
Sample records for ne devrait pas

  1. Ceux-ci ne sont pas : [luuletused] / Kalju Kruusa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kruusa, Kalju, pseud., 1973-


    Sisu: Ceux-ci ne sont pas ; Köögivahet ; "Taara..." ; "Pakane pistab pisikesi ..." ; "Meri on kaet mattklaasiga ; Pydemise päivil ; "Toas muusika mängib ..." ; "Jäin juustu imetlema ; "Mu elu on mustikas ..." ; Hingepidetus ; ŁNo me gusta la cocina

  2. 1 1) Pourquoi est-ce que je ne parviens pas à ouvrir les formulaires ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Faites vos calculs avec soin car votre demande pourrait ne pas être admissible.) 6) Existe-t-il une liste de pays admissibles dans lesquels mon établissement ou organisme est autorisé à travailler ou à avoir des partenaires ? Non, le CRDI n'a rien de tel; cependant, il ne soutient des travaux que dans les pays à faible.

  3. Neuchatel ne gardera pas le Palais de l'equilibre apres Expo.02

    CERN Multimedia


    "La ville de Neuchatel ne souhaite pas conserver le Palais de l'equilibre apres Expo.02. Par 24 voix contre 7, le Conseil general a rejete le plan special du Conseil communal qui proposait de transformer l'edifice en un centre de congres" (1/2 page).

  4. A Hashtag Worth a Thousand Words: Discursive Strategies Around #JeNeSuisPasCharlie After the 2015 Charlie Hebdo Shooting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Giglietto


    Full Text Available Following a shooting attack by two self-proclaimed Islamist gunmen at the offices of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on 7 January 2015, there emerged the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie on Twitter as an expression of solidarity and support for the magazine’s right to free speech. Almost simultaneously, however, there was also #JeNeSuisPasCharlie explicitly countering the former, affirmative hashtag. Based on a multimethod analysis of 74,047 tweets containing #JeNeSuisPasCharlie posted between 7 and 11 January, this article reveals that users of the hashtag under study employed various discursive strategies and tactics to challenge the mainstream framing of the shooting as the universal value of freedom of expression being threatened by religious extremism, while protecting themselves from the risk of being viewed as disrespecting victims or endorsing the violence committed. The significance of this study is twofold. First, it extends the literature on strategic speech acts by examining how such acts take place in a social media context. Second, it highlights the need for a multidimensional and reflective methodology when dealing with data mined from social media.

  5. Evropski zeleni pas – narava ne pozna meja. Od železne zavese do popkovine Evrope.

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    Liana Geidezis


    Full Text Available Od Barentsovega do Črnega morja je železna zavesa Evropo delila skoraj štirideset let. Bila je politična, ideološka in fizična ovira, še najbolj izrazito v Nemčiji. Čeprav je bila docela nečloveška, je omogočila naravi premor: narava se je razbohotila in razvilo se je nekaj izjemno redkega v intenzivno uporabljeni krajini – t. i. zeleni pas. Od padca železne zavese leta 1989, poteka prek Evrope popkovina habitatov, dolga skoraj 8.500 km. Z izhodišči v projektu Green Belt Germany, nastalem na pobudo BUND, se je razvil projekt Zeleni pas Evrope ali Green Belt Europe. Lahko postane hrbtenica ekološkega omrežja, ki bo globalni simbol čezmejnega sodelovanja in ohranjanja narave ter vzdržnega razvoja. Še več, povezuje ljudi in kaže, da ima lahko povečana Evropska unija poleg kulturne tudi skupno naravno dediščino. To je enkratna priložnost za premagovanje starih meja in ovir med vzhodom in zahodom – živo znamenje skupne rasti v Evropi.

  6. Spondylodiscite granulomateuse: surtout la tuberculose mais ne pas omettre le lymphome (United States)

    Zinebi, Ali; Rkiouak, Adil; Akhouad, Yousef; Reggad, Ahmed; Kasmy, Zohour; Boudlal, Mostafa; Lho, Abdelhamid Nait; Rabhi, Moncef; Sinaa, Mohamed; Ennibi, Khalid; Chaari, Jilali


    Les douleurs lombaires relèvent d'étiologies multiples dont le diagnostic peut être source de grandes difficultés. Le lymphome rachidien primitif est rare et son diagnostic nécessite une biopsie souvent scanoguidée. Un homme de 30 ans, était hospitalisé pour lombalgies inflammatoires évoluant dans un contexte d'altération de l'état général avec à l'examen des douleurs à la palpation des apophyses épineux L2L3, sans syndrome tumoral périphérique. Le bilan biologique montrait un syndrome inflammatoire. Le bilan morphologique était en faveur d'une spondylodiscite. La première biopsie montrait une ostéite granulomateuse. L'aggravation clinique et radiologique sous anti bacillaire a mené à reconsidérer le diagnostic et la deuxième biopsie confirme le diagnostic du lymphome. Le diagnostic de tuberculose osseuse en particulier vertébrale nécessite une confirmation bactériologique et ou histologique pour ne pas méconnaître un lymphome osseux primitif. PMID:28292061

  7. Viveret Patrick, 2005, Pourquoi ça ne va pas plus mal?, Fayard, 264 p.

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    Fabien Thurette


    Full Text Available Patrick Viveret est philosophe de formation et Conseiller-maître à la Cour des comptes. Il a, en outre, été chargé d’une mission, confiée par l'éphémère Secrétaire d'État à l'économie solidaire Guy Hascoët, puis prolongée par le Président Chirac sur une « autre approche de la richesse », dont le rapport final a été publié sous le titre Reconsidérer la richesse (2004.Dans son essai Pourquoi ça ne va pas plus mal ? publié en 2005, Patrick Viveret nous livre une analyse philosophique sur le « m...

  8. Interacciones sin nombre. Un caso emblemático: Ne me quitte pas (Cirque du Soleil

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    Óscar Quezada-Macchiavello


    Full Text Available El presente artículo esboza una teoría tensiva, figural, de la interacción, que se opone y complementa con la teoría narrativa y fi gurativa propuesta por Eric Landowski. Esta última propone una taxonomía de las interacciones dispuesta en el cuadrado semiótico; aquella, mientras tanto, respetando dicha taxonomía, la dispone en intervalo(s sobre los que se deslizan cursos vectoriales. Estos últimos dan cuenta de cuatro zonas de tensión: desprogramación, reprogramación, desajuste, reajuste. Esa irrupción de la gradualidad permite imaginar una gama de «interacciones sin nombre». La mencionada propuesta teórica se pone a prueba en el análisis de las cómicas peripecias de una parodia de la célebre canción de Jacques Brel, Ne me quitt e pas, puesta en escena por el Cirque du Soleil’s Varekai.

  9. Le don en anamorphose ou la réécriture du monde. Configurations et enjeux de l’hospitalité dans le récit médiéval (XIIe-XIIIe siècles

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    Carlos Fonseca Clamote Carreto


    Full Text Available  « A la limite, le don comme don devrait ne pas apparaître comme don ni au donataire, ni au donateur […]. En ce sens, le don est l’impossible. Non pas impossible, mais la figure même de l’impossible. » J. Derrida, Donner le temps.« Biaz sire, fet il, bien vaingniez.Se o moi herbergiez daingniez,Vez l’ostel aparelliés »Chrétien de Troyes, Érec et Énide.Arthur ou la largesse infinieÀ une époque où, de Jean de Salisbury à Brunetto Latini, en passant par Jacques de Vitry ou Guillaume Le Clerc de ...

  10. « L’urne ne parle pas » : multipartismes et mobilisations électorales des liens sociaux (Mali, Maasina)


    Fay, Claude


    Si les élections africaines n’apparaissent pas, au premier abord, être « comme les autres », c’est à cause de l’apparente originalité du processus électoral lui-même (on évoque alors les thèmes de la contrainte, de l’irrégularité et de la fraude, de la violence) et de celle des motivations des électeurs (on évoque alors les thèmes des votes « communautaires », « clientélistes » ou « marchands »). Cette vision stéréotypée, qui ne définit son objet que par un contraste péjoratif avec les électi...

  11. L'argument Einstein Podolsky Rosen (EPR) paradoxe, alternative et demonstration

    CERN Document Server

    Roussel, P


    En physique quantique, l'absence d'observation d'etats de superposition ne devrait etre une surprise pour personne, que les objets soient microscopiques ou macroscopiques. Cela n'en etait pas une pour Schroedinger. L'experience de pensee "du chat" parmi bien d'autres arguments le montre clairement. On ne doit pas aujourd'hui lui faire dire le contraire. L'article EPR (A.Einstein, B.Podolsky,N.Rosen, ecrit en 1935), qui est a l'origine de l'intervention de Schroedinger et du developpement d'une problematique qui se prolonge jusqu'a aujourd'hui, est analyse. Avec Schroedinger, Bohr, Wigner et jusqu'a aujourd'hui, la reponse a EPR a ete le recours renouvele a l'observateur finalement caracterise par sa conscience. Deux elements nouveaux sont apparus: d'une part un developpement experimental et theorique impressionnant avec l'optique quantique et les manipulations d'atomes, d'autre part la proposition du concept de decoherence susceptible d'expliquer le passage du microscopique au macroscopique et par la d'apport...

  12. Diagnosis and management of acute coronary syndrome

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    Baker Hamilton


    La prévalence des maladies cardiovasculaires connaît une croissance rapide dans les pays en développement, entraînant une incidence croissante du syndrome coronarien aigu (SCA. Les modalités de diagnostic et de traitement de cette maladie continuent d’évoluer, et il convient de tenir compte des ressources locales lors de la réalisation d’un diagnostic et la détermination des options thérapeutiques. Cet article constitue un guide à la prise en charge du SCA fondé sur l’expérience, et fournit des recommandations spécifiques destinées aux médecins hospitaliers travaillant dans les pays à bas et moyen revenu. Le diagnostic du SCA, y compris les SCA sans élévation du ST et avec élévation du ST, se concentre sur la stratification du risque, la vigilance relative aux manifestations subtiles ou atypiques, et la prise en considération d’autres causes des douleurs poitrinaires. Le processus de diagnostic implique l’évaluation des facteurs de risque, la connaissance des antécédents médicaux défavorables et les conclusions de l’examen physique (des variantes étant susceptibles d’exister dans les différentes populations, ainsi que l’utilisation de tests de diagnostic appropriés. Il est recommandé d’utiliser de l’aspirine à titre de traitement initial, parallèlement à un antiagrégant plaquettaire supplémentaire. Le prasugrel est préféré au clopidogrel si le patient présente un SCA avec élévation du ST et qu’une intervention coronaire percutanée (ICP est prévue. La bivalidurine devrait être le premier choix pour éviter la coagulation dans les SCA avec élévation du ST, suivie de l’enoxaparine (qui ne nécessite pas de perfusion, puis d’héparine non fractionnée. Pour les patients présentant un SCA sans élévation du ST et en cas de risque de saignement accru, le fondaparinux devrait être envisagé à la place de l’énoxaparine. Les patients souffrant de dyspnée, présentant des signes d

  13. La répartition géographique des poissons d'eau douce en France : qui est autochtone et qui ne l'est pas ?

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    Full Text Available Les bouleversements intervenus ces dernières décennies dans la composition de l'ichtyofaune d'eau douce française incitent, d'une part, à faire un bilan de la situation présente (cf. l'Atlas des poissons d'eau douce de France et, d'autre part, à promouvoir une politique de gestion cohérente avec le principe de protection du patrimoine biologique naturel. Cette notion de patrimoine reste toutefois à définir. En effet, les changements actuels ne sont que les derniers d'une longue série, où l'homme est un acteur capital depuis plus longtemps qu'on ne le croit. De fait, beaucoup des espèces dites françaises n'ont probablement pas de valeur patrimoniale dans nombre de nos bassins fluviaux. Le présent article a pour ambition de décrire l'ampleur du problème et de solliciter la communauté scientifique, afin de rassembler les informations et développer les investigations selon un cadre géographique et historique précis.

  14. Appréhension du sentiment épilinguistique à travers la textualisation d'un fait de langue: ne vs ne... pas dans les Pensées de Pascal

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    Molard-Riocreux Ingrid


    Full Text Available L’étude de la négation en langue classique est sans doute le domaine de la recherche qui cristallise le mieux l’opposition entre illusion du chaos et illusion téléologique, les deux présupposés théoriques majeurs de la linguistique historique. La confrontation des thèses les plus marquantes permet de mettre au jour les preuves d’une orientation, plus ou moins assumée selon les cas, vers l’un ou l’autre de ces deux postulats. La conséquence est double : d’abord, il semble impossible de déterminer pourquoi tel auteur de langue classique emploie en telle occasion la négation pleine plutôt que simple (ou l’inverse et il paraît même illégitime de poser la question en croyant pouvoir y répondre ; ensuite, la possibilité même d’une stylistique historique est invalidée par principe. Il convient donc d’examiner le problème sous un angle nouveau. En combinant, à l’échelle d’une œuvre aussi riche et diverse que les Pensées, différents niveaux d’analyse — statistique lexicale, relevés d’occurrences, étude de tous les cas particuliers (encore trop souvent regardés comme des exceptions — et en confrontant cette œuvre à des écrits de la même époque, on voit apparaître des options très marquées, des choix d’auteur, que ne paraît pas pouvoir expliquer seule la tendance dominante chez les locuteurs du temps, mais qui témoignent bien plutôt d’un véritable sentiment épilinguistique et de son corollaire que l’on pourrait appeler la conscience stylistique. Surtout, il devient possible d’affirmer avec un haut degré de certitude que l’opposition entre négation simple et négation pleine, quoique non théorisée, était perçue dès l’époque classique mais pas nécessairement (ou pas uniquement en termes de force et de renforcement, comme on aurait pu le penser. Les critères les plus opératoires semblent bien plutôt de nature sémantico-énonciative et argumentative.

  15. Exploiter la Littérature en Classe du Fle: Allah N'est Pas Obligé D ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    allons exploiter un extrait d'un texte littéraire: Allah n'est pas obligé d'Ahmadou. Kourouma au niveau A1/A2 du CECR. Dans Allah n'est pas obligé l'écrivain ivoirien dépeint le phénomène d'enfant soldat à travers la vie et les pérégrinations de Birahima le protagoniste. Etat de lieu. Pour se tirer de la situation ci-dessus, ...

  16. Le big bang n'est pas une théorie comme les autres

    CERN Document Server

    Bonnet-Bidaud, Jean-Marc; Leglu, Dominique; Reinisch, Gilbert


    Le big bang n'est pas une théorie comme les autres. Ce n'est d'ailleurs pas une théorie physique au sens propre du terme, mais un scénario cosmologique issu des équations de la relativité générale. Il est le modèle qui s'ajuste le mieux aux observations actuelles, mais à quel prix ? Il nous livre un Univers composé à 96 % de matière et d'énergie noires inconnues. C'est donc un euphémisme que de dire que le big bang semble poser autant - sinon plus - de questions qu'il n'en résout. En ce sens, le big bang apparaît davantage comme une paramétrisation de notre ignorance plutôt que comme une modélisation d'un phénomène. Pourtant, le succès du big bang et l'adhésion qu'il suscite, tant dans la sphère scientifique que dans la sphère médiatique, ne se démentent pas. Surmédiatisé, son statut dépasse celui de modèle théorique, et la simple évocation de son nom suffit pour justifier des opérations de marketing scientifique ou rejeter des cosmologies alternatives. Pour éclaircir les pr...

  17. Nu, qui, où ?

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    Claire Hancock


    Full Text Available Si Francine Barthe-Deloizy semble s’excuser, dans la première phrase de son introduction, de commettre « un livre de plus sur la nudité, le nu, le corps », les géographes qui la liront ne partageront certainement pas cette lassitude : leur réaction devrait bien plutôt s’apparenter à « enfin, une géographie du nu et du corps !». Peut-être par pudibonderie, ou peut-être parce que le géographe français aime à se penser comme pur esprit, notre discipline a longtemps ...

  18. Anne, ma soeur Anne, ne vois-tu rien venir? Que oui! | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 déc. 2010 ... Après tout, 60 pour cent de la population mondiale ne vit-elle pas dans un rayon ... explosifs... tous ces défis ne pourraient être relevés sans l'étude des montagnes. ... En outre, les dangers d'avalanches, d'éboulements et de ...

  19. Solène Daoudal, Sirènes romanes en Poitou, XIe-XIIe siècles. Avatars sculptés d’une figure mythique

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    Didier Lett


    Full Text Available Vers 1140, dans la toute dernière lettre qu’il adresse à Héloïse, comme pour se rassurer face à « l’histoire de ses malheurs », Abélard termine par ces mots : « A l'abri de cette foi salutaire, je ne crains pas les aboiements de Scylla, je me ris des gouffres de Charybde, et j’entends sans frémir les chants des sirènes. Si la tempête éclate, je ne suis pas renversé. Si les vents grondent, je ne suis pas ému. Je suis fondé sur une pierre inébranlable ». Dans cet autoportrait du penseur scolast...

  20. La consommation de propylène en Europe occidentale Propylene Consumption in Western Europe

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    Barraqué M.


    Full Text Available Les besoins de l'Europe occidentale en propylène utilisé en pétrochimie sont actuellement de 7,4. 10 puissance 6 t/an. Au cours des prochaines années, le taux de progression moyen de la consommation devrait être de l'ordre de 1,8%/an; ainsi en 1995, la pétrochimie européenne utiliserait environ 8,7. 10 puissance 6 t de propylène. L'essentiel de la progression de cette consommation sera dû au fort accroissement de la production de polypropylène et à un degré moindre de l'oxyde de propylène, de l'isopropanol et de l'éthyl-2 hexanol. Par contre les débouchés représentés par l'acrylonitrile et le cumène resteront pratiquement stables. La consommation de propylène dans les productions de butanols devrait diminuer. La part des besoins en propylène satisfaite par les vapocraqueurs européens qui est en 1986 de 82 %, devrait être inférieure à 75 % en 1995. Il sera de plus en plus nécessaire de se tourner vers d'autres sources d'approvisionnement. En 1986 les raffineries européennes ont produit 1,05. 10 puissance 6 t de propylène utilisé en pétrochimie et les importations ont atteint 0,3. 10 puissance 6 t. En 1995 la différence entre la consommation et la production des vapocraqueurs pourrait dépasser 2,0. 10 puissance 6 t. Il semble peu probable que les unités de craquage catalytique puissent combler le déficit sauf si les rendements en propylène augmentent très notablement. On peut s'attendre à la construction de splitters propylène/propane et à une augmentation des importations. D'autre part, en raison de la tension qui risque d'apparaître sur les prix du propylène, l'intérêt de certaines voies de synthèse actuellement considérées comme non rentables pourrait augmenter; ces nouvelles voies sont : - la déshydrogénation du propane déjà considérée dans d'autres régions (Mexique, Indonésie, Malaisie; - la métathèse entre l'éthylène et les butènes-2, pouvant eux-mêmes être produits à partir d'éthylène

  1. Les sciences cognitives ne sont pas des sciences humaines

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    Albert Ogien


    Full Text Available Cet article analyse les limites du naturalisme social que Laurence Kaufman et Laurent Cordonier proposent d’adopter dans cette même revue, en critiquant leur plaidoyer pour l’intégration des savoirs des sciences cognitives et des sciences humaines et sociales. Cette critique repose sur la réfutation de trois idées soutenues par les auteurs : 1 la description scientifique des mécanismes cognitifs élémentaires fournit une explication causale des conduites sociales qui doit se substituer à celles des sciences humaines et sociales ; 2 le recours au naturalisme permet de falsifier les préconceptions que ces dernières continuent à entretenir ; 3 le programme de naturalisation de l’esprit n’implique aucune forme de réductionnisme. Cette triple critique permet de rejeter leur appel en faveur d’un modèle intégré de la conduite humaine, en avançant un constat : dans la mesure où on ne sait pas comment combler le hiatus qui sépare les descriptions détaillées du cerveau au travail de l’explication des conduites des individus et de la manière dont ils en assurent la coordination dans le temps même où ils agissent en commun, les sciences humaines et sociales ont peu de choses à aller glaner du côté des sciences cognitives pour améliorer la manière dont elles analysent l’action. C’est que le travail de celles-ci se situe soit au niveau infra-humain du fonctionnement moléculaire, soit au niveau supra-humain de l’évolution ; et que seules les sciences humaines et sociales placent leurs analyses à un niveau simplement humain, en faisant des individus tels qu’ils vivent ensemble la mesure de toutes les choses qui les concernent. Ce qu’elles ne peuvent faire sur un mode naturaliste.Cognitive sciences are not social sciencesThis article examines the limits of the social naturalism proposed by Laurence Kauffman and Laurent Cordonier in this journal by criticizing their plea concerning knowledge integration of

  2. 'Des Yeux Qui Ne Voient Pas...': The smartphones

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    Luca Di Lorenzo


    Full Text Available Three of the most influential chapters of Le Corbusier’s Vers une Architecture are collected under the common title ‘Des yeux qui ne voient pas…’ (Eyes which do not see…. Liners, airplanes, and automobiles are shown as the expression of the powerful beauty of practical form: honest, simple, functional and technological. These very famous pages remind us that form is not only derived from precise typological choices or from reasoned morphogenetic diagrams, but it could also be a direct expression of the Kunstwollen. What are the paquebots of the twenty-first century? Which buildings embody this new paradigm? This graphic analysis starts from the statement that one of the ‘not seen’ features of this era is the smartphone. The subject of the survey is the first BMW Guggenheim Lab, designed in 2010 by Atelier Bow-Wow. Described by the architects themselves as a ‘travel toolbox’ or ‘pop-up fly loft theatre in the city’, this compact architecture is the incarnation of three interesting formal qualities usually associated with smartphones: the clear division between the hardware and the ergonomic user interface; the possibility to operate different functions (or software in the same space (or screen; and the real and virtual connection with different urban situations.

  3. Le cygne noir la puissance de l'imprévisible

    CERN Document Server

    Taleb, Nassim Nicholas


    Quel est le point commun entre l'invention de la roue, Pompéi, le krach boursier de 1987, Harry Potter et Internet? Pourquoi ne devrait-on jamais lire un journal ni courir pour attraper un train? Que peuvent nous apprendre les amants de Catherine de Russie sur les probabilités? Pourquoi les prévisionnistes sont-ils pratiquement tous des arnaqueurs? Ce livre révèle tout des Cygnes Noirs, ces événements aléatoires, hautement improbables, qui jalonnent notre vie: ils ont un impact énorme, sont presque impossibles à prévoir, et pourtant, a posteriori, nous essayons toujours de leur trouver une explication rationnelle. Dans cet ouvrage éclairant, plein d'esprit d'impertinence et bien souvent prophétique, Taleb nous exhorte à ne pas tenir compte des propos de certains « experts », et nous montre comment cesser de tout prévoir ou comment tirer parti de l'incertitude.

  4. Ne réduisez pas les programmes destinés aux femmes. Intégrez-les ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    27 juil. 2017 ... Au cours des derniers mois, nous avons entendu dire que l'administration Trump a prévu de réduire le financement de plusieurs programmes s'adressant aux femmes, comme le Bureau des affaires mondiales relatives aux femmes du département d'État. Ce n'est pas le seul programme. Une évaluation ...

  5. Henri FAYOL, 100 ans et pas une ride L’apport de l’œuvre de Fayol dans le monde moderne


    Brodhag, Christian


    International audience; Demain se tiendra à l'Ecole un colloque scientifique sur Henri FAYOL, il permettra à des chercheurs d'horizons variés de porter des regards croisés sur l'oeuvre de notre glorieux ancien. Certains sont déjà présents ce soir, et je les salue. En posant la question de la pertinence de l'actualité de l'oeuvre de FAYOL, je ne me départirai pas de la rigueur qui sied au scientifique, mais je ne m'accorderai une licence plus politique. En effet cette dimension de l'oeuvre de ...

  6. A history of US Army PAs. (United States)

    Chalupa, Robyn L; Marble, W Sanders


    The US military has a long tradition of using physician assistants (PAs). The Army began using PAs in 1971 in an effort to supplement the physicians and surgeons in the medical corps. As their numbers grew, PAs gradually replaced general medical officers assigned to battalions. Later, specialty positions developed in aviation medicine, orthopedics, and emergency medicine. The need for a PA serving as an adviser in the major commands slowly developed at all levels of leadership. In 2015, the Army removed limitations on female PAs assigned to combat units. PAs lead in tactical and clinical settings, filling command roles, senior clinical positions, and administrative leadership roles.

  7. Histopathological examination of nail clippings using PAS staining (HPE-PAS): gold standard in diagnosis of Onychomycosis. (United States)

    Jeelani, Shazia; Ahmed, Qazi Masood; Lanker, Audil Mohmad; Hassan, Iffat; Jeelani, Nasir; Fazili, Tawheeda


    Onychomycosis is fungal infection of one or more of the nail units. However, because fungi cause only about half of all nail dystrophies, the use of appropriate diagnostic techniques is important to ensure correct diagnosis and treatment. Aim of the present study was to compare direct microscopy, culture and HPE-PAS for diagnosis of onychomycosis by evaluating their sensitivity and various other relevant statistical parameters. A prospective, hospital-based, cross-sectional study was conducted on 216 patients with a high degree of clinical suspicion of onychomycosis. Nail specimens were evaluated using three diagnostic methods, i.e. direct microscopy using 20% Potassium hydroxide (KOH) & 40% Di-methyl-suphoxide (DMSO), culture and histopathological examination using PAS stain (HPE-PAS). Of 216 patients direct microscopy was positive in 138 (63.9%), culture in 147 (68%) and HPE-PAS in 164 patients (76%). One hundred and seventy-nine patients fitted into the criteria set for confirmed diagnosis of onychomycosis. Using this as a denominator; direct microscopy, culture and HPE-PAS had sensitivities of 77.1%, 70% and 91.6% respectively. Also, HPE-PAS showed the highest sensitivity of 94.7% in 19 cases with prediagnostic antimycotic treatment compared to direct microscopy (42.1%) or culture (57.9%). HPE-PAS shows high sensitivity for diagnosis of onychomycosis and can be considered as a gold standard in the diagnosis of onychomycosis. © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  8. Spanish validation of the Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS-S). (United States)

    Barajas, Ana; Ochoa, Susana; Baños, Iris; Dolz, Montse; Villalta-Gil, Victoria; Vilaplana, Miriam; Autonell, Jaume; Sánchez, Bernardo; Cervilla, Jorge A; Foix, Alexandrina; Obiols, Jordi E; Haro, Josep Maria; Usall, Judith


    The Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS) has been the most widely used scale to quantify premorbid status in schizophrenia, coming to be regarded as the gold standard of retrospective assessment instruments. To examine the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the PAS (PAS-S). Retrospective study of 140 individuals experiencing a first episode of psychosis (n=77) and individuals who have schizophrenia (n=63), both adult and adolescent patients. Data were collected through a socio-demographic questionnaire and a battery of instruments which includes the following scales: PAS-S, PANSS, LSP, GAF and DAS-sv. The Cronbach's alpha was performed to assess the internal consistency of PAS-S. Pearson's correlations were performed to assess the convergent and discriminant validity. The Cronbach's alpha of the PAS-S scale was 0.85. The correlation between social PAS-S and total PAS-S was 0.85 (p<0.001); while for academic PAS-S and total PAS-S it was 0.53 (p<0.001). Significant correlations were observed between all the scores of each age period evaluated across the PAS-S scale, with a significance value less than 0.001. There was a relationship between negative symptoms and social PAS-S (0.20, p<0.05) and total PAS-S (0.22, p<0.05), but not with academic PAS-S. However, there was a correlation between academic PAS-S and general subscale of the PANSS (0.19, p<0.05). Social PAS-S was related to disability measures (DAS-sv); and academic PAS-S showed discriminant validity with most of the variables of social functioning. PAS-S did not show association with the total LSP scale (discriminant validity). The Spanish version of the Premorbid Adjustment Scale showed appropriate psychometric properties in patients experiencing a first episode of psychosis and who have a chronic evolution of the illness. Moreover, each domain of the PAS-S (social and academic premorbid functioning) showed a differential relationship to other characteristics such as psychotic symptoms, disability

  9. Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies (Ford PAS) (United States)

    Carrier, Cheryl


    This article features the Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies (Ford PAS) program that helps students gain knowledge about real-life business issues. Ford PAS is an educational program that combines college-prep academics with the critical 21st century skills students will need to succeed in college and in the workplace. The Ford PAS program uses…

  10. « Y être ou pas ? » Le mystère Dylan

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    Christophe Lebold


    Full Text Available Fidèle à ses rendez-vous annuels que ses aficionados appellent depuis vingt ans "la tournée sans fin", Bob Dylan est revenu en France. Au mois de juin 2008, tout juste de retour d’une tournée en Amérique du Sud et d’un passage éclair en Nouvelle Angleterre, récemment couronné d’un prix Pulitzer, il a donné deux nouveaux concerts, l’un à Toulouse, l’autre à Grenoble. Pour une fois, je n’y étais pas, occupé à suivre en Europe une autre icône de la chanson, Leonard Cohen. Mais je sais cependant ...

  11. Le vide univers du tout et du rien

    CERN Document Server

    Diner, Simon


    Pourquoi l'Univers plutôt que le vide ? Le temps et l'espace existent-ils en l'absence de l'Univers ? Que reste-t-il quand tout est enlevé ? Pourquoi quelque chose plutôt que rien ? Depuis des siècles, ces interrogations mobilisent philosophes et physiciens. Mais aujourd'hui, le vide n'est pas le rien. Il serait même l'acteur central de l'histoire de la matière et de l'Univers, le partenaire privilégié de la physique. Vide et matière ne sont plus deux manifestations séparées de la nature, mais deux aspects d'une même réalité. Le vide est l'état de base dont la matière émerge, sans couper son cordon ombilical Le vide comme Univers du rien cède la place au vide comme Univers du tout. Que le vide puisse être conçu par les physiciens comme réservoir potentiel d'univers, voici qui ne devrait laisser personne indifférent. Ce livre ouvre un débat et nous convie à une réflexion surprenante.

  12. Pasca-Islamisme dalam PAS: Analisis terhadap Kesan Tahalluf Siyasi

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    Full Text Available This study discusses the impact of post-Islamism in the Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS, specifically on tahalluf siyasi (political alliance with Pakatan Rakyat (People Coalition. Post Islamism is a contemporary Islamist school of thought with regard to politics. The characteristics of post-Islamism such as toleration, participation and inclusivism has greatly influenced the modus operandi of the Islamic movement including PAS. Inclusiveness in post-Islamism had motivated PAS in having political coalition with more liberal parties such as Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR and Democratic Action Party (DAP. Post-Islamism as popularised by Asef Bayat was established on Western knowledge narratives, therefore such study as this should be done in order to recognise its negative impacts. To achieve this objective, the researchers used qualitative method through the process of collecting by scrutinising and analysing related data on the discourse of post-Islamism. The result of the study shows that PAS has been affected by the post-Islamism. The impact of post-Islamism in PAS however shows that PAS did not play dominant role in the Coalition throughout the political alliance. Besides, PAS also compromised a lot with its principles including its Islamic principles. Post-Islamism had also affected PAS in reducing the Muslims vote to PAS because of their support for DAP. This study therefore exposed the negative sides of post-Islamism to Islamic movement. With current development in PAS, it is hoped that this exposure will consult the Islamic movements in critically weighing their support to any kind of ideas particularly from the West.

  13. Manual for THOR-AirPAS - air pollution assessment system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Steen Solvang; Ketzel, Matthias; Brandt, Jørgen

    The report provides an outline of the THOR-AirPAS - air pollution assessment system and a brief manual for getting started with the air quality models and input data included in THOR-AirPAS.......The report provides an outline of the THOR-AirPAS - air pollution assessment system and a brief manual for getting started with the air quality models and input data included in THOR-AirPAS....

  14. Uncertainties in Organ Burdens Estimated from PAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    La Bone, T.R.


    To calculate committed effective dose equivalent, one needs to know the quantity of the radionuclide in all significantly irradiated organs (the organ burden) as a function of time following the intake. There are two major sources of uncertainty in an organ burden estimated from personal air sampling (PAS) data: (1) The uncertainty in going from the exposure measured with the PAS to the quantity of aerosol inhaled by the individual, and (2) The uncertainty in going from the intake to the organ burdens at any given time, taking into consideration the biological variability of the biokinetic models from person to person (interperson variability) and in one person over time (intra-person variability). We have been using biokinetic modeling methods developed by researchers at the University of Florida to explore the impact of inter-person variability on the uncertainty of organ burdens estimated from PAS data. These initial studies suggest that the uncertainties are so large that PAS might be considered to be a qualitative (rather than quantitative) technique. These results indicate that more studies should be performed to properly classify the reliability and usefulness of using PAS monitoring data to estimate organ burdens, organ dose, and ultimately CEDE

  15. The Role of PAS Kinase in PASsing the Glucose Signal

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    Julianne H. Grose


    Full Text Available PAS kinase is an evolutionarily conserved nutrient responsive protein kinase that regulates glucose homeostasis. Mammalian PAS kinase is activated by glucose in pancreatic beta cells, and knockout mice are protected from obesity, liver triglyceride accumulation, and insulin resistance when fed a high-fat diet. Yeast PAS kinase is regulated by both carbon source and cell integrity stress and stimulates the partitioning of glucose toward structural carbohydrate biosynthesis. In our current model for PAS kinase regulation, a small molecule metabolite binds the sensory PAS domain and activates the enzyme. Although bona fide PAS kinase substrates are scarce, in vitro substrate searches provide putative targets for exploration.

  16. “L’homme qui n’élève pas ses enfants ne devrait pas être appelé un père” ? Les tendances du discours sur la paternité et le dilemme paternel au Japon “The Man who Doesn’t Raise his Child Shouldn’t Be Called a Father”? The Trends of Discourse on Fatherhood and Father’s Dilemma in Japan

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    Futoshi Taga


    Full Text Available La paternité japonaise a longtemps été caractérisée par un engagement professionnel exacerbé et une absence marquée au niveau familial. Cependant, le contexte économique et politique récent a induit certains changements dans la manière d’appréhender la paternité. Il est ainsi possible d’identifier trois types de positionnements dans les discours récents relatifs à la paternité au Japon : 1 le père “pourvoyeur”, garantissant les ressources économiques nécessaires aux besoins des enfants, 2 le père “socialisateur”, encadrant ses enfants dans l’apprentissage des normes sociales, 3 le père “soigneur”, aidant ses enfants pour ce qu’ils ne peuvent faire. Il n’est pas facile pour les pères de trouver un équilibre par rapport aux responsabilités que ces trois approches supposent. Les codes professionnels valorisant “l’homme dominant” et les carences du système d’encadrement des enfants obligent de nombreux pères à s’investir énormément dans leur vie professionnelle tandis que de nombreuses mères restent à la maison. Les réactions des pères face à cette situation sont variées. Certains valorisent une division genrée des responsabilités parentales et se consacrent pleinement à leur travail. D’autres articulent travail et famille tandis que l’épouse reste à la maison. D’autres, enfin, optent pour une articulation travail/famille impliquant les deux membres du couple, redéfinissant ainsi la signification de la masculinité.Japanese fatherhood has been characterized as preoccupation with work and alienation from family. However, Japan’s recent political and economic conditions have brought about changes and diversification in fatherhood. We can recognize three types of father’s responsibilities in recent discourses on fatherhood in Japan : 1 “provider,” supplying necessary economic resources for the growth of children, 2 “socializer,” supporting children to learn

  17. L'Antigone dans la littérature slovéne: situation ou héroine?

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    Evald Koren


    Full Text Available Après Ajax (en 1863 et Oedipe àColone (en 1892, Antigone est .la troi­ sìeme tragédie de Sophocle traduite en slovène. En 1912, elle fut mise en scène par le Théâtre national slovène de Ljubljana dans une traduction de Cvetko Golar, cette dernière n'étant publiée que plus tard, en 1924, dans une version assez changée. Le thème d'Antigone, ce mythe littéraire créé par Sophocle, n'émergea pouvtant dans la littérature slovène qu'en 1939 ·lorsque Miran Jarc (1900-1942 publia un texte dramatique plutôt court Antigone de village. Fragment de tragedie. Jarc n'a jamais écrit la tragédie intégrale et, probablement, il n'ava:it même pas l'intention de le faire, ce ˝fragment˝ à la dénomination assez vague, restant done la seule pavtie existante de cette  tragédie.

  18. Multi-PAS domain-mediated protein oligomerization of PpsR from Rhodobacter sphaeroides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heintz, Udo; Meinhart, Anton; Winkler, Andreas


    Crystal structures of two truncated variants of the transcription factor PpsR from R. sphaeroides are presented that enabled the phasing of a triple PAS domain construct. Together, these structures reveal the importance of α-helical PAS extensions for multi-PAS domain-mediated protein oligomerization and function. Per–ARNT–Sim (PAS) domains are essential modules of many multi-domain signalling proteins that mediate protein interaction and/or sense environmental stimuli. Frequently, multiple PAS domains are present within single polypeptide chains, where their interplay is required for protein function. Although many isolated PAS domain structures have been reported over the last decades, only a few structures of multi-PAS proteins are known. Therefore, the molecular mechanism of multi-PAS domain-mediated protein oligomerization and function is poorly understood. The transcription factor PpsR from Rhodobacter sphaeroides is such a multi-PAS domain protein that, in addition to its three PAS domains, contains a glutamine-rich linker and a C-terminal helix–turn–helix DNA-binding motif. Here, crystal structures of two N-terminally and C-terminally truncated PpsR variants that comprise a single (PpsR Q-PAS1 ) and two (PpsR N-Q-PAS1 ) PAS domains, respectively, are presented and the multi-step strategy required for the phasing of a triple PAS domain construct (PpsR ΔHTH ) is illustrated. While parts of the biologically relevant dimerization interface can already be observed in the two shorter constructs, the PpsR ΔHTH structure reveals how three PAS domains enable the formation of multiple oligomeric states (dimer, tetramer and octamer), highlighting that not only the PAS cores but also their α-helical extensions are essential for protein oligomerization. The results demonstrate that the long helical glutamine-rich linker of PpsR results from a direct fusion of the N-cap of the PAS1 domain with the C-terminal extension of the N-domain that plays an important

  19. Du vilain au paysan sur la scène littéraire du xiiie siècle


    Lorcin, Marie-Thérèse


    Le stéréotype du vilain, incarnation de la bassesse, ne disparaît pas, perpétué par les proverbes et les textes comiques qui illustrent aussi les stéréotypes de la femme et du prêtre. Mais apparaît un autre personnage, un paysan réhabilité, humanisé, même s’il est encore parfois appelé « vilain », le mot « païsant » étant encore très rare. Les poètes, dont beaucoup sont sans doute d’origine rurale, le montrent hospitalier, patient, voire instruit. Il n’est pas l’objet comme l’est le prêtre de...

  20. Hélène Mialet, Hawking Incorporated. Stephen Hawking and the Anthropology of the Knowing subject


    Popescu, Cristina


    Situé dans la tradition de recherche développée autour de la théorie de l’acteur-réseau (actor-network theory), le livre de Hélène Mialet choisit d’explorer la figure particulière du physicien anglais Stephen Hawking. À travers sept chapitres complémentaires, le lecteur découvre à la fois « Hawking l’individu » et « Hawking le génie en physique ». C’est une distinction qui ne paraît pas toute de suite évidente au non-initié, mais, nous allons le comprendre rapidement, le Hawking des médias, n...

  1. Feasibility of classification of clay minerals by using PAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Honda, Y; Yoshida, Y; Akiyama, Y; Nishijima, S


    After the nuclear power plant disaster, the evaluation of radioactive Cs kept in soil, especially in clay minerals and the elucidation of its movement are urgent subjects to promote decontamination. It is known that the extractable level of Cs depends on the sort of clay minerals. We tried to find the characteristics of clay minerals belonging to phillosilicate group using positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) and the relationship between the results of PAS and the amounts of substantially extracted Cs from the clay minerals. The results showed that each clay mineral was found to be distinguishable from other clay minerals by PAS and the extraction rate of Cs was different among those clay minerals, however the direct correlation between the results of PAS and the extraction rates of Cs was not found. (paper)

  2. [Development of the Parenting in Adolescence Scale (PAS)]. (United States)

    Utsumi, Shoka


    The present study developed the Parenting in Adolescence Scale (PAS) based on the three-factor model of parenting by Schaefer (1965), and examined its psychometric properties. Adolescents (n = 103 junior high, 273 high school and 667 university students) completed a questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis identified three distinct factors labeled "Acceptance" (6 items), "Psychological control" (6 items) and "Parental monitoring" (3 items). Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated the stability of the factor structure with adequate goodness of fit indices. The three subscales of PAS had adequate internal consistency and satisfactory test-retest reliability. The three scales also correlated significantly with measures of adolescent conduct problems, peer problems, risk-taking experience, prosocial behavior, self-esteem, and another parenting scale, which indicated construct and concurrent validity. The practical use of the PAS was discussed.

  3. How electronic health records can unmask the hidden value of PAs. (United States)

    Ogunfiditimi, Folusho; Sherry, Scott P; Foote, Monica; Christie, Sarah L; Shock, Lisa P; Cawley, James; Browne, Aaron


    The Fee for Value (FFV) Task Force, a subgroup of the American Academy of PAs' Research and Strategic Initiatives Commission, has examined tools and mechanisms aimed at better clarifying the volume and value of PA work and how that work contributes to improving access to high-quality care. Establishing the value of PAs has been a challenging task for many healthcare providers. Often, PA value has been defined by their clinical productivity, without any clear direction as to what constitutes value versus productivity. The objective of this article is to unmask the value of PAs through the role of electronic health records and highlight PAs' ability to produce services that are value-oriented and quantifiably productive.

  4. Être là ou ne pas être là – esquisse de typologie du spectral dans quelques œuvres littéraires occidentales contemporaines

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    Catherine Grall


    Full Text Available Abrstact (english Contemporary realistic fiction sometimes includes features which echo ancient ghost tales. Some characters come back after their death, other experience great difficulties inhabiting the present, as if they were haunted. Can we suggest and interpret a categorization of such novels ? A varied corpus enables us to make a few hypotheses, to be explored in further  research developments. Novels in French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, German or Serbian reveal at least three non exclusive groups : the past, other  cultures, unaccomplished revolutions trouble realistic writings, that can be enlightened by theories of the novel (Ricœur, Pavel, theses taken from aesthtetics (Warburg, Foster, Didi-Hubermann, ideas coming from cultural studies and philosophy (Bhabha, Zizek, Derrida. Through such fictions, the reader is confronted with radical forms of alterity which he cannot ignore. It is a new « ideographic » dimension (to borrow Pavel’s word in La Pensée du roman, in which the paradigm of actions is replaced by pathetic patterns which take on broader social and ethical issues.   Résumeé (français La fiction contemporaine soucieuse du monde actuel accueille parfois, de manière paradoxale, des phénomènes qui font penser aux récits de fantômes anciens : certains  personnages sont des revenants, d’autres, comme hantés, éprouvent de vraies difficultés à vivre au présent. Peut-on définir une typologie de ces personnages et celle-ci peut-elle être interprétée? Un corpus assez varié permet d’esquisser des hypothèses, à développer dans un travail plus ample. Des romans de langues française, anglaise, espagnole, portugaise, allemande, serbe révèlent au moins trois grandes catégories, qui ne sont pas exclusives : le passé, l’autre culture, la révolution non accomplie travaillent des écritures que l’on peut éclairer grâce à des théories du roman (Ricœur, Pavel, des emprunts à l


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    I Made Suska V


    Full Text Available Permit to a person to enter the restricted area at Ngurah Rai Airport which is called Airport Pas can be given in accordance with the duties and activities of a person at the airport. On permit service, there are disappointments and complaints of the Pas applicant that can still be found in the Pas service like duration of Pas completion and officer service at the time of application. The different perception and expectation of Pas applicant must remain in the regulation corridors and prioritize security at airports. The purpose of this research is assesing the quality of Pas service in the Airport Authority Region IV by using a SERVQUAL (Service Quality model. The model is comparing the two main factors, namely real customer perception of the service that they received (Perceived Service with the actual services expected/desirable (Expected Service which consists of 5 (five dimensions, those are Tangibles (physical, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy (attention. By using these models, it is known that the quality of Pas service in the Airport Authority Region IV is still less than the expectations of the applicant and the most important dimension to enhance is Responsiveness. Gaps between perception and expectation as follows: Responsiveness (-0,2240, Assurance (-0,2171, Reliability (-0,2099, Tangibles (-0,1994, dan Empathy (-0,1373.

  6. PAs: Fifty years young. (United States)

    Mandel, Ellen D; North, Shannon


    The PA profession is 50 years young. Practicing PAs and current students hail from several generational categories ranging from Builders to Generation Z. This article reviews how different generations may have experienced PA program expansion, professional identity, state licensing, and prescription delegation. The authors sampled a cohort of PA program applicants about their views on what evokes optimism and concern for the PA profession. These themes mirror the recently paved professional road, while posing the all-important question: What construction lies on the horizon?

  7. Digital radiography using amorphous selenium: photoconductively activated switch (PAS) readout system. (United States)

    Reznik, Nikita; Komljenovic, Philip T; Germann, Stephen; Rowlands, John A


    A new amorphous selenium (a-Se) digital radiography detector is introduced. The proposed detector generates a charge image in the a-Se layer in a conventional manner, which is stored on electrode pixels at the surface of the a-Se layer. A novel method, called photoconductively activated switch (PAS), is used to read out the latent x-ray charge image. The PAS readout method uses lateral photoconduction at the a-Se surface which is a revolutionary modification of the bulk photoinduced discharge (PID) methods. The PAS method addresses and eliminates the fundamental weaknesses of the PID methods--long readout times and high readout noise--while maintaining the structural simplicity and high resolution for which PID optical readout systems are noted. The photoconduction properties of the a-Se surface were investigated and the geometrical design for the electrode pixels for a PAS radiography system was determined. This design was implemented in a single pixel PAS evaluation system. The results show that the PAS x-ray induced output charge signal was reproducible and depended linearly on the x-ray exposure in the diagnostic exposure range. Furthermore, the readout was reasonably rapid (10 ms for pixel discharge). The proposed detector allows readout of half a pixel row at a time (odd pixels followed by even pixels), thus permitting the readout of a complete image in 30 s for a 40 cm x 40 cm detector with the potential of reducing that time by using greater readout light intensity. This demonstrates that a-Se based x-ray detectors using photoconductively activated switches could form a basis for a practical integrated digital radiography system.


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    Ramón Vilalta


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the controversy over the existence of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS or any other name it may be given. The negative judgements regarding PAS are diverse in nature: from criticism about the personality of the term’s creator, to the most repeated criticism that PAS does not exist in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5. This paper analyzes some of these criticisms in the Spanish judicial context, especially those exposed in the Guidelines of the Group of Experts on the Fight against Domestic and Gender Violence of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ, published in 2016. It is argued that PAS is widely recognized by the professional and scientific community and may be described and classified in the DSM-5 as a “Parent–Child Relational Problem V61.20 (Z62.820”.

  9. Criterion validity of the Physical Activity Scale (PAS2) in Danish adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lunde Pedersen, Eva Sophie; Mortensen, L H; Brage, S


    BACKGROUND: The Physical Activity Scale (PAS2) was developed to measure physical activity (PA) during work, transportation and leisure time, in the Danish adult population. The objective of this study was to assess the criterion validity of PAS2 against a combined accelerometer and heart rate mon...

  10. Jeremy Rifkin, La troisième révolution industrielle. Comment le pouvoir latéral va transformer l’énergie, l’économie et le monde, Paris, Les Liens qui Libèrent, 2012, 414p.


    Noé, Adam


    Certes, Jeremy Rifkin n’est pas aidé. « Prophète » pour les uns, « gourou » selon d’autres : difficile de croire que les qualificatifs qui lui sont ainsi destinés, parfois avec les meilleures intentions, ne soient pas, en d’autres milieux, empreints de connotations dépréciatives, fleurant bon la promotion de soi, le marketing médiatique et, pourquoi ne pas le dire, un certain charlatanisme. Il est vrai, Rifkin ne s’aide pas lui-même. Vraiment, a-t-on besoin d’anecdotes du genre : « La chancel...

  11. Accouchées avec statut sérologique VIH inconnu à Lubumbashi, RD Congo: proportion et déterminants (United States)

    Nkoy, Albert Mwembo-Tambwe A; Kayamba, Prosper Kalenga Muenze; Donnen, Philippe; Mukalenge, Faustin Chenge; Humblet, Perrine; Dramaix, Michèle; Buekens, Pierre


    Introduction Beaucoup d'enfants vivant avec le VIH ont été infectés par leurs mères. Pour prévenir la transmission verticale les femmes doivent d'abord connaître leur statut sérologique VIH.L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la proportion de statut VIH inconnu à la naissance et d'identifier les facteurs associés. Méthodes C'est une étude transversale réalisée dans 10 structures sanitaires de Lubumbashi de Juin à Septembre 2010. La taille de l’échantillon était de 602 accouchées. Les statistiques descriptives usuelles et la régression logistique ont été utilisées. Résultats Parmi les accouchées, 52,5% ignoraient leur statut sérologique. Parmi elles, 62,9% accepteraient de faire le test VIH à la maternité. La proportion des femmes avec un statut sérologique VIH inconnu était significativement plus élevée chez celles qui n'avaient pas suivi de CPN (Odds Ratio ajusté (ORa) = 5,8; Intervalle de Confiance (IC) 95%: 1,7-19,8); chez celles qui avaient un bas niveau d'instruction (ORa = 1,5; IC 95%: 1,1-2,1) et chez celles qui ne savaient pas que la transmission verticale du VIH pouvaient se faire au moment de l'accouchement (ORa = 1,5; IC 95%: 1,0-2,4). Conclusion La proportion de femmes qui accouchent sans connaître leur statut sérologique au VIH est encore importante, malgré le fait que le dépistage du VIH soit proposé lors des CPN. Dans les zones à haute séroprévalence de VIH, aucune femme ne devrait accoucher sans être dépistée au VIH. Ce serait une opportunité manquée. PMID:22891083

  12. Le pétrole en Inde Oil in India

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    Diab E.


    Full Text Available L'Inde est un pays riche en ressources énergétiques. En ce qui concerne le pétrole, les réserves prouvées sont déjà abondantes, mais certains pensent qu'il reste un potentiel très important à découvrir, le pays étant un des moins explorés du monde. L'ouverture récente des industries de l'énergie aux capitaux privés et étrangers devrait accélérer le développement de l'exploration, du raffinage et de la pétrochimie. Mais, bien que de nombreux projets aient été approuvés par le gouvernement, la réalisation ne suit pas dans tous les cas, en raison de conditions qui ne sont pas toujours jugées attrayantes par les investisseurs potentiels. Malgré tout, certains pensent que l'Inde sera une puissance égale sinon supérieure à la Chine et qu'elle soutient déjà la comparaison avec les dragons du Sud-Est asiatique. India is a country that is rich in energy resources. Concerning oil, proven reserves are already abundant, but there are some who think that a very large potential remains to be discovered, since the country is one of the least throughly explored in the world. The recent opening up of energy industries to private and foreign capital should speed up the development of exploration, refining and petrochemicals. However, even if numerous projects were to be approved by the Government, actually carrying them out does not always ensue because of conditions that are not always judged to be attractive by potential investors. Despite all this, there are some who think that India will be a power equal to if not greater than China and one that is already upholding the comparison with the Southeast Asian dragons.

  13. Les élections législatives en Côte d’Ivoire marquent-elles la sortie de crise ?

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    Christian Bouquet


    Full Text Available En organisant des élections législatives à peine huit mois après la fin de la violente crise post-électorale qui a failli la faire basculer dans la guerre civile, la Côte d’Ivoire a pris le risque de raviver les animosités. Il semble que les électeurs, lassés des troubles et des violences, ne se sont pas passionnés pour ce nouveau scrutin, a fortiori privé de la participation du parti de l’ancien chef de l’État, qui a choisi le boycott. La participation a donc été faible (36,5 %.Déjà vainqueurs de l’élection présidentielle, le RDR d’Alassane Ouattara (138, le PDCI de Konan Bédié (86 et leurs alliés comptent désormais 232 députés sur 255. Le président ne devrait pas nourrir d’inquiétude pour les années à venir, sauf si cette écrasante majorité devait tourner au parti unique.As general elections were organised just eight months after the end of the violent post-election crisis that almost led to a civil war in the country, Ivory Coast risked reviving hostilities. Apparently voters got tired of unrest and violence and this new election did not fascinate the people of the Ivory Coast, especially since the previous head of state's party chose not to take part in the vote. At the end there was a low turnout at the polls (36.5%.Since they already won the presidential election, Alassane Ouattara's party, the RDR (138, Konan Bédié's party, the PDCI (86, and their allies can now reckon with 232 out of 255 members of the Parliament. The President should not be worried in the next few years, unless this overwhelming majority should turn into a one-party system.

  14. Harry Potter en latin


    Elfassi, Jacques


    En 2003 et en 2007 ont été publiées les traductions latines des deux premiers tomes de Harry Potter de Joanne Kathleen Rowling : Harry Potter à l’école des sorciers et Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets . Sans doute ne faut-il pas accorder à ces traductions une importance disproportionnée. Ce ne sont certainement pas elles qui ont créé le succès de Harry Potter, elles ne font que l’accompagner ; et bien qu’on ne puisse pas les réduire à cette seule caractéristique, ce sont aussi des produ...

  15. "Ne kreshtshenogo, ne otpetogo..." : [luuletused] / Marina Petrova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Petrova, Marina


    Sisu: "Ne kreshtshenogo, ne otpetogo..." ; "Inogo mesta vstretshi v mire net..." ; "Moi put lezhit tsherez Moskvu..." ; "Osvoboditelnaja ossen - ..." ; Pjuhtitskim aistam ; "Vesjolõje svetshi kanona..." ; Vjuga ; Materi Bozhijei Pjuhtitskoi ; "Pustõnja moja, pustõnja..." ; "Odinnadtsat let v mojo serdtse gljadjat kupola..."

  16. La rondelle au bison d'enlène (Montesquieu-Avantès, Ariège

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Une rondelle perforée en os, hors du commun par son décor, a été mise au jour dans une couche du Magdalénien moyen de la grotte d'Enléne. Sur la moitié d'une face un bison entier a été gravé. L'autre face présente un décor beaucoup plus fruste et n'était vraisemblablement pas destinée a étre vue. Cette rondelle, caractéristique du Magdalénien moyen, est replacée par les auteurs dans le contexte des objets de méme nature connus en France et dans les Asturies.

