
Sample records for nasal tomografia computadorizada

  1. Criptococose pulmonar: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada

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    Silva Ana Carina Gamboa da


    Full Text Available A criptococose pulmonar é uma doença causada pelo Criptococcus neoformans, um fungo unimórfico que possui distribuição mundial, existindo na mesma forma tanto no seu habitat natural quanto em animais e humanos. A doença possui apresentações clínica e patológica variáveis e pode manifestar-se tanto em pacientes com a imunidade normal como em imunocomprometidos, que representam a maioria dos casos. Neste trabalho são analisados os aspectos encontrados nas tomografias computadorizadas do tórax de 14 pacientes com criptococose pulmonar confirmada. Os achados mais freqüentes na tomografia do tórax foram as massas e os nódulos pulmonares. Outros aspectos observados foram as áreas de escavação, as consolidações, o espessamento do interstício peribroncovascular e o reticulado difuso. Massa pulmonar foi o achado isolado mais comum (64,2%, seguido dos nódulos isolados ou múltiplos (35,7%. Doença pulmonar difusa foi vista em apenas 14,2% dos casos. Os lobos superiores foram os mais comprometidos, sendo a doença mais comum nas regiões anteriores. A tomografia do tórax permitiu avaliar com precisão o grau de comprometimento do parênquima pulmonar.

  2. Tomografia computadorizada no diagnóstico da otosclerose fenestral

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    Vicente Andy de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar os principais achados tomográficos da otosclerose fenestral e avaliar a utilidade da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR, como método diagnóstico dessa osteodistrofia. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo prospectivo multicêntrico com tomografia computadorizada (TC de ossos temporais. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 54 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e cirúrgico de otosclerose. Foi realizada uma análise tomográfica, em que foi avaliada a sensibilidade da TC no diagnóstico radiológico da otosclerose fenestral, sendo verificados os principais sítios de lesões dessa doença, como também a sua bilateralidade e simetria. Foram incluídos neste estudo 22 pacientes submetidos à TC de ossos temporais para investigação de outras afecções otológicas, que constituíram o grupo controle. RESULTADOS: A TC foi positiva em 87% dos pacientes (77% das orelhas. Os achados tomográficos foram bilaterais na maioria dos casos (78,7%, e o foco fenestral mais prevalente foi o foco anterior à janela oval (FAJO. CONCLUSÕES: A TC apresentou um alto índice de positividade e o FAJO foi o foco mais prevalente nessa população, podendo ser considerado um achado tomográfico altamente sugestivo de otosclerose.

  3. Avaliação da reprodutibilidade da tomografia computadorizada no estadiamento da pancreatite aguda Reproducibility in the assessment of acute pancreatitis with computed tomography

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    Edison de Oliveira Freire Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Medir a reprodutibilidade da tomografia computadorizada sem e com contraste na avaliação da gravidade da pancreatite aguda. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Cinqüenta e um exames de tomografia computadorizada abdominal sem e com contraste de pacientes com pancreatite aguda foram analisados por dois radiologistas (observadores 1 e 2. Calculamos o índice morfológico pela tomografia computadorizada sem e com contraste, separadamente, e o índice de gravidade da tomografia computadorizada para pancreatite aguda. Medimos a reprodutibilidade intra- e interobservador da tomografia computadorizada através do índice kappa (kapa. RESULTADOS: Para a concordância interobservador obtivemos kapa de 0,666, 0,705, 0,648, 0,547 e 0,631 para índice morfológico sem e com contraste, presença de necrose pancreática, extensão da necrose pancreática e índice de gravidade da tomografia computadorizada, respectivamente. Para a concordância intra-observador dos observadores 1 e 2 obtivemos, respectivamente, kapa de 0,796 e 0,732 para o índice morfológico sem contraste; 0,725 e 0,802 para o índice morfológico com contraste; 0,674 e 0,849 para a presença de necrose pancreática; 0,606 e 0,770 para a extensão da necrose pancreática; e 0,801 e 0,687 para o índice de gravidade da tomografia computadorizada. CONCLUSÃO: O estadiamento da pancreatite aguda pela tomografia computadorizada por meio do índice morfológico e do índice de gravidade da tomografia computadorizada é um método bastante reprodutível. O não-uso do contraste não afeta a reprodutibilidade da tomografia computadorizada para o cálculo do índice morfológico.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reproducibility of unenhanced and contrast-enhanced computed tomography in the assessment of patients with acute pancreatitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-one unenhanced and contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography studies of patients with acute pancreatitis were blindly reviewed by two

  4. Tomografia computadorizada no seguimento de pacientes com tumores intracranianos

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    Gilberto Machado de Almeida


    Full Text Available A tomografia computadorizada tem grande valor no controle dos pacientes com tumores cerebrais. Imediatamente após o ato cirúrgico pode ser útil para avaliar a retirada do processo expansivo ou para comprovar a área atingida. Nos primeiros dias após a intervenção tem sido indicada principalmente quando há piora do quadro neurológico. Nestas condições, o exame permite verificar a existência de ar, edema, hematoma, desvios ventriculares e hidrocéfalo. Os dados fornecidos são mais precisos que os obtidos com outros exames neuror-radiológicos ou com a medida contínua da pressão intracraniana, métodos menos inócuos. A longo prazo a tomografia permite o diagnóstico precoce de recidivas, a avaliação da eficácia de tratamentos radio ou quimioterápicos e o controle do hidrocéfalo. Ainda não é possível fazer o diagnóstico diferencial entre radio-necrose e recidiva tumoral.

  5. Histiocitoma fibroso benigno profundo: achados na tomografia computadorizada e histologia Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma: computed tomography and histology findings

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    Luciano Farage


    Full Text Available Apresentamos imagens de tomografia computadorizada de um paciente de 83 anos de idade com histiocitoma fibroso benigno profundo, na face lateral da perna esquerda, com evolução de longa data. À tomografia computadorizada observamos massa bem delimitada, ovalada, e que apresentava intenso realce periférico com uso do meio de contraste iodado. Este é um tumor de partes moles pouco freqüente e com raros relatos dos seus aspectos de imagem.We present the computed tomography images of an 83-year-old male patient with a deep benign fibrous histiocytoma at the lateral aspect of the left leg. Computed tomography images showed a well-defined mass with marked peripheral enhancement by iodinated contrast medium. Only few reports of this rare soft tissue tumor can be found in the literature.

  6. Mudanças na estrutura do solo avaliada com uso de tomografia computadorizada.


    PIRES, L. F.; BACCHI, O. O. S.


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em escala milimétrica, a modificação da densidade e da porosidade de amostras deformadas de solo submetidas a ciclos de umedecimento e secamento (U-S), por meio da tomografia computadorizada de raios gama. Amostras com 98,1 cm³ foram preparadas procedendo ao peneiramento do solo em malha de 2 mm e acondicionamento de forma homogênea em tubos de PVC. As amostras de solo foram submetidas a um, dois e três ciclos de U-S. As amostras controle não foram subme...

  7. Alterações no planejamento em implantodontia utilizando a tomografia computadorizada volumétrica


    Pedroso, Ludmila Assunção de Mello


    O sucesso da reabilitação sobre implantes depende de um planejamento bem executado. Nesta fase, as características do sítio e as estruturas anatômicas adjacentes são avaliadas por meio do exame clínico e dos exames por imagem. A radiografia panorâmica é amplamente utilizada, mas recomenda-se que uma imagem seccional seja realizada. A tomografia computadorizada volumétrica (TCV) está entre os exames com maior indicação para essa avaliação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verifi...

  8. Tomografia computadorizada do cranio no diagnostico dos meningiomas: registro de 16 casos

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    James Pitagoras de Mattos


    Full Text Available Os autores se referem à importância do emprego da tomografia computadorizada do crânio para o preciso diagnóstico dos meningiomas. Constam da experiência 16 casos, comprovados cirúrgica e histologicamente. A média de idade foi de 52,1 anos, sendo 10 pacientes do sexo feminino e 6 do masculino. Quanto à localização, 5 eram da cavidade orbitrária e/ou asa do esfenóide, 3 parasagitais, 3 da foice, 2 supra-selares, 2 de convexidade e 1 do tentório. Concluem tratar-se de exame de grande positividade (95-98%, praticamente inócuo e que permite, na atualidade, o diagnóstico precoce conduzindo, consequentemente, a melhores resultados terapêuticos.

  9. Tomografia computadorizada das patologias acometendo o compartimento iliopsoas

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    Montandon Cristiano


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo revisar as patologias que acometem o compartimento iliopsoas. Foi realizada análise retrospectiva de casos com acometimento do compartimento iliopsoas avaliados por tomografia computadorizada (TC, no Departamento de Radiologia da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, nos últimos dez anos, confirmados por biópsia cirúrgica ou percutânea. Os principais diagnósticos encontrados foram neoplasias, abscessos e hematomas. Os achados tomográficos baseiam-se na extensão do acometimento iliopsoas, no grau de atenuação, margens da lesão, presença de gás e/ou calcificações, destruição óssea, infiltração da gordura e acometimento de estruturas abdominais adjacentes. A TC é o método de escolha na avaliação do compartimento iliopsoas, podendo ser utilizada para orientar biópsias percutâneas, cirúrgicas ou drenagem. Porém, os achados isolados do estudo por TC, sem o conhecimento da história clínica, não são específicos para permitir a diferenciação das diversas patologias que acometem o compartimento iliopsoas.

  10. Tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética nos oligodendrogliomas: correlação clínica e patológica

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    Simão Marcelo Novelino


    Full Text Available Oligodendrogliomas são neoplasias do tecido neuroepitelial glial originárias de oligodendrócitos. São tumores infreqüentes, responsáveis por cerca de 4% a 7% das neoplasias primárias do cérebro, predominantemente supratentoriais. O presente trabalho consistiu na avaliação dos achados de imagem pré-operatória em tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética e correlação clínica e patológica, levando-se em consideração a presença de tumores puros ou mistos, com componente astrocitário e o seu grau de anaplasia. O aspecto mais freqüente foi o de lesão hipodensa na tomografia computadorizada ou com hipossinal em T1 e hipersinal em T2 na ressonância magnética, podendo ter componente cístico, com pouco edema ao redor, apresentando calcificações, quase sempre grosseiras, em dois terços dos casos. Reforço após contraste ocorre em 80% dos casos, na maioria discreto.

  11. Malária pulmonar: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução - relato de caso

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    Rodrigues Rosana


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é relatado o caso de paciente do sexo masculino, de 38 anos de idade, que desenvolveu quadro de malária com comprometimento pulmonar. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução evidenciou espessamento de septos interlobulares e de bainhas peribroncovasculares, com áreas esparsas de atenuação em vidro fosco e de consolidações, além de derrame pleural bilateral, aspectos compatíveis com edema pulmonar. O paciente recebeu tratamento específico, evoluindo bem e tendo alta 11 dias após a internação.

  12. Tomografia computadorizada sem contraste intravenoso no abdome agudo: quando e por que usar When and why use unenhanced computed tomography in patients with acute abdomen

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    Edison de Oliveira Freire Filho


    Full Text Available A tomografia computadorizada sem contraste intravenoso tem sido freqüentemente proposta na avaliação inicial de pacientes com suspeita de abdome agudo, ocupando o espaço de outros métodos diagnósticos. Os autores apresentam uma revisão bibliográfica dos principais aspectos e eficácia da tomografia computadorizada sem contraste intravenoso no diagnóstico de apendicite aguda, cólica nefrética, diverticulite, pancreatite aguda, apendicite epiplóica, pneumoperitônio e obstrução intestinal. Discutem quais as vantagens e limitações desta técnica de exame, bem como seus aspectos práticos.The use of unenhanced computed tomography has been frequently recommended for the initial assessment of patients with clinical suspicion of acute abdomen instead of other diagnostic methods. The authors present a review of the literature on the main aspects, advantages, limitations and efficacy of unenhanced computed tomography for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis, renal colic, diverticulitis, acute pancreatitis, primary epiploic appendicitis, pneumoperitoneum and small bowel obstruction. The advantages and limitations of this technique are also discussed.

  13. Trauma dos ossos temporais e suas complicações: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada

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    Ana Maria Doffémond Costa


    Full Text Available A maioria das fraturas dos ossos temporais resulta de traumas cranianos bruscos, de alta energia, estando muitas vezes relacionadas a outras fraturas cranianas ou a politraumatismo. As fraturas e os deslocamentos da cadeia ossicular, na orelha média, representam umas das principais complicações das injúrias nos ossos temporais e, por isso, serão abordadas de maneira mais profunda neste artigo. Os outros tipos de injúrias englobam as fraturas labirínticas, fístula dural, paralisia facial e extensão da linha de fratura ao canal carotídeo. A tomografia computadorizada tem papel fundamental na avaliação inicial dos pacientes politraumatizados, pois é capaz de identificar injúrias em importantes estruturas que podem causar graves complicações, como perda auditiva de condução ou neurossensorial, tonturas e disfunções do equilíbrio, fístulas perilinfáticas, paralisia do nervo facial, lesões vasculares, entre outras.

  14. Apendicite aguda: achados na tomografia computadorizada - ensaio iconográfico Acute appendicitis: computed tomography findings - an iconographic essay

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    Marcelo Eustáquio Montandon Júnior


    Full Text Available A apendicite aguda é a causa mais comum de dor abdominal aguda que requer intervenção cirúrgica no mundo ocidental. O diagnóstico precoce é essencial para minimizar a morbidade da doença. O uso dos métodos de imagem significou grande avanço no diagnóstico desta entidade, até então avaliada apenas com base na história clínica, exame físico e dados laboratoriais, haja vista que 20% a 33% dos pacientes apresentam sintomas atípicos. O diagnóstico é mais difícil nas crianças, nos idosos e nas mulheres em idade fértil. Os principais métodos de imagem para sua avaliação são a ultra-sonografia e a tomografia computadorizada. Os objetivos deste trabalho são: descrever a fisiopatologia da doença, comentar os principais aspectos técnicos da tomografia computadorizada, demonstrar e ilustrar os achados tomográficos e citar os principais diagnósticos diferenciais.Acute appendicitis is the most important cause of abdominal pain requiring surgical intervention in the Western world. The early diagnosis of this disease is of paramount relevance for minimizing its morbidity. Imaging methods have represented a huge progress in the diagnosis of this entity, which used to be based essentially on clinical history, physical examination and laboratory tests results, considering that 20% to 33% of patients present with atypical symptoms. Diagnostic difficulty is higher in children, the elderly, and women in childbearing age. The main imaging methods for evaluation of acute appendicitis are ultrasound and computed tomography. The present study is aimed at describing the disease physiopathology, commenting main computed tomography technical aspects, demonstrating and illustrating tomographic findings, and describing main differential diagnoses.

  15. Avaliação da concordância interobservadores na análise da polipose nasossinusal por meio da tomografia computadorizada Evaluation of the concordance between observers in sinunasal polyposis through computed tomographic analysis

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    Elaine A. Mendes


    Full Text Available Polipose nasossinusal (PNS é uma entidade de etiologia controversa, caracterizada por uma condição inflamatória da superfície mucosa das fossas nasais e seios paranasais, bilateralmente. A queixa principal do paciente consiste na obstrução nasal e, ao exame físico, observam-se freqüentemente massas polipóides ocupando as cavidades nasais em extensões variáveis. Além da rinoscopia anterior e da endoscopia nasal, o uso da tomografia computadorizada (TC torna-se necessário para avaliação das fossas nasais e da presença ou não do acometimento dos seios paranasais por essas massas, bem como a sua extensão. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a concordância interobservadores, por meio da análise da tomografia computadorizada, de 32 casos de PNS. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 32 TC de pacientes portadores PNS por dois observadores experientes, separadamente, em relação à presença ou não de 3 sinais tomográficos sugestivos dessa doença: (1 alargamento infundibular do complexo ostiomeatal, (2 abaulamento lateral da lâmina papirácea e (3 apagamento do trabeculado ósseo etmoidal. RESULTADOS: Observou-se Qui-quadrado não significante para o primeiro e segundo sinais (p=0,7055 e p=0,2057 e significante para o terceiro (p=0,0040. Contudo, o coeficiente de correlação de Kendall entre os dois observadores foi significante para os três sinais tomográficos acima citados (pSinonasal polyposis (SNP is a condition with a controversial aethiology, known by bilaterally inflammatory mucous membranes of nasal and paranasal sinuses. The major patient's complaint is nasal obstruction, and polypoid masses in different sizes can be found during nasal cavity examination. Beyond anterior rhinoscophy and nasal endoscopy, screening sinus computed tomography (SSCT is necessary to measure the size and the extent of the polyps into nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses. The purpose of this

  16. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução na avaliação da toxicidade pulmonar por amiodarona High-resolution computed tomography of amiodarone pulmonary toxicity

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    Daniela Peixoto Consídera


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as principais alterações identificadas na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax em pacientes com toxicidade pulmonar pela amiodarona. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas dez tomografias computadorizadas de alta resolução de tórax de pacientes com pneumonite pela amiodarona, seis desses pacientes do sexo masculino e quatro do sexo feminino, com idade média de 73,5 anos. RESULTADOS: Os achados tomográficos mais relevantes foram opacidades lineares ou reticulares em seis casos (60%, pequenos nódulos com densidade elevada em seis casos (60%, consolidações densas em três casos (30% e aumento da densidade do parênquima hepático em cinco de oito casos em que havia estudo tomográfico do abdome superior (62,5%. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução é um exame importante na avaliação de pacientes com toxicidade pulmonar pela amiodarona, devendo ser realizada sempre que houver suspeita deste diagnóstico. O achado de espessamento de septos interlobulares associado a lesões com aumento de densidade é altamente sugestivo deste diagnóstico.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the main findings of chest high-resolution computed tomography in patients with amiodarone pulmonary toxicity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten patients - six male and four female, average age of 73.5 years - with amiodarone-induced pneumonitis have undergone chest high-resolution computed tomography. RESULTS: The most relevant tomographic findings were linear or reticular opacities in six cases (60%, small high density nodules in six cases (60%, dense consolidations in three cases (30% and increased density in the hepatic parenchyma in five of eight cases in which there was a superior abdomen CT scan (62.5%. CONCLUSION: The high-resolution computed tomography is a valuable non-invasive test for evaluating patients with amiodarone pulmonary toxicity and should always be performed when one suspects of the presence of this

  17. Estimativa dos valores de MSAD em procedimentos de tomografia computadorizada utilizando filmes radiocrômicos

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    Bruno Beraldo Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a viabilidade de filmes radiocrômicos como um dosímetro alternativo para estimativa da dose média em cortes múltiplos a partir dos perfis de kerma. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os filmes foram distribuídos em cilindros posicionados no centro e nas regiões periféricas de um objeto simulador padrão de abdome utilizado para dosimetria em tomografia computadorizada. RESULTADOS: Os valores de dose média em cortes múltiplos calculados foram 13,6 ± 0,7, 13,5 ± 0,7 e 18,7 ± 1,0 mGy para os valores de passo (pitch de 0,75, 1,00 e 1,50, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de os resultados mostrarem valores menores que o nível de referência de radiodiagnóstico de 25 mGy estabelecido pela legislação brasileira para exames de abdome, eles sugerem que há espaço para otimização dos procedimentos e uma revisão do valor para o nível de referência de radiodiagnóstico brasileiro.

  18. Tomografia computadorizada aplicada a estudos de um Planossolo

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    Pedrotti Alceu


    Full Text Available Na busca de técnicas mais apuradas para a determinação e avaliação de parâmetros físicos do solo com aplicabilidade em várzeas, vem se destacando a tomografia computadorizada, por medir a densidade e a umidade com boa sensibilidade e alta resolução espacial. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo descrever aspectos e procedimentos da calibração de um minitomógrafo de raios-X e gama para estudo da densidade e umidade de um Planossolo no Rio Grande do Sul, bem como estabelecer parâmetros estatísticos para sua adequada utilização. A calibração do minitomógrafo foi obtida pela regressão linear entre as unidades tomográficas (UT, apresentadas pelo programa de reconstrução de imagem, e os coeficientes de atenuação linear (µl, cm-1, medidos por transmissão direta de raios gama, em amostras dos horizontes A e B do Planossolo, água destilada, benzina e alumínio. Para as medidas de transmissão direta de radiação utilizaram-se recipientes com água destilada, benzina, solo e Al, obtendo-se as seguintes fórmulas para o cálculo da densidade do solo no horizonte A: Ds = [(UT/986,16-(0,200xteta]/0,267; e no horizonte B: Ds = [(UT/986,16-(0,200xteta]/0,297, em que UT é o valor médio de UT em cada linha e teta é a umidade volumétrica da amostra de solo, em m³ m-3. Com as configurações obtidas, verificou-se variabilidade média de 2,74% e 0,73%, respectivamente, em termos de homogeneidade e repetibilidade. Os erros atribuídos ao equipamento são de 0,051 e 0,046 Mg m-3, respectivamente, nos horizontes A e B, revelando precisão e adaptabilidade no emprego da técnica em estudos do Planossolo.

  19. Proposta para padronização do relatório de tomografia computadorizada nos aneurismas da aorta abdominal A proposal for standardizing computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms

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    Fabiola Goda Torlai


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Propor um modelo de padronização de relatório para aneurisma da aorta abdominal na tomografia computadorizada. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas, no período de abril a outubro de 2004, entrevistas com integrantes da Disciplina de Cirurgia Vascular da nossa instituição, para elaboração de um modelo de padronização de relatório de tomografia computadorizada para o estudo do aneurisma da aorta abdominal. A partir deste modelo foi elaborado um questionário, enviado a nove outros cirurgiões, todos com experiência em cirurgia da aorta abdominal. O índice de resposta aos questionários foi de 55,5% (5/9. RESULTADOS: Os parâmetros de interesse citados mais freqüentemente para a avaliação dos aneurismas de aorta abdominal foram: diâmetro máximo do colo proximal, extensão do colo proximal até a artéria renal mais baixa, forma do colo proximal, diâmetro máximo do aneurisma e diâmetro das artérias ilíacas comuns. Estes dados permitiram elaborar uma proposta de modelo para padronização de relatório na tomografia computadorizada. CONCLUSÃO: Um modelo para a análise tomográfica padronizada do aneurisma de aorta abdominal permite atender às necessidades dos cirurgiões vasculares para acompanhar a evolução e planejar o tratamento destes pacientes.OBJECTIVE: To propose a model to standardize computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Interviews were carried out with members of Vascular Surgery Division of our institution, in the period between April and October 2004, aiming at developing a standardized model of computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms. Based on this model, a questionnaire was elaborated and sent to other nine surgeons, all of them experienced in the field of abdominal aortic surgery. The questionnaires response rate was 55.5% (5/9. RESULTS: The most frequently mentioned parameters of interest for evaluation of abdominal aortic aneurysms

  20. Achados de tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução em pneumonia pelo vírus parainfluenza pós-transplante de medula óssea: relato de caso

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    Emerson L. Gasparetto


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Paciente feminina, de 19 anos, transplantada de medula óssea devido a leucemia mielóide crónica, apresentando tosse seca e coriza no 67.º dia após o procedimento. A radiografia de tórax não evidenciou alterações. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax revelou consolidação subsegmentar na periferia do lobo inferior esquerdo e áreas de redução da atenuação nos terços superior e médio dos pulmões. O lavado broncoalveolar demonstrou pesquisa positiva por imunoflorescência direta para anticorpos anti-vírus parainfluenza. Foi instituído tratamento com ribavirina aerolizada durante 10 dias, havendo melhoria clínico-radiológica do quadro infeccioso.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (6: 485-489 ABSTRACT: Nineteen year-old female patient, who underwent bone marrow transplantation because of chronic myelogenous leukemia, presented with dry cough and coriza sixty-seven days after the procedure. The chest radiograph was normal. The high resolution computed tomography showed a subsegmental air-space consolidation at the periphery of the left inferior lobe and areas of low attenuation at the superior and middle lung zones. The bronchoalveolar lavage demonstrated positive direct fluorescence antibody testing against parainfluenza virus. Treatment with aerolizated ribavirin was instituted during 10 days and the patient showed clinical-radiological improvement.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (6: 485-489 Palavras-chave: Vírus parainfluenza, tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução, transplante de medula óssea, Key-words: Parainfluenza virus, high resolution computed tomography, bone marrow transplantation

  1. Detecção de fraturas radiculares em imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico utilizando diferentes parâmetros de exposição e materiais intracanais


    Pinto, Martina Gerlane de Oliveira


    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a detecção de fraturas radiculares (FRs) em imagens de Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (TCFC) utilizando diferentes parâmetros de exposição e analisar a influência da guta- percha, do núcleo metálico fundido e do pino de fibra de vidro no diagnóstico das FRs, assim como a formação de artefatos em TCFC. Cento e sessenta dentes foram selecionados e divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com o material de preenchimento (sem guta-percha, com guta-perch...


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    Marchiori Edson


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho são descritos os aspectos tomográficos de alta resolução dos linfomas pulmonares e feita correlação com os achados anatomopatológicos. Com este objetivo, foram revisados as tomografias computadorizadas de alta resolução do tórax e os dados histopatológicos de dez pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de linfoma não-Hodgkin ou de doença de Hodgkin. Os resultados obtidos foram confrontados com os descritos na literatura. Os achados radiológicos mais comumente vistos neste estudo foram as consolidações parenquimatosas, localizadas, com broncogramas aéreos de permeio (n = 8. Em menor freqüência, foram encontrados múltiplos nódulos parenquimatosos (n = 4, espessamento peribroncovascular (n = 3 e opacidades em vidro fosco (n = 2. Na correlação com a anatomia patológica, as consolidações corresponderam a preenchimento alveolar por células neoplásicas, o espessamento peribroncovascular se deveu a infiltração das bainhas peribroncovasculares por células linfomatosas e a atenuação em vidro fosco se associou com infiltração dos septos alveolares por tais células.

  3. Tomografia Computadorizada de crânio em perícias criminais: uma grande aliada

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    Márcio Gleidson Ribeiro Dias


    Full Text Available O presente estudo trata-se de uma revisão descritiva da literatura sobre as principais vantagens da Tomografia Computadorizada (TC de crânio na área de Criminologia. Para a revisão literária foram utilizados artigos e dissertações recentes publicados entre 2007 e 2016, livros de imagenologia e medicina legal. A partir dos dados obtidos na revisão literária, nós realizamos uma descrição sobre a TC e sua evolução ao longo dos anos, suas vantagens e aplicações em perícias criminais. Destacamos a importância do laudo pericial, a responsabilidade do perito criminal, a fisiopatologia do trauma cranioencefálico e a sua relação com a violência urbana.Entre as vantagens da virtópsia em relação aos métodos tradicionais destacam-se a preservação do corpo, o arquivamento das imagens e a capacidade de identificação de vítimas através de imagens comparativas ante mortem e post mortem. Assim, a TC tem se tornado cada vez mais presente nas investigações criminais como uma tecnologia de baixo custo que é capaz de localizar, quantificar e evidenciar o trajeto de projéteis, auxiliando na identificação de cadáveres e causas da morte.

  4. Tomografia computadorizada das células etmoidais intra e extramurais: ensaio iconográfico

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    Fabrício Guimarães Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento dos seios paranasais é um processo intricado que se inicia na vida intrauterina e termina na idade adulta. Dos seios da face, as células etmoidais são provavelmente as estruturas mais complexas e as que estão associadas com o maior número de variantes da normalidade. Variações no padrão de pneumatização das células etmoidais podem ser divididas em intra ou extramurais. Intramurais são aquelas que ao se desenvolverem mantêm contato com o labirinto etmoidal, e extramurais as que se desenvolvem isoladamente. A tomografia computadorizada é a ferramenta mais útil na avaliação de processos inflamatórios dos seios paranasais. De igual modo, ela é importante para o planejamento pré-operatório e controle pós-operatório, pois possibilita grande detalhe anatômico das estruturas normais e detecção precisa de suas variantes. Neste ensaio iconográfico os autores descrevem as principais variantes da normalidade do labirinto etmoidal e suas relações com estruturas adjacentes. Cirurgias endoscópicas para o tratamento de afecções dos seios paranasais têm-se tornado cada vez menos invasivas, o que certamente aumentará a demanda por relatórios de imagem cada vez mais ricos em detalhes desta região.

  5. Nasoangiofibroma juvenil: concordância interobservadores no estadiamento por tomografia computadorizada Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: interobserver agreement in cancer staging using computed tomography

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    Jefferson Luiz Gusso


    Full Text Available Com o advento da tomografia computadorizada, a avaliação dos locais de acometimento e extensão do nasoangiofibroma juvenil tornou-se mais precisa, o que facilitou o correto estadiamento pré-operatório. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a concordância interobservadores, por meio da análise por tomografia computadorizada, de 15 casos de nasoangiofibroma juvenil em relação à extensão para locais relacionados com altos índices de recidivas. Todos os pacientes eram do sexo masculino, com idade média de 15,8 anos. A análise da concordância entre os observadores quanto à extensão e envolvimento da fossa infratemporal, seios esfenóide e cavernoso e fossa craniana média foi excelente, em relação à fissura orbitária superior foi boa e em relação à base do processo pterigóide e fossa craniana anterior foi ruim. Concluiu-se que a análise apresenta alta concordância entre os observadores para os locais estabelecidos, com exceção da base do processo pterigóide e da fossa craniana anterior.The advent of computed tomography permitted a much more precise evaluation of tumor localization, thus facilitating presurgical staging. The objective of this study was to evaluate the interobserver agreement on the analysis of computed tomography scans of 15 patients with juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, regarding assessment of tumor extension to sites of high recurrence rate. All patients were male and had a mean age of 15.8 years. The results of the interobserver agreement analysis regarding tumor invasion and extension to the infratemporal fossa, cavernous sinus, sphenoid sinus and medium cranial fossa were excellent. Identification of involvement of the superior orbital fissure was considered good. Interobserver agreement regarding tumor extension to the base of pterigoid process and anterior cranial fossa was considered poor. We concluded that there is a very good interobserver agreement on the evaluation of the established

  6. Esclerose sistêmica progressiva: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução Progressive systemic sclerosis: high-resolution computed tomography findings

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    Emerson L. Gasparetto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados de tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de pacientes com esclerose sistêmica pulmonar, independentemente dos sintomas respiratórios. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram revisados 73 exames de tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de 44 pacientes com diagnóstico de esclerodermia estabelecido através de critérios clínicos e laboratoriais. Os exames foram revisados por dois radiologistas, que estabeleceram os achados por consenso. RESULTADOS: Em 91,8% (n = 67 dos exames observaram-se alterações. Os principais achados foram lesões de padrão reticular (90,4%, opacidades em vidro-fosco (63%, bronquiectasias e bronquiolectasias de tração (56,2%, dilatação esofagiana (46,6%, faveolamento (28,8% e sinais de hipertensão pulmonar (15,6%. Na maioria dos casos as lesões eram bilaterais (89% e simétricas (58,5%. Quanto à localização, houve predomínio de lesões basais (91,2% e periféricas (92,2%. CONCLUSÃO: A esclerose sistêmica progressiva acarreta fibrose pulmonar na maioria dos pacientes, caracterizada principalmente por lesão reticular basal e periférica.OBJECTIVE: To describe the high-resolution computed tomography findings in the lung of patients with systemic sclerosis, independently of the respiratory symptoms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-three high-resolution computed tomography scans of 44 patients with clinical diagnosis of systemic sclerosis were reviewed and defined by the consensus of two radiologists. RESULTS: Abnormalities were seen in 91.8% (n = 67 of the scans. The most frequent findings were reticular pattern (90.4%, ground-glass opacities (63%, traction bronchiectasis and bronchiolectasis (56.2%, esophageal dilatation (46.6%, honeycombing pattern (28.8% and signs of pulmonary hypertension (15.6%. In most cases the lesions were bilateral (89% and symmetrical (58.5%. The lesions were predominantly located in the basal (91.2% and peripheral (92.2% regions. CONCLUSION: In

  7. Lesões traumáticas do parênquima pulmonar: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada Traumatic lung lesions: computed tomography findings

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    Alessandro Severo Alves de Melo


    Full Text Available As lesões pulmonares são achados freqüentes no trauma torácico, sendo cada vez mais diagnosticadas pela tomografia computadorizada, em especial pelo rápido tempo de aquisição decorrente da técnica helicoidal, que permite a avaliação de pacientes em estado grave, possibilitando a adoção de conduta terapêutica eficiente. Os autores estudaram 150 pacientes vítimas de trauma torácico submetidos a tomografia computadorizada, que apresentaram lesões pulmonares, representadas por contusões, atelectasias, lacerações e hematomas pulmonares. As contusões pulmonares se caracterizaram por consolidações e atenuação em vidro fosco, sendo as lesões pulmonares mais comuns. As atelectasias foram observadas com os padrões subsegmentar e compressiva, e foram a segunda lesão mais comum. As lacerações se apresentaram como consolidações com ar ou nível líquido no interior. Os hematomas pulmonares representaram a lesão pulmonar mais rara, presentes em apenas cinco casos, caracterizados por opacidades arredondadas. Neste trabalho o trauma torácico fechado predominou, com 120 casos, enquanto o trauma aberto ocorreu em 30 casos. As causas de trauma fechado, em ordem decrescente de freqüência, foram: colisão automobilística, atropelamento, queda de altura, acidente de motocicleta e espancamento. A forma penetrante de traumatismo torácico decorreu de duas causas de agressão: lesão por arma de fogo e lesão por arma branca.Traumatic lesions of the lung are common findings in patients with thoracic trauma. These lesions are increasingly diagnosed using computed tomography, mostly due to the fast acquisition time helical techniques that allow evaluation of critically ill patients and an efficient therapeutic management. The authors studied 150 patients with thoracic trauma submitted to computed tomography that demonstrated lung contusions, atelectasies, lacerations and hematomas. Lung contusions were the most frequent lesions

  8. Tomografia computadorizada em pacientes portadores de neurocisticercose com hipertensão intracraniana por hidrocefalia obstrutiva: comparação com ventriculografia com Dimer-X

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    Benedicto Oscar Colli


    Full Text Available Estudo das alterações observadas nas tomografias computadorizadas (TCs de 16 casos de neurocisticercose, com hipertensão intracraniana por hidrocefalia. Todos os casos foram submetidos a radiografias simples do crânio e 12, à ventriculografia com Dimer-X. Nas radiografias simples foram observados sinais de hipertensão intracraniana em 7, calcificações em um, e d foram normais. A TC mostrou parênquima cerebral normal em 9 casos e nos 7 restantes áreas hipodensas arredondadas de tamanho variado, com ou sem retenção de contraste na periferia, e/ou calcificações esparsas no parenquima. Hidrocefalia foi a única alteração observada no sistema ventricular nos casos em que o exame foi realizado previamente à derivação do LCR. As ventriculografias foram analisadas em trabalho anterior e permitiram localizar e determinar as características da obstrução e a presença de massas ocupando espaço dentro dos ventrículos. A comparação das ventriculografias e TCs realizadas na mesma época evidenciou que a primeira fornece melhores informações sobre o sistema ventricular mas, por outro lado, a tomografia fornece informações adicionais sobre o parênquima cerebral. A TC e a ventriculografia são exames que se completam na avaliação e no diagnóstico destes pacientes.

  9. Computerized tomography findings in Fahr's syndrome Achados da tomografia computadorizada na síndrome de Fahr

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    Andréia V. Faria


    Full Text Available We analyzed computerized tomography (CT findings in six patients with Fahr's syndrome. They presented calcifications in basal ganglia, dentate nucleus, subcortical region and semioval center, due to alteration in calcium metabolism or due to senile relative hypoxemic state. The image pattern was not strictly related with etiology, although some differences in dystrophic senile calcifications (the only one present in semioval center and absent in subcortical region. CT is an easy exam, has maximum sensitivity and allows diagnosis, contributing to early treatment of many etiologies of Fahr's syndrome.Analisamos os achados de tomografia computadorizada (TC de seis pacientes com síndrome de Fahr. Eles apresentaram calcificações nos gânglios da base, núcleo denteado, região subcortical e centro semi-oval, devidas a distúrbios no metabolismo do cálcio ou a estado de hipóxia relativa, por senilidade. O padrão de imagem não apresenta relação clara com a etiologia, apesar de algumas diferenças no caso das calcificações distróficas senis (as únicas presentes nos centros semi-ovais e ausentes na região subcortical. TC é um exame de fácil realização, máxima sensibilidade e permite o diagnóstico, contribuindo para o tratamento precoce de muitas das etiologias da síndrome de Fahr.

  10. Avaliação da concordância interobservador na análise da tomografia computadorizada sem contraste no diagnóstico da urolitíase em pacientes com cólica renal aguda Interobserver agreement on non-contrast computed tomography interpretation for diagnosis of urolithiasis in patients with acute flank pain

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    Luís Ronan Marquez Ferreira de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade da tomografia computadorizada sem contraste na avaliação da litíase ureteral e os sinais secundários de obstrução do sistema coletor em pacientes com cólica renal aguda. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de 52 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de cólica renal aguda submetidos a exame de tomografia computadorizada de abdome sem contraste. Os exames foram realizados com técnica helicoidal e posteriormente analisados por três observadores independentes, com a concordância interobservador avaliada pelo método estatístico kappa (kapa. Foram analisados os parâmetros: a presença, localização e mensuração dos cálculos ureterais; b dilatação do sistema coletor intra-renal; c heterogeneidade da gordura perirrenal; d dilatação ureteral; e edema da parede ureteral (sinal do halo. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 40 cálculos ureterais na tomografia computadorizada (77%. A concordância interobservador para a identificação do cálculo ureteral e da dilatação ureteral foi quase perfeita (kapa = 0,89 e kapa = 0,87, respectivamente, substancial para dilatação do sistema coletor intra-renal (kapa = 0,77 e moderada para heterogeneidade da gordura perirrenal e para edema da parede ureteral (kapa = 0,55 e kapa = 0,56, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada de abdome sem contraste apresenta elevada reprodutibilidade na avaliação da litíase ureteral e dos sinais secundários de obstrução do sistema coletor.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the interobserver agreement on non-contrast computed tomography interpretation by a group of experienced abdominal radiologists, for the study of urolithiasis in patients presenting acute flank pain. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prospective study of 52 patients submitted to non-contrast enhanced helical computed tomography. The images were subsequently analyzed by three independent observers, with the interobserver agreement assessed by means of the

  11. Complicações pulmonares após uso de crack: achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax Pulmonary complications of crack cocaine use: high-resolution computed tomography of the chest

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    Alexandre Mançano


    Full Text Available Relatamos os achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de um paciente que, após uso de cocaína fumada (crack, desenvolveu quadro de hemoptise, dispnéia e dor torácica súbitas. As radiografias de tórax mostravam consolidações predominando em lobos superiores. A tomografia de alta resolução evidenciava opacidades em vidro fosco, consolidações e nódulos do espaço aéreo. Nova tomografia de controle, após suspensão da droga e uso de corticóides, mostrou regressão parcial das lesões e aparecimento de escavações. A correlação entre os achados clínicos, laboratoriais e de imagem permitiu o diagnóstico de "pulmão de crack".Here, we report high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT findings in a patient who developed sudden hemoptysis, dyspnea and chest pain after smoking crack cocaine. Chest X-rays showed consolidations, primarily in the upper lobes, and HRCT scans showed ground glass attenuation opacities, consolidations and air-space nodules. A follow-up CT, after drug use discontinuation and administration of corticosteroids, showed partial resolution of pulmonary lesions and the appearance of cavitations. Clinical, imaging and laboratory findings led to a diagnosis of 'crack lung'.

  12. Análise de carcinomas epidermóides por meio de radiografia panorâmica e tomografia computadorizada Analysis of squamous cell carcinomas by means of panoramic radiography and computed tomography

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    Amanda Cáceres PEREIRA


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo correlacionar aspectos radiográficos como, localização e extensão do tumor, infiltração óssea e de tecidos moles e destruição das corticais, obtidos nas radiografias panorâmicas com os encontrados nas tomografias computadorizadas (TCs. Os aspectos radiográficos de 48 pacientes com diagnóstico histopatológico de carcinomas epidermóides, localizados em várias regiões do complexo buco-maxilo-facial, foram analisados por 4 radiologistas. As radiografias panorâmicas e as tomografias computadorizadas foram realizadas nos hospitais e clínicas da Universidade de Iowa (EUA, FUNDECTO - USP e Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo (SP, Brasil. Como resultados, obtivemos a grande limitação da radiografia panorâmica em determinar a localização e extensão do tumor, com delimitações bastante imprecisas da lesão. Já as TCs ofereceram resultados mais direcionados como: invasão do tumor em direção a estruturas moles adjacentes, extensão da destruição óssea, bem como a profundidade da lesão, que foram confirmados com os achados cirúrgicos. Concluímos que a tomografia computadorizada demonstrou ser uma técnica bastante sensível na detecção do comprometimento ósseo e do envolvimento de tecidos moles, proporcionando, assim, o auxílio no diagnóstico e no planejamento do tratamento. No entanto, a radiografia panorâmica foi muito pouco sensível e eficaz, por mostrar apenas margens imprecisas e pouco nítidas da lesão, não avaliando o envolvimento de tecidos moles.The purpose of this work was to compare radiographic findings, such as localization and extension of tumors toward the bone and soft tissues, in panoramic radiography and computed tomography (CT. Four radiologists assessed the radiographic findings of 48 patients with the histopathological diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma in different sites of the maxillofacial region. Panoramic radiographs and computed

  13. Tuberculose pulmonar: achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax em pacientes com doença em atividade comprovada bacteriologicamente Pulmonary tuberculosis: findings on high resolution computerized tomography of active disease on patients with bacteriological confirmation

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever os achados em pacientes com tuberculose pulmonar em atividade na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução e o padrão de distribuição das lesões pelo parênquima pulmonar. Casuística e método: Foram analisadas retrospectivamente as tomografias de alta resolução de 42 pacientes com diagnóstico bacteriológico de tuberculose pulmonar ou forte suspeita clínica, com posterior confirmação bacteriológica. Resultados: Os principais sinais sugestivos de atividade encontrados foram nódulos do espaço aéreo (83%, nódulos centrolobulares (74%, aspecto de árvore em brotamento (67%, cavitações (67%, espessamento das paredes brônquicas (55%, consolidações (48%, opacidade em vidro fosco (21%, e espessamento do interstício pulmonar (9%. Conclusão: A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax pode sugerir fortemente atividade da doença, sendo particularmente útil nos pacientes com baciloscopias negativas e/ou radiografias indeterminadas, permitindo a instituição de tratamento adequado, antes mesmo do crescimento da micobactéria em meio de cultura.Background: The aim of this study was to describe the signs of active tuberculosis in patients submitted to high resolution computerized tomography and the distribution of lesions along the pulmonary parenchyma. Material and methods: The high resolution CTs performed on 42 patients with tuberculosis either bacteriologically diagnosed or clinical suspected and later confirmed by bacteriological tests were studied. Results: The signs of disease activity observed were airspace nodule (83%, centrilobular nodule (74%, tree-in-bud pattern (67%, cavitations (67%, bronchial thickening (55%, parenchymal consolidations (48%, ground glass opacity (21% and thickening of the inter and intralobular septa (9%. Conclusion: High resolution computed tomography can be strongly suggestive of disease activity, is particularly helpful in patients with negative smear and

  14. Lesões traumáticas do tórax. Aspectos na tomografia computadorizada

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    Alessandro Severo Alves de Melo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O trauma representa, no mundo actual, uma das principais causas de morte, e o acometimento torácico significa um importante agravamento nas vítimas de trauma multi-sistémico. Neste trabalho foram estudados os aspectos tomográficos de 200 pacientes com trauma torácico. As lesões pulmonares predominaram, tendo sido observadas em 192 casos (96%, manifestadas sob a forma de contusões em 178 casos (89%, atelectasias em 41 casos (20,5%, lacerações em 15 casos (7,5% e hematomas em 6 casos (3%. Lesões pleurais foram demonstradas em 140 casos (70%, dos quais em 121 casos (60,5% havia hemotórax e em 84 casos (42% pneumotórax. As lesões mediastínicas estiveram presentes em 28 casos (14%, com pneumomediastino em 18 (9%, hematoma mediastínico em 7 casos (3,5%, hemopericárdio em 4 (2% e lesões da aorta em 3 (1,5%. As lesões diafragmáticas foram observadas em 8 pacientes (4%. O enfisema de partes moles foi demonstrado em 36 casos (18%.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (5: 393-403 ABSTRACT: Trauma is nowadays one of the most common causes of death and traumatic thoracic lesions are important agravant to trauma patients. In this work the aspects of computed tomography from 200 cases of thoracic trauma were studied. Lung lesions predominated, found in 192 cases (96%, manifested as contusions in 178 cases (89%, atelectasis in 41 cases (20,5%, lacerations in 15 cases (7,5% and hematomas in 6 cases (3%. Pleural lesions were showed in 140 cases (70%, among them in 121 cases (60,5% there were hemothorax and in 84 cases (42%, pneumothorax. Mediastinal lesions were observed in 28 cases (14%, with pneumomediastinum in 18 cases (9%, mediastinal hematoma in 7 cases (3,5%, hemopericardium in 4 cases (2% and aortic lesions in 3 cases (1,5%. Diaphragmatic rupture was seen in 8 pacients (4%. Soft tissue emphysema was demonstrated in 36 cases (18%.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (5: 393-403 Palavras-chave: Tórax, tomografia computadorizada, trauma torácico, Key

  15. Prevalence of soft tissue calcifications in cone beam computed tomography images of the mandible = Prevalência de calcificações em tecido mole na região mandibular avaliadas por dois sistemas de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico


    Nunes, Leiliane Ferreira da Silva


    Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de calcificações em tecido mole na região mandibular por meio de análise de imagens axiais provenientes de dois sistemas de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico (TCFC), NewTom 3G® e Classic i-Cat® Método: Foram avaliadas 246 imagens da região mandibular. Destas, 163 foram adquiridas no aparelho NewTom 3G® e 83 no aparelho Classic i-Cat®. A análise estatística foi baseada no teste exato de Fisher e no teste Qui-quadrado para comparação das proporçõe...

  16. Fibrose maciça progressiva em trabalhadores expostos à sílica: achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução Progressive massive fibrosis in silica-exposed workers: high-resolution computed tomography findings

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    Ângela Santos Ferreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características radiológicas das massas conglomeradas pela tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de tórax. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 75 pacientes silicóticos, a maioria jateadores de areia, portadores de fibrose maciça progressiva, atendidos no Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro entre 1986 e 2004. Os pacientes foram submetidos a avaliação clínica, radiografia simples de tórax e tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução. RESULTADOS: Mais da metade dos pacientes com silicose complicada mostrou na radiografia de tórax grandes opacidades dos tipos B e C, denotando a gravidade da doença nesses pacientes. Dos 75 casos, apenas um apresentou massa unilateral simulando câncer de pulmão. Quarenta e quatro pacientes realizaram tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax. As massas predominaram nos terços superiores e posteriores (88,6%. Broncograma aéreo e calcificações no interior das massas foram observados em 70,4% e 63,8% dos casos, respectivamente. História de tuberculose foi relatada em 52% dos pacientes estudados. CONCLUSÃO: Na grande maioria dos casos as massas eram bilaterais, predominando nas regiões póstero-superiores dos pulmões, com broncogramas aéreos e calcificações de permeio. Associação com calcificações linfonodais foi um achado freqüente. A exposição a elevadas concentrações de poeira e a tuberculose foram consideradas fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da fibrose maciça progressiva.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the radiological characteristics of conglomerate masses using high-resolution computed tomography of the chest. METHODS: From among the patients treated between 1986 and 2004 at the Antonio Pedro University Hospital, 75 patients with silicosis and massive fibrosis, most working in the field of sandblasting, were selected for study. These patients were submitted to a clinical evaluation, chest X-ray and high-resolution computed tomography of

  17. Análise das variações morfológicas da ATM em pacientes com artrite reumatóide através de tomografia computadorizada = Analysis of the morphologyc variations in the TMJ the patients with rheumatoid arthritis through the computer tomography

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    Vasconcelos, Belmiro Cavalcanti do Egito


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo e quantitativo enfocando as alterações morfométricas da articulação temporomandibular (ATM, em pacientes com o diagnóstico de artrite reumatóide (AR por meio de tomografia computadorizada. Foram analisados 6 casos onde são descritas as alterações estruturais dos componentes ósseos de 12 ATMs. Os resultados indicaram que todas as ATMs apresentaram alterações, sendo as alterações mais freqüentes a esclerose óssea subcondral, seguida do aplainamento da eminência articular. Todos os pacientes apresentaram distúrbio de mobilidade

  18. Comparação morfométrica da orelha interna entre ovinos e humanos através da tomografia computadorizada CT-Scan sheep and human inner ear morphometric comparison

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    Valter Ayres Seibel


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: trabalhos sobre o uso de ovelhas em cirurgias experimentais e treinamento em cirurgia otológica são raros. Este estudo pretende contribuir para ampliar o conhecimento nessa área. OBJETIVO: Estudar a orelha interna da ovelha por meio de tomografia computadorizada e cortes sucessivos com o intuito de apresentar dados morfométricos mais precisos relacionados à comparação entre a orelha de ovelhas e a de humanos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo sem seguimento no qual foram comparadas as estruturas da orelha interna da ovelha com as dos humanos. As medidas foram obtidas através de tomografias computadorizadas e avaliadas por meio de um programa de análise de imagens médicas (Osíris 4.16. RESULTADOS: O estudo morfológico da orelha da ovelha, em média, e da orelha humana, em média, revelaram grande similaridade de anatomia. A maior parte das estruturas (10 de 15 preservou a relação proposta de 2/3 da dimensão humana em relação à dimensão ovina. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados contribuem para uso da orelha da ovelha como modelo em cirurgia experimental e treinamento em cirurgia otológica.INTRODUCTION: Studies about the use of sheep in surgical training and experimental otologic surgery are rare. This study intends to contribute to the knowledge on this field. AIM: To study sheep inner ear structures using computerized tomography and serial cross-sections to collect more accurate morphometric data to compare sheep and human ears. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This descriptive study compared the inner structures of sheep and human ears. Measurements were made using computerized tomography, and they were stored in a DICOM compact disc for later analysis and manipulation, with a program used for medical image analysis (Osíris 4.16. RESULTS: Mean measures for sheep and human ears were found to be similar in this morphological study. Most structures (10 out of 15 maintained the 2/3 ratio of sheep to human ear

  19. Estudo do metabolismo da glicose na tuberculose pulmonar ativa utilizando a tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (18F-FDG PET Evaluation of glucose metabolism in active lung tuberculosis by positron-emission tomography (18F-FDG PET

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    Full Text Available Os métodos de imagem utilizados na avaliação da tuberculose pulmonar incluem a radiografia e a tomografia computadorizada do tórax. As imagens obtidas pelos métodos de medicina nuclear permitem estudos funcionais e metabólicos dos órgãos de interesse, através do uso de radiofármacos específicos. Alterações do metabolismo da glicose podem ser detectadas pela tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (PET utilizando-se o 18F-fluorodesoxiglicose (18F-FDG. Essas alterações estão presentes nas doenças neoplásicas, inflamatórias e infecciosas. A tuberculose é uma doença granulomatosa causada pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis, que se utiliza de glicose como fonte de energia. Objetivo: O estudo do metabolismo da glicose na tuberculose pulmonar através da PET e sua comparação com a tomografia computadorizada de tórax. Material e métodos: Foram avaliados 20 pacientes portadores de tuberculose pulmonar. Todos foram submetidos à PET e à tomografia computadorizada de tórax, em até 30 dias após o início do tratamento. Resultados: Todos os pacientes apresentaram captação positiva do 18F-FDG na PET. Na tomografia computadorizada do tórax, todos os pacientes apresentaram sinais compatíveis com atividade de tuberculose. A sensibilidade dos dois métodos foi de 100%. Houve concordância entre os achados do 18F-FDG PET e da tomografia computadorizada (K = 0,27 e p Current methods to evaluate lung tuberculosis include chest radiography and computed tomography. Nuclear medicine imaging techniques are performed after administration of specific radiopharmaceuticals that accumulate in the organs of interest. Alterations of glucose metabolism can be observed by positron-emission tomography, using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG PET. These findings are present in the neoplasms, but also in inflammatory and infectious diseases. Tuberculosis is a granulomatous disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis , that uses glucose as an energy source

  20. Quando a fase de equilíbrio pode ser suprimida nos exames de tomografia computadorizada de abdome? What is the real role of the equilibrium phase in abdominal computed tomography?

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    Priscila Silveira Salvadori


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a necessidade de realização da fase de equilíbrio nos exames de tomografia computadorizada de abdome. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo, transversal e observacional, avaliando 219 exames consecutivos de tomografia computadorizada de abdome com contraste intravenoso, realizados num período de três meses, com diversas indicações clínicas. Para cada exame foram emitidos dois pareceres, um avaliando o exame sem a fase de equilíbrio (primeira análise e o outro avaliando todas as fases em conjunto (segunda análise. Ao final de cada avaliação, foi estabelecido se houve mudança nos diagnósticos principais e secundários, entre a primeira e a segunda análise. Foi utilizada a extensão do teste exato de Fisher para avaliar a modificação dos diagnósticos principais (p 0,999. Com relação aos diagnósticos secundários, cinco exames (2,3% foram modificados. CONCLUSÃO: Para indicações clínicas como estadiamento tumoral, abdome agudo e pesquisa de coleção abdominal, a fase de equilíbrio não acrescenta contribuição diagnóstica expressiva, podendo ser suprimida dos protocolos de exame.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of the equilibrium phase in abdominal computed tomography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective, cross-sectional, observational study reviewed 219 consecutive contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography images acquired in a three-month period, for different clinical indications. For each study, two reports were issued - one based on the initial analysis of non-contrast-enhanced, arterial and portal phases only (first analysis, and a second reading of these phases added to the equilibrium phase (second analysis. At the end of both readings, differences between primary and secondary diagnoses were pointed out and recorded, in order to measure the impact of suppressing the equilibrium phase on the clinical outcome for each of the patients. The extension of the exact Fisher

  1. O valor da fase sem contraste na tomografia computadorizada do abdome The role of the unenhanced phase in the routine abdominal computed tomography

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    Ana Paula Klautau Leite


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar o valor agregado da fase sem meio de contraste da tomografia computadorizada do abdome em pacientes sem diagnóstico determinado ou em estadiamento tumoral. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo e transversal em 100 pacientes consecutivos submetidos a tomografia computadorizada abdominal sem e com meio de contraste intravenoso. Dois examinadores avaliaram todos os exames, procurando estabelecer, através da fase com meio de contraste intravenoso (primeira análise e posteriormente através da fase sem contraste (segunda análise, o diagnóstico principal e os secundários em função da indicação clínica do exame. Mediu-se a freqüência de mudança diagnóstica decorrente da análise combinada das fases pré- e pós-contraste intravenoso. Casos que tiveram mudança diagnóstica foram avaliados por especialistas clínicos para determinar se implicaria mudanças de conduta. RESULTADOS: Diagnósticos principal e secundário foram modificados em 1 e 18 casos, respectivamente (p = 1,000; p = 0,143. Os diagnósticos modificados foram: esteatose, definição de nódulo em adrenal, nefrolitíase, classificação de cistos renais e calcificação hepática. Nos casos em que a fase sem contraste modificou o diagnóstico, os especialistas mudaram sua conduta em 14/19 (73% dos pacientes (p = 0,038. CONCLUSÃO: A fase sem contraste não modificou significativamente o diagnóstico principal ou secundário. Porém, as mudanças nos diagnósticos secundários influenciaram na conduta adotada pelos especialistas.OBJECTIVE: To determine the role of the unenhanced phase of abdominal computed tomography in patients without a definite diagnosis or undergoing tumor staging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective and transversal study was developed with 100 consecutive patients submitted to unenhanced and contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography. Two observers evaluated all the computed tomography images in the contrast-enhanced phase

  2. Edema pulmonar hidrostático: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução Hydrostatic pulmonary edema: high-resolution computed tomography aspects

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    Cláudia Maria Cunha Ribeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A proposta deste estudo foi caracterizar por meio de tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax as principais alterações pulmonares do edema pulmonar hidrostático. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas, retrospectivamente, as tomografias de quinze pacientes com quadro clínico de edema pulmonar hidrostático, divididos em cinco principais grupos etiológicos: insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, valvulopatia mitral aguda, infarto agudo do miocárdio, miocardite e mediastinite fibrosante, tendo sido sete pacientes classificados no primeiro grupo e dois em cada um dos demais. RESULTADOS: Os principais achados do edema hidrostático foram opacidades em vidro fosco (100%, espessamento dos septos interlobulares (100%, derrame pleural (87% e espessamento do interstício peribroncovascular (80%. Outros achados menos comuns foram aumento do calibre dos vasos, consolidações e nódulos do espaço aéreo. CONCLUSÃO: O padrão predominante encontrado nos pacientes estudados foi o de opacidades em vidro fosco associadas a espessamento dos septos interlobulares (padrão de pavimentação em mosaico, com derrame pleural bilateral, predominante à direita.OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to use high-resolution computed tomography scans of the chest to characterize the principal alterations occurring in cases of hydrostatic pulmonary edema. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was made of the tomography scans of 15 patients presenting clinical profiles of hydrostatic pulmonary edema. The cases were divided into five groups by etiology: congestive heart failure (n = 7; acute mitral valve disease (n = 2; acute myocardial infarction (n = 2; myocarditis (n = 2; and fibrosing mediastinitis (n = 2. RESULTS: The principal findings in the cases of hydrostatic pulmonary edema were ground-glass opacities (in 100%, interlobular septal thickening (in 100%, pleural effusion (in 87% and peribronchovascular interstitial thickening (in 80%. Other, less common

  3. Tomografia computadorizada no diagnóstico da otosclerose retrofenestral Computed tomography in the diagnosis of retrofenestral otosclerosis

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    Andy de Oliveira Vicente


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar os principais achados tomográficos da otosclerose retrofenestral. MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo multicêntrico com tomografia computadorizada (TC de ossos temporais em 54 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e cirúrgico de otosclerose. Foi realizada uma análise tomográfica, em que foi avaliada a utilidade da TC no diagnóstico radiológico da otosclerose retrofenestral, sendo verificados os principais sítios de lesões dessa doença. Foram incluídos neste estudo 22 pacientes submetidos à TC de ossos temporais para investigação de outras afecções otológicas, que constituíram o grupo controle. RESULTADOS: Os achados tomográficos foram bilaterais na maioria dos casos e o foco retrofenestral mais prevalente foi o foco pericoclear. CONCLUSÕES: A TC monstrou-se útil na identificação dos focos retrofenestrais. A evidência tomográfica desses focos juntamente com o envolvimento endosteal da cóclea podem sugerir uma maior atividade da doença.AIM: To identify the main tomographic findings of retrofenestral otosclerosis. METHODS: A prospective and multicentric study using computed tomography (CT of the temporal bone in 54 patients with a clinical and surgical diagnosis of otosclerosis. A tomographic analysis has been performed to evaluate the utility of CT scans in diagnosing retrofenestral otosclerosis, verifying the sites of predilection for otosclerotic lesions. In this study, 22 patients undergone CT scans of temporal bones have been included in order to investigate other otologic diseases and have constituted the control group. RESULTS: The tomographic findings were mostly bilateral and the retrofenestral focus more prevalent was the pericochlear focus. CONCLUSIONS: The CT scan was useful in the identification of the retrofenestral focuses. The evidence of this focuses and the presence of the endosteal involvement of the cochlea can suggest a higher activity of the disease.

  4. Características da demanda por tomografia computadorizada crânio-encefálica motivos e custos dos exames

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    Ana Tereza Ramos de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Foram levantadas as 2860 tomografias computadorizadas crânio-encefálicas (TCCE feitas em um dos três serviços da cidade do Salvador, Brasil, sendo: caracterizados o perfil do usuário e a procedência da demanda; analisados os motivos dos exames e os custos com TCCE normais e anormais. Foram constatadas frequências altas de exames normais: (a para o sexo feminino (66,0% e até os 54 anos (73,0%, neste sexo (variação de exames normais entre 65 e 80%; (b para o sexo masculino nos grupos <15, 25-34 e 35-44 anos (64,7%; (c para solicitações efetuadas pelos convênios (65,3%; (d pelos seguintes motivos, para homens e mulheres respectivamente: cefaléias (81,3 e 87,5%; desmaios/tonturas (79,3 e 78,6%; convulsões (67,3 e 70%; retardo do desenvolvimento psicomotor (72,0 e 67,7%; «distúrbios endócrinos» (75,0% em cada sexo. Proporções altas de exames anormais foram observadas pelos seguintes motivos e para homens e mulheres, respectivamente: síndrome demencial (91,7 e 83,3%; acidentes vasculares encefálicos (85,1 e 73,7%; doenças infecciosas (76,5 e 78,6%; suspeitas de tumor (65,8 e 55,4%; e traumatismo crâ-nioencefálico, 63,6% no sexo masculino. No total, os custos com as TCC normais corresponderam a US$ 565,255 e com as anormais, US$ 381,247; para os convênios, os custos com TCC normais foram 2,2 vezes superiores ao INAMPS e 2,8 vezes superiores àqueles da medicina privada.

  5. Aspectos da tomografia computadorizada no linfoma em pacientes abaixo de 20 anos de idade Computed tomography findings in patients less than 20 years old with lymphoma

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    Adriana Moreira Viana Borba


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados gerais do linfoma em pacientes abaixo de 20 anos de idade e por subtipo histológico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo do arquivo digital de tomografia computadorizada do Centro de Controle do Câncer do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de março de 2003 a julho de 2005. Dos 22 casos - 16 do sexo masculino e 6 do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 11,5 anos -, 12 eram do subtipo Hodgkin e 10 eram não-Hodgkin. RESULTADOS: Dos achados gerais, verificamos as linfonodomegalias mediastinais como o mais freqüente (59%, com predomínio no grupo Hodgkin (75%, seguido por hepatoesplenomegalia (50% e linfonodomegalias cervicais e retroperitoneais (27,3%. No subtipo Hodgkin houve predomínio do acometimento linfonodal, em sucessivas cadeias, seguido pela hepatoesplenomegalia (50%. Verificamos um caso de massa tonsilar unilateral, opacidade pulmonar em "vidro-fosco" e nódulos renais. No subtipo não-Hodgkin houve predomínio extranodal caracterizado por hepatoesplenomegalia (50%, espessamento de alça intestinal (40%, derrame pleural (30%, nódulo pulmonar (20%, ascite (10%, derrame pericárdico (10% e lesões ósseas mistas (10%. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada é de grande valia no diagnóstico, estadiamento e seguimento do linfoma, com achados de alerta como massa linfonodal, notadamente mediastinal, hepatoesplenomegalia, massa unilateral na tonsila e espessamento parietal de alça intestinal.OBJECTIVE: To describe the general findings of lymphoma and their histological patterns in patients less than 20 years old. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-two cases (16 male and 6 female, mean age 11.5 years from the digital archive of computed tomography at the Cancer Control Center of "Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro", Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, were retrospectively analyzed in the period between

  6. Radiograma de tórax e tomografia computadorizada na avaliação do enfisema pulmonar Chest X-ray and computed tomography in the evaluation of pulmonary emphysema

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    Klaus Loureiro Irion


    Full Text Available O enfisema é uma condição do pulmão, caracterizada pelo aumento acima do normal no tamanho dos espaços aéreos distais ao bronquíolo terminal. Atualmente, o enfisema é a quarta causa de morte nos EUA, afetando 14 milhões de pessoas. O presente artigo descreve as principais ferramentas no diagnóstico por imagem do enfisema, desde o início até os dias de hoje. Relata as técnicas tradicionais, como radiograma de tórax, e as evoluções no campo da tomografia computadorizada (TC, como a TC de alta resolução e a densitovolumetria pulmonar por TC tridimensional.Emphysema is a condition of the lung, characterized by the abnormal increase in the size of the airspace distal to the terminal bronchioles. Currently, emphysema is the fourth leading cause of death in the USA, affecting 14 million people. The present article describes the principal tools in the imaging diagnosis of emphysema, from the early days until the present. We describe traditional techniques, such as chest X-ray, together with the evolution of computed tomography (CT to more advanced forms, such as high resolution CT, as well as three-dimensional CT densitometry and volumetric assessment.

  7. Densitometria da vértebra dorsal, osso pleural e osso neural em tartarugas verdes hígidas por tomografia computadorizada quantitativa Densitometry of dorsal vertebrae, pleural bone and neural bone in healthy green sea turtles by quantitative computed tomography

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    Jannine Forattini de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A tomografia computadorizada quantitativa (TCQ é uma técnica com alta sensibilidade, aplicabilidade e precisão no diagnóstico de perda de massa óssea, entretanto a falta de valores de normalidade para animais silvestres limita a sua aplicação clínica. O presente estudo objetiva estabelecer valores médios de radiodensidade do osso trabecular das vértebras dorsais, osso pleural e osso neural de tartarugas marinhas juvenis hígidas utilizando a TCQ. Para isso, utilizou-se um grupo experimental de cinco animais que foram submetidos a exames de tomografia computadorizada helicoidal, sendo as mensurações da radiodensidade óssea realizadas ao nível da terceira, quarta e quinta vértebras dorsais. Os valores médios de radiodensidade do osso trabecular das vértebras dorsais, osso pleural e osso neural foram, respectivamente, de 287,4±39,1, 1093,74±100,4 e 1089,6±86,5 unidades Hounsfield (HU. Estudos complementares devem ser realizados em diferentes espécies e faixas etárias de quelônios para favorecer a aplicação clínica desta técnica.Quantitative computed tomography (QCT is a technique with high sensitivity, applicability and accuracy in the diagnosis of bone loss; however the lack of normal values for wild animals limits their clinical application. This study aims to establish medium values radiodensity trabecular bone of the dorsal vertebrae, bone pleural and neural bone in healthy juvenile sea turtles using the QTC. For this we used an experimental group of five animals that underwent helical computed tomography, and measurements of bone radiodensity conducted at the level of the third, fourth and fifth dorsal vertebrae. The medium values of radiodensity trabecular bone of the dorsal vertebrae, pleural bone, and neural bone were respectively 287.4±39.1, 1093.74±100.4, and 1089.6±86.5 Hounsfield units (HU. Further studies should be performed in different species and ages of turtles to encourage the clinical application of

  8. Trauma dos ossos temporais e suas complicações: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada Temporal bone trauma and complications: computed tomography findings

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    Ana Maria Doffémond Costa


    Full Text Available A maioria das fraturas dos ossos temporais resulta de traumas cranianos bruscos, de alta energia, estando muitas vezes relacionadas a outras fraturas cranianas ou a politraumatismo. As fraturas e os deslocamentos da cadeia ossicular, na orelha média, representam umas das principais complicações das injúrias nos ossos temporais e, por isso, serão abordadas de maneira mais profunda neste artigo. Os outros tipos de injúrias englobam as fraturas labirínticas, fístula dural, paralisia facial e extensão da linha de fratura ao canal carotídeo. A tomografia computadorizada tem papel fundamental na avaliação inicial dos pacientes politraumatizados, pois é capaz de identificar injúrias em importantes estruturas que podem causar graves complicações, como perda auditiva de condução ou neurossensorial, tonturas e disfunções do equilíbrio, fístulas perilinfáticas, paralisia do nervo facial, lesões vasculares, entre outras.Most temporal bone fractures result from high-energy blunt head trauma, and are frequently related to other skull fractures or to polytrauma. Fractures and displacements of ossicular chain in the middle ear represent some of the main complications of temporal bone injury, and hence they will be more deeply approached in the present article. Other types of injuries include labyrinthine fractures, dural fistula, facial nerve paralysis and extension into the carotid canal. Computed tomography plays a fundamental role in the initial evaluation of polytrauma patients, as it can help to identify important structural injuries that may lead to severe complications such as sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, dizziness and balance dysfunction, perilymphatic fistulas, facial nerve paralysis, vascular injury and others.

  9. Colonografia por tomografia computadorizada na visão do médico encaminhador: qual o seu valor segundo a visão de especialistas?

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    Marcelo Longo Kierszenbaum


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Mapear a visão dos cirurgiões sobre o papel da colonografia por tomografia computadorizada (CTC. Materiais e Métodos: Envio de questionário eletrônico aos membros do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões. O questionário constou de 16 questões de múltipla escolha que abordaram dados demográficos e conhecimentos gerais sobre a CTC. Resultados: Foram obtidas 144 respostas; 90,3% dos especialistas eram homens, 60% com menos de 30 anos de formado, 77,1% eram gastrocirurgiões, 22,9% eram cirurgiões gerais, 53,5% encontravam-se na vida acadêmica e 59,7% exerciam sua atividade profissional em cidades com mais de 500.000 habitantes. Em relação ao conhecimento da CTC, 84,7% conheciam o método, 70,8% sabiam como é realizado, 56,9% relataram conhecer o preparo intestinal utilizado, 31,3% utilizavam o método e 53,5% conheciam algum serviço de CTC na cidade em que atuam. Cerca de metade dos profissionais não conhecia a precisa indicação do método. Profissionais que atuam em cidades com mais de 500.000 habitantes conhecem e utilizam mais o método (p < 0,005. Houve uma tendência de os profissionais com carreira acadêmica utilizarem mais o método. Conclusão: A CTC, embora ainda pouco utilizada em nosso meio, é bastante conhecida, principalmente em grandes centros urbanos e no ambiente acadêmico.

  10. Microlitíase alveolar pulmonar: achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax em 10 pacientes Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis: high-resolution computed tomography findings in 10 patients

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    Edson Marchiori


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar os achados na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR do tórax da microlitíase alveolar pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas, retrospectivamente, as tomografias de dez pacientes adultos, sete mulheres e três homens, com idade média de 38,7 anos. Os exames foram analisados por dois radiologistas, de forma independente, e as decisões finais foram obtidas por consenso. RESULTADOS: Os achados mais freqüentes foram as opacidades em vidro fosco e as calcificações subpleurais, ambas presentes em 90% dos pacientes estudados. Os outros achados de maior relevância foram pequenos nódulos parenquimatosos, calcificação ao longo dos septos interlobulares, cissuras nodulares, nódulos subpleurais, cistos subpleurais, consolidações densas e padrão de pavimentação em mosaico. CONCLUSÕES: A microlitíase alveolar pulmonar apresenta aspectos na TCAR que são altamente sugestivos da doença, na maior parte dos casos dispensando a realização de biópsias pulmonares.OBJECTIVE: To present the high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT findings of pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis. METHODS: The HRCT scans of 10 adult patients (seven females and three males; mean age, 38.7 years were retrospectively analyzed. The films were studied independently by two radiologists. RESULTS: The most common tomographic findings were ground-glass attenuation and linear subpleural calcifications, which were seen in 90% of the patients. Other relevant findings were small parenchymal nodules, calcification along the interlobular septa, nodular cissures, subpleural nodules, subpleural cysts, dense consolidations, and a mosaic pattern of attenuation. CONCLUSIONS: The HRCT findings presented by individuals with pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis are distinct. In most cases, such findings can form the basis of the diagnosis, eliminating the need to perform a lung biopsy.

  11. New molecular targets for PET and SPECT imaging in neurodegenerative diseases Novos alvos moleculares para tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (PET e tomografia computadorizada por emissão de fóton único (SPECT em doenças neurodegenerativas

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    Marcel Benadiba


    Full Text Available The pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases (ND such as Alzheimer's disease (AD and Parkinson's disease (PD has not yet been completely elucidated. However, in the past few years, there have been great knowledge advances about intra-and extracellular proteins that may display impaired function or expression in AD, PD and other ND, such as amyloid beta (Aβ, α-synuclein, tau protein and neuroinflammatory markers. Recent developments in the imaging techniques of positron emission tomography (PET and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT now allow the non-invasive tracking of such molecular targets of known relevance to ND in vivo. This article summarizes recent findings of PET and SPECT studies using these novel methods, and discusses their potential role in the field of drug development for ND as well as future clinical applications in regard to differential diagnosis of ND and monitoring of disease progression.A fisiopatologia das doenças neurodegenerativas (DN, tais como a doença de Alzheimer (DA e a doença de Parkinson (DP, ainda não é completamente compreendida. No entanto, nos últimos anos, houve grandes avanços em termos do conhecimento sobre proteínas intra e extracelulares, tais como beta-amiloide (Aβ, α-sinucleína, proteína tau e marcadores neuroinflamatórios, que podem ter sua função ou expressão prejudicada na DA, DP ou em outras DN. Progressos recentes nas técnicas de tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (PET e tomografia computadorizada por emissão de fóton único (SPECT permitem hoje em dia a identificação não invasiva de tais alvos moleculares in vivo. Este artigo resume descobertas recentes de estudos de PET e SPECT cerebral usando esses alvos moleculares inovadores e discute o papel potencial dessas técnicas no campo do desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos para as DN, bem como futuras aplicações clínicas em relação ao diagnóstico diferencial e monitoramento da progressão dessas

  12. Anatomic considerations for C2 pedicle screw placement: the use of computerized tomography measurements Consideraciones anatómicas de la cocalización de los tornillos pediculares en C2: uitlización de las medidas de la tomografia computadorizada Considerações anatômicas sobre a localização dos parafusos pediculares em C2: utilização das medidas da tomografia computadorizada

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    Adebukoa Onibokun


    eje del pedículo y el ángulo transverso del pedículo (ángulo entre el eje del pedículo y la línea media del cuerpo vertebral. RESULTADOS: el valor promedio del ancho pedicular fue de 5.8 1.2mm. En el sexo masculino el valor promedio del ancho del pedículo (6.0 1.3mm fue mayor comparado con el sexo femenino (5.6 1.1mm, sin embargo no fue observada una diferencia estadística. El valor promedio del ángulo transverso del pedículo fue de 43.9 3.9 grados, siendo de 43.2 3.8 grados en el sexo masculino y 44.7 3.7 grados en el sexo femenino. CONCLUSIÓN: la proyección y determinación en el periodo preoperatorio de las dimensiones anatómicas del pedículo C2 son importantes para la determinación de la trayectoria y dimensiones del local donde el implante será colocado.OBJETIVO: o conhecimento detalhado das características anatômicas do pedículo de C2 é necessário para minimizar os riscos relacionados com a colocação dos parafusos. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar as medidas lineares e angulares do eixo axial verdadeiro do pedículo de C2 utilizando tomografia computadorizada. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas tomografias computadorizadas axiais de 93 pacientes (47 do sexo masculino e 46 do sexo feminino com média de idade de 48 anos. As imagens axiais do pedículo de C2 foram selecionadas para o estudo e os parâmetros estudados foram: largura do pedículo (diâmetro mediolateral do istmo do pedículo perpendicular ao eixo do pedículo e o ângulo tranverso do pedículo (ângulo entre o eixo do pedículo e a linha média do corpo vertebral. RESULTADOS: o valor médio da largura do pedículo foi 5,81,2mm. Nos pacientes de sexo masculino o valor médio da largura do pedículo (6,01,3mm foi maior que nos pacientes de sexo feminino (5,61,1mm. No entanto, não foi observada diferença estatística. O valor médio do ângulo transverso do pedículo foi de 43,93,9 graus, sendo de 43,23,8 graus no sexo masculino e 44,73,7 graus no sexo feminino. CONCLUSÃO: o

  13. Avaliação da expansão rápida da maxila por meio da tomografia computadorizada: relato de um caso Computed tomography evaluation of rapid maxillary expansion: a case report

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    Daniela Gamba Garib


    Full Text Available Este trabalho descreve os efeitos dentoesqueléticos e periodontais da expansão rápida da maxila (ERM, avaliados por meio da tomografia computadorizada (TC, em uma jovem de 11,6 anos de idade com má oclusão de Classe I e mordida cruzada posterior unilateral funcional. Durante a fase ativa da ERM, o expansor dentossuportado com parafuso Hyrax foi ativado 7mm. A paciente submeteu-se ao exame de TC helicoidal, antes da expansão e após a remoção do aparelho expansor, findo o período de três meses de contenção. Realizaram-se cortes axiais, de um milímetro de espessura, paralelamente ao plano palatino, englobando as regiões dentoalveolar e basal da maxila, até o terço inferior da cavidade nasal. Utilizando-se o recurso de reconstruções multiplanares, mensuraram-se pelo método computadorizado: as dimensões transversas maxilares, a inclinação dos dentes posteriores, a espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual, e o nível da crista óssea alveolar vestibular. A expansão rápida da maaxila ocasionou um significante aumento transverso em todas as regiões aferidas, com magnitude decrescente do arco dentário para a base óssea. Os dentes posteriores foram movimentados para vestibular, com um componente de inclinação e translação associados. Tal efeito ortodôntico ocasionou uma redução na espessura da tábua óssea vestibular, e um concomitante aumento na espessura da tábua óssea lingual. Após a expansão, observou-se o desenvolvimento de deiscências ósseas por vestibular dos dentes de ancoragem.This paper presents a computed tomography (CT evaluation of rapid maxillary expansion dentoskeletal and periodontal effects, in a 11.6 year-old girl presenting Class I malocclusion with posterior unilateral crossbite. The tooth-borne expander with Hyrax screw was activated 7-mm. The patient was submitted to helicoidal CT scan before expansion and after the three-month retention period when the expander was removed. Axial

  14. Estudo radiográfico e por tomografia computadorizada das formações orais em cães


    Carolina de Oliveira Ghirelli


    As neoplasias orais representam a quarta neoplasia mais comum em cães. O diagnóstico por imagem das neoplasias orais é necessário para determinar a extensão do tumor e dos tecidos locais acometidos, auxiliando no prognóstico e planejamento cirúrgico. Atualmente o exame radiográfico é o método diagnóstico mais utilizado por ser mais acessível e menos oneroso, porém o grande número de estruturas no crânio e suas sobreposições dificultam adequada avaliação desta região. A tomografia computadoriz...

