
Sample records for modeling guru code


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    Bambang Budi Wiyono


    Full Text Available Abstract: A Grand Design Model of Teacher Professional Education Based on Teacher's Perfor­mace Determinant. One of the crucial factors that determines the quality of education is teachers. Thus, developing teachers' professionalism in carrying out their work is essential. This study aims at developing a grand design model of teacher professional education based on determinant factors of teachers' performance. It is a research and development study (R&D, in which data were collected through questionnaires, observations, and interviews, and analyzed using descriptive statistics, correla­tion analysis, and qualitative data analysis. The sample consists of 90 teachers and 28 headmasters selected using quota random sampling. The findings of the study show that the effective model of teacher pro­fessional education is the one conducted through five steps, namely, needs analysis, development of training and supervision programs, implementation of the programs, evaluation of the programs, and follow-ups of the programs. The development of the programs requires coordination among related in­stitutions. The implementation needs to refer to the right principles, approach, and training techniques and be supported by good facilities, media, trainers, and training places. Keywords: training model, teachers' professionalism, teachers' performance Abstrak: Grand Design Model Pembinaan Profesional Guru Berbasis Determinan Kinerja Guru. Salah satu faktor yang sangat menentukan mutu pendidikan adalah guru. Untuk itu diperlukan pening­katan profesionalisme guru dalam melaksanakan tugas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan grand design model pembinaan profesional guru yang efektif berbasis faktor-faktor determinan kinerja guru. Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian pengembangan. Sampel diambil sebesar 90 guru dan 28 kepala sekolah dengan quota random sampling. Data dikumpulan data kuesioner, observasi, dan wawancara. Hasil pengumpulan data dianalisis


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    Adi Atmoko


    Full Text Available Abstract: A Model of Teachers' Responses to Students' Behavior in Teaching and Learning. This study examined the influences of factors suggested in the theoretical model of teachers' manners regarding students' behavior in teaching-learning processes. it involved 180 primary school teachers in the Municipality of Malang. Multistage cluster technique was employed for the selection of the sample. The data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling. The results indicate that structural model has some empirical supports, which suggests that educational perspectives bear impacts on the teachers' appraisal of the students' behavior in learning. The teachers' appraisal and emotional beliefs have some influences on their emotional stability, and, in turn, the emotional stability bears effects on the quality of their educative manners. Abstrak: Model Tindakan Guru Menanggapi Perilaku Siswa dalam Pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh antar faktor dalam model teoretik tindakan guru dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan rancangan causal relationship-explanation terhadap 180 guru SD di kota Ma­lang yang diambil dengan teknik multistage cluster. Data dianalisis dengan Structural Equation Modeling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model struktural telah layak dan memperoleh dukungan empiris. Artinya, wawasan kependidikan mempengaruhi anggitan guru terhadap perilaku siswa. Anggitan dan keyakinan emosi guru mempengaruhi stabilitas emosi guru, dan stabilitas emosi mempengaruhi kualitas tindakan guru.


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    Sahraini Sahraini


    Full Text Available Studi ini bertujuan untuk: (1 mengembangkan model evaluasi kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris SMA yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kelebihan dan kekurangan guru dalam proses pemelajaran dan (2 mengetahui efektivitas implementasi evaluasi internal kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris SMA. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang dikembangkan oleh Borg & Gall (1983, p.775. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 17 guru yang berasal dari 7 SMA di Sulawesi Selatan. Konstruk instrumen terdiri atas instrumen untuk mengevaluasi kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris dalam merencanakan pemelajaran, instrumen untuk mengevaluasi kompetensi guru dalam melaksanaan proses pemelajaran, dan instrumen untuk mengevaluai kompetensi guru dalam mengevaluasi hasil proses pemelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat efektivitas Model Evaluasi Internal Kompetensi Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA, model ini kemudian dievaluasi oleh teman sejawat guru bahasa Inggris dan guru bahasa Inggris itu sendiri. Mereka menyimpulkan bahwa komponen dari model tersebut adalah komprehensip, praktis, ekonomis, dan telah didukung oleh instrumen yang valid dan reliabel. Kata kunci: evaluasi internal, model evaluasi, kompetensi guru   INTERNAL EVALUATION MODEL OF ENGLISH TEACHERS’ COMPETENCY (IEMET FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Abstract High School that can be used to identify the teacher’s strengths and weaknesses in learning and teaching processes and (2 find out the implementation effectiveness of the Internal Evaluation Model of English Teachers’ Competency for Senior High School. This study used research & development methods by following the pattern of phases developed by Borg & Gall (1983, p.775.  The subjects of this study were seventeen English teachers from seven Senior High Schools in South Sulawesi. The constructs of instruments consist of the



    Sahraini Sahraini; Suwarsih Madya


    Studi ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan model evaluasi kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris SMA yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kelebihan dan kekurangan guru dalam proses pemelajaran dan (2) mengetahui efektivitas implementasi evaluasi internal kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris SMA. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang dikembangkan oleh Borg & Gall (1983, p.775). Subjek penelitian berjumlah 17 guru yang berasal dari 7 SMA di Sulawesi Selatan. Konstruk instrume...

  5. Modeling Guru: Knowledge Base for NASA Modelers (United States)

    Seablom, M. S.; Wojcik, G. S.; van Aartsen, B. H.


    Modeling Guru is an on-line knowledge-sharing resource for anyone involved with or interested in NASA's scientific models or High End Computing (HEC) systems. Developed and maintained by the NASA's Software Integration and Visualization Office (SIVO) and the NASA Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS), Modeling Guru's combined forums and knowledge base for research and collaboration is becoming a repository for the accumulated expertise of NASA's scientific modeling and HEC communities. All NASA modelers and associates are encouraged to participate and provide knowledge about the models and systems so that other users may benefit from their experience. Modeling Guru is divided into a hierarchy of communities, each with its own set forums and knowledge base documents. Current modeling communities include those for space science, land and atmospheric dynamics, atmospheric chemistry, and oceanography. In addition, there are communities focused on NCCS systems, HEC tools and libraries, and programming and scripting languages. Anyone may view most of the content on Modeling Guru (available at, but you must log in to post messages and subscribe to community postings. The site offers a full range of "Web 2.0" features, including discussion forums, "wiki" document generation, document uploading, RSS feeds, search tools, blogs, email notification, and "breadcrumb" links. A discussion (a.k.a. forum "thread") is used to post comments, solicit feedback, or ask questions. If marked as a question, SIVO will monitor the thread, and normally respond within a day. Discussions can include embedded images, tables, and formatting through the use of the Rich Text Editor. Also, the user can add "Tags" to their thread to facilitate later searches. The "knowledge base" is comprised of documents that are used to capture and share expertise with others. The default "wiki" document lets users edit within the browser so others can easily collaborate on the


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    Tarsisia Devi


    Full Text Available Artikel ini ditulis dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui peran guru dalam pembentukkan arif budaya siswa melalui model pembelajaran Think Pair Share. Model pembelajaran Think Pair Share diterapkan untuk meningkatkan daya pikir siswa dalam memecahkan suatu persoalan materi pelajaran, sehingga tercipta budaya siswa untuk berpikir cerdas. Guru mampu membentuk arif budaya siswa. Oleh karena itu guru harus dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi siswa, mampu mengerakkan minat siswa untuk dapat tercipta arif budaya yang baik bagi dirinya. Guru tidak hanya menjadi pendidik, numun juga harus mampu membangkitkan semangat siswa untuk tidak malas berpikir. Metode kajian yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah observasi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa guru dituntut sebagai transformator, fasilitator dan motivator dalam pembentukkan arif budaya siswa.


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    Fauziyah Indahyani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat pengetahuan guru sekolah dasar tentang bullying di kecamatan Sokaraja, Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan tes pengetahuan, subjek penelitiannya adalah guru sekolah dasar di Sokaraja, Kabupaten Banyumas. Teknik pengambilan sampel data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah clustered sampling. Jumlah populasi penelitian adalah 403 guru dari sekolah dasar di kecamatan Sokaraja, Kabupaten Banyumas. 40% di antaranya diambil sebagai sampel, sehingga sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 130 guru sekolah dasar dari kecamatan Sokaraja, Banyumas kabupaten Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan guru tentang bullying rata-rata, hal ini ditunjukkan dalam analisis yang menunjukkan bahwa 130 guru sekolah dasar, 92 di antaranya 70,77% kategori rata-rata dalam mengetahui bullying verbal (70,77%. Sedangkan untuk pengetahuan bullying fisik, dari 130 guru, 91 guru atau 70,00% dikategorikan ke tingkat rata-rata. Kemudian, dari 130 guru sekolah dasar, 70,00% dikategorikan ke dalam pengetahuan rata-rata yang berhubungan dengan pengetahuan mental. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan tentang Bullying, Guru Sekolah Dasar

  8. Kepribadian Guru PAI dan Tantangan Globalisasi

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    Susanna Susanna


    Full Text Available Education is the process of changing attitudes and code of conduct of a person or group of people within the framework of human mature through teaching and training efforts. Behavior is a very important factor in the success of a teacher as an agent in learning. Teacher's personality will determine whether he be a good educator and mentor for the students. The phenomenon shows that globalization, especially those that are negative, if not careful will destroy the young generation with deviant behaviors. Abstrak Pendidikan merupakan proses pengubahan sikap dan tata laku seseorang atau kelompok orang dalam usaha mendewasakan manusia melalui upaya pengajaran dan latihan. Kepribadian merupakan faktor yang sangat penting dalam kesuksesan seorang guru sebagai agen dalam pembelajaran. Kepribadian seorang guru akan menentukan apakah ia menjadi pendidik dan pembina yang baik bagi anak didiknya. Fenomena menunjukan bahwa arus globalisasi, terutama yang bersifat negative, bila tidak hati-hati akan menghancurkan generasi muda dengan perilaku-perilaku yang menyimpang. Kata Kunci: Kepribadian Guru PAI dan Globalisasi


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    Septian Fuji Yama


    Full Text Available Kurikulum 2013 merupakan kurikulum yang saat ini diterapkan di Indonesia. Kurikulum 2013 membawa perubahan mendasar pada guru dalam pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu guru dituntut untuk menyiapkan dirinya dalam melaksanakan kurikulum 2013. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan guru, kompetensi guru, dan pemanfaatan sarana prasarana terhadap kesiapan guru prodi bisnis manajemen dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 di SMK N 1 Purbalingga. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah guru prodi bisnis manajemen di SMK N 1 Purbalingga Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015 yaitu guru program pendidikan akuntansi, administrasi perkantoran, dan pemasaran berjumlah 24 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu sampel jenuh. Metode yang digunakan dalam dalam pengambilan data adalah angket. Data variabel dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif persentase dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini secara statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh secara simultan dan parsial pelatihan guru, kompetensi guru, dan pemanfaatan sarana prasarana terhadap kesiapan guru prodi bisnis manajemen dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 di SMK N 1 Purbalingga. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah guru harus berupaya menambah wawasan mengenai kurikulum 2013 dan guru lebih mengembangkan kompetensi kepribadiannya serta guru harus mempersiapkan dirinya untuk memahami pemanfaatan sumber belajar. Curriculum 2013 is the curriculum applied in Indonesia recently. It brings fundamental changes in teachers’ teaching and learning. Thus, teachers are required to prepare themselves in implementing curriculum 2013. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is influence of teacher training, teacher competence, and infrastructure towards manajement business department teacher’s readiness in curriculum 2013 implementation in SMK N 1 Purbalingga. The population of this study was manajement business department teachers in


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    Donny Toisuta


    Full Text Available Masalah penelitian dirumuskan: (1 Adakah hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kepuasan kerja dengan kebahagiaan guru pendidikan agama sekolah menengah di kota Ambon? (2 Adakah hubungan yang negatif signifikan antara stresguru dengan kebahagiaan guru pendidikan agama sekolah menengah di kota Ambon? Subjek penelitian berjumlah 117 orang guru agama sekolah menengah dari 5 kecamatan di kota Ambon. Keba-hagiaan diukur dengan Authentic Happiness Inventory (AHI dari Seligman, Kepuasan Kerja guru diukur dengan Teacher Job satisfaction Questionnaire dari Lester dan Stres Guru diukur dengan Angket Stres Guru yang dikem-bangkan oleh Kyriacou. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 Ada hubungan positif signifikan antara kepuasan kerja  dengan kebahagiaan guru pendidikan agama sekolah menengah di kota Ambon  dengan p = 0,014 0,05.


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    Supriyo .


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan model motivasi kerja guru SMP Negeri yang sesuai. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 322 orang guru SMP Negeri di Kota Semarang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala numerikal. Analisis data melalui SEM dengan perangkat LISREL. Hasil penelitian model motivasi kerja guru SMP Negeri adalah fit. Secara keseluruhan, kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, kondisi lingkungan kerja, pelatihan, kompetensi, dan kepuasan kerja, pengaruhnya tinggi terhadap motivasi kerja guru (86%. Untuk meningkatkan motivasi kerja guru SMP Negeri hendaknya kepala sekolah dan pengawas memberdayakan guru secara optimal, menjadikan lingkungan kerja kondusif, merancang program pelatihan yang terarah. Dalam pengangkatan kepala SMPN, Dinas Pendidikan hendaknya memperhatikan kemampuan menejerial para calon. Kata Kunci: motivasi kerja, guru SMP STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS’ WORK MOTIVATION IN SEMARANG MUNICIPALITY Abstract: This study was aimed to find a fit model of State Junior High School Teachers’ work motivation. The sample consisted of 322 state junior high school teachers in Semarang municipality. The instrument used was in the form of a numerical scale. The data were analyzed through the SEM utilizing the LISREL program. The findings showed that the model was fit. As a whole, the school principal leadership, the work environment condition, training, competence, and work satisfaction had a high influence on the teachers’ work motivation (86%. To improve the teachers’ work motivation, it is suggested that the school principal and the supervisor empower the teachers optimally, create conducive work environment, and design a focused training program. In recruiting the school pricipal, the Local Office of Education should take into account the candidates’ managerial skill. Keywords: work motivation, junior high school teachers

  12. Pengaruh Persepsi Tentang Sertifikasi Guru, Strategi Penyelesaian Konflik, dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Guru SMKN


    Atmadji Sutikno, Tri


    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi tentang sertifikasi guru, strategi penyelesaian konflik, motivasi kerja, terhadap produktivitas kerja. Populasi penelitian adalah guru-guru SMKN Malang Raya sedangkan sampel (278 guru) diambil secara acak. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif dan korelasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) persepsi tentang sertifikasi guru, strategi penyelesaian konflik, motivasi kerja dalam kategori tinggi, dan produktivitas...


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    Wiyaka, .


    Full Text Available Abstrak Berdasarkan PP No.1 tahun 2010 tentang Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan disebutkan bahwa guru wajib melakukan pengembangan profesinya. Diantaranya adalah dengan melakukan karya tulis ilmiah dan publikasi ilmiah.Selanjutnya berdasarkan peraturan tersebut juga disebutkan bahwa untuk kenaikan pangkat seorang guru dari Golongan III b ke berikutnya seorang guru harus memiliki kredit poin yang berhubungan dengan pengembangan diri dan karya tulis ilmiah. Salah satu upaya melakukan penelitian yang berkenaan dengan pembelajaran di kelas adalah dengan melakukan PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Di kota Semarang terdapat 89 SMK negeri dan swasta.Pada kenyataaannya. sebagian besar guru masih mengalami kesulitan untuk melakukan PTK?é?á yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengetahuan yang mendasar?é?á tentang PTK. Sedangkan permasalahan lain adalah?é?á pemahaman guru dan sekolah terhadap penelitian yang masih bervariasi sehingga mempengaruhi dalam penerapannya di lapangan. Terlebih untuk bidang studi bahasa Inggris di SMK, sebagian besar guru masih merasa kesulitan dalam melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas yang berkaitan dengan bidang studi yang diampunya. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut di atas,maka dipandang perlu adanya penataran, pelatihan, pembimbingan, dan pendampingan tentang PTK. Oleh karena itu, tim Pengabdian pada Masyarakat IKIP PGRI Semarang berencana membatu para guru dalam melaksanakan PTK di lapangan. Keluaran yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah berupa laporan pelaksanaan PTK serta artikel ilmiah yang siap dipublikasikan dalam jurnal penelitian. ?é?á Kata kunci: PTK, guru bahasa Inggris SMK, workshop ?é?á ?é?á Abstract Based on Government Regulation No. 1 of 2010 on Sustainable professional development mentioned that teachers are required to perform their professional development . Among them is to conduct the scientific papers and publications. Then, based on that regulation is also mentioned that for the promotion of a


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    Suroso Mukti Leksono


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penguasaan konsep konservasi biodiversitas guru biologi dan cara mengajarkannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan angket pada 31 guru SMA/MA di Kota/Kab Serang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 52% guru telah memahami konsep biodiversitas, namun hanya 3% yang memahami konsep konservasi. Model yang digunakan guru dalam mengajarkan konservasi biodiversitas, 58% menggunakan observasi, 45% diskusi, 23% ceramah dan 16% tanya jawab. Untuk tingkat kesukaran, 87% guru beranggapan mudah memahami materi konservasi biodiversitas dan 81% beranggapan mudah mengajarkannya dibandingkan dengan materi IPA lainnya. Guru-guru selama ini hanya 6% saja yang memperoleh pengetahuan tentang konservasi biodiversitas pada saat pelatihan. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan pelatihan-pelatihan melalui Continuing Professional Development (CPD. Kata Kunci: guru profesional, konservasi biodiversitas, continuing professional development (CPD BIOLOGY TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL ABILITY IN UNDERSTANDING AND DESIGNING INSTRUCTION ON BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN SMA Abstract: The purpose of this study was to gain the knowledge about biology teachers’ concept mastery on biodiversity conservation as well as how to teach it. This study used descriptive methods with the questionnaires to 31 respondents of SMA/MA in Kota/KabSerang. The research result showed that 52% respondents had mastered the biodiversity concept. However, only 3% of respondents had fully mastered biodiversity conservation. In addition, for the teaching methods 58% respondents used observation, 45% respondents used discussion, 23% respondents used lecturing and 16% respondents used an interactive method. Moreover, for the difficulty level, 87% of respondents argued that it was easy to master the biodiversity conservation materials and 81% said that it was easier to teach the concept than other concepts. Only 6% of the teachers had gained


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    - Husin


    Full Text Available Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah seberapa besar pengaruh kepemimpinan dan komunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XII jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran yang terdiri dari 77 siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang positif pada kepemimpinan guru dan komunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Dalam upaya meningkatkan motivasi belajar siwa hendaknya kepemimpinan guru diterapkan pada siswa sehingga guru dapat membimbing dan mendorong siswa untuk lebih giat belajar, guru diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasinya agar pada saat penyampaian materi dapat diterima siwa dengan baik. Kata Kunci : Motivasi Belajar, Kepemimpinan Guru, Komunikasi Guru


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    Adeng Slamet


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan model perkuliahan fisiologi hewan yang diharapkan mampu membekali kemampuan rekonstruksi konsep bagi mahasiswa calon guru biologi. Strategi perkuliahan ditempuh melalui implementasi model tutorial berbasis komputer. Sebanyak 80 orang mahasiswa S1 calon guru biologi dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok, 41 mahasiswa mengikuti perkuliahan model tutorial komputer, dan 39 mahasiswa mengikuti perkuliahan konvensional. Kemampuan rekonstruksi konsep diukur dengan membandingkan skor sebelum pembelajaran (pretes dengan setelah implementasi model (postes di antara kedua kelompok belajar. Selain itu, untuk mengungkap pandangan mahasiswa mengenai pengalaman belajarnya, seperangkat angket disebarkan kepada mahasiswa yang mengikuti model perkuliahan.  Efektivitas program perkuliahan dievaluasi dengan tes tertulis bentuk respon terbatas pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti program perkuliahan model tutorial komputer dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa dari kelompok konvensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan terjadi peningkatan  kemampuan rekonstruksi konsep pada kedua kelompok belajar, namun mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan model tutorial berbasis komputer menunjukkan peningkatan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok mahasiswa peserta perkuliahan konvensional. Mahasiswa menanggapi positif implementasi model tutorial berbasis komputer dalam perkuliahan fisiologi hewan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model tutorial berbasis komputer pada penelitian ini dinyatakan lebih efektif dan mampu  membekali mahasiwa calon guru biologi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan  rekonstruksi konsep.


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    Sheilla Az Zahra


    Full Text Available Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini antara lain : (1 Perencanaan pembelajaran PBL oleh guru Ekonomi (2 Pelaksanaan pembelajaran PBL oleh guru Ekonomi di SMAN 1 Sliyeg (3 Evaluasi pembelajaran PBL oleh guru Ekonomi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Sliyeg Kabupaten Indramayu. Alat analisis data adalah analisis interaksi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Informan utama adalah guru mata pelajaran Ekonomi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini meliputi : pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru mata pelajaran Ekonomi di SMAN 1 Sliyeg selalu membuat perangkat pembelajaran di awal semester dan selalu menyusun dan mempersiapkan RPP sebelum mengajar. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran PBL oleh guru Ekonomi sudah cukup baik dan guru pun cukup memahami mengenai PBL dan mendapat respon positif dari siswa. Evaluasi dan penilaian dari guru Ekonomi masing-masing mempunyai cara yang berbeda, seperti quiz dan tanya jawab, lalu guru memberi nilai tambahan kepada siswa yang aktif dalam menjawab. Saran yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah guru sebaiknya meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai pembelajaran PBL. Guru harus lebih berwawasan luas, meningkatkan kretivitas dan inovatif dalam pelaksanaan PBL. Guru harus memperluas wawasan dan lebih kreatif lagi dalam mengembangkan cara evaluasi pada akhir pembelajaran. One of these models is the learning of model PBL (Problem Based Learning. It is expected that a better model of PBL to increase student activity when compared with the model konvesional.So far this learning process is still dominated by a paradigm that states that a knowledge of the facts is to be memorized. Problems in this study include: (1 Planning of PBL learning by teachers of Economics (2 The implementation of PBL learning by Economics teacher at SMAN 1

  18. English Math For Kindergarten Bagi Guru-Guru Paud Nurul Ilmi Di Kecamatan Tembalang Semarang

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    Ririn Ambarini


    Full Text Available Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang akan di transfer kepada guru-guru PAUD Nurul Ilmi?é?á ?é?áSemarang adalah pelatihan bagaimana menerapkan pembelajaran English for Math untuk anak usia dini dan dengan materi Mathematics: What your Child Wil be Workig on in Kindergarten, Pembelajaran Matematika untuk Anak Usia Dini, Pembelajaran Bilingual untuk Anak Usia Dini, dan English Math for Early Childhood Education. Dengan adanya IbM English Math for Kindergarten Students?é?á?é?á sebagai game edukasi sekaligus?é?á ?é?áteaching aids maka diharapkan akan memberikan kontribusi bagi guru-guru PAUD untuk lebih mengembangkan ide-ide kreatif dalam mengajar sehingga suasana pembelajaran lebih menyenangkan selain juga memupuk kreatifitas dan mengembangkan potensi serta semangat belajar anak usia dini. ?é?á Kata kunci: English for Math, Pembelajaran, Anak Usia Dini.



    Nursalim Nursalim


    Abstrak: Guru harus memiliki empat kompetensi dasar yaitu; kompetensi pedagogik, kom­petensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial dan kompetensi profesional. Kompetensi profesional guru Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah yaitu: 1) Menguasai materi, struktur, konsep, dan pola pikir keilmuan yang mendukung mata pelajaran yang diampu, 2) menguasai standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar mata pelajaran/bidang pengembangan yang diampu, 3) mengembangkan materi membelajaran yang diampu secara kreatif, ...


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    Harif Amali Rivai


    Full Text Available AbstractThe current research examines fit model of relationships among antecedents of organizational commitment (i.e. perceived organizational support, participative leadership style, psychological empowerment and its impact on job performance of teachers. A theoretical model was estimated using senior high school teachers in Padang. Anonym questionnaires were distributed to maintain confidentiality of the respondents. Two hundred eighty two respondents voluntarily participated and included into statistical analysis. The results of testing model using AMOS 16 found that parti¬cipative leadership style and perceived organizational support have significant effect on organiza¬tional commitment of the teachers. Organizational commitment also demonstrated significant im¬pact on job performance of teachers. Meanwhile, psychological empowerment did not significantly influence on organizational commitment. This study provides insight to help police makers how to improve tearchers’ performance. Implication of the research was also discussed in this study.Key words:Perceived organizational support, participative leadership, psychologival empower¬ment, organizational commitment, job performance.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji ketepatan model yang menjelaskan anteseden komitmen organisasional (persepsi atas dukungan organisasional, gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif, pemberdayaan psikologis dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja tugas guru. Model teoritis penelitian diestimasi dengan menggunakan sampel dari guru-guru yang mengajar pada Sekolah Menengah Atas di kota Padang. Kuesioner tanpa nama (anonym didistribusikan untuk menjaga kerahasiaan responden. Sebanyak 282 responden dianalisis dalam penelitian ini. Hasil pengujian dengan menggunakan aplikasi AMOS 16.0. menemukan bahwa model teoritikal dapat memenuhi kriteria goodness of fit model. Hasil penelitian mendukung bahwa variable persepsi yang terdiri dari gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif dan


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    Rif’ati Dina Handayani


    ABSTRAK Lesson study merupakan suatu model pengembangan kemampuan mengajar melalui pengkajian pembelajaran secara kolaboratif dan berkelanjutan. Lesson study dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahapan, yaitu plan, do, see yang dilaksanakan secara terstruktur, bersiklus dan berkelanjutan. Dalam penelitian ini subjek dari pelaksanaan lesson study adalah empat orang  mahasiswa calon guru fisika yang sedang melaksanakan PPL di salah satu SMP Negeri di Bondowoso. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan lesson study dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengajar mahasiswa calon guru fisika dari kriteria kurang baik menjadi kriteria sangat baik. Kata kunci: Calon guru fisika, Lesson Study, Kemampuan Mengajar


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    Aji Zul Hakim


    Full Text Available Homeschooling is an alternative education model for child who find it less suited to formal school. In the development of this model reap the pros and cons in the society. Various attemps were made by institutions and association to change the paradigm of society, on of them by optimizing the role of teacher. Research with phenomenological approach is sought to know the communications behavior of homeschooling teacher. Eight teacher from four homeschooling institutions are involved through some in-depth interviews. In addition, data collection is done through participant obersvation and study of literature. The result showed the meaning of homeschooling affected by their experience in teaching, which affects their act in the form of personal branding, including their communications behaviour in contributing to the socialization of homeschooling. Homeschooling merupakan model pendidikan alternative bagi anak yang merasa kurang cocok dengan sekolah formal. Dalam perkembangannya model pendidikan ini menuai pro dan kontra di masyarakat. Berbagai upaya dilakukan oleh lembaga dan asosiasi untuk merubah paradigma masyarakat, salah satunya dengan optimalisasi peran guru. Penelitian dengan pendekatan fenomenologis ini berupaya mengetahui perilaku komunikasi Guru Homeschooling. Delapan orang Guru Homeschooling dari empat lembaga di Kota Bandung dilibatkan melalui wawancara mendalam. Selain itu, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi partisipatif dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pemaknaan homeschooling oleh guru dipengaruhi pengalaman mereka selama mengajar, yang mempengaruhi tindak lanjut mereka dalam membentuk personal branding, termasuk perilaku komunikasi mereka dalam berkontribusi pada sosialisasi homeschooling.


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    Reni Daharti


    Full Text Available Seorang guru sebagai seorang pendidik merupakan komponen penting dalam proses pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1 menganalisis profil guru SLTP Komwil 05 Kabupaten Tegal, (2 menganalisis prioritas kebijakan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di daerah penelitian, (3 menentukan strategi untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru melalui prioritas kebijakan yang dapat diterapkan di daerah penelitian. Respondennya adalah 33 guru SLTP Komwil 05 Kabupaten Tegal. Mereka dipilih dengan menggunakan simple random sampling. Selain itu 15 orang dipilih untuk menjadi keyperson. Statistik Deskriptif dan Analisis Hierarchy Process digunakan untuk menganalisis data dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional guru adalah moderat dan guru memiliki kepribadian dan kompetensi sosial yang tinggi. Hal yang harus ditingkatkan adalah kompetensi guru. Prioritas utama dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di Kabupaten Tegal adalah (1 memilih moralitas calon guru 2 menyaring kualitas guru (3 mengirim guru untuk mengikuti berbagai pelatihan untuk meningkatkan karakter mereka.A teacher as an educator is an important component in the educational process. This study aims to (1 analyze the teacher profile of SLTP Komwil 05 Kabupaten Tegal,  (2 analyze the policy priorities in improving the competence of teachers in the study area, (3 determine the strategies for enhancing the competence of teachers through the policy priorities that can be applied in the study area. There are 33 junior high school teachers of SLTP Komwil 05 Kabupaten Tegal as the respondents. They were selected by using simple random sampling. Then, there are also15 key persons. Descriptive Statistics and Analysis Hierarchy Process were used to analyze the data in the study. The results show that pedagogical competence and professional competence are moderate and the teachers have high personality and social competence. The thing that should be



    Susi Fatikhah Setiyawati; Heru Kuswanto


    Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) menghasilkan buku pedoman guru untuk pembelajaran fisika SMA menggunakan model problem solving sesuai level inkuiri yang layak digunakan; (2) mendeskripsikan keberhasilan pembelajaran fisika menggunakan model problem solving (MPS) sesuai dengan level inkuiri sesuai dengan buku pedoman terhadap peningkatan aktivitas peserta didik dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan, sesuai langkah yang dikembangkan oleh Bor...



    Agus Tri Susanto; Muhyadi Muhyadi


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru di SMP Negeri 4 Pakem Kabupaten Sleman terkait dengan peran kepala sekolah dan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi program pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan model Miles & Huberman, yang meliputi ...

  6. Penerapan Manajemen Pembelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru di MIN Kendari

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    Rasmi Rasmi


    Full Text Available Abstract This study aims to reveal about how the implementation of learning management to improve the competence of teachers in MIN  Kendari, how the forms teacher competence, and the factors that support and hinder the implementation of learning management to improve the competence of teachers. The result showed that the implementation of learning management to improve the competence of teachers in MIN Kendari not been implemented optimally in the planning stages of learning, organizational learning, learning implementation, evaluation of learning.  There factors supporting the implementation of learning management to improve the competence of teachers that is flexible and democratic principals in leading institutions, teachers have an average qualified Tier One and a few teachers qualified master, increased professionalism and competence of teachers that are specifically has been carried out by the head MIN Kendari to include teachers conduct seminars, workshops, training, availability of CCTV, LCD. While inhibiting factorss still the lack of availability of books supporting, the unavailability of rooms in the main learning laboratory science and language subjects, still lack the skills of teachers in the use of learning technology tools, the double post by teachers, teachers in addition to functional positions are also burdened with additional duty structural position.   Keywords: Management, Learning, Teacher Competency   Abstrak   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap tentang bagaimana penerapan manajemen pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN Kendari, bagaimana bentuk-bentuk kompetensi guru, dan faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat. Dan jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan yang sifatnya kualitatif deskriftif. Adapun sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah guru-guru dan staf tata usaha MIN Kendari, sedangkan metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara


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    Pramudjono Pramudjono


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan, tingkat hierarki moral, dan motivasi terhadap komitmen guru. Sampel diambil dengan teknik proportional sampling dengan jumlah sebesar 450 orang guru dari populasi 796 guru SMA PNS di Samarinda. Data dikumpulkan dengan pemberian angket dan analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1 gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap komitmen guru yang berarti peningkatan gaya kepemimpinan akan meningkatkan komitmen guru; (2 tingkat hierarki moral memiliki pengaruh pada komitmen guru yang berarti meningkatnya tingkat hierarki moral akan mengakibatkan peningkatan komitmen guru; (3 motivasi kerja guru memengaruhi komitmen guru yang berarti tingginya motivasi kerja akan menyebabkan tingginya komitmen; (4 gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja guru yang berarti peningkatan gaya kepemimpinan akan meningkatkan motivasi kerja guru; dan (5 tingkat hierarki moral memengaruhi motivasi kerja guru yang berarti meningkatnya tingkat hierarki moral akan meningkatkan motivasi kerja guru. Peningkatan aspek-aspek tersebut akan memperkuat komitmen para guru terhadap sekolah. Kata Kunci: komitmen, gaya kepemimpinan, tingkat hierarki moral, motivasi THE INFLUENCE OF THE LEADERSHIP STYLES, MORAL HIERARCHY LEVELS, AND MOTIVATION TOWARDS TEACHER’S COMMITMENT Abstract: This study was aimed to find out the influence of the leadership styles, moral hierarchy levels, and motivation towards teachers’ commitment. The sample taken using the proportional sampling technique consisting of 450 teachers out of 796 senior high school teachers in Samarinda. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using the path analysis. The findings showed that (1 the leadership styles influence the teachers’ commitment, meaning that an improvement in the leadership styles would improve the teachers’ commitment; (2 the moral hierarchy levels


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    Aditya Yulianto


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh praktik pengalaman lapangan, minat menjadi guru, dan prestasi belajar terhadap kesiapan menjadi guru yang profesional. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa Progam Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Akuntansi tahun angkatan 2011 Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Semarang sebanyak 174 mahasiswa. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 122 mahasiswa yang ditentukan dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi, sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif presentase, statistik inferensial, dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan praktik pengalaman lapangan, minat menjadi guru, dan prestasi belajar berpengaruh baik secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap kesiapan menjadi guru yang profesional. Hasil adjusted R^2 menunjukan adanya hubungan antara praktik pengalaman lapangan, minat menjadi guru, dan prestasi belajar terhadap kesiapan mahasiswa menjadi guru yang profesional sebesar 0.574 atau 57,4%. Saran yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah hendaknya mahasiswa memperbanyak referensi tentang akuntansi, mengikuti berbagai forum diskusi akuntansi guna meningkatkan wawasan mengenai bidang studi akuntansinya; mahasiswa diharapkan meningkatkan minat untuk menjadi guru yang tinggi dengan mengenal lebih jauh tentang profesi guru, mencari tahu kabar dan informasi mengenai profesi keguruan, memanfatkan kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan dengan sungguh-sungguh yang dapat menunjang kesiapannya untuk menjadi guru. The purpose of that study was to determine the influence of practice field experience, interest becoming a teacher and learning achievement againts the readiness of the students to become a professional teacher. Population in this research are students of accounting education class of Faculty of Economic semarang state university as many as 174 students. Sample used in this study were 122 students


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    Mei Fita Aryani


    Full Text Available Pendekatan saintifik adalah pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kurikulum 2013. Sebagian besar guru di SMA N 1 Bawang belum menerapkan pendekatan saintifik. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA N 1 Bawang Kabupaten Batang dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif studi kasus. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu sumber data manusia dan benda. Teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara semiterstruktur dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data diuji melalui triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebagian guru belum menerapkan pendekatan saintifik dalam pembelajaran. Beberapa guru yang mengajar masih mengalami hambatan dalam penerapan pendekatan saintifik. Dalam perencanaan hambatan yang dialami guru yaitu: (1 hambatan dalam penyusunan RPP 2013, (2 pengembangan RPP, (3 kesulitan dalam menyiapkan media pembelajaran. Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran, hambatan yang dialami guru yaitu: (1 sulitnya menarik minat siswa untuk bertanya, (2 kurangnya waktu, (3 rumitnya persiapan, (4 guru kurang mampu mengelola kelas, (5 siswa banyak yang terlambat mengumpulkan tugas. Dalam kegiatan penilaian hambatannya yaitu (1 guru masih kesulitan dalam melakukan penilaian kepada siswa secara bersamaan, (2 guru masih bingung membuat instrument penilaian. Faktor pendukung penerapan pendekatan saintifik di SMA N 1 Bawang sangat di dukung oleh kemampuan guru dan sarana prasarana yang sudah cukup lengkap. Scientific approach is the approach used in the curriculum 2013. Most of the teachers SMA N 1 Bawang not apply scientific approach. This research was conducted in SMA N 1 Bawang in the Batang Regency using a qualitative case study approach. Sources of data used in this research that the human data sources and object. Data collection techniques of observation, semistructured interviews and documentation. The validity is tested through triangulation of data sources. The results showed that the majority of teachers have not applied a scientific approach to learning

  10. Penerapan Supervisi Klinis untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar Gugus IV Sanankulon

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    Sri Utami


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dampak supervise klinis terhadap kinerja guru dalam proses belajar mengajar.Tindakan melalui supervise klinis.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kinerja guru dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar, siklus I mencapai 72% atau ada13 guru dari 18 guru sudah berhasil dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar, siklus II keberhasilan guru dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar mencapai 89%atau ada 16 guru dari 18 guru sudah berhasil dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar.

  11. Akurasi dan Akuntabilitas Penilaian Kinerja Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Lubna Lubna


    Full Text Available Abstract:     There are a great number of teachers of Islamic religious education who hold a professional diploma and yet have not realized the tasks of competent professional teacher. The four indicators of competent and professional teacher, as these are elaborated in Statutes and Regulations, have not been integrated in teacher performance. This problem must be resolved. It requires a system that can control the implementation of the principles of professional teacher while at the same time does not ruin teacher’s profession and capability. This article offers professional-based assessment and evaluation of teacher performance as a medium for a regular control. This system will be able to measure teacher performance referring to their skills and to avoid deviation in the evaluation between what is taught and the subject being taught concerning teachers’ professional skills. With this professional-based evaluation system, the processes of evaluation and assessment become objective, accurate and accountable.Abstrak:      Banyak di antara guru PAI yang menyandang gelar profesional yang belum sepenuhnya mengusai kompetensi yang menjadi indikator guru profesional dalam pelaksaan tugas di kelas. Empat kompetensi inti guru profesional belum terintegrasi dalam kinerja guru sebagaimana amanah Undang-Undang dan berbagai peraturan yang mengawalnya. Menyikapi fenomena ini, dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat mengontrol kinerja guru sekaligus tidak meruntuhkan kredibilitas guru profesional. Tulisan ini menawarkan penilaian kinerja guru PAI berbasis profesional sebagai sistem kontrol yang dapat dilakukan secara berkala sampai tercipta budaya kerja yang profesional. Dengan penilaian kinerja berbasis profesional, akan dapat mengukur kinerja guru sesuai dengan bidang keahliannya, di samping menghindari terjadinya deviasi antara apa yang dinilai dengan bidang keahlian sesuai mata pelajaran. Dengan penilaian kinerja berbasis profesional


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    R. Ceha


    Full Text Available Dalam upaya peningkatan mutu mengajar dan mutu pembelajaran di era globalisasi, guru sebaiknya menguasai program komputer, agar dapat memanfaatkan teknologi yang telah tersedia dan untuk memudahkan dalam mengajar. Guru hendaknya dapat menggunakan peralatan yang lebih ekonomis, efisien, dan mampu dimiliki oleh sekolah, tidak menolak digunakannya peralatan teknologi modern yang relevan dengan tuntutan masyarakat dan perkembangan zaman, serta mempunyai berbagai keterampilan yang mendukung tugasnya dalam mengajar. Salah satu keterampilan tersebut adalah bagaimana seorang guru dapat menggunakan media pembelajaran (Syaiful Bahri, 2006. Guru dapat membuat kreasi dan variasi media interaktif, pembuatan CD pembelajaran interaktif, powerpoint, dan dengan media komputer. Masalah utama yang dihadapi mitra saat ini adalah kemampuan guru dalam pemanfaatan IT atau ICT untuk kegiatan pembelajaran belum merata. Selain itu juga masih adanya kesenjangan literasi TIK antar wilayah di satu sisi dan perkembangan internet yang juga membawa dampak negatif terhadap nilai dan norma masyarakat sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya secara aktif dari semua stakeholder sekolah dalam peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang diusulkan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru mengenai pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada kegiatan pembelajaran, meningkatkan kemampuan guru untuk membuat bahan ajar pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan potensi yang ada di sekolah mitra dalam pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi untuk peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran

  13. Kompetensi Pengelolaan Pembelajaran, Kecerdasan Interpersonal, Komitmen, dan Kepuasan Kerja Guru SMK

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    Rita Fahdila Sumantri


    Full Text Available Abstract: Learning-management Competence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Commitment, and  Job Satisfaction of Vocational High School Teachers. This survey is intended to describe how learning-management competence, interpersonal intelligence, and commitment influence the job satisfaction of vocational high school teachers. Eighty teachers were selected from the teacher population of 350 using proportional random sampling technique and were assigned to respond to a questionnaire. The results of path analyses reveal that learning-management competence has direct effects on commitment, interpersonal intelligence on commitment, learning-management competence on job satisfaction, interpersonal intelligence on job satisfaction, and commitment on job satisfaction. In other words, teachers' job satisfaction can be facilitated through improving learning-management competence, developing interpersonal intelligence, and strengthening teacher commitment. Abstrak: Kompetensi Pengelolaan Pembelajaran, Kecerdasan Interpersonal, Komitmen, dan Kepuasan Kerja Guru SMK. Tujuan penelitian survei ini adalah mendeskripsikan pengaruh kompetensi pengelolaan pembelajaran, kecerdasan interpersonal, dan komitmen terhadap kepuasan kerja guru SMK. Populasi berjumlah 350 guru dengan sampel sebanyak 80 guru yang dipilih secara rambang. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket, dan dianalisis dengan analisis jalur (path analysis. Hasil penelitian menun­jukkan bahwa kompetensi pengelolaan pembelajaran berpengaruh langsung terhadap komitmen; kecer­dasan interpersonal berpengaruh langsung terhadap komitmen; kompetensi pengelolaan pembelajaran berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan kerja guru; kecerdasan interpersonal berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan kerja guru; dan komitmen berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan kerja guru. Kepuasan kerja guru dapat ditingkatkan melalui pengembangan kompetensi pengelolaan pembelajaran, peningkatan kecerdasan interpersonal dan penguatan


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    Mr Heri Sutarno


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kompetensi guru TIK berpengaruh terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran TIK. Penelitian ini dilakukan di sebuah sekolah sampel, dengan responden siswa SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survey eksplanatory. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 3 (tiga cara, yaitu: Nilai Skala (Nilai Interval, untuk mengetahui kondisi dari masing-masing variabel; Analisis varians (ANOVA satu jalur; dan Korelasi untuk mengetahui keterhubungan variabel. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa kompetensi pedagogik guru TIK yang ada di sekolah sampel tergolong cukup (56,07%, kompetensi kepribadian tergolong cukup (53,72%, kompetensi sosial tergolong cukup (45,22% dan kompetensi profesional tergolong tinggi (61,20%. Keterhubungan antara kompetensi guru dengan motivasi belajar diperkuat dengan kurangnya tingkat signifikansi sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada keterhubungan antara keempat kompetensi guru tersebut terhadap motivasi siswa untuk belajar mata pelajaran TIK. Secara parsial hanya kompetensi kepribadian (53,72% dan kompetensi profesional (61,20% yang terbukti dapat mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa. Untuk hasil belajar, dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan ternyata keterhubungan antara kompetensi guru dan motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar sangat kecil (50%. Sebagai saran dari penelitian ini yaitu instansi pencetak guru harus memastikan agar mahasiswa yang dididiknya memiliki kemampuan kompetensi guru seperti tertulis dalam PP No. 74 tahun 2008 sehingga dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa, yang pada akhirnya keberadaan guru benar-benar bermakna dalam sebuah pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: guru TIK, kompetensi guru, motivasi, hasil belajar


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    Apri Damai Sagita Krissandi


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kendala yang dialami guru SD dalam mengimplementasikan Kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 65 guru SD di Yayasan Kanisius Cabang Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta. Data dikumpulkan dengan instrumen angket dan wawancara. Keabsahan data diperoleh dengan menggunakan trianggulasi teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kendala-kendala yang dialami guru SD dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 berasal dari pemerintah, institusi, guru, orang tua, dan siswa. Kendala dari pemerintah meliputi pendistribusian buku, penilaian, administrasi guru, alokasi waktu, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan pembelajaran tematik, panduan pelaksanaan kurikulum, dan kegiatan pembelajaran dalam buku siswa. Kendala dari institusi meliputi sarana dan prasarana, dan rotasi guru baik vertikal dan horisontal. Kendala dari guru meliputi pembuatan media pembelajaran, pemahaman guru, pemaduan antarmuatan pelajaran dalam pembelajaran tematik, dan penguasan teknologi informasi. Kendala dari orang tua dan siswa meliputi rapor dan adaptasi terhadap pembelajaran tematik. Kata Kunci: kurikulum 2013, kendala implementasi THE CONSTRAINTS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 2013 CURRICULUM Abstract: This study was aimed to describe the constraints of elementary school teachers in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. This study was descriptive research. The subjects were 65 teachers in Central Java and Yogyakarta under the Kanisius Foundation. The data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. The validity of the data was obtained through the method triangulation. The data were analyzed using the descriptive analysis technique. The findings showed that the constraints in the 2013 curriculum impementation stemmed from the government, institution, teachers, parents, and students. The constraints from the government included the book

  16. Kompetisi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam pada Madrasah Tsanawiyah di Kota Mataram

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    Yustiani S


    Full Text Available AbstractThis study aims to measure the difference in competence between certified teachers  and non certified teachers in Mataram. Teachers examined in this study are teachers of religion in MTs. This articleis a quantitative research using causal comperative method. The research design use factoral design 2x2. The technical of analysis data in this research include descriptive analysis, requirements test analysis, and inferential analysis. The study shows that here are differences in Islamic Education Teachers’ competence in MTs in Mataram. Further test shows that the results of certified teachers competency arebetter than the teachers who have not been certified. There is no difference in Islamic Education Teachers’ competence based on the teacher’s tenure. There is no interaction between teacher’s status and teacher’s tenure. This means that the status and tenure arethe two factors which are mutually independent. There were no differences between the student learning result who is taught by certified teachers and uncertified teachers in Mataram. There is difference in student learning result based on the teacher’s tenure.There is no interaction between student learning result based on the status and the tenure of teachers in Mataram. It is concluded that certified teachers in Mataram has a good profile.Keywords: Competence, Islamic Education Teachers, Certification. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur perbedaan kompetensi guru PAI MTs antara yang telah tersertifikasi maupun yang belum tersertifikasi di Kota Mataram. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode perbandingan kausal (causal comparative desain faktoral 2x2. Teknis analisis data dalam penelitian ini meliputi analisis deskripstif, uji persyaratan, dan analisis inferensial. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh 7 temuan sebagai berikut. (1 Terdapat perbedaan kompetensi guru PAI MTs di kota Mataram. Hasil uji


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    Agus Tri Susanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru di SMP Negeri 4 Pakem Kabupaten Sleman terkait dengan peran kepala sekolah dan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi program pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan model Miles & Huberman, yang meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 perencanaan pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru dilakukan dengan pembentukan team; (2 jenis pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru yaitu penguasaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam pembelajaran; (3 melakukan evaluasi dengan membuat form/angket penilaian guru terhadap proses pembelajaran di kelas yang diisi oleh siswa; (4 peran kepala sekolah sebagai: (a pendidik; (b manajer; (c administrator; (d supervisor; (e peran sosial (f penggiat kewirausahaan; (g pemimpin; dan (h pencipta iklim. Kata kunci: peran kepala sekolah, pengembangan, kompetensi profesional guru THE PRINCIPAL’S ROLE IN DEVELOPING TEACHER COMPETENCY IN PUBLIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Abstract This study aims to describe the principal's role in developing professional competence of teachers in SMP Negeri 4 Pakem Sleman, related to the role of principal’s and the planning, implementation, evaluation of teacher professional competence development program. This study used a qualitative approach, with a case study type. The research data were collected through observation, interviews and study documentation. The data analysis is model of Miles & Huberman, which includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Results of the study: (1 the planning of teachers professional competence development is done by forming a team; (2 the type of teachers


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    Rahmah Johar


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis upaya guru mengembangkan karakter demokratis, kreatif, dan mandiri siswa melalui pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekatan realistic pada meteri perkalian di kelas III SD. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga orang guru, yang terdiri dari dua orang guru di Banda Aceh dan satu orang guru di Surabaya. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan dan wawancara terhadap guru dan siswa. Sebelum pelaksanaan pembelajaran tim peneliti memberikan masukan kepada guru untuk menerapkan pendekatan realistik sehingga mengembangkan karakter siswa. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif berdasarkan indikator dari karakter yang diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya kolaborasi antara tim peneliti dan guru mengakibatkan upaya guru mengembangkan karakter siswa dalam hal demokratis, kreatif, dan mandiri mengalami peningkatan. Kata kunci: Karakter, Pendekatan Matematika Realistik, Demokratis, Kreatif, dan Mandiri DOI:


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    Waras Kamdi


    Full Text Available Perfomance of Vocational School Teachers: Analysis on Teaching Work­load and Teaching Characteristics. The present study aims at describing vocational school teachers’ workload as measured from time on task, and teaching characteristics. For the purpose, the present study employs a survey in which a number of 155 teachers of 15 sampled vocational schools from 6 regions in East Java were drawn as the sample utilizing multi-stage sampling. Several points as follows are observed. First, vocatio­nal school teachers’ workload is greater than that of national standard of civil servants’ workload with a total ratio of 56.02:40.00 hours per week. Next, the average of their weekly credit hour, figures at 24.74 hours, greater than 24 hours as the national stan­dard. Thirdly, learning resources at voca­tional schools are dominated by electronic textbooks 89.03%, several of which are teacher-made modules 34.84%, and teacher-made job sheets 98.06%. Finally, most teachers 81.29% are used to group work assignment; however, 91.62% of the teachers claimed that they could not deliver their instruction without having a conventional class.   Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan beban kerja guru yang diukur ber­dasarkan time on task dan karakteristik pembelajaran. Responden berjumlah 155 guru, yang berasal dari 15 SMK Negeri dari 6 kota/ka­bu­paten di Jawa Timur yang diambil secara multi stage sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan angket dan wawancara, dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1 rerata beban kerja guru SMK 56,02 jam per minggu lebih tinggi daripada yang ditetapkan pemerin­tah mak­si­mum 40 jam per minggu; (2 rerata jam pelajaran tatap muka guru SMK 24,74, sedikit lebih tinggi dibanding ketentuan pemerintah 24 jam pelajaran; (3 sumber belajar di SMK didominasi buku teks elektronik 89,03%, di antaranya dilengkapi modul buatan guru 34,84% dan 98,06% guru telah menggunakan job sheet; dan (4 se­banyak  81

  20. Identifikasi Komponen Model Pelatihan Pedagogi untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Calon Guru Kejuruan

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    Rina Febriana


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan komponen model pelatihan pedagogi untuk meningkatkan profesionalitas calon guru kejuruan. Studi ini direncanakan akan memerlukan waktu tiga tahun. Pada tahun pertama dihasilkan komponen model pelatihan pedagogik beserta ujicoba pada skala internal UNJ. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang berdurasi selama tiga tahun. Luaran penelitian pada tahun pertama adalah identifikasi komponen model pelatihan pedagogik, tahun kedua menghasilkan model pelatihan pedagogi dan tahun ketiga menguji efektivitas model dengan mengintegrasikan mata kuliah kependidikan yang bersifat prerequisit sehingga setiap mahasiswa yang telah menyelesaikan matakuliah kependidikan akan memiliki kompetensi pedagogik yang dapat meningkatkan profesionalitas keguruannya.Penelitian ini menggunakan desain research and development dengan mengadopsi model latihan keterampilan kerja (skill training for the job. Subyek penelitian adalah mahasiswa di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Tahun pertama menempuh alur sebagai berikut: (1 studi literatur, (2 pengumpulan data lapangan dan triangulasi data, (3 deskripsi dan analisis temuan terhadap komponen model pembelajaran yang terdapat pada pendidikan kejuruan. Target yang dicapai pada tahun pertama yaitu identifikasi komponen model pelatihan pedagogik.


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    Wenny Hulukati


    Abstrak: Perangkat Pengembangan Diri untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru dan Pengembangan Kepribadian Siswa SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat pengembangan diri untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru dan pengembangan kepribadian siswa SMA. Kegiatan penelitian ini diawali dengan studi pendahuluan yang berkaitan dengan kompentensi guru pembimbing dalam melaksanakan pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dan kecenderungan kepribadian siswa SMA. Langkah berikutnya adalah mendesain dan mengembangkan draf, dan diakhiri dengan kegiatan uji keefektifan produk. Dari kegiatan penelitian pengembangan ini telah dihasilkan produk pengembangan yang valid dan handal yang meliputi panduan guru, panduan siswa, dan panduan penilaian. Berdasarkan hasil uji keefektifan terhadap produk pengembangan diperoleh informasi bahwa perangkat panduan pengembangan diri efektif diguna­kan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru pembimbing dalam melaksanakan pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dan pengembangan kepribadian siswa SMA.


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    Isna Rafianti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masalah dalam penguasaan konsep geometri yang membutuhkan pola berpikir dalam menerapkan konsep dan keterampilan dalam memecahkan masalah tersebut. Tetapi dalam kenyataannya siswa-siswa masih mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari dan memecahkan soal-soal geometri. Mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa merupakan mahasiswa yang dipersiapkan untuk menjadi guru sekolah dasar yang profesional. Bukan hanya penguasaan konsep yang harus dimiliki seorang guru, tetapi kesiapan dalam hal mengajar juga harus diperhatikan, terutama pada materi geometri. Guru sebaiknya mengetahui tahapan atau level berpikir geometri siswanya berada pada tahap apa, agar proses pembelajaran dapat dipahami oleh siswa. Sebelum guru mengetahui tahapan berpikir siswanya, sebaiknya guru juga mengetahui tahap berpikir geometri yang dimilikinya, agar guru dapat mengevaluasi diri ketika nanti akan mengajar. Tahap berpikir yang menjadi acuan adalah tahap berpikir geometri dari Van Hiele. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tahap berpikir geometri calon guru Sekolah Dasar ditinjau dari tahap  berpikir Van Hiele. Metode yang digunakan adalah menggunakan penelitian deskriptif. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan yaitu angket berupa tes tertulis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahap berpikir geometri calon guru Sekolah Dasar ditinjau dari tahap  berpikir Van Hiele sebagian besar (50% hanya mencapai tahap 1 atau tahap pengenalan. Kata Kunci: Geometri, Tahap Berpikir


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    Muhamad Yasin


    Full Text Available Komunikasi antara guru dan siswa merupakan faktor penting dalam proses belajar mengajar sehingga materi yang disampaikan terserap oleh siswa dengan baik. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana gaya komunikasi guru dalam mengajar matematika di MTs N Mranggen ditinjau dari teori komunikasi logika desain pesan. Secara umum tujuan penelitian ini adalah didiskripsikannya gaya komunikasi guru matematika di MTs N Mranggen ditinjau dari teori komunikasi logika desain pesan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan deskriptif. penelitian deskriptif tidak bertujuan mencari hubungan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipasi, dan dokumentasi. Sumber data utama adalah guru matematika. Keabsahan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian dengan menggunakan uji credibility (triangulasi dan kecukupan referensial, uji transferability, uji dependability, dan uji confirmability. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah gaya komunikasi guru matematika dalam pembelajaran di MTs N Mranggen. Setelah dianalisis GM1,GM2, dan GM3 cenderung menggunakan gaya komunikasi asertif. Sedangkan untuk logika desain pesan GM1 adalah ekspresif, konvensional, retorika, sedangkan GM2 cenderung ekspresif, untuk GM3 cenderung konvensional dan retorika. Model gaya komunikasi guru matematika di MTs N Mranggen adalah kontemporer, paradigma lama, dan transisional. Communication between teachers and learners is an important factor in the learning process so that the material submitted by the students absorbed properly. This study is to determine how the communication styles of teachers of teaching mathematics in MTs N Mranggen be reviewed communication theory of message design logic. Purpose in this research is to describing communication styles mathematics teacher in MTs N Mranggen based on the theory of communication message design logic. This research is a qualitative research. Forms



    Muhamad Yasin


    Komunikasi antara guru dan siswa merupakan faktor penting dalam proses belajar mengajar sehingga materi yang disampaikan terserap oleh siswa dengan baik. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana gaya komunikasi guru dalam mengajar matematika di MTs N Mranggen ditinjau dari teori komunikasi logika desain pesan. Secara umum tujuan penelitian ini adalah didiskripsikannya gaya komunikasi guru matematika di MTs N Mranggen ditinjau dari teori komunikasi logika desain pesan. Penelitian ini m...


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    Nurul Fitriani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ada tidaknya pengaruh persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi pedagogi guru, persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi profesional guru, dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas X IIS SMAN 3 Slawi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X IIS SMAN 3 Slawi tahun ajaran 2014/2015, dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 92 siswa yang diambil menggunakan proportionate random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda menggunakan SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh pengaruh secara simultan maupun parsial persepsi siswa tentang pedagogi guru, persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi profesional guru, dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi siswa kelas X IIS SMAN 3 Slawi sebesar 67,2%. Saran yang diberikan hendaknya untuk penelitian selanjutnya agar mengambil sampel lebih dari satu wilayah. Bagi siswa diharapkan dapat lebih memperhatikan hasil penilaian serta evaluasi dari guru, karena dari penilaian guru siswa dapat mengetahui kemudian memperbaiki kekurangannya ataumateri mana saja yang perlu dipelajari lagi. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of student’s perceptions about teacher pedagogy competence, student’s perceptions about teacher profesional competence and learning motivation that simultant and partial against students learning achievement Economy Classes X IIS SMAN 3 Slawi. The population in this study was all students of X IIS classes SMAN 3 Slawi at 2014/2015 year, they are 119 students, it taken samples by proportionate random sampling as much as 92 students. Method of data collection was using questionnare. The analysing data used descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 16. The results of the study, indicate that there was effect in simultant of student


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    Hilal Muhammad


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap: (1 pelaksanaan pengembangan kinerja guru melalui PTK pada SMA Negeri di Kota Palopo; dan (2 hambatan da-lam pelaksanaan pengembangan kinerja guru melalui PTK pada SMA Negeri di Kota Palopo. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian lapangan yang kajiannya bersifat kualitatif-verifikatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan fenomeno-logi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dua hal. Pertama, pengembangan kinerja guru melalui PTK pada SMA Negeri di Kota Palopo belum berjalan optimal dan baru sebatas memenuhi kebutuhan persyarat-an kenaikan pangkat. Potensi guru belum dimanfaatkan melalui pemberdayaan, khususnya penelitian tindakan kelas. Kedua, hambatan dalam pelaksanaan pe-ngembangan kinerja guru melalui PTK pada SMA Negeri di Kota Palopo adalah keterbatasan waktu, dana, sumber referensi kurang, lingkungan tidak kondusif, dan motivasi kurang. Selain itu, sebagian guru juga masih mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan dan menyusun laporan hasil PTK.


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    samsuadi PEP


    Full Text Available Tujuan  penelitian  adalah  (1  untuk mengetahui pengaruh supervisi akademik pengawas dan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap disiplin kerja guru SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng, (2 untuk  mengetahui  pengaruh  supervisi akademik  pengawas   terhadap   disiplin   kerja   guru   SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng,   (3  untuk   mengetahui   pengaruh   kepemimpinan   kepala   sekolah terhadap disiplin kerja guru SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng. Populasi   penelitian   ini  adalah   guru   SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng yang  berjumlah 80 orang,  melalui rumus Slovin diperoleh sampel sebanyak  67 orang. Teknik penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik proportionate stratified  random sampling. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket dengan memakai  skala Likert modifikasi Hadi. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa supervisi akademik pengawas dan  kepemimpinan kepala sekolah berada pada katregori tinggi. Sedangkan dari hasil uji prasyarat tidak ditemukan gejala multikolinieritas,  sehingga  memenuhi  syarat  untuk  melakukan  analisis  regresi ganda.  Dari  hasil  uji  hipotesis  ditemukan  bahwa supervisi akademik pengawas dan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah  secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap disiplin kerja guru SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng. Secara parsial supervisi  akademik pengawas tidak berpengaruh terhadap disiplin kerja guru SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng, sedangkan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah berpengaruh terhadap disiplin kerja guru SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng. 


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    Eko Handoyo


    Full Text Available Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah a meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam memetakan kurikulum, b meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam menyusun lembar kerja, c meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam memanfaatkan media pembelajaran, d meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam menyusun rubrik penilaian, dan e meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam menyusun jurnal refleksi. Pelatihan Better Teacher and Learning Bagi Guru Mata Pelajaran IPS SMP dan MTs Swasta di Kecamatan Genuk Kota Semarang mempunyai manfaat bagi guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran yang berkualitas. Melalui kegiatan tersebut, guru dapat memdapatkan manfaat berupa peningkatan keterampilan dalam memetakan kurikulum, peningkatan keterampilan dalam menyusun lembar kerja, peningkatan keterampilan dalam memanfaatkan media pembelajaran, peningkatan keterampilan dalam menyusun rubrik penilaian, dan peningkatan keterampilan dalam menyusun jurnal refleksi. Kata Kunci: Pengajaran Profesional, Pembelajaran Bermakna, Better Teacher and Learning

  9. Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Keterampilan Guru SD Muhammadiyah 4 Batu Dalam Mengelola Pembelajaran ABK melalui Lesson Study

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    Endang Poerwanti


    Full Text Available Anak-anak dengan kebutuhan khusus (ABK yang dikenal sebagai anak-anak cacat, atau anak-anak yang luar biasa, anak-anak yaitu yang menyimpang secara signifikan dari kriteria normal, baik dari aspek fisik, psikologis, emosional dan sosial. Mulai tahun 2001, pemerintah mulai program pendidikan inklusif, pendidikan inklusif adalah untuk memasukkan anak-anak dengan kebutuhan khusus belajar bersama dengan anak normal di kelas dan sekolah reguler. Masalahnya, guru di sekolah reguler tidak berpendidikan dan dipersiapkan khusus untuk mengelola proses belajar mengajar untuk ABK. Masalah juga dialami oleh SD Muhammadiyah 4 Batu, untuk membantu memecahkan masalah tim FKIP menerapkan aktivitas Lesson Study untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru dan keterampilan dalam mengelola ABK pembelajaran individual Lesson study yang dilakukan dalam tiga siklus yang dikemas dalam tiga model pembelajaran; ABK belajar sendiri di kelas khusus, pengajaran dan pembelajaran di kelas reguler dan pengajaran dan pembelajaran ABK di kelas reguler dengan bantuan GPK. Setiap siklus terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan. Studi pelajaran terdiri dari empat kegiatan yang disingkat PDCA; P (rencana atau perencanaan, D (lakukan adalah pelaksanaan pembelajaran oleh seorang guru sebagai model dan diamati oleh guru lainnya, C (cek merupakan cerminan dari perbaikan lebih lanjut proses pembelajaran, dan A (tindak adalah tindak lanjut.  Dari tiga tahapan pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar ABK dapat memberikan manfaat bagi para guru untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan untuk mengelola pembelajaran untuk ABK. Melalui Lesson Study diharapkan ABK mendapatkan layanan yang tepat dan belajar yang optimal. Beberapa temuan dampak pada perilaku siswa di kelas adalah bahwa siswa dapat menerima keberadaan ABK di. Meskipun keterbatasan kelas fasilitas guru mendapatkan pengalaman berharga yang terkait dengan pengembangan pembelajaran melalui forum ABK Lesson Study. Jadi kebutuhan untuk pelaksanaan tindak


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    - Susilawati


    Full Text Available Abstract:. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of Project Based Learning (PjBL of writing skills on Science teaching materials to elementary school teachers candidates.This research used experimental methods (single-one group pretest-posttest design with instruments such as portofolio assessment sheets, observation sheets, and  questionnaire sheets .The effectiveness of analyzing used n-gain and t-test .The subject of this research is elementary school teachers candidates who contracted “Science Learning”subject  in a program study teacher education of elementary school at University Muhammadiyah Cirebon. The findings of this study has produced a contextual book for Science teaching material. In addition, there is an increased of elementary school teachers candidates who prepared the teaching materials in a printed form relevant to the needs and characters of the students as well as the curriculum. It is proven by assessments that the ability rose significantly from 2,71 (category  is adequate skill to 3,83 (category is skilled and supported by the n-gain value  at 0,87. Based on the t-test count of 8,050 larger than t-table 2,045. Recommendations from this research is that PjBL as a learning model could become one of the alternative learning models to improve writing skills material for elementary school teachers candidates. Keyword: Project-Based-Learning, science-materials-teaching, elementary-schoo-teachers- candidates.   Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis efektivitas Project Based Learning (PjBL terhadap keterampilan menulis bahan ajar IPA Calon Guru SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen (Single-One Group Pretest-Posttest Design dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa lembar penilaian portofolio, lembar observasi, dan lembar angket. Efektivitas dianalisis menggunakan n-gain dan uji T. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa calon guru yang mengontrak matakuliah Pembelajaran IPA di


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    Laeli Mafudah


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan observasi awal tentang kinerja guru di Kabupaten Semarang menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat kendala dalam pencapaian kinerja guru yang maksimal khususnya guru mata pelajaran produktif di SMK Bisnis dan Manajemen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran produktif Akuntansi, Administrasi Perkantoran dan Manajemen SMK di Kabupaten Semarang yang berjumlah 30 guru. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data variabel dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman kurikulum, motivasi kerja dan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru SMK sebesar 82,7%. Pengaruh secara parsial juga didapatkan pada variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen. Pemahaman kurikulum berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru SMK sebesar 18,84%. Motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru SMK sebesar 20,43%, serta kepemimpinan kepala sekolah berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru SMK sebesar 21,62%. Based on beginning observation abaout teacher performance in Semarang Regency it is known that there are obstacles in achieving maximum performance of teachers especially productive subject teachers in Business and Management vocational high school. The population of this research was productive teachers of Accounting, Office Administration and Management in Semarang Regency consisted 30 teachers. Method used in collecting data was questionnaire. Variable data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that curriculumunderstanding, work motivation and principalsleadership simultaneously positive and significant influence on the performance of vocational teachers to 82.7%. Partial effect was also obtained on the independent variable on the dependent variable. Curriculumunderstandinghas positive and significant

  12. Hubungan antara Hasil Penilaian Kinerja Guru dengan Kompetensi Guru PAI Tingkat SLTP/MTs di Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Jombang

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    Moh. Yahya Ashari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan tentang hubungan antara hasil penilaian kinerja guru dengan kompetensi guru PAI tingkat SLTP/MTs di Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Jombang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan atau tidak antara kedua variabel tersebut. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan uji analisis statistik korelasi product moment. Dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari dua variabel, yaitu hasil penilaian kinerja guru (variabel X dan kompetensi guru PAI (variabel Y. Adapun data penelitian diperoleh dari dokumentasi data , interview dan penyebaran angket dengan bentuk tertutup. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa variabel X tergolong baik, dengan hasil perhitungan sebesar 79 %. Sedangkan untuk variabel Y juga tergolong baik, dengan perolehan prosentase sebesar 85%. Dari hasil analisis statistik korelasi product moment didapatkan hasil rxy=0,98 untuk taraf kesalahan ditetapkan 5% dan N=24, maka r tabel=0,40. Dari hasil tersebut didapatkan data bahwa r hitung lebih besar dari r tabel, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara hasil penilaian kinerja guru dengan kompetensi guru PAI tingkat SLTP/MTs di pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Jombang. || It’s field research that discusses the connection between teacher performance appraisal results and the competence of PAI (Islamic lessons teachers in MTs (junior high school located in Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Jombang. The purpose of this study was to determine the existence of a connection between two variables. This quantitative research uses statistical analysis on product moment correlation test. This research consisted of two variables, namely the assessment of teacher performance (variable X and the competence of PAI teachers (variable Y. The data obtained from documentation, interviews and questionnaires with a closed form. The results of this research is


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    Ahmad Suriansyah


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menderskripsikan strategi kepala sekolah, guru, orang tua, dan masyarakat dalam pembentukan karakter siswa di sekolah dasar. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Instrumen penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipasi dan dokumentasi. Responden penelitian bersifat snow-ball. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model Creswell (2014. Keabsahan data digunakan kriteria kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dependabilitas, dan komfirmabilitas. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah strategi kepala sekolah dalam membentuk karakter siswa dengan filosofis kepemimpinan, keteladanan, kedisiplinan, kepemimpinan instruksional, kepemimpinan mutu, serta pemberdayaan guru dan tenaga kependidikan. Strategi guru adalah keteladanan, pembiasaan, dan sentuhan kalbu. Strategi orang tua dan masyarakat adalah komunikasi efektif dan kemitraan efektif. Kata Kunci: strategi, kepala sekolah, guru, masyarakat, karakter THE LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES OF SCHOOL PRINCIPALS, TEACHERS, PARENTS, AND THE COMMUNITIES IN BUILDING THE STUDENTS’ CHARACTER Abstract: This study was aimed to analyze the strategies of the school principals, teachers, parents, and communitiesinbuilding the student character in elementary schools. This study used the qualitative approach using the case study type. The research instrumentswere researhers themselves. The data were collected using the in-depth interview, participation observation, and documentation. The respondents were selected using the snowball sampling technique. The data were analyzed using the model developed by Creswell (2014. The verification of the data was done through credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability criteria. The findings showed that the strategies of the school principals in building the students’ character were the philosophy of leadership, modelling, discipline


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    Rachman Halim Yustiyawan


    Full Text Available This research aims to find relationship between career development, competence professional, motivation, with the performance teachers. This research using method quantitative approach with analysis statistic descriptif and path analysis. Research results indicate (1 there is a direct relationship between career development with the performance teachers; between career development with the motivation teachers; between competence professional with the performance teachers; between competence professional with the motivation teachers; and between motivation with the performance teachers; (2 there is a indirect relationship between career development with teacher performance through motivation teachers; between competence professional with teacher performance through motivation teachers. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari hubungan antara pengembangan karir, kompetensi profesional, motivasi, dengan kinerja guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis jalur atau (path analysis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1 terdapat hubungan langsung antara pengembangan karir dengan kinerja guru; antara pengembangan karir dengan motivasi kerja guru; antara kompetensi profesional dengan kinerja guru; antara kompetensi profesional dengan motivasi guru; dan antara motivasi dengan kinerja guru; (2 terdapat hubungan tidak langsung antara pengembangan karir dengan kinerja guru melalui motivasi guru; antara kompetensi profesional dengan kinerja guru melalui motivasi guru


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    Andi Tenriningsih


    Full Text Available Abstract: The Relationship Among Instructional Supervision, Work Motivation, Teachers' Per­formance, and Students' School Achievement. The study tries to investigate the direct and indirect rela­tionships among the principals' supervision, work motivation, teachers' performance and students' school achievement in Public Elementary Schools in Barru. The data were analyzed by using SEM. 297 teachers were selected as the sample of the study representing a population of 1,329 teachers of public elementary schools in Barru. The result shows that the principals' supervision, work motivation, teachers' performance and students' learning achievement have positive and significant, relationship directly and/or indirectly. Abstrak: Supervisi Pengajaran, Motivasi Kerja, Kinerja Guru, dan Prestasi Belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan hubungan langsung dan tidak langsung antara supervisi kepala sekolah dengan motivasi kerja, kinerja guru dan prestasi belajar siswa SD Negeri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kore­lasional, menggunakan SEM AMOS 4.0.1. Populasi meliputi guru SD Negeri se Kabupaten Barru sejum­lah 1.329 orang, dengan sampel sebanyak 297 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa supervisi kepala sekolah, motivasi kerja, kinerja guru, dan prestasi belajar siswa memiliki hubungan yang bersifat positif dan signifikan, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.


