reports now agree that the most frequent sources of halitosis exist within the oral cavity and include bacterial reservoirs such as the dorsum of the tongue, saliva and periodontal

  8. Intra-oral pressure-based voicing control of electrolaryngeal speech with intra-oral vibrator. (United States)

    Takahashi, Hirokazu; Nakao, Masayuki; Kikuchi, Yataro; Kaga, Kimitaka


    In normal speech, coordinated activities of intrinsic laryngeal muscles suspend a glottal sound at utterance of voiceless consonants, automatically realizing a voicing control. In electrolaryngeal speech, however, the lack of voicing control is one of the causes of unclear voice, voiceless consonants tending to be misheard as the corresponding voiced consonants. In the present work, we developed an intra-oral vibrator with an intra-oral pressure sensor that detected utterance of voiceless phonemes during the intra-oral electrolaryngeal speech, and demonstrated that an intra-oral pressure-based voicing control could improve the intelligibility of the speech. The test voices were obtained from one electrolaryngeal speaker and one normal speaker. We first investigated on the speech analysis software how a voice onset time (VOT) and first formant (F1) transition of the test consonant-vowel syllables contributed to voiceless/voiced contrasts, and developed an adequate voicing control strategy. We then compared the intelligibility of consonant-vowel syllables among the intra-oral electrolaryngeal speech with and without online voicing control. The increase of intra-oral pressure, typically with a peak ranging from 10 to 50 gf/cm2, could reliably identify utterance of voiceless consonants. The speech analysis and intelligibility test then demonstrated that a short VOT caused the misidentification of the voiced consonants due to a clear F1 transition. Finally, taking these results together, the online voicing control, which suspended the prosthetic tone while the intra-oral pressure exceeded 2.5 gf/cm2 and during the 35 milliseconds that followed, proved efficient to improve the voiceless/voiced contrast.

  9. Uso crônico de anticoagulante oral: implicações para o controle de níveis adequados Uso crónico de anticoagulante oral implicaciones para el control de niveles adecuados Constant use of oral anticoagulants: implications in the control of their adequate levels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francieli Giachini Esmerio


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Dosagens inapropriadas e subterapêuticas anticoagulantes podem resultar em sérias complicações tromboembólicas. O uso dessa terapêutica requer especial atenção e precisa de um acompanhamento clínico e laboratorial rigoroso. OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores associados ao controle adequado dos níveis de anticoagulação oral, verificando o conhecimento e a percepção dos pacientes relacionados à terapêutica empregada. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal que incluiu 140 pacientes acompanhados no ambulatório de anticoagulação oral, de novembro de 2005 a junho de 2006. Um questionário estruturado foi elaborado e aplicado para obtenção de características clínicas, conhecimento sobre a terapêutica, adesão ao tratamento (teste de Morisky e percepção do paciente. RESULTADOS: As principais indicações para uso do anticoagulação oral foram fibrilação atrial (61,4% e prótese metálica (55%. O tempo de uso variou entre 24 e 72 meses, e o femprocumona (58% foi o mais empregado. Em relaçãoà percepção da terapêutica, 95% dos pacientes mencionaram preocupação com o uso diário dessa medicação. A realização periódica de exames de sangue (21,4% e a tomada rigorosa de anticoagulação oral (12,8% foram compreendidas como limitantes. Observou-se conhecimento adequado entre os pacientes com international normalized ratio (INR fora da faixa (64% e na aderência entre os pacientes com INR dentro da faixa terapêutica (54%, porém sem significância estatística. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram uma prevalência de pacientes em uso de anticoagulação oral com o INR dentro dos valores ideais, embora tenha sido grande a porcentagem de pacientes não-aderentes à terapêutica. O conhecimento insatisfatório quanto à terapêutica empregada e ao autocuidado torna-se evidente nessa população.FUNDAMENTO: Dosis inapropiadas y subterapéuticas anticoagulantes pueden resultar en serias complicaciones tromboemb

  10. Oral epithelial dysplasia classification systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Warnakulasuriya, S; Reibel, J; Bouquot, J


    At a workshop coordinated by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Oral Cancer and Precancer in the United Kingdom issues related to potentially malignant disorders of the oral cavity were discussed by an expert group. The consensus views of the Working Group are presented in a series of papers....... In this report, we review the oral epithelial dysplasia classification systems. The three classification schemes [oral epithelial dysplasia scoring system, squamous intraepithelial neoplasia and Ljubljana classification] were presented and the Working Group recommended epithelial dysplasia grading for routine...... use. Although most oral pathologists possibly recognize and accept the criteria for grading epithelial dysplasia, firstly based on architectural features and then of cytology, there is great variability in their interpretation of the presence, degree and significance of the individual criteria...

  11. Oral candidiasis and angular cheilitis. (United States)

    Sharon, Victoria; Fazel, Nasim


    Candidiasis, an often encountered oral disease, has been increasing in frequency. Most commonly caused by the overgrowth of Candida albicans, oral candidiasis can be divided into several categories including acute and chronic forms, and angular cheilitis. Risk factors for the development of oral candidiasis include immunosuppression, wearing of dentures, pharmacotherapeutics, smoking, infancy and old age, endocrine dysfunction, and decreased salivation. Oral candidiasis may be asymptomatic. More frequently, however, it is physically uncomfortable, and the patient may complain of burning mouth, dysgeusia, dysphagia, anorexia, and weight loss, leading to nutritional deficiency and impaired quality of life. A plethora of antifungal treatments are available. The overall prognosis of oral candidiasis is good, and rarely is the condition life threatening with invasive or recalcitrant disease.

  12. Oral health status and need for oral care of care-dependent indwelling elderly : from admission to death

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoeksema, Arie R; Peters, Lilian L; Raghoebar, Gerry M; Meijer, Henny J A; Vissink, Arjan; Visser, Anita

    The objective of this study is to assess oral health and oral status of elderly patients newly admitted to a nursing home from admission until death. Oral health, oral status, need for dental care, cooperation with dental treatment, and given dental care were assessed by two geriatric dentists in

  13. Quantitative prediction of oral cancer risk in patients with oral leukoplakia. (United States)

    Liu, Yao; Li, Yicheng; Fu, Yue; Liu, Tong; Liu, Xiaoyong; Zhang, Xinyan; Fu, Jie; Guan, Xiaobing; Chen, Tong; Chen, Xiaoxin; Sun, Zheng


    Exfoliative cytology has been widely used for early diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma. We have developed an oral cancer risk index using DNA index value to quantitatively assess cancer risk in patients with oral leukoplakia, but with limited success. In order to improve the performance of the risk index, we collected exfoliative cytology, histopathology, and clinical follow-up data from two independent cohorts of normal, leukoplakia and cancer subjects (training set and validation set). Peaks were defined on the basis of first derivatives with positives, and modern machine learning techniques were utilized to build statistical prediction models on the reconstructed data. Random forest was found to be the best model with high sensitivity (100%) and specificity (99.2%). Using the Peaks-Random Forest model, we constructed an index (OCRI2) as a quantitative measurement of cancer risk. Among 11 leukoplakia patients with an OCRI2 over 0.5, 4 (36.4%) developed cancer during follow-up (23 ± 20 months), whereas 3 (5.3%) of 57 leukoplakia patients with an OCRI2 less than 0.5 developed cancer (32 ± 31 months). OCRI2 is better than other methods in predicting oral squamous cell carcinoma during follow-up. In conclusion, we have developed an exfoliative cytology-based method for quantitative prediction of cancer risk in patients with oral leukoplakia.

