
Sample records for na amrica latina

  1. Práticas de empoderamento feminino na América Latina


    Marinho, Paloma Abelin Saldanha; Gonçalves, Hebe Signorini


    A partir de uma breve apresentação a respeito dos debates que embasam o conceito de empoderamento e da inserção do termo na perspectiva dos estudos de gênero, o artigo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica a respeito das práticas de empoderamento feminino, realizadas e registradas na América Latina, entre os anos 2000 e 2012. A respeito das práticas de empoderamento encontradas, os três eixos principais de análise foram: o empoderamento ancorado na renda feminina, as práticas de empoderamento o...

  2. Ciclos históricos da violência na América Latina


    Fandino Marino, Juan Mario


    O trabalho aborda a questão da violência na América Latina dentro de uma perspectiva histórica ampla. Analisa como o ciclo atual orienta-se para a superação democrática da violência, mas a economia de entorpecentes ameaça desvirtuá-lo pela contaminação do tecido moral em construção pelo crime. Palavras-chave: violência; política e instituições; América Latina. This essay addresses the question of violence in Latin America from a broad historical viewpoint. It analyzes how the existing cycl...

  3. O Problema Habitacional na América Latina: Exemplos do Brasil e Chile


    Rubin, Graziela


    DOI: 10.12957/geouerj.2013.3873O presente artigo faz um resgate histórico da problemática habitacional na América Latinae traz como exemplos o Brasil e o Chile, países que apresentaram políticas interessantes para tentarresolver o problema da habitação. A partir do século XIX, com a industrialização e,consequentemente,o aumento da urbanização, as cidades da América Latina passaram a sofrer com osproblemas urbanos. Entre eles, a questão habitacional se destaca por ser um problema que afeta nos...

  4. Pluralidade da representação na América Latina

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    Maria da Glória Gohn


    Full Text Available Este texto destaca formas de ações coletivas civis organizadas em movimentos sociais ou redes sociais que participam de programas e projetos sociais institucionalizados na América Latina, com destaque para o caso brasileiro na última década. As questões investigadas são: Quem são os atores sociais que protagonizam essas ações associativas? Que público e demandas representam? Que impactos essas demandas geraram na sociedade e no poder público? Que respostas elas têm obtido? Ao final, desenvolvem-se algumas considerações sobre as manifestações sociais ocorridas em junho de 2013 no Brasil, no contexto dos cenários apresentados ao longo do texto.

  5. Translocalidades menonitas na América Latina e Caribe

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    Cicilian Luiza Löwen Sahr


    Full Text Available Desde o início da globalização na modernidade, na virada entre o século XV e XVI, os menonitas participam na produção de espaços translocais e globais. Surgidos nas controvérsias teológicas da Grande Reforma religiosa, eles defendiam o batizado adulto e um pacifismo extremo, que os submetiam a fortes rejeições e perseguições. Consequentemente, sua formação social tem por base uma intensa coerência interna que os leva, muitas vezes, a constituição de comunidades conservadoras. Assim, os menonitas desenvolveram ao longo de sua história uma dispersão mundial que se estende até hoje, funcionando através de um sistema de “translocalidade”. A análise dessas redes complexas de translocalidade se estabelece a partir da observação dos fluxos migratório, sobretudo aqueles que convergem para a América Latina e Caribe. Um foco específico é dado à organização interna dessa pluralidade a partir de exemplos do Paraguai.

  6. Humor e política na desconstrução dos super-heróis na América Latina durante a Guerra Fria: o olhar dos quadrinhos

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    Ivan Lima Gomes


    Full Text Available Mídia associada ao cotidiano e entretenimento juvenil, as histórias em quadrinhos (HQs alcançaram plena consolidação na América Latina durante os anos após a 2ª Guerra Mundial. Quando da Guerra Fria e da forte penetração cultural dos Estados Unidos (EUA na região, as HQs já se encontravam presentes em jornais, nos quais, por vezes, eram publicadas em suplementos específicos, além de serem editadas no formato revista por editoras especializadas. Em meio aos debates sobre as vantagens e desvantagens das HQs para a vida que já mobilizavam aqueles envolvidos no mundo das HQs, a questão do imperialismo cultural também motivou críticos e a produção local a buscar redefinir os sentidos desta mídia na América Latina. Uma das etapas passou pela efetiva defesa de uma “substituição de importações” da produção estrangeira, focando na criação local de quadrinhos que representassem a realidade nacional. Para tanto, era necessário desconstruir algumas das referências dos comics, de forma a colocá-los em xeque perante sua comunidade de leitores. O presente artigo analisa tal processo a partir de dois estudos de caso: a cooperativa brasileira CETPA (Cooperativa Editora de Trabalhos de Porto Alegre e a editora chilena Quimantú. Em ambas, o foco recaiu principalmente sobre os super-heróis, mesclando paródia e crítica política ao problematizar a atuação do super-herói na América Latina. A partir das situações em análise, o artigo procura destacar tal etapa para o estabelecimento dos quadrinhos enquanto prática cultural na região.   Palavras-chave: História em Quadrinhos; Super-heróis; América Latina – História.

  7. A Operação Condor e os Direitos Humanos na América Latina


    Fraga, Gerson Wasen; Mahlke, Helisane


    O artigo trata sobre a proteção dos Direitos Humanos na América Latina e sua violação durante a repressão exercida pelas Ditaduras que vigoravam na região durante as décadas de sessenta e setenta. Para tanto, tem-se como ponto central dessa discussão a Operação Condor, realizada entre Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai, Uruguai e Chile, analisando seu contexto político e sua atuação na supressão dos opositores dos regimes ditatoriais vigentes. Palavras-Chave: Anistia; Direitos Humanos; Política Inte...

  8. Treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Latin America Tratamento de Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina na América Latina

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    Carlos M Luna


    Full Text Available The global spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA means it is now a pathogen of worldwide public health concern. Within Latin America, MRSA is highly prevalent, with the proportion of S. aureus isolates that are methicillin-resistant on the rise, yet resources for managing the infection are limited. While several guidelines exist for the treatment of MRSA infections, many are written for the North American or European setting and need adaptation for use in Latin America. In this article, we aim to emphasize the importance of appropriate treatment of MRSA in the healthcare and community settings of Latin America. We present a summary of the available guidelines and antibiotics, and discuss particular considerations for clinicians treating MRSA in Latin AmericaA propagação global de Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus - MRSA significa que se trata agora de um patógeno de interesse para a saúde pública mundial. Na América Latina, o MRSA é altamente prevalente, com a proporção de S. aureus resistente à meticilina em ascensão, no entanto os recursos para o tratamento da infecção são limitados. Embora existam várias diretrizes para o tratamento de infecções por MRSA, muitas são elaboradas para a América do Norte ou a Europa e precisam ser adaptadas para sua utilização na América Latina. Neste artigo, procuramos destacar a importância do tratamento adequado do MRSA nas unidades de saúde e na comunidade na América Latina. Apresentamos um resumo das diretrizes e dos antibióticos disponíveis, e discutimos considerações específicas para os médicos que tratam de MRSA na América Latina.

  9. Cultura e mercadoria: perspectivas do turismo comunitário na América Latina

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    Aracelli Bianchin


    Full Text Available A mundialização do capital gerou muitos desafios para os países latino-americanos, especialmente para as comunidades tradicionais e indígenas que inseriram no mercado global. Este artigo traça um debate preliminar sobre o turismo comunitário, ferramenta do capital, que passou a integrar as atividades econômicas das comunidades tradicionais e indígenas na América Latina. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada por meios bibliográficos, documentais e com coleta de dados em três comunidades indígenas em Puerto Iguazu na Argentina. Conclui-se que o turismo se apropria e comercializa o “exótico” das comunidades e também contribui com a economia local. No entanto, o diálogo entre os atores envolvidos (Estado, empresas, ONG´S e comunidades precisa ser aprofundado, numa construção onde os protagonistas sejam as próprias comunidades para evitar a expropriação de suas culturas. Na América Latina as comunidades têm se organizado em redes e o turismo comunitário teve participação no reconhecimento das mesmas a partir de ações e criação de políticas públicas. Em Puerto Iguazu as três experiências conhecidas retratam três formas distintas de atuação do turismo e apenas uma delas vincula-se diretamente os princípios do turismo comunitário.

  10. Trazendo o cidadão para a arena pública: Capital Social e empoderamento na produção de uma democracia social na América Latina


    Baquero, Marcello; Baquero, Rute


    Este trabalho tem como objetivo examinar o papel do capital social e do empoderamento na construção de uma democracia orientada para o social na América Latina. Busca-se problematizar a convivência assimétrica entre procedimentos formais poliarquicos com sociedades economicamente vulneráveis e desvitalizadas socialmente. Argumentamos que capital social e empoderamento agem sinergicamente na promoção de cidadãos protagônicos na política. Os dados utilizados neste artigo provêm de pesquisa com...

  11. Redes de movimentos sociais na américa latina: caminhos para uma política emancipatória?




    Este texto pretende trazer alguns indicativos para se pensar em que medida as redes de movimentos sociais na América Latina apresentam pistas para políticas emancipatórias. Para se analisar a capacidade ou potencial de redes de movimentos sociais desse continente na construção de referenciais emancipatórios, partiu-se do pressuposto de que demandas materiais devem ser traduzidas em representações simbólicas, a fim de aproximar os atores das redes, permitir a construção de identidades coletiva...

  12. Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade na América Latina: Velha História, Novos Caminhos

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    Tayso Silva


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento, considerado durante muito tempo um valor universalmente aceito, e meta de toda sociedade moderna, hoje é questionado, inclusive sobre a forma como é produzido. É demonstrada a importância do desenvolvimento sustentável em direção à conquista de melhores condições de vida. Determinou-se como objetivo principal deste estudo apresentar insights para a maximização da sustentabilidade enquanto dinamizadora da trajetória de desenvolvimento na América Latina. Foram considerados o Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas, a Organização das Nações Unidas, o Protocolo de Quioto, entre outros estudos de validade e aceitabilidade internacional para propor parâmetros estratégicos aos negócios da AL. DOI:10.5585/riae.v13i2.2095

  13. Bulgária e América Latina na época da Guerra Fria: um estudo de caso sobre as relações políticas do Bloco Soviético com os países da América Latina

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    Jordan Angelov Baev


    Full Text Available O estudo baseia-se em arquivos do pós-guerra búlgaros e discute pela primeira vez muitos episódios ainda desconhecidos das relações búlgaras com países da América Latina na época da Guerra Fria. O estabelecimento e desenvolvimento das relações diplomáticas e políticas entre um pequeno estado balcânico como a Bulgária com a América Latina é vista como um estudo de caso da política dentro do bloco soviético, em geral, para o hemisfério ocidental dentro do modelo do confronto bipolar. O estudo consiste em quatro dos acontecimentos políticos e sociais mais significativos nos anos da Guerra Fria: Revolução Cubana, o Governo da Unidade Popular e a Revolução Sandinista na Nicarágua, que levou para o confronto armado na América Central, na última década da Guerra Fria.

  14. Proteção social aos idosos: concepções, diretrizes e reconhecimento de direitos na América Latina e no Brasil

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    Maria do Rosário de Fátima e Silva


    Full Text Available O artigo tem por objetivo percorrer o processo de constituição e concretização do sistema de proteção social na América latina e nele localizar as medidas específicas de proteção social, adotadas pelo governo brasileiro, no atendimento das demandas da população idosa. Escolheu-se como marco histórico de análise da realidade latino-americana, a I Conferência Intergovernamental sobre Envelhecimento na América Latina e Caribe, realizada pela Comissão Econômica Para a America latina e Caribe - CEPAL, em novembro/2003, em Santiago no Chile, como síntese das medidas de proteção social que vem sendo destinadas pelos países do continente ao segmento social idoso. Para a experiência brasileira elegeu-se como marco as prerrogativas legais relacionadas aos direitos dos idosos e à Seguridade Social implementadas a partir dos anos de 1990. São abordadas as concepções sobre proteção social e envelhecimento, encaradas como direito e conquista da civilização humana no século 21.

  15. Relaci?n entre el consumo de bebidas azucaradas e indicadores de adiposidad en ni?os y adolescentes de Bogot?: estudio FUPRECOL 2014


    Ruiz Castellanos, Erika Johana; Mart?nez Torres, Javier


    Antecedentes: El consumo de bebidas azucaradas es un tema de salud p?blica por los efectos negativos sobre el riesgo de sobrepeso y obesidad en ni?os y adolescentes. En Am?rica Latina, se ha aumentado el consumo de estas bebidas en las ?ltimas d?cadas. En Colombia, el mayor consumo de bebidas azucaradas se observa en las personas 9-30 a?os. Objetivo: Determinar la relaci?n entre el consumo de bebidas azucaradas e indicadores de adiposidad en ni?os y adolescentes escolares participantes de...

  16. As Estimativas de Pobreza na América Latina são Confiáveis?


    Sanjay G. Reddy


    Qual é o nível de pobreza monetária na América Latina e tem tal nível diminuído recentemente? As estimativas atuais são confiáveis? A abordagem dominante de aferição da pobreza monetária, regional e globalmente, utiliza as linhas internacionais de pobreza do Banco Mundial de ?um dólar diário? e ?dois dólares diários? por pessoa. O Banco utiliza os indicadores de ?paridade do poder de compra? (PPC) para converter essas linhas internacionais em moedas locais. (...)

  17. Universidad y calidad en América Latina en perspectiva comparada: Interrogantes y desafíos Universidade e qualidade na América Latina em perspectiva comparada: interrogações e desafios University and quality in Latin America in comparative perspective: questions and challenges

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    Norberto Fernández Lamarra


    Full Text Available A partir de una serie de interrogantes y desafíos que se plantean inicialmente sobre los procesos de evaluación de la calidad, se caracterizan las políticas neoliberales en materia de educación superior desarrolladas en la mayoría de los países de América Latina y sus consecuencias sobre los sistemas universitarios y su evolución. Luego se analizan diversas concepciones teórico-metodológicas sobre calidad y sobre su evaluación y acreditación. También se consideran estos procesos en perspectiva comparada, analizando los desarrollados en Estados Unidos y Canadá, en Europa y en América Latina. Finalmente se plantean críticamente las principales tendencias registradas en América Latina en cuanto a evaluación y acreditación de la calidad de la educación superior, sus logros y limitaciones y, particularmente, sus desafíos.A partir de uma série de interrogações e desafios postos inicialmente sobre os processos de avalia­ção da qualidade, são caracterizadas as políticas neoliberais em matéria de educação superior desenvolvidas na maioria dos países da América Latina e suas consequências sobre os sistemas universitários e sua evolução. Em seguida são analisadas diversas concepções teórico-metodológicas sobre qualidade e sobre sua avaliação e acreditação. Também são considerados estes processos na perspectiva comparada, analisando os desenvolvidos nos Estados Unidos e Canadá, na Europa e na América Latina. Finalmente são apresentadas criticamente as principais tendências registradas na América Latina relativamente à avaliaçao e à acreditação da qualidade da educação superior, seus êxitos e limitações e, particularmente, seus desafios.Based on a series of questions and challenges posed initially on processes of quality evaluation, the text characterizes the neoliberal policies in higher education as developed in most Latin American countries and their impact on university systems and their


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    Claude Vergès


    Full Text Available Las implicaciones bioéticas de la genética en América Latina: se analizan las relaciones entre el poder científico y los derechos humanos en las condiciones particulares de este continente. En particular, el mito de la salud perfecta que rodea a la genética permite abusos de los derechos de las personas en sociedades poco democráticas. El análisis de las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para la consejería genética y las pruebas genéticas muestra que la bioética debe estar vigilante en su aplicaciónAs implicações bioéticas da genética na América Latina: são analisadas as relações entre o poder científico e os direitos humanos nas condições particulares deste continente. Em particular, o mito da saúde perfeita que rodeia a genética permite abuso dos direitos das pessoas em sociedades pouco democráticas. A análise das recomendações da Organização Mundial da Saúde para o Conselho Genético e as provas genéticas mostra que a bioética deve estar vigilante na sua aplicaçãoThe relations between genetics and bioethics in Latin America are analyzed through the relations between scientific power and human rights in the particular conditions of this continent. Particularly, the myth of genetics’power to reach perfect health is allowing abuses of human rights in poor democratic societies. The analysis of the recommendations of the World Health Organization for genetic counseling and genetic probes shows that bioethics must be vigilant in its applications

  19. Representação de classe do empresariado financeiro na América Latina: a rede transassociativa no ano 2006


    Minella, Ary Cesar


    O trabalho analisa a estrutura de representação de classe do empresariado financeiro na América Latina com o objetivo de identificar as conexões que se estabelecem entre as associações de bancos a partir da presença comum de conglomerados ou grupos financeiros que atuam, simultaneamente, na diretoria de várias entidades, em diferentes países, tomando como referência o ano de 2006. Trabalha-se com a hipótese da formação de redes transassociativas, adotando-se a metodologia de Análise de Redes ...

  20. Educação popular e movimentos sociais na América Latina: o desafio da participação cidadã

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    Jaime José Zitkoski


    Full Text Available O estudo analisa, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, os desafios que hoje se colocam aos Movimentos Sociais Populares na América Latina para construirmos novas formas de organização das lutas sociais. No atual contexto, um dos maiores desafios para os povos latino-americanos é resistir frente à intensa desmobilização das pautas sociais imposta pela globalização hegemônica. Despontam com mais força as pautas conservadoras, que revelam os interesses do poder econômico das instituições financeiras, aliando a mídia com o mercado, impondo uma agenda política em plano internacional. Mas nenhum poder, por mais fortemente estruturado que seja, é absoluto. Assim, o objetivo do artigo é evidenciar que o atual momento da América Latina é importante pelas experiências políticas que estão apresentando alternativas de democracia participativa e, igualmente, na produção da vida via outras economias.

  1. Representação de classe do empresariado financeiro na América Latina: a rede transassociativa no ano 2006

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    Ary Cesar Minella


    Full Text Available O trabalho analisa a estrutura de representação de classe do empresariado financeiro na América Latina com o objetivo de identificar as conexões que se estabelecem entre as associações de bancos a partir da presença comum de conglomerados ou grupos financeiros que atuam, simultaneamente, na diretoria de várias entidades, em diferentes países, tomando como referência o ano de 2006. Trabalha-se com a hipótese da formação de redes transassociativas, adotando-se a metodologia de Análise de Redes Sociais; parte dos resultados foi comparada com dados disponíveis para o ano de 2000. Entre outros aspectos, constatou-se: a um número elevado de conexões entre as associações; b a centralidade na rede de dez conglomerados ou grupos financeiros que atuam em associações de bancos em três ou mais países e c as associações que apresentam maior grau de conexão estão localizadas na Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Costa Rica, México, Nicarágua, Panamá, Paraguai e Peru. Concluiu-se que grande parte da estrutura de representação de classe do empresariado financeiro na América Latina encontra-se transnacionalizada, reforçando nossa hipótese. Discute-se o alcance e o significado dessa rede à luz da literatura internacional, destacando-se, entre outros aspectos, o potencial de intercâmbio de informação, a possibilidade de articular e coordenar posicionamentos e ações corporativas e políticas, a vinculação com outras instâncias de organização e defesa dos interesses de classe do setor financeiro.

  2. O cuidado paliativo e domiciliar em países da América Latina

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    Vilma Margarete Simão

    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a assistência domiciliar em saúde dos três países da América Latina com maior gasto público social per capita no ano de 2013: Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai. Trata-se de estudo documental e bibliográfico sobre o cuidado paliativo em saúde na modalidade de internação domiciliar, tendo em conta as mudanças nas famílias latinas. A análise está estruturada em dois eixos: o contexto socioeconômico das famílias latinas e as características das políticas de desospitalização. Os resultados mostram pequena disponibilidade da mulher latina para o trabalho de cuidado na família e o reforço dessa modalidade de atenção às iniquidades em saúde.

  3. O processo de ocupação/recuperação de fábricas ocupadas na América Latina

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    Giane Maria de Souza


    Full Text Available Este artigo discorre sobre o processo de ocupação e recuperação das fábricas comandadaspor trabalhadores na América Latina – Argentina, Brasil, Bolívia, Uruguai e Venezuela – apartir do Encontro Pan-americano em Defesa do Emprego, dos Direitos, da ReformaAgrária e do Parque Fabril, realizado em Joinville (SC no ano de 2006. Para tal, tomamoso materialismo histórico como referencial teórico metodológico para compreender osantagonismos atuais da nova configuração do movimento operário latino-americanoperante as novas crises do capitalismo neste início de século. Destarte, foram realizadasentrevistas com diversas lideranças internacionais das fábricas ocupadas e recuperadas.Constatou-se, assim, que há uma similaridade no processo de ocupação em virtude dascondições estruturais pelas quais passa o capitalismo na América Latina. Por sua vez, noque se refere à recuperação há divergências crucias sobre a forma de gestão e ainstitucionalização das fábricas em relação ao Estado.

  4. O império das imagens de Hitler: o projeto de expansão internacional do modelo de cinema nazi-fascista na Europa e na América Latina (1933-1955)


    Wagner Pinheiro Pereira


    O propósito principal desta tese de doutorado é desenvolver um estudo de histórias conectadas sobre a expansão internacional do modelo de cinema nazista na Europa e na América Latina, durante as décadas de 1930 e 1950. A influência da Alemanha nazista sobre as indústrias de cinema e as produções cinematográficas da Itália fascista, de Portugal salazarista, da Espanha franquista, do Brasil varguista e da Argentina peronista, representou a tentativa de Berlim tornar-se a Nova Hollywood Mundial ...

  5. Reflexões sobre uma nova historiografia literária na América LatinaDOI:10.5007/2175-8026.2010n59p113

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    Eduardo Faria Coutinho


    Full Text Available Com a contribuição de correntes do pensamento como a Desconstrução, a Nova História e os chamados Estudos Culturais e Pós-Coloniais, a Historiografia Literária vem sofrendo, nas últimas décadas, considerável transformação, que se faz sentir pelo questionamento de alguns de seus pilares tradicionais, como as noções de “progressão linear”, “nação”, “idioma” e “literariedade”. Na América Latina, onde a historiografia literária sempre tomou por base os modelos europeus, e deixou de lado a produção de grande parte da população, como os indígenas e africanos, a questão vem inquietando diversos estudiosos, e já deu margem à criação de Histórias Literárias de alto teor inovativo, que dão voz a esses grupos, até então silenciados. Este trabalho consiste numa reflexão sobre esta nova historiografia literária na América Latina, e sobre o papel que ela vem desempenhando no campo dos estudos latino-americanos e de Literatura Comparada de maneira geral.

  6. Desconfiança política na América Latina

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    Timothy J. Power


    Full Text Available Este trabalho examina o contexto, as causas e as conseqüências da desconfiança nos políticos no atual período democrático da América Latina. Em termos de contexto, demonstramos que a confiança muito baixa nos políticos da América Latina é meramente um dos aspectos de uma síndrome de baixa confiança generalizada. Em termos das causas da desconfiança, examinamos três características proeminentes do desenvolvimento democrático nos últimos quinze anos: fraco desempenho econômico da maioria das novas democracias da região, escândalos de corrupção e o uso instrumental das instituições políticas pelos governantes. Em termos de conseqüências, examinamos o apoio fraco e desigual à democracia em toda a região, que parece estar relacionado causalmente com a desconfiança nos políticos. No entanto, evitamos o alarmismo sustentando que esses resultados devem ser contextualizados à luz da citada síndrome de baixa confiança multidimensional da América Latina. Ademais, o reservatório de atitudes autoritárias entre os indivíduos é fragmentário e raramente se expressa de forma coerente na ação política. Além disso, como a pesquisa sobre democracias tanto avançadas como emergentes demonstrou recentemente, os cidadãos estão cada vez mais dispostos a separar suas avaliações dos governantes (com freqüência, negativas da avaliação da democracia como tipo de regime.This paper reviews the context, causes, and consequences of mistrust of politicians in Latin America's current democratic era. In terms of context, we demonstrate that the very low trust in politicians in Latin America is merely one aspect of a syndrome of low trust across the board. In terms of causes of mistrust, we review three prominent features of democratic development over the past 15 years: poor economic performance affecting most new democracies in the region, corruption scandals, and the instrumental use of political institutions by incumbents

  7. Pesquisa em saúde, política de saúde e eqüidade na América Latina

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    Alberto Pellegrini Filho


    Full Text Available O autor analisa as relações entre pesquisa de saúde, políticas de saúde e eqüidade na América Latina. Descreve novas tendências no modo de produção do conhecimento, que permitem maior integração entre as necessidades sociais e a pesquisa, facilitando o vínculo entre esta e o processo de definição de políticas. Analisa as manifestações das novas tendências na América Latina e finaliza com a descrição de algumas iniciativas promovidas pela OPAS no sentido de aproveitar as oportunidades abertas pelas novas tendências para a melhoria das condições de saúde na região. Busca defender a tese de que a informação e o conhecimento são bens públicos essenciais e que as iniqüidades de acesso a esses bens são importantes determinantes das iniqüidades em saúde. Para que as políticas de saúde e as políticas de pesquisa em saúde se integrem e se consolidem como políticas públicas voltadas a atender ao interesse público e à promoção da eqüidade, é necessário o fortalecimento do processo democrático de definição das mesmas, multiplicando os atores envolvidos, os espaços e oportunidades de interação entre eles e instrumentando sua participação com o acesso eqüitativo a informações e conhecimentos científicos pertinentes que permitam a defesa fundamentada de seus interesses.

  8. A nova divisão internacional do trabalho, capitalismo cognitivo e desenvolvimento na América Latina

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    Carlo Vercellone


    Full Text Available O artigo propõe revisar questões relacionadas ao desenvolvimento da América Latina em função das transformações inerentes à crise do capitalismo industrial e à transição a um ‘novo capitalismo’, categorizado como capitalismo cognitivo. Com este objetivo, a análise está dividida em três partes. Na primeira parte se propõe uma revisão da crise estrutural do paradigma da industrialização, legado das teorias do desenvolvimento formuladas entre os anos 1950-1980. A segunda parte aborda as dificuldades e desafios produzidos pela nova divisão internacional do trabalho, fundada sobre os princípios cognitivos e o fortalecimento dos direitos de propriedade intelectual. E, finalmente uma terceira parte na qual se busca identificar certas características de uma estratégia de desenvolvimento pós-industrial para os países latino-americanos.

  9. De cidades e sociedades: estética, contextos e as tendências na representação urbana e da periferia em videoclipes da América Latina

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    Victória Costa


    Full Text Available Neste ensaio analisamos e discutimos a relação entre a experiência dos indivíduos e ruas, bairros e cidades, especialmente de áreas consideradas de periferia, que são apresentadas/ representadas em videoclipes de intérpretes e grupos latinos a partir dos anos 2000. Por meio da observação e análise de tais obras – e de outras que aqui são apenas citadas – propomos a divisão em cinco categorias: “Pertencimento”; “Cenários”; “Espaço como produto”; “Luta e denúncia” e “Simbiose”, entre pertencimento e cenários. Tais aspectos comunicariam uma possível tendência em videoclipes e os diálogos entre cidades e sociedades na produção audiovisual contemporânea na América Latina.  Palavras-chave: Cidades. Periferia. Videoclipes. Audiovisual. América Latina.

  10. Reformas eleitorais na América Latina: grandes expectativas, poucos casos, resultados perversos Electoral reforms in Latin America: great expectations, few cases, perverse outcomes

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    André Marenco


    Full Text Available Este texto pretende realizar um balanço de reformas eleitorais nas regras para a escolha de cadeiras legislativas na América Latina a partir da terceira onda da democracia. Na primeira parte, é feita uma revisão dos estudos sobre sistemas eleitorais, considerando, em particular, os efeitos políticos provocados pelas regras de conversão de votos em mandatos eletivos e os fatores que contribuem para a realização de reformas eleitorais. Na segunda parte, são examinadas as reformas eleitorais promovidas na América Latina, buscando identificar fatores que tenham contribuído para sua realização. Na terceira seção, foram analisadas as consequências provocadas pelas mudanças nos sistemas eleitorais, especialmente aquelas relacionadas ao grau de competição partidária, volatilidade eleitoral e a desestruturação dos sistemas partidários após a implementação das reformas.This article seeks to compare electoral reforms aimed at changing the rules for the choice of legislative seats in Latin America, since the third wave of democracy. In the first section, it is presented a literature review on electoral systems studies, considering especially the political effects of the rules on how seats are distributed according to votes, and the factors that contribute to induce electoral reforms as well. In the second section, the electoral reforms promoted in Latin America are analyzed with the purpose of identifying the factors that contributed to produce such reforms. In the third section, the consequences of changes in the electoral systems are analyzed, focusing those associated to the degree of party competition and electoral volatility.

  11. Causalidade e cointegraçãp do risco de crédito soberano na América Latina


    Fernando Roberto de Lima Posch


    O objetivo dessa dissertação é estudar as relações entre os riscos de crédito soberano dos diversos países da América Latina. Tendo o Brasil como pivô, este estudo é realizado com base no mercado de credit Default Swaps. Os resultados mostram que o Brasil é cointegrado com o México e o Panamá, mas não apresenta relação de longo prazo com a Colômbia, a Venezuela e o Peru. Os testes de impulso e causalidade sugerem que o Brasil é o mercado mais influente na região, pois variação no risco sobera...

  12. Educação e gestão escolar na América Latina: histórico, desafios e possibilidades

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    Maria De Lourdes Pinto de Almeida


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende pensar a escola como um espaço de tolerância e de respeito, que propicie o desenvolvimento de uma cultura democrática, de maneira que o seu funcionamento estimule a participação de todos na tomada de decisões. Isso parece ser utópico e não fazer parte da vontade política das lideranças do mundo globalizado e, sobretudo, capitalista. O trabalho escolar realizado na gestão, na maioria das vezes, perde o sentido de espaço de troca, de construção e de relação social, e é encarado apenas como fator de emancipação econômica, moeda de troca, o que é ilusório, pois a remuneração oferecida de acordo com o mercado não atende, há muito tempo, às reais necessidades. Desse modo, objetiva-se discutir a gestão escolar diante de um contexto histórico na América Latina, ditado por um Estado Neoliberal que não valoriza a Educação Escolar e que entende o trabalho enquanto venda de força produtiva por um salário no final do mês, e não enquanto produção da existência humana.    Education and school management in Latin America: history, challenges and opportunities   Abstract This article intends to think the school as a place of tolerance and respect that fosters the development of a democratic culture, so that its operation encourages the participation of all in decision making processes. This seems to be utopian and not part of the political will of the leaders of the globalized and - especially - capitalist world. The work performed in school management, in most cases, loses the sense of space of exchanges, of social construction and relationship, and is seen only as a factor of economic emancipation and currency exchange, which is illusory because the compensation offered according to the market no long meets the real needs. This way, our goal is to discuss the school management before a historical context in Latin America, which is dictated by a neoliberal state that does not value the school

  13. Estudos de Gênero na América Latina: dinâmicas epistêmicas e emancipações plurais

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    Delia Dutra


    Full Text Available O presente artigo busca apontar algumas singularidades do debate contemporâneo sobre os Estudos de Gênero na América Latina, sempre reconhecendo a interdependência desses com aqueles que acontecem em outras regiões do mundo. Partimos do entendimento de que os estudos de gênero de forma geral foram e continuam sendo pautados por uma agenda de ação política que luta pelos direitos humanos daqueles grupos que historicamente foram marginalizados dos processos de tomadas de decisões e dos espaços institucionalizados de produção científica. Reconhecer parte das especificidades dos debates sobre a questão gênero na região permite entender quais as contribuições que aportam para o estudo e compreensão das problemáticas próprias a esses países. Identificamos pontos de (desencontros entre correntes de pensamento feminista provenientes do denominado mundo ocidental, incluído nisso também pesquisadoras do Brasil e países da região, e a proposta de deslocamento político-epistêmico levada adiante por pensadoras feministas comunitárias indígenas. Instâncias que desafiam a troca de saberes entre cosmovisões diversas que permitem interpretações plurais da sociedade. Concluímos apresentando de forma sucinta os textos que conformam a sessão temática sobre o debate contemporâneo nos Estudos de Gênero na América Latina. Palavra-chave: Estudos de Gênero, América Latina, feminismo comunitário *** Abstract:  The objective of this article is to point out singularities of the contemporary debate about Gender Studies in Latin America, recognizing always their interdependence with those in other regions of the world. Our point of departure is the understanding of Gender Studies as ones that were and continue to be determined by an agenda of political action that fights for the human rights of groups historically margined of the decision making processes and of institutionalized spaces of scientific production. Recognizing


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    João Batista Libânio


    Full Text Available A trajetória da religiosidade na América Latina parte do catolicismo popular tradicional que se radicou no profundo do povo por obra da primeira evangelização. Caracterizou-se por valorizar os milagres, as promessas, a devoção a Nossa Senhora e aos santos, com traços penitenciais, de caráter leigo, familiar, com enorme tolerância moral. Depois a reforma romana no espírito do Concílio de Trento se fez valer a partir da 2ª metade do século XIX. Some-se um messianismo mágico que existe até hoje sob diversas formas. A renovação profunda veio com o Concílio Vaticano II. A versão latino-americana, original, da libertação se forjou em Medellín com continuidade moderada em Puebla. No momento atual, experimenta-se explosão religiosa polimorfa. E para fechar o itinerário, a V Conferência dos Bispos em Aparecida convoca os católicos para uma experiência de encontro pessoal com Cristo na Igreja na esperança de se converterem em discípulos missionários. No horizonte está a expectativa de uma Grande Missão Continental. ABSTRACT: Latin America religiosity begins with popular Catholicism which is rooted deep down in people’s soul by the work of the first evangelization. It characterizes by emphasizing miracles, vows, devotion to Our Lady and saints, with penitential traces, laity character, familial mindset, moral tolerance. In the spirit of the Trent council later in the second half of 19th century the Roman reform prevailed. Under many forms magic Messianic movements exist even today. A profound renovation arises with the second Vatican council. Its Latin America original version of liberation was forged in Medellín with moderate continuation in Puebla. In the current moment there is an explosion of multifaceted religious experience. And to close the journey, the 5th Conference of Bishops in Aparecida calls Catholics to have an experience of personal encounter with Christ in the Church in the hope of converting them into

  15. Caráter das mudanças na America Latina. Algumas questões metodológicas

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    Lucio Oliver Costilla


    Full Text Available Resumo  Este artigo aborda as atuais mudanças em curso na América do Sul, desde uma sociologia política crítica a partir de uma análise das interconexões entre sociedade política e sociedade civil, em especial gramsciana. Ela propõe ser a chave para construir um campo de problemas teóricos e metodológicos vinculados à teoria crítica e a questão do Estado em sentido integral, que permitam entender o que acontece na sociedade política (a disputa de projetos políticos e, sobre tudo, na sociedade civil (o universo de ideologias, valores, visões de mundo em jogo. A questão não se trata aceitar a ótica dos autores políticos que dirigem as mudanças em marcha, se não configurar teoricamente a problemática das mudanças. Sugiro que este enfoque de estudo permita valorizar a capacidade de intervenção institucional e político-social das forças progressistas e perguntar se estão apostando, ou não, a elevar os níveis de organização e consciência das massas populares, questão chave na construção hegemônica. Conclui-se que a questão central a elucidar na última década e meia de governos progressistas na América do Sul é saber qual o Estado que se precisa para uma sociedade em expansão e empoderamento, e qual a sociedade civil necessária para sustentar, aprofundar ou consolidar as novas políticas em um sentido emancipador.  Palavras-Chave: Crises e reconfiguração da América Latina. Ruptura epistemológica. Construção de problemáticas sociológicas. Crítica e política nas mudanças da América Latina. --- Resumen Este articulo aborda las actuales mudanzas en curso en América del Sur desde una sociología política critica a partir de una análisis de las interconexiones entre sociedad política y sociedad civil en clave gramsciana. Propone que clave construir un campo de problemas teóricos y metodológicos vinculados a la teoría crítica y a la cuestión del Estado en el sentido integral, que permitan

  16. Desigualdades, interdependências e afrodescendentes na América Latina Social inequalities, interdependencies and Afro-descendants in Latin America

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    Sergio Costa


    Full Text Available Desigualdades sociais foram tradicionalmente investigadas no âmbito do Estado-nação, privilegiando-se as diferenças de classe e a perspectiva sincrônica. Isto é: ainda que a investigação especializada, sobretudo na América Latina, venha se dedicando já há algumas décadas a estudar os nexos entre classe e outras formas de classificação social (raça, gênero etc., só muito recentemente registram-se avanços substantivos na investigação sobre os processos históricos e os nexos globais que configuram as desigualdades observadas num país determinado. O presente artigo, em sua primeira parte, oferece um panorama desses avanços, traçando um marco analítico para o estudo de desigualdades sociais a partir de interdependências históricas, geográficas e relativas às diferentes formas de classificação social. A segunda parte aplica as referências analíticas desenvolvidas ao estudo das desigualdades que afetam a população afrodescendente na América Latina.Social inequalities have conventionally been investigated as synchronous processes occurring within the contours of national borders and connected to the concept of class. As a consequence established scholarship, especially in Latin America, has given little attention to the historical dimensions and global entanglements between class and other social classifications that have shaped existing inequalities. A number of recent contributions have attempted to correct these analytical shortfalls from a variety of perspectives. In order to overcome methodological nationalism, a first group of contributions has focused on the interconnections between national and global structures of inequality, showing how inequalities correspond to entanglements between social processes at different geographical levels: local, national, global. A second group of contributions has investigated the relationship between different axes of stratification, focusing on how social inequalities emerge

  17. Latina/o Students' Needs (United States)

    Mahaffy, Kimberly A.; Pantoja, Christina


    To better understand Latina/o students' needs in a predominantly White institution of higher education with low Latina/o retention rates, semistructured interviews were completed with 30 Latina/o students. The themes that emerged through qualitative analysis of the interviews were: linguistic and financial barriers; a need for unity; availability…

  18. Redes de movimentos sociais na américa latina: caminhos para uma política emancipatória?

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    Ilse Scherer-Warren

    Full Text Available Este texto pretende trazer alguns indicativos para se pensar em que medida as redes de movimentos sociais na América Latina apresentam pistas para políticas emancipatórias. Para se analisar a capacidade ou potencial de redes de movimentos sociais desse continente na construção de referenciais emancipatórios, partiu-se do pressuposto de que demandas materiais devem ser traduzidas em representações simbólicas, a fim de aproximar os atores das redes, permitir a construção de identidades coletivas e criar elos simbólicos de referência no interior das redes, que possibilitem a convergência de suas pautas políticas. Verificou-se, ainda, como a intersubjetividade na rede se constrói a partir de referências normativas compartilhadas e quais os principais níveis constitutivos para o empoderamento de uma rede de movimento. Trata-se, pois, de verificar como atores coletivos específicos, localizados e com demandas particulares, tornam-se movimentos sociais mais abrangentes do ponto de vista de suas demandas e de seus territórios de atuação, com pautas políticas mais universais. Isto é, como está sendo construída a passagem de ações coletivas restritas a movimentos sociais propriamente ditos.

  19. As origens da participação da América Latina na Organização de Saúde da Liga das Nações, 1920 a 1940


    Weindling, Paul


    A Organização de Saúde da Liga das Nações colaborou com especialistas latino-americanos em saúde pública e doenças infecciosas desde o início da década de 1920 e até a eclosão da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Desenvolveu estudos sobre saúde e nutrição infantil e sobre a lepra. A abordagem foi orientada por especialistas, tendo em mira o desenvolvimento da saúde pública em bases científicas. Houve conferências, visitas e relatórios sobre a América Latina. O artigo demonstra que a colaboração da Amér...

  20. Redes transnacionais de movimentos sociais na América Latina e o desafio de uma nova construção socioterritorial

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    Breno Bringel

    Full Text Available O presente artigo parte de duas considerações: a necessidade de estabelecer diálogo interdisciplinar entre a geografia e a sociologia sobre a problemática do território e da espacialidade da política; e a constatação que a construção de redes transnacionais de organizações e movimentos sociais constitue dimensão-chave nos processos latino-americanos atuais. À luz dessas considerações os autores examinam as redes transnacionais construídas a partir de movimentos sociais na América Latina, com base no enfoque socioterritorial. Sob esta perpectiva são analisados o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra - MST, do Brasil e a Federação Uruguaia de Cooperativas de Moradia por Ajuda Mútua FUCVAM, do Uruguai. Na análise serão observadas as convergências, a formação de espaços contra-hegemônicos e os desafios enfrentados por experiências dessa natureza na busca de projeções emancipatórias, no século XXI.


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    Full Text Available Se analiza el subsector de la producción de propóleos en Colombia y América Latina en cuanto a su posibilidad de incluirlo en mercados internacionales, valorando los efectos sociales de su posible inserción dada su potencialidad y buena demanda en el mundo, se concluye después de cierto análisis del tema de la globalización planteado por diferentes autores, que no sería acertado sumergir a comunidades campesinas e indígenas involucradas en dicha actividad productiva en procesos globalizadores, si antes no se ha dado un proceso de fortalecimiento de comercialización interno que permita que la exportación sea una de las soluciones a la pobreza y contribuya al desarrollo de las comunidades en torno a problemas como la desnutrición y la falta de seguridad alimentaria. El propóleo (Propolis de Apis Mellifera es un producto del panal, extraído de resinas de algunos árboles, posee importantes cualidades desde el punto de vista médico, nutricional y farmacológico, por lo cual, es objetivo de interés y tema de investigación pese a sus bajos volúmenes de producción, en parte originados por la falta de estímulo que el productor siente por parte del Estado y del sistema de mercadeo que subvalora las calidades del producto y no lo remunera justamente.O subsector da produção de própolis na Colômbia e na América Latina e a sua possibilidade para ser incluso nos mercados internacionais é analisado, fazendo uma valorização das conseqüências que terá sobre a sociedade, no caso do esperado sucesso na demanda mundial e tendo em conta os analise que sobre a globalização fizeram alguns autores, a conclusão é que não vai dar certo apresentar as comunidades produtoras e indígenas aos processos da globalização, sem antes fazer um processo de fortalecimento no mercado interno, assim a exportação vai ajudar na luta contra a pobreza e vai contribuir ao desenvolvimento das comunidades, dando solução aos problemas de malnutri

  2. Latina Teen Suicide and Bullying (United States)

    Romero, Andrea J.; Wiggs, Christine Bracamonte; Valencia, Celina; Bauman, Sheri


    Latina adolescents experience depression and suicidal ideations in a disproportionate manner compared to their non-Latina counterparts. We investigate suicide and depressive symptoms among a state-wide sample (N = 650) of adolescent Latina girls with a focus on bullying as a predictor. Bullying rates are higher than previous studies have found for…

  3. Building a Translengua in Latina Lesbian Organizing. (United States)

    Torres, Lourdes


    This article discusses the challenges and rewards, as well as the affective labor, involved in forging a Latina lesbian "translengua," in other words a common language in the context of Latina lesbian organizing. I explore how members of Latina Lesbians en Nuestro Ambiente (LLENA) and Amigas Latinas, Chicago-based Latina lesbian organizations, attempted to foster consensus for collective action in the face of language differences and preferences. Through analysis of archives and interviews with activists, I untangle how LLENA and Amigas Latinas negotiated deeply personal and sensitive issues around language use as they worked to build an inclusive movement. I also identify strategies used to enact a translengua that could bridge linguistic differences within the Latina lesbian community.

  4. Satisfaction with treatment decision-making and treatment regret among Latinas and non-Latina whites with DCIS (United States)

    López, Mónica E.; Kaplan, Celia P.; Nápoles, Anna M.; Hwang, E. Shelly; Livaudais, Jennifer C.; Karliner, Leah S.


    Objective To examine differences in treatment decision-making participation, satisfaction, and regret among Latinas and non-Latina whites with DCIS. Methods Survey of Latina and non-Latina white women diagnosed with DCIS. We assessed women’s preferences for involvement in decision-making, primary treatment decision maker, and participatory decision-making. We examined primary outcomes of satisfaction with treatment decision-making and treatment regret by ethnic-language group. Results Among 745 participants (349 Latinas, 396 white) Spanish-speaking Latinas (SSL) had the highest mean preference for involvement in decision-making score and the lowest mean participatory decision-making score and were more likely to defer their final treatment decision to their physicians than English-speaking Latinas or whites (26%, 13%, 18%, pdecision-making (OR 0.4; CI 95%, 0.2-0.8) and expressed more regret than whites (OR 6.2; CI 95%, 3.0-12.4). More participatory decision-making increased the odds of satisfaction (OR 1.5; CI 95%, 1.3-1.8) and decreased the odds of treatment regret (OR 0.8; CI 95%, 0.7-1.0), independent of ethnicity-language. Conclusion Language barriers impede the establishment of decision-making partnerships between Latinas and their physicians, and result in less satisfaction with the decision-making process and more treatment regret. Practice Implications Use of professional interpreters may address communication-related disparities for these women. PMID:24207116

  5. Mimese de Conteúdo: iconicidade na poesia latina e sua traduzibilidade

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    Willamy Fernandes Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, apresentamos o uso expressivo da mimese de conteúdo em um trecho de Ovídio. Avaliamos diversas traduções poéticas do trecho para a língua portuguesa para verificar se os tradutores cuidaram da reprodução desse aspecto da poética latina, refletimos sobre as dificuldades que a mimese impõe para o tradutor lusófono e, por fim, oferecemos nossa tradução do trecho estudado.


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    Sergio Litewka


    Full Text Available La telemedicina es una tendencia creciente en la prestación de los servicios médicos. Aunque la eficacia de esta práctica no ha estado bien establecida, es probable que los países en desarrollo compartirán este nuevo paradigma con los desarrollados. Los defensores de la telemedicina en América Latina sostienen que será una herramienta útil para reducir las disparidades y mejorar la accesibilidad de atención de salud. Aunque América Latina quizá se convierta en un lugar para la investigación e investigación de estos procedimientos, no está claro cómo la telemedicina podría contribuir a mejorar la accesibilidad para las poblaciones desfavorecidas, o coexistir con sistemas de atención de salud públicos crónicamente enfermosA telemedicina é uma tendência crescente na prestação dos serviços médicos. Embora a eficácia desta prática não tenha sido ainda bem estabelecida, é provável que os países em desenvolvimento compartilharão este novo paradigma com os países desenvolvidos. Os defensores da telemedicina na América Latina sustentam que esta será uma ferramenta útil para reduzir as disparidades e melhorar a acessibilidade da atenção de saúde. Embora a América Latina, quem sabe se converta num lugar para a pesquisa e pesquisa destes procedimentos em particular, não está claro como a telemedicina poderia contribuir apara melhorar a acessibilidade para as populações desfavorecidas, o co-existir com os sistemas de atenção de saúde públicas cronicamente enfermosTelemedicine is a growing trend in the provision of medical services. Although the effectiveness of this practice has not been well established, it is likely that developing countries will share this new paradigm with developed ones. Supporters of telemedicine in Latin America maintain that it will be a useful tool for reducing disparities and improving health care accessibility. Although Latin America might become a place for research and


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    Sergio Litewka


    Full Text Available El Programa CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative es un curso basado en Internet y desarrollado por voluntarios, que brinda material educacional sobre protección de sujetos humanos en investigaciones biomédicas y de conducta, buenas prácticas clínicas, conducta responsable de la investigación y trato humanitario a animales de laboratorio. Es un esfuerzo conjunto del Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center y la Universidad de Miami. Con la colaboración de expertos locales, gran parte del contenido se ha adaptado para América Latina, se ha traducido al español y portugués y se han establecido acuerdos de colaboración con instituciones especializadas en bioética en Chile, Brasil, Costa Rica y Perú. Los autores presentan una metodología accesible para la capacitación en ética de la investigación y una justificación de su uso y difusión en América Latina.O programa CITI (Iniciativa de treinamento institucional colaborativo é um curso baseado na internet e desenvolvido por voluntários, que fornece material educacional sobre a proteção de sujeitos humanos nas pesquisas biomédicas e de conduta, boas práticas clínicas, conduta responsável da pesquisa e trato humanitário para animais em laboratório. É um esforço conjunto do Fred Hutchinson Câncer Research Center e a Universidade de Miami. Com a colaboração de peritos locais, grande parte do conteúdo foi adaptado para a América Latina e traduzido para o espanhol e português e se estabeleceram acordos de colaboração com instituições especializadas em bioética no Chile, Brasil,Costa Rica e, Peru. Os autores apresentam uma metodologia acessível para a capacitação em ética da pesquisa e uma justificação de seu uso e difusão na América Latina.The CITI Program (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative is a course based on Internet with no profit intention; it has been developed by volunteers who offer educational subjects on human beings

  8. CAMAROTTI, Gerson. Segredos do Conclave: os bastidores da eleição do papa Francisco e a operação do Vaticano para estancar a hemorragia de fiéis na América Latina.

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    Lucas Soares Portela


    Full Text Available RESENHA:CAMAROTTI, Gerson. Segredos do Conclave: os bastidores da eleição do papa Francisco e a operação do Vaticano para estancar a hemorragia de fiéis na América Latina. 1ª ed. São Paulo: Geração Editorial, 2013. 

  9. Decomposing trends in nonmarital fertility among Latinas. (United States)

    DeLeone, Felicia Yang; Lichter, Daniel T; Strawderman, Robert L


    For Latinos, high rates of nonmarital fertility reinforce economic inequality and slow the pace of social and economic incorporation into American society. Changes in the nonmarital fertility ratio--nonmarital births as a percentage of all births (NMFR)--among women aged 15-44 over the period 1994-2005 were partitioned into three components: changes in marital and in nonmarital fertility, and in the proportion of women who were married. Annual birth data were drawn from the national Natality Detail File, and population estimates were drawn from the Current Population Surveys. Analyses were conducted for blacks, whites and Latinas, as well as for selected subgroups of Latinas; differences in NMFRs between racial and ethnic groups were also calculated. NMFRs were largely unchanged between 1994 and 2002, and then began to rise; they averaged 43% for Latinas, 69% for blacks and 23% for whites over the study period. In 2005, 48% of births to Latinas were nonmarital. Most of the rise in Latinas' NMFR was linked to a decline in marriage. Among foreign-born Latinas, a six-percentage-point increase in the NMFR was due mostly to a rise in nonmarital fertility and a decline in marital fertility, which offset the beneficial effects of a rising marriage rate. The difference between Latinas' and whites' NMFRs was largely attributed to Latinas' higher nonmarital fertility, whereas the difference between blacks' and whites' NMFRs was driven mostly by lower marriage rates among blacks. Efforts to reduce out-of-wedlock childbearing among Latinas are needed, and programs should promote healthy marriages, especially among foreign-born Latinas.

  10. Suicidal Behavior among Latina College Students (United States)

    Chesin, Megan S.; Jeglic, Elizabeth L.


    Latina college students are one of the fastest-growing segments of the college student population. Although there is evidence suggesting Latina high school students are at increased risk of engaging in suicidal behavior, it is unclear Bwhether this risk continues in college. Over the course of 3 years, 554 Latina college students, the majority of…

  11. Iniciativa de inovação do ensino de enfermagem na América Latina

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    Roseni Rosângela de Sena


    Full Text Available O estudo descreve um conjunto de nove projetos que se caracterizam como iniciativas de inovação do ensino de enfermagem em doze países da América Latina. Faz reflexão acerca do propósito destes projetos, no sentido de incorporar concepções pedagógicas crítica-reflexivas e metodologias ativas de ensino e analisa os aspectos conceituais, as estratégias e os modelos gerenciais adotados pelos mesmos. Aborda as características comuns relativas à oferta de cursos na modalidade semi-presencial e à distância e analisa as metodologias de ensino que enfocam a relação professor/aluno enquanto relação que fortalece a aprendizagem independente e em grupo, e o uso de recursos instrucionais e de ensino propícios. Analisa, ainda, o sistema de comunicação estabelecido pelos projetos, o qual busca fortalecer relações horizontais, incorporando tecnologia e ensino telemático. Conclui pela indicação da iniciativa como uma estratégia adequada para contribuir com a construção de novos modelos de formação de pessoal de enfermagem.

  12. Aporias políticas e psicológicas dos estudos literários latino-americanos: para uma leitura do livro Literatura comparada na América Latina, de Eduardo Coutinho

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    Eduardo Guerreiro Brito Losso


    Full Text Available O artigo discute questões importantes para a crítica e para a teoria da literatura, levantadas por Eduardo Coutinho em livro recente, entre as quais a "maioridade" da teoria na América Latina, a inalterável necessidade do valor estético na discussão acerca dos estudos culturais, a abordagem da "pobre elite literária" e a relação entre o marxismo (Adorno e os estudos pós-coloniais.El artículo trata sobre algunas cuestiones importantes para la crítica y la teoría literaria, presentadas a partir del libro noveno de Eduardo Coutinho: el problema de la "mayoría de edad" en la teoria de América latina, la ineludible necesidad de valor estético ausente en la discusión de los estudios culturales, la temática de la "pobre elite literaria", y la relación entre el marxismo (Adorno y los estudios poscoloniales.The article discusses important questions of literary criticism and theory stemming from a new book of Eduardo Coutinho: the problem of the "majority" of theory in Latin America, the unalterable necessity of esthetic values within the discussion around cultural studies, observations about "the poor literary elite", and the relationship between marxism (Adorno and post-Colonial studies.

  13. El papel de la cooperación técnica & financiera para el avance de la profesión de enfermería en el área de reducción de la demanda en América Latina: desafíos y perspectivas O papel da cooperação técnica & financeiro para avançar a profissão de enfermagem na área de redução da demanda na América Latina: desafios e perspectivas The role of technical & financial cooperation to advance nursing profession in the area of demand reduction in Latin America: challenges and perspectives

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    Maria da Gloria Miotto Wright


    Full Text Available Un nuevo modelo de Cooperación Técnica & Financiera (CTF fue utilizado para desarrollar una unión entre una organización internacional y universidades en América Latina para el avance de la contribución de la enfermería en el área de reducción de la demanda. La finalidad de la CTF es la de apoyar el desarrollo en asuntos o áreas específicos que necesitan producir un impacto dentro de la sociedad como un todo. El "Programa Regional de Capacitación en Investigación" para enfermeros en el estudio del fenómeno de las drogas en América Latina representa un ejemplo del nuevo modelo de CTF para intensificar el uso de ciencia y tecnología por enfermeros en las áreas de promoción de salud, prevención del uso y abuso de drogas e integración social en América Latina. CTF se ha vuelto un instrumento poderoso para el avance de los enfermeros en el área de reducción de demanda.Um novo modelo de Cooperação Técnica & Financeira (CTF foi utilizado para desenvolver uma parceria entre uma organização internacional e universidades na América Latina para avançar a contribuição da enfermagem na área de redução da demanda. O objetivo da CTF é subsidiar o desenvolvimento em assuntos ou áreas específicas que necessitam ter impacto na sociedade como um todo. O "Programa Regional de Capacitação em Pesquisa" para enfermeiros estudarem o fenômeno das drogas na América Latina é um exemplo do novo modelo de CTF para intensificar o uso da ciência e tecnologia por enfermeiros nas áreas de promoção da saúde, prevenção do uso e abuso das drogas e integração social na América Latina. A CTF tem se transformado em instrumento poderoso para o avanço dos enfermeiros na área de redução da demanda.New framework of Technical & Financial Cooperation (TFC has been used to develop a partnership between an international organization and universities in Latin America to advance the contribution of nursing profession in the area of

  14. Contribuições da Sociologia na América Latina à imaginação sociológica: análise, crítica e compromisso social Sociology's contribution in Latin America to sociological imagination: analysis, critique, and social commitment

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    José Vicente Tavares-dos-Santos


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda o papel desempenhado pela Sociologia na análise dos processos de transformação das sociedades latino-americanas, no acompanhamento do processo de construção do Estado e da Nação, na problematização das questões sociais na América Latina. São analisados seis períodos na Sociologia na América Latina e no Caribe: I a herança intelectual da Sociologia ; II a sociologia da cátedra; III O período da "Sociologia Científica" e a configuração da "Sociologia Crítica"; IV a crise institucional, a consolidação da "Sociologia Crítica" e a diversificação da sociologia; V a sociologia do autoritarismo, da democracia e da exclusão; VI a consolidação institucional e a mundialização da sociologia da América Latina (desde o ano de 2000, podendo-se afirmar que os traços distintivos do saber sociológico no continente foram: o internacionalismo, o hibridismo, a abordagem crítica dos processos e conflitos das sociedades latino-americanas e o compromisso social do sociólogo.The article focuses on the role played by Sociology in the analysis of processes of change in Latin American societies, in the process of construction of Nation and State, in the debate of social issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Six periods in Sociology in Latin America and the Caribbean are examined: I sociology's intellectual legacy; II sociology as a cathedra; III the period of "Scientific Sociology"; IV the institutional crisis, the consolidation of "Critical Sociology", and the diversifying of sociology; V sociology of authoritarianism, democracy and exclusion; VI institutional consolidation and globalization of Latin American sociology (since 2000. It may be said that the distinctive features of sociological knowledge in the continent were: internationalism, hybridism, the critical approach to processes and conflicts of Latin American societies, and the sociologist social commitment.