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    Tomoliyus .


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan kemampuan guru pendidikan jasmani (penjas sekolah dasar yang sudah bersertifikasi dalam memahami pengertian pendidikan jasmani dan penilaian berbasis kinerja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru penjas yang sudah bersertifikasi sekolah dasar Kabupaten Bantul di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Teknik pengambilan subjek penelitian menggunakan purposive random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1 guru penjas yang sudah bersertifikasi sekolah dasar sebagian besar kurang paham terhadap pengertian penjas modern; (2 guru penjas sekolah dasar sebagian besar kurang paham terhadap penilaian berbasis kinerja. Kata Kunci: pendidikan jasmani, penilaian berbasis kinerja, guru penjas TEACHERS‘ ABILITY ABOUT PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND PERFORMANCE-BASED ASSESSMENT Abstract: This study was aimed at describing the ability of the certified elementary school teachers of physical education to understand the definition of physical education and performance-based assessment. This study is categorised as descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were the certified elementary school teachers of physical education in Bantul regency of Yogyakarta Special Province. The research subjects were selected using a purposive random sampling technique. The data were analyzed using a descriptive analysis technique. The findings of the study revealed that: (1 most of the certified eelementary school teachers of physical education lacked their understanding of the concept of the modern physical education; and (2 most of them lacked understanding of performancebased assessment. Keywords: physical education, performance-based assessment, teachers of physical education


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    Sitti Hartinah DS, Teguh Setiawan


    Full Text Available Abstract: Kindergarten Teachers’ Attitudes toward Mathematics Learning. This study was aimed to know the attitudes of kindergarten teachers to mathematics teaching and learning. The study, carried out in the Regency of Tegal, took 340 kindergarten teachers into the pool of the sample (65% of the population of 523 teachers. Proportional random sampling was used in the selection of the sample. Questionnaires in the form of attitude scale were distributed to the sample to elicit their responses. t-test was used to analyze the differences of the attitudes and Croncbach’s Alpha was used to arrive at the reliability index. The study found out that, in general, kindergarten teachers  have positive attitudes towards the teaching and learning of mathematics. Abstract: Sikap Guru TK terhadap Pembelajaran Matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui sikap guru TK terhadap pembelajran matematika. Sampel sebanyak 340 dari 523 guru TK di Kabupaten Tegal (65% dari populasi yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik rambang proporsional. Data dikum­pulkan dengan kuesioner berupa skala sikap yang dikembangkan dengan metode Likert. Pembobotan menggunakan deviasi normal. Kriteria pemilihan butir pernyataan terbaik menggunakan uji t yaitu uji kesa­maan dua rata-rata uji satu pihak dan analisis reliabilitas menggunakan Formula Croncbach’s Alpha. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa guru TK pada umumnya bersikap positif terhadap pembelajaran matematika.


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    Ajeng Marga Kusuma


    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1 ada pengaruh secara parsial kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Guru SMK PGRI Wonoasri, 2 ada pengaruh secara parsial  komunikasi internal terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Guru SMK PGRI Wonoasri, 3 Ada Pengaruh secara simultan kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dan komunikasi internal terhadap efektivitas kerja guru SMK PGRI Wonoasri


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    Yusrizal Yusrizal


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan (1 mengembangkan instrumen evaluasi kinerja guru yang valid dan reliabel, (2 mengevaluasi kinerja guru Fisika, Biologi, dan Kimia SMA yang sudah terser-tifikasi/menerima tunjangan profesi. Populasi penelitian yaitu seluruh guru Fisika, Biologi dan Kimia SMA tersertifikasi/pene-rima tunjangan profesi yang berada di Kota Banda Aceh, Kabupaten Aceh Besar dan Kabupaten Pidie. Validitas konstruk instrumen yang dikembangkan dibuktikan melalui analisis fak-tor, dan reliabilitasnya diestimasi dengan rumus alpha Cron-bach. Analisis tingkat kinerja ditentukan dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 instrumen yang dikembang-kan terdiri atas 33 butir pernyataan, dan memiliki koefisien reliabilitas konsistensi internal sebesar 0,953; (2 kinerja guru Fisika, Biologi, dan Kimia SMA yang sudah lulus sertifikasi dan sudah menerima tunjangan belum seluruhnya berkinerja tinggi; (3 kinerja guru Kimia relatif lebih baik dari pada kinerja guru Biologi dan guru Fisika. Kata kunci: evaluasi, kinerja guru, validitas, reliabilitas ______________________________________________________________ AN EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF CERTIFIED SCIENCE TEACHERS (PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS Abstract This study was aimed at (1 developing a valid and reliable performance evaluation instruments for teachers, and (2 evaluating the level of Physics, Biology and Chemistry teachers of senior high schools who have been certified and received theprofession allowance. The population of this study included all certified Physics, Biology and Chemistry teachers of senior high schools who have received profession allowance in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, and Pidie. The construct validity of the instrument developed was assessed through factor analysis, and the reliability was estimated by using Cronbach’s Alpha formula. The level of teachers’performance was analyzed by the percentage. The result of the research shows that (1 the


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    Asep Agus Sulaeman


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kreativitas guru Biologi SMA dalam memetakan topik-topik dari berbagai aspek komoditas hayati unggulan lokal melalui penggunaan metode mind map dan mengetahui kemampuan guru dalam memetakan topik-topik komoditas hayati unggulan lokal ke dalam pembelajaran Biologi di SMA. Analisis data kreativitas guru Biologi SMA dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif terhadap mind map dengan menggunakan kriteria sesuai instrumen yang dikembangkan. Adapun analisis data tentang jumlah topik-topik Biologi dan jenis kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis komoditas hayati unggulan lokal dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantatif dan kualitatif. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan nilai aspek-aspek kreativitas guru Biologi yang tinggi, yaitu kemampuan berpikir asli (91,67, peka terhadap masalah (91,67, kemampuan berpikir lancar (90, kemampuan berpikir luwes (88,33, dan kemampuan berpikir terperinci (86,67. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan yang dilakukan guru, dapat diidentifikasi 15 topik Biologi SMA yang berkaitan dengan komoditas hayati unggulan lokal di Kabupaten Majalengka. Adapun kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis komoditas hayati unggulan yang diusulkan oleh guru tersebar di masing-masing tingkatan kelas dan semesternya dengan jumlah yang berbeda-beda.


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    Muh Nashiruddin


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara: 1 kreativitas guru PAI terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti  , 2 motivasi kerja guru PAI terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti , dan 3 kreativitas dan motivasi kerja guru terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi korelasional dengan melibatkan 33 orang sampel yang dipilih secara dengan metode sensus.  Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan angket/kuesioner. Teknikanalisis data diawali dengan  uji prasyarat yaitu uji normalitas dan linieritas. Uji hipotesis menggunakanuji regresi sederhana danuji regresi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ; 1 Kreativitas guru berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti.  2  motivasi kerja guru  berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti.  3 kreativitas guru  dan motivasi kerja guru secara bersama-sama atau simultan berpengaruh terhadap mutu pembelajaran.  Hasil analisis juga  menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai dari ketiga variabel tersebut hanya dapat dimasukkan dalam kategori sedang, sehingga  untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru dalam mengajar perlu diperhatikan faktor-faktor lain seperti: gaji, jaminan kerja, jaminan hari tua, penghargaan atas prestasi kerja, dan sebagainya.   Kata kunci: kreativitas, motivasi, mutupembelajaran   Abstract [The Relationship Between Teachers’ Creativity and Motivation Toward Learning Improvement]. This research aim at determine the correlation between the creativity of teachers on the improvement of learning quality of religious education and behavior, the work motivation of teachers on the improvement of learning quality of religious education and behavior, and  the creativity and the work motivation of eachers on the improvement  of learning quality of religious education and


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    Thoha Firdaus


    Full Text Available Pendidikan IPA menekankan pada pemberian pengalaman langsung untuk mengembangkan kompetensi agar peserta didik mampu menjelajahi dan memahami alam sekitar secara ilmiah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keterampilan dasar kinerja ilmiah pada mahasiswa calin guru fisika. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan sampel 36 mahasiswa calon guru fisika. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket respon mahasiswa terhadap keterlaksanaan kegiatan praktikum dan wawancara dengan dosen pengampu. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 50% mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menganalisis data dan membuat kesimpulan.

  3. Kemampuan Guru PAI dalam Merencanakan dan Melaksanakan Penilaian Autentik

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    Ulpah Sya’idah


    Full Text Available In conducting the assessment in accordance with the 2013 curriculum, a teacher is required to apply an authentic assessment in accordance with the Standards of Assessment. Teachers are also required to have the ability to make conformity between assessment techniques and assessment instruments which are the requirements of instruments that have been set in Permendikbud No. 66 of 2013. However, in fact teachers are difficult to make assessment instruments tailored to the form of assessment. This study aims to understand more about the ability of PAI teachers in conducting learning evaluation through non-test assessment (authentic assessment. In this study, researchers used qualitative research with case study research. The data collection techniques through interviews and documentation. The result of this research shows that PAI teacher in SMA 53 Jakarta has understood in doing authentic assessment planning through learning implementation plan (RPP. As for carrying out authentic assessment actually PAI teacher in SMA 53 Jakarta has been able, just because of lack of self motivation or work ethic in teacher to do pedagogic competence, and also professional attitude especially in doing assessment or evaluation. Keywords: Authentic Assessment, Master's Ability. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami lebih dalam tentang kemampuan guru PAI dalam melakukan evaluasi pembelajaran melalui penilaian non tes (penilaian autentik. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus.  Adapun teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa guru PAI di SMA Negeri 53 Jakarta sudah paham dalam melakukan perencanaan penilaian autentik melalui rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP. Adapun dalam melaksanakan penilaian autentik sebenarnya guru PAI di SMA Negeri 53 Jakarta telah mampu, hanya karena kurangnya motivasi diri atau etos kerja dalam diri

  4. Does Guru Granth Sahib describe depression? (United States)

    Kalra, Gurvinder; Bhui, Kamaldeep; Bhugra, Dinesh


    Sikhism is a relatively young religion, with Guru Granth Sahib as its key religious text. This text describes emotions in everyday life, such as happiness, sadness, anger, hatred, and also more serious mental health issues such as depression and psychosis. There are references to the causation of these emotional disturbances and also ways to get out of them. We studied both the Gurumukhi version and the English translation of the Guru Granth Sahib to understand what it had to say about depression, its henomenology, and religious prescriptions for recovery. We discuss these descriptions in this paper and understand its meaning within the context of clinical depression. Such knowledge is important as explicit descriptions about depression and sadness can help encourage culturally appropriate assessment and treatment, as well as promote public health through education.

  5. Perbedaan Pemahaman Guru BK Tentang Konseling Kelompok antara Alumni Unnes dan Non-Unnes

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    Desta Rizky Budiarti


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran pemahaman guru BK alumni Unnes dan guru BK alumni non-Unnes tentang konseling kelompok, dan perbedaan pemahaman diantara keduanya. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian survey komparatif. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu guru BK di SMP Negeri se-Kota Semarang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Cluster Proportional Random Sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan tes tentang pemahaman konseling kelompok. Analisis datanya menggunakan analisis kuantitatif yang mencakup deskriptif prosentase dan uji beda t-test polled varian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan, dimana pemahaman guru BK alumni Unnes tentang konseling kelompok berada pada kategori sangat tinggi dengan persentase 84,26% dibandingkan dengan guru BK alumni non-Unnes yang memiliki persentase 63,9% berada pada kategori sedang. Simpulan dari penelitian ini, pemahaman guru BK tentang konseling kelompok antara alumni Unnes lebih tinggi daripada guru BK alumni non-Unnes. The purpose of this study to describe the understanding of BK teacher Unnes graduate and BK teacher non - Unnes graduates about group counseling, and understanding the differences between them . This type of research is a comparative survey research. The population of this study are in Junior High School teacher BK as the city of Semarang. The sampling technique used is proportional cluster random sampling. Methods of data collection using test on understanding group counseling. Analysis of the data using descriptive quantitative analysis that includes the percentage and t - test different test variants polled. The results showed that there were significant differences, where the understanding of BK teacher Unnes graduate  abaout  the counseling group in the category with a very high percentage of 84.26 % compared to a BK teacher non - Unnes graduates who have a percentage only 63.9 % are in the medium category. The conclusions of this study


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    Adi Wahyudi


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh simultan dan parsial disiplin kerja, motivasi kerja, dan supervisi kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 37 guru, penentuan sampel menggunakan rumus yang dikembangkan oleh Isaac & Michael yang berjumlah 34 guru. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik sample random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner tertutup. Analisis yang digunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial parametriks. Hasil penelitian diperoleh terdapat pengaruh simultan disiplin kerja,motivasi kerja, dan supervisi kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 65,4 %. Terdapat pengaruh parsial disiplin kerja sebesar 17.56%, motivasi kerja sebesar 27.77%, dan supervisi kepala sekolah sebesar 15.21% terhadap kinerja guru. Dengan adanya disiplin kerja, motivasi kerja, dan supervisi kepala sekolah dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there was influences of working discipline, working motivation, school principal supervision toward working performance teachers. The population in this research was 37 teacher’s, determination of the sample using the formula developed by Isaac & Michael, amounting to 34 teacher’s. Samples were taken using simple random sampling technique. The data collection methods used a closed questionnaire. The analysis technique use were descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The research results are simultaneous the influence of working discipline, working motivation, and school principal supervision toward working performance teachers is 65.4%. There is a partial influence of working discipline is 17.56%, work motivation is 27.77%, and school principal supervision of 15:21% toward performance of teachers. With the existence of working discipline, working motivation, and school principal supervision can improve teacher performance.

  7. Kepemimpinan Kharismatis-Transformatif Tuan Guru Dalam Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Sasak-Lombok Melalui Pendidikan

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    Mohamad Iwan Fitriani


    Full Text Available Abstract: This article studies about  social change of Lombok Moslems under Tuan Guru’s Leadership. Here, Tuan Guru won’t be studied personally but focused on rationale, forms, sources of influence and leadership type of Tuan Guru in social change of Moslem Lombok community. Term of Tuan Guru derives from Tuan (al ha>jj dan guru (teacher, but not all of al ha>jj and teachers are called Tuan Guru for a main reason that Tuan Guru is a name for someone which is obtained from social legitimation and based on his knowledge and behaviour. Tuan Guru is sometimes called as Kyai, but not all of Kyais are Tuan Guru. This article showed that social changes done by Tuan Guru since there’s a gap between ideal and behavioral pattern among Lombok Moslem community, evolutif and planned form of change through educating society, Tuan Guru’s sources of influence consist of positional and personal power where Tuan Guru is regarded as waratsatu al-anbiya>’i and the legitimated interpreter or custodian of islamic teaching. What is said and done by Tuan Guru will be referrence of Lombok Moslems and the last is charismatic-transformative leadership type of Tuan Guru consists of idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration and inspirational motivation.    الملخص: درست هذه المقالة التغيّر الإجتماعي في المجتمع اللومبوكي تحت رياسة توان غورو. ولا تدرس هذه المقالة توان غورو كفرد وإنما تركّز في الحجة والشكل ومصدر الـتأثير ونمط رياسته في تغيّر المجتمع اللومبوكي المسلم.  وأصل مصطلح توان غورو من كلمة tuan  (الحاجّ و   guru (مدرّس ، ولكن ليس كل حاجّ يدرّس  هو توان غورو. لأن هذا المصطلح  من اعتراف المجتمع على أساس العلم وصلاح سلوك الشخص

  8. GURU v2.0: An interactive Graphical User interface to fit rheometer curves in Han’s model for rubber vulcanization


    Milani, G.; Milani, F.


    A GUI software (GURU) for experimental data fitting of rheometer curves in Natural Rubber (NR) vulcanized with sulphur at different curing temperatures is presented. Experimental data are automatically loaded in GURU from an Excel spreadsheet coming from the output of the experimental machine (moving die rheometer). To fit the experimental data, the general reaction scheme proposed by Han and co-workers for NR vulcanized with sulphur is considered. From the simplified kinetic scheme adopted, ...

  9. Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Pembelajaran Guru Pendidikan Jasmani Di SMA Muhammadiyah Kediri

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    Hendra Mashuri


    Full Text Available Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi tentang persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran guru pendidikan jasmani di SMA Muhammadiyah Kediri. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran guru pendidikan jasmani di SMA Muhammadiyah Kediri? Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei. Populasi yang digunakan adalah seluruh siswa SMA Muhammadiyah Kediri, sampel yang diambil berjumlah 60 siswa yang terdiri dari 20 siswa dari masing-masing kelas. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi siswa terhadap proses pembelajaran SMA Muhammadiyah Kediri mendapatkan skor 3115 atau rata-rata jawaban siswa 51,917 dengan persentase sebesar 74% dan masuk dalam kategori “Baik”. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran guru pendidikan jasmani adalah baik.


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    Josef Prijotomo


    Full Text Available Kawruh Kalang and Kawruh Griya are two Jawanese architectural texts being produced in the transitional period of the 19th to the 20th century. Following two of three steps of interpretation, as stated by Poespoprodjo, a study upon the guru-sector of Jawanese architecture is presented here. Among numerous findings of that study, one of them is the key position of the structural member named balandar-pangeret. This component not only direct and control the measurement of any Jawanese building, but also addressing the basic design chararacteristics of Jawa. It is then speculated that a Jawanese mode of design is embarked from the middle and then proceed downward to the earth and upward to reach the sky. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Teks Kawruh Kalang dan Kawruh Griya adalah teks arsitektur Jawa yang diproduksi dalam masa peralihan abad 19-20. Pengkajian atas teks tersebut dalam bentuk penafsiran-meng-'kata'-kan, memperlihatkan adanya pemikiran dasar penghadiran arsitektur yang bertolak dari balandar-pangeret, yakni balok-balok struktural yang ditopang oleh sakaguru. Masih dalam dimensi penafsiran sebagai meng-kata-kan, naskah yang dikaji diyakini mengindikasikan pemikiran arsitektural Jawa yang karakteristik yakni berawal dari tengah terus ke bawah, ke bumi, dan ke atas, ke angkasa. Kata kunci: griya jawa, sektor guru, balandar-pangeret, guru-acuan, guru-patokan.


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    Natalia Rosa Keliat


    center. Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Salatiga, Jawa Tengah dengan subjek penelitan adalah guru bidang studi IPA yang berjumlah 23 orang dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendata strategi pembelajaran IPA yang dilakukan guru SMP Kota Salatiga, kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam melaksanakan strategi pembelajaran di kelas, persentase pemahaman dan penerapan mind map oleh guru IPA SMP Kota Salatiga, serta kendala dalam melaksanakan strategi mind map di kelas. Analisis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil menunjukkan persentase guru IPA yang menggunakan strategi diskusi mencapai 78.26%, peta konsep 21,74%, demonstrasi 30,43%, ce-ramah 39,13%, mind map 34,78% dan strategi-strategi lain seperti permainan kartu, cerdas cer-mat, project based learning, discovery, problem based learning, CTL, inquiry mencapai 43,8%. Dalam menerapkan strategi yang bervariasi guru mengalami kesulitan dalam mengatur alokasi waktu pembelajaran di kelas dikarenakan peserta didik yang memiliki tingkat kemampuan kogni-tif rendah membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama untuk memahami strategi pembelajaran yang dipakai di kelas. Dalam penerapan mind map, menunjukkan persentase jumlah guru yang menggunakan mind map dalam pembelajaran di SMP Kota Salatiga hanya mencapai 34,78% dan yang masih belum menerapkan pembelajaran model mind map mencapai 65,22%. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara diketahui bahwa sekitar 47,83% guru tersebut memahami prosedur pembelajaranmodel mind map, selebihnya sebesar 52,17% mengatakan belum memahami prinsip pembelajaran menggunakan mind map. Guru menjelaskan bahwa mind map sangat potensial digunakan se-bagai suatu teknik untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran peserta didik. Meskipun demikian, dalam penerapannya di kelas guru mengalami kendala dalam pengaplikasian mind map, misalnya dibu-tuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk menerapkan mind map sehingga materi lainnya tidak dapat diselesaikan tepat waktu. Selain itu

  12. Pola Pembinaan Kompetensi Kepribadian dan Kompetensi Sosial Guru di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo

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    Bambang Wahrudin


    Full Text Available This research is motivated by the importance of personal competence and social competence teacher as the spirit of education. The focus of reasearch is know the program fostering personal competence and social competence teacherin SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo . Deep observation and interview used in this research by qualitative aproach. The result shows that personality competence development programs conducted in six (6 forms include: 1 Dhuhr and Asr prayers in congregation, 2 Baitul Arqom for teachers and employees, 3 Course / tahsin read the Koran for teachers and employees, 4 Pray tahajud ahad congregation every morning, and 5 Training Motivation and 6 Counseling, whereas social competence training program conducted by three (3 forms, namely: 1 Piket Sympathetic, 2 MGMPs and 3 Sinergy Building. These patern have made theacher have stong  professionaly and  authority Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya kompetensi kepribadian dan kompetensi sosial bagi guru sebagai ruh pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui program pembinaan kompetensi kepribadian dan kompetensi sosial guru di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo. Reset mendalam dilakukan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkaan bahwa Program pembinaan kompetensi kepribadian dan kompetensi sosial sumber daya manusia di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo menggunakan 6 (enam bentuk meliputi: 1. sholat Dhuhur dan Ashar berjamaah, 2. baitul Arqom untuk guru dan karyawan, 3. kursus/tahsin baca al-Qur’an untuk guru dan karyawan, 4. sholat tahajud berjamaah setiap ahad dini hari, dan 5. training motivasi dan 6. konseling, sedangkan program pembinaan kompetensi sosial dilakukan dengan 3 (tiga bentuk, yaitu: 1. paket Simpatik, 2.  MGMP dan 3. sinergy Building. Pola ini telah berhasil menghantarkan guru sebagai guru yang profesional yang kuat dan berwibawa.


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    Eka Andriani


    Full Text Available This study aims to improve teachers' pedagogical competence and academic achievement of students through lesson study based learning. The design of this study is classroom action research method of observation and written tests. The data were analyzed by quantitative descriptive. The research was conducted on a geography teacher and students of class XI social science programe specialization courses in high school. The results showed an increase pedagogical competence of teachers of the first cycle to the second cycle. This can be seen from the ability of teachers prepare lesson plans and implementing learning. Based learning lesson study also impact on improving the academic skills of students in the form of activity and learning outcomes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik guru dan prestasi akademik siswa melalui pembelajaran berbasis lesson study. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan metode observasi dan tes tertulis. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada guru Geografi dan siswa kelas XI program peminatan ilmu sosial di SMA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru dari siklus I ke siklus II. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari kemampuan guru menyusun RPP dan melaksanakan pembelajaran. Pembelajaran berbasis lesson study juga berdampak pada peningkatan kemampuan akademis siswa berupa aktivitas dan hasil belajar.

  14. Suplemen Panduan Guru dalam Pengembangan Pembelajaran Tematik Kompetensi Dasar Matematika Kelas IV


    Isti Hidayah; Sugiarto Sugiarto; Heri Sutarto


    AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar (SD) dengan penguatan tahapan enaktif-ikonik-simbolik berbantuan serang-kaian pertanyaan produktif. Perangkat pembelajaran berupa Panduan Guru sebagai suple-men dalam mengembangkan rancangan pembelajaran tematik kompetensi dasar (KD) Ma-tematika kelas IV semester gasal. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan Panduan Guru dengan perangkatnya, yaitu alat peraga sebagai representasi enaktif; media ...


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    Sujianto Sujianto


    Full Text Available Continuous development of certified teachers in vocational high school tech­no­logy clump. The purpose of this study is to describe the continuing professionality deve­lop­ment of teachers certifiedcertified teachers through investments investing in self-development educators, scientific publications, and innovative work wetherboth independently, in groups, or insti­tutionalizedinsti­tutionally. This research uses a descriptive quantitative study design study, with and  a the research subjects are who is certified vocational teachers educators asin Malang Raya. The Research research instruments used in this study are questionnaires and interview guides. The results of this study indi­cate that continuing professionality development of certified teachers certified in vocational educators high school clumps technology clump is still relatively low, most teachers only are categorized in the categories category of sometimes doing self-development investments, scientific publications, and innovative works. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan profesionalitas berkelanjutan guru bersertifikat pendidik melalui investasi pengembangan diri, publi­kasi ilmiah, dan karya inovatif baik secara mandiri, berkelompok, atau melembaga. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan subjek penelitian guru kejuruan bersertifikat pendidik se-Malang Raya. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan profesionalitas berkelanjutan guru berser­tifikat pendidik di SMK rumpun teknologi se-Malang Raya masih tergolong rendah, sebagian besar guru hanya kadang-kadang me­lakukan investasi pengembangan diri, publikasi ilmiah, dan membuat karya inovatif.


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    Joko Sukoyo


    Full Text Available Kegiatan workshop ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Semarang Utara dalam hal penyusunan soal digital bahasa Jawa dengan menggunakan program adobe captivate. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah: ceramah, demonstrasi, praktik langsung, tanya jawab, dan penugasan. Peserta yang mengikuti workshop sebanyak 47 guru SD di Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Materi yang diberikan kepada peserta meliputi pengenalan program adobe captivate, penginstalan program adobe captivate, dan penulisan soal digital bahasa Jawa dengan menggunakan program adobe captivate. Kegiatan workshop ini berdampak positif kepada guru-guru SD di Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Sebelum diadakan kegiatan workshop, mereka sama sekali tidak dapat membuat soal digital dengan program adobe captivate. Setelah diadakan kegiatan worshop dan diadakan evaluasi terjadi peningkatan yang sangat signifikan, lebih dari 75% dapat membuat soal digital.

  17. Pengaruh Kompetensi Pedagogik dan Kompetensi Profesional Guru terhadap Economic Literacy melalui Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas XII IPS di SMA Kota Malang

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    Denik Wulandari


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh (1 kompetensi pedagogik guru terhadap economic literacy melalui prestasi belajar siswa, (2 kompetensi profesional guru terhadap economic literacy melalui prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap siswa kelas XII IPS di SMA RSBI se-Kota Malang pada tahun 2012, data diperoleh dari angket, tes, dan dokumentasi. Hasil pene-litian: (1 kompetensi pedagogik guru berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap economic literacy; (2 kompetensi pedagogik guru berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar; (3 prestasi belajar berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap economic literacy; (4 kompetensi profesional guru berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap economic literacy; dan (5 kompetensi profesional guru berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut secara keseluruhan dapat diketahui bahwa kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional guru dapat mempengaruhi economic literacy siswa melalui prestasi belajar siswa. Kata kunci: kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi profesional, prestasi belajar, economic literacy

  18. Interferometric key readable security holograms with secrete-codes

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    A new method is described to create secrete-codes in the security holograms for enhancing their anti-counterfeiting characteristics. ... Scientific Instruments Organisation, Sector 30, Chandigarh 160 030, India; Department of Applied Physics, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar 125 001, India ...

  19. Seren Taun Guru Bumi Harmony of Islam and Pasundan Culture

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    Abdurrahman Misno BP


    Full Text Available The advent of Islam in Tatar Sunda (West Java lent a new color to the culture that had previously existed there. The nature of Islam which was friendly to the local culture, made it easy to be accepted by the Sundanese people without bloodshed. The results are a variety of cultural rituals rooted in Sundanese culture yet rich with Islamic culture. Seren Taun Guru Bumi is one of the rituals of the Sundanese people deeply-rooted in the belief of Nyi Pohaci (Dewi Sri as the goddess of fertility. The involvement of the researcher in this ritual made the data a primary source which is the implementation of Seren Taun Guru Bumi in Sindang Barang Cultural Village, Bogor, West Java. This research shows that the ritual of Seren Taun Guru Bumi is a form of Islamic harmony with the Sundanese culture. Islamic culture assimilates in the frame of Sundanese traditions in Tatar Sunda, in which both are brought together in the ritual as a form of gratitude to God Almighty.

  20. Persepsi Guru BK Tentang Kompetensi Konselor di Sekolah Dasar Swasta Kota Semarang

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    Restu Setyoningtyas


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang persepsi guru BK tentang kompetensi konselor di sekolah dasar swasta Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif, responden penelitian adalah guru BK sekolah dasar swasta, teknik pengumpulan data berupa skala psikologi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan Analisis Deskriptif Persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi guru BK tentang kompetensi konselor mendapatkan hasil yang positif. Kompetensi pedagogik yaitu positif, kepribadian yaitu kurang positif, sosial yaitu kurang positif, profesional yaitu cukup positif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah persepsi guru BK tentang kompetensi konselor di sekolah dasar swasta Kota Semarang pada umumnya positif. The purpose of this research is determine perception guidance and counseling teacher about counselor competence in private elementary school on Semarang city. This research is quantitative. Respondens is guidance and counseling teacher from private elementary school, techniques of data collection are psychology scale and documentation. The data analysis using Analysis Descriptive Percentage. Result showed that research is perception  guidance and counseling teacher about counselor competence is positive. Pedagogic competence is positive, personality is not positive enough, social is not positive enough, professional is positive enough. The conclusion of this research is perception guidance and counseling teacher about counselor competence in private elementary school on Semarang city in general is positive.


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    Dwi Yulianti


    Full Text Available Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan kompetensi guru PAUD dalam alat bermain sains (ABS dari barang-barang habis pakai atau limbah. Metode yang diterapkan berupa pelatihan dan workshop yang meliputi kuliah, praktek membuat alat dan peer teaching. ABS yang berhasil dibuat diantaranya tikar warna, pengukuran, menimbang, menakar, magnet, bunyi, pncampuran warna, gravitasi, telepon dari gelas plastik. Setelah kegiatan berlangsung terjadi peningkatan jumlah alat pada masing-masing sekolah. Terjadi pula peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam membuat alat bermain sains. Dari hasil uji coba melalui kegiatan per teaching, hasil belajar kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik siswa meningkat secara signifikan.

  2. Guru Sahabat Siswa: Program Kesehatan Reproduksi bagi Guru

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    Rieka Esti Saraswati


    Full Text Available The issue of reproductive health is increasing year by year. Proper understanding of reproductive healt his absolutely necessary for students at school. Teacher is one of the important part in learning process, so teachers must have an understanding of reproductive healt has well as sufficient skills to deliver it properly to the students. The purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of the "Guru Sahabat Siswa” program to increase teachers’ skills to become facilitators in a group discussion on reproductive health theme. The study involves 16 teachers in Junior High School in Yogyakarta. The research will be applied by using the experimental untreated control group design with pretest and post test. This program was proved for improving teachers' skills to be a facilitator in group discussions about reproductive health (F=14,411, p

  3. Suplemen Panduan Guru dalam Pengembangan Pembelajaran Tematik Kompetensi Dasar Matematika Kelas IV

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    Isti Hidayah


    Full Text Available AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar (SD dengan penguatan tahapan enaktif-ikonik-simbolik berbantuan serang-kaian pertanyaan produktif. Perangkat pembelajaran berupa Panduan Guru sebagai suple-men dalam mengembangkan rancangan pembelajaran tematik kompetensi dasar (KD Ma-tematika kelas IV semester gasal. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan Panduan Guru dengan perangkatnya, yaitu alat peraga sebagai representasi enaktif; media visual dalam bentuk po-werpoint sebagai representasi ikonik; lembar kegiatan peserta didik (LKPD dan lembar tu-gas peserta didik (LTPD, serta kartu masalah (contextual problem. Produk yang telah di-hasilkan akan membantu guru dalam mengembangkan rancangan pembelajaran dalam im-plementasi Kurikulum 2013. Hasil implementasi menunjukkan bahwa produk penelitian be-rupa Suplemen Panduan Guru membantu guru dalam mengembangkan rancangan dan pe-laksanaan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan ilmiah. Penyempurnaan Suplemen difokuskan pada keterpaduan aspek sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan.Kata kunci: suplemen panduan guru; pembelajaran tematik KD Matematika; contextual                         problem   AbstractThe purpose of this research is to develop elementary mathematics learning devices with reinforcement stages enactive-iconic-symbolic aidednquestion series of productive to strengthen the ability of solving Mathematics problem students since early. A learning device Teacher’s Guide as a supplement in developing basic competencies thematic lesson plan fourth grade Math odd semester. This research has produced a Teacher’s Guide with the device; witch is a representation enactive prop; visual media in the form of PowerPoint as iconic representations; students’ activity sheets (LKPD and students’ task sheet (LTPD, and card problems (contextual problem. The benefit of this research that has been produced to assist teachers in developing

  4. Pemahaman Guru BK Tentang Pelaksanaan Layanan Peminatan pada Kurikulum 2013

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    Finda Marsetyana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasar fenomena yaitu belum adanya kesiapan tentang program peminatan di SMK Negeri se-Kota Semarang. Tujuan penelitian secara umum untuk mengetahui pemahaman guru BK tentang pelaksanaan layanan peminatan pada kurikulum 2013 di SMK Negeri se-Kota Semarang. Medote pengumpulan data yaitu angket tertutup yang diberikan kepada 44 orang guru BK SMK Negeri se Kota Semarang. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian dari Pemahaman Guru BK Tentang Pelaksanaan Layanan Peminatan Pada Kurikulum 2013 Di SMK Negeri Se-Kota Semarang termasuk dalam kategori tinggi (71.59% dengan perincian indikator variabel yaitu pemahaman guru BK tentang kurikulum 2013 persentase sebesar 75.04% (tinggi, konsep dan strategi pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling pada kurikulum 2013 sebesar 69.31% (sedang, lingkup layanan peminatan sebesar 70.57% (tinggi, dan pelaksanaan layanan peminatan 72.22% (tinggi. Simpulan penelitian ini yakni guru BK SMK Negeri se-Kota Semarang telah mempunyai pemahaman tentang pelaksanaan layanan peminatan pada kurikulum 2013 dengan kriteria tinggi. This research was conducted based on the phenomenon that is there was no readiness about the students’ interest program vocational high schools in around Semarang.The general objective of this research was to know the counseling’s teachers deals with the implementation of students’ interest service towards the 2013 curriculum vocational high schools in around Semarang. Method of data collection is used closed questionnaire and it was given to 44 students vocational high schools in around Semarang in which the data obtained was analysed trough descriptive percentages. The research finding from counseling’s teachers about the implementation of students’ interest in the 2013 curriculum vocational high schools in around Semarang are in a high category (71.59%, with the details of the indicator variable are as follows; the understanding of

  5. Faktor-Faktor Hambatan Profesionalisasi Guru BK di SMA Negeri se- Kota Purwokerto

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    Cahya Dewi Rizkiwati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan tentang faktor-faktor hambatan yang terjadi dalam profesionalisasi guru BK. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri se-Kota Purwokerto. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian populasi atau sensus karena populasi guru BK berjumlah 25 orang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah  inventori dalam bentuk daftar cek masalah. Instrumen tersebut telah diuji validitasnya menggunakan rumus point biserial, sedangkan reliabilitas instrumen digunakan rumus KR-20. Data yang telah diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif prosentase. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan hambatan yang berasal dari faktor internal mendapat prosentase lebih tinggi daripada faktor eksternal. Faktor internal yang paling mempengaruhi profesionalisasi guru BK antara lain latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, motivasi kerja, kompetensi guru BK. Sedangkan faktor eksternal yang paling mempengaruhi profesionalisasi guru BK adalah sarana dan prasarana. The purpose of this research is to describe problems  occur in the professionalization of guidance and counseling teachers. The type of the research is survey research . This research was conducted in all of Senior High School in Purwokerto. Population research or census were used as sampling method, since  the population of guidance and counseling teachers were 25 people. Data collection technique was  using inventory with list of issues. The instrument validity has been tested using point biserial formula, whilst its reliability was tested using KR-20 formula. The data was analyzed using descriptive percentage techniques. The results of this research indicate that internal factors get higher percentage than external factors. Internal factors that have the most influence in the professionalization of guidance and counseling teachers include educational background, working experience , motivation, teacher

  6. Interferometric key readable security holograms with secrete-codes

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    2Department of Applied Physics, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology,. Hisar 125 001, India. *E-mail: MS received 21 ... A new method is described to create secrete-codes in the security holograms for enhancing ... ing, or falsification of the valuable products and documents.


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    Nuryani Nuryani


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi komunikasi guru padasiswa ABK di SMK Balai Perguruan Putri Bandung, bagaimana komunikasi instruksional yang dilakukan guru pada siswa ABK di SMK BPP, dan mengapa sekolah memilih untuk melaksanakan komunikasi pembelajaran yang menggabungkan siswa ABK dan nonABK. Penelitian ini menggunakan tradisi studi kasus dengan metode kualitatif serta menggunakan beberapa teori yang melandasi penelitian yakni teori interaksi simbolik dan teori konvergensi simbolik. Kesimpulan penelitiaan ini adalah 1 beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan komunikasi pembelajaran di antaranya kompetensi guru, kesiapan siswa, dan dukungan lingkungan sekolah. Termasuk juga dukungan orang tua dan pendamping. 2 Komunikasi pembelajaran dilaksanakan dalam dua saluran yakni komunikasi pembelajaran di depan kelas dan komunikasi individual antara guru dan siswa. Teknik yang digunakan mulai dari ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi, demonstrasi, dan juga tutor sebaya. Bahasa verbal dan nonverbal digunakan seperti raut muka ekspresif, suara lantang, artikulasi jelas, gaya tubuh dan bahasa tubuh ekspresif, disertai dengan sentuhan, belaian, tatapan mata. 3 Alasan yang melatar belakangi penyelenggaraan komunikasi instruksional yang menggabungkan siswa ABK dan nonABK di SMK BPP Bandung dilakukan demi kepentingan tiga pihak, yakni siswa ABK, organisasi, serta siswa non ABK DOI: 10.24198/jkk.Vvol4n2.4

  8. GURU v2.0: An interactive Graphical User interface to fit rheometer curves in Han's model for rubber vulcanization (United States)

    Milani, G.; Milani, F.

    A GUI software (GURU) for experimental data fitting of rheometer curves in Natural Rubber (NR) vulcanized with sulphur at different curing temperatures is presented. Experimental data are automatically loaded in GURU from an Excel spreadsheet coming from the output of the experimental machine (moving die rheometer). To fit the experimental data, the general reaction scheme proposed by Han and co-workers for NR vulcanized with sulphur is considered. From the simplified kinetic scheme adopted, a closed form solution can be found for the crosslink density, with the only limitation that the induction period is excluded from computations. Three kinetic constants must be determined in such a way to minimize the absolute error between normalized experimental data and numerical prediction. Usually, this result is achieved by means of standard least-squares data fitting. On the contrary, GURU works interactively by means of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to minimize the error and allows an interactive calibration of the kinetic constants by means of sliders. A simple mouse click on the sliders allows the assignment of a value for each kinetic constant and a visual comparison between numerical and experimental curves. Users will thus find optimal values of the constants by means of a classic trial and error strategy. An experimental case of technical relevance is shown as benchmark.


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    Siti Imroatun


    Full Text Available Kinerja guru sangat menentukan keberhasilan proses belajar yang efektif dan efisien. Dengan kinerja yang baik maka tujuan pendidikan dapat tercapai. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten wonosobo yang berjumlah sembilan sekolah yang dilatar belakangi bahwa kinerja guru di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Wonosobo belum optimal. Hal ini dilihat dari hasil observasi awal yang menunjukkan kurangnya persiapan sebelum mengajar, penggunaan metode pembelajaran yang kurang inovatif, dan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi kurang dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 orang guru ekonomi yang tersebar di sembilan SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Wonosobo. Sampel yang digunakan adalah semua guru ekonomi yang ada di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Wonosobo. Variabel yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah lingkungan kerja, kompensasi kerja, dan motivasi kerja sebagai variabel bebas, serta kinerja guru sebagai variabel terikat. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket atau kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial.Hasil analisis deskriptif masing-masing variabel menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan kerja, kompensasi kerja, motivasi kerja dan kinerja guru termasuk kriteria baik. Lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 16,65%; kompensasi kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 21,25%; dan motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 31,92%.Penelitian ini terdapat pengaruh positif antara lingkungan kerja, kompensasi kerja dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru, baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah agar guru ekonomi terus meningkatkan kompetensi professional dengan menyesuaikan kemampuan peserta didik. Selain itu juga perlu ditingkatkan fasilitas yang mendukung kinerja guru, memberikan kompensasi sesuai dengan beban kerja guru dan selalu memberikan motivasi kepada guru ekonomi. Teacher


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    Veronika Agustini Srimulyani


    Full Text Available Keadilan organisasional memiliki potensi untuk menciptakan manfaat besar bagi organisasi dan karyawan, dan salah satu manfaatnya adalah menumbuhkan extra-role behavior (ERB atau organizational citizenship behavior (OCB. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis konsekuensi keadilan organisasional (keadilan distributif, keadilan prosedural, dan keadilan interaksional pada organizational citizenship behavior guru SMA dan guru SMK di Kota Madiun. OCB dibagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu citizenship behaviors directed toward individuals (OCB-I dan citizenship behaviors directed towards the organisation (OCB-O. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 409 guru, yang dipilih secara non-acak. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan: keadilan distributif dan keadilan interaksional berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap OCB-I dan OCB-O; keadilan prosedural tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap OCB-I tetapi keadilan prosedural berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap OCB-O.

  11. Tera Ulang Peran Profetik Tuan Guru dalam Konteks Kebebasan Beragama di Pulau Lombok

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    Fawaizul Umam


    Full Text Available Ulama (Islamic scholars play important role in culturally paternalistic societies. Their prophetic role is theologically idealized as successors of prophets’ risâlah, mission. However, historically speaking, history yet often features reality that differs from their normative role. This paper aims to reevaluate the prophetic role of ulama in Lombok, called tuan guru, in the context of religious freedom praxsis. It is found that what is held by tuan guru in the realm of socio-politico-cultural tend to differ from his own existential theological spirit as one of socio-religious institutions. In the context of the praxis of religious freedom, tuan guru in general tend to play a role as a breeder and booster of anti pluralism discourses. Considering the theological claims of Islam itself as a spreader of mercy for all as well as political-cultural claims that Lombok is religious island, the island of thousand mosques, the realm seems ironic.

  12. GURU v2.0: An interactive Graphical User interface to fit rheometer curves in Han’s model for rubber vulcanization

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    G. Milani


    Full Text Available A GUI software (GURU for experimental data fitting of rheometer curves in Natural Rubber (NR vulcanized with sulphur at different curing temperatures is presented. Experimental data are automatically loaded in GURU from an Excel spreadsheet coming from the output of the experimental machine (moving die rheometer. To fit the experimental data, the general reaction scheme proposed by Han and co-workers for NR vulcanized with sulphur is considered. From the simplified kinetic scheme adopted, a closed form solution can be found for the crosslink density, with the only limitation that the induction period is excluded from computations. Three kinetic constants must be determined in such a way to minimize the absolute error between normalized experimental data and numerical prediction. Usually, this result is achieved by means of standard least-squares data fitting. On the contrary, GURU works interactively by means of a Graphical User Interface (GUI to minimize the error and allows an interactive calibration of the kinetic constants by means of sliders. A simple mouse click on the sliders allows the assignment of a value for each kinetic constant and a visual comparison between numerical and experimental curves. Users will thus find optimal values of the constants by means of a classic trial and error strategy. An experimental case of technical relevance is shown as benchmark.

  13. Hubungan kompetensi pedagogis dan kompetensi profesional guru PPKn dengan prestasi belajar siswa sekolah menengah

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    Vinta Larasati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kompetensi pedagogis dan kompetensi profesional guru PPKn dengan prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Negeri se-Kota Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian ini adalah korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif.  Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui angket dan dokumentasi. Analisis data untuk pengujian hipotesis menggunakan korelasi product moment sederhana dan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa: 1 terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara kompetensi pedagogis guru PPKn dengan prestasi belajar PPKn siswa. Kekuatan hubungan menunjukkan arah kekuatan dalam kategori sangat kuat. 2 terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara kompetensi profesional guru PPKn dengan prestasi belajar PPKn siswa. Kekuatan hubungan antara kedua variabel menunjukkan arah dalam kategori sangat kuat. 3 Terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan kompetensi pedagogis dan kompetensi profesional guru PPKn dengan prestasi belajar siswa. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This research was aimed at explaining the relationship between pedagogical and professional competency among PPKn teachers and students’ achievement at SMAN (State-owned Senior High Schools in Yogyakarta city. It was a correlational study with quantitative approach. Data was analyzed statistically to test the hypotheses using product moment test. The results are follows. 1 there is a positive and significant correlation between teachers’ pedagogical competency and students’ achievement. 2 there is a positive and significant correlation between teachers’ professional competency and students’ achievement. 3 there is a positive and significant correlation between teachers’ pedagogical and professional competency and students’ achievement.


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    Lutviani Rahayu


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja guru di SMP Negeri 5 Magelang baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah guru PNS di SMP Negeri 5 Magelang sebanyak 38 responden. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa persamaan garis regresi linier berganda yaitu Y = 0,182 + 0,283 + e; Y (kinerja guru, X1 (motivasi, X2 (kepuasan kerja. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh antara motivasi dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja guru di SMP Negeri 5 Magelang. OutputSPSS pengaruh X1 terhadap Y sebesar 0,643 dengan nilai hubungan parsial sebesar 12,1% pada taraf signifikansi 0,035, sedangkan X2 terhadap Y sebesar 0,178 dengan hubungan parsial sebesar 17,8% pada taraf signifikansi 0,011. Jadi semakin baik motivasi dan kepuasan kerja maka semakin baik pula kinerja guru. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an influence of motivation and job satisfaction on theteachers’ performance in SMP Negeri 5 Magelang either simultaneously or partially. The population in this research was a public civil servants in SMP Negeri 5 Magelang are 38 respondents. The collecting method was questionnaire and documentation. The analysis data technique were descriptive. The analysis showed that the multiple linear regression equation is Y = 0,182X1 + 0,283X2 + E, with Y (teachers’ performance, X1 (motivation, X2 (job satisfaction. These results indicated that there was an influence of motivation and job satisfaction on the teachers’s performance in SMP Negeri 5 Magelang. The SPSS output effect of X1 on Y of 0.643 with a value 12.1% partial relationship at a significance level of 0.035, while the X2 to Y of 0.178 with 17.8% partial relations at a significance level of 0.011. So the better motivation and job satisfaction, the better the

  15. URGENSI TUNTUTAN PROFESIONALISME DAN HARAPAN MENJADI GURU BERKARAKTER (Studi Kasus: Sekolah Dasar dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kabupaten Batubara

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    Deny Setiawan


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan profesionalisme guru, kualitas anak didik, dan guru yang berkarakter. Populasi penelitian adalah guru SD di Provinsi Sumatera Utara dengan sampel yang diambil secara purposive, yaitu Kabupaten Batubara. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes, wawancara, FGD, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan teknik statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa nilai UKG SD dan SMP tahun 2013 di Kabupaten Batubara secara nasional sangat rendah, bahkan ada yang memiliki nilai kompetensi 1,0. Nilai rata-rata kompetensi guru hanya sebesar 39,61 untuk guru SD, masih berada di bawah nilai rata-rata secara nasional dan Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Nilai UKG SMP sebesar 46,86 masih berada di bawah nilai rata-rata nasional. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa sebagian guru di Batubara masih memiliki profesionalisme yang rendah dalam melakukan tugas profesinya sehingga ke depan diharapkan perkembangan karakter guru yang berkualitas. THE URGENT DEMAND FOR PROFESSIONALISM AND THE HOPE FOR TEACHERS WITH GOOD CHARACTERS Abstract: The purpose of this research is to describe the improvement of teachers’ professionalism, students’ quality and teachers’ characters. The research population was primary school teachers in North Sumatra in Batubara Regency who were recruited through purposive sampling. Data were collected through test, interview, FGD and documentation study. The research results show that the value of UKG at elementary and secondary schools in 2013 in Batubara Regency, is very low, and some schools even have the competence value as much as 1.0. The average of primary school teachers’ competence is only 39.61, below the national and provincial average. While the SMP UKG value is 46.86 which is still below the national average. It shows that some teachers in Batubara are still less professional and thus need to further develop


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    Oky Estiana Putri


    Full Text Available Pada era globalisasi dewasa ini pendidikan menjadi sangatpenting. Bekal pendidikan yang dimiliki suatu masyarakat akan berkembang secara baik, dan tidak dapat dipungkiri masyarakat tersebut semakin berkualitas sertamampu bersaing secara kompetitif di era persaingan yang semakin ketat. Dalam suasana kompetitif semacam ini diperlukan sumber daya yang berkualitas. Untuk menciptakan sumber daya berkualitas diperlukan pendidik yang profesional. Keprofesionalan seorang pendidik dapat dilihat melalui kinerjanya yang baik. Kondisi di lapangan, kinerja guru di Kota Magelang masih belum optimal. Populasi penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran Ekonomi/Akuntasi SMA/MA Negeri di Kota Magelang yang berjumlah 30 orang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data variabel dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman kurikulum, supervisi akademik, dan fasilitas kerja berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 82,8%. Pengaruh secara parsial juga didapatkan pada variable independen terhadap variabel dependen. Pemahaman kurikulum berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru ekonomi SMA/MA Negeri sebesar 24,70%. Supervisi akademik berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru ekonomi SMA/MA Negeri sebesar 19,54%, serta fasilitas kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 23,42%. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah para guru hendaknya lebih meningkatkan pemahaman kurikulum supaya kinerjanya semakin baik. Bagi kepala sekolah hendaknya lebih memperhatikan lagi guru-guru dengan kegiatan supervisi akademik, dengan merasa diperhatikan, mendapat dorongan dan bantuan dari kepala sekolah guru akan lebih berusaha meningkatkan kinerjanya menjadi semakin baik. Sekolah hendaknya menyediakan fasilitas kerja yang lebih baik lagi, nyaman dan lengkap supaya guru merasa puas dan kinerjanya akan semakin baik. In the era of globalization


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    Umasih Umasih


    Full Text Available This article reveals how the educational policy in Indonesia during The Old Order. The domination of government (Soekarno as expressed in the domination theory by Antonio Gramsci which a politic is a commander and it can dominate whole Indonesia society life including an educational aspect. Furthermore, Soekarno as an individual manivesto has given a space for PKI because of their closeness. When the Minister, Prijono, issued a decision concerning about Pancawardhana Educational System, The Institution of National Education which is affiliated by PKI giving a formulation of Pancacinta. An education in the political manifesto obliges teachers enter into a practical politics life, teachers have to be revolutionary . It means that the learning practice is given toward students through indoctrination.  No less than 2000 teachers in the East java and the Cental Java finally became PKI members, then about  580 teachers of elementary school from the West Java. Even PKI has succeeded to divide the organization of teacher’s membership into The Cental Vak PGRI and  non Vak Central PGRI. Keywords : The Old Order, The Pacawardhana Educational System, the performance of elementary teachers.  Artikel ini mengungkapkan bagaimana kebijakan pendidikan Indonesia pada masa Orde Lama. Dominasi pemerintah (Soekarno seperti diungkapkan dalam teori  dominasi oleh ntonio Gramsci di mana politik adalah panglima dan dapat mendominasi segala kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia termasuk dalam bidang pendidikan. Tidak hanya itu, Presiden Soekarno sebagai manivesto perseorangan  juga  telah  memberi ruang gerak pada PKI karena kedekatan hubungannya dengan Presiden Soekarno.  Ketika Menteri Prijono mengeluarkan keputusan tentang Sistem Pendidikan Pancawardhana, Lembaga Pendidikan Nasional yang berafiliasi dengan PKI memberi rumusan tentang Pancacinta. Pendidikan dalam alam manipol mengharuskan guru terjun dalam kehidupan politik praktis, guru harus revolusioner yang


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    Akhmad Busyaeri


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKSikap merupakan sesuatu yang dipelajari dan sikap menentukan bagaimana individu bereaksi terhadap situasi serta menentukan apa yang dicari individu dalam kehidupannya. Sikap mengandung tiga komponen, yaitu komponen kognitif, komponen afektif dan tingkah laku. Sikap selalu berkenaan dengan suatu objek dan sikap terhadap objek ini disertai dengan perasaan positif dan negatif. Sikap dari seorang guru adalah salah satu faktor yang menentukan bagi perkembangan jiwa anak didik selanjutnya. Karena sikap seorang guru tidak hanya dilihat dalam waktu mengajar saja, tetapi juga dilihat tingkah lakunya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari oleh anak didiknya.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantitatif, untuk pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan teknik penyebaran angket dan studi dokumentasi. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara populasi sampel dan dipilih kelas V yang berjumlah 24 siswa. yang dijadikan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V. Dan untuk menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan analisis regresi dengan bantuan program SPSS 17.0 for windows. Pengaruh sikap guru di MI Madinatunajah kota Cirebon berada dalam kategori sedang. Hal ini dapat diketahui bahwa hasil angket pengaruh sikap guru sebesar 42,08 berada pada interval 36-55 (sedang, Dan pengembangan karaktr (peduli social kelas V di MI Madinataunnajah  mencapai 43,42 sedangkan median (nilai tengahnya adalah 44,00, serta modus (nilai yang sering muncul juga diperoleh dengan nilai 44. Dari hasil analisis menunjukan Koefisien Korelasi sebesar 0,511 dan Koefisien Determinasi sebesar 26,11 %. Dan nilai thitung  sebesar 2,787. Karena thitung > ttabel yakni 2,787 > 1,717. Maka hipotesis diterima.

  19. Tantangan Guru Sejarah: Pesan Sejarah sebagai Konsep Pendidikan Nilai

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    Anwar Senen


    Full Text Available Keberhasilan guru sejarah menyampaikan pesan sejarah sebagai suatu nilai moral yang perlu difahami siswa, terletak pada bagaimana cara guru mengembangkan materi pelajaran di depan kelas. Penggunaan metode pengajaran secara tepat yang dikemas secara kreatif akan memungkinkan pesan sejarah dapat disampaikan kepada siswa. Penekanan pada pesan sejarah ini penting, karena selama ini masih terkesan bahwa mata pelajaran sejarah hanya dianggap sebagai pengetahuan hafalan sejumlah peristiwa masa lalu. Hal demikian menyebabkan pemahaman siswa terhadap pelajaran sejarah sebatas pada pengetahuan deskriptif konsep apa, di mana, kapan dan mengapa suatu peristiwa sejarah terjadi, menjadi dasar mempelajari sejarah. Dalam kerangka memori tidaklah keliru. Tetapi sejarah sebagai mata pelajaran di sekolah dalam konsep pendidikan masih jauh dari harapan. Sebagai konsep pendidikan, pelajaran sejarah dapat bercerita kepada siswa. Oleh sebab itu, metode pengajaran sejarah oleh gum dengan pendekatan moral akan lebih tepat digunakan. Pendekatan moral sebagai konsep belajar mengajar lebih memungkinkan menjadikan pelajaran sejarah dinamis dalam menyikapi situasi yang berkembang dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Dengan demikian bahwa belajar sejarah memiliki dimensi masa lalu, kini dan akan datang akan terjawab melalui pendekatan moral dalam konsep pembelajarannya.

  20. Blended Learning Implementation in “Guru Pembelajar” Program (United States)

    Mahdan, D.; Kamaludin, M.; Wendi, H. F.; Simanjuntak, M. V.


    The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT), especially the internet, computers and communication devices requires the innovation in learning; one of which is Blended Learning. The concept of Blended Learning is the mixing of face-to-face learning models by learning online. Blended learning used in the learner teacher program organized by the Indonesian department of education and culture that a program to improve the competence of teachers, called “Guru Pembelajar” (GP). Blended learning model is perfect for learning for teachers, due to limited distance and time because online learning can be done anywhere and anytime. but the problems that arise from the implementation of this activity are many teachers who do not follow the activities because teachers, especially the elderly do not want to follow the activities because they cannot use computers and the internet, applications that are difficult to understand by participants, unstable internet connection in the area where the teacher lives and facilities and infrastructure are not adequate.


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    Totok Rochana


    Full Text Available Materi pembelajaran  Sosiologi dan Antropologi yang diajarkan di SMA senantiasa mengalami perubahan. Sementara  kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi FIS UNNES tidak banyak mengalami perubahan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis membahas bagaimana relevansi antara Kurikulum Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi FIS UNNES dengan kebutuhan mengajar bagi guru Sosiologi dan Antropologi SMA Negeri di Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan  bersifat kasus, pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara tertutup dan terbuka, dan analisis data  menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian  disimpulkan bahwa kurikulum  Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi FIS UNNES, masih relevan dengan materi pembelajaran Sosiologi dan Antropologi yang diajarakan di SMA. Saran yang diajukan adalah: perlu diselenggarakan penataran-penataran/diklat-diklat peningkatan penguasaan materi pembelajaran Sosiologi dan Antropologi bagi guru-guru Sosiologi dan Antropologi yang bukan berlatar belakang Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi. Pengangkatan CPNS Guru Sosiologi dan Antropologi perlu diprioritaskan dari lulusan Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi. Pengembangan kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi tetap mengacu pada relevansinya dengan kebutuhan di lapangan.Sociology and Anthropology instructional materials taught in high school are constantly changing, though the curriculum of Sociology and Anthropology FIS Unnes does not change much. In this study, the author discusses the relevance of the curriculum of Sociology and Anthropology of Education Unnes FIS to the needs of teaching for teachers of Sociology and Anthropology Senior high school in Central Java. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach using descriptive methods. Based on the results of the study it is concluded that the curriculum of Sociology and Anthropology

  2. Peningkatan Keterampilan Memberi Umpan Balik Guru Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan Kecamatan Taman Kabupaten Sidoarjo

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    Muhammad Yanuar Rizky


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tindakan pendampingan yang mampu meningkatkan keterampilan mengajar terutama pada aspek memberi umpan balik guru pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kecamatan Taman kabupaten sidoarjo setelah diberikan pendampingan. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan (action reseach. Tindakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, 1. Pemberian tayangan video keterampilan memberi umpan balik pada data primer, 2. Pendampingan perekaman dan diskusi hasil dilapangan, 3. Refleksi. Subjek dari penelitian ini ada 4 Guru Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan SDN di Kecamatan Taman Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Data hasil dari penelitian yang diperoleh dari nilai keterampilan memberi umpan balik pada 4 guru pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan yaitu: (1 SDN Sepanjang I sebelumnya mendapatkan nilai 2 menjadi 5, (2 SDN Ketegan I sebelumnya mendapatkan nilai 2 menjadi 5, (3 SDN Trosobo I sebelumnya mendapatkan nilai 0 menjadi 2, (4 SDN Kramat Jegu II sebelumnya mendapatkan nilai 0 menjadi 2. Rata- rata pre-test 1 dan rata-rata post-test 3.5. Berdasarkan perhitungan statistik diketahui bahwa nilai 8.70 > 2.35 sehingga dapat disumpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara pre-test dan post-test, dimana nilai pre-test lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan nilai post-test.