  14. Comparison of neutral oral contrast versus positive oral contrast medium in abdominal multidetector CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berther, Ralph; Eckhardt, Boris; Zollikofer, Christoph L.; Patak, Michael A.; Erturk, Sukru M.


    To determine whether neutral contrast agents with water-equivalent intraluminal attenuation can improve delineation of the bowel wall and increase overall image quality for a non-selected patient population, a neutral oral contrast agent (3% mannitol) was administered to 100 patients referred for abdominal multidetector row computed tomography (MDCT). Their results were compared with those of 100 patients given a positive oral contrast agent. Qualitative and quantitative measurements were done on different levels of the gastrointestinal tract by three experienced readers. Patients given the neutral oral contrast agent showed significant better qualitative results for bowel distension (P<0.001), homogeneity of the luminal content (P<0.001), delineation of the bowel-wall to the lumen (P<0.001) and to the mesentery (P<0.001) and artifacts (P<0.001), leading to a significant better overall image quality (P<0.001) than patients receiving positive oral contrast medium. The quantitative measurements revealed significant better distension (P<0.001) and wall to lumen delineation (P<0.001) for the patients receiving neutral oral contrast medium. The present results show that the neutral oral contrast agent (mannitol) produced better distension, better homogeneity and better delineation of the bowel wall leading to a higher overall image quality than the positive oral contrast medium in a non-selected patient population. (orig.)

  15. El anisakis y sus enfermedades como enfermedad profesional


    Vicente Pardo, José Manuel


    El anisakis es un parásito complejo de los animales marinos. El hombre no es el hospedador adecuado, ya que en él la larva L3 no puede completar su ciclo vital, siendo por tanto un hospedador accidental u ocasional, que se interpone en el ciclo vital del nemátodo, y al que el anisakis le puede causar tanto la parasitación como la alergia, cuando ingiere pescado o cefalópodos crudos o poco cocinados: tales como sushi, sashimi, ceviche gravlax noruego, lomi-lomi hawaiano, así como pescados en e...

  16. Oral bacteria and yeasts in relationship to oral ulcerations in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laheij, Alexa M. G. A.; de Soet, Johannes J.; von dem Borne, Peter A.; Kuijper, Ed J.; Kraneveld, Eefje A.; van Loveren, Cor; Raber-Durlacher, Judith E.


    Oral mucositis is a serious and debilitating side effect of conditioning regimens for hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). Through HSCT, the homeostasis in the oral cavity is disrupted. The contribution of the oral microflora to mucositis remains to be clarified. The aim of our study was to


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    César Ernesto Abadía Barrero


    Full Text Available Las reformas al sector salud de las últimas décadas en Latinoamérica están fomentando la privatización de los servicios siguiendo principios de corte liberal. A diferencia de un sistema de medicina social, en sistemas privados el acceso de las personas a los servicios depende de la capacidad adquisitiva y su énfasis es más terapéutico que preventivo. El resultado es que personas con más recursos tienen menos riesgo de enfermar y de que sus enfermedades se agraven. De otro lado, quienes viven en la pobreza no solamente son más vulnerables a padecer enfermedades, sino que tienen menos acceso a los servicios de salud y, al no recibir tratamientos adecuados y oportunos, sus enfermedades se agravan. Esta situación es peor aún en temas de salud oral, donde se requiere un debate con la bioética como interlocutora para proponer sistemas de equidadAs reformas do setor saúde das últimas décadas na América Latina estão fomentando a privatização dos serviços, seguindo princípios de cunho liberal. Diferentemente de um sistema de medicina social, em sistemas privados, o acesso das pessoas aos serviços depende da capacidade de aquisiçãoe sua ênfase é mais terapêutica que preventiva. O resultado é que as pessoas com mais recursos tem menos risco de ficarem doentes e de que suas enfermidades se agravem. Por outro lado, as pessoas que vivem na pobreza, não somente são mais vulneráveis em sofrer enfermidades, mas também têm menos acesso aos serviços de saúde e, ao não receber tratamentos adequados e oportunos, suas enfermidades se agravam com o tempo. Esta situação se encontra agravada em temas de saúde oral, onde se exige um debate com a bioética como interlocutora para propor sistemas de equidadeLatinamerican last decades' health reforms have encouraged liberal principles where access to services depend on purchasing power, and where emphasis is placed more on therapeutics than on prevention. Therefore, people with high

  18. Nutrition and Oral Health: Experiences in Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zohre Sadat Sangsefidi


    Full Text Available Background: Oral health is a crucial factor for overall well-being and there is a mutual relationship between nutrition and oral health. The aim of this study was to review the publications which have examined the association between nutrition or diet and oral health status or oral disease in Iran. Methods: The electronic databases of PubMed, Scopus, Google scholar, scientific information database (SID, and Magiran were searched using key words of diet, nutrition, oral health, oral disease, and Iran to reach the related articles published up to 2016. The English and Persian articles with cross-sectional, clinical trial, prospective, and case-control designs were selected. The Persian studies were then translated into English. The animal studies were not investigated. Results: The findings showed that nutrition and diet were associated with oral health. However, the majority of studies focused on evaluation of the relation between nutrition and dental caries. Further, a few studies were conducted on the association between nutrition and other oral problems such as periodontal disease or oral cancer. Moreover, the limited nutritional or dietary factors were investigated in the literature. Conclusions: Nutrition and diet are related to oral health and prevention of oral disease. Further studies are therefore recommended to evaluate the association between nutrition and oral health with considering various dietary or nutritional factors and different types of oral problems in Iran.


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    Eliecer Mayorca Capataz


    Full Text Available La importancia que tienen las relaciones sociales y el aprendizaje en la vida del ser humano: ser social, ser de relaciones, un ser abierto que se define por las relaciones con los demás, se considera imprescindible, abordar el tema para favorecer el desarrollo integral de la personas. Ello supone que, la vida para su permanente desarrollo implica en la persona, articular un entramado de relaciones, mediante la experiencia de aprendizaje y el reconocimiento de los valores fundamentales como el respeto por la humanidad, en un todo interrelacionado, en el que, de alguna forma, remite el actuar de las personas, a su racionalidad, a su espontaneidad, a la forma como se comunica y trabaja con los otros, a la manera constante de aprender, de buscar la calidad de vida, de amar su oficio como forma de influencia positiva, y establecer relaciones socialmente responsables. Para ello, se estableció como objetivo: realizar un análisis conceptual del aprendizaje organizacional como facilitador de las relaciones sociales responsables en la organización. Metodológicamente, el trabajo es de carácter documental y bibliográfico, soportadas en investigaciones previas; y como reflexión se estableció que el centro para aprender y relacionarse es el hombre.