  15. Estudos e práticas da economia (e da política de comunicações na América Latina

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    Edgard Rebouças


    Full Text Available Este artigo expõe um panorama do que vem sendo debatido na América Latina com referenciais da economia política das comunicações e das indústrias culturais ao longo dos últimos 50 anos. Mostra ainda como pesquisadores latino-americanos têm se destacado pela junção de aportes do espaço público habermasiano, das políticas de comunicações, da economia política ortodoxa, das “novas” tecnologias e das indústrias culturais. O texto trata também dos riscos da ideologização e/ou do economicismo de muitos estudos e conclui observando a necessidade de mais diálogos entre pesquisadores e áreas. Palavras-chave: América Latina; hibridismo metodológico; economia política; políticas de comunicações; indústrias culturais. ABSTRACT This article expose a panorama of that is being debated in Latin America with theoretical references of the political economy of communications and the cultural industries to the long one of last 50 years. It also shows as Latin American researchers have worked with the hybridization of those approaches: the habermasian public space, the communications policies, the orthodox political economy, the “new” technologies and the cultural industries. The text also deals with the risks of the ideologization and/or the economicism of many studies and concludes observing the necessity of more dialogues between researchers and fields. Keywords: Latin America; methodological hybridism; politic economy; communications policies; cultural industries.

  16. Participação de representantes da sociedade civil na esfera pública na América Latina. doi:10.5007/2175-7984.2011v10n18p233

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    Maria da Glória Gohn


    Full Text Available Partindo de cenários desenhados pelas novas políticas públicas na América Latina, especialmente no caso do Brasil, o trabalho apresenta os eixos principais destas políticas no que diz respeito à participação de grupos organizados da sociedade civil. Demarcam-se as diferenças entre as atuais políticas sociais voltadas para o atendimento de demandas sociais e a construção e implementação destas políticas nos anos de 1990. O objetivo principal é o de qualificar o caráter e a natureza das novas ações envolvendo a sociedade civil organizada e as instâncias governamentais, indagando sobre os impactos e resultados destas relações no processo democrático em curso.

  17. Hybrid Citizenship: Latina Youth and the Politics of Belonging (United States)

    Bondy, Jennifer M.


    Drawing from interview data collected from high school students in Broward County, Florida, this article explores how eight adolescent Latinas understand citizenship and belonging vis-à-vis circulating images and discourses on Latina/o immigration, immigrant, and Latina. The author examines Latina youths' citizenship identities and belonging using…

  18. Territórios e Paisagens na América Latina

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    Claudia Maria Leal Leon


    Full Text Available Como invenção moderno-colonial, a América Latina por séculos foi vista como “espaço” puro, um continente vazio a ser preenchido. Pretensamente impelidos e agraciados pela vontade divina, os europeus viam a si mesmos como agentes históricos no duplo sentido da expressão, ou seja, como atores e escritores do drama da colonização. Com suas armas, sua biota e suas letras, os colonizadores ao mesmo tempo criaram e preencheram o “espaço” americano – exterminando e substituindo as populações nativas (humanas e não-humanas, geometrizando a representação da terra e registrando alfabeticamente uma história regional sob a perspectiva dos invasores...

  19. Feminist Identity among Latina Adolescents (United States)

    Manago, Adriana M.; Brown, Christia Spears; Leaper, Campbell


    This study explores developing conceptions of feminism among Latina adolescents, their prevalence of feminist endorsement, and whether home environment and well-being are related to feminist identity. One hundred and forty Latina girls (Grades 9 to 12, M age = 15) wrote personal narratives of their understanding of feminism and whether they…

  20. Latina "Testimonios": A Reflexive, Critical Analysis of a "Latina Space" at a Predominantly White Campus (United States)

    Flores, Judith; Garcia, Silvia


    Judith Flores and Silvia Garcia (University of Utah) draw from the work of their mentor, Rina Benmayor and "Telling to live: Latina feminist testimonios" to establish an organization for Latinas who are staff, faculty, students, alumni, and community members at a predominantly White institution (PWI). Critical race feminism (CRF),…

  1. Effects of ethnic targeting on the perceived effectiveness of cancer prevention messages among latinas and non-latina white women. (United States)

    Ramírez, A Susana


    In general, efforts to target Latinos are made through Spanish-language messages, yet 75% of U.S. Latinos are bilingual or English dominant. Acculturation (adapting mainstream traits) is associated with increased lifestyle-related risk behaviors. Latinos maintain cultural traits and ethnic identification even as they appear to acculturate (e.g., through language). This raises questions about how to communicate health information to more-acculturated Latinos who are not reached by traditional Spanish outreach yet may not identify with general-market messages. This study tested the relative efficacy of English-language messages targeted to Latinas, compared with general-market messages, among highly acculturated Latina women and non-Latina White women. In this pair of online experiments, Latinas (n = 715) and non-Latina White women (n = 704) rated the perceived effectiveness of general-market versus Latina-targeted Pap smear and mammogram public service announcements. In 1 of 2 experiments ethnically targeted messages were rated relatively more effective for the intended audience and equally effective for the general audience. The author discusses implications for how campaigns reach U.S. Latinos across the acculturation spectrum.

  2. Metodologias de pesquisa no ensino de ciências na América Latina: como pesquisamos na década de 2000 Research methods in Science Education in Latin America: how we researched in the 2000s

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    Flávia Maria Teixeira dos Santos


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre as metodologias e instrumentos de pesquisa usados nos artigos publicados nas principais revistas da área de ensino de ciências da América Latina no período 2000-2009. A partir destes dados, discutimos diferentes aspectos que podem ser úteis para melhorar a qualidade da pesquisa na área.In this article we present the results of a research about the research methods used in science education in Latin America during 2000-2009, as shown by the articles published in renowned Latin-American journals. We also discuss different aspects that may be useful for improving the quality of the research in science education.

  3. Estudo dos aspectos éticos dos transplantes na América Latina


    Virgínia Maria Coelho de Holanda; Francélia Loureiro Nery; Marta Barrozo Azevedo; Tânia Cristina Botelho Mendes


    Respeitando recomendações da OMS, foi feito estudo retrospectivo comparativo das Legislações de 16 Países da América Latina, a saber Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, Equador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru, República Dominicana e Venezuela, do período de 1963 a 1992, enfatizando-se os aspectos éticos referentes a doação, determinação da morte, conflito de interesses, seleção do receptor, comercialização e intercâmbio internacional de órgãos. ...

  4. Gravidez na adolescência: tendência na produção científica de enfermagem


    Gurgel, Maria Glêdes Ibiapina; Alves, Maria Dalva Santos; Vieira, Neiva Francenely Cunha; Pinheiro, Patrícia Neyva da Costa; Barroso, Grasiela Teixeira


    A gravidez em adolescentes tem implicações biológica, psicológica, social, econômica e cultural. O estudo exploratório, descritivo e bibliográfico objetivou identificar as concepções da gravidez na adolescência, sujeito, vulnerabilidade e gênero, presentes na produção científica de Enfermagem. Foram selecionados intencionalmente quatro periódicos brasileiros e dois da América Latina indexados de 2002 a 2006 na Scientific Electronic Library. Dos 1.472 artigos identificados, 43 tinham como temá...

  5. "Mujeres" in the Principal's Office: Latina School Leaders (United States)

    Méndez-Morse, Sylvia; Murakami, Elizabeth T.; Byrne-Jiménez, Mónica; Hernandez, Frank


    This article is based on a national survey of Latina/o principals and assistant principals conducted by the National Latina/o Leadership Project and focuses on the women participants. Included is a description of Latinas' leadership experiences, their career paths, and the influence of racial/ethnic identity on their leadership practice. The…

  6. A política de cotas na América Latina Evaluating the Results of Quota Systems in Politics in Latin America

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    Full Text Available Tendo como pano de fundo o avanço na liderança das mulheres na América Latina, marcado pelo aumento do número de mulheres em cargos eletivos, pela adoção da política de cotas em muitos países e pelo crescimento do tema da igualdade entre mulheres e homens nos programas políticos, analisa-se a variação dos efeitos das políticas de cotas. Entre os fatores determinantes para os resultados destas políticas estão: a natureza do sistema eleitoral, com base em listas abertas ou listas fechadas; a existência ou não da norma de obrigatoriedade de posição competitiva das mulheres na lista partidária; e, finalmente, o compromisso partidário, no qual as políticas de cotas estão inseridas.This article discusses the varying effects of quota systems, as they emerge from a scenario of women's increased inroads into politics in Latin America, expressed in the increased number of women in elected offices, the implementation of quota systems and increased presence of the issue of gender equality in political agendas. The character of the electoral system, as based on "open" or "closed" lists; the absence or presence of a norm of a compulsory competitive position for women within political parties and political parties' commitment to quota policies are the crucial factors that determine variation.

  7. Latina Titans: A Journey of Inspiration (United States)

    Menchaca, Velma D.; Mills, Shirley J.; Leo, Filomena


    This qualitative research examined the journey of renowned female leadership in higher education. Two top level Latina administrators of universities were interviewed extensively to discover their journey to leadership. The theoretical framework used was Latina critical race theory, feminist theory, and counter-storytelling. Themes that surfaced…

  8. Teaching and Popularization of Astronomy in Latin America by the Liada Perspective. (Spanish Title: Enseñanza y Divulgación de la Astronomía en la América Latina en la Perspectiva de la Liada.) Ensino e Divulgação da Astronomia na América Latina na Perspectiva da Liada (United States)

    Bretones, Paulo Sergio


    Sección, faz-se una análisis y discusión sobre la importancia de tales relatos para finalidades educacionales. Es presentada una Hoja de reporte elaborado como sugestión para presentación de relatos por parte de individuos y instituciones ben como discutida la importancia de la sistematización de experiencias visando mayor visibilidad y cambio de informaciones en el área. Concluí con una evaluación de los proyectos, su potencial y limitaciones, ben como sugestiones de proyectos futuros visando mayor interacción entre los países de la América Latina y tornando disponible la Sección para esta finalidad. Esse trabalho visa divulgar e analisar as atividades da Seção de Ensino e Divulgação de Astronomia (SEDA) da Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomia (LIADA). Após um histórico da LIADA, são apresentados os diversos projetos da Seção que conta com a colaboração de coordenadores locais na maioria dos países da América Latina. São apresentados os projetos que visam chamar a atenção do público em geral, estudantes e professores para a observação do céu e posterior envio de relatos para colocação na página da Seção na Internet. Mais especificamente são analisados os projetos e relatos relacionados aos eclipses ocorridos desde o ano 2000. Utilizando-se os arquivos disponibilizados na página da Seção, faz-se uma análise e discussão sobre a importância de tais relatos para finalidades educacionais. É apresentado um formulário elaborado como sugestão para apresentação de relatos por parte de indivíduos e instituições bem como discutida a importância da sistematização de experiências visando maior visibilidade e troca de informações na área. Conclui com uma avaliação dos projetos, seu potencial e limitações, bem como sugestões de projetos futuros visando maior interação entre os países da América Latina e tornando disponível a Seção para esta finalidade.

  9. Estudo dos aspectos éticos dos transplantes na América Latina

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    Virgínia Maria Coelho de Holanda


    Full Text Available Respeitando recomendações da OMS, foi feito estudo retrospectivo comparativo das Legislações de 16 Países da América Latina, a saber Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, Equador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru, República Dominicana e Venezuela, do período de 1963 a 1992, enfatizando-se os aspectos éticos referentes a doação, determinação da morte, conflito de interesses, seleção do receptor, comercialização e intercâmbio internacional de órgãos.

  10. A produção sobre movimentos sociais no Brasil no contexto da América Latina

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    Maria da Glória Gohn


    Full Text Available O artigo focaliza a produção teórica sobre os movimentos sociais na América Latina com destaque para a produção brasileira. Ele se divide em duas partes. A primeira sistematiza diferentes eixos e suportes teórico-metodológicos que configuram as abordagens sobre os movimentos sociais a partir dos da década de 1960, contextualizando fatos e abordagens. Resgatam-se autores, teorias, conceitos e as categorias utilizadas que deram suporte aos estudos realizados nas décadas de 1970-1990, especialmente as teorias da identidade coletiva e da Mobilização Política. No caso brasileiro, destaca-se o papel da ANPOCs. A segunda apresenta um panorama geral sobre as teorias contemporâneas que têm predominado na América Latina na atualidade, incluindo as referências presentes nos protestos e manifestações que ocorreram em 2013 no Brasil. Sistematizam- se cinco abordagens: a humanista, teorias pós-coloniais, teorias marxista e pós-marxista, os autonomistas e os institucionalistas.

  11. América Latina

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    Marcos Olalla


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza el sentido intelectualista de la producción literaria modernista de Latinoamérica. Dicho enfoque es revisado en la obra del escritor argentino Manuel Ugarte (1875-1951 El porvenir de América Latina (1910. Nuestra lectura ofrece algunas líneas para la discriminación de las diversas fuentes ideológicas del intelectualismo en el “americanismo literario”. Consideramos en tal sentido la perspectiva historicista con la que Ugarte describe la composición social de América Latina.

  12. O cenário moderno de São Paulo e Buenos Aires na história e na historiografia latino americana

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    Ricardo Marchesini Galvão


    Full Text Available A formação da história urbana na América Latina recebeu contribuições das mais diversas origens com o passar do tempo, respondendo tanto a condicionantes externas a seus limites – quando se relaciona aos movimentos geralmente iniciados na Europa ou, mais recentemente, nos Estados Unidos – como a fatores internos, que vão desde a estrutura herdada do período pré-colombiano até as narrativas contemporâneas que tentam se desvincular de uma história oficial, rompendo com a noção de influência e buscando uma história própria. Este trabalho analisa três obras situadas em diferentes tempos e espaços, representando distintos modos de pensar a história urbana na América Latina, o que permite uma visão plural dos acontecimentos históricos que passam a ser ressignificados após uma nova visão de conjunto.

  13. Depressive symptoms of midlife Latinas: effect of immigration and sociodemographic factors

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    Sternberg RM


    Full Text Available Rosa Maria Sternberg, Kathryn A Lee University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing, Family Health Care Nursing, San Francisco, CA, USA Abstract: Immigrant Latinas may have different cultural attitudes toward menopause and aging, and may experience higher levels of distress associated with adaptation to their new environment. The purpose of this secondary analysis was to describe the frequency of depressive symptoms experienced by premenopausal Latinas (40–50 years of age living in the United States and compare Latinas born in the US with immigrant Latinas on stress and sociodemographic factors that influence depressive symptom experience. Analysis was conducted on a subsample of 94 self-identified Latinas who participated in a longitudinal study and completed the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D scale at enrollment and 6 months. Immigrant Latinas had a significantly higher CES-D (14.4 ± 11.1 than US-born Latinas (10.0 ± 7.9 and the difference remained at 6 months. There was no difference in age, body mass index (BMI, self-report of general health, or perceived stress. Higher BMI, work-related stress, and insufficient income for essential daily needs were associated with depressive symptom scores in immigrant Latinas. High BMI and less education were associated with depressive symptom scores in the US-born Latinas. Keywords: Hispanic women, Latinas, immigration, depression, midlife, menopause

  14. Interactions of Transgender Latina Women with Law Enforcement


    Galvan, Frank H.; Bazargan, Mohzen


    A new report, funded by the Williams Institute, reveals high levels of reported harassment and assault of Latina transgender women by law enforcement agencies and highlights steps that police departments should take to improve relations with the transgender community.    The report, “Interactions of Latina Transgender Women with Law Enforcement” is based on interviews with 220 Latina transgender women from the Los Angeles area. BIENESTAR, a non-profit social service organization comm...

  15. Novas tecnologias de intervenção na sexualidade: o panorama latino-americano

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    Fabíola Rohden

    Full Text Available Este artigo busca refletir sobre o desinteresse pela área que congrega estudos e intervenções clínicas sobre a sexualidade por parte dos estudiosos críticos da sexualidade como campo político na América Latina. Iniciamos com um panorama sobre as sexualidades e as políticas na América Latina e, em seguida, apresentamos um panorama histórico do campo da sexologia e da medicina sexual na região. Procuramos argumentar que considerar a medicalização da sexualidade apenas como uma forma da sua despolitização deixa de lado aspectos importantes do processo, em especial no que diz respeito à produção de novos sujeitos na esfera do consumo. Em nossas conclusões realizamos uma reflexão crítica acerca do crescente consumo de biotecnologias na esfera da sexualidade e das concepções que lhes são subjacentes, buscando ressaltar seu aspecto eminentemente político.

  16. The Latinas' Guide to the Information Superhighway: A Bilingual Guide for Latinas by Latinas = Guia para Mujeres Latinas sobre la Supercarretera de la Informacion: Una Guia Bilingue para Latinas por medio de Latinas. (United States)

    MANA, A National Latina Organization, Washington, DC.

    This guide to the Internet is designed to give Latinas basic information on computers and the information superhighway. Written in both Spanish and English, the guide begins by defining the Internet and making some suggestions about acquiring access to a computer. Among the topics discussed are how to choose an Internet service provider, how to…


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    Jonas Silva Abreu


    Full Text Available Em 1995, foi publicado o livro “Consumidores e Cidadãos” de Nestor Garcia Canclini. O livro trazia como tema a globalização e o consumo como agentes das transformações ocorridas no processo de elaboração das identidades coletivas no espaço latinoamericano. Tendo este texto como marco histórico-reflexivo, o objetivo do artigo é decifrar quais identidades foram produzidas no continente e entender a construção e negociação destes valores. Com o auxílio de outras obras, as identidades serão descritas tanto no contexto tradicional da modernidade constatadas na formação dos estados, nações e partidos políticos, mas também na ambiência multicultural da pós-modernidade que se fazem presentes nos discursos étnicos, atitudes religiosas e movimentos sociais em diferentes subgrupos. O trabalho pressupõe ainda que rádio, cinema, televisão e mais recentemente as redes de tecnologia e cultura transnacionais são meios que ajudaram a construir e alterar as identidades na região, além de elaborarem imagens e discursos sobre elas.


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    Jonas Silva Abreu


    Full Text Available Em 1995, foi publicado o livro “Consumidores e Cidadãos” de Nestor Garcia Canclini. O livro trazia como tema a globalização e o consumo como agentes das transformações ocorridas no processo de elaboração das identidades coletivas no espaço latinoamericano. Tendo este texto como marco histórico-reflexivo, o objetivo do artigo é decifrar quais identidades foram produzidas no continente e entender a construção e negociação destes valores. Com o auxílio de outras obras, as identidades serão descritas tanto no contexto tradicional da modernidade constatadas na formação dos estados, nações e partidos políticos, mas também na ambiência multicultural da pós-modernidade que se fazem presentes nos discursos étnicos, atitudes religiosas e movimentos sociais em diferentes subgrupos. O trabalho pressupõe ainda que rádio, cinema, televisão e mais recentemente as redes de tecnologia e cultura transnacionais são meios que ajudaram a construir e alterar as identidades na região, além de elaborarem imagens e discursos sobre elas.

  19. Perceived workplace mistreatment: Case of Latina hotel housekeepers. (United States)

    Hsieh, Yu-Chin Jerrie; Sönmez, Sevil; Apostolopoulos, Yorghos; Lemke, Michael Kenneth


    Latina hotel housekeepers' social class, gender, race/ethnicity, nationality, and United States immigration status render them particularly vulnerable to workplace mistreatment. We sought to reveal the array of policy- and interpersonal-related mistreatment experienced by Latina hotel housekeepers in the southeastern United States employed at 75 local hotels which included 4-star, 3-star, 2-star, and 1-star properties. This ethnographic study involved 27 in-depth interviews with Latina hotel housekeepers. Using semi-structured in-depth interview guides, participants were interviewed until collected data reached saturation. Data were coded to explore themes and relationships for the housekeepers' work environments, and thick descriptions of these environments were developed. Participants ranged in work experience from 1 to 15 years, with all but one unable to reach full-time status, and were paid between $7.25 and $8.00 per hour. Policy-related phenomena, such as low pay, lack of paid sick leave or overtime, and absence of appropriate cleaning tools or protective equipment were all perceived as forms of mistreatment by Latina hotel housekeepers. Interpersonal mistreatment in the form of supervisor favoritism, unfair work assignments, biased allocation of cleaning supplies, disrespect, and verbal abuse due to ethnicity was also perceived. Latina hotel housekeepers endure mistreatment that impacts their psychosocial and physical occupational health. We provide recommendations to minimize workplace mistreatment and improve well-being of Latina hotel housekeepers.

  20. A instituição de ensino superior e a questão da baixa complexidade: um desafio ao desenvolvimento social baseado num olhar direcionado ao sistema de avaliação da qualidade na América Latina

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    Janete Rosa da Fonseca


    Full Text Available O presente estudo trata de uma análise crítica sobre o sistema de Avaliação da Qualidade do Ensino Superior no Brasil e em mais cinco países da América Latina, Argentina, Chile, Colômbia, Paraguai e Uruguai. No Brasil a análise se desenvolveu com IES representantes das cinco regiões. Definiu-se a abordagem partir da origem das primeiras instituições, a primeira universidade e a participação dos governos e da Igreja Católica na criação e expansão dessas instituições do medievo ao sonho Bolivariano. A pesquisa tem como objetivos analisar a questão da baixa complexidade em instituição de Ensino Superior diante do desafio ao desenvolvimento social baseado num olhar direcionado ao sistema de avaliação da qualidade na América Latina, através da percepção de administradores e docentes de diversos países sobre a Avaliação da qualidade. Conhecer as propostas de busca pela avaliação da qualidade no Ensino Superior que vem sendo discutidas nos países representativos da América Latina. Relacionar as percepções das IES participantes da amostra diante da legislação específica de cada país, identificando aspectos coerentes ou dificultadores para a satisfação, interesses e demandas dos atores educativos envolvidos; Comparar os critérios utilizados para autorização, reconhecimento e avaliação de Instituições de Ensino Superior diante das legislações previstas e efetivamente executadas; Apontar as deficiências do sistema de avaliação da qualidade utilizado pelos países integrantes dessa proposta de pesquisa, constituem-se nos objetivos desta pesquisa. Em um plano mais específico, há que se responder, por meio do estudo realizado, se a questão da baixa complexidade em instituição de ensino superior constitui-se num desafio ao desenvolvimento social baseado num olhar direcionado ao sistema de avaliação da qualidade na América Latina. Assim sendo, o estudo proposto tem como abordagem metodológica a

  1. Latina/o Undergraduate Students Mentoring Latina/o Elementary Students: A Borderlands Analysis of Shifting Identities and First-Year Experiences (United States)

    Bernal, Dolores Delgado; Aleman, Enrique, Jr.; Garavito, Andrea


    This article examines the experiences of first-year Latina/o undergraduates at a predominantly white institution. Through a borderlands analysis, the authors explore how these students describe their experiences participating in an ethnic studies course and mentoring Latina/o elementary schoolchildren. The authors find that these experiences…

  2. Disparities in the survivorship experience among Latina survivors of breast cancer. (United States)

    Olagunju, Tinuke O; Liu, Yihang; Liang, Li-Jung; Stomber, James M; Griggs, Jennifer J; Ganz, Patricia A; Thind, Amardeep; Maly, Rose C


    The authors investigated disparities in the survivorship experience among Latinas with breast cancer (BC) in comparison with non-Latinas. A cross-sectional bilingual telephone survey was conducted among 212 Latina and non-Latina women within 10 to 24 months after a diagnosis of BC (AJCC TNM staging system stage 0-III) at 2 Los Angeles County public hospitals. Data were collected using the Preparing for Life as a (New) Survivor (PLANS) scale, Perceived Efficacy in Patient-Physician Interactions Questionnaire (PEPPI), Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (BCPT) Symptom Checklist, Satisfaction with Care and Information Scale, Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) tool, Charlson Comorbidity Index adapted for patient self-report, and the 12-item Short Form Health Survey. Controlling variables included age, stage as determined by the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging system, educational level, and study site in multivariate analyses. The mean ages of Latinas and non-Latinas were 51.5 years and 56.6 years, respectively. Compared with non-Latinas, Latinas reported less BC survivorship knowledge (27.3 vs 30.7; Psatisfaction with BC survivorship care (9.6 vs 8.8; P = .298), or their discussion with physicians (9.6 vs 8.1; P = .07). These ethnic group differences persisted in multivariate analyses, with the exception of PEPPI. Latina survivors of BC experienced disparities in BC knowledge and satisfaction with information received, but believed themselves to be prepared for survivorship and were as satisfied with providers, care received, and discussions with physicians as non-Latinas. Cancer 2018. © 2018 American Cancer Society. © 2018 American Cancer Society.

  3. Chuí, uma extensão do Oriente Médio na América Latina: A migração Palestina e a contribuição da cultura árabe na Fronteira Meridional do Brasil

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    Luciano Alexandrino Santos Junior


    Full Text Available O estudo analisa o cenário contemporâneo multicultural no extremo sul do Brasil nas cidades gêmeas Chuí-Chuy (Brasil- Uruguay com ênfase na cultura árabe decorrente dos fluxos migratórios. Visa-se apresentar a relevância da cultura árabe e seus papéis sociais na cooperação local e formação de políticas de aperfeiçoamento dos serviços básicos da população. O trabalho parte do ápice dos conflitos étnicos, religiosos e territoriais entre os países do Oriente Próximo, na década de 1970, enfocando os palestinos, em disputas territoriais com o estado de Israel. Tal como elucida um provérbio árabe de que o exílio com riqueza é uma pátria e uma pátria com pobreza é um exílio, muitos indivíduos e famílias fugiram dos conflitos e buscaram construir uma nova vida na América Latina e encontraram nas regiões de fronteira o ambiente para trabalharem e manifestarem sua cultura e religião de maneira prospera. Conclui-se que a cultura árabe na região estudada se tornou uma importante ferramenta de desenvolvimento social, bem como estimula a ação coordenada entre comerciantes, cidadãos e grupos da sociedade civil, modificando a ideia de fronteira como fator de separação para a de um ambiente de integração.

  4. Estrategias para mejorar los resultados academicos para las latinas (Strategies for Improving the Educational Outcomes of Latinas). ERIC Digest. (United States)

    Schwartz, Wendy

    The educational experiences of Latinas are affected by the interaction of many factors, including poverty, racism, sexual harassment, and lack of English language proficiency. This Spanish-language digest presents a range of strategies that schools can employ to promote the academic achievement of Latinas. Schools should communicate that Hispanic…

  5. "Crazyghettosmart": A Case Study in Latina Identities (United States)

    Vetter, Amy M.; Fairbanks, Colleen; Ariail, Mary


    Drawing from recent scholarship that examines schooling and the shifting terrain of youth identities, this study examines the identity constructions of Jessica, a Latina high school student. Our portrait of Jessica is part of a larger longitudinal study in which the middle and high school experiences of three Latinas, including Jessica, were…

  6. Doença de além-mar: estudos comparativos da oncocercose na América Latina e África Overseas disease: comparative studies of oncocercosis in Latin America and Africa

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    Magali Romero Sá


    Full Text Available A oncocercose é causada por um verme parasita, a Onchocerca, e transmitida pelo mosquito borrachudo, simuliídeo, podendo causar cegueira em seu estado agudo. Oriunda do continente africano onde é disseminada, foi descoberta na América Latina, na Guatemala, em 1917, com registros posteriores no México, Venezuela, Colômbia e Brasil. O estabelecimento da doença nas Américas tem intrigado os especialistas, e ainda hoje é uma questão em aberto. O projeto multidisciplinar descrito nesta nota de pesquisa objetiva investigar os aspectos históricos da introdução e disseminação da doença na América Latina, e realizar estudos comparativos sobre a história da doença nos dois continentes. A importância que adquiriu acarretou a revalorização das coleções de simuliídeos, cujas espécies brasileiras começaram a ser estudadas por Adolpho Lutz no início do século XX.Round worm is a parasite, Onchocerca, and is transmitted by a black fly, simuliídeo; it can cause blindness. Originally from the African continent, where it is widespread, in Latin America it was first discovered in Guatemala in 1917; later instances were recorded in Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil. The establishment of this disease in the Americas has intrigued scientists since then and today it is an open question. The multidisciplinary project described in this research note aims to investigate historical aspects of the arrival and spread of the disease in Latin America and, to make comparative studies of the history of the disease on both continents. The increasing importance of the disease has meant greater value being attributed to collections of simuliídeo, whose Brazilian species were first studied by Adolpho Lutz at the beginning of the 20th century.

  7. Occupational exposures and health outcomes among Latina hotel cleaners. (United States)

    Hsieh, Yu-Chin Jerrie; Apostolopoulos, Yorghos; Hatzudis, Kiki; Sönmez, Sevil


    The poor working conditions of Latina hotel cleaners render them particularly vulnerable to elevated occupational hazards that lead to adverse health outcomes. This article presents a comprehensive review of occupational risks (including physical, chemical, biological, and psychosocial risk factors) and health outcomes (including musculoskeletal disorders, respiratory diseases, dermatological diseases and allergies, and psychological disorders) for Latina hotel cleaners, within their unique sociocultural contexts. Preventive interventions for improving Latina hotel cleaners' work and health conditions are recommended.

  8. As origens da participação da América Latina na Organização de Saúde da Liga das Nações, 1920 a 1940 The League of Nations Health Organization and the rise of Latin American participation, 1920-40

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    Paul Weindling


    Full Text Available A Organização de Saúde da Liga das Nações colaborou com especialistas latino-americanos em saúde pública e doenças infecciosas desde o início da década de 1920 e até a eclosão da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Desenvolveu estudos sobre saúde e nutrição infantil e sobre a lepra. A abordagem foi orientada por especialistas, tendo em mira o desenvolvimento da saúde pública em bases científicas. Houve conferências, visitas e relatórios sobre a América Latina. O artigo demonstra que a colaboração da América Latina com aquela organização internacional de saúde foi ampla e multifacetada.The League of Nations Health Organization collaborated with Latin American specialists in public health and infectious diseases from the early 1920s to the outbreak of the Second World War. The League developed studies of infant health and nutrition, and leprosy. The approach was expert-oriented, and designed to develop public health on a scientific basis. There were conferences, tours and reports in Latin America. This paper demonstrates that the Latin American collaboration with the Health Organization was extensive and multi-faceted.


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    Jose Wilson Rodrigues de Melo


    Full Text Available A América Latina é considerada a “Pátria da diversidade”. No contexto da mundialização as perspectivas para incentivar o local estão sendo delineadas em meio a paradoxos e contradições. O objetivo do artigo que foi o de destacar a atenção à diversidade no ensino superior público federal brasileiro com vista às políticas de acesso e permanência dos estudantes. O problema estudado verificou o alcance das políticas públicas educacionais para atender a diversidade no ensino superior. Para dar conta da problemática foi recortada uma análise da efetivação do direito à educação superior em contraste com as ações do poder público. A metodologia utilizada procurou levantar artigos em “motores de busca” da internet. Foram utilizadas a base de dados ERIC, o “google scholar”, o Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, o Scielo Brasil. Por último foi consultada a biblioteca do autor. Assim, foi obtido um resultado geral de 60 textos. Tendo o foco temático a partir dos descritores da pesquisa foi descartada uma gama considerável dos textos. Ao final, ficou observado um avanço nas políticas educacionais para atender à diversidade no ensino superior público federal brasileiro nos últimos anos. Entretanto, exclusões do diferente permanecem. Isto devido ao alcance limitado das políticas de acesso e permanência no ensino superior. Assim, a educação perde parte do seu papel na democratização da sociedade. A complexidade da relação da educação com as culturas, a sociedade e o Estado segue diante da resistência a processos globalizantes como mecanismos de exclusão e desrespeito à dignidade humana.

  10. A Graduação em Gerontologia na América Latina e Portugal – uma análise dos cursos e da oferta de disciplinas de avaliação gerontológica

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    Aline Silveira Viana


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a oferta de cursos de graduação em Gerontologia, na América Latina e Portugal. Foram localizados 22 cursos e analisados quanto ao início dos mesmos, objetivo, perfil profissional, carga horária e duração. Dos 22 cursos identificados, 45,4% oferecem disciplinas relacionadas à avaliação gerontológica. Conclui-se que há crescente preocupação dos países em formar profissionais aptos a lidar com uma população idosa em crescimento.  

  11. The decommissioning of the Latina nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bolla, G.; Macci, E.; Craik, J.F.D.; Walkden, P.


    Over the past year, a revised decommissioning programme, drawing upon the combined experience of the two companies, has been developed for the Latina NPP. This has been achieved despite a very demanding time-scale. Theoretical and practical experiences from both Sogin and BNFL's operations in North America and Europe have been used to quantify liabilities and progress the planning process to the point where Sogin have been able to define their funding requirements for Latina with their stakeholders. The project has demonstrated, based on real experience and data, that the Latina NPP can be decommissioned economically for a known cost within the timescale set by the Italian Government. (author)

  12. El ius latii y los muncipia latina

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: La asociación del derecho latino y status municipal parece haber tenido lugar en época de Augusto. Así, la equivalencia de las expresiones oppidum Latinum-municipium latinum y los datos suministrados por la epigrafía permiten retrasar, en principio, la promoción de muchas de las comunidades citadas por Plinio a época cesariana. Sin embargo, la presencia de colonias latinas y no de municipios en la Narbonense, la ausencia de toda referencia directa a la acción «latinizadora» de César en Hispania o la posibilidad de que el cognomem Iulium esté ocultando promociones postcesarianas, invita a pensar en Augusto como el responsable de la aparición primera de los municipio Latina. No se puede descartar tampoco la posibilidad de que este emperador efectuase modificaciones administrativas aisladas con el fin de asimilar el status de algunas colonias latinas existentes en Hispania como Cástulo o Gracchurris a los municipia Latina que estarían surgiendo.SUMMARY: The association of latin right and municipal status seems to have taken place in the Augustan age. The equivalence of the expression and the data supplied by epigraphy, allow us to date back, the promotion of many of the communities mentioned by Plinius to the time of Caesar. Nevertheless, the presence of latin colonies and not municipalities in the Narbonensis, the absence of any kind of direct reference to the «latinization» in Hispania carried out by Caesar or the possibility that the Cognomem Iulium may be concealing postcaesarean promotions leads to the belief that Augustus was responsible for the earliest appareance of the municipia Latina. Neither can we reject that this emperor might have brought about isolated administrative modifications in order to some possible latin colonies established in Hispania like Castulo o Gracchurris should resemble the municipia Latina which were probably arising.

  13. Alguns aspectos da reforma da inteligência na América Latina Some aspects of reforming intelligence in Latin America

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    Peter Gill


    Full Text Available Este artigo identifica algumas das características principais da reforma no setor de inteligência na América Latina, dentro do contexto mais amplo das relações entre os estados e os agentes de segurança. São consideradas três questões principais: o legado autoritário, a transição e o lugar em que os estados se encontram, mas esta última questão é abordada mais para a conveniência da análise do que para sugerir qualquer sequência natural e necessária ou um destino para a mudança. Exemplos tirados da reforma das agências estatais de inteligência na Argentina e no Brasil são discutidos dentro da ideia mais ampla de "securitismo": um conceito amplo que descreve como o setor de segurança é governado atualmente em termos de interpenetração e dependência mútua dos estados, empresas e agentes "comunitários".This article identifies some of the main features of intelligence sector reform in Latin America within the broader context of the relationships between states and other security actors. Three main questions are considered: the authoritarian legacy, the transition and where states are now, but this is for convenience of analysis rather than implying any necessary sequence of or destination for change. Examples drawn from the reform of state intelligence agencies in Argentina and Brazil are discussed within the broader idea of "securitism": an umbrella concept describing how the security sector is currently governed in terms of the inter-penetration and mutual dependence of state, corporate and 'community' actors.

  14. Cervical Cancer Screening Interventions for U.S. Latinas: A Systematic Review (United States)

    Corcoran, Jacqueline; Dattalo, Patrick; Crowley, Meghan


    The high cervical cancer mortality rate among Latinas compared with other ethnic groups in the United States is of major concern. Latina women are almost twice as likely to die from cervical cancer as non-Hispanic white women. To improve Latina cervical cancer screening rates, interventions have been developed and tested. This systematic review…

  15. O socialismo, lutas sociais e novo modo de vida na América Latina


    Antunes, Ricardo


    Resumo O objetivo deste texto é refletir sobre a experiência recente do socialismo com o olhar voltado para a América Latina. Se ao longo do século XX, a tese do “socialismo em um só país” sofreu uma derrota profunda, mesmo em seu espaço ampliado de incidência, qual poderá ser o papel (econômico, social e político) de países como o Brasil, México, Argentina, Venezuela, Bolívia e Colômbia, Cuba etc, nas lutas pelo socialismo, tanto no espaço latinoamericano, quanto mundial? Nesta era de mundia...

  16. Latina/o School Principals: Identity, Leadership and Advocacy (United States)

    Murakami, Elizabeth T.; Hernandez, Frank; Mendez-Morse, Sylvia; Byrne-Jimenez, Monica


    This study sought to further define and inform about the influence of Latina/o principals in schools as an alternative to traditional forms of leadership. The principals' Latina/o identity, their leadership styles and advocacy towards the improvement of student achievement were examined. This research focused on three questions: (a) How did…

  17. Social Capital and Well-Being: Structural Analyses of Latina Mothers by Nativity. (United States)

    Held, Mary L; Cuellar, Matthew


    Objective This study examined the direct and mediating effects of maternal social capital on health and well-being for native- and foreign-born Latina mothers and their children. Methods Data were drawn from the baseline and nine-year follow up waves of the Fragile Families and Child Well-being Study. The study included a sample of 874 Latina mothers. Mplus7 was used to perform structural equation modeling to determine whether exogenous indicators (age, education, and economic well-being) predicted social capital, whether social capital predicted mother and child well-being, and whether mediating effects helped explain each relationship. Results For native-born Latinas (n = 540), social capital did not predict maternal or child well-being. However, social capital significantly mediated the effects of age, education, and economic well-being on maternal well-being. For foreign-born Latinas (n = 334), social capital was a significant predictor of maternal well-being. Social capital also mediated the effects of age, education, and economic well-being on maternal, but not child well-being. Younger and foreign-born Latinas who report higher educational attainment and economic well-being have greater social capital, and thus better self-reported health. Conclusion Findings suggest that social capital is particularly relevant to the health of foreign-born Latinas. For all Latina mothers, social capital may serve as a protective mitigating factor to better health. Health service providers should evaluate the potential to integrate programs that promote social capital accumulation for Latinas. Further research should examine factors to improve the health of Latinas' children.

  18. Personal characteristics associated with injecting drug use among Latinas in the United States of America

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    Jorge Delva


    Full Text Available This study examines nonmedical injecting drug use (IDU among Latinas aged 12 years and older in a nationally representative sample of U.S. households. Data from the 1990-1995 National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse disclosed 154 Latinas with self-reported histories of IDU out of 18 335 Latinas who responded. Hypotheses about correlates of IDU were tested by using the conditional form of multiple logistic regression to compare the characteristics of these IDUs with those of 602 noninjecting Latinas matched on neighborhood of residence. In the USA, an estimated 1% of Latinas age 12 years and older have injected drugs for non-medical purposes on at least one occasion. IDU was 4.6 to 6.5 times greater for adult Latinas (18-44 years old when compared to Latinas aged either 12 through 17 years (P < 0.05 or older than 44 years. IDU was an estimated 7.1 times greater for Latinas who reported marijuana use and 5.4 times greater for Latinas who reported inhalant use when compared to Latinas not using these drugs (P < 0.01. In light of recent studies indicating that IDU is a serious public health problem for Latinas in the United States, the observed associations represent first steps in an effort to understand the Latina subgroups most affected by IDU and the underlying risk factors or causes of this behavior.

  19. Culturally-Attuned Mentoring for Graduating Latina/o Social Workers to Foster Career Advancement

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    Nelly Rojas Schwan


    Full Text Available The underrepresentation of Latinas/os in the social work profession, especially in higher levels of administration, has been amply documented. Successful Latina/o professionals can address the need for Latina/o leadership in the field by mentoring new graduates and supporting their development and career planning as they enter the professional world. This article presents an innovative mentoring program for Latina/o social work professionals conceptualized and led by the Latina/o Network of the Latina/o Network of the Connecticut chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW. The program matches a Latina/o master’s in social work graduating student with a senior Latina/o social work professional. The model of the mentoring program incorporates a coordinator, a liaison to each mentor-mentee dyad, a mentor-mentee developmental relationship, and group gatherings. A key aspect of the model is the attention to and inclusion of Latino cultural values of familismo, personalismo, confianza, and colectivismo, to foster the development of a sense of community. Empirical and anecdotal data illustrate the outcomes of the program. The implementation of the program, the lessons learned, and its applicability to other professionals and cultural groups are discussed.

  20. As origens da participação da América Latina na Organização de Saúde da Liga das Nações, 1920 a 1940 The League of Nations Health Organization and the rise of Latin American participation, 1920-40


    Paul Weindling


    A Organização de Saúde da Liga das Nações colaborou com especialistas latino-americanos em saúde pública e doenças infecciosas desde o início da década de 1920 e até a eclosão da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Desenvolveu estudos sobre saúde e nutrição infantil e sobre a lepra. A abordagem foi orientada por especialistas, tendo em mira o desenvolvimento da saúde pública em bases científicas. Houve conferências, visitas e relatórios sobre a América Latina. O artigo demonstra que a colaboração da Amér...

  1. The Exotic Other: Representations of Latina tropicalism in U.S. popular culture

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    Martynuska Małgorzata


    Full Text Available U.S. Latina/o identity is a complex and panethnic construction. One of the most enduring tropes surrounding Latina women in US culture is that of tropicalism, which by erasing ethnic specificity helps construct homogenous stereotypes such as bright colours, rhythmic music, and brown skin that are represented in visual texts. Tropicalization helps position the Latina body as oversexed as well as sexually available; all that is identified with seductive clothing, curvaceous hips and breasts, long brunette hair or extravagant jewellery. The article concerns Latina images in US media and popular culture and focuses on such stars as Jennifer Lopez and Salma Hayek in order to explore the gendered signifiers surrounding Latinidad and Latina iconicity. The female ethnicity is depicted as other through its categorization and marginalization in relation to dominant constructions of Whiteness and femininity. The article bridges the approaches of gender studies and Latina/o studies with recent research on hybridity and transnational identities.

  2. Latina Youth, Education, and Citizenship: A Feminist Transnational Analysis (United States)

    Bondy, Jennifer M.


    This article explores adolescent Latinas' citizenship identities in school from a feminist transnational perspective. Data were drawn from qualitative research studies on Latina youths' educational experiences and from a qualitative project conducted by the author. Cultural citizenship theories were used to analyze the data. The analysis revealed…

  3. Gerenciamento de resultados e ambiente institucional : um estudo da América Latina


    Guimarães, Daniel Monfort de Alencastro


    Nesta dissertação analisamos se o ambiente institucional relacionado ao nível de proteção dos investidores dos países da América Latina contribuiu para uma redução na prática de gerenciamento de resultados das empresas. Utilizamos quatro modelos para detectar a prática de gerenciamento de resultados (Jones Model, Modified Jones Model, Modified Jones Model with ROA e o Kang & Sivaramakrishna Model). A nossa amostra é formada pelas empresas de capital aberto e listada em bolsa nos países da Ar...

  4. Successful Latina Scientists and Engineers: Their Lived Mentoring Experiences and Career Development (United States)

    San Miguel, Anitza M.; Kim, Mikyong Minsun


    Utilizing a phenomenological perspective and method, this study aimed to reveal the lived career mentoring experiences of Latinas in science and engineering and to understand how selected Latina scientists and engineers achieved high-level positions. Our in-depth interviews revealed that (a) it is important to have multiple mentors for Latinas'…

  5. O legado grego na terminologia gramatical brasileira

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    Maria Helena de Moura Neves


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem como objetivo pesquisar a existência de um legado grego terminológico na organização gramatical brasileira, considerando que a gramática incipiente grega é a fonte da nossa gramática, por via da gramática latina, e que o recorte de campo que ela preparou é um ponto de referência para o estudo da evolução do pensamento ocidental sobre a linguagem. A orientação teórico-metodológica se assenta na Linguística Histórica, na linha que orientou a ampla pesquisa sobre a emergência da gramática no Ocidente que constitui a fonte das informações que aqui se organizam (NEVES, 2005. As reflexões dirigem-se especialmente para o exame da nomenclatura, entendendo que ela mapeia conceptualmente o conjunto das posições assumidas, e em geral mantidas, que merecem apreciação. Entre outras coisas o exame opôs: termos gregos legados na corrente contínua do pensamento gramatical a termos gregos introduzidos posteriormente; termos transliterados do grego a termos decalcados da tradução latina. Além disso, verificaram-se casos de alteração de nome com manutenção de conceito, e casos de alteração de conceito para um nome conservado. De todo modo, o exame da nomenclatura revela a indiscutível existência de um legado grego à organização da gramática portuguesa.

  6. Engineering success: Undergraduate Latina women's persistence in an undergradute engineering program (United States)

    Rosbottom, Steven R.

    The purpose and focus of this narrative inquiry case study were to explore the personal stories of four undergraduate Latina students who persist in their engineering programs. This study was guided by two overarching research questions: a) What are the lived experiences of undergraduate Latina engineering students? b) What are the contributing factors that influence undergraduate Latina students to persist in an undergraduate engineering program? Yosso's (2005) community cultural wealth was used to the analyze data. Findings suggest through Yosso's (2005) aspirational capital, familial capital, social capital, navigational capital, and resistant capital the Latina student persisted in their engineering programs. These contributing factors brought to light five themes that emerged, the discovery of academic passions, guidance and support of family and teachers, preparation for and commitment to persistence, the power of community and collective engagement, and commitment to helping others. The themes supported their persistence in their engineering programs. Thus, this study informs policies, practices, and programs that support undergraduate Latina engineering student's persistence in engineering programs.

  7. The Experiences of Latina Graduate Students in Psychology Programs (United States)

    Celaya, Patricia E.


    This study explored the experience of Latinas in doctoral programs in psychology using a qualitative phenomenological methodology. Eleven women who self-identified as Latina and were in the process of working towards a doctoral degree in psychology participated in in-person interviews that were audio-recorded. Participants described experiences…

  8. Ativação popular do patrimônio-territorial na América Latina: teoria e metodologia

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    Everaldo Batista da Costa


    Full Text Available Los grave s problemas de orden social en América Latina -desde la intolerancia etnocultural hasta la precariedad laboral e indigencia- producen ‘territorios de excepción’ como locus de la vida, paradójicamente, segmentada y pujante, de los subalternizados por la modernidad/colonialidad del poder. En este sentido, el objetivo del artículo es escribir notas teóricas y metodológicas para la activación popular del denominado ‘patrimonio-territorial’ situado en territorios de excepción latinoamericanos. Se adoptaron dos procedimientos analíticos principales: a el patrimonio territorial se aborda como resistencia, en la lógica de la división social y espacial del trabajo latinoamericano; b la activación popular del patrimonio-territorial se discute con propuestas metodológicas en términos de niveles, escalas y temporalidades, para la elaboración de ‘itinerarios patrimoniales utópicos’. Datos recientes de la Cepal sobre la urbanización, trabajo, pobreza y turismo en América Latina, acompañan y justifican la propuesta.

  9. América Latina: petróleo y conflicto

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    Luis Humberto Hernández


    Full Text Available En el actual escenario conflictivo mundial energético presentamos la siguiente reflexión sobre la situación petrolera de América Latina a partir de su discurrir pasado y la situación actual. Se ubica inicialmente una breve historia regional del petróleo en el mundo a partir de los hechos fundamentales que le dan razón a cada una de las ocho regiones petroleras existentes, concentrando la reseña en América Latina, acompañada de un balance del estado económico y político actual del petróleo en América Latina.

  10. Motivation of Latina/o Students in Algebra I: Intertwining Research and Reflections (United States)

    Ruiz, Elsa Cantu


    Latinas/os, the largest and fastest growing minority ethnic group in the United States (impels research that focuses on the education of Latinas/os and the need to reduce the achievement gap that persists between Latinas/os and other groups. Such research has gained in popularity; however, it is still very limited. I use my teaching experience…

  11. Familism, Family Environment, and Suicide Attempts among Latina Youth (United States)

    Pena, Juan B.; Kuhlberg, Jill A.; Zayas, Luis H.; Baumann, Ana A.; Gulbas, Lauren; Hausmann-Stabile, Carolina; Nolle, Allyson P.


    In this study, we examined the relationship between familism and family environment type as well as the relationship between family environment type and suicide attempts among Latina youth. Latina teen attempters (n = 109) and nonattempters (n = 107) were recruited from the New York City area. Latent class analysis revealed three family…

  12. Examining the Interplay Among Family, Culture, and Latina Teen Suicidal Behavior


    Gulbas, Lauren E.; Zayas, Luis H.


    In this article, we explored the relationships among culture, family, and attempted suicide by U.S. Latinas. We analyzed qualitative interviews conducted with Latina teen suicide attempters (n = 10) and their parents. We also incorporated data collected from adolescents with no reported history of self-harm (n = 10) and their parents to examine why some individuals turned to suicide under similar experiences of cultural conflict. Our results revealed that Latina teens who attempted suicide la...

  13. Understanding the Stress Management Needs and Preferences of Latinas Undergoing Chemotherapy. (United States)

    Martinez Tyson, Dinorah Dina; Jacobsen, Paul; Meade, Cathy D


    This exploratory study provides insights into everyday realities, concerns, and cultural perspectives of Latinas undergoing chemotherapy, and elicits information on stress management and information needs. Informed by a community-based participatory research approach using qualitative methods, we conducted ten interviews with providers, and two focus groups (n = 13) and 20 in-depth interviews with Latinas recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Providers and Latina patients acknowledged multiple physical and emotional stressors associated with cancer treatment, viewed a positive aspect of the cancer experience to include connection with God and enhanced spirituality, saw family as a motivating factor for recovery, and expressed a need to draw on existing coping strategies. Findings show considerable overlap between providers and Latina cancer patients' perceptions of stressors during chemotherapy. However, a few notable differences in perceptions of stress management needs during this treatment period emerged. While Latina cancer patients mentioned similar social/structural stressors (e.g., economic problems, lack of information) they tended to emphasize more of the interpersonal stressors related to family communication and relationships (e.g., providing and caring for family, distance from family), and intrapersonal stressors such as fear, changes in physical appearance, and side effects of chemotherapy. Our study illustrates the importance of including multiple perspectives. The information gained by including both providers and patient perspectives yielded a more complete understanding of the stress management needs of Latinas undergoing chemotherapy. Findings suggest that stress management educational interventions should aim to develop self-care skills, be culturally relevant and language-specific, and build upon stress-reducing strategies Latinas may already employ.

  14. Latina/os in Rhetoric and Composition: Learning from Their Experiences with Language Diversity (United States)

    Cavazos, Alyssa Guadalupe


    "Latina/os in Rhetoric and Composition: Learning from their Experiences with Language Diversity" explores how Latina/o academics' experiences with language difference contributes to their Latina/o academic identity and success in academe while remaining connected to their heritage language and cultural background. Using qualitative…

  15. América Latina marginada

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    Tito Drago


    Full Text Available La renovación en los países comunistas atrae la atención, el comercio, las inversiones y la ayuda de Estados Unidos, Japón y Europa Occidental. En una primera etapa, ello incidirá negativamente en las relaciones de ese continente con América Latina, es creciente y está en pleno proceso acelerado, la marginación del comercio exterior de la Comunidad Europea. Las inversiones directas no presentan perspectivas. Asegura que a esto se suma la invasión a Panamá, que fue interpretada como que las potencias llegaron a acuerdos en Malta para el reparto del mundo.Con la perestroika la situación de América Latina desmejoró notablemente.

  16. Novas democracias e outras democracias na América Latina

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    Yamandú Acosta


      Abstract From a transformation of the expression “new democracies” coined by Weffort, is proposed a lecture of transitions and resultant democracies in Latin-America from the ‘80. Democracies with modernization but without modernity and socialism, are the product of triumphant transitions from new authoritarianisms foundational or re-foundational from ´60 and ’70.  Synergy between socialization operated by authoritarian Leviathan and that which has place immediately by a totalizer market in the frame of post-authoritarian democracies, shows the presence of “national security dictatorships” in “mercantile security democracies” expressing a deep continuity invisibly sense behind an apparent rupture. Forehead “new democracies”, article consider as “other democracies” those who comes from new constituents and constitutions foundational and re-foundational which imposed a new political and theoretical agenda in the new century. These “other democracies” comes from emergencies of trans-modernity that critically appeal to modernization, modernity and post-modernity as its resulting cultural logic. Weigh the anchor democracy from totalized mercantile relations and treat of to articulate it upon human and nature life in its diverse expressions like its discernment. Modernity / Trans-modernity tension run through theory and practice of democracy y Latin-America. Key words New democracies - Other democracies –Modernity - Trans-modernity --- Resumen  A partir de  una resignificación de la expresión “nuevas democracias” acuñada por Weffort, se propone una lectura de las transiciones y de las democracias resultantes en América Latina desde los ’80. Democracias con modernización pero sin modernidad y sin socialismo, son el producto de transiciones triunfantes desde los nuevos autoritarismos fundacionales o refundacionales de los ’60 y ’70.  La sinergia entre la socialización operada por el Leviatán autoritario y la que tiene

  17. Access Barriers to Prenatal Care in Emerging Adult Latinas. (United States)

    Torres, Rosamar


    Despite efforts to improve access to prenatal care, emerging adult Latinas in the United States continue to enter care late in their pregnancies and/or underutilize these services. Since little is known about emerging adult Latinas and their prenatal care experiences, the purpose of this study was to identify actual and perceived prenatal care barriers in a sample of 54 emerging adult Latinas between 18 and 21 years of age. More than 95% of the sample experienced personal and institutional barriers when attempting to access prenatal care. Results from this study lend support for policy changes for time away from school or work to attend prenatal care and for group prenatal care. © 2016. All rights reserved.

  18. Examining Latina College Experiences (United States)

    Romero, Amanda R.


    The purposes of this qualitative narrative study were to explore the potential areas of conflict Latina college students experience between their educational goals and traditional cultural gender roles and expectations. Participants were selected utilizing purposeful sampling methods. All participants were first-generation college students.…

  19. Un acercamiento crítico sobre la ciudadanía desde la esfera pública en América Latina; Uma abordagem crítica sobre a cidadania da esfera pública na América Latina; A critical approach on citizenship from the public sphere in Latin America

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    José Javier Capera Figueroa


    Full Text Available Resumen: El debate contemporáneo sobre ciudadanía como un tema de gran interés para las ciencias sociales, y en particular la sociología política. Ha despertado al interior de distintas escuelas un conjunto de diatribas sobre la perspectiva, enfoque, teoría y la ruta metodológica más adecuada para analizar fenómenos – empíricos locales, nacionales e internacionales que viven determinado territorios, naciones y estado en América Latina. La finalidad del presente artículo consiste en realizar una aproximación sobre la concepción de la ciudadanía en tiempos modernos (precaria o precariedad, en donde se logre exponer las principales problemáticas de orden global (migración forzada, desplazamiento, nacionalismos, patriotismos entre otros, que enfrenta en la actualidad el ethos de ser ciudadano en medio de la crisis civilizatoria de estos tiempos. Palabras clave: decolonialidad, ciudadanía, Latinoamérica, política.   Resumo: O debate contemporâneo sobre a cidadania é um assunto de grande interesse para as ciências sociais, particularmente a sociologia política. Ele tem despertado diferentes escolas dentro de um conjunto de diatribes sobre as perspectivas, a abordagem, e a teoria mais adequada para analisar fenômenos e a rota metodológica - empírsmos locais, nacionais e internacionais que vivem determinados territórios, nações e Estados na América Latina. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma abordagem para o design do público nos tempos modernos (instabilidade precária o precariado, onde é conseguido expor os principais problemas de ordem global (migração forçada, deslocamento, nacionalismos, patriotismos entre outros, que enfrentando atualmente o ethos de ser um cidadão no meio da crise civilizacional dos nossos tempos. Palavras-chave: descolonialidade; cidadania; América Latina; política,                           Abstract: The contemporary debate about citizenship as a subject of

  20. Latina Community College Leadership in California: Pathways to Executive Management (United States)

    Delgadillo, Monica D.


    Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the learned experiences, challenges, and leadership pathways of Latinas currently in California community college management positions. Latinas have been underrepresented in community college leadership positions. Currently, women constitute a majority of those attending college, and…

  1. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Cervical Cancer Screening among Latinas (United States)

    Roncancio, Angelica M.; Ward, Kristy K.; Sanchez, Ingrid A.; Cano, Miguel A.; Byrd, Theresa L.; Vernon, Sally W.; Fernandez-Esquer, Maria Eugenia; Fernandez, Maria E.