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    Siti Supeni


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengembangkan model internalisasi pendidikan karakter se- bagai penguatan nilai-nilai Pancasila, mengetahui langkah dan efektivitas model, mengembangkan strategi yang efektif, serta memperoleh hasil pengembangan bahan ajar oleh guru PAUD di Kota Surakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan model penelitian dan pengembangan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, focus group discussion, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, sedang teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan membuat reduksi data dan sajian data secara terus-menerus. Strategi pengembangan model pendidikan karakter disesuaikan dengan materi melalui media bermain peran, gambar, menyanyikan lagu nasional, dan rasa cinta tanah air. Out bond efektif pada praktik pendidikan karakter melalui nilai-nilai dasar etika dan moral dijadikan sebagai basis pendidikan Pancasila. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model yang dilakukan valid dan reliabel. Penelitian berhasil mengembangkan model pendidikan karakter dalam internalisasi pendidikan Pancasila pada anak usia dini lewat beberapa model strategi pengembangan pendidikan karakter dalam menginternalisasikan Pancasila pada PAUD melalui tabel model yang akan diterapkan dalam proses pendidikan. Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, Pancasila, PAUD DEVELOPING A MODEL OF THE PANCASILA CHARACTER EDUCATION INTERNALISATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHERS Abstract: This study was aimed to develop a model of the internalisation of the Pancasila character education, to find out the stages and effectiveness of the model, to develop an effective strategy, and to obtain the result of the materials developed by early childhood teachers in Surakarta Municipality. This study used a research and development model. The data were collected through observations, focus group discussion, interviews, and documentation, and the data were analyzed by reducing the data and displaying the data continuously. The strategi of developing the model of character

  4. Pengaruh pelatihan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi pada guru sekolah dasar sistem full day terhadap perubahan status kebersihan mulut siswa

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    Anne Agustina Suwargiani


    counselling materials; teacher’s feeling of knowledge limitations; and forgetfulness of the usage of the dental model replica. There was a signicant effect of the action towards the oral hygiene status of the students, but there was no signicant inuence of knowledge and attitude towards the oral hygiene status of the students. Conclusions: Dental care training on full-day primary school teachers did not signicantly change their knowledge and attitude of toothbrushing, but continuous and proper practice after training, however, gave signicant effect on student’s oral hygiene status. Inhibiting factors of alteration were coming from internal environment of both teachers and students, and also due to lack of facilities.   ABSTRAK Usia Sekolah Dasar merupakan usia yang tepat untuk mengajarkan teknik menyikat gigi  yang  baik  dan  benar, karena pada usia ini anak sedang dalam memasuki periode gigi campuran  dan sudah harus mampu menyikat  gigi baik dan benar. Penerapan penyikatan gigi di Sekolah Dasar dengan sistem full day sangat diperlukan, mengingat waktu anak di sekolah lebih lama dan melewati waktu makan siang sehingga anak harus mampu menjaga kesehatan giginya sendiri. Penerapan tersebut sangat membutuhkan peran guru. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan penyikatan gigi pada guru terhadap status kebersihan mulut siswa. Mixed methode terdiri dari tahap penelitian kuantitatif dengan pemberian kuisioner pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan guru setelah pelatihan penyikatan gigi dan keterampilan menyikat gigi siswa diukur melalui status kebersihan mulut (OHIS green Vermillion dan tahap penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi menggunakan cek list observasi untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat transfer hasil pelatihan pada siswa. Metode penelitian deskriptif analitik. Sampel penelitian diambil dari seluruh populasi, dimana semua guru diambil sebagai sampel penelitian. Hasil penelitian melalui uji korelasi linier menunjukkan hubungan

  5. The User Perspective in Lexicography: The Lemmatisation of Fixed Expressions in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona

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    Nomalanga Mpofu


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    Abstract: The article discusses the user perspective and information retrieval in relation to the lemmatisation of specific multi-word lexical units, namely fixed expressions, in the Shona monolingual dictionary, Duramazwi Guru reChiShona. It shows that the decisions arrived at in lemmatising fixed expressions were influenced by a user-driven approach. The article gives a comparative analysis of how fixed expressions were treated in previous Shona dictionaries and how they were subsequently dealt with in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona. Previous dictionaries have grappled with the problem of giving fixed expressions as run-on entries. Against the background of the user perspective, it will be argued that the lemmatisation of fixed expressions in monolingual dictionaries has certain advantages over previously used strategies.


    Opsomming: Die gebruikersperspektief in die leksikografie: Die lemma-tisering van vaste uitdrukkings in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona. Die artikel bespreek die gebruikersperspektief en inligtingsherwinning met betrekking tot die lemmatisering van spesifieke meerwoordige leksikale eenhede, naamlik vaste uitdrukkings, in die Sjona- eentalige woordeboek Duramazwi Guru reChiShona. Dit toon dat die besluite waartoe gekom is by die lem-matisering van vaste uitdrukkings beïnvloed is deur 'n gebruikersgedrewe benadering. Die artikel gee 'n vergelykende ontleding van hoe vaste uitdrukkings in vorige Sjonawoordeboeke bewerk is en hoe hulle vervolgens in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona behandel is. Vorige woordeboeke het met die probleem geworstel om vaste uitdrukkings as deurloopinskrywings te gee. Teen die agtergrond van die gebruikersperspektief word aangevoer dat die lemmatisering van vaste uitdrukkings in eentalige

  6. An Advanced Dictionary? Similarities and Differences between Duramazwi ReChiShona and Duramazwi Guru ReChiShona *

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    Emmanuel Chabata


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    Abstract: In this article a comparative analysis of Duramazwi ReChiShona (DRC and Duramazwi Guru ReChiShona (DGC is made. Both DRC and DGC are monolingual Shona dictionaries compiled by a team of researchers under the African Languages Lexical (ALLEX Project, now the African Languages Research Institute (ALRI. During the compilation process, DRC was known as the General Shona Dictionary and DGC as the Advanced Shona Dictionary. A simple analysis of these titles shows that the dictionaries are similar in some ways and also different in others. The writer tries to show the ways in which DGC is regarded as a more advanced dictionary when compared to DRC. Although the argument of the article is mainly built on those differences which make DGC the more advanced, attention is also paid to the similarities between the dictionaries.


    Opsomming: 'n Gevorderde woordeboek? Ooreenkomste en verskille tussen Duramazwi ReChiShona en Duramazwi Guru ReChiShona. In hierdie artikel word 'n vergelykende ontleding van Duramazwi ReChiShona (DRC en Duramazwi Guru ReChiShona (DGC gemaak. Sowel die DRC en DGC is eentalige Sjonawoordeboeke, saamgestel deur ?n span navorsers by die African Languages Lexical (ALLEX Project, tans die African Languages Research Institute (ALRI. Gedurende die samestellingsproses was DRC bekend as die Algemene Sjonawoordeboek en DGC as die Gevorderde Sjonawoordeboek. 'n Eenvoudige ontleding van hierdie titels toon dat die woordeboeke op sommige maniere eenders en op ander ook verskillend is. Die skrywer probeer die maniere aantoon waarop DGC beskou word as 'n meer gevorderde woordeboek wanneer dit met DRC vergelyk word. Alhoewel die argument van die artikel hoofsaaklik gebou is op daardie verskille wat DGC die gevorderdste maak, word ook aandag gegee aan


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    Muhammad Taufiq Halim


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh jauhnya lokasi sekolah dari pusat perkotaan sehingga menyebabkan kurangnya informasi yang masuk ke sekolah ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan konstruksi sosial guru terhadap pembelajaran IPS, mendeskripsikan implementasi pembelajaran IPS di SD Inpres 6/86 Laburasseng, mendeskripsikan dampak pembelajaran IPS di SD Inpres 6/86 Laburasseng. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan model interaktif yakni pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa konstruksi sosial guru terhadap pembelajaran IPS berbeda-beda khususnya pada tahap objektifikasi dan terjadi pergeseran pandangan terhadap pembelajaran IPS yang ideal yang menyebabkan implementasi dari pembelajaran IPS menyimpang sehingga berdampak pada perilaku siswa. Berdasarkan hal tersebut disarankan agar guru-guru lebih aktif untuk mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan serta diklat-diklat dan mencari informasi yang lebih banyak untuk menambah wawasan tentang pembelajaran IPS. The research was distributed by school location away from urban centres so that the cause of the lack of information coming into this school. The purpose of this study is to describe the social construction of teachers towards social science learning, social science learning implementation described in the primary presidential instruction 6/86 Laburasseng, described the impact of  social science learning in the primary presidential instruction 6/86 Laburasseng. This research includes qualitative research. The technique of data collection conducted in-depth interviews with, observation and documentation. Analytical techniques in the study with the use of interactive models i.e., data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The research found that


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    Isyatul Karimah


    Full Text Available The change of the curriculum affects the process of teaching and learning activities of teachers with students, so that required documentation of teaching and learning activities. The objective is to apply portfolio assessments and to obtain learning documentation from planning, implementation, and evaluation that embraces Lesson Study principles and to obtain student learning outcomes and to know how to implement teacher competencies. The method used using case study, type of research using grounded theory with data collection using snowball sampling as well as searching the validity of research findings using source triangulation techniques and method triangulation. The result of the research is the learning process which is planned, implemented, and evaluated by the teacher for one semester. Pergantian kurikulum memengaruhi proses kegiatan belajar mengajar guru dengan siswa sehingga diperlukan dokumentasi kegiatan belajar mengajar. Tujuannya adalah untuk menerapkan penilaian portofolio dan mendapatkan dokumentasi pembelajaran mulai dari perencanaan (plan, pelaksanaan (do, dan evaluasi (see yang menganut prinsip Lesson Study serta untuk mendapatkan hasil belajar siswa dan mengetahui cara mengimplementasikan kompetensi guru. Metode yang digunakan mengunakan studi kasus, jenis penelitian menggunakan grounded theory dengan penjaringan data menggunakan snowball sampling serta mencari keabsahan temuan penelitian menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi metode. Hasil penelitian berupa proses pembelajaran yang direncanakan, dilaksanakan, dan dievaluasikan oleh guru selama satu semester.

  9. Persepsi Siswa Tentang Peranan Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Membantu Arah Peminatan

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    Ikha Idfikhoda


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini didasarkan atas observasi dilengkapi wawancara yang menunjukkan bahwa siswa kurang memahami tentang peranan guru BK dalam arah peminatan siswa, hal ini merujuk pada persepsi siswa yang negatif kepada Guru BK. Data awal diperoleh dari dinas pendidikan tentang satuan pendidikan pada jenjang SMA yang melaksanakan kurikulum 2013 di Kabupaten Semarang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa tentang peranan guru BK dalam membantu arah peminatan pada siswa kelas X di SMA Se-Kabupaten Semarang Tahun 2015 Jenis penelitianini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan metode survei. Penelitian ini melibatkan siswa SMA kelas X se-Kabupaten Semarang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan skala persepsi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif prosentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1 SMA Negeri 1 Ungaran memperoleh persentase 70,99% (tepat, (2 SMA Negeri 1 Ambarawa memperoleh persentase 73,34% (tepat, (3 SMA Negeri 1 Tengaran memperoleh persentase 78,14% (tepat, dan (4 SMA Islam Sudirman Ambarawa memperoleh persentase 73,10% (tepat.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa persepsi siswa tentang peranan guru BK dalam membantu arah peminatan pada siswa kelas X di SMAse-Kabupaten Semarang Tahun 2015 menunjukkan kriteria tepat dengan persentase 73,86%. This research is based on observations including interviews which shows that students lack an understanding about the roles ofcounseling teachers to directof students’s specialization, it refers to negative students's perception to counseling teachers. Preliminary data from the education department about high school level who implementthe curriculum 2013 in the Semarang District. The purpose isto determine students’s perceptions about the roles of counseling teachers to helpdirectinggrade X students toward specialization. The type is descriptive quantitative with survey method. This research  involving the senior high school students


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    Enis Purnawanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan: (1 teknik yang digunakan, (2 faktor pendukung dan pendayagunaan, (3 kendala dan cara mengatasi nya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan studi multi situs di gugus sekolah I dan gugus Sekolah II Unit Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kecamatan Munjungan melalui teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data melalui dua tahap: (1 analisis data tiap gugus, (2 analisis lintas gugus. Hasil penelitian: Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik kelompok. Faktor pendukung dan pendayagunaan, yaitu (1 kesetiakawanan antar guru dan lembaga cukup tinggi pendayagunaan nya dengan menjalin komunikasi yang efektif antar personil dan antar lembaga; (2 Adanya dana sertifikasi dengan mewajibkan guru mengikuti kegiatan KKG dengan biaya swadaya; (3 wilayah gugus yang tidak luas pendayagunaan dengan melaksanakan koordinasi antar sekolah dan antar personil secara intens. Kendala dan cara mengatasinya yaitu: (1 tidak ada aturan yang resmi dari pemerintah tentang pelaksanaan KKG dan pengelolaan gugus solusinya dengan melaksanakan kegiatan berdasarkan RKAG; (2 komitmen guru masih rendah cara mengatasinya dengan melibatkan semua unsur yang ada di gugus dalam perencanaan, pengawasan dan evaluasi kegiatan; (3 minimnya sarana prasarana penunjang kegiatan, adapun solusinya dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas dari sekolah inti dan lembaga lain. This study aims to describe: (1 the techniques used, (2 supporting factors and utilization, (3 problems and how to resolve it. This study used a qualitative approach with a multi-site study design in school cluster I and group II Unit School Department of Education and Culture District of Munjungan through observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the data in two steps: (1 analysis of the data of each group, (2 analysis across the group. RESULTS: The technique used is the technique of the group. Factors supporting and utilization, namely: (1


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    Sudarno Shobron


    pendidikan terakhir; 3 Kurangnya sarana prasarana misalnya ruangan UKS, dan laboratorium, sehingga masih kesulitan saat praktek pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: kinerja guru; sertifikasi; manajemen mutu; pendidikan.


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    Rizkia Yulikasari


    Full Text Available Motivasi merupakan keseluruhan daya penggerak dari dalam maupun luar diri siswa yang menimbulkan kegiatan belajar sehingga tujuan yang dikehendaki dapat tercapai secara maksimal. Motivasi belajar siswa diantaranya dipengaruhi oleh faktor intern yang berasal dari dalam diri siswa yakni kesiapan belajar dan faktor ekstern yang berasal dari luar diri siswa yakni kompetensi profesional guru dan lingkungan belajar. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal ada indikasi bahwa motivasi belajar siswa kelas X Program Keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran di SMK N 1 Kendal masih rendah. Masalah yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini yaitu adakah pengaruh kesiapan belajar, kompetensi profesional guru, dan lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi belajar mata pelajaran kearsipan secara simultan maupun parsial. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu adakah pengaruh kesiapan belajar, kompetensi profesional guru, dan lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi belajar mata pelajaran kearsipan secara simultan maupun parsial. Populasi yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini merupakan siswa kelas X Program Keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran tahun ajaran 2014/2015 sebanyak 71 siswa. Variabel yang dikaji yaitu kesiapan belajar, kompetensi profesional guru, lingkungan belajar, dan motivasi belajar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif dan regresi berganda. Hasil dari analisis regresi linier berganda diperoleh persamaan Y = -14,855+ 0,571X1 + 0,309X2 + 0,519X3 + e. Ada pengaruh secara simultan antara kesiapan belajar, kompetensi profesional guru dan lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi belajar sebesar 63,3%, sedangkan pengaruh secara parsial kesiapan belajar sebesar 38,5%, kompetensi profesional guru sebesar 7,9%, dan lingkungan belajar sebesar 20,25%. Motivation was the entire driving force from within and outside the student who raised learning activities so that the desired objectives could be achieved optimally. Student's motivation

  13. Print and Electronic Resources: Usage Statistics at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Library (United States)

    Kapoor, Kanta


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to quantify the use of electronic journals in comparison with the print collections in the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Library. Design/methodology/approach: A detailed analysis was made of the use of lending services, the Xerox facility and usage of electronic journals such as Science Direct,…


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    Susi Fatikhah Setiyawati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1 menghasilkan buku pedoman guru untuk pembelajaran fisika SMA menggunakan model problem solving sesuai level inkuiri yang layak digunakan; (2 mendeskripsikan keberhasilan pembelajaran fisika menggunakan model problem solving (MPS sesuai dengan level inkuiri sesuai dengan buku pedoman terhadap peningkatan aktivitas peserta didik dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan, sesuai langkah yang dikembangkan oleh Borg & Gall. Subjek coba menggunakan delapan kelas. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket respon peserta didik, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan proses pembelajaran, lembar observasi aktivitas belajar dan tes kemampuan berfikir kritis peserta didik. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji multivariat (Manova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan ditinjau dari aspek materi, petunjuk umum buku, RPP & LKPD, dan perangkat penilaiam pembelajaran menurut ahli materi dan ahli media berkategori baik dan terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan berfikir kritis dan aktivitas belajar peserta didik yang signifikan antara keenam level inkuiri yang diujicobakan. Kata Kunci: model problem solving, level inkuiri, kemampuan berfikir kritis, aktivitas belajar   DEVELOPING A HANDBOOK FOR TEACHER IN TEACHERS HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL PHYSICS USE THE MODEL OF PROBLEM SOLVING LEVEL OF INQUIRY Abstract This study aims to: (1 to produce a handbook for teachers high school level physics use a model of problem solving with level of inquiry fit for use; (2 to determine the successful learning of physics using a model of problem solving in accordance with the level of inquiry to increase learning activities of learners and critical thinking abilities of learners. This research is the development, which refers to measures developed by Borg & Gall. The subject try consists of eight classes. Data collection using the questionnaire responses of learners, observation sheets learning


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    Tri Atmadji Sutikno


    Kata Kunci: sertifikasi guru, strategi penyelesaian konflik, motivasi kerja, produktivitas kerja THE INFLUENCE OF PERCEPTION ON TEACHER CERTIFICATION, CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGIES, AND WORK MOTIVATION ON WORK PRODUCTIVITY OF SMKN TEACHERS IN MALANG Abstract: This study was aimed to investigate the influence of perception on teacher certification, conflict resolution strategies, and work motivation on work productivity. The population was SMK teachers in Malang and the sample (278 teachers was taken randomly. The data were analyzed using descriptive and correlational analyses. The findings showed: (1 perception about teacher certification, conflict resolution strategies, work motivation belonged to the high category while the work productivity belonged to the fair category, (2 there are relationships between (a perception about teacher certification, conflict resolution strategies and work motivation, (b conflict resolution strategies, work motivation and work productivity, (3 there is no relationship between perception about teacher certification and work productivity. Keywords: teacher certification, conflict resolution strategies, work motivation, and work productivity


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    Aan Subhan Pamungkas


    Full Text Available Abstrak. Literasi merupakan kemampuan yang perlu dikembangkan agar individu manpu memahami berbagai macam permasalahan sesuai dengan konteks yang terjadi. Ketersediaan bahan ajar yang mengacu pada kemampuan literasi masih sangat jarang dikembangkan, terutama di Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar FKIP Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Dari masalah tersebut maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan suatu bahan ajar matematika berbasis literasi bagi mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar. Materi dalam bahan ajar ini adalah bilangan pada mata kuliah konsep dasar matematika. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model pengembangan meliputi Concept, Design, Collecting Materials, Assembly dan Test Drive and Distribution. Untuk menguji kualitas bahan ajar maka dilakukan uji kevalidan dan kepraktisan yang dinilai oleh ahli (ahli materi dan ahli pendidikan serta dosen dan mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  produk hasil pengembangan termasuk kedalam kategori sangat valid menurut para ahli, praktis menurut penilaian dosen dan mahasiswa.  Kata Kunci: Bahan Ajar, Literasi, Bilangan  Abstract. Literacy is an ability that needs to be developed so that individuals are able to understand various problems in accordance with the context that occurs. The availability of teaching materials that refer to the literacy capability is still very rarely developed, especially in the Primary Teacher Education of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University. From the problem, the purpose of this research is to produce a literacy-based mathematics teaching material for students. The content in this teaching material is the numbers of the Konsep Dasar Matematika. This research is a research and development with development model consist of Concept, Design, Collecting Materials, Assembly and Test Drive and Distribution. To test the quality of instructional materials then tested the validity and practicality assessed by experts (material


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    Diah Ayu


    Full Text Available Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan: 1 Kompetensi profesional guru administrasi perkantoran dalam proses pembelajaran, 2 Penerapan kompetensi profesional guru administrasi perkantoran dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif persentase. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa X, XI, XII program keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin diperoleh sampel sejumlah 60 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi profesional guru administrasi perkantoran dalam proses pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa 76% dalam kriteria baik. Guru sudah menerapkan kompetensi profesional dalam proses pembelajaran dari indikator keterampilan membuka dan menutup pelajaran sebesar 73% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan menjelaskan sebesar 83% dalam kriteria sangat baik. Indikator keterampilan bertanya sebesar 78% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan memberi penguatan sebesar 70% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan menggunakan media pembelajaran sebesar 63% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator membimbing diskusi kelompok sebesar 81% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan mengelola kelas sebesar 85% dalam kriteria sangat baik. Indikator keterampilan mengadakan variasi sebesar 80% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan mengajar perorangan dan kelompok kecil sebesar 75% dalam kriteria baik. The purpose of this research is to analyze and describe: 1 teacher's professional competence of the administrative offices in the learning process in vocational Enlisted Prembun Kebumen, (2 Is the professional competence of teachers office administration already applied in the process of learning in vocational Enlisted Prembun Kebumen. The population is students of class X, XI, XII Administrative skills program

  18. EKSISTENSI SD GMIT DI ROTE NDAO (Studi Deskriptif Penempatan Guru PNS pada SD GMIT Rote Ndao-NTT

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    Melki Manafe


    berasal dari Negara. Hasil-hasil inimenempatkan SD GMIT di Rote Ndao pada status quasistate school dimana SD GMIT adalah milik GMIT akan tetapi semua operasional (subsidi pendidikan dan sumber daya manusia/guru selalu bergantung pada Negara.

  19. Peran dan Karya Roh Kudus serta Implikasinya terhadap Pengembangan Pribadi dan Kualitas Pengajaran Guru Kristen [Roles and Work of the Holy Spirit and the Implications for the Personal Development and Teaching Quality of Christian Teachers

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    Imanuel Adhitya Wulanata


    BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas peran dan karya Roh Kudus serta impilikasinya terhadap pengembangan pribadi dan kualitas pengajaran guru Kristen di era globalisasi. Tugas utama seorang guru dalam konteks pendidikan Kristen adalah membantu para siswa untuk belajar mengenal Allah di dalam Yesus Kristus dan melalui firman-Nya tersebut, mereka dapat bertumbuh dan menjadi serupa dengan Kristus dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Oleh sebab itu, penting sekali peran dan karya Roh Kudus sebagai Roh Hikmat untuk membantu guru Kristen membedakan antara kebenaran sejati dan kebenaran yang bersifat humanisme belaka. Dengan demikian, pengajaran yang disampaikan oleh guru Kristen tersebut tidak akan membawa para siswanya ke dalam hal-hal yang bersifat negatif pasca pengajaran, tetapi memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap perkembangan spiritual, karakter, intelegensi, dan perilaku mereka.

  20. Impacts of Model Building Energy Codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Athalye, Rahul A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Sivaraman, Deepak [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Elliott, Douglas B. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Liu, Bing [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Bartlett, Rosemarie [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) periodically evaluates national and state-level impacts associated with energy codes in residential and commercial buildings. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), funded by DOE, conducted an assessment of the prospective impacts of national model building energy codes from 2010 through 2040. A previous PNNL study evaluated the impact of the Building Energy Codes Program; this study looked more broadly at overall code impacts. This report describes the methodology used for the assessment and presents the impacts in terms of energy savings, consumer cost savings, and reduced CO2 emissions at the state level and at aggregated levels. This analysis does not represent all potential savings from energy codes in the U.S. because it excludes several states which have codes which are fundamentally different from the national model energy codes or which do not have state-wide codes. Energy codes follow a three-phase cycle that starts with the development of a new model code, proceeds with the adoption of the new code by states and local jurisdictions, and finishes when buildings comply with the code. The development of new model code editions creates the potential for increased energy savings. After a new model code is adopted, potential savings are realized in the field when new buildings (or additions and alterations) are constructed to comply with the new code. Delayed adoption of a model code and incomplete compliance with the code’s requirements erode potential savings. The contributions of all three phases are crucial to the overall impact of codes, and are considered in this assessment.

  1. Fatigue modelling according to the JCSS Probabilistic model code

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M.


    The Joint Committee on Structural Safety is working on a Model Code for full probabilistic design. The code consists out of three major parts: Basis of design, Load Models and Models for Material and Structural Properties. The code is intended as the operational counter part of codes like ISO,

  2. Pump Component Model in SPACE Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Byoung Jae; Kim, Kyoung Doo


    This technical report describes the pump component model in SPACE code. A literature survey was made on pump models in existing system codes. The models embedded in SPACE code were examined to check the confliction with intellectual proprietary rights. Design specifications, computer coding implementation, and test results are included in this report


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    Nida Aulia


    Full Text Available Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan formal bertujuan mempersiapkan lulusan untuk masuk ke dunia kerja. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kompetensi guru produktif pemasaran masih kurang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pengalaman mengajar dan etos kerja terhadap kompetensi profesional guru produktif pemasaran SMK Binis dan Manajemen di Kota Semarang baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 50 guru produktif pemasaran SMK Binis dan Manajemen di Kota Semarang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1 ada pengaruh pengalaman mengajar terhadap kompetensi profesional sebesar 17,47%, (2 ada pengaruh etos kerja terhadap kompetensi profesional sebesar 18,31% dan (3 ada pengaruh antara pengalaman mengajar dan etos kerja terhadap kompetensi profesional guru produktif pemasaran SMK Binis dan Manajemen di Kota Semarang secara simultan sebesar 59,5%. Hasil persamaan regresi diperoleh Y = 4,823 + 0,277X1 + 0,660X2. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu, ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara pengalaman mengajar dan etos kerja terhadap kompetensi profesional guru produktif pemasaran baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Vocational High School (SMK is one of the formal educational institutions aimed at preparing graduates to enter the workforce. Based on the results of preliminary observations indicate that the level of competence of teachers of productive marketing is still not good. This study aimed to analyze the influence of teaching experience and work ethic to the professional competence of teachers of productive marketing vocational high school Binis and management in Semarang. either partially or simultaneously. the population of this research is 50 teachers of productive marketing vocational

  4. Faith Maturity and Mental Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study of Indian American Followers of a Guru Tradition. (United States)

    Pandya, Samta P


    This article is based on a longitudinal study of Indian Americans devoted to a guru tradition, aiming to explore how faith contributes to their mental well-being. Respondent sample size at phase 1 (2003-2004) was 1872 and at phase 2 (2013-2014) was 1764. Two scales were used to measure faith maturity and well-being. Results showed that phase 2 well-being scores of the devotees were higher, influenced by faith maturity and engagement regularity, thereby corroborating the faith-religiosity-well-being link, further reinforced by the structural equation model. Faith emerges as critical variable in working with this cohort and planning interventions towards promoting their well-being.

  5. Studies on DANESS Code Modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Chang Joon


    The DANESS code modeling study has been performed. DANESS code is widely used in a dynamic fuel cycle analysis. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has used the DANESS code for the Korean national nuclear fuel cycle scenario analysis. In this report, the important models such as Energy-demand scenario model, New Reactor Capacity Decision Model, Reactor and Fuel Cycle Facility History Model, and Fuel Cycle Model are investigated. And, some models in the interface module are refined and inserted for Korean nuclear fuel cycle model. Some application studies have also been performed for GNEP cases and for US fast reactor scenarios with various conversion ratios


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    Wahyu Ramadoni


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to: (1 describe the leadership style of the principal in improving teacher performance; (2 describe the role of the school principal; (3 describe the factor endowments and a barrier in improving the performance of teachers; and (4 describe the effort completed the obstacle in improving the performance of the teacher in PAUD Islam Sabilillah and SDN 1 Tanjungsari District of Sidoarjo. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach with multi- case study design. The data in this research was obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, and study the documentation. Data analysis is divided into two stages, namely the individual data analysis and data analysis of cross cases. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1 mendeskripsikan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru; (2 mendeskripsikan peran kepala sekolah; (3 mendeskripsikan faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru; dan (4 mendeskripsikan usaha menyelesaikan hambatan dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru di PAUD Islam Sabilillah dan SDN Tanjungsari 1 Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan rancangan studi multi kasus. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dibagi dalam dua tahap, yakni analisis data individu dan analisis data lintas kasus.

  7. Improvement of MARS code reflood model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang, Moonkyu; Chung, Bub-Dong


    A specifically designed heat transfer model for the reflood process which normally occurs at low flow and low pressure was originally incorporated in the MARS code. The model is essentially identical to that of the RELAP5/MOD3.3 code. The model, however, is known to have under-estimated the peak cladding temperature (PCT) with earlier turn-over. In this study, the original MARS code reflood model is improved. Based on the extensive sensitivity studies for both hydraulic and wall heat transfer models, it is found that the dispersed flow film boiling (DFFB) wall heat transfer is the most influential process determining the PCT, whereas the interfacial drag model most affects the quenching time through the liquid carryover phenomenon. The model proposed by Bajorek and Young is incorporated for the DFFB wall heat transfer. Both space grid and droplet enhancement models are incorporated. Inverted annular film boiling (IAFB) is modeled by using the original PSI model of the code. The flow transition between the DFFB and IABF, is modeled using the TRACE code interpolation. A gas velocity threshold is also added to limit the top-down quenching effect. Assessment calculations are performed for the original and modified MARS codes for the Flecht-Seaset test and RBHT test. Improvements are observed in terms of the PCT and quenching time predictions in the Flecht-Seaset assessment. In case of the RBHT assessment, the improvement over the original MARS code is found marginal. A space grid effect, however, is clearly seen from the modified version of the MARS code. (author)

  8. Perilaku Bullying dan Peranan Guru BK/Konselor dalam Pengentasannya (Studi Deskriptif terhadap Siswa SMP Negeri 3 Lubuk Basung

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    Ilfajri Yenes


    Full Text Available Bullying merupakan suatu situasi di mana terjadinya penyalahgunaan kekuatan/kekuasaan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang/kelompok. Perilaku bullying merupakan  salah satu bentuk kekerasan dan agresif siswa di sekolah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku bullying yang ditampilkan siswa SMPN 3 Lubuk Basung dan peranan guru BK/konselor dalam pengentasannya. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa di SMP Negeri 3 Lubuk Basung berjumlah  564 orang dengan sampel 138 orang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik propotonal stratified random. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan angket. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis perilaku bullying yang dominan terjadi yaitu menyakiti secara verbal dilanjutkan dengan menyakiti secara fisik kemudian menyakiti secara mental dengan faktor keluarga. Faktor teman sebaya merupakan faktor yang lebih dominan sebagai penyebab perilaku bullying siswa. Secara umum guru BK/konselor cukup berperan mengatasi perilaku bullyingdengan memberikan  layanan informasi sebagai layanan yang lebih dominan diberikan dilanjutkan dengan layanan bimbingan kelompok dan konseling kelompok serta pemberian layanan konseling individual.

  9. Coding with partially hidden Markov models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Forchhammer, Søren; Rissanen, J.


    Partially hidden Markov models (PHMM) are introduced. They are a variation of the hidden Markov models (HMM) combining the power of explicit conditioning on past observations and the power of using hidden states. (P)HMM may be combined with arithmetic coding for lossless data compression. A general...... 2-part coding scheme for given model order but unknown parameters based on PHMM is presented. A forward-backward reestimation of parameters with a redefined backward variable is given for these models and used for estimating the unknown parameters. Proof of convergence of this reestimation is given....... The PHMM structure and the conditions of the convergence proof allows for application of the PHMM to image coding. Relations between the PHMM and hidden Markov models (HMM) are treated. Results of coding bi-level images with the PHMM coding scheme is given. The results indicate that the PHMM can adapt...

  10. Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru dengan Motivasi Karir Sebagai Variabel Moderasi dan Kepuasan Karir Sebagai Variabel Mediasi pada YP IPPI [Effect of Job Satisfaction on Teacher Performance with Career Motivation as a Moderating Variable and Career Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable at the YP IPPI – Education Foundation/Indonesian Educational Development Institute

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    Ferdy Ardiansyah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja guru dengan motivasi karir sebagai variabel moderasi dan kepuasan karir sebagai variabel mediasi pada YP IPPI, Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel moderasi motivasi karir dan variabel mediasi pada hubungan antara kepuasan kerja dan kinerja. Penelitian ini menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 74 guru dari total 208 guru di YP IPPI di Jakarta dan dilakukan dengan random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja dengan dimediasi oleh kepuasan karir dan di moderasi oleh motivasi karir, namun temuan yang unik variabel moderasi motivasi karir memberikan dukungan pengaruh yang negatif pada guru-guru di sekolah tersebut.

  11. Gap Conductance model Validation in the TASS/SMR-S code using MARS code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Sang Jun; Yang, Soo Hyung; Chung, Young Jong; Lee, Won Jae


    Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has been developing the TASS/SMR-S (Transient and Setpoint Simulation/Small and Medium Reactor) code, which is a thermal hydraulic code for the safety analysis of the advanced integral reactor. An appropriate work to validate the applicability of the thermal hydraulic models within the code should be demanded. Among the models, the gap conductance model which is describes the thermal gap conductivity between fuel and cladding was validated through the comparison with MARS code. The validation of the gap conductance model was performed by evaluating the variation of the gap temperature and gap width as the changed with the power fraction. In this paper, a brief description of the gap conductance model in the TASS/SMR-S code is presented. In addition, calculated results to validate the gap conductance model are demonstrated by comparing with the results of the MARS code with the test case


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    Mega Prani Ningsih


    menjelaskan bentuk implementasi Program PPG SM3T dalam membangun kompetensi guru geografi alumni program SM3T. Bentuk implementasi Program PPG SM3T meliputi proses pengembangan kurikulum hingga penilaian kompetensi guru geografi. Kompetensi yang dimaksud adalah kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial, dan kompetensi profesional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus di Universitas Negeri Malang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk implementasi Program PPG meliputi beberapa tahapan, yaitu (1 tahap pengembangan silabus oleh pihak terkait sesuai kebijakan universitas; (2 tahap pra kondisi sebagai gabungan tahap pra kondisi dan pleno 1; (3 tahap sistem pembelajaran yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan dan kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu (a tahap workshop SSP terdiri atas tahapan kegiatan pleno 2, yaitu pendalaman materi kurikulum 2013, pre-test, diskusi kelompok yaitu diskusi materi geografi dan pedagogik yang belum dipahami, kerja kelompok mandiri yaitu menyusun perangkat pembelajaran, gabungan tahap pleno 3, revisi dan persetujuan RPP, yaitu peer teaching, tes formatif, KKL dan melakukan kegiatan insidental seperti menulis jurnal dan artikel ilmiah; (b tahap PPL terdiri dari tahapan prosesi penyerahan mahasiswa PPL ke sekolah, pelatihan KMD oleh pihak PPG, melakukan kegiatan mengajar dan non mengajar, penelitian PTK, dan uji kinerja berupa Lesson Study; dan (c tahap uji kompetensi terdiri dari, pendalaman materi subtansial geografi, Ujian Tulis Lokal, dan Ujian Tulis Nasional. Tahapan implementasi diarahkan dalam membangun kompetensi guru geografi, yaitu pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional.

  13. Cultural Aspects in the Shona Monolingual Dictionary Duramazwi Guru reChiShona*

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    Nomalanga Mpofu


    Full Text Available

    Abstract: In the compilation of dictionaries, lexicographers also take cognisance of the culture which is inherent in a language. This article will look at the way the cultural aspect is interwoven in the practice of dictionary making. Language is at the core of culture and it is the major vehicle for the transmission of a people's beliefs and values. Language is also an expression of social struc-tures and attitudes. No culture can exist which does not have a natural language at its centre. A language thus reflects a particular culture. Culture in this article will be taken to mean whatever a person must know in order to function in a particular society (Wardhaugh 1998: 215. The article will look at two aspects: (1 the interrelationship between language and culture and its bearing on lexicography; and (2 the treatment of cultural aspects in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona (2001. Examples used in this article are drawn from the advanced Shona monolingual dictionary Duramazwi Guru reChiShona, and other Shona dictionaries, both monolingual and bilingual.


    Opsomming: Kulturele aspekte in die Sjona- eentalige woordeboek. By die samestelling van woordeboeke neem leksikograwe ook kennis van die kultuur wat inherent aan 'n taal is. Hierdie artikel sal kyk na die manier waarop die kulturele aspek verweef is met die praktyk van woordeboekmaak. Taal lê aan die kern van kultuur en dit is die hoofmedium vir die oordrag van 'n volk se opvattings en waardes. Taal is ook 'n uitdrukking van sosiale strukture en houdings. Geen kultuur kan bestaan wat nie 'n natuurlike taal as middelpunt het nie. 'n Taal weerspieël gevolglik 'n bepaalde kultuur. Kultuur in hierdie artikel sal verstaan word om alles te beteken wat 'n persoon moet weet om in 'n betrokke maatskappy te funksioneer

  14. User's manual for a process model code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kern, E.A.; Martinez, D.P.


    The MODEL code has been developed for computer modeling of materials processing facilities associated with the nuclear fuel cycle. However, it can also be used in other modeling applications. This report provides sufficient information for a potential user to apply the code to specific process modeling problems. Several examples that demonstrate most of the capabilities of the code are provided

  15. The GNASH preequilibrium-statistical nuclear model code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arthur, E. D.


    The following report is based on materials presented in a series of lectures at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, which were designed to describe the GNASH preequilibrium statistical model code and its use. An overview is provided of the code with emphasis upon code's calculational capabilities and the theoretical models that have been implemented in it. Two sample problems are discussed, the first dealing with neutron reactions on 58 Ni. the second illustrates the fission model capabilities implemented in the code and involves n + 235 U reactions. Finally a description is provided of current theoretical model and code development underway. Examples of calculated results using these new capabilities are also given. 19 refs., 17 figs., 3 tabs


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    Cok Istri Raka Marsiti


    Full Text Available Education is a key in improving quality of the nation. Human resource development is a strategic attempt that should be carried out by the government. Professional teacher is a whole building that covers thinking and acting in learning activities. As a consequence evaluation instrument of competency is a building unit that can be used to measure teachers competency. Professional teacher requires professional in teaching and training. Teachers roles are to generate learning activity, however, they face problems in executing their tasks, community perceptions on teachers, and teachers prosperity. Therefore, regeneration of teachers and continued development of human resource are answering these problems. Kata kunci: Mutu Pendidikan, SMK, profesionalisme guru.

  17. Rapid installation of numerical models in multiple parent codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brannon, R.M.; Wong, M.K.


    A set of``model interface guidelines``, called MIG, is offered as a means to more rapidly install numerical models (such as stress-strain laws) into any parent code (hydrocode, finite element code, etc.) without having to modify the model subroutines. The model developer (who creates the model package in compliance with the guidelines) specifies the model`s input and storage requirements in a standardized way. For portability, database management (such as saving user inputs and field variables) is handled by the parent code. To date, NUG has proved viable in beta installations of several diverse models in vectorized and parallel codes written in different computer languages. A NUG-compliant model can be installed in different codes without modifying the model`s subroutines. By maintaining one model for many codes, MIG facilitates code-to-code comparisons and reduces duplication of effort potentially reducing the cost of installing and sharing models.

  18. Steam condensation modelling in aerosol codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dunbar, I.H.


    The principal subject of this study is the modelling of the condensation of steam into and evaporation of water from aerosol particles. These processes introduce a new type of term into the equation for the development of the aerosol particle size distribution. This new term faces the code developer with three major problems: the physical modelling of the condensation/evaporation process, the discretisation of the new term and the separate accounting for the masses of the water and of the other components. This study has considered four codes which model the condensation of steam into and its evaporation from aerosol particles: AEROSYM-M (UK), AEROSOLS/B1 (France), NAUA (Federal Republic of Germany) and CONTAIN (USA). The modelling in the codes has been addressed under three headings. These are the physical modelling of condensation, the mathematics of the discretisation of the equations, and the methods for modelling the separate behaviour of different chemical components of the aerosol. The codes are least advanced in area of solute effect modelling. At present only AEROSOLS/B1 includes the effect. The effect is greater for more concentrated solutions. Codes without the effect will be more in error (underestimating the total airborne mass) the less condensation they predict. Data are needed on the water vapour pressure above concentrated solutions of the substances of interest (especially CsOH and CsI) if the extent to which aerosols retain water under superheated conditions is to be modelled. 15 refs


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    Ekasari Prastia


    Full Text Available Minat membaca dapat mempengaruhi kualitas pencapaian hasil belajar siswa dalam bidang-bidang studi tertentu seperti halnya membaca. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa cukup rendahnya minat membaca di perpustakaan bagi siswa SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. Hal ini dilihat dari jumlah pengunjung, peminjam buku dan daftar pembaca di perpustakaan SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh peranan guru, fasilitas perpustakaan dan pelayanan pustakawan terhadap minat membaca di perpustakaan bagi siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Metode analisis data menggunakan regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik, uji hipotesis dan analisis deskriptif. Uji keberartian persamaan regresi dilihat dari uji F hitung = 47,074 dengan probabilitas sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga diperoleh hasil analisis regresi linier berganda dengan persamaan Y= 10,165+ 0,533X1 + 0,079X2 + 0,053X3+ e. Besarnya pengaruh secara simultan antara pengaruh peranan guru, fasilitas perpustakaan, dan pelayanan pustakawan terhadap minat membaca sebesar 64.4%. Pengaruh secara parsial variabel peranan guru terhadap minat membaca yaitu 83%, fasilitas perpustakaan yaitu 80%, sedangkan pelayanan pustakawan yaitu 66%. Interest as understood and used by people during this time may affect the quality of student achievement in specific areas of study as well as reading . The problem in this research note that the relatively low interest in reading in the library for students of SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. It is seen from the number of visitors , the borrower's books and readers in the library list SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. This study aims to know is there any influence of the role of teachers , library facilities and services librarians to interest in reading in the library for students of classes XI SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga .This study includes quantitative research. Methods of

  20. PetriCode: A Tool for Template-Based Code Generation from CPN Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Kent Inge


    Code generation is an important part of model driven methodologies. In this paper, we present PetriCode, a software tool for generating protocol software from a subclass of Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs). The CPN subclass is comprised of hierarchical CPN models describing a protocol system at different...

  1. MARS code manual volume I: code structure, system models, and solution methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Bub Dong; Kim, Kyung Doo; Bae, Sung Won; Jeong, Jae Jun; Lee, Seung Wook; Hwang, Moon Kyu; Yoon, Churl


    Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute (KAERI) conceived and started the development of MARS code with the main objective of producing a state-of-the-art realistic thermal hydraulic systems analysis code with multi-dimensional analysis capability. MARS achieves this objective by very tightly integrating the one dimensional RELAP5/MOD3 with the multi-dimensional COBRA-TF codes. The method of integration of the two codes is based on the dynamic link library techniques, and the system pressure equation matrices of both codes are implicitly integrated and solved simultaneously. In addition, the Equation-Of-State (EOS) for the light water was unified by replacing the EOS of COBRA-TF by that of the RELAP5. This theory manual provides a complete list of overall information of code structure and major function of MARS including code architecture, hydrodynamic model, heat structure, trip / control system and point reactor kinetics model. Therefore, this report would be very useful for the code users. The overall structure of the manual is modeled on the structure of the RELAP5 and as such the layout of the manual is very similar to that of the RELAP. This similitude to RELAP5 input is intentional as this input scheme will allow minimum modification between the inputs of RELAP5 and MARS3.1. MARS3.1 development team would like to express its appreciation to the RELAP5 Development Team and the USNRC for making this manual possible

  2. Towards Product Lining Model-Driven Development Code Generators


    Roth, Alexander; Rumpe, Bernhard


    A code generator systematically transforms compact models to detailed code. Today, code generation is regarded as an integral part of model-driven development (MDD). Despite its relevance, the development of code generators is an inherently complex task and common methodologies and architectures are lacking. Additionally, reuse and extension of existing code generators only exist on individual parts. A systematic development and reuse based on a code generator product line is still in its inf...

  3. Perilaku Komunikasi antara Guru dengan Siswa Broken Home

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilsyah Nur


    Full Text Available Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan beberapa informan sebagai narasumber untuk menjawab permasalahan tentang opini publik terhadap komunikasi interpersonal dalam mengatasi orang tua broken home. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku komunikasi siswa broken home di sekolah belum sepenuhnya efektif. Hal ini disebabkan oleh: intensitas komunikasi antara orang tua dan anak yang masih kurang sehingga anak enggan untuk terbuka kepada orang tuanya mengenai prestasi belajar. Kurangnya dukungan, rasa empati serta sikap positif yang diberikan orang tua kepada anak juga mempengaruhi hubungan interpersonal diantara orang tua dan anak yang menyebabkan anak lebih terbuka kepada teman atau kerabatnya daripada orang tuanya sendiri.Kesetaraan antara orang tua dan anak masih kurang. Perilaku komunikasi yang demikian sangat berpengaruh terhadap perilaku anak di sekolah. Beberapa faktor yang menghambat prilaku komunikasi siswa broken home  diantaranya yaitu  orang tua yang kurang bisa membagi waktu antara pekerjaan dan memberikan perhatian kepada anak di rumah sehingga komunikasi dengan anak tidak berjalan dengan lancar, sikap acuh tak acuh yang ditunjukkan orang tua membuat anak menjauhkan diri dan tidak terbuka kepada orang tua dan ketidakterbukaan siswa terhadap Guru.


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    Diah Aryulina


    MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS MASALAH PADA MATAKULIAH PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN KOMPETENSI PEMBELAJARAN INKUIRI Abstrak: Tujuan tahap awal penelitian pengembangan ini adalah: 1 mengembangkan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah (PBM pada matakuliah pendidikan biologi, dan 2 memeroleh penilaian ahli terhadap ketepatan model PBM. Model PBM dikembangkan menggunakan pendekatan sistem desain instruksional berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan kompetensi guru biologi, serta kajian literatur mengenai ciri dan proses pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Evaluasi model PBM dilakukan oleh dua pakar pendidikan biologi. Selanjutnya data evaluasi dari pakar dianalisis secara deskriptif. Struktur model PBM yang dikembangkan pada matakuliah Strategi Pembelajaran Biologi, PPL I, dan PPL II terdiri atas tahap identifikasi masalah, perencanaan pemecahan masalah, pelaksanaan pemecahan masalah, penyajian hasil pemecahan masalah, dan refleksi pemecahan masalah. Kelima tahap tersebut dilaksanakan berulang dalam beberapa siklus selama semester. Hasil penilaian pakar menunjukkan bahwa model PBM sesuai dengan ciri pembelajaran berbasis masalah dan tepat digunakan untuk mengembangkan kompetensi pembelajaran inkuiri calon guru. Kata kunci: Model PBM, matakuliah pendidikan biologi, calon guru, kompetensi pembelajaran inkuiri

  5. The nuclear reaction model code MEDICUS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ibishia, A.I.


    The new computer code MEDICUS has been used to calculate cross sections of nuclear reactions. The code, implemented in MATLAB 6.5, Mathematica 5, and Fortran 95 programming languages, can be run in graphical and command line mode. Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been built that allows the user to perform calculations and to plot results just by mouse clicking. The MS Windows XP and Red Hat Linux platforms are supported. MEDICUS is a modern nuclear reaction code that can compute charged particle-, photon-, and neutron-induced reactions in the energy range from thresholds to about 200 MeV. The calculation of the cross sections of nuclear reactions are done in the framework of the Exact Many-Body Nuclear Cluster Model (EMBNCM), Direct Nuclear Reactions, Pre-equilibrium Reactions, Optical Model, DWBA, and Exciton Model with Cluster Emission. The code can be used also for the calculation of nuclear cluster structure of nuclei. We have calculated nuclear cluster models for some nuclei such as 177 Lu, 90 Y, and 27 Al. It has been found that nucleus 27 Al can be represented through the two different nuclear cluster models: 25 Mg + d and 24 Na + 3 He. Cross sections in function of energy for the reaction 27 Al( 3 He,x) 22 Na, established as a production method of 22 Na, are calculated by the code MEDICUS. Theoretical calculations of cross sections are in good agreement with experimental results. Reaction mechanisms are taken into account. (author)

  6. CMCpy: Genetic Code-Message Coevolution Models in Python (United States)

    Becich, Peter J.; Stark, Brian P.; Bhat, Harish S.; Ardell, David H.


    Code-message coevolution (CMC) models represent coevolution of a genetic code and a population of protein-coding genes (“messages”). Formally, CMC models are sets of quasispecies coupled together for fitness through a shared genetic code. Although CMC models display plausible explanations for the origin of multiple genetic code traits by natural selection, useful modern implementations of CMC models are not currently available. To meet this need we present CMCpy, an object-oriented Python API and command-line executable front-end that can reproduce all published results of CMC models. CMCpy implements multiple solvers for leading eigenpairs of quasispecies models. We also present novel analytical results that extend and generalize applications of perturbation theory to quasispecies models and pioneer the application of a homotopy method for quasispecies with non-unique maximally fit genotypes. Our results therefore facilitate the computational and analytical study of a variety of evolutionary systems. CMCpy is free open-source software available from PMID:23532367

  7. 24 CFR 200.925c - Model codes. (United States)


    ... below. (1) Model Building Codes—(i) The BOCA National Building Code, 1993 Edition, The BOCA National..., Administration, for the Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes and the references to fire retardant treated wood... number 2 (Chapter 7) of the Building Code, but including the Appendices of the Code. Available from...

  8. Interfacial and Wall Transport Models for SPACE-CAP Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Soon Joon; Choo, Yeon Joon; Han, Tae Young; Hwang, Su Hyun; Lee, Byung Chul; Choi, Hoon; Ha, Sang Jun


    The development project for the domestic design code was launched to be used for the safety and performance analysis of pressurized light water reactors. And CAP (Containment Analysis Package) code has been also developed for the containment safety and performance analysis side by side with SPACE. The CAP code treats three fields (gas, continuous liquid, and dispersed drop) for the assessment of containment specific phenomena, and is featured by its multidimensional assessment capabilities. Thermal hydraulics solver was already developed and now under testing of its stability and soundness. As a next step, interfacial and wall transport models was setup. In order to develop the best model and correlation package for the CAP code, various models currently used in major containment analysis codes, which are GOTHIC, CONTAIN2.0, and CONTEMPT-LT, have been reviewed. The origins of the selected models used in these codes have also been examined to find out if the models have not conflict with a proprietary right. In addition, a literature survey of the recent studies has been performed in order to incorporate the better models for the CAP code. The models and correlations of SPACE were also reviewed. CAP models and correlations are composed of interfacial heat/mass, and momentum transport models, and wall heat/mass, and momentum transport models. This paper discusses on those transport models in the CAP code

  9. Interfacial and Wall Transport Models for SPACE-CAP Code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hong, Soon Joon; Choo, Yeon Joon; Han, Tae Young; Hwang, Su Hyun; Lee, Byung Chul [FNC Tech., Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Hoon; Ha, Sang Jun [Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The development project for the domestic design code was launched to be used for the safety and performance analysis of pressurized light water reactors. And CAP (Containment Analysis Package) code has been also developed for the containment safety and performance analysis side by side with SPACE. The CAP code treats three fields (gas, continuous liquid, and dispersed drop) for the assessment of containment specific phenomena, and is featured by its multidimensional assessment capabilities. Thermal hydraulics solver was already developed and now under testing of its stability and soundness. As a next step, interfacial and wall transport models was setup. In order to develop the best model and correlation package for the CAP code, various models currently used in major containment analysis codes, which are GOTHIC, CONTAIN2.0, and CONTEMPT-LT, have been reviewed. The origins of the selected models used in these codes have also been examined to find out if the models have not conflict with a proprietary right. In addition, a literature survey of the recent studies has been performed in order to incorporate the better models for the CAP code. The models and correlations of SPACE were also reviewed. CAP models and correlations are composed of interfacial heat/mass, and momentum transport models, and wall heat/mass, and momentum transport models. This paper discusses on those transport models in the CAP code.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulfiani Rahman


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Ada  tiga  tujuan  penelitian  ini  yaitu  untuk  mengetahui  hubungan  antara  efikasi diri dengan perilaku organisasi, hubungan antara kepuasan kerja dengan perila- ku kerja organisasi dan peranan kepuasan kerja sebagai mediator dalam hubung- an antara efikasi diri dengan perilku kerja organisasi. Ada tiga skala yang digu- nakan dalam penelitian ini, yakni skala perilaku kerja organisasi, skala efikasi diri guru,  dan  angket  kepuasan  Minnesta.  Penelitian  ini  dilaksanakan  di  11  sekolah agama  yang  berlokasi  di  bagian  Utara,  Timur,  Selatan,  Barat,  dan  Tengah provinsi  Sulawesi  Selatan.  Sampel  terdiri  dari  208  guru.  Hasil  penelitian  ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara efikasi diri dan perilaku  kerja  organisasi.  Hasil  penelitian  ini  juga  menunjukkan  bahwa  ada hubungan  positif  dan  signifikan  antara  kepuasan  kerja  dengan  perilaku  kerja organisasi.  Ada  peranan  kepuasan  kerja  dalam  hubungan  antara  efikasi  diri dengan  perilaku  kerja  organisasi.  Hal  ini  berarti  bahwa  efikasi  diri  mempe- ngaruhi  perilaku  kerja  organisasi  guru  di  MAN  dimana  kepuasan  kerja  sebagai mediasi.  Abstract : There are three objectives in this study namely to know the relationship between self efficacy and  organizational citizenship  behavior, relationship between  job satis- faction  and  organizational  citizenship  behavior,  and  the  role  of  job  satisfaction  as mediator in the relationship between self efficacy and organizational citizenship be- havior (OCB. There are three scales used in this research which are organizationnal citizenship  behavior  scale,  teacher  self  efficacy,  and  minnesta  satisfaction  ques- tionnaire. The study was conducted on 11 religious schools located in a portion of North, East, South, West, and the Middle of South

  11. High burnup models in computer code fair

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dutta, B K; Swami Prasad, P; Kushwaha, H S; Mahajan, S C; Kakodar, A [Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay (India)


    An advanced fuel analysis code FAIR has been developed for analyzing the behavior of fuel rods of water cooled reactors under severe power transients and high burnups. The code is capable of analyzing fuel pins of both collapsible clad, as in PHWR and free standing clad as in LWR. The main emphasis in the development of this code is on evaluating the fuel performance at extended burnups and modelling of the fuel rods for advanced fuel cycles. For this purpose, a number of suitable models have been incorporated in FAIR. For modelling the fission gas release, three different models are implemented, namely Physically based mechanistic model, the standard ANS 5.4 model and the Halden model. Similarly the pellet thermal conductivity can be modelled by the MATPRO equation, the SIMFUEL relation or the Halden equation. The flux distribution across the pellet is modelled by using the model RADAR. For modelling pellet clad interaction (PCMI)/ stress corrosion cracking (SCC) induced failure of sheath, necessary routines are provided in FAIR. The validation of the code FAIR is based on the analysis of fuel rods of EPRI project ``Light water reactor fuel rod modelling code evaluation`` and also the analytical simulation of threshold power ramp criteria of fuel rods of pressurized heavy water reactors. In the present work, a study is carried out by analysing three CRP-FUMEX rods to show the effect of various combinations of fission gas release models and pellet conductivity models, on the fuel analysis parameters. The satisfactory performance of FAIR may be concluded through these case studies. (author). 12 refs, 5 figs.

  12. High burnup models in computer code fair

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dutta, B.K.; Swami Prasad, P.; Kushwaha, H.S.; Mahajan, S.C.; Kakodar, A.


    An advanced fuel analysis code FAIR has been developed for analyzing the behavior of fuel rods of water cooled reactors under severe power transients and high burnups. The code is capable of analyzing fuel pins of both collapsible clad, as in PHWR and free standing clad as in LWR. The main emphasis in the development of this code is on evaluating the fuel performance at extended burnups and modelling of the fuel rods for advanced fuel cycles. For this purpose, a number of suitable models have been incorporated in FAIR. For modelling the fission gas release, three different models are implemented, namely Physically based mechanistic model, the standard ANS 5.4 model and the Halden model. Similarly the pellet thermal conductivity can be modelled by the MATPRO equation, the SIMFUEL relation or the Halden equation. The flux distribution across the pellet is modelled by using the model RADAR. For modelling pellet clad interaction (PCMI)/ stress corrosion cracking (SCC) induced failure of sheath, necessary routines are provided in FAIR. The validation of the code FAIR is based on the analysis of fuel rods of EPRI project ''Light water reactor fuel rod modelling code evaluation'' and also the analytical simulation of threshold power ramp criteria of fuel rods of pressurized heavy water reactors. In the present work, a study is carried out by analysing three CRP-FUMEX rods to show the effect of various combinations of fission gas release models and pellet conductivity models, on the fuel analysis parameters. The satisfactory performance of FAIR may be concluded through these case studies. (author). 12 refs, 5 figs

  13. ITER Dynamic Tritium Inventory Modeling Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cristescu, Ioana-R.; Doerr, L.; Busigin, A.; Murdoch, D.


    A tool for tritium inventory evaluation within each sub-system of the Fuel Cycle of ITER is vital, with respect to both the process of licensing ITER and also for operation. It is very likely that measurements of total tritium inventories may not be possible for all sub-systems, however tritium accounting may be achieved by modeling its hold-up within each sub-system and by validating these models in real-time against the monitored flows and tritium streams between the systems. To get reliable results, an accurate dynamic modeling of the tritium content in each sub-system is necessary. In order to optimize the configuration and operation of the ITER fuel cycle, a dynamic fuel cycle model was developed progressively in the decade up to 2000-2001. As the design for some sub-systems from the fuel cycle (i.e. Vacuum pumping, Neutral Beam Injectors (NBI)) have substantially progressed meanwhile, a new code developed under a different platform to incorporate these modifications has been developed. The new code is taking over the models and algorithms for some subsystems, such as Isotope Separation System (ISS); where simplified models have been previously considered, more detailed have been introduced, as for the Water Detritiation System (WDS). To reflect all these changes, the new code developed inside EU participating team was nominated TRIMO (Tritium Inventory Modeling), to emphasize the use of the code on assessing the tritium inventory within ITER

  14. Modeling report of DYMOND code (DUPIC version)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Joo Hwan; Yacout, Abdellatif M.


    The DYMOND code employs the ITHINK dynamic modeling platform to assess the 100-year dynamic evolution scenarios for postulated global nuclear energy parks. Firstly, DYMOND code has been developed by ANL(Argonne National Laboratory) to perform the fuel cycle analysis of LWR once-through and LWR-FBR mixed plant. Since the extensive application of DYMOND code has been requested, the first version of DYMOND has been modified to adapt the DUPIC, MSR and RTF fuel cycle. DYMOND code is composed of three parts; the source language platform, input supply and output. But those platforms are not clearly distinguished. This report described all the equations which were modeled in the modified DYMOND code (which is called as DYMOND-DUPIC version). It divided into five parts;Part A deals model in reactor history which is included amount of the requested fuels and spent fuels. Part B aims to describe model of fuel cycle about fuel flow from the beginning to the end of fuel cycle. Part C is for model in re-processing which is included recovery of burned uranium, plutonium, minor actinide and fission product as well as the amount of spent fuels in storage and disposal. Part D is for model in other fuel cycle which is considered the thorium fuel cycle for MSR and RTF reactor. Part E is for model in economics. This part gives all the information of cost such as uranium mining cost, reactor operating cost, fuel cost etc

  15. Modeling report of DYMOND code (DUPIC version)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Joo Hwan [KAERI, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); Yacout, Abdellatif M [Argonne National Laboratory, Ilinois (United States)


    The DYMOND code employs the ITHINK dynamic modeling platform to assess the 100-year dynamic evolution scenarios for postulated global nuclear energy parks. Firstly, DYMOND code has been developed by ANL(Argonne National Laboratory) to perform the fuel cycle analysis of LWR once-through and LWR-FBR mixed plant. Since the extensive application of DYMOND code has been requested, the first version of DYMOND has been modified to adapt the DUPIC, MSR and RTF fuel cycle. DYMOND code is composed of three parts; the source language platform, input supply and output. But those platforms are not clearly distinguished. This report described all the equations which were modeled in the modified DYMOND code (which is called as DYMOND-DUPIC version). It divided into five parts;Part A deals model in reactor history which is included amount of the requested fuels and spent fuels. Part B aims to describe model of fuel cycle about fuel flow from the beginning to the end of fuel cycle. Part C is for model in re-processing which is included recovery of burned uranium, plutonium, minor actinide and fission product as well as the amount of spent fuels in storage and disposal. Part D is for model in other fuel cycle which is considered the thorium fuel cycle for MSR and RTF reactor. Part E is for model in economics. This part gives all the information of cost such as uranium mining cost, reactor operating cost, fuel cost etc.

  16. Content Coding of Psychotherapy Transcripts Using Labeled Topic Models. (United States)

    Gaut, Garren; Steyvers, Mark; Imel, Zac E; Atkins, David C; Smyth, Padhraic


    Psychotherapy represents a broad class of medical interventions received by millions of patients each year. Unlike most medical treatments, its primary mechanisms are linguistic; i.e., the treatment relies directly on a conversation between a patient and provider. However, the evaluation of patient-provider conversation suffers from critical shortcomings, including intensive labor requirements, coder error, nonstandardized coding systems, and inability to scale up to larger data sets. To overcome these shortcomings, psychotherapy analysis needs a reliable and scalable method for summarizing the content of treatment encounters. We used a publicly available psychotherapy corpus from Alexander Street press comprising a large collection of transcripts of patient-provider conversations to compare coding performance for two machine learning methods. We used the labeled latent Dirichlet allocation (L-LDA) model to learn associations between text and codes, to predict codes in psychotherapy sessions, and to localize specific passages of within-session text representative of a session code. We compared the L-LDA model to a baseline lasso regression model using predictive accuracy and model generalizability (measured by calculating the area under the curve (AUC) from the receiver operating characteristic curve). The L-LDA model outperforms the lasso logistic regression model at predicting session-level codes with average AUC scores of 0.79, and 0.70, respectively. For fine-grained level coding, L-LDA and logistic regression are able to identify specific talk-turns representative of symptom codes. However, model performance for talk-turn identification is not yet as reliable as human coders. We conclude that the L-LDA model has the potential to be an objective, scalable method for accurate automated coding of psychotherapy sessions that perform better than comparable discriminative methods at session-level coding and can also predict fine-grained codes.

  17. Hydrogen recycle modeling in transport codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Howe, H.C.


    The hydrogen recycling models now used in Tokamak transport codes are reviewed and the method by which realistic recycling models are being added is discussed. Present models use arbitrary recycle coefficients and therefore do not model the actual recycling processes at the wall. A model for the hydrogen concentration in the wall serves two purposes: (1) it allows a better understanding of the density behavior in present gas puff, pellet, and neutral beam heating experiments; and (2) it allows one to extrapolate to long pulse devices such as EBT, ISX-C and reactors where the walls are observed or expected to saturate. Several wall models are presently being studied for inclusion in transport codes


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Desy Irsalina Savitri


    Full Text Available This study aims to describe in depth observations on the role of the family and teachers in building the character of students broken home at primary school age. This study used a qualitative approach - a case study. Technique data collecting by interview and observation (at school and home visit in depth. Subjects of the study included two students broken home. This study menunjukkan that parents (mother and another family (grandparents, aunts, uncles that play a role in the child's everyday life. The results of this study are expected to package and represent the role of parents and teachers in building the character of students broken home. So as to cover all levels of students victims of a broken home. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan hasil pengamatan secara mendalam tentang peran keluarga dan guru dalam membangun karakter kepada siswa broken home di usia sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif - studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara, dan observasi (di sekolah dan home visit secara mendalam. Subjek dari penelitian mencakup 2 siswa broken home. Penelitian ini menujnjukkan bahwa orangtua (ibu dan keluarga lain (kakek, nenek, bibi, paman yang berperan dalam keseharian anak. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mampu mengemas dan mewakili peran orangtua dan guru dalam membangun karakter siswa broken home. Sehingga mampu mengcover semua lapisan siswa korban keluarga broken home.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Afandi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini berjudul Penggunaan Biografi Tuan Guru Kiyai Haji Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Majid dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah Lokal di Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul Wathan Senyiur Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Salah satu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat sejauh mana proses pembelajaran berangsung dan bagaimana dampaknya bagi siswa dalam rangka meningkatkan kreatifitas dan sikap nasionalisme siswa yang berlandaskan beberapa indikator yang peneliti sodorkan, misalnya 1 memiliki rasa bangga terhadap bangsa, 2 peduli terhadap nasib bangsa, 3 mempertahankan identitas atau jati diri sebagai bangsa timur, 4 menerima kemajemukan, 5 memiliki rasa keterpautan dan rasa memiliki (Sense of Belonging. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa aktifitas siswa di dalam kelas selama proses pembelajaran mengalami peningkatan secara signifikan. Hal tersebut terlihat dari proses tanya jawab selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Salah satu kendala dalam pembelajaran ini adalah terkait minimnya sumber-sumber pendukung pembelajran, misalnya buku maupun literatur-literatur yang membahas tentang tokoh Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Majid. Kata kunci: biografi, pembelajaran Sejarah.

  20. Model comparisons of the reactive burn model SURF in three ASC codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Whitley, Von Howard [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Stalsberg, Krista Lynn [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Reichelt, Benjamin Lee [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Shipley, Sarah Jayne [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    A study of the SURF reactive burn model was performed in FLAG, PAGOSA and XRAGE. In this study, three different shock-to-detonation transition experiments were modeled in each code. All three codes produced similar model results for all the experiments modeled and at all resolutions. Buildup-to-detonation time, particle velocities and resolution dependence of the models was notably similar between the codes. Given the current PBX 9502 equations of state and SURF calibrations, each code is equally capable of predicting the correct detonation time and distance when impacted by a 1D impactor at pressures ranging from 10-16 GPa, as long as the resolution of the mesh is not too coarse.

  1. 40 CFR 194.23 - Models and computer codes. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 24 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Models and computer codes. 194.23... General Requirements § 194.23 Models and computer codes. (a) Any compliance application shall include: (1... obtain stable solutions; (iv) Computer models accurately implement the numerical models; i.e., computer...

  2. Cavitation Modeling in Euler and Navier-Stokes Codes (United States)

    Deshpande, Manish; Feng, Jinzhang; Merkle, Charles L.


    Many previous researchers have modeled sheet cavitation by means of a constant pressure solution in the cavity region coupled with a velocity potential formulation for the outer flow. The present paper discusses the issues involved in extending these cavitation models to Euler or Navier-Stokes codes. The approach taken is to start from a velocity potential model to ensure our results are compatible with those of previous researchers and available experimental data, and then to implement this model in both Euler and Navier-Stokes codes. The model is then augmented in the Navier-Stokes code by the inclusion of the energy equation which allows the effect of subcooling in the vicinity of the cavity interface to be modeled to take into account the experimentally observed reduction in cavity pressures that occurs in cryogenic fluids such as liquid hydrogen. Although our goal is to assess the practicality of implementing these cavitation models in existing three-dimensional, turbomachinery codes, the emphasis in the present paper will center on two-dimensional computations, most specifically isolated airfoils and cascades. Comparisons between velocity potential, Euler and Navier-Stokes implementations indicate they all produce consistent predictions. Comparisons with experimental results also indicate that the predictions are qualitatively correct and give a reasonable first estimate of sheet cavitation effects in both cryogenic and non-cryogenic fluids. The impact on CPU time and the code modifications required suggests that these models are appropriate for incorporation in current generation turbomachinery codes.