  20. Assessing Oral Hygiene in Hospitalized Older Veterans. (United States)

    Jennings, Andrea


    Poor oral health for all older adults can result in higher risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and oral cancer. Findings from this study indicated older veterans needed to improve their oral hygiene habits but barriers to oral hygiene performance prevented them from receiving and performing oral hygiene measures.

  1. Genetic etiology of oral cancer. (United States)

    Ali, Johar; Sabiha, Bibi; Jan, Hanif Ullah; Haider, Syed Adnan; Khan, Abid Ali; Ali, Saima S


    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide. It accounts for 2.5% of all new cancer cases and 1.9% of all cancer deaths annually. More than 90% of oral cancers (occurring in the mouth, lip, and tongue) are oral squamous cell carcinoma. The incidence rate of oral cancer varies widely throughout the world, with an evident prevalence in South Asian countries. This high incidence occurs in correlation with oral cancer-associated behaviors such as alcohol, tobacco use. Researchers have reported that these behaviors lead to genetic variations in tumor suppressor genes (APC, p53), proto-oncogenes (Myc), oncogene (Ras) and genes controlling normal cellular processes (EIF3E, GSTM1). Processes such as segregation of chromosomes, genomic copy number, loss of heterozygosity, telomere stabilities, regulations of cell-cycle checkpoints, DNA damage repairs and defects in notch signaling pathways are involved in causing oral cancer. In order to develop preventive and therapeutic options, it is necessary to comprehend the basic molecular mechanisms forcing oral tumorigenesis. This review examines, in detail, the mechanisms of genetic alteration which are considered to be responsible for the initiation of oral cancer. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Twiggy Ortegón


    Full Text Available El planteamiento central de este articulo, es el de sugerir una análisis en torno a algunas de las condiciones o mecanismo necesarios para que el conflicto opere como un potenciador de la diferencia y creador de alternativas para la convivencia Se realiza una distinción del concepto, un análisis de contenidos interaccionales en dinámicas de conflicto y su relación con el contexto urbano de Bogotá, enfocándose en ámbitos escolares. En ciudades como Bogotá, las discusiones y acciones que diferentes estamentos han emprendido frente a la manera de concebir y gestionar el conflicto, desembocan en la creación de diferentes organismos como los centros de conciliación, la aplicación de fórmulas y técnicas para la solución de conflictos, el desarrollo de propuestas desde entes administrativos a nivel distrital y las nuevas disposiciones que plantea la Ley 115 sobre Gobierno Escolar y manuales de convivencia.

  3. Oral Biopsy: A Dental Gawk

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Sir,. Dermatologists are often confronted with neoplasms and diseases of the oral cavity. Although many may be reluctant to perform oral surgical procedures, a biopsy is often needed to establish a definitive diagnosis, and biopsy of the oral cavity is a safe and useful technique that can be easily employed by dermatologists.

  4. The Virtue of Knowing-How = A virtude do saber-como

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    Santos, Felipe Rocha Lima


    Full Text Available Intelectualistas sobre o conhecimento-como afirmam que o conhecimento-como é um tipo de conhecimento proposicional. Antiintelectualistas procuram demonstrar que existem casos em que o agente possui conhecimento-como, mas não possuem conhecimento proposicional. Este artigo se concentra nos recentes argumentos antiintelectualistas propostos por Carter e Pritchard. Procuro mostrar que os argumentos de Carter e Pritchard não são bem sucedidos e que, aplicando a epistemologia das virtudes ao debate, pode-se concluir que o conhecimento-como compartilha as mesmas propriedades epistêmicas que o conhecimento proposicional. Se isso é o caso, então é possível afirmar que o conhecimento-como é um tipo de conhecimento proposicional, deixando a salvo novamente o intelectualismo

  5. Robots como ferramenta pedagógica nos primeiros anos a aprendizagem como participação

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    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe y analiza un proyecto realizado con dos grados del 1er ciclo de enseñanza básica en Portugal (2doy 3er grado que trabajaron en conjunto con robots, tomando el aprendizaje como un fenómeno intrín-secamente relacionado a la participación en comunidades de práctica (Lave, 1996; Lave; Wenger, 1991. Se pretende caracterizar a los participantes, a la metodología de trabajo implementada, describirlos artefactos utilizados (robots y escritura de una historia y analizar la relación de los participantes con los robots, así como los patrones de participación que se relevaron con este tipo de trabajo. Se busca enfatizar e las contribuciones derivadas de la participación en ambientes sociales digitales para el aprendizaje de los alumnos, como la participación y la negociación conjunta de significados, la importancia de que los robots y la historia hayan sido “construidos” por los alumnos y la existencia de un repertorio compartido y un emprendi-miento conjunto.

  6. Oral controlled release drug delivery system and Characterization of oral tablets; A review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Zaman


    Full Text Available Oral route of drug administration is considered as the safest and easiest route of drug administration. Control release drug delivery system is the emerging trend in the pharmaceuticals and the oral route is most suitable for such kind of drug delivery system. Oral route is more convenient for It all age group including both pediatric and geriatrics. There are various systems which are adopted to deliver drug in a controlled manner to different target sites through oral route. It includes diffusion controlled drug delivery systems; dissolution controlled drug delivery systems, osmotically controlled drug delivery systems, ion-exchange controlled drug delivery systems, hydrodynamically balanced systems, multi-Particulate drug delivery systems and microencapsulated drug delivery system. The systems are formulated using different natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic polymers. The purpose of the review is to provide information about the orally controlled drug delivery system, polymers which are used to formulate these systems and characterizations of one of the most convenient dosage form which is the tablets. 

  7. [Exploration of the oral health education experimental teaching for oral health education reform]. (United States)

    Jiang, Yingying; Hu, Wenting; Zhang, Juanjuan; Sun, Yan; Gao, Yuguang


    This study aimed to improve students' ability in practical and theoretical courses of oral health education and to promote students' learning interest and initiative. Fourth-year students of the oral medical profession from 2006 to 2008 at Weifang Medical University were chosen as research objects for oral health education to explore the experimental teaching reform. The students were divided into test and control groups, with the test group using the "speak out" way of teaching and the control group using the traditional teaching method. Results of after-class evaluation of the test group, as well as final examination and practice examination of the two groups, were analyzed and compared. After-class evaluation results of the test group showed that the "speak out" teaching method was recognized by the students and improved students' ability to understand oral health education. The final examination and practice examination results showed that the score of the test group was higher than that of the control group (P teaching methods can improve students' ability for oral health education, in accordance with the trend of teaching reform.

  8. Hydroxyurea-induced oral ulceration. (United States)

    Badawi, Maha; Almazrooa, Soulafa; Azher, Fatima; Alsayes, Fatin


    Hydroxyurea is an antimetabolite that is widely used in the treatment of many benign and malignant conditions. This drug is usually well tolerated but has a number of side effects that vary in incidence. In cases of clinically significant adverse events, hydroxyurea is usually discontinued either temporarily or permanently, depending on treatment need versus harm caused by side effects. Here, we report a case of oral ulceration associated with hydroxyurea treatment in a patient who had chronic myelogenous leukemia. The patient rapidly developed an oral ulcer 12 days after administration of the drug. Hydroxyurea was discontinued, and the oral lesion appreciably decreased in size and severity. Physicians and dentists should be aware of the association between hydroxyurea and oral lesions. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Intravenous versus oral etoposide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ali, Abir Salwa; Grönberg, Malin; Langer, Seppo W.