    To reduce the high incidence of cervical cancer among Latinas in the United States it is important to understand factors that predict screening behavior. The aim of this study was to test the utility of theory of planned behavior in predicting cervical cancer screening among a group of Latinas. A sample of Latinas (N = 614) completed a baseline…

  2. Personal characteristics associated with injecting drug use among Latinas in the United States of America

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    Jorge Delva


    Full Text Available This study examines nonmedical injecting drug use (IDU among Latinas aged 12 years and older in a nationally representative sample of U.S. households. Data from the 1990-1995 National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse disclosed 154 Latinas with self-reported histories of IDU out of 18 335 Latinas who responded. Hypotheses about correlates of IDU were tested by using the conditional form of multiple logistic regression to compare the characteristics of these IDUs with those of 602 noninjecting Latinas matched on neighborhood of residence. In the USA, an estimated 1% of Latinas age 12 years and older have injected drugs for non-medical purposes on at least one occasion. IDU was 4.6 to 6.5 times greater for adult Latinas (18-44 years old when compared to Latinas aged either 12 through 17 years (P En el presente estudio se examina el uso de drogas inyectables (UDI entre latinas de 12 años de edad y mayores en una muestra nacional representativa de hogares estadounidenses. Datos obtenidos de las Encuestas Nacionales Domiciliarias realizadas de 1990 a 1995 revelaron que 154 de un total de 18 335 latinas encuestadas habían referido tener antecedentes de UDI. Se pusieron a prueba diversas hipótesis sobre las variables relacionadas con el UDI mediante una regresión logística múltiple de tipo condicionado destinada a comparar las características de estas usuarias con las de 602 latinas que no usaban drogas inyectables y que se parearon con las usuarias por lugar de residencia. Se estima que en los Estados Unidos de América 1% de las latinas de 12 años o más han usado drogas inyectables para fines no médicos por lo menos en una ocasión. El UDI fue de 4,6 a 6,5 veces más frecuente entre latinas adultas (de 18 a 44 años al comparar a este grupo con el de latinas de 12 a 17 años (P < 0,05 o de más de 44. El uso estimado de drogas inyectables fue 7,1 veces más frecuente entre las latinas que dijeron haber fumado marijuana y 5,4 más frecuente

  3. Instituições do Estado desenvolvimentista na América Latina no contexto pós-neoliberal: os casos do Brasil e Argentina em perspectiva comparada.

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    Moisés Villamil Balestro


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa características do Estado desenvolvimentista no período pós-neoliberal no Brasil e na Argentina. A emergência de uma fase pós-neoliberal na América Latina está associada, ainda que sob diferentes matizes ideológicas, à ideia de expansão de políticas sociais e à retomada do papel do Estado na formulação e incentivo a estratégias de desenvolvimento econômico. Um aspecto fundamental para a eficácia das estratégias de desenvolvimento são as instituições e organizações envolvidas politica e economicamente. Como mostra a literatura, o desafio de construir um Estado desenvolvimentista requer a combinação de um Estado facilitador com uma estratégia de upgrading industrial acompanhada de aumento da inclusão social. Uma diferença relevante no caso brasileiro em relação ao caso argentino foi a permanência de instituições que foram construídas durante o período desenvolvimentista, com especial destaque para o BNDES. Ao verificar a relação entre Estado e desenvolvimento nos dois países, foi possível identificar quatro diferenças fundamentais do Brasil em relação à Argentina; uma forte instituição financeira de desenvolvimento e instituições financeiras públicas, uma maior capacidade estatal com uma burocracia estável e meritocrática no caso brasileiro, políticas sociais de longo prazo e uma relação mais cooperativa entre Estado e empresariado.


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    Denio Santos Azevedo


    Full Text Available A atividade turística relaciona-se, diante da sua complexidade, com elementos midiáticos que estimulam o consumo de determinados destinos e culturas. Os planejadores turísticos transformaram e continuam transformando cidades, a história, a memória e o patrimônio cultural material e imaterial de grupos sociais específicos, entendidos como elementos representativos das identidades, em atrativos turísticos, ou seja, em objetos de consumo. Tal fabricação possui como base de sustentação o planejamento turístico e a sua difusão se dá a partir das diferentes mídias utilizadas na promoção turística. Consumir as identidades-consumo é consumir simbolicamente o “outro” e tal prática gera “distinção” entre os grupos sociais, constrói imaginários e alimenta a “concorrência “inter-cidades” no mercado latino dos deslocamentos programados para fins turísticos. Neste sentido, os planejadores turísticos motivam os deslocamentos temporários por meio da possibilidade destes viajantes terem contato com outras culturas e conhecimentos, por meio do consumo simbólico dos elementos identitários do “outro”. É por meio do consumo simbólicos das representações identitárias de grupos sociais específicos que o turista ou visitante passa a identificar cidades e/ou países na promoção turística dos destinos. Considerando tais aspectos o presente estudo visa desenvolver reflexões sobre a relação entre o turismo, o turista e as identidades-consumo a partir de algumas observações sobre a promoção turística de algumas cidades latinas em sites de turismo aqui pesquisados. Observou-se, nos sites promocionais verificados, a representação de elementos considerados típicos de certos destinos turísticos como o Mariachi no México, a presença das comunidades guaranis na argentina, a exposição da gastronomia típica através dos Chivitos uruguaios, o Chorizo argentino, o Ceviche peruano, as Cachapas e as Arepas

  5. Reforma agrária e desenvolvimento na América Latina: rompendo com o reducionismo das abordagens economicistas

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    Sérgio Pereira Leite


    Full Text Available Apesar das previsões em contrário, a reforma agrária reassumiu uma posição de destaque no debate, nos processos sociais, nas atividades políticas e em alguns programas governamentais no período recente, apresentando-se como uma oportunidade concreta na estratégia de reprodução social de uma parcela não desprezível de famílias camponesas e de trabalhadores rurais que habitam, por exemplo, os países da América Latina. O texto aborda a relação entre o acesso à terra e o desenvolvimento, recuperando as implicações da reforma agrária sobre o crescimento econômico, visto que é justamente a dimensão econômica aquela na qual este tema tem merecido um conjunto maior de críticas do campo conservador. No entanto, a intenção de pensar a democratização da terra como estratégia de desenvolvimento implica em discutir o combate à pobreza e às injustiças sociais, indo além do mero crescimento. Assim, com base na bibliografia especializada e amparando-se em dados estatísticos, o trabalho tratou de problematizar o tema da distribuição de ativos no atual contexto latino-americano, longe das armadilhas reducionistas que foram impostas ao mesmo pelo pensamento economicista em voga ao longo dos anos 80 e 90.It is necessary to rethink the process of agrarian transformation by approaching agrarian reform as a strategic vehicle for social and sustainable development. This has implications for general agricultural and economic growth, as well as for social justice and the conception of development as an expansion of freedom. Various analytical studies of the economic and historical factors of agricultural development processes, for example in Latin America context, have highlighted a number of important linkages that should be considered in discussions of agrarian reform. High levels of inequality at the beginning of a development process (for example, high concentration of land and wealth weigh negatively on long-term economic growth

  6. Characteristics of Latinas in Puerto Rico and the US mainland receiving teriparatide in the DANCE observational study. (United States)

    Ruff, Valerie A; Acosta, Agaph; Soto-Raices, Oscar; Sierra-Zorita, Radamés; Toro-Torres, Ramón; Rodríguez-Ginorio, Henry; Comulada, Angel; Chiang, Alan Y; Krohn, Kelly; Taylor, Kathleen A


    The Direct Assessment of Nonvertebral Fractures in Community Experience (DANCE) study investigated the use of teriparatide in men and women with osteoporosis in the United States (US) and Puerto Rico (PR). In a sub-analysis, we evaluated whether the baseline characteristics of Latinas differed from those of white women in the study population and whether any patient attributes affected physicians' decisions to prescribe teriparatide. We assessed 3 patient cohorts treated with teriparatide 20 microg once daily for up to 24 months: 1) PR Latinas, 2) US Latinas, and 3) white women on the US mainland (white women). We analyzed differences related to ethnicity (Latina vs. white) and geography (PR vs. US mainland). Overall, 302 of the 3243 women (9%) enrolled in DANCE were Latina (205 of these 302 Latinas resided in PR). Significant differences were observed in 7 of 11 baseline characteristics. White women had more prior fragility fractures and family history of hip fracture than Latinas, while PR Latinas were generally older than US Latinas and had more comorbid conditions. A similar proportion of subjects in each cohort had received prior osteoporosis therapy. Physicians prescribed teriparatide more often for Latinas based on multiple risk factors for fracture and intolerance to previous osteoporosis therapy and to white women based on inadequate response to previous therapy or new (incident) fractures. Overall, Latinas were less persistent with teriparatide therapy than white women. We observed significant differences related to ethnicity and geography in the baseline demographics of Latinas enrolled in the DANCE study, criteria cited by physicians for initiating teriparatide therapy, and treatment persistence.

  7. Mammography and Pap test screening among low-income foreign-born Hispanic women in the USA Mamografia e teste Papanicolau em mulheres latinas de baixa renda nos Estados Unidos

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    Maria E. Fernandez


    Full Text Available Little is known about the factors influencing screening among low-income Hispanic women particularly among recent immigrants. A sample of 148 low-income, low-literate, foreign-born Hispanic women residing in the Washington DC metropolitan area participated in the study. The mean age of the sample was 46.2 (SD = 11.5, 84% reported annual household incomesEste estudo determinou os fatores que influenciam a conduta de mulheres latinas de baixa renda nos EUA, em face do monitoramento pela mamografia (MM e por meio do teste de Papanicolau (TP, em uma amostra de 148 mulheres latinas, residentes na região metropolitana de Washington DC. A idade média na amostra foi de 46,2 anos (desvio padrão 11,5, e 84% relatavam renda familiar anual menor que quinze mil dólares. Todas as mulheres falavam espanhol e apresentavam níveis reduzidos de aculturação; 96% destas informavam ter realizado TP, mas 24% não relatavam adesão às normas recomendadas de rastreamento. Entre aquelas com quarenta anos ou mais, 62% haviam realizado MM, mas somente 33% de acordo com as normas de rotina. A freqüência de conceitos equivocados sobre o câncer neste grupo de mulheres foi maior que a observada para mulheres latinas em outros estudos. Modelos logísticos multivariados para variáveis correlacionadas à conduta no rastreamento pelo TP e MM indicam que fatores como o medo do teste, vergonha e desconhecimento tiveram influência. Concluiu-se que as mulheres nesse estudo apresentaram menor freqüência de rastreamento por MM que mulheres não latinas, além de apresentarem também níveis mais reduzidos de adesão às normas de rastreamento por TP e MM.

  8. Notes on the Start-Up of the Latina Power Station; Notes concernant le demarrage de la centrale nucleaire de Latina; Zapusk ehlektrostantsii Latina; Notas sobre la puesta en marcha de la central electrica de Latina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calabria, G.; Gualtieri, G. [AGIP Nucleare, Milano (Italy)


    desarrollo de los ensayos finales, sobre la carga del combustible y el orden en que se ejecutaron las operaciones de puesta en marcha y sobre las determinaciones y maniobras de regulacion posteriores al estado critico. Se resenan asimismo las operaciones iniciales de generacion y conexion de la central con la red electrica. Por ultimo, se mencionan los problemas de organizacion derivados de la explotacion de la central, incluyendo la preparacion y formacion profesional del personal y las medidas de seguridad adoptadas. (author) [Russian] Privoditsya informatsiya o zapuske pervoj ital'yanskoj atomnoj ehlektrostantsii Latina moshchnost'yu 200 mgvt. Reaktor rabotaet na prirodnom urane s grafitovym zamedlitelem i gazovym okhlazhdeniem. Posle kratkogo opisaniya osnovnykh kharakteristik ehlektrostantsii privodyatsya podrobnye dannye otnositel'no provedeniya zaklyuchitel'nykh ispytanij stantsii'', toplivnoj zagruzki i poryadka ehkspluatatsii, izmerenij i upravleniya s dovedeniem do kriticheskogo sostoyaniya. Daetsya ob''yasnenie raboty po zapusku i vklyucheniyu stantsii v ehlektroset'. Izlagayutsya takzhe problemy, svyazannye s ehkspluatatsiej stantsii, v tom chisle podgotovka personela i ego kvalifikatsiya, mery po bezopasnosti. (author)

  9. A história das relações de raças na América Latina: alguns comentários sobre o estado da pesquisa

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    Magnus Mörner


    Full Text Available A notável variedade étnica da América Latina contemporânea òbviamente evoluiu durante o processo histórico que principiou em 1492. Há, talvez, tentação de interpretar tôda a história da Amé-rica Latina em têrmos de relação de raças . Ainda que acreditemos ser isto um absurdo, temos que admitir que as relações de raças influiram em alguns aspectos de sua história. Esta esfera de in-fluência é fàcilmente definida .

  10. O setor privado de ensino superior na América Latina The private sector in Latin America: a comparative analysis

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    Eunice Ribeiro Durham


    Full Text Available O artigo trata da relação entre o setor público e o privado em cinco sistemas nacionais de ensino superior: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia e México. Em cada país constatam-se dinâmicas muito específicas da relação público/privado em seus respectivos sistemas de ensino superior. Em contraste com o Brasil, onde a expansão do setor privado iniciou-se em meados dos anos 60 e retraiu-se ao longo da década de 80, nos demais países, o crescimento absoluto e relativo das matrículas no setor privado, além de mais recente, ainda não apresentou sinais de esgotamento. Diferenças detiming na expansão do setor privado nos cinco países suscitam questões relevantes sobre a oportunidade da abertura do ensino superior para o mercado e sobre a relação do Estado com os respectivos sistemas nacionais, temas, sem dúvida, centrais no debate contemporâneo sobre ensino superior na América Latina.The article treats the relationship between the public and private sectors in five national systems of higher education: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico. In each country there are very specific dynamics in the public/private relationship and their respective higher education systems. In contrast with Brazil where the expansion of the private sector began the mid 60s and contracted during the 80s, in the other countries the absolute and relative growth of enrollments in the private sector, in addition to being more recent, still shows no signs of exhaustion. Differences in timing in the expansion of the private sector in the five countries invite relevant questions about the opportunity for opening up higher education to the market and about the relationship with the State with the respective national systems. These issues doubtlessly are central in the contemporary debate on higher education in Latin America.

  11. Examining the interplay among family, culture, and latina teen suicidal behavior. (United States)

    Gulbas, Lauren E; Zayas, Luis H


    In this article, we explore the relationships among culture, family, and attempted suicide by U.S. Latinas. We analyzed qualitative interviews conducted with Latina teen suicide attempters (n = 10) and their parents. We also incorporated data collected from adolescents with no reported history of self-harm (n = 10) and their parents to examine why some individuals turned to suicide under similar experiences of cultural conflict. Our results reveal that Latina teens who attempted suicide lacked the resources to forge meaningful social ties. Without the tools to bridge experiences of cultural contradiction, the girls in our study described feeling isolated and alone. Under such conditions, adolescents turned to behaviors aimed at self-destruction. Unlike their peers who attempted suicide, adolescent Latinas with no lifetime history of attempted suicide were able to mobilize resources in ways that balanced experiences of acculturative tension by creating supportive relationships with other individuals. © The Author(s) 2014.

  12. Familism, Family Environment, and Suicide Attempts among Latina Youth


    Peña, Juan B.; Kuhlberg, Jill A.; Zayas, Luis H.; Baumann, Ana A.; Gulbas, Lauren; Hausmann-Stabile, Carolina; Nolle, Allyson P.


    This study examined the relationship between familism and family environment type as well as the relationship between family environment type and suicide attempts among Latina youth. Latina teen attempters (n=109) and non-attempters (n=107) were recruited from the NYC area. Latent class analysis revealed three family environment types: tight-knit; intermediate-knit; and loose-knit. Tight-knit families (high cohesion and low conflict) were significantly less likely to have teens that attempted...

  13. Understanding Latina Doctoral Student Experiences: Negotiating Ethnic Identity and Academic Success (United States)

    Arocho, Omayra


    Latinas currently attain the lowest number of terminal degrees in the United States when compared to White, African American, and Asian American women. While Latina doctoral students share common struggles with other minority/female doctoral students, the unique cultural expectations associated with their racial/ethnic and gender related…

  14. Health locus of control, acculturation, and health-related Internet use among Latinas. (United States)

    Roncancio, Angelica M; Berenson, Abbey B; Rahman, Mahbubur


    Among individuals residing in the United States, the Internet is the third most used source for obtaining health information. Little is known, however, about its use by Latinas. To understand health-related Internet use among Latinas, the authors examined it within the theoretical frameworks of health locus of control and acculturation. The authors predicted that acculturation would serve as a mediator between health locus of control and health-related Internet use, age and health-related Internet use, income and health-related Internet use, and education and health-related Internet use. Data were collected via a 25-minute self-report questionnaire. The sample consisted of 932 young (M age = 21.27 years), low-income Latinas. Using structural equation modeling, the authors observed that acculturation partially mediated the relation between health locus of control and health-related Internet use and fully mediated the relations among age, income, and Internet use. An internal health locus of control (p income (p Internet use. The Internet is a powerful tool that can be used to effectively disseminate information to Latinas with limited access to health care professionals. These findings can inform the design of Internet-based health information dissemination studies targeting Latinas.

  15. La integración de los microdatos censales de América Latina: el proyecto IPUMS-América Latina

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    Robert McCaa


    Full Text Available Gracias al pionero esfuerzo del doctor Gustavo Cabrera y de otros grandes próceres de la demografía, en América Latina sobrevive un vasto archivo de microdatos censales; sin embargo la mayor parte de ellos se mantiene inaccesible a los investigadores.En la trayectoria académica y científica del profesor Cabrera ha sido constante su preocupación por las fuentes de información. Hoy el proyecto Integrated Public Use ofMicrodata Series para América Latina (IPUMS-AL acomete con ímpetu la difícil tareade integrar los microdatos censales de esta región, haciendo uso intensivo y extensivo delas nuevas tecnologías pero, sobre todo, contagiándose del empeño que instituciones yeminentes demógrafos latinoamericanos han dedicado a mejorar la calidad y a preser-var estos datos, que constituyen sin lugar a dudas los tesoros estadísticos de AméricaLatina. El proyecto IPUMS-América Latina cuenta con el soporte económico necesario para integrar esos microdatos en una única base de datos armonizada que estaría destinadaa la investigación académica y a la que se podría acceder desde Internet. Los microdatos censales de 1960, 1970, 1990 y 2000 de México ya han sido integrados ( como resultado del trabajo colectivo desarrollado en el INEGI, socio fundador del proyecto, de destacados demógrafos mexicanos, y del Population Center de la Universidad de Minnesota.

  16. "Nicarágua na encruzilhada": Cortázar, Vargas Llosa e a experiência sandinista

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    Adriane Vidal Costa


    Full Text Available No final dos anos 1970 e início dos 80, Julio Cortázar e Mario Vargas Llosa compararam a Nicarágua sandinista com a Cuba de Fidel Castro, colocando em dia o debate sobre a revolução e o socialismo na América Latina. O presente trabalho analisa os artigos de Cortázar e Vargas Llosa para mostrar como eles compreenderam e traduziram a experiência sandinista. Em fins dos anos 1970, muitos intelectuais passaram a defender a Revolução Sandinista, como a possível revolução ideal ou uma nova chance para a experiência socialista na América Latina, como foi o caso de Cortázar. Vargas Llosa, desencantado com as esquerdas, apontava os "erros" do regime que poderiam levar a experiência sandinista a transformar o país centro-americano em uma "nova Cuba".

  17. A glass half empty: Latina reproduction and public discourse


    Chavez, LR


    Latina reproduction and fertility have become ground zero in a political war-not just of words, but of public policies and laws. This article builds on a theoretical framework that includes issues of stratified reproduction, which characterize some women as reproductive threats to society. From an examination of the discourse found in 10 national magazines over a 35-year period, beginning in 1965, emerge three interrelated themes concerning Latina reproductive threat: 1) high fertility and po...

  18. Latina food patterns in the United States: a qualitative metasynthesis. (United States)

    Gerchow, Lauren; Tagliaferro, Barbara; Squires, Allison; Nicholson, Joey; Savarimuthu, Stella M; Gutnick, Damara; Jay, Melanie


    Obesity disproportionately affects Latinas living in the United States, and cultural food patterns contribute to this health concern. The aim of this study was to synthesize the qualitative results of research regarding Latina food patterns in order to (a) identify common patterns across Latino culture and within Latino subcultures and (b) inform future research by determining gaps in the literature. A systematic search of three databases produced 13 studies (15 manuscripts) that met the inclusion criteria for review. The Critical Appraisal Skills Program tool and the recommendations of Squires for evaluating translation methods in qualitative research were applied to appraise study quality. Authors coded through directed content analysis and an adaptation of the Joanna Briggs Institute Qualitative Assessment and Review Instrument coding template to extract themes. Coding focused on food patterns, obesity, population breakdown, immigration, acculturation, and barriers and facilitators to healthy eating. Other themes and categories emerged from this process to complement this approach. Major findings included the following: (a) Immigration driven changes in scheduling, food choice, socioeconomic status, and family dynamics shape the complex psychology behind healthy food choices for Latina women; (b) in Latina populations, barriers and facilitators to healthy lifestyle choices around food are complex; and (c) there is a clear need to differentiate Latino populations by country of origin in future qualitative studies on eating behavior. Healthcare providers need to recognize the complex influences behind eating behaviors among immigrant Latinas in order to design effective behavior change and goal-setting programs to support healthy lifestyles.

  19. Latina Faculty Transcending Barriers: Peer Mentoring in a Hispanic-Serving Institution (United States)

    Murakami, Elizabeth T.; Núñez, Anne-Marie


    In this article, the authors conducted a research metasynthesis of publications by a group of Latina tenure-track faculty participating in a peer mentoring group, the Research for the Educational Advancement of Latin@s (REAL) collaborative, housed in one Hispanic Serving Institution. Due to the small representation of Latinas in the academy, the…

  20. Video-Based Grocery Shopping Intervention Effect on Purchasing Behaviors Among Latina Shoppers (United States)

    Cortés, Dharma E.; Garcia, Samantha; Duan, Lei; Black, David S.


    Objectives. To compare changes in food-purchasing knowledge, self-efficacy, and behavior after viewing nutrition education videos among Los Angeles, California Latinas responsible for household grocery shopping. Methods. From February to May 2015, a convenience sample of 113 Latinas watched 1 video (El Carrito Saludable) featuring MyPlate guidelines applied to grocery shopping (1-video intervention) and another convenience sample of 105 Latinas watched 2 videos (El Carrito Saludable and Ser Consciente), the latter featuring mindfulness to support attention and overcome distractions while grocery shopping (2-video intervention). We administered questionnaires before and after intervention. A preselected sample in each intervention condition (n = 72) completed questionnaires at 2-months after intervention and provided grocery receipts (before and 2-months after intervention). Results. Knowledge improved in both intervention groups (P behavior and mindfulness show promise for improving the quality of foods that Latinas bring into the home. PMID:28323473

  1. Video-Based Grocery Shopping Intervention Effect on Purchasing Behaviors Among Latina Shoppers. (United States)

    Amaro, Hortensia; Cortés, Dharma E; Garcia, Samantha; Duan, Lei; Black, David S


    To compare changes in food-purchasing knowledge, self-efficacy, and behavior after viewing nutrition education videos among Los Angeles, California Latinas responsible for household grocery shopping. From February to May 2015, a convenience sample of 113 Latinas watched 1 video (El Carrito Saludable) featuring MyPlate guidelines applied to grocery shopping (1-video intervention) and another convenience sample of 105 Latinas watched 2 videos (El Carrito Saludable and Ser Consciente), the latter featuring mindfulness to support attention and overcome distractions while grocery shopping (2-video intervention). We administered questionnaires before and after intervention. A preselected sample in each intervention condition (n = 72) completed questionnaires at 2-months after intervention and provided grocery receipts (before and 2-months after intervention). Knowledge improved in both intervention groups (P shopping list (both P behavior and mindfulness show promise for improving the quality of foods that Latinas bring into the home.

  2. Latinas and Postpartum Depression: Role of Partner Relationship, Additional Children, and Breastfeeding (United States)

    Hassert, Silva; Kurpius, Sharon E. Robinson


    Breastfeeding, additional children, and partner relationship predicted postpartum depression among 59 Latinas who had an infant who was 6 months old or younger. The most powerful predictor was conflict with partner. Counselors working with Latinas experiencing postpartum depression should explore the partner relationship, particularly relationship…

  3. Family and Work Influences on the Transition to College among Latina Adolescents (United States)

    Sy, Susan R.


    This study investigates the effect of family obligations and part-time work on Latina adolescents' stress and academic achievement during the transition to college. One hundred seventeen Latina college students from immigrant families completed surveys assessing the mother-daughter relationship, family obligations, work-school conflict, school and…

  4. Promotion of Latina Health: Intersectionality of IPV and Risk for HIV/AIDS. (United States)

    Rountree, Michele A; Granillo, Teresa; Bagwell-Gray, Meredith


    Latina women in the United States are vulnerable to two intersecting public health concerns: intimate partner violence (IPV) and subsequent risk for HIV/AIDS infection. Examination of the cultural and contextual life factors of this understudied population is crucial to developing culturally relevant HIV interventions. Focus groups with Latinas (15 monolingual; 10 bilingual) who have experienced IPV were conducted. Monolingual and bilingual Latinas endorsed that they were concerned about HIV infection, naming partner infidelity and experiences of forced and coerced sex as primary reasons for their concern. However, monolingual participants had lower levels of HIV knowledge, spending much time discussing myths of HIV infection, whereas bilingual participants spent more time discussing specific prevention techniques, including challenges related to the violence in their relationships. These findings suggest that HIV/AIDS prevention programs for Latinas need to pay close attention to the different historical, contextual, and cultural experiences of this at-risk group of women. © The Author(s) 2015.

  5. It isn't all about language: communication barriers for Latinas using contraceptives. (United States)

    Campo, Shelly; Kohler, Connie; Askelson, Natoshia M; Ortiz, Cristina; Losch, Mary


    Little is known about barriers that Latinas in the United States face in preventing unintended pregnancies beyond those of language and cost. This study examined factors inhibiting contraceptive use among 18- to 30-year-old Latinas in the Midwest. Individual interviews (N = 31) were conducted in Spanish with Latinas residing across the state. The interview protocol included questions about contraceptives and unintended pregnancies. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, translated, and coded for themes related to barriers. The majority of the barriers were related to communication but not English proficiency. Respondents talked about specific situations and experiences in which communication presented obstacles to using contraceptives. While language and cost are important barriers, attention needs to be paid to the other communication issues that women face related to culture, religion, partners, family, and spontaneity. Health care providers need to address the range of communication barriers that affect Latinas' contraceptive use. © The Author(s) 2014.

  6. Prenatal depression in Latinas in the U.S. and Mexico. (United States)

    Lara, Ma Asunción; Le, Huynh-Nhu; Letechipia, Gabriela; Hochhausen, Laila


    The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of depressive symptoms and their associated risk factors during pregnancy in Latinas in the United States (U.S.) and Mexico. The sample included 108 women in the U.S. whose data were obtained from medical chart reviews in a community clinic in Washington, D.C., and 117 women in Mexico who participated in face-to-face interviews in the waiting rooms of primary care community centers in Mexico City. Variables, chosen to match in both countries for comparisons, were: socio-demographics, pregnancy gestation and order, social support, depressive symptoms, personal history of depression, family psychiatric history, and suicidal thoughts. Depressive symptoms were measured using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 32.4% for pregnant Latinas and 36.8% for Mexicans (CES-D > or = 16), and 15.7% and 23.9% (CES-D > or = 24), respectively, with no differences between groups. Separate multiple logistic regression analyses showed that for U.S. Latinas: (1) being more educated predicted depressive symptoms (CES-D > or = 16), and (2) second trimester, as compared to first, also predicted symptoms (CES-D > or /= 24). (3) History of suicidal thoughts predicted symptoms in Latinas in the U.S. (CES-D > or = 24) and in Mexico (using both definitions of high symptoms), and (4) living with a partner but not formally married and multi-parous condition predicted symptoms (CES-D > or /= 24) among pregnant Mexicans. A high prevalence of depressive symptoms and significant risk factors during pregnancy were found in Latinas in U.S. and Mexico, suggesting increased risk for postpartum major depression. Implications for screening and interventions are discussed.

  7. Teacher's Guide to "Artes Latinae". (United States)

    Masciantonio, Rudolph; And Others

    The purpose of this guide is to assist teachers in the classroom utilization of "Artes Latinae", the Encyclopaedia Britannica Latin instructional system. This guide is intended as a supplement to the publisher's teacher's manual and presupposes familiarity with it. Stress has been placed on the early units of the textbook, since the inexperienced…

  8. Literacy Benefits for Latina/o Parents Engaged in a Spanish Literacy Project (United States)

    Larrotta, Clarena; Ramirez, Ysabel


    This qualitative study reports on a Latina/o parent literacy project teaching literacy lessons in Spanish to Latina mothers and their children enrolled at a public elementary school. The participating mothers study and practice reading strategies to later put them into practice with their children. Data sources include: Parents' reflective…

  9. Primero Madres: Love and Mothering in the Educational Lives of Latina/os (United States)

    Velazquez, Mirelsie


    This article examines the historical and contemporary role of Latina madres in the educational lives of their children and communities. Latinas, in their work as mother-activists, have played critical roles in the schooling lives of their children, seeking educational equality for their communities in general, amidst the growing racial politics…

  10. Can Better Mother-Daughter Relations Reduce the Chance of a Suicide Attempt among Latinas?

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    Luis H. Zayas


    Full Text Available National surveys and other research on adolescent Latinas show that adolescent females have higher rates of suicidal ideation, planning, and attempts than other ethnic and racial minority youth. Internalizing behaviors and family conflicts are commonly associated with suicidality in research on adolescents. In the case of Latinas, we explore the connection between adolescent Hispanic cultural involvement, mother-adolescent mutuality, internalizing behaviors, and suicidality. This paper presents data from a study of 232 Latinas, some with a recent history of suicide attempts (n=122. The results show that higher adolescent Hispanic cultural involvement was associated with greater mother-daughter mutuality and thus led to reduction in the likelihood of suicide attempts. The relationship between mother-daughter mutuality and suicide attempts among Latinas is mediated by specific internalizing behaviors (withdrawn depressive. Our findings highlight the positive effect that Latino cultural values have in the relationship between Latina adolescent and their mothers and confirm the importance that internalizing behaviors and the mother-daughter relationship have for suicide attempters.

  11. Déficit em transações correntes, movimentos de capital e ataques especulativos: uma abordagem estruturalista das recentes crises cambiais na América Latina

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    Marcelo Curado


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é elaborar um modelo teórico sobre o papel dos déficits estruturais em transações correntes e da capacidade limitada de absorção de ativos externos como elementos presentes em crises cambiais de economias emergentes. O modelo terá como refe-rência as recentes crises ocorridas na América Latina, especificamente a crise mexicana de 1994 e brasileira de 1999. Pretende-se, portanto, incorporar ao debate algumas especificidades da região que têm sido negligenciadas, ou incorporadas de forma apenas parcial, pela literatura estabelecida sobre crises cambiais. O modelo deverá ilustrar o argumento de que as causas para os recentes ataques especulativos na região encontram vinculações - além dos aspectos financeiros destacados pela literatura estabelecida - com o grau de competiti-vidade externa da economia e seu grau de desenvolvimento tecnológico.This work aims to develop a theoretical model of the role that structural deficit in current account, as well as a limited capacity of absorption of financial capital, play in exchange rate crisis in developing countries. The model is specifically framed in the light of the experience of exchange rate crisis in Latin America, especially that of Brazil (1999 and Mexico (1994. The model includes key features of the Latin American economies which have been neglected or taken into account only partially in the current literature on external crisis. In particular, it is argued that recent speculative attacks on some Latin American currencies are related - along with the financial aspects usually highlighted by the existing literature - to competitiveness and technological development.

  12. Reflections About the Role of Intellectuals in Latin America Reflexiones acerca del rol de los intelectuales en América Latina Reflexões sobre o papel dos intelectuais na América Latina

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    Judith Naidorf


    intellectual debate but to contribute to a not new but always applicable, which should be a breakthrough for each of our practices in the different social areas in which we daily work.

    En este trabajo nos proponemos abordar algunos aspectos teórico - conceptuales que contribuyan a la reflexión sobre la especificidad del papel del intelectual latinoamericano actual. Los aportes de diversos autores nos ayudarán a caracterizar un rol que se encuentra en permanente reformulación, análisis y discusión. La propuesta es retomar los desarrollos teóricos de la categoría de intelectual, desde Antonio Gramsci e Immanuel Wallerstein principalmente, pasando por sus momentos más intensos en la década del 60-70 con Sartre y Foucault en Europa. También se rescatan las contribuciones realizadas por Pierre Bourdieu, Sousa Santos y los aportes para América Latina de Fals Borda, Florestán Fernández, Octavio Ianni y Eliseo Verón, entre otros. Además se incluyen como ejemplos declaraciones del subcomandante Marcos para el EZLN y se hace referencia a los análisis realizados por Julio Gambina y Daniel Campione para el caso argentino. No es interés de este trabajo arribar a definiciones acabadas acerca de la función social del intelectual sino aportar a un debate no nuevo pero siempre vigente. Neste trabalho pretendemos abordar alguns aspectos teóricos-conceituais que contribuem para a reflexão sobre especificidade do papel do intelectual latino-americano atual. As contribuições de diferentes autores nos ajudam a caracterizar um papel que está constantemente sendo repensado, a análisado e discutido. A proposta é revisitar aos desenvolvimentos teóricos sobre o "intelectual" de Antonio Gramsci e Emanuel Wallerstein principalmente através dos debates mais intensos na década de 60-70 com Sartre e Foucault na Europa. Também se destacam as contribuições feitas por Pierre Bourdieu, Sousa Santos e contribuições desde América Latina de

  13. Differences in knowledge of breast cancer screening among African American, Arab American, and Latina women. (United States)

    Williams, Karen Patricia; Mabiso, Athur; Todem, David; Hammad, Adnan; Hill-Ashford, Yolanda; Hamade, Hiam; Palamisono, Gloria; Robinson-Lockett, Murlisa; Zambrana, Ruth E


    We examined differences in knowledge and socioeconomic factors associated with 3 types of breast cancer screening (breast self-examination, clinical breast examination, and mammogram) among African American, Arab, and Latina women. Community health workers used a community-based intervention to recruit 341 women (112 Arab, 113 Latina, and 116 African American) in southeastern Michigan to participate in a breast cancer prevention intervention from August through October 2006. Before and after the intervention, women responded to a previously validated 5-item multiple-choice test on breast cancer screening (possible score range: 0 to 5) in their language of preference (English, Spanish, or Arabic). We used generalized estimating equations to analyze data and to account for family-level and individual correlations. Although African American women knew more about breast cancer screening at the baseline (pretest median scores were 4 for African American, 3 for Arab and 3 for Latina women), all groups significantly increased their knowledge after participating in the breast cancer prevention intervention (posttest median scores were 5 for African American and 4 for Arab and Latina women). Generalized estimating equations models show that Arab and Latina women made the most significant gains in posttest scores (P American, Arab, and Latina women to promote adherence to breast cancer screening guidelines.

  14. Pesquisa em saúde, política de saúde e eqüidade na América Latina Health research, health policy and equity in Latin America

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    Alberto Pellegrini Filho


    Full Text Available O autor analisa as relações entre pesquisa de saúde, políticas de saúde e eqüidade na América Latina. Descreve novas tendências no modo de produção do conhecimento, que permitem maior integração entre as necessidades sociais e a pesquisa, facilitando o vínculo entre esta e o processo de definição de políticas. Analisa as manifestações das novas tendências na América Latina e finaliza com a descrição de algumas iniciativas promovidas pela OPAS no sentido de aproveitar as oportunidades abertas pelas novas tendências para a melhoria das condições de saúde na região. Busca defender a tese de que a informação e o conhecimento são bens públicos essenciais e que as iniqüidades de acesso a esses bens são importantes determinantes das iniqüidades em saúde. Para que as políticas de saúde e as políticas de pesquisa em saúde se integrem e se consolidem como políticas públicas voltadas a atender ao interesse público e à promoção da eqüidade, é necessário o fortalecimento do processo democrático de definição das mesmas, multiplicando os atores envolvidos, os espaços e oportunidades de interação entre eles e instrumentando sua participação com o acesso eqüitativo a informações e conhecimentos científicos pertinentes que permitam a defesa fundamentada de seus interesses.The author analyzes the relationships between health research, health policies and equity in Latin America. He describes new trends in the mode of knowledge production that enhance the integration between social needs and research, facilitating the ties between research and the policy making process. The author also analyzes the manifestations of these new trends in Latin America, and describes some initiatives promoted by the PAHO aimed to take advantage of the opportunities opened by these trends to improve health conditions in the region. Throughout the article the author defends the thesis that information and knowledge are

  15. Persisting Dreams: The Impact of the Doctoral Socialization Process on Latina Post-Doctoral Career Aspirations


    Westerband, Yamissette


    Latinas are underrepresented within the professorate and within doctoral programs, particularly within Research Intensive Institutions. This dissertation explores how the doctoral socialization process impacts the pipeline from the Ph.D. to scholarly careers for Latinas in Research universities. Given the low numbers of representation and production at the doctoral level for Latinas, what happens when they do enter Ph.D. programs? Their doctoral experience must be marked in one way or anot...

  16. Serving the Needs of the Latina Community for Health Information

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    R. A. Yaros


    Full Text Available Latinos remain the largest US population with limited health literacy (Andrulis D.P. & Brach, 2007. Concerned with how local media can meet the information needs of underserved audiences, we interviewed Latinas who were pregnant or mothers of young children living in a Spanish speaking community, and surveyed 33 local health professionals. Findings are that Latina women’s most common source of health information was family and friends. They said they tune to Spanish television and radio programs, but gave low grades to news media for health information. Medical professionals agreed that Latinas generally get their health information through friends and family, and rated the media poorly in terms of serving Latinas’ needs. Since the data indicate that the local news media are not serving Latinas’ health information needs as much as they could, we offer recommendations to potentially exploit new technological affordances and suggest expansion of conventional definitions of health literacy.

  17. HPV Vaccine Awareness, Barriers, Intentions, and Uptake in Latina Women. (United States)

    Lechuga, Julia; Vera-Cala, Lina; Martinez-Donate, Ana


    Latina women are at heightened risk of cervical cancer incidence and mortality. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the principal cause of the majority of cervical cancer cases. A vaccine that protects against HPV was licensed in 2006. Eight years post-licensure, mixed research findings exist regarding the factors that predict vaccine uptake in Latinas. We conducted a population-based phone survey with a random sample of 296 Latinas living in a Midwestern U.S. City. Intention to vaccinate was significantly associated with health care provider recommendations, worry about side effects, knowing other parents have vaccinated, perceived severity of HPV, and worry that daughter may become sexually active following vaccination. Worry that daughter may become sexually active was the only factor related to vaccine uptake. Findings suggest that training providers to discuss the low risk of severe side effects, consequences of persistent HPV, and sexuality related concerns with Latino women may encourage vaccination.

  18. Real Women Have Curves: A Longitudinal Investigation of TV and the Body Image Development of Latina Adolescents (United States)

    Schooler, Deborah


    Contextualizing Latina girls' body image development requires an appreciation of mainstream body ideals, Latino/a cultural values, and the process by which Latina girls traverse the borders between them. The current study examines how media use and acculturation act across adolescence to shape the development of body image among Latina girls.…

  19. Endocardite por lactococcus garvieae: primeiro relato de caso da América Latina

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    Tatiana Franco Hirakawa


    Full Text Available Lactococcus garvieae, patógeno zoonótico emergente, é responsável por mastite em ruminantes e septicemia em peixes. Embora seja considerado oportunista e raramente causar infecções em humanos, sua incidência deve estar subestimada devido à dificuldade do diagnóstico. Há pouquíssimos relatos de osteomielite, abscesso hepático e peritonite, e apenas nove casos descritos na literatura mundial de endocardite. Relatamos o primeiro caso de endocardite por Lactococcus garvieae da América Latina em paciente portadora de prótese valvar metálica, com quadro de febre diária, calafrios, nodos de Osler e seis hemoculturas positivas para Lactococcus garvieae, que preenchiam os critérios de Duke para o diagnóstico de "endocardite infecciosa definitiva"

  20. Discrimination against Latina/os: A Meta-Analysis of Individual-Level Resources and Outcomes (United States)

    Lee, Debbiesiu L.; Ahn, Soyeon


    This meta-analysis synthesizes the findings of 60 independent samples from 51 studies examining racial/ethnic discrimination against Latina/os in the United States. The purpose was to identify individual-level resources and outcomes that most strongly relate to discrimination. Discrimination against Latina/os significantly results in outcomes…

  1. Personality Disorders and Psychological Functioning Among Latina Women with Eating Disorders. (United States)

    Minnick, Alyssa M; Cachelin, Fary M; Durvasula, Ramani S


    Little is known about personality disorders (PD) and comorbidities among Latinas with eating disorders (ED). The dysregulation and chronicity of PDs can complicate and augment the symptomatology of EDs. This set of analyses provides a preliminary examination of PD and psychopathology in a sample of Latina women with ED. Participants (N = 34) were administered the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Eating Disorders Examination, and Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III to assess personality pathology, and questionnaires (Beck Depression Inventory-II and Brief Symptom Inventory) to assess psychological functioning. Results indicated the most common clinically significant trait in the sample was depressive personality (50% of the sample had a score of 75 or higher on this trait). For Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and Binge Eating Disorder (BED), avoidant (41%) and depressive (65%) personalities, respectively, were the most common clinically significant traits. Anxiety disorders were the most common psychiatric diagnoses, and 52.9% of the sample reported both clinically significant PD traits and other major psychopathology. There were no significant differences between the BED and BN groups on prevalence of PD traits and psychopathology. This pilot study highlights the need for further examination of PD and psychopathology in Latinas with ED. Unlike previous research with White women, we found no differences on PD and psychopathology between BED and BN, and the most prevalent PDs among Latinas were different than White women. Personality and psychological functioning should be assessed in all patients with ED, with ongoing research focused on identifying patterns in understudied groups such as Latinas, a practice that may improve treatment for this underserved population.

  2. Gravidez na adolescência: tendência na produção científica de enfermagem Embarazo en la adolescencia: tendencia en la producción científica de enfermería Pregnancy in adolescence: tendencies in the cientific production of nursing


    Maria Glêdes Ibiapina Gurgel; Maria Dalva Santos Alves; Neiva Francenely Cunha Vieira; Patrícia Neyva da Costa Pinheiro; Grasiela Teixeira Barroso


    A gravidez em adolescentes tem implicações biológica, psicológica, social, econômica e cultural. O estudo exploratório, descritivo e bibliográfico objetivou identificar as concepções da gravidez na adolescência, sujeito, vulnerabilidade e gênero, presentes na produção científica de Enfermagem. Foram selecionados intencionalmente quatro periódicos brasileiros e dois da América Latina indexados de 2002 a 2006 na Scientific Electronic Library. Dos 1.472 artigos identificados, 43 tinham como temá...

  3. Latina girls of Puerto Rican origin who are successful in science and mathematics high school courses (United States)

    Oquendo-Rodriguez, Aida L.

    Professions and careers related to science and mathematics lack representation of minorities. Within these underrepresented minority populations there is no other group more affected than Latina women and girls. Women in general, are still underrepresented in many areas of our society. While women's roles are changing in today's society, most changes encourage the participation of more White/Anglo women in traditionally male roles. Latina women are still more disadvantaged than White women. There is no doubt that education is significant in increasing the participation of minorities in the fields of science and mathematics, especially for minority girls (Oakes, 1990; Rodriguez, 1993). This study explored the interests, life experiences, characteristics and motivations of Latina girls of Puerto Rican origin who are successful in science and mathematics high school courses. The study identifies factors that can influence the interest of Latina girls of Puerto Rican origin in science and mathematics career choices. This research is significant and relevant to educators and policy makers, especially to science and mathematics educators. The research is primarily descriptive and exploratory. It explores the social characteristics of Latina girls and professional women who have been successful in science and mathematics high school courses. The research offers the reader a visit to the participants' homes with descriptions and the opportunity to explore the thoughts and life experiences of Latina girls, their mothers and young Latina professionals of Puerto Rican origin. This research reveals the common characteristics of successful students found in the Latina girls of Puerto Rican origin who where interviewed. Creating a portrait of Latina girls of Puerto Rican origin who are successful in science and mathematics high school courses in one of the school districts of western Massachusetts. The research findings reveal that teacher relationships, family expectations

  4. Young Latinas and abortion: the role of cultural factors, reproductive behavior, and alternative roles to motherhood. (United States)

    Kaplan, C P; Erickson, P I; Stewart, S L; Crane, L A


    Latina women have often been portrayed as holding strong traditional family values leading to a greater propensity for rejection of contraception and abortion. Increasingly, the literature has consistently shown that Latina women use contraception effectively when available; however, much less is known about the prevalence of abortion and the factors related to its use in this population. In this article we examine Latinas' use of abortion and identify factors affecting its use among 1,207 ever-pregnant Latina women age 14-24 recruited at two federally-funded family planning clinics in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Only a small proportion of the young women in our sample (7.5%) had ever had an induced abortion. In multivariate analysis the variables significantly associated with past abortion included less traditional attitudes about women's roles, higher gravidity, shorter periods of sexual activity, and a higher number of lifetime sexual partners. We conclude that use of abortion among Latinas is driven by role orientation and reproductive variables.

  5. Positive Psychology and Familial Factors as Predictors of Latina/o Students' Psychological Grit (United States)

    Vela, Javier C.; Lu, Ming-Tsan P.; Lenz, A. Stephen; Hinojosa, Karina


    Positive psychology is a useful framework to understand Latina/o students' experiences. In the current study, we examined how presence of meaning in life, search for meaning in life, hope, and family importance influenced 128 Latina/o college students' psychological grit. We used the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ), Subjective Happiness Scale,…

  6. Governança corporativa na América Latina: a relevância dos princípios da OCDE na integridade dos conselhos e autonomia dos conselheiros


    Kitagawa,Carlos Henrique; Ribeiro,Maísa de Souza


    Os conselhos de administração são caracterizados como um importante elemento da boa governança corporativa. Nesse sentido, este trabalho busca identificar as práticas de governança das empresas latino-americanas aos princípios recomendados pela Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico, OCDE, para essa região (Brasil, Argentina, México e Chile). Dentre os sete princípios por ela recomendados para a América Latina, este trabalho tem como foco apenas o quinto princípio, que trata ...

  7. High Expectations, Strong Support: Faculty Behaviors Predicting Latina/o Community College Student Learning (United States)

    Lundberg, Carol A.; Kim, Young K.; Andrade, Luis M.; Bahner, Daniel T.


    In this study we investigated the extent to which faculty interaction contributed to Latina/o student perceptions of their learning, using a sample of 10,071 Latina/o students who took the Community College Survey of Student Engagement. Findings were disaggregated for men and women, but results were quite similar between the 2 groups. Frequent…

  8. Outcomes of a Structured Education Intervention for Latinas Concerning Breast Cancer and Mammography (United States)

    Laughman, Anna Bawtinhimer; Boselli, Danielle; Love, Magbis; Steuerwald, Nury; Symanowski, James; Blackley, Kris; Wheeler, Mellisa; Arevalo, Gustavo; Carrizosa, Daniel; Raghavan, Derek


    Objective: This study examined the utility of living room and church-based small group educational sessions on breast cancer and mammography, for under-served Latinas in North Carolina, USA. Design: Non-randomised, single arm design. Setting: A total of 329 self-selected Latinas participated in 31 small group educational classes in church and home…

  9. De metrificação e poesia latina

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    Alceu Dias Lima


    Full Text Available

    A distinção fonética x fonologia é decisiva no estudo da prosódia latina, pois propicia o estudo dos versos dessa língua sem recurso à pronúncia em voz alta dos seus fonemas. Assim, para que o a inicial da Eneida cumpra seu papel, basta contar-se com que ele contém, por sua abertura máxima, todas as vogais da língua. O tempo, como unidade da língua, é importante na constituição do verso latino. Mas é preciso insistir em que tempo, aí, não é sílaba, portanto o verso latino t em constituição diferente do verso em idiomas modernos. Por isso, em latim, versos são realidade em grande parte psíquica, pouco importando se, para os romanos, eram também física. Só no conceito greimasiano de efeito de ou dos sentidos é que se tem um indicador seguro para a leitura de versos latinos.

  10. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use and Latina Breast Cancer Survivors’ Symptoms and Functioning

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    Christina L. Rush


    Full Text Available Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM is used widely in cancer populations, particularly among women, and has shown promise for addressing symptom and functioning outcomes. Few studies to date have evaluated CAM use and associations over time with symptoms and function among Latina breast cancer survivors. We administered a baseline (N = 136 and follow-up (n = 58 telephone survey in Spanish or English assessing Latina breast cancer survivor demographics, physical function, anxiety, depression, fatigue, satisfaction with social roles, and both CAM activities and devotional and spiritual practices. About one-third of our sample (35% baseline; 36% follow-up reported using CAM (yoga, meditation, massage, or herbal/dietary supplements. We assessed devotional and spiritual practices separately from CAM (church attendance, prayer, religious groups, and reading devotional and religious texts; the majority of Latina survivors reported devotional and spiritual practices (80% baseline; 81% follow-up. At baseline, CAM demonstrated a positive association with better physical functioning and lower depression. In contrast, CAM use at the time of follow-up appeared to be related to lower levels of satisfaction with social roles and physical function. In longitudinal analyses, devotional and spiritual practices at baseline significantly predicted lower anxiety, depression, and fatigue at follow-up. Findings suggest CAM plays a complex and not always linear role in symptoms and function outcomes for Latina breast cancer survivors. These findings contribute to the literature on longitudinal CAM use and associations with symptom and functioning outcomes among Latina breast cancer survivors.

  11. Traditional Gender Roles and the Stress-Alcohol Relationship Among Latina/o College Students. (United States)

    Perrotte, Jessica K; Baumann, Michael R; Knight, Cory F


    Latina/o college students have been shown to engage in more high risk drinking behavior than students from other ethnic minority groups, and are more likely to experience certain negative alcohol related consequences as a result of drinking. Previous research links stress to drinking among college students and indicates drinking occurs within a gendered context. Although this suggests an effect of gender role socialization, studies exploring these relationships among Latina/os are lacking. To explore potential relationships of stress, gender role prescriptions of the heritage culture, and drinking among Latina/o college students. Specifically, to explore potential interactions between stress and multiple dimensions of machismo and marianismo as related to alcohol use. Latina/o undergraduates (N = 248) completed a questionnaire. Self-reported stress, quantity of alcohol consumption, and frequency of binge drinking were recorded for all participants. Gender role prescriptions were assessed via endorsement of two dimensions of machismo (men) or two dimensions of marianismo (women). Stress was positively related to general quantity for women. Each dimension of machismo was distinctly related to binge drinking for men. Significant interactions emerged between both machismo and marianismo and stress as related to both alcohol use outcomes. For women, the moderating pattern between marianismo and stress varied according to type of alcohol use. Conclusions/Importance: Gender role beliefs influence the relationship between stress and alcohol use among Latina/o college students. Future research should account for the intersection of gender and culture when considering the stress-alcohol relationship.

  12. Internalized Racism, Perceived Racism, and Ethnic Identity: Exploring Their Relationship in Latina/o Undergraduates (United States)

    Hipolito-Delgado, Carlos P.


    For Latina/o undergraduates, ethnic identity is an important construct linked to self-esteem and educational attainment. Internalized and perceived racism have been hypothesized to hinder ethnic identity development in Latina/o undergraduates. To assess if internalized and perceived racism were inversely related to ethnic identity, the author…

  13. Mapping Intersectionality and Latina/o and Chicana/o Students along Educational Frameworks of Power (United States)

    Alemán, Sonya M.


    This chapter reviews scholarship using intersectional analyses to assess how Latina/o and Chicana/o youth navigate imbricated systems of privilege and oppression in their educational trajectories. Scholars have explored the navigational tactics Latina/o and Chicana/o students use to negotiate their intersectional identities and the institutional…

  14. Engineering Education through the Latina Lens (United States)

    Villa, Elsa Q.; Wandermurem, Luciene; Hampton, Elaine M.; Esquinca, Alberto


    Less than 20% of undergraduates earning a degree in engineering are women, and even more alarming is minority women earn a mere 3.1% of those degrees. This paper reports on a qualitative study examining Latinas' identity development toward and in undergraduate engineering and computer science studies using a sociocultural theory of learning. Three…

  15. Mobile Versus Fixed Facility: Latinas' Attitudes and Preferences for Obtaining a Mammogram. (United States)

    Scheel, John R; Tillack, Allison A; Mercer, Lauren; Coronado, Gloria D; Beresford, Shirley A A; Molina, Yamile; Thompson, Beti


    Mobile mammographic services have been proposed as a way to reduce Latinas' disproportionate late-stage presentation compared with white women by increasing their access to mammography. The aims of this study were to assess why Latinas may not use mobile mammographic services and to explore their preferences after using these services. Using a mixed-methods approach, a secondary analysis was conducted of baseline survey data (n = 538) from a randomized controlled trial to improve screening mammography rates among Latinas in Washington. Descriptive statistics and bivariate regression were used to characterize mammography location preferences and to test for associations with sociodemographic indices, health care access, and perceived breast cancer risk and beliefs. On the basis of these findings, a qualitative study (n = 18) was used to explore changes in perceptions after using mobile mammographic services. More Latinas preferred obtaining a mammogram at a fixed facility (52.3% [n = 276]) compared with having no preference (46.3% [n = 249]) and preferring mobile mammographic services (1.7% [n = 9]). Concerns about privacy and comfort (15.6% [n = 84]) and about general quality (10.6% [n = 57]) were common reasons for preferring a fixed facility. Those with no history of mammography preferred a fixed facility (P mobile mammographic services after obtaining a mammogram. Although most Latinas preferred obtaining a mammogram at a fixed facility, positive experiences with mobile mammography services changed their attitudes toward them. These findings highlight the need to include community education when using mobile mammographic service to increase screening mammography rates in underserved communities. Copyright © 2017 American College of Radiology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Partnering for Health with Nebraska's Latina Immigrant Community Using Design Thinking Process. (United States)

    Ramos, Athena K; Trinidad, Natalia; Correa, Antonia; Rivera, Roy


    The Center for Reducing Health Disparities at the University of Nebraska Medical Center partnered with El Centro de Las Americas, a community-based organization, and various community members to develop a 1-day Spanish-language health conference entitled El Encuentro de La Mujer Sana (Healthy Woman Summit) for immigrant Latinas in Nebraska during May 2013 as part of National Women's Health Week. Design thinking was used to create a meaningful learning experience specifically designed for monolingual Spanish-speaking immigrant Latinas in Nebraska and build a foundation for collaboration between an academic institution, community-based organizational partners, and community members. We used the design thinking methodology to generate ideas for topics and prototyped agendas with community stakeholders that would be relevant and provide culturally and linguistically appropriate health education. By developing community-based health education programs for Latinas with Latinas through a community-engaged co-creation process, organizations and communities build trust, enhance community capacity, and meet identified needs for education and service. Design thinking is a valuable tool that can be used to develop community health education initiatives and enhance civic participation. This method holds promise for health education and public health in becoming more relevant for traditionally marginalized or disenfranchised populations.

  17. Latina/o Achievement at Predominantly White Universities: The Importance of Culture and Ethnic Community (United States)

    Cerezo, Alison; Chang, Tai


    In this exploratory study, the authors examined the influence of cultural fit on the achievement of Latina/o college students by testing whether cultural integration factors (i.e., cultural congruity, ethnic identity, connection with ethnic minority peers) predict college GPA (grade point average). Participants were 113 Latina/o students enrolled…

  18. University students' perceived norms of peers and drug use: a multicentric study in five Latin American countries Normas percibidas por estudiantes universitarios respecto a sus pares y el uso de drogas: estudio multicéntrico en cinco países de América Latina Normas percebidas por estudantes universitários sobre seus companheiros e uso de drogas: um estudo multicêntrico em cinco países da América Latina

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    Inés V. Bustamante


    Full Text Available This cross-sectional study compared perceived peer drug use and actual drug use in a sample of Latin American university students. Students from nine universities in five countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Honduras and Peru completed a questionnaire that addressed the use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and cocaine. Analysis focused on comparing perceptions to actual drug use. The findings largely, but not completely, confirmed the idea that students overestimate peer drug use. The unexpected findings were those relating to alcohol. While students generally overestimated peer use of tobacco, marijuana and cocaine, they accurately estimated or underestimated peer use of alcohol. Apart from the anomalous findings with regard to alcohol, this study shows that perceived drug use relates to actual drug use in Latin America as it does elsewhere. The results also support the suggestion that interventions using normative feedback would be useful to strengthen drug use prevention programs aimed at youth in Latin America.Este estudio transversal se comparó la percepción que se tiene del consumo de los pares con el uso real de drogas, en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de América Latina. Los estudiantes de nueve universidades en cinco países (Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Honduras y Perú respondieron a un cuestionario que abordaba el uso de tabaco, alcohol, marihuana y cocaína. El análisis se concentró en la comparación de la percepción y el consumo real de drogas. Los resultados en gran medida, aunque no completamente, confirmaron que los estudiantes sobreestiman el uso de drogas entre sus pares. Los resultados inesperados fueron los relacionados con el alcohol. Mientras que los estudiantes generalmente sobrestimaron el consumo de tabaco, marihuana y cocaína entre sus pares, los mismos estimaron con bastante precisión o subestimaron el uso de alcohol entre sus pares. Además de los resultados inesperados en relación al alcohol, este

  19. Latina Social Studies Teachers Negotiating Public Institutions (United States)

    Rivas, Elizabeth D.


