
Sample records for na europa portugal

  1. O império das imagens de Hitler: o projeto de expansão internacional do modelo de cinema nazi-fascista na Europa e na América Latina (1933-1955)


    Wagner Pinheiro Pereira


    O propósito principal desta tese de doutorado é desenvolver um estudo de histórias conectadas sobre a expansão internacional do modelo de cinema nazista na Europa e na América Latina, durante as décadas de 1930 e 1950. A influência da Alemanha nazista sobre as indústrias de cinema e as produções cinematográficas da Itália fascista, de Portugal salazarista, da Espanha franquista, do Brasil varguista e da Argentina peronista, representou a tentativa de Berlim tornar-se a Nova Hollywood Mundial ...

  2. As valsas na Europa e na América do Sul


    Almeida, Hélder António Moreira de


    Dissertação apresentado à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Performance. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar a história da valsa, a sua origem e influência de países da Europa Ocidental para a Europa do Sul como também a sua exportação Transatlântica para a América do sul. Pretendemos assim, mostrar o interesse destes compositores, na escrita desta forma mu...

  3. Paradigmas administrativos, ética e intervenção do Estado na economia: o caso de Portugal

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    João Bilhim


    Full Text Available Muita atenção tem sido dada na literatura administrativa e organizacional aos valores que guiam o comportamento organizacional e de gestão pública e privada. Todavia, o separador de águas entre a gestão pública e a privada manteve-se ao longo do tempo, com altos e baixos, como ponto controverso na literatura específica da administração e políticas públicas e do direito administrativo. A influência da Nova Gestão Pública (NGP na reforma administrativa em Portugal é amplamente reconhecida em Portugal. Foram muitos os governos que, nos países da oecd, tomaram iniciativas idênticas. Há porém uma diferença acentuada entre a reforma administrativa dos países anglófonos e a dos países da Europa continental. Ora, tal diferença parece radicar no papel que o direito administrativo tem nestes países europeus e que não tem nos sistemas de Common Law. Este artigo quer contribuir para o debate da existência de dois paradigmas administrativos onde a separação entre gestão privada e pública parece colocar-se de forma diferenciada e a ética assume distinta ponderação.


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    Juan José Carmona Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo informa y reflexiona sobre los planes de estudios de formación del profesorado de música en países de Europa Septentrional: Chipre, Grecia, Malta y Portugal. La metodología de análisis utilizada es común para todos los países estudiados, correspondientes al Proyecto ALFA al que se hace referencia en el editorial de este monográfico. En Chipre hablaremos sobre tres universidades con planes de estudio musicales; en Grecia distinguiremos cuatro tipos de docentes dependiendo del nivel educativo en el que impartan docencia (Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria; en tercer lugar hablaremos sobre las peculiaridades del sistema de la universidad de Malta; se procederá al análisis de Portugal donde contamos con un número mayor de universidades; y, por último, aportaremos nuestra reflexión sobre los planes de estudios analizados y sus implicaciones para la formación del profesorado de música.

  5. Pesquisa ambiental de agentes de esporotricose em Portugal


    Dançante, Ana Mafalda da Silva Grilo Carreteiro


    A esporotricose é uma das principais micoses subcutâneas reportadas mundialmente. O agente etiológico é um complexo de espécies dimórficas relacionadas conhecido como complexo Sporothrix schenckii. Considerada uma doença rara na Europa, foi recentemente identificado um caso autóctone em Portugal. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo, desenvolver um ensaio baseado em PCR para detetar e identificar membros do complexo S. schenckii em amostras ambientais, e realizar uma pesquisa ...

  6. O olhar cirúrgico de Ransome-Wallis sobre o caminhode-Ferro do Monte (Madeira, Portugal

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    Jorge Bonito


    Full Text Available Ransome-Wallis foi um dos fotógrafos entusiasta, a título individual, na época áurea da fotografia ferroviária da década de 1920 na Europa. Passou pela ilha da Madeira, fotografando o Comboio do Monte na cidade do Funchal. Neste trabalho dá-se conta de vivências relatadas pelo fotógrafo e revelam-se fotografias suas pouco conhecidas, contribuindo para a construção da história do caminho de ferro em Portugal.


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    Martin Maier


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, o olhar dirige-se em primeiro lugar para a situação religiosa da Europa. Em seguida, resumiremos o conceito da nova evangelização de acordo com os últimos papas. O passo seguinte será perguntar o que as igrejas podem oferecer à Europa. A nova evangelização deve acontecer no horizonte do ecumenismo e da globalização. Importante ponto de conexão para a transmissão da fé é a constante sede de espiritualidade e de experiência espiritual, bem como de conhecimento da religião e da fé. Por fim, desenvolveremos algumas chances que podem relacionar-se com a nova evangelização na Europa.  ABSTRACT: In this study, the focus is directed first of ali to the religious situation in Europe. Then we will sum up the concept of the new evangelization according to the recent Popes. The next step will be to ask what the churches can offer to Europe. The new evangelization must happen on the horizon of ecumenism and globalization. An important point of connection to the transmission of the faith is the constant thirst for spirituality and spiritual experience as well as the knowledge of religion and faith. Finally, we will develop some opportunities that can relate to the new evangelization in Europe

  8. Chemistry of Frozen NaCl and MgSO4 Brines - Implications for Surface Expression of Europa's Ocean Composition (United States)

    Johnson, P. V.; Hodyss, R. P.; Choukroun, M.; Vu, T. H.


    The composition of Europa's subsurface ocean is a critical determinant of its habitability, but current analysis of the ocean composition is limited to its expression on the Europan surface. While there is observational evidence indicating that ocean materials make their way to the surface, our understanding of the chemical processes that can alter this material under Europan surface conditions is limited. We present experimental data on the chemistry of mixed solutions of NaCl and MgSO4 as they are frozen to 100 K, replicating the conditions that may occur when subsurface ocean fluids are emplaced onto Europa's surface. Confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy is used to study the formation of salts during the freezing process, and the interaction of ions in the frozen brines. Our data indicate that mixed aqueous solutions of NaCl and MgSO4 form Na2SO4 and MgCl2 preferentially when frozen, rather than making NaCl and MgSO4 precipitates. The detection of epsomite (MgSO4Ÿ•7H2O) on Europa's surface may therefore imply an ocean composition relatively low in sodium, unless radiolytic chemistry converts MgCl2 to MgSO4 as suggested by Hand and Brown 2013 (ApJ 145 110). These results have important implications for the interpretation of remote sensing data of Europa's surface.

  9. A excelência académica na escola pública portuguesa


    Torres, Leonor Lima; Palhares, José Augusto; Derouet, Jean-Louis; Quaresma, Luísa; Ribeiro, Álvaro Manuel Chaves; Gouveia, Andreia; Borges, Germano José Conceição Pinto; Neto-Mendes, António; Sousa, José Eduardo Lemos; Santos, Hortense; Almeida dos Santos, Álvaro; Magalhães, Carlos; Lima, Licínio C.; Nogueira, Maria Alice; Lopes, João Teixeira


    Apesar de a excelência académica ser na atualidade um eixo central da política educativa em Portugal e na Europa, pouco se tem investigado sobre este tópico. Os resultados difundidos nesta obra procuram evidenciar quais os principais fatores que promovem percursos de excelência. A realidade educativa portuguesa tem vindo a desenvolver-se ancorada na influência desta mesma agenda, quer através da reconfiguração dos valores democráticos do sistema público de educação (igualdade, inclusão e cida...

  10. Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in Portugal

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    R. Nazareth


    Full Text Available Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA has recently emerged as a cause of community-acquired infections among individuals without risk factors. Community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA appears to be more virulent, causing superficial mild skin and soft tissue infections to severe necrotizing fasciitis, and in rare cases, pneumonia.Community-associated MRSA was first reported in Australia in the early 80s, after almost two decades in the USA, and then in several countries in Europe, Asia and South America. No data exists in Portugal.We report the first case of CA-MRSA infection in Portugal, in a young adult with severe necrotizing pneumonia, complicated with bilateral empyema and respiratory failure. Resumo: Recentemente assistiu-se à emergência de infeções na comunidade por Staphylococcus aureus meticilina-resistente (MRSA em indivíduos sem fatores de risco. O MRSA associado à comunidade (CA-MRSA parece ser mais virulento, causando desde infeções superficiais da pele e tecidos moles até fasceíte necrosante e, raramente, pneumonia.O CA-MRSA foi inicialmente identificado na Austrália no início da década de 80 e, após cerca de duas décadas, surgiu nos EUA e em vários países da Europa, Ásia e América do Sul. Não existe informação disponível acerca da prevalência em Portugal.Os autores reportam o primeiro caso de infeção por CA-MRSA em Portugal, num adulto jovem com pneumonia necrotizante grave complicada por empiema bilateral e insuficiência respiratória. Keywords: Community-associated, MRSA, Staphylococcus aureus, Necrotizing pneumonia, Empyema, Palavras-chave: comunidade associada, MRSA, Staphylococcus aureus, pneumonia necrosante, empiema

  11. Construção das identidades de jovens de origem imigrante em Europa: resultados dum projeto europeu

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    Beatriz Padilla

    Full Text Available Este artigo descreve e analisa alguns dos elementos que influenciam a construção das identidades dos jovens de origem imigrante na Europa. Os resultados derivam dum projeto de investigação europeu intitulado "Rumo à construção social duma juventude europeia: a experiência de inclusão e exclusão na esfera pública dos jovens migrantes de segunda geração"¹, desenvolvido entre 2006 e 2009 em nove cidades localizadas em cinco países: Espanha (Madrid e Barcelona, Itália (Génova e Roma, Portugal (Lisboa e Porto, França (Metz, Alemanha (Berlim e Holanda (Utrecht. A primeira parte analisa os dados quantitativos recolhidos nos contextos de estudo, comparando os jovens descendentes de imigrantes com os jovens autóctones, focando a questão da identidade como um assunto central no processo de inclusão dos jovens imigrantes. A segunda parte aborda alguns dos marcadores identitários presentes nos jovens descendentes de imigrantes em Portugal, à luz de dados etnográficos recolhidos especificamente para o caso dos jovens na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa focando as questões de identidade, género e discriminação.

  12. As organizações da sociedade civil na prevenção das infeções sexualmente transmissíveis em trabalhadoras do sexo, em Portugal

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    Marta Maia


    Full Text Available Segundo o relatório do Centro Europeu de Prevenção e Controlo das Doenças (ECDC, 2013, que compara dados relativos à prevalência do VIH em trabalhadores do sexo em 27 países da Europa e da Ásia Central, Portugal é o terceiro país com a maior prevalência da infeção entre essa população. A elevada prevalência comparativa da infeção entre os trabalhadores do sexo em Portugal contrasta com o uso reportado de meios de prevenção e diagnóstico. O artigo debruça-se sobre um dos aspetos desse fenómeno: a atividade das organizações da sociedade civil na área da prevenção das infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST em Portugal, de modo a analisar como se relacionam com as trabalhadoras do sexo e concebem as ações de prevenção e o apoio social que lhes dirigem. Essa questão surge como pertinente à medida que a discrepância verificada poderá indicar uma adesão formal (mas não necessariamente real, por parte das trabalhadoras do sexo, a uma retórica socialmente valorizada de prevenção, a qual é canalizada pelas organizações. Esse discurso pode ser por si mais ou menos apreendido, condicionando a implementação prática dos meios de prevenção propostos. Estamos assim perante um potencial fator explicativo a considerar na análise crítica do nível de efetividade dessas ações.

  13. O Significado da Segurança na Europa: A UE – da PESC ao Colapso da Política Externa


    Charillon, Frédéric


    O presente artigo tem por objectivo analisar o significado da segurança na Europa. A construção do processo comunitário dada a especificidade e conteúdo ambicioso do projecto envolvente, leva o autor a passar em revista vários dossiers comunitários de onde resultam consequências sobre o conceito e práticas da segurança europeia. A reinvenção do conceito de segurança na Europa passa em muito pela inserção de novas matérias no tradicional domínio da segurança entre as quais se contam e...

  14. Rivalidade das casas reinantes hispano-lusas na divisão do mar oceano, conquista da América e apossamento do Brasil

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    Edmundo M. Genófre


    Full Text Available Acompanhadas de documentos extraídos diretamente dos arquivos espanhóis acêrca da divisão e repartição do mar oceano, da conquista da América bem como da carta de Dom Manuel, rei de Portugal, que assinalou na Europa a posse oficial do Brasil.

  15. Infeção por staphylococcus aureus meticilina-resistente da comunidade em Portugal

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    R. Nazareth


    Full Text Available Resumo: Recentemente assistiu-se à emergência de infeções na comunidade por Staphylococcus aureus meticilina-resistente (MRSA em indivíduos sem fatores de risco. O MRSA associado à comunidade (CA-MRSA parece ser mais virulento, causando desde infeções superficiais da pele e tecidos moles até fasceíte necrosante e, raramente, pneumonia.O CA-MRSA foi inicialmente identificado na Austrália no início da década de 80 e, após cerca de duas décadas, surgiu nos EUA e em vários países da Europa, Ásia e América do Sul. Não existe informação disponível acerca da prevalência em Portugal.Os autores reportam o primeiro caso de infeção por CA-MRSA em Portugal, num adulto jovem com pneumonia necrotizante grave complicada por empiema bilateral e insuficiência respiratória. Abstract: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA has recently emerged as a cause of community-acquired infections among individuals without risk factors. Community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA appears to be more virulent, causing superficial mild skin and soft tissue infections to severe necrotizing fasciitis, and in rare cases, pneumonia.Community-associated MRSA was first reported in Australia in the early 80s, after almost two decades in the USA, and then in several countries in Europe, Asia and South America. No data exists in Portugal.We report the first case of CA-MRSA infection in Portugal, in a young adult with severe necrotizing pneumonia, complicated with bilateral empyema and respiratory failure. Palavras-chave: comunidade associada, MRSA, Staphylococcus aureus, pneumonia necrosante, empiema, Keywords: Community-associated, MRSA, Staphylococcus aureus, Necrotizing pneumonia, Empyema

  16. Equilíbrio trabalho-vida : o papel do Estado e das organizações na Europa (2007/2017)


    Moura, Sofia Cristina Cachatra


    Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos Humanos O presente estudo baseou-se na recolha e análise de estudos empíricos, sobre as políticas e práticas organizacionais e do Estado que visam o Equilíbrio Trabalho-Vida, na Europa, nos últimos dez anos, tendo como grelha de análise os modelos de conciliação trabalho-família identificados na revisão de literatura. Países com modelos mais tradicionais (e.g. conservador e mediterrâneo) concentram-se em estudos mais macro existindo uma superioridade dos ...

  17. Poluição fotoquímica na costa portuguesa


    Evtyugina, Margarita Guennadievna


    A zona costeira Portuguesa é uma região complexa que se encontra sob a influência, quer de fenómenos naturais, como por exemplo as brisas costeiras, quer da actividade humana. Os estudos anteriormente realizados na Europa e os conhecimentos actuais apontam Portugal, particularmente a zona costeira como uma área crítica onde se prevê que nos próximos anos seja difícil atingir os objectivos de equilíbrio ambiental em relação aos efeitos da poluição fotoquímica [Comissão Europe...

  18. Bolonha, competitividade europeia e Portugal


    Amaral, Alberto


    A Europa enfrenta decisões políticas difíceis face à sua óbvia quebra de competitividade numa economia mundial em crescente globalização. Os trabalhadores europeus, não só têm salários elevados em relação à concorrência, como, apesar da crise do Estado providência, gozam de um conjunto de direitos sociais sem paralelo em outras regiões. Isto significa que os custos de mão--de-obra na Europa, conjugados com uma população envelhecida, são um handicap sério na competição com outras regiões....

  19. Exogenic and endogenic Europa minerals (United States)

    Maynard-Casely, H. E.; Brand, H. E. A.; Wilson, S. A.


    The Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) identified a significant `non-ice' component upon the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa. Current explanations invoke both endogenic and exogenic origins for this material. It has long been suggested that magnesium and sodium sulfate minerals could have leached from the rock below a putative ocean (endogenic) 1 and that sulfuric acid hydrate minerals could have been radiologically produced from ionised sulfur originally from Io's volcanoes (exogenic) 2. However, a more recent theory proposes that the `non-ice' component could be radiation damaged NaCl leached from Europa's speculative ocean 3. What if the minerals are actually from combination of both endogenic and exogenic sources? To investigate this possibility we have focused on discovering new minerals that might form in the combination of the latter two cases, that is a mixture of leached sulfates hydrates with radiologically produced sulfuric acid. To this end we have explored a number of solutions in the MgSO4-H2SO4-H2O and Na2SO4-H2SO4-H2O systems, between 80 and 280 K with synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction. We report a number of new materials formed in this these ternary systems. This suggests that it should be considered that the `non-ice' component of the Europa's surface could be a material derived from endogenic and exogenic components. 1 Kargel, J. S. Brine volcanism and the interior structures of asteroids and icy satellites. Icarus 94, 368-390 (1991). 2 Carlson, R. W., Anderson, M. S., Mehlman, R. & Johnson, R. E. Distribution of hydrate on Europa: Further evidence for sulfuric acid hydrate. Icarus 177, 461-471, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2005.03.026 (2005). 3 Hand, K. P. & Carlson, R. W. Europa's surface color suggests an ocean rich with sodium chloride. Geophysical Research Letters, 2015GL063559, doi:10.1002/2015gl063559 (2015).

  20. Opinia do wniosku Stowarzyszenia Europa-Demokracja-Esperanto o wpis języka esperanto jako nośnika kultury esperanckiej na krajową listę niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego


    Grzybowski, Przemysław Paweł


    Opinia do wniosku Stowarzyszenia Europa-Demokracja-Esperanto o wpis języka esperanto jako nośnika kultury esperanckiej na krajową listę niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego, sporządzona na potrzeby Departamentu Ochrony Zabytków Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.

  1. Europa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ole Erik


    Artiklen behandler, hvordan Europa blev centrum for den globale økonomiske udvikling, og hvilken rolle nationalstaterne har spillet for Europas udvikling. Derudover behandles det, hvordan den europæiske integrationsproces kan ses som et forsøg på at genskabe Europas centrale politiske og økonomis...

  2. "Brandos costumes?": protesto e mobilização em Portugal sob a austeridade, 2010-2013 = "Mild mannered?": protest and mobilization in Portugal under austerity, 2010-2013 = "Suaves costumes?": protesto y mobilizacion en Portugal durante la austeridad

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    Accornero, Guya


    Full Text Available Em tempos recentes tem-se debatido muito as mobilizações anti- austeridade ocorridas na Europa do Sul desde 2010. Os comentadores frisaram a emergência de novos atores políticos, tais como o “precariado”, organizados em movimentos pouco estruturados com base nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Até que ponto é que estes movimentos refletem a dinâmica subjacente deste ciclo de protestos e como é que interagem com os atores políticos tradicionais? Utilizando Portugal como um caso-estudo, este artigo traça o mapa das ações políticas reivindicativas anti-austeridade entre os anos de 2010 e 2013, revelando uma panorâmica mais complexa, onde os atores tradicionais, incluindo os sindicatos e os partidos políticos de esquerda, emergem como atores-chave, facilitando e nutrindo a mobilização intermitente de novas formas de ativismo, procurando ao mesmo tempo ganhar com elas acesso a novas clientelas eleitorais

  3. A esquerda radical no período pós-2009: nada de (muito novo em Portugal? = The radical left in the post-2009 period: nothing (very new in portugal?

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    Pereira, José Santana


    Full Text Available A crise económica que eclodiu nas democracias europeias periféricas a partir de 2009 teve, em vários países da Europa do Sul, consequências graves em termos de estabilidade governativa e dos sistemas partidários. Neste contexto, o caso português tem sido apontado como excecional, visto que o agravamento da situação económica e as suas consequências políticas não provocaram uma afirmação eleitoral sem precedentes de forças de esquerda radical (como na Espanha e na Grécia. Neste artigo, apresenta-se o panorama da esquerda radical em Portugal e procede-se à análise de algumas dimensões associadas a este fenómeno de maior estabilidade do sistema partidário português à esquerda, nomeadamente a ausência de um fenómeno SYRIZA ou Podemos, recorrendo a explicações de natureza económica, ligadas à cultura política e à natureza do sistema partidário consolidado nas últimas quadro décadas

  4. A Europa no Mundo Entre as Guerras 1919-1939


    Rollo, Maria Fernanda; Ribeiro, Maria Manuela Tavares; Pires, Ana Paula; Cunha, Alice; Valente, Isabel Maria Freitas


    O II Encontro A Europa no Mundo é dedicado ao estudo, análise, debate e interpretação das transformações políticas, económicas, sociais e culturais ocorridas na Europa durante o período entre guerras. Os textos compilados neste e-book correspondem a uma parte das comunicações apresentadas no Encontro, reflectem a investigação realizada e procuram constituir um ponto de partida para novas e mais aprofundadas reflexões.

  5. Pensar Europa

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    Sonia Reverter


    Full Text Available Como dijo el profesor Fernando Montero "hay que reconocer que Europa es una extraña entidad, a mitad camino entre los seres reales y las ficciones". Desde el mismo mito de Europa, como princesa fenicia raptada por Zeus convertido en un toro blanco y llevada a Creta, hasta el discurso actual que promueve una idea de Europa como entidad transnacional, nos hallamos frente a la realidad de Europa como cuna de ideas e idea ella misma. La reflexividad que caracteriza al pensamiento filosófico y a la racionalidad crítica vuelve su mirada hacia la misma razón que se piensa, por tanto, a sí misma. Y es en ese punto en el que la cultura europea se ha destacado y tal vez debamos admitir también, se ha desgastado. Europa, desde la racionalidad de los griegos hasta la crisis de la razón actual ha pensado sobre sí misma al preguntarse por la razón misma. Podemos decir, de alguna manera, que Europa se piensa a sí misma al pensar en la razón humana. En este número monográfico de Recerca presentamos precisamente eso, una reflexión de Europa, que es a su vez una reflexión sobre algunos de los temas no sólo abiertos en ese quehacer constante que Europa se ha convertido, sino de gran calado para lo que Europa en un futuro pueda ser.

  6. Europa: Processes and Habitability (United States)

    Pappalardo, Robert T.


    This viewgraph presentation reviews the known and possible geologic processes of Europa. It shows slides of Europa, with different terrains (ridged plains and molten plains), and a possible view of the interior. Europa's eccentric orbit is reviewed. The presentation also reviews Europa's composition. The possible reasons for Europa's geology are reviewed. Also the possiblity that life exists on Europa is raised. The planned Europa Geophysical Explorer mission is also reviewed.

  7. High Resolution Integral Field Spectroscopy of Europa's Sodium Clouds: Evidence for a Component with Origins in Iogenic Plasma. (United States)

    Schmidt, C.; Johnson, R. E.; Mendillo, M.; Baumgardner, J. L.; Moore, L.; O'Donoghue, J.; Leblanc, F.


    With the object of constraining Iogenic contributions and identifying drivers for variability, we report new observations of neutral sodium in Europa's exosphere. An R~20000 integral field spectrograph at McDonald Observatory is used to generate Doppler maps of sodium cloud structures with a resolution of 2.8 km/s/pixel. In the five nights of observations since 2011, measurements on UT 6.15-6.31 May 2015 uniquely feature fast (10s of km/s) neutral sodium clouds extending nearly 100 Europa radii, more distant than in any previous findings. During these measurements, the satellite geometry was favorable for the transfer of Na from Io to Europa, located at 1:55 to 4:00 and 3:38 to 4:39 Jovian local time, respectively. Eastward emission (away from Jupiter) extends 10-20 Europa radii retaining the moon's rest velocity, while westward emission blue-shifts with distance, and a broad range of velocities are measured, reaching at least 70 km/s at 80 Europa radii. These cloud features are distinct from Io's "banana" and "stream" features, the distant Jupiter-orbiting nebula, and from terrestrial OH and Na contaminant emissions. Io's production was quiescent during this observation, following an extremely active phase in February 2015. These results are consistent with previous findings that Europa's Na exosphere has peak emission between midnight and dawn Jovian local time and support the idea that sodium escape from Io can significantly enhance the emission intensity measured at Europa.

  8. Global Europa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Manners, Ian


    at the mythology of ‘global Europa' - the EU in the world. It concludes with a reflection on the way in which the many diverse myths of global Europa compete for daily attention, whether as lore, ideology, or pleasure. In this respect the mythology of global Europa is part of our everyday existence, part of the EU...

  9. The Intra Industry Trade between Portugal European Union, Portugal Spain, Portugal-France, Portugal Germany, Portugal-Ireland, Portugal-Greece and Portugal-Netherlands - a Dynamic Panel Data Analysis (1996 2000)


    Horácio Faustino; Nuno Carlos Leitão


    PortugalÂ’s main trade partners have been Spain, Germany and France. In this paper we analyse the intra industry trade in the manufacturing industry between Portugal Spain, Portugal-France, Portugal Germany, Portugal-Ireland and Portugal-Greece. We also present the results of intra industry trade (IIT) between Portugal and the European Union. The innovation, technological progress, human capital, and scale economies are some of the explicative variables of the intra industry trade phenomena. ...


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    Pedro Nunes Teixeira


    Full Text Available In many countries, interest in greater openness and integration of universities to social and economic environment is growing. Driven by society and the knowledge economy and the social demands, the University Extension has gained increasing importance, both in Latin America where the main focus is on direct social actions, interventions promoting citizenship and fomenting local leadership, whether in developed economies where services and technology transfer receive greater attention. In continental Europe the term correlate to the most widely adopted extension is "Third Mission", and is subdivided into three sub-areas: Continuing Education, Technology Transfer and Innovation, and Social Engagement. This Academy playing field also gains strength in the "old continent".Em vários países, o interesse por maior abertura e integração das universidades ao meio social e econômico é crescente. Impulsionada pela sociedade e economia do conhecimento e pelas demandas sociais, a Extensão Universitária ganha cada vez mais importância, seja na América Latina onde o foco principal são ações sociais diretas, intervenções promotoras da cidadania e fomentadoras do protagonismo local, seja em economias mais desenvolvidas onde os serviços e a transferência de tecnologia recebem maior atenção. Na Europa continental o termo correlato à extensão mais adotado é “Terceira Missão” (Third Mission1, e subdivide-se em três sub-áreas: Educação Continuada, Transferência de Tecnologia e Inovação, e Engajamento Social. Este campo de atuação da academia também ganha força no “velho continente”.

  11. An Overview of the Jupiter Europa Orbiter Concept's Europa Science Phase Orbit Design (United States)

    Lock, Robert E.; Ludwinski, Jan M.; Petropoulos, Anastassios E.; Clark, Karla B.; Pappalardo, Robert T.


    Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO), the proposed NASA element of the proposed joint NASA-ESA Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM), could launch in February 2020 and conceivably arrive at Jupiter in December of 2025. The concept is to perform a multi-year study of Europa and the Jupiter system, including 30 months of Jupiter system science and a comprehensive Europa orbit phase of 9 months. This paper provides an overview of the JEO concept and describes the Europa Science phase orbit design and the related science priorities, model pay-load and operations scenarios needed to conduct the Europa Science phase. This overview is for planning and discussion purposes only.

  12. CERN and Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    is 10.3 million Swiss francs. This is 7 5% of the eventual national contribution, rising on a sliding scale established when Portugal joined CERN ten years ago. This 'discount' in Portugal's contribution to the CERN budget goes into its national effort. Hopefully this funding will not suffer once the CERN contribution reaches its cruising altitude. With no national accelerator, Portuguese research in particle physics is fully focused on CERN, with prominent participation in LEP (Delphi) and in heavy ion research (NA 38). Portuguese researchers also collaborate in the NA 50 and 51 experiments and in CP-LEAR, as well as some solid state research based on the Isolde on-line isotope separator

  13. Science and Reconnaissance from the Europa Clipper Mission Concept: Exploring Europa's Habitability (United States)

    Pappalardo, Robert; Senske, David; Prockter, Louise; Paczkowski, Brian; Vance, Steve; Goldstein, Barry; Magner, Thomas; Cooke, Brian


    Europa is recognized by the Planetary Science De-cadal Survey as a prime candidate to search for a pre-sent-day habitable environment in our solar system. As such, NASA has pursued a series of studies, facilitated by a Europa Science Definition Team (SDT), to define a strategy to best advance our scientific understanding of this icy world with the science goal: Explore Europa to investigate its habitability. (In June of 2014, the SDT completed its task of identifying the overarching science objectives and investigations.) Working in concert with a technical team, a set of mission archi-tectures were evaluated to determine the best way to achieve the SDT defined science objectives. The fa-vored architecture would consist of a spacecraft in Ju-piter orbit making many close flybys of Europa, con-centrating on remote sensing to explore the moon. In-novative mission design would use gravitational per-turbations of the spacecraft trajectory to permit flybys at a wide variety of latitudes and longitudes, enabling globally distributed regional coverage of Europa's sur-face, with nominally 45 close flybys, typically at alti-tudes from 25 to 100 km. This concept has become known as the Europa Clipper. The Europa SDT recommended three science ob-jectives for the Europa Clipper: Ice Shell and Ocean: Characterize the ice shell and any subsurface water, including their heterogeneity, ocean properties, and the nature of surface-ice-ocean exchange; Composition: Understand the habitability of Europa's ocean through composition and chemistry; and Geology: Understand the formation of surface features, including sites of recent or current activity, and characterize high science interest localities. The Europa SDT also considered implications of the Hubble Space Telescope detection of possible plumes at Europa. To feed forward to potential subsequent future ex-ploration that could be enabled by a lander, it was deemed that the Europa Clipper mission concept should provide the

  14. Educação, desenvolvimento e aprendizagens novas na Europa: o caso português = Education, development and new learning in Europe: the portuguese case

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    Carvalho, António Vítor N. de


    Full Text Available Actualmente, Portugal enfrenta numerosos desafios e está a apostar, segundo as directrizes europeias, na formação dos recursos humanos, novas tecnologias e inovação como ingredientes essenciais para enfrentar e integrar a economia global. Isto implica, invariavelmente, alterações significativas na educação, formação e ensino, e uma remodelação das aprendizagens rumo à ambicionada sociedade do conhecimento

  15. REASON for Europa (United States)

    Moussessian, A.; Blankenship, D. D.; Plaut, J. J.; Patterson, G. W.; Gim, Y.; Schroeder, D. M.; Soderlund, K. M.; Grima, C.; Young, D. A.; Chapin, E.


    The science goal of the Europa multiple flyby mission is to "explore Europa to investigate its habitability". One of the primary instruments selected for the scientific payload is a multi-frequency, multi-channel ice penetrating radar system. This "Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON)" would revolutionize our understanding of Europa's ice shell by providing the first direct measurements of its surface character and subsurface structure. REASON addresses key questions regarding Europa's habitability, including the existence of any liquid water, through the innovative use of radar sounding, altimetry, reflectometry, and plasma/particles analyses. These investigations require a dual-frequency radar (HF and VHF frequencies) instrument with concurrent shallow and deep sounding that is designed for performance robustness in the challenging environment of Europa. The flyby-centric mission configuration is an opportunity to collect and transmit minimally processed data back to Earth and exploit advanced processing approaches developed for terrestrial airborne data sets. The observation and characterization of subsurface features beneath Europa's chaotic surface require discriminating abundant surface clutter from a relatively weak subsurface signal. Finally, the mission plan also includes using REASON as a nadir altimeter capable of measuring tides to test ice shell and ocean hypotheses as well as characterizing roughness across the surface statistically to identify potential follow-on landing sites. We will present a variety of measurement concepts for addressing these challenges.

  16. The Europa Ocean Discovery mission

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edwards, B.C. [Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States); Chyba, C.F. [Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (United States); Abshire, J.B. [National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD (United States). Goddard Space Flight Center] [and others


    Since it was first proposed that tidal heating of Europa by Jupiter might lead to liquid water oceans below Europa`s ice cover, there has been speculation over the possible exobiological implications of such an ocean. Liquid water is the essential ingredient for life as it is known, and the existence of a second water ocean in the Solar System would be of paramount importance for seeking the origin and existence of life beyond Earth. The authors present here a Discovery-class mission concept (Europa Ocean Discovery) to determine the existence of a liquid water ocean on Europa and to characterize Europa`s surface structure. The technical goal of the Europa Ocean Discovery mission is to study Europa with an orbiting spacecraft. This goal is challenging but entirely feasible within the Discovery envelope. There are four key challenges: entering Europan orbit, generating power, surviving long enough in the radiation environment to return valuable science, and complete the mission within the Discovery program`s launch vehicle and budget constraints. The authors will present here a viable mission that meets these challenges.

  17. Ecologia da vegetação de orla de bosque de carvalho-negral na Serra da Nogueira, Bragança, Portugal


    Rocha, S.; Aguiar, Carlos; Azevedo, João


    Avaliou-se o efeito do gradiente "distância à orla" na estrutura e composição florística de dois bosques de Quercus pyrenaica na Serra da Nogueira, Bragança, Portugal. Em cada bosque estabeleceram-se 8 transectos de 40 m com início na orla do bosque e orientados perpendicularmente a esta. Em cada transecto estabeleceram-se bandas de amostragem de 1 x 10 m dispostas perpendiculares aos transactos a 0, 1, 5, 10,20 e 40 m da orla do bosque. Nestas bandas avaliaram-se a composição flo...

  18. Geology of Europa (United States)

    Greeley, R.; Chyba, C.; Head, J. W.; McCord, T.; McKinnon, W. B.; Pappalardo, R. T.


    Europa is a rocky object of radius 1565 km (slightly smaller than Earth s moon) and has an outer shell of water composition estimated to be of order 100 km thick, the surface of which is frozen. The total volume of water is about 3 x 10(exp 9) cubic kilometers, or twice the amount of water on Earth. Moreover, like its neighbor Io, Europa experiences internal heating generated from tidal flexing during its eccentric orbit around Jupiter. This raises the possibility that some of the water beneath the icy crust is liquid. The proportion of rock to ice, the generation of internal heat, and the possibility of liquid water make Europa unique in the Solar System. In this chapter, we outline the sources of data available for Europa (with a focus on the Galileo mission), review previous and on-going research on its surface geology, discuss the astrobiological potential of Europa, and consider plans for future exploration.

  19. Constraints on Europa's Ocean Composition Imposed by Its Surface Composition (United States)

    Johnson, P. V.; Hodyss, R. P.; Vu, T. H.; Choukroun, M.


    Of the non-terrestrial environments within our Solar System, Europa's global liquid water ocean is arguably the most likely to be habitable. As such, understanding the habitability of Europa's ocean is of great interest to astrobiology and is the focus of missions currently being considered for further exploration of Europa. However, direct analysis of the ocean is unlikely in the foreseeable future. As such, our best means of constraining the subsurface ocean composition and its subsequent habitability currently is by further study of Europa's surface chemical composition. Recently, there has been a body of work published that looks at the chemistry of frozen brines representing putative ocean compositions. Here we take a simplified model of a four ionic component (Na, Mg, SO4, Cl) solution and map out what minerals are formed upon freezing as a function of relative ionic concentration, pH, etc. A `flow-chart' of the freezing sequence was developed based on both published and recently acquired experimental results. In performing this exercise, we are able to begin making meaningful links between observations of the surface chemistry and the chemical environment of the internal ocean.

  20. Aproximações à medicina monástica em Portugal na Idade Média

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    Dulce O. Amarante dos Santos


    Full Text Available Este texto investiga os indícios da existência de uma medicina monástica no reino de Portugal na Idade Média, antes e depois da fundação da Universidade em 1290, realizada por D. Dinis. O corpus de fontes analisado inclui regras beneditinas e agostinianas, costumeiros ou liber ordinis, catálogo das livrarias de mão do mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra, legislação conciliar. Assinala dois momentos basilares nessa história, sendo o primeiro a criação da regra beneditina no IV século, que resultou na criação de dois espaços próprios para o exercício da medicina monástica associados à prática da virtude da caridade: a enfermaria e o hospital. O segundo momento, no século XIII, constitui-se na institucionalização da escolástica médica e, ao mesmo tempo, nas tentativas de coibir a prática médica pelos religiosos nos sínodos regionais e no IV Concílio de Latrão (1215.

  1. A qualidade percebida em programas municipais de actividade física para idosos: validação estatística para Portugal The perceived quality of physical activity programs for elderly: statistical validation for Portugal

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    Isilda Barata Dias


    Full Text Available O envelhecimento demográfico alastra em todo o mundo particularmente na Europa. O INE de Portugal (2002 confirma essa tendência neste país onde as autarquias locais têm um papel político e cultural fundamental na promoção da qualidade de vida aos seus cidadãos. Este estudo descreve o processo de validação de um instrumento fiável, simples e adequado para avaliar a qualidade percebida que os idosos fazem dos programas de actividade física autárquicos nas principais capitais de distrito em Portugal. Para além de uma sistematização de literatura sobre questionários de avaliação da qualidade de serviços, apresenta-se detalhadamente o procedimento estatístico que permitiu classificar o poder explicativo das diversas dimensões de qualidade estudadas. O tratamento de um inquérito aplicado a uma amostra de 210 idosos (0,5% da população portuguesa permite demonstrar que são considerados fortes os factores relativos às dimensões "Variedade" e "Recursos Humanos" e fracos os relacionados com a dimensão "Aspectos Gerais".Ageing is an increasing phenomenon all over the world, especially in Europe. The Portuguese INE (2002 confirms this trend for Portugal where local authorities play a crucial political and cultural role in promoting the quality of life of their citizens. In this paper we describe the validation process of a reliable and simple instrument fitted to assess the perceived quality of elderly people about the physical activity programs across the district municipalities. Besides a systematic literature review on inquiring services' quality we present the statistical procedure that allowed us to classify the explanation power of several quality dimensions. The results came out from a questionnaire applied to a sample of 210 elderly (0.5% of the Portuguese population and demonstrate that the factors related to the "Variety" and "Human Resources" dimensions are strong and those related to "General Aspects" dimension are

  2. Salinibater Ruber as a Model for the Habitability of Europa's Ocean (United States)

    Cardona, M. C.; Ramírez, S. I.


    The moon Europa has an ocean enriched with sulfate compounds. This work evaluates the adaptation strategies of Salinibacter ruber, a halophilic bacterium, when subjected to MgSO4 and NaSO4, two of the main salty components of Europás ocean.

  3. Exploring Europa's Habitability: Science achieved from the Europa Orbiter and Clipper Mission Concepts (United States)

    Senske, D. A.; Prockter, L. M.; Pappalardo, R. T.; Patterson, G. W.; Vance, S.


    Europa is a prime candidate in the search for present-day habitable environments in our solar system. Europa is unique among the large icy satellites because it probably has a saltwater ocean today beneath an ice shell that is geodynamically active. The combination of irradiation of its surface and tidal heating of its interior could make Europa a rich source of chemical energy for life. Perhaps most importantly, Europa's ocean is believed to be in direct contact with its rocky mantle, where conditions could be similar to those on Earth's biologically rich sea floor. Hydrothermal zones on Earth's seafloor are known to be rich with life, powered by energy and nutrients that result from reactions between the seawater and the warm rocky ocean floor. Life as we know it depends on three principal "ingredients": 1) a sustained liquid water environment; 2) essential chemical elements that are critical for building life; and 3) a source of energy that could be utilized by life. Europa's habitability requires understanding whether it possesses these three ingredients. NASA has enlisted a study team to consider Europa mission options feasible over the next decade, compatible with NASA's projected planetary science budget and addressing Planetary Decadal Survey priorities. Two Europa mission concepts (Orbiter and multiple flyby—call the "Clipper") are undergoing continued study with the goal to "Explore Europa to investigate its habitability." Each mission would address this goal in complementary ways, with high science value of its own. The Orbiter and Clipper architectures lend themselves to specific types of scientific measurements. The Orbiter concept is tailored to the unique geophysical science that requires being in orbit at Europa. This includes confirming the existence of an ocean and characterizing that ocean through geophysical measurements of Europa's gravitational tides and magnetic induction response. It also includes mapping of the global morphology and

  4. Os dias iniciais da infecção pelo vírus da gripe pandémica (H1N1 2009 na região centro de Portugal

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    V. Duque


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: O primeiro caso de infecção pelo vírus da gripe pandémica (H1N1 2009 foi diagnosticado na região centro de Portugal no dia 16 de Junho de 2009, numa mulher infectada no Canadá. Métodos: O nosso estudo tem por objectivos, em primeiro lugar caracterizar os aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos de todos os doentes que tiveram manifestações clínicas incluídas na definição de caso para investigação com amostras submetidas para diagnóstico da infecção pelo vírus da gripe pandémica (H1N1 2009; em segundo lugar, avaliar a precisão da definição de caso para investigação de acordo com a presença ou ausência de febre no momento da observação clinica. Efectuámos a revisão dos registos médicos de todos os doentes classificados como caso para investigação e analisaram-se os primeiros casos de doentes infectados com o novo vírus da gripe pandémica (H1N1 2009, diagnosticados na região centro de Portugal durante o período pandémico compreendido entre Junho e Agosto de 2009.Foi utilizado o método da reacção em cadeia da polimerase de retrotranscripção em tempo real para confirmação da infecção pelo vírus da gripe pandémica (H1N1 2009. A colheita de dados foi efectuada de forma padronizada em suporte de papel de acordo com as normas da Direcçào Geral de Saúde. Resultados e discussão: A infecção pelo vírus da gripe pandémica (H1N1 2009 foi confirmada laboratorialmente em 255 casos. A idade média foi de 23 anos e 42,7 % foram incluídos na categoria dos 20 aos 29 anos. A infecção em doentes com menos de 2 anos ou mais de 50 anos foi um acontecimiento raro. Os primeiros casos foram importados da Europa: Franca, Espanha e Inglaterra. Numa segunda fase, a infecção foi adquirida no sul de Portugal (Algarve. A taxa de incidência de infecção pelo vírus da gripe pandémica (H1N1 2009 foi de 10,7 por 100 000 pessoas e foi diferente consoante o distrito. Foi mais elevado no distrito de

  5. Portugal. (United States)

    Eckles, David; Toro, Leonor, Ed.

    Brief information is provided on the region, climate, agriculture and industry of 10 provinces in Portugal: Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, located in Portugal's northeastern region; Beira Alta, the province with Portugal's highest elevation point; Beira Baixa, one of Portugal's poorest regions; Beira Litoral, located in central Portugal along the…

  6. The Europa Global Geologic Map (United States)

    Leonard, E. J.; Patthoff, D. A.; Senske, D. A.; Collins, G. C.


    The Europa Global Geologic Map reveals three periods in Europa's surface history as well as an interesting distribution of microchaos. We will discuss the mapping and the interesting implications of our analysis of Europa's surface.

  7. Novos dados sobre os Spoligotypes de estirpes do complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis isoladas no Hospital Fernando Fonseca (Amadora-Sintra, Portugal

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    Suzana David


    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente estudo populacional, que decorreu entre 1999 e 2003, foi baseado na utilização do Spoligotyping na genotipagem de 452 isolados do complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis de doentes com tuberculose internados no Hospital Fernando Fonseca. Spoligotypes foram identificados como shared types (ST recorrendo a uma base de dados internacional. Onze ST raros, não identificados na base de dados, acomodaram 8,4% dos isolados. Aliás, particular a Portugal poderá ser a predominância de ST identificados na base de dados mas não previamente classificados como famílias genotípicas, tais como o ST244, ST150 e ST389, representando 13,3 % do total. A identificação de isolados clínicos de M. africanum de genótipo Afri1 e de M. tuberculosis de genótipo CAS1 poderá confirmar a importação de isolados de origem africana e asiática. M. tuberculosis da família Beijing foi pela primeira vez por nós assinalado a partir de 1999. Desde então, o número de isolados provenientes do hospital passou de um para cinco, anualmente, representando actualmente 2,2%, o que a coloca em décimo lugar em prevalência. M. tuberculosis Beijing poderá corresponder a um problema emergente em Portugal devido à recente imigração proveniente da Europa Oriental e da Ásia. Outros genótipos, ST150 e ST389, mostraram um incremento, cujo significado não é claro. No entanto, as frequências relativas das famílias predominantes LAM, T1 e Haarlem mantiveram-se relativamente estáveis. O presente estudo confirma a variabilidade genética em Portugal dos isolados do complexo M. tuberculosis. Estes estudos poderão contribuir para a definição de prioridades nos programas nacionais de luta contra a tuberculose.Rev Port Pneumol 2005; XI (6: 513-531 Abstract: The present population study, from 1999 to 2003, has been based on the use of Spoligotyping in the genotyping of 452 isolates of

  8. Uso de las redes sociales en el sur de Europa. Género y adolescencia


    Málaga Pescador, José Luis


    Investigamos en esta tesis el uso de las redes sociales virtuales entre los adolescentes (de 12 a 18 años) de tres países del sur de Europa: España, Italia y Portugal. En concreto se van a estudiar el nivel de penetración de estas redes, su utilización concreta, las pautas de acceso a internet y el uso del teléfono móvil, sus hábitos como clientes o consumidores y el papel de las redes en las actividades de socialización. La información proviene de una encuesta que se aplicó a una muestra de ...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, M. E.; Hand, K. P.


    The surface of Europa could contain the compositional imprint of an underlying interior ocean, but competing hypotheses differ over whether spectral observations from the Galileo spacecraft show the signature of ocean evaporates or simply surface radiation products unrelated to the interior. Using adaptive optics at the W. M. Keck Observatory, we have obtained spatially resolved spectra of most of the disk of Europa at a spectral resolution ∼40 times higher than seen by the Galileo spacecraft. These spectra show a previously undetected distinct signature of magnesium sulfate salts on Europa, but the magnesium sulfate is confined to the trailing hemisphere and spatially correlated with the presence of radiation products like sulfuric acid and SO 2 . On the leading, less irradiated, hemisphere, our observations rule out the presence of many of the proposed sulfate salts, but do show the presence of distorted water ice bands. Based on the association of the potential MgSO 4 detection on the trailing side with other radiation products, we conclude that MgSO 4 is also a radiation product, rather than a constituent of a Europa ocean brine. Based on ocean chemistry models, we hypothesize that, prior to irradiation, magnesium is primarily in the form of MgCl 2 , and we predict that NaCl and KCl are even more abundant, and, in fact, dominate the non-ice component of the leading hemisphere. We propose observational tests of this new hypothesis.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brown, M. E. [Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Hand, K. P., E-mail: [Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109 (United States)


    The surface of Europa could contain the compositional imprint of an underlying interior ocean, but competing hypotheses differ over whether spectral observations from the Galileo spacecraft show the signature of ocean evaporates or simply surface radiation products unrelated to the interior. Using adaptive optics at the W. M. Keck Observatory, we have obtained spatially resolved spectra of most of the disk of Europa at a spectral resolution {approx}40 times higher than seen by the Galileo spacecraft. These spectra show a previously undetected distinct signature of magnesium sulfate salts on Europa, but the magnesium sulfate is confined to the trailing hemisphere and spatially correlated with the presence of radiation products like sulfuric acid and SO{sub 2}. On the leading, less irradiated, hemisphere, our observations rule out the presence of many of the proposed sulfate salts, but do show the presence of distorted water ice bands. Based on the association of the potential MgSO{sub 4} detection on the trailing side with other radiation products, we conclude that MgSO{sub 4} is also a radiation product, rather than a constituent of a Europa ocean brine. Based on ocean chemistry models, we hypothesize that, prior to irradiation, magnesium is primarily in the form of MgCl{sub 2}, and we predict that NaCl and KCl are even more abundant, and, in fact, dominate the non-ice component of the leading hemisphere. We propose observational tests of this new hypothesis.

  11. Akon - A Penetrator for Europa (United States)

    Jones, Geraint


    Jupiter's moon Europa is one of the most intriguing objects in our Solar System. This 2000km-wide body has a geologically young solid water ice crust that is believed to cover a global ocean of liquid water. The presence of this ocean, together with a source of heating through tidal forces, make Europa a conceivable location for extraterrestrial life. The science case for exploring all aspects of this icy world is compelling. NASA has selected the Europa Mission (formerly Europa Clipper) to study Europa in detail in the 2020s through multiple flybys, and ESA's JUICE mission will perform two flybys of the body in the 2030s. The US agency has extended to the European Space Agency an invitation to provide a contribution to their mission. European scientists interested in Europa science and exploration are currently organizing themselves, in the framework of a coordinated Europa M5 Inititative to study concurrently the main options for this ESA contribution, from a simple addition of individual instruments to the NASA spacecraft, to a lander to investigate Europa's surface in situ. A high speed lander - a penetrator - is by far the most promising technology to achieve this latter option within the anticipated mass constraints, and studies of such a hard lander, many funded by ESA, are now at an advanced level. An international team to formally propose an Europa penetrator to ESA in response to the anticipated ESA M5 call is growing. The working title of this proposal is Akon (Άκων), named after the highly accurate javelin gifted to Europa by Zeus in ancient Greek mythology. We present plans for the Akon penetrator, which would impact Europa's surface at several hundred metres per second, and travel up to several metres into the moon's subsurface. To achieve this, the penetrator would be delivered to the surface by a dedicated descent module, to be destroyed on impact following release of the penetrator above the surface. It is planned that the instruments to be

  12. El comercio de los esclavos musulmanes en el Portugal medieval : rutas y papel económico

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    François Soyer


    Full Text Available Actualmente existen muy pocos estudios acerca de la esclavitud musulmana en Portugal. Cuando se trata el comercio de los esclavos en la historia portuguesa, generalmente los trabajos se refieren al comercio de los esclavos africanos que los navegantes portugueses comenzaron traer de vuelta a Europa desde el año 1441 en adelante, a pesar de que desde el siglo XI existía una pobulación de esclavos musulmanes —los llamados mouros cativos—. En este artículo propongo estudiar, de la forma la más detallada posible, las características y dinámicas del comercio de los esclavos musulmanes en el reino cristiano de Portugal durante la Edad Media, tratando de responder a preguntas relevantes, como las de cuál era el origen y el papel económico de los esclavos musulmanes en el Portugal medieval, qué sabemos del comercio de los esclavos en aquel reino, o a la cuestión de si Portugal fue un país exportador o importador de esclavos.Whilst the presence of Muslim slaves in medieval Spain has attracted considerable scholarly attention from historians both inside and outside of the Iberian Peninsula, the same cannot be said of the history of Muslim slaves in the medieval Christian kingdom of Portugal. Most studies of slavery in Portugal focus on captives from sub-Saharan Africa brought back by Portuguese slavers to Europe from 1441 onwards even though Muslim slaves were present in Portugal from the eleventh century at the very least. We know next-to-nothing about these Muslim slaves. This article proposes to examine in as much detail as possible the characteristics and dynamics of the commerce of Muslim slaves in medieval Portugal. It addresses problematic questions regarding the origins and economic role of Muslim slaves in premodern Portugal, the nature of slave trading and whether Portugal was an importer or exporter of slaves.

  13. Macula on Europa (United States)


    This image of Europa, an icy satellite of Jupiter about the size of the Earth's Moon, was obtained from a range of 7415 miles (11933 kilometers) by the Galileo spacecraft during its fourth orbit around Jupiter and its first close pass of Europa. The image spans 30 miles by 57 miles (48 km by 91 km) and shows features as small as 800 feet (240 meters) across. The large circular feature centered in the upper middle of the image is called a macula, and could be the scar of a large meteorite impact. The surface of Europa is composed mostly of water ice, so large impact craters on Europa could look different from large bowl-shaped depressions formed by impact into rock, such as on the Moon. On Europa's icy surface, the original impact crater has been modified into a central zone of rugged topography surrounded by circular fractures which reflect adjustments to stress in the surrounding icy crust.The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA manages the mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC.This image and other images and data received from Galileo are posted on the Galileo mission home page on the World Wide Web at Background information and educational context for the images can be found at URL

  14. O Partido Nacional Renovador: a nova extrema-direita na democracia portuguesa The PNR and the new far-right in Portuguese democracy

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    José Mourão da Costa


    Full Text Available O Partido Nacional Renovador (PNR representa o mais recente desenvolvimento na história das organizações e partidos de extrema-direita em Portugal. Fundado na viragem do século, veio preencher um espaço órfão de representação partidária e romper com a tradição universalista e multirracial do nacionalismo lusitano. Assumindo um papel aglutinador entre o movimento associativo afecto �� extrema-direita, o partido constituiu-se como a expressão portuguesa de uma nova linhagem de partidos nacional-populistas na Europa Ocidental. Contudo, apesar de ter adquirido uma visibilidade sem precedentes entre os seus antecessores na era democrática, o seu desempenho no plano eleitoral não feriu a tese da marginalização da direita radical portuguesa.The Partido Nacional Renovador (National Renewal Party represents the latest development in the history of far-right organizations and parties in Portugal. Established at the turn of the century, it occupied a niche unclaimed by any other party, breaking with the universalist and multiracial tradition of Portuguese nationalism. Taking on a unifying role within the far-right associative movement, the party established itself as the Portuguese manifestation of a new lineage of nationalist-populist parties in Western Europe. However, despite having acquired a visibility that was unprecedented among its predecessors in the democratic era, its performance on the electoral stage did not alter the marginal status of the Portuguese far-right.

  15. Europa central

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    Karel BARTOSEK


    Full Text Available La investigación francesa continúa interesándose por Europa Central. Desde luego, hay límites a este interés en el ambiente general de mi nueva patria: en la ignorancia, producto del largo desinterés de Francia por este espacio después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y en el comportamiento y la reflexión de la clase política y de los medios de comunicación (una anécdota para ilustrar este ambiente: durante la preparación de nuestro coloquio «Refugiados e inmigrantes de Europa Central en el movimiento antifascista y la Resistencia en Francia, 1933-1945», celebrado en París en octubre de 1986, el problema de la definición fue planteado concreta y «prácticamente». ¡Y hubo entonces un historiador eminente, para quién Alemania no formaría parte de Europa Central!.

  16. Trabalho em equipe na atenção primária: a experiência de Portugal Teamwork in primary care: the experience of Portugal

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    Marize Barros de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o trabalho em equipe na atenção primária em saúde em Portugal. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma pesquisa avaliativa de abordagem qualitativa, com desenho de estudo de caso. Os dados foram obtidos por entrevista semiestruturada, observação direta e análise documental. Foram entrevistados gestores, profissionais e usuários de 11 unidades de saúde familiar (USF portuguesas, totalizando 71 participantes. Utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo na interpretação das entrevistas. RESULTADOS: Cada equipe era constituída por médico, enfermeiro e funcionário administrativo, atendendo entre 1 250 e 2 060 usuários. Uma característica marcante da experiência portuguesa foi a formação das equipes nas USF de forma voluntária, por meio de afinidades pessoais, com autonomia de composição. Observou-se nessas USF o desenvolvimento de "carteira básica de serviços" juntamente com intervenções de vigilância, promoção da saúde e prevenção de doença, cuidados em situação de doença aguda, acompanhamento clínico de doença crônica e de patologia múltipla, cuidados domiciliares, interligação e colaboração em rede com outros serviços (cuidados hospitalares. Foram relatadas dificuldades no atendimento domiciliar. A informatização era ampla nas USF. De acordo com os entrevistados, as mudanças advindas da implementação das USF foram maior acessibilidade dos usuários aos serviços, maior qualidade do cuidado prestado e trabalho em equipe com objetivos e metas, além da existência de um plano de ação. CONCLUSÕES: Mesmo não tendo assumido um papel de coordenação da rede de cuidados, a atenção primária em saúde organizada a partir de equipes foi avaliada positivamente em Portugal, como promotora de maior acesso, continuidade e humanização dos serviços.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the work of health care teams delivering primary care in Portugal. METHODS: We performed an evaluative research project

  17. Modeling Europa's Ice-Ocean Interface (United States)

    Elsenousy, A.; Vance, S.; Bills, B. G.


    This work focuses on modeling the ice-ocean interface on Jupiter's Moon (Europa); mainly from the standpoint of heat and salt transfer relationship with emphasis on the basal ice growth rate and its implications to Europa's tidal response. Modeling the heat and salt flux at Europa's ice/ocean interface is necessary to understand the dynamics of Europa's ocean and its interaction with the upper ice shell as well as the history of active turbulence at this area. To achieve this goal, we used McPhee et al., 2008 parameterizations on Earth's ice/ocean interface that was developed to meet Europa's ocean dynamics. We varied one parameter at a time to test its influence on both; "h" the basal ice growth rate and on "R" the double diffusion tendency strength. The double diffusion tendency "R" was calculated as the ratio between the interface heat exchange coefficient αh to the interface salt exchange coefficient αs. Our preliminary results showed a strong double diffusion tendency R ~200 at Europa's ice-ocean interface for plausible changes in the heat flux due to onset or elimination of a hydrothermal activity, suggesting supercooling and a strong tendency for forming frazil ice.

  18. A Pragmatic Path to Investigating Europa's Habitability (United States)

    Pappalardo; Bengenal; Bar; Bills; Blankenship; Connerney; Kurth; McGrath; Moore; Prockter; hide


    Assessment of Europa's habitability, as an overarching science goal, will progress via a comprehensive investigation of Europa's subsurface ocean, chemical composition, and internal dynamical processes, The National Research Council's Planetary Decadal Survey placed an extremely high priority on Europa science but noted that the budget profile for the Jupiter Europa Orbiter (1EO) mission concept is incompatible with NASA's projected planetary science budget Thus, NASA enlisted a small Europa Science Definition Team (ESDT) to consider more pragmatic Europa mission options, In its preliminary findings (May, 2011), the ESDT embraces a science scope and instrument complement comparable to the science "floor" for JEO, but with a radically different mission implementation. The ESDT is studying a two-element mission architecture, in which two relatively low-cost spacecraft would fulfill the Europa science objectives, An envisioned Europa orbital element would carry only a very small geophysics payload, addressing those investigations that are best carried out from Europa orbit An envisioned separate multiple Europa flyby element (in orbit about Jupiter) would emphasize remote sensing, This mission architecture would provide for a subset of radiation-shielded instruments (all relatively low mass, power, and data rate) to be delivered into Europa orbit by a modest spacecraft, saving on propellant and other spacecraft resources, More resource-intensive remote sensing instruments would achieve their science objectives through a conservative multiple-flyby approach, that is better situated to handle larger masses and higher data volumes, and which aims to limit radiation exposure, Separation of the payload into two spacecraft elements, phased in time, would permit costs to be spread more uniformly over mUltiple years, avoiding an excessively high peak in the funding profile, Implementation of each spacecraft would be greatly simplified compared to previous Europa mission

  19. Etudes sur le Portugal au Temps de l'Humanisme

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    J. Cruz Costa


    Full Text Available BATAILLON (Marcel. — Etudes sur le Portugal au Temps de l'Humanisme.  Acta Universitatis Conimbrigencis, 1952, 309 pp. (Primeiro Parágrafo do Artigo O Prof. Marcel Bataillon, erudito dos mais inteligentes da França atual, autor de uma obra que é hoje impr:scindível para quem pretenda estudar o humanismo renascentista na Espanha ou em Portugal, diríamos melhor, talvez: para quem pretenda estudar o Humanismo e a Renascença, — acaba de publicar, na coleção Acta Universitatis Conimbrigencis, êste volume no qual reune alguns trabalhos da mais alta importância para o conhecimento de muitos aspectos da vida espiritual portuguêsa do século XVI.

  20. Afonso Costa e as negociações do verão de 1916 sobre as condições financeiras de participação de Portugal na I Guerra Mundial. Na proto-história da integração europeia

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    Jorge Pais de Sousa


    Full Text Available A guerra naval atinge o seu ponto crítico no primeiro semestre de 1916. Os submarinos alemães infligem pesadas baixas na frota do império britânico, comercial e de guerra, ou seja, a maior marinha do mundo. É ao abrigo da aliança com o seu mais antigo aliado que, nesta conjuntura precisa da geopolítica militar, a Inglaterra pede ao governo português a requisição dos navios alemães surtos nos portos portugueses desde o início da I Guerra Mundial. Em resultado a Alemanha, a 9 de março de 1916, declara guerra a Portugal. Surge o convite do governo britânico para uma missão governamental, chefiada pelo ministro das Finanças Afonso Costa, se deslocar a Londres para negociar as condições financeiras e militares em que os navios serão alugados ao governo britânico, bem como as condições em que Portugal pode contrair em-préstimos para entrar na guerra.Palavras-chave: I Guerra Mundial, Diplomacia económica luso-britânica, Transportes Marí-timos, Afonso Costa_____________________Abstract: The naval war reached its peak during the first semester of 1916. The German submarines had inflicted a huge blow on the British Empire navy, the biggest in the world by that time, both at commercial and war levels. In this context, England asks the Portuguese government to require the German ships docked in Portugal since the beginning of World War I, under its oldest alliance that with Portugal. In result, Germany declares war on Portugal on the 9th of March 1916. The English government calls a governmental meeting with Portugal whereby Afonso Costa, the Minister Finance and head representative of Portugal, travels to London. Here, he negotiates the financial and military conditions under which the ships will be rented to the English government as well as the requirements for borrowing money to finance war.Keywords: World War I, Luso-British economic diplomacy, Maritime Transport, Afonso Costa


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hörst, S. M.; Brown, M. E.


    Europa's tenuous atmosphere results from sputtering of the surface. The trace element composition of its atmosphere is therefore related to the composition of Europa's surface. Magnesium salts are often invoked to explain Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer spectra of Europa's surface, thus magnesium may be present in Europa's atmosphere. We have searched for magnesium emission in the Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph archival spectra of Europa's atmosphere. Magnesium was not detected and we calculate an upper limit on the magnesium column abundance. This upper limit indicates that either Europa's surface is depleted in magnesium relative to sodium and potassium, or magnesium is not sputtered as efficiently resulting in a relative depletion in its atmosphere.

  2. Reconstruindo memórias: jovens refugiados em Portugal Rebuilding memories: young refugees in Portugal

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    Maria Cristina Santinho


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio foi apresentado em setembro de 2007, no contexto do Seminário Internacional "Programa de Cooperação em Ciências Sociais para os Países da CPLP", promovido pela LIESP - Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Estudos e Pesquisas Sociais em Saúde Pública, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo. Resulta de um work in progress conducente a uma tese de doutoramento em antropologia médica. Pretende apresentar a condição dos jovens refugiados e requerentes de asilo em Portugal, em particular na vertente da saúde mental. O trabalho de campo levado a cabo com estes jovens envolveu a escuta de muitas narrativas de sofrimento provocado pela sua experiência de vida nos contextos originais de guerra, com testemunhos de violência e tortura, e também as dificuldades sentidas no longo percurso de viagem de fuga e posterior inserção em Portugal. O isolamento, as barreiras linguísticas, a ausência de redes sociais e familiares de apoio e a dificuldade de encontrar, em Portugal, referentes socioculturais e simbólicos, comprometem o seu desenvolvimento enquanto jovens, levando-nos a equacionar o valor dos referentes identitários na construção do eu e até o próprio conceito de juventude.This essay was first presented in September 2007, within the seminar "Programa de Cooperação em Ciências Sociais para os Países da CPLP", promoted by LIESP - Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo. It is a work in progress, leading to a PhD thesis on medical anthropology. It aims to present refugee's youth and asylum seeker's condition in Portugal, particularly in regard to mental health. The fieldwork conducted with these youth comprised active listening of their suffer narratives, provoked not only by life experiences in their original war contexts, with testimonies of violence and torture, but also the difficulties felt during the long flee journey and subsequent insertion in Portugal. Isolation, pain

  3. Evolução da mortalidade por cancro do pulmão em Portugal (1955-2005 Trends in lung cancer mortality in Portugal (1955-2005

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    Luís Alves


    Full Text Available Introdução: A prevalência de fumadores tem diminuído na Europa Ocidental, observando-se já o declínio da mortalidade por cancro do pulmão. Contudo, até 1998 não se observava ainda um decréscimo da frequência deste cancro em Portugal. Objectivo: Descrever a tendência secular da mortalidade por cancro do pulmão em Portugal. Métodos: As taxas de mortalidade por cancro do pulmão (ICD10:C33-34 em Portugal, entre 1955 e 2005, por sexo e grupo etário (5 anos de amplitude, obtiveram-se através da Organização Mundial de Saúde e do Instituto Nacional de Estatística. Calcularam-se taxas de mortalidade padronizadas (método directo, população mundial, para os grupos etários 35-74/35-44/45-54/55-64/65-74 anos. Realizou-se uma regressão joinpoint para calcular a variação anual percentual (VA% da mortalidade e identificar eventuais pontos de inflexão. Resultados: Entre 1955 e 2005, em homens dos 35 aos 74 anos, observou-se uma estabilização da mortalidade por cancro do pulmão, variando 3,77%/ano (intervalo de confiança a 95% [IC95%]: 3,53; 4,01 entre 1955 e 1986 e -0,15%/ano (IC95%: -0,99; 0,69 entre 1996 e 2005. Observaram-se estimativas pontuais da VA% negativas (não significativamente inferiores a zero nas tendências mais recentes de todos os grupos etários, excepto no grupo 45-54 anos, onde apenas se verificou uma desaceleração da VA% desde 1981. Em mulheres entre 35 e 74 anos, a mortalidade aumentou 1,60%/ano (IC95%: 1,40; 1,77 entre 1955 e 2005. Conclusão: Observou-se uma estabilização das taxas de mortalidade por cancro do pulmão nos homens, enquanto nas mulheres esta aumentou de forma constante. Estes resultados colocam Portugal no final do terceiro estádio da epidemia tabágica.Introduction: While the rate of smoking and lung cancer mortality has been decreasing in western Europe, there was no decline in lung cancer mortality in Portugal until 1998. Aim: To describe lung cancer mortality trends in Portugal

  4. Biogeochemical Reactions Under Simulated Europa Ocean Conditions (United States)

    Amashukeli, X.; Connon, S. A.; Gleeson, D. F.; Kowalczyk, R. S.; Pappalardo, R. T.