    High-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (GEP-NENs, G3) are aggressive cancers of the digestive system with poor prognosis and survival. Platinum-based chemotherapy (cisplatin/carboplatin + etoposide) is considered the first-line palliative treatment. Etoposide is frequently...... administered intravenously; however, oral etoposide may be used as an alternative. Concerns for oral etoposide include decreased bioavailability, inter- and intra-patient variability and patient compliance. We aimed to evaluate possible differences in progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS......) in patients treated with oral etoposide compared to etoposide given as infusion. Patients (n = 236) from the Nordic NEC study were divided into three groups receiving etoposide as a long infusion (24 h, n = 170), short infusion (≤ 5 h, n = 33) or oral etoposide (n = 33) according to hospital tradition. PFS...

  10. Canine oral melanoma. (United States)

    Bergman, Philip J


    Melanoma is the most common oral malignancy in the dog. Oral and/or mucosal melanoma has been routinely considered an extremely malignant tumor with a high degree of local invasiveness and high metastatic propensity. Primary tumor size has been found to be extremely prognostic. The World Health Organization staging scheme for dogs with oral melanoma is based on size, with stage I = or = 4cm tumor and/or lymph node metastasis, and stage IV = distant metastasis. Median survival times for dogs with oral melanoma treated with surgery are approximately 17 to 18, 5 to 6, and 3 months with stage I, II, and III disease, respectively. Significant negative prognostic factors include stage, size, evidence of metastasis, and a variety of histologic criteria. Standardized treatments such as surgery, coarse-fractionation radiation therapy, and chemotherapy have afforded minimal to modest stage-dependent clinical benefits and death is usually due to systemic metastasis. Numerous immunotherapeutic strategies have been employed to date with limited clinical efficacy; however, the use of xenogeneic DNA vaccines may represent a leap forward in clinical efficacy. Oral melanoma is a spontaneous syngeneic cancer occurring in outbred, immunocompetent dogs and appears to be a more clinically faithful therapeutic model for human melanoma; further use of canine melanoma as a therapeutic model for human melanoma is strongly encouraged. In addition, the development of an expanded but clinically relevant staging system incorporating the aforementioned prognostic factors is also strongly encouraged.

  11. Prevention of Oral Candidiasis After Free Flap Surgery: Role of 3% Sodium Bicarbonate Saline in Oral Care. (United States)

    Yang, Yue; Zhang, Fang; Lyu, Xin; Yan, Zhimin; Hua, Hong; Peng, Xin


    Relevant reports about oral candidiasis status and prevention measures after free flap surgery for the oral and maxillofacial region are limited. The present study explored oral candidiasis status after free flap surgery and its prevention through a prospective comparative study. One hundred four patients were randomized to a control group (n = 54) and an experimental group (n = 50). Compared with the control group, the experimental group was provided an additional 3% sodium bicarbonate saline solution for oral care after free flap surgery. The incidence of oral candidiasis was evaluated by objective examination (saliva culture and salivary pH measurement) and subjective evaluation (clinical signs of oral candidiasis) at admission and from postoperative days 1 to 14. The salivary pH values of the 2 groups were lower than the normal salivary pH, and postoperative salivary pH values were always lower than the active range of oral lysozymes in the control group. The salivary pH values of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group from postoperative days 6 to 14 (P < .05). The incidence of oral candidiasis was 13.0% in the control group, which was higher than that in the experimental group (2.0%; P < .05). In addition, advanced age, use of a free flap for the simultaneous repair of intraoral and paraoral defects, and a combination of 2 antibiotic types were risk factors for oral candidiasis. Oral candidiasis was common in patients after free flap reconstruction surgery, and the use of 3% sodium bicarbonate saline solution for oral care effectively prevented it. Copyright © 2016 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Tragédias nas escolas americanas: como entendê-las? Como impedir que voltem a acontecer?

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    Eva Paulino Bueno


    Full Text Available

    Este artigo dá uma visão histórica do direito de portar armas nos Estados Unidos, e como a existência e facilidade de obtenção de armas têm causado inúmeras tragédias em escolas. Fala também das diferentes maneiras que as pessoas reagem às tragédias e como impedir que ocorram.

  13. Oral cancer in Libya and development of regional oral cancer registries: A review. (United States)

    BenNasir, E; El Mistiri, M; McGowan, R; Katz, R V


    The aims of this paper are three-fold: (1) to summarize the current epidemiological data on oral cancer in Libya as reported in the published literature and as compared to other national oral cancer rates in the region; (2) to present both the history of the early development, and future goals, of population-based oral cancer tumor registries in Libya as they partner with the more established regional and international population-based cancer tumor registries; and, (3) to offer recommendations that will likely be required in the near future if these nascent, population-based Libyan oral cancer registries are to establish themselves as on-going registries for describing the oral cancer disease patterns and risk factors in Libya as well as for prevention and treatment. This comprehensive literature review revealed that the current baseline incidence of oral cancer in Libya is similar to those of other North Africa countries and China, but is relatively low compared to the United Kingdom, the United States, and India. The recently established Libyan National Cancer Registry Program, initiated in 2007, while envisioning five cooperating regional cancer registries, continues to operate at a relatively suboptimal level. Lack of adequate levels of national funding continue to plague its development…and the accompanying quality of service that could be provided to the Libyan people.

  14. Oral precancerous lesions: Problems of early detection and oral cancer prevention (United States)

    Gileva, Olga S.; Libik, Tatiana V.; Danilov, Konstantin V.


    The study presents the results of the research in the structure, local and systemic risk factors, peculiarities of the clinical manifestation, and quality of primary diagnosis of precancerous oral mucosa lesions (OMLs). In the study a wide range of OMLs and high (25.4%) proportion of oral precancerous lesions (OPLs) in their structure was indicated. The high percentage of different diagnostic errors and the lack of oncological awareness of dental practitioners, as well as the sharp necessity of inclusion of precancer/cancer early detection techniques into their daily practice were noted. The effectiveness of chemilumenescence system of early OPLs and oral cancer detection was demonstrated, the prospects of infrared thermography as a diagnostic tool were also discussed.