    This mixed methods study explores the institutionalized master narrative of public institutions and how the mandated policies enacted by public institutions impact Latina social studies teachers when delivering instruction to their students. A socio-transformative constructivist framework guides this study to affirm that knowledge is socially…

  20. The Impact of Individual, Interpersonal, and Institutional Factors on Latina/o College Students' Life Satisfaction (United States)

    Vela, Javier C.; Ikonomopoulos, James; Hinojosa, Karina; Gonzalez, Stacey L.; Duque, Omar; Calvillo, Megan


    This manuscript investigated the contributions of individual, interpersonal, and institutional factors on Latina/o college students' life satisfaction. Participants included 130 Latina/o students enrolled at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Results indicated that search for meaning in life, mentoring, and family support were significant predictors…

  1. Psychosocial correlates of safe sex communication between Latina women and their stable male partners: an integrative review. (United States)

    Luft, Heidi; Larson, Elaine


    Latina women in stable relationships have risks for human immunodeficiency virus and other sexually transmitted infections. Improving safe sexual communication (SSC) could enable women to accurately assess and mitigate their risk of infection within their relationship. Literature to identify psychosocial correlates that facilitate or inhibit SSC between Latina women and their partners has not yet been synthesized. The purpose of this study was to conduct an integrative review and synthesis of empirical and theoretical research that examines psychosocial correlates of SSC among adult Latina women from the United States, Latina America, and the Caribbean with stable male partners. A systematic search of LILACS, EBSCO, and PsychInfo databases was conducted to identify qualitative and quantitative studies that investigated psychosocial correlates of SSC among adult Latina women with a stable male partner. Pertinent data were abstracted and quality of individual studies was appraised. A qualitative synthesis was conducted following Miles and Huberman's method. Five qualitative and three quantitative studies meet eligibility criteria. Factors related to SSC related to three main themes: (1) relationship factors such as length, quality, and power/control, (2) individual factors including attitudes, beliefs, background, behaviors, and intrapersonal characteristics, and (3) partner factors related to partner beliefs and behaviors. The interplay of relationship, individual, and partner factors should be considered in the assessment of SSC for Latina women with their stable partners. To inform future interventions and clinical guidelines, additional research is needed to identify which factors are most related to SSC for this population, and how comparable experiences are for Latina women of different subcultures and living in different countries.

  2. Adaptation of the U.S. Food Security Survey Module for Low-Income Pregnant Latinas: Qualitative Phase


    Hromi-Fiedler, Amber; Bermúdez-Millán, Angela; Segura-Pérez, Sofia; Damio, Grace; Pérez-Escamilla, Rafael


    The objectives of this study were to: 1) assessed the face validity of the 18-items US Household Food Security Scale Module (US HFSSM) among low-income pregnant Latinas and 2) adapt the US HFSSM to the target population. This study was conducted in the United States in Hartford, Connecticut where 40% of residents are of Latina descent. Three focus groups (N=14total) were held with pregnant and postpartum Latinas from April – June 2004 to assess the understanding and applicability (face validi...

  3. Behavioral HIV Prevention Interventions Among Latinas in the US: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. (United States)

    Daniel-Ulloa, Jason; Ulibarri, M; Baquero, B; Sleeth, C; Harig, H; Rhodes, S D


    Compared to White women, Latinas are 4 times more likely to contract HIV. In an effort to determine the overall state of the science meant to address this disparity, we reviewed the current HIV prevention intervention literature for U.S. Latinas. We searched 5 online electronic databases from their inception through July, 2014, for HIV prevention interventions including a majority sample of Latinas. Of 1041 articles identified, 20 studies met inclusion criteria. We documented study designs, participant characteristics, outcomes, theories used, and other intervention characteristics. Overall, HIV knowledge and attitudes were the predominant outcome; a small minority of studies included self-reported condom use or STD incidence. Strategies used to address cultural factors specific to Latinas and HIV included; lay health advisors, using ethnographic narratives, or using the Theory of Gender and Power, however few of the interventions adopted these strategies. This study identified several gaps in the intervention literature that need to be addressed. In addition to including more direct measures of decreased HIV risk (ex. condom use), more systematic use of strategies meant to address gender and cultural factors that may place Latinas at increased risk (e.g., gender inequity, traditional gender role norms such as machismo and marianismo, and relationship power dynamics).

  4. Perspectivas de desenvolvimento sustentável para o setor florestal na América Latina

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    Alexandre Grimaldi de Castro


    Full Text Available A proposta de desenvolvimento sustentado representa atualmente elemento de aprofundamento das discussões quanto ao real significado dos conceitos de progresso e desenvolvimento econômico e social. A premência por alternativas estabelecida a partir das crises ambiental e de recursos tem induzido a procura de estratégias que traduzam uma solução consistente de continuidade dos processo de desenvolvimento, sem que para isso ocorra o comprometimento da base de sustentação das atividades produtivas. As perspectivas de desenvolvimento sustentado para o setor de papel e celulose na América Latina, especificamente quanto às atividades de exploração florestal, estão intimamente relacionadas a dois aspectos fundamentais: estabelecimento de uma sistemática de negociação política entre o setor produtivo e demais representantes da sociedade; inserção dos empreendimentos dentro de uma escala mais ampla, na qual estes estejam plenamente integrados à programas de desenvolvimento regional multi-setoriais. Ademais, torna-se cada vez mais necessária a consideração de particularidades ambientais, sociais e políticas inerentes a determinado local/região. Especificamente quanto a economias e sociedades latino-americanas, o reconhecimento do contexto histórico de desenvolvimento regional constitui elemento fundamental de planejamento estratégico e de compreensão do contexto ambiental e político. O estado das artes em ciência e tecnologia, embora apresente um nível significativo de incerteza, permite a incorporação e desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de gerenciamento. A gestão ambiental, representada pelo gerenciamento de processos ambientais e produtivos de forma integrada, apresenta-se como alternativa viável de transição para um modelo de maior sustentabilidade. Programas de planejamento estratégico, aliados a sistemas dinâmicos de gerenciamento ambiental, constituem as ferramentas atualmente disponíveis para implementa

  5. Emprendedurismo en America Latina


    Jimmy Federico Telléz Figueroa


    América latina es y ha sido siempre una región, que por sus características en particular socio políticas, no ha generado la mejor de las condiciones para el desarrollo y el fomento del emprendedurismo en todos sus niveles; por el contrario a simple vista nos permite inferir que en mayor o menor grado, dependiendo de los países, las condiciones científicamente ideales para la incubación de emprendimientos no son precisamente las ideales para que los “emprendedores” corran el riesgo de “empren...

  6. Sex in the New World: an empowerment model for HIV prevention in Latina immigrant women. (United States)

    Gómez, C A; Hernández, M; Faigeles, B


    In 1996, nearly 60% of U.S. AIDS cases among Latinas were attributed to unprotected sex with men. Economic disadvantage, language barriers, and strong cultural gender norms regarding sex exacerbate the risk for HIV infection among Latina immigrant women. Through a collaboration among scientists and providers, this study was designed to evaluate the impact of a multifaceted empowerment program for Latina immigrant women on HIV risk behaviors. Women (N = 74) were followed for the first 6 months of their participation and attended up to nine distinct types of activities (e.g., information meetings, friendship circles, and workshops). Although the program was not developed to specifically target HIV risk behaviors, women showed significant increases in sexual communication comfort, were less likely to maintain traditional sexual gender norms, and reported changes in decision-making power. Targeting broader sociocultural issues may increase the necessary skills for Latina women to prevent HIV infection from their sexual partners. Successful collaborations between scientists and providers are critical in developing effective, community-relevant interventions.

  7. Associations between meal patterns, binge eating, and weight for Latinas. (United States)

    Cachelin, Fary M; Thomas, Colleen; Vela, Alyssa; Gil-Rivas, Virginia


    Establishing a regular pattern of eating is a core element of treatment for binge eating, yet no research to date has examined meal patterns of Latina women. Compare eating patterns of Latinas who binge eat and those who do not, and examine associations between meal patterns and binge episodes, associated distress and concerns, and body mass index (BMI). One-hundred fifty-five Latinas [65 Binge Eating Disorder (BED), 22 Bulimia Nervosa (BN), 68 with no eating disorder] were assessed with the Eating Disorder Examination. There were no significant differences in eating patterns between groups. Breakfast was the least and dinner the most consumed meal. For the BED group: greater frequency of lunch consumption was associated with higher BMI while more frequent evening snacking was associated with lower BMI and with less weight importance; more frequent breakfast consumption, mid-morning snack consumption and total meals were associated with greater distress regarding binge eating. For the BN group, evening snack frequency was associated with less dietary restriction and more weight and shape concern; total snack frequency was associated with more weight concern. Regular meal eaters reported more episodes of binge eating than those who did not eat meals regularly. Associations with meal patterns differed by eating disorder diagnosis. Study findings mostly are not consistent with results from prior research on primarily White women. CBT treatments may need to be tailored to address the association between binge eating and regular meal consumption for Latinas. Culturally, appropriate modifications that address traditional eating patterns should be considered. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (Int J Eat Disord 2017; 50:32-39). © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Associations between Cultural Stressors, Cultural Values, and Latina/o College Students' Mental Health. (United States)

    Corona, Rosalie; Rodríguez, Vivian M; McDonald, Shelby E; Velazquez, Efren; Rodríguez, Adriana; Fuentes, Vanessa E


    Latina/o college students experience cultural stressors that negatively impact their mental health, which places them at risk for academic problems. We explored whether cultural values buffer the negative effect of cultural stressors on mental health symptoms in a sample of 198 Latina/o college students (70 % female; 43 % first generation college students). Bivariate results revealed significant positive associations between cultural stressors (i.e., acculturative stress, discrimination) and mental health symptoms (i.e., anxiety, depressive, psychological stress), and negative associations between cultural values of familismo, respeto, and religiosity and mental health symptoms. Several cultural values moderated the influence of cultural stressors on mental health symptoms. The findings highlight the importance of helping Latina/o college students remain connected to their families and cultural values as a way of promoting their mental health.


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    Sérgio Henrique Conceição


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho propõe um estudo exploratório sobre a prática de evidenciação em sustentabilidade empresarial (SE em companhias do Brasil e demais países da América Latina, tomando como parâmetro o relatório de sustentabilidade empresarial denominado Global Reporting Initiative (GRI. A partir dos pressupostos teóricos da teoria da divulgação voluntária e da teoria de legitimidade, estabelece reflexões acerca da sua aderência ao processo de comunicação em sustentabilidade empresarial das companhias. O estudo da série histórica a partir de 1999 até 2010 identifica as companhias brasileiras como responsáveis por mais de 50% dos informes de sustentabilidade empresarial e a América Latina enquanto espaço em que se consolida a utilização do relatório GRI no mundo. Indica pressupostos no desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas que contribuam para a concepção de metodologias de análise, avaliação e interpretação do desempenho em sustentabilidade empresarial das companhias e para o estudo dos fenômenos de sua divulgação, contribuindo para o fortalecimento das variáveis do desempenho em sustentabilidade empresarial no contexto decisório dos stakeholders.

  10. The influence of time perspective on cervical cancer screening among Latinas in the United States. (United States)

    Roncancio, Angelica M; Ward, Kristy K; Fernandez, Maria E


    To develop effective interventions to increase cervical cancer screening among Latinas, we should understand the role of cultural factors, such as time perspective, in the decision to be screened. We examined the relation between present time orientation, future time orientation, and self-reported cervical cancer screening among Latinas. A group of 206 Latinas completed a survey measuring factors associated with screening. Logistic regression analyses revealed that future time orientation was significantly associated with self-reported screening. Understanding the influence of time orientation on cervical cancer screening will assist us in developing interventions that effectively target time perspective and screening. © The Author(s) 2013.

  11. Gendered racism and the sexual and reproductive health of Black and Latina Women. (United States)

    Rosenthal, Lisa; Lobel, Marci


    To understand health disparities, it is important to use an intersectional framework that examines unique experiences of oppression faced by particular groups due to their intersecting identities and social positions linked to societal structures. We focus on Black and Latina women and their experiences with 'gendered racism' - unique forms of oppression due to the intersection of race/ethnicity and gender - to foster understanding of disparities between Black and Latina versus White women in sexual and reproductive health outcomes in the U.S. Specifically, we focus on stereotype-related gendered racism (ongoing discrimination and stereotype threat based on historically-rooted stereotypes about Black and Latina women's sexuality and motherhood) and birth control-related mistrust (ongoing mistrust of the government and medical system related to birth control due to historical and current abuses). We analyzed data from two survey studies with adult women in New York (Study 1: paper-and-pencil community data collection, N = 135, M age  = 43.35) and across the U.S. (Study 2: online data collection, N = 343, M age  = 29.49) who were currently pregnant or had at least one child and identified as Black, Latina, or White. Black and Latina women reported greater frequency of and concern over stereotype-related gendered racism (F(3,131) = 17.90, p stereotype-related gendered racism was positively associated with pregnancy-specific stress (ß = .40, p gendered racism may play an important role in existing racial/ethnic disparities in women's sexual and reproductive health outcomes, and interventions addressing gendered racism at multiple levels are needed to promote health equity.

  12. Nursing research in Latin America: 1988-1998 La investigación en enfermería en América Latina: 1988-1998 A pesquisa em enfermagem na América Latina: 1988-1998

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    Rita L. Ailinger


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of nursing research in Latin America during the decade from 1988 to 1998. Data from the bi-annual Pan American Colloquia in Nursing Research from 1988 to 1998 were subject to secondary analysis. Findings indicate that most of the research emanated from Brazil, the only country with a doctoral program in nursing in the 1990's. Research topics included: public health issues, clinical studies (usually of adults, nursing care studies of process, therapeutic communication, and administrative issues such as standards of care and quality. The most common design was descriptive quantitative, although there were several qualitative studies. The analysis provides directions for future research and indicates areas of concern, especially the need for theory based nursing research.El propósito de este artículo es ofrecer un panorama sobre la investigación en enfermería en América Latina durante la década de 1988 a 1998. La información reunida en los Coloquios Panamericanos de Investigación en Enfermería, que se celebran cada dos años, fue sometida a análisis secundario. Descubrimos que la mayor parte de las investigaciones emana del Brasil, el único país con un programa de doctorado en enfermería en los años noventa. Los tópicos de investigación incluyen asuntos de salud pública, estudios clínicos (normalmente de adultos, estudios del proceso de atención de enfermería, comunicación terapéutica y asuntos administrativos tales como normas de atención y calidad. El diseño más común fue el estudio cuantitativo descriptivo, aunque también encontramos varios estudios cualitativos. El análisis ofrece direcciones para futuras investigaciones e indica áreas de preocupación, especialmente la necesidad de una investigación en enfermería con base teórica.O objetivo do presente artigo é oferecer um panorama da pesquisa em enfermagem na América Latina realizada durante a década de

  13. Gobernanza ambiental en América Latina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Castro, F.; Hogenboom, B.; Baud, M.


    En términos de recursos naturales América Latina es la región más rica del mundo. Las múltiples finalidades de la naturaleza -subsistencia para las comunidades, ingresos para los Estados, commodities para las compañías, y biodiversidad para los conservacionistas- han convertido la gobernanza

  14. Aspirations of Latina adolescent suicide attempters


    Hausmann-Stabile, Carolina; Gulbas, Lauren; Zayas, Luis H.


    Parents’ aspirations and expectations are communicated to their offspring. Children internalize their parents’ aspirations and accept some of the expectations while rejecting others, all part of the developmental process and identity-consolidation. When the aspirations and expectations of youth and parents are incongruent, the outcomes in youths’ behavior can be deleterious, such as when adolescents manifest suicidal behaviors. We examined aspirations expressed by 12 Latina adolescent suicide...

  15. Validation of Four Measures of Social Support with Latina/o and Non-Hispanic White Undergraduates (United States)

    Bordes, Veronica; Sand, Jennifer K.; Arredondo, Patricia; Robinson Kurpius, Sharon E.; Rayle, Andrea Dixon


    This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Perceived Social Support-Family and Friends Scales, the Family Valuing of Education Scale, and the Mentoring Scale with Latina/o and non-Hispanic White college freshmen. When scores for 112 Latina/o and 597 non-Hispanic White freshmen were examined, strong reliability was found for the…

  16. Second Language Acquisition, Culture Shock and Language Stress of Adult Latina Students in New York. (United States)

    Buttaro, Lucia

    This study identified the second language acquisition, culture shock, and language stress of adult Latinas in New York as related to language, culture, and education. Participants were eight adult Latinas, for whom Spanish was the first language, who had come to the United States 10-15 years previously and developed some functioning English as a…

  17. Perceived Parental Legitimacy as a Moderator of Parent-Child Communication's Effects on Latina/o Adolescent Substance Use. (United States)

    Kam, Jennifer A; Pérez Torres, Debora


    Utilizing primary socialization theory (PST) and longitudinal survey data from 381 Latina/o sixth- through eighth-grade students, we hypothesized that four types of parent anti-substance use messages (i.e., parents' own past substance use, religious beliefs, respect for family, and peer resistance) would discourage Latina/o students' substance use, particularly when the students perceived their parents' anti-substance use messages were legitimate. The results supported moderation. For Latina/o students who thought that their parents' anti-substance use messages were legitimate, many of the anti-substance use messages were negatively related to substance use, but the associations were positive or nonsignificant for Latina/o students who thought that their parents' anti-substance use messages were not legitimate. The findings extend past work on PST and anti-substance use parent-child communication, highlighting the importance of perceived legitimacy and message content.

  18. América latina: la ciudad negada

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    Livingston Crawford


    Full Text Available Este ensayo hace un recorrido histórico sobre los significados que visibiliza la estructura urbana en América Latina desde la Colonia hasta el presente. Partiendo de la separación entre lo rural y lo urbano heredada del mundo colonial, el ensayo muestra las alteraciones que en la gramática urbana y en el imaginario simbólico, produce la explosión urbana de los años sesenta del siglo pasado, lo que constituye una noción deteriorada de espacio público como signo de la ciudad negada, y la posterior conceptualización del espacio público, durante los noventa, como espacio de la diversidad. Al establecer un vínculo entre las perspectivas políticas y económicas de los diferentes momentos históricos de América Latina y la gramática espacial de la ciudad, los autores afirman que esta relación produce un texto que posibilita la comunicación (o incomunicación entre los ciudadanos y el Estado.

  19. The importance of familia for Latina/o college students: examining the role of familial support in intragroup marginalization. (United States)

    Llamas, Jasmín D; Morgan Consoli, Melissa


    Intragroup marginalization refers to the perceived interpersonal distancing by members of the heritage culture when an individual exhibits cultural characteristics of the dominant group. This study expands understanding of the college experience of Latina/o students by examining relationships between intragroup marginalization, college adjustment, resilience, and thriving in a sample of 181 Latina/o college students, ranging from freshman to graduate students. In addition, the role of familial social support is explored to determine any possible mediating effects on the relationship between intragroup marginalization, college adjustment, resilience, and thriving. Findings revealed that intragroup marginalization predicted college adjustment, resilience, and thriving. Familial social support was found to mediate the relationship between intragroup marginalization and thriving. This research highlights the negative impact of intragroup marginalization for Latina/o students, as well as the role of familial support in thriving. The results also shed light on the Latina/o college experience as a means to improving Latina/o students' college outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).

  20. Straddling the School-to-Prison Pipeline and Gender Non-Conforming Microaggressions as a Latina Lesbian (United States)

    Caraves, Jacqueline


    Although there is a growing body of work on the experiences of girls in juvenile justice and women in prison, still little is known about the experiences of Latinas in the prison pipeline. Accordingly, even less is known about lesbian/queer Latinas in the prison pipeline. Gabriela's case study reveals her experiences in and out of the Juvenile…

  1. O pict?rico na poesia cabo-verdiana: dos claridosos a Kiki Lima


    Oliveira Junior, Jos? Leite de


    A rela??o entre literatura e pintura vem instigando fil?sofos desde a antiguidade greco-latina. Atualmente desenvolvem-se novos ramos na Semiotiko com esse prop?sito. Esta pesquisa se baseia sobre a teoria semi?tica de Jean-Marie Floch ou, mais precisamente, sobre a adapta??o da teoria deste ? cultura brasileira feita por Antonio Vicente Pietroforte. Para objeto de pesquisa escolheu-se a pintura e a poesia de Cabo Verde, objetivando-se esclarecer a seguinte quest?o: A obra pict...

  2. Perspectivas da participação do público através de ONGs para a gestão ambiental na América Latina

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    Gabriel Eduardo Schütz

    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa algumas perspectivas e limitações das organizações não-governamentais (ONGs como instância de participação popular para a gestão ambiental local e regional na América Latina. Em primeiro lugar, é analisado o fundamento ético do trabalho voluntário independente nas democracias regionais e sua relação com a formulação de políticas públicas - principalmente nas áreas de saúde e meio ambiente - no processo de globalização da economia mundial. Este estudo também apresentada uma análise qualitativa de dados demográficos, socioeconômicos e ambientais que correlacionam a referência espacial das ONGs com as paradoxais realidades sociopolíticas e socioeconômicas do continente americano. Tenta-se mostrar que setores governamentais e do empresariado vêm estimulando a substituição da solidariedade compulsória das políticas sociais compensatórias pela filantropia e o trabalho voluntário, e que essa tendência é coerente com a reestruturação do capitalismo mundial. Os dados demonstram que, em geral, as ONGs não aparecem e prosperam na pobreza, mas nas áreas de concentração de poder político-econômico associado ao desenvolvimento humano. É discutida a diferença conceitual entre sociedade civil e terceiro setor, comumente identificados como sinônimos. Finalmente, são apresentadas conclusões que podem servir de estímulo para que gestores e o público em geral reflitam sobre o projeto político e econômico que está por trás do incentivo ao trabalho voluntário em áreas de responsabilidade do Estado, como são as áreas de saúde pública e gestão ambiental.

  3. Protección social en salud en América latina y el Caribe ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 déc. 2010 ... Protección social en salud en América latina y el Caribe : Investigación y políticas. Couverture du livre Protección social en salud en América latina y el Caribe : Investigación y. Directeur(s) : Amparo Hernández Bello et Carmen Rico de Sotelo. Maison(s) d'édition : Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, ...

  4. An Exploratory Study of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Behaviors in Adolescent Latinas


    Gulbas, Lauren E.; Hausmann-Stabile, Carolina; De Luca, Susan M.; Tyler, Tee R.; Zayas, Luis H.


    To date, there is little research to validate empirically differences between non-suicidal self-injurious behavior (NSSI) and attempted suicide among Latina adolescents. Understanding the characteristics and contextual features of self-harmful behaviors among Latina teens is a critical public health and social justice matter given the disproportionate rates of attempted suicide and anticipated population growth of this vulnerable group. In this article, we draw on an ecodevelopmental model to...

  5. Dimensions of religiousness and cancer screening behaviors among church-going Latinas. (United States)

    Allen, Jennifer D; Pérez, John E; Pischke, Claudia R; Tom, Laura S; Juarez, Alan; Ospino, Hosffman; Gonzalez-Suarez, Elizabeth


    Churches are a promising setting through which to reach Latinas with cancer control efforts. A better understanding of the dimensions of religiousness that impact health behaviors could inform efforts to tailor cancer control programs for this setting. The purpose of this study was to explore relationships between dimensions of religiousness with adherence to cancer screening recommendations among church-going Latinas. Female Spanish-speaking members, aged 18 and older from a Baptist church in Boston, Massachusetts (N = 78), were interviewed about cancer screening behaviors and dimensions of religiousness. We examined adherence to individual cancer screening tests (mammography, Pap test, and colonoscopy), as well as adherence to all screening tests for which participants were age-eligible. Dimensions of religiousness assessed included church participation, religious support, active and passive spiritual health locus of control, and positive and negative religious coping. Results showed that roughly half (46 %) of the sample had not received all of the cancer screening tests for which they were age-eligible. In multivariate analyses, positive religious coping was significantly associated with adherence to all age-appropriate screening (OR = 5.30, p religious coping could increase the impact of cancer control interventions for Latinas.

  6. Work and health among Latina mothers in farmworker families. (United States)

    Arcury, Thomas A; Trejo, Grisel; Suerken, Cynthia K; Grzywacz, Joseph G; Ip, Edward H; Quandt, Sara A


    Work organization is important for the health of vulnerable workers, particularly women. This analysis describes work organization for Latinas in farmworker families and delineates the associations of work organization with health indicators. Up to 220 Latina women in farmworker families completed interviews from October 2012 to July 2013. Interviews addressed job structure, job demand, job control, and job support. Health measures included stress, depressive symptoms, physical activity, family conflict, and family economic security. Three fifths of the women were employed. Several work organization dimensions, including shift, psychological demand, work safety climate, and benefits, were associated with participant health as expected, on the basis of the work organization and job demands-control-support models. Research should address women's health and specific work responsibilities. Occupational safety policy must consider the importance of work organization in the health of vulnerable workers.

  7. A Community-Engaged Research Approach to Improve Mental Health Among Latina Immigrants: ALMA Photovoice. (United States)

    Perez, Georgina; Della Valle, Pamela; Paraghamian, Sarah; Page, Rachel; Ochoa, Janet; Palomo, Fabiana; Suarez, Emilia; Thrasher, Angela; Tran, Anh N; Corbie-Smith, Giselle


    Recent Latina immigrants are at increased risk of poor mental health due to stressors associated with adapting to life in the United States. Existing social and health care policies often do not adequately address the mental health concerns of new Latino populations. Amigas Latinas Motivando el Alma, a community-partnered research project, seeks to improve immigrant Latinas' mental health outcomes. Using Photovoice methodology, promotoras (lay health advisors) reflected on community factors affecting mental health through photography and guided discussion. Discussions were audio-recorded, transcribed, and coded using content analysis to identify salient themes. Promotoras reviewed codes to develop themes that they presented in community forums to reach local policy makers and to increase community awareness. These forums included an exhibit of the promotoras' photographs and discussion of action steps to address community concerns. Themes included transitioning to life in the United States, parenting, education, and combating racism. Nearly 150 stakeholders attended the community forums and proposed responses to promotoras' photographic themes. Our findings suggest that Photovoice provides an opportunity for Latinas and the larger community to identify issues that they find most important and to explore avenues for action and change by creating sustainable partnerships between the community and forum attendees. © 2015 Society for Public Health Education.

  8. Educación Superior y Pueblos Indígenas en América Latina

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    Álvaro Guaymás


    Full Text Available El dossier que aquí presentamos resulta de un trabajo colaborativo iniciado a principios de este año en el marco de la Red Interuniversitaria Educación Superior y Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes de América Latina (RED ESIAL. Esta red, cuya creación ha sido impulsada y gestionada desde el Programa Educación Superior y Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes en América Latina (Programa ESIAL del Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, cuenta con la participación de cuarenta universidades de América Latina, habiendo sido la Universidad Nacional de Salta una de las primeras en adherir a la misma, por iniciativa del Centro de Investigaciones Sociales y Educativas del Norte argentino (Cisen.

  9. Self-Esteem, Social Support, Collectivism, and the Thin-Ideal in Latina College Undergraduates (United States)

    Cordero, Elizabeth D.


    Thin-ideal internalization (TII) reflects agreement that thinness equates with beauty. TII is a risk factor for body dissatisfaction and eating pathology; this phenomenon and its correlates, however, are just beginning to be studied in Latina undergraduates. This study examined the ability of self-esteem, social support, and collectivism to predict TII in Latina undergraduates. It was hypothesized that higher levels of self-esteem, social support, and collectivism would predict lower levels of TII. Cross-sectional data were analyzed using multiple regression; the model was significant, p < .01. Although both self-esteem and social support negatively correlated with thin-ideal internalization, only self-esteem accounted for a significant amount of variance. Results indicate that investigations of self-esteem as a protective factor against TII in Latina undergraduates would be fruitful, as would how self-esteem and social support affect the relationship between TII and other variables. Implications and limitations are discussed. PMID:21147052

  10. Imbricaciones del nuevo patrón de reproducción y la violencia política en América Latina; Entrelaçamentos dos novos padrões de reprodução e a violência política na América Latina; Interweaving of the New Pattern of Reproduction and Political Violence in Latin America

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    Maribel Rivas Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este artículo tiene el propósito de reflexionar brevemente en torno a la imbricación de los procesos económicos y la violencia política que prevalecen en el presente en América Latina. En congruencia con lo anterior se retomaron ciertos ejemplos que permiten enmarcar los procesos económicos y políticos de la región desde conceptos como: periferia, desarrollo, patrón de acumulación, estado, capital, entre otros. Se hace referencia al papel de la región latinoamericana en el proceso de mundialización del sistema capitalista aludiendo a la indivisibilidad de los procesos económicos y políticos. En la primera parte del trabajo se hacen algunas notas que nos permiten entender el concepto de “patrón de reproducción”. En la segunda parte se busca comprender algunas de las características y consecuencias del nuevo patrón de reproducción a través de la producción minera.   Palabras clave: periferia, desarrollo, patrón de acumulación, Estado, capital.       Resumo: Este artigo tem o propósito de refletir brevemente sobre o entrelaçamento entre os processos econômicos e a violência política que prevalece na América Latina. Consistente com o acima exposto se retomam alguns exemplos para enquadrar os processos econômicos e políticos na região a partir de conceitos como: periferia, desenvolvimento, padrão de acumulação, estado, capital, entre outros. Se fará referência ao papel da       região latinoamericana no processo de mundialização do sistema capitalista aludindo a indivisibilidade dos processos econômicos e políticos. Na primeira parte do trabalho se fará alguns apontamentos que nos permitirá compreender o conceito de "padrão de reprodução". Na segunda parte, se busca compreender algumas de suas características e conseqüências do novo padrão de reprodução através da produção minera.       Palavras-chave: periferia, desenvolvimento, padrão de acumulação, Estado, capital

  11. Universidade na América Latina: rumos do financiamento The university in Latin America: options for financing

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    Jacques Velloso


    Full Text Available Quais são as principais tendências do financiamento da universidade na América Latina? Que modelos seriam apropriados, tendo em vista as funções da instituição? Essas são as principais questões tratadas no artigo. Baseado em tendências ilustrativas, e considerado o cenário econômico da região, o texto inicialmente aborda alternativas quanto ao papel do Estado e contrasta propostas de financiamento do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento - BID - e da Unesco para países em desenvolvimento. Discutindo modelos de destinação de recursos para a universidade, o artigo trata da diversificação das fontes de recursos; dos contratos de gestão e de sua associação com o mercado e com a interferência de governos, à luz da experiência européia; da gestão da universidade como instituição complexa, necessariamente convivendo com estilos acadêmicos e empresariais de administração; da responsabilidade ética pela eficiência e da preservação da autonomia de gestão financeira. A conclusão da análise argúi a favor de um dos modelos discutidos, envolvendo avaliação institucional, esta entendida como indispensável prestação de contas à sociedade e mediação entre sociedade, Estado e universidade.What are the main trends on university financing in Latin America? Which models would be appropriate, considering the functions of the institution? These are the major questions dealt with in the article. Based on illustrative trends, and considering the economic scenario of the region, the text initially deals with alternatives on the role of the State and sets out contrasts between financing proposals originating from BID and Unesco for developing countries. Discussing resource allocation models, the article addresses the diversification of funding sources; conditional contracting as related to markets and government interference, in the light of the European experience; university management as the administration of a complex

  12. Proyecto Bilingüe: Constructing a Figured World of Bilingual Education for Latina/o Bilingual Teachers (United States)

    Ek, Lucila D.; Chávez, Guadalupe Domínguez


    Using theories of figured worlds, we demonstrate how Proyecto Bilingüe, a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction program, constructs a figured world of bilingual education for Latina/o bilingual teachers. We drew from a larger qualitative study to conduct a thematic analysis of interviews with Latina/o bilingual teachers, their written…

  13. Weaving Authenticity and Legitimacy: Latina Faculty Peer Mentoring (United States)

    Núñez, Anne-Marie; Murakami, Elizabeth T.; Gonzales, Leslie D.


    As an alternative to typical top-down mentoring models, the authors advance a conception of peer mentoring that is based on research about collectivist strategies that Latina faculty employ to navigate the academy. The authors advance recommendations for institutional agents to support mentoring for faculty who are members of historically…


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    David Lehmann


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos tornou-se cada vez mais clara a decepção daqueles que gostariam de ter visto o catolicismo "progressista" e as idéias associadas à Teologia da Libertação tornarem-se uma poderosa força de mudança na Igreja e na sociedade. Em contraste, o crescimento da variante pentecostal do protestantismo, comumente identificado com a moderna cultura americana, surpreendeu e chocou muitos observadores. Com base em trabalho de campo realizado em Salvador (Bahia, este artigo compara esses dois movimentos e mostra o que os divide e também o que eles têm em comum, à luz do que os aproxima da cultura popular, dos modelos de desenvolvimento que encerram e de sua inserção no fenômeno da globalização.

  15. Associations Between Postpartum Depression, Breastfeeding, and Oxytocin Levels in Latina Mothers. (United States)

    Lara-Cinisomo, Sandraluz; McKenney, Kathryn; Di Florio, Arianna; Meltzer-Brody, Samantha


    Postpartum depression (PPD), often comorbid with anxiety, is the leading medical complication among new mothers. Latinas have elevated risk of PPD, which has been associated with early breastfeeding cessation. Lower plasma oxytocin (OT) levels have also been associated with PPD in non-Latinas. This pilot study explores associations between PPD, anxiety, breastfeeding, and OT in Latinas. Thirty-four Latinas were enrolled during their third trimester of pregnancy and followed through 8 weeks postpartum. Demographic data were collected at enrollment. Depression was assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) at each time point (third trimester of pregnancy, 4 and 8 weeks postpartum). The Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was administered postpartum and EPDS anxiety subscale was used to assess anxiety at each time point. Breastfeeding status was assessed at 4 and 8 weeks postpartum. At 8 weeks, OT was collected before, during, and after a 10-minute breast/bottle feeding session from 28 women who completed the procedures. Descriptive statistics are provided and comparisons by mood and breastfeeding status were conducted. Analyses of variance were used to explore associations between PPD, anxiety, breastfeeding status, and OT. Just under one-third of women were depressed at enrollment. Prenatal depression, PPD, and anxiety were significantly associated with early breastfeeding cessation (i.e., stopped breastfeeding before 2 months) (p < 0.05). There was a significant interaction between early breastfeeding cessation and depression status on OT at 8 weeks postpartum (p < 0.05). Lower levels of OT were observed in women who had PPD at 8 weeks and who had stopped breastfeeding their infant by 8 weeks postpartum. Future studies should investigate the short- and long-term effects of lower OT levels and early breastfeeding cessation on maternal and child well-being.

  16. Representacion E Identidad: Content Analysis of Latina Biographies for Primary and Preadolescent Children Published 1955-2010 (United States)

    Lara, Margaret A.


    This study discusses the results of a content analysis of 75 Latina biographies for primary and pre-adolescent students that were published over a 16-year period, spanning from 1995 to 2010. Significant to this study was how Latinas were represented in the biographies and what changes can be seen over time. Using a rubric based on research by…

  17. Unintended Pregnancy and Intimate Partner Violence before and during Pregnancy among Latina Women in Los Angeles, California (United States)

    Martin, Kathryn R.; Garcia, Lorena


    The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between unintended pregnancy and intimate partner violence (IPV) before and during pregnancy among Latinas. A cross-sectional interview measuring pregnancy intent, IPV, and acculturation, using the Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans (ARSMA-II), was conducted among Latina women…

  18. La muchacha enamorada en la comedia latina

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    Antonio Arbea


    Full Text Available El propósito de este trabajo es caracterizar e interpretar la evolución del personaje de la muchacha enamorada en la comedia latina. Específicamente, se consideran aquí los dos momentos más salientes del género: de un lado, la antigua comedia romana de Plauto y Terencio, y, del otro, la así llamada comedia humanística latina, escrita en el temprano Renacimiento europeo. De entre estas últimas piezas, me interesará específicamente examinar los casos de Symmachus y Emporia, dos comedias de Tito Livio Frulovisi que hasta hoy no han sido traducidas a ninguna lengua moderna. The purpose of this work is to characterize and interpret the development of the character of the young girl in love in the Latin comedy. In consequence, the research focuses on the genre’s two most prominent periods: the ancient Roman comedy by Plautus and Terence, and the so-called Latin humanistic comedy from the early European Renaissance. More specifically, this work concentrates on the cases of Symmachus and Emporia, two comedies by Tito Livio Frulovisi which have not been translated to any modern language.

  19. Documentation Status as a Contextual Determinant of HIV Risk Among Young Transgender Latinas. (United States)

    Palazzolo, Sarah L; Yamanis, Thespina J; De Jesus, Maria; Maguire-Marshall, Molly; Barker, Suyanna L


    The purpose of this study was to explore the contextual factors that determine or mitigate vulnerability to HIV among Latina transgender women. Documentation status (legal authorization to live in the United States) has been cited by other studies as a barrier to recruitment or engagement in HIV-related care among immigrant Latinos, but not explored as a determinant of HIV risk for transgender immigrant Latinas. We collaborated with a community-based organization to explore these contextual, including social and structural, factors. In-depth interviews in Spanish captured life histories of eight 18- to 29-year-old transgender Latinas, who collectively self-identify as chicas trans. Codes were assigned deductively from the interview guide, and emerging themes were identified throughout data collection. Most participants migrated to the United States from Central America after experiencing discrimination and violence in their countries of origin. Participants emphasized documentation status as a critical factor in three areas related to social and structural determinants of HIV risk: gender identity expression, access to services, and relationship power dynamics. Chicas trans who gained legal asylum reported greater control over sexual relationships, improved access to services, and less risky employment. Documentation status emerged as a key HIV risk factor for this population. For undocumented transgender Latinas, legal asylum appears to be a promising HIV-related protective factor. Further research could assess whether legal assistance combined with wraparound support services affects HIV prevention for this population.

  20. Using qualitative methods to design a culturally appropriate child feeding questionnaire for low-income, Latina mothers. (United States)

    Lindsay, Ana Cristina; Sussner, Katrina Mucha; Greaney, Mary; Wang, Monica L; Davis, Rachel; Peterson, Karen E


    Obesity rates remain high among children in the United States (US), but children of low-income, minority families are at particularly high risk. Latinos are the largest and most rapidly growing US population group. Effective strategies will require attention to a wide array of culturally mediated variables that influence child feeding practices through the social contexts in which behaviors take place. This paper presents the design and implementation of a qualitative study examining low-income, Latina mothers' perceptions of child weight status and feeding practices, and their associations with the development of overweight in children. Guided by the social ecologic model and social contextual model on the role of the family in mediating health behavior, the Latina Mother Child Feeding Practices (LMCFP) study provided a systematic exploration of the influence of social class, culture, and environmental factors associated with mothers' perceptions of child overweight on feeding practices and behaviors. The design for this qualitative study consisted of three sequential phases: focus groups, in-depth interviews and cognitive interviews with Latina mothers conducted by Spanish-speaking researchers. Results showed the important role of socio-cultural factors in influencing Latina mothers' child feeding practices. In the short-term, this research yielded information to develop a child-feeding questionnaire appropriate for low-income, Latina mothers. Findings have important implications in developing nutrition education strategies for child health promotion that account for the social and cultural context of minority, low-income caregivers.

  1. Adaptation of the U.S. Food Security Survey Module for Low-Income Pregnant Latinas: Qualitative Phase. (United States)

    Hromi-Fiedler, Amber; Bermúdez-Millán, Angela; Segura-Pérez, Sofia; Damio, Grace; Pérez-Escamilla, Rafael


    The objectives of this study were to: 1) assessed the face validity of the 18-items US Household Food Security Scale Module (US HFSSM) among low-income pregnant Latinas and 2) adapt the US HFSSM to the target population. This study was conducted in the United States in Hartford, Connecticut where 40% of residents are of Latina descent. Three focus groups (N=14(total)) were held with pregnant and postpartum Latinas from April - June 2004 to assess the understanding and applicability (face validity) of the US HFSSM as well as adapt the US HFSSM based on their recommendations. This was followed by pre-testing (N=7) to make final adaptations to the US HFSSM. Overall, the items in the US HFSSM were clear and understandable to participants, but some questions sounded repetitive to them. Participants felt the questions were applicable to other pregnant Latinas in their community and shared food security related experiences and strategies. Participants recommendations led to key adaptations to the US HFSSM including reducing the scale to 15-items, wording statements as questions, including two time periods, replacing the term "balanced meals" with "healthy and varied", replacing the term "low cost foods" with "cheap foods" and including a definition of the term, and including a coping mechanism of avoiding running out of food. The adapted US HFSSM was found to have good face validity among pregnant Latinas and can be used to assess food insecurity among this vulnerable population.

  2. Limited socioeconomic opportunities and Latina teen childbearing: a qualitative study of family and structural factors affecting future expectations. (United States)

    Minnis, Alexandra M; Marchi, Kristen; Ralph, Lauren; Biggs, M Antonia; Combellick, Sarah; Arons, Abigail; Brindis, Claire D; Braveman, Paula


    The decrease in adolescent birth rates in the United States has been slower among Latinas than among other ethnic/racial groups. Limited research has explored how socioeconomic opportunities influence childbearing among Latina adolescents. We conducted in-depth interviews with 65 pregnant foreign- and US-born Latina women (31 adolescents; 34 adults) in two California counties. We assessed perceived socioeconomic opportunities and examined how family, immigration and acculturation affected the relationships between socioeconomic opportunities and adolescent childbearing. Compared with women who delayed childbearing into adulthood, pregnant adolescents described having few resources for educational and career development and experiencing numerous socioeconomic and social barriers to achieving their goals. Socioeconomic instability and policies limiting access to education influenced childbearing for immigrant adolescents. In contrast, family disintegration tied to poverty figured prominently in US-born adolescents' childbearing. Limited socioeconomic opportunities may play a large role in persistently high pregnancy rates among Latina adolescents.

  3. Language and Opportunity in the "Land of Opportunity": Latina Immigrants' Reflections on Language Learning and Professional Mobility (United States)

    Davila, Liv Thorstensson


    This study analyzes the goals and realities of four educated, working, adult Latina, English as a Second language (ESL) students living in North Carolina, a region seeing particularly intense migration of Latino immigrants. The study conceptually frames adjustment issues confronted by these Latina immigrants in terms of gender, language,…

  4. Differences in Knowledge of Breast Cancer Screening Among African American, Arab American, and Latina Women


    Williams, Karen Patricia; Mabiso, Athur; Todem, David; Hammad, Adnan; Hamade, Hiam; Hill-Ashford, Yolanda; Robinson-Lockett, Murlisa; Palamisono, Gloria; Zambrana, Ruth E.


    Introduction We examined differences in knowledge and socioeconomic factors associated with 3 types of breast cancer screening (breast self-examination, clinical breast examination, and mammogram) among African American, Arab, and Latina women. Methods Community health workers used a community-based intervention to recruit 341 women (112 Arab, 113 Latina, and 116 African American) in southeastern Michigan to participate in a breast cancer prevention intervention from August through October 20...

  5. La violencia homicida en América Latina

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    Roberto BRICEÑO-LEÓN


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El artículo analiza la situación de la violencia homicida en América Latina, cuál es su ubicación en la situación mundial de violencia y cuáles serían las posibles explicaciones para el lugar que ocupa. Utilizando la base de datos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud se clasifican las regiones por su tasa de homicidios y se ubica a América Latina como la región más violenta. Los países de América Latina son clasificados en cuatro grupos de acuerdo a la relación de su tasa de homicidios con la tasa media mundial y se caracterizan socialmente las víctimas.Para interpretar esa situación se relacionan con los niveles de urbanización y pobreza y se presentan los factores que pueden originar, fomentar y facilitar el incremento o disminución de los homicidios y su potencial utilidad en las políticas públicas.ABSTRACT: This article explores the situation of homicide violence in Latin America, its position within the worlds violence situation and the possible explanations for that position. Using the data bases of the World Health Organization, regions are classified by their homicide rates, which puts Latin America as the most violent region. Latin American countries are set in four groups according to the relation of their homicide rates with the world’s rate, and a social classification of victims is built. For interpreting this situation, those factors are put in relation with the levels of urbanization and poverty, and the possible causes of the increase or decrease of homicides are presented, as well as their potential utility for public policy making.

  6. Breast cancer genetic testing awareness, attitudes and intentions of Latinas living along the US-Mexico border: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Chalela, Patricia; Pagán, José A; Su, Dejun; Muñoz, Edgar; Ramirez, Amelie G


    Genetic testing for breast cancer may facilitate better-informed decisions regarding cancer prevention, risk reduction, more effective early detection, and better determination of risk for family members. Despite these potential benefits, significant portions of the US population-particularly Latinas-lack awareness of genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility. Among women who are tested, less than 4% are Latina. To uncover reasons for Latinas' low participation, this study explores awareness, attitudes and behavioral intentions to undergo genetic testing among average-risk Latinas along the Texas-Mexico border. Eight focus groups were conducted with 58 Latinas aged 19-69 living in Hidalgo County, a largely Latino region of South Texas. Focus group discussions were digitally recorded, transcribed and analyzed using qualitative content analysis to assess, categorize and interpret them. Two experienced study team members analyzed transcripts to identify major concepts grouped into theme categories. Participants mostly had less than a high-school education (43%), spoke primarily Spanish (52%), were of Mexican-American origin (90%) and had a family income of $30,000 or less (75%). Focus groups found that most participants had positive attitudes and strong interest in genetic testing, yet lacked general awareness and knowledge about genetic testing, its risks, benefits, and limitations. Participants also identified several key cultural-based influencers, such as family, religious beliefs and fear of testing. The delivery of culturally adapted risk information is needed to increase and ensure Latinas' understanding of breast cancer genetic testing during their decision-making processes. Key Latino values-religiosity, importance of family and the influential role of health care providers in health decisions-should also be considered when designing interventions targeting this specific group. Further research is needed to identify effective ways to communicate

  7. [Archives, photographies, maps for malary in Latina Province]. (United States)

    Mosillo, E


    After an historical introduction about ancient institutional regime of present Littoria/Latina province (until 1870 organized in Naples kingdom and Papal States), this essay is going to a swift analysis of marshes who reigned all over the land from the periphery of Rome to Fondi, when transient sheperds and woodmen were the only human beings of marshy land. So teachers for that unlettered people came into these lands, and so physicians came to fight against malary, first symbiotic enemy of man. So drainages were tried from Roman's epoch to Medieval and Illuministic one. We'll see Popes, feudal ladies and at last drainage trusts, all working to improve human life before the birth of Latina province. New cities and towns were born just during these trials; after the experiences of Angelo Celli, Italian Red Cross and Istituto per il risanamento antimalarico della regione pontina, many laws looked to medical aid for workers in malaric zones (exactly specified in topographic maps). In 1934 the Comitato provinciale antimalarico was introduced all over italian territory with the R.D.n. 1265.

  8. La dimensión subjetiva de la política en América Latina

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    Aristinete Bernardes Oliveira Neto


    Full Text Available El título del trabajo La dimensión subjetiva de la política en América Latina tiene el propósito de despertar a primera vista dos preguntas fundamentales: ¿por qué América Latina? y ¿por qué la subjetividad? Son dos temas que provocan tanto prejuicios como curiosidades en el ámbito académico de la filosofía. La opción por América Latina surgió de una experiencia personal como estudiante de filosofía. Con frecuencia nos sentimos desafortunados al tratar de ajustar los conocimientos adquiridos con las realidades que nos afectan como ciudadanos. La vida académica, sin lugar a dudas, se llena de sentido cuando nos damos cuenta de que es posible llevar al ámbito académico aquellos fantasmas que nos quedan en la mente, abstraídos de las crudas y sanguinarias imágenes de terror que encontramos a lo largo del continente. A través del estudio de la filosofía podemos pensar y soñar en nuevas sociedades humanas. En fin, me decidí por América Latina, porque aquí está mi destino.

  9. Gentrificação, preservação patrimonial e turismo: os novos sentidos da paisagem urbana na renovação das cidades

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    Maria Tereza Duarte Paes


    Full Text Available A gentrificação constituiu-se em um processo de natureza dinâmica, seja em sua concepção conceitual ou em sua forma de expressão no espaço. Desde os anos 1990, a preservação de sítios históricos urbanos no Brasil e na América Latina serviu de âncora para a refuncionalização turística e a ascensão econômica de inúmeras cidades, articulou-se às estratégias políticas e econômicas de renovação urbana e ganhou inúmeras denominações a partir de visões teóricas ou técnicas, interesses políticos e escalas diferenciadas. Esses temas serão abordados aqui a partir de apontamentos de pesquisa teórico-conceitual e de argumentos empíricos de algumas cidades brasileiras e centros históricos da América Latina, fundamentando a reflexão sobre a gentrificação global e os seus processos inerentes de injustiça social na produção de novas paisagens e na apropriação seletiva do espaço urbano.

  10. New Voices in the Struggle/Nuevas Voces en la Lucha: Toward Increasing Latina/o Faculty in Theological Education (United States)

    Turner, Caroline Sotello Viernes; Hernandez, Edwin I.; Pena, Milagros; Gonzalez, Juan Carlos


    Little progress has been made to increase Latina/o faculty representation in theological education. In this study, 33 interviews with Latina/o theological faculty identify supports and challenges to their scholarly development. Latino critical theory guides the analysis. Narratives reveal faculty experiences with oppression, challenging dominant…


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    Fernando Lolas Stepke


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta la persona y la obra de James Drane en su relación con la bioética en Latinoamérica. Tras un breve examen de su carrera y publicaciones, se destaca la creación de un centro de estudios en Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, legado de la filantropía de Russell B. Roth y su familia, que perpetuará el espíritu de interrogación libre y lealtad a sus principios que Drane ha mantenido a lo largo de su vidaEste artigo apresenta a pessoa e a obra de James Drane relacionada com a bioética na América Latina. Após um breve exame de sua carreira e publicações, destaca-se a criação de um centro de estudo na Edinboro Univerisity na Pensilvânia (EUA, legado da filantropia de Russell B. Roth e sua família. Este centro perpetuará o espírito de livre pensador e lealdade aos seus princípios que Drane tem defendido ao longo de sua vidaThis article presents the person and work of James Drane in their relation to bioethics in Latin America. After a brief analysis of his career and publications, the establishment of a study center at the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania is underscored, a legacy of the late Russell B. Roth and his family, which will perpetuate the spirit of free inquiry and loyalty to his principles that Drane has kept throughout his life

  12. Success factors impacting Latina/o persistence in higher education leading to STEM opportunities (United States)

    Peralta, Claudia; Caspary, Melissa; Boothe, Diane


    This study investigates how Latina/Latino youth resist, conform to, and persist in schooling, and explores their preparation for an education in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. Using Latino Critical Race Theory as a framework, evidence of the "sticky mess" of racial inequalities (Espinoza and Harris in Calif Law Rev 10:499-559, 1997) and the concept of community cultural wealth (Yosso in Race Ethn Educ 8:69-91, 2005) will be used to understand how Latina/o students successfully persist in college. Quantitative and qualitative findings collected at two public universities in 2007-2012 show that Latina/o parents play a significant role in influencing their children's decision to attend college; family, friend and community support and hard work have also been instrumental in college success. This is evident through parents' encouragement to persist, expectations to do well and students serving as role models for siblings and peers. As policy makers in the educational arena emphasize STEM fields, there is a significant opportunity for Latino students to make valuable contributions.

  13. 'Love and trust, you can be blinded': HIV risk within relationships among Latina women in Miami, Florida. (United States)

    Ibañez, Gladys E; Whitt, Elaine; Avent, Tenesha; Martin, Steve S; Varga, Leah M; Cano, Miguel A; O'Connell, Daniel J


    Latina women are disproportionately affected by HIV in the US, and account for 30% of all HIV infections in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The main risk for Latina women is heterosexual contact. Little is known about the relational and cultural factors that may impact women's HIV risk perception. This study aims to describe Latina women's perception of their HIV risk within a relational, cultural, and linguistic context. Eight focus groups of Latina women (n = 28), four English speaking groups and four Spanish speaking groups, were conducted between December 2013 and May 2014. Women were recruited from a diversion program for criminal justice clients and by word of mouth. Eligibility criteria included the following: self-identify as Hispanic/Latino, 18-49 years of age, and self-identify as heterosexual. A two-level open coding analytic approach was conducted to identify themes across groups. Most participants were foreign-born (61%) and represented the following countries: Cuba (47%), Honduras (17.5%), Mexico (12%), as well as Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Colombia, and Venezuela (15%). Participant ages ranged between 18 and 49, with a mean age of 32 years. Relationship factors were important in perceiving HIV risk including male infidelity, women's trust in their male partners, relationship type, and getting caught up in the heat of the moment. For women in the English speaking groups, drug use and trading sex for drugs were also reasons cited for putting them at risk for HIV. English speaking women also reported that women should take more responsibility regarding condom use. Findings emphasize the importance of taking relational and cultural context into account when developing HIV prevention programs for Latina women. Interventions targeting English speaking Latina women should focus on women being more proactive in their sexual health; interventions focused on Spanish speaking women might target their prevention messages to either men or couples.

  14. BRCA genetic counseling among at-risk Latinas in New York City: new beliefs shape new generation. (United States)

    Sussner, Katarina M; Edwards, Tiffany; Villagra, Cristina; Rodriguez, M Carina; Thompson, Hayley S; Jandorf, Lina; Valdimarsdottir, Heiddis B


    Despite the life-saving information that genetic counseling can provide for women at hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer (HBOC) risk, Latinas disproportionately underuse such services. Understanding Latinas' beliefs and attitudes about BRCA genetic counseling may be the key to better health promotion within this underserved, at-risk group. We conducted 12 focus groups (N = 54) with at-risk Latina women in New York City, followed by 30 in-depth interviews among a subset of the focus group women. Both were professionally transcribed, translated where applicable and data analysis was completed by two coders trained in qualitative methods. Results revealed personal and community knowledge about BRCA genetic counseling was relatively low, although women felt largely positive about counseling. The main motivator to undergo genetic counseling was concerns about learning family members' cancer status, while the main barrier was competing demands. Generational differences were apparent, with younger women (approximately machismo, fatalismo, destino) to undergoing genetic counseling. Participants were largely enthusiastic about educational efforts to increase awareness of genetic counseling among Latinos. Revealing the beliefs and attitudes of underserved Latinas may help shape culturally appropriate educational materials and promotion programs to increase BRCA genetic counseling uptake within this underrepresented community.

  15. Amor y Salud (Love and Health): a preconception health campaign for second-generation Latinas in Oregon. (United States)

    Dixon-Gray, Lesa A; Mobley, Allison; McFarlane, Julie M; Rosenberg, Kenneth D


    To develop, and implement, a social marketing campaign to increase preconception health knowledge among second-generation Latinas in Oregon. Social marketing demonstration project. Latino communities in five Oregon counties. Target populations included young Latinas (18-29 years old) born in the United States of immigrant parents in five Oregon counties, and their family members. Intervention. A radionovela, Amor y Salud, was developed that featured a Latina and her fiancé preparing for marriage and family. Social media, Web sites, and culturally relevant print materials promoted the radio campaign. Process data, social media metrics, Google analytics, online and intercept surveys were collected. Basic frequencies and descriptive statistics were used. Twelve episodes were produced in English and Spanish and played on nine radio stations a total of 2098 times. The Facebook page was viewed 11,000 times, and radionovela episodes were played a total of 776 times. Amor y Salud used mixed media--radio, social media, print materials--to encourage Latinas to consider their preconception health. Anecdotally, we heard positive comments from community members and local media regarding the radionovela; however, evaluation challenges prevent us from saying conclusively that knowledge on this topic increased.

  16. Organização dos serviços urbanos de saúde frente à mudança do clima e ao risco de desastres na América Latina

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    Carlos Alexandre Rodrigues Pereira

    Full Text Available Países da América Latina que sofreram com eventos extremos e desastres nas últimas décadas têm buscado alternativas para melhorar a organização e a capacidade de resposta dos serviços de saúde, evitando o impacto que a população sofreria no caso de tais serviços serem afetados. Neste artigo são relatadas experiências de países da América Latina no que se refere à preparação e adaptação às mudanças do clima no setor saúde, que poderiam ser replicadas em outros locais. Espera-se, por meio desta revisão crítica da literatura, que se possa motivar o setor saúde a se reorganizar para que se torne menos vulnerável aos efeitos das mudanças do clima.

  17. Sustaining Latina Student Organizations: An Exploratory Instrumental Case Study (United States)

    Castellanos, Michelle


    Utilizing the exploratory case study methodology, the author examines the conditions that support and limit a Latina-based student organization at a predominately White institution of higher education. Seven organizational structures were found to influence the organization's ability to advance its aims, from interviews, documents, observations,…

  18. Occupational Engagement in Low-Income Latina Breast Cancer Survivors. (United States)

    Sleight, Alix G

    This qualitative study examined the experience of occupational engagement in low-income Latina breast cancer survivors and suggests the potential for occupational therapy practitioners to improve health outcomes in this vulnerable and underserved population. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 9 participants. Inductive analysis was used to code for themes and patterns related to occupational engagement and quality of life (QOL). Lack of occupational engagement negatively affected QOL, but participation in occupations such as religious activity and caregiving promoted well-being. Financial concerns and communication barriers decreased QOL. Breast cancer can have a negative impact on occupational engagement in low-income Latina breast cancer survivors; however, some occupations may increase QOL. Socioeconomic status and cultural values influence occupational engagement and QOL. Occupational therapy practitioners can improve health outcomes in this population through awareness of relevant sociocultural factors and attention to appropriate patient communication. Copyright © 2017 by the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.

  19. Democracia y participación en América Latina

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    Gustavo Ernesto Emmerich


    Full Text Available Este ensayo se ocupa de la evolución histórica de la democracia y la participación política en América Latina, y delinea algunas posibilidades futuras al respecto. Primeramente examina algunos rasgos de la cultura de sumisión y de la profunda desigualdad social y política que desde la Colonia (e incluso antes caracterizó a muchas naciones de la región, y los compara con algunos aspectos de la cultura política predominante en Estados Unidos de América y Canadá. Luego, señala que en los ultimos años del siglo XX en América Latina se han fortalecido tanto las instituciones democráticas como una nueva cultura de participación, aunque considera necesario fundar nuevos pactos sociales que contribuyan a crear condiciones económicas y sociales más equitativas, como base y finalidad de la democracia y la participación.. Finalmente, sugiere que el liberalismo social, el socialismo democrático y el humanismo cristiano son las principales familias filosófico-políticas que podrían aportar -desde sus diversas perspectivas- a la consolidación de la democracia y a la creación de sociedades más participativas y más equitativas en América Latina.