    Galileo data have demonstrated the probable presence of a liquid water ocean on Europa, and existence of salts and carbon dioxide in the satellite's surface ice (e.g., Carr et al., 1998; McCord et al., 1999, Pappalardo et al., 1999; Kivelson et al., 2000). Subsequently, the discovery of chemical signatures of extinct or extant life in Europa's ocean and on its surface became a distinct possibility. Moreover, understanding of Europa's potential habitability is now one of the major goals of the Europa Orbiter Flagship mission. It is likely, that in the early stages of Europa's ocean formation, moderately alkaline oceanic sulfate-carbonate species and a magnetite-silicate mantel could have participated in low-temperature biogeochemical sulfur, iron and carbon cycles facilitated by primitive organisms (Zolotov and Shock, 2004). If periodic supplies of fresh rock and sulfate-carbonate ions are available in Europa's ocean, then an exciting prospect exists that life may be present in Europa's ocean today. In our laboratory, we began the study of the plausible biogeochemical reactions under conditions appropriate to Europa's ocean using barophilic psychrophilic organisms that thrive under anaerobic conditions. In the near absence of abiotic synthetic pathways due to low Europa's temperatures, the biotic synthesis may present a viable opportunity for the formation of the organic and inorganic compounds under these extreme conditions. This work is independent of assumptions regarding hydrothermal vents at Europa's ocean floor or surface-derived oxidant sources. For our studies, we have fabricated a high-pressure (5,000 psi) reaction vessel that simulates aqueous conditions on Europa. We were also successful at reviving barophilic psychrophilic strains of Shewanella bacterium, which serve as test organisms in this investigation. Currently, facultative barophilic psychrophilic stains of Shewanella are grown in the presence of ferric food source; the strains exhibiting iron

  5. Europa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malin, M.C.; Pieri, D.C.


    Europa, the second major satellite outward from Jupiter, is a lunar-sized object in synchronous rotation about that planet. Its high albedo and spectral characteristics indicate the presence of surface water ice and/or frost. Its density suggests a substantial silicate component of at least 85 percent by volume. A limited variety of landforms is seen in Voyager images, most likely because of poor spatial resolution of these data. The absence of numerous impact craters is interpreted as indicating a youthful surface and /or surface regenerating processes. A planet-wide lineament system has been interpreted to result from tectonic stresses induced by evolution of Europa's orbit and interior. Present data do not permit unambiguous tests of such interpretations. Greater insight may come from analytical or numerical models and future spacecraft observations

  6. Active Cryovolcanism on Europa?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sparks, W. B.; Cracraft, M.; Deustua, S. E [Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218 (United States); Schmidt, B. E. [Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, 311 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332 (United States); McGrath, M. A. [SETI Institute, 189 N. Bernardo Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043 (United States); Hand, K. P. [Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109 (United States); Spencer, J. R., E-mail: [Southwest Research Institute, 1050 Walnut Street, Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80302 (United States)


    Evidence for plumes of water on Europa has previously been found using the Hubble Space Telescope using two different observing techniques. Roth et al. found line emission from the dissociation products of water. Sparks et al. found evidence for off-limb continuum absorption as Europa transited Jupiter. Here, we present a new transit observation of Europa that shows a second event at the same location as a previous plume candidate from Sparks et al., raising the possibility of a consistently active source of erupting material on Europa. This conclusion is bolstered by comparison with a nighttime thermal image from the Galileo Photopolarimeter-Radiometer that shows a thermal anomaly at the same location, within the uncertainties. The anomaly has the highest observed brightness temperature on the Europa nightside. If heat flow from a subsurface liquid water reservoir causes the thermal anomaly, its depth is ≈1.8–2 km, under simple modeling assumptions, consistent with scenarios in which a liquid water reservoir has formed within a thick ice shell. Models that favor thin regions within the ice shell that connect directly to the ocean, however, cannot be excluded, nor modifications to surface thermal inertia by subsurface activity. Alternatively, vapor deposition surrounding an active vent could increase the thermal inertia of the surface and cause the thermal anomaly. This candidate plume region may offer a promising location for an initial characterization of Europa’s internal water and ice and for seeking evidence of Europa’s habitability.

  7. On the origin of alkali metals in Europa exosphere (United States)

    Ozgurel, Ozge; Pauzat, Françoise; Ellinger, Yves; Markovits, Alexis; Mousis, Olivier; LCT, LAM


    At a time when Europa is considered as a plausible habitat for the development of an early form of life, of particular concern is the origin of neutral sodium and potassium atoms already detected in its exosphere (together with magnesium though in smaller abundance), since these atoms are known to be crucial for building the necessary bricks of prebiotic species. However their origin and history are still poorly understood. The most likely sources could be exogenous and result from the contamination produced by Io's intense volcanism and/or by meteoritic bombardment. These sources could also be endogenous if these volatile elements originate directly from Europa's icy mantle. Here we explore the possibility that neutral sodium and potassium atoms were delivered to the satellite's surface via the upwelling of ices formed in contact with the hidden ocean. These metallic elements would have been transferred as ions to the ocean at early epochs after Europa's formation, by direct contact of water with the rocky core. During Europa's subsequent cooling, the icy layers formed at the top of the ocean would have kept trapped the sodium and potassium, allowing their future progression to the surface and final identification in the exosphere of the satellite. To support this scenario, we have used chemistry numerical models based on first principle periodic density functional theory (DFT). These models are shown to be well adapted to the description of compact ice and are capable to describe the trapping and neutralization of the initial ions in the ice matrix. The process is found relevant for all the elements considered, alkali metals like Na and K, as well as for Mg and probably for Ca, their respective abundances depending essentially of their solubility and chemical capabilities to blend with water ices.

  8. The Europa Clipper Mission Concept (United States)

    Pappalardo, Robert; Goldstein, Barry; Magner, Thomas; Prockter, Louise; Senske, David; Paczkowski, Brian; Cooke, Brian; Vance, Steve; Wes Patterson, G.; Craft, Kate


    A NASA-appointed Science Definition Team (SDT), working closely with a technical team from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), recently considered options for a future strategic mission to Europa, with the stated science goal: Explore Europa to investigate its habitability. The group considered several mission options, which were fully technically developed, then costed and reviewed by technical review boards and planetary science community groups. There was strong convergence on a favored architecture consisting of a spacecraft in Jupiter orbit making many close flybys of Europa, concentrating on remote sensing to explore the moon. Innovative mission design would use gravitational perturbations of the spacecraft trajectory to permit flybys at a wide variety of latitudes and longitudes, enabling globally distributed regional coverage of the moon's surface, with nominally 45 close flybys at altitudes from 25 to 100 km. We will present the science and reconnaissance goals and objectives, a mission design overview, and the notional spacecraft for this concept, which has become known as the Europa Clipper. The Europa Clipper concept provides a cost-efficient means to explore Europa and investigate its habitability, through understanding the satellite's ice and ocean, composition, and geology. The set of investigations derived from the Europa Clipper science objectives traces to a notional payload for science, consisting of: Ice Penetrating Radar (for sounding of ice-water interfaces within and beneath the ice shell), Topographical Imager (for stereo imaging of the surface), ShortWave Infrared Spectrometer (for surface composition), Neutral Mass Spectrometer (for atmospheric composition), Magnetometer and Langmuir Probes (for inferring the satellite's induction field to characterize an ocean), and Gravity Science (to confirm an ocean).The mission would also include the capability to perform reconnaissance for a future lander

  9. A área de educação e formação de GRH em Portugal


    Meirinhos, Viviana; Braga, Joana; Correia, José Alberto


    O atual paradigma educativo, formativo e profissionalizante tem colocado à Europa novos desafios, os quais têm requerido à maioria dos países fortes esforços políticos e operacionais. Nos inúmeros instrumentos que têm sido criados em Portugal (por exemplo, CNAEF, 2005; CNQ, 2007), a área de Gestão de Recursos Humanos/ Gestão de Pessoas evidencia um forte défice de indicadores. De facto, a não maturidade e multireferencialidade deste domínio de conhecimento remete-o para um processo contínuo, ...

  10. Various Landscapes and Features on Europa (United States)


    These 15 frames show the great variety of surface features on Jupiter's icy moon, Europa, which have been revealed by the Galileo spacecraft Solid State Imaging (CCD) system during its first six orbits around Jupiter from June 1996 to February 1997. North is to the top of each of the images. The features seen on Europa's surface document both internal and external processes shaping the icy crust. Internal processes and the possible presence of liquid water beneath the ice are indicated by features such as 'dark spots', lobe-shaped flow features, 'puddles','mottled terrain', knobs, pits, and the darker areas along ridges and triple bands.Europa is subjected to constant tugging from the giant planet, Jupiter, as well as from its neighboring moons, Io and Ganymede. This causes 'tidal' forces that affect Europa's interior and surface. Evidence for such forces includes ridges, fractures, wedge-shaped bands, and areas of 'chaos'. Some of these features result from alternate extension and compression buckling and pulling apart Europa's icy shell.Impact craters document external effects on a planet's surface. Although present on Europa, impact craters are relatively scarce compared to the number seen on Ganymede, Callisto, and on the surfaces of most other 'rocky' planets and moons in our solar system. This scarcity of craters suggests that the surface of Europa is very young. 'Maculae' on Europa may be the scars from large impact events.These images have resolutions from 27 meters (89 feet) to 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) per picture element (pixel) and were taken by Galileo at ranges of 2,500 kilometers (1,525 miles) to 677,000 kilometers (413,000 miles) from Europa.The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA manages the Galileo mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC. JPL is an operating division of California Institute of Technology (Caltech).This image and other images and data received from Galileo are posted on the World Wide Web, on the Galileo

  11. Thick or Thin Ice Shell on Europa? (United States)


    Scientists are all but certain that Europa has an ocean underneath its icy surface, but they do not know how thick this ice might be. This artist concept illustrates two possible cut-away views through Europa's ice shell. In both, heat escapes, possibly volcanically, from Europa's rocky mantle and is carried upward by buoyant oceanic currents. If the heat from below is intense and the ice shell is thin enough (left), the ice shell can directly melt, causing what are called 'chaos' on Europa, regions of what appear to be broken, rotated and tilted ice blocks. On the other hand, if the ice shell is sufficiently thick (right), the less intense interior heat will be transferred to the warmer ice at the bottom of the shell, and additional heat is generated by tidal squeezing of the warmer ice. This warmer ice will slowly rise, flowing as glaciers do on Earth, and the slow but steady motion may also disrupt the extremely cold, brittle ice at the surface. Europa is no larger than Earth's moon, and its internal heating stems from its eccentric orbit about Jupiter, seen in the distance. As tides raised by Jupiter in Europa's ocean rise and fall, they may cause cracking, additional heating and even venting of water vapor into the airless sky above Europa's icy surface. (Artwork by Michael Carroll.)

  12. Europa the ocean moon : search for an alien biosphere

    CERN Document Server

    Greenberg, Richard


    Europa - The Ocean Moon tells the story of the Galileo spacecraft probe to Jupiter's moon, Europa. It provides a detailed description of the physical processes, including the dominating tidal forces that operate on Europa, and includes a comprehensive tour of Europa using images taken by Galileo's camera. The book reviews and evaluates the interpretative work carried out to date, providing a philosophical discussion of the scientific process of analyzing results and the pitfalls that accompany it. It also examines the astrobiological constraints on this possible biosphere, and implications for future research, exploration and planetary biological protection. Europa - The Ocean Moon provides a unique understanding of the Galileo images of Europa, discusses the theory of tidal processes that govern its icy ridged and disrupted surface, and examines in detail the physical setting that might sustain extra-terrestrial life in Europa's ocean and icy crust.

  13. Voorbij de retoriek: sociaal Europa vanuit twaalf invalshoeken

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Burg, I.; Cremers, J.; Hamans, C.; Pilon, A.


    Voorbij de retoriek. Sociaal Europa vanuit twaalf invalshoeken is een kritische analyse van de voorbije decennia, waarin het opbouwen van een sociaal Europa is achtergebleven bij het marktgerichte Europa. Wat zijn de oorzaken, de gevolgen en de oplossingen? En vooral: hoe zorgen we ervoor dat

  14. Biomarker Production and Preservation on Europa (United States)

    Buffo, J.; Schmidt, B. E.


    Future landing site selection and sampling techniques for Europa will concentrate on locations of high potential biomarker preservation, however it is unclear what the best targets might be. On Europa, the scenario is quite unlike the depositional surface environments of terrestrial planets we've studied thus far-Europa's surface is passively communicating with putative habitable niches below that extend throughout the ice shell, ocean and sea floor. In this work, I approach biomarker production and preservation on Europa based by considering the many hypotheses that govern the its habitability, the processes that occur within the sea floor, ocean, and ice and exchange between them, and the geologic hypotheses for the formation of its various surfaces to establish, what journey through the planet a biomarker might take to arrive, if possible, at the surface where it is accessible to near-term landed missions. The goal of this project is to construct a simple model through which to consider the context for sampled material that will provide us with the ability to identify limitations in our intuition, understanding of the Europan system, our current hypotheses and data, and provide a road map for developing both areas for new research and identifying technology gaps that we must overcome before we can confidently select a landing site or analyze a sample from the near surface of Europa. I first consider the nature of the environment, i.e. at the sea floor interface, the ocean, or ocean-ice interface, in order to establish what the likely "biomarker" could be and then trace its path through the system: downwelling through the shell, mixing through the ocean, and pathways to the surface. Importantly, many models exist for the production of Europa's surface and subsurface geology that could affect the integrity of a putative biomarker. Often we modulate such considerations as a function of the time-scales over which the geologic process occurs, however such processes

  15. Trajectory Design for the Europa Clipper Mission Concept (United States)

    Buffington, Brent


    Europa is one of the most scientifically intriguing targets in planetary science due to its potential suitability for extant life. As such, NASA has funded the California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory to jointly determine and develop the best mission concept to explore Europa in the near future. The result of nearly 4 years of work--the Europa Clipper mission concept--is a multiple Europa flyby mission that could efficiently execute a number of high caliber science investigations to meet Europa science priorities specified in the 2011 NRC Decadal Survey, and is capable of providing reconnaissance data to maximize the probability of both a safe landing and access to surface material of high scientific value for a future Europa lander. This paper will focus on the major enabling component for this mission concept--the trajectory. A representative trajectory, referred to as 13F7-A21, would obtain global-regional coverage of Europa via a complex network of 45 flybys over the course of 3.5 years while also mitigating the effects of the harsh Jovian radiation environment. In addition, 5 Ganymede and 9 Callisto flybys would be used to manipulate the trajectory relative to Europa. The tour would reach a maximum Jovicentric inclination of 20.1 deg. have a deterministic (Delta)V of 164 m/s (post periapsis raise maneuver), and a total ionizing dose of 2.8 Mrad (Si).


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    Ana Reis


    Full Text Available Existem em Portugal alguns estudos sobre o ensino da ética na área dos profissionais de saúde. As teorias a divulgar no curriculum relativo à Ética, Deontologia e Bioética em Enfermagem deverão estar diretamente articuladas com os filósofos, ou outros especialistas, nos quais se inspiraram. Sendo uma das principais finalidades do ensino, em Enfermagem, a preparação dos estudantes para um mundo marcado por complexos dilemas éticos, suscitados pela atividade científica e tecnológica, propomos, por um lado, um ensino em ética que siga as orientações preconizadas no documento Recomendações Relativas ao Ensino da Ética e Deontologia no Curso de Enfermagem (editado pela Ordem dos Enfermeiros e, por outro lado, o desenvolvimento da ética associado à moral, de modo a proporcionar um equilíbrio entre princípios éticos e as regras institucionais, remetendo diretamente para a deontologia.

  17. Paul Deshayes (1796-1875 e a Comissão Geológica do Reino: uma colaboração com o Estado português

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    José Manuel Brandão


    Full Text Available Carlos Ribeiro, um dos diretores da Comissão Geológica de Portugal, empreendeu em 1858 viagem por vários países da Europa, para adquirir bibliografia, equipamentos e coleções de comparação. Em Paris, conheceu o reputado conquiliologista Paul Deshayes, que lhe franqueou suas coleções pessoais do Terciário francês e o ajudou na classificação de fósseis portugueses. O trabalho conjunto revela-se na listagem de Ribeiro conservada no arquivo histórico do Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (Alfragide, Portugal, tendo aquelas classificações servido de base a uma monografia publicada por Pereira da Costa, parceiro de Ribeiro na Comissão Geológica, e à definição da estratigrafia dos depósitos terciários portugueses.

  18. An ice crystal model for jupiter's moon Europa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe; schmidt, Karen Guldbae


    A simple model for crystal growth in the ice shell of Europa has been made in order to estimate the size of ice crystals at Europa's surface. If mass is lost from the surface of Europa due to sputtering processes, and the ice thickness is constant in time, ice crystals will be transported upwards...


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    Diamantino Insua Pereira


    Full Text Available São representadas cartograficamente as unidades geomorfológicas identificadas para os 89015 km2 do território de Portugal Continental. A delimitação das unidades teve por base a análise dos padrões da textura fornecida por imagens SRTM, com revisão e adaptação posterior à altimetria e à geologia, para os quais foram usadas bases cartográficas digitais. Foram considerados três níveis taxionómicos que permitem descrever e caracterizar áreas homogéneas do ponto de vista geomorfológico. As três unidades de 1º nível baseiam-se nas unidades morfostruturais clássicas consideradas para a Península Ibérica. As dez unidades de 2º nível constituem, na sua maioria, divisões clássicas do relevo de Portugal Continental, agora agrupadas de acordo com a metodologia adoptada e designadas como unidades morfosculturais. As 56 unidades de 3º nível, ou subunidades morfosculturais, foram individualizadas com base nos padrões de relevo identificados nas imagens SRTM e na observação de campo e adquiriram uma designação baseada essencialmente nas geoformas que as individualizam e na toponímia local. As unidades geomorfológicas identificadas são descritas através de características do relevo, dissecação fluvial, estruturas, tipo de drenagem e base geológica, bem como de parâmetros numéricos gerados de forma automática, como classes de altitude e de declividade. Pretende-se que o mapa elaborado possa contribuir para a gestão territorial, em especial na tomada de decisões em conservação da natureza.

  20. Expoentes mercantis e dinâmica de negócios: a família Dias de Milão (1580-1624)


    Silvia Carvalho Ricardo


    A expansão marítima dos séculos XV e XVI reconfigurou as atividades mercantis na Europa e levou a difusão dos centros de comércio e das fontes de mercadorias em novas praças na Ásia, na América e na África. O trato transcontinental e as finanças, que ganharam complexidade, concretizaram-se nas relações entre as redes de comércio com atuação global. Portugal foi o nascedouro de grande parte dessas redes familiares que se multiplicaram e passaram a ter negócios em todas as frentes do trato colo...

  1. Exploring Ocean-World Habitability within the Planned Europa Clipper Mission (United States)

    Pappalardo, R. T.; Senske, D.; Korth, H.; Blaney, D. L.; Blankenship, D. D.; Collins, G. C.; Christensen, P. R.; Gudipati, M. S.; Kempf, S.; Lunine, J. I.; Paty, C. S.; Raymond, C. A.; Rathbun, J.; Retherford, K. D.; Roberts, J. H.; Schmidt, B. E.; Soderblom, J. M.; Turtle, E. P.; Waite, J. H., Jr.; Westlake, J. H.


    A key driver of planetary exploration is to understand the processes that lead to potential habitability across the solar system, including within oceans hosted by some icy satellites of the outer planets. In this context, it is the overarching science goal of the planned Europa Clipper mission is: Explore Europa to investigate its habitability. Following from this goal are three mission objectives: (1) Characterize the ice shell and any subsurface water, including their heterogeneity, ocean properties, and the nature of surface-ice-ocean exchange; (2) Understand the habitability of Europa's ocean through composition and chemistry; and (3) Understand the formation of surface features, including sites of recent or current activity, and characterize high science interest localities. Folded into these objectives is the desire to search for and characterize any current activity, notably plumes and thermal anomalies. A suite of nine remote-sensing and in-situ observing instruments is being developed that synergistically addresses these objectives. The remote-sensing instruments are the Europa UltraViolet Spectrograph (Europa-UVS), the Europa Imaging System (EIS), the Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE), the Europa THErMal Imaging System (E-THEMIS), and the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON). The instruments providing in-situ observations are the Interior Characterization of Europa using Magnetometry (ICEMAG), the Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS), the MAss Spectrometer for Planetary EXploration (MASPEX), and the SUrface Dust Analyzer (SUDA). In addition, gravity science can be achieved via the spacecraft's telecommunication system, and the planned radiation monitoring system could provide information on Europa's energetic particle environment. Working together, the mission's robust investigation suite can be used to test hypotheses and enable discoveries relevant to the interior, composition, and geology of

  2. Padrões de casamento dos imigrantes brasileiros residentes em Portugal Patrones de matrimonio de los inmigrantes brasileños residentes en Portugal Marriage patterns of Brazilian immigrants living in Portugal

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    Ana Cristina Ferreira


    Full Text Available Ao longo das últimas décadas, o número de estrangeiros residentes em Portugal aumentou de forma expressiva. Neste contexto, a comunidade brasileira assumiu uma importância cada vez maior, sendo em 2009 a nacionalidade mais representada, com uma participação de 25% no total de residentes estrangeiros em Portugal. Esta evolução tem, como seria de se esperar, reflexos a outros níveis, em particular no contexto do casamento. Contrariando a tendência decrescente observada para o total de casamentos ocorridos entre 2001 e 2009, aqueles em que pelo menos um dos cônjuges nasceu no Brasil quase quadruplicaram nesse período. Para muitos autores, os casamentos mistos são um bom indicador da integração das comunidades imigrantes na sociedade de acolhimento. Assim, dada a importância da comunidade brasileira residente em Portugal, é relevante observar qual o peso dos casamentos mistos nesta comunidade e analisar seus padrões de matrimônio. A análise estatística dos microdados dos casamentos disponibilizados pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística possibilitou estudar e caraterizar a evolução dos casamentos registrados em Portugal, entre 2001 e 2009, envolvendo brasileiros residentes em Portugal. Ficou patente a existência de um elevado nível de casamentos mistos, em especial com portugueses, neste período, o que indicia sua integração na comunidade de acolhimento. Verificaram-se igualmente algumas diferenças nos padrões de matrimônio entre os sexos, bem como uma tendência para a diminuição da importância dos casamentos mistos, em especial entre os homens.A lo largo de las últimas décadas, el número de extranjeros residentes en Portugal aumentó de forma expresiva. En este contexto, la comunidad brasileña asumió una importancia cada vez mayor, siendo en 2009 la nacionalidad más representativa, con una cuota de residentes del 25% en el total de población extranjera en Portugal. Esta evolución tiene, como cabr

  3. Europa Drum Sampler (EDuS), Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The main objective of the proposed work is to develop a robust and effective sample acquisition system for the Europa lander called the Europa Drum Sampler (EDuS)....

  4. The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) on The Europa Clipper Mission (United States)

    Westlake, J. H.; McNutt, R. L., Jr.; Kasper, J. C.; Battista, C.; Case, A. W.; Cochrane, C.; Grey, M.; Jia, X.; Kivelson, M.; Kim, C.; Korth, H.; Khurana, K. K.; Krupp, N.; Paty, C. S.; Roussos, E.; Rymer, A. M.; Stevens, M. L.; Slavin, J. A.; Smith, H. T.; Saur, J.; Coren, D.


    The Europa Clipper mission is equipped with a sophisticated suite of 9 instruments to study Europa's interior and ocean, geology, chemistry, and habitability from a Jupiter orbiting spacecraft. The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) on Europa Clipper is a Faraday Cup based plasma instrument whose heritage dates back to the Voyager spacecraft. PIMS will measure the plasma that populates Jupiter's magnetosphere and Europa's ionosphere. The science goals of PIMS are to: 1) estimate the ocean salinity and thickness by determining Europa's magnetic induction response, corrected for plasma contributions; 2) assess mechanisms responsible for weathering and releasing material from Europa's surface into the atmosphere and ionosphere; and 3) understand how Europa influences its local space environment and Jupiter's magnetosphere and vice versa. Europa is embedded in a complex Jovian magnetospheric plasma, which rotates with the tilted planetary field and interacts dynamically with Europa's ionosphere affecting the magnetic induction signal. Plasma from Io's temporally varying torus diffuses outward and mixes with the charged particles in Europa's own torus producing highly variable plasma conditions at Europa. PIMS works in conjunction with the Interior Characterization of Europa using Magnetometry (ICEMAG) investigation to probe Europa's subsurface ocean. This investigation exploits currents induced in Europa's interior by the moon's exposure to variable magnetic fields in the Jovian system to infer properties of Europa's subsurface ocean such as its depth, thickness, and conductivity. This technique was successfully applied to Galileo observations and demonstrated that Europa indeed has a subsurface ocean. While these Galileo observations contributed to the renewed interest in Europa, due to limitations in the observations the results raised major questions that remain unanswered. PIMS will greatly refine our understanding of Europa's global liquid ocean by

  5. Las relaciones financieras entre España y Portugal, 1563-1580

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Las economías de Castilla y Portugal durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI estaban estrechamente ligadas por vínculos financieros. Un espacio económico en desarrollo, el del Atlántico septentrional, comprendía ambos territorios y se organizaba a partir de los grandes centros feriales de Amberes, Lyon y Medina. El gran tráfico mercantil transoceánico se hacía presente en este escenario europeo gracias a la intervención de España y Portugal, pero con papeles bien distintos: España, incontinente, drenando el oro y la plata americanos hacia Europa, Portugal suministrando las apreciadas mercancías orientales. Las ferias de Medina del Campo y los mercaderes castellanos como Simón Ruiz se convierten en colaboradores necesarios de los mercaderes portugueses, pues a través de éstos negociaban los reembolsos o inversiones financieras en las plazas europeas; sin embargo, para ello era preciso un buen conocimiento de los negocios cambiarlos y su oportunidad, atendiendo a la cotización de las distintas monedas y a demanda de dinero en las ferias europeas. De la mano del mercader medinense entran los lisboetas en las grandes finanzas y la concertación de asientos con la Corona, aunque tal vez sin la pujanza que Felipe II hubiese deseado.ABSTRACT: The correspondence studied shows the importance that had, for this period of time (1563-1580, the relationship between Castille and Portugal. The vigorous economic space of the Northern Atlantic, the space in which were inscribed both territories, was organised from the three great market centres of Amberes, Lyon and Medina del Campo. The big transoceanic commercial trade was present in this European scenery thanks to the supervision of Spain an Portugal, but playing a very different role: Spain, draining gold and silver to Europe; and Portugal, supplying the appreciated oriental goods. The fairs of Medina and the Castilian merchants, like Simon Ruiz, were converted in necessary

  6. MISE: A Search for Organics on Europa (United States)

    Whalen, Kelly; Lunine, Jonathan I.; Blaney, Diana L.


    NASA’s planned Europa Flyby Mission will try to assess the habitability of Jupiter’s moon, Europa. One of the selected instruments on the mission is the Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE). MISE is a near-infrared imaging spectrometer that takes spectra in the 0.8-5 micron range, and it will be capable of mapping Europa’s surface chemical composition. A primary goal of the MISE instrument is to determine if Europa is capable of supporting life by searching for amino acid signatures in the infrared spectra. We present spectra of pure amino acid at MISE’s resolution, and we analyze the effect of chirality on these spectra. Lastly, we present model spectra for diluted/mixed amino acids to simulate more realistic concentrations. We show MISE can distinguish between different types of amino acids, such as isoleucine, leucine, and their enantiomers.

  7. New observations on the crustacean fauna of Europa Island ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Crustacea Decapoda of Europa Island have been inventoried during the BIORECIE fieldwork conducted from 7-12 November 2011. Previous records for Europa Island have been also compiled and an updated documented checklist of the species is proposed. In total, 175 decapods are reported for Europa Island, ...

  8. El Consejo de Europa y la abolición total de la pena de muerte en Europa


    Bou Franch, Valentín


    1. Introducción.- 2. La parca reglamentación de la pena de muerte.- 3. La superación práctica de una mala disposición.- 3.1 .Por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos.- 3.2. Por la práctica de los Estados Miembros del Consejo de Europa.- 3.3. Por la práctica de los órganos del Consejo de Europa.- 4. La abolición de iure de la pena de muerte en Europa.- 4.1. La prohibición de la pena de muerte en tiempo de paz.- 4.2. La abolición de la pena de muerte en todas las circunstancias:- 5. Consider...

  9. The Inferred Distribution of Liquid Water in Europa's Ice Shell: Implications for the Europa Lander Mission (United States)

    Noviello, J. L.; Torrano, Z. A.; Rhoden, A.; Manga, M.


    A key objective of the Europa lander mission is to identify liquid water within 30 km of the lander (Europa Lander SDT report, 2017), to provide essential context with which to evaluate samples and enable assessment of Europa's overall habitability. To inform lander mission development, we utilize a model of surface feature formation that invokes liquid water within Europa's ice shell to map out the implied 3D distribution of liquid water and assess the likelihood of a lander to be within 30 km of liquid water given regional variability. Europa's surface displays a variety of microfeatures, also called lenticulae, including pits, domes, spots, and microchaos. A recent model by Manga and Michaut (2017) attributes these features to various stages in the thermal-mechanical evolution of liquid water intrusions (i.e. sills) within the ice shell, from sill emplacement to surface breaching (in the case of microchaos) to freezing of the sill. Pits are of particular interest because they appear only when liquid water is still present. Another key feature of the model is that the size of a microfeature at the surface is controlled by the depth of the sill. Hence, we can apply this model to regions of Europa that contain microfeatures to infer the size, depth, and spatial distribution of liquid water within the ice shell. We are creating a database of microfeatures that includes digitized, collated data from previous mapping efforts along with our own mapping study. We focus on images with 220 m/pixel resolution, which includes the regional mapping data sets. Analysis of a preliminary study area suggests that sills are typically located at depths of 2km or less from the surface. We will present analysis of the full database of microfeatures and the corresponding 3D distribution of sills implied by the model. Our preliminary analysis also shows that pits are clustered in some regions, consistent with previous results, although individual pits are also observed. We apply a

  10. Tyskland kvæler Europas økonomi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Mogens Ove


    Tyskland dikterer økonomisk smalhals i Europa de næste mange år frem. Men spareiveren virker ikke og vil føre til mere arbejdsløshed samt større splittelse mellem Europas center og periferi. Så hvorfor ikke prøve noget andet?...

  11. Europa: Initial Galileo Geological Observations (United States)

    Greeley, R.; Sullivan, R.; Klemaszewski, J.; Homan, K.; Head, J. W.; Pappalardo, R.T.; Veverka, J.; Clark, B.E.; Johnson, T.V.; Klaasen, K.P.; Belton, M.; Moore, J.; Asphaug, E.; Carr, M.H.; Neukum, G.; Denk, T.; Chapman, C.R.; Pilcher, C.B.; Geissler, P.E.; Greenberg, R.; Tufts, R.


    Images of Europa from the Galileo spacecraft show a surface with a complex history involving tectonic deformation, impact cratering, and possible emplacement of ice-rich materials and perhaps liquids on the surface. Differences in impact crater distributions suggest that some areas have been resurfaced more recently than others; Europa could experience current cryovolcanic and tectonic activity. Global-scale patterns of tectonic features suggest deformation resulting from non-synchronous rotation of Europa around Jupiter. Some regions of the lithosphere have been fractured, with icy plates separated and rotated into new positions. The dimensions of these plates suggest that the depth to liquid or mobile ice was only a few kilometers at the time of disruption. Some surfaces have also been upwarped, possibly by diapirs, cryomagmatic intrusions, or convective upwelling. In some places, this deformation has led to the development of chaotic terrain in which surface material has collapsed and/or been eroded. ?? 1998 Academic Press.

  12. Nurses in advanced roles: a review of acceptability in Portugal Las enfermeras de competencias avanzadas: una revisión de aceptación en Portugal Enfermeiros em funções avançadas: uma análise da aceitação em Portugal

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    James Buchan


    , considerando la realidad político económica actual y el sistema de servicios de salud en Portugal.OBJETIVO: este artigo foca o contexto político da implementação de competências avançadas em enfermagem, com ênfase no caso português. O setor da saúde em Portugal, assim como em outros países, usa mão de obra intensa, e a prática de enfermeiros com competências avançadas está atualmente em debate. MÉTODOS: abordagem de métodos mistos com análise de dados internacionais sobre a mão de obra em enfermagem, documentos e notícias na mídia, entrevistas com informantes-chave, questionário online e um workshop técnico com informantes-chave. CONCLUSÕES: existe base de evidência limitada sobre enfermeiros com funções avançadas em Portugal, o que é um entrave ao progresso, mas não uma desculpa para a inércia. Mais estudos conduzidos em Portugal, abordando funções inovadoras para profissionais da saúde, ajudariam a informar e direcionar políticas na área. É necessário avançar para informar, de forma plena, o diálogo político, levando em consideração a realidade atual em termos políticos, econômicos e do sistema de saúde em Portugal.


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    Antonio da Silva Menezes Junior

    Full Text Available ResumoEste artigo trata de uma pesquisa qualitativa sobre as práticas e políticas curriculares relacionadas à formação médica. O método adotado foi o materialismo histórico dialético, num estudo comparado de dois casos. A amostra foi intencional, com recorte em dois cursos de Medicina: o da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (Brasil e o da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, da Universidade da Beira do Interior (Portugal. O objetivo geral era comparar as políticas curriculares para o ensino médico nos dois países e analisar as práticas de organização curricular vigentes nas duas instituições tendo em vista as políticas de cada país. Filosoficamente, a pesquisa se fundamentou na teoria do agir comunicativo de Habermas. As aproximações entre os dois cursos perseveram na matriz curricular com o ensino-aprendizagem centrado no aluno e no perfil do egresso. Os maiores distanciamentos se evidenciaram na proposta de inserção social, preconizada pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, e no pressuposto da pesquisa e internacionalização da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, da Universidade da Beira do Interior. Concluiu-se que há necessidade de solidificação dos projetos pedagógicos atuais e de adoção de uma escola reflexiva com propostas reais, no sentido de vislumbrar a possibilidade de transformações sociais na realidade concreta.

  14. Imprensa, escola e a forma da leitura em Portugal no século 19

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    Carlota Boto


    Full Text Available  Este trabalho procura abordar a situação da educação e particularmente da escola primária em Portugal na primeira metade do século 19, à luz do olhar que a imprensa tinha da mesma escolarização. Parte-se da interpretação do discurso educacional que à época seria assumido particularmente por um setor específico da imprensa, constituído por revistas e periódicos que tinham intenção de esclarecimento e instrução das populações. Tais revistas propunham, portanto, o investimento social na escola primária como uma maneira de reconstituir uma dada vocação perdida da nacionalidade portuguesa. De alguma maneira, tratava-se de inserir Portugal na desejada modernidade, mediante a criação do rito escolar, ou daquilo que já se caracterizou por forma escolar de socialização.  Abstract This paper looks for approaching the education situation and, in particular, of the primary school in Portugal during the first half of the 19th century, coming to light the way of thinking that the press had about the same act of schooling. Starting from the interpretation of the educational discourse that, in that epoch, would be assumed, in particular, by a specific sector of the press, constituted by magazines and periodicals wich had the intention of clearness and instruction of the populations. Such magazines were proposing, consequently, the social investiment in the primary school as a manner to rebuild the inborn lost vocation of the portuguese nationality. In any way, the objective was to introduce Portugal in the desired modernity, by means of the schooling rite, or of what that had already be characterized through socialization schoolinhg forme. 

  15. Os sistemas partidários grego e português em perspectiva comparada, 1981-2015: entre o colapso eleitoral do PASOK e a resiliência do PS


    Fernandes, Ricardo Cabral


    Os países da Europa do Sul foram os primeiros e os mais afectados pela crise económico-financeira de 2007-8, que se transformou na crise das dívidas soberenas e, mais tarde, na crise da zona euro. Tanto a Grécia como Portugal foram intervencionados pela chamada troika – Banco Central Europeu, Comissão Europeia e Fundo Monetário Internacional –, que aplicou severas medidas de austeridade. No entanto, e apesar das semelhanças ao nível dos seus sistemas partidários, assistiu-se a diferentes dese...

  16. Understanding the Cryosphere of Europa Using Imaging Spectroscopy (United States)

    Blaney, D. L.; Green, R. O.; Hibbitts, C.; Clark, R. N.; Dalton, J. B.; Davies, A. G.; Langevin, Y.; Hedman, M.; Lunine, J. I.; McCord, T. B.; Murchie, S. L.; Paranicas, C.; Seelos, F. P.; Soderblom, J. M.; Diniega, S.


    Europa's surface expresses a complex interplay of geologic processes driven by the ocean beneath the cryosphere that are subsequently modified by the Jovian environment once exposed on the surface. Several recent Earth-based observations of Europa's tenuous atmosphere suggest that there may in fact be active plumes [1,2,3]. However, the frequency and the duration of activity at any specific location cannot be precisely determined by these observations, but could be with spacecraft observations. For instance, recently active areas on Europa from plumes or other processes may result in distinctive spectral signatures on the surface. Possible spectral signatures that may indicate recent activity include: differences in ice grain size or ice crystallinity; the lack of radiolytic signatures (e.g. a deficit in species due to implantation, radiation darkening of salts, degradation of organic compounds); and thermal anomalies. The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) on NASA's Europa Clipper Mission will be able to map these species thus enabling the identification of these deposits and other young and/or least processed areas. These signatures may also enable a relative geochronology for Europa to be developed. For example, recent work by Proctor et al [4] finds that bands of different stratigraphic ages have different spectral features potentially due to radiation effects on the deposits. We will explore borrowing analyses techniques from earth observing missions of the Arctic. On Earth, data from the Airborne Visible / Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Next Generation (AVRIS-NG) ( is being used to explore Earth's cryosphere. AVRIS-NG data collected from the Greenland ice sheet and high latitude sea ice is being used to map of key ice properties such as grain size and contaminants. These data and processing approaches will be used to explore and validate imaging spectroscopy approaches which MISE might use on Europa.

  17. The early days of pandemic (H1N1 2009 virus infection in the central region of Portugal

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    V. Duque


    pandémica (H1N1 2009, foi confirmada laboratorialmente em 255 casos. A idade média foi de 23 anos e 42,7% foram incluídos na categoria dos 20 aos 29 anos. A infecção em doentes com menos de 2 anos ou mais de 50 anos foi um acontecimento raro. Os primeiros casos foram importados da Europa: França, Espanha e Inglaterra. Numa segunda fase, a infecção foi adquirida no sul de Portugal (Algarve. A taxa de incidência de infecção pelo vírus da gripe pandémica (H1N1 2009 foi de 10,7 por 100 000 pessoas e foi diferente consoante o distrito. Foi mais elevado no distrito de Coimbra e da Guarda onde estão as principais estradas de conexão com a Europa. O período de incubação calculado para a infecção pelo vírus da gripe pandémica (H1N1 2009 foi de 2 dias. A duração das manifestações clínicas até os doentes procurarem observação médica teve um valor mediano de 2 dias. Todos os casos foram de gravidade ligeira a moderada, sem casos de morte. Conclusões: Os dias iniciais da infecção pelo vírus da gripe pandémica (H1N1 2009, foram caracterizados por casos de doença com gravidade ligeira a moderada, na nossa região. Os mais afectados foram os jovens adultos, com as idades extremas da vida poupadas. O diagnóstico precoce, o isolamento estrito e o tratamento podem ter diminuído a disseminação da infecção. Keywords: Influenza, H1N1, Pandemics, 2009, Palavras-chave: Gripe, influenza, H1N1, Pandemia, 2009

  18. Europa's Compositional Evolution and Ocean Salinity (United States)

    Vance, S.; Glein, C.; Bouquet, A.; Cammarano, F.; McKinnon, W. B.


    Europa's ocean depth and composition have likely evolved through time, in step with the temperature of its mantle, and in concert with the loss of water and hydrogen to space and accretion of water and other chemical species from comets, dust, and Io's volcanism. A key aspect to understanding the consequences of these processes is combining internal structure models with detailed calculations of ocean composition, which to date has not been done. This owes in part to the unavailability of suitable thermodynamic databases for aqueous chemistry above 0.5 GPa. Recent advances in high pressure aqueous chemistry and water-rock interactions allow us to compute the equilibrium ionic conditions and pH everywhere in Europa's interior. In this work, we develop radial structure and composition models for Europa that include self-consistent thermodynamics of all materials, developed using the PlanetProfile software. We will describe the potential hydration states and porosity of the rocky interior, and the partitioning of primordial sulfur between this layer, an underlying metallic core, and the ocean above. We will use these results to compute the ocean's salinity by extraction from the upper part of the rocky layer. In this context, we will also consider the fluxes of reductants from Europa's interior due to high-temperature hydrothermalism, serpentinization, and endogenic radiolysis.

  19. Tidally Driven Failure Along Europa's Rhadamanthys Linea (United States)

    Cameron, M.; Konter, B.; Pappalardo, R. T.


    The surface of Europa is crosscut by a dense network of fractures and there are many candidate faults for studying past tectonic activity. To better understand the role of tidal stress sources and implications for faulting on Europa, we investigate the relationship between shear and normal stresses at Rhadamanthys Linea, a northwest oriented fracture in the northern hemisphere. Previous work on Agenor Linea, a right-lateral strike-slip fracture in the southern hemisphere, suggests that both tidal diurnal and non-synchronous rotation (NSR) stresses play a critical role in the mechanics of Coulomb shear failure on Europa. At Agenor Linea, shear failure from diurnal tidal stress mechanisms is difficult to achieve because the relatively large over¬burden stress (ie., 1.2 MPa at 1 km depth) dominates the stress field; however, MPa order stresses from NSR permit right-lateral shear failure along the west side of the fault at shallow depths (Astypalea Linea and Conamara Chaos will also be investigated, offering a unique comparison of geologic activity of fractures residing in geographically diverse locations of Europa.

  20. A Política de Quotas em Portugal: O papel dos partidos políticos e do feminismo de Estado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Monteiro


    Full Text Available A designada Lei da Paridade representa um marco importantíssimo na promoção da igualdade de mulheres e homens em Portugal. A sua relevância advém de vários factores, dentre os quais se destaca o seu impacto num sistema eleitoral que a inércia do sistema político-partidário tem sido incapaz de alterar. Na análise do surgimento das políticas de quotas em Portugal, o papel do principal mecanismo oficial para a igualdade, ou seja, da Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género, e das suas redes não tem sido estudado. Ora, como refere Mona Lena Krook, esforços para aumentar o número de mulheres em cargos políticos raramente acontecem na ausência de mobilização de mulheres. Adoptando a abordagem do feminismo de Estado, exploro aqui o papel da Comissão como uma entidade decisiva na apresentação das reivindicações feministas perante o Estado, um papel que tem sido sistematicamente ignorado, e explicito a forma como este mecanismo e as associações de mulheres em seu torno contribuíram para a promoção da agenda da participação das mulheres na política em Portugal.

  1. Occurrence and Detectability of Thermal Anomalies on Europa (United States)

    Hayne, Paul O.; Christensen, Philip R.; Spencer, John R.; Abramov, Oleg; Howett, Carly; Mellon, Michael; Nimmo, Francis; Piqueux, Sylvain; Rathbun, Julie A.


    Endogenic activity is likely on Europa, given its young surface age of and ongoing tidal heating by Jupiter. Temperature is a fundamental signature of activity, as witnessed on Enceladus, where plumes emanate from vents with strongly elevated temperatures. Recent observations suggest the presence of similar water plumes at Europa. Even if plumes are uncommon, resurfacing may produce elevated surface temperatures, perhaps due to near-surface liquid water. Detecting endogenic activity on Europa is one of the primary mission objectives of NASA’s planned Europa Clipper flyby mission.Here, we use a probabilistic model to assess the likelihood of detectable thermal anomalies on the surface of Europa. The Europa Thermal Emission Imaging System (E-THEMIS) investigation is designed to characterize Europa’s thermal behavior and identify any thermal anomalies due to recent or ongoing activity. We define “detectability” on the basis of expected E-THEMIS measurements, which include multi-spectral infrared emission, both day and night.Thermal anomalies on Europa may take a variety of forms, depending on the resurfacing style, frequency, and duration of events: 1) subsurface melting due to hot spots, 2) shear heating on faults, and 3) eruptions of liquid water or warm ice on the surface. We use numerical and analytical models to estimate temperatures for these features. Once activity ceases, lifetimes of thermal anomalies are estimated to be 100 - 1000 yr. On average, Europa’s 10 - 100 Myr surface age implies a resurfacing rate of ~3 - 30 km2/yr. The typical size of resurfacing features determines their frequency of occurrence. For example, if ~100 km2 chaos features dominate recent resurfacing, we expect one event every few years to decades. Smaller features, such as double-ridges, may be active much more frequently. We model each feature type as a statistically independent event, with probabilities weighted by their observed coverage of Europa’s surface. Our results


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    Aline Bazzarella Merçon


    Full Text Available Este artigo resulta de um trabalho de mestrado em Ciências da Educação e pretendemos apresentar, brevemente, os conceitos e opiniões de diferentes autores sobre a integração, internacionalização da educação e ideais de interculturalidade estabelecidos, entre Portugal e Brasil no ensino superior. Examinamos alguns Acordos e Leis celebrados entre os países com a finalidade de compreendermos o papel social dos mesmos. Buscamos esclarecer como os programas de internacionalização e cooperação para mobilidade estudantil facilitam e estimulam a integração na vida estudantil e o desenvolvimento pessoal e social dos alunos brasileiros, em Portugal, bem como as questões da interculturalidade no sistema educativo universitário português, com base na realidade da Universidade de Aveiro.

  3. Astrobiological Aspects of Radiation Chemistry in Europa's Icy Regolith (United States)

    Carlson, R. W.; Hand, K. P.


    Jupiter's moon Europa, with its likely subsurface ocean and young, active surface, is a promising habitat for life. Europa orbits in the heart of Jupiter's powerful magnetosphere and suffers intense energetic particle bombardment, producing both positive and negative aspects for astrobiology at Europa. Ionizing radiation can produce oxidants that could support a radiation-driven ecology as proposed by Chyba. On the other hand, biomolecular evidence for life that may be upwelled to the surface is rapidly altered by irradiation, complicating astrobiological searches for evidence of life. We present an overview of laboratory work performed at JPL and elsewhere and observational results related to these two aspects. The oxidants hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen are known to exist on Europa and the radiolytic production of these species has been studied in the laboratory for both electron and ion irradiation. Laboratory- measured equilibrium concentrations of H2O2, where production and destruction rates are equal, are in general agreement with the observed 0.1% molar abundance on Europa. The shape of Europa's peroxide band is consistent with the line shapes observed in radiolysis and with H2O2 dispersed in water ice rather than occurring as H2O2 aggregates. Surprisingly, molecular oxygen may be even more abundant on Europa even though O2 is extremely volatile ande would be expected to escape from the ice surface. Radiolysis can produce molecular oxygen and appears to simultaneously alter the ice matrix, trapping the O2. Other species observed on Europa are CO2 and SO2, and laboratory radiolysis of these species in H2O ice produces carbonic and sulfuric acid, respectively. We are studying the radiolytic degradation of biomarkers in ice at Europa temperatures by studying both simple organics and more complex biomolecules, including microorganisms. Hydrocarbon radiolysis yields carbon dioxide and methane, which can escape the system and results in loss of carbon. In

  4. De historische achtergronden van een Europa in crisis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Suijlekom, L.T.


    ‘Der Euro ist unser gemeinsames Schicksal, und Europa ist unsere gemeinsame Zukunft‘ verklaarde bondskanselier Angela Merkel in 2010. De economische en monetaire crisis in Europa zet EU-regeringsleiders onder druk om vergaande beslissingen te nemen welke bepalend zullen zijn voor de toekomst van

  5. Medicinal Product Regulation: Portugal׳s Framework. (United States)

    Herdeiro, Maria Teresa; Bastos, Paulo D; Teixeira-Rodrigues, António; Roque, Fátima


    The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most tightly regulated sectors, and it is essential to know each country׳s legal framework to understand the regulation, approval, and marketing of medicinal products for human use. This article describes the main statutes and procedures governing medicinal products for human use in Portugal and the role of the country׳s National Medicines and Health Products Authority (Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde, I.P.; INFARMED). From the most recently available data, an update of requests and approvals concerning marketing authorizations, variations, pricing, and reimbursements is provided. Data were sourced from the INFARMED website, Infomed (database of medicinal products for human use), and periodic reports issued by national authorities. Organic laws, acts, and law decrees published in the government gazette (Diário da República) are cited and reproduced as required. In 2015 Portugal ranked fifth in the European System of Medicines Evaluation in terms of the number of completed procedures as a reference member state. Approximately 80% of all approved drug applications in Portugal in 2015 were for generic drugs, mostly pertaining to the nervous system. In Portugal, INFARMED monitors drug quality, safety profile, and efficacy in all stages of the drug life cycle, ensuring patients' safety. The Portuguese market for medicinal products for human use has been appreciably changed by the advent of generic drugs. There is an increased trend for new request applications for biological and biotechnological substances. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. O franchising como paradigma de crescimento das PME em Portugal


    Carvalhosa, José Manuel Pinto


    Mestrado em Controlo e Gestão dos Negócios O tecido empresarial português assenta maioritariamente em organizações com características que se enquadram na categoria denominada de pequenas e médias empresas. Consequentemente gozam de enorme relevância e influência na economia nacional. O franchising teve origem nos Estados Unidos da América e começou a dar os primeiros passos no início do século passado. A introdução em Portugal deste conceito foi mais recente, final da dé...

  7. Heat transfer of ascending cryomagma on Europa (United States)

    Quick, Lynnae C.; Marsh, Bruce D.


    Jupiter's moon Europa has a relatively young surface (60-90 Myr on average), which may be due in part to cryovolcanic processes. Current models for both effusive and explosive cryovolcanism on Europa may be expanded and enhanced by linking the potential for cryovolcanism at the surface to subsurface cryomagmatism. The success of cryomagma transport through Europa's crust depends critically on the rate of ascent relative to the rate of solidification. The final transport distance of cryomagma is thus governed by initial melt volume, ascent rate, overall ascent distance, transport mechanism (i.e., diapirism, diking, or ascent in cylindrical conduits), and melt temperature and composition. The last two factors are especially critical in determining the budget of expendable energy before complete solidification. Here we use these factors as constraints to explore conditions under which cryomagma may arrive at Europa's surface to facilitate cryovolcanism. We find that 1-5 km radius warm ice diapirs ascending from the base of a 10 km thick stagnant lid can reach the shallow subsurface in a partially molten state. Cryomagma transport may be further facilitated if diapirs travel along pre-heated ascent paths. Under certain conditions, cryolava transported from 10 km depths in tabular dikes or pipe-like conduits may reach the surface at temperatures exceeding 250 K. Ascent rates for these geometries may be high enough that isothermal transport is approached. Cryomagmas containing significant amounts of low eutectic impurities can also be delivered to Europa's surface by propagating dikes or pipe-like conduits.

  8. Portugal; Portugal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This short report summarizes the main lines of the energy policy of Portugal. It presents the main energy companies and utilities (EDP, CPPE, REN, Petrogal, GDP, Galp SGPS) of the country, the energy supplies (resources, electricity, petroleum, coal, natural gas), the prices and pricing policy, the global energy consumption per sector, the stakes and perspectives of the energy market (forecasts, contracts). (J.S.)

  9. Cryovolcanic Emplacement of Domes on Europa (United States)

    Quick, Lynnae C.; Glaze, Lori S.; Baloga, Stephen M.


    Here we explore the hypothesis that certain domes on Europa may have been produced by the extrusion of viscous cryolavas. A new mathematical method for the emplacement and relaxation of viscous lava domes is presented and applied to putative cryovolcanic domes on Europa. A similarity solution approach is applied to the governing equation for fluid flow in a cylindrical geometry, and dome relaxation is explored assuming a volume of cryolava has been rapidly emplaced onto the surface. Nonphysical sin- gularities inherent in previous models for dome relaxation have been eliminated, and cryolava cooling is represented by a time-variable viscosity. We find that at the onset of relaxation, bulk kinematic viscosities may lie in the range between 10(exp 3) and 10(exp 6) sq m/s, while the actual fluid lava viscosity may be much lower. Plausible relaxation times to form the domes, which are linked to bulk cryolava rheology, are found to range from 3.6 days to 7.5 years. We find that cooling of the cryolava, while dominated by conduction through an icy skin, should not prevent fluids from advancing and relaxing to form domes within the timescales considered. Determining the range of emplacement conditions for putative cryolava domes will shed light on Europa's resurfacing history. In addition, the rheologies and compositions of erupted cryolavas have implications for subsurface cryomagma ascent and local surface stress conditions on Europa.

  10. A esquerda radical no período pós-2009: nada de (muito) novo em Portugal? = The radical left in the post-2009 period: nothing (very) new in portugal?


    Pereira, José Santana


    A crise económica que eclodiu nas democracias europeias periféricas a partir de 2009 teve, em vários países da Europa do Sul, consequências graves em termos de estabilidade governativa e dos sistemas partidários. Neste contexto, o caso português tem sido apontado como excecional, visto que o agravamento da situação económica e as suas consequências políticas não provocaram uma afirmação eleitoral sem precedentes de forças de esquerda radical (como na Espanha e na Grécia). Neste artigo, aprese...

  11. Concepts of Health in Nursing Education in Undergraduate Schools of Brazil and Portugal Concepciones de la salud en la educación de enfermería en escuelas de graduación de Brasil y Portugal Concepções de saúde na educação em enfermagem em escolas de graduação do Brasil e Portugal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cláudia Regina Lima Duarte da Silva


    Nacionales y existe un énfasis dirigido a reflexionar sobre el Sistema Único de Salud; en cuanto en la ciudad de Porto, en Portugal, esas concepciones siguen los Planos de Estudios de los cursos de Enfermería y se enfatiza el cuidado de Enfermería tanto a la persona saludable como a la enferma. Los datos revelan, también, una preocupación en la construcción del concepto de salud centrado en las personas.Este artigo representa um recorte de pesquisa de doutorado a respeito das concepções de saúde, presentes em escolas de graduação em enfermagem do Brasil e de Portugal. O objetivo foi compreender como as concepções de saúde estão explícitas nos documentos dos cursos de graduação e de que forma se expressam nos discursos dos professores e estudantes de enfermagem. Para tanto, utilizou-se análise de conteúdo temática sobre a educação profissional dos enfermeiros e sobre as concepções de saúde presentes nos cursos de enfermagem. A apresentação dos resultados foi realizada através do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Os resultados apontaram que, no Estado de Santa Catarina, no Brasil, as concepções de saúde seguem as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais e há ênfase dirigida à reflexão sobre o Sistema Único de Saúde; enquanto na cidade do Porto, em Portugal, tais concepções seguem os Planos de Estudos dos Cursos de Enfermagem e se enfatiza o cuidado de Enfermagem tanto à pessoa saudável quanto à doente. Os dados revelam, ainda, preocupação na construção do conceito de saúde centrado na pessoa.

  12. The Contribution of Io-Raised Tides to Europa's Diurnally-Varying Surface Stresses (United States)

    Rhoden, Alyssa Rose; Hurford, Terry A,; Manga, Michael


    Europa's icy surface records a rich history of geologic activity, Several features appear to be tectonic in origin and may have formed in response to Europa's daily-varying tidal stress [I]. Strike-slip faults and arcuate features called cycloids have both been linked to the patterns of stress change caused by eccentricity and obliquity [2J[3]. In fact, as Europa's obliquity has not been directly measured, observed tectonic patterns arc currently the best indicators of a theoretically supported [4] non-negligible obliquity. The diurnal tidal stress due to eccentricity is calculated by subtracting the average (or static) tidal shape of Europa generated by Jupiter's gravitational field from the instantaneous shape, which varies as Europa moves through its eccentric orbit [5]. In other words, it is the change of shape away from average that generates tidal stress. One might expect tidal contributions from the other large moons of Jupiter to be negligible given their size and the height of the tides they raise on Europa versus Jupiter's mass and the height of the tide it raises on Europa, However, what matters for tidally-induced stress is not how large the lo-raised bulge is compared to the Jupiter-raised bulge but rather the differences bet\\Veen the instantaneous and static bulges in each case. For example, when Europa is at apocenter, Jupiter raises a tide 30m lower than its static tide. At the same time, 10 raises a tide about 0.5m higher than its static tide. Hence, the change in Io's tidal distortion is about 2% of the change in the Jovian distortion when Europa is at apocenter

  13. Surface Modification and Surface - Subsurface Exchange Processes on Europa (United States)

    Phillips, C. B.; Molaro, J.; Hand, K. P.


    The surface of Jupiter's moon Europa is modified by exogenic processes such as sputtering, gardening, radiolysis, sulfur ion implantation, and thermal processing, as well as endogenic processes including tidal shaking, mass wasting, and the effects of subsurface tectonic and perhaps cryovolcanic activity. New materials are created or deposited on the surface (radiolysis, micrometeorite impacts, sulfur ion implantation, cryovolcanic plume deposits), modified in place (thermal segregation, sintering), transported either vertically or horizontally (sputtering, gardening, mass wasting, tectonic and cryovolcanic activity), or lost from Europa completely (sputtering, plumes, larger impacts). Some of these processes vary spatially, as visible in Europa's leading-trailing hemisphere brightness asymmetry. Endogenic geologic processes also vary spatially, depending on terrain type. The surface can be classified into general landform categories that include tectonic features (ridges, bands, cracks); disrupted "chaos-type" terrain (chaos blocks, matrix, domes, pits, spots); and impact craters (simple, complex, multi-ring). The spatial distribution of these terrain types is relatively random, with some differences in apex-antiapex cratering rates and latitudinal variation in chaos vs. tectonic features. In this work, we extrapolate surface processes and rates from the top meter of the surface in conjunction with global estimates of transport and resurfacing rates. We combine near-surface modification with an estimate of surface-subsurface (and vice versa) transport rates for various geologic terrains based on an average of proposed formation mechanisms, and a spatial distribution of each landform type over Europa's surface area. Understanding the rates and mass balance for each of these processes, as well as their spatial and temporal variability, allows us to estimate surface - subsurface exchange rates over the average surface age ( 50myr) of Europa. Quantifying the timescale

  14. Denkers over eenwording van heinde en verre - Ghandi en Europa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    prof. dr. Ben Hoetjes


    Europa raakt in de publieke beeldvorming in Nederland duidelijk op de achtergrond. Andere zaken - het nieuwe zorgstelsel, de pensioenen, de misdaad, het internationale terrorisme, mensenrechtenschendingen, natuurrampen - hebben allang de voorpagina's overgenomen. Voor Europa-aanhangers zoals

  15. Towards a Global Unified Model of Europa's Tenuous Atmosphere (United States)

    Plainaki, Christina; Cassidy, Tim A.; Shematovich, Valery I.; Milillo, Anna; Wurz, Peter; Vorburger, Audrey; Roth, Lorenz; Galli, André; Rubin, Martin; Blöcker, Aljona; Brandt, Pontus C.; Crary, Frank; Dandouras, Iannis; Jia, Xianzhe; Grassi, Davide; Hartogh, Paul; Lucchetti, Alice; McGrath, Melissa; Mangano, Valeria; Mura, Alessandro; Orsini, Stefano; Paranicas, Chris; Radioti, Aikaterini; Retherford, Kurt D.; Saur, Joachim; Teolis, Ben


    Despite the numerous modeling efforts of the past, our knowledge on the radiation-induced physical and chemical processes in Europa's tenuous atmosphere and on the exchange of material between the moon's surface and Jupiter's magnetosphere remains limited. In lack of an adequate number of in situ observations, the existence of a wide variety of models based on different scenarios and considerations has resulted in a fragmentary understanding of the interactions of the magnetospheric ion population with both the moon's icy surface and neutral gas envelope. Models show large discrepancy in the source and loss rates of the different constituents as well as in the determination of the spatial distribution of the atmosphere and its variation with time. The existence of several models based on very different approaches highlights the need of a detailed comparison among them with the final goal of developing a unified model of Europa's tenuous atmosphere. The availability to the science community of such a model could be of particular interest in view of the planning of the future mission observations (e.g., ESA's JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) mission, and NASA's Europa Clipper mission). We review the existing models of Europa's tenuous atmosphere and discuss each of their derived characteristics of the neutral environment. We also discuss discrepancies among different models and the assumptions of the plasma environment in the vicinity of Europa. A summary of the existing observations of both the neutral and the plasma environments at Europa is also presented. The characteristics of a global unified model of the tenuous atmosphere are, then, discussed. Finally, we identify needed future experimental work in laboratories and propose some suitable observation strategies for upcoming missions.


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    Junior César Ferreira de Castro


    Full Text Available Com base no contexto cultural em que a poética cria seu próprio sentido de representar o real através da reconquista e autonomia da linguagem, o presente artigo propõe discutir os parâmetros críticos da nova poesia lírica. Para isso, recorreremos ao subjetivismo anacrônico para demonstrar a inserção de uma multiplicidade de vozes individuais inseridas no sistema literário pela contemporaneidade. Pretende-se, ainda, promover uma reflexão sobre o caminho mais recente da poesia lírica brasileira e portuguesa pela renovação e solidificação dos aspectos técnicos e formais, mediante o discurso de legitimação. Por fim, o trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa realizada na disciplina de Configurações da poesia lírica contemporânea: diálogo entre Portugal e Brasil, ministrado pela Professora Doutora Goiandira Ortiz de Camargo.

  17. The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) onboard the Europa Clipper Mission (United States)

    Westlake, Joseph H.; McNutt, Ralph L.; Kasper, Justin C.; Rymer, Abigail; Case, Anthony; Battista, Corina; Cochrane, Corey; Coren, David; Crew, Alexander; Grey, Matthew; Jia, Xianzhe; Khurana, Krishan; Kim, Cindy; Kivelson, Margaret G.; Korth, Haje; Krupp, Norbert; Paty, Carol; Roussos, Elias; Stevens, Michael; Slavin, James A.; Smith, Howard T.; Saur, Joachim


    Europa is embedded in a complex Jovian magnetospheric plasma, which rotates with the tilted planetary field and interacts dynamically with Europa’s ionosphere affecting the magnetic induction signal. Plasma from Io’s temporally varying torus diffuses outward and mixes with the charged particles in Europa’s own torus producing highly variable plasma conditions. Onboard the Europa Clipper spacecraft the Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) works in conjunction with the Interior Characterization of Europa using Magnetometry (ICEMAG) investigation to probe Europa’s subsurface ocean. This investigation exploits currents induced in Europa’s interior by the moon’s exposure to variable magnetic fields in the Jovian system to infer properties of Europa’s subsurface ocean such as its depth, thickness, and conductivity. This technique was successfully applied to Galileo observations and demonstrated that Europa indeed has a subsurface ocean. While these Galileo observations contributed to the renewed interest in Europa, due to limitations in the observations the results raised major questions that remain unanswered. PIMS will greatly refine our understanding of Europa’s global liquid ocean by accounting for contributions to the magnetic field from plasma currents.The Europa Clipper mission is equipped with a sophisticated suite of 9 instruments to study Europa's interior and ocean, geology, chemistry, and habitability from a Jupiter orbiting spacecraft. PIMS on Europa Clipper is a Faraday Cup based plasma instrument whose heritage dates back to the Voyager spacecraft. PIMS will measure the plasma that populates Jupiter’s magnetosphere and Europa’s ionosphere. The science goals of PIMS are to: 1) estimate the ocean salinity and thickness by determining Europa’s magnetic induction response, corrected for plasma contributions; 2) assess mechanisms responsible for weathering and releasing material from Europa’s surface into the atmosphere and

  18. The ion environment near Europa and its role in surface energetics (United States)

    Paranicas, C.; Ratliff, J. M.; Mauk, B. H.; Cohen, C.; Johnson, R. E.


    This paper gives the composition, energy spectra, and time variability of energetic ions measured just upstream of Europa. From 100 keV to 100 MeV, ion intensities vary by less than a factor of ~5 among Europa passes considered between 1997 and 2000. We use the data to estimate the radiation dose rate into Europa's surface for depths 0.01 mm - 1 m. We find that in a critical fraction of the upper layer on Europa's trailing hemisphere, energetic electrons are the principal agent for radiolysis, and their bremsstrahlung photon products, not included in previous studies, dominate the dose below about 1 m. Because ion bombardment is more uniform across Europa's surface, the radiation dose on the leading hemisphere is dominated by the proton flux. Differences exist between this calculation and published doses based on the E4 wake pass. For instance, proton doses presented here are much greater below 1 mm.