  15. Comparison of Practices, Knowledge, Confidence, and Attitude toward Oral Cancer among Oral Health Professionals between Japan and Australia. (United States)

    Haresaku, Satoru; Makino, Michiko; Sugiyama, Seiichi; Naito, Toru; Mariño, Rodrigo Jose


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the practices, knowledge, confidence, and attitude toward oral cancer among Japanese oral health professionals (J-OHPs) and to identify Japanese-specific problems in oral cancer practices by comparing them between Japan and Australia. A questionnaire survey regarding oral cancer practices among Australian oral health professionals (Au-OHPs) was conducted in Australia in 2014-2015. The questionnaire was translated into Japanese, and a Web-based questionnaire survey was conducted among 131 Japanese dentists (J-Dentists) and 131 dental hygienists (J-DHs) in 2016. To compare the J-OHPs' findings with the Au-OHPs', the data of Australian dentists (Au-dentists) and Australian dental hygienists (Au-DHs) were extracted from the Australian survey. Those findings were then compared via a statistical analysis. Eighty-two J-Dentists, 55 J-DHs, 214 Au-Dentists, and 45 Au-DHs participated in this study. Only 34.1 % of J-Dentists and 36.4 % of J-DHs performed oral cancer screenings on their patients; J-OHPs were significantly less likely to perform them than Au-OHPs. The level of knowledge and confidence regarding oral cancer among JOHPs were significantly lower than among Au-OHPs. About 90 % of J-OHPs felt that they needed additional training in oral cancer practices. Less than 40 % of J-OHPs performed oral cancer screenings in their patients. The low level of knowledge and confidence regarding oral cancer among JOHPs may contribute to their low performance of oral cancer practices. Therefore, further education and training programs for oral cancer practices should be provided to Japanese OHPs for the prevention and early detection of oral cancer.

  16. Qualidade de vida e saúde bucal em crianças e adolescentes: aspectos conceituais e metodológicos Quality of life and oral health in children and adolescents: conceptual and methodological aspects

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    Taís de Souza Barbosa


    Full Text Available O interesse pela qualidade de vida e saúde bucal em crianças e adolescentes vem aumentando, já que as desordens orais provavelmente apresentam efeito negativo na qualidade de vida das mesmas. Neste sentido, questionários que visam a avaliar o impacto da saúde bucal no bem-estar têm sido desenvolvidos e adaptados para este grupo específico. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a relação entre qualidade de vida e saúde bucal em crianças e adolescentes, focalizando aspectos conceituais e metodológicos. Os instrumentos desenvolvidos para avaliar a qualidade de vida e saúde bucal em crianças e adolescentes são: o Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ, para crianças de 8-10 (CPQ8-10 e 11-14 anos (CPQ11-14; o Child-Oral Impacts on Daily Performances, para a idade de 11-12 anos; o Child Oral Health Impact Profile, para crianças de 8-14 anos, e o Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale para a faixa etária de 2-5 anos. Apesar dos progressos nessa área, ainda existem muitas questões a serem debatidas e respondidas, como a necessidade de questionários específicos para diferentes idades, a participação dos responsáveis como respondentes secundários e a avaliação do impacto da saúde bucal da criança e do adolescente na família.There has been increasing interest in the oral health-related quality of life of children and adolescents, since pediatric oral disorders are likely to have a negative effect on children's quality of life. So the questionnaires that aim to assess the impact of oral health on child' and adolescent' quality of life has been developed or adapted to this specific group. The aim of this study was to describe the relationship between the quality of life and oral health in children and adolescents, focalizing conceptual and methodological aspects. The instruments developed to assess oral health-related quality of life in children and adolescents are: the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ, for children aged 8

  17. La Realidad Aumentada como complemento motivacional

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    Gazcón, Nicolás Fernando


    Full Text Available El acelerado avance de la tecnología permite que las tecnologías emergentes sean accesibles por todos los usuarios. Ejemplos de estas tecnologías son la Realidad Aumentada y la Reconstrucción 3D, que gracias a dispositivos como tabletas o teléfonos inteligentes, pueden utilizarse de manera ubicua. Éstas tienen un enorme potencial en el campo de la educación, ya sea como recurso para entender conceptos complejos, como para motivar el aprendizaje de nuevos contenidos. El desafío de estas tecnologías es integrarlas para que sean accesibles y fáciles de utilizar por los docentes y los alumnos. En este trabajo presentamos una metodología para motivar el aprendizaje tanto en tareas de campo, mediante el uso de la Reconstrucción 3D, como en el ámbito escolar mediante libros aumentados. Por medio de un caso de estudio introducimos la Reconstrucción 3D de elementos fósiles de un sitio paleontológico bonaerense, para luego incorporar estos contenidos generados en un libro aumentado. A partir de la digitalización de huellas y fósiles de sitios paleontológicos, se obtuvieron modelos 3D que se integraron en un ambiente de aprendizaje inmersivo en el aula mediante los libros aumentados. Presentamos las opiniones de docentes de distintas disciplinas, que resaltan las posibilidades de esta metodología para su inclusión en el ámbito educacional regional.

  18. Los ancianos como actores sociales

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    Full Text Available En este artículo se recogen las discusiones de grupo que se realizaron durante cuatro meses en Barcelona como preparación del "II congreso de la gent gran" (II congreso de ancianos de esta ciudad, en noviembre de 1993. las discusiones se llevaron a cabo en las sedes de cada distrito, previa presentación de la ponencia por parte de un técnico. los componentes de los grupos son personas mayores sensibilizadas y comprometidas que forman parte del consejo de bienestar social del ayuntamiento de Barcelona. la metodología utilizada es cualitativa para el análisis del discurso, que se ha estructurado en los siguientes puntos: bajo el epígrafe "los ancianos como ciudadanos de derechos y obligaciones" se recogen los temas de valoración de la vejez, la familia, la jubilación, las implicaciones de los ancianos como ciudadanos de derechos y deberes y las funciones sociales de los ancianos.-- sobre estos temas, los mayores expresaron sus opiniones, que se vertieron, resumidamente, en la redacción final de la ponencia. aquí se recogen y se han analizado los materiales que ofrecen una versión de primera mano sobre lo que opinan los ancianos respecto al tema de "la valoración de la vejez".

  19. Clinical and Histologic Features Compared with AgNOR Count in Oral Leukoplakia, Erosive Lichen Planus, Oral Submucous Fibrosis and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Sarbjeet Singh


    The aim of the study was to correlate and compare AgNOR count in speckled leukoplakia, oral lichen planus, oral submucous fibrosis and in oral squamous cell carcinoma and to assess if AgNOR count could contribute to the pre-therapeutic assessment of the biologic aggressiveness of the disease and to detect malignant potential of premalignant lesion and conditions which could render us to assess the prognosis of the disease.