  17. Le nouveau visage de la philanthropie en Inde | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Connectez-vous avec Nirojan sur LinkedIn. La philanthropie est en hausse en Inde et le phénomène devrait continuer à croître. La nouvelle richesse transforme également le visage des dons de charité et retient l'attention du public. Par conséquent, le nombre de conseillers en philanthropie augmente aussi. La relation ...

  18. Form Quality in Rorschach Comprehensive System and R-PAS: Sample of Psychiatric Cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Latife Yazigi


    Full Text Available Abstract The creation of the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS requires research that allows its use in the Brazilian population. The Formal Quality (FQ category is essential both for clinic and research. The aim of this study was to compare form quality variables in Rorschach protocols from psychiatric patients and ratings coded in the Comprehensive System (CS and R-PAS. The sample comprised 206 Rorschach protocols from adult patients in psychiatric treatment, who were also assessed by SCID-I and SCID-II. Most protocols were administered in the CS and recoded according to the R-PAS. The kappa coefficient was calculated, and we compared the means of these variables in both systems. The kappa results varied from almost perfect to substantial consistency for all variables, however, the descriptive statistics confirmed that the R-PAS elicits more FQ Ordinary coding while the CS elicits more FQ minus coding.

  19. The PAS fold: A redefinition of the PAS domain based upon structural prediction. A large-scale homology modelling study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hefti, M.H.; Francoijs, C.J.J.; Vries, de S.C.; Dixon, R.; Vervoort, J.J.M.


    In the postgenomic era it is essential that protein sequences are annotated correctly in order to help in the assignment of their putative functions. Over 1300 proteins in current protein sequence databases are predicted to contain a PAS domain based upon amino acid sequence alignments. One of the

  20. Epitaxial nanowire formation in metamorphic GaAs/GaPAs short-period superlattices (United States)

    Zheng, Nan; Ahrenkiel, S. Phillip


    Metamorphic growth presents routes to novel nanomaterials with unique properties that may be suitable for a range of applications. We discuss self-assembled, epitaxial nanowires formed during metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of metamorphic GaAs/GaPAs short-period superlattices. The heterostructures incorporate strain-engineered GaPAs compositional grades on 6°-B miscut GaAs substrates. Lateral diffusion within the SPS into vertically aligned, three-dimensional columns results in nanowires extending along A directions with a lateral period of 70-90 nm. The microstructure is probed by transmission electron microscopy to confirm the presence of coherent GaAs nanowires within GaPAs barriers. The compositional profile is inferred from analysis of {200} dark-field image contrast and lattice images.

  1. Agents de changement : la philanthropie dans certains pays d'Asie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    29 avr. 2016 ... Le contexte de l'élaboration des politiques en Asie du Sud-Est entrave généralement les efforts philanthropiques, car les bailleurs de fonds ne reçoivent pas de reconnaissance, bénéficient de très peu d'incitations fiscales et n'ont pas de services de soutien sur lesquels compter. On ne peut donc pas ...

  2. EGF increases expression and activity of PAs in preimplantation rat embryos and their implantation rate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Har-Vardi Iris


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Embryo implantation plays a major role in embryogenesis and the outcome of pregnancy. Plasminogen activators (PAs have been implicated in mammalian fertilization, early stages of development and embryo implantation. As in-vitro developing embryos resulted in lower implantation rate than those developed in-vivo we assume that a reduced PAs activity may be involved. In the present work we studied the effect of EGF on PAs activity, quantity and embryo implantation. Methods Zygotes were flushed from rat oviducts on day one of pregnancy and grown in-vitro in R1ECM supplemented with EGF (10 ng/ml and were grown up to the blastocyst stage. The control groups were grown in the same medium without EGF. The distribution and quantity of the PAs were examined using fluorescence immunohistochemistry followed by measurement of PAs activity using the chromogenic assay. Implantation rate was studied using the embryo donation model. Results PAs distribution in the embryos was the same in EGF treated and untreated embryos. Both PAs were localized in the blastocysts' trophectoderm, supporting the assumption that PAs play a role in the implantation process in rats. EGF increased the quantity of uPA at all stages studied but the 8-cell stage as compared with controls. The tissue type PA (tPA content was unaffected except the 8-cell stage, which was increased. The activity of uPA increased gradually towards the blastocyst stage and more so due to the presence of EGF. The activity of tPA did not vary with the advancing developmental stages although it was also increased by EGF. The presence of EGF during the preimplantation development doubled the rate of implantation of the treated group as compared with controls.

  3. [Parental alienation syndrome (PAS): unknown in medical settings, endemic in courts]. (United States)

    Pignotti, Maria Serenella


    A purposed syndrome of so-called parental alienation (PAS), unsupported by any evidence-based data, unknown in medical settings, unquoted in medical books, absent in DSM and ICD, never demonstrated by controlled studies published in high scientific level journals, is rampant in Courts where it can lead to loose parental custody. During a divorce trial, almost always the mothers and the children, become joint in a sort of folie au deux, in a denigration campaign of ex-husband/father. From a review on this issue it seems evident its theoretical roots lie on a theory that justify gender violence and children sexual abuse. The bias that both of them are layers and that he children have not autonomy block their possibility of any defence in front of a Court. In severe cases, PAS becomes a new and efficient tool of intra-familiar violence. The treatment of severe cases is to stop any contact between mother and children. The resort to PAS in Courts must be strongly rejected.

  4. The Apocalyptic Empire of America L’Empire apocalyptique américain

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    Akça Ataç


    Full Text Available En général, les études traitant de « l’Empire » américain tendent à chercher à comprendre celui-ci à partir de termes concrets tels que la frontière, l’intervention militaire, le commerce international. Néanmoins, les Empires sont d’abord le résultat de profondes traditions intellectuelles intangibles qui encouragent et justifient les actions entreprises dans le cadre de politiques impériales. Dans le cas de l’Amérique, les fondements intellectuels du nouvel idéal impérial sont ancrés dans la vision apocalyptique transportée dans les bagages des premiers colons puritains. Si l’on ne prend pas en compte cet ancrage apocalyptique, on ne peut saisir, dans leur totalité, les principes fondamentaux de « l’Empire » américain. On devrait examiner des termes qui entrent en résonance avec le discours impérial tels que « mission » et « destinée » ainsi que de l’engagement explicite dans la rhétorique présidentielle en faveur de « l’amélioration » du monde à n’importe quel prix du point de vue de cette croyance apocalyptique éternelle. Cet article essaie d’élucider l’origine et l’essence de la vision apocalyptique américaine en portant une attention particulière sur son influence dans la genèse du concept d’Empire américain.

  5. PAS positivity of erythroid precursor cells is associated with a poor prognosis in newly diagnosed myelodysplastic syndrome patients. (United States)

    Masuda, Kenta; Shiga, Shuichi; Kawabata, Hiroshi; Takaori-Kondo, Akifumi; Ichiyama, Satoshi; Kamikubo, Yasuhiko


    Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a group of clonal stem cell disorders characterized by hematopoietic insufficiency. The accurate risk stratification of patients with MDS is essential for selection of appropriate therapies. We herein conducted a retrospective cohort study to examine the prognostic value of periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction-positive erythroblasts in MDS patients. We examined the PAS positivity of the bone marrow erythroblasts of 144 patients newly diagnosed with MDS; 26 (18.1%) of them had PAS-positive erythroblasts, whereas 118 (81.9%) did not. The PAS-positive group showed significantly poorer karyotypes as defined in the revised International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-R) and higher scores in age-adjusted IPSS-R (IPSS-RA) than the PAS-negative group. Overall survival (OS) and leukemia-free survival (LFS) were also significantly shorter in the PAS-positive group than in the PAS-negative group. Similar results were obtained when only high- and very high risk groups were analyzed using IPSS-RA. This retrospective study suggested that the PAS positivity of erythroblasts is an additional prognostic factor combined with other risk scores for OS and LFS in MDS, and our results may contribute to improved clinical decision-making and rapid risk stratification.

  6. Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic characterization of the PAS domains of EAG and ELK potassium channels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adaixo, Ricardo; Morais-Cabral, João Henrique


    The N-terminal PAS domains from the eukaryotic EAG potassium channels are thought to have a regulatory function. Here the expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic characterization of two of these domains are described. Per–Arnt–Sim (PAS) domains are ubiquitous in nature; they are ∼130-amino-acid protein domains that adopt a fairly conserved three-dimensional structure despite their low degree of sequence homology. These domains constitute the N-terminus or, less frequently, the C-terminus of a number of proteins, where they exert regulatory functions. PAS-containing proteins generally display two or more copies of this motif. In this work, the crystallization and preliminary analysis of the PAS domains of two eukaryotic potassium channels from the ether-à-go-go (EAG) family are reported

  7. Lettres à Auguste Comte


    Mill, John Stuart


    Ces lettres sont écrites en français et sont reproduites sans correction.   India Housele 13 juillet 1843Mon cher Monsieur Comte J’espère que cette lettre vous atteindra avant le commencement de votre tournée officielle, qui du reste ne suspendra pas sans doute notre correspondance, et je ne doute pas qu’à quelque temps d’ici je serai plus en état de vous écrire convenablement. Le dérangement passager que je vous ai annoncé dans ma dernière lettre, de ma santé morale et physique, ne s’est pas...

  8. Return on investment of advanced practice medical degrees: NPs vs. PAs. (United States)

    Craig, Christopher K; Holmes, James H; Carter, Jeffery E


    As the United States faces a predicted physician shortage over the next 2 decades, physician assistants (PAs) and NPs are expected to fill the void. At the same time, because education is expensive, student loan and tuition increases have many potential applicants assessing differences in reimbursement and wondering about their return on investment (ROI). An analysis compared PA and NP salaries by incorporating national salary data, federal income tax, and student loans for a comparative analysis of each career pathway. Salaries were abstracted from the 2012 Bureau of Labor Statistics database. The net present value (NPV) of PA and NP salaries was calculated with a 5% discount rate. Principal and interest for student loans was calculated at a 6% interest fixed-rate loan over 30 years. NPVs were then compared with projected ROI at retirement age. Relative career values were also given to each career choice, based on a retirement age of 65 years, which translates to about 41 years of employment for both PAs and NPs. PAs' and NPs' educational loans both equalled $129,484 on total repayment. The median annual salary of a PA was $90,930 and $89,960 for an NP. PA data yielded a 5% NPV of $781,323 compared with $764,348 for NPs. Of note, the 5% NPV of a 4-year nursing degree is $728,436. PAs have a slightly higher ROI compared with NPs. These findings may change due to adjustments in nursing training models. Many PA programs allow matriculation immediately after obtaining a bachelor's degree. NP schools often require nursing experience before entering their program. Some schools are considering an accelerated NP program, allowing immediate matriculation after obtaining a bachelor's degree. Because many NP programs have become doctoral degrees, the increased duration of training, higher tuition, and fewer years worked before retirement lower the overall NP ROI. A similar reduction in ROI was considered marginal in PAs who attend residency programs-though these programs are

  9. : tous les projets | Page 487 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Or, ceux et celles qui cherchent à faire en sorte que ce soit le cas estiment qu'il arrive que les responsables des politiques et les diverses parties prenantes ne reconnaissent pas la valeur de telles données ou encore jugent qu'elles ne sont pas pertinentes pour les problèmes qu'ils cherchent à régler ou qu'elles ne sont ...

  10. De l'injure en pays maure ou « qui ne loue pas critique »

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    Catherine Taine-Cheikh


    Full Text Available Catherine Taine-Cheikh, qui s'intéresse au phénomène de l'injure dans la société arabophone de Mauritanie, commence par étudier les différents termes du dialecte hassâniyya qui relèvent de ce champ sémantique. Elle s'attache ensuite à montrer l'importance et la complexité de l'« effet injure », dans cette société fortement imprégnée par les valeurs de l'honneur où non seulement la critique mais aussi la louange peuvent apparaître comme des manifestations de l'injure. Passant en revue diverses situations empruntées à la vie quotidienne ou puisées dans des matériaux littéraires (écrits et surtout oraux, l'auteur relève diverses stratégies adoptées, soit par les injurieurs, soit par les injuriaires, pour tenter de maîtriser les effets des mots (ou gestes « déplacés ». Bien que le problème du contrôle de soi semble presque toujours primordial, la gestion de l'injure laisse apparaître une différenciation importante en fonction du sexe et du statut relatif des acteurs sociaux concernés.

  11. IkPas : Een definitieve breuk met het verleden?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bovens, R.H.L.M.; Schuitema, A.; P.M., Schmidt


    IkPas (‘No Thanks’) is a Dutch 30 or 40 days temporary alcohol abstinence challenge, aiming at alcohol awareness and changing habitual drinking behavior. Former effect evaluations show a significant decrease in alcohol use measured 6 months after finishing the challenge. In this study the authors

  12. Du Japon à la France : comment faire exister l’énergie dans la transmission du shiatsu ?

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    Julie Descelliers


    Full Text Available « Un jour, quelqu’un m’a dit : “L’énergie n’existe pas.” Alors j’ai répondu : “Écoutez, l’électricité, ça existe ? — Bah oui.” J’ai dit : “D’accord, apportez m’en cent grammes, on verra après !” Il m’a répondu : “On ne peut pas.” J’ai dit : “Comment ? Montrez-la-moi quand même ! — On ne peut pas.” Alors j’ai dit : “Vous allez en ressentir les effets, l’énergie aussi. Donc c’est à égalité. — Oui, mais… — Non. L’électricité n’existe pas parce que je ne la vois pas. »Un praticien de shiatsu. C’e...

  13. Vitaminothérapie chez les volailles


    Duchadeau, Cécile


    La distribution de vitamines dans les élevages aviaires est de plus en plus fréquente, voire systématique, alors qu'elle n'est pas toujours nécessaire ni sans risque ; l'utilisation des vitamines devrait donc être raisonnée. L'étude bibliographique de la structure et des modes d'action de chaque vitamine permet de définir les principales circonstances d'apparition des carences vitaminiques, ainsi que les symptômes susceptibles de se développer. Les carences en vitamines hydrosolubles (C, B1, ...

  14. Appraisal of traditional technologies in the processing and utilization ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ces femmes ne sont pas très instruites ; par conséquent elles sont mal équipées pour apprécier les méthodes modernes d'hygiène alimentaire exigée dans la préparation et le traitement des aliments. Cette étude indique également que les méthodes traditionnelles utilisées dans le traitement du mumu ne sont pas ...

  15. Protective effects of ebselen (Ebs) and para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS) against manganese (Mn)-induced neurotoxicity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marreilha dos Santos, A.P., E-mail: [I-Med.UL, Department of Toxicology and Food Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal); Lucas, Rui L.; Andrade, Vanda; Mateus, M. Luísa [I-Med.UL, Department of Toxicology and Food Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal); Milatovic, Dejan; Aschner, Michael [Department of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232 (United States); Batoreu, M. Camila [I-Med.UL, Department of Toxicology and Food Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Lisbon (Portugal)


    Chronic, excessive exposure to manganese (Mn) may induce neurotoxicity and cause an irreversible brain disease, referred to as manganism. Efficacious therapies for the treatment of Mn are lacking, mandating the development of new interventions. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of ebselen (Ebs) and para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS) in attenuating the neurotoxic effects of Mn in an in vivo rat model. Exposure biomarkers, inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers, as well as behavioral parameters were evaluated. Co-treatment with Mn plus Ebs or Mn plus PAS caused a significant decrease in blood and brain Mn concentrations (compared to rats treated with Mn alone), concomitant with reduced brain E{sub 2} prostaglandin (PGE{sub 2}) and enhanced brain glutathione (GSH) levels, decreased serum prolactin (PRL) levels, and increased ambulation and rearing activities. Taken together, these results establish that both PAS and Ebs are efficacious in reducing Mn body burden, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and locomotor activity impairments in a rat model of Mn-induced toxicity. -- Highlights: ► The manuscript is unique in its approach to the neurotoxicity of Mn. ► The manuscript incorporates molecular, cellular and functional (behavioral) analyses. ► Both PAS and Ebs are effective in restoring Mn behavioral function. ► Both PAS and Ebs are effective in reducing Mn-induced oxidative stress. ► Both PAS and Ebs led to a decrease in Mn-induced neuro-inflammation.

  16. Protective effects of ebselen (Ebs) and para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS) against manganese (Mn)-induced neurotoxicity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marreilha dos Santos, A.P.; Lucas, Rui L.; Andrade, Vanda; Mateus, M. Luísa; Milatovic, Dejan; Aschner, Michael; Batoreu, M. Camila


    Chronic, excessive exposure to manganese (Mn) may induce neurotoxicity and cause an irreversible brain disease, referred to as manganism. Efficacious therapies for the treatment of Mn are lacking, mandating the development of new interventions. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of ebselen (Ebs) and para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS) in attenuating the neurotoxic effects of Mn in an in vivo rat model. Exposure biomarkers, inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers, as well as behavioral parameters were evaluated. Co-treatment with Mn plus Ebs or Mn plus PAS caused a significant decrease in blood and brain Mn concentrations (compared to rats treated with Mn alone), concomitant with reduced brain E 2 prostaglandin (PGE 2 ) and enhanced brain glutathione (GSH) levels, decreased serum prolactin (PRL) levels, and increased ambulation and rearing activities. Taken together, these results establish that both PAS and Ebs are efficacious in reducing Mn body burden, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and locomotor activity impairments in a rat model of Mn-induced toxicity. -- Highlights: ► The manuscript is unique in its approach to the neurotoxicity of Mn. ► The manuscript incorporates molecular, cellular and functional (behavioral) analyses. ► Both PAS and Ebs are effective in restoring Mn behavioral function. ► Both PAS and Ebs are effective in reducing Mn-induced oxidative stress. ► Both PAS and Ebs led to a decrease in Mn-induced neuro-inflammation.

  17. Unique and cross-reactive T cell epitope peptides of the major Bahia grass pollen allergen, Pas n 1. (United States)

    Etto, Tamara; de Boer, Carmela; Prickett, Sara; Gardner, Leanne M; Voskamp, Astrid; Davies, Janet M; O'Hehir, Robyn E; Rolland, Jennifer M


    Bahia grass pollen (BaGP) is a major cause of allergic rhinitis. Subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy is effective for grass pollen allergy, but is unsuitable for patients with moderate to severe asthma due to the risk of anaphylaxis. T cell-reactive but IgE nonreactive peptides provide a safer treatment option. This study aimed to identify and characterize dominant CD4(+) T cell epitope peptides of the major BaGP allergen, Pas n 1. Pas n 1-specific T cell lines generated from the peripheral blood of BaGP-allergic subjects were tested for proliferative and cytokine response to overlapping 20-mer Pas n 1 peptides. Cross-reactivity to homologous peptides from Lol p 1 and Cyn d 1 of Ryegrass and Bermuda grass pollen, respectively, was assessed using Pas n 1 peptide-specific T cell clones. MHC class II restriction of Pas n 1 peptide T cell recognition was determined by HLA blocking assays and peptide IgE reactivity tested by dot blotting. Three Pas n 1 peptides showed dominant T cell reactivity; 15 of 18 (83%) patients responded to one or more of these peptides. T cell clones specific for dominant Pas n 1 peptides showed evidence of species-specific T cell reactivity as well as cross-reactivity with other group 1 grass pollen allergens. The dominant Pas n 1 T cell epitope peptides showed HLA binding diversity and were non-IgE reactive. The immunodominant T cell-reactive Pas n 1 peptides are candidates for safe immunotherapy for individuals, including those with asthma, who are allergic to Bahia and possibly other grass pollens. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  18. Les scientifiques du CERN n'oublient pas l'Irak pour eux, les préoccupations humanitaires n'ont pas de passeport

    CERN Multimedia


    Scientists from the CERN club ConCERNed for Humanity have written to the Swiss Federal Councellor, Micheline Calmy-Rey, with 550 signatures on a petition "pas en notre nom" - not in our name - to ask her to do all that is in her capacity to end the conflict in Iraq (0.5 page)

  19. Proyecciones Vintage: Mad Men y Cuéntame cómo pasó / Vintage Projections: Mad Men and Cuéntame cómo pasó

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura García Pousa


    Full Text Available Las series de televisión han puesto a prueba la capacitación del drama mediante la construcción de un discurso propio y diferenciado, que las convierte en uno de los referentes artísticos contemporáneos de mayor expansión. En este artículo acudimos a su estudio específico como nuevos artefactos culturales que trabajan con múltiples realidades y niveles narrativos creando ficciones capaces de aglutinar éxito comercial y nuevas parcelas audiovisuales que generan reflexiones sobre la representación de la memoria histórica. Aunque distantes en su concepción, desarrollo, producción y tratamiento, nos centramos en Mad Men (AMC: 2007- y en Cuéntame cómo pasó (Grupo Ganga: 2001- por su importante trabajo de contextualización dramática donde la cultura popular, la visión mediatizada y los mitos se convierten en constantes de sus narraciones. El estudio comparativo de dos nudos dramáticos como son el asesinato de John F. Kennedy en Mad Men y el atentado contra Carrero Blanco en Cuéntame cómo pasó nos permitirá iniciar y profundizar en las formas argumentales, discursivas y estéticas de ambas producciones dentro de su desarrollo en continuidad como obras de ficción de largo recorrido.Palabras clave: series de televisión, ficción, memoria, historia, representación, Mad Men, Cuéntame cómo pasó, cultura popular, identidad.AbstractTelevision series have challenged the drama by constructing a personal and differentiated discourse, turning it into one of the contemporary artistic genres experiencing the greatest expansion at the moment. In this article, we’ve undertaken the study of such series as new cultural artifacts that work with multiple realities and narrative levels, creating fictions that garner commercial success, and new audiovisual parcels that generate reflections on the representations of historical memory. Although distinct in their conception, development, production and material, we will focus on the series Mad

  20. Ludwig, un roi sur la lune : l’histoire d’un roi fou jouée par des comé en situation de handicap mental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie Astier


    Full Text Available Ludwig, un roi sur la lune, spectacle mis en scène par Madeleine Louarn avec les comé professionnels en situation de handicap mental de l’Atelier Catalyse et présenté lors de la dernière édition du Festival d’Avignon n’est pas une reconstitution historique de la vie de Louis II de Bavière, roi du XIXe siècle diagnostiqué paranoïaque et destitué pour être interné, mais une tentative de transcrire théâtralement la perception du monde d’un homme amoureux de l’Art, de la nature et des hommes, mais qui devait être Roi. Ce n’est ni un personnage ni des comé « handicapé.e.s » que nous sommes invités à voir, mais les visions de Ludwig incarnées par des comé qui se trouvent être en situation de handicap mental. Dans ce spectacle, la « folie » devenue plus tard « handicap mental » apparaît sous les traits de la non-conformité bien plus que sous ceux de la pathologie.

  1. NE2561 and NE2611A - are they different?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huntley, R.; Boas, J.; Kotler, L.; Webb, D.; Stucki, G.


    Full text: Evidence is mounting that the nominally identical ionization chamber types NE2561 and NE2611A have significantly different energy dependences. This is revealed by comparing the radiation quality correction factors k q . The factor k q is the ratio of the absorbed dose to water calibration factors (for a particular type of ionization chamber) at radiation quality Q to that for 60 Co. k q values for NE2561 and NE2611A chambers have been compared for various kV and MV X-ray beams at several standards laboratories. Measurements at ARPANSA (Australia) on six NE2561 and five NE2611A show a consistent difference in k q of 1-2% for 16 and 19 MV X-rays. Work at OFMET (Switzerland) has shown similar differences at 6 and 18 MV. No such differences are seen at NPL (UK) - this inconsistency is currently ascribed to differences in the radiation beams. Consistent differences of up to 3% between these two chamber types have been observed at both ARPANSA and NRC (Canada) at the BIPM medium energy X-ray intercomparison qualities between 50 kV and 250 kV. We conclude that the two types of chamber should not be regarded as identical. ARPANSA and several other laboratories in Europe and North America will shortly participate in a Euromet project to be coordinated by OFMET, to investigate high energy X-ray beam quality specifiers. This project will provide additional data that may lead to a better understanding of this anomaly. Copyright (2000) Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine

  2. La première traduction slave de Molière et la naissance du théâtre slovène

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boštjan Marko Turk


    Full Text Available Trois ans après sa première représentation à Versailles, Georges Dandin de Molière a fait l 'objet d'une traduction partielle en slovène réalisée par Franjo Krsto Frankopan. Cette traduction des trois premières scènes peut être objectivement considérée comme l'un des défis les plus ardus de l'histoire littéraire contemporaine. La recherche slovène et internationale l'a tantôt ignoré, tantôt considéré comme lettre morte. La raison en est que, dans ce fragment, Frankopan aurait utilisé le slovène comme langue servant à ridiculiser, comme l'ayaient fait les dramaturges italiens de la Renaissance avec les dialectes slaves. Or, rien n'est plus éloigné de la vérité. Le texte est intégralement écrit en slovène, langue de la mère de Frankopan. Du reste, comme le montre ne serait-ce que l'analyse bergsonienne du comique, Georges Dandin n'est pas un texte comique. Il convient, par contre, de voir le lien entre la traduction du fragment de la pièce de Molière et l'action de Frankopan contre la monarchie habsbourgeoise. Par l'intermédiaire de la diplomatie viennoise, ce dernier cherchait en effet des appuis à la cour du .roi Louis XIV dont l'auteur dramatique comique en titre était précisément Molière. En conclusion, il convient de souligner que le fragment traduit par Frankopan, en tant que premier texte dramatique en langue slovène, invite à remettre en question la datation des débuts du théâtre slovène proposée par les historiens de la littérature.

  3. Nitrogen Approach Program. In line with the European law?; Aanpak van stikstof. Europeesrechtelijk in de pas?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schrijnemaekers, J.; Van der Sluis, C. [Ploum Lodder Princen, Rotterdam (Netherlands)


    Nitrogen deposition is causing problems in protected areas designated by the Natural 2000 program with a view to protect biodiversity . To deal with these problems the Dutch government developed the Programmatic Approach to Nitrogen (Programmatische Aanpak Stikstof - PAS). This approach is discussed in this article. [Dutch] De depositie van stikstof in gebieden waarvoor het zogenaamde Natura 2000 programma de biodiversiteit moet beschermen zorgt voor problemen. Om de problemen het hoofd te bieden heeft de Nederlandse overheid de Programmatische Aanpak Stikstof (PAS) ontwikkeld. In dit artikel wordt aandacht besteed aan PAS.

  4. En géographie, comme en science, l'original est lié avec l'originaire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iosif Daniel


    Full Text Available De nos jours, les scientifiques doivent garder un relativisme intellectuel, combiné avec une plus forte relation des idées. On ne doit pas s’accrocher { une définition, { une terminologie sèche. Kierkegaard disait que le désir d’éviter les définitions c’est une preuve de tact. On ne doit pas s’esquiver de créer de nouvelles dimensions et nouvelles perspectives ; et, surtout, on ne doit pas oublier que l’original provient, indubitablement, de l’originaire aussi. La revue Cinq Continents encourage de telles perspectives et représente un lieu de la liberté de la pensée géographique.

  5. Justice et miséricorde


    Heyer, René


    On n’imagine pas de justice sans possibilité de faire miséricorde ; inversement, une miséricorde qui ne tiendrait pas compte de la justice ne serait plus la miséricorde. Les deux notions sont liées, mais sur un socle inégal : car la justice inspirée par la loi naturelle déborde la justice positive, de même que la misère des miséreux ne se laisse pas ramener au mal commis par le misérable. En découlent des variations où l’on peut voir se profiler trois moments : 1. La loi coutumière est bouscu...

  6. Production of the Ne Auger electrons by Ne/sup +/ bombardment of Mg and Al surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferrante, J; Pepper, S V [National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, Ohio (USA). Lewis Research Center


    The authors have bombarded Mg and Al surfaces with Ne/sup +/ ions and in this letter present evidence for the production of an inner shell vacancy in the Ne by the asymmetric Ne-Mg and Ne-Al collision. In addition, autoionization states of neutral Ne have been observed. These states are to be distinguished from the more usual case in Auger electron spectroscopy of de-excitation of an ion with a core vacancy.

  7. La couverture musicale ne couvre pas le social


    Hemptinne, Pierre


    Je voudrais reprendre ici quelques éléments d’un travail d’écriture et de notes entamé pour cerner ce que j’appelle le « métier d’écouter ». Un métier qui commence bien avant l’écoute proprement dite, par l’examen de tout ce qui environne l’écoute. J’utilise la notion de « métier » pour me tenir à l’écart de toute la sphère un peu irrationnelle qui entoure l’utilisation des sens et des émotions, pour positionner cette activité dans le cadre d’une objectivation des connaissances qu’elle peut c...

  8. Scattering study of the Ne + NeH{sup +}(v{sub 0} = 0, j{sub 0} = 0) → NeH{sup +} + Ne reaction on an ab initio based analytical potential energy surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koner, Debasish; Panda, Aditya N., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781039 (India); Barrios, Lizandra; González-Lezana, Tomás, E-mail: [IFF-CSIC, Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC, Serrano 123, Madrid 28006 (Spain)


    Initial state selected dynamics of the Ne + NeH{sup +}(v{sub 0} = 0, j{sub 0} = 0) → NeH{sup +} + Ne reaction is investigated by quantum and statistical quantum mechanical (SQM) methods on the ground electronic state. The three-body ab initio energies on a set of suitably chosen grid points have been computed at CCSD(T)/aug-cc-PVQZ level and analytically fitted. The fitting of the diatomic potentials, computed at the same level of theory, is performed by spline interpolation. A collinear [NeHNe]{sup +} structure lying 0.72 eV below the Ne + NeH{sup +} asymptote is found to be the most stable geometry for this system. Energies of low lying vibrational states have been computed for this stable complex. Reaction probabilities obtained from quantum calculations exhibit dense oscillatory structures, particularly in the low energy region and these get partially washed out in the integral cross section results. SQM predictions are devoid of oscillatory structures and remain close to 0.5 after the rise at the threshold thus giving a crude average description of the quantum probabilities. Statistical cross sections and rate constants are nevertheless in sufficiently good agreement with the quantum results to suggest an important role of a complex-forming dynamics for the title reaction.

  9. 47 CFR Appendix B to Part 64 - Priority Access Service (PAS) for National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NSEP) (United States)


    ... PAS, enforce PAS rules and regulations, and act as final authority for approval, revision, or.... f. The Telecommunications Service Priority Oversight Committee will identify and review any systemic...

  10. Embryologie précoce de Sacculina carcini Thompson

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bocquet-Védrine, J.


    INTRODUCTION Dans sa monographie pourtant très complète de Sacculina carcini Thompson, publiée en 1884, Delage ne traite pas de l'étude embryologique de cette espèce. Il ne se désintéressait pas pour autant de ce sujet sur lequel il exprimait son intention de revenir „plus tard, dans un moment

  11. Tout ce que vous avez appris et oublié en MATHS !

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Craats, J.; Bosch, R.


    Vous ne vous sentez pas sûr de vous en maths ? Vous avez oublié vos formules ? Vous voulez apprendre ou réviser sans professeur ? Ce livre est pour vous ! Essayez d'abord de résoudre les exercices sur la page de gauche. Vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ? Regardez la page de droite, vous y

  12. Noninvasive glucose sensing in scattering media using OCT, PAS, and TOF techniques (United States)

    Alarousu, Erkki; Hast, Jukka T.; Kinnunen, Matti T.; Kirillin, Mikhail Y.; Myllyla, Risto A.; Plucinski, Jerzy; Popov, Alexey P.; Priezzhev, Alexander V.; Prykari, Tuukka; Saarela, Juha; Zhao, Zuomin


    In this paper, optical measurement techniques, which enable non-invasive measurement, are superimposed to glucose sensing in scattering media. Used measurement techniques are Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) and laser pulse Time-of-Flight (TOF) measurement using a streak camera. In parallel with measurements, a Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation models have been developed. Experimental in vitro measurements were performed using Intralipid fat emulsion as a tissue simulating phantom for OCT and TOF measurements. In PAS measurements, a pork meat was used as a subject but also preliminary in vivo measurements were done. OCT measurement results show that the slope of the OCT signal's envelope changes as a function of glucose content in the scattering media. TOF measurements show that the laser pulse full width of half maximum (FWHM) changes a little as function of glucose content. An agreement with MC-simulations and measurements with Intralipid was also found. Measurement results of PAS technique show that changes in glucose content in the pork meat tissue can be measured. In vivo measurements with a human volunteer show that other factors such as physiological change, blood circulation and body temperature drift may interfere the PA response of glucose.

  13. Risques, lumières et obscurités: les éclairages de l’humanisme méthodologique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roger Nifle


    Full Text Available Comme toute chose, pour les hommes, le risque s'entend en plusieurs Sens, comme aussi ils se le disent et se le racontent. Voilà posés les repères de l'Humanisme Méthodologique et son anthropologie fondamentale. Il y a risque là où l'hypothèse d'un dommage est envisagée. Mais cette hypothèse est une spéculation puisque si le dommage se produit alors le risque comme anticipation n'est plus ou pas le même, pouvant toujours en spéculer une autre. Pas d'imaginaire pas de risque. On dira volontiers inconscient celui qui ne voit pas ou ne mesure pas le risque tel qu'il est. Mais il n'est que dans la spéculation.

  14. Partai Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) dan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) sebagai Partai Islam Pendukung Demokrasi PKS Pada Pemilu


    Ahmad Ali Nurdin


    The article compares the achievement of Partai Islam se-Malaysia (PAS) and Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) in the latest general election held in 2013 in Malaysia and in 2014 in Indonesia. The writer finds that the political performance of PAS and PKS has indicated differently contrast results. While political electability of PAS in the 2013 Malaysia’s general election has disappointed this party, PKS has successfully proved that surveys held by a number of survey institutes—predicting that t...

  15. Bases en technique du vide

    CERN Document Server

    Rommel, Guy


    Cette seconde édition, 20 ans après la première, devrait continuer à aider les techniciens pour la réalisation de leur système de vide. La technologie du vide est utilisée, à présent, dans de nombreux domaines très différents les uns des autres et avec des matériels très fiables. Or, elle est souvent bien peu étudiée, de plus, c'est une discipline où le savoir-faire prend tout son sens. Malheureusement la transmission par des ingénieurs et techniciens expérimentés ne se fait plus ou trop rapidement. La technologie du vide fait appel à la physique, à la chimie, à la mécanique, à la métallurgie, au dessin industriel, à l'électronique, à la thermique, etc. Cette discipline demande donc de maîtriser des techniques de domaines très divers, et ce n'est pas chose facile. Chaque installation est en soi un cas particulier avec ses besoins, sa façon de traiter les matériaux et celle d'utiliser les matériels. Les systèmes de vide sont parfois copiés d'un laboratoire à un autre et le...

  16. Validity of samul's paediatric appendicitis score (pas) in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rehman, S.; Butt, M. Q.


    Objective: To validate the paediatric appendicitis score for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children using histopathology as a gold standard. Study Design: Case control study. Place and Duration of Study: Military Hospital (MH) and Combined Military Hospital (CMH) Rawalpindi, Pakistan from Dec 2009 to Jul 2010. Patients and Methods: Eighty five children 1-7year old who came to our tertiary surgical department with the chief complaint of abdominal pain of less than 7 days duration were included in the study. Paediatric appendicitis score (PAS) components including fever > 380 C, anorexia, nausea/vomiting, cough/percussion/hopping tenderness, right-lower-quadrant tenderness, migration of pain, leukocytosis > 10,000 (109/1) and polymorphonuclear - neutrophilia > 7500 (109/1) were assessed and recorded on admission, but the sum was not calculated until later and the score did not play any role in the management of the patient. The diagnosis of appendicitis was made by the trainees and consultants clinically and with the aid of routine sonography of abdomen. After appendicetomies, resected specimens were sent for histopathological examination. Pre-operative PAS, histopathology report of resected appendix were endorsed on patient's performa. A two by two table was used to determine sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and diagnostic efficacy of PAS. Results: Sensitivity of PAS was 92.16%, specificity 88.23%, positive predictive value 92.16%, negative predictive value 88.23% and the diagnostic efficacy 90.59%. Conclusion: PAS is a highly sensitive test with fair degree of specificity in diagnosing acute appendicitis in children and its routine usage may improve the diagnostic accuracy. (author)

  17. Three instruments for positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, E.A.; Plostinaru, D.; Catana, D.; Racolta, P.M.; Vata, I.


    The instruments presented here and dedicated to positron annihilation spectroscopy, PAS, are: 1. High Resolution Life Time Spectrometer (LTS) with time resolution τ = 260 ps, based on large BaF 2 scintillators; 2. Doppler Broadening Spectrometer (DBS) having a 1.6 keV resolution at 514 keV; 3. Positronium Life Time - Perturbed Angular Distribution Spectrometer ( PLT-PAD); positronium life time, in samples under high vacuum in magnetic field, is measured for time intervals up to 500 ns. Results of measurements are shown to illustrate performances of the instruments. (authors)

  18. 1289-IJBCS-Article- Saizanou Jacques

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    énoncées par la FIGO et les neuf éléments tels décrits dans le Tableau 1 ... été fixée à 0.25, afin de ne pas être trop restrictif et de ne pas exclure d'éventuels facteurs de confusion. La recherche d'interactions pertinentes a été réalisée. La.

  19. Le réseau de politiques fondées sur des données probantes ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les résultats de recherche n'ont aucune valeur s'ils ne sont pas mis à la disposition des praticiens et des responsables des politiques. Les articles scientifiques ne suffisent pas. Il est nécessaire d'organiser les résultats de recherche en fonction d'un plus vaste public et de faire en sorte que l'information circule dans les ...

  20. Établissement d'une coalition visant l'amélioration des services de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Or, la piètre situation en matière de santé maternelle dans le pays en dit long sur les priorités nationales de santé publique. ... car il ne se contente pas de proposer une enième solution technique au problème et ne le considère pas simplement comme une question de prestation de services et de ressources humaines.

  1. Meeting with Jean-Yves Le Meur, author of "Faux Pas"

    CERN Multimedia


    A CERN engineer and an accomplished sportsman, Jean-Yves Le Meur (IT Department) has recently published his first book "Faux pas". Meet him and hear about his exceptional life on 23 April 2008 in the Globe. An accident cost him his legs when he was young, and it was sheer force of character and a passion for the mountains that carried Jean-Yves Le Meur, with one artificial leg and crutches to stay upright, to the very summit of the Mont-Blanc. In his book, Jean-Yves, a computer engineer at CERN, recounts with detachment his personal battle to win back his life and make this impossible ascent. "Faux Pas" depicts a series of encounters and people, and recreates the extreme emotions of a man who reconstructed his life and pushed himself beyond his limits. It is a moving personal account, whose message is universal. The question-and-answer session with the author will be preceded by the projection of "4810M, CAHIN-CAHA",...

  2. Entre statut phrastique et statut textuel : l’exemple des énoncés situationnels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christiane Marque-Pucheu


    Full Text Available Parmi les énoncés liés à une situation, caractérisés par un figement énonciatif, certains présentent un statut phrastique, d’autres un statut textuel. Les premiers peuvent, par exemple, introduire une modalité (Tu parles (que non !. Les seconds servent notamment de cadre de discours : l’énoncé Qu’est-ce qui me / nous dit que P ? peut ainsi reprendre une information précédente en permettant de développer une argumentation qui va couvrir plusieurs phrases. Délimiter la frontière entre statut phrastique et statut textuel n’est cependant pas toujours trivial. Qu’ils soient dotés d’un statut phrastique ou textuel, ces énoncés ont un fort pouvoir argumentatif. Visant des stratégies différentes, tantôt ils soulignent l’homogénéité argumentative (Je ne te le fais pas dire, tantôt ils introduisent une inversion argumentative (Je ne voudrais pas dire… mais ou encore, mettant en jeu l’infratexte, ils jouent sur l’implicite : ainsi, dans Je me comprends, le lecteur restitue Tu ne me comprends pas.Among statements related to a situation and subject to a fixed enunciation, some can be mainly considered as (isolated sentences, while others are mainly fragments of discourse. The first category can, for example, introduce a modality (Tu parles (que non!, while the second one has a discourse-framing function: Qu’est-ce qui me/nous dit que P? may take up previous information, enabling an argument to be developed over several sentences. Defining the boundary between sentential and textual status is no easy matter. Both types of statement have a strong argumentative power, and can target different strategies: they sometimes highlight argumentative homogeneity (Je ne te le fais pas dire, while sometimes introducing counter-arguments (Je ne voudrais pas dire… mais; they may also play with implicit messages (infra-text: for example, in Je me comprends, what the reader understands is Tu ne me comprends pas.

  3. Sterile Neutrino Searches in MiniBooNE and MicroBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ignarra, Christina M. [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)


    Tension among recent short baseline neutrino experiments has pointed toward the possible need for the addition of one or more sterile (non-interacting) neutrino states into the existing neutrino oscillation framework. This thesis first presents the motivation for sterile neutrino models by describing the short-baseline anomalies that can be addressed with them. This is followed by a discussion of the phenomenology of these models. The MiniBooNE experiment and results are then described in detail, particularly the most recent antineutrino analysis. This will be followed by a discussion of global fits to world data, including the anomalous data sets. Lastly, future experiments will be addressed, especially focusing on the MicroBooNE experiment and light collection studies. In particular, understanding the degradation source of TPB, designing the TPB-coated plates for MicroBooNE and developing lightguide collection systems will be discussed. We find an excess of events in the MiniBooNE antineutrino mode results consistent with the LSND anomaly, but one that has a different energy dependence than the low-energy excess reported in neutrino mode. This disagreement creates tension within global fits which include up to three sterile neutrinos. The low-energy excess will be addressed by the MicroBooNE experiment, which is expected to start taking data in early 2015. Tension among existing experiments calls for additional, more decisive future experiments.

  4. Sterile Neutrino Searches in MiniBooNE and MicroBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ignarra, Christina M. [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)


    Tension among recent short baseline neutrino experiments has pointed toward the possible need for the addition of one or more sterile (non-interacting) neutrino states into the existing neutrino oscillation framework. This thesis fi rst presents the motivation for sterile neutrino models by describing the short-baseline anomalies that can be addressed with them. This is followed by a discussion of the phenomenology of these models. The MiniBooNE experiment and results are then described in detail, particularly the most recent antineutrino analysis. This will be followed by a discussion of global fits to world data, including the anomalous data sets. Lastly, future experiments will be addressed, especially focusing on the MicroBooNE experiment and light collection studies. In particular, understanding the degradation source of TPB, designing the TPB-coated plates for MicroBooNE and developing lightguide collection systems will be discussed. We find an excess of events in the MiniBooNE antineutrino mode results consistent with the LSND anomaly, but one that has a di fferent energy dependence than the low-energy excess reported in neutrino mode. This disagreement creates tension within global fi ts which include up to three sterile neutrinos. The low-energy excess will be addressed by the MicroBooNE experiment, which is expected to start taking data in early 2015. Tension among existing experiments calls for additional, more decisive future experiments.

  5. L'hydrogène Hydrogen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Balaceanu J. C.


    Full Text Available La crise pétrolière et le bouleversement du classement économique des énergies primaires qu'elle entraîne conjuguent leurs effets avec ceux d'une sensibilisation de l'opinion au respect de l'environnement pour favoriser l'avènement industriel d'innovations scientifiques et techniques dont l'intervention n'était prévisible que dans un avenir de plusieurs décennies. Le développement de l'énergie électrique nucléaire, qui actuellement s'impose économiquement, implique, pour élargir la pénétration de cette forme d'énergie à toutes les utilisations, une énergie chimique relais permettant un stockage et une régulation de la production; l'hydro- gène obtenu par électrolyse de l'eau semble pouvoir constituer ce combustible relais dans un délai raisonnable en tenant compte des contraintes de pollution. La chaleur nucléaire soulève a fortiori des problèmes identiques, elle peut théoriquement par dissociation thermique étagée de l'eau liquide fournir de l'hydrogène avec des rendements très satisfaisants, mais les problèmes de principe et de technologie posés par la mise en opération d'une suite de transformations chimiques et de séparations impliquant des composés particulièrement réactifs sont ardus et leur inventaire même n'est pas achevé. L'hydrogène, nouveau combustible polyvalent d'une industrie gazière perpétuelle, semble pouvoir bénéficier également, au niveau de son utilisation disséminée, de techniques nouvelles : stockages solides, turbines à hauts rendements, piles à combustible, qui ouvrent le marché de la traction et le marché électrique des installations isolées. Agent de réduction réactif et puissant, l'hydrogène peut également se substituer aux réducteurs conventionnels en métallurgie et donner une dimension nouvelle à l'hydrogénométallurgie par voie sèche ou par voie humide. Mais plus encore la mise en valeur économique des combustibles fossiles abondants . charbon, schistes

  6. Cross section analyses in MiniBooNE and SciBooNE experiments


    Katori, Teppei


    The MiniBooNE experiment (2002-2012) and the SciBooNE experiment (2007-2008) are modern high statistics neutrino experiments, and they developed many new ideas in neutrino cross section analyses. In this note, I discuss selected topics of these analyses.

  7. Résultats de recherche | Page 41 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le CRDI et Fundación Capital lance un outil numérique pour autonomiser la jeunesse colombienne. En Colombie 4,5 des 13 millions de jeunes ne travaillent pas et ne vont pas à l'école. Les jeunes représentent plus de la moitié des Colombiens sans emploi déclarés et la plupart des jeunes qui travaillent ont un emploi ...

  8. RSE et justice sociale : le cas des multinationales pétrolières dans ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dans les pays où les institutions apparaissent encore fragiles, les présupposés sur lesquels a reposé la conception moderne de la justice sociale ne sont pas vérifiés. Les questions de justice ne relèvent pas du seul contexte des Etatsnations souverains, et des distributions à opérer entre citoyens égaux en droit, au sein de ...

  9. Procedures and acceptance criteria for PAS-1 cask inspections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mercado, J.E.


    The procedures and acceptance criteria that comprise this document were prepared to support a one-time test to certify two PAS-1 casks in accordance with US Department of Energy Certificate of Compliance US A/9184/B(U), which was issued in 1998. The specific inspections addressed in this document are the visual weld inspection and a dimensional inspection of the primary containment vessel

  10. Correlating the content and context of PAS 55 with the ISO 55000 series

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Van den Honert, A. F.


    Full Text Available The ISO 55000 series is soon to supersede PAS 55 as the most recognised international standard for asset management. A correlation of the content and context of PAS 55 with the ISO 55000 series is required to assist organisations with the transition. After analysis of the structures, similarities, differences, and omissions of the two standards, a map was created to correlate the summarised content and context. The map established that, although both sets of standards have a similar structural framework, the ISO 55000 series is a more comprehensive and detailed standard, creating a clearer way to implement an asset management system within an organisation.

  11. La méthodologie de l’image peut-elle être utile à la recherche en sciences sociales?


    Haicault, Monique


    Si l'image n'a pas encore toute la place qui devrait lui revenir dans le champ des méthodologies en Sciences Sociales, c'est d'abord parce que son langage utilise un système de signes qui lui est spécifique, distinct de l'oral et de l'écrit. La méthodologie de l'image doit forger ses propres règles de collecte de données audiovisuelles, ses codes d'analyse et d'interprétation, afin de donner un sens sociologique à la " banalité " de ce qui est observé et enregistré. Elle doit aussi se plier a...

  12. Le domaine des co-infections et des maladies concomitantes du Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des IRSC : lignes directrices canadiennes pour la prise en charge et le traitement de la co-infection par le VIH et l’hépatite C chez les adultes (United States)

    Hull, Mark; Giguère, Pierre; Klein, Marina; Shafran, Stephen; Tseng, Alice; Côté, Pierre; Poliquin, Marc; Cooper, Curtis


    il y a clairance virologique à la semaine 4 ou, pour les génotypes 2 à 6, à 48 semaines. On peut envisager de reporter le traitement chez les personnes ayant une maladie hépatique légère. Le VIH ne devrait pas être considéré comme un obstacle à la transplantation hépatique chez les patients co-infectés. EXPOSÉ : Les recommandations ne se substituent pas au jugement clinique personnel. PMID:24634688

  13. Mon Amour, de Thomas Ferrand


    Châtelet, Caroline


    Dans l’un de ses précédents spectacles, Extase de Sainte Machine, Thomas Ferrand mettait en scène deux comédiens dans un espace nu. Debout avec à leurs pieds un pack de bières, ceux-ci ne bougeaient pas, ne parlaient pas, seule l’intensité lumineuse et la musique amenant le mouvement. Proposition radicale par son atmosphère dérivant du contemplatif à l’hypnotisme, Extase de Sainte-Machine frôlait, aussi, une forme d’hermétisme. Comme si à vouloir travailler sur des états statiques, sur le mot...

  14. Syndrome Cerebelleux Et Infection A Htlv-1 A L\\'hôpital Central De ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aucun de nos 2 patients n\\'a bénéficié d\\'une IRM cérébrale ou médullaire, ce qui ne nous permets pas d\\'exclure formellement une sclérose en plaques (SEP). Cependant, le mode évolutif, l\\'absence de signes pyramidaux et le peu de réponse à la corticothérapie ne nous ont pas permis de retenir le diagnostic de SEP.

  15. Physics at DAΦNE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franzini, P.J.


    In this talk, I will give a brief description of the φ factory DAΦNE at Frascati, explaining why a φ factory is an interesting place to do new physics, and then discuss the physics that can be done at DAΦNE. I will concentrate on CP violation as it can be studied at DAΦNE. This is, after all, the raison d'etre of DAΦNE. I start with a brief general introduction to CP violation in the KK system, and the distinction between mass-mixing CP violation (ε) and intrinsic CP violation (ε'/ε). After presenting a summary of ε'/ε measurements up to now, and briefly discussing the theory of ε'/ε (the so-called 'penguins'), I will cover the particularities of measuring ε'/ε at a φ factory, such as tagging and interferometry. Finally, I will say a few words about searching for CP violation in modes where it has never before been seen. I will end my talk with a list of other physics topics at DAΦNE, and rare decay branching ratio limits that can be achieved there, just to give a flavor of what else can be done. (author) 8 figs., 2 tabs., 22 refs

  16. MicroBooNE: The Search For The MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaleko, David [Columbia Univ., New York, NY (United States)


    This thesis describes work towards the search for a low energy excess in MicroBooNE. What MicroBooNE is, what the low energy excess is, and how one searches for the latter in the former will be described in detail.

  17. Chronique de l’imaginaire latino-américain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boris Jeanne


    Full Text Available On ne demande pas à l’usine à rêves qu’est Hollywood d’observer une précision scientifique dans sa manière de mobiliser certains aspects de l’Amérique latine dans ses productions. L’idole d’or, pour laquelle Indiana Jones manque de se faire écraser par une énorme pierre roulante ou percer par des flèches au curare dans la scène d’ouverture des Aventuriers de l’Arche perdue (Steven Spielberg, 1981, n’est pas vraiment inca ou maya, mais simplement le fantasme du scénariste – cela n’empêche pas...

  18. Remerciements



    « Comment serait-elle bénie, la nation où contre le fort il n’y aurait pas justice pour le faible? »Hadith (Dits du Prophète) « Juste aujourd’hui et injuste demain, ce n’est pas là une bonne manière de gouverner. »Proverbe akan « La justice ne peut pas attendre, le droit ne peut pas plier. »Proverbe malgache « Sache que le droit d’autrui est une braise; si tu t’en saisis, il te brûle la main. »Proverbe zerma-songhaï « Nit moodi garab u nit » (« L’homme est le remède pour l’homme »).Proverbe o...

  19. Les clusters moléculaires. Applications en catalyse homogène et hétérogène Molecular Clusters. Applications in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dorbon M.


    Full Text Available Le présent article ne prétend pas être une étude bibliographique complète. II ne s'agit que d'une synthèse dont le but est l'introduction à un secteur de la chimie encore jeune et surtout très vaste et plein d'avenir. Les clusters métalliques sont des composés constitués d'atomes métalliques liés entre eux et généralement entourés de ligands ; ils présentent à la fois certaines des caractéristiques des complexes uninucléaires d'une part et des métaux massiques d'autre part. D'un point de vue fondamental, la chimie des clusters représente un domaine encore neuf et particulièrement vaste. D'un point de vue pratique, leur principal intérêt réside dans le fait que bon nombre d'entre eux ont fait preuve de propriétés catalytiques remarquables tant en mode homogène qu'en mode hétérogène. Ils doivent être pris en considération par les industriels de la chimie car certains peuvent être impliqués dans des réactions aussi importantes que la synthèse de Fischer-Tropsch, l'hydrogénation des oléfines, la réaction de gaz à l'eau et la fixation biologique de l'azote atmosphérique. This article does not pretend to be an exhaustive bibliographic survey. It is merely a synthesis intended as an introduction to a sector of chemistry which is still young and especially is very vast and promising. Metal clusters are compounds made up of metal atours bonded together and generally surrounded by ligands. They have various characteristics of both mono-nuclear complexes and bulk metals. From a fundamental point of view, the chemistry of clusters is still a new and particularly vast field. From a practical point of view, the importance of clusters lies in the fact that a good number of them have shown proof of remarkable catalytic properties, both homogeneous and heterogeneous. They must henceforth be taken into consideration by chemical engineers because some of them may be involved in such important reactions as the Fischer


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    Paweł Nowicki


    Full Text Available The aim this research was to analyze the ways of integration of management systems in food sector. The study involved the documentation, audits, corrective and preventive actions and management's review phases described in the specification PAS 99, which is one of common elements of integrated management systems. Four organizations were selected for the study. The organizations had introduced and certified at least two standardized management systems. It was assumed that the investigated organizations should have implemented the HACCP system. Studies were conducted as a case study. The employees responsible for the functioning of management systems were interviewed in all four organizations. The study was conducted in the form of in-depth interviews based on pre-prepared script. The scenario was developed based on the PAS 99 guideline. The process of integration of management systems implemented in the studied companies reveals the full compliance of an integrated management system with PASS 99 in the policy area.

  1. Oscillatory behaviour of Rydberg state total cross sections in the collisions Ne+-He and He+-Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andresen, B.; Jensen, K.; Veje, E.