  3. Tardos fingerprinting codes in the combined digit model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Skoric, B.; Katzenbeisser, S.; Schaathun, H.G.; Celik, M.U.


    We introduce a new attack model for collusion-secure codes, called the combined digit model, which represents signal processing attacks against the underlying watermarking level better than existing models. In this paper, we analyze the performance of two variants of the Tardos code and show that

  4. Models and applications of the UEDGE code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rensink, M.E.; Knoll, D.A.; Porter, G.D.; Rognlien, T.D.; Smith, G.R.; Wising, F.


    The transport of particles and energy from the core of a tokamak to nearby material surfaces is an important problem for understanding present experiments and for designing reactor-grade devices. A number of fluid transport codes have been developed to model the plasma in the edge and scrape-off layer (SOL) regions. This report will focus on recent model improvements and illustrative results from the UEDGE code. Some geometric and mesh considerations are introduced, followed by a general description of the plasma and neutral fluid models. A few comments on computational issues are given and then two important applications are illustrated concerning benchmarking and the ITER radiative divertor. Finally, we report on some recent work to improve the models in UEDGE by coupling to a Monte Carlo neutrals code and by utilizing an adaptive grid

  5. COMPBRN III: a computer code for modeling compartment fires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ho, V.; Siu, N.; Apostolakis, G.; Flanagan, G.F.


    The computer code COMPBRN III deterministically models the behavior of compartment fires. This code is an improvement of the original COMPBRN codes. It employs a different air entrainment model and numerical scheme to estimate properties of the ceiling hot gas layer model. Moreover, COMPBRN III incorporates a number of improvements in shape factor calculations and error checking, which distinguish it from the COMPBRN II code. This report presents the ceiling hot gas layer model employed by COMPBRN III as well as several other modifications. Information necessary to run COMPBRN III, including descriptions of required input and resulting output, are also presented. Simulation of experiments and a sample problem are included to demonstrate the usage of the code. 37 figs., 46 refs

  6. Chemistry models in the Victoria code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grimley, A.J. III


    The VICTORIA Computer code consists of the fission product release and chemistry models for the MELPROG severe accident analysis code. The chemistry models in VICTORIA are used to treat multi-phase interactions in four separate physical regions: fuel grains, gap/open porosity/clad, coolant/aerosols, and structure surfaces. The physical and chemical environment of each region is very different from the others and different models are required for each. The common thread in the modelling is the use of a chemical equilibrium assumption. The validity of this assumption along with a description of the various physical constraints applicable to each region will be discussed. The models that result from the assumptions and constraints will be presented along with samples of calculations in each region

  7. Sodium/water pool-deposit bed model of the CONACS code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peak, R.D.


    A new Pool-Bed model of the CONACS (Containment Analysis Code System) code represents a major advance over the pool models of other containment analysis code (NABE code of France, CEDAN code of Japan and CACECO and CONTAIN codes of the United States). This new model advances pool-bed modeling because of the number of significant materials and processes which are included with appropriate rigor. This CONACS pool-bed model maintains material balances for eight chemical species (C, H 2 O, Na, NaH, Na 2 O, Na 2 O 2 , Na 2 CO 3 and NaOH) that collect in the stationary liquid pool on the floor and in the desposit bed on the elevated shelf of the standard CONACS analysis cell


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    Nita Delima


    Full Text Available Kesetaraan dalam pendidikan merupakan elemen penting dari beberapa standar visi NCTM dalam pendidikan matematika. Kesetaraan yang dimaksud, tidak berarti bahwa setiap siswa harus menerima pembelajaran yang identik dari guru; sebaliknya, menuntut sebuah pembelajaran yang mengakomodasi sebuah akses dalam mencapai kemampuan setiap siswa. Selain itu, NCTM juga mengemukakan bahwa dalam pembelajaran matematika terdapat lima standar proses yang harus terpenuhi, yakni problem solving, reasoning and proof, connections, communication, dan representation. Sementara itu, kemampuan problem solving yang dimiliki oleh seseorang akan mempengaruhi pada fleksibilitas proses berpikir mereka. Proses berpikir yang dimaksud dapat berupa proses dinamik yang memuat kompleksitas ide–ide matematik yang dimiliki serta dapat mengekspansi pemahaman tentang matematika yang disebut sebagai mathematical thinking. Dengan demikian, diperlukan sebuah model pembelajaran yang dapat berfungsi sebagai alat pedagogis guru, baik sebelum, selama dan setelah pembelajaran, terutama dalam membangun mathematical thinking siswa. Kerangka Comprehensive Mathematics Instruction (CMI merupakan sebuah kerangka prinsip – prinsip praktek pembelajaran yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan pengalaman matematika yang seimbang, sehingga siswa dapat memiliki pemikiran dan pemahaman matematika secara mendalam, kerangka CMI memiliki semua kriteria sebuah model pembelajaran. Adapun syntax untuk model CMI terdiri dari develop, solidify dan practice. Dalam penerapannya, setiap syntax tersebut meliputi tiga tahapan, yakni tujuan (purpose, peran guru (teacher role dan peran siswa (student role. Berdasarkan hasil analisis eksploratif yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran CMI ini dapat menjadi sebuah alat pedagogis yang baru bagi guru yang dapat digunakan, baik sebelum, selama dan setelah pembelajaran dalam membangun kemampuan mathematical thinking siswa.    Kata Kunci: Comprehensive


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    Rizki Nugrahani


    Full Text Available Motivasi belajar merupakan segala sesuatu yang dapat memotivasi siswa atau individu untuk belajar. Hasil observasi awal menunjukkan masih banyak siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi siswa mengenai kepemimpinan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI-IPS SMA Negeri 1 Sayung Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014. Populasi seluruh siswa kelas XI-IPS SMA Negeri 1 Sayung Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014 berjumlah 50 siswa, seluruhnya dijadikan responden. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi siswa mengenai kepemimpinan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi guru secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi (65%. Secara parsial persepsi siswa mengenai kepemimpinan guru berpengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi (38,2%. Sedangkan persepsi siswa mengenai kemampuan berkomunikasi guru berpengaruh (33,8% terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. Motivation to learn is everything that can motivate students or individuals to learn. The results of preliminary observations indicate there are still many students who have alow learning motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of students perceptions about leadership and communication skills of teachers to students motivation on economic subjects in class XI Social SMA Negeri 1 Sayung school year 2013/2014. The population in this study are all students of class XI Social SMAN 1 Sayung school year 2013/2014 amounted to 50 students, and they are the respondent. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires. Data analysis method used is deskripstif analysis technique and multiple regression linier analysis. The results showed that the students

  10. Transmutation Fuel Performance Code Thermal Model Verification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gregory K. Miller; Pavel G. Medvedev


    FRAPCON fuel performance code is being modified to be able to model performance of the nuclear fuels of interest to the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP). The present report documents the effort for verification of the FRAPCON thermal model. It was found that, with minor modifications, FRAPCON thermal model temperature calculation agrees with that of the commercial software ABAQUS (Version 6.4-4). This report outlines the methodology of the verification, code input, and calculation results.

  11. Karakteristik Pengembangan Tes Keterampilan Berpiki Kritis Bumi dan Antariksa Untuk Calon Guru

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taufik Ramlan Ramalis


    Full Text Available Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the f critical thinking skills test and measurement errors according to classical test theory and item response theory. The test is based on the basic concepts and essential principles of the Earth Space, with reference to the core critical thinking skills. The research method used a mixed methods design with embedded experimental models. The analysis in this study is based on 41 responses of students teacher prospective who have taken IPBA courses at the Physics education department of FPMIPA UPI. Based on classical test theory indicates that of 18 test items were analyzed 15 items were good quality, reliability index of 0.89. From information function and standard error measurement of item response theory, the overall conclusion of this evaluation is that the model 2PL is better to use when evaluating the test. Keywords: critical thinking skills, earth and space, classical test theory, item response theory Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis karakteristik tes keterampilan berpikir kritis serta kesalahan pengukuran menurut teori tes klasik dan teori respons item. Tes disusun berdasarkan konsep dasar dan prinsip esensial sains Bumi dan Antariksa, dengan mengacu pada inti keterampilan berpikir kritis. Metode penelitiannya menggunakan mixed methods dengan desain embedded experimental model. Analisis dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada respons 41 mahasiswa calon guru yang telah mengambil matakuliah IPBA di departemen pendidikan Fisika FPMIPA UPI. Berdasarkan teori tes klasik menunjukkan bahwa dari 18 item tes yang dianalisis 15 item yang berkualitas baik, indeks reliabilitas 0,89. Dari fungsi informasi dan pengukuran kesalahan baku pada teori respons item, kesimpulan keseluruhan dari evaluasi ini adalah bahwa model 2PL adalah lebih baik untuk digunakan ketika mengevaluasi tes. Kata-kata kunci: keterampilan berpikir kritis, bumi dan antariksa, teori tes klasik

  12. Improving the quality of clinical coding: a comprehensive audit model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamid Moghaddasi


    Full Text Available Introduction: The review of medical records with the aim of assessing the quality of codes has long been conducted in different countries. Auditing medical coding, as an instructive approach, could help to review the quality of codes objectively using defined attributes, and this in turn would lead to improvement of the quality of codes. Method: The current study aimed to present a model for auditing the quality of clinical codes. The audit model was formed after reviewing other audit models, considering their strengths and weaknesses. A clear definition was presented for each quality attribute and more detailed criteria were then set for assessing the quality of codes. Results: The audit tool (based on the quality attributes included legibility, relevancy, completeness, accuracy, definition and timeliness; led to development of an audit model for assessing the quality of medical coding. Delphi technique was then used to reassure the validity of the model. Conclusion: The inclusive audit model designed could provide a reliable and valid basis for assessing the quality of codes considering more quality attributes and their clear definition. The inter-observer check suggested in the method of auditing is of particular importance to reassure the reliability of coding.

  13. English Teachers’ Teaching Quality in Madrasah in Jakarta and Banten based on the Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siti Nurul Azkiya


    Full Text Available Abstract This paper was intended to describe English teachers’ teaching quality in teaching reading comprehension and provide some reflection and suggestion on how teaching quality could be improved. The classroom factors of the dynamic model (orientation, structuring, questioning, modeling, application, assessment, time management, and making classroom as a learning environment [CLE] were used as a reference to conceptualize teaching quality. Classroom observation instrument was used to measure teaching quality of 59 English teachers in Madrasah Tsanawiyah in the provinces of Jakarta and Banten with a focus on reading comprehension. The findings showed that among the above eight factors, teachers rarely practiced orientation, structuring, modeling, and CLE. In addition, they did not provide enough application whereas a lot of time was spent for reading aloud and translating the text. Nevertheless, they started to raise questions and conduct assessment. With respect to questioning, however, the questions were limited to product questions, which did not promote critical thinking. Finally, the assessment method used was limited to questioning. Abstrak Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kualitas guru Bahasa Inggris dalam mengajar reading comprehension dan memberikan rekomendasi strategi meningkatkan kualitas mengajar. Delapan aspek yang ada dalam the Ddynamic Model (orientation, structuring, questioning, modeling, application, assessment, time management, and making classroom as a learning environment [CLE] dijadikan sebagai pijakan untuk mendefinisikan konsep kualitas mengajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen observasi kelas untuk melihat bagaimana guru mengajar reading comprehension. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 59 guru Bahasa Inggris di Madrasah Tsanawiyah di propinsi DKI Jakarta dan Banten. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di antara delapan aspek kualitas mengajar yang dalam the Dynamic Model, kebanyakan guru jarang

  14. Conservation of concrete structures according to fib Model Code 2010

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Matthews, S.; Bigaj-Van Vliet, A.; Ueda, T.


    Conservation of concrete structures forms an essential part of the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 (fib Model Code 2010). In particular, Chapter 9 of fib Model Code 2010 addresses issues concerning conservation strategies and tactics, conservation management, condition surveys, condition

  15. ATHENA code manual. Volume 1. Code structure, system models, and solution methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlson, K.E.; Roth, P.A.; Ransom, V.H.


    The ATHENA (Advanced Thermal Hydraulic Energy Network Analyzer) code has been developed to perform transient simulation of the thermal hydraulic systems which may be found in fusion reactors, space reactors, and other advanced systems. A generic modeling approach is utilized which permits as much of a particular system to be modeled as necessary. Control system and secondary system components are included to permit modeling of a complete facility. Several working fluids are available to be used in one or more interacting loops. Different loops may have different fluids with thermal connections between loops. The modeling theory and associated numerical schemes are documented in Volume I in order to acquaint the user with the modeling base and thus aid effective use of the code. The second volume contains detailed instructions for input data preparation


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    Rahmawati Setia Utami


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh lingkungan kerja dan kompensasi kerja melalui motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru di SMA Negeri 7 Semarang pada tahun 2013/2014 secara simultan maupun parsial. Populas penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru di SMA Negeri 7 Semarang, kemudian diambil sampel sejumlah 60 orang guru dengan teknik proposional random sample. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi dan angket. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi berganda, dan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Hasil uji simultan ( uji F diperoleh F hitung sebesar 5,174 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,003, karena nilai signifikansi jauh lebih kecil dari 0,05 maka Ho ditolak, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis yang berbunyi ada pengaruh yang signifikan mengenai lingkungan kerja dan kompensasi kerja melalui motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru diterima. Uji parsial ( uji t berdasarkan pengujian diperoleh koefisien untuk variabel lingkungan kerja (X1 diperoleh t hitung = 1,622 dengan signifikansi 0,011 < 0,05, maka Ho ditolak. Hasil pengujian untuk variabel kompensasi kerja (X2 diperoleh t hitung = 2,641 dengan signifikansi 0,021 < 0,005, maka Ho ditolak. Sedangkan untuk variabel motivasi kerja (Y1 diperoleh t hitung = 1,940 dengan signifikansi =0,050. This study aims to investigate the work environment and the work compensation thourgh motivation to the teacher’s performance at SMA Negeri 7 in the academic year 2013/2014 Semarang with work motivation as intervening variabels there any simultaneous and partial. The population in the reasearch is all the teachers at SMA Negeri 7 Semarang amounting to 60 teachers and then samples of the variables use all the teachers with a proportional random sample technique. Methods of data collection using the documentation and questionnaires. Methods of data analysis using descriptive analysis , regression analysis, and path analysis. The results obtained F

  17. Fuel rod modelling during transients: The TOUTATIS code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bentejac, F.; Bourreau, S.; Brochard, J.; Hourdequin, N.; Lansiart, S.


    The TOUTATIS code is devoted to the PCI local phenomena simulation, in correlation with the METEOR code for the global behaviour of the fuel rod. More specifically, the TOUTATIS objective is to evaluate the mechanical constraints on the cladding during a power transient thus predicting its behaviour in term of stress corrosion cracking. Based upon the finite element computation code CASTEM 2000, TOUTATIS is a set of modules written in a macro language. The aim of this paper is to present both code modules: The axisymmetric bi-dimensional module, modeling a unique block pellet; The tri dimensional module modeling a radially fragmented pellet. Having shown the boundary conditions and the algorithms used, the application will be illustrated by: A short presentation of the bidimensional axisymmetric modeling performances as well as its limits; The enhancement due to the three dimensional modeling will be displayed by sensitivity studies to the geometry, in this case the pellet height/diameter ratio. Finally, we will show the easiness of the development inherent to the CASTEM 2000 system by depicting the process of a modeling enhancement by adding the possibility of an axial (horizontal) fissuration of the pellet. As conclusion, the future improvements planned for the code are depicted. (author)

  18. RELAP5/MOD3 code manual: Code structure, system models, and solution methods. Volume 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The RELAP5 code has been developed for best estimate transient simulation of light water reactor coolant systems during postulated accidents. The code models the coupled behavior of the reactor coolant system and the core for loss-of-coolant accidents, and operational transients, such as anticipated transient without scram, loss of offsite power, loss of feedwater, and loss of flow. A generic modeling, approach is used that permits simulating a variety of thermal hydraulic systems. Control system and secondary system components are included to permit modeling of plant controls, turbines, condensers, and secondary feedwater systems. RELAP5/MOD3 code documentation is divided into seven volumes: Volume I provides modeling theory and associated numerical schemes


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    Yunik Sulistyowati,


    Full Text Available Prestasi belajar merupakan indikator yang penting untuk mengukur keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar. Prestasi belajar dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, di antaranya motivasi belajar dan kompetensi profesional guru. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah adakah pengaruh motivasi belajar dan kompetensi profesional guru terhadap prestasi belajar IPS ekonomi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Magelang Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 baik secara simultan maupun parsial.Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Magelang dengan sampel berjumlah 133 siswa. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari variabel bebas yaitu motivasi belajar (X1 dan kompetensi profesional guru (X2, dan variabel terikat yaitu prestasi belajar (Y. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian deskriptif persentase menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar siswa dalam kategori tinggi, kompetensi profesional guru� dalam kategori baik, dan prestasi belajar siswa dalam kategori tuntas. Hasil penelitian diperoleh persamaan regresi yaitu ?= 48,387 + 0,607(X1 + 0,101(X2. Dari hasil uji F diperoleh nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 dan menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara motivasi belajar dan kompetensi profesional guru terhadap prestasi belajar IPS ekonomi sebesar 47,7% sedangkan sisanya 52,3% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak dikaji dalam penelitian ini. Secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh antara motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar sebesar 22,09%, dan ada pengaruh kompetensi profesional guru terhadap prestasi belajar sebesar 28,40%. Learning achievement is an indicator that it is important to measure the success of the process of teaching and learning. Learning achievement are influenced by many factors, such as learning motivation and teacher�s professional competence.The problem in this study is whether there is influence of learning motivation and teacher�s professional competence toward learning

  20. Economic aspects and models for building codes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonke, Jens; Pedersen, Dan Ove; Johnsen, Kjeld

    It is the purpose of this bulletin to present an economic model for estimating the consequence of new or changed building codes. The object is to allow comparative analysis in order to improve the basis for decisions in this field. The model is applied in a case study.......It is the purpose of this bulletin to present an economic model for estimating the consequence of new or changed building codes. The object is to allow comparative analysis in order to improve the basis for decisions in this field. The model is applied in a case study....


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    Mr. Suatma


    Untuk menjadi seorang guru peneliti, mahasiswa calon guru harus memiliki keterampilan riset pendidikan yang memadai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran experiential terhadap kemampuan dan keterampilan mahasiswa calon guru biologi dalam merancang riset penelitian pendidikan. Sampel penelitian adalah 68 mahasiswa calon guru biologi yang mengambil mata kuliah Metodologi Penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes objektif dan rubrik penilaian proposal. Hasil tes objektif menunjukkan bahwa rerata pemahaman mahasiswa calon guru biologi tentang perancangan riset pendidikan pada saat pretes adalah 27,35% sedangkan untuk postes adalah 40,94%. Penghitungan N-Gain menghasilkan nilai N-Gain 0,18 dan nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan dari pretes ke postes termasuk dalam kategori rendah. Hasil penilaian proposal menunjukkan bahwa rerata penguasaan keterampilan merancang riset adalah 59,15%. Hasil penilaian proposal ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun pembelajaran Experiential  kurang berpengaruh pada peningkatan aspek kognitif, pendekatan ini dapat membantu mahasiswa calon guru biologi dalam merancang proposal riset pendidikan.

  2. MELCOR code modeling for APR1400

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Young; Park, S. Y.; Kim, D. H.; Ahn, K. I.; Song, Y. M.; Kim, S. D.; Park, J. H


    The severe accident phenomena of nuclear power plant have large uncertainties. For the retention of the containment integrity and improvement of nuclear reactor safety against severe accident, it is essential to understand severe accident phenomena and be able to access the accident progression accurately using computer code. Furthermore, it is important to attain a capability for developing technique and assessment tools for an advanced nuclear reactor design as well as for the severe accident prevention and mitigation. The objective of this report is to establish technical bases for an application of the MELCOR code to the Korean Next Generation Reactor (APR1400) by modeling the plant and analyzing plant steady state. This report shows the data and the input preparation for MELCOR code as well as state-state assessment results using MELCOR code.

  3. Fuel behavior modeling using the MARS computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faya, S.C.S.; Faya, A.J.G.


    The fuel behaviour modeling code MARS against experimental data, was evaluated. Two cases were selected: an early comercial PWR rod (Maine Yankee rod) and an experimental rod from the Canadian BWR program (Canadian rod). The MARS predictions are compared with experimental data and predictions made by other fuel modeling codes. Improvements are suggested for some fuel behaviour models. Mars results are satisfactory based on the data available. (Author) [pt

  4. Genetic coding and gene expression - new Quadruplet genetic coding model (United States)

    Shankar Singh, Rama


    Successful demonstration of human genome project has opened the door not only for developing personalized medicine and cure for genetic diseases, but it may also answer the complex and difficult question of the origin of life. It may lead to making 21st century, a century of Biological Sciences as well. Based on the central dogma of Biology, genetic codons in conjunction with tRNA play a key role in translating the RNA bases forming sequence of amino acids leading to a synthesized protein. This is the most critical step in synthesizing the right protein needed for personalized medicine and curing genetic diseases. So far, only triplet codons involving three bases of RNA, transcribed from DNA bases, have been used. Since this approach has several inconsistencies and limitations, even the promise of personalized medicine has not been realized. The new Quadruplet genetic coding model proposed and developed here involves all four RNA bases which in conjunction with tRNA will synthesize the right protein. The transcription and translation process used will be the same, but the Quadruplet codons will help overcome most of the inconsistencies and limitations of the triplet codes. Details of this new Quadruplet genetic coding model and its subsequent potential applications including relevance to the origin of life will be presented.

  5. Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Keterampilan Guru Sebagai Prevensi terhadap Kekerasan Seksual Pada Anak

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    Mentari Marwa


    Full Text Available This paper aims to examine the provision of child protection training at the elementary school teachers as primary prevention of child sexual abuse to increase knowledge, attitudes and skills to convey information in Tulungagung, East Java. The research method using untreated control group design with pre-test and post-test. There are 21 elementary school teachers who are involved in the research. The instrument used was a questionnaire, observation. Test Mann Whitney U-test to test for differences in gain score the experimental group and the control group. The results showed no significant effect giving child protection programs against KSA by Guru to the increase of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of teachers as primary prevention of sexual assault at elementary school children in Tulungagung, East Java, as indicated by the results of Mann Whitney p value below a significant level 0,05 (p <0.05

  6. TASS/SMR Code Topical Report for SMART Plant, Vol. I: Code Structure, System Models, and Solution Methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chung, Young Jong; Kim, Soo Hyoung; Kim, See Darl (and others)


    The TASS/SMR code has been developed with domestic technologies for the safety analysis of the SMART plant which is an integral type pressurized water reactor. It can be applied to the analysis of design basis accidents including non-LOCA (loss of coolant accident) and LOCA of the SMART plant. The TASS/SMR code can be applied to any plant regardless of the structural characteristics of a reactor since the code solves the same governing equations for both the primary and secondary system. The code has been developed to meet the requirements of the safety analysis code. This report describes the overall structure of the TASS/SMR, input processing, and the processes of a steady state and transient calculations. In addition, basic differential equations, finite difference equations, state relationships, and constitutive models are described in the report. First, the conservation equations, a discretization process for numerical analysis, search method for state relationship are described. Then, a core power model, heat transfer models, physical models for various components, and control and trip models are explained.

  7. Improvement of a combustion model in MELCOR code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogino, Masao; Hashimoto, Takashi


    NUPEC has been improving a hydrogen combustion model in MELCOR code for severe accident analysis. In the proposed combustion model, the flame velocity in a node was predicted using five different flame front shapes of fireball, prism, bubble, spherical jet, and plane jet. For validation of the proposed model, the results of the Battelle multi-compartment hydrogen combustion test were used. The selected test cases for the study were Hx-6, 13, 14, 20 and Ix-2 which had two, three or four compartments under homogeneous hydrogen concentration of 5 to 10 vol%. The proposed model could predict well the combustion behavior in multi-compartment containment geometry on the whole. MELCOR code, incorporating the present combustion model, can simulate combustion behavior during severe accident with acceptable computing time and some degree of accuracy. The applicability study of the improved MELCOR code to the actual reactor plants will be further continued. (author)

  8. Development of CAP code for nuclear power plant containment: Lumped model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hong, Soon Joon, E-mail: [FNC Tech. Co. Ltd., Heungdeok 1 ro 13, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 446-908 (Korea, Republic of); Choo, Yeon Joon; Hwang, Su Hyun; Lee, Byung Chul [FNC Tech. Co. Ltd., Heungdeok 1 ro 13, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 446-908 (Korea, Republic of); Ha, Sang Jun [Central Research Institute, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Company, Ltd., 70, 1312-gil, Yuseong-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-343 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: • State-of-art containment analysis code, CAP, has been developed. • CAP uses 3-field equations, water level oriented upwind scheme, local head model. • CAP has a function of linked calculation with reactor coolant system code. • CAP code assessments showed appropriate prediction capabilities. - Abstract: CAP (nuclear Containment Analysis Package) code has been developed in Korean nuclear society for the analysis of nuclear containment thermal hydraulic behaviors including pressure and temperature trends and hydrogen concentration. Lumped model of CAP code uses 2-phase, 3-field equations for fluid behaviors, and has appropriate constitutive equations, 1-dimensional heat conductor model, component models, trip and control models, and special process models. CAP can run in a standalone mode or a linked mode with a reactor coolant system analysis code. The linked mode enables the more realistic calculation of a containment response and is expected to be applicable to a more complicated advanced plant design calculation. CAP code assessments were carried out by gradual approaches: conceptual problems, fundamental phenomena, component and principal phenomena, experimental validation, and finally comparison with other code calculations on the base of important phenomena identifications. The assessments showed appropriate prediction capabilities of CAP.

  9. Development of CAP code for nuclear power plant containment: Lumped model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Soon Joon; Choo, Yeon Joon; Hwang, Su Hyun; Lee, Byung Chul; Ha, Sang Jun


    Highlights: • State-of-art containment analysis code, CAP, has been developed. • CAP uses 3-field equations, water level oriented upwind scheme, local head model. • CAP has a function of linked calculation with reactor coolant system code. • CAP code assessments showed appropriate prediction capabilities. - Abstract: CAP (nuclear Containment Analysis Package) code has been developed in Korean nuclear society for the analysis of nuclear containment thermal hydraulic behaviors including pressure and temperature trends and hydrogen concentration. Lumped model of CAP code uses 2-phase, 3-field equations for fluid behaviors, and has appropriate constitutive equations, 1-dimensional heat conductor model, component models, trip and control models, and special process models. CAP can run in a standalone mode or a linked mode with a reactor coolant system analysis code. The linked mode enables the more realistic calculation of a containment response and is expected to be applicable to a more complicated advanced plant design calculation. CAP code assessments were carried out by gradual approaches: conceptual problems, fundamental phenomena, component and principal phenomena, experimental validation, and finally comparison with other code calculations on the base of important phenomena identifications. The assessments showed appropriate prediction capabilities of CAP

  10. MARS CODE MANUAL VOLUME V: Models and Correlations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Bub Dong; Bae, Sung Won; Lee, Seung Wook; Yoon, Churl; Hwang, Moon Kyu; Kim, Kyung Doo; Jeong, Jae Jun


    Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute (KAERI) conceived and started the development of MARS code with the main objective of producing a state-of-the-art realistic thermal hydraulic systems analysis code with multi-dimensional analysis capability. MARS achieves this objective by very tightly integrating the one dimensional RELAP5/MOD3 with the multi-dimensional COBRA-TF codes. The method of integration of the two codes is based on the dynamic link library techniques, and the system pressure equation matrices of both codes are implicitly integrated and solved simultaneously. In addition, the Equation-Of-State (EOS) for the light water was unified by replacing the EOS of COBRA-TF by that of the RELAP5. This models and correlations manual provides a complete list of detailed information of the thermal-hydraulic models used in MARS, so that this report would be very useful for the code users. The overall structure of the manual is modeled on the structure of the RELAP5 and as such the layout of the manual is very similar to that of the RELAP. This similitude to RELAP5 input is intentional as this input scheme will allow minimum modification between the inputs of RELAP5 and MARS3.1. MARS3.1 development team would like to express its appreciation to the RELAP5 Development Team and the USNRC for making this manual possible

  11. Modeling peripheral olfactory coding in Drosophila larvae.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Derek J Hoare

    Full Text Available The Drosophila larva possesses just 21 unique and identifiable pairs of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs, enabling investigation of the contribution of individual OSN classes to the peripheral olfactory code. We combined electrophysiological and computational modeling to explore the nature of the peripheral olfactory code in situ. We recorded firing responses of 19/21 OSNs to a panel of 19 odors. This was achieved by creating larvae expressing just one functioning class of odorant receptor, and hence OSN. Odor response profiles of each OSN class were highly specific and unique. However many OSN-odor pairs yielded variable responses, some of which were statistically indistinguishable from background activity. We used these electrophysiological data, incorporating both responses and spontaneous firing activity, to develop a bayesian decoding model of olfactory processing. The model was able to accurately predict odor identity from raw OSN responses; prediction accuracy ranged from 12%-77% (mean for all odors 45.2% but was always significantly above chance (5.6%. However, there was no correlation between prediction accuracy for a given odor and the strength of responses of wild-type larvae to the same odor in a behavioral assay. We also used the model to predict the ability of the code to discriminate between pairs of odors. Some of these predictions were supported in a behavioral discrimination (masking assay but others were not. We conclude that our model of the peripheral code represents basic features of odor detection and discrimination, yielding insights into the information available to higher processing structures in the brain.

  12. Data model description for the DESCARTES and CIDER codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miley, T.B.; Ouderkirk, S.J.; Nichols, W.E.; Eslinger, P.W.


    The primary objective of the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project is to estimate the radiation dose that individuals could have received as a result of emissions since 1944 from the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Hanford Site near Richland, Washington. One of the major objectives of the HEDR Project is to develop several computer codes to model the airborne releases. transport and envirorunental accumulation of radionuclides resulting from Hanford operations from 1944 through 1972. In July 1992, the HEDR Project Manager determined that the computer codes being developed (DESCARTES, calculation of environmental accumulation from airborne releases, and CIDER, dose calculations from environmental accumulation) were not sufficient to create accurate models. A team of HEDR staff members developed a plan to assure that computer codes would meet HEDR Project goals. The plan consists of five tasks: (1) code requirements definition. (2) scoping studies, (3) design specifications, (4) benchmarking, and (5) data modeling. This report defines the data requirements for the DESCARTES and CIDER codes

  13. LMFBR models for the ORIGEN2 computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Croff, A.G.; McAdoo, J.W.; Bjerke, M.A.


    Reactor physics calculations have led to the development of nine liquid-metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) models for the ORIGEN2 computer code. Four of the models are based on the U-Pu fuel cycle, two are based on the Th-U-Pu fuel cycle, and three are based on the Th- 238 U fuel cycle. The reactor models are based on cross sections taken directly from the reactor physics codes. Descriptions of the reactor models as well as values for the ORIGEN2 flux parameters THERM, RES, and FAST are given

  14. Toward a Probabilistic Automata Model of Some Aspects of Code-Switching. (United States)

    Dearholt, D. W.; Valdes-Fallis, G.


    The purpose of the model is to select either Spanish or English as the language to be used; its goals at this stage of development include modeling code-switching for lexical need, apparently random code-switching, dependency of code-switching upon sociolinguistic context, and code-switching within syntactic constraints. (EJS)

  15. Repairing business process models as retrieved from source code

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fernández-Ropero, M.; Reijers, H.A.; Pérez-Castillo, R.; Piattini, M.; Nurcan, S.; Proper, H.A.; Soffer, P.; Krogstie, J.; Schmidt, R.; Halpin, T.; Bider, I.


    The static analysis of source code has become a feasible solution to obtain underlying business process models from existing information systems. Due to the fact that not all information can be automatically derived from source code (e.g., consider manual activities), such business process models


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tri Apriyanto Sundara


    Full Text Available Students who are in junior high school should have been able to read children stories appreciative. However, based on the results of research that has been done, appreciative children's story reading skills in students is still low due to the model applied learning teachers have not been effective. This study is a follow-up that aims to identify effective learning model that can be used by teachers in teaching reading children stories appreciative. The learning model studied is a model of Group Investigation (GI and Jurisprudential Inquiry (JI to utilize the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW method for support decision. The criteria on which the decision is motivation and student learning outcomes. Based on the analysis of data using SAW method, it is known that an effective learning model applied to teachers in teaching reading children's stories are appreciative GI learning model.  Siswa yang duduk di bangku SMP selayaknya telah mampu membaca apresiatif cerita anak. Namun, berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, keterampilan membaca apresiatif cerita anak pada siswa masih rendah dikarenakan model pembelajaran yang diterapkan guru belum efektif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui model pembelajaran efektif yang dapat digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran membaca apresiatif cerita anak. Model pembelajaran yang diteliti adalah model Group Investigation (GI dan Jurisprudential Inquiry (JI dengan memanfaatkan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW sebagai pendukung keputusan. Adapun kriteria yang menjadi dasar pengambilan keputusan adalah motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan metode SAW, dapat diketahui bahwa model pembelajaran yang efektif diterapkan guru dalam pembelajaran membaca apresiatif cerita anak adalah model pembelajaran GI.

  17. WDEC: A Code for Modeling White Dwarf Structure and Pulsations (United States)

    Bischoff-Kim, Agnès; Montgomery, Michael H.


    The White Dwarf Evolution Code (WDEC), written in Fortran, makes models of white dwarf stars. It is fast, versatile, and includes the latest physics. The code evolves hot (∼100,000 K) input models down to a chosen effective temperature by relaxing the models to be solutions of the equations of stellar structure. The code can also be used to obtain g-mode oscillation modes for the models. WDEC has a long history going back to the late 1960s. Over the years, it has been updated and re-packaged for modern computer architectures and has specifically been used in computationally intensive asteroseismic fitting. Generations of white dwarf astronomers and dozens of publications have made use of the WDEC, although the last true instrument paper is the original one, published in 1975. This paper discusses the history of the code, necessary to understand why it works the way it does, details the physics and features in the code today, and points the reader to where to find the code and a user guide.

  18. Model-Driven Engineering of Machine Executable Code (United States)

    Eichberg, Michael; Monperrus, Martin; Kloppenburg, Sven; Mezini, Mira

    Implementing static analyses of machine-level executable code is labor intensive and complex. We show how to leverage model-driven engineering to facilitate the design and implementation of programs doing static analyses. Further, we report on important lessons learned on the benefits and drawbacks while using the following technologies: using the Scala programming language as target of code generation, using XML-Schema to express a metamodel, and using XSLT to implement (a) transformations and (b) a lint like tool. Finally, we report on the use of Prolog for writing model transformations.


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    Regina Lichteria Panjaitan


    Full Text Available The role of technology, especially information technology in Indonesia in the building society XXI century. Indonesia has begun to enter the stage of the telematics community will certainly have a major impact on all levels of life of the Indonesian nation, especially in children. The emergence of a great revolution throughout the world of children's playground, Internet presence replaces the open airy space for children's play, besides presenting impression's Internet pornography and violence can harm the development of children's personality. Sexual deviance behavior at the level of schooling is quite surprising, of course. This is a challenge for education and should be used as a rationale for the need for innovation in learning. Things into consideration are for this. Sex education in early childhood is considered taboo in society. Guru is one of the determining factors of high and low quality of education has a strategic position in transforming sex education to learners. Therefore, this study tries to analyze how perceptions of teachers on sex education at the primary school level, the research method used is a descriptive method. Keywords: Perception of teachers, sex education, learners in primary schools.

  20. Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Menuju Pelaksanaan Dan Tanggung Jawab Secara Mandiri

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Lukman Syafii


    Full Text Available Teacher competency standards include pedagogical, personal, professional and social competences. In line with the global challenges of life, the roles and responsibilities of teachers in the future will become more complex, so it requires teachers to constantly perform various improvements and adjustments in the mastery of their competences. To add to the quality standards of teachers, Kemdikbud will propose three teacher training patterns, e.g. competency testing, Penilaian Kinerja Guru (PKG, and training on an ongoing basis and sustainable (PKB. One of the many activities of PKB for self-development is the activities performed by the teacher independently and carried out by teachers in collaboration with other teachers in the school. Implementation of this activity is relatively more independent and different from one teacher to another teacher in the school, as well as between oneto another school. Technically, this activity is not set by default. It is very likely to cause a variety of problems for teachers, perhaps even confusion can arise. All of which is feared will lead to the counter-productive, particularly with regard to achievement standards to increase the competence of teachers should meet the need independently.

  1. Cross-band noise model refinement for transform domain Wyner–Ziv video coding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huang, Xin; Forchhammer, Søren


    TDWZ video coding trails that of conventional video coding solutions, mainly due to the quality of side information, inaccurate noise modeling and loss in the final coding step. The major goal of this paper is to enhance the accuracy of the noise modeling, which is one of the most important aspects...... influencing the coding performance of DVC. A TDWZ video decoder with a novel cross-band based adaptive noise model is proposed, and a noise residue refinement scheme is introduced to successively update the estimated noise residue for noise modeling after each bit-plane. Experimental results show...... that the proposed noise model and noise residue refinement scheme can improve the rate-distortion (RD) performance of TDWZ video coding significantly. The quality of the side information modeling is also evaluated by a measure of the ideal code length....

  2. Peningkatan Kemampuan Problem Solving Mahasiswa Sebagai Calon Guru Fisika Menggunakan Socratic Dialogue

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nurita Apridiana Lestari


    Full Text Available Mastery of the concepts of physics students can be measured by its ability to solve the problems of physics. Problem solving ability is one component that must be owned by the students as a physics teacher candidates. Based on the results of initial observations, it is known that the problem solving ability of students is still low, especially associated with the use of physics concepts to solve problems. Therefore, the ability of problem solving should be trained in teaching as a form of scaffolding for students. Scaffolding can be done through the method of Socratic dialogue which is the provision of structured questions to help students find answers to the problems of physics using the right concept. This type of research is the Classroom Action Research  with two cycles were performed on physics student teachers in the subjects Physics 1 with a fluid material. Improved problem solving ability was measured using test items at the end of the cycle. The results qualitatively show their developments and increased activity in the classroom compared to learning before the action. These results are supported quantitatively by an increase in average test scores of the first cycle of 70.00 into 75.86 in the second cycle. Keywords: problem solving, socratic dialogue Penguasaan konsep fisika mahasiswa dapat diukur dari kemampuannya dalam memecahkan permasalahan fisika (problem solving. Kemampuan problem solving merupakan salah satu komponen yang harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa sebagai calon guru fisika. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal, diketahui bahwa kemampuan problem solving mahasiswa masih rendah, khususnya terkait dengan penggunaan konsep fisika untuk memecahkan masalah. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan problem solving perlu dilatihkan dalam pembelajaran sebagai bentuk scaffolding bagi mahasiswa. Scaffolding dapat dilakukan melalui metode socratic dialogue yang merupakan pemberian pertanyaan terstruktur untuk membantu mahasiswa menemukan jawaban

  3. Coupling a Basin Modeling and a Seismic Code using MOAB

    KAUST Repository

    Yan, Mi; Jordan, Kirk; Kaushik, Dinesh; Perrone, Michael; Sachdeva, Vipin; Tautges, Timothy J.; Magerlein, John


    We report on a demonstration of loose multiphysics coupling between a basin modeling code and a seismic code running on a large parallel machine. Multiphysics coupling, which is one critical capability for a high performance computing (HPC) framework, was implemented using the MOAB open-source mesh and field database. MOAB provides for code coupling by storing mesh data and input and output field data for the coupled analysis codes and interpolating the field values between different meshes used by the coupled codes. We found it straightforward to use MOAB to couple the PBSM basin modeling code and the FWI3D seismic code on an IBM Blue Gene/P system. We describe how the coupling was implemented and present benchmarking results for up to 8 racks of Blue Gene/P with 8192 nodes and MPI processes. The coupling code is fast compared to the analysis codes and it scales well up to at least 8192 nodes, indicating that a mesh and field database is an efficient way to implement loose multiphysics coupling for large parallel machines.

  4. Coupling a Basin Modeling and a Seismic Code using MOAB

    KAUST Repository

    Yan, Mi


    We report on a demonstration of loose multiphysics coupling between a basin modeling code and a seismic code running on a large parallel machine. Multiphysics coupling, which is one critical capability for a high performance computing (HPC) framework, was implemented using the MOAB open-source mesh and field database. MOAB provides for code coupling by storing mesh data and input and output field data for the coupled analysis codes and interpolating the field values between different meshes used by the coupled codes. We found it straightforward to use MOAB to couple the PBSM basin modeling code and the FWI3D seismic code on an IBM Blue Gene/P system. We describe how the coupling was implemented and present benchmarking results for up to 8 racks of Blue Gene/P with 8192 nodes and MPI processes. The coupling code is fast compared to the analysis codes and it scales well up to at least 8192 nodes, indicating that a mesh and field database is an efficient way to implement loose multiphysics coupling for large parallel machines.

  5. RELAP5/MOD3 code manual. Volume 4, Models and correlations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The RELAP5 code has been developed for best-estimate transient simulation of light water reactor coolant systems during postulated accidents. The code models the coupled behavior of the reactor coolant system and the core for loss-of-coolant accidents and operational transients such as anticipated transient without scram, loss of offsite power, loss of feedwater, and loss of flow. A generic modeling approach is used that permits simulating a variety of thermal hydraulic systems. Control system and secondary system components are included to permit modeling of plant controls, turbines, condensers, and secondary feedwater systems. RELAP5/MOD3 code documentation is divided into seven volumes: Volume I presents modeling theory and associated numerical schemes; Volume II details instructions for code application and input data preparation; Volume III presents the results of developmental assessment cases that demonstrate and verify the models used in the code; Volume IV discusses in detail RELAP5 models and correlations; Volume V presents guidelines that have evolved over the past several years through the use of the RELAP5 code; Volume VI discusses the numerical scheme used in RELAP5; and Volume VII presents a collection of independent assessment calculations

  6. A vectorized Monte Carlo code for modeling photon transport in SPECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, M.F.; Floyd, C.E. Jr.; Jaszczak, R.J.


    A vectorized Monte Carlo computer code has been developed for modeling photon transport in single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The code models photon transport in a uniform attenuating region and photon detection by a gamma camera. It is adapted from a history-based Monte Carlo code in which photon history data are stored in scalar variables and photon histories are computed sequentially. The vectorized code is written in FORTRAN77 and uses an event-based algorithm in which photon history data are stored in arrays and photon history computations are performed within DO loops. The indices of the DO loops range over the number of photon histories, and these loops may take advantage of the vector processing unit of our Stellar GS1000 computer for pipelined computations. Without the use of the vector processor the event-based code is faster than the history-based code because of numerical optimization performed during conversion to the event-based algorithm. When only the detection of unscattered photons is modeled, the event-based code executes 5.1 times faster with the use of the vector processor than without; when the detection of scattered and unscattered photons is modeled the speed increase is a factor of 2.9. Vectorization is a valuable way to increase the performance of Monte Carlo code for modeling photon transport in SPECT

  7. The analysis of thermal-hydraulic models in MELCOR code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, M H; Hur, C; Kim, D K; Cho, H J [POhang Univ., of Science and TECHnology, Pohang (Korea, Republic of)


    The objective of the present work is to verify the prediction and analysis capability of MELCOR code about the progression of severe accidents in light water reactor and also to evaluate appropriateness of thermal-hydraulic models used in MELCOR code. Comparing the results of experiment and calculation with MELCOR code is carried out to achieve the above objective. Specially, the comparison between the CORA-13 experiment and the MELCOR code calculation was performed.

  8. Modeling Guidelines for Code Generation in the Railway Signaling Context (United States)

    Ferrari, Alessio; Bacherini, Stefano; Fantechi, Alessandro; Zingoni, Niccolo


    Modeling guidelines constitute one of the fundamental cornerstones for Model Based Development. Their relevance is essential when dealing with code generation in the safety-critical domain. This article presents the experience of a railway signaling systems manufacturer on this issue. Introduction of Model-Based Development (MBD) and code generation in the industrial safety-critical sector created a crucial paradigm shift in the development process of dependable systems. While traditional software development focuses on the code, with MBD practices the focus shifts to model abstractions. The change has fundamental implications for safety-critical systems, which still need to guarantee a high degree of confidence also at code level. Usage of the Simulink/Stateflow platform for modeling, which is a de facto standard in control software development, does not ensure by itself production of high-quality dependable code. This issue has been addressed by companies through the definition of modeling rules imposing restrictions on the usage of design tools components, in order to enable production of qualified code. The MAAB Control Algorithm Modeling Guidelines (MathWorks Automotive Advisory Board)[3] is a well established set of publicly available rules for modeling with Simulink/Stateflow. This set of recommendations has been developed by a group of OEMs and suppliers of the automotive sector with the objective of enforcing and easing the usage of the MathWorks tools within the automotive industry. The guidelines have been published in 2001 and afterwords revisited in 2007 in order to integrate some additional rules developed by the Japanese division of MAAB [5]. The scope of the current edition of the guidelines ranges from model maintainability and readability to code generation issues. The rules are conceived as a reference baseline and therefore they need to be tailored to comply with the characteristics of each industrial context. Customization of these


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lina Salantina


    Full Text Available Keberhasilan belajar matematika, salah satunya ditentukan oleh minat siswa, dan untuk membangkitkan minat siswa tersebut ditentukan oleh kemampuan guru dalam menggunakan pendekatan mengajarnya yang dapat mengakibatkan siswa lebih tertarik, mengerti, berperan serta aktif, mencari dan menemukan sendiri. Untuk bahan penelitian, pokok bahasan yang diambil adalah perbandingan senilai (seharga dan perbandingan berbalik nilai (berbalik harga. Dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Cooperative Learning tipe Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC,ternyata hasil belajar dapat meningkat bila dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar sebelumnya.Hal ini diduga karena guru kurang tepat dalam mengambil model pembelajaran untuk materi tersebut. Permasalahan yang diangkat pada penelitian ini adalah apakah penggunaan model pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Tipe Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition (CIRC dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan perbandingan. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII B SMP Negeri 3 Kuningan tahun pelajaran 2015/2016, dengan jumlah siswa 40 orang yang terdiri dari 18 siswa putri, dan 22 siswa putra. Prosedur tindakan kelas ini ditempuh dalam 3 siklus. Langkah-langkah siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Cara pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan tes, penilaian kinerja, dan observasi. Sebagai tolok ukur keberhasilan adalah nilai rata-rata silkus I, II, dan III berturut-turut 63,4, 63,0, 65,6 dan ketuntasan belajar klasikal berturut-turut 72,5%, 67,5%, dan 80,0%. Simpulan yang dapat peneliti ambil adalah penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Tipe Cooperative Integrated Reading And Compositon (CIRC dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar. Sedangkan peneliti menyarankan guru hendaknya menggunakan model pembelajaran ini untuk pokok-pokok bahasan perbandingan. Kata kunci: Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Tipe CIRC.

  10. Modelling of fluid-solid interaction using two stand-alone codes

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Grobler, Jan H


    Full Text Available A method is proposed for the modelling of fluid-solid interaction in applications where fluid forces dominate. Data are transferred between two stand-alone codes: a dedicated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code capable of free surface modelling...

  11. Universal Regularizers For Robust Sparse Coding and Modeling


    Ramirez, Ignacio; Sapiro, Guillermo


    Sparse data models, where data is assumed to be well represented as a linear combination of a few elements from a dictionary, have gained considerable attention in recent years, and their use has led to state-of-the-art results in many signal and image processing tasks. It is now well understood that the choice of the sparsity regularization term is critical in the success of such models. Based on a codelength minimization interpretation of sparse coding, and using tools from universal coding...

  12. Phenomenological optical potentials and optical model computer codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prince, A.


    An introduction to the Optical Model is presented. Starting with the purpose and nature of the physical problems to be analyzed, a general formulation and the various phenomenological methods of solution are discussed. This includes the calculation of observables based on assumed potentials such as local and non-local and their forms, e.g. Woods-Saxon, folded model etc. Also discussed are the various calculational methods and model codes employed to describe nuclear reactions in the spherical and deformed regions (e.g. coupled-channel analysis). An examination of the numerical solutions and minimization techniques associated with the various codes, is briefly touched upon. Several computer programs are described for carrying out the calculations. The preparation of input, (formats and options), determination of model parameters and analysis of output are described. The class is given a series of problems to carry out using the available computer. Interpretation and evaluation of the samples includes the effect of varying parameters, and comparison of calculations with the experimental data. Also included is an intercomparison of the results from the various model codes, along with their advantages and limitations. (author)

  13. Anthropomorphic Coding of Speech and Audio: A Model Inversion Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    W. Bastiaan Kleijn


    Full Text Available Auditory modeling is a well-established methodology that provides insight into human perception and that facilitates the extraction of signal features that are most relevant to the listener. The aim of this paper is to provide a tutorial on perceptual speech and audio coding using an invertible auditory model. In this approach, the audio signal is converted into an auditory representation using an invertible auditory model. The auditory representation is quantized and coded. Upon decoding, it is then transformed back into the acoustic domain. This transformation converts a complex distortion criterion into a simple one, thus facilitating quantization with low complexity. We briefly review past work on auditory models and describe in more detail the components of our invertible model and its inversion procedure, that is, the method to reconstruct the signal from the output of the auditory model. We summarize attempts to use the auditory representation for low-bit-rate coding. Our approach also allows the exploitation of the inherent redundancy of the human auditory system for the purpose of multiple description (joint source-channel coding.

  14. Dual coding: a cognitive model for psychoanalytic research. (United States)

    Bucci, W


    Four theories of mental representation derived from current experimental work in cognitive psychology have been discussed in relation to psychoanalytic theory. These are: verbal mediation theory, in which language determines or mediates thought; perceptual dominance theory, in which imagistic structures are dominant; common code or propositional models, in which all information, perceptual or linguistic, is represented in an abstract, amodal code; and dual coding, in which nonverbal and verbal information are each encoded, in symbolic form, in separate systems specialized for such representation, and connected by a complex system of referential relations. The weight of current empirical evidence supports the dual code theory. However, psychoanalysis has implicitly accepted a mixed model-perceptual dominance theory applying to unconscious representation, and verbal mediation characterizing mature conscious waking thought. The characterization of psychoanalysis, by Schafer, Spence, and others, as a domain in which reality is constructed rather than discovered, reflects the application of this incomplete mixed model. The representations of experience in the patient's mind are seen as without structure of their own, needing to be organized by words, thus vulnerable to distortion or dissolution by the language of the analyst or the patient himself. In these terms, hypothesis testing becomes a meaningless pursuit; the propositions of the theory are no longer falsifiable; the analyst is always more or less "right." This paper suggests that the integrated dual code formulation provides a more coherent theoretical framework for psychoanalysis than the mixed model, with important implications for theory and technique. In terms of dual coding, the problem is not that the nonverbal representations are vulnerable to distortion by words, but that the words that pass back and forth between analyst and patient will not affect the nonverbal schemata at all. Using the dual code

  15. Constitutive model development needs for reactor safety thermal-hydraulic codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelly, J.M.


    This paper discusses the constitutive model development needs for our current and future generation of reactor safety thermal-hydraulic analysis codes. Rather than provide a simple 'shopping list' of models to be improved, a detailed description is given of how a constitutive model works within the computational framework of a current reactor safety code employing the two-fluid model of two-phase flow. The intent is to promote a better understanding of both the types of experiments and the instrumentation needs that will be required in the USNRCs code improvement program. First, a summary is given of the modeling considerations that need to be taken into account when developing constitutive models for use in reactor safety thermal-hydraulic codes. Specifically, the two-phase flow model should be applicable to a control volume formulation employing computational volumes with dimensions on the order of meters but containing embedded structure with a dimension on the order of a centimeter. The closure relations are then required to be suitable when averaged over such large volumes containing millions or even tens of millions of discrete fluid particles (bubbles/drops). This implies a space and time averaging procedure that neglects the intermittency observed in slug and chum turbulent two-phase flows. Furthermore, the geometries encountered in reactor systems are complex, the constitutive relations should therefore be component specific (e.g., interfacial shear in a tube does not represent that in a rod bundle nor in the downcomer). When practicable, future modeling efforts should be directed towards resolving the spatial evolution of two-phase flow patterns through the introduction of interfacial area transport equations and by modeling the individual physical processes responsible for the creation or destruction of interfacial area. Then the example of the implementation and assessment of a subcooled boiling model in a two-fluid code is given. The primary parameter

  16. An object-oriented framework for magnetic-fusion modeling and analysis codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, R H; Yang, T Y Brian.


    The magnetic-fusion energy (MFE) program, like many other scientific and engineering activities, has a need to efficiently develop complex modeling codes which combine detailed models of components to make an integrated model of a device, as well as a rich supply of legacy code that could provide the component models. There is also growing recognition in many technical fields of the desirability of steerable software: computer programs whose functionality can be changed by the user as it is run. This project had as its goals the development of two key pieces of infrastructure that are needed to combine existing code modules, written mainly in Fortran, into flexible, steerable, object-oriented integrated modeling codes for magnetic- fusion applications. These two pieces are (1) a set of tools to facilitate the interfacing of Fortran code with a steerable object-oriented framework (which we have chosen to be based on PythonlW3, an object-oriented interpreted language), and (2) a skeleton for the integrated modeling code which defines the relationships between the modules. The first of these activities obviously has immediate applicability to a spectrum of projects; the second is more focussed on the MFE application, but may be of value as an example for other applications


    American Inst. of Architects, Washington, DC.


  18. MIG version 0.0 model interface guidelines: Rules to accelerate installation of numerical models into any compliant parent code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brannon, R.M.; Wong, M.K.


    A set of model interface guidelines, called MIG, is presented as a means by which any compliant numerical material model can be rapidly installed into any parent code without having to modify the model subroutines. Here, {open_quotes}model{close_quotes} usually means a material model such as one that computes stress as a function of strain, though the term may be extended to any numerical operation. {open_quotes}Parent code{close_quotes} means a hydrocode, finite element code, etc. which uses the model and enforces, say, the fundamental laws of motion and thermodynamics. MIG requires the model developer (who creates the model package) to specify model needs in a standardized but flexible way. MIG includes a dictionary of technical terms that allows developers and parent code architects to share a common vocabulary when specifying field variables. For portability, database management is the responsibility of the parent code. Input/output occurs via structured calling arguments. As much model information as possible (such as the lists of required inputs, as well as lists of precharacterized material data and special needs) is supplied by the model developer in an ASCII text file. Every MIG-compliant model also has three required subroutines to check data, to request extra field variables, and to perform model physics. To date, the MIG scheme has proven flexible in beta installations of a simple yield model, plus a more complicated viscodamage yield model, three electromechanical models, and a complicated anisotropic microcrack constitutive model. The MIG yield model has been successfully installed using identical subroutines in three vectorized parent codes and one parallel C++ code, all predicting comparable results. By maintaining one model for many codes, MIG facilitates code-to-code comparisons and reduces duplication of effort, thereby reducing the cost of installing and sharing models in diverse new codes.

  19. Development of thermal hydraulic models for the reliable regulatory auditing code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chung, B. D.; Song, C. H.; Lee, Y. J.; Kwon, T. S.; Lee, S. W. [Korea Automic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The objective of this project is to develop thermal hydraulic models for use in improving the reliability of the regulatory auditing codes. The current year fall under the second step of the 3 year project, and the main researches were focused on the development of downcorner boiling model. During the current year, the bubble stream model of downcorner has been developed and installed in he auditing code. The model sensitivity analysis has been performed for APR1400 LBLOCA scenario using the modified code. The preliminary calculation has been performed for the experimental test facility using FLUENT and MARS code. The facility for air bubble experiment has been installed. The thermal hydraulic phenomena for VHTR and super critical reactor have been identified for the future application and model development.

  20. Proses Individuasi Carl Gustav Jung pada Tokoh Erika Kohut dalam Novel Sang Guru Piano Karya Elfriede Jelinek

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Oktavia Vidiyanti


    Full Text Available A personality structure that appears in Erika is similar to one of an important part of Carl Gustav Jung psychology. Jung states that personality is a psiko that covers consciousness and unconsciousness. This psiko will develop to be a stable unity. If every system develops in every individual absolutely, so a health and integrated personality will be achieved. That process in Jung is known as a self­ individualized process. The aim of individualism is a self­achievement. Individual is not only as a psiko centre but also as a representation of the whole individual that unites consciousness and unconsciousness. It is like the character "Erika Kohut" in the novel "Sang Guru Piano".


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    Aditya Chandra Setiawan


    Full Text Available One of the phenomenon in the 20th century that is currently being discussed is about emerging and the development of many social networking media. The media is now a trend all over among the people regardless of age, it is because social networking media provides convenience services in communicating, in particular interact and share information between human. If associated in the context of education, then social networking media to be one of the means of communication that can be utilized in the process of education management and learning for teachers. Salah satu fenomena pada abad ke-20 yang saat ini sedang ramai diperbincangkan adalah tentang berkembangnya media jejaring sosial. Media tersebut kini menjadi trend di seluruh kalangan masyarakat tanpa memandang usia, hal itu dikarenakan media jejaring sosial memberikan kemudahan layanan dalam berkomunikasi, khususnya berinteraksi dan berbagi informasi antar manusia. Jika dikaitkan dalam konteks pendidikan, maka media jejaring sosial menjadi salah satu sarana komunikasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam proses manajemen pendidikan dan pembelajaran bagi guru. Pemanfaatan media tersebut tentu memiliki dampak positif dan negatif yang dapat memengaruhi keberhasilan lembaga pendidikan dalam mencapai tujuan.

  2. A Perceptual Model for Sinusoidal Audio Coding Based on Spectral Integration

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van de Par, S.; Kohlrausch, A.; Heusdens, R.; Jensen, J.; Holdt Jensen, S.


    Psychoacoustical models have been used extensively within audio coding applications over the past decades. Recently, parametric coding techniques have been applied to general audio and this has created the need for a psychoacoustical model that is specifically suited for sinusoidal modelling of

  3. A perceptual model for sinusoidal audio coding based on spectral integration

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van de Par, S.; Kohlrauch, A.; Heusdens, R.; Jensen, J.; Jensen, S.H.


    Psychoacoustical models have been used extensively within audio coding applications over the past decades. Recently, parametric coding techniques have been applied to general audio and this has created the need for a psychoacoustical model that is specifically suited for sinusoidal modelling of

  4. Case studies in Gaussian process modelling of computer codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kennedy, Marc C.; Anderson, Clive W.; Conti, Stefano; O'Hagan, Anthony


    In this paper we present a number of recent applications in which an emulator of a computer code is created using a Gaussian process model. Tools are then applied to the emulator to perform sensitivity analysis and uncertainty analysis. Sensitivity analysis is used both as an aid to model improvement and as a guide to how much the output uncertainty might be reduced by learning about specific inputs. Uncertainty analysis allows us to reflect output uncertainty due to unknown input parameters, when the finished code is used for prediction. The computer codes themselves are currently being developed within the UK Centre for Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ningrum Pusporini Anggorowati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaannya model pembelajaran tutor sebaya (peer teaching di SMAN I Brebes. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru sosiologi kelas XI IPS 1 dan siswa kelas XI IPS 1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peer teaching memerlukan persiapan yang matang, dan setiap tahap pelaksanaan hendaknya dievaluasi untuk mendapatkan hasil yang baik. Faktor pendukung dalam pelaksanaan model pembelajaran tutor sebaya antara lain yaitu adanya interaksi antara guru dengan siswa, minat belajar siswa cukup tinggi, guru dan siswa lebih akrab dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, keterlibatan tutor sebaya dalam kelompok belajar membuat suasana pembelajaran lebih menarik, sedangkan faktor penghambatnya antara lain yaitu kurangnya persiapan dari para tutor, sarana dan prasarana kurang memadai, kegiatan pembelajaran kurang kondusif, dan sumber belajar kurang memadai. The objective of this study is to examine the implementation of peer tutoring learning model (peer teaching in SMAN I Brebes. Subjects in this study were teachers sociology class XI IPS 1 and class XI IPS 1. Results show that the implementation of peer teaching requires preparation, and each stage of the implementation should be evaluated to obtain good results. Factors supporting the implementation of peer tutoring learning model, among others, the interaction between teachers and students, and also student interest is high; teachers and students are more familiar in learning activities, and peer tutor involvement in the study group to make the learning environment more attractive. The inhibiting factor of peer teaching strategy include among others the lack of preparation of the tutors, inadequate infrastructure, lack of conducive learning activities, and learning resources are inadequate.

  6. Noise Residual Learning for Noise Modeling in Distributed Video Coding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Luong, Huynh Van; Forchhammer, Søren


    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a coding paradigm which exploits the source statistics at the decoder side to reduce the complexity at the encoder. The noise model is one of the inherently difficult challenges in DVC. This paper considers Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv (TDWZ) coding and proposes...

  7. A method for modeling co-occurrence propensity of clinical codes with application to ICD-10-PCS auto-coding. (United States)

    Subotin, Michael; Davis, Anthony R


    Natural language processing methods for medical auto-coding, or automatic generation of medical billing codes from electronic health records, generally assign each code independently of the others. They may thus assign codes for closely related procedures or diagnoses to the same document, even when they do not tend to occur together in practice, simply because the right choice can be difficult to infer from the clinical narrative. We propose a method that injects awareness of the propensities for code co-occurrence into this process. First, a model is trained to estimate the conditional probability that one code is assigned by a human coder, given than another code is known to have been assigned to the same document. Then, at runtime, an iterative algorithm is used to apply this model to the output of an existing statistical auto-coder to modify the confidence scores of the codes. We tested this method in combination with a primary auto-coder for International Statistical Classification of Diseases-10 procedure codes, achieving a 12% relative improvement in F-score over the primary auto-coder baseline. The proposed method can be used, with appropriate features, in combination with any auto-coder that generates codes with different levels of confidence. The promising results obtained for International Statistical Classification of Diseases-10 procedure codes suggest that the proposed method may have wider applications in auto-coding. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Medical Informatics Association. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  8. Improved virtual channel noise model for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huang, Xin; Forchhammer, Søren


    Distributed video coding (DVC) has been proposed as a new video coding paradigm to deal with lossy source coding using side information to exploit the statistics at the decoder to reduce computational demands at the encoder. A virtual channel noise model is utilized at the decoder to estimate...... the noise distribution between the side information frame and the original frame. This is one of the most important aspects influencing the coding performance of DVC. Noise models with different granularity have been proposed. In this paper, an improved noise model for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video...... coding is proposed, which utilizes cross-band correlation to estimate the Laplacian parameters more accurately. Experimental results show that the proposed noise model can improve the rate-distortion (RD) performance....

  9. Development of the three dimensional flow model in the SPACE code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Myung Taek; Park, Chan Eok; Kim, Shin Whan


    SPACE (Safety and Performance Analysis CodE) is a nuclear plant safety analysis code, which has been developed in the Republic of Korea through a joint research between the Korean nuclear industry and research institutes. The SPACE code has been developed with multi-dimensional capabilities as a requirement of the next generation safety code. It allows users to more accurately model the multi-dimensional flow behavior that can be exhibited in components such as the core, lower plenum, upper plenum and downcomer region. Based on generalized models, the code can model any configuration or type of fluid system. All the geometric quantities of mesh are described in terms of cell volume, centroid, face area, and face center, so that it can naturally represent not only the one dimensional (1D) or three dimensional (3D) Cartesian system, but also the cylindrical mesh system. It is possible to simulate large and complex domains by modelling the complex parts with a 3D approach and the rest of the system with a 1D approach. By 1D/3D co-simulation, more realistic conditions and component models can be obtained, providing a deeper understanding of complex systems, and it is expected to overcome the shortcomings of 1D system codes. (author)

  10. The drift flux model in the ASSERT subchannel code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carver, M.B.; Judd, R.A.; Kiteley, J.C.; Tahir, A.


    The ASSERT subchannel code has been developed specifically to model flow and phase distributions within CANDU fuel bundles. ASSERT uses a drift-flux model that permits the phases to have unequal velocities, and can thus model phase separation tendencies that may occur in horizontal flow. The basic principles of ASSERT are outlined, and computed results are compared against data from various experiments for validation purposes. The paper concludes with an example of the use of the code to predict critical heat flux in CANDU geometries

  11. Field-based tests of geochemical modeling codes: New Zealand hydrothermal systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruton, C.J.; Glassley, W.E.; Bourcier, W.L.


    Hydrothermal systems in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, North Island, New Zealand are being used as field-based modeling exercises for the EQ3/6 geochemical modeling code package. Comparisons of the observed state and evolution of the hydrothermal systems with predictions of fluid-solid equilibria made using geochemical modeling codes will determine how the codes can be used to predict the chemical and mineralogical response of the environment to nuclear waste emplacement. Field-based exercises allow us to test the models on time scales unattainable in the laboratory. Preliminary predictions of mineral assemblages in equilibrium with fluids sampled from wells in the Wairakei and Kawerau geothermal field suggest that affinity-temperature diagrams must be used in conjunction with EQ6 to minimize the effect of uncertainties in thermodynamic and kinetic data on code predictions

  12. RCS modeling with the TSAR FDTD code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pennock, S.T.; Ray, S.L.


    The TSAR electromagnetic modeling system consists of a family of related codes that have been designed to work together to provide users with a practical way to set up, run, and interpret the results from complex 3-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) electromagnetic simulations. The software has been in development at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and at other sites since 1987. Active internal use of the codes began in 1988 with limited external distribution and use beginning in 1991. TSAR was originally developed to analyze high-power microwave and EMP coupling problems. However, the general-purpose nature of the tools has enabled us to use the codes to solve a broader class of electromagnetic applications and has motivated the addition of new features. In particular a family of near-to-far field transformation routines have been added to the codes, enabling TSAR to be used for radar-cross section and antenna analysis problems.

