
Sample records for megaorejuela auricular izquierda

  1. Fibrilación auricular en una paciente con megaorejuela auricular izquierda

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    Alejandro Villamil


    Full Text Available La FA constituye una de las arritmias sostenidas más frecuentes que motivan la consulta. El sustrato comprende diferentes mecanismos, entre los que se encuentra el agrandamiento auricular izquierdo. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 33 años con antecedentes depalpitaciones, que ingresó en la guardia por FA de alta respuesta ventricular. En la radiografía de tórax se observó una deformación del borde izquierdo de la silueta cardíaca. Posteriormente,el ecocardiograma transesofágico y la resonancia magnética nuclear evidenciaron una megaorejuela aneurismática debida, probablemente, a un defecto pericárdico. La conducta fue anticoagulación oral y tratamiento con atenolol, con evolución favorable.

  2. Aneurisma gigante del apéndice auricular izquierdo


    Moreno-Martínez,Francisco L; González Alfonso,Osvaldo; Lagomasino Hidalgo,Álvaro L; González Díaz,Alejandro; Oliva Céspedes,Carlos; López Bernal,Omaida J


    Los aneurismas de la aurícula izquierda son raros y pueden ser congénitos o adquiridos. Los que interesan la pared libre o el apéndice auricular son entidades más raras aún, hasta 2002 sólo existían 49 casos reportados en la aurícula izquierda y 8 en la derecha. La manifestación clínica más frecuente es la aparición de arritmias auriculares incesantes o recurrentes y pueden presentarse embolias sistémicas que pueden dar al traste con la vida del paciente. Presentamos el caso de una paciente a...

  3. Hipertrofia ventricular izquierda como factor de riesgo cardiovascular en el paciente hipertenso


    Llancaqueo V. Marcelo, Dr.


    La hipertrofia ventricular izquierda es una respuesta maladaptativa a la sobrecarga de presión crónica y un factor de riesgo importante para la fibrilación auricular, insuficiencia cardíaca diastólica, insuficiencia cardíaca sistólica, y la muerte súbita en pacientes con hipertensión. Dado que no todos los pacientes con hipertensión desarrollan hipertrofia ventricular izquierda, hay hallazgos clínicos que se deben tener en cuenta que puede alertar al médico sobre la presencia de hipertrofia v...

  4. Hipertrofia ventricular izquierda como factor de riesgo cardiovascular en el paciente hipertenso

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    Llancaqueo V. Marcelo, Dr.


    Full Text Available La hipertrofia ventricular izquierda es una respuesta maladaptativa a la sobrecarga de presión crónica y un factor de riesgo importante para la fibrilación auricular, insuficiencia cardíaca diastólica, insuficiencia cardíaca sistólica, y la muerte súbita en pacientes con hipertensión. Dado que no todos los pacientes con hipertensión desarrollan hipertrofia ventricular izquierda, hay hallazgos clínicos que se deben tener en cuenta que puede alertar al médico sobre la presencia de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda por lo que una evaluación más definitiva se puede realizar utilizando un electrocardiograma, ecocardiograma o la resonancia magnética cardiovascular. Control de la presión arterial, la restricción de sodio, y la pérdida de peso de forma independiente facilitar la regresión de la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda. Elección de un fármaco antihipertensivo puede ser importante cuando se trata a un paciente con hipertrofia ventricular izquierda hipertensiva. Los inhibidores de la enzima convertidora o bloqueadores del receptor de angiotensina II, seguido por los antagonistas de los canales de calcio, facilitan más rápidamente la regresión de la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda. Con la regresión de la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda, la función diastólica y la reserva de flujo coronario generalmente mejoran, y disminuye el riesgo cardiovascular.

  5. Aneurisma congénito de la orejuela izquierda. Caso clínico

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    Johanna T. Otero


    Full Text Available El aneurisma auricular congénito es una enfermedad muy rara y su localización más frecuente es la orejuela de la aurícula izquierda con 51 casos comunicados en la literatura. La mayoría son asintomáticos, por lo que su diagnóstico es por hallazgo en técnicas de imagen. Presentamos el caso de un lactante de 4 meses, de género masculino, portador de un síndrome de Treacher-Collins o disostosis mandibulofacial y síndrome bronquial obstructivo cuyo estudio de técnicas de imagen diagnostica un aneurisma de la orejuela izquierda.Se realiza resección quirúrgica del aneurisma bajo circulación extracorpórea sin incidentes. En el seguimiento a 12 meses el paciente se encuentra asintomático y sin videncia ecocardiográfica de recurrencia.

  6. Aneurisma congénito de la orejuela izquierda. Caso clínico


    Johanna T. Otero; Eduardo A. Villanueva; Pedro Becker; Rodrigo Parra; Pamela Zelada


    El aneurisma auricular congénito es una enfermedad muy rara y su localización más frecuente es la orejuela de la aurícula izquierda con 51 casos comunicados en la literatura. La mayoría son asintomáticos, por lo que su diagnóstico es por hallazgo en técnicas de imagen. Presentamos el caso de un lactante de 4 meses, de género masculino, portador de un síndrome de Treacher-Collins o disostosis mandibulofacial y síndrome bronquial obstructivo cuyo estudio de técnicas de imagen diagnostica un ane...

  7. Fístula aortoauricular izquierda secundaria a endocarditis infecciosa

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    Alberto Fernández Carmona


    Full Text Available Paciente de 74 años con antecedentes de hipertensión, diabetes mellitus e insuficiencia aórtica moderada. Ingresa en unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI en situación de shock cardiogénico; en ecocardiografía transtorácica (Fig. 1 se aprecia masa globulosa en la base auricular de velo anterior mitral, insuficiencia aórtica grave e insuficiencia mitral con flujo de gran turbulencia tangencial a la válvula mitral. En ecocardiografía transesofágica (Fig. 2 se objetiva insuficiencia aórtica avanzada, fistulización raíz de aorta-aurícula izquierda con afectación de la continuidad mitroaórtica e insuficiencia mitral grave secundaria a la misma. El paciente evoluciona de forma desfavorable, falleciendo en menos de 36 h.

  8. De Populismos, Rupturismo e Izquierdas

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    Constantino Urcuyo Fournier


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende avanzar algunas explicaciones generales en torno al llamado giro a la izquierda de los sistemas políticos latinoamericanos. La argumentación trata de mostrar que más que de una sola izquierda se trata de varias izquierdas, tanto por sus definiciones ideológicas como por los diferentes orígenes sociopolíticos de estas fuerzas. Desde el punto de vista ideológico se identifican izquierdas rupturistas, que buscan el cambio del régimen capitalista, e izquierdas pragmáticas que buscan el mejoramiento social en el cuadro sistémico. En cuanto a la izquierda rupturista se analizan sus posiciones frente a: las alianzas sociales, la teoría del partido, el papel de los movimientos sociales y las vías del cambio, la combinación de estrategias de movilización electoral y movilización social. El análisis de las grandes líneas de la economía política de estos movimientos es otro de los aspectos que ocupa la atención de este trabajo; particular atención se presta al resurgir del estatismo y el nacionalismo económicos, como elementos de diferenciación entre estos movimientos. El legado del pasado ideológico y práctico, así como de los sistemas de partidos que anteceden el momento actual, es también motivo de atención. Finalmente, se adopta la tesis de que la llamada "nueva" izquierda tiene fuertes elementos de continuidad, por lo que resulta más adecuado hablar de una reconstrucción sobre los fundamentos del pasado que de la aparición de un fenómeno enteramente nuevo.

  9. La izquierda chilena contemparánea

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    Manuel Antonio Garretón


    Full Text Available En este artículo, el autor examina las particularidades de la izquierda chilena para entender su papel en los gobiernos democráticos desde los años 70. El autor parte de la premisa de la existencia, durante los años 90, de dos izquierdas: una, el socialismo dentro de la coalición; la otra, el comunismo fuera de ella. En el trabajo se sostiene que la izquierda socialista ha sido el principal motor de la coalición y su papel específico se ha concentrado en los temas socio-económicos ligados a la igualdad, a la justicia, a los derechos humanos y a las propuestas culturales de tipo progresista. Asimismo, se analizan las particularidades esenciales de los gobiernos democráticos chilenos y se examinan los temas y las tareas pendientes. El artículo concluye con un balance del papel de la izquierda y de los retos que aún tiene por delante.

  10. Auricular Acupuncture with Laser (United States)

    Bahr, Frank


    Auricular acupuncture is a method which has been successfully used in various fields of medicine especially in the treatment of pain relief. The introduction of lasers especially low-level lasers into medicine brought besides the already existing stimulation with needles and electricity an additional technique to auricular acupuncture. This literature research looks at the historical background, the development and the anatomical and neurological aspects of auricular acupuncture in general and auricular laser acupuncture in detail. Preliminary scientific findings on auricular acupuncture with laser have been described in detail and discussed critically in this review article. The results of the studies have shown evidence of the effect of auricular laser acupuncture. However, a comparison of these studies was impossible due to their different study designs. The most important technical as well as study parameters were described in detail in order to give more sufficient evidence and to improve the quality of future studies. PMID:23935695

  11. Results of auricular helical rim reconstruction with post-auricular tube flap. (United States)

    Iljin, Aleksandra; Lewandowicz, Edward; Antoszewski, Bogusław; Zieliński, Tomasz


    The aim of the study was to present our experience with post-auricular tube flap (ptf) and clinical evaluation of the results following auricular helical rim reconstruction with this technique in patients after trauma. We analyzed the results in 12 patients who underwent three-staged auricular helical rim reconstruction with ptf following trauma in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery between 2005-2014. The patients were followed-up for at least 1 year. We evaluated early and long-term results after surgery including plastic surgeon's and patient's opinion. Postoperative results were satisfactory (very good) in 10 cases, both in the opinion of the plastic surgeon and patients. Transient venous congestion of the helix occurred in two cases (16.6%). This complication did not have any influence on estimation of the results after surgery. Delayed wound healing in the poles of the reconstructed helical edge, as well as non-aesthetic helical scars with imperfections of helical rim, were seen in another two patients (16.6%). 1. Post-auricular tube flap reconstructions after helical rim trauma allowed for complete restoration of contour, size and orientation of the helix and the whole operated ear, which confirms the efficiency of the applied technique. 2. Reconstructive surgery with post-auricular tube flap in patients with auricular helical rim defects contributed to postoperative satisfaction in both patients and doctors' estimations.

  12. Volumen de la aurícula izquierda indexada por superficie corporal en sujetos normales divididos por sexo y edad

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    Héctor A. Deschle


    Full Text Available RESUMENIntroducciónEl tamaño de la aurícula izquierda (AI se ha relacionado con la ocurrencia de eventoscardiovasculares en pacientes mayores sin cardiopatía previa.Los valores considerados normales en adultos se suelen tomar de publicaciones extranjerasque presentan valores disímiles y no incluyen la división por edades, por lo que no quedaclaro el impacto que el envejecimiento podría tener sobre el tamaño auricular izquierdo, locual los hace difícilmente aplicables a la población general.ObjetivosEvaluar las modificaciones en el volumen indexado de la aurícula izquierda en sujetos saludablesde nuestro medio divididos por sexo y edad.Material y métodosEntre 2007 y 2008 ingresaron 725 pacientes asintomáticos sin antecedentes de cardiopatía,diabetes, ni enfermedades de relevancia clínica. Sexo masculino: 325. Se dividieron en gruposetarios: a 65 años. El volumen de laaurícula izquierda (AI se calculó de acuerdo con la fórmula: 8/3 π [(A1(A2/(L] (A1 = áreaen 4 cámaras, A2 = área en 2 cámaras, L = longitud más pequeña entre ambas vistas. Lasuperficie corporal se calculó con la fórmula de Mosteller.ResultadosEl volumen indexado de la AI fue significativamente mayor en varones > 64 años (32,89 ±5,93 cm³/m² con respecto a los tres primeros grupos etarios (p < 0,01. No hubo diferenciassignificativas entre los grupos del sexo femenino.ConclusiónEl volumen de la AI es significativamente mayor en varones de más de 64 años.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2010;78:39-42.

  13. Auricular hematoma cases caused by mobile phones

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    Halil E. Özel, MD


    Full Text Available We report auricular hematoma cases caused by mobile phones. A 32-year-old male and a 23-year-old female presented with auricular hematoma, having no significant histories of trauma. The patients underwent simple hematoma aspiration. Hematoma re-accumulated in the first case. Incision and drainage were performed, and then auricular skin was stabilized by suturing a gauze pad over the area. Both patients recovered without sequelae after treatment. Judging from these cases, we want to postulate that prolonged mobile phone use may cause auricular hematoma.

  14. Bioengineering pediatric scaffold-free auricular cartilaginous constructs. (United States)

    Akbari, Pedram; Waldman, Stephen D; Cushing, Sharon L; Papsin, Blake C; Propst, Evan J; Weber, Joanna F; Yeger, Herman; Farhat, Walid A


    The use of exogenous materials as scaffolds in cartilage tissue engineering has limited the clinical application of resultant constructs due to the risk of postoperative complications. In an effort to minimize such complications, we aim to generate human, scaffold-free auricular cartilaginous constructs. Laboratory study using pediatric auricular cartilage. Remnant, normal pediatric auricular cartilage samples that would have otherwise been discarded were collected and digested to free cells. Harvested cells were cultured and expanded in vitro for two passages and plated as micromass cultures. The culture medium was replaced with a chemically defined chondrogenic medium, and cellular monolayers surrounding micromass cultures were continuously scraped off. Constructs were allowed to mature for a period of 8 weeks. Micromass constructs showed mechanical stability and structurally resembled native auricular tissue, with a perichondrium-like layer of cells surrounding the inner cartilaginous zone. Constructs accumulated equivalent sulphated glycosaminoglycan and 50% of collagen content compared to native auricular cartilage by mass, while displaying 156% more cellularity. High-density micromass cultures of pediatric auricular chondrocytes can generate stable cartilaginous constructs following prolonged chondrogenic inductions in vitro. This technique is an essential step toward the development of three-dimensional constructs to recreate clinically applicable auricular cartilaginous constructs. NA. Laryngoscope, 127:E153-E158, 2017. © 2016 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

  15. Implant-Retained Auricular Prosthesis: A Case Report


    Ozturk, A. Nilgun; Usumez, Aslihan; Tosun, Zekeriya


    Extraoral implant retained prosthesis have been proven to be a predictable treatment option for maxillofacial rehabilitation. This case report describes the clinical and laboratory procedures for fabricating an auricular prosthesis. In this case report, an auricular prosthesis was fabricated for a patient who lost the left and right external ear in an electrical burn. Extraoral implants and bar-and-clip retention for the proper connection of the auricular prosthesis to implant were used. This...

  16. La izquierda colombiana, un caso particular en el escenario latinoamericano

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    Jeisson Oswaldo Martínez Leguízamo


    Full Text Available En los últimos 25 años en el panorama político de Latinoamérica se pueden apreciar dos fenómenos evidentes. Primero, la crisis del modelo neoliberal instaurado en el continente a partir del Consenso de Washington y, segundo, la respuesta popular que condujo al ascenso de movimientos pertenecientes a un amplio espectro de la izquierda. Colombia, a pesar de mantener una activa movilización social, no ha logrado sumarse a esta tendencia regional. La intervención permanente de los EE.UU., la violencia usada como instrumento político por parte de las élites colombianas y la dispersión de la izquierda aparecen entre las principales explicaciones de este hecho. Como respuesta a la violencia estatal y ante el cierre de los espacios democráticos, una parte de la izquierda se alzó en armas impugnando la legitimidad del régimen, mientras que otra se mantuvo dentro de la institucionalidad a pesar de los riesgos que ello conllevaba. El Estado, decidido a terminar por la fuerza con el alzamiento armado, adoptó una tendencia militarista encaminada a la persecución de las guerrillas, pero que se extendió al conjunto de la izquierda democrática y del movimiento social. Sin embargo, los Diálogos de Paz han abierto la posibilidad de superar la confrontación. Ante la eventual firma de un acuerdo de paz, vuelve a cobrar vigencia el debate sobre la unidad de la izquierda, pero esta vez con un elemento adicional: la posibilidad de que los movimientos políticos que resulten del acuerdo puedan sumarse a la tan anhelada convergencia.

  17. Auricular acupuncture and biomedical research--A promising Sino-Austrian research cooperation. (United States)

    Rong, Pei-Jing; Zhao, Jing-Jun; Li, Yu-Qing; Litscher, Daniela; Li, Shao-yuan; Gaischek, Ingrid; Zhai, Xu; Wang, Lu; Luo, Man; Litscher, Gerhard


    Treatment by auricular acupuncture has a long history. Ear-acupoint research has been advancing step by step in China and also in Europe. Auricles are rich in nerves, therefore a close relationship with different functions of the human body has been proved by the research teams of the two main authors of this article from China and Austria. In recent years, great progress has been made in the research of regulating human body functions through electroacupuncture at the auricular branch of the vagus nerve, which is part of auricular acupuncture therapy. It is well known that the auricular branch of the vagus nerve is the only peripheral pathway to the cerebral cortex. Studies of the Chinese team on hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy and depression have shown that the mechanism of auricular vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) may be comparable with cervical VNS in terms of pathways. Auricular VNS has a broad clinical application prospect.

  18. Supra-auricular versus Sinusectomy Approaches for Preauricular Sinuses. (United States)

    El-Anwar, Mohammad Waheed; ElAassar, Ahmed Shaker


    Introduction  Several surgical techniques and modifications have been described to reduce the high recurrence rate after excision of preauricular sinus. Objectives  The aim of this study is to review the literature regarding surgical approaches for preauricular sinus. Data Synthesis  We performed searches in the LILACS, MEDLINE, SciELO, PubMed databases and Cochrane Library in September, 2015, and the key words used in the search were "preauricular sinus," "sinusectomy," "supra-auricular approach," "methylene blue," and/or "recurrence." We revised the results of 17 studies, including 1270 preauricular sinuses that were surgically excised by sinusectomy in 937 ears and by supra-auricular approach in 333 ears. Recurrence with supra-auricular was 4 (1.3%) while sinusectomy was 76 (8.1%) with significant difference ( p  Supra-auricular approach had significantly less recurrence rate than tract sinusectomy approaches. Thus, it could be regularly chosen as the standard procedure for preauricular sinus excision. As such, it would be helpful for surgeons to be familiar with this approach.

  19. Auricular Chondritis in a Postpartum Flare of SLE and APS

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    Elodie Ponce


    Full Text Available Introduction: Auricular chondritis has been occasionally described in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS. Materials and methods: We report the case of a woman with a previous history of APS who presented with auricular chondritis with onset of SLE symptoms during the postpartum period. Conclusion: SLE and APS should be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis of auricular chondritis.

  20. Fibrilación auricular en el período posoperatorio precoz de la cirugía de revascularización coronaria

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    Maikel Rodulfo García


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 73 pacientes con fibrilación auricular de nueva aparición en las primeras 72 horas del periodo posoperatorio de revascularización coronaria, intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el Servicio de Cirugía Cardiovascular del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero de 2010 hasta igual período de 2013. En la serie, los mayores de 60 años fueron los más afectados (71,2%, con un aumento en la frecuencia a medida que avanzó la edad. Primaron el sexo masculino (74,3 % y el hábito de fumar (86,0 %. Entre los factores más notables figuraron: antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, fracción de eyección ventricular izquierda por debajo de 55,0 %, revascularización incompleta y uso del bypass de apoyo. Aunque esta arritmia se relacionó con otras complicaciones posoperatorias, el bajo gasto cardiaco y los accidentes vasculares encefálicos predominaron en esta investigación.

  1. Artificial Auricular Cartilage Using Silk Fibroin and Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel (United States)

    Lee, Jung Min; Sultan, Md. Tipu; Kim, Soon Hee; Kumar, Vijay; Yeon, Yeung Kyu; Lee, Ok Joo; Park, Chan Hum


    Several methods for auricular cartilage engineering use tissue engineering techniques. However, an ideal method for engineering auricular cartilage has not been reported. To address this issue, we developed a strategy to engineer auricular cartilage using silk fibroin (SF) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel. We constructed different hydrogels with various ratios of SF and PVA by using salt leaching, silicone mold casting, and freeze-thawing methods. We characterized each of the hydrogels in terms of the swelling ratio, tensile strength, pore size, thermal properties, morphologies, and chemical properties. Based on the cell viability results, we found a blended hydrogel composed of 50% PVA and 50% SF (P50/S50) to be the best hydrogel among the fabricated hydrogels. An intact 3D ear-shaped auricular cartilage formed six weeks after the subcutaneous implantation of a chondrocyte-seeded 3D ear-shaped P50/S50 hydrogel in rats. We observed mature cartilage with a typical lacunar structure both in vitro and in vivo via histological analysis. This study may have potential applications in auricular tissue engineering with a human ear-shaped hydrogel. PMID:28777314

  2. The role of great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy in facial nerve damage. (United States)

    Sun, Yan; Liu, Limei; Han, Yuechen; Xu, Lei; Zhang, Daogong; Wang, Haibo


    Facial nerve is easy to be damaged, and there are many reconstructive methods for facial nerve reconstructive, such as facial nerve end to end anastomosis, the great auricular nerve graft, the sural nerve graft, or hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis. However, there is still little study about great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy. The aim of the present study was to identify the role of great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy and the mechanism. Rat models of facial nerve cut (FC), facial nerve end to end anastomosis (FF), facial-great auricular neurorrhaphy (FG), and control (Ctrl) were established. Apex nasi amesiality observation, electrophysiology and immunofluorescence assays were employed to investigate the function and mechanism. In apex nasi amesiality observation, it was found apex nasi amesiality of FG group was partly recovered. Additionally, electrophysiology and immunofluorescence assays revealed that facial-great auricular neurorrhaphy could transfer nerve impulse and express AChR which was better than facial nerve cut and worse than facial nerve end to end anastomosis. The present study indicated that great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy is a substantial solution for facial lesion repair, as it is efficiently preventing facial muscles atrophy by generating neurotransmitter like ACh.

  3. A Biodesigned Nanocomposite Biomaterial for Auricular Cartilage Reconstruction. (United States)

    Nayyer, Leila; Jell, Gavin; Esmaeili, Ali; Birchall, Martin; Seifalian, Alexander M


    Current biomaterials for auricular replacement are associated with high rates of infection and extrusion. The development of new auricular biomaterials that mimic the mechanical properties of native tissue and promote desirable cellular interactions may prevent implant failure. A porous 3D nanocomposite scaffold (NS) based on POSS-PCU (polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanocage into polycarbonate based urea-urethane) is developed with an elastic modulus similar to native ear. In vitro biological interactions on this NS reveal greater protein adsorption, increased fibroblast adhesion, proliferation, and collagen production compared with Medpor (the current synthetic auricular implant). In vivo, the POSS-PCU with larger pores (NS2; 150-250 μm) have greater tissue ingrowth (≈5.8× and ≈1.4 × increase) than the POSS-PCU with smaller pores (NS1; 100-50 μm) and when compared to Medpor (>100 μm). The NS2 with the larger pores demonstrates a reduced fibrotic encapsulation compared with NS1 and Medpor (≈4.1× and ≈1.6×, respectively; P response for all materials may indicate that the elastic modulus and pore size of the implant scaffold could be important design considerations for influencing fibrotic responses to auricular and other soft tissue implants. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. El nuevo dilema de la izquierda: identidad vs justicia social

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    José María Seco Martínez


    Full Text Available ResumenLa izquierda carece en la actualidad de iniciativa real. Desde la caída del muro se vio ampliamente desbordada por el neocapitalismo. La idea de justicia social dejaba entonces de tener valor. Desde entonces los partidos de izquierda no asumen posiciones diáfanas en este sentido. No reivindican la justicia social y son ambiguos frente a las condiciones que impone el capitalismo. Sitúan el eje de sus discurso político en cuestiones más relacionadas con la identidad, que con la justicia social y la clase social. De la respuesta a la pregunta ¿sigue siendo hoy una prioridad para la izquierda la búsqueda de la justicia social?, dependerá en buena medida la razón de su existencia. Abstract Nowadays the left lacks initiative. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall it was widely exceded by neocapitalism. At that time the idea of social justice had no longer any importance. Since then the left parties did not take up a strong stance, they do not demand social justice and they are ambiguous  facing the conditions imponed by capitalism. They focus their political programme mainly on identity more than  social justice and social class. Their raison d´être will depend to a great extent on the way they can answer the question, is it still today a priority for the left the search for social justice?

  5. El nuevo dilema de la izquierda: identidad vs justicia social

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    José María Seco Martínez


    Full Text Available Resumen La izquierda carece en la actualidad de iniciativa real. Desde la caída del muro se vio ampliamente desbordada por el neocapitalismo. La idea de justicia social dejaba entonces de tener valor. Desde entonces los partidos de izquierda no asumen posiciones diáfanas en este sentido. No reivindican la justicia social y son ambiguos frente a las condiciones que impone el capitalismo. Sitúan el eje de sus discurso político en cuestiones más relacionadas con la identidad, que con la justicia social y la clase social. De la respuesta a la pregunta ¿sigue siendo hoy una prioridad para la izquierda la búsqueda de la justicia social?, dependerá en buena medida la razón de su existencia.   Abstract Nowadays the left lacks initiative. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall it was widely exceded by neocapitalism. At that time the idea of social justice had no longer any importance. Since then the left parties did not take up a strong stance, they do not demand social justice and they are ambiguous  facing the conditions imponed by capitalism. They focus their political programme mainly on identity more than  social justice and social class. Their raison d´être will depend to a great extent on the way they can answer the question, is it still today a priority for the left the search for social justice?

  6. Innovación en la reconstrucción del pabellón auricular disgenésico con tejido expandido e implante Innovation in congenital auricular anomaly reconstruction using expanded tissue and prosthetic material

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    P. Iwanyk


    Full Text Available En la reconstrucción de un pabellón auricular disgenésico se plantean, básicamente, dos desafíos, reproducir un esqueleto cartilaginoso auricular de forma, tamaño y proyección similar al pabellón auricular normal, y obtener piel suficiente que combine color, textura y grosor semejante a la circundante. Debido a la escasa cantidad de piel útil en esta localización y a la dificultad en el tallado del esqueleto cartilaginoso auricular, iniciamos en 2005 en nuestro Hospital la reconstrucción auricular mediante combinación de tejidos expandidos locales y materiales protésicos, logrando un excelente resultado de apariencia natural.Reconstruction of congenital auricular anomalies includes two essential challenges. The first one is to sculpt an auricular cartilaginous structure that matches the shape, size and projection of a standard ear. The second challenge arises from the scarcity of the usable skin in the area. Because of the difficulty of sculpting a proper cartilage framework and the scarce quantity of skin in the area, in 2005 we began in our hospital auricular reconstruction procedure combining tissue expanders and prosthetic materials achieving a natural appearance and an excellent result.

  7. Formas teóricas de lealtad en la izquierda analógica: Beuchot auxilia a Rorty

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    Aldo Enrici


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende explorar las razones por las que Richard Rorty, desde su filosofía, advirtiera en 1998 la aparición de un líder político como Donald Trump. El motivo sobresaliente esgrime  su desconfianza por la izquierda cultural. Rorty aboga por una izquierda reformista junto a una actitud académica solidaria, preocupada por los pobres, pero además por ampliar una intelectualidad  que traza un vínculo entre la lealtad política y la solidaridad científica. Se suma a Rorty la consideración de la hermenéutica analógica de Mauricio Beuchot, cuya contribución fortalece a la izquierda actual.

  8. Ethanol embolization of auricular arteriovenous malformations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan Xindong; Zheng Lianzhou; Yi Hongying; Su Lixin; Zheng Jiawei


    Objective: To present the authors' initial experience of treating auricular arteriovenous malformations(AVMs) with ethanol embolization and to assess the clinical effectiveness of this therapeutic method. Methods: Twenty-two patients with AVMs were enrolled in this study. Through local puncturing or super-selective catheterization the absolute ethanol,or diluted alcohol (based on the pattern of the AVMs), was manually injected into the abnormal vascular plexus of the auricular lesion. The clinical results were estimated with physical examination or angiography at intervals of 3-4 month, and telephone questionnaire was made at monthly intervals for all patients. Results: Thirty-eight ethanol embolization procedures were performed, the amount of ethanol used during the procedure ranged from 4 ml to 65 ml. After the treatment the clinical symptoms were improved, which were manifested as healing of the ulceration, stop of bleeding, disappearing or alleviation of tinnitus. Angiographic examination showed that the abnormal vascular lesion was completely vanished in 9 cases, decreased by 50%-75% in 8 cases and decreased less than 50% in remaining 5 cases. The common complications included irreversible local necrosis and vesiculation. Conclusion: For the treatment of auricular AVMs ethanol embolization is an effective and safe method,which might become the therapy of first choice. (authors)

  9. Ethanol embolization of auricular arteriovenous malformations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xindong, Fan; Lianzhou, Zheng [Department of Interventional Radiology, the Ninth People' s Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., Shanghai (China); Hongying, Yi; Lixin, Su; Jiawei, Zheng


    Objective: To present the authors' initial experience of treating auricular arteriovenous malformations(AVMs) with ethanol embolization and to assess the clinical effectiveness of this therapeutic method. Methods: Twenty-two patients with AVMs were enrolled in this study. Through local puncturing or super-selective catheterization the absolute ethanol,or diluted alcohol (based on the pattern of the AVMs), was manually injected into the abnormal vascular plexus of the auricular lesion. The clinical results were estimated with physical examination or angiography at intervals of 3-4 month, and telephone questionnaire was made at monthly intervals for all patients. Results: Thirty-eight ethanol embolization procedures were performed, the amount of ethanol used during the procedure ranged from 4 ml to 65 ml. After the treatment the clinical symptoms were improved, which were manifested as healing of the ulceration, stop of bleeding, disappearing or alleviation of tinnitus. Angiographic examination showed that the abnormal vascular lesion was completely vanished in 9 cases, decreased by 50%-75% in 8 cases and decreased less than 50% in remaining 5 cases. The common complications included irreversible local necrosis and vesiculation. Conclusion: For the treatment of auricular AVMs ethanol embolization is an effective and safe method,which might become the therapy of first choice. (authors)

  10. Amplificador de audio en clase A para auriculares


    Martín Ruiz, Manuel


    El presente proyecto muestra el desarrollo, la simulación y la implantación de un amplificador de audio de altas prestaciones, empleando para ello transistores discretos y amplificadores operacionales sobre una PCB diseñada previamente con un programa software. La aplicación de este amplificador será como amplificador de potencia para auriculares de alta impedancia. El circuito empleará una técnica de realimentación directa sobre los auriculares conectados a 4 hilos. El amplificador incorpora...

  11. The role of great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy in facial nerve damage


    Sun, Yan; Liu, Limei; Han, Yuechen; Xu, Lei; Zhang, Daogong; Wang, Haibo


    Background: Facial nerve is easy to be damaged, and there are many reconstructive methods for facial nerve reconstructive, such as facial nerve end to end anastomosis, the great auricular nerve graft, the sural nerve graft, or hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis. However, there is still little study about great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy. The aim of the present study was to identify the role of great auricular-facial nerve neurorrhaphy and the mechanism. Methods: Rat models of facia...

  12. The History, Mechanism, and Clinical Application of Auricular Therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine

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    Pu-Wei Hou


    Full Text Available Auricular therapy includes acupuncture, electroacupuncture, acupressure, lasering, cauterization, moxibustion, and bloodletting in the auricle. For 2500 years, people have employed auricular therapy for treating diseases, but the methods have been limited to bloodletting and cauterization. Only after 1957, the international scientific community became aware that the map of the ear resembles an inverted fetus, its introduction has led to auricular acupuncture (AA becoming a more systemic approach, and, following the identification and standardization of more precise points, AA has been employed in clinical applications. The mechanisms of AA are considered to have a close relationship with the autonomic nervous system, the neuroendocrine system, neuroimmunological factors, neuroinflammation, and neural reflex, as well as antioxidation. Auricular therapy has been applied, for example, for pain relief, for the treatment of epilepsy, anxiety, and obesity, and for improving sleep quality. However, the mechanisms and evidence for auricular therapy warrant further study.

  13. Audit of surgeries for pre-auricular sinus infection/abscess in a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Pre-auricular sinus frequently present with recurrent episodes of infections/abscesses causing severe discomfort and disturbance of daily activities, necessitating surgical intervention to eradicate the condition. Aim: To audit the surgeries that were done for pre-auricular sinus infection/abscess in University of ...

  14. First branchial cleft anomaly presenting as a recurrent post-auricular abscess. (United States)

    Siddiq, M A


    Embryological anomalies of the first branchial cleft are uncommonly encountered. They usually present as cysts, swellings, or fistulas in the pre-auricular or post-auricular area or high in the neck, which may become infected. Failure to recognise these unusual cases may result in misdiagnosis, inadequate treatment, and subsequent recurrence. Further definitive surgery may thus be complicated. A case is reported of a patient who attended accident and emergency on three occasions with an infected post-auricular cyst, which was treated by incision and drainage. It was subsequently found to be a first branchial cleft anomaly.

  15. Great auricular neuropraxia with beach chair position

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    Joshi M


    Full Text Available Minal Joshi,1 Ruth Cheng,2 Hattiyangadi Kamath,1 Joel Yarmush1 1Department of Anesthesiology, New York Methodist Hospital, New York, NY, USA; 2School of Medicine, St. George’s University, Grenada, West Indies Abstract: Shoulder arthroscopy has been shown to be the procedure of choice for many diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Neuropraxia of the great auricular nerve (GAN is an uncommon complication of shoulder surgery, with the patient in the beach chair position. We report a case of great auricular neuropraxia associated with direct compression by a horseshoe headrest, used in routine positioning for uncomplicated shoulder surgery. In this case, an arthroscopic approach was taken, under regional anesthesia with sedation in the beach chair position. The GAN, a superficial branch of the cervical plexus, is vulnerable to neuropraxia due to its superficial anatomical location. We recommend that for the procedures of the beach chair position, the auricle be protected and covered with cotton and gauze to avoid direct compression and the position of the head and neck be checked and corrected frequently. Keywords: neuropraxia, anesthesia, arthroscopy, great auricular nerve

  16. Massa auricular direita

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    Joana Urbano


    Full Text Available Apresentamos o caso de um homem de 55 anos, com hepatite C crónica e com um volumoso hepatocarcinoma, cuja apresentação inicial foi como massa auricular direita. Apesar de ter sido descrita previamente a extensão endovascular deste tipo de tumor até ao interior das cavidades cardíacas direitas, a raridade e exuberância das imagens de ecocardiograma e TAC tornam invulgar e excepcional este caso.

  17. Use of rapid prototyping in prosthetic auricular restoration. (United States)

    Turgut, Gursel; Sacak, Bulent; Kiran, Kazim; Bas, Lutfu


    Reconstructing auricular defects is a challenging task for facial reconstructive surgeons. Although autologous reconstruction is the first choice for reconstruction, there may be circumstances of inconvenience such as previously attempted surgery, radiotherapy, systemic conditions, or patient's wish. Auricular restorations with facial prosthesis have produced promising results, but there are still problems to be tackled for improved results. Rapid prototyping in the production of an auricular prosthesis uses the mirror image of contralateral ear and produces excellent forms, eliminating the subjective perception of the prosthodontist. Rapid prototyping also lowers the production costs by reducing the need for several sessions in the process of producing the prostheses. Between 2004 and 2007, 10 patients applied to our department with the absence of an ear on a single side. All patients were male, with an average age of 23.1 years. The etiology for the loss of the ear was mostly tumors, followed by congenital deformities and trauma, respectively. In this study, we present our application of rapid prototyping technique and report our case series of 10 patients, two of which are presented in detail.

  18. [Clinical observation on auricular point magnetotherapy for treatment of senile low back pain]. (United States)

    Sun, Gui-Ping


    To compare the therapeutic effects of auricular point magnetotherapy and auricular point sticking of Vaccaria seed on senile low back pain. Sixty cases, aged 60 or over 60 years with back pain, were randomly divided into 2 groups, a control group and a test group. The control group were treated with auricular sticking of Vaccaria seed with no pressing, and the test group with sticking magnetic bead of 66 gauss each piece with no pressing. Auricular points, Shenmen, Kidney, Bladder, Yaodizhui, Gluteus, Liver and Spleen were selected. Three weeks constituted one course. The effects before, during and after the course were assessed by questionnaire about back pain. Compared with the control group, in the test group the back pain was more effectively improved, including reducing pain and numbness in the back and the legs, decreasing the disorder of physical strength induced by this disease, and improving daily life quality of the patient. Follow-up survey for 2-4 weeks showed the effects still were kept. Auricular magnetotherapy can effectively improve senile back pain.

  19. [Comparative study on effects between electroacupuncture and auricular acupuncture for methamphetamine withdrawal syndrome]. (United States)

    Liang, Yan; Xu, Bo; Zhang, Xue-Chun; Zong, Lei; Chen, Yue-Lai


    To observe the efficacy difference of electroacupuncture and auricular acupuncture in the treatment of methamphetamine withdrawal syndrome. Ninety male patients of methamphetamine addiction were randomized into an electroacupuncture group, an auricular acupuncture group and a control group, 30 cases in each one. In the electroacupuncture group, Neiguan (PC 6), Shenmen (HT 7), Zusanli (ST 36), Sanyinjiao (SP 6), Jiaji (EX-B 2) at T5 and L2 were selected bilaterally. In the auricular acupuncture group, jiaogan (AH(6a)), shenmen (TF4), fei (CO14) and gan (CO12) were selected unilaterally. The treatment was given 3 times a week, totally 12 treatments were required. In the control group, no any intervention was applied. Separately, before treatment and after 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks treatment, the scores of methamphetamine withdrawal syndrome, Hamilton anxiety scale and Hamilton depression scale were observed in each group. The total score of methamphetamine withdrawal syndrome, anxiety score and depression score were obviously reduced in 2, 3 and 4 weeks of treatment as compared with those before treatment in the electroacupuncture group and the auricular acupuncture group (all P electroacupuncture group and auricular acupuncture group were lower significantly than those in the control group (all P electroacupuncture group was lower significantly than that in the auricular acupuncture group in the 4th week of treatment (3.69 +/- 2.446 vs 5.73 +/- 3.169, P Electroacupuncture at the body points and auricular acupuncture play the therapeutic role in the treatment of methamphetamine withdrawal syndrome, anxiety and depression. The longer time the treatment is with electroacupuncture at the body points, the more obvious the efficacy will be on the above symptoms.

  20. Los estudios sobre el socialismo temprano en Colombia: una versión de la izquierda

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    Isidro Vanegas


    Full Text Available Este ensayo indaga sobre los estudios acerca del socialismo en Colombia antes de 1930. Un tema que ha atraído a considerable número de investigadores y ha dado frutos en un amplia cantidad de trabajos. Al ser la izquierda un campo político fuertemente apegado a los debates doctrinarios, hila esta panorámica el supuesto de que existe una fuerte relación entre los avatares de la izquierda y la forma como ha reconstruido discursivamente sus propios orígenes, su desarrollo y sus vinculaciones con la sociedad colombiana.

  1. Comparison of auricular and rectal temperature measurement in normothermic, hypothermic, and hyperthermic dogs. (United States)

    Konietschke, U; Kruse, B D; Müller, R; Stockhaus, C; Hartmann, K; Wehner, A


    Measurement of rectal temperature is the most common method and considered gold standard for obtaining body temperature in dogs. So far, no study has been performed comparing agreement between rectal and auricular measurements in a large case series. The purpose of the study was to assess agreement between rectal and auricular temperature measurement in normothermic, hypothermic, and hyperthermic dogs with consideration of different environmental conditions and ear conformations. Reference values for both methods were established using 62 healthy dogs. Three hundred dogs with various diseases (220 normothermic, 32 hypothermic, 48 hyperthermic) were enrolled in this prospective study. Rectal temperature was compared to auricular temperature and differences in agreement with regard to environmental temperature, relative humidity, and different ear conformations (pendulous versus prick ears) were evaluated using Pearson's correlation coefficient and Bland-Altman analysis. Correlation between rec- tal and auricular temperature was significant (r: 0.892; p  temperature did not. Variation between the two methods of measuring body temperature was clinically unacceptable. Although measurement of auricular temperature is fast, simple, and well tolerated, this method provides a clinically unacceptable difference to the rectal measurement.

  2. Auricular tachycardia: therapeutic and pathophysiologic news concepts: literature review and casuistic Service presentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horta, J. de; Reyes, W.; Calleriza, F.; Pouso, J.; Besada, E.


    The auricular tachycardia are the supraventricular tachycardias whose origin mechanism and maintenance is located at level exclusively auricular. It show diagnostic and therapeutics difficulties.The inadequate handling can cause commitment of the ventricular function and to commit the predict vital.The pharmacological treatment, is more used is few effective.The ablation for catheter with radiofrequency is a new weapon transcendent therapy for the resolution of a significant group of these patients. A review of the concept of auricular tachycardias, it upgrades its classification and the mechanisms pathophysiologic.It describes the techniques of ablation for catheter in these arrhythmias and their results are revised in the literature. In the end it presents the casuistry of the Service in the treatment of the auricular tachycardias focal s,incision ales and atrial flutter by means of ablation for catheter with radiofrequency [es

  3. Factores de riesgo para disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda en adultos de un programa de salud global

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    Yessica María Giraldo Castrillón


    Full Text Available Introducción: La falla cardiaca, es un síndrome clínico habitualmente progresivo que con frecuencia comienza como disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda y culmina con manifestaciones clínicas diversas de fallo de bomba y bajo gasto cardiaco hasta la muerte. Objetivo: Caracterizar los factores de riesgo que están asociados al desarrollo de disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda y falla cardiaca secundaria como parte del espectro del síndrome de falla cardiaca en la población de Barranquilla-Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con fuente secundaria de un estudio de salud global en la ciudad de Barranquilla-Colombia, en el que se hizo análisis univariado y bivariado para describir factores de riesgo asociados a la disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda. Resultados: Se obtuvieron las prevalencias de cuatro factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda: hipertensión arterial 29.7%, obesidad 26.5%, hiperglucemia 4.6%, hipercolesterolemia 8.2% en pacientes mayores de 40 años los cuales tienen mayor riesgo. Discusión: Este estudio buscó llamar la atención sobre la disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda, como una condición de descripción relativamente reciente y de potencial impacto en la salud de las poblaciones y los recursos de los sistemas de salud. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de los factores de riesgo para este estado pre-clínico podría llegar a ser alta y estos pacientes ameritarían, según recomendación de cierta evidencia, tamización para disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda, así como estudios adicionales son requeridos. Cómo citar este artículo: Giraldo YM, Muñoz F, Navarro E, Segura ÁM. Factores de riesgo para disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda en adultos de un programa de salud global. Rev Cuid. 2017; 8(1: 1519-28.

  4. Comparison between auricular and standard rectal thermometers for the measurement of body temperature in dogs. (United States)

    Sousa, Marlos G; Carareto, Roberta; Pereira-Junior, Valdo A; Aquino, Monally C C


    Although the rectal mucosa remains the traditional site for measuring body temperature in dogs, an increasing number of clinicians have been using auricular temperature to estimate core body temperature. In this study, 88 mature healthy dogs had body temperatures measured with auricular and rectal thermometers. The mean temperature and confidence intervals were similar for each method, but Bland-Altman plots showed high biases and limits of agreement unacceptable for clinical purposes. The results indicate that auricular and rectal temperatures should not be interpreted interchangeably.

  5. Effects of Auricular Acupressure Therapy on Primary Dysmenorrhea for Female High School Students in South Korea. (United States)

    Cha, Nam Hyun; Sok, Sohyune R


    To examine the effect of auricular acupressure therapy on primary dysmenorrhea among female high school students in South Korea. A randomized controlled trial was employed. The study sample consisted of 91 female high school students, with 45 participants in the experimental group and 46 in the control group in two regions of South Korea. The average age of the participants was 16.7 years, and the average age of menarche was 12.2 years. Auricular acupressure therapy including an auricular acupressure needle on skin paper tape was applied on an ear for 3 days during periods of extreme primary dysmenorrhea. The acupoint names were Jagung, Sinmun, Gyogam, and Naebunbi. For the placebo control group, only the skin paper tape without an auricular acupressure needle was applied on the same acupoints. Measures used were the Menstrual Distress Questionnaire to assess primary dysmenorrhea, and the visual analog scale to assess abdominal and back pain of participants. There were significant differences on abdominal pain (t = 24.594, p dysmenorrhea (t = 32.187, p dysmenorrhea of female high school students in South Korea. Auricular acupressure therapy was an effective intervention for alleviating abdominal pain, back pain, and primary dysmenorrhea of female high school students in South Korea. For feasibility of the auricular acupressure therapy in practice, it is needed to train and learn the exact positions of acupoints in ear. Health providers should consider providing auricular acupressure therapy as an alternative method for reducing abdominal and back pain, and primary dysmenorrhea in female high school students in South Korea. © 2016 Sigma Theta Tau International.

  6. Measurement of body temperature by use of auricular thermometers versus rectal thermometers in dogs with otitis externa. (United States)

    González, A Michelle; Mann, F A; Preziosi, Diane E; Meadows, Richard L; Wagner-Mann, Colette C


    To compare measurements of body temperature obtained with auricular thermometers versus rectal thermometers in dogs with otitis externa. Prospective study. 100 client-owned dogs: 50 with and 50 without clinical evidence of otitis externa. Dogs were evaluated for the presence of otitis externa on the basis of clinical signs, otoscopic examination, and cytologic evaluation of ear exudate. Auricular and rectal temperatures were obtained simultaneously in all dogs prior to and following ear examination. There was a high correlation between auricular and rectal temperatures in dogs with otitis externa both prior to and after ear manipulation. Significant differences were not detected in temperature measurements among dogs with different degrees of otitis externa. Auricular temperature readings obtained by use of an auricular thermometer in dogs with otitis externa are accurate measurements of body temperature, compared with rectal temperature measurements. Temperature measurements are reliable before and after examination of the ear canal.

  7. Perception of effects of auricular acupuncture on stress in receptionists of a hospital complex

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    Alessandra Faleiros Silveira


    Full Text Available Background and objectives: The stress is a reaction of organism that involves physical and psychological components and can tease changes in homeostasis of human body. This survey has intent to know the possible benefits of acupuncture on stress reduction, with the objective to evaluate the perceptions on levels of stress before and after eight weeks of an intervention of auricular acupuncture in receptionists of complex hospital. Methods: Participated in these study 24 receptionists of four units of a complex hospital situated in a municipality from the interior of Sao Paulo estate, which had an intervention in eight weeks with auricular acupuncture. To evaluate the perception of stress, they wrote their impressions about stress during the weekly meetings in order to change the needles. Results: According to the perception of most of the majority, the auricular acupuncture demonstrated benefits and changes in the way to deal with stressful situations day by day. They realized themselves calmer, with emotional control, presenting reduction of premenstrual syndrome symptoms and physical and mental well-being; however, for three participants the auricular acupuncture demonstrated few or none difference in reduction of stress. Conclusion: The auricular acupuncture intervention in this study demonstrate benefits on the reduction levels of stress, evidenced changes, not only in reduction stress, as also the perception of health in general.

  8. Adjuvant auricular electroacupuncture and autogenic training in rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized controlled trial. Auricular acupuncture and autogenic training in rheumatoid arthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bernateck, M; Becker, M; Schwake, C


    BACKGROUND: In contrast to psychological interventions the usefulness of acupuncture as an adjuvant therapy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has not yet been demonstrated. OBJECTIVE: The efficacy of auricular electroacupuncture (EA) was directly compared with autogenic training (AT). METHODS: Patients...

  9. Growth factor stimulation improves the structure and properties of scaffold-free engineered auricular cartilage constructs.

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    Renata G Rosa

    Full Text Available The reconstruction of the external ear to correct congenital deformities or repair following trauma remains a significant challenge in reconstructive surgery. Previously, we have developed a novel approach to create scaffold-free, tissue engineering elastic cartilage constructs directly from a small population of donor cells. Although the developed constructs appeared to adopt the structural appearance of native auricular cartilage, the constructs displayed limited expression and poor localization of elastin. In the present study, the effect of growth factor supplementation (insulin, IGF-1, or TGF-β1 was investigated to stimulate elastogenesis as well as to improve overall tissue formation. Using rabbit auricular chondrocytes, bioreactor-cultivated constructs supplemented with either insulin or IGF-1 displayed increased deposition of cartilaginous ECM, improved mechanical properties, and thicknesses comparable to native auricular cartilage after 4 weeks of growth. Similarly, growth factor supplementation resulted in increased expression and improved localization of elastin, primarily restricted within the cartilaginous region of the tissue construct. Additional studies were conducted to determine whether scaffold-free engineered auricular cartilage constructs could be developed in the 3D shape of the external ear. Isolated auricular chondrocytes were grown in rapid-prototyped tissue culture molds with additional insulin or IGF-1 supplementation during bioreactor cultivation. Using this approach, the developed tissue constructs were flexible and had a 3D shape in very good agreement to the culture mold (average error <400 µm. While scaffold-free, engineered auricular cartilage constructs can be created with both the appropriate tissue structure and 3D shape of the external ear, future studies will be aimed assessing potential changes in construct shape and properties after subcutaneous implantation.

  10. The Effects of Acupuncture Combined with Auricular Acupressure in the Treatment of Chloasma

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    Xing Wu


    Full Text Available Objective. To investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture combined with auricular acupressure in chloasma treatment. Methods. A prospective, randomized controlled assessor-blind clinical trial was performed and 135 patients were assigned into acupuncture combined with auricular acupressure (A, acupuncture (B, and control (C groups, each with 45 patients. For groups A and B, body and facial acupuncture were applied for 2 months. For group A, auricular acupressure was applied concomitantly. For group C, vitamins C and E were prescribed for 3 months. Primary outcome measure was the therapeutic effects while secondary outcome measure was safety evaluation. Results. The total effective rate was 95.6%, 91.1%, and 75.6% for groups A, B, and C (P<0.01 between groups A and C; P<0.05 between groups B and C. The posttreatment estradiol (E2 levels in groups A and B were significantly decreased while the progesterone (P4 levels were significantly increased compared to pretreatment (P<0.01 and P<0.05, resp.. The differences were significant compared to group C (P<0.01 and P<0.05, resp.. No adverse events occurred. Conclusion. Acupuncture combined with auricular acupressure could significantly increase the therapeutic effect of chloasma treatment and could be better than vitamins C and E.

  11. Auricular burns associated with operating microscope use during otologic surgery. (United States)

    Latuska, Richard F; Carlson, Matthew L; Neff, Brian A; Driscoll, Colin L; Wanna, George B; Haynes, David S


    To raise awareness of the potential hazard of auricular burns associated with operating microscope use during otologic surgery. Retrospective case series and summary of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database of voluntary adverse event reports pertaining to microscope related auricular thermal injuries. All patients who sustained auricular burns while using the operating microscope during otologic surgery at 2 tertiary academic referral centers. Surgical procedure, microscope model, intensity of illumination, length of procedure, focal length, location and severity of burn, and patient outcome. A total of 4 microscope-related auricular thermal injuries were identified from the authors' institutions. Additionally, 82 unique cases of soft tissue burns associated with the use of an operative microscope have been voluntarily reported to the FDA since 2004. A disproportionately large percent (∼ 30%) of these occurred within the field of otology, the majority of which were during tympanoplasty or tympanomastoidectomy procedures at focal length distances of 300 mm or less with xenon light source microscopes. Simultaneous advancements in light delivery technologies and lens optics have continued to improve the efficiency of the operating microscope; however, these improvements also increase the potential for thermal injuries. Although rare, a review of the FDA MAUDE database suggests that microscope-related soft tissue burns occur more frequently in otology than any other surgical specialty. A variety of factors may help explain this finding, including the unique anatomy of the external ear with thin skin and limited underlying adipose tissue. Preventative measures should be taken to decrease the risk of thermal injuries including use of the lowest comfortable light intensity, adjusting the aperture width to match the operative field, frequent wound irrigation, and covering exposed portions of the pinna

  12. Treatment Outcomes of Auricular Hematoma Using Corrugated ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    It poses a challenge to the otolaryngologist in the developing world due to its high rate of recurrence, and lack of appropriate materials for use as stitch dressing. The diagnosis of auricular hematoma is generally straightforward. The collected blood or serum causes a loss of normal contour on the lateral surface of the auricle ...

  13. Ortopnea y hemoptisis en un varón joven

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    Jacobo Silva


    Full Text Available Varón de 21 años visitado en urgencias por ortopnea, hemoptisis y disnea. La radiografía detectó redistribución en hemitórax izquierdo, el ecocardiograma una masa intraauricular izquierda que protruía en el ventrículo izquierdo a través de la válvula mitral, produciendo obstrucción crítica, y la tomografía computarizada (TC una masa que ocupaba la aurícula izquierda desde la vena pulmonar superior izquierda (Fig. 1. Por vía transeptal superior se reseca una masa multilobulada de 6 × 7 cm, con base de implantación en el techo auricular (Fig. 2, que se reconstruyó con pericardio autólogo. La histopatología confirma el diagnóstico de leiomiosarcoma de vena pulmonar muy diferenciado. Al paciente se le dio el alta a los siete días.

  14. Uso de imanes en el tratamiento de queloides auriculares

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    Milagro Quintero-Larróvere

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivos: La incidencia de queloides auriculares es cada vez mayor. Su alta frecuencia de recidiva es de gran interés, por ello su extirpación quirúrgica se asocia a otras terapias como radioterapia, corticoides, crioterapia, láser, presoterapia, etc. La presoterapia resulta un método efectivo, sencillo y accesible. Material y Método: Realizamos un estudio prospectivo, experimental, sobre 11 casos de queloides auriculares tratados con resección quirúrgica seguida de presoterapia usando imanes, tomando en cuenta la presión y fuerza magnética ejercida. Llevamos a cabo seguimiento de los casos entre 4 y 6 meses. Empleamos las pruebas de Mann-Whitney y Coeficiente Lineal de Pearson. Determinamos la tasa de recurrencia y realizamos un analisis de regresión para el estudio de la escala de Valor Análoga del Dolor (EVA. Resultados: La tasa libre de recurrencia fue del 90.91%. No hubo ningún tipo de complicación. En cuanto a la EVA, observamos una ascendente tolerancia a la terapia con imanes auriculares a través del tiempo. Conclusiones: El protocolo de uso de imanes que presentamos es un excelente tratamiento coadyuvante. El magnetismo parece cumplir un papel fundamental en la remodelación y organización de las fibras de colágeno de las cicatrices postoperatorias, añadiendo una efectividad mayor a la presoterapia.

  15. Examination of craniofacial bones associated with auricular anomaly using three-dimensional computer tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ono, Ichiro; Ohura, Takehiko; Iwao, Fumiya


    Three-dimensional computer tomography (3D-CT) was performed in 60 patients with auricular anomaly to determine the site and severity of deformity in the hemifacial microsomia. Auricular anomaly, underdevelopment and malposition of the cranium, temporo-mandibular joint, zygoma, maxilla and mandible were observed in almost all of the patients; however, the severity of these malformations varied from patient to patient. Regarding severest deformity, there were positional differences among patients. According to impairment sites, hemifacial microsomia fell into the following five types: (1) cranium type, (2) maxillary alveolar process type, (3) localized mandibular ramus type, (4) overall mandibular type, and (5) complex type (combination of the aforementioned types). Facial asymmetry accompanied by auricular anomaly was associated with various pathologic conditions. The temporomandibular joint was often deviated towards the anteromedial side for localized mandibular ramus type and overall mandibular type. Posterial deviation was predominant for cranium type. In patients with hemifacial microsomia of the cranium type associated with protrusion mainly in the occipital region on the affected side, deformity was considered attributable to underdevelopment of the temporal bone and delay in closure of the temporo-occipital suture. The deformity for cranium type may be defined as the second branchial syndrome. In conclusion, hemifacial microsomia have various deformities and may fall into five categories. Craniofacial microsomia and hemi-auriculo-temporo-mandibular dysplastic syndrome give a more precise concept for auricular anomaly. (N.K.)