    The Ne + -He and He + -Ne collisions have been studied by means of optical spectrometry in the projectile energy range 10-150 keV. Very similar and regular oscillations in the Rydberg state total cross sections are found for HeI in both collisions and for singlet as well as triplet excitation. These oscillations are well described by the Rosenthal model. The HeI 4d sup(1,3)D states display two superimposed oscillations for center-of-mass collision energies above 6.4 keV. This is interpreted as the opening of a third exit channel, believed to be the HeI 4f sup(1,3)F. No, or very little structure is found in the Rydberg state total cross sections for HeII, NeI, NeII and NeIII levels. (Auth.)

  2. Neutrino Interactions in MicroBooNE


    Del Tutto, Marco


    MicroBooNE is a liquid-argon-based neutrino experiment, which began collecting data in Fermilab's Booster neutrino beam in October 2015. Physics goals of the experiment include probing the source of the anomalous excess of electron-like events in MiniBooNE. In addition to this, MicroBooNE is carrying out an extensive cross section physics program that will help to probe current theories on neutrino-nucleon interactions and nuclear effects. These proceedings summarise the status of MicroBooNE'...

  3. Biological control of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida infection in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using Aeromonas phage PAS-1. (United States)

    Kim, J H; Choresca, C H; Shin, S P; Han, J E; Jun, J W; Park, S C


    The potential control efficacy of Aeromonas phage PAS-1 was evaluated against Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida infection in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) model in this study. The phage was co-cultured with the virulent A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strain AS05 that possesses the type III secretion system (TTSS) ascV gene, and efficient bacteriolytic activity was observed against the bacteria. The administration of PAS-1 in rainbow trout demonstrated that the phage was cleared from the fish within 200 h post-administration, and a temporal neutralizing activity against the phage was detected in the sera of phage-administrated fish. The administration of PAS-1 (multiplicity of infection: 10 000) in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida infected rainbow trout model showed notable protective effects, with increased survival rates and mean times to death. These results demonstrated that Aeromonas phage PAS-1 could be considered as an alternative biological control agent against A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida infections in rainbow trout culture. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  4. A comprehensive protein-protein interactome for yeast PAS kinase 1 reveals direct inhibition of respiration through the phosphorylation of Cbf1. (United States)

    DeMille, Desiree; Bikman, Benjamin T; Mathis, Andrew D; Prince, John T; Mackay, Jordan T; Sowa, Steven W; Hall, Tacie D; Grose, Julianne H


    Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) kinase is a sensory protein kinase required for glucose homeostasis in yeast, mice, and humans, yet little is known about the molecular mechanisms of its function. Using both yeast two-hybrid and copurification approaches, we identified the protein-protein interactome for yeast PAS kinase 1 (Psk1), revealing 93 novel putative protein binding partners. Several of the Psk1 binding partners expand the role of PAS kinase in glucose homeostasis, including new pathways involved in mitochondrial metabolism. In addition, the interactome suggests novel roles for PAS kinase in cell growth (gene/protein expression, replication/cell division, and protein modification and degradation), vacuole function, and stress tolerance. In vitro kinase studies using a subset of 25 of these binding partners identified Mot3, Zds1, Utr1, and Cbf1 as substrates. Further evidence is provided for the in vivo phosphorylation of Cbf1 at T211/T212 and for the subsequent inhibition of respiration. This respiratory role of PAS kinase is consistent with the reported hypermetabolism of PAS kinase-deficient mice, identifying a possible molecular mechanism and solidifying the evolutionary importance of PAS kinase in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. © 2014 DeMille et al. This article is distributed by The American Society for Cell Biology under license from the author(s). Two months after publication it is available to the public under an Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 3.0 Unported Creative Commons License (

  5. Collision-induced intramultiplet mixing for the Ne**[(2p)5(3p)] + He or Ne system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manders, M.P.I.


    For the Ne**-He case, experimental data are confronted with quantum mechanical calculations. Quantum mechanical coupled-channel calculations using model potentials as input are presented, followed by a semiclassical approach which provides more physical insight. Experimental results are presented for the Ne**-Ne system with a discussion of the general principles involved in symmetrization. 184 refs.; 93 figs.; 19 tabs

  6. The MiniBooNE Detector


    MiniBooNE Collaboration


    The MiniBooNE neutrino detector was designed and built to look for muon-neutrino to electron-neutrino oscillations in the mixing parameter space region where the LSND experiment reported a signal. The MiniBooNE experiment used a beam energy and baseline that were an order of magnitude larger than those of LSND so that the backgrounds and systematic errors would be completely different. This paper provides a detailed description of the design, function, and performance of the MiniBooNE detector.

  7. The NeXus data format. (United States)

    Könnecke, Mark; Akeroyd, Frederick A; Bernstein, Herbert J; Brewster, Aaron S; Campbell, Stuart I; Clausen, Björn; Cottrell, Stephen; Hoffmann, Jens Uwe; Jemian, Pete R; Männicke, David; Osborn, Raymond; Peterson, Peter F; Richter, Tobias; Suzuki, Jiro; Watts, Benjamin; Wintersberger, Eugen; Wuttke, Joachim


    NeXus is an effort by an international group of scientists to define a common data exchange and archival format for neutron, X-ray and muon experiments. NeXus is built on top of the scientific data format HDF5 and adds domain-specific rules for organizing data within HDF5 files, in addition to a dictionary of well defined domain-specific field names. The NeXus data format has two purposes. First, it defines a format that can serve as a container for all relevant data associated with a beamline. This is a very important use case. Second, it defines standards in the form of application definitions for the exchange of data between applications. NeXus provides structures for raw experimental data as well as for processed data.

  8. Test report for PAS-1 cask certification for shipping payload B

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This test report documents the successful inspection and testing to certify two NuPac PAS-1 casks in accordance with US Department of Energy Certificate of Compliance (CoC) USA/9184/B(U). The primary and secondary containment vessels of each cask met the acceptance criteria defined in the CoC and the test plan

  9. Balanced ScoreCard Y las Normas de Integración PAS 99:2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soler González, Rafael H.


    Full Text Available For the development of this work the authors used the Norton & Kaplan recommendations for the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC, and novel diagnostic tools as SISTRAT, strategy maps software for LINUX UBUNTU DC Map.xls and development of Box Mando. Once the BSC was implemented, a longitudinal study of data in the scorecard was carried out in order to analyze to what extent the implementation of the BSC in the Design and Engineering Company (EDIN coincided with the seven principles of integration standards PAS 99:2006. For this comparison Hamming´s relative distances were used as a measurement tool. Respective analyzes were performed to the extent that the relative distances were declining which showed that the BSC implemented in EDIN was consistent with PAS 99:2006.

  10. PAs and NPs in an emergency room-linked acute care clinic. (United States)

    Currey, C J


    The use of hospital emergency rooms for nonurgent care during evenings hours often strains medical resources and may affect the quality of emergency care. One facility's effective use of an after-hours acute care clinic staffed by PAs and NPs to divert nonurgent problems away from its emergency room is outlined. PAs and NPs work during peak demand hours (evenings and weekends) under the supervision of an emergency room physician, and receive supplementary support from other emergency room personnel. Incoming patients are referred to the emergency room or acute care clinic, depending on the nature of their problems. Acute care clinic patients are then treated by the PA or NP and either released or referred to an emergency room physician, if their conditions warrant additional treatment. As a result, use of the acute care clinic has greatly reduced the amount of non-urgent medical treatment in the emergency room and has provided other advantages to both patients and staff as well. These advantages and the encouraging statistics following six months of the clinic's operation are discussed.

  11. The NeXus data format


    Könnecke, Mark; Akeroyd, Frederick A.; Osborn, Raymond; Peterson, Peter F.; Richter, Tobias; Suzuki, Jiro; Watts, Benjamin; Wintersberger, Eugen; Wuttke, Joachim; Bernstein, Herbert J.; Brewster, Aaron S.; Campbell, Stuart I.; Clausen, Björn; Cottrell, Stephen; Hoffmann, Jens Uwe


    NeXus is an effort by an international group of scientists to define a common data exchange and archival format for neutron, X-ray and muon experiments. NeXus is built on top of the scientific data format HDF5 and adds domain-specific rules for organizing data within HDF5 files, in addition to a dictionary of well defined domain-specific field names. The NeXus data format has two purposes. First, it defines a format that can serve as a container for all relevant data associated with a beamlin...

  12. The MiniBooNE detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguilar-Arevalo, A.A.; Anderson, C.E.; Bartoszek, L.M.; Bazarko, A.O.; Brice, S.J.; Brown, B.C.; Bugel, L.; Cao, J.; Coney, L.; Conrad, J.M.; Cox, D.C.; Curioni, A.; Djurcic, Z.; Finley, D.A.; Fleming, B.T.; Ford, R.; Garcia, F.G.; Garvey, G.T.; Green, C.; Green, J.A.


    The MiniBooNE neutrino detector was designed and built to look for ν μ →ν e oscillations in the (sin 2 2θ,Δm 2 ) parameter space region where the LSND experiment reported a signal. The MiniBooNE experiment used a beam energy and baseline that were an order of magnitude larger than those of LSND so that the backgrounds and systematic errors would be completely different. This paper provides a detailed description of the design, function, and performance of the MiniBooNE detector.

  13. Peut-on envisager le remplacement de l'éthylène par l'acétylène à moyen terme ? Can the Substitution of Ethylene by Acetylene Be Imagined in the Medium Term?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lefebvre G.


    Full Text Available L'accroissement considérable depuis 1973 du coût des énergies fossiles, notamment du pétrole, a fortement contribué au renchérissement du prix de l'éthylène alors que parallèlement l'acétylène fabriqué au départ de carbure de calcium ou par arc électrique pouvait espérer bénéficier d'un coût relatif plus faible de l'énergie électrique d'origine nucléaire. II ressort de la présente étude que malgré les hypothèses favorables suivantes : - taux de croissance moyen du prix du pétrole à monnaie constante 1982 de 7 % par an, - augmentation de celui du charbon limitée à 3 % par an, - énergie électrique disponible en permanence à 5 et 10 c/kWh, - capacité unitaire de production d'acétylène de l'ordre de 300 000 t/an comparable à celle de l'éthylène, il apparaît impossible que l'acétylène puisse concurrencer l'éthylène avant l'an 2000. Seul le chlorure de vinyle pourrait être fabriqué à partir d'acétylène favorisé par un important facteur d'échelle, à condition que l'électricité puisse être alimentée en permanence à 0,10 F le kWh. Cette constatation ne tient pas compte de la remise en cause des procédés pétrochimiques actuels d'obtention des intermédiaires de seconde génération dont la fabrication à partir d'acétylène nécessiterait la création d'installations de conception entièrement différente. Alors qu'en 1975 les procédés à l'arc électrique de production d'acétylène à partir de naphta apparaissaient plus économiques que la voie carbure de calcium, on constate actuellement une situation inverse, consécutive aux augmentations de prix du pétrole qui ont suivi. The considerable increase in the cost of fossil energy sources since 1973, and especially that of oil, has greatly helped drive up the price of ethylene, whereas at the same time acetylene manufactured initially from calcium carbide or by electric arc could have hoped to profit from the relative low price of electric

  14. Territorialisation de l’action publique d’appui à la création d’activités en Rhône-Alpes et en Auvergne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    BONNAUD, Agnès


    Full Text Available La création d’emplois et d’activités nouvelles au sein des territoires ruraux est un enjeu majeur pour l’action publique. En région Rhône-Alpes et Auvergne, de nombreux dispositifs d’appui et d’accompagnement se sont mis en place à toutes les échelles, par des acteurs divers, collectivités locales ou associations, menant des actions coordonnées ou pas. À partir de ces exemples, cet article nous propose d’analyser le déploiement récent de ces politiques locales et régionales d’accueil et les perspectives de progression de l’action publique territorialisée en faveur de l’accueil de populations et d’activités.

  15. Evidentiary requirements to identify potentially acceptable sites (PAS) in crystalline rock

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Comella, P.A.; Smith, B.H.


    This report contains information on the evidentiary requirements to identify potentially acceptable sites in crystalline rock for waste disposal. Topics addressed include: chronology, key regulatory assumptions, statutory framework for identifying potentially acceptable sites, application of 10 disqualifiers, consideration of favorable and potentially adverse conditions, a composite favorability analysis, and a proposed outline for PAS identification decision document

  16. MiniBooNE Oscillation Results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Djurcic, Zelimir


    These proceedings summarize the MiniBooNE ν μ → ν e results, describe the first (bar ν) μ → (bar ν) e result, and current analysis effort with the NuMI neutrinos detected in the miniBooNE detector

  17. La "main invisible" dans les langues et la confection de dictionnaires ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    conduit à atteindre un objectif qui n'était pas dans leurs intentions, d'autant plus que c'est dans ce cas qu'ils sont ..... colonisation. Nous considérons l'écriture comme "la liste de signes graphiques ..... locuteurs ne parlent pas, et ils veulent faire parler ce que les locuteurs n'ont pas standardisé. .... tue aucun mal. Le signe ...

  18. Functional immunoglobulin E cross-reactivity between Pas n 1 of Bahia grass pollen and other group 1 grass pollen allergens. (United States)

    Davies, J M; Dang, T D; Voskamp, A; Drew, A C; Biondo, M; Phung, M; Upham, J W; Rolland, J M; O'Hehir, R E


    Grass pollens are major triggers of allergic rhinitis and asthma, but the immunological relationships between pollen allergens of the subtropical Bahia grass, Paspalum notatum, and temperate grasses are unresolved. To assess serum IgE cross-reactivity between subtropical P. notatum and temperate Lolium perenne (Ryegrass) pollen allergens. Serum IgE reactivities of grass pollen-allergic patients with P. notatum, L. perenne and Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass) pollen extracts and their respective purified group 1 allergens, Pas n 1, Lol p 1 and Cyn d 1, were compared by immunoblotting, ELISA and basophil activation. In a cohort of 51 patients from a temperate region, a high frequency of IgE reactivity with each grass pollen was detected, but reactivity with L. perenne pollen was substantially greater than with P. notatum and C. dactylon pollen. Similarly, serum IgE reactivity with Lol p 1 was greater than with Pas n 1 or Cyn d 1. For seven of eight sera studied in detail, asymmetric serum IgE cross-reactivity was observed; L. perenne pollen inhibited IgE reactivity with P. notatum pollen but not the converse, and IgE reactivity with Pas n 1 was inhibited by Lol p 1 but IgE reactivity with Lol p 1 was not inhibited by Pas n 1 or Cyn d 1. Importantly, P. notatum pollen and Pas n 1 activated basophils in grass pollen-allergic patients from a temperate region, although stimulation was greater by pollen of L. perenne than P. notatum or C. dactylon, and by Lol p 1 than Pas n 1 or Cyn d 1. In contrast, a cohort of 47 patients from a subtropical region showed similar IgE reactivity with P. notatum and L. perenne pollen, and reciprocal cross-inhibition of IgE reactivity between L. perenne and P. notatum. Pollen allergens of the subtropical P. notatum, including Pas n 1, show clinically relevant IgE cross-reactivity with pollen allergens of L. perenne but also species-specific IgE reactivity. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  19. Latvijas Komercbanku pasīvās operācijas, to nozīme stabilitātes nodrošināšanā


    Supe, Gita


    Darba mērķis ir izanalizēt banku pasīvo operāciju nozīmi Latvijas komercbanku stabilitātes nodrošināšanā, kā arī apskatīt, kādi ir banku pasīvo operāciju ietekmējošie faktori, un kā tie ietekmē Latvijas komercbanku darbību. Lai sasniegtu izvirzīto mērķi darba gaitā tika veikti šādi uzdevumi: •raksturotas banku pasīvās operācijas un loma stabilitātes nodrošināšanā; •izpētīti Latvijas komercbanku pasīvi laika periodā 2010. – 2013.g. •izanalizēta banku pasīvo operāciju faktoru ietekm...

  20. Louise Michel, de la déportation à l'aventure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danielle Donet-Vincent


    Full Text Available Arsène Houssaye vouait au « néant » les femmes de la Commune, réclamant pour elles, qui n'étaient plus tout à fait des femmes, « le silence et l'oubli ».Les recherches de Nicole Priollaud parmi les publications du temps montrent qu'il n'était pas le seul de cette opinion. Émile Zola, en particulier, ne brille pas par son regard novateur sur le comportement des femmes de Paris, ces « disciples plus ou moins folles des religions sociales ». Il  hausse les épaules à leur évocation, ne voyant en ...

  1. UCB-NE-107 user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, W.W.L.


    The purpose of this manual is to provide users of UCB-NE-107 with the information necessary to use UCB-NE-107 effectively. UCB-NE-107 is a computer code for calculating the fractional rate of readily soluble radionuclides that are released from nuclear waste emplaced in water-saturated porous media. Waste placed in such environments will gradually dissolve. For many species such as actinides and rare earths, the process of dissolution is governed by the exterior flow field, and the chemical reaction rate or leaching rate. However, for readily soluble species such as 135 Cs, 137 Cs, and 129 I, it has been observed that their dissolution rates are rapid. UCB-NE-107 is a code for calculating the release rate at the waste/rock interface, to check compliance with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (USNRC) subsystem performance objective. It is an implementation of the analytic solution given below. 5 refs., 2 figs

  2. Procédés linguistiques et stratégies discursives des médias en Algérie. Cas de l’émission algérienne« Hwalenas » de la chaîneDzair TV Etude Sociolinguistique


    ABBACI, Sarra Fatima


    L’Algérie connait un plurilinguisme de fait qui ne cesse de marquer les usages quotidiens de tous les Algériens. Le plurilinguisme en question se traduit par la coexistence de l’arabe standard, l’arabe dialectal, Tamazight et le français. Cette réalité n’est pas en conformité avec les principes de la constitution algérienne qui disqualifie les langues maternelles etpasse sous silence le plurilinguisme existant. Or, l’éclatement du champ médiatique en Algérie, dans les années 90...

  3. Photoionization of Ne8+ (United States)

    Pindzola, M. S.; Abdel-Naby, Sh. A.; Robicheaux, F.; Colgan, J.


    Single and double photoionization cross sections for Ne8+ are calculated using a non-perturbative fully relativistic time-dependent close-coupling method. A Bessel function expansion is used to include both dipole and quadrupole effects in the radiation field interaction and the repulsive interaction between electrons includes both the Coulomb and Gaunt interactions. The fully correlated ground state of Ne8+ is obtained by solving a time-independent inhomogeneous set of close-coupled equations. Propagation of the time-dependent close-coupled equations yields single and double photoionization cross sections for Ne8+ at energies easily accessible at advanced free electron laser facilities. This work was supported in part by grants from NSF and US DoE. Computational work was carried out at NERSC in Oakland, California, NICS in Knoxville, Tennessee, and OLCF in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

  4. Low-dose radiation pretreatment improves survival of human ceiling culture-derived proliferative adipocytes (ccdPAs) under hypoxia via HIF-1 alpha and MMP-2 induction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adachi, Naoki; Kubota, Yoshitaka; Kosaka, Kentarou; Akita, Shinsuke; Sasahara, Yoshitarou; Kira, Tomoe; Kuroda, Masayuki; Mitsukawa, Nobuyuki; Bujo, Hideaki; Satoh, Kaneshige


    Poor survival is a major problem of adipocyte transplantation. We previously reported that VEGF and MMPs secreted from transplanted adipocytes are essential for angiogenesis and adipogenesis. Pretreatment with low-dose (5 Gy) radiation (LDR) increased VEGF, MMP-2, and HIF-1 alpha mRNA expression in human ceiling culture-derived proliferative adipocytes (hccdPAs). Gene expression after LDR differed between adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) and hccdPAs. Pretreatment with LDR improved the survival of hccdPAs under hypoxia, which is inevitable in the early stages after transplantation. Upregulation of VEGF and MMP-2 after LDR in hccdPAs is mediated by HIF-1 alpha expression. Our results suggest that pretreatment with LDR may improve adipocyte graft survival in a clinical setting through upregulation of VEGF and MMP-2 via HIF-1 alpha. - Highlights: • Ceiling culture-derived proliferative adipocytes (ccdPAs) react to radiation. • Low-dose radiation (LDR) pretreatment improves survival of ccdPAs under hypoxia. • Gene expression after LDR differs between ccdPAs and adipose-derived stem cells. • LDR-induced increase in MMP-2 and VEGF is dependent on HIF-1 alpha induction. • LDR pretreatment may improve the adipocyte graft survival rate in clinical settings

  5. Low-dose radiation pretreatment improves survival of human ceiling culture-derived proliferative adipocytes (ccdPAs) under hypoxia via HIF-1 alpha and MMP-2 induction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adachi, Naoki [Department of Plastic Surgery, Chiba University, 1-8-1, Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba, #260-8677 (Japan); Kubota, Yoshitaka, E-mail: [Department of Plastic Surgery, Chiba University, 1-8-1, Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba, #260-8677 (Japan); Kosaka, Kentarou; Akita, Shinsuke; Sasahara, Yoshitarou; Kira, Tomoe [Department of Plastic Surgery, Chiba University, 1-8-1, Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba, #260-8677 (Japan); Kuroda, Masayuki [Center for Advanced Medicine, Chiba University, 1-8-1, Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba, #260-8677 (Japan); Mitsukawa, Nobuyuki [Department of Plastic Surgery, Chiba University, 1-8-1, Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba, #260-8677 (Japan); Bujo, Hideaki [Department of Clinical-Laboratory and Experimental-Research Medicine, Toho University, Sakura Medical Center, 564-1 Shimoshizu, Sakura-shi, Chiba, #285-8741 (Japan); Satoh, Kaneshige [Department of Plastic Surgery, Chiba University, 1-8-1, Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba-city, Chiba, #260-8677 (Japan)


    Poor survival is a major problem of adipocyte transplantation. We previously reported that VEGF and MMPs secreted from transplanted adipocytes are essential for angiogenesis and adipogenesis. Pretreatment with low-dose (5 Gy) radiation (LDR) increased VEGF, MMP-2, and HIF-1 alpha mRNA expression in human ceiling culture-derived proliferative adipocytes (hccdPAs). Gene expression after LDR differed between adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) and hccdPAs. Pretreatment with LDR improved the survival of hccdPAs under hypoxia, which is inevitable in the early stages after transplantation. Upregulation of VEGF and MMP-2 after LDR in hccdPAs is mediated by HIF-1 alpha expression. Our results suggest that pretreatment with LDR may improve adipocyte graft survival in a clinical setting through upregulation of VEGF and MMP-2 via HIF-1 alpha. - Highlights: • Ceiling culture-derived proliferative adipocytes (ccdPAs) react to radiation. • Low-dose radiation (LDR) pretreatment improves survival of ccdPAs under hypoxia. • Gene expression after LDR differs between ccdPAs and adipose-derived stem cells. • LDR-induced increase in MMP-2 and VEGF is dependent on HIF-1 alpha induction. • LDR pretreatment may improve the adipocyte graft survival rate in clinical settings.

  6. Current Status of the MiniBooNE Experiment


    Ray, H.; collaboration, for the MiniBooNE


    MiniBooNE is an experiment designed to refute or confirm the LSND anti-nu_mu -> anti-nu_e oscillation result. MiniBooNE will look for oscillations of nu_mu -> nu_e in a closed-box appearance analysis. MiniBooNE began collecting data in 2002, and is expected to continue data taking through 2005. Current MiniBooNE results are presented.

  7. Performance Analysis of Different NeQuick Ionospheric Model Parameters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    WANG Ningbo


    Full Text Available Galileo adopts NeQuick model for single-frequency ionospheric delay corrections. For the standard operation of Galileo, NeQuick model is driven by the effective ionization level parameter Az instead of the solar activity level index, and the three broadcast ionospheric coefficients are determined by a second-polynomial through fitting the Az values estimated from globally distributed Galileo Sensor Stations (GSS. In this study, the processing strategies for the estimation of NeQuick ionospheric coefficients are discussed and the characteristics of the NeQuick coefficients are also analyzed. The accuracy of Global Position System (GPS broadcast Klobuchar, original NeQuick2 and fitted NeQuickC as well as Galileo broadcast NeQuickG models is evaluated over the continental and oceanic regions, respectively, in comparison with the ionospheric total electron content (TEC provided by global ionospheric maps (GIM, GPS test stations and JASON-2 altimeter. The results show that NeQuickG can mitigate ionospheric delay by 54.2%~65.8% on a global scale, and NeQuickC can correct for 71.1%~74.2% of the ionospheric delay. NeQuick2 performs at the same level with NeQuickG, which is a bit better than that of GPS broadcast Klobuchar model.

  8. Phase transition and angular momentum dependence of correlations in the rotational spectra of Ne20 and Ne22

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Satpathy, L.; Schmid, K.W.; Krewald, S.; Faessler, A.


    Multi-Configuration-Hartree-Fock (MCHF) calculations with angular momentum projection before the variation of the internal degree of freedom have been performed for the nuclei Ne 20 and Ne 22 . This procedure yields different correlated intrinsic states for the different members of a rotational band. Thus, the angular momentum dependence of correlations has been studied. Experimentally, the ground state spectra of Ne 20 and Ne 22 show properties similar to the phase transitions observed in some rare earth nuclei which have been well reproduced through the present calculations. The calculated spectra show a significant improvement compared to the ones obtained by variation before the angular momentum projection is effected. (author)

  9. Lääne-Virumaa TOP 100 aastal 2000

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Lääne-Virumaa edukamad ettevõtted; Lääne-Virumaa käibe TOP 100; Käibe kasvu TOP 20; Käibe languse TOP 10; Kasumi TOP 20; Kasumi kasvu TOP 20; Rentabluse TOP 20; ROA TOP 20; Kasumi languse TOP 10; Kahjumi TOP 10; Lääne-Virumaa käibelt suuremate ettevõtete finantsandmed. Lääne-Virumaa ettevõtete üldandmed

  10. Les poissons de Guyane




    Vous trouverez dans ce document les 24 poissons les plus courants de Guyane (sur un nombre d'espèces approchant les 200) avec leurs principales caractéristiques, leurs noms scientifiques, français, anglais et espagnol et leurs photographies. Ils sont classés, de l'acoupa au vivaneau ti yeux, par ordre alphabétique. Si vous ne trouvez pas de chiffres sur la production de telle ou telle espèce, c'est parce qu'ils n'existent pas, mais aussi et surtout parce qu'ils ne signifieraient rien, l...

  11. Penser les métropoles pour les « individus » ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marc Dumont


    Full Text Available Les instruments dont on dispose aujourd’hui pour décrire et expliquer les réalités métropolitaines contemporaines ne sont pas entièrement satisfaisants : ils ne permettent pas toujours d’identifier les vraies questions qui se présentent à ceux qui produisent la ville. Partant de ce constat, le sociologue Alain Bourdin synthétise dans son nouvel essai des réflexions issues de sa pratique de recherche et de dialogue avec le monde des institutions, pour y proposer une lecture de la ...

  12. Metastable He (n=2) - Ne potential interaction calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahal, H.


    Diabatic potential terms corresponding to He (2 1 S)-Ne and He (2 3 S)-Ne interactions are calculated. These potentials reproduce the experimental results thermal metastable atom elastic scattering on Ne target. A model which reduces the interaction to a one-electron problem is proposed: the He excited electron. Its interaction with the He + center is reproduced by a ''l'' dependent potential model with a 1/2 behaviour at short range. The electron interaction facing the Ne is described by a l-dependent pseudopotential reproducing with accuracy the electron elastic scattering on a Ne atom. The importance of the corrective term related to the Ne polarizations by the electron and the He + ion is showed in this work. In the modelling problems, the accuracy cannot be better than 0.1 MeV [fr

  13. The DAΦNE cryogenic system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Modena, M.


    The DAΦNE Project utilises superconductivity technology for a total of six superconducting magnets: the two Experiment magnets (KLOE and FINUDA) and the four Compensator Solenoid magnets needed to compensate the magnetic effect of the Experiment magnets on the electron and positron beams. This effect, on beams of 510 MeV (nominal DAΦNE Energy), is expected to be relevant, especially with the aim of achieving a very high luminosity, which is the main target of the Project. The KLOE superconducting magnet has two possible working positions: the first in the DAΦNE Hall, when the Experiment will be in operation, and the second one in the KLOE Assembly Hall. This second position is the first to be utilised for the KLOE magnet Acceptance Test and magnetic field mapping, prior to the mounting of all the experimental apparatus inside the magnet. This note intends to present the DAΦNE Cryogenic System and how the authors have converged to the definition of a common Cryogenic System compatible with all the six superconducting magnets

  14. Yrast and high spin states in 22Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szanto, E.M.; Toledo, A.S. de


    High spin states in 22 Ne have been investigated by the reactions 11 B( 13 C,d) 22 Ne and 13 C( 11 B,d) 22 Ne up to E* approximately=19 MeV. Yrast states were observed at 11.02 MeV (8 + ) and 15.46 MeV (10 + ) excitation energy. A backbending in 22 Ne is observed around spin 8 + . The location of high spin states I [pt

  15. Partai Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS dan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS sebagai Partai Islam Pendukung Demokrasi PKS Pada Pemilu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Ali Nurdin


    Full Text Available The article compares the achievement of Partai Islam se-Malaysia (PAS and Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS in the latest general election held in 2013 in Malaysia and in 2014 in Indonesia. The writer finds that the political performance of PAS and PKS has indicated differently contrast results. While political electability of PAS in the 2013 Malaysia’s general election has disappointed this party, PKS has successfully proved that surveys held by a number of survey institutes—predicting that the party would cease within the 2014 Indonesia’s national election—were totally false. Many political figures of PAS have failed to gain positions in the legislative assembly. Meanwhile, in viewing PKS’s political performance during the 2014 national election, one may assume that this party was luckily survive. This is because, a number of surveys conducted before the election had predicted that PKS could be considered lucky when it was able to gain five percent of vote, as its former president has been suspected of being corrupt for his involvement in cows import. However, the fact shows that PKS has not only magnificently survived but it was even able to gain almost seven percent of voters’ vote. Unfortunately, PKS was unsuccessful to achieve its political target to be the biggest three of national vote.

  16. One-neutron knockout from Ne24-28 isotopes

    CERN Document Server

    Rodriguez-Tajes, C; Caamano, M; Faestermann, T; Cortina-Gil, D; Zhukov, M; Simon, H; Nilsson, T; Borge, M J G; Alvarez-Pol, H; Winkler, M; Prochazka, A; Nociforo, C; Weick, H; Kanungo, R; Perez-Loureiro, D; Kurtukian, T; Suemmerer, K; Eppinger, K; Perea, A; Chatillon, A; Maierbeck, P; Benlliure, J; Pascual-Izarra, C; Gernhaeuser, R; Geissel, H; Aumann, T; Kruecken, R; Larsson, K; Tengblad, O; Benjamim, E; Jonson, B; Casarejos, E


    One-neutron knockout reactions of Ne24-28 in a beryllium target have been studied in the Fragment Separator (FRS), at GSI. The results include inclusive one-neutron knockout cross-sections as well as longitudinal-momentum distributions of the knockout fragments. The ground-state structure of the neutron-rich neon isotopes was obtained from an analysis of the measured momentum distributions. The results indicate that the two heaviest isotopes, Ne-27 and Ne-28, are dominated by a configuration in which a s(1/2) neutron is coupled to an excited state of the Ne-26 and Ne-27 core, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. A novel signal transduction protein: Combination of solute binding and tandem PAS-like sensor domains in one polypeptide chain. (United States)

    Wu, R; Wilton, R; Cuff, M E; Endres, M; Babnigg, G; Edirisinghe, J N; Henry, C S; Joachimiak, A; Schiffer, M; Pokkuluri, P R


    We report the structural and biochemical characterization of a novel periplasmic ligand-binding protein, Dret_0059, from Desulfohalobium retbaense DSM 5692, an organism isolated from Lake Retba, in Senegal. The structure of the protein consists of a unique combination of a periplasmic solute binding protein (SBP) domain at the N-terminal and a tandem PAS-like sensor domain at the C-terminal region. SBP domains are found ubiquitously, and their best known function is in solute transport across membranes. PAS-like sensor domains are commonly found in signal transduction proteins. These domains are widely observed as parts of many protein architectures and complexes but have not been observed previously within the same polypeptide chain. In the structure of Dret_0059, a ketoleucine moiety is bound to the SBP, whereas a cytosine molecule is bound in the distal PAS-like domain of the tandem PAS-like domain. Differential scanning flourimetry support the binding of ligands observed in the crystal structure. There is significant interaction between the SBP and tandem PAS-like domains, and it is possible that the binding of one ligand could have an effect on the binding of the other. We uncovered three other proteins with this structural architecture in the non-redundant sequence data base, and predict that they too bind the same substrates. The genomic context of this protein did not offer any clues for its function. We did not find any biological process in which the two observed ligands are coupled. The protein Dret_0059 could be involved in either signal transduction or solute transport. © 2017 The Protein Society.

  18. An Investigation of Interrater Reliability for the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) in a Nonpatient U.S. Sample. (United States)

    Kivisalu, Trisha M; Lewey, Jennifer H; Shaffer, Thomas W; Canfield, Merle L


    The Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) aims to provide an evidence-based approach to administration, coding, and interpretation of the Rorschach Inkblot Method (RIM). R-PAS analyzes individualized communications given by respondents to each card to code a wide pool of possible variables. Due to the large number of possible codes that can be assigned to these responses, it is important to consider the concordance rates among different assessors. This study investigated interrater reliability for R-PAS protocols. Data were analyzed from a nonpatient convenience sample of 50 participants who were recruited through networking, local marketing, and advertising efforts from January 2013 through October 2014. Blind recoding was used and discrepancies between the initial and blind coders' ratings were analyzed for each variable with SPSS yielding percent agreement and intraclass correlation values. Data for Location, Space, Contents, Synthesis, Vague, Pairs, Form Quality, Populars, Determinants, and Cognitive and Thematic codes are presented. Rates of agreement for 1,168 responses were higher for more simplistic coding (e.g., Location), whereas agreement was lower for more complex codes (e.g., Cognitive and Thematic codes). Overall, concordance rates achieved good to excellent agreement. Results suggest R-PAS is an effective method with high interrater reliability supporting its empirical basis.

  19. Innovation, Micro-Business and UK Government Support La politique de soutien à l’entreprise du gouvernement britannique: les micro-entreprises face au défi de l’innovation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernard Offerle


    Full Text Available « Innover » est devenu la solution à tous les problèmes économiques, même si le concept en lui-même reste assez difficile à cerner. On accorde, par ailleurs, un rôle essentiel aux PME dans cette course à la compétitivité. La Grande-Bretagne est dans la situation paradoxale de faire à la fois preuve de plus d’esprit d’entreprise, mais de moins d’innovation que ses principaux partenaires européens. Les Britanniques ne manquent certes pas de bonnes idées, mais ils éprouvent certaines difficultés à les transformer en produits innovants, certainement parce qu’ils ne bénéficient pas assez d’encouragements. Le gouvernement a donc élaboré un système assez sophistiqué de soutien aux petites entreprises qui tente d’apporter des réponses pratiques aux questions que peuvent se poser les entrepreneurs au quotidien. Il n’est cependant pas sûr que cette stratégie apporte les résultats escomptés : les entrepreneurs, notamment ceux d’origine étrangère ou issus de l’immigration, ont soif d’indépendance et préfèrent prendre leurs distances par rapport aux autorités. En revanche, ce dont les petits entrepreneurs ont un besoin plus urgent pour pouvoir innover sont des banquiers compréhensifs et prêts à prendre des risques. Ils souhaiteraient également ne pas être submergés par des tâches administratives qui leur prennent beaucoup trop de temps. Le gouvernement ne semble pas encore avoir su apporter de solutions très innovantes à ces deux problèmes pourtant prioritaires.

  20. Peer Relations and the Understanding of Faux Pas: Longitudinal Evidence for Bidirectional Associations (United States)

    Banerjee, Robin; Watling, Dawn; Caputi, Marcella


    Research connecting children's understanding of mental states to their peer relations at school remains scarce. Previous work by the authors demonstrated that children's understanding of mental states in the context of a faux pas--a social blunder involving unintentional insult--is associated with concurrent peer rejection. The present report…

  1. Psychometric Properties and Norms of the German ABC-Community and PAS-ADD Checklist (United States)

    Zeilinger, Elisabeth L.; Weber, Germain; Haveman, Meindert J.


    Aim: The aim of the present study was to standardize and generate psychometric evidence of the German language versions of two well-established English language mental health instruments: the "Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community" (ABC-C) and the "Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults with Developmental Disabilities" (PAS-ADD) Checklist. New…

  2. Quelle préposition ?

    CERN Document Server

    Grevisse, Maurice


    Pour bien parler ou bien écrire, il faut avant tout posséder un bon vocabulaire, puis savoir bien remuer les mots, leur faire exprimer quelque chose et agencer adroitement les propositions. Il faut aussi - et cela n'est pas négligeable - amener congrûment les divers compléments des noms, des adjectifs ou des verbes ; quand ces compléments sont de construction indirecte, c'est-à-dire quand ils doivent être introduits par une préposition, on hésite parfois sur la bonne manière de les accrocher. Ne pas négliger le bon choix! Cela ne crée pas le style, sans doute, mais peut, pour une part, témoigner de sa bonne qualité.

  3. « Nous le verrons plus bas », « voir ci-dessus », « je ne reviens pas ici » : retours sur les propriétés de la langue écrite

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lefebvre Julie


    Full Text Available La présente communication porte sur des séquences du type de « je ne reviens pas ici sur » ou encore « nous verrons plus loin que » qui, comportant un syntagme adverbial soutenant un repérage spatial de type déictique, se présentent comme des suites ordonnées de termes constituant un tout sous le rapport d’une activité de type métadiscursif. Ces séquences prennent pour objet le dire en train de se faire en tant qu’il est écrit et que, en tant que tel, il a des propriétés singulières qui sont celles de la « langue écrite » (Vachek (1939, Catach (éd. (1988, Anis (1988. La nature de l’activité réflexive à l’œuvre dans ces séquences est principalement abordée à travers l’analyse des propriétés de l’emploi déictique de l’adverbe « ici » à l’écrit. L’examen de cette activité est complété par une amorce de description des composés « ci-dessus » et « ci-dessous », des groupes adverbiaux « plus haut », « plus bas » et « plus loin », et des adverbes latins « infra » et « supra ». Enfin, à travers quelques exemples, on montre quelles perspectives ouvre, pour l’analyse des textes et des discours, l’attention portée aux « postures énonciatives » (Authier-Revuz, 1995/2012 qui se dessinent dans ces séquences témoignant du rapport du locuteur — scripteur, en l’occurrence — à son « dire écrit ».

  4. The presence of glutamate residues on the PAS sequence of the stimuli-sensitive nano-ferritin improves in vivo biodistribution and mitoxantrone encapsulation homogeneity. (United States)

    Falvo, Elisabetta; Malagrinò, Francesca; Arcovito, Alessandro; Fazi, Francesco; Colotti, Gianni; Tremante, Elisa; Di Micco, Patrizio; Braca, Aldo; Opri, Roberta; Giuffrè, Alessandro; Fracasso, Giulio; Ceci, Pierpaolo


    A genetically engineered human ferritin heavy chain (HFt)-based construct has been recently shown by our group to efficiently entrap and deliver doxorubicin to cancer cells. This construct, named HFt-MP-PAS, contained a tumor-selective sequence (MP) responsive to proteolytic cleavage by tumor proteases (MMPs), located between each HFt subunit and an outer shielding polypeptide sequence rich in proline (P), serine (S) and alanine (A) residues (PAS). HFt-MP-PAS displayed excellent therapeutic efficacy in xenogenic pancreatic and head and neck cancer models in vivo, leading to a significant increase in overall animal survivals. Here we report a new construct obtained by the genetic insertion of two glutamate residues in the PAS sequence of HFt-MP-PAS. Such new construct, named HFt-MP-PASE, is characterized by improved performances as drug biodistribution in a xenogenic pancreatic cancer model in vivo. Moreover, HFt-MP-PASE efficiently encapsulates the anti-cancer drug mitoxantrone (MIT), and the resulting MIT-loaded nanoparticles proved to be more soluble and monodispersed than the HFt-MP-PAS counterparts. Importantly, in vitro MIT-loaded HFt-MP-PASE kills several cancer cell lines of different origin (colon, breast, sarcoma and pancreas) at least as efficiently as the free drug. Finally, our MIT loaded protein nanocages allowed in vivo an impressive incrementing of the drug accumulation in the tumor with respect to the free drug. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Absorbed dose to water comparison between NE 2561 and NE 2671 chambers using IAEA, HPA and NACP protocols for gamma ray beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Taufik Dolah; Noriah Mod Ali; Taiman Kadni


    The aim of this study to evaluate the performance of NE 2571 chamber in comparison with NE 2561 chamber in determination of the absorbed dose to water in gamma ray beam. In this study NE 2561 is taking as a reference standard chamber while NE 2571 as a working standard. Irradiation of chamber (alternately) was performed at a reference depth, 5 cm, inside the IAEA water phantom. Both chambers were exposed to 13 difference exposures of gamma rays. The values of absorbed dose to water were then determined using IAEA, HPA and NACP protocols. Deviations of absorbed dose determined by NE 2561 and NE 2571 were calculated for each protocol. result obtained in terms of [protocol, μ (mean deviation) ± σ s e (standard error)] were (IAEA, 1.12 ± 0.04], [HPA, 0.09 ± 0.04], and [NCP, 0.09 ± 0.04]. It can be concluded that NE 2571 shown acceptable performance as it is within acceptable limit ± 3%. (Author)

  6. Quand l’idée fixe se met « à table »

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cécile de Bary


    Full Text Available Un livre de cuisine, comme A table de Claudian, édité en 1963, peut relever de la prose d’idées dans la mesure où son projet est sous-tendu par une idéologie très précise, qui seule lui donne sa cohérence. Si l’ethnocentrisme consiste à ne pas reconnaître à l’autre une culture, par exemple, ce livre apparaît comme ethnocentrique, puisqu’il a pour projet de départager les peuples qui savent et ceux qui ne savent pas. Il est encore réactionnaire, voué au rétablissement des savoir-faire des terroirs, contre les corruptions parisiennes en particulier. Dès lors, la présentation d’un plat est toujours susceptible de s’étendre ou de se faire discours, sous la poussée d’un lyrisme acrimonieux. Pour autant, il ne s’agit pas d’un faux livre de cuisine, d’un traité ou d’une « physiologie ». La recette est l’aboutissement logique de l’idée fixe. Elle est le lieu d’une bataille que l’argumentation sert, qu’elle met en scène et qu’elle prépare.

  7. The state of the NeXus data format

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koennecke, Mark


    NeXus is an effort by an international group of scientists to define a common data exchange format for neutron, muon and X-ray scattering. NeXus has six levels: a physical file format, a file structure, rules for storing individual data items in a file, a dictionary of names, instrument definitions and an application programming interface (API) to NeXus files. The authors will present the large steps forward which have been made both with instrument definitions and the NeXus-API

  8. Les filles d’Hannah Arendt, les « sœurs de solitude » dans l’arène politique antillaise

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Max Bélaise


    Full Text Available La représentation que les femmes ont d’elles-mêmes et du monde va indéniablement conditionner leurs engagements dans la République des mâles. Or dans l’échelle de ses objectifs, la femme antillaise ne fait pas de son engagement militant une priorité. Certes, le contexte culturel dans lequel elle évolue n’est pas étranger à cette posture qu’elle adopte. Cependant, de façon paradoxale, elle se distingue par ses capacités d’entreprendre et de réussir dans le monde des affaires. Sans doute une longue tradition de débrouillardise pour la survie de sa progéniture et d’elle-même, en d’autre terme pour l’oikonomia, constituerait la matrice d’une telle compétence économique.The view that women have of themselves and of the world  undoubtedly conditions their commitments to the “Republic of males”. In its list of priorities,  the Caribbean woman does not exhibit a militant commitment to sex equality. Certainly, the cultural context in which  women live does not encourage this stance. Nevertheless, paradoxically, Caribbean women are able to succeed and prosper in the business world.  Perhaps a long tradition of resourcefulness for the survival of her offspring and of herself , in other words for the oikonomia, constitutes the basis for such an economic competence. Introduction



    Cvek, Tadej


    Etika in morala se skozi čas nenehno spreminjata in nekatere stvari, ki so danes nedovoljene, so bile še pred kratkim dovoljene in obratno. Razlog za to so predvsem družbene in kulturne spremembe, ki vodijo do drugačnih pogledov na stvari in okolico. Skladno z razvojem etike in morale, se razvijajo tudi nove etične teorije, ki še ne dosegajo starejših teorij a vendarle pridobivajo na pomembnosti in kdo ve, mogoče jih bodo kdaj v prihodnosti tudi presegle. Za MNP je pomembno, da razlikuje...

  10. Effect of PAS triple therapy on nerve injury, oxidative stress and inflammatory response in patients with cerebral infarction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li-Jun Deng


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the effect of probucol + aspirin + atorvastatin (PAS triple therapy on nerve injury, oxidative stress and inflammatory response in patients with cerebral infarction. Methods: Patients with acute cerebral infarction who were treated in Affiliated Hospital of Jianghan University between February 2015 and January 2015 were selected and randomly divided into the PAS group who received probucol + aspirin + atorvastatin triple therapy and the control group who received aspirin + atorvastatin double therapy. The markers of nerve injury, oxidative stress and inflammatory response were determined before treatment and 15 d after treatment. Results: 15 d after treatment, peripheral blood Keap-1 expression and serum GPX1 contents of both groups of patients were significantly higher than those before treatment while peripheral blood Nrf-2 and ARE expression as well as serum S100B, NSE, sTRAIL, FKN, HMGB-1, sICAM-1, Chemerin and 8-iso-PGF2α contents were significantly lower than those before treatment, and peripheral blood Keap-1 expression and serum GPX1 content of PAS group were significantly higher than those of control group while peripheral blood Nrf-2 and ARE expression as well as serum S100B, NSE, sTRAIL, FKN, HMGB-1, sICAM-1, Chemerin and 8-iso-PGF2α contents were significantly lower than those of control group. Conclusion: PAS triple therapy can reduce the nerve injury as well as oxidative stress response and inflammatory response in patients with cerebral infarction.

  11. Status of the KM3NeT project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katz, U.F.


    KM3NeT is a future research infrastructure in the Mediterranean Sea, hosting a cubic-kilometre scale neutrino telescope and nodes for associated sciences such as marine biology, oceanology and geophysics. The status of the KM3NeT project and the progress made in the EU-funded Design Study is reviewed. Some physics studies indicating the sensitivity of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope are highlighted and selected major technical design options to be further pursued are described. Finally, the remaining steps towards construction of KM3NeT will be discussed. This document reflects the status of the KM3NeT Conceptual Design Report (CDR), which has been presented to the public for the first time at the VLVnT08 Workshop.

  12. [Gardner syndrome--parent alienation syndrome (PAS). Diagnosis or family reality?]. (United States)

    Namysłowska, Irena; Heitzman, Janusz; Siewierska, Anna


    The authors present characteristics of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) proposed by Gardner as well as data, which may help to differentiate that syndrome with real psychological, physical and sexual abuse. The consequences of Gardner Syndrome for legal decisions in the court cases of child custody and the critique of this syndrome in forensic and psychiatric literature are also discussed, and several questions posed. Authors propose to treat Gardner Syndrome not as as a child disorder but as a specific, dynamic family situation, which occurs sometimes, during divorce and fight about child custody.

  13. Réservations et discrimination positive en Inde. Données juridiques et techniques Reservations and Affirmative Action in India. Legal and Technical Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Claude Bonnan


    Full Text Available Les dispositions qui sont résumées ici, et dont on donne quelques éléments constitutionnels en annexe, ne sont pas seulement théoriques et de pure forme, elles sont mises en application et font l’objet d’une pratique précise et suivie. Le système des quotas ne se limite pas en effet à des prescriptions législatives et réglementaires à destination des assemblées élues et des services administratifs, il est accompagné de tout un dispositif administratif et financier propre à assurer son effecti...

  14. ELLE : un outil d’émancipation de la femme entre journalisme et littérature 1945-1960 ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karine Grandpierre


    Full Text Available ELLE est un magazine international, sur une tranche haut de gamme, véhiculant des modes, au-delà des modèles exclusivement français. Le propos de sa créatrice Hélène Gordon-Lazareff était : Faire un journal de mode, mais pas seulement. Un journal moderne. Pratique. Avec des photos. Donc des photographes. Mais qui ne soit pas une revue. D’ailleurs, les revues comme Vogue faisaient la part belle à l’illustration, et peu à la photo. Un journal qui s’adresse à toutes les femmes. Et qui soit cepen...

  15. Jean-Pierre Abbet & Daniel Stoecklin, « We were talking… » Les Beatles en héritage


    Nikoghosyan, Nuné


    Voici un ouvrage autour des Beatles qui n’est pas une biographie, ni une étude sociologique, mais une collection d’essais par deux sociologues. Dans « We were talking » Les Beatles en héritage, Jean-Pierre Abbet et Daniel Stoecklin prennent un style discursif libre et, ne visant pas une neutralité scientifique, proposent leurs points de vue personnels sur des thèmes divers autour des Beatles. Les thèmes varient de l’œuvre des Beatles à la « Beatlemania » comme phénomène social, en passant par...

  16. Karl Polanyi et les monnaies modernes : un réexamen


    Blanc , Jérôme


    Karl Polanyi a établi une célèbre distinction entre "all purpose money", caractéristiques des sociétés modernes, et "special purpose money", caractéristiques des sociétés anciennes. C'est la conception polanyienne des monnaies modernes qui est critiquée dans ce texte : non seulement elle conduit à considérer que les sociétés modernes ne connaissent pas de "special purpose money", mais en plus elle ne permet pas de renouveler la conception courante de la monnaie (sous-entendu moderne) qui en f...

  17. Proton capture in the nuclei 21Ne and 22Ne and its influence on the solar hydrogen burning in the neon-sodium cyclus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goerres, J.


    The aim of this thesis was to remove the uncertainties in the reaction rates of 21 Ne(p,γ) 22 Na and 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na in order to can make founded statements about the hydrogen burning in the NeNa cyclus. After the description of the experimental arrangement the search for resonances in the reaction 21 Ne(p,γ) 22 Na below Esub(p)=355 keV is reported. While the theory of the direct radiation capture is discussed the experimental results of the search for this transitions in 21 Ne(p,γ) 22 Na respectively 22 Ne(p,γ) 23 Na are presented. The astrophysical aspects of the results of this thesis are discussed and summarizingly presented. (orig./HSI) [de

  18. 13–18 metų našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, socializacijos ypatumai


    Dailydaitė, Aušra


    Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti 13–18 metų našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, socializacijos ypatumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, socialinės adaptacijos ypatumus 2006 ir 2008 metais. 2. Išryškinti našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, vidinės būsenos ypatumus 2006 ir 2008 metais. 3. Išsiaiškinti našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, ateities perspektyvos suvokimo ypatu...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    (ornementation, abris) étaient abattues. Tableau 1 : Impact de Rastrococcus invadens sur quelques caractéristiques agronomiques (évaluation après deux ans) .... sont certainement pas sans risque. En effet, alors qu'elles ne sont pas efficaces, les méthodes physiques sont destructrices. (abattage, brûlis). Quant aux ...

  20. Kenya | Page 4 | IDRC - International Development Research Centre

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    eau et les routes) n'affecte pas les femmes et les filles de la même manière que les hommes et les garçons. C'est pour cette raison que les gouvernements devraient élaborer des budgets sexospécifiques. Read more about Ne réduisez pas les ...

  1. "Ne opravilsja jeshtsho posle grippa..." : [luuletused] / Aleksei Koroljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koroljov, Aleksei


    Autor endast lk. 44. Sisu: "Ne opravilsja jeshtsho posle grippa..." ; "Tak plohho mne, kak ne bõlo davno..." ; "Vokrug tebja, kak satellit..." ; "Hotja i ne ossobenno ona..." ; Iz dnevnika ; Zdravõi smõsl ; "V ushko igolnoje prodenu..." ; "Zhenshtshine prostitelnõ nedostatki..." ; "Balagurja, taratorja..." "Kogda bõ sprava - rai..." ; 23-i skorõi ; "Velmozhi v rogozhe iz blazhi i drozhi..."

  2. An analysis of characteristics of post-authorisation studies registered on the ENCePP EU PAS Register [version 2; referees: 2 approved

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    Robert Carroll


    Full Text Available Background: The objective of this study was to investigate the study design characteristics of Post-Authorisation Studies (PAS requested by the European Medicines Agency which were recorded on the European Union (EU PAS Register held by the European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP. Methods: We undertook a cross-sectional descriptive analysis of all studies registered on the EU PAS Register as of 18th October 2016. Results: We identified a total of 314 studies on the EU PAS Register, including 81 (26% finalised, 160 (51% ongoing and 73 (23% planned. Of those studies identified, 205 (65% included risk assessment in their scope, 133 (42% included drug utilisation and 94 (30% included effectiveness evaluation. Just over half of the studies (175; 56% used primary data capture, 135 (43% used secondary data and 4 (1% used a hybrid design combining both approaches. Risk assessment and effectiveness studies were more likely to use primary data capture (60% and 85% respectively as compared to 39% and 14% respectively for secondary. The converse was true for drug utilisation studies where 59% were secondary vs. 39% for primary. For type 2 diabetes mellitus, database studies were more commonly used (80% vs 3% chart review, 3% hybrid and 13% primary data capture study designs whereas for studies in oncology, primary data capture were more likely to be used (85% vs 4% chart review, and 11% database study designs. Conclusions: Results of this analysis show that PAS design varies according to study objectives and therapeutic area.

  3. ‘Transnationalising’ Ne Bis In Idem: How the Rule of Ne Bis In Idem Reveals the Principle of Personal Legal Certainty

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    Juliette Lelieur


    Full Text Available Since Article 54 of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement gave the rule of ne bis in idem a transnational dimension, talk of the ‘transnational ne bis in idem principle’ has been commonplace. Thus, when looking for general principles of transnational criminal law, scholars refer to the principle of ‘transnational ne bis in idem’. It is doubtful, however, that ne bis in idem qualifies as a principle of law. It should be regarded, rather, as a rule of criminal procedure, traditionally based on the principle of res judicata. Giving the rule of ne bis in idem a transnational dimension therefore requires either transnationalising the principle of res judicata, or giving the rule of ne bis in idem a new foundation.The principle of res judicata principally serves the credibility of the justice system in a given jurisdiction by prohibiting several tribunals, all acting within the parameters of their jurisdiction, from contradicting each other’s interpretation of the same facts. For this reason, the principle of res judicata does not provide an adequate basis for a transnationalised rule of ne bis in idem.From a human rights perspective, multiple prosecutions against the same person for the same facts collides with protecting individuals against arbitrary judicial treatment. This is true whether the multiple prosecutions all take place in one country or in several different countries. The rule of ne bis in idem could therefore be regarded as a manifestation of the (new ‘principle of personal legal certainty’.