  19. Digitalisierung des Kulturellen Erbes (Europas)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gruber, Marion


    Gruber, M. R. (2011, 13 December). Digitalisierung des Kulturellen Erbes (Europas). Guest lecture at the IPMZ - Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research, Devision Media Change & Innovation, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

  20. Integration of CubeSat Systems with Europa Surface Exploration Missions (United States)

    Erdoǧan, Enes; Inalhan, Gokhan; Kemal Üre, Nazım


    Recent studies show that there is a high probability that a liquid ocean exists under thick icy surface of Jupiter's Moon Europa. The findings also show that Europa has features that are similar to Earth, such as geological activities. As a result of these studies, Europa has promising environment of being habitable and currently there are many missions in both planning and execution level that target Europa. However, these missions usually involve extremely high budgets over extended periods of time. The objective of this talk is to argue that the mission costs can be reduced significantly by integrating CubeSat systems within Europa exploration missions. In particular, we introduce an integrated CubeSat-micro probe system, which can be used for measuring the size and depth of the hypothetical liquid ocean under the icy surface of Europa. The systems consist of an entry module that houses a CubeSat combined with driller measurement probes. Driller measurement probes deploy before the system hits the surface and penetrate the surface layers of Europa. Moreover, a micro laser probe could be used to examine the layers. This process enables investigation of the properties of the icy layer and the environment beneath the surface. Through examination of different scenarios and cost analysis of the components, we show that the proposed CubeSat systems has a significant potential to reduce the cost of the overall mission. Both subsystem requirements and launch prices of CubeSats are dramatically cheaper than currently used satellites. In addition, multiple CubeSats may be used to dominate wider area in space and they are expandable in face of potential failures. In this talk we discuss both the mission design and cost reduction aspects.

  1. Personagens femininas na obra "Hitler manda lembranças", de Roberto Drummond: um retrato de Stela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Walkiria Felix Dias


    Além disso, os personagens são assombrados pelo que houve na Europa durante o Holocausto. Nesta época, inúmeros judeus fugiram da Europa rumo aos trópicos buscando asilo político no Brasil. Porém, em endereço diferente, continuaram sendo assombrados pelo fantasma de Hitler e pelas memórias angustiantes da Shoah. A obra é ainda importante se levarmos em consideração as figuras femininas - em especial Stela Mayer - já que representam, dentro desta narrativa de Drummond, as minorias mais sacrificadas e sofridas frente à Shoah e também as mais tenazes na luta pela sobrevivência.

  2. Dome shaped features on Europa's surface (United States)


    The Solid State Imaging system aboard the spacecraft Galileo took this image of the surface of Europa on February 20, 1997 during its sixth orbit around Jupiter. The image is located near 16 North, 268 West; illumination is from the lower-right. The area covered is approximately 48 miles (80 kilometers) by 56 miles (95 kilometers) across. North is toward the top of the image.This image reveals that the icy surface of Europa has been disrupted by ridges and faults numerous times during its past. These ridges have themselves been disrupted by the localized formation of domes and other features that may be indicative of thermal upwelling of water from beneath the crust. These features provide strong evidence for the presence of subsurface liquid during Europa's recent past.The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA manages the mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC.This image and other images and data received from Galileo are posted on the World Wide Web, on the Galileo mission home page at URL Background information and educational context for the images can be found at URL

  3. Europa Kinetic Ice Penetrator (EKIP) (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The goal of the proposed work is to validate an initial design for a Europa penetrator that can withstand the high g load associated with the expected hypervelocity...

  4. Protestantismo e educação : história de um projecto pedagógico em Portugal na transição do séc. XIX


    Afonso, José António


    Tese de Doutoramento em Educação - Área de Conhecimento em História da Educação Tomando como objecto fundamental a Educação e como pano de fundo a emergência e desenvolvimento das comunidades protestantes ou evangélicas em Portugal na transição do séc. XIX para o séc. XX, analisam-se as diversas vertentes de um modelo escolar alternativo traduzido, entre outros aspectos, por dezenas de escolas elementares e de outros graus de ensino, espalhadas por todo o País mas com particula...

  5. Comparação das Práticas Ambientais nos Hotéis da Galiza e do Norte de Portugal

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    María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández


    Full Text Available Na presente pesquisa pretendemos estudar a articulação da Teoria Institucional e as práticas ambientais nos hotéis de três, quatro e cinco estrelas, localizados na Galiza (Espanha e no Norte de Portugal. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, pretendemos responder às seguintes perguntas: existe uma configuração institucionalizada em hotéis de três, quatro e cinco estrelas situados na Galiza e Norte de Portugal, que influencia o desenvolvimento de práticas ambientais? E quais dos mecanismos propostos pela Teoria Institucional exerce uma maior pressão sobre o desempenho ambiental na nossa unidade em estudo? Para esse efeito propomos quatro hipóteses e acreditamos que a Teoria Institucional é uma abordagem válida que tenta explicar o comportamento das organizações. Como principal resultado desta investigação sobressai que a nossa unidade de estudo está incorporada num ambiente institucional claramente marcado por pressões coercitivas e normativas.

  6. The sulfur dilemma: Are there biosignatures on Europa's icy and patchy surface?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chela-Flores, J.


    We discuss whether sulphur traces on Jupiter's moon Europa could be of biogenic origin. The compounds detected by the Galileo mission have been conjectured to be endogenic, most likely of cryovolcanic origin, due to their non-uniform distribution in patches. The Galileo space probe first detected the sulphur compounds, as well as revealing that this moon almost certainly has a volcanically heated and potentially habitable ocean hiding beneath a surface layer of ice. In planning future exploration of Europa there are options for sorting out the source of the surficial sulphur. For instance, one possibility is searching for the sulphur source in the context of the study of the Europa Microprobe In Situ Explorer (EMPIE), which has been framed within the Jovian Minisat Explorer Technology Reference Study (ESA). It is conceivable that sulphur may have come from the nearby moon Io, where sulphur and other volcanic elements are abundant. Secondly, volcanic eruptions in Europa's seafloor may have brought sulphur to the surface. Can waste products rising from bacterial colonies beneath the icy surface be a third alternative significant factor in the sulphur patches on the Europan surface? Provided that microorganisms on Europa have the same biochemical pathways as those on Earth, over geologic time it is possible that autochthonous microbes can add substantially to the sulphur deposits on the surface of Europa. We discuss possible interpretations of the non-water-ice elements (especially the sulphur compound mercaptan) in the context of the studies for future missions. To achieve reliable biosignatures it seems essential to go back to Europa. Our work highlights the type of biogenic signatures that can be searched for when probing Europa's icy and patchy surface. (author)

  7. Prime note sulla tutela penale dei culti nei Paesi dell’Est Europa

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    Giovanni Cimbalo


    Full Text Available Testo della relazione tenuta al Convegno “La Carta e la Corte” (Ferrara, 27 ottobre 2007 destinata alla pubblicazione negli Atti. SOMMARIO: 1. Alcune considerazioni preliminari sullo status delle Confessioni religiose nei paesi dell’Est Europa - 2. I nuovi orientamenti del diritto penale nell’Est Europa - 3. Le norme statali in materia di tutela penale dei culti e del sentimento religioso. 3. Le norme penali relative ai culti e a al sentimento religioso prima del 1992 nei Paesi dell’Est Europa - 4. Tipologie e tecniche legislative di tutela penale dei culti dopo il 1992 nei Paesi dell’Est Europa - 5. Alcune sommarie considerazioni.

  8. A Gazeta dos Caminhos de Ferro e a Promoção do Turismo em Portugal (1888-1940).


    Figueiredo Ribeiro, Elói de


    Tendo como objecto de estudo a Gazeta dos Caminhos de Ferro pretende-se fazer uma abordagem ao desenvolvimento do turismo em Portugal no período que decorreu entre 1888 e 1940. O levantamento dos vários artigos publicados na Gazeta e as iniciativas dos seus editores para incentivar as viagens turísticas permitem perceber o papel relevante que esta publicação teve no desenvolvimento do turismo em Portugal. Sendo uma publicação dedicada ao caminho-de-ferro a Gazeta traduz a importância que este...

  9. A Search for Signs of Life and Habitability on Europa (United States)

    Fonda, Mark (Technical Monitor); McKay, Christoper P.; Eicken, H.; Neuer, S.; Sogin, M.; Waite, H.; Warmflash, D.


    Europa is a key target in the search for life beyond the Earth because of consistent evidence that below the icy surface there is liquid water. Future missions to Europa could confirm the presence and nature of the ocean and determine the thickness of the ice layer. Confirming the presence of an ocean and determining the habitability of Europa are key astrobiology science objectives. Nevertheless, the highest priority objective for astrobiology will be a search for life. How could a search for life be accomplished on a near-term mission given the thick ice cover? One answer may lie in the surface materials. If Europa has an ocean, and if that ocean contains life, and if water from the ocean is carried up to the surface, then signs of life may be contained in organic material on the surface. Organics that derive from biological processes (dead organisms) are distinct from organics derived from non-biological processes in several aspects. First, biology is selective and specific in its use of molecules. For example, Earth life uses 20 left-handed amino acids. Second, biology can leave characteristic isotopic patterns. Third, biology often produces large complex molecules in high concentrations, for example lipids. Organic material that has been on the surface of Europa for long periods of time would be reprocessed by the strong radiation field probably erasing any signature of biological origin. Evidence of life in the ocean may be found on the surface of Europa if regions of the surface contained relatively recent material carried up from the ocean through cracks in the icy lithosphere. But organic material that has been on the surface of Europa for long periods of time would be reprocessed by the strong radiation field probably erasing any signature of biological origin. Thus, the detailed analysis required may not be possible via remote sensing but direct sampling of the material below the radiation processed upper meter is probably required.

  10. História da Evolução da Engenharia Civil


    Duarte, Paulo André Neves


    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil A fim de se ter noções de história da engenharia Civil na Europa, em Portugal e mais concretamente na cidade do Porto, fez-se um estudo das mudanças e evoluções que a Engenharia Civil teve ao longo dos tempos. As avaliações deste estudo mostram que a construção civil tem vindo a ser muito bem sucedida e que os objectivos da sua evolução vêm sendo alcançados. Neste est...



    Santana Pereira, José; ICS, Universidade de Lisboa


    A crise económica que eclodiu nas democracias europeias periféricas a partir de 2009 teve, em vários países da Europa do Sul, consequências graves em termos de estabilidade governativa e dos sistemas partidários. Neste contexto, o caso português tem sido apontado como excecional, visto que o agravamento da situação económica e as suas consequências políticas não provocaram uma afirmação eleitoral sem precedentes de forças de esquerda radical (como na Espanha e na Grécia). Neste artigo, aprese...

  12. Europa's surface radiation environment and considerations for in-situ sampling and biosignature detection (United States)

    Nordheim, T.; Paranicas, C.; Hand, K. P.


    Jupiter's moon Europa is embedded deep within the Jovian magnetosphere and is thus exposed to bombardment by charged particles, from thermal plasma to more energetic particles at radiation belt energies. In particular, energetic charged particles are capable of affecting the uppermost layer of surface material on Europa, in some cases down to depths of several meters (Johnson et al., 2004; Paranicas et al., 2009, 2002). Examples of radiation-induced surface alteration include sputtering, radiolysis and grain sintering; processes that are capable of significantly altering the physical properties of surface material. Radiolysis of surface ices containing sulfur-bearing contaminants from Io has been invoked as a possible explanation for hydrated sulfuric acid detected on Europa's surface (Carlson et al., 2002, 1999) and radiolytic production of oxidants represents a potential source of energy for life that could reside within Europa's sub-surface ocean (Chyba, 2000; Hand et al., 2007; Johnson et al., 2003; Vance et al., 2016). Accurate knowledge of Europa's surface radiation environment is essential to the interpretation of space and Earth-based observations of Europa's surface and exosphere. Furthermore, future landed missions may seek to sample endogenic material emplaced on Europa's surface to investigate its chemical composition and to search for biosignatures contained within. Such material would likely be sampled from the shallow sub-surface, and thus, it becomes crucial to know to which degree this material is expected to have been radiation processed.Here we will present modeling results of energetic electron and proton bombardment of Europa's surface, including interactions between these particles and surface material. In addition, we will present predictions for biosignature destruction at different geographical locations and burial depths and discuss the implications of these results for surface sampling by future missions to Europa's surface.

  13. Power Subsystem Approach for the Europa Mission

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    Ulloa-Severino Antonio


    Full Text Available NASA is planning to launch a spacecraft on a mission to the Jovian moon Europa, in order to conduct a detailed reconnaissance and investigation of its habitability. The spacecraft would orbit Jupiter and perform a detailed science investigation of Europa, utilizing a number of science instruments including an ice-penetrating radar to determine the icy shell thickness and presence of subsurface oceans. The spacecraft would be exposed to harsh radiation and extreme temperature environments. To meet mission objectives, the spacecraft power subsystem is being architected and designed to operate efficiently, and with a high degree of reliability.

  14. Dinâmicas atuais da enfermagem em Portugal: a representação dos enfermeiros Dinámicas actuales de la enfermeria en Portugal: la representación de los enfermeros Current dynamics of nursing in Portugal: nurses' representations

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    Felismina Rosa Parreira Mendes


    Full Text Available Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, com o objetivo de identificar as representações dos enfermeiros acerca das dinâmicas atuais da profissão, os marcos de sua evolução e as perspectivas futuras, realizada com vinte enfermeiros de Évora-Portugal, em abril/ maio de 2009, através de testemunhos narrativos. A formação ao longo dos anos e a Ordem dos Enfermeiros foram representadas como pilares centrais na construção da identidade profissional. A autonomia integra o cotidiano de cuidados, mas as questões hegemônicas de poder na equipe de saúde continuam a pautar a atuação dos enfermeiros e a balizar o seu auto e heterorreconhecimento profissional e social. As perspectivas futuras se direcionam para a empregabilidade, carreira e se consubstanciam na esperança de uns e na incerteza de outros.Se trata de pesquisa cualitativa con el objeto de identificar las representaciones de los enfermeros sobre las dinámicas actuales de la profesión, los hitos de su evolución y las perspectivas futuras, realizadas con veinte enfermeros de Évora en Portugal entre los meses de abril y mayo de 2009, por medio de declaraciones. La formación a lo largo de los años y la Orden de los Enfermeros fueron mostrados como pilares principales en la construcción de la identidad profesional. La autonomía integra los cuidados diarios, así como las cuestiones de hegemonía de poder en el equipo de salud que continúan a balizar la actuación de los enfermeros y a nortear su auto y heteroreconocimiento profesional y social. Las perspectivas futuras se direccionan para la empregabilidad, carrera y se consustancian en la esperanza de unos y la incertidumbre de otros.This research study, with a qualitative approach was carried out aiming to identify nurses' representation on current professional dynamics, evolutionary landmarks and the future outlook for Portuguese nursing with twenty nurses from Évora, Portugal, in April / May of 2009, through narrative



    Araujo*, Alberto Filipe Ribeiro de Abreu; Ribeiro**, José Augusto Lopes


    * Professor Doutor em Educação no Departamento de Teoria da Educação e Educação Artística e Física do Instituto de Educação (IE) da Universidade do Minho (UM) Braga – Portugal. Correio eletrónico: ** Mestre em Ciências da Educação na área de especialização em Desenvolvimento Curricular pelo Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho (Braga – Portugal). Atualmente é Professor de Filosofia do Ensino Médio na Escola Secundária Sá de Miranda (Braga – Portugal). Correio el...

  16. A profissionalidade docente na educação básica em Portugal: depoimentos de alguns professores The professionalism of teaching in Portugal's basic education: testimonies from teachers

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    Idevaldo da Silva Bodião


    Full Text Available Este texto, que faz parte de um estudo de caso que busca compreender as dinâmicas pedagógicas do cotidiano de uma escola de 1º ciclo da educação básica em Portugal, explora alguns aspectos da construção da profissionalidade docente, a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com quatro professoras de uma escola pública localizada na cidade de Braga. A análise dos dados, pautadas na "impregnação" e "interpretação" como propostas por Michelat (1982, foi organizada em torno de quatro categorias: a formação inicial; o início da carreira docente; o exercício da profissão; e as ações de formação. É possível concluir que (i a função docente continua se caracterizando por uma atividade solitária com as decorrências que lhe são próprias; (ii a inexistência de estratégias de acolhimento dos novatos, associadas às dinâmicas de lotação profissional, impõe, aos professores, inícios profissionais, por vezes, desalentadores; (iii as ações de formação, como continuam sendo oferecidas, consolidam-se mais como agências de titulações, que permitem vantagens nas progressões funcionais, do que como vetores das alterações das práticas curriculares. Tecem-se conjecturas em torno da adequação de se ter, nas escolas, profissionais experientes, a quem caberiam as tarefas de apoio aos iniciantes e, também, da importância da implantação de processos de formação profissional docente nas próprias unidades escolares, assentados na lógica da constituição de grupos de reflexões.The present text, part of a case study that seeks to understand the pedagogical dynamics of the daily school life in the 1st cycle of basic education in Portugal, explores some of the aspects of the construction of teaching professionalism based on a series of semi-structured interviews conducted with four teachers from a public school located in the city of Braga. Data analysis, grounded in "impregnation" and "interpretation" as

  17. The Teaching of Botany in Last Century in Portugal: analysis of school textbooks of primary school education 1


    Guimarães, Fernando


    O presente estudo assume como objetivo principal analisar qual a importância que tem sido conferida, em Portugal, à área de Botânica nos livros didáticos de Ciências da Natureza do Ensino Fundamental 1. Na tentativa de perceber de que forma ocorreu uma evolução na abordagem de conteúdos de Botânica, apreciamos livros didáticos baseados em onze princípios. Esta apreciação, apoiada numa abordagem metodológica assente na análise de conteúdo, pelo estabelecimento de categorias a posteriori, e na ...

  18. Biosystems Engineering in Portugal


    Marques da Silva, José Rafael; Silva, Luis Leopoldo; Cruz, Vasco Fitas


    The paper gives the definition of Biosystems Engineering in Portugal; Possible revisions of the core curriculum presented in the FEANI report; the current situation of Biosystems Engineering in Portugal; The impacts of the transition to Biosystems Engineering; The need for a transition to Biosystems Engineering;Opportunities to the Biosystems Engineer in the labour market.

  19. Prevalência de anticorpos para chlamydia trachomatis em grupos populacionais do Brasil, Inglaterra e Portugal

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    Marluísa de Oliveira Guimarães Ishak


    Full Text Available A prevalência de anticorpos IgG, grupo-específico para Chlamydia, em populações do Brasil, Inglaterra e Portugal foi determinada através do teste de imunofluorescência indireta, tendo-se como antígeno a cepa SA2 (f. Foram considerados positivos os soros com títulos de IgG >1:32. Dentre as populações brasileiras, a prevalência de anticorpos para Chlamydia foi maior em Serra Norte (76,2%, p < 0,01 do que nas das populações de Belém (53,6% e dos Índios Xicrins (51,3%. Entre os pacientes do Departamento de Medicina Genito-Urinária do University College Hospital (UCH e do quadro do mesmo Hospital, a prevalência de anticorpos anti-Chlamydia foi de 62% e 53,1%, respectivamente. Anticorpos anti-Chlamydia foram detectados em 54% e 66% na Inglaterra e em 56% e 68% em Portugal, nas pacientes do sexo feminino que freqüentavam Clínicas de Pré-Natal e de Infertilidade, respectivamente, Os resultados encontrados mostram uma alta exposição das populações testadas, à Chlamydia, principalmente do grupo de baixo nível sócio-econômico de Serra Norte, Brasil. A evidência de infecção por Chlamydia é da mesma ordem, tanto no Brasil, quanto na Inglaterra e Portugal.

  20. Um depoimento francês sobre a Inquisição em Portugal no século XVIII

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    Vitor Ramos


    Full Text Available Em 1762 foi publicado em Londres um veemente panfleto de ataque à Inquisição escrito em francês por um português exilado, que o Santo Ofício, no ano anterior, queimara em estátua, no último Auto da Fé realizado em Portugal. Trata-se de Le Chevalier d'Oliveyra brulé en effigie comine Hérétique. Comment et pourquoi? (1 obra de Francisco Xavier de Oliveira. Êste autor, cujo afastamento de Portugal, durante 51 anos, constitui o caso de mais longo exílio de escritor lusitano, nunca abdicou da sua nacionalidade, nem da língua materna, nem do interêsse pelos problemas do seu país, e se utilizou o francês na maior parte da sua obra fê-lo por razões estratégi-cas, dada a difusão que esta língua permitia na época aos ideais que pretendia espalhar.

  1. Percepção sobre o apoio social do homem colostomizado na região Norte de Portugal

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    Francisco Firmino dos Reis


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar a percepção do homem colostomizado sobre o apoio social recebido; verificar a relação entre o apoio social percebido e as variáveis sociodemográficas, a informação prestada, o apoio efetivamente recebido, e a realização do ensino no hospital. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo-correlacional, transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, com uma amostra de 112 homens portadores de uma colostomia há mais de um ano, em três unidades da região Norte de Portugal. Resultados: A média de idades dos inquiridos era de 59,9 anos, 67,9% encontrava-se não ativo perante o trabalho, 49,5% percepcionou o apoio social como suficiente, mas 36,2% apoio social insuficiente. A percepção do apoio social é menor nos sujeitos mais velhos (r = -0,166; p = 0,018. Conclusão: Este estudo permitiu perceber que o cônjuge é muito importante na vida do homem colostomizado, nomeadamente nos momentos de dificuldades inerentes à doença, sendo a sua principal rede de apoio.

  2. Seismic signal and noise on Europa (United States)

    Panning, Mark; Stähler, Simon; Bills, Bruce; Castillo Castellanos, Jorge; Huang, Hsin-Hua; Husker, Allen; Kedar, Sharon; Lorenz, Ralph; Pike, William T.; Schmerr, Nicholas; Tsai, Victor; Vance, Steven


    Seismology is one of our best tools for detailing interior structure of planetary bodies, and a seismometer is included in the baseline and threshold mission design for the upcoming Europa Lander mission. Guiding mission design and planning for adequate science return, though, requires modeling of both the anticipated signal and noise. Assuming ice seismicity on Europa behaves according to statistical properties observed in Earth catalogs and scaling cumulative seismic moment release to the moon, we can simulate long seismic records and estimate background noise and peak signal amplitudes (Panning et al., 2017). This suggests a sensitive instrument comparable to many broadband terrestrial instruments or the SP instrument from the InSight mission to Mars will be able to record signals, while high frequency geophones are likely inadequate. We extend this analysis to also begin incorporation of spatial and temporal variation due to the tidal cycle, which can help inform landing site selection. We also begin exploration of how chaotic terrane at the bottom of the ice shell and inter-ice heterogeneities (i.e. internal melt structures) may affect anticipated seismic observations using 2D numerical seismic simulations.M. P. Panning, S. C. Stähler, H.-H. Huang, S. D. Vance, S. Kedar, V. C. Tsai, W. T. Pike, R. D. Lorenz, “Expected seismicity and the seismic noise environment of Europa,” J. Geophys. Res., in revision, 2017.

  3. Ion Irradiation of Sulfuric Acid: Implications for its Stability on Europa (United States)

    Loeffler, M. J.; Hudson, R. L.; Moore, M. H.


    The Galileo near-infrared mapping spectrometer (NIMS) detected regions on Europa's surface containing distorted H2O bands. This distortion likely indicates that there are other molecules mixed with the water ice. Based on spectral comparison, some of the leading possibilities are sulfuric acid, salts. or possibly H3O(+). Previous laboratory studies have shown that sulfuric acid can be created by irradiation of H2OSO2 mixtures, and both molecules are present on Europa. In this project, we were interested in investigating the radiation stability of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and determining its lifetime on the surface of Europa.

  4. Notas feministas sobre o marco jurídico da migração e do tráfico de mulheres na Europa e Espanha

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    Claudia Mayorga


    Full Text Available   Neste trabalho, buscamos compreender aspectos do marco jurídico da migração, tráfico de mulheres e prostituição na Europa de forma geral e na Espanha de forma específica a partir de uma análise das principais regulamentações vigentes entre 2005/2007 nesses contextos. Para isso, buscamos conhecer como a legislação e a tendência ao fechamento de fronteiras oferecem brechas que levam a situações de exploração e vulnerabilização para mulheres migrantes que estão na Espanha exercendo a prostituição. Foram analisados os seguintes documentos: Protocolo para prevenir, reprimir e sancionar o tráfico de pessoas, especialmente mulheres e crianças, do ano 2000, que complementa a Convenção das Nações Unidas contra a delinqüência organizada internacional; Protocolo contra o tráfico ilícito de migrantes por terra, mar e ar, que complementa a Convenção das Nações Unidas contra a delinqüência organizada internacional e a Lei de Migração espanhola de 1985. A política sobre o tráfico de mulheres e as posições mais conservadoras sobre a migração na União Européia tem tido conseqüências específicas para as mulheres. Os tratados e leis enfatizam, sobremaneira, as medidas de controle de fronteiras e repressão aos Possíveis delitos cometidos. Tal perspectiva deixa em segundo plano os direitos dos/as migrantes e das pessoas vitimas do tráfico (é importante ressaltar que os textos dos tratados e leis dão margem para que se identifique tráfico de mulheres com migração para a prostituição. Com relação à prostituição, o direito espanhol não penaliza, mas também não regulamenta, o exercício da prostituição; deixa tal atividade em uma situação de completa alegalidade, o que acaba por incrementar a vulnerabilização das prostitutas frente abusos e explorações de todos os tipos.

  5. Portugal's Petrogal eyes expansion amid continuing privatization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Portugal's recently privatized state oil company Petrogal is about to embark on a major expansion worldwide. That comes against the backdrop of major change in Portugal's energy sector and the rocky road to Petrogal's partial privatization. Despite the controversy, there remain opportunities for foreign companies investing in Portugal's energy sector. The most attractive opportunities are in Portugal's downstream petroleum sector and in the country's continuing campaign to develop its natural gas industry. Typical of the latter is Portugal's participation in the Trans-Maghreb gas pipeline megaproject. The paper discusses the background to privatization, its current status, Petrogal strategy, modernization of refineries, a joint partnership with Venezuela, constraints, energy policy program, gas pipeline privatization, and concerns of the gas industry

  6. Uma Estranha Diáspora Rumo a Portugal: Judeus e Cristãos-Novos Reduzidos à Fé Católica no século XVII

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    Braga, Isabel M. R. Mendes Drumond


    Full Text Available The present paper deals with a number of Jewish and new Christian people, descendants of Peninsular Jews, who arrived in Portugal in the 16th century and consequently converted to Catholicism. The source material used in this study are the Books of Converted Jews that belonged to the Holy Office of Inquisition. These books provide information on the nature of the people (age, status, birthplace, place of residence, the way they experienced their religion in different parts of Europe, and the true or apparently true reasons for their conversion.

    Este artículo aborda el tema de algunos judíos y cristianos nuevos descendientes de judíos peninsulares que, en el siglo XVII, llegaron a Portugal y se convirtieron al catolicismo. Las fuentes para este estudio son los libros de convertidos del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición. Éstos nos proporcionan datos acerca de las personas (edad, estado civil, lugar de nacimiento y de residencia y, especialmente, sobre la vivencia del judaísmo en diferentes partes de Europa, así como sobre las motivaciones, reales o aparentes, para la conversión.

  7. Plasma aminothiol profile and some of its determinants in subjects from the Azores Archipelago, Portugal


    Lima, Ana Patrícia Rego


    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Biomédicas Comparados com Portugal Continental, os Açores possuem as mais altas taxas de mortalidade padronizadas por doenças cardiovasculares (CVD), cuja principal causa é a aterosclerose. Geralmente, os sintomas só surgem em fases avançadas da doença, havendo necessidade de encontrar marcadores precoces e não invasivos. Os aminotióis, tais como a homocisteína (Hcy), a cisteína (Cys), a cisteinil-glicina (Cys-Gly) e o glutationo (GSH) são componentes in...

  8. The ``Perrier Oceans'' Of Europa And Enceladus (Invited) (United States)

    Matson, D.; Johnson, T. V.; Lunine, J. I.; Castillo, J. C.


    Icy satellites of the outer solar system can have subsurface oceans that contain significant amounts of dissolved gases. Crawford and Stevenson in their 1988 study of Europa introduced the term “Perrier Ocean” as a descriptive appellation for such situations. When pressure is reduced, for example as a consequence of faulting, over water from a Perrier ocean, gas comes out of solution in the form of bubbles. The density of the liquid is immediately reduced, and if the bubble volume is sufficient the fluid can become buoyant with respect to the icy crust. If so, the seawater-bubble mixture can rise to the surface or very near to the surface. Europa and Enceladus may represent the end-member examples of Perrier oceans. Today, Europa appears passive whereas Enceladus is erupting. Some characteristics seen at Enceladus that may be indicative of an active Perrier ocean are eruptive plumes and localized, relatively warm (“hot-spot”) thermal anomalies of significantly high heat flow (i.e., >15 GW of integrated power over Enceladus’ South Polar Region). Since Enceladus is smaller than Europa it is easier for it to erupt because less work has to be done against gravity to bring water to the surface. Crawford and Stevenson found that under today’s conditions eruptions at Europa would be difficult but not necessarily impossible. However, in the past, when the icy crust was thinner, the interior warmer, eruption of liquid to the surface regions could have been easier. Morphological evidence for past eruptions from a Perrier ocean is not necessarily unambiguous in that it may admit alternate interpretations. However, the best evidence for relatively recent activity may be some sort of thermal signature. Such anomalies may be observable to depths of tens of meters in relatively clean ice by space-borne high-precision microwave radiometry and ground-penetrating radar. This work was conducted at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology under

  9. Ad populum. Parlare alla pancia: retoriche del populismo in Europa

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    Yulia Ivanova


    Full Text Available Recensiamo il libro Ad populum. Parlare alla pancia: retorica del populismo in Europa. Eds. Bruno Capaci e Giuditta Spassini. Bologna: I libri di Emil di Odoya srl., 2016. Stampa. Review of Ad populum. Parlare alla pancia: retorica del populismo in Europa. Eds. Bruno Capaci and Giuditta Spassini. Bologna: I libri di Emil di Odoya srl., 2016. Print

  10. Evidence of a plume on Europa from Galileo magnetic and plasma wave signatures (United States)

    Jia, Xianzhe; Kivelson, Margaret G.; Khurana, Krishan K.; Kurth, William S.


    The icy surface of Jupiter's moon, Europa, is thought to lie on top of a global ocean1-4. Signatures in some Hubble Space Telescope images have been associated with putative water plumes rising above Europa's surface5,6, providing support for the ocean theory. However, all telescopic detections reported were made at the limit of sensitivity of the data5-7, thereby calling for a search for plume signatures in in-situ measurements. Here, we report in-situ evidence of a plume on Europa from the magnetic field and plasma wave observations acquired on Galileo's closest encounter with the moon. During this flyby, which dropped below 400 km altitude, the magnetometer8 recorded an approximately 1,000-kilometre-scale field rotation and a decrease of over 200 nT in field magnitude, and the Plasma Wave Spectrometer9 registered intense localized wave emissions indicative of a brief but substantial increase in plasma density. We show that the location, duration and variations of the magnetic field and plasma wave measurements are consistent with the interaction of Jupiter's corotating plasma with Europa if a plume with characteristics inferred from Hubble images were erupting from the region of Europa's thermal anomalies. These results provide strong independent evidence of the presence of plumes at Europa.

  11. Evidence of a plume on Europa from Galileo magnetic and plasma wave signatures (United States)

    Jia, Xianzhe; Kivelson, Margaret G.; Khurana, Krishan K.; Kurth, William S.


    The icy surface of Jupiter's moon, Europa, is thought to lie on top of a global ocean1-4. Signatures in some Hubble Space Telescope images have been associated with putative water plumes rising above Europa's surface5,6, providing support for the ocean theory. However, all telescopic detections reported were made at the limit of sensitivity of the data5-7, thereby calling for a search for plume signatures in in-situ measurements. Here, we report in-situ evidence of a plume on Europa from the magnetic field and plasma wave observations acquired on Galileo's closest encounter with the moon. During this flyby, which dropped below 400 km altitude, the magnetometer8 recorded an approximately 1,000-kilometre-scale field rotation and a decrease of over 200 nT in field magnitude, and the Plasma Wave Spectrometer9 registered intense localized wave emissions indicative of a brief but substantial increase in plasma density. We show that the location, duration and variations of the magnetic field and plasma wave measurements are consistent with the interaction of Jupiter's corotating plasma with Europa if a plume with characteristics inferred from Hubble images were erupting from the region of Europa's thermal anomalies. These results provide strong independent evidence of the presence of plumes at Europa.

  12. A metodologia de projecto na aprendizagem da biodiversidade e geodiversidade na praia da concha


    Rosa, Marina Maria Filipe


    Dissertação de mestrado em Biologia e de Geologia, apresentada ao Departamento de Ciências da Terra e ao Departamento de Ciências da Vida Este trabalho consistiu na implementação e avaliação da metodologia de projeto no estudo da Biodiversidade e Geodiversidade na Praia da Concha, Portugal Central, dando ênfase ao trabalho prático, através de uma aula de campo e de aulas laboratoriais. O trabalho foi realizado numa escola da Marinha Grande, com 11 alunos do 10º ano de escolaridade. Sendo a...

  13. Comparing the Atmospheric Losses at Io and Europa (United States)

    Dols, V. J.; Bagenal, F.; Crary, F. J.; Cassidy, T.


    At Io and Europa, the interaction of the Jovian plasma with the moon atmosphere leads to a significant loss of atomic/molecular neutrals and ions to space. The processes that lead to atmospheric escape are diverse: atmospheric sputtering, molecular dissociation, molecular ion recombination, Jeans escape etc. Each process leads to neutrals escaping at different velocities (i.e. electron impact dissociation leads to very slow atomic neutrals, sputtering might eject faster molecular neutrals). Some neutrals will be ejected out of the Jovian system; others will form extended neutral clouds along the orbit of the moons. These atomic/molecular extended neutral clouds are probably the main source of plasma for the Jovian magnetosphere. They are difficult to observe directly thus their composition and density are still poorly constrained. A future modeling of the formation of these extended clouds requires an estimate of their atmospheric sources. We estimate the atmospheric losses at Io and Europa for each loss process with a multi-species chemistry model, using a prescribed atmospheric distribution consistent with the observations. We compare the neutral losses at Io and Europa.

  14. Europa e Africa - Anatomia di un incontro

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zoppi, Marco

    Available at: - or on AMAZON at: The book title translates as: "Europe and Africa: anatomy of an enc......Available at: - or on AMAZON at: The book title translates as: "Europe and Africa: anatomy...

  15. A Dynamical Systems Approach to the Design of the Science Orbit Around Europa (United States)

    Gomez, Gerard; Lara, Martin; Russell, Ryan P.


    The science orbit for a future mission to Europa requires low eccentricity, low altitude, and high inclination. However, high inclination orbits around planetary satellites are unstable due to third-body perturbations. Without control, the orbiter impacts Europa after few weeks. To minimize control, a tour over the stable-unstable, averaged manifolds of unstable frozen orbits has been suggested. We proceed with the unaveraged equations and study the manifolds of unstable orbits that are periodic in a rotating frame attached to Europa. Massive numerical computation helps in understanding the unstable dynamics close to Europa, and, thus, in selecting long lifetime high inclination orbits. A final test of a selected set of initial conditions on a high fidelity, ephemeris model, validate the results.

  16. La contabilidad pública en Portugal


    Alberto Pedrosa, Fernanda


    LA CONTABILIDAD PÚBLICA EN PORTUGAL - Que se entiende por Sector Público - Arquitectura del Sector Público en Portugal. - Evolución de la Contabilidad del Sector Público en Portugal. - El Plan Oficial de Contabilidad Pública (POCP) y Planes de Contabilidad sectoriales. - Las normas de consolidación de cuentas en el Sector Público. - Y hoy, ¿cuál es el punto de la situación? Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.

  17. Arrendamento privado em Portugal: uma leitura a partir da regulação das rendas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alves, Sonia; Azevedo, Alda; Moura Ferreira, Pedro


    Este artigo contribui para o debate do papel do Estado na regulação do sector de arrendamento privado em Portugal num momento em que é implementado um Novo Regime de Arrendamento Urbano. A informação estatística disponível, nomeadamente sobre a duração dos contratos e os valores das rendas, alerta...

  18. Hartvig Frisch og "Pest over Europa"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fledelius, Karsten


    Vil populistiske bevægelser i dagens Europa udhule demokratiet og skabe stater med en formel retsorden, som bliver vendt mod syndebukke og udnyttes til diskrimination af etniske, sociale og religiøse mindretal – som i 1930erne?...

  19. L'Europa accelera sul progetto Grid

    CERN Document Server


    "Il consorzio pan-europeo Egee sta pilotando a Bruxelles la complessa operazione che dotera' l'Europa di un mercato comune delle risorse di calcolo sulla base del modello Grid (griglia di calcolo, trasporto e distribuzione di dati)" (1 page).

  20. Un lugar en Europa y en el Mundo. Portugal y la geopolítica internacional durante la regencia de Pedro de Braganza (1668-1683

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Martín Marcos


    Full Text Available A menudo el Portugal «post-restaurado» ha sido visto como un escenario donde los poderes del continente entablaron una lucha por ganarse un aliado. Esa idea se ha visto alimentada por la imagen del regente don Pedro, supuestamente inestable e incapaz de optar por un posicionamiento franco en el continente. Este artículo trata de demostrar que detrás de la apariencia de un príncipe débil que ofrecieron muchos de sus coetáneos, se escondió una estrategia para asegurar la propia pervivencia de Portugal. Como se verá, en esa circunstancia tuvo mucho que ver las peculiaridades de su regencia, muy diferente de los modelos clásicos en que el poder de sus titulares suele tener de antemano una fecha límite. Defendemos, pues, que el hecho de estar llamado a ocupar el trono regio a la muerte de su hermano, favoreció un poder, débil inicialmente, que se afianzó con el paso del tiempo.«Post-Restoration» Portugal has been traditionally considered a scenario where European powers entered a race to find an ally. This idea has been fed by the image of Regent Peter, supposedly instable and unable to take a clear stand in Europe. This article aims to show that, behind the appearance of a weak prince given by many of his contemporaries, there was a strategy to ensure Portuguese’s survival. As will be discussed later, this circumstance was strongly related to the peculiarities of Peter of Braganza’s Regency —too distant from classical models, in which holders are characterized by having a cut-off date—. In this case, the fact that Peter was the first in the line to the throne encouraged him over time to mitigate his weaknesses.

  1. Core ethical values: EuropaBio. (United States)


    EuropaBio, the European Association for BioIndustries, represents 40 companies operating world wide and 14 national association (totaling around 600 small and medium-sized enterprises) involved in the research, development, testing, manufacturing, marketing, sales and distribution of biotechnology products and services in the fields of healthcare, agriculture, food and the environment.

  2. O Manejo Clínico da Asma em 1999: Uma Visão e a Realidade da Asma na Europa (Estudo AIRE

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    K.F. Rabe


    Full Text Available RESUMO: As recomen dações sobre o manejo clfnico da asma fomecem orientações para urn controlo 6ptimo da asma. Esta investigação, avaliaua pelos niveis actuais do contwlo J a asma pelus doentes, ern parte retlete ate que pontu as recomendações sao implementadas.Doentes actuais com asma foram identificados por telefone e111 73 HHO residencias em 7 pafses europeus (França. Alemanha, ltalia, llolanua, Espanha, Suícia c lnglat crra. A entrevista consistiu na ava li ação da uti lizac;iio de serviços Lie saúde, gravidade de sintomas, limitação das actividades e controlo da asma.Foram identificados 3 488 doentes actuais com asma, e 2 803 (80.4% completaram o inquetito, 46% dos J oemes refeliram sintomas diaries e 30% perturbac;oes relacionadas com a asma durante o sono, pelo menos uma vez por sernana.Nos ultimos 12 meses, 25% dos doentes referiram o recurso mio e perado a uma consulta urgente, 10% uma ou mais visitas á urgencia e 7% hospitalizção noctuma devida a asma.Nas (iltimas 4 semanas, mais doentes (63% uti lizaram medicação aliviadora que corticóides inalados (23%. A percepção do controlo da asma pelos doentes nao coinciuia cum a sua gravidade de sintomas; c aproximadamente 50% dos doentes com sintomas persistentes moderados ou graves consideravam a sua asma bem ou total mente controlada.O nível actual do controlo da asrna na Europa está Ionge de ati ngir os objectives do tratamento a Iongo prazo. A percepção do controlo da asma pelos doentes e diferente do seu controlo da asma actual.

  3. Europa Nostra medal Tartusse / Karin Hallas-Murula

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hallas-Murula, Karin, 1957-


    Alvar Aalto projekteeritud Tammekannu villa (1932) Tartus pälvis Europa Nostra medali, mis antakse eriti õnnestunult renoveeritud objektile. Villa renoveeriti soome arhitekti Tapani Mustoneni projekti järgi

  4. Exclusão e inclusão social nas sociedades modernas: um olhar sobre a situação em Portugal e na União Europeia Social Exclusion and Inclusion in Modern Societies: a look into the situation in Portugal and in the European Union

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreilcy Alvino-Borba


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa os factores de exclus㯠e inclus㯠social em Portugal e na Uni㯠 Europeia com o intuito de identificar os factores crí´©cos que assumem um papel crucial na sociedade atual e avaliar a tendꮣia da evolu磯 das polí´©cas sociais para combater os problemas emergentes que conduzem à  exclus㯠social dos grupos mais vulnerᶥis. O mé´¯do de trabalho baseou-se numa extensa pesquisa e tratamento de informa磯 tendo-se obtido resultados que revelam que os principais factores crí´©cos de exclus㯠social (e.g. desemprego, envelhecimento demogrᦩco, pobreza s㯠os mesmos em toda a Uni㯠Europeia.This article analyzes the factors of social exclusion and inclusion in Portugal and in the European Union so as to both identify the critical factors that play an important role in society nowadays, and analyze the trend of evolution of social policies to face the emerging problems that lead to the social exclusion of the most vulnerable groups. The methodology used was based on extensive bibliography research analysis of the information got, and the results show that the main current critical factors of social exclusion are the same (e.g. unemployment, demographic aging and poverty throughout the European Union.

  5. Ocean-driven heating of Europa's icy shell at low latitudes (United States)

    Soderlund, K. M.; Schmidt, B. E.; Wicht, J.; Blankenship, D. D.


    The ice shell of Jupiter's moon Europa is marked by regions of disrupted ice known as chaos terrains that cover up to 40% of the satellite's surface, most commonly occurring within 40° of the equator. Concurrence with salt deposits implies a coupling between the geologically active ice shell and the underlying liquid water ocean at lower latitudes. Europa's ocean dynamics have been assumed to adopt a two-dimensional pattern, which channels the moon's internal heat to higher latitudes. Here we present a numerical model of thermal convection in a thin, rotating spherical shell where small-scale convection instead adopts a three-dimensional structure and is more vigorous at lower latitudes. Global-scale currents are organized into three zonal jets and two equatorial Hadley-like circulation cells. We find that these convective motions transmit Europa's internal heat towards the surface most effectively in equatorial regions, where they can directly influence the thermo-compositional state and structure of the ice shell. We suggest that such heterogeneous heating promotes the formation of chaos features through increased melting of the ice shell and subsequent deposition of marine ice at low latitudes. We conclude that Europa's ocean dynamics can modulate the exchange of heat and materials between the surface and interior and explain the observed distribution of chaos terrains.

  6. Signature of Europa's Ocean Density on Gravity Data (United States)

    Castillo, J. C.; Rambaux, N.


    Observations by the Galileo mission at Europa and Cassini-Huygens mission at Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Enceladus, and Titan have found deep oceans at these objects with evidence for the presence of salts. Salt compounds are the products of aqueous alteration of the rock phase under hydrothermal conditions and have been predicted theoretically for these objects per analogy with carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies. Evidence for salt enrichment comes from magnetometer measurements (Galilean satellites), direct detection in the case of Enceladus, and inversion of the gravity data obtained at Titan. While there is direct detection for the presence of chlorides in icy grains ejected from Enceladus, the chemistry of the oceans detected so far, or even their densities, remain mostly unconstrained. However the increased ocean density impacts the interpretation of the tidal Love number k2and this may introduce confusion in the inference of the icy shell thickness from that parameter. We will present estimates of k2for a range of assumptions on Europa's hydrospheric structure that build on geophysical observations obtained by the Galileo mission combined with new models of Europa's interior. These models keep track of the compositions of the hydrated core and oceanic composition in a self-consistent manner. We will also estimate the electrical conductivity corresponding to the modeled oceanic composition. Finally we will explore how combining electromagnetic, topographic, and gravity data can decouple the signatures of the shell thickness and ocean composition on these geophysical observations. Acknowledgement: This work is being carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract to NASA. Government sponsorship acknowledged.

  7. Biomarkers on Europa: Unique signatures produced by radiolysis? (United States)

    Carlson, R. W.; Hand, K. P.

    A promising habitat for life is Jupiter's moon Europa, with its likely ocean under a young, active surface. Europa orbits in the heart of Jupiter's powerful magnetosphere and suffers intense energetic particle bombardment, producing both good and bad aspects for astrobiology at Europa. Ionizing radiation can produce oxidants that could support a radiation-driven ecology as proposed by Chyba. On the other hand, biomolecular evidence for oceanic life that may be emplaced on the surface is rapidly altered by radiation, perhaps complicating astrobiological searches for evidence of life. We are studying the radiolytic degradation of molecular biomarkers in ice at Europa temperatures by studying both simple organics and more complex biomolecules, including microorganisms. High energy (1-100 keV) electron irradiation is employed and the products are analyzed using infrared spectroscopy, thermal desorption mass spectroscopy, and laser desorption/ionization mass spectroscopy. Hydrocarbon radiolysis yields carbon dioxide and methane which can escape the system and results in the net loss of carbon. Aliphatic molecules with C=O bonds are formed and thought to be mainly polymethylene oxides. When heated, they polymerize to form brown, high-molecular-weight refractory residues with linear, spherical, and ring- shaped macrostructures, typically many tens of micrometers in size. Laser desorption mass spectra of the residues are not overly complex and are different for each initial species. Radiolysis of microorganisms shows the destruction of amine, amide, methyl, and methylene groups, and production of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitriles, and isocyanates. Mass spectra of irradiated B. pumilus spores are different and surprisingly less complex than those of unirradiated spores. It is possible that unique, diagnostic biosignatures may exist in mass spectra of irradiated microorganisms.

  8. Monitorização da força da ondulação na base da arriba (Pessegueiro, SW Portugal. Primeiros resultados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mário Neves


    Full Text Available MEASUREMENT OF THE WAVE FORCE AT THE CLIFF BASE (PESSEGUEIRO, SW PORTUGAL. FIRST RESULTS. In this article the characteristicsof a new wave force sensor (EWIN are briefly described. This instrument was bolted to the shore platform of Pessegueiro on a first trial experience in Portugal. The maximum wave force records are also analysed in correlation with the wave climate accured in these occasions.

  9. España, Portugal y los falsos amigos | Spain, Portugal and the false friends

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    Full Text Available España y Portugal son dos países que comparten mucho en el terreno de la historia, la cultura y la geografía. Sin embargo, esa misma proximidad se ha convertido muchas veces en el principal obstáculo para que cooperen entre sí.Desde la perspectiva portuguesa, la proximidad española se ha visto permanentemente como una amenaza a la independencia de Portugal. Desde el punto de vista de España, la cercanía de Portugal ha debilitado su consideración como país extranjero y ha acentuado un sentido de comunidad no siempre bien recibido por los portugueses. De modo que Portugal siempre ha querido diferenciarse y España ha respondido siempre aproximándose. Esta es la raíz del malentendido.Este cruce de percepciones distintas sobre el valor de proximidad, da lugar a todo tipo de equívocos, pues el deseo de diferenciación de uno puede entenderse como enemistad por el otro y, a la inversa, el de aproximación del segundo como invasión por el primero. Ejemplo de esto es lo que ocurre con la palabra iberismo, una palabra que se escribe igual en ambas lenguas pero que puede significar cosas opuestas, esto es, que puede ser un falso amigo. Así en las dos lenguas iberismo señala el ideal de una integración de ambos países, pero en portugués esto implica la subordinación de la soberanía portuguesa a la española y puede vincularse a la idea de traición; mientras que en español tiene una carga política mucho menor y puede apuntar a la simple simpatía por Portugal.En este artículo quiero mostrar cómo la proximidad de España y Portugal ha sido un obstáculo en las relaciones exteriores entre los dos países peninsulares, cuya comunicación ha sido distorsionada por los falsos amigos hasta el punto de convertirse, ellos mismos, en falsos amigos. Esto es, en países a los que se presupone una cercanía de propósitos que casi nunca se ve realizada en los hechos. Portugal and Spain are two countries that share history, culture and

  10. The ionosphere of Europa from Galileo radio occultations (United States)

    Kliore, A. J.; Hinson, D. P.; Flasar, F. M.; Nagy, A. F.; Cravens, T. E.


    The Galileo spacecraft performed six radio occultation observations of Jupiter's Galilean satellite Europa during its tour of the jovian system. In five of the six instances, these occultations revealed the presence of a tenuous ionosphere on Europa, with an average maximum electron density of nearly 10(4) per cubic centimeter near the surface and a plasma scale height of about 240 +/- 40 kilometers from the surface to 300 kilometers and of 440 +/- 60 kilometers above 300 kilometers. Such an ionosphere could be produced by solar photoionization and jovian magnetospheric particle impact in an atmosphere having a surface density of about 10(8) electrons per cubic centimeter. If this atmosphere is composed primarily of O2, then the principal ion is O2+ and the neutral atmosphere temperature implied by the 240-kilometer scale height is about 600 kelvin. If it is composed of H2O, the principal ion is H3O+ and the neutral temperature is about 340 kelvin. In either case, these temperatures are much higher than those observed on Europa's surface, and an external heating source from the jovian magnetosphere is required.

  11. Emergência médica no contexto escolar : a importância dos primeiros socorros na aula de educaçao física


    Gonçalves, José Filipe Silva


    La Organización Mundial de la Salud define a esta, como el estado de completo bienestar físico, psíquico y social, y no como la ausencia de afecciones o enfermedades (OMS, 1985). La enfermedad cardiovascular es la causa de la muerte más importante en toda Europa, incluyendo Portugal (DGS, 2013). Según las últimas estadísticas proporcionadas por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística - INE (2011), se producen anualmente alrededor de 10.000 paradas cardiorrespiratorias, 27 casos al día, de los...

  12. The natural gas industry in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kheloufi, S.


    This article makes a synthesis of the evolution of the natural gas sector in Portugal since the end of the 1990's. The aim of the energy policy of Portugal was the creation of a liberalized energy market capable to ensure the security of the energy supplies and to encourage the energy efficiency in order to reduce the environmental impact. The success of the introduction of natural gas in Portugal perfectly fulfills these goals. Since 1997, the natural gas consumption has increased significantly. The start-up of the methane terminal of Sines allows the diversification of the supply sources and contributes to the growth of the offer. The opening of the market is under development. It will allow the main consumers to select their supplier among those present on the Portuguese market. GALP company should keep its leader position and its daughter company 'Gas du Portugal' should reach 300 MW of power generation capacities by 2005 with the development of multi-energy services. The creation of an Iberian energy market between Spain and Portugal should speed up in 2004 leading to deep modifications in the energy sector of southern Europe. (J.S.)

  13. O chá em Portugal : história e hábitos de consumo


    Silva, Rui Manuel Esteves da


    Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos Interculturais Português/Chinês : Tradução, Formação e Comunicação Empresarial Neste trabalho, apresenta-se uma breve história do desenvolvimento da produção e consumo de chá na China antiga e em Portugal. Inicialmente, é apresentada a origem lendária da planta do chá, assim como o os primeiros registos do uso da planta na China e o desenvolvimento e generalização do seu consumo até à dinastia Yuan. Faz-se, então, referência à expansão do chá par...

  14. O impacto da exclusão digital na utilização potencial de um mercado eletrónico de serviços de cuidados de saúde e serviços sociais

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    Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha


    Full Text Available Cada vez mais os indivíduos necessitam de competências digitais avançadas para participar plenamente na sociedade. Numa Europa em crescente envelhecimento é atualmente reconhecida a importância e o potencial da indústria de serviços para envelhecer bem baseados nas tecnologias de informação e de comunicação (TIC, de que é exemplo o mercado eletrónico de serviços sociais e de cuidados de saúde, o GuiMarket, proposto pelos autores para um município do Norte de Portugal. Com base nos resultados de um inquérito realizado junto de uma amostra de 315 indivíduos, o artigo discute a importância reconhecida a tal serviço e a frequência de utilização prevista, concluindo existir uma íntima relação entre o acesso às TIC e a utilização que os inquiridos preveem fazer do GuiMarket.

  15. Modeling the Interaction of Europa with the Jovian Magnetosphere (United States)

    Rubin, M.; Combi, M. R.; Daldorff, L.; Gombosi, T. I.; Hansen, K. C.; Jia, X.; Kivelson, M. G.; Tenishev, V.


    The interaction of Jupiter's corotating magnetosphere with Europa's subsurface water ocean is responsible for the observed induced dipolar magnetic field. Furthermore the pick-up process of newly ionized particles from Europa's neutral atmosphere alters the magnetic and electric field topology around the moon. We use the Block-Adaptive-Tree-Solarwind-Roe-Upwind-Scheme (BATS-R-US) of the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) to model the interaction of Europa with the Jovian magnetosphere. The BATS-R-US code solves the governing equations of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in a fully 3D adaptive mesh. In our approach we solve the equations for one single ion species, starting from the work by Kabin et al. (J. Geophys. Res., 104, A9, 19983-19992, 1999) accounting for the exospheric mass loading, ion-neutral charge exchange, and ion-electron recombination. We continue by separately solving the electron pressure equation and furthermore extend the magnetic induction equation by the resistive and Hall terms. The resistive term accounts for the finite electron diffusivity and thus allows a more adequate description of the effect of magnetic diffusion due to collisions [Ledvina et al., Sp. Sci. Rev., 139:143-189, 2008]. For this purpose we use ion-electron and electron-neutral collision rates presented by Schunk and Nagy (Ionospheres, Cambridge University Press, 2000). The Hall term allows ions and electrons to move at different velocities while the magnetic field remains frozen to the electrons. The assumed charge neutrality of the ion-electron plasma is maintained everywhere at all times. The model is run at different phases of Jupiter's rotation reflecting the different locations of Europa with respect to the center of the plasma sheet and is compared to measurements obtained by the Galileo magnetometer [Kivelson et al., J. Geophys. Res., 104:4609-4626, 1999]. The resulting influence on the induced magnetic dipolar field is studied and compared to the results from the

  16. Search for bacterial waste as a possible signature of life on Europa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhattacherjee, A.B.; Chela-Flores, J.


    Observations of the icy Jovian moon Europa by the Galileo spacecraft served to stimulate conceptual planning for missions to Europa to search for signs of life in the volcanically-heated ocean presumed to underlie its thick icy surface. Liquid water is thought to be an essential ingredient for life, so the existence of a second water ocean in the solar system would be of paramount importance in any search for life beyond earth. In-situ measurements will be needed to directly explore the Europan ocean. The wide range of thermal and pressure environments expected on Europa provide a considerable challenge in designing an instrument package. (author)

  17. Examining Microbial Survival During Infall onto Europa: An Important Limit on the Origin of Potential European Life (United States)

    Fries, M.; Conrad, P.; Matney, M.; Steele, A.


    Previous work shows that transfer of material from Earth to Europa is statistically possible, opening the question of whether terrestrial biota may have transferred to Europa to populate that world. Transfer of viable organisms is a function of parameters such as ejection shock, radiation exposure, and others, applied across four phases in the transfer process: ejection from the parent body, transport through interplanetary space, infall onto the target world, and biological adaptation. If terrestrial biota could survive transport to Europa, then biology on Europa may be either the product of a separate and unrelated origin or they are the descendants of transferred terrestrial organisms. If, however, transfer of viable organisms is impossible, then any biota present on Europa must be the product of a biological origin independent from terrestrial life. We will investigate the survival likelihood of material falling onto Europa.

  18. PO-EX: a poética como acontecimento sob a noite que o fascismo salazarista impôs a Portugal

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    Edwar de Alencar Castelo Branco


    Full Text Available O ano de 2014 assinala o quadragésimo aniversário da Revolução dos Cravos, acontecimento que pôs fim ao Estado Novo Salazarista, uma das mais longevas ditaduras de toda a Europa Ocidental. A pretexto dessa efeméride, o artigo procura tomar o PO-EX - movimento literário experimental que renovou a poesia portuguesa entre as décadas de 1960 e 1970 - como signo de uma época em que a linguagem, não apenas em Portugal mas em boa parte do mundo, tornou-se um problema de ordem histórica. Teoricamente o artigo é suportado pela ideia de que a linguagem constitui um dos lugares de acontecimento da história, enquanto do ponto de vista empírico o trabalho se apropria, basicamente, de textos teóricos e de documentos da Poesia Experimental Portuguesa.

  19. Estratégias para aumentar a sensibilidade da farmacovigilância em Portugal Estrategias para aumentar la sensibilidad de la farmacovigilancia en Portugal Strategies to increase the sensitivity of pharmacovigilance in Portugal

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    Inês Ribeiro-Vaz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados de intervenção para melhoria da quantidade e relevância das notificações de reacções adversas a medicamentos. MÉTODOS: Foi implementado um estudo controlado aleatorizado, por agrupamentos em farmacêuticos a exercer actividade profissional na região norte de Portugal, em 2007. Após aleatorização, 364 indivíduos foram alocados ao grupo de intervenção (261 na intervenção telefónica e 103 nos workshops; o grupo de controlo foi constituído por 1.103 farmacêuticos. Na intervenção educativa foram abordados a problemática das reacções adversas a medicamentos, o impacto na saúde pública e a notificação espontânea. Quanto à relevância, as reações adversas foram classificadas em graves e inesperadas. A análise estatística foi efectuada com base no princípio intention-to-treat; aplicaram-se modelos lineares generalizados mistos, utilizando o método penalized quasi-likelihood. Os farmacêuticos estudados foram seguidos durante um período de 20 meses. RESULTADOS: A intervenção aumentou três vezes a taxa de notificação espontânea das reações adversas (RR = 3,22; IC 95%: 1,33; 7,80 relativamente ao grupo de controlo. Houve incremento da relevância das notificações com aumento das reações adversas graves em cerca de quatro vezes (RR = 3,87; IC 95%: 1,29;11,61 e inesperadas em cinco vezes (RR = 5,02; IC 95%: 1,33;18,93, relativamente ao grupo de controlo. CONCLUSÕES: As intervenções educativas aumentam significativamente, por até quatro meses, a quantidade e a relevância das notificações espontâneas de reacções adversas a medicamentos por parte dos farmacêuticos da região norte de Portugal.OBJETIVO: Evaluar los resultados de intervención para mejoría de la cantidad y relevancia de las notificaciones de reacciones adversas a medicamentos. MÉTODOS: Fue implementado un estudio controlado aleatorio, por agrupaciones de farmacéuticos que ejercen actividad profesional

  20. Turismo e Gastronomia: a valorização do património gastronómico na região do Algarve


    Henriques, Cláudia; Custódio, Maria João


    A Gastronomia constitui-se como importante atractivo turístico-cultural de um local, região ou pais. Portugal está identificado como um dos melhores destinos de Gastronomia e Vinhos da Europa e no seu Plano Estratégico Nacional de Turismo (2006-2015) “Gastronomia e Vinhos” é considerado um produto turístico a valorizar. No caso da região do Algarve, este produto é identificado como motivação secundária para quase todos os outros produtos estratégicos da região. Neste contexto, e sob o reconhe...

  1. Optometry in Portugal: a historical perspective (United States)

    Teixeira, Eduardo; Baptista, António M. G.; Sousa, Raul A. R. C.


    The establishment and development of optometry in Portugal resulted from the committed work of many individuals and institutions. These efforts have had good results in terms of raising the public's awareness of the major role played by optometrists in primary eye care. Back in the late 80's higher education in optometry was started. Ten years ago the results of scientific research on the topic first became available and are now also contributing to the success of optometry in Portugal. In regard to the optometry profession, specific regulations are to be discussed in the national parliament. The Associação de Profissionais Licenciados de Optometria (APLO), as the professional organization representing optometrists in Portugal, has been critically important in this process. This article will present an overview of the history of optometry in Portugal, of change in the foreseeable future and of the APLO's experience and activities.

  2. SLUSH: Europa Hybrid Deep Drill, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — There are at least two fundamental design approaches one could use when trying to penetrate the icy shell on Europa and other planetary bodies: a melt probe and an...

  3. The First USGS Global Geologic Map of Europa (United States)

    Leonard, E. J.; Patthoff, D. A.; Senske, D.; Collins, G. C.


    Understanding the global scale geology of Europa is paramount to gaining insight into the potential habitability of this icy world. To this end, work is ongoing to complete a global geological map at the scale of 1:15 million that incorporates data at all resolutions collected by the Voyager and Galileo missions. The results of this work will aid the Europa Clipper mission, now in formulation, by providing a framework for collaborative and synergistic science investigations. To understand global geologic and tectonic relations, a total of 10 geologic units have been defined. These include: Low Albedo Ridge Material (lam)—low albedo material that irregularly surrounds large (>20 km) ridge structures; Ridged plains (pr)—distributed over all latitudes and characterized by subparallel to cross-cutting ridges and troughs visible at high resolution (material (b)—linear to curvilinear zones with a distinct, abrupt albedo change from the surrounding region; Crater material (c), Continuous Crater Ejecta (ce) and Discontinuous Crater Ejecta (dce)—features associated with impact craters including the site of the impact, crater material, and the fall-out debris respectively; Low Albedo Chaos (chl), Mottled Albedo Chaos (chm) and High Albedo Chaos (chh)—disrupted terrain with a relatively uniform low albedo, patchy/variegated albedo, and uniform high albedo appearance respectively; Knobby Chaos (chk) - disrupted terrain with rough and blocky texture occurring in the high latitudes. In addition to the geologic units, our mapping also includes structural features—Ridges, Cycloids, Undifferentiated Linea, Crater Rims, Depression Margins, Dome Margins and Troughs. We also introduce a point feature (at the global scale), Microchaos, to denote small (material. The completed map will constrain the distribution of different Europa terrains and provide a general stratigraphic framework to assess the geologic history of Europa from the regional to the global scale. Here, we

  4. Cultura Organizacional e Gestão de Equipes de Alto Rendimento: Os Casos FC Barcelona, Sporting Club de Portugal e AFC Ajax

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    Ary José Rocco Júnior


    Full Text Available 800x600 Em todo o mundo, a chamada Indústria do Esporte vêm experimentando vertiginoso crescimento financeiro. Com isso, o papel das agremiações esportivas adquiriu especial importância dentro da sociedade contemporânea global. A relevância do planejamento estratégico dessas organizações fez crescer a necessidade dos clubes esportivos investirem em estratégias que permitam o seu correto posicionamento no mercado e as suas conquistas no campo esportivo. A implantação e o desenvolvimento de uma cultura organizacional que permita o desenvolvimento de uma identidade do clube que agregue todos os seus stakeholders – atletas, torcedores, patrocinadores, marcas, investidores e outros -, é uma dessas estratégias. A criação estratégica e planejada de valores e princípios organizacionais que equilibrem resultados econômicos, mercadológicos e financeiros, com a performance esportiva, colabora para o desenvolvimento e implantação de uma cultura, que gera receita e traz conquistas no campo esportivo. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar três casos de sucesso – FC Barcelona, da Espanha; Sporting Club de Portugal; e, AFC Ajax, da Holanda -, de organizações esportivas que implantaram estratégias dessa natureza na Europa. Pretendemos, com isso, estimular agremiações esportivas do Brasil a adotarem estratégias semelhantes. Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hand, K. P.; Brown, M. E.


    We present results from Keck II observations of Europa over four consecutive nights using the near-infrared spectrograph. Spectra were collected in the 3.14-4.0 μm range, enabling detection and monitoring of the 3.5 μm feature due to hydrogen peroxide. Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer results first revealed hydrogen peroxide on Europa in the anti-Jovian region of the leading hemisphere at a percent by number abundance of 0.13% ± 0.07% relative to water. We find comparable results for the two nights over which we observed the leading hemisphere. Significantly, we observed a small amount of hydrogen peroxide (∼0.04%) during observations of Europa's anti-Jovian and sub-Jovian hemispheres. Almost no hydrogen peroxide was detected during observations of just the trailing hemisphere. We conclude that the Galileo observations likely represent the maximum hydrogen peroxide concentration, the exception potentially being the cold water ice regions of the poles, which are not readily observable from the ground. Our mapping of the peroxide abundance across Europa requires revisions to previous estimates for Europa's global surface abundance of oxidants and leads to a reduction in the total oxidant delivery expected for the subsurface ocean if an exchange of surface material with the ocean occurs.