  16. Examination of craniofacial bones associated with auricular anomaly using three-dimensional computer tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ono, Ichiro; Ohura, Takehiko; Iwao, Fumiya (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). School of Medicine) (and others)


    Three-dimensional computer tomography (3D-CT) was performed in 60 patients with auricular anomaly to determine the site and severity of deformity in the hemifacial microsomia. Auricular anomaly, underdevelopment and malposition of the cranium, temporo-mandibular joint, zygoma, maxilla and mandible were observed in almost all of the patients; however, the severity of these malformations varied from patient to patient. Regarding severest deformity, there were positional differences among patients. According to impairment sites, hemifacial microsomia fell into the following five types: (1) cranium type, (2) maxillary alveolar process type, (3) localized mandibular ramus type, (4) overall mandibular type, and (5) complex type (combination of the aforementioned types). Facial asymmetry accompanied by auricular anomaly was associated with various pathologic conditions. The temporomandibular joint was often deviated towards the anteromedial side for localized mandibular ramus type and overall mandibular type. Posterial deviation was predominant for cranium type. In patients with hemifacial microsomia of the cranium type associated with protrusion mainly in the occipital region on the affected side, deformity was considered attributable to underdevelopment of the temporal bone and delay in closure of the temporo-occipital suture. The deformity for cranium type may be defined as the second branchial syndrome. In conclusion, hemifacial microsomia have various deformities and may fall into five categories. Craniofacial microsomia and hemi-auriculo-temporo-mandibular dysplastic syndrome give a more precise concept for auricular anomaly. (N.K.).

  17. Estudio hermenéutico de la izquierda colombiana como alternativa política de partido

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    Emma Doris López


    Full Text Available ResumenEl presente estudio hermenéutico parte de los argumentosplanteados en el seminario electivo de comportamientopolítico, en el Doctorado de Ciencias Políticas,orientado por el doctor José Enrique Molina.La interpretación política de la izquierda en Colombiaha incidido a través de la historia como una fuerzaque, a pesar de su fragmentación, hoy se está consolidandocomo una alternativa de partido que abarca el manejode los comportamientos electorales desde lo psicológicoy lo sociológico.Este artículo está fundamentado en Pérez (2006 y enlos planteamientos de Torcal y Mainwaring. Se trató deinterpretar la posición de la izquierda como política alternativapara el mejoramiento de los estados sociales enlos países de América Latina.Palabras clave: Hermenéutica, Política de izquierda,Comportamiento electoral. AbstractThis hermeneutic study of the arguments raised inthe seminar elective political behavior, the Ph.D. in PoliticalScience, guided by Dr. José Enrique Molina.The political interpretation of the left in Colombiahas affected through history as a power that, despite itsfragmentation, today is emerging as an alternative partythat covers the management of electoral behavior fromthe psychological and the sociological.This paper it is based on Pérez (2006 and approachesTorcal and Mainwaring. He tried to interpret the positionof the left as an alternative for improving social conditionsin Latin American politics.Keywords: Hermeneutics, Leftist politics, ElectoralbehaviorCómo

  18. Effectiveness of medication / auricular therapy / phyto-therapy combination in the treatment of hypertensive patients

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    José Ramón Martínez Pérez


    Full Text Available Background: hypertension is one of the main cardiovascular risk factors, so its control improves the life expectancy of patients.Objective: to assess the effects of a treatment combining medication with auricular therapy and phyto-therapy in hypertensive patients assisted at the health area of ”Romárico Oro” Polyclinic, in Puerto Padre, Las Tunas province.Methods: an intervention study was carried out in 68 hypertensive patients of the health area of “Romárico Oro” Polyclinic in Puerto Padre from April, 2013 to April, 2014. The patients were distributed at random into two equal groups; the first received medication combined with auricular therapy and phyto-therapy, while the second one received only medication. The statistical analysis was done by means of Statistic system, t-student and Chi-Square tests were used and p< or =0.05 was considered as level of statistical significance.Results: by the end of the intervention, 73, 53% of the patients of the group with the combination of drug treatment and auricular therapy and phyto-therapy were controlled. In this group, the diastolic filling pressure diminished to 2, 2 mm Hg and the systolic gradient to 3, 66 mm, regarding the group treated only with drugs. Only one patient, representing the 2, 94% showed adverse reaction to the natural and traditional treatment.Conclusions: the combination of medication with auricular therapy and phyto-therapy proved to be effective, corroborated by a significant decrease of quantity of crisis, diastolic and systolic filling pressure values and increase of number of patients with their disease controlled; the report of only one complication shows the innocuousness of the auricular therapy and phyto-therapy treatment.

  19. Evaluation of the pathology, pathogenesis and aetiology of auricular elephantiasis in slaughter pigs. (United States)

    Kvist, P H; Jensen, E S; Aalbaek, B; Jensen, H E


    Ears from slaughter pigs with auricular elephantiasis (n = 24) and the corresponding lymph nodes (lnn.) (n = 26) were grossly, histopathologically and microbiologically examined. Immunostaining for IgM, IgG, Cd3epsilon and bacterial antigens of Arcanobacterium pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus was performed by indirect enzyme-based techniques. Ears were variably thickened depending on the sampled area (basis, centre and apex). However, at all locations the thickness, the length from basis to apex and the weigh of whole ears with elephantiasis were significantly increased (P elephantiasis is a chronic pyogranulomatous inflammation that is frequently positive for S. aureus and is lymphogenically spread. Therefore, the lesions of the ears with auricular elephantiasis and the corresponding lnn. should be termed auricular botryomycosis and botryomycotic lymphadenitis, respectively. Moreover, as the disease is observed frequently in slaughter pigs it must also be considered according to the welfare of the animals and in relation to post-mortem meat inspection.

  20. Growth Factor Stimulation Improves the Structure and Properties of Scaffold-Free Engineered Auricular Cartilage Constructs (United States)

    Rosa, Renata G.; Joazeiro, Paulo P.; Bianco, Juares; Kunz, Manuela; Weber, Joanna F.; Waldman, Stephen D.


    The reconstruction of the external ear to correct congenital deformities or repair following trauma remains a significant challenge in reconstructive surgery. Previously, we have developed a novel approach to create scaffold-free, tissue engineering elastic cartilage constructs directly from a small population of donor cells. Although the developed constructs appeared to adopt the structural appearance of native auricular cartilage, the constructs displayed limited expression and poor localization of elastin. In the present study, the effect of growth factor supplementation (insulin, IGF-1, or TGF-β1) was investigated to stimulate elastogenesis as well as to improve overall tissue formation. Using rabbit auricular chondrocytes, bioreactor-cultivated constructs supplemented with either insulin or IGF-1 displayed increased deposition of cartilaginous ECM, improved mechanical properties, and thicknesses comparable to native auricular cartilage after 4 weeks of growth. Similarly, growth factor supplementation resulted in increased expression and improved localization of elastin, primarily restricted within the cartilaginous region of the tissue construct. Additional studies were conducted to determine whether scaffold-free engineered auricular cartilage constructs could be developed in the 3D shape of the external ear. Isolated auricular chondrocytes were grown in rapid-prototyped tissue culture molds with additional insulin or IGF-1 supplementation during bioreactor cultivation. Using this approach, the developed tissue constructs were flexible and had a 3D shape in very good agreement to the culture mold (average error tissue structure and 3D shape of the external ear, future studies will be aimed assessing potential changes in construct shape and properties after subcutaneous implantation. PMID:25126941

  1. Postoperative Auricular Perichondritis After an Endaural Approach Tympanoplasty

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    Chih-Chieh Tseng


    Conclusion: In postoperative auricular perichondritis after an endaural approach tympanoplasty, wide excision seems to be a better choice to treat this problem. Repeated limited excisions could result in ear deformity. Cartilage exposure during chronic ear surgery should be avoided, and early precautions after operation should be taken in order to prevent complications.

  2. Bone-anchored titanium implants for auricular rehabilitation: case report and review of literature. (United States)

    Gumieiro, Emne Hammoud; Dib, Luciano Lauria; Jahn, Ricardo Schmitutz; Santos Junior, João Ferreira dos; Nannmark, Ulf; Granström, Gösta; Abrahão, Márcio


    Osseointegrated implants have acquired an important role in the prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with craniofacial defects. The main indications are lack of local tissue for autogenous reconstruction, previous reconstruction failure and selection of this technique by the patient. This paper presents a clinical case and discusses indications and advantages of the osseointegrated implant technique for retention of auricular prostheses. Case report, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). A female patient received three auricular implants after surgical resection of a hemangioma in her left ear. The time taken for osseointegration of the temporal bone was three months. After fabrication of the implant-retained auricular prosthesis, the patient was monitored for 12 months. The clinical parameters evaluated showed good postoperative healing, healthy peri-implant tissue, good hygiene and no loss of implants. Good hygiene combined with thin and immobile peri-implant soft tissues resulted in minimal complications. Craniofacial implant integration appears to be site-dependent; increasing age affects osseointegration in the temporal bone. The frequency of adverse skin reactions in peri-implant tissues is generally low. The surgical technique for rehabilitation using implant-retained auricular prostheses seems to be simple. It is associated with low rates of adverse skin reactions and long-term complications. Prostheses anchored by osseointegrated implants seem to provide better retention than do prostheses supported on spectacle frames, less risk of discoloration through the use of adhesives and better esthetic results than do prostheses anchored in the surgical cavity.

  3. Trombectomía ventricular izquierda por vía transaórtica

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    Lucio Sartor


    Conclusiones: Consideramos que, a pesar de la escasa experiencia reportada, el abordaje de los trombos intraventriculares izquierdos a través de la válvula aórtica ofrece una adecuada exposición facilitando su extracción completa, evitando a su vez las complicaciones inherentes al acceso a través de una aurícula izquierda pequeña, o a través de un ventrículo infartado.

  4. Avances recientes en la fisiopatología de la fibrilación auricular


    Márquez,Manlio F.; Gómez-Flores,Jorge; Aranda-Faustro,Alberto; Cazares-Campos,Iris; Cárdenas,Manuel


    La presente revisión es un resumen de la fisiopatología de la fibrilación auricular (FA) y muestra los avances en el conocimiento de esta arritmia. En su génesis y mantenimiento deben considerarse los factores que se describen a continuación. Factor genético: está implicado en los casos de FA familiar. Factor predisponente estructural: dilatación auricular, el factor estructural más conocido que permite el desarrollo de la FA. Factor predisponente estructural: el haz de Bachmann y las vías de...

  5. [Investigation on Spray Drying Technology of Auricularia auricular Extract]. (United States)

    Zhou, Rong; Chen, Hui; Xie, Yuan; Chen, Peng; Wang, Luo-lin


    To investigate the feasibility of spray drying technology of Auricularia auricular extract and its optimum process. On the basis of single factor test, with the yield of dry extract and the content of polysaccharide as indexes, orthogonal test method was used to optimize the spray drying technology on the inlet air temperature, injection speed and crude drug content. Using ultraviolet spectrophotometry, thin layer chromatography(TLC) and pharmacodynamics as indicators, extracts prepared by traditional alcohol precipitation drying process and spray drying process were compared. Compared with the traditional preparation method, the extract prepared by spray drying had little differences from the polysaccharide content, TLC and the function of reducing TG and TC, and its optimum technology condition were as follows: The inlet air temperature was 180 °C, injection speed was 10 ml/min and crude drugs content was 0. 4 g/mL. Auricularia auricular extract by spray drying technology is stable and feasible with high economic benefit.

  6. Origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar: resultados de la cirugía correctora

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    Andrés J. Schlichter


    Full Text Available IntroducciónEl origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar es una cardiopatía congénita rara que produce isquemia miocárdica con disfunción ventricular izquierda e insuficiencia mitral de grado variable. Las técnicas actuales han modificado la historia natural de esta enfermedad mediante el restablecimiento de un sistema de doble irrigación coronaria.ObjetivosEvaluar la experiencia institucional en la corrección quirúrgica del origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar.Material y métodosEntre febrero de 2000 y mayo de 2008 fueron operados 13 pacientes con este diagnóstico. Seis eran menores de 1 año; mediana: 2,5 años; rango: 45 días a 21 años. Antes de la cirugía, el 61% de los pacientes presentaban insuficiencia cardíaca, el 69% signos de infarto y el 84% cardiomegalia moderada a grave. La fracción de acortamiento promedio era del 26,07% y existía insuficiencia mitral moderada a grave en el 46% de los casos. El diagnóstico se confirmó por cateterismo en 11 pacientes.En un paciente se realizó cirugía de Takeuchi y en los 12 restantes se efectuó el reimplante de la coronaria izquierda en la aorta. En un paciente se realizó plástica mitral. Seis recibieron perfusión y cardioplejía de la coronaria anómala por la arteria pulmonar.ResultadosLa mortalidad al presente, con un seguimiento promedio de 74,76 meses, es del 0%. Ningún paciente presentaba insuficiencia cardíaca al alta. En 9 de los 11 pacientes con cardiomegalia, ésta se redujo. La fracción de acortamiento promedio posoperatoria fue del 39,92%. La insuficiencia mitral disminuyó en todos los que la presentaban, excepto en uno. Ninguno presentó insuficiencia grave en el posoperatorio alejado.ConclusionesLos resultados de la cirugía correctora del origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar son excelentes en todos los grupos etarios, con mejoría significativa de la función mioc

  7. Bone-anchored titanium implants for auricular rehabilitation: case report and review of literature

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    Emne Hammoud Gumieiro

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Osseointegrated implants have acquired an important role in the prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with craniofacial defects. The main indications are lack of local tissue for autogenous reconstruction, previous reconstruction failure and selection of this technique by the patient. This paper presents a clinical case and discusses indications and advantages of the osseointegrated implant technique for retention of auricular prostheses. TYPE OF STUDY: Case report, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP. METHODS: A female patient received three auricular implants after surgical resection of a hemangioma in her left ear. The time taken for osseointegration of the temporal bone was three months. After fabrication of the implant-retained auricular prosthesis, the patient was monitored for 12 months. RESULTS: The clinical parameters evaluated showed good postoperative healing, healthy peri-implant tissue, good hygiene and no loss of implants. Good hygiene combined with thin and immobile peri-implant soft tissues resulted in minimal complications. Craniofacial implant integration appears to be site-dependent; increasing age affects osseointegration in the temporal bone. The frequency of adverse skin reactions in peri-implant tissues is generally low. CONCLUSION: The surgical technique for rehabilitation using implant-retained auricular prostheses seems to be simple. It is associated with low rates of adverse skin reactions and long-term complications. Prostheses anchored by osseointegrated implants seem to provide better retention than do prostheses supported on spectacle frames, less risk of discoloration through the use of adhesives and better esthetic results than do prostheses anchored in the surgical cavity

  8. Experiencia en reconstrucción auricular en cáncer de piel con colgajo en "quesadilla"

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    C. Gutiérrez Gómez

    Full Text Available La reconstrucción auricular es una de las más difíciles ya que implica reproducir las sofisticadas y delicadas formas del pabellón auricular. Cuando hay que resecar piel en la oreja por un cáncer cutáneo y dejamos expuesto el cartílago, sin pericondrio, suele suceder que al colocar injertos no hay una integración adecuada de los mismos por las caprichosas formas y relieves del pabellón auricular; cuando es necesario resecar el pericondrio estamos obligados a cubrir el defecto con un colgajo y no con un simple injerto. Frente a esta dificultad técnica, diseñamos un colgajo ricamente vascularizado que preserva el cartílago no afectado con una buena cubierta y al mismo tiempo respeta la anatomía de la oreja. Para la cobertura del cartílago auricular anterior usamos un colgajo fasciocutáneo posterior que se asemeja a un plato típico de la cocina mexicana que llamamos "quesadilla", donde el cartílago por su color blanco recuerda el queso y el gran colgajo fasciocutaneo recuerda la tortilla que cubre al queso. Este colgajo incluye la piel enrollada del hélix, que en un segundo tiempo retornará a su lugar de origen anatómico mediante una z-plastía asimétrica. Presentamos, de entre una serie de 13 pacientes con carcinoma de pabellón auricular, 2 casos resueltos mediante esta técnica.

  9. La reemergencia del discurso nacional-popular en la nueva izquierda latinoamericana

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cancino, Hugo


    En este artículo analizamos la reemergencia del discurso nacional-popular. Los movimientos nacional-populares son un fenómeno recurrente en la historia de América Latina. Las revoluciones y los movimientos sociales más significativos del siglo XX fueron los movimientos nacional-populares. Para...... nuevo Estado, a través de la democracia radical, los cuales sustituyen la oligarquía del Estado y de la Nación Criolla que excluyeron indígenas y mestizos del poder y de la riqueza. Palabras claves: Discurso; Nacional-popular; Izquierda...

  10. Nociones sobre “democracia obrera” y “burocracia sindical” en la izquierda de los años 70. Una comparación entre la izquierda peronista y la izquierda marxista

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael FARACE


    Full Text Available Este trabajo estudia las nociones sobre democracia obrera y burocracia sindical utilizadas por las organizaciones de izquierda durante la década de 1970 a partir del análisis de fuentes documentales como volantes, boletines, prensa y documentos partidarios. Se examinará en particular los casos de dos organizaciones peronistas (Montoneros y Peronismo de Base y una organización marxista (Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores – Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo, estableciéndose comparaciones que den cuenta de la importancia de la adscripción ideológica y la estrategia política como condicionantes de los sentidos otorgados a la burocracia y democracia sindical. Por otra parte, se focalizará el estudio de publicaciones realizadas en el año 1975 debido a que en el marco de las jornadas de lucha obrera desarrolladas ese año se concentraron y profundizaron debates y concepciones al calor de la experiencia inédita de la clase trabajadora.

  11. The technique for 3D printing patient-specific models for auricular reconstruction. (United States)

    Flores, Roberto L; Liss, Hannah; Raffaelli, Samuel; Humayun, Aiza; Khouri, Kimberly S; Coelho, Paulo G; Witek, Lukasz


    Currently, surgeons approach autogenous microtia repair by creating a two-dimensional (2D) tracing of the unaffected ear to approximate a three-dimensional (3D) construct, a difficult process. To address these shortcomings, this study introduces the fabrication of patient-specific, sterilizable 3D printed auricular model for autogenous auricular reconstruction. A high-resolution 3D digital photograph was captured of the patient's unaffected ear and surrounding anatomic structures. The photographs were exported and uploaded into Amira, for transformation into a digital (.stl) model, which was imported into Blender, an open source software platform for digital modification of data. The unaffected auricle as digitally isolated and inverted to render a model for the contralateral side. The depths of the scapha, triangular fossa, and cymba were deepened to accentuate their contours. Extra relief was added to the helical root to further distinguish this structure. The ear was then digitally deconstructed and separated into its individual auricular components for reconstruction. The completed ear and its individual components were 3D printed using polylactic acid filament and sterilized following manufacturer specifications. The sterilized models were brought to the operating room to be utilized by the surgeon. The models allowed for more accurate anatomic measurements compared to 2D tracings, which reduced the degree of estimation required by surgeons. Approximately 20 g of the PLA filament were utilized for the construction of these models, yielding a total material cost of approximately $1. Using the methodology detailed in this report, as well as departmentally available resources (3D digital photography and 3D printing), a sterilizable, patient-specific, and inexpensive 3D auricular model was fabricated to be used intraoperatively. This technique of printing customized-to-patient models for surgeons to use as 'guides' shows great promise. Copyright © 2017 European

  12. La fibrilación auricular y su comportamiento en la mujer

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    Jorge E. Velásquez


    Full Text Available Resumen: Introducción: la fibrilación auricular es la arritmia más común en hombres y mujeres alrededor del mundo, y su prevalencia viene en aumento. Se ha descrito un número importante de factores de riesgo que se asocian con el desarrollo de la misma; en consecuencia, se presentan múltiples complicaciones y aumento de la morbimortalidad. Pese a que existe gran cantidad de evidencia sobre la fibrilación auricular, no hay suficiente literatura que la relacione únicamente con el género femenino. Objetivo: evaluar la literatura existente hasta la fecha sobre fibrilación auricular en la mujer, factores de riesgo, manifestaciones clínicas, enfoque clínico y tratamiento. Conclusiones: la mujer presenta menor incidencia y prevalencia de esta arritmia; así mismo, su edad al momento del diagnóstico es mayor. La hipertensión arterial y la enfermedad valvular son los principales factores de riesgo. Las manifestaciones clínicas tienden a ser más severas y las pacientes tienen un riesgo mayor de ataque cerebrovascular y muerte. Abstract: Introduction: Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia in men and women worldwide, and its prevalence is increasing. A significant number of risk factors associated with the development of atrial fibrillation have been described, with multiple complications and increased morbidity and mortality occurring as a consequence. Although there is a great deal of evidence regarding atrial fibrillation, there is insufficient literature relating it only to the female gender. Objective: To evaluate the available literature to date on atrial fibrillation in women: risk factors, clinical manifestations, clinical approach and treatment. Conclusions: Women have a lower incidence and prevalence of this arrhythmia, and their age at diagnosis is higher. High blood pressure and valve disease are the main risk factors. Clinical manifestations tend to be more severe and female patients have a higher risk of stroke and

  13. Resection of cervical vagal schwannoma via a post-auricular approach. (United States)

    Roh, Jong-Lyel


    Cervical vagal schwannomas are extremely rare and gross total resection is the standard treatment modality. However, because the conventional cervical approach leaves an incision scar in a visible area, other approaches need to be developed for young women who want the postoperative scar to be invisible. A 28-year-old female underwent complete resection of a 4x4 cm tumor in her right upper neck via a post-auricular approach using an inverted V-shaped incision along the post-auricular sulcus and hairline. The tumor was a schwannoma originating from the right cervical vagus nerve. Postoperatively, right vocal cord paralysis developed despite careful dissection but completely recovered within 6 months after surgery. The patient was satisfied with an invisible external scar which was hidden by her auricle and hair. A cervical vagal schwannoma can be successfully removed by making an incision in a potentially invisible area.

  14. La biografía colectiva. Por un Diccionario de las izquierdas y los movimientos sociales latinoamericanos

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    Horacio Tarcus


    Full Text Available El texto constituye una suerte de balance del Diccionario biográfico de la izquierda argentina publicado por el autor, así como un programa para el futuro Diccionario biográfico de la izquierda latinoamericana. Propone redescubrir las potencialidades del abordaje biográfico, con especial énfasis en las trayectorias de los intelectuales-militantes. El texto propone ubicar las causas de la caída en desuso de la biografía a partir de la segunda posguerra. Finalmente, se propone rescatar la noción de "itinerario" como concepto que permite entender la presencia de intelectuales y militantes, y apreciar las posibilidades de los actores de escoger entre distintas estrategias, las redes en las que estos se insertaron, las iniciativas políticas culturales que desarrollaron y las genealogías en las que se inscribieron.   Abstract   The text is a sort of balance of the Diccionario biográfico de la izquierda argentina, published by the author, as well as a program for the future Biographical Dictionary of the Latin American Left. It aims to rediscover the potential of the biographical approach emphasizing the lives of those who were both partisans and intellectuals. The text tries to find the causes of the obsolescence of the biography since World War II. Finally, it proposes to restore the notion of "itinerary" as a key concept to understand the presence of intellectuals and partisans, and to realize the actors’ options to choose between different strategies, the nets in which they were involved, the cultural political initiatives they developed, and the genealogies in which they were enrolled.

  15. The effect of auricular acupuncture on pain during colonoscopy with midazolam and pethidine (United States)

    Kusumastuti, R.; Srilestari, A.; Abdurrohim, K.; Abdullah, M.


    Colonoscopy is the standard procedure for colorectal cancer screening. One of its common complications is abdominal pain. Analgesia has not provided favorable outcomes so various complementary practices have been developed, including auricular acupuncture. In this study, a randomized controlled trial of 56 patients who underwent colonoscopy was conducted to determine the effect of acupuncture on the pain experienced during colonoscopy. Subjects were divided into two groups: The first received acupuncture combined with midazolam and pethidine, while the second were administered placebo puncture in addition to midazolam and pethidine. The median Critical Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) score was lower in the auricular acupuncture group than in the placebo puncture group(0.7 [0-4.83] vs. 1.9 [0-6.20] p = 0.010), while there were no significant differences to median Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores (29 [0-100] vs. 44.5 [0-100] p = 0.147), heart rate changes (-2.58 [14.31] vs.-2.43 [12.28]; p = 0.970), or the mean time to the cecum (16 [8-51] vs. 22 [5-63] p = 0.206). Auricular acupuncture combined with midazolam and pethidine was found to be effective at reducing pain during colonoscopy.

  16. [Des]igualdad y anarquismo. Derecha e izquierda en el ideario anarquista

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    Garaventa, Carlos A.


    Full Text Available Dentro del ideario anarquista podemos encontrar muchísimas vertientes ideológicas diferentes que nos hacen imposible dar una definición unívoca de esta corriente de pensamiento o, mejor dicho, de vida. Podemos señalar, sin embargo, una característica común a todo ideal ácrata: la oposición al Estado. Es posible señalar también, en un anarquismo puro, el respeto de los tres pilares fundadores de la Revolución Francesa, pero con una dinámica diferente: en lugar de considerarlos aisladamente, para el anarquismo puro, el trinomio debe funcionar como un todo único. Esto da lugar al triángulo virtuoso de libertad, igualdad y fraternidad; sin embargo, no todos los anarquistas defienden íntegramente este triángulo. Hay autores que, por ejemplo, no prestan atención a la igualdad. Siguiendo el esquema de distinción política que da Norberto Bobbio en Derecha e izquierda podemos realizar una diferenciación entre los anarquistas de ambos lados del abanico político. Esta diferencia la marca, según Bobbio, la aspiración, o no, a una sociedad igualitaria. En consecuencia, serán de izquierda aquellos anarquistas que defiendan la igualdad y, por ende, el triángulo virtuoso. Serán anarquistas de derecha, en cambio, aquellos que deseen la abolición del Estado pero haciendo caso omiso de si la sociedad se vuelve o no igualitaria.

  17. Em Torno da Fibrilação Auricular no Idoso...Complexo e Multifacetado


    Marques da Silva, P


    A fibrilação auricular é a arritmia mais comum dos idosos. A prevenção dos eventos tromboembólicos (e do acidente vascular cerebral, em particular) e a anticoagulação oral é uma necessidade inadiável. No entanto, a fibrilação auricular no idoso é uma circunstância, por natureza, complexa e está associada a um número elevado de comorbilidades, de síndromes gerais geriátricos, de polimedicação e de fragilidade clínica. Por isso, os cuidados geriátricos primários passam pela avaliação do estado ...

  18. Osseointegrated implants and auricular defects: a case series study. (United States)

    Wright, Robert F; Zemnick, Candice; Wazen, Jack J; Asher, Eric


    The objective of this study was to report on the survival rate of 16 patients treated with extraoral implants in the auricular region, analyze treatment outcomes, and discuss important clinical variables encountered during treatment. Sixteen patients who received extraoral dental implants to retain auricular prostheses between 1987 and 2003 were followed retrospectively. The variables recorded were gender, initial diagnosis, number and size of implants, implant placement date, age at implant placement, history of radiation to the treated field, abutment size, design of initial prosthesis, age of initial prosthesis (when a remake was indicated), date of prosthesis delivery, soft tissue response, grafting procedure, date of last follow-up, and complications. All patients were thoroughly evaluated presurgically by the reconstruction team, which consisted of prosthodontists, a facial prosthetist, and an otolaryngologist. Surgical templates were used for all patients. The criteria for success of the prostheses included marginal accuracy, overall stability and function, symmetry/position, texture, color stability, and patient acceptance. Thirty-nine implants were placed in 16 patients. All 16 patients were completely satisfied with their reconstructions. No surgical complications, implant failures, or prosthetic failures were encountered. Therefore, the survival rate was 100%. Three patients (18.75%) had grade 0, seven (43.75%) had grade 1, five (31.25%) had grade 2, and one (6.25%) had grade 3 soft tissue inflammation. The inflammation completely resolved in 7 of the 13 patients (54%) with hygiene reinforcement or soft tissue reduction. The survival rate for bone-anchored titanium implants and prostheses was 100%. Bone-anchored titanium implants provided the 16 patients in this study with a safe, reliable, adhesive-free method to anchor auricular prostheses with recovery of normal appearance. Under the guidance of an appropriate implant team, proper positioning of

  19. Reducing Anxiety and Improving Engagement in Health Care Providers Through an Auricular Acupuncture Intervention. (United States)

    Buchanan, Teresa M; Reilly, Patricia M; Vafides, Carol; Dykes, Patricia

    Stress and anxiety are experienced by health care providers as a consequence of caregiving and may result in physical, emotional, and psychological outcomes that negatively impact work engagement. The purpose of this study was to determine whether auricular acupuncture can reduce provider anxiety and improve work engagement. Study participants received 5 auricular acupuncture sessions within a 16-week period utilizing the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association protocol for treating emotional trauma. Each participant completed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) prior to their first session and again after their fifth treatment. Significant reductions were found in state and trait anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory), as well as significant increases in the overall scores on the UWES as compared with baseline. Only the dedication subcategory of the UWES showed significant improvement. Engagement has been linked to increased productivity and well-being and improved patient and organizational outcomes. Providing effective strategies such as auricular acupuncture to support health care providers in reducing anxiety in the workplace may improve engagement.

  20. Implant-supported auricular prosthesis

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    Aditi Nanda


    Full Text Available Differences in the balance of shape, size, and position of body organs are immediately perceived as "looking wrong" and this perception can subject the individual to significant peer ridicule and social ostracism, often expressing as intense shame and anguish in the attitude of the afflicted. Rehabilitation of such patients can be remarkably beneficial on the individual′s self-esteem and body image. The onus of the deed lies in the hands of a team that combines artistic excellence with surgical expertise, by combining the skills of anaplastologists, surgeons, and prosthodontists. This is a review of a few surgical and prosthetic considerations in the management of auricular defect and a case description of management of a patient of microtia following similar guidelines in fabrication of the epithesis.

  1. Los consejos de salarios en Uruguay con el gobierno de la izquierda

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    Luis Ibarra


    Full Text Available artículo analiza los Consejos de Salarios organizados en Uruguay por el gobierno de izquierda. Procura demostrar que no son simplemente una vuelta atrás, desde la desregulación laboral hacia la institución clásica del compromiso social. Envuelven, por el contrario, una inversión de las relaciones del trabajo con el estado y el capital.


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    Dra. E. Marianella Seguel R.


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia más frecuente y se relaciona con una alta tasa de accidente cerebrovascular y embolia sistécmica. La terapia establecida tanto para prevención primaria como secundaria es la anticoagulación con warfarina, antagonista de la vitamina K. Existen escalas que predicen el riesgo tromboembólico y la probabilidad de beneficiarse de terapia antitrombótica. El CHADS2 ha sido la más simple y ampliamente utilizada, pero actualmente el CHA2DS2-VASc ha incorporado otros factores de riesgo, otorgando una mejor estratificación. El estrecho margen terapécutico de la warfarina y la interacción con fármacos y alimentos requiere controles seriados de la intensidad de la anticoagulación, limitando su uso clínico. Han aparecido nuevos anticoagulantes que ofrecen ventajas sobre los antagonistas de vitamina K. Estos actúan en dos sitios distintos de la cascada de la coagulación: inhibiendo directamente la trombina como el dabigatran, o el factor X activado como el rivaroxaban, apixaban, edoxaban y betrixaban. Estos nuevos fármacos han ido reemplazando a la warfarina y ya están incluidos en las guías de manejo de fibrilación auricular no valvular.

  3. Progenitor cells in auricular cartilage demonstrate cartilage-forming capacity in 3D hydrogel culture

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    IA Otto


    Full Text Available Paramount for the generation of auricular structures of clinically-relevant size is the acquisition of a large number of cells maintaining an elastic cartilage phenotype, which is the key in producing a tissue capable of withstanding forces subjected to the auricle. Current regenerative medicine strategies utilize chondrocytes from various locations or mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs. However, the quality of neo-tissues resulting from these cell types is inadequate due to inefficient chondrogenic differentiation and endochondral ossification, respectively. Recently, a subpopulation of stem/progenitor cells has been identified within the auricular cartilage tissue, with similarities to MSCs in terms of proliferative capacity and cell surface biomarkers, but their potential for tissue engineering has not yet been explored. This study compared the in vitro cartilage-forming ability of equine auricular cartilage progenitor cells (AuCPCs, bone marrow-derived MSCs and auricular chondrocytes in gelatin methacryloyl (gelMA-based hydrogels over a period of 56 d, by assessing their ability to undergo chondrogenic differentiation. Neocartilage formation was assessed through gene expression profiling, compression testing, biochemical composition and histology. Similar to MSCs and chondrocytes, AuCPCs displayed a marked ability to generate cartilaginous matrix, although, under the applied culture conditions, MSCs outperformed both cartilage-derived cell types in terms of matrix production and mechanical properties. AuCPCs demonstrated upregulated mRNA expression of elastin, low expression of collagen type X and similar levels of proteoglycan production and mechanical properties as compared to chondrocytes. These results underscored the AuCPCs’ tissue-specific differentiation potential, making them an interesting cell source for the next generation of elastic cartilage tissue-engineered constructs.

  4. Biocompatibility of Human Auricular Chondrocytes Cultured onto a Chitosan/Polyvynil Alcohol/Epichlorohydrin-Based Hydrogel for Tissue Engineering Application


    Melgarejo-Ramírez, Yaaziel; Sánchez-Sánchez, Roberto; García-Carvajal, Zaira; García-López, Julieta; Gutiérrez-Gómez, Claudia; Luna-Barcenas, Gabriel; Ibarra, Clemente; Velasquillo, Cristina


    Tissue engineering (TE) has become an alternative for auricular reconstruction based on the combination of cells, molecular signals and biomaterials. Scaffolds are biomaterials that provide structural support for cell attachment and subsequent tissue development. Ideally, a scaffold should have characteristics such as biocompatibility and bioactivity to adequate support cell functions. Our purpose was to evaluate biocompatibility of microtic auricular chondrocytes seeded onto a chitosan-polyv...

  5. Cirugía de mínimo acceso de la fibrilación auricular aislada

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    Aquilino Hurlé


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular es el trastorno del ritmo cardíaco más frecuente. Durante años, su tratamiento se vio limitado casi exclusivamente al control farmacológico de la frecuencia cardíaca y a la prevención de eventos tromboembólicos con fármacos anticoagulantes. Debido a los recientes avances en el campo de la electrofisiología cardíaca y al desarrollo tecnológico, el abordaje terapéutico de esta arritmia se contempla hoy en día desde una perspectiva mucho más intervencionista que antaño. Recientemente, técnicas de cirugía videoasistida de última generación han comenzado a ser aplicadas en el tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular aislada con dos modalidades de abordaje: la cirugía mediante miniincisiones (minitoracotomía y la cirugía toracoscópica propiamente dicha. En este artículo describiremos y comentaremos estas formas de tratamiento quirúrgico de la fibrilación auricular.

  6. Acupuncture-like stimulation at auricular point Heart evokes cardiovascular inhibition via activating the cardiac-related neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius. (United States)

    Gao, Xin Yan; Li, Yan Hua; Liu, Kun; Rong, Pei Jing; Ben, Hui; Li, Liang; Zhu, Bing; Zhang, Shi Ping


    Fifty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats used in the present study to investigate the role of baroreceptor sensitive neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) in the regulation of cardiovascular inhibition during acupuncture at the auricular point Heart, single unit recording was made in anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats. A neuron was considered to be excited or inhibited by acupuncture stimulation if it displayed 15% more or less spikes s(-1), respectively. NTS neurons were classified into cardiac-related (CR) neurons and non-cardiac-related neurons based on whether their rhythmic discharges were synchronized with the R-waves and responding to sodium nitroprusside (NP; 20 μg/kg, i.v.) administration. Manual acupuncture was applied at the auricular point Heart and somatic acupuncture points ST36 and PC6. Acupuncture at auricular point Heart showed a more significant inhibitory effect on arterial pressure (-22.1±2.4mm Hg; Pheart rate (-12.7±1.7 bpm; PHeart also increased the level of response of CR neurons in the NTS (93.8%±26.0% increase in discharge rate; Pneurons evoked by auricular acupuncture, but had no effect on the same responses evoked by somatic acupuncture. Inactivation of the NTS with local anesthetics also decreased the cardiovascular inhibitory responses evoked by auricular acupuncture. Our results show that acupuncture at the auricular point Heart regulates cardiovascular function by activating baroreceptor sensitive neurons in the NTS in a similar manner as the baroreceptor reflex in cardiovascular inhibition. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Provision of Auricular Acupuncture and Acupressure in a University Setting (United States)

    Oyola-Santiago, Tamara; Knopf, Rachel; Robin, Tracy; Harvey, Kristen


    Auricular acupuncture using the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) protocol stimulates 5 points in each ear--the Shen Men, sympathetic nervous system, liver, kidney, and lung. This protocol is also known as Acu Detox, and has been used for recovery in community-based settings and drug use treatment programs. It has also been…

  8. Terapia anticoagulante en fibrilación auricular

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    Sebastián Prieto


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular es la taquiarritmia cardíaca más frecuente. Su incidencia aumenta con la edad, presentándose en un 1.5% entre los 50 a 59 años, y en un 8-10% entre los 80 a 89 años. Esta arritmia incrementa en cinco veces el riesgo de sufrir un evento cerebrovascular isquémico cardioembólico y causa el 15% de todos los accidentes cerebrovasculares isquémicos. Su manejo se enfoca en la prevención de los fenómenos tromboembólicos y el control de la frecuencia y ritmo cardíaco. El tratamiento anticoagulante ha demostrado ser la principal herramienta en la prevención de eventos cardioembólicos. Aunque las complicaciones hemorrágicas por el tratamiento son esperables y aumentan con la edad, el beneficio de usar anticoagulación sobrepasa por mucho al riesgo de sangrado. Precisamente debido a la heterogeneidad clínica de esta arritmia y a la dificultad de establecer un tratamiento adecuado para cada caso en particular, el American College of Cardiology, la American Heart Association, la European Society of Cardiology y el American College of Chest Physicians han establecido guías para mejorar el tratamiento de estos pacientes. La revisión de esta enfermedad y de las directrices propuestas puede facilitar y mejorar notablemente el tratamiento de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular.

  9. Auricular Acupuncture Analgesia in Thoracic Trauma: A Case Report

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    Georgios S. Papadopoulos


    Full Text Available We report a case of thoracic trauma (rib fractures with pneumothorax and pulmonary contusions with severe chest pain leading to ineffective ventilation and oxygenation. The patient presented to our emergency department. The patient had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and was completely unable to take deep breaths and clear secretions from his bronchial tree. After obtaining informed consent, we applied auricular acupuncture to ameliorate pain and hopefully improve his functional ability to cough and breathe deeply. Within a few minutes, his pain scores diminished considerably, and his ventilation and oxygenation indices improved to safe limits. Auricular acupuncture analgesia lasted for several hours. Parallel to pain reduction, hemodynamic disturbances and anxiety significantly resolved. A second treatment nearly a day later resulted in almost complete resolution of pain that lasted at least 5 days and permitted adequate ventilation, restored oxygenation, and some degree of mobilization (although restricted due to a compression fracture of a lumbar vertebra. Nonopioid and opioid analgesics were sparsely used in low doses during the entire hospitalization period. Hemodynamic alterations and anxiety also decreased, and the patient was soon ready to be discharged.

  10. Role of Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium in Auricular Chondrocyte Proliferation and Engineered Cartilage Formation in Vitro

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    Xia Liu


    Full Text Available The goal of this study is to determine the effects of Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium (ITS on proliferation of auricular chondrocytes and formation of engineered cartilage in vitro. Pig auricular monolayer chondrocytes and chondrocyte pellets were cultured in media containing 1% ITS at different concentrations of fetal bovine serum (FBS, 10%, 6%, 2%, 0%, or 10% FBS alone as a control for four weeks. Parameters including cell proliferation in monolayer, wet weight, collagen type I/II/X (Col I, II, X and glycosaminoglycan (GAG expression, GAG content of pellets and gene expression associated with cartilage formation/dedifferentiation (lost cartilage phenotype/hypertrophy within the chondrocyte pellets were assessed. The results showed that chondrocytes proliferation rates increased when FBS concentrations increased (2%, 6%, 10% FBS in ITS supplemented groups. In addition, 1% ITS plus 10% FBS significantly promoted cell proliferation than 10% FBS alone. No chondrocytes grew in ITS alone medium. 1% ITS plus 10% FBS enhanced cartilage formation in terms of size, wet weight, cartilage specific matrices, and homogeneity, compared to 10% FBS alone group. Furthermore, ITS prevented engineered cartilage from dedifferentiation (i.e., higher index of Col II/Col I mRNA expression and expression of aggrecan and hypertrophy (i.e., lower mRNA expression of Col X and MMP13. In conclusion, our results indicated that ITS efficiently enhanced auricular chondrocytes proliferation, retained chondrogenic phenotypes, and promoted engineered cartilage formation when combined with FBS, which is potentially used as key supplementation in auricular chondrocytes and engineered cartilage culture.

  11. High-fidelity tissue engineering of patient-specific auricles for reconstruction of pediatric microtia and other auricular deformities.

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    Alyssa J Reiffel

    Full Text Available Autologous techniques for the reconstruction of pediatric microtia often result in suboptimal aesthetic outcomes and morbidity at the costal cartilage donor site. We therefore sought to combine digital photogrammetry with CAD/CAM techniques to develop collagen type I hydrogel scaffolds and their respective molds that would precisely mimic the normal anatomy of the patient-specific external ear as well as recapitulate the complex biomechanical properties of native auricular elastic cartilage while avoiding the morbidity of traditional autologous reconstructions.Three-dimensional structures of normal pediatric ears were digitized and converted to virtual solids for mold design. Image-based synthetic reconstructions of these ears were fabricated from collagen type I hydrogels. Half were seeded with bovine auricular chondrocytes. Cellular and acellular constructs were implanted subcutaneously in the dorsa of nude rats and harvested after 1 and 3 months.Gross inspection revealed that acellular implants had significantly decreased in size by 1 month. Cellular constructs retained their contour/projection from the animals' dorsa, even after 3 months. Post-harvest weight of cellular constructs was significantly greater than that of acellular constructs after 1 and 3 months. Safranin O-staining revealed that cellular constructs demonstrated evidence of a self-assembled perichondrial layer and copious neocartilage deposition. Verhoeff staining of 1 month cellular constructs revealed de novo elastic cartilage deposition, which was even more extensive and robust after 3 months. The equilibrium modulus and hydraulic permeability of cellular constructs were not significantly different from native bovine auricular cartilage after 3 months.We have developed high-fidelity, biocompatible, patient-specific tissue-engineered constructs for auricular reconstruction which largely mimic the native auricle both biomechanically and histologically, even after an extended

  12. A Novel Biodegradable Polyurethane Matrix for Auricular Cartilage Repair: An In Vitro and In Vivo Study. (United States)

    Iyer, Kartik; Dearman, Bronwyn L; Wagstaff, Marcus J D; Greenwood, John E


    Auricular reconstruction poses a challenge for reconstructive and burns surgeons. Techniques involving cartilage tissue engineering have shown potential in recent years. A biodegradable polyurethane matrix developed for dermal reconstruction offers an alternative to autologous, allogeneic, or xenogeneic biologicals for cartilage reconstruction. This study assesses such a polyurethane matrix for this indication in vivo and in vitro. To evaluate intrinsic cartilage repair, three pigs underwent auricular surgery to create excisional cartilage ± perichondrial defects, measuring 2 × 3 cm in each ear, into which acellular polyurethane matrices were implanted. Biopsies were taken at day 28 for histological assessment. Porcine chondrocytes ± perichondrocytes were cultured and seeded in vitro onto 1 × 1 cm polyurethane scaffolds. The total culture period was 42 days; confocal, histological, and immunohistochemical analyses of scaffold cultures were performed on days 14, 28, and 42. In vivo, the polyurethane matrices integrated with granulation tissue filling all biopsy samples. Minimal neocartilage invasion was observed marginally on some samples. Tissue composition was identical between ears whether perichondrium was left intact, or not. In vitro, the polyurethane matrix was biocompatible with chondrocytes ± perichondrocytes and supported production of extracellular matrix and Type II collagen. No difference was observed between chondrocyte culture alone and chondrocyte/perichondrocyte scaffold coculture. The polyurethane matrix successfully integrated into the auricular defect and was a suitable scaffold in vitro for cartilage tissue engineering, demonstrating its potential application in auricular reconstruction.

  13. Long-term quality of life assessment in patients with auricular prostheses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kievit, H.; Verhage-Damen, G.W.; Ingels, K.J.A.O.; Mylanus, E.A.M.; Hol, M.K.S.


    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the quality of life of people with an auricular prosthesis. METHODS: A retrospective case series study was conducted. Quality of life was evaluated by an open-ended question form and 3 questionnaires: the Glasgow Benefit Inventory, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale, and the

  14. Disincronía ventricular izquierda en la estimulación septal prolongada


    Ferrando-Castagnetto, Federico; Ricca-Mallada, Roberto; Vidal, Alejandro; Martínez, Fabián; Ferrando, Rodolfo


    La estimulación por marcapasos se asocia con eventos adversos graves. En la siguiente serie de casos se evaluó la disincronía mecánica intraventricular izquierda (DMVI) en la estimulación endocárdica prolongada del ventrículo derecho a nivel septal. Se estudiaron 6 personas con marcapasos implantados no antes de un año utilizando SPECT gatillado con 99mTc-MIBI y análisis de fase en reposo. Se registraron variables clínicas, duración del QRS, tasa y modo de estimulación ventricular, presencia ...

  15. Eficacia y seguridad de la cardioversión eléctrica ambulatoria en la fibrilación auricular persistente

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    Diego E. Rosso


    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivo A pesar de los nuevos avances en el tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular, la cardioversión eléctrica sigue teniendo un papel preponderante, por lo que surge la necesidad de simplificar el método. El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar los riesgos y los beneficios de la cardioversión eléctrica ambulatoria en una población heterogénea de pacientes con fibrilación auricular persistente. Material y métodos Se analizaron prospectivamente 176 pacientes consecutivos con fibrilación auricular persistente sometidos a cardioversión eléctrica ambulatoria entre febrero de 2000 y septiembre de 2003. El protocolo consistió en choques de corriente monofásica de energía creciente (200 J, 300 J, 360 J en posición anterior y en caso de fracaso, 360 joules en posición anteroposterior, previa sedoanalgesia con propofol y fentanilo, y con alta precoz, a las dos horas. Se realizó seguimiento a un año. Resultados La media de edad de la población en estudio fue de 66 años, el 73% de sexo masculino, el 67% con cardiopatía estructural y el 59% con antecedentes de fibrilación auricular previa al evento índice. La duración promedio de la fibrilación auricular fue de 21 semanas y la RIN promedio, de 2,2. El 70% de los pacientes recibían antiarrítmicos de clase III. El procedimiento fue exitoso en el 85% de los pacientes (n = 150, con un promedio de choques por paciente de 1,34 y una energía acumulada promedio de 277,95 J. Tres pacientes presentaron insuficiencia cardíaca posprocedimiento y siete, bradiarritmias transitorias (FC < 40 latidos por minuto. Conclusiones La cardioversión eléctrica ambulatoria es un método seguro y eficaz para el tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular persistente

  16. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Auricular Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Managing Posthysterectomy Pain

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    Hin Cheung Tsang


    Result. As compared to the baseline, only the true TENS group reported a significant reduction in VAS-rest (P=.001, VAS-huff (P=.004, and VAS-cough (P=.001, while no significant reduction in any of the VAS scores was seen in the sham TENS group (all P>.05. In contrast, a small rising trend was observed in the VAS-rest and VAS-huff scores of the control group, while the VAS-cough score remained largely unchanged during the period of the study. A between-group comparison revealed that all three VAS scores of the true TENS group were significantly lower than those of the control group at 15 and 30 minutes after the intervention (all P<.02. No significant between-group difference was observed in PEFR at any point in time. Conclusion. A single session of auricular TENS applied at specific therapeutic points significantly reduced resting (VAS-rest and movement-evoked pain (VAS-huff, VAS-cough, and the effects lasted for at least 30 minutes after the stimulation. The analgesic effects of auricular TENS appeared to be point specific and could not be attributed to the placebo effect alone. However, auricular TENS did not produce any significant improvement in the performance of PEFR.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    张家彤; 王月


    Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of auricular plaster (otopoint-pressure) therapy in thetreatment of insomnia. Methods: In this paper, 61 cases of insomnia patients including 16 males and 45 females weretreated with Ershenmen (MA-TF 1), Zhen (MA-AT), Yuanzhong (MA-AT), Nao Dian and E (MA-AT), combined withother otopoints according to symptoms. The otopoint was stuck with a piece of plaster adhered with vaccaria seeds andpressured by the patient him- or her-self. The treatment was given twice a week, with 7 times being a therapeuticcourse. Results: After 1 - 2 courses of treatment, 19 (31.15%) cases were cured, 34 (55.74 % ) had improvementand 8 (13.11%) had no changes, with the total effective rate being 86.9%. Conclusion: Auricular plaster therapyworks well in the treatment of insomnia patient.

  18. Adjuvant auricular electroacupuncture and autogenic training in rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized controlled trial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bernateck, M.; Becker, M.; Schwacke, C.


    BACKGROUND: In contrast to psychological interventions the usefulness of acupuncture as an adjuvant therapy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has not yet been demonstrated. OBJECTIVE: The efficacy of auricular electroacupuncture (EA) was directly compared with autogenic training (AT). METHODS: Patients...

  19. Auricular Point Acupressure for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Feasibility Study for 1-Week Treatment

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    Chao-Hsing Yeh


    Full Text Available Objectives. The objective of this one-group, repeated-measures design was to explore the acceptance of auricular point acupressure (APA to reduce chronic low back pain (CLBP and estimate minimum clinically important differences (MCIDs for pain intensity change. Methods. Subjects received 7-day APA treatment. After appropriate acupoints were identified, vaccaria seeds were carefully taped onto each selected auricular point for 7-day. The Brief Pain Inventory Short Form (BPI was used to collect outcome data. Results. A total of 74 subjects participated in the study. Ten subjects dropped out and the retention rate was 87%. Subjects reported a 46% reduction in BPI worst pain, and over 50% reduction in BPI average pain, overall pain severity and pain interference by the end of study, and 62.5% subjects also reported less pain medication use. The MCIDs for the subscale of BPI ranged from .70 to 1.86 points. The percentage improvement of MCIDs from baseline was between 14.5–24.9%. Discussion. APA appears to be highly acceptable to patients with CLBP. A sham group is needed in order to differentiate the true effects of APA from the possible psychological effects of more frequent visits by the auricular therapist and patients’ expectation of the APA treatment.

  20. A Simplified Technique for Orientation of a Bone Anchored Auricular Prostheses: a Clinical Report

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    Hussein G. El Charkawi


    Full Text Available Background: A simple technique was presented in this clinical report for orientation of a bone anchored auricular prosthesis.Methods: The proposed technique includes drawing the intact ear on a transparent celluloid paper or radiographic film and flipping it to the opposite side and relating it to the fixed anatomical features on the face of patient.Results: The drawing, by this way provides a simple and easy way to duplicate and transfer the exact size and position of the intact ear to the defect side.Conclusions: This technique provides a simple, safe, inexpensive and time saving yet, an accurate and effective surgical template that orients the craniofacial implants to the confines of the definitive auricular prosthesis. It is indicated for restoration of single missing external ear either in aplasia, injuries and total resection.

  1. Comparison of Body, Auricular, and Abdominal Acupuncture Treatments for Insomnia Differentiated as Internal Harassment of Phlegm-Heat Syndrome: An Orthogonal Design

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    Yue Jiao


    Full Text Available Objective. To identify the optimum treatment protocol for insomnia among auricular, body, and abdominal needling methods. Methods. A three-factor (3 needling protocols and three-level experimental scheme was designed based on orthogonal method. 54 patients of insomnia differentiated as internal harassment of phlegm-heat syndrome were given two courses of acupuncture treatment (each with 20 times of acupuncture. The therapeutic effects were evaluated by comparing the Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI, Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD scores, and Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA scores of patients before treatment, after one course of treatment, and after two courses of treatment as well as one month after treatment. Results. Body, auricular, and abdominal acupuncture treatments all alleviated symptoms of insomnia, depression, and anxiety, but body and auricular acupuncture had stronger therapeutic effects. Conclusions. Body acupuncture at basic points shall be given priority in protocol selection for insomnia. The second-best choice is auricular acupuncture with basic points combined with points based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM theories. Abdominal needling with very quick effect can be an alternative protocol with basic points combined with syndrome differentiation points.

  2. Hemorragias intracraneales asociadas a fármacos en pacientes con fibrilación auricular no reumática


    García Luque, Amelia


    Numerosos ensayos clínicos aleatorizados (ECA) han demostrado el beneficio del uso de antirobóticos, fundamentalmente anticoagulantes orales (ACO), para la profilaxis de accidentes cerebrovascualres (ACV) isquémicos entre los pacientes con fibrilación auricular no reumática (FANR), siendo recomendado su uso por la mayoría de guías de práctica clínica (GPC), lo cual ha provocado un aumento del consumo de este grupo farmacológico. La prevalencia de fibrilación auricular (FA) aumenta con la eda...

  3. La izquierda uruguaya (1971-2004: ideología, estrategia y programa

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    Jaime YAFFÉ


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Desde el punto de vista ideológico pueden distinguirse tres etapas en la evolución de la izquierda uruguaya desde la creación del Frente Amplio (1971 hasta su reciente e inédito triunfo electoral. Durante la primera etapa (1971-1984, exhibía un programa democrático y reformista mientras que la ideología de la mayoría de los partidos que la integraban subestimaba el papel de la democracia liberal y aspiraba a instaurar lo más pronto posible el socialismo. La segunda etapa (1985-1994 es un tiempo de transición ideológica, impulsada por factores domésticos y exógenos. Este proceso desemboca en la creación del Encuentro Progresista (1994, constituido sobre la base de la alianza entre el Frente Amplio y nuevos aliados provenientes de los partidos tradicionales. A partir de esa fecha, y durante la década siguiente, la izquierda uruguaya siguió mutando, abandonando la mayor parte de sus propuestas programáticas de comienzos de la década de 1970 y convirtiéndose en un partido catch-all y socialdemócrata.ABSTRACT: Focusing on the ideology of the Uruguayan left, we recognize three stages in its evolution since the creation of the Frente Amplio in 1971 until its recent electoral triumph (2004. During the first stage (1971-1984, the FA promoted a democratic and reformist program. Whereas the ideology of the majority of its different fractions underestimated the idea of liberal democracy, and aspired to reach socialism as soon as possible. The second stage (1985-1994 was a time of ideological transition, influenced by domestic changes and international contexts, culminating on the creation of the Encuentro Progresista (1994, an alliance between FA and new partners coming from traditional parties. During the next last decade (1995-2004, the Uruguayan left continued its transformation, leaving behind most of its programmatic proposals of the early seventies and becoming a social-democratic catch-all party.

  4. First branchial cleft anomaly presenting as a recurrent post-auricular abscess


    Siddiq, M


    Failure to recognise these unusual cases may result in misdiagnosis, inadequate treatment, and subsequent recurrence. Further definitive surgery may thus be complicated. A case is reported of a patient who attended accident and emergency on three occasions with an infected post-auricular cyst, which was treated by incision and drainage. It was subsequently found to be a first branchial cleft anomaly.