  4. One-neutron knockout from {sup 24-28}Ne isotopes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez-Tajes, C., E-mail: carme.rodriguez@usc.e [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Cortina-Gil, D.; Alvarez-Pol, H. [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Aumann, T. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, 64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Benjamim, E.; Benlliure, J. [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Borge, M.J.G. [Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, 28006 Madrid (Spain); Caamano, M.; Casarejos, E. [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Chatillon, A. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, 64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Eppinger, K.; Faestermann, T. [Physik Department E12, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 85748 Garching (Germany); Gascon, M. [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Geissel, H. [GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, 64291 Darmstadt (Germany); Gernhaeuser, R. [Physik Department E12, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 85748 Garching (Germany); Jonson, B. [Fundamental Fysik, Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola, 412 96 Goeteborg (Sweden); PH Department, CERN, 1211 Geneve 23 (Switzerland); Kanungo, R. [Astronomy and Physics Department, Saint Mary' s University, Halifax, NS B3H 3C3 (Canada); Kruecken, R. [Physik Department E12, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 85748 Garching (Germany); Kurtukian, T. [Departamento de Fisica de Particulas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela (Spain); Larsson, K. [Fundamental Fysik, Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola, 412 96 Goeteborg (Sweden)


    One-neutron knockout reactions of {sup 24-28}Ne in a beryllium target have been studied in the Fragment Separator (FRS), at GSI. The results include inclusive one-neutron knockout cross-sections as well as longitudinal-momentum distributions of the knockout fragments. The ground-state structure of the neutron-rich neon isotopes was obtained from an analysis of the measured momentum distributions. The results indicate that the two heaviest isotopes, {sup 27}Ne and {sup 28}Ne, are dominated by a configuration in which a s{sub 1/2} neutron is coupled to an excited state of the {sup 26}Ne and {sup 27}Ne core, respectively.


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    DUMAS J.


    Full Text Available L’évaluation de la survie du saumon Atlantique entre la ponte et l’émergence des alevins hors des graviers est réalisée dans le bassin de la Nivelle dans les domaines accessible (trois tronçons et non accessible (trois tronçons aux géniteurs. Pour ce faire, des capsules d’incubation de 12 cm3, contenant des œufs fraîchement fécondés, sont insérées dans des frayères artificielles et naturelles. Le débit et la température de l’eau de surface, l’oxygène dissous des eaux de surface et interstitielle et les caractéristiques granulométriques du substrat des frayères sont contrôlés pendant toute la durée de l’expérience. La survie, de 28,6 % en moyenne dans l’ensemble des sites, est plus élevée dans les tronçons de l’amont (52,7 % dans la Très Haute Nivelle et son affluent, le Lapitxuri que dans les autres sites, dont ceux actuellement colonisés par l’espèce (21,5 %. Il n’est pas observé de différence de survie entre les frayères artificielles et naturelles. Les mortalités interviennent essentiellement lors des épisodes de crues avant l’éclosion. Une corrélation positive forte existe entre la saturation en oxygène de l’eau interstitielle et la survie. Pour une saturation minimum en oxygène au-dessous de 62 %, la survie reste inférieure à 27 %. En revanche, la composition granulométrique du substrat ne semble pas agir directement sur la survie. Ce facteur n’étant pas corrélé avec l’oxygène dissous, ceci suggère que dans ce cours d’eau, le flux circulant dans les frayères ne provient pas uniquement de l’eau de surface, mais aussi de la nappe alluviale pauvre en oxygène dissous.

  6. 4. Bend.pmd

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    25 févr. 2008 ... C'est après la deuxième guerre mondiale que naît la notion de ..... cependant pas à ignorer des situations qui, très contrastées à l'échelle de la ..... nante occidentale, ils ne semblent cependant pas préconiser autre chose que.

  7. Status of the KM3NeT project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Margiotta, A


    KM3NeT is a deep-sea research infrastructure being constructed in the Mediterranean Sea. It will be installed at three sites: KM3NeT-Fr, offshore Toulon, France, KM3NeT-It, offshore Portopalo di Capo Passero, Sicily (Italy) and KM3NeT-Gr, offshore Pylos, Peloponnese, Greece. It will host the next generation Cherenkov neutrino telescope and nodes for a deep sea multidisciplinary observatory, providing oceanographers, marine biologists, and geophysicists with real time measurements. The neutrino telescope will search for Galactic and extra-Galactic sources of neutrinos, complementing IceCube in its field of view. The detector will have a modular structure and consists of six building blocks, each including about one hundred Detection Units (DUs). Each DU will be equipped with 18 multi-PMT digital optical modules. The first phase of construction has started and shore and deep-sea infrastructures hosting the future KM3NeT detector are being prepared in France near Toulon and in Italy, near Capo Passero in Sicily. The technological solutions for KM3NeT and the expected performance of the detector are presented and discussed

  8. Comments on Auger electron production by Ne/sup +/ bombardment of surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pepper, S V; Ferrante, J [National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Cleveland, OH (USA). Lewis Research Center


    In this letter, the authors first report rather conclusive experimental evidence showing that the Ne Auger signal is due to asymmetric Ne-metal collisions and not symmetric Ne-Ne collisions. Next it is shown that the Ne Auger signal is in fact observable by Ne/sup +/ bombardment of Si and with signal strength comparable to that of the Si Auger signal for 3 keV incident ion energy. Finally, they comment on some trends in the relative amplitudes of the 21.9 and 25.1 eV Ne Auger signals as a function of incident ion energy and target species.


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    George NICULESCU


    Full Text Available Les activités de services sont difficiles à gérer dans le cadre du marketing-mix traditionnel car, contrairement aux biens tangibles produits la qualité des services est très dépendante de facteurs personnels. De même, la nature intangible des services n’est pas prise en compte dans la plupart des analyses du marketing-mix. Par exemple, la distribution physique ne coïncide pas avec la distribution d’éléments invisibles et la politique de communication de l’approche traditionnelle du marketingmix (4P’s ne reconnaît pas la communication des services établie sur le lieu de rencontre entre le personnel de contact de la firme et les clients. Même si les opinions sont partagées et que le débat n’est pas clos, on peut considérer que des éléments supplémentaires s’imposent pour élaborer un marketing qui permette de satisfaire les attentes des parties contractantes de la façon la plus satisfaisante possible

  10. The PAS domains of the major sporulation kinase in Bacillus subtilis play a role in tetramer formation that is essential for the autokinase activity. (United States)

    Kiehler, Brittany; Haggett, Lindsey; Fujita, Masaya


    Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis is induced upon starvation. In a widely accepted model, an N-terminal "sensor" domain of the major sporulation kinase KinA recognizes a hypothetical starvation signal(s) and autophosphorylates a histidine residue to activate the master regulator Spo0A via a multicomponent phosphorelay. However, to date no confirmed signal has been found. Here, we demonstrated that PAS-A, the most N-terminal of the three PAS domains (PAS-ABC), is dispensable for the activity, contrary to a previous report. Our data indicated that the autokinase activity is dependent on the formation of a functional tetramer, which is mediated by, at least, PAS-B and PAS-C. Additionally, we ruled out the previously proposed notion that NAD + /NADH ratio controls KinA activity through the PAS-A domain by demonstrating that the cofactors show no effects on the kinase activity in vitro. In support of these data, we found that the cofactors exist in approximately 1000-fold excess of KinA in the cell and the cofactors' ratio does not change significantly during growth and sporulation, suggesting that changes in the cofactor ratio might not play a role in controlling KinA activity. These data may refute the widely-held belief that the activity of KinA is regulated in response to an unknown starvation signal(s). © 2017 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Kinetic Modeling of Complex Catalytic Reactions Modélisation cinétique des réactions catalytiques complexes

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    Froment G. F.


    Full Text Available The paper deals with hydrocracking on metal-loaded zeolites. A fundamental approach is presented in which the detailed reaction network of the feed components of a complex feedstock is retained to a maximum extent. The kinetics are developed in terms of the elementary steps and single events involved in the reactions. Plausible assumptions and thermodynamic constraints limit the number of kinetic parameters. These do not depend on the chain length of the hydrocarbons and are not affected by the feed composition. Certainly, chemical analysis still imposes a certain degree of lumping of components and reaction networks, but not to the extent reflected by present day models. L'article traite de l'hydrocraquage sur des zéolites chargés en métaux. Dans l'approche fondamentale qui est présentée, le réseau de réaction des composants d'une charge complexe est retenu au maximum. La cinétique est établie en suivant pas à pas le déroulement et les étapes élémentaires des réactions. Des hypothèses plausibles et des contraintes thermodynamiques limitent le nombre de paramètres cinétiques. Ceux-ci ne dépendent pas de la longueur de la chaîne des hydrocarbures et ne sont pas affectés par la composition de la charge. L'analyse chimique impose bien sûr encore un certain agrégat des composants et des réseaux de réaction, mais moins que ne reflètent les modèles actuels.

  12. Prospects for Antineutrino Running at MiniBooNE


    Wascko, M. O.


    MiniBooNE began running in antineutrino mode on 19 January, 2006. We describe the sensitivity of MiniBooNE to LSND-like nuebar oscillations and outline a program of antineutrino cross-section measurements necessary for the next generation of neutrino oscillation experiments. We describe three independent methods of constraining wrong-sign (neutrino) backgrounds in an antineutrino beam, and their application to the MiniBooNE antineutrino analyses.

  13. UCB-NE-101 user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, W.W.L.


    The purpose of this manual is to provide users of UCB-NE-101 with the information necessary to use UCB-NE-101 effectively. UCB-NE-101 calculates the concentration of solubility-limited species as a function of space and time and its mass flux rates from a waste sphere buried in a nuclear waste repository in water-saturated rock. The waste is surrounded by one type of rock, and some distance away, there is another type of rock. The inner layer of rock can be a backfill around a nuclear waste package and the outer layer the natural rock. The mass flux calculated is at the interface of the two layers. The species concentration calculated is in the inner layer. A constant concentration of the species, usually the solubility, is specified at the waste sphere/inner layer interface. Dissolution and transport is governed by the solubility of the species, and diffusion in the porous media. 1 ref., 1 fig

  14. Reaction cross section for Ne isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panda, R.N.; Sahu, B.K.; Patra, S.K.


    In the present contribution, first the bulk properties are calculated, such as binding energy (BE), root mean square charge radius r ch , matter radius r m and quadrupole deformation parameter β 2 for 18-32 Ne isotopes in the Relativistic mean field (RMF) and effective field theory motivated RMF (E-RMF) formalisms . Then the total nuclear reaction cross section σR is analyzes for the scattering of 20 Ne and 28-32 Ne from a 12 C target at 240 MeV/nucleon by using the RMF model. Thus the objective of the present study is to calculate the bulk properties as well as a systematic analysis of σR over a range of neutron rich nuclei in the frame work of Glauber model

  15. Publications | Page 94 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le CRDI collabore avec les chercheurs et les établissements des pays en développement au renforcement des capacités locales par le truchement du financement, ... Le syndrome... Diamants de guerre — pour en finir. L'important accord international sur les diamants conclu cette année ne portera pas fruits s'il n'est pas ...

  16. Development and validation of the Psychological Adaptation Scale (PAS): use in six studies of adaptation to a health condition or risk. (United States)

    Biesecker, Barbara B; Erby, Lori H; Woolford, Samuel; Adcock, Jessica Young; Cohen, Julie S; Lamb, Amanda; Lewis, Katie V; Truitt, Megan; Turriff, Amy; Reeve, Bryce B


    We introduce The Psychological Adaptation Scale (PAS) for assessing adaptation to a chronic condition or risk and present validity data from six studies of genetic conditions. Informed by theory, we identified four domains of adaptation: effective coping, self-esteem, social integration, and spiritual/existential meaning. Items were selected from the PROMIS "positive illness impact" item bank and adapted from the Rosenberg self-esteem scale to create a 20-item scale. Each domain included five items, with four sub-scale scores. Data from studies of six populations: adults affected with or at risk for genetic conditions (N=3) and caregivers of children with genetic conditions (N=3) were analyzed using confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). CFA suggested that all but five posited items converge on the domains as designed. Invariance of the PAS amongst the studies further suggested it is a valid and reliable tool to facilitate comparisons of adaptation across conditions. Use of the PAS will standardize assessments of adaptation and foster understanding of the relationships among related health outcomes, such as quality of life and psychological well-being. Clinical interventions can be designed based on PAS data to enhance dimensions of psychological adaptation to a chronic health condition or risk. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  17. Intervenir contre le harcèlement au travail : soigner et sévir ne suffisent pas

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    Chantal Leclerc


    Full Text Available Quelles sont les voies d’intervention privilégiées et à promouvoir en matière de lutte contre le harcèlement psychologique au travail ? La tendance actuelle des entreprises est de se doter de politiques et de prévoir le recours à des services de médiation ou à des procédures d’enquête. L’article analyse d’abord les avantages et les limites de ces formes d’intervention à saveur fortement psychologique ou juridique. La mise au jour des éléments organisationnels en présence dans plusieurs situations de harcèlement permet ensuite de comprendre qu’une lutte efficace contre le harcèlement ne peut se réduire à des interventions individuelles faites en marge des lieux concrets du travail. Les interventions à promouvoir doivent contribuer à retisser les liens de solidarité fragilisés par des formes d’organisation du travail et de gestion qui placent les personnes en situation constante d’insécurité, de surcharge et de compétition. Elles doivent permettre la parole et l’action collectives.Which ways and means should we encourage and promote to combat psychological harassment in the workplace? The current trend in companies is to adopt policies and to plan for mediation services or official inquiry procedures. The present paper analyses first the advantages and limitations of these interventions, which are of a highly psychological or legal nature. Next, by bringing to light the managerial processes involved in numerous harassment situations, we understand that an effective fight against harassment cannot be reduced to individual interventions on the margins of the actual workplace. The interventions to be promoted should therefore help strengthen the bonds of solidarity weakened by forms of work organization and management that put people in constant situations of insecurity, overwork and competition. These interventions must allow collective action and expression.Cúales son las vías de intervenci

  18. NeSSM: a Next-generation Sequencing Simulator for Metagenomics.

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    Ben Jia

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Metagenomics can reveal the vast majority of microbes that have been missed by traditional cultivation-based methods. Due to its extremely wide range of application areas, fast metagenome sequencing simulation systems with high fidelity are in great demand to facilitate the development and comparison of metagenomics analysis tools. RESULTS: We present here a customizable metagenome simulation system: NeSSM (Next-generation Sequencing Simulator for Metagenomics. Combining complete genomes currently available, a community composition table, and sequencing parameters, it can simulate metagenome sequencing better than existing systems. Sequencing error models based on the explicit distribution of errors at each base and sequencing coverage bias are incorporated in the simulation. In order to improve the fidelity of simulation, tools are provided by NeSSM to estimate the sequencing error models, sequencing coverage bias and the community composition directly from existing metagenome sequencing data. Currently, NeSSM supports single-end and pair-end sequencing for both 454 and Illumina platforms. In addition, a GPU (graphics processing units version of NeSSM is also developed to accelerate the simulation. By comparing the simulated sequencing data from NeSSM with experimental metagenome sequencing data, we have demonstrated that NeSSM performs better in many aspects than existing popular metagenome simulators, such as MetaSim, GemSIM and Grinder. The GPU version of NeSSM is more than one-order of magnitude faster than MetaSim. CONCLUSIONS: NeSSM is a fast simulation system for high-throughput metagenome sequencing. It can be helpful to develop tools and evaluate strategies for metagenomics analysis and it's freely available for academic users at

  19. Deciphering Dimerization Modes of PAS Domains: Computational and Experimental Analyses of the AhR:ARNT Complex Reveal New Insights Into the Mechanisms of AhR Transformation. (United States)

    Corrada, Dario; Soshilov, Anatoly A; Denison, Michael S; Bonati, Laura


    The Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) is a transcription factor that mediates the biochemical response to xenobiotics and the toxic effects of a number of environmental contaminants, including dioxins. Recently, endogenous regulatory roles for the AhR in normal physiology and development have also been reported, thus extending the interest in understanding its molecular mechanisms of activation. Since dimerization with the AhR Nuclear Translocator (ARNT) protein, occurring through the Helix-Loop-Helix (HLH) and PER-ARNT-SIM (PAS) domains, is needed to convert the AhR into its transcriptionally active form, deciphering the AhR:ARNT dimerization mode would provide insights into the mechanisms of AhR transformation. Here we present homology models of the murine AhR:ARNT PAS domain dimer developed using recently available X-ray structures of other bHLH-PAS protein dimers. Due to the different reciprocal orientation and interaction surfaces in the different template dimers, two alternative models were developed for both the PAS-A and PAS-B dimers and they were characterized by combining a number of computational evaluations. Both well-established hot spot prediction methods and new approaches to analyze individual residue and residue-pairwise contributions to the MM-GBSA binding free energies were adopted to predict residues critical for dimer stabilization. On this basis, a mutagenesis strategy for both the murine AhR and ARNT proteins was designed and ligand-dependent DNA binding ability of the AhR:ARNT heterodimer mutants was evaluated. While functional analysis disfavored the HIF2α:ARNT heterodimer-based PAS-B model, most mutants derived from the CLOCK:BMAL1-based AhR:ARNT dimer models of both the PAS-A and the PAS-B dramatically decreased the levels of DNA binding, suggesting this latter model as the most suitable for describing AhR:ARNT dimerization. These novel results open new research directions focused at elucidating basic molecular mechanisms underlying the

  20. Deciphering Dimerization Modes of PAS Domains: Computational and Experimental Analyses of the AhR:ARNT Complex Reveal New Insights Into the Mechanisms of AhR Transformation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dario Corrada


    Full Text Available The Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR is a transcription factor that mediates the biochemical response to xenobiotics and the toxic effects of a number of environmental contaminants, including dioxins. Recently, endogenous regulatory roles for the AhR in normal physiology and development have also been reported, thus extending the interest in understanding its molecular mechanisms of activation. Since dimerization with the AhR Nuclear Translocator (ARNT protein, occurring through the Helix-Loop-Helix (HLH and PER-ARNT-SIM (PAS domains, is needed to convert the AhR into its transcriptionally active form, deciphering the AhR:ARNT dimerization mode would provide insights into the mechanisms of AhR transformation. Here we present homology models of the murine AhR:ARNT PAS domain dimer developed using recently available X-ray structures of other bHLH-PAS protein dimers. Due to the different reciprocal orientation and interaction surfaces in the different template dimers, two alternative models were developed for both the PAS-A and PAS-B dimers and they were characterized by combining a number of computational evaluations. Both well-established hot spot prediction methods and new approaches to analyze individual residue and residue-pairwise contributions to the MM-GBSA binding free energies were adopted to predict residues critical for dimer stabilization. On this basis, a mutagenesis strategy for both the murine AhR and ARNT proteins was designed and ligand-dependent DNA binding ability of the AhR:ARNT heterodimer mutants was evaluated. While functional analysis disfavored the HIF2α:ARNT heterodimer-based PAS-B model, most mutants derived from the CLOCK:BMAL1-based AhR:ARNT dimer models of both the PAS-A and the PAS-B dramatically decreased the levels of DNA binding, suggesting this latter model as the most suitable for describing AhR:ARNT dimerization. These novel results open new research directions focused at elucidating basic molecular mechanisms

  1. Shakespeare : esquisses de modes républicains

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    Pierre SAHEL


    Full Text Available Ce qui fait la permanence de l’extraordinaire beauté de Shakespeare, ce ne sont pas les idéologies que véhiculent tels ou tels de ses personnages mais, assurément, les langages de ses pièces. Sur l’île déserte, il faudrait, bien entendu, tout emporter. Comme nous n’y sommes pas, je vous propose, pendant vingt minutes, de ne nous pencher que sur un aspect mineur des idéologies et de mettre à jour quelques esquisses de modes républicains que tracent plusieurs de ses drames. Je suis conscient qu...

  2. Présentation

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    Frédéric Hitzel


    Full Text Available « À ma connaissance, il n'est pas de compagnon plus fidèle à ses engagements, plus prompt à honorer les faveurs reçues, plus empressé à offrir ses services, et ce à moindre frais, que le livre. Je ne connais aucun arbre qui ait un fruit plus succulent, plus précoce, plus aisé à cueillir, plus disponible à tout moment, comme le livre. Je ne sais pas de produit qui, malgré son jeune âge et la proximité de sa naissance, la facilité avec laquelle on peut se le procurer, la modicité de son prix, a...

  3. Jeux de l'amour et du hasard en Grèce ancienne


    Dasen, Véronique


    Résumé Sur les vases attiques et italiotes plusieurs jeux d’adresse et de hasard mettent en scène des jeunes gens des deux sexes en âge prénuptial. L’objectif des imagiers n’est pas de représenter un jeu réel permettant de reconstituer des règles. Les pratiques ludiques transposent dans un univers virtuel le prélude des relations amoureuses et les préparatifs du mariage. Les jeux d’adresse et de hasard créent un espace métaphorique où les jeunes filles ne sont pas vues comme de simples objets...

  4. Fabrico da broa caseira.


    Barreira Martins , Teresa; Gonçalo Barreira , Maria; Barreira Martins , Maria; Barboff , Mouette; de Pablo , Elisabeth; Stockinger , Peter; Fillon , Richard


    Corpus PCM (Peuples et Cultures du Monde); A BROA CASEIRA (le pain de maïs domestique)Maria (veuve) vit avec ses deux filles et son petit-fils. Le mari de sa fille aînée a émigré en France et ne revient que rarement au pays.A 84 ans, Maria estime que ses filles ne sont pas aptes à faire le pain : « Avec elles, le pain n’aigrit pas assez », dit-elle. C’est pourquoi elle pétrit encore la fournée familiale, même si ce travail lui coûte physiquement. Lors de notre visite en juin 2008, elle tenait...

  5. Behind the scenes of GS: preventing and curing - the GS-SE group (VERSION FR)

    CERN Multimedia



    Avec, chaque jour, plus de 3000 Cernois sur le site et plus de 300 visiteurs, le CERN et ses infrastructures en voient des vertes et des pas mûres. Heureusement, le groupe GS-SE veille au grain… Ici comme partout ailleurs, rien ne reste jamais neuf bien longtemps. D’où l’importance d’entretenir régulièrement, pour ne pas dire « quotidiennement », les bâtiments, équipements, canalisations, routes, qui voient passer, jour après jour, des milliers de Cernois et de visiteurs. Au CERN, l’équipe en charge de cette lourde tâche fait partie du groupe GS-SE.

  6. Quand Nicolas Sarkozy rencontre Harry Potter.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marc Dumont


    Full Text Available Ca y est, « il » est là, et bien de retour. Qui ça ? Harry Potter, bien sûr, depuis la nuit du 20 juillet. Et avec lui assurément le cortège de toutes les mauvaises langues qui ne manqueront pas de snober avec dédain un produit mercantile, ou de dépravation des jeunes adolescents contemporains qui ne liraient pas suffisamment de « choses sérieuses » telles que les sciences sociales. Mais avec le come back de Harry Potter, c’est aussi un nouvel épisode qui s’est joué ...

  7. Inhibitory PAS domain protein is a negative regulator of hypoxia-inducible gene expression (United States)

    Makino, Yuichi; Cao, Renhai; Svensson, Kristian; Bertilsson, Göran; Asman, Mikael; Tanaka, Hirotoshi; Cao, Yihai; Berkenstam, Anders; Poellinger, Lorenz


    Alteration of gene expression is a crucial component of adaptive responses to hypoxia. These responses are mediated by hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIFs). Here we describe an inhibitory PAS (Per/Arnt/Sim) domain protein, IPAS, which is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)/PAS protein structurally related to HIFs. IPAS contains no endogenous transactivation function but demonstrates dominant negative regulation of HIF-mediated control of gene expression. Ectopic expression of IPAS in hepatoma cells selectively impairs induction of genes involved in adaptation to a hypoxic environment, notably the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene, and results in retarded tumour growth and tumour vascular density in vivo. In mice, IPAS was predominantly expressed in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum and in corneal epithelium of the eye. Expression of IPAS in the cornea correlates with low levels of expression of the VEGF gene under hypoxic conditions. Application of an IPAS antisense oligonucleotide to the mouse cornea induced angiogenesis under normal oxygen conditions, and demonstrated hypoxia-dependent induction of VEGF gene expression in hypoxic corneal cells. These results indicate a previously unknown mechanism for negative regulation of angiogenesis and maintenance of an avascular phenotype.

  8. Cameroun

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 avr. 2015 ... Yohimbé. (Man power, Atjek). Excitant. Faiblesse sexuelle. Écorces Macération Voie orale Ne plus boire après 3 jours, ne pas mettre au frais. Apocynaceae. Rauwolfia vomitoria Afzel. Rauwolfia. Menjangamenjanga en Ewondo. Paludisme, toux, faiblesse sexuelle. Écorces Décoction. Voie orale Bouillir ...

  9. Utilisation du site Web | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce site Web fournit des espaces de discussion et donne accès à divers mécanismes de communication. L'utilisateur s'engage à en faire un usage approprié et pertinent à l'objet des discussions. Il s'engage en outre à ne diffuser aucun message diffamatoire, illégal, obscène ou menaçant et à ne pas télécharger ou joindre ...

  10. Stellar reaction rate for 22Mg+p→23Al from the asymptotic normalization coefficient in the mirror nuclear system 22Ne+n→23Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Abdullah, T.; Carstoiu, F.; Chen, X.; Clark, H. L.; Fu, C.; Gagliardi, C. A.; Lui, Y.-W.; Mukhamedzhanov, A.; Tabacaru, G.; Tokimoto, Y.; Trache, L.; Tribble, R. E.


    The production of 22 Na in ONe novae can be influenced by the 22 Mg(p,γ) 23 Al reaction. To investigate this reaction rate at stellar energies, we have determined the asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC) for 22 Mg+p→ 23 Al through measurements of the ANCs in the mirror nuclear system 22 Ne+n→ 23 Ne. The peripheral neutron-transfer reactions 13 C( 12 C, 13 C) 12 C and 13 C( 22 Ne, 23 Ne) 12 C were studied. The identical entrance and exit channels of the first reaction make it possible to extract independently the ground-state ANC in 13 C. Our experiment gives C p 1/2 2 ( 13 C)=2.24±0.11 fm -1 , which agrees with the value obtained from several previous measurements. The weighted average for all the obtained C p 1/2 2 is 2.31±0.08 fm -1 . This value is adopted to be used in obtaining the ANCs in 23 Ne. The differential cross sections for the reaction 13 C( 22 Ne, 23 Ne) 12 C leading to the J π =5/2 + and 1/2 + states in 23 Ne have been measured at 12 MeV/u. Optical model parameters for use in the DWBA calculations were obtained from measurements of the elastic scatterings 22 Ne+ 13 C and 22 Ne+ 12 C. The extracted ANC for the ground state in 23 Ne, C d 5/2 2 =0.86±0.08±0.12 fm -1 , is converted to its corresponding value in 23 Al using mirror symmetry to give C d 5/2 2 ( 23 Al)=(4.63±0.77)x10 3 fm -1 . The astrophysical S factor S(0) for the 22 Mg(p,γ) reaction was determined to be 0.96±0.11 keV b. The consequences for nuclear astrophysics are discussed.

  11. Whole-genome sequence of Starmerella bacillaris PAS13, a nonconventional enological yeast with antifungal activity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lemos Junior, Wilson Jose Fernandes; Treu, Laura; Duarte, Vinicius da Silva


    Starmerella bacillaris is a fermentative yeast commonly found in vineyards. Here, we present the draft genome sequence of S. bacillaris PAS13, a nonconventional enological yeast with a potential role as a biocontrol agent. This gene sequence will provide insights into the genetic basis of yeast...

  12. Measurements of Neutrino Charged Current Interactions at SciBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakajima, Yasuhiro [Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502 (Japan)], E-mail:


    The SciBooNE experiment (FNAL-E954) is designed to measure neutrino-nucleous cross sections in the one GeV region. Additionally, SciBooNE serves as a near detector for MiniBooNE by measuring the neutrino flux. In this paper, we describe two analyses using neutrino charged current interactions at SciBooNE: a neutrino spectrum measurement and a search for charged current coherent pion production.

  13. A novel source of MeV positron bunches driven by energetic protons for PAS application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tan, Zongquan, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026 (China); Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026 (China); Xu, Wenzhen; Liu, Yanfen; Xiao, Ran; Kong, Wei [State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026 (China); Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026 (China); Ye, Bangjiao, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026 (China); Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026 (China)


    This paper proposes a novel methodology of MeV positrons generation for PAS application. Feasibility of this proposal analyzed by G4Beamline and Transport have shown reasonable success. Using 2 Hz, 1.6 GeV, 100 ns and 1.5 μC/bunch proton bunches for bombarding a graphite target, about 100 ns e{sup +} bunches are generated. Quasi-monochromatic positrons in the range of 1–10 MeV included in these bunches have a flux of >10{sup 7}/s, peak brightness of 10{sup 14}/s. A magnetic-confinement beamline is utilized to transport the positrons and a “Fast Beam Chopper” is unprecedentedly extended to chop those relativistic bunches. The positron beam can be finally characterized by the energy range of 1–10 MeV and bunch width from one hundred ps up to 1 ns. Such ultrashort bunches can be useful in tomography-type positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) as well as other applications.

  14. A novel source of MeV positron bunches driven by energetic protons for PAS application (United States)

    Tan, Zongquan; Xu, Wenzhen; Liu, Yanfen; Xiao, Ran; Kong, Wei; Ye, Bangjiao


    This paper proposes a novel methodology of MeV positrons generation for PAS application. Feasibility of this proposal analyzed by G4Beamline and Transport have shown reasonable success. Using 2 Hz, 1.6 GeV, 100 ns and 1.5 μC/bunch proton bunches for bombarding a graphite target, about 100 ns e+ bunches are generated. Quasi-monochromatic positrons in the range of 1-10 MeV included in these bunches have a flux of >107/s, peak brightness of 1014/s. A magnetic-confinement beamline is utilized to transport the positrons and a "Fast Beam Chopper" is unprecedentedly extended to chop those relativistic bunches. The positron beam can be finally characterized by the energy range of 1-10 MeV and bunch width from one hundred ps up to 1 ns. Such ultrashort bunches can be useful in tomography-type positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) as well as other applications.

  15. Lääne-Virumaa ettevõtete TOP aastal 2004

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tabelid: Lääne-Virumaa ettevõtete TOP 50; Käibe TOP 35; Kasumi TOP 35; Lääne-Virumaa ettevõtete üld- ja finantsandmed; Käibe kasvu TOP 20; Kasumi kasvu TOP 20; Rentaabluse TOP 20; Omakapitali tootlikkuse TOP 20. Vt. samas: Viktor Sepp, Merike Lees. Lääne-Virumaal üllatavad uued tegijad

  16. Les “démons crachés” de l'autre République de Serge Armand ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    toute-puissance du politique que l'auteur met sur scène une force opposée qui ne .... n'hésitera pas à former de vrais tueurs et à recruter dans les villages parmi les .... “une stratégie dont se servent beaucoup de peuples du monde acceptant ...

  17. Hepatiques du Surinam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jovet-Ast, S.


    Il n’existe pas, actuellement, de catalogue des Hépatiques du Surinam. Les Hépatiques de ce pays restent très peu connues. Cependant, certaines ont attiré l’attention des Bryologues et ont été citées dans quelques ouvrages anciens ou récents. Je ne ferai pas ici une révision complète de ces

  18. Liste de vérification Bourse de recherche 2018 pour le CRDI | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Certains numériseurs le feront automatiquement. Cependant, si le vôtre n'offre pas cette possibilité, il existe des méthodes manuelles pour ce faire, qui font appel à Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word ou d'autres logiciels. Le CRDI ne fournit pas d'instructions à ce sujet, mais il est possible de trouver des instructions sur Internet.

  19. Crystal structures of the F and pSLT plasmid TraJ N-terminal regions reveal similar homodimeric PAS folds with functional interchangeability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lu, Jun; Wu, Ruiying; Adkins, Joshua N.; Joachimiak, Andrzej; Glover, Mark


    In the F-family of conjugative plasmids, TraJ is an essential transcriptional activator of the tra operon that encodes most of the proteins required for conjugation. Here we report for the first time the X-ray crystal structures of the TraJ N-terminal regions from the prototypic F plasmid (TraJF11-130) and from the Salmonella virulence plasmid pSLT (TraJpSLT 1-128). Both proteins form similar homodimeric Per-ARNT-Sim (PAS) fold structures. Mutational analysis reveals that the observed dimeric interface is critical for TraJF transcriptional activation, indicating that dimerization of TraJ is required for its in vivo function. An artificial ligand (oxidized dithiothreitol) occupies a cavity in the TraJF dimer interface, while a smaller cavity in corresponding region of the TraJpSLT structure lacks a ligand. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-electron ionization analysis of dithiothreitol-free TraJF suggests indole may be the natural TraJ ligand; however, disruption of the indole biosynthetic pathway does not affect TraJF function. Heterologous PAS domains from pSLT and R100 TraJ can functionally replace the TraJF PAS domain, suggesting that TraJ allelic specificity is mediated by the region C-terminal to the PAS domain.

  20. Comparison of electromagnetic and nuclear dissociation of 17Ne (United States)

    Wamers, F.; Marganiec, J.; Aksouh, F.; Aksyutina, Yu.; Alvarez-Pol, H.; Aumann, T.; Beceiro-Novo, S.; Bertulani, C. A.; Boretzky, K.; Borge, M. J. G.; Chartier, M.; Chatillon, A.; Chulkov, L. V.; Cortina-Gil, D.; Emling, H.; Ershova, O.; Fraile, L. M.; Fynbo, H. O. U.; Galaviz, D.; Geissel, H.; Heil, M.; Hoffmann, D. H. H.; Hoffman, J.; Johansson, H. T.; Jonson, B.; Karagiannis, C.; Kiselev, O. A.; Kratz, J. V.; Kulessa, R.; Kurz, N.; Langer, C.; Lantz, M.; Le Bleis, T.; Lehr, C.; Lemmon, R.; Litvinov, Yu. A.; Mahata, K.; Müntz, C.; Nilsson, T.; Nociforo, C.; Ott, W.; Panin, V.; Paschalis, S.; Perea, A.; Plag, R.; Reifarth, R.; Richter, A.; Riisager, K.; Rodriguez-Tajes, C.; Rossi, D.; Savran, D.; Schrieder, G.; Simon, H.; Stroth, J.; Sümmerer, K.; Tengblad, O.; Typel, S.; Weick, H.; Wiescher, M.; Wimmer, C.


    The Borromean drip-line nucleus 17Ne has been suggested to possess a two-proton halo structure in its ground state. In the astrophysical r p -process, where the two-proton capture reaction 15O(2 p ,γ )17Ne plays an important role, the calculated reaction rate differs by several orders of magnitude between different theoretical approaches. To add to the understanding of the 17Ne structure we have studied nuclear and electromagnetic dissociation. A 500 MeV/u 17Ne beam was directed toward lead, carbon, and polyethylene targets. Oxygen isotopes in the final state were measured in coincidence with one or two protons. Different reaction branches in the dissociation of 17Ne were disentangled. The relative populations of s and d states in 16F were determined for light and heavy targets. The differential cross section for electromagnetic dissociation (EMD) shows a continuous internal energy spectrum in the three-body system 15O+2 p . The 17Ne EMD data were compared to current theoretical models. None of them, however, yields satisfactory agreement with the experimental data presented here. These new data may facilitate future development of adequate models for description of the fragmentation process.

  1. Stellar origin of the 22Ne excess in cosmic rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casse, M.; Paul, J.A.


    The 22 Ne excess at the cosmic-ray source is discussed in terms of a 22 Ne-rich component injected and accelerated by carbon-rich Wolf-Rayet stars. The overabundance of 22 Ne relative to 20 Ne predicted at the surface of these stars is estimated to a factor approx.120 with respect to solar system abundances. In order to give rise to a 22 Ne excess of about 3 at the cosmic-ray sources as inferred from observations, the carbon-rich Wolf-Rayet contribution to the primary cosmic-ray flux is to be at maximum 1/60. This component would be energized by strong stellar winds producing quasi-standing shocks around the Wolf-Rayet stars

  2. El frañol en Pas pleurer de Lydie Salvayre y su traducción al español

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benoît Filhol


    Full Text Available Set in the spanish civil war and resonant with autobiographical echoes, Lydie Salvayre’s Pas pleurer exemplifies the contact between Spanish and French, by means of the mixed language called frañol. In terms of reception, this prominent stylistic factor –often highlighted by critics– led to a mixture of praise and disapproval. This article has a two-fold objective: first, conducting an exhaustive analysis of frañol in the novel, by means of a classification system allowing us to interpret Salvayre’s stylistic choices. Second, examining the Spanish translation of Pas pleurer, taking into consideration the challenges embedded in the translation of frañol. Le roman Pas pleurer de Lydie Salvayre se plonge dans l’épisode historique de la guerre civile espagnole au travers d’une histoire aux accents autobiographiques et rejoint les œuvres écrites en fragnol, une langue qui mélange le français et l’espagnol. Cette spécificité linguistique fut l’aspect le plus évoqué par la critique et sa réception recueillit aussi bien des éloges que des réprobations. Cet article poursuit deux objectifs. Tout d’abord, nous avons réalisé une analyse exhaustive du fragnol dans le roman au travers d’un système de classification adapté à l’œuvre qui nous permet d’interpréter le choix stylistique opéré par Salvayre. Dans un second temps, nous examinons la traduction espagnole de Pas pleurer, considérant que la transposition du fragnol constitue un défi de premier ordre pour le traducteur.

  3. Study of 19F and 19Ne mirror nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebrun, Claude.


    The electromagnetic properties of the mirror nuclei 19 F and 19 Ne were studied using the 18 O(d,nγ) 19 F, 17 O( 3 He,nγ) 19 Ne and 19 F(p,nγ) 19 Ne reactions. Lifetimes of 8 levels in 19 F and 11 levels in 19 Ne have been measured using the Doppler shift attenuation method. Weak and strong components of M 1 , E 1 and E 2 transition strengths are compared with shell model predictions. M 1 and E 2 transition strengths of conjugated nuclei (A=18 to A=34) are compiled and compared with wide configuration space shell models [fr

  4. A lecithin phosphatidylserine and phosphatidic acid complex (PAS) reduces symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome (PMS): Results of a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. (United States)

    Schmidt, Katja; Weber, Nicole; Steiner, Meir; Meyer, Nadin; Dubberke, Anne; Rutenberg, David; Hellhammer, Juliane


    Many women experience emotional and physical symptoms around the time of ovulation and more so before menstruation interfering with their daily normal life also known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Recent observational data suggest that supplementation with Lipogen's phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidic acid (PA) complex (PAS) alleviates these PMS symptoms. The aim of this study was to confirm these observations on the effects of PAS on PMS symptom severity within a controlled clinical trial setting. Forty women aged 18-45 years with a diagnosis of PMS were assigned to either take PAS (containing 400 mg PS & 400 mg PA per day) or a matching placebo. The study comprised 5 on-site visits including 1 baseline menstrual cycle followed by 3 treatment cycles. Treatment intake was controlled for by using an electronic device, the Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS ® ). Primary outcome of the study was the PMS symptoms severity as assessed by using the Daily Record of Severity of Problems (DRSP). Further, SIPS questionnaire (a German version of the Premenstrual Symptoms Screening Tool (PSST)), salivary hormone levels (cortisol awakening response (CAR) and evening cortisol levels) as well as serum levels (cortisol, estradiol, progesterone and corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG)) were assessed. PMS symptoms as assessed by the DRSP Total score showed a significantly better improvement (p = 0.001) over a 3 cycles PAS intake as compared to placebo. In addition, PAS treated women reported a greater improvement in physical (p = 0.002) and depressive symptoms (p = 0.068). They also reported a lower reduction of productivity (p = 0.052) and a stronger decrease in interference with relationships with others (p = 0.099) compared to the placebo group. No other DRSP scale or item showed significant results. Likewise, the reduction in the number of subjects fulfilling PMS or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) criteria as classified by the SIPS did not

  5. Strangeness in nuclear matter at DAΦNE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gianotti, P.


    The low energy kaons from the φ meson produced at DAΦNE offer a unique opportunity to study strangeness in nuclear matter. The interaction of kaons with hadronic matter can be investigated at DAΦNE using three main approaches: study of hypernuclei production and decay, kaons scattering on nucleons, kaonic atoms formation. These studies explore kaon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon forces at very low energy, the nuclear shell model in presence of strangeness quantum number and eventual quarks deconfinement phenomena. The experiments devoted to study this physical program at DAΦNE are FINUDA and DEAR. The physics topics of both experiments are illustrated together with a detailed descriptions of the two detectors

  6. Flaking and blistering on He and Ne bombardments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamada, K.; Naramoto, H.


    Large scale exfoliation formed by 300 keV He + bombardment of niobium without any preceding blistering is investigated, in comparison with the blistering due to 450 and 850 keV Ne + bombardments. In-situ observations of the erosion processes were performed in a scanning electron microscope connected to the Van de Graaff. Critical doses of 7.2 x 10 17 He + /cm 2 , 2.4 x 10 17 Ne + /cm 2 and 4.0 x 10 17 Ne + /cm 2 were obtained for the 300 keV He flaking, 450 keV Ne blistering and 850 keV Ne blistering, respectively. The He flaking was presumed to be due to brittle fashion peeling-off of the surface layer by the bending moment driven by the internal gas pressure. The blistering, on the other hand, was presumed to be the result of the ductile fashion spreading of the lenticular bubble in the sub-surface layer. The necessary pressure for the peeling-off of the cover was calculated, and was speculated to be able to work as the driving force for the flaking from its unexpectedly low values. Fractographies under the exfoliations were discussed for both flaking and blistering. (author)

  7. Entre mémoire et attente de la République sociale Temporalités de la poésie d’Eugène Pottier Between remembering and waiting for the social RepublicTemporalities in Eugène Pottier’s poetry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alain Maillard


    Full Text Available Cet article revient sur une configuration temporelle vécue par les réformateurs et révolutionnaires du XIXe siècle en France. Cette configuration est particulièrement perceptible dans la poésie d’Eugène Pottier (cf. Quand viendra-t-elle ?, L’Internationale…. Ces temporalités apparaissent entre mémoire des expériences politiques précédentes et attente d’un retour de la République sociale. Elles sont inséparables des temps et des rythmes historiques propres au XIXe siècle. Mais leur dimension sociale peut être approchée à partir de trois registres : religieux (l’attente millénariste du salut, politique (l’attente de l’événement et sentimental (l’attente de la prochaine rencontre amoureuse. Il est permis de penser que les temporalités du projet d’émancipation sociale, contenues dans les textes de Pottier, ne doivent pas être réduites à celles d’un millénarisme de substitution. On peut y déceler une temporalité de l’attente plus profane, qui renonce au désir d’éternité tout en gardant un sens de l’infini.This article takes a new look at the temporal configuration imagined by reformers and revolutionaries of the nineteenth century in France, as Eugène Pottier’s poetry makes particularly clear (When will it happen ?, Internationalism…. Such temporalities seem to be caught between remembering political experiences and waiting for the return of the social Republic. Inseparable from historical times and rhythms, they are specific to the nineteenth century. But their social meaning can be approached from three different angles: religious (the millennial belief in salvation, political (waiting for the event to take place, and sentimental (waiting for one’s next love. It is permissible to state that the temporalities of the project of social emancipation contained in Pottier’s writings must not be reduced to a substitute millennialism, for we discern in them a more secular temporality

  8. Second Annual Maintenance, Inspection, and Test Report for PAS-1 Cask Certification for Shipping Payload B

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    KELLY, D.J.


    The Nuclear Packaging, Inc. (NuPac), PAS-1 cask is required to undergo annual maintenance and inspections to retain certification in accordance with U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Certificate of Compliance USA/9184B(U) (Appendix A). The packaging configuration being tested and maintained is the NuPac PAS-1 cask for Payload B. The intent of the maintenance and inspections is to ensure the packaging remains in unimpaired physical condition. Two casks, serial numbers 2162-026 and 2162-027, were maintained, inspected, and tested at the 306E Development, Fabrication, and Test Laboratory, located at the Hanford Site's 300 Area. Waste Management Federal Services, Inc. (WMFS), a subsidiary of GTS Duratek, was in charge of the maintenance and testing. Cogema Engineering Corporation (Cogema) directed the operations in the test facility. The maintenance, testing, and inspections were conducted successfully with both PAS-1 casks. The work conducted on the overpacks included weighing, gasket replacement, and plastic pipe plug and foam inspections. The work conducted on the secondary containment vessel (SCV) consisted of visual inspection of the vessel and threaded parts (i.e., fasteners), visual inspection of sealing surfaces, replacement of O-ring seals, and a helium leak test. The work conducted on the primary containment vessel (PCV) consisted of visual inspection of the vessel and threaded parts (i.e., fasteners), visual inspection of sealing surfaces, replacement of O-ring seals, dimensional inspection of the vessel bottom, a helium leak test, and dye penetrant inspection of the welds. The vermiculite material used in the cask rack assembly was replaced

  9. Solar club

    CERN Multimedia

    Solar club


    10e anniversaire de la Fontaine solaire  Le 17 octobre 2001, devant la terrasse du restaurant n° 1 du site de Meyrin, le Club solaire du CERN inaugurait sa Fontaine solaire. Cela fait 10 ans maintenant qu’elle reproduit été comme hiver et en miniature le Jet d’eau de Genève ! Quel physicien, ingénieur, technicien, employé ou visiteur (grand ou petit) ne la connaît pas, ne l'a pas photographiée ou n'a pas expérimenté la réaction de son jet d’eau (avec la balle jaune dessus) en pivotant ou masquant de la main son panneau photovoltaïque ? La Fontaine solaire promeut de façon ludique les énergies renouvelables, en l’occurrence ici celle issue du soleil par la voie photovoltaïque. Elle a été conçue et réalisée par William van Sprolan...

  10. Pas de remède miracle Parvenir à une couverture santé universelle ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    26 oct. 2012 ... Pas de remède miracle Parvenir à une couverture santé universelle grâce à des systèmes de santé équitables ... Le Nigeria, qui compte parmi les pays qui affichent les taux les plus élevés de mortalité des mères, des enfants et des nouveau-nés, a fait des soins de santé primaires sa plus grande priorité.

  11. Introduction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamit Bozarslan


    Full Text Available Peut-on parler de l’Irak avec la distance critique consistant à taire sa colère de citoyen par rapport à l’horreur d’aujourd’hui et celle d’hier ? Celle d’aujourd’hui, car comment ne pas constater qu’à un embargo de plus de dix ans et à une occupation autant arrogante qu’imprudente fait désormais suite une violence multiforme détruisant la société irakienne dans ses fondements mêmes ? Et celle d’hier, car comment ne pas se souvenir que le régime renversé laissa derrière lui un pays dévasté pa...

  12. Pratiques alimentaires des diabétiques. Étude de quelques cas à Oran (Algérie)


    Salemi, Ouassila


    Cette étude a été menée à Oran (Algérie). Elle tente d’appréhender les enjeux liés au suivi du régime alimentaire. Il s’agit de montrer toute la complexité des pratiques alimentaires auxquelles sont confrontés les diabétiques, de saisir de l’intérieur leurs logiques et les motivations qui président au suivi ou non du régime alimentaire. Il en ressort que l’adoption ou non du régime alimentaire ne dépend pas uniquement de la volonté du diabétique. Il ne s’agit pas simplement d’ordonner l’appli...

  13. ‘La parole comme instrument de la vérité.’

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Louis-David Delahaye


    Full Text Available La nouvelle vient de tomber, inattendue : Socrate est traduit devant le tribunal ! C'est comme un coup de tonnerre dans l'esprit de Platon, qui décide de réagir en écrivant l'Apologie de Socrate . Il ne se contente pas de souligner le côté factice de l'affaire. Il en profite pour régler ses comptes avec les accusateurs et avec cette Athènes qui se veut l’« École de la Grèce ». Manifestement, elle ne sait pas déjouer les pièges d'une opinion qui célèbre ...

  14. Tolérance & Droit


    Cottereau, Marc; Friouret, Laurent; Grabias, Fanny; Groulier, Cédric; Guimezanes, Marie; Lavergne, Benjamin; Maugard, Florian; Pacteau, Bernard; Sztulman, Marc


    Que reste-t-il à dire sur la tolérance ? Panacée médiatique aux problèmes de société, elle est sommairement définie comme une “indulgence pour ce qu’on ne peut pas ou ne veut pas empêcher”. De l’acception de la tolérance comme affaiblissement de la norme au comportement pragmatique de l’administration qui renonce à appliquer une sanction, en passant par la tolérance comme composante d’une société démocratique, le concept brille par son hétérogénéité. Concept à la frontière du droit, de la s...

  15. Anna Łebkowska, Empatia. O literackich narracjach przełomu XX i XXI wieku

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Suchańska


    Full Text Available Empathie. À propos des narrations littéraires au tournant des XXe et XXIe siècles est le premier essai polonais qui analyse la prose à travers le prisme de l’empathie. Les travaux antérieurs consacrés à cette thématique (à l’instar de ceux de Michał Głowiński ou de Jarosław Płuciennik ne s’intéressent pas à l’empathie comme catégorie littéraire indépendante. Ils ne montrent pas les contextes possibles de sa compréhension ni les mécanismes empathiques sur fond de prose contemporaine. Le livre...

  16. Chapitre 2. Le texte dérivé



    Les analyses précédentes indiquent qu’il est difficile de séparer une poétique de l’écriture ou de la réécriture, procès toujours prospectif, de celle du texte. En effet, le texte est aussi le résultat d’une activité poétique. Mais les conceptions de la notion de texte ne sont pas des plus univoques. Appliquées à la réécriture filmique des textes littéraires, elles le sont encore moins. Comment en serait-il autrement ? Le film lui-même, considéré comme production sémiotique, ne semble pas pou...


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    nouvelles lois afin d'assurer un plus grand contrôle sur leurs terres arables. C'est ... phénomène, du respect des réglementations locales de gestion foncière. ...... imposé dans la mesure où, l'Etat ayant octroyé les différents permis à. Newcrest ...

  18. Le Dictionnaire historique de l’adjectif-adverbe : de aimer haut à baiser utile

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hummel Martin


    (4\tJe suis sur le point d'arrêter nette ma conso de cannabis (2013 Notons que dans ces cas, une analyse en tant que prédicat second n’est pas concevable. Même si certains de ces exemples peuvent être considérés comme des cas d’hypercorrection, cela ne les explique pas tous. On observe un rapprochement aux prédicats seconds en ce que les AAs s’accordent avec un nom accessible, même s’ils n’en sont pas les modificateurs primaires.

  19. Nuclear weapon race does not stop; Le nucleaire ne desarme pas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vahe Ter, Minassian


    60 years after Hiroshima, the race for nuclear weaponry keeps on. The comprehensive test ban treaty (CTBT), signed in 1996 by the 5 official nuclear-weapon-owning states (Usa, Russia, China, U.K. and France), has not yet been implemented because its implementation requires the ratification of 44 states that harbour on their territories industrial or research nuclear reactors. Till now only 33 such states have ratified CTBT. CTBT aims at prohibiting any nuclear test whatever the amount of energy released in it. Countries like Usa, North-Korea, Russia, soon Iran... are suspected to develop new types of nuclear warfare. For 2005 the American Congress have decided to freeze the funding of programmes dedicated to the development of 'mini-nukes' like the bunker-burster. The international network of monitoring stations will soon cover all the world and will be able to detect and locate, in an almost automated way, any test involving an energy greater than 1 kiloton. 321 stations have been settled and their efficient detection systems are based on seismic or infra-sound or radioactivity or hydro-acoustic analysis. (A.C.)

  20. Phéochromocytome et grossesse: une association rare à ne pas ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le diagnostic avait été évoqué devant une hypertension artérielle paroxystique et un taux élevé d'acide vanyl mandélique. La localisation ... Pregnancy associated with pheochromocytoma is extremely uncommon but may have potentially disastrous consequences for both the mother and fetus. The authors report on 2 ...

  1. Vieillissement de la population : trouver un équilibre | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    12 mars 2012 ... Les gouvernements ne peuvent empêcher le vieillissement de la population, pas plus qu'ils ne peuvent faire abstraction des répercussions économiques qu'aura cette évolution démographique. Par contre, munis des données voulues, ils peuvent en optimiser les avantages et atténuer les risques qui y ...



    Podgoršek, Manja


    Ikonične reprezentacije so reprezentacije, ki predstavljajo prehod med enaktivnimi in simbolnimi reprezentacijami. Ikonične reprezentacije matematičnih pojmov na razredni stopnji so v veliki večini primerov grafične. V magistrski nalogi smo s pomočjo preizkusa znanja želeli ugotoviti, na kakšen način učenci od 5. do 8. razreda osnovne šole grafično ponazarjajo vnaprej podane matematične pojme (odštevanje s prehodom, številski izraz z oklepaji, izraz dela celote in potenca). Zanimalo nas je tu...

  3. Nivation forms and processes in unconsolidated sediments, NE Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Hanne Hvidtfeldt


    Nivation, Nivation Hollow, Nival Backwall Faliure, Active layer Interflow, Pronival alluvial fans, NE Greenland......Nivation, Nivation Hollow, Nival Backwall Faliure, Active layer Interflow, Pronival alluvial fans, NE Greenland...