  6. Dimensiones reales y simbólicas de la "crisis de refugiados" en Europa: un análisis crítico desde Portugal


    Padilla, B.; Goldberg, A.


    Resumen Este trabajo aborda algunas de las dimensiones reales y simbólicas interactuantes en la llamada “crisis de refugiados en Europa”, declarada en 2015 y que se desarrolla hasta la actualidad. Por medio de una estrategia metodológica que combina de forma articulada, técnicas de investigación cualitativas con el uso de fuentes secundarias, se propone un análisis crítico del fenómeno con el foco puesto en Portugal, con el objetivo de mapear cuáles son las percepciones sociales sobre el mism...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sparks, W. B.; Bergeron, E.; Cracraft, M.; Deustua, S. E.; Hand, K. P.; McGrath, M. A.


    Roth et al. (2014a) reported evidence for plumes of water venting from a southern high latitude region on Europa: spectroscopic detection of off-limb line emission from the dissociation products of water. Here, we present Hubble Space Telescope direct images of Europa in the far-ultraviolet (FUV) as it transited the smooth face of Jupiter to measure absorption from gas or aerosols beyond the Europa limb. Out of 10 observations, we found 3 in which plume activity could be implicated. Two observations showed statistically significant features at latitudes similar to Roth et al., and the third at a more equatorial location. We consider potential systematic effects that might influence the statistical analysis and create artifacts, and are unable to find any that can definitively explain the features, although there are reasons to be cautious. If the apparent absorption features are real, the magnitude of implied outgassing is similar to that of the Roth et al. feature; however, the apparent activity appears more frequently in our data.

  8. Surface composition of Europa based on VLT observations (United States)

    Ligier, N.; Poulet, F.; Carter, J.


    Jupiter's moon Europa may harbor a global salty ocean under an 80-170 km thick outer layer consisting of an icy crust (Anderson et al. 1998). Meanwhile, the 10-50 My old surface, dated by cratering rates (Pappalardo et al. 1999) implies rapid surface recycling and reprocessing that could result in tectonic activity (Kattenhorn et al. 2014) and plumes (Roth et al. 2014). The surface could thus exhibit fingerprints of chemical species, as minerals characteristics of an ocean-mantle interaction and/or organics of exobiological interest, directly originating from the subglacial ocean. In order to re-investigate the composition of Europa's surface, a global mapping campaign of the satellite was performed with the near-infrared integral field spectrograph SINFONI on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. The high spectral binning of this instrument (0.5 nm) and large signal noise ratio in comparison to previous observations are adequate to detect sharp absorptions in the wavelength range 1.45-2.45 μm. In addition, the spatially resolved spectra we obtained over five epochs nearly cover the entire surface of Europa with a pixel scale of 12.5 by 25 m.a.s ( 35 by 70 km on Europa's surface), thus permitting a global scale study. Several icy and non-icy compounds were detected and mapped at <100 km resolution. They are unevenly distributed on the moon's surface. Amorphous and crystalline water ice are both present and, in spite of a particularly strong amorphization process likely engendered by the Io plasma torus, the crystalline form is found to be approximately twice as abundant as the amorphous ice based on the analysis of the 1.65 μm band. If the surface is dominated by small and mid-sized water ice grains (25-200 μm), crystalline water-ice grains exhibit spatial inhomogeneities in their distribution. The sulfuric acid hydrate distribution exhibits the typical "bullseye" feature on the trailing hemisphere. The presence of Mg-bearing chlorinated salts (chloride

  9. Forschung weltweit anerkannt: lernen von Europa

    CERN Multimedia

    Lorbeere, K


    Europa is better than its reputation. On one hand, the old continent, with the CERN, has the most modern research center for particle physics of the world; in addition, international groupings of companies as Microsoft use the research laboratories in Europe and thus use the know-how of the European scientists


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    Luís António Gomes Almeida


    Full Text Available A política dos dividendos é um dos temas que tem concebido mais trabalhos teóricos e empíricos na área das finanças empresariais, pois dividendos são considerados uma das decisões financeiras empresariais mais importantes na vida das empresas, estando associados às políticas de investimento e de financiamento, e os seus determinantes não são de escolha unânime. No intuito de dar mais um contributo na resolução desta problemática, testam-se empiricamente o efeito subprime com a inclusão de uma dummy, e outros  determinantes financeiros pela aplicação do método de regressão linear múltipla, às empresas não financeiras cotadas na Euronext Lisbon, no período de 1997 e 2013. Os resultados sugerem a influência do valor de mercado, resultados e rendibilidade,  oportunidades de crescimento e de investimento no montante de dividendos distribuídos pela empresa.


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    Catarina Reis Oliveira


    Full Text Available In Portugal in recent decades, just like in other welcoming countries, immigrants have reached levels of entrepreneurial activity that are higher than those of autochthonous citizens. However, a deeper analysis of the official data shows that not all immigrant groups have the same tendency to become entrepreneurs. In this respect, the Chinese stand out as being the group with the highest ratio of entrepreneurial activity in Portugal, despite the fact that their migration is a relatively recent phenomenon. What factors can explain the Chinese community’s disproportionate rate of entrepreneurial initiative? Do they possess any particular resources that make them more enterprising than the autochthonous population, or than other groups of immigrants? Does the context of Portugal hamper certain opportunities or in some way limit their economic integration into the job market? Do we find similar business strategies among other Chinese entrepreneurs residing in welcoming societies apart from that of Portugal? Why did Chinese business initiative grow at such an exceptional rate in Portugal in the late 1990s? By seeking answers to these questions, this article attempts to examine Chinese business strategies in Portugal, as well as their exceptional success rate in comparison with other entrepreneurial immigrants. To that end, the author has analysed the data gathered in a survey carried out on 309 Chinese entrepreneurs resident in Portugal (see Oliveira, 2005.

  12. “Escolas de Música, Escolas de Vida”: Estudo de Caso na Música Nova de Ílhavo

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    Maria Helena da Cruz Martins Rodrigues Milheiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho explora o processo de ensino de música nas bandas filarmónicas em Portugal. Parte de um estudo de caso realizado na Banda dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Ílhavo – Música Nova. As Bandas Filarmónicas são instituições seculares responsáveis pela formação inicial de grande parte dos instrumentistas de sopro em Portugal. O desinteresse que os estudos musicológicos revelaram por esta realidade musical explica-se pela persistência de um paradigma essencialista da cultura que exclui as práticas situadas entre os domínios erudito e folclórico. Enquadra-se num estudo mais amplo que compreende a atividade filarmónica no concelho de Ílhavo. O meu contributo circunscreve-se ao ensino-aprendizagem de música nas bandas filarmónicas e à atividade performativa da Música Nova ao longo de 2012, procurando averiguar o impacto que a formação de músicos nas bandas filarmónicas teve e tem na vida musical em Portugal, nomeadamente na formação de músicos profissionais.

  13. Televisión regional en la Europa de las Identidades

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    Bernat López


    Full Text Available En Europa cerca de trescientos emisoras ahora ofrecen varios servicios comparten una característica peculiar: sirven a pequeños territorios no estatales y/o comunidades étnico-culturales diferenciadas. Comenta de hacia dónde irá la televisión regional en Europa corresponde la palabra "incertidumbre". Tan solo mediante un estrechamiento de la relación con la audiencia y una política abierta e innovadora podrán las televisiones regionales afrontar el futuro con garantías.

  14. Transnational citizenship: Latin Americans in Portugal

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    Beatriz Padilla


    Full Text Available This article is a reflection upon the exercising of transnational citizenship as a consequence of international migration, applied to Latin Americans resident in Portugal. In order to do this we have adopted the concept of transnational citizenship, as its malleability allows us to consider the whole concept of countries of origin and destination and the influence of bilateral and international relations. We ask how transnational citizenship is exercised in the European Union, Ibero-American and, particularly, Portuguese spaces, and whether it is affected by the economic crisis in Europe and, in particular, Portugal, by analysing the cases of Argentines, Brazilians and Uruguayans living in Portugal.

  15. Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This short report summarizes the main lines of the energy policy of Portugal. It presents the main energy companies and utilities (EDP, CPPE, REN, Petrogal, GDP, Galp SGPS) of the country, the energy supplies (resources, electricity, petroleum, coal, natural gas), the prices and pricing policy, the global energy consumption per sector, the stakes and perspectives of the energy market (forecasts, contracts). (J.S.)

  16. Computer Tomography Scanners in Portugal (1990-2011

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    Ricardo Crispim


    Full Text Available The use of Computed Tomography (CT has increased every year since its introduction into medicine in 1972. Technological developments have made CT one of the most important imaging modalities in modern medicine. This importance is evidenced in the increasing demand and number of CT scanners installed in Portugal and worldwide. This review compiles the most recent national statistics from official publications on the number of CT scanners installed in Portugal and compares them with data available in international publications. We conclude that the number of CT scanners installed in Portugal exceeded the EU27 average by 61.5 % and the OECD average by 78.2 %, and that in 2011 there were 203 CT scanners installed in hospitals in Portugal, which equated to 19.23 CT scanners per million inhabitants.

  17. Personagens femininas na obra "Hitler manda lembranças", de Roberto Drummond: um retrato de Stela


    Walkiria Felix Dias


    O artigo em questão discute a obra Hitler manda lembranças, de Roberto Drummond. Um romance ambientado em Belo Horizonte no começo dos anos 80, quando a ditadura agonizava no Brasil. Nesse contexto mistura-se a história de seis personagens que fazem parte de uma lista de 417 futuros desempregados. Além disso, os personagens são assombrados pelo que houve na Europa durante o Holocausto. Nesta época, inúmeros judeus fugiram da Europa rumo aos trópicos buscando asilo político no Brasil. Porém...

  18. A medicina no século XVII. As descobertas científicas. Os introfísicos e os introquímicos. Thomas Sydenham e o neo-hipocratismo seiscentista

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    Ordival Cassiano Gomes


    Full Text Available (Primeiro Parágrafo do Artigo O fim do século XV e o século XVI são dos grandes descobrimentos marítimos a deslocarem o eixo econômico do mundo ocidental. O Mediterrâneo perde a hegemonia comercial, mantida, quase se interrupção desde o Império Romano. O Atlântico é então, o grande caminho, e Portugal e Espanha dominam, comercial e militarmente, essa grande via marítima, tornando-se as duas grandes potências da Europa. O Tratado das Tordesilhas divide o mundo pelas duas nações ibéricas.

  19. Mapping the Topography of Europa: The Galileo-Clipper Story (United States)

    Schenk, Paul M.


    The renewed effort to return to Europa for global mapping and landing site selection raises the question: What do we know about Europa topography and how do we know it? The question relates to geologic questions of feature formation, to the issue of ice shell thickness, mechanical strength, and internal activity, and to landing hazards. Our topographic data base for Europa is sparse indeed (no global map is possible), but we are not without hope. Two prime methods have been employed in our mapping program are stereo image and shape-from-shading (PC) slope analyses. On Europa, we are fortunate that many PC-DEM areas are also controlled by stereo-DEMs, mitigating the long-wavelength uncertainties in the PC data. Due to the Galileo antenna malfunction, mapping is limited to no more than 20% of the surface, far less than for any of the inner planets. Thirty-seven individual mapping sites have been identified, scattered across the globe, and all have now been mapped. Excellent stereo mapping is possible at all Sun angles, if resolution is below ~350 m. PC mapping is possible at Sun angles greater than ~60 degrees, if emission angles are less than ~40 degrees. The only extended contiguous areas of topographic mapping larger than 150 km across are the two narrow REGMAP mapping mosaics extending pole-to-pole along longitudes 85 and 240 W. These are PC-only and subject to long-wavelength uncertainties and errors, especially in the north/south where oblique imaging produces layover. Key findings include the mean slopes of individual terrain types (Schenk, 2009), topography across chaos (Schenk and Pappalardo, 2004), topography of craters and inferences for ice shell thickness (Schenk, 2002; Schenk and Turtle, 2009), among others. A key discovery, despite the limited data, is that Europan terrains rarely have topographic amplitude greater than 250 meters, but that regionally Europa has imprinted on it topographic amplitudes of +/- 1 km, in the form of raised plateaus and

  20. Sun, Sand, Sea & Bikini. Arquitectura e turismo: Portugal anos 60

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    Susana Lobo


    Full Text Available “Anos de Ruptura”, a década de 1960 marca, em Portugal, um importante ponto de viragem na transição para a democracia. A “derrota” de Humberto Delgado nas eleições presidenciais de 1958, o deflagrar da Guerra Colonial, o crescente êxodo rural e a emigração económica e política, as lutas estudantis, o Marcelismo e a abertura ao investimento exterior, assim como a generalização de importantes benefícios sociais, como o direito a férias pagas, testemunham profundas transformações na sociedade portuguesa, com inevitáveis repercussões na organização do território. A par da suburbanização dos principais centros populacionais do país, o advento de um turismo de massas será o principal motor dessa nova ordem espacial, assistindo‑se ao ensaio de novos modelos urbanísticos e arquitectónicos que iriam revolucionar o panorama disciplinar nacional. É sobre o impacto do fenómeno turístico na actividade dos arquitectos portugueses e, consequentemente, na sua relação com a sociedade e os mecanismos de produção capitalista dos anos sessenta que o presente artigo se propõe reflectir, na perspectiva de relançar o debate, então adiado, acerca das implicações físicas e culturais do lazer na colonização da paisagem.

  1. Trepartsforhandlinger i Danmark og Europa følges ikke ad

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mailand, Mikkel


    Trepartsforhandlinger med flere emner på dagsordenen flore-rede særligt i 1990’erne og tidligt i 00’erne rundt omkring i Europa, hvor de var fraværende i Danmark. Efter den øko-nomiske krise synes billedet at være vendt.......Trepartsforhandlinger med flere emner på dagsordenen flore-rede særligt i 1990’erne og tidligt i 00’erne rundt omkring i Europa, hvor de var fraværende i Danmark. Efter den øko-nomiske krise synes billedet at være vendt....

  2. Os cursos de Ciência da Informação no Brasil e em Portugal: perspectivas diacrônicas Cursos de Ciencia de la Informacion en Brasil y en Portugal: perspectivas diacrónicas

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    Terezinha Batista de Souza


    Full Text Available Apresenta uma breve retrospectiva histórica da Ciência da Informação (CI no Brasil e em Portugal. No Brasil a C.I foi introduzida na década de 70 com a implementação do Mestrado, no Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografia e Documentação (IBBD e em Portugal surgiu a partir dos cursos de pós-graduação em Ciências Documentais que evoluíram no sentido da adoção do termo Ciência da Informação, tendo em vista a implementação, em 2001, num esforço conjunto entre a Faculdade de Engenharia e a Faculdade de Letras da primeira Licenciatura em CI. Neste sentido mostra as as diferenças e semelhanças, bem como o quadro atual da CI nos dois países.

  3. Dimensiones reales y simbólicas de la "crisis de refugiados" en Europa: un análisis crítico desde Portugal

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    Beatriz Padilla

    Full Text Available Resumen Este trabajo aborda algunas de las dimensiones reales y simbólicas interactuantes en la llamada “crisis de refugiados en Europa”, declarada en 2015 y que se desarrolla hasta la actualidad. Por medio de una estrategia metodológica que combina de forma articulada, técnicas de investigación cualitativas con el uso de fuentes secundarias, se propone un análisis crítico del fenómeno con el foco puesto en Portugal, con el objetivo de mapear cuáles son las percepciones sociales sobre el mismo.

  4. Thera and Thrace Macula on Europa (United States)


    This image of Europa's southern hemisphere was obtained by the solid state imaging (CCD) system on board NASA's Galileo spacecraft during its sixth orbit of Jupiter. The upper left portion of the image shows the southern extent of the 'wedges' region, an area that has undergone extensive disruption. South of the wedges, the eastern extent of Agenor Linea (nearly 1000 kilometers in length) is also visible. Thera and Thrace Macula are the dark irregular features southeast of Agenor Linea. This image can be used by scientists to build a global map of Europa by tying such Galileo images together with images from 1979 during NASA's Voyager mission. Such lower resolution images also provide the context needed to interpret the higher resolution images taken by the Galileo during both its nominal mission and the upcoming Europa mission. North is to the top of the picture and the sun illuminates the surface from the right. The image, centered at -40 latitude and 180 longitude, covers an area approximately 675 by 675 kilometers. The finest details that can be discerned in this picture are about 3.3 kilometers across. The images were taken on Feb 20, 1997 at 12 hours, 55 minutes, 34 seconds Universal Time when the spacecraft was at a range of 81,707 kilometers.The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA manages the mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC.This image and other images and data received from Galileo are posted on the World Wide Web, on the Galileo mission home page at URL Background information and educational context for the images can be found at URL

  5. Lessons from wind policy in Portugal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peña, Ivonne; L. Azevedo, Inês; Marcelino Ferreira, Luís António Fialho


    Wind capacity and generation grew rapidly in several European countries, such as Portugal. Wind power adoption in Portugal began in the early 2000s, incentivized by a continuous feed-in tariff policy mechanism, coupled with public tenders for connection licenses in 2001, 2002, and 2005. These policies led to an enormous success in terms of having a large share of renewables providing electricity services: wind alone accounts today for ~23.5% of electricity demand in Portugal. We explain the reasons wind power became a key part of Portugal's strategy to comply with European Commission climate and energy goals, and provide a detailed review of the wind feed-in tariff mechanism. We describe the actors involved in wind power production growth. We estimate the environmental and energy dependency gains achieved through wind power generation, and highlight the correlation between wind electricity generation and electricity exports. Finally, we compare the Portuguese wind policies with others countries' policy designs and discuss the relevance of a feed-in tariff reform for subsequent wind power additions.

  6. "Quo vadis", Europa? Uma pergunta que não quer calar "Quo vadis", Europe? A question that will not go away

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    Sonia de Camargo


    Full Text Available Dois temas básicos são discutidos e examinados neste trabalho: a incorporação de dez novos membros aos quadros da União Européia e a constitucionalização de sua estrutura jurídico-institucional. Para tanto, proponho-me, de um lado, a reconstituir os passos político-institucionais que cobrem o período que vai de uma Europa do pós-guerra, fragmentada e enfraquecida, a uma Europa pós-Guerra Fria, pronta para se estender a todo o continente, processo que se abre em maio de 2004 com a incorporação de dez Estados vindos do Leste Europeu; de outro, a reproduzir o debate institucional entre uma Europa federal e uma Europa de Estados, o qual levou a que, em junho de 2003, fosse apresentado ao Conselho Europeu reunido em Salônica o projeto do novo Tratado da União e, em dezembro de 2003, fosse discutido, na Cúpula de Chefes de Estado da UE, reunida em Bruxelas, o texto da primeira Constituição para a Europa.Two basic themes are discussed and examined in this paper: the incorporation of ten new members into the European Union frame and the creation of institutional-legal structure supported by a Constitution. To do so, I propose, on one hand, to reconstitute the political-institutional steps which covered the period coming from post-war Europe, fragmented and weakened, to a post-Cold War Europe ready to spread throughout the continent. This process began in May 2004 with the incorporation of ten States of Eastern Europe. On the other hand, I intend to reproduce the institutional debate between a Federal Europe and a Europe of States, debate which conducted to the presentation to the European Council of the project of the new Treaty of the Union, which met in Salonika, in June 2003; second, to the discussion of the text of the first European Constitution, in the Summit of Heads of States of EU, held in Brussels, December 2003.

  7. Los estudios de pedagogía en Europa en el contexto de la implantación del proceso de Bolonia y la situación de la Educación Comparada

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    Joan María Senent Sánchez


    Full Text Available El artículo nos presenta un análisis comparativo de la situación de los estudios superiores de carácter pedagógico en 23 países de Europa que han sido agrupados en 5 bloques: a Países anglofónos o de influencia británica: Reino Unido, Irlanda y Malta. b Escandinavia: Noruega, Finlandia, Dinamarca y Holanda. c Países de lengua o influencia alemana: Alemania, Austria y Eslovenia. d Europa del Este: República Checa, Eslovaquia y Polonia. e Países francófonos: Francia, Belgica, Luxemburgo y Suiza romance. . f Países meridionales: Portugal, España, Italia, Grecia y Chipre. El análisis se basa en la presencia de los estudios pedágógicos en los "grados" y "postgrados" de ese país, la estructura adoptada, las características del del programa de formación y su situación respecto a la adaptación al proceso de Bolonia. El artículo termina con la presentación de las conclusiones del informe, así como un breve análisis de la situación de la Educación Comparada en las universidades europeas, tanto como disciplina que como método de trabajo.

  8. Joint Europa Mission (JEM) : A multi-scale study of Europa to characterize its habitability and search for life. (United States)

    Blanc, Michel; Prieto Ballesteros, Olga; Andre, Nicolas; Cooper, John F.


    Europa is the closest and probably the most promising target to perform a comprehensive characterization of habitability and search for extant life. We propose that NASA and ESA join forces to design an ambitious planetary mission we call JEM (for Joint Europa Mission) to reach this objective. JEM will be assigned the following overarching goal: Understand Europa as a complex system responding to Jupiter system forcing, characterize the habitability of its potential biosphere, and search for life in its surface, sub-surface and exosphere. Our observation strategy to address these goals will combine three scientific measurement sequences: measurements on a high-latitude, low-latitude Europan orbit providing a continuous and global mapping of planetary fields (magnetic and gravity) and of the neutral and charged environment during a period of three months; in-situ measurements at the surface, using a soft lander operating during 35 days, to search for bio-signatures at the surface and sub-surface and operate a geophysical station; measurements of the chemical composition of the very low exosphere and plumes in search for biomolecules. The implementation of these three observation sequences will rest on the combination of two science platforms equipped with the most advanced instrumentation: a soft lander to perform all scientific measurements at the surface and sub-surface at a selected landing site, and a carrier/relay/orbiter to perform the orbital survey and descent sequences. In this concept, the orbiter will perform science operations during the relay phase on a carefully optimized halo orbit of the Europa-Jupiter system before moving to its final Europan orbit. The design of both orbiter and lander instruments will have to accommodate the very challenging radiation mitigation and Planetary Protection issues. The proposed lander science platform is composed of a geophysical station and of two complementary astrobiology facilities dedicated to bio

  9. A Graduação em Gerontologia na América Latina e Portugal – uma análise dos cursos e da oferta de disciplinas de avaliação gerontológica

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    Aline Silveira Viana


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a oferta de cursos de graduação em Gerontologia, na América Latina e Portugal. Foram localizados 22 cursos e analisados quanto ao início dos mesmos, objetivo, perfil profissional, carga horária e duração. Dos 22 cursos identificados, 45,4% oferecem disciplinas relacionadas à avaliação gerontológica. Conclui-se que há crescente preocupação dos países em formar profissionais aptos a lidar com uma população idosa em crescimento.  

  10. O papel dos intelectuais e o campo literário actual em Portugal. Uma conversa com João Barrento

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    Carla Gago


    Full Text Available Para quem conheça o meio português, João Barrento dispensa quaisquer apresentações. É actualmente uma das vozes mais interessantes em Portugal, que se evidenciou inicialmente pelo trabalho de divulgação da Literatura e Cultura alemãs (de salientar a notabilíssima tradução da obra completa de Goethe, numa época em que Portugal se queria autista. Professsor universitário na Universidade Nova de Lisboa, tradutor, crítico literário com especial afecto pela poesia portuguesa contemporânea, e, last but not least, ensaísta. Esta entrevista foi consequência natural de agradáveis horas em Rostock, após outros encontros felizes em Lisboa, por ocasião da estada nesta cidade hanseática de João Barrento, que amavelmente acedeu ao convite do Instituto Camões para efectuar um seminário compacto de uma semana no Instituto de Românicas em Junho de 2001 sobre a forma do conto na Novíssima Literatura Portuguesa.

  11. Searching Less Perturbed Circular Orbits for a Spacecraft Travelling around Europa

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    J. P. S. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Space missions to visit the natural satellite of Jupiter, Europa, constitute an important topic in space activities today, because missions to this moon are under study now. Several considerations have to be made for these missions. The present paper searches for less perturbed circular orbits around Europa. This search is made based on the total effects of the perturbing forces over the time, evaluated by the integral of those forces over the time. This value depends on the dynamical model and on the orbit of the spacecraft. The perturbing forces considered are the third-body perturbation that comes from Jupiter and the J2, J3, and C22 terms of the gravitational potential of Europa. Several numerical studies are performed and the results show the locations of the less perturbed orbits. Using those results, it is possible to find near-circular frozen orbits with smaller amplitudes of variations of the orbital elements.

  12. Unmasking Europa the search for life on Jupiter's ocean moon

    CERN Document Server

    Greenberg, Richard


    Jupiter's ice moon Europa is widely regarded as the most likely place to find extraterrestrial life. This book tells the engaging story of Europa, the oceanic moon. It features a large number of stunning images of the ocean moon's surface, clearly displaying the spectacular crack patterns, extensive rifts and ridges, and refrozen pools of exposed water filled with rafts of displaced ice. Coverage also features firsthand accounts of Galileo's mission to Jupiter and its moons. The book tells the rough and tumble inside story of a very human enterprise in science that lead to the discovery of a f

  13. [Profile of tropical diseases in Portugal]. (United States)

    Ventura, F A


    The increased incidence of Imported Tropical Diseases in Portugal is correlated to a recent higher standard of living, influence of media and a consequent expansion of tourism, and above all to the close relationship existing between Portugal and Africa. The number and pathology (parasitic diarrhoeas, protozoal and helminthic infections) of in-patients with Tropical Diseases at the Unidade de Doenças Infecciosas, Parasitárias e de Medicina Tropical (UDIP-MT) were described, with special emphasis on Malaria (155 in-patients during the period from 1989 to 1993) and on Sleeping Sickness, where Eflornitin (DFMO) was for the first time used in Portugal. Finally, the impact of HIV epidemic on incidence and different clinical presentations of parasitic and other tropical pathology was also evaluated.

  14. The cavernicolous Oniscidea (Crustacea: Isopoda) of Portugal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    P. S. Reboleira, Ana Sofia; Gonçalves, Fernando J.; Oromí, Pedro


    The study of subterranean Oniscidea in Portugal has been neglected for nearly 70 years, but recent investigations have revealed high diversity. All the terrestrial isopods known from caves of mainland Portugal, including data from the literature and new material, are listed, revealing new biodive...

  15. Urbanismo, cultura e globalização em Portugal: modelos analíticos e de desenvolvimento territorial Urbanism, culture and globalization in Portugal: analytical and territorial development Models


    Paulo Castro Seixas


    As cidades têm sido concebidas como actores chave face aos processos globais desde o último quarto do séculoXX. Neste quadro, é fundamental perceber-se os diferentes modelos que as cidades utilizam para responder aosdesafios globais. O artigo analisa o estado da arte em Portugal na relação entre cidade e globalização nos últimos25 anos, no âmbito das ciências sociais e sua relação com as políticas públicas. São caracterizados quatromodelos analíticos e de desenvolvimento territorial que respo...

  16. Sustainable agriculture in Ilha da Madeira - Portugal | Agricultura sustentável na Ilha da Madeira - Portugal

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    Raphael Miller de Souza Caldas


    Full Text Available Ilha da Madeira is an autonomous region of Portugal located in Atlantic Ocean, in center coordinates 32º43'N 17º43'O, is considered the largest island of archipelago of  the same name. The island covers an area of 740 km². The island has many climate peculiarities mainly influenced by altitude and barriers formed by sharp reliefs, and that they provide North / South axis. Climate variability existing of the island is defined in two types temperate in north and subtropical climate in south. The part of North is cooler and wetter than the south, due to winds from North and end up having a barrier relief inherent to region. Since the year of 1419, the island was subject to various economic and agricultural cycles. Actually, the agricultural occupation of the territory is predominantly winery, horticultural and fruit production. The study was conducted from January to May 2016. Data in census institutes and scientific articles were compared for discussion. The data of production, area of cultivation were intertwined with sustainable agriculture like organic farming and possibilities was available for openings boundaries according to adjustment of the culture temperature, photoperiod and precipitation, and may contribute to increase economy and quality of life in island. The agriculture of the island is formed basically by agriculture family subsistence, involving more than 45,000 people, representing 20% of Madeira population resulting only 3% of the region's economy.

  17. As juventudes partidárias e o recrutamento da elite política no Portugal democrático


    Pinto, Ana Filipa Teixeira


    Tendo esta análise ocorrido sobre o período compreendido entre 1974 e 2013, não poderemos deixar de salientar que, a partir de 2005, os candidatos a chefes do governo dos dois partidos com maior peso em Portugal trazem as juventudes partidárias na sua bagagem política. Uma conclusão que permanece actualizada se tivermos em consideração, inclusivamente, as eleições ocorridas no final de 2015 em que António Costa, após suceder a António José Seguro na liderança do Partido Sociali...

  18. Composição química e valor nutricional de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis do nordeste de Portugal


    Barros, Lillian; Baptista, Paula; Correia, Daniela M.; Casal, Susana; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.


    Neste trabalho, determinou-se a composição química e o valor nutricional de cinco espécies de cogumelos silvestres comestíveis (Agaricus arvensis, Lactarius deliciosus, Leucopaxillus giganteus, Sarcodon imbricatus, Tricholoma portentosum) vulgarmente consumidos na região de Trás-os-Montes, Nordeste de Portugal. A avaliação da composição química incluíu determinação de humidade, gordura total, proteína total, cinzas, hidratos de carbono e do valor nutricional. O perfil de macron...

  19. Bιβλιοκρισία: M. ALTRIPP (Ηrsg., Byzanz in Europa. Europas östliches Erbe. [BYZANTIOS. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization 2], Turnhout 2011, ISBN 978-2-503-54153-2

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    Στυλιανός ΛΑΜΠΑΚΗΣ


    Full Text Available Βιβλιοκρισία: M. Altripp (Ηrsg., Byzanz in Europa. Europas östliches Erbe. Akten des Kolloquiums 'Byzanz in Europa' vom 11. bis 15. Dezember 2007 in Greifswald [BYZANTIOS. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization 2], Turnhout 2011, σελ. X + 502, 79 πίν., ISBN 978-2-503-54153-2 (printed version- 978-2-503-54193-8 (online version.

  20. Tumultos de género: os efeitos de Gender trouble em Portugal


    de Oliveira, João Manuel


    A publicação da obra Gender trouble – feminism and the subversion of identity, por Judith Butler, constitui um tumulto nas teorias do género existentes e futuras. Este texto visa traçar o rastro dessa passagem no quadro dos estudos de género em Portugal, analisando a recepção da obra. Este artigo debruça-se também no rastro de Gender trouble na criação contemporânea, mostrando o encontro estranhamente familiar do coreógrafo Francisco Camacho com esse tumulto de género.

  1. O ‘Campus Arqueológico do Ervedal’ (Fundão, Portugal: um projecto científico-pedagógico de voluntariado jovem / The Archeological campus of Ervedal (Fundão, Portugal: a scientific pedagogical project of young volunteers

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    João Mendes Rosa


    Full Text Available Resumo: No ano de 2007, era inaugurado na cidade do Fundão (Castelo Branco, Portugal, um museu que pretendia corresponder a um espaço de fruição museal em contexto ibérico, em que o próprio discurso espelhasse a convivialidade cultural transfronteiriça, fomentadora da actividade arqueológica numa base de formação escolar e universitária, onde o voluntariado jovem desempenha um importante papel. Abstract: In 2007, was inaugurated in the city of Fundão (Castelo Branco, Portugal, a museum intended to correspond to a space of museal fruition in the Iberian context in which her own speech mirrored the border cultural conviviality, fosterer of archaeological activity, on a basis of school and university education, where youth volunteering plays an important role.

  2. Seismometers on Europa: Insights from Modeling and Antarctic Ice Shelf Analogs (Invited) (United States)

    Schmerr, N. C.; Brunt, K. M.; Cammarano, F.; Hurford, T. A.; Lekic, V.; Panning, M. P.; Rhoden, A.; Sauber, J. M.


    The outer satellites of the Solar System are a diverse suite of objects that span a large spectrum of sizes, compositions, and evolutionary histories; constraining their internal structures is key for understanding their formation, evolution, and dynamics. In particular, Jupiter's icy satellite Europa has compelling evidence for the existence of a global subsurface ocean beneath a surface layer of water ice. This ocean decouples the ice shell from the solid silicate mantle, and amplifies tidally driven large-scale surface deformation. The complex fissures and cracks seen by orbital flybys suggest brittle failure is an ongoing and active process in the ice crust, therefore indicating a high level of associated seismic activity. Seismic probing of the ice, oceanic, and rocky layers would provide altogether new information on the structure, evolution, and even habitability of Europa. Any future missions (penetrators, landers, and rovers) planning to take advantage of seismometers to image the Europan interior would need to be built around predictions for the expected background noise levels, seismicity, wavefields, and elastic properties of the interior. A preliminary suite of seismic velocity profiles for Europa has been calculated using moment of inertia constraints, planetary mass and density, estimates of moon composition, thermal structure, and experimentally determined relationships of elastic properties for relevant materials at pressure, temperature and depth. While the uncertainties in these models are high, they allow us to calculate a first-order seismic response using 1-D and 3-D high frequency wave propagation codes for global and regional scale structures. Here, we show how future seismic instruments could provide detailed elastic information and reduced uncertainties on the internal structure of Europa. For example, receiver functions and surface wave orbits calculated for a single seismic instrument would provide information on crustal thickness and

  3. Benefits to the Europa Clipper Mission Provided by the Space Launch System (United States)

    Creech, Stephen D.; Patel, Keyur


    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) proposed Europa Clipper mission would provide an unprecedented look at the icy Jovian moon, and investigate its environment to determine the possibility that it hosts life. Focused on exploring the water, chemistry, and energy conditions on the moon, the spacecraft would examine Europa's ocean, ice shell, composition and geology by performing 32 low-altitude flybys of Europa from Jupiter orbit over 2.3 years, allowing detailed investigations of globally distributed regions of Europa. In hopes of expediting the scientific program, mission planners at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory are working with the Space Launch System (SLS) program, managed at Marshall Space Flight Center. Designed to be the most powerful launch vehicle ever flown, SLS is making progress toward delivering a new capability for exploration beyond Earth orbit. The SLS rocket will offer an initial low-Earth-orbit lift capability of 70 metric tons (t) beginning with a first launch in 2017 and will then evolve into a 130 t Block 2 version. While the primary focus of the development of the initial version of SLS is on enabling human exploration missions beyond low Earth orbit using the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, the rocket offers unique benefits to robotic planetary exploration missions, thanks to the high characteristic energy it provides. This paper will provide an overview of both the proposed Europa Clipper mission and the Space Launch System vehicle, and explore options provided to the Europa Clipper mission for a launch within a decade by a 70 t version of SLS with a commercially available 5-meter payload fairing, through comparison with a baseline of current Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) capabilities. Compared to that baseline, a mission to the Jovian system could reduce transit times to less than half, or increase mass to more than double, among other benefits. In addition to these primary benefits, the paper will

  4. Iê, vamos embora camará! Iê, mundo afora camará... : sobre a capoeira e sua difusão pela Europa


    Bernardo Velloso Fernandez Conde


    A presente pesquisa parte da interpretação do jogo da capoeira a fim de buscar entender sua difusão na Europa. Cidades como Paris, Madri, Barcelona, Berlim, Frankfurt, Bruxelas, Lisboa entre outras, abrigam, cada vez mais, grupos de capoeira que difundem não só a língua portuguesa, mas uma ética particular no que se refere a interação com a alteridade. Aqui se buscou estabelecer quais adaptações foram necessárias para uma capoeira europeia, e o que essa capoeira tinha a oferecer a esses cida...

  5. What does Cassini ENA observations tell us about gas around Europa? (United States)

    Brandt, Pontus; Mauk, Barry; Westlake, Joseph; Smith, Todd; Mitchell, Donald


    From about December 2000 to January 2001 the Ion and Neutral Camera (INCA) imaged Jupiter in Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENA) from a distance of about 137-250 Jovian planetary radii (RJ) over an energy range from about 10 to 300 keV. A forward model is employed to derive column densities and assumes a neutral gas-plasma model and an energetic ion distribution based on Galileo in-situ measurements. We demonstrate that Jupiter observations by INCA are consistent with a column density peaking around Europa's orbit in the range from 2x1012 cm-2 to 7x1012 cm-2, assuming H2, and are consistent with the upper limits reported from the Cassini/UVIS observations. Most of the INCA observations are consistent with a roughly azimuthally symmetric gas distribution, but some appear consistent with an asymmetric gas distribution centred on Europa, which would directly imply that Europa is the source of the gas. Although our neutral gas model assumes a Europa source, we explore other explanations of the INCA observations including: (1) ENAs are produced by charge exchange between energetic ions and neutral hydrogen originating from charge-exchanged protons in the Io plasma torus. However, estimated densities by Cheng (1986) are about one order of magnitude too low to explain the INCA observations; (2) ENAs are produced by charge exchange between energetic ions and plasma ions such as O+ and S+ originating from Io. However, that would require O+ plasma densities higher than expected to compensate for the low charge-exchange cross section between protons and O+; (3) We re-examine the INCA Point-Spread Function (PSF) to determine if the ENA emissions in the vicinity of Europa's orbit could be explained by internal scattering of ENAs originating from Jupiter's high-latitude upper atmosphere. However, the PSF was well constrained by using Jupiter from distances where it could be considered a point source.

  6. Praga, el Hollywood de Europa Oriental

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    Raúl Sorrosa


    Full Text Available Para salvar la industria fílmica checa, tuvieron que aliarse el mundo poscomunista y el capitalismo. Praga se ha convertido en "El Hollywood de Europa del Este" o en la Meca fílmica. Los estudios Barrandov después de la caída del comunismo y el proceso de transformación económico pasaron por la privatización.

  7. The search for active Europa plumes in Galileo plasma particle detector data: the E12 flyby (United States)

    Huybrighs, H.; Roussos, E.; Krupp, N.; Fraenz, M.; Futaana, Y.; Barabash, S. V.; Glassmeier, K. H.


    Hubble Space Telescope observations of Europa's auroral emissions and transits in front of Jupiter suggest that recurring water vapour plumes originating from Europa's surface might exist. If conclusively proven, the discovery of these plumes would be significant, because Europa's potentially habitable ocean could be studied remotely by taking in-situ samples of these plumes from a flyby mission. The first opportunity to collect in-situ evidence of the plumes will not arise before the early 2030's when ESA's JUICE mission or NASA's Europa Clipper are set to arrive. However, it may be possible that NASA's Galileo mission has already encountered the plumes when it was active in the Jupiter system from 1995 to 2003. It has been suggested that the high plasma densities and anomalous magnetic fields measured during one of the Galileo flybys of Europa (flyby E12) could be connected to plume activity. In the context of the search for Europa plume signatures in Galileo particle data we present an overview of the in-situ plasma particle data obtained by the Galileo spacecraft during the E12 flyby. Focus is in particular on the data obtained with the plasma particle instruments PLS (low energy ions and electrons) and EPD (high energy ions and electrons). We search for signs of an extended exosphere/ionosphere that could be consistent with ongoing plume activity. The PLS data obtained during the E12 flyby show an extended interaction region between Europa and the plasma from Jupiter's magnetosphere, hinting at the existence of an extended ionosphere and exosphere. Furthermore we show how the EPD data are analyzed and modelled in order to evaluate whether a series of energetic ion depletions can be attributed to losses on the moon's surface or its neutral exosphere.

  8. Human Missions to Europa and Titan - Why Not? (United States)

    Finarelli, Margaret G.


    This report describes a long-term development plan to enable human exploration of the outer solar system, with a focus on Europa and Titan. These are two of the most interesting moons of Jupiter and Saturn, respectively, because they are the places in the solar system with the greatest potential for harboring extraterrestrial life. Since human expeditions to these worlds are considered impossible with current capabilities, the proposal of a well-organized sequence of steps towards making this a reality was formulated. The proposed Development Plan, entitled Theseus, is the outcome of a recent multinational study by a group of students in the framework of the Master of Space Studies (MSS) 2004 course at the International Space University (ISU). The Theseus Program includes the necessary development strategies in key scientific and technological areas that are essential for identifying the requirements for the exploration of the outer planetary moons. Some of the topics that are analysed throughout the plan include: scientific observations at Europa and Titan, advanced propulsion and nuclear power systems, in-situ resource utilization, radiation mitigation techniques, closed life support systems, habitation for long-term spaceflight, and artificial gravity. In addition to the scientific and technological aspects of the Theseus Program, it was recognized that before any research and development work may begin, some level of program management must be established. Within this chapter, legal issues, national and international policy, motivation, organization and management, economic considerations, outreach, education, ethics, and social implications are all considered with respect to four possible future scenarios which enable human missions to the outer solar system. The final chapter of the report builds upon the foundations set by Theseus through a case study. This study illustrates how such accomplishments could influence a mission to Europa to search for evidence

  9. Human Missions to Europa and Titan - Why Not? (United States)


    This report describes a long-term development plan to enable human exploration of the outer solar system, with a focus on Europa and Titan. These are two of the most interesting moons of Jupiter and Saturn, respectively, because they are the places in the solar system with the greatest potential for harboring extraterrestrial life. Since human expeditions to these worlds are considered impossible with current capabilities, the proposal of a well-organized sequence of steps towards making this a reality was formulated. The proposed Development Plan, entitled Theseus, is the outcome of a recent multinational study by a group of students in the framework of the Master of Space Studies (MSS) 2004 course at the International Space University (ISU). The Theseus Program includes the necessary development strategies in key scientific and technological areas that are essential for identifying the requirements for the exploration of the outer planetary moons. Some of the topics that are analysed throughout the plan include: scientific observations at Europa and Titan, advanced propulsion and nuclear power systems, in-situ resource utilization, radiation mitigation techniques, closed life support systems, habitation for long-term spaceflight, and artificial gravity. In addition to the scientific and technological aspects of the Theseus Program, it was recognized that before any research and development work may begin, some level of program management must be established. Within this chapter, legal issues, national and international policy, motivation, organization and management, economic considerations, outreach, education, ethics, and social implications are all considered with respect to four possible future scenarios which enable human missions to the outer solar system. The final chapter of the report builds upon the foundations set by Theseus through a case study. This study illustrates how such accomplishments could influence a mission to Europa to search for evidence


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    Luis Eduardo de Souza Robaina


    Full Text Available Este trabalho estabelece uma discussão de áreas sujeitas a risco de acidentes desencadeados por movimentos de massa na Serra do Pilar, em Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto, Portugal. O mapa base para a análise foi a planta topográfica de Vila Nova de Gaia, em escala de 1:2000 e as imagens disponíveis no software Google Earth. As análises foram realizadas por meio de trabalhos de campo, em que foram percorridas as vias de acesso da comunidade e descritas as características das habitações (material construtivo, acabamento, tamanho e obras de contenção e as feições do terreno que indicam susceptibilidade a movimentos de massa. Para determinar a localização das observações de campo e das moradias em situação de risco utilizou-se um receptor do Global Positioning System (GPS. Para o georreferenciamento e edição vetorial da planta topográfica e imagens utilizou-se o SPRING 4.2. Na elaboração do Modelo Digital do Terreno (MDT foi utilizado o aplicativo Surfer 8.0. A edição final dos mapas foi realizada no programa gráfico Corel Draw. As habitações são constituídas de alvenaria com variado nível de acabamento. Ocorrem duas situações em termos de susceptibilidade a movimentos de massa: uma porção onde ocorre a exposição de rochas em declives muito acentuados e outra porção onde ocorre uma concentração do fluxo da água com desenvolvimento de um solo/alterito que permite a fixação de vegetação. Verifica-se pelo menos seis patamares de corte na frente e atrás das moradias. Estes cortes juntamente com o acúmulo de água pluvial e de esgoto, a presença de entulhos, muros e pequenas construções podem se constituir em indutores da ocorrência de processos na vertente. As situações mais graves ocorrem onde o adensamento das ocupações é maior, na porção Centro-Leste. Para a redução dos riscos é necessário a execução de um plano de intervenções estruturais voltado para a redução ou a erradicação dos

  11. Enoturismo em Portugal: as Rotas de Vinho

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    Simões, Orlando


    Full Text Available Since 1993, as supported by the Dyonisios program of the European Union, the wine routes have been the most visible face of the wine tourism practice in Portugal. Since these thematic routes have no specific rules, they usually depend on the initiative of the promoters, namely through the creation of adherent/promoters associations or other institutions, like the Regional Viticulture Commissions, and Tourism Regions. This article aims at analysing the basis for the development of wine tourism in Portugal and its structure around wine routes. The socioeconomics traits of both the vineyards and wine, are analysed. The existing routes in Portugal are presented and their strengths and limitations are identi-fied.

  12. O uso das redes sociais por jornalistas em Portugal

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    Ana Sofia Veloso


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende mostrar como as redes sociais são utilizadas pelosjornalistas, nomeadamente os que trabalham em Portugal. É ainda intuito deste trabalho perceber se o uso destas ferramentas por estes profissionais pode constituir uma nova prática rotineira.Para o efeito, levou-se a cabo um estudo de carácter exploratório baseado nos resultados de um inquérito por questionário – realizado de raiz – dirigido à classe jornalística em Portugal. O artigo divide-se em quatro partes. Tendo em conta que, em pouco mais de uma década, as redes sociais se tornaram a atividade online mais popular a nível global, começa-se por realizar um enquadramento de apoio ao surgimento destas ferramentas na sociedade atual, dando conta de algumas estatísticas de uso e de novos processos de socialização subsequentes. Num segundo momento, é feito refereência à relação do jornalismo com as redes sociais e algumas novas práticas jornalísticas neste âmbito, apresentando conclusões de estudos internacionais sobre a utilização que jornalistas de diversos países fazem das redes sociais. Aborda-se ainda as orientações existentes sobre o uso ético que os jornalistas devem dar a estas ferramentas segundo várias entidades ligadas ao universo do jornalismo. A terceira parte foca-se no inquérito, designadamente a metodologia usada e a estrutura do mesmo; realiza-se um breve retrato sociográfico da classe jornalística em Portugal e faz-se uma caracterização socioprofissional da amostra obtida através do inquérito; apresentam-se os resultados conseguidos e analisam-se e discutem-se os mesmos, nomeadamente através de comparações com as estatísticas e as conclusões dos estudos nacionais e internacionais já mencionadas. Na quarta secção, tendo por base a discussão realizada e o balanço do tratamento do inquérito, menciona-se alguns desafios que se colocam aos jornalistas na era da Web 2.0. E conclui-se com a confirmação de que a

  13. A IURD e suas estratégias litúrgicas na Europa: reflexões a partir de Roma, Madri e Barcelona

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    Marcos de Araújo Silva


    Full Text Available Com base em pesquisas de campo, este trabalho analisa as estratégias litúrgicas da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD nas cidades de Roma, Madri e Barcelona. O foco da análise se encontra nas formas como a instituição, em suas diversas atividades (que se definem como "curativas" e que prometem sanar qualquer tipo de problema - seja de ordem social, física ou espiritual, viabiliza a inteligibilidade de conceitos e práticas para grupos de fiéis que são compostos, majoritariamente, por imigrantes das mais diversas nacionalidades, e também por membros das sociedades locais. Os dados etnográficos sugerem que os sentidos terapêuticos e de eficácia simbólica que costumam ser atribuídos por tais grupos de fiéis às atividades da IURD devem-se, em especial, à capacidade desta instituição em dialogar com públicos heterogêneos (tanto em termos socioculturais, quanto de origens nacionais e de experiências religiosas prévias, porém que em diversos casos apresentam importantes semelhanças: concepções de sagrado que são vinculadas a elementos que provêm de crenças e ritos relacionados com esoterismo, xamanismo e "bricolagens religiosas individuais". As estratégias analisadas evidenciam não apenas a interculturalidade de uma igreja neopentecostal brasileira atuante na Europa, mas também a ocorrência de dinâmicas da esfera religiosa nesse continente, antes só exportador de instituições e doutrinas religiosas e hoje, também um território fértil para o trabalho missionário.

  14. Epidemiología del tabaquismo en Europa

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    Fernández Esteve


    Full Text Available El tabaco es la causa de mortalidad prevenible más importante en los países europeos, en los que da cuenta de más de medio millón de muertes anuales. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar la epidemiología del tabaquismo en Europa, atendiendo a la visión de conjunto sobre el impacto del tabaquismo, a la prevalencia del consumo y a su evolución en la última década, así como revisar otras características relacionadas con la difusión y mantenimiento del tabaquismo: la producción y los precios del tabaco. Treinta de cada 100 europeos adultos fuma cigarrillos a diario. En los países de la Unión Europea se estima que 1 de cada 10 adultos fumadores morirá a causa de los efectos del tabaco, razón que se eleva a 1 de cada 5 en los países del este de Europa. La prevalencia de fumadores desciende entre los hombres adultos en algunos países de la Unión Europea, mientras que aumenta en las mujeres, sobre todo jóvenes, del sur y del este de Europa. Se debe insistir en las medidas para controlar el consumo de tabaco y prevenirlo, tales como la prohibición del consumo en lugares públicos, la prohibición real de la publicidad directa e indirecta, la reducción del cultivo, o el incremento de precios. Estas acciones se deben diseñar, coordinar y desarrollar en y desde los diferentes sectores involucrados en la lucha contra el tabaco, con la participación de redes civiles impulsadas desde los diferentes niveles administrativos (local, regional, nacional con la decisiva participación de organismos y organizaciones supranacionales.

  15. Child Labour and Educational Success in Portugal (United States)

    Goulart, Pedro; Bedi, Arjun S.


    The current debate on child labour focuses on developing countries. However, Portugal is an example of a relatively developed country where child labour is still a matter of concern as between 8% and 12% of Portuguese children may be classified as workers. This paper studies the patterns of child labour in Portugal and assesses the consequences of…

  16. Os camisas azuis e Salazar. Rolão Preto e o fascismo em Portugal


    Pinto, António Costa


    Este livro tem como objecto o estudo da acção política dos fascistas portugueses na primeira metade do século xx, concentrando-se no Movimento Nacional-Sindicalista de Rolão Preto, a expressão mais significativa e derradeira de um movimento fascista em Portugal. A diversidade documental que sustentou a investigação para este livro permitiu, creio, uma análise diacrónica dos movimentos fascistas portugueses no quadro de um processo de transição do liberalismo para o autoritar...

  17. The Heat Flux through the Ice Shell on Europa, Constraints from Measurements in Terrestrial Conditions (United States)

    Hruba, J.; Kletetschka, G.


    Heat transport across the ice shell of Europa controls the thermal evolution of its interior. Such process involves energy sources that drive ice resurfacing (1). More importantly, heat flux through the ice shell controls the thickness of the ice (2), that is poorly constrained between 1 km to 30+ km (3). Thin ice would allow ocean water to be affected by radiation from space. Thick ice would limit the heat ocean sources available to the rock-ocean interface at the ocean's bottom due to tidal dissipation and potential radioactive sources. The heat flux structures control the development of geometrical configurations on the Europa's surface like double ridges, ice diapirs, chaos regions because the rheology of ice is temperature dependent (4).Analysis of temperature record of growing ice cover over a pond and water below revealed the importance of solar radiation during the ice growth. If there is no snow cover, a sufficient amount of solar radiation can penetrate through the ice and heat the water below. Due to temperature gradient, there is a heat flux from the water to the ice (Qwi), which may reduce ice growth at the bottom. Details and variables that constrain the heat flux through the ice can be utilized to estimate the ice thickness. We show with this analog analysis provides the forth step towards measurement strategy on the surface of Europa. We identify three types of thermal profiles (5) and fourth with combination of all three mechanisms.References:(1) Barr, A. C., A. P. Showman, 2009, Heat transfer in Europa's icy shell, University of Arizona Press, p. 405-430.(2) Ruiz, J., J. A. Alvarez-Gómez, R. Tejero, and N. Sánchez, 2007, Heat flow and thickness of a convective ice shell on Europa for grain size-dependent rheologies: Icarus, v. 190, p. 145-154.(3) Billings, S. E., S. A. Kattenhorn, 2005, The great thickness debate: Ice shell thickness models for Europa and comparisons with estimates based on flexure at ridges: Icarus, v. 177, p. 397-412.(4) Quick

  18. Experiências em concreto armado na áfrica portuguesa: influências do Brasil

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    Ana Vaz Milheiro


    Full Text Available Existe uma proximidade entre a cultura moderna brasileira e Portugal, que pode ser identificada pelas influências sentidas na produção arquitectónica portuguesa. Genericamente, estas relações iniciaram-se com Brazil builds - Architecture new and old 1652-1942, que os portugueses conhecem desde meados da década de 1940, progredindo até à inauguração de Brasília que marca o declínio do interesse português na arquitectura do Brasil. As qualidades plásticas da arquitectura brasileira - consequência do uso e exploração das potencialidades do concreto armado - podem ser detectadas em alguns exemplos construídos em Portugal durante os anos cinquenta. A influência determinante de Oscar Niemeyer é a mais documentada. Um fenómeno semelhante estendeu-se aos antigos territórios coloniais africanos, onde Portugal manteve soberania até 1975. Aqui, todavia, o interesse na produção brasileira persistiu mais tempo se comparado com a metrópole. Tanto em Angola como em Moçambique assistiu-se a uma forte actividade construtiva durante as décadas de 1950-1960, prolongando-se até ao inicio dos anos setenta onde o recurso ao concreto armado se intensificou como prática dominante. Em alguns casos o seu uso traduziu-se em explorações plásticas originais. O exercício da arquitectura nos antigos territórios da África portuguesa beneficiava de alguma liberdade conceptual e, na generalidade, a qualidade do operariado não se diferenciava daquele que trabalhava no Portugal Ibérico. Dentro do contexto descrito serão aqui apresentados três casos de arquitectos com obra relevante em Angola e Moçambique, que construíram em concreto e, simultaneamente, tiveram ou manifestaram afinidades com a arquitectura brasileira do mesmo período. Em Angola, recorda-se o percurso de Francisco Castro Rodrigues, no Lobito entre 1953 e 1987, e de Fernão Lopes Simões de Carvalho, que permaneceu em Luanda de 1960 a 1967. Em Lourenço Marques (actual

  19. Eighth Planta Europa Conference «Save Plants for Earth's Future» (Kiev, Ukraine

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    Alexander N. Tashev


    Full Text Available This paper presents information about the Eighth Planta Europa Conference (Save plants for Earth's future (22–26 May 2017, Kiev, Ukraine. We presented brief data on the history of previous Planta Europa meetings. We presented general information about the main events of the Conference, its thematic areas represented by oral and poster presentations. Brief data on the number of participants, presentations and excursions into botanical gardens of Kiev are presented.

  20. How can Portugal attract more China´S young generation tourists?


    Liu, Yujing


    Portugal as a tourism destination has great potential to be further developed, however it is still not well known by the Chinese outbound tourists, especially the young generation who would stay longer and spend more in Portugal. This paper describe the current situation of Portugal tourism in Chinese outbound market, after analyzing explained why Portugal should aim at the young generation, and finally gave some recommendations of how to attract them, mainly through social media platforms.

  1. External school evaluation in Portugal : a glance at the impacts on curricular and pedagogical practices


    Leite, Carlinda; Morgado, José Carlos; Seabra, Filipa


    Conferência realizada na Universidade do Minho, em Braga de 18-19 de outubro de 2013 Answering demands for an increase of accountability in terms of public education, and intending to lead to an improvement of the quality of education (Conselho Nacional de Educação, 2010), external school evaluation has been taking place in the continental territory of Portugal since 2006. All the schools having been evaluated once, in what is known as the 1st cycle of external evaluation, and a 2nd cycle ...

  2. Contratualização na Atenção Primária à Saúde: a experiência de Portugal e Brasil

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    Vanessa Costa e Silva


    Full Text Available A contratualização desenvolvida na Estratégia Saúde da Família é um tema ainda pouco estudado. É introduzida no Brasil em diferentes modelos, de acordo com o ente federativo contratante e o estatuto jurídico do prestador de serviços contratado; e em Portugal, a partir de modelo único de contratualização público-público com as Unidades de Saúde Familiar. Apresenta-se neste artigo o panorama atual da contratualização nos dois países, por meio de estudo de casos, e discutem-se seus atributos de planejamento conjunto, responsabilização com autonomia e sistema de incentivos ao desempenho. As principais contribuições da contratualização são: melhor coordenação das organizações de saúde; substituição da lógica hierárquica de comando-controle pela de maior participação; e responsabilização dos profissionais com melhor desempenho das suas atividades. Conclui-se que um dos elementos facilitadores é sua construção gradual, em um ambiente de aprendizagem permanente, com o protagonismo dos profissionais de saúde; e que seus maiores desafios são a transparência na condução dos processos, o fortalecimento dos mecanismos de auditoria e dos sistemas de informação, bem como a revisão permanente dos indicadores de monitoramento e sua adequação às necessidades de saúde da população.

  3. Portugal to Accede to ESO (United States)


    The Republic of Portugal will become the ninth member state of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) [1]. Today, during a ceremony at the ESO Headquarters in Garching (Germany), a corresponding Agreement was signed by the Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology, José Mariano Gago and the ESO Director General, Catherine Cesarsky , in the presence of other high officials from Portugal and the ESO member states (see Video Clip 05/00 below). Following subsequent ratification by the Portuguese Parliament of the ESO Convention and the associated protocols [2], it is foreseen that Portugal will formally join this organisation on January 1, 2001. Uniting European Astronomy ESO PR Photo 16/00 ESO PR Photo 16/00 [Preview - JPEG: 400 x 405 pix - 160k] [Normal - JPEG: 800 x 809 pix - 408k] Caption : Signing of the Portugal-ESO Agreement on June 27, 2000, at the ESO Headquarters in Garching (Germany). At the table, the ESO Director General, Catherine Cesarsky , and the Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology, José Mariano Gago . In his speech, the Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology, José Mariano Gago , stated that "the accession of Portugal to ESO is the result of a joint effort by ESO and Portugal during the last ten years. It was made possible by the rapid Portuguese scientific development and by the growth and internationalisation of its scientific community." He continued: "Portugal is fully committed to European scientific and technological development. We will devote our best efforts to the success of ESO". Catherine Cesarsky , ESO Director General since 1999, warmly welcomed the Portuguese intention to join ESO. "With the accession of their country to ESO, Portuguese astronomers will have great opportunities for working on research programmes at the frontiers of modern astrophysics." "This is indeed a good time to join ESO", she added. "The four 8.2-m VLT Unit Telescopes with their many first-class instruments are nearly ready, and the VLT

  4. Lessons from wind policy in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peña, Ivonne; Azevedo, Inês L.; Marcelino Ferreira, Luís António Fialho


    Wind capacity and generation grew rapidly in several European countries, such as Portugal. Wind power adoption in Portugal began in the early 2000s, incentivized by a continuous feed-in tariff policy mechanism, coupled with public tenders for connection licenses in 2001, 2002, and 2005. These policies led to an enormous success in terms of having a large share of renewables providing electricity services: wind alone accounts today for ~23.5% of electricity demand in Portugal. We explain the reasons wind power became a key part of Portugal’s strategy to comply with European Commission climate and energy goals, and provide a detailed review of the wind feed-in tariff mechanism. We describe the actors involved in wind power production growth. We estimate the environmental and energy dependency gains achieved through wind power generation, and highlight the correlation between wind electricity generation and electricity exports. Finally, we compare the Portuguese wind policies with others countries’ policy designs and discuss the relevance of a feed-in tariff reform for subsequent wind power additions. - Highlights: • Portugal relies on feed-in tariffs as the key mechanism for wind diffusion. • Wind generation accounts for a quarter of total electricity generation. • The current feed-in tariffs system is not economically efficiency. • A feed-in tariff reform should be considered.

  5. Microbial habitability of Europa sustained by radioactive sources. (United States)

    Altair, Thiago; de Avellar, Marcio G B; Rodrigues, Fabio; Galante, Douglas


    There is an increasing interest in the icy moons of the Solar System due to their potential habitability and as targets for future exploratory missions, which include astrobiological goals. Several studies have reported new results describing the details of these moons' geological settings; however, there is still a lack of information regarding the deep subsurface environment of the moons. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the microbial habitability of Europa constrained by terrestrial analogue environments and sustained by radioactive energy provided by natural unstable isotopes. The geological scenarios are based on known deep environments on Earth, and the bacterial ecosystem is based on a sulfate-reducing bacterial ecosystem found 2.8 km below the surface in a basin in South Africa. The results show the possibility of maintaining the modeled ecosystem based on the proposed scenarios and provides directions for future models and exploration missions for a more complete evaluation of the habitability of Europa and of icy moons in general.

  6. Espaços lusófonos: uma abordagem entre Brasil e Portugal


    Sandra Retamiro Moreno


    Falar uma língua é a condição necessária dos sujeitos de uma dada sociedade, de uma determinada nação. Essa questão diz respeito à autonomia das pessoas, em sua identidade e em sua autodeterminação, bem como ao estabelecimento e à manutenção de relações sociais. Levando isso em consideração, o objetivo geral deste estudo é analisar dois discursos jornalísticos de espaços diferentes (Portugal e Brasil) em mídia escrita, considerando uma mesma temática (educação). O estudo foi feito sob a persp...

  7. The Counter-Reformation, Diplomacy, and Art Patronage in Portugal under Cardinal-Infant D. Henrique of Portugal: A Legacy to Serve Church and Kingdom

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    Milton Pedro Dias Pacheco


    Full Text Available Commonly known as the Cardinal-King, Don Henrique of Portugal was a Portuguese royal-blood infant who was destined to become a prince of the Church. He was a preeminent figure of the sixteenth century: the period of the political, economic, religious, and cultural expansion of the Portuguese Empire, and of the Counter-Reformation. During his service to the Roman Catholic Church, D. Henrique occupied the seats of the three Portuguese archdioceses, was chosen to govern some of the wealthiest religious orders, and represented the Holy Office in Portugal. He was also nominated cardinal and legate a latere to Portugal. The Cardinal-Infant was responsible for an unprecedented architectural innovation in Portugal and beyond, reforming, expanding, and erecting several buildings. This study focuses on the institutional projects and material reforms in Portugal initiated by Cardinal-King D. Henrique through complex diplomatic relations between the Portuguese Crown and the Holy See during the sixteenth century. Its main objective is to create a basis for further research into his architectural patronage while occupying his several positions of ecclesiastical and lay authority.

  8. San Andreas-sized Strike-slip Fault on Europa (United States)


    This mosaic of the south polar region of Jupiter's moon Europa shows the northern 290 kilometers (180 miles) of a strike-slip fault named Astypalaea Linea. The entire fault is about 810 kilometers (500 miles) long, about the size of the California portion of the San Andreas fault, which runs from the California-Mexico border north to the San Francisco Bay. In a strike-slip fault, two crustal blocks move horizontally past one another, similar to two opposing lanes of traffic. Overall motion along the fault seems to have followed a continuous narrow crack along the feature's entire length, with a path resembling steps on a staircase crossing zones that have been pulled apart. The images show that about 50 kilometers (30 miles) of displacement have taken place along the fault. The fault's opposite sides can be reconstructed like a puzzle, matching the shape of the sides and older, individual cracks and ridges broken by its movements. [figure removed for brevity, see original site] The red line marks the once active central crack of the fault. The black line outlines the fault zone, including material accumulated in the regions which have been pulled apart. Bends in the fault have allowed the surface to be pulled apart. This process created openings through which warmer, softer ice from below Europa's brittle ice shell surface, or frozen water from a possible subsurface ocean, could reach the surface. This upwelling of material formed large areas of new ice within the boundaries of the original fault. A similar pulling-apart phenomenon can be observed in the geological trough surrounding California's Salton Sea, in Death Valley and the Dead Sea. In those cases, the pulled-apart regions can include upwelled materials, but may be filled mostly by sedimentary and eroded material from above. One theory is that fault motion on Europa is induced by the pull of variable daily tides generated by Jupiter's gravitational tug on Europa. Tidal tension opens the fault and

  9. Foundational Data Products for Europa: A Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure Example (United States)

    Archinal, B. A.; Laura, J.; Becker, T. L.; Bland, M. T.; Kirk, R. L.