  20. Efficacy of a health educator-delivered HIV prevention intervention for Latina women: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Wingood, Gina M; DiClemente, Ralph J; Villamizar, Kira; Er, Deja L; DeVarona, Martina; Taveras, Janelle; Painter, Thomas M; Lang, Delia L; Hardin, James W; Ullah, Evelyn; Stallworth, JoAna; Purcell, David W; Jean, Reynald


    We developed and assessed AMIGAS (Amigas, Mujeres Latinas, Inform andonos, Gui andonos, y Apoy andonos contra el SIDA [friends, Latina women, informing each other, guiding each other, and supporting each other against AIDS]), a culturally congruent HIV prevention intervention for Latina women adapted from SiSTA (Sistas Informing Sistas about Topics on AIDS), an intervention for African American women. We recruited 252 Latina women aged 18 to 35 years in Miami, Florida, in 2008 to 2009 and randomized them to the 4-session AMIGAS intervention or a 1-session health intervention. Participants completed audio computer-assisted self-interviews at baseline and follow-up. Over the 6-month follow-up, AMIGAS participants reported more consistent condom use during the past 90 (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 4.81; P < .001) and 30 (AOR = 3.14; P < .001) days and at last sexual encounter (AOR = 2.76; P < .001), and a higher mean percentage condom use during the past 90 (relative change = 55.7%; P < .001) and 30 (relative change = 43.8%; P < .001) days than did comparison participants. AMIGAS participants reported fewer traditional views of gender roles (P = .008), greater self-efficacy for negotiating safer sex (P < .001), greater feelings of power in relationships (P = .02), greater self-efficacy for using condoms (P < .001), and greater HIV knowledge (P = .009) and perceived fewer barriers to using condoms (P < .001). Our results support the efficacy of this linguistically and culturally adapted HIV intervention among ethnically diverse, predominantly foreign-born Latina women.

  1. Quality of life among immigrant Latina breast cancer survivors: realities of culture and enhancing cancer care. (United States)

    Lopez-Class, Maria; Perret-Gentil, Monique; Kreling, Barbara; Caicedo, Larisa; Mandelblatt, Jeanne; Graves, Kristi D


    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Latinas. This study examined social, cultural, and health care system factors that impact the quality of life and survivorship experiences of Latina immigrant breast cancer survivors. We interviewed Latina breast cancer survivors (n = 19) and, based on the interview findings, conducted two focus groups (n = 9). Research staff translated transcripts from Spanish into English. Two trained raters reviewed the content and identified themes. Thematic content analysis was used to categorize and organize data. Participants were largely monolingual in Spanish, predominantly from Central and South America and most (68%) had lived in the U.S. for ten or more years. All women were diagnosed and treated in the U.S. and were an average of 3.1 years from diagnosis. Women's survivorship experiences appeared to be shaped by cultural beliefs and experiences as immigrants such as secrecy/shame about a breast cancer diagnosis, feelings of isolation, importance of family support (familism), challenges with developing social relationships in the U.S. (less personalismo), and, for some, their partner's difficulty with showing emotional support (machismo). Navigating the U.S. medical system and language barriers were additional challenges in the participants' health care interactions. Latina breast cancer survivors adhere to certain cultural values and face unique issues as immigrants, potentially influencing overall quality of life and doctor-patient communication. Efforts to improve Latina immigrant breast cancer survivors' quality of life could include increased assessment of psychosocial functioning and referral to social support services, culturally sensitive navigation programs, and consistent use of appropriately trained interpreters.

  2. O Papel da Economia Ecológica nas Políticas Públicas da América Latina : Consenso Latino-Americano da Reunião da ISEE em Washington


    Weiss, Joseph Samson


    Depois de dois anos de conversas, as sociedades regionais indicadas, autores institucionais, chegaram a este consenso sobre o papel da economia ecológica na política pública da América Latina, abrangendo os dez temas seguintes: Indicadores de bem-estar apropriados à sustentabilidade socioambiental; Desvinculação do crescimento econômico do uso intensivo de energia e de materiais, assim como da degradação ambiental (decoupling em inglês); Inovação tecnológica com redução de impactos ambientais...

  3. Diferenças de gênero em relação a bens: a propriedade fundiária na América Latina Gender differences regarding assets: land property in Latin America

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    Carmem Diana Deere


    Full Text Available A diferença de gênero em relação à propriedade fundiária, na América Latina, é significativa. São poucos os países nos quais as mulheres constituem sequer um quarto dos proprietários. A desigualdade de gênero na posse de terras é relacionada à preferência masculina no momento da herança, ao privilégio masculino no casamento, ao viés masculino em programas comunitários e estatais de distribuição de terras, bem como ao viés de gênero no mercado fundiário, sendo que as mulheres têm menor probabilidade do que os homens de serem compradoras bem sucedidas. Mas também existem diferenças importantes por gênero na forma pela qual são adquiridas terras. A herança é o principal meio pelo qual a maioria das mulheres se torna proprietária, enquanto que os homens têm muito maior probabilidade do que as mulheres de adquirirem terras através da sua distribuição por comunidades ou pelo Estado, e por meio do mercado. São destacados os fatores que contribuem para uma tendência no sentido de maior igualdade de gênero na herança de terras e em programas públicos recentes.Gender difference regarding land property in Latin America is significant. There are few countries in which women make up even a fourth of the owners. Gender inequality in land property is related to male preference at the moment of inheritance, to male privilege in marriage, to male bias in community and state land distribution programs as well as gender bias in the land market, women having less probability than men of being successful buyers. But there are also important gender differences in the way land is acquired. Inheritance is the main way by which women become owners, while men have much more probability to acquire land through their communities and the state as well as in the market. The article underlines the factors contributing to the tendency towards higher gender equality in land inheritance and recent state programs.

  4. La vulnerabilidad fiscal del gasto social: ¿Es Diferente América Latina?


    Eduardo Lora


    Se utiliza un panel desbalanceado de medio centenar de países para el período 1985-2003 con el objeto de evaluar la vulnerabilidad del gasto público social (en educación y salud) frente a las variables fiscales corrientes y la deuda pública en América Latina en comparación con el resto del mundo en desarrollo. El gasto social es significativamente más bajo en América Latina (aunque absorbe una proporción mayor del gasto primario) y es más vulnerable frente a mayores pagos de intereses de la d...

  5. A Narrative Engagement Framework to Understand HPV Vaccination among Latina and Vietnamese Women in a Planned Parenthood Setting (United States)

    Hopfer, Suellen; Garcia, Samantha; Duong, Huong T.; Russo, Jennefer A.; Tanjasiri, Sora P.


    Disparities in cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination persist among Vietnamese and Latina women. Through a partnership with Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties (PPOSBC) in Southern California, we conducted in-depth interviews with young adult Latina (n = 24) and Vietnamese (n = 24) women, and PPOSBC staff…

  6. Características entonacionais do Espanhol na Tríplice Fronteira


    Figueiredo, Natalia dos Santos; Gil Mondavi, Alejandro Said; Guerra, Paula Marianela


    XVII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL ASOCIACIÓN DE LINGÜÍSTICA Y FILOLOGÍA DE AMÉRICA LATINA (ALFAL 2014) João Pessoa - Paraíba, Brasil O objetivo desse trabalho é realizar uma análise fonética e fonológica de variedades entonacionais do espanhol encontradas na Tríplice Fronteira, especificamente nas cidades de Puerto Iguazú e Ciudad del Este, que fazem fronteira com a cidade de Foz do Iguaçu. Para esse fim, foram gravadas diversas situações de pedidos de ação em contextos de comércio e...

  7. Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Characteristics of Social Network Support for Exercise Among Latinas. (United States)

    Soto, Sandra H; Arredondo, Elva M; Haughton, Jessica; Shakya, Holly


    To examine the association between characteristics of social support for exercise and moderate-to-vigorous leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) among Latinas. This cross-sectional study used baseline data from a cluster randomized controlled trial. The study was conducted in 16 churches located in San Diego County. Participants (N = 436) were Latinas between 18 and 65 years old who did not self-report >150 minutes or did not exceed 250 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous PA per week measured by accelerometer. Latinas listed up to 6 individuals who had provided support for exercise within the past 6 months, including their gender, relationship with the respondent, types of support provided, and respondent's satisfaction with support. Self-reported LTPA was dichotomized (none vs any). We generated dyads between Latinas who named ≥1 supporter (n = 323) and each supporter they named (n = 569 dyads). Logistic regression analyses were conducted using generalized estimating equations to adjust for multiple observations per participant. Having an exercise partner (odds ratio [OR]: 2.16; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.01-4.62), help with household duties (OR: 2.70; 95% CI: 1.35-3.38), being "very much" satisfied with support (OR: 2.33; 95% CI: 1.26-4.30), and naming >2 supporters (OR: 2.57; 95% CI: 1.06-6.25) was positively associated with LTPA. Findings suggest specific aspects of support for exercise that should be targeted in future interventions to promote LTPA.

  8. I reunión de institutos de comunicación de América Latina

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    Revista Chasqui


    Full Text Available Los participantes en la Primera Reunión de Institutos de Comunicación de América Latina, Instituto Latinoamericano de Comunicación Educativa (ILCE Federación Latinoamericana de Facultades de Comunicación Social (FELAFACS, Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación (ALAIC, Centro de Telecomunicaciones para el Tercer Mundo (CETTEM, Centro Regional para el fomento del Libro de América Latina y el Caribe (CERLAL, y el Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores de Comunicación para América Latina (CIESPAL, reunidos en la ciudad de Quito, Ecuador, en los días 13 y 14 de octubre, intercambiaron opiniones y experiencias de trabajo y reconocieron áreas prioritarias sobre las cuales debe reflexionarse y desarrollar mecanismos de cooperación. En la Reunión participó como observador UNESCO.

  9. The cultural context of obesity: exploring perceptions of obesity and weight loss among Latina immigrants. (United States)

    Agne, April A; Daubert, Rebecca; Munoz, Maria L; Scarinci, Isabel; Cherrington, Andrea L


    This study used focus group methodology to examine perceptions of obesity and weight management among Latina immigrant women in Alabama. Four focus groups (N = 25) were conducted in Spanish as part of a participatory intervention development process. Participants were obese/overweight Latina immigrant women (BMI > 25) primarily recruited from a community hospital. The majority of participants were from Mexico. Participants described obesity in the context of short-term effects such as physical symptoms and aesthetics. Perceived weight gain was related to lifestyle changes since moving to the US. Social isolation, depression, and stress were reported to contribute to weight gain. Participants expressed interest in weight loss but emphasized a desire for programs that preserve traditional foods and include family. Weight-management programs designed for Latina immigrants should address their perceptions of obesity. This data also suggests that those interventions that preserve culture and incorporate family may have increased community buy-in.

  10. The Cultural Voice of Immigrant Latina Women and the Meaning of Femininity

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    Ellen Greer


    Full Text Available This phenomenological study investigates the cultural meaning of femininity to immigrant Latina women and its significance in the consideration of decisions related to maintaining breast health. Theories of culture and health promotion support the concern for women’s need for access to health care in relation to breast health and the cultural barriers that interface between the connections of femininity, body image, and mental health. For Hispanic women, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer generating distress for the individual, partner, and family. The importance of best practices in health promotion and risk reduction strategies in the early screening of women is emphasized in the literature. However, the voice of immigrant Latina women in describing their perspective of femininity and breast health and how it may affect choice and decision making related to breast self-care practices has not been studied. Five themes emerged from the data analysis conducted with Giorgi’s phenomenological method leading to an unfolded description of femininity: power of feminine identity through motherhood, hardiness is sustainability to overcoming adversity, connection to self and others, satisfaction meeting cultural gender-role expectations, and contemplative prevention to maintain breast integrity. The findings of this study will contribute to the increasing body of evidence-based practice related to understanding the impact of culture related to breast health. While the concept of femininity can be challenged not only by a diagnosis of breast cancer but also by other diseases and life conditions, understanding the cultural meaning of femininity to Latina women is pivotal to health care professionals as they partner with Latina women and community support groups to develop empowerment strategies and programs that promote choice and decision making involving breast health.

  11. A Biopsychosocial Conceptual Framework of Postpartum Depression Risk in Immigrant and U.S.-born Latina Mothers in the United States. (United States)

    Lara-Cinisomo, Sandraluz; Girdler, Susan S; Grewen, Karen; Meltzer-Brody, Samantha


    In this review, we offer a conceptual framework that identifies risk factors of postpartum depression (PPD) in immigrant and U.S.-born Latinas in the United States by focusing on psychosocial and neuroendocrine factors. Although the evidence of the impact psychosocial stressors have on the development of PPD has been well-documented, less is known about the biological etiology of PPD or how these complex stressors jointly increase the risk of PPD in immigrant and U.S.-born Latinas in the United States. Using PubMed, CINAHL, and Embase, we reviewed the literature from 2000 to 2015 regarding psychosocial and physiological risk factors associated with PPD to develop a conceptual model for Latinas. Our search yielded 16 relevant studies. Based on our review of the literature, we developed a biopsychosocial conceptual model of PPD for Latinas in the United States. We make arguments for an integrated model designed to assess psychosocial and physiological risk factors and PPD in a high-risk population. Our framework describes the hypothesized associations between culturally and contextually relevant psychosocial stressors, neurobiological factors (e.g., hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal [HPA] axis response system and oxytocin signaling), and PPD in Latinas in the United States. Future studies should evaluate prospectively the impact psychosocial stressors identified here have on the development of PPD in both immigrant and U.S-born Latinas while examining neuroendocrine function, such as the HPA axis and oxytocin signaling. Our conceptual framework will allow for the reporting of main and indirect effects of psychosocial risk factors and biomarkers (e.g., HPA axis and oxytocin function) on PPD in foreign- and U.S.-born postpartum Latinas. Copyright © 2016 Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Uma experiência de aplicação da teoria dialógica no ensino-aprendizagem de língua latina em um curso de Letras

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    Francisco de Freitas Leite

    Full Text Available Resumo: Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa aplicada da teoria dialógica para a inovação/atualização do ensino-aprendizagem de língua latina, realizada no período letivo 2015.1, com quatro turmas do curso de Letras da Universidade Regional do Cariri, Ceará. O plano metodológico segue a orientação dialógica de estudo da língua ancorado na sua realidade de uso, isto é, a partir de enunciados concretos considerados em sua inserção histórica, ideológica e sociocultural. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a teoria dialógica representa, sim, uma alternativa teórico-metodológica exequível, cuja aplicação promove ganhos heurísticos para a inovação e/ou atualização do ensino-aprendizagem de língua latina, sobretudo, em termos de aumento de interesse dos estudantes e da própria compreensão deles acerca da finalidade do estudo do latim.

  13. Design and evaluation of a theory-based, culturally relevant outreach model for breast and cervical cancer screening for Latina immigrants. (United States)

    White, Kari; Garces, Isabel C; Bandura, Lisa; McGuire, Allison A; Scarinci, Isabel C


    Breast and cervical cancer are common among Latinas, but screening rates among foreign-born Latinas are relatively low. In this article we describe the design and implementation of a theory-based (PEN-3) outreach program to promote breast and cervical cancer screening to Latina immigrants, and evaluate the program's effectiveness. We used data from self-administered questionnaires completed at six annual outreach events to examine the sociodemographic characteristics of attendees and evaluate whether the program reached the priority population - foreign-born Latina immigrants with limited access to health care and screening services. To evaluate the program's effectiveness in connecting women to screening, we examined the proportion and characteristics of women who scheduled and attended Pap smear and mammography appointments. Among the 782 Latinas who attended the outreach program, 60% and 83% had not had a Pap smear or mammogram, respectively, in at least a year. Overall, 80% scheduled a Pap smear and 78% scheduled a mammogram. Women without insurance, who did not know where to get screening and had not been screened in the last year were more likely to schedule appointments (P < .05). Among women who scheduled appointments, 65% attended their Pap smear and 79% attended the mammogram. We did not identify significant differences in sociodemographic characteristics associated with appointment attendance. Using a theoretical approach to outreach design and implementation, it is possible to reach a substantial number of Latina immigrants and connect them to cancer screening services.

  14. Mujer y medio ambiente en América Latina y el Caribe


    Silva Ch., Paola; Alvarez, Susana; Cambría, Celeste; Sala, Mariella; de Ochoa, Regina; Corral, Thais; Olivera, Maria del Carmen; González, Nhelsyr; Solís, Vivienne; Rossato, Verónica; Pérez, Magdalena


    1. Mujer y medio ambiente en América Latina y el Caribe: los desafíos hacia el año 2.000. 2. Políticas de población vigentes en los países de América Latina y el Caribe. La mujer como protagonista del desarrollo sustentable. Política de población en Perú: la relación mujer y medio ambiente. Población, mujer y medio ambiente en Honduras. Medio ambiente y población: una visión crítica. 3. La mujer en el manejo de los recursos naturales y tecnologías apropiadas. Participación de la mujer campe...

  15. Brasil y "América Latina" Brazil and "Latin America"

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    Leslie Bethell


    Full Text Available Este ensayo, en parte historia de las ideas y en parte historia de las relaciones internacionales, examina la relación del Brasil con América Latina en perspectiva histórica. Durante más de un siglo, con posterioridad a la independencia, ni los intelectuales ni los gobiernos hispanoamericanos consideraron al Brasil como parte de "América latina". En cuanto a los intelectuales y los gobiernos brasileños, excepto por su relación con el Río de la Plata, sólo tenían ojos para Europa y, cada vez más después de 1889, los Estados Unidos. Cuando, en especial durante la Guerra Fría, los Estados Unidos, y por extensión el resto del mundo, comenzaron a tratar al Brasil como parte de América Latina, los gobiernos brasileños y los intelectuales brasileños, con la excepción de algunos de izquierda, seguían sin pensar al Brasil como parte integral de esta región. Desde el fin de la Guerra Fría, el Brasil ha comenzado a poner en práctica por primera vez una política de compromiso con sus vecinos en América del Sur.This essay, part history of ideas and part history of international relations, examines Brazil's relationship with Latin America in historical perspective. For more than a century after independence neither Spanish American intellectuals nor Spanish American governments considered Brazil part of 'America Latina'. For their part, Brazilian intellectuals and Brazilian governments, except for the Rio de la Plata, only had eyes for Europe and increasingly, after 1889, the United States. When, especially during the Cold War, the United States, and by extension the rest of the world, began to regard and treat Brazil as part of 'Latin America', Brazilian governments and Brazilian intellectuals, except some on the Left, still did not think of Brazil as an integral part of it. Since the end of the Cold War Brazil has for the first time pursued a policy of engagement with its neighbours -in South America.

  16. Work Conditions and Health and Well-Being of Latina Hotel Housekeepers. (United States)

    Hsieh, Yu-Chin; Apostolopoulos, Yorghos; Sönmez, Sevil


    Hotel housekeepers are exposed to a plethora of disproportionately high work-induced hazards that can lead to adverse health consequences. Latina hotel housekeepers are rendered particularly vulnerable to elevated occupational hazards and resultant health strains due to their socioeconomic status, immigration status, language barriers, and lack of access to healthcare services. The findings from the 27 interviews with Latina hotel housekeepers indicated that the interviewees were exposed to physical, chemical, and social hazards in the workplace and suffered musculoskeletal injuries. In terms of psychological wellness, the time pressure of cleaning rooms quickly and work-related stress stemming from workplace mistreatment emerged as major work-related stressors. Recommendations are made for the introduction of multilevel interventions designed to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses and to promote healthier workplaces.

  17. Depressive Symptoms and Length of U.S. Residency Are Associated with Obesity among Low-Income Latina Mothers: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

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    Ana Cristina Lindsay


    Full Text Available Latinos are the largest minority population group in the United States (U.S., and low-income Latina women are at elevated risk of depression and obesity. Thus, the prevention of these two problems is a pressing public health concern in this population. Both depressive symptoms and obesity are modifiable factors that can be addressed by culturally relevant interventions. However, the association between depressive symptoms and obesity in Latina immigrant women is not well understood. Therefore, this cross-sectional study examined the association between depressive symptoms and obesity among Latina women of childbearing age (15–44. Participants (n = 147 were low-income, predominantly immigrant Latina mothers enrolled in the Latina Mothers′ Child Feeding Practices and Style Study. Women were eligible to participate if they self-identified as Latina; were enrolled in or eligible for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children program; had a child between ages two and five years; and were living in the U.S. for at least one year, and residing in Rhode Island. Enrolled participants completed a survey in their language of preference (English or Spanish administered by bilingual interviewers. About one-third (34% of participants were classified as having obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2, 28.3% had elevated depressive symptoms (CES-D ≥ 16, and 70.1% were immigrants. Women with elevated depressive symptoms had increased odds of having obesity (odds ratio (OR = 2.80, 95% confidence interval (CI: 1.24–6.33. Additionally, among immigrants, length of U.S. residency was associated with increased odds of obesity (OR = 1.05, 95% CI: 1.02–1.09. Findings underscore the need for screening and culturally relevant interventions designed to address both depressive symptoms and obesity among low-income Latina women of childbearing age. Furthermore, findings highlight the importance of taking into account the length of residency in

  18. Depressive Symptoms and Length of U.S. Residency Are Associated with Obesity among Low-Income Latina Mothers: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. (United States)

    Lindsay, Ana Cristina; Greaney, Mary L; Wallington, Sherrie F; Wright, Julie A; Hunt, Anne T


    Latinos are the largest minority population group in the United States (U.S.), and low-income Latina women are at elevated risk of depression and obesity. Thus, the prevention of these two problems is a pressing public health concern in this population. Both depressive symptoms and obesity are modifiable factors that can be addressed by culturally relevant interventions. However, the association between depressive symptoms and obesity in Latina immigrant women is not well understood. Therefore, this cross-sectional study examined the association between depressive symptoms and obesity among Latina women of childbearing age (15-44). Participants ( n = 147) were low-income, predominantly immigrant Latina mothers enrolled in the Latina Mothers' Child Feeding Practices and Style Study. Women were eligible to participate if they self-identified as Latina; were enrolled in or eligible for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children program; had a child between ages two and five years; and were living in the U.S. for at least one year, and residing in Rhode Island. Enrolled participants completed a survey in their language of preference (English or Spanish) administered by bilingual interviewers. About one-third (34%) of participants were classified as having obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m²), 28.3% had elevated depressive symptoms (CES-D ≥ 16), and 70.1% were immigrants. Women with elevated depressive symptoms had increased odds of having obesity (odds ratio (OR) = 2.80, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.24-6.33). Additionally, among immigrants, length of U.S. residency was associated with increased odds of obesity (OR = 1.05, 95% CI: 1.02-1.09). Findings underscore the need for screening and culturally relevant interventions designed to address both depressive symptoms and obesity among low-income Latina women of childbearing age. Furthermore, findings highlight the importance of taking into account the length of residency in the U.S. when

  19. Intersectionality at Work: Determinants of Labor Supply among Immigrant Latinas. (United States)

    Flippen, Chenoa


    This article borrows from the intersectionality literature to investigate how legal status, labor market position, and family characteristics structure the labor supply of immigrant Latinas in Durham, NC, a new immigrant destination. The analysis takes a broad view of labor force participation, analyzing the predictors of whether or not women work; whether and how the barriers to work vary across occupations; and variation in hours and weeks worked among the employed. I also explicitly investigate the extent to which family constraints interact with other social characteristics, especially legal status, in shaping women's labor market position. Results highlight that immigrant Latinas experience multiple, interrelated constraints on employment owing to their position as low-skill workers in a labor market highly segregated by gender and nativity, to their status as members of a largely undocumented population, and as wives and mothers in an environment characterized by significant work-family conflict.


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    Carlos Alberto Téllez Valencia


    Full Text Available Es sorprendente cómo América Latina continua siendo una región de la cual se pueden extraer cuantiosos beneficios económicos, muy a pesar de tantos años de extracción de sus recursos. Esto al margen de cualquier sentido viseral. No hace falta manejarse en un discurso con términos como imperialismo, neocolonialismo,  capitalismo rabioso o cualquier otro que pueda ser interpretado como síntoma de radicalismo. Es un hecho, se siguen extrayendo enormes cantidades de riqueza de América Latina, aun a pesar de que los países de esta región no logran sostener sus niveles de productividad, de llevar sus cuentas con déficit comercial,  de no controlar sus tasas de inflación, de padecer de recurrentes devaluaciones, de sufrir de migraciones por falta de oportunidades de empleo, de que no alcanzar a desarrollarse a los niveles de los países centrales. Aun así, esta región es tierra de oportunidades para la obtención de altos rendimientos por parte de las empresas trasnacionales, incluidas aquellas de origen latinoamericano. A pesar de tan cuantiosos recursos con los que cuenta América Latina, resulta imposible que se desarrolle, pues lo que se desarrolla es el sistema-mundo-capitalista (Wallerstein, 1995, con grandes turbulencias para los países de esta región. Esta es una de las grandes críticas que se le puede hacer a esta teoría, aparentemente no ofrece alternativas de desarrollo para América Latina, pero ¿acaso es posible? Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la relación que guardan las altas finanzas (Arellanes, 2005, a través de las instituciones financieras internacionales, con las opciones de desarrollo para América Latina, incluida una posible vía geopolítica latinoamericana, en donde más allá de la malversación de esta centenaria estrategia de poder de estado (expresado particularmente como fuerza militar, bien resulta como instrumento de consolidación de los Estado-nación latinoamericanos, ya sea

  1. The Educational Journey of a Latina Feminist Community Psychologist (United States)

    Guzman, Bianca


    This narrative describes how my educational journey led me to become a Latina feminist community psychologist. My experiences as a Central American woman living in the United States has made me deeply committed to feminist community values and the importance of social justice. Throughout the journey, I connect how immigration status, culture, and…

  2. Latina Sororities and Higher Education: The Ties That Bind. (United States)

    Olivas, Margarita Refugia

    Research on U.S. "Greek" sororities has typically addressed issues dealing with White women in higher education. In contrast, this case study sought to identify the cultural behaviors and group norms that serve to enhance academic achievement and reinforce personal growth among members of a Latina sorority. In fall 1993, interviews were…

  3. Exploring the role of religiosity and spirituality in amniocentesis decision-making among Latinas. (United States)

    Seth, Sarah Guerra; Goka, Thomas; Harbison, Andrea; Hollier, Lisa; Peterson, Susan; Ramondetta, Lois; Noblin, Sarah Jane


    Given the complex array of emotional and medical issues that may arise when making a decision about amniocentesis, women may find that their spiritual and/or religious beliefs can comfort and assist their decision-making process. Prior research has suggested that Latinas' spiritual and/or religious beliefs directly influence their amniocentesis decision. A more intimate look into whether Latinas utilize their beliefs during amniocentesis decision-making may provide an opportunity to better understand their experience. The overall goal of this study was to describe the role structured religion and spirituality plays in Latinas' daily lives and to evaluate how religiosity and spirituality influences health care decisions, specifically in prenatal diagnosis. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven women who were invited to describe their religious beliefs and thoughts while considering the option of amniocentesis. All participants acknowledged the influence of religious and/or spiritual beliefs in their everyday lives. Although the women sought comfort and found validation in their beliefs and in their faith in God's will during their amniocentesis decision-making process, results suggest the risk of procedure-related complications played more of a concrete role than their beliefs.

  4. Acculturation, acculturative stressors, and family relationships among Latina/o immigrants. (United States)

    Bostean, Georgiana; Gillespie, Brian Joseph


    Family relationships, widely recognized as core to Latino cultures, are known to vary for Latina/o immigrants based on time in the United States. Less is known about (a) how acculturation explains differences in family relationships by time in the US, and (b) whether acculturative stressors influence different aspects of immigrants' family relationships. Drawing on an expanded acculturation framework, we explore whether and how attitudinal familism, family contact, and family conflict among immigrant Latina/os vary based on acculturation and acculturative stressors. Using nationally representative data on foreign-born Latina/os (National Latino and Asian American Study; N = 1,618), ordered logistic and OLS regression analyses examined whether differences in family relationships by time in the US are explained by acculturation factors, and whether acculturative stressors are associated with family relationships when controlling for other important sociodemographic factors. Accounting for acculturation reduces the effect of time in the US on attitudinal familism and family conflict to nonsignificance. Spanish language proficiency and ethnic identity are associated with higher attitudinal familism, while English proficiency is associated with increased family conflict. Additionally, acculturative stressors (involuntary context of exit, hostile context of reception, limited origin country ties) are associated with lower attitudinal familism and higher conflict. Results highlight the importance of (a) examining the ways that migration influences multiple aspects of family relationships, (b) adopting a more comprehensive acculturation framework. Particularly novel are our findings on how acculturative stressors are associated with different family outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  5. Beyond the discourse of reproductive choice: narratives of pregnancy resolution among Latina/o teenage parents. (United States)

    Mann, Emily S; Cardona, Vanessa; Gómez, Cynthia A


    Despite the fact that the US teenage birth rate has declined dramatically in recent years, teen births among Latinas are higher than any other racial/ethnic group. Most studies focus on the causes and consequences of early motherhood among Latina teenagers, neglecting other important dimensions of the issue. This study examines how Latina/o teenage parents living in California narrate their experiences with unintended pregnancy resolution. Qualitative analysis reveals three central themes. First, participants expressed shock upon learning they or their partner was pregnant, followed by acceptance about their impending parenthood. Second, participants' views of abortion and adoption largely foreclosed these options as pathways by which to resolve their unintended pregnancies. Third, participants recounted numerous stories of the messages they received from parents, other family members and male partners that were frequently directive regarding how to resolve their pregnancies. These findings have implications for young people's reproductive health and rights, and for reproductive justice more broadly.

  6. Latina high school students figured world of STEM: Identity formation in formal and informal communities of practice (United States)

    Alcantara, Minosca Victoria

    In the United States, the education and skill levels of the American population are not measuring up to the growing demands of the STEM workplace. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) (2007) projects that over the next 20 years, there will be an estimated shortage of 21 million skilled workers. STEM professions (those in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), will continue to lead this workforce growth. However, fewer students are majoring in these areas of critical need, particularly women and minorities. Only a small fraction of U.S.-born scientists and engineers training to fill these positions are members of underrepresented minorities (Latino, Black, and American Indian/Native Alaskan students), yet this same population is expected to experience the greatest growth over the next several decades. Using qualitative methods, I explore the role formal and informal communities of practice play in either motivating or hindering Latinas' interest in STEM career. I use the narratives of 16 low-income, urban Latina high school seniors to provide a counternarrative as to the reasons for these underrepresentation. Teachers in the U.S. play a significant role in the reproduction of the culturally prototypical conception of math and science students; the best and brightest in the school. Teachers' role in positioning Latina students in honors/gifted programs based on their perceptions of students' characteristics and their recommendations for placement in honors classes/ programs, STEM extracurricular activities and summer programs are critical to Latina's "good student" identity formation which has a significant role in their motivation or erasure of STEM identities. Latinas in this study strongly identified with their school and were very concerned in maintaining their good student identities. They defined academic success based on the grades they obtained and the colleges they were accepted into. I propose an identity model, L-STEM which highlight the power

  7. A América Latina na crise mundial Latin America in the global crisis

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    Paul Singer


    Full Text Available A integração comercial e financeira global fortaleceu a classe capitalista em relação ao proletariado em cada país ao permitir às transnacionais deslocar suas empresas para países em que o custo da mão de obra é menor. A crise colheu a América Latina pela fuga das divisas fortes, extinção do crédito externo e queda das exportações, das inversões estrangeiras e das remessas dos emigrados. A crise se generaliza com as demissões em massa, a difusão do pânico que faz o crédito encolher, derrubando as vendas de bens de maior valor e os investimentos. Os governos do Primeiro Mundo trataram de resgatar os seus bancos falidos, comprando parte do seu capital ou sua totalidade com recursos do Tesouro. No Brasil, o governo faz que os bancos públicos estendam o crédito aos setores abandonados pelos bancos privados e baixem os juros que cobram. Os governos latino-americanos estimulam o mercado interno a absorver a produção que não enontra mais compradores no exterior mediante redistribuição da renda e aumento do investimento público. Nos últimos seis anos, os emergentes cresceram 50%, enquanto os industrializados cresceram apenas 10%, o que ampliou o número de nações cuja coordenação é indispensável para que a crise mundial possa ser domada do G-7 para o G-20. Uma das lições da crise é que, em lugar da globalização financeira, o povo de cada país deve ter o direito de decidir como seu excedente social deve ser administrado. A guarda do dinheiro do público e o seu empréstimo a investidores e consumidores devem ser reservados ao poder público e a entidades associativas sem fins de lucro.Global commercial and financial integration has strengthened the capitalist class in comparison with the proletariat around the globe as it permitted multinationals to relocate their companies to countries in which the cost of the labor force was lower. The crisis reached Latin America through the flight of capital, disappearance of

  8. Crítica ecológica al concepto de Desarrollo y nuevas alternativas desde América Latina

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    Ana Luíza Matos de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este artículo derivado de investigación analiza el concepto de Desarrollo desde sus orígenes, presentando la crítica ecológica a este concepto, en especial por parte de la teoría del decrecimiento, muestra algunas contribuciones de los pueblos originarios a las constituciones de países de tendencia de izquierda en América Latina en los años recientes y problematiza la actual inserción de América Latina en el comercio internacional. Se encontró que contrarrestar a la fuerza económica, política y discursiva del agronegocio y del “progreso”, apoyado en el “desarrollo” no es algo simple. En América Latina hay tensiones entre el concepto de desarrollo convencional e intentos por construir un nuevo camino, un camino latinoamericano. Hay resistencias entre la (reprimarización y la inserción internacional de América Latina, también existen tensiones en el campo, conuna disputa entre el agronegocio como modelo de desarrollo, modernidad y progreso y otras formas de relacionarse con el medio ambiente y con el otro. Se concluye que desde América Latina es posible crear un nuevo camino, no necesariamente en aras de imitar el mundo desarrollado, sino considerando los limites ecológicos y sociales del capitalismo y las contribuciones de los pueblos originarios.

  9. Formación del licenciado en Enfermería en América Latina

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    Carolina Elena Luengo-Martínez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: actualmente, América Latina requiere profesionales en Enfermería cuyo perfil de egreso pueda responder a los cambios que ha traído consigo la globalización. Se sabe que la formación del licenciado en Enfermería es disímil en los países de América Latina e, incluso, al interior de estos. Objetivo: describir la formación del licenciado en Enfermería en América Latina en términos de plan de estudio, reglamentación u organismos regulatorios, tiempo, requisitos de egreso y perfil del licenciado. Materiales y método: revi- sión bibliográfica de las páginas web de universidades latinoamericanas que forman licenciados en Enfermería; los criterios de inclusión fueron: ranking de universidades del país (cuando existía, universidades con página web actualizada y disponibilidad de la información. Conclusión: se constata la heterogeneidad en la formación del licenciado en Enfermería en América Latina, que puede ser un factor de debilitamiento para la disciplina así como para la profesión. Se sugiere un consenso sobre una formación curricular común en la región, que apunte a un perfil profesional apropiado, que proporcione la capacidad de enfrentar y satisfacer las necesidades que traen consigo los desafíos de nuestro tiempo.

  10. Todos os jornais no bolso: pensando o jornalismo na era do celular


    Canavilhas, João Manuel Messias; Fidalgo, António Carreto


    Os telefones celulares ocuparam repentinamente um papel crucial na vida cotidiana contemporânea. Com efeito, poucas tecnologias tiveram uma difusão tão rápida e com tanto impacto no modo de viver como a telefonia móvel. O recente livro de Manuel Castells sobre comunicação móvel e sociedade! dá conta pormenorizada da evolução desta tecnologia nos cinco continentes. Dos Estados Unidos ao Japão. passando pela Europa, China, América Latina, Austrália e África, o crescimento do número de celulares...

  11. La iniciativa legislativa popular en América Latina

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    Felipe Hevia de la Jara


    Full Text Available Una de las características del proceso de democratización en América Latina es la incorporación de mecanismos de democracia directa como el plebiscito, la iniciativa legislativa y la revocación del mandato. Este artículo analiza específicamente uno de ellos: la Iniciativa Legislativa Popular (ILP, definida como el derecho de los ciudadanos a presentar proyectos de ley al Parlamento y/o exigir una consulta popular para aprobar o rechazar leyes o reformas legales. El artículo incluye una discusión sobre los mecanismos de democracia directa en América Latina, una comparación de las leyes y reglamentos que regulan la ILP a nivel internacional, nacional y subnacional, un análisis sobre el uso de estos instrumentos en cuatro países (Uruguay, Colombia, Argentina y México, y una serie de conclusiones orientadas a identificar algunos factores críticos para su implementación y utilización.

  12. América Latina en tiempos de globalización y crisis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Steen Fryba; Cancino, Hugo


    continuidad y también de ruptura de los fenómenos sociales, políticos, ideológicos y económicos de América Latina. Nuestro punto de partida es la irreversibilidad de los procesos de globalización después de más de una década de debates entre globalistas y antiglobalistas. En este contexto, insertamos el...... análisis de los actores sociales, étnicos políticos, en sus discursos y acciones en esta última década en cuyo momento final irrumpe la crisis financiera internacional que en deferentes modos e intensidades influye los países de América Latina. Palabras claves: globalización, modernidad, modernizaciones...

  13. Pregnancy Prevention among Latina Adolescents--The Role of Social Capital and Cultural Norms: An Interview with Dr. Claire Brindis (United States)

    Prevention Researcher, 2004


    Recently, Dr. Brindis and her colleagues compared four communities with high poverty and lower than average birth rates among Latina adolescents, with four communities which also had high poverty but had higher than average birth rates among Latina adolescents. Their goal was to examine the social capital and cultural norms within these…

  14. Are suicide attempts by young Latinas a cultural idiom of distress? (United States)

    Zayas, Luis H; Gulbas, Lauren E


    The high rates of suicide attempts among adolescent Hispanic females in the United States have been well established by epidemiological and clinical studies. In this paper, we review the research history of Latina suicide attempts and their characteristics. Then we apply multi-faceted conceptual and empirical criteria found in the anthropological and psychiatric literature about cultural idioms of distress to the suicide attempts of young Latinas. We contrast the suicide-attempt phenomenon to the well-known ataque de nervios and propose that the phenomenon may reflect a developmental or cultural variant of the ataque. The attempt-as-idiom proposition is intended to invite discussion that can deepen our understanding of the cultural roots of the suicide attempts and their possible designation as cultural idiom. Establishing the meaning of suicide attempts within a cultural perspective can assist psychological and psychiatric research and clinical interventions.

  15. La cronología de las inscripciones funerarias latinas de Alava.

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    Ana Echevarria


    Full Text Available El estudio que se presenta tiene como objetivo principal clasificar cronológicamente los restos de epigrafía latina procedentes de los principales focos alaveses, en relación, sobre todo, a sus formulismos funerarios.

  16. O intelectual educador Manoel Bomfim e a interpretação do Brasil e da América Latina

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    Sônia Camara


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo historicizar na produção intelectual do educador Manoel Bomfim (1868-1932, o livro A América Latina: males de origem, publicado em 1905, identificando as suas contribuições teóricas e interpretações acerca dos fatores socioculturais que ajudavam a explicar a sociedade brasileira. No contrapelo com as concepções racistas dominantes à época, Manoel Bomfim defendia que os males que nos afligiam não eram reflexos de nossa composição étnica, climática ou de uma suposta inferioridade racial. Para o Brasil se tornar um país democrático e progressista era necessário investir na educação, desmitificando os ideais darwinistas de seleção natural e de superioridade da raça presentes entre os intelectuais contemporâneos. Interessa-nos pensar o livro e as ideias desse educador que, comprometido com um projeto civilizador para o Brasil, não descuidou de pensar os males que assolavam o país no período da Belle Époque tropical de 1898 a 1914.

  17. The Characteristics and Experiences of Successful Undergraduate Latina Students Who Persist in Engineering (United States)

    Robinson, Carrie

    Females and underrepresented ethnic minorities earn a small percentage of engineering and computer science bachelor's degrees awarded in the United States, earn an even smaller proportion of master's and doctoral degrees, and are underrepresented in the engineering workforce (Engineering Workforce Commission, [2006], as cited in National Science Foundation, 2012; United States Department of Education, [2006], as cited in National Science Foundation, 2009a; United States Department of Education, [2006], as cited in National Science Foundation, 2009b). Considerable research has examined the perceptions, culture, curriculum, and pedagogy in engineering that inhibits the achievement of women and underrepresented ethnic minorities. This action research study used a qualitative approach to examine the characteristics and experiences of Latina students who pursued a bachelor's degree in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU) as part of the 2008 first-time full-time freshman cohort. The researcher conducted two semi-structured individual interviews with seven undergraduate Latina students who successfully persisted to their fourth (senior) year in engineering. The researcher aimed to understand what characteristics made these students successful and how their experiences affected their persistence in an engineering major. The data collected showed that the Latina participants were motivated to persist in their engineering degree program due to their parents' expectations for success and high academic achievement; their desire to overcome the discrimination, stereotyping, and naysayers that they encountered; and their aspiration to become a role model for their family and other students interested in pursuing engineering. From the data collected, the researcher provided suggestions to implement and adapt educational activities and support systems within the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering to improve the retention and graduation rates

  18. Health Care Access, Utilization, and Cancer Screening Among Low-Income Latina Women. (United States)

    Mojica, Cynthia M; Flores, Bertha; Ketchum, Norma S; Liang, Yuanyuan


    Cancer screening reduces mortality rates for breast, cervical, and colon cancer. Yet cancer screening rates for Latina women are lower than for non-Latino Whites, and below Healthy People 2020 goals. Additionally, Latinos face many health care access barriers. This study examined health care access and utilization in relation to cancer screening among low-income Latina women recruited from a high-risk area and enrolled in a navigation-plus-education intervention. Latina women considered rarely or never screened for breast, cervical, or colorectal cancer were recruited from community-based organizations and events (N = 691). We gathered self-reported survey data on insurance status, usual source of care, health care utilization, and cancer screening behavior. We conducted multivariable logistic regression models to estimate odds ratios of receipt of at least one cancer screening test. Overall, 28% of women received at least one cancer screening test. Results indicated that women without insurance (odds ratio [OR] = 2.08; confidence interval [CI] = 1.09, 3.98) and without a doctor's visit in the past year (OR = 2.02; CI = 1.28, 3.18), compared with their counterparts, had greater odds of receiving at least one screening test. Findings highlight the continued need to explore ways to support uninsured individuals' screening efforts and further investigate barriers among insured women who are not up-to-date with screenings.

  19. The National Latina/o Psychological Association: Like a Phoenix Rising (United States)

    Chavez-Korell, Shannon; Delgado-Romero, Edward A.; Illes, Roseanne


    This article addresses the re-founding of the National Hispanic Psychological Association into the National Latina/o Psychological Association. A brief history is provided, followed by current status and resources, connections to counseling psychology, and implications for the Society of Counseling Psychology and for the future of the National…

  20. Personal Agency Inspired by Hardship: Bilingual Latinas as Liberatory Educators (United States)

    Morales, Amanda R.; Shroyer, M. Gail


    This qualitative multiple case study focused on eleven non-traditional, bilingual, Latinas within a teacher education program. The study explored various factors that influenced participants' desire to pursue and ability to persist as pre-service teachers. The overarching theme identified among participant discourse was personal agency inspired by…

  1. Latina Early Childhood Teachers Negotiating Language Policies "en La Frontera" (United States)

    Valdez, Verónica E.


    Grounded in new language policy studies (McCarty, Collins, & Hopson, 2011), this qualitative study examines two bilingual Latina preschool teachers' language views, experiences, skills, and goals in a Texas/Mexico border community to determine how these factors mediate their choice to use Spanish/English in their instructional practices with…

  2. Latina/o Academics' Resilient Qualities in Their Linguistically Diverse Practices (United States)

    Cavazos, Alyssa G.


    Emphasis placed on academic writing in English may create challenges for multilingual academics as they negotiate diverse languages. Based on personal interviews with bilingual Latina/o academics in rhetoric and composition, this study reveals that their language practices reflect diverse resilient qualities at various stages in their academic…

  3. Pregnancy intentions and teenage pregnancy among Latinas: a mediation analysis. (United States)

    Rocca, Corinne H; Doherty, Irene; Padian, Nancy S; Hubbard, Alan E; Minnis, Alexandra M


    The extent to which pregnancy intentions mediate the relationship between individual, familial and cultural characteristics and adolescent pregnancy is not well understood. The role of intentions may be particularly important among Latina teenagers, whose attitudes toward pregnancy are more favorable than those of other groups and whose pregnancy rates are high. Prospective, time-varying data from 2001-2004 were used to investigate whether two measures of pregnancy intentions, wantedness and happiness, mediated associations between risk factors and pregnancy among 213 Latina adolescents in San Francisco. Participants were tested for pregnancy and interviewed about pregnancy intentions, partnerships, family characteristics and activities every six months for two years. Associations and mediation were examined using logistic regression. Neither pregnancy intention variable mediated relationships between participant characteristics and pregnancy. After adjustment for other measures, wantedness was strongly associated with pregnancy (odds ratio, 2.6), while happiness was not. Having a strong family orientation was associated with happiness (3.7) but unrelated to pregnancy. Low power in a sexual relationship with a main partner was associated with an elevated risk of pregnancy (3.3). If the pregnancy intentions of all participants were changed to definitely not wanting pregnancy, the estimated decline in pregnancy risk would be 16%. Pregnancy intentions were important not as mediators but rather as independent risk factors for pregnancy. Differences in pregnancy rates between groups of Latinas may be less a function of intentional choice than of situational factors. Interventions and research should focus on identifying and targeting factors that hinder effective contraceptive use among teenagers who want to avoid pregnancy. Copyright © 2010 by the Guttmacher Institute.

  4. Pregnancy Intentions and Teenage Pregnancy Among Latinas: A Mediation Analysis (United States)

    Rocca, Corinne H.; Doherty, Irene; Padian, Nancy S.; Hubbard, Alan E.; Minnis, Alexandra M.


    CONTEXT The extent to which pregnancy intentions mediate the relationship between individual, familial and cultural characteristics and adolescent pregnancy is not well understood. The role of intentions may be particularly important among Latina teenagers, whose attitudes toward pregnancy are more favorable than those of other groups and whose pregnancy rates are high. METHODS Prospective, time-varying data from 2001–2004 were used to investigate whether two measures of pregnancy intentions, wantedness and happiness, mediated associations between risk factors and pregnancy among 213 Latina adolescents in San Francisco. Participants were tested for pregnancy and interviewed about pregnancy intentions, partnerships, family characteristics and activities every six months for two years. Associations and mediation were examined using logistic regression. RESULTS Neither pregnancy intention variable mediated relationships between participant characteristics and pregnancy. After adjustment for other measures, wantedness was strongly associated with pregnancy (odds ratio, 2.6), while happiness was not. Having a strong family orientation was associated with happiness (3.7) but unrelated to pregnancy. Low sexual relationship power with a main partner was associated with an elevated risk of pregnancy (3.3). If the pregnancy intentions of all participants were changed to definitely not wanting pregnancy, the estimated decline in pregnancy risk would be 16%. CONCLUSIONS Pregnancy intentions were important not as mediators but rather as independent risk factors for pregnancy. Differences in pregnancy rates between groups of Latinas may be less a function of intentional choice than of situational factors. Interventions and research should focus on identifying and targeting factors that hinder effective contraceptive use among teenagers who want to avoid pregnancy. PMID:20887287

  5. América Latina en la transición demográfica, 1800-1980

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    Héctor Pérez Brignoli


    Full Text Available El artículo de la sección Archivos en este número de la revista fue presentado por Héctor Pérez-Brignoli en la IV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Población celebrada en México en 1993 y cuyo tema central fue la transición demográfica en América Latina y el Caribe. Tal como lo señalaron los comentaristas de entonces, aún después de transcurridos más de 15 años, puede decirse que constituye una agenda para la investigación sobre la historia de la población de América Latina. El trabajo sugiere una serie de temas que todavía hoy requieren de mayor investigación.En primer lugar señala un conjunto de problemas propios de la historia latinoamericana que se encuentran inexorablemente ligados al cambio demográfico y sin cuyo análisis resulta difícil comprender los cambios en el largo plazo. Dos de ellos se refieren a la historia colonial de América Latina: la catástrofe demográfica y el mestizaje. Si bien sobre ambos existe una abundante producción de investigaciones y amplios consensos, aún hay temas no resueltos. En particular aquellos que se refieren a la dinámica demográfica y al peso relativo que distintos factores tuvieron en su evolución. Igualmente, las particularidades de estos dos procesos en distintas regiones de América Latina requieren de esfuerzos de comparación, tal como lo apunta Mássimo Livi Bacci en un artículo reciente sobre la catástrofe demográfica en América Latina .Otras tres particularidades se refieren a las migraciones, la frontera, y las densidades de población. Particularmente en el siglo XIX, cada uno de estos procesos se encuentra íntimamente ligado a la relación cambio demográfico y crecimiento económico en la etapa de formación de las economías y de los estados nacionales de los países de América Latina. Pero además, si bien son temas presentes en la historia latinoamericana desde el siglo XVI, también son temas contemporáneos como lo evidencian la creciente importancia de

  6. Time to definitive diagnosis of breast cancer in Latina and non-Hispanic white women: the six cities study. (United States)

    Ramirez, Amelie G; Pérez-Stable, Eliseo J; Talavera, Gregory A; Penedo, Frank J; Carrillo, J Emilio; Fernandez, Maria E; Muñoz, Edgar; Long Parma, Dorothy; Holden, Alan Ec; San Miguel de Majors, Sandra; Nápoles, Anna; Castañeda, Sheila F; Gallion, Kipling J


    Time delay after an abnormal screening mammogram may have a critical impact on tumor size, stage at diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and survival of subsequent breast cancer. This study was undertaken to evaluate disparities between Latina and non-Hispanic white (NHW) women in time to definitive diagnosis of breast cancer after an abnormal screening mammogram, as well as factors contributing to such disparities. As part of the activities of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)-funded Redes En Acción research network, clinical records of 186 Latinas and 74 NHWs who received abnormal screening mammogram results were reviewed to determine the time to obtain a definitive diagnosis. Data was obtained from participating clinics in six U.S. cities and included demographics, clinical history, and mammogram characteristics. Kaplan-Meier estimates and Cox proportional hazards models were used to test differences in median time to definitive diagnosis by ethnicity after adjusting for clinic site, demographics, and clinical characteristics. Time-to-event analysis showed that Latinas took 2.2 times longer to reach 50% definitively diagnosed with breast cancer relative to NHWs, and three times longer to reach 80% diagnosed (p=0.001). Latinas' median time to definitive diagnosis was 60 days compared to 27 for NHWs, a 59% gap in diagnosis rates (adjusted Hazard Ratio [aHR] = 1.59, 95% CI = 1.09, 2.31; p=0.015). BI-RADS-4/5 women's diagnosis rate was more than twice that of BI-RADS-3 (aHR = 2.11, 95% CI = 1.18, 3.78; p=0.011). Disparities in time between receipt of abnormal screening result and definitive diagnosis adversely affect Latinas compared to NHWs, and remain significant after adjusting for demographic and clinical variables. With cancer now the leading cause of mortality among Latinos, a greater need exists for ethnically and culturally appropriate interventions like patient navigation to facilitate Latinas' successful entry into, and progression through, the cancer care

  7. Consolidación de los archipiélagos de seguridad en América Latina

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    Nelson Arteaga Botello


    Full Text Available El incremento de los delitos de diverso tipo y de la violencia criminal en los últimos diez años en América Latina ha propiciado la extensión de los mecanismos de seguridad en las sociedades de la región. De esta forma, no sorprende que a finales del siglo pasado se haya observado un aumento en la demanda de los servicios públicos y privados de seguridad. Este proceso no es solamente el resultado de la exportación hacia América Latina de cierta lógica de seguridad establecida por los Estados Unidos luego de los atentados a las Torres Gemelas. Más bien, este evento vino a acelerar y reforzar un proceso que en gran parte de los países de América Latina ya se venía consolidando; proceso determinado por la implementación de dispositivos de control sobre aquellos sectores que, se piensa, son responsables de la violencia delictiva: los excluidos y marginados de los espacios urbanos de las grandes ciudades latinoamericanas.

  8. The impact of home-school cultural value conflicts and President Trump on Latina/o first-generation college students' attentional control. (United States)

    Vasquez-Salgado, Yolanda; Ramirez, Gerardo; Greenfield, Patricia M


    Around the world, people migrate from poorer countries with less educational opportunity to richer ones with greater educational opportunity. In this journey, they bring their family obligation values into societies that value individual achievement. This process can create home-school cultural value conflict-conflict between family and academic obligations-for the children of Latina/o immigrants who attend universities in the United States. We hypothesised that this conflict causes cognitive disruption. One-hundred sixty-one Latina/o first-generation university students (called college students in the United States) were randomly assigned to one of four experimental prompts; thereafter, the students engaged in an attentional control task (i.e., the Stroop test). For Latina/o students living close to home, prompting a home-school cultural value conflict was more deleterious to attentional control than the other conditions. In addition, across all Latina/o students, a comparison of performance before and after President Trump's election and inauguration showed that prompting family obligation (without mention of conflict) led to a significantly greater loss of attentional control after Trump was elected and inaugurated, compared with before Trump. We hypothesise that this effect resulted from Trump's threats and actions to deport undocumented Latina/o immigrants, thus making fear about the fate of family members more salient and cognitively disruptive. © 2018 International Union of Psychological Science.

  9. Tracking Identity: Opportunity, Success, and Affiliation with Science among Fifth-Grade Latina/o Youth of Santa Barbara, California (United States)

    Maas, Grayson Ford

    This dissertation is an investigation into the American public education system at the elementary school level. It highlights important factors that shape the organizational structure of schools and classrooms, and in turn, how they engender disparities in the ways students experience education, namely, in the opportunities made available to them to achieve and succeed at a high level. This dissertation operates at the confluence of notions about class, gender, language, and race, especially as they revolve around public education and the hegemonic meritocratic discourse on which it is founded. This dissertation engages and contributes to scholarship within the following areas: The political economy of education; discourse and the dialectical relationship between agency and structure; cultural perspectives on identity, voice, and learning; and, Latinas/os in science education. The data that serve as the basis for the findings presented in this dissertation were collected throughout a three-phase yearlong ethnographic study of the two tracked fifth-grade classrooms at Amblen Elementary School, serving a socioeconomically disadvantaged Latina/o student population in Santa Barbara, California. In classrooms all across the nation, while it remains true that Latina/o students disproportionally take up space in the lower-tracked courses and not in the higher ones, this study does not examine inequality in tracking assignments made along ethnic/racial lines (as 100% of the students that participated in this research identify as Latina/o), rather, it investigates the consequences of what happens when Latina/o students are tracked according to symbolic markers of their ethnic/racial identity, that is, their varying levels of English language competency. Using data from participant observation, semi-structured interviews, students' drawings, as well as free-list and rank-order exercises, I was able to answer the following central research questions: In what ways do the

  10. Are suicide attempts by young Latinas a cultural idiom of distress? (United States)

    Zayas, Luis H.; Gulbas, Lauren E.


    The high rates of suicide attempts among adolescent Hispanic females in the United States have been well established by epidemiological and clinical studies. In this paper, we review the research history of Latina suicide attempts and their characteristics. Then we apply multifaceted conceptual and empirical criteria found in the anthropological and psychiatric literature about cultural idioms of distress to the suicide attempts of young Latinas. We contrast the suicide-attempt phenomenon to the well-known ataque de nervios and propose that the phenomenon may reflect a developmental or cultural variant of the ataque. The attempt-as-idiom proposition is intended to invite discussion that can deepen our understanding of the cultural roots of the suicide attempts and their possible designation as cultural idiom. Establishing the meaning of suicide attempts within a cultural perspective can assist psychological and psychiatric research and clinical interventions. PMID:23075802

  11. Intersectionality at Work: Determinants of Labor Supply among Immigrant Latinas1 (United States)

    Flippen, Chenoa


    This article borrows from the intersectionality literature to investigate how legal status, labor market position, and family characteristics structure the labor supply of immigrant Latinas in Durham, NC, a new immigrant destination. The analysis takes a broad view of labor force participation, analyzing the predictors of whether or not women work; whether and how the barriers to work vary across occupations; and variation in hours and weeks worked among the employed. I also explicitly investigate the extent to which family constraints interact with other social characteristics, especially legal status, in shaping women’s labor market position. Results highlight that immigrant Latinas experience multiple, interrelated constraints on employment owing to their position as low-skill workers in a labor market highly segregated by gender and nativity, to their status as members of a largely undocumented population, and as wives and mothers in an environment characterized by significant work-family conflict. PMID:26843783

  12. Resisting Negative Images and Stereotypes: One Latina Prospective Teacher’s Story

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    Terri L. Rodriguez


    Full Text Available This article focuses on one Latina prospective teacher’s act of resisting negative stereotypes regarding attire imposed upon her by a white female principal. The event is embedded within a larger life history study that explores the experiences of bilingual Latino prospective teachers in the elementary education program of a large Midwestern university. The selected narrative is contextualized in relation to resistance narratives. Patricia Morales tells about her experiences in U.S. schools. It explores how Patricia’s life history is marked by experiences of discrimination, yet how her constructions of these events represent “counterstories” (Delgado, 2000; Solorzano & Yosso, 2002 through which she “talks back” (hooks, 1989 to distorted images and stereotypes. Patricia’s narratives are shown to constitute creative acts of resistance through which she negotiates a positive and affirming identity (Suarez-Orozco & Suarez-Orozco, 2001 as a Latina prospective teacher.