  15. Sarcoma de Kaposi relacionado à síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida: características do comprometimento hepático na tomografia computadorizada e na ressonância magnética Kaposi sarcoma related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: hepatic findings on computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging

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    Daniel Nobrega da Costa


    Full Text Available Sarcoma de Kaposi é uma neoplasia associada a condições de imunossupressão que acomete os vasos linfáticos e sanguíneos. É a neoplasia intra-hepática mais comum na síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. A tomografia computadorizada e a ressonância magnética revelam múltiplos pequenos nódulos, proeminência e realce dos planos periportais, devido à presença de tecido neoplásico. Os autores descrevem um caso de paciente masculino, de 47 anos de idade, com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida e sarcoma de Kaposi disseminado.Kaposi sarcoma is a neoplasm associated with immunosuppressive conditions, and involving blood and lymphatic vessels. It is the most frequent intrahepatic neoplasm in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrate multiple small nodules, prominence and contrast-enhancement of periportal branches due to the presence of the neoplastic tissue. The authors report a case of a 47-year-old male patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome presenting disseminated Kaposi sarcoma.

  16. Biópsia percutânea de lesões ósseas guiada por tomografia computadorizada: taxas de definição diagnóstica e complicações

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    Macello Jose Sampaio Maciel


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar taxas de definição diagnóstica e complicações da biópsia percutânea guiada por tomografia computadorizada (TC de lesões ósseas suspeitas de malignidade. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo que incluiu 186 casos de biópsia percutânea guiada por TC de lesões ósseas no período de janeiro de 2010 a dezembro de 2012. Todas as amostras foram obtidas usando agulhas de 8 a 10 gauge. Foram coletados dados demográficos, história de neoplasia maligna prévia, dados relacionados à lesão, ao procedimento e ao resultado histológico. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo feminino (57% e a idade média foi 53,0 ± 16,4 anos. Em 139 casos (74,6% a suspeita diagnóstica era metástase e os tumores primários mais comuns foram de mama (32,1% e próstata (11,8%. Os ossos mais envolvidos foram coluna vertebral (36,0%, bacia (32,8% e ossos longos (18,3%. Houve complicações em apenas três pacientes (1,6%, incluindo uma fratura, um caso de parestesia com comprometimento funcional e uma quebra da agulha necessitando remoção cirúrgica. Amostras de 183 lesões (98,4% foram consideradas adequadas para diagnóstico. Resultados malignos foram mais frequentes nos pacientes com suspeita de lesão secundária e história de neoplasia maligna conhecida (p < 0,001 e nos procedimentos orientados pela PET/CT (p = 0,011. Conclusão: A biópsia percutânea guiada por TC é segura e eficaz no diagnóstico de lesões ósseas suspeitas.

  17. Detection of beetle damage in forests by X-ray CT image processing Detecção de danos causados por besouro em florestas com processamento de imagens de tomografia computadorizada de raios X

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    Paulo Estevão Cruvinel


    Full Text Available Some beetle species can have devastating economic impacts on forest and nursery industries. A recent example is Anophophora glabripennis, a species of beetle known in the United States as the ''Asian Longhorrned beetle'', which has damaged many American forests, and is a threat which can unintentionally reach south American countries, including Brazil. This work presents a new method based on X-ray computerized tomography (CT and image processing for beetle injury detection in forests. Its results show a set of images with correct identification of the location of beetles in living trees as well as damage evaluation with time.Algumas espécies de besouros têm elevado impacto econômico em florestas e indústrias de móveis. Exemplo recente é aquele produzido pelo besouro Anophophora glabripennis, uma espécie conhecida nos Estados Unidos como Asian Longhorn, que tem produzido danos significativos em várias florestas americanas, representando uma ameaça que poderá encontrar transporte não-intencional para países da América do Sul, inclusive para o Brasil. Neste trabalho é apresentado um novo método com base no uso de tomografia de raios X computadorizada (CT e processamento de imagens digitais para detecção de injúrias causadas por besouros em florestas. Os resultados mostram a correta identificação da localização de besouros em árvores vivas, como também fornecem uma avaliação do estrago temporal causado.

  18. A tomografia de córnea e segmento anterior na propedêutica do exame complementar na avaliação de ectasia

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    Bruno de Freitas Valbon


    Full Text Available Descrevemos a importância da tomografia de córnea e segmento anterior na propedêutica do exame complementar na avaliação de ectasia. Esta descrição da interpretação clínica dos índices da tomografia de córnea e segmento anterior (Pentacam - Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany neste relato de caso, demonstra a relevância de uma nova tecnologia na avaliação da córnea e segmento anterior na suspeita de ceratocone. O diagnóstico de ceratocone foi excluído pela análise dos índices tomográficos de ectasia. Detectou-se assimetria entre os lados nasal e temporal por meio da avaliação do mapa de profundidade de câmara anterior. No exame biomicroscópico sob midríase foi constatado subluxação do cristalino, sendo assim devemos estar atentos não somente aos índices tomográficos corneanos na avaliação do exame complementar e sim analisarmos outros dados importantes oferecidos pela tomografia de córnea e segmento anterior.

  19. Diagnosis of chronic rhino sinusitis in patients with cystic fibrosis: correlation between anamnesis, nasal endoscopy and computed tomography; Diagnostico de rinossinusite cronica em pacientes com fibrose cistica: correlacao entre anamnese, nasofibroscopia e tomografia computadorizada

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    Boari, Leticia; Castro Junior, Ney Penteado de [Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas da Santa Casa de Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)]. E-mail:


    The sinonasal involvement is one of the most common manifestations in cystic fibrosis. Data show a high incidence of chronic rhino sinusitis in these patients. Although it has been found radiographic opacification of the sinus in more than 90% of cases, few are symptomatic. So that, it is difficult to recognize nasossinusal disease in patients with cystic fibrosis. Questionnaire, nasal endoscopy and CT-scan are very important methods in this approach. Aim: to evaluate the diagnosis of chronic rhino sinusitis in patients with cystic fibrosis by anamnesis, nasal endoscopy and CT-scan and compare those results.Study Design: Clinical prospective. Material and method: evaluation of 34 patients - older than 6 years and with a confirmed diagnoses of cystic fibrosis - by anamnesis (questionnaire), nasal endoscopy (score Lund-Kennedy) and CT-scan (score Lund-Mackay). Results: chronic rhino sinusitis was confirmed in: 20,58% of cases by the questionnaire, 73,52% of the cases by the nasal endoscopy and in 93,54% of the cases by the CT-scan. The results showed significant differences. The correlation between nasal endoscopy score (Lund-Kennedy score) and CT-scan score (Lund-Mackay score) was statistically significant. Conclusion: the diagnosis of chronic rhino sinusitis was statistically different between the three methods. It was higher in imaging analysis and lower in questionnaire. The nasal endoscopy is an excellent method to evaluate nasossinusal disease in cystic fibrosis. (author)

  20. Tumores intracranianos em pacientes encaminhados para estudos por tomografia de coerência óptica como portadores de glaucoma sem hipertensão ocular: relato de dois casos Intracranial tumors in patients referred for optical coherence tomography examination as glaucoma suspects: case report

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    Laurentino Biccas Neto


    Full Text Available A tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT tem se mostrado muito útil na avaliação de pacientes com glaucoma. São relatadas duas pacientes referidas com a suspeita de glaucoma sem hipertensão para avaliação por tomografia de coerência óptica que, na verdade, eram portadoras de tumores intracranianos - um cordoma de clivo no primeiro caso e um craniofaringeoma no segundo. Os achados à tomografia de coerência óptica - diminuição difusa da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas circumdiscais desproporcionalmente acentuada nos setores nasal e temporal - levantaram a suspeita de acometimento na região do quiasma e permitiram o diagnóstico destes importantes tumores intracranianos.Optical coherence tomography (OCT has proved to be a very valuable tool in the assessment of patients with glaucoma. In this report, intracranial tumors were discovered in two glaucoma suspects referred for diagnostic confirmation by OCT - a clivus chordoma and a craniopharyngeoma. Optical coherence tomography findings - marked asymmetrical diffuse attenuation of the peripapillary nerve fiber layer in nasal and temporal sectors - raised concerns about lesions in chiasmatic region and permitted the timely diagnosis of these intraocular tumors.

  1. Síndrome de Kartagener: relato de caso

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    Swensson Rubem C.


    Full Text Available A Síndrome de Kartagener é causada por uma doença autossômica recessiva rara, que apresenta uma tríade composta por pansinusite crônica, bronquiectasia e situs inversus com dextrocardia. A incidência desta desordem genética é estimada em 1/25.000. Nosso objetivo é, neste trabalho, aduzir dados novos àqueles que pesquisam o assunto, para que estejam atentos, acompanhando os pacientes e esperando o aparecimento eventual desta malformação. Foram realizadas tomografias computadorizadas do tórax, abdome e crânio, além da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax, audiometria, imitanciometria e vídeo-naso-fibroscopia.

  2. Padronização de um método para mensuração das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual dos maxilares na Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (Cone Beam Methodology standardization for measuring buccal and lingual alveolar bone plates using Cone Beam Computed Tomography

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    Marcos Cezar Ferreira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: a espessura das tábuas ósseas que recobrem os dentes por vestibular e lingual constitui um dos fatores limitantes da movimentação dentária. O avanço tecnológico em Imaginologia permitiu avaliar detalhadamente essas regiões anatômicas por meio da utilização da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC. OBJETIVO: descrever e padronizar, pormenorizadamente, um método para mensuração das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual dos maxilares nas imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico. METODOLOGIA: a padronização digital da posição da imagem da face deve constituir o primeiro passo antes da seleção dos cortes de TCFC. Dois cortes axiais de cada maxilar foram empregados para a mensuração da espessura do osso alveolar vestibular e lingual. Utilizou-se como referência a junção cemento-esmalte dos primeiros molares permanentes, tanto na arcada superior quanto na inferior. RESULTADOS: cortes axiais paralelos ao plano palatino foram indicados para avaliação quantitativa do osso alveolar na maxila. Na arcada inferior, os cortes axiais devem ser paralelos ao plano oclusal funcional. CONCLUSÃO: o método descrito apresenta reprodutibilidade para utilização em pesquisas, assim como para a avaliação clínica das repercussões periodontais da movimentação dentária, ao permitir a comparação de imagens pré e pós-tratamento.INTRODUCTION: The thickness of the buccal and lingual bone plates constitutes one of the limiting factors of the orthodontic movement. The imaging technology has permitted the evaluation of this anatomical region, by means of cone beam computed tomography. PURPOSE: To describe and standardize, in details, a method for measuring the buccal and lingual bone plate thickness in CBCT images. METHODOLOGY: Digital standardization of face image should constitute the first step before the selection of CBCT slices. Two axial sections of each jaw were used for measuring the thickness

  3. Volumetria hepática computadorizada como método de avaliação e acompanhamento da regeneração hepática após hepatectomia parcial em suínos

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    Fábio Augusto de Carvalho

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O estudo analisou a volumetria hepática por tomografia axial computadorizada, através de um programa informatizado semi-automático de aquisição e processamento de imagens digitalizadas, como parâmetro de acompanhamento da regeneração hepática em suínos, após hepatectomia parcial. MÉTODO: Doze suínos fêmeas, da raça Landrace, jovens, foram distribuídos em 3 grupos, conforme tempo de observação após o procedimento cirúrgico: 5(G5, 10(10 ou 15(G15 dias. Todos foram submetidos à hepatectomia parcial e, posteriormente, após acompanhamento, sacrificados, procedendo-se a retirada do fígado regenerado. A peça da hepatectomia e o fígado regenerado foram pesados e submetidos à realização da tomografia e aferição do volume através do software HEPATO®. Para análise estatística foram utilizados os testes não-paramétricos de Kruskal-Wallis e Wilcoxon. Valores de p<0,05 indicaram significância estatística. RESULTADOS: O peso do fígado regenerado foi de: G5=434,5g, G10=449,25g e G15=486,5 g, p=0,592. A regeneração hepática a partir do peso do fígado foi de 83,58% (G5, 94,95% (G10 e 101,63% (G15, p=0,197. O volume do fígado regenerado foi de 403,58 cm² (G5, 450,88 cm² (G10 e 458,93 cm² (G15, p=0,941. A regeneração hepática a partir do volume do fígado foi de 74,25% (G5, 88% (G10 e 100% (G15, p=0,326. Não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os parâmetros. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação volumétrica por tomografia computadorizada, utilizando um programa informatizado semi-automático de aquisição e processamento de imagens digitalizadas, é método fidedigno para avaliação e acompanhamento da regeneração hepática em suínos, após hepatectomia parcial.

  4. Disgenesia do corpo caloso e más-formações associadas: achados de tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética Dysgenesis of the corpus callosum and associated malformations: computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings

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    Cristiano Montandon


    Full Text Available O termo disgenesia do corpo caloso refere-se a uma má-formação deste com origem na embriogênese do telencéfalo. O relato analisa os achados de tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética em 11 pacientes com disgenesia calosa e em um caso de corpo caloso normal com lipoma associado. Esta pode ser distinguida em três grupos: agenesia total (três casos, agenesia parcial (seis casos e hipoplasia (dois casos. Anomalias associadas foram observadas em nove casos, incluindo má-formação de Chiari tipo II (um caso, esquizencefalia (um caso, cisto inter-hemisférico (dois casos, heterotopia nodular (um caso, cisto de Dandy-Walker (um caso e lipoma do corpo caloso (quatro casos. Este artigo demonstra um espectro destes distúrbios, auxiliando na sua interpretação diagnóstica.Callosal dysgenesis is a malformation of the corpus callosum with origins in the embryogenesis of the telencephalon. We reviewed the computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings of 11 patients with callosal dysgenesis and one patient with normal corpus callosum associated with a lipoma. The patients were divided into three distinct groups: total agenesis (three patients, partial agenesis (six patients and hypoplasia (two patients. Associated abnormalities were observed in nine patients, including Chiari II malformation (one patient, schizencephaly (one patient, interhemispheric cyst (two patients, Dandy-Walker cyst (one patient, nodular heterotopy (one patient and lipoma of the corpus callosum (four patients. This paper presents a review that may contribute to the diagnosis of these disorders.

  5. Tomografia computadorizada como método auxiliar no diagnóstico e tratamento de lesões intra-ósseas: caso clínico de odontoma composto = Computed tomography as auxiliary method in the diagnostic and treatment of intra-osseos lesions: a case of compound odontoma

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    Paiano, Grasiela Antunes


    Full Text Available O advento da tomografia computadorizada (TC possibilita de visualização tridimensional, favorece o diagnóstico e proporcionando um tratamento mais preciso em virtude da localização exata da lesão e análise da proximidade com as estruturas anatômicas vitais relacionadas. Contudo o tratamento de lesões ósseas se torna mais segura, reduzindo o risco de lesão a dentes adjacentes e nervos. O Odontoma é considerado o tumor odontogênico que mais comumente acomete os ossos maxilares. A variante composta deste tumor apresenta a característica de muitas estruturas semelhantes a dentes envolvidas por um halo radiolúcido e grande freqüência na região anterior da maxila, porém o diagnóstico deste tumor nas demais localizações dos maxilares é pouco freqüente. Apresenta normalmente crescimento limitado e expande as corticais ósseas, porém sem tendência à recidiva. O tratamento do odontoma consiste na sua excisão cirúrgica. Os autores pretendem relatar a utilização da TC como método auxiliar no diagnóstico e tratamento de um caso de exérese de um odontoma composto na região anterior da mandíbula

  6. Carcinoma espinocelular do conduto auditivo externo: estudo por tomografia computadorizada de seis casos Squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal: computed tomography findings in six cases

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    Fábio Mota Gonzalez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a importância da avaliação tomográfica da extensão profunda dos carcinomas espinocelulares do conduto auditivo externo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizados exames tomográficos com cortes axiais e coronais com janelas para partes moles e óssea em seis pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular do conduto auditivo externo, com idade variando entre 55 e 71 anos, internados no Hospital Heliópolis, no período entre maio de 1995 e dezembro de 2003. RESULTADOS: Dos seis pacientes, todos apresentavam aumento de partes moles no conduto auditivo externo, cinco (83,3% tinham erosão óssea e invasão da orelha média, quatro (66,7% possuíam comprometimento da mastóide e da glândula parótida, três (50% apresentavam invasão da articulação temporomandibular, dois (33,3% tinham invasão da fossa média, do canal carotídeo e linfonodomegalia júgulo-carotídea alta ipisilateral. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação da extensão tumoral profunda fornecida pela tomografia computadorizada é importante no estadiamento clínico, possibilitando um planejamento terapêutico mais eficaz.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of computed tomography in the assessment of deep extension of squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the period between May 1995 and December 2003 six patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal were submitted to computed tomography scan at "Hospital Heliópolis", São Paulo, SP, Brazil, including axial and coronal slices with soft tissue and bone algorithms. RESULTS: Thickening of the soft tissue of the external auditory canal was seen in all patients, bone erosion and invasion of the middle ear in five (83.3%, invasion of the mastoid and parotid gland in four (66.7%, invasion of the temporomandibular joint in three (50%, and invasion of the middle cranial fossa, carotid canal and cervical lymph node enlargement in two (33.3% patients. CONCLUSION: Assessment of

  7. Dissecção da artéria basilar: relato de caso

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    Full Text Available Relato de um caso de dissecção da artéria basilar, documentado com neuroimagem (tomografia computadorizada do crânio, ressonância magnética e angiografia digital com subtração de imagem.

  8. Análise de dentição mista: tomografia versus predição e medida radiográfica Mixed-dentition analysis: tomography versus radiographic prediction and measurement

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    Letícia Guilherme Felício


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: o objetivo dos autores desse estudo foi comparar o método de análise de dentição mista que utiliza tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico para avaliar os diâmetros dos dentes intraósseos com os métodos de Moyers, Tanaka-Johnston e radiografias oblíquas em 45º. MÉTODOS: foram realizadas medidas, na arcada inferior, dos diâmetros mesiodistais dos incisivos permanentes irrompidos, nos modelos de gesso com auxílio de paquímetro digital e estimativa do tamanho de pré-molares e caninos permanentes ainda não irrompidos utilizando-se a tabela de Moyers e a fórmula de predição de Tanaka-Johnston. Nas radiografias oblíquas em 45º, caninos e pré-molares foram medidos utilizando-se o mesmo instrumento. Nas tomografias, as mesmas unidades dentárias foram aferidas por meio de ferramentas do programa Dolphin. RESULTADOS: a análise estatística revelou elevada concordância entre o método tomográfico e o radiográfico, e baixa concordância entre o tomográfico e os demais avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: a tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico mostrou-se confiável para análise da dentição mista e apresenta algumas vantagens em relação aos métodos comparados: a observação e mensuração dos dentes intraósseos individualmente, com a possibilidade, contudo, de visualizá-los sob diferentes perspectivas e sem superposição de estruturas anatômicas.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the method for mixed-dentition analysis using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for assessing the diameter of intra-osseous teeth and compare the results with those obtained by Moyers, Tanaka-Johnston, and 45-degree oblique radiographs. METHODS: Measurements of mesial-distal diameters of erupted lower permanent incisors were made on plaster cast models by using a digital calliper, whereas assessment of the size of non-erupted permanent pre-molars and canines was performed by using Moyer's table and Tanaka-Johnston's prediction

  9. Calcificação nos núcleos da base na tomografia computadorizada: correlação clínica em 25 pacientes consecutivos Basal ganglia calcification on computed tomography: clinical characteristics in 25 patients

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    Glória Maria A.S. Tedrus


    Full Text Available Analisamos os aspectos clínicos de 25 pacientes consecutivos que apresentaram calcificação nos núcleos da base na tomografia computadorizada (TC de crânio. Esta ocorreu em 0,68% de todos os exames realizados no período. Vinte e três pacientes apresentavam condições clínicas diversas, a saber: cefaléia em 7 casos, acidente vascular cerebral em 5, síndrome extrapiramidal em 2, processo expansivo cerebral em 2, epilepsia, retardo do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, demência e trauma de crânio em um caso cada ou outras condições neurológicas em 3. Não havia sintomas neurológicos em 2 casos. Em 15 pacientes (60,0% havia, além da calcificação dos núcleos da base, outras alterações na TC. Correlação clínica foi observada apenas com as outras alterações da TC e não com a calcificação dos núcleos da base, corroborando a hipótese de que esta possa ser um achado incidental.Twenty-five patients presenting basal ganglia calcification were assessed. This finding comprised 0.68% of all skull CT scan carried out during the period. Two patients were neurologically asymptomatic and 23 presented a variety neurological disorders - headache (7 patients, stroke (5 patients, extrapyramidal syndromes (2 patients, tumor (2 patients, epilepsy (1 patient, mental retardation (1 patient, dementia (1 patient, cranial trauma (1 patient, other neurological conditions (3 patients - or were asymptomatic from the neurological point of view (2 patients. Findings in the CT scan other than the basal ganglia calcification were observed in 15 (60% patients. There was a clinical-CT scan correlation in these cases but not in those in which the basal ganglia calcification was an isolated finding. This study highlights the fact that basal ganglia calcification is often a nonspecific finding on CT scan and that it may not be possible to establish a clinical-pathological correlation between them.

  10. Immediate adverse reactions to intravenous iodinated contrast media in computed tomography Reacciones adversas inmediatas al contraste yodado intravenoso en tomografía computarizada Reações adversas imediatas ao contraste iodado intravenoso em tomografia computadorizada

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    Beatriz Cavalcanti Juchem


    ório-descritiva, de caráter não experimental, com o objetivo de conhecer as reações adversas imediatas ao contraste iodado intravenoso em pacientes hospitalizados, submetidos a tomografia computadorizada num hospital-escola no Sul do Brasil. Durante o período de estudo, todas as reações adversas manifestaram-se na intensidade leve, com freqüência de 12,5% com o uso de contraste iodado iônico e 1% com contraste não iônico. Extravasamento do meio radiopaco ocorreu em 2,2% das injeções em veia periférica, não havendo complicações em nenhum dos casos. Os resultados encontram-se dentro dos limites citados na literatura internacional e sugere-se que os serviços de tomografia conheçam as próprias taxas de reações adversas ao contraste iodado e as condições em que elas ocorrem, a fim de obter evidências para a avaliação dos respectivos processos assistenciais.

  11. Densidade de um planossolo sob sistemas de cultivo avaliada por meio da tomografia computadorizada de raios gama Bulk density of an alfisol under cultivation systems in a long-term experiment evaluated with gamma ray computed tomography

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    Adilson Luís Bamberg


    Full Text Available A sustentabilidade do arroz (Oryza sativa L. irrigado em solos de várzea está alicerçada na utilização da rotação e sucessão de culturas, fundamentais para o controle do arroz-vermelho e preto. Os reflexos sobre os atributos dos solos de várzea merecem estudos em especial sobre a compactação do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar camadas compactadas em Planossolo submetido a diferentes sistemas de cultivo e preparo, avaliando-se a densidade do solo (Ds pela Tomografia Computadorizada de Raios Gama (TC. A análise foi realizada em um experimento de longa duração, conduzido de 1985 a 2004, na Estação Experimental da Embrapa Clima Temperado, Capão do Leão, RS, num delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, com sete tratamentos, cada um com quatro repetições (T1 - um ano de arroz com preparo convencional do solo seguido de dois anos de pousio; T2 - cultivo contínuo de arroz com preparo convencional do solo; T4 - rotação de arroz e soja (Glycine max L. com preparo convencional do solo; T5 - rotação de arroz, soja e milho (Zea maiz L. em preparo convencional do solo; T6 - plantio direto de arroz no verão em sucessão do azevém (Lolium multiflorum L. no inverno; T7 - rotação de arroz sob plantio direto e soja sob preparo convencional do solo; T8 - testemunha: solo sem cultivo. A Tomografia Computadorizada de Raios Gama permitiu detectar que o plantio direto de arroz no verão em sucessão do azevém no inverno não resultou na formação de camadas compactadas; a utilização de dois anos de pousio, no sistema de produção de arroz irrigado, não foi suficiente para evitar a formação de uma camada superficial compactada; e a rotação de arroz, soja e milho com preparo convencional do solo apresentou duas camadas compactadas (0,0 a 1,5 cm e 11 a 14 cm, indicando que essas podem limitar a produção agrícola nesse sistema de produção em Planossolos.The sustainability of irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L. in


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    Adriana Furtado de Macedo


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar um caso de calcificação distrófica intensa no interior do seio maxilar em uma criança com transplante hepático e órgãos dentais pigmentados por hiperbilirrubinemia. Descrição do caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 12 anos de idade, com transplante hepático efetuado aos 7 anos de vida devido à atresia de vias biliares extra-hepática, uso de tacrolimus imunossupressor (2 mg diários. No exame clínico intrabucal, observou-se a presença de pigmentação esverdeada no órgão dental por bilirrubina. Efetuou-se um exame de tomografia computadorizada volumétrica de feixe cônico para análise da densidade radiográfica dos elementos dentais pigmentados. Mediante interpretação da imagem pela escala de Hounsfield, não foi constatada nenhuma alteração na densidade radiográfica das estruturas do órgão dental. No entanto, a tomografia computadorizada evidenciou a presença de calcificação distrófica intensa em região de seio maxilar. Comentários: A alteração de imagem observada no exame de tomografia computadorizada demonstrou achado radiográfico relevante, com presença de radiopacidades no interior do seio maxilar decorrentes de sinusites fúngicas ou não fúngicas. O relato desse caso é relevante por apresentar alteração de imagem radiográfica exacerbada associada a quadros infecciosos agudos que podem comprometer o estado sistêmico do paciente imunossuprimido.

  13. Implementação de um sistema de localização espacial de regiões cerebrais em tempo real para aplicação de TMS por co-registro com fMRI


    André Salles Cunha Peres


    Nos últimos 20 anos tivemos um grande avanço na neurociência e nas técnicas de avaliação do sistema nervoso em humanos em uma tentativa inicial de compreensão de seu funcionamento. Colaboram com esse avanço técnicas como a eletroencefalografia (EEG), tomografia com-putadorizada (CT), tomografia por emissão de pósitron (PET), ressonância magnética funcional (fMRI), que geram mapas estatísticos de atividade cerebral, e a estimulação magnética transcrania-na (TMS), que se utiliza de pulsos de...

  14. Análise por tomografia computadorizada do enxerto autógeno na cirurgia de "sinus lift" Computed tomography evaluation of autogenous graft in sinus lift surgery

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    Sérgio Aron Ajzen


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Quantificar a formação óssea nos enxertos com e sem plasma rico em plaquetas, obtido pelos métodos de centrifugação e aférese, comparando os três tipos de enxertos realizados por meio de análise tomográfica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Este estudo prospectivo, duplo cego, utilizou uma amostra composta de 34 pacientes adultos, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 48 anos e 8 meses, portadores de pneumatização unilateral ou bilateral dos seios maxilares, que necessitavam de enxertos ósseos, com a finalidade de melhorar as condições locais para a colocação dos implantes dentários. Todos os pacientes realizaram tomografia computadorizada antes da cirurgia. Foram operados 53 seios maxilares, divididos em três grupos: enxerto de plasma rico em plaquetas obtido pelos métodos de aférese, centrifugação e enxerto apenas de osso autógeno. Após seis meses do procedimento cirúrgico foram realizados novos exames de imagem. RESULTADOS: Pela avaliação tomográfica, houve crescimento em altura e em largura nos três grupos quando foram comparados os momentos inicial e final, entretanto, não houve diferença estatística para a altura e para a largura. CONCLUSÃO: Evidências clínicas demonstram a eficácia dos enxertos autógenos, principalmente os associados a fatores indutores de crescimento ósseo, como o plasma rico em plaquetas, recuperando o arcabouço maxilofacial, necessário para a reconstrução protética e funcional por meio de implantes dentários.OBJECTIVE: To quantify bone formation within autogenous bone grafts and autogenous bone grafts in combination with platelet-rich plasma obtained either from aphaeresis or centrifugation using computed tomography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective, double-blind study was conducted in 34 male and female adult patients (mean age of 28 years and 8 months, with either unilateral or bilateral pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses, requiring bone graft for dental

  15. É hora de investirmos em intervenções comportamentais computadorizadas no Brasil?

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    Henrique Pinto Gomide


    Full Text Available Intervenções comportamentais computadorizadas apresentam evidências de eficácia para diversas condições de saúde, como transtornos de ansiedade ou de humor e abuso do uso de álcool e tabagismo. Embora apresentem efeitos relativamente pequenos, elas podem atingir um grande número de usuários simultaneamente e funcionar de forma ininterrupta. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: 1 analisar criticamente as evidências de eficácia presentes na literatura sobre intervenções comportamentais computadorizadas; 2 avaliar o potencial de utilização no país; 3 descrever a regulamentação existente; e 4 apresentar ferramentas para desenvolvimento destas intervenções através de uma revisão narrativa da literatura. As intervenções comportamentais computadorizadas se configuram como uma potencial ferramenta para a saúde pública, devido ao crescimento do uso de computadores e internet no Brasil e ao baixo custo de seu desenvolvimento.

  16. Computed tomography scan of the head in patients with migraine or tension-type headache Tomografia computadorizada do crânio em pacientes com migrânea ou cefaléia tensional

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    Marcelo Moraes Valença


    Full Text Available A retrospective study was performed in order to evaluate the frequency of abnormalities found by computed tomography (CT scan of the head in 78 patients with migraine or tension-type headache. In the present study CT scan was normal in 61.5% of the patients with migraine or tension-type headache. A number of abnormalities were encountered in more than one third of the patients studied, including inflammatory sinus disease (19.2%, cysticercosis (3.9%, unruptuted cerebral aneurysm (2.6%, basilar impression (2.6%, intracranial lipoma (2.6%, arachnoid cyst (2.6%, empty sella (2.6%, intracranial neoplasm (2.6%, and others (2.6%. None of these lesions were symptomatic or responsible by the headache picture, therefore, considered incidental findings. In conclusion, the fortuitous encounter of some abnormalities on CT scan of the head is often higher than what we could predict in patients suffering migraine or tension-type headache. We briefly discuss clinical, epidemiologic, and practical management of some of the abnormalities detected by CT scan as well as the indication to request a neuroimaging investigation.Um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado visando avaliar a frequência de anormalidades encontradas durante a realização de estudo por tomografia computadorizada (TC em 78 pacientes com migrânea ou cefaléia do tipo tensional. A TC foi normal em 61,5% dos pacientes examinados. Em um terço dos pacientes estudados foram detectadas anormalidades, como doença inflamatória dos seios paranasais (19,2%, cisticercose (3,9%, aneurisma cerebral não-roto (2,6%, impressão basilar (2,6%, lipoma intracraniano (2,6%, cisto aracnoideo (2,6%, sela vazia (2,6%, neoplasia intracraniana (2,6% e outras afecções (2,6%. Nenhuma destas lesões era sintomática (achado incidental. Concluindo, o encontro fortuito de algumas anormalidades na TC é frequentemente mais elevado do que se prediz em pacientes com cefaléia primária. Nós discutimos brevemente alguns

  17. Validation of computed tomography protocols for simulated mandibular lesions: a comparison study Validação de protocolos de tomografia computadorizada para lesões simuladas em mandíbula: estudo comparativo

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    Andréia Perrella


    Full Text Available Computed tomography is the choice technique to assess oral and maxillofacial osseous lesions because it provides hard and soft tissues visualization in one examination without superimposition of surrounding structures. This examination offers a significant advance in maxillofacial lesions detection with an excellent anatomic resolution. The aim of this research was to evaluate the validity of two protocols, in axial sections, in simulated mandibular lesions. Two CT protocols were obtained in dry mandibles in which perforations were done simulating lesions. Two observers, previously calibrated, evaluated the images according to different parameters. The results indicated that the sensitivity and specificity in lesion detection were 100% for both protocols, but the detection of loci number of multilocular lesions and the location and detection of medullar invasion obtained reduced validity values, which were influenced by the acquisition protocol. We concluded that thinner axial slices and reconstructions were more effective in detecting early medullar invasion and loci number. Thicker protocols were not considered appropriate to detect multilocular lesions and early stages of medullar invasion.A tomografia Computadorizada é a técnica de escolha no exame de lesões ósseas orais e maxilo-faciais porque proporciona a visualização de tecidos duros e moles em aquisição única e sem sobreposição de estruturas adjacentes. Este exame oferece um avanço significativo na detecção de lesões maxilo-faciais, com excelente resolução anatômica. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a validade de dois protocolos, em secções axiais, em lesões simuladas de mandíbula. Dois protocolos de TC foram obtidos em mandíbulas secas em que foram feitas perfurações, simulando lesões. Dois observadores previamente calibrados avaliaram as imagens seguindo parâmetros diversos. Como resultados pudemos observar que a sensibilidade e a especificidade foram

  18. Visualização do manto cerebral após tratamento de hidrocéfalo congênito: relato de um caso

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    Carlos Eduardo Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available O propósito deste registro é relatar o caso de recém-nascido com hidrocefalia que, após derivação ventrículo-peritoneal passou a apresentar evolução próxima ao normal do ponto de vista neurológico, bem como visualização à tomografia computadorizada do manto cerebral não observado em exame feito anteriormente.

  19. Cistos sinoviais lombares Synovial cysts of the lumbar spine

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    Ana Cláudia Ferreira Rosa


    Full Text Available Os cistos sinoviais localizados na coluna lombar são raros, em geral associados a alterações degenerativas das articulações facetárias, mais freqüentemente vistos na transição L4-L5. Raramente causam sintomas, que, quando ocorrem, são sobretudo lombociatalgia. O diagnóstico é feito de maneira satisfatória pela tomografia computadorizada e pela ressonância magnética e é importante para que se institua o correto tratamento dos cistos. Existem diversas formas de tratamento, desde repouso e imobilização até a injeção de corticóide no cisto sinovial guiada por tomografia computadorizada, e mesmo cirurgia nos casos refratários aos outros tipos de tratamento.Intraspinal synovial cysts of the lumbar spine are rare and commonly associated with osteoarthritis of the facet joints, particularly at level L4-L5. Symptoms are uncommon and may include low-back pain or sciatica. These cysts are accurately diagnosed by using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Diagnosis is essential for the correct management of the cysts. Several treatment options are available including rest and immobilization, computed tomography guided corticosteroids injection, and surgery in patients that are nonresponsive to other treatment methods.

  20. Hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar: relato de um caso

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    Martins Rogéria de Castro


    Full Text Available O hepatocarcinoma fibrolamelar é neoplasia hepatocelular rara, diagnosticada por tomografia computadorizada e confirmada pelo exame anatomopatológico. O caso relatado foi atendido no Hospital Mater Dei de Belo Horizonte, MG. Os aspectos clínicos, radiológicos e patológicos discutidos reforçam a importância das imagens radiológicas na detecção e caracterização das neoplasias focais hepáticas.

  1. Investigação neurorradiológica de pacientes com deficiência idiopática de hormônio do crescimento Neuroradiological investigation in patients with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency

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    Maria Alice N. Bordallo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a freqüência e os tipos de alterações observadas à tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética em pacientes com deficiência aparentemente idiopática de hormônio do crescimento e investigar a possível relação entre imagem neurorradiológica e presença de deficiência isolada e múltipla de hormônio do crescimento. MÉTODOS: Realizamos tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética da região hipotálamo-hipofisária em 37 pacientes com deficiência de hormônio do crescimento. Os pacientes foram divididos em deficiência isolada de hormônio do crescimento (Grupo A e deficiência múltipla de hormônio do crescimento (Grupo B. RESULTADOS: A tomografia computadorizada foi normal em 25 (68% e alterada em 12 (32% pacientes. Observamos sela vazia em 50% dos pacientes, parcialmente vazia em 17% e hipoplasia hipofisária em 33%. Não observamos diferença entre o percentual de alterações à tomografia computadorizada entre os Grupos A e B (p = 0,55. A ressonância magnética foi normal em 17 (46% e alterada em 20 (54% pacientes. À ressonância magnética, observamos sela vazia em 10%, parcialmente vazia em 15% e hipoplasia hipofisária em 75% dos pacientes. Entre os pacientes com ressonância magnética alterada, 70% apresentavam neuro-hipófise ectópica, e em 60% a haste hipofisária estava afilada ou ausente. Os pacientes do Grupo B apresentaram maior percentual de alterações à ressonância magnética quando comparados aos do Grupo A (p = 0,03. Houve discordância entre tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética em 43%; entretanto, não observamos diferença no percentual de anormalidades quando comparamos tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética (p = 0,06. CONCLUSÃO: A hipoplasia hipofisária e a neuro-hipófise ectópica são as alterações mais encontradas em pacientes com deficiência de hormônio do crescimento. A associação de hipoplasia hipofisária com outras

  2. Actitudes de los candidatos y maestros de ciencias en servicio acerca del uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias (United States)

    Bayuelo, Ezequiel

    Este estudio examino y comparo las actitudes de los candidatos a maestros de ciencias y los maestros de ciencias en servicio acerca de la utilizacion de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias. Tambien identifico y diferencio el uso que ellos dan a estas herramientas en las clases de ciencias. Este estudio presenta un diseno descriptivo exploratorio. Constituyeron la muestra trescientos diez sujetos que fueron candidatos a maestros de ciencias o maestros de ciencias en servicio. Para recoger los datos se construyo y valido un cuestionario de treinta y un itemes. Se utilizaron las pruebas estadisticas no parametricas Kruskal Wallis y Chi-cuadrado (test de homogeneidad) para establecer las diferencias entre las actitudes de los sujetos con relacion al uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias. Los hallazgos evidenciaron que son positivas y muy parecidas las actitudes de los candidatos a maestros y maestros en servicio hacia el uso de las herramientas computadorizadas. No hubo diferencias entre los candidatos y maestros en servicio en terminos de las actitudes de confianza y empatia hacia el uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias. En aspectos como el uso del banco de datos bibliografico Eric y el uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en actividades educativas como explorar conceptos, conceptuar, aplicar lo aprendido y hacer asignaciones hubo diferencias estadisticamente significativas entre los candidatos y los maestros en servicio. Al comparar las frecuencias observadas con las esperadas hubo mas maestros en servicio y menos candidatos que indicaron usar el anterior banco de datos y las herramientas computadorizadas en las mencionadas actividades educativas.

  3. Frequency of suspected cases of neurocysticercosis detected by computed skull tomography in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil Freqüência de casos suspeitos de neurocisticercose em tomografias computadorizadas de crânio em Santa Maria, RS, Brasil

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    José Edson Paz da SILVA


    Full Text Available Due to the lack of studies about neurocysticercosis in the South of Brazil, an investigation was conducted to determine the percentage of suspected cases of neurocysticercosis in computed tomography diagnoses in Santa Maria, RS, from January 1997 to December 1998. Of 6300 computed tomographies (CT of the skull performed at the private Hospital de Caridade Astrogildo de Azevedo, 80, i.e., 1.27% were suspected of neurocysticercosis. Fifty were women (62.5% and 30 were men (37.5%. The most frequent radiological manifestation indicating neurocysticercosis was the presence of calcifications (isolated or associated, with a 95% rate (76 cases, while the presence of hypodense lesions reached a 5% rate (4 cases. After routine analysis, each CT was evaluated again and the suspected cases were confirmed. The percentage of suspected cases of neurocysticercosis detected by CT in the present study carried out in Santa Maria was considered low (1.27%. This can be explained by the fact that tomography is not accessible to the economically underprivileged population of Santa Maria. We hope that the present study can alert the population and the professionals to the fact that neurocysticercosis is a more frequent disease than indicated by the few diagnoses made.Com o objetivo de iniciar um estudo sobre a neurocisticercose no Sul do Brasil, foi verificada a porcentagem de casos suspeitos de neurocisticercose em tomografia computadorizada de crânio (TCC em Santa Maria, entre janeiro de 1997 e dezembro de 1998. Os resultados mostraram que entre 6300 TCC realizadas no Hospital de Caridade Astrogildo de Azevedo, 80, isto é, 1,27% eram suspeitas de neurocisticercose. Constatamos que 50 eram mulheres (62,5% e 30 homens (37,5%. A manifestação radiológica mais freqüente para indicar neurocisticercose foi a calcificação (isolada ou associada com 95% (76 casos, enquanto a presença de lesões hipodensas foi de 5% (4 casos. Após a análise de rotina cada TCC foi

  4. Entendendo a classificação, a fisiopatologia e o diagnóstico radiológico das bronquiectasias

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    Bruno Hochhegger


    Full Text Available Resumo: O termo bronquiectasia é definido como uma dilatação brônquica anormal persistente geralmente associada a inflamação na via aérea e no parênquima pulmonar. A doença continua a ser uma causa comum de morbidade e mortalidade, especialmente quando associada a doenças hereditárias, como a fibrose cística, a discinesia ciliar e a alguns estados de imunodeficiência. A tomografia computadorizada é, actualmente, a modalidade de escolha para o dianóstico e pode também contribuir para o manejo clínico, sugerindo possíveis diagnósticos. Destacamos nesta revisão a classificação, a fisiopatologia e as manifestações radiológicas desta doença. Abstract: Bronchiectasis is defined as an abnormal persistent bronchial dilatation usualy associated with inflammation in the bronchial tree and lung parenchyma. The disease remains a common cause of significant morbidity and mortality, especially when associated with hereditary disorders such as cystic fibrosis, ciliary dyskinesia, and immunodeficiency states. Computed tomography is now the diagnostic modality of choice and may also contribute to clinical management, suggesting some etiologic causes. We highlight developments in classification, physiopathology and radiology of this debilitating disease. Palavras-chave: Tomografia computadorizada espiral, bronquiectasia, radiologia, fisiologia, patologia, Key-words: Tomography, spiral computed, bronchiectasis, radiology, physiology pathology

  5. Nasal Physiology (United States)

    ... Caregivers Contact ARS HOME ANATOMY Nasal Anatomy Sinus Anatomy Nasal Physiology Nasal Endoscopy Skull Base Anatomy Virtual Anatomy Disclosure ... Patient Education About this Website Font Size + - Home > ANATOMY > Nasal Physiology Nasal Anatomy Sinus Anatomy Nasal Physiology Nasal Endoscopy ...

  6. Nasal Anatomy (United States)

    ... Caregivers Contact ARS HOME ANATOMY Nasal Anatomy Sinus Anatomy Nasal Physiology Nasal Endoscopy Skull Base Anatomy Virtual Anatomy Disclosure ... Size + - Home > ANATOMY > Nasal Anatomy Nasal Anatomy Sinus Anatomy Nasal Physiology Nasal Endoscopy Skull Base Anatomy Virtual Anatomy Disclosure ...

  7. Central nervous system abnormalities on midline facial defects with hypertelorism detected by magnetic resonance image and computed tomography Anomalias de sistema nervoso central em defeitos de linha média facial com hipertelorismo detectados por ressonância magnética e tomografia computadorizada

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    Vera Lúcia Gil-da-Silva-Lopes


    Full Text Available The aim of this study were to describe and to compare structural central nervous system (CNS anomalies detected by magnetic resonance image (MRI and computed tomography (CT in individuals affected by midline facial defects with hypertelorism (MFDH isolated or associated with multiple congenital anomalies (MCA. The investigation protocol included dysmorphological examination, skull and facial X-rays, brain CT and/or MRI. We studied 24 individuals, 12 of them had an isolated form (Group I and the others, MCA with unknown etiology (Group II. There was no significative difference between Group I and II and the results are presented in set. In addition to the several CNS anomalies previously described, MRI (n=18 was useful for detection of neuronal migration errors. These data suggested that structural CNS anomalies and MFDH seem to have an intrinsic embryological relationship, which should be taken in account during the clinical follow-up.Este estudo objetivou descrever e comparar as anomalias estruturais do sistema nervoso central (SNC detectadas por meio de ressonância magnética (RM e tomografia computadorizada (TC de crânio em indivíduos com defeitos de linha média facial com hipertelorismo (DLMFH isolados ou associados a anomalias congênitas múltiplas (ACM. O protocolo de investigação incluiu exame dismorfológico, RX de crânio e face, CT e RM de crânio. Foram estudados 24 indivíduos, sendo que 12 apresentavam a forma isolada (Grupo I e os demais, DLMFH com ACM de etiologia não esclarecida (Grupo II. Não houve diferença entre os dois grupos e os resultados foram agrupados. Além de várias anomalias de SNC já descritas, a RM foi útil para detecção de erros de migração neuronal. Os dados sugerem que as alterações estruturais de SNC e os DLMFH têm relação embriológica, o que deve ser levado em conta durante o seguimento clínico.

  8. Nasal packing with ventilated nasal packs; a comparison with traditional vaseline nasal pack

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alam, J.; Siddiqui, M.W.; Abbas, A.; Sami, M.; Ayub, Z.


    To compare the benefits of ventilated nasal packing with traditional vaseline guaze nasal packing. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at CMH Multan, from Jun 2014 to Dec 2014. Material and Methods: In this study, sample size of 80 patients was calculated using WHO calculator. Patients were divided in two groups using lottery method endotracheal tube and piece of surgical glove filled with ribbon guaze was utilized for fabricated ventilated nasal pack and compared with traditional nasal packs. Nasal obstruction and sleep disturbance were studied at eight hours and twenty-four hours following surgery using visual analog scale. Results: Mean nasal obstruction with ventilated nasal pack was 45.62 +- 6.17 and with Vaseline nasal pack was 77.67 +- 4.85 which was statistically significant (p=0.001) in both the groups. Mean sleep disturbance in both the groups was 46.32 +- 5.23 and 68.75 +- 2.70 respectively which was statistically significant (p=0.001) in both the groups. Conclusion: Patients with ventilated nasal packs were found to have better tolerance to nasal packs due to less nasal obstruction and sleep disturbance

  9. Correlação entre hipótese diagnóstica e laudo de tomografia axial computadorizada craniana Correlation between diagnostic hypothesis and result of cranial computed axial tomography

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    Edison Matos Nóvak


    Full Text Available Para avaliar a utilização da tomografia axial computadorizada craniana (TC em nosso meio, analisamos as solicitações de 367 exames consecutivos no período compreendido entre 07/1995 e 07/1996. Houve ampla variação da faixa etária, com média de 31,7 ± 22,9 anos. As especialidades que mais solicitaram o exame foram: Neurologia (36,2%, Pronto Atendimento (17,4%, Neuropediatria (16,9% e Clínica Médica (5,9%. As indicações mais frequentes para o exame foram: convulsão (30%, cefaléia (26,2%, déficit motor (20,2% e redução do nível de consciência (16,9%. As "hipóteses" aventadas com maior frequência foram: afastar lesão estrutural (9,0%, acidente vascular não discriminado (8,2% e neurocisticercose (8,2%. O laudo da TC foi normal em 50,4% dos exames. Os laudos anormais mais frequentes foram: hidrocefalia (5,4%, acidente vascular isquêmico (5,4% e neoplasia (3,5%. As maiores taxas de achados normais foram encontradas nas "hipóteses" de cefaléia (94,4%, convulsão (71,4% e afastar lesão estrutural (66,7%. Os maiores índices de acerto entre hipótese e laudo foram encontrados nas situações de "afastar lesões estruturais" (66,7%, hidrocefalia (50%, acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (50% e hematoma (50%. Concluimos que a utilização de um recurso auxiliar de diagnóstico como a TC cumpre melhor ainda a sua função se o requisitante do exame preencher com clareza e detalhamento o pedido do exame.The use of computed axial tomography (CT in the investigation of neurologic disorders is attractive for his disponibility in the health services. However, the indications of the exam and the correlation with the clinical features has not been frequently studied. We study correlation between the requests of CT and the findings reported by the radiologist, in 367 exams performed from 07/1995 to 07/ 1996. The mean age was 31.7 ± 22.9 years. The CT were requested in decrescent order of frequency by the Services of Neurology (36

  10. Aspectos radiológicos da atresia brônquica: relato de três casos e revisão da literatura Radiological aspects of bronchial atresia: report of three cases and review of the literature

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    Alexandre da Silva Neu


    Full Text Available A atresia brônquica é uma anomalia congênita rara que usualmente produz massa justa-hilar com hipertransparência distal à radiografia simples. A maioria dos pacientes é jovem e não apresenta sintomas. A tomografia computadorizada confirma o diagnóstico, permitindo o manejo conservador nos casos assintomáticos. Os autores relatam três casos de atresia brônquica. Um caso, de particular interesse, estava associado a volumosa broncocele em paciente do sexo feminino, de 45 anos de idade, que apresentou quadro sintomático de infecção respiratória. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido por meio dos achados da radiologia convencional, da tomografia computadorizada e da comparação com radiografias convencionais e tomografia linear prévios, que já demonstravam alterações. Realizou-se uma revisão sobre os achados clínicos e radiológicos dessa malformação.Bronchial atresia is a rare congenital abnormality that usually shows a juxta-hilar mass with distal radiolucency on conventional x-ray films. Most patients are young and have no symptoms. Computed tomography usually confirms the diagnosis, allowing conservative management of the asymptomatic cases. The authors report three cases of bronchial obstruction. One of the patients was of particular importance and interest, a 45-year-old female patient with symptoms of respiratory infection, due to the association with a bulky bronchocele. The diagnosis was made by analyzing the findings of conventional x-ray films and computed tomography, and the comparison with previous conventional x-ray films and linear tomography, which had already demonstrated abnormalities. A literature review on the clinical and radiological findings of this pulmonary malformation is presented.

  11. Broncofibroscopia Flexível e Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada no diagnóstico do Carcinoma Pulmonar Não de Peq uenas Células

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    Ram Cicero


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Actualmente a avaliação dos Tumores Pulmonares e as alterações intratorácicas provocadas pelos mesmos pode ser analisada por Tomografia Axial Computorizada e Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC.Parece haver uma correlação entre as imagens detectadas pela Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC e as alterações cndoscópicas encontradas por Broncofibroscopia Flexível (BFB.O objectivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar essa eventual correlação.Estudaram-se 18 doentes com Carcinoma do Pulmão Não de Pequenas Células (CPNPC. Houve uma boa correlação da Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC e dos aspectos encontrados por Broncofibroscopia Flexível (BFB, nas estenoses intrínsecas ou extrínsecas dos Brônquios Principais (BP e Brônquios Lobares (BL.A Tomografa Helicoidal Computorizada (THC pennite a localização espacial do tumor e visualizar as alterações estruturais circunvizinhas secundánas ao crescimento do tumor. A Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC pennitiu ainda a visualização da árvore brônquica para além da obstrução completa do lúmen brônquico, nos doentes em que não se conseguiu visualizar por broncofibroscopia.Nos tumores periféricos houve demonstração pela Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC de alterações estruturais da árvore brônquica que por Broncofibroscopia Flexível (BFB foram consideradas normais.Nesta série houve uma correlação directa entre a Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC e a Broncofibroscopia Flexível (BFB em quinze dos dezoito doentes estudados havendo uma sensibilidade de 83% no diagnóstico do tumor por broncofibroscopia. COMENTÁRIO: A Tomografia Helicoidal Computorizada (THC permite faze r o diagnóstico do cancro do pulmão em três dimensões visualizando as alterações estruturais circunvizinhas.As alterações endoscópicas visualizadas por Broncofibroscopia Flexível (BFB continuam a ser importantes, pela análise macroscópica das lesões e

  12. Reinforced concrete tomography; Tomografia de hormigon armado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mariscotti, M A.J.; Morixe, M; Tarela, P A; Thieberger, P [Tomografia de Hormigon Armado S.A., Boulogne (Argentina)


    In this paper we describe the technique of reinforced concrete tomography, its historical background, recent technological developments and main applications. Gamma radiation sensitive plates are imprinted with radiation going through the concrete sample under study, and then processed to reveal the presence of reinforcement and defects in the material density. The three dimensional reconstruction, or tomography, of the reinforcement out of a single gammagraphy is an original development alternative to conventional methods. Re-bar diameters and positions may be determined with an accuracy of {+-} 1 mm 0.5-1 cm, respectively. The non-destructive character of this technique makes it particularly attractive in cases of inhabited buildings and diagnoses of balconies. (author) 8 refs., 12 figs. [Espanol] En este trabajo se describe la tecnica de tomografia de hormigon armado, sus antededentes, recientes desarrollos y aplicaciones mas importantes. Esta tecnica se basa en el uso de radiacion gamma para penetrar piezas de hormigon. Placas gammagraficas son sensibilizadas con la radiacion que atraviesa la pieza bajo estudio y luego procesadas para revelar la presencia de armadura e inhomogeneidades en la densidad del concreto. La reconstruccion tridimensional o tomografia, de la armadura a partir de una sola gammagrafia es un desarrollo original alternativo a los metodos convencionales. Diametros y posiciones de los hierros existentes en el interior de columnas, vigas y losas pueden ser determinados con precisiones de {+-} 1 mm y 0.5-1 cm, respectivamente. La condicion de no destructiva hace que esta tecnica sea particularmente apreciada en los casos de edificios habitados y sea insustituible para el diagnostico de balcones. (autor)

  13. Trombose da artéria carótida interna devida a trauma penetrante no pálato mole: relato de caso

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    Full Text Available Descrevemos caso de trauma penetrante na região oral em criança, evoluindo com oclusão da artéria carótida interna e déficit neurológico correspondente. A tomografia computadorizada e a ressonância nuclear magnética demonstram a oclusão completa da artéria carótida interna. Enfatizamos esta rara complicação de trauma oral, comum em crianças e discutimos os aspectos patogênicos.

  14. Acute pulmonary schistosomiasis: Correlation between the high-resolution CT and pathological findings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arthur Soares Souza, Jr.


    Full Text Available A 35 years old rural worker presented with a 15 days history of progressive dyspnea, associated with dry cough, mialgia and fever. Few days before the symptoms, he had swim in a river. The chest radiographs demonstrated bilateral reticule-nodular infiltrates. The high-resolution CT showed patchy areas of ground-glass attenuation, irregular interlobular septal thickening, intralobular interstitial thickening, and small nodules, which are confluent in some regions. All the laboratorial investigation were negative. The open lung biopsy shows parenchymal granulomatous inflammation, and numerous schistosome ova. Resumo: Paciente masculino, de 35 anos, trabalhador rural, apresentando-se com história de dispneia progressiva, tosse seca, mialgia e febre, com evolução de 15 dias. Relatava ter nadado num rio, recentemente. As radiografias de tórax mostravam infiltração retículo-nodular bilateral. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução evidenciava áreas esparsas de atenuação em vidro fosco, espessamento irregular de septos in- terlobulares e do interstício intralobular e pequenos nódulos, confluentes em algumas regiões. Os exames laboratoriais eram normais. Biópsia pulmonar a céu aberto demonstrou inflamação parenquimatosa granulomatosa, com presença de ovos de esquistossoma. Key-words: Acute schistosomiasis, high-resolution computed tomography, parasitic infection, lungs, Palavras-chave: Esquistossomose aguda, tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução, infecção parasitária, pulmões

  15. Avaliação por imagem da área de gordura visceral e suas correlações com alterações metabólicas

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    Anna Karla Carneiro Roriz


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A obesidade androgênica está associada a um risco maior de distúrbios metabólicos, favorecendo assim a ocorrência de doenças cardiovasculares e outras morbidades. OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência da área de tecido adiposo visceral (ATAV, medida pela tomografia computadorizada, sobre alterações metabólicas em adultos e idosos. MÉTODOS: Tomografias computadorizadas e valores de lipoproteínas: o colesterol total e frações, os triglicérides, a glicemia e o ácido úrico foram obtidos de 194 indivíduos estratificados por sexo, grupo etário e massa corporal, e analisados utilizando os testes de correlação e de média. RESULTADOS: Os idosos apresentaram maiores valores da ATAV, glicemia, ácido úrico e colesterol total. As maiores correlações foram encontradas entre a ATAV, os triglicérides e o VLDL-c (r > 0,5; p < 0,01, em ambos os grupos etários. A média da área de tecido adiposo visceral mostrou-se sempre mais elevada quando os valores de triglicérides e de glicemia estavam alterados, em ambos os grupos etários. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos exames apresentou forte correlação com a ATAV considerada de risco para alterações metabólicas. Em idosos, a área de tecido adiposo visceral de risco parece ser superior a de adultos.

  16. Entendendo a classificação, a fisiopatologia e o diagnóstico radiológico das bronquiectasias

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    Bruno Hochhegger


    Full Text Available Resumo: O termo bronquiectasia é definido como uma dilatação brônquica anormal persistente geralmente associada a inflamação na via aérea e no parênquima pulmonar. A doença continua a ser uma causa comum de morbidade e mortalidade, especialmente quando associada a doenças hereditárias, como a fibrose cística, a discinesia ciliar e a alguns estados de imunodeficiência. A tomografia computadorizada é, actualmente, a modalidade de escolha para o dianóstico e pode também contribuir para o manejo clínico, sugerindo possíveis diagnósticos. Destacamos nesta revisão a classificação, a fisiopatologia e as manifestações radiológicas desta doença.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 627-639 Abstract: Bronchiectasis is defined as an abnormal persistent bronchial dilatation usualy associated with inflammation in the bronchial tree and lung parenchyma. The disease remains a common cause of significant morbidity and mortality, especially when associated with hereditary disorders such as cystic fibrosis, ciliary dyskinesia, and immunodeficiency states. Computed tomography is now the diagnostic modality of choice and may also contribute to clinical management, suggesting some etiologic causes. We highlight developments in classification, physiopathology and radiology of this debilitating disease.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (4: 627-639 Palavras-chave: Tomografia computadorizada espiral, bronquiectasia, radiologia, fisiologia, patologia, Key-words: Tomography, spiral computed, bronchiectasis, radiology, physiology pathology

  17. Retrospective study of computed tomography of nasal cavity in small animal at FMVZ - UNESP, Botucatu, and correlation of changes with cytological and/or histopathological exams; Estudo retrospectivo de tomografia computadorizada da cavidade nasal em pequenos animais na FMVZ - UNESP, Botucatu, e correlacao das alteracoes com os exames citologico e/ou histopatologico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belotta, Alexandra Frey; Inamassu, Leticia Rocha; Mamprim, Maria Jaqueline; Machado, Vania Maria de Vasconcelos; Vulcano, Luiz Carlos, E-mail: [Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (FMVZ/UNESP), Botucatu, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia. Dept. de Reproducao Animal e Radiologia Veterinaria; Zardo, Karen Maciel


    It was conducted a retrospective study of computed tomography (CT) scans of nasal cavity in small animal at this institution during the period of April 2007 through June 2012. In total, 47 CT scans were performed during the period and, of these, only 25 underwent additional exams (cytological and/or histopathological). 20 exams suggested a diagnosis, 4 were inconclusive and one had no change. A correlation was made between tomographic findings and cytological/histopathological diagnosis providing an accurate assessment of neoplastic versus non-neoplastic disease. (author)

  18. Nasal deposition of ciclesonide nasal aerosol and mometasone aqueous nasal spray in allergic rhinitis patients. (United States)

    Emanuel, Ivor A; Blaiss, Michael S; Meltzer, Eli O; Evans, Philip; Connor, Alyson


    Sensory attributes of intranasal corticosteroids, such as rundown to the back of the throat, may influence patient treatment preferences. This study compares the nasal deposition and nasal retention of a radiolabeled solution of ciclesonide nasal aerosol (CIC-hydrofluoroalkane [HFA]) with a radiolabeled suspension of mometasone furoate monohydrate aqueous nasal spray (MFNS) in subjects with either perennial allergic rhinitis (AR) or seasonal AR. In this open-label, single-dose, randomized, crossover scintigraphy study, 14 subjects with symptomatic AR received a single dose of radiolabeled 74-μg CIC-HFA (37 μg/spray, 1 spray/each nostril) via a nasal metered-dose inhaler or a single dose of radiolabeled 200-μg MFNS (50 μg/spray, 2 sprays/each nostril), with a minimum 5-day washout period between treatments. Initial deposition (2 minutes postdose) of radiolabeled CIC-HFA and MFNS in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, and on nasal wipes, and retention of radioactivity in the nasal cavity and nasal run-out on nasal wipes at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 minutes postdose were quantified with scintigraphy. At 2 and 10 minutes postdose, deposition of radiolabeled CIC-HFA was significantly higher in the nasal cavity versus radiolabeled MFNS (99.42% versus 86.50% at 2 minutes, p = 0.0046; and 81.10% versus 54.31% at 10 minutes, p Deposition of radioactivity on nasal wipes was significantly higher with MFNS versus CIC-HFA at all five time points, and posterior losses of radiolabeled formulation were significantly higher with MFNS at 6, 8, and 10 minutes postdose. In this scintigraphic study, significantly higher nasal deposition and retention of radiolabeled aerosol CIC-HFA were observed versus radiolabeled aqueous MFNS in subjects with AR.

  19. Sífilis secundária com acometimento pulmonar Secondary syphilis with pulmonary involvement


    Ederson Valei Lopes de Oliveira; José Alves Rocha-Filho; Andreia Américo Monteiro; Eurides Maria de Oliveira Pozzeti; João Roberto Antonio


    Sífilis é doença sistêmica e infectocontagiosa causada pelo Treponema pallidum. Relata-se caso de sífilis secundária em homem de 37 anos com queixas relacionadas ao trato respiratório. Manifestações clínicas e exames de imagens, incluindo radiografia e tomografia computadorizada de tórax, sugeriram neoplasia. A avaliação dermatológica e os exames complementares (sorologia e anatomopatológico de pele) confirmaram o diagnóstico. Paciente foi tratado com aplicação semanal de penicilina G benzati...

  20. Ombro flutuante associado à luxação escápulo-umeral posterior: relato de caso


    Rodrigues,Alessandro Ulhôa; Veado,Marco Antonio de Castro; Melo,Gustavus Lemos Ribeiro


    Apresenta-se rara variação de ombro flutuante associada a luxação glenoumeral posterior em paciente masculino, 26 anos de idade, vítima de acidente motociclístico. Ao exame, queixava-se de dor no ombro esquerdo, limitação dos movimentos, principalmente da rotação externa. A radiografia em ântero-posterior (AP) verdadeiro mostrou fratura do colo da glenóide, sem envolvimento articular, e fratura do processo coracóide. A radiografia em perfil, axilar e a tomografia computadorizada confirmaram a...

  1. Avaliação da simetria craniana através de imagens de TC cone beam = Cranial symmetry assessment through cone-beam CT images


    Vilella, Oswaldo de Vasconcellos; Rothier, Eduardo Kant Colunga; Vilella, Beatriz de Souza


    Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os lados direito e esquerdo de indivíduos que apresentavam simetria craniana através de 2 imagens geradas pela tomografia computadorizada cone beam (TCCB). Métodos: A amostra consistiu de 35 imagens obtidas pelo tomógrafo 3D-i-CAT (Imaging Sciences International Inc. , Hatfield, USA), sendo 13 de indivíduos do gênero masculino e 22 do gênero feminino, com idades variando de 8 a 64 anos, que apresentavam simetria facial aceitável. As imagens...

  2. Complicações respiratórias em pacientes com paralisia cerebral submetidos à anestesia geral


    Mello, Sérgio Silva de; Marques, Ronaldo Soares; Saraiva, Renato Ângelo


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Anestesia em pacientes com paralisia cerebral (PC) pode representar um desafio para o anestesiologista. Este estudo prospectivo teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência e o risco de complicações respiratórias em crianças com PC submetidas à anestesia geral inalatória (AGI) para tomografia computadorizada (TC). MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo pacientes com idades entre 1 e 17 anos, estado físico ASA I a III, submetidos a AGI com sevoflurano e máscara laríngea para ...

  3. Auxílio da tomografia computadorizada no planejamento pré-operatório de pacientes portadores de escoliose idiopática do adolescente Auxilio de la tomografía computarizada en el plan preoperatorio de pacientes portadores de escoliosis idiopática del adolescente Computed tomography aid in preoperative planning of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Rodrigo Rezende


    Full Text Available A escoliose idiopática do adolescente (EIA é uma doença diagnosticada no início da puberdade. Ela apresenta etiologia indefinida e caracteriza-se pelo desvio lateral da coluna vertebral maior que 10°, associado à rotação do corpo vertebral. O uso de instrumentação de terceira geração produziu um melhor resultado na correção da curva do que as técnicas anteriores. Porém, ainda existem dificuldades técnicas no momento da passagem e da escolha dos parafusos pediculares, devido à angulação e ao diâmetro dos pedículos vertebrais. Apesar de apresentar vantagens, essa técnica não é isenta de riscos e complicações, necessitando de uma maior curva de aprendizado pelo médico-cirurgião, bem como de um adequado planejamento pré-operatório. Até o momento, não há na literatura relato sobre a utilização da tomografia computadorizada no auxílio do planejamento cirúrgico de pacientes com escoliose. Diante do exposto, objetivamos, no presente estudo, descrever uma técnica de planejamento pré-operatório, com o auxílio da tomografia computadorizada para a fixação da coluna em pacientes com escoliose idiopática do adolescente, especificando a angulação e o diâmetro dos pedículos vertebrais, o que poderá auxiliar o médico-cirurgião no momento da fixação.La escoliosis idiopática en el adolescente (EIA es una enfermedad diagnosticada en el inicio de la pubertad. Esta presenta una etiología indefinida y es caracterizada por el desvío lateral de la columna vertebral por encima de los diez grados asociados a la rotación del cuerpo vertebral. El uso de instrumentación de tercera generación produjo un mejor resultado en la corrección de la curva comparado con las técnicas anteriores. Sin embargo, existen dificultades técnicas en el momento del paso y de escoger los tornillos pediculares debido a la angulación y al diámetro de los pedículos vertebrales. A pesar de presentar ventajas, esta técnica no est

  4. A Rare Nasal Bone Fracture: Anterior Nasal Spine Fracture

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    Egemen Kucuk


    Full Text Available Anterior nasal spine fractures are a quite rare type of nasal bone fractures. Associated cervical spine injuries are more dangerous than the nasal bone fracture. A case of the anterior nasal spine fracture, in a 18-year-old male was presented. Fracture of the anterior nasal spine, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of the midface injuries and also accompanying cervical spine injury should not be ignored.

  5. Objective Measure of Nasal Air Emission Using Nasal Accelerometry (United States)

    Cler, Meredith J.; Lien, Yu-An, S.; Braden, Maia N.; Mittleman, Talia; Downing, Kerri; Stepp, Cara, E.


    Purpose: This article describes the development and initial validation of an objective measure of nasal air emission (NAE) using nasal accelerometry. Method: Nasal acceleration and nasal airflow signals were simultaneously recorded while an expert speech language pathologist modeled NAEs at a variety of severity levels. In addition, microphone and…

  6. Nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma with no nasal symptoms.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Uzomefuna, Vincent


    The authors present a case of nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma (NCMH) in an 8-year-old boy with a 4-month history of frontal headache and no symptoms of nasal obstruction, rhinorrhoea or postnasal drip. An ENT examination as well as ophthalmology assessment presented normal results. CT scan showed a lesion involving the sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses. The patient had an endoscopic resection of the lesion that was confirmed histologically to be a NCMH. Though NCMH is known to present usually in infants with obstructing nasal mass, an unusual presentation of a patient with throbbing headache without any nasal symptoms is reported here.

  7. Esvaziamento gástrico após administração oral de contraste em tomografia computadorizada do abdômen: descrição de seis casos

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    Martins Fernando Antonio Nogueira da Cruz


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A lesão pulmonar secundária à aspiração do conteúdo gástrico é complicação associada à perda dos reflexos protetores das vias aéreas. Neste contexto, a realização de exames tomográficos que incluem a contrastação do trato digestivo exige particular atenção em crianças abaixo de cinco anos, que necessitam anestesia geral ou sedação para assegurar imobilidade durante o procedimento. A indução da anestesia ou sedação, após ingestão da solução de contraste pode trazer risco substancial para a broncoaspiração do conteúdo gástrico. Isto faz com que se opte por administrar o contraste por sonda gástrica após a intubação traqueal, uma vez que não se conhece o tempo de esvaziamento gástrico após utilização de solução contrastante. Esta conduta representa aumento do tempo de anestesia, o que resulta em constante questionamento sobre a possibilidade de esvaziamento do conteúdo gástrico em tempo inferior a uma hora. Seis casos de pacientes submetidos à tomografia de abdômen foram avaliados quanto ao esvaziamento gástrico por meio da realização de cortes tomográficos na topografia do estômago, com o objetivo de determinar a presença ou ausência de conteúdo residual líquido nesse órgão, após a administração da solução de contraste. RELATO DOS CASOS: Foram avaliadas seis crianças submetidas à tomografia contrastada do abdômen. Duas, não anestesiadas, apresentaram expressivo resíduo líquido gástrico decorridos 50 e 45 minutos, respectivamente, da ingestão de contraste. Quatro, submetidas à anestesia geral, também apresentaram resíduo líquido gástrico decorridos 40 a 50 minutos da administração de contraste via sonda oro/nasogástrica. Em duas destas persistiu apreciável resíduo líquido no estômago, mesmo após a aspiração do conteúdo pela sonda. CONCLUSÕES: Nos casos observados, o período de 40 a 50 minutos foi insuficiente para o esvaziamento do

  8. Seqüestro pulmonar: uma série de nove casos operados

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    Full Text Available Seqüestro pulmonar é uma anomalia congênita que envolve parênquima e vascularização pulmonar e apresenta-se como extralobar ou intralobar. Objetivo: Descrever os casos de seqüestro pulmonar tratados no InCor e Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP no período de 1987 a 1996. Método: Análise retrospectiva dos prontuários. Resultados: Foram tratados nove pacientes, sendo quatro mulheres e cinco homens; duas crianças e sete adultos. Infecção respiratória de repetição e hemoptise foram achados clínicos freqüentes nesses pacientes. Todos os casos eram intralobares. A principal localização foi no lobo inferior esquerdo (66%. Apenas um diagnóstico foi intra-operatório. Nos outros oito casos, o diagnóstico foi suspeitado pela radiografia de tórax (100% e confirmado pela arteriografia (77% e/ou tomografia computadorizada (66%. Lobectomia (77% foi o principal tratamento cirúrgico, com baixa morbidade pós-operatória e sem mortalidade. Exame anatomopatológico foi realizado em sete casos e confirmou a doença. Conclusões: O seqüestro pulmonar é uma entidade incomum, em que a tomografia computadorizada e a arteriografia são os exames que mais informações oferecem para um diagnóstico definitivo e seguro. A ressecção do tecido envolvido leva a excelentes resultados.

  9. Relation between epistaxis, external nasal deformity, and septal deviation following nasal trauma (United States)

    Daniel, M; Raghavan, U


    Objectives: To find if the presence of epistaxis after nasal trauma can be used to predict post-traumatic external nasal deformity or a symptomatic deviated nasal septum. Methods: Retrospective analysis of all patients seen in the fractured nose clinic by the first author between 17 October 2003 and 27 February 2004. Presence of epistaxis, newly developed external nasal deformity, and the presence of a deviated nasal septum with new symptoms of nasal obstruction were noted. Results: A total of 139 patients were included in the study. Epistaxis following injury was noted in 106 (76%). Newly developed external nasal deformity was noted in 71 (51%), and 33 (24%) had a deviated nasal septum with new symptoms of nasal obstruction. Of the 106 patients with post-trauma epistaxis, 50 (67%) had newly developed external nasal deformity and of the 33 patients without post-traumatic epistaxis, 11 (33%) had nasal deformity (pepistaxis was not associated with the presence of a newly symptomatic deviated septum (25% in patients with epistaxis after injury versus 18% if there was no epistaxis). Conclusions: Presence of epistaxis after nasal trauma is associated with a statistically significant increase in external nasal deformity. However, one third of patients without epistaxis following nasal trauma also had external nasal deformity and hence all patients with a swollen nose after injury, irrespective of post-trauma epistaxis, still need to be referred to the fractured nose clinic. PMID:16244333

  10. "Aplicação de genética molecular para diagnóstico de neurocisticercose e descoberta gênica em Taenia solium"


    Carolina Rodrigues de Almeida


    Neurocisticercose (NCC) é uma infecção parasítica freqüente do sistema nervoso central, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento. Os custos elevados dos exames de neuroimagem (Ressonância Magnética e Tomografia Computadorizada), hoje em dia considerados como os métodos mais precisos no diagnóstico da doença, podem ser inviáveis nestas regiões, além disso, há que se considerar os problemas na correta interpretação dos diversos testes imunológicos disponíveis, freqüentemente difíceis e delic...