  20. The engagement of oral-associated lymphoid tissues during oral versus gastric antigen administration. (United States)

    Bankvall, Maria; Östberg, Anna-Karin; Jontell, Mats; Wold, Agnes; Östman, Sofia


    The role of oral-associated lymphoid tissues during induction of oral tolerance still remains elusive. Therefore, the aim was to compare T-cell activation and induction of tolerance to ovalbumin (OVA) presented through either of two routes; deposited into the oral cavity, or the stomach, thereby bypassing the oral cavity. OVA was administered by the oral or gastric route to BALB/c mice that had received OVA-specific DO11.10+ CD4(+) T cells, stained with CellTrace(™) Violet dye, through intravenous injection. Proliferating OVA-specific T cells were detected in the nose-associated lymphoid tissues (NALT) and the cervical, mesenteric and peripheral lymph nodes at different time-points following OVA exposure. OVA-specific T-cell proliferation was initially observed in the NALT 1 hr after oral, but not gastric, administration. However, at day 1, proliferation at this site was also detected after gastric administration and profound proliferation was observed at all sites by day 4. For the oral route the degree of proliferation observed was lower in the peripheral lymph nodes by day 4 compared with the other sites. These results demonstrate a similar activation pattern achieved by the two routes. However, the NALT distinguishes itself as a site of rapid T-cell activation towards fed antigens irrespective of feeding regimen. To evaluate induction of tolerance a semi-effective OVA dose was used, to detect differences in the degree of tolerance achieved. This was performed in a model of OVA-induced airway hypersensitivity. No differences in tolerance induction were observed between the two administration routes. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Nutrition and Oral Health: Experiences in Iran


    Zohre Sadat Sangsefidi; Amin Salehi-Abargouei


    Background: Oral health is a crucial factor for overall well-being and there is a mutual relationship between nutrition and oral health. The aim of this study was to review the publications which have examined the association between nutrition or diet and oral health status or oral disease in Iran. Methods: The electronic databases of PubMed, Scopus, Google scholar, scientific information database (SID), and Magiran were searched using key words of diet, nutrition, oral health, oral disease, ...

  2. Quests em World Of Warcraft como estrutura narrativa seriada

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    Jônatas Kerr de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Assumindo que as quests em World of Warcraft funcionam como uma estrutura narrativa dentro do jogo, busca-se verificar se esta estrutura apresenta características que possam caracterizá-la como uma narrativa seriada. Para tal, é feita uma análise das principais características da narrativa seriada televisiva, assim como da estrutura de quests, para verificar a viabilidade de tal aproximação. Sendo a estrutura narrativa de quests em MMORPGs uma estrutura narrativa seriada, abre-se um grande leque de possibilidades, tanto para as análises teóricas dos videogames, utilizando o ferramental adaptado, como para os game designers utilizarem este referencial para acrescer detalhes aos mundos ficcionais criados.

  3. Extra Oral Periapical Radiography: A Review

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    Rachna Kaul


    Full Text Available Background: Intra oral periapical radiographs remain the backbone of diagnostic assessment of dento-facial pathologies. However, in some clinical situation like in developmentally disabled individuals, those with an exaggerated gag reflex, pediatric dental patients and anxious dental patients, it may be very difficult to obtain an intra-oral periapical radiograph of diagnostic quality. In such situations, extra oral periapical radiographs are very useful. They are obtained by placing a sensor outside the oral cavity and then making the radiographic exposure using a digital X ray machine for intra oral radiographs. The radiation dose in this technique is much lesser as compared to panoramic radiographs. This article reviews the technique, advantages, disadvantages and indications of extra oral periapical radiographs.

  4. The efficacy of two oral hygiene regimens in reducing oral malodour: a randomised clinical trial. (United States)

    Feres, Magda; Figueiredo, Luciene Cristina; Faveri, Marcelo; Guerra, Marcelo C; Mateo, Luis R; Stewart, Bernal; Williams, Malcolm; Panagakos, Foti


    This study compared the efficacy of two oral hygiene regimens in reducing oral malodour and the proportions of bacterial species involved in the production of volatile sulphur compounds. Seventy subjects who participated in a halitosis-induction phase and achieved an organoleptic score of ≥ 3.0 [time point 0 (T0)] randomised into two groups: brushing with regular fluoride toothpaste alone (control group) or brushing with regular fluoride toothpaste followed by rinsing with a 0.075% cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) mouthwash (CPC group). Subjects followed their assigned oral hygiene regimen for 21 days. Then, they underwent an organoleptic examination and measurement of volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) using a portable gas chromatograph, 12 hours after their last oral hygiene procedure (T1) and 4 hours after an on-site oral hygiene (T2). Microbiological samples (supragingival biofilm, tongue coating and saliva) were analysed using checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridisation. Both therapies statistically significantly improved the organoleptic scores (P oral malodour scores were reduced by 49% at the 4-hour assessment (T2) compared with those not rinsing (P oral malodour, measured organoleptically and instrumentally, and in the proportions of red-complex species when compared with brushing alone. © 2015 FDI World Dental Federation.

  5. Oral cavity infection: an adverse effect after the treatment of oral cancer in aged individuals. (United States)

    Pan, Jie; Zhao, Jun; Jiang, Ning


    The immune compromised patients after treatment of oral cancer may have a chance of infection by drug-resistant opportunistic microbes. We investigated the occurrence of opportunistic microorganisms in aged individuals receiving follow-up examinations after treatment of oral cancer in China. These patients were used as test group and the respective age grouped healthy individuals as control group. In this study, the oral cavity microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast were taken for the analysis. After the screening of representative microorganisms, their aptitude of pervasiveness against drugs was studied. Here, we used antimicrobial agents which are common in clinical practice. We also performed studies to investigate the presence of toxin genes in methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). The results indicate that the prevalence of drug-resistant microbes was more pronounced in oral cancer patients after initial treatment above 70 years old. The oxacillin resistance of S. aureus isolate confirms that the prevalence of MRSA is increasing in accordance to age-factor and immune compromise in elderly patients. This study reveals the occurrence of drug-resistant opportunistic microorganisms in oral cavity after treatment for oral cancer in aged individuals. Special attention should be directed to MRSA during the treatment of oral cancer, and to realize the fact of immune compromise in elderly patients.


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    Anđelić Ivana


    Full Text Available Introduction. Caries or tooth decay regardless of the good knowledge of the nature of the disease and the possibility of its effective prevention is still the most widespread disease in our population. It also very often threatens the functions of organs and even the entire organism. Health culture is an integral part of general culture and health education plays an important role in maintaining health of individuals. Aim. The main objective of this study is to determine the influence of oral health behaviour of schoolchildren aged 12 to 14 on their oral health. The schoolchildren attended the seventh and eight grade at Drago Milovic Elementary School in Tivat. Method. The survey was conducted during the period from the end of January to April 2015 at Drago Milovic Elementary School in Tivat. It comprised all seventh and eight-graders that were at school those days. The survey instrument was a questionnaire specially designed for this study and it consisted of 36 closed-ended questions. Clinical examination of oral health in children was used as an additional research instrument. Assessment of oral health was carried out under natural light with dental mirror and probe according to WHO recommendations. The parameter used to assess the state of oral health was DMFT index — the number of carious, extracted and filled teeth. In addition, the assessment of oral hygiene was conducted using soft debris index according to Green-Vermillion which determines absence or presence, quantity and distribution of dental plaque and other soft deposits. Results. The majority of students stated that they lack knowledge regarding the effectiveness of fluoride toothpaste (69.4%. It was found that the lowest incidence of caries occurred among those students who think that teeth should be brushed after every meal, and the highest incidence of this diagnosis occurred in respondents who think that teeth should be brushed once a day. Half of the surveyed students

  7. Procedimentos coletivos de saúde bucal: gênese, apogeu e ocaso Set of procedures in oral health: origin, apogee and decline

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    Luís Antonio Cherubini Carvalho