  5. Agreement between auricular and rectal measurements of body temperature in healthy cats. (United States)

    Sousa, Marlos G; Carareto, Roberta; Pereira-Junior, Valdo A; Aquino, Monally C C


    Measurement of body temperature is a routine part of the clinical assessment of a patient. However, this procedure may be time-consuming and stressful to most animals because the standard site of temperature acquisition remains the rectal mucosa. Although an increasing number of clinicians have been using auricular temperature to estimate core body temperature, evidence is still lacking regarding agreement between these two methods in cats. In this investigation, we evaluated the agreement between temperatures measured in the rectum and ear in 29 healthy cats over a 2-week period. Temperatures were measured in the rectum (using digital and mercury-in-glass thermometers) and ear once a day for 14 consecutive days, producing 406 temperature readings for each thermometer. Mean temperature and confidence intervals were similar between methods, and Bland-Altman plots showed small biases and narrow limits of agreement acceptable for clinical purposes. The interobserver variability was also checked, which indicated a strong correlation between two near-simultaneous temperature readings. Results are consistent with auricular thermometry being a reliable alternative to rectal thermometry for assessing core body temperature in healthy cats.

  6. El giro a la izquierda frustrado en Perú: el caso de Ollanta Humala


    Maxwell A. Cameron


    En Perú, la campaña de elecciones de 2006 fue perturbada por el levantamiento inesperado del candidato nacionalista radical, Ollanta Humala. A pesar de ganar una pluralidad de 31% del voto en la primera vuelta, Humala perdió en la segunda votación, con un margen de 47 a 53%, frente a Alan García Pérez de la Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (apra). Perú no sólo decidió no elegir a un presidente de izquierda, sino que fue el único país en los Andes que votó en elecciones nacionales en l...

  7. Victimización y heroísmo. Disputas de las memorias emblemáticas de la izquierda chilena en dos fechas conmemorativas: aniversario del golpe de Estado y día del joven combatiente

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    Tamara vidaurrazaga aránguiz


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo proponemos reflexionar en torno a dos memorias emblemáticas y dicotómicas que tienen lugar dentro de la izquierda chilena a la hora de recordar a quienes resistieron a la dictadura de Pinochet, reelaboraciones que hemos denominado memoria de la victimización y memoria del heroísmo, y que ejemplificaremos en dos fechas icónicas para la izquierda chilena: la conmemoración del Golpe de Estado cada 11 de septiembre, y el Día del Joven Combatiente rememorado cada 29 de marzo. Lo que nos interesa es reflexionar en torno a la marmolización que implican estas dos reconstrucciones, y la dificultad para imaginar un futuro para el proyecto político heredado por la izquierda chilena al sumirnos en esta dicotomía estanca.

  8. Reconstrucción de una pérdida parcial del pabellón auricular por trauma

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    Denia Morales Navarro

    Full Text Available La posición expuesta de la oreja la hace vulnerable a muchos tipos de lesiones, entre las que se encuentran los traumas. Nuestro propósito es presentar un caso clínico en el que se realizó la reconstrucción de una pérdida parcial del pabellón auricular por trauma. Acude al cuerpo de guardia del Hospital Universitario “General Calixto García” un paciente masculino de 42 años refiriendo haber perdido un fragmento de oreja en una riña. Se decide realizar hemostasia y fijación mediante puntos de sutura del pabellón auricular remanente a la región temporal, previa incisión en la zona. A los 3 meses del evento traumático se reevalúa con fines de realizar la planificación preoperatoria reconstructiva. Se decide la realizarla mediante injerto de cartílago costal colocado en forma de “bolsillo” en la región temporal. Al mes de esta última intervención quirúrgica se realiza, bajo anestesia local, la liberación de la región auricular, el avance de un colgajo temporal y la colocación de un injerto libre de piel en la cara posterior del área reconstruida. Se observa una excelente evolución posoperatoria. El paciente refirió una gran satisfacción por los resultados estéticos obtenidos. En este caso se empleó una secuencia diagnóstica y terapéutica, según elección de los cirujanos involucrados, ante un defecto traumático parcial del pabellón auricular en sus tercios superior y medio. Este tipo de secuela traumática requirió el empleo de procederes quirúrgicos en varios tiempos operatorios que garantizaran un buen aporte sanguíneo de los tejidos y adecuados resultados estéticos finales.

  9. Forty Cases of Insomnia Treated by Multi-output Electric Pulsation and Auricular Plaster Therapy

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Liu Weizhe


    @@ The writer has treated 40 cases of insomnia by the method of multi-output electric pulsation in combination with auricular plaster therapy (with a seed of Vaccariae segetalis 王不留行 taped tightly to a particular ear point and pressed) and received satisfactory therapeutic effects. A report follows.

  10. Cirugía de la fibrilación auricular


    Hernandez-Estefania, R. (Rafael); Martin-Trenor, A. (Alejandro); Levy-Praschker, B.G. (Beltran G.); Rabago, G. (Gregorio)


    La cirugía de la fibrilación auricular se basa en la creación de cicatrices de aislamiento en la aurícula con el propósito de evitar los fenómenos de reentrada que inician y perpetúan la arritmia, permitiendo la reconducción del estímulo normal desde el nodo sinusal hasta el nodo auriculo-ventricular. La técnica quirúrgica inicialmente descrita (basada en incisiones y sutura), compleja y poco utilizada por el riesgo de complicaciones, potenció el desarrollo de otros procedimientos actuales, e...

  11. 87. Análisis del remodelado anatomoeléctrico auricular para la predicción del éxito de la ablación quirúrgica concomitante de la fibrilación auricular a medio plazo

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    E. Martín


    Conclusiones: El análisis del grado de remodelado auricular anatomoeléctrico preoperatorio mediante variables indirectas incruentas podría ser útil para seleccionar los pacientes más favorables para el restablecimiento de RS tras ablación concomitante de FA.

  12. Persistencia de la vena cava superior izquierda: Diagnóstico e importancia prenatal Persistency of the left superior caval vein: Diagnosis and its prenatal importance

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    Juan F Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Durante un ultrasonido obstétrico de rutina se deben realizar ciertos planos del corazón en los cuales no es complejo identificar un grupo de anomalías como la persistencia de la vena cava superior izquierda. Cuando se identifica una vena cava superior izquierda aislada, sin otras anomalías del corazón fetal, no existe ninguna repercusión perinatal. Su importancia radica en que un grupo considerable de estos casos se acompaña de cardiopatías congénitas y anomalías anatómicas y cromosómicas. En este artículo se describen nueve casos de vena cava superior izquierda persistente, al igual que las anomalías del corazón asociadas, como también las alteraciones extracardiacas encontradas.Certain heart fetal planes must be realized during a routine obstetric ultrasound in order to identify a group of anomalies such as the persistency of the left superior caval vein. When an isolated left superior venal vein is identified without any other anomaly of the fetal heart, it does not have any perinatal repercussion. Its importance lies in the fact that a considerable number of these cases are associated with a high incidence of congenital heart diseases and anatomic and chromosomal abnormalities. This article reports nine cases of persistency of the left superior caval vein as well as the associated heart abnormalities and the extra-cardiac alterations found.

  13. Adjuvant auricular electroacupuncture and autogenic training in rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized controlled trial. Auricular acupuncture and autogenic training in rheumatoid arthritis. (United States)

    Bernateck, Michael; Becker, Mareike; Schwake, Christine; Hoy, Ludwig; Passie, Torsten; Parlesak, Alexandr; Fischer, Michael J; Fink, Matthias; Karst, Matthias


    In contrast to psychological interventions the usefulness of acupuncture as an adjuvant therapy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has not yet been demonstrated. The efficacy of auricular electroacupuncture (EA) was directly compared with autogenic training (AT). Patients with RA (n = 44) were randomized into EA or AT groups. EA and lessons in AT were performed once weekly for 6 weeks. Primary outcome measures were the mean weekly pain intensity and the disease activity score 28 (DAS 28); secondary outcome measures were the use of pain medication, the pain disability index (PDI), the clinical global impression (CGI) and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, which were assessed during the study period and 3 months after the end of treatment. At the end of the treatment and at 3-month follow-up a clinically meaningful and statistically significant improvement (p < 0.05) could be observed in all outcome parameters and both groups. In contrast to the AT group, the onset of these effects in the EA group could already be observed after the 2nd treatment week. In the 4th treatment week the EA group reported significantly less pain than the AT group (p = 0.040). After the end of treatment (7th week) the EA group assessed their outcome as significantly more improved than the AT group (p = 0.035). The erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the EA group was significantly reduced (p = 0.010), and the serum concentration of tumor necrosis factor-alpha was significantly increased compared to the AT group (p = 0.020). The adjuvant use of both EA and AT in the treatment of RA resulted in significant short- and long-term treatment effects. The treatment effects of auricular EA were more pronounced. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  14. Historia de vida de un militante mexicano de izquierda

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    María Patricia Pensado Leglise


    Full Text Available Este texto plantea una reflexión teórico- metodológica sobre la historia de vida en el marco conceptual de la Historia oral, señalando los aportes a los estudios históricos contemporáneos. Se presenta la historia de vida de un socialista mexicano, Adolfo Sánchez Rebolledo, cuya praxis ha sido significativa para comprender el desarrollo de la política de izquierda en México y su intervención en las principales movilizaciones sociales que tuvieron lugar durante la segunda mitad del siglo xx. También da cuenta de los cambios ylas organizaciones políticas, desde las rupturas con el estalinismo, la influencia de la revolución cubana, los movimientos por los derechos civiles y contra la guerra de Vietnam hasta llegar a la revaloración de la democracia formal y el abandono de la militancia partidaria para formar parte del movimiento social. Los testimonios que aparecen a lo largo del artículo se seleccionaron y editaron de las once sesiones de entrevistas que se hicieron con Sánchez Rebolledo en el lapso de tres años (2005-2008.

  15. Nuevos anticoagulantes orales en fibrilación auricular no valvular

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    Andrés F. Buitrago, MD


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia cardiaca sostenida más común y su prevalencia se duplica cada decenio por encima de los cincuenta años. Entretanto, las condiciones clínicas que más se asocian con ésta son la hipertensión arterial, la insuficiencia cardíaca, la enfermedad valvular cardíaca y la diabetes mellitus. Como complicaciones está la falla cardiaca, pero tal vez una de las peores son los eventos cardioembólicos, que ocurren aproximadamente en 4,5% de los pacientes no anticoagulados. El tratamiento antitrombótico con antagonistas de la vitamina K fue, durante más de cincuenta años, la única alternativa disponible, a pesar de sus múltiples limitaciones, las mismas que llevaron al desarrollo de nuevos fármacos anticoagulantes que disminuyen muchos de los problemas de los antagonistas de la vitamina K. Pueden agruparse en dos clases: inhibidores orales directos de la trombina e inhibidores orales del factor X activado. Tanto dabigatrán, rivaroxabán como apixabán, cuentan ya con estudios clínicos controlados aleatorizados que apoyan su uso en el tratamiento antitrombótico de la fibrilación auricular y recientemente se incluyeron en las guías basadas en la evidencia como alternativa (ACC e incluso con un grado de recomendación superior (CCS, CHEST al de los antagonistas de la vitamina K.

  16. Designing and manufacturing an auricular prosthesis using computed tomography, 3-dimensional photographic imaging, and additive manufacturing: a clinical report. (United States)

    Liacouras, Peter; Garnes, Jonathan; Roman, Norberto; Petrich, Anton; Grant, Gerald T


    The method of fabricating an auricular prosthesis by digitally positioning a mirror image of the soft tissue, then designing and using rapid prototyping to produce the mold, can reduce the steps and time needed to create a prosthesis by the traditional approach of sculpting either wax or clay. The purpose of this clinical report is to illustrate how the use of 3-dimensional (3-D) photography, computer technology, and additive manufacturing can extensively reduce many of the preliminary procedures currently used to create an auricular prosthesis. Copyright © 2011 The Editorial Council of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Chondrogenic potential of bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells on a novel, auricular-shaped, nanocomposite scaffold

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    Kavi H Patel


    Full Text Available Reconstruction of the human auricle remains a challenge to plastic surgeons, and current approaches are not ideal. Tissue engineering provides a promising alternative. This study aims to evaluate the chondrogenic potential of bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells on a novel, auricular-shaped polymer. The proposed polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-modified poly(hexanolactone/carbonateurethane/urea nanocomposite polymer has already been transplanted in patients as the world’s first synthetic trachea, tear duct and vascular bypass graft. The nanocomposite scaffold was fabricated via a coagulation/salt-leaching method and shaped into an auricle. Adult bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells were isolated, cultured and seeded onto the scaffold. On day 21, samples were sent for scanning electron microscopy, histology and immunofluorescence to assess for neocartilage formation. Cell viability assay confirmed cytocompatability and normal patterns of cellular growth at 7, 14 and 21 days after culture. This study demonstrates the potential of a novel polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-modified poly(hexanolactone/carbonateurethane/urea scaffold for culturing bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells in chondrogenic medium to produce an auricular-shaped construct. This is supported by scanning electron microscopy, histological and immunofluorescence analysis revealing markers of chondrogenesis including collagen type II, SOX-9, glycosaminoglycan and elastin. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of stem cell application on an auricular-shaped scaffold for tissue engineering purposes. Although many obstacles remain in producing a functional auricle, this is a promising step forward.

  18. Effects of auricular acupressure using Sinapsis alba seeds on obesity and self-efficacy in female college students. (United States)

    Kim, Dongwon; Ham, Ok Kyung; Kang, Changwan; Jun, Eunmi


    To examine the effects of auricular acupressure with Sinapsis alba seeds on obesity and self-efficacy. Randomized controlled trial. College settings located in metropolitan areas of Korea. A total of 49 female college students who were overweight or obese (body-mass index [BMI] ≥25.0 kg/m(2)) were recruited and randomly assigned to the experimental group (n=25) or the control group (n=24). The experimental group applied three S. alba seeds to each of five auricular points (Shenmen, mouth, stomach, endocrine, and small intestine points). These participants were asked to stimulate those points 10 times at a rate of two times per second 30 minutes before mealtime, three times daily, for 1 month. They performed the procedure for each earlobe for alternating weeks (a total of 2 weeks' treatment for each ear). The obesity index included weight (kg), BMI (kg/m(2)), percentage body fat, and waist-to-hip ratio. Self-efficacy was measured by using a self-efficacy scale. Female students in the experimental group showed significant decreases in weight (t=10.76; p0.05) and waist-to-hip ratio (t=0.60; p>0.05) changes did not significantly differ between the two groups. These findings suggest that auricular acupressure using S. alba seeds may be an effective intervention for decreasing weight and BMI and increasing self-efficacy of overweight and obese individuals.

  19. Tratamiento de urgencia en la fibrilación auricular, Policlínico Pedro Borrás, Pinar del Río 2015

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    Yedila Hilda Duque Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: La fibrilación auricular constituye la arritmia más frecuente dentro de los trastornos del ritmo que motivan  consulta en el servicio de urgencias. Afecta el 0,4% de la población general aumentando su incidencia con la edad, aproximadamente un 75% de portadores entre 65 y 85 años. Objetivo: Describir el tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular en el servicio de urgencias del Policlínico Pedro Borrás de la ciudad de Pinar del Río. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación prospectiva y descriptiva en pacientes con arritmias cardíacas en el servicio de urgencias del policlínico Pedro Borrás de la ciudad de Pinar del Río, de enero a marzo de 2015. Se confeccionó un modelo de encuesta computable que se aplicó a cada una de las historias clínicas, realizándose el análisis de los resultados utilizando estadígrafos de la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: La fibrilación auricular se presentó en el 67,7% de los pacientes, siendo la hipertensión arterial y la fibrilación auricular idiopática las etiologías más frecuentes. El 22,6%  presentó signos de insuficiencia cardíaca al ingreso y el 41,7% presentó más de 24 horas de evolución. La reversión a ritmo sinusal se produjo en 36 de 84 pacientes en las primeras 24 horas. El fármaco más utilizado en el episodio agudo fue la digoxina. Conclusiones: Varios factores influyeron en la no conversión a ritmo sinusal en pacientes con fibrilación auricular, pero el tiempo de evolución y la presencia de insuficiencia cardiaca permitieron estimar de la probabilidad de paso a ritmo sinusal en las primeras 24 horas.

  20. Pseudo-aneurisma post-traumático de tronco de arteria coronaria izquierda

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    Melina M. Gallo


    Full Text Available El pseudo-aneurisma de arteria coronaria es extremadamente raro. Su historia natural es poco conocida y su tratamiento discutido. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con pseudo-aneurisma de tronco de la coronaria izquierda e infarto antero-apical del ventrículo izquierdo cinco años después de un paro cardíaco secundario a un traumatismo no penetrante de tórax. Se consideró entonces que la lesión no era pasible de corrección percutánea o quirúrgica por lo que se optó por tratamiento médico conservador. Una angiografía coronaria por tomografía computarizada multicorte realizada 10 años después del evento inicial mostró ausencia de progresión de la lesión.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    ZHANG Xuezhao; XIAO Maolei; SUN Guojie


    Objective: To study the effect of auricular acupuncture on dysmnesia and the relationship between the memory improvement and bcl-2 protein expression in vascular dementia (VD) rats. Methods: Forty Wistar rats were randomized into control group, VD group, acupuncture+ VD group and pseudo-operation group, with 10 cases in each group. Rat VD model was established by using 4-vessel occlusion method. Otopoint "Nao"-point and "Shen"(MA-SC)were punctured, once daily continuously for 15 days. The rats' memory capability was tested with Y-maze method and bcl-2 expression of the brain tissues displayed by immunohistochemical method and measured using MIAS-2000 Image Analyzer. Results: Results showed that the scores of control group, VD group and acupuncture+ VD group before operation were 5.68±1.29, 6.07±1.67 and 5.86±1.74 respectively, while following auricular acupuncture treatment,the scores of the 3 groups were 5.81±1.51, 18.06±2.68 and 8.31 ± 1.85 separately, suggesting that the VD rat's learning and memory abilities in acupuncture+ VD group were raised apparently in comparison with those of VD group (P < 0.01 ). In control, VD and acupuncture+VD group, bcl-2 immuno-reaction positive neurons in CA1 area of the hippocampus were 14.31 ± 4.87, 28.67 ± 5.63 and 65.74 ± 8.19 respectively, displaying that the improvement of learning and memory abilities caused by auricular acupuncture treatment may be related to the up-regulation of bcl-2expression (an inhibitory gene of apoptosis). In comparison with control group, the loss of neurons in the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampal CA1 area of VD group was more severe, while that of acupuncture group was markedly lighter. Conclusion: Auricular acupuncture of otopoint "Nao"-point and "Shen" (MA-SC) can raise the learning and memory abilities of VD rats, which may be realized by its inhibitory effect on apoptosis and the protection action on ischemic hippocampal neurons.

  2. Auricular Acupuncture for Pain Relief after Ambulatory Knee Arthroscopy—A Pilot Study

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    Taras I. Usichenko


    Full Text Available Auricular acupuncture (AA is effective in treating various pain conditions, but there have been no analyses of AA for the treatment of pain after ambulatory knee surgery. We assessed the range of analgesic requirements under AA after ambulatory knee arthroscopy. Twenty patients randomly received a true AA procedure (Lung, Shenmen and Knee points or sham procedure (three non-acupuncture points on the auricular helix before ambulatory knee arthroscopy. Permanent press AA needles were retained in situ for one day after surgery. Post-operative pain was treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ibuprofen, and weak oral opioid tramadol was used for rescue analgesic medication. The quantity of post-operative analgesics and pain intensity were used to assess the effect of AA. The incidence of analgesia-related side effects, time to discharge from the anesthesia recovery room, heart rate and blood pressure were also recorded. Ibuprofen consumption after surgery in the AA group was lower than in the control group: median 500 versus 800 mg, P = 0.043. Pain intensity on a 100 mm visual analogue scale for pain measurement and other parameters were similar in both groups. Thus AA might be useful in reducing the post-operative analgesic requirement after ambulatory knee arthroscopy.

  3. Auricular Electroacupuncture Reduced Inflammation-Related Epilepsy Accompanied by Altered TRPA1, pPKCα, pPKCε, and pERk1/2 Signaling Pathways in Kainic Acid-Treated Rats

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    Yi-Wen Lin


    Full Text Available Background. Inflammation is often considered to play a crucial role in epilepsy by affecting iron status and metabolism. In this study, we investigated the curative effect of auricular acupuncture and somatic acupuncture on kainic acid- (KA- induced epilepsy in rats. Methods. We established an epileptic seizure model in rats by KA (12 mg, ip. The 2 Hz electroacupuncture (EA was applied at auricular and applied at Zusanli and Shangjuxu (ST36-ST37 acupoints for 20 min for 3 days/week for 6 weeks beginning on the day following the KA injection. Results. The electrophysiological results indicated that neuron overexcitation occurred in the KA-treated rats. This phenomenon could be reversed among either the auricular EA or ST36-ST37 EA treatment, but not in the sham-control rats. The Western blot results revealed that TRPA1, but not TRPV4, was upregulated by injecting KA and could be attenuated by administering auricular or ST36-ST37 EA, but not in the sham group. In addition, potentiation of TRPA1 was accompanied by increased PKCα and reduced PKCε. Furthermore, pERK1/2, which is indicated in inflammation, was also increased by KA. Furthermore, the aforementioned mechanisms could be reversed by administering auricular EA and could be partially reversed by ST36-ST37 EA. Conclusions. These results indicate a novel mechanism for treating inflammation-associated epilepsy and can be translated into clinical therapy.

  4. Prosthesis-guided implant restoration of an auricular defect using computed tomography and 3-dimensional photographic imaging technologies: a clinical report. (United States)

    Wang, Shuming; Leng, Xu; Zheng, Yaqi; Zhang, Dapeng; Wu, Guofeng


    The concept of prosthesis-guided implantation has been widely accepted for intraoral implant placement, although clinicians do not fully appreciate its use for facial defect restoration. In this clinical report, multiple digital technologies were used to restore a facial defect with prosthesis-guided implantation. A simulation surgery was performed to remove the residual auricular tissue and to ensure the correct position of the mirrored contralateral ear model. The combined application of computed tomography and 3-dimensional photography preserved the position of the mirrored model and facilitated the definitive implant-retained auricular prosthesis. Copyright © 2015 Editorial Council for the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. De "El Auténtico" a "La Voz": el pensamiento de la izquierda peronista antes y después de la dictadura (1975-1984

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    Joaquín Baeza Belda


    Full Text Available En 1975, en el contexto del conflictivo y cada vez más represivo gobierno de Isabel Perón, la organización armada Montoneros, de la izquierda peronista, decide lanzar un partido político propio, el Partido Peronista Auténtico, con la intención de desarrollar una labor fuera de la clandestinidad. El partido editó además el periódico El Auténtico, en el que se expresaban las ideas de este importante segmento de la izquierda peronista. Tras el golpe de 1976 y varios años de dura represión, durante los primeros pasos de la apertura política se creó el diario La Voz, en torno al que se reagrupó gran parte de la izquierda peronista superviviente que se desarrollaba a partir de la línea interna Intransigencia y Movilización. Si bien no es posible encontrar una sucesión directa entre ambas publicaciones, las continuidades son evidentes y su comparación permite estudiar los cambios producidos en el ideario y en la cultura política del peronismo y sus sectores de izquierda durante la transición a la democracia.______________ABSTRACT:In 1975, in the context of the troubled and ever more repressive government of Isabel Peron, the Montoneros, a guerrilla force from the peronist left, decided to create their own political party: Partido Peronista Auténtico. Their aim was to develop their activities outside clandestinity.  Besides, they started to publish El Autentico, a newspaper through which they expressed the ideas of this important segment of the peronist left. After the 1976 coup d’état, and several years of harsh repression, the first steps to political liberalization were taken. It was in those years that the newspaper La Voz was created as a meeting point for most of the surviving peronist left, which formed part of the Intransigencia y Movilización movement, an internal line within the party.  Although there is no direct succesion between both publications, there is a clear continuity between them. This is why their

  6. Refinamientos en la reconstrucción del tercio superior auricular con la técnica de Davis: Estudio anatómico y serie clínica Refinements on reconstruction of auricular upper pole defects with Davi's technique: Anatomical study and clinical series

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    S. Llanos


    Full Text Available Los defectos del tercio superior auricular son un desafío reconstructivo. Están descritas diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas para este fin con resultados a veces desfavorables Realizamos un estudio anatómico en cadáveres frescos que mostró la presencia constante de un pedículo neurovascular que penetra la raíz del hélix. Mostramos la localización y los diámetros de los vasos. Basándonos en este estudio anatómico, presentamos una serie de 10 casos consecutivos tratados por el autor principal. Analizamos la etiología, técnica quirúrgica, complicaciones y resultado a largo plazo. La técnica del autor introduce refinamientos a la técnica de Davis, el cual usa un colgajo condrocutáneo de concha auricular basado en la rama superior de la arteria temporal superficial y un colgajo cutáneo axial de base superior basado en la arteria retroauricular, para crear el nuevo hélix auricular superior. El aspecto posterior de este colgajo condrocutáneo se cubre con un injerto de piel total. En un segundo tiempo empleamos una zetaplastia de la base del hélix que nos dará una mejor forma. El estudio anatómico demostró la presencia de un pedículo neurovascular que penetra la raíz del hélix. La serie clínica está compuesta por 8 defectos postraumáticos, una quemadura eléctrica y un tumor de piel. Todos los colgajos condrocutáneos de concha auricular sobrevivieron comprobándose la seguridad del pedículo del hélix. Dos colgajos retroauriculares presentaron sufrimiento vascular transitorio distal, uno de ellos con recuperación completa y otro con necrosis distal mínima. Dos casos sufrieron pérdida parcial del injerto de piel total. Durante el desarrollo de la serie descubrimos algunos detalles de la técnica quirúrgica, que ahora discutimos en el artículo. Todos los pacientes recuperaron el contorno auricular, obteniendo los mejores resultados en aquellos en los que se aplicaron los refinamientos descritos. En conclusión, creemos

  7. Reporte del primer caso de implante exitoso de asistencia ventricular izquierda HeartMate II como terapia de destino en Suramérica

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    Antonio Figueredo


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino de 55 años de edad, con insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva descompensada secundaria a cardiopatía dilatada idiopática y con contraindicación para trasplante cardiaco, en quien se implanta de manera exitosa el primer dispositivo de asistencia ventricular izquierda HeartMate II en Suramérica.

  8. Cardiomiopatía hipertrófica y síndrome de Wolff-Parkinson-White con bloqueo aurículo-ventricular completo. Una extraña asociación: Reporte de un caso Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome with complete auriculoventricular block. A strange association: Report of one case

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    Franco J Vallejo


    Full Text Available Paciente masculino de 22 años quien ingresa por episodio de síncope. En el electrocardiograma se encuentra patrón de Wolff-Parkinson-White y signos de sobrecarga auricular e hipertrofia ventricular izquierda con bloqueo aurículo-ventricular completo. El ecocardiograma transtorácico es compatible con cardiomiopatía hipertrófica no obstructiva. Se lleva a estudio electrofisiológico donde se encuentra pre-excitación por vía accesoria y bloqueo aurículo-ventricular infrahisiano; se realiza ablación y se implanta marcapasos bicameral.A 22 years old male patient is admitted for a syncope episode. An electrocardiogram shows a Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern and signs of auricular overload with left ventricular hypertrophy and complete auriculoventricular block. The transthoracic echocardiogram is compatible with non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. An electrophysiological study is carried out, finding pre-excitation through an accessory way and infra-His auriculoventricular block. An ablation is performed and a bicameral pacemaker is implanted.

  9. Prevalencia preoperatoria de la fibrilación auricular permanente en cirugía cardíaca

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    Fernando Hornero


    Conclusiones: La FA permanente se presenta en nuestro medio quirúrgico preoperatorio en el 13,6%, preferentemente asociada a enfermedad mitral. Los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares están presentes con similar prevalencia en los pacientes con FA que en el resto, excepto el tamaño auricular.

  10. Efficacy of Auricular Acupressure for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Li-Hua Yang


    Full Text Available Objectives. To identify the efficacy of auricular acupressure on pain and disability for chronic LBP by systematic review. Methods. A search of randomized controlled trials was conducted in four English medical electronic databases and three Chinese databases. Two reviewers independently retrieved related studies, assessed the methodological quality, and extracted data with a standardized data form. Meta-analyses were performed using all time-points meta-analysis. Results. A total of 7 trials met the inclusion criteria, of which 4 had the low risk of bias. The findings of this study showed that, for the immediate effect, auricular acupressure had large, significant effects in improving pain within 12 weeks. As for the follow-up effect, the pooled estimates also showed promising effect at 4-week follow-up after 4-week intervention (standardized mean difference = −1.13, 95% CI (-1.70, -0.56, P<0.001. But, for the disability level, the therapeutic effect was not significant (mean difference = −1.99, 95% CI (-4.93, 0.95, P=0.18. No serious adverse effects were recorded. Conclusions. The encouraging evidence of this study indicates that it is recommended to provide auricular acupressure to patients with chronic low back pain. However, a more accurate estimate of the effect will require further rigorously designed large-scale RCTs on chronic LBP for improving pain and disability.

  11. Vasoconstrictive Responses by the Carotid and Auricular Arteries in goats to Ergot Alkaloid Exposure (United States)

    Aiken, Glen; Flythe, Michael


    A fungal endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum) infects most plants of ‘Kentucky 31’ tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) and produces ergot alkaloids that cause persistent constriction of the vascular system in grazing livestock. Consequently, animals undergoing this toxicosis cannot regulate core body temperature and are vulnerable to heat and cold stresses. An experiment was conducted to determine if the caudal and auricular arteries in goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) vasoconstrict in response to ergot alkaloids. Seven, rumen fistulated goats were fed ad libitum orchardgrass (Dactylis glomeratia) hay and ruminally infused with endophtye-free seed (E-) for a 7-day adjustment period. Two periods followed with E- and endophyte-infected (E+) seed being randomly assigned to the 2 goat groups in period 1 and then switching treatments between groups in period 2. Infused E+ and E- seed were in equal proportions to the hay such that concentrations of ergovaline and ergovalanine were 0.80 µg per g dry matter for the E+ treatment. Cross-sections of both arteries were imaged using Doppler ultrasonography on days 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 in period 1 and on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 9 in period 2. Differences from average baseline areas were used to determine presence or absence of alkaloid-induced vasoconstriction. Carotid arteries initiated constriction on imaging day 2 in both periods, and auricular arteries initiated constriction on imaging day 2 in period 1 and on day 6 in period 2. Luminal areas of the carotid arteries in E+ goats were 46% less than baseline areas in both periods after vasoconstriction occurred, whereas auricular arteries in E+ goats were 52% less than baseline areas in period 1 and 38% in period 2. Both arteries in E+ goats in period 1 relaxed relative to baseline areas by imaging day 2 after they were switched to the E- treatment. Results indicated that goats can vasoconstrict when exposed to ergot alkaloids that could disrupt their thermoregulation.

  12. Great auricular nerve involvement in leprosy: Scope for misdiagnosis

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    Ramesh V


    Full Text Available Three patients with neuritis of the great auricular nerve (GAN have been reported. Two patients seen by physicians and an otolaryngologist had prominent and tender cord along the neck with facial edema and history of fainting attack in one, and erythema and hyperaesthesia of the ear in the other simulating vascular occlusion, which were confirmed to be leprosy in Type 1 reaction by the dermatologist. In the third, cold abscess in the nerve that had persisted after anti-leprosy treatment was mistaken as tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis by a surgeon since aspiration had revealed acid-fast bacilli. The probable reasons for misdiagnosis include rarity of involvement of the GAN and its proximity to main blood vessels, and the need for careful interpretation of laboratory results.

  13. Acupuncture and Auricular Acupressure in Relieving Menopausal Hot Flashes of Bilaterally Ovariectomized Chinese Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Jue Zhou


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to explore the effects of acupuncture and auricular acupressure in relieving menopausal hot flashes of bilaterally ovariectomized Chinese women. Between May 2006 and March 2008, 46 bilaterally ovariectomized Chinese women were randomized into an acupuncture and auricular acupressure group (n = 21 and a hormone replacement therapy (HRT group (Tibolone, n = 25. Each patient was given a standard daily log and was required to record the frequency and severity of hot flashes and side effects of the treatment felt daily, from 1 week before the treatment started to the fourth week after the treatment ended. The serum levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH, LH and E2 were detected before and after the treatment. After the treatment and the follow-up, both the severity and frequency of hot flashes in the two groups were relieved significantly when compared with pre-treatment (P   .05, while after the follow-up, the severity of hot flashes in the HRT group was alleviated more. After the treatment and the follow-up, the frequency of menopausal hot flashes in the HRT group was reduced more (P <  .05. After treatment, the levels of FSH decreased significantly and the levels of E2 increased significantly in both groups (P <  .05, and they changed more in the HRT group (P <  .05. Acupuncture and auricular acupressure can be used as alternative treatments to relieve menopausal hot flashes for those bilaterally ovariectomized women who are unable or unwilling to receive HRT.

  14. Earlobe reconstruction by the Gavello technique and bilobed flap Reconstrução do lóbulo auricular pela técnica de Gavello e retalho bilobado

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    Ana Rita Cabral


    Full Text Available The earlobe is an anatomical structure that has a significant aesthetic role. Its surgical repair places a challenge due to the difficulty of obtaining a natural appearing and durable outcome. The authors present two options: the Gavello technique and the bilobed flap, after the excision of malign neoplasms of the earlobe. The Gavello technique makes use of a bilobed flap with an anterior base to mold the new earlobe. D'Hooghe's bilobed flap with a pre and post-auricular lobe allows the reconstruction of small earlobes. Both techniques, although old, acquire an important and current interest in earlobe reconstruction, by reason of the moderate degree of difficulty, the use of a single time surgical act and under local anesthesia, with a proper aesthetic result.O lóbulo auricular é uma estrutura anatómica com uma importância estética significativa. O desafio inerente à sua reconstrução relaciona-se com a dificuldade em obter um resultado duradouro e cosmeticamente aceitável. Os autores apresentam duas opções: a técnica de Gavello e o retalho bilobado, após excisão de neoplasias malignas do lóbulo auricular. A técnica de Gavello, recorre a um retalho bilobado com base anterior, para constituir o novo lóbulo auricular. O retalho bilobado de D'Hooghe, com lobos pré e pós-auriculares, permite a reconstrução de defeitos de pequenas dimensões. As duas técnicas descritas, apesar de antigas, mantém-se actuais pela execução de grau de dificuldade média, em tempo cirúrgico único, sob anestesia local com a obtenção de resultados cosmeticamente aceitáveis.

  15. Experiencia en reconstrucción auricular en cáncer de piel con colgajo en "quesadilla" Experience in auricle reconstruction after skin carcinoma with "quesadilla" flap

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    C. Gutiérrez Gómez


    Full Text Available La reconstrucción auricular es una de las más difíciles ya que implica reproducir las sofisticadas y delicadas formas del pabellón auricular. Cuando hay que resecar piel en la oreja por un cáncer cutáneo y dejamos expuesto el cartílago, sin pericondrio, suele suceder que al colocar injertos no hay una integración adecuada de los mismos por las caprichosas formas y relieves del pabellón auricular; cuando es necesario resecar el pericondrio estamos obligados a cubrir el defecto con un colgajo y no con un simple injerto. Frente a esta dificultad técnica, diseñamos un colgajo ricamente vascularizado que preserva el cartílago no afectado con una buena cubierta y al mismo tiempo respeta la anatomía de la oreja. Para la cobertura del cartílago auricular anterior usamos un colgajo fasciocutáneo posterior que se asemeja a un plato típico de la cocina mexicana que llamamos "quesadilla", donde el cartílago por su color blanco recuerda el queso y el gran colgajo fasciocutaneo recuerda la tortilla que cubre al queso. Este colgajo incluye la piel enrollada del hélix, que en un segundo tiempo retornará a su lugar de origen anatómico mediante una z-plastía asimétrica. Presentamos, de entre una serie de 13 pacientes con carcinoma de pabellón auricular, 2 casos resueltos mediante esta técnica.Auricle reconstruction is one of the most difficult techniques because of the sophisticated and delicates forms of the ear. When we need to remove the auricular skin, preserving the cartilage is very important to keep the shape of the auricle. If treating an auricular skin cancer we find an unaffected cartilage, we can use a skin grafting, but in such delicates forms and curves many times it results inappropriate or the lack of pericondrium difficult skin graft integration. When pericondrium is affected, we will need a skin flap to cover de defect. We designed a rich vascularized flap that preserves the unaffected cartilage with an adequate coverage

  16. Descripción de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular que ingresan al servicio de urgencias

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    Diego A. Pinto


    Conclusión: Las características de nuestra población con la fibrilación auricular es similar a la descrita en la literatura, pero existe baja adherencia a las recomendaciones terapéuticas en anticoagulación.

  17. Attitudes, Ideological Associations and the Left–Right Divide in Latin America Actitudes, Asociaciones Ideológicas y la Dimensión de Izquierda-Derecha en América Latina

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    Nina Wiesehomeier


    Full Text Available Do Latin American citizens share a common conception of the ideological left–right distinction? And if so, is this conception linked to individuals’ ideological self-placement? Selecting questions from the 2006 Latinobarómetro survey based on a core definition of the left–right divide rooted in political theory and philosophy, this paper addresses these questions. We apply joint correspondence analysis to explore whether citizens who relate to the same ideological identification also share similar and coherent convictions and beliefs that reflect the ideological content of the left–right distinction. Our analysis indicates that theoretical conceptions about the roots of, and responsibility for, inequality in society, together with the translation of these beliefs into attitudes regarding the state versus market divide, distinguish those who self-identify with the left and those who self-identify with the right.¿Comparten los ciudadanos de América Latina una concepción común de la dimension ideológica izquierda-derecha? Y si es así, ¿estará esta concepción vinculada a la auto-identificación ideológica de los individuos? Este trabajo aborda estos planteamientos seleccionando preguntas del Latinobarómetro del año 2006, con base en una definición básica de la división izquierda-derecha que se arraiga en la teoría y filosofía política. Utilizamos el análisis de correspondencia conjunto para explorar si los ciudadanos que comparten la misma identificación ideológica también poseen convicciones y creencias similares y coherentes que reflejan el contenido ideológico de la dimensión izquierda-derecha. Nuestro análisis indica que las concepciones teóricas acerca de las raíces de, y de la responsabilidad para, la desigualdad en la sociedad, junto con la traducción de estas creencias en actitudes con respecto a la distinción estado-mercado, distinguen a aquellos que se identifican con la izquierda de los que se

  18. Infancia, dictadura y resistencia: hijos e hijas de la izquierda chilena (1973-1989

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    Patricia Eliana Castillo-Gallardo


    Full Text Available En este artículo de investigación recuperamos la voz de los hijos-niñose hijas-niñas de la gente militante de la izquierda de Chile, a partir del análisis de sus produccionessimbólicas y registros de la vida cotidiana tales como cartas, dibujos, objetos realizados entre 1973y 1989, y entrevistas registradas en documentales de la época que se encuentran actualmente en elMuseo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos de Santiago de Chile, analizadas desde la perspectivade los nuevos estudios de la infancia. Reflexionamos respecto al modo en que los niños y niñaselaboran su juicio y sentido de la realidad y construyen un sentido ético que dialoga con la herenciaintergeneracional, pero la excede, reflejando su activa participación en la construcción de unacomunidad afectiva que trasciende los vínculos consanguíneos.

  19. Infancia, dictadura y resistencia: hijos e hijas de la izquierda chilena (1973-1989

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    Patricia Eliana Castillo-Gallardo, Chile


    Full Text Available (Descriptivo En este artículo de investigación recuperamos la voz de los hijos-niños e hijas-niñas de la gente militante de la izquierda de Chile, a partir del análisis de sus producciones simbólicas y registros de la vida cotidiana tales como cartas, dibujos, objetos realizados entre 1973 y 1989, y entrevistas registradas en documentales de la época que se encuentran actualmente en el Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos de Santiago de Chile, analizadas desde la perspectiva de los nuevos estudios de la infancia. Reflexionamos respecto al modo en que los niños y niñas elaboran su juicio y sentido de la realidad y construyen un sentido ético que dialoga con la herencia intergeneracional, pero la excede, reflejando su activa participación en la construcción de una comunidad afectiva que trasciende los vínculos consanguíneos.

  20. Seguimiento a largo plazo de pacientes con disfunción ventricular izquierda intervenidos de sustitución valvular aórtica. Experiencia en nuestra institución

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    Gemma Candela-Navarro


    Conclusiones: La sustitución valvular aórtica es una opción segura, eficaz y duradera en pacientes con disfunción ventricular izquierda. Se asocia a una mejoría en la clase funcional y fracción de eyección, con una perspectiva de futuro excelente.

  1. The Effect of Auricular and Systemic Acupuncture on the Electromyographic Activity of the Trapezius Muscle with Trigger Points—A Pilot Study

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    Patrícia Silva de Camargo


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare intra and intergroup the immediate effect of the auricular and LR8 systemic acupuncture on the electromyographic activity of the trapezius with the trigger points. This is an experimental clinical trial; 40 people were split in 4 distinct groups (n = 10: GI mustard seed application in the auricular acupoint; GII bilateral needle application in the LR8 acupoint; GIII combination of the techniques; GIV/Control Group mustard seed application in an acupoint not linked to the muscle tension. The EMG was used to assess the muscle contraction for 5 seconds during the resting time and during the isometric contraction time. The EMG signal was first collect without the acupuncture intervention; then both techniques were applied for 5 minutes; and the EMG was collected again right after these applications. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used, the t test was paired with the Wilcoxon test to the intragroup comparison; One-way analysis of variance test for intergroup comparison. There was no statistical difference in the intragroup comparison for the groups. The same happened to the intergroup comparison before and after application. Systemic and auricular acupuncture did not promote immediate changes in the EMG activity of the trapezius muscle in individuals with MTrPs.

  2. [Clinical study of cervical spondylotic radiculopathy treated with massage therapy combined with Magnetic sticking therapy at the auricular points and the cost comparison]. (United States)

    Wang, Saina; Sheng, Feng; Pan, Yunhua; Xu, Feng; Wang, Zhichao; Cheng, Lei


    To compare the clinical efficacy on cervical spondylotic radiculopathy between the combined therapy of massage and magnetic-sticking at the auricular points and the simple massage therapy, and conduct the health economics evaluation. Seventy-two patients of cervical spondylotic radiculopathy were randomized into a combined therapy group, and a simple massage group, 36 cases in each one. Finally, 35 cases and 34 cases were met the inclusive criteria in the corresponding groups separately. In the combined therapy group, the massage therapy and the magnetic sticking therapy at auricular points were combined in the treatment. Massage therapy was mainly applied to Fengchi (GB 20), Jianjing (GB 21), Jianwaishu (SI 14), Jianyu (LI 15) and Quchi (LI 11). The main auricular points for magnetic sticking pressure were Jingzhui (AH13), Gan (On12) Shen (CO10), Shenmen (TF4), Pizhixia (AT4). In the simple massage group, the simple massage therapy was given, the massage parts and methods were the same as those in the combined therapy group. The treatment was given once every two days, three times a week, for 4 weeks totally. The cervical spondylosis effect scale and the simplified McGill pain questionnaire were adopted to observe the improvements in the clinical symptoms, clinical examination, daily life movement, superficial muscular pain in the neck and the health economics cost in the patients of the two groups. The effect was evaluated in the two groups. The effective rate and the clinical curative rate in the combined therapy group were better than those in the control group [100. 0% (35/35) vs 85. 3% (29/34), 42. 9% (15/35) vs 17. 6% (6/34), both Pmassage therapy, the massage therapy combined with magnetic sticking therapy at auricular points achieves the better effect and lower cost in health economics.

  3. Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis associated with cancer of unknown origin complicated with thrombus in the left auricular appendage: case report

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    Morinaga Yukiko


    Full Text Available Abstract A 63-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with a complaint of right lateroabdominal pain. He was diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer, and then developed multiple brain embolic infarctions 7 days after admission. Transesophageal echocardiography showed that mobile, echo-dense masses were attached to the anterior and posterior mitral valve leaflet. Furthermore, there was a thrombus in the left auricular appendage despite sinus rhythm. These findings led to a diagnosis of suspected infectious endocarditis with subsequent multiple brain infarctions. The patient's general condition worsened and he died 13 days after admission. An autopsy was performed, and, while poorly differentiated cancer was observed in multiple organs, no primary tumor could be identified. Histological analysis showed that the masses of the mitral valve consisted mainly of fibrin without bacteria or oncocytes. This patient was therefore diagnosed with nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis associated with cancer of unknown origin complicated with thrombus in the left auricular appendage.

  4. Exercise and manual auricular acupuncture: a pilot assessor-blind randomised controlled trial. (The acupuncture and personalised exercise programme (APEP Trial

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    Hurley D


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Evidence supports the use of exercise for chronic low back pain (CLBP; however, adherence is often poor due to ongoing pain. Auricular acupuncture is a form of pain relief involving the stimulation of points on the outer ear corresponding with specific body parts. It may be a useful adjunct to exercise in managing CLBP; however, there is only limited evidence to support its use with this patient group. Methods/Design This study was designed to test the feasibility of an assessor-blind randomised controlled trial which assess the effects on clinical outcomes and exercise adherence of adding manual auricular acupuncture to a personalised and supervised exercise programme (PEP for CLBP. No sample size calculation has been carried out as this study aims to identify CLBP referral rates within the catchment area of the study site. The researchers aim to recruit four cohorts of n = 20 participants to facilitate a power analysis for a future randomised controlled trial. A computer generated random allocation sequence will be prepared centrally and used to allocate participants by cohort to one of the following interventions: 1 six weeks of PEP plus manual auricular acupuncture; 2 six weeks of PEP alone. Both groups will also complete a further six weeks of self-paced exercise with telephone follow-up support. In addition to a baseline and exit questionnaire at the beginning and end of the study, the following outcomes will be collected at baseline, and after 7, 13 and 25 weeks: pain frequency and bothersomeness, back-specific function, objective assessment and recall of physical activity, use of analgesia, perceived self-efficacy, fear avoidance beliefs, and beliefs about the consequences of back pain. Since this is a feasibility study, significance tests will not be presented, and treatment effects will be represented by point estimates and confidence intervals. For each outcome variable, analysis of covariance will be performed on

  5. Cirugía de la fibrilación auricular

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    Luis C. Maroto


    Full Text Available El tratamiento quirúrgico de la fibrilación auricular fue introducido por Cox en 1987. Se trata de un procedimiento muy eficaz, pero su uso no se ha extendido por su dificultad técnica y su mayor morbimortalidad en manos poco expertas. En los últimos años se han desarrollado dispositivos capaces de sustituir las múltiples incisiones y suturas de la intervención por líneas de ablación realizadas con diferentes fuentes de energía, haciéndola más sencilla y rápida. Aunque los resultados a corto y medio plazo son buenos, todavía quedan bastantes aspectos por definir: mecanismos de la arritmia, patrón de lesiones más apropiado, fuente de energía más segura y eficaz y manera de comunicar los resultados, entre otros.

  6. Cirugía de la fibrilación auricular paroxística

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    Aquilino Hurlé


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular (FA paroxística se define como aquella que aparece en forma de episodios recurrentes y autolimitados de menos de 7 días de duración. En los últimos años se han producido importantes avances en el conocimiento de su electrofisiología, lo que ha permitido desarrollar nuevas técnicas de tratamiento de gran efectividad. Este artículo revisa el estado actual del tratamiento quirúrgico de la FA paroxística, haciendo referencia a sus bases electrofisiológicas, tratamiento, indicaciones y resultados de la ablación.

  7. A Type-II First Branchial Cleft Anomaly Presenting as a Post-Auricular Salivary Fistula: A Rare Presentation. (United States)

    Jain, S; Deshmukh, Pt; Gupta, M; Shukla, S


    First branchial cleft anomalies are rare with the average age of presentation as 19 years. There is an average delay of 3.5 years between initial presentation and adequate treatment due to diagnostic dilemma. A very rare variant of first branchial cleft anomaly presenting as a post-auricular salivary fistula is reported. A 12-year-old girl presented with a history of intermittent watery discharge, more so at the time of meals from a right post-auricular opening for last 3 years. Computed tomography sialography revealed a fistulous tract connecting the sub segmental duct of the parotid gland extending along the pre-tragus region in subcutaneous plane up to mastoid tip after passing inferior to external auditory canal. Superficial parotidectomy with identification of facial nerve branches was carried out for excision of the tract. Histopathology revealed sinus tract comprising of ectodermal components and acini of the parotid gland. We classified our case into work's type-2 based on anatomical location at an angle of mandible, its relationship to parotid gland and facial nerve and previous history of ear discharge. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of its type to be reported.

  8. A Type-II First Branchial Cleft Anomaly Presenting as a Post-Auricular Salivary Fistula: A Rare Presentation (United States)

    Jain, S; Deshmukh, PT; Gupta, M; Shukla, S


    First branchial cleft anomalies are rare with the average age of presentation as 19 years. There is an average delay of 3.5 years between initial presentation and adequate treatment due to diagnostic dilemma. A very rare variant of first branchial cleft anomaly presenting as a post-auricular salivary fistula is reported. A 12-year-old girl presented with a history of intermittent watery discharge, more so at the time of meals from a right post-auricular opening for last 3 years. Computed tomography sialography revealed a fistulous tract connecting the sub segmental duct of the parotid gland extending along the pre-tragus region in subcutaneous plane up to mastoid tip after passing inferior to external auditory canal. Superficial parotidectomy with identification of facial nerve branches was carried out for excision of the tract. Histopathology revealed sinus tract comprising of ectodermal components and acini of the parotid gland. We classified our case into work's type-2 based on anatomical location at an angle of mandible, its relationship to parotid gland and facial nerve and previous history of ear discharge. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of its type to be reported. PMID:24669347

  9. Construction of an implant-retained auricular prosthesis with the aid of contemporary digital technologies: a clinical report. (United States)

    Hatamleh, Muhanad M; Watson, Jason


    Implant-retained auricular prostheses are a successful treatment modality for children with microtia. They involve only minor surgical intervention of implant placement and result in an esthetically pleasing outcome. Integration of digital technologies (DT) in the prosthetic reconstruction process is a new approach toward enhancing outcomes. In this report we present a case of auricular prosthetic reconstruction following two implant placements in the right mastoid region. The ear prosthesis was constructed with the aid of various DTs. A structured light laser scanner was used to digitize the nondefect patient ear. The digitized 3D ear was then manipulated in specialist software, mirrored to reflect the opposing side, and a Rapid Prototyping (RP) machine (Z-Corp) was used to manufacture the soft tissue required. This RP-mirrored ear model allows very accurate reproduction to replicate missing soft tissue. A color Spectrometer was used to accurately reproduce skin tones. The use of these technologies is now routine practice at our unit. They enhance prosthetic outcomes and esthetics, save the prosthetist's time, and are digitally stored and subsequently readily available and reproducible. © 2012 by the American College of Prosthodontists.

  10. Manejo de la fibrilación auricular en la paciente obstétrica.

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    Ricardo Augusto Sandoval Vásquez


    Full Text Available Durante el embarazo las arritmias pueden comprometer el pronóstico fetal y la estabilidad hemodinámica de la madre. La fibrilación auricular en el embarazo es infrecuente pero requiere un reconocimiento de manera precoz para prevenir el embolismo cerebral, las alteraciones circulatorias, el aborto y el parto prematuro. El manejo médico no sólo se circunscribe a controlar el ritmo o la frecuencia cardiaca, o en la paciente inestable a realizar cardioversión eléctrica; es necesario también, de acuerdo al tiempo, realizar anticoagulación.

  11. Anomalía del retorno venoso sistémico Drenaje anómalo de la vena cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda. Revisión de la literatura y reporte de caso

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    Giovanny Ríos, MD


    Full Text Available La anomalía total del retorno venoso sistémico tiene gran variedad de presentaciones; sin embargo, la patología de más baja frecuencia es el drenaje de vena cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda, hecho de peso para que en el mundo se reporten pocos casos. En la Fundación Clínica Abood Shaio se trató el caso de una paciente de seis años de edad con drenaje venoso total de cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda, mediante la técnica de movilización de cava superior y anastomosis cavo-atrial, y se obtuvieron buenos resultados. El caso es mención corresponde al número 21 en la literatura mundial.

  12. Reconstruction of anterior auricular conchal defect after malignancy excision: revolving-door flap versus full-thickness skin graft. (United States)

    Dessy, Luca Andrea; Figus, Andrea; Fioramonti, Paolo; Mazzocchi, Marco; Scuderi, Nicolò


    Skin tumours of the anterior auricular concha are not uncommon. Wider excision and immediate reconstruction are required to reduce the risks of recurrence of the disease, cartilage infection and external ear distortion. Many surgical methods have been described for reconstruction of conchal defects. Post-auricular island flaps, such as the revolving-door (RD) flap, and full-thickness skin grafts (FTSGs) are the most-performed procedures. Although the RD flap has been fully described, it is not widely accepted and many surgeons, in their daily practice, prefer to use FTSG. It is a common experience that FTSGs are more subjected to centripetal contraction, decreasing the structural firmness of the conchal cavity and affecting functional and aesthetic outcomes. Furthermore, FTSGs are more prone to delay in wound healing due to the difficult access to this region that hinders adequate tie-over dressings. Between March 2003 and January 2007, 40 patients affected by T1 and T2 non-melanotic skin cancer and T1 melanoma of the anterior conchal surface of the external ear were included in a prospective study and randomly assigned to the RD reconstructed group or to the FTSG reconstructed group to investigate, compare and define advantages and disadvantages of both the techniques. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was used to evaluate the overall outcome and the colour and texture match. No flap or skin graft total loss was observed. Six patients (30%) showed partial failure of FTSG. The RD group demonstrated excellent cosmetic outcome, ideal colour match, adequate structure of external ear, projection and shape. Wilcoxon matched-pairs rank-sum test demonstrated statistically significant higher scores for the RD group compared to the FTSG group (p<0.0001). The RD harvesting technique is easy and quicker than the FTSG technique. RD flap should be considered as the first choice for reconstruction of anterior auricular conchal defects following wider excision of skin tumours

  13. Effect of Auricular Acupress Therapy on Insomnia of Cancer Patients : Randomized, Single Blinded, Placebo Controlled Trial

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    In-Sook Jung


    Full Text Available Background: Auricular acupressure is one of the traditional health care treatments in oriental medicine. Approximately, 30~40% of the cancer patients have said to be suffering from insomnia and half of them having chronic and severe insomnia at the same time. Insomnia caused cancer patients feel more pain, fatigue, depression and anxiety and it sometimes let the power to have the best of cancer pull down. Objective: To investigate how effective the auricular acupressure treatment to cancer patients suffering from insomnia. Methods: We recruited participants from East-West Cancer Center of Daejeon University. Finally, of the people whose age range from 20 to 75, 12 patients who got less than 40 points from the score of Oh's sleeping score (OSS were recruited. Single-blind, randomized pilot study was performed. The treatment group received auricular acupressure treatment (AAT on active points and the control group had received sham acupressure treatment (SAT for five times. Sleep parameters were checked by using OSS and numeric rating scale (NRS. We checked the scale everytime, both before and after treatment. We analyzed the data statistically by using independent T-test, paired T-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA test. (p<0.05 Results: Twelve cancer patients participated in this pilot study and there was no significant difference between control and treatment group. Only 7 of them had completed the whole treatment process, 4 patients of AAT group and 3 participants of SAT. The OSS of AAT group had increased from 34.0± 4.3 to 39.5±3.1 and that of SAT group had increased from 38.3±3.5 to 40.0±0.0. There was no significant difference between them. The NRS of AAT group had increased from 6.3±2.9 to 4.8±2.1 and that of SAT group had increased from 7.0±1.0 to 5.0±2.6. No significant difference was observed between them. Conclusion: Although both groups did not show significant differences, most of the experimental participants showed

  14. Reconstruction of Orbital Floor With Auricular Concha. (United States)

    Seven, Ergin; Tellioglu, Ali Teoman; Inozu, Emre; Ozakpinar, Hulda Rifat; Horoz, Ugur; Eryilmaz, Avni Tolga; Karamursel, Sebat


    Orbital floor fractures of varying sizes commonly occur after orbital injuries and remain a serious challenge. Serious complications of such fractures include enopthalmos, restriction of extraocular movement, and diplopia. There is a dearth of literature that can be applied widely, easily, and successfully in all such situations, and therefore there is no consensus on the treatment protocol of this pathology yet. Autogenous grafts and alloplastic and allogenic materials with a wide variety of advantages and disadvantages have been discussed. The value of preoperative and postoperative ophthalmological examination should be standard of care in all orbital fracture patients. An ideal reconstructed orbital floor fracture should accelerate the restoration of orbital function with acceptable cosmetic results. Management parameters of orbital fractures such as timing of surgery, incision type, and implant materials, though widely discussed, remain controversial. In this study, 55 patients with orbital floor fractures surgically reconstructed with conchal cartilage grafts between 2008 and 2014 were retrospectively evaluated. Complications and long-time follow-up visit results have been reported with clinical and radiographic findings. The aim of this study was to present the authors' clinical experiences of reconstruction of blow-out fractures with auricular conchal graft and to evaluate the other materials available for use.