  11. Avaliação radiográfica e tomográfica dos seios nasais de gatos com doenças sinonasais crônicas

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    R. Zanatta


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os seios nasais de 10 gatos mestiços, adultos, acometidos por afecções sinonasais, por meio de exames radiográfico e tomográfico, e descreveram-se as vantagens e desvantagens dos métodos. O grande diferencial do exame de tomografia computadorizada em relação ao exame radiográfico, na avaliação dos seios nasais, foi a detecção de alterações nos seios esfenoides e a maior facilidade em localizar a lateralidade e o grau de envolvimento de alterações dos seios frontais.

  12. Characteristics of nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) and nasal absorption capacity in chicken. (United States)

    Kang, Haihong; Yan, Mengfei; Yu, Qinghua; Yang, Qian


    As the main mucosal immune inductive site of nasal cavity, nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) plays an important role in both antigen recognition and immune activation after intranasal immunization. However, the efficiency of intranasal vaccines is commonly restricted by the insufficient intake of antigen by the nasal mucosa, resulting from the nasal mucosal barrier and the nasal mucociliary clearance. The distribution of NALT and the characteristic of nasal cavity have already been described in humans and many laboratory rodents, while data about poultry are scarce. For this purpose, histological sections of the chicken nasal cavities were used to examine the anatomical structure and histological characteristics of nasal cavity. Besides, the absorptive capacity of chicken nasal mucosa was also studied using the materials with different particle size. Results showed that the NALT of chicken was located on the bottom of nasal septum and both sides of choanal cleft, which mainly consisted of second lymphoid follicle. A large number of lymphocytes were distributed under the mucosal epithelium of inferior nasal meatus. In addition, there were also diffuse lymphoid tissues located under the epithelium of the concha nasalis media and the walls of nasal cavity. The results of absorption experiment showed that the chicken nasal mucosa was capable to absorb trypan blue, OVA, and fluorescent latex particles. Inactivated avian influenza virus (IAIV) could be taken up by chicken nasal mucosa except for the stratified squamous epithelium sites located on the forepart of nasal cavity. The intake of IAIV by NALT was greater than that of the nasal mucosa covering on non-lymphoid tissue, which could be further enhanced after intranasal inoculation combined with sodium cholate or CpG DNA. The study on NALT and nasal absorptive capacity will be benefit for further understanding of immune mechanisms after nasal vaccination and development of nasal vaccines for poultry.

  13. Rinometria acústica, rinomanometria computadorizada e espirometria de doentes asmáticos com sintomas de rinite pré e pós-curso de corticóide oral

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    Dorivaldo Duarte


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: Asma e rinite frequentemente coexistem no mesmo paciente. Parece existir uma condição que afecta o tracto respiratório como um todo e que pode produzir sintomas na via aérea inferior e/ou superior.Objetivo: Estudar as alterações funcionais das vias aéreas inferiores e superiores em pacientes em crise de asma antes e pós-curso de corticóide oral.Métodos: No período de Julho de 2000 a Agosto de 2002, dezasseis pacientes (69% do sexo feminino em crise de asma com sintomas de rinite atendidos no pronto atendimento de pneumologia foram analisados por meio de um ensaio clínico observacional porquestionário de sintomas, exame físico, radiograma, espirometria, rinometria acústica e rinomanometria computadorizada.Resultados: Dezasseis pacientes apresentaram sintomas de comprometimento das vias aéreas superiores. Na espirometria, o VEF1, o VEF1 /CVF e o FEF25-75%, apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas. A rinometria acústica apresentou diferença estatística significativa na área variável transversal mínima 1 e 2 do lado esquerdo e volume total nasal, pós-intervenção medicamentosa.Conclusões: Nas avaliações funcionais de vias aéreas inferiores e superiores, foram observadas melhora do VEF1, VEF1 /CVF e FEF, medidos pela espirometria e do volume total nasal, analisado pela 25-75% rinometria acústica pós-intervenção de corticóide oral.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (1: 35-46 Abstract: Introduction: Asthma and rhinitis frequently coexist in the same patient. It may exist a specific condition witch affects the general respiratory activity and also able to produce symptoms into upper and/ or lower airways.Purpose: To analyze the alteration and functional burst of upper and lower airways before and after oral corticoid.Methods: From July of 2000 to August of 2002, sixteen (69 % was female, acute asthmatics patients with

  14. Nasal Wash Treatment (United States)

    ... Medications Alternative Therapies Nasal Wash Treatment Nasal Wash Treatment Make an Appointment Ask a Question Refer Patient The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for preparing water used in a nasal wash are listed below. Many ...

  15. Aspergilose invasiva do seio esfenoidal e paralisia do sexto nervo

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    Maria Inês de Vilhena Lana-Peixoto


    Full Text Available A aspergilose do seio esfenoidal é doença rara e pode se apresentar sob diferentes formas clínicas devido a envolvimento de. diversas estruturas anatomicamente adjacentes ao seio esfenoidal. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente com 74 anos de idade, diabética, com paralisia do sexto nervo esquerdo secundária a aspergilose do seio esfenoidal. Não havia história de cefaléia ou de queixas sugestivas de alergia respiratória. A tomografia computadorizada revelou lesão etmoídeo-esfenoidal à esquerda, com presença de imagem cálcica em seu interior e destruição óssea. A paciente foi submetida a cirurgia com retirada de material necrótico e debridamento da lesão, seguida de tratamento com anfote-ricina B e 5-fluorocitosina. Exame histológico revelou a presença de hifas sugestivas de Aspergilius sp. Após três meses de tratamento a paciente apresentou recuperação total da paresia do nervo abducente. O diagnóstico clínico pré-operatório de aspergilose do seio esfenoidal é difícil. No entanto, a presença de imagem cálcica ou de densidade metálica à radiografia simples de crânio ou à tomografia computadorizada sugere fortemente o diagnóstico. O exame hihstológico revela a presença de hifas dicotomatosas em 45,0 típicas do Aspergilius. O tratamento inclui excisão e debridamento da lesão seguida do uso de anfo-tericina B associada a 5-fluorocitosina ou rifampicina.

  16. Aparência tomográfica dos discos intervertebrais mineralizados em cães da raça Dachshund Miniatura

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    D. Baraúna Júnior

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivou-se com este trabalho descrever os aspectos de tomografia computadorizada de discos intervertebrais de cães da raça Dachshund com um ano de idade, assim como quantificar, qualificar e localizar a mineralização nos componentes do DIV e no espaço intervertebral da coluna vertebral. Dez cães dessa raça, com um ano de idade, foram submetidos à tomografia computadorizada (TC. Nas imagens de reconstrução sagital dos animais, procedeu-se à identificação de sete DIV em cada animal, entre as vértebras T9 e L3, totalizando a análise de 70 DIV. Entre os DIV mineralizados, a presença da alteração foi determinada quanto à localização no núcleo pulposo (NP, no anel fibroso (AF e em AF/NP. Dos 70 DIV avaliados, 45 foram considerados como mineralizados. Entre os classificados como mineralizados, 20% (9/45, 17,8% (8/45 e 62,2% (28/45 estavam localizados nas regiões do NP, AF e AF/NP, respectivamente. A mineralização encontrada neste estudo esteve caracterizada por aumento de atenuação radiográfica com densidade mineral na topografia do DIV, havendo variações da localização e da radiodensidade de área calcificada entre animais e DIV no mesmo indivíduo. As alterações relativas à mineralização dos DIV podem ser classificadas tomograficamente quanto à localização da alteração no disco em AF, NP e AF/NP.

  17. On the relation of nasal cycling with nasal airway dimensions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guilmette, R A; Wolff, R K


    The size and configuration of the nasal airways of humans change with time as a result of the normal process of congestion/decongestion of the erectile tissue of the nasal mucosa. To determine the extent to which airway areas change in vivo, we used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantitate both the cross-sectional area and perimeter of coronal sections of the entire nasal airway of a human subject. Changes in airway size or patency were indexed to measured changes in unilateral nasal airway resistance determined by posterior rhino manometry. The results of this study in which two MRI scans were performed for presumed left-side patency and two for right-side patency, showed that changes in nasal airway resistance were difficult to ascribe to systematic changes In the sizes of the airways. (author)

  18. On the relation of nasal cycling with nasal airway dimensions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guilmette, R.A.; Wolff, R.K.


    The size and configuration of the nasal airways of humans change with time as a result of the normal process of congestion/decongestion of the erectile tissue of the nasal mucosa. To determine the extent to which airway areas change in vivo, we used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantitate both the cross-sectional area and perimeter of coronal sections of the entire nasal airway of a human subject. Changes in airway size or patency were indexed to measured changes in unilateral nasal airway resistance determined by posterior rhino manometry. The results of this study in which two MRI scans were performed for presumed left-side patency and two for right-side patency, showed that changes in nasal airway resistance were difficult to ascribe to systematic changes In the sizes of the airways. (author)

  19. Effect of the nasal cycle on congestive response during bilateral nasal allergen provocation

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    Tomasz Gotlib


    Full Text Available Background. Bilateral nasal allergen provocation usually produces more pronounced obstruction of one nasal passage. It was found that this could be related to the stage of the nasal cycle before the provocation. objective. To discover whether the stage of the nasal cycle is decisive for asymmetry in congestive response observed during bilateral allergen nasal provocation. methods. Two bilateral nasal allergen provocations were performed in a group of 26 pollen-sensitive volunteers. Acoustic rhinometry measurements were taken during the nasal cycle, and then after the provocation. A cross-sectional area at the level of the inferior turbinate (CSA-2 was measured. Consecutive challenges were performed in the opposite phase of the nasal cycle: the side which had been wide just before the first challenge, was narrow before the second provocation. results. Asymmetry in CSA-2 reduction between the nasal passages was observed in most cases. Significant difference was observed between mean CSA-2 reduction rate (reactivity of the side that responded with greater congestion, and the opposite side. No significant difference was found in mean CSA-2 reduction rate between the side which was narrow, and the side which was wide before provocation. conclusions. Asymmetry of congestive response during bilateral nasal allergen provocation is not dependent on the stage of the nasal cycle preceding the challenge.

  20. Stratus optical coherence tomography findings in patients with retinopathy of prematurity Tomografia de coerência óptica em pacientes com retinopatia da prematuridade

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    Aline do Lago


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To describe morphological features of the macula in patients with retinopathy of prematurity. METHODS: Twelve premature babies with retinopathy of prematurity grades I, II and III underwent dilated fundus examination and optical coherence tomography evaluation. RESULTS: In all thirteen eyes of the twelve premature patients optical coherence tomography revealed a condensed retinal pigmented epithelial layer in the macular-foveal area shown by increased reflectivity. In these eyes the retinal layers were not well differentiated. Foveal depression was clearly evident in 23%. CONCLUSIONS: In premature patients with retinopathy of prematurity, optical coherence tomography revealed poorly differentiated layers in the macular region with increased reflectivity in retinal pigmented epithelial-choriocapillaris zone.OBJETIVO: Descrever os aspectos morfológicos da mácula em pacientes com retinopatia da prematuridade (ROP. MÉTODOS: Doze pacientes com retinopatia da prematuridade graus I, II and III foram submetidos a mapeamento de retina e avaliação por tomografia de coerência óptica. RESULTADOS: Em todos os treze olhos de 12 pacientes a tomografia de coerência óptica mostrou a camada do epitélio pigmentar hiperrefletiva, sendo a área macular com maior intensidade. Nesses olhos as camadas da retina não estavam totalmente diferenciadas. A depressão foveal ficou claramente evidente pela tomografia de coerência óptica em 23%. CONCLUSÃO: Nos pacientes prematuros com retinopatia da prematuridade, a tomografia de coerência óptica mostrou as camadas da retina pouco diferenciadas com aumento da refletividade na área macular do complexo epitélio retiniano pigmentar-coriocapilar.

  1. Herpes Zoster oftálmico e posterior acidente vascular cerebral: relato de caso

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    Carlos A. M. Guerreiro


    Full Text Available Um caso de acidente vascular cerebral (AVC 14 semanas após a instalação de herpes zoster oftálmico (HZO é apresentado. A tomografia computadorizada craniana documentou comprometimento em território de artéria cerebral média ipsilateral ao HZO. O diagnóstico de probabilidade é o de arterite por herpes zoster com posterior trombose. Os autores reviram a literatura e enfatizam o longo intervalo entre o HZO e a instalação da hemiplegia. Citam as novas drogas antivirais que tornam esta causa de AVC potencialmente passível de ser prevenida.

  2. Nasal Cancer (United States)

    ... the way to your throat as you breathe. Cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is ... be like those of infections. Doctors diagnose nasal cancer with imaging tests, lighted tube-like instruments that ...

  3. Nasal Carriage of 200 Patients with Nasal Bone Fracture in Korea

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    Jun Wook Lee


    Full Text Available BackgroundPathogens in the nasal cavity during nasal surgery could lead to a systemic infectious condition, such as bacteremia, nosocomial infection, or toxic shock syndrome. However, there is no research about the prevalence of nasal carriage in patients with nasal bone fracture.MethodsThis was a prospective, double-blind, randomized study about the rate of nasal carriage in 200 patients with nasal bone fracture in Korea. Nasal secretions were taken from both the middle nasal meatus and colonized. All analyses were carried out using SPSS software.ResultsPathogens were identified in 178 of the 200 cases. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS were the most cultured bacteria in 127 (66.84% of the 190 total patients after excluding 10 cases of contaminated samples, and methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (MRCNS were found in 48 (25.26%. Staphylococcus aureus was the second most identified pathogen, found in 36 (18.95%, followed by 7 cases (3.68% of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA. The prevalence rate of MRSA in the females was higher than that in the males (RR=4.70; 95% CI, 1.09-20.18, but other demographic factors had no effect on the prevalence rate of MRSA and MRCNS.ConclusionsThe prevalence rate of these pathogens in patients with nasal bone fracture in Korea was similar to other reports. However, few studies have addressed the prevalence rate of CNS and MRCNS in accordance with risk factors or the change in prevalence according to specific prophylaxis against infectious complications. Additional research is needed on the potential connections between clinical factors and microbiological data.

  4. Life-threatening acute subdural haematoma after combined spinal–epidural anaesthesia in labour

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    Bulent Bakar


    um caso tão raro que foi diagnosticado como hematoma subdural agudo após anestesia combinada raqui-peridural usada em parto. Relato de caso: Paciente primípara, 34 anos, com 38 semanas de gestação, submetida à cesariana sob anestesia combinada raqui-peridural, deu à luz um menino saudável. Após 32 horas do parto, a dor de cabeça moderada da paciente progrediu para dor de cabeça intensa associada a náusea e vômito e se complicou subsequentemente com crise convulsiva generalizada tônico-clônica e consequente letargia. Tomografia computadorizada do cérebro revelou hematoma subdural agudo do lado direito em região frontotemporoparietal (FTP com edema cerebral difuso. A paciente foi submetida à craniotomia FTP de urgência e evacuação do hematoma. Tomografia computadorizada do crânio no pós-operatório precoce mostrou um sítio operatório limpo. Oito dias após a cirurgia do hematoma subdural, a paciente voltou a ficar letárgica e, dessa vez, a tomografia computadorizada revelou um hematoma extradural sob o retalho ósseo que exigiu outra cirurgia. Dois dias depois, a paciente recebeu alta hospitalar com classificação de desempenho Karnofsky de 90/100. Ao exame de acompanhamento, a paciente apresentou-se neurologicamente intacta e sua tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética estavam normais. Conclusão: Ao usar a anestesia combinada raqui-peridural deve-se ter em mente que dor de cabeça nem sempre significa dor de cabeça hipotensiva associada à raquianestesia e que uma complicação catastrófica de hematoma subdural também pode ocorrer. Keywords: Combined spinal–epidural anaesthesia, Labour, Subdural haematoma, Palavras-chave: Anestesia combinada raqui-peridural, Parto, Hematoma subdural

  5. Nasal Glioma: Case report

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    Ozgur Surmelioglu


    Full Text Available Nasal gliomas are rare, benign, congenital tumors that are thought to be result of abnormality in embryonic development. Three types of clinical presentations have been recognized; extranasal, intranasal and combined. Clinically, these masses are non-pulsatile, gray or purple lesions that obstruct the nasal cavity and cause deformity extranasaly. Histologically, they are made up of astrocytic cells, fibrous and vascular connective tissue that is covered with nasal respiratory mucosa. Treatment of the nasal glioma requires a multidisciplinary approach including an radiologist, neurosurgeon and otorhinolaryngologist. Radiological investigation should be performed to describe intracranial extension. In this case, a 2 years old boy with nasal mass that was diagnosed as nasal glioma is reported. . [Cukurova Med J 2011; 36(1.000: 34-36

  6. Nasal Glioma: Case report

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    Ozgur Surmelioglu


    Full Text Available Nasal gliomas are rare, benign, congenital tumors that are thought to be result of abnormality in embryonic development. Three types of clinical presentations have been recognized; extranasal, intranasal and combined. Clinically, these masses are non-pulsatile, gray or purple lesions that obstruct the nasal cavity and cause deformity extranasaly. Histologically, they are made up of astrocytic cells, fibrous and vascular connective tissue that is covered with nasal respiratory mucosa. Treatment of the nasal glioma requires a multidisciplinary approach including an radiologist, neurosurgeon and otorhinolaryngologist. Radiological investigation should be performed to describe intracranial extension. In this case, a 2 years old boy with nasal mass that was diagnosed as nasal glioma is reported. . [Cukurova Med J 2011; 36(1: 34-36

  7. Immediate effect of benzalkonium chloride in decongestant nasal spray on the human nasal mucosal temperature. (United States)

    Lindemann, J; Leiacker, R; Wiesmiller, K; Rettinger, G; Keck, T


    Benzalkonium chloride is a preservative commonly used in nasal decongestant sprays. It has been suggested that benzalkonium chloride may be harmful to the nasal mucosa. Decongestion with the vasoconstrictor xylometazoline containing benzalkonium chloride has been shown to cause a significant reduction of the nasal mucosal temperature. The purpose of the present study was to determine the short-term influence of xylometazoline nasal spray with and without benzalkonium chloride on the nasal mucosal temperature. Healthy volunteers (30) were included in the study. Fifteen volunteers received xylometazoline nasal spray (1.0 mg/mL) containing benzalkonium chloride (0.1 mg/mL) and 15 age-matched subjects, received xylometazoline nasal spray without benzalkonium chloride. Using a miniaturized thermocouple the septal mucosal temperature was continuously measured at defined intranasal detection sites before and after application of the nasal spray. The mucosal temperature values did not significantly differ between the group receiving xylometazoline containing benzalkonium chloride and the group receiving xylometazoline spray without benzalkonium chloride before and after decongestion (P > 0.05). In both study groups septal mucosal temperatures significantly decreased after decongestion (P reduction of the nasal mucosal blood flow following vasoconstriction. This study indicates that benzalkonium chloride itself does not seem to influence nasal blood flow and nasal mucosal temperature in topical nasal decongestants.

  8. Involvement of vascular endothelial growth factor in nasal obstruction in patients with nasal allergy

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    Tetsuji Yamashita


    Full Text Available It has recently been shown that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF enhances vascular permeability and that mast cells produce VEGF, suggesting the involvement of VEGF in allergic diseases. In the present study we quantitatively analyzed VEGF in the nasal lavage fluid of patients with nasal allergy. We performed nasal antigen challenge with Japanese cedar pollen antigen in 10 healthy adult volunteers and in 10 cedar pollen IgE-positive patients with nasal allergy. In all patients with nasal allergy, VEGF and histamine levels in the nasal lavage fluid reached a peak 30 min after antigen challenge, then returned to prechallenge values 2 h after antigen challenge. In these patients, the histamine level increased three-fold, while the VEGF level increased 10-fold. However, in all healthy adult volunteers, VEGF and histamine levels did not increase. A stronger correlation was noted between the ratio of decreased nasal cavity volume and the ratio of increased VEGF levels (R = 0.823; P < 0.001 than between the ratio of nasal cavity volume and the ratio of increased histamine levels (R = 0.660; P < 0.01. These results suggest that VEGF may contribute to the pathogenesis of nasal obstruction in the early phase of nasal allergy as a new factor involved in increasing vascular permeability.

  9. Nasal Lobular Capillary Hemangioma

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    Prashant Patil


    Full Text Available Nasal lobular capillary hemangioma is a rare benign tumor of the paranasal sinuses. This lesion is believed to grow rapidly in size over time. The exact etiopathogenesis is still a dilemma. We discuss a case of nasal lobular capillary hemangioma presenting with a history of epistaxis. Contrast enhanced computed tomography of paranasal sinuses revealed an intensely enhancing soft-tissue mass in the left nasal cavity and left middle and inferior meati with no obvious bony remodeling or destruction. We present imaging and pathologic features of nasal lobular capillary hemangioma and differentiate it from other entities like nasal angiofibroma.

  10. Cosmetic reconstruction of a nasal plane and rostral nasal skin defect using a modified nasal rotation flap in a dog

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    ter Haar, G.; Buiks, S.C.; Kirpensteijn, J.


    Abstract OBJECTIVE: To report reconstruction of a defect of the nasal plane and the rostral dorsum of the nose in a dog using a nasal rotation flap with Burow's triangles. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical report. ANIMALS: Mixed-breed dog (1.5 years, 8.6 kg). METHODS: A nasal defect caused by chronic

  11. Opacidades em vidro fosco nas doenças pulmonares difusas: correlação da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução com a anatomopatologia Ground-glass opacity in diffuse lung diseases: high-resolution computed tomography-pathology correlation

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    Maria Lúcia de Oliveira Santos


    Full Text Available Opacidade em vidro fosco é achado freqüentemente visto na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax e se traduz pelo aumento do coeficiente de atenuação dos pulmões, mas sem apagar as marcas broncovasculares. Por sua inespecificidade, a associação com outros achados radiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos deve ser considerada para uma interpretação diagnóstica mais correta. Neste trabalho foram analisados 62 exames tomográficos de pacientes com doenças pulmonares difusas, de 14 etiologias diferentes, em que opacidades em vidro fosco foram o achado único ou predominante, e feita correlação anatomopatológica por meio de biópsias ou necropsias. Na pneumocistose as opacidades em vidro fosco corresponderam, histologicamente, à ocupação alveolar por material espumoso contendo parasitos; no carcinoma bronquíolo-alveolar, a espessamento dos septos alveolares e ocupação de sua luz por muco e células tumorais; na paracoccidioidomicose, a espessamento dos septos alveolares, áreas de fibrose e alvéolos contendo exsudato broncopneumônico; na sarcoidose, a fibrose ou a acúmulo de granulomas; na fibrose pulmonar idiopática, a espessamento dos septos alveolares por fibrose; na bronquiolite obliterante com pneumonia em organização, a pneumonia intersticial com áreas de organização intra-alveolar. A ocupação alveolar por sangue foi observada nos casos de leptospirose, hemossiderose idiopática, metástases de tumor renal e na aspergilose invasiva; por vacúolos de gordura na pneumonia lipídica; por material protéico e lipoprotéico na silicoproteinose e na proteinose alveolar; e por líquido de edema na insuficiência cardíaca congestiva.Ground-glass opacity is a finding frequently seen in high-resolution computed tomography examinations of the chest and is characterized by hazy increased attenuation of lung, however without blurring of bronchial and vascular margins. Due to its unspecificity

  12. Surgical management of nasal obstruction. (United States)

    Moche, Jason A; Palmer, Orville


    The proper evaluation of the patient with nasal obstruction relies on a comprehensive history and physical examination. Once the site of obstruction is accurately identified, the patient may benefit from a trial of medical management. At times however, the definitive treatment of nasal obstruction relies on surgical management. Recognizing the nasal septum, nasal valve, and turbinates as possible sites of obstruction and addressing them accordingly can dramatically improve a patient's nasal breathing. Conservative resection of septal cartilage, submucous reduction of the inferior turbinate, and structural grafting of the nasal valve when appropriate will provide the optimal improvement in nasal airflow and allow for the most stable results. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  13. Nasalance norms in Greek adults. (United States)

    Okalidou, Areti; Karathanasi, Asimina; Grigoraki, Eleni


    The purposes of this study were to derive nasalance norms for monolingual Greek speakers, to examine nasalance scores as a function of gender and to draw cross-linguistic comparisons based on normative data. Participants read aloud a corpus of linguistic material, consisting of (1) a nasal text, an oral text and a balanced text; (2) a set of nasal sentences and four sets of oral sentences and (3) repetitions of each of 12 syllable types (8 oral and 4 nasal). The last two sets of material corpus were based on an adaptation of the Simplified Nasometric Assessment Procedures Test (SNAP test) test ( MacKay and Kummer, 1994 ) in Greek, called the G-SNAP test. Eighty monolingual healthy young adult speakers of Greek, 40 males (mean age = 21 years) and 40 females (mean age = 20.5 years), with normal hearing and speech characteristics and unremarkable history were included in the study. The Nasometer (model 6200-3) was used to derive nasalance scores. Mean normative nasalance for spoken Greek was 25.50%, based on the G-oronasal text (with 8.6% nasals). Nasalance scores did not differ significantly with respect to gender. Finally, spoken Greek consistently yielded lower nasalance scores than other languages examined in past work. The aforementioned normative data on nasalance of young adult speakers of Greek are valid across gender and have direct clinical utility as they provide valuable reference information for the diagnosis and management of Greek adults with resonance disorders caused by velar dysfunction.

  14. Aspectos clínico-tomográficos da mucocele com invasão orbitária Clinical and computed tomography aspects of mucocele with orbital invasion

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    Mary Lúcia Bedran


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar e relacionar os achados clínico-radiológicos da mucocele orbitária. MÉTODOS: Análise clínica e de imagem referente a 166 pacientes com lesões expansivas da órbita examinadas com o tomógrafo Somaton DR da marca Siemens de terceira geração num período de 10 anos consecutivos em Hospital Universitário de referência. RESULTADOS: Os achados clínicos mais comuns foram tumoração e proptose do globo ocular. À tomografia computadorizada, o achado típico foi de massa com baixa densidade, originando-se em seios paranasais, com destruição óssea adjacente, invasão da órbita e deslocamento do globo ocular. CONCLUSÃO: O desenvolvimento da tomografia computadorizada foi decisivo no estudo da órbita pois propicia, por meio de exame radiológico altamente especializado, imagens de incrível fidelidade anatômica revelando informações sobre o processo patológico como sua localização, sua relação com as estruturas adjacentes e sua vascularização.PURPOSE: To analyze and establish clinical-radiological findings of orbital mucocele. METHODS: Clinical analysis and image of 166 patients with expansive orbital lesions submitted to third generation Siemens Somaton DR computed tomography from February 1986 to February 1995. RESULTS: The most common clinical findings were mass and proptosis. On computed tomography, the typical finding was mass with low density, coming from paranasal sinuses presenting adjacent bone destruction and orbital invasion, with displacement of ocular globe. CONCLUSION: The development of computed tomography was an important mark in orbital studies because it allows incredible anatomic imagings, yielding information about the pathologic process like its localization and anatomic relation.

  15. Perceiving nasal patency through mucosal cooling rather than air temperature or nasal resistance.

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    Kai Zhao

    Full Text Available Adequate perception of nasal airflow (i.e., nasal patency is an important consideration for patients with nasal sinus diseases. The perception of a lack of nasal patency becomes the primary symptom that drives these patients to seek medical treatment. However, clinical assessment of nasal patency remains a challenge because we lack objective measurements that correlate well with what patients perceive. The current study examined factors that may influence perceived patency, including air temperature, humidity, mucosal cooling, nasal resistance, and trigeminal sensitivity. Forty-four healthy subjects rated nasal patency while sampling air from three facial exposure boxes that were ventilated with untreated room air, cold air, and dry air, respectively. In all conditions, air temperature and relative humidity inside each box were recorded with sensors connected to a computer. Nasal resistance and minimum airway cross-sectional area (MCA were measured using rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry, respectively. General trigeminal sensitivity was assessed through lateralization thresholds to butanol. No significant correlation was found between perceived patency and nasal resistance or MCA. In contrast, air temperature, humidity, and butanol threshold combined significantly contributed to the ratings of patency, with mucosal cooling (heat loss being the most heavily weighted predictor. Air humidity significantly influences perceived patency, suggesting that mucosal cooling rather than air temperature alone provides the trigeminal sensation that results in perception of patency. The dynamic cooling between the airstream and the mucosal wall may be quantified experimentally or computationally and could potentially lead to a new clinical evaluation tool.

  16. Tomografia de coerência óptica na commotio retinae: relato de caso Optical coherence tomography imaging in commotio retinae: case report

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    Celso Morita


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste relato é correlacionar achados à tomografia de coerência óptica e prognóstico visual de pacientes com commotio retina e de gravidades diferentes. Dois pacientes do sexo masculino, de 20 e 23 anos com baixa visual unilateral após trauma ocular contuso atribuível a edema de Berlin foram avaliados pela retinografia e tomografia de coerência óptica. A acuidade visual no olho afetado era de 20/25 no primeiro paciente e conta dedos a 2 metros no segundo. O exame oftalmológico revelou uveíte traumática e, na fundoscopia, evidenciaram-se opacificação retiniana moderada no primeiro caso e grave no segundo. A tomografia de coerência óptica confirmou discreta diminuição da depressão foveal no primeiro caso e desorganização das camadas retinianas no segundo. Houve resolução anatômica e funcional completa a tomografia de coerência óptica no primeiro paciente, enquanto o segundo evoluiu com baixa visual permanente e desorganização da arquitetura retiniana. A tomografia de coerência óptica é um exame complementar útil na avaliação do trauma retiniano, ajudando a entender sua fisiopatologia e predizer prognóstico a partir da análise anatômica da região acometida.The purpose of this case report was to correlate optical coherence tomography findings and visual outcomes of patients with different degrees of commotio retinae. A 20-year-old male and a 23-year-old male that presented with decreased vision due to Berlin's edema after blunt ocular trauma were evaluated by optical coherence tomography and retinography. The visual acuity in the affected eye was 20/25 in the first patient and counting fingers in the second one. The ophthalmic examination showed traumatic uveitis and fundoscopy revealed mild retinal opacification in the first case and severe opacification in the latter. The optical coherence tomography confirmed the reduction of foveal depression on the first case and the disarrangement of all retinal

  17. Nasal obstruction and sleep-disordered breathing: the effect of supine body position on nasal measurements in snorers. (United States)

    Virkkula, Paula; Maasilta, Paula; Hytönen, Maija; Salmi, Tapani; Malmberg, Henrik


    Nasal obstruction is considered to be a potential etiological factor in sleep-disordered breathing. However, a significant correlation between nasal measurements and obstructive sleep apnea has not been demonstrated so far. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between nasal resistance, nasal volumes and selected sleep parameters using nasal measurements performed in both seated and supine positions. We also investigated whether snoring patients in our clinical sample showed increased positional or decongestive nasal mucosal changes. Forty-one snoring men on a waiting list for correction of nasal obstruction underwent polysomnography, anterior rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry. Nineteen non-snoring control subjects were also recruited. Nasal measurements were performed in a seated position, after lying down in a supine position and, after decongestion of nasal mucosa, in a seated position again. In the overall patient group, nasal volume at a distance 2-4 cm from the nares in the supine position correlated inversely with apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) (r = -0.32, p patients, total nasal resistance measured in a supine position correlated with AHI (r = 0.50, p position and sleep parameters. Postural or decongestive changes in nasal measurements were not increased in snoring patients compared with control subjects. The relationship found between nasal measurements and sleep parameters suggests that nasal obstruction does augment airway collapse.

  18. Nasal Carriage of 200 Patients with Nasal Bone Fracture in Korea

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    Jun Wook Lee


    Full Text Available Background Pathogens in the nasal cavity during nasal surgery could lead to a systemicinfectious condition, such as bacteremia, nosocomial infection, or toxic shock syndrome.However, there is no research about the prevalence of nasal carriage in patients with nasalbone fracture.Methods This was a prospective, double-blind, randomized study about the rate of nasalcarriage in 200 patients with nasal bone fracture in Korea. Nasal secretions were taken fromboth the middle nasal meatus and colonized. All analyses were carried out using SPSS software.Results Pathogens were identified in 178 of the 200 cases. Coagulase-negative staphylococci(CNS were the most cultured bacteria in 127 (66.84% of the 190 total patients after excluding10 cases of contaminated samples, and methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci(MRCNS were found in 48 (25.26%. Staphylococcus aureus was the second mostidentified pathogen, found in 36 (18.95%, followed by 7 cases (3.68% of methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus (MRSA. The prevalence rate of MRSA in the females was higher thanthat in the males (RR=4.70; 95% CI, 1.09-20.18, but other demographic factors had no effecton the prevalence rate of MRSA and MRCNS.Conclusions The prevalence rate of these pathogens in patients with nasal bone fracture inKorea was similar to other reports. However, few studies have addressed the prevalence rateof CNS and MRCNS in accordance with risk factors or the change in prevalence according tospecific prophylaxis against infectious complications. Additional research is needed on thepotential connections between clinical factors and microbiological data.

  19. Comparison of Early-period Results of Nasal Splint and Merocel Nasal Packs in Septoplasty (United States)

    Bingöl, Fatih; Budak, Ali; Şimşek, Eda; Kılıç, Korhan; Bingöl, Buket Özel


    Objective Several types of nasal packs are used postoperatively in septoplasty. In this study, we compared two commonly used nasal packing materials, the intranasal septal splint with airway and Merocel tampon, in terms of pain, bleeding, nasal obstruction, eating difficulties, discomfort in sleep, and pain and bleeding during removal of packing in the early period. Methods The study group included 60 patients undergoing septoplasty. Patients were divided into two groups (n=30 in each group). An intranasal splint with airway was used for the patients in the first group after septoplasty, while Merocel nasal packing was used for the second group. Patients were investigated in terms of seven different factors - pain, bleeding while the tampon was in place, nasal obstruction, eating difficulties, night sleep, pain during removal of the nasal packing, and bleeding after removal of packing. Results There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of pain 24 hours after operation (p=0.05), while visual analog scale (VAS) scores for nasal obstruction, night sleep, eating difficulties, and pain during packing removal were lower in the nasal splint group with a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of postoperative bleeding (p=0.23). Significantly less bleeding occurred during removal of the packing in the nasal splint group (p<0.05). Conclusion Our study indicates that the nasal splint was more comfortable and effective in terms of causing lesser bleeding and pain during removal of packing. PMID:29392071

  20. Nasal septal hematoma (United States)

    ... Nasal septal hematoma To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. A nasal septal hematoma is a collection of blood within the septum ...

  1. Tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução na silicose: correlação com radiografia e testes de função pulmonar High-resolution computed tomography in silicosis: correlation with chest radiography and pulmonary function tests

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    Agnaldo José Lopes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Correlacionar os parâmetros tomográficos com os de função pulmonar em portadores de silicose, bem como comparar os resultados da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR com os da radiografia de tórax. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de corte transversal, em que foram avaliados 44 pacientes não-tabagistas e sem história pregressa de tuberculose. As radiografias foram classificadas de acordo com a proposta da Organização Internacional do Trabalho. Utilizando um sistema de escore semiquantitativo, os seguintes achados na TCAR foram quantificados: extensão total do envolvimento pulmonar, opacidades parenquimatosas e enfisema. Foram realizados espirometria, oscilações forçadas, avaliação dos volumes pulmonares pela técnica de diluição com hélio e medida da diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO, capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono. RESULTADOS: Dos 44 pacientes estudados, 41 eram homens, com média de idade de 48,4 anos. Na análise comparativa, 4 pacientes classificados na categoria 0 pela radiografia foram reclassificados na categoria 1 pela TCAR e, enquanto a radiografia diagnosticou 23 casos de fibrose maciça progressiva, a TCAR estabeleceu esse diagnóstico em 33 doentes. Para o escore de opacidades, as maiores correlações foram observadas com as medidas de fluxo, DLCO e complacência. Já o enfisema correlacionou-se negativamente com as medidas de volume, DLCO e fluxo. Nesta amostra com predomínio de grandes opacidades (75% dos indivíduos, a deterioração da função pulmonar associou-se com a extensão das alterações estruturais. CONCLUSÕES: Na silicose, a TCAR é superior à radiografia tanto na detecção precoce da doença quanto na identificação de fibrose maciça progressiva.OBJECTIVE: To correlate tomographic findings with pulmonary function findings, as well as to compare chest X-ray findings with high resolution computed tomography (HRCT findings, in

  2. Nasal capillariasis in a dog

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, R.R.; Greiner, E.C.; Ackerman, N.; Woodard, J.C.


    A five-year-old dog was evaluated for chronic nasal discharge. Nasal infection caused by Capillaria aerophila was diagnosed by identification of adult nematodes and eggs in the nasal flush sediment and by nasal biopsy samples and eggs in faecal flotations. Reinfection occurred following treatment with fenbendazole and ivermectin, probably because of a contaminated housing area

  3. Measurement with nasal scintigraphy of nasal mucociliary clearance in normal man

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murai, Sumiko


    Nasal mucociliary function was evaluated by nasal scintigraphy in normal subjects. A microdrop of HSA or saline labelled with 99m Tc was dripped into the middle part of each middle meatus in the nasal cavity and its clearance was observed by scinticamera. The accumulated concentration of RI was determined every 30 seconds for 10 minutes. The changes of accumulated concentration were studied, and a curve of decreasing RI-counts was obtained, with the 'clearance rate' defined as 100% for the count at the initial 30 seconds and 'half time' as the time when radioactivity was reduced to one half the initial count. Nasal resistance was measured by rhinomanometry with the oscillation method. In nonsmokers, 10μl of saline was cleared (78.0±10.4%) significantly faster than 10μl of HSA (59.9±24.6%), and there was no significant difference in the clearance between 10μl and 5μl of HSA (55.9±27.7%). In smakers, the mucociliary clearance of 10μl of HSA and saline was significantly lower than in nonsmokers. The clearance of 10μl of HSA reflects a pathological state much better than that of 5μl. In nonsmokers, there is a significant negative correlation between nasal resistance and clearance rate, suggesting that the more patent the nose, the faster the mucociliary clearance. When both nostrils were closed, the clearance rate was significantly depressed. When one nostril was closed, there was no significant effect on clearance. Nasal resistance was decreased by exercise with a bicycle ergometer. Nasal mucociliary clearance was slightly decreased after exercise but not significantly so. (J.P.N.)

  4. Image diagnosis of nasal bone fracture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirota, Yoshiharu; Shimizu, Yayoi; Iinuma, Toshitaka.


    Twenty cases of nasal bone fractures were evaluated as to the types of fractures based upon HRCT findings. Conventional X-Ray films for nasal bones were analyzed and compared with HRCT findings. Nasal bone fractures were classified into lateral and frontal fractures. HRCT images were evaluated in three planes including upper, middle and lower portions of the nasal bone. Fractures favored males of teens. Lateral fracture gave rise to the fractures of the nasal bone opposite to the external force, loosening of the ipsilateral nasomaxillary sutures and fractures of the frontal process of the maxilla. Conventional X-Ray films were reevaluated after HRCT evaluation and indications of nasal bone fractures were determined. In addition to the discontinuity of the nasal dorsum, fracture lines parallel to and beneath the nasal dorsum and indistinct fracture lines along the nasomaxillary sutures are the indication of nasal bone fractures by conventional X-Ray films. (author)

  5. Effect of Local Nasal Immunotherapy on Nasal Blockage in Pollen-Induced Allergic Rhinitis of Guinea Pigs

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    Takeshi Nabe


    Conclusions: Local nasal immunotherapy may be clinically useful for allergic nasal blockage associated with nasal hyperresponsiveness. The mechanisms responsible for this effectiveness might not be related to IgE production. Additionally, the effectiveness for nasal tissue was dissociated from that seen for the ocular tissue.

  6. Rhinoplasty via the midface degloving approach for nasal deformity due to nasal polyps: A case report of Woakes’ syndrome

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    Misato Ueda, MD


    Full Text Available Nasal polyps are inflammatory proliferative tumors arising from the mucosa of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Although many cases concerning nasal polyps have been reported, those involving external nasal deformities are rare. We report a case of nasal polyposis filling the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, leading to external nasal and facial deformities. The condition above is known as Woakes’ syndrome, which is characterized by severe recurrent nasal polyps with deformity of the nasal pyramid, leading to broadening of the nose. We performed nasal osteotomy and facial bone-shaving via the midface degloving approach, which improved the patient’s facial appearance.

  7. Aspectos da tomografia computadorizada craniana na neurocisticercose na infância

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    Marilisa M. Guerreiro


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam aspectos tomográficos da neurocisticercose na infância a propósito da análise de 27 exames em 18 pacientes, que foram distribuídos em três grupos segundo o quadru clínico e os achados tomográficos. O grupo 1 foi caracterizado basicamente por epilepsias e calcificações. O grupo 2 caracterizou-se por hipertensão intracraniana e diversos aspectos tomográficos: edema, cistos e nódulos em três pacientes; hidrocefalia e calcificações em dois pacientes e normal em um paciente. O grupo 3 consistiu clinicamente de epilepsia e cefaléia, com vários padrões tomográficos. Os resultados são discutidos à luz da literatura disponível.

  8. Cosmetic and Functional Nasal Deformities (United States)

    ... nasal complaints. Nasal deformity can be categorized as “cosmetic” or “functional.” Cosmetic deformity of the nose results in a less ... taste , nose bleeds and/or recurrent sinusitis . A cosmetic or functional nasal deformity may occur secondary to ...

  9. Smart Polymers in Nasal Drug Delivery. (United States)

    Chonkar, Ankita; Nayak, Usha; Udupa, N


    Nasal drug delivery has now been recognized as a promising route for drug delivery due to its capability of transporting a drug to systemic circulation and central nervous system. Though nasal mucosa offers improved bioavailability and quick onset of action of the drug, main disadvantage associated with nasal drug delivery is mucocilliary clearance due to which drug particles get cleared from the nose before complete absorption through nasal mucosa. Therefore, mucoadhesive polymeric approach can be successfully used to enhance the retention of the drug on nasal mucosal surface. Here, some of the aspects of the stimuli responsive polymers have been discussed which possess liquid state at the room temperature and in response to nasal temperature, pH and ions present in mucous, can undergo in situ gelation in nasal cavity. In this review, several temperature responsive, pH responsive and ion responsive polymers used in nasal delivery, their gelling mechanisms have been discussed. Smart polymers not only able to enhance the retention of the drug in nasal cavity but also provide controlled release, ease of administration, enhanced permeation of the drug and protection of the drug from mucosal enzymes. Thus smart polymeric approach can be effectively used for nasal delivery of peptide drugs, central nervous system dugs and hormones.

  10. Risk factors for nasal malignancies in German men: the South-German Nasal cancer study. (United States)

    Greiser, Eberhard M; Greiser, Karin Halina; Ahrens, Wolfgang; Hagen, Rudolf; Lazszig, Roland; Maier, Heinz; Schick, Bernhard; Zenner, Hans Peter


    There are few studies of the effects of nasal snuff and environmental factors on the risk of nasal cancer. This study aimed to investigate the impact of using nasal snuff and of other risk factors on the risk of nasal cancer in German men. A population-based case-control study was conducted in the German Federal States of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Tumor registries and ear, nose and throat departments provided access to patients born in 1926 or later. Telephone interviews were conducted with 427 cases (mean age 62.1 years) and 2.401 population-based controls (mean age 60.8 years). Ever-use of nasal snuff was associated with an odds ratio (OR) for nasal cancer of 1.45 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.88-2.38) in the total study population, whereas OR in smokers was 2.01 (95% CI 1.00-4.02) and in never smokers was 1.10 (95% CI 0.43-2.80). The OR in ever-smokers vs. never-smokers was 1.60 (95% CI 1.24-2.07), with an OR of 1.06 (95% CI 1.05-1.07) per pack-year smoked, and the risk was significantly decreased after quitting smoking. Exposure to hardwood dust for at least 1 year resulted in an OR of 2.33 (95% CI 1.40-3.91) in the total population, which was further increased in never-smokers (OR 4.89, 95% CI 1.92-12.49) in analyses stratified by smoking status. The OR for nasal cancer after exposure to organic solvents for at least 1 year was 1.53 (1.17-2.01). Ever-use of nasal sprays/nasal lavage for at least 1 month rendered an OR of 1.59 (1.04-2.44). The OR after use of insecticides in homes was 1.48 (95% CI 1.04-2.11). Smoking and exposure to hardwood dust were confirmed as risk factors for nasal carcinoma. There is evidence that exposure to organic solvents, and in-house use of insecticides could represent novel risk factors. Exposure to asbestos and use of nasal snuff were risk factors in smokers only.

  11. Health risks associated with inhaled nasal toxicants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feron, VJ; Arts, JHE; Kuper, CF; Slootweg, PJ; Woutersen, RA


    Health risks of inhaled nasal toxicants were reviewed with emphasis on chemically induced nasal lesions in humans, sensory irritation, olfactory and trigeminal nerve toxicity, nasal immunopathology and carcinogenesis, nasal responses to chemical mixtures, in vitro models, and nasal dosimetry- and

  12. Nasal obstruction and human communication. (United States)

    Malinoff, R; Moreno, C


    Nasal obstruction may cause a variety of communication disorders, particularly in children. The effects of nasal obstruction on hearing, speech, language, and voice are examined. Methods for assessing the effects of nasal obstruction are delineated, and recommendations for therapeutic interventions are described.

  13. Nasal Delivery of High Molecular Weight Drugs

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    Erdal Cevher


    Full Text Available Nasal drug delivery may be used for either local or systemic effects. Low molecular weight drugs with are rapidly absorbed through nasal mucosa. The main reasons for this are the high permeability, fairly wide absorption area, porous and thin endothelial basement membrane of the nasal epithelium. Despite the many advantages of the nasal route, limitations such as the high molecular weight (HMW of drugs may impede drug absorption through the nasal mucosa. Recent studies have focused particularly on the nasal application of HMW therapeutic agents such as peptide-protein drugs and vaccines intended for systemic effects. Due to their hydrophilic structure, the nasal bioavailability of peptide and protein drugs is normally less than 1%. Besides their weak mucosal membrane permeability and enzymatic degradation in nasal mucosa, these drugs are rapidly cleared from the nasal cavity after administration because of mucociliary clearance. There are many approaches for increasing the residence time of drug formulations in the nasal cavity resulting in enhanced drug absorption. In this review article, nasal route and transport mechanisms across the nasal mucosa will be briefly presented. In the second part, current studies regarding the nasal application of macromolecular drugs and vaccines with nanoand micro-particulate carrier systems will be summarised.

  14. [Nasal septal abscess]. (United States)

    Barril, María F; Ferolla, Fausto M; José, Pablo; Echave, Cecilia; Tomezzoli, Silvana; Fiorini, Sandra; López, Eduardo Luis


    A nasal septal abscess (NA) is defined as a collection of pus between the cartilage or bony septum and its normally applied mucoperichondrium or mucoperiostium. It is an uncommon disease which should be suspected in a patient with acute onset of nasal obstruction and recent history of nasal trauma, periodontal infection or an inflammatory process of the rhinosinusal region. We report a case of an 8-year-old boy with bilateral NA caused by community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MR-CO) in order to emphasize the importance of prompt diagnosis and adequate treatment to prevent the potentially dangerous spread of infection and the development of severe functional and cosmetic sequelae.

  15. Cyanocobalamin Nasal Gel (United States)

    ... to supply extra vitamin B12 to people who need unusually large amounts of this vitamin because they are pregnant or have certain diseases. ... Cyanocobalamin nasal gel will supply you with enough vitamin B12 only as ... it regularly. You may need to use cyanocobalamin nasal gel every week for ...

  16. Nasal Glial Heterotopia with Cleft Palate. (United States)

    Chandna, Sudhir; Mehta, Milind A; Kulkarni, Abhishek Kishore


    Congenital midline nasal masses are rare anomalies of which nasal glial heterotopia represents an even rarer subset. We report a case of a 25-day-old male child with nasal glial heterotopia along with cleft palate suggesting embryonic fusion anomaly which was treated with excision and primary closure for nasal mass followed by palatal repair at later date.

  17. Measurement of secretion in nasal lavage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bisgaard, H; Krogsgaard, O W; Mygind, N


    1. The amount of admixture in nasal lavage fluids was determined by addition of 99mTc labelled albumin, providing a correction factor for measurements of cellular material and humoral substances in nasal lavage return as well as a quantitative measure of nasal secretions. 2. Albumin was chosen...... secretion to be carried out on the whole sample of lavage fluid, thereby avoiding the necessity of complete admixture between marker and lavage fluid which would be pertinent to marker molecules measured chemically. The radiation from a nasal lavage is minimal and the procedure is fully acceptable...... of the nose, yet not the oropharynx. 5. A dose related increase in nasal secretion harvested by the nasal lavage in 10 persons challenged with histamine chloride could be demonstrated by this technique. 6. It is concluded that the use of 99mTc-albumin in a nasal washing provides a safe, simple and quick...

  18. Objective measurements for grading the nasal esthetics on Basal view in individuals with secondary cleft nasal deformity. (United States)

    He, Xing; Li, Hua; Shao, Yan; Shi, Bing


    The purpose of this study is to ascertain objective nasal measurements from the basal view that are predictive of nasal esthetics in individuals with secondary cleft nasal deformity. Thirty-three patients who had undergone unilateral cleft lip repair were retrospectively reviewed in this study. The degree of nasal deformity was subjectively ranked by seven surgeons using standardized basal-view measurements. Nine physical objective parameters including angles and ratios were measured. Correlations and regressions between these objective and subjective measurements were then analyzed. There was high concordance in subjective measurements by different surgeons (Kendall's harmonious coefficient = W = .825, P = .006). The strongest predictive factors for nasal aesthetics were the ratio of length of nasal alar (r = .370, P = .034) and the degree of deviation of the columnar axis (r = .451, P = .008). The columellar angle had a more powerful effect in rating nasal esthetics. There was reliable concordance in subjective ranking of nasal esthetics by surgeons. Measurement of the columnar angle may serve as an independent, objective predictor of esthetics of the nose.

  19. Nasal glial heterotopia with cleft palate

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    Sudhir Chandna


    Full Text Available Congenital midline nasal masses are rare anomalies of which nasal glial heterotopia represents an even rarer subset. We report a case of a 25-day-old male child with nasal glial heterotopia along with cleft palate suggesting embryonic fusion anomaly which was treated with excision and primary closure for nasal mass followed by palatal repair at later date.

  20. Reação granulomatosa do tipo corpo estranho simulando tumor de parede torácica em cicatriz de toracotomia prévia

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    Full Text Available Paciente apresentando tumoração indolor, de crescimento lento, em local correspondente à cicatriz de toracotomia para correção de coarctação de aorta realizada 15 anos antes. Tomografia computadorizada de tórax mostrou lesões tumorais de contornos relativamente bem definidos e osteólise dos arcos costais adjacentes. Realizada ressecção e reconstrução de parede torácica. O anatomopatológico demonstrou reação de histiócitos granulares e reação granulomatosa de corpo estranho a material necro-hemorrágico. Este é um evento raro na prática médica, tendo-se realizado revisão da literatura pertinente.

  1. Hiperplasia nodular focal do fígado: apresentação de um caso e revisão da literatura Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver: a case report and review of the literature

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    Marise Silva Teixeira


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho apresentamos um caso de hiperplasia nodular focal que foi diagnosticado aos seis anos de idade e que está sendo acompanhado até o momento presente. Para o diagnóstico foram imprescindíveis as técnicas de imagem, tendo importância de realce a cintilografia hepatoesplênica e a tomografia computadorizada. Apresentamos, também, revisão da literatura sobre o assunto.In this case report we discuss a focal nodular hyperplasia diagnosed in a female, six-year old patient, as well as her follow-up from the diagnosis to the present time. Imaging techniques, particularly hepatosplenic scintigraphy and computed tomography, are essential for the diagnosis. Also, a literature review is presented.

  2. Nasal endotracheal intubation in a premature infant with a nasal encephalocele. (United States)

    Bannister, C M; Kashab, M; Dagestani, H; Placzek, M


    After a difficult nasal intubation a premature infant leaked cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from one nostril. After developing bacterial meningitis, the baby was referred for neurosurgical management of the CSF fistula. Transaxial computed tomograms demonstrated a nasal encephalocele, but coronal scans were needed to show the defect in the cribriform plate. Images PMID:8346963

  3. Measurement of secretion in nasal lavage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bisgaard, H; Krogsgaard, O W; Mygind, N


    1. The amount of admixture in nasal lavage fluids was determined by addition of 99mTc labelled albumin, providing a correction factor for measurements of cellular material and humoral substances in nasal lavage return as well as a quantitative measure of nasal secretions. 2. Albumin was chosen...... as marker molecule, since only negligible amounts were absorbed or adsorbed to the mucosa during the nasal lavage. 3. Labelling of the albumin with 99mTc ensured an accuracy of measurements only limited by the precision of the weighing. The isotope allowed for the determination of the amount of admixed...... of the nose, yet not the oropharynx. 5. A dose related increase in nasal secretion harvested by the nasal lavage in 10 persons challenged with histamine chloride could be demonstrated by this technique. 6. It is concluded that the use of 99mTc-albumin in a nasal washing provides a safe, simple and quick...

  4. Appraisal of transverse nasal groove: a study. (United States)

    Sathyanarayana, Belagola D; Basavaraj, Halevoor B; Nischal, Kuchangi C; Swaroop, Mukunda R; Umashankar, Puttagangu N; Agrawal, Dhruv P; Swamy, Suchetha S; Okram, Sarda


    Transverse nasal groove is a condition of cosmetic concern which awaits due recognition and has been widely described as a shallow groove that extends transversely over the dorsum of nose. However, we observed variations in the clinical presentations of this entity, hitherto undescribed in literature. We conducted a clinicoepidemiological study of transverse nasal lesions in patients attending our outpatient department. We conducted a prospective observational study. We screened all patients attending our out-patient department for presence of transverse nasal lesions, signs of any dermatosis and associated other skin conditions. One hundred patients were recruited in the study. Females (80%) predominated over males. Most patients were of 15-45 years age group (70%). Majority of the transverse nasal lesions were classical transverse nasal groove (39%) and others included transverse nasal line (28%), strip (28%), ridge (4%) and loop (1%). Seborrhoeic diathesis was the most common condition associated with transverse nasal lesion. Occurrence of transverse nasal line, strip, ridge and loop, in addition to classical transverse nasal groove implies that latter is actually a subset of transverse nasal lesions. Common association of this entity with seborrheic dermatitis, seborrhea and dandruff raises a possibility of whether transverse nasal lesion is a manifestation of seborrheic diathesis.

  5. Nasal budesonide offers superior symptom relief in perennial allergic rhinitis in comparison to nasal azelastine. (United States)

    Stern, M A; Wade, A G; Ridout, S M; Cambell, L M


    Allergic rhinitis is usually treated with oral antihistamines or nasal steroids. Topically active nasal antihistamine is a new treatment modality for allergic rhinitis. The efficacy in comparison to well established topical treatment alternatives is not fully known. To compare the efficacy of intranasally administered azelastine to budesonide, at their respectively recommended dosage, on the symptoms of perennial rhinitis patients. A placebo-controlled, randomized, parallel group study was conducted to compare the efficacy and tolerability of intranasal budesonide aqueous suspension (256 microg once daily) with azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray (280 microg twice daily (560 microg/day)) and with placebo in the treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis. The 195 patients (with at least a 2-year history of perennial allergic rhinitis) recorded individual nasal symptom scores, the degree of symptom control achieved and any adverse events experienced over a 2-week baseline period and a 6-week treatment period. Following treatment, the reductions in mean combined and individual nasal symptom scores from baseline values were significantly greater in the budesonide group compared with the placebo group (P < .0001 for all variables except runny nose P = .01). In patients treated with budesonide, there were also significantly larger reductions from baseline values in combined nasal symptom scores (P < .01) and in scores for all individual nasal symptoms (P < or = .05) compared with those treated with azelastine. The reductions from baseline in both combined and individual nasal symptom scores did not differ between azelastine and placebo. The study medications were well tolerated, producing no unexpected or serious treatment-related adverse events. A once-daily dose of 256 microg of intranasal budesonide aqueous suspension is significantly more effective at relieving the symptoms of perennial allergic rhinitis compared with a twice daily dose of 280 microg of azelastine

  6. Avaliação da anatomia de molares decíduos por meio de microtomografia computadorizada


    Ana Caroline Fumes


    O conhecimento prévio da anatomia interna e externa dos dentes decíduos é de fundamental importância para o sucesso do tratamento endodôntico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a morfologia das raízes e dos canais radiculares de molares decíduos superiores e inferiores, por meio de microtomografia computadorizada (micro-CT). Foram usados 40 molares decíduos, divididos em quatro grupos, sendo 10 primeiros molares inferiores, 10 segundos molares inferiores, 10 primeiros molares superio...

  7. Efeito do exercício físico sobre o volume nasal Effects of physical exercise in nasal volume

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    Marconi Teixeira Fonseca


    Full Text Available A variação da permeabilidade nasal tem sido demonstrada usando-se várias técnicas de exame. As estruturas nasais geram uma resistência que representa cerca de 50% da resistência respiratória total. O exercício físico é um dos fatores que pode causar um efeito vasoconstritor sobre a mucosa nasal. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o grau de mudança do volume nasal após exercício físico e o tempo de retorno aos níveis basais. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Dezenove indivíduos foram submetidos à realização de teste físico em bicicleta ergométrica. O volume nasal foi obtido através da rinometria acústica, realizada em repouso, após o fim do exercício físico, e nos minutos décimo e vigésimo de seu final. RESULTADOS: Os resultados rinométricos mostram um aumento estatisticamente significativo do volume nasal (p The nasal permeability has been demonstrated using several exams. Nasal structures produces a resistance to the nasal air flux that represents over 50% of the total respiratory resistance. Physical exercises is a factor that brings a vasoconstrictor effect over nasal mucosa. AINS: Evaluate the improvement degree of nasal volume after aerobic physical exercises and time to return to previous levels. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Nineteen heathly subjects were submitted to aerobic exercise in ergometric bike. The nasal volume was obtained by Acoustic Rhinometry perfomed in rest, after aerobic exercise, 10o and 20o minutes after the aerobic exercise. RESULTS: Rhynometrics results shows a statically and significant increase of nasal volume (p<0,001. The nasal volume, in twenty minutes, returns nearby the rest levels. CONCLUSIONS: Aerobic exercises, generally, increases the nasal volume. However, the increase of nasal volume was transitory, and occurs a major reduction of increase in the first ten minutes after the exercises ends, and perform a greater vasoconstrictor effect over nasal mucosa, Twenty minutes after the physical

  8. Adenoma pleomórfico de septo nasal: relato de caso Pleomorphic adenoma of the nasal septum: a case report

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    Mauren P. Rocha


    Full Text Available As neoplasias nasais são bastante raras. Os tumores mais observados na cavidade nasal são papilomas epiteliais, angiomas, carcinoma de células transicionais, carcinoma pavimentoso e adenocarcinoma. O adenoma pleomórfico pertence ao grupo de tumores que aparecem com menor freqüência na fossa nasal, e é o tumor benigno glandular mais comum originado na cabeça e pescoço. A apresentação clínica típica dos pacientes com adenoma pleomórfico do septo nasal é de obstrução nasal unilateral, epistaxe e massa indolor na cavidade nasal. Em vista da raridade da apresentação clínica do adenoma pleomórfico nesta localização, os autores descrevem um caso de adenoma pleomórfico nasal em um paciente do sexo masculino, com 69 anos de idade, onde relatam os achados clínicos, critérios diagnósticos, tratamento, prognóstico e revisão da literatura.Nasal tumours are very rare. The neoplasms most frequently seen in the nasal cavity are epithelial papillomas, angiomas, transitional cells carcinoma, pavement carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. The pleomorphic adenoma belongs to the group of tumours less commonly observed in the nasal cavity, and is the most common head and neck benign glandular tumour. The typical clinical presentation of the nasal pleomorphic adenoma is of unilateral nasal obstruction, epistaxis and a painless mass in the nasal cavity. The authors reported an adenoma pleomorphic case that highlights itself by its unusual nasal presentation in the nasal septum of a 45-year-old male patient who was submitted to surgical treatment, and discuss the clinical findings, diagnostic criteria, treatment, prognosis and literature review.

  9. Does Post Septoplasty Nasal Packing Reduce Complications?

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    Bijan Naghibzadeh


    Full Text Available The main issues in nasal surgery are to stabilize the nose in the good position after surgery and preserve the cartilages and bones in the favorable situation and reduce the risk of deviation recurrence. Also it is necessary to avoid the synechia formation, nasal valve narrowing, hematoma and bleeding. Due to the above mentioned problems and in order to solve and minimize them nasal packing, nasal splint and nasal mold have been advised. Patients for whom the nasal packing used may faced to some problems like naso-pulmonary reflex, intractable pain, sleep disorder, post operation infection and very dangerous complication like toxic shock syndrome. We have two groups of patients and three surgeons (one of the surgeons used post operative nasal packing in his patients and the two others surgeons did not.Complications and morbidities were compared in these two groups. Comparing the two groups showed that the rate of complication and morbidities between these two groups were same and the differences were not valuable, except the pain and discomfort post operatively and at the time of its removal. Nasal packing has several risks for the patients while its effects are not studied. Septoplasty can be safely performed without postoperative nasal packing. Nasal packing had no main findings that compensated its usage. Septal suture is one of the procedures that can be used as alternative method to nasal packing. Therefore the nasal packing after septoplasty should be reserved for the patients with increased risk of bleeding.

  10. Nasal morphological characteristics of the Serbian population

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    Jovanović J.


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the nasal parameters in the population of central Serbia and to compare them with those determined in earlier studies in different populations. The research was conducted on 496 randomly selected persons (262 males and 234 females, aged 18-65 years. The measured parameters were nasal height and nasal breadth and the standard spreading caliper with scale was used for measurements. There were significant differences in the nasal parameters between male and female subjects. The nasal breadth was 34.72 mm in females, and in the male population it was 36.7 mm. The mean values of nasal height were 52.6 mm and 54.32 mm in females and males, respectively. The nasal index in females and males was 66.01 and 67.56, respectively, and the mean value of the nasal index of all respondents was 66.78. After conducting the research it was concluded that the dominant nasal type in the population of the central part of Serbia is leptorrhine. The present study showed the existence of sexual dimorphism in nasal morphology. The data obtained in our study may be useful in anthropological and forensic research, as well as in cosmetic planning and reconstructive surgery.

  11. Estudo de caso de oferta induzindo a demanda: o caso da oferta de exames de imagem (tomografia axial computadorizada e ressonância magnética na Unimed-Manaus Case study of supply induced demand: the case of provision of imaging scans (computed tomography and magnetic resonance at Unimed-Manaus

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    Edson de Oliveira Andrade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar a experiência de uma operadora de plano de saúde (Unimed-Manaus na cidade de Manaus, Estado do Amazonas, com o credenciamento de serviços de imagem e a indução de demanda pela oferta dos novos serviços (Lei de Roemer. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter retrospectivo, com estudo de série temporal, abordando o período de janeiro de 1998 a junho de 2004, lapso de tempo em que ocorreu a implantação dos serviços de tomografia computadorizada e da ressonância magnética no âmbito dos serviços oferecidos por aquele plano de saúde. A análise estatística consistiu em uma parte descritiva e uma inferencial, sendo esta última utilizando teste paramétrico de média (teste t de Student e ANOVA e o teste de correlação de Pearson. Foi adotado um alfa de 5% e um intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: Foi possível identificar na Unimed-Manaus que a oferta de novos serviços de imagem foi capaz de, por si só, gerar um aumento da demanda do serviço caracterizando o fenômeno descrito por Roemer. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste trabalho ressaltam a necessidade de se estar atento ao fato de que a oferta de novos serviços no setor da saúde poderá acarretar, por si só, um aumento de sua utilização sem que haja uma demanda real.OBJECTIVE: To present the experience of a health plan operator (Unimed-Manaus in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, with the accreditation of imaging services and the demand induced by the supply of new services (Roemer's Law. METHODS: This is a retrospective work studying a time series covering the period from January 1998 to June 2004, in which the computed tomography and the magnetic resonance imaging services were implemented as part of the services offered by that health plan operator. Statistical analysis consisted of a descriptive and an inferential part, with the latter using a mean parametric test (Student T-test and ANOVA and the Pearson correlation test. A 5% alpha and a 95

  12. Presurgical Nasal Molding With a Nasal Spring in Patients With Mild-to-Moderate Nasal Deformity With Incomplete Unilateral Cleft Lip With or Without Cleft Palate. (United States)

    Peanchitlertkajorn, Supakit


    Traditional nasoalveolar molding (NAM) requires steep learning curve for clinicians and significant compliance from parents. Nasal springs have been developed by the author to simplify presurgical nasal molding. This article presents the design, construction, and application of the spring. The treatment goal is to improve nasal deformity prior to primary repair in infants born with incomplete unilateral cleft lip with or without cleft palate. The design, fabrication, and utility of the nasal spring are described. The spring has a simpler design and construction compared to a traditional NAM appliance. Two patients with incomplete unilateral cleft lip with and without cleft palate are presented. The spring is constructed and delivered. The active arm of the spring can be 3-dimensionally (3-D) adjusted to mold the alar cartilage of the affected nostril. The spring does not require an oral plate for adherence as a traditional NAM appliance does, hence an oral impression is not needed. The spring is easy for clinicians to adjust. It also requires less compliance by parents. Main Outcome Measures/Results: The presurgical molding achieved by the use of a nasal spring improved surgical nasolabial aesthetic outcomes. The nasal springs are effective in reducing the initial cleft nasal deformity. This facilitates primary surgical cleft lip and nose correction and improves surgical outcomes in patients with incomplete unilateral cleft lip with or without cleft palate.

  13. Nasal mass removal in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). (United States)

    Bercier, Marjorie; Wynne, Janna; Klause, Stephen; Stadler, Cynthia K; Gorow, April; Pye, Geoffrey W


    Nasal masses in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) are not uncommon and can be challenging to diagnose and treat. Differential diagnoses for nasal masses in the koala are cryptococcal granulomas, nasal polyps, nasal adenocarcinoma, and osteochondromatosis. This report describes successful surgical approaches for two adult koalas with nasal masses and includes photodocumentation and description of the anatomy of the koala nasal passages from the postmortem transverse sectioning of a normal koala head. Surgical removal of the nasal masses in these koalas resulted in a rapid resolution of clinical signs.

  14. Nasal septum extramedullary plasmacytoma

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    Belić Branislav


    Full Text Available Introduction. Plasmacytomas are malignant tumors characterized by abnormal monoclonal proliferation of plasma cells. They originate in either bone - solitary osseous plasmacytoma, or in soft tissue - extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP. EMP represents less than 1% of all head and neck malignancies. Case report. We presented a case of EMP of the nasal septum in a 44-year-old male who had progressive difficulty in breathing through the nose and frequent heavy epistaxis on the right side. Nasal endoscopy showed dark red, soft, polypoid tumor in the last third of the right nasal cavity arising from the nasal septum. The biopsy showed that it was plasmacytoma. Bence Jones protein in the urine, serum electrophoresis, bone marrow biopsy, skeletal survey and other screening tests failed to detect multiple myeloma. This confirmed the diagnosis of EMP. The mass was completely removed via an endoscopic approach, and then, 4 week later, radiotherapy was conducted with a radiation dose of 50 Gray. No recurrence was noted in a 3-year follow- up period. Conclusion. EMP of the nasal cavity, being rare and having long natural history, represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for any ear, nose and throat surgeon. Depending on the resectability of the lesion, a combined therapy is the accepted treatment.

  15. Nasal symptoms following endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery: assessment using the General Nasal Patient Inventory. (United States)

    Wang, Yi Yuen; Srirathan, Vinothan; Tirr, Erica; Kearney, Tara; Gnanalingham, Kanna K


    The endoscopic approach for pituitary tumors is a recent innovation and is said to reduce the nasal trauma associated with transnasal transsphenoidal surgery. The authors assessed the temporal changes in the rhinological symptoms following endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary lesions, using the General Nasal Patient Inventory (GNPI). The GNPI was administered to 88 consecutive patients undergoing endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery at 3 time points (presurgery, 3-6 months postsurgery, and at final follow-up). The total GNPI score and the scores for the individual GNPI questions were calculated and differences between groups were assessed once before surgery, several months after surgery, and at final follow-up. Of a maximum possible score of 135, the mean GNPI score at 3-6 months postsurgery was only 12.9 ± 12 and was not significantly different from the preoperative score (10.4 ± 13) or final follow-up score (10.3 ± 10). Patients with functioning tumors had higher GNPI scores than those with nonfunctioning tumors for each of these time points (p surgery, with partial recovery (nasal sores and bleeding) or complete recovery (nasal blockage, painful sinuses, and unpleasant nasal smell) by final follow-up (p transsphenoidal surgery is a well-tolerated minimally invasive procedure for pituitary fossa lesions. Overall patient-assessed nasal symptoms do not change, but some individual symptoms may show a mild worsening or overall improvement.

  16. The effect of nasalization on /a/ vowel formants before and after nasal consonant in 4-9-year old normal Persian speaking children

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    Kowsar Baghban


    Full Text Available Background and Aim : Nasalization of a vowel refers to the addition of nasal resonance to the vocal tract transfer function. Also, vowel nasalization occurs because of coarticulation. Coupling of the nasal resonating space to the oropharyngeal cavity alters the vocal tract formants in complex ways. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of nasalization on /a/ vowel formants in before and after nasal consonant.Methods: In current cross-sectional study, voice samples of 60 normal children ranging the age of four-nine years were investigated. Participants were asked to repeat / ʔ ama/ three times and vowel /a/ after presentation of an auditory model. Then, obtained samples were analyzed using Praat 5.3.13 . Average of F0, F1, F2 and F3 were calculated for /a/ comes before and after /m/ in production of / ʔ ama/ over three trials.Results: There were statistically significant differences of F1, F2 and F3 between / a/ which proceeds nasal consonant and /a/ follows nasal consonant , the before nasal consonant /a/ versus single /a/ and the after nasal consonant /a/ versus single /a/ (p=0.001 for all.Conclusion : F1, F2 and F3 in /a/ before nasal consonant affected by anticipatory nasal coarticulation and in /a/ after nasal consonant affected by carry-over nasal coarticulation . This study showed nasal coarticulation and nasalization result in decreasing F1, F2 and F3 in /a/ vowel.

  17. Nasal dermoid sinus cyst. (United States)

    Cauchois, R; Laccourreye, O; Bremond, D; Testud, R; Küffer, R; Monteil, J P


    Nasal dermoid sinus cyst is one of the diagnoses of midline nasal masses in children. This retrospective study analyzes the various theories regarding the origin of this congenital abnormality, the differential diagnosis, and the value of magnetic resonance imaging, as well as the various surgical options available.

  18. Sensitivity and specificity of hypopnoea detection using nasal pressure in the presence of a nasal expiratory resistive device (Provent®)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milne, Stephen; Amis, Terence C; Wheatley, John R; Kairaitis, Kristina


    Nasal expiratory resistive valves (Provent ® ) have been proposed as novel therapy for obstructive sleep apnea. We compared pressure measurements from a standard nasal pressure catheter used to assess nasal airflow during sleep with those from nasal expiratory resistive device with attached proprietary nasal pressure cannula. Nasal pressure cannula or Provent ® + proprietary nasal pressure cannula were attached to a bench model of human anterior nares and nasal passages, and pressure measured (P). Respiratory airflows generated by a subject breathing were applied to rear of model and airflow ( V-dot ) measured via pneumotachograph. Airflow amplitude (Δ V-dot ) was plotted against pressure amplitude (ΔP). Hypopnoea detection (<50% Δ V-dot ) sensitivity and specificity was tested by expressing ΔP in terms of two reference breaths: reference breath 1, Δ V-dot 0.55 L s −1  = 100%; and reference breath 2, Δ V-dot 0.45 L s −1  = 100%. ΔP/Δ V-dot relationships were linear for Δ V-dot  ≤ 0.55 L s −1 ; ΔP = 0.37ΔV + 0.16 (nasal pressure cannula), ΔP = 2.7ΔV + 0.12 (Provent ® + proprietary nasal pressure cannula); both R 2  > 0.65, p < 0.0001; p < 0.0001 for between slope difference). For nasal pressure cannula, specificity of hypopnoea detection differed between reference breaths one and two (80.2% and 40.0%, respectively), and Provent ® + proprietary nasal pressure cannula (30.3% and 74.2%, respectively). Quantification of airflow obstruction in the presence of Provent ® + proprietary nasal pressure cannula is greatly influenced by the reference breath chosen to determine a reduction in nasal airflow. Reported variability in therapeutic response to nasal expiratory resistive devices may relate to differences in measurement technique specificity used to quantify the severity of sleep disordered breathing. (paper)

  19. Distilled water nasal provocation in hyperreactive patients. (United States)

    Baudoin, T; Anzic, S A; Kalogjera, L


    Nonisotonic aerosol may act as a provocation agent in the upper and lower airways of hyperreactive individuals. The purpose of the study was to compare the results of nasal challenge with distilled water in patients with allergic rhinitis to those with noninfective nonallergic rhinitis (NINAR), with respect to the potential clinical use of the obtained data. A group of 68 ambulatory patients with allergic rhinitis or NINAR (39 perennial allergic, 6 seasonal, 23 NINAR) were challenged with 10 mL of distilled water aerosol after the baseline active anterior rhinomanometry. Patients with nasal polyposis at endoscopy, significant unilateral septal deviation, positive bacteriologic swab, recent nasal surgery, and uncertain anamnestic data about the medication taken 6 weeks before the provocation were excluded from the study. After 10 minutes of nasal provocation, rhinomanometry was repeated to assess the response. In 15 patients of the perennial allergic group, the same measurements were performed after a 2-week oral antihistamine and topical steroid therapy. Nasal resistance was significantly increased on the more patent side of the nose after nasal provocation with distilled water aerosol in allergic patients in comparison to the nasal resistance before provocation. In the patients with NINAR, the provocation resulted in a significant rise on the more patent side, but the total nasal airway resistance (NAR) levels were also significantly increased. The systemic antihistamine and topical steroid 2-week therapy in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis significantly reduced the response to nasal distilled water provocation. Nasal provocation with distilled water aerosol is a cheap, simple, and acceptable method that provides useful clinical data on the level of nonspecific nasal hyperreactivity and the therapy success.