  13. GASFLOW computer code (physical models and input data)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muehlbauer, Petr


    The GASFLOW computer code was developed jointly by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, and Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany. The code is primarily intended for calculations of the transport, mixing, and combustion of hydrogen and other gases in nuclear reactor containments and in other facilities. The physical models and the input data are described, and a commented simple calculation is presented

  14. Learning-Based Just-Noticeable-Quantization- Distortion Modeling for Perceptual Video Coding. (United States)

    Ki, Sehwan; Bae, Sung-Ho; Kim, Munchurl; Ko, Hyunsuk


    Conventional predictive video coding-based approaches are reaching the limit of their potential coding efficiency improvements, because of severely increasing computation complexity. As an alternative approach, perceptual video coding (PVC) has attempted to achieve high coding efficiency by eliminating perceptual redundancy, using just-noticeable-distortion (JND) directed PVC. The previous JNDs were modeled by adding white Gaussian noise or specific signal patterns into the original images, which were not appropriate in finding JND thresholds due to distortion with energy reduction. In this paper, we present a novel discrete cosine transform-based energy-reduced JND model, called ERJND, that is more suitable for JND-based PVC schemes. Then, the proposed ERJND model is extended to two learning-based just-noticeable-quantization-distortion (JNQD) models as preprocessing that can be applied for perceptual video coding. The two JNQD models can automatically adjust JND levels based on given quantization step sizes. One of the two JNQD models, called LR-JNQD, is based on linear regression and determines the model parameter for JNQD based on extracted handcraft features. The other JNQD model is based on a convolution neural network (CNN), called CNN-JNQD. To our best knowledge, our paper is the first approach to automatically adjust JND levels according to quantization step sizes for preprocessing the input to video encoders. In experiments, both the LR-JNQD and CNN-JNQD models were applied to high efficiency video coding (HEVC) and yielded maximum (average) bitrate reductions of 38.51% (10.38%) and 67.88% (24.91%), respectively, with little subjective video quality degradation, compared with the input without preprocessing applied.

  15. Modeling ion exchange in clinoptilolite using the EQ3/6 geochemical modeling code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viani, B.E.; Bruton, C.J.


    Assessing the suitability of Yucca Mtn., NV as a potential repository for high-level nuclear waste requires the means to simulate ion-exchange behavior of zeolites. Vanselow and Gapon convention cation-exchange models have been added to geochemical modeling codes EQ3NR/EQ6, allowing exchange to be modeled for up to three exchangers or a single exchanger with three independent sites. Solid-solution models that are numerically equivalent to the ion-exchange models were derived and also implemented in the code. The Gapon model is inconsistent with experimental adsorption isotherms of trace components in clinoptilolite. A one-site Vanselow model can describe adsorption of Cs or Sr on clinoptilolite, but a two-site Vanselow exchange model is necessary to describe K contents of natural clinoptilolites

  16. MIDAS/PK code development using point kinetics model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Y. M.; Park, S. H.


    In this study, a MIDAS/PK code has been developed for analyzing the ATWS (Anticipated Transients Without Scram) which can be one of severe accident initiating events. The MIDAS is an integrated computer code based on the MELCOR code to develop a severe accident risk reduction strategy by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. In the mean time, the Chexal-Layman correlation in the current MELCOR, which was developed under a BWR condition, is appeared to be inappropriate for a PWR. So as to provide ATWS analysis capability to the MIDAS code, a point kinetics module, PKINETIC, has first been developed as a stand-alone code whose reference model was selected from the current accident analysis codes. In the next step, the MIDAS/PK code has been developed via coupling PKINETIC with the MIDAS code by inter-connecting several thermal hydraulic parameters between the two codes. Since the major concern in the ATWS analysis is the primary peak pressure during the early few minutes into the accident, the peak pressure from the PKINETIC module and the MIDAS/PK are compared with the RETRAN calculations showing a good agreement between them. The MIDAS/PK code is considered to be valuable for analyzing the plant response during ATWS deterministically, especially for the early domestic Westinghouse plants which rely on the operator procedure instead of an AMSAC (ATWS Mitigating System Actuation Circuitry) against ATWS. This capability of ATWS analysis is also important from the view point of accident management and mitigation

  17. Description of codes and models to be used in risk assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Human health and environmental risk assessments will be performed as part of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) activities at the Hanford Site. Analytical and computer encoded numerical models are commonly used during both the remedial investigation (RI) and feasibility study (FS) to predict or estimate the concentration of contaminants at the point of exposure to humans and/or the environment. This document has been prepared to identify the computer codes that will be used in support of RI/FS human health and environmental risk assessments at the Hanford Site. In addition to the CERCLA RI/FS process, it is recommended that these computer codes be used when fate and transport analyses is required for other activities. Additional computer codes may be used for other purposes (e.g., design of tracer tests, location of observation wells, etc.). This document provides guidance for unit managers in charge of RI/FS activities. Use of the same computer codes for all analytical activities at the Hanford Site will promote consistency, reduce the effort required to develop, validate, and implement models to simulate Hanford Site conditions, and expedite regulatory review. The discussion provides a description of how models will likely be developed and utilized at the Hanford Site. It is intended to summarize previous environmental-related modeling at the Hanford Site and provide background for future model development. The modeling capabilities that are desirable for the Hanford Site and the codes that were evaluated. The recommendations include the codes proposed to support future risk assessment modeling at the Hanford Site, and provides the rational for the codes selected. 27 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab

  18. Implementation of JAERI's reflood model into TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akimoto, Hajime; Ohnuki, Akira; Murao, Yoshio


    Selected physical models of REFLA code, that is a reflood analysis code developed at JAERI, were implemented into the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code in order to improve the predictive capability of the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code for the core thermal hydraulic behaviors during the reflood phase in a PWR LOCA. Through comparisons of physical models between both codes, (1) Murao-Iguchi void fraction correlation, (2) the drag coefficient correlation acting to drops, (3) the correlation for wall heat transfer coefficient in the film boiling regime, (4) the quench velocity correlation and (5) heat transfer correlations for the dispersed flow regime were selected from the REFLA code to be implemented into the TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code. A method for the transformation of the void fraction correlation to the equivalent interfacial friction model was developed and the effect of the transformation method on the stability of the solution was discussed. Through assessment calculation using data from CCTF (Cylindrical Core Test Facility) flat power test, it was confirmed that the predictive capability of the TRAC code for the core thermal hydraulic behaviors during the reflood can be improved by the implementation of selected physical models of the REFLA code. Several user guidelines for the modified TRAC code were proposed based on the sensitivity studies on fluid cell number in the hydraulic calculation and on node number and effect of axial heat conduction in the heat conduction calculation of fuel rod. (author)

  19. Adaptation Entrepreneurship Education Model Curriculum 2013 for SMK (Description Preparation and Implementation Barriers in School/Model Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Adaptasi Kurikulum 2013 bagi SMK (Diskripsi Persiapan dan Hambatan Penerapan di Sekolah

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agung Winarno


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research is the discovery of an effective entrepreneurial education model for SMK to implement the values of character and attention to the nuances of curriculum 2013. This model was developed as a whole better schools, teachers and learning tools and practices of learning activities. Specifically, this study aims to (1 describe the preparation of schools in planning appropriate entrepreneurship education curriculum in 2013 (2 identifies the difficulties that arise in the context of the transition adjustments from the previous curriculum leading to the curriculum in 2013 (3 collate and find draft model of entrepreneurship education character-based. The results showed that there was no significant change related to the implementation of the curriculum in 2013, changes occur in the process of adaptation of teachers to understand the curriculum, especially on the subjects of craft and Entrepreneurship are not yet fully have terstandart syllabus. In general, teachers are also still doubts over the implementation of the guidance curriculum which is based on 2013, this is caused understanding core competencies both spiritual and social attitudes as learning indirect to direct instructional coloring on behavioral aspects of competency knowledge there has been no agreement, in addition to almost all teachers yet have adequate syllabus including the media and materials. The model is offered in the study related to the development of curriculum and learning tools that are integrated with a comprehensive system of entrepreneurship education both regarding the function of institutions (schools and teacher qualifications.   Abstrak : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya   model pendidikan kewirausahaan yang efektif bagi  SMK dengan mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai karakter dan memperhatikan nuansa kurikulum 2013. Model ini dikembangkan secara menyeluruh baik sekolah, guru maupun perangkat pembelajarannya serta praktik

  20. Lost opportunities: Modeling commercial building energy code adoption in the United States

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, Hal T.


    This paper models the adoption of commercial building energy codes in the US between 1977 and 2006. Energy code adoption typically results in an increase in aggregate social welfare by cost effectively reducing energy expenditures. Using a Cox proportional hazards model, I test if relative state funding, a new, objective, multivariate regression-derived measure of government capacity, as well as a vector of control variables commonly used in comparative state research, predict commercial building energy code adoption. The research shows little political influence over historical commercial building energy code adoption in the sample. Colder climates and higher electricity prices also do not predict more frequent code adoptions. I do find evidence of high government capacity states being 60 percent more likely than low capacity states to adopt commercial building energy codes in the following year. Wealthier states are also more likely to adopt commercial codes. Policy recommendations to increase building code adoption include increasing access to low cost capital for the private sector and providing noncompetitive block grants to the states from the federal government. - Highlights: ► Model the adoption of commercial building energy codes from 1977–2006 in the US. ► Little political influence over historical building energy code adoption. ► High capacity states are over 60 percent more likely than low capacity states to adopt codes. ► Wealthier states are more likely to adopt commercial codes. ► Access to capital and technical assistance is critical to increase code adoption.

  1. Evaluation of the analysis models in the ASTRA nuclear design code system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Nam Jin; Park, Chang Jea; Kim, Do Sam; Lee, Kyeong Taek; Kim, Jong Woon [Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    In the field of nuclear reactor design, main practice was the application of the improved design code systems. During the process, a lot of basis and knowledge were accumulated in processing input data, nuclear fuel reload design, production and analysis of design data, et al. However less efforts were done in the analysis of the methodology and in the development or improvement of those code systems. Recently, KEPO Nuclear Fuel Company (KNFC) developed the ASTRA (Advanced Static and Transient Reactor Analyzer) code system for the purpose of nuclear reactor design and analysis. In the code system, two group constants were generated from the CASMO-3 code system. The objective of this research is to analyze the analysis models used in the ASTRA/CASMO-3 code system. This evaluation requires indepth comprehension of the models, which is important so much as the development of the code system itself. Currently, most of the code systems used in domestic Nuclear Power Plant were imported, so it is very difficult to maintain and treat the change of the situation in the system. Therefore, the evaluation of analysis models in the ASTRA nuclear reactor design code system in very important.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poole, B R; Nelson, S D; Langdon, S


    The modeling of dielectric and magnetic materials in the time domain is required for pulse power applications, pulsed induction accelerators, and advanced transmission lines. For example, most induction accelerator modules require the use of magnetic materials to provide adequate Volt-sec during the acceleration pulse. These models require hysteresis and saturation to simulate the saturation wavefront in a multipulse environment. In high voltage transmission line applications such as shock or soliton lines the dielectric is operating in a highly nonlinear regime, which require nonlinear models. Simple 1-D models are developed for fast parameterization of transmission line structures. In the case of nonlinear dielectrics, a simple analytic model describing the permittivity in terms of electric field is used in a 3-D finite difference time domain code (FDTD). In the case of magnetic materials, both rate independent and rate dependent Hodgdon magnetic material models have been implemented into 3-D FDTD codes and 1-D codes.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poole, B R; Nelson, S D; Langdon, S


    The modeling of dielectric and magnetic materials in the time domain is required for pulse power applications, pulsed induction accelerators, and advanced transmission lines. For example, most induction accelerator modules require the use of magnetic materials to provide adequate Volt-sec during the acceleration pulse. These models require hysteresis and saturation to simulate the saturation wavefront in a multipulse environment. In high voltage transmission line applications such as shock or soliton lines the dielectric is operating in a highly nonlinear regime, which require nonlinear models. Simple 1-D models are developed for fast parameterization of transmission line structures. In the case of nonlinear dielectrics, a simple analytic model describing the permittivity in terms of electric field is used in a 3-D finite difference time domain code (FDTD). In the case of magnetic materials, both rate independent and rate dependent Hodgdon magnetic material models have been implemented into 3-D FDTD codes and 1-D codes

  4. Two-phase wall friction model for the trace computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Weidong


    The wall drag model in the TRAC/RELAP5 Advanced Computational Engine computer code (TRACE) has certain known deficiencies. For example, in an annular flow regime, the code predicts an unphysical high liquid velocity compared to the experimental data. To address those deficiencies, a new wall frictional drag package has been developed and implemented in the TRACE code to model the wall drag for two-phase flow system code. The modeled flow regimes are (1) annular/mist, (2) bubbly/slug, and (3) bubbly/slug with wall nucleation. The new models use void fraction (instead of flow quality) as the correlating variable to minimize the calculation oscillation. In addition, the models allow for transitions between the three regimes. The annular/mist regime is subdivided into three separate regimes for pure annular flow, annular flow with entrainment, and film breakdown. For adiabatic two-phase bubbly/slug flows, the vapor phase primarily exists outside of the boundary layer, and the wall shear uses single-phase liquid velocity for friction calculation. The vapor phase wall friction drag is set to zero for bubbly/slug flows. For bubbly/slug flows with wall nucleation, the bubbles are presented within the hydrodynamic boundary layer, and the two-phase wall friction drag is significantly higher with a pronounced mass flux effect. An empirical correlation has been studied and applied to account for nucleate boiling. Verification and validation tests have been performed, and the test results showed a significant code improvement. (authors)

  5. Code-To-Code Benchmarking Of The Porflow And GoldSim Contaminant Transport Models Using A Simple 1-D Domain - 11191

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiergesell, R.; Taylor, G.


    An investigation was conducted to compare and evaluate contaminant transport results of two model codes, GoldSim and Porflow, using a simple 1-D string of elements in each code. Model domains were constructed to be identical with respect to cell numbers and dimensions, matrix material, flow boundary and saturation conditions. One of the codes, GoldSim, does not simulate advective movement of water; therefore the water flux term was specified as a boundary condition. In the other code, Porflow, a steady-state flow field was computed and contaminant transport was simulated within that flow-field. The comparisons were made solely in terms of the ability of each code to perform contaminant transport. The purpose of the investigation was to establish a basis for, and to validate follow-on work that was conducted in which a 1-D GoldSim model developed by abstracting information from Porflow 2-D and 3-D unsaturated and saturated zone models and then benchmarked to produce equivalent contaminant transport results. A handful of contaminants were selected for the code-to-code comparison simulations, including a non-sorbing tracer and several long- and short-lived radionuclides exhibiting both non-sorbing to strongly-sorbing characteristics with respect to the matrix material, including several requiring the simulation of in-growth of daughter radionuclides. The same diffusion and partitioning coefficients associated with each contaminant and the half-lives associated with each radionuclide were incorporated into each model. A string of 10-elements, having identical spatial dimensions and properties, were constructed within each code. GoldSim's basic contaminant transport elements, Mixing cells, were utilized in this construction. Sand was established as the matrix material and was assigned identical properties (e.g. bulk density, porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity) in both codes. Boundary conditions applied included an influx of water at the rate of 40 cm/yr at one

  6. Fuel analysis code FAIR and its high burnup modelling capabilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prasad, P.S.; Dutta, B.K.; Kushwaha, H.S.; Mahajan, S.C.; Kakodkar, A.


    A computer code FAIR has been developed for analysing performance of water cooled reactor fuel pins. It is capable of analysing high burnup fuels. This code has recently been used for analysing ten high burnup fuel rods irradiated at Halden reactor. In the present paper, the code FAIR and its various high burnup models are described. The performance of code FAIR in analysing high burnup fuels and its other applications are highlighted. (author). 21 refs., 12 figs

  7. The 2010 fib Model Code for Structural Concrete: A new approach to structural engineering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Walraven, J.C.; Bigaj-Van Vliet, A.


    The fib Model Code is a recommendation for the design of reinforced and prestressed concrete which is intended to be a guiding document for future codes. Model Codes have been published before, in 1978 and 1990. The draft for fib Model Code 2010 was published in May 2010. The most important new

  8. Development and validation of the ENIGMA code for MOX fuel performance modelling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palmer, I.; Rossiter, G.; White, R.J.


    The ENIGMA fuel performance code has been under development in the UK since the mid-1980s with contributions made by both the fuel vendor (BNFL) and the utility (British Energy). In recent years it has become the principal code for UO 2 fuel licensing for both PWR and AGR reactor systems in the UK and has also been used by BNFL in support of overseas UO 2 and MOX fuel business. A significant new programme of work has recently been initiated by BNFL to further develop the code specifically for MOX fuel application. Model development is proceeding hand in hand with a major programme of MOX fuel testing and PIE studies, with the objective of producing a fuel modelling code suitable for mechanistic analysis, as well as for licensing applications. This paper gives an overview of the model developments being undertaken and of the experimental data being used to underpin and to validate the code. The paper provides a summary of the code development programme together with specific examples of new models produced. (author)

  9. 7 CFR Exhibit E to Subpart A of... - Voluntary National Model Building Codes (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 12 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Voluntary National Model Building Codes E Exhibit E... National Model Building Codes The following documents address the health and safety aspects of buildings and related structures and are voluntary national model building codes as defined in § 1924.4(h)(2) of...

  10. Three-dimensional modeling with finite element codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Druce, R.L.


    This paper describes work done to model magnetostatic field problems in three dimensions. Finite element codes, available at LLNL, and pre- and post-processors were used in the solution of the mathematical model, the output from which agreed well with the experimentally obtained data. The geometry used in this work was a cylinder with ports in the periphery and no current sources in the space modeled. 6 refs., 8 figs.

  11. INDOSE V2.1.1, Internal Dosimetry Code Using Biokinetics Models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silverman, Ido


    A - Description of program or function: InDose is an internal dosimetry code developed to enable dose estimations using the new biokinetic models (presented in ICRP-56 to ICRP71) as well as the old ones. The code is written in FORTRAN90 and uses the ICRP-66 respiratory tract model and the ICRP-30 gastrointestinal tract model as well as the new and old biokinetic models. The code has been written in such a way that the user is able to change any of the parameters of any one of the models without recompiling the code. All the parameters are given in well annotated parameters files that the user may change and the code reads during invocation. As default, these files contains the values listed in ICRP publications. The full InDose code is planed to have three parts: 1) the main part includes the uptake and systemic models and is used to calculate the activities in the body tissues and excretion as a function of time for a given intake. 2) An optimization module for automatic estimation of the intake for a specific exposure case. 3) A module to calculate the dose due to the estimated intake. Currently, the code is able to perform only its main task (part 1) while the other two have to be done externally using other tools. In the future we would like to add these modules in order to provide a complete solution for the people in the laboratory. The code has been tested extensively to verify the accuracy of its results. The verification procedure was divided into three parts: 1) verification of the implementation of each model, 2) verification of the integrity of the whole code, and 3) usability test. The first two parts consisted of comparing results obtained with InDose to published results for the same cases. For example ICRP-78 monitoring data. The last part consisted of participating in the 3. EIE-IDA and assessing some of the scenarios provided in this exercise. These tests where presented in a few publications. It has been found that there is very good agreement

  12. Modeling radiation belt dynamics using a 3-D layer method code (United States)

    Wang, C.; Ma, Q.; Tao, X.; Zhang, Y.; Teng, S.; Albert, J. M.; Chan, A. A.; Li, W.; Ni, B.; Lu, Q.; Wang, S.


    A new 3-D diffusion code using a recently published layer method has been developed to analyze radiation belt electron dynamics. The code guarantees the positivity of the solution even when mixed diffusion terms are included. Unlike most of the previous codes, our 3-D code is developed directly in equatorial pitch angle (α0), momentum (p), and L shell coordinates; this eliminates the need to transform back and forth between (α0,p) coordinates and adiabatic invariant coordinates. Using (α0,p,L) is also convenient for direct comparison with satellite data. The new code has been validated by various numerical tests, and we apply the 3-D code to model the rapid electron flux enhancement following the geomagnetic storm on 17 March 2013, which is one of the Geospace Environment Modeling Focus Group challenge events. An event-specific global chorus wave model, an AL-dependent statistical plasmaspheric hiss wave model, and a recently published radial diffusion coefficient formula from Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) statistics are used. The simulation results show good agreement with satellite observations, in general, supporting the scenario that the rapid enhancement of radiation belt electron flux for this event results from an increased level of the seed population by radial diffusion, with subsequent acceleration by chorus waves. Our results prove that the layer method can be readily used to model global radiation belt dynamics in three dimensions.

  13. Hamming Code Based Watermarking Scheme for 3D Model Verification

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jen-Tse Wang


    Full Text Available Due to the explosive growth of the Internet and maturing of 3D hardware techniques, protecting 3D objects becomes a more and more important issue. In this paper, a public hamming code based fragile watermarking technique is proposed for 3D objects verification. An adaptive watermark is generated from each cover model by using the hamming code technique. A simple least significant bit (LSB substitution technique is employed for watermark embedding. In the extraction stage, the hamming code based watermark can be verified by using the hamming code checking without embedding any verification information. Experimental results shows that 100% vertices of the cover model can be watermarked, extracted, and verified. It also shows that the proposed method can improve security and achieve low distortion of stego object.

  14. Self-shielding models of MICROX-2 code: Review and updates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hou, J.; Choi, H.; Ivanov, K.N.


    Highlights: • The MICROX-2 code has been improved to expand its application to advanced reactors. • New fine-group cross section libraries based on ENDF/B-VII have been generated. • Resonance self-shielding and spatial self-shielding models have been improved. • The improvements were assessed by a series of benchmark calculations against MCNPX. - Abstract: The MICROX-2 is a transport theory code that solves for the neutron slowing-down and thermalization equations of a two-region lattice cell. The MICROX-2 code has been updated to expand its application to advanced reactor concepts and fuel cycle simulations, including generation of new fine-group cross section libraries based on ENDF/B-VII. In continuation of previous work, the MICROX-2 methods are reviewed and updated in this study, focusing on its resonance self-shielding and spatial self-shielding models for neutron spectrum calculations. The improvement of self-shielding method was assessed by a series of benchmark calculations against the Monte Carlo code, using homogeneous and heterogeneous pin cell models. The results have shown that the implementation of the updated self-shielding models is correct and the accuracy of physics calculation is improved. Compared to the existing models, the updates reduced the prediction error of the infinite multiplication factor by ∼0.1% and ∼0.2% for the homogeneous and heterogeneous pin cell models, respectively, considered in this study

  15. Application of the thermal-hydraulic codes in VVER-440 steam generators modelling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matejovic, P.; Vranca, L.; Vaclav, E. [Nuclear Power Plant Research Inst. VUJE (Slovakia)


    Performances with the CATHARE2 V1.3U and RELAP5/MOD3.0 application to the VVER-440 SG modelling during normal conditions and during transient with secondary water lowering are described. Similar recirculation model was chosen for both codes. In the CATHARE calculation, no special measures were taken with the aim to optimize artificially flow rate distribution coefficients for the junction between SG riser and steam dome. Contrary to RELAP code, the CATHARE code is able to predict reasonable the secondary swell level in nominal conditions. Both codes are able to model properly natural phase separation on the SG water level. 6 refs.

  16. Application of the thermal-hydraulic codes in VVER-440 steam generators modelling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matejovic, P; Vranca, L; Vaclav, E [Nuclear Power Plant Research Inst. VUJE (Slovakia)


    Performances with the CATHARE2 V1.3U and RELAP5/MOD3.0 application to the VVER-440 SG modelling during normal conditions and during transient with secondary water lowering are described. Similar recirculation model was chosen for both codes. In the CATHARE calculation, no special measures were taken with the aim to optimize artificially flow rate distribution coefficients for the junction between SG riser and steam dome. Contrary to RELAP code, the CATHARE code is able to predict reasonable the secondary swell level in nominal conditions. Both codes are able to model properly natural phase separation on the SG water level. 6 refs.

  17. Improvement of blow down model for LEAP code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itooka, Satoshi; Fujimata, Kazuhiro


    In Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, the improvement of analysis method for overheating tube rapture was studied for the accident of sodium-water reactions in the steam generator of a fast breeder reactor and the evaluation of heat transfer condition in the tube were carried out based on study of critical heat flux (CHF) and post-CHF heat transfer equation in Light Water Reactors. In this study, the improvement of blow down model for the LEAP code was carried out taking into consideration the above-mentioned evaluation of heat transfer condition. Improvements of the LEAP code were following items. Calculations and verification were performed with the improved LEAP code in order to confirm the code functions. The addition of critical heat flux (CHF) by the formula of Katto and the formula of Tong. The addition of post-CHF heat transfer equation by the formula of Condie-BengstonIV and the formula of Groeneveld 5.9. The physical properties of the water and steam are expanded to the critical conditions of the water. The expansion of the total number of section and the improvement of the input form. The addition of the function to control the valve setting by the PID control model. (author)

  18. Documentation for grants equal to tax model: Volume 3, Source code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boryczka, M.K.


    The GETT model is capable of forecasting the amount of tax liability associated with all property owned and all activities undertaken by the US Department of Energy (DOE) in site characterization and repository development. The GETT program is a user-friendly, menu-driven model developed using dBASE III/trademark/, a relational data base management system. The data base for GETT consists primarily of eight separate dBASE III/trademark/ files corresponding to each of the eight taxes (real property, personal property, corporate income, franchise, sales, use, severance, and excise) levied by State and local jurisdictions on business property and activity. Additional smaller files help to control model inputs and reporting options. Volume 3 of the GETT model documentation is the source code. The code is arranged primarily by the eight tax types. Other code files include those for JURISDICTION, SIMULATION, VALIDATION, TAXES, CHANGES, REPORTS, GILOT, and GETT. The code has been verified through hand calculations

  19. COCOA code for creating mock observations of star cluster models (United States)

    Askar, Abbas; Giersz, Mirek; Pych, Wojciech; Dalessandro, Emanuele


    We introduce and present results from the COCOA (Cluster simulatiOn Comparison with ObservAtions) code that has been developed to create idealized mock photometric observations using results from numerical simulations of star cluster evolution. COCOA is able to present the output of realistic numerical simulations of star clusters carried out using Monte Carlo or N-body codes in a way that is useful for direct comparison with photometric observations. In this paper, we describe the COCOA code and demonstrate its different applications by utilizing globular cluster (GC) models simulated with the MOCCA (MOnte Carlo Cluster simulAtor) code. COCOA is used to synthetically observe these different GC models with optical telescopes, perform point spread function photometry, and subsequently produce observed colour-magnitude diagrams. We also use COCOA to compare the results from synthetic observations of a cluster model that has the same age and metallicity as the Galactic GC NGC 2808 with observations of the same cluster carried out with a 2.2 m optical telescope. We find that COCOA can effectively simulate realistic observations and recover photometric data. COCOA has numerous scientific applications that maybe be helpful for both theoreticians and observers that work on star clusters. Plans for further improving and developing the code are also discussed in this paper.

  20. Implementation of Wolsong Pump Model, Pressure Tube Deformation Model and Off-take Model into MARS Code for Regulatory Auditing of CANDU Reactors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, C.; Rhee, B. W.; Chung, B. D. [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Cho, Y. J.; Kim, M. W. [Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Korea currently has four operating units of the CANDU-6 type reactor in Wolsong. However, the safety assessment system for CANDU reactors has not been fully established due to lack of self-reliance technology. Although the CATHENA code had been introduced from AECL, it is undesirable to use vendor's code for regulatory auditing analysis. In Korea, the MARS code has been developed for decades and is being considered by KINS as a thermal hydraulic regulatory auditing tool for nuclear power plants. Before this decision, KINS (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) had developed RELAP5/MOD3/CANDU code for CANDU safety analyses by modifying the model of existing PWR auditing tool, RELAP5/MOD3. The main purpose of this study is to transplant the CANDU models of RELAP5/MOD3/CANDU code to MARS code including quality assurance of the developed models. This first part of the research series presents the implementation and verification of the Wolsong pump model, the pressure tube deformation model, and the off-take model for arbitrary-angled branch pipes.

  1. Implementation of Wolsong Pump Model, Pressure Tube Deformation Model and Off-take Model into MARS Code for Regulatory Auditing of CANDU Reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, C.; Rhee, B. W.; Chung, B. D.; Cho, Y. J.; Kim, M. W.


    Korea currently has four operating units of the CANDU-6 type reactor in Wolsong. However, the safety assessment system for CANDU reactors has not been fully established due to lack of self-reliance technology. Although the CATHENA code had been introduced from AECL, it is undesirable to use vendor's code for regulatory auditing analysis. In Korea, the MARS code has been developed for decades and is being considered by KINS as a thermal hydraulic regulatory auditing tool for nuclear power plants. Before this decision, KINS (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) had developed RELAP5/MOD3/CANDU code for CANDU safety analyses by modifying the model of existing PWR auditing tool, RELAP5/MOD3. The main purpose of this study is to transplant the CANDU models of RELAP5/MOD3/CANDU code to MARS code including quality assurance of the developed models. This first part of the research series presents the implementation and verification of the Wolsong pump model, the pressure tube deformation model, and the off-take model for arbitrary-angled branch pipes

  2. EMPIRE-II statistical model code for nuclear reaction calculations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herman, M [International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)


    EMPIRE II is a nuclear reaction code, comprising various nuclear models, and designed for calculations in the broad range of energies and incident particles. A projectile can be any nucleon or Heavy Ion. The energy range starts just above the resonance region, in the case of neutron projectile, and extends up to few hundreds of MeV for Heavy Ion induced reactions. The code accounts for the major nuclear reaction mechanisms, such as optical model (SCATB), Multistep Direct (ORION + TRISTAN), NVWY Multistep Compound, and the full featured Hauser-Feshbach model. Heavy Ion fusion cross section can be calculated within the simplified coupled channels approach (CCFUS). A comprehensive library of input parameters covers nuclear masses, optical model parameters, ground state deformations, discrete levels and decay schemes, level densities, fission barriers (BARFIT), moments of inertia (MOMFIT), and {gamma}-ray strength functions. Effects of the dynamic deformation of a fast rotating nucleus can be taken into account in the calculations. The results can be converted into the ENDF-VI format using the accompanying code EMPEND. The package contains the full EXFOR library of experimental data. Relevant EXFOR entries are automatically retrieved during the calculations. Plots comparing experimental results with the calculated ones can be produced using X4TOC4 and PLOTC4 codes linked to the rest of the system through bash-shell (UNIX) scripts. The graphic user interface written in Tcl/Tk is provided. (author)

  3. Field-based tests of geochemical modeling codes usign New Zealand hydrothermal systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bruton, C.J.; Glassley, W.E.; Bourcier, W.L.


    Hydrothermal systems in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, North Island, New Zealand are being used as field-based modeling exercises for the EQ3/6 geochemical modeling code package. Comparisons of the observed state and evolution of the hydrothermal systems with predictions of fluid-solid equilibria made using geochemical modeling codes will determine how the codes can be used to predict the chemical and mineralogical response of the environment to nuclear waste emplacement. Field-based exercises allow us to test the models on time scales unattainable in the laboratory. Preliminary predictions of mineral assemblages in equilibrium with fluids sampled from wells in the Wairakei and Kawerau geothermal field suggest that affinity-temperature diagrams must be used in conjunction with EQ6 to minimize the effect of uncertainties in thermodynamic and kinetic data on code predictions

  4. Gamma spectroscopy modelization intercomparison of the modelization results using two different codes (MCNP, and Pascalys-mercure)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luneville, L.; Chiron, M.; Toubon, H.; Dogny, S.; Huver, M.; Berger, L.


    The research performed in common these last 3 years by the French Atomic Commission CEA, COGEMA and Eurisys Mesures had for main subject the realization of a complete tool of modelization for the largest range of realistic cases, the Pascalys modelization software. The main purpose of the modelization was to calculate the global measurement efficiency, which delivers the most accurate relationship between the photons emitted by the nuclear source in volume, punctual or deposited form and the germanium hyper pure detector, which detects and analyzes the received photons. It has been stated since long time that experimental global measurement efficiency becomes more and more difficult to address especially for complex scene as we can find in decommissioning and dismantling or in case of high activities for which the use of high activity reference sources become difficult to use for both health physics point of view and regulations. The choice of a calculation code is fundamental if accurate modelization is searched. MCNP represents the reference code but its use is long time calculation consuming and then not practicable in line on the field. Direct line-of-sight point kernel code as the French Atomic Commission 3-D analysis Mercure code can represent the practicable compromise between the most accurate MCNP reference code and the realistic performances needed in modelization. The comparison between the results of Pascalys-Mercure and MCNP code taking in account the last improvements of Mercure in the low energy range where the most important errors can occur, is presented in this paper, Mercure code being supported in line by the recent Pascalys 3-D modelization scene software. The incidence of the intrinsic efficiency of the Germanium detector is also approached for the total efficiency of measurement. (authors)

  5. Experimental data bases useful for quantification of model uncertainties in best estimate codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, G.E.; Katsma, K.R.; Jacobson, J.L.; Boodry, K.S.


    A data base is necessary for assessment of thermal hydraulic codes within the context of the new NRC ECCS Rule. Separate effect tests examine particular phenomena that may be used to develop and/or verify models and constitutive relationships in the code. Integral tests are used to demonstrate the capability of codes to model global characteristics and sequence of events for real or hypothetical transients. The nuclear industry has developed a large experimental data base of fundamental nuclear, thermal-hydraulic phenomena for code validation. Given a particular scenario, and recognizing the scenario's important phenomena, selected information from this data base may be used to demonstrate applicability of a particular code to simulate the scenario and to determine code model uncertainties. LBLOCA experimental data bases useful to this objective are identified in this paper. 2 tabs

  6. Nodal kinetics model upgrade in the Penn State coupled TRAC/NEM codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beam, Tara M.; Ivanov, Kostadin N.; Baratta, Anthony J.; Finnemann, Herbert


    The Pennsylvania State University currently maintains and does development and verification work for its own versions of the coupled three-dimensional kinetics/thermal-hydraulics codes TRAC-PF1/NEM and TRAC-BF1/NEM. The subject of this paper is nodal model enhancements in the above mentioned codes. Because of the numerous validation studies that have been performed on almost every aspect of these codes, this upgrade is done without a major code rewrite. The upgrade consists of four steps. The first two steps are designed to improve the accuracy of the kinetics model, based on the nodal expansion method. The polynomial expansion solution of 1D transverse integrated diffusion equation is replaced with a solution, which uses a semi-analytic expansion. Further the standard parabolic polynomial representation of the transverse leakage in the above 1D equations is replaced with an improved approximation. The last two steps of the upgrade address the code efficiency by improving the solution of the time-dependent NEM equations and implementing a multi-grid solver. These four improvements are implemented into the standalone NEM kinetics code. Verification of this code was accomplished based on the original verification studies. The results show that the new methods improve the accuracy and efficiency of the code. The verification of the upgraded NEM model in the TRAC-PF1/NEM and TRAC-BF1/NEM coupled codes is underway

  7. Applicability evaluation on the conservative metal-water reaction(MWR) model implemented into the SPACE code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Suk Ho; You, Sung Chang; Kim, Han Gon


    The SBLOCA (Small Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident) evaluation methodology for the APR1400 (Advanced Power Reactor 1400) is under development using the SPACE code. The goal of the development of this methodology is to set up a conservative evaluation methodology in accordance with Appendix K of 10CFR50 by the end of 2012. In order to develop the Appendix K version of the SPACE code, the code modification is considered through implementation of the code on the required evaluation models. For the conservative models required in the SPACE code, the metal-water reaction (MWR) model, the critical flow model, the Critical Heat Flux (CHF) model and the post-CHF model must be implemented in the code. At present, the integration of the model to generate the Appendix K version of SPACE is in its preliminary stage. Among them, the conservative MWR model and its code applicability are introduced in this paper

  8. Light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7; model and structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Motoe; Udagawa, Yutaka; Saitou, Hiroaki


    A light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7 has been developed for the purpose of analyzing the fuel behavior in both normal conditions and anticipated transient conditions. This code is an advanced version which has been produced by incorporating the former version FEMAXI-6 with numerous functional improvements and extensions. In FEMAXI-7, many new models have been added and parameters have been clearly arranged. Also, to facilitate effective maintenance and accessibility of the code, modularization of subroutines and functions have been attained, and quality comment descriptions of variables or physical quantities have been incorporated in the source code. With these advancements, the FEMAXI-7 code has been upgraded to a versatile analytical tool for high burnup fuel behavior analyses. This report describes in detail the design, basic theory and structure, models and numerical method, and improvements and extensions. (author)

  9. NRC model simulations in support of the hydrologic code intercomparison study (HYDROCOIN): Level 1-code verification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    HYDROCOIN is an international study for examining ground-water flow modeling strategies and their influence on safety assessments of geologic repositories for nuclear waste. This report summarizes only the combined NRC project temas' simulation efforts on the computer code bench-marking problems. The codes used to simulate thesee seven problems were SWIFT II, FEMWATER, UNSAT2M USGS-3D, AND TOUGH. In general, linear problems involving scalars such as hydraulic head were accurately simulated by both finite-difference and finite-element solution algorithms. Both types of codes produced accurate results even for complex geometrics such as intersecting fractures. Difficulties were encountered in solving problems that invovled nonlinear effects such as density-driven flow and unsaturated flow. In order to fully evaluate the accuracy of these codes, post-processing of results using paricle tracking algorithms and calculating fluxes were examined. This proved very valuable by uncovering disagreements among code results even through the hydraulic-head solutions had been in agreement. 9 refs., 111 figs., 6 tabs

  10. Fusion safety codes International modeling with MELCOR and ATHENA- INTRA

    CERN Document Server

    Marshall, T; Topilski, L; Merrill, B


    For a number of years, the world fusion safety community has been involved in benchmarking their safety analyses codes against experiment data to support regulatory approval of a next step fusion device. This paper discusses the benchmarking of two prominent fusion safety thermal-hydraulic computer codes. The MELCOR code was developed in the US for fission severe accident safety analyses and has been modified for fusion safety analyses. The ATHENA code is a multifluid version of the US-developed RELAP5 code that is also widely used for fusion safety analyses. The ENEA Fusion Division uses ATHENA in conjunction with the INTRA code for its safety analyses. The INTRA code was developed in Germany and predicts containment building pressures, temperatures and fluid flow. ENEA employs the French-developed ISAS system to couple ATHENA and INTRA. This paper provides a brief introduction of the MELCOR and ATHENA-INTRA codes and presents their modeling results for the following breaches of a water cooling line into the...

  11. Radiation transport phenomena and modeling - part A: Codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lorence, L.J.


    The need to understand how particle radiation (high-energy photons and electrons) from a variety of sources affects materials and electronics has motivated the development of sophisticated computer codes that describe how radiation with energies from 1.0 keV to 100.0 GeV propagates through matter. Predicting radiation transport is the necessary first step in predicting radiation effects. The radiation transport codes that are described here are general-purpose codes capable of analyzing a variety of radiation environments including those produced by nuclear weapons (x-rays, gamma rays, and neutrons), by sources in space (electrons and ions) and by accelerators (x-rays, gamma rays, and electrons). Applications of these codes include the study of radiation effects on electronics, nuclear medicine (imaging and cancer treatment), and industrial processes (food disinfestation, waste sterilization, manufacturing.) The primary focus will be on coupled electron-photon transport codes, with some brief discussion of proton transport. These codes model a radiation cascade in which electrons produce photons and vice versa. This coupling between particles of different types is important for radiation effects. For instance, in an x-ray environment, electrons are produced that drive the response in electronics. In an electron environment, dose due to bremsstrahlung photons can be significant once the source electrons have been stopped

  12. Penerapan Model Beyond Centers and Circle Tme SD Kelas Satu




    Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji pelaksanaan penerapan model pembelajaran Sentra Model pembelajaran sentra (Beyond Centers and Circle Time) dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas satu SD Islam Jayawinata Kota Tangerang 2013. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatitf dengan analisis model Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kegiatan SD kelas satu menggunakan model pembelajaran sentra atau BCCT pada tahun ajaran baru sehingga guru memiliki panduan ketika membuat rencana pembelajaran; p...

  13. Mechanistic modelling of gaseous fission product behaviour in UO2 fuel by Rtop code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanukova, V.D.; Khoruzhii, O.V.; Kourtchatov, S.Y.; Likhanskii, V.V.; Matveew, L.V.


    The current status of a mechanistic modelling by the RTOP code of the fission product behaviour in polycrystalline UO 2 fuel is described. An outline of the code and implemented physical models is presented. The general approach to code validation is discussed. It is exemplified by the results of validation of the models of fuel oxidation and grain growth. The different models of intragranular and intergranular gas bubble behaviour have been tested and the sensitivity of the code in the framework of these models has been analysed. An analysis of available models of the resolution of grain face bubbles is also presented. The possibilities of the RTOP code are presented through the example of modelling behaviour of WWER fuel over the course of a comparative WWER-PWR experiment performed at Halden and by comparison with Yanagisawa experiments. (author)

  14. GEMSFITS: Code package for optimization of geochemical model parameters and inverse modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miron, George D.; Kulik, Dmitrii A.; Dmytrieva, Svitlana V.; Wagner, Thomas


    Highlights: • Tool for generating consistent parameters against various types of experiments. • Handles a large number of experimental data and parameters (is parallelized). • Has a graphical interface and can perform statistical analysis on the parameters. • Tested on fitting the standard state Gibbs free energies of aqueous Al species. • Example on fitting interaction parameters of mixing models and thermobarometry. - Abstract: GEMSFITS is a new code package for fitting internally consistent input parameters of GEM (Gibbs Energy Minimization) geochemical–thermodynamic models against various types of experimental or geochemical data, and for performing inverse modeling tasks. It consists of the gemsfit2 (parameter optimizer) and gfshell2 (graphical user interface) programs both accessing a NoSQL database, all developed with flexibility, generality, efficiency, and user friendliness in mind. The parameter optimizer gemsfit2 includes the GEMS3K chemical speciation solver ( (, which features a comprehensive suite of non-ideal activity- and equation-of-state models of solution phases (aqueous electrolyte, gas and fluid mixtures, solid solutions, (ad)sorption. The gemsfit2 code uses the robust open-source NLopt library for parameter fitting, which provides a selection between several nonlinear optimization algorithms (global, local, gradient-based), and supports large-scale parallelization. The gemsfit2 code can also perform comprehensive statistical analysis of the fitted parameters (basic statistics, sensitivity, Monte Carlo confidence intervals), thus supporting the user with powerful tools for evaluating the quality of the fits and the physical significance of the model parameters. The gfshell2 code provides menu-driven setup of optimization options (data selection, properties to fit and their constraints, measured properties to compare with computed counterparts, and statistics). The practical utility, efficiency, and

  15. Evaluation of Advanced Models for PAFS Condensation Heat Transfer in SPACE Code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bae, Byoung-Uhn; Kim, Seok; Park, Yu-Sun; Kang, Kyung Ho [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Ahn, Tae-Hwan; Yun, Byong-Jo [Pusan National University, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    The PAFS (Passive Auxiliary Feedwater System) is operated by the natural circulation to remove the core decay heat through the PCHX (Passive Condensation Heat Exchanger) which is composed of the nearly horizontal tubes. For validation of the cooling and operational performance of the PAFS, PASCAL (PAFS Condensing Heat Removal Assessment Loop) facility was constructed and the condensation heat transfer and natural convection phenomena in the PAFS was experimentally investigated at KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). From the PASCAL experimental result, it was found that conventional system analysis code underestimated the condensation heat transfer. In this study, advanced condensation heat transfer models which can treat the heat transfer mechanisms with the different flow regimes in the nearly horizontal heat exchanger tube were analyzed. The models were implemented in a thermal hydraulic safety analysis code, SPACE (Safety and Performance Analysis Code for Nuclear Power Plant), and it was evaluated with the PASCAL experimental data. With an aim of enhancing the prediction capability for the condensation phenomenon inside the PCHX tube of the PAFS, advanced models for the condensation heat transfer were implemented into the wall condensation model of the SPACE code, so that the PASCAL experimental result was utilized to validate the condensation models. Calculation results showed that the improved model for the condensation heat transfer coefficient enhanced the prediction capability of the SPACE code. This result confirms that the mechanistic modeling for the film condensation in the steam phase and the convection in the condensate liquid contributed to enhance the prediction capability of the wall condensation model of the SPACE code and reduce conservatism in prediction of condensation heat transfer.

  16. Light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7. Model and structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Motoe; Udagawa, Yutaka; Nagase, Fumihisa; Saitou, Hiroaki


    A light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7 has been developed for the purpose of analyzing the fuel behavior in both normal conditions and anticipated transient conditions. This code is an advanced version which has been produced by incorporating the former version FEMAXI-6 with numerous functional improvements and extensions. In FEMAXI-7, many new models have been added and parameters have been clearly arranged. Also, to facilitate effective maintenance and accessibility of the code, modularization of subroutines and functions have been attained, and quality comment descriptions of variables or physical quantities have been incorporated in the source code. With these advancements, the FEMAXI-7 code has been upgraded to a versatile analytical tool for high burnup fuel behavior analyses. This report describes in detail the design, basic theory and structure, models and numerical method of FEMAXI-7, and its improvements and extensions. (author)

  17. Recent improvements of the TNG statistical model code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shibata, K.; Fu, C.Y.


    The applicability of the nuclear model code TNG to cross-section evaluations has been extended. The new TNG is capable of using variable bins for outgoing particle energies. Moreover, three additional quantities can now be calculated: capture gamma-ray spectrum, the precompound mode of the (n,γ) reaction, and fission cross section. In this report, the new features of the code are described together with some sample calculations and a brief explanation of the input data. 15 refs., 6 figs., 2 tabs

  18. Modelling of the RA-1 reactor using a Monte Carlo code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quinteiro, Guillermo F.; Calabrese, Carlos R.


    It was carried out for the first time, a model of the Argentine RA-1 reactor using the MCNP Monte Carlo code. This model was validated using data for experimental neutron and gamma measurements at different energy ranges and locations. In addition, the resulting fluxes were compared with the data obtained using a 3D diffusion code. (author)

  19. Simplified modeling and code usage in the PASC-3 code system by the introduction of a programming environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pijlgroms, B.J.; Oppe, J.; Oudshoorn, H.L.; Slobben, J.


    A brief description is given of the PASC-3 (Petten-AMPX-SCALE) Reactor Physics code system and associated UNIPASC work environment. The PASC-3 code system is used for criticality and reactor calculations and consists of a selection from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory AMPX-SCALE-3 code collection complemented with a number of additional codes and nuclear data bases. The original codes have been adapted to run under the UNIX operating system. The recommended nuclear data base is a complete 219 group cross section library derived from JEF-1 of which some benchmark results are presented. By the addition of the UNIPASC work environment the usage of the code system is greatly simplified. Complex chains of programs can easily be coupled together to form a single job. In addition, the model parameters can be represented by variables instead of literal values which enhances the readability and may improve the integrity of the code inputs. (author). 8 refs.; 6 figs.; 1 tab

  20. Background-Modeling-Based Adaptive Prediction for Surveillance Video Coding. (United States)

    Zhang, Xianguo; Huang, Tiejun; Tian, Yonghong; Gao, Wen


    The exponential growth of surveillance videos presents an unprecedented challenge for high-efficiency surveillance video coding technology. Compared with the existing coding standards that were basically developed for generic videos, surveillance video coding should be designed to make the best use of the special characteristics of surveillance videos (e.g., relative static background). To do so, this paper first conducts two analyses on how to improve the background and foreground prediction efficiencies in surveillance video coding. Following the analysis results, we propose a background-modeling-based adaptive prediction (BMAP) method. In this method, all blocks to be encoded are firstly classified into three categories. Then, according to the category of each block, two novel inter predictions are selectively utilized, namely, the background reference prediction (BRP) that uses the background modeled from the original input frames as the long-term reference and the background difference prediction (BDP) that predicts the current data in the background difference domain. For background blocks, the BRP can effectively improve the prediction efficiency using the higher quality background as the reference; whereas for foreground-background-hybrid blocks, the BDP can provide a better reference after subtracting its background pixels. Experimental results show that the BMAP can achieve at least twice the compression ratio on surveillance videos as AVC (MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding) high profile, yet with a slightly additional encoding complexity. Moreover, for the foreground coding performance, which is crucial to the subjective quality of moving objects in surveillance videos, BMAP also obtains remarkable gains over several state-of-the-art methods.

  1. Verification and Validation of Heat Transfer Model of AGREE Code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tak, N. I. [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Seker, V.; Drzewiecki, T. J.; Downar, T. J. [Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, Univ. of Michigan, Michigan (United States); Kelly, J. M. [US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington (United States)


    The AGREE code was originally developed as a multi physics simulation code to perform design and safety analysis of Pebble Bed Reactors (PBR). Currently, additional capability for the analysis of Prismatic Modular Reactor (PMR) core is in progress. Newly implemented fluid model for a PMR core is based on a subchannel approach which has been widely used in the analyses of light water reactor (LWR) cores. A hexagonal fuel (or graphite block) is discretized into triangular prism nodes having effective conductivities. Then, a meso-scale heat transfer model is applied to the unit cell geometry of a prismatic fuel block. Both unit cell geometries of multi-hole and pin-in-hole types of prismatic fuel blocks are considered in AGREE. The main objective of this work is to verify and validate the heat transfer model newly implemented for a PMR core in the AGREE code. The measured data in the HENDEL experiment were used for the validation of the heat transfer model for a pin-in-hole fuel block. However, the HENDEL tests were limited to only steady-state conditions of pin-in-hole fuel blocks. There exist no available experimental data regarding a heat transfer in multi-hole fuel blocks. Therefore, numerical benchmarks using conceptual problems are considered to verify the heat transfer model of AGREE for multi-hole fuel blocks as well as transient conditions. The CORONA and GAMMA+ codes were used to compare the numerical results. In this work, the verification and validation study were performed for the heat transfer model of the AGREE code using the HENDEL experiment and the numerical benchmarks of selected conceptual problems. The results of the present work show that the heat transfer model of AGREE is accurate and reliable for prismatic fuel blocks. Further validation of AGREE is in progress for a whole reactor problem using the HTTR safety test data such as control rod withdrawal tests and loss-of-forced convection tests.

  2. An Eulerian transport-dispersion model of passive effluents: the Difeul code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wendum, D.


    R and D has decided to develop an Eulerian diffusion model easy to adapt to meteorological data coming from different sources: for instance the ARPEGE code of Meteo-France or the MERCURE code of EDF. We demand this in order to be able to apply the code in independent cases: a posteriori studies of accidental releases from nuclear power plants ar large or medium scale, simulation of urban pollution episodes within the ''Reactive Atmospheric Flows'' research project. For simplicity reasons, the numerical formulation of our code is the same as the one used in Meteo-France's MEDIA model. The numerical tests presented in this report show the good performance of those schemes. In order to illustrate the method by a concrete example a fictitious release from Saint-Laurent has been simulated at national scale: the results of this simulation agree quite well with those of the trajectory model DIFTRA. (author). 6 figs., 4 tabs

  3. Development and Implementation of CFD-Informed Models for the Advanced Subchannel Code CTF (United States)

    Blyth, Taylor S.

    The research described in this PhD thesis contributes to the development of efficient methods for utilization of high-fidelity models and codes to inform low-fidelity models and codes in the area of nuclear reactor core thermal-hydraulics. The objective is to increase the accuracy of predictions of quantities of interests using high-fidelity CFD models while preserving the efficiency of low-fidelity subchannel core calculations. An original methodology named Physics-based Approach for High-to-Low Model Information has been further developed and tested. The overall physical phenomena and corresponding localized effects, which are introduced by the presence of spacer grids in light water reactor (LWR) cores, are dissected in corresponding four building basic processes, and corresponding models are informed using high-fidelity CFD codes. These models are a spacer grid-directed cross-flow model, a grid-enhanced turbulent mixing model, a heat transfer enhancement model, and a spacer grid pressure loss model. The localized CFD-models are developed and tested using the CFD code STAR-CCM+, and the corresponding global model development and testing in sub-channel formulation is performed in the thermal-hydraulic subchannel code CTF. The improved CTF simulations utilize data-files derived from CFD STAR-CCM+ simulation results covering the spacer grid design desired for inclusion in the CTF calculation. The current implementation of these models is examined and possibilities for improvement and further development are suggested. The validation experimental database is extended by including the OECD/NRC PSBT benchmark data. The outcome is an enhanced accuracy of CTF predictions while preserving the computational efficiency of a low-fidelity subchannel code.

  4. Development and Implementation of CFD-Informed Models for the Advanced Subchannel Code CTF

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blyth, Taylor S. [Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA (United States); Avramova, Maria [North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC (United States)


    The research described in this PhD thesis contributes to the development of efficient methods for utilization of high-fidelity models and codes to inform low-fidelity models and codes in the area of nuclear reactor core thermal-hydraulics. The objective is to increase the accuracy of predictions of quantities of interests using high-fidelity CFD models while preserving the efficiency of low-fidelity subchannel core calculations. An original methodology named Physics- based Approach for High-to-Low Model Information has been further developed and tested. The overall physical phenomena and corresponding localized effects, which are introduced by the presence of spacer grids in light water reactor (LWR) cores, are dissected in corresponding four building basic processes, and corresponding models are informed using high-fidelity CFD codes. These models are a spacer grid-directed cross-flow model, a grid-enhanced turbulent mixing model, a heat transfer enhancement model, and a spacer grid pressure loss model. The localized CFD-models are developed and tested using the CFD code STAR-CCM+, and the corresponding global model development and testing in sub-channel formulation is performed in the thermal- hydraulic subchannel code CTF. The improved CTF simulations utilize data-files derived from CFD STAR-CCM+ simulation results covering the spacer grid design desired for inclusion in the CTF calculation. The current implementation of these models is examined and possibilities for improvement and further development are suggested. The validation experimental database is extended by including the OECD/NRC PSBT benchmark data. The outcome is an enhanced accuracy of CTF predictions while preserving the computational efficiency of a low-fidelity subchannel code.

  5. The WARP Code: Modeling High Intensity Ion Beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grote, David P.; Friedman, Alex; Vay, Jean-Luc; Haber, Irving


    The Warp code, developed for heavy-ion driven inertial fusion energy studies, is used to model high intensity ion (and electron) beams. Significant capability has been incorporated in Warp, allowing nearly all sections of an accelerator to be modeled, beginning with the source. Warp has as its core an explicit, three-dimensional, particle-in-cell model. Alongside this is a rich set of tools for describing the applied fields of the accelerator lattice, and embedded conducting surfaces (which are captured at sub-grid resolution). Also incorporated are models with reduced dimensionality: an axisymmetric model and a transverse ''slice'' model. The code takes advantage of modern programming techniques, including object orientation, parallelism, and scripting (via Python). It is at the forefront in the use of the computational technique of adaptive mesh refinement, which has been particularly successful in the area of diode and injector modeling, both steady-state and time-dependent. In the presentation, some of the major aspects of Warp will be overviewed, especially those that could be useful in modeling ECR sources. Warp has been benchmarked against both theory and experiment. Recent results will be presented showing good agreement of Warp with experimental results from the STS500 injector test stand

  6. Once-through CANDU reactor models for the ORIGEN2 computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Croff, A.G.; Bjerke, M.A.


    Reactor physics calculations have led to the development of two CANDU reactor models for the ORIGEN2 computer code. The model CANDUs are based on (1) the existing once-through fuel cycle with feed comprised of natural uranium and (2) a projected slightly enriched (1.2 wt % 235 U) fuel cycle. The reactor models are based on cross sections taken directly from the reactor physics codes. Descriptions of the reactor models, as well as values for the ORIGEN2 flux parameters THERM, RES, and FAST, are given

  7. A review of MAAP4 code structure and core T/H model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Yong Mann; Park, Soo Yong


    The modular accident analysis program (MAAP) version 4 is a computer code that can simulate the response of LWR plants during severe accident sequences and includes models for all of the important phenomena which might occur during accident sequences. In this report, MAAP4 code structure and core thermal hydraulic (T/H) model which models the T/H behavior of the reactor core and the response of core components during all accident phases involving degraded cores are specifically reviewed and then reorganized. This reorganization is performed via getting the related models together under each topic whose contents and order are same with other two reports for MELCOR and SCDAP/RELAP5 to be simultaneously published. Major purpose of the report is to provide information about the characteristics of MAAP4 core T/H models for an integrated severe accident computer code development being performed under the one of on-going mid/long-term nuclear developing project. The basic characteristics of the new integrated severe accident code includes: 1) Flexible simulation capability of primary side, secondary side, and the containment under severe accident conditions, 2) Detailed plant simulation, 3) Convenient user-interfaces, 4) Highly modularization for easy maintenance/improvement, and 5) State-of-the-art model selection. In conclusion, MAAP4 code has appeared to be superior for 3) and 4) items but to be somewhat inferior for 1) and 2) items. For item 5), more efforts should be made in the future to compare separated models in detail with not only other codes but also recent world-wide work. (author). 17 refs., 1 tab., 12 figs

  8. Code Generation for Protocols from CPN models Annotated with Pragmatics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Kent Inge; Kristensen, Lars Michael; Kindler, Ekkart

    software implementation satisfies the properties verified for the model. Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs) have been widely used to model and verify protocol software, but limited work exists on using CPN models of protocol software as a basis for automated code generation. In this report, we present an approach...... modelling languages, MDE further has the advantage that models are amenable to model checking which allows key behavioural properties of the software design to be verified. The combination of formally verified models and automated code generation contributes to a high degree of assurance that the resulting...... for generating protocol software from a restricted class of CPN models. The class of CPN models considered aims at being descriptive in that the models are intended to be helpful in understanding and conveying the operation of the protocol. At the same time, a descriptive model is close to a verifiable version...

  9. A Perceptual Model for Sinusoidal Audio Coding Based on Spectral Integration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jensen Søren Holdt


    Full Text Available Psychoacoustical models have been used extensively within audio coding applications over the past decades. Recently, parametric coding techniques have been applied to general audio and this has created the need for a psychoacoustical model that is specifically suited for sinusoidal modelling of audio signals. In this paper, we present a new perceptual model that predicts masked thresholds for sinusoidal distortions. The model relies on signal detection theory and incorporates more recent insights about spectral and temporal integration in auditory masking. As a consequence, the model is able to predict the distortion detectability. In fact, the distortion detectability defines a (perceptually relevant norm on the underlying signal space which is beneficial for optimisation algorithms such as rate-distortion optimisation or linear predictive coding. We evaluate the merits of the model by combining it with a sinusoidal extraction method and compare the results with those obtained with the ISO MPEG-1 Layer I-II recommended model. Listening tests show a clear preference for the new model. More specifically, the model presented here leads to a reduction of more than 20% in terms of number of sinusoids needed to represent signals at a given quality level.

  10. Steam generator and circulator model for the HELAP code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ludewig, H.


    An outline is presented of the work carried out in the 1974 fiscal year on the GCFBR safety research project consisting of the development of improved steam generator and circulator (steam turbine driven helium compressor) models which will eventually be inserted in the HELAP (1) code. Furthermore, a code was developed which will be used to generate steady state input for the primary and secondary sides of the steam generator. The following conclusions and suggestions for further work are made: (1) The steam-generator and circulator model are consistent with the volume and junction layout used in HELAP, (2) with minor changes these models, when incorporated in HELAP, could be used to simulate a direct cycle plant, (3) an explicit control valve model is still to be developed and would be very desirable to control the flow to the turbine during a transient (initially this flow will be controlled by using the existing check valve model); (4) the friction factor in the laminar flow region is computed inaccurately, this might cause significant errors in loss-of-flow accidents; and (5) it is felt that HELAP will still use a large amount of computer time and will thus be limited to design basis accidents without scram or loss of flow transients with and without scram. Finally it may also be used as a test bed for the development of prototype component models which would be incorporated in a more sophisticated system code, developed specifically for GCFBR's

  11. Film grain noise modeling in advanced video coding (United States)

    Oh, Byung Tae; Kuo, C.-C. Jay; Sun, Shijun; Lei, Shawmin


    A new technique for film grain noise extraction, modeling and synthesis is proposed and applied to the coding of high definition video in this work. The film grain noise is viewed as a part of artistic presentation by people in the movie industry. On one hand, since the film grain noise can boost the natural appearance of pictures in high definition video, it should be preserved in high-fidelity video processing systems. On the other hand, video coding with film grain noise is expensive. It is desirable to extract film grain noise from the input video as a pre-processing step at the encoder and re-synthesize the film grain noise and add it back to the decoded video as a post-processing step at the decoder. Under this framework, the coding gain of the denoised video is higher while the quality of the final reconstructed video can still be well preserved. Following this idea, we present a method to remove film grain noise from image/video without distorting its original content. Besides, we describe a parametric model containing a small set of parameters to represent the extracted film grain noise. The proposed model generates the film grain noise that is close to the real one in terms of power spectral density and cross-channel spectral correlation. Experimental results are shown to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed scheme.

  12. Coding conventions and principles for a National Land-Change Modeling Framework (United States)

    Donato, David I.


    This report establishes specific rules for writing computer source code for use with the National Land-Change Modeling Framework (NLCMF). These specific rules consist of conventions and principles for writing code primarily in the C and C++ programming languages. Collectively, these coding conventions and coding principles create an NLCMF programming style. In addition to detailed naming conventions, this report provides general coding conventions and principles intended to facilitate the development of high-performance software implemented with code that is extensible, flexible, and interoperable. Conventions for developing modular code are explained in general terms and also enabled and demonstrated through the appended templates for C++ base source-code and header files. The NLCMF limited-extern approach to module structure, code inclusion, and cross-module access to data is both explained in the text and then illustrated through the module templates. Advice on the use of global variables is provided.

  13. Implementation of 3D models in the Monte Carlo code MCNP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopes, Vivaldo; Millian, Felix M.; Guevara, Maria Victoria M.; Garcia, Fermin; Sena, Isaac; Menezes, Hugo


    On the area of numerical dosimetry Applied to medical physics, the scientific community focuses on the elaboration of new hybrids models based on 3D models. But different steps of the process of simulation with 3D models needed improvement and optimization in order to expedite the calculations and accuracy using this methodology. This project was developed with the aim of optimize the process of introduction of 3D models within the simulation code of radiation transport by Monte Carlo (MCNP). The fast implementation of these models on the simulation code allows the estimation of the dose deposited on the patient organs on a more personalized way, increasing the accuracy with this on the estimates and reducing the risks to health, caused by ionizing radiations. The introduction o these models within the MCNP was made through a input file, that was constructed through a sequence of images, bi-dimensional in the 3D model, generated using the program '3DSMAX', imported by the program 'TOMO M C' and thus, introduced as INPUT FILE of the MCNP code. (author)

  14. Tokamak Simulation Code modeling of NSTX

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jardin, S.C.; Kaye, S.; Menard, J.; Kessel, C.; Glasser, A.H.


    The Tokamak Simulation Code [TSC] is widely used for the design of new axisymmetric toroidal experiments. In particular, TSC was used extensively in the design of the National Spherical Torus eXperiment [NSTX]. The authors have now benchmarked TSC with initial NSTX results and find excellent agreement for plasma and vessel currents and magnetic flux loops when the experimental coil currents are used in the simulations. TSC has also been coupled with a ballooning stability code and with DCON to provide stability predictions for NSTX operation. TSC has also been used to model initial CHI experiments where a large poloidal voltage is applied to the NSTX vacuum vessel, causing a force-free current to appear in the plasma. This is a phenomenon that is similar to the plasma halo current that sometimes develops during a plasma disruption

  15. The modelling of wall condensation with noncondensable gases for the containment codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leduc, C.; Coste, P.; Barthel, V.; Deslandes, H. [Commissariat a l`Energi Atomique, Grenoble (France)


    This paper presents several approaches in the modelling of wall condensation in the presence of noncondensable gases for containment codes. The lumped-parameter modelling and the local modelling by 3-D codes are discussed. Containment analysis codes should be able to predict the spatial distributions of steam, air, and hydrogen as well as the efficiency of cooling by wall condensation in both natural convection and forced convection situations. 3-D calculations with a turbulent diffusion modelling are necessary since the diffusion controls the local condensation whereas the wall condensation may redistribute the air and hydrogen mass in the containment. A fine mesh modelling of film condensation in forced convection has been in the developed taking into account the influence of the suction velocity at the liquid-gas interface. It is associated with the 3-D model of the TRIO code for the gas mixture where a k-{xi} turbulence model is used. The predictions are compared to the Huhtiniemi`s experimental data. The modelling of condensation in natural convection or mixed convection is more complex. As no universal velocity and temperature profile exist for such boundary layers, a very fine nodalization is necessary. More simple models integrate equations over the boundary layer thickness, using the heat and mass transfer analogy. The model predictions are compared with a MIT experiment. For the containment compartments a two node model is proposed using the lumped parameter approach. Heat and mass transfer coefficients are tested on separate effect tests and containment experiments. The CATHARE code has been adapted to perform such calculations and shows a reasonable agreement with data.