  4. Combining protein sequence, structure, and dynamics: A novel approach for functional evolution analysis of PAS domain superfamily. (United States)

    Dong, Zheng; Zhou, Hongyu; Tao, Peng


    PAS domains are widespread in archaea, bacteria, and eukaryota, and play important roles in various functions. In this study, we aim to explore functional evolutionary relationship among proteins in the PAS domain superfamily in view of the sequence-structure-dynamics-function relationship. We collected protein sequences and crystal structure data from RCSB Protein Data Bank of the PAS domain superfamily belonging to three biological functions (nucleotide binding, photoreceptor activity, and transferase activity). Protein sequences were aligned and then used to select sequence-conserved residues and build phylogenetic tree. Three-dimensional structure alignment was also applied to obtain structure-conserved residues. The protein dynamics were analyzed using elastic network model (ENM) and validated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The result showed that the proteins with same function could be grouped by sequence similarity, and proteins in different functional groups displayed statistically significant difference in their vibrational patterns. Interestingly, in all three functional groups, conserved amino acid residues identified by sequence and structure conservation analysis generally have a lower fluctuation than other residues. In addition, the fluctuation of conserved residues in each biological function group was strongly correlated with the corresponding biological function. This research suggested a direct connection in which the protein sequences were related to various functions through structural dynamics. This is a new attempt to delineate functional evolution of proteins using the integrated information of sequence, structure, and dynamics. © 2017 The Protein Society.

  5. KM3NeT

    CERN Multimedia

    KM3NeT is a large scale next-generation neutrino telescope located in the deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea, optimized for the discovery of galactic neutrino sources emitting in the TeV energy region.

  6. Neuromodulatory neurotransmitters influence LTP-like plasticity in human cortex: a pharmaco-TMS study. (United States)

    Korchounov, Alexei; Ziemann, Ulf


    Long-term potentiation (LTP) of synaptic efficacy is considered a fundamental mechanism of learning and memory. At the cellular level a large body of evidence demonstrated that the major neuromodulatory neurotransmitters dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE), and acetylcholine (ACh) influence LTP magnitude. Noninvasive brain stimulation protocols provide the opportunity to study LTP-like plasticity at the systems level of human cortex. Here we applied paired associative stimulation (PAS) to induce LTP-like plasticity in the primary motor cortex of eight healthy subjects. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover design, the acute effects of a single oral dose of the neuromodulatory drugs cabergoline (DA agonist), haloperidol (DA antagonist), methylphenidate (indirect NE agonist), prazosine (NE antagonist), tacrine (ACh agonist), and biperiden (ACh antagonist) on PAS-induced LTP-like plasticity were examined. The antagonists haloperidol, prazosine, and biperiden depressed significantly the PAS-induced LTP-like plasticity observed under placebo, whereas the agonists cabergoline, methylphenidate, and tacrine had no effect. Findings demonstrate that antagonists in major neuromodulatory neurotransmitter systems suppress LTP-like plasticity at the systems level of human cortex, in accord with evidence of their modulating action of LTP at the cellular level. This provides further supportive evidence for the known detrimental effects of these drugs on LTP-dependent mechanisms such as learning and memory.

  7. Les enquêtes CHIP | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 juil. 2011 ... Elle dit que les données du NBS ne sont généralement pas diffusées publiquement et que son questionnaire n'est pas conçu en fonction des questions de recherche de l'enquête CHIP. Toutefois, les équipes d'enquête du NBS rendent possibles les travaux puisqu'on retient leurs services certaines ...

  8. Extinction, seeing and sky transparency monitoring at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre for J-PAS and J-PLUS calibration and scheduling (United States)

    Vázquez Ramió, H.; Díaz-Martín, M. C.; Varela, J.; Ederoclite, A.; Maícas, N. Lamadrid, J. L.; Abril, J.; Iglesias-Marzoa, R.; Rodríguez, S.; Tilve, V.; Cenarro, A. J.; Antón Bravo, J. L.; Bello Ferrer, R.; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.; Guillén Civera, L.; Hernández-Fuertes, J.; Jiménez Mejías, D.; Lasso-Cabrera, N. M.; López Alegre, G.; López Sainz, A.; Luis-Simoes, R. M.; Marín-Franch, A.; Moles, M.; Rueda-Teruel, F.; Rueda-Teruel, S.; Suárez López, O.; Yanes-Díaz, A.


    The Javalambre-Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS; see Benítez et al. 2014) and the Javalambre-Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) will be conducted at the brand-new Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ) in Teruel, Spain. J-PLUS is planned to start by the first half of 2015 while J-PAS first light is expected to happen along 2015. Besides the two main telescopes (with 2.5 m and 80 cm apertures), several smaller-sized facilities are present at the OAJ devoted to site characterization and supporting measurements to be used to calibrate the J-PAS and J-PLUS photometry and to feed up the OAJ's Sequencer with the integrated seeing and the sky transparency. These instruments are: i) an extinction monitor, an 11 " telescope estimating the atmospheric extinction to finally obtain the OAJ extinction curve, which is the initial step to J-PAS overall photometric calibration procedure; ii) an 8 " telescope implementing the Differential Image Motion Monitor (DIMM) technique to obtain the integrated seeing; and iii) an All-Sky Transmission MONitor (ASTMON), a roughly all-sky instrument providing the sky transparency as well as sky brightness and the atmospheric extinction too.

  9. neXtA5: accelerating annotation of articles via automated approaches in neXtProt. (United States)

    Mottin, Luc; Gobeill, Julien; Pasche, Emilie; Michel, Pierre-André; Cusin, Isabelle; Gaudet, Pascale; Ruch, Patrick


    The rapid increase in the number of published articles poses a challenge for curated databases to remain up-to-date. To help the scientific community and database curators deal with this issue, we have developed an application, neXtA5, which prioritizes the literature for specific curation requirements. Our system, neXtA5, is a curation service composed of three main elements. The first component is a named-entity recognition module, which annotates MEDLINE over some predefined axes. This report focuses on three axes: Diseases, the Molecular Function and Biological Process sub-ontologies of the Gene Ontology (GO). The automatic annotations are then stored in a local database, BioMed, for each annotation axis. Additional entities such as species and chemical compounds are also identified. The second component is an existing search engine, which retrieves the most relevant MEDLINE records for any given query. The third component uses the content of BioMed to generate an axis-specific ranking, which takes into account the density of named-entities as stored in the Biomed database. The two ranked lists are ultimately merged using a linear combination, which has been specifically tuned to support the annotation of each axis. The fine-tuning of the coefficients is formally reported for each axis-driven search. Compared with PubMed, which is the system used by most curators, the improvement is the following: +231% for Diseases, +236% for Molecular Functions and +3153% for Biological Process when measuring the precision of the top-returned PMID (P0 or mean reciprocal rank). The current search methods significantly improve the search effectiveness of curators for three important curation axes. Further experiments are being performed to extend the curation types, in particular protein-protein interactions, which require specific relationship extraction capabilities. In parallel, user-friendly interfaces powered with a set of JSON web services are currently being

  10. Corpul jurnalistilor si un Consiliu de Supraveghere a Presei

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Dosuleanu


    Full Text Available La presse roumaine traverse une crise profonde, à cause de la chute inquiétante de sa crédibilitée. Même s'il y avait plusieurs codes deontologiques, aucun entre eux n'a pas vraiment été respecté. Après des anneés de longues discussions, sans rien de concret, pendant l'automne de 2009, quelques importantes organisations des médias ont réussi projeter et adopter un Code Éthique Unique, une synthèse des codes existentes en Roumanie jusqu'à ce moment. Malheuresement, l'adoption du Code Éthique Unique n'a rien changé en ce qui concerne l'attitude des journalistes et de la société. L'activité des médias se développe comme auparavant, quand le Code n'existait pas. Les journalistes ne le reconnaissent pas, ni l'autorite de ceux qui tentent l'imposer. Vu la situation, la presse roumaine ne peut pas se permetre de perdre encore du terrain, il faut rapidement faire quelque chose pour élever la crédibilité du domaine. Un coup d'oeil vers les anciennes démocraties (Etats-Unis, France, Grande Bretagne ou Italie, qui avant la Roumanie ont subi un phénomène similaire, montre sans aucun doute que l'adoption d'une Loi de la presse pourrait être un solution. Mais la chose la plus importante est peut-être la fondation d'un Corps des journalistes qui monitorise l'admission dans la profession et un Conseil de Surveillance de la Presse, qui aurait comme mission principale la résolution des réclamations au cas où on constate que l'éthique professionnelle n'est pas respectée.

  11. Measurement of the response of the deuterated scintillators NE 232 and NE 230 to protons and deuterons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tornow, W.; Arnold, W.; Herdtweck, J.; Mertens, G.


    The response of the deuterated scintillators NE 232 and NE 230 to protons and deuterons has been measured via elastic neutron-proton and neutron-deuteron scattering using the two mixtures of C 6 H 12 /C 6 D 12 and C 6 H 6 /C 6 D 6 and ''pure'' scintillators. The energy range covered for protons and deuterons was about 1-16 MeV. The light output relation Lsub(p)(E)=(1/2)Lsub(d) (2E) has been observed. (orig.)

  12. Barriers to Information Transfer and Approaches Toward Their Reduction, Conference Proceedings of the Technical Information Panel Specialists’ Meeting Held in Washington, DC on 23-24 September 1987. (United States)


    technologie, qui ont conduit les cinq milliards d’hovnes vivant sur la terre en 1987, N conhluniquer entre eux h plusieurs n iveaux.- Au niveau tableau ci-apris, ne representent que les rdsultats d’une seule experimentation. Ils ne sknt point applicable it toutes les traductions. Les... tableau ci-apr~s indliquc les temps passes pour Ia saisie des texte.., lorsqu’ils ne sont pas disponibles sur support informatique (reconnaissance des

  13. {sup 17}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 21}Ne and {sup 17}O({alpha},n){sup 20}Ne for the weak s process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Best, A.; Goerres, J.; Beard, M.; Couder, M.; Boer, R. de; Falahat, S.; Gueray, R. T.; Kontos, A.; Kratz, K.-L.; LeBlanc, P. J.; Li, Q.; O' Brien, S.; Oezkan, N.; Pignatari, M.; Sonnabend, K.; Talwar, R.; Tan, W.; Uberseder, E.; Wiescher, M. [Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States); Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States) and Department for Biogeochemistry, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, 55020 Mainz (Germany); Department of Physics, Kacaeli University, Umuttepe 41380, Kocaeli (Turkey); Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States); Department for Biogeochemistry, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, 55020 Mainz (Germany); Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States); Department of Physics, Kacaeli University, Umuttepe 41380, Kocaeli (Turkey); Department of Physics, University of Basel, Basel 4056 (Switzerland); Institute for Applied Physics, Goethe-University Frankfurt, 60325 Frankfurt (Germany); Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (United States)


    The ratio of the reaction rates of the competing channels {sup 17}O({alpha}{gamma}){sup 21}Ne and {sup 17}O({alpha},n){sup 20}Ne determines the efficiency of {sup 16}O as a neutron poison in the s process in low metallicity rotating stars. It has a large impact on the element production, either producing elements to the mass range of A=90 in case of a significant poisoning effect or extending the mass range up to the region of A=150 if the {gamma} channel is of negligible strength. We present an improved study of the reaction {sup 17}O({alpha},n){sup 20}Ne, including an independent measurement of the {sup 17}O({alpha},n{sub 1}){sup 20}Ne channel. A simultaneous R-Matrix fit to both the n{sub 0} and the n{sub 1} channels has been performed. New reaction rates, including recent data on the {sup 17}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 21}Ne reaction, have been calculated and used as input for stellar network calculations and their impact on the s process in rotating massive stars is discussed.

  14. Die dramatiese discours in Pas de deux van Hugo Claus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Vaughan


    Full Text Available Drama is action, verbal drama is speech action, and the dramatic text is subject to a similar set of rules as that governing the extra-literary communication situation. Dramatic irony, the very essence of drama itself, is generated by a dual, mutually interactive process of communication, whereby the audience is “written into” the text in a way distinguishing it from other literary genres, and by a systematic flouting of the rules governing communication. Pas de deux demonstrates the peculiar duality of dramatic discourse by its complex exploitation of the breakdown/non-breakdown of Grice’s Co-operative Principle-. communication/non-communication becomes reversible and, therefore, mutually constitutive concepts “releasing meaning” and conveying the “ideology” of this play.

  15. Exclusive measurements of nuclear breakup reactions of 17Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wamers, F.; Marganiec, J.; Aksouh, F.; Aksyutina, Y.; Boretzky, K.; Chatillon, A.; Emling, H.; Geissel, H.; Heil, M.; Hoffmann, J.; Karagiannis, C.; Kiselev, O.A.; Kurz, N.; Larsson, K.; Litvinov, Y.A.; Nociforo, C.; Ott, W.; Simon, H.; Suemmerer, K.; Weick, H.; Alvarez-Pol, H.; Beceiro-Novo, S.; Cortina-Gil, D.; Rodriguez-Tajes, C.; Aumann, T.; Panin, V.; Bertulani, C.A.; Borge, M.J.G.; Galaviz, D.; Perea, A.; Tengblad, O.; Chartier, M.; Taylor, J.; Chulkov, L.V.; Egorova, I.A.; Ershova, O.; Langer, C.; Plag, R.; Reifarth, R.; Wimmer, C.; Forssen, C.; Johansson, H.; Jonson, B.; Nilsson, T.; Nyman, G.; Tengborn, E.; Zhukov, M.V.; Fraile, L.M.; Fynbo, H.; Riisager, K.; Grigorenko, L.V.; Hoffmann, D.H.; Richter, A.; Schrieder, G.; Karakoc, M.; Kratz, J.V.; Kulessa, R.; Lantz, M.; Le Bleis, T.; Lemmon, R.; Mahata, K.; Muentz, C.; Stroth, J.; Parfenova, Y.L.; Paschalis, S.; Rossi, D.; Savran, D.; Shul'gina, N.B.


    We have studied one-proton-removal reactions of about 500 MeV/u 17 Ne beams on a carbon target at the R 3 B/LAND setup at GSI by detecting beam-like 15 O-p and determining their relative-energy distribution. We exclusively selected the removal of a 17 Ne halo proton, and the Glauber-model analysis of the 16 F momentum distribution resulted in an s 2 contribution in the 17 Ne ground state of about 40 %. (authors)

  16. Pharmacothérapie de la dépression chez les aînés (United States)

    Frank, Christopher


    Résumé Objectif Discuter du traitement pharmacologique de la dépression chez les personnes âgées, y compris le choix des antidépresseurs, le titrage de la dose, la surveillance de la réponse et des effets secondaires et le traitement des cas réfractaires. Sources des données Les lignes directrices de 2006 de la Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health sur l’évaluation et le traitement de la dépression ont servi comme source principale. Pour recenser les articles publiés après les lignes directrices, on a procédé à une recherche documentaire dans MEDLINE de 2007 à 2012 à l’aide des expressions en anglais depression, treatment, drug therapy et elderly. Message principal Le but du traitement devrait être la rémission des symptômes. L’amélioration des symptômes peut être surveillée en fonction des objectifs du patient qu’on a identifiés ou en se servant d’outils cliniques comme le Patient Health Questionnaire–9. On devrait envisager le traitement en 3 étapes: l’étape du traitement aigu pour obtenir la rémission des symptômes, une étape de continuation pour prévenir la récurrence d’un même épisode de la maladie (rechute) et une étape de maintien (prophylaxie) pour prévenir de futurs épisodes (récurrence). Le dosage initial devrait être la moitié de la dose de départ habituelle chez l’adulte et il devrait être titré régulièrement jusqu’à ce que le patient réponde, jusqu’à ce que la dose maximale soit atteinte ou encore que les effets secondaires en limitent l’augmentation. Parmi les effets secondaires fréquents, on peut mentionner les chutes, la nausée, les étourdissements, les céphalées et, moins communément, l’hyponatrémie et des changements dans l’intervalle QT. Des stratégies pour changer ou augmenter les antidépresseurs sont présentées. Les patients plus âgés devraient être traités pendant au moins un an à compter de l’observation d’une amélioration clinique et

  17. Toxic pyrrolizidinalkaloids as undesired contaminants in food and feed: degradation of the PAs from Senecio jacobaea in silage. (United States)

    Becerra-Jiminez, J; Kuschak, M; Roeder, E; Wiedenfeld, H


    Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) can show a hazardous potential for men and animals. They can act as cancerogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic and fetotoxic agents. One pathway of a human intoxication is its occurence as contaminants in food and feed. Here, the contamination of cereals already led to severe and fatal intoxication episodes. Besides this, milk is of special concern as it is the main food for children which show a very high susceptibility for a PA intoxication. Milk can contain PAs in case the milk producing animals have access to contaminated feed. In this context it is of special interest whether the PA content of contaminated silage remains stable during the ensiling procedure or show a more or less high level of decomposition. We could show that ensiling will not lead to PA-free silage.

  18. La «loi pêche» (Code rural et l'introduction des espèces piscicoles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Les introductions d'espèces piscicoles non représentées et/ou susceptibles de créer des déséquilibres biologiques se développent, ici ou là, pour des considérations halieutiques ou accessoirement scientifiques, ou tout simplement pour se débarrasser de spécimens devenus encombrants. Face à ce phénomène, le droit de la pêche continentale n'offre qu'une réponse partielle qui n'est pas suffisante, à ce jour, pour assurer son contrôle. Ainsi, le chapitre II du titre troisième (pêche en eau douce et gestion des ressources piscicoles du livre II (nouveau du Code rural organise le contrôle des peuplements (section IV : articles L.232-10 à L.232-12, R.*232-3 à R.*232-25 du Code rural. Ce dispositif comporte un ensemble d'interdictions assorties, le cas échéant, d'autorisations : - interdiction d'introduire dans les eaux libres et les piscicultures, et de transporter sans autorisation, des poissons susceptibles de provoquer des déséquilibres biologiques ; - interdiction d'introduire sans autorisation des espèces de poissons qui ne sont pas officiellement représentées dans les eaux douces nationales ; - interdiction d'introduire, dans les eaux classées en 1ère catégorie piscicole, des poissons des espèces carnassières (brochet, perche, sandre et black-bass ; - interdiction d'introduire dans les eaux libres, pour rempoissonner ou aleviner, des poissons qui ne proviennent pas d'établissements agréés. Cette législation est perfectible en tant qu'elle suscite des difficultés d'application : la notion d'introduction n'est pas explicitée par les textes et doit être distinguée de l'emploi d'appâts vifs ou de la remise à l'eau ; le transport des espèces non représentées - autres que celles qui sont de nature à créer des déséquilibres biologiques - n'est pas soumis à autorisation et s'effectue donc librement ; le système de listes d'espèces présente une certaine rigidité et ne permet pas de pr

  19. J.M. Barrie : Les masques de Jacobus Hook Partie I/II : Le Capitaine Hook à Eton ou Le Solitaire1


    Faivre, Céline-Albin


    Cette causerie n’aurait pas lieu si le Doyen ne m’avait pas lancé un défi. Je me trouvai ici le 4 juin dernier, lorsque, pendant le déjeuner, au beau milieu de son discours, le Doyen me mit au défi de réfuter cette terrible accusation : « James Hook, le Capitaine pirate, était un grand mais non pas un bon Etonien. » Or, à mon avis, Hook était un bon mais non pas un grand Etonien ; et c’est cette envie de vous en convaincre qui m’a poussé à venir ici cet après-midi, tout en sachant néanmoins q...

  20. Nestor Capdevila, Le concept d’idéologie, Paris, PUF, 2004, 326 pages, 25 euros.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Que la philosophie puisse se pratiquer dans toute sa rigueur conceptuelle en s’appliquant à des notions politiques, voilà qui n’a pas été et n’est pas toujours évident pour tous. Le concept d’idéologie de Nestor Capdevila est une lecture tout indiquée pour les sceptiques. Le pari n’est pourtant pas gagné a priori : ce terme, forgé en 1798 par Destutt de Tracy pour désigner la science des idées prises au sens général de perceptions, est on ne peut plus fuyant. S’il n’a pas, à l’origine, la con...

  1. The MicroBooNE Technical Design Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fleming, Bonnie [Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States)


    MicroBooNE will build, operate, and extract physics from the first large liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) that will be exposed to a high-intensity neutrino beam. With its unparalleled capabilities in tracking, vertexing, calorimetry, and particle identification, all with full electronic readout, MicroBooNE represents a major advance in detector technology for neutrino physics in the energy regime of most importance for elucidating oscillation phenomena.

  2. Marie Curie, les femmes et la science, d'hier à aujourd'hui - English

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Marie Curie, les femmes et la science, d'hier à aujourd'hui Conférence par Hélène Langevin-Joliot Avec la participation de l'Echo du Reculet de Thoiry. L'enregistrement et la liste d'attente sont déjà complets... Mais il n'est pas rare que des personnes réservent et ne viennent pas. Nous réassignerons les places libérées selon la règle "premier arrivé, premier inscrit". Nous envisageons la possibilité de faire un webcast de la conférence. Plus d'information bientôt. Hélène Langevin-Joliot, directrice de recherche émérite en physique nucléaire fondamentale au CNRS à Orsay, est aussi la fille de Frédéric et Irène Joliot-Curie (prix Nobel de chimie en 1935) et la petite-fille de Pierre Curie (prix Nobel de physique en 1903) et de Marie Curie (prix Nobel de physique en 1903 et prix Nobel de chimie en 1911). Hélène Langevin-Joliot nous parlera de sa vie scientifique, de l’histoire extraordinaire de sa famille et en particulier du rôle des ...

  3. Marie Curie, les femmes et la science, d'hier à aujourd'hui

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva; Mariotti, Chiara; Vicinanza, Domenico


    Marie Curie, les femmes et la science, d'hier à aujourd'hui Conférence par Hélène Langevin-Joliot Avec la participation de l'Echo du Reculet de Thoiry. L'enregistrement et la liste d'attente sont déjà complets... Mais il n'est pas rare que des personnes réservent et ne viennent pas. Nous réassignerons les places libérées selon la règle "premier arrivé, premier inscrit". Au vu de la forte demande, la conférence sera également disponible en vidéoconférence : lien d'accès "webcast" disponible en bas de cette page. Hélène Langevin-Joliot, directrice de recherche émérite en physique nucléaire fondamentale au CNRS à Orsay, est aussi la fille de Frédéric et Irène Joliot-Curie (prix Nobel de chimie en 1935) et la petite-fille de Pierre Curie (prix Nobel de physique en 1903) et de Marie Curie (prix Nobel de physique en 1903 et prix Nobel de chimie en 1911). Hélène Langevin-Joliot nous parlera de sa vie scientifique, de l’histoire extraordinai...

  4. L'écosanté porte fruit – La santé en milieu urbain

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    constaté qu'en général, les gens comprenaient les pratiques d'hygiène mais ne les appliquaient pas toujours. Ainsi, l'eau propre puisée au puits devenait contaminée avant d'arriver au foyer. Le stockage de l'eau dans des conteneurs ouverts, une pratique courante, favorisait aussi la reproduction des parasites intestinaux ...

  5. "Genette devient écrivain"

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schuerewegen, F.M.J.


    On ne naît pas écrivain, on le devient, souvent pour une série de raisons qui n’ont pas grand-chose à voir avec un projet personnel et qui relèvent plutôt de ce qu’on appelle, avec le mot de Stanley Fish, la « communauté interprétative ». Il en va sans doute de même de la fameuse distinction que

  6. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    8 mai 2017 ... L'interrogatoire ne révélait pas de notion d'hémophilie dans la famille. La grossesse avait été suivie, de déroulement normal et menée à terme. Pas de prise médicamenteuse durant toute la grossesse. L'accouchement par voie basse, dystocique, ayant nécessité une extraction par ventouse, d'un nouveau ...

  7. Le SRAS, le sida, et la santé publique | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 juil. 2011 ... N'oublions pas que l'origine du SRAS est probablement d'ordre ... Une fois installées, ces nouvelles maladies s'adaptent fort bien aux réalités sociales locales. ... d'en créer sans tenir compte de la condition humaine et de ce qui la régit, ... ni changer cet état de choses si nous ne savons pas comprendre et ...

  8. Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic data of the PAS domain of the NifL protein from Azotobacter vinelandii.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hefti, M.H.; Hendle, J.; Enroth, C.; Vervoort, J.J.M.; Tucker, P.A.


    The Azotobacter vinelandii NifL protein is a redox-sensing flavoprotein which inhibits the activity of the nitrogen-specific transcriptional activator NifA. The N-terminal PAS domain has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli and crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. The crystal

  9. A novel signal transduction protein: Combination of solute binding and tandem PAS-like sensor domains in one polypeptide chain: Periplasmic Ligand Binding Protein Dret_0059

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, R. [Midwest Center for Structural Genomics, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Wilton, R. [Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Cuff, M. E. [Midwest Center for Structural Genomics, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Structural Biology Center, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Endres, M. [Midwest Center for Structural Genomics, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Babnigg, G. [Midwest Center for Structural Genomics, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Edirisinghe, J. N. [Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Computation Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago Illinois 60637; Henry, C. S. [Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Computation Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago Illinois 60637; Joachimiak, A. [Midwest Center for Structural Genomics, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Structural Biology Center, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago Illinois 60637; Schiffer, M. [Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439; Pokkuluri, P. R. [Biosciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne Illinois 60439


    We report the structural and biochemical characterization of a novel periplasmic ligand-binding protein, Dret_0059, from Desulfohalobium retbaense DSM 5692, an organism isolated from the Salt Lake Retba in Senegal. The structure of the protein consists of a unique combination of a periplasmic solute binding protein (SBP) domain at the N-terminal and a tandem PAS-like sensor domain at the C-terminal region. SBP domains are found ubiquitously and their best known function is in solute transport across membranes. PAS-like sensor domains are commonly found in signal transduction proteins. These domains are widely observed as parts of many protein architectures and complexes but have not been observed previously within the same polypeptide chain. In the structure of Dret_0059, a ketoleucine moiety is bound to the SBP, whereas a cytosine molecule is bound in the distal PAS-like domain of the tandem PAS-like domain. Differential scanning flourimetry support the binding of ligands observed in the crystal structure. There is significant interaction between the SBP and tandem PAS-like domains, and it is possible that the binding of one ligand could have an effect on the binding of the other. We uncovered three other proteins with this structural architecture in the non-redundant sequence data base, and predict that they too bind the same substrates. The genomic context of this protein did not offer any clues for its function. We did not find any biological process in which the two observed ligands are coupled. The protein Dret_0059 could be involved in either signal transduction or solute transport.

  10. XII — Taux de l’intérêt, taux de l’escompte, prix de l’or


    Juglar, Clément


    [Taux de l’intérêt à long et à court terme. — Qu’est-ce qui règle le taux de l’intérêt ? — Variations du taux de l’intérêt en France et en Angleterre. — Taux de l’escompte. Écart de prix entre les ventes à terme et les ventes au comptant. — La banque ne commandite pas le travail, elle fait circuler le crédit. — Le taux de capitalisation des rentes ne suit pas le taux de l’escompte. — Influence de la hausse de l’escompte. — Hausse de l’escompte, prix de l’or, flux et reflux des métaux précieux...

  11. Tilly Charles, Tarrow Sidney, Politiques du conflit. De la grève à la révolution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. Schiffino


    Full Text Available On ne présente pas Tilly et Tarrow : ils appartiennent à ce cercle d’auteurs privilégiés dont les concepts et les réflexions ont marqué des générations d’étudiants et de chercheurs. Ancrés dans la sociologie historique, leurs travaux sur la révolution et les mouvements sociaux, notamment, ont offert des clés pertinentes de compréhension (au sens wébérien du terme et d’interprétation du réel. L’ouvrage dont il est question ici ne fait pas exception à la règle. Il présente une boîte à outils c...

  12. Vérité générique et vérité proverbiale : on dit face à on dit proverbialement, le proverbe dit


    Tamba, Irène


    On trouve toujours ce qu’on ne cherche pas. Cette phrase est trop souvent vraie pour ne pas se changer un jour en proverbe.Balzac, Étude de femme, 1830 L’on définit ordinairement un proverbe comme une formule conventionnelle dénotant une vérité générale, tirée de l’expérience et de la sagesse collectives, ainsi que l’illustre l’exergue ci-dessus emprunté à Balzac. Mais qu’entend-on au juste par vérité générale dans le cas des proverbes ?Ou de manière plus concrète : quelle différence y a-t-il...

  13. Comparison of Ne and Ar seeded radiative divertor plasmas in JT-60U

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakano, T., E-mail:


    In H-mode plasmas with Ne, Ar and a mixture of Ne and Ar injection, the divertor radiation power fractions amongst these impurities in addition to an intrinsic impurity, C, are investigated. In plasmas with the inner divertor plasma attached, carbon is the biggest radiator, whichever impurity, Ne, Ar or a mixture of Ar and Ne is injected. In contrast, in plasmas with the inner divertor plasma detached, Ne is the biggest radiator due to a significantly high recombination radiation from Ne VIII. Ar is always a minor contributor in plasmas with the inner divertor both attached and detached.

  14. A history of PAs in the US Public Health Service. (United States)

    McKinnon, Mark F; Elizondo, Epifanio; Bonfiglio, Susan M; Hunter-Buskey, Robin N; Placide, Frances P; Bunnell, Rebecca A


    Since 1798, the men and women of the Commissioned Corps of the US Public Health Service (USPHS), one of the seven US uniformed services, have served on the front lines of public health. Two hundred years after the start of the USPHS, the first physician assistant (PA) entered the service to carry on the tradition of protecting, promoting, and advancing the health and safety of the nation. These dedicated clinicians are involved in healthcare delivery to underserved and vulnerable populations, disease control and prevention, biomedical research, food and drug regulation, and national and international response efforts for natural and man-made disasters. This article describes how PAs in the Commissioned Corps of the USPHS have impacted the health and safety of not only the United States but also the international community.

  15. Living better in Nord-Pas de Calais region. For an energy turn and societal transformations - Full report, Synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 2008, the NGO Virage-energie Nord-Pas de Calais published a scenario of nuclear power phaseout including objectives of reduction of green gas emissions in the region of Nord-Pas de Calais. In 2013, Virage-energie Nord-Pas de Calais published Scenarios on energy sufficiency and societal transformations: the results of a research project on the evaluation of energy savings potentials from public policies and lifestyle changes. Using data models and assumptions, this study has highlighted that energy sufficiency could generate energy savings from 26 % to 40 %. Global scenarios presented in this report, realised with the financial support of ADEME and regional council of the region Nord-Pas de Calais in partnership with two academic laboratories (TVES, University of Lille 1 - Science and Technologies; and Ceraps, University of Lille 2 - Health and Law), complete previous works with a global vision for the future energetic and social systems. Scenarios explore interactions between energy, lifestyles, agriculture, food habits, consumer goods, industry, buildings, transport and employment, in order to identify and to reduce human, social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities to energetic crisis. Energy sufficiency and resilience are at the heart of this research. Energy sufficiency is a voluntary and organized strategy to reduce energy consumption through lifestyles changes and societal transformations. Energy sufficiency is different from energy efficiency, which concerns only improvement of technical performances in order to reduce energy consumption of a system (building, vehicle, etc.). Sufficiency re-evaluates uses and needs of energy, but also imaginary and culture of a society and its individual and collective organisations. Resilience is the capacity for a system (territory, population, etc.) to absorb a perturbation, to reorganize itself and to continue to remain in a functionally similar state. Through three possible scenarios for the territory and the

  16. La figure historique d’Ibn ‘Abbâs

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    Viviane Comerro


    Full Text Available ‘Abdallâh b. ‘Abbâs est l’une des hautes figures du savoir islamique constitué au premier siècle. Les diverses notices biographiques qui lui ont été consacrées dans les sources sunnites en témoignent à travers le portrait lisse et monochrome du Compagnon et du savant. Cependant, un autre portrait nous a été conservé, celui d’un homme partisan, au cœur de la mêlée qui oppose les différents clans de Quraysh dans la lutte pour le pouvoir. La figure dessinée par l’ouvrage édité sous le titre Akhbâr al-Dawla l-‘Abbâsiyya (ou quelques autres ouvrages du même genre échappe en grande partie à l’exemplum déshistoricisé des traditionnistes. Cet autre point de vue ne donne nullement à croire que l’auteur anonyme des ADA nous fournit une image plus authentiquement historique d’Ibn ‘Abbâs, mais il vient contredire la vision des religieux, ou celle des anthropologues, qui s’attachent à gommer l’accidentel dans le portrait stéréotypé. Certes, l’homme de chair et d’os, l’individu Ibn ‘Abbâs, nous échappe définitivement, mais sa figure historique peut-être pas. On peut, en effet, se demander si dans les informations rapportées par certains akhbâr, et qui relèvent de la recréation littéraire, ne se dissimule pas aussi la démarche réflexive de l’historien qui met en scène des faits en leur fournissant une explication. À la différence des traditionnistes qui ne se risquent dans le conflit que de façon allusive ou feutrée, les historiographes et leurs informateurs, des hommes souvent non répertoriés parce qu’ils n’appartiennent pas aux cercles de la riwâya, ne dissimulent pas les enjeux d’ordre historique. Quelques exemples empruntés aux ADA en sont donnés.

  17. H2O2 production rate in Lactobacillus johnsonii is modulated via the interplay of a heterodimeric flavin oxidoreductase with a soluble 28 Kd PAS domain containing protein. (United States)

    Valladares, Ricardo B; Graves, Christina; Wright, Kaitlyn; Gardner, Christopher L; Lorca, Graciela L; Gonzalez, Claudio F


    Host and commensals crosstalk, mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS), has triggered a growing scientific interest to understand the mechanisms governing such interaction. However, the majority of the scientific studies published do not evaluate the ROS production by commensals bacteria. In this context we recently showed that Lactobacillus johnsonii N6.2, a strain of probiotic value, modulates the activity of the critical enzymes 2,3-indoleamine dioxygenase via H2O2 production. L. johnsonii N6.2 by decreasing IDO activity, is able to modify the tryptophan/kynurenine ratio in the host blood with further systemic consequences. Understanding the mechanisms of H2O2 production is critical to predict the probiotic value of these strains and to optimize bacterial biomass production in industrial processes. We performed a transcriptome analysis to identify genes differentially expressed in L. johnsonii N6.2 cells collected from cultures grown under different aeration conditions. Herein we described the biochemical characteristics of a heterodimeric FMN reductase (FRedA/B) whose in vitro activity is controlled by LjPAS protein with a typical Per-Arnst-Sim (PAS) sensor domain. Interestingly, LjPAS is fused to the FMN reductase domains in other lactobacillaceae. In L. johnsonii, LjPAS is encoded by an independent gene which expression is repressed under anaerobic conditions (>3 fold). Purified LjPAS was able to slow down the FRedA/B initial activity rate when the holoenzyme precursors (FredA, FredB, and FMN) were mixed in vitro. Altogether the results obtained suggest that LjPAS module regulates the H2O2 production helping the cells to minimize oxidative stress in response to environmental conditions.

  18. H2O2 production rate in Lactobacillus johnsonii is modulated via the interplay of a heterodimeric flavin oxidoreductase with a soluble 28 Kd PAS domain containing protein.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo B Valladares


    Full Text Available Host and commensals crosstalk, mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS, has triggered a growing scientific interest to understand the mechanisms governing such interaction. However, the majority of the scientific studies published do not evaluate the ROS production by commensals bacteria. In this context we recently showed that Lactobacillus johnsonii N6.2, a strain of probiotic value, modulates the activity of the critical enzymes 2,3-indoleamine dioxygenase via H2O2 production. L. johnsonii N6.2 by decreasing IDO activity, is able to modify the tryptophan/kynurenine ratio in the host blood with further systemic consequences. Understanding the mechanisms of H2O2 production is critical to predict the probiotic value of these strains and to optimize bacterial biomass production in industrial processes. We performed a transcriptome analysis to identify genes differentially expressed in L. johnsonii N6.2 cells collected from cultures grown under different aeration conditions. Herein we described the biochemical characteristics of a heterodimeric FMN reductase (FRedA/B whose in vitro activity is controlled by LjPAS protein with a typical Per-Arnst-Sim (PAS sensor domain. Interestingly, LjPAS is fused to the FMN reductase domains in other lactobacillaceae. In L. johnsonii, LjPAS is encoded by an independent gene which expression is repressed under anaerobic conditions (>3 fold. Purified LjPAS was able to slow down the FRedA/B initial activity rate when the holoenzyme precursors (FredA, FredB and FMN were mixed in vitro. Altogether the results obtained suggest that LjPAS module regulates the H2O2 production helping the cells to minimize oxidative stress in response to environmental conditions.

  19. DAΦNE Control System status and performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Pirro, G.; Drago, A.; Mazzitelli, G.; Milardi, C.; Sannibale, F.; Stecchi, A.; Stella, A.


    The DAΦNE Control System allowed the step by step commissioning of the major subsystems as they were installed, proving to be modular and extensible. Recently the guidelines of the Control System evolution concerned the development of machine operational procedures and the integration of diagnostic tools. Particular attention has been reserved to the problem of saving and restoring element data sts as well as to the DAΦNE general data handling. A system overview including installation status, features, and operation results is presented

  20. 2524-IJBCS-Article-Anastase Azontonde

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    apport par les eaux de ruissellement des colluvions du village situé à environ 100 m de la dépression. La description faite de ces sols hydromorphes par Viennot (1970) ne révèle pas la présence des horizons ayant cette couleur rouge brun. Par contre, ce phénomène est absent dans les sols hydromorphes de. Founougo ...

  1. carcinome parathyroidien

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    tic de malignité en préopératoire. Elle ne présentait pas de signes dʼhypercalcémie à type dʼasthénie, de troubles neuropsychiques ou de douleur osseuse et lʼexamen cli- nique nʼavait pas trouvé de masse cervicale palpable. La découverte chez elle de lʼhyperparathyroïdie primaire était fortuite lors dʼun examen ...

  2. À la fois travailleuses et responsables des soins: Les échanges ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les gains et pertes qui en résultent ne touchent pas uniformément les divers secteurs et groupes démographiques. Le projet Commerce, genre et équité en Amérique latine a évalué les répercussions des tendances des échanges sur la main-d'oeuvre féminine. La recherche révèle que, somme toute, le commerce n'a pas ...

  3. Dielektrične lastnosti vodnih raztopin nekaterih mono- in polisaharidov


    Gubenšek, Špela


    V magistrskem delu smo raztopinam različnih saharidov določali dielektrične lastnosti. Analizirali smo vodne raztopine glukoze, fruktoze, inulina, dekstrina, maltodekstrina, oligofruktoze in glukozno-fruktoznega sirupa. Saharide smo okarakterizirali tako, da smo določili njihove reducirajoče lastnosti in v glukozno-fruktoznem sirupu delež fruktoze. Za določanje dielektrične konstante v območju frekvenc izmenične napetosti med 20 kHz in 2 MHz smo uporabili kapacitivno metodo in LCR merilnik. ...

  4. Desktop Video: Multi-Media on the NeXT Computer. (United States)

    Stammen, Ronald M.; Richardson, Jolene

    A new course, Independent Study Research and Writing via Telecommunications, is being developed by the Division of Independent Study (DIS) of the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction to teach telepublishing skills utilizing the NeXT telecommunicating (interpersonal computing) techniques, i.e., NeXT Mail. This multimedia electronic-mail…

  5. Vers une esthétique de la science-fiction

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    Joanna Russ


    Full Text Available Les outils critiques élaborés en ayant à l’esprit une littérature entièrement différente ne fonctionnent pas quand ils sont appliqués à la science-fiction. Dans cet article, j’avance la proposition suivante : que la science-fiction est didactique. Malgré des similitudes superficielles avec la fiction moderne naturaliste (ou autre, les personnages de science-fiction sont toujours des personnes collectives, jamais individuelles. Je suggère que la critique littéraire contemporaine n’est pas l’outil idéal pour traiter de fiction didactique, ou pour évaluer une littérature nouvelle et différente. Appliquer les critères et les méthodes auxquels nous sommes habitués ne peut mener qu’à trois résultats : le rejet de toute science-fiction comme n’étant pas de la littérature, une préférence pour certains genres restreints de science-fiction (parce qu’on peut les comprendre au moins partiellement selon la manière habituelle, ou une conception et une perception erronées des textes que l’on essaie précisément de comprendre. La troisième catégorie est restée rare jusqu’ici, parce que l’intérêt universitaire pour la science-fiction était rare, mais elle pourrait devenir bien trop courante si la popularité croissante des cours d’université sur ce sujet ne s’accompagne pas d’une critique adaptée à son sujet.

  6. On the Undecidability of Images (in communication

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    Fabrizio Scrivano


    Full Text Available On the Undecidability of Images in Communication. Fabrizio Scrivano [trans. lise hogan] We often attach a certain evidence to the image, while at the same time we attribute a function to such evidence that, in many cases, the image does not possess. What is extremely problematic is when the image is used in communication, when it happens that we find ourselves in a situation of stalemate before the image. Indeed, in order to be understood, the image in many cases requires aknowledge that it itself does not display, a competence that the image itself does not indicate. Perceiving the object-image and perceiving the meaning-image are often actions that do not coincide and that suggest a residue of information which can be associated with the permanency of a secret dimension of the image. This article seeks to focus on this theoretical question through the analysis of a few concrete examples. L'indécidabilité de l'image dans la communication Fabrizio Scrivano [traduit par lise hogan] On attribue souvent à l'image une évidence, tout en assignant à cette évidence une fonction que d'ailleurs elle ne possède pas. Ce fait est extrêmement problématique lorsque l'image est utilisée dans la communication, lorsqu'il arrive que devant l'image nous nous trouvons dans une situation d'impasse à l'essai. En effet, l'image, pour être comprise, dans de nombreux cas nécessite une connaissance qu'elle-même ne montre pas, une compétence que l'image ne suggère pas. Percevoir l'image-objet et percevoir le sens-image souvent ne sont pas des actions identiques qui présupposent un résidu d'information qui peut être associé à la permanence d'une dimension secrète de l'image. Cet article vise à se concentrer sur cette question théorique à travers l'analyse de quelques exemples concrets.

  7. La confiance et le rapport aux normes : le problème de la méfiance face à la différence

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    David Robichaud


    Full Text Available Nous proposons dans ce texte une hypothèse explicative de la méfiance plus grande observée entre des individus différents les uns des autres sur un aspect identitaire jugé pertinent par ceux-ci. Nous débutons par présenter une esquisse de définition de la confiance et nous plaçons les normes de rationalité et de moralité au centre de cette définition. Nous faisons confiance à autrui pour qu’il respecte certaines normes explicites ou implicites. Cette définition nous permet d’éviter deux écueils : celui de considérer qu’il est immoral de ne pas faire confiance à autrui, et celui de considérer qu’il est irrationnel de ne pas faire confiance à autrui. Nous ne pouvons donc pas critiquer la tendance à ne pas faire confiance à des individus différents d’un pont de vue moral ou rationnel. Nous terminons en proposant une hypothèse permettant d’expliquer comment peut émerger la méfiance entre individus différents.In this paper, I offer a hypothesis explaining how and why lower trust levels are observed between people who consider themselves as different on a relevant identity variable. I begin by clarifying the central aspects of a definition of trust built around the idea that trusting someone is basically trusting to follow some norms. These norms can be implicit or explicit; they can be norms of rationality and norms of morality. We trust people to act rationally or morally, which is different from trusting rationally or morally. I argue that defining trust as rational or moral is a mistake and so the lower trust level towards different people cannot be criticized from a rational or moral point of view. I conclude the paper by offering a possible explanation of this lower trust level based on my proposed definition.

  8. Interaction of Ne(2p54p), Ar(3p54p) and Kr(4p55p) excited atoms with He and Ne atoms. Processes of collisional depolarization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zagrebin, A.L.; Lednev, M.G.


    Quasimolecular terms Ne(2p 5 4p)+He, Ar(3p 5 4p)+He,Ne and Kr(4p 5 5p)+He,Ne are calculated within the framework of one-configuration method of effective Hamiltonian. The results of calculations agree with the experimental data

  9. De l'oubli à la reconnaissance : l'exemple des résultats mathématiques d'Étienne Bézout (1730-1783)


    Alfonsi , Liliane


    15 pages; Trois éléments mathématiques sont connus aujourd'hui sous le nom de Bézout, une identité (en algèbre), un théorème (en géométrie algébrique), et un outil (un invariant). Pourtant ces résultats ne lui ont pas été attribués de son vivant. - Le 1er, l'identité de Bézout, qui peut se déduire de ses écrits mais n'y apparaît pas clairement, ne porte définitivement son nom que depuis Bourbaki (vers 1950) - Le 2e, le théorème de Bézout, lui a été attribué en 1795 mais a été fortement transf...

  10. Marginalité et référence dans Le Dernier jour d’un condamné de Victor Hugo

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    Claudine Nédélec


    Full Text Available Peut-être, en littérature, le référent est-il essentiellement lié à la marginalité (les frères Goncourt ne définissaient-ils pas l’écrivain comme un composé d’homme du monde et de criminel ?. Le référent ne pourrait-il pas en effet  être défini comme ce qui est en marge de la littérature, ou plus exactement comme ce qu’elle met dans ses marges ? Et tout dépend de la façon dont on conçoit les marges : soit on les voit faites de ce « vide papier que la blancheur défend », et il n’y a rien dans...

  11. Mapping potential freshwater services, and their representation within Protected Areas (PAs, under conditions of sparse data. Pilot implementation for Cambodia

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    Leonardo Sáenz


    Full Text Available Freshwater is arguably one of Earth’s most threatened natural resources, on which more than 7 billion people depend. Pressures on freshwater resources from infrastructure, resource development, agricultural pollution and deforestation are mounting, particularly in developing countries. To date, conservation responses such as Protected Areas (PAs have not typically targeted freshwater ecosystems and their services, and thus little is known about the effectiveness of these efforts in protecting them. This paper proposes and pilots an innovative freshwater services metrics framework to quantify the representation of potential freshwater services in PAs under conditions of scarce data, with a pilot application for Cambodia. Our results indicate that conservation actions have more effectively represented potential freshwater regulation services than potential freshwater provisioning services, with major rivers remaining generally unprotected. Results from the framework are then used to propose a series of context and region specific management options to improve the conservation of freshwater services in Cambodia. There is an acute need for such management options, as the country’s food security depends largely on important freshwater ecosystems such as the Tonle Sap Lake and the deep water pools systems of the Mekong River. The framework proposed can be applied in other countries or large river basins to explore the degree of representation of freshwater services within PAs systems, under conditions of sparse data.

  12. Ácaros (Arahcnida: Acari asociados a escarabajos pasálidos (Coleóptera: Passalidae de Colombia

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    José Orlando Combita Heredia


    Full Text Available Se determinaron taxonómicamente a nivel de familia y en algunos casos a género, los ácaros asociados a escarabajos de la familia Passalidae de Colombia. Se hallaron 23  morfoespecies de ácaros, se identificaron ocho géneros correspondientes a 11 familias, la gran mayoría pertenecen al suborden Mesostigmata, cohorte Monogynaspida; la familia Uropodidae fue la más predominante. El género Heterocheylus se encontró asociado exclusivamente al género Passalus. Todos los individuos revisados en este trabajo presentaron evidencias de una asociación forética con los pasálidos. Fueron detectadas para algunas morfoespecies y géneros una distribución específica sobre el cuerpo del escarabajo y una repartición de los microhábitats en las superficies de adhesión del pasálido. Se hace el primer registro para Colombia de las familias Diplogynidae y Anoetidae, se proporciona una clave ilustrada para familias de América con algunos comentarios sobre las familias presentes en Colombia y se aporta una colección de referencia.

  13. Half-life of the superallowed β+ emitter Ne18 (United States)

    Grinyer, G. F.; Smith, M. B.; Andreoiu, C.; Andreyev, A. N.; Ball, G. C.; Bricault, P.; Chakrawarthy, R. S.; Daoud, J. J.; Finlay, P.; Garrett, P. E.; Hackman, G.; Hyland, B.; Leslie, J. R.; Morton, A. C.; Pearson, C. J.; Phillips, A. A.; Schumaker, M. A.; Svensson, C. E.; Valiente-Dobón, J. J.; Williams, S. J.; Zganjar, E. F.


    The half-life of Ne18 has been determined by detecting 1042-keV γ rays in the daughter F18 following the superallowed-Fermi β+ decay of samples implanted at the center of the 8πγ-ray spectrometer, a spherical array of 20 HPGe detectors. Radioactive Ne18 beams were produced on-line, mass-separated, and ionized using an electron-cyclotron-resonance ionization source at the ISAC facility at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada. This is the first high-precision half-life measurement of a superallowed Fermi β decay to utilize both a large-scale HPGe spectrometer and the isotope separation on-line technique. The half-life of Ne18, 1.6656 ± 0.0019 s, deduced following a 1.4σ correction for detector pulse pile-up, is four times more precise than the previous world average. As part of an investigation into potential systematic effects, the half-life of the heavier isotope Ne23 was determined to be 37.11 ± 0.06 s, a factor of 2 improvement over the previous precision.

  14. Charged-Current Neutral Pion production at SciBooNE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Catala-Perez, J.


    SciBooNE, located in the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab, collected data from June 2007 to August 2008 to accurately measure muon neutrino and anti-neutrino cross sections on carbon below 1 GeV neutrino energy. SciBooNE is studying charged current interactions. Among them, neutral pion production interactions will be the focus of this poster. The experimental signature of neutrino-induced neutral pion production is constituted by two electromagnetic cascades initiated by the conversion of the π 0 decay photons, with an additional muon in the final state for CC processes. In this poster, I will present how we reconstruct and select charged-current muon neutrino interactions producing π 0 's in SciBooNE.

  15. Associative cortico-cortical plasticity may affect ipsilateral finger opposition movements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rizzo, V; Bove, M; Naro, A


    We have recently demonstrated that cortico-cortical paired associative stimulation (cc-PAS) can modulate interhemispheric inhibition (IHI) in the human brain. Here we further explored the after effects of cc-PAS on fine hand movements. Ten healthy right-handed volunteers received 90 paired...... transcranial stimuli to the right and left primary motor hand area (M1(HAND)) at an interstimulus interval (ISI) of 8 ms. We studied the after effects of cc-PAS on the performance of repetitive finger opposition movements of different complexity on both hands using a sensor-engineered glove. A quantitative...... evaluation of the following parameters was performed: Touch Duration (TD), Inter Tapping Interval (ITI) and Number of Errors (NE). We confirmed previous data by showing that left-to-right and right-to-left cc-PAS attenuated IHI. The new finding is that both left-to-right and right-to-left cc-PAS were able...

  16. Measurement of the {sup 15}O(2p,{gamma}){sup 17}Ne cross section by Coulomb dissociation of {sup 17}Ne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marganiec, Justyna [ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Germany); Aumann, Thomas; Heil, Michael; Plag, Ralf; Wamers, Felix [Kernreaktionen und Nuklear Astrophysik, GSI Darmstadt, Darmstadt (Germany)


    For the production of proton-rich nuclei during the rp process two-proton capture plays an important role. This process can bridge long-lived waiting points which otherwise hamper the mass flow between CNO material and the FeNi mass region. One of these waiting points is {sup 15}O. The three-body radiative capture can proceed sequentially or directly from the three-body continuum. The rate of the {sup 15}O(2p,{gamma}){sup 17}Ne reaction obtained using the two-successive-proton-capture model has been discussed in J. Goerres et al. (Phys. Rev. C 51, 392, 1995). The role of continuum states ({sup 15}O+2p) for the rate calculation has been demonstrated in L.V Grigorenko, M.V. Zhukov (Phys. Rev. C 72, 015803, 2005). It has been suggested that the reaction rate can be enhanced by a few orders of magnitude by taking into account the three-body continuum. In order to verify these calculations, we have deduced the {sup 15}O(2p,{gamma}){sup 17}Ne cross section by studying the time-reversed process, the Coulomb dissociation of {sup 17}Ne, at the LAND/R{sup 3}B setup at GSI, using a {sup 17}Ne secondary beam from the fragment separator FRS.

  17. Une force venant du futur chercherait à saboter l'expérience du LHC...

    CERN Multimedia

    Scappaticci, Bruno


    "A quelques jours de la reprise de l'expérience du LHC, on ne parle plus de la menace d'un trou noir, mais deux physicines souteinnent aujourd'hui une tout autres hypothèse: la nature, depuis le futur, va continuer de contrarier les travaux du Cern, afin d'éviter à l'Homme de mettre le doigt là où il ne faut pas..." (1.5 pages)

  18. Le nouveau modèle africain | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 juil. 2011 ... Or, ce serait rater le bateau que de ne pas s'engager dans la voie tout autre que les Africains proposent maintenant — à savoir se défaire du syndrome de la dépendance qui afflige l'Afrique depuis des décennies. Le Canada et les autres pays riches du Nord reconnaissent généralement qu'ils ne peuvent ...

  19. Collective effects in {sup 17}F and {sup 19}Ne; Effets collectifs dans {sup 17}F et {sup 19}Ne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lehmann, P; Leveque, A; Grjebine, T; Barloutaud, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The quadrupolar transition periods {sup 17}F1/2+ {yields} 5/2+ and {sup 19}Ne5/2+ {yields} 1/2+ have been measured, and are compatible with the model of a weak coupling between core and external nucleons. (author) [French] Les periodes des transitions quadrupolaires {sup 17}F1/2+ {yields} 5/2+ et {sup 19}Ne5/2+ {yields} 1/2+ ont ete mesurees et sont compatibles avec le modele d'un couplage faible entre coeur et nucleons exterieures. (auteur)

  20. Maladie de Rendu-Osler: un diagnostic à ne pas méconnaitre ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Homme, âgé de 78 ans, ayant des antécédents familiaux d'épistaxis chronique non explorée, avait depuis l'âge de 45 ans des épisodes d'épistaxis récidivante, bilatérale, spontanée et de faible abondance isolée. L'examen physique a objectivé des lésions cutanéo-muqueuses à type de télangiectasies au niveau des ...

  1. Safety evaluation for packaging for the transport of K Basin sludge samples in the PAS-1 cask

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    SMITH, R.J.


    This safety evaluation for packaging authorizes the shipment of up to two 4-L sludge samples to and from the 325 Lab or 222-S Lab for characterization. The safety of this shipment is based on the current U.S. Department of Energy Certification of Compliance (CoC) for the PAS-1 cask, USA/9184/B(U) (DOE)

  2. Safety evaluation for packaging for the transport of K Basin sludge samples in the PAS-1 cask

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    SMITH, R.J.


    This safety evaluation for packaging authorizes the shipment of up to two 4-L sludge samples to and from the 325 Lab or 222-S Lab for characterization. The safety of this shipment is based on the current U.S. Department of Energy Certification of Compliance (CoC) for the PAS-1 cask, USA/9184/B(U) (DOE).