    Full Text Available Descreve-se o surgimento e o que significaram para a política nacional de saúde bucal os procedimentos coletivos (PC de saúde bucal, introduzidos em 1992 e extintos em 2006. Realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental. Criados no governo Collor (1990-1992 como elemento central da sua política de saúde bucal, os PC pretendiam reverter o modelo assistencial cirúrgico-restaurador e extinguir o TC (tratamento completado como instrumento para remuneração do setor, visando a possibilitar que estados e municípios fossem remunerados por ações preventivas. Durante os anos 1990, os PC ocuparam lugar de destaque nas ações de saúde bucal no SUS, impulsionando, sob apoio financeiro, as ações de promoção e prevenção em centenas de municípios. Mas a sua vinculação com os mecanismos de transferência de recursos, tida inicialmente como um avanço, foi tirando a sua característica de instrumento potente para mudar o modelo de atenção. Não obstante as dificuldades e limitações, sua criação e amplo emprego representaram um esforço para alterar substancialmente o modelo de prática odontológica predominante no setor público, redirecionando-o para ações preventivas e de promoção da saúde, o que se tornou seu principal legado.In order to analize the significance to the oral health national policy of the set of procedures in oral health, introduced in 1992 and extinguished in 2006, a bibliographic research and a documental analysis were carried out. Created in Collor's government as the central element of the oral health policy, which intended to reverse the surgical-restorative socialized model and extinguish the so-called 'finished treatment' as an instrument for remuneration in the area, the set of procedures aimed at enabling states and towns to be remunerated for preventive actions. During the 90s the set of procedures occupied an important position among the oral health actions of the 'SUS' (National Health


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    Willi Bolle


    Full Text Available Focalizando um micromodelo do sertão, o "Liso do Sussuarão", este ensaio es tuda a construção da paisagem em Grande sertão: veredas como componente de um retrato do Brasil. Partindo do confronto entregeografia inventada e geografia rea l, examina-se a tese rosiana do sertãocomo um "pensamento" que "se forma mais forte do que o poder do lugar", comparando essa tese com o paradigma dos viajantes naturalistas, o determinismo positivista de Euclides da Cunha e a nova historiografia. Como traço estilístico dominante é detectado um modo de escreverque S€ pode chamar de "poética da dissolução", pela qual o romance de Rosa se configura como um poderoso dissolvente de outros tipos de discursos sobre o Brasil.

  9. La subjetividad como superación del reproductivismo

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    Gabriela Yamila Gómez


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo recuperar la esfera de lo subjetivo como eje de la teoría y de la investigación social. Se proponen dos argumentos principales: a el abordaje de la subjetividad no equivale a subjetivismo; y b tampoco equivale a una mirada microsociológica que no dé cuenta de los procesos sociales generales. Partiendo de estas dos premisas, el estudio del mundo de la vida experimentado y realizado por los sujetos permitirá superar el reproductivismo, comprendiendo la relación entre las condiciones objetivas y subjetivas, así como la posibilidad y existencia del cambio social.

  10. Global oral health inequalities: task group--implementation and delivery of oral health strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sheiham, A; Alexander, D; Cohen, L


    This paper reviews the shortcomings of present approaches to reduce oral diseases and inequalities, details the importance of social determinants, and links that to research needs and policies on implementation of strategies to reduce oral health inequalities. Inequalities in health...... their environment. There is a dearth of oral health research on social determinants that cause health-compromising behaviors and on risk factors common to some chronic diseases. The gap between what is known and implemented by other health disciplines and the dental fraternity needs addressing. To re-orient oral...... strategies tailored to determinants and needs of each group along the social gradient. Approaches focusing mainly on downstream lifestyle and behavioral factors have limited success in reducing health inequalities. They fail to address social determinants, for changing people's behaviors requires changing...

  11. El Rey Costales, personaje de la narrativa oral de Zumpahuacán

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    Urdapilleta Muñoz, Marco


    Full Text Available This paper studies the King of Sacks (Rey Costales, a mythical character in Zumpahuacan’s oral narrative. This so difficult to grasp character, and its protean condition, oriented the research into determining its identity. According the stories, King of Sacks is kind of a «spirit» or «Banshee », but its behavior is that of an «Air”, a Mesoamerican supernatural being. However, its high degree of individualization —as manifested in the consciousness of its pagan status as well as in the lack of links with the atmospheric phenomena affecting crops— required some clarifications. As expected, there is a conflict or symbolic-religious adjustment between Christian beliefs and vernacular beliefs, but above all, a larger cultural realignment revealing the process of looking for balance in collective imagination as a result of a community’s new circumstances, no longer mainly agrarian and indigenous. Beyond this adjustment, the narrative shows the creativity of Zumpahuacan’s inhabitants, projecting their ability to shape their experiences anchored in pre- Hispanic past, but in the light of present experiences and circumstances.

    El propósito de este artículo es el estudio del Rey Costales, un personaje mítico de la narrativa oral de Zumpahuacán. Su identidad múltiple, proteica, difícil de asir, orientó la investigación hacia el establecimiento de la identidad del personaje. En los relatos se le refiere como un «espíritu» o «alma en pena», pero su conducta permitió tipificarlo como «aire», un género de seres sobrenaturales mesoamericanos Sin embargo, su alto grado de individualización, manifiesto en la conciencia de su condición pagana, así como la falta de vínculos con los fenómenos atmosféricos que inciden en el cultivo hicieron necesarias algunas precisiones. Éstas mostraron que hay un conflicto o ajuste simbólico-religioso entre las creencias cristianas y las vernáculas, y ante todo un reacomodo

  12. Oral cryotherapy reduced oral mucositis in patients having cancer treatments. (United States)

    Spivakovsky, Sylvia


    Data sourcesCochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Medline, Embase, CANCERLIT, CINAHL, the US National Institutes of Health Trials Registry and the WHO Clinical Trials Registry Platform.Study selectionRandomised controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the effects of oral cryotherapy in patients with cancer receiving treatment compared to usual care, no treatment or other interventions to prevent mucositis. The primary outcome was incidence of mucositis and its severity.Data extraction and synthesisTwo reviewers carried out study assessment and data extraction independently. Treatment effect for continuous data was calculated using mean values and standard deviations and expressed as mean difference (MD) and 95% confidence interval. Risk ratio (RR) was calculated for dichotomous data. Meta-analysis was performed.ResultsFourteen studies with 1280 participants were included. Subgroup analysis was undertaken according to the main cancer treatment type. Cryotherapy reduced the risk of developing mucositis by 39% (RR = 0.61; 95%CI, 0.52 to 0.72) on patients treated with fluorouracil (5FU). For melphalan-based treatment the risk of developing mucositis was reduced by 41% (RR =0.59; 95%CI, 0.35 to 1.01). Oral cryotherapy was shown to be safe, with very low rates of minor adverse effects, such as headaches, chills, numbness/taste disturbance and tooth pain. This appears to contribute to the high rates of compliance seen in the included studies.ConclusionsThere is confidence that oral cryotherapy leads to a large reduction in oral mucositis in adults treated with 5FU. Although there is less certainty on the size of the reduction on patients treated with melphalan, it is certain there is reduction of severe mucositis.