  15. Estado actual del tratamiento quirúrgico de la fibrilación auricular Present situation of surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation

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    Alejandro Villar Inclán


    Full Text Available Se realiza un análisis sobre la prevalencia de la fibrilación auricular en la población general y en pacientes que presentan algunas enfermedades asociadas. Se comenta sobre las posibles teorías fisiopatológicas de esta enfermedad y se abarcan las diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas que se aplican sobre esta base. Realizamos una revisión sobre la clasificación de la fibrilación auricular y su aplicabilidad en la práctica médica. Además, exponemos las posibles indicaciones de tratamiento de la fibrilación auricular mediante ablación transvenosa y analizamos, incluyendo la mortalidad, las diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas existentes para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Realizamos un recuento de los avances de las diferentes técnicas y métodos de ablación quirúrgica que se aplican actualmente, así como los posibles criterios para realizar un tratamiento quirúrgico en los pacientes que presentan esta enfermedadAn analysis was made on the prevalence of atrial fibrillation in the general population and in patients with some related diseases. The possible physiopathological theories of this disease were commented on as well as the different applied surgical techniques were covered. A literature review on the classification of atrial fibrillation and its applicability in medical practice was made. Moreover, possible treatment indications for atrial fibrillation through transvenous ablation and the analysis of several present surgical techniques and their mortality indexes were included. An account of the advances in different surgical ablation techniques and methods at present in addition to likely surgical treatment criteria for patients suffering from this disease were made

  16. Impact of synthetic canine cerumen on in vitro penetration of auricular skin of dogs by florfenicol, terbinafine, and betamethasone acetate. (United States)

    Ehling, Sarah; Baynes, Ronald E; Bäumer, Wolfgang


    OBJECTIVE To determine the pharmacokinetics of florfenicol, terbinafine, and betamethasone acetate after topical application to canine auricular skin and the influence of synthetic canine cerumen on pharmacokinetics. SAMPLE Auricular skin from 6 euthanized shelter dogs (3 females and 3 neutered males with no visible signs of otitis externa). PROCEDURES Skin adjacent to the external opening of the ear canal was collected and prepared for use in a 2-compartment flow-through diffusion cell system to evaluate penetration of an otic gel containing florfenicol, terbinafine, and betamethasone acetate over a 24-hour period. Radiolabeled 14 C-terbinafine hydrochloride and 3 H-betamethasone acetate were added to the gel to determine dermal penetration and distribution. Florfenicol absorption was determined by use of high-performance liquid chromatography-UV detection. Additionally, the effect of synthetic canine cerumen on the pharmacokinetics of all compounds was evaluated. RESULTS During the 24-hour experiment, mean ± SD percentage absorption without the presence of synthetic canine cerumen was 0.28 ± 0.09% for 3H-betamethasone acetate, 0.06 ± 0.06% for florfenicol, and 0.06 ± 0.02% for 14C-terbinafine hydrochloride. Absorption profiles revealed no impact of synthetic canine cerumen on skin absorption for all 3 active compounds in the gel or on skin distribution of 3 H-betamethasone acetate and 14 C-terbinafine hydrochloride. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE 3 H-betamethasone acetate, 14 C-terbinafine hydrochloride, and florfenicol were all absorbed in vitro through healthy auricular skin specimens within the first 24 hours after topical application. Synthetic canine cerumen had no impact on dermal absorption in vitro, but it may serve as a temporary reservoir that prolongs the release of topical drugs.

  17. Eastern Baltic region vs. Western Europe: modelling age related changes in the pubic symphysis and the auricular surface. (United States)

    Jatautis, Šarūnas; Jankauskas, Rimantas


    Objectives. The present study addresses the following two main questions: a) Is the pattern of skeletal ageing observed in well-known western European reference collections applicable to modern eastern Baltic populations, or are population-specific standards needed? b) What are the consequences for estimating the age-at-death distribution in the target population when differences in the estimates from reference data are not taken into account? Materials and methods. The dataset consists of a modern Lithuanian osteological reference collection, which is the only collection of this type in the eastern Baltic countries (n = 381); and two major western European reference collections, Coimbra (n = 264) and Spitalfields (n = 239). The age-related changes were evaluated using the scoring systems of Suchey-Brooks (Brooks & Suchey 1990) and Lovejoy et al. (1985), and were modelled via regression models for multinomial responses. A controlled experiment based on simulations and the Rostock Manifesto estimation protocol (Wood et al. 2002) was then carried out to assess the effect of using estimates from different reference samples and different regression models on estimates of the age-at-death distribution in the hypothetical target population. Results. The following key results were obtained in this study. a) The morphological alterations in the pubic symphysis were much faster among women than among men at comparable ages in all three reference samples. In contrast, we found no strong evidence in any of the reference samples that sex is an important factor to explain rate of changes in the auricular surface. b) The rate of ageing in the pubic symphysis seems to be similar across the three reference samples, but there is little evidence of a similar pattern in the auricular surface. That is, the estimated rate of age-related changes in the auricular surface was much faster in the LORC and the Coimbra samples than in the Spitalfields sample. c) The results of simulations

  18. Tamaño auricular y realce miocárdico en la miocardiopatía hipertrófica mediante resonancia magnética


    Méndez Díaz, María Cristina


    [Resumen] Antecedentes y objetivos: La fibrosis miocárdica puede detectarse en la miocardiopatía hipertrófica (MCH) mediante resonancia magnética (RM) con realce tardío de gadolinio. La fibrosis miocárdica y el tamaño de la aurícula izquierda (AI) pueden relacionarse con eventos adversos. Analizamos la relación entre la presencia y extensión del realc...

  19. Eficácia da escolha do protetor auditivo pequeno, médio e grande em programa de conservação auditiva Efficacy in the choice of small, medium or large auricular protector under auditive conservation program

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    Marleide Aparecida Griggio Rodrigues


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: verificar a eficácia da escolha do protetor auditivo por tamanhos Pequeno, Médio, Grande em um programa de conservação auditiva. MÉTODO: fizeram parte do estudo 30 indivíduos com audição normal previamente avaliados, de 18 a 45 anos de idade, sendo 15 do gênero feminino e 15 do gênero masculino, de Indústria Moveleira. Os sujeitos foram submetidos à avaliação audiológica convencional, audiometria em campo livre sem protetor auricular de inserção, com protetor tamanho universal e com tamanho adequado a cada indivíduo. Para análise estatística foi aplicado teste T Paramétrico para análise das diferenças. RESULTADOS: O teste T Paramétrico pareado, mostrou significância, na comparação dos protetores auriculares na freqüência de 4KHz. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados mostraram eficácia dos protetores auriculares pequeno e grande sobre os protetores tamanho universal em um programa de conservação auditiva.PURPOSE: to check the efficacy in the choice of small, medium or large auricular protector under auditive conservation program. METHODS: 30 individuals, between 18 to 45-year old, with normal hearing, were part of the study previously evaluated: 15 women and 15 men, all working in a furniture industry. The individuals were submitted to the conventional audiological evaluation, audiometry in free field without auricular insertion protector, with universal size protector and with size adequate to each individual. For statistical analysis we used Parametric T test for analyzing the differences. RESULTS: the Parametric T test showed significance, during the comparison of the auricular protectors in the frequency of 4KHz. CONCLUSION: these results demonstrate efficacy in choice of small, medium or large auditive protector, under auditive conservation program.

  20. Situación del riesgo de embolia y de hemorragia según las escalas CHADS₂, CHA₂DS₂-VASc y HAS-BLED en pacientes con diagnóstico de fibrilación auricular crónica, en un centro de salud de Madrid


    Fernández Arranz, María


    La fibrilación auricular (FA) es la arritmia sostenida más frecuente en la práctica clínica, consistente en la desorganización total de la actividad eléctrica de la aurícula y ausencia de contracción auricular ordenada. Las últimas guías americanas AHA/ACC/HRS del 2014 definen “fibrilación auricular no valvular” (FANV) como aquella que aparece en ausencia de estenosis mitral reumática, prótesis valvular cardíaca o reparación valvular mitral, que en la FA en la que basamos este trabajo. La pre...

  1. Avaliação da acupressão auricular na síndrome do ombro doloroso: estudo de caso

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    Ana Paula Zanelatto


    Full Text Available A Síndrome do Ombro Doloroso (SOD é definida como dor e limitação funcional decorrente do acometimento de estruturas estáticas e dinâmicas do ombro, como ligamentos, cápsula e músculos. É uma das queixas mais comuns e incapacitantes do sistema musculoesquelético na população em geral com uma prevalência estimada entre 15 a 25%. Este estudo objetivou avaliar os resultados da acupressão auricular quando usada como terapia no tratamento da Dor crônica, secundária à SOD, quanto ao efeito analgésico e terapêutico satisfatório e o tempo estimado de tratamento. Para a obtenção do objetivo foi realizado um Estudo de Caso que teve como intervenção a acupressão auricular com esferas de cristais e como indicador de resultado o questionário Penn Shoulder Score (PSS - Brasil. Os dados foram analisados qualitativa e quantitativamente. Conclui-se que a auriculoterapia é uma importante técnica terapêutica, pois o estudo demonstrou uma melhora na pontuação total do PSS - Brasil em 34,3%.

  2. The formation of human auricular cartilage from microtic tissue: An in vivo study. (United States)

    Ishak, Mohamad Fikeri bin; See, Goh Bee; Hui, Chua Kien; Abdullah, Asma bt; Saim, Lokman bin; Saim, Aminuddin bin; Idrus, Ruszymah bt Haji


    This study aimed to isolate, culture-expand and characterize the chondrocytes isolated from microtic cartilage and evaluate its potential as a cell source for ear cartilage reconstruction. Specific attention was to construct the auricular cartilage tissue by using fibrin as scaffold. Cell culture experiment with the use of microtic chondrocytes. Cell culture experiment with the use of microtic chondrocytes. After ear reconstructive surgery at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center, chondrocytes were isolated from microtic cartilage. Chondrocytes isolated from the tissue were cultured expanded until passage 4 (P4). Upon confluency at P4, chondrocytes were harvested and tissue engineered constructs were made with human plasma polymerized to fibrin. Constructs formed later is implanted at the dorsal part of nude mice for 8 weeks, followed by post-implantation evaluation with histology staining (Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) and Safranin O), immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR for chondrogenic associated genes expression level. Under gross assessment, the construct after 8 weeks of implantation showed similar physical characteristics that of cartilage. Histological staining showed abundant lacunae cells embedded in extracellular matrix similar to that of native cartilage. Safranin O staining showed positive staining which indicates the presence of proteoglycan-rich matrix. Immunohistochemistry analysis showed the strong positive staining for collagen type II, the specific collagen type in the cartilage. Gene expression quantification showed no significant differences in the expression of chondrogenic gene used which is collagen type I, collagen type II, aggrecan core protein (ACP), elastin and sox9 genes when compared to construct formed from normal auricular tissue. Chondrocytes isolated from microtia cartilage has the potential to be used as an alternative cell source for external ear reconstruction in future clinical application. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier

  3. Topographic anatomy of the great auricular point: landmarks for its localization and classification. (United States)

    Raikos, Athanasios; English, Thomas; Yousif, Omar Khalid; Sandhu, Mandeep; Stirling, Allan


    The great auricular point (GAP) marks the exit of the great auricular nerve at the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM). It is a key landmark for the identification of the spinal accessory nerve, and its intraoperative localization is vital to avoid neurological sequelae. This study delineates the topography and surface anatomy landmarks that used to localize the GAP. Thirty cadaveric heminecks were dissected on a layer-by-layer approach. The topography of the GAP was examined relative to the insertion point of the SCM at the clavicle, tip of the mastoid process, and angle of the mandible. The GAP and its relation to the SCM were determined as a ratio of the total length of the SCM. The GAP was demonstrated to be in a predictable location. The mean length of the SCM was 131.4 ± 22 mm, and the mean distance between the GAP and the mastoid process was found to be 60.4 ± 13.76 mm. The ratio of the GAP location to the total SCM length ranged between 0.33-0.57. The mean distance between the angle of the mandible and the GAP was determined to be 57 ± 22.2 mm. Based on the midpoint of the SCM, the GAP was above it in 66.7 % of subjects and classified to Type A, and below it in 33.3 % of subjects appointed to Type B. The anatomical landmarks utilized in this study are helpful in predicting the location of the GAP relative to the midpoint of the SCM and can reduce neural injuries within the posterior triangle of the neck.

  4. Auricularia auricular polysaccharide-low molecular weight chitosan polyelectrolyte complex nanoparticles: Preparation and characterization

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    Wei Xiong


    Full Text Available Novel polyelectrolyte complex nanoparticles (AAP/LCS NPs were prepared in this study and these were produced by mixing negatively charged auricularia auricular polysaccharide (AAP with positively charged low molecular weight chitosan (LCS in an aqueous medium. The AAP was extracted and purified from auricularia auricular, and then characterized by micrOTOF-Q mass spectrometry, UV/Vis spectrophotometry, moisture analyzer and SEM. The yield, moisture, and total sugar content of the AAP were 4.5%, 6.2% and 90.12% (w/w, respectively. The AAP sample was water-soluble and exhibited white flocculence. The characteristics of AAP/LCS NPs, such as the particle size, zeta potential, morphology, FT-IR spectra, DSC were investigated. The results obtained revealed that the AAP/LCS NPs had a spherical shape with a diameter of 223 nm and a smooth surface, and the results of the FT-IR spectra and DSC investigations indicated that there was an electrostatic interaction between the two polyelectrolyte polymers. Bovine serum albumin (BSA, pI = 4.8 and bovine hemoglobin (BHb, pI = 6.8 were used as model drugs to investigate the loading and release features of the AAP/LCS NPs. The results obtained showed that the AAP/LCS NPs had a higher entrapment efficiency (92.6% for BHb than for BSA (81.5%. The cumulative release of BSA and BHb from AAP/LCS NPs after 24 h in vitro was 95.4% and 91.9%, respectively. The in vitro release demonstrated that AAP/LCS NPs provided a sustained release matrix suitable for the delivery of protein drugs. These studies demonstrate that AAP/LCS NPs have a very promising potential as a delivery system for protein drugs.

  5. Discriminación auditiva en entornos de ruido, en personas que usan auriculares de forma habitual || Perception of phonemes in noise environments, in people who usually use headphones

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    Natalia Malagón


    Full Text Available La finalidad de este trabajo era conocer cómo la utilización diaria y prolongada de auriculares, así como el ruido de fondo, afectan a la comprensión del habla. Existe evidencia en la literatura de que el uso habitual de auriculares puede traducirse en una pérdida de audición en la frecuencia de 3000 Hz, y también son conocidas las dificultades de comprensión que surgen cuando hay un elevado nivel de ruido ambiental. Por ello, en esta investigación se quiso contar con una muestra de personas que prácticamente no han sido objeto de estudio pero que por su ocupación llevan cierto tiempo bajo los efectos de ambos factores. Así, se contó con la colaboración como grupo experimental de 24 teleoperadoras y de otras 20 personas no relacionadas con la profesión como grupo control equivalente. Para la tarea de evaluación se empleó una versión reducida y en español del Speech Perception in Noise Test. La tarea consistía en repetir la última palabra de una serie de frases pregrabadas con distintos sonidos de fondo, en las que había distintos fonemas y diferente predictibilidad de las palabras. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la utilización habitual de auriculares tiene un efecto negativo sobre la percepción auditiva de ciertas frecuencias y que el ruido de call center afecta negativamente a la compresión del habla, incluso más que el de tráfico. Estos hallazgos son de aplicación tanto en lo laboral como en lo educativo y prueban la importancia de sensibilizar a la población sobre el uso adecuado de auriculares.

  6. La figura del gorila en el imaginario político de la izquierda brasileña

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    Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta


    Full Text Available El texto analiza los orígenes y usos de la figura caricaturezca del gorila en el contexto de la crisis política que llevó al golpe de Estado de 1964 en Brasil, marcada por la radicalización y la movilización intensa de las fuerzas en disputa en el escenario público. El contexto fue propicio para el enriquecimiento del discurso político tanto verbal como visual e la imagen del gorila fue construida en medio de las batallas discursivas del período. El propósito del artículo es mostrar el papel desempeñado por esa figura en el imaginario construido por las izquierdas en acción en los inicios de los años sesenta, que seria movilizada para atacar a los enemigos de derecha, principalmente los militares, dando origen a una representación caricaturezca que continuaría en uso durante la dictadura militar.

  7. Utilidad del factor de crecimiento fibroblástico 23 en la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica

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    Ibón Santos


    Full Text Available El factor de crecimiento de fibroblastos 23 es una proteína recientemente descubierta, producida por osteocitos y cuya función principal es regular la homeostasis del fosfato y del calcio en el metabolismo mineral óseo. Algunos estudios han encontrado evidencia que sugiere la asociación entre el aumento de las concentraciones del factor de crecimiento fibroblástico 23 y la aparición de diferentes patologías cardiovasculares como: la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda, la falla cardiaca, el choque cardiogénico, la ateroesclerosis, la calcificación vascular, la fibrilación auricular y el accidente cerebrovascular. Sin embargo, son necesarios más estudios para esclarecer el rol de esta hormona y las patologías antes mencionadas.

  8. Estudio y Análisis de la Lateralidad Izquierda en la ciudad de Guayaquil: El Gen Leucine-Rich Repeat Transmembrane Neural Protein 1 (LRRTM1 como factor determinante.

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    Antonio Vergara


    Los resultados de la investigación sirven de aporte para que las personas poseedoras de lateralidad izquierda puedan ser inducidas desde sus primeros años a desarrollar su talento humano en las ramas de las ciencias exactas, arte y humanidades o varias al mismo tiempo, siendo tarea de la educación del siglo XXI fomentar la ciencia y la técnica a nivel país.

  9. ¿Es posible prevenir la fibrilacion auricular y sus complicaciones?

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    Seguel R. Marianella, DRA. E.


    Full Text Available La Fibrilación Auricular es una arritmia frecuente, es la causa de un número importante de accidentes cerebro-vasculares, y tiene una incidencia y prevalencia que aumenta con la edad, lo que se está constituyendo en un problema de salud pública. Existen medidas terapéuticas farmacológicas y no farmacológicas que podrían prevenir esta arritmia. Se revisa la clasificación de la FA, los factores de riesgo relacionados con la ocurrencia de la FA y el rol de fármacos como los inhibidores del sistema renina-angiotensina- aldosterona, inhibidores de aldosterona, estatinas, ácidos grasos omega 3 y beta bloqueadores en la prevención primaria y secundaria de esta arritmia. Además, se revisan los criterios para estratificar el riesgo embólico y el rol de la warfarina y de los nuevos anticoagulantes en prevenir el trombo-embolismo.

  10. Reconstrucción del lóbulo auricular con colgajo bilobulado modificado Earlobe reconstruction with modified bilobed flap

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    F.T. Fidalgo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La ausencia de lóbulo auricular puede deberse a causas congénitas, oncológicas o traumáticas. Esta deformidad con frecuencia constituye una alteración estética facial que precisa de corrección quirúrgica. Se han descrito muchas técnicas para la reconstrucción del lóbulo auricular, sin embargo, algunas requieren varios tiempos quirúrgicos, dejan cicatrices en las regiones adyacentes o incluso pueden requerir injertos cutáneos complementarios. Además es complicado reconstruir la estructura tridimensional del lóbulo. En nuestra práctica, empleamos una nueva variante de colgajo bilobulado para este tipo de reconstrucción.Earlobe absence may be due to congenital, oncologic or traumatic causes. This deformity sometimes constitutes an obvious facial deformity that warrants surgical correction. There are several techniques for reconstructing the earlobe, however, most of them require more than a onestage operation, may leave scars on the cheek or the preauricular or postauricular regions and sometimes require complementary skin grafts. It is difficult to reconstruct the natural and three-dimensional structure of the earlobe. In our practice we use a new type of local flap, with transposition and rotation techniques, based in a bilobed shape flap design.

  11. Auricular point acupressure as an adjunct analgesic treatment for cancer patients: a feasibility study. (United States)

    Yeh, Chao Hsing; Chien, Lung-Chang; Chiang, Yi Chien; Ren, Dianxu; Suen, Lorna Kwai-Ping


    This study aimed (1) to examine the feasibility of an auricular point acupressure (APA) research protocol in terms of recruitment and for the assessment and management of pain and (2) to examine the potential APA analgesic effects for cancer patients. This study was a repeated-measures one-group design. Participants were recruited from the cancer center follow-up clinic affiliated with a large university hospital in the northeastern United States. Participants included 50 patients aged 55-87 years with a diagnosis of cancer. Participants received 7 days of APA treatment for their pain. After appropriate acupoints were identified, vaccaria seeds were carefully taped onto each selected auricular point on each ear. The study recruitment and retention rates were 92% and 91%, respectively. Importantly, the study found preliminary evidence for the analgesic effects of APA for cancer pain management. For example, by the end of the 7-day study, APA reduced pain intensity more than 55% for "worst pain" and about 57% for "average pain" and "pain intensity." Moreover, the use of pain medication was reduced during the APA treatment (e.g., 78% of patients [n = 39] took less pain medication than before the treatment). APA appears to be highly acceptable to patients with cancer-related pain. However, without a placebo control, we cannot draw conclusive evidence for the analgesic effect of APA for cancer patients. A sham group must be added to future studies to differentiate the true effects of APA from the possible psychological effects of the APA treatment. Copyright © 2015 American Society for Pain Management Nursing. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    胡智慧; 陈巩荪


    Although, the essence of otopoints remains unknown at the moment, many medical workers have termed them temporarily as "auricular specific stimulating points". They give an explanation that when the internal organs or the body trunk is out of order, tender points, changes of the cutaneous electrical resistance, appearance, colour, etc. may occur at some sites of the auri-cle. The medical workers can use these reactions as a reference for making a diagnosis and stimulate these sites to prevent and treat diseases. These reaction points are also the otopoint. Therefore, the otopoint is also called as tenderpoint, or good conduction point, reaction point, stimulating point or treatment point.

  13. Inhibition of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 alters the wound epidermis and enhances auricular cartilage regeneration.

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    Qian-Shi Zhang

    Full Text Available Why regeneration does not occur in mammals remains elusive. In lower vertebrates, epimorphic regeneration of the limb is directed by the wound epidermis, which controls blastema formation to promote regrowth of the appendage. Herein, we report that knockout (KO or inhibition of Apoptosis Signal-regulated Kinase-1 (ASK1, also known as mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5 (MAP3K5, after full thickness ear punch in mice prolongs keratinocyte activation within the wound epidermis and promotes regeneration of auricular cartilage. Histological analysis showed the ASK1 KO ears displayed enhanced protein markers associated with blastema formation, hole closure and regeneration of auricular cartilage. At seven days after punch, the wound epidermis morphology was markedly different in the KO, showing a thickened stratum corneum with rounded cell morphology and a reduction of both the granular cell layer and decreased expression of filament aggregating protein. In addition, cytokeratin 6 was expressed in the stratum spinosum and granulosum. Topical application of inhibitors of ASK1 (NQDI-1, the upstream ASK1 activator, calcium activated mitogen kinase 2 (KN93, or the downstream target, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (SP600125 also resulted in enhanced regeneration; whereas inhibition of the other downstream target, the p38 α/β isoforms, (SB203580 had no effect. The results of this investigation indicate ASK1 inhibition prolongs keratinocyte and blastemal cell activation leading to ear regeneration.

  14. Inhibition of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 alters the wound epidermis and enhances auricular cartilage regeneration (United States)

    Zhang, Qian-Shi; Kurpad, Deepa S.; Mahoney, My G.; Steinbeck, Marla J.


    Why regeneration does not occur in mammals remains elusive. In lower vertebrates, epimorphic regeneration of the limb is directed by the wound epidermis, which controls blastema formation to promote regrowth of the appendage. Herein, we report that knockout (KO) or inhibition of Apoptosis Signal-regulated Kinase-1 (ASK1), also known as mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5 (MAP3K5), after full thickness ear punch in mice prolongs keratinocyte activation within the wound epidermis and promotes regeneration of auricular cartilage. Histological analysis showed the ASK1 KO ears displayed enhanced protein markers associated with blastema formation, hole closure and regeneration of auricular cartilage. At seven days after punch, the wound epidermis morphology was markedly different in the KO, showing a thickened stratum corneum with rounded cell morphology and a reduction of both the granular cell layer and decreased expression of filament aggregating protein. In addition, cytokeratin 6 was expressed in the stratum spinosum and granulosum. Topical application of inhibitors of ASK1 (NQDI-1), the upstream ASK1 activator, calcium activated mitogen kinase 2 (KN93), or the downstream target, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (SP600125) also resulted in enhanced regeneration; whereas inhibition of the other downstream target, the p38 α/β isoforms, (SB203580) had no effect. The results of this investigation indicate ASK1 inhibition prolongs keratinocyte and blastemal cell activation leading to ear regeneration. PMID:29045420

  15. Test de screening en Patología Endocrina como responsable de fibrilación auricular


    Piñero Uribe, Isabel María


    La fibrilación auricular (FA) es una arritmia cardíaca muy prevalente y presenta un coste económico muy elevado. HIPÓTESIS Y MÉTODO. Previamente la FA se ha relacionado con algunas endocrinopatías. Se plantea que diferentes endocrinopatías pueden asociarse a la aparición de FA, y que puede ser necesario realizar test de screening de éstas dentro del estudio de la FA. OBJETIVOS. 1) Conocer el perfil de los pacientes vistos por FA en una consulta de Cardiología en un hospital de ter...

  16. El giro a la izquierda frustrado en Perú: el caso de Ollanta Humala

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    Maxwell A. Cameron


    Full Text Available En Perú, la campaña de elecciones de 2006 fue perturbada por el levantamiento inesperado del candidato nacionalista radical, Ollanta Humala. A pesar de ganar una pluralidad de 31% del voto en la primera vuelta, Humala perdió en la segunda votación, con un margen de 47 a 53%, frente a Alan García Pérez de la Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (apra. Perú no sólo decidió no elegir a un presidente de izquierda, sino que fue el único país en los Andes que votó en elecciones nacionales en los últimos años por un líder que venía del sistema de partidos establecidos. Este trabajo analiza el origen y la naturaleza de la candidatura de Humala, evalúa hasta qué punto su campaña reflejó la debilidad del sistema de partidos, y determina si su candidatura reflejó un repudio a las políticas neoliberales y el descontento con el estado de la democracia o el rendimiento de los gobiernos elegidos.

  17. Un fantasma recorre la izquierda nacional. El feminismo de la segunda ola y la lucha política en Argentina en los años setenta


    Trebisacce, Catalina


    La historia de encuentros y desencuentros entre el feminismo y otras luchas sociales tiene varias décadas de existencia. Probablemente sea constitutiva del propio feminismo. En el marco del reavivado interés que por este asunto presentan los estudios de interseccionalidad se vuelve necesario recuperar historias del feminismo que pongan atención en este punto. El presente trabajo es una contribución a dicha empresa. El mismo analiza la experiencia particular que encarnó la izquierda nacional a...

  18. Origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar: una serie de casos Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery: a series of cases

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    Jaiber Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available La anomalía de la arteria coronaria izquierda que nace en la arteria pulmonar (ALCAPA por su sigla en Inglés: anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery, es una enfermedad cardiaca congénita, de baja incidencia y de espectro clínico amplio. La principal forma de presentación es la falla cardiaca por miocardiopatía dilatada. Mediante la revisión de historias clínicas se recolectaron cinco casos consecutivos de ALCAPA, de los que se describen sus cuadros clínicos, así como su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Todos fueron dados de alta en mejores condiciones y asisten a controles periódicos. Estos casos ilustran al origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda, como diagnóstico diferencial de la miocardiopatía dilatada.Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA is a congenital cardiac anomaly with low incidence and a broad clinical spectrum. Its main form of presentation is congestive heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy. We reviewed clinical histories and collected 5 consecutive ALCAPA cases; its clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment were described. All five patients were discharged in better clinical conditions and continue attending to periodic medical follow-up. These cases illustrate the ALCAPA as part of the differential diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy.

  19. Evaluación de costo-efectividad de los nuevos anticoagulantes orales en pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular

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    Ángel Alberto García-Peña


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular es el trastorno más frecuente del ritmo cardíaco y una de las causas potencialmente tratables de cardioembolia y ataque cerebrovascular. La disponibilidad de nuevos anticoagulantes para pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular, plantea retos, derivados principalmente de los costos de su uso, perfiles de eficacia y seguridad, tolerancia y disponibilidad. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de costo-efectividad con base en un modelo de Markov, que permite comparar las estrategias de anticoagulación disponibles para fibrilación auricular no valvular en el país (apixabán, dabigatrán, rivaroxabán. La perspectiva empleada fue la del tercero pagador (sistema de salud colombiano, considerando solo costos médicos directos. Se siguieron las guías metodológicas para este tipo de estudios propuestas por ISPOR (International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research e INAHTA (International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment. El horizonte temporal fue de 5 años, 10 años y toda la vida, en tanto que la tasa de descuento fue del 3%. Luego de la evaluación del modelo, con base en los análisis de sensibilidad realizados y el umbral de costo-efectividad para Colombia, se encontró que para el caso base, las diferentes moléculas evaluadas, si bien son costo-efectivas, exceden el umbral propuesto para este trabajo, siendo rivaroxabán y dabigatrán las únicas estrategias costo-efectivas con un horizonte temporal a 10 años con una tasa de descuento del 3% y para un horizonte temporal de toda la vida y tasa de descuento del 3%, las tres moléculas alcanzan el umbral de costo-efectividad establecido para Colombia. Dichas consideraciones son altamente sensibles al costo de los medicamentos.

  20. Abordaje biauricular transeptal superior en el tratamiento quirúrgico del mixoma auricular izquierdo de gran tamaño

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    Salvador Torregrosa


    Full Text Available Evitar la fragmentación del tejido mixoide durante el acto quirúrgico y resecar todo el espesor del septo interauricular con implantación tumoral son las dos claves para evitar las graves complicaciones de embolia peroperatoria y recidiva postoperatoria en el tratamiento quirúrgico del mixoma auricular izquierdo. La vía transeptal superior nos ha permitido, en tres pacientes, la extirpación en bloque de mixomas de gran tamaño con facilidad y sin complicaciones.

  1. Complete integration of technology for improved reproduction of auricular prostheses. (United States)

    Watson, Jason; Hatamleh, Muhanad M


    The accurate reproduction of the form and surface details of missing body structures is an essential part of any successful prosthetic rehabilitation. It helps mask the prosthesis and gives confidence to the patient. This clinical report details the integration of multiple in-house digital technologies of laser scanning, rapid prototyping, and digital color scanning and formulating to improve the shape, texture, orientation, and color of auricular prostheses for 3 patients with missing unilateral ears. A structured light laser scanner was used to digitize the patient's nondefect ear. The digitized data were then manipulated in specialist software and mirrored to reflect the opposing side. A rapid prototyping machine was used to manufacture a 3-dimensional (3D) model of the soft tissue required. This 3D mirrored ear model allowed the accurate reproduction of missing soft tissue. A color spectrometer was used to accurately reproduce the skin tones digitally and physically. Copyright © 2014 Editorial Council for the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Tratamiento de la compresión del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar

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    María L. Talavera


    Full Text Available La angina de pecho es un síntoma frecuente en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar (HP de cualquier etiología. Aunque su fisiopatología no está aclarada, las causas propuestas son: la isquemia subendocárdica por aumento del estrés parietal del ventrículo derecho, la dilatación de la arteria pulmonar por incrementos transitorios de la presión pulmonar y la compresión extrínseca del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda (TCI por la arteria pulmonar (AP dilatada. Se presentan tres casos que muestran la relación entre la angina de pecho y la compresión del TCI en pacientes con HP asociada a cardiopatías congénitas, tratados mediante implante de stent coronario.

  3. Efeitos do ultra-som de baixa intensidade na veia auricular de coelhos Effects of low intensity ultrasound in the auricular vein of rabbits

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    Marcelo Araújo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar a ação do ultra-som na veia auricular de coelhos. MÉTODOS: Vinte coelhos foram divididos em dois grupos de dez animais diferindo com relação ao local da aplicação, do ultra-som, o modo e o intervalo de tempo para a análise histopatológica (3 e 7 dias. Os animais foram submetidos à aplicação de ultra-som contínuo e pulsado em dois segmentos venosos da orelha previamente determinados. Cada animal foi o seu próprio controle. Empregou-se a freqüência de 3MHz, intensidade de 3W/cm² nos ciclos pulsado e contínuo por 10 minutos, de forma estacionária. O grupo I foi submetido a eutanásia após 3 dias e o grupo II em 7 dias contemplando a fase aguda do processo inflamatório. Empregou-se o teste exato de Fisher e o teste de Mc Nemar para análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Obteve-se trombose venosa e aumento de linfócitos de forma significativa (p= 0,032 nos grupos tratados com o modo contínuo. O modo pulsado não provocou efeitos deletérios. Outros achados foram congestão, edema, hemorragia e lesão da parede vascular. CONCLUSÕES: O ultra-som pulsado não provoca qualquer alteração na parede vascular nas condições do experimento.O ultra-som contínuo induz a trombose venosa e aumento dos linfócitos de forma significativa.PURPOSE: The purpose of this experimental work was evaluate the effects of low intensity in the auricular vein of rabbits. METHODS: Twenty rabbits were divided in two groups of ten animals. The groups differed about the place where the continuous and pulsed ultrasound were applied and the period that the material was collected for the morphologic examination (3 and 7 days. Acoustic coupling gel was used on marginal ear vein, each animal underwent continuous and pulsed ultrasound treatment, in segments previously marked with indelible ink. Each animal provided its own control. Ultrasound was used in the frequency of 3MHz, intensity of 3W/cm² in the pulsed and continuous modes during 10min

  4. Dolor musculo - esquelético y factores ergonómicos del trabajo en recicladores de la margen izquierda del río Rímac - 2010


    Valle Bayona, José Julio


    Determina la prevalencia de dolor musculo - esquelético y asociación con nivel de riesgo ergonómico en los recicladores de residuos sólidos de la margen izquierda del río Rímac en el año 2010. Estudio observacional, transversal y con componente analítico, en 92 recicladores del total de la población objetivo. Se realiza observaciones con lista de chequeo PLIBEL y entrevistas con cuestionario nórdico de síntomas musculoesqueléticos, identificando las variables dolor, nivel de riesgo ergonómico...

  5. Ultrasound-guided greater auricular nerve block as sole anesthetic for ear surgery

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    Michael K. Ritchie


    Full Text Available A greater auricular nerve (GAN block was used as the sole anesthetic for facial surgery in an 80-year-old male patient with multiple comorbidities which would have made general anesthesia challenging. The GAN provides sensation to the ear, mastoid process, parotid gland, and angle of the mandible. In addition to anesthesia for operating room surgery, the GAN block can be used for outpatient or emergency department procedures without the need for a separate anesthesia team. Although this nerve block has been performed using landmark-based techniques, the ultrasoundguided version offers several potential advantages. These advantages include increased reliability of the nerve block, as well as prevention of inadvertent vascular puncture or blockade of the phrenic nerve, brachial plexus, or deep cervical plexus. The increasing access to ultrasound technology for medical care providers outside the operating room makes this ultrasound guided block an increasingly viable alternative.

  6. El desarrollo del movimiento popular y el surgimiento de la Izquierda Revolucionaria en Chile (1953-1978

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    Igor Goicovic Donoso


    Full Text Available El Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR, de Chile, fue una organización político-militar, adherida ideológicamente al marxismo-leninismo, pero también heredera en el plano político y simbólico de la Revolución Cubana y del guevarismo. El MIR fue fundado en agosto de 1965, y posee una dilatada y relevante trayectoria política. No obstante ello, los estudios sobre el MIR aún son escasos y múltiples aspectos asociados a su inserción en la historia política de Chile del último tercio del siglo XX, permanecen desconocidos. En este artículo nos proponemos analizar las condiciones históricas en las cuales se formó el MIR chileno y su contribución al proceso de radicalización política que se vivió en Chile entre 1967 y 1973. De la misma manera, se estudia su capacidad de reacción frente a la violencia represiva desplegada por la dictadura a partir de 1973 y su rol en la organización de la resistencia popular

  7. Auricular Acupressure for Managing Postoperative Pain and Knee Motion in Patients with Total Knee Replacement: A Randomized Sham Control Study

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    Ling-hua Chang


    Full Text Available Background. Postoperative pain management remains a significant challenge for all healthcare providers. A randomized controlled trial was conducted to examine the adjuvant effects of auricular acupressure on relieving postoperative pain and improving the passive range of motion in patients with total knee replacement (TKR. Method. Sixty-two patients who had undergone a TKR were randomly assigned to the acupressure group and the sham control group. The intervention was delivered three times a day for 3 days. A visual analog scale (VAS and the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire were used to assess pain intensity. Pain medication consumption was recorded, and the knee motion was measured using a goniometer. Results. The patients experienced a moderately severe level of pain postoperatively (VAS 58.66 ± 20.35 while being on the routine PCA. No differences were found in pain scores between the groups at all points. However, analgesic drug usage in the acupressure group patients was significantly lower than in the sham control group (<0.05, controlling for BMI, age, and pain score. On the 3rd day after surgery, the passive knee motion in the acupressure group patients was significantly better than in the sham control group patients (<0.05, controlling for BMI. Conclusion. The application of auricular acupressure at specific therapeutic points significantly reduces the opioid analgesia requirement and improves the knee motion in patients with TKR.

  8. Embolia paradojal inminente Impending paradoxical embolism

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    Miguel A. Veltri


    Full Text Available La presencia de un trombo venoso atrapado en un defecto interauricular e insinuándose en las cavidades izquierdas configura una forma extremadamente inusual de enfermedad tromboembólica denominada embolia paradojal inminente. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 71 años, sometido 10 días antes a adenomectomía prostática, que consultó por disnea y mareos. Se le diagnosticó tromboembolismo pulmonar bilateral por tomografía axial computada helicoidal. Se lo anticoaguló con heparina sódica y se le realizó un ecocardiograma transesofágico que mostró un trombo que atravesaba el foramen oval y se alojaba en la aurícula izquierda. No presentaba signos clínicos de embolización sistémica. Se realizó la embolectomía quirúrgica y cierre del defecto auricular. El paciente falleció.An intracardiac thrombus traversing a patent foramen ovale is a very infrequent but potentially catastrophic complication of the thromboembolic disease. It is named "impending paradoxical embolism". We report the case of a 71 year old Caucasian male warded in ten days after a prostatectomy because of bilateral pulmonary embolism. Diagnosis was confirmed by HCT scan and the patient received anticoagulation with heparin. A transesophageal ecocardiogram disclosed a thrombus traversing foramen ovale into the left atrium. Surgical embolectomy was performed, but the patient died shortly after surgery.

  9. Terapia anticoagulante en fibrilación auricular Anticoagulation and atrial fibrillation

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    Sebastián Prieto


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular es la taquiarritmia cardíaca más frecuente. Su incidencia aumenta con la edad, presentándose en un 1.5% entre los 50 a 59 años, y en un 8-10% entre los 80 a 89 años. Esta arritmia incrementa en cinco veces el riesgo de sufrir un evento cerebrovascular isquémico cardioembólico y causa el 15% de todos los accidentes cerebrovasculares isquémicos. Su manejo se enfoca en la prevención de los fenómenos tromboembólicos y el control de la frecuencia y ritmo cardíaco. El tratamiento anticoagulante ha demostrado ser la principal herramienta en la prevención de eventos cardioembólicos. Aunque las complicaciones hemorrágicas por el tratamiento son esperables y aumentan con la edad, el beneficio de usar anticoagulación sobrepasa por mucho al riesgo de sangrado. Precisamente debido a la heterogeneidad clínica de esta arritmia y a la dificultad de establecer un tratamiento adecuado para cada caso en particular, el American College of Cardiology, la American Heart Association, la European Society of Cardiology y el American College of Chest Physicians han establecido guías para mejorar el tratamiento de estos pacientes. La revisión de esta enfermedad y de las directrices propuestas puede facilitar y mejorar notablemente el tratamiento de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular.Atrial fibrillation is the most frequent cardiac arrhythmia in adults. Its frequency increases with age, being its incidence 1.5% in individuals 50 to 59 years old and 8-10% from 80 to 89 years. Atrial fibrillation increases 5 fold the risk of suffering stroke and actually causes 15% of all strokes. Its management focuses primary in the prevention of thromboembolic phenomena, heart rate and rhythm control. Anticoagulation, when indicated, has demonstrated to be the main tool in the prevention of these thromboembolic events. Although the bleeding complication is frequent in this population and increases with age, anticoagulation benefits are

  10. Incremento en la dispersión de la onda P al disminuir el tiempo de eyección auricular en hipertensos y prehipertensos

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    Elibet Chávez, MD., MSc


    Conclusiones: Se evidencia dependencia de la dispersión de la onda P, del electrocardiograma y de la duración de la onda A del flujo de entrada mitral, hechos que se relacionan con riesgo de fibrilación auricular en el adulto, por lo que quizás este resultado dé un acercamiento a predicciones de riesgo más tempranas en edades pediátricas.

  11. Auricular Oedema and Dyshidrotic Eczema in a Patient with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Treated with Cytarabine

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    K. Brandt


    Full Text Available Cytarabine is an effective drug in the treatment of haematological malignancies. The therapy is associated with various complications. Frequencies of dermatological side-effects range from 2–72% and occur most commonly after high-dose regimens. Although most cutaneous reactions are mild and resolve spontaneously within several days, they may result in an increased risk of infection and alterations in comfort. In some cases, severe life-threatening reactions have been reported. Here we describe the case of a patient with acute myeloid leukaemia, who developed severe exceptional skin toxicity in terms of auricular oedema and palmar dyshidrotic eczema after the application of low-dose cytarabine. Re-administration of the drug resulted in reduced skin toxicity during further cycles of chemotherapy. Negative epicutaneous patch-testing supported the existence of cytarabine-provoked toxicity.

  12. Comparison between topical honey and mafenide acetate in treatment of auricular burn. (United States)

    Hashemi, Basir; Bayat, Akbar; Kazemei, Tayebe; Azarpira, Negar


    The auricle is a frequently injured part of the head and neck during thermal injury leading to ear deformity. The burned ear represents one of the most difficult problems for reconstructive surgeons. Mafenide acetate is a topical agent used routinely for these patients, but it has some disadvantages including painful application and allergic rash. Some authors have reported the healing effect and antibacterial activity of honey. The study reported here was undertaken to compare the effect of honey and mafenide acetate on auricular burn in rabbit. In our study, although the pathologic score of the honey group was better than that of the mafenide group both on 14 and 21 days after burning, it was not statistically significant. In the mafenide acetate group, deep complication of burn (chondritis) was significantly lower than that of the honey group. In conclusion, in contrast to healing and antibiotic activity reported for honey, it may have failure in preventing deep bacterial complications of wound (like chondritis). So in deep wounds, the use of honey as dressing is not recommended. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Adecuación del tratamiento antitrombótico en los pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular. Registro AFINVA

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    Daniela Dubois Marques


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: Conocer la adecuación del tratamiento antitrombótico (TAT a las guías de práctica clínica en pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular. Diseño: Estudio observacional prospectivo. Emplazamiento: Centros de Salud de atención primaria y Servicio de Cardiología de un Departamento de Salud de la Comunidad Valenciana, España. Participantes: Un total de 505 pacientes con diagnóstico de fibrilación auricular no valvular en la historia clínica electrónica de atención primaria. Mediciones principales: Pacientes con TAT inadecuado, definido como aquellos con puntuación CHA2DS2-VASc ≥ 1 que no reciban anticoagulación oral, los tratados con fármacos antivitamina K y deficiente control de la anticoagulación, la antiagregación asociada inapropiadamente con anticoagulantes, y pacientes con CHA2DS2-VASc = 0 y TAT. Resultados: La edad media fue 77,4 ± 10 años. El TAT se estimó inadecuado en el 58% de los casos. Los factores relacionados de forma independiente con TAT inadecuado en la muestra global fueron la edad (OR: 1,02 [1-1,04]; p = 0,029, el hipotiroidismo (OR: 1,98 [1,14-3,43]; p = 0,015], el antecedente de cardiopatía isquémica (OR: 1,73 [1,15-2,59]; p = 0,008 y la fibrilación auricular paroxística (OR: 2,11 [1,41-3,17]; p < 0,0001. Conclusiones: Los datos muestran la elevada prevalencia de tratamiento antitrombótico inadecuado en la práctica diaria, así como sus diversas causas. Abstract: Objective: To determine whether antithrombotic treatment (ATT in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation in a health area complies with the recommendations of current clinical guidelines. Design: Prospective observational study. Location: Primary Health Care Centres and Cardiology Department of a Health Department of the Valencian Community, Spain. Participants: A total of 505 patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation were included in the study. Main measurements: ATT was deemed to be

  14. Anatomía quirúrgica de las arritmias

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    Damián Sánchez-Quintana


    Full Text Available El interés por la anatomía cardíaca se ha visto incrementado con la utilización de las técnicas de ablación mediante catéter para el tratamiento de las taquiarritmias en el corazón humano. La cardiología intervencionista vuelve a estudiar la morfología macroscópica y las características estructurales del corazón. En suma, una onda nueva ha nacido para revisitar la anatomía cardíaca dado que la información de que disponíamos hasta el momento era incompleta o llanamente errónea. Como resultado de este interés, recientes estudios han revelado las características anatómicas, aspectos arquitectónicos y detalles histológicos de ciertos componentes del corazón que son de interés para el entendimiento del sustrato de las arritmias y su ablación. El propósito de este estudio ha sido revisar detalles de la morfología cardíaca tales como el istmo inferior o istmo cavotricuspídeo, la región sinoatrial y la cresta terminal, el triángulo de Koch y su contenido, los orificios de las venas pulmonares y su vecindad con la aurícula izquierda, la arquitectura de la unión venoatrial y de la pared auricular posterior. En resumen, describimos la anatomía y arquitectura de la orejuela izquierda y de la cresta lateral izquierda, la vena de Marshall y el seno coronario, así como la inervación autónoma de las aurículas y su relación con el esófago y los nervios frénicos. Finalmente, estudiamos las características anatómicas de los ventrículos derecho e izquierdo.

  15. NADA Protocol for Behavioral Health. Putting Tools in the Hands of Behavioral Health Providers: The Case for Auricular Detoxification Specialists

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    Elizabeth B Stuyt


    Full Text Available Background: The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA protocol, a simple standardized auricular treatment has the potential to provide vast public health relief on issues currently challenging our world. This includes but is not limited to addiction, such as the opioid epidemic, but also encompasses mental health, trauma, PTSD, chronic stress, and the symptoms associated with these conditions. Simple accessible tools that improve outcomes can make profound differences. We assert that the NADA protocol can have greatest impact when broadly applied by behavioral health professionals, Auricular Detoxification Specialists (ADSes. Methods: The concept of ADS is described and how current laws vary from state to state. Using available national data, a survey of practitioners in three selected states with vastly different laws regarding ADSes, and interviews of publicly funded programs which are successfully incorporating the NADA protocol, we consider possible effects of ADS-friendly conditions. Results: Data presented supports the idea that conditions conducive to ADS practice lead to greater implementation. Program interviews reflect settings in which adding ADSes can in turn lead to improved outcomes. Discussion: The primary purpose of non-acupuncturist ADSes is to expand the access of this simple but effective treatment to all who are suffering from addictions, stress, or trauma and to allow programs to incorporate acupuncture in the form of the NADA protocol at minimal cost, when and where it is needed. States that have changed laws to allow ADS practice for this standardized ear acupuncture protocol have seen increased access to this treatment, benefiting both patients and the programs.

  16. NADA Protocol for Behavioral Health. Putting Tools in the Hands of Behavioral Health Providers: The Case for Auricular Detoxification Specialists. (United States)

    Stuyt, Elizabeth B; Voyles, Claudia A; Bursac, Sara


    Background: The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) protocol, a simple standardized auricular treatment has the potential to provide vast public health relief on issues currently challenging our world. This includes but is not limited to addiction, such as the opioid epidemic, but also encompasses mental health, trauma, PTSD, chronic stress, and the symptoms associated with these conditions. Simple accessible tools that improve outcomes can make profound differences. We assert that the NADA protocol can have greatest impact when broadly applied by behavioral health professionals, Auricular Detoxification Specialists (ADSes). Methods: The concept of ADS is described and how current laws vary from state to state. Using available national data, a survey of practitioners in three selected states with vastly different laws regarding ADSes, and interviews of publicly funded programs which are successfully incorporating the NADA protocol, we consider possible effects of ADS-friendly conditions. Results: Data presented supports the idea that conditions conducive to ADS practice lead to greater implementation. Program interviews reflect settings in which adding ADSes can in turn lead to improved outcomes. Discussion: The primary purpose of non-acupuncturist ADSes is to expand the access of this simple but effective treatment to all who are suffering from addictions, stress, or trauma and to allow programs to incorporate acupuncture in the form of the NADA protocol at minimal cost, when and where it is needed. States that have changed laws to allow ADS practice for this standardized ear acupuncture protocol have seen increased access to this treatment, benefiting both patients and the programs.

  17. 64. Implante de marcapasos tras cirugía concomitante de la fibrilación auricular: nuevos factores de riesgo y seguimiento a medio plazo

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    E. Martín


    Conclusión: El implante del MP tras ablación concomitante de FA es un fenómeno multifactorial. La cirugía concomitante, grados de remodelado auricular avanzados y el propio procedimiento de ablación han sido hallados factores de riesgo independientes en el postoperatorio inmediato. Esta complicación fue reversible en más del 90% de casos de nuestra serie de forma temprana y sostenida a medio plazo.

  18. Asociación de la microalbuminuria con la disfunción ventricular izquierda en personas normotensas con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 Microalbuminuria and its association with left ventricular dysfunction in normotensive subjects presenting with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Manuel Emiliano Licea Puig


    Full Text Available ANTECEDENTES: la disfunción ventricular izquierda es una complicación frecuente en las personas con diabetes mellitus 1. OBJETIVO: determinar si la excreción urinaria de albúmina se asocia a la presencia de disfunción ventricular izquierda en personas normotensas con diabetes mellitus 1 de largo tiempo de evolución. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio transversal y descriptivo en 80 diabéticos normotensos tipo 1 con 10 años o más de evolución de la diabetes mellitus 1, atendidos consecutivamente en nuestro centro, en edades entre los 15 y los 40 años. Se excluyeron otras enfermedades o condiciones que provoquen por sí mismas disfunción ventricular izquierda y proteinuria. Se estudió: edad, sexo, índice de masa corporal, hábito de fumar, presión arterial, evolución de la diabetes mellitus 1, retinopatía diabética, nefropatía diabética incipiente, glucemia en ayunas y posprandial de 2 h, hemoglobina glucosilada (HbA1, excreción urinaria de albúmina de 24 h, creatinina, electrocardiograma y ecocardiograma modo M bidimensional con Doppler pulsado. RESULTADOS: se comprobó disfunción ventricular izquierda en el 26,3 % y alteraciones estructurales en el 16,2. La frecuencia de nefropatía diabética incipiente fue mayor (pBACKGROUNDS: left ventricular dysfunction is a frequent complication in persons presenting with type 1 diabetes mellitus. OBJECTIVE: to determine if albumin urinary excretion is associated with the presence of left ventricular dysfunction (LVD in normotensive persons presenting with type diabetes mellitus of a long evolution. METHODS: we made a descriptive and cross-sectional study in 80 normotensive type 1 diabetic patients aged between 15 and 40 with a ³10 years of type 1 diabetes mellitus evolution seen in a consecutive way in our service. Other diseases were excluded or those conditions provoking per se left ventricular dysfunction and proteinuria. Study includes: age, sex, body mass index (BMI, smoking

  19. Entre la vieja y la nueva izquierda armada : de la Unión de Combatientes Españoles al Movimiento por la IIIª República (1959-1967

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    Fernando Hernández Sánchez


    Full Text Available Tras el abandono de la lucha armada contra la dictadura a comienzos de los años 50, solo algunos sectores minoritarios de la izquierda en el exilio apostaron por el mantenimiento de una oposición intransigente y radicalmente opuesta al abandono del ideal republicano y a cualquier pacto con los sectores conservadores desgajados del régimen. La influencia de las luchas anticoloniales y de la revolución cubana, unida al deseo de hacer algo efectivo por la caída de Franco, llevaron a un grupo de luchadores veteranos a fundar organizaciones efímeras, como la Unión de Combatientes Españoles, en 1959, o el Movimiento por la III República y por la Reconstitución del Ejército Republicano, en 1963, últimos intentos de sumar la experiencia guerrillera de posguerra, ya bajo la influencia de la nueva izquierda revolucionaria.After the renounce to the armed struggle against Franco's dictatorship at the beginning of the fifties, only some minority groups of the exiled left showed a radical opposition to the abandonment of the republican ideal and to any pact with those conservative forces which did not support the Franco regime any more. The influence of the anticolonial struggles and the Cuban revolution, together with the desire to contribute effectively to the fall of Franco, led some veteran anti-Francoist fighters to found ephemeral organizations, like the Union of Spanish Combatants in 1959, or the Movement for the III Republic and the Reconstruction of the Republican Army in 1963, which were the last attempts to revive the guerrilla experience of the postwar period, now under the influence of the new revolutionary left.

  20. Implant retained auricular prosthesis with a modified hader bar: a case report. (United States)

    Lovely, M; Dathan, Pradeep C; Gopal, Dinesh; George, Biji Thomas; Chandrasekharan Nair, K


    Auricular prostheses for defects of external ear are retained either by mechanical means or implants. All implant retained prostheses are retained by various means such as bar and clip, magnetic attachments or a combination of bar, clip and magnets. The commonest problem encountered with the bar and clip system is loosening of the clip after 3-4 months. When magnets are used as retaining component they tend to corrode over a period of time. So various alternative retention methods which possess good retentive qualities, ease of reparability and patient friendly were tried. In the present case a newly modified Hader bar design which can act as an additional retentive feature apart from the clip is employed to increase retention. The major advantages in the modified Hader bar system were that only two implants were employed, the additional loops in the Hader bar prevented micro movements and the retentive acrylic locks were easy to repair if broken. The modified Hader bar has anti-rotational slots which prevents the sliding or rotation of the prosthesis which gave new confidence to the patient who was otherwise worried of inadvertent displacement of the ear prosthesis while playing.