  13. Recruitment of black and Latina women to a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Martin, Anika; Negron, Rennie; Balbierz, Amy; Bickell, Nina; Howell, Elizabeth A


    Minority women are often not adequately represented in randomized controlled trials, limiting the generalizability of research trial results. We implemented a recruitment strategy for a postpartum depression prevention trial that utilized patient feedback to identify and understand the recruitment barriers of black and Latina postpartum women. Feedback on patients' reasons for trial refusal informed adaptations to the recruitment process. We calculated weekly recruitment rates and analyzed qualitative and quantitative data from patient refusals. Of the 668 women who were approached and completed the consent process, 540 enrolled in the trial and 128 declined participation. Over 52-weeks of recruitment, refusal rates decreased from 40% to 19%. A taxonomy of eight reasons for refusal derived from patient responses identified barriers to recruitment and generated targeted revisions to the recruitment message. A recruitment strategy designed to incorporate and respond to patient feedback improved recruitment of Black and Latina women to a clinical trial.

  14. ¿Programas focalizados? ¿Por qué falta empleo en América Latina?

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    Carlos Comas


    Full Text Available EN EL MES DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2004, SE DESARROLLÓ EN LA UNIVERSIDAD Centroamericana (UCA el Congreso Anual de FLACSO-CLACSO-CROP con la participación de renombrados sociólogos de América Latina, quienes debatieron sobre pobreza y migraciones. El evento clausuró con una Mesa Redonda donde se presentaron ponencias sobre pobreza y migraciones. Este trabajo trata de ser una recopilación de lo dicho en esa reunió, más algunas reflexiones acerca de la focalización versus servicios universales; y por qué América Latina ha fracasado en crear empleo.

  15. Produção do conhecimento acerca da formação do enfermeiro na América Latina Producción de conocimiento sobre la formación de enfermeros en América Latina Production of knowledge about the training of nurses in Latin America

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    Bruna Pedroso Canever


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura, com abordagem qualitativa, que teve como objetivo conhecer o panorama da produção científica em Educação em Enfermagem latino-americana para compreender como está sendo conduzida a formação dos futuros enfermeiros. A coleta de dados foi feita na base de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, no período entre 2005 e agosto de 2012. Os descritores utilizados foram: Educação Superior, Currículo, Ensino, todos associados ao descritor "Educação em Enfermagem". Fizeram parte dos resultados desta pesquisa 82 estudos. A partir da leitura completa dos estudos, emergiram as seguintes categorias: "Currículo", "Docentes", "Processo Ensino-Aprendizagem", "Estudantes" e "Avaliação". Os resultados identificaram a preocupação dos autores na formação do enfermeiro com questões relativas à postura crítica e ações de cuidado integral à comunidade. É preciso avançar em relação à adoção de referencial teórico emancipador, que necessita ser incorporado e discutido entre as instâncias formadoras do enfermeiro.Se trata de una revisión integrativa de literatura con enfoque cualitativo que tuvo como objetivo comprender el panorama de la producción científica en Enfermería y Educación en América Latina para comprender la forma en que se lleva a cabo la formación de los futuros profesionales en enfermería. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo en la región de América Latina en la base de datos Literatura Latinoamericana y el Caribe en Ciencias de Salud, entre 2005 y agosto de 2012. Los descriptores utilizados fueron: Educación Superior, Currículo, Enseñanza, todos los asociados con el descriptor: Educación en Enfermería. Formaron parte de los resultados de esta encuesta 82 estudios. De la lectura completa de los estudios salieron las siguientes categorías: "Curriculum", "Profesor", "enseñanza-aprendizaje", "Estudiantes" y "Evaluaci

  16. Emerging Critical Meta-Awareness among Black and Latina/o Youth during Corrective Feedback Practices in Urban English Language Arts Classrooms (United States)

    Martinez, Danny C.


    This article addresses teachers' uptake of Black and Latina/o youth linguistic repertoires within the official space of an English Language Arts (ELA) classroom and how youth respond to corrective feedback that is focused on the form of their messages, rather than their function. Corrective feedback offered by one Latina teacher indexed larger…

  17. Sur o no Sur: a construção transnacional da América Latina desde as migrações e os usos sociais da internet

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    Liliane Dutra Brignol


    Full Text Available

    O objetivo do artigo é explorar as narrativas identitárias em torno da América Latina construídas a partir da experiência de deslocamento de migrantes latino-americanos residentes em Barcelona, Espanha, e Porto Alegre, Brasil. Buscamos entender como  modos plurais de experimentar a identidade latino-americana pelos migrantes permitem observar implicações nos usos sociais da internet. Na investigação empírica, a partir de uma perspectiva etnográfica, percebemos que parte da vivência da latino-americanidade relacionada aos usos da internet se dá pelo consumo e produção cultural. A diversidade de sites propostos com referência às identidades nacionais e à América Latina também pode ser entendida como manifestação de um sentido de latino-americanidade percebido como vivência transnacional.

  18. Sexuality Education among Latinas: Experiences, Preferences, Attitudes and Risk Behavior (United States)

    Rojas-Guyler, Liliana; King, Keith A.


    This study investigated sexuality topics discussed by parents, sources of sexuality education, sexual risk behaviors, and attitudes about who should educate children about sexuality among a sample of 204 adult Latinas. Nearly half of sexually active women (having ever had sex) reported condom use and 36.7% reported discussing sexual history with…

  19. Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte: The Effects of a Culturally-Relevant, Community-Based, Promotores Program to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening among Latinas. (United States)

    McDonough, A Manuela; Vargas, Marcela; Nguyen-Rodriguez, Selena; Garcia, Melawhy; Galvez, Gino; Rios-Ellis, Britt


    Although cervical cancer can be prevented through screening and follow-up, Latinas' rate of Pap tests remains low due to knowledge gaps and cultural and attitudinal factors. This study used a single-group pre-/post-test design to evaluate the effectiveness of Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte (Healthy Woman, Strong Family), an intervention intended to improve Latinas' cervical cancer prevention knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy to obtain a Pap test, and intention to get tested. The intervention is delivered through a single session by promotores de salud, who use a culturally competent, linguistically appropriate toolkit. A total of 5,211 Latinas participated in the study. The evaluation indicated that participants had increases in knowledge, positive attitudes, self-efficacy, and intention to test. Latinas have a low rate of cervical cancer screening but a high rate of cervical cancer, and Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte shows promise as a public health practice for use with this population.

  20. ¿Y ahora qué? Anticipated immigration status barriers and Latina/o high school students' future expectations. (United States)

    McWhirter, Ellen Hawley; Ramos, Karina; Medina, Cynthia


    Latina/o high school students without documentation face a challenging situation when they graduate from high school, with pathways to work and postsecondary education stymied by their immigration status. We examined the effects of anticipated barriers associated with immigration status, age, and sex on the dependent variables of vocational outcome expectations, anticipated external and internal barriers, and postsecondary schooling plans in a sample of 475 Latina/o high school students. Findings include that students anticipating immigration status problems had lower vocational outcome expectations and anticipated more external barriers to pursuing their postsecondary plans. Latina girls and older high school students anticipating immigration status problems were more likely to plan to attend 2-year rather than 4-year colleges, and less likely to plan on postsecondary education, respectively. Implications for practice, policy, and research are discussed. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved.

  1. The Role of Enculturation and Acculturation on Latina College Student Distress (United States)

    Cano, Miguel Angel; Castillo, Linda G.


    This study investigated the relationship of acculturation, enculturation, and White attitudinal marginalization with distress among 214 Latina college students. Results showed that 12% of the variance in perceived distress was accounted for by all predictor variables with only behavioral enculturation and White attitudinal marginalization being…

  2. Practitioners' Perspectives on Cultural Sensitivity in Latina/o Teen Pregnancy Prevention (United States)

    Wilkinson-Lee, Ada M.; Russell, Stephen T.; Lee, Faye C. H.


    This study examined practitioners' understandings of cultural sensitivity in the context of pregnancy prevention programs for Latina teens. Fifty-eight practitioners from teen pregnancy prevention programs in California were interviewed in a guided conversation format. Three themes emerged in our analysis. First, practitioners' definitions of…

  3. Literatura queer e latina nos Estados Unidos: a interseccionalidade entre etnia, gênero e sexualidade em dois contos

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    William Duarte Ferreira


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar de que maneira se dá a construção de personagens queer na literatura quando suas identidades são constituídas de maneira interseccional à identidade latina nos Estados Unidos. Para isso, foram selecionados dois contos da coletânea From macho to mariposa: new gay latino fiction (2011, organizada por Charles Rice-González e Charlie Vázquez. Verificou-se, assim, de que maneira a interseccionalidade étnica que compõe a identidade desses sujeitos, a saber, a ascendência latino-americana, afeta suas vivências enquanto sujeitos queer, além de discutir o modo pelo qual esses sujeitos, já segregados devido a questões étnicas e culturais, sofrem um novo processo de marginalização em função de sua expressão de gênero e/ou sexualidade.

  4. A história da América Latina na Revista Desarrollo Económico dos anos sessenta do século passado The Latin America history at Desarrollo Económico magazine in the sixties years of the last century

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    Heloisa Jochims Reichel


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a historiografia sobre a América Latina, publicada no periódico argentino Desarrollo Económico ­ Revista de Ciencias Sociales, durante os anos sessenta do século passado, relacionando-a com a conjuntura política e o pensamento desenvolvimentista do período. Identifica os temas predominantes nos artigos publicados sobre a história latino-americana, destacando a questão da propriedade da terra, a influência da Revista Annales, o predomínio da história econômica e social e das novas metodologias de investigação utilizadas pelos historiadores. Na conclusão, ressalta a perspectiva do latino-americanismo, presente na maioria dos artigos historiográficos publicados na Revista, bem como para o fato de muitos deles estarem já vinculados às tendências atuais da historiografia Argentina e latino-americana.The present article analyses the Latin America historiography published in the Argentinean periodical called Desarrollo Económico- Revista de Ciencias Sociales during the 60's of the last century, which is a period that shows instability in politics and intellectuals great interest in analysing the Latin American historic process. It identifies the predominant themes among the published articles about Latin American history, analyses the land property issue, the influence of another magazine, called Annales, the predominance of both economical and social history, also pointing to the new investigative methodologies used by historians. The conclusion shows the latin-american perspective present at the published articles and the fact that many of them are already the predecessors of modern trends in Argentinean and Latin American historiography.

  5. Impacto de los cambios demográficos en las demandas sectoriales en América Latina Impacto das mudanças demográficas nas demandas setoriais na América Latina Impact of demographic change on sectorial demands in Latin America

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    Paulo Murad Saad


    Full Text Available América Latina se encuentra actualmente en un proceso de transición demográfica que afecta profundamente la distribución por edades de la población. Dado que el comportamiento económico de las personas varía según la etapa del ciclo de vida en la que se encuentran, los cambios en la estructura por edades tienden a producir un impacto importante sobre el proceso de desarrollo económico. En base a patrones etarios de consumo e ingresos laborales construidos a partir de los datos del proyecto Cepal / IDRC sobre transferencias intergeneracionales, el artículo trata de examinar el impacto económico de los cambios demográficos, particularmente del bono demográfico, en tres sectores directamente relacionados con el bienestar de la población y el desarrollo económico de la región: la educación, la salud y el sistema de reparto de pensiones. El análisis revela que, en el ámbito educativo, se prevé un aumento sustancial de los recursos disponibles para el próximo decenio, lo cual permitiría sostener económicamente los esfuerzos encaminados a ampliar la cobertura en los distintos niveles educacionales. En el ámbito de la salud, mientras en algunos países se prevé un aumento de los recursos disponibles por consumidor, en aquellos más avanzados en la transición demográfica, se proyecta más bien una desventaja demográfica para el próximo decenio. En gran contraste con el caso de la educación, el cambio demográfico impone mayores dificultades para el financiamiento de los sistemas de reparto de pensiones. El efecto del envejecimiento de la población en estos sistemas es evidente en casi todos los países de la región.A América Latina está passando por um processo de transição demográfica que afeta profundamente a distribuição etária da população. Considerando que o comportamento econômico das pessoas varia conforme a etapa do ciclo da vida em que se encontram, as mudanças na estrutura etária podem vir a gerar um

  6. Exploring the undergraduate experience of Latina students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors: Motivators and strategies for achieving baccalaureate attainment (United States)

    Carbajal, Sandy C.

    Drawing from Latino/a Critical Race Theory and the related Community Cultural Wealth (CCW) model, I concentrate on three forms of CCW---aspirational, navigational, and resistance capital---for this qualitative study on the undergraduate experience of Latina students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors, focusing on strategies and achieving baccalaureate attainment. I interviewed ten Latina students and asked them questions regarding their educational experiences in STEM majors, what contributed to their degree completion, and the strategies they employed for achieving baccalaureate attainment. I identified and described six themes within the study (the underrepresentation of Latinas in STEM majors, the lack of preparation by academic programs for upper division courses, motivators, involvement, time management, and support networks) that, when combined, contributed to participants' degree attainment. This study concludes with implications for policy and practice that would allow universities to better assist Latinas in STEM majors to achieve baccalaureate attainment.



    Diana Soto Arango


    El trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la responsabilidad ética-científico-social del profesor universitario en América Latina desde su ejercicio docente en una institución como es la universidad que presenta cambios estructurales en el siglo XXI. Se aborda la investigación desde la pregunta ¿si la universidad en América Latina ha formado su cuerpo docente con capacidad profesional de liderar la transformación cultural- educativa, y de liderar los cambios científicos-tecnológicos-sociales de...

  8. The Role of Racial Discrimination in the Economic Value of Education Among Urban, Low-Income Latina/o Youth: Ethnic Identity and Gender as Moderators. (United States)

    Mroczkowski, Alison L; Sánchez, Bernadette


    The present study used resilience theory to explore relationships among perceived racial discrimination, ethnic identity, gender, and economic value of education (EVE) among urban, low-income, Latina/o youth. It was expected that racial discrimination would predict poorer perceptions of the EVE among Latina/o adolescents. Ethnic identity was hypothesized to buffer the negative effect of racial discrimination on Latina/o students' EVE. The participants in this study were 396 urban, low-income Latina/o high school students from a large, Midwestern city who completed surveys in both 9th- and 10th-grade. Structural equation modeling was used to test the relationships among racial discrimination, ethnic identity, and EVE. Results supported a protective model of resilience. Specifically, ethnic identity served as a protective factor by buffering the negative effect of perceived racial discrimination on EVE for male participants. The present study is the first to examine ethnic identity as a buffer of racial discrimination on EVE among Latina/o high school students. Future directions and implications are discussed.

  9. Choosing Science: A Mixed-Methods Study of Factors Predicting Latino and Latina High School Students' Decisions to Pursue Science Degrees (United States)

    Stein, Rachel S.

    Latino/as are an increasingly large subset of the United States population; however, they continue to be underrepresented in science careers. Because of this increase, research regarding Latino/as has improved, but there are still many gaps in regards to gender-specific predictors to pursue science careers. To address this lack of literature, the purpose of this study is to extend previous research and to develop a model of variables that significantly contribute to science career choice among Latino and Latina students when they graduate from high school. In particular the study addressed the following research questions: (1) What are the differences in science outcomes for Latino and Latina students? (2) What are the differences in factors involved in science outcomes for Latino and Latina students? (3) For Latino and Latina students what are the differences in the factors that predict students' choice to pursue a science degree and/or high scores on the Future Plans in Science Scale? (4) What are the differences in how Latino and Latina students experience science, which account for high achieving students to choose to pursue a science major? This study utilized an explanatory mixed-method approach to examine how cognitive, institutional, and motivational factors may be interrelated and play a role in Latino/as choice to pursue science. The first phase of the study incorporated the collection of survey and database information from 12th grade students at two Southern California high schools. The second phase of the study utilized follow-up focus group interviews to explore the specific differential experiences and views of Latino and Latina students. The results of the study demonstrated multiple significant predictors. Science self-concept and views towards science outside of school were the most significant predictors of students' choice to pursue science. Male students also had major predictors of Spanish proficiency, teacher encouragement, religious views

  10. Commentary: Latina Literacies in "Convivencia": Communal Spaces of Teaching and Learning (United States)

    Villenas, Sofia A.


    Inspired by Delgado-Gaitan's work with Latina mothers' stories of transformation, this commentary engages scholarship on the communal "mujer-" or womanist-oriented spaces of teaching and learning. The author explores themes of "convivencia" (communalism) centered on faith, spirituality, and humor central to creating compassionate spaces of…

  11. Picking fruit from our backyard's trees: The meaning of nostalgia in shaping Latinas' eating practices in the United States. (United States)

    Viladrich, Anahí; Tagliaferro, Barbara


    Based on a focus group study conducted in New York City (NYC), this paper examines the traditional staples (i.e., nostalgic foods) that Latinas regularly consume in the U.S., along with their beliefs regarding the impact of such foods on weight gain and related body image. Our research findings highlight the "double-bind" of nostalgic foods, defined by Latinas' retention of highly caloric familiar items along with their progressive abandonment of fresh produce and fruits. Despite participants' efforts to eat healthy staples from their homelands, they mostly kept foods perceived as unhealthy (e.g., fatty meats, fried foods). This phenomenon was informed by the "same-food paradox," represented by Latinas' beliefs that the same traditional foods that would make them lose weight in their native countries would lead them to gain weight in the U.S. Our qualitative data show that participants' concerns about their weight gain in the U.S. is in tune with their general body dissatisfaction, as indicated by our quantitative results. Finally, our findings reveal the role of stress in promoting Latinas' deleterious daily habits, including their consumption of fat-saturated snacks. Overall, these results speak to the cultural and structural barriers to healthy eating that financially strapped study participants experienced in NYC. In order to design successful public health interventions targeting Latinas, the nostalgic aspects of food preferences should be considered in conjunction with the barriers that keep them from engaging with healthier lifestyles in the U.S. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. América latina: la ciudad negada


    Livingston Crawford; Pamela Flores


    Este ensayo hace un recorrido histórico sobre los significados que visibiliza la estructura urbana en América Latina desde la Colonia hasta el presente. Partiendo de la separación entre lo rural y lo urbano heredada del mundo colonial, el ensayo muestra las alteraciones que en la gramática urbana y en el imaginario simbólico, produce la explosión urbana de los años sesenta del siglo pasado, lo que constituye una noción deteriorada de espacio público como signo de la ciuda...

  13. Mental Health Stigma and Self-Concealment as Predictors of Help-Seeking Attitudes among Latina/o College Students in the United States (United States)

    Mendoza, Hadrian; Masuda, Akihiko; Swartout, Kevin M.


    The study examined whether mental health stigma and self-concealment are uniquely related to various dimensions of attitudes toward seeking professional psychological services (i.e., help-seeking attitudes) in Latina/o college students. Data from 129 Latina/o undergraduates (76% female) were used in the analysis. Results revealed that mental…

  14. Resisting Negative Images and Stereotypes: One Latina Prospective Teacher’s Story

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    Terri L. Rodriguez


    Full Text Available This article focuses on one Latina prospective teacher’s act of resisting negative stereotypes regarding attire imposed upon her by a white female principal.  The event is embedded within a larger life history study that explores the experiences of bilingual Latino prospective teachers in the elementary education program of a large Midwestern university.  The selected narrative is contextualized in relation to resistance narratives. Patricia Morales tells about her experiences in U.S. schools.  It explores how Patricia’s life history is marked by experiences of discrimination, yet how her constructions of these events represent “counterstories” (Delgado, 2000; Solorzano & Yosso, 2002 through which she “talks back” (hooks, 1989 to distorted images and stereotypes.  Patricia’s narratives are shown to constitute creative acts of resistance through which she negotiates a positive and affirming identity (Suarez-Orozco & Suarez-Orozco, 2001 as a Latina prospective teacher.   Keywords: preservice teachers; teacher education; Latino critical race theory; narrative inquiry

  15. Developing a Culturally Sensitive Lifestyle Behavior Change Program for Older Latinas. (United States)

    Schwingel, Andiara; Linares, Deborah E; Gálvez, Patricia; Adamson, Brynn; Aguayo, Liliana; Bobitt, Julie; Castañeda, Yvette; Sebastião, Emerson; Marquez, David X


    Despite the burgeoning U.S. Latino population and their increased risk of chronic disease, little emphasis had been placed on developing culturally sensitive lifestyle interventions in this area. This article examines older Latinas' sociocultural context relative to health with the goal of developing a culturally sensitive health behavior intervention. Photo-elicitation indicated two emerging themes that influenced lifestyle choices: family caregiving and religion. Researchers partnered with a faith-based organization to develop and implement a 6-month lifestyle intervention for Latinas ages 50 and older: Abuelas en Acción (AEA). At completion, interviews were conducted to understand women's experiences and the influence AEA had on their lifestyles and health. Findings suggest that religious content empowered and deeply affected women; however, the intergenerational content presented significant challenges for instruction, retention, and implementation. We discuss findings in relation to the health intervention literature and provide suggestions for future interventions drawing on religion, family, and health behavior change. © The Author(s) 2015.

  16. Esperanza y Vida: A Culturally and Linguistically Customized Breast and Cervical Education Program for Diverse Latinas at Three Different United States Sites (United States)

    Jandorf, Lina; Ellison, Jennie; Shelton, Rachel; Thélémaque, Linda; Castillo, Anabella; Mendez, Elsa Iris; Horowitz, Carol; Treviño, Michelle; Doty, Bonnie; Hannigan, Maria; Aguirre, Elvira; Harfouche-Saad, Frances; Colon, Jomary; Matos, Jody; Pully, Leavonne; Bursac, Zoran; Erwin, Deborah O.


    Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer and the leading cause of cancer death among Latinas in the United States. In addition, Latinas experience a disproportionate burden of cervical cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality compared with non-Hispanic White women. Lower use of breast and cervical cancer screening services may contribute to these disparities. To address the underutilization of breast and cervical cancer screening among diverse subgroups of Latinas, a peer-led education program called Esperanza y Vida (“Hope and Life”) was developed and administered at 3 sites (2 in New York and 1 in Arkansas). Immigrant Latina women and their partners were educated about the importance of breast and cervical cancer screening, with the goals of increasing their knowledge about these cancers and their screening behavior. An analysis of the intervention’s findings at baseline among female participants demonstrated significant sociodemographic, interpersonal, cultural, health care system, and program variability in 3 distinct geographic regions in the United States. These data indicate the need for and feasibility of customizing cancer outreach and educational programs for diverse Latina subgroups living in various U.S. regions, with implications for informing the expansion and replication of the program in other regions of the country. PMID:22059729

  17. LA CRISIS FINANCIERA INTERNACIONAL. Ocho lecciones de y para América Latina

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    Liliana Rojas-Suarez


    Full Text Available La crisis financiera internacional del 2008-2009 puso de manifiesto las fortalezas y debilidades del paradigma prevaleciente en materia de desarrollo en América La-tina. Éste se basa en una cuenta de capitales liberada que a su vez ha mejorado de manera importante las condiciones macroeconómicas. Este artículo proporciona lecciones provenientes de la crisis, no solamente para la región, sino para otros paí-ses en desarrollo que buscan conseguir crecimiento económico en un contexto de mayor integración a los mercados internacionales de capital. Algunas de las lec-ciones no son nuevas pero han sido reforzadas con la crisis, como la necesidadde que América Latina diversifique sus exportaciones (no sólo de productos sino de socios comerciales. Otras lecciones desmitifican otros elementos, como por ejem-plo la imposibilidad de aplicar políticas contracíclicas, al menos del lado moneta-rio. Otras lecciones incluyen i el papel relativo de la banca nacional y extranjera como amortiguadores de los choques financieros externos, y ii el costo potencial de adoptar regulaciones financieras internacionales que no tomen en consideración el desarrollo de cada país. Tomadas en conjunto, las lecciones arrojan un nuevo sentido de optimismo para el crecimiento de América Latina.

  18. Problemas de Metafísica y Ontología en América Latina

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    Juan Cepeda H.


    Full Text Available El problema del ser plantea algunos interrogantes específicos cuando se le estudia desde América Latina: ¿los pueblos precolombinos se preguntaron por el ser?, ¿cómo se nos enseñó metafísica en el periodo colonial?, ¿desde Latinoamérica se han hecho propuestas originales en metafísica y ontología?, y hacia futuro ¿se nos posibilita develar una ontología propiamente latinoamericana? Este artículo evidencia algunos avances de las probables respuestas a los citados interrogantes, fruto del desarrollo del Proyecto de Investigación Problemas de Metafísica en América Latina (2008-2010.

  19. Latina Mother–Daughter Dyads: Relations Between Attachment and Sexual Behavior Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs (United States)

    Dillon, Frank R.; Rojas, Patria; Schwartz, Seth J.; Duan, Rui


    Associations among mother-daughter attachment, mother and daughter substance abuse, and daughter’s sexual behavior under the influence of drugs and alcohol were investigated among 158 adult U.S. Latina daughters. Latina daughters were sampled from four mother–daughter dyad types: substance abusing mother and daughter, substance abusing mother only, substance abusing daughter only, and nonsubstance-abusing mother and daughter. Substance abusing daughters with substance abusing mothers, and daughters who were less strongly attached to their mothers, reported more sex under the influence of drugs. Age, marital status, substance abuse, and mother’s substance abuse all influenced the daughter’s sex under the influence of alcohol. An unexpected positive association between attachment and sex under the influence of alcohol was found for daughters who were more closely attached to a substance abusing mother. Implications for future research, and HIV/AIDS and drug prevention and treatment programs for Latinas are discussed. PMID:19399605

  20. Proteccion Social en Salud en America Latina y el Caribe ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Dentro de la salud pública, y con vistas a contribuir en los procesos de cambio de ... la PSS en el marco de las reformas de la salud en América Latina y el Caribe. ..... neoliberal” en tanto extiende la racionalidad mercantil a todas las esferas de la ... Excluyentes como El Salvador, Honduras, Bolivia, Ecuador y Guatemala.

  1. Etno-historia de la homosexualidad en américa latina.


    Mott, Luiz


    La homosexualidad debe ser un desafío y no un tabú para la Ciencia. Es pues el objetivo de romper el silencio y tabú que rodea el amor entre personas del mismo sexo en nuestro continente, que he decidido tratar de la historia y la antropología de la homosexualidad en América Latina.

  2. Landschaftsbereiche der Provinz Latina

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    Luigi Piemontese


    Full Text Available Das Konzept der Landschaft setz sich zusammen aus verschiedenen Bezugspunkten und Interpretationen, je nach dem Blickpunkt, und ihre Wahnehrung veraendert sich je nach der verschiedenartigen Brille mit der man sie sieht. Der Artikel, geht von der Definition der Landschaft aus, wie sie in der Eurpaischen Konvention zitiert ist :“ Ein Teil des Landes, wie es von seinen Volk gesehen ist, dessen Charakter geformt ist aus naturlichen und menschlichen Faktoren und deren Wechselverhaeltnis”. Er wird fortgefuehrt mit der Identifikation der Landschaftsbereiche der Provinz Latina, die angesehn werden sollen als klimatisch, litologisch und morphologisch aenliche Landschaftsportionen, in denen erstens die Merkmale der Flora und Fauna klar werden und an zweiter Stelle, durch den Gebrauch des Territoriums und die Veraendungen mit denen er es gezeichnet hat, das Tun des Menschen. Die Methodik ruht teilweise auf der Klassifizierung des Territoriums, ausgearbeitet von C.Blasio und dem Konkretfall angeglichen.

  3. Understanding Latina/o Students' Meaning in Life, Spirituality, and Subjective Happiness (United States)

    Cavazos Vela, Javier; Castro, Veronica; Cavazos, Leticia; Cavazos, Michelle; Gonzalez, Stacey Lee


    One-hundred nineteen Latina/o college students provided perceptions of presence of meaning in life, search for meaning in life, daily spiritual experiences, and subjective happiness. Perceptions of meaning in life and daily spiritual experiences were significant predictors of subjective happiness. A discussion regarding the importance of these…

  4. Empowering Chicana/o and Latina: A Framework for High School Counselors (United States)

    Padilla, Alejandro


    Using Hipolito-Delgado and Lee's empowerment theory for the professional school counselor as a framework, this qualitative study explored the techniques employed by school counselors to facilitate the empowerment of Chicana/o and Latina/o students in large California urban high schools. The qualitative methodology included in-depth interviews…

  5. Testing an Attachment Model of Latina/o College Students' Psychological Adjustment (United States)

    Garriott, Patton O.; Love, Keisha M.; Tyler, Kenneth M.; Thomas, Deneia M.; Roan-Belle, Clarissa R.; Brown, Carrie L.


    The present study examined the influence of attachment relationships on the psychological adjustment of Latina/o university students (N = 80) attending predominantly White institutions of higher education. A path analysis conducted to test a hypothesized model of parent and peer attachment, self-esteem, and psychological distress indicated that…

  6. Academic and Nonacademic Validating Agents on Latinas Mathematics and Science Self Concept A Quantitative Study Utilizing the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (United States)

    Garza, Jennifer M.

    The purpose of this study is to inform and further the discussion of academic (i.e. teachers and school counselors) and non-academic (i.e. parents, family, friends, etc.) validating agents on Latina students' mathematics and science self-concepts. This study found a relationship between Latina students' interactions with academic and non-academic validating agents and their math and science self-concept at the K-12 level. Through the review of the literature the researcher addresses identifiable factors and strategies that inform the field of education in the areas of validation theory, family characteristics, and access to STEM fields for Latina students. The researcher used an established instrument designed, administered, and validated through the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). For purposes of this study, a categorical subset of participants who self-identified as being a Latina student was used. As a result, the total subset number in this study was N=1,882. To determine if academic and non-academic validating agents had an observable statistically significant relationship with Latina students' math and science self-concept, a series of one-way ANOVAs were calculated to compare differences in students' math and science self-concept based on academic and non-academic validating agents for the weighted sample of Latinas for the HLS:09 survey. A path analysis was also employed to assess the factors involved in Latina students' math and science self-concepts. The findings are consistent with previous research involving the influence that academic and non-academic validating agents have on the math and science self-concept of Latina students. The results indicated that students who had teachers that believed in the students, regardless of family background, social economic status or home environment influences had higher math and science self concepts than those who did not. Similarly, it was found that students who had counselors that set high

  7. Modelo de cooperación energética entre China y América Latina


    Hongbo, Sun


    Las relaciones entre China y América Latina han tenido más implicaciones estratégicas en la actual transición de poder político y económico internacional, en particular, sus vínculos energéticos han sido testigos de grandes avances de cooperación entre industrias de petróleo y gas. La cooperación energética de China con América Latina se compone, en una parte nada despreciable, de cambios en curso en energía en el occidente del hemisferio. Las compañías petroleras chinas recurren a diferentes...


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    Sofia Lovato


    Full Text Available El presente estudio comparado concibe una serie de reflexiones generales desde la perspectiva social, pobreza para el analisis de la Responsabilidad Social, incorpornado la relacion políticas gubernamentales o estadp y empresa, que facilite la implementacion de la resposabilidad social empresarial en América Latina y el Ecuador como respuesta a la globalizacion considerándose un desafio para la sociedad internacional, los paises de America Latina se encuentra en etapa de confusion debido a que no existe un consenso en q ue consiste la repsonsabilidad social empresarial que permita una adecuada aplicacion de la misma a nivel internacional con el propósito de contribuis al desarrollo socioeconómico de la region mejorando la calidad de v ida de la sociedad.

  9. Narratives Lost in the Box: The Trichotomy of Latina Student Identity Transition Stages Due to Mass Media and On-Campus Stereotyping (United States)

    Martinez-Vogt, Emily


    This theoretical paper is based on a larger study focused on understanding the experiences of Latina community college students. The purpose of this paper is to expand upon the Silence to Resilience Model, which involves four phases that Latinas encounter upon or throughout their transition to community college including: (1) Racism on campus, (2)…

  10. Psychometric Properties of the DASS-21 Among Latina/o College Students by the US-Mexico Border. (United States)

    Camacho, Álvaro; Cordero, Elizabeth D; Perkins, Tara


    Anxious-depression symptomatology is frequently encountered among Latina/o individuals. There is a dearth of studies that examine this mixed class of anxiety and depression symptomatology, especially among Latina/o college students by the US-Mexico border. A total of 505 participants from rural institutions of higher education completed the DASS21. Psychometric properties were measured by means of confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted to determine gender differences in depression, anxiety and stress. Among women, 18 % reported at least moderate levels of depressive symptoms, 33.1 % reported at least moderate levels of anxiety symptoms, and 16.4 % reported at least moderate levels of stress. In men, 15.9 % reported at least moderate levels of depressive symptoms, 34.1 % reported at least moderate levels of anxiety symptoms, and 12.9 % reported at least moderate levels of stress. The EFA supported a one dimension factor (anxious/stress-depression) among this sample of Latina/o college students (Bartlett's test = 4960.9; df = 210; p ≤ 0.01; Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin = 0.95). The MANOVA found no significant gender differences in depression, anxiety symptomatology and stress [Wilks'Λ = 0.99; F = (3, 500) = 2.41; p = 0.07]. The DASS-21 showed a one dimensional construct of anxious/stress-depression symptomatology in a Latina/o rural undergraduate sample, raising awareness to the need to screen and monitor this constellation of symptoms.

  11. Latina Adolescents Health Risk Behaviors and Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts: Results from the National Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2001-2013. (United States)

    Price, James H; Khubchandani, Jagdish


    Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts are more common in Latina adolescents than White or African-American adolescents. Several health risk behaviors have been identified as being associated with Latina adolescent suicides. However, to date, no study has identified the consistency and stability of these risk behaviors over time. This study utilized the national Youth Risk Behaviors Survey from 2001 to 2013 to estimate the prevalence of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and health risk behaviors associated with suicidal behaviors in Latina adolescents. Our analysis found the prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts varied significantly over the 13-year study span, decreasing from 2001 to 2009 and increased from 2011 to 2013. The analyses found 11 health risk behaviors that were significantly associated with both suicidal ideation and suicide attempts that did not vary over time. The stability of these 11 health risk behaviors associated with suicidal behaviors could be useful to school personnel to identify early at risk Latina adolescents who may benefit from school and community mental health resources.

  12. Nueva faceta del capitalismo del siglo XXI en América Latina

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    Samuel Lichtensztejn


    Full Text Available Desde fin del siglo XX el sistema económico, político y social a nivel global ha entrado en un proceso de cambios, que en varios países de América Latina, parecía podría haber sido de oportunidades en varios ámbitos, sin embargo no han tenido los beneficios esperados. Si bien varios gobiernos de la región emergieron con un discurso nacional y popular con aspiraciones de crecimiento económico con distribución de la riqueza, aspiración democrática y bienestar social, poco a poco se fue desvaneciendo en gran medida por una serie de políticas públicas en el ámbito económico, político y social. Lo que está caracterizando el capitalismo del siglo XXI en América Latina.

  13. Survival and Transcendence of Transnational Indigenous Latina Immigrants (ILIs in the US

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    Margarita Machado-Casas


    Full Text Available Transnational indigenous Latino immigrants today seem to live multiple lives across multiple borders. Based on a 3-year Mix methods research study that took place in a new immigrant-receiving community in North Carolina, the manuscript describes the experiences of Indigenous Latina Immigrants (ILIs living in the United States, specifically pedagogies of survival based on fluid social identities. The indigenous women who took part in this study had to adopt fluid unknown identities both in the home for cultural survival, and also outside the home (external identities for physical and social survival, often in hostile environments. In addition, it raises questions about the ways multilingualism affects border mobility and transnationality as well as how indigenous Latina immigrants become Camaleónas guerreras (Chameleon Warriors who use “critical survival tools” as a transnational bridge to facilitate their survival in a hostile US environment, the community, and in schools.

  14. América latina y la cuestión palestina (1947-2012

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    Cecilia Baeza


    Full Text Available El interés de América Latina por la cuestión palestina se ha hecho visible a nivel internacional sólo recientemente con la ola de reconocimientos del Estado palestino entre diciembre de 2010 y marzo de 2011. La incorporación de esta temática en las políticas exteriores de los Estados latinoamericanos no es nueva, sin embargo. Si bien América Latina nunca desempeñó un papel sustancial en la mediación internacional del conflicto en el Medio Oriente, la centralidad del tema en las Naciones Unidas y la necesidad para Israel como para los palestinos de diversificar sus alianzas internacionales, hizo que los Estados latinoamericanos fueran regularmente convocados para tomar partido. Proponemos analizar las posiciones latinoamericanas a lo largo de los sesenta y cinco últimos años (1947-2012.

  15. Empowerment in Latina Immigrant Women Recovering From Interpersonal Violence: A Concept Analysis. (United States)

    Page, Robin L; Chilton, Jenifer; Montalvo-Liendo, Nora; Matthews, Debra; Nava, Angeles


    Latina immigrant women are vulnerable and may experience higher levels of interpersonal or intimate partner violence (IPV) due to their immigrant status and cultural emphasis on familism. The concept of empowerment within the cultural context of Latina immigrant women experiencing IPV was analyzed using a modified version of Walker and Avant's concept analysis technique. The technique considers usage and definitions in the literature, antecedents, attributes, empirical referents, and the inclusion of a model and contrary case. This analysis encompasses a comparative approach and includes a discussion of how the definition of empowerment compares across the nursing literature. Defining attributes include reciprocal relationships, autonomy, and accountability. Antecedents comprise willingness to learn and motivation to create change. Consequences encompass self-esteem, self-efficacy, and competence for making life decisions. Empowerment has the potential to improve total well-being, having a positive and profound impact on the lives of women experiencing IPV.

  16. El entorno estratégico de América Latina en la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional 2013

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    Soledad Segoviano


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza América Latina como entorno estratégico, de acuerdo con la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional: un proyecto compartido, aprobada el 31 de mayo de 2013. Existe un consenso generalizado sobre la importancia de América Latina para España. Sin embargo, lo que debería considerarse como un punto de partida, fundamentado en una historia común, en valores compartidos, en los lazos culturales, económicos, políticos y personales establecidos, se ha llegado a convertir en un fin en sí mismo, haciendo muy difícil identificar y discutir los intereses específicos de seguridad. España tiene importantes intereses estratégicos en América Latina. Estos incluyen los análisis de impacto de las actuales transformaciones globales en el entorno específico de seguridad regional; la emergencia de Brasil como potencia regional y global; la consolidación en el poder de regímenes neo-populistas y autoritarios; la presencia en la región de potencias extrarregionales como China y Rusia; las nuevas modalidades y evolución de las amenazas transnacionales; la seguridad energética, además de los desafíos relacionados con la desigualdad y la violencia estructural. Este trabajo trata de identificar los principales errores de planteamiento estratégico en la aproximación a América Latina.

  17. The impact of the State Children's Health Insurance Program's unborn child ruling expansions on foreign-born Latina prenatal care and birth outcomes, 2000-2007. (United States)

    Drewry, Jonathan; Sen, Bisakha; Wingate, Martha; Bronstein, Janet; Foster, E Michael; Kotelchuck, Milton


    The 2002 "unborn child ruling" resulted in State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) expansion for states to cover prenatal care for low-income women without health insurance. Foreign-born Latinas who do not qualify for Medicaid coverage theoretically should have benefited most from the policy ruling given their documented low rates of prenatal care utilization. This study compares prenatal care utilization and subsequent birth outcomes among foreign-born Latinas in six states that used the unborn child ruling to expand coverage to those in ten states that did not implement the expansion. This policy analysis examines cross-sectional pooled US natality data from the pre-enactment years (2000-2003) versus post-enactment years (2004-2007) to estimate the effect of the UCR on prenatal care utilization and birth outcome measures for foreign-born Latinas. Then using a difference-in-difference estimator, we assessed these differences across time for states that did or did not enact the unborn child ruling. Analyses were then replicated on a high-risk subset of the population (single foreign-born Latinas with lower levels of education). The SCHIP unborn child ruling policy expansion increased PNCU over time in the six enacting states. Foreign-born Latinas in expansion enacting states experienced increases in prenatal care utilization though only the high-risk subset were statistically significant. Birth outcomes did not change. The SCHIP unborn child ruling policy was associated with enhanced PNC for a subset of high-risk foreign-born Latinas.

  18. Pap Screening Goals and Perceptions of Pain among Black, Latina, and Arab Women: Steps toward Breaking down Psychological Barriers (United States)

    Gauss, Julie W.; Mabiso, Athur; Williams, Karen Patricia


    BACKGROUND Understanding women’s psychological barriers to getting Papanicolaou (Pap) screening has potential to impact cancer disparities. This study examined pain perceptions of Pap testing among Black, Latina and Arab women and goal setting to receive Pap tests. METHODS Data on 420 women, a longitudinal study, were analyzed using Chi-square tests of differences and generalized linear mixed models. RESULTS At baseline, 30.3% of Black and 35.5% of Latina women perceived Pap tests to be very painful compared to 24.2% of Arab women. Perceptions of pain influenced goal settings, such as scheduling a first ever Pap test (Odds ratio = 0.58, 95% Confidence interval: 0.14-0.94). Immediately following the intervention, women’s perception that Pap tests are very painful significantly declined (P-valuetest is very painful significantly reduces the likelihood of Black, Latina and Arab women setting the goal to schedule their first ever Pap test. Latina women are the least likely to improve their perception that the Pap test is very painful, though national statistics show they have the highest rates of morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer. These findings are instructive for designing tailored interventions to break down psychological barriers to Pap screening among underserved women. PMID:23288606

  19. Dispositional emotional expressivity, cancer-specific coping, and distress in socioeconomically-disadvantaged Latinas. (United States)

    Moreno, Patricia I; Bauer, Margaret R; Yanez, Betina; Jorge, Alexandra; Maggard-Gibbons, Melinda; Stanton, Annette L


    Coping processes directed toward avoiding and approaching stressor-related thoughts and emotions predict psychological adjustment. However, few studies have examined how the relationship between dispositional emotional tendencies and stressor-specific coping affects outcomes. The aim of the current study was to examine the association of dispositional emotional expressivity (i.e., the propensity to experience and express emotions strongly) with cancer-specific coping through avoidance and emotional approach to predict intrusive thoughts and depressive symptoms in Latinas with breast cancer. Recently diagnosed Latina breast cancer patients receiving treatment completed standardized assessments via interview at 2 time points: within 18 months of diagnosis (Time 1; N = 95) and 3 months later (Time 2; N = 79). Most women were immigrants (93%), reported a combined household income of $20,000 or less (75%), did not graduate from high school (59%), and primarily spoke Spanish (88%). In path analyses, more recent immigration was associated with greater dispositional expressivity, which in turn was associated with coping with the cancer experience using both greater avoidance and emotional approach strategies. Only avoidance-oriented strategies predicted an increase in intrusive thoughts at 3 months. No significant effects on depressive symptoms were observed. Findings suggest that Latina breast cancer patients who have a propensity to experience and express emotions strongly may be initially overwhelmed by their cancer-related emotions and consequently turn to avoidance-oriented and emotional approach strategies to cope with their diagnosis. Avoidance-oriented coping in turn may uniquely predict an increase in cancer-related intrusive thoughts 3 months later. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  20. Effects of acculturation on prenatal anxiety among Latina women. (United States)

    Barcelona de Mendoza, Veronica; Harville, Emily; Theall, Katherine; Buekens, Pierre; Chasan-Taber, Lisa


    Anxiety in pregnancy has been associated with adverse birth outcomes. Relatively few studies have investigated how acculturation affects mental health in pregnancy among Latinas. The goal of this study was to determine if acculturation was associated with anxiety over the course of pregnancy in a sample of predominantly Puerto Rican women. Women were recruited in pregnancy for participation in Proyecto Buena Salud, a prospective cohort study of Latina women (n = 1412). Acculturation was measured via the Psychological Acculturation Scale (PAS), language preference and generation in the USA. Anxiety was measured using the State-Trait Anxiety Instrument. Linear and logistic multivariable regressions were used to investigate associations. After adjustment, women with bicultural identification had significantly lower trait anxiety scores in early pregnancy (β = -3.62, SE = 1.1, p acculturated women. Women with higher levels of acculturation as indicated by English-language preference (β = 1.41, SE = 0.7, p = 0.04) and second or third generation in the USA had significantly higher trait anxiety scores in early pregnancy (β = 1.83, SE = 0.6, p acculturation was associated with lower trait anxiety in early pregnancy, while English-language preference and higher generation in the USA were associated with higher trait anxiety in early pregnancy.

  1. Pedagogies from "Nepantla": "Testimonio," Chicana/Latina Feminisms and Teacher Education Classrooms (United States)

    Prieto, Linda; Villenas, Sofia A.


    This article describes a process of testimonial co-creation between two teacher educators. We created "testimonios" in dialogue to examine who we are, how we "know," and how we teach as Chicana/Latina educators of prospective teachers in predominantly white institutions (PWIs). An active exploration of our lived experiences growing up as…

  2. Políticas de promoção internacional da língua portuguesa: ações na américa latina Language policies for international promotion of portuguese language: actions in latin america

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    Simone da Costa Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo traçar um panorama de ações na área de políticas linguísticas relacionadas à promoção e ao ensino do português como língua adicional no Brasil e fora do país, bem como refletir sobre alguns de seus impactos. Primeiramente, são apresentados o conceito de política linguística (COOPER, 1989 e as noções de valor e de mercado linguístico a partir da Nova Economia (OLIVEIRA, 2010. A seguir, apresenta-se um panorama de ações políticas de promoção internacional da língua portuguesa, focalizando naquelas desenvolvidas nos âmbitos do Mercosul e da América Latina. Conclui-se fazendo uma reflexão sobre possíveis implicações dessas ações no ensino e aprendizagem de português como língua adicional, bem como na difusão internacional da língua portuguesa.This paper aims at drawing an overview of actions in the field of language policies related to Portuguese promotion and teaching, as an additional language, in Brazil and abroad, as well as reflecting about some of the impacts of that. First of all, the concept of language planning (COOPER, 1989 will be presented, as well as the notion of value and linguistic market based on the New Economy (OLIVEIRA, 2010. Next, an overview of politic actions for promoting Portuguese Language internationally will be presented, specially the ones developed in Mercosul and Latin America contexts. In the end, possible implications of these actions for the teaching and learning and international promotion of Portuguese as an additional language are discussed.

  3. América Latina

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    José de Jesús Ibarra Cárdenas


    Full Text Available La existencia de ciertos rasgos autoritarios que afectan a los derechos de participación política y al cumplimiento de los acuerdos democráticos, ha sido motivo de crisis y colapso de varios gobiernos en América Latina. La importancia de la función judicial radica en que siempre y cuando mantenga la "independencia" y la "imparcialidad" como principios que le caracterizan, puede reforzar la cooperación entre agentes políticos y sociales por medio de: a el desarrollo de una cultura jurídica de respeto y promoción de los derechos, y b un poder judicial que establezca una relación estable entre comportamiento humano y prescripción normativa, es decir, que en la justificación de sus decisiones articule de manera satisfactoria el código de valores socialmente construido, y el marco normativo establecido por la regla de reconocimiento del sistema jurídico.

  4. CLASES MEDIAS Y VULNERABILIDAD A LA POBREZA. Reflexiones desde América Latina

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    Luis F. López-Calva


    Full Text Available A partir de una definición de clase media que incluye a personas con baja probabilidad de caer en pobreza, este artículo presenta algunas tendencias para América Latina. El porcentaje de personas en clase media ha aumentado de 21.9% en 2000 a 34.3% en 2012, y desde el 2009 el tamaño de la clase media es mayor que el porcentaje de personas en pobreza. No obstante, formar parte de la clase media en América Latina sigue siendo una posición privilegiada. Los grupos en pobreza y vulnerabilidad concentran aún alrededor de dos terceras partes de la población total de la región. En este sentido, la región no se puede considerar una sociedad de clase media, al menos no por el momento.

  5. Latina and Black Women's Perceptions of the Dietetics Major and Profession (United States)

    Whelan, Megan

    Racial and ethnic groups remain underrepresented in undergraduate health profession education programs and careers, such as nutrition and dietetics (Sullivan, 2004). Overwhelmingly, 82 percent of dietitians are White, three percent are Latino/Latina, and less than three percent are Black (Commission on Dietetic Registration, 2016). While the calls to increase recruitment of underrepresented minorities are plentiful and federal dollars are allotted to the effort, a critical lens is necessary to investigate the complexity of factors that impact the decision to pursue a career within dietetics. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to investigate how Latina and Black women enrolled in an undergraduate Health Career Opportunity Program (HCOP) narrated and reflected upon the dietetics profession. Through the lens of Critical Race Theory and situated learning, I sought to understand the sociocultural and historical underpinnings that hinder or promote career selection. Data collection methods included participant observation, interviews, artifacts, and reflexive journaling. Data were analyzed using inductive coding techniques. My findings revealed the ways in which Latina and Black women believed dietitians must match the socially constructed role model for body image, physical fitness, and healthy eating to be effective in practice. Using a critical media analysis to confront the stereotypical images of dietitians, the women used cliche messages as a selected discourse to mask perceptions of barriers to the dietetics field. Finally, the women believed a dietitian's professional role was to give diet advice which presented a barrier to the profession. Based on my findings I support early introduction to nutrition science as a means to empower individuals to support their health and the health of their community. Recruitment efforts must explicitly address the culture of dietetics which has embraced the stereotypical image. Collectively, the dietetics field must

  6. Segurança e “guerra ao terror”:um balanço da literatura contemporânea sobre a América Latina após 11 de setembro

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    Marcelo da Silveira Campos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é revisar e sistematizar parte da bibliografia acadêmica anglo-saxã sobre segurança pública e como esta literatura pensa o papel dos EUA na América Latina, no cenário pós 11 de setembro. A conversão da "guerra ao terror" em eixo programático e estruturante das relações bilaterais estabelecidas pelos EUA com os outros países trouxeram modificações no plano da formulação e implementação das políticas de segurança em diversos países do globo. Essas modificações influenciaram a formulação e o modelo das políticas públicas de segurança – sejam as políticas internas adotadas para a sociedade norte-americana, sejam as políticas de segurança dos países que se relacionam (e dos que não se relacionam com o governo estadunidense. Esta revisão, portanto, analisa os textos produzidos entre os anos de 2001-2010 sobre a temática da assim chamada "guerra ao terror" e América Latina.

  7. Fighting for "Respeto": Latinas' Stories of Violence and Resistance Shaping Educational Opportunities (United States)

    Kiyama, Judy Marquez; Harris, Donna Marie; Dache-Gerbino, Amalia


    Background/Context: The experiences of Latina youth in the United States are embedded within a larger social context influenced by gender, ethnic/racial identity, socioeconomic status, language, and sociospatial and political characteristics that can negatively impact their daily lived experiences. Given the challenges that young Latinas…

  8. Latina Mothers' School Preparation Activities and Their Relation to Children's Literacy Skills (United States)

    Durand, Tina M.


    Few studies have examined the link between children's early school achievement and parents' at-home practices exclusively among Latino groups. This study examined the relation between Latina mothers' reported at-home practices regarding school preparation and their children's literacy skills. Participants included 56 kindergarten children and…

  9. Cultivating Campus Environments to Maximize Success among Latino and Latina College Students (United States)

    Kiyama, Judy Marquez; Museus, Samuel D.; Vega, Blanca E.


    This chapter highlights the factors that hinder or contribute to the success of Latino and Latina students at predominantly White institutions. The Culturally Engaging Campus Environments (CECE) Model is offered as a framework from which to create environments for Latino/a students to thrive in college.

  10. U.S.-Based Latina/o College Students' Attitudes toward Online Counseling (United States)

    Ballesteros, Jorge L.; Hilliard, Robert C.


    The purpose of the study was to examine the attitudes of Latina/o college students in the U.S. toward online counseling, with particular attention to the role of gender, self-stigma, perceptions of stigma by others, and acculturation within a sample of 231 college students. This cross-sectional survey used the "Perceived Stigmatization by…

  11. A Career Decision-Making Profile of Latina/o Incoming College Students (United States)

    Risco, Cristina M.; Duffy, Ryan D.


    The current study explored the work values, career decidedness, and career choice comfort of 236 Latina/o incoming college students. Of a possible 13 work values, students placed more importance on work enjoyment, genuine interest in the field, and job security and less importance on family expectations, having free time, and working without close…

  12. Prisiones e internados: una comparación de los establecimientos penales en América del Norte y América Latina

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    Christopher Howard Birkbeck

    Full Text Available El empleo reciente de términos como "warehouse prison" en Estados Unidos y "campo de concentración" en América Latina parecería indicar que las condiciones de privación de la libertad son distintas en ambas regiones. El análisis presentado aquí explora esas diferencias. Se comparan los establecimientos penales en América del Norte y América Latina a través de seis dimensiones relacionadas entre sí: la organización interna de los espacios, la vigilancia, el aislamiento, la supervisión, el control administrativo y la formalización de los procedimientos. En América del Norte, el control es asiduo (persistente, intrusivo y casi permanente; en América Latina, el control es somero (esporádico, indiferente y superficial. Si en América del Norte se habla de prisiones y encarcelamiento, en América Latina parece mejor hablar de internados judiciales e internación.

  13. El problema del entrenamiento de internado para estudiantes de psicología profesional en la américa latina


    Núñez, Rafael


    Ponencia para el Primer Congreso de Estudiantes de Psicología Profesional en Latinoamérica.Elegí este tópico para discutirlo ante este grupo interesado en el porvenir de la psicología en la América Latina, con la esperanza de que sea motivo de posteriores reuniones para tratar de solucionar en forma adecuada el problema del entrenamiento clínico para los estudiantes de psicología en la América Latina.

  14. Los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales en América latina ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    In spite of the economic growth experienced in the region, this disparity has ... Book cover Los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales en América latina ... in Physicians for Human Rights (USA) and a professor at Harvard University.


    Litewka, Sergio


    La telemedicina es una tendencia creciente en la prestación de los servicios médicos. Aunque la eficacia de esta práctica no ha estado bien establecida, es probable que los países en desarrollo compartirán este nuevo paradigma con los desarrollados. Los defensores de la telemedicina en América Latina sostienen que será una herramienta útil para reducir las disparidades y mejorar la accesibilidad de atención de salud. Aunque América Latina quizá se convierta en un lugar para la investigación e investigación de estos procedimientos, no está claro cómo la telemedicina podría contribuir a mejorar la accesibilidad para las poblaciones desfavorecidas, o coexistir con sistemas de atención de salud públicos crónicamente enfermos. Telemedicine is a growing trend in the provision of medical services. Although the effectiveness of this practice has not been well established, it is likely that developing countries will share this new paradigm with developed ones. Supporters of telemedicine in Latin America maintain that it will be a useful tool for reducing disparities and improving health care accessibility. Although Latin America might become a place for research and investigation of these procedures, it is not clear how telemedicine could contribute to improving accessibility for disadvantaged populations, or coexist with chronically ill-funded public healthcare systems. PMID:21625326


    Litewka, Sergio


    La telemedicina es una tendencia creciente en la prestación de los servicios médicos. Aunque la eficacia de esta práctica no ha estado bien establecida, es probable que los países en desarrollo compartirán este nuevo paradigma con los desarrollados. Los defensores de la telemedicina en América Latina sostienen que será una herramienta útil para reducir las disparidades y mejorar la accesibilidad de atención de salud. Aunque América Latina quizá se convierta en un lugar para la investigación e investigación de estos procedimientos, no está claro cómo la telemedicina podría contribuir a mejorar la accesibilidad para las poblaciones desfavorecidas, o coexistir con sistemas de atención de salud públicos crónicamente enfermos.Telemedicine is a growing trend in the provision of medical services. Although the effectiveness of this practice has not been well established, it is likely that developing countries will share this new paradigm with developed ones. Supporters of telemedicine in Latin America maintain that it will be a useful tool for reducing disparities and improving health care accessibility. Although Latin America might become a place for research and investigation of these procedures, it is not clear how telemedicine could contribute to improving accessibility for disadvantaged populations, or coexist with chronically ill-funded public healthcare systems.

  17. Imagen. Diseño gráfico e industrial de América Latina

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    Revista Chasqui


    Full Text Available Extractamos las conclusiones y recomendaciones del Encuentro sobre Diseño Gráfico e Industrial de América Latina organizado por el Centro Imagen Latinoamericana, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 1986.

  18. Sexting and Sexuality in Romantic Relationships among Latina/o Emerging Adults (United States)

    Castañeda, Donna Marie


    In a sample of 114 Latina/o emerging adults, ages 18 to 29, this study investigated the frequency of sexting, and gender differences in this behavior, and if sexting was related to a range of sexuality variables, including sexual satisfaction, sexual experience, sexual pleasure, and sexual permissiveness. Results show that a total of 63 (55.26%)…

  19. Acculturation Dissonance, Acculturation Strategy, Depressive Symptoms, and Delinquency in Latina/o Adolescents (United States)

    Frazer, Andrew L.; Rubens, Sonia; Johnson-Motoyama, Michelle; DiPierro, Moneika; Fite, Paula J.