  20. Relevance of histamine and tryptase concentrations in nasal secretions after nasal challenges with phosphate buffered saline and allergen

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    D. Wang


    Full Text Available In this prospective study, a quantitative determination of histamine and tryptase in nasal secretions after nasal phosphate buffered saline (PBS and allergen challenge was performed in 18 atopic patients who were compared with ten non-allergic healthy volunteers. The aim of the study was to determine the normal and pathological concentrations of these important mediators in nasal secretions. The second objective was to test the relevance of these two mast cell secreted mediators after nasal challenge. Results showed that the concentrations of tryptase in almost all samples were under the minimal detection limit (< 0.5 μU/g and only a sigrtificant increase of tryptase (median, 28 μU/g occurred immediately after nasal allergen challenge in the patient group. Histamine concentration significantly increased after every nasal PBS challenge (median, 69 ng/g after first PBS challenge and 165 ng/g after second PBS challenge in the control group, as well as in the patient group after both PBS (median, 69 ng/g and allergen (median, 214 ng/g challenge. On the other hand, a rapid onset of sneezing and increase in nasal airway resistance was experienced only in the patient group after nasal allergen challenge, but did not occur after PBS challenge even though the histamine concentrations significantly increased in both groups. This study suggests that tryptase is a more preferable marker than histamine in quantitative monitoring of mast cell activation especially during the early phase nasal allergic reaction.

  1. Broca's aphemia: an illustrated account of its clinico-anatomic validity Afemia de Broca: um relato ilustrado sobre sua validade anátomo-clínica

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    Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To present the case of a 54-year-old man with loss of speech, but with preservation of voluntary facio-lingual motility, language and other cognitive abilities (Broca's aphemia. METHOD: Observation of patient oral communicative abilities and general behavior, neuropsychological assessment and cranial computed tomography. RESULTS: Computed tomography showed a hyperdense lesion in the subcortex of the left precentral gyrus corresponding to Brodmann's area 6 and 44. Neuropsychological assessment confirmed that the major cognitive domains were intact. CONCLUSION: Our patient reiterates the validity of Broca's aphemia as a clinico-anatomic entity allowing us to portray it for the first time in pictures. From a neurobehavioral perspective, aphemia is related to apraxia rather than to aphasia, a fact that may have hampered the full grasp of its far-reaching implications for neurology and aphasiology.OBJETIVO: Apresentar o caso de um paciente de 54 anos de idade com perda da fala, mas preservação da linguagem, das demais capacidades cognitivas, e da motilidade fácio-lingual voluntária (afemia de Broca. MÉTODO: Observação da capacidade de comunicação oral e do comportamento geral, exame neuropsicológico e tomografia computadorizada do crânio. RESULTADOS: A tomografia computadorizada revelou lesão hiperdensa no subcórtex do giro precentral esquerdo correspondendo às áreas 6 e 44 de Brodmann. O exame neuropsicológico confirmou que os principais domínios cognitivos se encontravam intactos. CONCLUSÃO: Nosso paciente reiterou a validade da afemia de Broca como entidade anátomo-clínico permitindo documentá-la em fotos pela primeira vez. Da perspectiva neurocomportamental, a afemia está vinculada às apraxias e não às afasias, o que pode ter prejudicado a apreensão plena do seu profundo significado para a neurologia e para a afasiologia.

  2. Aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais em ovinos submetidos a dietas com níveis elevados de enxofre com objetivo de indução de polioencefalomalácia

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    Diego J.Z. Delfiol


    Full Text Available A polioencefalomalacia (PEM é uma doença neurológica que acomete ruminantes e pode ser desencadeada por diversos fatores, dentre eles o consumo excessivo de enxofre. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a relação entre dietas ricas em enxofre, altos níveis de gás sulfídrico ruminal e a ocorrência de polioencefalomalácia em ovinos. Foram utilizados 18 ovinos, divididos em três grupos (G1, G2 e G3 que receberam diferentes níveis de enxofre na dieta; 0,2%, 0,9% e 1,2%, respectivamente. Exames físicos (frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória, temperatura retal e motricidade ruminal e complementares (concentração de sulfeto de hidrogênio ruminal, hemogasometria venosa, pH do fluído ruminal, concentração de cobre sérico e hepático, tomografia computadorizada, necropsia e histopatologia foram realizados. A temperatura retal, a hemogasometria venosa e o pH do fluido ruminal permaneceram dentro dos valores de referência para a espécie. A motricidade ruminal estava diminuída nos grupos G2 e G3 em comparação com o G1 (controle. Quanto maior a ingestão de enxofre, menores foram os níveis de cobre sérico e hepático. Valores elevados de sulfeto de hidrogênio ruminal foram detectados nos grupos G2 e G3. Nenhum animal apresentou sinais clínicos de PEM. Nos exames de tomografia computadorizada, necropsia e exame histopatológico do sistema nervoso central (SNC, não foram observadas alterações compatíveis com PEM. É provável que algum outro fator esteja associado ao excesso de enxofre na dieta para o desenvolvimento de PEM em ovinos.

  3. Quality index on computed tomography; Índice da qualidade em tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Travassos, P.C.B.; Magalhães, L.A.G., E-mail: [Instituto de Radioproteção e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Peixoto, J.G.P. [Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (LCR/UERJ), RJ (Brazil)


    Quality analysis was carried out from Indicators divided into 3 sectors: Regulation and Management; Equipment; Image Quality and Dosimetry. Values were assigned for each indicator according to the degree of compliance with the specifications, and were used to calculate the Index. The model was applied in 110 institutions of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and the results were distributed into 5 ranges of values. About 40% of the institutions received grades belonging to the two highest ranges of values. There was no significant difference between the results of old scanners compared to the younger ones. (author)

  4. Primary nasal tuberculosis following blunt trauma nose

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    Kaushik Saha


    Full Text Available Primary nasal tuberculosis is a rare disease with nearly 40 cases reported. Our patient was a young male presented with left sided nasal obstruction, anosmia and occasional epistaxis for last 7 weeks after 6 months of blunt trauma nose. Contrast enhanced computed tomography of the para nasal sinuses showed increased soft-tissue density with contrast enhancement in the left maxillary antrum with extension through left osteomeatal foramen to the left nasal cavity along with further extension through choana to nasopharynx resulting in partial obliteration of the nasopharyngeal airway. Nasal endoscopy revealed a sessile polypoidal pinkish mass arising from the left osteomeatal foramen. Histopathological examination of excisional biopsy of that area showed caseating granuloma. Our patient diagnosed as primary nasal tuberculosis following trauma and treated with anti-tubercular chemotherapy.

  5. Xantelasma: relato de um caso Eyelid xanthelasma: a case report

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    André Henrique Miranda


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam um caso raro em paciente do sexo masculino, de 71 anos de idade, com história de surgimento de "carocinho" na pálpebra superior direita há nove anos, que teve aumento importante há um ano. A tomografia computadorizada evidenciou espessamento da musculatura do reto lateral e de partes moles adjacentes. O diagnóstico pela biópsia foi de xantelasma.The authors report a rare case of a 71-year-old male patient with a 9-year history of appearance of a "little node" in the right superior eyelid, which increased significantly in size in the last year. Computed tomography showed thickening of the lateral rectus muscle and adjacent soft tissues. The diagnosis after biopsy was xanthelasma.

  6. Avaliação pulmonar em crianças portadoras de cardiopatia congênita acianótica e hiperfluxo pulmonar através de tomografia computadorizada Evaluación pulmonar en niños portadores de cardiopatía congénita acianótica e hiperflujo pulmonar a través de tomografía computadorizada Computed tomography in pulmonary evaluation of children with acyanotic congenital heart defect and pulmonary hyperflow

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    Solange Gimenez


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Disfunção respiratória é frequente em crianças com cardiopatias congênitas acianóticas com hiperfluxo pulmonar (CCAHP, porém pouco é conhecido sobre a estrutura pulmonar destes pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar os volumes de gás e tecido e a distribuição da aeração pulmonar nesta população. MÉTODOS: Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética institucional e obtenção do consentimento escrito pós-informado, foram obtidas tomografias computadorizadas torácicas em sete crianças com CCAHF. As imagens pulmonares direita e esquerda foram contornadas em todas as imagens e os volumes e pesos pulmonares foram computados a partir dos dados volumétricos. As comparações entre esquerda e direita foram analisadas usando teste t de Student pareado e as correlações através de regressão exponencial. RESULTADOS: A idade mediana foi 20 meses e o peso foi de 9,9 kg. Volume pulmonar total (VPT foi de 66,7 ± 23,1, o de tecido 33,5 ± 15,7 e o de gás 33,1 ± 8,3 O pulmão direito representou 57,9% e o pulmão esquerdo 42,1% do VPT (p JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La disfunción respiratoria es frecuente en niños con cardiopatías congénitas acianóticas con hiperflujo pulmonar (CCAHP, sin embargo, se conoce muy poco sobre la estructura pulmonar de esos pacientes. El objetivo de este estudio, fue cuantificar los volúmenes de gas y tejido y la distribución de la aeración pulmonar en esa población. MÉTODOS: Después de la aprobación por parte del Comité de Ética Institucional y de la obtención del consentimiento escrito informado, se obtuvieron tomografías computadorizadas torácicas en siete niños con CCAHF. Las imágenes pulmonares derecha e izquierda fueron perfiladas en todas las imágenes, y los volúmenes y los pesos pulmonares fueron computados a partir de los datos volumétricos. Las comparaciones entre izquierda y derecha fueron analizadas usando el test t de

  7. Achados tomográficos das alterações abdominais pós-operatórias dos pacientes submetidos ao derivação gastrojejunal em Y-de-Roux sem anel

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    Fernanda Marcondes Ribas

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar por exame de tomografia computadorizada de pacientes submetidos à derivação gastrojejunal em Y-de-Roux, sem anel, para tratamento de obesidade mórbida. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 40 pacientes, encaminhados ao serviço de tomografia do Hospital Universitário Evangélico de Curitiba para avaliação diagnóstica. Encontravam-se em pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica tendo sido operados no mesmo hospital. Foram incluídos pacientes submetidos à operação laparoscópica com sintomas que necessitavam de avaliação tomográfica diagnóstica. Excluíram-se pacientes que tinham sido submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica por outras técnicas cirúrgicas; que tinham sido operados por outra equipe; que não concordassem com a administração de contraste iodado por via oral ou endovenosa; e que excediam o limite de peso da mesa de exame. Para análise estatística utilizou-se a média das variáveis. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes apresentaram-se com idade entre 23 a 70 anos e eram 11 homens e 29 mulheres. Não houve alterações extra-abdominais detectáveis pela tomografia de abdômen total; dos 40 pacientes avaliados, 30 apresentavam achados tomográficos dentro do limite da normalidade. A presença de estenose na anastomose gastrojejunal foi encontrada em um paciente; hérnia interna ocorreu em cinco; fístula anastomótica em um e abcesso em três dos pacientes estudados. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia de abdome total não conseguiu informar a causa dos sintomas dos pacientes operados em 87,5% dos pacientes que procuraram re-avaliação médica por sintomas pós-operatórios da cirurgia bariátrica.

  8. Nasal Drug Delivery in Traditional Persian Medicine (United States)

    Zarshenas, Mohammad Mehdi; Zargaran, Arman; Müller, Johannes; Mohagheghzadeh, Abdolali


    Background Over one hundred different pharmaceutical dosage forms have been recorded in literatures of Traditional Persian Medicine among which nasal forms are considerable. Objectives This study designed to derive the most often applied nasal dosage forms together with those brief clinical administrations. Materials and Methods In the current study remaining pharmaceutical manuscripts of Persia during 9th to 18th century AD have been studied and different dosage forms related to nasal application of herbal medicines and their therapeutic effects were derived. Results By searching through pharmaceutical manuscripts of medieval Persia, different nasal dosage forms involving eleven types related to three main groups are found. These types could be derived from powder, solution or liquid and gaseous forms. Gaseous form were classified into fumigation (Bakhoor), vapor bath (Enkebab), inhalation (Lakhlakheh), aroma agents (Ghalieh) and olfaction or smell (Shomoom). Nasal solutions were as drops (Ghatoor), nasal snuffing drops (Saoot) and liquid snuff formulations (Noshoogh). Powders were as nasal insufflation or snorting agents (Nofookh) and errhine or sternutator medicine (Otoos). Nasal forms were not applied only for local purposes. Rather systemic disorders and specially CNS complications were said to be a target for these dosage forms. Discussion While this novel type of drug delivery is known as a suitable substitute for oral and parenteral administration, it was well accepted and extensively mentioned in Persian medical and pharmaceutical manuscripts and other traditional systems of medicine as well. Accordingly, medieval pharmaceutical standpoints on nasal dosage forms could still be an interesting subject of study. Therefore, the current work can briefly show the pharmaceutical knowledge on nasal formulations in medieval Persia and clarify a part of history of traditional Persian pharmacy. PMID:24624204

  9. Spectral features of nasals in Standard Latvian

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    Jana Taperte


    Full Text Available In the article, the acoustic features of nasals in Standard Latvian are investigated. The aim of the study is to examine whether some of the spectral properties of nasal murmur (namely anti-formant frequency, as well as frequency and bandwidth of the first nasal formant can be considered as efficient cues for distinguishing between nasal places of articulation.Speech recordings from 10 native speakers of Standard Latvian, five male and five female, aged 19–39, without any disorders or dialectal traces in their pronunciation, were used for the analysis. Prevocalic nasals [m; n; ɲ] were analyzed in isolated CVC syllables, where C is one of the nasals and V is one of the vowels [i(ː; e(ː; æ(ː; ɑ(ː; ɔ(ː; u(ː]. The velar [ŋ] — the allophone of the phoneme /n/ — was recorded in postvocalic position in [k]V[ŋks] structure units. 1260 items were analyzed in total.According to the results, the nasals of Standard Latvian can be distinguished by anti-formant frequencies rather efficiently, and the results generally agree with those obtained in previous research of Latvian as well as data reported for other languages. The frequencies and the bandwidths of the first nasal formant are less informative regarding nasal place of articulation and can be used only for distinguishing between [ŋ] and [m; n; ɲ]. Conducting perception tests to assess the auditory relevance of these acoustic features is necessary.

  10. Nasal Septum Perforation due to Methamphetamine abuse

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    Mehdi Bakhshaee


    Full Text Available Introduction: Spontaneous Perforation of the nasal septum is an uncommon condition. Nasal inhalation of substances such as cocaine has long been linked to this Perforation. Case Report: This report describes the case of a 46-year-old woman who was addicted to methamphetamine and who presented with perforation of the nasal septum.This is the first reported case of nasal septal necrosis linked to nasal inhalation of methamphetamine. Conclusions: Patient history and assurance regardingillegal drug consumption and abuse is a key point for fast and accurate diagnosis. The pathophysiology of drug-induced sinunasal disease and a review of the literature are also presented.

  11. Nasal birth trauma: a review of appropriate treatment.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cashman, E C


    The aetiology of nasal deformity has frequently included birth trauma. There is no consensus in the literature as to whether nasal surgery, in the form of closed reduction, is indicated in neonates. The majority of studies in the literature that advocate intervention have inadequate followup periods and there is a paucity of evidence for the adverse effects of conservative management. This case highlights the therapeutic dilemma posed by such nasal injuries in the neonate and, to the best of the authors\\' knowledge, at the time of writing, represents the earliest reported case in the literature of nasal deformity in the neonate. The term nasal deformity is used to denote deformity of the nasal pyramid, soft tissue, and septum. Three main aspects of neonatal nasal deformity are addressed including, firstly, if nasal deformity at birth needs to be addressed, secondly, if left unaltered, what the long-term effects are and, finally, if intervention alters the normal course of midfacial development.



    Abdelmonem Awad Hegazy


    Background: The nasal index determination is one of the most commonly used anthropometric parameters in classifying human races. There are few reports in medical literature concerning nasal index that specifically address particular Egyptian populations. The objective of this study was to determine the normal parameters of external nose (width, height and nasal index) in Egyptians. Methods: The study was conducted randomly on healthy Egyptian subjects of both sexes. Nasal height and width ...

  13. Avaliação da aeração nasal pré e pós a realização de manobras de massagem e limpeza nasal Evaluation of nasal aeration before and after the accomplishment of massage and nasal cleanness

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    Fabíola Maria Gomes de Melo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: identificar a modificação da aeração nasal após a realização de manobras de massagem e limpeza nasal. MÉTODOS: vinte crianças na faixa etária de quatro a onze anos com diagnóstico de rinite alérgica foram submetidas à avaliação da aeração nasal com o auxílio do espelho milimetrado de Altmann. Inicialmente houve a marcação do ar expirado na placa metálica, posteriormente foram realizadas manobras de massagem e limpeza nasal para retirada da secreção, havendo uma nova marcação para a comparação dos resultados. Foi aplicado o teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov para observar a suposição de normalidade dos dados e o teste t-student para amostras pareadas, sendo todas as conclusões tomadas ao nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: pode-se observar que as médias obtidas da quantificação da aeração nasal após as manipulações e limpeza na região foram significativas pPURPOSE: to identify the modification of nasal aeration after the accomplishment of maneuvers of massage and nasal cleanness. METHODS: twenty children aging from four to eleven years with diagnosis of allergic rhinitis have been submitted to evaluation of nasal aeration with the Altmann's milimetric mirror. Initially, we was marked the air exhaled on the metallic plate, afterwards we made a massage and nasal cleanness for removing of the secretion, having a new benchmark to compare the results. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to test the assumption of normality for the data and t-student test for paired samples. All conclusions were taken under 5% significance. RESULTS: it was observed that the obtained averages of the nasal aeration after the manipulations and cleanness in the region were significant: p<0,001. CONCLUSION: from the results obtained in this research it was possible to observe a significant increase in the nasal aeration after the massage and nasal cleanness.

  14. Chondrosarcoma of the nasal septum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Seiji; Motoori, Ken; Ueda, Takuya; Osaka, Iwao; Takano, Hideyuki; Nagata, Hiroshi


    The nasal septum is a particularly rare site of origin of chondrosarcoma. Cranial base invasion may be at hand, with such lesions making complete tumor removal difficult. MRI techniques allow precise definition of tumor extent. In the described case, CT and Dynamic MR imaging were performed in a case of chondrosarcoma of the nasal septum. Imaging clearly illustrated size and extent of the mass with central regions of internal calcification. Dynamic MRI was additionally performed, which helped to define the presumed origin of the lesion from the nasal septum. (orig.)


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    Consuelo de Paiva Godinho COSTA


    Full Text Available We propose to make a brief review on nasalization phenomena studies in Portuguese, aiming the phonological process of nasal harmonization that occurs in the variety of Brazilian Portuguese spoken in Vitória da Conquista-BA and region, a phenomenon hitherto not described for any Portuguese dialect. To do so, we consider as fundamental, D’Angelis (2002 analysis, which incorporates relevant concepts presented by Trubetzkoy, from the Prague School, and some points of Camara Jr. propose. We also propose to update the discussion with the approaches along the lines of auto segmental phonology, incorporating some insights of Piggott (1992, discussing with other analyzes for nasalization phenomena in other languages, especially Guarani (language of Tupi-Guarani Linguistic Family, as proposed by Costa (2010, which deals with the phonological processes involving nasality and nasal harmony in Brazilian indigenous languages , in order to verify if the researches on nasality phenomena in other languages can shed some light on the processes that occur in Portuguese.

  16. Regional deposition of mometasone furoate nasal spray suspension in humans. (United States)

    Shah, Samir A; Berger, Robert L; McDermott, John; Gupta, Pranav; Monteith, David; Connor, Alyson; Lin, Wu


    Nasal deposition studies can demonstrate whether nasal sprays treating allergic rhinitis and polyposis reach the ciliated posterior nasal cavity, where turbinate inflammation and other pathology occurs. However, quantifying nasal deposition is challenging, because in vitro tests do not correlate to human nasal deposition; gamma scintigraphy studies are thus used. For valid data, the radiolabel must distribute, as the drug, into different-sized droplets, remain associated with the drug in the formulation after administration, and not alter its deposition. Some nasal deposition studies have demonstrated this using homogenous solutions. However, most commercial nasal sprays are heterogeneous suspensions. Using mometasone furoate nasal suspension (MFS), we developed a technique to validate radiolabel deposition as a surrogate for nasal cavity drug deposition and characterized regional deposition and nasal clearance in humans. Mometasone furoate (MF) formulation was spiked with diethylene triamine pentacaetic acid. Both unlabeled and radiolabeled formulations (n = 3) were sprayed into a regionally divided nasal cast. Drug deposition was quantified by high pressure liquid chromatography within each region; radiolabel deposition was determined by gamma camera. Healthy subjects (n = 12) were dosed and imaged for six hours. Scintigraphic images were coregistered with magnetic resonance imaging scans to quantify anterior and posterior nasal cavity deposition and mucociliary clearance. The ratio of radiolabel to unlabeled drug was 1.05 in the nasal cast and regionally appeared to match, indicating that in vivo radiolabel deposition could represent drug deposition. In humans, MFS delivered 86% (9.2) of metered dose to the nasal cavity, approximately 60% (9.1) of metered dose to the posterior nasal cavity. After 15 minutes, mucociliary clearance removed 59% of the initial radiolabel in the nasal cavity, consistent with clearance rates from the ciliated posterior surface. MFS

  17. Nasal Chondromesenchymal Hamartoma in a Child

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finitsis, Stefanos; Giavroglou, Constantinos; Potsi, Stamatia; Constantinidis, Ioannis; Mpaltatzidis, Angelos; Rachovitsas, Dimitrios; Tzioufa, Valentini


    Nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma (NCMH) is a benign tumor that was described in 1998. The occurrence of this lesion in the nasal cavity of infants and children is especially rare, with only 21 cases reported in the international literature. We report a 12-month-old boy with respiratory distress due to nasal obstruction. Computed tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging examination demonstrated a soft-tissue mass obstructing the left nasal cavity. Digital subtraction angiography and preoperative superselective embolization with microparticles were also performed. The tumor was completely resected surgically. Histopathology and immunohistochemical analyses of the tumor disclosed a NCMH. The imaging characteristics of the tumor are described and the radiology literature is reviewed.

  18. Nasal obstruction and smell impairment in nasal polyp disease: correlation between objective and subjective parameters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hox, V.; Bobic, S.; Callebaux, I.; Jorissen, M.; Hellings, P. W.


    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (NP) represents an invalidating disorder that causes mainly nasal blockage and loss of smell. The aim of this study is to investigate correlations between individual subjective and objective parameters of stable NP disease. 65 NP patients scored their

  19. Reprodutibilidade das mensurações da espessura das tábuas ósseas na tomografia computadorizada Cone-Beam utilizando diferentes protocolos de aquisição de imagem Reproducibility of bone plate thickness measurements with Cone-Beam Computed Tomography using different image acquisition protocols

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    Carolina Carmo de Menezes


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: quanto menor a dimensão do voxel, maior a nitidez da imagem de tomografia computadorizada Cone-Beam (TCCB, porém, maior a dose de radiação emitida. OBJETIVOS: avaliar e comparar a reprodutibilidade da mensuração da espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual em imagens de TCCB, utilizando diferentes protocolos de aquisição de imagem com variação da dimensão do voxel. MÉTODOS: exames de TCCB foram tomados de 12 mandíbulas humanas secas, com dimensão do voxel de 0,2; 0,3 e 0,4mm, no aparelho i-CAT Cone-Beam 3-D Dental Imaging System. No software i-CAT Viewer, foi mensurada a espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual, em um corte axial passando 12mm acima do forame mentoniano do lado direito. A reprodutibilidade intraexaminador foi avaliada por meio da aplicação do teste t pareado. Para a comparação interexaminadores, foi utilizado o teste t independente. Os resultados foram considerados com o nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: observou-se uma excelente reprodutibilidade interexaminadores para os três protocolos avaliados. A reprodutibilidade intraexaminadores foi muito boa, com exceção de algumas regiões dos dentes anteriores, que mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas, independentemente da dimensão do voxel. CONCLUSÃO: a mensuração da espessura das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual em imagens de TCCB mostrou boa precisão para exames obtidos com voxel de 0,2; 0,3 ou 0,4mm. A reprodutibilidade das mensurações na região anterior da mandíbula foi mais crítica do que na região posterior.INTRODUCTION: A smaller voxel dimension leads to greater resolution of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT, but a greater dosage of radiation is emitted. OBJECTIVE: Assess and compare the reproducibility of buccal and lingual bone plate thickness measurements in CBCT images using different image acquisition protocols, with variations in the voxel dimension. METHODS: CBCT exams

  20. Characterization of deposition from nasal spray devices using a computational fluid dynamics model of the human nasal passages. (United States)

    Kimbell, Julia S; Segal, Rebecca A; Asgharian, Bahman; Wong, Brian A; Schroeter, Jeffry D; Southall, Jeremy P; Dickens, Colin J; Brace, Geoff; Miller, Frederick J


    Many studies suggest limited effectiveness of spray devices for nasal drug delivery due primarily to high deposition and clearance at the front of the nose. Here, nasal spray behavior was studied using experimental measurements and a computational fluid dynamics model of the human nasal passages constructed from magnetic resonance imaging scans of a healthy adult male. Eighteen commercially available nasal sprays were analyzed for spray characteristics using laser diffraction, high-speed video, and high-speed spark photography. Steadystate, inspiratory airflow (15 L/min) and particle transport were simulated under measured spray conditions. Simulated deposition efficiency and spray behavior were consistent with previous experimental studies, two of which used nasal replica molds based on this nasal geometry. Deposition fractions (numbers of deposited particles divided by the number released) of 20- and 50-microm particles exceeded 90% in the anterior part of the nose for most simulated conditions. Predicted particle penetration past the nasal valve improved when (1) the smaller of two particle sizes or the lower of two spray velocities was used, (2) the simulated nozzle was positioned 1.0 rather than 0.5 or 1.5 cm into the nostril, and (3) inspiratory airflow was present rather than absent. Simulations also predicted that delaying the appearance of normal inspiratory airflow more than 1 sec after the release of particles produced results equivalent to cases in which no inspiratory airflow was present. These predictions contribute to more effective design of drug delivery devices through a better understanding of the effects of nasal airflow and spray characteristics on particle transport in the nose.

  1. Immunophenotype Heterogeneity in Nasal Glomangiopericytoma

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    Adriana Handra-Luca


    Full Text Available Nasal glomangiopericytoma is rare. The immunophenotype is heterogeneous, more frequently smooth-muscle-actin and CD34-positive. We report expression patterns for several vascular-related proteins such as CD99, CD146, Bcl2, and WT1 as well as for treatment-related proteins such as mTOR and EGFR in a nasal glomangiopericytoma. The patient (woman, 86 years presented with a left nasal tumefaction. The resected specimen (1.5-cm showed a glomangiopericytoma. Tumor cells expressed smooth-muscle-actin, CD31, CD34, and progesterone receptor. They also expressed the vascular-cell-related proteins Bcl2, CD99, CD146, and WT1, as well as mTOR and EGFR. Nasal glomangiopericytomas show immunohistochemical heterogeneity for vascular-related markers, suggesting a possible extensive pericytic differentiation. The expression of potential targets for drug treatments such as mTOR and EGFR may impact on the clinical follow-up of these tumors occurring at advanced ages, which may require complex surgery.

  2. Evaluation of the nasal shape after orthognathic surgery. (United States)

    Dantas, Wagner Ranier Maciel; Silveira, Márcia Maria Fonseca da; Vasconcelos, Belmiro Cavalcanti do Egito; Porto, Gabriela Granja


    Patients with dentofacial deformities may benefit from orthognathic surgery in the maxilla. Maxillary osteotomy may include procedures in the bone, cartilaginous, and soft tissues of the nose, leading to shape alterations. To evaluate the anatomic alterations of the nasal region in patients undergoing a Le Fort I osteotomy for advancement or superior impaction. This is a clinical prospective study. Twenty-one patients were evaluated during the pre- and postoperative periods. The positioning of the nasal tip and the modification of the nasal base were evaluated. The results showed that the nasal tip was superiorly positioned in 85% of the cases, advanced in 80%, rotated in 80%, and there was a wide nasal base in 95%, resulting in esthetic improvement. Surgeries of maxillary advancement and superior reposition tend to cause elevation and advancement of the nasal tip, as well as enlargement of the nasal base. Copyright © 2014 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  3. Bilateral cleft lip nasal deformity

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    Singh Arun


    Full Text Available Bilateral cleft lip nose deformity is a multi-factorial and complex deformity which tends to aggravate with growth of the child, if not attended surgically. The goals of primary bilateral cleft lip nose surgery are, closure of the nasal floor and sill, lengthening of the columella, repositioning of the alar base, achieving nasal tip projection, repositioning of the lower lateral cartilages, and reorienting the nares from horizontal to oblique position. The multiplicity of procedures in the literature for correction of this deformity alludes to the fact that no single procedure is entirely effective. The timing for surgical intervention and its extent varies considerably. Early surgery on cartilage may adversely affect growth and development; at the same time, allowing the cartilage to grow in an abnormal position and contributing to aggravation of deformity. Some surgeons advocate correction of deformity at an early age. However, others like the cartilages to grow and mature before going in for surgery. With peer pressure also becoming an important consideration during the teens, the current trend is towards early intervention. There is no unanimity in the extent of nasal dissection to be done at the time of primary lip repair. While many perform limited nasal dissection for the fear of growth retardation, others opt for full cartilage correction at the time of primary surgery itself. The value of naso-alveolar moulding (NAM too is not universally accepted and has now more opponents than proponents. Also most centres in the developing world have neither the personnel nor the facilities for the same. The secondary cleft nasal deformity is variable and is affected by the extent of the original abnormality, any prior surgeries performed and alteration due to nasal growth. This article reviews the currently popular methods for correction of nasal deformity associated with bilateral cleft lip, it′s management both at the time of cleft lip repair


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    Full Text Available Septoplasty is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in rhinology to relieve nasal obstruction of patients with distortion in the midline cartilage or septum of the nose to relieve nasal obstruction of patient and findings consistent with nasal endoscopy. The anterior nasal packing routinely done following septoplasty is usually conventional and not evidence based. The purpose of nasal packing is to obtain haemostasis, enhance opposition of septal flaps, avoid septal haematoma formation, close the dead space, avoid synechiae formation, provide support to septal cartilage and prevent its displacement. OBJECTIVE This study intends to evaluate the effects of nasal packing on surgical success and related complications in septoplasty. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present clinical prospective and randomised study was carried out on patients attending Otorhinolaryngology Department of Santhiram Medical College & General Hospital between March 2012 and March 2015. Patients undergoing septoplasty were randomised either to receive anterior nasal packing or to not receive nasal packing postoperatively. RESULTS Levels of pain experienced by patients with nasal packing postoperatively during the initial 24 hours postoperatively and during the removal of the pack were significantly more. Post-operative headache, epiphora, swallowing discomfort and sleep disturbance were more in patients with nasal packing and statistically (p.05. Septal haematoma, adhesions and local infections in both groups were statistically insignificant (p>.05. CONCLUSION Septoplasty enhances the standard of living of patients with septal deviation and nasal obstruction. Our study results suggest that nasal packing after septoplasty is not obligatory. Nasal packing causes considerably more pain and complications, and it should be reserved only for those who have bleeding predisposition.

  5. [Clinical and anatomical characteristic of nasal injuries]. (United States)

    Surikov, E V; Ivanets, I V


    A fracture of nasal bones is becoming a very common injury due to the increasingly greater number of car accidents and aggravated criminal situation. A total of 500 cases of nasal fracture associated with external deformities were included in the present study. The following kinds of deformities were identified: unilateral retraction, lateral displacement of the entire dorsum of the nose, and depressed comminuted fracture. Rhinoscopy revealed in addition such abnormalities associated with septal fracture as submucous hemorrhage, pathological mobility of the pyramid, deflection of the nasal septum at an acute angle. All in all, four types of nasal septum fractures were distinguished depending on the shape and localization of the fracture line. Two of them resulted in marked impairment of nasal breathing while two others required surgical intervention in the acute period after the injury.

  6. Experimental investigation of nasal airflow. (United States)

    Doorly, D; Taylor, D J; Franke, P; Schroter, R C


    The airway geometry of the nasal cavity is manifestly complex, and the manner in which it controls the airflow to accomplish its various physiological functions is not fully understood. Since the complex morphology and inaccessibility of the nasal passageways precludes detailed in-vivo measurements, either computational simulation or in-vitro experiments are needed to determine how anatomical form and function are related. The fabrication of a replica model of the nasal cavity, of a high optical clarity and derived from in-vivo scan data is described here, together with characteristics of the flow field investigated using particle image velocimetry (PIV) and flow visualization. Flow visualization is shown to be a capable and convenient technique for identifying key phenomena. Specifically the emergence of the jet from the internal nasal valve into the main cavity, how it impacts on the middle turbinate, and the large enhancement of dispersion that accompanies the initial appearance of flow instability are revealed as particularly significant features. The findings from the visualization experiments are complemented by PIV imaging, which provides quantitative detail on the variations in velocity in different regions of the nasal cavity. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the cavity geometry in partitioning the flow into high shear zones, which facilitate rapid heat transfer and humidification from the nasal mucosa, and slower zones affording greater residence times to facilitate olfactory sensing. The experimental results not only provide a basis for comparison with other computational modelling but also demonstrate an alternative and flexible means to investigate complex flows, relevant to studies in different parts of the respiratory or cardiovascular systems.

  7. Acoustic Analysis of Nasal Vowels in Monguor Language (United States)

    Zhang, Hanbin


    The purpose of the study is to analyze the spectrum characteristics and acoustic features for the nasal vowels [ɑ˜] and [ɔ˜] in Monguor language. On the base of acoustic parameter database of the Monguor speech, the study finds out that there are five main zero-pole pairs appearing for the nasal vowel [ɔ˜] and two zero-pole pairs appear for the nasal vowel [ɔ˜]. The results of regression analysis demonstrate that the duration of the nasal vowel [ɔ˜] or the nasal vowel [ɔ˜] can be predicted by its F1, F2 and F3 respectively.

  8. Effect of early correction of nasal septal deformity in unilateral cleft lip and palate on inferior turbinate hypertrophy and nasal patency. (United States)

    Pinto, Valentina; Piccin, Ottavio; Burgio, Luca; Summo, Valeria; Antoniazzi, Elisa; Morselli, Paolo G


    A relatively neglected aspect of cleft lip nasal deformity is the effect of septal deviation and inferior turbinate hypertrophy (ITH) on the functional airway. In particular, ITH in the noncleft side can be especially problematic, because it reduces the healthy nasal area, creating bilateral nasal obstruction that might affect the growth of the maxillofacial skeleton. Although these anatomic and functional changes are documented, few recommendations have been developed regarding the proper approach to ITH. The aim of the present study was to asses the ITH severity and determine the degree of nasal airway patency in patients who have undergone primary correction of the nasal septum during lip repair compared to patients operated on without primary septal correction. The study population included two groups. One group consisted of twenty unilateral cleft lip palate UCLP patients who have previously undergone primary rhinoseptoplasty as part of their treatment plan. The control group consisted of twenty UCLP patients operated on without rhinoseptal correction. The Nasal Obstructive Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) scale and nasal endoscopy were used to assess nasal obstruction. The overall untreated group reported severe symptoms across all NOSE scale dimensions more frequently than children who have undergone primary rhinoseptoplasty. The difference was statistically significant for each dimensions (p cleft lip repair results in a statistically significant reduction in IT size and improvement of nasal patency. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Enzootic Nasal Adenocarcinoma: Cytological and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma (ENA), a contagious retroviral disease of sheep and goats, characterized by neoplastic growth of the ethmoidal mucosa in the nasal cavity is described in a West African Dwarf goat (WAD). A two-year old WAD goat, weighing approximately 20kg was observed in the Teaching and Research ...

  10. Subjective Evaluation of Vocal Quality in Nasal Polyposis

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    Ziya Saltürk


    Full Text Available Aim: Nose is a resonator organ in production of voice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of nasal obstruction caused by nasal polyposis on voice quality subjectively. Methods: Thirty-six patients diagnosed with nasal polyposis were included in the study. The 30-item voice handicap index 30 was used in order to evaluate subjective status of voice. Nasal endoscopy and computed tomography imaging of the paranasal sinuses were performed for each patient. Lund-Kennedy endoscopy scores and Lund-MacKay computed tomography scores were evaluated. Control group composed of 20 healthy subjects. Results: The mean voice handicap score in the patient group was 43.16 (SD 15.53 and it was 2.15 (SD 1.92 in control group. There was a statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.001. The mean Lund-Kennedy and Lund-Mackay scores were 8.58 (SD 2.5 and 17 (SD 5.52, respectively. It was found that increased severity of nasal polyposis was the cause for decreased satisfaction with voice quality. Conclusion: Nasal obstruction caused by nasal polyposis affects voice quality adversely and as the severity of nasal polyposis increases, satisfaction with voice quality decreases.

  11. Effects of nasal drug delivery device and its orientation on sprayed particle deposition in a realistic human nasal cavity. (United States)

    Tong, Xuwen; Dong, Jingliang; Shang, Yidan; Inthavong, Kiao; Tu, Jiyuan


    In this study, the effects of nasal drug delivery device and the spray nozzle orientation on sprayed droplets deposition in a realistic human nasal cavity were numerically studied. Prior to performing the numerical investigation, an in-house designed automated actuation system representing mean adults actuation force was developed to produce realistic spray plume. Then, the spray plume development was filmed by high speed photography system, and spray characteristics such as spray cone angle, break-up length, and average droplet velocity were obtained through off-line image analysis. Continuing studies utilizing those experimental data as boundary conditions were applied in the following numerical spray simulations using a commercially available nasal spray device, which was inserted into a realistic adult nasal passage with external facial features. Through varying the particle releasing direction, the deposition fractions of selected particle sizes on the main nasal passage for targeted drug delivery were compared. The results demonstrated that the middle spray direction showed superior spray efficiency compared with upper or lower directions, and the 10µm agents were the most suitable particle size as the majority of sprayed agents can be delivered to the targeted area, the main passage. This study elaborates a comprehensive approach to better understand nasal spray mechanism and evaluate its performance for existing nasal delivery practices. Results of this study can assist the pharmaceutical industry to improve the current design of nasal drug delivery device and ultimately benefit more patients through optimized medications delivery. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Nasal polyps (United States)

    ... shrink polyps, and can reduce swelling and nasal congestion. The effect lasts a few months in most ... this procedure, your doctor uses a thin, lighted tube with instruments at the end. The tube is ...



    Gannu Praveen Kumar


    The recent advancement of nasal drug delivery systems has increased enormously and is gaining significant importance. Intranasal therapy has been an accepted form of treatment in the Ayurvedic system of Indian Medicine. The non-invasive delivery of nasal drug delivery systems made to exploit for the development of successful treatment. The advantages, disadvantages, mechanism of action and application of nasal drug delivery system in local delivery, systematic delivery, nasal vaccines and CNS...

  14. Tumor orbitário como primeira manifestação clínica de mieloma múltiplo: relato de caso Orbital tumor as the first clinical manifestation of multiple myeloma: case report

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    Aline Ruilowa de Pinho


    Full Text Available O acometimento da órbita pelo mieloma múltiplo é raro. Neste estudo, os autores descrevem um caso infrequente de proptose como primeiro sinal clínico do mieloma múltiplo. A presença de lesão orbitária expansiva associada a destruição do rebordo superior da órbita, notáveis à tomografia computadorizada, fez com que a diagnóstico de mieloma múltiplo fosse considerado. Aspectos diagnósticos e terapêuticos são discutidos.Orbital involvement by multiple myeloma is rare. In this study, the authors report an unusual case of proptosis as the first clinical sign of multiple myeloma. The presence of an orbital lesion expanding and destroying the superior orbital rim, disclosed by computed tomography, lead us to consider multiple myeloma. Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects are discussed.

  15. Neurocisticercose na infância: I. diagnóstico clinico e laboratorial

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    L. Bruck


    Full Text Available Foram revisados aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais de 34 casos de neurocisticercose na infância (15 meses a 13 anos. Os principais sintomas foram: hipertensão intracraniana, 21 casos (62%; epilepsia, 20 casos (59%; hemiplegia, 4 casos (12%. A tomografia computadorizada de crânio (TAC (33 pacientes mostrou cistos em atividade em 26 (79% e calcificações em 2 (6%. A reação de fixação de complemento ou imunofluorescência para cisticercose foi reagente em 77% no LCR (20/26 pacientes e 78% no soro (18/23 pacientes. Pleocitose no LCR ocorreu em 57% dos casos (15/26 pacientes e eosinofilorraquia em 27% (7/26 pacientes. A TAC foi o melhor exame para o diagnóstico, confirmado pelos testes imunológicos no LCR e soro.

  16. CT findings of malignant nasal cavity tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ku, Young Mi; Chun, Kyung Ah; Choi, Kyu Ho; Yu, Won Jong; Kim, Young Joo; Kim, Sung Hoon; Park, Seog Hee; Shinn, Kyung Sub


    To evaluate the CT findings of malignant nasal cavity tumors. Retrospective analysis was performed on 20 patients with pathologically-proven malignant nasal cavity tumors. Using CT, we analysed their location, extent of bone destruction and of involvement of adjacent structures, and enhancing pattern. A total of 20 cases included nine squamous cell carcinomas, three olfactory neuroblastomas, three lymphomas, two polymorphic reticulosis, one adenoid cystic carcinoma, one undifferentiated carcinoma and one metastasis from renal cell carcinoma. All cases except one adenoid cystic carcinoma and one squamous cell carcinoma revealed bone destruction or erosion. Aggressive bone destruction and irregular enhancement were seen in eight cases of squamous cell carcinoma, seven cases of which showed involvement of the adjacent paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, and orbit. Olfactory neuroblastomas were centered in the superior nasal cavity and the adjacent ethmoid sinus, and erosion or destruction of the cribriform plate had occurred. Lymphomas showed bilateral involvement, with uniform contrast enhancement. Polymorphic reticuloses showed perforation or erosion of the nasal septum, with bilateral involvement of the nasal cavity. The location, presence of bone destruction, involvement of adjacent structures, and enhancement pattern of tumor on CT can be helpful for the differential diagnosis of malignant nasal cavity tumors

  17. Rhinometry: spectrum of nasal profile among Nigerian Africans Rinometria: espectro do perfil nasal entre os africanos da Nigéria

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    Rabiu O. Jimoh


    Full Text Available Nasal parameters measurements are useful in anthropology to distinguish people into racial and ethnic groups. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional survey among Nigerians aged 18 to 70 years of Nigerian parentage randomly selected at the ENT Clinic of the University of Ilorin teaching hospital (U.I.T.H., Ilorin, Nigeria without gender discrimination had measurement of their nasal parameters done using a sliding caliper: Nasal height, width, tip protrusion, alar thickness, nasal septal thickness and nares diameter. RESULTS: 105 subjects were seen, the age range 18 to 70 years (mean of 28.63 + 13.06 years. There was 58 males and 47 females with a male/female ratio of 1.2:1. The mean nasal width/height (Nasal index -NI was 90.7 in males and 88.2 in females. Males had a higher NI compared to female (p As medidas de parâmetros nasais são úteis em antropologia para distinguir pessoas em grupos étnicos e raciais. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Pesquisa transversal entre nigerianos com idades entre 18 e 70 anos, filhos de pais nigerianos, aleatoriamente selecionados na clínica de otorrinolaringologia do Hospital Universitário de Ilorin (U.I.T.H., Ilorin, Nigéria; sem discriminação de gênero, tiveram seus parâmetros nasais medidos usando-se um compasso deslizante: altura nasal, largura, protrusão da ponta, espessura alar, espessura do septo nasal e diâmetro das narinas. RESULTADOS: 105 indivíduos foram avaliados, e suas idades variaram entre 18 e 70 anos (média de 28,63 + 13,06 anos. Havia 58 homens e 47 mulheres, com coeficiente entre homens de mulheres de: 1.2:1. A medida largura/ altura nasal média (Índice nasal - IN foi de 90,7 em homens e 88,2 em mulheres. Os homens tiveram IN mais alto quando comparados às mulheres (p < 0,03. O tipo mais comum de variabilidade nasal foi o Tipo A (70,5%, Platirrinia, Tipo B (26,7%, especialmente em mulheres, (mosorrinia e o Tipo C (leptorrinia (2,8%. CONCLUSÕES: Há associação significativa entre o g

  18. Nasal Myiasis in Hinduism and Contemporary Otorhinolaryngology. (United States)

    Bosmia, Anand N; Zimmermann, Terence M; Griessenauer, Christoph J; Shane Tubbs, R; Rosenthal, Eben L


    Various case reports on nasal myiasis written during the 1990s and 2000s state that nasal myiasis, which is known as peenash among South Asian natives, is a form of divine punishment in Hindu mythology, but do not provide citations from Hindu scriptures that would suggest this interpretation. This paper aims to discuss the phenomenon of peenash in a historical context by examining medical literature written during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, to identify Hindu texts contributing to the belief of some Hindus that nasal myiasis is a form of divine punishment, and to provide an overview of contemporary treatment for and management of nasal myiasis.

  19. Unilateral nasal pain with migraine features. (United States)

    Alvarez, Mónica; Montojo, Teresa; de la Casa, Beatriz; Vela, Lydia; Pareja, Juan A


    Migraine attacks exclusively felt in the face are very rare, the pain involving the territories supplied by the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve. Two patients suffering from heminasal pain attacks accompanied with typical migrainous features and responsive to oral or intranasal triptans - but not to intranasal lidocaine or oxymetazoline. In one patient, the attacks could be precipitated upon slight touching on the tip of the nose, in the other attacks were preceded by the nasal sensation typically heralding sneezing. Migraine pain mostly develops within the innervation territory of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve, which includes the nose. Therefore, episodes of unilateral nasal pain with migrainous features could be considered a migraine with unusual topography (nasal migraine). Painful nasal attacks occasionally preceded by stimulation of trigeminal afferents in the nose, could be conceived of as migraine-tic syndrome.

  20. Effects of nasal corticosteroids on boosts of systemic allergen-specific IgE production induced by nasal allergen exposure.

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    Cornelia Egger

    Full Text Available Allergen exposure via the respiratory tract and in particular via the nasal mucosa boosts systemic allergen-specific IgE production. Intranasal corticosteroids (INCS represent a first line treatment of allergic rhinitis but their effects on this boost of allergen-specific IgE production are unclear.Here we aimed to determine in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study whether therapeutic doses of an INCS preparation, i.e., nasal fluticasone propionate, have effects on boosts of allergen-specific IgE following nasal allergen exposure.Subjects (n = 48 suffering from grass and birch pollen allergy were treated with daily fluticasone propionate or placebo nasal spray for four weeks. After two weeks of treatment, subjects underwent nasal provocation with either birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 or grass pollen allergen Phl p 5. Bet v 1 and Phl p 5-specific IgE, IgG1-4, IgM and IgA levels were measured in serum samples obtained at the time of provocation and one, two, four, six and eight weeks thereafter.Nasal allergen provocation induced a median increase to 141.1% of serum IgE levels to allergens used for provocation but not to control allergens 4 weeks after provocation. There were no significant differences regarding the boosts of allergen-specific IgE between INCS- and placebo-treated subjects.In conclusion, the application of fluticasone propionate had no significant effects on the boosts of systemic allergen-specific IgE production following nasal allergen exposure.

  1. The effect of nasal surgery on apnea-hypopnea index

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    Navid Nourizadeh


    Full Text Available One of the factors, which is involved in obstructive sleep apnea, is anatomic or inflammatory pathologies of nasal airway obstruction. Thus, it is logical to observe improvement of polysomnographic parameters of sleep-disordered breathing after nasal surgery. The authors performed a review of the literature, up to 2013, to determine the impact of nasal surgery on obstructive sleep apnea. Most current idea in this field is based on case series studies while randomized controlled trials evaluating the effect of surgery for nasal obstruction on sleep apnea are few and far between. According to these studies, surgery for nasal obstruction does not improve objective parameters of sleep apnea. Although nasal obstruction is one of the factors involved in obstructive apnea, one has to keep in mind that surgery will not result in major reduction of obstructive sleep apnea severity to relieve nasal obstruction. Detailed upper airway analysis has to be considered when surgery is an option for obstructive sleep apnea. Thus, nasal surgeries are beneficial when they are part of a multilevel approach in obstructive sleep apnea treatment.

  2. Patient experience with mupirocin or povidone-iodine nasal decolonization. (United States)

    Maslow, Jed; Hutzler, Lorraine; Cuff, Germaine; Rosenberg, Andrew; Phillips, Michael; Bosco, Joseph


    Led by the federal government, the payers of health care are enacting policies designed to base provider reimbursement on the quality of care they render. This study evaluated and compared patient experiences and satisfaction with nasal decolonization with either nasal povidone-iodine (PI) or nasal mupirocin ointment (MO). A total of 1903 patients were randomized to undergo preoperative nasal decolonization with either nasal MO or PI solution. All randomized patients were also given 2% chlorhexidine gluconate topical wipes. Patients were interviewed prior to discharge to assess adverse events and patient experience with their assigned preoperative antiseptic protocol. Of the 1903 randomized patients, 1679 (88.1%) were interviewed prior to discharge. Of patients receiving PI, 3.4% reported an unpleasant or very unpleasant experience, compared with 38.8% of those using nasal MO (P.05). Being recruited as an active participant in surgical site infection prevention was a positive experience for 87.2% of MO patients and 86.3% of PI patients (P=.652). Those assigned to receive PI solution preoperatively reported significantly fewer adverse events than the nasal MO group (P<.01). Preoperative nasal decolonization with either nasal PI or MO was considered somewhat or very helpful by more than two-thirds of patients. Copyright 2014, SLACK Incorporated.

  3. Characterization of nasal cavity-associated lymphoid tissue in ducks. (United States)

    Kang, Haihong; Yan, Mengfei; Yu, Qinghua; Yang, Qian


    The nasal mucosa is involved in immune defense, as it is the first barrier for pathogens entering the body through the respiratory tract. The nasal cavity-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT), which is found in the mucosa of the nasal cavity, is considered to be the main mucosal immune inductive site in the upper respiratory tract. NALT has been found in humans and many mammals, which contributes to local and systemic immune responses after intranasal vaccination. However, there are very few data on NALT in avian species, especially waterfowl. For this study, histological sections of the nasal cavities of Cherry Valley ducks were used to examine the anatomical location and histological characteristics of NALT. The results showed that several lymphoid aggregates are present in the ventral wall of the nasal cavity near the choanal cleft, whereas several more lymphoid aggregates were located on both sides of the nasal septum. In addition, randomly distributed intraepithelial lymphocytes and isolated lymphoid follicles were observed in the regio respiratoria of the nasal cavity. There were also a few lymphoid aggregates located in the lamina propria of the regio vestibularis, which was covered with a stratified squamous epithelium. This study focused on the anatomic and histological characteristics of the nasal cavity of the duck and performed a systemic overview of NALT. This will be beneficial for further understanding of immune mechanisms after nasal vaccination and the development of effective nasal vaccines for waterfowls. Copyright © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Nasal reaction to changes in whole body temperature. (United States)

    Lundqvist, G R; Pedersen, O F; Hilberg, O; Nielsen, B


    The changes in nasal patency following a 1.5 degrees C decrease or increase in whole body temperature were measured in 8 healthy young males, during and after 30 min of immersion in a 15 degrees C cold or a 40 degrees C warm bath, breathing air at the same temperature, in a cross-over experimental design. The nasal reactions were traced by consecutive measurements of changes in nasal cavity volumes by acoustic rhinometry. Swelling of the mucosa during cooling and an almost maximal shrinkage of the mucosa during heating were indicated by respectively a decrease and an increase in nasal cavity volumes. The reactions were determined predominantly by the whole body thermal balance, but were also influenced by the temperature of the inhaled air, either enhanced, reduced or temporarily reversed. The greatest change occurred in the nasal cavity, left or right, which differed most from the final state at the beginning of exposure due to the actual state of nasal cycle.

  5. Kartagener's syndrome presented with nasal obstruction: A case report

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    Suna Asilsoy


    Full Text Available The nasal polyposis is a chronic inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. Although it is rare in children, there may be also association with cystic fibrosis and primary ciliary dyskinesia. About 50% of primary ciliary dyskinesia patients develop situs inversus and it is known as Kartagener's syndrome. The Kartagener's sydrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by sinusitis, bronchiectasis, situs inversus. Clinically, patients present to the otolaryngologist with nasal obstruction. We as pediatricians, should consider nasal polyposis as a rare cause of nasal obstruction in children. In the presence of recurrent upper and lower respiratory tract infections accompanying nasal polyposis, Kartagener's syndrome must be kept in mind as a rare reason. [Cukurova Med J 2014; 39(4.000: 942-945

  6. Eosinophilic Angiocentric Fibrosis of the Nasal Septum

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    Yunchuan Li


    Full Text Available Background. Eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis (EAF is a rare benign condition of unknown aetiology that causes stenosis of the upper respiratory tract. It is most commonly found at the nasal septum and sinus mucosa causing mucosal thickening and nasal obstructive symptoms. The diagnosis is mainly based on characteristic histologic findings. Case Report. A 27-year-old young woman presented with a slow growing mass at her anterior nasal septum for over eight years. She complained of persistent nasal obstruction, epistaxis, sometimes diffused facial pain, and chronic headache. 3 years ago, the tumor was partially resected for ventilation and a nasal septum perforation was left. Imaging findings indicated soft-tissue thickening of the anterior part of septum and adjacent lateral nasal walls. Pathological examination showed numerous inflammatory cells infiltrates containing eosinophils, fibroinflammatory lesion with a whorled appearance fibrosis which typically surrounded vessels. A diagnosis of eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis was made. All laboratory tests were unremarkable. Skin prick test was positive. The tumor-like lesion was totally resected. Conclusions. EAF is a rare benign and progressive disorder causing destruction. Combined with radiological imaging of EAF historical findings contribute to the diagnosis. It is important to prevent tumor from recurrence by total resection of the lesion.

  7. Effects of retro-nasal aroma release on satiation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ruijschop, R.; Boelrijk, A.E.M.; Ru, de J.A.; Graaf, de C.; Westerterp-Plantenga, M.


    It is suggested that the brain response of a food odour sensed retro-nasally is related to satiation. The extent of retro-nasal aroma release during consumption depends on the physical structure of a food, i.e. solid foods generate a longer, more pronounced retro-nasal aroma release than liquid

  8. Nasal morphological characteristics of the Serbian population


    Jovanović J.; Jeremić D.; Jovanović B.; Vulović Maja; Sazdanović P.; Sazdanović Maja; Ognjanović Neda; Stojadinović D.; Jeremić Katarina; Marković N.; Živanović-Mačužić Ivana


    The aim of this study was to determine the nasal parameters in the population of central Serbia and to compare them with those determined in earlier studies in different populations. The research was conducted on 496 randomly selected persons (262 males and 234 females), aged 18-65 years. The measured parameters were nasal height and nasal breadth and the standard spreading caliper with scale was used for measurements. There were significant differences in ...

  9. Computed tomography evaluation of mast cell tumours; Avaliacao por tomografia computadorizada dos mastocitomas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lorigados, Carla Aparecida Batista; Matera, Julia Maria; Macedo, Thais; Pinto, Ana Carolina Brandao Fonseca, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia. Dept. de Cirurgia


    The mast cell tumours are common tumours of the canine skin. Computed tomography (CT) has assumed an important role in tumours evaluation and staging. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of CT as a method of assessing characteristics of mast cell tumors. Ten dogs with mast cell tumor were evaluated. CT was performed before and after the intravenous injection of hydro soluble ionic iodine. Attenuation, contrast enhancement, cleavage with adjacent tissues and the unidimensional measurement of each lesion was determined in it maximum diameter, in transversal plane. Concerning the attenuation characteristic, 50% were homogeneous and 50% heterogeneous. The contrast enhancement was homogeneous in 50% of cases, heterogeneous in 40% and peripheral in 10%. Fifty percent of the tumours showed loss of plane of cleavage and 30% partial loss. This information can help in directing the patients that will be undergoing chemotherapy or surgery. (author)

  10. Dose assessment in pediatric computerized tomography; Avaliacao de doses em tomografia computadorizada pediatrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vilarinho, Luisa Maria Auredine Lima


    The objective of this work was the evaluation of radiation doses in paediatric computed tomography scans, considering the high doses usually involved and the absence of any previous evaluation in Brazil. Dose values were determined for skull and abdomen examinations, for different age ranges, by using the radiographic techniques routinely used in the clinical centers investigated. Measurements were done using pencil shape ionization chambers inserted in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) phantoms. These were compact phantoms of different diameters were specially designed and constructed for this work, which simulate different age ranges. Comparison of results with published values showed that doses were lower than the diagnostic reference levels established to adults exams by the European Commission. Nevertheless, doses in paediatric phantoms were higher than those obtained in adult phantoms. The paediatric dose values obtained in Hospitals A and B were lower than the reference level (DRL) adopted by SHIMPTON for different age ranges. In the range 0 - 0.5 year (neonatal), the values of DLP in Hospital B were 94 por cent superior to the DRL For the 10 years old children the values of CTDI{sub w} obtained were inferior in 89 por cent for skull and 83 por cent for abdomen examinations, compared to the values published by SHRIMPTON and WALL. Our measured CTDI{sub w} values were inferior to the values presented for SHRIMPTON and HUDA, for all the age ranges and types of examinations. It was observed that the normalized dose descriptors values in children in the neonatal range were always superior to the values of doses for the adult patient. In abdomen examinations, the difference was approximately 90% for the effective dose (E) and of 57%.for CTDI{sub w} . (author)

  11. Clinical aspects of patients with nasal polyposis

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    Crespo, Cassio Caldini


    Full Text Available Introduction: The nasal Polyposis is a non-neoplastic chronic inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. It causes a large impact to the patients' life quality. Objective: To analyze the characteristics of patients with polyposis in the Brazilian population. Method: 50 records of patients followed up in a tertiary hospital and submitted to surgical treatment of nasal polyposis were reviewed. The following variables were analyzed: age, sex, smoking, presence of asthma, presence of AAS intolerance and also the clinical manifestations: anterior and posterior rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction, hyposmia, sneezing and pruritus. The tomographic evaluation system applied was that of Lund-McKay. For statistical analysis we applied the chi-square test with p<0.05. Results: Out of 50 patients evaluated, 28 were male and 22 were female. The mean age range was of 40.8 years. The main clinical manifestation was nasal obstruction in 100% of the patients. In the tomographic evaluation, according to the Lund-McKay system, the average scoring was of 10.9. Discussion: No statistically significant difference was obtained in the patients' general symptoms compared to the patients with asthma or AAS intolerance. The difference in the Lund-McKay score was statistically significant in the populations studied. The symptoms were similar to the frequency of symptoms of other works. Conclusion: We concluded that the main complaint of the patients with nasal polyposis is nasal obstruction, the most affected age is of about 40 years old, without preference of sex. The severity of tomographic findings is higher in patients with asthma and AAS intolerance.

  12. Effect of formulation- and administration-related variables on deposition pattern of nasal spray pumps evaluated using a nasal cast. (United States)

    Kundoor, Vipra; Dalby, Richard N


    To systematically evaluate the effect of formulation- and administration-related variables on nasal spray deposition using a nasal cast. Deposition pattern was assessed by uniformly coating a transparent nose model with Sar-Gel®, which changes from white to purple on contact with water. Sprays were subsequently discharged into the cast, which was then digitally photographed. Images were quantified using Adobe® Photoshop. The effects of formulation viscosity (which influences droplet size), simulated administration techniques (head orientation, spray administration angle, spray nozzle insertion depth), spray pump design and metering volume on nasal deposition pattern were investigated. There was a significant decrease in the deposition area associated with sprays of increasing viscosity. This appeared to be mediated by an increase in droplet size and a narrowing of the spray plume. Administration techniques and nasal spray pump design also had a significant effect on the deposition pattern. This simple color-based method provides quantitative estimates of the effects that different formulation and administration variables may have on the nasal deposition area, and provides a rational basis on which manufacturers of nasal sprays can base their patient instructions or post approval changes when it is impractical to optimize these using a clinical study.

  13. The NOFLO trial: low-flow nasal prongs therapy in weaning nasal continuous positive airway pressure in preterm infants.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Donnell, Sinéad M


    To determine if low-flow nasal prongs therapy with room air, compared with no treatment, facilitates weaning from nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) in very low birth weight (VLBW, birth weight <1500 g) infants.

  14. Nasal encephaloceles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoving, Eelco W.


    Nasal encephaloceles can be divided into frontoethmoidal and basal encephaloceles. Both conditions are very rare, but frontoethmoidal encephaloceles show a relatively high incidence (1:5,000) in Southeast Asia. The pathogenesis of encephaloceles may be explained by a disturbance in separation of

  15. Augmentation Rhinoplasty in Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity: Preliminary Patients’ Perspective

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    William H. C. Tiong


    Full Text Available The correction of cleft lip nasal deformity is challenging and there have been numerous methods described in the literature with little demonstrated technical superiority of one over another. The common clinical issues associated with cleft lip nasal deformity are its lack of symmetry, alar collapse on the affected side, obtuse nasal labial angle, short nasal length, loss of tip definition, and altered columella show among others. We carried out augmentation of cleft lip rhinoplasties with rib graft in 16 patients over the one-year study period. Each of these patients was reviewed and given questionnaire before and after surgery to evaluate their response on the outcome to the approach. Preoperatively, nasal asymmetry is the main complaint (14/16, 87.5% among our series of patients. Postoperatively, 12 (75% patients out of the 16 reported significant improvement in their nasal symmetry with the other four marginal. All patients reported excellent nasal projection postoperatively with good nasal tip definition. Our series of patients reported overall good satisfaction outcome and will recommend this procedure to other patients with cleft lip nasal deformity. In conclusion, augmentation of cleft lip rhinoplasty can be employed to achieve perceivable and satisfactory outcome in patients with cleft lip nasal deformity.

  16. Nasal mucosal blood flow after intranasal allergen challenge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holmberg, K.; Bake, B.; Pipkorn, U.


    The nasal mucosal blood flow in patients with allergic rhinitis was determined at nasal allergen challenges with the 133 Xenon washout method. Determinations were made in 12 subjects before and 15 minutes after challenge with diluent and increasing doses of allergen. The time course was followed in eight subjects by means of repeated measurements during 1 hour after a single allergen dose. Finally, the blood flow was measured after unilateral allergen challenge in the contralateral nasal cavity. A dose-dependent decrease in blood flow was found after nasal challenge with increasing doses of allergens, whereas challenge with diluent alone did not induce any changes. The highest allergen dose, which also induced pronounced nasal symptoms, resulted in a decrease in blood flow of 25% (p less than 0.001). The time-course study demonstrated a maximum decrease in blood flow 10 to 20 minutes after challenge and then a gradual return to baseline. Unilateral allergen challenge resulted in a decrease in blood flow in the contralateral, unchallenged nasal cavity, suggesting that part of the allergen-induced changes in blood flow were reflex mediated

  17. Application of direct digital radiography of nasal bone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Dengfa; Wang Haijun; Zhang Ailian; Wang Yulin


    Objective: To research the application value of direct digital radiograph (DDR ) in nasal bone imaging. Methods: One hundred cases were examined by DDR, 30 cases of them were examined by two methods both DDR and conventional radiography. All digital images were post-processed with 'MUSICA' (Multi-Scale Image Contrast Amplification), incision and largamente, analyzed and diagnosed by experienced two radiologists and two technicians. Results: One hundred cases of nasal bone, soft tissue of nose were showed excellent in DDR, and satisfactory cases were 95 and 92, respectively. Forty-six cases of nasal bone fractures were found. Thirty cases were examined by both DDR and conventional radiography, images of nasal bone, soft tissue of nose were showed, satisfactory cases were 28 in DDR; and satisfactory cases were 6 (χ 2 =20.05, P 2 =15.06, P 2 =5.14, P<0.05) in conventional and digital radiography, respectively. Conclusion: DDR images of nasal bone, soft tissue of nose was excellent, more fractures were discovered than conventional radiography. Image quality of DDR is better than conventional radiography in nasal bone imaging. (authors)

  18. A Comparison of Over-the-Counter Mechanical Nasal Dilators: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Kiyohara, Nicole; Badger, Christopher; Tjoa, Tjoson; Wong, Brian


    The internal nasal valve is the narrowest part of the nasal airway and a common site of inspiratory collapse and obstruction of nasal airflow. Over-the-counter mechanical nasal dilators are an alternative to surgical intervention that attempts to improve airflow through the internal nasal valve. To determine the efficacy of over-the-counter mechanical nasal dilators and classify these products by mechanism. A database of 33 available over-the-counter mechanical nasal dilators was generated via a PubMed search as well as an internet search via and Google, conducted from April 1, 2013, through December 31, 2015. Products determined to be unavailable or discontinued were excluded from the database. Of the devices examined in published literature, efficacy was based on objective measures, such as measured airflow, the cross-sectional area of the nasal valve, and changes in resistance. Measures of reported sleep quality or patient perception were excluded. An analysis of each product's mechanism revealed 4 broad classes: external nasal dilator strips, nasal stents, nasal clips, and septal stimulators. A review demonstrated 5 studies supporting the use of external nasal dilator strips, 4 studies supporting the use of nasal clips, 1 study supporting the use of nasal stents, and no studies supporting the use of septal stimulators. Our findings suggest that external nasal dilator strips and nasal clips effectively relieve obstruction of the internal nasal valve and may be an alternative to surgical intervention in some patients.

  19. The diagnostic contribution of computed tomography in intranasal carcinoma with retrobulbar, oral and brain invasion in a canine: case report; Contribuicao da tomografia computadorizada no diagnostico de carcinoma intranasal com invasao retrobular, oral e cerebral em canino: relato de caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zardo, Karen Maciel, E-mail:; Belotta, Alexandra Frey; Babicsak, Viviam Rocco; Machado, Vania Maria de Vasconcelos [Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (FMVZ/UNESP), Botucatu, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia. Dept. de Reproducao Animal e Radiologia Veterinaria; Zanoni, Diogo Souza; Costa, Denis Carvalho [Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (FMVZ/UNESP), Botucatu, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia. Dept. de Clinica Veterinaria


    Intranasal tumors are uncommon and in most cases are malignant, aggressive and with low to moderate potential for metastasis. Clinical signs are usually caused by progressive obstruction of the upper airways. The test cytopathological also is a diagnosis method, but the definitive diagnosis is made by histopathological. Computed tomography (CT) is recommended to treatment planning. A poodle was attended at the veterinary hospital with a clinical history of epistaxis and nasal and ocular secretions, seizures and severe dyspnoea. The animal underwent to radiographic examination of the chest and skull as well as helical computed tomography of the nasal cavity and brain before and after the administration of intravenous contrast. The CT findings revealed an expansive bilateral nasal cavity neoformation, with involvement of the retrobulbar space, right frontal sinus, brain and oral cavity, suggesting a neoplastic or an infectious process. The CT examination allowed the material collection, directly from the mass, to cytological examination, providing the diagnosis of carcinoma. CT also allowed the determination of the unfavorable prognosis of the patient and the treatment planning which not included the surgical excision of the neoformation. Although CT was not conclusive in the diagnosis of carcinoma, it was essential to accurately define the extent of the lesion, to guide the collection of material directly from the tumor and to determine the prognosis of the animal, proving to be an extremely useful tool in cases of tumors intranasal in dogs. (author)

  20. The Effect of Menstrual Cycle on Nasal Resonance Characteristics in Females (United States)

    Kumar, Suman; Basu, Shriya; Sinha, Anisha; Chatterjee, Indranil


    The purpose of this study was to analyze resonance characteristics (nasality and nasalance values) during the menstrual cycle. Previous studies indicate changes in voice quality and nasal mucosa due to temporary falling estrogen levels in human females during their menstrual cycle. The present study compared the nasality and "nasalance scores"…

  1. Disposition of nasal, intravenous, and oral methadone in healthy volunteers. (United States)

    Dale, Ola; Hoffer, Christine; Sheffels, Pamela; Kharasch, Evan D


    Nasal administration of many opioids demonstrates rapid uptake and fast onset of action. Nasal administration may be an alternative to intravenous and oral administration of methadone and was therefore studied in human volunteers. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Washington, Seattle. Eight healthy volunteers (6 men and 2 women) aged 19 to 33 years were enrolled after informed written consent was obtained. Subjects received 10 mg methadone hydrochloride nasally, orally, or intravenously on 3 separate occasions in a crossover design. Nasal methadone (50 mg/mL in aqueous solution) was given as a 100-microL spray in each nostril (Pfeiffer BiDose sprayer). Blood samples for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses of methadone and the metabolite 2-ethyl-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolinium were drawn for up to 96 hours. The methadone effect was measured by noninvasive infrared pupilometry coincident with blood sampling. Nasal uptake of methadone was rapid, with maximum plasma concentrations occurring within 7 minutes. The maximum effects of intravenous, nasal, and oral methadone, on the basis of dark-adapted pupil diameter, were reached in about 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 2 hours, respectively. The respective durations were 24, 10, and 8 hours. Both nasal and oral bioavailabilities were 0.85. Subjects reported that nasal methadone caused a burning sensation. Nasal administration of methadone results in rapid absorption and onset of effect and high bioavailability, which was greater than that reported for other nasal opioids, with a similar duration of effect. Nasal administration may be an alternative route of methadone administration; however, improved formulations are desirable to reduce nasal irritation.

  2. Resident aerobic microbiota of the adult human nasal cavity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, TT; Kirkeby Nielsen, LP; Poulsen, Knud


    Recent evidence strongly suggests that the microbiota of the nasal cavity plays a crucial role in determining the reaction patterns of the mucosal and systemic immune system. However, little is known about the normal microbiota of the nasal cavity. The purpose of this study was to determine...... the microbiota in different parts of the nasal cavity and to develop and evaluate methods for this purpose. Samples were collected from 10 healthy adults by nasal washes and by swabbing of the mucosa through a sterile introduction device. Both methods gave results that were quantitatively and qualitatively...... reproducible, and revealed significant differences in the density of the nasal microbiota between individuals. The study revealed absence of gram-negative bacteria that are regular members of the commensal microbiota of the pharynx. Likewise, viridans type streptococci were sparsely represented. The nasal...

  3. Nasal septal angiofibroma, a subclass of extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma. (United States)

    Garcia-Rodriguez, Laura; Rudman, Kelli; Cogbill, Christopher H; Loehrl, Todd; Poetker, David M


    Extranasopharyngeal angiofibromas (ENA) arising from the nasal septum or nasal septal angiofibromas are extremely rare; only 13 such cases have been reported in the international literature. Our objective is to describe the presentation, workup, and surgical management of these lesions. Case reports were done. The setting was a tertiary care referral center and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. PATIENTS, INTERVENTIONS, AND RESULTS: We present 2 cases of extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma occurring on the nasal septum. In this report, we discuss the occurrence, the histopathologic findings, and the treatment of nasal septal angiofibroma. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Capillary hemangioma of adult nasal cavity: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paik, Sang Hyun; Kim, Hyun Sook; Kim, Wan Seop; Cho, Sung Bum; Choi, Yun Sun; Chung, Myung Jin; Kim, Seog Joon; Yoon, Sook Ja; Yoon, Yong Kyu


    Capillary hemangioma of the adult nasal cavity is rare. We report a case which occurred in the right nasal cavity of a 25-year-old woman, together with the multiphase enhanced CT findings. The patients who had a history of recurrent nasal bleeding, had experienced nasal obstruction and swelling during the two-month period prior to presentation, and one month before presentation, spontaneous vaginal delivery occurred. Physical examination revealed the presence of a well-defined round mass, with redness in the right nasal vertibule. The mass showed rim enhancement at early arterial-phase CT scanning, increased enhancement at the late arterial phase, and moderately homogeneous enhancement at the delayed phase

  5. Avaliação, por meio de microtomografia computadorizada, da anatomia interna e externa de primeiros pré-molares superiores


    Amanda Buosi de Biagi


    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a anatomia do sistema de canais radiculares (SCR) de 72 primeiros pré-molares superiores (32 unirradiculares, 30 birradiculares com sulcos e 10 trirradiculares), por meio de microtomografia computadorizada (μCT). As amostras foram escaneadas no microtomógrafo SkyScan 1174 v2, e as imagens geradas foram reconstruídas para análise dos parâmetros bidimensionais (número, área, circularidade , diâmetro maior e menor, fator de forma) a 1, 2, 3 mm d...


    Normal Nasal Gene Expression Levels Using cDNA Array Technology. The nasal epithelium is a target site for chemically-induced toxicity and carcinogenicity. To detect and analyze genetic events which contribute to nasal tumor development, we first defined the gene expressi...

  7. Computed tomography image of the mediastinal and axillary lymph nodes in clinically sound Rottweilers Imagem por tomografia computadorizada dos linfonodos axilares e mediastinais de cães rottweilers clinicamente saudáveis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Carolina B. Fonseca Pinto


    smallest diameter of the axillary and mediastinal lymph nodes not surpassed 7mm and 8mm respectively. Their attenuations were equal or smaller than that of musculature in the post contrast scan.A tomografia computadorizada é uma modalidade diagnóstica que possibilita a avaliação detalhada dos linfonodos e que é capaz de detectar mais precocemente alterações envolvendo estas estruturas, que modalidades de imagem como a radiografia e a ultrassonografia. Tendo em vista a escassez de informações na literatura veterinária esta pesquisa objetivou fornecer informações sobre os aspectos tomográficos normais dos linfonodos axilares e mediastinais em cães. Realizou-se o exame tomográfico de 15 cães adultos, machos e fêmeas, da raça Rottweiler, selecionados como clinicamente normais por meio de anamnese, exame físico, hemograma, perfil bioquímico renal e hepático, eletrocardiograma e exame radiográfico do tórax. Após a injeção intravenosa do contraste iodado hidrossolúvel iônico, realizaram-se cortes tomográficos transversais do tórax com 10mm de espessura e 10mm de incremento em um tomógrafo axial. Os exames tomográficos foram avaliados buscando-se identificar os linfonodos axilares e mediastinais. Quando visibilizados, os linfonodos foram mensurados em seu menor eixo e sua atenuação foi comparada com a da musculatura. Foram calculados a média e desvio padrão da idade, do peso, do comprimento dos animais e do menor eixo dos linfonodos axilares e mediastinais. A média de idade dos animais e o desvio padrão foram de 3,87 anos ±2,03, do peso foi de 41,13kg ± 5,12 e do comprimento dos animais foi de 89,61cm ±2,63. Os linfonodos axilares foram visibilizados em 60% dos animais, a média das mensurações dos menores diâmetros e o desvio padrão foi de 3,58mm ±2,02 com valor mínimo de 1mm e máximo de 7mm. Dos 13 linfonodos observados 61,53% apresentaram-se hipoatenuantes comparativamente a musculatura e 30,77% isoatenuantes. Os linfonodos

  8. Nasal carriage of multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Nasal Staphylococcus aureus is a major source of community and hospital associated staphylococcal infections. This study determined the prevalence of nasal S. aureus isolates and investigated their antimicrobial resistance profile in healthy volunteers. Methods: Nasal specimens of healthy volunteers in ...