  16. Sodium pool fire model for CONACS code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yung, S.C.


    The modeling of sodium pool fires constitutes an important ingredient in conducting LMFBR accident analysis. Such modeling capability has recently come under scrutiny at Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) within the context of developing CONACS, the Containment Analysis Code System. One of the efforts in the CONACS program is to model various combustion processes anticipated to occur during postulated accident paths. This effort includes the selection or modification of an existing model and development of a new model if it clearly contributes to the program purpose. As part of this effort, a new sodium pool fire model has been developed that is directed at removing some of the deficiencies in the existing models, such as SOFIRE-II and FEUNA

  17. A predictive coding account of bistable perception - a model-based fMRI study. (United States)

    Weilnhammer, Veith; Stuke, Heiner; Hesselmann, Guido; Sterzer, Philipp; Schmack, Katharina


    In bistable vision, subjective perception wavers between two interpretations of a constant ambiguous stimulus. This dissociation between conscious perception and sensory stimulation has motivated various empirical studies on the neural correlates of bistable perception, but the neurocomputational mechanism behind endogenous perceptual transitions has remained elusive. Here, we recurred to a generic Bayesian framework of predictive coding and devised a model that casts endogenous perceptual transitions as a consequence of prediction errors emerging from residual evidence for the suppressed percept. Data simulations revealed close similarities between the model's predictions and key temporal characteristics of perceptual bistability, indicating that the model was able to reproduce bistable perception. Fitting the predictive coding model to behavioural data from an fMRI-experiment on bistable perception, we found a correlation across participants between the model parameter encoding perceptual stabilization and the behaviourally measured frequency of perceptual transitions, corroborating that the model successfully accounted for participants' perception. Formal model comparison with established models of bistable perception based on mutual inhibition and adaptation, noise or a combination of adaptation and noise was used for the validation of the predictive coding model against the established models. Most importantly, model-based analyses of the fMRI data revealed that prediction error time-courses derived from the predictive coding model correlated with neural signal time-courses in bilateral inferior frontal gyri and anterior insulae. Voxel-wise model selection indicated a superiority of the predictive coding model over conventional analysis approaches in explaining neural activity in these frontal areas, suggesting that frontal cortex encodes prediction errors that mediate endogenous perceptual transitions in bistable perception. Taken together, our current work

  18. A predictive coding account of bistable perception - a model-based fMRI study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Veith Weilnhammer


    Full Text Available In bistable vision, subjective perception wavers between two interpretations of a constant ambiguous stimulus. This dissociation between conscious perception and sensory stimulation has motivated various empirical studies on the neural correlates of bistable perception, but the neurocomputational mechanism behind endogenous perceptual transitions has remained elusive. Here, we recurred to a generic Bayesian framework of predictive coding and devised a model that casts endogenous perceptual transitions as a consequence of prediction errors emerging from residual evidence for the suppressed percept. Data simulations revealed close similarities between the model's predictions and key temporal characteristics of perceptual bistability, indicating that the model was able to reproduce bistable perception. Fitting the predictive coding model to behavioural data from an fMRI-experiment on bistable perception, we found a correlation across participants between the model parameter encoding perceptual stabilization and the behaviourally measured frequency of perceptual transitions, corroborating that the model successfully accounted for participants' perception. Formal model comparison with established models of bistable perception based on mutual inhibition and adaptation, noise or a combination of adaptation and noise was used for the validation of the predictive coding model against the established models. Most importantly, model-based analyses of the fMRI data revealed that prediction error time-courses derived from the predictive coding model correlated with neural signal time-courses in bilateral inferior frontal gyri and anterior insulae. Voxel-wise model selection indicated a superiority of the predictive coding model over conventional analysis approaches in explaining neural activity in these frontal areas, suggesting that frontal cortex encodes prediction errors that mediate endogenous perceptual transitions in bistable perception. Taken together

  19. Modeling of the YALINA booster facility by the Monte Carlo code MONK

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talamo, A.; Gohar, Y.; Kondev, F.; Kiyavitskaya, H.; Serafimovich, I.; Bournos, V.; Fokov, Y.; Routkovskaya, C.


    The YALINA-Booster facility has been modeled according to the benchmark specifications defined for the IAEA activity without any geometrical homogenization using the Monte Carlo codes MONK and MCNP/MCNPX/MCB. The MONK model perfectly matches the MCNP one. The computational analyses have been extended through the MCB code, which is an extension of the MCNP code with burnup capability because of its additional feature for analyzing source driven multiplying assemblies. The main neutronics arameters of the YALINA-Booster facility were calculated using these computer codes with different nuclear data libraries based on ENDF/B-VI-0, -6, JEF-2.2, and JEF-3.1.

  20. Installation of aerosol behavior model into multi-dimensional thermal hydraulic analysis code AQUA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kisohara, Naoyuki; Yamaguchi, Akira


    The safety analysis of FBR plant system for sodium leak phenomena needs to evaluate the deposition of the aerosol particle to the components in the plant, the chemical reaction of aerosol to humidity in the air and the effect of the combustion heat through aerosol to the structural component. For this purpose, ABC-INTG (Aerosol Behavior in Containment-INTeGrated Version) code has been developed and used until now. This code calculates aerosol behavior in the gas area of uniform temperature and pressure by 1 cell-model. Later, however, more detailed calculation of aerosol behavior requires the installation of aerosol model into multi-cell thermal hydraulic analysis code AQUA. AQUA can calculate the carrier gas flow, temperature and the distribution of the aerosol spatial concentration. On the other hand, ABC-INTG can calculate the generation, deposition to the wall and flower, agglomeration of aerosol particle and figure out the distribution of the aerosol particle size. Thus, the combination of these two codes enables to deal with aerosol model coupling the distribution of the aerosol spatial concentration and that of the aerosol particle size. This report describes aerosol behavior model, how to install the aerosol model to AQUA and new subroutine equipped to the code. Furthermore, the test calculations of the simple structural model were executed by this code, appropriate results were obtained. Thus, this code has prospect to predict aerosol behavior by the introduction of coupling analysis with multi-dimensional gas thermo-dynamics for sodium combustion evaluation. (J.P.N.)


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Xiao Jiang; Wu Chengke


    In order to apply the Human Visual System (HVS) model to JPEG2000 standard,several implementation alternatives are discussed and a new scheme of visual optimization isintroduced with modifying the slope of rate-distortion. The novelty is that the method of visual weighting is not lifting the coefficients in wavelet domain, but is complemented by code stream organization. It remains all the features of Embedded Block Coding with Optimized Truncation (EBCOT) such as resolution progressive, good robust for error bit spread and compatibility of lossless compression. Well performed than other methods, it keeps the shortest standard codestream and decompression time and owns the ability of VIsual Progressive (VIP) coding.

  2. The ELOCA fuel modelling code: past, present and future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, A.F.


    ELOCA is the Industry Standard Toolset (IST) computer code for modelling CANDU fuel under the transient coolant conditions typical of an accident scenario. Since its original inception in the early 1970's, the code has undergone continual development and improvement. The code now embodies much of the knowledge and experience of fuel behaviour gained by the Canadian nuclear industry over this period. ELOCA has proven to be a valuable tool for the safety analyst, and continues to be used extensively to support the licensing cases of CANDU reactors. This paper provides a brief and much simplified view of this development history, its current status, and plans for future development. (author)

  3. An improved thermal model for the computer code NAIAD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rainbow, M.T.


    An improved thermal model, based on the concept of heat slabs, has been incorporated as an option into the thermal hydraulic computer code NAIAD. The heat slabs are one-dimensional thermal conduction models with temperature independent thermal properties which may be internal and/or external to the fluid. Thermal energy may be added to or removed from the fluid via heat slabs and passed across the external boundary of external heat slabs at a rate which is a linear function of the external surface temperatures. The code input for the new option has been restructured to simplify data preparation. A full description of current input requirements is presented

  4. A statistical methodology for quantification of uncertainty in best estimate code physical models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vinai, Paolo; Macian-Juan, Rafael; Chawla, Rakesh


    A novel uncertainty assessment methodology, based on a statistical non-parametric approach, is presented in this paper. It achieves quantification of code physical model uncertainty by making use of model performance information obtained from studies of appropriate separate-effect tests. Uncertainties are quantified in the form of estimated probability density functions (pdf's), calculated with a newly developed non-parametric estimator. The new estimator objectively predicts the probability distribution of the model's 'error' (its uncertainty) from databases reflecting the model's accuracy on the basis of available experiments. The methodology is completed by applying a novel multi-dimensional clustering technique based on the comparison of model error samples with the Kruskall-Wallis test. This takes into account the fact that a model's uncertainty depends on system conditions, since a best estimate code can give predictions for which the accuracy is affected by the regions of the physical space in which the experiments occur. The final result is an objective, rigorous and accurate manner of assigning uncertainty to coded models, i.e. the input information needed by code uncertainty propagation methodologies used for assessing the accuracy of best estimate codes in nuclear systems analysis. The new methodology has been applied to the quantification of the uncertainty in the RETRAN-3D void model and then used in the analysis of an independent separate-effect experiment. This has clearly demonstrated the basic feasibility of the approach, as well as its advantages in yielding narrower uncertainty bands in quantifying the code's accuracy for void fraction predictions

  5. MINI-TRAC code: a driver program for assessment of constitutive equations of two-fluid model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akimoto, Hajime; Abe, Yutaka; Ohnuki, Akira; Murao, Yoshio


    MINI-TRAC code, a driver program for assessment of constitutive equations of two-fluid model, has been developed to perform assessment and improvement of constitutive equations of two-fluid model widely and efficiently. The MINI-TRAC code uses one-dimensional conservation equations for mass, momentum and energy based on the two-fluid model. The code can work on a personal computer because it can be operated with a core memory size less than 640 KB. The MINI-TRAC code includes constitutive equations of TRAC-PF1/MOD1 code, TRAC-BF1 code and RELAP5/MOD2 code. The code is modulated so that one can easily change constitutive equations to perform a test calculation. This report is a manual of the MINI-TRAC code. The basic equations, numerics, constitutive, equations included in the MINI-TRAC code will be described. The user's manual such as input description will be presented. The program structure and contents of main variables will also be mentioned in this report. (author)

  6. The implementation of a toroidal limiter model into the gyrokinetic code ELMFIRE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leerink, S.; Janhunen, S.J.; Kiviniemi, T.P.; Nora, M. [Euratom-Tekes Association, Helsinki University of Technology (Finland); Heikkinen, J.A. [Euratom-Tekes Association, VTT, P.O. Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT (Finland); Ogando, F. [Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Madrid (Spain)


    The ELMFIRE full nonlinear gyrokinetic simulation code has been developed for calculations of plasma evolution and dynamics of turbulence in tokamak geometry. The code is applicable for calculations of strong perturbations in particle distribution function, rapid transients and steep gradients in plasma. Benchmarking against experimental reflectometry data from the FT2 tokamak is being discussed and in this paper a model for comparison and studying poloidal velocity is presented. To make the ELMFIRE code suitable for scrape-off layer simulations a simplified toroidal limiter model has been implemented. The model is be discussed and first results are presented. (copyright 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim) (orig.)

  7. MIGFRAC - a code for modelling of radionuclide transport in fracture media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Satyanarayana, S.V.M.; Mohankumar, N.; Sasidhar, P.


    Radionuclides migrate through diffusion process from radioactive waste disposal facilities into fractures present in the host rock. The transport phenomenon is aided by the circulating ground waters. To model the transport of radionuclides in the charnockite rock formations present at Kalpakkam, a numerical code - MIGFRAC has been developed at SHINE Group, IGCAR. The code has been subjected to rigorous tests and the results of the build up of radionuclide concentrations are validated with a test case up to a distance of 100 meter along the fracture. The report discusses the model, code features and the results obtained up to a distance of 400 meter are presented. (author)

  8. MEMOPS: data modelling and automatic code generation. (United States)

    Fogh, Rasmus H; Boucher, Wayne; Ionides, John M C; Vranken, Wim F; Stevens, Tim J; Laue, Ernest D


    In recent years the amount of biological data has exploded to the point where much useful information can only be extracted by complex computational analyses. Such analyses are greatly facilitated by metadata standards, both in terms of the ability to compare data originating from different sources, and in terms of exchanging data in standard forms, e.g. when running processes on a distributed computing infrastructure. However, standards thrive on stability whereas science tends to constantly move, with new methods being developed and old ones modified. Therefore maintaining both metadata standards, and all the code that is required to make them useful, is a non-trivial problem. Memops is a framework that uses an abstract definition of the metadata (described in UML) to generate internal data structures and subroutine libraries for data access (application programming interfaces--APIs--currently in Python, C and Java) and data storage (in XML files or databases). For the individual project these libraries obviate the need for writing code for input parsing, validity checking or output. Memops also ensures that the code is always internally consistent, massively reducing the need for code reorganisation. Across a scientific domain a Memops-supported data model makes it easier to support complex standards that can capture all the data produced in a scientific area, share them among all programs in a complex software pipeline, and carry them forward to deposition in an archive. The principles behind the Memops generation code will be presented, along with example applications in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and structural biology.

  9. Realistic edge field model code REFC for designing and study of isochronous cyclotron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ismail, M.


    The focussing properties and the requirements for isochronism in cyclotron magnet configuration are well-known in hard edge field model. The fact that they quite often change considerably in realistic field can be attributed mainly to the influence of the edge field. A solution to this problem requires a field model which allows a simple construction of equilibrium orbit and yield simple formulae. This can be achieved by using a fitted realistic edge field (Hudson et al 1975) in the region of the pole edge and such a field model is therefore called a realistic edge field model. A code REFC based on realistic edge field model has been developed to design the cyclotron sectors and the code FIELDER has been used to study the beam properties. In this report REFC code has been described along with some relevant explaination of the FIELDER code. (author). 11 refs., 6 figs

  10. The WARP Code: Modeling High Intensity Ion Beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grote, D P; Friedman, A; Vay, J L; Haber, I


    The Warp code, developed for heavy-ion driven inertial fusion energy studies, is used to model high intensity ion (and electron) beams. Significant capability has been incorporated in Warp, allowing nearly all sections of an accelerator to be modeled, beginning with the source. Warp has as its core an explicit, three-dimensional, particle-in-cell model. Alongside this is a rich set of tools for describing the applied fields of the accelerator lattice, and embedded conducting surfaces (which are captured at sub-grid resolution). Also incorporated are models with reduced dimensionality: an axisymmetric model and a transverse ''slice'' model. The code takes advantage of modern programming techniques, including object orientation, parallelism, and scripting (via Python). It is at the forefront in the use of the computational technique of adaptive mesh refinement, which has been particularly successful in the area of diode and injector modeling, both steady-state and time-dependent. In the presentation, some of the major aspects of Warp will be overviewed, especially those that could be useful in modeling ECR sources. Warp has been benchmarked against both theory and experiment. Recent results will be presented showing good agreement of Warp with experimental results from the STS500 injector test stand. Additional information can be found on the web page ) summary.html


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    Ismah -


    Full Text Available Rendahnya minat siswa pada layanan bimbingan dan konseling terlihat dari minimnya siswa yang datang keruang BK untuk memanfaatkan layanan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penulisan ini adalah, Bagaiman layanan informasi dengan teknik modelling dapat menarik terhadap minat siswa pada layanan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah khususnya bimbingan dan konseling islami. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penulisan ini adalah untuk memberi masukan kepada guru BK di sekolah supaya siswa-siswinya tertarik atau berminat berkunjung di ruang BK, menggunakan cara ”layanan informasi dengan teknik modelling terhadap minat siswa pada layanan bimbingan dan konseling siswa di sekolah khususnya bimbingan dan konseling islami”. Pada kajian ini dapat dianalisis bahwa: layanan informasi dengan teknik modelling, diharapkan dapat berdampak positif terhadap minat siswa berkunjung ke ruang BK, sehingga guru BK dapat memberi layanan bimbingan konseling khusunya bimbingan dan konseling islami dengan kesadaran siswa tanpa pemaksaan.

  12. Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) waste Integrated Performance and Safety Codes (IPSC): gap analysis for high fidelity and performance assessment code development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Joon H.; Siegel, Malcolm Dean; Arguello, Jose Guadalupe Jr.; Webb, Stephen Walter; Dewers, Thomas A.; Mariner, Paul E.; Edwards, Harold Carter; Fuller, Timothy J.; Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Jove-Colon, Carlos F.; Wang, Yifeng


    This report describes a gap analysis performed in the process of developing the Waste Integrated Performance and Safety Codes (IPSC) in support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) Campaign. The goal of the Waste IPSC is to develop an integrated suite of computational modeling and simulation capabilities to quantitatively assess the long-term performance of waste forms in the engineered and geologic environments of a radioactive waste storage or disposal system. The Waste IPSC will provide this simulation capability (1) for a range of disposal concepts, waste form types, engineered repository designs, and geologic settings, (2) for a range of time scales and distances, (3) with appropriate consideration of the inherent uncertainties, and (4) in accordance with rigorous verification, validation, and software quality requirements. The gap analyses documented in this report were are performed during an initial gap analysis to identify candidate codes and tools to support the development and integration of the Waste IPSC, and during follow-on activities that delved into more detailed assessments of the various codes that were acquired, studied, and tested. The current Waste IPSC strategy is to acquire and integrate the necessary Waste IPSC capabilities wherever feasible, and develop only those capabilities that cannot be acquired or suitably integrated, verified, or validated. The gap analysis indicates that significant capabilities may already exist in the existing THC codes although there is no single code able to fully account for all physical and chemical processes involved in a waste disposal system. Large gaps exist in modeling chemical processes and their couplings with other processes. The coupling of chemical processes with flow transport and mechanical deformation remains challenging. The data for extreme environments (e.g., for elevated temperature and high ionic strength media) that are

  13. Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) waste Integrated Performance and Safety Codes (IPSC) : gap analysis for high fidelity and performance assessment code development.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Joon H.; Siegel, Malcolm Dean; Arguello, Jose Guadalupe, Jr.; Webb, Stephen Walter; Dewers, Thomas A.; Mariner, Paul E.; Edwards, Harold Carter; Fuller, Timothy J.; Freeze, Geoffrey A.; Jove-Colon, Carlos F.; Wang, Yifeng


    This report describes a gap analysis performed in the process of developing the Waste Integrated Performance and Safety Codes (IPSC) in support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) Campaign. The goal of the Waste IPSC is to develop an integrated suite of computational modeling and simulation capabilities to quantitatively assess the long-term performance of waste forms in the engineered and geologic environments of a radioactive waste storage or disposal system. The Waste IPSC will provide this simulation capability (1) for a range of disposal concepts, waste form types, engineered repository designs, and geologic settings, (2) for a range of time scales and distances, (3) with appropriate consideration of the inherent uncertainties, and (4) in accordance with rigorous verification, validation, and software quality requirements. The gap analyses documented in this report were are performed during an initial gap analysis to identify candidate codes and tools to support the development and integration of the Waste IPSC, and during follow-on activities that delved into more detailed assessments of the various codes that were acquired, studied, and tested. The current Waste IPSC strategy is to acquire and integrate the necessary Waste IPSC capabilities wherever feasible, and develop only those capabilities that cannot be acquired or suitably integrated, verified, or validated. The gap analysis indicates that significant capabilities may already exist in the existing THC codes although there is no single code able to fully account for all physical and chemical processes involved in a waste disposal system. Large gaps exist in modeling chemical processes and their couplings with other processes. The coupling of chemical processes with flow transport and mechanical deformation remains challenging. The data for extreme environments (e.g., for elevated temperature and high ionic strength media) that are

  14. Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar IPA Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Think-Pairs Share (TPS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rusman Rusman


    Full Text Available Mata pelajaran IPA merupakan mata pelajaran yang menekankan siswa untuk mencari atau menemukan pengetahuanya sendiri. Model pembelajaran yang digunakan guru sangat berpengaruh dalam menciptakan situasi belajar yang benar-benar menyenangkan dan mendukung kelancaran proses belajar mengajar, serta sangat membantu dalam pencapaian prestasi belajar yang memuaskan. Akan tetapi, dalam pelaksanaan di lapangan pembelajaran banyak didominasi oleh guru sehingga kurang mampu membangun persepsi, minat, dan sikap siswa yang lebih baik. Hal tersebut juga dijumpai di SDN Pinggir Papas 1 Sumenep, siswa sulit memahami materi yang ada. Kendala yang terjadi adalah siswa merasa bosan dan tidak berminat mengikuti pembelajaran IPA. Hasil nilai ulangan harian dari 25 siswa hanya 9 siswa (36% yang mendapatkan nilai di atas KKM (65. Dari hasil tersebut, peneliti merasa perlu sekali melakukan perbaikan pembelajaran agar sehingga hasil belajar siswa dapat ditingkatkan, yaitu dengan menerapkan model  pembelajaran kooperatif Think-Pair-Share (TPS. Sesuai rumusan masalah “apakah model pembelajaran kooperatif Think-Pairs-Share (TPS dapat meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar IPA pada Siswa Kelas IIIA SDN Pinggir Papas 1 Sumenep?”, maka dilakukan metode penelitian dengan observasi dan tes. Hasil dari dua siklus penelitian yang melalui tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi diperoleh hasil prestasi belajar siswa meningkat dari 67,8 dengan ketuntasan belajar 72% menjadi 80,4 dengan ketuntasan 100%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif Think Pairs Share mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar IPA pada siswa kelas IIIA SDN Pinggir Papas 1 Sumenep, dengan peningkatan yang sangat signifikan yaitu sebesar 28% melebihi kriteria peningkatan yang ditentukan yaitu 20%. Selain itu, model pembelajaran kooperatif Think Pairs Share efektif digunakan sebagai salah satu metode pembelajaran di kelas karena dapat menjadikan siswa aktif dalam

  15. C code generation applied to nonlinear model predictive control for an artificial pancreas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boiroux, Dimitri; Jørgensen, John Bagterp


    This paper presents a method to generate C code from MATLAB code applied to a nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) algorithm. The C code generation uses the MATLAB Coder Toolbox. It can drastically reduce the time required for development compared to a manual porting of code from MATLAB to C...

  16. Modeling developments for the SAS4A and SASSYS computer codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cahalan, J.E.; Wei, T.Y.C.


    The SAS4A and SASSYS computer codes are being developed at Argonne National Laboratory for transient analysis of liquid metal cooled reactors. The SAS4A code is designed to analyse severe loss-of-coolant flow and overpower accidents involving coolant boiling, Cladding failures, and fuel melting and relocation. Recent SAS4A modeling developments include extension of the coolant boiling model to treat sudden fission gas release upon pin failure, expansion of the DEFORM fuel behavior model to handle advanced cladding materials and metallic fuel, and addition of metallic fuel modeling capability to the PINACLE and LEVITATE fuel relocation models. The SASSYS code is intended for the analysis of operational and beyond-design-basis transients, and provides a detailed transient thermal and hydraulic simulation of the core, the primary and secondary coolant circuits, and the balance-of-plant, in addition to a detailed model of the plant control and protection systems. Recent SASSYS modeling developments have resulted in detailed representations of the balance of plant piping network and components, including steam generators, feedwater heaters and pumps, and the turbine. 12 refs., 2 tabs

  17. Modelling of the Rod Control System in the coupled code RELAP5-QUABOX/CUBBOX

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bencik, V.; Feretic, D.; Grgic, D.


    There is a general agreement that for many light water reactor transient calculations, it is necessary to use a multidimensional neutron kinetics model coupled to sophisticated thermal-hydraulic models in order to obtain satisfactory results. These calculations are needed for a variety of applications for licensing safety analyses, probabilistic risk assessment, operational support, and training. At FER, Zagreb, a coupling of 3D neutronics code QUABOX/CUBBOX and system code RELAP5 was performed. In the paper the Rod Control System model in the RELAP5 part of the coupled code is presented. A first testing of the model was performed by calculation of reactor trip from full power for NPP Krsko. Results of 3D neutronics calculation obtained by coupled code QUABOX/CUBBOX were compared with point kinetics calculation performed with RELAP5 stand alone code.(author)

  18. Relativistic modeling capabilities in PERSEUS extended MHD simulation code for HED plasmas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hamlin, Nathaniel D., E-mail: [438 Rhodes Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 14853 (United States); Seyler, Charles E., E-mail: [Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 14853 (United States)


    We discuss the incorporation of relativistic modeling capabilities into the PERSEUS extended MHD simulation code for high-energy-density (HED) plasmas, and present the latest hybrid X-pinch simulation results. The use of fully relativistic equations enables the model to remain self-consistent in simulations of such relativistic phenomena as X-pinches and laser-plasma interactions. By suitable formulation of the relativistic generalized Ohm’s law as an evolution equation, we have reduced the recovery of primitive variables, a major technical challenge in relativistic codes, to a straightforward algebraic computation. Our code recovers expected results in the non-relativistic limit, and reveals new physics in the modeling of electron beam acceleration following an X-pinch. Through the use of a relaxation scheme, relativistic PERSEUS is able to handle nine orders of magnitude in density variation, making it the first fluid code, to our knowledge, that can simulate relativistic HED plasmas.

  19. INTRA/Mod3.2. Manual and Code Description. Volume I - Physical Modelling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersson, Jenny; Edlund, O.; Hermann, J.; Johansson, Lise-Lotte


    The INTRA Manual consists of two volumes. Volume I of the manual is a thorough description of the code INTRA, the Physical modelling of INTRA and the ruling numerical methods and volume II, the User's Manual is an input description. This document, the Physical modelling of INTRA, contains code characteristics, integration methods and applications

  20. INTRA/Mod3.2. Manual and Code Description. Volume I - Physical Modelling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andersson, Jenny; Edlund, O; Hermann, J; Johansson, Lise-Lotte


    The INTRA Manual consists of two volumes. Volume I of the manual is a thorough description of the code INTRA, the Physical modelling of INTRA and the ruling numerical methods and volume II, the User`s Manual is an input description. This document, the Physical modelling of INTRA, contains code characteristics, integration methods and applications


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    Latifah Nurul Hidayah


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan hasil� observasi di SMK Negeri 1 Pemalang, diketahui bahwa mata diklat yang sulit bagi siswa adalah mata diklat Mengelola Peralatan Kantor. Kompetensi dasar dalam mata diklat tersebut yang masih dianggap sulit oleh siswa adalah Kompetensi dasar Menggunakan Peralatan Kantor. Salah satu faktor penyebab kesulitan siswa dalam belajar adalah kurang tepatnya model pembelajaran yang diterapkan oleh guru. Berdasarkan fakta di atas maka dilakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa yaitu melalui penggunaan model pembelajaran NHT. Rancangan� penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan hasil belajar. Siklus I menunjukan hasil penelitian yaitu rata-rata hasil belajar siswa 70,75 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 67,5% , keaktifan siswa 70,48%, kinerja guru 73,33%.� Penelitian siklus II menunjukan bahwa rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebesar 79,13 dengan kriteria ketuntasan klasikal 85%, keaktifan siswa 79,52% dan kinerja guru 80,83%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran Mata diklat Mengelola Peralatan Kantor kompetensi dasar Menggunakan Peralatan Kantor dengan model pembelajaran NHT dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar, sehingga disarankan kepada guru agar menggunakan model pembelajaran NHT dalam pembelajaran Mata diklat Mengelola Peralatan Kantor untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ Based on the observation in SMK N 1 Pemalang, it shows that the difficult subject for the students is Managing Office Equipments. The most difficult basic competence in this subject for students is Using office Equipments. One of the factors which causes the students� difficulties is using the learning model inappropriately applied by the teacher. In line with the problem above, it needs an effort to improve the students� achievement such as using NHT learning model

  2. A graph model for opportunistic network coding

    KAUST Repository

    Sorour, Sameh


    © 2015 IEEE. Recent advancements in graph-based analysis and solutions of instantly decodable network coding (IDNC) trigger the interest to extend them to more complicated opportunistic network coding (ONC) scenarios, with limited increase in complexity. In this paper, we design a simple IDNC-like graph model for a specific subclass of ONC, by introducing a more generalized definition of its vertices and the notion of vertex aggregation in order to represent the storage of non-instantly-decodable packets in ONC. Based on this representation, we determine the set of pairwise vertex adjacency conditions that can populate this graph with edges so as to guarantee decodability or aggregation for the vertices of each clique in this graph. We then develop the algorithmic procedures that can be applied on the designed graph model to optimize any performance metric for this ONC subclass. A case study on reducing the completion time shows that the proposed framework improves on the performance of IDNC and gets very close to the optimal performance.

  3. Implementation of a dry process fuel cycle model into the DYMOND code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Joo Hwan; Jeong, Chang Joon; Choi, Hang Bok


    For the analysis of a dry process fuel cycle, new modules were implemented into the fuel cycle analysis code DYMOND, which was developed by the Argonne National Laboratory. The modifications were made to the energy demand prediction model, a Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) reactor, direct use of spent Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) fuel in CANDU reactors (DUPIC) fuel cycle model, the fuel cycle calculation module, and the input/output modules. The performance of the modified DYMOND code was assessed for the postulated once-through fuel cycle models including both the PWR and CANDU reactor. This paper presents modifications of the DYMOND code and the results of sample calculations for the PWR once-through and DUPIC fuel cycles

  4. Recommendations for computer modeling codes to support the UMTRA groundwater restoration project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tucker, M.D. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States); Khan, M.A. [IT Corp., Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    The Uranium Mill Tailings Remediation Action (UMTRA) Project is responsible for the assessment and remedial action at the 24 former uranium mill tailings sites located in the US. The surface restoration phase, which includes containment and stabilization of the abandoned uranium mill tailings piles, has a specific termination date and is nearing completion. Therefore, attention has now turned to the groundwater restoration phase, which began in 1991. Regulated constituents in groundwater whose concentrations or activities exceed maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) or background levels at one or more sites include, but are not limited to, uranium, selenium, arsenic, molybdenum, nitrate, gross alpha, radium-226 and radium-228. The purpose of this report is to recommend computer codes that can be used to assist the UMTRA groundwater restoration effort. The report includes a survey of applicable codes in each of the following areas: (1) groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling codes, (2) hydrogeochemical modeling codes, (3) pump and treat optimization codes, and (4) decision support tools. Following the survey of the applicable codes, specific codes that can best meet the needs of the UMTRA groundwater restoration program in each of the four areas are recommended.

  5. Recommendations for computer modeling codes to support the UMTRA groundwater restoration project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tucker, M.D.; Khan, M.A.


    The Uranium Mill Tailings Remediation Action (UMTRA) Project is responsible for the assessment and remedial action at the 24 former uranium mill tailings sites located in the US. The surface restoration phase, which includes containment and stabilization of the abandoned uranium mill tailings piles, has a specific termination date and is nearing completion. Therefore, attention has now turned to the groundwater restoration phase, which began in 1991. Regulated constituents in groundwater whose concentrations or activities exceed maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) or background levels at one or more sites include, but are not limited to, uranium, selenium, arsenic, molybdenum, nitrate, gross alpha, radium-226 and radium-228. The purpose of this report is to recommend computer codes that can be used to assist the UMTRA groundwater restoration effort. The report includes a survey of applicable codes in each of the following areas: (1) groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling codes, (2) hydrogeochemical modeling codes, (3) pump and treat optimization codes, and (4) decision support tools. Following the survey of the applicable codes, specific codes that can best meet the needs of the UMTRA groundwater restoration program in each of the four areas are recommended


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    Endang Eka Wulandari, Sri Hartati


    Full Text Available Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran IPA pada siswa kelas IV melalui model PBL menggunakan audiovisual. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan kelas yang berlangsung dalam tiga siklus. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1 Keterampilan guru pada siklus I mendapat skor 18, siklus II skor 22, meningkat pada siklus III skor 25.(2 Aktivitas siswa pada siklus I skor 16,8, pada siklus II skor 22, meningkat menjadi 24,4 pada siklus III. (3 Respon siswa pada siklus I dengan persentase 71% siklus II dengan persentase 78%, meningkat 92% pada siklus III (4 Hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I mengalami ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 60%, siklus II sebesar 73%, dan mengalami peningkatan pada siklus III menjadi 94%. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukan model PBL menggunakan audiovisual dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran IPA yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya keterampilan guru, aktivitas siswa, respon siswa dan hasil belajar siswa.

  7. TASS code topical report. V.1 TASS code technical manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sim, Suk K.; Chang, W. P.; Kim, K. D.; Kim, H. C.; Yoon, H. Y.


    TASS 1.0 code has been developed at KAERI for the initial and reload non-LOCA safety analysis for the operating PWRs as well as the PWRs under construction in Korea. TASS code will replace various vendor's non-LOCA safety analysis codes currently used for the Westinghouse and ABB-CE type PWRs in Korea. This can be achieved through TASS code input modifications specific to each reactor type. The TASS code can be run interactively through the keyboard operation. A simimodular configuration used in developing the TASS code enables the user easily implement new models. TASS code has been programmed using FORTRAN77 which makes it easy to install and port for different computer environments. The TASS code can be utilized for the steady state simulation as well as the non-LOCA transient simulations such as power excursions, reactor coolant pump trips, load rejections, loss of feedwater, steam line breaks, steam generator tube ruptures, rod withdrawal and drop, and anticipated transients without scram (ATWS). The malfunctions of the control systems, components, operator actions and the transients caused by the malfunctions can be easily simulated using the TASS code. This technical report describes the TASS 1.0 code models including reactor thermal hydraulic, reactor core and control models. This TASS code models including reactor thermal hydraulic, reactor core and control models. This TASS code technical manual has been prepared as a part of the TASS code manual which includes TASS code user's manual and TASS code validation report, and will be submitted to the regulatory body as a TASS code topical report for a licensing non-LOCA safety analysis for the Westinghouse and ABB-CE type PWRs operating and under construction in Korea. (author). 42 refs., 29 tabs., 32 figs

  8. Simulated evolution applied to study the genetic code optimality using a model of codon reassignments. (United States)

    Santos, José; Monteagudo, Angel


    As the canonical code is not universal, different theories about its origin and organization have appeared. The optimization or level of adaptation of the canonical genetic code was measured taking into account the harmful consequences resulting from point mutations leading to the replacement of one amino acid for another. There are two basic theories to measure the level of optimization: the statistical approach, which compares the canonical genetic code with many randomly generated alternative ones, and the engineering approach, which compares the canonical code with the best possible alternative. Here we used a genetic algorithm to search for better adapted hypothetical codes and as a method to guess the difficulty in finding such alternative codes, allowing to clearly situate the canonical code in the fitness landscape. This novel proposal of the use of evolutionary computing provides a new perspective in the open debate between the use of the statistical approach, which postulates that the genetic code conserves amino acid properties far better than expected from a random code, and the engineering approach, which tends to indicate that the canonical genetic code is still far from optimal. We used two models of hypothetical codes: one that reflects the known examples of codon reassignment and the model most used in the two approaches which reflects the current genetic code translation table. Although the standard code is far from a possible optimum considering both models, when the more realistic model of the codon reassignments was used, the evolutionary algorithm had more difficulty to overcome the efficiency of the canonical genetic code. Simulated evolution clearly reveals that the canonical genetic code is far from optimal regarding its optimization. Nevertheless, the efficiency of the canonical code increases when mistranslations are taken into account with the two models, as indicated by the fact that the best possible codes show the patterns of the

  9. Simulated evolution applied to study the genetic code optimality using a model of codon reassignments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monteagudo Ángel


    Full Text Available Abstract Background As the canonical code is not universal, different theories about its origin and organization have appeared. The optimization or level of adaptation of the canonical genetic code was measured taking into account the harmful consequences resulting from point mutations leading to the replacement of one amino acid for another. There are two basic theories to measure the level of optimization: the statistical approach, which compares the canonical genetic code with many randomly generated alternative ones, and the engineering approach, which compares the canonical code with the best possible alternative. Results Here we used a genetic algorithm to search for better adapted hypothetical codes and as a method to guess the difficulty in finding such alternative codes, allowing to clearly situate the canonical code in the fitness landscape. This novel proposal of the use of evolutionary computing provides a new perspective in the open debate between the use of the statistical approach, which postulates that the genetic code conserves amino acid properties far better than expected from a random code, and the engineering approach, which tends to indicate that the canonical genetic code is still far from optimal. We used two models of hypothetical codes: one that reflects the known examples of codon reassignment and the model most used in the two approaches which reflects the current genetic code translation table. Although the standard code is far from a possible optimum considering both models, when the more realistic model of the codon reassignments was used, the evolutionary algorithm had more difficulty to overcome the efficiency of the canonical genetic code. Conclusions Simulated evolution clearly reveals that the canonical genetic code is far from optimal regarding its optimization. Nevertheless, the efficiency of the canonical code increases when mistranslations are taken into account with the two models, as indicated by the

  10. Turbine Internal and Film Cooling Modeling For 3D Navier-Stokes Codes (United States)

    DeWitt, Kenneth; Garg Vijay; Ameri, Ali


    The aim of this research project is to make use of NASA Glenn on-site computational facilities in order to develop, validate and apply aerodynamic, heat transfer, and turbine cooling models for use in advanced 3D Navier-Stokes Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes such as the Glenn-" code. Specific areas of effort include: Application of the Glenn-HT code to specific configurations made available under Turbine Based Combined Cycle (TBCC), and Ultra Efficient Engine Technology (UEET) projects. Validating the use of a multi-block code for the time accurate computation of the detailed flow and heat transfer of cooled turbine airfoils. The goal of the current research is to improve the predictive ability of the Glenn-HT code. This will enable one to design more efficient turbine components for both aviation and power generation. The models will be tested against specific configurations provided by NASA Glenn.

  11. Improvement on reaction model for sodium-water reaction jet code and application analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itooka, Satoshi; Saito, Yoshinori; Okabe, Ayao; Fujimata, Kazuhiro; Murata, Shuuichi


    In selecting the reasonable DBL on steam generator (SG), it is necessary to improve analytical method for estimating the sodium temperature on failure propagation due to overheating. Improvement on sodium-water reaction (SWR) jet code (LEAP-JET ver.1.30) and application analysis to the water injection tests for confirmation of code propriety were performed. On the improvement of the code, a gas-liquid interface area density model was introduced to develop a chemical reaction model with a little dependence on calculation mesh size. The test calculation using the improved code (LEAP-JET ver.1.40) were carried out with conditions of the SWAT-3·Run-19 test and an actual scale SG. It is confirmed that the SWR jet behavior on the results and the influence to analysis result of a model are reasonable. For the application analysis to the water injection tests, water injection behavior and SWR jet behavior analyses on the new SWAT-1 (SWAT-1R) and SWAT-3 (SWAT-3R) tests were performed using the LEAP-BLOW code and the LEAP-JET code. In the application analysis of the LEAP-BLOW code, parameter survey study was performed. As the results, the condition of the injection nozzle diameter needed to simulate the water leak rate was confirmed. In the application analysis of the LEAP-JET code, temperature behavior of the SWR jet was investigated. (author)

  12. International codes and model intercomparison for intermediate energy activation yields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rolf, M.; Nagel, P.


    The motivation for this intercomparison came from data needs of accelerator-based waste transmutation, energy amplification and medical therapy. The aim of this exercise is to determine the degree of reliability of current nuclear reaction models and codes when calculating activation yields in the intermediate energy range up to 5000 MeV. Emphasis has been placed for a wide range of target elements ( O, Al, Fe, Co, Zr and Au). This work is mainly based on calculation of (P,xPyN) integral cross section for incident proton. A qualitative description of some of the nuclear models and code options employed is made. The systematics of graphical presentation of the results allows a quick quantitative measure of agreement or deviation. This code intercomparison highlights the fact that modeling calculations of energy activation yields may at best have uncertainties of a factor of two. The causes of such discrepancies are multi-factorial. Problems are encountered which are connected with the calculation of nuclear masses, binding energies, Q-values, shell effects, medium energy fission and Fermi break-up. (A.C.)

  13. Off-take Model of the SPACE Code and Its Validation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Myung Taek; Park, Chan Eok; Sohn, Jong Joo


    Liquid entrainment and vapor pull-through models of horizontal pipe have been implemented in the SPACE code. The model of SPACE accounts for the phase separation phenomena and computes the flux of mass and energy through an off-take attached to a horizontal pipe when stratified conditions occur in the horizontal pipe. This model is referred to as the off-take model. The importance of predicting the fluid conditions through an off-take in a small-break LOCA has been well known. In this case, the occurrence of the stratification can affect the break node void fraction and thus the break flow discharged from the primary system. In order to validate the off-take model newly developed for the SPACE code, a simulation of the HDU experiments has been performed. The main feature of the off-take model and its application results will be presented in this paper

  14. Code Differentiation for Hydrodynamic Model Optimization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Henninger, R.J.; Maudlin, P.J.


    Use of a hydrodynamics code for experimental data fitting purposes (an optimization problem) requires information about how a computed result changes when the model parameters change. These so-called sensitivities provide the gradient that determines the search direction for modifying the parameters to find an optimal result. Here, the authors apply code-based automatic differentiation (AD) techniques applied in the forward and adjoint modes to two problems with 12 parameters to obtain these gradients and compare the computational efficiency and accuracy of the various methods. They fit the pressure trace from a one-dimensional flyer-plate experiment and examine the accuracy for a two-dimensional jet-formation problem. For the flyer-plate experiment, the adjoint mode requires similar or less computer time than the forward methods. Additional parameters will not change the adjoint mode run time appreciably, which is a distinct advantage for this method. Obtaining ''accurate'' sensitivities for the j et problem parameters remains problematic.

  15. An improved UO2 thermal conductivity model in the ELESTRES computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chassie, G.G.; Tochaie, M.; Xu, Z.


    This paper describes the improved UO 2 thermal conductivity model for use in the ELESTRES (ELEment Simulation and sTRESses) computer code. The ELESTRES computer code models the thermal, mechanical and microstructural behaviour of a CANDU® fuel element under normal operating conditions. The main purpose of the code is to calculate fuel temperatures, fission gas release, internal gas pressure, fuel pellet deformation, and fuel sheath strains for fuel element design and assessment. It is also used to provide initial conditions for evaluating fuel behaviour during high temperature transients. The thermal conductivity of UO 2 fuel is one of the key parameters that affect ELESTRES calculations. The existing ELESTRES thermal conductivity model has been assessed and improved based on a large amount of thermal conductivity data from measurements of irradiated and un-irradiated UO 2 fuel with different densities. The UO 2 thermal conductivity data cover 90% to 99% theoretical density of UO 2 , temperature up to 3027 K, and burnup up to 1224 MW·h/kg U. The improved thermal conductivity model, which is recommended for a full implementation in the ELESTRES computer code, has reduced the ELESTRES code prediction biases of temperature, fission gas release, and fuel sheath strains when compared with the available experimental data. This improved thermal conductivity model has also been checked with a test version of ELESTRES over the full ranges of fuel temperature, fuel burnup, and fuel density expected in CANDU fuel. (author)

  16. Hydrological model in STEALTH 2-D code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hart, R.; Hofmann, R.


    Porous media fluid flow logic has been added to the two-dimensional version of the STEALTH explicit finite-difference code. It is a first-order hydrological model based upon Darcy's Law. Anisotropic permeability can be prescribed through x and y directional permeabilities. The fluid flow equations are formulated for either two-dimensional translation symmetry or two-dimensional axial symmetry. The addition of the hydrological model to STEALTH is a first step toward analyzing a physical system's response to the coupling of thermal, mechanical, and fluid flow phenomena

  17. On the development of LWR fuel analysis code (1). Analysis of the FEMAXI code and proposal of a new model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemehov, Sergei; Suzuki, Motoe


    This report summarizes the review on the modeling features of FEMAXI code and proposal of a new theoretical equation model of clad creep on the basis of irradiation-induced microstructure change. It was pointed out that plutonium build-up in fuel matrix and non-uniform radial power profile at high burn-up affect significantly fuel behavior through the interconnected effects with such phenomena as clad irradiation-induced creep, fission gas release, fuel thermal conductivity degradation, rim porous band formation and associated fuel swelling. Therefore, these combined effects should be properly incorporated into the models of the FEMAXI code so that the code can carry out numerical analysis at the level of accuracy and elaboration that modern experimental data obtained in test reactors have. Also, the proposed new mechanistic clad creep model has a general formalism which allows the model to be flexibly applied for clad behavior analysis under normal operation conditions and power transients as well for Zr-based clad materials by the use of established out-of-pile mechanical properties. The model has been tested against experimental data, while further verification is needed with specific emphasis on power ramps and transients. (author)

  18. 28 CFR 36.608 - Guidance concerning model codes. (United States)


    ... Section 36.608 Judicial Administration DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY BY PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS AND IN COMMERCIAL FACILITIES Certification of State Laws or Local Building... private entity responsible for developing a model code, the Assistant Attorney General may review the...

  19. Computer-modeling codes to improve exploration nuclear-logging methods. National Uranium Resource Evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, R.D.; Price, R.K.; Kosanke, K.L.


    As part of the Department of Energy's National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) project's Technology Development effort, a number of computer codes and accompanying data bases were assembled for use in modeling responses of nuclear borehole logging Sondes. The logging methods include fission neutron, active and passive gamma-ray, and gamma-gamma. These CDC-compatible computer codes and data bases are available on magnetic tape from the DOE Technical Library at its Grand Junction Area Office. Some of the computer codes are standard radiation-transport programs that have been available to the radiation shielding community for several years. Other codes were specifically written to model the response of borehole radiation detectors or are specialized borehole modeling versions of existing Monte Carlo transport programs. Results from several radiation modeling studies are available as two large data bases (neutron and gamma-ray). These data bases are accompanied by appropriate processing programs that permit the user to model a wide range of borehole and formation-parameter combinations for fission-neutron, neutron-, activation and gamma-gamma logs. The first part of this report consists of a brief abstract for each code or data base. The abstract gives the code name and title, short description, auxiliary requirements, typical running time (CDC 6600), and a list of references. The next section gives format specifications and/or directory for the tapes. The final section of the report presents listings for programs used to convert data bases between machine floating-point and EBCDIC

  20. Mechanical modelling of PCI with FRAGEMA and CEA finite element codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joseph, J.; Bernard, Ph.; Atabek, R.; Chantant, M.


    In the framework of their common program, CEA and FRAGEMA have undertaken the mechanical modelization of PCI. In the first step two different codes, TITUS and VERDON, have been tested by FRAGEMA and CEA respectively. Whereas the two codes use a finite element method to describe the thermomechanical behaviour of a fuel element, input models are not the same for the two codes: to take into account the presence of cracks in UO 2 , an axisymmetric two dimensional mesh pattern and the Druecker-Prager criterion are used in VERDON and a 3D equivalent method in TITUS. Two rods have been studied with these two methods: PRISCA 04bis and PRISCA 104 which were ramped in SILOE. The results show that the stresses and strains are the same with the two codes. These methods are further applied to the complete series of the common ramp test rods program of FRAGEMA and CEA. (author)

  1. Large-Signal Code TESLA: Improvements in the Implementation and in the Model

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Chernyavskiy, Igor A; Vlasov, Alexander N; Anderson, Jr., Thomas M; Cooke, Simon J; Levush, Baruch; Nguyen, Khanh T


    We describe the latest improvements made in the large-signal code TESLA, which include transformation of the code to a Fortran-90/95 version with dynamical memory allocation and extension of the model...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    sri wahyuni


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil belajar ekonomi ujian mid semester II siswa kelas X SMAN 7 Padang Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 masih rendah di bawah Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah hasil belajar ekonomi siswa yang menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS lebih tinggi dari pada hasil belajar ekonomi siswa yang menerapkan pembelajaran konvensional kelas X SMAN 7 Padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMAN 7 Padang Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013. Berdasarkan skor tes hasil belajar ekonomi siswa, diperoleh nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen 76,15 dan kelas kontrol 68,13. Hasil analisis uji-Z, diperoleh Zhitung (47,18 > Ztabel (1,645 yang berarti hipotesis diterima. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar ekonomi siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPSlebih tinggi dari pada siswa yang menerapkan pembelajaran konvensional siswa kelas X SMAN 7 Padang. Untuk itu peneliti menyarankan agar guru‑guru bidang studi ekonomi khususnya SMAN 7 Padang dan guru SMA pada umumnya dapat menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS sebagai salah satu alternatif model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Dan kepada peneliti yang berminat disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian lanjutan pada materi yang berbeda.

  3. Modeling RERTR experimental fuel plates using the PLATE code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayes, S.L.; Meyer, M.K.; Hofman, G.L.; Snelgrove, J.L.; Brazener, R.A.


    Modeling results using the PLATE dispersion fuel performance code are presented for the U-Mo/Al experimental fuel plates from the RERTR-1, -2, -3 and -5 irradiation tests. Agreement of the calculations with experimental data obtained in post-irradiation examinations of these fuels, where available, is shown to be good. Use of the code to perform a series of parametric evaluations highlights the sensitivity of U-Mo dispersion fuel performance to fabrication variables, especially fuel particle shape and size distributions. (author)

  4. Development of seismic analysis model for HTGR core on commercial FEM code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuji, Nobumasa; Ohashi, Kazutaka


    The aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake prods to revise the design basis earthquake intensity severely. In aseismic design of block-type HTGR, the securement of structural integrity of core blocks and other structures which are made of graphite become more important. For the aseismic design of block-type HTGR, it is necessary to predict the motion of core blocks which are collided with adjacent blocks. Some seismic analysis codes have been developed in 1970s, but these codes are special purpose-built codes and have poor collaboration with other structural analysis code. We develop the vertical 2 dimensional analytical model on multi-purpose commercial FEM code, which take into account the multiple impacts and friction between block interfaces and rocking motion on contact with dowel pins of the HTGR core by using contact elements. This model is verified by comparison with the experimental results of 12 column vertical slice vibration test. (author)

  5. Light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7. Model and structure [Revised edition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Motoe; Udagawa, Yutaka; Amaya, Masaki; Saitou, Hiroaki


    A light water reactor fuel analysis code FEMAXI-7 has been developed for the purpose of analyzing the fuel behavior in both normal conditions and anticipated transient conditions. This code is an advanced version which has been produced by incorporating the former version FEMAXI-6 with numerous functional improvements and extensions. In FEMAXI-7, many new models have been added and parameters have been clearly arranged. Also, to facilitate effective maintenance and accessibility of the code, modularization of subroutines and functions have been attained, and quality comment descriptions of variables or physical quantities have been incorporated in the source code. With these advancements, the FEMAXI-7 code has been upgraded to a versatile analytical tool for high burnup fuel behavior analyses. This report is the revised edition of the first one which describes in detail the design, basic theory and structure, models and numerical method, and improvements and extensions. The first edition, JAEA-Data/Code 2010-035, was published in 2010. The first edition was extended by orderly addition and disposition of explanations of models and organized as the revised edition after three years interval. (author)

  6. Joint ICTP-IAEA advanced workshop on model codes for spallation reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filges, D.; Leray, S.; Yariv, Y.; Mengoni, A.; Stanculescu, A.; Mank, G.


    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) organised an expert meeting at the ICTP from 4 to 8 February 2008 to discuss model codes for spallation reactions. These nuclear reactions play an important role in a wide domain of applications ranging from neutron sources for condensed matter and material studies, transmutation of nuclear waste and rare isotope production to astrophysics, simulation of detector set-ups in nuclear and particle physics experiments, and radiation protection near accelerators or in space. The simulation tools developed for these domains use nuclear model codes to compute the production yields and characteristics of all the particles and nuclei generated in these reactions. These codes are generally Monte-Carlo implementations of Intra-Nuclear Cascade (INC) or Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) models, followed by de-excitation (principally evaporation/fission) models. Experts have discussed in depth the physics contained within the different models in order to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Such codes need to be validated against experimental data in order to determine their accuracy and reliability with respect to all forms of application. Agreement was reached during the course of the workshop to organise an international benchmark of the different models developed by different groups around the world. The specifications of the benchmark, including the set of selected experimental data to be compared to the models, were also defined during the workshop. The benchmark will be organised under the auspices of the IAEA in 2008, and the first results will be discussed at the next Accelerator Applications Conference (AccApp'09) to be held in Vienna in May 2009. (author)

  7. The improvement of the heat transfer model for sodium-water reaction jet code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashiguchi, Yoshirou; Yamamoto, Hajime; Kamoshida, Norio; Murata, Shuuichi


    For confirming the reasonable DBL (Design Base Leak) on steam generator (SG), it is necessary to evaluate phenomena of sodium-water reaction (SWR) in an actual steam generator realistically. The improvement of a heat transfer model on sodium-water reaction (SWR) jet code (LEAP-JET ver.1.40) and application analysis to the water injection tests for confirmation of propriety for the code were performed. On the improvement of the code, the heat transfer model between a inside fluid and a tube wall was introduced instead of the prior model which was heat capacity model including both heat capacity of the tube wall and inside fluid. And it was considered that the fluid of inside the heat exchange tube was able to treat as water or sodium and typical heat transfer equations used in SG design were also introduced in the new heat transfer model. Further additional work was carried out in order to improve the stability of the calculation for long calculation time. The test calculation using the improved code (LEAP-JET ver.1.50) were carried out with conditions of the SWAT-IR·Run-HT-2 test. It was confirmed that the SWR jet behavior on the result and the influence to the result of the heat transfer model were reasonable. And also on the improved code (LEAP-JET ver.1.50), user's manual was revised with additional I/O manual and explanation of the heat transfer model and new variable name. (author)

  8. The MESORAD dose assessment model: Computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramsdell, J.V.; Athey, G.F.; Bander, T.J.; Scherpelz, R.I.


    MESORAD is a dose equivalent model for emergency response applications that is designed to be run on minicomputers. It has been developed by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory for use as part of the Intermediate Dose Assessment System in the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center in Washington, DC, and the Emergency Management System in the US Department of Energy Unified Dose Assessment Center in Richland, Washington. This volume describes the MESORAD computer code and contains a listing of the code. The technical basis for MESORAD is described in the first volume of this report (Scherpelz et al. 1986). A third volume of the documentation planned. That volume will contain utility programs and input and output files that can be used to check the implementation of MESORAD. 18 figs., 4 tabs

  9. Advanced Electric and Magnetic Material Models for FDTD Electromagnetic Codes

    CERN Document Server

    Poole, Brian R; Nelson, Scott D


    The modeling of dielectric and magnetic materials in the time domain is required for pulse power applications, pulsed induction accelerators, and advanced transmission lines. For example, most induction accelerator modules require the use of magnetic materials to provide adequate Volt-sec during the acceleration pulse. These models require hysteresis and saturation to simulate the saturation wavefront in a multipulse environment. In high voltage transmission line applications such as shock or soliton lines the dielectric is operating in a highly nonlinear regime, which requires nonlinear models. Simple 1-D models are developed for fast parameterization of transmission line structures. In the case of nonlinear dielectrics, a simple analytic model describing the permittivity in terms of electric field is used in a 3-D finite difference time domain code (FDTD). In the case of magnetic materials, both rate independent and rate dependent Hodgdon magnetic material models have been implemented into 3-D FDTD codes an...

  10. To Call or Not to Call a Spade a Spade: The Dilemma of Treating 'Offensive' Terms in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emmanuel Chabata


    Full Text Available

    ABSTRACT: As noted by Béjoint (2000: 6, the main objective in dictionary-making is to define words and terms. This is especially the case if the fact is accepted that dictionaries are mostly con-sulted for word meaning and that, in the consultation process, the user hopes to acquire and/or verify certain information. However, as again noted by Jackson (1988, Landau (1984, Svénsen (1993 and Zgusta (1971, among others, the description of word meaning is one of the greatest difficulties with which the lexicographer has to cope. This article discusses some of the challenges facing lexicographers when defining 'offensive' headwords in a monolingual dictionary. It is based on experiences of defining such headwords for the general-purpose, medium-sized, synchronic, monolingual Shona dictionary, Duramazwi Guru reChiShona (henceforth DGC (Chimhundu et al. 2001. DGC was compiled and edited by a six-member team of mother-tongue speakers of Shona who are researchers at the African Languages Research Institute (ALRI. The article also discusses some of the strategies the team of editors adopted as ways of dealing with offensive words in DGC. One such strategy is the use of euphemism in defining.



    OPSOMMING: Om die kind by sy naam te noem of nie te noem nie: Die dilemma van die behandeling van "aanstootlike" terme in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona. Soos deur Béjoint (2000: 6 opgemerk, is die hoofdoel van woordeboekmaak om woorde en terme te definieer. Dit is veral die geval as die feit aanvaar word dat woordeboeke meestal geraadpleeg word vir woordbetekenis en dat, by die raadplegingsproses, die gebruiker hoop om sekere inligting te bekom en/of te kontroleer. Soos weer eens opgemerk deur onder andere Jackson (1988, Landau (1984, Svénsen (1993 en Zgusta (1971, is

  11. SPIDERMAN: an open-source code to model phase curves and secondary eclipses (United States)

    Louden, Tom; Kreidberg, Laura


    We present SPIDERMAN (Secondary eclipse and Phase curve Integrator for 2D tempERature MAppiNg), a fast code for calculating exoplanet phase curves and secondary eclipses with arbitrary surface brightness distributions in two dimensions. Using a geometrical algorithm, the code solves exactly the area of sections of the disc of the planet that are occulted by the star. The code is written in C with a user-friendly Python interface, and is optimised to run quickly, with no loss in numerical precision. Approximately 1000 models can be generated per second in typical use, making Markov Chain Monte Carlo analyses practicable. The modular nature of the code allows easy comparison of the effect of multiple different brightness distributions for the dataset. As a test case we apply the code to archival data on the phase curve of WASP-43b using a physically motivated analytical model for the two dimensional brightness map. The model provides a good fit to the data; however, it overpredicts the temperature of the nightside. We speculate that this could be due to the presence of clouds on the nightside of the planet, or additional reflected light from the dayside. When testing a simple cloud model we find that the best fitting model has a geometric albedo of 0.32 ± 0.02 and does not require a hot nightside. We also test for variation of the map parameters as a function of wavelength and find no statistically significant correlations. SPIDERMAN is available for download at

  12. SPIDERMAN: an open-source code to model phase curves and secondary eclipses (United States)

    Louden, Tom; Kreidberg, Laura


    We present SPIDERMAN (Secondary eclipse and Phase curve Integrator for 2D tempERature MAppiNg), a fast code for calculating exoplanet phase curves and secondary eclipses with arbitrary surface brightness distributions in two dimensions. Using a geometrical algorithm, the code solves exactly the area of sections of the disc of the planet that are occulted by the star. The code is written in C with a user-friendly Python interface, and is optimized to run quickly, with no loss in numerical precision. Approximately 1000 models can be generated per second in typical use, making Markov Chain Monte Carlo analyses practicable. The modular nature of the code allows easy comparison of the effect of multiple different brightness distributions for the data set. As a test case, we apply the code to archival data on the phase curve of WASP-43b using a physically motivated analytical model for the two-dimensional brightness map. The model provides a good fit to the data; however, it overpredicts the temperature of the nightside. We speculate that this could be due to the presence of clouds on the nightside of the planet, or additional reflected light from the dayside. When testing a simple cloud model, we find that the best-fitting model has a geometric albedo of 0.32 ± 0.02 and does not require a hot nightside. We also test for variation of the map parameters as a function of wavelength and find no statistically significant correlations. SPIDERMAN is available for download at

  13. Plutonium explosive dispersal modeling using the MACCS2 computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steele, C.M.; Wald, T.L.; Chanin, D.I.


    The purpose of this paper is to derive the necessary parameters to be used to establish a defensible methodology to perform explosive dispersal modeling of respirable plutonium using Gaussian methods. A particular code, MACCS2, has been chosen for this modeling effort due to its application of sophisticated meteorological statistical sampling in accordance with the philosophy of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guide 1.145, ''Atmospheric Dispersion Models for Potential Accident Consequence Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants''. A second advantage supporting the selection of the MACCS2 code for modeling purposes is that meteorological data sets are readily available at most Department of Energy (DOE) and NRC sites. This particular MACCS2 modeling effort focuses on the calculation of respirable doses and not ground deposition. Once the necessary parameters for the MACCS2 modeling are developed and presented, the model is benchmarked against empirical test data from the Double Tracks shot of project Roller Coaster (Shreve 1965) and applied to a hypothetical plutonium explosive dispersal scenario. Further modeling with the MACCS2 code is performed to determine a defensible method of treating the effects of building structure interaction on the respirable fraction distribution as a function of height. These results are related to the Clean Slate 2 and Clean Slate 3 bunkered shots of Project Roller Coaster. Lastly a method is presented to determine the peak 99.5% sector doses on an irregular site boundary in the manner specified in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.145 (1983). Parametric analyses are performed on the major analytic assumptions in the MACCS2 model to define the potential errors that are possible in using this methodology

  14. Plutonium explosive dispersal modeling using the MACCS2 computer code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Steele, C.M.; Wald, T.L.; Chanin, D.I.


    The purpose of this paper is to derive the necessary parameters to be used to establish a defensible methodology to perform explosive dispersal modeling of respirable plutonium using Gaussian methods. A particular code, MACCS2, has been chosen for this modeling effort due to its application of sophisticated meteorological statistical sampling in accordance with the philosophy of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guide 1.145, ``Atmospheric Dispersion Models for Potential Accident Consequence Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants``. A second advantage supporting the selection of the MACCS2 code for modeling purposes is that meteorological data sets are readily available at most Department of Energy (DOE) and NRC sites. This particular MACCS2 modeling effort focuses on the calculation of respirable doses and not ground deposition. Once the necessary parameters for the MACCS2 modeling are developed and presented, the model is benchmarked against empirical test data from the Double Tracks shot of project Roller Coaster (Shreve 1965) and applied to a hypothetical plutonium explosive dispersal scenario. Further modeling with the MACCS2 code is performed to determine a defensible method of treating the effects of building structure interaction on the respirable fraction distribution as a function of height. These results are related to the Clean Slate 2 and Clean Slate 3 bunkered shots of Project Roller Coaster. Lastly a method is presented to determine the peak 99.5% sector doses on an irregular site boundary in the manner specified in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.145 (1983). Parametric analyses are performed on the major analytic assumptions in the MACCS2 model to define the potential errors that are possible in using this methodology.

  15. Performance Theories for Sentence Coding: Some Quantitative Models (United States)

    Aaronson, Doris; And Others


    This study deals with the patterns of word-by-word reading times over a sentence when the subject must code the linguistic information sufficiently for immediate verbatim recall. A class of quantitative models is considered that would account for reading times at phrase breaks. (Author/RM)

  16. Parallelization of simulation code for liquid-gas model of lattice-gas fluid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawai, Wataru; Ebihara, Kenichi; Kume, Etsuo; Watanabe, Tadashi


    A simulation code for hydrodynamical phenomena which is based on the liquid-gas model of lattice-gas fluid is parallelized by using MPI (Message Passing Interface) library. The parallelized code can be applied to the larger size of the simulations than the non-parallelized code. The calculation times of the parallelized code on VPP500 (Vector-Parallel super computer with dispersed memory units), AP3000 (Scalar-parallel server with dispersed memory units), and a workstation cluster decreased in inverse proportion to the number of processors. (author)

  17. Pre-engineering Spaceflight Validation of Environmental Models and the 2005 HZETRN Simulation Code (United States)

    Nealy, John E.; Cucinotta, Francis A.; Wilson, John W.; Badavi, Francis F.; Dachev, Ts. P.; Tomov, B. T.; Walker, Steven A.; DeAngelis, Giovanni; Blattnig, Steve R.; Atwell, William


    The HZETRN code has been identified by NASA for engineering design in the next phase of space exploration highlighting a return to the Moon in preparation for a Mars mission. In response, a new series of algorithms beginning with 2005 HZETRN, will be issued by correcting some prior limitations and improving control of propagated errors along with established code verification processes. Code validation processes will use new/improved low Earth orbit (LEO) environmental models with a recently improved International Space Station (ISS) shield model to validate computational models and procedures using measured data aboard ISS. These validated models will provide a basis for flight-testing the designs of future space vehicles and systems of the Constellation program in the LEO environment.

  18. Code-code comparisons of DIVIMP's 'onion-skin model' and the EDGE2D fluid code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stangeby, P.C.; Elder, J.D.; Horton, L.D.; Simonini, R.; Taroni, A.; Matthews, O.F.; Monk, R.D.


    In onion-skin modelling, O-SM, of the edge plasma, the cross-field power and particle flows are treated very simply e.g. as spatially uniform. The validity of O-S modelling requires demonstration that such approximations can still result in reasonable solutions for the edge plasma. This is demonstrated here by comparison of O-SM with full 2D fluid edge solutions generated by the EDGE2D code. The target boundary conditions for the O-SM are taken from the EDGE2D output and the complete O-SM solutions are then compared with the EDGE2D ones. Agreement is generally within 20% for n e , T e , T i and parallel particle flux density Γ for the medium and high recycling JET cases examined and somewhat less good for a strongly detached CMOD example. (orig.)

  19. Containment Modelling with the ASTEC Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadek, Sinisa; Grgic, Davor


    ASTEC is an integral computer code jointly developed by Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (IRSN, France) and Gesellschaft fur Anlagen-und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS, Germany) to assess the nuclear power plant behaviour during a severe accident (SA). It consists of 13 coupled modules which compute various SA phenomena in primary and secondary circuits of the nuclear power plants (NPP), and in the containment. The ASTEC code was used to model and to simulate NPP behaviour during a postulated station blackout accident in the NPP Krsko, a two-loop pressurized water reactor (PWR) plant. The primary system of the plant was modelled with 110 thermal hydraulic (TH) volumes, 113 junctions and 128 heat structures. The secondary system was modelled with 76 TH volumes, 77 junctions and 87 heat structures. The containment was modelled with 10 TH volumes by taking into account containment representation as a set of distinctive compartments, connected with 23 junctions. A total of 79 heat structures were used to simulate outer containment walls and internal steel and concrete structures. Prior to the transient calculation, a steady state analysis was performed. In order to achieve correct plant initial conditions, the operation of regulation systems was modelled. Parameters which were subjected to regulation were the pressurizer pressure, the pressurizer narrow range level and steam mass flow rates in the steam lines. The accident analysis was focused on containment behaviour, however the complete integral NPP analysis was carried out in order to provide correct boundary conditions for the containment calculation. During the accident, the containment integrity was challenged by release of reactor system coolant through degraded coolant pump seals and, later in the accident following release of the corium out of the reactor pressure vessel, by the molten corium concrete interaction and direct containment heating mechanisms. Impact of those processes on relevant

  20. Pengembangan model tarian bonet untuk kebugaran jasmani dalam pembelajaran penjasorkes di sekolah dasar


    Ramona Mathias Mae


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model tarian bonet untuk kebugaran jasmani dalam pembelajaran Penjasorkes di sekolah dasar (SD) yang layak digunakan guru sekolah dasar sebagai salah satu bentuk model pembelajaran Penjasorkes yang bervariasi dan menyenangkan. Penelitian pengembangan ini dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) pengumpulan informasi di lapangan, (2) melakukan analisis terhadap informasi yang telah dikumpulkan, (3) mengembangkan produk awal (d...

  1. Savannah River Laboratory DOSTOMAN code: a compartmental pathways computer model of contaminant transport

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, C.M.; Wilhite, E.L.; Root, R.W. Jr.