    Any Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), including a Planetary SDI (PSDI [1]), includes primary components such as "policy, access network, technical standards, people (including partnerships), and data" [2]. Data is largely categorized into critical foundational products and framework data products. Of data themes [3] previously identified for the U. S. National SDI, we identify [4] three types of products that are foundational to a PSDI: geodetic coordinate reference systems, elevation information, and orthomosaics. We previously listed examples of such products for the Moon (ibid.). Here, we list the current state of these three foundational products for Europa, a key destination in the outer Solar System. Geodetic coordinate reference systems for Europa are based on photogrammetric control networks generated from processing of Voyager and Galileo images, the most recent being that created by M. Davies and T. Colvin at The RAND Corporation in the late 1990s. The Voyager and Galileo images provide insufficient stereo coverage to derive a detailed global topographic model, but various global ellipsoidal shape models have been derived using e.g. the RAND network or limb profile data. The best-known global mosaic of Europa is a controlled orthomosaic produced by the U.S. Geological Survey [5], based on the RAND network and triaxial ellipsoid shape model. Near future needs include comparing the resolution and accuracy of these products with estimates for newer products that might supersede them, including released or unreleased regional products (such as digital terrain models or mosaics) and products that could be made by processing of extant data. Understanding these PSDI fundamental needs will also improve assessing and prioritizing products that are planned for by the upcoming NASA Europa Clipper mission. This effort is not only useful for Europa science, but is also a first step toward developing such summaries for all Solar System bodies with relevant data, which

  10. Introducción de las artes marciales asiáticas en Portugal = The introduction of asian martial arts in Portugal

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    Carlos Gutiérrez García


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal, sucedida a principios del siglo XX. Para su realización se ha consultado fundamentalmente prensa histórica portuguesa, tanto general como específica del ámbito deportivo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal se produjo fundamentalmente a través del mundo del espectáculo, mediante actuaciones de expertos japoneses. Las notables diferencias técnicas y corporales entre estos luchadores japoneses y los luchadores profesionales de lucha libre y grecorromana de la época, a los que habitualmente solían derrotar, contribuyeron a generar un potente imaginario de las artes de combate orientales como sistemas superiores de cultura física y defensa personal. No obstante, a pesar del éxito del jujutsu este no logró afianzarse sólidamente en Portugal, desapareciendo progresivamente de la escena pública desde principios de la segunda década del siglo XX.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The present study analyzes the introduction of jujutsu in Portugal at the beginning of the 20th century. Mainly, historical Portuguese newspapers were reviewed, both general and specific from sports field. Results show that the introduction of jujutsu in Portugal was principally conduced via the show business through exhibitions performed by Japanese experts. Significant technical and physical differences between the Japanese fighters and the professional Freestyle and Greco-roman fighters, who were usually defeated by the former, contributed to create a powerful imaginary of the eastern fighting arts as superior systems of physical culture and self-defence. However, in spite of jujutsu’s success, it did not come to be strongly established in Portugal, vanishing progressively off the public scene since the beginning of the 1910s.

  11. Post Fire Vegetation Recovery in Portugal (United States)

    Gouveia, Celia; Bastos, Ana; DaCamara, Carlos; Trigo, Ricardo M.


    Fires in Portugal, as in the Mediterranean ecosystems, have a complex effect on vegetation regeneration due to the different responses of vegetation to the variety of fire regimes and to the complexity of landscape structures. A thorough evaluation of vegetation recovery after fire events becomes therefore crucial in land management. In 2005, Portugal suffered a strong damage from forest fires that damaged an area of 300 000 ha of forest and shrub. This year are particularly interesting because it is associated the severe drought of 2005. The aim of the present study is to identify large burnt scars in Portugal during the 2005 fire seasons and monitoring vegetation behaviour throughout the pre and the post fire periods. The mono-parametric model developed by Gouveia et al. (2010), based on monthly values of NDVI, at the 1km×1km spatial scale, as obtained from the VEGETATION-SPOT5 instrument, from 1999 to 2009, was used.

  12. Shell Tectonics: A Mechanical Model for Strike-slip Displacement on Europa (United States)

    Rhoden, Alyssa Rose; Wurman, Gilead; Huff, Eric M.; Manga, Michael; Hurford, Terry A.


    We introduce a new mechanical model for producing tidally-driven strike-slip displacement along preexisting faults on Europa, which we call shell tectonics. This model differs from previous models of strike-slip on icy satellites by incorporating a Coulomb failure criterion, approximating a viscoelastic rheology, determining the slip direction based on the gradient of the tidal shear stress rather than its sign, and quantitatively determining the net offset over many orbits. This model allows us to predict the direction of net displacement along faults and determine relative accumulation rate of displacement. To test the shell tectonics model, we generate global predictions of slip direction and compare them with the observed global pattern of strike-slip displacement on Europa in which left-lateral faults dominate far north of the equator, right-lateral faults dominate in the far south, and near-equatorial regions display a mixture of both types of faults. The shell tectonics model reproduces this global pattern. Incorporating a small obliquity into calculations of tidal stresses, which are used as inputs to the shell tectonics model, can also explain regional differences in strike-slip fault populations. We also discuss implications for fault azimuths, fault depth, and Europa's tectonic history.

  13. Expected Recovery of Europa's Geophysical Attributes with Clipper Gravity Science Investigation (United States)

    Verma, Ashok Kumar; Margot, Jean-Luc


    The primary gravity science objective of NASA’s Clipper mission to Europa is to confirm the presence or absence of a global subsurface ocean beneath Europa's icy crust. Gravity field measurements obtained with a radio science investigation can reveal much about Europa's interior structure. Here, we conduct extensive simulations of the radio science measurements with the anticipated spacecraft trajectory and attitude (17F12V2) and assets on the spacecraft and the ground, including antenna orientations and beam patterns, transmitter characteristics, and receiver noise figures. In addition to two-way Doppler measurements, we also include radar altimeter crossover range measurements. We concentrate on +/-2 hour intervals centered on the closest approach of each one of the 46 flybys. Our covariance analyses reveal the precision with which the tidal Love number k2, second-degree gravity coefficients C20 and C22, and higher-order gravity coefficients can be determined. The results depend strongly on the Deep Space Network (DSN) assets that are deployed to track the spacecraft. We find that some DSN allocations are sufficient to conclusively confirm the presence or absence of a global ocean and to evaluate whether the ice shell is hydrostatic.

  14. Variabilidade espacial e temporal do recrutamento de Pollicipes pollicipes na região de Sines


    Mateus, David José Rodrigues


    Pollicipes pollicipes é um crustáceo cirrípede que habita o intertidal rochoso em locais muito expostos à ondulação. O percebe é um recurso natural com valor económico e bastante explorado em Portugal. O recrutamento é um processo chave que afeta a dinâmica populacional desta espécie. O presente trabalho realizado na região de Sines, SW de Portugal, teve como objetivos principais estudar: a variação temporal e espacial do recrutamento do percebe num substrato artificial novo (“barticle”) e...

  15. Portugal Democrático: An Exiles’ Newspaper

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    Isabel Travancas


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to present the newspaper Portugal Democrático (Democratic Portugal through its history, its style and format. It is a periodical publication produced in São Paulo by Portuguese exiles during the dictatorship of Antônio Salazar (1926-1974. The newspaper began to circulate in 1956 and came to an end in 1975, a year after the Carnation Revolution that occurred on April 25, 1974. Fighting the Salazar dictatorship outside Portugal was the reason for the creation of the newspaper in Brazil, where it also had the collaboration of Brazilian journalists and intellectuals. This paper analyzes the newspaper Portugal Democrático both in its political aspect and in its editorial feature and concludes that the paper played a greater role than informative. It was an important part of the international opposition movement and resistance to Salazar's dictatorial regime. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o jornal Portugal Democrático através de sua história, de seu estilo e formato. Trata-se de uma publicação periódica produzida em São Paulo por exilados portugueses durante a ditadura de Antônio Salazar (1926-1974. O jornal começou a circular em 1956 e chegou ao fim em 1975, um ano depois da Revolução dos Cravos ocorrida em 25 de abril de 1974. Lutar contra a ditadura salazarista fora de Portugal foi o motivo da criação do jornal no Brasil, onde contou com a colaboração de jornalistas e intelectuais brasileiros. O trabalho analisa o jornal Portugal Democrático tanto em seu aspecto político quanto em sua feição editorial e conclui que o periódico teve um papel maior do que informativo. Ele foi parte importante no movimento internacional de oposição e resistência ao regime ditatorial de Salazar. El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer el periódico Portugal Democrático a través de su historia, de su estilo y formato. Se trata de una publicación periódica producida en São Paulo por los

  16. Efeito do tipo de solo na imobilização do azoto por palha em decomposição no Sul de Portugal Effect of soil type on the N immobilization by decomposing straw at the South of Portugal

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    P. Alpendre


    Full Text Available É frequente em muitos sistemas agrícolas do Sul de Portugal deixarem-se os resíduos das culturas sobre o solo após a colheita, sendo posteriormente queimados ou incorporados no solo durante o Outono. Não sendo correcta a queima destes resíduos ricos em C, é preferível incorporá-los no solo, promovendo-se a imobilização do azoto (N mineral, derivado da mineralização da Matéria Orgânica do Solo (MOS e dos resíduos. Reduz-se deste modo a elevada perda potencial de nitrato (NO3- por lixiviação, devido aos elevados montantes de precipitação que podem ocorrer no período de Outono/Inverno do clima do Sul de Portugal. É necessário encontrarem-se meios para diminuir a perda de N por lixiviação, nos diferentes sistemas agrícolas e identificar as medidas correctas para reter o N durante mais tempo no sistema solo-planta. Uma das possibilidades é sincronizar, a mineralização do N dos resíduos, com o respectivo consumo pelas plantas, ou através da imobilização do N pelos microorganismos nos resíduos ricos em C. O objectivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito de dois solos contrastantes na sua fertilidade, na imobilização e posterior remineralização do N, respectivamente num solo franco-arenoso (Pmg de Évora e num argiloso (Bvc de Beja. Incubou-se palha de trigo dentro de sacos de rede de nylon, com períodos de 1, 4, 8 e 12 meses de amostragem. O ensaio consistiu em três tratamentos: sem N, com adição de 15NH4NO3 e adição de NH4(15NO3. Determinou-se a concentração total em N e em C na palha e nos solos e mediu-se a abundância em 15N. Comparou-se a proporção remanescente do montante inicial de palha incubada, a concentração em N-total nos resíduos e a imobilização em 15N no resíduo da palha. Durante o primeiro mês o 15N foi sendo incorporado à medida que a massa do resíduo e o teor de N-total decresceram. Subsequentemente ocorreu imobilização líquida e o teor de N-total aumentou, apesar de com taxas

  17. Kontrol af konventionelle våben i Europa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmann, Rune; Kierulf, John; Pradhan-Blach, Flemming

    Rapporten indledes med en historisk gennemgang af tilblivelsen og udviklingen af Traktat om Konventionelle Væbnede Styrker i Europa (CFE), som blev iværksat af NATO og det tidligere Warszawapagten i 1973. Traktaten fastsætter et loft for antallet af kampvogne, pansrede kampkøretøjer, artilleripje...

  18. Um olhar sobre a prática desportiva, bem-estar subjetivo e integração social de imigrantes... em Portugal e no mundo

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    Marília Moraes


    Full Text Available O presente artigo de revisão centrou-se na prática desportiva e na sua relação com o bem-estar subjetivo e a integração social de imigrantes procurando fazer o levantamento da informação disponível na literatura acerca dessa temática a um nível mais global e, particularmente em Portugal, que a partir dos anos 80 se tornou num país de imigração. O levantamento bibliográfico incluiu livros, artigos científicos pesquisados em bases de dados internacionais, sites especializados e institucionais. A revisão da literatura permitiu verificar que: os imigrantes tendem a praticar menos desporto assim como a ter menores níveis de bem-estar subjetivo comparativamente à população autóctone; a prática desportiva relaciona-se positivamente com o bem-estar subjetivo também nos imigrantes; o desporto pode desempenhar um importante papel para a integração social dos imigrantes, apesar de nalguns contextos reforçar as diferenças inter-étnicas; em Portugal, não foram encontrados estudos específicos sobre a prática desportiva de imigrantes.

  19. Europa frente a lo extraño

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    Bernhard Waldenfels


    Full Text Available "Pensar Europa en sus fronteras", como ya en 1992 proponían un grupo de filósofos de la Universidad de Estrasburgo -Denis Guénoun, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-Luc Nancy, Daniel Payot-, significa considerar qué es eso de la "geofilosofía de Europa" como una cuestión imprescindible que conlleva toda reflexión veraz en torno a la idea de Europa. El debate al que invitaron a una serie diversa de colegas y amigos, procedentes de diferentes naciones, planteaba la posibilidad misma de una identificación de Europa, así como la profundidad, esto es, la misma violencia que esta posibilidad (o imposibilidad conlleva, como los hechos de la más reciente y rabiosa actualidad han confirmado una y otra vez desde aquellas fechas. La propuesta era todo menos fútil. En efecto, como es bien sabido y ellos mismos expresaron unos meses después, en julio de 1993, lo bien cierto es que ha habido terribles furores desencadenados y atroces desgarramientos tanto intra como extraeuropeos, que como mínimo nos urgen a pensar si el proyecto de lo que merece llamarse un 'mundo' puede o no puede confundirse con la exclusiva exportación de aquello que Europa habría inventado, producido e identificado. El futuro parece atenazado por dos figuras mórbidas, dos pesadillas simétricas, la mítica de un planeta homogéneo, como una gigantesca Europa que se extendiera por doquier, y la de una Europa recluida, encerrada en sus imprecisas e inciertas fronteras, una especie de barricadas o trincheras aislantes para que ella devorase en solitario el espejismo de su supuesto bienestar. Esta deplorable alternativa concita parte de nuestras responsabilidades, pues los escenarios del futuro se alimentan necesariamente de formas y de proposiciones de pensamiento, que vale la pena tratar de sopesar y de comprender. A este reto respondió la reflexión del profesor Bernhard Waldenfeis con una memorable intervención, publicada primero en  francés de

  20. Portugal and United States cooperative energy assessment. Volume 3. Reference reports, Part 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Statistical data on energy production and consumption and supporting information were obtained from US Bureau of Mines records supplemented by additional data obtained in Portugal. Geologic descriptions and analysis of known areas and of areas having possible future potential have been prepared by the US Geological Survey. Portugal lacks sufficient indigenous supplies of organic fuels to meet its energy demands, and so must import large quantities of petroleum and coal. Approximately 80% of Portugal's electric energy is produced by hydroelectric stations; thermal stations produce the other 20%. Portugal has produced no crude oil, natural gas, or condensate; no resources or reserves in these categories are listed for Portugal in the 1976 World Energy Conference report. Until the last year or so (1980), no significant onshore petroleum exploration had been done in Portugal since 1963. Production of coal in Portugal has declined steadily to the present annual yield of about 200,000 metric tons. On the basis of estimates in only three coal fields, resources of coal of all ranks in Portugal total at least 76 million (10/sup 6/) metric tons. Uranium is mined near Viseu and Guarda in the northern part of Portugal; the Nisa mine in east-central Portugal will begin producing uranium ore in 1985 after installation of a processing plant. Portugal produced 95 metric tons of uranium oxide (U/sub 3/O/sub 8/) from ore stocks in each year from 1972 through 1974; production is assumed to have continued at the same rate since then. Geothermal energy has not been developed in mainland Portugal; however, hot springs that may have geothermal energy potential are known in the Minho district in the northwest. Geothermal energy resources exist in the Azores and a program of evaluation and exploration with technical assistance from the USGS is presently in progress there.

  1. Padrões geográficos de diversidade genética da abelha melífera em Portugal (continente e ilhas)


    Pinto, M. Alice; Baptista, Paula; Pires, Sância


    A Europa alberga três linhagens evolutivas da abelha melífera (Apis mellifera L.), nomeadamente: linhagem M (oeste e norte europeia), linhagem C (sudeste Europeia) e linhagem A (Africana). A linhagem C inclui mais de 6 subespécies destacando-se, pela sua importância na apicultura mundial, a A. m. ligustica (abelha italiana) e A. m. carnica (abelha carniola). Por sua vez, a linhagem M agrupa apenas a A. m. mellifera (abelha preta) e A. im. iberiensis (abelha ibérica). Enquanto a distribuição n...

  2. Descontentamento na Europa em tempos de austeridade: Da ação coletiva à participação individual no protesto social

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    Maria da Paz Campos Lima


    Full Text Available Este artigo centra­‑se no exame do novo ciclo de protesto social na Europa em resposta à austeridade neoliberal, considerando dois níveis de análise: o nível macro da ação coletiva, identificando algumas das condições, motivações e características das iniciativas dos novíssimos movimentos sociais e das iniciativas dos sindicatos, explorando as suas diferenças e complementaridades e potencial de articulação; e o nível micro da participação individual, considerando as condições e motivações da participação dos indivíduos nas manifestações de protesto, com base no Inquérito Social Europeu de 2012, com destaque para as características sociodemográficas, incluindo os níveis educacionais e inserção laboral; o descontentamento com a democracia e a economia e a desconfiança nas instituições democráticas; a filiação sindical e participação nas eleições nacionais; e as reivindicações de justiça social nomeadamente quanto à redução da pobreza e desigualdade de rendimentos. No final do artigo explora­‑se em que medida as condições e motivações da participação individual correspondem em maior ou menor grau às condições e motivações da ação coletiva, isto é, dos protestos de iniciativa dos novíssimos movimentos sociais e/ou dos protestos de iniciativa sindical.

  3. REGINALDO, Lucilene. Os Rosários dos Angolas: Irmandades de africanos e crioulos na Bahia setecentista.

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    Ênio José da Costa Brito


    Full Text Available Os Rosários dos Angolas realiza um estudo da Irmandade de Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos das Portas do Carmo( Bahia A novidade do estudo está nos subsidios coletados na Africa, Portugal e Brasil , no resgate da presença banto na Bahia e na abertura para um dialogo das cosmovisões banto e cristã.REGINALDO, Lucilene. Os Rosários dos Angolas: Irmandades de africanos e crioulos na Bahia setecentista. São Paulo: Alameda, 2011. 416p. ISBN 978-85-7939-082-1 

  4. Traços estereotípicos associados a pessoas jovens e idosas em Portugal


    Marques, Sibila; Lima, Maria Luísa; Novo, Rosa


    O objectivo geral deste trabalho foi o de recolher os atributos estereotípicos do grupo das pessoas jovens e idosas em Portugal. Foi conduzido um estudo em que se procedeu ao controlo do sexo dos alvos e da pertença etária dos participantes. Na primeira fase do estudo, 67 pessoas jovens e 85 pessoas idosas realizaram uma tarefa de geração espontânea de traços culturalmente associados a pessoas jovens e idosas de ambos os sexos. No segunda fase do estudo, 62 pessoas jovens e 62 pes...

  5. Psicólogos(as escolares, diversidade sexual e escola: um estudo Brasil/Portugal

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    Carmedite Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta dados preliminares de pesquisa qualitativa/exploratória realizada entre dezembro de 2013 e março de 2014, no âmbito do doutorado em curso na Universidade de Lisboa/Portugal. Teve objetivo de caracterizar a atuação de Psicólogas (os escolares no Brasil e Portugal frente às questões relativas à diversidade sexual no contexto escolar. Para tanto, utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada como técnica de coleta de dados. Através da Análise de Conteúdo, os resultados apontam que, embora as participantes ressaltem a importante contribuição da Psicologia para a superação de preconceitos e discriminações ainda persistentes no espaço escolar, situações dificultam a atuação: falta de autonomia para propor intervenções devido a pouca importância dada pela escola em relação a problematizações de temas ligados à questão; as inúmeras demandas da escola; não se sentem suficientemente preparadas devido a pouca ou nenhuma informação recebida ao longo da formação universitária e suas próprias crenças e valores. Daí decorre a importância de pesquisas que possam contribuir para a sensibilização de psicólogas (os sobre às questões relativas à diversidade sexual e os efeitos destas na constituição dos sujeitos notadamente no espaço escolar onde são relatadas situações de discriminações e preconceitos.

  6. Seismic signal and noise on Europa and how to use it (United States)

    Panning, M. P.; Stähler, S. C.; Bills, B. G.; Castillo, J.; Huang, H. H.; Husker, A. L.; Kedar, S.; Lorenz, R. D.; Pike, W. T.; Schmerr, N. C.; Tsai, V. C.; Vance, S.


    Seismology is one of our best tools for detailing interior structure of planetary bodies, and a seismometer is included in the baseline and threshold mission design for a potential Europa lander mission. Guiding mission design and planning for adequate science return, though, requires modeling of both the anticipated signal and noise. Assuming ice seismicity on Europa behaves according to statistical properties observed in Earth catalogs and scaling cumulative seismic moment release to the moon, we simulate long seismic records and estimate background noise and peak signal amplitudes (Panning et al., 2017). This suggests a sensitive instrument comparable to many broadband terrestrial instruments or the SP instrument from the InSight mission to Mars will be able to record signals, while high frequency geophones are likely inadequate. We extend this analysis to also begin incorporation of spatial and temporal variation due to the tidal cycle, which can help inform landing site selection. We also begin exploration of how chaotic terrane at the bottom of the ice shell and inter-ice heterogeneities (i.e. internal melt structures) may affect predicted seismic observations using 2D numerical seismic simulations. We also show some of the key seismic observations to determine interior properties of Europa (Stähler et al., 2017). M. P. Panning, S. C. Stähler, H.-H. Huang, S. D. Vance, S. Kedar, V. C. Tsai, W. T. Pike, R. D. Lorenz, "Expected seismicity and the seismic noise environment of Europa," J. Geophys. Res., in revision, 2017. S. C. Stähler, M. P. Panning, S. D. Vance, R. D. Lorenz, M. van Driel, T. Nissen-Meyer, S. Kedar, "Seismic wave propagation in icy ocean worlds," J. Geophys. Res., in revision, 2017.

  7. Historiografía española sobre Europa Central y Oriental. Nacionalismo, transiciones poscomunistas y relaciones exteriores


    Sánchez García, Raquel


    La historiografía española no ha prestado especial atención a la Europa central y oriental pues sus objetivos han estado localizados en otros entornos geográficos como la Europa Occidental o América. Sin embargo, desde la caída de las dictaduras comunistas se despertó un gran interés por esta zona de Europa, interés que nació primero en los estudios económicos y políticos y que poco a poco ha ido trasladándose a la historia. [ABSTRAC]Traditionally, Spanish historiography hasn’t paid attent...

  8. Flow-like Features On Europa (United States)


    This image shows features on Jupiter's moon Europa that may be 'flows' from ice volcanoes. It was taken by the Galileo spacecraft solid state imaging (CCD) system during its seventh orbit around Jupiter. North is to the top of the image. The sun illuminates the scene from the left, showing features with shapes similar to lava flows on Earth. Two such features can be seen in the northwest corner of the image. The southern feature appears to have flowed over a ridge along its western edge. Scientists use these types of relationships to determine which feature formed first. In this case, the ridge probably formed before the flow-like feature that covers it.The image, centered at 22.6 degrees north latitude and 106.7 degrees west longitude, covers an area of 180 by 215 kilometers (112 by 134 miles). The smallest distinguishable features in the image are about 1.1 kilometers (0.7 miles) across. This image was obtained on April 28, 1997, when Galileo was 27,590 kilometers (16,830 miles) from Europa.The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA manages the Galileo mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC. JPL is an operating division of California Institute of Technology (Caltech).This image and other images and data received from Galileo are posted on the World Wide Web, on the Galileo mission home page at URL Background information and educational context for the images can be found at URL

  9. Perfil tecnológico das bibliotecas no brasil e na europa: estudo sobre a democratização do acesso à informação e ao conhecimento em bibliotecas do brasil, espanha e alemanha

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    Maria Cleide Rodrigues Bernardino


    Full Text Available A biblioteca pública é uma instituição que se fundamenta por sua forte função social, que por sua vez encontra amparo nos desdobramentos educativos, culturais, econômicos e políticos, em observância ao Manifesto da UNESCO que determina que a mesma seja um centro local de informação prontamente acessível a todos os seus usuários em qualquer suporte ou gênero, porta de acesso local ao conhecimento. Para o êxito dessa função na sociedade da informação faz-se necessário o uso e a manipulação de tecnologias digitais. Esta investigação se dá no âmbito brasileiro, espanhol e alemão, com um recorte para a utilização de mídias digitais de democratização da informação, que permitam o acesso à informação, como direito básico do cidadão na sociedade da informação. A pesquisa de cunho exploratório e delineamento quali-quantitativo utiliza-se do instrumento questionário enviado por correio eletrônico e análise do discurso para a avaliação dos dados coletados. Neste sentido, será traçado um perfil tecnológico da biblioteca pública na Europa e no Brasil a fim de delinear os encaminhamentos para a sociedade da informação.

  10. Fronteiras e pontes na bioética. O caso português

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    Michel Renaud


    Full Text Available No Portugal actual como em todos os países levanta-se, para os especialistas de ética, uma questão transversal, de natureza filosófica. Esta questão acompanha uma grande parte das deliberações sobre problemas bioéticos da vida quotidiana; quais são e onde estão os limites além dos quais entraríamos na zona cinzenta ou mesmo vermelha da desumanização? A teoria dos limites afecta de modo singular todas as ciências. Aquí também, no campo da bioética, será possível determinar a priori os limites da intervenção sobre o ser humano? Será que tudo pode ser investigado? Quais as experiências que se tornam propriamente imorais?o autor faz uma reflexão geral e, em seguida, digite duas questões importantes na história recente de Portugal: o uso de procriação medicamente assistida e a questão da eutanásia.

  11. Feminismo(s e psicologia em Portugal

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    Azambuja, Mariana Porto Ruwer de


    Full Text Available Apesar da longa história em comum entre Brasil e Portugal, também existem muitas diferenças e, principalmente, muito desconhecimento. A proposta deste artigo é apresentar uma contextualização do modo como as questões de gênero têm sido tartadas Portugal e, a partir disto, estimular maiores laços de cooperação entre os dois países. Iniciamos com uma retomada da história do país e das reformas instauradas após o fim do regime fascista (1974, especialmente o surgimento da psicologia como campo científico e profissional marcado pelo paradigma positivista e, por muito tempo, alheio às transformações e questionamentos presentes em outros contextos. Da mesma forma, o percurso do movimento feminista e sua inserção no contexto acadêmico da psicologia foi marcado por avanços e entraves, os quais apresentamos a seguir. Por fim, tratamos das políticas públicas para a igualdade de oportunidades para as mulheres em Portugal

  12. Putting Portugal on the Map

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    João Ferrão


    Full Text Available This paper argues the need to “put Portugal on the map” in a double sense: in a prospective way, in order to place the country on the required map(s, something which entails strategic vision and capacity for action; and in an analytical way – to enable us to understand Portugal from the map(s it is part of, which presupposes a capacity to analyse and understand the current state of affairs. By drawing inspiration from the polymorphic vision on the spatialities of contemporary societies and economies defended by Jessop, Brenner and Jones (2008, we propose the creation of a unifying reference framework to “put Portugal on the map”, using a combination of five elements: territory as a geographic location; territory as a unit of reference of the nation-state; places; geographic scales; and networks. The polymorphic nature of the spatialities that characterize, or should characterize, Portugal’s place in the world reflects several, and even contradictory, ethical values, interests, preferences, and options. Accordingly, the supported polymorphic spatialities ought to stir up controversy based on knowledge and arguments that are solid from a theoretical and empirical stance, and should make explicit the objectives and values they are based on.

  13. Regulamentação do estrogênio sintético 17α-etinilestradiol em matrizes aquáticas na Europa, Estados Unidos e Brasil

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    Danieli Lima da Cunha


    Full Text Available O estrogênio sintético 17α-etinilestradiol, principal componente utilizado em formulações de contraceptivos orais, tem sido apontado como um dos principais compostos responsáveis por provocar efeitos adversos no sistema endócrino de várias espécies. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o estado da arte dos dispositivos legais e normativos referentes ao controle desse estrogênio sintético nas águas da Europa e dos Estados Unidos, e traçar um paralelo com a realidade brasileira. No geral, os países têm buscado ampliar a regulamentação e monitoramento de alguns micropoluentes emergentes que antes não eram objeto de atenção por parte dos dispositivos legais. A Europa está mais avançada no que tange à qualidade dos corpos hídricos, enquanto que nos Estados Unidos esta substância é alvo de regulamentação apenas para a água destinada ao consumo humano. No Brasil, ainda não há nenhum dispositivo legal ou normativo que aborde esse estrogênio, o que pode ser associado a uma baixa maturidade do sistema brasileiro quanto ao controle de poluentes hídricos.

  14. Pension Systems in Europe. Case of Portugal

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    Jarosław Poteraj


    Full Text Available The article presents an insight into the old age pension system in Portugal. The author’s goal was to present both past and present solutions employed by the Portuguese’s pension system, in search for ideas worth consideration in international comparisons. In the summary, the author highlights as a particular Portuguese approach, on the background of other countries, the fact of using in Portugal definite part of VAT income for pension system financing.

  15. Comparison of selected biomarkers in flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) from the Douro (Portugal) and Vistula (Poland) River estuaries. (United States)

    Kopecka-Pilarczyk, Justyna


    Sixty female flounder (Platichthys flesus) were collected in Autumn 2011, 15 from each of the following sampling sites: at the mouths of the Douro and Vistula Rivers, and at nearby open sea locations. The aim of the study was to assess several biomarkers in the two geographically distant regions. Hepatic EROD, GST, SOD, GPx, POx, LP; muscular AChE, BChE, LP; and branchial Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase were analysed. Moreover, BTI, PY, and three gross morphometric indices were calculated. The results were analysed with t-test, ANOVA, and PCA. Many differences were found between the open sea sites and the river mouths, mainly in Portugal, and between the two rivers. Salinity and pollution seem to be the main factors that affected the biomarkers. Effects of chronic pollution were observed at the river mouths, and an indication of a possible temporary exposure to pollutants was found at the open ocean site in Portugal. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. La apatridia y la crisis de refugiados en Europa


    Berényi, Katalin


    La Unión Europea debe emitir una directiva sobre estándares comunes para los procedimientos de determinación de la apatridia para así mitigar los impactos particulares de esta condición en el contexto de la continua crisis de refugiados en Europa.

  17. Fingerprints of endogenous process on Europa through linear spectral modeling of ground-based observations (ESO/VLT/SINFONI) (United States)

    Ligier, Nicolas; Carter, John; Poulet, François; Langevin, Yves; Dumas, Christophe; Gourgeot, Florian


    Jupiter's moon Europa harbors a very young surface dated, based on cratering rates, to 10-50 M.y (Zahnle et al. 1998, Pappalardo et al. 1999). This young age implies rapid surface recycling and reprocessing, partially engendered by a global salty subsurface liquid ocean that could result in tectonic activity (Schmidt et al. 2011, Kattenhorn et al. 2014) and active plumes (Roth et al. 2014). The surface of Europa should contain important clues about the composition of this sub-surface briny ocean and about the potential presence of material of exobiological interest in it, thus reinforcing Europa as a major target of interest for upcoming space missions such as the ESA L-class mission JUICE. To perform the investigation of the composition of the surface of Europa, a global mapping campaign of the satellite was performed between October 2011 and January 2012 with the integral field spectrograph SINFONI on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. The high spectral binning of this instrument (0.5 nm) is suitable to detect any narrow mineral signature in the wavelength range 1.45-2.45 μm. The spatially resolved spectra we obtained over five epochs nearly cover the entire surface of Europa with a pixel scale of 12.5 by 25 m.a.s (~35 by 70 km on Europa's surface), thus permitting a global scale study. Until recently, a large majority of studies only proposed sulfate salts along with sulfuric acid hydrate and water-ice to be present on Europa's surface. However, recent works based on Europa's surface coloration in the visible wavelength range and NIR spectral analysis support the hypothesis of the predominance of chlorine salts instead of sulfate salts (Hand & Carlson 2015, Fischer et al. 2015). Our linear spectral modeling supports this new hypothesis insofar as the use of Mg-bearing chlorines improved the fits whatever the region. As expected, the distribution of sulfuric acid hydrate is correlated to the Iogenic sulfur ion implantation flux distribution (Hendrix et al

  18. Cancro do pulmão no norte de Portugal: um estudo de base hospitalar

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    V. Hespanhol


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: O cancro do pulmão é o cancro que mais mortalidade determina em todo mundo. Em Portugal a doença mantém-se a principal causa de morte por cancro no sexo masculino. Objetivo: Neste estudo pretendeu-se avaliar as características demográficas e clínicas dos doentes com cancro do pulmão diagnosticados e tratados nos hospitais do norte de Portugal entre os anos 2000-2010. Doentes e métodos: Doze hospitais contribuíram para este estudo. Foram analisadas as características demográficas e clínicas dos doentes com cancro do pulmão registados em cada hospital, entre os anos 2000-2010, nos hospitais do norte de Portugal, bem como os padrões de ocorrência da doença. Resultados: Ao longo de um período de 11 anos (2000-2010, 9.767 doentes com cancro do pulmão foram registados nos hospitais participantes. Identificamos um importante aumento no número de doentes registados em relação aos registados em 2000. No sexo feminino observou-se uma elevação da ocorrência atingindo os 30%, o que é significativo, apesar do cancro do pulmão nas mulheres, em Portugal, ser muito menos frequente que nos homens e nesta série representar apenas 20% dos casos. Um número elevado de doentes, 3.117 (48,6%, tinha mau estado geral na altura que recorreram aos cuidados de saúde. O adenocarcinoma foi-se tornando a histologia mais preponderante ao longo do período de estudo. A maior parte dos doentes, 7.206 (77,8%, foi diagnosticada em estádios avançados (IIIB, IV da doença. A quimioterapia foi o tratamento escolhido para 3.529 (40,4% dos doentes, por outro lado, a cirurgia foi possível em 1.301 (14,9% dos casos. Conclusão: Um elevado número de doentes com cancro do pulmão é diagnosticado e tratado nos hospitais do norte de Portugal. A incidência no sexo feminino tem vindo a aumentar. A esmagadora maioria dos tumores foi diagnosticada em estádio avançado, tendo sido possível, apesar disso, tratar cirurgicamente 14,9% dos

  19. Can a future mission detect a habitable ecosystem on Europa, or Ganymede? (United States)

    Chela Flores, Julian


    The considerable evidence for the presence of a liquid ocean over a silicate core makes Europa a candidate for the emergence of a second evolutionary pathway of autochthonous life. The most urgent question in astrobiology is the origin of habitable ecosystems—a question in geochemistry—rather than the alternative search for the origin of life itself—a question in chemical evolution (Chela-Flores, 2010). Since certain bodies may share a similar geophysical past with the Earth, a question suggests itself: Can available instrumentation be the ‘pioneer' in the discovery of habitable ecosystems in geophysical environments similar to the early Earth, where oceans were in contact with a silicate core? A central aspect of this dilemma is the element sulphur (S). A reliable window on the nature of the early terrestrial habitable ecosystems is the Pilbara Craton (Australia), a rich fossiliferous archive of the early steps of evolution, having preserved details of ancient hydrothermal vents. It contains a 3.47 Ga barite deposit with microfossils of a complex set of sulphate-reducing bacteria (Shen and Buick, 2004). The large spread in the delta 34S values provides the earliest reliable biomarker from the early Earth. Europa may represent the only other case in the Solar System in which liquid water has been in contact with a silicate core over geologic time in perfect analogy with the early Earth (Bland et al., 2009). The following hypothesis is forced upon us: The presence of hydrothermal activity at the interface of the silicate core and the Europan ocean can provide a variety of biogenic chemicals that play a role in sustaining microbial life at the ocean floor. This is the source of microbial life elsewhere in the ocean and of biomarkers on its icy surface. This hypothesis is subject to a feasible experimental test: Europa's non-ice surficial elements were found to be widespread, patchy and, most likely, endogenous. We argue that penetrators should be inserted in

  20. Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales en Europa: un paisaje cambiante

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    Susan Lawrence


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza algunas de las diferencias y similitudes, así como las posibles áreas de convergencia, en las políticas de bienestar social, la organización de los Servicios Sociales, las preocupaciones, y la educación y formación de los profesionales sociales en Europa. Se centra especialmente en la Unión Europea como un bloque político dentro de una Europa más amplia, e identifica algunos aspectos de su función en la elaboración de las políticas y prácticas nacionales, incluyendo los ámbitos de la migración y la educación superior. Plantea que las influencias de las tendencias mundiales y regionales de una gran movilidad internacional de la población, conlleva que las profesiones sociales puedan verse cada vez más inmersas en intervenciones «transnacionales» y que, por lo tanto, hayan de ser conscientes de que los sistemas de bienestar y las actuaciones y prácticas profesionales van más allá de las fronteras nacionales. El respeto por la diversidad cultural y el compromiso con la promoción de los derechos humanos y la justicia social, nacional e internacional, se consideran valores esenciales que deben ser compartidos por las profesiones sociales en Europa, y adoptados por los organismos regionales de representación profesional y educativa.

  1. Transformações recentes na paisagem construída da cidade de São Paulo: o eixo da rua Augusta, do Centro à Marginal Pinheiros


    Ana Carolina Ferreira Mendes


    A pesquisa tem por objetivo o levantamento, análise e crítica das transformações recentes na paisagem construída pelas quais São Paulo tem passado, especificamente em um eixo selecionado de seu quadrante sudoeste, historicamente dos mais valorizados da cidade. O eixo selecionado para estudo liga a região central à Marginal Pinheiros, iniciando-se na Rua Martins Fontes, continuando pela Rua Augusta, Rua Colômbia, Avenida Europa e finalmente culminando na Avenida Cidade Jardim...

  2. Ethical, social and public awareness issues in gene therapy EuropaBio. (United States)


    EuropaBio, the European Association for Bio-industries, represents 40 corporate members operating world wide and 14 national associations (totaling up to 700 small- and medium-sized enterprises) involved in research, development, testing, manufacturing, sales, and distribution of biotechnology-derived products and services in the field of health cae, agriculture, food, and the environment. AGE is a group of researchers and university professors involved in high-level professional activities related to bioethics, and particularly interested in ethical issues related to the development and use of modern technology. It is essential that industry actively participates in, and contributes to, the social debate on emerging technologies. Therefore, EuropaBio presents herein its view on gene therapy and its responsible development and use.

  3. ALMA Thermal Observations of a Proposed Plume Source Region on Europa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trumbo, Samantha K.; Brown, Michael E. [Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Butler, Bryan J. [National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, NM 87801 (United States)


    We present a daytime thermal image of Europa taken with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array. The imaged region includes the area northwest of Pwyll Crater, which is associated with a nighttime thermal excess seen by the Galileo Photopolarimeter Radiometer and with two potential plume detections. We develop a global thermal model of Europa and simulate both the daytime and nighttime thermal emission to determine if the nighttime thermal anomaly is caused by excess endogenic heat flow, as might be expected from a plume source region. We find that the nighttime and daytime brightness temperatures near Pwyll Crater cannot be matched by including excess heat flow at that location. Rather, we can successfully model both measurements by increasing the local thermal inertia of the surface.

  4. Organização de recursos internos para o talento: estudo de caso Cisco Portugal


    Jamnadas, Riddhi


    Mestrado em Gestão A presente investigação tem o intuito de perceber como a gestão de talento está na origem das vantagens competitivas de uma empresa tecnológica como a Cisco Systems Portugal. Para o efeito, optou-se por realizar uma entrevista (metodologia qualitativa) ao Responsável de Recursos Humanos da empresa em estudo e uma análise documental com o objectivo de compreender a estratégia e as práticas de gestão de talento efectuadas pela Cisco, no actual contexto ca...

  5. A recepção da ginástica sueca em Portugal nas primeiras décadas do século XX: conformidades e dissensões culturais e políticas

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    Luís Miguel Carvalho


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda a presença persistente da "ginástica sueca" como referente principal da educação física em contexto escolar em Portugal, nas primeiras décadas do século XX, e as recepções distintas de que foi alvo. Numa primeira parte, o texto centra-se na compreensão da centralidade adquirida pela "ginástica sueca", em múltiplos contextos geopolíticos, no contexto da consolidação do projeto da escola de massas. Numa segunda parte, o texto documenta e analisa algumas deslocações interpretativas ocorridas na recepção da "ginástica sueca" em Portugal, entre 1920 e 1940, bem como os realinhamentos educativos, sociais e políticos que acompanharam esses conflitos sobre a sua "correta" mobilização para o contexto escolar português.


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    Maria João GUIA

    Full Text Available Resumo A condição jurídica de “Irregular” dos imigrantes na entrada e na permanência, em determinado país, é uma decisão de cada um dos Estados, que escolhem entre criminalizar e proibir esses comportamentos ou os integrar e “regularizar”, permitindo o seu acesso a (alguns direitos dos nacionais. Nos últimos anos vários Estados dos EUA enveredaram por uma política pública de “crimigração” fazendo convergir a lei criminal com a lei de imigração com o objetivo de punir e expulsar os imigrantes “construídos” como irregulares. Na Europa também têm sido implementadas recentemente políticas, direito e práticas “crimigratórias” transplantadas dos EUA. No entanto, países como Portugal acolhem moderadamente essa tendência, continuando a optar preferencialmente pela inclusão e por uma legislação de “regularização permanente” dos imigrantes.

  7. The San Andreas Fault and a Strike-slip Fault on Europa (United States)


    The mosaic on the right of the south polar region of Jupiter's moon Europa shows the northern 290 kilometers (180 miles) of a strike-slip fault named Astypalaea Linea. The entire fault is about 810 kilometers (500 miles) long, the size of the California portion of the San Andreas fault on Earth which runs from the California-Mexico border north to the San Francisco Bay. The left mosaic shows the portion of the San Andreas fault near California's san Francisco Bay that has been scaled to the same size and resolution as the Europa image. Each covers an area approximately 170 by 193 kilometers(105 by 120 miles). The red line marks the once active central crack of the Europan fault (right) and the line of the San Andreas fault (left). A strike-slip fault is one in which two crustal blocks move horizontally past one another, similar to two opposing lanes of traffic. The overall motion along the Europan fault seems to have followed a continuous narrow crack along the entire length of the feature, with a path resembling stepson a staircase crossing zones which have been pulled apart. The images show that about 50 kilometers (30 miles) of displacement have taken place along the fault. Opposite sides of the fault can be reconstructed like a puzzle, matching the shape of the sides as well as older individual cracks and ridges that had been broken by its movements. Bends in the Europan fault have allowed the surface to be pulled apart. This pulling-apart along the fault's bends created openings through which warmer, softer ice from below Europa's brittle ice shell surface, or frozen water from a possible subsurface ocean, could reach the surface. This upwelling of material formed large areas of new ice within the boundaries of the original fault. A similar pulling apart phenomenon can be observed in the geological trough surrounding California's Salton Sea, and in Death Valley and the Dead Sea. In those cases, the pulled apart regions can include upwelled materials, but may


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    Raquel Melo


    Full Text Available Na avaliação da suscetibilidade a movimentos de vertente, a cartografia produzida deverá integrar não só as áreas de iniciação do movimento, como também aquelas potencialmente atingidas pelo material mobilizado. Este objetivo é alcançado através da separação da análise da suscetibilidade em duas componentes distintas: (i a primeira componente, que é também a mais explorada na literatura, corresponde à modelação das áreas de iniciação do movimento; (ii a segunda componente refere-se à modelação das respetivas áreas de propagação, utilizando, como input, os mapas com a delimitação das potenciais áreas de rutura. Neste trabalho é feita a avaliação da suscetibilidade à ocorrência de fluxos de detritos na bacia hidrográfica do rio Zêzere (Serra da Estrela, Portugal. Para a identificação das potenciais áreas de rutura recorreu-se a um método estatístico bivariado (Valor Informativo e a simulação das áreas afetadas pela passagem e deposição do material transportado foi sustentada por um algoritmo hidrológico simples (D-infinity downslope influence. A área abaixo da curva (AUC, determinada no âmbito da validação dos modelos de Valor Informativo, apresenta valores compreendidos entre 0,94 e 0,96, o que indica uma excelente capacidade preditiva. As variáveis preditivas com maior relevância na ocorrência de áreas de rutura de fluxos de detritos correspondem às áreas ardidas em 2005, declives superiores a 30°, espessura do solo inferior a 75 cm e perfil transversal côncavo. Na validação do modelo de propagação do material mobilizado, a partir das 36 áreas de rutura que constituem o inventário de movimentos, obteve-se uma taxa de verdadeiros positivos de 80,5%, o que reflete um bom desempenho do modelo.

  9. Antioxidant activities of some local bangladeshi fruits (Artocarpus heterophyllus, Annona squamosa, Terminalia bellirica, Syzygium samarangense, Averrhoa carambola and Olea europa). (United States)

    Soubir, Titov


    In the present study, antioxidant activities of the fruits of A. heterophyllus, A. squamosa, T. bellirica, S. samarangense, A. carambola and O. europa were investigated. For this, at first matured fruits of them were sliced into small pieces and dried in the sun and finally crushed in a grinder to make powder. Ethanolic extracts of fruit powder were prepared using 99.99% ethanol. The antioxidative activities of these extracts were determined according to their abilities of scavenging 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical. It was demonstrated that all the ethanolic extracts of A. heterophyllus, A. squamosa, T. bellirica, S. samarangense, A. caranbola and O. europa showed antioxidant activities. The IC50 of the ethanolic extracts of A. heterophyllus, A. squamosa, T. bellirica, S. samarangense, A. carambola and O. europa were 410, 250, 34, 200, 30 and 76 microg/mL, respectively. Among them, A. carambola showed the highest antioxidant activities followed by T. bellirica, O. europa, S. samarangense, A. squamosa and A. heterophyllus indicating that fruits of A. carambola, T. bellirica and O. europa are very beneficial to human health.

  10. Municipal solid waste disposal in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magrinho, Alexandre; Didelet, Filipe; Semiao, Viriato


    In recent years municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal has been one of the most important environmental problems for all of the Portuguese regions. The basic principles of MSW management in Portugal are: (1) prevention or reduction, (2) reuse, (3) recovery (e.g., recycling, incineration with heat recovery), and (4) polluter-pay principle. A brief history of legislative trends in waste management is provided herein as background for current waste management and recycling activities. The paper also presents and discusses the municipal solid waste management in Portugal and is based primarily on a national inquiry carried out in 2003 and directed to the MSW management entities. Additionally, the MSW responsibility and management structure in Portugal is presented, together with the present situation of production, collection, recycling, treatment and elimination of MSW. Results showed that 96% of MSW was collected mixed (4% was separately collected) and that 68% was disposed of in landfill, 21% was incinerated at waste-to-energy plants, 8% was treated at organic waste recovery plants and 3% was delivered to sorting. The average generation rate of MSW was 1.32 kg/capita/day

  11. Jupiter Europa Orbiter Architecture Definition Process (United States)

    Rasmussen, Robert; Shishko, Robert


    The proposed Jupiter Europa Orbiter mission, planned for launch in 2020, is using a new architectural process and framework tool to drive its model-based systems engineering effort. The process focuses on getting the architecture right before writing requirements and developing a point design. A new architecture framework tool provides for the structured entry and retrieval of architecture artifacts based on an emerging architecture meta-model. This paper describes the relationships among these artifacts and how they are used in the systems engineering effort. Some early lessons learned are discussed.

  12. Fronteira Portugal-Espanha e individualidade territorial

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    Carminda Cavaco


    Full Text Available PORTUGAL-SPAIN BORDER AREA AND ITS CREATIVE TENSION - The text evokes several nuances of the concept of the Portugal-Spain border: its shades of solidarity, complicity, opposition, agitation, confrontation and abandonment. At times, the border has been the zone of tension and separation, whereas at other periods in history, the border has been very permeable and there has been free exchange and mutual cooperation. The borders will be subjected to yet another interpretation as a new area emerges with the active participation of both Iberian countries in the European Union and the cooperative efforts initiated in the programs of INTERREG I and II

  13. [Demography and employment in Portugal]. (United States)

    Barata, O S


    The population of Portugal showed a period of slow growth between 1950-60; however, in the 1970s, the return of large numbers of former residents in African territories along with a reduction in emigration changed the trend so that the 1981 census showed a significant increase. The Portuguese economy, on the other hand, is in a state of crisis which has resulted in large numbers of unemployed. The growth of the population along with these hard times has made it more difficult to reduce the rate of unemployment. It is also more difficult for those leaving school to find jobs. The better educated generations are seeking jobs in industry and in other services that Portugal will find difficult to offer in sufficient numbers in the immediate future. At present, the Portuguese economy has a large component of agricultural labor. In any case, the means of economic and social intervention to fight unemployment have limited potential. Therefore, many of those unable to find jobs in Portugal will attempt to emigrate. Many Portuguese are already working in Germany, France, and in other Western European countries but migration today is much more difficult. In addition, these countries cannot be expected to recive many more migrant workers in the future. In fact, those better educated workers from Portugal will not be very interested in the low paying jobs which can be found more easily by foreign workers in Western Euorpe. Many will therefore attempt to find jobs in non-European countries. There has been a recent increase of migration to Canada and the US. A renewal of interest in jobs in Brazil and other South Amerian countries is also to be expected. There may also be a future increase in the number of experts, technicians, and other qualified personnel emigrating to Portuguese speaking African countries if there is adequate security and if these countries find the way to expand economic growth. (author's modified)

  14. O perfil dos licenciados em Publicidade em Portugal : uma perspectiva dos estudantes, dos professores e dos profissionais


    Ribeiro Cardoso, Paulo


    O objectivo geral deste estudo consiste em compreender de que forma o ensino da publicidade está a ser efectuado em Portugal e em que medida vai ao encontro das necessidades do mercado. A pesquisa envolveu a administração de um questionário a uma amostra de alunos, docentes e profissionais portugueses, em Lisboa, no Porto e na Covilhã, no sentido de recolher as perspectivas destes 3 intervenientes neste processo. De um modo geral, constatou-se que a universidade tem acompanhado o mercado, no ...

  15. Europa Cinemas auhindas Sõpruse kino / Katrin Rajasaare ; interv. Annika Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rajasaare, Katrin


    Euroopa ja Vahemere regiooni kinopidajaid ühendav organisatsioon Europa Cinemas kuulutas Sõpruse kino aasta parimaks noorsooürituste korraldamise kategoorias. Oma tööst räägib Sõpruse juht, kes käis ka 18. nov. Budapestis auhinda vastu võtmas

  16. A Casa Portuguesa como representação de Portugal: subversões da escrita da casa em romances portugueses da segunda metade do século XX = The Portuguese House as the representation of Portugal: subversion of the house’s writing in portuguese novels published in the second half of twentieth century

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    Girola, Maristela Kirst de Lima


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio tem como objetivo tecer e discutir algumas reflexões sobre a construção ficcional do espaço da casa como representação de Portugal. Em romances publicados na segunda metade do século XX, por autores como Agustina Bessa-Luís, Maria Velho da Costa e António Lobo Antunes, podemos perceber subversões na forma de escrever a casa portuguesa. Procuraremos relacionar essas mudanças às transformações sociais e à construção do gênero romanesco

  17. Jovian longitudinal asymmetry in Io-related and Europa-related auroral hot spots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dessler, A.J.; Chamberlain, J.W.


    Jupiter's internal magnetic field is markedly non-dipolar. We propose that Io- or Europa-generated auroral emissions (originating at the foot of either Io's or Europa's magnetic flux tube) are largely restricted to longitudes where Jupiter's ionospheric conductivity is enhanced. Trapped, energetic electrons that drift into Jupiter's atmosphere, in regions where the Jovian magnetic field is anomalously weak, produce the increased conductivity. The longitude range of enchanced auroral hot-spot emissions is thus restricted to an active sector that is determined from dekametric radio emission to lie in the northern hemisphere in the Jovian System III (1965) longitude range of 205 0 +- 30 0 . Relatively weaker auroral hot spots should occur in the southern hemisphere along the mgnetic conjugate trace covering the longitude range of 215 0 +- 55 0 . At other longitudes, the brightness of the hot spot should decrease by at least one order of magnitude. These results, with respect to both brightness and longitude, are in accord with the observations of Jovian auroral hot spots reported by Atreya et al. We show that the northern hemisphere foot of either Io's or Europa's magnetic flux tube was in the preferred longitude range (the active sector) at the time of each observation

  18. Crime and forgiveness in Castile and Portugal (fourteenth and fifteenth centuries

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    Leandro Alves Teodoro


    Full Text Available Nos séculos XIV e XV, um conjunto de escritos portugueses e castelhanos foi elaborado para combater, entre outras práticas, crimes considerados frutos do pecado mortal da ira, como o homicídio ou a agressão física e verbal. Levando em conta as prédicas contidas especialmente em tratados religiosos, o objetivo deste ensaio é analisar o papel do sacramento da penitência e do ensino dos rudimentos da fé cristã na formação moral de homens julgados violentos, isto é, de pessoas que menosprezavam, na visão de letrados dessa época, os princípios mais ínfimos da virtude da justiça. Mais precisamente, a partir da análise de uma série de obras eclesiásticas produzidas em Portugal e Castela, o presente trabalho busca questionar em que medida o sacramento da penitência e as prédicas dos párocos foram instrumentos pedagógicos decisivos para a construção de um modelo de cristão brando e avesso à violência.

  19. Assessing the potential for measuring Europa's tidal Love number h2 using radar sounder and topographic imager data (United States)

    Steinbrügge, G.; Schroeder, D. M.; Haynes, M. S.; Hussmann, H.; Grima, C.; Blankenship, D. D.


    The tidal Love number h2 is a key geophysical measurement for the characterization of Europa's interior, especially of its outer ice shell if a subsurface ocean is present. We performed numerical simulations to assess the potential for estimating h2 using altimetric measurements with a combination of radar sounding and stereo imaging data. The measurement principle exploits both delay and Doppler information in the radar surface return in combination with topography from a digital terrain model (DTM). The resulting radar range measurements at cross-over locations can be used in combination with radio science Doppler data for an improved trajectory solution and for estimating the h2 Love number. Our simulation results suggest that the absolute accuracy of h2 from the joint analysis of REASON (Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface) surface return and EIS (Europa Imaging System) DTM data will be in the range of 0.04-0.17 assuming full radio link coverage. The error is controlled by the SNR budget and DTM quality, both dependent on the surface properties of Europa. We estimate that this would unambiguously confirm (or reject) the global ocean hypothesis and, in combination with a nominal radio-science based measurement of the tidal Love number k2, constrain the thickness of Europa's outer ice shell to up to ±15 km.

  20. Da Europa faldt i en grav, man selv havde gravet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Necef, Mehmet Ümit


    Med premierminister Erdogan i spidsen har tyrkiske politikere og intellektuelle tolket Breiviks massakre som udtryk for den generelle islamofobi i Europa. Faktisk fremstilles Breivik ikke som afviger men som mainstream. Dæmoniseringen af den europæiske mentalitet kommer af en tendens til at opfatte...

  1. Arte, Arqueologia e Identidade Nacional na valorização da Arte Rupestre em Portugal (1880-1930).


    Rodrigues, Paulo


    Embora as primeiras notícias acerca da existência de vestígios de arte rupestre em Portugal remontem aos séculos XVII e XVIII, as primeiras abordagens de carácter científico, encetadas com o objectivo de as entender enquanto manifestações artísticas, datam de finais do século XIX. Em 1882, um artigo publicado numa revista intitulada A Arte Portuguesa levantava a possibilidade da existência de uma arte em território português anterior à romanização. Apesar do artigo tratar sobretudo as gravura...

  2. Portugal: setting new goals for growth. (United States)

    Cutler, B


    Portugal has entered a period of economic recovery spearheaded by Prime Minister Anibal Cavaco Silva. A slow but steady rise in the standard of living may finally offset the 0.9% annual growth in the country's population. Growth in the gross national product (GNP) reached 5% in 1987 and fixed capital investment increased 9.5% in 1986. Cavaco Silva's economic recovery program has included entry into the Common Market, foreign investment in industry, attention to the enormous public debt, and dismantling of the state-centered economy of the 1970s. Per capita GNP increased from US$743 in 1985 to $1970 in 1986 and unemployment had fallen to 8.5% by 1988. The prolongation of average life expectancy to 68 years for men and 75 years for women indicates a general improvement in the health and lifestyle of most Portuguese. By the year 2000, the population of Portugal is expected to reach 11.1 million, with the largest rates of growth occurring in the west and coastal areas. Half of the population falls into the 25-64-year age group, suggesting potential for economic growth and spending. A low rate of urbanization (30%) has complicated attempts to raise the level of technology in industry. Strong adherence to Catholicism is largely responsible for the exceptionally high marriage rate and low divorce rate in Portugal. The average birth rate was 14.5/1000 in 1987 and the average total fertility rate was 2.1. 34% of all births are to women 20-24 years old. The annual mortality rate is 9.6/1000, while infant mortality stands at 17.8/1000. A significant change occurring in Portugal in the current period is the rise of a new middle class.

  3. Seguridad energética rusa: entre Europa y China

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    Antonio Sánchez


    Full Text Available Dentro de la seguridad energética rusa aparece como una debilidad importante la concentración de recursos en unos pocos clientes, en concreto en la UE. Por este motivo, las autoridades rusas están tratando de diversificar destinos de venta, tratando de abrir otros mercados, en especial en extremo oriente y, en particular en China. Esto acrecienta su seguridad energética, pero debilita la europea en caso de que la UE no adopte medidas activas. El abastecimiento a Europa desde Rusia, especialmente de gas, depende también de tres grandes limitaciones. En primer lugar, que existan nuevos yacimientos y su posibilidad de movilizarlos conforme aumenten las necesidades europeas. En segundo lugar, aparece el problema del surgimiento de competidores por el gas ruso y, en particular, recientemente se ha subrayado el papel de China como futuro cliente de gas ruso. En tercer lugar, se encuentra la posibilidad de que Rusia pueda ejercer un control especial sobre la oferta de gas mundial, que condicione en cantidad o/y precio el abastecimiento a Europa.

  4. Thermal probe design for Europa sample acquisition (United States)

    Horne, Mera F.


    The planned lander missions to the surface of Europa will access samples from the subsurface of the ice in a search for signs of life. A small thermal drill (probe) is proposed to meet the sample requirement of the Science Definition Team's (SDT) report for the Europa mission. The probe is 2 cm in diameter and 16 cm in length and is designed to access the subsurface to 10 cm deep and to collect five ice samples of 7 cm3 each, approximately. The energy required to penetrate the top 10 cm of ice in a vacuum is 26 Wh, approximately, and to melt 7 cm3 of ice is 1.2 Wh, approximately. The requirement stated in the SDT report of collecting samples from five different sites can be accommodated with repeated use of the same thermal drill. For smaller sample sizes, a smaller probe of 1.0 cm in diameter with the same length of 16 cm could be utilized that would require approximately 6.4 Wh to penetrate the top 10 cm of ice, and 0.02 Wh to collect 0.1 g of sample. The thermal drill has the advantage of simplicity of design and operations and the ability to penetrate ice over a range of densities and hardness while maintaining sample integrity.

  5. O cenário moderno de São Paulo e Buenos Aires na história e na historiografia latino americana

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    Ricardo Marchesini Galvão


    Full Text Available A formação da história urbana na América Latina recebeu contribuições das mais diversas origens com o passar do tempo, respondendo tanto a condicionantes externas a seus limites – quando se relaciona aos movimentos geralmente iniciados na Europa ou, mais recentemente, nos Estados Unidos – como a fatores internos, que vão desde a estrutura herdada do período pré-colombiano até as narrativas contemporâneas que tentam se desvincular de uma história oficial, rompendo com a noção de influência e buscando uma história própria. Este trabalho analisa três obras situadas em diferentes tempos e espaços, representando distintos modos de pensar a história urbana na América Latina, o que permite uma visão plural dos acontecimentos históricos que passam a ser ressignificados após uma nova visão de conjunto.

  6. Il Sistema Gateway nello sviluppo della rete del trasporto combinato in Europa: il caso del terminal di Verona Quadrante Europa


    Grossato, Raffaella


    Il trasporto intermodale ha acquisito un ruolo sempre più importante nello scenario dei trasporti comunitari merci durante gli ultimi quindici anni. La sfida che si era posta a inizi anni novanta in Europa consisteva nello sviluppo di una rete europea di trasporto combinato strada-ferrovia. A questo fine è stata fondamentale la cooperazione tra gli operatori del settore e le istituzioni (comunitarie e nazionali), nonché l’impulso dato dalla liberalizzazione del trasporto ferrov...

  7. Introducción de las artes marciales asiáticas en Portugal = The introduction of asian martial arts in Portugal


    Carlos Gutiérrez García; Vitor Alberto Rosa; Mikel Pérez Gutiérrez


    El presente estudio analiza la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal, sucedida a principios del siglo XX. Para su realización se ha consultado fundamentalmente prensa histórica portuguesa, tanto general como específica del ámbito deportivo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la introducción del jujutsu en Portugal se produjo fundamentalmente a través del mundo del espectáculo, mediante actuaciones de expertos japoneses. Las notables diferencias técnicas y corporales entre estos luchadores j...


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    José Marín Riveros


    Full Text Available Resumen: en este estudio, se presenta una reflexión acerca del concepto de Europa Oriental y, luego, una revisión de la historiografía acerca del origen de los eslavos, discutiendo las tesis tradicionales, la de Pritsak y la de Curta, según la etnogénesis, la etnonimia y la this article, the author presents an analytical view about de concept "East Europe" and, then, an historiographical revision about the origin of the Slavic people, discussing the traditional thesis, Pritsak's thesis and Curta's thesis, i.e., commenting the ideas of ethnogenesis, ethnonimia and ethnicity.

  9. Spain and Portugal facing Euratom. Some considerations in the access of Spain and Portugal to Euratom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Corretjer, L.; Lopez Rodriguez, M.


    The access of Spain and Portugal to the European Community of Atomic Energy (EURATOM) will give rise to significative consequences and it is a subject which must be thoroughly considered as to its implications regarding the present state of nuclear development in both countries and with regard to their reciprocal relations in nuclear energy matters. To determine such consequences and implications it is necessary, first of all, to analyze what EURATOM is and how it acts, in addition to consider the situation of each of its Member States as to the utilization of nuclear energy. As well, it is necessary to explain the evolution and the present situation of nuclear development in Spain and in Portugal and their mutual relations in this field. In pursuit of such analysis we may determine the possible consequences of their access; this is made bearing in mind each of the aspects in which EURATOM acts, according to the Treaty and the ''acquis communitaire'', and dividing them into common consequences and individual ones for both countries. The whole exposition, which was studied and carried out from an exclusively technical point of view, has a result the deduction of the joint possibilities offered to Spain and Portugal to make use of EURATOM's availabilities and of the joint actions which both countries may achieve to benefit as much as possible from their access to EURATOM. (author)

  10. Discriminação e Racismo na União Europeia: diagnóstico de uma ameaça negligenciada e da investigação científica correspondente

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    Ludger Pries


    Full Text Available Manifestações semanais do controverso movimento PEGIDA (Europeus Patriotas contra a Islamização do Ocidente estavam ganhando popularidade em diversas cidades alemãs entre o final de 2014 e o final do mês de janeiro de 2015. Os assassinatos ocorridos na sede da revista satírica Charlie Hebdo e no supermercado Hyper Cacher durante a segunda semana de janeiro revelaram a realidade do antissemitismo e provocaram surtos de islamofobia em muitos países europeus. Discriminação e racismo são, evidentemente, questões importantes na Europa. Mas que significado têm esses eventos? Quão disseminadas são a discriminação e o racismo na Europa? Este artigo descreve, inicialmente, os antecedentes históricos e o desenvolvimento de um marco formal Europeu para não discriminação, em seus aspectos institucionais e jurídicos. Em seguida, apresenta e discute as principais fontes de dados oficiais e científicas para o estudo da discriminação na União Europeia. Depois, aborda a situação atual do racismo e da discriminação na EU, com base nos estudos mais recentes e abrangentes sobre o tema. Finalmente, são esboçadas algumas tendências e desafios para novas pesquisas na área.

  11. Construyendo una nueva Europa. La europeización del modelo de seguridad en Georgia


    Janashvili, Lela; Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials. Barcelona, Catalunya


    La Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional de cada país se basa en el análisis de los valores, intereses y amenazas contra la seguridad interna y externa. Los intereses de Georgia y Europa con respecto al tema de seguridad coinciden plenamente uno con el otro, según se sostiene en este trabajo. La evolución de los últimos años confirma que es necesario tener grandes dosis de diálogo para construir el sistema de la seguridad europea. Para que Europa tenga una lógica común hay que trabajar para constr...

  12. Oração da abertura do quarto curso da aula do comércio proferida pelo professor Alberto Jaquéri de Sales, em 15 de fevereiro de 1771

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    Thiago Alves Dias


    Full Text Available O acervo da Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa guarda um relevantedocumento impresso, em 1771, de autoria de Alberto Jaquéri de Sales, lenteda Aula do Comércio na cidade de Lisboa entre 1762 a 1784. Em oração deabertura do quarto curso da Aula do Comércio, da turma cujo início se deu em15 de fevereiro de 1771, o professor Alberto Jaquéri de Sales registra muitodos princípios valorativos em voga nos meados dos setecentos na Europa,notadamente em Portugal e suas possessões. A premente relação ‘comércio eensino’, preconizada e defendida pelo Ministro de Dom José I, Sebastião Joséde Carvalho e Melo, Marquês de Pombal, encontra na oração de Jaquéri deSales uma singular defesa, demonstrando o comércio e as práticas mercantis.Portanto, o preparo de negociantes hábeis e providos de saberes específicosfoi relevante para as reformas pombalinas quando Portugal ainda detinha oexclusivo comercial da mais rentável colônia das Américas. Para uma melhorcompreensão aos leitores, a oração foi transcrita para o português atual, noentanto mantivemos alguns elementos da escrita do texto original, como asvírgulas e iniciais maiúsculas, acreditando que se trata de regras de produçãotextual que enfatizam aspectos relevantes do autor da oração.