  9. Lesao nasal precoce pelo uso da pronga nasal em recem-nascidos prematuros de muito baixo peso: estudo piloto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nathalie Tiemi Ota


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar, em recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso e com indicação de ventilação não invasiva via pronga nasal, a incidência do aparecimento precoce de lesão nasal. MÉTODOS: Série de casos prospectiva de nascidos com idade gestacional <37 semanas, peso <1.500g e idade pós-natal <29 dias. Os pacientes foram avaliados desde a instalação da pronga nasal até o 3o dia de uso, três vezes ao dia. Foram analisadas as condições clínicas dos pacientes, características do dispositivo e de sua aplicação. A análise inicial foi descritiva, verificando-se a prevalência de lesão nasal bem como os fatores a ela associados. Os dados categóricos foram analisados por qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher e os dados numéricos, por teste t ou Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Dezoito recém-nascidos foram incluídos, dos quais 12 (idade gestacional de 29,8±3,1 semanas, peso ao nascer de 1.070±194g e Score for Neonatal Acute Phisiology - Perinatal Extension (SNAPPE de 15,4±17,5 evoluíram com lesão nasal (Grupo Lesão e 6 (idade gestacional de 28,0±1,9 semanas, peso de 1.003±317g e SNAPPE de 26,2±7,5 não apresentaram lesão nasal (Grupo Sem Lesão. No Grupo Lesão, houve maior frequência do gênero masculino (75% versus 17%, a lesão apareceu em média após 18 horas e predominantemente no período notur no (75%. CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de lesão nasal em prematuros submetidos à ventilação não invasiva via pronga nasal foi elevada, sendo possível planejar estudo dos fatores associados, com base neste piloto.

  10. Nasal cytochrome P4502A: Identification in rats and humans

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thornton-Manning, J.R.; Hotchkiss, J.A. [Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI (United States); Ding, Xinxin [Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research, Albany, NY (United States)] [and others


    The nasal mucosa, the first tissue of contact for inhaled xenobiotics, possesses substantial enobiotic-metabolizing capacti. Enzymes of the nasal cavity may metabolize xenobiotics to innocuous, more water-soluble compounds that are eliminated from the body, or they may bioactivate them to toxic metabolites. These toxic metabolites may find to cellular macromolecules in the nasal cavity or be transported to other parts of the body where they may react. Nasal carcinogenesis in rodents often results from bioactivation of xenobiotics. The increased incidences of nasal tumors associated with certain occupations suggest that xenobiotic bioactivation may be important in human nasal cancer etiology, as well. The increasing popularity of the nose as a route of drug administration makes information concerning nasal drug metabolism and disposition vital to accomplish therapeutic goals. For these reasons, the study of xenobiotic-met abolizing capacity of the nasal cavity is an important area of health-related research. In the present study, we have confirmed the presence of CYP2A6 mRNA in human respiratory mucosa.

  11. Nasal valve evaluation in the Mexican-Hispanic (mestizo) nose. (United States)

    Jasso-Ramírez, Elizabeth; Sánchez Y Béjar, Fernando; Arcaute Aizpuru, Fernando; Maulen Radován, Irene E; de la Garza Hesles, Héctor


    Our aim in this study was to determine the angle of the internal nasal valve in Mexican patients with the "mestizo nose" feature and without nasal obstructive symptoms. The work was prospective, comparative, and observational in nature and included patients >14 years of age who were seen in the Otolaryngology Department at the Los Angeles Lomas Hospital between April and May 2016. The angle of the internal nasal valve was measured in 30 patients without obstructive symptoms. Endoscopic examination was performed with a 0° endoscope framed with tape at a 13-mm distance from the endoscope's tip, and digital photographs of the internal nasal valve were taken. The measurement of the angle of the internal nasal valve was made in sexagesimal degrees using Golden Ratio v3.1 (2012) software. Statistical analysis was performed using Excel v15.13.3. The angles of the internal nasal valve of the patients were (mean ± standard deviation) 24.07 ± 4.8° for the right nasal cavity and 25.07 ± 5.0° for the left nasal cavity, wider than the angle reported in the normal Caucasian nose established in the literature. According to our results, the Mexican-Hispanic mestizo nose has a wider angle in the internal nasal valve than that considered normal in the literature (10°-15°). We believe it is necessary to undertake a second study and add an airflow resistance measurement with a rhinomanometry procedure so we can compare the results with those in the Caucasian population. © 2018 ARS-AAOA, LLC.

  12. Applicability of 3D-CT facial reconstruction for forensic individual identification Aplicabilidade da reconstrução facial em 3D-TC para identificação individual forense

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara dos Santos Rocha


    Full Text Available Computed tomography (CT is used in several clinical dentistry applications even by axial slices and two and three-dimensional reconstructed images (2D-CT and 3D-CT. The purpose of the current study is to assess the precision of linear measurements made in 3D-CT using craniometric patterns for individual identification in Forensic Dentistry. Five cadaver heads were submitted to a spiral computed tomography using axial slices, and 3D-CT reconstructions were obtained by volume rendering technique with computer graphics tools. Ten (10 craniometric measurements were determined in 3D-CT images by two examiners independently, twice each, and the standard error of intra- and inter-examiner measurements was assessed. The results demonstrated a low standard error of those measurements, from 0.85% to 3.09%. In conclusion, the linear measurements obtained in osseous and soft tissue structures were considered to be precise in 3D-CT with high imaging quality and resolution.A tomografia computadorizada (TC tem sido utilizada em diversas áreas clínicas da Odontologia; utilizam-se tanto seus cortes originais quanto as reconstruções em duas e três dimensões (2D-TC e 3D-TC. O presente estudo propõe avaliar a precisão das medidas lineares realizadas na 3D-TC, utilizando a craniometria, para fins de identificação individual na Odontologia Forense. Cinco cabeças de cadáveres foram submetidas a tomografia computadorizada em espiral por meio de cortes axiais e reconstruções em 3D-TC foram obtidas por meio da técnica de volume, utilizando recursos da computação gráfica. Medidas craniométricas (n = 10 foram determinadas nas imagens em 3D-TC por dois examinadores independentemente, duas vezes cada um, e uma análise de erro padrão percentual das medidas intra- e inter-examinadores foi realizada. Os resultados demonstraram um erro padrão percentual baixo apresentado por essas medidas, variando entre 0,85% e 3,09%. Em conclusão, as medidas lineares

  13. Staphylococcus aureus and the ecology of the nasal microbiome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Cindy M; Price, Lance B; Hungate, Bruce A


    The human microbiome can play a key role in host susceptibility to pathogens, including in the nasal cavity, a site favored by Staphylococcus aureus. However, what determines our resident nasal microbiota-the host or the environment-and can interactions among nasal bacteria determine S. aureus...

  14. Exhaled and nasal nitric oxide in chronic rhinosinusitis patients with nasal polyps in primary care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frendø, M; Håkansson, K; Schwer, S


    BACKGROUND: Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is a common inflammatory disorder associated with lower airway disease. However, only few studies of CRSwNP from outside secondary/tertiary care centres have been published. We recently reported an asthma frequency of 44% and 65...... patients. Compared with controls, a high level of exhaled NO was significantly more prevalent in CRSwNP irrespective of asthma-status. Nasal NO was significantly lower in patients with CRSwNP compared with controls. CONCLUSION: Subclinical eosinophilic lower airway inflammation is common in CRSwNP......% in primary and secondary care patients respectively. Therefore, we hypothesise that inflammation of the lower airways could be present in all CRSwNP patients, even without asthma. Here, we assessed the degree of lower and upper airway inflammation using exhaled and nasal nitric oxide (NO) in primary care...

  15. Nasal non-hodgkin's lymphoma : CT findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    No, Tae Youn; Baek, Ho Gil; Won, Jong Bu; Park, Sung Ho; Park, O Bong; Baik, Seung Kug; Shin, Mi Jung; Kim, Bong Ki; Choi, Han Yong [Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, Pusan (Korea, Republic of)


    To describe the characteristics of CT findings in nasal lymphoma. We retrospectively reviewed CT findings and pathologic findings of eight patients (six males and two females) aged between 24 and 68 years with pathologically-proven nasal lymphoma. We analyzed mass location, laterality, size, margin, mass effect, adjacent bony change and contrast enhancement pattern. All eight cases were non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, intermediate grade, diffuse large cell type. Seven cases were B-cell type and one was T-cell. In all cases, tumors were located in the medial wall of the inferior turbinate. In four cases, they were also found in the anterior ethmoidal sinus, and in one case, in the nasal septum. The mean size of the main mass was 3.3cm. In seven cases, tumors were unilateral (one on the right; six on the left), and in the remaining case, bilateral. In six cases tumor margin was smooth and in two cases focal nodularity was seen. In two cases there was no bony change, and in four, there was mucosal thickening along the nasal septum; in one of these four, minimal bony erosion was also found. In the other two cases, bony destruction was seen, and tumors were very large(7cm in diameter) or bilterally located. In three cases, the nasal septum was displaced by the mass. In all cases with bony change, the nasal septum was involved. All tumors were homogeneously well enhanced after IV contrast administration. The main CT findings of nasal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were smooth margin, unilateral location (mainly in the medial wall of the inferior turbinate and growing to the medial side without bony destruction) mucosal thickening along the nasal septum and clear homogeneous enhancement after IV contrast administration. These characteristics will help diagnosis, help deter-mine the appropriate region for radiation and other appropriate therapy, and facilitate prognosis in patients with nasal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

  16. Human nasal rhinosporidiosis: a case report from Malawi | Sefu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Patient presented with long standing history of nasal obstruction and intermittent epistaxis for three years. Diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological examination and he was successfully treated by complete surgical excision. This was a very unusual cause of nasal masses in our setting. Nasal rhinosporidioss lesions ...

  17. Angiomatous nasal polyp: Clinical diagnostic dilemma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sunder Goyal


    Full Text Available Angiomatous polyp (Angiectatic nasal polyps is rare and its incidence is 4-5% of all nasal polyps. As it occurs with variable clinical features and there is no confirmatory preoperative investigation, clinical diagnosis can be a dilemma. Clinical picture of angiofibroma, simple antrochoanal polyp and inverted papilloma may resemble with each other. As polyps invade surrounding bone, these should be distinguished from a malignant mass. We present an interesting case of an infarcted angiectatic nasal polyp with extensive surrounding bony destruction. Correct preoperative radiological diagnosis is important to avoid unnecessary extensive surgery. Histopathological evaluation of polyps is mandatory since they require different treatment due to difference in the prognosis.

  18. Omalizumab a new prospective: a nasal polyposis. (United States)

    Cavaliere, C; Begvarfaj, E; Frati, F; Masieri, S


    Omalizumab, a monoclonal antibody against IgE, may be effective on nasal polyps, but its use is not currently authorized to treat that disease. We report the cases of three patients who were given omalizumab for asthma after undergoing nasal surgical polypectomy. Although such procedure is frequently followed by polyp recurrence, none of the three patients developed this complication, and in one subject the regression of initial polyp return was registered after starting omalizumab. Our data support the hypothesis that omalizumab may be useful to treat nasal polyposis.

  19. Nasal Inserts for Drug Delivery: An Overview

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this review, the benefits, limitations and absorption mechanisms of the nasal route, as well ... molecules including peptide and proteins for ... (Mw) drugs, rapid and fast onset of action due to ... while the former act by disrupting the nasal.



    kasim s. kasim; Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman; BALWANT SINGH GENDEH


    Two cases of Schneiderian papilloma of the nasal septum are presented. The condition is rare, as indicated by a review of previously published cases. The clinical course of the lesion suggests that it behaves like Schneiderian papillomas elsewhere in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. The need for aggressive surgical management and careful follow-up is emphasized.

  1. Nasal inflammation in sleep apnoea patients using CPAP and effect of heated humidification. (United States)

    Koutsourelakis, I; Vagiakis, E; Perraki, E; Karatza, M; Magkou, C; Kopaka, M; Roussos, C; Zakynthinos, S


    Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) can cause undesirable nasal symptoms, such as congestion to obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients, whose symptoms can be attenuated by the addition of heated humidification. However, neither the nature of nasal symptoms nor the effect of heated humidification on nasal pathophysiology and pathology are convincingly known. 20 patients with OSA on nasal CPAP who exhibited symptomatic nasal obstruction were randomised to receive either 3 weeks of CPAP treatment with heated humidification or 3 weeks of CPAP treatment with sham-heated humidification, followed by 3 weeks of the opposite treatment, respectively. Nasal symptom score, nasal resistance, nasal lavage interleukin-6, interleukin-12 and tumour necrosis factor-α and nasal mucosa histopathology were assessed at baseline and after each treatment arm. Heated humidification in comparison with sham-heated humidification was associated with decrease in nasal symptomatology, resistance and lavage cytokines, and attenuation of inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis of the nasal mucosa. In conclusion, nasal obstruction of OSA patients on CPAP treatment is inflammatory in origin and the addition of heated humidification decreases nasal resistance and mucosal inflammation.

  2. Análise do clearance mucociliar nasal e dos efeitos adversos do uso de CPAP nasal em pacientes com SAHOS

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    Ferri Ricardo Gimenes


    Full Text Available Desde 1981, o uso da pressão aérea positiva através do CPAP nasal vem sendo considerado o principal tratamento clínico da síndrome da apnéia-hipopnéia obstrutiva do sono (SAHOS, apesar de sua adesão parcial a longo prazo. Alguns autores referem que as queixas nasais provenientes do fluxo de ar sob pressão positiva na cavidade nasal são as principais responsáveis pela interrupção do tratamento. Isto ocorreria porque o uso do CPAP levaria a alterações na mucosa e mudanças no transporte mucociliar e, conseqüentemente, um maior número de infecções nasosinusais. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o clearance mucociliar nasal em pacientes com SAHOS em uso de CPAP nasal através do teste de sacarina e correlacionar os efeitos adversos desta terapia com o tempo de tratamento e o nível de pressão utilizada no mesmo. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo clínico caso-controle. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 25 pacientes com SAHOS entre 18 a 70 anos em uso de CPAP nasal a partir de um mês acompanhados no Instituto do Sono (UNIFESP-EPM e submetidos ao teste de sacarina cujos resultados foram comparados com um grupo de 25 indivíduos sem doenças nasosinusais. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos em relação ao teste de sacarina.Os efeitos adversos estavam presentes em 84% da amostra, sendo 60% ressecamento e 36% obstrução nasal. Não houve correlação entre estas queixas e o tempo de tratamento ou a pressão aplicada pelo aparelho. CONCLUSÕES: O clearance mucociliar nasal no grupo com SAHOS em uso de CPAP nasal foi semelhante ao grupo controle e a obstrução nasal e o ressecamento não apresentaram correlação com o tempo de tratamento e o nível de pressão utilizada pelo aparelho.

  3. Doença de Paget com acometimento sacral: relato de caso Paget's disease with sacral involvement: a case report

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    Fernanda Nogueira Holanda Ferreira Braga


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, 71 anos de idade, com diagnóstico de doença de Paget óssea sacral. Foi realizado estudo com radiografia, cintilografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética, e o diagnóstico foi confirmado por análise histopatológica. O paciente evoluiu com boa resposta ao uso de ibandronato 150 mg, mensalmente, com redução significativa dos marcadores bioquímicos da doença.The authors report a case of a 71-year-old male patient diagnosed with Paget's disease of sacrum. Imaging study was performed with radiography, scintigraphy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, and the diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy. The patient progressed with a good response to monthly treatment with ibandronate 150 mg, presenting a significant reduction in biochemical markers of disease.

  4. Doença cística traqueobrônquica

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    Full Text Available Cistos aéreos que emergem anormalmente da traquéia e/ou brônquios de maior calibre são doença extremamente rara. Na literatura encontram-se poucas descrições de casos isolados de cistos paratraqueais associados a pneumopatias crônicas. Relatamos dois casos dessa entidade clínica, rara, em membros de uma mesma família: o pai das pacientes faleceu dessa doença com 43 anos de idade e as duas filhas encontram-se em tratamento. O quadro clínico é semelhante ao da supuração pulmonar crônica. O diagnóstico foi firmado através de broncovideoscopia e tomografia computadorizada de tórax com reconstrução em 3D e broncoscopia virtual. As pacientes estão sob observação e tratamento clínico paliativo.

  5. Nasal granuloma gravidarum presenting with recurrent massive epistaxis. (United States)

    Tantinikorn, Weerachai; Uiprasertkul, Mongkol; Assanasen, Paraya


    Nasal granuloma gravidarum is a rare condition associated with pregnancy and minor trauma. This condition presents with a nasal mass with varying degree of bleeding and obstruction. We report a patient with nasal granuloma gravidarum in the third trimester of pregnancy. Surgical excision is the definite treatment for this condition in order to stop the vicious cycle of recurrent massive bleeding. Possible etiology, clinical features and management are discussed.

  6. Effect of nasal deviation on quality of life. (United States)

    de Lima Ramos, Sueli; Hochman, Bernardo; Gomes, Heitor Carvalho; Abla, Luiz Eduardo Felipe; Veiga, Daniela Francescato; Juliano, Yara; Dini, Gal Moreira; Ferreira, Lydia Masako


    Nasal deviation is a common complaint in otorhinolaryngology and plastic surgery. This condition not only causes impairment of nasal function but also affects quality of life, leading to psychological distress. The subjective assessment of quality of life, as an important aspect of outcomes research, has received increasing attention in recent decades. Quality of life is measured using standardized questionnaires that have been tested for reliability, validity, and sensitivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate health-related quality of life, self-esteem, and depression in patients with nasal deviation. Sixty patients were selected for the study. Patients with nasal deviation (n = 32) were assigned to the study group, and patients without nasal deviation (n = 28) were assigned to the control group. The diagnosis of nasal deviation was made by digital photogrammetry. Quality of life was assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire; the Rosenberg Self-Esteem/Federal University of São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Medicina Scale; and the 20-item Self-Report Questionnaire. There were significant differences between groups in the physical functioning and general health subscales of the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (p < 0.05). Depression was detected in 11 patients (34.4 percent) in the study group and in two patients in the control group, with a significant difference between groups (p < 0.05). Nasal deviation is an aspect of rhinoplasty of which the surgeon should be aware so that proper psychological diagnosis can be made and suitable treatment can be planned because psychologically the patients with nasal deviation have significantly worse quality of life and are more prone to depression. Risk, II.(Figure is included in full-text article.).

  7. Inter- and intra-rater reliability of nasal auscultation in daycare children. (United States)

    Santos, Rita; Silva Alexandrino, Ana; Tomé, David; Melo, Cristina; Mesquita Montes, António; Costa, Daniel; Pinto Ferreira, João


    The aim of this study was to assess nasal auscultation's intra- and inter-rater reliability and to analyze ear and respiratory clinical condition according to nasal auscultation. Cross-sectional study performed in 125 children aged up to 3 years old attending daycare centers. Nasal auscultation, tympanometry and Paediatric Respiratory Severity Score (PRSS) were applied to all children. Nasal sounds were classified by an expert panel in order to determine nasal auscultation's intra and inter- rater reliability. The classification of nasal sounds was assessed against tympanometric and PRSS values. Nasal auscultation revealed substantial inter-rater (K=0.75) and intra-rater (K=0.69; K=0.61 and K=0.72) reliability. Children with a "non-obstructed" classification revealed a lower peak pressure (t=-3.599, Pauscultation revealed substantial intra- and inter-rater reliability. Nasal auscultation exhibited important differences according to ear and respiratory clinical conditions. Nasal auscultation in pediatrics seems to be an original topic as well as a simple method that can be used to identify early signs of nasopharyngeal obstruction.

  8. Systematic review: the influence of nasal obstruction on sleep apnea

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    Debora Petrungaro Migueis


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS is a common disorder that can lead to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, as well as to metabolic, neurological, and behavioral consequences. It is currently believed that nasal obstruction compromises the quality of sleep when it results in breathing disorders and fragmentation of sleep. However, recent studies have failed to objectively associate sleep quality and nasal obstruction. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the influence of nasal obstruction on OSAS and polysomnographic indices associated with respiratory events. METHODS: Eleven original articles published from 2003 to 2013 were selected, which addressed surgical and non-surgical treatment for nasal obstruction, performing polysomnography type 1 before and after the intervention. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: In most trials, nasal obstruction was not related to the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI, indicating no improvement in OSAS with reduction in nasal resistance. However, few researchers evaluated other polysomnography indices, such as the arousal index and rapid eye movement (REM sleep percentage. These could change with nasal obstruction, since it is possible that the nasal obstruction does not completely block the upper airways, but can increase negative intrathoracic pressure, leading to sleep fragmentation.

  9. Nicotine Nasal Spray (United States)

    ... with a smoking cessation program, which may include support groups, counseling, or specific behavior change techniques. Nicotine nasal ... and pharmacist what prescription and nonprescription medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, and herbal products you are taking or ...

  10. Seasonal changes in nasal cytology in mite-allergic patients

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    Gelardi M


    Full Text Available Matteo Gelardi,1 Diego G Peroni,2 Cristoforo Incorvaia,3 Nicola Quaranta,1 Concetta De Luca,1 Salvatore Barberi,4 Ilaria Dell'Albani,5 Massimo Landi,6 Franco Frati,5 Olivier de Beaumont7 1Otolaryngology Unit, Department of Neuroscience and Sensory Organs, University of Bari, Bari, Italy; 2Department of Pediatrics, University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 3Allergy/Pulmonary Rehabilitation, ICP Hospital, Milan, Italy; 4Department of Pediatrics, San Paolo Hospital, Milan, Italy; 5Medical and Scientific Department, Stallergenes, Milan, Italy; 6Department of Pediatrics, National Healthcare System, ASL TO1, Turin, Italy; 7Medical Affairs Department, Stallergenes, Antony, France Background: House dust mites (HDMs are a major cause of allergic rhinitis (AR and asthma worldwide. Recent studies suggested that the allergen load presents seasonal modifications, giving rise to seasonal variation in nasal inflammation and symptoms. The aim of this study was to evaluate by nasal cytology whether nasal inflammation in mite-allergic patients changes with the seasons of the year. Methods: The study included 16 patients (seven males and nine females, mean age 38.1 years with persistent AR caused by monosensitization to HDMs. Nasal cytology was performed in all patients once monthly for 1 year. Results: Nasal cytology showed that the cells most commonly detected in the nasal mucosa were neutrophils. During the period from October to April, a peak in the number of neutrophils and also the presence of significant numbers of eosinophils, mast cells, and lymphocytes/plasma cells were found, which shows the occurrence of more intense inflammation during these months. Conclusion: Nasal cytology provides useful data in detecting nasal inflammation and its association with the clinical stage of AR. The seasonal variations in nasal cytology are likely to be induced by the fluctuations in the HDM allergen that have been uncovered in recent investigations. Keywords: allergens

  11. Nasal allergies hayfever among young adults in Melbourne, Australia

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    Michael Abramson


    Full Text Available Although there is wide variation in the prevalence of nasal allergies internationally, the extent to which this is due to variation in etiological factors is not known. The purpose of the present study was to define the relative importance of atopy and other risk factors for nasal allergies, including hayfever, among young adults in Melbourne. The subjects were participants in the second phase of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey; 876 adults between 20 and 45 years of age completed a detailed respiratory questionnaire, 745 had skin prick testing with common aeroallergens and 675 underwent methacholine challenge. Total and allergen-specific IgE levels were measured in 701 and 693 subjects by radioimmunoassay and RAST, respectively. Nasal allergies, including hayfever, were reported by 47.5% of randomly selected participants. Females, non- smokers, subjects with a family history of allergies, those with current asthma, a history of eczema and nasal symptoms induced by dust, pollen or food were significantly more likely to have nasal allergies. Oral antihistamines had been used by 45.7% of those reporting nasal allergies and 12.4% had received allergen immunotherapy. The risk of nasal allergies, including hayfever, was increased 6.1-fold by atopy, particularly by positive skin tests to outdoor allergens such as Birch, Timothy grass, plantain, olive, Cladosporium and Rye grass pollen. Total serum IgE was significantly higher in subjects reporting nasal allergies than in those who did not report such allergies. There were significant trends in the prevalence of nasal allergies with increasing titers of specific IgE directed against all allergens tested. In conclusion, the significant independent risk factors for nasal allergies, including hayfever, in young adults were atopy, particularly sensitization to Timothy grass, house dust mites and plantain, current asthma, not smoking, a history of eczema and female gender. Future research

  12. Utilidad del colgajo frontal en la reconstrucción nasal Usefulness of the forehead flap in the nasal reconstruction

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    Julio César Gálvez Chávez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La nariz constituye el centro estético de la cara y cualquier deformidad en ella afecta de modo importante a la armonía facial. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar las experiencias en reconstrucción nasal con colgajo frontal en pacientes con defectos anatómicos de la nariz, como consecuencia fundamentalmente de una cirugía oncológica. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, para caracterizar la experiencia de la reconstrucción nasal con colgajo frontal en pacientes con defectos nasales, atendidos en el Hospital «Hermanos Ameijeiras» y en el Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología, entre junio de 1999 y mayo de 2007. RESULTADOS. Destacó que el motivo más frecuente de reconstrucción fue la lesión neoplásica, con igual número de pacientes afectados por carcinoma basocelular y epidermoide. El ala nasal fue la zona más afectada y se presentó recidiva tumoral en 5 pacientes. En todos los casos se pudo crear una cubierta externa al defecto y el diseño oblicuo fue el más utilizado. Se reconstruyó la cubierta interna nasal fundamentalmente con injerto de piel total y el soporte nasal, mayormente con injertos cartilaginosos de la concha auricular. Todos los colgajos frontales se mantuvieron vitales después de su desconexión en el segundo tiempo quirúrgico. El cierre directo de la zona donante fue el más utilizado y en algunos casos se logró con la utilización de expansión tisular. Se realizó un tercer tiempo de remodelación en los pacientes que lo necesitaron. Las complicaciones no afectaron al resultado final de la reconstrucción. CONCLUSIONES. Se demostró la utilidad y vigencia del colgajo frontal en la reconstrucción nasal.ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION. The nose is the aesthetic center of the face and any deformity in it significantly affects facial harmony. This study was aimed at characterizing the experiences in nasal reconstruction with forehead flap in patients with

  13. Flow through the nasal cavity of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias (United States)

    Timm-Davis, L. L.; Fish, F. E.


    The nasal cavity of spiny dogfish is a blind capsule with no internal connection to the oral cavity. Water is envisioned to flow through the cavity in a smooth, continuous flow pattern; however, this assumption is based on previous descriptions of the morphology of the olfactory cavity. No experimentation on the flow through the internal nasal cavity has been reported. Morphology of the head of the spiny dogfish ( Squalus acanthias) does not suggest a close external connection between the oral and nasal systems. However, dye visualization showed that there was flow through the nasal apparatus and from the excurrent nostril to the mouth when respiratory flows were simulated. The hydrodynamic flow through the nasal cavity was observed from flow tank experiments. The dorsum of the nasal cavity of shark heads from dead animals was exposed by dissection and a glass plate was glued over of the exposed cavity. When the head was placed in a flow, dye was observed to be drawn passively into the cavity showing a complex, three-dimensional hydrodynamic flow. Dye entered the incurrent nostril, flowed through the nasal lamellae, crossed over and under the nasal valve, and circulated around the nasal valve before exiting the excurrent nostril. When the nasal valve was removed, the dye became stagnant and back flowed out through the incurrent nostril. The single nasal valve has a hydrodynamic function that organizes a coherent flow of water through the cavity without disruption. The results suggest that the morphology of the nasal apparatus in concert with respiratory flow and ambient flows from active swimming can be used to draw water through the olfactory cavity of the shark.

  14. Analyses and treatments of postoperative nasal complications after endonasal transsphenoidal resection of pituitary neoplasms (United States)

    Cheng, You; Xue, Fei; Wang, Tian-You; Ji, Jun-Feng; Chen, Wei; Wang, Zhi-Yi; Xu, Li; Hang, Chun-Hua; Liu, Xin-Feng


    Abstract In this study, we analyze and discuss the treatments of postoperative nasal complications after endonasal transsphenoidal resection of pituitary neoplasms (PNs). We performed 129 endonasal transsphenoidal resections of PNs and analyzed and treated cases with nasal complications. After endonasal transsphenoidal resection of PNs, there were 26 cases of postoperative nasal complications (20.1%), including nasal hemorrhage (4.8%), cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea (6.9%), sphenoid sinusitis (2.3%), atrophic rhinitis (1.6%), olfactory disorder (1.6%), perforation of nasal septum (0.8%), and nasal adhesion (2.3%). All patients clinically recovered after therapy, which included treatment of the cavity through nasal endoscopy, intranasal corticosteroids, and nasal irrigation. We propose that regular nasal endoscopic review, specific nasal medications, and regular nasal irrigation can effectively clear nasal mucosal hyperemia-induced edema and nasal/nasoantral secretions, as well as promote regeneration of nasal mucosa, prevent nasal adhesion, maintain the sinus cavity drainage, and accelerate the recovery of the physiological function of the paranasal sinus. Timely treatment of patients with nasal complications after endonasal transsphenoidal resections of PNs could greatly relieve the clinical symptoms. Nasal cleaning is very beneficial to patients after surgery recovery. PMID:28403108

  15. Specificity and sensitivity assessment of selected nasal provocation testing techniques

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    Edyta Krzych-Fałta


    Full Text Available Introduction: Nasal provocation testing involves an allergen-specific local reaction of the nasal mucosa to the administered allergen. Aim: To determine the most objective nasal occlusion assessment technique that could be used in nasal provocation testing. Material and methods : A total of 60 subjects, including 30 patients diagnosed with allergy to common environmental allergens and 30 healthy subjects were enrolled into the study. The method used in the study was a nasal provocation test with an allergen, with a standard dose of a control solution and an allergen (5,000 SBU/ml administered using a calibrated atomizer into both nostrils at room temperature. Early-phase nasal mucosa response in the early phase of the allergic reaction was assessed via acoustic rhinometry, optical rhinometry, nitric oxide in nasal air, and tryptase levels in the nasal lavage fluid. Results : In estimating the homogeneity of the average values, the Levene’s test was used and receiver operating characteristic curves were plotted for all the methods used for assessing the nasal provocation test with an allergen. Statistically significant results were defined for p < 0.05. Of all the objective assessment techniques, the most sensitive and characteristic ones were the optical rhinometry techniques (specificity = 1, sensitivity = 1, AUC = 1, PPV = 1, NPV = 1. Conclusions : The techniques used showed significant differences between the group of patients with allergic rhinitis and the control group. Of all the objective assessment techniques, those most sensitive and characteristic were the optical rhinometry.

  16. Systematic review: the influence of nasal obstruction on sleep apnea. (United States)

    Migueis, Debora Petrungaro; Thuler, Luiz Claudio Santos; Lemes, Lucas Neves de Andrade; Moreira, Chirlene Santos Souza; Joffily, Lucia; Araujo-Melo, Maria Helena de


    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a common disorder that can lead to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, as well as to metabolic, neurological, and behavioral consequences. It is currently believed that nasal obstruction compromises the quality of sleep when it results in breathing disorders and fragmentation of sleep. However, recent studies have failed to objectively associate sleep quality and nasal obstruction. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the influence of nasal obstruction on OSAS and polysomnographic indices associated with respiratory events. Eleven original articles published from 2003 to 2013 were selected, which addressed surgical and non-surgical treatment for nasal obstruction, performing polysomnography type 1 before and after the intervention. In most trials, nasal obstruction was not related to the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), indicating no improvement in OSAS with reduction in nasal resistance. However, few researchers evaluated other polysomnography indices, such as the arousal index and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep percentage. These could change with nasal obstruction, since it is possible that the nasal obstruction does not completely block the upper airways, but can increase negative intrathoracic pressure, leading to sleep fragmentation. Copyright © 2015 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  17. Nasal bacterial colonization in cases of idiopathic epistaxis in children. (United States)

    Kamble, Payal; Saxena, Sonal; Kumar, Sunil


    To evaluate the role of nasal bacterial colonization in cases of idiopathic epistaxis in children. A descriptive, hospital based, observational study in our hospital was conducted on total 112 pediatric patients in the age group 4-16 years. Group A (control): 56 patients with no epistaxis; Group B (epistaxis): 56 patients with idiopathic epistaxis. A swab for microbiological evaluation was taken from the anterior nasal cavity of each child. A highly significant association between nasal colonization with pathological Staphylococcus aureus and idiopathic epistaxis was found. The presence of pathological S. aureus colonization in the anterior nasal cavity was also associated with statistically significant number of crusting and presence of dilated blood vessels on the anterior nasal septum of children in epistaxis group. Nasal bacterial colonization with S. aureus leads to a sequence of pathological events i.e. low grade inflammation, crusting and new vessel formation. This leads to irritation in nasal cavity resulting in digital trauma and subsequently epistaxis and thus it plays an important role in causing idiopathic epistaxis in children. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Alcohol hyper-responsiveness in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. (United States)

    De Schryver, Els; Derycke, Lara; Campo, Paloma; Gabriels, Eline; Joos, Guy F; Van Zele, Thibaut; Bachert, Claus; Hellings, Peter W; Gevaert, Philippe


    An important percentage of subjects diagnosed with chronic upper airway disease report alcohol-induced worsening of their symptoms. The prevalence and characteristics of respiratory reactions provoked by alcohol-containing drinks have not been fully investigated yet. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and characteristics of alcohol hyper-responsiveness in patients with chronic airway disease and healthy controls. Furthermore, nasal inflammation was evaluated in nasal polyp patients with and without hyper-responsiveness. We evaluated the prevalence and characteristics of alcohol-induced respiratory complaints in 1281 subjects. Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) patients with and without NSAID exacerbated respiratory disease (NERD), chronic rhinosinusitis patients without nasal polyps (CRSsNP), allergic rhinitis (AR) patients and healthy controls were approached by means of a questionnaire. Inflammatory markers (eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP), IL-5, IgE, SAE-specific IgE, IL-17, TNFα and IFNγ) in tissue were then compared between alcohol hyper-responsive and non-hyper-responsive CRSwNP patients. The highest prevalence of nasal and bronchial alcohol hyper-responsiveness was observed in patients with NERD, followed by CRSwNP, and less frequent in CRSsNP, AR and healthy controls. Alcohol hyper-responsiveness is significantly more prevalent in CRSwNP patients suffering from recurrent disease and in patients with severe symptomatology. In nasal tissue of the hyper-responsive CRSwNP group, we observed significantly higher nasal levels of the eosinophilic biomarker ECP. Nasal hyper-responsiveness to alcohol is significantly more prevalent in severe eosinophilic upper airway disease. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. A study of Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage, antibacterial ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dec 30, 2014 ... substantially enhancing nasal colonization, lung disease and abscess formation and promoting mechanisms of immune evasion.[7]. Antimicrobial ... nasal carriage, investigation of risk factors, and virulence traits among ...

  20. Interpretation of nasal swab measurements following suspected releases of actinide aerosols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klumpp, John Allan; Bertelli, Luiz; Waters, Tom L.


    For radionuclides such as plutonium and americium, detection of removable activity in the nose (i.e., nasal swab measurements) are frequently used to determine whether follow-up bioassay measurements are warranted following a potential intake. For this paper, the authors analyzed 429 nasal swab measurements taken following incidents or suspicious circumstances (such as an air monitor alarming) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) for which the dose was later evaluated using in vitro bioassay. Nasal swab measurements were found to be very poor predictors of dose and should not be used as such in the field. However, nasal swab measurements can be indicative of whether a reliably detectable committed effective dose (CED) occurred. About 14% of nasal swab measurements between 1.25 and 16.7 Bq corresponded to CEDs greater than 1 mSv, so in general, positive nasal swabs always indicate that follow-up bioassay should be performed (positive nasal swabs less than 1.25 Bq are considered separately). This probability increased significantly for nasal swabs greater than 16.7 Bq. Only about 3% of nasal swabs with no detectable activity (NDA) corresponded to reliably detectable CEDs. As a result, a nasal swab with NDA is therefore necessary, but not sufficient, to negate the need for a follow-up bioassay if it was collected following other workplace indicators of a potential intake.

  1. Nasal manifestations in chromium industry workers. (United States)

    Aiyer, R G; Kumar, Gaurav


    People working in mines, plating factories, cement industries are mainly exposed to chrome substances, IIexavalent chromium has been implicated for its toxic effect on the nasal mucosa. Hereby we present a rare study of 28 patients who attended out patient department of Otorhinolaryngology at SSG Hospital, Baroda from a nearby chromium industry. This study aims to present various nasal manifestations of toxic effects of prolonged chromium exposure.

  2. Extraskeletal primary Ewing's scrcoma in the nasal cavity: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Bo Young; Park, Seok Won; Km, Eo Jin; Choi, Jong Sun; Lee, Eun Ja


    Ewing's sarcoma presents a rare tumor of the head and neck, and even rarer in the nasal cavity and/or paranasal sinuses. We report the case of Ewing's sarcoma in the nasal cavity, as presented with nasal obstruction and epistaxis. The CT and MRI examination reveals a mass in the left nasal cavity with extension to contralateral side, ethmoidal sinus, and nasopharynx. We provide an overview of Ewing's sarcoma in the nasal cavity and discuss radiologic findings of this unusual case.

  3. [Study on computed tomography features of nasal septum cellule and its clinical significance]. (United States)

    Huang, Dingqiang; Li, Wanrong; Gao, Liming; Xu, Guanqiang; Ou, Xiaoyi; Tang, Guangcai


    To investigate the features of nasal septum cellule in computed tomographic (CT) images and its clinical significance. CT scans data of nasal septum in 173 patients were randomly obtained from January 2001 to June 2005. Prevalence and clinical features were summarized in the data of 19 patients with nasal septum cellule retrospectively. (1) Nineteen cases with nasal septum cellule were found in 173 patients. (2) All nasal septum cellule of 19 cases located in perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone, in which 8 cases located in upper part of nasal septum and 11 located in middle. (3) There were totally seven patients with nasal diseases related to nasal septum cellule, in which 3 cases with inflammation, 2 cases with bone fracture, 1 case with cholesterol granuloma, 1 case with mucocele. Nasal septum cellule is an anatomic variation of nasal septum bone, and its features can provide further understanding of some diseases related to nasal septum cellule.

  4. Detection of diabetic foveal edema with biomicroscopy, fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography Detecção do edema foveal diabético com biomicroscopia, angiografia fluoresceínica e tomografia de coerência óptica

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    Rosana Zacarias Hannouche


    Full Text Available To describe different techniques for the detection of diabetic foveal edema. A retrospective review of the detection of diabetic foveal edema. Noncontact lens biomicroscopy is relatively insensitive in mild foveal thickening apparent on optical coherence tomography. Optical coherence tomography measurements can detect early retinal damage in diabetic retinopathy patients.Descrever diferentes técnicas para detecção do edema foveal diabético. Uma revisão da detecção do edema foveal diabético. Biomicroscopia com lente de não contato é relativamente insensível em edema leve aparente na tomografia de coerência óptica. Tomografia de coerência óptica pode detectar precocemente o dano retiniano inicial em pacientes com retinopatia diabética.

  5. Solitary Chemoreceptor Cell Proliferation in Adult Nasal Epithelium


    Gulbransen, Brian D.; Finger, Thomas E.


    Nasal trigeminal chemosensitivity in mice and rats is mediated in part by solitary chemoreceptor cells (SCCs) in the nasal epithelium (Finger et al., 2003). Many nasal SCCs express the G-protein α-gustducin as well as other elements of the bitter-taste signaling cascade including phospholipase Cβ2, TRPM5 and T2R bitter-taste receptors. While some populations of sensory cells are replaced throughout life (taste and olfaction), others are not (hair cells and carotid body chemoreceptors). These ...

  6. Nasal biopsies of children exposed to air pollutants. (United States)

    Calderón-Garcidueñas, L; Rodriguez-Alcaraz, A; Valencia-Salazar, G; Mora-Tascareño, A; García, R; Osnaya, N; Villarreal-Calderón, A; Devlin, R B; Van Dyke, T


    Southwest Metropolitan Mexico City (SWMMC) atmosphere is a complex mixture of air pollutants, including ozone, particulate matter, and aldehydes. Children in SWMMC are exposed chronically and sequentially to numerous toxicants, and they exhibit significant nasal damage. The objective of this study was to assess p53 accumulation by immunohistochemistry in nasal biopsies of SWMMC children. We evaluated 111 biopsies from 107 children (83 exposed SWMMC children and 24 control children residents in a pollutant-compliant Caribbean island). Complete clinical histories and physical examinations, including an ear-nose-throat (ENT) exam were done. There was a significant statistical difference in the upper and lower respiratory symptomatology and ENT findings between control and exposed children (p < 0.001). Control children gave no respiratory symptomatology in the 3 months prior to the study; their biopsies exhibited normal ciliated respiratory epithelium and were p53-negative. SWMMC children complained of epistaxis, nasal obstruction. and crusting. Irregular areas of whitish-gray recessed mucosa over the inferior and middle turbinates were seen in 25% of SWMMC children, and their nasal biopsies displayed basal cell hyperplasia, decreased numbers of ciliated and goblet cells, neutrophilic epithelial infiltrates, squamous metaplasia. and mild dysplasia. Four of 21 SWMMC children with grossly abnormal mucosal changes exhibited strong transmural nuclear p53 staining in their nasal biopsies (p 0.005, odds ratio 26). In the context of lifetime exposures to toxic and potentially carcinogenic air pollutants, p53 nasal induction in children could potentially represent. a) a checkpoint response to toxic exposures, setting up a selective condition for p53 mutation, or b) a p53 mutation has already occurred as a result of such selection. Because the biological significance of p53 nuclear accumulation in the nasal biopsies of these children is not clear at this point, we strongly

  7. [Clinical symptoms and immunology inspection characteristics of nasal cavity local allergy]. (United States)

    Yin, Z X; Zhu, Y; Zhai, X; Zhang, J L; Liu, G


    Objective: To investigate the clinical symptoms and immunology inspection characteristics of nasal cavity local allergy. Method: Selected 60 patients as observation group, who had only nasal local allergy symptoms, allergen skin prick test and serum allergen specific IgE (SIgE) test were negative, 40 allergic rhinitis (AR) patients and 40 healthy volunteers as control groups. To detect Symptom scores and VAS scores, and eosinophilia counts in venous blood, allergen skin prick test (SPT), serum allergen SIgE test, nasal secretions allergen SIgE test, nasal mucous membrane excitation test in both observation group and AR group, eosinophilia counts in nasal secretion, taked the data for statistical analysis. Result: There was no difference ( P > 0.05) in the symptom scores and VAS scores of observation group and the AR group. The eosinophilia counts in venous blood in the AR group were higher than in the observation group ( P 0.05) in the eosinophilia percentages in nasal secretion in the observation group and the AR group. There was significant difference ( P < 0.05) in the eosinophilia percentages in nasal secretion in the observation group and the healthy volunteers group. There were 6 patients in observation group whose nasal secretions allergen SIgE test and nasal mucous membrane excitation test were both negative, could be diagnosised as non-allergic rhinitis (NAR). According to eosinophilia counts in venous blood and nasal secretions, 4 patients were diagnosised as vasomotor rhinitis and 2 patients were diagnosised as NAR with eosinophilia syndrome. There were 54 patients in observation group whose nasal secretions allergen SIgE test and (or) nasal mucous membrane excitation test were positive, could be diagnosised as local allergic rhinitis. After three years, all of the observation group patients were detected with SPT and serum allergen SIgE test. Five patients diagnosed as local allergic rhinitis before three years were positive. Six patients diagnosed as

  8. Nasal Osteogenic Chondrosarcoma: A Case Report | Adeniji | West ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    At emergency tracheostomy, examination under anaesthesia, meticulous nasal and nasopharyngeal tumour clearance was done. Histopathological examination of the mass revealed osteogenic chondrosarcoma. CONCLUSION: Though rare, osteogenic chondrosarcoma affects nasal bones. Clinically the tumour mimicks ...

  9. A Case of Nasal Glial Heterotopia in an Adult

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    Akira Hagiwara


    Full Text Available We report a rare case of nasal glial heterotopia in an adult. After the surgery, frontal lobe cerebral hemorrhage developed. A 58-year-old man had unilateral nasal obstruction that progressed for one year. He had been treated for hypertension, chronic heart failure, and cerebral infarction with aspirin and warfarin. A computed tomography scan showed that the tumor occupied the right nasal cavity and the sinuses with small defect in the cribriform plate. The tumor was removed totally with endoscopy. After the operation, the patient developed convulsions and frontal lobe cerebral hemorrhage. The hemorrhage site was located near a defect in the cribriform plate. Nasal glial heterotopia is a rare developmental abnormality, particularly rare in adult. Only few cases were reported. We could not find any report of adult nasal glial heterotopias that developed cerebral hemorrhage as a complication of the surgery.

  10. Nasal polyps. A clinical radiological histopathological and mycological study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Babiker, Babiker Eltayeb [Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Khartoum (Sudan)


    Forty patients with nasal polyposis were studied. This study included clinical, haematological and mycological aspects. There were 24 females (60% of patients) and 16 males (40%). We found that all patients presented with nasal obstruction and nasal tone and the majority of them had allergic nasal symptoms such as sneezing and watery discharge. Thirty five percent of the patients were recurrent cases, being operated before for nasal polyps. Radiological investigations showed high of sinusitis and that 10% of the patients had complicated disease with orbital or intracranial extensions. Mycological studies revealed the presence of fungal infection in 4 patient (10%) and it was caused by Aspergillus flavus. Histological studies identified the allergic nature of the polyps in all patients. Surgical treatment was carried out in all patients and operations varied from simple intranasal polypectomy, intranasal ethmiodectomy, external ethmoidectomy to Caldwell-Luc operation for patients with antrochanal polyps.(Author)

  11. Efficacy of functional endoscopic sinus surgery in recurrent nasal polyposis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aslam, S.; Ali, M.; Ahmed, A.; Asghar, A.; Aslam, S.


    To analyze the efficacy of FESS in patients with recurrent nasal polyposis in terms of relief of nasal obstruction, improvement in sense of smell and to assess recurrence of disease. Study Design: Descriptive case series. Materials and Method: All patients who underwent FESS (Functional endoscopic sinus surgery) for recurrent nasal polyposis from June 2008 to June 2010 with an average follow up of 06 month were included. Clinical symptoms including nasal obstruction and olfactory disturbance were evaluated using VAS system pre and postoperatively. Preoperatively computed tomography scan was done in all cases to assess extent of disease and surgical anatomy. Results: Following FESS 96% of total patients demonstrated statistically significant improvement in relieving nasal obstruction after 6 months follow up, however improvement in sense of smell was seen in 44% of patients. Recurrence was seen in only 3 (6%) cases at 3rd and 6th month follow up. Conclusion: Functional endoscopy sinus surgery of recurrent nasal polyposis is an effective method of surgery with significant improvement of symptom of nasal obstruction and olfaction with minimal recurrence at 6 month in our centre. Our results were compatible with results attained internationally. (author)

  12. Inverted papillomas and benign nonneoplastic lesions of the nasal cavity (United States)

    Casiano, Roy R.


    Background: Benign lesions of the nasal cavity represent a diverse group of pathologies. Furthermore, each of these disorders may present differently in any given patient as pain and discomfort, epistaxis, headaches, vision changes, or nasal obstruction. Although these nasal masses are benign, many of them have a significant capacity for local tissue destruction and symptomatology secondary to this destruction. Advances in office-based endoscopic nasendoscopy have equipped the otolaryngologist with a safe, inexpensive, and rapid means of directly visualizing lesions within the nasal cavity and the initiation of appropriate treatment. Methods: The purpose of this study is to review the diagnosis, management, and controversies of many of the most common benign lesions of the nasal cavity encountered by the primary care physician or otolaryngologist. Results: This includes discussion of inverted papilloma (IP), juvenile angiofibroma, squamous papilloma, pyogenic granuloma, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, schwannoma, benign fibro-osseous lesions, and other benign lesions of the nasal cavity, with particular emphasis on IP and juvenile angiofibroma. Conclusion: A diverse array of benign lesions occur within the nasal cavity and paranasal cavities. Despite their inability to metastasize, many of these lesions have significant capability for local tissue destruction and recurrence. PMID:22487294

  13. Nasal base narrowing of the caucasian nose through the cerclage technique

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    Mocellin, Marcos


    Full Text Available Introduction: Several techniques can be performed to reduce the nasal base (narrowing, as skin resection vestibular columellar skin resection, resection of skin in elliptical lip narinary, sloughing of skin and advancements (VY technique of Bernstein and the use of cerclage sutures in the nasal base. Objective: To evaluate the technique of cerclage performed in the nasal base, through endonasal rhinoplasty without delivery of basic technique, in the Caucasian nose, reducing the distance inter-alar flare and correcting the wing with consequent improvement in nasal harmony in the whole face. Methods: A retrospective analysis by analysis of clinical documents and photos of 43 patients in whom cerclage was made of the nasal base by resecting skin ellipse in the region of the vestibule and the nasal base (modified technique of Weir using colorless mononylon® 4 "0" with a straight cutting needle. The study was conducted in 2008 and 2009 at Hospital of Paraná Institute of Otolaryngology - IPO in Curitiba, Parana - Brazil. Patients had a follow up ranging 7-12 months. Results: In 100% of cases was achieved an improvement in nasal harmony, by decreasing the inter-alar distance. Conclusion: The encircling with minimal resection of vestibular skin and the nasal base is an effective method for the narrowing of the nasal base in the Caucasian nose, with predictable results and easy to perform.

  14. Herpes viruses and human papilloma virus in nasal polyposis and controls

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    Dimitrios Ioannidis


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps is a multifactorial disease entity with an unclear pathogenesis. Contradictory data exist in the literature on the potential implication of viral elements in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of human herpes viruses (1-6 and Human Papilloma Virus in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls. METHODS: Viral DNA presence was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction application to nasal polyps specimens from 91 chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps patients and nasal turbinate mucosa from 38 healthy controls. RESULTS: Epstein-Barr virus positivity was higher in nasal polyps (24/91; 26.4% versus controls (4/38; 10.5%, but the difference did not reach significance (p = 0.06. Human herpes virus-6 positivity was lower in nasal polyps (13/91; 14.29% versus controls (10/38; 26.32%,p = 0.13. In chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps group, 1 sample was herpes simplex virus-1-positive (1/91; 1.1%, and another was cytomegalovirus-positive (1/91; 1.1%, versus none in controls. No sample was positive for herpes simplex virus-2, varicella-zoster virus, high-risk-human papilloma viruses (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and low-risk-human papilloma viruses (6, 11. CONCLUSION: Differences in Epstein-Barr virus and human herpes virus-6 positivity among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls are not statistically significant, weakening the likelihood of their implication in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps pathogenesis.

  15. The effect of mouth leak and humidification during nasal non-invasive ventilation. (United States)

    Tuggey, Justin M; Delmastro, Monica; Elliott, Mark W


    Poor mask fit and mouth leak are associated with nasal symptoms and poor sleep quality in patients receiving domiciliary non-invasive ventilation (NIV) through a nasal mask. Normal subjects receiving continuous positive airways pressure demonstrate increased nasal resistance following periods of mouth leak. This study explores the effect of mouth leak during pressure-targeted nasal NIV, and whether this results in increased nasal resistance and consequently a reduction in effective ventilatory support. A randomised crossover study of 16 normal subjects was performed on separate days. Comparison was made of the effect of 5 min of mouth leak during daytime nasal NIV with and without heated humidification. Expired tidal volume (V(T)), nasal resistance (R(N)), and patient comfort were measured. Mean change (Delta) in V(T) and R(N) were significantly less following mouth leak with heated humidification compared to the without (DeltaV(T) -36+/-65 ml vs. -88+/-50 ml, phumidification (5.3+/-0.4 vs. 6.2+/-0.4, phumidification. In normal subjects, heated humidification during nasal NIV attenuates the adverse effects of mouth leak on effective tidal volume, nasal resistance and improves overall comfort. Heated humidification should be considered as part of an approach to patients who are troubled with nasal symptoms, once leak has been minimised.

  16. Does gently clearing the nasal passage affect odor identification?

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    Mitchell G. Spring


    Full Text Available Identifying scents in a wine’s bouquet is considered one of the most important steps in the process of wine tasting. An individual’s ability to successfully do this is dependent on the sense of smell; thus, altering the nasal microenvironment could have a powerful effect on the wine tasting experience. In the present study, we examined olfactory performance in healthy participants who cleared their nasal cavity before odorant presentations. Fifty undergraduate participants were assessed with a standardized test of olfaction requiring the recognition of a battery of odors. Half of these participants cleared mucus from their nasal cavities (by gently blowing their noses prior to the assessment. No difference was found in performance between those who cleared their nasal passages and those who did not. Further, data were not different than known population data from the test. These data suggest that gently clearing the nasal cavity before presentation of odorants bears no effect on the ability to perceive those odor qualities.

  17. Fracture of nasal bones: an epidemiologic analysis

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    Fornazieri, Marco Aurélio


    Full Text Available Introduction: One of the most common diseases in the otorhinolaryngology emergency room is the nasal bones fracture. The peak of incidence is between 15 and 25 years of age. Generally men are more affected. Objective: To analyze the age, gender and the most frequent causes of nasal fractures evaluated in the otorhinolaryngology service of a tertiary hospital. Method: Retrospective study of records of the patients with nasal fracture diagnosis treated between July 1st, 2003 and July 1st, 2007. Results: 167 patients with nasal bones fracture were included in the study, including 134 men and 33 women. Violence was the most frequent cause, with 55 cases (32.9%, followed by fall from their own height, with 33 cases (19.7%, and motorcycle accident, 14 cases (8.4%. The most common age was between 21 and 39 years (46.1%. Conclusion: Male, age between 21 and 39 years and violence are the most common characteristics found in our service. Motorcycle accidents also play an important role in this affection.

  18. Strategy for Nasal Reconstruction in Atypical Facial Clefts

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    Fouad M. Ghareeb, FRCS, MD


    Full Text Available Summary:. It is difficult to put forward a strategy for the treatment of nasal clefts due to the rarity and diversity of anatomical aberrations of these cases contrary to the common nasal affection in cleft lip and palate patients, which differ in severity rather than differing in the morbid anatomy. This simple strategy for correction of these nasal clefts will hopefully help surgeons to achieve better results. In the mean time I intended to describe the morbid anatomy of these cases by choosing examples of each morbid anatomy.

  19. A decrease in nasal CO2 stimulates breathing in the tegu lizard. (United States)

    Coates, E L; Furilla, R A; Ballam, G O; Bartlett, D


    Tegu lizards decrease ventilatory frequency (f) when constant CO2, as low as 0.4%, is delivered to the nasal cavities. In contrast, CO2, as high as 6%, pulsed into the nasal cavities during the expiratory phase of the breathing cycle does not alter f. The purpose of the present study was to investigate further the effect of nasal CO2 pattern on f in tegu lizards. Specifically, we tested: (1) whether f was affected by CO2 delivered to the nasal cavities during the inspiratory phase of the breathing cycle, and (2) whether pulsed decreases in nasal CO2 from 4% to 2% and from 4% to 0% would remove the f inhibition caused by constant nasal CO2. Ventilation was measured using a pneumotachograph and pressure transducer in-line with an endotracheal T-tube inserted through the glottis. CO2 was delivered to the nasal cavities through small tubes inserted into the external nares. Ventilatory frequency was not significantly altered when 4% CO2 was pulsed into the nasal cavities during inspiration. Dropping the CO2 in the nasal cavities from 4% to 0% at either 15 cycles/min (0.25 Hz) or for one cycle stimulated breathing. There was no significant difference between the f response to a drop in CO2 from 4% to 0% and that to a drop in CO2 from 4% to 2%. The failure to link the phasic CO2 ventilatory response to a phase in the respiratory cycle indicates that the nasal CO2 receptors do not participate in the breath-by-breath regulation of breathing in these lizards. The observation that small decreases in nasal CO2 abolished the f inhibition caused by constant nasal CO2 provides further evidence for the ability of the nasal CO2 receptors to distinguish between pulsed and constant CO2.

  20. Extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma of the posterior nasal septum: a rare clinical entity. (United States)

    Atmaca, Sinan; Bayraktar, Cem; Yıldız, Levent


    Angiofibroma of extranasopharyngeal origin is very rare. Although it is usually originated from any mucosal structure in the head and neck region, maxilla is the most common involvement site. The nasal septum is an exceptional anatomic site of an angiofibroma. Surgery is the best treatment modality and recurrence is very rare. Nasal septal angiofibromas must be considered in the differential diagnosis of nasal vascular masses arising from the nasal septum. In this article, we report a 37-year-old male case with nasal septal angiofibroma who underwent surgical resection of the tumor. This is the 16th case in the literature.

  1. Anatomy and Surgical Approaches to the Rabbit Nasal Septum. (United States)

    Badran, Karam W; Chang, John C; Kuan, Edward C; Wong, Brian J F


    The rabbit is the primary animal model used to investigate aspects of nasal surgery. Although several studies have used this model, none has provided a comprehensive analysis of the surgical anatomy and techniques used to gain access to the rabbit nasal fossae and septum. To describe and optimize the surgical anatomy and approach to the rabbit nasal vault and septal cartilage. In an ex vivo animal study conducted at an academic medical center, preliminary cadaveric dissections were performed on rabbit head specimens to establish familiarity with relevant anatomy and rehearse various approaches. Live Pasteurella-free New Zealand white rabbits (3.5-4.0 kg) were used to further develop this surgical technique developed here. Access of the nasal vault was gained through a midline nasal dorsum incision and creation of an osteoplastic flap with a drill. Submucosal resection was performed with preservation of the mucoperichondrium. All rabbits were monitored daily for 4 weeks in the postoperative period for signs of infection, pain, and complications. The study was conducted from June 1, 2014, to December 1, 2014. Surgical anatomy and techniques used to gain access to the rabbit nasal vault and harvest septal cartilage. Four Pasteurella-free New Zealand white rabbits (Western Organ Rabbit Co), ranging in age from 9 to 12 months and weighing between 3.5 and 4.0 kg, were used in this study. Initial dissections demonstrated the feasibility of harvesting septal cartilage while preserving the mucoperichondrial envelope. Access to the nasal vault through this 3-osteotomy approach allowed for maximal exposure to the nasal cavity bilaterally while maintaining the integrity of the mucoperichondrium following septal cartilage harvest. The maximum amount of bulk, en bloc, cartilage harvested was 1.0 × 2.5 cm. Following surgical dissection, all animals maintained adequate airway patency and support to midface structures. Furthermore, all specimens preserved the integrity of the

  2. Nasal erosion as an uncommon sign of child abuse. (United States)

    Culotta, Paige A; Isaac, Reena; Sarpong, Kwabena; Chandy, Binoy; Cruz, Andrea; Donaruma-Kwoh, Marcella


    While various forms of facial trauma, bruising, burns, and fractures are frequently seen in cases of child abuse, purposeful nasal erosion has rarely been identified as a form of abusive injury. Progressive destruction of nasal tissue in children provokes a wide differential diagnosis crossing multiple subspecialties: infectious, primary immunodeficiencies, inflammatory conditions, malignancy, and genetic disorders. Progressive nasal erosion also can be a manifestation of child abuse. The proposed mechanism is repetitive mechanical denudation of the soft tissue and cartilage resulting in chronic inflammation, bleeding, and ultimately destruction of the insulted tissue. We report 6 cases of child abuse manifesting as overt nasal destruction. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Computed tomography study of otitis media; A tomografia computadorizada no estudo das otites medias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bahia, Paulo Roberto Valle; Marchiori, Edson [Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Radiologia


    The findings of computed tomography (CT) of 89 patients clinically suspected of having otitis media were studied in this work. Such results were compared to clinical diagnosis, otoscopy, surgical findings and previous data. Among the results of our analysis, we studied seven patients with acute otitis media and 83 patients with chronic otitis media. The patients with acute otitis media have undergone CT examinations to evaluate possible spread to central nervous system. The diagnosis of cholesteatoma, its extension and complications were the main indication. for chronic otitis media study. The main findings of the cholesteatomatous otitis were the occupation of the epitympanun, the bony wall destruction and the ossicular chain erosion. The CT demonstrated a great sensibility to diagnose the cholesteatoma. (author) 25 refs., 10 figs.

  4. Comparison of acute ozone-induced nasal and pulmonary inflammatory responses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hotchkiss, J.A.; Harkema, J.R.; Sun, J.D.; Henderson, R.F.


    The present study was designed to compare the effects of acute ozone exposure in the nose and lungs of rats. Rats were exposed to 0.0, 0.12, 0.80, or 1.5 ppm O 3 for 6 h and were sacrificed immediately, 3,18, 42, or 66 h after exposure. Cellular inflammatory responses were assessed by quantitating polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) recovered by nasal lavage (NL) and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and morphometric quantitation of PMN within the nasal mucosa and pulmonary centriacinar region. Rats exposed to 0.12 ppm O 3 had a transient nasal PMN response 18 h after exposure but no increase in pulmonary PMN. Rats exposed to 0.8 ppm O 3 had a marked increase in nasal PMN immediately after exposure but the number of PMN within the nasal cavity decreased as the number of pulmonary PMN increased with time after exposure. Rats exposed to 1.5 ppm O 3 had an increase in pulmonary PMN beginning 3 h post-exposure, but no increase in nasal PMN at any time. Our results suggest that at high O 3 concentrations, the acute nasal inflammatory response is attenuated by a simultaneous, competing, inflammatory response within the lung. (author)

  5. Comparison of acute ozone-induced nasal and pulmonary inflammatory responses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hotchkiss, J A; Harkema, J R; Sun, J D; Henderson, R F


    The present study was designed to compare the effects of acute ozone exposure in the nose and lungs of rats. Rats were exposed to 0.0, 0.12, 0.80, or 1.5 ppm O{sub 3} for 6 h and were sacrificed immediately, 3,18, 42, or 66 h after exposure. Cellular inflammatory responses were assessed by quantitating polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) recovered by nasal lavage (NL) and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and morphometric quantitation of PMN within the nasal mucosa and pulmonary centriacinar region. Rats exposed to 0.12 ppm O{sub 3} had a transient nasal PMN response 18 h after exposure but no increase in pulmonary PMN. Rats exposed to 0.8 ppm O{sub 3} had a marked increase in nasal PMN immediately after exposure but the number of PMN within the nasal cavity decreased as the number of pulmonary PMN increased with time after exposure. Rats exposed to 1.5 ppm O{sub 3} had an increase in pulmonary PMN beginning 3 h post-exposure, but no increase in nasal PMN at any time. Our results suggest that at high O{sub 3} concentrations, the acute nasal inflammatory response is attenuated by a simultaneous, competing, inflammatory response within the lung. (author)

  6. Treatment countermeasures for common problems in dacryocystorhinostomy under nasal endoscope

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhong-Ling Luo


    Full Text Available AIM: To discuss the common problems and treatment countermeasures in dacryocystorhinostomy under nasal endoscope.METHODS: The clinical data of 37 cases(43 eyesof postoperative dacryocystorhinostomy under nasal endoscope, by using high-frequency electric knife to open the nasal mucosa, hemostasis in surgery, burning fixed lacrimal sac mucosal flap and nasal mucosal flap, methylene blue staining of the lacrimal sac, lacrimal drainage tube implanted and expansion foam support fixed anastomotic methods were reviewed in our hospital from Mar. 2011 to June. 2013. The effects of surgery were observed, and the intraoperative common questions and the treatments were discussed.RESULTS: In the 37 cases(43 eyes, 42 eyes(97.7%were cured, and 1 eye was improved, and the total efficiency was 100%. All operations were successfully completed without any serious complications during surgery.CONCLUSION: The common complication in dacryocystorhinostomy under nasal endoscope are effectively treated and the success rates of surgery are improved, by using high-frequency electric knife to open the nasal mucosa, hemostasis in surgery, burning fixed lacrimal sac mucosal flap and nasal mucosal flap, methylene blue staining of the lacrimal sac, lacrimal drainage tube implanted and expansion foam support fixed anastomotic methods. These methods are worthy of application and promotion.

  7. Effects of Heated Humidification and Topical Steroids on Compliance, Nasal Symptoms, and Quality of Life in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Using Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (United States)

    Ryan, Silke; Doherty, Liam S.; Nolan, Geraldine M.; McNicholas, Walter T.


    Background: Nasal side effects are common in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) starting on nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. We tested the hypothesis that heated humidification or nasal topical steroids improve compliance, nasal side effects and quality of life in this patient group. Methods: 125 patients with the established diagnosis of OSAS (apnea/hypopnea index ≥ 10/h), who tolerated CPAP via a nasal mask, and who had a successful CPAP titration were randomized to 4 weeks of dry CPAP, humidified CPAP or CPAP with additional topical nasal steroid application (fluticasone, GlaxoWellcome). Groups were similar in all demographic variables and in frequency of nasal symptoms at baseline. Outcome measures were objective compliance, quality of life (short form 36), subjective sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale score) and nasal symptoms such as runny, dry or blocked nose, sneezing and headaches; all variables assessed using a validated questionnaire and by direct interview. Results: There was no difference in compliance between groups after 4 weeks (dry: 5.21 ± 1.66 h/night, fluticasone: 5.66 ± 1.68, humidifier: 5.21 ± 1.84; p = 0.444). Quality of life and subjective sleepiness improved in all groups, but there were no differences in the extent of improvement. Nasal Symptoms were less frequently reported in the humidifier group (28%) than in the remaining groups (dry: 70%, fluticasone: 53%, p = 0.002). However, the addition of fluticasone resulted in increased frequency of sneezing. Conclusion: The addition of a humidifier, but not nasal steroids decreases the frequency of nasal symptoms in unselected OSAS patients initiating CPAP therapy; however compliance and quality of life remain unaltered. Citation: Ryan S; Doherty LS; Nolan GM; McNicholas WT. Effects of heated humidification and topical steroids on compliance, nasal symptoms, and quality of life in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome using nasal

  8. Characterization of the nasal and oral microbiota of detection dogs.

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    Anitha Isaiah

    Full Text Available Little is known about physiological factors that affect the sense of olfaction in dogs. The objectives of this study were to describe the canine nasal and oral microbiota in detection dogs. We sought to determine the bacterial composition of the nasal and oral microbiota of a diverse population of detection canines. Nasal and oral swabs were collected from healthy dogs (n = 81 from four locations-Alabama, Georgia, California, and Texas. Nasal and oral swabs were also collected from a second cohort of detection canines belonging to three different detection job categories: explosive detection dogs (SP-E; n = 22, patrol and narcotics detection dogs (P-NDD; n = 15, and vapor wake dogs (VWD-E; n = 9. To understand if the nasal and oral microbiota of detection canines were variable, sample collection was repeated after 7 weeks in a subset of dogs. DNA was extracted from the swabs and used for 454-pyrosequencing of the16S rRNA genes. Nasal samples had a significantly lower diversity than oral samples (P<0.01. Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria were higher in nasal samples, while Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, and Tenericutes were higher in oral samples. Bacterial diversity was not significantly different based on the detection job. No significant difference in beta diversity was observed in the nasal samples based on the detection job. In oral samples, however, ANOSIM suggested a significant difference in bacterial communities based on job category albeit with a small effect size (R = 0.1079, P = 0.02. Analysis of the composition of bacterial communities using LEfSe showed that within the nasal samples, Cardiobacterium and Riemerella were higher in VWD-E dogs, and Sphingobacterium was higher in the P-NDD group. In the oral samples Enterococcus and Capnocytophaga were higher in the P-NDD group. Gemella and Aggregatibacter were higher in S-PE, and Pigmentiphaga, Chryseobacterium, Parabacteroides amongst others were higher within the VWD-E group

  9. Characterization of the nasal and oral microbiota of detection dogs. (United States)

    Isaiah, Anitha; Hoffmann, Aline Rodrigues; Kelley, Russ; Mundell, Paul; Steiner, Jörg M; Suchodolski, Jan S


    Little is known about physiological factors that affect the sense of olfaction in dogs. The objectives of this study were to describe the canine nasal and oral microbiota in detection dogs. We sought to determine the bacterial composition of the nasal and oral microbiota of a diverse population of detection canines. Nasal and oral swabs were collected from healthy dogs (n = 81) from four locations-Alabama, Georgia, California, and Texas. Nasal and oral swabs were also collected from a second cohort of detection canines belonging to three different detection job categories: explosive detection dogs (SP-E; n = 22), patrol and narcotics detection dogs (P-NDD; n = 15), and vapor wake dogs (VWD-E; n = 9). To understand if the nasal and oral microbiota of detection canines were variable, sample collection was repeated after 7 weeks in a subset of dogs. DNA was extracted from the swabs and used for 454-pyrosequencing of the16S rRNA genes. Nasal samples had a significantly lower diversity than oral samples (P<0.01). Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria were higher in nasal samples, while Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Fusobacteria, and Tenericutes were higher in oral samples. Bacterial diversity was not significantly different based on the detection job. No significant difference in beta diversity was observed in the nasal samples based on the detection job. In oral samples, however, ANOSIM suggested a significant difference in bacterial communities based on job category albeit with a small effect size (R = 0.1079, P = 0.02). Analysis of the composition of bacterial communities using LEfSe showed that within the nasal samples, Cardiobacterium and Riemerella were higher in VWD-E dogs, and Sphingobacterium was higher in the P-NDD group. In the oral samples Enterococcus and Capnocytophaga were higher in the P-NDD group. Gemella and Aggregatibacter were higher in S-PE, and Pigmentiphaga, Chryseobacterium, Parabacteroides amongst others were higher within the VWD-E group. Our initial

  10. Haemangiopericytoma of the nasal cavity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weber, W.; Henkes, H.; Berg-Dammer, E.; Kuehne, D. [Alfred Krupp Krankenhaus, Essen (Germany). Klinik fuer Radiologie und Neuroradiologie; Metz, K.A. [Inst. fuer Pathologie, Universitaetsklinikum der Universitaets-Gesamthochschule Essen (Germany)


    Haemangiopericytomas (HPC) are rare vascular tumours originating from a pericytes, a term coined by Zimmermann to refer to the main location of this cell line in the pericapillary connective tissue. HPC may arise in any part of the body. We report a 29-year-old man with a histologically proven nasal haemangiopericytoma-like tumour. The lesion was embolised through the ophthalmic artery before it was removed surgically. The main symptoms of nasal HPC are epistaxis and obstruction of the nose. Malignant and benign clinical courses have been described. Local recurrence and metastases may be observed years after initial diagnosis. (orig.)

  11. Herpes viruses and human papilloma virus in nasal polyposis and controls. (United States)

    Ioannidis, Dimitrios; Lachanas, Vasileios A; Florou, Zoe; Bizakis, John G; Petinaki, Efthymia; Skoulakis, Charalampos E


    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps is a multifactorial disease entity with an unclear pathogenesis. Contradictory data exist in the literature on the potential implication of viral elements in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. To compare the prevalence of human herpes viruses (1-6) and Human Papilloma Virus in adult patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls. Viral DNA presence was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction application to nasal polyps specimens from 91 chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps patients and nasal turbinate mucosa from 38 healthy controls. Epstein-Barr virus positivity was higher in nasal polyps (24/91; 26.4%) versus controls (4/38; 10.5%), but the difference did not reach significance (p=0.06). Human herpes virus-6 positivity was lower in nasal polyps (13/91; 14.29%) versus controls (10/38; 26.32%, p=0.13). In chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps group, 1 sample was herpes simplex virus-1-positive (1/91; 1.1%), and another was cytomegalovirus-positive (1/91; 1.1%), versus none in controls. No sample was positive for herpes simplex virus-2, varicella-zoster virus, high-risk-human papilloma viruses (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59) and low-risk-human papilloma viruses (6, 11). Differences in Epstein-Barr virus and human herpes virus-6 positivity among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and healthy controls are not statistically significant, weakening the likelihood of their implication in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps pathogenesis. Copyright © 2015 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  12. Effect of solubility enhancement on nasal absorption of meloxicam. (United States)

    Horváth, Tamás; Ambrus, Rita; Völgyi, Gergely; Budai-Szűcs, Mária; Márki, Árpád; Sipos, Péter; Bartos, Csilla; Seres, Adrienn B; Sztojkov-Ivanov, Anita; Takács-Novák, Krisztina; Csányi, Erzsébet; Gáspár, Róbert; Szabó-Révész, Piroska


    Besides the opioids the standard management of the World Health Organization suggests NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) alone or in combination to enhance analgesia in malignant and non-malignant pain therapy. The applicability of NSAIDs in a nasal formulation is a new approach in pharmaceutical technology. In order to enhance the nasal absorption of meloxicam (MX) as an NSAID, its salt form, meloxicam potassium monohydrate (MXP), registered by Egis Plc., was investigated in comparison with MX. The physico-chemical properties of the drugs (structural analysis, solubility and dissolution rate) and the mucoadhesivity of nasal formulations were controlled. In vitro and in vivo studies were carried out to determine the nasal applicability of MXP as a drug candidate in pain therapy. It can be concluded that MX and MXP demonstrated the same equilibrium solubility at the pH5.60 of the nasal mucosa (0.017mg/ml); nonetheless, MXP indicated faster dissolution and a higher permeability through the synthetic membrane. The animal studies justified the short T max value (15min) and the high AUC of MXP, which is important in acute pain therapy. It can be assumed that the low mucoadhesivity of MXP spray did not increase the residence time in the nasal cavity, and the elimination from the nasal mucosa was therefore faster than in the case of MX. Further experiments are necessary to prove the therapeutic relevance of this MXP-containing innovative intranasal formulation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Mechanics of airflow in the human nasal airways. (United States)

    Doorly, D J; Taylor, D J; Schroter, R C


    The mechanics of airflow in the human nasal airways is reviewed, drawing on the findings of experimental and computational model studies. Modelling inevitably requires simplifications and assumptions, particularly given the complexity of the nasal airways. The processes entailed in modelling the nasal airways (from defining the model, to its production and, finally, validating the results) is critically examined, both for physical models and for computational simulations. Uncertainty still surrounds the appropriateness of the various assumptions made in modelling, particularly with regard to the nature of flow. New results are presented in which high-speed particle image velocimetry (PIV) and direct numerical simulation are applied to investigate the development of flow instability in the nasal cavity. These illustrate some of the improved capabilities afforded by technological developments for future model studies. The need for further improvements in characterising airway geometry and flow together with promising new methods are briefly discussed.

  14. Nasal Aspergillosis in a Dog: A Case Report

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    Camilo Padilla Peñuela


    Full Text Available Nasal aspergillosis is a major chronic disease affecting the nostrils in dogs. Clinical sinology is typical in every chronic nasal disease. Epistaxis and occasional pain occurs. Rhinoscopic assessment of the area evidences findings associated with the pathology and allows collecting samples for cytology and culture. Systemic therapy with oral antifungals has had variable utility, but now it has been replaced by direct topical medication to the affected area. This article describes the case of a 4-years-old male dog, submitted to consultation by unilateral muco-bloody nasal discharge with a week of evolution. The patient was treated by another vet center with cyclonamine and vitamin K for a possible clotting disorder. After a series of tests that included rhinoscopy and fungal culture, nasal aspergillosis was diagnosed. Intranasal clotrimazole was applied twice and it allowed the resolution of the clinical signs.