  13. Oral myiasis

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    Treville Pereira


    Full Text Available Myiasis is a relatively rare condition arising from the invasion of body tissues or cavities of living animals or humans by maggots or larvae of certain species of flies. It is an uncommon clinical condition, being more frequent in underdeveloped countries and hot climate regions, and is associated with poor hygiene, suppurative oral lesions; alcoholism and senility. Its diagnosis is made basically by the presence of larvae. The present article reports a case of oral myiasis involving 20 larvae in a patient with neurological deficiency.

  14. Relevance of psychosocial factors to quality of life in oral cancer and oral lichen planus: a prospective comparative study. (United States)

    Rana, Madiha; Kanatas, Anastasios; Herzberg, Philipp Y; Gellrich, Nils-Claudius; Rana, Majeed


    We can improve our understanding of how patients cope with oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) by making a comparison with their processes of coping and those used in other conditions. We have therefore compared quality of life (QoL), severity of symptoms, coping strategies, and factors that influence coping between patients with oral SCC and those with oral lichen planus. We asked 104 patients with oral SCC and 51 with oral lichen planus to complete questionnaires about their coping strategies, social support, locus of control, spirituality, QoL, and severity of symptoms. The outcome was that patients with oral SCC were far more likely to resort to coping strategies such as depressive coping, distraction, and self-motivation. The groups also differed regarding QoL and severity of symptoms. Patients with oral SCC had a poorer QoL and higher depression scores, whereas patients with oral lichen planus had better scores in the social support and spirituality categories. Patients with oral SCC generally had more distress than those with oral lichen planus. Not only did the former resort to depressive coping strategies, but they also had poorer QoL and higher values for depression. For the patients with oral lichen planus, social support and spirituality were protective, whereas they were associated with distress by patients with oral SCC. Copyright © 2015 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. O feminino materno e o masculino filial: as dificuldades de aprendizagem como sintoma na criança/The motherly feminine and the filial masculine: the child´s learning disabilities as symptoms

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    Lílian Cristine Ribeiro Nascimento


    Full Text Available O presente artigo versa sobre alguns sintomas apresentados por crianças que freqüentam a clínica fonoaudiológica e pedagógica, sintomas estes que se manifestam como alterações da linguagem oral e/ou escrita, os quais buscamos interrogar a partir da psicanálise. Apresentamos quatro casos de meninos nos quais uma relação simbiótica com a mãe era mantida e se evidenciava por relatos e atitudes infantilizadas para com criança. Relatamos como o trabalho pedagógico e fonoaudiológico baseado na perspectiva psicanalítica possibilitou modificações na relação materno – filial e permitiu à criança deslocar seus sintomas na aprendizagem. The present article addresses some symptoms found in children attending pedagogical treatment and speech therapy. These symptoms, which manifest themselves as disorders in oral and/or written language, are interrogated herein under a psychoanalytical perspective. Four cases are presented where boys had a symbiotic relationship with their mothers, with the resulting childish reports and attitudes. The pedagogical treatment and speech therapy based on a psychoanalytical perspective brought in some changes in the mother-child relationship, allowing the children to dislocate their symptoms regarding the learning process.

  16. Pesquisa como instrumento da prática

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maura Maria Guimarães de Almeida


    Full Text Available O trabalho aborda a utilização da pesquisa como instrumento da prática profissional da enfermaria na área de assistência, administração e ensino. Situa a ciência como processo. Ressalta a responsabilidade da enfermeira na produção da conhecimento científico. Destaca os fatores que dificultam e facilitam a pesquisa, além dos aspectos éticos envolvidos.

  17. Ensayos argumentativos en inglés como lengua extranjera y su escritura como una práctica social situada: revisión de conceptos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Antonio Chala


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una discusión sobre las tendencias teóricas que ven la escritura de ensayos argumentativos en inglés lengua extranjera como práctica social situada. Los conceptos que se exploran en este documento constituyen la base de una propuesta de investigación que aborda la escritura argumentativa desde una perspectiva innovadora, social, situada, y basada en la enseñanza de géneros que se puede ver como una alternativa para fomentar la escritura de ensayos en inglés lengua extranjera como una práctica social situada que trascienda los límites del salón de clase. La discusión de los conceptos se visualiza primero desde la teoría de aprendizaje de una segunda lengua y los dominios de la lingüística aplicada que fundamentan la propuesta. Luego se presentan, se exploran y se explican los conceptos centrales; éstos incluyen, primero, la escritura como práctica social situada, segundo, la escritura de ensayos argumentativos como un proceso dinámico de creación, y tercero, el género como acción social situada. Finalmente, el artículo presenta una reflexión sobre cómo estos conceptos se pueden entender e interrelacionar para que la escritura de ensayos argumentativos sea abordada como una práctica de alfabetización que contribuya a la formación de estudiantes de inglés lengua extranjera como escritores reflexivos, críticos y sociales.

  18. Towards virtual surgery in oral cancer to predict postoperative oral functions preoperatively

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Alphen, M.J.A.; Kreeft, A.M.; van der Heijden, Ferdinand; Smeele, L.E.; Balm, A.J.M.; Balm, Alfonsus Jacobus Maria


    Our aim was to develop a dynamic virtual model of the oral cavity and oropharynx so that we could incorporate patient-specific factors into the prediction of functional loss after advanced resections for oral cancer. After a virtual resection, functional consequences can be assessed, and a more

  19. [A PhD completed. Trauma to the gingiva by oral hygiene aids and oral piercings]. (United States)

    Hennequin-Hoenderdos, N L; Slot, D E; van der Weijden, G A


    Maintaining healthy teeth and soft oral tissue is important. Clinical research has shown manual toothbrushes with end-rounded filaments to cause significantly less gingival abrasions than those without end-rounding. Tapered filaments are an alternative to end-rounded filaments, but there is no solid evidence for their effectiveness. For the interdental spaces that the toothbrush doesn't reach, the use of special oral hygiene aids is advised. Clinical studies of gingivitis patients have shown that both interdental brushes and plastic-rubber bristles reduce gingivitis after 4 weeks of use. Plastic-rubber bristles result in a significant improvement in the tendency for interdental bleeding compared with interdental brushes, and they cause less abrasion of the gingiva. Other factors that can potentially traumatise soft and hard oral tissue are oral piercings. Wearing oral piercings is not without risk. Tongue and lip piercings are associated with the risk of gingival recession, and tongue piercings are associated with tooth fractures. To prevent the risk of complications, patients should be discouraged from wearing oral piercings.

  20. The Oral Paradigm and Snapchat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oren Soffer


    Full Text Available In this short essay, I argue that the ephemeral nature of emerging instant-messaging applications, such as Snapchat, applies an oral paradigm. While online discourse of computer-mediated communication shares many qualities with oral communication, the case of ephemeral applications is unique, as the oral features are already integrated in the application technology design and as orality is often implemented on highly visual products. Snapchat applies technology that fades visual contents as if they were spoken words fading in the air after utterance. Moreover, Snapchat’s promise to delete all messages from its database after they are viewed echoes a key characteristic of primary oral culture: that is, the inability (and in our case, the obligation not to store knowledge. In this, Snapchat demonstrates counter-logic to the contemporary grammar of new media, which is based on information aggregation.