  1. Three-dimensional precise orientation of bilateral auricular trial prosthesis using a facebow for a young adult with Crouzon syndrome. (United States)

    Rathee, Manu; Tamrakar, Amit Kumar; Kundu, Renu; Yunus, Nadeem


    Facial deformity can be debilitating, especially in the psychological and cosmetic aspects. Although surgical correction or replacement of deformed or missing parts is the ideal treatment, prosthetic replacement serves the purpose in case of surgical limitations. Prosthetic rehabilitation of a missing auricle is an acceptable option as it provides better control over the tortuous anatomical shape and shade of the missing portion. Improper spatial orientation of the prosthetic ear on the face can damage the results of even the most aesthetic prosthesis. This case report describes a simple and innovative method for precise spatial orientation of auricular trial prosthesis using a facebow and custom-made adjustable mechanical retention design using stainless steel wire. 2014 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

  2. Protocolo de tratamiento de cicatrices queloides en el pabellón auricular del Hospital General Dr. Manuel Gea González Treatment protocol of auricular keloid scars in the General Hospital Dr. Manuel Gea González

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    C. Gutiérrez Gómez


    Full Text Available Las cicatrices queloideas son una de las patologías de más difícil tratamiento por el alto porcentaje de recidivas que presentan, hasta un 100 % en tratamientos únicos y un 50 % en tratamientos combinados. El pabellón auricular es un blanco frecuente de esta patología. Presentamos el protocolo de tratamiento empleado en nuestro hospital en los últimos 6 años con terapia combinada en 51 pacientes y 64 pabellones auriculares afectados por queloides. Aplicamos de forma preoperatoria 3 dosis de triamcinolona o betametasona intralesional, con diferencia de 4 a 6 semanas entre dosis y 4 semanas después de la última dosis, realizamos resección de la cicatriz dejando piel suficiente para el cierre sin tensión. En los pacientes que presentaban antecedente de resección quirúrgica se añadió al tratamiento el uso de colchicina, comenzando el día de la cirugía y manteniéndolo durante 8 semanas, a dosis de 1 mg. al día, con control de pruebas de función hepática pre y postratamiento. En el 74.5 % de los casos la cicatriz queloide fue unilateral; el 56.8 % de los pacientes fueron mujeres; las edades fluctuaron entre los 8 y los 61 años con una media de 24 años de edad. En el 65 % de los casos el queloide se presentó en el pabellón auricular derecho y en cuanto a su localización dentro del mismo, el 42 % se presentó en el lóbulo. La causa en el 56 % de los casos fue por perforación. El 18.6 % de las cicatrices tratadas cedieron con la infiltración intralesional; de las 48 cicatrices que recibieron tratamiento quirúrgico, hubo recidiva en el 12.5 % (6 cicatrices, con un seguimiento de entre 8 meses a 6 años.Keloid scars are one of the most difficult pathologies to treat because its high rate of recurrence, from 100 % with single treatment to 50 % with combined therapy. The auricle is a frequent localization of keloids. We report our experience in the last 6 years with combined therapy in 51 patients and 64 auricles with keloid

  3. Additive Manufacturing: A Comparative Analysis of Dimensional Accuracy and Skin Texture Reproduction of Auricular Prostheses Replicas. (United States)

    Unkovskiy, Alexey; Spintzyk, Sebastian; Axmann, Detlef; Engel, Eva-Maria; Weber, Heiner; Huettig, Fabian


    The use of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) and additive manufacturing in maxillofacial prosthetics has been widely acknowledged. Rapid prototyping can be considered for manufacturing of auricular prostheses. Therefore, so-called prostheses replicas can be fabricated by digital means. The objective of this study was to identify a superior additive manufacturing method to fabricate auricular prosthesis replicas (APRs) within a digital workflow. Auricles of 23 healthy subjects (mean age of 37.8 years) were measured in vivo with respect to an anthropometrical protocol. Landmarks were volumized with fiducial balls for 3D scanning using a handheld structured light scanner. The 3D CAD dataset was postprocessed, and the same anthropometrical measurements were made in the CAD software with the digital lineal. Each CAD dataset was materialized using fused deposition modeling (FDM), selective laser sintering (SLS), and stereolithography (SL), constituting 53 APR samples. All distances between the landmarks were measured on the APRs. After the determination of the measurement error within the five data groups (in vivo, CAD, FDM, SLS, and SL), the mean values were compared using matched pairs method. To this, the in vivo and CAD dataset were set as references. Finally, the surface structure of the APRs was qualitatively evaluated with stereomicroscopy and profilometry to ascertain the level of skin detail reproduction. The anthropometrical approach showed drawbacks in measuring the protrusion of the ear's helix. The measurement error within all groups of measurements was calculated between 0.20 and 0.28 mm, implying a high reproducibility. The lowest mean differences of 53 produced APRs were found in FDM (0.43%) followed by SLS (0.54%) and SL (0.59%)--compared to in vivo, and again in FDM (0.20%) followed by SL (0.36%) and SLS (0.39%)--compared to CAD. None of these values exceed the threshold of clinical relevance (1.5%); however, the qualitative

  4. Auricular Acupressure Helps Alleviate Xerostomia in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients: A Pilot Study. (United States)

    Yang, Guowen; Lin, Shaoqin; Wu, Yuchi; Zhang, Shangpeng; Wu, Xiuqing; Liu, Xusheng; Zou, Chuan; Lin, Qizhan


    Xerostomia is one of the most common complaints in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients. This problem contributes to excess fluid intake and results in poor survival outcome. Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory and literature studies, the authors have been practicing auricular acupressure therapy (AAT) to help patients with xerostomia. This pilot study was conducted to demonstrate the potential of AAT for xerostomia in MHD patients. Eligible subjects who agreed to participate in this study were recruited and provided with AAT for 4 weeks. The Summated Xerostomia Inventory (SXI), as well as measurement of inter-dialytic weight gain (IDWG), daily inter-dialytic weight gain (daily IDWG), percentage of inter-dialytic weight gain (IDWG%), blood pressure, and biochemical parameters, were completed at baseline and after a 4-week intervention. A total of 26 eligible participants were recruited. Of them, 10 men and 16 women (M age  = 52.92 ± 11.80 years; dialysis vintage 81.86 ± 46.05 months) completed the study. After the 4-week AAT intervention, the SXI scores were significantly decreased compared with baseline (from 10.08 ± 2.26 to 9.04 ± 2.14; p xerostomia intensity for MHD patients.

  5. Chondrocyte differentiation for auricular cartilage reconstruction using a chitosan based hydrogel. (United States)

    García-López, J; Garciadiego-Cázares, D; Melgarejo-Ramírez, Y; Sánchez-Sánchez, R; Solís-Arrieta, L; García-Carvajal, Z; Sánchez-Betancourt, J I; Ibarra, C; Luna-Bárcenas, G; Velasquillo, C


    Tissue engineering with the use of biodegradable and biocompatible scaffolds is an interesting option for ear repair. Chitosan-Polyvinyl alcohol-Epichlorohydrine hydrogel (CS-PVA-ECH) is biocompatible and displays appropriate mechanical properties to be used as a scaffold. The present work, studies the potential of CS-PVA-ECH scaffolds seeded with chondrocytes to develop elastic cartilage engineered-neotissues. Chondrocytes isolated from rabbit and swine elastic cartilage were independently cultured onto CS-PVA-ECH scaffolds for 20 days to form the appropriate constructs. Then, in vitro cell viability and morphology were evaluated by calcein AM and EthD-1 assays and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) respectively, and the constructs were implanted in nu/nu mice for four months, in order to evaluate the neotissue formation. Histological analysis of the formed neotissues was performed by Safranin O, Toluidine blue (GAG's), Verhoeff-Van Gieson (elastic fibers), Masson's trichrome (collagen) and Von Kossa (Calcium salts) stains and SEM. Results indicate appropriate cell viability, seeded with rabbit or swine chondrocyte constructs; nevertheless, upon implantation the constructs developed neotissues with different characteristics depending on the animal species from which the seeded chondrocytes came from. Neotissues developed from swine chondrocytes were similar to auricular cartilage, while neotissues from rabbit chondrocytes were similar to hyaline cartilage and eventually they differentiate to bone. This result suggests that neotissue characteristics may be influenced by the animal species source of the chondrocytes isolated.

  6. Bilateral implant-retained auricular prosthesis for a patient with congenitally missing ears. A clinical report. (United States)

    Kumar, Preeti Satheesh; Satheesh Kumar, K S; Savadi, Ravindra C


    Microtia is a major congenital anomaly of the external ear. It includes a spectrum of deformities from a grossly normal but small ear to the absence of the entire external ear. These deformities account for three in every 10,000 births, with bilaterally missing ears seen in fewer than 10% of all cases. Congenital abnormalities of the ear are unlikely to result in the complete absence of the ears, but the patient presented in this article had bilateral congenitally missing ears. There was loss of anatomic landmarks and alteration of normal bony architecture. Minimal tissue was available for retention; therefore, conventional techniques could not be used for achieving retention. A two-implant-supported auricular prosthesis was planned, but the patient was found to have deficient bone in the implant site. Hence the implants were placed posterior to these sites, and the superstructure was modified to accommodate for this change in position of the implant to ensure the esthetic positioning of the prosthesis. © 2012 by the American College of Prosthodontists.

  7. Auricular Acupuncture for Exam Anxiety in Medical Students-A Randomized Crossover Investigation.

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    Catharina Klausenitz

    Full Text Available Auricular acupuncture (AA is effective in the treatment of preoperative anxiety. The aim was to investigate whether AA can reduce exam anxiety as compared to placebo and no intervention. Forty-four medical students were randomized to receive AA, placebo, or no intervention in a crossover manner and subsequently completed three comparable oral anatomy exams with an interval of 1 month between the exams/interventions. AA was applied using indwelling fixed needles bilaterally at points MA-IC1, MA-TF1, MA-SC, MA-AT1 and MA-TG one day prior to each exam. Placebo needles were used as control. Levels of anxiety were measured using a visual analogue scale before and after each intervention as well as before each exam. Additional measures included the State-Trait-Anxiety Inventory, duration of sleep at night, blood pressure, heart rate and the extent of participant blinding. All included participants finished the study. Anxiety levels were reduced after AA and placebo intervention compared to baseline and the no intervention condition (p < 0.003. AA was better at reducing anxiety than placebo in the evening before the exam (p = 0.018. Participants were able to distinguish between AA and placebo intervention. Both AA and placebo interventions reduced exam anxiety in medical students. The superiority of AA over placebo may be due to insufficient blinding of participants.

  8. Fibrilación auricular: una mirada actual Atrial fibrillation: a current view

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    Julián Aristizábal


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia más frecuente en la práctica clínica y conlleva implicaciones significativas en la morbilidad y mortalidad cardiovascular de la población, así como en los costos para los sistemas de salud. No obstante, el conocimiento de la fisiopatología de la arritmia y el surgimiento de nuevas alternativas terapéuticas han cambiado la perspectiva en el manejo de esta enfermedad. Se realiza una revisión del desarrollo reciente en conceptos etiológicos y fisiológicos de la arritmia, así como en los esquemas de clasificación y evaluación del riesgo trombohemorrágico, además de los nuevos avances en terapias farmacológicas e intervencionistas.Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice and carries significant implications in the population's cardiovascular morbidity and mortality as well as in costs for the health systems. However, the knowledge of the pathophysiology of the arrhythmia and the emergence of new alternative therapies have changed the perspective in the management of this disease. We realize a review of recent developments in etiological and physiological concepts of the arrhythmia, as well as a review of the classification schemes and thrombohemorrhagic risk assessment in addition to the new advances in pharmacological and interventional therapies.

  9. The Anti-Inflammatory Actions of Auricular Point Acupressure for Chronic Low Back Pain

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    Wei-Chun Lin


    Full Text Available Background. Auricular point acupressure (APA is a promising treatment for pain management. Few studies have investigated the physiological mechanisms of APA analgesics. Method. In this pilot randomized clinical trial (RCT, a 4-week APA treatment was used to manage chronic low back pain (CLBP. Sixty-one participants were randomized into a real APA group (n=32 or a sham APA group (n=29. Blood samples, pain intensity, and physical function were collected at baseline and after 4 weeks of treatment. Results. Subjects in the real APA group reported a 56% reduction of pain intensity and a 26% improvement in physical function. Serum blood samples showed (1 a decrease in IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, and calcitonin gene-related peptide [CGRP] and (2 an increase in IL-4. In contrast, subjects in the sham APA group (1 reported a 9% reduction in pain and a 2% improvement in physical function and (2 exhibited minimal changes of inflammatory cytokines and neuropeptides. Statistically significant differences in IL-4 and CGRP expression between the real and sham APA groups were verified. Conclusion. These findings suggest that APA treatment affects pain intensity through modulation of the immune system, as reflected by APA-induced changes in serum inflammatory cytokine and neuropeptide levels.

  10. Empleo del adhesivo hístico tisuacryl en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la deformidad auricular

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    Orlando L Rodríguez Calzadilla


    Full Text Available Las orejas prominentes o en ASA son causas de tratamiento quirúrgico. Se realizó un estudio en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital General Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Aleida Fernández Chardiet" de Güines, con el fin de modificar las técnicas descritas por otros autores para la formación anatómica del antihélix y sustituir el uso de suturas de anclaje por la aplicación del tisuacryl, lo que logra variaciones faciales de conformidad para el paciente. Fueron tratados quirúrgicamente 36 pacientes; la edad predominante fue la de 9 años (28 %; al sexo el masculino correspondió el 61 %; la afección anatómica más frecuente resultó el aumento del ángulo concho mastoideo (56 %, seguida por la pérdida bilateral del antihélix (36 %. No se reportan recidivas en los pacientes operados ni complicaciones como reacción a cuerpo extraño y pericondritis, que pudieran manifestarse por la utilización de hilos de sutura. La adhesión del pabellón auricular en lecho receptor fue satisfactoria, se disminuyó el tiempo de vendaje y desaparecieron quejas de oído reducido, comezón y el olor a sangre vieja en las vendas.The prominent or akimbo ears require surgical treatment. A study was conducted at the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of "Aleida Fernández Chardiet" General Clinical and Surgical Teaching Hospital so as to modify the techniques described by other authors for the anatomical formation of the antihelix and for substituting the use of anchorage suture by the application of tisuacryl, which allow facial variations satisfying the patient. 36 patients were surgically treated. 9 years old was the predominating age (28 %. 61 % were males, and the most frequent anatomical affection was the increase of the mastoideal looped angle (56 %, followed by the bilateral loss of the antihelix (36 %. Neither relapses in the patients operated on nor complications, such as reaction to a foreign body and perichondritis that may manifest when

  11. Effects of Shuang Wuzhen Tong Capsule on acute toxicity of mice caused by swelling and auricular dimethylbenzene (United States)

    Hao, Shaojun; Sun, Youshu; Guo, Junyi; Chen, Weiliang; Wang, Hongyu; Sun, Jianhua; Guan, Zhijiang; Zhang, Zhengchen; Wang, Fang


    To observe the effect of Shuang Wuzhen Tong Capsule on acute toxicity of mice caused by swelling and auricular dimethylbenzene. 40 rats, weighing 18 ˜ 22G, half male and half female. Shuang Wuzhen Tong Capsule maximum concentration maximum volume to mice for 1 days by gavage for 1 times, for 7 consecutive days, to observe the situation of animal death, the maximum tolerance; the other 50 mice, were divided into 5 groups, were fed with Shuang Wuzhen Tong capsule suspension, Jingfukang granule suspension and the same volume 0.5%CMC. No death in 7 days. After death animal autopsy, heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, brain, stomach, intestine and no important organ obvious bleeding, hyperemia and edema, exudation, ulcer, perforation, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial cavity without effusion. Shuang Wuzhen Tong Capsule group and Jingfukang granule group could obviously reduce the xylene induced swelling of mouse ear, ear swelling degree decreased significantly (P<0.01). Shuang Wuzhen Tong Capsule has no obvious acute toxicity, anti-inflammatory effects.

  12. Eficacia de una dieta mediterránea en la prevención primaria de insuficiencia cardiaca y fibrilación auricular en hipertensos de alto riesgo cardiovascular


    Lozano Rodríguez, Jesús Manuel


    Falta palabras clave Objetivos: Principal. Estudiar el efecto de una dieta mediterránea (DTM), en comparación con una dieta baja en grasas (DBG), sobre la incidencia de insuficiencia cardiaca (IC), fibrilación auricular (FA), ictus y cardiopatía isquémica (CI) en pacientes hipertensos de alto riesgo cardiovascular, que reciben tratamiento farmacológico antihipertensivo y que aún no han presentado ninguna manifestación clínica de enfermedad del aparato circulatorio y no tienen FA. Secundari...

  13. EVALUACIÓN ECOCARDIOGRÁFICA DE LA FUNCIÓN VENTRICULAR IZQUIERDA EN CENTENARIOS / Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular function in centenarians

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    Vanessa Peña-Bofill


    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción: El envejecimiento poblacional es un fenómeno mundial y constituye un logro de la humanidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar ecocardiográficamente la función ventricular izquierda de pacientes ambulatorios mayores de 100 años del municipio Plaza de la Revolución, en el período de septiembre del 2009 a septiembre del 2010. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con 20 longevos, en el Departamento de Ecocardiografía del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García", a los cuáles se les realizó ecocardiograma para evaluar la función ventricular izquierda. Resultados: La edad media fue de 102 años, predominó el sexo femenino con 15 pacientes (75 % y el 50 % tenía color de piel blanco. El factor de riesgo coronario de mayor prevalencia fue la hipertensión arterial (40 %; la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, el tabaquismo y la dislipidemia le sucedieron en orden. Los centenarios tenían conservada la función sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo (90 % con poca tendencia a la supernormalidad, una paciente presentó trastornos segmentarios de la contractilidad en cara inferior, lo que correspondía a antecedentes de infarto de miocardio. Cuatro centenarios tenían patrón de llenado normal, 11 presentaron alteración de la relajación ventricular y cinco patrones pseudonormales. Conclusiones: En los centenarios estudiados se mantiene una función sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo evaluada por ecocardiografía, dentro de parámetros normales, con signos de disfunción diastólica leve. / Abstract Introduction: Population aging is a global phenomenon and an achievement of mankind. Objective: To characterize left ventricular function by echocardiography in ambulatory patients over 100 years old in Plaza de la Revolution Municipality, between September 2009 and September 2010. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with 20 long-lived people, in the Department of Echocardiography of

  14. Auricular Acupuncture and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia: A Randomised Controlled Study

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    L. Bergdahl


    Full Text Available Objective. The most effective nonpharmacological treatment for insomnia disorder is cognitive behavioural therapy-insomnia (CBT-i. However CBT-i may not suit everyone. Auricular acupuncture (AA is a complementary treatment. Studies show that it may alleviate insomnia symptoms. The aim of this randomised controlled study was to compare treatment effects of AA with CBT-i and evaluate symptoms of insomnia severity, anxiety, and depression. Method. Fifty-nine participants, mean age 60.5 years (SD 9.4, with insomnia disorder were randomised to group treatment with AA or CBT-i. Self-report questionnaires, the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI, Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep scale (DBAS-16, Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HAD, were collected at baseline, after treatment, and at 6-month follow-up. A series of linear mixed models were performed to examine treatment effect over time between and within the groups. Results. Significant between-group improvements were seen in favour of CBT-i in ISI after treatment and at the 6-month follow-up and in DBAS-16 after treatment. Both groups showed significant within-group postintervention improvements in ISI, and these changes were maintained six months later. The CBT-i group also showed a significant reduction in DBAS-16 after treatment and six months later. Conclusions. Compared to CBT-i, AA, as offered in this study, cannot be considered an effective stand-alone treatment for insomnia disorder. The trial is registered with NCT01765959.

  15. Caracterización de la deformación miocárdica en pacientes con hipertrofia ventricular izquierda de diferente etiología/nmediante el uso de distribuciones de strain obtenidas de imágenes de resonancia magnética


    Piella Fenoy, Gemma; De Craene, Mathieu; Bijnens, Bart; Tobón Gómez, Catalina, 1981-; Huguet, Marina; Avegliano, G.; Frangi Caregnato, Alejandro


    Introducción y objetivos. Se ha señalado que, en la miocardiopatía hipertrófica (MCH), la desorganización de las fibras regionales da lugar a segmentos en los que la deformación es nula o está gravemente reducida, y que estos segmentos tienen una distribución no uniforme en el ventrículo izquierdo (VI). Esto contrasta con lo observado en otros tipos de hipertrofia como en el corazón de atleta o la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda hipertensiva (HVI-HT), en los que puede haber una deformación ...

  16. Modulation of Muscle Tone and Sympathovagal Balance in Cervical Dystonia Using Percutaneous Stimulation of the Auricular Vagus Nerve. (United States)

    Kampusch, Stefan; Kaniusas, Eugenijus; Széles, Jozsef C


    Primary cervical dystonia is characterized by abnormal, involuntary, and sustained contractions of cervical muscles. Current ways of treatment focus on alleviating symptomatic muscle activity. Besides pharmacological treatment, in severe cases patients may receive neuromodulative intervention such as deep brain stimulation. However, these (highly invasive) methods have some major drawbacks. For the first time, percutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (pVNS) was applied in a single case of primary cervical dystonia. Auricular vagus nerve stimulation was already shown to modulate the (autonomous) sympathovagal balance of the body and proved to be an effective treatment in acute and chronic pain, epilepsy, as well as major depression. pVNS effects on cervical dystonia may be hypothesized to rely upon: (i) the alteration of sensory input to the brain, which affects structures involved in the genesis of motoric and nonmotoric dystonic symptoms; and (ii) the alteration of the sympathovagal balance with a sustained impact on involuntary movement control, pain, quality of sleep, and general well-being. The presented data provide experimental evidence that pVNS may be a new alternative and minimally invasive treatment in primary cervical dystonia. One female patient (age 50 years) suffering from therapy refractory cervical dystonia was treated with pVNS over 20 months. Significant improvement in muscle pain, dystonic symptoms, and autonomic regulation as well as a subjective improvement in motility, sleep, and mood were achieved. A subjective improvement in pain recorded by visual analog scale ratings (0-10) was observed from 5.42 to 3.92 (medians). Muscle tone of the mainly affected left and right trapezius muscle in supine position was favorably reduced by about 96%. Significant reduction of muscle tone was also achieved in sitting and standing positions of the patient. Habituation to stimulation leading to reduced stimulation efficiency was observed and

  17. Forty-nine cases of insomnia treated by acupoint catgut-embedding therapy in combination with auricular point sticking%穴位埋线配合耳穴贴压治疗失眠49例

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    郝玉林; WANG Fang


    @@ Insomnia is defined as difficulty in falling into sleep and failure to acquire normal sleep, resulting in short sleep time, even staying asleep the whole night in serious case, which impacts on the normal daytime activity and brings the deep pains to the patients.The author had treated 49 cases of insomnia with acupoint catgut-embedding therapy in combination with auricular point sticking from February 2008 to August 2009.The report is as follows.

  18. “Marx el teórico, Lenin el práctico”: Construcción del marxismo en jóvenes militantes de izquierda bajo la Unidad Popular * “Marx the theoretical, Lenin the practical”: Construction of Marxism in young left militants under the Popular Unity

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    Alex Zapata


    Full Text Available Por medio del estudio de casos concretos de militantes jóvenes populares de izquierda durante el gobierno de la Unidad Popular, se analizará cómo estas personas fueron construyendo o inventando, en sus prácticas socio-políticas cotidianas, la doctrina marxista de los cuales dicen ser seguidores, para detectar entre otras cosas las mediaciones, las ideas concretas y los sentidos, no exentos de contradicciones que estos le atribuyeron a la enunciada fuente ideológica.

  19. Raman microspectrometry of laser-reshaped rabbit auricular cartilage: preliminary study on laser-induced cartilage mineralization (United States)

    Heger, Michal; Mordon, Serge R.; Leroy, Gérard; Fleurisse, Laurence; Creusy, Collette


    Laser-assisted cartilage reshaping (LACR) is a relatively novel technique designed to noninvasively and permanently restructure cartilaginous tissue. It is believed that heat-induced stress relaxation, in which a temperature-mediated disruption of H2O binding is associated with conformational alterations in the proteoglycan and collagen-rich matrix, constitutes the underlying mechanism of LACR. Several reports have suggested that laser-mediated cartilage mineralization may contribute to the permanent shape change of laser-reshaped cartilage. In an effort to validate these results in the context of Er:glass LACR, we performed a preliminary Raman microspectrometric study to characterize the crystal deposits in laser-irradiated chondrocytes and extracellular matrix. For the first time, we identified intracellular calcium sulfate deposits and extracellular calcium phosphate (apatite) crystals in laser-reshaped rabbit auricular cartilage. Calcium carbonate deposits are localized in both irradiated and nonirradiated samples, suggesting that this mineral plays no role in conformational retention. In our discussion, we elaborate on the possible molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for intra- and extracellular crystallization, and propose a novel hypothesis on the formation of apatite, inasmuch as the biological function of this mineral (providing structure and rigidity in bones and dental enamel) may be extrapolated to the permanent shape change of laser-irradiated cartilage.

  20. Asociación del tejido adiposo epicárdico con la fibrilación auricular y su pronóstico posterior a la ablación de venas pulmonares

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    Viviana Quintero-Yepes


    Conclusiones: el aumento del tejido adiposo epicárdico se relaciona de manera independiente con el sobrepeso y la obesidad, así como con la severidad y el pronóstico de la fibrilación auricular. Deben hacerse estudios prospectivos de cohortes en los que se evalúe y establezcan valores de corte normales para nuestra población, al igual que seguimiento a largo plazo de la evolución posterior a ablación de venas pulmonares y a intervenciones como disminución de peso.

  1. Prevalencia de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda en pacientes diabéticos Prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy in diabetic patients

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    Diego Valarezo-Sevilla


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de establecer la prevalencia de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda (HVI en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM, se realizó un estudio transversal en estos pacientes, estableciendo sus características antropométricas, presión arterial y control metabólico. Para evaluar la presencia de HVI se empleó ecocardiografía transtorácica. El estudio incluyó 91 pacientes, en los cuales la prevalencia de HVI fue de 63,7%, siendo más frecuente en mujeres que en varones (p=0,001. Adicionalmente, se encontró un 46,2% de pacientes con disfunción diastólica del ventrículo izquierdo. Se concluye que existe una importante prevalencia de HVI en pacientes diabéticos sin antecedentes de causas definidas de hipertrofia. No se encontró relación con sexo, control metabólico, IMC y tiempo de diagnósticoIn order to establish the prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, (DM a cross-sectional study was conducted in these patients studying their anthropometric characteristics, blood pressure and metabolic control. To evaluate the presence of LVH, a trans-thoracic echocardiogram was used. The study included 91 patients, finding a 63.7% prevalence of HVI, with women being more affected than men (p=0.001. Additionally, 46.2% of patients were found to have diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle. We conclude that there is an important prevalence of LVH in diabetic patients without defined causes of hypertrophy. There was no association with sex, metabolic control, BMI and time of diagnosis

  2. ¿Fascistas o revolucionarios? Política de izquierda y de derecha entre los campesinos pobres ¿Fascistas o revolucionarios? Política de izquierda y de derecha entre los campesinos pobres

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    Leslie Anderson


    Full Text Available La expansión de la democracia en América Latina y su extensión en el tiempo ha puesto de manifiesto una tendencia sorprendente y preocupante. Muchos de los nuevos electores latinoamericanos han dado su apoyo a candidatos de derecha y no democráticos que una vez en el poder han atentado de diversas maneras contra la democracia. Dentro del electorado se constata que ese apoyo a las fuerzas antidemocráticas es mayor en la población rural. A la luz de la bibliografía de los años 70 y 80 sobre las revoluciones campesinas de Rusia, China, Cuba o Nicaragua, este derechismo campesino es un rompecabezas: ¿los campesinos son fascistas o revolucionarios? Para descifrar este enigma, el trabajo en primer lugar analiza cuatro casos de apoyo rural al fascismo o al autoritarismo populista en la primera mitad del siglo XX (Francia, Italia, Alemania y Argentina. Compara los factores explicativos que emergen de esa comparación con los resultados obtenidos de la investigación sobre el izquierdismo campesino en China, Rusia, Cuba y Nicaragua. La conclusión del trabajo es que hay dos conjuntos de factores que explican el apoyo de los campesinos a la izquierda o a la derecha. El primer tipo de factores, de transfondo, incluye el contexto económico y las relaciones sociales de propiedad y tenencia de la tierra. El segundo tipo de factores, de primer plano,incluye el tipo de liderazgo, el estilo organizativo y la habilidad política, así como el tipo de retórica que se usa para atraer el voto campesino. La población rural no es por naturaleza ni de derecha ni de izquierda, sino que su apoyo puede llevarse a cualquiera de los dos lados dependiendo del trasfondo económico-social y de la escena política. En América Latina hay que estudiar en detalle los estilos de liderazgo y las retóricas de los candidatos. Estas variables de primera instancia nos van a permitir dictaminar si el apoyo electoral dará lugar a panoramas fascistas o autoritarios como los

  3. Development of scaffold-free elastic cartilaginous constructs with structural similarities to auricular cartilage. (United States)

    Giardini-Rosa, Renata; Joazeiro, Paulo P; Thomas, Kathryn; Collavino, Kristina; Weber, Joanna; Waldman, Stephen D


    External ear reconstruction with autologous cartilage still remains one of the most difficult problems in the fields of plastic and reconstructive surgery. As the absence of tissue vascularization limits the ability to stimulate new tissue growth, relatively few surgical approaches are currently available (alloplastic implants or sculpted autologous cartilage grafts) to repair or reconstruct the auricle (or pinna) as a result of traumatic loss or congenital absence (e.g., microtia). Alternatively, tissue engineering can offer the potential to grow autogenous cartilage suitable for implantation. While tissue-engineered auricle cartilage constructs can be created, a substantial number of cells are required to generate sufficient quantities of tissue for reconstruction. Similarly, as routine cell expansion can elicit negative effects on chondrocyte function, we have developed an approach to generate large-sized engineered auricle constructs (≥3 cm(2)) directly from a small population of donor cells (20,000-40,000 cells/construct). Using rabbit donor cells, the developed bioreactor-cultivated constructs adopted structural-like characteristics similar to native auricular cartilage, including the development of distinct cartilaginous and perichondrium-like regions. Both alterations in media composition and seeding density had profound effects on the formation of engineered elastic tissue constructs in terms of cellularity, extracellular matrix accumulation, and tissue structure. Higher seeding densities and media containing sodium bicarbonate produced tissue constructs that were closer to the native tissue in terms of structure and composition. Future studies will be aimed at improving the accumulation of specific tissue constituents and determining the clinical effectiveness of this approach using a reconstructive animal model.

  4. OLVIDOS Y RECUERDOS DE UN MONTAJE COMUNICACIONAL. Una aproximación a las memorias subterráneas de ex militantes del Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria en Chile

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    María Olga RUIZ

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Este trabajo se aproxima a un acontecimiento escasamente investigado y que, sin embargo, circula como una memoria subterránea entre los sobrevivientes y ex militantes del Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionario; me refiero a la llamada Conferencia de Prensa de Villa Grimaldi, montaje comunicacional organizado por la DINA (Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional que tuvo como protagonista a un grupo de militantes de esta organización que se encontraban secuestrados en el Cuartel Terranova (Villa Grimaldi. El operativo consistió en que los prisioneros llamaran públicamente a deponer la resistencia armada en contra de la dictadura, declarando la derrota política y militar del MIR. Una vez realizado el montaje, los cuatro militantes fueron acusados de traición y condenados a muerte por ésta organización, medida que finalmente no se implementó. En este artículo me aproximo a las diversas memorias (muchas de ellas en conflicto que existen en torno a este acontecimiento, incluyendo el testimonio de sus dos sobrevivientes.

  5. Nuevos anticoagulantes orales en fibrilación auricular no valvular New oral ant icoagulants in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation

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    Andrés F Buitrago


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia cardiaca sostenida más común y su prevalencia se duplica cada decenio por encima de los cincuenta años. Entretanto, las condiciones clínicas que más se asocian con ésta son la hipertensión arterial, la insuficiencia cardíaca, la enfermedad valvular cardíaca y la diabetes mellitus. Como complicaciones está la falla cardiaca, pero tal vez una de las peores son los eventos cardioembólicos, que ocurren aproximadamente en 4,5% de los pacientes no anticoagulados. El tratamiento antitrombótico con antagonistas de la vitamina K fue, durante más de cincuenta años, la única alternativa disponible, a pesar de sus múltiples limitaciones, las mismas que llevaron al desarrollo de nuevos fármacos anticoagulantes que disminuyen muchos de los problemas de los antagonistas de la vitamina K. Pueden agruparse en dos clases: inhibidores orales directos de la trombina e inhibidores orales del factor X activado. Tanto dabigatrán, rivaroxabán como apixabán, cuentan ya con estudios clínicos controlados aleatorizados que apoyan su uso en el tratamiento antitrombótico de la fibrilación auricular y recientemente se incluyeron en las guías basadas en la evidencia como alternativa (ACC e incluso con un grado de recomendación superior (CCS, CHEST al de los antagonistas de la vitamina K.Atrial fibrillation is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia and its prevalence doubles every decade for people older than fifty years. Meanwhile, the clinical conditions most associated with it are hypertension, heart failure, valvular heart disease and diabetes mellitus. Complications include heart failure, but perhaps one of the worst ones are the stroke events, which occur in approximately 4.5% of not anticoagulated patients. Antithrombotic therapy with vitamin K antagonists was for over fifty years the only alternative available, despite its many limitations. These limitations led to the development of new

  6. A Randomized Clinical Trial of Auricular Point Acupressure for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Feasibility Study

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    Chao Hsing Yeh


    Full Text Available Objectives. This prospective, randomized clinical trial (RCT was designed to investigate the feasibility and effects of a 4-week auricular point acupressure (APA for chronic low back pain (CLBP. Methods. Participants were randomized to either true APA (true acupoints with taped seeds on the designated ear points for CLBP or sham APA (sham acupoints with taped seeds but on different locations than those designated for CLBP. The duration of treatment was four weeks. Participants were assessed before treatment, weekly during treatment, and 1 month following treatment. Results. Participants in the true APA group who completed the 4-week APA treatment had a 70% reduction in worst pain intensity, a 75% reduction in overall pain intensity, and a 42% improvement in disability due to back pain from baseline assessment. The reductions of worst pain and overall pain intensity in the true APA group were statistically greater than participants in the sham group (P<0.01 at the completion of a 4-week APA and 1 month followup. Discussion. The preliminary findings of this feasibility study showed a reduction in pain intensity and improvement in physical function suggesting that APA may be a promising treatment for patients with CLBP.

  7. The left and the democratic stability in Latin America: the ideology of the Bolivarian Revolution and its impact on the political processes in Venezuela and Latin America Izquierda y estabilidad de la democracia en América latina: la ideología de la revolución bolivariana y su repercusión sobre el proceso político en Venezuela y América latina

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    José Enrique MOLINA V.


    Full Text Available One of the main areas of work in Comparative Politics and Political Theory has been the determination of the variables associated with the stability/instability of political systems in general, and democracy in particular. This paper focuses on one of these variables. One with newly acquired importance after the recent electoral successes by the left, but that nevertheless has not been in the spotlight of scholarly analysis: ideological polarization. Particularly, ideological polarization brought about by the attempt to pursue by the government a leftist political project. The main focus is on the ideological project pursued by the Venezuelan Bolivarian Government and its association with the political instability of 2002 and 2003. The paper considers this topic taken into account mainstream theoretical approaches on political stability, and the experience of previous Latin American leftist governments. The paper reaches the conclusion that in Latin America the attempt to implement a socialist program by a democratically elected government, if it is done without meaningful social and political negotiation, and with authoritarian overtones, is likely to lead to intense political instability and to the ultimate failure of the proposed social change. Los factores vinculados a la estabilidad o inestabilidad de los sistemas políticos y la democracia han sido una preocupación central de la política comparada y la teoría política. Este trabajo se centra en analizar un factor que adquiere nueva importancia dado el resurgimiento de la izquierda en América Latina, pero que no ha estado en el centro del debate académico sobre la estabilidad democrática: la polarización ideológica producida por el adelanto de un proyecto político de izquierda desde el gobierno. Su análisis se enmarca en los enfoques teóricos sobre la estabilidad de la democracia y los sistemas políticos. Dentro del contexto de los gobiernos de izquierda en América Latina, se

  8. La extrema izquierda armada colombiana representada en los relatos de ficción de la novela y el cuento, décadas de 1970 y 1990

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    Dairo Correa Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available A partir de un ejercicio de lectura comparativa de diez y siete obras literarias colombianas publicadas en las décadas de 1970 y 1980, entre novelas y cuentos, se busca debatir sobre la manera en que fue representada ficcionalmente la extrema izquierda armada en el país. El interés en explorar la narrativa deviene de la creciente importancia de su función testimonial para el análisis de fenómenos sociopolíticos. La literatura, en tanto discurso dotado de múltiples significados, fue durante el periodo estudiado, un arte politizado y un vehículo para la denuncia de asimetrías sociales, capaz de recoger tipos sociales densamente considerados que ilustran la interacción de grupos humanos y el poder político. El artículo pretende aportar a los estudios en torno a las relaciones literatura-política, los cuales en Colombia hoy están ligados a la construcción de la idea de nación, las guerras civiles del siglo XIX, la Violencia de los años 50 del siglo XX y recientemente al narcotráfico.

  9. El exilio y la política de la transición : una reflexión sobre la continuidad de la izquierda parlamentaria

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    Abdón Mateos


    Full Text Available El autor propone la tesis de continuidad respecto al exilio en la trayectoria de la izquierda parlamentaria durante la transición. No hubo ruptura con el exilio y, por tanto, refundación del PSOE y del PCE debido a la presencia cualificada de históricos de la guerra civil y de miembros de la segunda generación del exilio/primera clandestinidad en los círculos de poder interno de ambos partidos. Pero, sobre todo, no hubo refundación del PSOE tras Suresnes por la continuidad de aspectos claves de su política y por el peso de la conciencia histórica del franquismo en la cultura política de los socialistas.The author aims to show that the evolution of tehe Parliamnetary left wing is ultimately roots on the exile. PSOE anf PCE never broke their links with the exile and therefore were never refounded, due to the leading presence of persons who played a role in the civil war as well as of members of the second generation of the exile and the first underground movements in the core of both partios. Over all, the PSOE was never refounded after Suresnes as the key features of its politics remaied unchanged and historical conscience of francoism played a decisive part in the Socialist political culture.

  10. Pseudo-aneurisma post-traumático de tronco de arteria coronaria izquierda Post-traumatic false (pseudo aneurysm of the left main coronary artery

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    Melina M. Gallo


    Full Text Available El pseudo-aneurisma de arteria coronaria es extremadamente raro. Su historia natural es poco conocida y su tratamiento discutido. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con pseudo-aneurisma de tronco de la coronaria izquierda e infarto antero-apical del ventrículo izquierdo cinco años después de un paro cardíaco secundario a un traumatismo no penetrante de tórax. Se consideró entonces que la lesión no era pasible de corrección percutánea o quirúrgica por lo que se optó por tratamiento médico conservador. Una angiografía coronaria por tomografía computarizada multicorte realizada 10 años después del evento inicial mostró ausencia de progresión de la lesión.Coronary pseudo-aneurysm is an extremely rare entity. Its natural history is scarcely known and its treatment is controversial. We report a case of pseudo-aneurysm of the left main coronary artery associated with an antero-apical infarct of the left ventricle diagnosed five years after a cardiac arrest following a non-penetrating thoracic trauma. The patient was treated conservatively because percutaneous or surgical correction were not considered suitable for this lesion. A multidetector computed tomography coronary angiogram performed 10 years after the initial event showed no evidence of progression.

  11. Auricular Point Acupressure to Manage Chronic Low Back Pain in Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

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    Chao Hsing Yeh


    Full Text Available This prospective, randomized clinical trial (RCT pilot study was designed to (1 assess the feasibility and tolerability of an easily administered, auricular point acupressure (APA intervention and (2 provide an initial assessment of effect size as compared to a sham treatment. Thirty-seven subjects were randomized to receive either the real or sham APA treatment. All participants were treated once a week for 4 weeks. Self-report measures were obtained at baseline, weekly during treatment, at end-of-intervention (EOI, and at a 1-month follow-up. A dropout rate of 26% in the real APA group and 50% in the sham group was observed. The reduction in worst pain from baseline to EOI was 41% for the real and 5% for the sham group with a Cohen’s effect size of 1.22 P<0.00. Disability scores on the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ decreased in the real group by 29% and were unchanged in the sham group (+3% P<0.00. Given the high dropout rate, results must be interpreted with caution; nevertheless, our results suggest that APA may provide an inexpensive and effective complementary approach for the management of back pain in older adults, and further study is warranted.

  12. 耳穴埋豆对激光祛雀斑术后镇痛效果观察%Observation on analgesic effect of auricular acupoint burying beans after laser freckle surgery

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    王娅; 张顺玉; 陈华燕


    目的:观察耳穴埋豆对激光祛雀斑术后镇痛的效果.方法:对60例行Q开关倍频Nd:YAG532nm激光祛雀斑术,按照平行分组法分为治疗组(30例)和对照组(30例),对照组术后冰敷治疗,治疗组在冰敷基础上联合耳穴埋豆治疗,分析两组患者的镇痛效果.结果:治疗组总有效率为95.6%,对照组总有效率为82.2%,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).治疗组疼痛评分明显少于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),疼痛时间明显少于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),且治疗期间无严重不良反应.结论:耳穴埋豆在激光祛斑术后中的应用,可明显减轻患者疼痛程度,减少疼痛的时间,具有显著的镇痛效果,值得作为有效的镇痛方法.%Objective:Toobserve the postoperative analgesia effect of auricular buried beansaftcr laser freckle surgery.Methods:60patients that underwent laser freckle treatment by Q-switched Nd:YAG laser were divided into treatment group (30cases) and control group (30cases) by parallel grouping method.The control group was treated by ice compressing while the treatment group was treated by ice compressing and auricular buried beans.Analyzing the postoperative analgesia effect of both two groups.Results:There was a remarkable difference (P<0.05) in the effective rate between the treatment group (95.6%) and the control group (82.2%).The pain score of treatment group was significantly lower than that of control group (P<0.05).Theaching time after operation of treatment group waslessthancontrolgroup,thedifferencehasstatisticalsignificance (P<0.01).No adverse reaction was found during the treatment.Conclusion:Auricular buried beans applying in postoperative analgesia of laser freckle surgery can relieve pain degree and reduce the length of aching time.AS an effective method,it hasanotableeffect on pain alleviation.

  13. [Study on effects of low frequency pulse plus auricular point magnetic therapy on electrogastrogram and clinical therapeutic effect in the patient of functional dyspepsia]. (United States)

    Wang, Yan-Gang; Yao, Shu-Kun


    To compare therapeutic effects of low frequency pulse plus auricular point magnetic therapy and prepulsid on functional dyspepsia (FD). Fifty cases of FD were randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group. The treatment group were treated with low frequency pulse stimulation on Zhongwan (CV 12), Weishu (BL 21), Neiguan (PC 6), Zusanli (ST 36), with Fenglong (ST 40) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) selected according to syndrome differentiation, once a day, 30 min each session. The control group were treated with oral administration of prepulsid. Five days constituted one course. The scores of symptoms and parameters of electrogastrogram (EGG) before and after treatment and the therapeutic effect were investigated. After treatment, the symptom scores significantly decreased (P magnetic therapy can significantly improve the clinical symptoms and gastric activities in the patient of FD, with a better therapeutic effect than prepulsid.

  14. Cor triatriatum izquierdo diagnosticado tardíamente. Reporte de caso

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    Francisco J. Vázquez-Roque


    Full Text Available El Cor Triatriatum izquierdo es una anomalía congénita cardiaca rara. Es infrecuente que estos pacientes sobrepasen la edad de 40 años sin su corrección quirúrgica. El objetivo de este artículo fue el de presentar un paciente de 43 años que fue intervenido quirúrgicamente a la edad de 5 años para el cierre de una comunicación interauricular y donde el diagnóstico de esta entidad no se realizó. Un mes antes del ingreso comienza con palpitaciones y disnea a los moderados esfuerzos. Con la ecografía transesofágica se hace el diagnóstico de esta anomalía, la cual se asociaba a una insuficiencia mitral y fibrilación auricular. Se procedió a la resección de la membrana fibromuscular y la reparación de dos hendiduras congénitas en el borde del velo anterior de la válvula mitral con buenos resultados. Un año después el paciente se encuentra asintomático y en la ecocardiografía transtoráxica se muestra una aurícula izquierda unicameral con una regurgitación mitral trivial.

  15. Anomalía del retorno venoso sistémico Drenaje anómalo de la vena cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda: Revisión de la literatura y reporte de caso Anomalous systemic venous return. Anomalous drainage of the right superior vena cava into the left atrium: Review of literature and case report

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    Ríos Giovanny


    Full Text Available La anomalía total del retorno venoso sistémico tiene gran variedad de presentaciones; sin embargo, la patología de más baja frecuencia es el drenaje de vena cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda, hecho de peso para que en el mundo se reporten pocos casos. En la Fundación Clínica Abood Shaio se trató el caso de una paciente de seis años de edad con drenaje venoso total de cava superior derecha a la aurícula izquierda, mediante la técnica de movilización de cava superior y anastomosis cavo-atrial, y se obtuvieron buenos resultados. El caso es mención corresponde al número 21 en la literatura mundial.Total anomalous systemic venous return has a variety of presentations, being the drainage of right superior vena cava into the left atrium a low frequency condition. There are few reported cases in the world. In Shaio Clinic Foundation we have handled a case of total venous drainage of the right superior vena cava into the left atrium in a 6-year old girl, using the superior vena cava mobilization technique and cavo-atrial anastomosis, with good results. This case is reported as case number 21 in the world.

  16. The genetics of auricular development and malformation: new findings in model systems driving future directions for microtia research (United States)

    Cox, Timothy C.; Camci, Esra D.; Vora, Siddharth; Luquetti, Daniela V.; Turner, Eric E.


    Microtia is a term used to describe a wide array of phenotypic presentations of the outer ear. Although the majority of the cases are isolated in nature, much of our understanding of the causes of microtia has been driven by the identification of genes underlying syndromic forms where the anomaly co-presents with various other craniofacial and extra-craniofacial structural defects. In this review we discuss recent findings in mice deficient in Hoxa2, a key regulator of branchial arch patterning, which has necessitated a revision to the canonical model of pinna morphogenesis. The revised model will likely impact current classification schemes for microtia and, as we argue in this review, the interpretation of the developmental basis for various auricular malformations. In addition, we highlight recent studies in other mammalian species that are providing the first clues as to possible causes of at least some isolated anomalies and thus should now accelerate the search for the more elusive genetic contributions to the many isolated and non-syndromic cases of microtia. These findings, together with the application of new genome-level sequencing technologies and more thorough quantitative assessment of available mutant mouse resources, promise an exciting future for genetic studies in microtia. PMID:24880027

  17. Effects of Electroacupuncture at Auricular Concha Region on the Depressive Status of Unpredictable Chronic Mild Stress Rat Models

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    Ru-Peng Liu


    Full Text Available To explore new noninvasive treatment options for depression, this study investigated the effects of electroacupuncture (EA at the auricular concha region (ACR of depression rat models. Depression in rats was induced by unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS combined with isolation for 21 days. Eighty male Wistar rats were randomly assigned into four groups: normal, UCMS alone, UCMS with EA-ACR treatment, and UCMS with EA-ear-tip treatment. Rats under inhaled anesthesia were treated once daily for 14 days. The results showed that blood pressure and heart rate were significantly reduced in the EA-ACR group than in the UCMS alone group or the EA-ear-tip group. The open-field test scores significantly decreased in the UCMS alone and EA-ear-tip groups but not in the EA-ACR group. Both EA treatments downregulated levels of plasma cortisol and ACTH in UCMS rats back to normal levels. The present study suggested that EA-ACR can elicit similar cardioinhibitory effects as vagus nerve stimulation (VNS, and EA-ACR significantly antagonized UCMS-induced depressive status in UCMS rats. The antidepressant effect of EA-ACR is possibly mediated via the normalization of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA axis hyperactivity.

  18. [Quality of care and safety indicators in anticoagulated patients with non-valvular auricular fibrillation and deep venous thromboembolic disease]. (United States)

    Ignacio, E; Mira, J J; Campos, F J; López de Sá, E; Lorenzo, A; Caballero, F


    To identify and prioritise indicators to assess the quality of care and safety of patients with non-valvular auricular fibrillation (NVAF) and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) treated with anticoagulants. Using the consensus conference technique, a group of professionals and clinical experts, the determining factors of the NVAF and DVT care process were identified, in order to define the quality and safety criteria. A proposal was made for indicators of quality and safety that were prioritised, taking into account a series of pre-established attributes. The selected indicators were classified into indicators of context, safety, action, and outcomes of the intervention in the patient. A set of 114 health care and safety quality indicators were identified, of which 35 were prioritised: 15 for NVAF and 20 for DVT. About half (49%) of the indicators (40% for NVAF and 55% for DVT) applied to patient safety, and 26% (33% for NVAF and 20% for DVT) to the outcomes of interventions in the patient. The present work presents a set of agreed indicators by a group of expert professionals that can contribute to the improvement of the quality of care of patients with NVAF and DVT treated with anticoagulants. Copyright © 2018 SECA. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. Utilidad de la ecocardiografía en la detección de la insuficiencia cardiaca en un adulto joven con síndrome de origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda del tronco de la arteria pulmonar y válvula mitral asimétrica similar al paracaídas

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    Luis Cordero


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: describir un caso de un paciente joven con insuficiencia cardiaca, secundaria a dos malformaciones cardiacas infrecuentes, síndrome de ALCAPA y válvula mitral asimétrica, parecida al paracaídas, resaltando la utilidad de la ecocardiografía. Métodos: se analiza el caso a la luz de la literatura médica. Conclusiones: El origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda del tronco de la arteria pulmonar y la válvula mitral asimétrica parecida al paracaídas, son malformaciones raras, asociadas a insuficiencia mitral severa e insuficiencia cardiaca. No se encontraron reportes en la literatura acerca de la coexistencia de las dos patologías en un paciente. Abstract: Objective: To describe a case of a young adult with heart failure, secondary to two rare cardiac malformations, anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA syndrome and parachute-like asymmetric mitral valve, highlighting the use of echocardiography. Material and methods: A case is analysed along with a search in the medical literature. Conclusions: The anomalous origin of left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery and parachute-like asymmetric mitral valve are rare malformations associated with severe mitral insufficiency and heart failure. No reports were found in the literature as regards the existence of these two diseases in a patient. Palabras clave: Insuficiencia cardiaca, Insuficiencia mitral, Coronaria izquierda, Cardiopatía congénita, Keywords: Heart failure, Mitral insufficiency, Left coronary artery, Congenital heartdisease

  20. Sobre el dominio territorial como requisito del elemento político en la definición de los crímenes de lesa humanidad. Un análisis enfocado en la calificación jurídica de los actos de la izquierda armada en Argentina

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    Juan Francisco Iosa


    Full Text Available Ofrezco primero una caracterización  de la teoría de los dos demonios. Esta teoría, tras gozar del rol de discurso de Estado luego de la recuperación democrática en Argentina, ha sido explícitamente rechazada en la segunda generación de juicios: aquí se consideró que sólo los militares (no las organizaciones de izquierda cometieron crímenes contra la humanidad. Mi interés está centrado en evaluar las razones que sustentan esa distinción. Con vistas a ese fin, segundo, presento la figura de los crímenes contra la humanidad tal como está fijada en el Estatuto de Roma y distingo cuatro concepciones relativas a cómo debe delinearse su  elemento político. Tercero, reconstruyo la interpretación que la Corte y los tribunales argentinos hacen de los requisitos necesarios para que un delito califique como crimen contra la humanidad. Hago foco en  el elemento político y específicamente en las condiciones que una organización debe satisfacer para ser capaz de cometer dichos crímenes. Cuarto, comparo las decisiones argentinas con las tomadas por las cortes internacionales. Quinto, ofrezco una reconstrucción de los requisitos que a mi entender deben ser tenidos en cuenta (según la concepción normativa que considero correcta en la definición legal de los crímenes contra la humanidad. Con esta herramienta conceptual en mano evalúo las decisiones jurisprudenciales mencionadas más arriba. Por último, presento la que considero como la calificación jurídica adecuada de los delitos cometidos por la izquierda armada en los setenta. 

  1. Synergistic Radiation Protective Effect of Purified Auricularia auricular-judae Polysaccharide (AAP IV with Grape Seed Procyanidins

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    Haina Bai


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the synergistic antioxidant potential and protective effect of grape seed procyanidins (GSP in combination with Auricularia auricular-judae polysaccharides (AAP IV on radiation injury in splenocytes. Rat splenocyte irradiation resulted in significantly higher apoptosis rate, malondialdehyde (MDA (p < 0.005, reactive oxygen species (ROS (p < 0.01; cell viability, total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD (p < 0.01, catalase (CAT (p < 0.01, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX (p < 0.05, activity and glutathione (GSH (p < 0.01 levels were significantly reduced, compared with the control group. “GSP + AAP IV” treatment of rat splenocytes at doses of “GSP (0.3 μg/mL + AAP IV (50 μg/mL” displayed higher radioprotective and antioxidative effects than the administration of either GSP or AAP IV, as evident by lower levels of MDA (p < 0.001 concentration, as well as higher cell viability and T-SOD (p < 0.05, CAT (p < 0.005, GSH-PX (p < 0.01 and GSH content compared to the radiation group. In addition, in vivo studies have shown that “GSP + AAP IV” significantly ameliorated the decrease of spleen index (p < 0.005 and spleen GSH (p < 0.005 levels and significantly inhibited the increase of MDA (p < 0.005 levels of spleen with radiation-induced damage, compared with the non-treated group. The in vivo and in vitro results suggested that GSP and AAP IV have a synergistic protective effect against radiation-induced injury by improving the antioxidant and immunomodulation activities.

  2. ANGIOPLASTIA PERCUTÁNEA CON STENT EN EL TRONCO PRINCIPAL DE LA ARTERIA CORONARIA IZQUIERDA / Percutaneous angioplasty with stent in the left main coronary artery

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    Javier Almeida Gómez


    Full Text Available ResumenIntroducción y objetivos: La afectación significativa del tronco común izquierdo, es la más letal de las presentaciones de la enfermedad arterial coronaria. El tratamiento de elección, es la cirugía de derivación aorto-coronaria. En varios estudios multicéntricos, se sugiere la posibilidad de tratar la enfermedad de tronco mediante el intervencionismo coronario percutáneo con implantación de prótesis endoluminal o stent. El objetivo de esta investigación fue caracterizar la angioplastia percutánea con stent en el tronco principal de la arteria coronaria izquierda. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en 21 pacientes con angioplastia percutánea con stent en el tronco principal de la arteria coronaria izquierda, realizadas en el laboratorio de Hemodinámica y Cardiología Intervencionista del Hospital "Hermanos Ameijeiras", entre enero 2010 y julio 2011. Resultados: No existió diferencia significativa en el sexo. Predominó el grupo de edad entre 50-64 años (47,6 % y el color de la piel blanca (76,19 %. El factor de riesgo cardiovascular más encontrado fue la HTA (85,71 %, seguido de dislipidemia (47,61 %. El diagnóstico más observado fue la angina de esfuerzo estable, 14 casos (66,66 %. La lesión en el cuerpo del tronco (12 pacientes, 57,1 %, fue la más encontrada, seguida de la ostial (8 casos. El tipo de stent más utilizado fue el liberador de fármacos (61,9 %, y solamente 4 pacientes presentaban troncos protegidos quirúrgicamente. Conclusiones: La mayor cantidad de casos fueron electivos, con predominio de los troncos no protegidos. El factor de riesgo coronario más encontrado fue la HTA. Se encontró asociación significativa entre la diabetes mellitus y la localización ostial de la lesión tratada. / AbstractIntroduction and Objectives: Significant impairment of the left main coronary artery is the most lethal presentation of coronary artery disease. The treatment of choice

  3. ANOMALOUS PREVERTEBRAL COURSE OF THE LEFT VERTEBRAL ARTERY. Recorrido prevertebral anómalo de la arteria vertebral izquierda

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    Prakash B Billakanti


    Full Text Available La arteria vertebral es una de las arterias que irriga el cerebro. El conocimiento de la anatomía normal y las variantes de la arteria vertebral adquiere importancia en la práctica clínica y la radiología vascular. El origen anómalo de la arteria vertebral del arco de la aorta o cualquiera de las arterias del cuello ha sido reportado por muchos autores. En este informe se presenta una variación del curso prevertebral de la arteria vertebral izquierda. La arteria vertebral tenía su origen habitual en la arteria subclavia con un largo curso prevertebral y entraba en el foramen transversarium de la vértebra CII. El origen y recorrido de la arteria vertebral en el lado derecho fue normal. Clínicamente es importante conocer el origen y curso del segmento prevertebral de la arteria vertebral y las posibles variaciones. El presente informe debería ser de interés para el médico vascular con respecto a las variaciones en el cuello y región torácica, y puede dar idea para dilucidar el mecanismo de desarrollo de la angiogénesis. Vertebral artery is one of the arteries supplying the brain. Knowledge of the normal and variant anatomy of the vertebral artery assumes importance in clinical practice and vascular radiology. Anomalous origins of the vertebral artery from the arch of the aorta or any one of the arteries of the neck have been reported by several authors. In this report a variation of the prevertebral course of the left vertebral artery is being presented. The Vertebral artery had usual origin from the subclavian artery and had a longer prevertebral course to enter the foramen transversarium of the CII vertebra. The origin and course of the vertebral artery on the right side was normal. It is clinically important to know the origin and course of the prevertebral segment of the vertebral artery and possible variations. The present report should be of interest for clinicians with regard to vascular variations in the neck and thoracic

  4. Current Evidence on Auricular Therapy for Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Jing-Yu Tan


    Full Text Available Auricular therapy (AT has been historically viewed as a convenient approach adjunct to pharmacological therapy for cancer patients with chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV. The aim of this study was to assess the evidence of the therapeutic effect of AT for CINV management in cancer patients. Relevant randomized controlled trials were retrieved from 12 electronic databases without language restrictions. Meanwhile, manual search was conducted for Chinese journals on complementary medicine published within the last five years, and the reference lists of included studies were also checked to identify any possible eligible studies. Twenty-one studies with 1713 participants were included. The effect rate of AT for managing acute CINV ranged from 44.44% to 93.33% in the intervention groups and 15% to 91.67% in the control groups. For delayed CINV, it was 62.96% to 100% and 25% to 100%, respectively. AT seems to be a promising approach in managing CINV. However, the level of evidence was low and the definite effect cannot be concluded as there were significant methodological flaws identified in the analyzed studies. The implications drawn from the 21 studies put some clues for future practice in this area including the need to conduct more rigorously designed randomized controlled trials.