  3. Precision angle-resolved autoionization resonances in Ar and Ne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berrah, N.; Langer, B.; Gorczyca, T.W. [Western Michigan Univ., Kalamazoo, MI (United States)] [and others


    Theoretical work has shown that the electron angular distribution and the shape of the autoionization resonances are crucial to the understanding of certain types of electron-electron correlation. Autoionization resonances in Ne (Ar) result from the decay of the excited discrete state Ne{sup *} 2s2p{sup 6} np (Ar{sup *} 3s3p{sup 6} np) into the continuum state Ne{sup +} 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 5} + e{sup {minus}} (ks,kd) (Ar{sup +} 3s{sup 2}3p{sup 5} + e{sup {minus}} (ks,kd)). Since the continuum can also be reached by direct photoionization, both paths add coherently, giving rise to interferences that produce the characteristic Beutler-Fano line shape. In this work, the authors report on quantitative angle-resolved electron spectrometry studies of (a) the Ne 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 2s2p{sup 6} np (n=3-5) autoionizing resonances and the 2s{sup 2}2p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 2p{sup 4}3s3p doubly excited resonance, (b) the Ar 3s{sup 2}3p{sup 6} {r_arrow} 3s3p{sup 6} np (n=4-9) autoionization resonances and extended R-matrix calculations of the angular-distribution parameters for both Ne and Ar measurements. Their results are compared with previous theoretical work by Taylor.

  4. Anaortic off-pump versus clampless off-pump using the PAS-Port device versus conventional coronary artery bypass grafting: mid-term results from a matched propensity score analysis of 5422 unselected patients. (United States)

    Furukawa, Nobuyuki; Kuss, Oliver; Preindl, Konstantin; Renner, André; Aboud, Anas; Hakim-Meibodi, Kavous; Benzinger, Michael; Pühler, Thomas; Ensminger, Stephan; Fujita, Buntaro; Becker, Tobias; Gummert, Jan F; Börgermann, Jochen


    Meta-analyses from observational and randomized studies have demonstrated benefits of off-pump surgery for hard and surrogate endpoints. In some of them, increased re-revascularization was noted in the off-pump groups, which could impact their long-term survival. Therefore, we analyzed the course of all patients undergoing isolated coronary surgery regarding the major cardiac and cerebrovascular event (MACCE) criteria. A prospective register was taken from a high-volume off-pump center recording all anaortic off-pump (ANA), clampless off-pump (PAS-Port) and conventional (CONV) coronary artery bypass operations between July 2009 and June 2015. Propensity Score Matching was performed based on 28 preoperative risk variables. We identified 935 triplets (N = 2805). Compared with CONV, in-hospital mortality of both the ANA group (OR for ANA [95% CI] 0.25 [0.06; 0.83], P = 0.021), and the PAS-Port group was lower (OR for PAS-Port [95% CI] 0.50 [0.17; 1.32], P = 0.17). In the mid-term follow-up there were no significant differences between the groups regarding mortality (HR for ANA [95%-CI] 0.83 [0.55-1.26], P = 0.38; HR for PAS-Port [95%-CI] 1.06 [0.70-1.59], P = 0.79), incidence of stroke (HR for ANA 0.81 [0.43-1.53], P = 0.52; HR for PAS-Port 0.78 [0.41-1.50], P = 0.46), myocardial infarction (HR for ANA 0.53 [0.22-1.31], P = 0.17; HR for PAS-Port 0.78 [0.37-1.66], P = 0.52) or re-revascularization rate (HR for ANA 0.99 [0.67-1.44], P = 0.94; HR for PAS-Port 0.95 [0.65-1.38], P = 0.77). Both off-pump clampless techniques were associated with lower in-hospital mortality compared with conventional CABG. The mid-term course showed no difference with regard to the MACCE criteria between anaortic off-pump, clampless off-pump using PAS-Port and conventional CABG. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  5. Coulomb and nuclear excitations of narrow resonances in 17Ne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Marganiec


    Full Text Available New experimental data for dissociation of relativistic 17Ne projectiles incident on targets of lead, carbon, and polyethylene targets at GSI are presented. Special attention is paid to the excitation and decay of narrow resonant states in 17Ne. Distributions of internal energy in the O15+p+p three-body system have been determined together with angular and partial-energy correlations between the decay products in different energy regions. The analysis was done using existing experimental data on 17Ne and its mirror nucleus 17N. The isobaric multiplet mass equation is used for assignment of observed resonances and their spins and parities. A combination of data from the heavy and light targets yielded cross sections and transition probabilities for the Coulomb excitations of the narrow resonant states. The resulting transition probabilities provide information relevant for a better understanding of the 17Ne structure.

  6. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic interactions measurement in MiniBooNE (United States)

    Perevalov, Denis

    The MiniBooNE experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) was designed to search for numu → nu e neutrino oscillations at Deltam 2 ˜ 1 eV2 using an intense neutrino flux with an average energy Enu ˜ 700 MeV. From 2002 to 2009 MiniBooNE has accumulated more than 1.0x1021 protons on target (POT) in both neutrino and antineutrino modes. MiniBooNE provides a perfect platform for detailed measurements of exclusive and semi-inclusive neutrino cross-sections, for which MiniBooNE has the largest samples of events up to date, such as neutral current elastic (NCE), neutral current pi 0, charged current quasi-elastic (CCQE), charged current pi +, and other channels. These measured cross-sections, in turn, allow to improve the knowledge of nucleon structure. This thesis is devoted to the study of NCE interactions. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic scattering (nuN → nu N) accounts for about 18% of all neutrino interactions in MiniBooNE. Using a high-statistics, high purity sample of NCE interactions in MiniBooNE, the flux-averaged NCE differential cross-section has been measured and is being reported here. Further study of the NCE cross-section allowed for probing the structure of nuclei. The main interest in the NCE cross-section is that it may be sensitive to the strange quark contribution to the nucleon spin, Deltas, this however requires a separation of NCE proton (nup → nu p) from NCE neutron (nun → nun ) events, which in general is a challenging task. MiniBooNE uses a Cherenkov detector, which imposes restrictions on the measured nucleon kinematic variables, mainly due to the impossibility to reconstruct the nucleon direction below the Cherenkov threshold. However, at kinetic energies above this threshold MiniBooNE is able to identify NCE proton events that do not experience final state interactions (FSI). These events were used for the Deltas measurement. In this thesis MiniBooNE reports the NCE (n+p) cross-section, the measurement

  7. Plate Tectonic Cycling and Whole Mantle Convection Modulate Earth's 3He/22Ne Ratio (United States)

    Dygert, N. J.; Jackson, C.; Hesse, M. A.; Tremblay, M. M.; Shuster, D. L.; Gu, J.


    3He and 22Ne are not produced in the mantle or fractionated by partial melting, and neither isotope is recycled back into the mantle by subduction of oceanic basalt or sediment. Thus, it is a surprise that large 3He/22Ne variations exist within the mantle and that the mantle has a net elevated 3He/22Ne ratio compared to volatile-rich planetary precursor materials. Depleted subcontinental lithospheric mantle and mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle have distinctly higher 3He/22Ne compared to ocean island basalt (OIB) sources ( 4-12.5 vs. 2.5-4.5, respectively) [1,2]. The low 3He/22Ne of OIBs approaches chondritic ( 1) and solar nebula values ( 1.5). The high 3He/22Ne of the MORB mantle is not similar to solar sources or any known family of meteorites, requiring a mechanism for fractionating He from Ne in the mantle and suggesting isolation of distinct mantle reservoirs throughout geologic time. We model the formation of a MORB source with elevated and variable 3He/22Ne though diffusive exchange between dunite channel-hosted basaltic liquids and harzburgite wallrock beneath mid-ocean ridges. Over timescales relevant to mantle upwelling beneath spreading centers, He may diffuse tens to hundreds of meters into wallrock while Ne is relatively immobile, producing a regassed, depleted mantle lithosphere with elevated 3He/22Ne. Subduction of high 3He/22Ne mantle would generate a MORB source with high 3He/22Ne. Regassed, high 3He/22Ne mantle lithosphere has He concentrations 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than undegassed mantle. To preserve the large volumes of high 3He/22Ne mantle required by the MORB source, mixing between subducted and undegassed mantle reservoirs must have been limited throughout geologic time. Using the new 3He/22Ne constraints, we ran a model similar to [3] to quantify mantle mixing timescales, finding they are on the order of Gyr assuming physically reasonable seafloor spreading rates, and that Earth's convecting mantle has lost >99% of its primordial

  8. New low pressure (LP) turbines for NE Krsko

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nemcic, K.; Novsak, M.


    During the evaluation of possible future maintenance strategies on steam turbine in very short period of time, engineering decision was made by NE Krsko in agreement with Owners to replace the existing two Low Pressure (LP) Turbines with new upgrading LP Turbines. This decision is presented with review of the various steam turbine problems as: SCC on turbine discs; blades cracking; erosion-corrosion with comparison of various maintenance options and efforts undertaken by the NE Krsko to improve performance of the original low pressure turbines. This paper presents the NEK approach to solve the possible future problems with steam turbine operation in NE Krsko as pro-active engineering and maintenance activities on the steam turbine. This paper also presents improvements involving retrofits, confined to the main steam turbine path, with major differences between original and new LP Turbines as beneficial replacement because of turbine MWe upgrading and return capital expenditures.(author)

  9. Angular distributions of autoionization electrons from Ne(2p43s2) 1D in Li+-Ne collisions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oud, M.; Pas, S.F. te; Westerveld, W.B.; Niehaus, A.


    Angular distributions of autoionization electrons from Ne(2p 4 3s 2 ) 1 D due to Li + -Ne collisions measured in coincidence with the scattered projectile ions are presented. The measurements are performed at four different collision energies between 1.0 keV and 3.0 keV, and the complex population amplitudes for the excited 1 D state are determined. A nearly pure M = O sublevel population is found with respect to an axis coinciding with the direction of the angular distribution. The direction of the angular distribution is found to deviate from the final direction of the asymptotic internuclear axis. (author)

  10. Comparative analysis of Gram’s method and PAS for the identification of Candida spp. samples from the oral mucosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cátia Martins Leite Padilha


    Full Text Available Introduction: Candida species are part of the normal microbiota of healthy subjects, living as commensals. However, they can become pathogenic when changes in the mechanisms of host defense or disruption of anatomic barriers occur. Candidiasis is the most common fungal infection in the oral cavity, mainly caused by Candida albicans. The diagnosis is based on symptoms and clinical aspects, in association with laboratory methods. Objective: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of Gram’s method for Candida spp. identification in scrapes from the buccal mucosa and evaluate the degree of concordance between clinical and cytological methods in the diagnosis of oral candidiasis. Material and methods: A blind study was performed in 170 smears from patients of Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro of Universidade Federal Fluminense (HUAP/UFF, stained by Gram (n = 57, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS (n = 57 and Papanicolaou (Pap (n = 57 methods. Results: The comparative analysis of the methods demonstrated a higher prevalence of Candida spp. (12% in PAS than in Gram staining, without statistic significance. The cytology method was positive in 93% of the clinical diagnosis of candidiasis. Conclusion: Gram was an adequate method; however more intensive professional training would be necessary to identify the fungus morphological structures. Although Pap test is the most common method of routine cytopathologic examination, for candidiasis diagnosis PAS staining is also recommended. Thus, it is suggested that candidiasis diagnosis should be accomplished by clinical evaluation in association with cytopathological analysis based on the identification of hyphae and/or pseudohyphae.

  11. Performance evaluation of working standard NE2581 in comparison with reference standard NE2561 in the determination of absorbed dose to water using IAEA, HPA, NACP, AAPM, NCRP and ICRU protocols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dolah, M.T.; Supian Samat; Taiman Kadni


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of NE 2581 in comparison with NE 2561 in the determination of the absorbed dose to water in a γ-ray beam using IAEA, HPA, NACP, AAPM, NCRP and ICRU protocols. 13 exposures of the γ-ray beams were used. This number of exposures yielded 26 chamber rate readings for NE 2581 (N=13) and for NE 2561 (N=13). From the 13 NE 2581 readings, 78 absorbed dose to water values were calculated for the IAEA (N=13), HPA (N=13), NACP (N=13), AAPM (N=13), NCRP (N=13) and ICRU (N=13) protocols. Similarly, from the 13 NE 2561 readings, 78 absorbed dose to water values were calculated for IAEA (N=13), HPA (N=13), NACP (N=13), AAPM (N=13), NCRP (N=13) and ICRU (N=13) protocols. From these 156 (=78 x 2) absorbed dose to water values, 78 percentage deviations between the NE 2581 and NE 2561 results were calculated for IAEA (N=13), HPA (N=13), NACP (N=13), AAPM (N=13), NCRP (N=13) and ICRU (N=13) protocols. For a single protocol, the mean μ and standard error σ+s+e of the percentage deviations (N=13) were calculated. results obtained in terms of [protocol, μ ± σ se ] were [IAEA,1.55 ± 0.12], [HPA, 0.98 ± 0.12], [NACP, 1.93 ± 0.12], [AAPM, -0.06 ± 0.12], [NCRP, 0.97 ± 0.12], [ICRU, 0.97 ± 0.12]. It can be seen that the range of percentage deviations is from -0.06 to 1.93. As the quoted IAEA acceptable limit of deviation is ± 3.0%, it was concluded that the working standard NE 2581 chamber has shown acceptable performance. In addition, the use of the AAPM protocol has enable NE 2581 to show a performance that is very similar like NE 2561. (Author)

  12. Agnostic stacking of intergalactic doublet absorption: measuring the Ne VIII population (United States)

    Frank, Stephan; Pieri, Matthew M.; Mathur, Smita; Danforth, Charles W.; Shull, J. Michael


    We present a blind search for doublet intergalactic metal absorption with a method dubbed `agnostic stacking'. Using a forward-modelling framework, we combine this with direct detections in the literature to measure the overall metal population. We apply this novel approach to the search for Ne VIII absorption in a set of 26 high-quality COS spectra. We probe to an unprecedented low limit of log N>12.3 at 0.47≤z ≤1.34 over a path-length Δz = 7.36. This method selects apparent absorption without requiring knowledge of its source. Stacking this mixed population dilutes doublet features in composite spectra in a deterministic manner, allowing us to measure the proportion corresponding to Ne VIII absorption. We stack potential Ne VIII absorption in two regimes: absorption too weak to be significant in direct line studies (12.3 13.7). We do not detect Ne VIII absorption in either regime. Combining our measurements with direct detections, we find that the Ne VIII population is reproduced with a power-law column density distribution function with slope β = -1.86 ^{+0.18 }_{ -0.26} and normalization log f_{13.7} = -13.99 ^{+0.20 }_{ -0.23}, leading to an incidence rate of strong Ne VIII absorbers dn/dz =1.38 ^{+0.97 }_{ -0.82}. We infer a cosmic mass density for Ne VIII gas with 12.3 value significantly lower that than predicted by recent simulations. We translate this density into an estimate of the baryon density Ωb ≈ 1.8 × 10-3, constituting 4 per cent of the total baryonic mass.

  13. Your Way to a Better Theory of Mind: A Healthy Diet Relates to Better Faux Pas Recognition in Older Adults. (United States)

    Ruffman, Ted; Zhang, Julie; Taumoepeau, Mele; Skeaff, Sheila


    Aging is characterized by a well-documented worsening of general cognition, and also a decline in social understanding such as the ability to recognize emotions or detect socially inappropriate behavior (faux pas). Several studies have demonstrated that lifestyle factors (diet, exercise, social integration, smoking) tend to offset general cognitive decline, and we examined whether they also help to offset age-related declines in social cognition. There were 56 participants aged 60 years or over. General cognition was measured using a matrices task and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Emotion recognition was measured by the matching of faces to emotion sounds and bodies to sounds. Faux pas recognition was measured by 16 videos, examining participants' ability to differentiate appropriate and inappropriate social behavior. Diet, exercise, social integration, and smoking habits were measured via questionnaires. For general cognition, diet, pr = .32, p smoking, pr = -.32, p = .02, and education, pr = .48, p exercise habits, smoking, and social integration, a healthy diet explained independent variance in the ability to identify appropriate social behavior, pr = .29, p = .04. We replicated previous research in finding that lifestyle factors were related to fluid intelligence. In addition, we obtained the novel finding that a healthy diet is associated with better recognition of faux pas in older adults, likely acting through facilitation of brain health, and providing initial support for a means of enhancing social functioning and well-being in old age.

  14. Ion mobilities in Xe/Ne and other rare-gas mixtures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piscitelli, D; Pitchford, L C [Centre de Physique des Plasmas et Applications de Toulouse (CPAT), UMR 5002 CNRS, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse (France); Phelps, A V [JILA, University of Colorado and National Institute of Technology, Boulder, Colorado (United States); Urquijo, J de [Centro de Ciencias Fisicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Post Office Box 48-3, 62251, 80309-0440 Cuernavaca, Moreno (Mexico); Basurto, E [Departmento de Ciencias Basicas, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, 02200 Mexico Distrito Federal (Mexico)


    The ion mobility or drift velocity data important for modeling glow discharges in rare gas mixtures are not generally available, nor are the ion-neutral scattering cross sections needed to calculate these data. In this paper we propose a set of cross sections for Xe{sup +} and Ne{sup +} collisions with Xe and Ne atoms. Ion mobilities at 300 K calculated using this cross section set in a Monte Carlo simulation are reported for reduced field strengths, E/N, up to 1500x10{sup -21} V m{sup 2}, in pure gases and in Xe/Ne mixtures containing 5% and 20% Xe/Ne, which are mixtures of interest for plasma display panels (PDPs). The calculated Xe{sup +} mobilities depend strongly on the mixture composition, but the Ne{sup +} mobility varies only slightly with increasing Xe in the mixture over the range studied here. The mobilities in pure gases compare well with available experimental values, and mobilities in gas mixtures at low E/N compare well with our recent measurements which will be published separately. Results from these calculations of ion mobilities are used to evaluate the predictions of Blanc's law and of the mixture rule proposed by Mason and Hahn [Phys. Rev. A 5, 438 (1972)] for determining the ion mobilities in mixtures from a knowledge of the mobilities in each of the pure gases. The mixture rule of Mason and Hahn is accurate to better than 10% at high field strengths over a wide range of conditions of interest for modeling PDPs. We conclude that a good estimate of ion mobilities at high E/N in Xe/Ne and other binary rare gas mixtures can be obtained using this mixture rule combined with known values of mobilities in parent gases and with the Langevin form for mobility of rare gas ions ion in other gases. This conclusion is supported by results in Ar/Ne mixtures which are also presented here.

  15. Investigation of valence inter-multiplet Auger transitions in Ne following 1s photoelectron recapture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Fanis, A; Pruemper, G; Hergenhahn, U; Kukk, E; Tanaka, T; Kitajima, M; Tanaka, H; Fritzsche, S; Kabachnik, N M; Ueda, K


    We employ a novel technique in which highly excited Rydberg states of Ne + 2p 4n p are populated via PCI-induced recapture of the near-threshold 1s photoelectron (De Fanis et al 2004 Phys. Rev. A 70 040702) to investigate valence inter-multiplet Auger transitions. The following series of the transitions have been observed: Ne + 2p 4 ( 1 D)np 2 L → Ne 2+ 2p 4 3 P J , Ne + 2p 4 ( 1 S)np 2 P →Ne 2+ 2p 4 3 P J and Ne + 2p 4 ( 1 S)np 2 P →Ne 2+ 2p 4 1 D. Their energy positions, quantum defects and the anisotropy parameters of the Auger electron emission have been determined. Experimental results are in good agreement with multi-configuration Dirac-Fock calculations carried out as a part of this study. The importance of interference effects for decays via naturally overlapping fine-structure components of the intermediate state is discussed

  16. Precise determination of cosmogenic Ne in CREU-1 quartz standard, using the Helix-MC Plus mass spectrometer (United States)

    Hamilton, D.; Honda, M.; Zhang, X.; Phillips, D.; Matchan, E.


    The Helix-MC Plus multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometer at the Australian National University is uniquely equipped with three high mass resolution collectors on H2, Axial and L2 positions. Their mass resolution and mass resolving power are as high as 1,800 and 8,000, respectively. The Helix-MC Plus can totally separate 20Ne+ from 40Ar++ isobaric interference and also partially separate 21Ne+ from 20NeH+ and 22Ne+ from 12C16O2++. By adjusting collector positions, we are able to measure interference-free Ne isotope intensities and have re-determined the 21Ne abundance in air [1]. Analyses by Honda et al. [1] demonstrated that 20Ne1H contributes approximately 2% to previously determined atmospheric 21Ne values [2], and a new atmospheric 21Ne/20Ne ratio of 0.002906 was calculated. Using the Helix-MC Plus mass spectrometer, we measured Ne abundances in the CREU-1 quartz standard [3] and determined cosmogenic concentrations by subtraction of atmospheric Ne with the new atmospheric 21Ne/20Ne value. The average concentration of cosmogenic 21Ne determined from four repeated analyses is 338 ± 12 × 106 atom/g (2σ). This compares with the average concentration of 348 ± 10 × 106 atom/g (2σ) from 45 analyses determined by several laboratories [3], where Ne isotope analyses were undertaken by conventional low resolution mass spectrometers and atmospheric Ne was subtracted using the conventional atmospheric 21Ne/20Ne [2]. On this basis, for a sample with abundant cosmogenic Ne, like CREU-1 quartz, previously measured by low mass resolution mass spectrometers are likely valid and their geological implications are unaffected. However, for low 21Ne concentration samples, combining new generation of mass spectrometers as well as the new atmospheric ratio may have significance for cosmogenic 21Ne surface exposure dating. References: [1] Honda M., et. al., International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 387, 1 (2015). [2] Eberhardt P., et. al., Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 20

  17. La science, la littérature, le rituel: le vrai dire et le plus que mentir

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Panagiotis Christias


    Full Text Available Le scientifique promet la vérité sans être en mesure d'accomplir sa promesse tandis que l'écrivain promet de mentir mais par son mensonge, il fait plus que mentir. Il ne dit certainement pas la vérité, car la vérité n'est pas sa préoccupation première. Voilà comment nous pouvons résumer les deux attitudes, condamnées à un antagonisme stérile par l'attitude positiviste moderne. Compte tenu donc de l'intention fondatrice de la science, de sa promesse donc originaire et fondatrice, la science doit dire la vérité et rien que la vérité. Ce qui, de l'aveu même de cette même science, est impossible. [...] La littérature se permet de reconstruire des mondes par-delà le vrai et le faux. [...] Un récit littéraire ne demande pas la consécration de la vérité, ne demande pas à être suivi parce que vrai, n'impose rien et n'attend rien. Sa vraie destinée est l'errance et sa vraie conscience est celle de sa dissémination. Celui qui renonce à la prétention de vérité renonce en même temps à la volonté de dominer. Dominer signifie créer un espace de vérité dans lequel celui qui énonce la vérité est le maître légitime de ceux qui sont dans le champ de la conception du monde dont cette vérité est la pierre angulaire.

  18. Relation between the 16O(α,γ)20Ne capture reaction and its reverse 20Ne(γ,α)16O photodisintegration reaction in stars and in the lab

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohr, P.; Angulo, C.; Descouvemont, P.


    The astrophysical reaction rates of the 16 O(α,γ) 20 Ne capture reaction and its reverse 20 Ne(γ,α) 16 O photodisintegration reaction are dominated by a few narrow resonances. Only at very low temperatures direct capture plays a significant role. Usually the reaction rate of photodisintegration reactions is calculated from the reaction rate of the corresponding capture reaction using the detailed balanced theorem. This is only valid for nuclei which are thermalized. The reaction rates of the 16 O(α,γ) 20 Ne capture reaction in the lab and under stellar conditions are identical. However, for the inverse 20 Ne(γ,α) 16 O photodisintegration reaction one finds a significant contribution of the thermally populated first excited state at E x = 1634 keV in 20 Ne. Consequently, the reaction rates of the 20 Ne(γ,α) 16 O photodisintegration reaction are different in the lab and under stellar conditions. It is shown that the detailed balance theorem remains valid for the reaction rates under stellar conditions. Photodisintegration rates in the lab have been measured recently using a quasi-thermal photon spectrum from bremsstrahlung, and a quasi-thermal photon spectrum with superior quality has been suggested using high-energy synchrotron radiation. (author)

  19. Investigation of 35S NE-78241 mobility in plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Enisz, J.; Orsos, S.


    The mobility of 35 S NE-78241 (N-iso-thiocyanato-methyl-2,6-dimethyl-chloracetanilide) in plants has been studied. The compound is not absorbed via the leaves from aqueous solutions. It shows active transport through the root-system. It is strongly bound to soil. In bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris) inoculated with Uromyces appendiculatus 35 S NE-78241 is selectively enriched at the place of infection. (author)

  20. Détection précoce du cancer de la prostate chez des apparentés de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    B. Fall

    de consentement éclairé leur a été remis et le dépistage effectué. Les apparentés qui n'avaient pas respecté le rendez-vous étaient recon- tactés par téléphone pour fixer un autre rendez-vous. Si après 3 tentatives l'apparenté ne se présentait pas au rendez-vous nous arrê- tions de l'appeler. Sur les 145 cas de cancer de ...

  1. 543-IJBCS-Article-Dr Atidegla Capo Seraphin

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    zone qui ne sont pas à l'abri des pollutions chimique et bactériologique. L'objectif de la présente étude est d'identifier ..... pratique le maraîchage sans irrigation et où les taux de nitrates obtenus sont dans l'ordre de. 14 à 32 mg/l. ... maraîchères ne peuvent y être pratiquées sans apports d'intrants. A Grand-Popo, ce sont les.

  2. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic interactions measurement in MiniBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perevalov, Denis [Univ. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL (United States)


    The MiniBooNE experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) was designed to search for vμ → ve neutrino oscillations at Δm2 ~ 1 eV2 using an intense neutrino flux with an average energy Ev ~ 700 MeV. From 2002 to 2009 MiniBooNE has accumulated more than 1.0 x 1021 protons on target (POT) in both neutrino and antineutrino modes. MiniBooNE provides a perfect platform for detailed measurements of exclusive and semiinclusive neutrino cross-sections, for which MiniBooNE has the largest samples of events up to date, such as neutral current elastic (NCE), neutral current π0, charged current quasi-elastic (CCQE), charged current π+, and other channels. These measured cross-sections, in turn, allow to improve the knowledge of nucleon structure. This thesis is devoted to the study of NCE interactions. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic scattering (vN → vN) accounts for about 18% of all neutrino interactions in MiniBooNE. Using a high-statistics, high purity sample of NCE interactions in MiniBooNE, the flux-averaged NCE differential cross-section has been measured and is being reported here. Further study of the NCE cross-section allowed for probing the structure of nuclei. The main interest in the NCE cross-section is that it may be sensitive to the strange quark contribution to the nucleon spin, Δs, this however requires a separation of NCE proton (vp → vp) from NCE neutron (vn → vn) events, which in general is a challenging task. MiniBooNE uses a Cherenkov detector, which imposes restrictions on the measured nucleon kinematic variables, mainly due to the impossibility to reconstruct the nucleon direction below the Cherenkov threshold. However, at kinetic energies above this threshold MiniBooNE is able to identify NCE proton events that do not experience final state interactions (FSI). These events were used for the Δs measurement. In this thesis

  3. Bibliothécaires, documentalistes, tous entrepreneurs ?

    CERN Document Server

    Vaissaire-Agard, Clotilde


    Bibliothécaires et documentalistes sont-ils des entrepreneurs qui s'ignorent ? Certes, les attributs classiques de l'entrepreneur - capacités stratégiques, d'innovation, d'investissement personnel, de persévérance... - sont généralement réservés aux chefs d'entreprises ; mais ne trouve-t-on pas des qualités comparables chez les professionnels des bibliothèques et de la documentation ? Si certains d'entre-eux ont franchi le pas en s'installant à leur compte, d'autres exercent leurs activités à l'intérieur même de leur institution en s'appuyant sur des valeurs que l'on retrouve en partie dans l'économie sociale et solidaire... Ne faut-il pas leur associer de plein droit des qualités d'entrepreneur ou mieux, d'intrapreneur ? Entrepreneur, entrepreneur social, intrapreneur, etc. c'est à travers le prisme de ces différents statuts et à partir des témoignages de nombreux professionnels que les auteurs de cet ouvrage abordent les évolutions des métiers de l'info-doc où le souci de l'innovati...

  4. Effects of confinement on the Rydberg molecule NeH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lo, J M H; Klobukowski, M; Bielinska-Waz, D; Diercksen, G H F; Schreiner, E W S


    Ab initio potential energy curves of the Rydberg NeH molecule in the presence of cylindrical spatial confinement were computed by the method of multi-reference configuration interaction with extended basis sets. The influence of the applied potential to the structures and spectra of the ground and excited states of NeH was analysed in terms of perturbation theory. In addition, the phenomenon of field-induced ionization was discussed

  5. Lääne-Euroopa kaotab idale / Hans-Werner Sinn

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sinn, Hans-Werner, 1948-


    Ilmunud ka: Molodjozh Estonii 9. märts lk. 8. EL-i laienemine itta tähendab tööjõuturu jaoks seda, et nõudlus kõrgelt kvalifitseeritud Lääne-Euroopa tööjõu järele suureneb, kõigi teiste tööliste järele aga langeb ning kokkuvõttes töökohtade arv Lääne-Euroopas väheneb

  6. A high-resolution study of the sup 20 Ne( sup 3 He,t) sup 20 Na reaction and the sup 19 Ne(p,. gamma. ) sup 20 Na reaction rate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, M S; Magnus, P V; Hahn, K I; Howard, A J; Parker, P D [A.W. Wright Nuclear Structure Lab., Yale Univ., New Haven, CT (United States); Champagne, A E; Mao, Z Q [Dept. of Physics, Princeton Univ., NJ (United States)


    A high-precision measurement of the {sup 20}Ne({sup 3}He,t){sup 20}Na reaction has been made using implanted {sup 20}Ne transmission targets to obtain pertinent information on the low-energy resonances in the {sup 19}Ne(p,{gamma}){sup 20}Na reaction. Resonance energies (447{+-}5, 658{+-}5, 787{+-}5, and 857{+-}5 keV) and upper limits on total intrinsic widths (<10, <6, <10, and <16 keV) have been measured for four excited states above the 2.199 MeV proton threshold in {sup 20}Na. The stellar {sup 19}Ne(p,{gamma}){sup 20}Na reaction rate is calculated for temperatures between 1x10{sup 8} and 1x10{sup 9} K. When combined with a recent study of the {sup 15}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 19}Ne reaction, a new estimate is made of the conditions required for breakout from the Hot CNO cylce to the rapid proton capture process. (orig.).

  7. Main channels of the decay of the giant dipole resonance in the 20,22Ne nuclei and isospin splitting of the giant dipole resonance in the 22Ne nucleus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varlamov, V.V.; Stepanov, M.E.


    Data published in the literature on various photonuclear reactions for the 20,22 Ne isotopes and for their natural mixture are analyzed with the aim of exploring special features of the decay of giant-dipole-resonance states in these two isotopes. With the aid of data on the abundances of the isotopes and on the energy reaction thresholds, the cross sections for the reactions 20,22 Ne[(γ, n) + (γ, np)] and 20,22 Ne[(γ, p) + (γ, np)] are broken down into the contributions from the one-nucleon reactions (γ, n) and (γ, p) and the contributions from the reactions (γ, np). The cross sections evaporation model used here to treat the deexcitation of residual nucle(γ, p) 19,21 F in the energy range E γ = 16.0-28.0 MeV and the cross sections for the reactions 20,22 Ne(γ, np) 18,20 F in the energy range E γ = 23.3-28.0 MeV are estimated. The behavior of the cross-section ratio r = σ(γ, p)/σ(γ, n) for the 22 Ne nucleus as a function of energy is analyzed, and the isospin components of the giant dipole resonance in the 22 Ne nucleus are identified. The contributions of the isospin components of the giant dipole resonance in the 22 Ne nucleus to the cross sections for various photonuclear reactions are determined on the basis of an analysis of the diagram of the excitation and decay of pure isospin states in the 22 Ne nucleus and in nuclei neighboring it, which are members of the corresponding isospin multiplets. The isospin splitting of the giant dipole resonance and the ratio of the intensities of the isospin components are determined to be ΔE = 4.57 ± 0.69 MeV and R = 0.24 ± 0.04, respectively

  8. Physics Motivations of SciBooNE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiraide, K.


    SciBooNE is a new experiment for measuring neutrino-nucleus cross sections around one GeV region, which is important for the interpretaion of neutrino oscillation experiments. Physics motivations of the experiment are described here

  9. SIM / SONGS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacques Portes


    Full Text Available Dans les États-Unis de 2006, la chanson contestataire n’est pas celle qui hante le plus les ondes : elle n’encombre pas les présentoirs des magasins de disque et ne mobilise pas le MP3. Une des seules exceptions est celle de « Strange Fruits », chantée pour la première fois par Billie Holliday en 1939 : elle a souvent été reprise et même été classée dans un bilan de l’an 2000 comme la meilleure chanson du XXe siècle.Certaines légendes attribuent rapidement à un chanteur une couronne de contes...

  10. Réponse à Mme DESAFY-GRIGNARD au sujet de son ouvrage Arthur Miller : une vie à l’œuvre

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    Trudy Bolter


    Full Text Available RÉPONSE à Mme DESAFY-GRIGNARD 
au sujet de son ouvrage Arthur Miller : une vie à l’oeuvre

 Un compte rendu n’est pas forcément un résumé neutre : rien ne m’oblige à répéter en l’étoffant la quatrième page de couverture de l'ouvrage. « Lu par ... » dit bien qu'il s'agit d'une vision personnelle. J’avoue que j’ai lu ce livre avec surprise, une émotion très vive, pas toujours très positive. Je conteste certaines approches, qui m’apparaissent approximatives, pas assez complètes , quelques tourn...

  11. Shakespeare and the Concepts of Fear


    Appelbaum, Robert


    Lorsque l’on pense à la peur, on ne mobilise pas toujours les mots de sens voisin comme anxiété, terreur et panique. Si l’on essaie de conceptualiser la peur et les phénomènes proches, on est souvent gêné par le présupposé qu’il existe un système de types naturels parmi les émotions, alors qu’il y a tout au plus ce que Wittgenstein appelle « un air de famille ». Il n’existe pas de système fiable de nos jours, et il n’en existait pas non plus du temps de Shakespeare. Cette contribution étudie ...

  12. Status of conversion of NE standards to national consensus standards

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jennings, S.D.


    One major goal of the Nuclear Standards Program is to convert existing NE standards into national consensus standards (where possible). This means that an NE standard in the same subject area using the national consensus process. This report is a summary of the activities that have evolved to effect conversion of NE standards to national consensus standards, and the status of current conversion activities. In some cases, all requirements in an NE standard will not be incorporated into the published national consensus standard because these requirements may be considered too restrictive or too specific for broader application by the nuclear industry. If these requirements are considered necessary for nuclear reactor program applications, the program standard will be revised and issued as a supplement to the national consensus standard. The supplemental program standard will contain only those necessary requirements not reflected by the national consensus standard. Therefore, while complete conversion of program standards may not always be realized, the standards policy has been fully supported in attempting to make maximum use of the national consensus standard. 1 tab

  13. Kinetic model of a Ne-H2 Penning Recombination Laser operating in the hollow cathode discharge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pramatarov, P.M.; Stefanova, M.S.; Petrov, G.M.


    The Penning Recombination Laser (PRL) requires the presence of both a recombination plasma populating the upper laser level (ULL) and a gas component efficiently depopulating the lower laser level (LLL) by Penning reactions. Such requirements are met in the negative glow plasma of a pulsed high voltage Ne-H 2 discharge with a helical hollow cathode. High rates of ionizations followed by recombinations are reached due to the beam component of non-Maxwellian electrons of 1-2 keV energy present in the tail of the electron energy distribution function. The H 2 , on the one hand plays the role of Penning component and on the other hand effectively cools the electrons by rotational and vibrational levels excitation. The latter contributes to the effectiveness of the recombination processes. A kinetic model of the physical processes determining the inversion population on the NeI(2p 1 -1s 2 ) transition (the 585.3 nm line) in a Ne-H 2 PRL operating in a high voltage hollow cathode discharge at intermediate pressures is proposed. About 60 plasma-chemical reactions are considered in the model. These include: two-electron recombination of Ne + ; dissociative recombination of Ne 2 + , NeH + and H 2 + ; ion-ion recombination of Ne + and H - ; Ne and H 2 direct ionization by fast electrons; Ne stepwise ionization; Penning ionization; Ne excitation by fast electrons; Ne stepwise excitation and de-excitation; radiative transitions; electron mixing between Ne excited states; H 2 rotational and vibrational levels excitation; H 2 dissociative attachment; elastic electron collisions with H 2 and Ne. The rate constants for the reactions are either taken from the literature or calculated in this work

  14. The Hyena: Witch's Auxiliary or Nature's Fool?


    Dunham, Margaret


    Le texte publié sera accompagné des enregistrements sonores et de l'analyse interlinéaire de deux contes mettant en scène des hyènes.; Although the hyena cannot be considered a 'keystone' animal in Valangi culture, through its associations with witchcraft, it nevertheless holds an important place in the collective imagination and in the traditional folklore.; Bien que l'hyène ne puisse pas être considérée comme animal 'clé de voûte' dans la culture Valangi, elle tient néanmoins une place impo...





    Incidentalomi nadbubrežne žlijezde jesu tumori otkriveni tijekom dijagnostičke evaluacije nekoga drugog kliničkog stanja. Tehnološki napredak radioloških uređaja i njihova sve veća upotreba u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi doveli su do češćeg otkrivanja ovih tumora čineći njihovu dijagnostiku i liječenje jednim od najvažnijih izazova moderne endokrinologije. Radi racionalnog pristupa ovim bolesnicima radna skupina koju su činili vodeći hrvatski stručnjaci iz područja bolesti nadbubrežne žlijez...

  16. International Development Research Centre Act Loi sur le Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 juin 2009 ... research includes any scientific or technical inquiry or experimentation that is .... data centres and facilities for research and other activ- ities;. (b) initiate and ..... Loi sur la pension de la fonction publique ne s'applique pas aux ...

  17. Utilisation du laitier granulé broyé des hauts fourneaux dans la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    qualités nécessaires pour mener à bien ces projets ne sont pas toujours disponibles sur les sites de ..... cet additif, le pourcentage des particules fines diminue provoquant un meilleur renforcement de .... Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012. pp.

  18. Sud du Sahara | Page 286 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Langue French ... Improved food processing and preparation methods, coupled with education programs, have contributed to ... chiche dans les hautes terres de l'Éthiopie, où les autorités ne s'attendaient pas à ce que cette culture soit viable.

  19. Sud du Sahara | Page 133 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Langue French ... Improved food processing and preparation methods, coupled with education programs, have contributed to ... chiche dans les hautes terres de l'Éthiopie, où les autorités ne s'attendaient pas à ce que cette culture soit viable.

  20. 2387-IJBCS-Article- Momar Talla

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    mesure de satisfaire leurs besoins énergétiques alimentaires .... (2008) les moyens naturels de contrôle constituent des .... dernier auteur. Substances végétales dans la gestion des .... quoique les performances du spinosad ne soient pas ...

  1. Valores y pautas de crianza familiar en los montes del Pas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La comunidad asentada en los montes del Pas es una sociedad que se define como agrícola, rural y campesina. La familia es a la vez unidad doméstica y productiva, ocupada básicamente en labores agrarias y ganaderas.El objetivo final de este estudio es el conocimiento de las pautas de crianza y transmisión cultural del pueblo pasiego. Tratamos de conocer mejor el mundo de la educación familiar para desde ese conocimiento avanzar adecuadamente en la toma de decisiones pedagógicas. Por los datos recogidos cabe hablar de la existencia de unas relaciones intergeneracionales cálidas y positivas, donde la atención, cooperación y solidaridad son un hecho. La familia comparte espacios, tiempos y tareas. Los niños aprenden a través del modelado los valores, normas y pautas de conducta. Enseñan a los niños a tener palabra, ser trabajadores y respetuosos. Los niños van al campo desde muy pequeños a ayudar. Trabajan mucho. Los valores que definen son la laboriosidad, el esfuerzo para el progreso económico, lealtad, tener palabra y solidaridad. Se ayudan mucho entre ellos.ABSTRACT: The community settled in the mountains of the Pas is a society which is described as agricultural and rural. The family is both the domestic and productive unit, basically working in farming and stockbreeding tasks.The final aim of this estudy is to know the nurturing and cultural transmission guidelines of the pasiego people. We aim to know the world of the education within the family better and, from this knowledge, to advance appropriately in the educational decission making. From the gathered data we may assume that there are warm and positive intergenerational relationships, where care, cooperation and solidarity are real. The familiy share spaces, time and tasks; children learn through the modeling of valúes, norms and guidelines. They are taught to have their own voice, to work hard and to be respectful. They do work hard. The defining valúes in

  2. Peripheral Insertion of a Central Venous Access Device Under Fluoroscopic Guidance Using a Peripherally Accessed System (PAS) Port in the Forearm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hata, Yasuhiro; Morita, Sojiro; Morita, Yoshitaka; Awatani, Toshihide; Takasaki, Motohiro; Horimi, Tadashi; Ozawa, Zen


    Purpose: We describe the technique, efficacy, and complications of fluoroscopy-guided implantation of a central venous access device using a peripherally accessed system (PAS) port via the forearm. Methods: Beginning in July 1994, 105 central venous access devices were implanted in 104 patients for the long-term infusion of antibiotics or antineoplasmic agents, blood products, or parenteral nutrition. The devices was inserted under fluoroscopic guidance with real-time venography from a peripheral route. Results: All ports were successfully implanted. There were no procedure-related complications. No thrombosis or local infection was observed; however, in six patients catheter-related phlebitis occurred. Conclusion: Fluoroscopy-guided implantation of a central venous access device using a PAS port via the forearm is safe and efficacious, and injection of contrast medium through a peripheral IV catheter before introduction of the catheter helps to avoid catheter-related phlebitis

  3. La solidarité numérique, clé du développement en Afrique ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    3 févr. 2011 ... Il s'agit de mettre en œuvre des structures permanentes. ... Créer la solidarité numérique ne touche en rien la coopération bilatérale. ... C'est là où nous ne sommes pas d'accord avec l'Europe qui veut que l'Afrique utilise ... des analphabètes et des handicapés, etc., grâce à la coopération internationale.

  4. DSA lifetime measurements in 21Ne at high recoil velocity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grawe, H.; Heidinger, F.; Kaendler, K.


    States in 21 Ne up to 5 MeV excitation energy have been populated using the inverted reaction 2 H( 20 Ne,pγ). The Doppler shift attenuation (DSA) analysis of the pγ coincidence spectra taken in a Ge(Li) detector at 45 0 and 135 0 and an annular silicon surface barrier detector near 0 0 yielded the lifetimes of 8 states in 21 Ne. Due to the large recoil of vi/c approximately equal to 4% three new lifetimes were determined for the short lived levels at 2.80, 4.68 and 4.73 MeV, namely 10 +- 4 fs, 16 +- 4 fs and 10 +- 4 fs, respectively. The results are compared with rotational and shell model calculations. (orig.) [de

  5. Gamma-ray response of NE-213 measured between 2 and 11.5 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ingersoll, D.T.; Wehring, B.W.; Starr, R.D.


    Because of the capability to discriminate between neutrons and gamma rays, NE-213 scintillators are useful as both fast-neutron and gamma-ray spectrometers. However, measured NE-213 Compton-recoil spectra require unfolding to yield gamma-ray energy spectra which entails a detailed knowledge of the gamma-ray response of the NE-213 detector system. Absolute measurements of the gamma-ray response of an NE-213 scintillator in the energy range of 2 to 11.5 MeV were made. The measurements were made using the University of Illinois superconducting electron microtron equipped with a gamma-ray monochromator. The response measurements will be used to construct a gamma-ray response matrix for NE-213 to be used with the FORIST unfolding code

  6. Ne beam-Kr target interaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fortov, V E; Kostin, V V; Vorob` ev, V S [Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian Federation). High Energy Density Research Center; Kulish, M I; Mintsev, V B [Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka (Russian Federation). Inst. of Chemical Physics; Hoffman, [Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt (Germany)


    Energetic heavy ions of Ne - crystal Kr target interaction is investigated both experimentally and with the help of a 2-D computer code. The dynamics of the target matter heating, expansion, and destruction are described. A new equation of state for Kr was obtained and tested within a wide range of parameters. (author). 2 figs., 10 refs.

  7. PDF Provisoire Publiée le 3 Janvier 2010 Cas clinique, Volume 4 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    -faciale, CHU Hassan II. Fès, Maroc. Email: Résumé .... redevenue un véritable problème de santé publique à l'échelle planétaire ne se limitant pas seulement aux .... Mycobacterium marches back.

  8. Renforcement de la sécurité des moyens de subsistance et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    inondation considérable, surtout pendant la mousson. À l'heure actuelle, les approches écosystémiques de gestion du milieu humide ne tiennent pas compte des aléas du climat. Cette subvention permettra à Wetlands International South Asia, ...

  9. Rôle de la propriété intellectuelle dans le développement ouvert en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    auteurs, brevets et marques de commerce) ne sont pas les seuls facteurs limitant la contribution de l'Afrique à l'innovation, et que leur interprétation et leur application y sont aussi pour quelque chose. ... Agent(e) responsable du CRDI. Perini ...

  10. Les instruments scientifiques aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles

    CERN Document Server

    Daumas, Maurice


    L'histoire des instruments scientifiques est bien connue maintenant et il ne semble pas que les incertitudes qui demeurent encore, par exemple à propos de l'invention des lunettes d'approche et des microscopes, puissent être complètement levées....

  11. Mettre un terme à la violence faite aux femmes | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 nov. 2012 ... Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) ... La violence contre les femmes ne se résume pas aux gestes posés. ... Dans une culture admettant la violence à l'endroit des femmes, ce fait est important; ... Indian Institute of Management

  12. 77 FR 29871 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Red Cloud, NE (United States)


    ...-0426; Airspace Docket No. 11-ACE-7] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Red Cloud, NE AGENCY: Federal... at Red Cloud, NE. Controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard Instrument Approach Procedures at Red Cloud Municipal Airport. The FAA is taking this action to enhance the...

  13. LabVIEW Data Acquisition for NE213 Neutron Detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gangadharan, Dhevan


    A neutron spectroscopy system based on a NE213 liquid scintillation detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center measures neutron energies from a few MeV up to 800 MeV. The neutrons are produced from the electron beam and target interactions. The NE 213 scintillator, coupled with a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT), detects and converts radiation into electric pulses for signal processing. Signals are processed through Nuclear Instrument Modules (NIM) and Computer Automated Measurement and Control (CAMAC) modules. The processed pulses are then fed into a CAMAC analog to digital converter module (ADC). The ADC classifies the incoming analog pulses into one of 2048 digital channels. Data acquisition (DAQ) software based on LabVIEW version 7.0 acquires and organizes data from the CAMAC ADC. The DAQ system presents a spectrum showing a relationship between pulse events and respective charge (digital channel number). Various photon sources, such as Co-60, Y-88, and AmBe-241, are used to calibrate the NE213 detector. For each source, a Compton edge and reference energy in MeVee is obtained, resulting in a calibration curve. This project is focused on the development of a DAQ system and control setup to collect and process information from a NE213 liquid scintillation detector. A manual is also created to document the process of the development and interpretation of the LabVIEW-based DAQ system

  14. Acoustic calibration for the KM3NeT pre-production module

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Enzenhöfer, A., E-mail: [Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, D-91058 Erlangen (Germany)


    The proposed large scale Cherenkov neutrino telescope KM3NeT will carry photo-sensors on flexible structures, the detection units. The Mediterranean Sea, where KM3NeT will be installed, constitutes a highly dynamic environment in which the detection units are constantly in motion. Thus it is necessary to monitor the exact sensor positions continuously to achieve the desired resolution for the neutrino telescope. A common way to perform this monitoring is the use of acoustic positioning systems with emitters and receivers based on the piezoelectric effect. The acoustic receivers are attached to detection units whereas the emitters are located at known positions on the sea floor. There are complete commercial systems for this application with sufficient precision. But these systems are limited in the use of their data and inefficient as they were designed to perform only this single task. Several working groups in the KM3NeT consortium are cooperating to custom-design a positioning system for the specific requirements of KM3NeT. Most of the studied solutions hold the possibility to extend the application area from positioning to additional tasks like acoustic particle detection or monitoring of the deep-sea acoustic environment. The KM3NeT Pre-Production Module (PPM) is a test system to verify the correct operation and interoperability of the major involved hardware and software components developed for KM3NeT. In the context of the PPM, alternative designs of acoustic sensors including small piezoelectric elements equipped with preamplifiers inside the same housing as the optical sensors will be tested. These will be described in this article.

  15. Underwater acoustic positioning system for the SMO and KM3NeT - Italia projects

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viola, S.; Barbagallo, G.; Cacopardo, G.; Calí, C.; Cocimano, R.; Coniglione, R.; Costa, M.; Cuttone, G.; D' Amato, C.; D' Amato, V.; D' Amico, A.; De Luca, V.; Del Tevere, F.; Distefano, C.; Ferrera, F.; Gmerk, A.; Grasso, R.; Imbesi, M.; Larosa, G.; Lattuada, D. [INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, via Santa Sofia 62, 95125 Catania (Italy); and others


    In the underwater neutrino telescopes, the positions of the Cherenkov light sensors and their movements must be known with an accuracy of few tens of centimetres. In this work, the activities of the SMO and KM3NeT-Italia teams for the development of an acoustic positioning system for KM3NeT-Italia project are presented. The KM3NeT-Italia project foresees the construction, within two years, of 8 towers in the view of the several km{sup 3}-scale neutrino telescope KM3NeT.

  16. Underwater acoustic positioning system for the SMO and KM3NeT - Italia projects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viola, S.; Barbagallo, G.; Cacopardo, G.; Calí, C.; Cocimano, R.; Coniglione, R.; Costa, M.; Cuttone, G.; D'Amato, C.; D'Amato, V.; D'Amico, A.; De Luca, V.; Del Tevere, F.; Distefano, C.; Ferrera, F.; Gmerk, A.; Grasso, R.; Imbesi, M.; Larosa, G.; Lattuada, D.


    In the underwater neutrino telescopes, the positions of the Cherenkov light sensors and their movements must be known with an accuracy of few tens of centimetres. In this work, the activities of the SMO and KM3NeT-Italia teams for the development of an acoustic positioning system for KM3NeT-Italia project are presented. The KM3NeT-Italia project foresees the construction, within two years, of 8 towers in the view of the several km 3 -scale neutrino telescope KM3NeT

  17. Interfon

    CERN Multimedia



    Une nouvelle année commence … En ce début de nouvelle année Interfon s’engage à continuer sa mission de service  afin de vous faire profiter des avantages que nos partenaires consentent tout spécialement à nos adhérents. L’année qui s’est achevée aura été une année  difficile sur le plan financier. La concurrence est rude, nos sociétaires ne nous sont pas toujours fidèles, mais nous restons à leur écoute et sommes toujours à la recherche de nouveaux services. Ne voulant pas nous laisser envahir par la morosité environnante, nous sommes déjà dans des perspectives nouvelles et notamment, très bientôt, par la mise en place d’un nouveau Site internet plus attractif, facilité par une arboresc...

  18. Confinement and electron correlation effects in photoionization of atoms in endohedral anions: Ne-Cz-60

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dolmatov, V K; Craven, G T; Keating, D


    Trends in resonances, termed confinement resonances, in photoionization of atoms A in endohedral fullerene anions A-C z- 60 are theoretically studied and exemplified by the photoionization of Ne in Ne-C z- 60 . Remarkably, above a particular nl ionization threshold of Ne in neutral Ne-C 60 (I z=0 nl ), confinement resonances in corresponding partial photoionization cross sections σ nl of Ne in any charged Ne-C z- 60 are not affected by a variation in the charge z of the carbon cage, as a general phenomenon. At lower photon energies, ω z=0 nl , the corresponding photoionization cross sections of charged Ne-C z- 60 (i.e., those with z ≠ 0) develop additional, strong, z-dependent resonances, termed Coulomb confinement resonances, as a general occurrence. Furthermore, near the innermost 1s ionization threshold, the 2p photoionization cross section σ 2p of the outermost 2p subshell of thus confined Ne is found to inherit the confinement resonance structure of the 1s photoionization spectrum, via interchannel coupling. As a result, new confinement resonances emerge in the 2p photoionization cross section of the confined Ne atom at photoelectron energies which exceed the 2p threshold by about a thousand eV, i.e., far above where conventional wisdom said they would exist. Thus, the general possibility for confinement resonances to resurrect in photoionization spectra of encapsulated atoms far above thresholds is revealed, as an interesting novel general phenomenon.

  19. Digital optical modules for the KM3NeT neutrino telescope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kalekin, Oleg [Universitaet Erlangen, ECAP (Germany); Collaboration: ANTARES-KM3NeT-Erlangen-Collaboration


    KM3NeT is multi-cubic-kilometer neutrino telescope under construction in the Mediterranean Sea. In the currently running Phase 1 of the project, almost 30 detection units - 700 m tall vertical structures holding 18 Digital Optical Modules (DOMs) each - will be produced and deployed. A KM3NeT DOM consists of a pressure resistant glass sphere encapsulating 31 photomultiplier tubes of 80 mm diameter, readout electronics and additional instrumentation for calibration and monitoring. The Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics is one of the DOM integration sites of the project. This contribution describes the design, functionality and integration procedure of the KM3NeT DOM.