  13. Cross-cutting Relationships of Surface Features on Europa (United States)


    This image of Jupiter's moon Europa shows a very complex terrain of ridges and fractures. The absence of large craters and the low number of small craters indicates that this surface is geologically young. The relative ages of the ridges can be determined by using the principle of cross-cutting relationships; i.e. older features are cross-cut by younger features. Using this principle, planetary geologists are able to unravel the sequence of events in this seemingly chaotic terrain to unfold Europa's unique geologic history.The spacecraft Galileo obtained this image on February 20, 1997. The area covered in this image is approximately 11 miles (18 kilometers) by 8.5 miles (14 kilometers) across, near 15 North, 273 West. North is toward the top of the image, with the sun illuminating from the right.The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA manages the mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC.This image and other images and data received from Galileo are posted on the World Wide Web, on the Galileo mission home page at URL Background information and educational context for the images can be found at URL

  14. Dusk/dawn atmospheric asymmetries on tidally-locked satellites: O2 at Europa (United States)

    Oza, Apurva V.; Johnson, Robert E.; Leblanc, François


    We use a simple analytic model to examine the effect of the atmospheric source properties on the spatial distribution of a volatile in a surface-bounded atmosphere on a satellite that is tidally-locked to its planet. Spatial asymmetries in the O2 exosphere of Europa observed using the Hubble Space Telescope appear to reveal on average a dusk enhancement in the near-surface ultraviolet auroral emissions. Since the hop distances in these ballistic atmospheres are small, we use a 1-D mass conservation equation to estimate the latitudinally-averaged column densities produced by suggested O2 sources. Although spatial asymmetries in the plasma flow and in the surface properties certainly affect the spatial distribution of the near-surface aurora, the dusk enhancements at Europa can be understood using a relatively simple thermally-dependent source. Such a source is consistent with the fact that radiolytically produced O2 permeates their porous regoliths and is not so sensitive to the local production rate from ice. The size of the shift towards dusk is determined by the ratio of the rotation rate and atmospheric loss rate. A thermally-dependent source emanating from a large reservoir of O2 permeating Europa's icy regolith is consistent with the suggestion that its subsurface ocean might be oxidized by subduction of such radiolytic products.

  15. Polymerization of Building Blocks of Life on Europa and Other Icy Moons. (United States)

    Kimura, Jun; Kitadai, Norio


    The outer Solar System may provide a potential habitat for extraterrestrial life. Remote sensing data from the Galileo spacecraft suggest that the jovian icy moons--Europa, Ganymede, and possibly Callisto--may harbor liquid water oceans underneath their icy crusts. Although compositional information required for the discussion of habitability is limited because of significantly restricted observation data, organic molecules are ubiquitous in the Universe. Recently, in situ spacecraft measurements and experiments suggest that amino acids can be formed abiotically on interstellar ices and comets. These amino acids could be continuously delivered by meteorite or comet impacts to icy moons. Here, we show that polymerization of organic monomers, in particular amino acids and nucleotides, could proceed spontaneously in the cold environment of icy moons, in particular the jovian icy moon Europa as a typical example, based on thermodynamic calculations, though kinetics of formation are not addressed. Observed surface temperature on Europa is 120 and 80 K in the equatorial region and polar region, respectively. At such low temperatures, Gibbs energies of polymerization become negative, and the estimated thermal structure of the icy crust should contain a shallow region (i.e., at a depth of only a few kilometers) favorable for polymerization. Investigation of the possibility of organic monomer polymerization on icy moons could provide good constraints on the origin and early evolution of extraterrestrial life.

  16. Geology and religion in Portugal (United States)

    Carneiro, Ana; Simoes, Ana; Diogo, Maria Paula; Mota, Teresa Salomé


    This paper addresses the relationship between geology and religion in Portugal by focusing on three case studies of naturalists who produced original research and lived in different historical periods, from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. Whereas in non-peripheral European countries religious themes and even controversies between science and religion were dealt with by scientists and discussed in scientific communities, in Portugal the absence of a debate between science and religion within scientific and intellectual circles is particularly striking. From the historiographic point of view, in a country such as Portugal, where Roman Catholicism is part of the religious and cultural tradition, the influence of religion in all aspects of life has been either taken for granted by those less familiar with the national context or dismissed by local intellectuals, who do not see it as relevant to science. The situation is more complex than these dichotomies, rendering the study of this question particularly appealing from the historiographic point of view, geology being by its very nature a well-suited point from which to approach the theme. We argue that there is a long tradition of independence between science and religion, agnosticism and even atheism among local elites. Especially from the eighteenth century onwards, they are usually portrayed as enlightened minds who struggled against religious and political obscurantism. Religion—or, to be more precise, the Roman Catholic Church and its institutions—was usually identified with backwardness, whereas science was seen as the path to progress; consequently men of science usually dissociated their scientific production from religious belief.

  17. Estratégias de marketing no fitness: estudo de caso da Vivafit em Portugal e em Singapura


    Silva, Sara Durão da


    Mestrado em Gestão do Desporto - Organizações Desportivas Este estudo pretende aferir as diferenças na elaboração das estratégias de marketing de uma empresa da área do fitness, actuante em diferentes países (nomeadamente em países emergentes) ao nível dos Quatro Pilares do Marketing (4 P.): a) produto, b) promoção, c) local, d) preço. Esta pesquisa é num estudo de caso de uma empresa nacional: a Vivafit, comparandose as estratégias utilizadas em Portugal e em Singapura. For...

  18. A Europa, as migrações e o cosmopolitismo

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    Octávio Sacramento


    Full Text Available ResumoO análise aqui delineado discute as posturas das fronteiras europeias em relação aos desafios colocados pelos fluxos migratórios externos. É dada especial atenção à forma como a Europa, através do Acordo de Schengen, estabelece uma combinação estratégica entre a livre circulação de certas categorias de pessoas e o bloqueio de muitas outras mobilidades “indesejados”. Ao mesmo tempo, são considerados resumidamente as políticas de identidade subjacentes a seletividade do espaço Schengen e seu impacto sobre um projecto europeu pós-nacional e cosmopolita. Palavras-chave: Europa, Migração externa, Fronteiras e limites, Seletividade, Cosmopolitismo. Resumen En el análisis esbozado aquí se analizan las actitudes en las fronteras europeas en relación con los retos que plantea la migración externa. Se presta especial atención a la forma en Europa a través del Acuerdo de Schengen, establece una combinación estratégica de la libre circulación de ciertas categorías de personas y el bloqueo de muchas otras movilida- des “no deseadas”. Al mismo tiempo, se consideran brevemente la política de la identidad subyacente en la selectividad de la zona Schengen y su impacto en un proyecto europeo post-nacional y cosmopolita. Palabras clave: Europa, La migración externa, Fronteras y límites, La selectividad, Cosmopolitismo. Abstract The analysis outlined in this paper discusses the attitudes of the European borders in relation to the challenges posed by external migration flows. Special attention is given to the way Europe, through the Schengen Agreement, establishes a strategic combination between the free movement of certain categories of people and the blocking of many other “un- wanted” mobilities. At the same time, the paper briefly considers the identity policies underlying the selectivity of the Schengen area and their impact on a post-national and cosmopolitan European project

  19. Sexualidades politizadas: ativismo nas áreas da AIDS e da orientação sexual em Portugal Politicized sexualities: AIDS activism and sexual orientation in Portugal

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    Ana Cristina Santos


    Full Text Available O presente artigo analisa a forma como o Estado português e a sociedade civil têm tratado a questão da AIDS, enfatizando o envolvimento da comunidade lésbica, gay, bissexual e transexual (LGBT no combate ao vírus. Começamos pela descrição da situação dos membros dessa comunidade em Portugal ao longo da década de 90, período da emergência e consolidação do movimento LGBT português. Num segundo momento, caracterizamos a evolução do complexo HIV/AIDS no citado país, analisando a relação entre a sociedade civil e as questões relacionadas com a sexualidade em geral, por um lado, e a situação da epidemia, por outro, considerando fatos, iniciativas estatais e associações existentes. Num terceiro momento, consagramos especial atenção ao papel desempenhado pelas associações LGBT na luta contra o HIV/AIDS. Finalmente, refletimos acerca do futuro da luta contra a epidemia e a discriminação no século XXI, tendo em conta os desenvolvimentos verificados no País e as linhas orientadoras da política de combate à AIDS adotadas por organismos internacionais.This article analyzes how both the Portuguese state and civil society have addressed the AIDS issue, focusing on participation by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual community (LGBT in the struggle against AIDS. The article begins by describing the situation of LGBT individuals in Portugal during the 1990s, when the Portuguese LGBT movement emerged and grew, and then characterizes the evolution of HIV/AIDS in Portugal, analyzing the relationship between civil society and sexuality in general and the situation of the epidemic in the country in particular, considering key facts, nongovernmental organizations, and state initiatives. Special attention is given to the role played by LGBT organizations in the struggle against HIV. Finally, the article reflects on the future of the struggle against both AIDS and discrimination in the 21st century, considering recent events

  20. Desenvolvimento do curso de gerenciamento em enfermagem on-line: experiência exitosa entre Brasil e Portugal

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    Daisy Maria Rizatto Tronchin


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo Descrever a experiência no planejamento e desenvolvimento de um Curso de Atualização On-Line em Gerenciamento em Enfermagem destinado a enfermeiros nos contextos Brasil e Portugal. Método O desenho instrucional do Curso fundamentou-se na Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa, na Andragogia e na Metodologia Dialética, valorizando a interação entre os atores e privilegiando os cenários de prática e a aplicação dos conceitos abordados. Resultados O Curso está estruturado em nove unidades teóricas, quatro estudos de caso e prova dissertativa. Foi avaliado positivamente pelos participantes, os quais referiram oportunidades de aquisição de novos conhecimentos; interação e intercâmbio de experiência; motivação em estudar os temas e autoaprendizagem. Conclusão Espera-se que a experiência descrita estimule a proposição de novos cursos e programas na modalidade de Educação a Distância, incrementando os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem para subsidiar análises futuras do seu impacto no desenvolvimento e no aprimoramento de competências gerenciais em enfermagem.

  1. First autochthone case of sporotrichosis by Sporothrix globosa in Portugal. (United States)

    de Oliveira, Manoel Marques Evangelista; Veríssimo, Cristina; Sabino, Raquel; Aranha, João; Zancopé-Oliveira, Rosely Maria; Sampaio, Paula; Pais, Célia


    In this study, we characterize the first autochthone case of human sporotrichosis reported in Lisbon, Portugal. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization revealed that the infection was caused by Sporothrix globosa. We conclude that sporotrichosis may be underdiagnosed particularly in Southern Europe and suggest Portugal as an emerging area for this fungal infection. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Risco de erosão no litoral Norte de Portugal: uma questão de ordenamento do território / Risk of erosion on the northern coast of Portugal: a question of territorial planning

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    António Sousa Pedrosa


    Full Text Available Grande parte da costa noroeste de Portugal Continental compreende várias áreas em erosão acentuada, fato que tem vindo a contribuir para um agravamento da vulnerabilidade do território. Entendendo a faixa costeira uma área de interface entre os subsistemas terra-mar, constitui uma área dotada de grande mutabilidade, que se encontra em conflito com o atual cariz permanente da presença humana, pelo que a fragilidade tem a sua maior expressão na erosão e no recuo da linha de costa, fenómeno que tem vindo a resultar na perda de áreas de valor ecológico-ambiental e económico. Esta situação resulta de diversos fatores naturais que se relacionam com a subida do nível médio das águas do mar, mas também da atuação do homem sobre o território. A atuação antrópica nas áreas litorais nem sempre obedece a princípios de sustentabilidade ambiental e económica, fato explicado pela inexistência de uma estratégia bem definida de ordenamento do território. Apresentando-se como áreas de forte sensibilidade à ação antrópica, em especial relacionado com a pressão urbanística e, à implantação de infraestruturas relacionadas com o turismo e lazer, para além de estarem sujeitas a uma forte suscetibilidade de erosão provocada pelo avanço do mar, a forma de mitigação dos riscos seria a existência de planos de ordenamento que definissem uma estratégia de desenvolvimento não agressiva para as zonas de litoral em Portugal.

  3. O perfil esperado de um professor de contabilidade: uma análise a partir dos estudantes da cidade de Barcelos – Portugal = The expected profile of an accounting professor: an analysis from the students from the city of Barcelos - Portugal

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    Jacqueline Elene de Faria Tolentino


    Full Text Available Na Europa a Declaração de Bolonha possibilitou a integração entre os 30 Estados-Membros, facilitando o ingresso no ensino superior e também ampliando as oportunidades de intercâmbio entre as universidades. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar a percepção dos alunos portugueses quanto à competência necessária ao julgamento de um bom professor. Justifica-se o estudo face à necessidade constante de formar melhores Contadores e logo, também, melhores professores da área Contábil. Para a concretização deste trabalho, foi aplicado um questionário a 127 alunos de uma instituição de ensino localizada na Cidade de Barcelos, no distrito de Braga. O questionário buscou mensurar a importância de cinco competências, atribuídas pelos alunos aos docentes, combinados de maneira a formar doze perfis distintos. Foi concluído que a competência docente e experiência de mercado são os atributos de melhor e pior avaliação. Já, quanto ao perfil, um “bom professor”, no julgamento dos respondentes, é aquele docente que possui uma boa didática, um próximo relacionamento com os alunos, muita experiência de mercado, pouca exigência e amplo conhecimento teórico. In Europe, the Bologna Declaration has enabled the integration among the 30 Member States, facilitating the access to higher education and also expanding opportunities for exchanges among universities. The objective of this work is to identify the perception of Portuguese students concerning the necessary competence for the judgment of a good teacher. The study is justified due to the constant need to form better Accountants, and consequently, also better teachers in the Accounting area. To accomplish this work, a questionnaire was applied to 127 students in an educational institution located in the city of Barcelos, in the district of Braga, Portugal. The questionnaire sought to measure the importance of five teaching skills, assigned by students to teachers, combined to

  4. Kolmas vaatus Euroopa võlakriisis - Portugal. Oht Portugali mainel / Sirje Rank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rank, Sirje, 1966-


    Portugal kavatseb läbi viia riigivõlakirjade emissiooni, samas müüvad teisedki riigid lähiajal võlakirju, mille riskiaste on väiksem. Portugal eitab väidet, nagu oleks Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaa survestanud teda Euroopa kriisifondist abi küsima

  5. Mirada desde Europa, una encrucijada de los medios en América Latina y España: quando la Anaconda empieza a mudar la piel

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    Manuel Chaparro Escudero

    Full Text Available Pensar, escribir desde Europa, o sobre Europa obliga hoy a hacer la insidiosa observación de si Europa es capaz de mirar otra cosa que no sea así misma y si, además, tiene algo nuevo que decir. La Europa que soñamos, la Europa que sirvió de modelo a las llamadas sociedades democráticas se diluye en el dibujo de una sociedad más económica que social, más especulativa que solidaria. No es una afirmación ni gratuita, ni exagerada. Europa tiene poco que decir porque hace rato que perdió su brújula. Sólo los movimientos ciudadanos surgidos en el último año (entre ellos el 15-M sugieren un fin de ciclo de una forma de hacer política que se resiste a cambiar. Frente a esta situación América Latina empieza desde hace algunos años a ofrecer regulaciones de medios más comprometidas con los intereses ciudadanos.


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    Antonio José de Almeida Filho


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar cómo las Casas Terapéuticas para los usuarios con trastornos mentales en los municipios de Miranda do Corvo-Portugal y Volta Redonda-Brasil contribuyen a la rehabilitación psicosocial de las personas con sufrimiento mental. Estudio de perspectiva histórica, cuyas fuentes históricas fueron leyes, resoluciones e informes oficiales y declaraciones de enfermeras, psicólogos y trabajadores sociales. Se encontró que en ambos municipios la intención es la desinstitucionalización de las personas con sufrimiento mental, en Miranda do Corvo-Portugal la gestión financiera y administrativa es responsabilidad de una fundación y, en Volta Redonda-Brasil esta gestión es auspiciada por el ejecutivo municipal, además de observar en Miranda del Corvo-Portugal la adopción de medidas disciplinarias en función de exceso de los usuarios. Se concluye que la crisis económica en Portugal ha interferido con la política de expansión de las Casas Terapéuticas en cuanto al número de usuarios que no permite la intervención más individualizada.

  7. Lyman Alpha Camera for Io's SO2 atmosphere and Europa's water plumes (United States)

    McEwen, Alfred S.; Sandel, Bill; Schneider, Nick


    The Student Lyman-Alpha Mapper (SLAM) was conceived for the Io Volcano Observer (IVO) mission proposal (McEwen et al., 2014) to determine the spatial and temporal variations in Io's SO2 atmosphere by recording the H Ly-α reflection over the disk (Feldman et al., 2000; Feaga et al., 2009). SO2 absorbs at H Ly-α, thereby modulating the brightness of sunlight reflected by the surface, and measures the density of the SO2 atmosphere and its variability with volcanic activity and time of day. Recently, enhancements at the Ly-α wavelength (121.57 nm) were seen near the limb of Europa and interpreted as active water plumes ~200 km high (Roth et al., 2014). We have a preliminary design for a very simple camera to image in a single bandpass at Ly-α, analogous to a simplified version of IMAGE EUV (Sandel et al. 2000). Our goal is at least 50 resolution elements across Io and/or Europa (~75 km/pixel), ~3x better than HST STIS, to be acquired at a range where the radiation noise is below 1E-4 hits/pixel/s. This goal is achieved with a Cassegrain-like telescope with a 10-cm aperture. The wavelength selection is achieved using a simple self-filtering mirror in combination with a solar-blind photocathode. A photon-counting detector based on a sealed image intensifier preserves the poisson statistics of the incoming photon flux. The intensifier window is coated with a solar-blind photocathode material (CsI). The location of each photon event is recorded by a position-sensitive anode based on crossed delay-line or wedge-and-strip technology. The sensitivity is 0.01 counts/pixel/sec/R, sufficient to estimate SO2 column abundances ranging from 1E15 to 1E17 per cm2 in a 5 min (300 sec) exposure. Sensitivity requirements to search for and image Europa plumes may be similar. Io's Ly-α brightness of ~3 kR exceeds the 0.8 kR brightness of Europa's plume reported by Roth et al. (2014), but the plume brightness is a direct measurement rather than inferring column abundance from

  8. Microbial mats in Antarctica as models for the search of life on the Jovian moon Europa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dudeja, S.; Bhattacherjee, A.B.; Chela-Flores, J.


    The possibility of sulfur patches on the Jovian satellite Europa being of biogenic origin is discussed. The presence of microbial mats and the accumulation of sulfur on the surface of some Antarctic subglacial lakes are correlated with the sulfur traces found on Europa by means of microbiological processes. Special attention has been paid to the influence of temperature and radiation on the icy surface of this Jovian satellite. An optimum penetration depth to look for biomarkers is proposed based on biogeochemical parameters. (author)

  9. Da TV pública europeia à "alienação" da Ideia de Europa

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    Francisco Rui Cádima

    Full Text Available Resumo As políticas europeias, em matéria de televisão pública e de produção audiovisual têm sido, de um modo geral, muito negativas para a experiência cultural europeia, e para a identidade e o reforço da Ideia de Europa. Ao fim de mais de 30 anos de políticas hesitantes e precárias que têm vindo sistematicamente a diminuir a esfera de ação cultural e a identidade europeia do audiovisual público dos Estados-membros da UE, estamos provavelmente a chegar a um ponto de não retorno, em plena fase de transição para o digital. No atual contexto político de revisão da Diretiva do audiovisual, ou essas políticas reforçam a competência das televisões públicas europeias para a construção da Ideia de Europa, ou será a própria Europa e os meios audiovisuais de difusão da sua cultura que entrarão definitivamente em perigo.

  10. A comparative analysis of tourism destination demand in Portugal


    Serra, Jaime; Correia, Antónia; Rodrigues, Paulo M.M.


    Tourism has experienced different levels of development in the different regions of Portugal.To frame this development, in this paper dynamic panel data models were estimated with the objective of explaining the evolution of international overnight stays in each region.Secondary data from 2000 to 2011 was used.The analysis includes the main tourism source markets for Portugal, such as the United Kingdom, Germany,the Netherlands, Ireland, France and Spain. The tourism literature suggests that,...

  11. Tendências comportamentais frente à saúde de imigrantes brasileiros em Portugal Behavioral health trends of Brazilian immigrants in Portugal

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    Maria da Penha de Lima Coutinho


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo principal obter um conhecimento das condições e configurações das formações de imigrantes brasileiros no contexto português. De modo mais específico, procurou-se determinar quais fatores influenciam a busca, pelos imigrantes, dos serviços de saúde existentes no país acolhedor. A amostra foi composta por 75 brasileiros que vivem em Portugal, sendo 35 homens e 40 mulheres. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário sociodemográfico e analisados por meio de estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais. Os resultados mostraram um perfil atualmente crescente do imigrante brasileiro em Portugal e a sua inserção em um grupo de risco social, refletido nas suas precárias condições psicológicas, sociais e, mais especificamente, no campo da saúde.This study aimed to understand the main conditions and setting of the Brazilian immigrants formations in the Portuguese context. Specifically, the aim was to clarify which factors contribute to determine the searching for Health services in the host country. The sample was consisted by 75 Brazilians who live in Portugal, from which 35 were men and 40 were women. The data were collected by a socio-demographic questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed an increasing of a Brazilian Immigrants' profile in Portugal, and the insertion of such into a group of social risk, reflected in their psychological and social conditions, and more specifically in the Health field.

  12. As parcerias público-privadas para o desenvolvimento de infraestrutura rodoviária: experiência recente em Portugal

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    Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves Araújo


    Full Text Available As parcerias público-privadas (PPPs tornaram-se, nas últimas décadas, uma moda em todo o mundo. Tendo em mente o pressuposto teórico das PPPs, analisa-se a relação entre a utilização destas e os resultados obtidos no setor da construção e gestão de rodovias em Portugal. Por meio de revisão teórica da literatura e da análise dos dados existentes, propõe-se discutir os aspetos positivos e negativos dessa experiência. Os resultados apontam acordos de construção e gestão das rodovias que, na prática, não resultaram em uma mais-valia para o Estado, porque contrariam as boas práticas na utilização dos recursos públicos.

  13. Large Binocular Telescope Observations of Europa Occulting Io's Volcanoes at 4.8 μm (United States)

    Skrutskie, Michael F.; Conrad, Albert; Resnick, Aaron; Leisenring, Jarron; Hinz, Phil; de Pater, Imke; de Kleer, Katherine; Spencer, John; Skemer, Andrew; Woodward, Charles E.; Davies, Ashley Gerard; Defrére, Denis


    On 8 March 2015 Europa passed nearly centrally in front of Io. The Large Binocular Telescope observed this event in dual-aperture AO-corrected Fizeau interferometric imaging mode using the mid-infrared imager LMIRcam operating behind the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer (LBTI) at a broadband wavelength of 4.8 μm (M-band). Occultation light curves generated from frames recorded every 123 milliseconds show that both Loki and Pele/Pillan were well resolved. Europa's center shifted by 2 kilometers relative to Io from frame-to-frame. The derived light curve for Loki is consistent with the double-lobed structure reported by Conrad et al. (2015) using direct interferometric imaging with LBTI.

  14. panorama actual da capacidade instalada na união europeia


    Regueiro, Edite; Silva, Joana; Dinis, Maria Alzira Pimenta; Barros, Nelson


    Actualmente, é indiscutível a importância das energias ditas renováveis no contexto da produção mundial de energia, destacando-se, dentro destas, a energia eólica pelas suas inúmeras vantagens. Neste artigo descrevem-se as vantagens e desvantagens deste tipo de energia e apresenta-se uma discussão da evolução da potência instalada de acordo com os dados fornecidos pelos organismos correspondentes. Pretende-se, além disso, explicar a evolução da potência instalada na Europa e, m...

  15. Topographic variations in chaos on Europa: Implications for diapiric formation (United States)

    Schenk, Paul M.; Pappalardo, Robert T.


    Disrupted terrain, or chaos, on Europa, might have formed through melting of a floating ice shell from a subsurface ocean [Cam et al., 1998; Greenberg et al., 19991, or breakup by diapirs rising from the warm lower portion of the ice shell [Head and Pappalardo, 1999; Collins et al., 20001. Each model makes specific and testable predictions for topographic expression within chaos and relative to surrounding terrains on local and regional scales. High-resolution stereo-controlled photoclinometric topography indicates that chaos topography, including the archetypal Conamara Chaos region, is uneven and commonly higher than surrounding plains by up to 250 m. Elevated and undulating topography is more consistent with diapiric uplift of deep material in a relatively thick ice shell, rather than melt-through and refreezing of regionally or globally thin ice by a subsurface ocean. Vertical and horizontal scales of topographic doming in Conamara Chaos are consistent with a total ice shell thickness >15 km. Contact between Europa's ocean and surface may most likely be indirectly via diapirism or convection.

  16. Portugal's Secondary School Modernisation Programme (United States)

    Heitor, Teresa V.; Freire da Silva, Jose M. R.


    The aim of the Secondary School Modernisation Programme, being implemented in Portugal by "Parque Escolar, EPE", is based on the pursuit of quality and makes Portuguese education a potential international benchmark. This paper discusses the strategies adopted to reorganise school spaces. It describes the conceptual model and highlights…

  17. Contribuições para a evolução do gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos no Brasil com base na experiência Européia

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    Camille Ferreira Mannarino

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Esse trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar dados relevantes sobre o gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU na Europa de forma a se estabelecer paralelos e subsidiar a discussão no Brasil. É apresentada uma contextualização da situação atual da gestão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos no Brasil, onde os efeitos da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos já se fazem sentir, sobretudo com o aumento da disposição final de RSU em aterros sanitários, predominantemente nas regiões metropolitanas. A reciclagem no país, em grande parte, ainda baseia-se na coleta informal por catadores ou na ação de organizações privadas. Na Europa, a partir da Diretiva 1999/31/EC, que estabeleceu metas para a disposição de resíduos em aterros sanitários, e da Diretiva 94/62/EC, sobre recolhimento de embalagens, a gestão de RSU se alterou profundamente. São apresentados dados das tecnologias predominantes de tratamento e disposição final de RSU e alguns mecanismos para implementação da mudança de cenário na Europa. O exemplo suíço é detalhado, mostrando como a cobrança de tarifas impulsiona as ações da população. É preciso reconhecer que o gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos RSU tem que ser planejado da coleta até o destino final, utilizando e integrando diferentes tecnologias de tratamento, de acordo com as características locais. É relevante para o Brasil a avaliação criteriosa das soluções disponíveis, do ponto de vista técnico e operacional, considerando fortemente a sua aplicabilidade local.

  18. Multivariate statistical analysis of wildfires in Portugal (United States)

    Costa, Ricardo; Caramelo, Liliana; Pereira, Mário


    Several studies demonstrate that wildfires in Portugal present high temporal and spatial variability as well as cluster behavior (Pereira et al., 2005, 2011). This study aims to contribute to the characterization of the fire regime in Portugal with the multivariate statistical analysis of the time series of number of fires and area burned in Portugal during the 1980 - 2009 period. The data used in the analysis is an extended version of the Rural Fire Portuguese Database (PRFD) (Pereira et al, 2011), provided by the National Forest Authority (Autoridade Florestal Nacional, AFN), the Portuguese Forest Service, which includes information for more than 500,000 fire records. There are many multiple advanced techniques for examining the relationships among multiple time series at the same time (e.g., canonical correlation analysis, principal components analysis, factor analysis, path analysis, multiple analyses of variance, clustering systems). This study compares and discusses the results obtained with these different techniques. Pereira, M.G., Trigo, R.M., DaCamara, C.C., Pereira, J.M.C., Leite, S.M., 2005: "Synoptic patterns associated with large summer forest fires in Portugal". Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 129, 11-25. Pereira, M. G., Malamud, B. D., Trigo, R. M., and Alves, P. I.: The history and characteristics of the 1980-2005 Portuguese rural fire database, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 3343-3358, doi:10.5194/nhess-11-3343-2011, 2011 This work is supported by European Union Funds (FEDER/COMPETE - Operational Competitiveness Programme) and by national funds (FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) under the project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022692, the project FLAIR (PTDC/AAC-AMB/104702/2008) and the EU 7th Framework Program through FUME (contract number 243888).

  19. Occupational radiation doses in Portugal from 1994 to 1998

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alves, J.G.; Martins, M.B.; Amaral, E.M.


    This work reports on the occupational radiation doses for external radiation received in 1994-1998 by the radiation workers monitored by the Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety Department (DPRSN) in Portugal. Individual monitoring for external radiation is carried out in Portugal by DPRSN since the 60s, and the workers are monitored on a monthly or quarterly bases. In 1995 DPRSN monitored approximately 8000 people and was the only laboratory carrying out this sort of activity in Portugal. In 1998 the number of monitored people increased to nearly 8500 from 860 facilities, which leads us to state that the results shown in this work are well representative of the universe of radiation workers in Portugal. Until 1996, the dose measurement procedure was based only on film dosimetry and the results reported for the 1994-1995 period were obtained with this methodology. Since 1996, thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) was gradually introduced and since then an effort has been made to transfer the monitored workers from film to TLD. In 1998, both film and TLD dosimetry systems were running simultaneously, with average numbers of 4500 workers monitored with film dosimetry, while 4000 were monitored with TLD. The data presented from 1996 to 1998 were obtained with both methodologies. This work reports the annual mean effective doses received from external radiation, for the monitored and exposed workers in the different fields of activity, namely, industry, research laboratories, health and mining. The distribution of the annual effective dose by dose intervals is also reported. The collective annual dose by field of activity is estimated and the contribution to the total annual collective dose is determined. The collective dose estimates for the period 1994 to 1998 demonstrated that the health sector is the most representative exposed group in Portugal. (author)

  20. Poder e saude na America do Sul: os congressos sanitarios internacionais, 1870-1889

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    Cleide de Lima Chaves


    Full Text Available Analisa os congressos sanitários internacionais que aconteceram na América do Sul em 1873 e 1887, e que envolveram o Império do Brasil e as Repúblicas da Argentina e do Uruguai, numa perspectiva de integração a eventos similares ocorridos na Europa e na América do Norte a partir da segunda metade do século XIX. Discutem-se os interesses dos países envolvidos no que se refere às relações comerciais e ao fluxo imigratório europeu, diretamente atingidos pelas epidemias, e apontam-se as repercussões desses acordos sanitários nos demais países do continente americano. As convenções sanitárias americanas do final do século XIX representaram as primeiras iniciativas do continente para solucionar os problemas de saúde pública internacional.

  1. Developmental Dyslexia: Perspectives on Teacher Training and Learning Disabilities in Portugal (United States)

    Carvalhais, Lenia; da Silva, Carlos Fernandes


    The focus of this study was to explore primary teachers' attitudes and perceptions toward their training experiences, instructional practices, and supports received in their schools toward working with students with dyslexia in Portugal. Primary school teachers from the centre of Portugal, working with children between the first and fourth grades,…


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    Paula Borges Santos


    Full Text Available Neste dossier reúnem-se artigos de algumas comunicações apresentadas ao Congresso Internacional A Era do Corporativismo – Regime, Representações e Debates, realizado entre 13 e 15 de Janeiro de 2015, na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, promovido pelo Instituto de Instituto de História Contemporânea da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IHCUNL, pelo Departamento de Historia Contemporánea, Facultad de Geografía e Historia da Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (FGH-UNED, pelo Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX da Universidade de Coimbra (CEISXX – UC, pelo Centro Studi sull’Europa Mediterranea da Università degli Studi della Tuscia (CSEM-UST, e pelo Departamento de História, Faculdade de Filosofia e de Ciências Humanas da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul (FFCH-PUCRS.

  3. Life habitability in the solar system: testing the universality of biology on Europa with microprobes or lander

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chela-Flores, J.


    We discuss whether it is possible to test the universality of biology, a quest that is of paramount relevance for one of its most recent branches, namely astrobiology. We review this topic in terms of the relative roles played on the Earth biota by contingency and evolutionary convergence. We raise the related question of whether the molecular events that were precursors to the origin of life on Earth are bound to occur elsewhere in the solar system, wherever the environmental conditions are similar to the terrestrial ones. The set of hypotheses for addressing the question of the universality of biology can be tested by future experiments that are feasible with current technology. We focus on landing on the Jovian satellite Europa and its broader implications, including selecting a landing site. We also discuss the corresponding miniaturized equipment that is already in existence. The second objective is to discuss in more detail whether sulphur traces on Jupiter's moon Europa could be of biogenic origin, and could be tested with the present level of technology readiness. To achieve reliable biosignatures in the solar system in the foreseeable future, it seems essential to go back to Europa, in addition to continuing the multiple well-funded Mars programmes. Our work highlights the type of biogenic signatures that can be searched, when probing Europa's icy and patchy surface. Definite answers can be retrieved in situ on the icy surface with instrumentation for the corresponding biogeochemistry. The measurements can be performed by, for instance, microprobes, or by landers (of the type of the original JPL studies that sadly have been suspended). Such on-site measurements could make a modest contribution to the overall question of settling one of the most significant problems in astrobiology, namely the origin of the surficial sulphur on Europa. (author)

  4. A presença ausente do racial: discursos políticos e pedagógicos sobre História, "Portugal" e (pós-colonialismo The absent presence of racial: political and pedagogical discourses on History, 'Portugal' and (postcolonialism

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    Marta Araújo


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa como, nos discursos políticos e no contexto educativo português, o racial se insere num jogo de in/visibilidades, sendo considerado como resultante da presença do "outro" da colónia e, logo, naturalmente irrelevante para a formação do espaço nacional-metropolitano e, de modo geral, para a formação da noção de "Europeidade". A partir desta análise, ilustramos a despolitização do racismo via a naturalização do colonialismo e a reificação do "imaginário imigrante"; neste sentido, o racismo é interpretado como algo que sucede aos outros - etnorracialmente marcados - mas que não diz respeito ao que "nós" somos, um "nós" que, aliás, nunca é questionado. O texto está dividido em três partes: (i examinamos a consolidação da presente ausência do racial considerando como se tem constituído um ciclo de silêncios e consensos sobre o racial na própria ação de combate ao racismo - marcada pelo antirracialismo - de organizações globais como a UNESCO. Examinaremos ainda como a dissolução do racial está a ser produzida através da associação entre racismo e imigração no contexto europeu contemporâneo, tanto na política como na academia; (ii analisar-se-á o trabalho empírico e os livros didáticos de história contemporâneos que realizámos em Portugal que mostram como, nos debates sobre a história e, mais concretamente, sobre o ensino do colonialismo e da escravatura, se tem esvaziado a sua relevância política e evadido o racial para compreender a chamada escravatura Atlântica dos séculos XV ao XIX; (iii finalmente, concluímos com uma análise dos contornos daquilo a que denominamos o "consenso (pós-colonial" em Portugal, inserido num contexto mais amplo de esvaziamento da plausibilidade de um vocabulário que dê conta do racial/racismo nas sociedades contemporâneas.This article examines how in Portugal, in political discourse and in the educational context, 'race' is part of a game of

  5. Cuidadoras informais de Portugal: vivências do cuidar de idosos Informal caregivers in Portugal: experiences of caring for elderly

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    Maria João Fernandes Marques


    Full Text Available O cuidador informal surge da necessidade de se cuidar dos doentes e idosos no domicílio, com a função de auxiliar nas medicações, higiene e alimentação sem remuneração. Esse tipo de auxílio suscita sobrecarga física, psicológica e financeira. No âmbito da qualidade do cuidar, salienta-se a necessidade de se olhar e ajudar os cuidadores informais no árduo apoio aos seus doentes, que, na maioria, são idosos. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar as percepções vivenciadas pelas cuidadoras informais, bem como o reconhecimento, por elas próprias, das sobrecargas que as afetam holisticamente - emocionais, físicas, financeiras -, e a importância de desenvolver estratégias de coping na formação sobre como melhor cuidar. As entrevistadas residem nas regiões Norte e Centro de Portugal e responderam ao inquérito adaptado do The Zarit Burden Interview. As entrevistas foram analisadas com o apoio do software NVivo 8. Os dados obtidos indicam que as cuidadoras informais enfrentam mais sobrecargas físicas e emocionais do que financeiras. No entanto, salientaram que, apesar das dificuldades, gostam de cuidar dos seus familiares. Quanto a serem convidadas para participarem de formações sobre como melhor cuidar, algumas confirmaram o interesse. Verificase que as cuidadoras informais são carentes de uma formação que as capacite a melhor cuidar prevenindo consequências danosas.The informal caregiver arises from the need to care for sick and elderly in their homes with the task of assisting with medications, hygiene and food without payment. This kind of aid raises overhead in physical, psychological and financial. From the quality of care emphasizes the need to look at and assist caregivers in helping hard their patients, which most are elderly. The aim is to present the perceptions experienced by informal caregivers, as well as recognition of the same burdens that affect them holistically: emotional, physical, financial and the

  6. Mulheres brasileiras na mídia portuguesa Brazilian women at the portuguese media

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    Luciana Pontes


    Full Text Available Este artigo trata das representações sobre as mulheres brasileiras na mídia portuguesa, explorando questões relativas a gênero em intersecção com nacionalidade/ etnicidade. Nestas representações são verificados processos de essencialização e exotização da identidade nacional brasileira e a sexualização destas mulheres. Relaciono tais processos com o contexto atual de intensificação da imigração brasileira em Portugal.This article deals with the representations of Brazilian women in Portuguese media, exploring gender issues in interaction with nationality/ethnicity. In these representations there are essencialization and exoticization processes of Brazilian national identity and sexualization of these women. I relate these processes with contemporary increase of Brazilian immigration to Portugal.

  7. A politicidade do cuidado na crítica aos estereótipos de gênero


    Pires, Maria Raquel Gomes Maia; Fonseca, Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da; Padilla, Beatriz


    RESUMO Objetivos: analisar as desigualdades de gênero entre mulheres brasileiras em Portugal e na enfermagem moderna, a partir da politicidade do cuidado na perspectiva do gênero; explicitar a opressão sobre o feminino reproduzida pelos estereótipos que essencializam a mulher como cuidadora natural; apontar politicidades para a desconstrução dos estereótipos de gênero. Método: reflexão teórica com revisão narrativa de literatura com o propósito de analisar as referências clássicas da episte...

  8. Students' Perceptions of Assessment: A Comparative Analysis between Portugal and Sweden (United States)

    Pereira, Diana; Niklasson, Laila; Flores, Maria Assunção


    This paper aims at investigating students' perceptions about assessment, especially the ways in which it is put into practice. Data were collected through questionnaires in different programmes in Portugal and Sweden. In total, 173 students from Portugal and 72 from Sweden participated in the study. Findings showed that students had similar ideas…

  9. Science Goals, Objectives, and Investigations of the 2016 Europa Lander Science Definition Team Report (United States)

    Hand, Kevin P.; Murray, Alison; Garvin, James; and the Europa Lander Science Definition Team, Project Science Team, and Project Engineering Team.


    In June of 2016 NASA convened a 21-person team of scientists to establish the science goals, objectives, investigations, measurement requirements, and model payload of a Europa lander mission concept. The NASA HQ Charter goals, in priority order, are as follows:1) Search for evidence of life on Europa, 2) Assess the habitability of Europa via in situ techniques uniquely available to a lander mission, 3) Characterize surface and subsurface properties at the scale of the lander to support future exploration of Europa.Within Goal 1, four Objectives were developed for seeking signs of life. These include the need to: a) detect and characterize any organic indicators of past or present life, b) identify and characterize morphological, textural, and other indicators of life, c) detect and characterize any inorganic indicators of past or present life, and d) determine the provenance of Lander-sampled material. Goal 2 focuses on Europa’s habitability and ensures that even in the absence of the detection of any potential biosignatures, significant ocean world science is still achieved. Goal 3 ensures that the landing site region is quantitatively characterized in the context needed for Goals 1 and 2, and that key measurements about Europa’s ice shell are made to enable future exploration.Critically, scientific success cannot be, and should never be, contingent on finding signs of life - such criteria would be levying requirements on how the universe works. Rather, scientific success is defined here as achieving a suite of measurements such that if convincing signs of life are present on Europa’s surface they could be detected at levels comparable to those found in benchmark environments on Earth, and, further, that even if no potential biosignatures are detected, the science return of the mission will significantly advance our fundamental understanding of Europa’s chemistry, geology, geophysics, and habitability.

  10. Health professionals moving to... and from Portugal. (United States)

    Ribeiro, Joana Sousa; Conceição, Claudia; Pereira, Joel; Leone, Cláudia; Mendonça, Pedro; Temido, Marta; Vieira, Carlota Pacheco; Dussault, Gilles


    The mobility of health professionals in the European Union is a phenomenon which policy-makers must take into account to provide the conditions to adjust for demand and supply of health services. This paper presents the case of Portugal, a country which at the same time imports and exports health workers. Since the early 1990s Portugal became a destination country receiving foreign health care professionals. This situation is now changing with the current economic situation as fewer immigrants come and more Portuguese emigrate. Foreigners coming to Portugal do so in part for similar reasons that bring Portuguese to want to emigrate, mainly the search for better work conditions and professional development opportunities. The emigration of Portuguese health professionals is also stimulated by the difficulty for recently graduated nurses, dentists and diagnostic and therapeutic technicians to find employment, low salaries in the public and private sectors, heavy workloads, remuneration not related to performance and poor career prospects. The paradoxes described in this study illustrate the consequences of the absence of a policy for the health professions. Strategies based on evidence, and on an integrated information system that captures the dynamic evolution of the workforce in health are not only necessary but also a good investment. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Magnetospheric ion sputtering and water ice grain size at Europa (United States)

    Cassidy, T. A.; Paranicas, C. P.; Shirley, J. H.; Dalton, J. B., III; Teolis, B. D.; Johnson, R. E.; Kamp, L.; Hendrix, A. R.


    We present the first calculation of Europa's sputtering (ion erosion) rate as a function of position on Europa's surface. We find a global sputtering rate of 2×1027 H2O s-1, some of which leaves the surface in the form of O2 and H2. The calculated O2 production rate is 1×1026 O2 s-1, H2 production is twice that value. The total sputtering rate (including all species) peaks at the trailing hemisphere apex and decreases to about 1/3rd of the peak value at the leading hemisphere apex. O2 and H2 sputtering, by contrast, is confined almost entirely to the trailing hemisphere. Most sputtering is done by energetic sulfur ions (100s of keV to MeV), but most of the O2 and H2 production is done by cold oxygen ions (temperature ∼ 100 eV, total energy ∼ 500 eV). As a part of the sputtering rate calculation we compared experimental sputtering yields with analytic estimates. We found that the experimental data are well approximated by the expressions of Famá et al. for ions with energies less than 100 keV (Famá, M., Shi, J., Baragiola, R.A., 2008. Sputtering of ice by low-energy ions. Surf. Sci. 602, 156-161), while the expressions from Johnson et al. fit the data best at higher energies (Johnson, R.E., Burger, M.H., Cassidy, T.A., Leblanc, F., Marconi, M., Smyth, W.H., 2009. Composition and Detection of Europa's Sputter-Induced Atmosphere, in: Pappalardo, R.T., McKinnon, W.B., Khurana, K.K. (Eds.), Europa. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.). We compare the calculated sputtering rate with estimates of water ice regolith grain size as estimated from Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) data, and find that they are strongly correlated as previously suggested by Clark et al. (Clark, R.N., Fanale, F.P., Zent, A.P., 1983. Frost grain size metamorphism: Implications for remote sensing of planetary surfaces. Icarus 56, 233-245.). The mechanism responsible for the sputtering rate/grain size link is uncertain. We also report a surface composition estimate using

  12. [Scientific Research Policy for Health in Portugal: II - Facts and Suggestions]. (United States)

    Guerreiro, Cátia Sá; Hartz, Zulmira; Sambo, Luís; Conceição, Cláudia; Dussault, Gilles; Russo, Giuliano; Viveiros, Miguel; Silveira, Henrique; Pita Barros, Pedro; Ferrinho, Paulo


    After more than 40 years of democracy and 30 years of European integration, Portugal has bridged the research gap it had previously. However, when compared to global and European research policies, Portugal still has a long way go regarding investment in research and development. Health Research in Portugal has been managed by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and the National Health Institute Doctor Ricardo Jorge, and it has not been a political priority, emphasized by the absence of a national scientific research plan for health, resulting in a weak coordination of actors in the field. The strategic guidelines of the 2004 - 2010 National Health Plan are what comes closest to a health research policy, but these were not implemented by the institutions responsible for scientific research for the health sector. Trusting that adopting a strategy of incentives to stimulate health research is an added-value for the Portuguese health system, the authors present five strategic proposals for research in health in Portugal.

  13. Census Model Transition: Contributions to its Implementation in Portugal

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    Dias Carlos A.


    Full Text Available Given the high cost and complexity of traditional censuses, some countries have started to change the census process. Following this trend, Portugal is also evaluating a new census model as an alternative to an exhaustive collection of all statistical units. The main motivations for the implementation of this census model transition in Portugal are related to the decrease in statistical burden on citizens, improvements in the frequency of outputs, and the reduction of collection costs associated with census operations. This article seeks to systematise and critically review all alternatives to the traditional census methodologies, presenting their advantages and disadvantages and the countries that use them. As a result of the comparison, we conclude that the methods that best meet these objectives are those that use administrative data, either in whole or in part. We also present and discuss the results of an inventory and evaluation of administrative registers in Portugal with the potential to produce statistical census information.

  14. Quality of environmental impact statements in Portugal and Spain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Canelas, Leonel; Almansa, P.; Merchan, M.; Cifuentes, Pedro


    One of the key steps of the Environmental Impact Assessment Process, defined by Directive 337/85 'on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects' is the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of a Project. The quality of the EIS is of great importance to properly inform the public and the decision makers about the significant environmental effects of the project. Using the 'Guidance on EIA-EIS Review' 2001 report, produced with the support of the European Commission, this paper analyses the overall quality of 46 recently elaborated EIS from Portugal and Spain (1998-2003). It also analyses the quality of the various chapters of the EIS and the Non-Technical Summary. A comparison is made between the quality of the EIS from Portugal and from Spain. The results for Portugal are also compared with those of other European countries (Ireland and United Kingdom) in similar periods. Finally it presents overall conclusions and suggestions for improvement

  15. The impact of winter cold weather on acute myocardial infarctions in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasconcelos, João; Freire, Elisabete; Almendra, Ricardo


    Mortality due to cardiovascular diseases shows a seasonal trend that can be associated with cold weather. Portugal is the European country with the highest excess winter mortality, but nevertheless, the relationship between cold weather and health is yet to be assessed. The main aim of this study is to identify the contribution of cold weather to cardiovascular diseases within Portugal. Poisson regression analysis based on generalized additive models was applied to estimate the influence of a human-biometeorological index (PET) on daily hospitalizations for myocardial infarction. The main results revealed a negative effect of cold weather on acute myocardial infarctions in Portugal. For every degree fall in PET during winter, there was an increase of up to 2.2% (95% CI = 0.9%; 3.3%) in daily hospital admissions. This paper shows the need for public policies that will help minimize or, indeed, prevent exposure to cold. -- Highlights: ► We model the relationship between daily hospitalizations due to myocardial infarctions and cold weather in Portugal. ► We use Physiological Equivalent temperature (PET) as main explanatory variable. ► We adjust the models to confounding factors such as influenza and air pollution. ► Daily hospitalizations increased up to 2.2% per degree fall of PET during winter. ► Exposure to cold weather has a negative impact on human health in Portugal. -- There is an increase of up to 2.2% in daily hospitalizations due to acute myocardial infarctions per degree fall of thermal index during the winter months in Portugal

  16. Hydro-geomorphologic events in Portugal and its association with Circulation weather types (United States)

    Pereira, Susana; Ramos, Alexandre M.; Rebelo, Luís; Trigo, Ricardo M.; Zêzere, José L.


    Floods and landslides correspond to the most hazardous weather driven natural disasters in Portugal. A recent improvement on their characterization has been achieved with the gathering of basic information on past floods and landslides that caused social consequences in Portugal for the period 1865-2015 through the DISASTER database (Zêzere et al., 2014). This database was built under the assumption that strong social impacts of floods and landslides are sufficient relevant to be reported consistently by national and regional newspapers. The DISASTER database contains detailed information on the location, date of occurrence and social impacts (fatalities, injuries, missing people, evacuated and homeless people) of each individual hydro-geomorphologic case (1677 flood cases and 292 landslide cases). These hydro-geomorphologic disaster cases are grouped in a restrict number of DISASTER events that were selected according to the following criteria: a set of at least 3 DISASTER cases sharing the same trigger in time (with no more than 3 days without cases), which have a widespread spatial extension related to the triggering mechanism and a certain magnitude. In total, the DISASTER database includes 134 events (3.7 average days of duration) that generated high social impacts in Portugal (962 fatalities and 40878 homeless people). Each DISASTER event was characterized with the following attributes: hydro-geomorphologic event type (e.g landslides, floods, flash floods, urban floods); date of occurrence (year, month and days); duration in days; spatial location in GIS; number of fatalities, injured, evacuated and homeless people; and weather type responsible for triggering the event. The atmospheric forcing at different time scales is the main trigger for the hydro-meteorological DISASTER events occurred in Portugal. In this regard there is an urge for a more systematic assessment of the weather types associated to flood and landslide damaging events to correctly

  17. Considerations on Radiation Protection in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simao, J.V.


    The author summarizes the main conclusions of a work group nominated by the Portuguese government in 2004 to propose measures to improve radiological protection in Portugal. The final report of this working group was presented to the Portuguese Government in 2005

  18. Inovação tecnológica na indústria farmacêutica: diferenças entre a Europa, os EUA e os países farmaemergentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandra Cristina Santos Akkari


    Full Text Available Resumo Historicamente, o cenário farmacêutico mundial tem sido dominado por grandes multinacionais (Big Pharma, majoritariamente de origem europeia e norte-americana. Contudo, é consenso na literatura a importância crescente dos mercados farmacêuticos emergentes (países farmaemergentes, especialmente China e Brasil, que são vistos como os maiores responsáveis pelo crescimento sustentável do segmento farmacêutico. Esse artigo teve como objetivo realizar um mapeamento tecnológico e industrial do setor farmacêutico, a partir de informações de bancos de dados patentários internacionais (WIPO e Derwent, entre 1996 até o último ano de registro (2013. Utilizando-se o Método dos Mínimos Quadrados e implementação de um algoritmo no MATLAB, desenvolveram-se previsões para o período 2014-2018. Os resultados obtidos atestaram a liderança da Europa e dos EUA no setor, destacando-se o índice de inovação da Hoffmann-La Roche; a participação expressiva da China; e a pouca contribuição do Brasil no âmbito mundial. Todavia, estimou-se uma tendência de crescimento acentuado no número de proteções concedidas ao Brasil (41% e à China (27%, apontando um alcance, até 2036, dos índices de patenteamento chineses aos números dos atuais líderes mundiais, trazendo a esperança da difusão tecnológica e científica e do aumento da competitividade no segmento farmacêutico.

  19. Implications of Tidally Driven Convection and Lithospheric Arguments on the Topography of Europa (United States)

    Sattler-Cassara, L.; Lyra, W.


    We present 3D numerical simulations of tidally driven convection in Europa. By associating the resulting normal stress from plumes with surface weakening and resistance from shallower layers, we successfully reproduce domes and double ridges.

  20. In Portugal, the energy revolution is underway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mary, Olivier


    As at the beginning of 2013, 70 per cent of the electricity consumed in Portugal had a renewable origin, this article outlines that this result is based on a strong-willed policy. In fact, Portugal entered the energy transition in 2001 with its '4E program' (energy efficiency and endogenous energies) which aimed at reaching 60 per cent of renewable energies in electricity consumption by 2020. This program was based on a strong development of wind and hydraulic energy. Moreover, the country developed its own capacities for the manufacturing of wind turbines. On another hand, other renewable energies (notably solar energy) seem a bit late although several projects are underway. As far as hydraulic energy, a dam project is a matter of controversy

  1. Biogas in Portugal: Status and public policies in a European context

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, Miguel; Marques, Isabel Paula; Malico, Isabel


    The current status and legal framework of biogas production in Portugal are analyzed and compared to that of five other European countries, characterized by wide-ranging diversity of substrates and biogas applications. With this comparison, and with the calculation of the biogas energy potential in Portugal, the authors want to assess the significance of developing the Portuguese biogas sector. This study illustrates that the highest biogas feed-in tariffs are applied in the countries with a more developed sector. In Portugal, despite the fact that the organic effluents are a relevant energy source (873 Mm 3 biogas per year; 4889 GW h yr −1 ) and that new feed-in tariffs were established, biogas valorisation is still at an early stage. The importance of anaerobic digestion was only recognized in 2007 and the present installed power is about 10% of the potential electrical power (229 MW). Therefore, it is desirable to strengthen the national and regional biogas market. - Highlights: ► This work is a contribution to promote the development of national biogas sector. ► Current state of biogas production in EU is presented: five countries are considered. ► Portuguese legal framework on biogas is compared to other European countries. ► Organic effluents produced in Portugal are by themselves a relevant source of energy. ► The biogas sector in Portugal is still at an early stage of growth.

  2. A comparative study on music teacher preparation in Portugal and Brazil

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    Graça Mota


    Full Text Available The preparation of music teachers in Portugal and Brazil is the focus of this text, which aims at presenting preliminary aspects of a study in progress in the context of higher education in both countries. Inspired by comparative education methodology, the present study is investigating official documents and academic curricula offered in Portugal and Brazil for the music teachers’ preparation to promote, in different ways, the comparative reflection with an emphasis on school education. The music teachers’ education in both countries was analyzed taking into account the following elements: educational context in Portugal and Brazil; music preparation prior to higher education, and the entrance criteria in the courses that are offered for music teachers; curricular elements of the courses; teaching practice and professional perspectives. The preliminary results of this comparative analysis demonstrate similarities and differences in the two contexts: 1 in both countries, music teachers for regular schools receive their degrees in higher education institutions, and in Portugal, beyond the Licenciatura in Music, a Music Education Master degree is demanded; 2 in both countries specific entrance tests are accomplished in the universities, demanding previous musical knowledge; 3 the balance among the musical and pedagogical preparation is one of the curricular objectives; 4 the teaching practice is an emphasized component in the teachers’ preparation; 5 in Portugal, student’s motivation for the work in the regular school appears to be larger than in Brazil.

  3. Profesores franquistas, antifranquistas y en la "zona gris". La guerra ideológica que vivieron los profesores de Segunda Enseñanza en el País Valenciano (1936-1950)


    Ibáñez Tarín, Margarita


    El objeto de estudio en la presente tesis se ha centrado en analizar si realmente fue el franquismo el régimen dictatorial que desarrolló una política represiva de mayor envergadura en la Segunda Enseñanza en comparación con las otras dos dictaduras del sur de Europa: Portugal e Italia. La limpieza política de docentes en España no fue un hecho aislado y excepcional, el mismo combate ideológico, ya se venía fraguando en Europa desde la Primera Guerra Mundial entre antiilustrados e ilustrad...

  4. International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project (IUREP) national favourability studies: Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Portugal is situated on the western edge of the Iberian Meseta. At present, its reasonably assured reserves are about 7800 t of U (including 1000 t of U at more than 830/lb U 3 O 8 ) and 850 t of U in estimated additional reserves. This potential is divided between vein deposits and deposits located in the peribatholithic schists or enclaved in granite. Two main districts share these reserves - Beira at the centre of the country and Alto Alentejo in the east, approximately at the same latitude as Lisbon. In spite of the considerable prospecting activities authorized by Portugal in the Meseta area, the subject cannot yet be regarded as exhausted. Additional resources may still be located in the horizontal and vertical extensions of the vein mineralizations or schists from the already known deposits or outside the districts containing such deposits. Moreover, certain post-Palaeozoic sedimentary basins exhibit features favourable for the presence of uranium-bearing deposits and therefore deserve to be taken into consideration. However, there are as yet no examples of economic mineralization in such locations in Portugal. All things considered, we considered it reasonable to place Portugal in category No. 3 of the classiffication adopted by BJREP. (author)

  5. Epidemiological review of Toxoplasma gondii infection in humans and animals in Portugal (United States)

    Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis. However, data from Portugal are limited and a considerable part of the literature is in Portuguese. Currently, the rate of congenital infection in Portugal is unknown, and almost nothing is known of sequelae of congenital toxoplasmosis. There is no general popu...

  6. Photovoltaic energy mini-generation: Future perspectives for Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, Duarte; Wemans, Joao; Lima, Joao; Malico, Isabel


    This paper evaluates the benefits of developing the mini-generation PV market in Portugal. It presents the legal framework and current status of the Portuguese PV electricity sector, and compares the country to other European nations: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. A model that combines PVGIS with a self-developed financial tool is used to assess the feasibility of a 150 kW mini-generation system using five different technologies: fixed mount, single-axis tracking, double-axis tracking, low concentration and medium concentration (MCPV). The profitability of the mini-generation systems in the seven countries studied is calculated and compared. According to this analysis, MCPV and, of the conventional technologies, the single-axis tracking systems are the most profitable technologies. Despite the attractiveness of the current Portuguese feed-in tariffs and of the abundant solar resource, investors are discouraged and the country's PV market is far from mature. Specific mini-generation regulations should focus on a fast and transparent licensing procedure and should promote the access to financing. This would attract new investments, which would result in the growth of the PV electricity produced, and would help Portugal to meet its European Union Renewable Energy targets. - Highlights: → This work promotes the development of a mini-generation PV market in Portugal. → The Portuguese current status and legal framework is compared to other EU countries. → The profitability of 5 different PV technologies is compared for 7 European countries. → The Portuguese growth potential for PV energy is still big. → Portugal, due to its radiation levels, presents excellent investment opportunities.

  7. Social housing in Portugal and Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alves, Sonia; Andersen, Hans Thor

    The social housing sector has become increasingly residualized and segregated in Portugal and Denmark. Whilst there is a considerable difference between the systems in these two countries, as regards issues of management and governance, dominant rent regimes (cost rent, social rent) or eligibility...

  8. Portugal 1780-1850

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fátima Sá e Melo Ferreira


    Full Text Available In this article are highlighted some of the main paths covered by the term “people”, in Portugal in the last decades of the XVIIIth century and in the first half of the XIXth century. The most significant semantic variations that the word suffered in the backdrop of the political conflicts caused by the establishment of Liberalism are investigated, taking in consideration that the modern political uses of this word arose with the French Invasions (1807-1811 and with the resistance to those invasions by a part of the Portuguese population.

  9. Can the biogenicity of Europa's surfical sulfur be tested simultaneously with penetrators and ion traps? (United States)

    Chela-Flores, J.; Bhattacherjee, A. B.; Dudeja, S.; Kumar, N.; Seckbach, J.


    We suggest a biogenic interpretation of the sulfur patches on the Europan icy surface. This hypothesis is testable by LAPLACE, or a later mission, in which the instrumentation on board are penetrators, or ion traps, with component selection including miniaturized mass spectrometry. The argument in favor of such instrumentation and component selection is as follows: Extreme environments with microbes can act as models for extraterrestrial life (Seckbach et al., 2008). Suggestions have ranged from Venusian environments (Sagan, 1967, Seckbach and Libby, 1970) to Mars (Grilli Caiola and Billi, 2007). Active photosynthetic microbial communities are found on Antarctica, both in and on ice, in fresh water, in saline lakes and streams and within rocks. In the dry valley lakes of Antarctica close to the McMurdo Base, microbial mats are known to selectively remove a huge quantity of sulfur (Parker et al., 1982). Lake Vostok in Antarctica possesses a perennially thick (3 to 4 km) ice-cover that precludes photosynthesis, thus making this subglacial environment a good model system for determining how a potential Europan biota might emerge, evolve and distribute itself. Jupiter's moon Europa may harbor a subsurface water ocean, which lies beneath an ice layer that might be too thick to allow photosynthesis, just as in Lake Vostok. However, disequilibrium chemistry driven by charged particles from Jupiter's magnetosphere could produce sufficient organic and oxidant molecules for an Europan biosphere (Chyba, 2000). We restrict our attention to microbial mats that could still be thriving in spite of the extreme conditions of radiation on Europa. We are especially concerned with sulfur patches discovered by the Galileo mission. In the near future there are technologies available to settle the question of habitability on Europa, such as penetrators that are currently being developed for preliminary trials nearer to the Earth—the Moon-Lite mission (Smith et al., 2008). If analogies

  10. Regulação, circulação e distribuição da penicilina em Portugal (1944-1954)


    Bell, Victoria; Rui Pita, João; Pereira, Ana Leonor


    Portugal foi um dos primeiros países do mundo, não participantes na II Guerra Mundial, a obter penicilina para uso civil. Em 1944 o medicamento começou a ser importado dos Estados Unidos da América pela Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, mas como as quantidades eram escassas a sua distribuição foi confiada a uma comissão controladora constituída pela instituição. Em 1945, com o aumento da produção mundial, a penicilina foi integrada no circuito comercial de venda de medicamentos. A Comissão Reguladora...

  11. Encuesta sobre la construcción política de Europa = Academic survey about constitutionalization of European Union


    Balaguer Callejón, Francisco; Bar Cendón, Antonio; Gil Robles, José María; Linde Paniagua, Enrique; Pérez Calvo, Alberto; Tajadura Tejada, Javier; Balaguer Callejón, Francisco


    En esta encuesta un grupo de Catedráticos de Derecho Público responden a preguntas sobre la construcción constitucional de Europa relacionadas con la actual situación del proceso de integración europea, la existencia de un proceso constituyente europeo y de un poder constituyente europeo, a la organización institucional de Europa y a la existencia de un derecho constitucional europeo.Constitutionalization of Europe, European constituent process, European constituent power, European ...

  12. Cyberbullying : a violência virtu@l conectada ao mundo real dos estudantes em contextos universitários do Brasil e Portugal


    Souza, Sidclay Bezerra de


    Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, 2016 O estudo aborda a temática do cyberbullying, um fenômeno que se está a tornar um problema a nível global, e a qualidade do clima institucional e psicossocial que interfere nos comportamentos de violência entre os estudantes. Optamos por uma metodologia mista, através de três estudos, que procuraram compreender como os estudantes do Brasil e de Portugal percecionam o clima institucional e psicossocial na...

  13. Business creation in Portugal: Comparison between the World Bank data and Quadros de Pessoal


    Elsa Morais Sarmento; Alcina Nunes


    Portugal has some of the highest business entry rates when compared to other countries, according to Eurostat, Statistics Portugal and the OECD Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme. We look at business creation in Portugal, from 2000 to 2007, by approaching two other complementary data sources, the World Bank Group Entrepreneurship Survey, based on official Portuguese business register’s and the universe of active employer enterprises, obtained by applying to the dataset Quadros de Pessoal, ...

  14. Information Management in Portugal: education and employment conditions and some prospects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Cristina Vieira de Freitas


    Full Text Available The Professors Cristina Freitas and Maria da Graça Simões answer questions prepared by teachers from the Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação (Gestão da Informação Undergraduate Degree da Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG. The questions are related to the educational structure dedicated to the issues of information management in Portugal, the influence of the "Big Data" phenomenon on education and training in the area - including discussions on data governance, the fundation areas of Information Management and the main approaches to information research in the Country. Besides, they discuss the employment conditions (threats and opportunities for professionals in Information Management in Portugal and in Europe [Available Language: Portuguese/Portugal].

  15. Apoio à autoavaliação de sinais da pele na perspetiva de prevenção do cancro cutâneo


    Matias, Guilhermina do Carmo Andrade Negrinho


    Dissertação de mestrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016 A cada ano surgem dez mil novos casos de cancro de pele em Portugal, provocados por exposições solares excessivas, segundo dados da Associação Portuguesa de Cancro Cutâneo. Portugal, por se tratar de um país com elevada taxa de incidência de sol por ano torna a população portuguesa muito suscetível aos efeitos nocivos da radiação ultravioleta. Os danos na pele provocados...

  16. Prison Conditions in Portugal


    Dores, António Pedro; Loureiro, Ricardo; Pontes, Nuno


    GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PORTUGUESE PENITENTIARY SYSTEM Portugal has 51 prisons of different types: 15 penitentiaries (“central prisons”, normally larger ones) for inmates condemned to serve more than 6 months; 31 penitentiaries (“regional prisons”) for inmates condemned to serve less than 6 months; and five penitentiaries (“special prisons”) for inmates who need special attention, such as women, youths, policeman, and the sick (hospital). The first type of penitentiary has security...

  17. Millipedes (Diplopoda) from caves of Portugal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    P. S. Reboleira, Ana Sofia; Enghoff, Henrik


    in caves of the mainland and the island of Madeira has provided new data about the distribution and diversity of millipedes. A review of millipedes from caves of Portugal is presented, listing fourteen species belonging to eight families, among which six species are considered troglobionts...

  18. Portugal's experience with public-private partnerships

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miranda Sarmento, J.J.; Renneboog, L.D.R.; Akintoye, A.; Beck, M.; Kumaraswamy, M.