  15. The Epidemiological and Clinical Aspects of Nasal Polyps that Require Surgery

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    Ahmad Meymane Jahromi


    Full Text Available Introduction: The objective of this retrospective cross-sectional study was to obtain epidemiological data from the charts of 297 patients with nasal polyposis who were operated on in a referral hospital in Mashhad and to determine the frequency of the presenting symptoms of nasal polyps.  Materials and Methods: The variables recorded included age, gender, the presence of asthma or allergic rhinitis, family history, and previous treatments. We studied the main symptoms of nasal polyposis (nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, anosmia, headache, epistaxis, snoring, and so on, as well as ear problems and facial deformity.  Results: Nasal polyposis affects men (60.3% more frequently, at a mean age of 39.5 years. The most frequent symptom was nasal blockage (81.1 % followed by rhinorrhea (37.7%. A total of 11.1% of the patients had a history of epistaxis. Asthma was found in 10.4% of patients with nasal polyposis and the ears were affected in 5.1% of patients. In all, 7.4% of patients had first-degree relatives who suffered from asthma or allergic rhinitis.  Conclusion: This study highlights the need for large-scale epidemiologic research exploring the prevalence and incidence of nasal polyposis in Iran.

  16. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the nasal septum: A rare case report

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    Basavaraj P Belaldavar


    Full Text Available A 60-year-old male patient came to ENT OPD with complaints of left nasal obstruction from the last 5 years and moderate quantity of epistaxis from the last 4 months. It was associated with foul smelling mucopurulent rhinorrhea. On clinical examination, a fleshy mass was seen occupying the posterior part of left nasal cavity and displacing the septum on the right side. The mass was relatively painful, soft, and bleeding on touch. The provisional diagnosis of "vascular-tumor-like" angiofibroma was suspected. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy and CT scan PNS were done which revealed a mass occupying the left nasal cavity arising from the posterior part of septum along the choanae till the anterior part of sphenoid sinus. Biopsy of the same revealed an adenoid cystic carcinoma. Adenoid cystic carcinoma is uncommon and that too of the nasal cavity. The cases of the adenoid cystic carcinoma involving the nasal cavity usually involves the lateral wall and the involvement of the posterior part of nasal septum is extremely rare. Thus the presentation of this uncommon disease is discussed here.

  17. Effects of heated humidification and topical steroids on compliance, nasal symptoms, and quality of life in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome using nasal continuous positive airway pressure.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Ryan, Silke


    BACKGROUND: Nasal side effects are common in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) starting on nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. We tested the hypothesis that heated humidification or nasal topical steroids improve compliance, nasal side effects and quality of life in this patient group. METHODS: 125 patients with the established diagnosis of OSAS (apnea\\/hypopnea index > or = 10\\/h), who tolerated CPAP via a nasal mask, and who had a successful CPAP titration were randomized to 4 weeks of dry CPAP, humidified CPAP or CPAP with additional topical nasal steroid application (fluticasone, GlaxoWellcome). Groups were similar in all demographic variables and in frequency of nasal symptoms at baseline. Outcome measures were objective compliance, quality of life (short form 36), subjective sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale score) and nasal symptoms such as runny, dry or blocked nose, sneezing and headaches; all variables assessed using a validated questionnaire and by direct interview. RESULTS: There was no difference in compliance between groups after 4 weeks (dry: 5.21 +\\/- 1.66 h\\/night, fluticasone: 5.66 +\\/- 1.68, humidifier: 5.21 +\\/- 1.84; p = 0.444). Quality of life and subjective sleepiness improved in all groups, but there were no differences in the extent of improvement. Nasal Symptoms were less frequently reported in the humidifier group (28%) than in the remaining groups (dry: 70%, fluticasone: 53%, p = 0.002). However, the addition of fluticasone resulted in increased frequency of sneezing. CONCLUSION: The addition of a humidifier, but not nasal steroids decreases the frequency of nasal symptoms in unselected OSAS patients initiating CPAP therapy; however compliance and quality of life remain unaltered.

  18. Tumores hepáticos incomuns: ensaio iconográfico - Parte 1

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    Bruno Cheregati Pedrassa


    Full Text Available A maioria dos tumores hepáticos primários malignos é representada pelo carcinoma hepatocelular e pelo colangiocarcinoma, entretanto, uma variedade de outras lesões hepáticas incomuns pode ser encontrada. Lesões comuns como o hemangioma, a hiperplasia nodular focal e as metástases são bem conhecidas e já foram extensamente documentadas na literatura. O diagnóstico das lesões hepáticas típicas pode ser feito com alguma segurança utilizando-se os diversos métodos de imagem; por outro lado, as lesões incomuns são geralmente um desafio diagnóstico para o radiologista. Nesta primeira parte do estudo abordaremos cinco tumores hepáticos incomuns - o angiossarcoma, o angiomiolipoma, o cistoadenoma/carcinoma biliar, o hemangioendotelioma epitelioide e o carcinoma hepatocelular fibrolamelar -, suas principais características e achados de imagem, com foco na tomografia computadorizada e na ressonância magnética.

  19. Evolução maligna de um ganglioglioma: relato de caso

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    Full Text Available Relatamos o caso de um paciente de oito anos de idade, com quadro clínico de cefaléia, náuseas e vômitos. A angiografia cerebral mostrava massa frontal não vascularizada. O paciente foi submetido a craniotomia, com remoção da lesão cujo estudo anátomo-patológico comprovou o diagnóstico de ganglioglioma. O paciente recebeu radioterapia no pós-operatório. Durante o seguimento, 16 anos após, houve recidiva da lesão, comprovada pela tomografia computadorizada do crânio, sendo submetido a nova cirurgia, cujo exame anátomo-patológico revelou ser glioblastoma multiforme. Gangliogliomas são tumores raros do sistema nervoso central, contendo mescla de células neuronais e gliais. A anaplasia ocorre somente no componente glial, sendo este, portanto, responsável pelo prognóstico desta lesão.

  20. Doença de Madelung: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Madelung's disease: a case report and literature review

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    Maria da Graça Caminha Vidal


    Full Text Available Relata-se o caso de um paciente portador da doença de Madelung, definida clinicamente pela presença de múltiplos acúmulos de tecido adiposo não encapsulados, usualmente envolvendo a região cervical e superior do tórax, de distribuição simétrica. O exame de imagem eleito para confirmação do diagnóstico foi tomografia computadorizada, por ser menos dispendiosa e mais acessível, comparando-se à ressonância magnética.The authors report the case of a patient with Madelung's disease, which is clinically described as the presence of multiple and symmetric non-encapsulated masses of fatty tissue, usually involving the neck and the upper region of the trunk. Computed tomography was selected as the imaging method for diagnosis confirmation, considering its lower cost and higher availability as compared with magnetic resonance imaging.

  1. Caso para diagnóstico Case for diagnosis

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    Vanessa Martins Ferreira de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Relata-se caso de erythema gyratum repens em paciente do sexo masculino, de 40 anos, com eritema disseminado, pruriginoso, bizarro, figurado, com fina descamação nas bordas. Na primeira consulta, os exames laboratoriais e a radiografia do tórax foram normais. Durante acompanhamento clínico foi diagnosticado câncer de pulmão por tomografia computadorizada de tórax, tendo a imuno-histoquímica da biópsia da linfonodomegalia inguinal confirmado o pulmão como sítio primário.A case of erythema gyratum repens is described in a 40-year-old man with a generalized, bizarre, figurated and pruritic erythema with fine scaling borders. Laboratorial exams and radiography of the thorax were normal in the first visit. A tomographic study of the thorax showed a lobulated pulmonary nodule and the immunohistochemistry on the biopsy of an inguinal lymph node confirmed the lung cancer as the primary site of the neoplasia.

  2. Paracoccidioidomicose pulmonar: relato de caso clínico com aspetos em tomografia computorizada de alta resolução

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    M. Armas


    Full Text Available Resumo: A Paracoccidioidomicose é uma micose sistémica endémica nas áreas rurais da América Latina, uma fonte importante de imigrantes e destino de emigração e turismo europeu, a maioria dos casos ocorrendo no Brasil, Argentina, Venezuela e Colômbia. Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de um paciente com 43 anos, anteriormente emigrado na Venezuela e residente em Portugal há 8 anos, que se apresenta com lesão cutânea isolada. Embora sem queixas relevantes do foro respiratório, apresentava extensas lesões do parênquima pulmonar caracterizadas por tomografia computorizada de alta resolução (TCAR. Foi realizada biópsia da lesão cutânea e exame micológico da expetoração que revelaram infeção por Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (PB. Abstract: Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis which is endemic in rural areas of Latin America, an important European source of immigrants and a growing European touristic destination as well, with most cases occurring in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Colombia. The authors report a case of a 43 year old man who previously worked in Venezuela and is living in Portugal for 8 years, presenting with a single cutaneous lesion. Despite the absence of valuable respiratory complaints, severe lung damage was found with high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT. Biopsy of the cutaneous lesion and mycologic sputum examination were performed revealing Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection. Palavras-chave: Paracoccidioidomicose, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Fibrose pulmonar, Tomografia computorizada de alta resolução, Keywords: Paracoccidioidomycosis, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Pulmonary fibrosis, High-resolution computed tomography

  3. Ventajas del colgajo frontal expandido para la reconstrucción nasal Advantages of the expanded frontal flap for nasal reconstruction

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    Julio César Gálvez Chávez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Desde 1957 la expansión tisular se ha convertido en una técnica muy utilizada en cirugía reconstructiva, pues permite obtener gran cantidad de tejido blando para corregir defectos cutáneos. En Cuba se ha publicado muy poco sobre la utilización de expansores cutáneos de la región frontal para la reconstrucción nasal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar la utilidad del colgajo frontal expandido, para la reconstrucción de defectos nasales distales de espesor total en pacientes con frente corta. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, con pacientes con defectos nasales secundarios a cirugía oncológica, traumatismos y otras causas, a los que se les practicó una reconstrucción nasal con colgajo frontal expandido en el Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología y el Hospital «Hermanos Ameijeiras», entre junio de 1999 y mayo de 2007. RESULTADOS. Hubo una ganancia promedio de 1,0 cm en longitud del colgajo frontal expandido con respecto al diseño oblicuo sin expansión. Se logró la reconstrucción de la cubierta cutánea en todos los casos, incluso en los defectos más distales, como los del ala nasal. El cierre de la zona donante siempre fue de forma directa. CONCLUSIONES. Se pudo caracterizar la utilidad del colgajo frontal expandido en la muestra estudiada y se encontró entre sus ventajas fundamentales la ganancia en longitud con respecto a la distancia vertical de la frente. Concordamos con la mayoría de los autores en cuanto a su utilidad, siempre que esté indicado y disponible, y en que es un recurso alternativo cuando existe poco tejido disponible para la reconstrucción de los defectos nasales.INTRODUCTION. From 1957, the tissues expansion has becomes a very used technique in reconstructive surgery, since allows to obtain abundant soft tissue to correct cutaneous defects. In Cuba there aren't much publications on the use of cutaneous expanders of frontal region to nasal

  4. Extubation success in premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome treated with bi-level nasal continuous positive airway pressure versus nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation. (United States)

    Thomas, Patricia E; LeFlore, Judy


    Infants born prematurely with respiratory distress syndrome are at high risk for complications from mechanical ventilation. Strategies are needed to minimize their days on the ventilator. The purpose of this study was to compare extubation success rates in infants treated with 2 different types of continuous positive airway pressure devices. A retrospective cohort study design was used. Data were retrieved from electronic medical records for patients in a large, metropolitan, level III neonatal intensive care unit. A sample of 194 premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome was selected, 124 of whom were treated with nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation and 70 with bi-level variable flow nasal continuous positive airway pressure (bi-level nasal continuous positive airway pressure). Infants in both groups had high extubation success rates (79% of nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation group and 77% of bi-level nasal continuous positive airway pressure group). Although infants in the bi-level nasal continuous positive airway pressure group were extubated sooner, there was no difference in duration of oxygen therapy between the 2 groups. Promoting early extubation and extubation success is a vital strategy to reduce complications of mechanical ventilation that adversely affect premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome.

  5. The use of high-flow nasal cannula in the pediatric emergency department

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    Katherine N. Slain

    Full Text Available Abstract Objectives: To summarize the current literature describing high-flow nasal cannula use in children, the components and mechanisms of action of a high-flow nasal cannula system, the appropriate clinical applications, and its role in the pediatric emergency department. Sources: A computer-based search of PubMed/MEDLINE and Google Scholar for literature on high-flow nasal cannula use in children was performed. Data summary: High-flow nasal cannula, a non-invasive respiratory support modality, provides heated and fully humidified gas mixtures to patients via a nasal cannula interface. High-flow nasal cannula likely supports respiration though reduced inspiratory resistance, washout of the nasopharyngeal dead space, reduced metabolic work related to gas conditioning, improved airway conductance and mucociliary clearance, and provision of low levels of positive airway pressure. Most data describing high-flow nasal cannula use in children focuses on those with bronchiolitis, although high-flow nasal cannula has been used in children with other respiratory diseases. Introduction of high-flow nasal cannula into clinical practice, including in the emergency department, has been associated with decreased rates of endotracheal intubation. Limited prospective interventional data suggest that high-flow nasal cannula may be similarly efficacious as continuous positive airway pressure and more efficacious than standard oxygen therapy for some patients. Patient characteristics, such as improved tachycardia and tachypnea, have been associated with a lack of progression to endotracheal intubation. Reported adverse effects are rare. Conclusions: High-flow nasal cannula should be considered for pediatric emergency department patients with respiratory distress not requiring immediate endotracheal intubation; prospective, pediatric emergency department-specific trials are needed to better determine responsive patient populations, ideal high-flow nasal cannula

  6. Extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma of nasal septum. A controversial entity (United States)

    Tasca, I; Ceroni Compadretti, G


    Summary The term extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma has been applied to vascular, fibrous nodules occurring outside the nasopharynx. The maxillary sinus is the most common site involved, while the nasal septum represents an extremely rare localization. Computerized tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging are used to determine the tumour site and its extension. Surgical excision of the mass is the treatment of choice, and recurrence is rare. Typically, clinical characteristics of extranasopharyngeal angiofibromas do not conform with that of nasopharyngeal angiofibromas and, for this reason, these tumours must be regarded as a separate entity. Due to these different features, extranasopharyngeal angiofibromas can present a diagnostic challenge and a meticulous evaluation with a high index of suspicion is essential in establishing the correct diagnosis and treatment. We report the case of a 57-year-old female with a 1-year history of a slowly progressing right nasal obstruction due to the presence of a whitish mass adhering to the posterior nasal septum. The patient was succesfully treated surgically. Histopathological findings were compatible with a diagnosis of angiofibroma. Extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma must be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis of nasal vascular tumours and nasal septum should be regarded as a potential, though exceptional, localization of these neoplasms. PMID:19205598

  7. Considerações sobre eficiência administrativa relacionado aos exames de ultra-sonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética nas afecções orbitárias Reasons for the administrative efficiency related to ultrassonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging tests in orbital diseases

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    Magno Watanabe


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Enfocar os exames de ultra-sonografia (US, tomografia computadorizada (TC e ressonância magnética (RM, levantando, revisando e discutindo as seguintes medidas na melhoria da eficiência destes procedimentos na órbita: 1- Defasagem dos honorários médicos; 2- Vantagens e desvantagens dos exames; 3- Diretrizes clínicas. MÉTODOS: No período de julho de 2002 a março de 2003, realizou-se um levantamento dos valores dos exames orbitários de US, TC e RM pagos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS, operadoras de planos e seguros de saúde e particulares cobrados em três clínicas oftalmológicas e três clínicas radiológicas referenciadas. Pesquisa bibliográfica e revisão na literatura dos referidos exames e suas diretrizes clínicas nas afecções orbitárias. RESULTADOS: 1- Valores dos exames em reais (R$: US: 9,05 - SUS / 81,77 - AMB 90 / 57,01 - AMB/CIEFAS 93 / 102,00 - AMB/LPM 99 / 158,33 - particular. TC: 86,76 - SUS / 193,70 - AMB 90 / 196,30 - AMB/CIEFAS 93 / 204,12 - AMB/LPM 99 / 255,33 - particular. RM: 268,75 - SUS / 475,80 - AMB 90 e AMB/CIEFAS 93 / 472,50 - AMB/LPM 99 / 563,33 - particular; 2- Vantagens e desvantagens dos exames descritos de acordo com a revisão da literatura; 3- As doenças da órbita não têm ainda listadas suas diretrizes. CONCLUSÃO: Estes exames são os mais utilizados e consagrados pela sua eficácia no estudo da órbita. Para uma maior eficiência, devemos considerar as seguintes recomendações administrativas: 1- Modernização e atualização das tabelas de honorários com índices mínimos e mais justos na remuneração dos exames com reembolso dos insumos utilizados como filmes radiológicos e contrastes: 2- Promover e estimular a educação médica continuada, evitando o excesso de exames desnecessários ou inapropriados: 3- Elaboração e implementação de diretrizes e protocolos clínicos baseados em evidências nas principais doenças orbitárias que possam ser utilizados como refer

  8. Correlation of nasal geometry with aerosol deposition in human volunteers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, Yung-Seng; Simpson, S.Q.; Cheng, Kuo-His; Swift, D.L.; Yeh, Hsu-Chi; Guilmette, R.A.


    The nasal airways act as the first filter in the respiratory tract to remove very large or small particles, that would otherwise penetrate to the lower airways. Aerosol deposition data obtained with human volunteers vary considerably under comparable experimental conditions. Reasons for the intersubject variations have been frequently attributed to the geometry of the nasal passages. Because there is no direct proof of this hypothesis, nasal deposition of ultrafine particles in human volunteers has been studied in our laboratory. Preliminary results obtained with four adult volunteers also vary considerably between subjects. The purpose of this part of the study was to establish a theoretical equation relating diffusional deposition in nasal airways to the geometrical dimensions of the individual nasal airways. This relationship was then applied to the experimental deposition data and measurement of airway morphometry for correlation

  9. Reconstruction of Nasal Skin Cancer Defects with Local Flaps

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    A. C. Salgarelli


    Full Text Available Reconstruction of nasal defects must preserve the integrity of complex facial functions and expressions, as well as facial symmetry and a pleasing aesthetic outcome. The reconstructive modality of choice will depend largely on the location, size, and depth of the surgical defect. Individualized therapy is the best course, and numerous flaps have been designed to provide coverage of a variety of nasal-specific defects. We describe our experience in the aesthetic reconstruction of nasal skin defects following oncological surgery. The use of different local flaps for nasal skin cancer defects is reported in 286 patients. Complications in this series were one partial flap dehiscence that healed by secondary intention, two forehead flaps, and one bilobed flap with minimal rim necrosis that resulted in an irregular scar requiring revision. Aesthetic results were deemed satisfactory by all patients and the operating surgeons. The color and texture matches were aesthetically good, and the nasal contour was distinct in all patients. All scars were inconspicuous and symmetrical. No patient had tenting or a flat nose.

  10. Risk of contamination of nasal sprays in otolaryngologic practice

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    Akkuzu Babur


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Reusable nasal-spray devices are frequently used in otolaryngologic examinations, and there is an increasing concern about the risk of cross-contamination from these devices. The aim of our study was to determine, by means of microbiologic analysis, the safety of a positive-displacement or pump-type atomizer after multiple uses. Methods A reusable nasal spray bottle, pump, and tips were used in the nasal physical examination of 282 patients admitted to a tertiary otolaryngology clinic. The effectiveness of 2 different methods of prophylaxis against microbiologic contamination (the use of protective punched caps or rinsing the bottle tip with alcohol was compared with that of a control procedure. Results Although there was no statistically significant difference in positive culture rates among the types of nasal spray bottles tested, methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci were isolated in 4 of 198 cultures. Conclusion Given these findings, we concluded that additional precautions (such as the use of an autoclave between sprays, disposable tips, or disposable devices are warranted to avoid interpatient cross-contamination from a reusable nasal spray device.

  11. Reconstruction of Nasal Skin Cancer Defects with Local Flaps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salgarelli, A. C.; Bellini, P.; Multinu, A.; Consolo, U.; Magnoni, C.; Francomano, M.; Fantini, F.; Seidenari, S.


    Reconstruction of nasal defects must preserve the integrity of complex facial functions and expressions, as well as facial symmetry and a pleasing aesthetic outcome. The reconstructive modality of choice will depend largely on the location, size, and depth of the surgical defect. Individualized therapy is the best course, and numerous flaps have been designed to provide coverage of a variety of nasal-specific defects. We describe our experience in the aesthetic reconstruction of nasal skin defects following oncological surgery. The use of different local flaps for nasal skin cancer defects is reported in 286 patients. Complications in this series were one partial flap dehiscence that healed by secondary intention, two forehead flaps, and one bilobed flap with minimal rim necrosis that resulted in an irregular scar requiring revision. Aesthetic results were deemed satisfactory by all patients and the operating surgeons. The color and texture matches were aesthetically good, and the nasal contour was distinct in all patients. All scars were inconspicuous and symmetrical. No patient had tenting or a flat nose.

  12. Minimal packing duration in close reduction for nasal bone fracture treatment. (United States)

    Choi, Dong Sik; Lee, Jeong Woo; Yang, Jung Dug; Chung, Ho Yun; Cho, Byung Chae; Choi, Kang Young


    Nasal bone fracture is the most common type of facial bone fracture. The optimal duration of the packing after closed reduction has been a controversial issue. The packing has several disadvantages such as blocking the nasal airway, causing infection and a headache, which is the most common immediate complication. The present study investigated the minimal and optimal duration of the nasal packing following reduction surgery of nasal bone fracture. A prospective study was performed for the patients undergoing reduction surgery following nasal bone fracture between July 2010 and June 2012. The patients were categorised into three groups according to the duration of nasal packing. For the patients treated between July 2010 and June 2011, nasal packing was maintained for 5 days. For those between July 2011 and December 2011, packing was maintained for 3 days. For those between January 2012 and June 2012, the packing was removed after 1 day. The computed tomography scan and the cephalolateral X-ray were checked at immediate postoperative period after packing removal and 6 months postoperatively. The alteration of heights, deviations, and nasal bone contours with time passage were compared among three groups. The patient satisfaction survey was also performed and compared. A total of 530 patients including 322 of the 5-days packing group, 102 of the 3-days group, and 106 of the 1-day group were enrolled. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of heights, deviations, and nasal bone contours (p-value ≥ 0.05). In the patient satisfaction survey, the 1-day packing group complained of discomfort related to nasal packing and headache symptoms much less, compared to the other two groups. The present study demonstrated that 1-day packing had comparable postoperative outcome with reducing the patients' discomfort. As such, a longer packing duration was not needed to achieve stable results one day is a reasonable packing time for most

  13. Congenital Midline Nasal Mass: Four Cases with Review of Literature

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    Sambhaji Govind Chintale


    Full Text Available Introduction Congenital midline nasal masses include nasal dermoids, gliomas, encephaloceles. Although rare, these disorders are clinically important because of their potential for connection to the central nervous system. Preoperative knowledge of an intracranial connection is a necessity to allow for neurosurgical consultation and possible planning for craniotomy. This study discusses the clinical presentation of congenital midline nasal mass and the role of imaging modalities like CT scan and MRI in diagnosis and the surgical management. Materials and Methods  This prospective study is carried from March 2014 to March 2016, during which 4 cases presented to the Otorhinolaryngology department. Pre-operative evaluation of the patients included endoscopic evaluation along with haematological investigations, CT Scan and MRI. The masses were removed with nasal endoscopic sinus surgery or by external approaches and neurosurgical intervention. Result The age of the patients ranged from 3 years to 25 years. Three of them were male and one female. There was one case of nasoethmoidal encephalocele and the other three were dermoids (intranasal dermoid cyst, nasal dermoid cyst and nasal dermoid sinus cyst. Conclusion Congenital midline nasal masses are rare. These disorders are clinically important because of their intracranial connection which require proper evaluation with radiological imaging like CT scan and/or MRI before FNAC and any surgical intervention.

  14. Single-stage osseointegrated implants for nasal prosthodontic rehabilitation: A clinical report. (United States)

    de Carvalho, Bruna M D F; Freitas-Pontes, Karina M; de Negreiros, Wagner A; Verde, Marcus A R L


    Malignant tumors in the nasal region may be treated by means of invasive surgical procedures, with large facial losses. Nasal prostheses, retained by osseointegrated facial implants, instead of plastic surgery, will, in most patients, offer good biomechanical and cosmetic results. This clinical report describes the prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with nasal cancer who had the entire nasal vestibule removed in a single-stage surgical procedure in order to shorten the rehabilitation time. The nasal prosthesis was built on a 3-magnet bar and was made of platinum silicone with intrinsic pigmentation, thereby restoring the patient's appearance and self-esteem. The authors concluded that single-stage implants may reduce the rehabilitation time to as little as 1 month, and the correct use of materials and techniques may significantly improve the nasal prosthesis. Copyright © 2015 Editorial Council for the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Nasal septum perforation in patient with pyoderma gangrenosum

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    Maia, Camilla Bezerra da Cruz


    Full Text Available Introduction: The cocaine is obtained from the leaves of the coca (Erythroxylon coca. It can be used in many ways, but the most common is the drug inhalation. The Cocaine also causes vasoconstriction at nasal mucous membrane and its chronic use can cause necrosis and nasal septum perforation. Pyoderma gangrenosum is an uncommon idiopathic disease characterized by ulcerations, usually observed on the legs. Its diagnosis is most common an exclusion of others diseases. So far, there is no specific treatment based on evidence by randomized controlled trials. Objective: Describe the rare association between Pyoderma gangrenosum and cocaine. Case Report: E. A., 27-year-old woman with destruction of nasal septum and palate who has been using a big amount of cocaine, been necessary note the difference from which disease cause de damage. Final Comments: Also there are only three cases of Pyoderma gangrenosum complicated with nasal septum perforation in cocaine users.

  16. An investigation into the usefulness of a rostrocaudal nasal radiographic view in the dog

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    R.M. Kirberger


    Full Text Available A rostrocaudal (RCd nasal view was developed in large breed mesaticephalic dogs using a complete, subsequently sectioned, skull and cadaver specimens to optimise the radiographic technique and evaluate normal anatomic features. Gelatin was placed in one nasal passage of the cadaver specimens to mimic the effects of nasal pathology. The latter specimens and 18 clinical cases with suspected nasal disease were evaluated to determine the usefulness of the RCd view compared to standard nasal views. An optimal RCd view was obtained with the dog in dorsal recumbency and the head symmetrically positioned with the hard palate perpendicular to the table using a table top technique with 8 : 1 grid, collimating to the nasal region and centring the primary beam on the philtrum. The dorsolateral aspects of the maxillary bone, the nasal bones, septal sulcus of the vomer, mucosa lined nasal septum and conchae could be seen. A centrodorsal more radiolucent area representing the ethmoid bone region was also visible. Gelatin soft tissue opacification of the nasal passage could be seen more clearly in RCd nasal view than in occlusal dorsoventral view. In clinical cases the RCd view was useful to build up a 3-dimensional image of nasal passage pathology as well as to detect nasal septum and osseous nasal border pathology not visible in other views. This view is particularly useful in cases where cross-sectional imaging modalities are not available or where the nasal investigation is limited by cost considerations.

  17. Silver nasal sprays: misleading Internet marketing. (United States)

    Gaslin, Michael T; Rubin, Cory; Pribitkin, Edmund A


    Long-term use of silver-containing products is associated with a permanent bluish-gray discoloration of the skin known as argyria, but they remain widely available despite several measures by the FDA to regulate them. Several recent case reports have described the occurrence of argyria as a result of using these "natural" products. We used the five most common Internet search engines to find Web sites providing information on silver-containing nasal sprays. Of 49 Web sites analyzed, only 2 (4%) mentioned argyria as a possible complication, although 30 (61%) did caution against long-term use. Eight sites (16%) made specific claims about the health benefits of the product. All 49 sites (100%) provided direct or indirect links to buy silver-containing nasal sprays. We conclude that information about silver-containing nasal sprays on the Internet is misleading and inaccurate. Therefore, otolaryngologists should be aware of the misinformation their patients may be receiving about these products.

  18. Complicações oftálmicas em pacientes com tumores malignos extra-orbitários Ophthalmic complications in patients with extraorbital malignant tumors

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    Ana Célia Baptista


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Correlacionar as complicações oftálmicas, presentes em pacientes portadores de tumores malignos extra-orbitários, com o sítio de origem e diagnóstico histopatológico destas neoplasias, por meio de tomografia computadorizada. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados retrospectivamente, por tomografia computadorizada, 29 pacientes com neoplasias malignas extra-orbitárias, sem qualquer tratamento prévio do tumor, e evidência clínico-radiológica de comprometimento orbitário associado. RESULTADOS: Houve predomínio do carcinoma epidermóide (28%, seguido pelo carcinoma basocelular (14%. As complicações oftálmicas mais comumente observadas foram proptose (38%, epífora (24% e dor ocular (24%. Redução da acuidade visual foi referida em 14 % dos casos. Os sítios de origem mais comuns das neoplasias foram o seio maxilar (28%, o seio etmoidal (17% e a pele e subcutâneo da face (17%. Proptose ocular foi causada predominantemente por tumores não carcinomatosos e tumores originados no seio etmoidal, ao passo que epífora ocorreu preferencialmente nos casos de tumores carcinomatosos e de neoplasias do seio maxilar. Redução da motilidade ocular, irritação ocular e secreção no olho foram as complicações oftálmicas mais freqüentes em pacientes com tumores dos anexos oculares, ao passo que dor ocular foi a complicação oftálmica dominante nos pacientes com neoplasias originadas na pele e subcutâneo da face. CONCLUSÕES: Os autores sugerem que, diante de paciente com epífora e massa maxilo-nasal, carcinoma do seio maxilar deve ser considerado primariamente no diagnóstico diferencial da lesão. Da mesma forma, tumores não carcinomatosos, como sarcomas e linfomas, devem ser considerados, sobretudo no diagnóstico de pacientes com proptose e massa naso-etmoidal.OBJECTIVE: To correlate the ophthalmic complications in patients with extra-orbital malignant tumors with the site of origin and histopathologic diagnosis of the tumors by

  19. Nasal Chondromesenchymal Hamartoma: CT and MR Imaging Findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ji Eun; Kim, Hyung Jin; Kim, Ji Hye; Ko, Young Hyeh; Chung, Seung Kyu


    We report CT and MR imaging findings for a case of nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma occurring in a 19-month-old boy. A nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma is a rare benign pediatric hamartoma that can simulate malignancy. Although rare, knowledge of this entity is essential to avoid potentially harmful therapies

  20. Humidification of inspired oxygen is increased with pre-nasal cannula, compared to intranasal cannula. (United States)

    Dellweg, Dominic; Wenze, Markus; Hoehn, Ekkehard; Bourgund, Olaf; Haidl, Peter


    Oxygen therapy is usually combined with a humidification device, to prevent mucosal dryness. Depending on the cannula design, oxygen can be administered pre- or intra-nasally (administration of oxygen in front of the nasal ostia vs cannula system inside the nasal vestibulum). The impact of cannula design on intra-nasal humidity, however, has not been investigated to date. First, to develop a system, that samples air from the nasal cavity and analyzes the humidity of these samples. Second, to investigate nasal humidity during pre-nasal and intra-nasal oxygen application, with and without humidification. We first developed and validated a sampling and analysis system to measure humidity from air samples. By means of this system we measured inspiratory air samples from 12 subjects who received nasal oxygen with an intra-nasal and pre-nasal cannula at different flows, with and without humidification. The sampling and analysis system showed good correlation to a standard hygrometer within the tested humidity range (r = 0.99, P humidification (P = .001, P humidification. With the addition of humidification we observed no significant change in humidity at any flow, and independent of pre- or intranasal oxygen administration. Pre-nasal administration of dry oxygen achieves levels of intranasal humidity similar to those achieved by intranasal administration in combination with a bubble through humidifier. Pre-nasal oxygen simplifies application and may reduce therapy cost.

  1. Diagnosis and management of nasal congestion: the role of intranasal corticosteroids. (United States)

    Benninger, Michael


    Nasal congestion is considered the most bothersome of allergic rhinitis (AR) symptoms and can significantly impair ability to function at work, home, and school. Effective management of AR-related nasal congestion depends on accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Many individuals with AR and AR-related congestion remain undiagnosed and do not receive prescription medication. However, new tools intended to improve the diagnosis of nasal congestion have been developed and validated. Intranasal corticosteroids (INSs) are recommended as first-line therapy for patients with moderate-to-severe AR and also when nasal congestion is a prominent symptom. Double blind, randomized clinical trials have demonstrated greater efficacy of INSs versus placebo, antihistamines, or montelukast for relief of all nasal symptoms, especially congestion. Patient adherence to treatment also affects outcomes, and this may be influenced by patient preferences for the sensory attributes of an individual drug. Increased awareness of the effects of AR-related nasal congestion, the efficacy and safety of available pharmacotherapies, and barriers to adherence may improve clinical outcomes.

  2. Nasal septum resection due congenital thickness in foalsRessecção de septo nasal devido ao espessamento congênito em potros

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    Antônio Felipe Paulino de Figueiredo Wouk


    Full Text Available Nasal obstructions caused by nasal septal diseases are uncommon in horses and the main causes are malformations, mucosal lesions, neoplasias and trauma. The aim of this case report is to describe two cases of nasal obstruction in foals. Clinical signs were progressive with reduction of air flow bilaterally, intense respiratory noise and dyspnea. Endoscopy evaluation was not performed because, in both cases, it was not possible to introduce the probe into the nasal cavity due to bilateral stenosis. Radiographic exam confirmed nasal septum thickness. Both animals were submitted to septum resection surgery. In order to promote a better respiratory condition, tracheotomy was performed in both foals prior the surgery. The surgical technique applied was modified from DOYLE technique described previously (2005. Briefly, nasal bone trephine role was initially done in order to do osteotomy of its caudal portion. For osteotomy a modified osteotomy was used. The dorsal and ventral limits of the nasal bone were removed with a obstetric wire protected by metalical guide. After surgical recovery, in both cases, the clinical exam showed that the air flow was normal and without noise, allowing the foals to breathe normally. Tracheotomy healed by second intention. After eight months both foals breathed comfortably and they were suitable for physical activity. Histopathology evaluation did not show signs of inflammation, neoplasia, and any other histological changes, suggesting the thickness was congenital.Obstruções nasais causadas por doenças do septo nasal são incomuns em cavalos e as principais causas são: malformações, lesões nas mucosas, neoplasias e trauma. O objetivo deste relato é descrever dois casos de obstrução nasal congênita em potros. Os sinais clínicos demonstravam redução progressiva do fluxo de ar bilateral, ruído respiratório e dispnéia intensa. Não foi possível realizar avaliação endoscópica pois em ambos os casos, n

  3. Avaliação do edema macular após cirurgia não complicada de facoemulsificação com implante de lente intraocular por meio da tomografia de coerência óptica spectral domain

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    Everton Paroschi Corrêa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o edema macular após cirurgia não complicada de facoemulsificação com implante de lente intraocular por meio da tomografia de coerência óptica spectral domain (OCT-SD. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo em 62 olhos de pacientes submetidos à facoemulsificação com implante de lente intraocular. Os pacientes foram avaliados antes e após a cirurgia, no primeiro dia, e na primeira, segunda e quarta semanas. Acuidade visual (AV, células na câmara anterior e tomografia de coerência óptica macular cubo 200x200 foram medidos. RESULTADOS: Após a cirurgia de facoemulsificação houve melhora da acuidade visual, inflamação decrescente, e a espessura e o volume macular aumentaram. Ocorreu um caso de edema macular cistoide. Houve correlação inversa fraca entre a acuidade visual e a espessura macular central, e entre a acuidade visual e o volume macular. Foi observada correlação direta fraca entre a inflamação e o volume macular. CONCLUSÃO: Edema macular subclínico desenvolve-se mesmo após cirurgia de catarata não complicada em pacientes não predispostos. A tomografia de coerência óptica spectral domain foi capaz de detectar pequenos aumentos na espessura macular no período avaliado.

  4. Nasal hyper-reactivity is a common feature in both allergic and nonallergic rhinitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Segboer, C. L.; Holland, C. T.; Reinartz, S. M.; Terreehorst, I.; Gevorgyan, A.; Hellings, P. W.; van Drunen, C. M.; Fokkens, W. J.


    Nasal hyper-reactivity is an increased sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to various nonspecific stimuli. Both allergic rhinitis (AR) and nonallergic rhinitis (NAR) patients can elicit nasal hyper-reactivity symptoms. Differences in the prevalence or type of nasal hyper-reactivity in AR and NAR

  5. Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of the Nasal Septum

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    Yuri Okumura


    Full Text Available We report an extremely rare case of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the posterior edge of the nasal septum. An 11-year-old boy presented with frequent epistaxis and nasal obstruction persisting for one year. Based on the clinical presentation and imaging studies, juvenile angiofibroma was suspected, but angiography suggested the possibility of another type of tumor. Transnasal endoscopic surgery found that the tumor protruded into the nasopharynx from the posterior end of the nasal septum. Histological examination identified spindle cells with immunoreaction for vimentin, smooth muscle actin, and anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK, but not for desmin and cytokeratin. This is a report of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor mimicking juvenile angiofibroma. This case suggests that angiography is helpful in the differential diagnosis of epipharyngeal tumor in adolescence.

  6. A study of Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage, antibacterial ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aim: This study was to determine the virulence encoding genes, and the antibiotic resistance patterns of the Staphylococcus aureus isolates, which were isolated from the nasal samples of chest clinic patients. Materials and Methods: The nasal samples of the in‑patients (431) and out‑patients (1857) in Kayseri Training and ...

  7. In vivo deposition of ultrafine aerosols in human nasal and oral airways

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yeh, Hsu-Chi; Swift, D.L. [John Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD (United States); Simpson, S.Q. [Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (United States)] [and others


    The extrathoracic airways, including the nasal passage, oral passage, pharynx, and larynx, are the first targets for inhaled particles and provide an important defense for the lung. Understanding the deposition efficiency of the nasal and oral passages is therefore crucial for assessing doses of inhaled particles to the extrathoracic airways and the lung. Significant inter-subject variability in nasal deposition has been shown in recent studies by Rasmussen, T.R. et al, using 2.6 {mu}m particles in 10 human subjects and in our preliminary studies using 0.004-0.15 {mu}m particles in four adult volunteers. No oral deposition was reported in either of these studies. Reasons for the intersubject variations have been frequently attributed to the geometry of the nasal passages. The aims of the present study were to measure in vivo the nasal airway dimensions and the deposition of ultrafine aerosols in both the nasal and oral passages, and to determine the relationship between nasal airway dimensions and aerosol deposition. A statistical procedure incorporated with the diffusion theory was used to model the dimensional features of the nasal airways which may be responsible for the biological variability in particle deposition. In summary, we have correlated deposition of particles in the size range of 0.004 to 0.15 {mu}m with the nasal dimensions of each subject.

  8. In vivo deposition of ultrafine aerosols in human nasal and oral airways

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yeh, Hsu-Chi; Swift, D.L.; Simpson, S.Q.


    The extrathoracic airways, including the nasal passage, oral passage, pharynx, and larynx, are the first targets for inhaled particles and provide an important defense for the lung. Understanding the deposition efficiency of the nasal and oral passages is therefore crucial for assessing doses of inhaled particles to the extrathoracic airways and the lung. Significant inter-subject variability in nasal deposition has been shown in recent studies by Rasmussen, T.R. et al, using 2.6 μm particles in 10 human subjects and in our preliminary studies using 0.004-0.15 μm particles in four adult volunteers. No oral deposition was reported in either of these studies. Reasons for the intersubject variations have been frequently attributed to the geometry of the nasal passages. The aims of the present study were to measure in vivo the nasal airway dimensions and the deposition of ultrafine aerosols in both the nasal and oral passages, and to determine the relationship between nasal airway dimensions and aerosol deposition. A statistical procedure incorporated with the diffusion theory was used to model the dimensional features of the nasal airways which may be responsible for the biological variability in particle deposition. In summary, we have correlated deposition of particles in the size range of 0.004 to 0.15 μm with the nasal dimensions of each subject

  9. Topical nasal steroid treatment does not improve CPAP compliance in unselected patients with OSAS. (United States)

    Strobel, Werner; Schlageter, Manuel; Andersson, Morgan; Miedinger, David; Chhajed, Prashant N; Tamm, Michael; Leuppi, Jörg D


    Continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can produce troublesome nasal symptoms (i.e. congestion, rhinorrhea) that may reduce the compliance of CPAP. Topical nasal steroids are often prescribed to reduce these side effects, although scientific data are scarce supporting any benefits of this treatment for CPAP-induced nasal side effects. To study whether a topical nasal steroid can reduce CPAP-induced nasal symptoms and improve CPAP adherence during the initial phase of OSA treatment. A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study with fluticasone propionate 100 μg/nasal cavity twice daily Treatment was started 10 days prior to and continued throughout the first 4 weeks of CPAP. 63 patients who were selected for CPAP treatment participated. Nasal symptoms were recorded, nasal patency was assessed and lung function was measured with a peak flow meter. The patients' adherence to CPAP was recorded by the CPAP device. Total nasal symptoms increased from baseline to 4 wks after CPAP use for both nasal treatments (p < 0.05). No differences in total nasal symptoms between treatments were seen (p = 1), and no differences in nasal peak flow values after treatment were seen (p = 0.11). Moreover, there were no differences in CPAP use between the treatments. Fluticasone propionate as a nasal topical steroid does not reduce CPAP-induced unwanted nasal side effects, and has no beneficial effect on CPAP compliance during the first four weeks of treatment in unselected patients with OSAS. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma of the nasal septum: a case report. (United States)

    Mohindra, Satyawati; Grover, Gogia; Bal, Amanjit Kaur


    Angiofibroma arising outside the nasopharynx is unusual. The nasal septum is an extremely rare site for the origin of angiofibroma, and to date only 6 such cases previously have been reported in the literature. We report here a case of a 22-year-old man with a vascular mass arising from his nasal septum. The histopathology report was consistent with angiofibroma. We also review other cases in the literature of angiofibroma arising from the nasal septum and discuss a theory of the likely origin of angiofibroma.

  11. Effect of septoplasty and per-operative antibiotic prophylaxis on nasal flora. (United States)

    Karaman, E; Alimoglu, Y; Aygun, G; Kilic, E; Yagiz, C


    Septoplasty is one of the most commonly performed procedures in otolaryngology practice. Prophylactic use of antibiotics is controversial. Disruption of nasal flora may predispose individuals to infection. We investigated the effect of antibiotic prophylaxis and septoplasty on nasal flora. We included 115 consecutive patients who underwent septoplasty because of symptomatic nasal septal deviation. Patients were divided into study and control groups. Study patients received prophylactic parenteral sodium cefazoline twice a day beginning intra-operatively and while the nasal packing remained in the nose for 48 h, and expandable polyvinyl acetate (Merocel) packing covered with antibiotic ointment containing 0.2% nitrofurazone was inserted into each nostril at the end of the operation. Control patients received neither parenteral antibiotic prophylaxis nor antibiotic ointment around the Merocel packs. Both groups received oral prophylactic cefuroxime axetil for 5 d after nasal packing was removed. Nasal flora was determined pre-operatively, post-operatively when nasal packing was removed, and 3 mo after surgery. Study patients were compared to control patients at pack removal and 1 mo after surgery The effect of antibiotic use in septoplasty on nasal flora was as follows: Increased isolation rate of gram-positive rods (p = 0.007), decreased methicillin-sensitive coagulase-negative staphylococci (p = 0.002). Pre-operative and post-operative culture results at 3 mo were compared. The effect of septoplasty on nasal flora was as follows: Decreased coagulase-negative staphylococci (p = 0.05), decreased Klebsiella (p flora. Antibiotics do not protect against S. aureus colonization and contribute to a decrease in normal flora. Antibiotics do not seem to confer benefit in terms of flora changes. Studies investigating flora changes with a longer follow-up should be conducted.

  12. Carboxylesterase-dependent cytotoxicity of dibasic esters (DBE) in rat nasal explants. (United States)

    Trela, B A; Bogdanffy, M S


    Dibasic esters (DBE) are a solvent mixture of dimethyl adipate (DMA), dimethyl glutarate (DMG), and dimethyl succinate (DMS) used in the paint and coating industry. Subchronic inhalation toxicity studies have demonstrated that DBE induce a mild degeneration of the olfactory, but not the respiratory, epithelium of the rat nasal cavity. Carboxylesterase-mediated hydrolysis of the individual dibasic esters is more efficient in olfactory than in respiratory mucosal homogenates. In the present study, an in vitro system of cultured rat nasal explants was utilized to determine if DBE toxicity is dependent on a metabolic activation by nonspecific carboxylesterase. Explants from both the olfactory and the respiratory regions of the female rat nasal cavity were incubated for 2 hr in Williams' medium E containing 10-100 mM DMA, DMG, or DMS. DBE caused a dose-related increase in nasal explant acid phosphatase release, a biochemical index of cytotoxicity. HPLC analysis demonstrated parallel increases in the carboxylesterase-mediated formation of monomethyl ester metabolites. Diacid metabolite production in the nasal explant system was not entirely concentration-dependent. Metabolite concentrations and acid phosphatase release were generally greater in olfactory than respiratory tissues. DBE-induced cytotoxicity and acid metabolite production were markedly attenuated in nasal tissue excised from rats which were pretreated with bis(p-nitrophenyl)phosphate, a carboxylesterase inhibitor. This study presents a viable in vitro method for assessing organic ester cytotoxicity in the rat nasal cavity. It was shown that DBE are weak nasal toxicants under the conditions of this system. It was further demonstrated that DBE toxicity is dependent on a carboxylesterase-mediated activation. A similar mechanism was proposed for the nasal toxicity induced by other organic esters following inhalation exposure.

  13. Immunological role of nasal staphylococcus aureus carriage in patients with persistent allergic rhinitis

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    Mohamed Yousif Atia


    Full Text Available Nasal carriage of staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus exerts immunomodulatory effect in patients with atopic dermatitis and it may contribute to airway inflammation and allergic response in patients with allergic rhinitis. We Aim to investigate the frequency of nasal S.aureus carriage in patients with persistent allergic rhinitis and its possible influence on their symptoms and immune markers. We chosed 20 non smoker patients with house dust mite (HDM allergy causing allergic rhinitis and 20 non smoker healthy subjects matched for age and sex. For all subjects rhinoscopy was done, skin prick test, nasal culture for S.aureus, nasal interleukin 4,nasal total IgE, serum total IgE and serum specific IgE(SSIgE for HDM. Nasal S.aureus was detected in 16/20 patients (80% and 5/20 (25% in healthy subjects with highly significant statistical difference plt0.01. Correlation of nasal staph.aureus count and different systemic and local immune markers revealed highly significant positive correlation between nasal S.aureus count and serum total IgE (r = 0.78, plt0.01 and significant positive correlation with SSIgE (HDM (r = 0.53, plt0.05, nasal total IgE (r = 0.39, plt0.05 and nasal IL-4 (r = 0.55, plt0.05. Nasal staph.aureus actively modulated the immune reaction in persistent allergic rhinitis patients by promoting local IgE production, so we recommend early detection and treatment of S.aureus carriage in patients

  14. La recidiva tumoral en la reconstrucción nasal oncológica Tumor relapse present in oncologic nasal repair

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    Julio César Gálvez Chávez


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. La recidiva tumoral es una de las complicaciones más temidas de la evolución oncológica, y además de ensombrecer el pronóstico de vida, causa la pérdida de muchas reconstrucciones y agota las posibilidades quirúrgicas restauradoras. Este estudio tuvo el objetivo de determinar la frecuencia de recidivas, la repercusión sobre la reconstrucción y la evolución médica posterior de pacientes operados de tumoraciones nasales malignas. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, con 20 pacientes operados de tumoraciones nasales malignas, con reconstrucción inmediata con colgajo frontal. Los pacientes procedían del Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología (INOR, donde fueron atendidos entre el año 2002 y el 2007. RESULTADOS. Hubo recidivas en 5 pacientes (25 % de la muestra y el 80 % de estas eran un carcinoma epidermoide. Todos los pacientes con recidiva perdieron los tejidos reconstruidos y recibieron tratamiento con radioterapia. Solo se pudo reconstruir nuevamente el defecto de uno de los pacientes; dos de los restantes fallecieron y dos continuaban vivos, sin recurrencia del tumor pero sin posibilidades de reconstrucción. CONCLUSIONES. Teniendo en cuenta la frecuencia de recidivas de los carcinomas epidermoides nasales y de su repercusión, cuando no se cuenta con la técnica histográfica de Mhos, se sugiere posponer la reconstrucción nasal hasta tanto no se realice la confirmación histológica de la exéresis completa del tumor.INTRODUCTION: Tumor relapse is one of the more fearsome complications of the oncologic course and also to obscure the life prognosis, causing the loss of many reconstructions and of exhausting the repairing surgical possibilities. The aim of this study was to determine the relapse frequency, the repercussion on the repair and the subsequent medical course of patients operated on malign nasal tumors. METHODS: We made a retrospective and descriptive study in 20 patients

  15. Detection of helicobacter pylori in nasal polyps using rapid urease test and ELISA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masood Kaviani


    Full Text Available Introduction: Nasal polyposis is an inflammatory condition of unknown etiology. Recently concerns regarding gastroesophageal reflux or helicobacter pylori as a possible pathologic cause of nasal polyps have been increasing. The present study was planned to investigate the presence of helicobacter pylori in nasal polyps. Materials and Methods: This case-control study was undertaken enrolling 37 patients with nasal polyps who had undergone nasal endoscopic sinus surgery and 38 control subjects. Biopsy specimens of nasal polyps and inferior turbinates were assessed by rapid urease test. Blood samples of both study and control subjects were evaluated for anti H.pylori IgG by ELISA. H. pylori status was regarded positive, if both tests were positive. Results: Seropositivity was more common in the patients with nasal polyps (66.2% than control subjects (36.8% (P

  16. Duration of Nasal Packs in the Management of Epistaxis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kundi, N. A.; Raza, M.


    Objective:To compare the efficacy of nasal packs for 12 and 24 hours in the management of epistaxis. Study Design: Quasi experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Combined Military Hospital, Nowshera and Heavy Industries Taxilla Hospital, from October 2012 to April 2013. Methodology: A total of 60 patients presenting with epistaxis were selected and were divided into two groups of 30 patients each. Patients in both the groups were managed by nasal packs. In group-A packs were removed after 12 hours while in group-B after 24 hours. Symptoms of headache, lacrimation and recurrence of bleeding were recorded. SPSS 20 was used for data analysis and p-value less than 0.01 was considered significant. Results: There was significant difference for headache between removal of nasal packs after 12 hours and 24 hours (p < 0.001). There was significant difference for excessive lacrimation at 12 and 24 hours (p = 0.001). No significant difference was observed for recurrence of bleed when nasal packs were removed at 12 and 24 hours (p = 0.317). Conclusion: Duration in removal of nasal packs after 12 or 24 hours made a difference in the management of epistaxis. Symptoms of headache and excessive lacrimation were significantly higher when nasal packs were removed after 24 hours. It is recommended that patient could be managed with lesser duration of packs after episode of epistaxis to avoid inconvenience. (author)

  17. Epistaxis during nasotracheal intubation: a randomized trial of the Parker Flex-Tip™ nasal endotracheal tube with a posterior facing bevel versus a standard nasal RAE endotracheal tube. (United States)

    Earle, Rosie; Shanahan, Enda; Vaghadia, Himat; Sawka, Andrew; Tang, Raymond


    Nasotracheal intubation is a widely performed technique to facilitate anesthesia induction during oral, dental, and maxillofacial surgeries. The technique poses several risks not encountered with oropharyngeal intubation, most commonly epistaxis due to nasal mucosal abrasion. The purpose of this study was to test whether the use of the Parker Flex-Tip™ (PFT) nasal endotracheal tube (ETT) with a posterior facing bevel reduces epistaxis when compared with the standard nasal RAE ETT with a leftward facing bevel. Sixty American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I and II patients undergoing oral or maxillofacial surgery with nasotracheal intubation were recruited. Patients were randomized to either a standard nasal RAE ETT or a PFT nasal ETT. The ETT was thermosoftened and lubricated for both study groups prior to insertion, and the size of the tube was chosen at the discretion of the attending anesthesiologist. The primary outcome was the incidence of epistaxis, with a secondary outcome of epistaxis severity (scored as none, mild, moderate, or severe). An investigator measured both outcomes five minutes after intubation was completed. Mild or moderate epistaxis was experienced by 22 of 30 (73%) patients in the PFT group compared with 21 of 30 (70%) patients in the standard nasal RAE ETT group (absolute risk reduction, 3%; 95% confidence interval, -19 to 25; P = 0.78). There were no occurrences of severe epistaxis in either group. There was no difference in the incidence or severity of epistaxis following nasal intubation using the Parker Flex-Tip nasal ETT when compared with a standard nasal RAE ETT. This trial was registered at, identifier: NCT02315677.

  18. Nasal myiasis: report of a case and literature review

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    Reyes-Romero, Karen Eliana


    Full Text Available Myiasis is the infection of animal or human tissues or organs by larvae of Diptera. It may affect individuals of any age, but is more common in middle-aged and elderly patients. Nasal myiasis, an infection of the nasal and paranasal cavities by such larvae, is a common disease in tropical and developing countries. Reported cases of nasal myiasis have been caused by several different species, such as Lucilia sericata in Korea and Iran, Estro ovis in Algeria and France, Lucilia cuprina and Phaenicia sericata in Malaysia, Cochliomyia hominivorax in French Guiana, Drosophila melanogaster in Turkey, Eristalis tenax in Iran and Oestrus ovis in Israel. Signs and symptoms are related to the presence and movement of the larvae, and include foreign body sensation, bloody or muco-purulent nasal discharge. Prevention may be done with insect repellent. Treatment is based on antiparasitic drugs and techniques for removal of larvae, but may include the use of prophylactic topical or systemic antibiotics for possible secondary infections. We report a case of nasal and left maxillary sinus myiasis in an elderly woman, who responded favorably to treatment.

  19. Effects of radiation on nasal mucosa of guinea pig

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao Mang; Hu Sunhong; Liu Yuehui


    Objective: To study histopathological changes in nasal mucosa of guinea pigs following a series of irradiation. Methods: A total of 60 healthy guinea pigs were divided into two groups randomly: the irradiation group (n=30) and the control group (n=30). The animals of the irradiation group were exposed nasally to linear accelerator X-rays at 5.0 Gy once a week for three weeks. At 1 d, 1 w, 2 w, 4 w, 10 w and half year after X-irradiation five animals per one group were sacrificed randomly, at each time point. Their middle nasal turbinate mucosa was observed under optical microscope and electron microscope, and were analysed by image analysis for histopathological transformation. Results: In the irradiation group, the early histopathological transformation was acute inflammatory reaction, at the fourth week the mucosa began to repair, which ended at the sixth month. But after repaired, some parts of the repaired mucosa were lined with squamous epithelium instead of the normal nasal mucosa. The rate of the cilia-covered area was only 52.9% at the sixth month. Conclusion: The nasal mucosa injury and the squamous metaplasia could form a pathological basis of dysfunction after irradiation

  20. Nasal prosthesis rehabilitation: a case report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jain, Sumeet; Maru, Kavita; Shukla, Jyotsana


    Facial defects resulting from neoplasm, congenital malformation or trauma can be restored with facial prosthesis using different materials and retention methods to achieve life-like look and function. A nasal prosthesis can re-establish esthetic form and anatomic contours for mid-facial defects...... the non-surgical rehabilitation, with polymethyl meth-acrylate resin, nasal prosthesis for a patient who received partial rhinectomy as a result of squamous cell carcinoma of the nose. The prosthesis was made to restore the esthetic appearance of the patient with a mechanical retained design using...

  1. Esthetic rhinoplasty as an adjunctive technique in nasal oncoplastic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Adham Farouk


    Jan 15, 2016 ... Esthetic rhinoplasty;. Oncoplastic surgery nose;. Basal cell carcinoma;. Squamous cell carcinoma;. Nonmelanoma skin cancer;. Nasal reconstruction ... Conclusions: Esthetic rhinoplasty is a useful adjunctive technique in nasal oncoplastic surgery. .... All procedures performed in the study involving human.

  2. High Flow Nasal Cannulae in preterm infants

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    F. Ciuffini


    Full Text Available Despite of improved survival of premature infants, the incidence of long term pulmonary complications, mostly associated with ventilation-induced lung injury, remains high. Non invasive ventilation (NIV is able to reduce the adverse effects of mechanical ventilation. Although nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP is an effective mode of NIV, traumatic nasal complications and intolerance of the nasal interface are common. Recently high flow nasal cannula (HFNC is emerging as an efficient, better tolerated form of NIV, allowing better access to the baby’s face, which may improve nursing, feeding and bonding. The aim of this review is to discuss the available evidence of effectiveness and safety of HFNC in preterm newborns with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS. It is known that distending pressure generated by HFNC increases with increasing flow rate and decreasing infant size and varies according to the amount of leaks by nose and mouth. The effects of HFNC on lung mechanics, its clinical efficacy and safety are still insufficiently investigated. In conclusion, there is a growing evidence of the feasibility of HFNC as an alternative mode of NIV. However, further larger randomized trials are required, before being able to recommend HFNC in the treatment of moderate respiratory distress of preterm infants.

  3. A rare nasal cavity mass in a child: Accessory middle turbinate

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    Andrew Chang


    Full Text Available Objectives: The accessory middle turbinate, a rare anatomical variation of the nasal cavity, have been systematically studied in adults. Presence of accessory middle turbinate and its clinical significance in a child has not been reported. We describe clinical appearance and radiologic features of accessory middle turbinate in a child. Methods: Retrospective chart review. Results: A 3-year-old boy presented to the otolaryngology clinic for evaluation of recurrent epistaxis. Anterior rhinoscopy revealed moist nasal mucosa without inflammation and bilateral prominent blood vessels on the anterior nasal septum. Nasal endoscopy showed turbinate like protuberances in bilateral middle meatus. CT images documented accessory middle turbinate in the bilateral nasal cavity. Conclusion: Otolaryngologists should be cognizant of anatomical variations of middle turbinate to achieve correct diagnosis and avoid potential complications during surgical management.

  4. Novel nano-cellulose excipient for generating non-Newtonian droplets for targeted nasal drug delivery. (United States)

    Young, Paul M; Traini, Daniela; Ong, Hui Xin; Granieri, Angelo; Zhu, Bing; Scalia, Santo; Song, Jie; Spicer, Patrick T


    Thickening polymers have been used as excipients in nasal formulations to avoid nasal run-off (nasal drip) post-administration. However, increasing the viscosity of the formulation can have a negative impact on the quality of the aerosols generated. Therefore, the study aims to investigate the use of a novel smart nano-cellulose excipient to generate suitable droplets for nasal drug delivery that simultaneously has only marginally increased viscosity while still reducing nasal drips. Nasal sprays containing nano-cellulose at different concentrations were investigated for the additive's potential as an excipient. The formulations were characterized for their rheological and aerosol properties. This was then compared to conventional nasal spray formulation containing the single-component hydroxyl-propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) viscosity enhancing excipient. The HPMC-containing nasal formulations behave in a Newtonian manner while the nano-cellulose formulations have a yield stress and shear-thinning properties. At higher excipient concentrations and shear rates, the nano-cellulose solutions have significantly lower viscosities compared to the HPMC solution, resulting in improved droplet formation when actuated through conventional nasal spray. Nano-cellulose materials could potentially be used as a suitable excipient for nasal drug delivery, producing consistent aerosol droplet size, and enhanced residence time within the nasal cavity with reduced run-offs compared to conventional polymer thickeners.

  5. Biological safety of nasal thallium-201 administration. A preclinical study for olfacto-scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Washiyama, Kohshin; Shiga, Hideaki; Hirota, Kyoko


    Nasal administration of thallium-201 ( 201 Tl) has previously been shown to be useful for the assessment of olfactory nerve connectivity in vivo. We assessed the biological effects of nasal 201 Tl administration in mice to determine its safety before conducting clinical trials on humans. 201 Tl uptake was evaluated in normal mice (n=5) in vivo by using a high-resolution gamma camera and radiography 15 min, 1, 2 and 9 d after administration of 201 TlCl to the right side of the nasal cavity (10 μl 201 TlCl per nostril, 74 MBq/ml). Murine olfactory epithelial thickness (n=5) was measured 9 d following nasal administration of 201 TlCl. We assessed the odor detection ability of normal mice (n=8) following nasal administration of 201 TlCl to both sides of the nasal cavity, by observing cycloheximide solution avoidance behavior. We subsequently administrated 201 TlCl (n=4) or saline (n=4) to both nostrils to assess the odor detection ability of mice following bilateral olfactory nerve transection. 201 Tl uptake by the nasal cavity decreased immediately following nasal administration of 201 Tl in normal mice. Nasal administration of 201 Tl did not affect the olfactory epithelial thickness or the odor detection ability of normal mice. Recovery of odor detection ability following olfactory nerve transection was not significantly different between mice nasally administered with 201 Tl, and mice administered with saline. Thus, nasal administration of 201 Tl for the diagnosis of traumatic olfactory impairment did not produce harmful biological effects in vivo. (author)


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    Full Text Available This article reviews the literature on nasal changes with maxillary orthognathic surgery. Understanding such changes is vital for surgical planning and for obtaining appropriate informed consent, and there are medico-legal implications. During orthognathic surgical planning a prediction of the effects of the different surgical movements is possible and this forms part of the basis of the planning stage. The predicted changes need to be identified and their desirability or not for each individual patient determined. Some techniques for managing undesirable nasal changes are discussed, including adjunct measures to minimize these potential effects (e.g. cinch sutures, and additional surgical procedures to manage the undesired nasal changes once they are produced.

  7. Angiofibroma of the nasal cavity in 13 dogs. (United States)

    Burgess, K E; Green, E M; Wood, R D; Dubielzig, R R


    This case series describes a rare entity, nasal angiofibroma, in 13 dogs that were presented to the University of Wisconsin, School of Veterinary Medicine from 1988 to 2000. All dogs in this case series presented with clinical signs and radiographic changes that were strongly suggestive of a locally invasive neoplasm. However, histopathology completed on transnostral core biopsy samples revealed benign appearing vascular proliferation with secondary lymphosuppurative inflammation was established despite cytologic criteria of malignancy present in five dogs. On the basis of the outcomes in this case series, nasal angiofibroma should be considered a differential for dogs presenting with clinical signs consistent with a malignant nasal tumour. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  8. Response of Preterm Infants to 2 Noninvasive Ventilatory Support Systems: Nasal CPAP and Nasal Intermittent Positive-Pressure Ventilation. (United States)

    Silveira, Carmen Salum Thomé; Leonardi, Kamila Maia; Melo, Ana Paula Carvalho Freire; Zaia, José Eduardo; Brunherotti, Marisa Afonso Andrade


    Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in preterm infants is currently applied using intermittent positive pressure (2 positive-pressure levels) or in a conventional manner (one pressure level). However, there are no studies in the literature comparing the chances of failure of these NIV methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of failure of 2 noninvasive ventilatory support systems in preterm neonates over a period of 48 h. A randomized, prospective, clinical study was conducted on 80 newborns (gestational age CPAP and 40 infants with nasal intermittent positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV). The occurrence of apnea, progression of respiratory distress, nose bleeding, and agitation was defined as ventilation failure. The need for intubation and re-intubation after failure was also observed. There were no significant differences in birth characteristics between groups. Ventilatory support failure was observed in 25 (62.5%) newborns treated with nasal CPAP and in 12 (30%) newborns treated with NIPPV, indicating an association between NIV failure and the absence of intermittent positive pressure (odds ratio [OR] 1.22, P CPAP failure. After failure, 25% (OR 0.33) of the newborns receiving nasal CPAP and 12.5% (OR 0.14) receiving NIPPV required invasive mechanical ventilation. Ventilatory support failure was significantly more frequent when nasal CPAP was used. Copyright © 2015 by Daedalus Enterprises.

  9. Methods for Diagnosing Some Malignant Neoplasms of the Canine Nasal Mucosa

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    Emilia Florica Balint


    Full Text Available Abstract The aim of this study is to highlight the easiest method of investigation (nasal lavage or rhinoscopy depending on the animal condition. 18 dogs were investigated, which presented at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, with respiratory distress due to obstruction of the nasal cavities. The sampling for cytological diagnosis was done using the two techniques, the nasal lavage and rhinoscopy. It is most useful to try the lavage first, because it is less invasive, and only then, if case of poor cellularity after centrifugation, or in case of a inflammatory process with unfavourable post-treatment evolution, endoscopy will be used. Cytomorphological diagnosis using, after rhinoscopy or nasal lavage, have evidentiated the following forms of nasal cancer: 10 cases out of 18 were epithelial neoplasms of the olfactory mucosa; 6 cases out of 18 were nerve tumors (malignant melanoma, estesiocarcinoma; 2 cases out of 18 were mesenchymal tumors (osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma. The nasal lavage is a good sampling method but has the disadvantage of sometimes encountering an acute or chronic inflammatory process that can shield the tumor process.

  10. Computed tomographic anatomy of the canine nasal passages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burk, R.L.


    A normal German shepherd dog underwent CT imaging with contiguous 10 mm thick images made of the nasal cavity from the caudal limit of the frontal sinuses to the rostral aspect of the nose. Normal structures were identified. This normal anatomic information will be of use in assessing CT images of dogs suspected of having nasal cavity disease

  11. Nasal Cancer in the Northamptonshire Boot and Shoe Industry (United States)

    Acheson, E. D.; Cowdell, R. H.; Jolles, B.


    A survey of the incidence of nasal cancer in Northamptonshire during the period 1953 to 1967 is reported. Of the 46 patients with nasal cancer ascertained during the 15-year period 21 (19 males and 2 females) had been employed at some time in the boot and shoe industry. Five other cases diagnosed either before 1953 or after 1967 in persons who had worked in the boot and shoe industry in Northamptonshire were ascertained from various sources. The incidence of nasal cancer (all histological types considered together) was significantly higher in male boot and shoe operatives in Northamptonshire than in males of all occupational classes in the Cancer Register areas selected for comparison and in males working in other occupations in Northamptonshire. The excess incidence has recently given rise to the occurrence of between 1 and 2 new cases per annum in the Northamptonshire boot and shoe industry. The cases within the Northamptonshire industry occurred almost entirely in the relatively small number of workers who are exposed to the dust of the materials used in the manufacture of footwear. Possibly there are two carcinogenic factors in the industry—one related to the production of nasal adenocarcinoma, and the other to squamous and possibly other types of carcinoma in the nasal cavity and sinuses. This requires further study. Our best estimate of the latent period for the adenocarcinoma cases was 54·6 years, which is substantially longer than for the patients with squamous, transitional, and anaplastic tumours (41·7 years). We have no evidence to answer the question whether the facts are still present in the industrial environment, though undoubtedly the standards of hygiene in the industry has improved substantially since these men were first exposed. There is probably an increased risk of nasal adenocarcinoma in the footwear repairing industry, but this requires further study. Our evidence suggests that snuff taking should be considered as a possible contributory

  12. Significance of computerized tomography and nasal cytology in the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    assessment of sinus disease in asthmatic children. Rhinosinusitis is a common asthma comorbidity. Nasal eosinophil or neutrophil score >0.5 provides a better predictive value for rhinosinusitis compared to total serum IgE. Keywords: computerized tomography, nasal sinus, asthma, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, children.

  13. Extraskeletal primary Ewing's scrcoma in the nasal cavity: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Bo Young; Park, Seok Won; Km, Eo Jin; Choi, Jong Sun; Lee, Eun Ja [Dongguk University College of Medicine, Ilsan Hospital, Goyang (Korea, Republic of)


    Ewing's sarcoma presents a rare tumor of the head and neck, and even rarer in the nasal cavity and/or paranasal sinuses. We report the case of Ewing's sarcoma in the nasal cavity, as presented with nasal obstruction and epistaxis. The CT and MRI examination reveals a mass in the left nasal cavity with extension to contralateral side, ethmoidal sinus, and nasopharynx. We provide an overview of Ewing's sarcoma in the nasal cavity and discuss radiologic findings of this unusual case.

  14. Change in the nose areas in children with mouth breathing after nasal cleansing and massage. (United States)

    Melo, Ana Carolina Cardoso de; Gomes, Adriana de Oliveira Camargo; Cunha, Daniele Andrade da; Lima, Sandro Júnior Henrique; Lima, Wigna Rayssa Pereira; Cunha, Renata Andrade da; Silva, Hilton Justino da


    To analyze the changes occurred in the nasal cavity geometry, before and after nasal cleansing, through nasal aeration and acoustic rhinometry in children with oral breathing. Twenty children aged four to 12 years were included in the study. The gathering of participants was conducted at the Multifunctional Laboratory of the Speech Pathology Department of the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE. The following procedures were conducted: Identification Index of Signs and Symptoms of Oral Breathing; marking of nasal expiratory airflow using the graded mirror of Altmann, and examination of the Nasal Geometry by Acoustic Rhinometry. The same procedures were performed after nasal massage and cleansing with saline solution. Significant change was observed in the areas with respect to the nasal airflow on both sides after nasal cleansing and massage. As for nasal geometry, measured by acoustic rhinometry, comparison between the nostrils showed that the effect of cleansing and massage was discrete. Nasal aeration measures showed sensitivity to the cleansing and massage technique and measures of nasal geometry confirmed its effect on respiratory physiology.

  15. Anatomy of the nasal cavity of nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus, Linnaeus, 1758

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    Andrezza Braga Soares Silva


    Full Text Available Nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus stands out for its adaptability in different environments, a fact that requires the species, an olfactory capacity developed with a keen sense and related organs potentially evolved. Five specimens of nine banded armadillo were submitted to anatomic dissection with occipital disconnection and isolation of part of the skull in order to obtain a hemi-skull to view the arrangement of internal structures of the nasal cavity. The obtained specimens were identified and photographed with the assist of digital camera. The nine-banded armadillo nose is incorporated into the face of the skeleton located in nasal plan with the triangular shape and facing forward. The nostrils are separated by the nasal septum. Paranasal sinuses, two (frontal and parietal, resemble diverticula of the nasal cavity. The nine-banded armadillo nasal shells are presented divided into three: the ethmoid shell, the dorsal nasal shell and the ventral nasal shell. The shells are delimited dorsal and ventral nasal meatus by. The respiratory system of nine-banded armadillo presented features anatomical that justify their behavior in the nature, as their olfactory ability for hunting. Thus, the development of the nasal shell, especially, ethmoid shells check the animal facility in the searching for subterranean food.

  16. Anatomy of the nasal cavity of nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus, Linnaeus, 1758

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    Andrezza Braga Soares Silva


    Full Text Available Nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus stands out for its adaptability in different environments, a fact that requires the species, an olfactory capacity developed with a keen sense and related organs potentially evolved. Five specimens of nine banded armadillo were submitted to anatomic dissection with occipital disconnection and isolation of part of the skull in order to obtain a hemi-skull to view the arrangement of internal structures of the nasal cavity. The obtained specimens were identified and photographed with the assist of digital camera. The nine-banded armadillo nose is incorporated into the face of the skeleton located in nasal plan with the triangular shape and facing forward. The nostrils are separated by the nasal septum. Paranasal sinuses, two (frontal and parietal, resemble diverticula of the nasal cavity. The nine-banded armadillo nasal shells are presented divided into three: the ethmoid shell, the dorsal nasal shell and the ventral nasal shell. The shells are delimited dorsal and ventral nasal meatus by. The respiratory system of nine-banded armadillo presented features anatomical that justify their behavior in the nature, as their olfactory ability for hunting. Thus, the development of the nasal shell, especially, ethmoid shells check the animal facility in the searching for subterranean food

  17. Impact of educational intervention on the inter-rater agreement of nasal endoscopy interpretation (United States)

    Colley, Patrick; Mace, Jess C.; Schaberg, Madeleine R.; Smith, Timothy L.; Tabaee, Abtin


    OBJECTIVE Nasal endoscopy is integral to the evaluation of sinonasal disorders. However, prior studies have shown significant variability in the inter-rater agreement of nasal endoscopy interpretation amongst practicing rhinologists. The objective of the current study is to evaluate the inter-rater agreement of nasal endoscopy amongst otolaryngology residents from a single training program at baseline and following an educational intervention. METHODS 11 otolaryngology residents completed nasal endoscopy grading forms for 8 digitally recorded nasal endoscopic examinations. An instructional lecture reviewing nasal endoscopy interpretation was subsequently provided. The residents then completed grading forms for 8 different nasal endoscopic examinations. Inter-rate agreement amongst residents for the pre- and post-lecture videos was calculated using the unweighted Fleiss’ kappa statistic (Kf) and intra-class correlation agreement (ICC). RESULTS Inter-rater agreement improved from a baseline level of fair (Kf range 0.268–0.383) to a post-educational level of moderate (Kf range 0.401–0.547) for nasal endoscopy findings of middle meatus mucosa, middle turbinate mucosa, middle meatus discharge, sphenoethmoid recess mucosa, sphenoethmoid recess discharge and atypical lesions (ICC, pendoscopy interpretation amongst otolaryngology residents. The inter-rater agreement for the majority of the characteristics that were evaluated improved after educational intervention. Further study is needed to improve nasal endoscopy interpretation. PMID:25781864

  18. Detection of Lsr2 gene of Mycobacterium leprae in nasal mucus

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    Luiz Antonio Custodio


    Full Text Available In the present study, nasal mucus from patients with leprosy were analyzed by PCR using specific primers for Lsr2 gene of Mycobacterium leprae. The presence of Lsr2 gene in the nasal mucus was detected in 25.80% of patients with paucibacillari leprosy, and 23.07% of contacts. Despite the absence of clinical features in the contact individuals, it was possible to detect the presence of Lsr2 gene in the nasal mucus of these individuals. Therefore, PCR detection of M. leprae targeting Lsr2 gene using nasal mucus samples could contribute to early diagnosis of leprosy.