  20. Ne bis in idem põhimõte Euroopa Liidu õiguses / Uno Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Uno, 1952-


    Ne bis in idem põhimõtte ehk teistkordse kohtumõistmise ja karistamise keelu territoriaalsest kohaldamisest. Schengeni rakenduskonventsiooni artiklis 54 sisalduva ne bis in idem põhimõtte tõlgendustest. Mõistetest "sama tegu" ja "lõplik kohtuotsus"

  1. Zonal NePhRO scoring system: a superior renal tumor complexity classification model. (United States)

    Hakky, Tariq S; Baumgarten, Adam S; Allen, Bryan; Lin, Hui-Yi; Ercole, Cesar E; Sexton, Wade J; Spiess, Philippe E


    Since the advent of the first standardized renal tumor complexity system, many subsequent scoring systems have been introduced, many of which are complicated and can make it difficult to accurately measure data end points. In light of these limitations, we introduce the new zonal NePhRO scoring system. The zonal NePhRO score is based on 4 anatomical components that are assigned a score of 1, 2, or 3, and their sum is used to classify renal tumors. The zonal NePhRO scoring system is made up of the (Ne)arness to collecting system, (Ph)ysical location of the tumor in the kidney, (R)adius of the tumor, and (O)rganization of the tumor. In this retrospective study, we evaluated patients exhibiting clinical stage T1a or T1b who underwent open partial nephrectomy performed by 2 genitourinary surgeons. Each renal unit was assigned both a zonal NePhRO score and a RENAL (radius, exophytic/endophytic properties, nearness of tumor to the collecting system or sinus in millimeters, anterior/posterior, location relative to polar lines) score, and a blinded reviewer used the same preoperative imaging study to obtain both scores. Additional data points gathered included age, clamp time, complication rate, urine leak rate, intraoperative blood loss, and pathologic tumor size. One hundred sixty-six patients underwent open partial nephrectomy. There were 37 perioperative complications quantitated using the validated Clavien-Dindo system; their occurrence was predicted by the NePhRO score on both univariate and multivariate analyses (P = .0008). Clinical stage, intraoperative blood loss, and tumor diameter were all correlated with the zonal NePhRO score on univariate analysis only. The zonal NePhRO scoring system is a simpler tool that accurately predicts the surgical complexity of a renal lesion. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Taking energy efficiency to a new scale: the climate change action plan in Nord-Pas de Calais region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lafolie, Bertrand; Tillerson, Kenya


    Through the experience of a new climate change action plan in the French region 'Nord-Pas de Calais', the paper highlights the urgent necessity as well as the inherent difficulties for energy efficiency strategies to penetrate everyday practices and policies in order to reduce emissions in line with national and international commitments. Nord-Pas de Calais takes pride in two decades of sustained promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Nevertheless, observation shows that regional consumption grows at roughly the same rate as does national consumption. The paper will present the history of energy efficiency in the region and relate the steps in elaborating a new climate change action plan that moves away from a focus on innovative projects towards the integration of easily replicable practices in business as usual. It then discusses some of the practical roadblocks that are faced in attempting to change the scale of achievements. Surprisingly, the main barrier met with until now seems not to be lack of interest and motivation towards energy efficiency from the general public but the way energy efficiency practitioners traditionally work and think eceee '005 Panel 2

  3. Quasi-free knockout reactions with the proton-dripline nucleus {sup 17}Ne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wamers, Felix; Aumann, Thomas [Institut fuer Kernphysik, TU, Darmstadt (Germany); Heil, Michael [Kernreaktionen und Nukleare Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Marganiec, Justyna [ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Plag, Ralf [Kernreaktionen und Nukleare Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt a.M. (Germany); Collaboration: R3B-Collaboration


    {sup 17}Ne is a proton-dripline nucleus that has raised special interest in nuclear-structure physics in recent years. As a ({sup 15}O+2p) Borromean 3-body system, it is often considered to be a 2-proton-halo nucleus, yet lacking concluding experimental evidence about its structure. We have studied breakup reactions of 500 AMeV {sup 17}Ne secondary beams using the R{sup 3}B-LAND setup at GSI. One focus was on the quasi-free one-proton knockout in a proton-rich paraffin (CH{sub 2}) target in inverse kinematics, i.e., {sup 17}Ne(p,2p){sup 16}F{yields}{sup 15}O+p, in comparison to the one-proton knockout with a carbon target. Recoil protons have been detected with Si-Strip detectors and the surrounding 4{pi} NaI spectrometer ''Crystal Ball'', thus providing a clean signature for quasi-free knockout. First results on two-proton removal cross sections with CH{sub 2} and C targets will be presented, as well as transverse momentum distributions of the {sup 15}O core in {sup 17}Ne. Projectile-like forward protons after one-proton knockout from {sup 17}Ne have been measured in coincidence with the {sup 15}O residual core, leading to the relative-energy spectrum of the unbound {sup 16}F. Possible interpretations and implications regarding the structure of {sup 17}Ne are discussed.

  4. Enhanced diffusion of Zn in Al under Ne irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myers, S.M.


    The diffusion rate of Zn in Al has been enhanced by factors approximately 10 2 --10 4 under 80 keV Ne irradiation at 130 0 C. Diffusion couples were formed by ion implantation of Zn, and the concentration profiles were determined by ion backscattering. The data are analyzed by numerically solving the coupled diffusion equations for vacancies, interstitials and atoms, and by scaling the profiles of vacancy and interstitial production rates from the theoretical profile of Ne energy into atomic processes. The enhanced diffusion rate is linear in flux, indicating that the mobile point defects annihilate predominantly at fixed sinks. The average distance to annihilation is approximately 700 A, except for the first approximately 500 A of the solid where it is much less. Free vacancies and interstitials are found to be created by the Ne at a smaller rate than the atomic displacement rate, suggesting a high annihilation probability within the parent damage cascade

  5. Excitation of Li and Na atoms in collisions with He and Ne

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olsen, J.Oe.; Andersen, T.; Andersen, N.


    Total emission cross sections and polarizations have been measured for the 2 2 S - 2 2 P, 2 2 P - 3 2 D and 2 2 P - 3 2 S LiI multiplets in Li - He,Ne collisions, and the 3 2 S - 3 2 P and 3 2 P - 3 2 D NaI multiplets in Na - He,Ne collisions in the 0.6 - 60 keV energy range. The excitation of the alkali resonance multiplet is found to be the dominant inelastic process for all four collision systems. The behaviour is very similar to the previously investigated Be + - He,Ne and Mg + - He,Ne systems. The results are compared with recent calculations by Manique et al based on a quasi-one electron description using various model potentials. Good agreement is found for Li - He with a simple Hartree-Fock frozen-core potential. The agreement is fair for Li,Na - He calculations with a Baylis type potential but poor for calculations based on Bottcher model potentials. For Ne as target all three potentials by far overestimate the size of the cross section. (Auth.)

  6. Measurement of sup 15 O(. alpha. ,. gamma. ) sup 19 Ne resonance strengths

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Magnus, P V; Smith, M S; Howard, A J; Parker, P D [Yale Univ., New Haven, CT (USA). Nuclear Structure Lab.; Champagne, A E [Princeton Univ., NJ (USA). Dept. of Physics


    States in {sup 19}Ne above the {sup 15}O+{alpha} threshold were populated by means of the {sup 19}F({sup 3}He,t){sup 19}Ne* reaction, and their alpha-particle decays to the {sup 15}O ground state were measured. The branching ratios {Gamma}{sub {alpha}}/{Gamma}{sub total} for the E{sub c.m.}=850-, 1020-, 1971-, 1183- and 1563-keV resonances in {sup 15}O+{alpha} were determined. This information together with alpha-particle and/or gamma-ray partial widths (determined from knowledge of these quantities for the mirror states in {sup 19}F) determines the strengths of these {sup 15}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 19}Ne resonances and the {sup 15}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 19}Ne reaction rate for temperatures between 7x10{sup 8} and 3x10{sup 9} K. (orig.).

  7. Estimation of the effective population size (Ne) and its application in the management of small populations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jimenez Mena, Belen


    Effective population size (Ne) is an important concept to understand the evolution of a population. In conservation, Ne is used to assess the threat status of a population, evaluate its genetic viability in the future and set conservation priorities. An accurate estimation of Ne is thus essential....... The main objective of this thesis was to better understand how the estimation of Ne using molecular markers can be improved for use in conservation genetics. As a first step, we undertook a simulation study where three different methods to estimate Ne were investigated. We explored how well these three...... methods performed under different scenarios. This study showed that all three methods performed better when the number of unlinked loci used to make the estimation increased and the minimum number of loci need for an accurate estimation of Ne was 100 SNPs. A general assumption in the estimation of Ne...

  8. Could LC-NE-Dependent Adjustment of Neural Gain Drive Functional Brain Network Reorganization?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carole Guedj


    Full Text Available The locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE system is thought to act at synaptic, cellular, microcircuit, and network levels to facilitate cognitive functions through at least two different processes, not mutually exclusive. Accordingly, as a reset signal, the LC-NE system could trigger brain network reorganizations in response to salient information in the environment and/or adjust the neural gain within its target regions to optimize behavioral responses. Here, we provide evidence of the co-occurrence of these two mechanisms at the whole-brain level, in resting-state conditions following a pharmacological stimulation of the LC-NE system. We propose that these two mechanisms are interdependent such that the LC-NE-dependent adjustment of the neural gain inferred from the clustering coefficient could drive functional brain network reorganizations through coherence in the gamma rhythm. Via the temporal dynamic of gamma-range band-limited power, the release of NE could adjust the neural gain, promoting interactions only within the neuronal populations whose amplitude envelopes are correlated, thus making it possible to reorganize neuronal ensembles, functional networks, and ultimately, behavioral responses. Thus, our proposal offers a unified framework integrating the putative influence of the LC-NE system on both local- and long-range adjustments of brain dynamics underlying behavioral flexibility.



    Veberič, Tomi


    Cilj diplomske naloge je ovrednotenje električnih lastnosti in vpliva sončnega sevanja na silicijeve sončne celice s pomočjo opravljenih raziskav in meritev. Rezultate meritev sončnega sevanja smo analizirali s programskim paketom Matlab. Pri sami analizi smo na podlagi večletnih meritev sončnega sevanja izračunali izkoristek posamezne silicijeve sončne celice glede na direktno in difuzno komponento sončnega sevanja in tako ovrednotili električne lastnosti sončnih celic. V okviru tega smo v d...

  10. LabVIEW DAQ for NE213 Neutron Detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Adeeb, Mohammed


    A neutron spectroscopy system, based on a NE213 liquid scintillation detector, to be placed at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center to measure neutron spectra from a few MeV up to 800 MeV, beyond shielding. The NE213 scintillator, coupled with a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT), detects and converts radiation into current for signal processing. Signals are processed through Nuclear Instrument Modules (NIM) and Computer Automated Measurement and Control (CAMAC) modules. CAMAC is a computer automated data acquisition and handling system. Pulses are properly prepared and fed into an analog to digital converter (ADC), a standard CAMAC module. The ADC classifies the incoming analog pulses into 1 of 2048 digital channels. Data acquisition (DAQ) software based on LabVIEW, version 7.0, acquires and organizes data from the CAMAC ADC. The DAQ system presents a spectrum showing a relationship between pulse events and respective charge (digital channel number). Various photon sources, such as Co-60, Y-88, and AmBe-241, are used to calibrate the NE213 detector. For each source, a Compton edge and reference energy [units of MeVee] is obtained. A complete calibration curve results (at a given applied voltage to the PMT and pre-amplification gain) when the Compton edge and reference energy for each source is plotted. This project is focused to development of a DAQ system and control setup to collect and process information from a NE213 liquid scintillation detector. A manual is created to document the process of the development and interpretation of the LabVIEW-based DAQ system. Future high-energy neutron measurements can be referenced and normalized according to this calibration curve

  11. Cholestérol alimentaire et morbi/mortalité cardiovasculaire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hansel Boris


    Full Text Available Si l’hypercholestérolémie est un facteur de risque avéré des maladies cardiovasculaires, le rôle du cholestérol alimentaire dans la survenue de ces maladies reste discuté. À l’origine, les travaux d’Anitshkow chez le lapin ont montré qu’une alimentation riche en cholestérol se traduit par le développement de plaques d’athérome. Les études d’intervention chez l’homme ont examiné l’effet du cholestérol alimentaire et/ou des œufs sur les lipides plasmatiques, aboutissant à des résultats contradictoires. Elles ont également fait émerger la notion complexe d’hypo- et d’hyper-répondeur au cholestérol. L’épidémiologie observationnelle ne permet pas non plus de conclure à un effet délétère du cholestérol alimentaire chez l’homme. Néanmoins, chez les sujets diabétiques, une association positive entre la consommation et l’incidence des événements cardiovasculaires est retrouvée assez constamment, sans que l’on puisse l’expliquer de manière convaincante. Il n’existe pas d’essai clinique examinant l’impact des aliments riches en cholestérol sur la survenue des événements cardiovasculaires. Toutefois, les résultats des études MRFIT et PREDIMED ne vont pas dans le sens d’un effet délétère du cholestérol alimentaire. À l’inverse, les travaux réalisés sur le transporteur intestinal du cholestérol NPC1L1 sont en faveur de l’intérêt d’inhiber l’absorption du cholestérol pour réduire l’incidence des maladies cardiovasculaires. L’ensemble des données disponibles n’est pas en faveur d’un rôle clé du cholestérol alimentaire dans la survenue des maladies cardiovasculaires. Elles ne permettent donc pas d’en faire une cible prioritaire du régime à proposer pour prévenir les maladies cardiovasculaires.

  12. Vers une esthétique de la science-fiction


    Russ, Joanna


    Les outils critiques élaborés en ayant à l’esprit une littérature entièrement différente ne fonctionnent pas quand ils sont appliqués à la science-fiction. Dans cet article, j’avance la proposition suivante : que la science-fiction est didactique. Malgré des similitudes superficielles avec la fiction moderne naturaliste (ou autre), les personnages de science-fiction sont toujours des personnes collectives, jamais individuelles. Je suggère que la critique littéraire contemporaine n’est pas l’...

  13. Triggers of State Failure (United States)


    à 1990) à l’aide de données collatérales additionnelles. Les auteurs du document n’ont pas essayé de suivre les événements qui étaient en cours...défaillance étatique, et les auteurs du document ont reconnu qu’il ne serait pas très utile de reproduire toutes ces informations. Le document s’appuie le...30 Carment, David. Assessing state failure: implications for theory and policy. in Third World Quarterly. Vol 24, no 3. pp 407-427. 30 DRDC

  14. Dosage de l'acide nitro-5 furylacrylique dans les vins blancs (1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suzanne Lafon-Lafourcade


    Rappelons que l'acide nitro-5 furylacrylique est une substance jaune, inodore et sans saveur, stable à la lumière et à la chaleur. Ses sels de sodium et de potassium sont très solubles dans l'eau, dans l'alcool et le méthanol, mais insolubles dans les solvants non miscibles à l'eau. Le 5-NFA ne distille pas et n'est pas entraînable par la vapeur d'eau. (1 Travail réalisé en collaboration avec le Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux.

  15. A Low-Li Geochemical Province in the NE Atlantic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bailey, J. C.; Gwozdz, R.


    Lithium was analysed in 392 basalts and related igneous rocks from the North Atlantic Tertiary-Recent province using activation analysis and Čerenkov counting. Monotonous Li values of 5.5±2 ppm in NE Atlantic basalts define a low-Li geochemical province which has persisted for 60 million years...... basalt series. No whole-rock coherence is observed between Li and Mg, K, Rb or Ca. Mantle phlogopite is considered to play an insignificant rôle in controlling the Li levels of NE Atlantic basalts....

  16. Psychometric evaluation of a Dutch version of the Mini PAS-ADD for assessing psychiatric disorders in adults with different levels of intellectual disability. (United States)

    Janssen, R; Maes, B


    People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have an increased vulnerability to develop psychiatric problems. Moreover, the early recognition and the accurate diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in the population of persons with ID are challenging. A Dutch version of the Mini PAS-ADD, which is a screening instrument for identification of mental health problems in people with ID, was evaluated in terms of internal consistency, interinformant reliability, item grouping and criterion validity based on a large-scale random sample (n = 377) and a clinical sample (n = 99) of adults with ID. The Dutch version of the Mini PAS-ADD showed moderate internal consistency, and moderate concordance among informants. Both aspects of the reliability were comparable for different levels of ID. A factor analysis largely confirmed the scale structure. Concurrent validity with the Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behavior was high for the Depression, Psychosis and Autism scale. The outcome of the criterion-validity analysis indicated high specificity. The sensitivity for specific psychiatric disorders by the corresponding scales was moderate, but the general sensitivity for the presence of psychopathology on the basis of any of the scales was satisfying. The present research reconfirmed the use of the Mini PAS-ADD as a primary screening device for the identification of mental health problems among people with ID. © 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID.

  17. The Effects of the Paired Associates Strategy (PAS) on the Recall of Factual Information by Postsecondary Students with Learning Disabilities (United States)

    Patwa, Shamim S.; Chafouleas, Sandra M.; Madaus, Joseph W.


    Despite the success of independence-oriented interventions such as strategy instruction (SI) in secondary populations, very little research has examined the effectiveness of SI at the postsecondary level. Thus, we sought to determine if one form of SI, the Paired Associates Strategy (PAS), improved the recall of factual information by…


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Règles administratives et politiques .... par exemple, est une stratégie légitime), mais cela peut affecter sa crédibilité si les divers intérêts ne sont pas soigneusement ...... Planification (recrutement, sélection, dotation en personnel, orientation) ...

  19. Modèles commerciaux libres (Amérique latine) - phase II | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... ne reposant pas essentiellement sur les droits de propriété intellectuelle comme ... un accord de coopération scientifique et technologique en appui aux projets de ... de l'Institut d'étude du développement international de l'Université McGill.

  20. Jeu du Cern le a casting a commencé

    CERN Multimedia


    "SCI-TECH, le project qui explique de quelle science fondametale sont issus les gadgets sans lesquels nombre d'entre nous ne pourraient pas vivre, recherche des concurrents pour participer a un jeu de questions-réponses en direct sur Internet"(1/2 p)


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    which is the opposite of that of the simple sentence it operates on. Thus, if its snowing is true .... In French, negation used with verbs, ne constituted sufficient negation in itself. Pas, point, mie, gote .... He did not cook soup. He did not cook soup.

  2. Experimental ion mobility measurements in Ne-N2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cortez, A.F.V.; Encarnação, P.M.C.C.; Santos, F.P.; Borges, F.I.G.M.; Conde, C.A.N.; Veenhof, R.; Neves, P.N.B.


    Data on ion mobility is important to improve the performance of large volume gaseous detectors, such as the ALICE TPC or in the NEXT experiment. In the present work the method, experimental setup and results for the ion mobility measurements in Ne-N 2 mixtures are presented. The results for this mixture show the presence of two peaks for different gas ratios of Ne-N 2 , low reduced electric fields, E / N , 10–20 Td (2.4–4.8 kV·cm −1 ·bar −1 ), low pressures 6–8 Torr (8–10.6 mbar) and at room temperature.

  3. MicroBooNE and its Cross Section Measurement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsai, Yun-Tse [SLAC


    MicroBooNE (the Micro Booster Neutrino Experiment) is a short-baseline neutrino experiment based on the technology of a liquid-argon time-projection chamber (LArTPC), and has recently completed its first year of data-taking in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam. It aims to address the anomalous excess of events with an electromagnetic final state in MiniBooNE, to measure neutrino-argon interaction cross sections, and to provide relevant R\\&D for the future LArTPC experiments, such as DUNE. In these proceedings, we present the first reconstructed energy spectrum of Michel electrons from cosmic muon decays, the first kinematic distributions of the candidate muon tracks from $\

  4. The prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT detector

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Adrian-Martinez, S.; Ageron, M.; Aharonian, F.; Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Ameli, F.; Anassontzis, E. G.; Androulakis, G. C.; Anghinolfi, M.; Anton, G.; Anvar, S.; Ardid, M.; Avgitas, T.; Balasi, K.; Band, H.; Barbarino, G.; Barbarito, E.; Barbato, F.; Baret, B.; Baron, S.; Barrios, J.; Belias, A.; Berbee, E.; van den Berg, A. M.; Berkien, A.; Bertin, V.; Beurthey, S.; van Beveren, V.; Beverini, N.; Biagi, S.; Biagioni, A.; Bianucci, S.; Billault, M.; Birbas, A.; Rookhuizen, H. Boer; Bormuth, R.; Bouche, V.; Bouhadef, B.; Bourlis, G.; Boutonnet, C.; Bouwhuis, M.; Bozza, C.; Bruijn, R.; Brunner, J.; Cacopardo, G.; Dorosti-Hasankiadeh, Q.; Hevinga, M. A.; Kavatsyuk, O.; Löhner, H.; van Wooning, R. H. L.


    A prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT deep-sea neutrino telescope has been installed at 3500m depth 80 km offshore the Italian coast. KM3NeT in its final configuration will contain several hundreds of detection units. Each detection unit is a mechanical structure anchored to the sea floor, held

  5. The formation and reactivity of the μ+ molecular ion NeMu+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fleming, D.G.; Mikula, R.J.; Senba, M.; Garner, D.M.; Arseneau, D.J.


    Evidence for the formation and reactivity of the positive muon molecular ion NeMu + at room temperature in a low pressure Ne moderator to which trace amounts of Xe, CH 4 , NH 3 or He have been added, is reported. A two component relaxation of the diamagnetic muon spin rotation (μSR) signal is seen upon the addition of trace amounts of Xe to Ne; a fast relaxing component with bimolecular rate constant (3.6+-0.6) x 10 -10 cc atom -1 s -1 is thought to be due to thermal muonium formation in a charge exchange process while the other slow relaxing component is attributed to a muon transfer reaction, as in proton transfer studies. With CH 4 or NH 3 added to Ne there is, at most, only a very slow relaxation seen, even though thermal muonium formation is expected, in analogy with Xe. These latter results may be due to very fast, possibly tunneling-assisted, muon transfer reactions, the first time that such processes have been at all characterized

  6. Irène Jacob visits CERN

    CERN Document Server

    CERN Bulletin


    French actress Irène Jacob, the daughter of physicist Maurice Jacob, visited the ATLAS and CMS control rooms on Monday 17 May together with Italian theatre actor-director Pippo Delbono, in search of inspiration for a short film. The film will be screened at the “nuit des particules” event accompanying this year’s ICHEP.   Pippo Delbono et Irène Jacob discussing their project. “La nuit des particules” (night of the particles) is an event open to the general public that is being organised for the evening of Tuesday, 27 July, to accompany the 35th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP). ICHEP is a major highlight in every physicist’s calendar, and this year’s edition is being held in Paris from 22 to 28 July. The short film will be screened during the evening, which will include a lecture and a show at the legendary Parisian cinema Le Grand Rex, with a colossal seating capacity of 2 700 spe...

  7. Untitled

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    moyen ne montrent pas de vigueur hybride et suggèrent que ces deux critères sont contrôlés par des gènes à .... Les hybridations ont été réalisées par croisements manuels après castra- tion ou au moyen de la stérilité mâle dominante Ms8 (Bell,. 1986) dont le gène est porté par le ..... sélection intra et interspécifique.


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    Ana-Marina Tomescu


    Full Text Available Dans la présente étude nous allons essayer de démontrer que la BD représente certainement un phénomène de civilisation, qui donne la possibilité aux apprenants d’une langue étrangère de mieux comprendre un comportement culturel spécifique. Elle aide les apprenants à améliorer leur compétence socio-culturelle, parce qu’elle fait ressortir des éléments de civilisation pertinents, des clichés fréquemment rencontrés dans le monde francophone. La langue utilisée dans les BD est le français de tous les jours, l’accent est mis sur la conversation dans les plus diverses situations et à l’aide des registres de langue différents. Ce sont des motifs suffisants qui recommandent l’utilisation de la BD en classe de FLE, sans oublier de mentionner un atout essentiel : l’humour.

  9. Echelles de temps et échelles d’objets dans l’histoire de la grammaire française

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Auroux Sylvain


    Full Text Available Les historiens ont coutume d’enraciner leur discipline dans le « récit » et, par conséquent, d’admettre que la « ligne » de l’histoire est celle d’une temporalité linéaire à quoi se résume la chronologie. Les historiens des sciences ont le plus souvent suivi cette tendance générale, et, cela, pour deux raisons principales. D’abord, ils ont suivi la tentation d’une « histoire » des grands hommes de science et, donc, de la suite des générations. Ensuite, la science est un processus dont on attend non seulement un résultat, mais une suite de résultats. Comme « science » nous n’aurions pas la même représentation de la physique si nous n’étions pas capables de faire une liste de « découvertes ». Je ne connais pas une science humaine qui dispose d’une pareille représentation, même si, sur de courtes périodes, et sur des objets précis on peut en approcher (par exemple en linguistique avec les lois de la grammaire comparée. Quand on se trouve devant une « histoire-récit » de la grammaire française, on se trouve le plus souvent confronté à une série (plus ou moins complète d’auteurs et d’ouvrages. Même si on peut parfois l’inférer à la lecture du texte on ne trouve guère de datation, et surtout pas de listes d’ « inventions » ; on ne suit pas des thématiques qui évolueraient comme dans la physique. Tout ce que l’on admet généralement, c’est le progrès quantitatif des phénomènes abordés et des règles, ou de grands changements théoriques qui rendraient caduques les études antérieures. La grammaire française serait-elle une discipline chaotique qui ne relève d’aucun processus de cumulation ? Nous nous proposons, plutôt que de juger une discipline en tirant des conclusions qui relèvent clairement du choix d’un modèle particulier (le « récit » pour l’histoire, d’interroger ce modèle à partir d’une étude des propriétés de notre objet, la grammaire française.

  10. Hygiène des réseaux aérauliques

    CERN Document Server

    Perréal, P


    Dans le domaine de la maintenance des bâtiments, le maintien en hygiène des réseaux de distribution d'air est souvent délaissé, avec les conséquences multiples que cela peut entraîner du point de vue surconsommation énergétique, accroissement du risque d'incendie, et contamination des locaux concernés du point de vue bactériologique. Au CERN, en particulier dans les zones les plus sensibles telles que les restaurants et les locaux à activités chimiques, la mise en place d'un plan de maintenance conditionnelle des gaines de ventilation a permis de maintenir les conditions d'hygiène et de sécurité satisfaisantes. Des méthodes d'inspection vidéo sont utilisées pour décider des actions nécessaires, et selon l'état de pollution constaté, diverses méthodes de nettoyages des gaines peuvent être mises en oeuvre pour rétablir un niveau d'hygiène acceptable. Ce document a pour objet de présenter la problématique liée à l'hygiène de ces réseaux, les techniques utilisées pour faire face ...

  11. Formation des etoiles massives dans les galaxies spirales (United States)

    Lelievre, Mario

    Le but de cette thèse est de décrire la formation des étoiles massives dans les galaxies spirales appartenant à divers types morphologiques. L'imagerie Hα profonde combinée à une robuste méthode d'identification des régions HII ont permis de détecter et de mesurer les propriétés (position, taille, luminosité, taux de formation d'étoiles) de plusieurs régions HII situées dans le disque interne (R influencer de façon significative la stabilité des nuages moléculaires face à l'effondrement gravitationnel. D'une part, l'étendue du disque de régions HII pour cinq galaxies de l'échantillon coïncide avec celle de l'hydrogène atomique. D'autre part, en analysant la stabilité des disques galactiques, on conclue qu'en incluant la densité des étoiles vieilles présentes, on arrive à mieux contraindre le rayon à partir duquel aucune formation d'étoiles ne devrait se produire dans les galaxies.

  12. L’expérience de Lavoisier : évolution depuis deux siècles de sa présentation et de sa fonction dans quelques manuels d’enseignement


    Fournier, Josette


    En chauffant du mercure (seul métal à l’état liquide à température ordinaire, et à relativement faible température d’ébullition à 350 °C), Lavoisier voit apparaître des flocules rouges d’oxyde de mercure. L’oxygène de l’air de la cornue a réagi avec le mercure pour former l’oxyde : il ne reste plus dans l’air de la cornue que l’azote. Lavoisier remarque que cette substance n’est pas respirable : un animal ne peut y vivre (azote = a- zoos-, privatif de vie). Dans un second temps, Lavoisier fai...

  13. L'Afrique ne va-t-elle pas vers une diminution de ses avantages ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The fall of Berlin Wall had put an end to the world bi-polarisation: communist and capitalist systems. Nowadays, there is a multitude of poles that are transforming the international trade. The mastering by the industrialised countries and the New Industrialised Countries (NIC) of technology, research-development, and ...

  14. Lorsque la croissance ne suffit pas : en quête d'une économie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 juil. 2016 ... Bien que la croissance ait été modérée ces dernières années, on s'attend à ce qu'elle reprenne bientôt. On observe toutefois des ... L'un des principaux enjeux est le fait que l'économie de l'Afrique s'est développée sans qu'aucune transformation structurelle n'ait été apportée. Les experts ont souligné ...

  15. ÉTUDE DE CAS — Burkina Faso : Apprendre à ne pas être pauvre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 déc. 2010 ... Qu'est-ce qu'une collectivité d'un pays pauvre comme le Burkina Faso peut bien retirer de mieux connaître son état de pauvreté ? .... Représenter les données par des illustrations faciles à comprendre (une par indicateur — taille de la population, santé et nutrition, installations sanitaires, éducation) sur ...

  16. NeXML: rich, extensible, and verifiable representation of comparative data and metadata. (United States)

    Vos, Rutger A; Balhoff, James P; Caravas, Jason A; Holder, Mark T; Lapp, Hilmar; Maddison, Wayne P; Midford, Peter E; Priyam, Anurag; Sukumaran, Jeet; Xia, Xuhua; Stoltzfus, Arlin


    In scientific research, integration and synthesis require a common understanding of where data come from, how much they can be trusted, and what they may be used for. To make such an understanding computer-accessible requires standards for exchanging richly annotated data. The challenges of conveying reusable data are particularly acute in regard to evolutionary comparative analysis, which comprises an ever-expanding list of data types, methods, research aims, and subdisciplines. To facilitate interoperability in evolutionary comparative analysis, we present NeXML, an XML standard (inspired by the current standard, NEXUS) that supports exchange of richly annotated comparative data. NeXML defines syntax for operational taxonomic units, character-state matrices, and phylogenetic trees and networks. Documents can be validated unambiguously. Importantly, any data element can be annotated, to an arbitrary degree of richness, using a system that is both flexible and rigorous. We describe how the use of NeXML by the TreeBASE and Phenoscape projects satisfies user needs that cannot be satisfied with other available file formats. By relying on XML Schema Definition, the design of NeXML facilitates the development and deployment of software for processing, transforming, and querying documents. The adoption of NeXML for practical use is facilitated by the availability of (1) an online manual with code samples and a reference to all defined elements and attributes, (2) programming toolkits in most of the languages used commonly in evolutionary informatics, and (3) input-output support in several widely used software applications. An active, open, community-based development process enables future revision and expansion of NeXML.

  17. Pas de Vallgornera Cave, Majorca (Spain): one the largest littoral caves in Europe; La cueva des Pas de Vallgornera, Mallorca (Espana): unas de las cuevas litorales mas grandes de Europa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez, B.; Mulet, T.; Rodriguez-Homar, M.; Merino, A.


    The Pas de Vallgornera cave is the longest cave in the Balearic Islands and one of the largest in Europe (more than 73 km long). It is found on the Miocene reef of Llucmajor Platform and its genesis is related to the development of normal faults and associated fracture systems with N 180° S and N 60° E orientation that took place during the Neogene. It is noteworthy for the abundance, variety and beauty of the speleothems, paleontological richness and to present evidence of hypogene basal recharge. Due to its singularity, it has served as the basis of several scientific studies on groundwater level fluctuations during the quaternary period and others related to the existence of one of most important paleontological sites in Mallorca as far as vertebrates are concerned. (Author)

  18. Marquage magnétique interne : essais de tolérance par de jeunes saumons atlantiques (Salmo salar L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    DUMAS J.


    Full Text Available Les effets de l'implantation d'une marque magnétique "Metalimphy" * de 20 x 1,5 mm dans la cavité abdominale de jeunes saumons d'élevage sont comparés à ceux d'un marquage classique par ablation de la nageoire adipeuse. Les essais sont effectués sur des tacons de deuxième été et des pré-saumoneaux d'un an dans deux piscicultures de Bretagne et des Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Quel que soit le mode d'insertion pratiqué (ventral ou latéral cette technique n'a aucun effet significatif sur la survie et la croissance des poissons, qu'ils soient tacons (observés sur 194 jours ou pré-saumoneaux (observés sur 56 jours. La cicatrisation est rapide et ce marquage n'entrave pas la smoltification. L'emploi d'une poudre antibiotique cicatrisante ne semble pas nécessaire en conditions normales de pisciculture. L'insertion par voie ventrale s'avère préférable à l'insertion latérale ; elle n'entraîne pas de pertes de marques et se révèle plus facile à pratiquer.

  19. “Música em PAS”: music as an evaluation object of the program of serial university entrance examination of University of Brasília (PAS/UnB

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cristina de C. C. de Azevedo


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the musical proposal to Program of Serial University Entrance Examination of University of Brasília (PAS/UnB. The discussion is based on author’s participation on elaboration, systematization, and review groups of 2001 and 2006 programs, as well her researches and her teacher training activities with PAS. The text presents the program, its evaluation conception and the music-pedagogical principles and purposes that guide the insertion of musical knowledge as compulsory evaluation’s object in the university entrance examination. The last program’s version has adopted an Evaluation’s Matrix with some music competences, abilities and evaluation’s objects. The development of music’s competences and abilities is oriented by a music repertoire that defi- nes the content and should be a way for development of musical practices and experiences (performance, improvisation and composition, reception (musical appraising and context. In this process, the schools and its music teachers are responsible for create learning and teaching situations where the musical experience could be celebrated in sense of to promote a musical significant learning experience and the student’s success in PAS/UnB exams.

  20. Coulomb Dissociation of {sup 17}Ne and its role for nuclear astrophysics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marganiec, Justyna [ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Aumann, Thomas; Wamers, Felix [Kernreaktion und Nuklear Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Institut fuer Kernphysik, TU, Darmstadt (Germany); Heil, Michael [Kernreaktion und Nuklear Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Plag, Ralf [Kernreaktion und Nuklear Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Goethe-Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Collaboration: R3B-Collaboration


    The study of the Coulomb break up of {sup 17}Ne gives us an access to information about the time-reversed reaction {sup 15}O(2p,{gamma}){sup 17}Ne, which could serve as a bypass of {sup 15}O waiting point during the rp process, and move the initial CNO material towards heavier nuclei. The three-body radiative capture can proceed sequentially (J. Goerres, et al., Phys. Rev. C 51, 392, 1995) or directly from the three-body continuum (L.V. Grigorenko, M.V. Zhukov, Phys. Rev. C 72, 015803, 2005). It has been suggested that the reaction rate can be enhanced by a few orders of magnitude by taking into account the three-body continuum. In order to verify these calculations, the {sup 15}O(2p,{gamma}){sup 17}Ne cross section has been investigated. The experiment has been performed at the LAND/R{sup 3}B setup at GSI, using the fragment separator FRS to select a {sup 17}Ne secondary beam.

  1. Le Développement face à la Pauvreté: Réseau analyse économique ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les difficultés à promouvoir cette nouvelle et ambitieuse politique ne sont pas minces. La stratégie va incontestablement dans le sens d'un dépassement du ...... Les ONGse chargent du recrutement à la fois des bénéficiaires et des formateurs;.

  2. “Questionnement sur les liens de la recherche avec les autres ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Innocent BUTARE

    aussi une stratégie pour rendre spécifique et compétitive la formation et l' ... universitaire africain est consommateur des résultats de recherches entreprises ailleurs. Ceci ... assurés si l'université ne dispose pas d'une politique de recrutement ...

  3. 1-Otye Elom.pmd

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    20 août 2011 ... La ville de Yaoundé est remarquable pour son cosmopolitisme. ..... concessions, estime que ceux qui viennent après ne doivent pas lui faire de ... Il va de soi que la privatisation de l'espace public dans la ville de Yaoundé,.

  4. Le point sur les indices du bien-être national | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 janv. 2011 ... Aujourd'hui, de nouveaux indices perfectionnés tracent un portrait plus fouillé de l'état ... des progrès sur le plan économique, mais beaucoup de citoyens ne profitent pas de .... Tobacco Marketing — It's All Smoke and Mirrors.

  5. Analyse de Fourier de la forme de la feuille de vigne. Premiere application ampelométrique sur un échantillon de 34 cépages implantés en Sardaigne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giacomo Diaz


    Toutefois, la classification des cépages obtenue avec les paramètres de Fourier ne semble pas être supérieure à celle tirée des paramètres ampélométriques comprenant les angles compris entre les nervures principales de la feuille.

  6. Détection précoce du cancer de la prostate chez des apparentés de premier degré au Sénégal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. Fall


    Conclusion: Dans cette étude l’association de la race noire et d’un facteur de risque familial ne semblait pas augmenter la fréquence du cancer de la prostate dans notre pays. Cependant d’autres études sur cette question sont nécessaires.

  7. Aquaculture en zone sahélo-soudanienne: diagnostic des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    42.74%). However ... additional animal protein to the producers. ...... vigilance. Le manque de local à proximité de l'étang pour la surveillance les nuits et surtout en période de saison de froid et/ou de pluie ne facilite pas la tâche.

  8. Activité antérieure – Le Dr David Butler-Jones discute de la lutte ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Inde en matière de santé de 2015 au India International Centre, à New Delhi. ... Il a affirmé que la méthode stratégique « que savons-nous ? que ne savons-nous pas ? que pouvons-nous faire pour changer la situation ?

  9. 2535-IJBCS-Article-Soro Soronikpoho

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    temps les trois principales villes de la Côté d'Ivoire ont été .... Figure 1 : Fréquences d'isolement des différents microorganismes dans les moutardes. ..... Mon lait est pur et ne peut pas rendre malade» : motivations des acteurs du secteur.

  10. diversité botanique dans le sud du parc national de taï, côte d

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    AKA Boko Mathieu

    spécifique de la Centrale réhabilitée ne doit pas dépasser 229 g/kWh. On construit ... fortement l'environnement, mettant sérieusement en danger la santé des ... Des études ...... Environment and the United Nations Industrial Development.

  11. Beam dynamics studies at DAΦNE: from ideas to experimental results (United States)

    Zobov, M.; DAΦNE Team


    DAΦNE is the electron-positron collider operating at the energy of Φ-resonance, 1 GeV in the center of mass. The presently achieved luminosity is by about two orders of magnitude higher than that obtained at other colliders ever operated at this energy. Careful beam dynamic studies such as the vacuum chamber design with low beam coupling impedance, suppression of different kinds of beam instabilities, investigation of beam-beam interaction, optimization of the beam nonlinear motion have been the key ingredients that have helped to reach this impressive result. Many novel ideas in accelerator physics have been proposed and/or tested experimentally at DAΦNE for the first time. In this paper we discuss the advanced accelerator physics studies performed at DAΦNE.

  12. Atomic data and spectral line intensities for Ne III

    CERN Document Server

    Bhatia, A K; Landi, E


    Electron impact collision strengths, energy levels, oscillator strengths and spontaneous radiative decay rates are calculated for Ne III. The configurations used are 2s sup 2 2p sup 4 , 2s2p sup 5 , 2s sup 2 2p sup 3 3s, and 2s sup 2 2p sup 3 3d giving rise to 57 fine-structure levels in intermediate coupling. Collision strengths are calculated at five incident energies, 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 Ry. Excitation rate coefficients are calculated by assuming a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution at an electron temperature of logT sub e (K)=5.0, corresponding to maximum abundance of Ne III. Using the excitation rate coefficients and the radiative transition rates, statistical equilibrium equations for level populations are solved at electron densities covering the range of 10 sup 8 -10 sup 1 sup 4 cm sup - sup 3. Relative spectral line intensities are calculated. Proton excitation rates between the lowest three levels have been included in the statistical equilibrium equations. The predicted Ne III line intensi...

  13. The Cova des Pas de Vallgornera (Llucmajor, Mallorca: a singular deposit bearing an exceptional well preserved Early Pleistocene vertebrate fauna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pere Bover


    Full Text Available The Cova des Pas de Vallgornera is the longest cave of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean and one of the 30 longest caves in the world. The exploration of one of the galleries allowed the discovery of a fossiliferous deposit of vertebrate remains in a remarkable preservation state. The fossil faunal complex found in this gallery is composed of up to 5 mammalian species (Myotragus aff. kopperi, Hypnomys onicensis, Nesiotites aff. ponsi, Rhinolophus aff. mehelyi and Pipistrellus sp., at least 14 bird species (among them two Mallorcan endemic taxa: Pica mourerae and Athene vallgornerensis, one reptile (Podarcis aff. lilfordi and one amphibian (Discoglossus sp.. This faunal composition is similar to the one recorded in the Pedrera de s’Ònix, a well known deposit from the Early Pleistocene of Mallorca, and shared morphological characteristics between taxa of both deposits suggest that the chronology of the Cova des Pas de Vallgornera should be considered Early Pleistocene as well. Both taxonomical analysis and chronology of this fauna furnished information on some speleological aspects of the cave.

  14. Emo. Origini, significati e caratteristiche della “sottocultura delle emozioni” / Emo. Origines, significations et caractéristiques de la “sous-culture des émotions” / Emo movement. Origins, meanings and characteristics of the “emotions subculture”

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    Serafin G.


    Full Text Available Uno dei fenomeni giovanili, che oggi pare essere sempre più preoccupante, è quello degli “emo”. Sembra trattarsi di un movimento sottoculturale che, almeno inizialmente, muove i primi passi dal punk della fine degli anni ’70. Uno degli aspetti che caratterizza questa moderna subcultura giovanile di matrice gotica è dato da una filosofia di vita nichilista e dal ricorso all’autolesionismo. Il più delle volte si tratta di giovani e adolescenti con il bisogno di cercare una propria dimensione e che, come è facilmente intuibile dalla stessa parola “emo”, sono alla ricerca di emo-zioni.Con questo lavoro, che non pretende assolutamente di essere una esaustiva trattazione del fenomeno, si cerca di gettare alcune basi per lo studio e la comprensione di quello che sembra essere un sempre più diffuso sintomo di un disagio giovanile.L’analisi delle storie di vita di alcuni giovani emo dovrebbe, pertanto, consentire se non altro di fornire un inquadramento del movimento nei suoi tratti salienti. Un des phénomènes juvéniles qui aujourd'hui paraît être de plus en plus préoccupant est celui des « emo ». Il s’agit d'un mouvement sous-culturel qui, au moins initialement, remue les premiers pas du punk de la fin des années 70. Une philosophie de vie nihiliste et le recours à l’automutilation sont certains des aspects qui caractérisent cette sous-culture juvénile contemporaine de matrice gothique. Il s’agit le plus souvent de jeunes et d’adolescents qui ont besoin de trouver leur propre vie et qui sont – comme l’on peut deviner du même mot « emo » - à la recherche d'émo-tions.Cet article, qui ne prétend pas être une étude exhaustive du phénomène, essaye de jeter les bases pour l'analyse et la compréhension de ce qui semble être un symptôme d’un malaise juvénile de plus en plus diffusé.L'analyse des récits de vie de certains jeunes « emo » devrait, donc, permettre de fournir un encadrement du mouvement

  15. 77 FR 4713 - Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Red Cloud, NE (United States)


    ...-0426; Airspace Docket No. 11-ACE-7] Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Red Cloud, NE AGENCY... action proposes to establish Class E airspace at Red Cloud, NE. Controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAP) at Red Cloud Municipal Airport. The FAA is...

  16. Neutrinos from the NuMI beamline in the MiniBooNE detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguilar-Arevalo, Alexis A.


    With the startup of the NuMI beamline early in 2005, the MiniBooNE detector has the unique opportunity to be the first user of an off-axis neutrino beam (110 mrad off-axis). MiniBooNE is assembling a rich sample of neutrino interactions from this source

  17. Sujet de droit et sujet d’intérêt : Montesquieu lu par Foucault

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    Céline Spector


    Full Text Available Dans les cours au Collège de France réunis dans Naissance de la biopolitique, Foucault soutient qu’une science économico-juridique est rigoureusement impossible. Or cette thèse radicale mérite discussion, à partir d’un auteur trop souvent ignoré des historiens de la genèse de l’économie politique. Montesquieu, à sa façon, contribue à la constitution de ce savoir économico-juridique, susceptible de penser ensemble sujet d’intérêt et sujet de droit. L’esprit de cette étude ne sera pas de critiquer Foucault en montrant que Montesquieu ne « rentre » pas dans l’opposition de ses paradigmes, mais plutôt de tenter de mesurer l’originalité d’une pensée qui conçoit des échanges entre propriété et liberté qui ont pour effet d’unifier rationalité économique et rationalité juridique.

  18. Homages

    CERN Document Server

    Association du personnel


    Juan Antonio Rubio, 1944 – 2010 La mort de l’ami Juan Antonio nous a frappés en plein cœur comme un coup de tonnerre. Les collègues qui le connaissaient et qui l’ont vu à la célébration des 50 ans du PS le 20 décembre 2009 ne pouvaient pas imaginer sa disparition si soudaine. Sa discrétion et son courage ne lui ont pas fait défaut jusqu’à la fin. Le professeur Juan Antonio, défenseur infatigable de notre Organisation et de son personnel, a dû céder à l’issue inexorable de la terrible maladie qui s’est emparée de sa vitalité et de son indomptable énergie. Sa disparition laisse un grand vide. Chercheur expérimental émérite, il a été l’instigateur et le protagoniste de la participation de l’Esp...


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    Olga Mokra


    Full Text Available Les termes fortement ancrés dans la culture de la nation existent dans chaque langue. Ils constituent un système de signes marqués par la connotation ethnique dont le transfert linguistique adéquat permet à deux civilisations différentes de communiquer. Les realia ne connaissent pas d’équivalent dans la langue-cible. De surcroît, une forte hétérogénéité lexicale de leur corpus ne se prête pas facilement à la traduction. Médiateur entre les usagers de la langue source et ceux de la langue cible, le traducteur est appelé à traduire ces mots mais également des concepts propres à une civilisation possédant sa propre façon de penser. Le choix correct des méthodes de traduction permet de préserver l’identité du terme à fort contenu culturel et de satisfaire les attentes des destinataires de son message.

  20. Pourquoi le Grundgedanke (T. 4.0312 de Wittgenstein est si “Fondamental”?

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    André Leclerc


    Full Text Available La pensée fondamentale de Wittgenstein affirme que les constantes logiques ne représentent pas, ne fonctionnent pas sémantiquement comme des noms. En apparence triviale, cette pensée, nous le montrerons, à des ramifications étonnantes dans la philosophie du premier Wittgenstein, en particulier en ce qui concerne sa conception de la logique. Notre but est d'interpréter l'aphorisme en question (T. 4.0312 en montrant comment il se rapporte aux thèses et théories les plus importantes du Tractatus, et comment il permet de les faire tenir ensemble d'une façon cohérente, justifiant par là son caractère "fondamental". Nous tentons également d'apporter une réponse aux questions suivantes : les propositions complexes sont-elles encore - comme les propositions atomiques - des "images" de la réalité ? et quelle est cette "logique des faits" dont parle Wittgenstein dans l'aphorisme sous examen ?

  1. Nuclear breakup of 17Ne and its two-proton halo structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wamers, Felix; Aumann, Thomas [Institut fuer Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt (Germany); Bertulani, Carlos [Texas A and M University-Commerce, Commerce (United States); Chulkov, Leonid; Heil, Michael; Simon, Haik [Kernreaktionen und Nukleare Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Marganiec, Justyna [Extreme Matter Institute, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); JINA, Notre Dame (United States); Plag, Ralf [Kernreaktionen und Nukleare Astrophysik, GSI, Darmstadt (Germany); Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Collaboration: R3B-Collaboration


    {sup 17}Ne is a proton-dripline nucleus that has raised interest in nuclear-structure physics in recent years. As a ({sup 15}O+2p) Borromean 3-body system, it is often considered to be a 2-proton-halo nucleus, yet lacking concluding experimental quantification of structure. We have studied breakup reactions of 500 AMeV {sup 17}Ne secondary beams in inverse kinematics using the R3B-LAND setup at GSI. The foci were on (p,2p) quasi-free scattering on a CH{sub 2} target, and on one-proton-knockout reactions on a carbon target. Recoil protons have been detected with Si-Strip detectors and a surrounding 4{pi} NaI spectrometer. Furthermore, projectile-like forward protons after one-proton knockout from {sup 17}Ne have been measured in coincidence with the {sup 15}O residual core. The resulting relative-energy spectrum of the unbound {sup 16}F, as well as proton-removal cross sections with CH{sub 2} and C targets, and the transverse-momentum distributions of the residual fragments are presented. Conclusions on the ground-state structure of {sup 17}Ne are discussed.

  2. Nestedness for Dummies (NeD: A User-Friendly Web Interface for Exploratory Nestedness Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovanni Strona


    Full Text Available Recent theoretical advances in nestedness analysis have led to the introduction of several alternative metrics to overcome most of the problems biasing the use of matrix 'temperature' calculated by Atmar's Nestedness Temperature Calculator. However, all of the currently available programs for nestedness analysis lack the user friendly appeal that has made the Nestedness Temperature Calculator one of the most popular community ecology programs. The software package NeD is an intuitive open source application for nestedness analysis that can be used online or locally under different operating systems. NeD is able to automatically handle different matrix formats, has batch functionalities and produces an output that can be easily copied and pasted to a spreadsheet. In addition to numerical results, NeD provides a graphic representation of the matrix under examination and of the corresponding maximally packed matrix. NeD allows users to select among the most used nestedness metrics, and to combine them with different null models. Integrating easiness of use with the recent theoretical advances in the field, NeD provides researchers not directly involved in theoretical debates with a simple yet robust statistical tool for a more conscious performance of nestedness analysis. NeD can be accessed at http: //

  3. Kopūstinės kandies (Plutella xylostella L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutelidae) skraidymo ir kenkimo intensyvumo dinamika vasarinių rapsų ir gūžinių kopūstų pasėliuose


    Vyšniauskaitė, Sigrida


    Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe pateikiami kopūstinės kandies skraidymo bei kenkimo dinamikos vasarinių rapsų ir gūžinių kopūstų pasėliuose tyrimų rezultatai. Darbo objektas – kopūstinė kandis (Plutella xylostella L.) Darbo metodai – kopūstinės kandies skraidymo dinamika tirta naudojant feromonines “delta” tipo gaudykles, 2012 m. gegužės – rugpjūčio mėnesiais, vasarinių rapsų ir ankstyvųjų bei vėlyvųjų baltagūžių kopūstų pasėliuose. Vasarinių rapsų pasėlyje buvo įrengta 12 ga...

  4. Through-Flow Calculations in Axial Turbomachinery (United States)


    MEETING Dr Ing. G.Winterfeld, DFVLR, Germany PANEL EXECUTIVE Lt. Colonel J.B.Catiller, USAF - Meeting Organisation Dipl. Ing. J.H.Krengel, D.I.G...ralemenc subsonique. Ceci. ne veut d’ailleurs pas dire quo 10 problt~me du passage d’u-ne zone cupersonique A une zone subsonique ( chocs , blocago) tols que ci~collement, ondes do choc , etc... Nous avons v~rifi6 qu’une force do frottemont oppos~e A la viteese pout rernplir ce role sar.s

  5. La tradition cosmique extraits du livre de la vie de Kelaouchi

    CERN Document Server

    Théon, Max; Ligaran


    Extrait : ""Dans une vision de la nuit, une voix me parla, disant : ""La matière n'est-elle pas suprême ?"" Ne sachant d'où venait cette vois, je ne répondis point. Comme je gardais le silence, une voix dit : La vie n'est-elle point suprême ?"" Une troisième voix, que je connaissais, dit alors : ""La matière et la vie sont inséparables dans tout le Cosmos de l'être, puisque tout ce qui est vit.""

  6. Compressional behavior of solid NeHe2 up to 90 GPa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukui, Hiroshi; Baron, Alfred Q R; Hirao, Naohisa; Ohishi, Yasuo


    NeHe 2 was compressed to about 90 GPa using a diamond anvil cell technique. The crystal structure was confirmed to be stable with hexagonal symmetry in the investigated pressure range and its p-V equation of state was determined by angular dispersive x-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation. With the help of ab initio calculations, the compressibility and inter-atomic distances of NeHe 2 were compared with those of a helium and neon mixture of the same composition. This study shows that the bulk modulus of NeHe 2 is between those of neon and helium and that linear compressibilities of the inter-atomic distances are different from those of the elementary solids. This material can be a pressure-transmitting medium, providing both a large sample space and good quasi-hydrostatic conditions.

  7. 149 Résumé Notre article se propose d'analyser le travail des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    8 juil. 2008 ... ... la dynamique de l'économie informelle, c'est le rapport à la loi qui est décisif… » ... qui très souvent, pour ne pas dire systématiquement, attire le con- sensus chez ceux qui .... des secteurs modernes…» (A.Invernizzi.

  8. Le CRDI au Cambodge

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    occasion aux chercheurs du ... afin de mieux comprendre comment les collec- tivités peuvent gérer les ressources forestières, côtières et ... situation, dont les autorités ne tiennent bien souvent pas compte. Des chercheurs fournis - sent à des ...

  9. Notre Continent, Notre Avenir: Perspectives africaines sur l ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    On ne sait pas très bien si la non-application effective résulte du refus ...... La main-d'œuvre est moins mobile au plan international que le capital, et donc ...... Auty, R., 1995, « Economic development and the resource curse thesis », dans ...

  10. La technologie offre de nouvelles possibilités aux femmes | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    information et de la communication (TIC), il ne s'agit pas d'une simple question de fossé numérique à combler. À son avis, il s'agit en fait d'exploiter les possibilités des TIC non seulement en tant qu'outils de communication, mais ...

  11. Élaboration de politiques nationales sur l'accès aux ressources ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    amélioration des cultures et de gestion des ressources naturelles sont compromises. Les lois et les mécanismes en vigueur, comme les droits de propriété intellectuelle (DPI), ne conviennent pas à la protection du savoir traditionnel, car ils protègent les ...

  12. Migration transnationale des Vietnamiennes en Asie | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Souvent, cependant, les pays d'origine ne disposent pas des politiques ni des lois ayant force exécutoire qui permettraient d'assurer des pratiques d'embauche ... Women's movements in India are struggling to address problems arising from rapidly changing social relations and vulnerabilities associated with, among other ...

  13. Sénégal | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le développement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    En 2011, nous avons par exemple soutenu l'ouverture de l'Institut africain des ... À titre d'exemple, un système de suivi de la pauvreté a aidé les autorités ... elles ne fonctionnent pas et de formuler des recommandations; des solutions aux ...

  14. Search for Ne in e−μ+ events at petra and pep energies

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    K. Yamanashi


    Full Text Available We propose a way to check the possible existence of an electron-type neutral heavy lepton Ne which decays into e−μ+νμ. In the region of cosθcoll < 0 eμ signals due to Ne are expected to exceed those due to τ± at PETRA and PEP energies.