    This paper documents the Portuguese experience in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). Since 1993, Portugal has been using PPPs intensively, mainly for highway construction and in the health sector. This has enabled the country to close the infrastructure gap and avoid the budget constraints at the

  19. Presentación: Ejercicios etnográficos en Europa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Freitas Branco


    Full Text Available Teniendo como telón de fondo la diversidad de los contextos abordados en los artículos reunidos en este número monográfico –prácticas antropológicas en Portugal, España y Alemania; discursos culturales en las regiones (Galicia, cultura de contraste y minorías (gitanos y Andalucía comparación de festividades (los quintos en Portugal y España, integración europea, la lectura como forma de resistencia (Theresienstadt– el organizador defiende una etnografía de las manifestaciones culturales que nacen de los efectos globales (guerra fría, globalización. Se propone el análisis de los fenómenos de culturalización de los principios ideológicos. Esta práctica etnográfica relativiza las nociones de nativo y forastero, de cercanía y distancia.

  20. Europas ledere må gøre op med ' folkets vilje

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wind, Marlene


    Centerleder og professor Marlene Wind insisterer i dagens Politiken i debatindlægget: "Europas ledere må gøre op med ' folkets vilje'", at verdens ledere må stå fast ved de principper, der har været bærende for vores samfund siden anden verdenskrig. Domstolenes politiske uafhængighed, menneskeret...

  1. Dictatorship and revolution: Socio-political reconstructions of collective memory in post-authoritarian Portugal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Loff, Manuel


    Full Text Available This article inserts itself into larger discussions regarding post-dictatorship memory politics in Portugal and comparative studies of similar histories of violence in Europe, particularly examinations of National-Socialism, Nazism and the Holocaust, as well as comparative studies of twentieth-century fascist dictatorships in the Iberian peninsula. In spite of the revolutionary, radical nature of the Portuguese democratisation process, studies conducted during the last four decades on the social and political (reconstructions of memory regarding the Portuguese dictatorship (1926-1974 have demonstrated that state policies regarding the past have depicted the dictatorship as one that is very similar to events in countries where the process of democratic transition was actually quite different from that of Portugal. Right-wing groups and those who self-describe as “victims” of processes of decolonisation that occurred between 1974 and 1975 have established a pattern of public debate that leaves no room for discussing the dictatorship without also referring to the 1974-1975 Revolution. This mode of debate seems to suggest that these two periods of history are indicative of a global regime phenomenon and that both the processes of decolonisation and revolution affected Portuguese society in similar ways. This paper attempts to complicate these narratives in order to question the democratic forms that emerged after the Revolution and to compare it to Salazar’s dictatorial regime.Este artículo se encuadra en una discusión más amplia sobre las políticas de la memoria de la posdictadura salazarista en Portugal, y en estudios comparados sobre historias semejantes de violencia en Europa, especialmente las relativas al nacional-socialismo, el nazismo y el Holocausto. También se refiere a los estudios comparados sobre las dictaduras fascistas en la Península Ibérica. A pesar de la naturaleza revolucionaria y radical del proceso de democratizaci

  2. André Freire, Esquerda e Direita na Política Europeia : Portugal, Espanha, e Grécia em Perspectiva Comparada


    Pitcher, Anne


    Andre Freire has produced an exhaustive study of ideological orientations in the relatively new democracies of southern Europe – Portugal, Spain and Greece. The primary objective of the book is to ascertain how ideological and party identities in these new democracies compare with those in the old democracies of Western Europe such as Belgium, France, Great Britain, Germany, and Italy and the degree to which divisions along a left-right dimension continue to define political values across Eur...


    Carvalho, A.; Monteiro, A.; Ribeiro, I.; Tchepel, O.; Miranda, A.; Borrego, C.; Saavedra, S.; Souto, J. A.; Casares, J. J.


    Each summer period extremely high ozone levels are registered at the rural background station of Lamas d’Olo, located in the Northeast of Portugal. In average, 30% of the total alert threshold registered in Portugal is detected at this site. The main purpose of this study is to characterize the atmospheric conditions that lead to the ozone-rich episodes. Synoptic patterns anomalies and back trajectories cluster analysis were performed for a period of 76 days where ozone maximum concentrations were above 200 µg.m-3. This analysis was performed for the period between 2004 and 2007. The obtained anomaly fields suggested that a positive temperature anomaly is visible above the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, a strong wind flow pattern from NE is visible in the North of Portugal and Galicia, in Spain. These two features may lead to an enhancement of the photochemical production and to the transport of pollutants from Spain to Portugal. In addition, the 3D mean back trajectories associated to the ozone episode days were analysed. A clustering method has been applied to the obtained back trajectories. Four main clusters of ozone-rich episodes were identified, with different frequencies of occurrence: north-westerly flows (11%); north-easterly flows (45%), southern flow (4%) and westerly flows (40%). Both analyses highlight the NE flow as a dominant pattern over the North of Portugal. The analysis of the ozone concentrations for each selected cluster indicates that this northeast circulation pattern, together with the southern flow, is responsible for the highest ozone peak episodes. This also suggests that long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants may be the main contributor to the ozone levels registered at Lamas d’Olo. This is also highlighted by the correlation of the ozone time series with the meteorological parameters analysed in the frequency domain.

  4. Assessing International Product Design and Development Graduate Courses: The MIT-Portugal Program (United States)

    Dori, Yehudit Judy; Silva, Arlindo


    The Product Design and Development (PDD) course is part of the graduate curriculum in the Engineering Design and Advanced Manufacturing (EDAM) study in the MIT-Portugal Program. The research participants included about 110 students from MIT, EDAM, and two universities in Portugal, Instituto Superior Técnico-Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (IST) and…

  5. ¿Hay ahora libertad de prensa en Europa Oriental?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raúl Sorrosa


    Full Text Available Con datos de la Freedom House que recibe el 80% de su financiación de parte del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, el articulista expone la situación de la "libertad de información" en los países de Europa Occidental. Habla de lo que fue el fin del comunismo y el control de los medios de comunicación por parte del Estado y de la transformación sufrida luego.


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    Diego Pautasso


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar o lugar da África na construção da Nova Rota da Seda Marítima. Este é justamente um dos vetores do ambicioso projeto chinês de integração da Ásia, Europa e África, lançada em 2013 sob título de Iniciativa OBOR (One Belt, One Road. Na medida que os desafios da reconstrução nacional são superados, a China torna-se mais assertiva e dá forma à sua estratégia de inserção mundial. Nesse sentido, a Nova Rota da Seda agrega os objetivos centrais da diplomacia da China para o século XXI, reservando à África a condição de trampolim para que o projeto se torne global.

  7. La electricidad en las relaciones España-Portugal

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    Cayetano Espejo Marín


    Full Text Available ELECTRICITY AND THE RELATIONS BETWEEN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. From the early 1960s onwards, Spain and Portugal have maintained far-reaching programs for the exchange of electric power. These contacts have afforded, on the one hand, an increase in the security of electricity supply for both countries and, on the other, a better exploitation of their particular energy resources. The likely launching of the Iberian Electricity Market in April 2004 will lead to a new phase in the relations between Portugal and Spain. The new Market is based on three essential elements: i the expansion of electric links along their shared national borders, ii the setting up of a lone Operator for the single Iberian Market and iii the coordination of the two Operators that exist nowadays, RED ELÉCTRICA DE ESPAÑA and REDE ELÉCTRICA NACIONAL. The Iberian Electricity Market will be the first to comprise countries of the European Community only and it will generate one-tenth of the electric power consumed in Europe, being the fourth largest producer.

  8. El Orinoco ilustrado en la Europa dieciochesca


    Andrés Castro Roldán


    El presente artículo estudia el fenómeno de la lectura en la Europa del siglo XVIII, a partir del caso del Orinoco ilustrado (1741-1745), del jesuita español José Gumilla. Se trata de una primera contribución al estudio de la recepción y la circulación de esta obra, a través de las múltiples lecturas que de Gumilla hicieron sus contemporáneos en España, Francia y los Países Bajos. El objetivo es poner esta obra en el contexto de su época, tanto desde el punto de vista literario como de la his...

  9. Can evolutionary convergence be tested on Europa?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chela-Flores, Julian [Instituto de Estudios Avanzados, Caracas (Venezuela); [Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy)]. E-mail:


    A major objective in solar system exploration has to be the insertion of appropriate biology-oriented experiments in future missions. We discuss various reasons for suggesting that this type of research be considered a high priority for feasibility studies and, subsequently, for technological development of appropriate melters and submersibles. With the assumption that Darwin's theory is valid for the evolution of life anywhere in the universe, various degrees of convergent phenomena argue in favor of the conjecture that universal evolution of intelligent behavior is just a matter of time and preservation of steady planetary conditions. A preliminary test of this conjecture is feasible with experiments involving evolutionary biosignatures on Europa. (author)

  10. Todos os jornais no bolso: pensando o jornalismo na era do celular


    Canavilhas, João Manuel Messias; Fidalgo, António Carreto


    Os telefones celulares ocuparam repentinamente um papel crucial na vida cotidiana contemporânea. Com efeito, poucas tecnologias tiveram uma difusão tão rápida e com tanto impacto no modo de viver como a telefonia móvel. O recente livro de Manuel Castells sobre comunicação móvel e sociedade! dá conta pormenorizada da evolução desta tecnologia nos cinco continentes. Dos Estados Unidos ao Japão. passando pela Europa, China, América Latina, Austrália e África, o crescimento do número de celulares...

  11. O ambiente nas políticas públicas em Portugal

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    Margarida Queirós


    Full Text Available ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC POLICIES IN PORTUGAL – Despite almost thirty years of environmental activities with the first ‘environmental’ steps taken in Portugal in the early 1970s, it was only in the mid 1980s with Portugal’s joining the European Community that policy guidelines for environmental action were drawn up and established and later consolidated in the 1990s. In accordance with the general European trend, the Portuguese environmental policy was aimed atpreventive measures, at least in some areas. Portugal reflected on the issues over a period of time and defined environmental priorities in practically all areas of economic and social life. In terms of the state’s financial projects (central and local administration, strategy for environmental policies put the emphasis on undertakings that required heavy investment in infrastructures. This article describes the development of the government’s environmental policy in Portugal as reflected in the financial support given to environmental projects, according to industrial or geographical criteria, from the state budget. This process is addressed along with the development of the central administration and respective organisation of public services that handle environmental problems and such like. In this aspect, examination of the development of the environmental services structure and its concomitant duties demonstrates the importance given to environmental issues in public policies.

  12. A necessidade da informação gerencial nas IES públicas da Europa: breve abordagem pela realidade de Portugal = The need of managing information in European public universities: a brief approach to the Portuguese reality

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    Renato Pereira Monteiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a importância da informação gerencial por Instituições de Ensino Superior Públicas europeias com ênfase no contexto de Portugal. O cenário de crise financeira pela qual passa o setor público de Portugal nos últimos anos é notório, incidindo em cortes salariais e também na redução do número de oferta de vagas no ensino superior público constituído de universidades e institutos politécnicos. Portanto, é de grande relevância discutir como a contabilidade de custos por meio de informações gerenciais pode apoiar a gestão das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES. Realizou-se uma ampla pesquisa bibliográfica que permitiu descrever quais as principais funcionalidades da informação de custos como apoiadora do processo de decisão em IES. As vantagens informacionais encontradas remetem essencialmente ao aumento da eficiência e eficácia governamental por meio de planejamento mais adequado, construção de indicadores de desempenho, alternativas para a redução de custos, possibilidade de comparações e aumento da transparência para o controle social.The aim of this study is to analyze the importance of managing information in High Education Institutions - Public High Education Institutions, focusing on the Portuguese context. The scenery of financial crisis that crosses over the Portuguese public sector over the past few years is eye-catching. Salary cuts and the decrease on the number of vacancies in public high education institutions has been a major concern. Therefore, it is of high importance to analyze to what extend the cost accountancy by the means of managing information can support the management of high education institutions. It was taken a bibliographic research which allowed depicting the main functions of the cost information as a support to the decision making process in the High Education Institutions. The explanatory advantages which were found in this study lead us

  13. Intervenções Comportamentais de Prevenção da Obesidade Infantil: Estado da Arte em Portugal

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    Jessica Filipe


    Full Text Available ObjetivoA prevenção do excesso de peso e obesidade infantis em Portugal é prioritária e tem sido alvo de vários programas de intervenção. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal desenvolver um registo nacional, caracterizando as intervenções implementadas.MétodoIncluíram-se programas de promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis implementados em Portugal, identificados através do “Google” e de websites Institucionais, que visavam contribuir direta ou indiretamente para a prevenção e controlo da obesidade infantil. A seleção foi realizada pela leitura dos títulos e informação disponibilizada nos websites, e foram depois extraídas informações sobre cada projeto.ResultadosForam incluídos na análise 29 programas de promoção de alimentação saudável (n = 19, atividade física (n = 2 ou ambos (n = 8, realizados entre 2001 e 2015. À exceção de um programa, as atividades realizadas são descritas, mas o racional teórico e as técnicas de mudança comportamental utilizadas não são explicitadas. Apenas 16 programas foram avaliados, disponibilizando online os resultados obtidos.ConclusãoA maioria dos programas não fornece dados relativamente à sua fundamentação teórica e empírica, nem informação detalhada sobre as atividades realizadas e avaliação. Futuros programas devem fornecer maior detalhe sobre o racional teórico e as técnicas de modificação comportamental utilizadas, e a avaliação da eficácia na mudança do comportamento-alvo.

  14. Post-fire vegetation dynamics in Portugal (United States)

    Gouveia, C.; Dacamara, C. C.; Trigo, R. M.


    The number of fires and the extent of the burned surface in Mediterranean Europe have increased significantly during the last three decades. This may be due either to modifications in land-use (e.g. land abandonment and fuel accumulation) or to climatic changes (e.g. reduction of fuel humidity), both factors leading to an increase of fire risk and fire spread. As in the Mediterranean ecosystems, fires in Portugal have an intricate effect on vegetation regeneration due to the complexity of landscape structures as well as to the different responses of vegetation to the variety of fire regimes. A thorough evaluation of vegetation recovery after fire events becomes therefore crucial in land management. In the above mentioned context remote sensing plays an important role because of its ability to monitor and characterise post-fire vegetation dynamics. A number of fire recovery studies, based on remote sensing, have been conducted in regions characterised by Mediterranean climates and the use of NDVI to monitor plant regeneration after fire events was successfully tested (Díaz-Delgado et al., 1998). In particular, several studies have shown that rapid regeneration occurs within the first 2 years after the fire occurrences, with distinct recovery rates according to the geographical facing of the slopes (Pausas and Vallejo, 1999). In 2003 Portugal was hit by the most devastating sequence of large fires, responsible by a total burnt area of 450 000 ha (including 280 000 ha of forest), representing about 5% of the Portuguese mainland (Trigo et al., 2006). The aim of the present work is to assess and monitor the vegetation behaviour over Portugal following the 2003 fire episodes. For this purpose we have used the regional fields of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as obtained from the VEGETATION-SPOT5 instrument, from 1999 to 2008. We developed a methodology to identify large burnt scars in Portugal for the 2003 fire season. The vegetation dynamics was then

  15. Assembling Toyota in Portugal


    Machado, Tiago; Moniz, António


    A lot has been written over the last decade with regard to Toyota and the productive model associated to it (toyota-ism). And more specifically concerning the "(…) best-seller that changed the... sociological world" (Castillo, 1998: 31). But the case of Salvador Caetano’s Ovar Industrial Division (OID), that assembles Toyota light commercial vehicles in Portugal, allows us to put forward a sub-hypothesis that fits into the analysis schema proposed in the First GERPISA International Program – ...

  16. La Iglesia Universal del Reino de Dios en Europa

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    Nilton Cezar Pereira Pinto


    Full Text Available El proceso por el cual la Iglesia Universal del Reino de Dios (IURD se ha expandido por decenas de países, incluso Portugal e Inglaterra, es un capítulo importante de una de las principales transformaciones religiosas de finales del siglo XX: la transformación del petencostalismo en religión global y el cambio del centro, no sólo numérico, sino también del impulso expansionista internacional, para regiones distantes de los centros históricos del protestantismo._____________ABSTRACT:The process by which the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (IURD has spreaded in dozens of countries, including Portugal and England, is an important part of a major religious transformation of the late twentieth century: the transformation of petencostalism in Global religion and the creation of more centres. It is also analized the international expansionist impulse toward regions far away from the historical centers of Protestantism.

  17. Taxation of Insolvent Companies: Empirical Evidence in Portugal

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    Ana Cristina dos Santos Arromba Dinis


    Full Text Available This article discusses the issue of taxation of insolvent companies in Portugal, particularly regarding the Portuguese tax on revenue of legal entities (IRC. For this purpose, first, some considerations on the legal framework of insolvent companies are woven and, second, their tax regime is analyzed. Then, a brief review of the main studies that, in the international context, analyze and debate major issues derived from the tax regime of insolvent companies is conducted, particularly in Brazil, Spain, United States, and Italy. Finally, there are the results of an empirical study conducted in Portugal, in 2013, which evaluates and compares the opinions of insolvency administrators (IA, the tax and customs authority (TA, and court magistrates (CM, in order to contribute to a better solution concerning business taxation under this regime. Respondents (IA, TA, CM demonstrate objective thinking about the fact they believe it is very important that the Portuguese Code of Insolvency and Business Recovery (CIRE and the Portuguese Code of Tax on Revenue of Legal Entities (CIRC are modified, now to make clear whether the settlement of property ownership of an insolvent estate is liable to the IRC, then to assign a chapter specifically devoted to the subject of taxation on insolvency in Portugal.

  18. Implementation of the NEAMTWS in Portugal (United States)

    Matias, L. M.; Annunziato, A.; Carrilho, F.; Baptista, M.


    In this paper we present the ongoing implementation of a national tsunami warning system in Portugal. After the Sumatra event in December 2004, the UNESCO, through its International Oceanographic Commission, recognized the need for an end to end global tsunami warning system and International Coordination Groups have been established for different areas around the globe: Indian, Caribbean, Atlantic and Mediterranean ocean basins. This system is the natural response to the historical and recent instrumental events generated along the western segment of the Eurasia and Nubian plates, which eastern end corresponds to the Gulf of Cadiz. The TWS includes three main components: the seismic detection, the tsunami detection and the issue of warnings/alerts. In Portugal the automatic earthquake processing is installed at IM (Instituto de Meteorologia) which is the only national institution operating on a 24x7 basis. This makes IM the natural candidate to host the Portuguese tsunami warning system. The TWS under implementation has several key points: definition of the tsunami scenarios, tsunami detection, and tsunami protocol messages. The system will also be able to predict tsunami potential impact along the coast, wave-heights and arrival times at pre-defined locations along the coast. In this study we present the recent results on definition of tsunami scenarios, establishment of the scenario database and the tsunami analysis tool. This work is a joint effort between Instituto de Meteorologia (Portugal), the Joint Research Center, JRC- ISPRA, Italy and the coordination of the Portuguese Group for the implementation of NEAMTWS in the area. This work has been financed by different European projects as NEAREST and TRANSFER, and also by the JRC, the IM and CGUL/IDL institutions.

  19. Stability of orbits around planetary satellites considering a disturbing body in an elliptical orbit: Applications to Europa and Ganymede (United States)

    Cardoso dos Santos, Josué; Carvalho, Jean Paulo; Vilhena de Moraes, Rodolpho

    Europa and Ganymede are two of the four Jupiter’s moons which compose the Galilean satellite. These ones are planetary satellites of greater interest at the present moment among the scientific community. There are some missions being planned to visit them and and the Jovian system. One of them is the cooperation between NASA and ESA for the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM). In this mission are planned the insertion of the spacecrafts JEO (Jupiter Europa Orbiter) and JGO (Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter) into Europa and Ganymede’s orbit. Thus, there is a great necessity for having a better comprehension of the dynamics of the orbits around this planetary satellite. This comprehension is essential for the success of this type of mission. In this context, this work aims to perform a search for low-altitude orbits around these planetary satellites. An emphasis is given in polar orbits. These orbits can be useful in the planning of aerospace activities to be conducted around this planetary satellite, with respect to the stability of orbits of artificial satellites. The study considers orbits of an artificial satellite around Europa and Ganymede under the influence of the third-body perturbation (the gravitational attraction of Jupiter) and the polygenic perturbations. These last ones occur due to forces such as the non-uniform distribution of mass (J2 and J3) of the main (central) body. A simplified dynamic model for polygenic perturbations is used. A new model for the third-body disturbance is presented considering it in an elliptical orbit. The Lagrange planetary equations, which compose a system of nonlinear differential equations, are used to describe the orbital motion of the artificial satellite around Ganymede. The equations showed here are developed in closed form to avoid expansions in inclination and eccentricity.

  20. Urbanismo, cultura e globalização em Portugal: modelos analíticos e de desenvolvimento territorial Urbanism, culture and globalization in Portugal: analytical and territorial development Models

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    Paulo Castro Seixas


    Full Text Available As cidades têm sido concebidas como actores chave face aos processos globais desde o último quarto do séculoXX. Neste quadro, é fundamental perceber-se os diferentes modelos que as cidades utilizam para responder aosdesafios globais. O artigo analisa o estado da arte em Portugal na relação entre cidade e globalização nos últimos25 anos, no âmbito das ciências sociais e sua relação com as políticas públicas. São caracterizados quatromodelos analíticos e de desenvolvimento territorial que respondem aos desafios globais: o da Metrópole, o daMetropolização, o da Intermediação Sócio-Cultural e o da Criatividade Urbana. Propõe-se, em função de tal síntese,uma visão multinível e sua importância no desencadear de novas políticas públicas urbanas e territoriais.

  1. The influence of meridional ice transport on Europa's ocean stratification and heat content (United States)

    Zhu, P.; Manucharyan, G.; Thompson, A. F.; Goodman, J. C.; Vance, S.


    Jupiter's moon Europa likely hosts a saltwater ocean beneath its icy surface. Geothermal heating and rotating convection in the ocean may drive a global overturning circulation that redistributes heat vertically and meridionally, preferentially warming the ice shell at the equator. Here we assess thepreviously unconstrained influence of ocean-ice coupling on Europa's ocean stratification and heat transport. We demonstrate that a relatively fresh layer can form at the ice-ocean interface due to a meridional ice transport forced by the differential ice shell heating between the equator and the poles. We provide analytical and numerical solutions for the layer's characteristics, highlighting their sensitivity to critical ocean parameters. For a weakly turbulent and highly saline ocean, a strong buoyancy gradient at the base of the freshwater layer can suppress vertical tracer exchange with the deeper ocean. As a result, the freshwater layer permits relatively warm deep ocean temperatures.

  2. Re-investigating the electricity consumption and economic growth nexus in Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, Chor Foon; Shahbaz, Muhammad; Arouri, Mohamed


    In the previous decades, a number of studies have been conducted to analyse the causal relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth in the Portuguese economy. However, the evidence remains controversial because the previous studies do not provide clear causality evidence. This might be attributed to the omitted variables bias because most previous studies only focus on the relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth in a bi-variate model. This paper attempts to re-investigate the relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth in Portugal using a multivariate model. Based on the bounds testing approach to cointegration and the Granger causality test within the vector error-correction model (VECM), our empirical results confirm the presence of cointegration among the variables. Moreover, there is evidence of bi-directional causality between electricity consumption and economic growth in the short- and long-run. This suggests that energy is an important source of economic growth in Portugal. Therefore, energy conservation policies should not be implemented because it would deteriorate the process of economic growth and development of the Portuguese economy. - Highlights: • Electricity consumption and economic growth series in Portugal are cointegrated. • There is evidence of feedback effects between the two variables. • Energy is an important source of economic growth in Portugal

  3. Predictors of loneliness among students and nuns in Angola and Portugal. (United States)

    Neto, Félix; Barros, José


    The authors conducted 2 studies to examine the relationship between loneliness and psychosocial variables among people from Angola and Portugal. In the 1st study, the participants were 129 college students from Angola and 122 from Portugal, and in the 2nd study participants were 105 nuns from Angola and 74 from Portugal. The following instruments were administered to all participants in both studies: the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (D. Russell, L. Peplau, & C. Cutrona, 1980), the Neuroticism Scale (J. Barros, 1999), the Optimism Scale (J. Barros, 1998), and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (E. Diener, R. Emmons, R. Larsen, & S. Griffin, 1985). Ethnic differences were found in loneliness. The Angolan participants recorded higher scores for loneliness than did the Portuguese participants. For both samples the most prominent predictors of loneliness were neuroticism and dissatisfaction with life.

  4. Europa's Habitability follows from Classical Dynamical Astronomy (United States)

    Greenberg, R.


    Celestial mechanics is responsible for Jupiter's satellite Europa being a possible site for life in the solar system. The Laplace orbital resonance drives a substantial eccentricity. The mutually dependent relationship between orbital and rotational evolution and tidal processes in turn controls Europa's heating and stress. Heat is likely adequate to maintain a liquid water ocean, and to keep the surface ice thin. Tidal stress can explain characteristic and ubiquitous crack patterns (global and cycloidal), as well as drive observed shear displacement features. The characteristic ridge sets that cover tectonic terrain are likely built by tidal pumping of oceanic fluid and slush through cracks to the surface on a daily basis. Nearly half the surface is chaotic terrain, with morphology and other characteristics indicative of melt-through from below. Formation of both chaotic and tectonic terrains has continually resurfaced the satellite, while connecting the ocean to the surface and providing a variety of evolving environmental niches. As a result of tides, liquid water would daily bathe crustal cracks and surfaces with heat, transporting and mixing substances vertically. Thus a variety of habitable environments likely exist in the crust. Moreover, exposure of the ocean to the surface in the ways described here satisfies a necessary condition for life in the ocean as well, by providing access to oxidants which are available near the surface. These processes were recent, and thus most likely continue today. Longer term changes in environmental conditions in the crust, such as deactivation of individual cracks after thousands of years (due to non-synchronous rotation) and later crustal thawing (releasing any trapped organisms), provided drivers for adaptation, as well as opportunity for evolution. This work is supported by the NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program and the NSF Life in Extreme Environments Program.

  5. The demand factors for cesareans in Portugal – some preliminary results


    Tavares, Aida Isabel; Rocha, Tania


    The aim of this work is to determine the demand factors for cesareans in Portugal. This work is exploratory and preliminary. Data is aggregated in NUTSII , for the period 2002-10. The number of cesareans performed is count data which requires the estimation of this panel data by a negative binomial with fixed effects. The main result is the evidence that there may be induced demand for cesareans in Portugal. Further research is needed.

  6. Portugal: Lisbon seeks to juggle power sell-off, oil deregulation and advent of gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maxwell, K.


    A profile of Portugal's energy sector is presented and the energy balance (1993) in terms of oil, gas, coal, electricity and other sources is located. Topics discussed include the import of natural gas supplies from Algeria by 1996; the construction of a 400km natural gas pipeline; the breakup of the Electricidada de Portugal into separate units, and the impact of liberation and privatisation on the power sector. The first large-scale private power generation, and deregulation and competition in Portugal's oil industry are also examined in this article. (UK)

  7. Mapping the networks of cancer research in Portugal: first results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bras, O.R.; Cointet, J.P.; Nunes, J.A.; David, L.; Cambrosio, A.


    Social studies of cancer research at the international level have contributed to a better understanding of the developmental dynamics – both organizational and epistemic – of this field (Keating & Cambrosio, 2012). In contrast, despite its robust development, oncology research in Portugal has been the subject of only few studies. Most of them have a strong focus on the first half of the 20th century (Raposo, 2004; Costa, 2010, 2012a; 2012b), while a few focus on more contemporary events (Nunes, 2001). Consequently, we do not have a clear picture of recent trends in oncology research in Portugal, and how it integrates into the international landscape. This hinders public accountability of oncology research while also limiting the analysis of how this research relates to health care delivery, health outcomes, and health policy formulations. This paper presents the first results of an ongoing research project on the organizational and epistemic development of oncology research in Portugal, covering the period from the end of the 20th century to 2015. Among other issues, we intend to explore the extent to which oncology research in Portugal mirrors the international dynamics at a smaller scale, and the extent to which it presents features of its own. The study draws upon computer-based analysis of publications using the platform CorText ( of IFRIS (Institut Francilien Recherche, Innovation, Société), along with interviews with Portuguese oncologists and related practitioners. (Author)

  8. A condição sénior no Sul da Europa e na Escandinávia

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    António Calha


    Full Text Available O aumento da esperança média de vida associado a uma retração significativa da natalidade tem contribuído para um rápido envelhecimento das sociedades e uma profunda alteração da estrutura demográfica de muitos dos países europeus. Neste artigo, analisamos as especificidades da condição sénior nos países do Sul da Europa e da Escandinávia. Tratando-se de países com uma configuração de modelos de proteção social distintos, procuramos perceber se existem formas diferenciadas de viver a velhice nessas sociedades. Para tal, recorremos à análise dos resultados obtidos no European Social Survey (round 5 - 2010. A análise realizada revela que a existência de diferentes modelos que configuram a condição sénior nas sociedades em análise traduz-se em formas diferenciadas de lidar com o processo de envelhecimento. Concluímos que a condição de idoso não depende exclusivamente dos fatores biológicos relacionados com a limitação física, pois o contexto social em que se enquadra a vivência desse período da vida também influencia a condição sénior e a forma como os idosos a perspetivam.

  9. Societal costs and burden of otitis media in Portugal

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    Speets AM


    Full Text Available Anouk Speets1, Judith Wolleswinkel1, Cristina Cardoso21Pallas health research and consultancy, Rotterdam, the Netherlands; 2GlaxoSmithKline, Algés, PortugalAbstract: This study aimed to estimate the resource consumption and societal impact of otitis media (OM in children younger than five years of age in Portugal. An Internet survey on generic childhood symptoms and diseases was administered to a sample of parents. This self-report survey had been previously implemented in other European countries. Medically confirmed OM was defined as symptoms of earache or “running ear” and/or a diagnosis of OM provided by a medical doctor. Direct medical, nonmedical, and indirect nonmedical costs were calculated for individual cases. Mean total costs per OM episode were estimated at €334. This corresponds to an estimated societal impact of 72 million €/year, of which 39% were indirect nonmedical costs. An epidemiological study should help to confirm the results of this study, and evaluate whether an intervention to reduce the occurrence and/or duration of OM may have an impact on societal costs and quality of life for affected families.Keywords: otitis media, costs, societal burden, Portugal

  10. Os grandes eventos e a cultura em Portugal: sobre os Impactos culturais da Expo’98 e os Públicos do Porto 2001

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    Claudino Ferreira


    Full Text Available Os livros em discussão sintetizam os resultados de duas investigações conduzidas pelo Observatório das Actividades Culturais, instituição que tem vindo a desempenhar um papel decisivo na produção de informação e no desenvolvimento da pesquisa sociológica sobre a cultura em Portugal. Os dois trabalhos representam um importante contributo para a compreensão do significado e das implicações culturais dos dois grandes eventos recentemente realizados no nosso país: a Expo’98 e a Porto 2001. Em amb...

  11. YouTube e user generated content: O seu valor e a sua utilidade no setor do turismo em Portugal

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    P. Ceia


    Full Text Available Os consumidores recorrem ao user generated content (UGC para tomar decisões, nomeadamente escolhas relacionadas com o turismo, como viagens, acomodação e restaurantes. O objetivo deste estudo é compreender a relação existente entre o valor funcional e a utilidade percebida pelos consumidores em relação ao UGC, considerando o contexto do turismo no YouTube. O estudo é quantitativo, tendo-se obtido 748 respostas ao questionário online dirigido a utilizadores do YouTube em Portugal. Através da análise de dados multivariada verificou-se que quanto maior a perceção do valor funcional do UGC, maior a utilidade percebida destes conteúdos. O estudo contribui para um maior conhecimento do uso do UGC, sugerindo que empresas na área do turismo apostem na criação de conteúdo útil para os consumidores.

  12. 'Greenfields' and 'Brownfields': automotive industrial development in the UK and in Portugal

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    Mário Vale


    Full Text Available The industrial policy in the UK and in Portugal, as in most EU countries, seeks to attract new investment capacity, to create jobs and to promote the impact of the so-called "demonstration efect" of "greenfield" development strategies pursued in the new plants of inward investors on existing or "brownfield" plants. This industrial policy focus is particularly evident in the automobile industry.This paper compares the industrial policy oriented towards the automobile industry in the UK and in Portugal. Two recent "greenfield" investments are analised: Nissan in the North-East region (UK and Ford/VW in the Setúbal Peninsula (Portugal, as well as three "brownfield" plants: Ford Halewood and GM Vauxhall Ellesmere Port in the North-West region (UK and Renault in Setúbal (Portugal. The first part starts with a discussion of industrial policy in the automobile sector, the role of "greenfield" development strategies and the "demonstration effect" on "brownfield" plants. Then, the limits of new inward investment are pointed out, basically their problems and restrictions. Afterwards, the structural barriers to the "demonstration effect" within "brownfield" plants are outlined and some possabilities for alternative "brownfield" development strategies are presented.

  13. Amor, amizade e valimento na linguagem cortesã do Antigo Regime

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    Ricardo de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Na cultura política do Ancien Régime, as relações pessoais eram fatores determinantes para qualquer projeto ascensional. Numa sociedade regulada pela lógica do favorecimento pessoal, privar da amizade e do afeto de alguém mais poderoso e superior tornava-se a priori o elemento mais significativo para quem possuía ambições políticas. Neste quadro, emergiu a figura emblemática do chamado valido, alguém que, por ocupar o centro da afetividade régia, podia influenciar e atuar decisivamente no cenário político. Os casos mais conhecidos são os dos Duques de Lerma e de Olivares, na Espanha, do Duque de Buckingham, na Inglaterra, dos Cardeais Richelieu e Mazarino, na França, do Conde Castelo Melhor e do Marquês de Pombal, em Portugal. Este artigo pretende discutir algumas questões conceituais mais significativas deste aspecto importante da cultura política do Ancien Régime.

  14. O Relacionamento Pessoal entre Professores e Alunos nas Aulas Individuais de Instrumento/Canto em Portugal e a sua Influência no Percurso Musical do Aluno: Um Estudo de Caso

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    Sofia Cosme


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo uma melhor compreensão da relação que se estabelece entre os professores de instrumento (ou canto e os seus alunos no contexto da aula individual em Portugal e descobrir se esta relação tende a afetar o percurso pedagógico-musical dos alunos, verificando qual a possível ligação entre ambos. Para tal realizou-se um questionário a professores e outro a alunos, que foram distribuídos em quatro conservatórios portugueses. Os resultados foram analisados com o programa de estatística SPSS 19. Na discussão verificou-se que em Portugal tanto a maioria dos professores como dos alunos tem a perceção de partilhar uma relação satisfatória, afirmando os professores que se sentem realizados na sua profissão e os alunos que se sentem motivados e com confiança nos seus professores. Ambos concordam com a permissa que esta relação é de extrema importância para a boa evolução do aluno como músico, tal como os livros e estudos consultados para a base teórica deste artigo nos indicam.

  15. Duda y posmodernidad: el ocaso de la secularización en Europa

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    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un análisis empírico y teórico desarrollado con el objeto de determinar el estado actual de la religiosidad en Europa, es decir, el grado en que los europeos se adscriben bien a una cosmovisión religiosa, bien a una cosmovisión secular. Aplicando el Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiples y el Análisis de Cluster K-medias a los datos de la encuesta europea "Religión-II", del ISSP, se ha elaborado una tipología compuesta por cinco posiciones culturales básicas: religiosos, creyentes, escépticos, agnósticos y ateos. Estos resultados han puesto de manifiesto tanto la extensión cuantitativa como la importancia cualitativa del escepticismo. Mediante la interpretación del contenido de cada uno de los tipos, se muestra que el escepticismo frente a las opciones religiosa o secular constituye en este momento una clave esencial de la cultura europea. No puede hablarse de un claro retorno de lo religioso, pero es evidente que el proceso de secularización ha perdido parte de su fuerza original. La Europa posmoderna se encuentra inmersa en una encrucijada cultural, y tendrá que decidir sobre su futuro. El artículo termina exponiendo las tres posibles estrategias de salida de la duda: la resolución kierkegaardiana, mediante la que los europeos afirmarán posiciones religiosas o seculares excluyentes; la solución borgiana, mediante la que se hibridarán las formas y contenidos religiosos y seculares; y la disolución hegeliana, mediante la que quizás Europa despliegue en el futuro una síntesis cultural nueva construida con los restos de las viejas cosmovisiones religiosa y secular.

  16. Population mobility and the changing epidemics of HIV-2 in Portugal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carvalho, A C; Valadas, E; França, L


    Portugal is the European country with the highest frequency of HIV-2 infection, which is mainly concentrated in West Africa. The cumulative number of notified HIV-2 infections in Portugal was 1813 by the end of December 2008. To better characterize the dynamics of HIV-2 infection in the country a...... and to obtain data that may be of use in the prevention of the spread of HIV-2, we evaluated a large pooled sample of patients....

  17. Heart failure in numbers: Estimates for the 21st century in Portugal. (United States)

    Fonseca, Cândida; Brás, Daniel; Araújo, Inês; Ceia, Fátima


    Heart failure is a major public health problem that affects a large number of individuals and is associated with high mortality and morbidity. This study aims to estimate the probable scenario for HF prevalence and its consequences in the short-, medium- and long-term in Portugal. This assessment is based on the EPICA (Epidemiology of Heart Failure and Learning) project, which was designed to estimate the prevalence of chronic heart failure in mainland Portugal in 1998. Estimates of heart failure prevalence were performed for individuals aged over 25 years, distributed by age group and gender, based on data from the 2011 Census by Statistics Portugal. The expected demographic changes, particularly the marked aging of the population, mean that a large number of Portuguese will likely be affected by this syndrome. Assuming that current clinical practices are maintained, the prevalence of heart failure in mainland Portugal will increase by 30% by 2035 and by 33% by 2060, compared to 2011, resulting in 479 921 and 494 191 affected individuals, respectively. In addition to the large number of heart failure patients expected, it is estimated that the hospitalizations and mortality associated with this syndrome will significantly increase its economic impact. Therefore, it is extremely important to raise awareness of this syndrome, as this will favor diagnosis and early referral of patients, facilitating better management of heart failure and helping to decrease the burden it imposes on Portugal. Copyright © 2017 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  18. Poverty and precarity in Portugal


    Carvalho, Izaura


    This research assesses poverty levels in Portugal within a multidimensional approach, over a period from 2008 to 2014. Further, it aims at inferring a causal relationship between precarious jobs and the estimated multidimensional poverty level. This research adds to the existing literature by applying a discrete choice experiment in the construction of the poverty index, as well as by nding causality between poverty and precarity. Empirical results suggest that, while multidim...

  19. Does Trade Help to Explain Tourism Demand? The Case of Portugal

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    Nuno Carlos LEITÃO


    Full Text Available The tourism industry has expanded in recent years due to internal and external environmental forces. These forces, income, trade, consumer price, and geographical distance are interconnected. Accounting for imperfect competition and increasing returns to scale, the new trade theory offers the explanation of dynamic gains from international trade. A large number of studies attempt to test the hypothesis that there is a link between trade and tourism. Most of the studies show that trade and tourism are positively correlated. This paper specifies static and dynamic panel demand models for tourism in Portugal and estimates demand equations using tourist inflow data for the period 1995-2006. We find that bilateral trade, immigration, border, and geographical distance between Portugal and countries of origin are the main determinants of tourism to Portugal. The dynamic panel data approach indicates that trade, population, and income are more important determinants than relative price.

  20. Competitiveness in the Southern Euro Area; France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain


    Bogdan Lissovolik; Julio Escolano; Stefania Fabrizio; Werner Schule; Herman Z Bennett; Stephen Tokarick; Yuan Xiao; Marialuz Moreno Badia; Eva Gutierrez; Iryna V. Ivaschenko


    This collection of studies analyzes developments in nonprice external competitiveness of France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. While France, Italy, and Portugal have experienced substantial export market share losses, Greece and Spain performed relatively well. Export market share losses appear associated with rigidities in resource allocation (sectoral, geographical, technological) relative to peers and lower productivity gains in high value-added sectors. Disaggregated analysis of goo...

  1. A new model for cork weight estimation in Northern Portugal with methodology for construction of confidence intervals (United States)

    Teresa J.F. Fonseca; Bernard R. Parresol


    Cork, a unique biological material, is a highly valued non-timber forest product. Portugal is the leading producer of cork with 52 percent of the world production. Tree cork weight models have been developed for Southern Portugal, but there are no representative published models for Northern Portugal. Because cork trees may have a different form between Northern and...

  2. Post-fire vegetation recovery in Portugal based on spot/vegetation data (United States)

    Gouveia, C.; Dacamara, C. C.; Trigo, R. M.


    A procedure is presented that allows identifying large burned scars and the monitoring of vegetation recovery in the years following major fire episodes. The procedure relies on 10-day fields of Maximum Value Composites of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (MVC-NDVI), with a 1 km×1 km spatial resolution obtained from the VEGETATION instrument. The identification of fire scars during the extremely severe 2003 fire season is performed based on cluster analysis of NDVI anomalies that persist during the vegetative cycle of the year following the fire event. Two regions containing very large burned scars were selected, located in Central and Southwestern Portugal, respectively, and time series of MVC-NDVI analysed before the fire events took place and throughout the post-fire period. It is shown that post-fire vegetation dynamics in the two selected regions may be characterised based on maps of recovery rates as estimated by fitting a monoparametric model of vegetation recovery to MVC-NDVI data over each burned scar. Results indicated that the recovery process in the region located in Central Portugal is mostly related to fire damage rather than to vegetation density before 2003, whereas the latter seems to have a more prominent role than vegetation conditions after the fire episode, e.g. in the case of the region in Southwestern Portugal. These differences are consistent with the respective predominant types of vegetation. The burned area located in Central Portugal is dominated by Pinus Pinaster whose natural regeneration crucially depends on the destruction of seeds present on the soil surface during the fire, whereas the burned scar in Southwestern Portugal was populated by Eucalyptus that may quickly re-sprout from buds after fire. Besides its simplicity, the monoparametric model of vegetation recovery has the advantage of being easily adapted to other low-resolution satellite data, as well as to other types of vegetation indices.

  3. High ozone levels in the northeast of Portugal: Analysis and characterization (United States)

    Carvalho, A.; Monteiro, A.; Ribeiro, I.; Tchepel, O.; Miranda, A. I.; Borrego, C.; Saavedra, S.; Souto, J. A.; Casares, J. J.


    Each summer period extremely high ozone levels are registered at the rural background station of Lamas d'Olo, located in the Northeast of Portugal. In average, 30% of the total alert threshold registered in Portugal is detected at this site. The main purpose of this study is to characterize the atmospheric conditions that lead to the ozone-rich episodes at this site. Synoptic patterns anomalies and back trajectories cluster analysis were performed, for the period between 2004 and 2007, considering 76 days when ozone maximum hourly concentrations were above 200 μg m -3. The obtained atmospheric anomaly fields suggested that a positive temperature anomaly is visible above the Iberian Peninsula. A strong wind flow pattern from NE is observable in the North of Portugal and Galicia, in Spain. These two features may lead to an enhancement of the photochemical production and to the transport of pollutants from Spain to Portugal. In addition, the 3D mean back trajectories associated to the ozone episode days were analysed. A clustering method has been applied to the obtained back trajectories. Four main clusters of ozone-rich episodes were identified, with different frequencies of occurrence: north-westerly flows (11%); north-easterly flows (45%), southern flow (4%) and westerly flows (40%). Both analyses highlight the NE flow as a dominant pattern over the North of Portugal during summer. The analysis of the ozone concentrations for each selected cluster indicates that this northeast circulation pattern, together with the southern flow, are responsible for the highest ozone peak episodes. This also suggests that long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants is the main contributor to the ozone levels registered at Lamas d'Olo. This is also highlighted by the correlation of the ozone time-series with the meteorological parameters analysed in the frequency domain.

  4. Portugal unido y separado. Propaganda y discurso identitario entre Austrias y Braganzas

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    Pedro Cardim


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el tratado Portugal unido y separado…, escrito por Pedro de Valenzuela y publicado en Madrid en 1659. El prelado Pedro Valenzuela defiende la restauración de la soberanía habsbúrgica en Portugal (la corona portuguesa se había separado de la Monarquía de España en 1640 a través de una imagen profundamente influenciada por su lealtad política. La primera parte de este trabajo está, por lo tanto, dedicada al análisis del tratado de Valenzuela. En la segunda y última parte las ideas de Valenzuela son integradas en un contexto para demostrar que muchos de los asuntos que aparecen en su obra venían discutiéndose desde por lo menos finales del siglo XVI no solamente en Portugal, sino en varias partes de la Península Ibérica. Esta circunstancia evidencia que para captar el significado completo de los planteamientos de Valenzuela es indispensable tener en cuenta el marco ibérico.This article analyses the treatise Portugal unido y separado…, written by Pedro de Valenzuela and printed in Madrid in 1659. The clergyman Pedro Valenzuela supported the restoration of the Habsburg sovereignty in Portugal (the Portuguese crown had split from the Spanish Monarchy in 1640, and the picture he conveys is largely influenced by his political allegiance. The first part of this study is therefore dedicated to an analysis of Valenzuela’s treatise. In the second and final part of this article the ideas expressed by Valenzuela are set in context. It is then demonstrated that many of the issues raised in this book were being discussed since, at least, the late 16th century, not only in Portugal but also in various parts of the Iberian Peninsula. It is thus argued that, in order to capture the full meaning of the questions raised by Valenzuela, it is indispensable to take into account their Iberian context.

  5. Modeling Thermal Transport and Surface Deformation on Europa using Realistic Rheologies (United States)

    Linneman, D.; Lavier, L.; Becker, T. W.; Soderlund, K. M.


    Most existing studies of Europa's icy shell model the ice as a Maxwell visco-elastic solid or viscous fluid. However, these approaches do not allow for modeling of localized deformation of the brittle part of the ice shell, which is important for understanding the satellite's evolution and unique geology. Here, we model the shell as a visco-elasto-plastic material, with a brittle Mohr-Coulomb elasto-plastic layer on top of a convective Maxwell viscoelastic layer, to investigate how thermal transport processes relate to the observed deformation and topography on Europa's surface. We use Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC) code, which employs an explicit time-stepping algorithm to simulate deformation processes in Europa's icy shell. Heat transfer drives surface deformation within the icy shell through convection and tidal dissipation due to its elliptical orbit around Jupiter. We first analyze the visco-elastic behavior of a convecting ice layer and the parameters that govern this behavior. The regime of deformation depends on the magnitude of the stress (diffusion creep at low stresses, grain-size-sensitive creep at intermediate stresses, dislocation creep at high stresses), so we calculate effective viscosity each time step using the constitutive stress-strain equation and a combined flow law that accounts for all types of deformation. Tidal dissipation rate is calculated as a function of the temperature-dependent Maxwell relaxation time and the square of the second invariant of the strain rate averaged over each orbital period. After we initiate convection in the viscoelastic layer by instituting an initial temperature perturbation, we then add an elastoplastic layer on top of the convecting layer and analyze how the brittle ice reacts to stresses from below and any resulting topography. We also take into account shear heating along fractures in the brittle layer. We vary factors such as total shell thickness and minimum viscosity, as these parameters are

  6. A influência da cultura Otaku na sociedade ocidental


    Barros, Carlos


    Com este artigo pretende-se contar a história e o impacto da cultura otaku (cultura pop japonesa) na sociedade ocidental, com principal ênfase nas relações Japão-Estados Unidos da América e ainda com uma pequena ênfase no efeito desta subcultura em Portugal. Durante o artigo abordar-se-ão temas históricos e actuais sobre o que levou ao desenvolvimento desta subcultura, como a história Japonesa, o desenvolvimento pós-guerra do Japão, a influência americana no anime japonês e posterior influênc...

  7. Rickettsioses in Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal

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    Marcelo B. Labruna


    Full Text Available Data on genus and infectious by Rickettsia were retrospectively compiled from the critical review literature regarding all countries in Latin America, Caribbean islands, Portugal and Spain. We considered all Rickettsia records reported for human and/or animal hosts, and/or invertebrate hosts considered being the vector. In a few cases, when no direct detection of a given Rickettsia group or species was available for a given country, the serologic method was considered. A total of 13 Rickettsia species have been recorded in Latin America and the Caribbean. The species with the largest number of country confirmed records were Rickettsia felis (9 countries, R. prowazekii (7 countries, R. typhi (6 countries, R. rickettsii (6 countries, R. amblyommii (5 countries, and R. parkeri (4 countries. The rickettsial records for the Caribbean islands (West Indies were grouped in only one geographical area. Both R. bellii, R. akari, and Candidatus ‘R. andeane’ have been recorded in only 2 countries each, whereas R. massiliae, R. rhipicephali, R.monteiroi, and R. africae have each been recorded in a single country (in this case, R. africae has been recorded in nine Caribbean Islands. For El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua, no specific Rickettsia has been reported so far, but there have been serological evidence of human or/and animal infection. The following countries remain without any rickettsial records: Belize, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, and Paraguay. In addition, except for a few islands, many Caribbean islands remain without records. A total of 12 Rickettsia species have been reported in Spain and Portugal: R. conorii, R. helvetica, R. monacensis, R. felis, R. slovaca, R. raoultii, R. sibirica, R. aeschlimannii, R. rioja, R. massiliae, R. typhi, and R. prowazekii. Amongst these Rickettsia species reported in Spain and Portugal, only R. prowazekii, R. typhi, R. felis, and R. massiliae have also been reported in Latin America. This study summarizes

  8. Design of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle to Calibrate the Europa Clipper Ice-Penetrating Radar (United States)

    Stone, W.; Siegel, V.; Kimball, P.; Richmond, K.; Flesher, C.; Hogan, B.; Lelievre, S.


    Jupiter's moon Europa has been prioritized as the target for the Europa Clipper flyby mission. A key science objective for the mission is to remotely characterize the ice shell and any subsurface water, including their heterogeneity, and the nature of surface-ice-ocean exchange. This objective is a critical component of the mission's overarching goal of assessing the habitability of Europa. The instrument targeted for addressing key aspects of this goal is an ice-penetrating radar (IPR). As a primary goal of our work, we will tightly couple airborne IPR studies of the Ross Ice Shelf by the Europa Clipper radar team with ground-truth data to be obtained from sub-glacial sonar and bio-geochemical mapping of the corresponding ice-water and water-rock interfaces using an advanced autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The ARTEMIS vehicle - a heavily morphed long-range, low drag variant of the highly successful 4-degree-of-freedom hovering sub-ice ENDURANCE bot -- will be deployed from a sea-ice drill hole adjacent the McMurdo Ice Shelf (MIS) and will perform three classes of missions. The first includes original exploration and high definition mapping of both the ice-water interface and the benthic interface on a length scale (approximately 10 kilometers under-ice penetration radius) that will definitively tie it to the synchronous airborne IPR over-flights. These exploration and mapping missions will be conducted at up to 10 different locations along the MIS in order to capture varying ice thickness and seawater intrusion into the ice shelf. Following initial mapping characterization, the vehicle will conduct astrobiology-relevant proximity operations using bio-assay sensors (custom-designed UV fluorescence and machine-vision-processed optical imagery) followed by point-targeted studies at regions of interest. Sample returns from the ice-water interface will be triggered autonomously using real-time-processed instrument data and onboard decision-to-collect algorithms

  9. Maculinea alcon exploits Myrmica aloba in Portugal

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arnaldo, P.S.; Wynhoff, I.; Soares, P.


    Larvae of the obligate myrmecophilous social parasite Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) were found exclusively using Myrmica aloba (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) ant hosts in NE-Portugal. This is the first record of the host ant usage of any Maculinea species in Portugal, and of any Maculinea ...... using M. aloba nests. These results on such peripheral European populations confirm that knowledge of the local host ant species is crucial for the successful protection of these endangered butterflies, and vital for examining the evolution of such interactions...

  10. Regulation, circulation and distribution of penicillin in Portugal (1944-1954). (United States)

    Bell, Victoria; Rui Pita, João; Pereira, Ana Leonor

    Portugal did not participate in World War II but was one of the first countries in the world to receive penicillin for civilian use. The Portuguese Red Cross began to import the antibiotic from the United States of America in 1944 and appointed a controlling committee to oversee its distribution, due to the small amount available. In 1945, as world production increased, penicillin began to be distributed through the normal channels. An important role in its regulation was played by the official department responsible for controlling pharmaceutical and chemical products in Portugal, the Comissão Reguladora dos Produtos Químicos e Farmacêuticos (Regulatory Committee for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products). Penicillin was imported as a raw material from 1947 and the first medicaments containing penicillin, prepared in Portugal, were released into the commercial circuit in 1948. A laboratory had been established in 1942 by the Comissão Reguladora for the analytical verification of medicaments and medicinal products with the aim of certifying their quality and minimizing the number of products with no attested therapeutic efficacy. The number of medicaments analysed by this laboratory increased substantially from 72 in the year of its foundation (1942) to 2478 in 1954, including, after 1948, medicaments containing penicillin. The aim of the present paper was to elucidate the role of the Comissão Reguladora dos Produtos Químicos e Farmacêuticos in regulating and controlling the distribution of penicillin in Portugal during the 1940s and 1950s.

  11. Epidemiología del tabaquismo en Europa

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    Esteve Fernández


    Full Text Available El tabaco es la causa de mortalidad prevenible más importante en los países europeos, en los que da cuenta de más de medio millón de muertes anuales. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar la epidemiología del tabaquismo en Europa, atendiendo a la visión de conjunto sobre el impacto del tabaquismo, a la prevalencia del consumo y a su evolución en la última década, así como revisar otras características relacionadas con la difusión y mantenimiento del tabaquismo: la producción y los precios del tabaco. Treinta de cada 100 europeos adultos fuma cigarrillos a diario. En los países de la Unión Europea se estima que 1 de cada 10 adultos fumadores morirá a causa de los efectos del tabaco, razón que se eleva a 1 de cada 5 en los países del este de Europa. La prevalencia de fumadores desciende entre los hombres adultos en algunos países de la Unión Europea, mientras que aumenta en las mujeres, sobre todo jóvenes, del sur y del este de Europa. Se debe insistir en las medidas para controlar el consumo de tabaco y prevenirlo, tales como la prohibición del consumo en lugares públicos, la prohibición real de la publicidad directa e indirecta, la reducción del cultivo, o el incremento de precios. Estas acciones se deben diseñar, coordinar y desarrollar en y desde los diferentes sectores involucrados en la lucha contra el tabaco, con la participación de redes civiles impulsadas desde los diferentes niveles administrativos (local, regional, nacional con la decisiva participación de organismos y organizaciones supranacionales.Tobacco is the most important preventable cause of mortality in European countries, accounting for over half a million deaths per year. A review is presented on the epidemiology of tobacco smoking in Europe, using a comprehensive approach on the health effects of smoking, the prevalence of tobacco consumption, and its evolution in the past decade. Tobacco industry efforts to promote and maintain smoking through

  12. La desestabilización de Portugal en 1891 y la posición española

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    Pascual Serrano Sirvent


    Full Text Available Entre 1890 y 1893 Portugal vivió, como consecuencia del ultimátum inglés del 11 de enero de 1890, una época de profunda inestabilidad política interna además de una fuerte crisis financiera que la agravó. En este momento, la Reina Viuda de Portugal, María Pía, con el conocimiento del Gobierno portugués, comenzó a hacer unas consultas a la Reina Regente María Cristina y el Gobierno español pidiendo una acción militar contra una posible revolución republicana con la aceptación de las primeras potencias europeas. Resultó que las primeras potencias europeas querían la permanencia del principio monárquico en Portugal, con una posible ayuga militar española al ejército de Portugal.Between 1890 and 1893, as a result of the English ultimátum of 11h January 1890, Portugal went through a period of great instability, and also a great financial crack that turned into a political crack. This caused Widow Queen María Pía, with some knowledge of thíe Portuguese Gouvernmwnt, to ask Regent Queen María Cristina and the Spanish Gouvernment to help the Spanish Army against a possible republican revolution in Portugal, with the agreement of the main European powers. As a result, the main European powers wanted to keep the monarchy in Portugal, with the possible aid of the Spanish Army.

  13. Hybrid Simulation of the Interaction of Europa's Atmosphere with the Jovian Plasma: Multiprocessor Simulations (United States)

    Dols, V. J.; Delamere, P. A.; Bagenal, F.; Cassidy, T. A.; Crary, F. J.


    We model the interaction of Europa's tenuous atmosphere with the plasma of Jupiter's torus with an improved version of our hybrid plasma code. In a hybrid plasma code, the ions are treated as kinetic Macro-particles moving under the Lorentz force and the electrons as a fluid leading to a generalized formulation of Ohm's law. In this version, the spatial simulation domain is decomposed in 2 directions and is non-uniform in the plasma convection direction. The code is run on a multi-processor supercomputer that offers 16416 cores and 2GB Ram per core. This new version allows us to tap into the large memory of the supercomputer and simulate the full interaction volume (Reuropa=1561km) with a high spatial resolution (50km). Compared to Io, Europa's atmosphere is about 100 times more tenuous, the ambient magnetic field is weaker and the density of incident plasma is lower. Consequently, the electrodynamic interaction is also weaker and substantial fluxes of thermal torus ions might reach and sputter the icy surface. Molecular O2 is the dominant atmospheric product of this surface sputtering. Observations of oxygen UV emissions (specifically the ratio of OI 1356A / 1304A emissions) are roughly consistent with an atmosphere that is composed predominantely of O2 with a small amount of atomic O. Galileo observations along flybys close to Europa have revealed the existence of induced currents in a conducting ocean under the icy crust. They also showed that, from flyby to flyby, the plasma interaction is very variable. Asymmetries of the plasma density and temperature in the wake of Europa were also observed and still elude a clear explanation. Galileo mag data also detected ion cyclotron waves, which is an indication of heavy ion pickup close to the moon. We prescribe an O2 atmosphere with a vertical density column consistent with UV observations and model the plasma properties along several Galileo flybys of the moon. We compare our results with the magnetometer

  14. Portugal; Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility


    International Monetary Fund


    Portugal's economy faced severe crisis during the global economic and financial crisis. In this context, Portugal's authorities have put forward an economically well-balanced program that will focus on structural reforms to boost growth and employment, ensure balanced fiscal sustainability, safeguard financial stability, and prevent a credit crunch. The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund welcomed this step, and approved a three-year arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility...

  15. Avaliação da concentração de fluoretos presente nas águas engarrafadas e produtos alimentares infantis em Portugal


    Noronha, Ana Catarina Silva Cabral


    Tese de mestrado, Medicina Dentária, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2012 Tem sido amplamente descrito na literatura o impacto da ingestão de flúor no aparecimento da fluorose dentária. De igual forma, as estatísticas demonstram um aumento da prevalência de fluorose contrariamente à diminuição da cárie dentária. Avaliaram-se as concentrações de flúor presentes nas águas engarrafadas com e sem gás e nos produtos alimentares infantis comercializados em Portugal, com o...

  16. Understanding differences in cervical cancer incidence in Western Europe: comparing Portugal and England. (United States)

    Mendes, Diana; Mesher, David; Pista, Angela; Baguelin, Marc; Jit, Mark


    Cervical cancer incidence has decreased over time in England particularly after the introduction of organized screening. In Portugal, where opportunistic screening has been widely available with only slightly lower coverage than that of the organized programme in England, rates of cervical cancer have been higher than in England. We compared the burden of cervical cancer, risk factors and preventive interventions over time in both countries, to identify elements hindering the further decline in incidence and mortality in Portugal. We used joinpoint regression to identify significant changes in rate time-trends. We also analyzed individual-level Portuguese data on sexual behaviour and human papillomavirus prevalence, and recent aggregate data on organized and opportunistic screening coverage. We compared published estimates of survival, risk factors and historical screening coverage for both countries. Despite stable incidence, cervical cancer mortality has declined in both countries in the last decade. The burden has been 4 cases and 1 death per 100 000 women annually higher in Portugal than in England. Differences in human papillomavirus prevalence and risk factors for infection and disease progression do not explain the difference found in cervical cancer incidence. Significant mortality declines in both countries followed the introduction of different screening policies, although England showed a greater decline than Portugal over nearly 2 decades after centralizing organized screening. The higher rates of cervical cancer in Portugal compared to England can be explained by differences in screening quality and coverage.

  17. The historical and recent distribution and status of mammals in Portugal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margarida Santos-Reis


    Full Text Available Abstract Historical and recent data on Portuguese mammals are presented in this paper, occurring on the mainland and/or in the Azores and Madeira Atlantic islands. Nowadays, 95 species of mammals are known in Portugal, of which only one (Nyctalus azoreum is an endemic species and three others (Pipistrellus maderensis, Microtus cabrerae and Lynx pardina are exclusive for Portugal and Spain. Moreover, two other species, Mustela vison and Sciurus vulgaris are recent records for the Portuguese fauna, the first due to an accidental introduction and the second resulting from a recolonization by Spanish populations. Of the remaining species, around 50% (46 species are threatened in different degrees, 34.8% (16 species being considered endangered or vulnerable. Mammals extinct in Portugal are the Gerês goat (Capra pyrenaica lusitanica and the bear (Ursus arctos.

  18. Profit, rent, patrimony, and risk on the large landed estates in southern Portugal toward the end of the nineteenth century Lucro, renda, património e risco nos grandes domínios fundiários do sul de Portugal nos finais do século xix

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    Ana Novais


    Full Text Available This study focuses on the economic rationality of large landed estates in the Iberian Peninsula. It assumes these estates submit to a rational land use, that is sensitive to economic change. Its goal is to discuss the main criteria for economic management of landed estates in Southern Portugal during the last decades of the nineteenth century: namely profit, risk, rent, and patrimony. A multiple-criteria programming model, farming economic accounts, and compared analysis are used in developing a case study. The article concludes for a patrimonial logic within which a policy for compromise between income and risk was followed.Este estudo discute a racionalidade económica dos grandes domínios fundiários da Península Ibérica. Assume-se que a exploração agrícola destas terras se baseia em critérios de racionalidade económica, sensíveis às transformações económicas. Pretende identificar os principais critérios presentes na gestão dos grandes domínios fundiários do Sul de Portugal, nos últimos decénios do século xix: lucro, renda, risco e património. A discussão parte do estudo da Casa de Ficalho, e apoia-se num modelo de programação multi-critério, na contabilidade dos domínios, e numa análise comparativa. Conclui-se que esta racionalidade se alicerça num compromisso entre a maximização do rendimento e a minimização do risco económico, dentro de uma lógica patrimonial.

  19. Narrativas do envelhecimento: ser velho na sociedade contemporânea

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    Sofia Aboim


    Full Text Available Com base em entrevistas realizadas a homens e mulheres com mais de 65 anos de idade residentes em Portugal, procura-se elaborar um retrato do que significa ser velho e de qual o impacto do processo de envelhecimento na vida e na identidade da pessoa idosa. Partindo do pressuposto de que, não obstante a maior regulação da idade na sociedade contemporânea, existe grande diversidade nas formas de viver a velhice, mobiliza-se uma perspectiva microssociológica de análise, na primeira pessoa, dos discursos sobre o envelhecimento. Além de diferenças de gênero e de estatuto social, a população idosa revela um relativo conformismo com a velhice, enquanto algo que é natural. Porém, algumas dimensões surgem como problemáticas para a identidade do idoso: o declínio do corpo e da saúde, a sexualidade, a perda de atividade, o isolamento e a discriminação social são dimensões particularmente relevantes para conceituar a pessoa idosa como ator reflexivo e portador de reflexividade.

  20. Cyberbullying: Motivos da agressão na perspetiva de jovens portugueses


    Caetano, Ana Paula; Amado, João; Martins, Maria José D.; Freire, Isabel; Simão, Ana Margarida Veiga; Pessoa, Teresa


    O artigo é resultado do projeto de pesquisa Cyberbullying: motivos da agressão na perspetiva de jovens portugueses e apresenta parte do estudo do projeto Cyberbullying - um diagnóstico da situação em Portugal, ambos financiados no âmbito do Programa Operacional Temático Fatores de Competitividade (COMPETE) e comparticipado pelo Fundo Comunitário Europeu FEDER e pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Este artigo apresenta parte do estudo do projeto Cyberbullying - um diagnóstico da situ...

  1. Europa Passage, Hamburg. Pumps ensure thermal comfort at all levels; Die Europa Passage in Hamburg. Pumpen sorgen fuer Komfort auf allen Ebenen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teders, Klaus


    The Europa Passage at Hamburg is a new shopping mall located directly on the Binnenalster river. It was constructed in 2006 and has 30,000 m{sup 2} of shop floor on five levels, which makes it one of Germany's biggest shopping malls. It is frequented every day by up to 40,000 visitors and more than 50,000 visitors on saturdays. In order to ensure optimum comfort even in peak times, the passage is equipped with state-of-the-art technical facilities. Energy-efficient pumps ensure reliable supply of all technical facilities. (orig.)