  5. Current Evidence on Auricular Therapy for Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials (United States)

    Molassiotis, Alexander; Wang, Tao; Suen, Lorna K. P.


    Auricular therapy (AT) has been historically viewed as a convenient approach adjunct to pharmacological therapy for cancer patients with chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). The aim of this study was to assess the evidence of the therapeutic effect of AT for CINV management in cancer patients. Relevant randomized controlled trials were retrieved from 12 electronic databases without language restrictions. Meanwhile, manual search was conducted for Chinese journals on complementary medicine published within the last five years, and the reference lists of included studies were also checked to identify any possible eligible studies. Twenty-one studies with 1713 participants were included. The effect rate of AT for managing acute CINV ranged from 44.44% to 93.33% in the intervention groups and 15% to 91.67% in the control groups. For delayed CINV, it was 62.96% to 100% and 25% to 100%, respectively. AT seems to be a promising approach in managing CINV. However, the level of evidence was low and the definite effect cannot be concluded as there were significant methodological flaws identified in the analyzed studies. The implications drawn from the 21 studies put some clues for future practice in this area including the need to conduct more rigorously designed randomized controlled trials. PMID:25525445

  6. Social utopia and technological utopia in the Argentinean lefts wingsthinking in order to change agrarian capitalism, 1890-1945 Utopía social y utopía tecnológica en el pensamiento de las izquierdas argentinas para la transformación del capitalismo agrario, 1890-1945

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    Osvaldo Fabián Graciano


    Full Text Available The objectives of this work are to rebuild the Communist and Socialist thinking and the political proposals used, between 1890 and 1945, to set a new model of economics and society within the agrarian sector in the Pampas Region, and which, on its basis, include elements of social and technological utopias. Along the first half of the twentieth century, the left wings developed several projects aimed to transform the agrarian economics and society in Argentina and thus, tried to influence the modifications of social and economics rural relations dominant in the country, and in particular in the Pampas Region. Those proposals started to throw the imaginary of a rural world different to the current upon the speech and the political thinking of the left wings. In many of them shaped as a social utopia and in others shaped as a technological utopia, for its realization.Este trabajo tiene como objetivos reconstruir el pensamiento socialista y comunista y las propuestas políticas con las que buscaron entre 1890 y 1945, concretar un nuevo modelo de sociedad y economía en el agro pampeano y que en sus fundamentos inscribían elementos de las utopías sociales y las tecnológicas. A lo largo de la primera mitad del siglo XX las izquierdas formularon diversos proyectos para la transformación de la economía y la sociedad agrarias argentina, intentando con ellos incidir en la modificación de las relaciones económicas y sociales rurales dominantes en el país y en particular en su región pampeana. Esas propuestas fueron proyectando en el discurso y en el pensamiento político de izquierdas el imaginario de un mundo rural alternativo al vigente, tomando en muchas de ellas la forma de la utopía social y en otras la de la utopía de tipo tecnológico para su realización.

  7. De historiografías y militancias. Izquierda, artiguismo y cuestión agraria en el Uruguay (1950-1973

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    González Demuro, Wilson


    Full Text Available In Uruguay, throughout the XX century all political forces, without exception, made a sustained political use of the main historical figure of the country, José Artigas, who was one of the leaders of the revolutionary process that shook the Río de la Plata region between 1810 and 1820. From 1950 up to the beginning of the military dictatorship in 1973, the left carried out a rescue operation and appropriation of Artigas and his revolution. Within the framework of a process of social and political agitation without precedents, many people thought that the country was on the verge of revolution. In this context, some historians who belonged officially or unofficially to these leftist parties and movements, published a series of studies that somehow reinforced the concept that the true artiguista tradition was rooted in their revolutionary forces, not in the traditional political parties. Moreover, they considered them as followers of the work of the enemies of José Artigas.

    En el Uruguay, a lo largo del siglo XX todas las fuerzas políticas, sin excepción, han hecho un sostenido uso político de la principal figura histórica del país, José Artigas, uno de los conductores del proceso revolucionario que sacudió al Río de la Plata entre 1810 y 1820. Desde 1950, y hasta el inicio de la dictadura militar en 1973, las izquierdas llevaron adelante una doble operación de rescate y apropiación de Artigas y su revolución, en el marco de un proceso de agitación social y política sin precedentes, que para muchos parecía poner al país al borde de la revolución. En este contexto, algunas escuelas historiográficas cuyos miembros se vincularon más o menos claramente con estos partidos y movimientos izquierdistas, publicaron una serie de estudios que de alguna manera reforzaban el concepto de que la verdadera tradición artiguista arraigaba en estas fuerzas revolucionarias, y no en los llamados “partidos tradicionales”, a los que ve

  8. Evaluation of the organic and functional results of tympanoplasties through a retro-auricular approach at a medical residency unit Avaliação dos resultados organofuncionais de timpanoplastias por via retroauricular em serviço de residência médica

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    José Carlos Bolini de Lima


    Full Text Available Tympanoplasty aims at rebuilding the tympanic membrane with or without middle ear functional recovery. AIM: To evaluate the surgical results of tympanoplasties with a retro-auricular surgical approach at a medical residency unit. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-nine patients with diagnosis of simple chronic otitis media were evaluated; these patients underwent tymplanoplasty by a retro-auricular approach (underlay technique at a medical residency unit. Patients were included in a prospective medical and audiologic investigation protocol that consisted of a clinical, otomicroscopic and audiometric evaluation. All procedures were supervised by training specialists otorrinolaringology. RESULTS: The rate of surgical success - full integration of the graft - was 95% of cases. Improvement of hearing, as demonstrated in audiometry, occurred in 72% of cases. Improvement in tinnitus was demonstrated subjectively on a visual analog scale in 69% of cases. CONCLUSION: Tympanoplasty through a retro-auricular approach is easy to perform. Full graft integration occurred in 95% of cases and was independent of factors deemed by many authors as relevant. The results - improvement of the quality of hearing and tinnitus - were significant.Atimpanoplastia tem por objetivo a reconstrução da membrana timpânica com ou sem reconstrução funcional da orelha média. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados cirúrgicos das timpanoplastias com o acesso cirúrgico retroauricular realizadas em serviço de residência médica. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 39 pacientes com diagnóstico de otite média crônica simples submetidos à timpanoplastia por via retroauricular (técnica "underlay" em um serviço de residência médica. Os pacientes foram incluídos em um protocolo de investigação médica e audiológica prospectivo que consistiu em avaliação clínica, otomicroscópica e audiométrica. Todos os procedimentos foram supervisionados por preceptores especialistas em

  9. Angioplastia del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda no protegido en pacientes con alto riesgo quirúrgico

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    Victor Mauro


    Full Text Available IntroducciónEl tratamiento de elección de la enfermedad del tronco de la coronaria izquierda (TCI es la cirugía de revascularización miocárdica (CRM. Un número creciente de pacientes presenta comorbilidades y/o inestabilidad clínica que condicionan un alto riesgo quirúrgico.ObjetivosEvaluar los resultados de la angioplastia (ATC del TCI no protegido en pacientes con alto riesgo para CRM (EUROSCORE = 6.Material y métodosDe 59 pacientes con ATC de TCI no protegido se excluyeron 8 con infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM en shock cardiogénico y 12 sin características de alto riesgo; de los restantes pacientes de alto riesgo fueron objeto de este estudio los 32 tratados con stents convencionales.Se comparó la mortalidad hospitalaria predicha por EUROSCORE logístico con la observada, así como la incidencia de complicaciones mayores y su evolución alejada.ResultadosLa mediana de edad fue de 76,5 años, el 41% tenía 80 años o más, el 22% eran mujeres, el 28% diabéticos, el 56% tenía disfunción ventricular moderada a grave, el 31% insuficiencia renal crónica, el 50% vasculopatía periférica, el 53% angina refractaria, el 22% IAM reciente, el 28% procedimientos de emergencia y la mediana de EUROSCORE fue de 10,5 puntos.El 41% de los pacientes presentaban compromiso del TCI distal. El éxito angiográfico fue del 94%. Se utilizaron inhibidores IIb/IIIa en el 47%, cutting balloon en el 28%, Rotablator® en el 3% y balón de contrapulsación en el 31%. En todos se implantó un stent y en el 50% se trataron otras obstrucciones.La mortalidad hospitalaria fue del 3,1% (intervalo de confianza del 95% 0,2%-14,5%, p = 0,003, en tanto que la predicha era del 23,8%. Ningún paciente presentó déficit neurológico, IAM transmural ni requirió diálisis. Un paciente debió ser sometido a CRM electiva por fracaso del procedimiento.La mediana de seguimiento fue de 15,5 meses, período en el que se registraron 6 muertes (2 cardiovasculares y 4

  10. The Colombian Left: A Paradoxical Past; A Promising Future?


    Charles Bergquist


    Este ensayo explora la paradójica historia de la izquierda en Colombia: cómo y porqué una de las izquierdas más débiles en Latinoamérica produjo la insurrección marxista más fuerte y duradera del hemisferio en las décadas posteriores a la Revolución cubana. Sostiene que los términos de esta paradoja se relacionan, que la debilidad histórica de la izquierda explica en parte la fuerza y longevidad de la guerrilla revolucionaria y que, además, la paradoja ayuda a esclarecer el fracaso de los var...

  11. Características de las personas afectadas de fibrilación auricular en una consulta de cardiología

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    Patricia López-Mases

    Full Text Available La Fibrilación auricular (FA presenta una elevada prevalencia en los ancianos. Se plantea como objetivo describir las características de la población afectada y valorar las relaciones existentes entre los diferentes aspectos medibles. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo e inferencial con muestreo por conveniencia, seleccionando todos los pacientes con episodios de FA asociados a frecuencias cardíacas (FC superiores a 80 ppm o que hayan revertido a ritmo sinusal, con el que se obtiene una muestra de 65 personas. Se han recopilado datos sociodemográficos, tipo de FA, variaciones en FC, visitas a urgencias y complicaciones. Los datos han sido analizados mediante el programa SPSS v.17.0. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 65 años. La FA paroxística se encuentra asociada a FC iniciales superiores a las del grupo de FA persistente, el cual se relaciona con edades más avanzadas. El grupo que acude a urgencias presenta FC iniciales superiores. Existen diferencias significativas, asociando directamente las consultas al servicio de urgencias con episodios de FA con FC elevadas que obliga a la derivación. A edades avanzadas, mayor asociación en el individuo de los factores de riesgo con los que esta se relaciona. Conclusiones: La FA es una de las arritmias más prevalentes, con un alto coste sanitario y con un empeoramiento de la calidad de vida, por lo que las actividades encaminadas a la detección precoz y tratamiento adecuado son fundamentales para su mejora.

  12. Effects of Auricular Acupressure on Sleep Quality, Anxiety, and Depressed Mood in RN-BSN Students With Sleep Disturbance. (United States)

    Chueh, Ke-Hsin; Chang, Chia-Chuan; Yeh, Mei-Ling


    Students in 2-year registered nurse to Bachelor of Science in nursing (RN-BSN) programs usually work full-time and study part-time. Sleep disturbance, anxiety, and depression are known to be common health problems among these students.Prior research has described the effectiveness of auricular acupressure (AA) in reducing sleep disturbance and improving mood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of using a 4-week AA program that adheres to a magnetic pellet on the shenmen acupoint on sleep quality, anxiousness, and depressed moods in nursing students with sleep disturbance. This study used a one-group, quasi-experimental design with repeated measures. Eligible students were recruited from an RN-BSN program offered by a university in northern Taiwan, and all were currently experiencing sleep disturbance. A 4-week AA intervention that applied a magnetic pellet on the shenmen acupoint was used. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Beck Anxiety Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory-II were used to measure sleep quality and mood outcomes each week during the 4-week intervention. Improvements in sleep quality, anxiety, and depressed moods were analyzed using the generalized estimating equation. Thirty-six participants with a mean age of 32 years were enrolled as participants. After adjusting for confounding factors, continuous and significant improvements in sleep quality, anxiety, and depressed mood (p anxiousness, and depressed mood in RN-BSN students experiencing sleep disturbances. Especially, the emotional mood of participants improved significantly as early as the first week. The 4-week AA for reducing sleep disturbance, and improving students' anxiety, and depressed moods may be applied on primary healthcare.

  13. Análisis de la elección de la pierna de ataque predominante en la prueba de 400 m vallas de los XIII Campeonatos del Mundo de Atletismo Daegu 2011

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    José Luis López del Amo


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Analizar la utilización de una u otra pierna como pierna de ataque predominante en atletas de 400 m vallas de alto nivel. Método: El estudio es descriptivo de corte transversal. Se estudiaron todas las carreras de 400 m vallas de los 72 participantes (34 hombres y 38 mujeres en los XIII Campeonatos del Mundo de Atletismo Daegu 2011, mediante la grabación en video desde la tribuna principal del Daegu Stadium de las 18 carreras de 400 m vallas disputadas, y el posterior análisis mediante la aplicación informática Kinovea 0.8.4. Resultados: Por atletas, en el total de las carreras masculinas, la pierna de ataque predominante fue la izquierda con un 63,6 % (42 atletas y con la pierna derecha hubo un 34,8 % (23 atletas. Solo en un caso había un equilibrio entre izquierda y derecha. En la final hubo un 75 % (6 atletas cuya pierna predominante de ataque fue la izquierda. En cuanto a las mujeres, la pierna de ataque predominante fue la izquierda con un 48,6 % seguida de la pierna derecha con un 41,4 % y para el 10 % había un equilibrio de las dos. En la final, en cambio, la pierna predominante de ataque fue la derecha con un 87,5 % (7 atletas por un 12,5 % de la izquierda (1 sola atleta. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p = 0,018 en la media de tiempo final de los atletas masculinos según cual fuera su pierna de ataque. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los atletas atacan las vallas con derecha e izquierda en algún momento de la carrera, lo que obliga al dominio técnico bilateral. La pierna de ataque más utilizada es la izquierda, aunque en menor medida en el caso de las mujeres. Por primera vez en una gran competición, 7 de las 8 finalistas tienen la pierna derecha como pierna predominante.

  14. Determinación de las características anatómicas de las arterias coronarias de cerdo mediante técnica de inyección con látex

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    Guillermo Rivera


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar las características anatómicas de las arterias coronarias del cerdo, mediante inyección con látex. Materiales y métodos: Se usaron 100 corazones de cerdo. Se insertaron sondas Nelaton a través de las arterias coronarias y se les inyectó solución de látex y tinta china. Se determinó el diámetro y el punto de origen para la coronaria derecha, coronaria izquierda, interventricular paraconal y circunfleja. Se cuantificaron el número de ramas diagonales, marginales ventriculares izquierdas y postero laterales. Se determinó frecuencia de ramus intermedius y tipo de dominancia. Se realizó análisis estadístico con un error estándar del 5%, con el Epidat 3,1. Resultados: El 100% de los orígenes anatómicos de las arterias coronarias fueron normales. La dominancia mas frecuente fue la derecha, 73%. El promedio de número de ramas marginales izquierdas, diagonales y posterolaterales fue de 3. La frecuencia de ramus intermedius fue de 12%. El calculo de chi cuadrado de Pearson mostró significancia entre el ramus intermedius y número de ramas marginales izquierdas (p=0,0009. Conclusiones: Las características anatómicas de las arterias coronarias del cerdo son similares a las del humano. El ramus intermedius se comporta como una primera rama marginal izquierda y no como una primera rama diagonal como lo afirman algunos autores.

  15. Temple and Postauricular Dissection in Face and Neck Lift Surgery

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    Joo Heon Lee


    Full Text Available Periauricular paresthesia may afflict patients for a significant amount of time after facelift surgery. When performing face and neck lift surgery, temple and posterior auricular flap dissection is undertaken directly over the auriculotemporal, great auricular, and lesser occipital nerve territory, leading to potential damage to the nerve. The auriculotemporal nerve remains under the thin outer superficial fascia just below the subfollicular level in the prehelical area. To prevent damage to the auriculotemporal nerve and to protect the temporal hair follicle, the dissection plane should be kept just above the thin fascia covering the auriculotemporal nerve. Around the McKinney point, the adipose tissue covering the deep fascia is apt to be elevated from the deep fascia due to its denser fascial relationship with the skin, which leaves the great auricular nerve open to exposure. In order to prevent damage to the posterior branches of the great auricular nerve, the skin flap at the posterior auricular sulcus should be elevated above the auricularis posterior muscle. Fixating the superficial muscular aponeurotic system flap deeper and higher to the tympano-parotid fascia is recommended in order to avoid compromising the lobular branch of the great auricular nerve. The lesser occipital nerve (C2, C3 travels superficially at a proximal and variable level that makes it vulnerable to compromise in the mastoid dissection. Leaving the adipose tissue at the level of the deep fascia puts the branches of the great auricular nerve and lesser occipital nerve at less risk, and has been confirmed not to compromise either tissue perfusion or hair follicles.

  16. The Importance of a Conchal Bowl Element in the Fabrication of a Three-Dimensional Framework in Total Auricular Reconstruction

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    Young Soo Kim


    Full Text Available BackgroundTo construct a sophisticated three-dimensional framework, numerous modifications have been reported in the literature. However, most surgeons have paid little attention to the anatomical configuration of the concha and more to its deepness and hollowness, leading to unsatisfactory outcomes.MethodsFor a configuration of the concha that is definitely anatomical, the author further developed and employed the conchal bowl element, which has been used by several surgeons although the results have not been published elsewhere. The author constructed the conchal bowl element in one of three patterns according to the amount of available cartilages: one block, two-pieces, or a cymba bowl element only. A total of 20 patients underwent auricular reconstruction using a costal cartilage framework between 2009 and 2012. The 8 earliest reconstructions were performed without a conchal bowl element and the latter 12 with a conchal bowl element. The patients were followed up for more than 1 year. The aesthetic results were scored by evaluating characteristics involving the stability of the crus helicis, the conchal definition, and the smoothness of the helical curve.ResultsThe ears reconstructed early without a conchal bowl element showed a shallow and one or two incompletely separated concha with an obliterated cymba conchal space. They also did not have a realistic or smooth curve of the helix because of an unstable crus helicis. However, ears reconstructed later with the concha bowl element showed a definite crus helicis, deep cymba conchal space, and smooth helical curve.ConclusionsThe construction of the conchal bowl element is simple, not time-consuming procedure. It is suggested that the conchal bowl element must be constructed and attached to the main framework for natural configuration of the reconstructed ear.

  17. Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation with Concurrent Upper Limb Repetitive Task Practice for Poststroke Motor Recovery: A Pilot Study. (United States)

    Redgrave, Jessica N; Moore, Lucy; Oyekunle, Tosin; Ebrahim, Maryam; Falidas, Konstantinos; Snowdon, Nicola; Ali, Ali; Majid, Arshad


    Invasive vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has the potential to enhance the effects of physiotherapy for upper limb motor recovery after stroke. Noninvasive, transcutaneous auricular branch VNS (taVNS) may have similar benefits, but this has not been evaluated in stroke recovery. We sought to determine the feasibility of taVNS delivered alongside upper limb repetitive task-specific practice after stroke and its effects on a range of outcome measures evaluating limb function. Thirteen participants at more than 3 months postischemic stroke with residual upper limb dysfunction were recruited from the community of Sheffield, United Kingdom (October-December 2016). Participants underwent 18 × 1-hour sessions over 6 weeks in which they made 30-50 repetitions of 8-10 arm movements concurrently with taVNS (NEMOS; Cerbomed, Erlangen, Germany, 25 Hz, .1-millisecond pulse width) at maximum tolerated intensity (mA). An electrocardiogram and rehabilitation outcome scores were obtained at each visit. Qualitative interviews determined the acceptability of taVNS to participants. Median time after stroke was 1.16 years, and baseline median/interquartile range upper limb Fugl-Meyer (UFM) score was 63 (54.5-99.5). Participants attended 92% of the planned treatment sessions. Three participants reported side effects, mainly fatigue, but all performed mean of more than 300 arm repetitions per session with no serious adverse events. There was a significant change in the UFM score with a mean increase per participant of 17.1 points (standard deviation 7.8). taVNS is feasible and well-tolerated alongside upper limb repetitive movements in poststroke rehabilitation. The motor improvements observed justify a phase 2 trial in patients with residual arm weakness. Copyright © 2018 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Intermittent 96-Hour Auricular Electroacupuncture for Hot Flashes in Patients with Prostate Cancer: A Pilot Study. (United States)

    Rich, Tyvin; Porter, Gerald W; Ricks-Santi, Luisel; Milshtein, Tzvi; Corbin, Thomas


    Objective: The hot flash is a common vasomotor disorder that causes distress in menopausal women and that can be debilitating in men with prostate cancer who are treated with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). The utility of auricular electroacupuncture (AEA) was tested exclusively for a small cohort of men with ADT-induced vasomotor symptoms while the men underwent a course of curative radiotherapy. Materials and Methods: Prior to and during radiotherapy treatment, men with vasomotor symptoms were given repeated questionnaires regarding severity and frequency of hot flashes, quality of life (QoL), and sleep over a 6-week span of an AEA protocol. Each subject's heart rate variability (HRV) was obtained repeatedly every week in an ambulatory setting with a BlueCardio device (BlueCardio, Miami, FL). The AEA intervention was given with a Neurova device (Nunka Corporation, CM Wellness Clinic, Pompano Beach, FL) that used three needles at Master points Sympathetic, Shen Men , and Point Zero, which were located precisely with a bipolar point finder. Intermittent microcurrent stimulation was given every other week for 96 hours, using a cyclic programmed output of 2 hours on and 2 hours off. Results: Of 10 men completing the 6-week protocol, all responded with significantly lower frequency, duration, and severity of vasomotor symptoms; QoL and sleep scores improved significantly. The HRV analysis showed significantly lower low-frequency/high-frequency power ratios in each individual, compared to baseline, that were consistent with the subjective responses. Conclusions: Vasomotor disturbance, caused by gender hormone withdrawal-either naturally or in patients treated with ADT, as in this study-is a well-defined neurophysiologic condition. This disorder is a constellation of findings that reflect autonomic disturbances of excessive sympathetic and reduced parasympathetic activity. AEA intervention with the Neurova device is simple to administer, is well-tolerated, and

  19. Nacionalismo, insurrección armada, antisemitismo: florescencias de derecha en el ecosistema posperonista

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    Carolina Cerrano


    Full Text Available La aplicación del tándem categorial izquierda-derecha al universo político posee como tal una serie de demandas y condiciones que frecuentemente se pasan por alto. Estas vienen dadas por el analogado principal de estos conceptos, que es el de las distinciones corporales-espaciales. Pero además, es preciso advertir que en la dinámica que lleva a los conceptos políticos desde la autoiluminación (Voegelin propia de los actores políticos a su formalización apta para el análisis teórico, izquierda y derecha siguen itinerarios muy diversos. Eso explica la usual resistencia de los agentes políticos de derecha a ser clasificados según esa categoría y también la inestabilidad/indefinición propia de ese término, sobre todo si se lo compara con su opuesto, la izquierda. En nuestro país, izquierda y derecha como identidades políticas poseen un surgimiento tardío, delimitado a procesos y actores políticos sustancialmente diversos a aquellos que en los países del continente europeo les dieron luz. Una particularidad local es que no se aparecen como clasificaciones propias de las facciones internas de órganos deliberativos sino por fuera de ellos. Nuestra hipótesis es que la más cercana configuración de un modelo de izquierda y derecha en la Argentina tuvo lugar como diferenciación de las diversas líneas internas del peronismo, con posterioridad al cierre de su período clásico (1946-1955.

  20. FEINMANN, José Pablo (1996, Filosofía y nación, Buenos Aires, Ariel.

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    Rubén H. Ríos


    Full Text Available En Argentina, el confinamiento en el silencio de los cementerios y el museo filosófico ha sido en gran medida el destino del pensamiento (que fue parte de las filosofías de la liberación del, así llamado, 'socialismo nacional' propugnado por la izquierda peronista o, también, Tendencia Revolucionaria. Conjunción esa, la del 'socialismo nacional', para la izquierda tradicional —digámoslo: eurocéntrica—, híbrida. En verdad, ¿qué podrían revelarnos esos polvorientos textos, tan comprometidos empíricamente con la emergencia de la izquierda peronista, que no sea mecanicismo, las típicas tesis reflejistas del materialismo dialéctico difundido en la guerra fría? Respuesta, quizá apresurada, quizá —si se quiere— demasiado evidente: se diría, en principio, que hay demasiadas grietas no pensadas en ese corpus de la izquierda peronista, la heterodoxia de un marxismo populista que, si bien recibe la tematización de Lenin sobre el asunto (y el interés del último Marx por los populistas rusos, se enfrenta a las particularidades, a las exigencias propias, de la cuestión nacional. En última instancia, al concepto de soberanía.

  1. Arteriovenous malformation of the external ear: a clinical assessment with a scoping review of the literature

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    Shin Hye Kim

    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction: Auricular Arteriovenous Malformation of the external ear is a rarely encountered disease; in particular, arteriovenous malformation arising from the auricle, with spontaneous bleeding, has seldom been reported. Objective: In the current study, we report an unusual case of late-onset auricular arteriovenous malformation originating from the posterior auricular artery that was confirmed by computed tomographic angiography. The case was successfully managed by pre-surgical intravascular embolization followed by total lesion excision. Prompted by this case, we also present a scoping review of the literature. Methods: A case of a 60 year-old man with right auricular arteriovenous malformation treated in our tertiary care center, and 52 patients with auricular arteriovenous malformation described in 10 case reports and a retrospective review are presented. Auricular arteriovenous malformation can manifest as swelling of the ear, pulsatile tinnitus, pain, and/or bleeding. On physical examination, a pulsatile swelling and/or a tender mass is evident. When arteriovenous malformation is suspected, the lesions should be visualized using imaging modalities that optimally detect vascular lesions, and managed via embolization, mass excision, or auricular resection. Effectiveness of the various diagnostic methods used and the treatment outcomes were analyzed. Results: Various imaging modalities including Doppler sonography, computed tomographic angiography, magnetic resonance angiography, and/or transfemoral cerebral angiography were used to diagnose 38 cases reported in the literature. In another 15 cases, no imaging was performed; treatment was determined solely by physical examination and auscultation. Of the total of 53 cases, 12 were not treated (their symptoms were merely observed whereas 20 underwent therapeutic embolization. In total, 32 patients, including 1 patient who was not treated and 10 with persistent or aggravated

  2. Computed tomography using contrast medium in disorders of the patello-femoral joint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suzuki, Kenji; Chiba, Mitsuho; Morita, Hiromi; Kikuchi, Toshihiko; Shimada, Yoichi; Yamamoto, Masahiro; Tozawa, Kazuma


    The morphology and alignment of the articular cartilage of the patello-femoral joint were examined by computed tomography (CT) using a contrast medium in 15 patients with a chief complaint of patellar pain. CT was undertaken immediately after injecting a contrast medium and air into the knee joint. Retention and irregularity of the contrast medium in the joint estimated the expansion and depth of lesions in patients with osteomalacia of the auricular joint or osteoarthritis of the knee, and the thickness of the auricular cartilage. Considering the individual differences of the patella itself and specificity of the form of the auricular cartilage, the auricular joint should also be examined in terms of alignment of the cartilage surface. CT using a contrast medium is a simple, less invasive method for evaluating disorders of the patello-femoral joint.

  3. Comparison of Therapeutic Effects between Plum-blossom Needle Tapping plus Cupping and Laser Irradiation in the Treatment of Acute Facial Palsy Patients With Concomitant Peri-auricular pain%梅花针叩刺放血与氦氖激光照射治疗面瘫急性期伴耳周疼痛的疗效比较

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    张翠彦; 王艳香


    Objective To compare the therapeutic effects of plum-blossom needle therapy with cupping and laser irradiation in the treatment of acute facial paralysis with ipsilateral peri-auricular pain. Methods Sixty outpatients with acute facial paralysis and ipsilateral peri-auricular pain were divided into plum-blossom needle (treatment) group (n = 28) and laser-irradiation (control) group (n = 32). In the acute stage, patients of the treatment group were treated with plum-blossom needle tapping in combination with cupping at Yifeng (TE 17) and Wangu (GB 12), while those of the control group treated with He-Ne laser irradiation over the same two acupoints until the peri-auricular pain disappeared. The treatment was given once daily. Following disappearance of the pain, routine acupuncture treatment of Yifeng (TE 17). Wangu (GB 12), Dicang (ST 4), etc. Was given continuously to patients of the two groups, once daily for 20 times. The treatment times for healing ipsilateral peri-auricular pain, and the electromyogram (EMG, compound muscle action potential) of the ipsilateral musculus orbicularis oris were recorded. Scores of the facial nerve function were given to House-Brackmann Facial Nerve Grading System. Results The treatment times for healing peri-auricular pain in the treatment group and laser irradiation group were 2. 9 ± 1.0 and 6. 0 ± 2. 2 respectively (f = 6. 816,P = 0. 000). The scores of House-Brackmann scale of the paralyzed side in the treatment group and control group were (3. 3± 1. 5) points and (3. 3 ± 1. 4) points (P>0. 05) before the treatment? (1. 8 ± 1.1) points and (2. 5 ± 1. 2) points (P0. 05) during the first two weeks after onset, and (79. 2±11.3)% and (69. 8±17.9)%(P<0.05)three months after the treatment, respectively. Conclusion Plum-blossom needle tapping plus cupping is significantly superior to that of He-Ne laser irradiation in reducing the treatment sessions for relieving peri-auricular pain during acute stage, and improving facial and

  4. Differences in Cartilage-Forming Capacity of Expanded Human Chondrocytes From Ear and Nose and Their Gene Expression Profiles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hellingman, C.A.; Verwiel, E.T.P.; Slagt, I.; Koevoet, W.; Poublon, R.M.L.; Nolst-Trenite, G.J.; de Jong, R.J.B.; Jahr, H.; van Osch, G.J.V.M.


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of culture-expanded human auricular and nasoseptal chondrocytes as cell source for regeneration of stable cartilage and to analyze the differences in gene expression profile of expanded chondrocytes from these specific locations. Auricular

  5. Differences in cartilage-forming capacity of expanded human chondrocytes from ear and nose and their gene expression profiles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hellingman, Catharine A.; Verwiel, Eugène T. P.; Slagt, Inez; Koevoet, Wendy; Poublon, René M. L.; Nolst-Trenité, Gilbert J.; Baatenburg de Jong, Robert J.; Jahr, Holger; van Osch, Gerjo J. V. M.


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of culture-expanded human auricular and nasoseptal chondrocytes as cell source for regeneration of stable cartilage and to analyze the differences in gene expression profile of expanded chondrocytes from these specific locations. Auricular

  6. A Composite Buccal Flap for Alar Based Defect Reconstruction: A Technical Note

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    A. Khojasteh


    Full Text Available It is difficult to reconstruct an alar defect with cartilage involvement. Here in the authors report a case of traumatic alar loss during childhood in which an alar reconstruction was carried out with a composite auricular graft put over the pedicle buccal flap which was rotated and passed through the intraoral side. The lining skin and auricular cartilage for the flap was obtained from the auricular region which was acceptable for the patient. All procedures were performed under general anesthesia. One year follow up revealed satisfactory results with minimal contracture of the graft.

  7. [Application and effect of auricular acupoint pressing for analgesia in perioperative period of total knee joint replacement]. (United States)

    Tong, Pei-Jian; Wang, Hai-Dong; Ma, Zhen-Chuan


    To observe the effect of auricular acupoint pressing (AAP) for analgesia during perioperative period of total knee joint replacement. Sixty patients with osteoarthritis of ASA grade I - III scheduled to receive unilateral total knee joint replacement were equally randomized into the AAP group and the control group, 30 in each group. The general anesthesia on all patients was implemented by physicians of an identical group through endotracheal intubation. To the patients in the AAP group, AAP with Vaccaria seed was applied before operation, and the local analgesia on affected limb with acupoint pasting was used after operation. Besides, administering of celecoxib 400 mg on the day before operation, and celecoxib 200 mg twice daily post-operation was given to all patients. When the visual analogue scales (VAS) reached more than 7 points, 0.1 g of bucinnazine hydrochloride was given for supplement. Meantime, same post-operative training methods were adopted in both groups. The resting VAS pain scores, contentment of sedation, incidence of adverse event, postoperative range of motion (ROM) of knee joint and Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) score were recorded. The resting VAS pain scores at 6 h and 24 h after operation was 5.99 +/- 0.67 scores and 4.26 +/- 0.59 scores in the AAP group respectively, which was significantly lower than that in the control group at the corresponding time (7.02 +/- 0.85 scores and 4.92 +/- 0.43 scores, P 0.05); sedation contentment in the two groups was similar; incidence of adverse event in the AAP groups seemed lower (4 cases vs. 11 cases), but the intergroup difference was statistically insignificant (P > 0.05). ROM before surgery were 75.63 degrees +/- 5.74 degrees and 75.43 degrees +/- 5.63 degrees in the two groups respectively, showing no significant difference (P > 0.05), two weeks after operation, the initiative ROM raised to 96.50 degrees +/- 3.79 degrees and 93.50 degrees +/- 3.50 degrees, and the passive ROM reached 107

  8. El posicionamiento ideológico y la orientación política en jóvenes universitarios


    Costa, Gustavo Luis; Etchezahar, Edgardo; Melita, Graciela


    Indagar por el significado de izquierda y derecha es interrogar por cuales son las creencias, valores y actitudes que se asocian a estas alternativas; es indagar por los programas políticos con los que los sujetos pueden identificarse y probablemente implicarse en participar (San Martín, 2006). La vinculación entre el binomio izquierda-derecha y la identificación política, puede observarse como un conjunto más o menos coherente de creencias, valores y actitudes sobre el sistema social y po...

  9. Generación o destrucción de valor: El caso de la deuda




    El estudio de la estructura de capital procura explicar la mezcla de las fuentes del financiamiento en las cuales la deuda es de suma importancia. Se ha dicho que el lado derecho del balance crea más abundancia que el lado de la mano izquierda; después de todo, el lado de la mano izquierda es representado solamente por la promesa de papel de entregar recursos económicos en el futuro. No hay teoría universal de la opción de la deuda-equidad. Absolutamente el contrari...

  10. Mechanisms of ear trauma and reconstructive techniques in 105 consecutive patients. (United States)

    Kolodzynski, Michail N; Kon, Moshe; Egger, Silvan; Breugem, Corstiaan C


    Acquired auricular deformities may diminish facial esthetics and cause psychological distress. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the type of injuries and applied reconstructive techniques in a large academic hospital in The Netherlands. A retrospective chart review was conducted for the last 105 patients who underwent auricular reconstruction for an acquired deformity. Data concerning gender, affected side, cause of injury, anatomical region, the previous and further surgeries, type of cartilage, and skin cover used were collected and analyzed. 105 patients were included. Acquired auricular deformities were mainly caused by bite injuries (22 %), traffic accidents (17 %), burns (9.5 %), and post-otoplasty complications (9.5 %). The upper third of the auricle was most often injured (41 %), followed by the entire auricle (19 %). 70 % of cases required reconstruction with costal cartilage. The most common form of cutaneous cover was a postauricular skin flap (40 % of cases). This study gives a complete overview of causes and treatment of acquired auricular deformities. The results are comparable with the results of similar studies found in literature. Bite wounds are the leading cause of acquired auricular injuries. The upper third is most commonly affected. In the largest percentage of reconstructions, costal cartilage and a postauricular flap were used to correct the deformity.

  11. Prevalência de Achados eletrocardiográficos no paciente idoso: estudo envelhecimento e saúde de São Paulo Prevalencia de hallazgos electrocardiográficos en el paciente añoso: estudio envejecimiento y salud de São Paulo Prevalence of electrocardiographic findings in elderly individuals: the Sao Paulo aging & health study

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    Liz A. Kawabata-Yoshihara


    .1-1.2 y bloqueo de rama izquierda. MÉTODOS: en estudio de base poblacional, 1.524 participantes (921 mujeres y 603 hombres con edad superior a 65 años habitantes de São Paulo, Brasil fueron sometidos a examen electrocardiográfico en reposo, a medidas antropométricas y de presión arterial, además de la extracción de sangre en ayunas para dosaje de glucemia, colesterol total y fracciones. RESULTADOS: la prevalencia ajustada por edad para ondas alargadas Q/QS fue el 12,1% (hombres, el 17,2%; mujeres, el 9,6%, para fibrilación auricular fue del 2,4% (hombres el 3,9%; mujeres, el 2,0%, y, para bloqueo de rama izquierda fue del 3,1% (hombres, el 3,1%; mujeres, el 3,8%. Para fibrilación auricular (ambos sexos, ondas alargadas Q/QS (hombres y bloqueo de rama izquierda (mujeres se observó un aumento de frecuencia de acuerdo a la franja etaria. Tras los ajustes para edad, sexo, diabetes y dislipidemia, la razón de chances entre las frecuencias de ondas alargadas Q/QS e hipertensión arterial fue 2,4 (intervalo de confianza 95% [IC 95%CI] 1,4 -3,9 siendo de 5,1 (IC 95% 1,8 -14,4 para mujeres y de 1,7 (95%CI, 0,95-3,1] para hombres. CONCLUSIÓN: la comparación de esos datos con otros estudios reveló prevalencia elevada de prolongación de ondas Q/QS en esa población con asociación directa con la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial.BACKGROUND: The determination of the prevalence of electrocardiographic alterations in the older age strata of the Brazilian population represents important information with clinical and epidemiological purpose. OBJECTIVE: To verify the prevalence rates of atrial fibrillation, enlarged Q/QS waves (Minnesota code 1.1-1.2 and left bundle branch block. METHODS: In a population-based study, 1,524 participants (921 women and 603 men aged > 65 years and living in Sao Paulo, Brazil, were submitted to electrocardiographic assessment at rest as well as anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, in addition to fasting blood collection for the

  12. Estallido traumático de prótesis mamaria con migración masiva de silicona a pared abdominal

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    E. Guisantes

    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 39 años portadora de implantes mamarios de gel cohesivo de silicona, en plano subglandular, vía submamaria, por mamoplastia de aumento estético practicada 13 años antes. Acude a la consulta tras haber sufrido un traumatismo costal por precipitación accidental desde un puente de 3 metros de altura, presentando dolor, distorsión en la forma de la mama izquierda y endurecimiento con tumefacción de hemipared abdominal izquierda. La exploración radiológica mostró estallido extracapsular de la prótesis mamaria izquierda con migración de la silicona hacia el espacio subcutáneo abdominal, llegando a cresta ilíaca. Retiramos ambas prótesis con sus cápsulas y extirpamos toda la silicona migrada junto con la neocápsula fibrosa formada alrededor de la silicona en la pared abdominal, mediante una cuidadosa disección desde las incisiones submamarias previas.

  13. Los condicionamientos socio-económicos de la acción Política en la transición democrática

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    Full Text Available Se analizan los acontecimientos políticos en España desde la muerte de Franco, intentándose presentar una explicación socioeconómica para el comportamiento relativamente prudente de los dos extremos, la izquierda y la derecha. La emergencia de una amplia clase media durante la prosperidad económica de las últimas dos décadas, combinada con el conformismo y la apatía política enraizada en la gente por el régimen franquista han dejado a la izquierda con pocas ganas por el fuerte activismo político. Por tanto, ambos extremos deben operar bajo condiciones de incertidumbre si sus acciones generan demasiado apoyo: la derecha teme una erupción de violencia popular que podría no controlar; la izquierda teme que una situación de violencia indiscriminada pudiera truncar el cambio político. El efecto de contención que produce esta incertidumbre está dando a la clase media la oportunidad que necesita para establecerse en la política española.

  14. Disección traumática de la arteria carótida interna y embolismo cerebral en un jugador de fútbol: Reporte del primer caso

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    Luisa S. Talledo Paredes


    Full Text Available Reportamos el caso de un varón de 18 años quien sufrió contusión cervical por impacto con balón de fútbol. Tres días después fue hospitalizado con hemiplejia derecha directa y afasia de expresión. La resonancia magnética cerebral mostró lesión isquémica izquierda en ganglios basales. El doppler carotideo evidenció trombo desde el origen de la arteria carótida común izquierda extendida a la arteria carótida interna izquierda (CII y la angiotomografía documentó disección de CII (lesión traumática carotídea tipo IV. Se optó por anticoagulación con warfarina y fisioterapia de rehabilitación; con evolución favorable. La incidencia de la injuria traumática carotídea es muy rara, más aún en futbolistas; el tratamiento es aún controversial, por lo que consideramos de interés el reporte de este caso.

  15. Color ornaments and territory position in king penguins. (United States)

    Keddar, Ismaël; Jouventin, Pierre; Dobson, F Stephen


    King penguins exhibit mutual color ornamentation of feathers and beak color. They breed in dense colonies and produce a single chick every 2 years. Thus, males and females must choose partners carefully to be reproductively successful, and auricular patches of males and UV coloration of beak spots have been shown to influence mate choice. Position in the breeding colony is also important to reproductive success, with pairs on the edge of the colony less successful than those in the center. We studied the mutual ornaments, individual condition, and position of pairs in their breeding colony. Males were significantly larger than females in size, body mass, and auricular patch size. Within pairs, auricular patch size of males and females were significantly correlated, and male auricular patch size and body mass were significantly associated, suggesting a link between this ornament and male body condition. Moving from the edge to the center of the colony, pairs had larger yellow-orange auricular patches, indicating a link between this ornament and settlement in higher quality territories in the center of the colony. Pairs were also less brightly brown colored on the breast and less saturated in UV color of the beak spot. Since we observed pairs that were settling for egg laying, location in the colony may have reflected aspects of pair condition, rather than later jockeying for positioning using ornaments as signals of behavioral dominance. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Necrosis Avascular Bilateral de cadera en paciente con VIH y traumatismo de arma de fuego.

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    Belkis J. Menoni Blanco


    Full Text Available La Necrosis Avascular de Cadera (NAV es un proceso patológico infrecuente, originado por falta de irrigación de la articulación coxofemoral que implica necrosis y degeneración de los huesos que la conforman, causando dolor e impotencia funcional. Es más frecuente en varones jóvenes, pudiendo ser unilateral o bilateral. La etiología puede ser idiopática o estar relacionada a causas sistémicas como infección por VIH y su tratamiento depende de la severidad. En este reporte, se presenta un caso masculino de 35 años, seropositivo con tratamiento antirretroviral y antecedente de herida por arma de fuego de presentación inusual en cadera, sin lesión ósea aparente, quien refiere dolor de cadera izquierda, de fuerte intensidad, punzante, irradiado a rodilla izquierda, que produce limitación funcional. Al examen físico se evidencia marcha de Trendelemburg, con signos de Thomas y Patrick positivos. La radiografía demuestra NAV tipo Ficat-Arlet IV y es corregida mediante artroplastia total de cadera izquierda.

  17. Anti capitalismo romántico y asistencia: una emancipación ilusoria en el Uruguay progresista = Romantic anti capitalism and assistance: an illusory emancipation in progressive Uruguay

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    Bentura Alonso, José Pablo


    Full Text Available En este artículo se recoge parte de las conclusiones de la tesis doctoral del autor, en la cual se analiza la política asistencial del gobierno frenteamplista en Uruguay intentando, a partir de una construcción típico ideal, establecer qué perspectiva de cuestión social valiza la intervención del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social. El análisis desarrollado permite afirmar que la propuesta de intervención sobre “lo social” de la izquierda en el gobierno expresa una perspectiva que articula contenidos propios del pensamiento conservador y del pensamiento neoliberal. Tal articulación resulta, en principio, extraña a una propuesta de izquierda. Sin embargo, tal ajenidad se vuelve relativa si se reconoce que, el pensamiento conservador, conformado como “anticapitalismo romantico”, no es extraño a la formación del pensamiento de izquierda en Latinoamerica. La comunidad entonces es creada como una esfera desmercantilizada que funciona en paralelo al mercado, no interfiere con sus leyes y donde la práctica moralizante de los sectores neoconservadores opera con autorización del pensamiento neoliberal

  18. Aproximación al lenguaje político fundacional de la Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia en Chile. Análisis de los conceptos Democracia y Socialismo en las revistas políticas durante la segunda mitad de 1980: El caso de Ricardo Lagos

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    Mauricio Kantar Contreras


    Full Text Available El golpe de Estado de 1973 inaugura en la izquierda chilena, particularmente en el Partido Socialista y el MAPU, un proceso de autocrítica frente a lo realizado durante la Unidad Popular, debido a este proceso se repiensan y reelaboran conceptos fundamentales del acervo teórico de la izquierda, modificando el lenguaje político de la oposición a la dictadura. En este escenario, revisamos las apropiaciones, reelaboraciones y usos conceptuales de la democracia y el socialismo que el líder socialista Ricardo Lagos desarrollo desde la tribuna de lasrevistas políticas opositoras al régimen dictatorial.

  19. Informes y documentos de Trabajo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Humlebæk, Carsten

    El propósito de este artículo es reflexionar y proponer hipótesis explicativas a las dificultades de la izquierda para articular un discurso nacionalista español. El trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto “Nacionalismo español: discursos y praxis desde la izquierda (1982-2008)” financiado por el ...... forma apriorística. Finalmente, este documento es el armazón teórico sobre el que se pretende ensamblar una de las publicaciones finales del proyecto: el libro que resuma los hallazgos y las aportaciones principales de nuestra investigación al conocimiento de la realidad española....

  20. Evaluation and diagnosis of the cathodic protection of ducts in the left margin of the Tonala River of the Superintendencia General de Ductos Minatitlan; Evaluacion y diagnostico de la proteccion catodica en la margen izquierda del Rio Tonala de la Superintendencia General de Ductos Minatitlan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez N, Miguel A; Malo T, Jose M; Munoz Ledo C, Ramon; Uruchurtu C, Jorge; Castrejon G, Rafael [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Sanchez G, Luis; Algarra M, Raul; Abreu L, Emilio [Gerencia de Mantenimiento, Pemex (Mexico)


    The present study contains the measurements obtained as a part of the evaluation of the protection system of ducts located in the left margin of the Tonal River, made by the Gerencia de Materiales y Procesos Quimicos of the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) during the last trimester of year 2001. Also, the measurements of potential in conditions of instantaneous ignition and extinguished in measuring posts of the duct in Rights of Way (DDV) Tonala-Nudo Teapa 23 are studied, in order to determine the real protection level reached by the cathodic protection system, the possible unprotected zones and the possible corrective measures that lead to a safe operation of the ducts. [Spanish] El presente estudio contiene las mediciones obtenidas como parte de la evaluacion del sistema de proteccion de los ductos ubicados en la margen izquierda del rio Tonala, realizadas por la Gerencia de Materiales y Procesos Quimicos del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) durante el ultimo trimestre del ano 2001. Asimismo, se tratan las mediciones de potencial en condiciones de encendido y apagado instantaneo en postes de medicion del ducto en los Derechos De Via (DDV) Tonala-Nudo Teapa 23, con el proposito de determinar el nivel real de proteccion alcanzado por el sistema de proteccion catodica, las posibles zonas desprotegidas y las posibles medidas correctivas que conduzcan a una operacion segura de los ductos.

  1. Bilateral first branchial cleft anomaly with evidence of a genetic aetiology. (United States)

    Gonzalez-Perez, L M; Prats-Golczer, V E; Montes Carmona, J F; Heurtebise Saavedra, J M


    Anomalies of the first branchial cleft (FBC) are uncommon, and recognizing them can be difficult. Although present at birth, many cases do not become evident until later in childhood or adolescence, with an initial clinical presentation in adulthood being encountered only rarely. Typically, FBC anomalies present as a unilateral cyst, sinus, or fistula associated with the external auditory canal, or with swelling or an inflammatory opening in the peri-auricular/parotid area. They are commonly misdiagnosed and are often treated inadequately before being excised completely. A 40-year-old woman presented to the maxillofacial outpatient clinic with an episode of bilateral pre-auricular tumefaction, initially diagnosed as temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome. This was associated with bilateral pre-auricular pain that increased with mandibular movements. In relation to the patient's history, and given the bilateral presence of a pre-auricular pit, a diagnosis of FBC anomaly was made. Further investigation showed a related asymptomatic history in five other cases across four generations of the same family. The authors describe here the case, the diagnostic methodology, and the wide local excision technique used for removal of the branchial sinus. Copyright © 2013 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Acupuncture-Point Stimulation for Postoperative Pain Control: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Xian-Liang Liu


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Acupuncture-point stimulation (APS in postoperative pain control compared with sham/placebo acupuncture or standard treatments (usual care or no treatment. Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs were included. Meta-analysis results indicated that APS interventions improved VAS scores significantly and also reduced total morphine consumption. No serious APS-related adverse effects (AEs were reported. There is Level I evidence for the effectiveness of body points plaster therapy and Level II evidence for body points electroacupuncture (EA, body points acupressure, body points APS for abdominal surgery patients, auricular points seed embedding, manual auricular acupuncture, and auricular EA. We obtained Level III evidence for body points APS in patients who underwent cardiac surgery and cesarean section and for auricular-point stimulation in patients who underwent abdominal surgery. There is insufficient evidence to conclude that APS is an effective postoperative pain therapy in surgical patients, although the evidence does support the conclusion that APS can reduce analgesic requirements without AEs. The best level of evidence was not adequate in most subgroups. Some limitations of this study may have affected the results, possibly leading to an overestimation of APS effects.

  3. Concordancia entre los estadios de maduración esquelética y los estadios de calcificación dental

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    Gladia Toledo Mayarí


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación de innovación tecnológica, de corte transversal, con el objetivo de verificar que en los pacientes de ortodoncia se puede prescindir de la radiografía de la mano izquierda en la evaluación del potencial de crecimiento, para lo cual se estudió una muestra de 150 pacientes entre 8 y 16 años, que ingresaron en la Clínica de Ortodoncia de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana, entre los años 2004 y 2006. A cada paciente se le realizó una radiografía de la mano izquierda, donde se determinaron los estadios de maduración esquelética a través del método de Grave y Brown y una radiografía panóramica o periapicales de la hemiarcada mandibular izquierda, donde se determinaron los estadios de calcificación del canino y el segundo premolar mandibulares izquierdos, por el método de Demirjian y colaboradores. Se calculó la concordancia entre los métodos evaluados, se encontraron altos coeficientes de concordancia y fue mayor en el sexo masculino y en el canino (Kappa= 0,913. Se concluyó que en la evaluación del potencial de crecimiento que presentan los pacientes de ortodoncia se puede sustituir la radiografía de la mano izquierda por radiografías periapicales del canino y el segundo premolar mandibulares izquierdos, lo cual permite la realización de las radiografías en el propio servicio de estomatología, con los beneficios que ello reporta en cuanto a mejor atención del paciente y ahorro de recursos.

  4. ¿Lo aprecias o lo odias? Tus gestos al hablar pueden delatarte

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    Miriam Sicre Márquez


    Full Text Available Los diestros tienden a valorar positivamente la derecha y los zurdos la izquierda. En un estudio reciente se analizaron los gestos que acompañaban los discursos de los candidatos a presidente de EE.UU. John Kerry y George Bush (ambos diestros en las elecciones de 2004, y de John McCain y Barack Obama (ambos zurdos en las de 2008. Los candidatos diestros usaron más la mano derecha cuando hablaban de cosas positivas y la mano izquierda para cosas negativas, en tanto que los zurdos hicieron lo contrario. Esto revela un vínculo hasta ahora desconocido entre la lateralidad manual, los gestos expresivos y la emoción.

  5. Patterns of left ventricular geometry and the transition to congestive heart failure with preserved versus depressed ejection fraction (Patrones de geometría ventricular izquierda y la transición a la insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva con fracción de eyección conservada versus deprimida

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    José H. Donis Hernández


    Full Text Available Abstract (english Analysis of cross-sectional and follow up clinical studies, of hypertensive patients with the different left ventricular geometric patterns, provide plausible explanations for the transition from hypertensive heart disease to the two distinct phenotypes of systolic and diastolic congestive heart failure. According to the LIFE study treated-uncomplicated patients, with normal ventricular geometry (12%, concentric remodeling (11 % and concentric hypertrophy (34 %, may evolve to the eccentric hypertrophy pattern. Patients with the eccentric hypertrophy pattern have selective sympathetic activation and progressive enlargement of the left ventricular cavity with thinning of its walls. This pattern goes on to a stage of systolic dysfunction with diminished ejection fraction and enhanced degradation of the collagen matrix. On the other hand, patients with the concentric hypertrophy pattern have predominant activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and progressive shrinking of the left ventricular cavity with thickening of its walls. This pattern usually precedes the stage of diastolic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, impairment of relaxation and increased deposition of collagen in the myocardial interstitium. Thus, ventricular remodeling preceding diastolic heart failure is opposite to that of hypertensive patients who go on to develop systolic heart failure. Resumen (español El análisis de los estudios transversales y longitudinales, de pacientes hipertensos con diferentes patrones de geometría ventricular izquierda, permite postular posibles mecanismos fisiopatológicos para explicar la transición de la cardiopatía hipertensiva hacia los dos fenotipos conocidos de insuficiencia cardiaca. De acuerdo con el estudio LIFE, los pacientes hipertensos no complicados, con patrones de geometría ventricular normal (12 %, remodelado concéntrico (11 % e hipertrofia concéntrica (34 %, pueden evolucionar hacia

  6. Necrosis Avascular Bilateral de cadera en paciente con VIH y traumatismo de arma de fuego.

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    Belkis J Menoni Blanco


    Full Text Available La Necrosis Avascular de Cadera (NAV es un proceso patológico infrecuente, originado por faltade irrigación de la articulación coxofemoral que implica necrosis y degeneración de los huesos que la conforman, causando dolor e impotencia funcional. Es más frecuente en varones jóvenes, pudiendo ser unilateral o bilateral. La etiología puede ser idiopática o estar relacionada a causas sistémicas como infección por VIH y su tratamiento depende de la severidad. En este reporte, se presenta un caso masculino de 35 años, seropositivo con tratamiento antirretroviral y antecedente de herida por arma de fuego de presentación inusual en cadera, sin lesión ósea aparente; quien refiere dolor de cadera izquierda, de fuerte intensidad, punzante, irradiado a rodilla izquierda, que produce limitación funcional. Al examen físico se evidencia marcha de Trendelemburg, con signos de Thomas y Patrick positivos. La radiografía demuestra NAV tipo Ficat-Arlet IV y es corregida mediante artroplastia total de cadera izquierda. Palabras claves: Necrosis Avascular de Cabeza de Fémur, VIH, Herida por arma de fuego.