    Background: Two risk factors for negative outcomes in Latina/o youth are acculturation dissonance (i.e., discrepant family cultural orientations) and the endorsement of an assimilation strategy of acculturation (i.e., valuing dominant mainstream culture over culture of origin). Though these have been uniquely studied as risk factors for…

  20. Mathematics-Related Anxiety and Attitudes: Examining the Impact among Latina Preservice Teachers (United States)

    Gautreau, Cynthia; Brye, Michelle VanderVeldt; Lunceford, Christina


    The purpose of this study was to investigate mathematics-related anxiety and attitudes among Latina preservice teachers. Three sections from the Inventory of Mathematics Attitudes, Experience, and Self Awareness were administered to preservice teachers enrolled in a curriculum and instruction mathematics course during the 1st semester of a…

  1. Latina Spanish High School Teachers' Negotiation of Capital in New Latino Communities (United States)

    Colomer, Soria Elizabeth


    Based on a qualitative study documenting how Spanish teachers bear an especially heavy burden as unofficial translators, interpreters, and school representatives, this article documents how some Latina high school Spanish teachers struggle to form social networks with Latino students in new Latino school communities. Employing social frameworks,…

  2. Expansive Learning and Chicana/o and Latina/o Students' Political-Historical Knowledge (United States)

    Pacheco, Mariana


    This article examines how Chicana/o and Latina/o youth employed their political-historical knowledge to "talk back" to the xenophobia and political contradictions that underlie the (im)migration "debate." A literacy unit that honed bilingual students' everyday translating created opportunities for students to utilize this political-historical…

  3. Notes on health care planning in Latin America and the Caribbean Notas sobre planejamento de assistência médica na América Latina e no Caribe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Maria Pacheco de Souza


    Full Text Available Attention is called to the fact that the efforts to improve health of populations in Latin America have generally failed. The inequality in the distribution of ill-health is great. The authors accept the fact that the lack of resources available to the health sector may be a restriction towards the improvement of the situation, but they argue that a much more important issue is the misuse of such resources and their maldistribution within the health sector. The lack of integration and coordination between the health services, the conflict of public and private health systems, the under-utilization of existing services and the gap between planning and real implementation are discussed.Chama-se a atenção para o fato de que os esforços para a melhoria da saúde das populações da América Latina, geralmente têm falhado. A desigualdade na distribuição de saúde é grande. Aceita-se o fato de que a falta de recursos disponíveis para o setor saúde pode ser empecilho para a melhoria da situação, mas argumenta-se que um fator muito mais importante é o uso indevido de tais recursos e sua má distribuição dentro do setor saúde. São discutidas as faltas de integração e coordenação dos serviços de saúde, o conflito entre sistemas público e privado de saúde, a sub-utilização dos serviços existentes, o distanciamento entre o planejamento e a sua real implementação.

  4. How Can I Trust You if You Don’t Know Who You Are? The Consequences of a Fluid Identity on Cross-Racial Organizing between African American Women and Latinas in Atlanta

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    Belisa González


    Full Text Available Scholarship in the area of cross-racial organizing between Latina/o and African Americans has increased substantially over the past ten years. Within that literature, scholars have identified many reasons why cross-racial coalitions both succeed and fail. Among the factors most often cited is the issue of trust. Despite the recognition of the crucial role trust plays in cross-racial organizing, little attention has been paid to what contributes to actually building trust between African Americans and Latina/o. I argue that one factor contributing to the distrust of Latinas among African American women involved in cross-racial organizing in Atlanta is the perceived discrepancy between Latinas’ own asserted identity and the identity assigned to them by African American women organizers. Using data gathered from six years of participant observation and forty interviews conducted with African American women and Latinas organizing in Georgia, I discuss the consequences of identity construction for cross-racial organizing. I find that within cross-racial organizing spaces in Atlanta, perceived racial identities are used by African American women as proxies for determining Latina organizers’ commitment to social justice and, correspondingly, how much individual Latinas can be trusted. Specifically, I find that African American respondents view Latina identity as optional and potentially white. Latina respondents, on the other hand, assert strong identities and contend that their perceived “optional” identities are a function of what Anzaldúa calls a mestiza consciousness or the straddeling of multiple identities. I argue that understanding how these identities are assigned and asserted by Latinas and African American women is a crucial and often-overlooked component to building trust, and by extension, to building sustainable cross-racial coalitions.

  5. Latina Workers in North Carolina: Work Organization, Domestic Responsibilities, Health, and Family Life. (United States)

    Rodriguez, Guadalupe; Trejo, Grisel; Schiemann, Elizabeth; Quandt, Sara A; Daniel, Stephanie S; Sandberg, Joanne C; Arcury, Thomas A


    This analysis describes the work organization and domestic work experienced by migrant Latinas, and explores the linkage between work and health. Twenty Latina workers in North Carolina with at least one child under age 12 completed in-depth interviews focused on their work organization, domestic responsibilities, work-family conflict, health, and family health. Using a systematic qualitative analysis, these women described a demanding work organization that is contingent and exploitative, with little control or support. They also described demanding domestic roles, with gendered and unequal division of household work. The resulting work-family conflict affects their mental and physical health, and has negative effects on the care and health of their families. The findings from this study highlight that work stressors from an unfavorable work organization create work-family conflict, and that work-family conflict in this population has a negative influence on workers' health and health behaviors.

  6. Teacher's Guide to Accompany "Artes Latinae," the Encyclopaedia Britannica Latin Instructional System. (United States)

    Masciantonio, Rudolph; And Others

    This guide, a supplement to the "Artes Latinae Level One Teacher's Manual," prepared for use in the School District of Philadelphia, focuses primarily on how to adapt this course, intended for individualized instruction, to group instruction. Discussion of the multisensory instructional system includes remarks concerning the use of films, study…

  7. The Socio-Cultural and Leadership Experiences of Latina Four-Year College and University Presidents: A Traves de sus Voces (Through Their Voices) (United States)

    Maes, Johanna B.


    The Latina population in the United States is one of the largest of all racial and ethnic groups, and it is expected to grow exponentially within the next forty years. Despite these large numbers of Latinas in the U.S., there is a disparity with this population who are leading our nation's four-year colleges and universities. A reason for…

  8. In the Eye of the Perfect Storm: The Convergence of Policy and Latina/o Trends in Access and Financial Concerns, 1975-2008 (United States)

    Santos, José L.; Sáenz, Victor B.


    The authors paint a national portrait of Latina/o trends over more than 30 years in terms of demographic and financial concerns that pertain to access at 4-year institutions. Using a multiple policy streams framework, the authors contend that growing numbers of Latina/os are in the eye of the perfect storm in a global economy that calls for more…

  9. Methods for the cultural adaptation of a diabetes lifestyle intervention for Latinas: an illustrative project. (United States)

    Osuna, Diego; Barrera, Manuel; Strycker, Lisa A; Toobert, Deborah J; Glasgow, Russell E; Geno, Cristy R; Almeida, Fabio; Perdomo, Malena; King, Diane; Doty, Alyssa Tinley


    Because Latinas experience a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes and its complications, there is an urgent need to reach them with interventions that promote healthful lifestyles. This article illustrates a sequential approach that took an effective multiple-risk-factor behavior-change program and adapted it for Latinas with type 2 diabetes. Adaptation stages include (a) information gathering from literature and focus groups, (b) preliminary adaptation design, and (c) preliminary adaptation test. In this third stage, a pilot study finds that participants were highly satisfied with the intervention and showed improvement across diverse outcomes. Key implications for applications include the importance of a model for guiding cultural adaptations, and the value of procedures for obtaining continuous feedback from staff and participants during the preliminary adaptation test.

  10. Madres para la Salud: design of a theory-based intervention for postpartum Latinas. (United States)

    Keller, Colleen; Records, Kathie; Ainsworth, Barbara; Belyea, Michael; Permana, Paska; Coonrod, Dean; Vega-López, Sonia; Nagle-Williams, Allison


    Weight gain in young women suggests that childbearing may be an important contributor to the development of obesity in women. Depressive symptoms can interfere with resumption of normal activity levels following childbirth or with the initiation of or adherence to physical activity programs essential for losing pregnancy weight. Depression symptoms may function directly to promote weight gain through a physiologic mechanism. Obesity and its related insulin resistance may contribute to depressed mood physiologically. Although physical activity has well-established beneficial effects on weight management and depression, women tend to under participate in physical activity during childbearing years. Further, the mechanisms underpinning the interplay of overweight, obesity, physical activity, depression, and inflammatory processes are not clearly explained. This report describes the theoretical rationale, design considerations, and cultural relevance for "Madres para la Salud" [Mothers for Health]. Madres para la Salud is a 12 month prospective, randomized controlled trial exploring the effectiveness of a culturally specific intervention using "bouts" of physical activity to effect changes in body fat, systemic and fat tissue inflammation, and postpartum depression symptoms in sedentary postpartum Latinas. The significance and innovation of Madres para la Salud includes use of a theory-driven approach to intervention, specification and cultural relevance of a social support intervention, use of a Promotora model to incorporate cultural approaches, use of objective measures of physical activity in post partum Latinas women, and the examination of biomarkers indicative of cardiovascular risk related to physical activity behaviors in postpartum Latinas. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Enhancing the Math and Science Experiences of Latinas and Latinos: A Study of the Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program (United States)

    Escontrias, Gabriel, Jr.

    Latinas and Latinos are currently underrepresented in terms of our 21 st century student academic attainment and workforce, compared to the total U.S. Hispanic population. In a field such as mathematical sciences, Hispanic or Latino U.S. citizenship doctoral recipients only accounted for 3.04% in 2009--2010. While there are various initiatives to engage underrepresented STEM populations through education, there is a need to give a voice to the experiences of Latinas and Latinos engaged in such programs. This study explored the experiences of seven Arizona State University undergraduate Latina and Latino Joaquin Bustoz Math-Science Honors Program (JBMSHP) participants as well as examined how the program enhanced their math and science learning experiences. Participants attended either a five-week or eight-week program and ranged in attendance from 2006 to 2011. Students were provided an opportunity to begin university mathematics and science studies before graduating high school. Through a demographic survey and one-on-one guided interview, participants shared their personal journey, their experience in the JBMSHP, and their goals. Using grounded theory, a qualitative research approach, this study focuses on the unique experiences of Latina and Latino participants. Four major themes emerged from the analysis of the data. Each participant applied to the program with a foundation in which they sought to challenge themselves academically through mathematics and/or science. Through their involvement it the JBMSHP, participants recognized benefits during and after the program. All participants recognized the value of these benefits and their participation and praised the program. Overall, the JBMSHP provided the students the resources to grow their academic capital and if they chose seek a STEM related bachelor degree. The results of this study emphasize the need to expand the JBMSHP both within Arizona and nationally. In addition, there is a need to explore the other

  12. Academic and Nonacademic Validating Agents on Latinas' Mathematics and Science Self Concept: A Quantitative Study Utilizing the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (United States)

    Garza, Jennifer M.


    The purpose of this study is to inform and further the discussion of academic (i.e., teachers and school counselors) and non-academic (i.e., parents, family, friends, etc.) validating agents on Latina students' mathematics and science self-concepts. This study found a relationship between Latina students' interactions with academic and…

  13. Mortes e crimes cometidos com armas de fogo na cidade autônoma de Buenos Aires, 2002


    Spinelli,Hugo; Alazraqui,Marcio; Zunino,Gabriela; Olaeta,Hernán; Poggese,Héctor; Concaro,Carola; Porterie,Sidonie


    A violência se constitui em um dos problemas mais graves da América Latina. O uso de pequenas e leves armas de fogo é considerada a principal responsável por este fato. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi descobrir, a partir de dados do setor saúde, da justiça e da polícia, o número de mortes e crimes envolvendo armas de fogo ocorridos na cidade de Buenos Aires em 2002. Os dados sobre mortalidade e crimes foram obtidos dos Sistemas Nacionais de Estatísticas Vitais e Informação Criminal e os d...

  14. Academic-Community Partnership to Develop a Patient-Centered Breast Cancer Risk Reduction Program for Latina Primary Care Patients. (United States)

    Castañeda, Sheila F; Giacinto, Rebeca E; Medeiros, Elizabeth A; Brongiel, Ilana; Cardona, Olga; Perez, Patricia; Talavera, Gregory A


    This collaborative study sought to address Latina breast cancer (BC) disparities by increasing health literacy (HL) in a community health center situated on the US-Mexico border region of San Diego County. An academic-community partnership conducted formative research to develop a culturally tailored promotora-based intervention with 109 individuals. The Spanish language program, entitled Nuestra Cocina: Mesa Buena, Vida Sana (Our Kitchen: Good Table, Healthy Life), included six sessions targeting HL, women's health, BC risk reduction, and patient-provider communication; sessions include cooking demonstrations of recipes with cancer-risk-reducing ingredients. A pilot study with 47 community health center Latina patients was conducted to examine the program's acceptability, feasibility, and ability to impact knowledge and skills. Pre- and post-analyses demonstrated that participants improved their self-reported cancer screening, BC knowledge, daily fruit and vegetable intake, and ability to read a nutrition label (p < 0.05). Results of the pilot study demonstrate the importance of utilizing patient-centered culturally appropriate noninvasive means to educate and empower Latina patients.

  15. Estudio descriptivo de las características sociodemográficas de la discapacidad en América Latina

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    Priscila Neves-Silva


    Full Text Available El objetivo de ese estudio es conocer las características socio demográficas de la discapacidad en América Latina y evaluar la metodología utilizada en las encuestas poblacionales para el análisis de la discapacidad. Es un estudio descriptivo que analiza los datos y la metodología de las encuestas de discapacidad de los países de América Latina realizadas después del 2001. Ha sido observado una grande diferencia en la prevalencia de la discapacidad encontrada en las encuestas que utilizaron la CIF para el análisis estadístico de las personas con discapacidad. Además ha sido verificado que en América Latina la discapacidad motora es la más prevalente y acomete mas los hombres con más de 65 años y con bajo nivel educacional. La principal causa es la enfermedad crónica. Concluyese que la CIF es una buena herramienta metodológica para la elaboración de encuestas de discapacidad.

  16. Optimization study and preliminary design for Latina NPP early core retrieval and reactor dismantling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macci, E.; Zirpolo, S.; Imparato, A.; Cacace, A.; Parry, D.; Walkden, P.


    In June 2000, an agreement was established between Sogin and BNFL to enable the two companies to co-operate, using their specific experiences in the decommissioning field, for the benefit of projects in Italy, the United Kingdom and for third markets. A decommissioning strategy for the Latina NPP was initially developed in a Phase 1 Study which produced a conceptual design for the decommissioning of the reactor. This study was completed in June 2000. Since then, a second study has been completed, which has further developed the strategy and produced preliminary designs for the early dismantling of the core and reactor building at Latina. The engineering and safety data were produced in order to support Sogin in the preparation of a safety case for plant decommissioning. This safety case was submitted to the Italian Regulator, ANPA, in February 2002. (author)

  17. Predictors of Timely Prenatal Care Initiation and Adequate Utilization in a Sample of Late Adolescent Texas Latinas. (United States)

    Torres, Rosamar; Kehoe, Priscilla; Heilemann, MarySue V


    Little is known of late adolescent Texas Latinas' prenatal care perceptions or how these perceptions predict timely prenatal care initiation or adequate utilization. Hence, the purpose of this study is to describe and compare these perceptions between participants with timely versus late prenatal care initiation and adequate, intermediate, and inadequate prenatal care utilization; and to determine predictors of timely prenatal care initiation and adequate utilization. Fifty-four postpartum Latinas were recruited through social media. Eligibility criteria were 18 to 21 years old, Texas-born, primiparous, uncomplicated pregnancy/delivery, and English literate. Prenatal care perceptions were measured with the Revised Better Babies Survey and Access Barriers to Care Index. Participants had favorable views of prenatal care benefits; however, not living with the baby's father predicted inadequate prenatal care, Wald χ 2 (1) = 4.93, p = .026. Perceived benefits of timely and adequate prenatal care predicted timely prenatal care initiation, χ 2 (1) = 7.47, p = .006. Self-reported depression during pregnancy predicted timely entry into prenatal care, χ 2 (1) = 4.73, p = .03. Participants' positive prenatal care perceptions did not predict adequate prenatal care utilization, indicating that barriers serve as powerful obstacles in late adolescent Texas Latinas.

  18. How religiosity shapes health perceptions and behaviors of Latina immigrants: is it an enabling or prohibitive factor? (United States)

    De Jesus, Maria


    The study examines how religiosity shapes the health perceptions and health-related behaviors of 50 Latina immigrants from El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Bolivia. Between May and August 2011, focus groups were conducted with participants representing each country of origin. Qualitative content analysis was the analytic strategy adopted in the study. The meta-theme, Religiosity Contributes to Positive Perceptions of Health and Health-Promoting Behaviors, is associated with six emerging themes: (1) Religiosity promotes a sense of personal responsibility for one's health; (2) Religiosity promotes a holistic view of health; (3) Religiosity promotes the view that health is a priority; (4) Religiosity promotes the view that health enables one to perform necessary tasks; (5) Religiosity promotes health-seeking behavior; and (6) Religiosity provides intrinsic health benefits. Findings do not follow the clear-cut dichotomy of the health locus of control model and challenge simplified notions that Latinas hold a purely external health locus of control toward their health and health care. Latinas rely on both God and themselves in managing their health and engaging in health-promoting actions, which are prompted in large part by their religiosity. Implications for culturally appropriate health communication and interventions are discussed.

  19. Experiencia educativa de la radio en América Latina

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    Iris Prieto


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta una visión general de la actividad que en el campo educativo ha desarrollado la radio en América Latina, destacando el modelo puesto en práctica por ACPO en Sutatenza, Colombia, imitado por otras emisoras católicas latinoamericanas que posteriormente se constituyeron en el eje fundamental para la creación de la Asociación Latinoamérica de Educación Radiofónica, ALER, convertida hoy en el sistema satelital más importante de América y del cual forma parte el Instituto Radiofónico Fe y Alegría (IRFA, organismo que con su red de emisoras, ha llevado adelante una serie de estrategias comunicacionales que le han servido para enfrentar los retos y exigencias de su acción en la educación popular. Para lograr el objetivo propuesto se hizo una revisión de varios investigadores que se han dedicado al estudio de este tema, entre los que se cuentan Lewis y Booth, Bernal, Figueroa, Geerts y Van Oeyen, García, O'Sullivan y Correa. Los resultados permiten concluir que ha sido muy importante la labor de las emisoras para la educación en América Latina.

  20. Bodily aesthetic ideals among Latinas with type 2 diabetes: implications for treatment adherence, access, and outcomes. (United States)

    Weitzman, Patricia Flynn; Caballero, A Enrique; Millan-Ferro, Andreina; Becker, Anne E; Levkoff, Sue E


    The purpose of this study was to examine how attitudes and practices related to bodily aesthetic ideals and self-care might inform the engagement of Latinas with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Focus groups were used to collect qualitative data concerning bodily aesthetic ideals and diabetes management, including help-seeking experiences, from Latina women with T2DM (n = 29) receiving care through Latino Diabetes Initiative at the Joslin Diabetes Center. Focus groups were conducted in Spanish, audiotaped, transcribed, and content analyzed. Four main themes emerged: (1) a preference among participants for a larger than average body size, although perceptions of attractiveness were more closely linked to grooming than body size; bodily dissatisfaction centered on diabetes-induced skin changes, virilization, and fatigue rather than weight; (2) diabetic complications, especially foot pain, as a major obstacle to exercise; (3) fatalistic attitudes regarding the inevitability of diabetes and reversal of its complications; and (4) social burdens, isolation, and financial stressors as contributing to disease exacerbation. Interventions that emphasize reduced body size may be less effective with Latinas who have T2DM than those that emphasize the benefits of exercise and weight loss for skin health, energy levels, and reduced virilization.

  1. Latina nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the period under review, the Latina power plant produced 1009,07 million kWh with a utilization factor of 72% and an availability factor of 80,51%. The disparity between the utilization and availability factors was mainly due to the shutdown of the plant owing to trade union strife. The reasons for non-availability (19,49%) were almost all related to the functioning of the conventional part and the general servicing of the plant (18 September-28 October). During the shutdown for maintenance, an inspection of the steel members and parts of the core stabilizing structure was made in order to check for the familiar oxidation phenomena caused by CO 2 ; the results of the inspection were all satisfactory. Operation of the plant during 1974 was marked by numerous power cutbacks as a result of outages of the steam-raising units (leaks from the manifolds) and main turbines (inspection and repairs to the LP rotors). Since it was first brought into commercial operation, the plant has produced 13,4 thousand million kWh

  2. A Brief Report: Lessons Learned and Preliminary Findings of Progreso en Salud, an HIV Risk Reduction Intervention for Latina Seasonal Farmworkers. (United States)

    Kanamori, Mariano; De La Rosa, Mario; Diez, Stephanie; Weissman, Jessica; Trepka, Mary Jo; Sneij, Alicia; Schmidt, Peter; Rojas, Patria


    Throughout the past decade, HIV rates in Florida-particularly South Florida, where many Latina seasonal farmworkers reside and work-have ranked among the highest in the nation. In this brief report, we delineate important lessons learned and preliminary findings from the implementation of the HIV prevention intervention Progreso en Salud (Progress in Health). Among the 114 Latina seasonal farmworker participants, there were significant increases from baseline to 6-month follow-up in the percentages of overall condom use, HIV testing, HIV/AIDS-related communications with friends, HIV knowledge, condom use self-efficacy, and correct use of condoms. Lessons learned from this study can be used to inform future HIV intervention strategies to improve the adoption and maintenance of HIV risk reduction behaviors among high-risk Latina seasonal workers and other high-risk underserved populations. Future research is needed to support our findings.

  3. Geographies of displacement: Latina/os, oral history, and the politics of gentrification in San Francisco's Mission District. (United States)

    Mirabal, Nancy Raquel


    During the 1990s and early 2000s, working-class and poor neighborhoods in San Francisco underwent dramatic economic and racial changes. One of the most heavily gentrified neighborhoods was the Mission District. As a result of local politics, housing and rental policies, real estate speculation, and development, thousands of Latina/o families were displaced. Using oral historical and ethnographic methodologies, print media, archival sources, and policy papers, this article traces the gentrification of the Mission District from the perspective of the Latina/o community. It also examines how gentrification was articulated as a positive turn within the larger public discourse on space and access.

  4. Social networks and social support for healthy eating among Latina breast cancer survivors: implications for social and behavioral interventions. (United States)

    Crookes, Danielle M; Shelton, Rachel C; Tehranifar, Parisa; Aycinena, Corina; Gaffney, Ann Ogden; Koch, Pam; Contento, Isobel R; Greenlee, Heather


    Little is known about Latina breast cancer survivors' social networks or their perceived social support to achieve and maintain a healthy diet. This paper describes the social networks and perceived support for healthy eating in a sample of breast cancer survivors of predominantly Dominican descent living in New York City. Spanish-speaking Latina breast cancer survivors enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of a culturally tailored dietary intervention. Social networks were assessed using Cohen's Social Network Index and a modified General Social Survey Social Networks Module that included assessments of shared health promoting behaviors. Perceived social support from family and friends for healthy, food-related behaviors was assessed. Participants' networks consisted predominantly of family and friends. Family members were more likely than other individuals to be identified as close network members. Participants were more likely to share food-related activities than exercise activities with close network members. Perceived social support for healthy eating was high, although perceived support from spouses and children was higher than support from friends. Despite high levels of perceived support, family was also identified as a barrier to eating healthy foods by nearly half of women. Although friends are part of Latina breast cancer survivors' social networks, spouses and children may provide greater support for healthy eating than friends. Involving family members in dietary interventions for Latina breast cancer survivors may tap into positive sources of support for women, which could facilitate uptake and maintenance of healthy eating behaviors.

  5. Barriers to treatment engagement for depression among Latinas. (United States)

    Caplan, Susan; Whittemore, Robin


    In spite of successful treatment options for depression, the majority of Americans with severe depression do not receive treatment. Latinos are even less likely to engage in treatment than non-Hispanic Whites. The purpose of this study is to explore barriers to treatment engagement and, more specifically, how childhood adversity and gender-based violence (GBV) contribute to a lack of perceived support for treatment engagement. Experiences of GBV and childhood adversity can call into question deeply held family, cultural, and religious values, and affect the perceived quality of the therapeutic relationship and attitudes about depression treatment. A qualitative descriptive methodology was used to understand the experiences of a sample of 12 Latinas who were part of a diabetes prevention study (n = 67) and had been referred for treatment because of elevated symptoms of depression. Results indicate that the often-cited barriers to mental health care (i.e., language barriers, economic considerations, and lack of illness recognition) did not serve as deterrents for Latinas in this study. Participants recognized that they were depressed and agreed with the assessment of depression. However, none of the women followed up on the recommendation to seek care. What has emerged from this study is how cultural values, such as familismo and marianismo, and the lack of responsiveness from family and religious leaders in the context of exposure to GBV and childhood adversity created significant barriers to treatment engagement. This study highlights the need for nurses to screen for these exposures and to engage in shared decision making about treatment.

  6. "La Familia": The Important Ingredient for Latina/o College Student Engagement and Persistence (United States)

    Matos, Jennifer M. D.


    This article utilizes Yosso's (2005) community cultural framework and the six forms of cultural capital (aspirational, familial, linguistic, navigational, resistant, social) as corrective reframes of the cultural deficit model. Although the prevailing literature on Latina/o parents and families portray this population as being unmotivated and…

  7. Racial discrimination, gender discrimination, and substance abuse among Latina/os nationwide. (United States)

    Otiniano Verissimo, Angie Denisse; Gee, Gilbert C; Ford, Chandra L; Iguchi, Martin Y


    This study investigates the relationship between discrimination and substance abuse among Latina/os, and further examines whether this relationship differs by gender and type of discrimination. Analyses focus on the Latina/o respondents (n = 1,039 men; n = 1,273 women) from the National Latino and Asian American Study carried out from 2002-2003. Outcomes were alcohol abuse and drug abuse measured using DSM-IV definitions and criteria. Additional covariates included immigrant characteristics and demographics. Analyses were completed using gender-stratified multinomial logistic regression. Men reported more discrimination (39.6% vs. 30.3%) and had higher prevalence of alcohol abuse (16.5% vs. 4.5%) and drug abuse (9.5% vs. 2.3%) than women. Discrimination was significantly associated with increased risk of alcohol abuse for women and increased risk of drug abuse for men. Men and women also varied in the types of discrimination (e.g., racial vs. gender) reported, and in the associations between these types of discrimination and substance abuse. These data indicate that discrimination is associated with different substance abuse outcomes between genders. Future research should consider the mechanisms that explain these differences.

  8. La nueva Doctrina Bush y la seguridad en América Latina

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    Günther Maihold


    Full Text Available Este artículo reflexiona en torno a los cambios producidos en las políticas internacionales y estatales de seguridad nacional de los Estados Unidos de América, y analiza esta circunstancia con la situación de la seguridad en los países de América Latina.

  9. The Oppression of Latina Mothers: Experiences of Exploitation, Violence, Marginalization, Cultural Imperialism, and Powerlessness in Their Everyday Lives. (United States)

    Ayón, Cecilia; Messing, Jill T; Gurrola, Maria; Valencia-Garcia, Dellanira


    Despite Latinos being the largest growing population in the United States, research has not examined the impact of social structures on the well-being of Latina immigrants; negative social discourse and restrictive laws exacerbate inequality and discrimination in this population. Through combined inductive/deductive analysis of in-depth semistructured interviews, we examined immigrant Mexican mothers' ( N = 32) descriptions of oppression in the United States. All five forms of oppression, described in Young's oppression framework are evident: exploitation, violence, marginalization, cultural imperialism, and powerlessness. Discrimination places a high burden on Latinas due to the intersection of forms of oppression and nondominant identities.

  10. Abriendo Caminos Para La Educacion: A Case Study of a Parent Outreach Initiative Building on the Knowledge, Skills, and Resources of the Latina/o Community (United States)

    Fernandez, Graciela


    Informed by research studies that demonstrate a positive relationship between parent engagement and student academic attainment, state and national parent outreach initiatives have aimed to bridge the gap between Latina/o parents and schools. Such was the case with the Latina/o Family, School and Community "Avanzando" Project, which…

  11. A atenção primária em saúde na agenda da organização panamericana de saúde nos anos 2000


    Silveira, Alessandra Camargo da; Machado, Cristiani Vieira; Matta, Gustavo Correa


    O artigo aborda a agenda da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde para a atenção primária em saúde e suas possíveis implicações na proteção social na América Latina nos anos 2000. O estudo, de natureza exploratória, partiu da literatura sobre proteção social e compreendeu como estratégias metodológicas a revisão bibliográfica e a análise documental, cujo referencial técnico foi a análise de retórica. A pesquisa procurou identificar as concepções e significados subjacentes à proposta de 'atenção ...

  12. Petismo e chavismo: variedades de capitalismo e de regulação trabalhista no Brasil e na Venezuela

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    Wallace dos Santos de Moraes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é discutir as variedades de capitalismo na América Latina e verificar se a chegada de governos de base popular alterou o curso das políticas trabalhistas implementadas após os anos 1990. Mais precisamente trata-se da discussão sobre a regulação laboral sob os governos petistas (2003-2013 e chavista (1999-2013 respectivamente no Brasil e na Venezuela. A pesquisa tem como propósito analisar como esses governos trataram a herança institucional deixada pelos antecessores neoliberais. Utilizamos a teoria de variedades de capitalismo e o conceito de path dependence para o entendimento da questão. Percebemos que a força dos movimentos sociais nas ruas foi determinante para as diferentes posturas assumidas tanto pelo petismo, como pelo chavismo.

  13. Sobre la condición latina y su onomástica : los ediles de Andelo

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    Estela García Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende demostrar la existencia de la condición latina y la necesidad de su introducción en el análisis onomástico referido a las ciudades del Occidente del Imperio, limitado habitualmente a la identificación de población romana o peregrina. El análisis de la onomástica de los ediles de Andelo podría indicar la condición latina de estos magistrados.This article aims to demonstrate the existence of the Latin condition and the need for its implementation in the onomastic analysis of the cities of the Western Empire, which is usually limited to identifying cives Romani or peregrini. The onomastic analysis of Andelo aediles could indicate the Latin condition of these magistrates.

  14. Mulheres Latino-Americanas e a Luta por Direitos Reprodutivos: o panorama da conjuntura política e legal do aborto nos países da América Latina.

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    Paula Gonzaga


    Full Text Available A partir da década de 1960 a Segunda Onda do feminismo destacou a questão dos direitos ao corpo e ao livre exercício da sexualidade para as mulheres. Entre os temas de destaque as feministas pautaram a defesa da interrupção voluntária da gravidez como um direito das mulheres que deve ser garantido pelo Estado. Apesar do êxito obtido em grande parte da Europa, o avanço dessa discussão foi contido nos países latino americanos devido a predominância dos governos ditatoriais que perseguiram a organização dos movimentos sociais. Com a redemocratização o movimento feminista colocou novamente a questão do aborto em pauta, no entanto, novos arranjos políticos e disputas de poder contribuíram para que o aborto continue sendo considerado crime na maior parte da América Latina. Diante desse panorama o artigo tem por objetivo analisar a conjuntura política da América Latina no que tange aos avanços e retrocessos no campo dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos das mulheres, enfocando na temática da descriminalização do aborto. A partir de um levantamento do estado da arte sobre essa temática em que se destacou a atuação dos discursos que atuam para a manutenção da criminalização do aborto ou que defendem que ele seja descriminalizado e legalizado. Palavras Chave: América Latina, Descriminalização do Aborto, Direitos Reprodutivos, Feminismo *** Abstract Since 1960s the Second Wave of feminism emphasized issues regarding the rights over the women´s own body and the free exercise of their sexuality. Beyond the highlighted topics, feminists guided the defense of the volunteer interruption of pregnancy as a women’s right that must be ensured by the State. Despite the success of this proposal across Europe, the progress of this discussion was restrained in Latin America due to the predominance of dictatorial governments which pursued the organization of social movements. With the redemocratization, the feminist movement brought

  15. Idolos populares y literatura en América Latina

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    Carlos Monsiváis


    Full Text Available A lo largo del siglo se produce en América Latina una importante operación literaria, ideológica y social de resultas de la cual muchos de los límites y de las barreras impuestas por la así llamada "alta cultura" -la representación de lo mejor de Occidente- se derrumban, y una serie de factores considerados "vulgares, de mal gusto, indignos del mínimo a precio", ocupan un sitio fundamental en las determinaciones culturales.

  16. Latina Daughters' Childbearing Attitudes: The Role of Maternal Expectations and Education Communication (United States)

    Mireles-Rios, Rebeca; Romo, Laura F.


    Adolescent girls' and their mothers' expectations for their daughters' college attainment, mother-daughter communication about education, and daughters' early childbearing attitudes were examined in 146 U.S.-raised Latina girls (mean age = 14.4 years) and their mostly immigrant mothers. Through structural equation modeling, we…

  17. Positive Psychology Factors as Predictors of Latina/o College Students' Psychological Grit (United States)

    Vela, Javier Cavazos; Smith, Wayne D.; Whittenberg, James F.; Guardiola, Rebekah; Savage, Miranda


    Latina/o college students (N = 130) provided perceptions of psychological grit, presence of meaning in life, search for meaning in life, hope, life satisfaction, and mindfulness. Hope and mindfulness were significant predictors of psychological grit. A discussion regarding the importance of these findings and implications for counselors are…

  18. Acculturation, Familism and Mother-Daughter Relations among Suicidal and Non-Suicidal Adolescent Latinas (United States)

    Zayas, Luis H.; Bright, Charlotte L.; Alvarez-Sanchez, Thyria; Cabassa, Leopoldo J.


    We examined the role of acculturation, familism and Latina mother-daughter relations in suicide attempts by comparing 65 adolescents with recent suicide attempts and their mothers to 75 teens without any attempts and their mothers. Attempters and non-attempters were similar in acculturation and familistic attitudes but attempters report…


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    Vítor Galdino Feller


    Full Text Available O povo da América Latina tem sempre diante de si o Senhor da história, com quem procura acertar os passos nos caminhos difíceis de sua existência. Deus é alguém no meio do povo, como o foi nos cinco séculos de sua história. O passado histórico, a constituição cultural e as formas comunitárias de viver a religiosidade têm ajudado a manter no coração da maioria dos latino-americanos a abertura de cada homem para o Absoluto. Disso dão testemunho os cânticos entusiastas que vivificam os encontros, as romarias, as manifestações do povo de Deus, seja no seu nível "ad intra", quando se reúne, em sua intimidade, para o louvor de Deus e o fortalecimento da fé, nas celebrações dos sacramentos e na evangelização permanente, seja no seu nível "ad extra", na participação dos movimentos populares que reivindicam a prática dos direitos mais elementares da vida.

  20. Editorial: Politicas de Educação Superior na América Latina

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    Maria de Lourdes Pinto de Almeida


    Full Text Available É com imensa satisfação que editamos o nosso volume 4, número 2 referente a maio/agosto de 2018 da nossa Revista Internacional de Educação Superior. Vale a pena destacar que a partir desta edição este periódico cientifico publica bilíngue, todos os seus textos. Neste número o eixo temático é a discussão das “Politicas de Educação Superior na América Latina”. Contamos com nove artigos, um ensaio, dois texto sobre uma pesquisa, uma resenha e uma entrevista...

  1. Latinas and African American Women at Work: Race, Gender, and Economic Inequality. (United States)

    Browne, Irene, Ed.

    The 13 chapters of this book, written by various sociologists, document how race and gender intersect to put African American and Latina women at a disadvantage in the workplace. The articles encompass 30 years of change for women at all levels of the workforce, from those who spend time on the welfare rolls to middle class professionals, and look…

  2. Sex Education and Cultural Values: Experiences and Attitudes of Latina Immigrant Women (United States)

    Villar, Maria Elena; Concha, Maritza


    The paper aims to further explore the role that culture plays in the provision and assimilation of sex education among Latina immigrants in the USA. To accomplish this, researchers conducted focus groups and interviews with 30 women from Central and South America who have lived in the USA for at least five years. Participants were asked to reflect…

  3. Politicas de las ONGs Europeas para America Latina: Tendencias y Perspectives Recientes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    K. Biekart (Kees)


    textabstractIntroducción: Durante la década pasada han tenido lugar en América latina algunos cambios que han afectado gradualmente las prioridades y las políticas de ayuda de la comunidad internacional de donantes. El impacto de la globalización, la crisis de la ortodoxia neoliberal (véase la

  4. Discrimination and excessive weight gain during pregnancy among Black and Latina young women. (United States)

    Reid, Allecia E; Rosenthal, Lisa; Earnshaw, Valerie A; Lewis, Tené T; Lewis, Jessica B; Stasko, Emily C; Tobin, Jonathan N; Ickovics, Jeannette R


    Excessive weight gain during pregnancy is a major determinant of later life obesity among both Black and Latina women and their offspring. However, psychosocial determinants of this risk, including everyday discrimination, and potential moderators of such effects remain unexplored. We examined the influence of discrimination, a culturally relevant stressor, on odds of gaining weight beyond Institute of Medicine recommendations during pregnancy. Whether the effect was moderated by race/ethnicity, age, or depressive symptoms was also examined. Participants were 413 Black and Latina pregnant young women, ages 14-21 years. Experience with discrimination and all moderators were assessed in the second trimester. Last weight recorded in the third trimester was abstracted from medical records and used to determine excessive weight gain. Ever experiencing discrimination was associated with a 71% increase in the odds of excessive weight gain. The effect of discrimination was primarily present among women who attributed this treatment to membership in a historically oppressed group (e.g., ethnic minority, female) or to membership in other stigmatized groups (e.g., overweight). The effect of ever experiencing discrimination was not moderated by race/ethnicity or age but was moderated by depressive symptoms. Supporting the perspective of the environmental affordances model, discrimination strongly predicted excessive weight gain when women were low in depressive symptoms but had no effect when women were high in depressive symptoms. The moderating role of depressive symptoms was equivalent for Black and Latina women. Results highlight the role of discrimination in perpetuating weight-related health disparities and suggest opportunities for improving health outcomes among young pregnant women. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Discrimination and Excessive Weight Gain During Pregnancy Among Black and Latina Young Women (United States)

    Reid, Allecia E.; Rosenthal, Lisa; Earnshaw, Valerie A.; Lewis, Tené T.; Lewis, Jessica B.; Stasko, Emily C.; Tobin, Jonathan N.; Ickovics, Jeannette R.


    Rationale Excessive weight gain during pregnancy is a major determinant of later life obesity among both Black and Latina women and their offspring. However, psychosocial determinants of this risk, including everyday discrimination, and potential moderators of such effects remain unexplored. Objective We examined the influence of discrimination, a culturally relevant stressor, on odds of gaining weight beyond Institute of Medicine recommendations during pregnancy. Whether the effect was moderated by race/ethnicity, age, or depressive symptoms was also examined. Method Participants were 413 Black and Latina pregnant young women, ages 14-21 years. Experience with discrimination and all moderators were assessed in the second trimester. Last weight recorded in the third trimester was abstracted from medical records and used to determine excessive weight gain. Results Ever experiencing discrimination was associated with a 71% increase in the odds of excessive weight gain. The effect of discrimination was primarily present among women who attributed this treatment to membership in a historically oppressed group (e.g., ethnic minority, female) or to membership in other stigmatized groups (e.g., overweight). The effect of ever experiencing discrimination was not moderated by race/ethnicity or age but was moderated by depressive symptoms. Supporting the perspective of the environmental affordances model, discrimination strongly predicted excessive weight gain when women were low in depressive symptoms but had no effect when women were high in depressive symptoms. The moderating role of depressive symptoms was equivalent for Black and Latina women. Conclusion Results highlight the role of discrimination in perpetuating weight-related health disparities and suggest opportunities for improving health outcomes among young pregnant women. PMID:27038321

  6. A Brief Report: Lessons Learned and Preliminary Findings of Progreso en Salud, an HIV Risk Reduction Intervention for Latina Seasonal Farmworkers

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    Mariano Kanamori


    Full Text Available Throughout the past decade, HIV rates in Florida—particularly South Florida, where many Latina seasonal farmworkers reside and work—have ranked among the highest in the nation. In this brief report, we delineate important lessons learned and preliminary findings from the implementation of the HIV prevention intervention Progreso en Salud (Progress in Health. Among the 114 Latina seasonal farmworker participants, there were significant increases from baseline to 6-month follow-up in the percentages of overall condom use, HIV testing, HIV/AIDS-related communications with friends, HIV knowledge, condom use self-efficacy, and correct use of condoms. Lessons learned from this study can be used to inform future HIV intervention strategies to improve the adoption and maintenance of HIV risk reduction behaviors among high-risk Latina seasonal workers and other high-risk underserved populations. Future research is needed to support our findings.

  7. Políticas Culturales en América Latina

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    Jaime Peña Novoa


    Full Text Available La autora relata la historia de las Relaciones Públicas y dice que surgieron y se desarrollaron para legitimar ante el público los intereses económicos y políticos de quienes detentan el poder. Se cuestiona sobre el por qué no aplicar las relaciones públicas, en organizaciones populares, para que mejoren su publicación y orienten sus propósitos de desarrollo. El tema que aborda las Políticas culturales en América Latina acopia un extracto de lo más trascendente de los ensayos del libro editado por Néstor García Canclini. Sobre la telenovela se afirma que esta ha llegado a ser uno de los instrumentos más importantes de la comunicación popular: por ella desfilan las identidades de las más variadas culturas brasileñas. Y en cuanto a la caricatura se relata lo que ocurrió en el Seminario taller " Caricatura y Periodismo", realizado el(9-11 de Nov.- 1987 en el CIESPAL. El estudio sobre el mercado del vídeo se ve dificultado por la imprecisión de los datos obtenidos. Los datos oficiales no siempre se aproximan a la realidad, pues el mercado de vídeo se instauró en América Latina partiendo de una lógica totalmente diversa de los equipos de sonido e imagen.

  8. A pilot study of Trabajadora de salud, a lay health worker intervention for Latinas/os with traumatic brain injuries and their caregivers. (United States)

    Linton, Kristen F; Kim, Bum Jung


    Latinas/os with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and their caregivers experience worse outcomes than others. The study aimed to assess the acceptability and promise of Trabajadora de Salud on the functional abilities, hospital readmission, rehabilitation, employment, depression, somatic symptoms, and caregiver burden among Latinas/os with TBIs and their caregivers. A pre-posttest experimental pilot study was conducted. A total of eight Latina/o adult patients (50% female) with mild or moderate TBI and six of their caregivers (66.7% female) were randomized to receive Trabajadora de Salud or a telephone only control group. Trabajadora de Salud, a three-month, in-home intervention administered by bilingual lay health workers, focused on: 1) providing empathy and validation of TBI symptoms, 2) addressing basic needs, 3) goal setting, and 4) improving communication with healthcare providers. Trabajadora de Salud was widely accepted by patients, caregivers, and health professionals. The functional, depression, and somatic symptoms of the patients as well as the somatic symptoms and caregiver burden of the caregivers improved more for participants in the intervention group than the control group. Trabajadora de Salud demonstrated promise in improving outcomes of Latinas/os with TBIs and their caregivers and should be further studied. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Stereotype Threat Effects on African American and Latina/o Elementary Students Tested Together (United States)

    Wasserberg, Martin James


    Purpose: This study aimed to investigate whether a diagnostic testing condition leads to stereotype threat effects for African American and Latina/o children (N = 81) when tested together at an urban elementary school in Miami, Florida. Design/methodology/approach: To analyze the effect of stereotype threat on participants' reading test…

  10. Living in/between Two Worlds: Narratives of Latina Cultural Brokers in Higher Education (United States)

    Lando, Jennifer Rose


    The purpose of this narrative study was to explore how Latina cultural brokers understand their role in translating and interpreting complex, adult situations for their families, called cultural brokering, and how that background shapes their collegiate experiences. While much of the higher education literature in recent years has focused on the…

  11. An Exploratory Study of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Behaviors in Adolescent Latinas (United States)

    Gulbas, Lauren E.; Hausmann-Stabile, Carolina; De Luca, Susan M.; Tyler, Tee R.; Zayas, Luis H.


    To date, there is little research to validate empirically differences between non-suicidal self-injurious behavior (NSSI) and attempted suicide among Latina adolescents. Understanding the characteristics and contextual features of self-harmful behaviors among Latina teens is a critical public health and social justice matter given the disproportionate rates of attempted suicide and anticipated population growth of this vulnerable group. In this article, we draw on an ecodevelopmental model to focus attention on factors in the sociocultural environment that shape suicidal and non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors. Through analysis of qualitative interviews conducted with girls who used NSSI (n = 18), attempted suicide (n = 29), used NSSI and attempted suicide (n = 8,) and had no reported lifetime history of self-harm (n = 28), we describe the sociocultural factors that shaped psychosocial vulnerabilities and gave rise to decisions to use NSSI or attempt suicide. Our analysis revealed that adolescents who engaged in NSSI perceived their negative feelings as something that could be controlled through self-injurious acts, whereas powerlessness was a theme underlying the emotional states of girls who attempted suicide. When NSSI ceased to function as a mechanism for control, girls came to sudden decisions to attempt suicide. Most teens identified specific, and often multiple, situations that induced these intense affective states and shaped decisions to inflict self-harm. Two situational experiences emerged as particularly salient and promising for subsequent studies on self-harmful behaviors among Latina adolescents: transnational stress and bullying. We describe each of these and offer suggestions for future research and practice. PMID:26052816

  12. A social justice epistemology and pedagogy for Latina/o students: Transforming public education with participatory action research. (United States)

    Cammarota, Julio; Romero, Augustine F


    The article reports on Latina/o high school students who conducted participatory action research (PAR) on problems that circumscribe their possibilities for self-determination. The intention is to legitimize student knowledge to develop effective educational policies and practices for young Latinas/os. PAR is engaged through the Social Justice Education Project, which provides students with all social science requirements for their junior and senior years. The mandated curriculum is supplemented with advanced-level readings from Chicana/o studies, critical race theory, critical pedagogy, and, most important, PAR. The intention is for students to meet the requirements for graduation and to develop sophisticated critical analyses to address problems in their own social contexts.

  13. Costo social y desigualdad en América Latina.


    Villavicencio Rodríguez, Tatiana Jackeline


    La presente tesis busca realizar un acercamiento a la relación entre desigualdad y gasto social en América Latina para el periodo 1990-2013. Primeramente nos proponemos verificar si existe simultaneidad o doble causalidad entre las variables del gasto social y la desigualdad medida a través del índice de Gini. En caso afirmativo se analizará el efecto que las variables de gasto social (educación, salud, seguridad social, vivienda y otros) tienen sobre la desigualdad y el efecto que la desigua...

  14. La iniciativa legislativa popular en América Latina


    Felipe Hevia de la Jara


    Una de las características del proceso de democratización en América Latina es la incorporación de mecanismos de democracia directa como el plebiscito, la iniciativa legislativa y la revocación del mandato. Este artículo analiza específicamente uno de ellos: la Iniciativa Legislativa Popular (ILP), definida como el derecho de los ciudadanos a presentar proyectos de ley al Parlamento y/o exigir una consulta popular para aprobar o rechazar leyes o reformas legales. El artículo incluye una discu...

  15. A Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 among English- and Spanish-speaking Latinas (United States)

    Merz, Erin L.; Malcarne, Vanessa L.; Roesch, Scott C.; Riley, Natasha; Sadler, Georgia Robins


    Depression is a significant problem for ethnic minorities that remains understudied partly due to a lack of strong measures with established psychometric properties. One screening tool, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), which was developed for use in primary care has also gained popularity in research settings. The reliability and validity of the PHQ-9 has been well established among predominantly Caucasian samples, in addition to many minority groups. However, there is little evidence regarding its utility among Hispanic Americans, a large and growing cultural group in the United States. In this study, we investigated the reliability and structural validity of the PHQ-9 in Hispanic American women. A community sample of 479 Latina women from southern California completed the PHQ-9 in their preferred language of English or Spanish. Cronbach’s alphas suggested that there was good internal consistency for both the English- and Spanish-language versions. Structural validity was investigated using multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results support a similar one-factor structure with equivalent response patterns and variances among English- and Spanish-speaking Latinas. These results suggest that the PHQ-9 can be used with confidence in both English and Spanish versions to screen Latinas for depression. PMID:21787063

  16. Weaving Language and Culture: Latina Adolescent Writers in an After-School Writing Project (United States)

    Garcia, Andrea; Gaddes, Amy


    A decade ago, the subtractive schooling of many Latino youth in the United States resulted in a devaluing of cultural identity and heritage as resources to support learning. Today, educators are urged to revalue cultural resources toward literacy development. This study explores the experiences of Latina adolescent students as writers during an…

  17. "Con todo mi corazón": Mentoring Latinas in Educational Leadership Doctoral Programs (United States)

    Rodríguez, Mariela A.


    Personal narrative essays were used to analyze the experiences of four Latina doctoral students who completed their first year in an educational leadership doctoral program in a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) in the southwestern U.S. Four themes emerged from their "testimonios" 1) "Con todo el corazón"; 2) "Somos como…

  18. The use of electroconvulsive therapy in Latin America and the Caribbean Uso del tratamiento por electrochoques en América Latina y el Caribe

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    Itzhak Levav


    Full Text Available En 1995 la OPS/OMS llevó a cabo una encuesta postal para investigar las características del uso del tratamiento por electrochoques (TEC en América Latina y en el Caribe de habla inglesa y holandesa. Según los resultados de la encuesta, el uso del TEC difiere en las dos subregiones. La técnica se utiliza ampliamente en América Latina y solo esporádicamente en el Caribe. Asimismo, su uso varía dentro de cada país y ha sufrido cambios a lo largo del tiempo. Solamente la mitad de los países de América Latina tienen normas técnicas para la aplicación del TEC. La administración de anestesia y de relajantes musculares durante el mismo y la obtención de consentimiento informado todavía no son prácticas reglamentarias en las instituciones psiquiátricas de América Latina. La toma de medidas para subsanar estos déficit ayudará a borrar la estereotípica imagen negativa que esta intervención suele evocar.

  19. Empowering Chicana/o and Latina/o High School Students: A Guide for School Counselors (United States)

    Padilla, Alejandro; Hipolito-Delgado, Carlos P.


    A qualitative research study was conducted with 15 school counselors to identify the strategies they used to empower Chicana/o and Latina/o high school students. The findings of this study revealed that participants facilitated student empowerment by developing personal relationships with students, involving alumni, building sociocultural…

  20. Why Izzie Didn't Go to College: Choosing Work over College as Latina Feminism (United States)

    Harklau, Linda


    Background/Context: Explanations for the relatively low numbers of Latinas pursuing higher education have tended to focus on socialization into traditional gender roles. However, recent scholarship has challenged this view, suggesting that gender roles--particularly among recent immigrants--are mutable and subject to constant renegotiation.…

  1. Salud y enfermedad en América Latina

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    Miguel Malo


    Full Text Available La prolongada crisis económica de los países de la región y las políticas de ajuste macro económico han generado una situación económica y social que produce inequidades profundas. La década de los 90 mostró niveles de deterioro de las condiciones de salud de la mayoría de la población y en su acceso desventajoso a servicios de salud. Al momento son 200 millones de personas, en América Latina, que viven en la pobreza; e decir, 50 millones más que en 1980.

  2. Teologias da libertação e movimentos sociais: Matrizes de pensamento critico e articulações contrahegemônicas na América Latina recente, desde o processo social brasileiro

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    Oscar Soto


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo es un análisis de las Teologías latinoamericanas de la Liberación a partir de los aportes de la experiencia brasilera, (entendidas éstas como reflexión crítica sobre la praxis histórica de los pueblos oprimidos de América Latina como proceso de articulación teórica, política y sociocultural contrahegemónica ligado a una tradición de prácticas de resistencia ancestrales en América Latina, que exceden ampliamente los ámbitos restringidos de la eclesialidad institucional religiosa, y contribuyen a generar un doble proceso teórico-práctico: Por un lado, la consolidación teórica de un Pensamiento Crítico eminentemente latinoamericano a partir de la resignificacion de categorías culturales, religiosas y sociales que contribuye a configurar una nueva subjetividad latinoamericana, un "sujeto histórico" latinoamericano; por otro lado, la organización de Nuevos Movimientos Sociales, como aporte significativo a la construcción de una "hegemonía popular desde abajo", en tanto promueve el protagonismo de los "pobres" en la generación de poder propio y la lucha contra la legalidad dominante e injusta del modelo de acumulación capitalista.

  3. Ten year report on the operation of the Latina nuclear power station 1964-1973

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The final report on the operation of the Latina nuclear power station, required under the terms of the contract of participation between ENEL and EURATOM is presented. It covers the first ten years of commercial operation (1 January 1964-31 December 1973) of this power station. Latina uses a British Magnox-type gas-graphite natural uranium reactor with a design thermal capacity of 724 MW. The rated electrical output of the three main turbogenerators was originally 210 MW (3x70), but was reduced to 160 MW in 1971. Construction began in November 1958 and was completed when the reactor first reached criticality in December 1962, the station being connected to the Italian electricity network for the first time in May 1963. The gross rated output of 210 MWe was reached in December 1963 and commercial operation began on 1 January 1964, by which date, however, the power station had already fed 295.5 million kWh into the network

  4. Discrimination, drugs, and alcohol among Latina/os in Brooklyn, New York: differences by gender. (United States)

    Otiniano Verissimo, Angie Denisse; Gee, Gilbert C; Iguchi, Martin Y; Ford, Chandra L; Friedman, Samuel R


    Based on a stress-coping framework, the present study investigates the relationship between discrimination and substance use, and the moderating effects of gender. This cross-sectional study analyzes data from Latina/o young adults aged 18-25 (N = 401) from Brooklyn, New York. Multinomial logistic regression was used to test the association between discrimination and substance use. Discrimination was significantly associated with increased odds of substance use adjusting for covariates (e.g. age, education). Gender was a moderator. Discrimination was associated with increased risk of alcohol/cannabis and hard drug use among young Latina women. However, discrimination was associated with decreased risk of alcohol/cannabis use and increased risk of hard drug use among young Latino men. These findings suggest that discrimination is generally associated with risk for substance use, but further that the outcomes vary by gender. Future research should explore gender-specific dimensions of discrimination and their associations with other outcomes. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. C-SAFE: A Computer-Delivered Sexual Health Promotion Program for Latinas. (United States)

    Klein, Charles H; Kuhn, Tamara; Altamirano, Midori; Lomonaco, Carmela


    This article describes the development and evaluation of C-SAFE (Sexual Awareness for Everyone), a computer-delivered sexual health promotion program for Latinas. We first describe the process of adapting an evidence-based, group-level intervention into an individually administered computer-delivered program. We then present the methods and results of a randomized control trial with 321 Latinas in California and Florida to test C-SAFE's preliminary efficacy in reducing sexual health risk. We found no statistically significant differences between the two conditions at a six-month follow-up in terms of sexual behaviors or attitudes toward sexually transmitted infections and condoms, although C-SAFE women reported fewer days in the past month when their mental health was not good (p = .02). C-SAFE condition women also reported more satisfaction than control condition women in their assessment of information presentation (on a scale of 1 = poor and 5 = excellent; C-SAFE = 4.45 vs. control = 4.25, p = .053) and having learned something new (C-SAFE = 95.1% vs. control = 79.3%, χ 2 importance of teachable moments, matching of delivery modalities to implementation contexts, and possible directions for evidence-based sexual health promotion programs given the current sexual health landscape.

  6. Desemprego e informalidade na Argentina: uma análise das diretrizes e recomendações da OIT e da Cepal para geração de trabalho e renda à população juvenil = Unemployment and Informality in Argentina: a review of guidelines and recommendations of the ILO and ECLAC to generate jobs and income to the youth

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    Cabral, José Pedro Cabrera


    Full Text Available O artigo traz a reflexão acerca do período de recuperação econômica na Argentina (2003-2007, considerado pelos economistas argentinos como período de consolidação. Os postos de trabalho perdidos, a partir da profunda crise que assolou a década de 90, passam a ser restituídos, segundo as análises econômicas da Organização Internacional do Trabalho – OIT –, Comissão Econômica para América Latina e o Caribe – Cepal – e governo argentino. Utilizamos como referências os relatórios da situação de emprego na América Latina elaborados pela OIT e pela Cepal, como também estudos e pesquisas acerca da situação do emprego e desemprego juvenil na Argentina. Esse processo de recuperação econômica traz como preocupações centrais, de um lado, as altas taxas de desemprego juvenil; de outro, a necessidade de diminuição da informalidade do trabalho para esse segmento.

  7. High-Quality Learning Environments for Engineering Design: Using Tablet PCs and Guidelines from Research on How People Learn


    Enrique Palou; Lourdes Gazca; Juan Antonio Díaz García; José Andrés Rojas Lobato; Luis Geraldo Guerrero Ojeda; José Francisco Tamborero Arnal; María Teresa Jiménez Munguía; Aurelio López-Malo; Juan Manuel Garibay


    A team of several faculty members and graduate students at Universidad de las Amricas Puebla is improving engineering design teaching and learning by creating richer learning environments that promote an interactive classroom while integrating formative assessment into classroom practices by means of Tablet PCs and associated technologies. Learning environments that are knowledge-, learner-, community-, and assessment-centered as highlighted by the How People Learn framework, have been devel...