    The Savannah River Laboratory DOSTOMAN code has been used since 1978 for environmental pathway analysis of potential migration of radionuclides and hazardous chemicals. The DOSTOMAN work is reviewed including a summary of historical use of compartmental models, the mathematical basis for the DOSTOMAN code, examples of exact analytical solutions for simple matrices, methods for numerical solution of complex matrices, and mathematical validation/calibration of the SRL code. The review includes the methodology for application to nuclear and hazardous chemical waste disposal, examples of use of the model in contaminant transport and pathway analysis, a user's guide for computer implementation, peer review of the code, and use of DOSTOMAN at other Department of Energy sites. 22 refs., 3 figs

  2. The Aster code; Code Aster

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delbecq, J.M


    The Aster code is a 2D or 3D finite-element calculation code for structures developed by the R and D direction of Electricite de France (EdF). This dossier presents a complete overview of the characteristics and uses of the Aster code: introduction of version 4; the context of Aster (organisation of the code development, versions, systems and interfaces, development tools, quality assurance, independent validation); static mechanics (linear thermo-elasticity, Euler buckling, cables, Zarka-Casier method); non-linear mechanics (materials behaviour, big deformations, specific loads, unloading and loss of load proportionality indicators, global algorithm, contact and friction); rupture mechanics (G energy restitution level, restitution level in thermo-elasto-plasticity, 3D local energy restitution level, KI and KII stress intensity factors, calculation of limit loads for structures), specific treatments (fatigue, rupture, wear, error estimation); meshes and models (mesh generation, modeling, loads and boundary conditions, links between different modeling processes, resolution of linear systems, display of results etc..); vibration mechanics (modal and harmonic analysis, dynamics with shocks, direct transient dynamics, seismic analysis and aleatory dynamics, non-linear dynamics, dynamical sub-structuring); fluid-structure interactions (internal acoustics, mass, rigidity and damping); linear and non-linear thermal analysis; steels and metal industry (structure transformations); coupled problems (internal chaining, internal thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling, chaining with other codes); products and services. (J.S.)

  3. Direct containment heating models in the CONTAIN code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Washington, K.E.; Williams, D.C.


    The potential exists in a nuclear reactor core melt severe accident for molten core debris to be dispersed under high pressure into the containment building. If this occurs, the set of phenomena that result in the transfer of energy to the containment atmosphere and its surroundings is referred to as direct containment heating (DCH). Because of the potential for DCH to lead to early containment failure, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) has sponsored an extensive research program consisting of experimental, analytical, and risk integration components. An important element of the analytical research has been the development and assessment of direct containment heating models in the CONTAIN code. This report documents the DCH models in the CONTAIN code. DCH models in CONTAIN for representing debris transport, trapping, chemical reactions, and heat transfer from debris to the containment atmosphere and surroundings are described. The descriptions include the governing equations and input instructions in CONTAIN unique to performing DCH calculations. Modifications made to the combustion models in CONTAIN for representing the combustion of DCH-produced and pre-existing hydrogen under DCH conditions are also described. Input table options for representing the discharge of debris from the RPV and the entrainment phase of the DCH process are also described. A sample calculation is presented to demonstrate the functionality of the models. The results show that reasonable behavior is obtained when the models are used to predict the sixth Zion geometry integral effects test at 1/10th scale

  4. Direct containment heating models in the CONTAIN code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington, K.E.; Williams, D.C.


    The potential exists in a nuclear reactor core melt severe accident for molten core debris to be dispersed under high pressure into the containment building. If this occurs, the set of phenomena that result in the transfer of energy to the containment atmosphere and its surroundings is referred to as direct containment heating (DCH). Because of the potential for DCH to lead to early containment failure, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) has sponsored an extensive research program consisting of experimental, analytical, and risk integration components. An important element of the analytical research has been the development and assessment of direct containment heating models in the CONTAIN code. This report documents the DCH models in the CONTAIN code. DCH models in CONTAIN for representing debris transport, trapping, chemical reactions, and heat transfer from debris to the containment atmosphere and surroundings are described. The descriptions include the governing equations and input instructions in CONTAIN unique to performing DCH calculations. Modifications made to the combustion models in CONTAIN for representing the combustion of DCH-produced and pre-existing hydrogen under DCH conditions are also described. Input table options for representing the discharge of debris from the RPV and the entrainment phase of the DCH process are also described. A sample calculation is presented to demonstrate the functionality of the models. The results show that reasonable behavior is obtained when the models are used to predict the sixth Zion geometry integral effects test at 1/10th scale.

  5. Using finite mixture models in thermal-hydraulics system code uncertainty analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlos, S., E-mail: [Department d’Enginyeria Química i Nuclear, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camí de Vera s.n, 46022 València (Spain); Sánchez, A. [Department d’Estadística Aplicada i Qualitat, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camí de Vera s.n, 46022 València (Spain); Ginestar, D. [Department de Matemàtica Aplicada, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camí de Vera s.n, 46022 València (Spain); Martorell, S. [Department d’Enginyeria Química i Nuclear, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camí de Vera s.n, 46022 València (Spain)


    Highlights: • Best estimate codes simulation needs uncertainty quantification. • The output variables can present multimodal probability distributions. • The analysis of multimodal distribution is performed using finite mixture models. • Two methods to reconstruct output variable probability distribution are used. -- Abstract: Nuclear Power Plant safety analysis is mainly based on the use of best estimate (BE) codes that predict the plant behavior under normal or accidental conditions. As the BE codes introduce uncertainties due to uncertainty in input parameters and modeling, it is necessary to perform uncertainty assessment (UA), and eventually sensitivity analysis (SA), of the results obtained. These analyses are part of the appropriate treatment of uncertainties imposed by current regulation based on the adoption of the best estimate plus uncertainty (BEPU) approach. The most popular approach for uncertainty assessment, based on Wilks’ method, obtains a tolerance/confidence interval, but it does not completely characterize the output variable behavior, which is required for an extended UA and SA. However, the development of standard UA and SA impose high computational cost due to the large number of simulations needed. In order to obtain more information about the output variable and, at the same time, to keep computational cost as low as possible, there has been a recent shift toward developing metamodels (model of model), or surrogate models, that approximate or emulate complex computer codes. In this way, there exist different techniques to reconstruct the probability distribution using the information provided by a sample of values as, for example, the finite mixture models. In this paper, the Expectation Maximization and the k-means algorithms are used to obtain a finite mixture model that reconstructs the output variable probability distribution from data obtained with RELAP-5 simulations. Both methodologies have been applied to a separated

  6. Gap conductance model validation in the TASS/SMR-S code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Sang-Jun; Yang, Soo-Hyung; Chung, Young-Jong; Bae, Kyoo-Hwan; Lee, Won-Jae


    An advanced integral pressurized water reactor, SMART (System-Integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor) has been developed by KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research and Institute). The purposes of the SMART are sea water desalination and an electricity generation. For the safety evaluation and performance analysis of the SMART, TASS/SMR-S (Transient And Setpoint Simulation/System-integrated Modular Reactor) code, has been developed. In this paper, the gap conductance model for the calculation of gap conductance has been validated by using another system code, MARS code, and experimental results. In the validation, the behaviors of fuel temperature and gap width are selected as the major parameters. According to the evaluation results, the TASS/SMR-S code predicts well the behaviors of fuel temperatures and gap width variation, compared to the MARS calculation results and experimental data. (author)

  7. A combined N-body and hydrodynamic code for modeling disk galaxies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schroeder, M.C.


    A combined N-body and hydrodynamic computer code for the modeling of two dimensional galaxies is described. The N-body portion of the code is used to calculate the motion of the particle component of a galaxy, while the hydrodynamics portion of the code is used to follow the motion and evolution of the fluid component. A complete description of the numerical methods used for each portion of the code is given. Additionally, the proof tests of the separate and combined portions of the code are presented and discussed. Finally, a discussion of the topics researched with the code and results obtained is presented. These include: the measurement of stellar relaxation times in disk galaxy simulations; the effects of two-armed spiral perturbations on stable axisymmetric disks; the effects of the inclusion of an instellar medium (ISM) on the stability of disk galaxies; and the effect of the inclusion of stellar evolution on disk galaxy simulations

  8. The Nuremberg Code subverts human health and safety by requiring animal modeling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Greek Ray


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The requirement that animals be used in research and testing in order to protect humans was formalized in the Nuremberg Code and subsequent national and international laws, codes, and declarations. Discussion We review the history of these requirements and contrast what was known via science about animal models then with what is known now. We further analyze the predictive value of animal models when used as test subjects for human response to drugs and disease. We explore the use of animals for models in toxicity testing as an example of the problem with using animal models. Summary We conclude that the requirements for animal testing found in the Nuremberg Code were based on scientifically outdated principles, compromised by people with a vested interest in animal experimentation, serve no useful function, increase the cost of drug development, and prevent otherwise safe and efficacious drugs and therapies from being implemented.

  9. Comprehensive nuclear model calculations: theory and use of the GNASH code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, P.G.; Arthur, E.D.; Chadwick, M.B.


    The theory and operation of the nuclear reaction theory computer code GNASH is described, and detailed instructions are presented for code users. The code utilizes statistical Hauser-Feshbach theory with full angular momentum conservation and includes corrections for preequilibrium effects. This version is expected to be applicable for incident particle energies between 1 keV and 150 MeV and for incident photon energies to 140 MeV. General features of the code, the nuclear models that are utilized, input parameters needed to perform calculations, and the output quantities from typical problems are described in detail. A number of new features compared to previous versions are described in this manual, including the following: (1) inclusion of multiple preequilibrium processes, which allows the model calculations to be performed above 50 MeV; (2) a capability to calculate photonuclear reactions; (3) a method for determining the spin distribution of residual nuclei following preequilibrium reactions; and (4) a description of how preequilibrium spectra calculated with the FKK theory can be utilized (the 'FKK-GNASH' approach). The computational structure of the code and the subroutines and functions that are called are summarized as well. Two detailed examples are considered: 14-MeV neutrons incident on 93 Nb and 12-MeV neutrons incident on 238 U. The former example illustrates a typical calculation aimed at determining neutron, proton, and alpha emission spectra from 14-MeV reactions, and the latter example demonstrates use of the fission model in GNASH. Results from a variety of other cases are illustrated. (author)

  10. Modeling of PHWR fuel elements using FUDA code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tripathi, Rahul Mani; Soni, Rakesh; Prasad, P.N.; Pandarinathan, P.R.


    The computer code FUDA (Fuel Design Analysis) is used for modeling PHWR fuel bundle operation history and carry out fuel element thermo-mechanical analysis. The radial temperature profile across fuel and sheath, fission gas release, internal gas pressure, sheath stress and strains during the life of fuel bundle are estimated

  11. Source-term model for the SYVAC3-NSURE performance assessment code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rowat, J.H.; Rattan, D.S.; Dolinar, G.M.


    Radionuclide contaminants in wastes emplaced in disposal facilities will not remain in those facilities indefinitely. Engineered barriers will eventually degrade, allowing radioactivity to escape from the vault. The radionuclide release rate from a low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) disposal facility, the source term, is a key component in the performance assessment of the disposal system. This report describes the source-term model that has been implemented in Ver. 1.03 of the SYVAC3-NSURE (Systems Variability Analysis Code generation 3-Near Surface Repository) code. NSURE is a performance assessment code that evaluates the impact of near-surface disposal of LLRW through the groundwater pathway. The source-term model described here was developed for the Intrusion Resistant Underground Structure (IRUS) disposal facility, which is a vault that is to be located in the unsaturated overburden at AECL's Chalk River Laboratories. The processes included in the vault model are roof and waste package performance, and diffusion, advection and sorption of radionuclides in the vault backfill. The model presented here was developed for the IRUS vault; however, it is applicable to other near-surface disposal facilities. (author). 40 refs., 6 figs

  12. Modular Modeling System (MMS) code: a versatile power plant analysis package

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Divakaruni, S.M.; Wong, F.K.L.


    The basic version of the Modular Modeling System (MMS-01), a power plant systems analysis computer code jointly developed by the Nuclear Power and the Coal Combustion Systems Divisions of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), has been released to the utility power industry in April 1983 at a code release workshop held in Charlotte, North Carolina. Since then, additional modules have been developed to analyze the Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) and the Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) when the safety systems are activated. Also, a selected number of modules in the MMS-01 library have been modified to allow the code users more flexibility in constructing plant specific systems for analysis. These new PWR and BWR modules constitute the new MMS library, and it includes the modifications to the MMS-01 library. A year and half long extensive code qualification program of this new version of the MMS code at EPRI and the contractor sites, back by further code testing in an user group environment is culminating in the MMS-02 code release announcement seminar. At this seminar, the results of user group efforts and the code qualification program will be presented in a series of technical sessions. A total of forty-nine papers will be presented to describe the new code features and the code qualification efforts. For the sake of completion, an overview of the code is presented to include the history of the code development, description of the MMS code and its structure, utility engineers involvement in MMS-01 and MMS-02 validations, the enhancements made in the last 18 months to the code, and finally the perspective on the code future in the fossil and nuclear industry

  13. Simplified model for radioactive contaminant transport: the TRANSS code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simmons, C.S.; Kincaid, C.T.; Reisenauer, A.E.


    A simplified ground-water transport model called TRANSS was devised to estimate the rate of migration of a decaying radionuclide that is subject to sorption governed by a linear isotherm. Transport is modeled as a contaminant mass transmitted along a collection of streamlines constituting a streamtube, which connects a source release zone with an environmental arrival zone. The probability-weighted contaminant arrival distribution along each streamline is represented by an analytical solution of the one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation with constant velocity and dispersion coefficient. The appropriate effective constant velocity for each streamline is based on the exact travel time required to traverse a streamline with a known length. An assumption used in the model to facilitate the mathematical simplification is that transverse dispersion within a streamtube is negligible. Release of contaminant from a source is described in terms of a fraction-remaining curve provided as input information. However, an option included in the code is the calculation of a fraction-remaining curve based on four specialized release models: (1) constant release rate, (2) solubility-controlled release, (3) adsorption-controlled release, and (4) diffusion-controlled release from beneath an infiltration barrier. To apply the code, a user supplies only a certain minimal number of parameters: a probability-weighted list of travel times for streamlines, a local-scale dispersion coefficient, a sorption distribution coefficient, total initial radionuclide inventory, radioactive half-life, a release model choice, and size dimensions of the source. The code is intended to provide scoping estimates of contaminant transport and does not predict the evolution of a concentration distribution in a ground-water flow field. Moreover, the required travel times along streamlines must be obtained from a prior ground-water flow simulation

  14. ER@CEBAF: Modeling code developments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meot, F. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF), Newport News, VA (United States); Roblin, Y. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF), Newport News, VA (United States)


    A proposal for a multiple-pass, high-energy, energy-recovery experiment using CEBAF is under preparation in the frame of a JLab-BNL collaboration. In view of beam dynamics investigations regarding this project, in addition to the existing model in use in Elegant a version of CEBAF is developed in the stepwise ray-tracing code Zgoubi, Beyond the ER experiment, it is also planned to use the latter for the study of polarization transport in the presence of synchrotron radiation, down to Hall D line where a 12 GeV polarized beam can be delivered. This Note briefly reports on the preliminary steps, and preliminary outcomes, based on an Elegant to Zgoubi translation.

  15. Code modernization and modularization of APEX and SWAT watershed simulation models (United States)

    SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) and APEX (Agricultural Policy / Environmental eXtender) are respectively large and small watershed simulation models derived from EPIC Environmental Policy Integrated Climate), a field-scale agroecology simulation model. All three models are coded in FORTRAN an...

  16. Implementation and use of Gaussian process meta model for sensitivity analysis of numerical models: application to a hydrogeological transport computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marrel, A.


    In the studies of environmental transfer and risk assessment, numerical models are used to simulate, understand and predict the transfer of pollutant. These computer codes can depend on a high number of uncertain input parameters (geophysical variables, chemical parameters, etc.) and can be often too computer time expensive. To conduct uncertainty propagation studies and to measure the importance of each input on the response variability, the computer code has to be approximated by a meta model which is build on an acceptable number of simulations of the code and requires a negligible calculation time. We focused our research work on the use of Gaussian process meta model to make the sensitivity analysis of the code. We proposed a methodology with estimation and input selection procedures in order to build the meta model in the case of a high number of inputs and with few simulations available. Then, we compared two approaches to compute the sensitivity indices with the meta model and proposed an algorithm to build prediction intervals for these indices. Afterwards, we were interested in the choice of the code simulations. We studied the influence of different sampling strategies on the predictiveness of the Gaussian process meta model. Finally, we extended our statistical tools to a functional output of a computer code. We combined a decomposition on a wavelet basis with the Gaussian process modelling before computing the functional sensitivity indices. All the tools and statistical methodologies that we developed were applied to the real case of a complex hydrogeological computer code, simulating radionuclide transport in groundwater. (author) [fr


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. E. Nugroho


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi struktur konsep mahasiswa calon guru tentang medan elektrostatik. Data diperolehdengan menggunakan metode thinks-aloud, didukung metode lain yaitu wawancara, diskusi, dan tes tertulis Responden penelitianterdiri atas delapan mahasiswa semester 2 yang telah menempuh fisika dasar sebagai kelompok I, dan sembilan mahasiswasemester 6 yang telah menempuh mata kuliah kelistrikan dan kemagnetan sebagai kelompok II. Mahasiswa tersebut diberipertanyaan real-worlds yang menyangkut konsep dasar medan dan memerlukan jawaban secara spontan. Hasil studi inimenunjukan bahwa (1 struktur konsep mahasiswa mengenai medan elektrostatik pada umumnya mengalami fragmentasi; (2mahasiswa mengalami kerancuan dalam memahami konsep medan elektrostatik; (3 Pada umumnya, mahasiswa masihberlandaskan konsep gaya dalam memahami tentang medan. The purpose of this research is to explore the concept structure of electrostatics field of teacher candidate student. In thisexperiment, we used thinks-aloud method and varied by others (interview, discussion and written-test. Respondent consisted ofeight students of second semester passing Basic Physics subject as the first group and nine students of sixth semester passingelectricity and magnetism subject as the second group. On these students the real world questions related to concept of field andneeded spontaneous answer are asked. The study result shows that (1 in general the concept structure of electrostatics field ofstudents undergoes fragmenting process; (2 the students experience contamination in understanding the electrostatics fieldconcept, and (3 in general the students are still based on the force concept in understanding the field.Keywords: framing analysis, teacher candidate student, concept structure

  18. Basic Pilot Code Development for Two-Fluid, Three-Field Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Jae Jun; Bae, S. W.; Lee, Y. J.; Chung, B. D.; Hwang, M.; Ha, K. S.; Kang, D. H.


    A basic pilot code for one-dimensional, transient, two-fluid, three-field model has been developed. Using 9 conceptual problems, the basic pilot code has been verified. The results of the verification are summarized below: - It was confirmed that the basic pilot code can simulate various flow conditions (such as single-phase liquid flow, bubbly flow, slug/churn turbulent flow, annular-mist flow, and single-phase vapor flow) and transitions of the flow conditions. A mist flow was not simulated, but it seems that the basic pilot code can simulate mist flow conditions. - The pilot code was programmed so that the source terms of the governing equations and numerical solution schemes can be easily tested. - The mass and energy conservation was confirmed for single-phase liquid and single-phase vapor flows. - It was confirmed that the inlet pressure and velocity boundary conditions work properly. - It was confirmed that, for single- and two-phase flows, the velocity and temperature of non-existing phase are calculated as intended. - During the simulation of a two-phase flow, the calculation reaches a quasisteady state with small-amplitude oscillations. The oscillations seem to be induced by some numerical causes. The research items for the improvement of the basic pilot code are listed in the last section of this report

  19. Basic Pilot Code Development for Two-Fluid, Three-Field Model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Jae Jun; Bae, S. W.; Lee, Y. J.; Chung, B. D.; Hwang, M.; Ha, K. S.; Kang, D. H


    A basic pilot code for one-dimensional, transient, two-fluid, three-field model has been developed. Using 9 conceptual problems, the basic pilot code has been verified. The results of the verification are summarized below: - It was confirmed that the basic pilot code can simulate various flow conditions (such as single-phase liquid flow, bubbly flow, slug/churn turbulent flow, annular-mist flow, and single-phase vapor flow) and transitions of the flow conditions. A mist flow was not simulated, but it seems that the basic pilot code can simulate mist flow conditions. - The pilot code was programmed so that the source terms of the governing equations and numerical solution schemes can be easily tested. - The mass and energy conservation was confirmed for single-phase liquid and single-phase vapor flows. - It was confirmed that the inlet pressure and velocity boundary conditions work properly. - It was confirmed that, for single- and two-phase flows, the velocity and temperature of non-existing phase are calculated as intended. - During the simulation of a two-phase flow, the calculation reaches a quasisteady state with small-amplitude oscillations. The oscillations seem to be induced by some numerical causes. The research items for the improvement of the basic pilot code are listed in the last section of this report.

  20. Coupling of 3D neutronics models with the system code ATHLET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Langenbuch, S.; Velkov, K.


    The system code ATHLET for plant transient and accident analysis has been coupled with 3D neutronics models, like QUABOX/CUBBOX, for the realistic evaluation of some specific safety problems under discussion. The considerations for the coupling approach and its realization are discussed. The specific features of the coupled code system established are explained and experience from first applications is presented. (author)

  1. An Evaluation of Automated Code Generation with the PetriCode Approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Kent Inge


    Automated code generation is an important element of model driven development methodologies. We have previously proposed an approach for code generation based on Coloured Petri Net models annotated with textual pragmatics for the network protocol domain. In this paper, we present and evaluate thr...... important properties of our approach: platform independence, code integratability, and code readability. The evaluation shows that our approach can generate code for a wide range of platforms which is integratable and readable....

  2. LDGM Codes for Channel Coding and Joint Source-Channel Coding of Correlated Sources

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Garcia-Frias


    Full Text Available We propose a coding scheme based on the use of systematic linear codes with low-density generator matrix (LDGM codes for channel coding and joint source-channel coding of multiterminal correlated binary sources. In both cases, the structures of the LDGM encoder and decoder are shown, and a concatenated scheme aimed at reducing the error floor is proposed. Several decoding possibilities are investigated, compared, and evaluated. For different types of noisy channels and correlation models, the resulting performance is very close to the theoretical limits.

  3. An improved steam generator model for the SASSYS code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pizzica, P.A.


    A new steam generator model has been developed for the SASSYS computer code, which analyzes accident conditions in a liquid-metal-cooled fast reactor. It has been incorporated into the new SASSYS balance-of-plant model, but it can also function as a stand-alone model. The model provides a full solution of the steady-state condition before the transient calculation begins for given sodium and water flow rates, inlet and outlet sodium temperatures, and inlet enthalpy and region lengths on the water side

  4. Development of Off-take Model, Subcooled Boiling Model, and Radiation Heat Transfer Input Model into the MARS Code for a Regulatory Auditing of CANDU Reactors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, C.; Rhee, B. W.; Chung, B. D. [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Ahn, S. H.; Kim, M. W. [Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Korea currently has four operating units of the CANDU-6 type reactor in Wolsong. However, the safety assessment system for CANDU reactors has not been fully established due to a lack of self-reliance technology. Although the CATHENA code had been introduced from AECL, it is undesirable to use a vendor's code for a regulatory auditing analysis. In Korea, the MARS code has been developed for decades and is being considered by KINS as a thermal hydraulic regulatory auditing tool for nuclear power plants. Before this decision, KINS (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) had developed the RELAP5/MOD3/CANDU code for CANDU safety analyses by modifying the model of the existing PWR auditing tool, RELAP5/MOD3. The main purpose of this study is to transplant the CANDU models of the RELAP5/MOD3/CANDU code to the MARS code including a quality assurance of the developed models.

  5. Development of Off-take Model, Subcooled Boiling Model, and Radiation Heat Transfer Input Model into the MARS Code for a Regulatory Auditing of CANDU Reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, C.; Rhee, B. W.; Chung, B. D.; Ahn, S. H.; Kim, M. W.


    Korea currently has four operating units of the CANDU-6 type reactor in Wolsong. However, the safety assessment system for CANDU reactors has not been fully established due to a lack of self-reliance technology. Although the CATHENA code had been introduced from AECL, it is undesirable to use a vendor's code for a regulatory auditing analysis. In Korea, the MARS code has been developed for decades and is being considered by KINS as a thermal hydraulic regulatory auditing tool for nuclear power plants. Before this decision, KINS (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) had developed the RELAP5/MOD3/CANDU code for CANDU safety analyses by modifying the model of the existing PWR auditing tool, RELAP5/MOD3. The main purpose of this study is to transplant the CANDU models of the RELAP5/MOD3/CANDU code to the MARS code including a quality assurance of the developed models

  6. 49 CFR 41.120 - Acceptable model codes. (United States)


    ... 1991 International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) Uniform Building Code, published by the... Supplement to the Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA) National Building Code, published by the Building Officials and Code Administrators, 4051 West Flossmoor Rd., Country Club Hills...

  7. Development of Parallel Code for the Alaska Tsunami Forecast Model (United States)

    Bahng, B.; Knight, W. R.; Whitmore, P.


    The Alaska Tsunami Forecast Model (ATFM) is a numerical model used to forecast propagation and inundation of tsunamis generated by earthquakes and other means in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. At the U.S. National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC), the model is mainly used in a pre-computed fashion. That is, results for hundreds of hypothetical events are computed before alerts, and are accessed and calibrated with observations during tsunamis to immediately produce forecasts. ATFM uses the non-linear, depth-averaged, shallow-water equations of motion with multiply nested grids in two-way communications between domains of each parent-child pair as waves get closer to coastal waters. Even with the pre-computation the task becomes non-trivial as sub-grid resolution gets finer. Currently, the finest resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEM) used by ATFM are 1/3 arc-seconds. With a serial code, large or multiple areas of very high resolution can produce run-times that are unrealistic even in a pre-computed approach. One way to increase the model performance is code parallelization used in conjunction with a multi-processor computing environment. NTWC developers have undertaken an ATFM code-parallelization effort to streamline the creation of the pre-computed database of results with the long term aim of tsunami forecasts from source to high resolution shoreline grids in real time. Parallelization will also permit timely regeneration of the forecast model database with new DEMs; and, will make possible future inclusion of new physics such as the non-hydrostatic treatment of tsunami propagation. The purpose of our presentation is to elaborate on the parallelization approach and to show the compute speed increase on various multi-processor systems.

  8. Quality Improvement of MARS Code and Establishment of Code Coupling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Bub Dong; Jeong, Jae Jun; Kim, Kyung Doo


    The improvement of MARS code quality and coupling with regulatory auditing code have been accomplished for the establishment of self-reliable technology based regulatory auditing system. The unified auditing system code was realized also by implementing the CANDU specific models and correlations. As a part of the quality assurance activities, the various QA reports were published through the code assessments. The code manuals were updated and published a new manual which describe the new models and correlations. The code coupling methods were verified though the exercise of plant application. The education-training seminar and technology transfer were performed for the code users. The developed MARS-KS is utilized as reliable auditing tool for the resolving the safety issue and other regulatory calculations. The code can be utilized as a base technology for GEN IV reactor applications

  9. Automatic modeling for the monte carlo transport TRIPOLI code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Junjun; Zeng Qin; Wu Yican; Wang Guozhong; FDS Team


    TRIPOLI, developed by CEA, France, is Monte Carlo particle transport simulation code. It has been widely applied to nuclear physics, shielding design, evaluation of nuclear safety. However, it is time-consuming and error-prone to manually describe the TRIPOLI input file. This paper implemented bi-directional conversion between CAD model and TRIPOLI model. Its feasibility and efficiency have been demonstrated by several benchmarking examples. (authors)

  10. Models and Correlations of Interfacial and Wall Frictions for the SPACE code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Soo Hyung; Hwang, Moon Kyu; Chung, Bub Dong


    This report describes models and correlations for the interfacial and wall frictions implemented in the SPACE code which has the capability to predict thermal-hydraulic behavior of nuclear power plants. The interfacial and wall frictions are essential to solve the momentum conservation equations of gas, continuous liquid and droplet. The interfacial and wall frictions are dealt in the Chapter 2 and 3, respectively. In Chapter 4, selection criteria for models and correlations are explained. In Chapter 5, the origins of the selected models and correlations used in this code are examined to check whether they are in confliction with intellectual proprietary rights

  11. A simplified model of Passive Containment Cooling System in a CFD code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, X.W.; Studer, E.; Kudriakov, S.


    Highlights: ► We have built a condensing model using Navier–Stokes equations in CAST3M code. ► We have done a benchmark work on the condensing model using the COPAIN tests data. ► We have built an evaporating model according to Aiello's model in CAST3M code. ► We used Kang and Park's film evaporation tests data to validate the model. ► An integrated model was derived by coupling two individual models with a steel plate. -- Abstract: In this paper, we built up a simplified model of the Passive Containment Cooling System in a CFD code, including a steel plate, a condensing channel and an evaporating channel. In the inner side of the plate, the condensing channel is supposed to be the source of heat transfer into the steel plate. Along the outer side, an evaporating falling film is used to extract the heat from the steel plate. Upward flow of air is also considered along the evaporating film. In the condensing channel, a flow solver based on an asymptotic model of the Navier–Stokes equations at the low Mach number regime and two turbulence models (Buleev's model and Chien's k–ε model) are considered. The condensing channel model was used to model the COPAIN test, the computed heat flux and condensation rate were compared with the experimental data. In the evaporating channel, a simplified model developed by Aiello and Ciofalo (2009) was used, which considered the heat and mass balance between the falling film and the ascending air flow. The model was validated for two cases: a dry wall case and a completely wet wall case. In the former case, the results were compared with 2D predictions obtained by using the CFX-4 CFD code. In the latter case, the results were compared with experimental data obtained by Kang and Park. The comparison showed a satisfactory agreement on heat transfer rates, despite some overprediction depending on the air velocity. At the end, the condensing channel model and the evaporating channel model were coupled by the steel plate

  12. Linear-Time Non-Malleable Codes in the Bit-Wise Independent Tampering Model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cramer, Ronald; Damgård, Ivan Bjerre; Döttling, Nico

    Non-malleable codes were introduced by Dziembowski et al. (ICS 2010) as coding schemes that protect a message against tampering attacks. Roughly speaking, a code is non-malleable if decoding an adversarially tampered encoding of a message m produces the original message m or a value m' (eventuall...... non-malleable codes of Agrawal et al. (TCC 2015) and of Cher- aghchi and Guruswami (TCC 2014) and improves the previous result in the bit-wise tampering model: it builds the first non-malleable codes with linear-time complexity and optimal-rate (i.e. rate 1 - o(1)).......Non-malleable codes were introduced by Dziembowski et al. (ICS 2010) as coding schemes that protect a message against tampering attacks. Roughly speaking, a code is non-malleable if decoding an adversarially tampered encoding of a message m produces the original message m or a value m' (eventually...... abort) completely unrelated with m. It is known that non-malleability is possible only for restricted classes of tampering functions. Since their introduction, a long line of works has established feasibility results of non-malleable codes against different families of tampering functions. However...

  13. Modelling of blackout sequence at Atucha-1 using the MARCH3 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baron, J.; Bastianelli, B.


    This paper presents the modelling of a complete blackout at the Atucha-1 NPP as preliminary phase for a Level II safety probabilistic analysis. The MARCH3 code of the STCP (Source Term Code Package) is used, based on a plant model made in accordance with particularities of the plant design. The analysis covers all the severe accident phases. The results allow to view the time sequence of the events, and provide the basis for source term studies. (author). 6 refs., 2 figs

  14. Detecting non-coding selective pressure in coding regions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blanchette Mathieu


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Comparative genomics approaches, where orthologous DNA regions are compared and inter-species conserved regions are identified, have proven extremely powerful for identifying non-coding regulatory regions located in intergenic or intronic regions. However, non-coding functional elements can also be located within coding region, as is common for exonic splicing enhancers, some transcription factor binding sites, and RNA secondary structure elements affecting mRNA stability, localization, or translation. Since these functional elements are located in regions that are themselves highly conserved because they are coding for a protein, they generally escaped detection by comparative genomics approaches. Results We introduce a comparative genomics approach for detecting non-coding functional elements located within coding regions. Codon evolution is modeled as a mixture of codon substitution models, where each component of the mixture describes the evolution of codons under a specific type of coding selective pressure. We show how to compute the posterior distribution of the entropy and parsimony scores under this null model of codon evolution. The method is applied to a set of growth hormone 1 orthologous mRNA sequences and a known exonic splicing elements is detected. The analysis of a set of CORTBP2 orthologous genes reveals a region of several hundred base pairs under strong non-coding selective pressure whose function remains unknown. Conclusion Non-coding functional elements, in particular those involved in post-transcriptional regulation, are likely to be much more prevalent than is currently known. With the numerous genome sequencing projects underway, comparative genomics approaches like that proposed here are likely to become increasingly powerful at detecting such elements.

  15. Modeling of fission product release in integral codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Obaidurrahman, K.; Raman, Rupak K.; Gaikwad, Avinash J.


    The Great Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that stroke the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power station in March 11, 2011 has intensified the needs of detailed nuclear safety research and with this objective all streams associated with severe accident phenomenology are being revisited thoroughly. The present paper would cover an overview of state of art FP release models being used, the important phenomenon considered in semi-mechanistic models and knowledge gaps in present FP release modeling. Capability of FP release module, ELSA of ASTEC integral code in appropriate prediction of FP release under several diversified core degraded conditions will also be demonstrated. Use of semi-mechanistic fission product release models at AERB in source-term estimation shall be briefed. (author)

  16. Pengembangan SIVAJAR : Sistem Informasi Evaluasi Belajar Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I Gede Dedy Prasetia


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan : (1 Menghasilkan rancangan dan mengembangkan SIVAJAR : Sistem Informasi Evaluasi Belajar Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja, (2 Mengetahui respon guru dan siswa terhadap implementasi SIVAJAR : Sistem Informasi Evaluasi Belajar Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model waterfall, yaitu model yang bersifat sistematis dan berurutan dalam membangun perangkat lunak, mulai dati tahap analisis, desain, implementasi, dan pengujian. Analisis dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara langsung dengan wakasek kurikulum, guru dan siswa SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja. Implementasi penelitian ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan Javascript dengan framework laravel serta Sublime sebagai code editor. Pengujian SIVAJAR (Sistem Informasi Evaluasi Belajar Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja dilaksanakan dalam 3 tahap yaitu : (1 Pengujian blackbox (pengujian fungsionalitas diperoleh seluruh proses telah mampu berjalan dengan baik, (2  Pengujian whitebox (pengujian prosedural diperoleh pengimplementasian algoritma telah berhasil, (3 Pengujian usibility testing diperoleh sistem sudah efektif dan efisien serta untuk kepuasan pengguna telah menghasilkan bahwa pengguna merasa puas menggunakan SIVAJAR : Sistem Informasi Evaluasi Belajar Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus : SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja.   Kata kunci: Evaluasi Belajar, Sistem Informasi, Web, SMK

  17. Assessment of critical flow models of RELAP5-MOD2 and CATHARE codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hao Laomi; Zhu Zhanchuan


    The critical flow tests for the long and short nozzles conducted on the SUPER MOBY-DICK facility were analyzed using the RELAP5-MOD2 and CATHARE 1.3 codes to assess the critical flow models of two codes. The critical mass flux calculated for two nozzles are given. The CATHARE code has used the thermodynamic nonequilibrium sound velocity of the two-phase fluid as the critical flow criterion, and has the better interphase transfer models and calculates the critical flow velocities with the completely implicit solution. Therefore, it can well calculate the critical flowrate and can describe the effect of the geometry L/D on the critical flowrate

  18. Subgroup A: nuclear model codes report to the Sixteenth Meeting of the WPEC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talou, P.; Chadwick, M.B.; Dietrich, F.S.; Herman, M.; Kawano, T.; Konig, A.; Oblozinsky, P.


    The Subgroup A activities focus on the development of nuclear reaction models and codes, used in evaluation work for nuclear reactions from the unresolved energy region up to the pion threshold production limit, and for target nuclides from the low teens and heavier. Much of the efforts are devoted by each participant to the continuing development of their own Institution codes. Progresses in this arena are reported in detail for each code in the present document. EMPIRE-II is of public access. The release of the TALYS code has been announced for the ND2004 Conference in Santa Fe, NM, October 2004. McGNASH is still under development and is not expected to be released in the very near future. In addition, Subgroup A members have demonstrated a growing interest in working on common modeling and codes capabilities, which would significantly reduce the amount of duplicate work, help manage efficiently the growing lines of existing codes, and render codes inter-comparison much easier. A recent and important activity of the Subgroup A has therefore been to develop the framework and the first bricks of the ModLib library, which is constituted of mostly independent pieces of codes written in Fortran 90 (and above) to be used in existing and future nuclear reaction codes. Significant progresses in the development of ModLib have been made during the past year. Several physics modules have been added to the library, and a few more have been planned in detail for the coming year.

  19. Development of the Monju core safety analysis numerical models by super-COPD code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamada, Fumiaki; Minami, Masaki


    Japan Atomic Energy Agency constructed a computational model for safety analysis of Monju reactor core to be built into a modularized plant dynamics analysis code Super-COPD code, for the purpose of heat removal capability evaluation at the in total 21 defined transients in the annex to the construction permit application. The applicability of this model to core heat removal capability evaluation has been estimated by back to back result comparisons of the constituent models with conventionally applied codes and by application of the unified model. The numerical model for core safety analysis has been built based on the best estimate model validated by the actually measured plant behavior up to 40% rated power conditions, taking over safety analysis models of conventionally applied COPD and HARHO-IN codes, to be capable of overall calculations of the entire plant with the safety protection and control systems. Among the constituents of the analytical model, neutronic-thermal model, heat transfer and hydraulic models of PHTS, SHTS, and water/steam system are individually verified by comparisons with the conventional calculations. Comparisons are also made with the actually measured plant behavior up to 40% rated power conditions to confirm the calculation adequacy and conservativeness of the input data. The unified analytical model was applied to analyses of in total 8 anomaly events; reactivity insertion, abnormal power distribution, decrease and increase of coolant flow rate in PHTS, SHTS and water/steam systems. The resulting maximum values and temporal variations of the key parameters in safety evaluation; temperatures of fuel, cladding, in core sodium coolant and RV inlet and outlet coolant have negligible discrepancies against the existing analysis result in the annex to the construction permit application, verifying the unified analytical model. These works have enabled analytical evaluation of Monju core heat removal capability by Super-COPD utilizing the

  20. A PWR hot-rod model: Relap5/mod3.2.2.{gamma} as a subchannel code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kirsten, I.C.; Jones, J.R. [British Energy, Barnwood, Gloucester (United Kingdom); Kimber, G.R. [Atomic Energy Authority Technology, Winfrith, Dorset (United Kingdom); Page, R. [National Nuclear Corp. Ltd., Cheshire (United Kingdom)


    The use of the PWR transient analysis code RELAP5 for detailed assessment of Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) has previously implied coupling it in some way to a subchannel code, either by direct code-to-code coupling or by transferring core boundary conditions to the subchannel code. This paper shows an alternative by using a group of subchannels modelled in RELAP5 to represent a hot rod. The model consists of three parallel channels, each more refined than its neighbour: The first channel represents a quadrant of the core; the second a quadrant on a fuel assembly and the final channel represents a passage adjacent to a single fuel pin. The model is intended for use as part of point kinetics assessments and each channel is assigned a radial form factor designed to conservatively represent the hottest fuel pins in the reactor core. The main outputs from the model are minimum Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) and clad oxidation for the hot rod (lead pin). The DNBR results from the hot-rod model are benchmarked against the subchannel code COBRA 3-CP and the results are presented in this paper. Some of the modelling problems that needed to be resolved are also highlighted. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hari Amanto


    Full Text Available Competency, Attitude, Responsibility, and Number of Hours of Educator Cer­­­­t­i­­fied Teachers on Managing Learning in SMK.The objective of this research is to des­cribe the competency, attitude, responsibility, and number of hours of educator cer­­tified teachers on managing learning in public vocational high school in Malang. This research employs a descriptive-quantitative approach. The research sub­jects are the educator certified teachers in SMKN Malang area. The instruments used to collect data are observation sheet, questionnaire, and documentation. Data is analyzed using per­cen­tag­e. The re­sults of this research show that: (1 the profiles of pedagogical com­pe­tency, attitude, so­­cial, and pro­fessional variables are categorized as competent, (2 the profiles of cog­nitive, and conative attitude are categorized as good, (3 affective attitude is ca­te­go­ri­z­­ed as ve­ry good, (4 the responsibility on applying the curriculum development is categorized as very high, (5 the performance of learning process is categorized as very high, (6 the process of conceling students ca­te­go­ry ve­­ry high, and (7 the total number of managing learn­­ing ho­urs is ca­t­egorized as qualified.   Tujuan penelitian ini un­tuk mendeskripsikan kompetensi, sikap, tang­gung jawab, dan jumlah jam guru bersertifikat pendidik dalam me­nge­lola pembelajaran pada SMK Negeri se-Malang Raya. Pe­nelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian des­krip­­tif kuantitatif, dengan subjek pe­ne­litian guru bersertifikat pendidik SMKN se-Ma­lang Raya. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar pengamatan, angket dan dokumentasi. Data di­ana­lisis dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian me­nun­juk­­­­kan bahwa: (1 kompetensi pe­da­­gogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional ma­suk kate­­­gori kompeten, (2 sikap kog­ni­tif, konatif kategori baik, (3 sikap afektif kategori sangat baik, (4 tanggung jawab

  2. The modeling of core melting and in-vessel corium relocation in the APRIL code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim. S.W.; Podowski, M.Z.; Lahey, R.T. [Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (United States)] [and others


    This paper is concerned with the modeling of severe accident phenomena in boiling water reactors (BWR). New models of core melting and in-vessel corium debris relocation are presented, developed for implementation in the APRIL computer code. The results of model testing and validations are given, including comparisons against available experimental data and parametric/sensitivity studies. Also, the application of these models, as parts of the APRIL code, is presented to simulate accident progression in a typical BWR reactor.

  3. Fracture flow code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dershowitz, W; Herbert, A.; Long, J.


    The hydrology of the SCV site will be modelled utilizing discrete fracture flow models. These models are complex, and can not be fully cerified by comparison to analytical solutions. The best approach for verification of these codes is therefore cross-verification between different codes. This is complicated by the variation in assumptions and solution techniques utilized in different codes. Cross-verification procedures are defined which allow comparison of the codes developed by Harwell Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and Golder Associates Inc. Six cross-verification datasets are defined for deterministic and stochastic verification of geometric and flow features of the codes. Additional datasets for verification of transport features will be documented in a future report. (13 figs., 7 tabs., 10 refs.) (authors)

  4. Provisional safety analyses for SGT stage 2 -- Models, codes and general modelling approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the framework of the provisional safety analyses for Stage 2 of the Sectoral Plan for Deep Geological Repositories (SGT), deterministic modelling of radionuclide release from the barrier system along the groundwater pathway during the post-closure period of a deep geological repository is carried out. The calculated radionuclide release rates are interpreted as annual effective dose for an individual and assessed against the regulatory protection criterion 1 of 0.1 mSv per year. These steps are referred to as dose calculations. Furthermore, from the results of the dose calculations so-called characteristic dose intervals are determined, which provide input to the safety-related comparison of the geological siting regions in SGT Stage 2. Finally, the results of the dose calculations are also used to illustrate and to evaluate the post-closure performance of the barrier systems under consideration. The principal objective of this report is to describe comprehensively the technical aspects of the dose calculations. These aspects comprise: · the generic conceptual models of radionuclide release from the solid waste forms, of radionuclide transport through the system of engineered and geological barriers, of radionuclide transfer in the biosphere, as well as of the potential radiation exposure of the population, · the mathematical models for the explicitly considered release and transport processes, as well as for the radiation exposure pathways that are included, · the implementation of the mathematical models in numerical codes, including an overview of these codes and the most relevant verification steps, · the general modelling approach when using the codes, in particular the generic assumptions needed to model the near field and the geosphere, along with some numerical details, · a description of the work flow related to the execution of the calculations and of the software tools that are used to facilitate the modelling process, and · an overview of the

  5. Provisional safety analyses for SGT stage 2 -- Models, codes and general modelling approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the framework of the provisional safety analyses for Stage 2 of the Sectoral Plan for Deep Geological Repositories (SGT), deterministic modelling of radionuclide release from the barrier system along the groundwater pathway during the post-closure period of a deep geological repository is carried out. The calculated radionuclide release rates are interpreted as annual effective dose for an individual and assessed against the regulatory protection criterion 1 of 0.1 mSv per year. These steps are referred to as dose calculations. Furthermore, from the results of the dose calculations so-called characteristic dose intervals are determined, which provide input to the safety-related comparison of the geological siting regions in SGT Stage 2. Finally, the results of the dose calculations are also used to illustrate and to evaluate the post-closure performance of the barrier systems under consideration. The principal objective of this report is to describe comprehensively the technical aspects of the dose calculations. These aspects comprise: · the generic conceptual models of radionuclide release from the solid waste forms, of radionuclide transport through the system of engineered and geological barriers, of radionuclide transfer in the biosphere, as well as of the potential radiation exposure of the population, · the mathematical models for the explicitly considered release and transport processes, as well as for the radiation exposure pathways that are included, · the implementation of the mathematical models in numerical codes, including an overview of these codes and the most relevant verification steps, · the general modelling approach when using the codes, in particular the generic assumptions needed to model the near field and the geosphere, along with some numerical details, · a description of the work flow related to the execution of the calculations and of the software tools that are used to facilitate the modelling process, and · an overview of the

  6. Sizing and scaling requirements of a large-scale physical model for code validation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khaleel, R.; Legore, T.


    Model validation is an important consideration in application of a code for performance assessment and therefore in assessing the long-term behavior of the engineered and natural barriers of a geologic repository. Scaling considerations relevant to porous media flow are reviewed. An analysis approach is presented for determining the sizing requirements of a large-scale, hydrology physical model. The physical model will be used to validate performance assessment codes that evaluate the long-term behavior of the repository isolation system. Numerical simulation results for sizing requirements are presented for a porous medium model in which the media properties are spatially uncorrelated

  7. Assessment of one dimensional reflood model in REFLA/TRAC code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akimoto, Hajime; Ohnuki, Akira; Murao, Yoshio


    Post-test calculations for twelve selected SSRTF, SCTF and CCTF tests were performed to assess the predictive capability of the one-dimensional reflood model in the REFLA/TRAC code for core thermal behavior during the reflood in a PWR LOCA. Both core void fraction profile and clad temperature transients were predicted excellently by the REFLA/TRAC code including parameter effect of core inlet subcooling, core flooding rate, core configuration, core power, system pressure, initial clad temperature and so on. The peak clad temperature was predicted within an error of 50 K. Based on these assessment results, it is verified that the core thermal hydraulic behaviors during the reflood can be predicted excellently with the REFLA/TRAC code under various conditions where the reflood may occur in a PWR LOCA. (author)

  8. A code reviewer assignment model incorporating the competence differences and participant preferences

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wang Yanqing


    Full Text Available A good assignment of code reviewers can effectively utilize the intellectual resources, assure code quality and improve programmers’ skills in software development. However, little research on reviewer assignment of code review has been found. In this study, a code reviewer assignment model is created based on participants’ preference to reviewing assignment. With a constraint of the smallest size of a review group, the model is optimized to maximize review outcomes and avoid the negative impact of “mutual admiration society”. This study shows that the reviewer assignment strategies incorporating either the reviewers’ preferences or the authors’ preferences get much improvement than a random assignment. The strategy incorporating authors’ preference makes higher improvement than that incorporating reviewers’ preference. However, when the reviewers’ and authors’ preference matrixes are merged, the improvement becomes moderate. The study indicates that the majority of the participants have a strong wish to work with reviewers and authors having highest competence. If we want to satisfy the preference of both reviewers and authors at the same time, the overall improvement of learning outcomes may be not the best.

  9. Beyond the Business Model: Incentives for Organizations to Publish Software Source Code (United States)

    Lindman, Juho; Juutilainen, Juha-Pekka; Rossi, Matti

    The software stack opened under Open Source Software (OSS) licenses is growing rapidly. Commercial actors have released considerable amounts of previously proprietary source code. These actions beg the question why companies choose a strategy based on giving away software assets? Research on outbound OSS approach has tried to answer this question with the concept of the “OSS business model”. When studying the reasons for code release, we have observed that the business model concept is too generic to capture the many incentives organizations have. Conversely, in this paper we investigate empirically what the companies’ incentives are by means of an exploratory case study of three organizations in different stages of their code release. Our results indicate that the companies aim to promote standardization, obtain development resources, gain cost savings, improve the quality of software, increase the trustworthiness of software, or steer OSS communities. We conclude that future research on outbound OSS could benefit from focusing on the heterogeneous incentives for code release rather than on revenue models.

  10. Modelling of LOCA Tests with the BISON Fuel Performance Code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Williamson, Richard L [Idaho National Laboratory; Pastore, Giovanni [Idaho National Laboratory; Novascone, Stephen Rhead [Idaho National Laboratory; Spencer, Benjamin Whiting [Idaho National Laboratory; Hales, Jason Dean [Idaho National Laboratory


    BISON is a modern finite-element based, multidimensional nuclear fuel performance code that is under development at Idaho National Laboratory (USA). Recent advances of BISON include the extension of the code to the analysis of LWR fuel rod behaviour during loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs). In this work, BISON models for the phenomena relevant to LWR cladding behaviour during LOCAs are described, followed by presentation of code results for the simulation of LOCA tests. Analysed experiments include separate effects tests of cladding ballooning and burst, as well as the Halden IFA-650.2 fuel rod test. Two-dimensional modelling of the experiments is performed, and calculations are compared to available experimental data. Comparisons include cladding burst pressure and temperature in separate effects tests, as well as the evolution of fuel rod inner pressure during ballooning and time to cladding burst. Furthermore, BISON three-dimensional simulations of separate effects tests are performed, which demonstrate the capability to reproduce the effect of azimuthal temperature variations in the cladding. The work has been carried out in the frame of the collaboration between Idaho National Laboratory and Halden Reactor Project, and the IAEA Coordinated Research Project FUMAC.

  11. Testing of the PELSHIE shielding code using Benchmark problems and other special shielding models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Language, A.E.; Sartori, D.E.; De Beer, G.P.


    The PELSHIE shielding code for gamma rays from point and extended sources was written in 1971 and a revised version was published in October 1979. At Pelindaba the program is used extensively due to its flexibility and ease of use for a wide range of problems. The testing of PELSHIE results with the results of a range of models and so-called Benchmark problems is desirable to determine possible weaknesses in PELSHIE. Benchmark problems, experimental data, and shielding models, some of which were resolved by the discrete-ordinates method with the ANISN and DOT 3.5 codes, were used for the efficiency test. The description of the models followed the pattern of a classical shielding problem. After the intercomparison with six different models, the usefulness of the PELSHIE code was quantitatively determined [af

  12. Samovar: a thermomechanical code for modeling of geodynamic processes in the lithosphere-application to basin evolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elesin, Y; Gerya, T; Artemieva, Irina


    We present a new 2D finite difference code, Samovar, for high-resolution numerical modeling of complex geodynamic processes. Examples are collision of lithospheric plates (including mountain building and subduction) and lithosphere extension (including formation of sedimentary basins, regions...... of extended crust, and rift zones). The code models deformation of the lithosphere with viscoelastoplastic rheology, including erosion/sedimentation processes and formation of shear zones in areas of high stresses. It also models steady-state and transient conductive and advective thermal processes including...... partial melting and magma transport in the lithosphere. The thermal and mechanical parts of the code are tested for a series of physical problems with analytical solutions. We apply the code to geodynamic modeling by examining numerically the processes of lithosphere extension and basin formation...

  13. An evolutionary model for protein-coding regions with conserved RNA structure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jakob Skou; Forsberg, Roald; Meyer, Irmtraud Margret


    in the RNA structure. The overlap of these fundamental dependencies is sufficient to cause "contagious" context dependencies which cascade across many nucleotide sites. Such large-scale dependencies challenge the use of traditional phylogenetic models in evolutionary inference because they explicitly assume...... components of traditional phylogenetic models. We applied this to a data set of full-genome sequences from the hepatitis C virus where five RNA structures are mapped within the coding region. This allowed us to partition the effects of selection on different structural elements and to test various hypotheses......Here we present a model of nucleotide substitution in protein-coding regions that also encode the formation of conserved RNA structures. In such regions, apparent evolutionary context dependencies exist, both between nucleotides occupying the same codon and between nucleotides forming a base pair...

  14. Approaches in highly parameterized inversion - PEST++, a Parameter ESTimation code optimized for large environmental models (United States)

    Welter, David E.; Doherty, John E.; Hunt, Randall J.; Muffels, Christopher T.; Tonkin, Matthew J.; Schreuder, Willem A.


    An object-oriented parameter estimation code was developed to incorporate benefits of object-oriented programming techniques for solving large parameter estimation modeling problems. The code is written in C++ and is a formulation and expansion of the algorithms included in PEST, a widely used parameter estimation code written in Fortran. The new code is called PEST++ and is designed to lower the barriers of entry for users and developers while providing efficient algorithms that can accommodate large, highly parameterized problems. This effort has focused on (1) implementing the most popular features of PEST in a fashion that is easy for novice or experienced modelers to use and (2) creating a software design that is easy to extend; that is, this effort provides a documented object-oriented framework designed from the ground up to be modular and extensible. In addition, all PEST++ source code and its associated libraries, as well as the general run manager source code, have been integrated in the Microsoft Visual Studio® 2010 integrated development environment. The PEST++ code is designed to provide a foundation for an open-source development environment capable of producing robust and efficient parameter estimation tools for the environmental modeling community into the future.

  15. Physicochemical analog for modeling superimposed and coded memories (United States)

    Ensanian, Minas


    The mammalian brain is distinguished by a life-time of memories being stored within the same general region of physicochemical space, and having two extraordinary features. First, memories to varying degrees are superimposed, as well as coded. Second, instantaneous recall of past events can often be affected by relatively simple, and seemingly unrelated sensory clues. For the purposes of attempting to mathematically model such complex behavior, and for gaining additional insights, it would be highly advantageous to be able to simulate or mimic similar behavior in a nonbiological entity where some analogical parameters of interest can reasonably be controlled. It has recently been discovered that in nonlinear accumulative metal fatigue memories (related to mechanical deformation) can be superimposed and coded in the crystal lattice, and that memory, that is, the total number of stress cycles can be recalled (determined) by scanning not the surfaces but the `edges' of the objects. The new scanning technique known as electrotopography (ETG) now makes the state space modeling of metallic networks possible. The author provides an overview of the new field and outlines the areas that are of immediate interest to the science of artificial neural networks.

  16. On boundary layer modelling using the ASTEC code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, B.L.


    The modelling of fluid boundary layers adjacent to non-slip, heated surface using the ASTEC code is described. The pricipal boundary layer characteristics are derived using simple dimensional arguments and these are developed into criteria for optimum placement of the computational mesh to achieve realistic simulation. In particular, the need for externally-imposed drag and heat transfer correlations as a function of the local mesh concentration is discussed in the context of both laminar and turbulent flow conditions. Special emphasis is placed in the latter case on the (k-ε) turbulence model, which is standard in the code. As far as possible, the analyses are pursued from first principles, so that no comprehensive knowledge of the history of the subject is required for the general ASTEC user to derive practical advice from the document. Some attention is paid to the use of heat transfer correlations for internal solid/fluid surfaces, whose treatment is not straightforward in ASTEC. It is shown that three formulations are possible to effect the heat transfer, called Explicit, Jacobian and Implicit. The particular advantages and disadvantages of each are discussed with regard to numerical stability and computational efficiency. (author) 18 figs., 1 tab., 39 refs

  17. ABAREX -- A neutron spherical optical-statistical-model code -- A user`s manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, A.B. [ed.; Lawson, R.D.


    The contemporary version of the neutron spherical optical-statistical-model code ABAREX is summarized with the objective of providing detailed operational guidance for the user. The physical concepts involved are very briefly outlined. The code is described in some detail and a number of explicit examples are given. With this document one should very quickly become fluent with the use of ABAREX. While the code has operated on a number of computing systems, this version is specifically tailored for the VAX/VMS work station and/or the IBM-compatible personal computer.

  18. Code Shift: Grid Specifications and Dynamic Wind Turbine Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ackermann, Thomas; Ellis, Abraham; Fortmann, Jens


    Grid codes (GCs) and dynamic wind turbine (WT) models are key tools to allow increasing renewable energy penetration without challenging security of supply. In this article, the state of the art and the further development of both tools are discussed, focusing on the European and North American e...

  19. Aztheca Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quezada G, S.; Espinosa P, G.; Centeno P, J.; Sanchez M, H.


    This paper presents the Aztheca code, which is formed by the mathematical models of neutron kinetics, power generation, heat transfer, core thermo-hydraulics, recirculation systems, dynamic pressure and level models and control system. The Aztheca code is validated with plant data, as well as with predictions from the manufacturer when the reactor operates in a stationary state. On the other hand, to demonstrate that the model is applicable during a transient, an event occurred in a nuclear power plant with a BWR reactor is selected. The plant data are compared with the results obtained with RELAP-5 and the Aztheca model. The results show that both RELAP-5 and the Aztheca code have the ability to adequately predict the behavior of the reactor. (Author)

  20. Hitch code capabilities for modeling AVT chemistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leibovitz, J.


    Several types of corrosion have damaged alloy 600 tubing in the secondary side of steam generators. The types of corrosion include wastage, denting, intergranular attack, stress corrosion, erosion-corrosion, etc. The environments which cause attack may originate from leaks of cooling water into the condensate, etc. When the contaminated feedwater is pumped into the generator, the impurities may concentrate first 200 to 400 fold in the bulk water, depending on the blowdown, and then further to saturation and dryness in heated tube support plate crevices. Characterization of local solution chemistries is the first step to predict and correct the type of corrosion that can occur. The pH is of particular importance because it is a major factor governing the rate of corrosion reactions. The pH of a solution at high temperature is not the same as the ambient temperature, since ionic dissociation constants, solubility and solubility products, activity coefficients, etc., all change with temperature. Because the high temperature chemistry of such solutions is not readily characterized experimentally, modeling techniques were developed under EPRI sponsorship to calculate the high temperature chemistry of the relevant solutions. In many cases, the effects of cooling water impurities on steam generator water chemistry with all volatile treatment (AVT), upon concentration by boiling, and in particular the resulting acid or base concentration can be calculated by a simple code, the HITCH code, which is very easy to use. The scope and applicability of the HITCH code are summarized

  1. Code Generation by Model Transformation : A Case Study in Transformation Modularity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hemel, Z.; Kats, L.C.L.; Visser, E.


    Preprint of paper published in: Theory and Practice of Model Transformations (ICMT 2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5063; doi:10.1007/978-3-540-69927-9_13 The realization of model-driven software development requires effective techniques for implementing code generators for domain-specific

  2. Modeling of BWR core meltdown accidents - for application in the MELRPI. MOD2 computer code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koh, B R; Kim, S H; Taleyarkhan, R P; Podowski, M Z; Lahey, Jr, R T


    This report summarizes improvements and modifications made in the MELRPI computer code. A major difference between this new, updated version of the code, called MELRPI.MOD2, and the one reported previously, concerns the inclusion of a model for the BWR emergency core cooling systems (ECCS). This model and its computer implementation, the ECCRPI subroutine, account for various emergency injection modes, for both intact and rubblized geometries. Other changes to MELRPI deal with an improved model for canister wall oxidation, rubble bed modeling, and numerical integration of system equations. A complete documentation of the entire MELRPI.MOD2 code is also given, including an input guide, list of subroutines, sample input/output and program listing.

  3. Optical model calculations with the code ECIS95

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carlson, B V [Departamento de Fisica, Instituto Tecnologico da Aeronautica, Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial (Brazil)


    The basic features of elastic and inelastic scattering within the framework of the spherical and deformed nuclear optical models are discussed. The calculation of cross sections, angular distributions and other scattering quantities using J. Raynal's code ECIS95 is described. The use of the ECIS method (Equations Couplees en Iterations Sequentielles) in coupled-channels and distorted-wave Born approximation calculations is also reviewed. (author)

  4. a model for quantity estimation for multi-coded team events

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Participation in multi-coded sports events often involves travel to international ... Medication use by Team south africa during the XXVIIIth olympiad: a model .... individual sports included in the programme (e.g. athletes involved in contact sports ...

  5. Allele coding in genomic evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christensen Ole F


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Genomic data are used in animal breeding to assist genetic evaluation. Several models to estimate genomic breeding values have been studied. In general, two approaches have been used. One approach estimates the marker effects first and then, genomic breeding values are obtained by summing marker effects. In the second approach, genomic breeding values are estimated directly using an equivalent model with a genomic relationship matrix. Allele coding is the method chosen to assign values to the regression coefficients in the statistical model. A common allele coding is zero for the homozygous genotype of the first allele, one for the heterozygote, and two for the homozygous genotype for the other allele. Another common allele coding changes these regression coefficients by subtracting a value from each marker such that the mean of regression coefficients is zero within each marker. We call this centered allele coding. This study considered effects of different allele coding methods on inference. Both marker-based and equivalent models were considered, and restricted maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods were used in inference. Results Theoretical derivations showed that parameter estimates and estimated marker effects in marker-based models are the same irrespective of the allele coding, provided that the model has a fixed general mean. For the equivalent models, the same results hold, even though different allele coding methods lead to different genomic relationship matrices. Calculated genomic breeding values are independent of allele coding when the estimate of the general mean is included into the values. Reliabilities of estimated genomic breeding values calculated using elements of the inverse of the coefficient matrix depend on the allele coding because different allele coding methods imply different models. Finally, allele coding affects the mixing of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms, with the centered coding being

  6. A generic method for automatic translation between input models for different versions of simulation codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serfontein, Dawid E.; Mulder, Eben J.; Reitsma, Frederik


    A computer code was developed for the semi-automatic translation of input models for the VSOP-A diffusion neutronics simulation code to the format of the newer VSOP 99/05 code. In this paper, this algorithm is presented as a generic method for producing codes for the automatic translation of input models from the format of one code version to another, or even to that of a completely different code. Normally, such translations are done manually. However, input model files, such as for the VSOP codes, often are very large and may consist of many thousands of numeric entries that make no particular sense to the human eye. Therefore the task, of for instance nuclear regulators, to verify the accuracy of such translated files can be very difficult and cumbersome. This may cause translation errors not to be picked up, which may have disastrous consequences later on when a reactor with such a faulty design is built. Therefore a generic algorithm for producing such automatic translation codes may ease the translation and verification process to a great extent. It will also remove human error from the process, which may significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of the process. The developed algorithm also automatically creates a verification log file which permanently record the names and values of each variable used, as well as the list of meanings of all the possible values. This should greatly facilitate reactor licensing applications

  7. A generic method for automatic translation between input models for different versions of simulation codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serfontein, Dawid E., E-mail: [School of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, North West University (PUK-Campus), PRIVATE BAG X6001 (Internal Post Box 360), Potchefstroom 2520 (South Africa); Mulder, Eben J. [School of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, North West University (South Africa); Reitsma, Frederik [Calvera Consultants (South Africa)


    A computer code was developed for the semi-automatic translation of input models for the VSOP-A diffusion neutronics simulation code to the format of the newer VSOP 99/05 code. In this paper, this algorithm is presented as a generic method for producing codes for the automatic translation of input models from the format of one code version to another, or even to that of a completely different code. Normally, such translations are done manually. However, input model files, such as for the VSOP codes, often are very large and may consist of many thousands of numeric entries that make no particular sense to the human eye. Therefore the task, of for instance nuclear regulators, to verify the accuracy of such translated files can be very difficult and cumbersome. This may cause translation errors not to be picked up, which may have disastrous consequences later on when a reactor with such a faulty design is built. Therefore a generic algorithm for producing such automatic translation codes may ease the translation and verification process to a great extent. It will also remove human error from the process, which may significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of the process. The developed algorithm also automatically creates a verification log file which permanently record the names and values of each variable used, as well as the list of meanings of all the possible values. This should greatly facilitate reactor licensing applications.

  8. A Dual Coding Theoretical Model of Decoding in Reading: Subsuming the LaBerge and Samuels Model (United States)

    Sadoski, Mark; McTigue, Erin M.; Paivio, Allan


    In this article we present a detailed Dual Coding Theory (DCT) model of decoding. The DCT model reinterprets and subsumes The LaBerge and Samuels (1974) model of the reading process which has served well to account for decoding behaviors and the processes that underlie them. However, the LaBerge and Samuels model has had little to say about…

  9. Time-domain modeling of electromagnetic diffusion with a frequency-domain code

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mulder, W.A.; Wirianto, M.; Slob, E.C.


    We modeled time-domain EM measurements of induction currents for marine and land applications with a frequency-domain code. An analysis of the computational complexity of a number of numerical methods shows that frequency-domain modeling followed by a Fourier transform is an attractive choice if a

  10. Recent progress of an integrated implosion code and modeling of element physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagatomo, H.; Takabe, H.; Mima, K.; Ohnishi, N.; Sunahara, A.; Takeda, T.; Nishihara, K.; Nishiguchu, A.; Sawada, K.


    Physics of the inertial fusion is based on a variety of elements such as compressible hydrodynamics, radiation transport, non-ideal equation of state, non-LTE atomic process, and relativistic laser plasma interaction. In addition, implosion process is not in stationary state and fluid dynamics, energy transport and instabilities should be solved simultaneously. In order to study such complex physics, an integrated implosion code including all physics important in the implosion process should be developed. The details of physics elements should be studied and the resultant numerical modeling should be installed in the integrated code so that the implosion can be simulated with available computer within realistic CPU time. Therefore, this task can be basically separated into two parts. One is to integrate all physics elements into a code, which is strongly related to the development of hydrodynamic equation solver. We have developed 2-D integrated implosion code which solves mass, momentum, electron energy, ion energy, equation of states, laser ray-trace, laser absorption radiation, surface tracing and so on. The reasonable results in simulating Rayleigh-Taylor instability and cylindrical implosion are obtained using this code. The other is code development on each element physics and verification of these codes. We had progress in developing a nonlocal electron transport code and 2 and 3 dimension radiation hydrodynamic code. (author)

  11. Blackout sequence modeling for Atucha-I with MARCH3 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baron, J.; Bastianelli, B.