  7. Pseudomonas aeruginosa necrotizing chondritis complicating high helical ear piercing case report: clinical and public health perspectives. (United States)

    Sandhu, Amonpreet; Gross, Melissa; Wylie, John; Van Caeseele, Paul; Plourde, Pierre


    Auricular or high helical ear piercing is an increasingly widespread fashion trend that is associated with an increased risk of potentially serious post-piercing complications such as auricular perichondritis. An 11-year-old girl developed severe auricular perichondritis following piercing of the upper helical cartilage of her ear at a hairdressing salon. Four days post piercing, she returned to the same salon for a haircut during which the pierced site was manipulated. She presented to her family physician and was treated unsuccessfully with oral cephalexin. She was then referred to an infectious diseases consultant and received antipseudomonal intravenous antibiotics with subsequent resolution. She also required debridement and removal of necrotic cartilage. Public health investigation evaluated potential sources of infection including the piercing gun, disinfectant solutions, and hair cutting spray water bottles. Final culture results of the ear helical aspirate grew Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was also cultured from one of the water bottles used to wet her hair during the haircut. Although the pseudomonal strains from the water bottle were different than the infecting one, this contamination presents a potential source of wound infection. Damage to the helical cartilage caused by the piercing gun may also have contributed to this infection. Initial empiric antibiotic therapy for these kinds of infection must include anti-pseudomonal coverage. Auricular or high helical ear piercing using a piercing gun is not recommended.

  8. Anatomic variations of the branches of the aortic arch in a Peruvian population

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    Julio Arturo Huapaya


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN Reportes previos en dos países de América del Sur encontraron una variante anatómica que no había sido reportada en el resto del mundo, lo que podría dar indicios acerca de una diferencia racial. OBJETIVO Describir las variaciones en la distribución anatómica de las ramas del arco aórtico en una población peruana. MÉTODOS Estudio retrospectivo de una serie de casos de personas en quienes se realizó una angiografía por tomografía de la aorta torácica. Se analizaron los informes que registraron la descripción de las variaciones de las ramas del arco aórtico, basados en los ocho tipos descritos por la literatura científica. RESULTADOS Se analizaron 361 informes. Se encontró que 282 pacientes (78,12% tuvieron la configuración clásica (tipo I, arco aórtico que da origen al tronco braquiocefálico, a la carótida común izquierda y a la subclavia izquierda, seguido por el tipo II (arteria carótida común izquierda como rama del tronco braquiocefálico con 41 pacientes (11,36%, y el tipo IX (un ostium común para el tronco braquiocefálico y la carótida común izquierda con 25 pacientes (6,93%. Este último y otros dos tipos resultaron ser nuevas variantes del arco aórtico. CONCLUSIÓN En esta serie de casos peruana, los tipos de arco aórtico I, II y IX fueron los más frecuentes. Adicionalmente, se encontraron otros dos tipos nuevos que no habían sido descritos en la literatura previamente. Es necesario profundizar la investigación sobre estas variantes para evaluar el factor racial en Sudamérica y una posible relación con eventos clínicos o quirúrgicos.

  9. Comparison of three methods of temperature measurement in hypothermic, euthermic, and hyperthermic dogs. (United States)

    Greer, Rebecca J; Cohn, Leah A; Dodam, John R; Wagner-Mann, Colette C; Mann, F A


    To assess the reliability and accuracy of a predictive rectal thermometer, an infrared auricular thermometer designed for veterinary use, and a subcutaneous temperature-sensing microchip for measurement of core body temperature over various temperature conditions in dogs. Prospective study. 8 purpose-bred dogs. A minimum of 7 days prior to study commencement, a subcutaneous temperature-sensing microchip was implanted in 1 of 3 locations (interscapular, lateral aspect of shoulder, or sacral region) in each dog. For comparison with temperatures measured via rectal thermometer, infrared auricular thermometer, and microchip, core body temperature was measured via a thermistor-tipped pulmonary artery (TTPA) catheter. Hypothermia was induced during anesthesia at the time of TTPA catheter placement; on 3 occasions after placement of the catheter, hyperthermia was induced via administration of a low dose of endotoxin. Near-simultaneous duplicate temperature measurements were recorded from the TTPA catheter, the rectal thermometer, auricular thermometer, and subcutaneous microchips during hypothermia, euthermia, and hyperthermia. Reliability (variability) of temperature measurement for each device and agreement between each device measurement and core body temperature were assessed. Variability between duplicate near-simultaneous temperature measurements was greatest for the auricular thermometer and least for the TTPA catheter. Measurements obtained by use of the rectal thermometer were in closest agreement with core body temperature; for all other devices, temperature readings typically underestimated core body temperature. Among the 3 methods of temperature measurement, rectal thermometry provided the most accurate estimation of core body temperature in dogs.

  10. Satisfactory surgical option for cartilage graft absorption in microtia reconstruction. (United States)

    Han, So-Eun; Oh, Kap Sung


    We routinely perform auricular elevation at least 6 months after implantation of framework in microtia reconstruction using costal cartilage. However, in a few cases, cartilage graft absorption has occurred, which has led to contour irregularity with unfavorable long-term results. In the present study, we recount the details of using additional rib cartilage augmentation to achieve an accentuated contour in cartilage graft absorption cases. The cartilage graft absorption was defined as contour irregularity or cartilage graft deformation as evaluated by the surgeon and patient. Depending on the extent of cartilage graft absorption, another rib cartilage framework was added to the previously implanted framework, targeting the absorption area. We used banked cartilage or harvested new cartilage based on three-dimensional rib computed tomography. Additional recontouring of framework was conducted in eight patients who were examined for cartilage graft absorption from 1.5 to 5 years after implantation of the framework. Four patients received additional rib cartilage augmentation and tissue expander insertion simultaneously prior to auricular elevation. Two patients underwent auricular elevation simultaneously. In another two patients, additional rib cartilage augmentation was performed before auricular elevation. The mean follow-up period was 18 months, and in all cases reconstructive results were acceptable. Although further follow-up evaluation is required, additional rib cartilage augmentation is an attractive surgical option for cartilage graft absorption cases. Copyright © 2016 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Resultados inmediatos y a los 5 años de la cirugía de pacientes portadores de lesión del tronco de la coronaria izquierda

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    Rodolfo A. Ahuad Guerrero


    Full Text Available AntecedentesLa cirugía de revascularización miocárdica se considera hasta el momento el mejor tratamiento para los pacientes portadores de enfermedad del tronco de la coronaria izquierda (TCI; pese a ello existen pocos datos locales que comuniquen los resultados de esta cirugía.ObjetivosDescribir los resultados inmediatos y a los 5 años de una serie de cirugías coronarias en pacientes con lesiones del TCI.Material y métodosEn el período 2003-2007 se estudiaron 174 cirugías coronarias del TCI realizadas en forma consecutiva en tres servicios quirúrgicos asociados. Se analizaron los resultados quirúrgicos a los 30 días y en el seguimiento hasta 5 años, en los que se tuvieron en cuenta la mortalidad de causa cardiovascular y por otras causas, los eventos cardiovasculares mayores, la necesidad de nueva revascularización y la supervivencia libre de síntomas. Las curvas se compararon con la supervivencia esperada para el mismo grupo de edad y sexo.ResultadosEl 90,8% de los pacientes tuvieron lesiones múltiples. La mortalidad a los 30 días fue del 4,0%, similar a la esperada según el EuroSCORE (6,4%, OR = 0,62, IC 95% 0,21-1,78; p = 0,333, y los eventos cardiovasculares mayores incluyeron 2,9% de infarto y 1,7% de accidente cerebrovascular (ACV. El seguimiento fue de 506 pacientes-años (12 a 60 meses e involucró al 91% de los pacientes. Al considerar la mortalidad cardiovascular, la supervivencia a los 5 años fue del 83,7%, similar a la esperada en la población general. La supervivencia en el mismo plazo descendió al 77,6% cuando se computaron todas las causas de muerte (p = 0,436. La supervivencia a los 5 años libre de angina y de nueva revascularización fue del 72,2% y del 88,1%, respectivamente.ConclusionesEn este estudio observacional de pacientes operados con lesión del TCI se demostró una mortalidad quirúrgica algo inferior a la calculada con el EuroSCORE y una tasa de ACV e infarto de entre el 1,7% y el 2,9%. El

  12. Experimental stress during molt suggests the evolution of condition-dependent and condition-independent ornaments in the king penguin. (United States)

    Schull, Quentin; Robin, Jean-Patrice; Dobson, F Stephen; Saadaoui, Hédi; Viblanc, Vincent A; Bize, Pierre


    Sexual selection and social selection are two important theories proposed for explaining the evolution of colorful ornamental traits in animals. Understanding signal honesty requires studying how environmental and physiological factors during development influence the showy nature of sexual and social ornaments. We experimentally manipulated physiological stress and immunity status during the molt in adult king penguins ( Aptenodytes patagonicus ), and studied the consequences of our treatments on colourful ornaments (yellow-orange and UV beak spots and yellow-orange auricular feather patches) known to be used in sexual and social contexts in this species. Whereas some ornamental features showed strong condition-dependence (yellow auricular feather chroma, yellow and UV chroma of the beak), others were condition-independent and remained highly correlated before and after the molt (auricular patch size and beak UV hue). Our study provides a rare examination of the links between ornament determinism and selection processes in the wild. We highlight the coexistence of ornaments costly to produce that may be honest signals used in mate choice, and ornaments for which honesty may be enforced by social mediation or rely on genetic constraints.

  13. A new method to model electroconvulsive therapy in rats with increased construct validity and enhanced translational value. (United States)

    Theilmann, Wiebke; Löscher, Wolfgang; Socala, Katarzyna; Frieling, Helge; Bleich, Stefan; Brandt, Claudia


    Electroconvulsive therapy is the most effective therapy for major depressive disorder (MDD). The remission rate is above 50% in previously pharmacoresistant patients but the mechanisms of action are not fully understood. Electroconvulsive stimulation (ECS) in rodents mimics antidepressant electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in humans and is widely used to investigate the underlying mechanisms of ECT. For the translational value of findings in animal models it is essential to establish models with the highest construct, face and predictive validity possible. The commonly used model for ECT in rodents does not meet the demand for high construct validity. For ECT, cortical surface electrodes are used to induce therapeutic seizures whereas ECS in rodents is exclusively performed by auricular or corneal electrodes. However, the stimulation site has a major impact on the type and spread of the induced seizure activity and its antidepressant effect. We propose a method in which ECS is performed by screw electrodes placed above the motor cortex of rats to closely simulate the clinical situation and thereby increase the construct validity of the model. Cortical ECS in rats induced reliably seizures comparable to human ECT. Cortical ECS was more effective than auricular ECS to reduce immobility in the forced swim test. Importantly, auricular stimulation had a negative influence on the general health condition of the rats with signs of fear during the stimulation sessions. These results suggest that auricular ECS in rats is not a suitable ECT model. Cortical ECS in rats promises to be a valid method to mimic ECT. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. TECNOLOGÍA LÍTICA EN LA MARGEN IZQUIERDA DEL PARANÁ MEDIO: LOS MATERIALES RECUPERADOS EN JURISDICCIÓN GOYA (CORRIENTES, ARGENTINA / Lithic technology along the left margin of the Paraná river: the assemblages from Goya (Corrientes, Argentina

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    Carolina V. Píccoli


    Full Text Available En el marco de las investigaciones arqueológicas iniciadas en el año 2007 en la margen izquierda del curso medio del río Paraná, en el sector de su llanura aluvial comprendido en la jurisdicción Goya (Corrientes, Argentina, se identificaron distintas concentraciones arqueológicas en las que el material lítico constituye uno de los ítems menos representados. En este trabajo se presenta el análisis tecnológico de la totalidad del conjunto lítico hasta ahora recuperado en las distintas instancias de trabajo de campo realizadas en el sector mencionado. Se efectuó la caracterización macroscópica del mismo para identificar los diversos estadios de la cadena de producción lítica. Asimismo, se evalúan los resultados en relación con la disponibilidad de las materias primas. El análisis realizado permite sostener que en los sitios no se llevaron a cabo las primeras etapas de la confección de artefactos líticos. Asimismo, para tales fines se utilizó principalmente una de las dos únicas materias primas procedentes de la región del Paraná Medio, factibles de ser utilizadas (areniscas. Palabras clave: material lítico; análisis tecnológico; río Paraná; Holoceno tardío.    Abstract As a result of the archaeological research began in 2007 on the left bank of Middle Paraná River, Goya (Corrientes, Argentina, lithic material was recovered in low frequency. This paper presents the technological analysis of the lithic assemblage recovered. The analysis was based on the macroscopic characteristics to identify different stages of stone tool production. It also includes geological references to provide a context for understanding lithic raw material availability in the area. The analysis reflects that initial stages of production occurred off-site. Also, the preferential use of one specific local raw material was observed (sandstone. Keywords: lithic material, technological analysis, Paraná River, Late Holocene


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    Claudio Andrés Maldonado Rivera


    Full Text Available La memoria es uno de los mecanismos de reconstrucción cultural que posibilita entender la gestación de la identidad colectiva. En esta investigación se intenta dar cuenta, desde una perspectiva semiótica, de cómo la memoria activa la (reconstrucción y mantenimiento identitario de la colectividad de la izquierda chilena dentro de un lugar codificado ideológicamente, la Necrópolis, en específico el Cementerio General de Santiago (C.G.S, en particular el patio 29, el cual acoge los cuerpos de aquellos asesinados durante la dictadura en Chile 1973-1990. Estos cuerpos, transmutados a sepulturas y fantasmas, activan los procesos de semiosis que dan sentido a la conformación de la identidad colectiva de la izquierda chilena sobreviviente a la dictadura dirigida por Augusto Pinochet.

  16. Anomalía total del retorno venoso sistémico. Comunicación de un caso. Consideraciones quirúrgicas

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    Omar Lazzarin


    Full Text Available RESUMENLa anomalía total del retorno venoso sistémico (ATRVS sin malformaciones acompañanteses un hallazgo excepcional. En esta presentación se describe el caso de una niña de 24 horasde vida, derivada a nuestra institución por presentar cianosis y disnea desde el nacimiento.Por ecocardiografía Doppler color se observó una anomalía parcial del retorno venososistémico: drenaje de la vena cava superior en la aurícula izquierda. El cateterismo cardíacomodificó el diagnóstico al confirmar una anomalía total del retorno venoso sistémico hacia laaurícula izquierda. Se realizó la corrección quirúrgica a los dieciséis meses de vida con excelenteresultado.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2009;77:405-407.

  17. Building Capacity for Complementary and Integrative Medicine Through a Large, Cross-Agency, Acupuncture Training Program: Lessons Learned from a Military Health System and Veterans Health Administration Joint Initiative Project. (United States)

    Niemtzow, Richard; Baxter, John; Gallagher, Rollin M; Pock, Arnyce; Calabria, Kathryn; Drake, David; Galloway, Kevin; Walter, Joan; Petri, Richard; Piazza, Thomas; Burns, Stephen; Hofmann, Lew; Biery, John; Buckenmaier, Chester


    Complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) use in the USA continues to expand, including within the Military Health System (MHS) and Veterans Health Administration (VHA). To mitigate the opioid crisis and provide additional non-pharmacological pain management options, a large cross-agency collaborative project sought to develop and implement a systems-wide curriculum, entitled Acupuncture Training Across Clinical Settings (ATACS). ATACS curriculum content and structure were created and refined over the course of the project in response to consultations with Subject Matter Experts and provider feedback. Course content was developed to be applicable to the MHS and VHA environments and training was open to many types of providers. Training included a 4-hr didactic and "hands on" clinical training program focused on a single auricular acupuncture protocol, Battlefield Acupuncture. Trainee learning and skills proficiency were evaluated by trainer-observation and written examination. Immediately following training, providers completed an evaluation survey on their ATACS experience. One month later, they were asked to complete another survey regarding their auricular acupuncture use and barriers to use. The present evaluation describes the ATACS curriculum, faculty and trainee characteristics, as well as trainee and program developer perspectives. Over the course of a 19-mo period, 2,712 providers completed the in-person, 4-hr didactic and hands-on clinical training session. Due to the increasing requests for training, additional ATACS faculty were trained. Overall, 113 providers were approved to be training faculty. Responses from the trainee surveys indicated high satisfaction with the ATACS training program and illuminated several challenges to using auricular acupuncture with patients. The most common reported barrier to using auricular acupuncture was the lack of obtaining privileges to administer auricular acupuncture within clinical practice. The ATACS program

  18. Accuracy of different temperature reading techniques and associated stress response in hospitalized dogs. (United States)

    Gomart, Samantha B; Allerton, Fergus J W; Gommeren, Kris


    To evaluate the accuracy and associated induced stress response of axillary, auricular, and rectal thermometry in hospitalized dogs. Prospective observational study from October 2011 to February 2012. University veterinary teaching hospital. Two hundred fifty hospitalized dogs. All hospitalized dogs were considered eligible unless their condition precluded measurement at one of the designated sites. A veterinary auricular infrared device for auricular temperature (OT) and an electronic predictive thermometer for rectal temperature (RT) and axillary temperature (AT) were used for temperature measurements. All recordings were obtained by the same investigator in a randomized fashion. Heart rate was noted before and immediately after each measurement. Stress behaviors (eg, vocalization, lip licking, shaking, panting, defensive behavior) were also recorded and graded from 0 (lowest) to 4 (highest). Signalment, analgesic therapy, and length of hospitalization were recorded. RT measurements were associated with greatest increase in heart rate (P 0.05). AT and to a lesser extent OT are reliable, less stressful alternatives to estimate RT in dogs. Further studies are needed to evaluate these techniques in hyperthermic dogs, and to evaluate the use of AT and OT as monitoring tools in intensive care patients. © Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2014.

  19. Estudo histopatológico do efeito do tenoxicam com água bidestilada ou com cloreto de sódio a 0,9% no endotélio venoso de coelhos Estudio histopatológico del efecto del tenoxican con agua bidestilada o con cloreto de sodio a 0,9% en el endotélio venoso de conejos Histopathologic study on the effects of tenoxicam with bidistilled water or with 0.9% sodium chloride in rabbits venous endothelium

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    Taylor Brandão Schnaider


    humanas expuestas a la indometacina, fue observado aumento de la actividad pró-coagulante. Estudio en conejos comprobó la presencia de trombosis en las venas auriculares después de la administración de tenoxicam con su diluyente o de su diluyente aislado. No fueron encontrados estudios en la literatura consultada que hayan evaluado el endotélio venoso después de la administración de tenoxicam, en seres humanos. El objetivo de esta pesquisa fue evaluar se el tenoxicam con cloreto de sodio a 0,9% (NaCl a 0,9% provoca alteraciones en el endotélio venoso de conejos, como las observadas cuando asociado a su diluyente (agua bidestilada. MÉTODO: Noventa conejos (2.000 - 3.500 g fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en dos grupos: Control, con administración de NaCl a 0,9%; Experimento, con tenoxicam (20 mg asociado a agua bidestilada o al NaCl a 0,9%. El volumen inyectado en los dos grupos fue constante de 2 ml. La anestesia fue inducida con maleato de acepromazina, clorhidrato de cetamina y clorhidrato de xilazina, siendo la punción de las venas auriculares caudales derecha e izquierda realizada con aguja tipo mariposa 27G. Los animales fueron mantenidos en el biotério por 6 h, 12 h e 24 h, nuevamente anestesiados y sometidos a eutanasia, siendo entonces realizada exéresis de las aurículas en su base y posterior evaluación microscópica de las venas. RESULTADOS: Se observó trombosis en el grupo Experimento, en una porcentaje de 19,4% después de administración del tenoxicam con agua bidestilada y 22,2% después administración del tenoxicam con NaCl a 0,9%. En el grupo Control, en que fue inyectado, solamente NaCl a 0,9%, ninguna de las venas presento trombosis. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados encontrados permiten concluir que el tenoxicam, con agua bidestilada o con solución de cloreto de sodio a 0,9%, produjo trombosis en las venas en que fue inyectado.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: After exposure to indomethacin, human umbilical vein endothelial cells have shown

  20. Foramen ovale permeable y ataque criptogénico: Papel de la ecocardiografía y estado del arte Patent foramen ovale and cryptogenic stroke: Echocardiography role and state of the art

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    Mario H Jaramillo U


    Full Text Available Las causas de ataque isquémico en pacientes jóvenes, son difíciles de encontrar pese a las investigaciones sistemáticas dirigidas a descartar origen cardiaco, alteraciones de la coagulación o cualquier otro tipo de enfermedades vasculares; de ahí la definición de «criptogénico». Se especula acerca del papel potencial de los cortocircuitos intracardiacos de derecha a izquierda como vía de embolismos paradójicos que culminan en enfermedad cerebral isquémica. Se demostró que la ecocardiografía transesofágica con inyección venosa periférica de solución salina agitada, es el método de elección para diagnosticar foramen ovale permeable y cortocircuito de derecha a izquierda. Estudios prospectivos que utilizan tratamiento con ácido acetil salicílico o warfarina, no demuestran una reducción significativa de los ataques recurrentes. Aunque, tanto el cierre quirúrgico del foramen ovale permeable como el percutáneo, muestran una disminución de la tasa de eventos embólicos subsecuentes, aún se discute su indicación, al menos hasta que aparezcan resultados de trabajos con escogencia al azar, que están en proceso en la actualidad. Sin embargo, los casos de embolismo paradójico recurrente y en los buzos profesionales, ambos casos con aneurisma del septum auricular y foramen ovale permeable asociados, son las únicas indicaciones inequívocas de cierre percutáneo. El cierre exitoso, definido por ecocardiografía transesofágica, parece predecir la ausencia de eventos embólicos recurrentes. En la medida en que la tasa de complicaciones de la implantación de dispositivos disminuya y que éstos sean técnicamente más sencillos, el cierre percutáneo se impondrá al quirúrgico.The causes of ischemic stroke in young patients are difficult to find, in spite of systematic investigations directed to rule out heart etiology, alterations in coagulation or any other type of vascular disease; hence the «cryptogenic» definition. There


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    Pedro Ángel López Miñarro


    La distancia alcanzada en el sit-and-reach unilateral fue mayor que la obtenida en el sit-and-reach (p<0,001 y en el back-saver sit-and-reach (p<0,001 tanto en hombres como en mujeres. Los valores de correlación del sit-and-reach unilateral con respecto al test de elevación de pierna recta fueron moderados- bajos en varones (r=0,54 y 0,58, respectivamente en la extremidad izquierda y derecha y moderados en mujeres (r=0,73 y 0,75, respec tivamente en la extremidad izquierda y derecha. En conclusión, el test sit-and-reach unilateral presenta una moderada validez como criterio de extensibilidad isquiosural, sobre todo en las mujeres. El test sit-and-reach unilateral es preferible al test back-saver sit-and-reach porque alcanza valores de correlación más elevados con el test de elevación de pierna recta.


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    Álvaro Acevedo Tarazona


    Full Text Available La universidad colombiana ha sido enclave de formación ideológica estudiantil revolucionaria con el objetivo de transformar una sociedad considerada por distintas tendencias de izquierda muy injusta y muy desigual. Y en ese anhelo de transformación, algunas tendencias estudiantiles de la izquierda más radical han considerado viable la lucha armada para alcanzar la utopía revolucionaria. En este crisol de ideas y acciones de circulación planetaria desde los años sesenta del siglo pasado, es necesario abrir una puerta de reflexión para reconocer que la universidad también ha sido parte de este largo conflicto en Colombia que hoy se encuentra en la incertidumbre del punto final de la confrontación violenta o la continuidad. El proceso de paz en Colombia ha sido mediatizado ampliamente por las repercusiones que este tiene en conceptos tales como globalización, justicia, Estado, economía y sociedad.

  3. ¿Por qué los afiliados sindicales tienen actitudes diferentes hacia la inmigración?

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    Full Text Available En Europa, la actitud de los afiliados sindicales hacia la inmigración es moderada- mente tolerante cuando éstos se sitúan ideológicamente en la izquierda política. Esta actitud es diferente de la de los ciudadanos no afiliados a los sindicatos, pues es restrictiva. Las posiciones ideológicas y las actitudes dibujan una U gráficamente hablando: en un extremo se ubican las posiciones de izquierda, asociadas a alta afi­iación sindical y actitudes moderadamente tolerantes; en el otro se ubican las l posiciones de derecha, con baja afiliación sindical y actitudes restrictivas. Los fac- tores que influyen en las actitudes negativas son el desempleo, los bajos salarios, los contratos temporales y otras formas de precariedad que estimulan la competencia por los escasos recursos de trabajo y bienestar. La crisis y el desempleo contribuyen al fermento de las actitudes restrictivas.

  4. Anatomía de la arteria temporal superficial: importancia quirúrgica: estudio piloto en cadáveres

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    J.J. Pradel-Mora


    Full Text Available El conocimiento preciso de los patrones vasculares permite mejorar los resultados de la reconstrucción regional del pabellón auricular y el diseño de colgajos regionales dependientes de la arteria temporal superficial para la reconstrucción facial. En México, no contamos en la actualidad con descripciones anatómicas de las variantes vasculares normales de la arteria temporal superficial. El objetivo de este trabajo es la descripción de las variantes anatómicas de la arteria temporal superficial a través de la disección de este vaso en 12 regiones tempo-parieto-occipitales en cadáveres. Nuestros resultados muestran que la arteria temporal superficial siempre se divide en dos ramas, una anterior y otra posterior, la distribución de ésta se sitúa en el cuarto más posterior de la región temporal, con una bifurcación alta. La distribución de la anatomía vascular, tomando en cuenta el calibre mayor de la arteria temporal superficial con respecto a la arteria auricular posterior, la ausencia de esta última en 4 de las regiones estudiadas, así como la distancia de dichos vasos con respecto al conducto auditivo externo, sugieren que en nuestra población la irrigación del pabellón auricular depende de la arteria temporal superficial, restándole importancia a la aportación del riego sanguíneo de esta región por parte de la arteria auricular posterior. Nuestro estudio arroja resultados que indican la existencia de variaciones importantes en la anatomía vascular regional que justifican la realización de estudios posteriores que permitan una descripción mas detallada de la misma para aumentar el éxito de las intervenciones quirúrgicas.

  5. margen izquierda del río Rimac PERÚ

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Reducción de la vulnerabilidad física y de riesgos frente. Ciudad Focal ... tamente en el proceso de trabajo del proyecto, pese a que la .... desastres naturales o antrópicas”, “salud”, “cuidado del ... Reforzar la seguridad física de las viviendas,.

  6. margen izquierda del río Rimac PERÚ

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    geográfica de la capital del Perú a través del proceso de subducción de la placa de Nazca (oceánica) bajo la placa Sudamericana (continental) que genera terremotos de magnitud elevada ... tadas a el fortalecimiento de capacidades para : a) Mejorar la cultura organizacional y de trabajo b) Reducir la vulnerabilidad de la ...

  7. Ecocardiografia transesofágica e diagnóstico intraoperatório de veia cava superior esquerda persistente Ecocardiografía transesofágica y diagnóstico intraoperatorio de vena cava superior izquierda persistente Transesophageal echocardiography and intraoperative diagnosis of persistent left superior vena cava

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    Alexander Alves da Silva


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A persistência da veia cava superior esquerda ocorre isoladamente em 0,5% da população normal, porém nos pacientes com cardiopatia congênita chega a estar presente em 3% a 10% dos casos. O objetivo deste relato foi apresentar um caso de diagnóstico intraoperatório com o auxílio da ecocardiografia transesofágica e ressaltar a importância da sua utilização rotineira em intervenções cirúrgicas para correção de cardiopatia congênita. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 16 anos, ASA II, com diagnóstico prévio de comunicação interatrial (CIA tipo seio venoso superior com drenagem anômala parcial de veias pulmonares em programação para correção cirúrgica da cardiopatia. Após indução da anestesia geral foi realizado ecocardiograma transesofágico (ETE. O exame inicial mostrou dilatação das câmaras cardíacas direitas, CIA tipo seio venoso superior de 17 milímetros, drenagem anômala da veia pulmonar superior direita desembocando na veia cava superior (VCS direita e dilatação do seio coronário, o que aventou a possibilidade da persistência da veia cava superior esquerda. Para a confirmação da suspeita foram injetados no acesso venoso do braço esquerdo 10 mL de solução fisiológica a 0,9% (faz o papel de "contraste" no exame ecocardiográfico e imediatamente após foram visualizadas as microbolhas passando pelo seio coronário, teste positivo para o diagnóstico de VCS superior esquerda persistente. CONCLUSÕES: A ecocardiografia transesofágica rotineira no intraoperatório de pacientes com cardiopatia congênita tem fundamental importância como método auxiliar não só ao cirurgião, muitas vezes influenciando diretamente na técnica cirúrgica empregada, como também para o anestesiologista, que pode extrair do exame uma série de informações úteis no manuseio hemodinâmico do paciente.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La persistencia de la vena cava superior izquierda ocurre

  8. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Auricular Percutaneous Electrical Neural Field Stimulation for Fibromyalgia: Protocol for a Feasibility Study. (United States)

    Gebre, Melat; Woodbury, Anna; Napadow, Vitaly; Krishnamurthy, Venkatagiri; Krishnamurthy, Lisa C; Sniecinski, Roman; Crosson, Bruce


    Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain state that includes widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, psychiatric symptoms, cognitive and sleep disturbances, and multiple somatic symptoms. Current therapies are often insufficient or come with significant risks, and while there is an increasing demand for non-pharmacologic and especially non-opioid pain management such as that offered through complementary and alternative medicine therapies, there is currently insufficient evidence to recommend these therapies. Percutaneous electrical neural stimulation (PENS) is an evidence-based treatment option for pain conditions that involves electrical current stimulation through needles inserted into the skin. Percutaneous electrical neural field stimulation (PENFS) of the auricle is similar to PENS, but instead of targeting a single neurovascular bundle, PENFS stimulates the entire ear, covering all auricular branches of the cranial nerves, including the vagus nerve. The neural mechanisms of PENFS for fibromyalgia symptom relief are unknown. We hypothesize that PENFS treatment will decrease functional brain connectivity between the default mode network (DMN) and right posterior insula in fibromyalgia patients. We expect that the decrease in functional connectivity between the DMN and insula will correlate with patient-reported analgesic improvements as indicated by the Defense and Veterans Pain Rating Scale (DVPRS) and will be anti-correlated with patient-reported analgesic medication consumption. Exploratory analyses will be performed for further hypothesis generation. A total of 20 adults from the Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center diagnosed with fibromyalgia will be randomized into 2 groups: 10 subjects to a control (standard therapy) group and 10 subjects to a PENFS treatment group. The pragmatic, standard therapy group will include pharmacologic treatments such as anticonvulsants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, topical agents and physical therapy individualized to

  9. Ear Acupuncture Therapy for Masticatory Myofascial and Temporomandibular Pain: A Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Luciano Ambrosio Ferreira


    Full Text Available Ear acupuncture works by reducing painful sensations with analgesic effect through microsystem therapy and has been demonstrated to be as effective as conventional therapies in the control of facial pain. This clinical trial aimed to evaluate the adjuvant action of auricular acupuncture through an observation of the evolution of temporomandibular and masticatory myofascial symptoms in two groups defined by the therapies elected: auricular acupuncture associated with occlusal splint (study and the use of the occlusal splint plate alone (control. We have selected 20 patients, who were randomly allocated into two groups of ten individuals. Symptoms were evaluated in five different moments, every seven days. We analyzed the orofacial muscle and joint palpation in order to measure the intensity of the experienced pain. Both groups showed a statistically significant decrease in muscle and joint symptoms (p<0.05. However, comparisons between the groups showed an expressive and significant reduction of symptomatology in the study group (p<0.05 already on the first week of therapy. According to the results, to the methodological criteria developed and statistical analysis applied, the conclusion is that auricular acupuncture therapy has synergistic action on conventional occlusal splint treatment. It was demonstrated to be effective in the reduction of symptoms in the short term.

  10. Electrocardiografía clínica: Taquiarritmias supraventriculares de origen atrial

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    Abraham Katime Zúñiga


    Full Text Available  Resumen Las arritmias se pueden definir como “cualquier anormalidad en la frecuencia, regularidad o sitio de origen del impulso cardiaco o trastorno de la conducción que produce una alteración de la activación auricular o ventricular”; mientras que taquicardia se define como “frecuencia cardiaca en adultos, mayor de 100 latidos por minuto (lat/ min.”. Por tanto, las taquiarritmias supraventriculares son “aquellas taquicardias que requieren tejido atrial o de conducción atrioventricular para su iniciación y mantenimiento”. En este artículo se expondrán las características electrocardiográficas de aquellas provenientes del tejido auricular. (DUAZARY 2010, 117 - 124AbstractThe arrhythmias are defined as “any abnormality in the frequency, regularity, or site of origin of the cardiac impulse or conduction disorder that produces an alteration in the atrial or ventricular activation”; whereas tachycardia is defined as a “heart rate in adults greater than 100 beats per minute”. Therefore, supraventricular tachyarrhythmias are “those tachycardias who require atrial tissue or atrioventricular conduction for its initiation and maintenance”. This article explains the electrocardiographic characteristics of those arrhythmias from atrial tissue.Keywords: Tachyarrhythmia; Tachycardia; Atrial; Auricular; Fibrilation; Flutter; Sinusal; Electrocardiography.

  11. Acupuncture for alcohol withdrawal: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Trümpler, François; Oez, Suzan; Stähli, Peter; Brenner, Hans Dieter; Jüni, Peter


    Previous trials on acupuncture in alcohol addiction were in outpatients and focused on relapse prevention. Rates of dropout were high and interpretation of results difficult. We compared auricular laser and needle acupuncture with sham laser stimulation in reducing the duration of alcohol withdrawal. Inpatients undergoing alcohol withdrawal were randomly allocated to laser acupuncture (n = 17), needle acupuncture (n = 15) or sham laser stimulation (n = 16). Attempts were made to blind patients, therapists and outcome assessors, but this was not feasible for needle acupuncture. The duration of withdrawal symptoms (as assessed using a nurse-rated scale) was the primary outcome; the duration of sedative prescription was the secondary outcome. Patients randomized to laser and sham laser had identical withdrawal symptom durations (median 4 days). Patients randomized to needle stimulation had a shorter duration of withdrawal symptoms (median 3 days; P = 0.019 versus sham intervention), and tended to have a shorter duration of sedative use, but these differences diminished after adjustment for baseline differences. The data from this pilot trial do not suggest a relevant benefit of auricular laser acupuncture for alcohol withdrawal. A larger trial including adequate sham interventions is needed, however, to reliably determine the effectiveness of any type of auricular acupuncture in this condition.

  12. Desafiando la hegemonía neoliberal: Ideologías de cambio radical en la Centroamérica de postguerra

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    Alberto Martín Álvarez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza cómo el neoliberalismo alcanzó una hegemonía discursiva y se convirtió en el ideario orientador de las principales políticas económicas implementadas en el período de postguerra en América Central. Se muestra asimismo como en paralelo a este proceso, la izquierda revolucionaria centroamericana surgida en las décadas de los sesenta y setenta como una propuesta anti – sistémica, aceptó el marco de las democracias representativas y se  insertó en los sistemas políticos. A través de esta vía dicha izquierda quedó sometida a la hegemonía ideológica del liberalismo renunciando a sus proyectos de transformación social. Se expone también cómo la implementación de políticas económicas neoliberales a lo largo de la década de los noventa, y la decepción experimentada por los magros resultados de las democracias de la región desencadenaron una serie de campañas y movimientos de resistencia en cuyo seno se gestaron nuevas prácticas, organizaciones y creencias políticas de izquierda en la región.Palabras clave: América Central, postguerra, neoliberalismo, izquierda revolucionaria, ideología.___________________________Abstract:This paper analyzes how neoliberalism reached a discursive hegemony, and became the guiding ideology of the main economic policies implemented in postwar Central America. The work also shows how in parallel to this process, the Central American revolutionary Left which emerged in the decades of the sixties and seventies as an anti - systemic proposal, accepted the framework of representative democracy and inserted itself on the political systems. This way, this Left was subjected to the ideological hegemony of neoliberalism and abandoned any project of social transformation. The work also analyzes how the implementation of neoliberal economic policies throughout the nineties, and the disappointment experienced by the poor performance of democracies in the region, prompted a series

  13. 78 FR 34922 - Definition of Auditory Assistance Device (United States)


    ... permitting such use of these devices would increase the comprehension of persons that need language... communications (including but not limited to applications such as assistive listening, auricular training, audio...

  14. Síndrome de Bayés

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    María C. Gaviria


    Full Text Available Resumen: Introducción: El bloqueo interatrial avanzado, sumado a la aparición posterior de arritmias supraventriculares, principalmente fibrilación auricular y aleteo auricular, se conoce como síndrome de Bayés. Sus alteraciones anatómicas y eléctricas, así como sus complicaciones, son de gran impacto en este tipo de pacientes, y hasta la fecha se les había dado poca importancia. En lo que respecta al tratamiento, existen muchos interrogantes sobre la necesidad de anticoagulación en pacientes con bloqueo interatrial en ausencia de fibrilación auricular y flutter auricular. Métodos y materiales: Se presenta la primera revisión no sistemática de la literatura en Colombia y, posteriormente, se exponen tres casos de pacientes que inicialmente tenían bloqueo interatrial avanzado y que, a lo largo de los años de seguimiento, desarrollaron fibrilación auricular. Se muestran los electrocardiogramas que documentan el bloqueo interatrial, las características demográficas, los antecedentes personales relevantes, las imágenes de ecocardiografía y el manejo actual relacionado de los casos. Conclusiones: Los profesionales de la salud precisan mayor conocimiento sobre este síndrome, para así garantizar un diagnóstico temprano que lleve a un seguimiento adecuado y se logre impactar el pronóstico. Así mismo, es ideal que se fomenten estudios que faciliten la correcta caracterización demográfica de la población en pro de generar nuevas hipótesis con miras hacia el tratamiento óptimo. Abstract: Introduction: Bayés syndrome is characterised by the presence of an advanced inter-atrial block and the subsequent appearance of supraventricular arrhythmias, mainly, atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. Its anatomical and electrical disturbances, as well as its complications, have a great impact on those who suffer from it, which, up until now have been given little importance. As regards treatment, there is a lot of controversy on the

  15. Cirugía de las arritmias en las cardiopatías congénitas

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    Fernando Hornero


    Full Text Available La propia fisiopatología de las cardiopatías congénitas y el impacto de algunas correcciones quirúrgicas pueden predisponer al desarrollo de arritmias cardíacas, que incluyen taquicardia supraventricular macrorreentrante, flutter, fibrilación auricular, taquicardia auricular ectópica, taquicardia ventricular, síndrome del seno enfermo, bloqueo auriculoventricular y muerte súbita, entre otras. En la actualidad el tratamiento definitivo de estas arritmias y su profilaxis durante la corrección quirúrgica son procesos eficaces, con baja morbilidad y gran beneficio clínico para el paciente. En este trabajo se revisa el estado actual del tratamiento quirúrgico de las arritmias en las cardiopatías congénitas.

  16. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 7, 2017 ... However, auricular disorders are rare and exceptionally inaugural. We describe the case of ... hypothalamic-pituitary axis dysfonction. There was ... tomography, and the salivary gland biopsy confirmed the diagnosis by finding ...

  17. Fenômeno de Marcus Gunn típico

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    B. Rodríguez-Arias


    Full Text Available Una niña de 5 años, con blefaroptosis izquierda congénita y sin lesión apreciable de los nervios craneales, eleva el párpado afecto (aumento ostensible de la hendidura palpebral cuando efectúa movimientos de diducción (desviación lateral con la mandíbula.

  18. 197. Trombosis masiva biauricular intervenida mediante cirugía cardíaca con circulación extracorpórea

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    R. Sánchez Pérez


    Conclusión: Destacamos la importancia del diagnóstico precoz y preciso de la trombosis biauricular con embolismo paradójico en aurícula izquierda a través de fosa oval, en el contexto de trombosis venosa profunda, debido a que puede beneficiarse de la cirugía cardíaca como tratamiento inicial.

  19. Regeneración cardíaca quirúrgica con mioblastos. Experiencia en España

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    Jesús Herreros


    Conclusiones: La inyección de mioblastos cultivados en suero autólogo asociada a revascularización coronaria es un procedimiento seguro- factible y se asocia a un incremento del índice de viabilidad miocárdica en la región infartada y a una mejoría de la función ventricular izquierda.

  20. Cauliflower ear – a minimally invasive treatment method in a wrestling athlete: a case report

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    Haik J


    Full Text Available Josef Haik,1–4 Or Givol,2 Rachel Kornhaber,1,5 Michelle Cleary,6 Hagit Ofir,1,2 Moti Harats1–3 1Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan, 2Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 3Burn Injury Research Node, Institute for Health Research University of Notre Dame Fremantle, Fremantle WA, Australia; 4Talpiot Leadership Program, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan, Israel; 5Faculty of Health, 6School of Health Sciences, College of Health and Medicine, University of Tasmania, Sydney, NSW, Australia Abstract: Acute auricular hematoma can be caused by direct blunt trauma or other injury to the external ear. It is typically seen in those who practice full contact sports such as boxing, wrestling, and rugby. “Cauliflower ear” deformity, fibrocartilage formation during scarring, is a common complication of auricular hematomas. Therefore, acute drainage of the hematoma and postprocedural techniques for preventing recurrence are necessary for preventing the deformity. There are many techniques although no superior method of treatment has been found. In this case report, we describe a novel method using needle aspiration followed by the application of a magnet and an adapted disc to the affected area of the auricular. This minimally invasive, simple, and accessible method could potentially facilitate the treatment of cauliflower ear among full contact sports athletes. Keywords: cauliflower ear, hematoma, ear deformity, athletic injuries, wrestling, case report

  1. Pseudocyst of Pinna and Its Treatment with Surgical Deroofing: An ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    two medical college hospitals. Clinical .... was straw serum colored in majority of patients (15) while few of ... and two girls) with severe atopic eczema were reported to have the .... Auricular pseudocyst in the tropics: A multi-racial Singapore.

  2. 52. Anillo aórtico pequeño: aortotomía transanular en «T-invertida» para la ampliación anular en el recambio valvular aórtico

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    R. García Fuster


    Conclusiones: La técnica presentada permite una ampliación eficaz del anillo aórtico (sobredimensión protésica mínima de dos tamaños sin necesidad de incidir el velo mitral o el techo de la aurícula izquierda. Esto permite reducir la complejidad técnica y la posibilidad de complicaciones secundarias.

  3. Nodular Fasciitis of the Auricle: A Case Report

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    Mohammad Reza Majidi


    Full Text Available Introduction: Nodular fasciitis is described as a benign reactive proliferation of myofibroblasts. Due to its rapid-growing nature, a precise clinical diagnosis is difficult and the condition is frequently misdiagnosed as malignant lesions.   Case Report: In this study, we present the case of a young woman with an auricular nodular fasciitis as an example of one of the rarest sites of this tumor. The patient underwent an excision of the lesion under general anesthesia. The literature choices for treatment include complete excision, partial excision, or intralesional injection of steroids. Due to its associated local discomfort, and in order to exclude other differential diagnosis, we recommend a complete surgical excision.   Conclusion:  Auricular nodular fasciitis is a rare lesion. Due to its associated local discomfort, and in order to exclude other differential diagnosis, we recommend a complete surgical excision.

  4. Parinaud syndrome caused by Bartonella henselae: case report Síndrome de Parinaud causada por Bartonella henselae: relato de caso

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    Carlos Alberto Yamashita


    Full Text Available The authors report a case of Parinaud syndrome (conjunctivitis with pre-auricular satellite adenitis caused by Bartonella henselae, the etiologic agent of Cat Scratch Disease. The etiologic assessment of this case was performed by serum indirect immunofluorescence reaction and allowed for a better therapeutics and follow up, avoiding ineffective antibiotics and surgical interventions.Os autores relatam um caso do Síndrome de Parinaud (conjuntivite com adenite satélite pré-auricular causada por Bartonella henselae, o agente etiológico da Doença da Arranhadura do Gato. O esclarecimento etiológico deste caso foi feito através da reação de imunofluorescência indireta o que permitiu um adequado enfoque terapêutico e acompanhamento do paciente, evitando o uso de antibióticos inadequados e intervenções cirúrgicas.

  5. Current Treatment Options for Auricular Hematomas. (United States)

    MacPhail, Catriona


    Ear disease, such as otitis externa, resulting in aggressive head shaking or ear scratching, is the most common cause of the development of aural hematomas in dogs and cats. An underlying immunologic cause has also been proposed to explain cartilage and blood vessel fragility. Numerous options exist for management of aural hematomas, from medical management alone with corticosteroids, to simple hematoma centesis, to surgical intervention. Because this condition is usually secondary to another disease process, regardless of mode of treatment, likelihood of recurrence is low if the underlying condition is managed properly. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)-granules: ultrastructure ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ANP) are present in the four regions of the atrial-auricular complex (two atria and two auricles). ANP-immunoreactivity was detected in all granules from the four regions. Ultrastructurally, atrial myocytes show the presence of very electron dense ...

  7. La participación digital y el comportamiento político de los usuarios de internet. Un acercamiento descriptivo a la ideología de los internautas

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    José Manuel Robles


    Full Text Available En este trabajo partimos de una evidencia empírica resultado de varios estudios realizados por el autor; los Internautas españoles se auto-posicionan ideológicamente más a la izquierda que la población general. A partir de esta evidencia, planteamos dos cuestiones. En primer lugar, qué causa esta circunstancia y, en segundo lugar, qué efectos puede tener este hecho sobre las prácticas de democracia digital. Para responder a estas cuestiones procedemos de la siguiente forma. Primero, presentaremos un breve estado de la cuestión sobre la democracia digital y sus implicaciones sobre las prácticas democráticas. Segundo, analizaremos el posicionamiento ideológico de los Internautas y lo compararemos con la población general. Tercero, a través de diversas pruebas estadísticas, mostraremos las razones por las que se produce dicha sobre-representación de los Internautas de izquierda. Por último, tomando como referente el debate teórico y la evidencia empírica, especularemos sobre los efectos de esta circunstancia.

  8. La reivindicación democrática a través de las viñetas. Las temáticas del humor gráfico en el periódico vasco Egin (1977

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    Aitor Castañeda Zumeta


    Full Text Available Introducción. El estudio pretende identificar las temáticas empleadas en las tiras cómicas del periódico vasco Egin (1977/98 durante el primer año de su existencia. El diario, de tendencia “abertzale”, resultó de gran impacto en la sociedad vasca de la Transición por ser el primero en encuadrarse plenamente en aquel espectro social de la izquierda, y por dedicar toda una página al humor gráfico. Metodología. Se lleva a cabo un análisis temático de las tiras cómicas que se encuentran en la página de entretenimiento del diario durante todo 1977. Del mismo modo, se emplean técnicas cuantitativas para medir la frecuencia de las temáticas identificadas. Resultados y conclusiones. Los resultados muestran una clara preferencia de los autores por los temas relacionados con la reivindicación democrática, así como la muestra de un contrapunto entre las tesis del nacionalismo vasco tradicional contra un nuevo nacionalismo que se está gestando a través de la izquierda.

  9. La extrema izquierda armada colombiana representada en los relatos de ficción de la novela y el cuento, décadas de 1970 y 1990 The Colombian Armed Left-wing Represented in Fictional Narratives of the Novel and the Tale, Decades 1970 and 1990

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    Dairo Correa Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available A partir de un ejercicio de lectura comparativa de diez y siete obras literarias colombianas publicadas en las décadas de 1970 y 1980, entre novelas y cuentos, se busca debatir sobre la manera en que fue representada ficcionalmente la extrema izquierda armada en el país. El interés en explorar la narrativa deviene de la creciente importancia de su función testimonial para el análisis de fenómenos sociopolíticos. La literatura, en tanto discurso dotado de múltiples significados, fue durante el periodo estudiado, un arte politizado y un vehículo para la denuncia de asimetrías sociales, capaz de recoger tipos sociales densamente considerados que ilustran la interacción de grupos humanos y el poder político. El artículo pretende aportar a los estudios en torno a las relaciones literatura-política, los cuales en Colombia hoy están ligados a la construcción de la idea de nación, las guerras civiles del siglo XIX, la Violencia de los años 50 del siglo XX y recientemente al narcotráfico.Based on a comparative reading exercise of seventeen Colombian literary works published in the 1970s and 1980s, including novels and short stories, the paper seeks to discuss how was fictionally represented the armed extreme left-wing in the country. The interest in exploring the narrative stems from the growing importance of its testimonial role for the analysis of socio-political phenomena. The Literature, as speech endowed with multiple meanings, was during the period studied a politicized art and a vehicle for the exposure of several social inequalities, capable to gather densely considered social types that illustrate the interaction of human groups and political power. The article seeks to contribute to studies on Literature-Politics relations, which in Colombia today are linked to the construction of the idea of Nation, the Civil Wars of the nineteenth century, the violence of the 50s of the twentieth century and, recently, drug trafficking.

  10. Circuló la edición número 10.000. EL PAÍS de Madrid y su liderazgo

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    Juan Varela


    Full Text Available El País (1978 renovador del periodismo, diario identificado como conservador en economía, de centro izquierda en lo político y más radical en los temas sociales, en el 2004 acaba de publicar la edición 10.000 luego de 28 años como líder de la prensa española.

  11. Democracia profética. De la izquierda cristiana a la izquierda social en las páginas de la revista Alternativa Latinoamericana (1985-1990

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    Guillermo Alejandro Barón Del Pópolo


    Full Text Available Una de las categorías histórico sociales fundamentales que ordena el discurso del movimiento cristiano ecuménico argentino en los 80 es la oposición democracia substancial y democratismo abstracto. Con esta categorización el movimiento ecuménico logró instalar la discusión hacia adentro de un espacio democrático mayor, determinado por la oposición al autoritarismo. Esta dicotomía no es sino la expresión de una oposición categorial más abarcativa, aquella planteada entre profetismo y mesianismo que para nosotros caracteriza a los movimientos sociales de inspiración cristiana en el nuevo escenario que se abre en América Latina luego del periodo signado por las dictaduras de seguridad nacional.

  12. Overactive Thyroid: What You Need to Know (United States)

    ... medicinas que contienen yodo, como la amiodarona, una medicina para el corazón • tiene fibrilación auricular, un problema ... que lo trate. Su médico puede prescribirle una medicina llamada betabloqueador que le ayudará a sentirse mejor ...

  13. Technical Note: Reliability of Suchey-Brooks and Buckberry-Chamberlain methods on 3D visualizations from CT and laser scans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villa, Chiara; Buckberry, Jo; Cattaneo, Cristina


    Previous studies have reported that the ageing method of Suchey-Brooks (pubic bone) and some of the features applied by Lovejoy et al. and Buckberry-Chamberlain (auricular surface) can be confidently performed on 3D visualizations from CT-scans. In this study, seven observers applied the Suchey......-Brooks and the Buckberry-Chamberlain methods on 3D visualizations based on CT-scans and, for the first time, on 3D visualizations from laser scans. We examined how the bone features can be evaluated on 3D visualizations and whether the different modalities (direct observations of bones, 3D visualization from CT......-observer agreement was obtained in the evaluation of the pubic bone in all modalities. In 3D visualizations of the auricular surfaces, transverse organization and apical changes could be evaluated, although with high inter-observer variability; micro-, macroporosity and surface texture were very difficult to score...

  14. Use of a platysma myocutaneous flap for the reimplantation of a severed ear: experience with five cases

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    Francisco Veríssimo de Mello-Filho


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: The traumatic loss of an ear greatly affects the patient because of the severe aesthetic deformity it entails. The characteristic format of the ear, with a fine skin covering a thin and elastic cartilage, is not found anywhere else in the human body. Thus, to reconstruct an ear, the surgeon may try to imitate it by sculpting cartilage and covering it with skin. OBJECTIVE: To use a platysma myocutaneous flap for the reimplantation of a severed ear in humans. DESIGN: Case report. SETTING: Emergency unit of the university hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Ribeirão Preto - USP. CASE REPORT: Five cases are reported, with whole ear reimplantation in 3 of them and only segments in 2 cases. The surgical technique used was original and was based on the principle of auricular cartilage revascularization using the platysma muscle. We implanted traumatically severed auricular cartilage into the platysma muscle. The prefabricated ear was later transferred to its original site in the form of a myocutaneous-cartilaginous flap. Of the 5 cases treated using this technique, 4 were successful. In these 4 cases the reimplanted ears showed no short- or long-term problems, with an aesthetic result quite close to natural appearance. In one case there was necrosis of the entire flap, with total loss of the ear. The surgical technique described is simple and utilizes the severed ear of the patient. Its application is excellent for skin losses in the auricular region or for the ear itself, thus obviating the need for microsurgery or the use of protheses or grafts.

  15. Aspectos clínicos e macroscópicos da palatoplastia imediata com implante de cartilagem da pina articular, conservada em glicerina a 98%, após indução experimental de fenda palatina em cães Clinic and macroscopic view of immediate palatoplasty with auricular pinna cartilage preserved in 98% glycerin in canine experimental palat cleft

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    Emerson Antônio Contesini


    Full Text Available Os defeitos de espessura completa do palato que resultam em comunicação oro-nasal raramente cicatrizam espontaneamente. Eles requerem reparo cirúrgico, porém, pode ser difícil obter cicatrização satisfatória devido às condições próprias das cavidades nasal e oral. Neste experimento, foram utilizados 14 cães, reunidos em dois grupos de igual número. Todos animais foram submetidos à indução de fenda palatina experimental. O grupo G1 foi o controle, cuja palatoplastia foi realizada a partir da confecção de "flap" muco-periósteo. No grupo G2, foi utilizada cartilagem da pina auricular conservada em glicerina a 98% entre o osso palatino e o muco-periósteo. Os animais foram avaliados macroscopicamente quanto ao processo cicatricial, por radiografias para a regeneração óssea e por rinoscopia para observar a regeneração da mucosa nasal. Foi observada a cicatrização da mucosa oral a partir do 10º dia, com deiscência de sutura em dois animais do grupo G1. A radiografia demonstrou evolução na cicatrização óssea, num processo mais acelerado no grupo G2 quando comparado ao grupo G1. A rinoscopia revelou, aos 60 dias, completa regeneração da mucosa nasal em ambos os grupos. Ao final do período de avaliação foi observada macroscopicamente, completa fusão óssea nos animais do grupo G2 e incompleta nos do grupo G1, o que demonstrou a interferência benéfica do implante no processo cicatricial do grupo G2.The incomplete defects of hard palate result in oro-nasal fistula seldom cure themselves in a spontaneous way, due to limited condition in oral and nasal cavity it may be difficult to obtain satisfactory cicatrization, requiring surgery to interfere in the healing process. Fourteen dogs arranged in two groups were submitted to experimental hard palate cleft. The G1 group was the control group, in which palatoplasty was achieved with mucous-periosteum flap. In the G2 group, a preserved at 98% glycerin auricular pinna

  16. Gender differences in laser acupuncture: Results of a crossover study with green and yellow laser at the ear point Shenmen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Litscher, D.; Wang, Y.; Litscher, G.; Li, G.; Bosch, M.P.C.; Noort, M.W.M.L. van den; Wang, L.