  8. A Latina/o Campus Community's Readiness to Address Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns (United States)

    Rivera-Ramos, Zully A.; Oswald, Ramona F.; Buki, Lydia P.


    In response to the call for new and innovative methods of assessing campus climate (Worthington, 2008), the current study is the first to examine the readiness of a Latina/o campus community to address lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) concerns. Using the Community Readiness Model, data were collected through individual interviews with a total of…

  9. Las cibercampañas en América Latina: potencialidades y limitantes

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    Andrés Valdez Zepeda


    Full Text Available El escrito aborda el desarrollo de las cibercampañas en América Latina a la luz de las transformaciones políticas de cuño democrático de las últimas décadas y de la socialización de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las telecomunicaciones (NTIC que se ha observado en la región. Se analiza el caso de seis países de este subcontinente (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Venezuela que han incorporado las NTIC como parte central de las estrategias de campaña en las elecciones generales. Se analizan también las potencialidades y limitantes de este tipo de campañas. Se concluye que las cibercampañas llegaron para quedarse en América Latina, ya que su nivel de socialización tecnológica avanza a pasos agigantados. Sin embargo, este tipo de campañas tiene sus limitantes para lograr sus objetivos ante un electorado con bajos niveles educativos y cada día más decepcionado de la clase política.

  10. Use of the Stanford Brief Activity Survey for physical activity assessment in postpartum Latinas: a validation study of a linguistically translated Spanish version. (United States)

    Joseph, Rodney P; Ainsworth, Barbara E; Vega-López, Sonia; Keller, Colleen S


    This study assessed the concurrent validity of the English and a linguistic Spanish translation of the Stanford Brief Activity Survey (SBAS) with pedometer-measured physical activity (PA) among postpartum Latinas. Latinas (n 97) completed the SBAS in either English (n 47) or Spanish (n 50) and wore pedometers 7 days at three different assessment periods. The English version demonstrated significant trends (p .01) for differentiating aerobic walking steps (AWS) and aerobic walking time (AWT) across SBAS intensity categories at two of the three assessment periods. The Spanish version showed marginally significant trends for differentiating AWS (p .048) and AWT (p .052) across SBAS intensity categories at only one assessment period. The English version of the SBAS is effective in assessing PA status among Latinas; however, the Spanish version indicates a need for research to further explore cultural and linguistic adaptations of the SBAS.

  11. Latinas/os in Community College Developmental Education: Increasing Moments of Academic and Interpersonal Validation (United States)

    Acevedo-Gil, Nancy; Santos, Ryan E.; Alonso, LLuliana; Solorzano, Daniel G.


    This qualitative study examines the experiences of Latinas/os in community college English and math developmental education courses. Critical race theory in education and the theory of validation serve as guiding frameworks. The authors find that institutional agents provide academic validation by emphasizing high expectations, focusing on social…

  12. Career Development of Latinas in Mid-Level Community College Administration: A Phenomenological Approach (United States)

    Gonzalez-De Jesus, Naydeen Tyffane


    Glass ceilings have been identified by scholars throughout the past 20 years as barriers to the upward career mobility of women and of people of color. There is an indication that glass ceiling barriers exist in the higher education sector. Latinas, as a subgroup of women of color, occupy many of the mid-level administrative positions in community…

  13. Criterion Referenced Tests to Accompany "Artes Latinae," Level 1, Book 1. Tentative Edition. (United States)

    Masciantonio, Rudolph

    These tests are designed to measure the achievement of each pupil at the approximate midpoint of each unit in "Artes Latinae," Level 1, Book 1. They were produced in response to the need expressed by many teachers to provide a means of more frequent evaluation of pupil progress. Tests for 13 units are provided. They supplement the unit tests…

  14. Using an Acculturation-Stress-Resilience Framework to Explore Latent Profiles of Latina/o Language Brokers. (United States)

    Kam, Jennifer A; Marcoulides, Katerina M; Merolla, Andy J


    With survey data from 243 Latina/o early adolescent language brokers, latent profile analyses were conducted to identify different types (i.e., profiles) of brokers. Profiles were based on how often Latina/o early adolescents brokered for family members, as well as their levels of family-based acculturation stress, negative brokering beliefs, parentification, and positive brokering beliefs. Three brokering profiles emerged: (1) infrequent-ambivalents, (2) occasional-moderates, and (3) parentified-endorsers. Profile membership was significantly predicted by ethnic identification and brokering in a medical context. Respect, brokering at school, and brokering at home did not significantly predict profile membership. In addition, parentified-endorsers had more frequent perceived ethnic/racial discrimination and depressive symptoms than other profiles. In contrast, infrequent-ambivalents engaged in risky behaviors less frequently than other profiles. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Research on Adolescence © 2017 Society for Research on Adolescence.

  15. El ingenioso caballero Darcy Ribeiro: a trajetória de um intelectual andante na cultura política utópica do Brasil e da América Latina


    Pinheiro, Lucas Miranda [UNESP


    Este trabalho se propõe a compreender as principais ideias de Darcy Ribeiro, em suas diferentes áreas de atuação, com enfoque especial para a América Latina e o Brasil, com atenção para o que este intelectual estudou, elaborou teoricamente, projetou e colocou ou tentou colocar em prática, objetivando vincular diagnóstico, elaboração de projeto e realização de causas reiteradamente guiadas por motivações utópicas e colocadas à prova da implacável concorrência para determinação de realidade do ...

  16. Olhar sobre as metáforas cantadas por Mercedes Sosa e outros cantores durante as ditaduras militares na Argentina e outros países da América Latina


    Elissandro dos Santos Santana


    Esse trabalho é fruto do projeto Elaboração de Material Didático para o ensino de Língua Espanhola e o recorte é a música no ensino de espanhol como língua estrangeira (ELE): uma abordagem interdisciplinar e multicultural. O corpus de investigação, letras e biografias de cantores e cantoras censurados em ditaduras da América Latina, serviu como pano de fundo para a análise de algumas das metáforas presentes nas canções interpretadas por Mercedes Sosa e outros artistas de países latino-america...

  17. Deuda externa en nuevos contextos : la deuda de América Latina a partir de la crisis de Asia


    Ugarteche, Oscar


    La década de los años 90 ha sido la década del fin de la crisis de la deuda de América Latina y del inicio de la crisis de la deuda asiática. En ambos casos, frente al problema de balanza de pagos relacionados a acumulaciones de vencimientos de refinanciaciones, con calendarios originales de créditos de largo plazo, sumados a créditos de corto plazo, los saldos en cuenta corriente de las balanzas de pagos se han visto estrangulados. La solución mágica en América Latina fue el cambio radical e...

  18. Relationship between physical activity, disability, and physical fitness profile in sedentary Latina breast cancer survivors. (United States)

    Ortiz, Alexis; Tirado, Maribel; Hughes, Daniel C; Gonzalez, Velda; Song, JaeJoon; Mama, Scherezade K; Basen-Engquist, Karen


    To report baseline data from a physical activity (PA) intervention for Latina breast cancer survivors, and assess the relationship between PA, fitness, and disability. Eighty-nine Latina breast cancer survivors from San Juan, PR and Houston, TX (age: 55.4 ± 9.9 years; BMI: 29.87 ± 5.62 kg/m 2 ; ≥ 3 months post-treatment) participated in this study. At baseline participants completed fitness testing (six-minute walk test [6MWT], 30-second sit-stand; grip strength, lower and upper extremity and low back strength, shoulder range of motion, balance testing), and assessment of physical activity (PA) and disability. PA was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). A subsample (n = 27) received an accelerometer to compare objective versus self-reported PA. Participants exhibited low PA (M = 76.5 MET·minutes/week; SD = 183.4), poor fitness (6MWT M = 436.4 meters, SD = 99.1; 30s sit-stand, M = 11.6 stands, SD = 3.1), and no detectable disability. In an adjusted model lower extremity fitness was associated with PA, with a one repetition increase in sit-to-stand associated with 49 additional minutes of self-reported PA plus walking per week. The correlation between IPAQ moderate-vigorous PA and accelerometer was 0.38 (p = 0.047). Latina breast cancer survivors have low physical activity and fitness levels that increase their risk of disability, cardiometabolic comorbidities, and potential cancer recurrence.

  19. Termoplastia brônquica: relato do primeiro tratamento endoscópico de asma na América Latina Bronchial thermoplasty: report on the first endoscopic treatment for asthma in Latin America

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    Adalberto Sperb Rubin


    Full Text Available A termoplastia brônquica é um novo procedimento broncoscópico que libera energia por radiofreqüência nas vias aéreas, com potencial redução da broncoconstrição causada pela contratura da musculatura lisa. Relatamos o caso de um homem de 48 anos, portador de asma persistente moderada, submetido à termoplastia brônquica. O tratamento aumentou o volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo, aumentou o número de dias livres de sintomas, reduziu o uso da medicação de resgate e melhorou o escore no questionário de Juniper Asthma Quality of Life Scale. A termoplastia brônquica foi bem tolerada e segura. Esta foi a primeira termoplastia brônquica na América Latina, com resultados estimulantes após 12 meses quanto ao seu potencial benefício em asmáticos pouco controlados.Bronchial thermoplasty is a new bronchoscopic procedure that delivers radiofrequency energy to the airway and potentially reduces the smooth muscle-mediated bronchoconstriction. We report the case of a 48-year-old man with persistent moderate asthma submitted to bronchial thermoplasty. The treatment increased the forced expiratory volume in one second, increased the number of symptom-free days, reduced the use of relief medications, and improved the Juniper Asthma Quality of Life Scale score. In this patient, bronchial thermoplasty was well tolerated and safe. This was the first bronchial thermoplasty performed in Latin America. At 12 months after the procedure, the results were encouraging in terms of its potential benefits in patients with difficult-to-control asthma.

  20. The Achievement Gap among Newcomer Immigrant Adolescents: Life Stressors Hinder Latina/o Academic Success (United States)

    Patel, Sita G.; Barrera, Alinne Z.; Strambler, Michael J.; Muñoz, Ricardo F.; Macciomei, Erynn


    This study compares life stressors and school outcomes among newcomer immigrant adolescents from Latin America, Asia, and the Caribbean. Participants attended a predominantly low-income, urban international public high school in the northeast. The Latina/o students were exposed to more life stressors and had lower attendance and achievement than…

  1. Latina Adolescent Suicide Ideations and Attempts: Associations with Connectedness to Parents, Peers, and Teachers (United States)

    De Luca, Susan M.; Wyman, Peter; Warren, Keith


    Associations between suicidal behavior and social-ecological variables were examined among 1,618 Latina high school students (mean age = 15) from the nationally representative Add Health sample (68% were U.S.-born). Ideations were associated with having a suicidal friend, lower perceived father support, and overall parental caring. Attempts were…

  2. América Latina: Educación, conocimiento y competitividad. Latin America: Education, Knowledge and Competitiveness

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    Eduardo M. Andere


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende demostrar la hipótesis de que América Latina tiene un futuro sombrío en los regímenes de comercio exterior e inversion extranjera directa pues no se encuentra preparada desde el punto de vista de educación y conocimiento para enfrentar los desafíos de un mundo globalizado y fuertemente competitivo. La visión de los finales de la década de los 80 y de los 90 de parte de los postulados de política económica internacional respecto de la necesidad de abrir y desregular las economías para asegurarles un desarrollo consistente ha sido ampliamente rebasada por la realidad competitiva que apenas está empezando a enfrentar América Latina y que enfrentarán con mayor crudeza en los años próximos. América Latina no está preparada para la globalización y la competencia internacional. This article attempts to demonstrate that Latin America faces a somber future in its external trade and external investment because it doesn?t support education and knowledge production and distribution as key strategies in a highly competitive global world. This article will contend that Latin America is not ready for global and international competition, and that the strategy of opening the national economies and their deregulation were not enough to create a model of sustainable development.

  3. East Los High: Transmedia Edutainment to Promote the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young Latina/o Americans (United States)

    Singhal, Arvind


    Latina/o Americans are at high risk for sexually transmitted infections and adolescent pregnancies. Needed urgently are innovative health promotion approaches that are engaging and culturally sensitive. East Los High is a transmedia edutainment program aimed at young Latina/o Americans. It embeds educational messages in entertainment narratives across digital platforms to promote sexual and reproductive health. We employed online analytics tracking (2013–2014), an online viewer survey (2013), and a laboratory experiment (El Paso, TX, 2014) for season 1 program evaluation. We found that East Los High had a wide audience reach, strong viewer engagement, and a positive cognitive, emotional, and social impact on sexual and reproductive health communication and education. Culturally sensitive transmedia edutainment programs are a promising health promotion strategy for minority populations and warrant further investigation. PMID:27077336

  4. The Influence of Loneliness and Interpersonal Relations on Latina/o Middle School Students' Wellbeing (United States)

    Heredia, Dagoberto, Jr.; Sanchéz Gonzalez, Mayra L.; Rosner, Christine M.; He, Xiao; Castillo, Linda G.; Ojeda, Lizette


    This study examined associations of loneliness and relationships (e.g., teacher/student relationships, peer support, and family support) with wellbeing among Latina/o middle school students. A hierarchical regression analysis demonstrated that age and loneliness predicted wellbeing; older students and students with high levels of loneliness…

  5. "I Was Scared to Be the Stupid": Latinas in Residential Academies of Science and Math (United States)

    Sayman, Donna


    This study examines the experiences of Latinas in state residential academies of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Goals of this project focused on understanding their experiences and identifying factors leading to the decision to enroll, along with issues contributing to retention. These schools represent powerful opportunities…

  6. Historia de la cultura en la América Latina

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    Gabriel Anzola Gómez


    Full Text Available Acabo de terminar la lectura del último libro de Germán Arciniegas publicado por la Editorial Suramericana. Se trata de la Historia de la cultura en la América Latina. Como todas sus obras anteriores, esta despierta también en el lector la avidez por su lectura. El eminente escritor colombiano no ha perdido la frescura de su estilo, brillante por la riqueza y la variedad de imágenes, en medio de las cuales los conceptos rescatan su significación.

  7. From Multilatina to Global Latina: Unveiling the corporate-level international strategy choices of Grupo Nutresa

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    Full Text Available Research on Multilatinas has underexplored multinationals from Colombia and their corporate-level international strategy choices to develop into Global Latinas. Building on interviews, documents, and archival data about Grupo Nutresa -Colombia's most international firm in manufactured goods-, this study unveils and discusses this firm's corporate-level international strategy choices between 1960 and 2014. A prevailing notion is that most multinationals from Latin America continue to target international operations to focus mainly on their home region through an export, multidomestic or transnational corporate-level international strategy. In contrast, data show that Grupo Nutresa chose to evolve through a sequential approach from an export to a transnational corporate-level international strategy while its international operations were able to transcend its home region to reach North America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Oceania. These results add to international business research on emergent market multinational companies (EMNCs from Latin America by unveiling the corporate-level international strategy choices of a Colombian origin Multilatina that transformed into a Global Latina.

  8. Un círculo de deseo: los romances nacional nacionales en América Latina

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    Doris Sommer


    Full Text Available La autora muestra las diversas complicidades que se tejen entre el género literario novelístico, el nacionalismo y los procesos de construcción nacional en los países de América Latina. ¿Por qué las novelas nacionales y promovidas por el Estado para nacionalizar sus heterogéneas poblaciones suelen versar sobre el amor romántico? A través de un análisis innovador, basado en la obra de Foucault, la teoría feminista, el psicoanálisis y la nueva narratología, este artículo muestra el nacimiento de una suerte de erótica de la política nacional en América Latina. Sommer muestra la utilidad de su marco teórico para estudiar no solo a los clásicos del siglo XIX de la literatura latinoamericana, sino asimismo a los más recientes autores del boom

  9. Normative Ideals, “Alternative” Realities: Perceptions of Interracial Dating among Professional Latinas and Black Women

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    Rocio Garcia


    Full Text Available Family types continue to expand in the U.S., yet normative patterns of endogamy and the privileging of nuclear families persist. To understand how professional women of color navigate endogamy and family ideals, I draw on 40 in-depth interviews of professional Black women and Latinas to ask how they construct partner preferences. I find that professional Latinas and Black women prefer same-race, similarly educated partners but report significant barriers to satisfying these desires. Respondents’ experiences with racism, the rejection of ethno-racial and cultural assimilation, gendered racism from men of color, and the college gender gap emerge as mechanisms for endogamous preferences. These preferences resist and support hegemonic family formation, an ideological and behavioral process that privileges, white, middle class, endogamous, heteronormative ideals for families comprising courtship, marriage, and biological childbearing. By challenging the racial devaluation of people of color while preferring the normativity that endogamy offers, the women in this study underscore the fluidity embedded in endogamy.

  10. Acculturative Stress, Self-Esteem, and Eating Pathology in Latina and Asian American Female College Students. (United States)

    Claudat, Kimberly; White, Emily K; Warren, Cortney S


    The overarching purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among acculturative stress, self-esteem, and eating pathology in Asian American and Latina female college students. Participants (N = 638, mean age = 19.88) completed self-report measures of the variables of interest online. Bivariate correlations indicated that for women of both ethnic groups, acculturative stress was negatively correlated with self-esteem and positively correlated with eating pathology. Multigroup structural equation modeling indicated that for Asian American and Latina women, self-esteem partially mediated the relationship between acculturative stress and eating pathology. However, self-esteem did not serve as a significant moderator of this relationship for either ethnic group. Overall, data suggest that acculturative stress is associated with increased eating pathology and self-esteem may mediate this relationship. These relationships suggest that assessment of eating pathology and self-esteem may be indicated for women presenting clinically with acculturative stress concerns. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. TENSÕES CURRICULARES E NARRATIVAS: o ensino de História da América LatinaHISTORY TEACHING: curricular policies, school culture, knowledge and teaching practices

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    Raquel ALS Venera


    Full Text Available Este trabalho versa sobre parte das análises resultantes da pesquisa intitulada “A Escola e os jovens no mundo contemporâneo: processos de formação histórica latino americana” desenvolvida em duas escolas na cidade de Florianópolis, de 2009 a 2011. Essas escolas são públicas e campos de estágio de formação inicial de professores de História da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. A pesquisa empírica foi desenvolvida junto aos jovens da sétima série do Ensino Fundamental e investigou a formação da consciência histórica latino americana. Para esse artigo, especificamente, o foco é a relação entre as escolhas curriculares para o Ensino de História, das duas escolas e a inferência delas nas narrativas dos estudantes acerca da História latino americana. Busca-se uma leitura conceitual de currículo, a partir dos Estudos Culturais, que permite a percepção de tensões políticas na construção de pertencimentos e identidades dos jovens e que foram expressas em suas narrativas sobre a América Latina. As análises aqui apresentadas dão visibilidade às disputas na construção de memórias e identidades, no interior do currículo, que atuam na orientação da vida presente dos jovens e na construção de perspectivas de futuros. Neste movimento são realizadas escolhas que mobilizam determinados saberes de acordo com os sujeitos que se deseja formar e as identidades que se pretende construir.

  12. Bridge to Persistence: Interactions with Educators as Social Capital for Latina/o Engineering Majors (United States)

    Dika, Sandra L.; Martin, Julie P.


    This study employs the notion of bridging social capital to investigate the extent to which different forms and quantity of interactions with educators predict intentions to persist in engineering among a sample of Latina/o engineering majors from five public 4-year institutions in the United States. Different forms of capital were effective for…

  13. Familism, Parent-Adolescent Conflict, Self-Esteem, Internalizing Behaviors and Suicide Attempts among Adolescent Latinas (United States)

    Kuhlberg, Jill A.; Pena, Juan B.; Zayas, Luis H.


    Adolescent Latinas continue to report higher levels of suicide attempts than their African-American and White peers. The phenomenon is still not understood and is theorized to be the result of the confluence of many cultural, familial, and individual level factors. In Latino cultures, belief in the importance of the family, the value known as…

  14. Ethnography in Charting Paths toward Personal and Social Liberation: Using My Latina Cultural Intuition (United States)

    Monzó, Lilia D.


    Drawing on a Chicana feminist epistemology, the author, a Latina immigrant, presents how she used her cultural intuition to engage in a two-year ethnography with Latino immigrant families. She argues that for her engaging in ethnography with her "own community" is an endeavor that calls to the fore her homegrown epistemologies and her…

  15. Emprendedurismo en America Latina

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    Jimmy Federico Telléz Figueroa


    Full Text Available América latina es y ha sido siempre una región, que por sus características en particular socio políticas, no ha generado la mejor de las condiciones para el desarrollo y el fomento del emprendedurismo en todos sus niveles; por el contrario a simple vista nos permite inferir que en mayor o menor grado, dependiendo de los países, las condiciones científicamente ideales para la incubación de emprendimientos no son precisamente las ideales para que los “emprendedores” corran el riesgo de “emprender”.Podemos empezar el análisis desde México hasta Argentina pasando por supuesto por Brasil y todos los demás países, y podríamos concluir que de alguna manera, incluso las legislaciones y normativas están en la mayoría de los casos pensados para las grandes corporaciones industriales, comerciales y de servicios generadores de altos niveles de empleo, exceptuando esta en casos muy particulares, pero que no necesariamente generan un efecto multiplicador que influya en la economía de los países y menos aun en la reducción de sus indicadores de pobreza.

  16. Miasis nosocomiales en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿una realidad ignorada?

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    Rocío Sánchez-Sánchez

    Full Text Available Las miasis nosocomiales son infestaciones por larvas de mosca que se producen después de la hospitalización del paciente. Para analizar la información disponible sobre miasis nosocomiales en América Latina y el Caribe, se realizó una búsqueda de casos publicados en los últimos 52 años. Se encontraron nueve casos clínicos en Brasil, Costa Rica, Guayana Francesa, Honduras y Jamaica. También existen dos publicaciones con datos agregados que mencionan 139 casos en El Salvador y alrededor de 32 en Colombia. Los pacientes y el entorno descritos en los casos presentaron condiciones que predisponen a este tipo de infestaciones. Las miasis nosocomiales en América Latina y el Caribe no suelen ser de declaración obligatoria, por lo que es probable que exista un importante subregistro. Es necesario crear conciencia y mejorar el registro de estas miasis en la región para tomar las medidas más adecuadas de prevención, que beneficien el cuidado del paciente durante su hospitalización.

  17. "'Confianza' Is Where I Can Be Myself": Latina Mothers' Constructions of Community in Education Reform (United States)

    Dyrness, Andrea


    This paper brings together ethnographic data and testimonies from a group of Latina mother activists with critical race theories, to challenge dominant views of home-school relations and re-envision the "homeplace" as a site of radical resistance (Hooks (1990) "Yearning: race, gender and cultural politics" (Boston, MA, South…

  18. Latina/o Pre-Service Teachers' Use of Language and Culture while Assisting Children in Mathematics (United States)

    Vomvoridi-Ivanovic, Eugenia


    Guided by symbolic interactionism and cultural historical activity theory this study investigated how four bilingual Latina/o pre-service teachers use language (Spanish and English) and culture, defined as social practices, as instructional resources in mathematics. The setting of the study was an after-school bilingual mathematics program, namely…

  19. Work organization and health among immigrant women: Latina manual workers in North Carolina. (United States)

    Arcury, Thomas A; Grzywacz, Joseph G; Chen, Haiying; Mora, Dana C; Quandt, Sara A


    We sought to describe work organization attributes for employed immigrant Latinas and determine associations of work organization with physical health, mental health, and health-related quality of life. We conducted a cross-sectional survey with 319 employed Latinas in western North Carolina (2009-2011). Measures included job demands (heavy load, awkward posture, psychological demand), decision latitude (skill variety, job control), support (supervisor control, safety climate), musculoskeletal symptoms, mental health (depressive symptoms), and mental (MCS) and physical component score (PCS) health-related quality of life. Three fifths reported musculoskeletal symptoms. Mean scores for depression, MCS, and PCS were 6.2 (SE = 0.2), 38.3 (SE = 0.5), and 42.8 (SE = 0.3), respectively. Greater job demands (heavy load, awkward posture, greater psychological demand) were associated with more musculoskeletal and depressive symptoms and worse MCS. Less decision latitude (lower skill variety, job control) was associated with more musculoskeletal and depressive symptoms. Greater support (supervisor's power and safety climate) was associated with fewer depressive symptoms and better MCS. Work organization should be considered to improve occupational health of vulnerable women workers. Additional research should delineate the links between work organization and health among vulnerable workers.

  20. Debe América Latina temerle a la China?


    Eduardo Lora


    Este artículo compara las condiciones de crecimiento económico de China y de América Latina con el fin de evaluar los temores de que la economía china desplace a la latinoamericana en las próximas décadas. Las fortalezas de China se basan en el tamaño de su economía, su estabilidad macroeconómica, la abundante mano de obra barata, la rápida expansión de la infraestructura física y la capacidad para innovar. Las debilidades de China tienen su origen en la poca separación que existe entre el me...

  1. Imigração da Mulher Latina no Brasil

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    Mariângela Moreira Nascimento


    Full Text Available O presente artigo traz, de forma modesta, algumas reflexões sobre a mulher imigrante latina no Brasil. Apresenta o fluxo migratório como um movimento de geração de diferenças e identidades que exige nova base teórica e empírica para ser compreendido. Dessa forma, procura compreender o fenômeno da migração em outra base teórico-metodológica permitindo-nos investigar a condição da mulher imigrante no contexto social brasileiro como sujeito ativo, contrariando o estereótipo da mulher migrante como dependente e passiva.

  2. Género, propiedad y empoderamiento: Tierra, Estado y mercado en América Latina.


    Deere, Carmen Diana; León, Magdalena


    Este texto es el resultado de un estudio sobre la condición femenina en América Latina, tendiente a resaltar cómo la igualdad legal que ha alcanzado la mujer en los años recientes poco o nada se refleja en su relación con el desarrollo económico y social.

  3. Latinas' heritage language as a source of resiliency: impact on academic achievement in STEM fields (United States)

    Stevenson, Alma D.; Gallard Martínez, Alejandro José; Brkich, Katie Lynn; Flores, Belinda Bustos; Claeys, Lorena; Pitts, Wesley


    This article highlights how the preservation of heritage languages is essential in the construction of three Georgia Latina participants' cultural identities and the creation of support networks that allow them to develop resiliency and achieve academically. We conceptualize resiliency as a strategy developed by the Latina participants using contextually mitigating factors during their STEM education. The findings presented in this manuscript are part of a larger, ongoing study of Latina resiliency and their paths to success in STEM fields in two states: Georgia and Texas. Following James Spradley's guidelines, data were collected via three separate semi-structured interviews with each participant. Intrinsic, multiple case studies were used to find both commonalities and differences, as well as to deepen our understanding of the role of the participants' heritage language in their development of resiliency in each particular case. The findings presented here were not part of a preconceived research hypothesis, but rather a theme that emerged while analyzing data collected in the state of Georgia. Georgia is not home to a long-established Hispanic/Latino population, but rather is part of the New Latino Diaspora (Wortham, Murillo and Hamann in Education in the new Latino diaspora: policy and the politics of identity. Ablex Publishing, New York, 2002), and therefore local natives do not necessarily perceive Latino immigrants and the Spanish language either as long-standing or permanent features of the state. In fact, in response to the growing diversity of the state during the past generation, Georgia has implemented multiple educational policies hostile toward immigrants and linguistic diversity (Beck and Allexsaht-Snider in Education in the new Latino diaspora: policy and the politics of identity. Ablex Press, Westport, 2002). Our findings suggest that the Latina participants' heritage languages allow them to engage in cultural traditions, encouraged by their

  4. The Role of School and Community-Based Programs in Aiding Latina/o High School Persistence (United States)

    Harris, Donna M.; Kiyama, Judy Marquez


    This study documents the important role school and community-based programs have for sustaining the persistence of Latina/o high school students in an urban, low achieving school district. Consensus among student participants revealed these programs provided a safe space where students were able to develop "confianza" (mutual trust) with…

  5. Utility of Acculturation in Physical Activity Research in Latina Adults: An Integrative Review of Literature (United States)

    Benitez, Tanya J.; Dodgson, Joan E.; Coe, Kathryn; Keller, Colleen


    Latina adults in the United States have a disproportionately higher prevalence of chronic diseases related to low physical activity levels than non-Hispanic women. Literature indicates that acculturation may be a contributing factor to being physically active, but the extent of this association remains unclear. An integrative review of literature…

  6. Public Discourse versus Public Policy: Latinas/os, Affirmative Action, and the Court of Public Opinion (United States)

    Ledesma, María C.


    The purpose of this article is to highlight the power of popular discourse in shaping public policy debates concerning educational access and opportunity for historically marginalized and minoritized students, especially for Latinas/os. I argue that proponents of race-conscious policies would do well to challenge the elimination of affirmative…

  7. Positive Psychology and Familial Factors as Predictors of Latina/o Students' Hope and College Performance (United States)

    Cavazos Vela, Javier; Lerma, Eunice; Lenz, A. Stephen; Hinojosa, Karina; Hernandez-Duque, Omar; Gonzalez, Stacey L.


    We investigated the contributions of positive psychology and familial factors as predictors of hope and academic performance among 166 Latina/o college students enrolled at a Hispanic Serving Institution of Higher Education. The results indicated that presence of meaning in life, search for meaning in life, daily spiritual experiences, and…

  8. Sistemas productivos locales en América Latina: revisión de alcances y límites

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    Ovidio González Gómez


    Full Text Available Ante la amplitud y generalización de las propuestas gubernamentales sobre las nuevas aglomeraciones industriales en América Latina, que se derivan de diversas corrientes de pensamiento en el medio académico, este artículo realiza una revisión crítica de la literatura en la región. El eje rector que guía esta crítica es la perspectiva centro-periferia de Immanuel Wallerstein y los circulacionistas, así como las recientes aportaciones sobre las cadenas de valor de Gary Gereffi. Con base en la revisión crítica, se esbozan los elementos de una propuesta explicativa, no acabada, sobre la territorialización de la manufactura reciente en América Latina, en el marco de la probable salida temporal a la crisis, que marca el capital.

  9. Nuevo Amanecer: results of a randomized controlled trial of a community-based, peer-delivered stress management intervention to improve quality of life in Latinas with breast cancer. (United States)

    Nápoles, Anna María; Ortíz, Carmen; Santoyo-Olsson, Jasmine; Stewart, Anita L; Gregorich, Steven; Lee, Howard E; Durón, Ysabel; McGuire, Peggy; Luce, Judith


    We evaluated a community-based, translational stress management program to improve health-related quality of life in Spanish-speaking Latinas with breast cancer. We adapted a cognitive-behavioral stress management program integrating evidence-based and community best practices to address the needs of Latinas with breast cancer. Spanish-speaking Latinas with breast cancer were randomly assigned to an intervention or usual-care control group. Trained peers delivered the 8-week intervention between February 2011 and February 2014. Primary outcomes were breast cancer-specific quality of life and distress, and general symptoms of distress. Of 151 participants, 95% were retained at 6 months (between May 2011 and May 2014). Improvements in quality of life from baseline to 6 months were greater for the intervention than the control group on physical well-being, emotional well-being, breast cancer concerns, and overall quality of life. Decreases from baseline to 6 months were greater for the intervention group on depression and somatization. Results suggest that translation of evidence-based programs can reduce psychosocial health disparities in Latinas with breast cancer. Integration of this program into community-based organizations enhances its dissemination potential.

  10. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social's thematic 1998-2008

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    Dr. Raymond Colle


    Full Text Available With more than ten years of life, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social has become an important showcase of thought and of Ibero-American research in the field of social communication. Retrieving the keywords or, failing that, the titles of articles published, we have analyzed the issues covered and their evolution. The methodology is based on statistics of words (originals, of the conceptual discussed and the coocurrences of these fields in the description of each article fields in which they were regrouped to identify the topics. Through eleven years, attention was most payed on the press, journalism, television and new digital technologies (Internet.Con más de diez años de vida, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social se ha transformado en una importante muestra del pensamiento y de la investigación iberoamericana en materia de comunicación social. Recuperando las palabras clave o, en su defecto, los títulos de los artículos publicados, hemos analizado la temática cubierta y su evolución. La metodología se basa en estadísticas: de palabras (originales, de los campos conceptuales en que se han de reagrupar para aislar los temas tratados y de las coocurrencias de dichos campos en la descripción de cada artículo. En los once años transcurridos, la atención se ha dirigido principalmente hacia la prensa y el periodismo, la televisión y las nuevas tecnologías digitales (Internet.


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    Fernando Oliveira de Araujo

    Full Text Available RESUMO O presente estudo está situado na Rocinha, a maior favela da América Latina. Durante os primeiros anos da década de 2000, nessa tradicional comunidade carioca, além dos problemas de ordem social e econômica – como trafico de drogas, violência urbana e saneamento básico – seus moradores não eram assistidos com serviços públicos básicos como a entregade correspondências pelos Correios, tanto pela violência, quanto em virtude da ausência de padronização de endereços em suas ruas e vielas. Nesse contexto, três empreendedores observam uma oportunidade e deixam seus empregos para criarem o Grupo Carteiro Amigo (GCA, uma iniciativa que transformou a realidade da comunidade. O artigo apresenta um breve histórico da empresa e, em especial, aborda o dilema do crescimento organizacional, refletindo sobre os desafios e oportunidades de aumentar a base de clientes na Rocinha ou de franquear o negócio para outras favelas do Rio de Janeiro e do Brasil.

  12. Intervenções em Dieta e Pressão Arterial na América Latina - Revisão Sistemática e Meta-Análise

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    Caroline Cantalejo Mazzaro


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Pressão arterial elevada é o principal fator de risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Baixos índices de controle da pressão arterial em populações latino-americanas reforçam a necessidade de reunir evidências sobre terapias eficazes. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito das intervenções de modificações de dietas sobre pressão arterial em populações latino-americanas. Métodos: Revisão sistemática. Foram pesquisadas diversas bases de dados (MEDLINE-PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO, LILACS e BVS e realizada busca manual até abril de 2013. Foram incluídos estudos paralelos de intervenções em dieta em populações adultas da América Latina reportando pressão arterial (em mmHg antes e após a intervenção. Resultados: Dos 405 estudos encontrados, 10 ensaios clínicos randomizados foram incluídos e divididos em 3 subgrupos, de acordo com a dieta proposta como intervenção. Houve redução não significativa da pressão arterial sistólica nos subgrupos de substituição mineral -4,82 (IC 95%: -11,36 a 1,73 mmHg e padrões complexos -3,17 (IC 95%: -7,62 a 1,28 mmHg. Para a pressão arterial diastólica, com exceção do subgrupo de dietas hiperproteicas, todos os subgrupos apresentaram redução significativa, com -4,66 (IC 95%: -9,21 a -0,12 mmHg e -4,55 (IC 95%: -7,04 a -2,06 mmHg para substituição mineral e padrões complexos, respectivamente. Conclusão: A evidência disponível sobre os efeitos de alterações de dieta na pressão arterial em populações latino-americanas indica um efeito homogêneo, porém não significativo, para pressão arterial sistólica. Estudos maiores e com maior rigor metodológico são necessários para construção de evidência robusta.

  13. Latina/o Food Industry Employees' Work Experiences: Work Barriers, Facilitators, Motivators, Training Preferences, and Perceptions (United States)

    Kanagui-Munoz, Marlen; Garriott, Patton O.; Flores, Lisa Y.; Cho, Seonghee; Groves, James


    The present study explored the work experiences, job satisfaction, and work behaviors of Latina/o restaurant workers. A total of 10 semistructured focus group (N = 75) interviews were conducted in the Midwest and Southwest. Data were analyzed using a combination of Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR; Hill et al., 2005; Hill, Thompson, &…

  14. Latina/o Parent Organizing for Educational Justice: An Ethnographic Account of Community Building and Radical Healing (United States)

    Nygreen, Kysa


    This article describes a parent organizing effort with Latina/o immigrant parents in a large, high-poverty, racially and linguistically diverse urban school district. Drawing from ethnographic research and the theoretical framework of "mujerismo," it examines the relational processes of community building and radical healing that…

  15. Latina and European American Girls' Experiences with Academic Sexism and their Self-Concepts in Mathematics and Science During Adolescence. (United States)

    Brown, Christia Spears; Leaper, Campbell


    The study investigated Latina and European American adolescent girls' (N = 345, M = 15.2 years, range = 13 to 18) experiences with academic sexism in mathematics and science (M/S) and their M/S perceived competence and M/S value (liking and importance). M/S academic sexism was based on girls' reported experiences hearing sexist comments about girls' abilities in math and science. Older European American adolescents, and both younger and older Latina adolescents, who experienced several instances of academic sexism felt less competent in M/S than girls who experienced less sexism (controlling for M/S grades). In addition, among older girls (regardless of ethnicity), those who experienced several instances of academic sexism valued M/S less than girls who experienced less sexism.

  16. Addiction treatment intervention: an uncontrolled prospective pilot study of Spiritual Self-Schema therapy with Latina women. (United States)

    Amaro, Hortensia; Magno-Gatmaytan, Cielo; Meléndez, Michael; Cortés, Dharma E; Arevalo, Sandra; Margolin, Arthur


    Spiritual Self-Schema (3-S) is a weekly 8-session, mindfulness-based, manual-guided, individual intervention targeting addiction and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk behaviors that integrates cognitive behavioral strategies with Buddhist principles and clients' religious/spiritual beliefs. 3-S is efficacious for reducing drug use and HIV risk behaviors among mixed-gender, methadone-maintained outpatients. The study goal was to conduct a preliminary evaluation of 3-S therapy among urban, low-income Latinas (n = 13) in residential addiction treatment. Data gathered via in-person interviews (baseline, 8 and 20 weeks postentry) showed high rates of 3-S acceptability and positive changes in a number of outcomes relevant to recovery from addiction and to HIV prevention, including impulsivity, spirituality, motivation for change, and HIV prevention knowledge. The study findings are promising; however, a controlled study with longer follow-up is needed to rigorously assess the efficacy of 3-S therapy with Latinas in substance abuse treatment.

  17. Luces y sombras de la calidad de la democracia en América Latina

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    Manuel Alcántara Sáez


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza el concepto de calidad de la democracia, contemplando la aplicación de distintos índices a la realidad política de los países de América Latina; a saber: Freedom House, IDD (Fundación Konrad Adenauer, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU y el elaborado por Levine y Molina.

  18. Acculturation, Familism and Mother-Daughter Relations Among Suicidal and Non-Suicidal Adolescent Latinas


    Zayas, Luis H.; Bright, Charlotte L.; Álvarez-Sánchez, Thyria; Cabassa, Leopoldo J.


    We examined the role of acculturation, familism and Latina mother-daughter relations in suicide attempts by comparing 65 adolescents with recent suicide attempts and their mothers to 75 teens without any attempts and their mothers. Attempters and non-attempters were similar in acculturation and familistic attitudes but attempters report significantly less mutuality and communication with their mothers than non-attempters. Mothers of attempters reported lower mutuality and communication with t...

  19. The Caribbean and the Avant-Garde: Luciano Berio's Rhumba-Ramble


    Calzada, Orlando Manuel


    ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATIONThe Caribbean and the Avant-Garde:Luciano Berio’s Rhumba-RamblebyOrlando Manuel CalzadaDoctor of Philosophy in MusicUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2015Abstract With the establishment of the first Spanish settlement in Las Am?ricas called La Navidad – in what is today Dominican Republic – Cristobal Col?n established official domination of Europe over the newly discovered land. A new era of worldwide exchange started to reshape territories, societies, cultur...

  20. A Transmedia Storytelling Intervention With Interactive Elements to Benefit Latinas' Mental Health: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Efficacy. (United States)

    Heilemann, MarySue V; Soderlund, Patricia D; Kehoe, Priscilla; Brecht, Mary-Lynn


    Latinos report higher rates of depression and anxiety than US whites but are less likely to receive care. Transmedia storytelling interventions accessible on the Internet via smartphones, tablets, and computers hold promise for reducing reluctance to explore or get help for symptoms because they are private, convenient, and can reach large numbers of people, including Latinas with mental health needs. The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a mental health transmedia intervention for Latinas with elevated symptoms of depression, anxiety, or both. A total of 28 symptomatic English-speaking Latina women aged 21 to 48 years participated in a 6-week study using a within-group design. All aspects of the study were completed via telephone or Internet. Participants used their personal devices to engage the Web-based transmedia intervention (in English) that included story-based videos, a data-informed psychotherapeutic video, an interactive video sequence, and a blog written from the point of view of one of the characters with links to mental health resources. Perceived confidence to get help and perceived importance for seeking immediate help were both measured using single-item questions. Participants completed surveys at baseline (via telephone) and 1 and 6 weeks after media engagement that measured various factors, including depression (Patient Health Questionnaire; PHQ-9 and PHQ-8) and anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale; GAD-7). A telephone interview was conducted within 72 hours of media engagement. Action taken or intentions to get help (single-item question) and talking about the videos with others (single-item question) were measured 1 and 6 weeks after media engagement. Repeated measures analysis of variance was used to assess change in depression (PHQ-8) and anxiety (GAD-7) before transmedia engagement and 1 and 6 weeks after. Spearman correlations evaluated the association of confidence and

  1. STEMujeres: A case study of the life stories of first-generation Latina engineers and scientists (United States)

    Vielma, Karina I.

    Research points to the many obstacles that first-generation, Latina students face when attempting to enter fields in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, STEM. This qualitative, case study examined the personal and educational experiences of first-generation Latina women who successfully navigated the STEM educational pipeline earning bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in various fields of engineering. Three research questions guided the study: (1) How does a first-generation Latina engineer and scientist describe her life experiences as she became interested in STEM? (2) How does she describe her educational experiences as she navigated the educational pipeline in the physics, mathematics, and/or engineering field(s)? (3) How did she respond to challenges, obstacles and microaggressions, if any, while navigating the STEM educational pipeline? The study was designed using a combination of Critical Race Theory frameworks---Chicana feminist theory and racial microaggressions. Through a life history case study approach, the women shared their stories of success. With the participants' help, influential persons in their educational paths were identified and interviewed. Data were analyzed using crystallization and thematic results indicated that all women in this study identified their parents as planting the seed of interest through the introduction of mathematics. The women unknowingly prepared to enter the STEM fields by taking math and science coursework. They were guided to apply to STEM universities and academic programs by others who knew about their interest in math and science including teachers, counselors, and level-up peers---students close in age who were just a step more advanced in the educational pipeline. The women also drew from previous familial struggles to guide their perseverance and motivation toward educational degree completion. The lives of the women where complex and intersected with various forms of racism including

  2. LA PROTECCIÓN SOCIAL EN AMÉRICA LATINA: alguns puntos sobre los sistemas de pensiones

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    Pierre Salama


    Full Text Available Estudio sobre el sistema de protección social en América Latina, con destaque a los sistemas de pensiones. La protección social y las reformas de la Seguridad Social son contextualizadas en el ámbito de las transformaciones productivas, con destaque al proceso de globalización y a la financerización de la economía. Se destacan la intervención masiva y directa del Estado en la economía, en la protección social y su frágil participación en la gestión de la fuerza de trabajo, considerando las particularidades del Estado en América Latina, señalando, aún, la transformación de su papel. Para fundamentación, se utiliza el enfoque “derivacionista” a partir del centro y de la periferia, para destacar los límites de la intervención del Estado para a más de la función de acumulación y legitimación. Se atribuye relieve a la separación de la ciudadanía política de la ciudadanía social, con destaque al desarrollo de la democracia y el avanzo de la pobreza y de la precarización del trabajo.En ese contexto, son inscritas las reformas de la protección social en América Latina, marcadas por la reducción de la solidaridad vertical y horizontal, con fragmentación de las medidas de protección social e ineficiencia el Estado Social, concluyendo con una problematización sobre la relación salarial directa/salarial indirecta.

  3. CAPRELA (Cancer Prevention for Latinas): findings of a pilot study in Winston-Salem, Forsyth County. (United States)

    Koval, Alejandra E; Riganti, Alicia Alemán; Foley, Kristie Long


    To evaluate knowledge and attitudes that affect cervical and breast cancer screening among uninsured Hispanic women. Cross-sectional, descriptive study of uninsured Latino women in Forsyth County, North Carolina. A convenience sample of Hispanic women who immigrated to the United States within the last ten years, primarily from Mexico (N = 70). Two trained lay health advisors (promotoras) administered in-person, structured surveys to 70 women in the community. All interviews were conducted in Spanish. Additionally two focus groups were conducted in Spanish to elucidate cultural beliefs and barriers to cancer screening not otherwise captured in the standardized surveys. Quantitative data were analyzed using logistic regression analysis. Qualitative data were transcribed and analyzed using a multi-step framework approach to identify and validate themes. Of 70 women, 42 (60%) reported a Pap smear within the last year; 26 (37%) reported two exams within the past three years. Among women aged 40 and older, 10 of 18 (56%) reported ever having a mammogram. Being married (OR = 4.05, CI 1.07-15.25) and having the same healthcare provider (OR 5.64, CI 1.04-30.56) predicted better Pap smear screening in multivariate analyses. Limited knowledge about breast cancer and needing an interpreter to communicate reduced the likelihood that women received a mammogram. Qualitative results indicated that women had poor prior experiences with Pap smears, held several misconceptions about cancer etiology and risk factors, and expressed distinct gender roles for Latina women and men that may affect healthcare utilization. Screening rates for cervical and breast cancer are low among uninsured Latina women. Therefore, community and clinic-based interventions are needed to improve underutilization of and satisfaction with cancer screening practices among uninsured Latina women.


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    Manuel W. Mallardi


    Full Text Available El presente artículo socializa resultados de investigación sobre las tendencias en las políticas sociales en América Latina, haciendo especial referencia a las consideraciones que éstas tienen en torno a la familia y las relaciones sociales que en su interior se desarrollan. Para ello, el trabajo sintetiza el análisis de los principales mecanismos que adquiere la intervención contemporánea sobre la “cuestión social” en los Programas de Transferencia de Renta Condicionada: la corresponsabilidad, la familiarización y la maternalización de la política social. El análisis se centra en la revisión de producciones y documentos emanados de organismos internacionales cuyas posturas presentan relevancia e influencia en materia de política social en América Latina: la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL y el Banco Mundial. Ambos organismos presentan una fructífera producción sobre los Programas de Transferencia de Renta Condicionada, como así también mecanismos de incidencia en las agendas nacionales, lo cual otorga relevancia al análisis de los mencionados documentos.

  5. Latina Mothers' and Daughters' Expectations for Autonomy at Age 15 (La Quinceañera) (United States)

    Romo, Laura F.; Mireles-Rios, Rebeca; Lopez-Tello, Gisselle


    American children gain more autonomy as they progress through adolescence, however, autonomy-granting for Latina adolescent girls from immigrant families is a relatively unexplored question. In this study, we identified behaviors that Mexican mothers and their daughters deemed to be appropriate when they reach the age of "La…

  6. Familism, parent-adolescent conflict, self-esteem, internalizing behaviors and suicide attempts among adolescent Latinas. (United States)

    Kuhlberg, Jill A; Peña, Juan B; Zayas, Luis H


    Adolescent Latinas continue to report higher levels of suicide attempts than their African-American and White peers. The phenomenon is still not understood and is theorized to be the result of the confluence of many cultural, familial, and individual level factors. In Latino cultures, belief in the importance of the family, the value known as familism, appears to protect youth's emotional and behavioral health, but parent-adolescent conflict has been found to be a risk factor for suicide attempts. The role of familism in relation to parent-adolescent conflict, self-esteem, internalizing behaviors, and suicide attempts has not been studied extensively. To address this question, we interviewed 226 adolescent Latinas, 50% of whom had histories of suicide attempts. Using path analysis, familism as a cultural asset was associated with lower levels of parent-adolescent conflict, but higher levels of internalizing behaviors, while self-esteem and internalizing behaviors mediated the relationship between parent-adolescent conflict and suicide attempts. Our findings point to the importance of family involvement in culturally competent suicide prevention and intervention programs. Reducing parent-daughter conflict and fostering closer family ties has the added effect of improving self-esteem and shrinking the likelihood of suicide attempts.


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    Sergio Cristancho


    Full Text Available El aumento de la población Latina rural en EEUU representa un reto para la provisión de servicios de salud mental adecuados. B arreras de acceso como el aislamiento geográfico , limitaciones en el transporte público , escasez de proveedores /as de servicios y su limitada competencia cultural son particularmente marcadas . La psicología comunitaria puede hacer contribuciones significat ivas para resolver este grave problema de salud pública. En este artículo , nos basamos en nuestra experiencia investigativa y de extensión con inmigrantes Latinos y Latinas en áreas rurales de la región centr o - occidental de los EEUU para ilustrar percepcio nes sobre su situación de salud mental y su necesidad de servicios. También hacemos recomendaciones acerca de los cambios necesarios para aumentar la capacidad técnica de provisión de servicios en salud mental que respondan a las necesidades de esta poblac ión. Esto incluye el desarrollo de nuevos programas para responder a las prioridades comunitarias, el entrenamiento de promotores de salud o enlaces comunitarios para facilitar el acceso y la navegación en el sistema de salud, y realizar abogacía.

  8. Pathways to Achievement: Career and Educational Aspirations and Expectations of Latina/o Immigrant Parents and Early Adolescents (United States)

    Chavira, Gabriela; Cooper, Catherine R.; Vasquez-Salgado, Yolanda


    Drawing on sociocultural and related theories, 4 questions examined career and educational aspirations and expectations among 24 immigrant Latina/o early adolescents and their parents as predictors of students' grades. First, adolescents' career aspirations and expectations were correlated, and both parents and adolescents held educational…

  9. AESA 2012 Presidential Address "What My Community Means to Me": Reimagining Civic Praxis with Latina/Chicana Feminisms (United States)

    Villenas, Sofia A.


    This article invites imaginings of democracy and education with and through "other" knowledges. It argues for the possibilities of working across difference as articulated in the transnational, border, and decolonial perspectives of Chicana/Latina feminisms. Specifically, it explores Gloria Anzaldúa's notions of…

  10. Countering Deficit Thinking: Agency, Capabilities and the Early Learning Experiences of Children of Latina/o Immigrants (United States)

    Colegrove, Kiyomi Sánchez-Suzuki; Adair, Jennifer Keys


    This article documents what happened in a first grade classroom when young Latina/o children of immigrants had consistent classroom-based opportunities to use their agency in their learning. Applying theoretical constructs from development economics to data from the Agency and Young Children ethnographic project, we explore three forms of agency…

  11. Barriers to Breast Cancer Screening among Latinas in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region (United States)


    Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202- 4302...have the disease.3,5 Latina perceptions of heredity and vulnerability have operated within a framework of uneven and delayed screening encompassing...levels of awareness of these tests across racial and ethnic groups. According to the 2000 National Health Interview Survey ( NHIS ), 49.9% of non-Hispanic

  12. Desigualdades sociais em saúde e na utilização dos serviços de saúde entre os idosos na América Latina Social inequality in health and the utilization of health services among the elderly in Latin America

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    Kenya Valéria Micaela de Souza Noronha


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar se existe desigualdade social em saúde e na utilização dos serviços de saúde entre os idosos de Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Santiago, Havana, Cidade do México e Montevidéu. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados do Projeto Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento na América Latina e Caribe (SABE. Para verificar a presença de desigualdade social em saúde, utilizou-se o modelo probit ordenado, tendo como variáveis dependentes os seguintes indicadores do estado de saúde: atividades de vida diária, atividades instrumentais de vida diária, mobilidade física e estado de saúde auto-avaliado. Para mensurar a desigualdade social na utilização dos serviços de saúde, duas especificações foram testadas: uma para os serviços médicos ambulatoriais (se consultou o médico e quantas vezes consultou e outra para os serviços de internação hospitalar (se foi internado. Para os cuidados ambulatoriais, estimamos o modelo hurdle binomial negativo, e para os serviços de internação hospitalar, utilizamos um modelo logit. RESULTADOS: Os principais resultados sugerem a presença de desigualdade social em saúde em todas as cidades, favorável aos grupos socioeconômicos privilegiados. Essa diferença foi menor em Havana, Buenos Aires e Montevidéu e mais acentuada em São Paulo e na Cidade do México. Quanto à utilização dos serviços de saúde, detectamos a presença de desigualdade no uso de serviços ambulatoriais em Santiago, na Cidade do México e em São Paulo. Em Santiago e na Cidade do México, quanto maior o nível educacional, maior o número esperado de consultas. Em São Paulo, o oposto foi observado. Para os serviços de internação hospitalar, a presença de desigualdade foi detectada apenas em São Paulo, favorecendo os grupos mais escolarizados. CONCLUSÃO: Os presentes resultados refletem, em certa medida, as características socioeconômicas e demográficas dos países de cada cidade estudada. As cidades dos pa

  13. Tratta internazionale e sfruttamento lavorativo della comunità punjabi in provincia di Latina

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    Marco Omizzolo


    Full Text Available L'articolo analizza, a partire dai sistemi di tratta internazionale a scopo di sfruttamento lavorativo e caporalato, il caso, originale quanto complesso, della comunità punjabi della provincia di Latina. Uomini e sempre più spesso anche donne costrette a vivere condizioni prossime alla riduzione in schiavitù per via di una consorteria criminale punjabi-pontina composta da trafficanti indiani, caporali, alcuni proprietari di aziende agricole pontine e liberi professionisti.

  14. Latina and European American Girls’ Experiences with Academic Sexism and their Self-Concepts in Mathematics and Science During Adolescence (United States)

    Leaper, Campbell


    The study investigated Latina and European American adolescent girls’ (N = 345, M = 15.2 years, range = 13 to 18) experiences with academic sexism in mathematics and science (M/S) and their M/S perceived competence and M/S value (liking and importance). M/S academic sexism was based on girls’ reported experiences hearing sexist comments about girls’ abilities in math and science. Older European American adolescents, and both younger and older Latina adolescents, who experienced several instances of academic sexism felt less competent in M/S than girls who experienced less sexism (controlling for M/S grades). In addition, among older girls (regardless of ethnicity), those who experienced several instances of academic sexism valued M/S less than girls who experienced less sexism. PMID:21212810





    El proyecto Fondef D07I1048 consistió en diseñar una metodología para el conocimiento y la toma de decisiones de actores sociales relevantes sobre América Latina. La aplicación de esta metodologia es de utilidad para ejecutivos y empresarios, que tienen interés en invertir (IED) en países de América Latina en el largo plazo, como así mismo a otros tomadores de decisión. Esta metodología creada está compuesta por un estudio de antecedentes cualitativos y cuantitativos que se constr...

  16. Ya no estás más a mi lado, corazón: estética Camp en América Latina


    Hueso Fibla, Silvia


    Esta tesis doctoral consta de tres capítulos cuyo recorrido pretende ilustrar que la puerta de entrada a la Estética Camp pasa por una mirada diferente sobre los productos culturales de masas y que su puerta de salida en América Latina atraviesa la Estética Neobarroca; por tanto, el Camp resulta tanto física como conceptualmente central en el trabajo. Se inserta el análisis de tres novelas y una obra teatral para mostrar cuáles son los mecanismos que el Camp adopta en América Latina: Tengo mi...

  17. Sistemas de justicia electoral en América Latina y estándares interamericanos sobre perspectiva de género

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    J. Jesús Orozco Henríquez


    Full Text Available Proporciona un panorama sobre los sistemas de justicia electoral en América Latina y expone algunos de los principales estándares interamericanos sobre el respeto y la protección de los derechos políticos con perspectiva de género. La instauración, estructura y competencia de este tipo de tribunales electorales se ha traducido en un factor importante para los procesos de transición y consolidación democrática en varios de los países de la región, pudiéndose considerar como una de las aportaciones más importantes de América Latina a la ciencia política y al derecho electoral.



    Domech González, Armando Antonio


     En el presente trabajo se aborda de manera sucinta, el estado de la cartografía aplicada a los estudios medioambientales en América Latina, con énfasis en lo que  deberá constituirse, en opinión del autor, en un nuevo paradigma en los estudios geográficos y medioambientales: la Cartografía Geográfica.La situación de América Latina en este nuevo siglo continúa las sombrías proyecciones emitidas a finales del siglo XX: Un crecimiento de la población por encima de la media mundial, cuyo número ...

  19. La América Latina y la economía mundial en el largo siglo XX.

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    José Antonio Ocampo


    Full Text Available Este ensayo presenta las principales tendencias del desarrollo latinoamerica - no y sus re la cio nes con la eco no mía mun dial des de 1870. Con si de ra la de pen - dencia regional de las materias primas, su estrategia de industrialización, la incidencia de la inestabilidad de los flujos de capital y la política macroeconó mica como los factores fundamentales que ayudaron a moldear los rasgos centrales del desarrollo de la América Latina durante ese “largo siglo XX”. Explora también el papel que tuvieron los choques internacionales frente al pa pel de las ideas y las po lí ti cas en las dos tran si cio nes prin ci pa les que se ex - pe ri men ta ron du ran te el si glo. El aná li sis se di vi de en tres fa ses: la “era de las ex por ta cio nes”, en tre los de ce nios de 1870-1880 y los años 1920; la fase de “industrialización dirigida por el Estado” entre los decenios de 1930 y 1970, y el pe rio do más re cien te, al que se de no mi na como “el or den neo li be ral”.

  20. Urban Latina/o Undergraduate Students' Negotiations of Identities and Participation in an Emerging Scholars Calculus I Workshop (United States)

    Oppland-Cordell, Sarah B.


    In this article, the author presents a qualitative multiple case study that explored how two urban Latina/o undergraduate students' emerging mathematical and racial identity constructions influenced their participation in a culturally diverse, Emerging Scholars Program, Calculus I workshop at a predominately White urban university. Drawing on…