    The modeling of a blackout sequence in Atucha I nuclear power plant is presented in this paper, as a preliminary phase for a level II probabilistic safety assessment. Such sequence is analyzed with the code MARCH3 from STCP (Source Term Code Package), based on a specific model developed for Atucha, that takes into accounts it peculiarities. The analysis includes all the severe accident phases, from the initial transient (loss of heat sink), loss of coolant through the safety valves, core uncovered, heatup, metal-water reaction, melting and relocation, heatup and failure of the pressure vessel, core-concrete interaction in the reactor cavity, heatup and failure of the containment building (multi-compartmented) due to quasi-static overpressurization. The results obtained permit to visualize the time sequence of these events, as well as provide the basis for source term studies. (author) [es

  12. SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD 3.1 code manual: Damage progression model theory. Volume 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, K.L.


    The SCDAP/RELAP5 code has been developed for best estimate transient simulation of light water reactor coolant systems during a severe accident. The code models the coupled behavior of the reactor coolant system, the core, fission products released during a severe accident transient as well as large and small break loss of coolant accidents, operational transients such as anticipated transient without SCRAM, loss of offsite power, loss of feedwater, and loss of flow. A generic modeling approach is used that permits as much of a particular system to be modeled as necessary. Control system and secondary system components are included to permit modeling of plant controls, turbines, condensers, and secondary feedwater conditioning systems. This volume contains detailed descriptions of the severe accident models and correlations. It provides the user with the underlying assumptions and simplifications used to generate and implement the basic equations into the code, so an intelligent assessment of the applicability and accuracy of the resulting calculation can be made

  13. SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD 3.1 code manual: Damage progression model theory. Volume 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Davis, K.L. [ed.; Allison, C.M.; Berna, G.A. [Lockheed Idaho Technologies Co., Idaho Falls, ID (United States)] [and others


    The SCDAP/RELAP5 code has been developed for best estimate transient simulation of light water reactor coolant systems during a severe accident. The code models the coupled behavior of the reactor coolant system, the core, fission products released during a severe accident transient as well as large and small break loss of coolant accidents, operational transients such as anticipated transient without SCRAM, loss of offsite power, loss of feedwater, and loss of flow. A generic modeling approach is used that permits as much of a particular system to be modeled as necessary. Control system and secondary system components are included to permit modeling of plant controls, turbines, condensers, and secondary feedwater conditioning systems. This volume contains detailed descriptions of the severe accident models and correlations. It provides the user with the underlying assumptions and simplifications used to generate and implement the basic equations into the code, so an intelligent assessment of the applicability and accuracy of the resulting calculation can be made.

  14. Modelling of water sump evaporation in a CFD code for nuclear containment studies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malet, J., E-mail: jeanne.malet@irsn.f [Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety, DSU/SERAC/LEMAC, BP68 - 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex (France); Bessiron, M., E-mail: matthieu.bessiron@irsn.f [Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety, DSU/SERAC/LEMAC, BP68 - 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex (France); Perrotin, C., E-mail: christophe.perrotin@irsn.f [Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety, DSU/SERAC/LEMAC, BP68 - 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex (France)


    Highlights: We model sump evaporation in the reactor containment for CFD codes. The sump is modelled by an interface temperature and an evaporation mass flow-rate. These two variables are modelled using energy and mass balance. Results are compared with specific experiments in a 7 m3 vessel (Tonus Qualification ANalytique, TOSQAN). A good agreement is observed, for pressure, temperatures, mass flow-rates. - Abstract: During the course of a hypothetical severe accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR), water can be collected in the sump containment through steam condensation on walls and spray systems activation. This water is generally under evaporation conditions. The objective of this paper is twofold: to present a sump model developed using external user-defined functions for the TONUS-CFD code and to perform a first detailed comparison of the model results with experimental data. The sump model proposed here is based on energy and mass balance and leads to a good agreement between the numerical and the experimental results. Such a model can be rather easily added to any CFD code for which boundary conditions, such as injection temperature and mass flow-rate, can be modified by external user-defined functions, depending on the atmosphere conditions.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ningsi Soisana Lakilaf


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa  setelah penerapan model pembelajaran Think-Pear-Share bermediakan gambar pada siswa kelas II Semester I di SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa, Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018.Pelaksanaan penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 silklus,  setiap siklus  terdiri dari 2 pertemua, dengan tahapan yang terdiri dari (1 perencanaan, (2 pelaksanaan, (3 pengamatan, dan (4 refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas II SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa  dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik tes dan nontes.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Think-Pair-Share bermedia gamabar diketahui bahwa ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan dalam pembelajaran dengan hasil presentasi mendeskripsikan secara tertulis sebelum pelaksanaan tindakan 27%, siklus I 77% dan Siklus II 90 %. Pembelajaran dengan menerapkan model Think-Pair-Share bermedia gambar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah melalui penerapan model Think- Pair-Share bermedia gambar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan  menulis siswa kelas II SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa,. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah sebaiknya guru lebih aktif dan kreatif dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan menyenangkan.   Kata Kunci : Keterampilan menulis, model Think-Pair-Share

  16. Coding in pigeons: Multiple-coding versus single-code/default strategies. (United States)

    Pinto, Carlos; Machado, Armando


    To investigate the coding strategies that pigeons may use in a temporal discrimination tasks, pigeons were trained on a matching-to-sample procedure with three sample durations (2s, 6s and 18s) and two comparisons (red and green hues). One comparison was correct following 2-s samples and the other was correct following both 6-s and 18-s samples. Tests were then run to contrast the predictions of two hypotheses concerning the pigeons' coding strategies, the multiple-coding and the single-code/default. According to the multiple-coding hypothesis, three response rules are acquired, one for each sample. According to the single-code/default hypothesis, only two response rules are acquired, one for the 2-s sample and a "default" rule for any other duration. In retention interval tests, pigeons preferred the "default" key, a result predicted by the single-code/default hypothesis. In no-sample tests, pigeons preferred the key associated with the 2-s sample, a result predicted by multiple-coding. Finally, in generalization tests, when the sample duration equaled 3.5s, the geometric mean of 2s and 6s, pigeons preferred the key associated with the 6-s and 18-s samples, a result predicted by the single-code/default hypothesis. The pattern of results suggests the need for models that take into account multiple sources of stimulus control. © Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

  17. A Test of Two Alternative Cognitive Processing Models: Learning Styles and Dual Coding (United States)

    Cuevas, Joshua; Dawson, Bryan L.


    This study tested two cognitive models, learning styles and dual coding, which make contradictory predictions about how learners process and retain visual and auditory information. Learning styles-based instructional practices are common in educational environments despite a questionable research base, while the use of dual coding is less…

  18. Tokamak Systems Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reid, R.L.; Barrett, R.J.; Brown, T.G.


    The FEDC Tokamak Systems Code calculates tokamak performance, cost, and configuration as a function of plasma engineering parameters. This version of the code models experimental tokamaks. It does not currently consider tokamak configurations that generate electrical power or incorporate breeding blankets. The code has a modular (or subroutine) structure to allow independent modeling for each major tokamak component or system. A primary benefit of modularization is that a component module may be updated without disturbing the remainder of the systems code as long as the imput to or output from the module remains unchanged

  19. A critical flow model for the Cathena thermalhydraulic code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Popov, N.K.; Hanna, B.N.


    The calculation of critical flow rate, e.g., of choked flow through a break, is required for simulating a loss of coolant transient in a reactor or reactor-like experimental facility. A model was developed to calculate the flow rate through the break for given geometrical parameters near the break and fluid parameters upstream of the break for ordinary water, as well as heavy water, with or without non- condensible gases. This model has been incorporated in the CATHENA, one-dimensional, two-fluid thermalhydraulic code. In the CATHENA code a standard staggered-mesh, finite-difference representation is used to solve the thermalhydraulic equations. This model compares the fluid mixture velocity, calculated using the CATHENA momentum equations, with a critical velocity. When the mixture velocity is smaller than the critical velocity, the flow is assumed to be subcritical, and the model remains passive. When the fluid mixture velocity is higher than the critical velocity, the model sets the fluid mixture velocity equal to the critical velocity. In this paper the critical velocity at a link (momentum cell) is first estimated separately for single-phase liquid, two- phase, or single-phase gas flow condition at the upstream node (mass/energy cell). In all three regimes non-condensible gas can be present in the flow. For single-phase liquid flow, the critical velocity is estimated using a Bernoulli- type of equation, the pressure at the link is estimated by the pressure undershoot method

  20. Implementation into a CFD code of neutron kinetics and fuel pin models for nuclear reactor transient analyses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Zhao; Chen, Xue-Nong; Rineiski, Andrei; Zhao Pengcheng; Chen Hongli


    Safety analysis is an important tool for justifying the safety of nuclear reactors. The traditional method for nuclear reactor safety analysis is performed by means of system codes, which use one-dimensional lumped-parameter method to model real reactor systems. However, there are many multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulic phenomena cannot be predicated using traditional one-dimensional system codes. This problem is extremely important for pool-type nuclear systems. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes are powerful numerical simulation tools to solve multi-dimensional thermal-hydraulics problems, which are widely used in industrial applications for single phase flows. In order to use general CFD codes to solve nuclear reactor transient problems, some additional models beyond general ones are required. Neutron kinetics model for power calculation and fuel pin model for fuel pin temperature calculation are two important models of these additional models. The motivation of this work is to develop an advance numerical simulation method for nuclear reactor safety analysis by implementing neutron kinetics model and fuel pin model into general CFD codes. In this paper, the Point Kinetics Model (PKM) and Fuel Pin Model (FPM) are implemented into a general CFD code FLUENT. The improved FLUENT was called as FLUENT/PK. The mathematical models and implementary method of FLUENT/PK are descripted and two demonstration application cases, e.g. the unprotected transient overpower (UTOP) accident of a Liquid Metal cooled Fast Reactor (LMFR) and the unprotected beam overpower (UBOP) accident of an Accelerator Driven System (ADS), are presented. (author)

  1. Evolutionary modeling and prediction of non-coding RNAs in Drosophila.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert K Bradley


    Full Text Available We performed benchmarks of phylogenetic grammar-based ncRNA gene prediction, experimenting with eight different models of structural evolution and two different programs for genome alignment. We evaluated our models using alignments of twelve Drosophila genomes. We find that ncRNA prediction performance can vary greatly between different gene predictors and subfamilies of ncRNA gene. Our estimates for false positive rates are based on simulations which preserve local islands of conservation; using these simulations, we predict a higher rate of false positives than previous computational ncRNA screens have reported. Using one of the tested prediction grammars, we provide an updated set of ncRNA predictions for D. melanogaster and compare them to previously-published predictions and experimental data. Many of our predictions show correlations with protein-coding genes. We found significant depletion of intergenic predictions near the 3' end of coding regions and furthermore depletion of predictions in the first intron of protein-coding genes. Some of our predictions are colocated with larger putative unannotated genes: for example, 17 of our predictions showing homology to the RFAM family snoR28 appear in a tandem array on the X chromosome; the 4.5 Kbp spanned by the predicted tandem array is contained within a FlyBase-annotated cDNA.

  2. RELAP5-3D Code Includes ATHENA Features and Models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riemke, Richard A.; Davis, Cliff B.; Schultz, Richard R.


    Version 2.3 of the RELAP5-3D computer program includes all features and models previously available only in the ATHENA version of the code. These include the addition of new working fluids (i.e., ammonia, blood, carbon dioxide, glycerol, helium, hydrogen, lead-bismuth, lithium, lithium-lead, nitrogen, potassium, sodium, and sodium-potassium) and a magnetohydrodynamic model that expands the capability of the code to model many more thermal-hydraulic systems. In addition to the new working fluids along with the standard working fluid water, one or more noncondensable gases (e.g., air, argon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, helium, hydrogen, krypton, nitrogen, oxygen, SF 6 , xenon) can be specified as part of the vapor/gas phase of the working fluid. These noncondensable gases were in previous versions of RELAP5-3D. Recently four molten salts have been added as working fluids to RELAP5-3D Version 2.4, which has had limited release. These molten salts will be in RELAP5-3D Version 2.5, which will have a general release like RELAP5-3D Version 2.3. Applications that use these new features and models are discussed in this paper. (authors)

  3. Preliminary investigation study of code of developed country for developing Korean fuel cycle code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Chang Joon; Ko, Won Il; Lee, Ho Hee; Cho, Dong Keun; Park, Chang Je


    In order to develop Korean fuel cycle code, the analyses has been performed with the fuel cycle codes which are used in advanced country. Also, recommendations were proposed for future development. The fuel cycle codes are AS FLOOWS: VISTA which has been developed by IAEA, DANESS code which developed by ANL and LISTO, and VISION developed by INL for the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) system analysis. The recommended items were proposed for software, program scheme, material flow model, isotope decay model, environmental impact analysis model, and economics analysis model. The described things will be used for development of Korean nuclear fuel cycle code in future

  4. Code-switched English pronunciation modeling for Swahili spoken term detection

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Kleynhans, N


    Full Text Available Computer Science 81 ( 2016 ) 128 – 135 5th Workshop on Spoken Language Technology for Under-resourced Languages, SLTU 2016, 9-12 May 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Code-switched English Pronunciation Modeling for Swahili Spoken Term Detection Neil...

  5. EM modeling for GPIR using 3D FDTD modeling codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nelson, S.D.


    An analysis of the one-, two-, and three-dimensional electrical characteristics of structural cement and concrete is presented. This work connects experimental efforts in characterizing cement and concrete in the frequency and time domains with the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) modeling efforts of these substances. These efforts include Electromagnetic (EM) modeling of simple lossless homogeneous materials with aggregate and targets and the modeling dispersive and lossy materials with aggregate and complex target geometries for Ground Penetrating Imaging Radar (GPIR). Two- and three-dimensional FDTD codes (developed at LLNL) where used for the modeling efforts. Purpose of the experimental and modeling efforts is to gain knowledge about the electrical properties of concrete typically used in the construction industry for bridges and other load bearing structures. The goal is to optimize the performance of a high-sample-rate impulse radar and data acquisition system and to design an antenna system to match the characteristics of this material. Results show agreement to within 2 dB of the amplitudes of the experimental and modeled data while the frequency peaks correlate to within 10% the differences being due to the unknown exact nature of the aggregate placement.

  6. Phenomenological modeling of critical heat flux: The GRAMP code and its validation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmad, M.; Chandraker, D.K.; Hewitt, G.F.; Vijayan, P.K.; Walker, S.P.


    Highlights: ► Assessment of CHF limits is vital for LWR optimization and safety analysis. ► Phenomenological modeling is a valuable adjunct to pure empiricism. ► It is based on empirical representations of the (several, competing) phenomena. ► Phenomenological modeling codes making ‘aggregate’ predictions need careful assessment against experiments. ► The physical and mathematical basis of a phenomenological modeling code GRAMP is presented. ► The GRAMP code is assessed against measurements from BARC (India) and Harwell (UK), and the Look Up Tables. - Abstract: Reliable knowledge of the critical heat flux is vital for the design of light water reactors, for both safety and optimization. The use of wholly empirical correlations, or equivalently “Look Up Tables”, can be very effective, but is generally less so in more complex cases, and in particular cases where the heat flux is axially non-uniform. Phenomenological models are in principle more able to take into account of a wider range of conditions, with a less comprehensive coverage of experimental measurements. These models themselves are in part based upon empirical correlations, albeit of the more fundamental individual phenomena occurring, rather than the aggregate behaviour, and as such they too require experimental validation. In this paper we present the basis of a general-purpose phenomenological code, GRAMP, and then use two independent ‘direct’ sets of measurement, from BARC in India and from Harwell in the United Kingdom, and the large dataset embodied in the Look Up Tables, to perform a validation exercise on it. Very good agreement between predictions and experimental measurements is observed, adding to the confidence with which the phenomenological model can be used. Remaining important uncertainties in the phenomenological modeling of CHF, namely the importance of the initial entrained fraction on entry to annular flow, and the influence of the heat flux on entrainment rate

  7. Development and validation of a low-frequency modeling code for high-moment transmitter rod antennas (United States)

    Jordan, Jared Williams; Sternberg, Ben K.; Dvorak, Steven L.


    The goal of this research is to develop and validate a low-frequency modeling code for high-moment transmitter rod antennas to aid in the design of future low-frequency TX antennas with high magnetic moments. To accomplish this goal, a quasi-static modeling algorithm was developed to simulate finite-length, permeable-core, rod antennas. This quasi-static analysis is applicable for low frequencies where eddy currents are negligible, and it can handle solid or hollow cores with winding insulation thickness between the antenna's windings and its core. The theory was programmed in Matlab, and the modeling code has the ability to predict the TX antenna's gain, maximum magnetic moment, saturation current, series inductance, and core series loss resistance, provided the user enters the corresponding complex permeability for the desired core magnetic flux density. In order to utilize the linear modeling code to model the effects of nonlinear core materials, it is necessary to use the correct complex permeability for a specific core magnetic flux density. In order to test the modeling code, we demonstrated that it can accurately predict changes in the electrical parameters associated with variations in the rod length and the core thickness for antennas made out of low carbon steel wire. These tests demonstrate that the modeling code was successful in predicting the changes in the rod antenna characteristics under high-current nonlinear conditions due to changes in the physical dimensions of the rod provided that the flux density in the core was held constant in order to keep the complex permeability from changing.

  8. Guidelines for selecting codes for ground-water transport modeling of low-level waste burial sites. Executive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simmons, C.S.; Cole, C.R.


    This document was written to provide guidance to managers and site operators on how ground-water transport codes should be selected for assessing burial site performance. There is a need for a formal approach to selecting appropriate codes from the multitude of potentially useful ground-water transport codes that are currently available. Code selection is a problem that requires more than merely considering mathematical equation-solving methods. These guidelines are very general and flexible and are also meant for developing systems simulation models to be used to assess the environmental safety of low-level waste burial facilities. Code selection is only a single aspect of the overall objective of developing a systems simulation model for a burial site. The guidance given here is mainly directed toward applications-oriented users, but managers and site operators need to be familiar with this information to direct the development of scientifically credible and defensible transport assessment models. Some specific advice for managers and site operators on how to direct a modeling exercise is based on the following five steps: identify specific questions and study objectives; establish costs and schedules for achieving answers; enlist the aid of professional model applications group; decide on approach with applications group and guide code selection; and facilitate the availability of site-specific data. These five steps for managers/site operators are discussed in detail following an explanation of the nine systems model development steps, which are presented first to clarify what code selection entails

  9. Thermohydraulic modeling of nuclear thermal rockets: The KLAXON code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hall, M.L.; Rider, W.J.; Cappiello, M.W.


    The hydrogen flow from the storage tanks, through the reactor core, and out the nozzle of a Nuclear Thermal Rocket is an integral design consideration. To provide an analysis and design tool for this phenomenon, the KLAXON code is being developed. A shock-capturing numerical methodology is used to model the gas flow (the Harten, Lax, and van Leer method, as implemented by Einfeldt). Preliminary results of modeling the flow through the reactor core and nozzle are given in this paper

  10. A model of a code of ethics for tissue banks operating in developing countries. (United States)

    Morales Pedraza, Jorge


    Ethical practice in the field of tissue banking requires the setting of principles, the identification of possible deviations and the establishment of mechanisms that will detect and hinder abuses that may occur during the procurement, processing and distribution of tissues for transplantation. This model of a Code of Ethics has been prepared with the purpose of being used for the elaboration of a Code of Ethics for tissue banks operating in the Latin American and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific and the African regions in order to guide the day-to-day operation of these banks. The purpose of this model of Code of Ethics is to assist interested tissue banks in the preparation of their own Code of Ethics towards ensuring that the tissue bank staff support with their actions the mission and values associated with tissue banking.

  11. Modeling RIA scenarios with the FRAPTRAN and SCANAIR codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sagrado Garcia, I. C.; Vallejo, I.; Herranz, L. E.


    The need of defining new RIA safety criteria has pointed out the importance of performing a rigorous assessment of the transient codes capabilities. The present work is a comparative exercise devoted to identify the origin of the key deviations found between the predictions of FRAPTRAN-1.4 and SCANAIR-7.1. To do so, the calculations submitted by CIEMAT to the OECD/NEA RIA benchmark have been exploited. This work shows that deviations in clad temperatures mainly come from the treatment of the oxide layer. The systematically higher deformations calculated by FRAPTRAN-1.4 in early failed tests are caused by the different gap closure estimation. Besides, the dissimilarities observed in the FGR predictions are inherent to the different modeling strategies adopted in each code.

  12. Modeling RIA scenarios with the FRAPTRAN and SCANAIR codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sagrado Garcia, I. C.; Vallejo, I.; Herranz, L. E.


    The need of defining new RIA safety criteria has pointed out the importance of performing a rigorous assessment of the transient codes capabilities. The present work is a comparative exercise devoted to identify the origin of the key deviations found between the predictions of FRAPTRAN-1.4 and SCANAIR-7.1. To do so, the calculations submitted by CIEMAT to the OECD/NEA RIA benchmark have been exploited. This work shows that deviations in clad temperatures mainly come from the treatment of the oxide layer. The systematically higher deformations calculated by FRAPTRAN-1.4 in early failed tests are caused by the different gap closure estimation. Besides, the dissimilarities observed in the FGR predictions are inherent to the different modeling strategies adopted in each code.

  13. Development of computer code models for analysis of subassembly voiding in the LMFBR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hinkle, W.


    The research program discussed in this report was started in FY1979 under the combined sponsorship of the US Department of Energy (DOE), General Electric (GE) and Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory (HEDL). The objective of the program is to develop multi-dimensional computer codes which can be used for the analysis of subassembly voiding incoherence under postulated accident conditions in the LMFBR. Two codes are being developed in parallel. The first will use a two fluid (6 equation) model which is more difficult to develop but has the potential for providing a code with the utmost in flexibility and physical consistency for use in the long term. The other will use a mixture (< 6 equation) model which is less general but may be more amenable to interpretation and use of experimental data and therefore, easier to develop for use in the near term. To assure that the models developed are not design dependent, geometries and transient conditions typical of both foreign and US designs are being considered

  14. Nuclear model codes available at the Nuclear Energy Agency Computer Program Library (NEA-CPL)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sartori, E.; Garcia Viedma, L. de


    This paper briefly outlines the objectives of the NEA-CPL and its activities in the field of Nuclear Model Computer Codes. A short description of the computer codes available from the CPL in this field is also presented. (author)

  15. Description and assessment of structural and temperature models in the FRAP-T6 code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siefken, L.J.


    The FRAP-T6 code was developed at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) for the purpose of calculating the transient performance of light water reactor fuel rods during reactor transients ranging from mild operational transients to severe hypothetical loss-of-coolant accidents. An important application of the FRAP-T6 code is to calculate the structural performance of fuel rod cladding. The capabilities of the FRAP-T6 code are assessed by comparisons of code calculations with the measurements of several hundred in-pile experiments on fuel rods. The results of the assessments show that the code accurately and efficiently models the structural and thermal response of fuel rods

  16. DLLExternalCode

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    DLLExternalCode is the a general dynamic-link library (DLL) interface for linking GoldSim ( with external codes. The overall concept is to use GoldSim as top level modeling software with interfaces to external codes for specific calculations. The DLLExternalCode DLL that performs the linking function is designed to take a list of code inputs from GoldSim, create an input file for the external application, run the external code, and return a list of outputs, read from files created by the external application, back to GoldSim. Instructions for creating the input file, running the external code, and reading the output are contained in an instructions file that is read and interpreted by the DLL.

  17. Modeling the PUSPATI TRIGA Reactor using MCNP code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamad Hairie Rabir; Mark Dennis Usang; Naim Syauqi Hamzah; Julia Abdul Karim; Mohd Amin Sharifuldin Salleh


    The 1 MW TRIGA MARK II research reactor at Malaysian Nuclear Agency achieved initial criticality on June 28, 1982. The reactor is designed to effectively implement the various fields of basic nuclear research, manpower training, and production of radioisotopes. This paper describes the reactor parameters calculation for the PUSPATI TRIGA REACTOR (RTP); focusing on the application of the developed reactor 3D model for criticality calculation, analysis of power and neutron flux distribution and depletion study of TRIGA fuel. The 3D continuous energy Monte Carlo code MCNP was used to develop a versatile and accurate full model of the TRIGA reactor. The model represents in detailed all important components of the core and shielding with literally no physical approximation. (author)

  18. Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration within IEA Wind Task 23: Phase IV Results Regarding Floating Wind Turbine Modeling; Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jonkman, J.; Larsen, T.; Hansen, A.; Nygaard, T.; Maus, K.; Karimirad, M.; Gao, Z.; Moan, T.; Fylling, I.


    Offshore wind turbines are designed and analyzed using comprehensive simulation codes that account for the coupled dynamics of the wind inflow, aerodynamics, elasticity, and controls of the turbine, along with the incident waves, sea current, hydrodynamics, and foundation dynamics of the support structure. This paper describes the latest findings of the code-to-code verification activities of the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration, which operates under Subtask 2 of the International Energy Agency Wind Task 23. In the latest phase of the project, participants used an assortment of codes to model the coupled dynamic response of a 5-MW wind turbine installed on a floating spar buoy in 320 m of water. Code predictions were compared from load-case simulations selected to test different model features. The comparisons have resulted in a greater understanding of offshore floating wind turbine dynamics and modeling techniques, and better knowledge of the validity of various approximations. The lessons learned from this exercise have improved the participants' codes, thus improving the standard of offshore wind turbine modeling.

  19. Implementation of a structural dependent model for the superalloy IN738LC in ABAQUS-code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolters, J.; Betten, J.; Penkalla, H.J.


    Superalloys, mainly consisting of nickel, are used for applications in aerospace as well as in stationary gas turbines. In the temperature range above 800 C the blades, which are manufactured of these superalloys, are subjected to high centrifugal forces and thermal induced loads. For computer based analysis of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the blades models for the stress-strain behaviour are necessary. These models have to give a reliable description of the stress-strain behaviour, with emphasis on inelastic affects. The implementation of the model in finite element codes requires a numerical treatment of the constitutive equations with respect to the given interface of the used code. In this paper constitutive equations for the superalloy IN738LC are presented and the implementation in the finite element code ABAQUS with the numerical preparation of the model is described. In order to validate the model calculations were performed for simple uniaxial loading conditions as well as for a complete cross section of a turbine blade under combined thermal and mechanical loading. The achieved results were compared with those of additional calculations by using ABAQUS, including Norton's law, which was already implemented in this code. (orig.) [de

  20. The effect of hot spots upon swelling of Zircaloy cladding as modelled by the code CANSWEL-2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haste, T.J.; Gittus, J.H.


    The code CANSWEL-2 models cladding creep deformation under conditions relevant to a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) in a pressurised-water reactor (PWR). It can treat azimuthal non-uniformities in cladding thickness and temperature, and model the mechanical restraint imposed by the nearest neighbouring rods, including situations where cladding is forced into non-circular shapes. The physical and mechanical models used in the code are presented. Applications of the code are described, both as a stand-alone version and as part of the PWR LOCA code MABEL-2. Comparison with a limited number of relevant out-of-reactor creep strain experiments has generally shown encouraging agreement with the data. (author)

  1. Model-Based Least Squares Reconstruction of Coded Source Neutron Radiographs: Integrating the ORNL HFIR CG1D Source Model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos-Villalobos, Hector J [ORNL; Gregor, Jens [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK); Bingham, Philip R [ORNL


    At the present, neutron sources cannot be fabricated small and powerful enough in order to achieve high resolution radiography while maintaining an adequate flux. One solution is to employ computational imaging techniques such as a Magnified Coded Source Imaging (CSI) system. A coded-mask is placed between the neutron source and the object. The system resolution is increased by reducing the size of the mask holes and the flux is increased by increasing the size of the coded-mask and/or the number of holes. One limitation of such system is that the resolution of current state-of-the-art scintillator-based detectors caps around 50um. To overcome this challenge, the coded-mask and object are magnified by making the distance from the coded-mask to the object much smaller than the distance from object to detector. In previous work, we have shown via synthetic experiments that our least squares method outperforms other methods in image quality and reconstruction precision because of the modeling of the CSI system components. However, the validation experiments were limited to simplistic neutron sources. In this work, we aim to model the flux distribution of a real neutron source and incorporate such a model in our least squares computational system. We provide a full description of the methodology used to characterize the neutron source and validate the method with synthetic experiments.

  2. Energy Consumption Model and Measurement Results for Network Coding-enabled IEEE 802.11 Meshed Wireless Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paramanathan, Achuthan; Rasmussen, Ulrik Wilken; Hundebøll, Martin


    This paper presents an energy model and energy measurements for network coding enabled wireless meshed networks based on IEEE 802.11 technology. The energy model and the energy measurement testbed is limited to a simple Alice and Bob scenario. For this toy scenario we compare the energy usages...... for a system with and without network coding support. While network coding reduces the number of radio transmissions, the operational activity on the devices due to coding will be increased. We derive an analytical model for the energy consumption and compare it to real measurements for which we build...... a flexible, low cost tool to be able to measure at any given node in a meshed network. We verify the precision of our tool by comparing it to a sophisticated device. Our main results in this paper are the derivation of an analytical energy model, the implementation of a distributed energy measurement testbed...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Slamet Yulianto


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan proses pembelajaran PJOK yang dilakukan guru seiring dengan tuntutan perubahan kurikulum sebagai kompetensi keprofesionalan guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi untuk menggali data alamiah dari subjek guru PJOK. Pengumpulan data dilakukan oleh peneliti sebagai instrumen kunci dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen kepada subjek guru PJOK di SD inti kota Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, guru PJOK telah memenuhi standar profesi guru, guru PJOK telah memahami konsep perubahan kurikulum dan konsep PJOK, namun proses pembelajaran PJOK tidak maksimal sesuai dengan tuntutan perubahan kurikulum sebagai kompetensi keprofesionalan guru.

  4. A study on the dependency between turbulent models and mesh configurations of CFD codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bang, Jungjin; Heo, Yujin; Jerng, Dong-Wook


    This paper focuses on the analysis of the behavior of hydrogen mixing and hydrogen stratification, using the GOTHIC code and the CFD code. Specifically, we examined the mesh sensitivity and how the turbulence model affects hydrogen stratification or hydrogen mixing, depending on the mesh configuration. In this work, sensitivity analyses for the meshes and the turbulence models were conducted for missing and stratification phenomena. During severe accidents in a nuclear power plants, the generation of hydrogen may occur and this will complicate the atmospheric condition of the containment by causing stratification of air, steam, and hydrogen. This could significantly impact containment integrity analyses, as hydrogen could be accumulated in local region. From this need arises the importance of research about stratification of gases in the containment. Two computation fluid dynamics code, i.e. GOTHIC and STAR-CCM+ were adopted and the computational results were benchmarked against the experimental data from PANDA facility. The main findings observed through the present work can be summarized as follows: 1) In the case of the GOTHIC code, it was observed that the aspect ratio of the mesh was found more important than the mesh size. Also, if the number of the mesh is over 3,000, the effects of the turbulence models were marginal. 2) For STAR-CCM+, the tendency is quite different from the GOTHIC code. That is, the effects of the turbulence models were small for fewer number of the mesh, however, as the number of mesh increases, the effects of the turbulence models becomes significant. Another observation is that away from the injection orifice, the role of the turbulence models tended to be important due to the nature of mixing process and inducted jet stream

  5. A study on the dependency between turbulent models and mesh configurations of CFD codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bang, Jungjin; Heo, Yujin; Jerng, Dong-Wook [CAU, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    This paper focuses on the analysis of the behavior of hydrogen mixing and hydrogen stratification, using the GOTHIC code and the CFD code. Specifically, we examined the mesh sensitivity and how the turbulence model affects hydrogen stratification or hydrogen mixing, depending on the mesh configuration. In this work, sensitivity analyses for the meshes and the turbulence models were conducted for missing and stratification phenomena. During severe accidents in a nuclear power plants, the generation of hydrogen may occur and this will complicate the atmospheric condition of the containment by causing stratification of air, steam, and hydrogen. This could significantly impact containment integrity analyses, as hydrogen could be accumulated in local region. From this need arises the importance of research about stratification of gases in the containment. Two computation fluid dynamics code, i.e. GOTHIC and STAR-CCM+ were adopted and the computational results were benchmarked against the experimental data from PANDA facility. The main findings observed through the present work can be summarized as follows: 1) In the case of the GOTHIC code, it was observed that the aspect ratio of the mesh was found more important than the mesh size. Also, if the number of the mesh is over 3,000, the effects of the turbulence models were marginal. 2) For STAR-CCM+, the tendency is quite different from the GOTHIC code. That is, the effects of the turbulence models were small for fewer number of the mesh, however, as the number of mesh increases, the effects of the turbulence models becomes significant. Another observation is that away from the injection orifice, the role of the turbulence models tended to be important due to the nature of mixing process and inducted jet stream.

  6. Evaluation of dose calculation models for inhabited areas applicable in nuclear accident consequence assessment codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katalin Eged; Zoltan Kis; Natalia Semioschkina; Gabriele Voigt


    One of the objectives of the EC project EVANET-TERRA is to provide suitable inputs to the RODOS system. This study gives an overview on urban dose calculation models with special emphasis on the RECLAIM-EDEM2M and TEMAS-urban codes. The TEMAS-urban code is more complex compared to the RECLAIM-EDEM2M code although both models use similar and some times even same model parameters. The database and the way of its data collection as used in RECLAIM-EDEM2M is recommended as a preferred option because it contains many data from local and regional measurements. However in a decision situation the outputs of the TEMASurban model may better help stake holders by providing a ranking of the surfaces to be decontaminated. (author)

  7. Code Development for Control Design Applications: Phase I: Structural Modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bir, G. S.; Robinson, M.


    The design of integrated controls for a complex system like a wind turbine relies on a system model in an explicit format, e.g., state-space format. Current wind turbine codes focus on turbine simulation and not on system characterization, which is desired for controls design as well as applications like operating turbine model analysis, optimal design, and aeroelastic stability analysis. This paper reviews structural modeling that comprises three major steps: formation of component equations, assembly into system equations, and linearization

  8. EBT time-dependent point model code: description and user's guide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roberts, J.F.; Uckan, N.A.


    A D-T time-dependent point model has been developed to assess the energy balance in an EBT reactor plasma. Flexibility is retained in the model to permit more recent data to be incorporated as they become available from the theoretical and experimental studies. This report includes the physics models involved, the program logic, and a description of the variables and routines used. All the files necessary for execution are listed, and the code, including a post-execution plotting routine, is discussed

  9. Phonological coding during reading. (United States)

    Leinenger, Mallorie


    The exact role that phonological coding (the recoding of written, orthographic information into a sound based code) plays during silent reading has been extensively studied for more than a century. Despite the large body of research surrounding the topic, varying theories as to the time course and function of this recoding still exist. The present review synthesizes this body of research, addressing the topics of time course and function in tandem. The varying theories surrounding the function of phonological coding (e.g., that phonological codes aid lexical access, that phonological codes aid comprehension and bolster short-term memory, or that phonological codes are largely epiphenomenal in skilled readers) are first outlined, and the time courses that each maps onto (e.g., that phonological codes come online early [prelexical] or that phonological codes come online late [postlexical]) are discussed. Next the research relevant to each of these proposed functions is reviewed, discussing the varying methodologies that have been used to investigate phonological coding (e.g., response time methods, reading while eye-tracking or recording EEG and MEG, concurrent articulation) and highlighting the advantages and limitations of each with respect to the study of phonological coding. In response to the view that phonological coding is largely epiphenomenal in skilled readers, research on the use of phonological codes in prelingually, profoundly deaf readers is reviewed. Finally, implications for current models of word identification (activation-verification model, Van Orden, 1987; dual-route model, e.g., M. Coltheart, Rastle, Perry, Langdon, & Ziegler, 2001; parallel distributed processing model, Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989) are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved).

  10. Programming Entity Framework Code First

    CERN Document Server

    Lerman, Julia


    Take advantage of the Code First data modeling approach in ADO.NET Entity Framework, and learn how to build and configure a model based on existing classes in your business domain. With this concise book, you'll work hands-on with examples to learn how Code First can create an in-memory model and database by default, and how you can exert more control over the model through further configuration. Code First provides an alternative to the database first and model first approaches to the Entity Data Model. Learn the benefits of defining your model with code, whether you're working with an exis

  11. Modeling of the WWER-1000 fuel-rod behavior in steady-state condition with FRAPCONE-3 computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andreeva, Marina; Totev, Totju; Stoyanov, Stoyan


    It is presented within the paper the results of the modeling and the assessment of the integral code predictions of the WWER fuel-rod behavior in steady-state condition. The assessments in this paper have used the MASSIH and ANS 5.4 subroutine in the code. The modeling and calculations have been performed with FRAPCONE-3 computer code in Argonne National Laboratory, USA

  12. A new balance-of-plant model for the SASSYS-1 LMR systems analysis code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Briggs, L.L.


    In this paper, a balance-of-plant model is developed for the SASSYS code. This model represents the balance of plant as a network of components. It interfaces with the existing SASSYS code through the water side of the steam generator. The network representation provides a discretization of the mass, momentum, and energy equations and the equation of state and allows a simultaneous solution for the changes in pressure, flow, and enthalpy throughout the waterside system. The model has been tested for several types of transients and been found to perform both accurately and efficiently

  13. Thermal-hydraulic and aerosol containment phenomena modelling in ASTEC severe accident computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kljenak, Ivo; Dapper, Maik; Dienstbier, Jiri; Herranz, Luis E.; Koch, Marco K.; Fontanet, Joan


    Transients in containment systems of different scales (Phebus.FP containment, KAEVER vessel, Battelle Model Containment, LACE vessel and VVER-1000 nuclear power plant containment) involving thermal-hydraulic phenomena and aerosol behaviour, were simulated with the computer integral code ASTEC. The results of the simulations in the first four facilities were compared with experimental results, whereas the results of the simulated accident in the VVER-1000 containment were compared to results obtained with the MELCOR code. The main purpose of the simulations was the validation of the CPA module of the ASTEC code. The calculated results support the applicability of the code for predicting in-containment thermal-hydraulic and aerosol phenomena during a severe accident in a nuclear power plant.

  14. Kinetic models of gene expression including non-coding RNAs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhdanov, Vladimir P., E-mail: zhdanov@catalysis.r


    In cells, genes are transcribed into mRNAs, and the latter are translated into proteins. Due to the feedbacks between these processes, the kinetics of gene expression may be complex even in the simplest genetic networks. The corresponding models have already been reviewed in the literature. A new avenue in this field is related to the recognition that the conventional scenario of gene expression is fully applicable only to prokaryotes whose genomes consist of tightly packed protein-coding sequences. In eukaryotic cells, in contrast, such sequences are relatively rare, and the rest of the genome includes numerous transcript units representing non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). During the past decade, it has become clear that such RNAs play a crucial role in gene expression and accordingly influence a multitude of cellular processes both in the normal state and during diseases. The numerous biological functions of ncRNAs are based primarily on their abilities to silence genes via pairing with a target mRNA and subsequently preventing its translation or facilitating degradation of the mRNA-ncRNA complex. Many other abilities of ncRNAs have been discovered as well. Our review is focused on the available kinetic models describing the mRNA, ncRNA and protein interplay. In particular, we systematically present the simplest models without kinetic feedbacks, models containing feedbacks and predicting bistability and oscillations in simple genetic networks, and models describing the effect of ncRNAs on complex genetic networks. Mathematically, the presentation is based primarily on temporal mean-field kinetic equations. The stochastic and spatio-temporal effects are also briefly discussed.

  15. Aquelarre. A computer code for fast neutron cross sections from the statistical model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guasp, J.


    A Fortran V computer code for Univac 1108/6 using the partial statistical (or compound nucleus) model is described. The code calculates fast neutron cross sections for the (n, n'), (n, p), (n, d) and (n, α reactions and the angular distributions and Legendre moments.for the (n, n) and (n, n') processes in heavy and intermediate spherical nuclei. A local Optical Model with spin-orbit interaction for each level is employed, allowing for the width fluctuation and Moldauer corrections, as well as the inclusion of discrete and continuous levels. (Author) 67 refs

  16. HADES. A computer code for fast neutron cross section from the Optical Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guasp, J.; Navarro, C.


    A FORTRAN V computer code for UNIVAC 1108/6 using a local Optical Model with spin-orbit interaction is described. The code calculates fast neutron cross sections, angular distribution, and Legendre moments for heavy and intermediate spherical nuclei. It allows for the possibility of automatic variation of potential parameters for experimental data fitting. (Author) 55 refs

  17. Incorporation of the capillary hysteresis model HYSTR into the numerical code TOUGH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Niemi, A.; Bodvarsson, G.S.; Pruess, K.


    As part of the work performed to model flow in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain Nevada, a capillary hysteresis model has been developed. The computer program HYSTR has been developed to compute the hysteretic capillary pressure -- liquid saturation relationship through interpolation of tabulated data. The code can be easily incorporated into any numerical unsaturated flow simulator. A complete description of HYSTR, including a brief summary of the previous hysteresis literature, detailed description of the program, and instructions for its incorporation into a numerical simulator are given in the HYSTR user's manual (Niemi and Bodvarsson, 1991a). This report describes the incorporation of HYSTR into the numerical code TOUGH (Transport of Unsaturated Groundwater and Heat; Pruess, 1986). The changes made and procedures for the use of TOUGH for hysteresis modeling are documented

  18. Implementing the WebSocket Protocol Based on Formal Modelling and Automated Code Generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Kent Inge; Kristensen, Lars Michael


    with pragmatic annotations for automated code generation of protocol software. The contribution of this paper is an application of the approach as implemented in the PetriCode tool to obtain protocol software implementing the IETF WebSocket protocol. This demonstrates the scalability of our approach to real...... protocols. Furthermore, we perform formal verification of the CPN model prior to code generation, and test the implementation for interoperability against the Autobahn WebSocket test-suite resulting in 97% and 99% success rate for the client and server implementation, respectively. The tests show...

  19. Nuclear model codes and related software distributed by the OECD/NEA Data Bank

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sartori, E.


    Software and data for nuclear energy applications is acquired, tested and distributed by several information centres; in particular, relevant computer codes are distributed internationally by the OECD/NEA Data Bank (France) and by ESTSC and EPIC/RSIC (United States). This activity is coordinated among the centres and is extended outside the OECD area through an arrangement with the IAEA. This article covers more specifically the availability of nuclear model codes and also those codes which further process their results into data sets needed for specific nuclear application projects. (author). 2 figs

  20. Inclusion of models to describe severe accident conditions in the fuel simulation code DIONISIO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lemes, Martín; Soba, Alejandro [Sección Códigos y Modelos, Gerencia Ciclo del Combustible Nuclear, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Avenida General Paz 1499, 1650 San Martín, Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina); Daverio, Hernando [Gerencia Reactores y Centrales Nucleares, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Avenida General Paz 1499, 1650 San Martín, Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina); Denis, Alicia [Sección Códigos y Modelos, Gerencia Ciclo del Combustible Nuclear, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Avenida General Paz 1499, 1650 San Martín, Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    The simulation of fuel rod behavior is a complex task that demands not only accurate models to describe the numerous phenomena occurring in the pellet, cladding and internal rod atmosphere but also an adequate interconnection between them. In the last years several models have been incorporated to the DIONISIO code with the purpose of increasing its precision and reliability. After the regrettable events at Fukushima, the need for codes capable of simulating nuclear fuels under accident conditions has come forth. Heat removal occurs in a quite different way than during normal operation and this fact determines a completely new set of conditions for the fuel materials. A detailed description of the different regimes the coolant may exhibit in such a wide variety of scenarios requires a thermal-hydraulic formulation not suitable to be included in a fuel performance code. Moreover, there exist a number of reliable and famous codes that perform this task. Nevertheless, and keeping in mind the purpose of building a code focused on the fuel behavior, a subroutine was developed for the DIONISIO code that performs a simplified analysis of the coolant in a PWR, restricted to the more representative situations and provides to the fuel simulation the boundary conditions necessary to reproduce accidental situations. In the present work this subroutine is described and the results of different comparisons with experimental data and with thermal-hydraulic codes are offered. It is verified that, in spite of its comparative simplicity, the predictions of this module of DIONISIO do not differ significantly from those of the specific, complex codes.

  1. RAMONA-4B a computer code with three-dimensional neutron kinetics for BWR and SBWR system transient - models and correlations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rohatgi, U.S.; Cheng, H.S.; Khan, H.J.; Mallen, A.N.; Neymotin, L.Y.


    This document describes the major modifications and improvements made to the modeling of the RAMONA-3B/MOD0 code since 1981, when the code description and assessment report was completed. The new version of the code is RAMONA-4B. RAMONA-4B is a systems transient code for application to different versions of Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) such as the current BWR, the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR), and the Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (SBWR). This code uses a three-dimensional neutron kinetics model coupled with a multichannel, non-equilibrium, drift-flux, two-phase flow formulation of the thermal hydraulics of the reactor vessel. The code is designed to analyze a wide spectrum of BWR core and system transients and instability issues. Chapter 1 is an overview of the code`s capabilities and limitations; Chapter 2 discusses the neutron kinetics modeling and the implementation of reactivity edits. Chapter 3 is an overview of the heat conduction calculations. Chapter 4 presents modifications to the thermal-hydraulics model of the vessel, recirculation loop, steam separators, boron transport, and SBWR specific components. Chapter 5 describes modeling of the plant control and safety systems. Chapter 6 presents and modeling of Balance of Plant (BOP). Chapter 7 describes the mechanistic containment model in the code. The content of this report is complementary to the RAMONA-3B code description and assessment document. 53 refs., 81 figs., 13 tabs.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tjipto Subadi


    Full Text Available The study aimed to review and describe: 1 Coaching model of social sciences teacher in SMP Muhammadiyah Kartasura. 2 Test the validation of coaching model on social sciences teacher. This study used a qualitative approach of phenomenology. This study was conducted in SMP Muhammadiyah Kartasura, Sukoharjo district. The research design was classroom action research. The subject in this research were students, teachers, the principal. Data collection technique used observation, testing and interview. The interview process using theory of first and second order understanding. Data were analyzed using an interactive model included data reduction, data display, and conclusion. This study concluded that 1 Coaching Model of social sciences teacher in SMP Muhammadiyah Kartasura used modification lesson study approach. 2 Validation of the coaching model using two kinds of validation namely theory of validation and practice of validation.

  3. Overview of the Graphical User Interface for the GERM Code (GCR Event-Based Risk Model (United States)

    Kim, Myung-Hee; Cucinotta, Francis A.


    The descriptions of biophysical events from heavy ions are of interest in radiobiology, cancer therapy, and space exploration. The biophysical description of the passage of heavy ions in tissue and shielding materials is best described by a stochastic approach that includes both ion track structure and nuclear interactions. A new computer model called the GCR Event-based Risk Model (GERM) code was developed for the description of biophysical events from heavy ion beams at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). The GERM code calculates basic physical and biophysical quantities of high-energy protons and heavy ions that have been studied at NSRL for the purpose of simulating space radiobiological effects. For mono-energetic beams, the code evaluates the linear-energy transfer (LET), range (R), and absorption in tissue equivalent material for a given Charge (Z), Mass Number (A) and kinetic energy (E) of an ion. In addition, a set of biophysical properties are evaluated such as the Poisson distribution of ion or delta-ray hits for a specified cellular area, cell survival curves, and mutation and tumor probabilities. The GERM code also calculates the radiation transport of the beam line for either a fixed number of user-specified depths or at multiple positions along the Bragg curve of the particle. The contributions from primary ion and nuclear secondaries are evaluated. The GERM code accounts for the major nuclear interaction processes of importance for describing heavy ion beams, including nuclear fragmentation, elastic scattering, and knockout-cascade processes by using the quantum multiple scattering fragmentation (QMSFRG) model. The QMSFRG model has been shown to be in excellent agreement with available experimental data for nuclear fragmentation cross sections, and has been used by the GERM code for application to thick target experiments. The GERM code provides scientists participating in NSRL experiments with the data needed for the interpretation of their


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zumrotul Hasanah


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan hasil observasi di SMK Hidayah Semarang diketahui bahwa siswa di kelas XI AP 1 kurang aktif, malas, dan saling mengelompokan diri, di sisi lain guru lebih banyak mengajar dengan cara ceramah dan kurang memotivasi siswa. Akibatnya banyak siswa yang belum paham terhadap materi dan hasil belajarnya belum mencapai KKM. Kondisi tersebut perlu diperbaiki, salah satu alteratif yang dapat digunakan yaitu dengan penerapan model pembelajaran tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan dua siklus. Hasil penelitian siklus I menunjukkan� rata-rata keaktifan siswa sebesar 64%, kinerja guru dalam menyampaikan materi sebesar 70%, dan nilai rata-rata siswa 72. Selanjutnya pada siklus II diperoleh hasil rata-rata keaktifan siswa sebesar 70%, kinerja guru dalam menyampaikan materi sebesar 70%, dan nilai rata-rata siswa yaitu 78. Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ Based on the observation in SMK Hidayah Semarang, it shows that XI grade students of AP 1 were less active, lazy, and making gangs, another side teacher use conventional method and lacking motivation for students. Consequently students do not understand the subject and� achievements which has not passed on KKM. These condition need to be repaired, one of the alternative is by applying Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD. This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Cycle I shows that average activity of student is 64%, performance of teacher in presenting the lesson is 70%, and student average value is 72. Cycle II show that average activity of student is 70%, performance of teacher in presenting the lesson is 70%, and student average value is 78.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hasanah Zumrotun


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan hasil observasi di SMK Hidayah Semarang diketahui bahwa siswa di kelas XI AP 1 kurang aktif, malas, dan saling mengelompokan diri, di sisi lain guru lebih banyak mengajar dengan cara ceramah dan kurang memotivasi siswa. Akibatnya banyak siswa yang belum paham terhadap materi dan hasil belajarnya belum mencapai KKM. Kondisi tersebut perlu diperbaiki, salah satu alteratif yang dapat digunakan yaitu dengan penerapan model pembelajaran tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan dua siklus. Hasil penelitian siklus I menunjukkan �rata-rata keaktifan siswa sebesar 64%, kinerja guru dalam menyampaikan materi sebesar 70%, dan nilai rata-rata siswa 72. Selanjutnya pada siklus II diperoleh hasil rata-rata keaktifan siswa sebesar 70%, kinerja guru dalam menyampaikan materi sebesar 70%, dan nilai rata-rata siswa yaitu 78. Based on the observation in SMK Hidayah Semarang, it shows that XI grade students of AP 1 were less active, lazy, and making gangs, another side teacher use conventional method and lacking motivation for students. Consequently students do not understand the subject and �achievements which has not passed on KKM. These condition need to be repaired, one of the alternative is by applying Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD. This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Cycle I shows that average activity of student is 64%, performance of teacher in presenting the lesson is 70%, and student average value is 72. Cycle II show that average activity of student is 70%, performance of teacher in presenting the lesson is 70%, and student average value is 78.

  6. Sodium spray and jet fire model development within the CONTAIN-LMR code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scholtyssek, W.


    An assessment was made of the sodium spray fire model implemented in the CONTAIN code. The original droplet burn model, which was based on the NACOM code, was improved in several aspects, especially concerning evaluation of the droplet burning rate, reaction chemistry and heat balance, spray geometry and droplet motion, and consistency with CONTAIN standards of gas property evaluation. An additional droplet burning model based on a proposal by Krolikowski was made available to include the effect of the chemical equilibrium conditions at the flame temperature. The models were validated against single-droplet burn experiments as well as spray and jet fire experiments. Reasonable agreement was found between the two burn models and experimental data. When the gas temperature in the burning compartment reaches high values, the Krolikowski model seems to be preferable. Critical parameters for spray fire evaluation were found to be the spray characterization, especially the droplet size, which largely determines the burning efficiency, and heat transfer conditions at the interface between the atmosphere and structures, which controls the thermal hydraulic behavior in the burn compartment

  7. Model - Model Pembelajaran pada Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (PGMI STAIN Samarinda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syeh Hawib Hamzah


    Full Text Available The model of learning is a vital thing in education. A good appropriate model of learning could reach the goal of learning efficently and effectively. The lecturers of education and teacher training program of STAIN Samarinda implement a various teaching and learning models when they perform their teaching, such as: model of contectual teaching, social interaction, informational proces, personal-based learning, behaviorism, cooperative learning, and problem-based learning.

  8. Optimalisasi Pembelajaran IPS Pada Siswa Kelas VI Melalui Metode Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahfud Mahfud


    Full Text Available Peranan guru dalam pembelajaran IPS mempunyai hubungan erat dengan dengan cara mengaktifkan siswa dalam belajar, terutama dalam proses pengembangan kemampuan dan keterampilan.Untuk mengurangi sifat verbalisme siswa dan membantah pemahaman konsep yang terdapat dalam materi IPS yang terdapat di SD, guru diharapkan memiliki kemampuan untuk mengembangkan model interaktif dalam pembelajaran IPS serta mengidentifikasi sumber-sumber pelajaran. Salah satu model interaktif yang bisa diterapkan guru salah satunya adalah model pembelajaran kontekstual atau Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL. Pembelajarn kontekstual merupakan suatu proses yang bertujuan untuk membantu siswa memahami materi pelajaran yang sedang mereka pelajari dengan menghubungkan pokok materi pelajaran dengan penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Dari hasil kegiatan penelitian tindakan kelas yang telah dilakukan dalam dua siklus terhadap siswa kelas VIA di SDN Pinggir Papas 1 Kecamatan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep, dan berdasarkan seluruh pembahasan dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwaOptimalisasi Pembelajaran IPS pada Siswa Kelas VIAmelalui Metode Contextual Teaching And Learning(CTL dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa memahami materi pembelajaran IPS, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa, serta siswa menjadi aktif dan tertarik mengikuti proses pembelajaranyang dilaksanakan oleh guru di kelas.

  9. Theoretical Atomic Physics code development II: ACE: Another collisional excitation code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clark, R.E.H.; Abdallah, J. Jr.; Csanak, G.; Mann, J.B.; Cowan, R.D.


    A new computer code for calculating collisional excitation data (collision strengths or cross sections) using a variety of models is described. The code uses data generated by the Cowan Atomic Structure code or CATS for the atomic structure. Collisional data are placed on a random access file and can be displayed in a variety of formats using the Theoretical Atomic Physics Code or TAPS. All of these codes are part of the Theoretical Atomic Physics code development effort at Los Alamos. 15 refs., 10 figs., 1 tab

  10. Randomly dispersed particle fuel model in the PSG Monte Carlo neutron transport code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leppaenen, J.


    High-temperature gas-cooled reactor fuels are composed of thousands of microscopic fuel particles, randomly dispersed in a graphite matrix. The modelling of such geometry is complicated, especially using continuous-energy Monte Carlo codes, which are unable to apply any deterministic corrections in the calculation. This paper presents the geometry routine developed for modelling randomly dispersed particle fuels using the PSG Monte Carlo reactor physics code. The model is based on the delta-tracking method, and it takes into account the spatial self-shielding effects and the random dispersion of the fuel particles. The calculation routine is validated by comparing the results to reference MCNP4C calculations using uranium and plutonium based fuels. (authors)

  11. Status of emergency spray modelling in the integral code ASTEC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Plumecocq, W.; Passalacqua, R.


    Containment spray systems are emergency systems that would be used in very low probability events which may lead to severe accidents in Light Water Reactors. In most cases, the primary function of the spray would be to remove heat and condense steam in order to reduce pressure and temperature in the containment building. Spray would also wash out fission products (aerosols and gaseous species) from the containment atmosphere. The efficiency of the spray system in the containment depressurization as well as in the removal of aerosols, during a severe accident, depends on the evolution of the spray droplet size distribution with the height in the containment, due to kinetic and thermal relaxation, gravitational agglomeration and mass transfer with the gas. A model has been developed taking into account all of these phenomena. This model has been implemented in the ASTEC code with a validation of the droplets relaxation against the CARAIDAS experiment (IPSN). Applications of this modelling to a PWR 900, during a severe accident, with special emphasis on the effect of spray on containment hydrogen distribution have been performed in multi-compartment configuration with the ASTEC V0.3 code. (author)

  12. Sodium fast reactor gaps analysis of computer codes and models for accident analysis and reactor safety.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carbajo, Juan (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN); Jeong, Hae-Yong (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea); Wigeland, Roald (Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID); Corradini, Michael (University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI); Schmidt, Rodney Cannon; Thomas, Justin (Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL); Wei, Tom (Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL); Sofu, Tanju (Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL); Ludewig, Hans (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY); Tobita, Yoshiharu (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki-ken, Japan); Ohshima, Hiroyuki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki-ken, Japan); Serre, Frederic (Centre d' %C3%94etudes nucl%C3%94eaires de Cadarache %3CU%2B2013%3E CEA, France)


    This report summarizes the results of an expert-opinion elicitation activity designed to qualitatively assess the status and capabilities of currently available computer codes and models for accident analysis and reactor safety calculations of advanced sodium fast reactors, and identify important gaps. The twelve-member panel consisted of representatives from five U.S. National Laboratories (SNL, ANL, INL, ORNL, and BNL), the University of Wisconsin, the KAERI, the JAEA, and the CEA. The major portion of this elicitation activity occurred during a two-day meeting held on Aug. 10-11, 2010 at Argonne National Laboratory. There were two primary objectives of this work: (1) Identify computer codes currently available for SFR accident analysis and reactor safety calculations; and (2) Assess the status and capability of current US computer codes to adequately model the required accident scenarios and associated phenomena, and identify important gaps. During the review, panel members identified over 60 computer codes that are currently available in the international community to perform different aspects of SFR safety analysis for various event scenarios and accident categories. A brief description of each of these codes together with references (when available) is provided. An adaptation of the Predictive Capability Maturity Model (PCMM) for computational modeling and simulation is described for use in this work. The panel's assessment of the available US codes is presented in the form of nine tables, organized into groups of three for each of three risk categories considered: anticipated operational occurrences (AOOs), design basis accidents (DBA), and beyond design basis accidents (BDBA). A set of summary conclusions are drawn from the results obtained. At the highest level, the panel judged that current US code capabilities are adequate for licensing given reasonable margins, but expressed concern that US code development activities had stagnated and that the

  13. Inter-comparison of Computer Codes for TRISO-based Fuel Micro-Modeling and Performance Assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boer, Brian; Keun Jo, Chang; Wu, Wen; Ougouag, Abderrafi M.; McEachren, Donald; Venneri, Francesco


    The Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP), the Deep Burn Pebble Bed Reactor (DB-PBR) and the Deep Burn Prismatic Block Reactor (DB-PMR) are all based on fuels that use TRISO particles as their fundamental constituent. The TRISO particle properties include very high durability in radiation environments, hence the designs reliance on the TRISO to form the principal barrier to radioactive materials release. This durability forms the basis for the selection of this fuel type for applications such as Deep Bun (DB), which require exposures up to four times those expected for light water reactors. It follows that the study and prediction of the durability of TRISO particles must be carried as part of the safety and overall performance characterization of all the designs mentioned above. Such evaluations have been carried out independently by the performers of the DB project using independently developed codes. These codes, PASTA, PISA and COPA, incorporate models for stress analysis on the various layers of the TRISO particle (and of the intervening matrix material for some of them), model for fission products release and migration then accumulation within the SiC layer of the TRISO particle, just next to the layer, models for free oxygen and CO formation and migration to the same location, models for temperature field modeling within the various layers of the TRISO particle and models for the prediction of failure rates. All these models may be either internal to the code or external. This large number of models and the possibility of different constitutive data and model formulations and the possibility of a variety of solution techniques makes it highly unlikely that the model would give identical results in the modeling of identical situations. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of an inter-comparison between the codes and to identify areas of agreement and areas that need reconciliation. The inter-comparison has been carried out by the cooperating

  14. The RETRAN-03 computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paulsen, M.P.; McFadden, J.H.; Peterson, C.E.; McClure, J.A.; Gose, G.C.; Jensen, P.J.


    The RETRAN-03 code development effort is designed to overcome the major theoretical and practical limitations associated with the RETRAN-02 computer code. The major objectives of the development program are to extend the range of analyses that can be performed with RETRAN, to make the code more dependable and faster running, and to have a more transportable code. The first two objectives are accomplished by developing new models and adding other models to the RETRAN-02 base code. The major model additions for RETRAN-03 are as follows: implicit solution methods for the steady-state and transient forms of the field equations; additional options for the velocity difference equation; a new steady-state initialization option for computer low-power steam generator initial conditions; models for nonequilibrium thermodynamic conditions; and several special-purpose models. The source code and the environmental library for RETRAN-03 are written in standard FORTRAN 77, which allows the last objective to be fulfilled. Some models in RETRAN-02 have been deleted in RETRAN-03. In this paper the changes between RETRAN-02 and RETRAN-03 are reviewed

  15. Analysis of quantum error-correcting codes: Symplectic lattice codes and toric codes (United States)

    Harrington, James William

    Quantum information theory is concerned with identifying how quantum mechanical resources (such as entangled quantum states) can be utilized for a number of information processing tasks, including data storage, computation, communication, and cryptography. Efficient quantum algorithms and protocols have been developed for performing some tasks (e.g. , factoring large numbers, securely communicating over a public channel, and simulating quantum mechanical systems) that appear to be very difficult with just classical resources. In addition to identifying the separation between classical and quantum computational power, much of the theoretical focus in this field over the last decade has been concerned with finding novel ways of encoding quantum information that are robust against errors, which is an important step toward building practical quantum information processing devices. In this thesis I present some results on the quantum error-correcting properties of oscillator codes (also described as symplectic lattice codes) and toric codes. Any harmonic oscillator system (such as a mode of light) can be encoded with quantum information via symplectic lattice codes that are robust against shifts in the system's continuous quantum variables. I show the existence of lattice codes whose achievable rates match the one-shot coherent information over the Gaussian quantum channel. Also, I construct a family of symplectic self-dual lattices and search for optimal encodings of quantum information distributed between several oscillators. Toric codes provide encodings of quantum information into two-dimensional spin lattices that are robust against local clusters of errors and which require only local quantum operations for error correction. Numerical simulations of this system under various error models provide a calculation of the accuracy threshold for quantum memory using toric codes, which can be related to phase transitions in certain condensed matter models. I also present

  16. Present capabilities and new developments in antenna modeling with the numerical electromagnetics code NEC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burke, G.J.


    Computer modeling of antennas, since its start in the late 1960's, has become a powerful and widely used tool for antenna design. Computer codes have been developed based on the Method-of-Moments, Geometrical Theory of Diffraction, or integration of Maxwell's equations. Of such tools, the Numerical Electromagnetics Code-Method of Moments (NEC) has become one of the most widely used codes for modeling resonant sized antennas. There are several reasons for this including the systematic updating and extension of its capabilities, extensive user-oriented documentation and accessibility of its developers for user assistance. The result is that there are estimated to be several hundred users of various versions of NEC world wide. 23 refs., 10 figs.

  17. Channel modeling, signal processing and coding for perpendicular magnetic recording (United States)

    Wu, Zheng

    With the increasing areal density in magnetic recording systems, perpendicular recording has replaced longitudinal recording to overcome the superparamagnetic limit. Studies on perpendicular recording channels including aspects of channel modeling, signal processing and coding techniques are presented in this dissertation. To optimize a high density perpendicular magnetic recording system, one needs to know the tradeoffs between various components of the system including the read/write transducers, the magnetic medium, and the read channel. We extend the work by Chaichanavong on the parameter optimization for systems via design curves. Different signal processing and coding techniques are studied. Information-theoretic tools are utilized to determine the acceptable region for the channel parameters when optimal detection and linear coding techniques are used. Our results show that a considerable gain can be achieved by the optimal detection and coding techniques. The read-write process in perpendicular magnetic recording channels includes a number of nonlinear effects. Nonlinear transition shift (NLTS) is one of them. The signal distortion induced by NLTS can be reduced by write precompensation during data recording. We numerically evaluate the effect of NLTS on the read-back signal and examine the effectiveness of several write precompensation schemes in combating NLTS in a channel characterized by both transition jitter noise and additive white Gaussian electronics noise. We also present an analytical method to estimate the bit-error-rate and use it to help determine the optimal write precompensation values in multi-level precompensation schemes. We propose a mean-adjusted pattern-dependent noise predictive (PDNP) detection algorithm for use on the channel with NLTS. We show that this detector can offer significant improvements in bit-error-rate (BER) compared to conventional Viterbi and PDNP detectors. Moreover, the system performance can be further improved by

  18. Status of reactor core design code system in COSINE code package

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Y.; Yu, H.; Liu, Z., E-mail: [State Nuclear Power Software Development Center, SNPTC, National Energy Key Laboratory of Nuclear Power Software (NEKLS), Beijiing (China)


    For self-reliance, COre and System INtegrated Engine for design and analysis (COSINE) code package is under development in China. In this paper, recent development status of the reactor core design code system (including the lattice physics code and the core simulator) is presented. The well-established theoretical models have been implemented. The preliminary verification results are illustrated. And some special efforts, such as updated theory models and direct data access application, are also made to achieve better software product. (author)

  19. Status of reactor core design code system in COSINE code package

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Y.; Yu, H.; Liu, Z.


    For self-reliance, COre and System INtegrated Engine for design and analysis (COSINE) code package is under development in China. In this paper, recent development status of the reactor core design code system (including the lattice physics code and the core simulator) is presented. The well-established theoretical models have been implemented. The preliminary verification results are illustrated. And some special efforts, such as updated theory models and direct data access application, are also made to achieve better software product. (author)

  20. Validation of the containment code Sirius: interpretation of an explosion experiment on a scale model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanchet, Y.; Obry, P.; Louvet, J.; Deshayes, M.; Phalip, C.


    The explicit 2-D axisymmetric Langrangian code SIRIUS, developed at the CEA/DRNR, Cadarache, deals with transient compressive flows in deformable primary tanks with more or less complex internal component geometries. This code has been subjected to a two-year intensive validation program on scale model experiments and a number of improvements have been incorporated. This paper presents a recent calculation of one of these experiments using the SIRIUS code, and the comparison with experimental results shows the encouraging possibilities of this Lagrangian code