  19. Escore de cálcio na avaliação da aterosclerose em pacientes com HIV/AIDS

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    Verônica Soares Monteiro


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A terapia antirretroviral aumentou drasticamente a expectativa de vida em pacientes com HIV/AIDS, embora a aterosclerose esteja associada a uma terapia de longo prazo. OBJETIVO: Investigar a prevalência de aterosclerose em pacientes com AIDS submetidos à terapia antirretroviral e a influência de tratamentos de diferentes regimes e durações. MÉTODOS: Pacientes com HIV/AIDS foram abordados durante consultas de rotina. Aqueles que estiveram em terapia antirretroviral por, pelo menos, dois anos tiveram o sangue coletado para análise do perfil lipídico e da glicemia em jejum e foram submetidos à tomografia computadorizada cardíaca para quantificação do escore de cálcio dentro de seis dias, no máximo. A aterosclerose foi definida como escore de cálcio maior que zero (CAC > 0. Fatores de risco tradicionais, síndrome metabólica e o escore de Framingham foram analisados. RESULTADOS: Cinquenta e três pacientes realizaram tomografia computadorizada cardíaca: 50,94% eram do sexo masculino, com idade média de 43,4 anos; 20% tinham hipertensão; 3,77% tinham diabetes; 67,92% tinham hipercolesterolemia; 37,74% tinham hipertrigliceridemia; 47,17% tinham HDL baixo; 24,53% atenderam aos critérios para síndrome metabólica; 96,23% foram classificados no escore de Framingham como "baixo risco"; e 18,87% eram tabagistas. A duração média do tratamento antirretroviral foi de 58,98 meses. A aterosclerose coronária ocorreu em 11 pacientes (20,75%. A duração da terapia antirretroviral não se relacionou à aterosclerose (p = 0,41, e não houve diferenças significativas entre os diferentes esquemas antirretrovirais (p = 0,71. Entre os fatores de risco tradicionais, o tabagismo (OR = 27,20; p = 0,023 e a idade (OR = 20,59; p = 0,033 foram significativos na presença de aterosclerose. Havia tendência para uma associação positiva da aterosclerose com a hipercolesterolemia (OR = 8,30; p = 0,0668. CONCLUSÃO: Os fatores associados

  20. Apresentações incomuns no diagnóstico por imagem do pseudotumor intraósseo do hemofílico Uncommon presentations of intraosseous hemophilic pseudotumor in imaging diagnosis

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    Marcel Koenigkam Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever apresentações incomuns do pseudotumor do hemofílico no diagnóstico por imagem. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com avaliação de cinco pseudotumores ósseos do hemofílico em dois pacientes. Os achados de imagem em dois pacientes hemofílicos tipo A foram avaliados em consenso por dois radiologistas musculoesqueléticos. Foram estudados exames de radiografia simples, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética. RESULTADOS: Em uma das lesões analisadas a fase pós-contraste intravenoso da tomografia computadorizada mostrou áreas de reforço heterogêneo e de aspecto sólido no interior da lesão da coxa direita. Este aspecto foi confirmado no exame anatomopatológico da lesão em questão. Outro achado raro foi a identificação de dois pseudotumores intraósseos no úmero, separados por segmento de osso normal. E, por fim, também um pseudotumor do fêmur com extensão para partes moles e transarticular, com conseqüente acometimento da tíbia e patela. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados de diagnóstico por imagem acima descritos não são comumente relatados para os pseudotumores ósseos do hemofílico. É importante que o radiologista tenha conhecimento dessas apresentações mais raras.OBJECTIVE: The present study was aimed at describing uncommon presentations of intraosseous hemophilic pseudotumor in imaging diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective study evaluating five hemophilic pseudotumors in bones of two patients with hemophilia A. Imaging findings were consensually evaluated by two musculoskeletal radiologists. Plain radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging studies were analyzed. RESULTS: At contrast-enhanced computed tomography images, one of the lesions on the left thigh was visualized with heterogeneously enhanced solid areas. This finding was later confirmed by anatomopathological study. Another uncommon finding was the identification of

  1. 3D-CT imaging processing for qualitative and quantitative analysis of maxillofacial cysts and tumors Processamento de imagens em 3D-TC para análise qualitativa e quantitativa de cistos e tumores maxilo-faciais

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    Marcelo de Gusmão Paraiso Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate spiral-computed tomography (3D-CT images of 20 patients presenting with cysts and tumors in the maxillofacial complex, in order to compare the surface and volume techniques of image rendering. The qualitative and quantitative appraisal indicated that the volume technique allowed a more precise and accurate observation than the surface method. On the average, the measurements obtained by means of the 3D volume-rendering technique were 6.28% higher than those obtained by means of the surface method. The sensitivity of the 3D surface technique was lower than that of the 3D volume technique for all conditions stipulated in the diagnosis and evaluation of lesions. We concluded that the 3D-CT volume rendering technique was more reproducible and sensitive than the 3D-CT surface method, in the diagnosis, treatment planning and evaluation of maxillofacial lesions, especially those with intra-osseous involvement.O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo associativo e comparativo entre as técnicas de superfície e volume para a reconstrução de imagens em três dimensões (3D utilizando tomografia computadorizada (TC. Foram realizadas tomografias computadorizadas em espiral de 20 pacientes com cistos e tumores do complexo maxilo-facial para análise qualitativa e quantitativa, utilizando métodos de superfície e de volume em 3D. A comparação interexaminadores apresentou erro padrão percentual menos elevado para a técnica de volume (1,94% que para a técnica de superfície (4,38%, indicando a maior reprodutibilidade do primeiro método. As medidas obtidas pela técnica de volume foram em média 6,28% mais elevadas que as medidas obtidas pela técnica de superfície. A técnica de volume apresentou sensibilidade mais elevada que a técnica de superfície na identificação das lesões do complexo maxilo-facial. A técnica de volume em 3D-TC, utilizando a metodologia da computação gráfica, apresentou maior

  2. Comprometimento pulmonar na esclerose sistêmica: revisão de casos Pulmonary involvement in systemic sclerosis: cases review

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    Marcel Koenigkam Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Rever e avaliar os padrões de alterações encontrados em exames de imagem de pacientes com comprometimento pulmonar da esclerose sistêmica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram retrospectivamente estudados os exames de radiografia simples e tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução de 23 pacientes com esclerose sistêmica. RESULTADOS: Na radiografia simples, o padrão reticular em bases pulmonares foi predominante, tendo sido verificado em 18 pacientes (78,2%. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução evidenciou lesão pulmonar em todos os pacientes estudados, encontrando-se faveolamento em nove pacientes (39,1%, opacidades em vidro fosco associadas a opacidades reticulares em oito (34,7%, predomínio de opacidades reticulares em cinco (21,7% e vidro fosco em um paciente (4,3%. CONCLUSÃO: O padrão de anormalidades tomográficas possui boa correlação com os achados histopatológicos, diferenciando padrões predominantemente inflamatórios de fibróticos, com os padrões inflamatórios estando associados a uma resposta superior ao tratamento. Dessa maneira, observou-se alteração sugestiva de fibrose na maior parte dos casos (faveolamento e opacidades reticulares somando 60,8%, porém com boa parte apresentando padrões sugestivos de processo inflamatório.OBJECTIVE: To review and evaluate the patterns of imaging examinations findings of lung disease in patients with systemic sclerosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Plain x-rays and high-resolution computed tomography studies of 23 patients with systemic sclerosis were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: At plain x-rays, pulmonary disease with reticular pattern had higher prevalence, appearing in 18 patients (78.2%. High-resolution computed tomography showed lung involvement in the whole group of patients, with honeycombing in nine patients (39.1%, ground-glass opacities associated with reticular opacities in eight patients (34.7%, predominance of reticular opacities in five (21

  3. Reconstrucción quirúrgica tras destrucción nasal por Leishmania Panamensis Surgical reconstruction after nasal destruction by Leishmania Panamensis

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    F. Vélez Bernal


    Full Text Available Algunas especies de Leishmania del subgénero Viannia, especialmente Leishmania braziliensis y Leishmania panamensis, pueden invadir la mucosa naso-orofaríngea al diseminarse por vía linfática y sanguínea a partir de una lesión cutánea y ocasionar lesiones en el tabique nasal, paladar blando, úvula, pilares amigdalinos, laringe, faringe, dorso nasal, labios y pómulos, que pueden conducir a la desfiguración. La mucosa más frecuentemente afectada es la del tabique nasal, principalmente en su parte anterior. La invasión de la mucosa puede ocurrir simultáneamente con lesiones cutáneas activas, aunque más frecuentemente aparecen 1 o 2 años después de la lesión en la piel; sin embargo, en el 16 % de los casos no hay antecedentes de lesiones cutáneas, lo que sugiere que con la picadura del insecto vector se produjo una infección primaria asintomática u oligosintomática y luego se produjo la diseminación del parasito a la mucosas. En este artículo presentamos 2 casos clínicos de leishmaniosis mucosa producidos por L. panamensis y los procedimientos quirúrgicos reconstructivos que se realizaron. Se hace además un recuento de los diagnósticos diferenciales en tejidos oronasales.Species of Leishmania of Viannia subgenus, mainly L. braziliensis and L. panamensis, may invade the nasooro-pharyngeal mucosal after spread from the skin lesion via lymph and blood, causing lesions in the nasal septum, soft palate, uvula, tonsillar pillars, larynx, pharynx, nasal dorsum, lips and cheeks. The mucosal membrane most frequently affected is the nasal septum, mainly in the anterior region. The invasion of mucosa may occur simultaneously with active skin lesions, but most often appear 1 or 2 years after the skin lesion; nevertheless, in 16 % of cases there is no history of skin lesions suggesting that the primary infection coursed with few symptoms and then was spread to mucosal membranes. In this article 2 cases of L panamensis mucosal

  4. Plasmocitoma extramedular nasal en un perro

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    Carlos Giraldo M.


    Full Text Available Se describe un caso de plasmocitoma nasal en un canino, macho entero, de raza Akita de 30 Kg de peso y veintiún meses de edad, con historia de epistaxis unilateral crónica. Se practicó examen clínico y biopsia de la neoplasia visible en la cavidad nasal izquierda. La ubicación y extensión del tumor fue determinada mediante tomografía computarizada de cabeza y cuello. Se realizaron análisis histopatológico e inmunohistoquímico (IHQ del tejido tumoral. La tomografía computarizada evidenció una masa con densidad de tejido blando de 10 cm de longitud x 3.5 cm de diámetro y escasa captación de medio de contraste, que comprometía en su totalidad la cavidad nasal derecha y parte de la porción posterior de la coana izquierda. El análisis histopatológico reveló numerosas células redondas pleomórficas con poco citoplasma, rodeadas por trama escasa de tejido conectivo y bajo índice mitótico. En el examen IHQ la muestra fue negativa a los antígenos CD3 y CD20 para linfocitos T y B, respectivamente. Los hallazgos clínicos y de la tomografía computarizada, así como los resultados del análisis histopatológico del tejido tumoral, fueron compatibles con un plasmocitoma extramedular nasal de bajo grado de malignidad.

  5. Genome sequencing and analysis reveals possible determinants of Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage

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    Cole Alexander M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus is a major risk factor in clinical and community settings due to the range of etiologies caused by the organism. We have identified unique immunological and ultrastructural properties associated with nasal carriage isolates denoting a role for bacterial factors in nasal carriage. However, despite extensive molecular level characterizations by several groups suggesting factors necessary for colonization on nasal epithelium, genetic determinants of nasal carriage are unknown. Herein, we have set a genomic foundation for unraveling the bacterial determinants of nasal carriage in S. aureus. Results MLST analysis revealed no lineage specific differences between carrier and non-carrier strains suggesting a role for mobile genetic elements. We completely sequenced a model carrier isolate (D30 and a model non-carrier strain (930918-3 to identify differential gene content. Comparison revealed the presence of 84 genes unique to the carrier strain and strongly suggests a role for Type VII secretion systems in nasal carriage. These genes, along with a putative pathogenicity island (SaPIBov present uniquely in the carrier strains are likely important in affecting carriage. Further, PCR-based genotyping of other clinical isolates for a specific subset of these 84 genes raise the possibility of nasal carriage being caused by multiple gene sets. Conclusion Our data suggest that carriage is likely a heterogeneic phenotypic trait and implies a role for nucleotide level polymorphism in carriage. Complete genome level analyses of multiple carriage strains of S. aureus will be important in clarifying molecular determinants of S. aureus nasal carriage.

  6. Effect of Fentanyl Nasal Packing Treatment on Patients With Acute Postoperative Pain After Nasal Operation: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Kim, Kwan-Sub; Yeo, Nam-Kyung; Kim, Seong-Su; Park, Woong-Sub; Kwak, Su-Hyun; Cho, Sang-Hyeon; Sung, Gyu-Wan; Kim, Hae-Sook; Yi, Sang-Wook; Cho, Hae Jun


    Nasal packing is an option for bleeding control after endoscopic sinus surgery and septoplasty. Although new packing materials have been developed, patients still suffer from pain and require additional analgesics treatments. In this study, a prospective, randomized, and double-blind controlled trial was designed to evaluate the effect of fentanyl-soaked packing on pain after endoscopic sinus surgery and septoplasty. One hundred fifty-two patients who underwent nasal surgeries due to chronic rhinosinusitis or nasal septal deviation were enrolled in this study. At the end of operation, 50 mcg fentanyl-soaked biodegradable synthetic polyurethane foams packing Nasopore or Merocel were applied to a group of 79 patients, and saline-soaked ones were applied to another group of 73 patients. To evaluate the influence of fentanyl on postoperative nasal pain, patients' conditions were assessed via means of Numeric Rating Scale, patient satisfaction, and Ramsay Sedation Scale. In addition, symptoms of headache or sore throat and any signs of cardiopulmonary-relevant indicators were monitored. The fentanyl group had significantly decreased Numeric Rating Scale and increased patient satisfaction in every operation type for the majority of postoperative time periods ( P fentanyl group showed a higher score on Ramsay Sedation Scale than the control group ( P .05). Fentanyl group showed significantly reduced postoperative pain without serious adverse effects. We suggest that topical fentanyl application to nasal packs can be a useful method to reduce pain during the early postoperative period after endoscopic sinus surgery and septoplasty.

  7. Nasal and oral masses in a dog. (United States)

    Levy, Esther; Mylonakis, Mathios E; Saridomichelakis, Manolis N; Polizopoulou, Zoe S; Psychogios, Vassilios; Koutinas, Alexander F


    A 5-year-old, intact male, stray dog was presented in poor body condition, with pallor, muzzle deformity, multiple oozing fistulas with grass awns, bilateral sanguinopurulent nasal discharge and a fleshy friable mass occupying part of the hard palate. A friable mass occupying both nasal cavities was found on rhinoscopy. The dog had moderate nonregenerative normochromic-microcytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, hyperglobulinemia, and hypoalbuminemia. Cytologic preparations of the nasal and oral masses contained a neoplastic population of round cells with intracytoplasmic and extracellular vacuoles. Leishmania amastigotes also were observed, in the cytoplasm of macrophages and, occasionally, within neoplastic cells. A diagnosis of transmissible venereal tumor and concurrent leishmaniosis was made. Treatment with vincristine and allopurinol resulted in complete resolution of clinical signs and disappearance of the masses. The presence of amastigotes in neoplastic TVT cells may suggest an alternative mode of transmission of canine leishmaniosis where these diseases co-exist.

  8. Isotonic saline nasal irrigation in clinical practice: a literature review

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    Sabrina Costa Lima

    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction: Nasal instillation of saline solution has been used as part of the treatment of patients with upper respiratory tract diseases. Despite its use for a number of years, factors such as the amount of saline solution to be used, degree of salinity, method and frequency of application have yet to be fully explained. Objective: Review the reported outcomes of saline nasal irrigation in adults with allergic rhinitis, acute or chronic sinusitis and after functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS, and provide evidence to assist physiotherapists in decision making in clinical practice. Methods: A search was conducted of the Pubmed and Cochrane Library databases between 2007 and 2014. A combination of the following descriptors was used as a search strategy: nasal irrigation, nasal lavage, rhinitis, sinusitis, saline, saline solution. Results: Eight clinical trials were included, analyzed according to participant diagnosis. Conclusion: The evidence found was heterogeneous, but contributed to elucidating uncertainties regarding the use of nasal lavage in the clinical practice of physical therapy, such as the protocols used.

  9. Paradoxical sensation of nasal airflow in patients with common cold. Are we measuring the correct modality? (United States)

    Clarke, Jonathan D; Eccles, Ronald


    A paradoxical relationship between objective and subjective measures of nasal obstruction exists in participants not exposed to any treatment. The sensation of nasal obstruction may be due to the amalgamation of many different nasal sensations. Improved methods for measuring nasal sensations are required to further investigate the relationship between objective and subjective measures of nasal obstruction. In a recent study it was shown that the subjective sensation of nasal patency increased as the nasal passages became objectively more obstructed in patients who received a placebo compared to those who received an oral decongestant. This paradoxical response may be explained as a placebo effect, i.e. patients who received a placebo may have expected to feel less obstructed. The aim of the present study was to investigate this interesting paradox by determining objective and subjective measures of nasal obstruction over time in participants not exposed to any treatment. A total of 60 healthy participants with common cold were recruited. Objective and subjective measures of nasal obstruction were recorded at baseline and at 1 and 2 h using posterior rhinomanometry and a visual analogue scale. Objective measures demonstrated an increase in nasal obstruction over time for both nasal passages considered together and for individual nasal passages. Subjective measures demonstrated a sensation of decreased nasal obstruction over time for both nasal passages considered together and for individual nasal passages.

  10. Nasal symptoms and clinical findings in adult patients treated for unilateral cleft lip and palate. (United States)

    Morén, Staffan; Mani, Maria; Lundberg, Kristina; Holmström, Mats


    The aim of the study was to investigate self-experienced nasal symptoms among adults treated for UCLP and the association to clinical findings, and to evaluate whether palate closure in one-stage or two-stages affected the symptoms or clinical findings. All people with UCLP born between 1960-1987, treated at Uppsala University Hospital, were considered for participation in this cross-sectional population study with long-term follow-up. Eighty-three patients (76% participation rate) participated, a mean of 37 years after the first operation. Fifty-two patients were treated with one-stage palate closure and 31 with two-stage palate closure. An age-matched group of 67 non-cleft controls completed the same study protocol, which included a questionnaire regarding nasal symptoms, nasal inspection, anterior rhinoscopy, and nasal endoscopy. Patients reported a higher frequency of nasal symptoms compared with the control group, e.g., nasal obstruction (81% compared with 60%) and mouth breathing (20% compared with 5%). Patients also rated their nasal symptoms as having a more negative impact on their daily life and physical activities than controls. Nasal examination revealed higher frequencies of nasal deformities among patients. No positive correlation was found between nasal symptoms and severity of findings at nasal examination. No differences were identified between patients treated with one-stage and two-stage palate closure regarding symptoms or nasal findings. Adult patients treated for UCLP suffer from more nasal symptoms than controls. However, symptoms are not associated with findings at clinical nasal examination or method of palate closure.

  11. Zicam-induced damage to mouse and human nasal tissue.

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    Jae H Lim

    Full Text Available Intranasal medications are used to treat various nasal disorders. However, their effects on olfaction remain unknown. Zicam (zinc gluconate; Matrixx Initiatives, Inc, a homeopathic substance marketed to alleviate cold symptoms, has been implicated in olfactory dysfunction. Here, we investigated Zicam and several common intranasal agents for their effects on olfactory function. Zicam was the only substance that showed significant cytotoxicity in both mouse and human nasal tissue. Specifically, Zicam-treated mice had disrupted sensitivity of olfactory sensory neurons to odorant stimulation and were unable to detect novel odorants in behavioral testing. These findings were long-term as no recovery of function was observed after two months. Finally, human nasal explants treated with Zicam displayed significantly elevated extracellular lactate dehydrogenase levels compared to saline-treated controls, suggesting severe necrosis that was confirmed on histology. Our results demonstrate that Zicam use could irreversibly damage mouse and human nasal tissue and may lead to significant smell dysfunction.

  12. Reconstruction of Nasal Cleft Deformities Using Expanded Forehead Flaps: A Case Series. (United States)

    Ramanathan, Manikandhan; Sneha, Pendem; Parameswaran, Ananthnarayanan; Jayakumar, Naveen; Sailer, Hermann F


    Reconstruction of the nasal clefts is a challenging task considering the nasal anatomic complexity and their possible association with craniofacial defects. The reconstruction of these defects needs extensive amounts of soft tissue that warrant the use of forehead flaps. Often presence of cranial defects and low hairline compromise the amount of tissue available for reconstruction warrenting tissue expansion. To evaluate the efficacy of tissue expansion in reconstruction of congenital nasal clefts. 9 patients with congenital nasal clefts involving multiple sub units were taken up for nasal reconstruction with expanded forehead flaps. The average amount of expansion needed was 200 ml. The reconstruction was performed in 3 stages. Expanded forehead flaps proved to be best modality for reconstruction providing the skin cover needed for ala, columella and dorsum with minimal scarring at the donor site. Expansion of the forehead flap is a viable option for multiple sub unit reconstruction in congenital nasal cleft deformities.

  13. Doenças da cavidade nasal em ruminantes no Brasil Diseases of the nasal cavity of ruminants in Brazil

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    Roseane de A Portela


    Full Text Available Este trabalho descreve as doenças das fossas nasais diagnosticadas em ruminantes no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, em Patos, Paraíba, nos anos de 2003-2009. No período foram registrados três diagnósticos de doenças das fossas nasais de bovinos, três em caprinos e nove em ovinos (de um total de 404 diagnósticos em bovinos, 330 em caprinos e 338 em ovinos. Descrevem-se um caso de rinite atópica em bovinos, sete surtos de conidiobolomicose e dois de pitiose rinofacial em ovinos, dois casos de prototecose e um de aspergilose nasal em caprinos e um mixoma e um fibrossarcoma em bovinos. Adicionalmente, é realizada uma revisão de outras doenças das fossas nasais de ruminantes descritas em outras regiões do Brasil, incluindo oestrose, rinosporidiose, carcinoma epidermóide e tumor etmoidal enzoótico.This paper reports diseases of the nasal cavity diagnosed in ruminants in the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande, in Patos, state of Paraiba, northeastern Brazil, from 2003 to 2009. During that period three cases or outbreaks of diseases of the nasal cavity were reported in cattle, three in goats and nine in sheep (out of 404 diseases diagnosed in cattle, 330 in goats, and 338 in sheep. At all are reported one case of atopic rhinitis in cattle, seven outbreaks of conidiobolomycosis and two outbreaks of rhinofacial pythiosis in sheep, two cases of protothecosis and one of nasal aspergillosis in goats, and a myxoma and a fibrosarcoma in cattle. Additionally, other diseases of the nasal cavity reported in Brazil are reviewed, including oestrosis, rhinosporidiosis, squamous cell carcinoma, and enzootic ethmoidal tumor.

  14. Solitary chemoreceptor cell proliferation in adult nasal epithelium. (United States)

    Gulbransen, Brian D; Finger, Thomas E


    Nasal trigeminal chemosensitivity in mice and rats is mediated in part by solitary chemoreceptor cells (SCCs) in the nasal epithelium (Finger et al., 2003). Many nasal SCCs express the G-protein alpha-gustducin as well as other elements of the bitter-taste signaling cascade including phospholipase Cbeta2, TRPM5 and T2R bitter-taste receptors. While some populations of sensory cells are replaced throughout life (taste and olfaction), others are not (hair cells and carotid body chemoreceptors). These experiments were designed to test whether new SCCs are generated within the epithelium of adult mice. Wild type C57/B6 mice were injected with the thymidine analog 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) to label dividing cells. At various times after injection (1-40 days), the mice were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde and prepared for dual-label immunocytochemistry. Double labeled cells were detected as early as 3 days post BrdU injection and remained for as long as 12 days post-injection suggesting that SCCs do undergo turnover like the surrounding nasal epithelium. No BrdU labeled cells were detected after 24 days suggesting relatively rapid replacement of the SCCs.

  15. The nasal cavity microbiota of healthy adults


    Bassis, Christine M; Tang, Alice L; Young, Vincent B; Pynnonen, Melissa A


    Background The microbiota of the nares has been widely studied. However, relatively few studies have investigated the microbiota of the nasal cavity posterior to the nares. This distinct environment has the potential to contain a distinct microbiota and play an important role in health. Results We obtained 35,142 high-quality bacterial 16S rRNA-encoding gene sequence reads from the nasal cavity and oral cavity (the dorsum of the tongue and the buccal mucosa) of 12 healthy adult humans and dep...

  16. Nasal Nitric Oxide Levels in HIV Infection: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Cecilia T. Costiniuk


    Full Text Available Introduction. Low levels of nasal NO have been associated with increased propensity to rhinosinusitis and respiratory tract infections. Our objective was to describe nasal NO levels in HIV-infected individuals versus healthy controls and determine possible risk factors for reduced nasal NO levels. Materials and Methods. HIV-infected individuals and healthy controls were recruited. Participants underwent nasal NO testing by standardized methods using a CLD88 chemiluminescence analyzer and completed the Sinonasal Outcome Test-20 (SNOT-20 on symptoms of rhinosinusitis. Results. Participants included 41 HIV-infected individuals with suppressed VL on antiretroviral therapy (ART group, 5 HIV-infected individuals with detectable VL off ART (viremic group, and 12 healthy controls (HC group. Mean nasal NO level was 253 (±77 nL/min in the ART group, 213 (±48 nL/min in the viremic group, and 289 (±68 nL/min in the HC group (p=0.133; ANOVA. There was no correlation between nasal NO level and VL in viremic individuals (r=-0.200; p=0.747. Differences were observed in mean total points on the SNOT-20 which were 19 (±16/100, 18 (±26/100, and 4 (±4/100 in the ART, viremic, and HC groups, respectively (p=0.013; ANOVA. Conclusion. Healthy individuals, HIV patients on ART, and viremic individuals off ART display similar nasal NO levels. However, rhinosinusitis symptoms remain prominent despite ART-treatment.

  17. Nasal Lipopolysaccharide Challenge and Cytokine Measurement Reflects Innate Mucosal Immune Responsiveness.

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    Jaideep Dhariwal

    Full Text Available Practical methods of monitoring innate immune mucosal responsiveness are lacking. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS is a component of the cell wall of Gram negative bacteria and a potent activator of Toll-like receptor (TLR-4. To measure LPS responsiveness of the nasal mucosa, we administered LPS as a nasal spray and quantified chemokine and cytokine levels in mucosal lining fluid (MLF.We performed a 5-way cross-over, single blind, placebo-controlled study in 15 healthy non-atopic subjects (n = 14 per protocol. Doses of ultrapure LPS (1, 10, 30 or 100μg/100μl or placebo were administered by a single nasal spray to each nostril. Using the recently developed method of nasosorption with synthetic adsorptive matrices (SAM, a series of samples were taken. A panel of seven cytokines/chemokines were measured by multiplex immunoassay in MLF. mRNA for intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1 was quantified from nasal epithelial curettage samples taken before and after challenge.Topical nasal LPS was well tolerated, causing no symptoms and no visible changes to the nasal mucosa. LPS induced dose-related increases in MLF levels of IL-1β, IL-6, CXCL8 (IL-8 and CCL3 (MIP-1α (AUC at 0.5 to 10h, compared to placebo, p<0.05 at 30 and 100μg LPS. At 100μg LPS, IL-10, IFN-α and TNF-α were also increased (p<0.05. Dose-related changes in mucosal ICAM-1 mRNA were also seen after challenge, and neutrophils appeared to peak in MLF at 8h. However, 2 subjects with high baseline cytokine levels showed prominent cytokine and chemokine responses to relatively low LPS doses (10μg and 30μg LPS.Topical nasal LPS causes dose-dependent increases in cytokines, chemokines, mRNA and cells. However, responsiveness can show unpredictable variations, possibly because baseline innate tone is affected by environmental factors. We believe that this new technique will have wide application in the study of the innate immune responses of the respiratory mucosa.Ultrapure LPS was used

  18. Surfactant Proteins A, B, C and D in the Human Nasal Airway

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gaunsbaek, Maria Q; Kjeldsen, Anette D; Svane-Knudsen, Viggo


    Aims: To investigate the presence of surfactant protein (SP) A, B, C and D in nasal airways and to determine whether the proteins exert their main functions in nasal secretions or in the deeper layers of the nasal mucosa. Methods: Volunteers were recruited from the Department of ENT Head and Neck...

  19. Transnasal endoscopic resection of vascular leiomyomas of the nasal septum

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    Hai-Hong Chen


    Conclusion: The endoscope technique offers simple, rapid access to the nasal septum, and excellent visualization; it is a safe, minimally invasive, efficient procedure for removing benign nasal septum tumors that leaves no scar on the face.

  20. [Nasal mucosa in patients with diabetes mellitus]. (United States)

    Müller, Maciej; Betlejewski, Stanisław


    Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrinologic disease all over the world. 150 million people suffer from this disease, in Poland about 2 million. The disease on the basis of the onset and pathophysiology may be divided into type I and type II. Pathophysiologic changes include diabetic microangiopathy, macroangiopathy and neuropathy. The most common presentations in head and neck are otitis externa, hypoacusis, vertigo, disequilibrium, xerostomia, dysphagia, fungal and recurrent infections. The changes in nasal mucosa are not very well known. Only few papers concerned the problem. The main complaints of patients regarding the nose are xeromycteria, hyposmia and various degree of decreased patency of the nose. Chronic atrophic rhinitis, septal perforation, ulceration of nasal mucosa, alar necrosis, symptoms of staphylococcal or fungal infection can be found during otolaryngologic examination. The treatment in this group of patients should consist of systemic therapy of diabetes mellitus and on the other hand focal therapy with the use of a solution to moisten the nasal mucosa.

  1. Nasal cavity of the farmed african catfish Clarias gariepinus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The nasal cavity microanatomy of farmed fingerlings of African catfish, Clarias gariepunus was investigated to fill existing knowledge gap on its histology from available literatures. This becomes very important as no gustatory cell was reported from previous researches on the fingerling digestive tract. A slice of nasal cavity of ...

  2. [Nasal type natural killer/T cell lymphoma: case series and literature review]. (United States)

    Düzlü, Mehmet; Ant, Ayça; Tutar, Hakan; Karamert, Recep; Şahin, Melih; Sayar, Erolcan; Cesur, Nesibe


    Nasal type natural killer/T-cell lymphoma is a rare type of extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma which originates from nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Exact diagnosis of nasal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma, which is a rapidly progressive clinical condition, may be established by immunohistochemical analysis on biopsy material after clinical suspicion. In this article, we report four cases of nasal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma who were followed-up in our clinic and discuss the diagnosis and treatment of the disease in light of the literature data.

  3. Effects of the nasal passage on forced oscillation lung function measurements. (United States)

    Ngo, Chuong; Krüger, Karl; Vollmer, Thomas; Winter, Stefan; Penzlin, Bernhard; Lehmann, Sylvia; Leonhardt, Steffen; Misgeld, Berno


    The forced oscillation technique (FOT) is a non-invasive pulmonary function test which is based on the measurement of respiratory impedance. Recently, promising results were obtained by the application of FOT on patients with respiratory failure and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). By using a nasal mask instead of a mouthpiece, the influences of the nasal passage and upper shunt alter the measured mechanical impedance. In this paper, we investigated the effects of the nasal passage and mask on FOT measurements from eight healthy subjects. A method for flow correction has been developed, which contains a pressure-flow characteristics compensation of the undetermined flow leakage at the face-mask interface. Impedance calculation and parameter estimation were performed in the frequency domain using fast Fourier transform (FFT). Average nasal parameters were Rnaw=4.07 cmH2O/l/s for resistance and Lnaw=0.0183 cmH2O/l/s2 for inertance. On average, the nasal resistance corresponds to 65.85% of the total resistance.

  4. Should prophylactic antibiotics be used routinely in epistaxis patients with nasal packs? (United States)

    Nightingale, K; Patel, NN; Salib, RJ


    Introduction The current mainstream practice in otolaryngology departments relating to the use of prophylactic antibiotics in epistaxis patients requiring nasal packing is highly variable. This is due primarily to the lack of any validated guidelines. As such, we introduced a new treatment algorithm resulting in significant reduction of use in the systemic antibiotics, with emphasis instead on the use of topical antibiotics. The results were validated through a complete audit cycle. Methods A total of 57 patients undergoing nasal packing for spontaneous epistaxis were studied. Reaudit occurred after the implementation of new guidelines. Telephone surveys were conducted six weeks after hospital discharge, assessing infective nasal symptoms as well as rebleeding and readmission rates. Results Systemic antibiotic prescribing in anterior nasal packing fell by 58.2% between audit cycles with no statistically significant associated increase in infective nasal symptoms, rebleeding or readmission rates six weeks following hospital discharge. Conclusions Systemic prophylactic antibiotics are unnecessary in the majority of epistaxis patients with nasal packs. The use of topical antibiotics such as Naseptin® may be more appropriate, cheaper and as effective. Implementation of this treatment algorithm will help standardise systemic antibiotic usage in epistaxis patients with nasal packing and should reduce costs associated with unnecessary use of such medication. PMID:23317726

  5. an acoustic investigation of the duration of vowel nasalization in ga

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    nasalization in Ga. It investigates the duration and also the quality in terms of first and second formant (F1 and F2) values of Ga oral and nasal vowels. It seeks to do a case study of how the duration of vowels affects vowel nasality. Ga is the language of the Ga people in Accra, the seat of the government of Ghana. It is a Kwa ...

  6. Impaired Air Conditioning within the Nasal Cavity in Flat-Faced Homo.

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    Takeshi Nishimura


    Full Text Available We are flat-faced hominins with an external nose that protrudes from the face. This feature was derived in the genus Homo, along with facial flattening and reorientation to form a high nasal cavity. The nasal passage conditions the inhaled air in terms of temperature and humidity to match the conditions required in the lung, and its anatomical variation is believed to be evolutionarily sensitive to the ambient atmospheric conditions of a given habitat. In this study, we used computational fluid dynamics (CFD with three-dimensional topology models of the nasal passage under the same simulation conditions, to investigate air-conditioning performance in humans, chimpanzees, and macaques. The CFD simulation showed a horizontal straight flow of inhaled air in chimpanzees and macaques, contrasting with the upward and curved flow in humans. The inhaled air is conditioned poorly in humans compared with nonhuman primates. Virtual modifications to the human external nose topology, in which the nasal vestibule and valve are modified to resemble those of chimpanzees, change the airflow to be horizontal, but have little influence on the air-conditioning performance in humans. These findings suggest that morphological variation of the nasal passage topology was only weakly sensitive to the ambient atmosphere conditions; rather, the high nasal cavity in humans was formed simply by evolutionary facial reorganization in the divergence of Homo from the other hominin lineages, impairing the air-conditioning performance. Even though the inhaled air is not adjusted well within the nasal cavity in humans, it can be fully conditioned subsequently in the pharyngeal cavity, which is lengthened in the flat-faced Homo. Thus, the air-conditioning faculty in the nasal passages was probably impaired in early Homo members, although they have survived successfully under the fluctuating climate of the Plio-Pleistocene, and then they moved "Out of Africa" to explore the more

  7. Use of aesthetic rhinoplasty procedures in reconstructive nasal surgery. (United States)

    Ghassemi, Alireza; Rübben, Albert; Bohluli, Behnam; Hölzle, Frank; Ghassemi, Mehrangiz


    Resection of cancer often involves the excision of underlying hard tissue, and some procedures in aesthetic rhinoplasty can be used in reconstructive nasal surgery to increase the margin of safety while still achieving an acceptable aesthetic and functional outcome. We have used techniques from aesthetic rhinoplasty to shape the nasal framework. Osteotomy and formation of the tip were used in 17 patients with defects (ranging from 1 to 3.5 cm in size) from the nasal root to the tip of the nose. After the underlying bony or cartilaginous framework, or both, had been removed, the resulting open roof deformity had to be corrected by osteotomy of the bony nasal wall and the tip shaped by excision and suturing, including insertion of the tip graft and columellar strut graft. After this, and narrowing of the nose, the defect was smaller and could be closed with local tissue without tension. There were no deformities in the contour, and patency of the airway was maintained. Patients were satisfied with both the aesthetic and functional results. Although the margin of safety was increased, shaping the nasal framework reduced the size of the defect, which allowed tension-free closure with a local flap. The operation requires a thorough knowledge of procedures used in aesthetic rhinoplasty. Copyright © 2014 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Rare occupational cause of nasal septum perforation: Nickel exposure

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    Ertugrul Cagri Bolek


    Full Text Available Many etiologies are held accountable for nasal septum perforations. Topical nasal drug usage, previous surgeries, trauma, nose picking, squamous cell carcinoma, some rheumatological disorders such as granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener granulomatosis, some infectious diseases such as syphilis and leprosy are among the causes of the perforations. Occupational heavy metal exposures by inhalation rarely may also cause nasal septum perforation. Here, we present a 29-year-old patient without any known diseases, who is a worker at a metallic coating and nickel-plating factory, referred for investigation of his nasal cartilage septum perforation from an otorhinolaryngology clinic. The patient questioning, physical examination and laboratory assessment about rheumatic and infectious diseases were negative. There was a metallic smell in the breath during the physical examination. The analysis showed serum nickel level at 31 μg/l and urine nickel at 18 μg/l (84.11 μg/g creatinine. Other possible serum and urine heavy metal levels were within normal ranges. Nickel exposure is usually together with other heavy metals (chromium or cadmium, it is rarely alone. Nickel ingested by inhalation usually leads to respiratory problems such as reduced olfactory acuity, ulcers, septum perforation or tumors of the nasal sinuses. This case demonstrates the importance of occupational anamnesis and awareness of diagnosis. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(6:963–967

  9. Aspergilosis nasal en un perro: reporte de un caso

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    Camilo Padilla Peñuela


    Full Text Available La aspergilosis nasal es una de las principales causas de afección crónica de las fosas nasales en el canino. La sinología clínica es típica en toda enfermedad nasal crónica. Se presenta sobre todo epistaxis y ocasionalmente dolor. La evaluación rinoscópica de la zona permite encontrar hallazgos asociados con la patología y tomar muestras para citología y cultivo. La terapéutica sistémica con antifúngicos orales ha sido de utilidad variable, pero actualmente se ha remplazado con la medicación tópica directa en el área afectada. Este artículo describe el caso clínico de un canino, macho de cuatro años de edad, que fue presentado a consulta por secreción nasal mucosanguinolenta unilateral con una semana de evolución. El paciente se venía tratando en otro centro veterinario con ciclonamina y vitamina K por un posible trastorno en la coagulación. Después de una serie de exámenes que incluyeron rinoscopia y cultivo para hongos, se diagnosticó aspergilosis nasal. Se realizaron dos aplicaciones de clotrimazol intranasal que permitieron la resolución de los signos clínicos.

  10. Routine use of humidification with nasal continuous positive airway pressure. (United States)

    Worsnop, C J; Miseski, S; Rochford, P D


    Heated humidification can reduce nasal symptoms caused by continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment, but its routine use has not been studied over the medium term in a randomized controlled trial. The aim of this study is to determine if heated humidification would reduce nasal symptoms and improve adherence with CPAP treatment in all patients with sleep apnoea irrespective of whether they had nasal symptoms initially. A randomized, parallel group design. Patients were treated for 3 months with a Fisher & Paykel HC201 pump with built-in heated humidification, or with the heater disabled and without water. Adherence was measured with a timer built into the pumps. Nasal symptoms were measured with a 10-cm visual analogue scale. There were 25 in the humidification group and 29 in the non-humidification group. After 12 weeks mean (standard deviation) adherence with CPAP was 4.7 (2.4) and 4.5 (2.2) hours per night respectively. Nasal symptoms that were reduced were nose blocked* 6 (12), 18 (26); sneezing* 4 (8), 15 (25); dry nose* 8 (12), 24 (33); stuffy nose* 7 (14), 22(31); dry mouth* 13 (18), 33(36); and runny nose* 6 (17), 14 (29). Parameters marked with an asterisk '*' had P humidification with CPAP in all patients with sleep apnoea reduced nasal symptoms, but did not improve adherence. © 2010 The Authors. Internal Medicine Journal © 2010 Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

  11. Gradual approach to refinement of the nasal tip: surgical results

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    Thiago Bittencourt Ottoni de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Introduction: The complexity of the nasal tip structures and the impact of surgical maneuvers make the prediction of the final outcome very difficult. Therefore, no single technique is enough to correct the several anatomical presentations, and adequate preoperative planning represents the basis of rhinoplasty. Objective: To present results of rhinoplasty, through the gradual surgical approach to nasal tip definition based on anatomical features, and to evaluate the degree of patient satisfaction after the surgical procedure. Methods: Longitudinal retrospective cohort study of the medical charts of 533 patients of both genders who underwent rhinoplasty from January of 2005 to January of 2012 was performed. Cases were allocated into seven groups: (1 no surgery on nasal tip; (2 interdomal breakup; (3 cephalic trim; (4 domal suture; (5 shield-shaped graft; (6 vertical dome division; (7 replacement of lower lateral cartilages. Results: Group 4 was the most prevalent. The satisfaction rate was 96% and revision surgery occurred in 4% of cases. Conclusion: The protocol used allowed the implementation of a gradual surgical approach to nasal tip definition with the nasal anatomical characteristics, high rate of patient satisfaction with the surgical outcome, and low rate of revision.

  12. Linfoma renal: espectro de imagens na tomografia computadorizada Renal lymphoma: spectrum of computed tomography findings

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    Carol Pontes de Miranda Maranhão


    Full Text Available O acometimento renal no linfoma é raro, uma vez que o rim não possui tecido linfóide. O envolvimento secundário é mais freqüente, ocorrendo em até um terço das autópsias dos portadores de linfoma. Alguns autores acreditam que esta seja a única forma de acometimento renal, questionando a existência do linfoma primário. O linfoma renal representaria metástases hematogênicas ou invasão direta do tumor ocorrendo no espaço perirrenal. A partir destes tipos de envolvimento decorrem as formas de apresentação do linfoma renal: múltiplos nódulos, massa solitária, invasão renal por doença retroperitoneal contígua, doença perirrenal e infiltração difusa. Neste trabalho são discutidas e apresentadas imagens destas diferentes formas de acometimento.Isolated renal lymphoma is rare due to the absence of lymphoid tissue in kidneys. Secondary involvement occurs more frequently and is reported in up to 1/3 of the autopsies of patients who died from lymphoma. Some authors believe this is actually the only existing form of renal lymphoma. The involvement of the kidney by lymphoma would occur through hematogenic metastasis or direct tumor invasion of the perirenal space. These different types of involvement determine the several forms of renal lymphoma presentation: multiple nodules, solitary mass, renal invasion from contiguous retroperitoneal disease, perirenal disease and diffuse infiltration. In this study the imaging findings features of the different forms of involvement are presented and discussed.

  13. Cerebral toxoplasmosis in AIDS - computerized tomography evaluation; Toxoplasmose cerebral na SIDA - avaliacao por tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alves, Regina Coeli Fonseca [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Hospital Universitario Antonio Pedro. Servico de Radiologia; Narchiori, Edson [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Radiologia


    Cerebral toxoplasmosis is a disease that affects many AIDS's patients. FOr this paper 46 patients with confirmed cases of cerebral toxoplasmosis who did a CT scan between March, 1994 and September, 1997 were examined. Single lesions were found in 28.3% of the patients. The lesions were more frequently detected in the basal ganglia and the frontal lobes. No lesion was larger than 4 cm. As regards the contrast enhancing of the lesions on a CT scan we observed that 54.5% of the lesions had a ring-like contrast enhancing, 36.4% had a nodular contrast enhancing and 6% had a heterogeneous form. After the 21st day of treatment we noticed an improvement in the aspect of the patients'lesions. The improvement of the lesions could be seen through a reduction of the edematous halo, a reduction of the lesion size and a modification in the contrast enhancing on the CT scan. The CT scan was an important method to demonstrate the lesions compatibility enhancing on the CT scan. The CT scan was an important method to demonstrate the lesions compatibility with cerebral toxoplasmosis, as well as to monitor these patients during treatment. (author)

  14. Aeração nasal em crianças asmáticas Nasal ventilation in asthmatics children

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    Daniele Andrade da Cunha


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: identificar a presença de sinais de alterações na expiração de crianças asmáticas. MÉTODO: este estudo foi realizado com 30 crianças com idades entre 6 e 10 anos de ambos os sexos com diagnóstico clínico de asma confirmado pelo prontuário médico e 30 crianças não asmáticas também de ambos os sexos na mesma faixa etária. Foi avaliada a aeração nasal com o espelho milimetrado de Altmann, sendo mensurado o escape de ar nasal objetivando a verificação da saída uni ou bilateral do ar e a relação de simetria entre a narina direita e a esquerda. As imagens foram importadas para o computador por meio do scanner HP da série Scanjet 2400. A análise foi realizada no software Scion Image for Windows (Alpha Para análise das variáveis quantitativas entre grupos foi aplicado o teste t-student e para a análise intragrupos foi aplicado o teste t-Student pareado.Todas as conclusões foram tomadas ao nível de significância de 5%, sendo usados o Excel 2000 e o SPSS v8.0, para as análises. RESULTADOS: não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre as crianças asmáticas e não-ásmáticas, acerca das mensurações quanto à área total e quanto às áreas das narinas direita e esquerda. CONCLUSÃO: não foi identificada a presença de sinais de alterações na expiração de crianças asmáticas, desta forma, faz-se necessário um estudo mais específico das funções nasal e pulmonar.PURPOSE: to identify the symptoms of changes in the exhalation of asthmatic children. METHOD: this study was conducted with 30 children from 6 to 10 year-old, of both genders and with asthma clinical diagnosis confirmed by medical records and 30 non-asthmatic children from 6 to 10 year-old, of both genders, and with same age. We evaluated the nasal ventilation with Altmann millimeter nasal mirror measuring the nasal air escape in order to check their unilateral or bilateral air output and the relation of

  15. Nasal variation in relation to high-altitude adaptations among Tibetans and Andeans. (United States)

    Butaric, Lauren N; Klocke, Ross P


    High-altitude (>2500 m) populations face several pressures, including hypoxia and cold-dry air, resulting in greater respiratory demand to obtain more oxygen and condition inspired air. While cardiovascular and pulmonary adaptations to high-altitude hypoxia have been extensively studied, adaptations of upper-respiratory structures, e.g., nasal cavity, remain untested. This study investigates whether nasal morphology presents adaptations to hypoxic (larger noses) and/or cold-dry (tall/narrow noses) conditions among high-altitude samples. CT scans of two high- and four low-altitude samples from diverse climates were collected (n = 130): high-altitude Tibetans and Peruvians; low-altitude Peruvians, Southern Chinese (temperate), Mongolian-Buriats (cold-dry), and Southeast Asians (hot-wet). Facial and nasal distances were calculated from 3D landmarks placed on digitally-modeled crania. Temperature, precipitation, and barometric pressure data were also obtained. Principal components analysis and analyses of variance primarily indicate size-related differences among the cold-dry (Mongolian-Buriats) and hot-wet (Southeast Asians) adapted groups. Two-block partial least squares (PLS) analysis show weak relationships between size-standardized nasal dimensions and environmental variables. However, among PLS1 (85.90% of covariance), Tibetans display relatively larger nasal cavities related to lower temperatures and barometric pressure; regression analyses also indicate high-altitude Tibetans possess relatively larger internal nasal breadths and heights for their facial size. Overall, nasal differences relate to climate among the cold-dry and hot-wet groups. Specific nasal adaptations were not identified among either Peruvian group, perhaps due to their relatively recent migration history and population structure. However, high-altitude Tibetans seem to exhibit a compromise in nasal morphology, serving in increased oxygen uptake, and air-conditioning processes. © 2018

  16. An unusual co-presentation of rhinolithiasis and squamous cell carcinoma in the nasal cavity. (United States)

    Özdemir, Süleyman; Görgülü, Orhan; Akbaş, Yücel; Selçuk, Tahsin; Sayar, Hamide; Tarkan, Özgür


    Rhinoliths are nasal stones that result from mineralisation of salts around an endogenous or exogenous nidus within the nasal cavity. They are uncommon nasal masses and usually unilateral and single, situated in the floor of the nose. The patient typically presents with nasal obstruction, facial pain and foul-smelling nasal secretion. To the best of our knowledge, the occurrence of squamous cell carcinoma with rhinolithiasis has not been previously reported in the English-language literature. In this article, we present a 63-year-old man, who had unilateral rhinolithiasis with squamous cell carcinoma within the nasal cavity. Copyright © 2011 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Eletrocardiografia computadorizada em cães: estudo comparativo

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    Lídia S. Oliveira


    Full Text Available O método de eletrocardiografia computadorizada (ECG-C vem sendo crescentemente difundido na medicina veterinária, havendo atualmente diversas marcas e modelos de eletrocardiógrafos disponíveis no mercado. Diante da possibilidade de diferenças na sensibilidade e na reprodutibilidade das medidas obtidas nos traçados, o presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os parâmetros eletrocardiográficos de cães, obtidos por dois sistemas. Foram avaliados dois diferentes softwares computadorizados, o Wincardio Micromed® (WIN e o modelo TEB ECGPC® (TEB. Quarenta e dois cães hígidos, de diferentes raças (Cocker Spaniel, Daschund, Labrador, Pinscher, Pit Bull Terrier Poodle, Schnauzer, Shit Tzu, Yorkshire e sem raça definida, machos e fêmeas e com idade entre 4 meses e 16 anos foram agrupados segundo o peso e examinados pelos dois sistemas. As medidas eletrocardiográficas dos diferentes traçados foram analisadas na derivação DII. Os resultados indicaram que o sistema TEB apresentou maior sensibilidade na obtenção das medidas de duração da onda P e do complexo QRS, enquanto o sistema WIN foi mais sensível para determinar as medidas de amplitude dos mesmos parâmetros. Os animais de maior porte (26-37kg apresentaram maior variância nas medidas de duração e amplitude de onda P e duração do complexo QRS em comparação aos cães de médio (14-25kg e pequeno (1-13kg porte. O achado de diferenças entre os sistemas testados deve ser levado em consideração ao se empregar os diversos equipamentos para diagnóstico por meio de ECG-C na rotina clínica, de modo a evitarem-se divergências na interpretação dos exames entre diferentes prestadores de serviços veterinários.

  18. The validity of nasal endoscopy in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, K. L.; Lange, B.; Darling, P.


    Objectives: Nasal endoscopy is a cornerstone in diagnosing sinonasal disease, but different raters might generate different results using the technique. Our study aims to evaluate the agreement between multiple raters to assess the validity of nasal endoscopy. Design/Participants: Three independe...

  19. Nasal Anthropometry on Facial Computed Tomography Scans for Rhinoplasty in Koreans

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    Kyung Min Moon


    Full Text Available BackgroundCephalometric analysis is essential for planning treatment in maxillofacial and aesthetic facial surgery. Although photometric analysis of the Korean nose has been attempted in the past, anthropometry of the deeper nasal structures in the same population based on computerized tomography (CT has not been published. We therefore measured three anthropometric parameters of the nose on CT scans in our clinical series of patients.MethodsWe conducted the current retrospective study of a total of 100 patients (n=100 who underwent a CT-guided radiological measurement at our institution during a period ranging from January of 2008 to August of 2010. In these patients, we took three anthropometric measurements: the nasofrontal angle, the pyramidal angle, and the linear distance between the nasion and the tip of the nasal bone.ResultsThe mean nasofrontal angle was 131.14° in the male patients and 140.70° in the female patients. The mean linear distance between the nasion and the tip of the nasal bone was 21.28 mm and 18.02 mm, respectively. The mean nasal pyramidal angle was 112.89° and 103.25° at the level of the nasal root, 117.49° and 115.60° at the middle level of the nasal bone, and 127.99° and 125.04° at the level of the tip of the nasal bone, respectively.ConclusionsIn conclusion, our data will be helpful in the preparation of silicone implants for augmentation and/or corrective rhinoplasty in ethnic Korean people.

  20. Alkaline phosphatase in nasal secretion of cattle: biochemical and molecular characterisation. (United States)

    Ghazali, M Faizal; Koh-Tan, H H Caline; McLaughlin, Mark; Montague, Paul; Jonsson, Nicholas N; Eckersall, P David


    Nasal secretion (NS) was investigated as a source of information regarding the mucosal and systemic immune status of cattle challenged by respiratory disease. A method for the collection of substantial volumes (~12 ml) of NS from cattle was developed to establish a reference range of analytes that are present in the NS of healthy cattle. Biochemical profiles of NS from a group of 38 healthy Holstein-Friesian cows revealed high alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity of up to 2392 IU/L. The character and source of the high activity of AP in bovine NS was investigated. Histochemical analysis confirmed the localization of the AP enzyme activity to epithelial cells and serous glands of the nasal respiratory mucosa. Analysis of mRNA levels from nasal mucosa by end point RT-PCR and PCR product sequencing confirmed that the AP was locally produced and is identical at the nucleotide level to the non-specific AP splice variant found in bovine liver, bone and kidney. Analysis by isoelectric focussing confirmed that AP was produced locally at a high level in nasal epithelium demonstrating that AP from nasal secretion and nasal mucosa had similar pI bands, though differing from those of the liver, kidney, bone and intestine, suggesting different post-translational modification (PTM) of AP in these tissues. A nasal isozyme of AP has been identified that is present at a high activity in NS, resulting from local production and showing distinctive PTM and may be active in NS as an anti-endotoxin mediator.

  1. The human nasal microbiota and Staphylococcus aureus carriage.

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    Daniel N Frank

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Colonization of humans with Staphylococcus aureus is a critical prerequisite of subsequent clinical infection of the skin, blood, lung, heart and other deep tissues. S. aureus persistently or intermittently colonizes the nares of approximately 50% of healthy adults, whereas approximately 50% of the general population is rarely or never colonized by this pathogen. Because microbial consortia within the nasal cavity may be an important determinant of S. aureus colonization we determined the composition and dynamics of the nasal microbiota and correlated specific microorganisms with S. aureus colonization. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Nasal specimens were collected longitudinally from five healthy adults and a cross-section of hospitalized patients (26 S. aureus carriers and 16 non-carriers. Culture-independent analysis of 16S rRNA sequences revealed that the nasal microbiota of healthy subjects consists primarily of members of the phylum Actinobacteria (e.g., Propionibacterium spp. and Corynebacterium spp., with proportionally less representation of other phyla, including Firmicutes (e.g., Staphylococcus spp. and Proteobacteria (e.g. Enterobacter spp. In contrast, inpatient nasal microbiotas were enriched in S. aureus or Staphylococcus epidermidis and diminished in several actinobacterial groups, most notably Propionibacterium acnes. Moreover, within the inpatient population S. aureus colonization was negatively correlated with the abundances of several microbial groups, including S. epidermidis (p = 0.004. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The nares environment is colonized by a temporally stable microbiota that is distinct from other regions of the integument. Negative association between S. aureus, S. epidermidis, and other groups suggests microbial competition during colonization of the nares, a finding that could be exploited to limit S. aureus colonization.

  2. A Rare Tumor of Nasal Cavity: Glomangiopericytoma

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    Aysegul Verim


    Full Text Available Glomangiopericytoma is a rare vascular neoplasm characterized by a pattern of prominent perivascular growth. A 72-year-old woman was admitted to our clinic complaining of nasal obstruction, frequent epistaxis, and facial pain. A reddish tumor filling the left nasal cavity was observed on endoscopy and treated with endoscopic excision. Microscopically, closely packed cells interspersed with numerous thin-walled, branching staghorn vessels were seen. Glomangiopericytoma is categorized as a borderline low malignancy tumor by WHO classification. Long-term follow-up with systemic examination is necessary due to high risk of recurrence.

  3. [Nasal glial heterotopia: Clinical and morphological characteristics]. (United States)

    Bykova, V P; Bakhtin, A A; Polyakov, D P; Yunusov, A S; Daikhes, N A

    The paper describes a case of nasal glial heterotopia in a 10-month-old girl with a mixed (intranasal and subcutaneous) localization, which is accompanied by the divergence of the nasal bones. Histological examination supplemented by immunohistochemical reactions with antibodies to vimentin, S100 protein, neuron-specific enolase, as well as Ki-67 and smooth muscle actin confirmed the neural nature of the tumor. Fields of mature astrocytic glia including individual cells with neuronal differentiation were found among the fibrous and fibrovascular tissues. The paper provides a brief overview of the discussed pathology.

  4. Nasal hyper-reactivity is a common feature in both allergic and nonallergic rhinitis. (United States)

    Segboer, C L; Holland, C T; Reinartz, S M; Terreehorst, I; Gevorgyan, A; Hellings, P W; van Drunen, C M; Fokkens, W J


    Nasal hyper-reactivity is an increased sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to various nonspecific stimuli. Both allergic rhinitis (AR) and nonallergic rhinitis (NAR) patients can elicit nasal hyper-reactivity symptoms. Differences in the prevalence or type of nasal hyper-reactivity in AR and NAR patients are largely unknown. In this study, we quantitatively and qualitatively assessed nasal hyper-reactivity in AR and NAR. In the first part, an analysis of a prospectively collected database was performed to reveal patient-reported symptoms of hyper-reactivity. In the second part, cold dry air provocation (CDA) was performed as a hyper-reactivity measure in AR and NAR patients and healthy controls, and symptoms scores, nasal secretions and peak nasal inspiratory flow were measured. Comparisons were made between AR and NAR patients in both studies. The database analysis revealed high hyper-reactivity prevalence in AR (63.4%) and NAR (66.9%). There were no differences between AR and NAR in terms of the number or type of hyper-reactivity stimuli. Hyper-reactivity to physical stimuli did not exclude a response to chemical stimuli, or vice versa. CDA provocation resulted in a significant increase in rhinitis symptoms and the amount of nasal secretions in AR and NAR patients, but not in controls. We found no quantitative or qualitative differences in nasal hyper-reactivity between AR and NAR patients. It is not possible to differentiate NAR subpopulations based on physical or chemical stimuli. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Nasalance and nasality at experimental velopharyngeal openings in palatal prosthesis: a case study (United States)

    LIMA-GREGIO, Aveliny Mantovan; MARINO, Viviane Cristina de Castro; PEGORARO-KROOK, Maria Inês; BARBOSA, Plinio Almeida; AFERRI, Homero Carneiro; DUTKA, Jeniffer de Cassia Rillo


    The use of prosthetic devices for correction of velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) is an alternative treatment for patients with conditions that preclude surgery and for those individuals with a hypofunctional velopharynx (HV) with a poor prognosis for the surgical repair of VPI. Understanding the role and measuring the outcome of prosthetic treatment of velopharyngeal dysfunction requires the use of tools that allow for documenting pre- and post-treatment outcomes. Experimental openings in speech bulbs have been used for simulating VPI in studies documenting changes in aerodynamic, acoustic and kinematics aspects of speech associated with the use of palatal prosthetic devices. The use of nasometry to document changes in speech associated with experimental openings in speech bulbs, however, has not been described in the literature. Objective This single-subject study investigated nasalance and nasality at the presence of experimental openings drilled through the speech bulb of a patient with HV. Material and Methods Nasometric recordings of the word "pato" were obtained under 4 velopharyngeal conditions: no-opening (control condition), no speech bulb, speech bulb with a 20 mm2 opening, and speech bulb with 30 mm2 opening. Five speech-language pathologists performed auditory-perceptual ratings while the subject read an oral passage under all conditions. Results Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant difference among conditions (p=0.0002), with Scheffé post hoc test indicating difference from the no-opening condition. Conclusion The changes in nasalance observed after drilling holes of known sizes in a speech bulb suggest that nasometry reflect changes in transfer of sound energy related to different sizes of velopharyngeal opening. PMID:22230996

  6. Demonstration of carboxylesterase in cytology samples of human nasal respiratory epithelium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodgers, D.A.; Nikula, K.J.; Avila, K. [and others


    The epithelial lining of the nasal airways is a target for responses induced by a variety of toxicant exposures. The high metabolic capacity of this tissue has been suggested to play a role in both protection of the airways through detoxication of certain toxicants, as well as in activation of other compounds to more toxic metabolites. Specifically, nasal carboxylesterase (CE) has been shown to mediate the toxicity of inhaled esters and acrylates by converting them to more toxic acid and alcohol metabolites which can be cytotoxic and/or carcinogenic to the nasal mucosa. Due to difficulties in extrapolating rodent models to human, new paradigms using human cells and tissues are essential to understanding and evaluating the metabolic processes in human nasal epithelium.

  7. New CFD tools to evaluate nasal airflow. (United States)

    Burgos, M A; Sanmiguel-Rojas, E; Del Pino, C; Sevilla-García, M A; Esteban-Ortega, F


    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a mathematical tool to analyse airflow. As currently CFD is not a usual tool for rhinologists, a group of engineers in collaboration with experts in Rhinology have developed a very intuitive CFD software. The program MECOMLAND ® only required snapshots from the patient's cross-sectional (tomographic) images, being the output those results originated by CFD, such as airflow distributions, velocity profiles, pressure, temperature, or wall shear stress. This is useful complementary information to cover diagnosis, prognosis, or follow-up of nasal pathologies based on quantitative magnitudes linked to airflow. In addition, the user-friendly environment NOSELAND ® helps the medical assessment significantly in the post-processing phase with dynamic reports using a 3D endoscopic view. Specialists in Rhinology have been asked for a more intuitive, simple, powerful CFD software to offer more quality and precision in their work to evaluate the nasal airflow. We present MECOMLAND ® and NOSELAND ® which have all the expected characteristics to fulfil this demand and offer a proper assessment with the maximum of quality plus safety for the patient. These programs represent a non-invasive, low-cost (as the CT scan is already performed in every patient) alternative for the functional study of the difficult rhinologic case. To validate the software, we studied two groups of patients from the Ear Nose Throat clinic, a first group with normal noses and a second group presenting septal deviations. Wall shear stresses are lower in the cases of normal noses in comparison with those for septal deviation. Besides, velocity field distributions, pressure drop between nasopharynx and the ambient, and flow rates in each nostril were different among the nasal cavities in the two groups. These software modules open up a promising future to simulate the nasal airflow behaviour in virtual surgery intervention scenarios under different pressure or

  8. Mucocele frontoetmoidal: relato de casos e revisão da literatura Frontoethmoidal mucoceles: a case report and literature review

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    Andy de Oliveira Vicente


    Full Text Available As mucoceles dos seios paranasais são lesões císticas de revestimento epitelial com conteúdo mucóide, que apresentam crescimento lento com características expansivas e de reabsorção óssea. Eventualmente, podem comprometer as estruturas nobres adjacentes como a órbita e a cavidade intracraniana. Acredita-se que sua etiologia esteja ligada à obstrução do óstio de drenagem do seio paranasal envolvido. Podem causar dor facial, cefaléia, obstrução nasal, diplopia, diminuição da acuidade visual, deslocamento do globo ocular, edema facial ou até mesmo meningite, dependendo da área anatômica comprometida. Acomete mais freqüentemente os seios frontal e etmoidal anterior, sem prevalência de sexo. O diagnóstico é realizado através de exames de imagem, sendo a tomografia computadorizada o exame de eleição, embora em algumas ocasiões a ressonância magnética esteja indicada. Atualmente a abordagem endoscópica paranasal é o acesso cirúrgico de primeira escolha, por ser menos invasiva e apresentar menor morbidade. Este estudo relata dois casos de mucocele frontoetmoidal com extensão orbitária, abordados por via endoscópica endonasal. Os resultados comprovaram a segurança e eficiência deste acesso cirúrgico.Mucoceles of the paranasal sinus are epithelial lesions containing mucus, slow growth with expansive and osteolytic features that can involve surrounding structures such as orbit and intracranial cavity. The etiology of mucoceles is often associated with ostial obstruction of the impaired sinus. Presenting symptoms can include facial pain, headache, nasal obstruction, diplopia, decreased visual acuity, orbital globe displacement, facial swelling and meningitis, depending on the anatomic area involved. Mucoceles occur most frequently in the frontal and ethmoidal sinuses, without gender prevalence. The diagnosis is achieved through imaging exam. The gold standard in terms of diagnostic precision is computed tomography

  9. Detecting Nasal Vowels in Speech Interfaces Based on Surface Electromyography.

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    João Freitas

    Full Text Available Nasality is a very important characteristic of several languages, European Portuguese being one of them. This paper addresses the challenge of nasality detection in surface electromyography (EMG based speech interfaces. We explore the existence of useful information about the velum movement and also assess if muscles deeper down in the face and neck region can be measured using surface electrodes, and the best electrode location to do so. The procedure we adopted uses Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (RT-MRI, collected from a set of speakers, providing a method to interpret EMG data. By ensuring compatible data recording conditions, and proper time alignment between the EMG and the RT-MRI data, we are able to accurately estimate the time when the velum moves and the type of movement when a nasal vowel occurs. The combination of these two sources revealed interesting and distinct characteristics in the EMG signal when a nasal vowel is uttered, which motivated a classification experiment. Overall results of this experiment provide evidence that it is possible to detect velum movement using sensors positioned below the ear, between mastoid process and the mandible, in the upper neck region. In a frame-based classification scenario, error rates as low as 32.5% for all speakers and 23.4% for the best speaker have been achieved, for nasal vowel detection. This outcome stands as an encouraging result, fostering the grounds for deeper exploration of the proposed approach as a promising route to the development of an EMG-based speech interface for languages with strong nasal characteristics.

  10. Control of nasal vasculature and airflow resistance in the dog. (United States)

    Lung, M A; Phipps, R J; Wang, J C; Widdicombe, J G


    Nasal vascular and airflow resistances have been measured in dogs, simultaneously on both sides separately. Vascular resistance was measured either by constant flow perfusion of the terminal branch of the maxillary artery (which supplies, via the sphenopalatine artery, the nasal septum, most of the turbinates and the nasal sinuses) or by measuring blood flow through this artery, maintained by the dog's own blood pressure. Airflow resistance was assessed by inserting balloon-tipped endotracheal catheters into the back of each nasal cavity via the nasopharynx, and measuring transnasal pressure at constant airflow through each side of the nose simultaneously. Preliminary experiments indicated that there was 5-10% collateral anastomosis between the two sides. Close-arterial injection of drugs showed different patterns of response. Adrenaline, phenylephrine, chlorpheniramine and low doses of prostaglandin F2 alpha increased vascular resistance and lowered airway resistance. Salbutamol, methacholine and histamine lowered vascular resistance and increased airway resistance. Dobutamine decreased airway resistance with a small increase in vascular resistance. Prostaglandins E1, E2 and F2 alpha (high dose) decreased both vascular and airway resistances. Substance P, eledoisin-related peptide and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide lowered vascular resistance with little change in airway resistance. The results are interpreted in terms of possible drug actions on precapillary resistance vessels, sinusoids and venules, and arteriovenous anastomoses. It is concluded that nasal airway resistance cannot be correlated with vascular resistance or blood flow, since the latter has a complex and ill-defined relationship with nasal vascular blood volume. PMID:6204040

  11. Endoscopic diagnosis and management of an unusual nasal foreign body in a mare

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    Turke M. Shawaf


    Full Text Available Occurrence of intra-nasal foreign bodies is uncommon in horses. This report describes -for the first time- a case of a 4-year-old Arabian-cross mare with unilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge, epistaxis and exercise intolerance due to intra-nasal foreign body. Clinical signs, radiography and endoscopic examination confirmed the presence of a tooth fragment (foreign body embedded in the ventral valve of the left nasal cavity. The foreign body was successfully removed using alligator forceps under endoscopic guidance.

  12. The use of short spreader grafts in rhinoplasty for patients with thick nasal skin. (United States)

    Grigoryants, Vladimir; Baroni, Arpa


    Thick nasal skin presents a challenge in rhinoplasty. Conventional spreader grafts in patients with thick nasal skin may result in an undesirable widening of the lower half of the nose where the nasal skin is thick. The use of short spreader grafts was evaluated in patients with thick nasal skin. For this study, 32 patients underwent closed rhinoplasty in which short spreader grafts were used. The spreader graft was 1 to 2 cm long and extended only to the transition of thin and thick nasal skin. The patients were followed for more than 1 year postoperatively. Aesthetic improvement was observed in all the patients. Nasal airway patency was improved or maintained in 94 % of the patients. Short spreader grafts effectively restore or maintain the internal nasal valve area after dorsal hump reduction while allowing for more aggressive narrowing of the lower part of the nose where nasal skin is thick. This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

  13. Does the Supine Position Affect the Nasal Profile in Rhinoplasty Patients? A Comparison of Nasal Anthropometric Measurements in Different Body Positions. (United States)

    Kim, Su Jin; Ryu, In Yong; Kim, Sung Wan; Lee, Kun Hee


    Rhinoplasty surgeons are aware that the nasal profile differs according to body position, namely, the erect position in the consultation room vs the supine position on the operating table. It is not clear whether this difference is caused by an optical illusion or skin laxity due to positional change. To evaluate anthropometric measurements of the nose with different body positions and determine whether the supine position affects the nasal profile. In this retrospective study, 103 patients who underwent primary rhinoplasty were enrolled. Preoperatively, all patients underwent lateral cephalography in the erect position, and facial computed tomography (CT), in the supine position. We measured four nasal anthropometric parameters (the nasofrontal, nasolabial, and nasomental angles, and Simon's ratio) on lateral cephalograms and facial CT images, and compared these parameters between the two body positions. The nasofrontal angle was greater on facial CT than on cephalograms (P sex, or body mass index (P > 0.05 each). We found no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the two positions in the nasolabial angle, nasomental angle, or Simon's ratio. The supine position does affect the nasal profile, especially in the radix area. Surgeons need to consider this difference in patients undergoing rhinoplasty. 2. © 2017 The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Inc. Reprints and permission:

  14. Rare occupational cause of nasal septum perforation: Nickel exposure. (United States)

    Bolek, Ertugrul Cagri; Erden, Abdulsamet; Kulekci, Cagri; Kalyoncu, Umut; Karadag, Omer


    Many etiologies are held accountable for nasal septum perforations. Topical nasal drug usage, previous surgeries, trauma, nose picking, squamous cell carcinoma, some rheumatological disorders such as granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener granulomatosis), some infectious diseases such as syphilis and leprosy are among the causes of the perforations. Occupational heavy metal exposures by inhalation rarely may also cause nasal septum perforation. Here, we present a 29-year-old patient without any known diseases, who is a worker at a metallic coating and nickel-plating factory, referred for investigation of his nasal cartilage septum perforation from an otorhinolaryngology clinic. The patient questioning, physical examination and laboratory assessment about rheumatic and infectious diseases were negative. There was a metallic smell in the breath during the physical examination. The analysis showed serum nickel level at 31 μg/l and urine nickel at 18 μg/l (84.11 μg/g creatinine). Other possible serum and urine heavy metal levels were within normal ranges. Nickel exposure is usually together with other heavy metals (chromium or cadmium), it is rarely alone. Nickel ingested by inhalation usually leads to respiratory problems such as reduced olfactory acuity, ulcers, septum perforation or tumors of the nasal sinuses. This case demonstrates the importance of occupational anamnesis and awareness of diagnosis. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(6):963-967. This work is available in Open Access model and licensed under a CC BY-NC 3.0 PL license.

  15. Cause rare d'une perforation de la cloison nasale (United States)

    Jahidi, Ali; Hemmaoui, Bouchaïb; Itoua, Wulfran Rosaire; Errami, Noureddine; Benariba, Fouad


    Les perforations de la cloison nasale constituent une pathologie fréquente en ORL. Leurs causes sont multiples et restent dominées par les traumatismes chirurgicaux. Les étiologies infectieuses et notamment la tuberculose sont rares. Nous présentons le cas d'une patiente ayant bénéficié d'une méatotomie bilatérale et chez laquelle une perforation de la cloison nasale a été découverte lors d'un examen systématique à un an de son intervention. D'abord considérée comme une complication de la chirurgie, la biopsie des berges de la perforation a permis de déterminer son origine tuberculeuse. La présentation clinique des perforations de la cloison nasale n'est pas spécifique. Elles sont souvent asymptomatiques et de découverte fortuite. Les traumatismes notamment chirurgicaux sont le plus siuvent en cause. L′orogine tuberculeuse resta très rare. Le diagnostic de certitude de tuberculose repose sur la biopsie des berges de cette perforation. Le but de ce travail est de mettre en avant l'intérêt de la biopsie dans le diagnostic de la tuberculose de la cloison nasale. Cette biopsie doit être systématique même en cas d'antécédents de chirurgie endonasale qui est le plus souvent en cause dans les perforations de la cloison nasale. PMID:24932334

  16. The Rhinolith—A Possible Differential Diagnosis of a Unilateral Nasal Obstruction

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    Detlef Brehmer


    Full Text Available Rhinoliths are mineralised foreign bodies in the nasal cavity that are a chance finding at anterior rhinoscopy. Undiscovered, they grow appreciably in size and can cause a foul-smelling nasal discharge and breathing problems. Giant nasal stones are now a very rare occurrence, since improved diagnostic techniques, such as endoscopic/microscopic rhinoscopy, now make it possible to identify foreign bodies at an early stage of development. We report the case of a 37-year-old patient who, at the age of 5-6 years, introduced a foreign body, probably a stone, into his right nasal cavity. On presentation, he complained of difficulty in breathing through the right nostril that had persisted for the last 10 years. For the past four years a strong fetid smell from the nose had been apparent to those in his vicinity. Under general anaesthesia, the stone was removed in toto from the right nasal cavity. The possible genesis of the rhinolith is discussed, our case compared with those described in the literature, and possible differential diagnoses are considered.

  17. The development of the nasal capsule of the silver carp ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The development of the nasal capsule, including the procartilaginous as well as some mesenchymatous developmental stages, is described in the chinese silver carp,. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (VaL). In the nasal capsule a primitive feature, namely the presence of a complete paraphysial bridge was observed.

  18. High Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy for Improving Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Case Report

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    Se Joong Kim


    Full Text Available Although continuous positive airway pressure is the treatment of choice for obstructive sleep apnea, its compliance is low. Therefore, alternative therapeutic strategies are often required. High flow nasal cannula therapy uses an air compressor to deliver a constant flow of oxygen via the nasal cannula at a maximum of 60 L/m. It can produce positive end expiratory pressure and increase end expiratory pharyngeal pressure, which can help to alleviate upper airway obstruction. This is a case report of high flow nasal cannula therapy for a 71 year-old man. He had an obstructive sleep apnea and severe desaturation but failed to use continuous positive airway pressure. He underwent titration with high flow nasal cannula under polysomnography. Using high flow nasal cannula at an airflow of 45 L/m, his apnea-hypopnea, respiratory arousal and oxygen desaturation were improved. Importantly, he is very compliant with high flow nasal cannula therapy.

  19. Association of Nasal Nostril Stenosis with Bilateral Choanal Atresia: A Case Report

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    Shahin Abdollahifakhim


    Full Text Available Introduction: Neonatal nasal airway obstruction induces various degrees of respiratory distress. The management of this disease, including surgical repair, will depend on the severity and location of the obstruction. We describe here a case of congenital nasal nostril stenosis that required surgical repair for stenting of both nares after coanal atresia repair.   Case Report: A 2 days old female newborn referred to neonatal department of Tabriz Children’s Hospital affiliated to the University of Medical Sciences of Tabriz, Iran on the 3rd of December, 2011 immediately after birth with respiratory distress due to bilateral coanal atresia and nasal hypoplasia with very small nostrils. CT scan showed normal brain and bilateral choanal atresia with normal size Pyriform apertures.   Conclusion: Nasal obstruction can lead to airway compromise and respiratory distress. Congenital bony nasal deformities are being recognized as an important cause of newborn airway obstruction. Nasal hypoplasia is seen in many craniofacial syndromes. Although our patient had hypoplastic nostrils with respiratory distress due to bilateral coanal atresia, correction of hypoplastic nostrils was necessary for completing the operation of choanal atresia.