  15. L’ethnologue, l’historien et le deuil de la voix

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    Dominique Casajus


    Full Text Available L’ethnologue, l’historien et le deuil de la voix. Les ethnologues français montrent un souci volontiers bruyant d’affirmer la spécificité de leur discipline. Pourtant, l’ethnologie fait partie de ce que Jean-Claude Passeron a appelé les disciplines « historiques ». Ce qui signifie que, si l’on s’en tient à son statut épistémologique, elle ne se distingue pas de l’histoire ou de la sociologie. Il est cependant vrai que le régime épistémologique sous lequel une discipline fonctionne ne suffit pas à la caractériser, et que les pratiques de métier en usage dans les différentes sciences historiques sont très diverses. On aborde donc ici quelques-unes de ces pratiques. Mais on verra que ces pratiques elles-mêmes ne suffisent pas non plus à caractériser une discipline.The ethnologist, the historian and mourning for the voice. French ethnologists readily display a noisy desire to assert the specificity of their discipline. And yet ethnology belongs to what Jean-Claude Passeron has called the “historical” disciplines, meaning that as far as its epistemological status is concerned, it cannot be dissociated from history or sociology. It is true, however, that a discipline cannot be characterised solely by its epistemological regime, and the occupational practices used in the different historical sciences are extremely diverse. In this paper, we examine some of those practices, but we shall see that in themselves, they are also insufficient to characterise a discipline.

  16. Search for Sterile Neutrinos Using the MiniBooNE Beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sorel, Michel [Columbia Univ., New York, NY (United States)


    The possible existence of light sterile neutrinos in Nature is motivated, and the prospects to extend sterile neutrino searches beyond current limits is substantiated, using the MiniBooNE neutrino beam and detector at Fermilab. We report on the neutrino flux predictions for the MiniBooNE experiment, on the characterization of the charged-current, quasi-elastic interactions of muon neutrinos ({nu}{sub {mu}}n {yields} {mu}{sup -}p) observed, and on the experiment's sensitivity to sterile neutrinos via muon neutrino disappearance.

  17. Breakout from the hot CNO cycle: the {sup 15}O({alpha},{gamma}) and {sup 18}Ne({alpha},p) reactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bradfield-Smith, W; Laird, A M; Davinson, T; Pietro, A di; Ostrowski, A N; Shotter, A C; Woods, P J [Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Edinburgh (United Kingdom); Cherubini, S; Galster, W; Graulich, J S; Leleux, P; Michel, L; Ninane, A; Vervier, J [Inst. de Physique Nucleaire, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium); Aliotta, M; Cali, D; Cappussello, F; Cunsolo, A; Spitaleri, C [INFN, Catania (Italy); Gorres, J; Wiescher, M [Notre Dame Univ. (United States); Rahighi, J [Van de Graaf Lab., Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Hinnefeld, J [Indiana Univ., South Bend (United States)


    One of the most important reactions which determines the rate of breakout from the hot CNO cycle is the {sup 15}O({alpha},{gamma}){sup 19}Ne. The reaction {sup 18}Ne({alpha},p){sup 21}Na may also provide an alternative breakout route. Experiments are being undertaken at Louvain-La-Neuve using the radioactive {sup 18}Ne beam to study these reactions by measurement of {alpha}({sup 18}Ne,p){sup 21}Na and d({sup 18}Ne,p){sup 19}Ne{sup *} {yields} {sup 15}O + {alpha} (orig.)

  18. Laser Interferometric Measurements of the Physical Properties for He, ne Gases and Their Mixture (United States)

    Abdel-Moniem, N. M.; El-Masry, M. M.; El-Bradie, B.; El-Mekawy, F. M.


    A Mach-Zehner interferometer MZI illuminated with He-Ne Laser 632.8nm is used for measuring the refractive index for He, Ne gases and their mixture HeNe. The measurements are carried out at different pressures and temperatures. The error factors of the refractive index measurements for He, Ne and HeNe gases are equal to ±1.7×10-5, ±9.5×10-6 and ±7.25×10-5 respectively. Some calculations of the electrical properties are carried out such as the optical permittivity dielectric susceptibility and specific refractivity from the determination of the refractive index. Also, the molecular radii of the gases under investigation are computed then the transport coefficients (diffusion. viscosity and thermal conductivity) are calculated. All of these calculations are carried out at different pressures and temperatures. The experimental results of refractive index for the above mixture are compared with the results estimated using one of the mixing rules and a good agreement is achieved. Also, some physical parameters are compared with other values in another literatures.

  19. Avicenna. London, 2e éd., Routledge, 1995, 240 p., index.


    Jambet, Christian


    Condenser la pensée d’Avicenne en un ouvrage bref est une gageure. Elle est ici tenue par l’A. qui, après une biographie détaillée, propose une belle analyse de la métaphysique, de l’eschatologie et de la rhétorique d’Avicenne. On regrettera seulement que quelques rapprochements aventureux (avec Hume, Descartes et surtout avec Kant) ne soient pas mieux fondés. Ils n’en sont pas moins suggestifs. Pages importantes sur le devenir de l’âme humaine (la question de son éventuelle divinisation) et ...

  20. Determination of drug content in semisolid formulations by non-invasive spectroscopic methods: FTIR - ATR, - PAS, - Raman and PDS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gotter, B; Hein, J; Neubert, R H H; Faubel, W; Heissler, St


    This study elucidates the potential use of photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS), FTIR photoacoustic (FTIR-PAS), FT Raman, and FTIR-attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy as analytical tools for investigating the drug content in semisolid formulations. Regarding the analytical parameters, this study demonstrates the photothermal beam deflection to be definitely comparable to well established spectroscopic methods for this purpose. The correlation coefficients range from 0.990 to 0.999. Likewise, repeatability and limit of detection are comparable.

  1. Libération des acides gras par autolyse enzymatique des triglycérides des graines oléoprotéagineuses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alibert Gilbert


    Full Text Available Les acides gras produits par hydrolyse chimique des lipides des plantes sont des matériaux de base pour l’industrie des biocarburants, des lubrifiants, des plastiques, des détergents et également des adjuvants de préparations commerciales d’herbicides. Cependant les procédés actuels de production des acides gras sont hautement polluants et coûteux en énergie. Dans ce travail nous développons un nouveau procédé de production des acides gras mettant en œuvre des plantes génétiquement modifiées. Nous avons introduit dans le tabac, retenu comme plante modèle, une construction génétique comprenant un gène de lipase (de la levure Geotrichum candidum sous le contrôle d’un promoteur graine spécifique (promoteur AtEm1 d’Arabidopsis thaliana. Ce promoteur devrait permettre l’expression du gène de lipase au niveau de l’axe embryonnaire tandis que les lipides s’accumulent dans les corps lipidiques des cotylédons. Dans ces conditions, les lipides de la graine devraient être séparés de la lipase par une compartimentation tissulaire et ne pas interférer. Après broyage des graines on peut penser que la mise en contact des lipides et de la lipase conduira à la libération d’acides gras. Plusieurs transformants ont été produits par transfert de gène à l’aide d’Agrobacterium tumefaciens, quelques-uns d’entre eux exprimant, comme attendu, la lipase dans leurs graines. Trois clones (2, 19 et 43 présentent une activité lipase significative et ont été retenus pour des études complémentaires. Cependant l’activité enzymatique observée est faible et certains clones présentent un défaut de compartimentation entre l’enzyme et les lipides se traduisant par la production d’acides gras dans la graine intacte. Lorsque les graines du clone 43 sont broyées dans un tampon, des acides gras sont produits dans le milieu réactionnel, validant le procédé imaginé. De nouvelles constructions réalisées, soit

  2. L'impensable hasard non-localité, téléportation et autres merveilles quantiques

    CERN Document Server

    Gisin, Nicolas


    Explication du monde à très petite échelle, la physique quantique a des implications fondamentales qui constituent de véritables défis à la logique ordinaire. La notion " d'intrication ", en particulier, explorée depuis une trentaine d'années, mène à l'existence, très contre-intuitive, d'un hasard ubiquitaire, capable de se manifester simultanément en plusieurs endroits de notre univers. Cette stupéfiante "non-localité" n'est pas une abstraction gratuite ou un jeu de l'esprit; elle a des applications concrètes en cryptographie, pour la protection des données financières, et a permis la démonstration d'une " téléportation quantique" dont même les auteurs de science-fiction ont du mal à entrevoir les infinies possibilités. Ce petit livre ne tente pas de contourner les réelles difficultés logiques imposées par la physique quantique. De "jeu de Bell " en expériences d'intrication quantique, il mène vers une solide compréhension d'un des domaines les plus fascinants de la physique actu...

  3. Neutron spectrometer using NE218 liquid scintillator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dance, J.B.; Francois, P.E.


    A neutron spectrometer has been constructed using NE218 liquid scintillator. Discrimination against electron-gamma events was obtained usng a charge-comparison pulse shape discrimination system. The resolution obtained was about 0.25 MeV F.W.H.M. at 2.0 MeV

  4. Progress On Neutrino-Proton Neutral-Current Scattering In MicroBooNE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pate, Stephen [New Mexico State U.


    The MicroBooNE Experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, an 89-ton active mass liquid argon time projection chamber, affords a unique opportunity to observe low-$Q^2$ neutral-current neutrino-proton scattering events. Neutral-current neutrino-proton scattering at $Q^2 < 1$ GeV$^2$ is dominated by the proton's axial form factor, which can be written as a combination of contributions from the up, down, and strange quarks: $G_A(Q^2) = \\frac{1}{2}[-G_A^u(Q^2)+G_A^d(Q^2)+G_A^s(Q^2)]$. The contribution from up and down quarks has been established in past charged-current measurements. The contribution from strange quarks at low $Q^2$ remains unmeasured; this is of great interest since the strange quark contribution to the proton spin can be determined from the low-$Q^2$ behavior: $\\Delta S = G_A^s(Q^2=0)$. MicroBooNE began operating in the Booster Neutrino Beam in October 2015. I will present the status in observing isolated proton tracks in the MicroBooNE detector as a signature for neutral-current neutrino-proton events. The sensitivity of the MicroBooNE experiment for measuring the strange quark contribution to the proton spin will be discussed.

  5. Evaluation of triggering schemes for KM3NeT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seitz, T., E-mail: [Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen (Germany); Herold, B., E-mail: [Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen (Germany); Shanidze, R., E-mail: [Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen (Germany)


    The future neutrino telescope KM3NeT, to be built in the Mediterranean Sea, will be the largest of its kind. It will include nearly two hundred thousand photomultiplier tubes (PMT) mounted in multi-PMT digital optical modules (DOM). The dominant source of the PMT signals is decays of {sup 40}K and marine fauna bioluminescence. Selection of neutrino and muon events from this continuous optical background signals requires the implementation of fast and efficient triggers. Various schemes for the filtering of background data and the selection of neutrino and muon events were evaluated for the KM3NeT telescope using Monte Carlo simulations.

  6. Differential effects of baseline drinking status : Effects of an alcohol prevention program targeting students and/or parents (PAS) among weekly drinking students

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koning, Ina M.; Lugtig, Peter; Vollebergh, Wilma A M


    The effects of an intervention designed to prevent onset of weekly drinking in non drinking students (PAS) were investigated in the group of students that was already drinking at baseline. A cluster randomized trial was used including 3,490 Dutch early adolescents (M age. =. 12.66, SD=. 0.49)

  7. Vocabulaire du droit pénal français: cas de polysémie externe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olivera Vušović


    Full Text Available La polysémie constitue un moyen important de lʼéconomie linguistique. Si les langues de spécialité ne disposent pas dʼun terme spécifique, elles trouvent la solution dans le vocabulaire général auquel elles empruntent des mots comprenant de nombreuses acceptions. Lʼune dʼelles sera précisée dʼaprès les besoins du domaine en question. Dans le présent article, nous rendons compte de lʼinterpénétration existant entre le vocabulaire du droit pénal français (issu de Code de procédure pénale et de Vocabulaire juridique, le vocabulaire général et dʼautres vocabulaires de spécialité. Les approches contemporaines de la terminologie qui prennent en considération les dimensions discursive, sociale, cognitive et culturelle permettent dʼaborder le terme avec plus de flexibilité et de ne pas le considérer comme une simple étiquette destinée à classer les connaissances. Les migrations qui sʼeffectuent entre vocabulaire général et vocabulaires de spécialité, connues sous les noms de terminologisation et déterminologisation,sʼaccompagnent des modifications sémantiques. En fonction du contexte et du domaine spécialisé, un mot peut avoir des acceptions différentes. A titre dʼexemple, le mot blanchiment ne renverra pas à la même notion pour un agent qui lutte contre la criminalité financière, un horticulteur, un cuisinier, un photographe ou un dentiste. Nous nous proposons de vérifier à quel point la polysémie externe est un phénomène répandu. Notre objectif est dʼexplorer ces transferts sémantiques, cʼest-à-dire les diverses facettes dʼun terme

  8. The X-ray to [Ne V]3426 flux ratio: discovering heavily obscured AGN in the distant Universe (United States)

    Gilli, R.; Vignali, C.; Mignoli, M.; Iwasawa, K.; Comastri, A.; Zamorani, G.


    We investigate the possibility of using the ratio between the 2-10 keV flux and the [Ne V]3426 emission line flux (X/NeV) as a diagnostic diagram to discover heavily obscured, possibly Compton-thick active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the distant Universe. While it is on average about one order of magnitude fainter than the more commonly used [O III]5007 emission line, the [Ne V]3426 line can be observed with optical spectroscopy up to z~1.5, whereas the [O III]5007 line is redshifted out of the optical bands already at z~0.8. First, we calibrated a relation between X/NeV and the cold absorbing column density NH using a sample of 74 bright, nearby Seyferts with both X-ray and [Ne V] data available in the literature and for which the column density is determined unambiguously. Similar to what is found for the X-ray to [O III]5007 flux ratio (X/OIII), we found that the X/NeV ratio decreases towards high column densities, as expected if [Ne V]3426 emission is a good tracer of the AGN intrinsic power. Essentially all local Seyferts with X/NeV values below 15 are found to be Compton-thick objects. At X/NeV values below 100, the percentage of Compton-thick nuclei decreases to ~50%, but ~80% of the considered sample is still absorbed with NH > 1023 cm-2. Second, we applied this diagnostic diagram to different samples of distant obscured and unobscured QSOs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). SDSS blue, unobscured, type-1 QSOs in the redshift range z = [0.1-1.5] indeed show X/NeV values typical of unobscured Seyfert 1s in the local Universe. Conversely, SDSS type-2 QSOs at z~0.5 classified either as Compton-thick or Compton-thin on the basis of their X/OIII ratio, would have mostly been classified in the same way based on the X/NeV ratio. We applied the X/NeV diagnostic diagram to 9 SDSS obscured QSOs in the redshift range z = [0.85-1.31], selected by means of their prominent [Ne V]3426 line (rest EW > 4 Å) and observed with Chandra ACIS-S for 10ks each (8 of them as part

  9. Stimulation de la bio-innovation en vue d'atténuer la pauvreté en Asie

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    , politiques et installations nécessaires à la bio-innovation. Toutefois, les produits issus de la bio-innovation ne sont généralement pas mis au service des millions de pauvres, qui n'ont guère accès aux technologies. Le projet a pour but de ...

  10. Sciences, Technologies, Ingénierie et Mathématiques dans l ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    30 sept. 2014 ... L'enseignement, la formation et la recherche dans ces domaines ne parviennent cependant pas encore à satisfaire les ... Source: Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur ... travail, environnement numérique d'apprentissage, environnement numérique de ... moyens de communication en même temps que.

  11. Compétences pour les PME de l'Amérique centrale dans l'économie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... compétences nécessaires; b) des recherches pour comprendre les modèles sociaux ... Il existe un lien bien documenté entre les compétences nécessaires pour ... Bien que ces compétences ne soient pas nécessairement axées sur les TIC, ...

  12. Score de Gleason des biopsies prostatiques et celui des pièces de prostatectomies: Quelle corrélation?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Qarro


    Conclusion: Le score de Gleason biopsique influence la décision thérapeutique dans le cancer de prostate localisé. Cependant, il ne reflète pas toujours le score de Gleason de la pièce de prostatectomie, en particulier dans les groupes bien différenciés.

  13. Il est temps que le Canada rende la justice accessible à tous | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    école ou qu'on exclut une personne d'un hôpital, les médias ne perdent pas de temps à exposer l'injustice. La privation de soins de santé ou de scolarisation est impensable pour la plupart des Canadiens; pourtant, l'accès à ...

  14. Coplanarity of two-proton emissions in 400 MeV/nucleon Ne + NaF, Pb reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanihata, Isao.


    Two-proton coincidence spectra have been measured in a wide kinematical range for 20 Ne + NaF and 20 Ne + Pb collisions at 400 MeV/nucleon. Coplanar-type correlations show different feature between Ne + NaF and Ne + Pb target reactions. A strong in-plane correlation, which correspond to quasi-elastic scatterings (QES) of nucleons, was observed in wide angular range (15 to 90 0 ) in NaF target collisions. Angular distributions of QES were reproduced reasonably well by a single nucleon-nucleon scattering model. Enhancement of the QES at momentum transfer around t = 2 - 3m/sub π/, which is predicted as an indication of pionic instability, was not observed. In Ne + Pb collisions, an azimuthally asymmetric emission of particles with respect to the beam axis were implied by the anti-coplanar correlation. A new type of coplanar correlation between the emission angle and the momentum suggests a back-to-back emission of projectile and target nucleons. 8 references, 8 figures

  15. Les infections nosocomiales d’origine bactérienne, ce que doit savoir le pharmacien d’officine


    Albrecht , Amélie


    Non disponible / Not available; Chaque année en France, on dénombre 700 000 cas d’infections nosocomiales pour 15millions d’hospitalisations. Les infections nosocomiales constituent la principalepréoccupation des patients lors de leurs admissions. La prévention de ces infections repose sur des principes d’hygiène simples. Bien qu’il ne soit pas au coeur de leur prise en charge, le pharmacien d’officine reste un interlocuteur privilégié par les patients. Néanmoins nos connaissances sur ce suje...

  16. Situation des personnes transgenres par rapport au VIH/IST en Suisse : rapid assessment


    Bize, R.; Koutaissoff, D.; Dubois-Arber, F.


    Ce rapport permet d'identifier le sous-groupe des personnes transgenres pratiquant ou ayant pratiqué le travail du sexe comme une population clairement exposée à un risque notoirement élevé d'infection par le VIH et les IST. L'ampleur rapportée du phénomène justifie pleinement l'inclusion de cette population dans le dispositif de surveillance comportementale du VIH et des autres IST, mais également la réalisation urgente d'actions de prévention communautaire. Par contre, il ne nous permet pas...

  17. Agir sur le gaspillage alimentaire


    Jan, Sophie; Baron, Florence


    On estime aujourd'hui à 25% les pertes d'aliments post-récolte et en aval, en raison de leur altération par des microorganismes. L'étude menée ici illustre le risque d'altération engendré par une rupture dans la chaîne du froid, en prenant comme modèle un aliment liquide pasteurisé et réfrigéré, riche en nutriments et dont la température ne doit pas dépasser 4°C.

  18. Les tumeurs neuro ectodermiques périphériques primitives de localisation thoracique (tumeur d'Askin) chez l'adulte jeune : à propos de deux observations, revue de la littérature


    Brugger , Catherine


    Non disponible / Not available; La tumeur d'Askin appartient à la famille des tumeurs neuro ectodermiques périphériques primitives. De localisation thoracique, elle est décrite initialement chez l'enfant, sa survenue chez l'adulte jeune demeure exceptionnelle. Elle est définie comme une tumeur maligne à petites cellules rondes exprimant le gène MIC2 et présentant une translocation chromosomique t(11,22) spécifique. Ses aspects cliniques et radiologiques ne sont pas spécifiques. L'évolution à ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana-Marina Tomescu


    Full Text Available Nous allons étudier la négation dans les proverbes français et roumains dans deux situations : celle où la négation est exprimée par un système corrélatif à deux unités (nepas/plus, jamais, etc., considéré la règle générale en français moderne, et celle où la négation est réduite à un seul outil, autonome (non ou non autonome (ne.

  20. Contribution of alpha cluster exchange to elastic and inelastic 16O--20Ne scattering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stock, R.; Schneider, W.F.W.; Jahnke, U.; Hendrie, D.L.; Mahoney, J.; Maguire, C.F.; Scott, D.K.; Wolschin, G.


    The cluster structure of the ground state rotational band of 20 Ne was studied via the elastic and inelastic scattering of 50 MeV 20 Ne from 16 O. Angular distributions are compared with microscopic calculations

  1. Hardware Interface Description for the Integrated Power, Avionics, and Software (iPAS) Space Telecommunications Radio Ssystem (STRS) Radio (United States)

    Shalkhauser, Mary Jo W.; Roche, Rigoberto


    The Space Telecommunications Radio System (STRS) provides a common, consistent framework for software defined radios (SDRs) to abstract the application software from the radio platform hardware. The STRS standard aims to reduce the cost and risk of using complex, configurable and reprogrammable radio systems across NASA missions. To promote the use of the STRS architecture for future NASA advanced exploration missions, NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) developed an STRS-compliant SDR on a radio platform used by the Advance Exploration System program at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in their Integrated Power, Avionics, and Software (iPAS) laboratory. The iPAS STRS Radio was implemented on the Reconfigurable, Intelligently-Adaptive Communication System (RIACS) platform, currently being used for radio development at JSC. The platform consists of a Xilinx ML605 Virtex-6 FPGA board, an Analog Devices FMCOMMS1-EBZ RF transceiver board, and an Embedded PC (Axiomtek eBox 620-110-FL) running the Ubuntu 12.4 operating system. Figure 1 shows the RIACS platform hardware. The result of this development is a very low cost STRS compliant platform that can be used for waveform developments for multiple applications.The purpose of this document is to describe how to develop a new waveform using the RIACS platform and the Very High Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) Hardware Description Language (VHDL) FPGA wrapper code and the STRS implementation on the Axiomtek processor.

  2. Waveform Developer's Guide for the Integrated Power, Avionics, and Software (iPAS) Space Telecommunications Radio System (STRS) Radio (United States)

    Shalkhauser, Mary Jo W.; Roche, Rigoberto


    The Space Telecommunications Radio System (STRS) provides a common, consistent framework for software defined radios (SDRs) to abstract the application software from the radio platform hardware. The STRS standard aims to reduce the cost and risk of using complex, configurable and reprogrammable radio systems across NASA missions. To promote the use of the STRS architecture for future NASA advanced exploration missions, NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) developed an STRS-compliant SDR on a radio platform used by the Advance Exploration System program at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in their Integrated Power, Avionics, and Software (iPAS) laboratory. The iPAS STRS Radio was implemented on the Reconfigurable, Intelligently-Adaptive Communication System (RIACS) platform, currently being used for radio development at JSC. The platform consists of a Xilinx(Trademark) ML605 Virtex(Trademark)-6 FPGA board, an Analog Devices FMCOMMS1-EBZ RF transceiver board, and an Embedded PC (Axiomtek(Trademark) eBox 620-110-FL) running the Ubuntu 12.4 operating system. The result of this development is a very low cost STRS compliant platform that can be used for waveform developments for multiple applications. The purpose of this document is to describe how to develop a new waveform using the RIACS platform and the Very High Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) Hardware Description Language (VHDL) FPGA wrapper code and the STRS implementation on the Axiomtek processor.

  3. Cluster structure of 20Ne and 40Ca

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taniguchi, Yasutaka


    A d-constraint for calculating the wave functions of various kinds of configurations of cluster structure and optimizing the inside wave functions of the cluster was developed. The wave functions of various kinds of cluster structures were calculated by constraining and energy variation of the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics wave functions. The cluster structure of nucleus was reproduced by linear combination of the above wave functions by the generator coordinate method. By superposition of both wave functions calculated using d-constraint and β-constraint, K π =O 3 + rotation band of 20 Ne was reproduced. The excitation energies of 20 Ne were calculated. The result of calculation energies of α- 36 Ar structure of 40 Ca are higher values than expected them. Framework, AMD wave function, constraint, calculation results and discussions are stated. (S.Y.)

  4. Magnetic moment of $^{17}$Ne using beta -NMR and tilted foil polarization

    CERN Document Server

    Baby, L T; Hass, M; Haas, H; Weissman, L; Brown, B A


    We report on the measurement of the magnetic moment of the ground state of /sup 17/Ne. Radioactive /sup 17/Ne nuclei were delivered from the high resolution mass separator at ISOLDE onto a high voltage platform at -200 kV and were polarized using the tilted foil polarization method. The polarized nuclei were implanted into a Pt stopper situated in a liquid-helium cooled beta -NMR apparatus and the asymmetry destruction of the ensuing beta rays was monitored as a function of the rf frequency applied to the polarized nuclei. The measured value of mu = 0.74 +or- 0.03 affirms the nu p/sub 1/2//sup - / nature of the ground state of /sup 17/Ne and is compared to shell model calculations. (10 refs).

  5. Study of the 21Ne Nuclear Structure by capture of thermal neutrons in natural neon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stopa, C.R.S.


    Energy levels of 21 Ne up to 6.76 MeV are studied by measuring the thermal neutron capture gama rays from natural neon. A Ge(Li) detector is used. Energies and intensities are measured relative to calibration lines of nitrogen. The Q-value and the cross section of the reaction 20 Ne(n,γ) 21 Ne are calculated. The proposed level scheme is discussed in terms of the Nilsson model, considering the coupling of one particle to the 20 Ne core. Coriolis coupling is taken into account for the three positive parity bands, K sup(π)=3/2 + , 1/2 + and 5/2 + . Measurements are made using the research reactor of the Instituto de Energia Atomica [pt

  6. Results of the first detection units of KM3NeT (United States)

    Biagi, Simone; KM3NeT Collaboration


    The KM3NeT collaboration is building a km3-scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. The current phase of construction comprises the deep-sea and onshore infrastructures at two installation sites and the installation of the first detection units for the "ARCA" (Astroparticle Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) and "ORCA" (Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) detector. At the KM3NeT-It site, 80 km offshore Capo Passero, Italy, the first 32 detection units for the ARCA detector are being installed and at the KM3Net-Fr site, 40 km offshore Toulon, France, 7 detection units for the ORCA detector will be deployed. The second phase of KM3NeT foresees the completion of ARCA for neutrino astronomy at energies above TeV and ORCA for neutrino mass hierarchy studies at energies in the GeV range. The basic element of the KM3NeT detector is the detection unit. In the ARCA geometry, the detection unit is a 700 m long vertical structure hosting 18 optical modules. Each optical module comprises 31 3 in photomultiplier tubes, instruments to monitor environmental parameters, and the electronic boards for the digitisation of the PMT signals and the management of data acquisition. In their final configuration, both ARCA and ORCA will be composed of about 200 detection units. The first detection unit was installed at the KM3NeT-It site in December 2015. It is active and taking data since its connection to the subsea network. The time of arrival and the duration of photon hits on each of the photomultipliers is measured with a time resolution of 1 ns and transferred onshore where the measurements are processed, triggered and stored on disk. A time calibration procedure, based on data recorded with flashing LED beacons during dedicated periods, allows for time synchronisation of the signals from the optical modules at the nanosecond level. In May 2016, an additional detection unit was installed at the KM3NeT-It site. The first results with two active detection units

  7. Contribution à étymologie de l' oronyme slovène Nanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anton Grad


    Full Text Available Pour ll' origine de l' oronyme slovène Nanos (a l' est de Trieste, obscure jusqu'ici, l' auteur propose, en se basant sur le nom italien de la montagne, à savoir Naso (= nez df M.onte Re, la base romane Nason (= gros nez, désignation populaire - supposée par l' auteur - de la montagne, d' où par metathèse s - n > n - s, en slovène Nanos.

  8. Synthesis and preliminary evaluation of [11C]NE-100 labeled in two different positions as a PET σ receptor ligand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishiwata, Kiichi; Noguchi, Junko; Ishii, Shin-Ichi; Hatano, Kentaro; Ito, Kengo; Nabeshima, Toshitaka; Senda, Michio


    N,N-Dipropyl-2-[4-methoxy-3-(2-phenylethoxy)phenyl]ethylamine (NE-100) was labeled with 11 C in two different positions by the alkylation of an N-despropyl precursor with [ 11 C]propyl iodide and of an O-desmethyl precursor with [ 11 C]methyl iodide and was evaluated for the potential as a tracer for mapping σ 1 receptors in the CNS and peripheral organs by PET. Following i.v. injection of [N-propyl- 11 C]NE-100 or [O-methyl- 11 C]NE-100 into mice, the two tracers showed similar tissue distribution patterns except for the liver and brain. With the coinjected carrier NE-100 or haloperidol, the uptake of [N-propyl- 11 C]NE-100 by the liver, pancreas and spleen was significantly decreased at 15 min after injection, whereas the effect was not significant for [O-methyl- 11 C]NE-100. The coinjection of NE-100 enhanced the brain uptake of the two tracers. Haloperidol also enhanced the brain uptake of [N-propyl- 11 C]NE-100, but not that of [O-methyl- 11 C]NE-100. The regional brain distribution assessed with [O-methyl- 3 H]NE-100 was consistent with the distribution pattern of the σ receptors. Four σ drugs reduced the regional brain uptake of [O-methyl- 3 H]NE-100 to 70%-90% of the control. In an ex vivo autoradiographic study of the rat brain, the uptake of [O-methyl- 11 C]NE-100 was blocked by carrier NE-100 or haloperidol (53%-59% of the control in the cortex), which suggests a receptor-specific distribution. These results show that [O-methyl- 11 C]NE-100 has limited potential as a PET ligand for mapping σ 1 receptors in the peripheral organs and the CNS because of high nonspecific binding

  9. Few-Photon Multiple Ionization of Ne and Ar by Strong Free-Electron-Laser Pulses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moshammer, R.; Jiang, Y. H.; Rudenko, A.; Ergler, Th.; Schroeter, C. D.; Luedemann, S.; Zrost, K.; Dorn, A.; Ferger, T.; Kuehnel, K. U.; Ullrich, J.; Foucar, L.; Titze, J.; Jahnke, T.; Schoeffler, M.; Doerner, R.; Fischer, D.; Weber, T.; Zouros, T. J. M.; Duesterer, S.


    Few-photon multiple ionization of Ne and Ar atoms by strong vacuum ultraviolet laser pulses from the free-electron laser at Hamburg was investigated differentially with the Heidelberg reaction microscope. The light-intensity dependence of Ne 2+ production reveals the dominance of nonsequential two-photon double ionization at intensities of I 12 W/cm 2 and significant contributions of three-photon ionization as I increases. Ne 2+ recoil-ion-momentum distributions suggest that two electrons absorbing ''instantaneously'' two photons are ejected most likely into opposite hemispheres with similar energies

  10. Excitation functions for some Ne induced reactions with Holmium: incomplete fusion vs complete fusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agarwal, Avinash; Kumar, Munish; Sharma, Anjali; Rizvi, I.A.; Ahamad, Tauseef; Ghugre, S.S.; Sinha, A.K.; Chaubey, A.K.


    Reactions induced by 20 Ne are expected to be considerably more complex than those of 12 C, and 16 O. As a part of the ongoing program to understand CF and ICF reaction mechanisms, it is of great interest to see whether the same experimental technique yield similarly valuable information for 20 Ne induced reactions. In this present work an attempt has been made to measure the excitation functions for fifteen evaporation residues (ERs) identified in the interaction of 20 Ne + 165 Ho system in the energy range 4 -7 MeV/A

  11. The possibility of lasing in Ne+Ar ionic molecules pumped by a hard ioniser

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boichenko, Aleksandr M; Yakovlenko, Sergei I


    The kinetic model of relaxation in the Ne-Ar-Kr mixture pumped by a hard ioniser is constructed in connection with the analysis of the possibility of lasing at the Ne + Ar→NeAr + transition of the inert-gas ionic exciplexes. The calculations based on the typical rates of plasmachemical reactions demonstrate that the lasing is possible but difficult to realise: One needs high pressures (greater than 16 bar) and high pumping densities (∼ 1 MW cm -3 ). In the most favourable cases, the laser efficiency lies between 0.05 and 0.25%. (active media)

  12. Cu 4s → 4p atomic like excitations in the Ne matrix. (United States)

    Hatano, Yasuyo; Tatewaki, Hiroshi; Yamamoto, Shigeyoshi


    The lowest three or four excited states (the triplet or quartet states) of the Cu atom in a neon (Ne) matrix have been studied experimentally, and have been presumed to have the electronic configuration of Cu 4p(1). The origins of the triplet and the quartet are not yet fully clear, although many models have been proposed. It has been argued, for example, that the existence of different trapping sites would give rise to two partly overlapping triplets, leading to spectra having three or four lines or more. Below, the electronic structures of the ground state and lowest excited states of the Cu atom in the neon matrix are clarified by means of ab initio molecular orbital calculations, using the cluster model. It was found that a rather large vacancy (hollow) with residual Ne atoms is vital for explaining the observed spectra having three or more lines; the Cu atom occupies the center of the substitutional site of a face-centered cubic (fcc)-like cluster comprising 66 Ne atoms, in which the first shell composed of 12 Ne atoms is empty. The presence of the residual Ne atoms in the first shell gives rise to more than three excited states, explaining the experimental spectra. Electron-electron interaction (including the crystal field) and spin-orbit interaction are both important in explaining the experimental spectra.

  13. Single electron capture in N^+ -(Ne, Kr, Xe) collisions (United States)

    Reyes, Pedro G.; Castillo, Fermin; Martinez, Horacio


    Total cross sections for single electron capture of N^+ ions impinging on Ne, Kr and Xe were measured in the energy range of 1.5 to 5.0 keV. The electron capture cross sections for all the targets studied are found to be in excellent agreement with previous data in the low-energy range. The present data together with previous measurements give a general shape of the whole curve of single electron capture cross sections for the N^+ - Ne system. For the cases of N^+ - (Kr, Xe) systems, semiempirical calculation using the two-state approximation are in very good agreement with present cross sections data. Research supported by DGAPA IN-100392 and CONACyT 32175-E

  14. A digital intensity stabilization system for HeNe laser (United States)

    Wei, Zhimeng; Lu, Guangfeng; Yang, Kaiyong; Long, Xingwu; Huang, Yun


    A digital intensity stabilization system for HeNe laser is developed. Based on a switching power IC to design laser power supply and a general purpose microcontroller to realize digital PID control, the system constructs a closed loop to stabilize the laser intensity by regulating its discharge current. The laser tube is made of glass ceramics and its integrated structure is steady enough to eliminate intensity fluctuations at high frequency and attenuates all intensity fluctuations, and this makes it easy to tune the control loop. The control loop between discharge current and photodiode voltage eliminates the long-term drifts. The intensity stability of the HeNe laser with this system is 0.014% over 12 h.

  15. 77 FR 6481 - Television Broadcasting Services; Lincoln, NE (United States)


    ...] Television Broadcasting Services; Lincoln, NE AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule... power television rulemaking petitions requesting channel substitutions in May 2011, it subsequently... CFR Part 73 Television. Federal Communications Commission. Barbara A. Kreisman, Chief, Video Division...

  16. 1. Thiombiano.pmd

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    CEDRES) de ... est d'analyser la richesse des nations à la lumière de l'outil mathématique. Ainsi, dans cet ouvrage, il traite de ... Le présent papier ne revient pas sur la définition de la socioéconométrie faite lors du Colloque de ...

  17. L'adénocarcinome géant de la prostate, une présentation clinique ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    C. Ze Ondo

    adénocarcinome géant de la prostate a été confondu à un volu- mineux globe vésical lors de l'examen initial de l'abdomen de notre patient. Cette manifestation clinique ne semble pas isolée, car Kurokawa [2] a également rapporté une importante ...

  18. An Affymetrix Microarray Design for Microbial Genotyping (United States)


    les échantillons qui ne se prêtent pas aux méthodes culturales de la microbiologie classique. La puce à ADN est une technologie qui permet la... area of microbial genotyping there are multiple platforms that can identify one or a few microbial targets in a single assay iteration. For most

  19. Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 mars 2011 ... Introduction: L'incidence du cancer de la Jonction œsogastrique (JOG) ne .... a été de 8.5 %, les causes du décès sont dominées par les complications ... fragiles, dénutris et dont l'état pleuro-pulmonaire n'était pas toujours.

  20. 1285-IJBCS-Article-Bouafou Kouame G M

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    économiques. De cette manière, la banane verte garde sa caractéristique essentielle qui est sa richesse en amidon de haute valeur énergétique (Le. Dividich et al., 1976). Sur le plan pratique, l'ensilage de la banane mure présente l'avantage de ne pas.

  1. Fleischmann seminar (fusion)

    CERN Multimedia



    "pictures, television out, no flash and camera, there will be a press section later on in the council room if Prof. Fleischmann will accept"..le DG C.Rubbia insiste pour cette discussion scientifique de ne pas filmer, autrement de bien quitter la salle, ce qui provoque un petit remue-ménage...

  2. Sénégal : Rester à tout prix | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 mai 2016 ... Lorsqu'un quartier risque d'être inondé, la solution la plus logique est de construire de nouvelles maisons dans des zones plus sûres et d'y relocaliser les habitants. Mais à Dakar, la capitale du Sénégal, les choses ne sont pas si simples.

  3. Isotopic effect of the mean lifetimes of the NeAr2+ doubly charged rare-gas dimer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ben-Itzhak, I.; Bouhnik, J.P.; Chen, Z.; Gertner, I.; Heinemann, C.; Koch, W.; Lin, C.D.; Rosner, B.


    It has been suggested recently by Chen et al. [Phys. Rev. A 49, 3472 (1994)] that the measured long-lived NeAr 2+ formed in fast NeAr + + Ar charge-stripping collisions is mostly in its v=12 vibrational state bound to the electronic ground state, and that this molecular ion decays by tunneling through the potential barrier. Such a decay rate is expected to depend strongly on the reduced mass of the molecular ion leading to large isotopic effects. We have measured the mean lifetimes of the 20 Ne 40 Ar 2+ and 22 Ne 40 Ar 2+ isotopes in order to see this isotopic effect. Surprisingly, the mean lifetimes of both isotopes are similar to each other. Thus, it is suggested that the observed NeAr 2+ molecular ions do not decay via a tunneling mechanism, which would indicate that they reside in the metastable electronic ground state. Rather, electronic transitions from bound or metastable excited states into other repulsive states are the origin for the experimentally observed decay. Qualitative estimates for the shapes and ordering of these states in the electronic spectrum of NeAr 2+ are given

  4. Neutral bremsstrahlung radiation of Ne, Ar and O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kung, R.T.V.; Chang, C.H.


    The neutral Bremsstrahlung cross-sections of Ne, Ar and atomic oxygen around the 3 and 10μ wavelength regions were measured in a high temperature plasma generated in a shock tube. The results were generally a factor of three higher than the theoretical values calculated by Geltman (Geltman, S., JQSRT vol.13, 601 (1973)). Agreement with the experimental results of Taylor and Caledonia (Taylor, R.L. and Caledonia, G., JQSRT vol.9, 657; 681, 1969) around 3μ was good except for the case of Ne. The cross-sections around 10μ are the first measurements in this wavelength region. Enhanced radiation due to atomic line emission on top of the Bremsstrahlung continuum, as predicted by Hyman (Hyman, H.A. and Von Rosenberg, C.W. Jr., JQSRT, vol.15, 919, 1975) was observed around 7.44μ. (author)

  5. Quality control considerations for the KM3NeT Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sollima, C., E-mail:


    Within the KM3NeT project a quality management system was proposed that included a qualification process and a database to store information on the design. This paper highlights quality control procedures applicable to KM3NeT and describes the database.

  6. 76 FR 76337 - Television Broadcasting Services; Lincoln, NE (United States)


    ... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Part 73 [MB Docket No. 11-192, RM-11646; DA 11-1924] Television Broadcasting Services; Lincoln, NE AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Proposed... 73 Television, Television broadcasting. Federal Communications Commission Barbara A. Kreisman, Chief...

  7. Interfon

    CERN Multimedia



    Dès maintenant préparons les Fêtes … N’oubliez pas que notre Coopérative, comme chaque année, vous offre l’occasion de vous approvisionner en volailles de Bresse. Passez vos commandes dès maintenant : Chapons, dindes, poulets, poulardes, pintades, canards et canettes.   Il est impératif de remplir un Bon de commande. Les commandes seront enregistrées jusqu’au 15 décembre et seront livrées les 22 ou 23 décembre (l’information vous sera communiquée individuellement ultérieurement). La cave Interfon vous propose ses champagnes disponibles dès maintenant : Brut – Demi-sec – Rosé – Millésimé - Prestige – Blancs de blanc. N’attendez pas le dernier moment les retardataires pourraient ne pas êtr...

  8. Psychometric Evaluation of a Dutch Version of the Mini PAS-ADD for Assessing Psychiatric Disorders in Adults with Different Levels of Intellectual Disability (United States)

    Janssen, R.; Maes, B.


    Background: People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have an increased vulnerability to develop psychiatric problems. Moreover, the early recognition and the accurate diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in the population of persons with ID are challenging. Method: A Dutch version of the Mini PAS-ADD, which is a screening instrument for…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Dans ce travail, nous avons cherché à savoir si l’éthylène pouvait être impliquée lors de la stimulation de la production alcaloïdique par les cytokinines dans les suspensions cellulaires de Catharanthus roseus. La stratégie expérimentale a été double: 1 modifier les teneurs en éthylène endogène en traitant les cellules par différents agonistes ou antagonistes de la voie de biosynthèse de l’éthylène, 2 soumettre les cellules à des apports exogène d’éthylène.      Les résultats obtenus montrent que les inhibiteurs de l’éthylène AVG, Co+2  bloquent partiellement la stimulation alcaloïdique dans les cellules traitées par les cytokinines alors que le précurseur de l’éthylène ACC n’a pas d’effet sur la production alcaloïdique dans les cellules non traitées par les cytokinines. En revanche, lorsque l’éthylène est apporté de manière exogène (traitement par l’éthephon, la production alcaloïdique est multipliée par quatre.

  10. L’église Notre-Dame de Rocquigny (Pas-de-Calais : restauration, reconstruction ou abandon ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacques Philippon


    Full Text Available IntroductionLe village de Rocquigny (274 habitants est situé au sud du département du Pas-de-Calais (canton de Bapaume, à proximité immédiate d’une des importantes lignes de front de la Grande Guerre : la ligne Hindenburg. Ce qui explique que la quasi-totalité des villages de ce territoire ont été totalement détruits notamment lors des grandes offensives de 1917.C’est ainsi que le village s’est retrouvé au cœur du vaste dispositif de la Reconstruction mis en œuvre dans les années 1920 par l...



    Miloloža, Helena


    Tržišna orijentacija pridonosi boljem razumijevanju tržišta i unaprjeđuje nastup poduzeća na tržištu. Kao složena marketinška koncepcija, ostvaruje bitan utjecaj na inovacijske procese u poduzeću. Međutim, rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja korelacijskog odnosa između tržišne orijentacije i inovacija pokazali su da učinak tržišne orijentacije može biti i pozitivan i negativan. Stoga je cilj ovog rada analizirati tržišnu orijentaciju i inovativnost poduzeća te ispitati utjecaj tržišne orijenta...

  12. Characterization of CgHIFα-Like, a Novel bHLH-PAS Transcription Factor Family Member, and Its Role under Hypoxia Stress in the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas.

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    Ting Wang

    Full Text Available Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF, a critical member of the basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH-containing Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS protein family, is a master transcription factor involved in maintaining oxygen homeostasis. In the present study, we isolated and characterized a novel bHLH-PAS family member, CgHIFα-like gene, from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, and determined its importance during hypoxia stress. The 3020-bp CgHIFα-like cDNA encoded a protein of 888 amino acids. The predicted CgHIFα-like amino acid sequence was conserved in the N-terminal bHLH, PAS, and PAC domains (but not in the C-terminal domain and was most closely related to the HIF family in the bHLH-PAS protein phylogenic tree. Similar to the mammalian HIF-1α, CgHIFα-like could be expressed as four mRNA isoforms containing alternative 5'-untranslated regions and different translation initiation codons. At the mRNA level, these isoforms were expressed in a tissue-specific manner and showed increased transcription to varying degrees under hypoxic conditions. Additionally, the western blot analysis demonstrated that CgHIFα-like was induced by hypoxia. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay indicated that CgHIFα-like could bind to the hypoxia responsive element (HRE, whereas dual-luciferase reporter analysis demonstrated that CgHIFα-like could transactivate the reporter gene containing the HREs. In addition to CgHIFα-like, we identified CgARNT from the C. gigas, analyzed its expression pattern, and confirmed its interaction with CgHIFα-like using a yeast two-hybrid assay. In conclusion, this is the first report on the cloning and characterization of a novel hypoxia transcription factor in mollusks, which could accumulate under hypoxia and regulate hypoxia related gene expression by binding to HRE and dimerizing with CgARNT. As only one member of HIF has been identified in invertebrates to date, our results provide new insights into the unique mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance in


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    U Kaltsum


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji sifat polarisasi berbagai minyak nabati (minyak sawit, minyak kedelai, minyak zaitun, VCO, minyak curah, dan jelantah dengan variasi keadaan baru dan kadaluwarsa, menggunakan lampu IR dan laser He-Ne. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menempatkan minyak nabati diantara polarisator dan analisator. Hasil penelitian pada kedua sumber cahaya menunjukkan pola yang hampir sama. Minyak zaitun dan VCO memiliki perubahan sudut polarisasi alami kecil, sedangkan minyak sawit, kedelai, jelantah, dan curah memiliki perubahan sudut polarisasi alami besar. Besarnya perubahan sudut polarisasi minyak kadaluwarsa lebih besar dibanding minyak baru. Perubahan sudut polarisasi sebanding dengan jumlah radikal bebas (ALB, peroksida dan molekul asimetri (asam lemak jenuh, molekul rantai panjang. Meskipun pola yang dihasilkan oleh kedua sumber cahaya sama, namun lampu IR memberikan nilai perubahan sudut polarisasi yang lebih tinggi dari laser He-Ne. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena daya lampu IR lebih besar dari He-Ne, sehingga energi yang dihasilkan lampu IR lebih tinggi dan perubahan sudut polarisasinya lebih besar. This research based on previous research that using IR lamp (250 watt and He-Ne laser (1 mW on a mixture of palm oil and animal oil. Both of light source were used again to measure polarization properties of various vegetable oils (palm oil, soybean oil, olive oil, VCO, rainfall oil and used cooking oil with a variety of new and expired. The tools used were a set polarization, IR lamp, He-Ne laser, and power supply. The experiment was done by placing vegetable oil between the polarizer and analyzers. The result showed both of light sources had similar pattern; polarization changes of olive oil and the VCO were small, while polarization changes of palm oil, soybean oil, used cooking oil, and rainfall were high. Polarization change of expired oil was higher than new oil. The value of polarization change was proportional to free

  14. Sembène Ousmane's Xala: The Use of Film and Novel as Revolutionary Weapon

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    Kenneth Harrow


    Full Text Available Sembène Ousmane's Xala was written as a novel and made into a film in 1974. It is a biting attack upon the newly risen bourgeois class that has ascended to power and wealth in Senegal since independence. The ideological framework of Xala rests upon Marxist assumptions adapted to and modified by the circumstances in Africa. The distinctively Senegalese features which mark Sembène's portrayal include Muslim and traditional religious beliefs which form the basis of the class oppression and the sexism depicted in Xala . They also supply the title to the work since xala means impotency in Wolof, and it is described with great humor by Sembène, as the result of a marabout's curse. Sembène's treatment of the theme of class oppression focuses upon the great disparities that exist between the wealthy, elite classes and the impoverished masses, especially the beggars and cripples who live on the streets of Dakar. By focusing upon the issue of acculturation in the film, and by emphasizing the importance of imagery related to sight and the act of seeing, Sembène effectively overcomes the deficiencies of the novel in creating the film version of Xala .

  15. Many-particle and many-hole states in neutron-rich Ne isotopes related to broken N=20 shell closure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimura, Masaaki; Horiuchi, Hisashi


    The low-lying level structures of 26 Ne, 28 Ne and 30 Ne which are related to the breaking of the N=20 shell closure have been studied in the framework of the deformed-basis anti-symmetrized molecular dynamics plus generator coordinate method using the Gogny D1S force. The properties of the many-particle and many-hole states are studied as well as that of the ground band. We predict that the negative-parity states, in which neutrons are promoted into the pf-orbit from the sd orbit, have a small excitation energy in the cases of 28 Ne and 30 Ne. We regard this to be a typical phenomena accompanying the breaking of the N=20 shell closure. It is also found that the neutron 4p4h structure of 30 Ne appears at low excitation energy, which contains α + 16 O correlations. (author)

  16. Overview of DOE-NE Proliferation and Terrorism Risk Assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadasivan, Pratap


    Research objectives are: (1) Develop technologies and other solutions that can improve the reliability, sustain the safety, and extend the life of current reactors; (2) Develop improvements in the affordability of new reactors to enable nuclear energy; (3) Develop Sustainable Nuclear Fuel Cycles; and (4) Understand and minimize the risks of nuclear proliferation and terrorism. The goal is to enable the use of risk information to inform NE R and D program planning. The PTRA program supports DOE-NE's goal of using risk information to inform R and D program planning. The FY12 PTRA program is focused on terrorism risk. The program includes a mix of innovative methods that support the general practice of risk assessments, and selected applications.

  17. Crystallographic study and self irradiation damage on plutonium at low temperature; Etude cristallographique et effets de l'auto-irradiation sur le plutonium a basse temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solente, P [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    We have studied the variation of the parameters of {alpha} plutonium and aluminium stabilised {delta} alloys at low temperature, in order to verify the existence of an antiferromagnetic transition at low temperature. The effects of {alpha} particles on the length of a polycrystal of {alpha} plutonium at 4,2 deg. K are also presented at 18 deg. K a plutonium shows no crystallographic change from its structure at room temperature. The thermal expansion coefficients along the 3 axis seem to be positive at this temperature. Therefore a magnetic contribution on thermal expansion coefficients must be small. A dilatation anomaly of {delta}Pu has been observed at 100 deg. K, together with an anomaly of the diffraction lines intensity. No sur-structure line has been observed at 20 deg. K. The length of {alpha} plutonium Increases with time at a rate of about 5 x 10{sup -6} per hour when held in liquid helium. This effect is attributed to the creation of Frenkel pairs. (author) [French] On presente une etude cristallographique a basse temperature du plutonium {alpha} et stabilise {delta} par des additions d'aluminium en vue de verifier l'existence d'une transformation antiferromagnetique a basse temperature. L'effet des particules {alpha} a 4,2 deg. K sur la longueur d'un polycristal de plutonium {alpha} a egalement ete etudie. Il a ete determine que le plutonium {alpha} ne mange pas de phase allotropique Jusqu'a 18 deg. K, les coefficients de dilatation des trois axes de la maille semblent rester positifs. Une eventuelle contribution magnetique sur les coefficients de dilatation devrait donc etre faible. Une legere anomalie de dilatation de Pu {delta} a ete observee a 100 deg. K ainsi qu'une anomalie d'intensite des raies de diffraction. Aucune raie de surstructure n'a ete observee. Le plutonium {alpha} s'allonge lorsqu'il est plonge dans l'helium liquide d'un taux de l'ordre de 5 x 10{sup -6}/heure. Cet effet a ete attribuee a la creation de paires de Frenkel. (auteur)

  18. Les nouveaux carburants pour l'automobile. Carburants oxygénés : emploi et émissions New Automotive Fuels. Oxygenated Fuels: Their Use and Emissions

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    Guibet J. C.


    Full Text Available A la lumière de résultats nouveaux obtenus à l'IFP et de publications récentes sur le sujet, on étudie les principales répercussions de l'emploi de carburants oxygénés sur les émissions de polluants à l'échapement et sur les risques possibles associés à la manipulation des produits. Les polluants examinés sont les alkyles de plomb, l'oxyde de carbone, les oxydes d'azote, les produits imbrûlés, les aldéhydes et les hydrocarbures aromatiques polynucléaires. Les émissions de fumées et de particules solides par les moteurs diesel font aussi l'objet de quelques commentaires. On aborde également les problèmes de pertes par évaporation et on fournit quelques informations sur la toxicité des alcools et des aldéhydes. L'étude fait apparaître un besoin réel de nouvelles recherches dans le domaine, mais elle indique déjà que l'emploi de produits organiques oxygénés comme carburants ne devrait pas changer l'ordre de grandeur des niveaux de polluants. In the light of new results from IFP and recent publications on the subject, this article examines the main repercussions of the use of oxygenated fuelss on pollutant exhauts emissions and on possible risks associated with the handling of products. The pollutants examined are lead alkyls, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, unburned products, aldehydes and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. Emissions of smoke and solid particles by diesel engines are also the subject of various comments. Likewise, the article takes up the problem of losses by evaporation, and some information is provided on the toxicity of alcohols and aldehydes. This study reveals the real need for further research in the field, but it already shows that the use of oxygenated organic products as fuels should not bring about much change in the order of magnitude of pollutant levels.

  19. neş enerjisi destekli çok fonksiyonlu trijenerasyon sisteminin termodinamik analizi

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    Önder KIZILKAN


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada güneş enerjisi destekli çok fonksiyonlu bir trijenerasyon sisteminin modellemesi ve termodinamik analizleri yapılmıştır. Sistemde, gaz türbinleri için yeni bir teknoloji olan güneş kulesi vasıtasıyla gaz çevrimi ve buhar çevirimi için gerekli termal enerji sağlanmaktadır. Ayrıca, sisteme absorbsiyonlu soğutma sistemi, buhar üretim prosesi, kurutma prosesi ve kullanım sıcak suyu ısıtma prosesi entegre edilmiştir. Trijenerasyon sisteminin birinci kanun ve ikinci kanun analizleri yapılarak enerji ve ekserji verimleri tespit edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda gaz çevrimi verimi %31, buhar çevrimi verimi %28, soğutma sisteminin performans katsayısı (COP değeri ise 0.77 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ekserji kayıpları incelendiğinde ise en yüksek ekserji kaybının 4154 kW ile güneş kulesinde meydana geldiği tespit edilmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Güneş kulesi, Trijenerasyon, Gaz çevrimi, Buhar çevrimi, Enerji, Ekserji

  20. Histoire de ne pas forcement en rire (A Story To Not Necessarily Laugh About). (United States)

    Lenoble, Martine


    A rationale is presented for using humor as a French language teaching tool, and several class activities designed for different language skill levels and using humor as a central element are described. Some suggestions are offered for selecting appropriate instructional materials. (MSE)