    Carvalho, Ana Branca; Oliveira, Ivo; Nogueira, Fernanda


    Abstract: The main purpose of this article, in the management and health, was to assess the contribution of family health and its role in local development in the context of economic recession and worsening poverty in Portugal. Material and Methods. Data were collected through the questionnaire, 1021 individuals were inquired in Portugal, with statistical treatment through inferential analysis, factorial and regression. They were asked to participate voluntarily in writing through email pa...

  3. Expressões da mobilidade na comunicação das marcas de telefonia celular de Angola, Brasil e Portugal

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    Silvio Koiti Sato


    Full Text Available This article aims to evaluate comparatively the communication of mobile telephony brands in different sociocultural contexts. Our hypothesis is that the different stages of development of mobile telephony worldwide are reflected in the identity and in the advertising of the brands. We evaluate the brand expressiveness of three countries – Angola, Brazil and Portugal - which represent the different stages mentioned above. The methodological guideline was based on the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce (1977 and in the work of Santaella (2000, 2002, Perez (2004 and Lencastre (2007. We identified that the sinsignic environment is determinant in the mobility benefits approached by the brands in its communication, reflecting local changes in the dimensions of space and time with the use of wireless technologies.

  4. Air pollution at an urban traffic tunnel in Lisbon, Portugal-an INAA study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almeida-Silva, M.; Canha, N. [Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear, URSN, E.N. 10, 2686-953 Sacavem (Portugal); Freitas, M.C., E-mail: [Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear, URSN, E.N. 10, 2686-953 Sacavem (Portugal); Dung, H.M; Dionisio, I. [Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear, URSN, E.N. 10, 2686-953 Sacavem (Portugal)


    In this study, the results of chemical concentrations inside and outside of a Lisbon (Portugal) traffic tunnel were compared, during one week. They were obtained by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). The tunnel values largely exceed the Air Ambient legislated values and the Pearson Correlations Coefficients point out to soil re-suspension/dispersed road dust (As, Ce, Eu, Hf, Fe, Mo, Sc, Zn), traffic-markers (Ba, Cr), tire wear (Cr, Zn), break wear (Fe, Zn, Ba, Cu, Sb), exhaust and motor oil (Zn) and sea-spray (Br, Na). On all days these elements inside the tunnel were more enriched than outside; significant statistical differences were found for Co (p=0.005), Br (p=0.008), Zn (p=0.01) and Sb (p=0.005), while enrichment factors of As and Sc are statistically identical. The highest values were found for As, Br, Zn and Sb, for both inside and outside the tunnel.

  5. Regulation of clinical research and bioethics in Portugal. (United States)

    Carvalho, Fatima Lampreia


    This article presents an overview of the Portuguese transposition of the European Directive on Good Clinical Practice (2001/20/E) concerning scientific and academic debates on bioethics and clinical investigation. Since the Directive was transposed into Portuguese law by its National Assembly, the bureaucracy of clinical trials has been ever more complex. Despite demands for swift application processes by the Pharmaceutical industry, supported by the European Parliament, the Directive's transcription to the national law has not always delivered the expected outcome. However, this has led to an increased number of applications for clinical trials in Portuguese hospitals. In this article I revise bioethical publications and decree-laws enabling an informed appraisal of the anxieties and prospects for the implementation of the clinical trials Directive in Portugal. This article also places the European Directive in the field of sociology of bioethics, arguing that Portuguese bioethical institutions differ from those of the US, and also from Northern European counterparts. The main divergence is that those people in Portugal who claim expertise in 'legal' bioethics do not dominate either the bureaucratic structure of research or ethics committees for health. Even experts in the applied ethics field now claim that 'professional bioethicists do not exist'. The recent creation of a national Ethics Committee for Clinical Investigation (CEIC) in line with the European Directive on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) will not change the present imbalance between different professional jurisdictions in the national bioethical debate in Portugal.

  6. Portugal takes step back on abortion legalization. (United States)


    According to international press reports, a law that would have allowed Portuguese women abortions through the 10th week of pregnancy and into the 16th week if their physical or mental health was at risk has been rescinded after a referendum to determine the statute's future was voided because of low voter turnout. Passed in February, the law was a liberalization of Portugal's strict anti-abortion laws, which ban all abortions except for narrowly defined medical reasons or in the case of rape (and those are permitted only until the 12th week of pregnancy). Because the issue is such a controversial one, politicians had turned to a national referendum asking Portuguese voters to overturn or ratify the new law. The referendum was the first in the country since the end of its right-wing dictatorship in 1974, and 50% participation was required. Only 31.5% of the country's 8.5 million eligible voters went to the polls on June 28. Of those voting, 50.9% voted against the liberalized new legislation. Sunny weather and World Cup soccer matches were both pointed to as reasons for the low turnout. Officials estimate there are some 20,000 illegal abortions annually in Portugal. Abortion-rights activists in the mostly Roman-Catholic country say hospitals see roughly 10,000 women a year suffering from complications from illegal abortions, and that at least 800 women die each year from the procedure. In the next day's Diario de Noticias, a daily paper in Portugal, the entire front page was filled with a giant question mark. "What now, lawmakers?" the headline read. full text

  7. Melhor o cozinheiro? Um percurso sobre a dimensão de gênero da preparação da comida (Europa ocidental, séculos XVI-XIX A male cook, is it better? An overview on the gender dimension of cooking ( Western Europe, 16th to 19th centuries

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    Raffaella Sarti


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a preparação da comida na Europa ocidental (séculos XVI a XIX, enfocando sua dimensão de gênero. São consideradas três principais variáveis: estratificação social, geografia e tempo. Sugere que na Itália, Espanha e França, no início do período moderno, os cozinheiros empregados nas cortes e pela aristocracia eram geralmente homens; a feminização da preparação da comida começou na França a partir do século XVIII. Na Europa central e do norte, as mulheres das classes mais altas estavam muito mais envolvidas na preparação da comida, embora a moda da cozinha francesa nos séculos XVII e XVIII tenha implicado no recurso crescente de homens cozinheiros. O artigo sugere explicações para essas diferenças e tendências através dos tempos, e discute o papel da nutrição e cozinha na definição da identidade feminina em contextos diferentes.This paper analyses the preparation of food in Western Europe (16th-19th centuries, focusing on its gendered dimension. Three main variables are considered: social stratification, geography and time. It suggests that in Italy, Spain and France in early modern times the cooks employed at the courts and by the aristocracy were generally men; a feminization of the preparation of food started in France from the 18th century onwards. In Central and Northern Europe women were much more involved in the preparation of food in the upper classes, too, even though the fashion for French cuisine in the 17th and 18th centuries implied a growing recourse to male cooks. The paper suggests explanations of these differences and trends over time and discusses the role of nurturing and cooking for the definition of the female identity in different contexts.

  8. Biomass gasification in Europe - status and perspectives; Vergasung von Biomasse in Europa - Stand und Perspektiven

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dinkelbach, L; Kaltschmitt, M [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung (IER)


    Gasification of biomass is a promising option, especially in the fields of waste management and power generation, but there are considerable economic and technical problems that must be solved first. A critical analysis of biomass gasification in Europe today shows that this technology is not marketable today and cannot contribute to environmentally acceptable power supply on a short-term basis. (orig) [Deutsch] Von allen Moeglichkeiten einer energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse stellt die Technik der Vergasung insbesondere in den Bereichen Abfallentsorgung und Stromerzeugung eine vielversprechende Option dar. Einer weiteren Verbreitung dieser Technik stehen allerdings erhebliche wirtschaftliche und technische Probleme entgegen. Die kritische Analyse der derzeitigen Gegebenheiten der Biomassevergasung in Europa fuehrt zu dem Schluss, dass diese Technik noch nicht unmittelbar vor der Mrkteinfuehrung steht und somit kurzfristig keinen merklichen Beitrag zu einer umwelt- und klimavertraeglicheren Energieversorgung in Europa leisten kann. (orig)

  9. Biomass gasification in Europe - status and perspectives; Vergasung von Biomasse in Europa - Stand und Perspektiven

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dinkelbach, L.; Kaltschmitt, M. [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung (IER)


    Gasification of biomass is a promising option, especially in the fields of waste management and power generation, but there are considerable economic and technical problems that must be solved first. A critical analysis of biomass gasification in Europe today shows that this technology is not marketable today and cannot contribute to environmentally acceptable power supply on a short-term basis. (orig) [Deutsch] Von allen Moeglichkeiten einer energetischen Nutzung von Biomasse stellt die Technik der Vergasung insbesondere in den Bereichen Abfallentsorgung und Stromerzeugung eine vielversprechende Option dar. Einer weiteren Verbreitung dieser Technik stehen allerdings erhebliche wirtschaftliche und technische Probleme entgegen. Die kritische Analyse der derzeitigen Gegebenheiten der Biomassevergasung in Europa fuehrt zu dem Schluss, dass diese Technik noch nicht unmittelbar vor der Mrkteinfuehrung steht und somit kurzfristig keinen merklichen Beitrag zu einer umwelt- und klimavertraeglicheren Energieversorgung in Europa leisten kann. (orig)

  10. Exploration of Icy Moons in the Outer Solar System: Updated Planetary Protection Requirements for Missions to Enceladus and Europa (United States)

    Rummel, J. D.; Race, M. S.


    Enceladus and Europa are bodies with icy/watery environments and potential habitable conditions for life, making both of great interest in astrobiological studies of chemical evolution and /or origin of life. They are also of significant planetary protection concern for spacecraft missions because of the potential for harmful contamination during exploration. At a 2015 COSPAR colloquium in Bern Switzerland, international scientists identified an urgent need to establish planetary protection requirements for missions proposing to return samples to Earth from Saturn's moon Enceladus. Deliberations at the meeting resulted in recommended policy updates for both forward and back contamination requirements for missions to Europa and Enceladus, including missions sampling plumes originating from those bodies. These recently recommended COSPAR policy revisions and biological contamination requirements will be applied to future missions to Europa and Encealadus, particularly noticeable in those with plans for in situ life detection and sample return capabilities. Included in the COSPAR policy are requirementsto `break the chain of contact' with Europa or Enceladus, to keep pristine returned materials contained, and to complete required biohazard analyses, testing and/or sterilization upon return to Earth. Subsequent to the Bern meeting, additional discussions of Planetary Protection of Outer Solar System bodies (PPOSS) are underway in a 3-year study coordinated by the European Science Foundation and involving multiple international partners, including Japan, China and Russia, along with a US observer. This presentation will provide science and policy updates for those whose research or activities will involve icy moon missions and exploration.

  11. Electricity consumption and economic growth nexus in Portugal using cointegration and causality approaches

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shahbaz, Muhammad; Tang, Chor Foon; Shahbaz Shabbir, Muhammad


    The aim of this paper is to re-examine the relationship between electricity consumption, economic growth, and employment in Portugal using the cointegration and Granger causality frameworks. This study covers the sample period from 1971 to 2009. We examine the presence of a long-run equilibrium relationship using the bounds testing approach to cointegration within the Unrestricted Error-Correction Model (UECM). Moreover, we examine the direction of causality between electricity consumption, economic growth, and employment in Portugal using the Granger causality test within the Vector Error-Correction Model (VECM). As a summary of the empirical findings, we find that electricity consumption, economic growth, and employment in Portugal are cointegrated and there is bi-directional Granger causality between the three variables in the long-run. With the exception of the Granger causality between electricity consumption and economic growth, the rest of the variables are also bi-directional Granger causality in the short-run. Furthermore, we find that there is unidirectional Granger causality running from economic growth to electricity consumption, but no evidence of reversal causality. - Highlights: → We re-examine the relationship between electricity consumption, economic growth, and employment in Portugal. → The electricity consumption and economic growth is causing each other in the long-run. → In the short-run, economic growth Granger-cause electricity consumption, but no evidence of reversal causality. → Energy conservation policy will deteriorate the process of economic growth in the long-run. → Portugal should increase investment on R and D to design new energy savings technology.

  12. Czesław Miłosz’s Migrant Perspective in Rodzinna Europa [Native Realm

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    Kołodziejczyk Ewa


    Full Text Available The article traces the impact of Czesław Miłosz’s first American stay on his image of Central Europe in Rodzinna Europa [Native Realm]. In the United States, the post-war immigrant from Vilnius learned to perceive, understand and evaluate American culture; he also gained a new perspective on his region of Europe and Slavic immigrants. This experience enabled him to adopt an American point of view in his autobiographical essay. Following William Faulkner, Miłosz carries on an analysis of Eastern and Central Europe’s history and identities. The uses Western historical and sociological glossary to describe processes that formed his “native realm.” Analogically, the poet from pre-war Vilnius reflects on American multi-ethnicity and religious diversity from a Central European perspective. In Rodzinna Europa, Miłosz takes the position of a migrant translator and a two-way mediator between East and West.

  13. Commentary: The Feasibility of Subduction and Implications for Plate Tectonics on Jupiter's Moon Europa (United States)

    Kattenhorn, Simon A.


    A new modeling-based study by Johnson et al. (2017, lends support to the hypothesis that portions of Europa's surface may have been removed by the process of subduction, as suggested by Kattenhorn and Prockter (2014, Using a simple 1-D model that tracks the thermal and density structure of a descending ice plate, Johnson et al. show that ice plates with 10% porosity and overall salt contents of 5%, which differ in salt content by 2.5% from the surrounding reference ice shell, are nonbuoyant and thus likely to sink through the underlying, convecting portion of the ice shell. The feasibility of subduction in an ice shell is critical to the existence of icy plate tectonics, which is hypothesized to exist at least locally on Europa, potentially making it the only other Solar System body other than Earth with a surface modified by plate tectonics.

  14. El caso Breivik como paradigma de la nueva violencia política en Europa

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    Jesús Pérez


    Full Text Available Tras el doble atentado en Noruega del 22 de julio de 2011 cometido por Anders Behring Breivik, el terrorismo en Europa se enfrenta a una nueva amenaza. La novedad ideológica de Breivik es escasa, salvo por actualizar peligros que parecían del pasado. Por el contrario, su novedad operativa sí es relevante, ya que demuestra la posibilidad de la actuación de "lobos solitarios" en Europa y ejemplifica de qué manera el occidental medio puede actuar con un potencial muy alto de causar daños. Se concluye con el avance de un nuevo paradigma, el de sujetos que actúan movidos políticamente por un objetivo irrealizable, para favorecer a grupos que son extremadamente abstractos o no existen, lo que les proporciona un blindaje ideológico sin capacidad alta de movilización pero con destacadas cotas de destrucción.

  15. Primeras evidencias de arte mueble paleolítico en el sur de Portugal

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    Simón Vallejo, María D.


    Full Text Available This paper presents the first evidence for Palaeolithic portable art in Southern Portugal. This include two plaques, dated between 20,500 and 19,500 BP from Solutrean levels from the site of Vale Boi, Western Algarve (Portugal. One of the pieces is a small engraved schist plaque (14,6 × 8,1 mm with abstract lines on one side. The other artefact is an 8 × 5 cm schist plaque. One side is an oxide natural deposit, used to produce dye; the other side has three aurochs and a probable cervid. Stilistic information and the engraving sequence indicate probably production by a single artist. The stylistic characteristics are in full agreement withi those from late Gravettian and early Solutrean art known from Valencia, Andalucia (Spain and the Côa valley (Portugal, thus confirming the absolute AMS dates from the Vale Boi Levels.

    En este trabajo presentamos la primera evidencia de arte mueble paleolítico en el sur de Portugal: dos plaquetas de pizarra procedentes de niveles solutrenses del yacimiento de Vale Boi, zona occidental del Algarve (Portugal. La primera de las piezas es una pequeña placa (14,6 × 8,1 mm que presenta sobre una de sus caras un ideomorfo grabado. La segunda (8 × 5 cm cuenta con una superficie ocupada por óxido de hierro natural de color amarillento, tiene claros indicios de extracción de mineral para producir colorantes. En la superficie opuesta han sido grabados tres uros y una posible cierva. El estilo y secuencia de los grabados apuntan a un solo artista. Las características estilísticas de los zoomorfos concuerdan bien con los rasgos comunes del arte del ciclo Gravetiense final y Solutrense antiguo del País Valenciano, Andalucía y Valle de Côa (Portugal. Esta afinidad sintoniza asimismo con las fechas AMS de los niveles solutrenses de Vale Boi, datados entre ca. 20.500 y 19.500 BP.

  16. Migration, Quality of Life And Health of Brazilian Immigrants in Portugal

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    Eliany Nazaré Oliveira


    Full Text Available Background: Immigrants face many challenges when settling in a foreign country, numerous factors influence this immigrant experience including the resources they bring with them and those they find in the host society. The literature has indicated that a significant number of individuals migrate in search of a better quality of life. In this context, the objective of the study was to analyze the quality of life and health of Brazilian immigrants living in Portugal, using the "Medical Outcomes Study: 36-Item Short Form Survey" (SF-36. Methods and Results: A cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach developed under the project titled: Health status and quality of life of Brazilian immigrants in Portugal conducted in the first half of 2016, with 682 Brazilian immigrant women over 18 living in Portugal. This study adopted as reference SF-36, a generic instrument for the evaluation of Quality of Life. It can be affirmed that the quality of life and health of Brazilian immigrants living in Portugal is good, since all dimensions presented values above 50%. It was evidenced that Brazilian immigrants who live alone have lower levels of quality of life and health than those who live with someone and, that Brazilian immigrants who are unemployed, have low levels of quality of life and health compared to those who are in another employment situation, and Brazilian immigrants entering the labor market with a workload of more than 40 hours per week present similar levels of quality of life and health compared to those who work fewer hours. Conclusion: In general, one can affirm that the quality of life and health of Brazilian immigrants living in Portugal is good, but due to the particularities of the migration process in the current political and international context, a systematic monitoring of living conditions and health of this population is necessary. Keywords: Emigrants and Immigrants; Quality of life; Women, Mental health

  17. “Un piccolo pataccio al rio dell’Amazzoni”: Pirataria europeia e projetos italianos na Amazônia na época da Monarquia hispânica

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    Alírio Cardoso


    Full Text Available No início do século XVII, navegadores e comerciantes de diversas nações frequentavam as águas do território hoje conhecido como Amazônia brasileira, correspondente ao antigo Estado do Maranhão e Grão-Pará (1621-1770. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir a relação entre Portugal e Espanha com os demais concorrentes europeus no cenário atlântico utilizando como estudo de caso as tentativas de navegação toscana para o extremo norte da América portuguesa

  18. Von der Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte zu einer Rechtsgeschichte Europas in globalhistorischer Perspektive

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    Thomas Duve


    In den letzten Jahren sind im Zuge der Diskussion um postkoloniale Perspektiven auf die Geschichte, um Transnationale und Globalgeschichte, viele Grundlagen der traditionellen Europahistoriographie kritisiert und massiv erschüttert worden. Das wirft Fragen auch an die Europäische Rechtsgeschichte auf: Welches Europabild liegt ihr zu Grunde? Auf welchen intellektuellen und konzeptionellen Grundlagen beruht sie? Wie antwortet sie auf die Vorwürfe des Eurozentrismus, des epistemischen Kolonialismus, wie auf die Forderung, Europa zu ›provinzialisieren‹? Wie definiert sie das Verhältnis der Europäischen zur Transnationalen und Globalen Rechtsgeschichte? – Diesen und ähnlichen Fragen wenden sich die folgenden Überlegungen zu. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einer Auseinandersetzung mit der Tradition, ihren konzeptionellen Grundlagen und deren wissenschaftshistorischem Kontext (1. Teil, 1.–6.. Aus dieser kritischen Bestandsaufnahme und den Ergebnissen der Debatte um Globalgeschichte ergeben sich Ausgangspunkte und Aufgaben einer in Vielem auf den Leistungen der Disziplin aufbauenden, doch notwendigerweise auf einer anderen Konzeption beruhenden Rechtsgeschichte Europas in globalhistorischer Perspektive (2. Teil, 7.–11..

  19. Condiciones de trabajo saludables. Análisis de los estudios realizados en Colombia y Europa en el periodo 2002-2012


    Leal Mejia, Carolina


    INTRODUCCIÓN. El presente trabajo explora las condiciones de trabajo saludables más frecuentemente estudiadas en Colombia y Europa en el período 2002 a 2012. OBJETIVO. Este trabajo busca definir los avances en investigación de las condiciones de trabajo saludables que presentaron Colombia y Europa en el período 2002 a 2012, a través de: el análisis del concepto de salud en el trabajo desde diferentes enfoques e investigaciones; el análisis los modelos sobre condiciones saludables en el trabaj...

  20. Galileo's Multiinstrument Spectral View of Europa's Surface Composition (United States)

    Fanale, F.P.; Granahan, J.C.; McCord, T.B.; Hansen, G.; Hibbitts, C.A.; Carlson, R.; Matson, D.; Ocampo, A.; Kamp, L.; Smythe, W.; Leader, F.; Mehlman, R.; Greeley, R.; Sullivan, R.; Geissler, P.; Barth, C.; Hendrix, A.; Clark, B.; Helfenstein, P.; Veverka, J.; Belton, M.J.S.; Becker, K.; Becker, T.


    We have combined spectral reflectance data from the Solid State Imaging (SSI) experiment, the Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS), and the Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS) in an attempt to determine the composition and implied genesis of non-H2O components in the optical surface of Europa. We have considered four terrains: (1) the "dark terrains" on the trailing hemisphere, (2) the "mottled terrain," (3) the linea on the leading hemisphere, and (4) the linea embedded in the dark terrain on the trailing hemisphere. The darker materials in these terrains exhibit remarkably similar spectra in both the visible and near infrared. In the visible, a downturn toward shorter wavelengths has been attributed to sulfur. The broad concentrations of dark material on the trailing hemisphere was originally thought to be indicative of exogenic sulfur implantation. While an exogenic cause is still probable, more recent observations by the UVS team at higher spatial resolution have led to their suggestions that the role of the bombardment may have primarily been to sputter away overlying ice and to reveal underlying endogenic non-H2O contaminants. If so, this might explain why the spectra in all these terrains are so similar despite the fact that the contaminants in the linea are clearly endogenic and those in the mottled terrain are almost certainly so. In the near infrared, all these terrains exhibit much more asymmetrical bands at 1.4 and 2.0 ??m at shorter wavelengths than spectra from elsewhere on Europa. It has been argued that this is because the water molecules are bound in hydrated salts. However, this interpretation has been challenged and it has also been argued that pure coarse ice can exhibit such asymmetric bands under certain conditions. The nature of this controversy is briefly discussed, as are theoretical and experimental studies bearing on this problem. ?? 1999 Academic Press.

  1. Particulates in Europe; Fijn stof in Europa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eeftens, M.; Brunekreef, B. [Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences IRAS, Utrecht University, Utrecht (Netherlands)


    Although the same air quality standards apply across Europe, there are large differences in concentration within, but also between countries. There are also differences between the methods that these countries use for regular monitoring networks, which makes a direct comparison of concentrations difficult. The ESCAPE project (European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects) mapped the differences in the European particulate concentrations using one unified measuring method [Dutch] Hoewel voor heel Europa dezelfde luchtkwaliteitsnormen gelden, bestaan er grote concentratieverschillen binnen, maar ook tussen landen. Ook zijn er verschillen tussen de meetmethoden die deze landen binnen reguliere meetnetten hanteren, wat een directe vergelijking van concentraties vaak moeilijk maakt. Het ESCAPE-project (European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects) bracht de Europese fijnstofcontrasten in kaart met behulp van 1 identieke meetmethode.

  2. Carbonate mineral solubility at low temperatures in the Na-K-Mg-Ca-H-Cl-SO 4-OH-HCO 3-CO 3-CO 2-H 2O system (United States)

    Marion, Giles M.


    Carbonate minerals have played an important role in the geochemical evolution of Earth, and may have also played an important role in the geochemical evolution of Mars and Europa. Several models have been published in recent years that describe chloride and sulfate mineral solubilities in concentrated brines using the Pitzer equations. Few of these models are parameterized for subzero temperatures, and those that are do not include carbonate chemistry. The objectives of this work are to estimate Pitzer-equation bicarbonate-carbonate parameters and carbonate mineral solubility products and to incorporate them into the FREZCHEM model to predict carbonate mineral solubilities in the Na-K-Mg-Ca-H-Cl-SO 4-OH-HCO 3-CO 3-CO 2-H 2O system at low temperatures (≤25°C) with a special focus on subzero temperatures. Most of the Pitzer-equation parameters and equilibrium constants are taken from the literature and extrapolated into the subzero temperature range. Solubility products for 14 sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium bicarbonate and carbonate minerals are included in the model. Most of the experimental data are at temperatures ≥ -8°C; only for the NaHCO 3-NaCl-H 2O and Na 2CO 3-NaCl-H 2O systems are there bicarbonate and carbonate data to temperatures as low as -21.6°C. In general, the fit of the model to the experimental data is good. For example, calculated eutectic temperatures and compositions for NaHCO 3, Na 2CO 3, and their mixtures with NaCl and Na 2SO 4 salts are in good agreement with experimental data to temperatures as low as -21.6°C. Application of the model to eight saline, alkaline carbonate waters give predicted pHs ranging from 9.2 to 10.2, in comparison with measured pHs that range from 8.7 to 10.2. The model suggests that the CaCO 3 mineral that precipitates during seawater freezing is probably calcite and not ikaite. The model demonstrates that a proposed salt assemblage for the icy surface of Europa consisting of highly hydrated MgSO 4

  3. Attualità e prospettive della “Rete per l’Identità” - Argentina/Sud America/Europa

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    Roberta Murroni


    Full Text Available Attualità e prospettive della “Rete per l’Identità” - Argentina/Sud America/Europa
    (13-14 Novembre 2010, Centro di Documentazione Mastinu- Marras Tresnuraghes -OR-
    di Roberta Murroni

  4. Psychosocial concomitants of loneliness among students of Cape Verde and Portugal. (United States)

    Neto, F; Barros, J


    This research is an examination of the relationship between loneliness and a number of psychosocial variables (e.g., affective state, cultural issues, gender, age) among adolescents and young adults from Cape Verde and Portugal. Two studies are presented. The participants in the first study were 285 adolescents from Cape Verde and 202 from Portugal, and in the second study there were 134 college students from Cape Verde and 112 from Portugal. The following instruments were administered to all the participants in both studies: The Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (D. Russell, L. Peplau, & C. Cutrona, 1980), the Neuroticism Scale (J. Barros, 1999), the Optimism Scale (J. Barros, 1998), the Social Anxiety subscale (A. Fenigstein, M. Scheier, & A. Buss, 1975), and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (E. Diener, R. Emmons, R. Larsen, & S. Griffin, 1985). No ethnic or gender differences were found for loneliness between the two groups. For both groups, the most prominent predictors of loneliness were neuroticism and dissatisfaction with life. However, as expected, the adolescent group recorded higher scores for loneliness than did the college students.

  5. [Cerebrovascular mortality in Portugal: are we overemphasizing hypertension and neglecting atrial fibrillation?]. (United States)

    Providência, Rui; Gonçalves, Lino; Ferreira, Maria João


    Cerebrovascular disease has long been the leading cause of death in Portugal. Despite improvements in the treatment of hypertension and the resulting decrease in associated mortality, the progressive aging of the population and increased prevalence of atrial fibrillation have prevented the incidence of stroke from falling as much as desired. The authors review the evidence on the situation in Portugal and propose an intervention plan. Copyright © 2013 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  6. Finance and economic and social reproduction: prospects for financialised futures in Portugal


    Rodrigues, João; Santos, Ana C.; Teles, Nuno


    Portugal is a semi-peripheral country within the EU that has partially followed similar processes as those of most financialised core countries, and that has been particularly hard-hit by the GFC. This paper reflects on the factors that have shaped economic and social reproduction in Portugal, drawing on previous research examining the involvement of households with finance and the systems of provision for housing, pensions and water conducted for WP5 and WP8 of FESSUD. Based on the Portugues...

  7. Lavandula L. - aplicação da cultura in vitro à produção de óleos essenciais e seu potencial económico em Portugal

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    H.J.S.P. SALES


    Full Text Available RESUMO Os óleos essenciais são metabolitos secundários que possuem diversas propriedades com elevado interesse, nomeadamente as biológicas. Estas propriedades englobam todas as atividades que esta mistura de compostos voláteis (principalmente monoterpenos, sesquiterpenos e fenilpropanóides exerce sobre os seres humanos, animais e outras plantas. Os óleos essenciais apresentam grande valor económico, sendo os do género Lavandula dos mais comercializados e estudados devido à sua aplicabilidade industrial e propriedades terapêuticas As lavandulas são colhidas na natureza ou propagadas por técnicas convencionais, nomeadamente por estacaria. Mais recentemente, protocolos de micropropagação foram desenvolvidos para algumas espécies, permitindo a produção de plantas em larga escala disponíveis em qualquer período do ano e sem comprometer a biodiversidade das espécies. O desenvolvimento de plantas tetraplóides capazes de aumentar a produção de óleo essencial nas suas flores é outro meio eficaz para aumentar potencialmente o valor das espécies de Lavandula. Em Portugal existem 5 espécies nativas do género Lavandula, amplamente distribuídas pelo país. Contudo, o seu potencial industrial permanece praticamente inexplorado e em termos de mercado o seu reconhecimento é muito reduzido. Trabalhos recentes, baseados na avaliação das propriedades biológicas dos óleos essenciais e a forma como eles podem exercer os seus efeitos contribuíram para a valorização do potencial económico das lavandulas em Portugal. Esta revisão tenta dar uma visão geral de que forma a aplicação das culturas in vitro pode levar a uma maior produção de óleos essenciais em Lavandula spp., dando especial ênfase às lavandulas nativas de Portugal.

  8. Saline variability at the south-west of Portugal after kriging data from Ramalina spp. biomonitors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Figueira, R.; Sousa, A.J.; Pacheco, A.M.G.; Catarino, F.


    Sea-salt input over the land masses may have deleterious effects on man-made structures, vegetable organisms (crops and vegetation) and soil/water resources. Recent work has shown the ability of some lichen species to monitor the deposition of airborne salts of marine origin. The atmospheric transport and deposition of sea salts can be assessed by measuring saline elements in lichens growing over coastal areas. The concentration of Cl - and Na + was determined in lichen thalli collected in three different dates on the south-west region of Portugal. The extracellular fraction of Na + was obtained by a sequential elution procedure, and Cl - was determined after leaching samples with water. The dispersion of element grades in the area was studied through geostatistical analysis. Numerical values were estimated by two interpolation methods: ordinary kriging and kriging with an external drift. The latter method used the logarithm of the distance to the coast as an auxiliary variable and yielded more reliable results. Every set of data produced a similar spatial pattern, showing a steep gradient in the first three kilometres from the coast. However, considerable variation can be observed between surveys. The variability of results is interpreted using the precipitation data obtained for the region under consideration. (author)

  9. Stimuli given to pedagogical experiences and textbook production during the Modern Mathematics Period: the Brazil-Portugal context Estímulos dados às Experiências Pedagógicas e à Produção de Livros Didáticos no Período da Matemática Moderna: contexto Brasil-Portugal

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    Gladys Denise Wielewski


    Full Text Available In the Twentieth century, school mathematics became the focus of attention in national and international congresses, pointing to the need to rethink its teaching methodology. The discussion around the theme extended and resulted, in the late 1950’s, in the development of a proposal for the internationalization of the mathematics teaching methodology, involving organizations such as UNESCO and OECE. The OECE developed recommendations for the implementation of modern mathematics (MM. These recommendations were disseminated and resignified in many different countries.Based on some of the OECE’s recommendations, we seek to identify how they were operationalized in Brazil and Portugal. The question is: What did experiences with the MM and the publication of textbooks represent in these countries? Therefore, we used the bibliography about MM, official documents found in the historical archives of Portugal, and an interview with a Modernization of Mathematics Period participant. Keywords: Modern Mathematics. Pedagogical Experience. Comparative Historical Research.No século XX, a matemática escolar tornou-se foco de atenção em congressos nacionais e internacionais, evidenciando uma necessidade de se repensar seu ensino. A discussão ampliou-se e resultou, no final da década de 1950, na elaboração de uma proposta de internacionalização do ensino de Matemática, contando com o envolvimento de órgãos como UNESCO e OECE. A OECE propiciou a elaboração de recomendações para a implantação da Matemática Moderna (MM. Essas recomendações foram divulgadas e ressignificadas em diversos países. Pretendemos, a partir de algumas das recomendações da OECE, identificar como estas foram operacionalizadas, tendo como referência Brasil e Portugal. Pergunta-se: o que representou a realização de experiências com a MM e a publicação de livros didáticos nestes países? Para tanto, utilizamos produção bibliográfica sobre MM, documentos

  10. International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project (IUREP) orientation phase mission summary report: Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A report has recently been published which describes the findings of the International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project (IUREP) mission to Portugal. The IUREP Orientation Phase mission to Portugal estimates that the Speculative Resources of that country fall within the range 20,000 to 80,000 tonnes uranium. The majority of this potential is expected to be located in intergranitic vein deposits and in pre-Ordovician schists, but other favourable geological environments include episyenites and Meso-Cainozoic continental sediments. The mission recommends that approximately US$25 million be spent on exploration in Portugal over the next 10 years. The majority of this ($18 million) would be spent on drilling, with a further $7 million on surface surveys and airborne radiometric surveys. It is the opinion of the IUREP Orientation Phase Mission that the considerable funding required for the outlined programme would most suitably be realized by inviting national or foreign commercial organisations to participate in the exploration effort under a partnership or shared production arrangements. (author)

  11. La educación superior a distancia y el e-Learning en las prisiones en Portugal

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    Full Text Available La enseñanza superior en Europa ha venido experimentando grandes transformaciones gracias a los avances tecnológicos y a los cambios derivados del proceso de Bolonia, que prevé la creación de condiciones para que todos tengan acceso al aprendizaje, independientemente de factores de exclusión social, como la reclusión. La subsiguiente masificación del acceso a la Enseñanza Superior exige una oferta educativa flexible, centrada en el estudiante e inclusiva: son estas las prioridades de la Educación a Distancia de la Universidade Aberta en Portugal. Este artículo tiene como objetivo conocer las impresiones de veintiséis individuos (estudiantes, candidatos a estudiantes y técnicos superiores de reeducación sobre la realidad de la Enseñanza Superior en la modalidad de Educación a Distancia y aprendizaje virtual (e-Learning en una cárcel portuguesa. Este estudio se encuadra en un paradigma no positivista y hace hincapié en la percepción de los individuos, recurriendo a una metodología de carácter cualitativo. Los resultados, obtenidos mediante entrevistas, revelan la existencia de enormes debilidades y limitaciones en el proceso educativo, debido, sobre todo, a la falta de instalaciones y medios, recursos pedagógicos y tecnológicos, y apoyo de los profesores. Se ha concluido que es fundamental crear mejores condiciones de asistencia a distancia en las cárceles, porque esta formación superior puede ser una oportunidad de cualificación profesional y desarrollo personal, que incrementa sus perspectivas de éxito en el futuro.

  12. Atmospheric circulation classification comparison based on wildfires in Portugal (United States)

    Pereira, M. G.; Trigo, R. M.


    Atmospheric circulation classifications are not a simple description of atmospheric states but a tool to understand and interpret the atmospheric processes and to model the relation between atmospheric circulation and surface climate and other related variables (Radan Huth et al., 2008). Classifications were initially developed with weather forecasting purposes, however with the progress in computer processing capability, new and more robust objective methods were developed and applied to large datasets prompting atmospheric circulation classification methods to one of the most important fields in synoptic and statistical climatology. Classification studies have been extensively used in climate change studies (e.g. reconstructed past climates, recent observed changes and future climates), in bioclimatological research (e.g. relating human mortality to climatic factors) and in a wide variety of synoptic climatological applications (e.g. comparison between datasets, air pollution, snow avalanches, wine quality, fish captures and forest fires). Likewise, atmospheric circulation classifications are important for the study of the role of weather in wildfire occurrence in Portugal because the daily synoptic variability is the most important driver of local weather conditions (Pereira et al., 2005). In particular, the objective classification scheme developed by Trigo and DaCamara (2000) to classify the atmospheric circulation affecting Portugal have proved to be quite useful in discriminating the occurrence and development of wildfires as well as the distribution over Portugal of surface climatic variables with impact in wildfire activity such as maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation. This work aims to present: (i) an overview the existing circulation classification for the Iberian Peninsula, and (ii) the results of a comparison study between these atmospheric circulation classifications based on its relation with wildfires and relevant meteorological

  13. Crise econômica e retorno dos imigrantes brasileiros em Portugal

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    Carolina Nunan

    Full Text Available A crise econômica internacional desencadeada em 2008 produziu enormes efeitos sobre as migrações mundiais. Alguns estudos têm sido dedicados a esta temática. O objetivo deste artigo é refletir e discutir sobre a existência de um possível fluxo de retorno dos imigrantes brasileiros em Portugal ao país de origem. Os resultados desta investigação apontam para uma desaceleração do fluxo de entrada em Portugal, uma propensão significativa ao retorno, mas um volume efetivo de retorno inferior ao que seria teoricamente de esperar.

  14. Energy taxation in Southern Europe: The case of Portugal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Modesto, L.


    It is investigated whether or not the imposition of a common EC energy tax will penalize more the poorer Southern European economies and if this will harm convergence at the EC level. The existing studies and empirical evidence are briefly surveyed. Then the results obtained when using the macroeconometric HERMES models to stimulate the introduction of an energy tax are exploited. The conclusions, however, have limited value, since the authors only have HERMES results for one Southern European economy: Portugal. Finally, the convergence in Europe and the effects of energy taxation on convergence are investigated. It is concluded that energy taxation will harm growth all over the EC, penalizing more one of the less developed countries (in this case Portugal), and having most probably adverse effects on convergence. 5 figs., 6 tabs., 22 refs

  15. The Afrotropical Miomantiscaffra Saussure 1871 and Miomantispaykullii Stal 1871: first records of alien mantid species in Portugal and Europe, with an updated checklist of Mantodea in Portugal (Insecta: Mantodea). (United States)

    Marabuto, Eduardo


    The recent growing interest on the Mantodea fauna of southern Europe and Portugal in particular, has enabled the discovery of two geographically separated populations of hitherto unknown species in Europe. Analysis of specimens shows that they belong to two Afrotropical mantids: Miomantiscaffra Saussure, 1871 and Miomantispaykullii Stal, 1871, thus raising the number of known species in Europe to 39 and in Portugal to 11. While these are remarkable findings, they also represent the first alien mantis species recorded from this continent. As yet, these species appear to be confined to artificial humanised gardened areas but call for more attention to the problem of biological invasions and the need for better bio-security measures for the conservation of natural ecosystems. In the absence of recent revisionary work on the Mantodea of Portugal and given the need to provide an accessible identification tool, both a checklist and a key to species are provided for all species in the country.

  16. Os Jogos Desportivos Luso-Brasileiros e os Congressos Luso-Brasileiros de Educação Física no âmbito das relações internacionais Brasil-Portugal (década de 1960

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    Victor Andrade de Melo


    Full Text Available Resumo Este estudo objetiva discutir os Jogos Desportivos Luso-Brasileiros e os Congressos Luso-Brasileiros de Educação Física no âmbito das relações internacionais Brasil-Portugal (década de 1960. Para alcance do objetivo, como fontes foram usados: o Boletim do Ultramar, a Revista de Educação Física e os Arquivos da Escola Nacional de Educação Física e Desportos (Enefd. O intuito é lançar novos olhares para a mobilização do esporte no âmbito da política colonial portuguesa, bem como para o relacionamento entre Brasil e Portugal na esfera da educação física/ciências do esporte. Ao fim, chamamos a atenção para a necessidade de avaliar com cuidado as iniciativas contemporâneas semelhantes às investigadas.


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    Dina da Costa Caetano


    Full Text Available O relatório de sustentabilidade é a prática de medir e divulgar através de um relatório, o desempenho económico, social e ambiental de uma organização empresarial. O processo de divulgação é voluntário, no entanto verifica-se um gradual crescimento na divulgação desta informação. Este estudo pretende caracterizar as práticas de divulgação de sustentabilidade no setor da construção civil em Portugal e em Espanha referente aos anos de 2009 a 2011 que efetuem relatório de sustentabilidade de acordo com a estrutura de divulgação da Global Reporting Initiative. Para recolha dos dados necessários ao estudo utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo. Analisou-se então, os relatórios e contas e relatórios de sustentabilidade da população em estudo.

  18. Migration Flow and Its Impact on Tuberculosis Notification in Portugal. (United States)

    Dias, Ana; Gaio, Rita; Sousa, Pedro; Gomes, Marta; Oliveira, Olena; Duarte, Raquel


    Tuberculosis notification in Portugal has decreased in the last few years. As a consequence of the economic crisis, emigration has increased and immigration has decreased. Immigrants are a risk group for tuberculosis. Most emigrants are 20-44 years old and belong to the age group most affected by tuberculosis. To describe the decrease in tuberculosis notification in Portugal over the last years from a demographical point of view. Mathematical analysis was performed to quantify the effect of the migration movements (separately and simultaneously) on tuberculosis notification in Portugal from 2008 to 2014. We calculated the estimated tuberculosis notification for each year during the period of study: 1) fixing immigration rate and tuberculosis rate in immigrants at 2008 values; 2) fixing emigration rate and tuberculosis rate in emigrants at 2008 values; 3) fixing both phenomenons at 2008 values. The differences between the observed and the estimated numbers were small (≤0.5 cases/100000 inhabitants). Impact of the migration movements on tuberculosis notification rate does not seem to be significant when analyzed for each phenomenon individually and simultaneously, by our model. This might mean that we have to concentrate our efforts in other risk factors for tuberculosis. Copyright © 2017 SEPAR. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. Segmentação no Mercado dos Vinhos Verdes na Região Norte de Portugal: o caso dos gestores de restauração Green Wine Market Segmentation in the North of Portugal: the case of restaurateur managers La Segmentación del Mercado de los Vinos Verdes en la Región Norte de Portugal: la situación de los gestores de restauración

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    MARTINS, Francisco Vitorino


    Full Text Available RESUMOApesar de ser sabido que é necessário conhecimento para se produzir o vinho, atualmente também é necessário um conhecimento para tal comercialização. Apesar do conhecimento para fazer um melhor vinho ter ocupado acadêmicos e produtores durante séculos, o reconhecimento da necessidade de um esforço especial para a comercialização é um tema recente. Historicamente, os fatores de sucesso para as empresas que comercializam vinho são baseados na tecnologia de produção e na qualidade dos seus produtos. No entanto, o aumento da competitividade do mercado requer, hoje, o conhecimento do consumidor de vinho para melhor satisfazer as suas necessidades. O mercado dos vinhos tem crescido em sofisticação e as oportunidades de segmentação de mercado têm também tem crescido. Este trabalho fornece uma revisão de alguns estudos sobre o comportamento do consumidor de vinho no contexto da segmentação de mercado. Usando como base de segmentação nove variáveis que medem a importância atribuída a características tangíveis e intangíveis no processo de aquisição do vinho. Propõe-se uma classificação dos gestores de restauração da região Norte de Portugal em dois grupos.ABSTRACTAlthough being completely true that special knowledge is required to make wine, special knowledge is also required to trade it. The development of knowledge to make better wine has occupied the minds of academics, scholars and producers for centuries, but the knowledge of a special effort to do business with wine is embryonic. Historically, the success factors for wine companies lay on production technology and products' quality. However, the growing competitiveness in the market now requires a much more in-depth analysis of consumer behaviour aiming a better satisfaction of their needs. The wine market is growing in sophistication and the opportunities for market segmentation are increasing. This paper provides a broad review of some studies

  20. The rotation and fracture history of Europa from modeling of tidal-tectonic processes (United States)

    Rhoden, Alyssa Rose

    Europa's surface displays a complex history of tectonic activity, much of which has been linked to tidal stress caused by Europa's eccentric orbit and possibly non-synchronous rotation of the ice shell. Cycloids are arcuate features thought to have formed in response to tidal normal stress while strike-slip motion along preexisting faults has been attributed to tidal shear stress. Tectonic features thus provide constraints on the rotational parameters that govern tidal stress, and can help us develop an understanding of the tidal-tectonic processes operating on ice covered ocean moons. In the first part of this work (Chapter 3), I test tidal models that include obliquity, fast precession, stress due to non-synchronous rotation (NSR), and physical libration by comparing how well each model reproduces observed cycloids. To do this, I have designed and implemented an automated parameter-searching algorithm that relies on a quantitative measure of fit quality to identify the best fits to observed cycloids. I apply statistical techniques to determine the tidal model best supported by the data and constrain the values of Europa's rotational parameters. Cycloids indicate a time-varying obliquity of about 1° and a physical libration in phase with the eccentricity libration, with amplitude >1°. To obtain good fits, cycloids must be translated in longitude, which implies non-synchronous rotation of the icy shell. However, stress from NSR is not well-supported, indicating that the rotation rate is slow enough that these stresses relax. I build upon the results of cycloid modeling in the second section by applying calculations of tidal stress that include obliquity to the formation of strike-slip faults. I predict the slip directions of faults with the standard formation model---tidal walking (Chapter 5)---and with a new mechanical model I have developed, called shell tectonics (Chapter 6). The shell tectonics model incorporates linear elasticity to determine slip and stress

  1. A Ilustração portuguesa e a Missão dos Padres Matemáticos na América * The portuguese Illustration and Mission of Mathematicians Priests in America

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    Full Text Available Resumo: Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar a relação entre a Missão dos Padres Matemáticos, expedição organizada pela Coroa portuguesa na primeira metade do século XVIII para realizar estudos sobre os territórios portugueses na América, e o desenvolvimento de uma cultura ilustrada em Portugal, pois, segundo nosso entendimento, a “missão” se relaciona às transformações culturais vividas em Portugal naquele período. Nesta análise partimos do pressuposto teórico de que as ações humanas, apesar de expressarem uma individualidade, correspondem a um determinado contexto social, político, econômico e cultural. Isso significa que o pensamento e comportamento humano associam-se a uma “configuração” – conceito aplicado por Norbert Elias, na obra A sociedade de corte (2001, para estudar a sociedade da corte francesa entre os séculos XVII e XVIII.Palavras-chave: Ilustração – Fronteiras Americanas – Mineração – Padres Matemáticos. Abstract: This paper is intended to analyze the relationship between the Mission of the Mathematicians Priest expedition organized by the Portuguese crown in the first half of the eighteenth century to conduct studies on the Portuguese territories in America, and the development of an illustrated culture in Portugal. According to our understanding, the "mission" is connected to cultural transformations in Portugal at that time. In this analysis we set of theory premise that human actions, although expressing individuality, correspond to a particular, political, economic and cultural context. This means that human thought and behavior associated to a "configuration" - concept applied by Norbert Elias, The society in the work of cutting (2001, to study the society of the French court between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.Keywords: Illustration – American Borders – Mining – Mathematical Priests.

  2. Education, State, and Society in Portugal, 1926-1981. (United States)

    Stoer, Stephen R.; Dale, Roger


    Examines the relationship between the state and education in Portugal during periods of modernization, dictatorship, revolution, and democratization from 1926-81. Discusses the role of education, problems faced by education and other ideological systems, and the relationship between education and national development in each historical period. (SV)

  3. A integração dos sistemas de educação superior na Europa: de Roma a Bolonha ou da integração econômica à integração acadêmica/The european system of higher education integration: from roma to Bologna or from economic integration to academic integration

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    Mário Luiz Neves de Azevedo


    Full Text Available Este trabalho trata a respeito do processo de integração dos sistemas de educação superior na Europa, região que, desde o fim da segunda guerra mundial, está procurando eliminar as fronteiras em todos os âmbitos. O Processo de Bolonha, homenagem à universidade mais antiga da Europa, é o nome do conjunto dos eventos (reuniões, resoluções e normas relativos às medidas de implementação dos princípios da reunião de ministros da educação europeus que ocorreu em Bolonha, em 1999, com a finalidade de construir um espaço europeu de educação superior até o ano 2010, cujos objetivos fundamentais encetam, principalmente, para a competitividade do Sistema Europeu de Ensino Superior frente a outras regiões e para a mobilidade e o emprego no Espaço Europeu. Dessa maneira, analisa-se também o papel dos atores sociais nesse processo e a discussão a respeito da natureza da educação superior: um bem público catalisador da solidariedade internacional ou uma mercadoria a ser explorada na construção de um mercado educativo transnacional. This paper analysis the integration process of higher education system in Europe, region that, since the end of Second World War is trying to eliminate the borders in all scopes. The Process has been named as Bologna's Process, to homage the older Europe's university. It is a set of resolutions, events and rules, related to the implementation measures of the principles resulted of the European ministers meeting, occurred in Bologna in 1999, with the purpose of building an European space of higher education until 2010. The fundamental goals are competitiveness of the front Higher education European system to others regions, mobility and the job in the European Space. It analysis also the social actor’s roll in this process and the discussion concerning about of nature of higher education: one very public aspect of the international solidarity or a exploratory merchandise to being explored in the

  4. Critical analysis of documentary sources for Historical Climatology of Northern Portugal (17th-19th centuries) (United States)

    Amorim, Inês; Sousa Silva, Luís; Garcia, João Carlos


    Critical analysis of documentary sources for Historical Climatology of Northern Portugal (17th-19th centuries) Inês Amorim CITCEM, Department of History, Political and International Studies, U. of Porto, Portugal. Luís Sousa Silva CITCEM, PhD Fellowship - FCT. João Carlos Garcia CIUHCT, Geography Department, U. of Porto, Portugal. The first major national project on Historical Climatology in Portugal, called "KLIMHIST: Reconstruction and model simulations of past climate in Portugal using documentary and early instrumental sources (17th-19th centuries)", ended in September 2015, coordinated by Maria João Alcoforado. This project began in March 2012 and counted on an interdisciplinary team of researchers from four Portuguese institutions (Centre of Geographical Studies, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, University of Porto, and University of Évora), from different fields of knowledge (Geography, History, Biology, Climatology and Meteorology). The team networked and collaborated with other international research groups on Climate Change and Historical Climatology, resulting in several publications. This project aimed to reconstruct thermal and rainfall patterns in Portugal between the 17th and 19th centuries, as well as identify the main hydrometeorological extremes that occurred over that period. The basic methodology consisted in combining information from different types of anthropogenic sources (descriptive and instrumental) and natural sources (tree rings and geothermal holes), so as to develop climate change models of the past. The data collected were stored in a digital database, which can be searched by source, date, location and type of event. This database, which will be made publically available soon, contains about 3500 weather/climate-related records, which have begun to be studied, processed and published. Following this seminal project, other initiatives have taken place in Portugal in the area of Historical Climatology, namely a Ph

  5. Development of a European resource on the origins of pathogens of aquaculture: The Europa Project

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Snow, M.; Barja, J.; Colquhoun, D.


    This workshop described the EUROPA project, an EU-funded program aimed at creating a web-based database of molecular sequence data-sets related to significant pathogens of aquaculture. The project aims to focus the efforts of fish health researchers into generating large, evolving and readily ava...

  6. Consideration on the technical service quality and the Portugal situation; Consideracoes sobre a qualidade tecnica de servico e caracterizacao da situacao em Portugal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santana, J.; Afonso, Jose [Entidade Reguladora do Sector Electrico (ERSE), XX (Portugal)


    This paper presents some considerations on the technical quality of power supply for the consumption and, for the specific characterization of the Portugal electric sector, a summary analysis of the energy production, transport and distribution activities.

  7. Monitores de diagnóstico em Mamografia : (Os 5MP em Portugal)


    Timóteo, Maria Teresa


    O carcinoma da mama é o mais comum nas mulheres, em Portugal morrem cerca de 1500 mulheres por ano devido a esta patologia. Serviu o presente estudo para investigar se os Hospitais da Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo estão equipados, com monitores de diagnóstico em mamografia, que correspondam com as guidelines europeias. O serviço de Mamografia, em Portugal rege-se por estas guidelines, em que é referenciado que para um correcto diagnóstico, com toda a sensibilidade e especific...

  8. Ordens militares de cavalaria de Portugal

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    Álvaro da Veiga Coimbra


    Full Text Available Falar nas Ordens Militares de Cavalaria de Portugal, é ter presente a própria história da fundação da monarquia e de re-cuperação territorial e também dos descobrimentos de novos mundos para a civilização. Aos seus cavaleiros couberam no cenário das lutas sangrentas e constantes da dinastia afonsina, os grandes postos da vanguarda.

  9. History of Astronomy in Portugal: Theories, Institutions and Practices (United States)

    Saraiva, Luis


    In Portugal, throughout its history, astronomy was developed in the context of the mathematical sciences. During the times of Portugal's Maritime Discoveries, astronomical navigation was based on spherical trigonometry, and therefore it was the mathematicians who taught astronomy to the pilots. During the 17th century, basic notions of astronomy were taught in mathematical courses in the University and in the main Jesuit colleges. This tradition continued in the 18th century, so it is no wonder that one of the most influent Portuguese astronomers during this period was the mathematician José Monteiro da Rocha. During the 19th century the new centres of science teaching, as the Polytechnic School in Lisbon, or the Polytechnic Academy in Oporto, developed astronomy teaching and research in the context of the mathematics subjects. The inheritors of these 19th century institutions, respectively the Faculties of Sciences of Lisbon and Oporto, upheld this tradition until the final decades of 20th century and continued to consider astronomy as a subject to be taught in their mathematics departments. This Meeting aims at outlining several perspectives on the history of astronomy in Portugal, particularly analysing its ties with mathematical sciences and astronomy applications. The Meeting is organised by the Museum of Science of the University of Lisbon (MCUL) with CMAF, CMUC, CMUP and the CIUHCT, and is included in CIM events. It is integrated in the commemorations of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009).

  10. Oficiais, cavalheiros e concorrentes: o «Brasil» nas viagens de circum-navegação do século das Luzes

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    Domingues, Ângela


    , la atención que ambos países dedicaron a Brasil a través de proyectos de anexión, además de la dominación informal, se vio reflejada en la importancia que tenían el comercio ilegal y el contrabando británico o los intereses científicos y la curiosidad. Por lo tanto, el comprender la competencia entre estos países también a nivel de literatura de viajes, producción y diseminación de información —es decir, propaganda— puede contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de lo que Brasil y Portugal realmente significaban para la Europa del siglo XVIII. [pt] Pretende-se analisar as imagens do Brasil através da literatura de viagens produzida com as expedições de circum-navegação da segunda metade do século XVIII. O modo como o Brasil foi representado nos relatos de Cook, Byron ou Bougainville e nas colectâneas que difundiram estas viagens não foi ainda devidamente considerado e apreciado. Esta avaliação é imprescindível para perceber a importância da colónia a uma escala global, e sobretudo no Atlântico Sul e nos jogos de poder que então se desenrolavam. De igual modo, na tentativa de «dominar o mundo» ocorrida na Europa setecentista, a competição é fundamentalmente entre França e Inglaterra. Neste processo, a atenção que ambos países dão ao Brasil expressa-se em projectos de anexação, bem como na dominação informal, patente no peso que tinham o comércio ilegal e o contrabando britânicos ou o interesse e curiosidade científicos. Assim sendo, perceber a concorrência entre estes países também ao nível da literatura de viagens, da produção e disseminação da informação —e consequentemente da propaganda— pode contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do que o Brasil e Portugal significavam para a Europa setecentista.

  11. La familia en Europa y el cambio social

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    Full Text Available Se analizan los cambios experimentados en la estructura familiar y los modelos de vida familiar en los 21 países miembros del Consejo de Europa, usando fuentes variadas. Las tendencias básicas observadas son : descenso del número de matrimonios, incremento de las relaciones prematrimoniales y la cohabitación, matrimonios cada vez más tardíos, incremento de los divorcios, incremento de hogares monoparentales, aumento de los nacimientos ilegítimos, descenso de la natalidad, disminución del número de hijos por matrimonio, concepción más tardía e incremento del tiempo transcurrido entre una concepción y otra., e incremento de los abortos voluntarios.

  12. La criminalità organizzata nell'Europa Centro-Orientale dopo il 1989. Una prospettiva geopolitica

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    Stefan Bielański


    Full Text Available L’articolo riguarda lo sfondo geopolitico e i meccanismi della criminalità organizzata nell’Europa centro-orientale. L’autore presenta le caratteristiche principali della situazione geopolitica in quella regione dopo la dissoluzione dell’Unione Sovietica. La sua attenzione è rivolta in particolare alla nascita, alla struttura e alle modalità di funzionamento della criminalità organizzata sulla nuova frontiera orientale dell’Unione europea. In tal senso si sofferma sui rapporti tra la criminalità organizzata e il nuovo terrorismo indicandone il pericolo per la stabilità sociale, politica ed economica dell’Europa centro-orientale. Similmente agli studiosi ed esperti polacchi egli indica il rischio, di una “evoluzione” della criminalità organizzata al terrorismo, sostenendo che le autorità degli stati europei debbano tenerne conto con la massima responsabilità per la sicurezza dei loro paesi e dei loro cittadini. Parole chiave: Geopolitica, Europa centro-orientale, Unione europea, Criminalità organizzata, Terrorismo   The paper concerns the geopolitical background of the emergence and functioning of organized crime in Central-East Europe. The author outlines the main characteristics of the geopolitical situation of the region after the transformation. A special focus is given to the rise, structure and operational manners of organized crime at the new, eastern border of EU. Eventually the author considers the relations between organized crime and new terrorism, acknowledging both these phenomena as a threat towards social, political and economic stability in the Central-East Europe. Likewise to several Polish scholars and experts, the author recognizes the patterns of the highly dangerous process of organized crime's evolution into terrorism. The author emphasizes that authorities of the European states must take into account both dangers as deeply relevant issue for security of their countries and citizens. Keywords

  13. The Policy Gap. Global Mental Health in a Semi-Peripheral Country (Portugal, 1998-2016

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    Tiago Pires Marques


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes the impact of the hegemonic paradigm of global mental health (GMH on Portugal. We specifically argue that GMH in Portugal has effected a change of priorities in health policies, favoring the prevention and treatment of common mental disorders to the detriment of the deinstitutionalizing process. Diffused through the media, this model has negative effects, such as the medicalization of social suffering, the reorganization of mental health policy areas according to utilitarian criteria, and the risk of greater invisibility of users with serious psychiatric diagnoses. However, the GMH approach, bringing to the frontline the impact of all social policies on mental health, represents a new opportunity to politically address social suffering. Characterized as a semi-peripheral country, Portugal may be representative of observable trends in similar countries.

  14. Early Childhood Education and Care Policy in Portugal = A Educacao Pre-Escolar e os Cuidados para a Infancia em Portugal. (United States)

    Ministry of Education, Lisbon (Portugal).

    Based on the view that the rapid expansion and development of preschool education requires careful scrutiny of both educational policy and practices, this book presents information on current early childhood education and care policy in Portugal. Section 1 of the book provides a historical framework for the development of early childhood education…

  15. Cutaneous leishmaniosis in a horse from northern Portugal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gama, Adelina; Elias, Joana; Ribeiro, Ana J.; Alegria, Nuno; Schallig, Henk D. F. H.; Silva, Filipe; Santarém, Nuno; Cardoso, Luís; Cotovio, Mário


    The first case of cutaneous leishmaniosis in a horse from the north of Portugal, with a 1.5 cm in diameter ulcerated nodular lesion on the left face, is reported. The skin nodule was surgically excised and assessed by histopathology, including an immunohistochemistiy method applied for the first

  16. Flora-On: Occurrence data of the vascular flora of mainland Portugal. (United States)

    Pereira, Ana Júlia; Francisco, Ana; Porto, Miguel


    The Flora-On dataset currently includes 253,310 occurrence records for the class Embryopsidae (vascular plants), comprising data collated via the platform relating to observation records of vascular plants across mainland Portugal. Observations are uploaded directly to the database primarily by experienced botanists and naturalists, typically on a weekly basis, and consist of geo-referenced data points for species (or infraspecific taxa) along with their date of observation and phenological state. The Flora-On project aims to compile and make publicly accessible chorological, ecological, morphological and photographic information for the entire vascular flora of Portugal. The project's website offers powerful query and visualization capabilities, of which we highlight the probabilistic bioclimatic and phenological queries which operate based on the empirical density distributions of species in those variables. Flora-On was created and continues to be maintained by volunteers who are Associate members of Sociedade Portuguesa de Botânica (Botanical Society of Portugal). Given its focus on research-grade and current data, the Flora-On project represents a significant contribution to the knowledge of the present distribution and status of the Portuguese flora.

  17. Post-fire vegetation recovery in Portugal based ewline on spot/vegetation data

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    C. Gouveia


    Full Text Available A procedure is presented that allows identifying large burned scars and the monitoring of vegetation recovery in the years following major fire episodes. The procedure relies on 10-day fields of Maximum Value Composites of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (MVC-NDVI, with a 1 km×1 km spatial resolution obtained from the VEGETATION instrument. The identification of fire scars during the extremely severe 2003 fire season is performed based on cluster analysis of NDVI anomalies that persist during the vegetative cycle of the year following the fire event. Two regions containing very large burned scars were selected, located in Central and Southwestern Portugal, respectively, and time series of MVC-NDVI analysed before the fire events took place and throughout the post-fire period. It is shown that post-fire vegetation dynamics in the two selected regions may be characterised based on maps of recovery rates as estimated by fitting a monoparametric model of vegetation recovery to MVC-NDVI data over each burned scar. Results indicated that the recovery process in the region located in Central Portugal is mostly related to fire damage rather than to vegetation density before 2003, whereas the latter seems to have a more prominent role than vegetation conditions after the fire episode, e.g. in the case of the region in Southwestern Portugal. These differences are consistent with the respective predominant types of vegetation. The burned area located in Central Portugal is dominated by Pinus Pinaster whose natural regeneration crucially depends on the destruction of seeds present on the soil surface during the fire, whereas the burned scar in Southwestern Portugal was populated by Eucalyptus that may quickly re-sprout from buds after fire. Besides its simplicity, the monoparametric model of vegetation recovery has the advantage of being easily adapted to other low-resolution satellite data, as well as to other types of vegetation

  18. As viagens ferroviárias em Portugal (1845-1896

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    Hugo Silveira Pereira


    Full Text Available Between 1852 and 1893 more than two thousand kilometres of railway were built in Portugal, changing the way people travelled across the Kingdom. Before that, travel only took place by river, by sea along the coast or by land where the lack of obstacles allowed it. This new form of transportation shortened distances and thus gave Portuguese travellers more time. Based on contemporary parliamentary debates, the technical opinions of Portuguese engineering (both manuscript in the records of the Ministry of Public Works and published in technical journals and contemporary fictional literature, this study aims to describe and explain some of the changes to travelling habits in Portugal. We shall see that new habits were brought on by the railway, as well as new concerns and new opportunities, and it quickly became a widely-used public service.

  19. Thermal Coupling Between the Ocean and Mantle of Europa: Implications for Ocean Convection (United States)

    Soderlund, Krista M.; Schmidt, Britney E.; Wicht, Johannes; Blankenship, Donald D.


    Magnetic induction signatures at Europa indicate the presence of a subsurface ocean beneath the cold icy crust. The underlying mantle is heated by radioactive decay and tidal dissipation, leading to a thermal contrast sufficient to drive convection and active dynamics within the ocean. Radiogenic heat sources may be distributed uniformly in the interior, while tidal heating varies spatially with a pattern that depends on whether eccentricity or obliquity tides are dominant. The distribution of mantle heat flow along the seafloor may therefore be heterogeneous and impact the regional vigor of ocean convection. Here, we use numerical simulations of thermal convection in a global, Europa-like ocean to test the sensitivity of ocean dynamics to variations in mantle heat flow patterns. Towards this end, three end-member cases are considered: an isothermal seafloor associated with dominant radiogenic heating, enhanced seafloor temperatures at high latitudes associated with eccentricity tides, and enhanced equatorial seafloor temperatures associated with obliquity tides. Our analyses will focus on convective heat transfer since the heat flux pattern along the ice-ocean interface can directly impact the ice shell and the potential for geologic activity within it.

  20. Radiation Testing at Sandia National Laboratories: Sandia – JPL Collaboration for Europa Lander

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hattar, Khalid Mikhiel [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Ion Beam Lab.; Olszewska-Wasiolek, Maryla Aleksandra [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Gamma Irradiation Facility


    Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is assisting Jet Propulsion Laboratory in undertaking feasibility studies and performance assessments for the Planetary Protection aspect of the Europa Lander mission. The specific areas of interest for this project are described by task number. This white paper presents the evaluation results for Task 2, Radiation Testing, which was stated as follows: Survey SNL facilities and capabilities for simulating the Europan radiation environment and assess suitability for: A. Testing batteries, electronics, and other component and subsystems B. Exposing biological organisms to assess their survivability metrics. The radiation environment the Europa Lander will encounter on route and in orbit upon arrival at its destination consists primarily of charged particles, energetic protons and electrons with the energies up to 1 GeV. The charged particle environments can be simulated using the accelerators at the Ion Beam Laboratory. The Gamma Irradiation Facility and its annex, the Low Dose Rate Irradiation Facility, offer irradiations using Co-60 gamma sources (1.17 and 1.33 MeV), as well as Cs-137 gamma (0.661 MeV) AmBe neutron (0-10 MeV) sources.