  20. Combined endovascular and surgical treatment of melanoma of the nasal cavity: a case report; Melanoma de fosas nasales. Tratamiento combinado endovascular y quirurgico. A proposito de un caso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero, A.; Delgado, F.; Ramos, M.; Bravo, F. [Hospital Universitario Reina Sofia. Cordoba (Spain)


    Melanoma of the nasal cavity is a rare tumor with a worse prognosis than cutaneous melanoma. It usually presents as nasal obstruction and/or epistaxis. The observation of a pigmented mass in the nasal cavity is highly suggestive of this lesion. Computed tomography shows a mass with nonspecific features. In magnetic resonance studies, it has a characteristics signal consisting of hyperintensity of T1-weighted images and hypointensity on T2-weighted images, depending on the amount of melanin. The treatment of choice is surgical resection. We present a case of melanoma of the nasal cavity in which endovascular embolization of the tumor was performed prior to surgical treatment. (Author) 11 refs.

  1. Avaliação da aeração nasal pré e pós a realização de manobras de massagem e limpeza nasal


    Melo,Fabíola Maria Gomes de; Cunha,Daniele Andrade de; Silva,Hilton Justino da


    OBJETIVO: identificar a modificação da aeração nasal após a realização de manobras de massagem e limpeza nasal. MÉTODOS: vinte crianças na faixa etária de quatro a onze anos com diagnóstico de rinite alérgica foram submetidas à avaliação da aeração nasal com o auxílio do espelho milimetrado de Altmann. Inicialmente houve a marcação do ar expirado na placa metálica, posteriormente foram realizadas manobras de massagem e limpeza nasal para retirada da secreção, havendo uma nova marcação para a ...

  2. Nasal airway and septal variation in unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate. (United States)

    Starbuck, John M; Friel, Michael T; Ghoneima, Ahmed; Flores, Roberto L; Tholpady, Sunil; Kula, Katherine


    Cleft lip and palate (CLP) affects the dentoalveolar and nasolabial facial regions. Internal and external nasal dysmorphology may persist in individuals born with CLP despite surgical interventions. 7-18 year old individuals born with unilateral and bilateral CLP (n = 50) were retrospectively assessed using cone beam computed tomography. Anterior, middle, and posterior nasal airway volumes were measured on each facial side. Septal deviation was measured at the anterior and posterior nasal spine, and the midpoint between these two locations. Data were evaluated using principal components analysis (PCA), multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), and post-hoc ANOVA tests. PCA results show partial separation in high dimensional space along PC1 (48.5% variance) based on age groups and partial separation along PC2 (29.8% variance) based on CLP type and septal deviation patterns. MANOVA results indicate that age (P = 0.007) and CLP type (P ≤ 0.001) significantly affect nasal airway volume and septal deviation. ANOVA results indicate that anterior nasal volume is significantly affected by age (P ≤ 0.001), whereas septal deviation patterns are significantly affected by CLP type (P ≤ 0.001). Age and CLP type affect nasal airway volume and septal deviation patterns. Nasal airway volumes tend to be reduced on the clefted sides of the face relative to non-clefted sides of the face. Nasal airway volumes tend to strongly increase with age, whereas septal deviation values tend to increase only slightly with age. These results suggest that functional nasal breathing may be impaired in individuals born with the unilateral and bilateral CLP deformity. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Polyvinyl siloxane: novel material for external nasal splinting. (United States)

    Jayakumar, N K; Rathnaprabhu, V; Ramesh, S; Parameswaran, A


    External nasal splinting is performed routinely after nasal bone fracture reductions, osteotomies, and rhinoplasties. Materials commonly used include plaster of Paris (POP), thermoplastic splints, self-adhesive padded aluminium splints, and Orthoplast, among many others. The disadvantages of these materials are described in this paper, and polyvinyl siloxane is recommended as an effective and more readily available alternative material to counter these pitfalls. Copyright © 2015 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Improvising a Posterior Nasal Pack with Equipment in a Basic First Aid Kit. (United States)

    Royer, Allison K; Royer, Mark C


    Posterior epistaxis is a serious condition that can be difficult to treat in a wilderness setting. The initial standard of care involves packing the affected nostril with a 7 to 9 cm nasal pack to tamponade the bleed. These packs are often unavailable outside of the emergency or operating room. This study set out to determine whether a posterior nasal pack could be constructed from the supplies present in a basic first aid kit in order to control massive nasal hemorrhage in a wilderness setting. A basic first aid kit was utilized to construct a posterior nasal pack that was inserted into an anatomical model and visibly compared with the Rapid Rhino (Posterior, 7.5 cm; Smith & Nephew, Austin, TX) nasal packing. The shape, size, and anatomical areas of compression (ie, into nasopharynx and posterior aspect of inferior turbinate) of this pack was similar to the commercially available posterior nasal pack. Placement in an anatomical model appears to provide similar compression as the commercially available posterior pack. This technique may provide short-term hemorrhage control in cases of serious posterior nasal hemorrhage where standard treatment options are not available. Copyright © 2016 Wilderness Medical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Refinement treatment of nasal bone fracture: A 6-year study of 329 patients. (United States)

    Chou, Chieh; Chen, Chao-Wen; Wu, Yi-Chia; Chen, Ko-Kang; Lee, Su-Shin


    The reliability of X-ray radiography for diagnosing nasal bone fractures (NBFs) remains controversial. Recent studies show that, for determining the orientation and location of the displaced/depressed fracture, nasal sonography is as accurate as facial computed tomography. This retrospective study compared conductor-assisted nasal sonography (CANS) to conventional diagnostic tools and reported subjective patient satisfaction and discomfort after closed reduction combined with tube technique. This retrospective study reports the results of 329 refinement treatments for nasal bone fracture (including 199 men and 130 women) performed from 2005 to 2011. All patients were assessed with CANS and completed a survey immediately prior to removing the packing. Questionnaires were adapted from the nasal obstruction symptom evaluation (NOSE) scale. The study found that CANS has a 97.2% rate of accuracy in diagnosing NBF. The visual analog scale scores of nasal obstruction, nasal congestion, sleep disturbance, trouble breathing, and inability to move air through the nose were analyzed. The experimental group scores were significantly different from the control group for all scores (p tube technique balances pressure between the nasopharynx and middle ear during swallowing, patient comfort is enhanced. Application of these modifications can improve accuracy in diagnosing NBF and can improve the quality of NBF treatment. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Taiwan.

  6. Spindle Cell Carcinoma of Nasal Cavity- A Case Report (United States)

    Mittal, Abhishek; Nagpal, Tapan


    Spindle Cell Carcinoma (SpCC), also known as Sarcomatoid Carcinoma, is a rare and peculiar biphasic malignant neoplasm that occurs mainly in the upper aero-digestive tract, mostly in larynx. SCC accounts for 3% of all squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) in the head and neck region. It is a rare variant of SCC which shows spindled or pleomorphic tumour cells simulating a true sarcoma. We present a case report of SpCC nasal cavity in a 50-year-old female patient, presented with intermittent epistaxis from left nasal cavity. On physical examination, the patient had an ulcero-exophytic type of mass in the left nasal cavity and a smooth bulge on the left side of anterior hard palate. Patient underwent excision of nasal mass along with partial palatectomy by facial degloving approach and reconstruction of palate with naso-labial flap. The postoperative histopathological report showed SCC. Surgery forms the mainstay of treatment. Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy is warranted in order to improve treatment results. As only few cases have been reported, we report a case of this rare entity to contribute for better understanding and awareness of this rare malignancy. PMID:27190843

  7. Bepotastine besilate ophthalmic solution 1.5% for alleviating nasal symptoms in patients with allergic conjunctivitis

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    Cavet ME


    Full Text Available Megan E Cavet,1 Paul J Gomes,2 Warner W Carr,3 Jon I Williams4 1Bausch + Lomb, Rochester, NY, 2Ora, Andover, MA, 3Allergy and Asthma Associates of Southern California, Mission Viejo, CA, 4Bausch + Lomb, Irvine, CA, USA Background: Bepotastine besilate ophthalmic solution (BBOS 1.5% is a topical antihistamine for the treatment of ocular itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis (AC. Allergic rhinitis and AC are common comorbid conditions. We explored the efficacy of BBOS 1.5% in alleviating nasal symptoms in an integrated analysis of two Phase III conjunctival allergen challenge (CAC studies and a Phase IV environmental allergen study. Methods: In the Phase III trials, a CAC was performed 15 minutes, 8 hours, and 16 hours following ocular instillation of BBOS 1.5% (n=78 or placebo (n=79, and subjects evaluated nasal symptoms. In the environmental study, subjects instilled BBOS 1.5% (n=123 or placebo (n=122 twice daily and nasal symptoms were evaluated over 2 weeks. Results: In the Phase III trials, BBOS 1.5% had reduced CAC-induced nasal congestion and pruritus at 15 minutes and 8 hours postdosing and rhinorrhea and a non-ocular composite-symptom score (sum of nasal scores plus ear or palate pruritus at all time points postdosing (all P≤0.01 vs placebo. In the Phase IV environmental study, BBOS 1.5% reduced sneezing and nasal pruritus over 2 weeks and median number of days to improvement of nasal pruritus and total nasal symptom score (sum for rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal pruritus, and nasal congestion; P≤0.04 vs placebo. Additionally, investigator-reported improvement in overall ocular (pruritus, hyperemia, tearing and nasal symptoms was greater with BBOS 1.5% vs placebo (P≤0.03. Conclusion: Results of these exploratory analyses indicate that topical ocular BBOS 1.5% reduced nasal symptoms, supporting its use for alleviating rhinitis symptoms associated with AC. Keywords: bepotastine besilate, nasal symptoms, allergic rhinitis

  8. Streptococcus pneumoniae Colonization Is Required To Alter the Nasal Microbiota in Cigarette Smoke-Exposed Mice. (United States)

    Shen, Pamela; Whelan, Fiona J; Schenck, L Patrick; McGrath, Joshua J C; Vanderstocken, Gilles; Bowdish, Dawn M E; Surette, Michael G; Stämpfli, Martin R


    Smokers have nasal microbiota dysbiosis, with an increased frequency of colonizing bacterial pathogens. It is possible that cigarette smoke increases pathogen acquisition by perturbing the microbiota and decreasing colonization resistance. However, it is difficult to disentangle microbiota dysbiosis due to cigarette smoke exposure from microbiota changes caused by increased pathogen acquisition in human smokers. Using an experimental mouse model, we investigated the impact of cigarette smoke on the nasal microbiota in the absence and presence of nasal pneumococcal colonization. We observed that cigarette smoke exposure alone did not alter the nasal microbiota composition. The microbiota composition was also unchanged at 12 h following low-dose nasal pneumococcal inoculation, suggesting that the ability of the microbiota to resist initial nasal pneumococcal acquisition was not impaired in smoke-exposed mice. However, nasal microbiota dysbiosis occurred as a consequence of established high-dose nasal pneumococcal colonization at day 3 in smoke-exposed mice. Similar to clinical reports on human smokers, an enrichment of potentially pathogenic bacterial genera such as Fusobacterium , Gemella , and Neisseria was observed. Our findings suggest that cigarette smoke exposure predisposes to pneumococcal colonization independent of changes to the nasal microbiota and that microbiota dysbiosis observed in smokers may occur as a consequence of established pathogen colonization. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Microbiology.

  9. Nasal base narrowing: the combined alar base excision technique. (United States)

    Foda, Hossam M T


    To evaluate the role of the combined alar base excision technique in narrowing the nasal base and correcting excessive alar flare. The study included 60 cases presenting with a wide nasal base and excessive alar flaring. The surgical procedure combined an external alar wedge resection with an internal vestibular floor excision. All cases were followed up for a mean of 32 (range, 12-144) months. Nasal tip modification and correction of any preexisting caudal septal deformities were always completed before the nasal base narrowing. The mean width of the external alar wedge excised was 7.2 (range, 4-11) mm, whereas the mean width of the sill excision was 3.1 (range, 2-7) mm. Completing the internal excision first resulted in a more conservative external resection, thus avoiding any blunting of the alar-facial crease. No cases of postoperative bleeding, infection, or keloid formation were encountered, and the external alar wedge excision healed with an inconspicuous scar that was well hidden in the depth of the alar-facial crease. Finally, the risk of notching of the alar rim, which can occur at the junction of the external and internal excisions, was significantly reduced by adopting a 2-layered closure of the vestibular floor (P = .01). The combined alar base excision resulted in effective narrowing of the nasal base with elimination of excessive alar flare. Commonly feared complications, such as blunting of the alar-facial crease or notching of the alar rim, were avoided by using simple modifications in the technique of excision and closure.

  10. Midline nasal dermoid cyst with Tessier's 0 cleft


    Guruprasad, Yadavalli; Chauhan, Dinesh Singh


    This is a rare anomaly of midline nasal dermoid cyst (NDC) along with Tessier's 0 cleft. Midline NDCs present most commonly result from aberrant embryological development, and most commonly give rise to bifid nasal deformity resulting in midline cleft of the nose. Craniofacial clefts are among the most disfiguring of all facial anomalies. They exist in a multitude of patterns and with varying degrees of severity. The bifid nose deformity is generally an indicator of Tessier number 0 cleft. We...

  11. Granulomatose broncocêntrica idiopática em jovem não asmática

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    Santos José Wellington Alves dos


    Full Text Available Granulomatose broncocêntrica é um achado histopatológico descritivo, caracterizado pela inflamação granulomatosa necrosante, centrada em brônquios e bronquíolos, e que ocorre associada a doenças infecciosas, imunológicas e neoplásicas, ou de forma idiopática. Este trabalho relata o caso de uma jovem não asmática de 26 anos com dor torácica, febre e tosse produtiva havia um mês, que apresentou consolidação e cavitação em segmento lingular, observadas na radiografia e na tomografia computadorizada de tórax. Punção aspirativa transbrônquica evidenciou lesão inflamatória inespecífica, sem etiologia identificada. O exame histológico de material obtido por biópsia pulmonar a céu aberto foi compatível com granulomatose broncocêntrica idiopática. Após tratamento com prednisona, houve melhora clínica, sem recidivas.

  12. Infarto estriatocapsular na infância: relato de quatro casos

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    A. Leboreiro-Fernandez


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam o estudo de quatro crianças que manifestaram hemiparesia desproporcionada de instalação súbita, sem perda da consciência. O diagnóstico de infarto estriatocapsular foi confirmado pela tomografia computadorizada do crânio (TCC e ressonância magnética (RM. Discutem os achados clínico-neurológicos e de exames complementares. História familiar de migrânea foi relatada em dois dos pacientes. Constatou-se migrânea em dois, trauma craniano, miocardite e prolapso de válvula mitral em um. Hemiparesia esquerda, com predomínio bráquio-facial em três e braquial em um. A TCC demonstrou comprometimento do núcleo lenticular e da cápsula interna nos quatro casos; da cabeça do núcleo caudado em três e da substância branca em dois. A RM foi realizada em dois e confirmou os achados da TCC. O eletrencefalograma, obtido na fase aguda em três, se mostrou alterado nos quatro casos.

  13. Multiple sclerosis or multiphasic disseminated encephalomyelitis? A new question about an old problem: case report Esclerose múltipla ou encefalomielite disseminada multifásica? Uma nova questão sobre um antigo problema: relato de caso

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    Pérciles A. Maranhão-Filho


    Full Text Available A 42 year-old woman developed paraplegia that resolved in six months, followed by sudden right hemiparesis and dysphasia two years later. The clinical work-up, including CT and MR scans, visual evoked potentials, CSF examination and cerebral biopsy suggested the posibility of either multiple sclerosis or multiphasic disseminated encephalomyelitis. The differential diagosis between both conditions is discussed.Relato de caso de uma mulher com 42 anos de idade, que apresentou paraplegia, com resolução em seis meses seguida por hemiparesia direita e disfasia de ínico súbito. Sua história, os aspectos da tomografia computadorizada e da ressonância magnética do crânio, os resultados do potencial evocado visual, do exame do líquido cérebroespinhal, da biópsia cerebral e da ressonância magnética de controle, sugeriram as possibilidade diagnosticas de esclerose múltipla ou encefalomielite disseminada multifásica. O diagnóstico diferencial entre ambas é discutido.

  14. Choroid plexus papilloma and Aicardi syndrome: case report Papiloma do plexo coróideo e síndrome de Aicardi: relato de caso

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    Geraldo Pianetti Filho


    Full Text Available A case of Aicardi syndrome associated with a choroid plexus papilloma of the third and both lateral ventricles in a 15 months old baby girl is repported. The tumor was completely removed via three craniotomies. Reports of the literature with the association of choroid plexus papilloma and Aicardi syndrome are rare. We suggest that children diagnosed with Aicardi syndrome should routinely undergo imaging studies of the brain, such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance.Relatamos o caso de uma criança com 15 meses de idade, portadora da síndrome de Aicardi associada a tumores nos ventrículos laterais e terceiro ventrículo (papilomas que foram retirados cirurgicamente através de três craniotomias. A ocorrência de papiloma do plexo coróideo associada à sindrome de Aicardi é raramente descrita na literatura. Sugerimos que as crianças portadoras da síndrome de Aicardi sejam rotineiramente submetidas a estudo radiológico do encéfalo através da tomografia computadorizada ou ressonância nuclear.

  15. Cutaneous blastomycosis: a clue to a systemic disease Blastomicose cutânea: um sinal de doença sistêmica

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    Alex G Ortega-Loayza


    Full Text Available A 55-year-old male presented with back pain and slightly tender annular plaques with central ulceration on his face. A skin biopsy revealed scattered yeast with broad based buds. A CT scan of the abdomen revealed a pathologic T12 fracture. Tissue obtained from the spine confirmed budding yeasts. The patient was diagnosed with disseminated blastomycosis. The patient was treated with amphotericin and itraconazole and completely recovered.Paciente do sexo masculino, com 55 anos de idade, compareceu ao ambulatório com dores na costa e placas anulares ligeiramente sensíveis, com ulceração central na face. Uma biópsia cutânea revelou levedura disseminada, com brotos de base larga. A tomografia computadorizada do abdômen revelou uma fratura patológica da T12. Amostra de tecido obtido da coluna vertebral confirmou levedura em fase de brotamento. O paciente foi diagnosticado com blastomicose disseminada. Após tratamento com anfotericina e itraconazol, o paciente teve recuperação completa.

  16. Linfoma não-Hodgkin bilateral do seio cavernoso como manifestação inicial da síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alan Kardec Barreira Junior


    Full Text Available Relato de caso com acometimento bilateral do seio cavernoso causado por linfoma não-Hodgkin em um paciente com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. Paciente de 51 anos infectado pelo vírus da imunodeficiência adquirida há dois anos, sem terapia antirretroviral, apresentou-se com acometimento dos V e VI nervos cranianos bilateralmente. Exame de tomografia computadorizada de órbitas mostrou-se dentro da normalidade. Como a hipótese diagnóstica principal era afecção do ápice orbitário ou do seio cavernoso, foi realizado exame de imagem por ressonância magnética que evidenciou lesão compatível com linfoma acometendo os seios cavernosos. Apesar da raridade dos linfomas primários do sistema nervoso central, essa condição deve ser considerada entre os diagnósticos diferenciais nos pacientes imunodeprimidos que apresentem oftalmoplegia e sinais radiológicos sugestivos de lesão infiltrativa do seio cavernoso.

  17. Photographic assessment of nasal morphology following rapid maxillary expansion in children (United States)

    da SILVA FILHO, Omar Gabriel; LARA, Tulio Silva; AYUB, Priscila Vaz; OHASHI, Amanda Sayuri Cardoso; BERTOZ, Francisco Antônio


    Objective The aim of the present study was to use facial analysis to determine the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on nasal morphology in children in the stages of primary and mixed dentition, with posterior cross-bite. Material and Methods Facial photographs (front view and profile) of 60 patients in the pre-expansion period, immediate post-expansion period and one year following rapid maxillary expansion with a Haas appliance were evaluated on 2 occasions by 3 experienced orthodontists independently, with a 2-week interval between evaluations. The examiners were instructed to assess nasal morphology and had no knowledge regarding the content of the study. Intraexaminer and interexaminer agreement (assessed using the Kappa statistic) was acceptable. Results From the analysis of the mode of the examiners' findings, no alterations in nasal morphology occurred regarding the following aspects: dorsum of nose, alar base, nasal width of middle third and nasal base. Alterations were only detected in the nasolabial angle in 1.64% of the patients between the pre-expansion and immediate post-expansion photographs. In 4.92% of the patients between the immediate post-expansion period and 1 year following expansion; and in 6.56% of the patients between the pre-expansion period and one year following expansion. Conclusion RME performed on children in stages of primary and mixed dentition did not have any impact on nasal morphology, as assessed using facial analysis. PMID:21986660

  18. Risk factors for nasal bleeding in patients undergoing transnasal gastrointestinal endoscopy

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    Mitsuyo Mieda


    Full Text Available Transnasal endoscopy is widely used in screening for upper gastrointestinal lesions because of less associated pain. Nasal bleeding is the most severe adverse effect, but specific risk factors have not been identified. The aim of this study is to identify risk factors for nasal bleeding during transnasal endoscopy. Nasal bleeding occurred in 160/3035 (5.3% of patients undergoing transnasal endoscopy as part of health checkups. Patient data were retrospectively evaluated including anthropometric, medical, and life-style parameters with multiple logistic regression analysis. Multiple logistic regression revealed that nasal bleeding was significantly associated with age in decades [odds ratio/10 years 0.78, 95% confidence interval (CI 0.63–0.97, p = 0.027], female gender (2.15, 95% CI 1.48–3.12, p < 0.001, a history of previous upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (0.55, 95% CI 0.36–0.82, p = 0.004, and chronic/allergic rhinitis (0.60, 95% CI 0.36–0.98, p = 0.043. Other factors including the use of antiplatelet and/or anticoagulant drugs were not significantly associated with nasal bleeding. Female and young patients are significantly associated with an increased risk of bleeding from transnasal endoscopy, but antiplatelet and/or anticoagulant medications and a history of chronic/allergic rhinitis may not be associated. Keywords: Transnasal endoscopy, Nasal bleeding, Risk factors

  19. Fundus imaging with a nasal endoscope

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    P Mahesh Shanmugam


    Full Text Available Wide field fundus imaging is needed to diagnose, treat, and follow-up patients with retinal pathology. This is more applicable for pediatric patients as repeated evaluation is a challenge. The presently available imaging machines though provide high definition images, but carry the obvious disadvantages of either being costly or bulky or sometimes both, which limits its usage only to large centers. We hereby report a technique of fundus imaging using a nasal endoscope coupled with viscoelastic. A regular nasal endoscope with viscoelastic coupling was placed on the cornea to image the fundus of infants under general anesthesia. Wide angle fundus images of various fundus pathologies in infants could be obtained easily with readily available instruments and without the much financial investment for the institutes.

  20. Nasal biometrics and nasofacial proportion in Hausas and Yorubas using Akinlolu-Raji image-processing algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akinlolu Abdulazeez Adelaja


    Full Text Available Background: Nasal biometrics is vital to facial analyses. This study evaluated nasal biometrics in Hausas and Yorubas of Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Hausas (150 males and 150 females, aged 18-36 years and Yorubas (150 males and 150 females, aged 15-33 years were selected as subjects with informed consents and when established as Hausas or Yorubas by parents and grandparents. Height, body weight and cephalometric parameters (evaluated on three-dimensional facial photographs were measured on subjects. The novel Akinlolu-Raji image-processing algorithm was developed using modified row method of computer programming. Nasal root width, nose height, nose width, nasal bridge length, nasal tip protrusion, nasal index, facial width and nasofacial proportion computed from readings of Akinlolu-Raji image-processing algorithm were analyzed using Z-test (P ≤ 0.05 of 2010 Microsoft Excel statistical software. Results: Computed nasal biometrics showed statistically nonsignificant higher values (P > 0.05 in males of Hausas (100% and Yorubas (80% compared to their female counterparts. In addition, results showed nonsignificant higher values (P > 0.05 in 80% of nasal biometrics in Hausas compared to Yorubas in both sexes. Based on classifications of nose types from nasal index, Hausas have the platyrrhine nose type while Yorubas have the mesorrhine nose type. Nasofacial proportion was lower in Hausa males compared to females, but of same values in Yoruba males and females. In addition, nasofacial proportions were lower in Hausas compared to Yorubas in both sexes. Conclusions: Sexual dimorphism of nasal biometrics exists between sexes of Hausas and Yorubas. Furthermore, Hausas and Yorubas are of similar nasal sizes.

  1. Acute effects of nasal salmon calcitonin on calcium and bone metabolism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thamsborg, G; Skousgaard, S G; Daugaard, H


    Effects of a single dose of 200 IU of nasal salmon calcitonin (SCT) on calcium metabolism and biochemical markers of bone turnover were investigated in 12 healthy male volunteers in a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over design. The nasal spray was given in the morning, and subsequently blood...... hydroxyproline/creatinine. Urinary deoxypyridinoline/creatinine was lowered significantly 2 hours after administration of nasal SCT and throughout the first 24 hours, but remained unchanged for the last 2 hours. On a 24-hour basis, urinary deoxypyridinoline/creatinine decreased from 14.1 (3.5) nmol/mmol to 11...

  2. Nattokinase, profibrinolytic enzyme, effectively shrinks the nasal polyp tissue and decreases viscosity of mucus. (United States)

    Takabayashi, Tetsuji; Imoto, Yoshimasa; Sakashita, Masafumi; Kato, Yukinori; Tokunaga, Takahiro; Yoshida, Kanako; Narita, Norihiko; Ishizuka, Tamotsu; Fujieda, Shigeharu


    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is often comorbid with asthma and resistant to therapeutic interventions. We recently reported that excessive fibrin deposition caused by impairment of fibrinolysis might play pivotal role in forming nasal polyp. Nattokinase (NK), a serine protease produced by Bacillus subtilis, has been reported to be a strong fibrinolytic enzyme. NK could be a promising drug candidate for use in the treatment of both CRSwNP and asthma. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of NK on nasal polyp tissues from patients with CRSwNP. The nasal discharge from patients with CRSwNP and sputum from subjects with asthma were also used to investigate whether NK influences the viscosity of mucus. To examine the effects on NK on nasal polyp tissues, pieces of nasal polyps were incubated either with saline or NK (10-1000 FU/ml) at 37 °C for 24 h. We assessed the presence of fibrin in nasal polyp tissue incubated with NK by means of immunohistochemistry. To examine the effects of NK on nasal discharge and sputum from patients with CRSwNP and asthma, respectively, were incubated with NK solution at 37 °C for 1 h. NK effectively shrinks the nasal polyp tissue through fibrin degradation. We also found that the viscosity of the nasal discharge and sputum from patients with CRSwNP and asthma, respectively, was significantly reduced by incubation with NK solution. NK may be an effective alternative therapeutic option in patients with CRSwNP and comorbid asthma by causing fibrin degradation. Copyright © 2017 Japanese Society of Allergology. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. A neurocisticercose humana na Baixada Fluminense, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Human neurocysticercosis in Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ernani Costa Mendes


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse manuscrito foi conhecer a freqüência e outros aspectos epidemiológicos da neurocisticercose na Baixada Fluminense, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Levantou-se junto ao serviço de tomografia computadorizada do Hospital Geral de Nova Iguaçu entre 1996 e 2002 e no Centro de Neuroimagem "D'IMAGEM" entre 1992 e 2002, os casos registrados de neurocisticercose. Analisaram-se 36379 tomografias, encontrando 72 casos da parasitose, a maioria deles em mulheres (62,5%; p>0,05 e na fase crônica (93,1%. Ocorreram em todas as faixas etárias, aumentando a freqüência conforme o aumento da idade (r=0.84, pThe objective of this manuscript was to know the neurocysticercosis prevalence and some epidemiological aspects in Baixada Fluminense, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The data came from the service of computerized tomography of the Nova Iguaçu General Hospital from 1996 to 2002 and from neuroimage "D'IMAGEM" Center from 1992 to 2002. We analyzed 36379 tomographies identifying 72 cases of the parasitoses, the majority in women (62.5%, p>0.05 and in the chronic phase (93.1%. The neurocysticercosis had occurred in all age groups and increase with age (r=0.84, p<0.05, being that 45.8% of them up to 50 years. The 20 interviewed cases were origin from several municipal districts of Baixada Fluminense, the monthly per capita income was R$ 366. The growing urbanization, deficient sanitary vigilance, absence of sewage systems and sanitary education are the main factors that potentially the transmission of cistycercosis and taeniasis in the Baixada Fluminense.

  4. The Prevalence Of Nasal Trauma In Uch,Ibadan - Nigeria | Isa ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Methods:- A one year prospective study of Nasal trauma at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. Results: A total of one thousand three hundred and fifty patients (1,350) with all forms of trauma presenting at UCH, Ibadan during the study period were included. Nasal trauma alone or in association with other ...

  5. Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage could be a risk for development of clinical infections in rabbits

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    Laura Selva Martínez


    Full Text Available Although nasal carriage has been described as a risk factor for Staphylococcus aureus infections in humans, there is a scarcity of studies about S. aureus nasal carriers in animals. In rabbits, S. aureus is one of the most important pathogens responsible for a number of different types of infections. This study was designed to determine the extent of staphylococcal nasal carriage and to establish whether a relationship exists between nasal carriage and development of lesions. One hundred and sixteen rabbits with and without chronic signs of staphylococcosis from 6 industrial rabbitries were monitored. Nasal swabs for microbiological assessments were obtained from all animals. Microbiological results showed that 56% of the animals carried S. aureus in their nasal cavities with significantly higher incidence in animals with staphylococcal-related lesions (84.2% compared to apparently healthy animals (28.8%. Additionally, the S. aureus strains isolated from the nasal cavity and lesions were clonally related in 91.7% of animals. This suggests that nasal carriage of S. aureus in rabbits could be a risk for development of clinical infections.

  6. Nasal heterotopia versus pilocytic astrocytoma: A narrow border. (United States)

    Ellouze, N; Born, J; Hoyoux, C; Michotte, A; Retz, C; Tebache, M; Piette, C


    Failure of the anterior neuropore can lead to three main types of anomalies: nasal dermal sinus, encephalocele and nasal glioma or heterotopia. In this report, we describe a case of intracranial and extracranial glial heterotopia that probably resulted from a common failure of anterior neuropore development. We describe the prenatal radiological assessment based on ultrasound and MRI results, and consider their limitation for early fetal diagnosis. We also discuss the embryogenesis and the possible pathogenic mechanisms involved. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  7. Effect of eosinophils activated with Alternaria on the production of extracellular matrix from nasal fibroblasts. (United States)

    Shin, Seung-Heon; Ye, Mi-Kyung; Choi, Sung-Yong; Kim, Yee-Hyuk


    Eosinophils and fibroblasts are known to play major roles in the pathogenesis of nasal polyps. Fungi are commonly found in nasal secretion and are associated with airway inflammation. To investigate whether activated eosinophils by airborne fungi can influence the production of extracellular matrix (ECM) from nasal fibroblasts. Inferior turbinate and nasal polyp fibroblasts were stimulated with Alternaria or Aspergillus, respectively, for 24 hours and ECM messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein expressions were measured. Eosinophils isolated from healthy volunteers were stimulated with Alternaria or Aspergillus for 4 hours then superoxide, eosinophil peroxidase, and transforming growth factor β1 were measured. Then activated eosinophils were cocultured with nasal fibroblasts for 24 hours, and ECM mRNA expressions were measured. Alternaria strongly enhanced ECM mRNA expression and protein production from nasal fibroblasts. Alternaria also induced the production of superoxide, eosinophil peroxidase, and transforming growth factor β1 from eosinophils, and activated eosinophils enhanced ECM mRNA expression when they were cocultured without the Transwell insert system. Eosinophils activated with Alternaria enhanced ECM mRNA expression from nasal polyp fibroblasts. Alternaria plays an important role in tissue fibrosis in the pathogenesis of nasal polyps by directly or indirectly influencing the production of ECM from nasal fibroblasts. Copyright © 2016 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Nasal Foreign Bodies: A Sweet Experiment. (United States)

    Leopard, D C; Williams, R G


    It is generally accepted that paediatric intranasal foreign bodies should be removed in the emergency setting. In the case of a difficult to access dissolvable foreign body in an uncooperative child, the question must be raised regarding whether or not a watch and wait strategy is more appropriate. We ask: How long does it take for popular sweets (candy) to dissolve in the human nose? Five popular UK sweets were placed in the right nasal cavity of a 29-year-old male (the author) with no sino-nasal disease. Time taken to dissolve was recorded. All five sweets were completely dissolved in under one hour. A watch and wait strategy in favour of examination under anaesthetic may be a viable option in some cases. Limitations of the study include the age of the participant and size of the sweets. It is also important in practice that the clinician is able to elicit an accurate history regarding the exact nature of the foreign body. It remains prudent to perform an examination under anaesthetic of an uncooperative child with a solid or unknown nasal foreign body. However, if the clinician can be certain the foreign body is a small sugar or chocolate based sweet only, a watch and wait strategy may be a reasonable choice. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Alar setback technique: a controlled method of nasal tip deprojection. (United States)

    Foda, H M


    To describe an alar cartilage-modifying technique aimed at decreasing nasal tip projection in cases with overdeveloped alar cartilages and to compare it with other deprojection techniques used to correct such deformity. Selected case series. University and private practice settings in Alexandria, Egypt. Twenty patients presenting for rhinoplasty who had overprojected nasal tips primarily due to overdeveloped alar cartilages. All cases were primary cases except for one patient, who had undergone 2 previous rhinoplasties. An external rhinoplasty approach was used to set back the alar cartilages by shortening their medial and lateral crura. The choice of performing a high or low setback depended on the preexisting lobule-to-columella ratio. Following the setback, the alar cartilages were reconstructed in a fashion that increased the strength and stability of the tip complex. Subjective evaluation included clinical examination, analysis of preoperative and postoperative photographs, and patient satisfaction. Objective evaluation of nasal tip projection, using the Goode ratio and the nasofacial angle, was performed preoperatively and repeated at least 6 months postoperatively. A low setback was performed in 16 cases (80%) and a high setback in 4 (20%). The mean follow-up period was 18 months (range, 6-36 months). The technique effectively deprojected the nasal tip as evidenced by the considerable postoperative decrease in values of the Goode ratio and the nasofacial angle. No complications were encountered and no revision surgical procedures were required. The alar setback technique has many advantages; it results in precise predictable amounts of deprojection, controls the degree of tip rotation, preserves the natural contour of the nasal tip, respects the tip support mechanisms, increases the strength and stability of nasal tip complex, preserves or restores the normal lobule-to-columella proportion, and does not lead to alar flaring. However, the technique requires

  10. A study of nasal cavity volume by magnetic resonance imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tosa, Yasuyoshi [Showa Univ., Tokyo (Japan). School of Medicine


    The nasal cavity volume in 69 healthy volunteers from 8 to 23 years old (17 males and 52 females) was studied using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Merits of MRI such as no radiation exposure, less artifact due to bone and air and measurement of intravascular blood flow; and demerits such as contraindication in users of heart pace-makers or magnetic clips, contraindication in people with claustrophobia and influence of environmental magnetic fields must be considered. A Magunetom M10 (Siemens), a superconduction device with 1.0 Tesla magnetic flux density was used. Enhanced patterns of T[sub 1], and pulse lines were photographed at 600 msec TR (repetition time) and 19 msec TE (echo time) using SE (spin echo) and short SE (spin echo), and 3 or 4 mm slices. Photographs were made of the piriform aperture, choana, superior-middle-inferior concha including the nasal meatus, the frontal sinus, maxillary sinus, cribriform plate, and upper surface of the palate. The line connecting the maximum depression point in the nasal root and the pontomedullary junction was selected by sagittal median section, because this corresponds well with the CM (canthomeatal) line which is useful in CT (computed tomography). The transverse section of the nasal cavity volume was traced by display console with an accessory MRI device and calculated by integration of the slice width. The increase of height and body weight neared a plateau at almost 16 years, whereas increase of nasal cavity volume continued until about 20 years. Pearson's coefficient of correlation and regression line were significant. There were no significant differences in these parameters between male and female groups. Comparatively strong correlation between nasal cavity volume, and age, height and body weight was statistically evident. (author).

  11. Effects of intranasal corticosteroids on radiated nasal mucosa of guinea pig

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Xinhua; Liu Yuehui


    Objective: To investigate a mechanism protected radiation-induce injure for radiated guinea pigs'nasal mucosa treated with intranasal corticosteroids(fluticasone nasal cavity spray). Methods: 50 health guinea pigs were divided into 2 groups randomly: the irradiated group (control group) with 25 guinea pigs and the administration group after irradiation (test group)with 25 guinea pigs. The nasal part of all guinea pigs were performed irradiation by the 6 MV X-ray with single 5 Gy, one time each week for three weeks. The guinea pigs of test group received intranasal corticosteroids with one time every day and one spray each side nasal cavity on the second day after three weeks irradiation. Five guinea pigs in each group were sacrificed randomly at 1 week, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months and 4 months after irradiation, and the histopathologic changes were observed under optical microscope and electron microscope. At the same time, blood were drawn from the heart and the concentration of IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α in serum were measured by ELISA. Results: The early nasal mucosa inflammatory reaction of the test group was less than the control group. The coverage rate of cilia of the test group was much than that of the control group (72.9% vs 50.2%) at four months after irradiation. The atrophy of submucosal glandular organ was lessened and they displayed some extent secretory function. The concentration of IL-1 in serum was increased very much in the test group compared with the control group after irradiation and kept higher level in the first two months. After two months, it began to decrease; on four months, it still kept equivalency level with the control group. The concentration of IL-6 and TNF-α in serum were reduced all the while. Conclusions: The intranasal corticosteroids with fluticasone nasal cavity spray can reduce radiation- induced injury of guinea pigs' nasal mucosa. The concentration change of IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α in serum may be one of mechanism protected

  12. Velocity Measurements in Nasal Cavities by Means of Stereoscopic Piv - Preliminary Tests (United States)

    Cozzi, Fabio; Felisati, Giovanni; Quadrio, Maurizio


    The prediction of detailed flow patterns in human nasal cavities using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can provide essential information on the potential relationship between patient-specific geometrical characteristics of the nasal anatomy and health problems, and ultimately led to improved surgery. The complex flow structure and the intricate geometry of the nasal cavities make achieving such goals a challenge for CFD specialists. The need for experimental data to validate and improve the numerical simulations is particularly crucial. To this aim an experimental set-up based on Stereo PIV and a silicon phantom of nasal cavities have been designed and realized at Politecnico di Milano. This work describes the main features and challenges of the set-up along with some preliminary results.

  13. Ultrastructural nasal pathology in children chronically and sequentially exposed to air pollutants. (United States)

    Calderón-Garcidueñas, L; Valencia-Salazar, G; Rodríguez-Alcaraz, A; Gambling, T M; García, R; Osnaya, N; Villarreal-Calderón, A; Devlin, R B; Carson, J L


    Southwest Metropolitan Mexico City (SWMMC) children are repeatedly exposed to a complex mixture of air pollutants, including ozone, particulate matter, and aldehydes. Nasal biopsies taken from these children exhibit a wide range of histopathologic alterations: marked changes in ciliated and goblet cell populations, basal cell hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia, and mild dysplasias. We studied the ultrastructural features of 15 nasal biopsies obtained from clinically healthy children 4 to 15 yr of age, growing up in SWMMC. The results were compared with nasal biopsies from 11 children growing up in Veracruz and exposed to low pollutant levels. Ultrathin sections of nasal biopsies revealed an unremarkable mucociliary epithelium in control children, whereas SWMMC children showed an epithelium comprised of variable numbers of basal, ciliated, goblet, and squamous metaplastic as well as intermediate cells. Nascent ciliated cells, as evidenced by the presence of migratory kinetosomes, were common, as were ciliary abnormalities, including absent central microtubules, supernumerary central and peripheral tubules, ciliary microtubular discontinuities, and compound cilia. Dyskinesia associated with these abnormal cilia was suggested by the altered orientation of the central microtubules in closely adjacent cilia. A transudate was evident between epithelial cells, suggesting potential deficiencies in epithelial junction integrity. Particulate matter was present in heterolysosomal bodies in epithelial cells and it was also deposited in intercellular spaces. The severe structural alteration of the nasal epithelium together with the prominent acquired ciliary defects are likely the result of chronic airway injury in which ozone, particulate matter, and aldehydes are thought to play a crucial role. The nasal epithelium in SWMMC children is fundamentally disordered, and their mucociliary defense mechanisms are no longer intact. A compromised nasal epithelium has less ability to

  14. Randomized trial of prongs or mask for nasal continuous positive airway pressure in preterm infants.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kieran, Emily A


    To determine whether nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) given with nasal prongs compared with nasal mask reduces the rate of intubation and mechanical ventilation in preterm infants within 72 hours of starting therapy.

  15. Nasal changes after orthognathic surgery for patients with prognathism and Class III malocclusion: analysis using three-dimensional photogrammetry. (United States)

    Worasakwutiphong, Saran; Chuang, Ya-Fang; Chang, Hsin-Wen; Lin, Hsiu-Hsia; Lin, Pei-Ju; Lo, Lun-Jou


    Orthognathic surgery alters the position of maxilla and mandible, and consequently changes the nasal shape. The nasal change remains a concern to Asian patients. The aim of this study was to measure the nasal changes using a novel three-dimensional photographic imaging method. A total of 38 patients with Class III malocclusion and prognathism were enrolled. All patients underwent two-jaw surgery with the standard technique. A nasal alar cinching suture was included at the end of procedure. Facial landmarks and nasal morphology were defined and measured from pre- and postoperative three-dimensional photographic images. Intra-rater errors on landmark identification were controlled. Patient's reports of perceptual nasal changes were recorded. The average width of the alar base and subalare remained similar after surgery. Alar width was increased by 0.74 mm. Nasal height and length remained the same. Nasolabial angle increased significantly. The area of nostril show revealed a significant increase and was correlated with a decrease of columella inclination. Nasal tip projection decreased significantly, by 1.99 mm. Preoperative nasal morphology was different between patients with and without cleft lip/palate, but most nasal changes were concordant. In the self-perception, 37% of patients reported improved nasal appearance, 58% reported no change, and 5% were not satisfied with the nasal changes. After the surgery, characteristic nasal changes occurred with an increase of nasolabial angle and nostril show, but a preserved nasal width. The majority of patients did not perceive adverse nasal changes. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  16. La mucosa nasal como vía y fuente para la medicina regenerativa Nasal mucosa as pathway and source for regenerative medicine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Porfirio Hernández-Ramírez


    Full Text Available Se mencionan los pilares fundamentales que sustentan a la medicina regenerativa y se señala que de ellos, sin lugar a dudas, el que más ha avanzado es el representado por las células madre, en particular las adultas, que de manera progresiva se han ido extendiendo en la práctica clínica. Se destaca que recién se ha explorado la mucosa nasal como una vía útil y sencilla para el acceso al organismo de elementos potencialmente útiles en la medicina regenerativa, y también como fuente de células madre con posibilidades de introducción en el área clínica. Se comentan las características fundamentales de la mucosa nasal, se mencionan algunos medicamentos que se han usado a través de la ruta intranasal y se refiere la posibilidad de usar esta vía para la administración de células madre que puedan ejercer sus acciones sobre el sistema nervioso central. Estos datos se complementan con los promisorios resultados que se han obtenido con el trasplante de células procedentes de la mucosa nasal.The fundamental pillars of the regenerative medicine were set forth in this paper. One of the most advanced is undoubtedly the field of stem cells, particularly adult stem cells, which has progressively spread into the clinical practice. It was underlined that the nasal mucosa has been recently explored as a useful simple pathway through which the potentially useful elements of regenerative medicine may have access to the body; and also as a source of stem cells with possibilities of being introduced in the clinical area. Comments were made on the fundamental characteristics of the nasal mucosa; some drugs that have been administered through intranasal route were mentioned together with the possibility of using this pathway for stem cells that might have their impact on the central nervous system. All these data were completed with the promising results of transplantation of stem cells from the nasal mucosa.

  17. Stability of extemporaneously prepared preservative-free prochlorperazine nasal spray. (United States)

    Yellepeddi, Venkata K


    The stability of an extemporaneously prepared preservative-free prochlorperazine 5-mg/mL nasal spray was evaluated. The preservative-free prochlorperazine nasal spray was prepared by adding 250 mg of prochlorperazine edisylate to 50 mL of citrate buffer in a low-density polyethylene nasal spray bottle. A stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed and validated using the major degradant prochlorperazine sulfoxide and by performing forced-degradation studies. For chemical stability studies, 3 100-μL samples of the preservative-free prochlorperazine from 5 nasal spray bottles stored at room temperature were collected at days 0, 20, 30, 45, and 60 and were assayed in triplicate using the stability-indicating HPLC method. Microbiological testing involved antimicrobial effectiveness testing based on United States Pharmacopeia ( USP ) chapter 51 and quantitative microbiological enumeration of aerobic bacteria, yeasts, and mold based on USP chapter 61. Samples for microbiological testing were collected at days 0, 30, and 60. The stability-indicating HPLC method clearly identified the degradation product prochlorperazine sulfoxide without interference from prochlorperazine. All tested solutions retained over 90% of the initial prochlorperazine concentration for the 60-day study period. There were no detectable changes in color, pH, and viscosity in any sample. There was no growth of bacteria, yeast, and mold for 60 days in all samples tested. An extemporaneously prepared preservative-free nasal spray solution of prochlorperazine edisylate 5 mg/mL was physically, chemically, and microbiologically stable for 60 days when stored at room temperature in low-density polyethylene bottles. Copyright © 2018 by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Nasal mucociliary transportability of male and female smokers. (United States)

    Uzeloto, Juliana Souza; Ramos, Dionei; C F Freire, Ana Paula; G D Christofaro, Diego; Mara C Ramos, Ercy

    Female smoker's present increased susceptibility to several diseases when compared to the opposite gender. However, there are no studies showing differences in nasal mucociliary transport behavior between male and female smokers. To compare the nasal mucociliary transportability in male and female smokers and non-smokers, taking into consideration age, anthropometric data, smoking load and pulmonary function. The analysis included 139 individuals (33 men and 37 women smokers and 32 men and 37 women non-smokers). All participants answered an initial interview to obtain personal data and smoking load. Anthropometric data and carbon monoxide in the exhaled air were assessed. Individuals also performed pulmonary function test and Saccharin Transit Time test. To compare saccharin transit time values between men and women, smokers and non-smokers, stratification of all independent variables was performed (sociodemographic, smoking and respiratory variables) into two categories: below and above the median values. There was no difference between men and women, smokers and non-smokers, regarding nasal mucociliary transportability. Significant differences were only observed between non-smokers. Among those with less forced vital capacity values (smokers), FCV and FEV1 (men non-smokers) and FEF 25-75% (women non-smokers) on saccharin transit time values. Based on the findings of this study, nasal mucociliary transport in male and female adult smokers, apparently healthy, are similar. Copyright © 2017 Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  19. Correlation analysis on alpha attenuation and nasal skin temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nozawa, Akio; Tacano, Munecazu


    Some serious accidents caused by declines in arousal level, such as traffic accidents and mechanical control mistakes, have become issues of social concern. The physiological index obtained by human body measurement is expected to offer a leading tool for evaluating arousal level as an objective indicator. In this study, declines in temporal arousal levels were evaluated by nasal skin temperature. As arousal level declines, sympathetic nervous activity is decreased and blood flow in peripheral vessels is increased. Since peripheral vessels exist just under the skin on the fingers and nose, the psychophysiological state can be judged from the displacement of skin temperature caused by changing blood flow volume. Declining arousal level is expected to be observable as a temperature rise in peripheral parts of the body. The objective of this experiment was to obtain assessment criteria for judging declines in arousal level by nasal skin temperature using the alpha attenuation coefficient (AAC) of electroencephalography (EEG) as a reference benchmark. Furthermore, a psychophysical index of sleepiness was also measured using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Correlations between nasal skin temperature index and EEG index were analyzed. AAC and maximum displacement of nasal skin temperature displayed a clear negative correlation, with a correlation coefficient of −0.55

  20. Immunoglobulins in nasal secretions of healthy humans: structural integrity of secretory immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) and occurrence of neutralizing antibodies to IgA1 proteases of nasal bacteria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkeby, L; Rasmussen, TT; Reinholdt, Jesper


    Certain bacteria, including overt pathogens as well as commensals, produce immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) proteases. By cleaving IgA1, including secretory IgA1, in the hinge region, these enzymes may interfere with the barrier functions of mucosal IgA antibodies, as indicated by experiments in vitro....... Previous studies have suggested that cleavage of IgA1 in nasal secretions may be associated with the development and perpetuation of atopic disease. To clarify the potential effect of IgA1 protease-producing bacteria in the nasal cavity, we have analyzed immunoglobulin isotypes in nasal secretions of 11...... healthy humans, with a focus on IgA, and at the same time have characterized and quantified IgA1 protease-producing bacteria in the nasal flora of the subjects. Samples in the form of nasal wash were collected by using a washing liquid that contained lithium as an internal reference. Dilution factors and...

  1. Automated method for structural segmentation of nasal airways based on cone beam computed tomography (United States)

    Tymkovych, Maksym Yu.; Avrunin, Oleg G.; Paliy, Victor G.; Filzow, Maksim; Gryshkov, Oleksandr; Glasmacher, Birgit; Omiotek, Zbigniew; DzierŻak, RóŻa; Smailova, Saule; Kozbekova, Ainur


    The work is dedicated to the segmentation problem of human nasal airways using Cone Beam Computed Tomography. During research, we propose a specialized approach of structured segmentation of nasal airways. That approach use spatial information, symmetrisation of the structures. The proposed stages can be used for construction a virtual three dimensional model of nasal airways and for production full-scale personalized atlases. During research we build the virtual model of nasal airways, which can be used for construction specialized medical atlases and aerodynamics researches.

  2. In Vitro Assessment of Spray Deposition Patterns in a Pediatric (12 Year-Old) Nasal Cavity Model. (United States)

    Sawant, Namita; Donovan, Maureen D


    Nasal sprays available for the treatment of cold and allergy symptoms currently use identical formulations and devices for adults as well as for children. Due to the obvious differences between the nasal airway dimensions of a child and those of an adult, the performance of nasal sprays in children was evaluated. Deposition patterns of nasal sprays administered to children were tested using a nasal cast based on MRI images obtained from a 12 year old child's nasal cavity. Test formulations emitting a range of spray patterns were investigated by actuating the device into the pediatric nasal cast under controlled conditions. The results showed that the nasal sprays impacted in the anterior region of the 12 year old child's nasal cavity, and only limited spray entered the turbinate region - the effect site for most topical drugs and the primary absorptive region for systemically absorbed drugs. Differences in deposition patterns following the administration of nasal sprays to adults and children may lead to differences in efficacy between these populations. Greater anterior deposition in children may result in decreased effectiveness, greater anterior dosage form loss, and the increased potential for patient non-compliance.

  3. First case report of enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma in "Ouled Djellal" ewe in Algeria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nassim Sid


    Full Text Available We report clinical and pathological features of enzootic nasal adenocarcinoma (ENA in one sheep in Algeria. A one-year-old Ouled Djellal sheep from a large herd (~1240 animals, located in Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria, was clinically diagnosed by the presence of persistent seromucous nasal discharge, head shaking, muzzle licking, dyspnoea, exophthalmia and frontal protrusion. The sheep was euthanized, and the necropsy was performed. Gross examination showed soft touch, pinkish-white tumour masses in the nasal cavities with distortion of the turbinates and of the medium septum. According to clinical and pathological findings, the tumour has been defined as a low grade mixed nasal adenocarcinoma, with the presence of tubular and papillary structures. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of ENA in Algeria known to be associated with enzootic nasal tumour virus (ENTV infection. However, such association requires confirmation by direct and/or indirect viral investigation.

  4. Allergen-induced increase of eosinophil cationic protein in nasal lavage fluid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bisgaard, H; Grønborg, H; Mygind, N


    It was our aim to study the effect of nasal allergen provocation on the concentration of eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) in nasal lavage fluid, with and without glucocorticoid pretreatment. Twenty grass-pollen sensitive volunteers were provoked outside the pollen season on 2 consecutive days...

  5. The Effect of Propolis in Healing Injured Nasal Mucosa: An Experimental Study (United States)

    El-Anwar, Mohammad Waheed; Abdelmonem, Said; Abdelsameea, Ahmed A.; AlShawadfy, Mohamed; El-Kashishy, Kamal


    Introduction  Mechanical trauma to the nasal mucosa increases the risk of synechia formation, especially after chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal surgeries. Objective  This study was carried to assess the effect of propolis administration in healing injured nasal mucosa in rats. Methods  We randomly divided eighteen rats into three equal experimental groups: (1) non-treated group; (2) gum tragacanth (suspending agent for propolis) treated group; and (3) propolis treated group. The non-treated group received no treatment for 15 days. The second group received gum tragacanth administration (5 ml/kg, orally) once daily for 15 days. The third group received propolis suspension orally at a dose of 100 mg/kg once daily for 15 days. At the beginning of this study, we induced unilateral mechanical nasal trauma on the right nasal mucosa of all rats in the three groups using a brushing technique. A pathologist stained tissue samples using hematoxylin and examined eosin by using a light microscope. Results  The severity of inflammation was milder with the absence of ulcerations in the propolis treated group compared with the non-treated and gum tragacanth groups. Goblet cell and ciliated cell loss was substantially lower in patients treated with propolis compared with groups without treatment and those treated with gum tragacanth. Conclusion  Propolis decreased inflammation and enhanced healing of wounds of the nasal mucosa in rats. PMID:27413403

  6. The Effect of Propolis in Healing Injured Nasal Mucosa: An Experimental Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    El-Anwar, Mohammad Waheed


    Full Text Available Introduction Mechanical trauma to the nasal mucosa increases the risk of synechia formation, especially after chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal surgeries. Objective This study was carried to assess the effect of propolis administration in healing injured nasal mucosa in rats. Methods We randomly divided eighteen rats into three equal experimental groups: (1 non-treated group; (2 gum tragacanth (suspending agent for propolis treated group; and (3 propolis treated group. The non-treated group received no treatment for 15 days. The second group received gum tragacanth administration (5 ml/kg, orally once daily for 15 days. The third group received propolis suspension orally at a dose of 100 mg/kg once daily for 15 days. At the beginning of this study, we induced unilateral mechanical nasal trauma on the right nasal mucosa of all rats in the three groups using a brushing technique. A pathologist stained tissue samples using hematoxylin and examined eosin by using a light microscope. Results The severity of inflammation was milder with the absence of ulcerations in the propolis treated group compared with the non-treated and gum tragacanth groups. Goblet cell and ciliated cell loss was substantially lower in patients treated with propolis compared with groups without treatment and those treated with gum tragacanth. Conclusion Propolis decreased inflammation and enhanced healing of wounds of the nasal mucosa in rats.

  7. Evaluation of the Nasal Surgical Questionnaire for Monitoring Results of Septoplasty

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rolf Haye


    Full Text Available Monitoring the results of surgery is important. The otorhinolaryngology department of our hospital currently uses preoperative and postoperative versions of the Nasal Surgical Questionnaire (NSQ for continuous evaluation of nasal septoplasty. In this study, 55 patients undergoing septoplasty answered the preoperative version twice to assess the NSQ’s test-retest precision, and 75 patients answered the preoperative questionnaire before and the postoperative one 6 months after surgery to evaluate the NSQ’s ability to detect change in symptoms following surgery. Both the pre- and postoperative versions of the NSQ use separate visual analogue scales (VAS to assess nasal obstruction during the day, at night, and during exercise. Other nasal symptoms are graded as secondary outcomes using 4-point Likert scales. The mean VAS scores for the two preoperative obstruction ratings were not significantly different. The scores were significantly higher than in a normal population. There were also significant differences between preoperative and postoperative ratings. The mean pre- and postoperative scores at night for those who reported complete improvement were 66.1 and 8.4, substantial improvement 74.5 and 24.2, and no improvement 83.3 and 76.4. The NSQ reliably assesses nasal symptoms in patients and may be useful for both short and long term prospective studies of septoplasty.

  8. [Nasal flaring as a predictor of mortality in patients with severe dyspnea]. (United States)

    Zorrilla Riveiro, José Gregorio; Arnau Bartés, Anna; García Pérez, Dolors; Rafat Sellarés, Ramón; Mas Serra, Arantxa; Fernández Fernández, Rafael


    To determine whether the presence of nasal flaring is a clinical sign of severity and a predictor of hospital mortality in emergency patients with dyspnea. Prospective, observational, single-center study. We enrolled patients older than 15 years of age who required attention for dyspnea categorized as level II or III emergencies according to the Andorran Medical Triage system. Two observers evaluated the presence of nasal flaring. We recorded demographic and clinical variables, including respiratory effort, vital signs, arterial blood gases, and clinical course (hospital admission and mortality). Bivariable analysis was performed and multivariable logistic regression models were constructed. We enrolled 246 patients with a mean (SD) age of 77 (13) years; 52% were female. Nasal flaring was present in 19.5%. Patients with nasal flaring had triage levels indicating greater severity and they had more severe tachypnea, worse oxygenation, and greater acidosis and hypercapnia. Bivariable analysis detected that the following variables were associated with mortality: age (odds ratio [OR], 1.05; 95% CI, 1.01-1.10), prehospital care from the emergency medical service (OR, 3.97; 95% CI, 1.39-11.39), triage level II (OR, 4.19; 95% CI, 1.63-10.78), signs of respiratory effort such as nasal flaring (OR, 3.79; 95% CI, 1.65-8.69), presence of acidosis (OR, 7.09; 95% CI, 2.97-16.94), and hypercapnia (OR, 2.67; 95% CI, 1,11-6,45). The factors that remained independent predictors of mortality in the multivariable analysis were age, severity (triage level), and nasal flaring. In patients requiring emergency care for dyspnea, nasal flaring is a clinical sign of severity and a predictor of mortality.

  9. Utility of a Systematic Approach to Teaching Photographic Nasal Analysis to Otolaryngology Residents. (United States)

    Robitschek, Jon; Dresner, Harley; Hilger, Peter


    Photographic nasal analysis constitutes a critical step along the path toward accurate diagnosis and precise surgical planning in rhinoplasty. The learned process by which one assesses photographs, analyzes relevant anatomical landmarks, and generates a global view of the nasal aesthetic is less widely described. To discern the common pitfalls in performing photographic nasal analysis and to quantify the utility of a systematic approach model in teaching photographic nasal analysis to otolaryngology residents. This prospective observational study included 20 participants from a university-based otolaryngology residency program. The control and intervention groups underwent baseline graded assessment of 3 patients. The intervention group received instruction on a systematic approach model for nasal analysis, and both groups underwent postintervention testing at 10 weeks. Data were collected from October 1, 2015, through June 1, 2016. A 10-minute, 11-slide presentation provided instruction on a systematic approach to nasal analysis to the intervention group. Graded photographic nasal analysis using a binary 18-point system. The 20 otolaryngology residents (15 men and 5 women; age range, 24-34 years) were adept at mentioning dorsal deviation and dorsal profile with focused descriptions of tip angle and contour. Areas commonly omitted by residents included verification of the Frankfort plane, position of the lower lateral crura, radix position, and ratio of the ala to tip lobule. The intervention group demonstrated immediate improvement after instruction on the teaching model, with the mean (SD) postintervention test score doubling compared with their baseline performance (7.5 [2.7] vs 10.3 [2.5]; P Otolaryngology residents demonstrated proficiency at incorporating nasal deviation, tip angle, and dorsal profile contour into their nasal analysis. They often omitted verification of the Frankfort plane, position of lower lateral crura, radix depth, and ala-to-tip lobule

  10. Effect of the radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction of inferior turbinate on expiratory nasal sound frequency. (United States)

    Seren, Erdal


    We sought to evaluate the short-term efficacy of radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction (RFVTR) in treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy (TH) as measured by expiratory nasal sound spectra. In our study, we aimed to investigate the Odiosoft-rhino (OR) as a new diagnostic method to evaluate the nasal airflow of patients before and after RFVTR. In this study, we have analyzed and recorded the expiratory nasal sound in patients with inferior TH before and after RFVTR. This analysis includes the time expanded waveform, the spectral analysis with time averaged fast Fourier transform (FFT), and the waveform analysis of nasal sound. We found an increase in sound intensity at high frequency (Hf) in the sound analyses of the patients before RFVTR and a decrease in sound intensity at Hf was found in patients after RFVTR. This study indicates that RFVTR is an effective procedure to improve nasal airflow in the patients with nasal obstruction with inferior TH. We found significant decreases in the sound intensity level at Hf in the sound spectra after RFVTR. The OR results from the 2000- to 4000-Hz frequency (Hf) interval may be more useful in assessing patients with nasal obstruction than other frequency intervals. OR may be used as a noninvasive diagnostic tool to evaluate the nasal airflow.

  11. Gunshot wounds to the head. Correlations between CT and clinical findings, neurosurgical treatment and long-term sequels; Traumi cranio-encefalici da proiettile: correlazione tra tomografia computerizzata, clinica, trattamento neurochirurgico e sequele a distanza

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzano, A.; Nocera, V. [Ospedale S. Giovanni di Dio, Frattamaggiore, NA (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; De Rosa, A.; Nunziata, A. [Ospedale Loreto Mare, Neaples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Rossi, E.; Brunese, L. [Universita' degli Studi Federico II, Neaples (Italy). Ist. di Scienze Radiologiche; Tuccillo, M. [Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale A. Cardarelli, Neaples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Grassi, R. [Seconda Universita' degli Studi, Neaples (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia


    With the aim of demonstrating the usefulness of computerised tomography (CT) findings in the planning of brain neurosurgery in gunshot victims, for prompt and successful treatment, 30 patients with brain gunshot wounds were examined with CT over 5 years. The mortality rate of firearm wounds of the skull base was 34% higher than that of the hemisphere; this is due to carotid hemorrhage and midbrain damage. Such traumas require emergency radiological diagnosis and neurosurgical treatment because of their severity and early irreversible complications. Complex operations and skilled surgeons may prevent disabling postoperative sequels. CT findings are indispensable and must be correctly interpreted. The radiologist and the neurosurgeon must collaborate closely and both must consider several diagnostic factors affecting surgical planning. [Italian] Scopo dello studio e' stato quello di dimostrare l'utilita' della semeiologia della tomografia computerizzata in relazione con la pianificazione dell'intervento neochirurgico, al fine di attuare con tempestivita' interventi chirurgici soddisfacenti e meno lesivi. Lo studio comprende 30 casi di lesioni cranio-encefaliche da arma da fuoco esaminate con tomografia computerizzata nel periodo di 5 anni. Materiali e metodi utilizzati sono analiticamente descritti. L'esperienza dimostra che nelle lesioni da arma da fuoco del basicranio si nota una mortalita' del 34% superiore rispetto a quelle piu' craniali come quelle emisferiche in relazione a emorragie carotidee e lesioni tronco-mesencefaliche. Tali traumi esigono diagnosi radiologica e terapia neurochirurgica d'urgenza per la gravita' e le precoci complicanze irreversibili. Cio' richiede interventi complessi e manualita' esperte e rapide al fine di evitare sequele postoperatorie invalidanti. La corretta e indispensabile interpretazione dei segni radiologici della tomografia computerizzata deve avvenire in stretta

  12. CT virtual endoscopy: a study of the capability to display the structures and abnormalities in nasal cavity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han Ping; Brambs, H.J.; Sokiranski, R.


    Objective: To evaluate display ability of virtual endoscopy and its clinical application in comparison with fiberoptic nasal endoscopy. Methods: 11 patients (22 nasal cavities) were examined by virtual endoscopy after axial spiral CT scanning was performed. Virtual endoscopy was performed by Explorer software package in a computer workstation. 9 patients (18 nasal cavities) underwent fiberoptic endoscopy. Results: Virtual endoscopy could clearly demonstrate the anatomical structures in nasal cavity, septal deviation, nasal meatus narrowing and obstruction, turbinate hyperplasia, and pathological masses larger than 3 mm in diameter. However, 'false adhesions' may appear in virtual endoscopy. The main limitation of virtual endoscopy was inability to evaluate mucosa and lack of histological diagnosis. Conclusions: Virtual endoscopy is a new, non-invasive method for demonstrating anatomical structures and diseases in nasal cavity. Its display ability is comparable with fiberoptic nasal endoscopy and is a supplement to fiberoptic nasal endoscopy

  13. Internal nasal floor configuration in Homo with special reference to the evolution of Neandertal facial form. (United States)

    Franciscus, Robert G


    The presence of a steeply sloping or depressed nasal floor within the nasal cavity of Neandertals is frequently mentioned as a likely specialization or autapomorphy. The depressed nasal floor has also been seen as contributing to a relatively more capacious nasal cavity in Neandertals, which is tied to cold-climate respiratory adaptation and energetics. These observations have been limited largely to a relatively few intact crania, and the character states associated with this trait have not been as precisely codified or analyzed as those published for Plio-Pleistocene hominins (McCollum et al., 1993, J. Hum. Evol. 24, 87; McCollum, 2000, Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. 112, 275). This study examines the internal nasal floor topography in complete crania and isolated maxillae in European, west Asian, and African fossil Homo (n=158) including 25 Neandertals, and a wide range of recent humans from Europe, the Near East, and Africa (n=522). The configuration of the internal nasal floor relative to the nasal cavity entrance is codified as: 1) level, forming a smooth continuous plane; 2) sloped or mildly stepped; or 3) bilevel with a pronounced vertical depression. The frequency of these nasal floor configurations, and their relationship to both nasal margin cresting patterning and a comprehensive set of nasofacial metrics is examined. Neandertals show a high frequency of the bilevel (depressed) configuration in both adults and subadults (80%), but this configuration is also present in lower frequencies in Middle Pleistocene African, Late Pleistocene non-Neandertal (Skhul, Qafzeh), and European Later Upper Paleolithic samples (15%-50%). The bilevel configuration is also present in lower frequencies (ca. 10%) in all recent human samples, but attains nearly 20% in some sub-Saharan African samples. Across extinct and extant Homo (excluding Neandertals), internal nasal floor configuration is not associated with piriform aperture nasal margin patterning, but the two are strongly

  14. Salient points in reconstruction of nasal skin after tumor ablation with local flaps

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Ebrahimi


    Full Text Available Objective: A variety of nasal skin reconstruction methods are available to meet the esthetic patient's needs. In this article, we review some of modifications of these procedures and share our experience in reconstruction of different parts of the nasal skin following skin tumor ablation. Patients and Methods : From January 2010 to January 2014, 171 patients underwent nasal skin reconstruction after excising cancerous lesions of the involved nasal skin. The patient's history, pre- and post-operation photographs, and the surgery data were collected and assessed. Demographic data related to the type of cancer, defect size and location, type of reconstruction were collected. Results: A variety of local flaps were used based on location and defect features. Nearly all flaps healed primarily without postsurgical significant complications. Conclusion: According to the results and the outcomes of the operations, we concluded that a certain flaps are more effective than others in nasal skin reconstruction. Local flap reconstruction of the nose has good esthetic result with low complication rate.

  15. Treatment of severe refractory epistaxis in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia using a two-flap nasal closure method (United States)

    Timmins, Benjamin H.; Hunter, Benjamin N.; Wilson, Kevin F.; Ward, P. Daniel


    Background Nasal closure has been shown to effectively manage severe epistaxis refractory to other treatments in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). The nasal closure procedure may be underutilized due to its surgical complexity and flap breakdown. Methods Retrospective review of thirteen HHT patients treated for severe epistaxis with nasal closure between 2005 and 2013. Operating room (OR) time, need for revision surgery, pre- and post-procedure epistaxis severity score (ESS), complete blood count values, and Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI) questionnaire results were collected for each patient. The technique is described. We characterize a typical nasal closure patient and compare outcomes based on our experience with the traditional three-flap closure and a simplified two-flap nasal closure procedure. Results The average candidate for nasal closure in this series had an ESS of 7.88, Hgb of 8.3 g/dL, and received multiple transfusions, iron therapy, and cautery/coagulation procedures. Average ESS subsequent to nasal closure using the two flap method is 0.92 and mean GBI score is 56.3. Comparison of five patients who underwent the traditional three-flap nasal closure procedure and eight patients receiving the two flap nasal closure showed no significant difference in post-op ESS or GBI metrics. Mean operating room times of the traditional and simplified methods were 3.12 hours and 1.44 hours (p=0.0001). Mean time to first revision for eight nasal closure patients is 21.5 months. Conclusion In short-term follow-up, the two-flap procedure has shown comparable effectiveness with significantly reduced complexity and operative time compared to the traditional nasal closure method. PMID:26751606

  16. Successful endoscopic endonasal repair of nasal meningoencephalocele in a 21-day-old neonate


    Mohindra, Satyawati; Mohindra, Sandeep; Patro, Sourabha Kumar


    Introduction: Indications of surgical intervention in congenital nasal meningoencephaloceles includes presence of cerebro spinal fluid rhinorrhea having a risk of causing meningitis, episodes of prior meningitis and bilateral nasal obstruction causing respiratory difficulty in these obligate nasal breathers. Many authors would like to wait till the patient attains the age of 2 to 3 years for repair of the defect due to surgical feasibility. However, early intervention prevents further episode...

  17. Microbial shifts in the swine nasal microbiota in response to parenteral antimicrobial administration. (United States)

    Zeineldin, Mohamed; Aldridge, Brian; Blair, Benjamin; Kancer, Katherine; Lowe, James


    The continuous administration of antimicrobials in swine production has been widely criticized with the increase of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and dysbiosis of the beneficial microbial communities. While an increasing number of studies investigate the effects of antimicrobial administration on swine gastrointestinal microbiota biodiversity, the impact of their use on the composition and diversity of nasal microbial communities has not been widely explored. The objective of this study was to characterize the short-term impact of different parenteral antibiotics administration on the composition and diversity of nasal microbial communities in growing pigs. Five antimicrobial treatment groups, each consisting of four, eight-week old piglets, were administered one of the antimicrobials; Ceftiofur Crystalline free acid (CCFA), Ceftiofur hydrochloride (CHC), Tulathromycin (TUL), Oxytetracycline (OTC), and Procaine Penicillin G (PPG) at label dose and route. Individual deep nasal swabs were collected immediately before antimicrobial administration (control = day 0), and again on days 1, 3, 7, and 14 after dosing. The nasal microbiota across all the samples were dominated by Firmicutes, proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. While, the predominant bacterial genera were Moraxella, Clostridium and Streptococcus. Linear discriminant analysis, showed a pronounced, antimicrobial-dependent microbial shift in the composition of nasal microbiota and over time from day 0. By day 14, the nasal microbial compositions of the groups receiving CCFA and OTC had returned to a distribution that closely resembled that observed on day 0. In contrast, pigs that received CHC, TUL and PPG appeared to deviate away from the day 0 composition by day 14. Based on our results, it appears that the impact of parenteral antibiotics on the swine nasal microbiota is variable and has a considerable impact in modulating the nasal microbiota structure. Our results will aid in developing alternative

  18. Five surgical maneuvers on nasal mucosa movement in cleft palate repair: A cadaver study. (United States)

    Nguyen, Dennis C; Patel, Kamlesh B; Parikh, Rajiv P; Skolnick, Gary B; Woo, Albert S


    This biomechanical study aims to characterize the nasal mucosa during palatoplasty, thereby describing the soft tissue attachments at different zones and quantifying movement following their release. Palatal nasal mucosa was exposed and divided in the midline in 10 adult cadaver heads. Five consecutive maneuvers were performed: (1) elevation of nasal mucosa off the maxilla, (2) dissection of nasal mucosa from soft palate musculature, (3) separation of nasal mucosa from palatine aponeurosis, (4) release of mucosa at the pterygopalatine junction, and (5) mobilization of vomer flaps. The mucosal movements across the midline at the midpalate (MP) and posterior nasal spine (PNS) following each maneuver were measured. At the MP, maneuvers 1-4 cumulatively provided 3.8 mm (36.9%), 4.9 mm (47.6%), 6.1 mm (59.2%), and 10.3 mm, respectively. Vomer flap (10.5 mm) elevation led to mobility equivalent to that of maneuvers 1-4 (p = 0.72). At the PNS, cumulative measurements after maneuvers 1-4 were 1.3 mm (10%), 2.4 mm (18.6%), 5.7 mm (44.2%), and 12.9 mm. Here, vomer flaps (6.5 mm) provided less movement (p < 0.001). Maneuver 4 yielded the greatest amount of movement of the lateral nasal mucosa at both MP (4.2 mm, 40.8%) and PNS (7.2 mm, 55.8%). At the MP, complete release of the lateral nasal mucosa achieves as much movement as the vomer flap. At the hard-soft palate junction, the maneuvers progressively add to the movement of the lateral nasal mucosa. The most powerful step is release of attachments along the posterior aspect of the medial pterygoid. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  19. Insulin delivery through nasal route using thiolated microspheres. (United States)

    Nema, Tarang; Jain, Ashish; Jain, Aviral; Shilpi, Satish; Gulbake, Arvind; Hurkat, Pooja; Jain, Sanjay K


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential of developed thiolated microspheres for insulin delivery through nasal route. In the present study, cysteine was immobilized on carbopol using EDAC. A total of 269.93 µmol free thiol groups per gram polymer were determined. The prepared nonthiolated and thiolated microspheres were studied for particle shape, size, drug content, swellability, mucoadhesion and in vitro insulin release. The thiolated microspheres exhibited higher mucoadhesion due to formation of covalent bonds via disulfide bridges with the mucus gel layer. Drug permeation through goat nasal mucosa of nonthiolated and thiolated microspheres were found as 52.62 ± 2.4% and 78.85 ± 3.1% in 6 h, respectively. Thiolated microspheres bearing insulin showed better reduction in blood glucose level (BGL) in comparison to nonthiolated microspheres as 31.23 ± 2.12% and 75.25 ± 0.93% blood glucose of initial BGL were observed at 6 h after nasal delivery of thiolated and nonthiolated microspheres in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rabbits.

  20. Grain sorghum dust increases macromolecular efflux from the in situ nasal mucosa. (United States)

    Gao, X P


    The purpose of this study was to determine whether an aqueous extract of grain sorghum dust increases macromolecular efflux from the nasal mucosa in vivo and, if so, whether this response is mediated, in part, by substance P. Suffusion of grain sorghum dust extract on the in situ nasal mucosa of anesthetized hamsters elicits a significant increase in clearance of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran (FITC-dextran; mol mass, 70 kDa; P grain sorghum dust elicits neurogenic plasma exudation from the in situ nasal mucosa.