    Background: One of the most commonly used auricular acupuncture points selected for different pain treatment regimens is Shenmen. This point on the ear has been recognized as having a wide number of applications, as found by scientific investigation. Methods: Within this crossover study, the ear

  17. Hemorragia cerebral secundaria a trombocitopenia por varicela

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    Jairo Lizarazo


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 44 años, previamente sano, con varicela, trombocitopenia grave, manifestaciones hemorrágicas en mucosas y una extensa hemorragia cerebral en el hemisferio derecho. Su tratamiento incluyó la transfusión de plaquetas y altas dosis de esteroides. El paciente mejoró, aunque persistieron la hemianopsia homónima izquierda y la epilepsia, tratada con medicación.

  18. Enfermedad de Still del adulto


    Valladares Reyes, Damián; Fojo Mayo, Andrés; Fleites Alonso, Yoel Alberto; Zayas Hernández, Damaris; Fábregas Deulofeo, Yaima; Orozco Morales, Yaima


    Se presenta un paciente del sexo masculino de 51 años de edad que fue hospitalizado por odinofagia, fiebre elevada, poliartritis, además de leucocitosis con neutrofilia y eritrosedimentación acelerada. Durante el ingreso se le constata poliserositis, neumonitis y miocarditis con insuficiencia cardiaca izquierda, hipertransaminasemia, hiperferritinemia y factor reumatoideo con anti DNA de doble cadena negativos. Se inició tratamiento con corticoesteroides e inmunosupresores (azatioprina). La r...

  19. Terapia de resgate com amiodarona em crianças com grave disfunção ventricular esquerda causada por veneno de escorpião Terapia de rescate con amiodarona en niños con severa disfunción ventricular izquierda ocasionada por veneno de escorpión Antiadrenergic rescue therapy with amiodarone in children with severe left ventricular dysfunction secondary to scorpion envenomation

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    Justo J. Santiago


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: As crianças picadas por escorpião, pressintam ativação maciça do sistema nervoso simpática com vários graus de disfunção sistólica ventricular esquerda. OBJETIVO: Testar um protocolo de resgate em crianças com grave disfunção ventricular esquerda causada por picada de escorpião. Métodos: Quatro crianças após serem picadas por escorpião foram submetidas a: Encubação endotraqueal e suporte respiratório, eletrocardiograma, radiografia de tórax, ecocardiograma e determinação sérica da norepinefrina e troponina I. As análises foram repetidas após 12, 24 e 48 horas. As seguintes medicações intravenosas foram administradas: dobutamina 4-6 μg/kg/min; amiodarona 3 mg/kg durante duas horas, com dose de manutenção de 5 mg/kg/dia; e furosemida 0,5 mg/kg. Amiodarona, dobutamina e furosemida foram administradas durante as primeiras 48 horas. Bloqueadores beta-adrenérgicos e inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina foram administrados até 48 após a internação, uma vez que o estado clínico havia melhorado e a fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda encontrava-se acima de 0,35%. RESULTADOS: Na admissão, a dosagem da norepinefrina foi 1.727,50± 794,96 pg/ml, a de troponina I 24,53 ± 14,09 ng/ml e a fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo foi 0,20 ± 0,056. Após 12 horas, os níveis séricos de norepinefrina e de troponina I diminuíram para a metade dos valores iniciais e a fração de ejeção aumentou para 0,32 ± 0,059. Durante as 24 e 48 horas subseqüentes, a fração de ejeção elevou-se para 0,46 ± 0,045 (pFUNDAMENTO: Los niños con picaduras de escorpión sufren activación masiva del sistema nervioso simpático con varios grados de disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda. OBJETIVO: Probar un protocolo de rescate en niños con disfunción ventricular severa izquierda ocasionada por picadura de escorpión. MÉTODOS: Cuatro niños tras un escorpión picarlas se sometieron a: incubaci

  20. Risk factors of conventional irradiation-induced lower cranial neuropathy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Jianji; Hong Jinsheng; Zhang Yu


    Objective: To study the risk factors of radiation-induced lower cranial neuropathy (RILCN) after conventional radiotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and to improve the radiotherapeutic planning. Methods: A hundred cases received radical radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and 200 individual matched controls on sex, age and time to start the radiotherapy were studied. Conditional logistic regression model was used to analyze 13 risk factors related to development of RILCN. Results: Conditional logistic regression analysis revealed that cigarette smoking, irradiation scheme, radiation close to the superior neck, neck fibrosis and acute radiation-related dermatitis of neck were risk factors of RILCN, their relative risks were 4.594, 2.629, 1.072, 4.141 and 2.531, respectively. Among three external irradiation schemes, it is found that pre-auricular portal plus whole neck tangential portal irradiation had the highest risk of RILCN. Conclusions: The study suggested that the irradiation scheme of pre-auricular portal plus whole neck tangential portal should be no longer used. (authors)

  1. Amiodarona y disfunción tiroidea

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    Leonardo F. L. Rizzo


    Full Text Available La amiodarona es un análogo estructural de la hormona tiroidea, y algunas de sus propiedades antiarrítmicas como así también su toxicidad son atribuibles a su interacción con los receptores nucleares de las hormonas tiroideas. Por ser muy lipofílica, la amiodarona se concentra en muchos tejidos y se elimina, por consecuencia, muy lentamente. Se emplea preferentemente para el tratamiento de arritmias graves tales como fibrilación y taquicardia ventriculares. Otras indicaciones incluyen la fibrilación auricular y el aleteo, la insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva grave, la prevención de la fibrilación auricular recurrente y situaciones de emergencia médica como la prevención de muerte súbita cardiaca¹. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un enfoque actualizado sobre la amiodarona y su influencia sobre la fisiología tiroidea y discutir y analizar en profundidad sus potenciales efectos adversos como el hipotiroidismo y la tirotoxicosis.

  2. Hernia diafragmática traumática en un niño

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    Erian Jesús Domínguez González

    Full Text Available La hernia diafragmática traumática es una afección poco frecuente sobre todo en edades pediátricas. El objetivo de este trabajo es reportar un caso de hernia diafragmática secundaria a un trauma toracoabdominal cerrado. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 12 años, masculino ingresado en el Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica de la Provincia de Santiago de Cuba, por haber sufrido un accidente en el hogar (caída de una pared de ladrillos sobre su cuerpo, que produjo traumatismos a nivel craneal, torácico y lumbar. Los estudios radiológicos confirmaron el diagnóstico de hernia diafragmática traumática izquierda. En el acto quirúrgico se comprueba defecto del diafragma izquierdo de aproximadamente 15 cm, con hernia de estómago, bazo y colon. Se realizó reducción y frenorrafia con puntos de colchonero usando poliéster 0, más pleurostomía mínima baja izquierda. El paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente y egresó a los 10 días para seguimiento en la consulta externa durante 6 meses hasta el alta definitiva.

  3. Diabetes tipo 2 y pionefrosis: una complicación potencialmente fatal. Presentación de un caso

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    Miguel Ángel Serra Valdés


    Full Text Available La infección bacteriana del tracto urinario es un problema común en la práctica médica diaria. Son complicaciones agudas muy frecuentes y severas en pacientes diabéticos. La motivación a la presentación de este caso radica en su importancia para la docencia, e invita a la reflexión de cómo se está realizando la práctica clínica de esta entidad. Se presenta el caso de una paciente que hacía 2 meses había comenzado con dolor en la región lumbar izquierda, que se irradiaba a la parte anterior del abdomen de ese lado hasta el muslo, este era un dolor mantenido, intenso, punzante, que se aliviaba con calmantes y algunas veces al flexionar la pierna de ese sector. Además presentaba decaimiento, inapetencia, nauseas, fiebres de 38-39˚C, ardor miccional con orinas frecuentes de poca cantidad y de color oscuro. El examen físico planteó la posibilidad diagnóstica que fue corroborada por la tomografía axial computarizada de pionefrosis obstructiva. Se realizó tratamiento médico y se efectuó nefrectomía radical izquierda.

  4. Das teorias críticas às críticas das teorias: um estudo indiciário sobre a conformação dos debates no campo curricular no Brasil

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    Full Text Available En la investigación de la trayectoria del campo del Currículo en Brasil entendemos que incluso cuando la perspectiva de la teoría crítica ya no es mayoritaria, su influencia sigue siendo inmensa y tal vez incluso hegemónico, que obliga a los autores asociados con las otras tendencias y matices de tener un diálogo con él, aunque de una manera subliminal. Nuestra hipótesis se refiere a la importancia intrínseca del debate crítico en la conformación del campo en Brasil, teniendo en cuenta que las actuales teorías proscriticas son en su mayoría vinculadas al pensamiento emancipador y democrático, que, en cierto sentido, surgió como la nueva izquierda desde las teorías críticas y las izquierdas tradicionales. Por lo tanto, tratamos de desinar una historia indiciaria de estas teorías y los diálogos promovidos entre ellos como un elemento para la comprensión de las tendencias actuales en el campo de Currículo y las relaciones que se establecen entre ellos y con las teorías críticas.

  5. Corrección quirúrgica del síndrome de Bland-White-Garland en un adulto joven

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    Filiberto Villanueva-Rustrián


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un varón de 21 años de edad, el cual ingresa a nuestra institución a causa de disnea y descubrimiento fortuito de soplo continuo. Terminado el estudio correspondiente, diagnosticamos la presencia de una coronariopatía congénita del tipo nacimiento anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda con origen en el tronco de la arteria pulmonar (síndrome de Bland-White-Garland. El tratamiento elegido durante el acto quirúrgico fue la ligadura de la coronaria anómala en la parte exterior del tronco de la pulmonar, complementando con la anastomosis de la arteria mamaria interna izquierda a la descendente anterior. No se presentaron complicaciones en el procedimiento ni en el postoperatorio inmediato. Un año después, el paciente se encuentra asintomático. Teniendo en cuenta que se trata de una malformación de poca frecuencia en esta edad y que la experiencia quirúrgica actual no es suficiente, consideramos que el manejo quirúrgico elegido en este caso es una alternativa segura en aquellos pacientes en los que no sea posible una corrección anatómica total.

  6. Reporte de cuatro casos clínicos de filariasis en Alto Nanay, Loreto

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    Javier Vargas-Herrera

    Full Text Available El presente estudio describe los hallazgos clínicos, parasitológicos y de laboratorio de cuatro pacientes residentes en el distrito de Alto Nanay, Maynas, Loreto, Perú; infectados con microfilarias de Mansonella ozzardi. La evaluación clínica incluyó las especialidades de oftalmología, cardiología y nefrología. En el caso 1, destaca la presencia de dos tumoraciones subcutáneas, una a nivel dorsal y la otra en el tercio inferior de la pierna izquierda; en el caso 2, la sensación de “hormigueo o frío en las piernas”; en el caso 3 se encontró asociada una infección crónica por hepatitis B y en el caso 4 una tumoración de gran tamaño en región lumbar izquierda. En los cuatro pacientes se encontró Mansonella ozzardi y eosinofilia, tres presentaron valores mayores a 20%. La tumoración en el caso 4 correspondió a una hernia de contenido intestinal. Es necesario ejecutar más estudios clínicos y evaluar su verdadero efecto patógeno, es también pertinente estudiar la diversidad genética de filarias de la Amazonia peruana.

  7. Squamous cell carcinoma of the mastoid – a report of two cases ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... left facial palsy, neck stiffness and left post-auricular swelling on a background of left chronic suppurative otitis media since childhood. An initial diagnosis of meningitis and mastoid abscess secondary to chronic suppurative otitis media was made but histology of the mastoid specimen revealed keratinizing squamous cell ...

  8. Disfunción ventricular izquierda subclínica en diabéticos tipo I con 10 o más años de evolución de la diabetes Disfunción ventricular izquierda subclínica en diabéticos tipo I con 10 o más años de evolución de la diabetes Subclinical left ventricular dysfunction in type 1 diabetics with 10 or more years of diabetes progression

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    Omar Singh Linares


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio transversal en 32 diabéticos tipo 1 con 10 o más años de evolución, con edades entre 17 y 40 años, para conocer la frecuencia de disfunción ventricular izquierda (DVI subclínica y sus factores asociados. Se excluyeron los pacientes que presentaban valvulopatía, cardiopatía isquémica, hipertensión arterial y otras enfermedades que provocan miocardiopatía. A todos se les realizó una historia clínica completa y se les indicó: glucemia en ayunas, hemoglobina glucosilada (HbA1, colesterol total, triglicéridos totales, lipoproteína de alta densidad (HDL-colesterol, excreción urinaria de albúmina (EUA, velocidad de conducción nerviosa motora y sensitiva en los miembros inferiores, electrocardiograma y ecocardiograma a modo M, bidimensional y con Doppler pulsado. Para el diagnóstico ecocardiográfico de DVI se adoptaron los criterios propuestos por la Sociedad Americana de Ecocardiografía. Se comprobó DVI en el 34,3 %. Se observaron alteraciones estructurales cardíacas en el 18,75 %. Se presentó neuropatía periférica en 8/11 pacientes con DVI (72,7 %. Los niveles de EUA fueron significativamente mayores en los afectados de DVI (233,4 ± 176 mg/L. El engrosamiento de septum interventricular y de la pared posterior fue significativamente mayor en pacientes con DVI. Se concluyó que la DVI es una complicación frecuente en el diabético tipo 1, lo que obliga a su búsqueda sistemática en este grupo de pacientesA cross-sectional study of 32 type 1 diabetics aged 17-40 years, with 10 or more years of diabetes profession was conducted to find out the frequency of subclinical left ventricular dysfunction (LVD and its associated factors. Those patients presenting with valvulopathy, ischemic heart disease, blood hypertension and other diseases leading to myocardiopathy, were excluded. Their complete medical histories were made and they were indicated the following: glycemia in fasting conditions, glycosylated

  9. Book review: The Latin American left after more than a decade in power

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    María Reneé Barrientos Garrido


    Full Text Available Reviewed books: Pedrosa, Fernando La otra izquierda. La socialdemocracia en América Latina. Capital Intelectual, 2012. 484 págs. Levitsky, Steven y Roberts, Kenneth (eds. The Resurgence of the Latin American Left. The John Hopkins University Press, 2011. 496 págs. Dominguez, Francisco; Lievesley, Ge­raldine y Ludlam, Steve (coords. Right-wing Politics in the New Latin America: Reaction and Revolt. ZedBooks, 2011. 280 págs.

  10. Subversion: Uruguayan Armed Forces Summary of Subversive Movement in Latin America. Part 2 (United States)


    Group] j. UP [Union Popular—Popular Unity] k. INI—Grupo MARCHA [Izquierda Nacional Independiente —Grupo MARCHA; National Independent Left—MARCHA...y Populäres—Revolu- tionary Unity Movement of National People’s Groups] z. FA [Frente Amplio—Broad Front] TX Movimiento de Independientes 26...Manuel Andres Dibar Curuchet.’° When he was transferred to the Salto diocese, he was replaced in this post by Paul Dabezies, whose political position was

  11. Chondrogenesis of human adipose derived stem cells for future microtia repair using co-culture technique. (United States)

    Goh, Bee See; Che Omar, Siti Nurhadis; Ubaidah, Muhammad Azhan; Saim, Lokman; Sulaiman, Shamsul; Chua, Kien Hui


    In conclusion, these result showed HADSCs could differentiate into chondrocytes-like cells, dependent on signaling induced by TGF-β3 and chondrocytes. This is a promising result and showed that HADSCs is a potential source for future microtia repair. The technique of co-culture is a positive way forward to assist the microtia tissue. Reconstructive surgery for the repair of microtia still remains the greatest challenge among the surgeons. Its repair is associated with donor-site morbidity and the degree of infection is inevitable when using alloplastic prosthesis with uncertain long-term durability. Thus, human adipose derived stem cells (HADSCs) can be an alternative cell source for cartilage regeneration. This study aims to evaluate the chondrogenic potential of HADSCs cultured with transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) and interaction of auricular chondrocytes with HADSCs for new cartilage generation. Multi-lineages differentiation features of HADSCs were monitored by Alcian Blue, Alizarin Red, and Oil Red O staining for chondrogenic, adipogenic, and osteogenic differentiation capacity, respectively. Further, HADSCs alone were culture in medium added with TGF-β3; and human auricular chondrocytes were interacted indirectly in the culture with and without TGF-βs for up to 21 days, respectively. Cell morphology and chondrogenesis were monitored by inverted microscope. For cell viability, Alamar Blue assay was used to measure the cell viability and the changes in gene expression of auricular chondrocyte markers were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. For the induction of chondrogenic differentiation, HADSCs showed a feature of aggregation and formed a dense matrix of proteoglycans. Staining results from Alizirin Red and Oil Red O indicated the HADSCs also successfully differentiated into adipogenic and osteogenic lineages after 21 days. According to a previous study, HADSCs were strongly positive for the mesenchymal markers CD90, CD73


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    Dr. Rodrigo Altamirano


    El objetivo de esta revisión es resumir las diferentes estrategias de manejo disponibles para esta condición, incluyendo la prevención de ACVs, control de ritmo y control de frecuencia, con foco en avances recientes que han mostrado tener impacto en el pronóstico de esta arritmia.

  13. Acute T- cell lymphoblastic lymphoma - A case report | Sumba | East ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We highlight the case of a two year old female who presented with a two month history of left posterior auricular swelling. The swelling developed following trauma, was painless and progressively enlarging. After extensive evaluation the mass was noted to be an extramedullary presentation of Acute T cell lymphoblastic ...

  14. Congenital bicuspid stenosis with left ventricular hypoplasia in a kitten. (United States)

    van Nie, C J; van Messel, M A; Straatman, T J


    Congenital bicuspid stenosis with left ventricular hypoplasia was diagnosed in a kitten. Clinical weakness, dyspnoea and marked cardiomegaly (X rays) were related to postmortem findings. The cardiomegaly had resulted from an enlargement of the left auricular appendage. It is supposed the cardiomegaly developed after the closing of the foramen ovale.

  15. Lesão da artéria ilíaca esquerda durante laminectomia lombar: relato de caso Lesión de la arteria ilíaca izquierda durante laminectomia lombar: relato de caso Left iliac artery injury during lumbar laminectomy: case report

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    Wanderley Rodrigues Moreira


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Lesão da artéria ilíaca é uma ocorrência rara em laminectomias, porém, muito grave. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de lesão da artéria ilíaca esquerda, em paciente submetido a laminectomia lombar sob raquianestesia, que se manifestou clinicamente no pós-operatório imediato, sete horas após o início da cirurgia. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, estado físico ASA I, 31 anos, 68 kg, foi submetido à laminectomia lombar em decúbito ventral sob raquianestesia em L2-L3, com bupivacaína hiperbárica a 0,5% (20 mg e fentanil 25 µg. A cirurgia transcorreu normalmente e sete horas após o seu início, já no pós-operatório, o paciente apresentou hipotensão arterial, taquicardia, agitação e dor abdominal difusa. A tomografia abdominal mostrou aspecto compatível com hematoma retroperitoneal e a laparotomia exploradora revelou lesão da artéria ilíaca comum esquerda. Após a laparotomia, o paciente evoluiu bem. CONCLUSÕES: Na dependência do posicionamento e do estado físico, técnicas de anestesia geral se impõem. O caso chama atenção para o fato de que qualquer técnica anestésica que tenha sido realizada, o sangramento no campo operatório pode não ser real, na vigência de uma lesão vascular, porque este sangramento pode ser tardio. No presente caso, a manifestação clínica ocorreu sete horas após o início da cirurgia, quando o paciente já estava recuperado da anestesia. No entanto, o fenômeno (hipotensão arterial poderia ter ocorrido no per-operatório.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Lesión de la arteria ilíaca es una ocurrencia rara en laminectomias, no obstante, muy grave. El objetivo de este relato es presentar un caso de lesión de la arteria ilíaca izquierda, en paciente sometido a laminectomia lombar sobre raquianestesia, que se manifestó clínicamente en el pós-operatorio inmediato, siete horas después del inicio de la cirugía. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente

  16. Reforma de mercado, (desalineamiento programático y estabilidad del sistema de partidos en América Latina Market Reform, Programmatic (DeAlignment and Party System Stability in Latin America

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    Kenneth M. ROBERTS


    Full Text Available Aunque los regímenes democráticos en América Latina desde la década de 1980 han sido estables, los sistemas de partidos en la región continúan experimentando altos niveles de inestabilidad electoral. Un enfoque de las coyunturas críticas sobre el cambio institucional sugiere que la variación en la estabilidad de los sistemas de partidos está relacionada con el impacto de la liberalización del mercado en el alineamiento o (desalineamiento programático de la competencia partidaria en las décadas de 1980 y de 1990. Las reformas de mercado adoptadas por los líderes conservadores, y a las cuales se opusieron un importante número de partidos de izquierda, alinearon a los sistemas de partidos de manera programática, permitiendo que la oposición social se canalizara mediante formas institucionalizadas de la competencia que eran altamente estables durante la era postajuste. Contrariamente, las reformas de «seducir y abandonar» adoptadas por los líderes populistas y de izquierda provocaron un (desalineamiento programático de los sistemas de partidos, dejándolos vulnerables a secuencias reactivas desestabilizadoras en el período posterior a la reforma –incluyendo protestas sociales masivas, la desaparición de los partidos conservadores históricos y el reemplazo de los partidos populistas tradicionales o de izquierda por otros outsiders más radicales y antineoliberales–. Así, la dinámica política de los ajustes económicos y de mercado condicionaron severamente la manera en que los sistemas de partidos pudieron procesar el revivir de las alternativas populistas y de izquierda de la región durante el período postajuste.Although democratic regimes in Latin America since the early 1980s have been surprisingly durable, party systems in much of the region continue to experience very high levels of electoral instability. A critical juncture approach to institutional change suggests that variation in party system stability is

  17. Concordancia entre los estadios de maduración esquelética y los estadios de calcificación dental Concordance among skeletal maturation stages and dental calcification stages

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    Gladia Toledo Mayarí


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación de innovación tecnológica, de corte transversal, con el objetivo de verificar que en los pacientes de ortodoncia se puede prescindir de la radiografía de la mano izquierda en la evaluación del potencial de crecimiento, para lo cual se estudió una muestra de 150 pacientes entre 8 y 16 años, que ingresaron en la Clínica de Ortodoncia de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana, entre los años 2004 y 2006. A cada paciente se le realizó una radiografía de la mano izquierda, donde se determinaron los estadios de maduración esquelética a través del método de Grave y Brown y una radiografía panóramica o periapicales de la hemiarcada mandibular izquierda, donde se determinaron los estadios de calcificación del canino y el segundo premolar mandibulares izquierdos, por el método de Demirjian y colaboradores. Se calculó la concordancia entre los métodos evaluados, se encontraron altos coeficientes de concordancia y fue mayor en el sexo masculino y en el canino (Kappa= 0,913. Se concluyó que en la evaluación del potencial de crecimiento que presentan los pacientes de ortodoncia se puede sustituir la radiografía de la mano izquierda por radiografías periapicales del canino y el segundo premolar mandibulares izquierdos, lo cual permite la realización de las radiografías en el propio servicio de estomatología, con los beneficios que ello reporta en cuanto a mejor atención del paciente y ahorro de recursos.A cross-sectional research was conducted related to a technological innovation to verify that in Orthodontics patients it is possible to obviate the left hand X-ray in assessment of the potential growth in 150 patients aged 8 and 16 seen in the Orthodontics Clinic of Stomatology Faculty of La Habana City between 2004 and 2006. In each patient we made an X-ray of left hand determining the skeletal maturation stages by Grave and Brown method and a panoramic or periapical X-ray of the left mandibular

  18. Repair of Extensive Composite Alar Defects with Single Stage ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Extensive and total (through and through) loss of ala or lobule of the nose as seen in severe traumas and neglected tumours should be replaced by the three anatomical layers of skin, cartilage and vestibular lining. A technique of nasolabial turnover flap transfer covered by a two layered auricular chondrocutaneous graft is ...

  19. Comunicación de un caso de malformación arteriovenosa pulmonar en la adolescencia


    Flores Hernández, Salomón Sergio; González Zamora, José Francisco; Carrasco Daza, Daniel; González Flores, María de Lourdes


    Las malformaciones arteriovenosas pulmonares (MA VP) son comunicaciones anormales entre las arterias y las venas pulmonares. Las MAVP, están caracterizadas por cortocircuitos de derecha a izquierda de grado variable y el efecto de estas comunicaciones depende del tamaño de los vasos involucrados. Puede presentarse hipoxemia, hipocratismo digital y poliglobulia secundario al cortocircuito intrapulmonar. Presentamos el caso de un paciente femenino de 14 años de edad con MA VP pulmonar, cuyos ha...

  20. Allergic reaction induced by dermal and/or respiratory exposure to low-dose phenoxyacetic acid, organophosphorus, and carbamate pesticides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuyama, Tomoki; Tajima, Yukari; Ueda, Hideo; Hayashi, Koichi; Shutoh, Yasufumi; Harada, Takanori; Kosaka, Tadashi


    Several types of pesticides, such as organophosphates, phenoxyacetic acid, and carbamate have a high risk of affecting human health, causing allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma-like diseases. We used our long-term sensitization method and a local lymph node assay to examine the allergic reactions caused by several types of pesticides. BALB/c mice were topically sensitized (9 times in 3 weeks), then challenged dermally or intratracheally with 2,4-D, BRP, or furathiocarb. One day post-challenge, the mice were processed to obtain biologic materials for use in assays of total IgE levels in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF); differential cell counts and chemokine levels in BALF; lymphocyte counts and surface antigen expression on B-cells within regional lymph nodes (LNs); and, ex situ cytokine production by cells from these LNs. 2,4-D-induced immune responses characteristic of immediate-type respiratory reactions, as evidenced by increased total IgE levels in both serum and BALF; an influx of eosinophils, neutrophils, and chemokines (MCP-1, eotaxin, and MIP-1β) in BALF; increased surface antigen expression on B-cells IgE and MHC class II production) in both auricular and the lung-associated LNs; and increased Th2 cytokine production (IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13) in both auricular and the lung-associated LN cells. In contrast, BRP and furathiocarb treatment yielded, at most, non-significant increases in all respiratory allergic parameters. BRP and furathiocarb induced marked proliferation of MHC Class II-positive B-cells and Th1 cytokines (IL-2, TNF-α, and IFN-γ) in only auricular LN cells. These results suggest that 2,4-D is a respiratory allergen and BRP and furathiocarb are contact allergens. As our protocol detected classified allergic responses to low-molecular-weight chemicals, it thus may be useful for detecting environmental chemical-related allergy.

  1. Dispersión de la onda P dependiente de la velocidad de la onda A del flujo de entrada mitral y de la presión arterial sistólica

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    Elibet Chávez, MD., MSc


    Conclusiones: existe una dependencia de la dispersión de la onda P del electrocardiograma de variables tales como presión arterial sistólica y velocidad de la onda A del flujo sanguíneo de entrada mitral, hecho que ha sido relacionado con riesgo de fibrilación auricular en el adulto.

  2. Ultraestructura del bambú Guadua paniculata (Poaceae: Bambusoideae de Costa Rica

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    Mayra Montiel


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron características ultraestructurales de la lámina y la bráctea de la hoja, así como de las ramas, de plantas adultas de Guadua paniculata recolectadas en Costa Rica. Sus características ultraestructurales diagnósticas incluyen el patrón celular de la zona adaxial de la lámina foliar, los largos tricomas unicelulares de la superficie abaxial, los más numerosos tricomas auriculares, agrupados en número de 17, el patrón de cera cuticular y las bandas de estomas rodeadas de papilas céricas.Sections of leaf lamina, leaf sheath and branches of adult Guadua paniculata collected in Costa Rica, were studied ultrastructurally. Diagnostic ultrastructural characteristics include the cellular pattern of the adaxial zone in the leaf blade; the large unicellular trichomes of the abaxial area, the more numerous auricular trichomes, grouped in number of 17, the pattern of cuticular wax and the bands of stomata surrounded by ceric papillae. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54(Suppl. 2: 29-34. Epub 2006 Dec. 01.

  3. Escuchando música en el transporte público - Sobre usos de la telefonía móvil por parte de jóvenes

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    Norberto Leonardo Murolo

    Full Text Available Resumen El presente trabajo se focaliza en los usos de la telefonía móvil como reproductor musical en el espacio público. Esta práctica es comúnmente producida por jóvenes de sectores populares, quienes escuchan cumbia o reggaeton con altavoces y sin auriculares. Esta apropiación tecnológica es generalmente combatida por sus pares, la cultura adulta, inclusive por los licenciatarios del transporte público de pasajeros que piden que no se haga. De ello que comience a haber leyes que prohíben usar reproductores musicales sin auriculares en el transporte público. En ese contexto, proponemos analizar el fenómeno desde una perspectiva cualitativa asentada en entrevistas con jóvenes y observaciones. De ellas se desprende que no se trata solamente de la molestia que causa el ruido sino que las críticas se desplazan al género musical que estos jóvenes escuchan y de allí a una fuerte presencia de discriminación de clase.

  4. El proceso de negociación entre el Gobierno y ETA durante la etapa de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (2004-2011

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    Aleix Romero Peña


    Full Text Available Tras producirse el anuncio por parte de ETA del abandono de la lucha armada (20 de octubre 2011, hay que hacer balance de la política antiterrorista de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, basada en el uso de todas las vías para hacer posible la paz, incluido el diálogo. ¿Fue una estrategia equivocada? ¿Contribuyó a la declaración de ETA? El fracaso del proceso de negociación y el ruido mediático han ocultado las consecuencias positivas que tuvo para impulsar un cambio de estrategia en la izquierda abertzale que potenciara una lucha política ajena a las armas.Palabras Clave:_________________________ After the ETA´s announcement about the end of the armed conflict (20 October 2011, it´s necessary to make an evaluation of the antiterrorist policy in terms of office of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, which was based on use of all the ways to make peace, including dialogue. Was a wrong strategy or contributed to the declaration of ETA? The failure of negociation process and mediatical controversies have concealled that this strategy had positive consequences and impelled a change in the izquierda abertzale to boost a political struggle completely alien to weapons.Keywords:

  5. Caracterización de los patrones comportamentales de los atletas con discapacidad visual practicantes de goalball

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    Minerva Leopoldina de Castro AMORIM


    Full Text Available El Goalball (G es un deporte colectivo, caracterizado por relaciones individuales y colectivas específicas. Objetivo: identificar algunos patrones comportamentales de practicantes del G (acciones ofensivas. Método: la muestra está formada por 5 equipos masculinos del paro Campeonato Nacional de Portugal y 12 del Campeonato de Europa. Resultados: (i Punto de partida: los atletas utilizaron con mayor frecuencia la mano derecha (p¿0.011 y las dos manos juntas (p¿0.003. (ii Posición ofensiva: la posición ofensiva de pie (p¿0.001 y de rodillas (p¿0.013 aparecen como las más utilizadas. (iii Zona ofensiva: con relación a la zona, uno prevalecía de las zonas derecha (p¿0.001 e izquierda (p¿0.001. (iv Tipo de lanzamiento: el remate (p¿0.033, el remate con finta (p¿0.001, el remate a la pelota fácil (p¿0.015 y el penalti (p=0.048 aparecen como los más utilizados. En cuanto a la (v trayectoria de los lanzamientos, los atletas utilizaron las zonas derecha-­¿derecha (p¿0.025, derecha-­¿central (p¿0.001 e izquierda-­¿derecha (p¿0.003.

  6. Asistencia ventricular izquierda para terapia de destino: primera experiencia en septuagenarios

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    Sebastian V. Rojas


    Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados iniciales demuestran que el implante mínimamente invasivo de DAVI puede ser realizado de manera eficaz, segura y con buenos resultados en pacientes septuagenarios terapia de destino. Los bajos niveles de eventos adversos durante el seguimiento por 2 años demuestran que la terapia de destino puede ser realizada incluso en pacientes septuagenarios.

  7. Disease: H01741 [KEGG MEDICUS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available nd elevated temperature (CANDLE) syndrome; Joint contractures, muscle atrophy, microcytic anemia, and pannic... show immature myeloid-lineage cells with mitoses. Some patients may have joint contracture, auricular and n...tory manifestations. In 2011, several studies showed that a number of disorders referred to as joint contr...actures, muscle atrophy, microcytic anemia, and panniculitis-induced lipodystrophy

  8. La historia de la acción popular en la perspectiva del partido comunista de Brasil: un análisis de la obra de haroldo lima y aldo arantes sobre la historia de la AP The history of popular action from the perspective of the communist party of Brazil: an analysis of the research by haroldo lima and aldo arantes on the history of the popular action - doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v10i1.111 A história da ação popular na perspectiva do PC do b: uma análise da obra de Haroldo Lima e Aldo Arantes sobre a história da AP - doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v10i1.111


    Reginaldo Benedito Dias


    A principios de la década de 1970, un significativo número de militantes de la Acción Popular (importante organización de izquierda) decidió incorporarse al Partido Comunista de Brasil (PC do B). Este trabajo analiza la forma en cómo fue escrita la historia de la Acción Popular por aquellos que realizaron esa elección, tomando como base el libro de Aldo Arantes y Haroldo Lima. Aquí se pretende d...

  9. Prevención de úlceras por presión y lesiones musculoesqueléticas: paciente con ictus Pressure ulcer prevention and muscular and skeletal injuries: Patient with stoke


    Carlos Luque Moreno; Marta Peña Salinas; Fátima Rodríguez Pappalardo; Luis López Rodríguez


    Planteamos un caso clínico en el que enfermera y fisioterapeuta ponen en común procedimientos para mejorar la higiene postural de un paciente encamado con un accidente cerebrovascular y hemiplejia izquierda. Describimos analíticamente una intervención conjunta durante un mes. A pesar de que se ha mantenido el riesgo máximo de UPP objetivado inicialmente, durante este periodo no han aparecido úlceras, obteniendo un mantenimiento o aumento del rango de las articulaciones. Es importante un traba...

  10. Epidermal growth factor enemas for induction of remission in left-sided ulcerative colitis Enemas de factor de crecimiento epidérmico para inducir la remisión de la colitis ulcerosa izquierda

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    Hugo Nodarse-Cuní


    enema para tratamiento de la manifestación izquierda leve o moderada de la enfermedad. Este antecedente sirvió de base para evaluar la eficacia y perfil de seguridad de una solución viscosa del producto. Métodos: fueron aleatorizados 31 pacientes hacia tres grupos de tratamiento diario durante 14 días. Doce recibieron enemas de 10 mg de factor de crecimiento epidérmico en 100 mL de solución viscosa, mientras nueve fueron tratados con enemas placebo conteniendo solamente solución viscosa. Ambos grupos recibieron además 1,2 g diarios de mesalacina oral. El tercer grupo incluyó 10 pacientes con mesalacina en enemas de 3g / 100 mL. La variable principal de eficacia fue la respuesta clínica al finalizar las dos semanas de tratamiento, definida como la disminución de, al menos tres puntos, el índice basal de actividad de la enfermedad acompañada de mejoría endoscópica o histológica. Resultados: se alcanzó remisión de la enfermedad en todos los pacientes que recibieron factor de crecimiento epidérmico y en seis de los grupos mesalacina enema y placebo. Todas las comparaciones entre grupos mostraron superioridad estadísticamente significativa para el factor de crecimiento epidérmico, único producto que logró la reducción significativa del índice de actividad de la enfermedad y de la presencia e intensidad de los síntomas digestivos en los pacientes luego del tratamiento. Ningún evento adverso fue reportado. Conclusiones: estos resultados son consistentes con las anteriores evidencias moleculares y clínicas que señalan al factor de crecimiento epidérmico capaz de reducir la actividad e inducir la remisión de la colitis ulcerosa. Debe ser realizado un nuevo estudio en un número mayor de pacientes para confirmar la eficacia de los enemas de factor de crecimiento epidérmico.

  11. Neonatal lupus erythematosus in a Nigerian infant | Ezeudu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We report a case of neonatal lupus erythematosus in a six-week-old Nigerian infant seen at NAUTH, Nnewi. The objective of this report is to highlight the existence of this very rare condition in infants. A 6-week-old female infant presented at the paediatric unit of our facility with a history of a pre-auricular skin eruptions of five ...

  12. Cardiomiopatía hipertrófica: experiencia de 5 años en un centro cardiovascular


    Dávila, Fabián; Lewis, Antonio J.; Mogollón, Iván R.; Mendoza, Fernán; Guatibonza, Diego A.


    Introducción: La cardiomiopatía hipertrófica se define como el engrosamiento de la pared ventricular izquierda que no es explicado por condiciones anormales de la carga y que impone un riesgo de: arritmias, falla cardiaca y muerte súbita. Objetivo: identificar prevalencia, las características clínicas y el tratamiento de los pacientes con cardiomiopatía hipertrófica atendidos en nuestra institución. Materiales y métodos: Se extrajeron y analizaron los registros de pacientes con cardiomi...

  13. Lesión cerebral hipóxico-isquémica secundaria a parada cardiaca en un lesionado medular agudo


    Francisco Ramón Pampín-Huerta; Beatriz Muíño-Vidal; Antonio Montoto-Marqués; Sebastián Salvador-de la Barrera; María Elena Ferreiro-Velasco; Antonio Rodríguez-Sotillo


    Resumen. La lesión medular es un factor de riesgo importante para la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa, entidad que engloba la trombosis venosa profunda y el tromboembolismo pulmonar, siendo este una causa potencialmente reversible de parada cardíaca. Presentamos el caso de un varón joven con lesión medular completa (grado ASIA A) con nivel C6 que sufre una parada cardíaca por tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo secundario a trombosis venosa profunda en extremidad inferior izquierda en la 6...

  14. Valor clínico del análisis de la fase sistólica de la contracción ventricular con Doppler tisular en la discriminación de hipertrofia fisiológica de formas patológicas


    Demián Chejtman; Sergio Baratta; Horacio Fernández; Alberto Marani; Fabián Ferroni; Jorge Bilbao; Carol Kotliar; Domingo Turri; Alejandro Hita


    RESUMEN Introducción La hipertrofia del ventrículo izquierdo (HVI) incluye diferentes etiologías, estados evolutivos y pronóstico. El Doppler tisular (DT) pulsado permite estudiar aspectos de la función miocárdica mediante el análisis de la velocidad regional. Objetivo Determinar la utilidad del análisis de las ondas del período isovolúmico (IVCa) y de la onda sistólica regional (“s”) del DT pulsado para diferenciar formas de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda. ...

  15. Hiperostosis asociada a prostaglandinas. Reporte de tres casos

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    Franco L. Ruales, MD., MSc


    Full Text Available Se expone una serie de casos de pacientes con hiperostosis reactiva secundaria a la utilización prolongada de prostaglandinas en el contexto de cardiopatías congénitas complejas, que por su condición hemodinámica requirieron mantener el cortocircuito vascular de izquierda a derecha para su supervivencia. Se muestran las características imaginológicas típicas en radiografía convencional y se analizan los detalles fisiopatológicos y los diagnósticos diferenciales.

  16. Elecciones primarias y personalización de la política: El caso de las elecciones locales en Chile 2012




    Aunque las elecciones primarias han sido popularizadas como el mecanismo de selección de candidatos más abierto y participativo, muchas veces generan el efecto contrario, fortaleciendo la personalización de la política y no la institucionalización de los partidos. Estudiamos las elecciones primarias de Chile organizadas por la coalición de centro-izquierda Concertación, para elegir sus candidatos a alcalde en 2012. Sostenemos, en primer lugar, que a mayor fuerza electoral del candidato incumb...

  17. [Auricular sporotrichosis. Atypical case report simulating bacterial cellulitis]. (United States)

    Ochoa-Reyes, Juan; Ramos-Martínez, Ernesto; Treviño-Rangel, Rogelio; González, Gloria M; Bonifaz, Alexandro

    Sporotrichosis is the most common subcutaneous or implantation mycosis in Mexico. The case of a preauricular cutaneous-fixed sporotrichosis simulating atypical bacterial cellulitis is reported in an elderly patient with no history of trauma. The biopsy showed a suppurative granuloma with scarce yeast. Sporothrix schenckii was identified in the culture and confirmed by molecular biology. She was treated with itraconazole and a clinical and mycological cure was obtained. The case of atypical presentation is presented, coming from a semi-arid zone with extreme weather.

  18. Congenital Auricular Malformations: Description of Anomalies and Syndromes. (United States)

    Bartel-Friedrich, Sylva


    Half of the malformations in the ear, nose, and throat region affect the ear. Malformations of the external ear (pinna or auricle with external auditory canal [EAC]) are collectively termed microtia. Microtia is a congenital anomaly that ranges in severity from mild structural abnormalities to complete absence of the external ear (anotia). Microtia occurs more frequently in males (∼2 or 3:1), is predominantly unilateral (∼70-90%), and more often involves the right ear (∼60%). The reported prevalence varies geographically from 0.83 to 17.4 per 10,000 births. Microtia may be genetic (with family history, spontaneous mutations) or acquired. Malformations of the external ear can also involve the middle ear and/or inner ear. Microtia may be an isolated birth defect, but associated anomalies or syndromes are described in 20 to 60% of cases, depending on study design. These generally fit within the oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum; defects are located most frequently in the facial skeleton, facial soft tissues, heart, and vertebral column, or comprise a syndrome (e.g., Treacher Collins syndrome). Diagnostic investigation of microtia includes clinical examination, audiologic testing, genetic analysis and, especially in higher grade malformations with EAC deformities, computed tomography (CT) or cone-beam CT for the planning of surgery and rehabilitation procedures, including implantation of hearing aids. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  19. Evaluación de la maduración ósea a través de las vértebras cervicales en pacientes de ortodoncia Assessment of bone maturation in cervical vertebrae in Orthodontics patients

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    Gladia Toledo Mayarí


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Verificar si se puede prescindir de la radiografía de la mano izquierda en la evaluación de la maduración ósea en pacientes de Ortodoncia. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal y descriptivo en 150 pacientes que ingresaron en la Clínica de Ortodoncia de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana en el período comprendido entre abril de 2004 y septiembre de 2006. Se seleccionaron pacientes con buen estado general de salud, ausencia de enfermedades crónicas y de oligodoncias, así como aquellos que por las características de su maloclusión necesitaran una telerradiografía lateral de cráneo. La misma se le realizó a cada paciente, y también una radiografía de la mano izquierda. En cada caso se evaluaron los métodos de Grave y Brown y Hassel y Farman, y se identificó la concordancia entre éstos mediante un coeficiente Kappa. Resultados: Se encontraron coeficientes de concordancia altos y estadísticamente muy significativos entre las evaluaciones realizadas a través de la mano izquierda y a través de las vértebras cervicales: sexo femenino Kappa= 0,828 (pObjective: To verify if it is possible to avoid the left hand radiography in assessment of bone maturation in Orthodontics patients. Methods: A cross sectional and descriptive study was conducted in 150 patients admitted in the Orthodontics Clinic of Stomatology Faculty of Havana City from April, 2004 to September, 2006. Patients selected had a good general health status, lack of chronic diseases and of oligodontias, as well as those with malocclusion and that will need a lateral teleradiography of skull carrying out in each patient and also a left hand radiography. In each case Grave's and Brown's and Hassel's and Farman's methods identifying the concordance among them by Kappa coefficient. Results: There were high and very significant statistic concordance coefficients among the assessment carried out in left hand and by cervical vertebrae: female sex Kappa= 0

  20. Ear Acupuncture in European Traditional Medicine

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    Luigi Gori


    Full Text Available Auricular acupuncture is a diagnostic and treatment system based on normalizing the body's dysfunction through stimulation of definite points on the ear. Rudimentary forms of acupuncture which probably arose during the Stone Age have survived in many parts of the world right down to present day. It was used in the ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece and all the Mediterranean area. It is a microacupuncture technique similar to reflexology, and was first described in France in 1950 by Paul Nogier who is considered the Father of modern ear acupuncture. It was speculated that the technique works because groups of pluripotent cells contain information from the whole organism and create regional organization centers representing different parts of the body. Nevertheless stimulation of a reflex point in the ear seems relieve symptoms of distant pathologies. Modern research is confirming the efficacy of ear acupuncture for analgesia and anxiety related disease, while tobacco dependence and other substance abuse still need confirmation. Actually main methodological problems with auricular acupuncture are that exist too many maps with little agreement regarding point location in the ear, and that the correspondence or reflex systems does not correlated with modern knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

  1. Miocardiopatía restrictiva en un anciano Restrictive cardiomyopathy in an elderly

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    Raúl Ernesto Reyes Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de un anciano con antecedentes de adenocarcinoma de próstata y enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica, presumiblemente embólica, con arritmia completa por fibrilación auricular, que acudió a la consulta de cardiología del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora" de Santiago de Cuba por presentar síntomas de cansancio, disnea y pérdida transitoria de la conciencia en varias ocasiones. Se realizaron exámenes complementarios para decidir si se efectuaba o no el implante permanente de marcapasos por disfunción sinusal, al habérsele diagnosticado una miocardiopatía restrictiva.The clinical report of an elderly with history of prostate adenocarcinoma and ischemic cerebrovascular disease presumptively embolic, with complete arrhythmia due to auricular fibrillation is described. He attended the cardiology visit of the "Saturnino Lora" Provincial Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital in Santiago de Cuba because he presented symptoms of tiredness, dyspnea and transitory loss of consciousness several times. Additional tests were conducted to decide whether to place a permanent pacemaker due to sinusal dysfunction as he was diagnosed a restrictive cardiomyopathy.

  2. La medicina natural y tradicional en el climaterio: auriculoterapia

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    Margeris Yanes Calderón


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión dirigida a los médicos generales integrales sobre la aplicación de la auriculoterapia en el climaterio y la menopausia. Se incluye cómo hacer la selección de los puntos auriculares con un enfoque tradicional y las diferentes técnicas para estimularlos, así como sus ventajas y contraindicaciones. En las pacientes climatéricas donde predominen los síntomas de la esfera afectiva sobre los vegetativos y metabólicos, la medicina natural y tradicional, y en especial, la auriculoterapia, se impone como una alternativa de tratamiento para mejorar su calidad de vida.A literature review was made on the application of auriculotherapy for climaterium and menopause and was directed to comprehensive general physicians. It includes how to select auricular points in a traditional way and the various techniques to stimulate them as well as advantages and counterindications. In climateric patients, symptoms coming from the sphere of feelings prevail over vegetative or metabolic ones, therefore herb traditional medicine medicine, particularly Auriculotherapy represents a therapeutical option to improve their quality of life.

  3. Hemodiálisis para remover el anticoagulante dabigatrán en situaciones de urgencia

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    Aldo Carrizo


    Full Text Available El dabigatrán es un nuevo inhibidor directo de la trombina, de administración oral, empleado para la prevención de eventos tromboembólicos en pacientes con fibrilación auricular no valvular. A diferencia de la warfarina, no se dispone de un antídoto conocido. La hemodiálisis ha sido sugerida como un método para remover el dabigatrán y reducir el efecto anticoagulante. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con antecedente de fibrilación auricular y medicado con dabigatrán, que fue admitido en el hospital para una cirugía abdominal de urgencia. A las seis horas de la última dosis recibida, los estudios de coagulación mostraban alteración. Ante la falta de antídoto para revertir los efectos, se decidió realizar hemodiálisis. Luego de tres horas de diálisis los parámetros de coagulación tendieron a normalizarse y el paciente fue operado sin presentar hemorragias anormales durante la cirugía o en el postoperatorio.

  4. Elastic cartilage reconstruction by transplantation of cultured hyaline cartilage-derived chondrocytes. (United States)

    Mizuno, M; Takebe, T; Kobayashi, S; Kimura, S; Masutani, M; Lee, S; Jo, Y H; Lee, J I; Taniguchi, H


    Current surgical intervention of craniofacial defects caused by injuries or abnormalities uses reconstructive materials, such as autologous cartilage grafts. Transplantation of autologous tissues, however, places a significant invasiveness on patients, and many efforts have been made for establishing an alternative graft. Recently, we and others have shown the potential use of reconstructed elastic cartilage from ear-derived chondrocytes or progenitors with the unique elastic properties. Here, we examined the differentiation potential of canine joint cartilage-derived chondrocytes into elastic cartilage for expanding the cell sources, such as hyaline cartilage. Articular chondrocytes are isolated from canine joint, cultivated, and compared regarding characteristic differences with auricular chondrocytes, including proliferation rates, gene expression, extracellular matrix production, and cartilage reconstruction capability after transplantation. Canine articular chondrocytes proliferated less robustly than auricular chondrocytes, but there was no significant difference in the amount of sulfated glycosaminoglycan produced from redifferentiated chondrocytes. Furthermore, in vitro expanded and redifferentiated articular chondrocytes have been shown to reconstruct elastic cartilage on transplantation that has histologic characteristics distinct from hyaline cartilage. Taken together, cultured hyaline cartilage-derived chondrocytes are a possible cell source for elastic cartilage reconstruction. Crown Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Relación entre la lateralidad y los aprendizajes escolares

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    M.ª Carmen Mayolas Pi


    Full Text Available Muchos son los autores que relacionan los problemas de aprendizaje de un niño con su lateralidad, achacando a la lateralidad contrariada, cruzada o no definida los problemas en la adquisición, entre otras, de habilidades lecto-escritoras. En el presente trabajo hemos pasado un test de lateralidad a 170 niños de entre 6 y 7 años (primero y segundo de primaria con pruebas de miembro superior, miembro inferior y ojo, así como de discriminación de derecha-izquierda y de orientación espacial. A su vez, los profesores tutores han valorado varios ítems del aprendizaje escolar de los niños, con cuestiones sobre su comprensión lectora, su razonamiento matemático y su atención en clase, entre otras. Según nuestros resultados, los niños con lateralidad homogénea diestra son los que obtienen mejores valoraciones en todos los ítems de aprendizaje con respecto a los homogéneos zurdos, los cruzados y los no confirmados, siendo los pocos casos que tenemos de homogéneos zurdos (un 3% de la muestra los que tienen peores valoraciones. Además, los niños que discriminan entre derecha e izquierda también tienen mejor sus aprendizajes con respecto a los que no lo hacen, así como los que se orientan bien en el espacio con respecto a los que se orientan mal.

  6. Apoplejía pituitaria con parálisis del III par craneal: Reporte de caso

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    Miguel Pinto Valdivia


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso de un varón de 65 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos de importancia, que acudió a emergencia del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia por presentar cefalea intensa y ptosis palpebral izquierda. El examen físico mostró parálisis aislada del III par craneal izquierdo. Los análisis de laboratorio mostraron hiponatremia e hipopituitarismo y la resonancia magnética nuclear un adenoma pituitario con áreas de hemorragia e invasión de los senos cavernosos. El tratamiento incluyó glucocorticoides y descompresión quirúrgica transesfenoidal. La anatomía patológica confirmó el diagnóstico de infarto hemorrágico de un adenoma pituitario. El paciente fue dado de alta con terapia sustitutiva de levotiroxina y prednisona. La ptosis palpebral izquierda se recuperó en forma parcial. La apoplejía pituitaria es un síndrome clínico producido por un proceso expansivo dentro de la silla turca, secundario a hemorragia o infarto de un adenoma pituitario, que se caracteriza por cefalea, déficit visual, oftalmoplejía y alteración del nivel de conciencia. Este proceso expansivo puede comprimir los pares craneales en los senos cavernosos, produciendo diferentes grados de parálisis de los músculos oculomotores. La parálisis aislada del III par craneal es rara.(Rev Med Hered 2011;22:186-189.

  7. Paralisis de la mirada conjugada lateral de origen pontino: discusión neuroanatómica del fasciculo longitudinal medio

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    E. J. Faccio


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente con una parálisis de la mirada conjugada hacia la izquierda que además presentó un sindrome cerebeloso de igual lado y una paresia para la mirada conjugada hacia arriba. Durante la evolu-ción el paciente se recupera de la parálisis de la mirada hacia arriba, de su sindrome cerebeloso, para quedar con la parálisis de la mirada conjugada lateral. Posteriormente realiza un cuadro caracterizado por una dificultad en la comprensión con lenguaje mal articulado. La necropsia reveló un reblande-cimiento quístico en la cintilla longitudinal izquierda, con igual tipo de lesión en pié de la protuberancia dei lado izquierdo que comprometia al lemnisco motor. También se observo un reblandecimiento más reciente en el girus transverso izquierdo que comprometia la sustância blanca subortical. El estúdio de la cintilla mediante Ias degeneraciones secundarias reveló que se trataba de una cintilla de recorrido recto, que no se decusaba por encima del sexto par, tal cual está descripto. También se observó un balonamiento de Ias células dei núcleo intersticial de Cajal, de igual lado. Estos hallazgos justifican la sintomatologia clínica y la falta de oftalmoplejía internuclear anterior hacia la derecha.

  8. Elecciones generales de 1982 y consolidación de la democracia: a modo de introducción

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    Full Text Available Se analizan los resultados de las elecciones generales del 82 desde una doble perspectiva : su contribución a la consolidación de la joven democracia española y su impacto en la restructuración del sistema de partidos. Respecto al primer aspecto, se sostiene que el incremento de la participación electoral y la transferencia de poder han contribuido a legitimar el sistema, mientras que la espectacular victoria del PSOE ha aumentado la autonomía del poder civil, que se sustenta en una amplia mayoría parlamentaria. También se analiza el perfil del nuevo sistema y las expectativas para su futura consolidación. Se muestra que ha habido una tendencia hacia la reducción y fragmentación del sistema de partidos parlamentario, y a la vez se ha producido un incremento de la polarización entre los partidos mayoritarios. Respecto al grado de flexibilidad o rigidez del sistema de partidos, se observan dos áreas claramente diferenciadas (izquierda y derecha, con un contacto casi nulo entre ellas, por lo que el trasvase de votos parece muy difícil. También se señala la consolidación del PSOE como el partido líder de la izquierda, y la inestabilidad de la derecha, cuya estructura actual no coincide con las preferencias ideológicas de sus electores.

  9. Adenoflemón cervical en la tercera edad. Presentación de un caso Cervical adenophlegmon in old age. A case report

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    Fidel Castro Pérez


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 70 años de edad, raza negra, del sexo femenino, con antecedentes de padecer de diabetes mellitus e hipertensión arterial. Se valoró en la consulta externa del Policlínico Universitario Ernesto Guevara de la Serna de Sandino, de Pinar del Río. Fue evaluado en conjunto por un grupo de especialistas, al presentar un cuadro caracterizado por el aumento de volumen superficial de la región lateral izquierda del cuello, por debajo de la rama horizontal de la mandíbula, a nivel del músculo esternocleidomastoideo, cerca y debajo del pabellón auricular y la parótida, de aproximadamente 5 cm. de diámetro, móvil, doloroso, de superficie lisa y consistencia renitente, sin cambios en la coloración de la piel. Al examen físico otorrinolaringológico no se encontraron otras alteraciones. Se le hizo un ultrasonido en la región afectada y valoró en conjunto el caso efectuado el tratamiento médico, al establecerse el diagnóstico clínico e imaginológico de adenoflemón cervical. Se procedió además a la realización de una BAAF. Los autores presentan las experiencias derivadas de la atención del caso, no frecuente a esta edad y revisan la literatura médica sobre el tema, con especial referencia al diagnóstico y tratamiento.A 70 year-old, black race, female patient, suffering from diabetes mellitus and hypertension attended to the consultation. The case was analyzed at "Ernesto Guevara de la Serna" outpatient clinic in Sandino, Pinar del Rio. A group of specialists assessed the case that presented a chart characterized by an increase of superficial volume in left lateral region of the neck, below the horizontal branch of the mandible to the level of sternocleidomastoid muscle, near and below outer ear and the parotid, around 5cm of diameter, movable, painful of smooth surface and renitent consistency, without changes in skin color. No other alterations were found at physical examination or ENT specialist

  10. Prosthetic rehabilitation of intentionally malpositioned implants in a patient with squamous cell carcinoma of the external auditory canal: a clinical report. (United States)

    Bagherpour, Reza; Mirfazaelian, Ali; Mangoli, Amir A; Alikhasi, Marzieh


    This clinical report describes the rehabilitation of a patient with a compromised temporal bone anatomy caused by resection of bone due to squamous cell carcinoma of external auditory canal. Tumor resection was followed by placement of three implants. The implants were intentionally malpositioned in the anterior-posterior plane due to the lack of temporal bone. Prosthodontic treatment included customized implant bar-supported auricular prosthesis.

  11. An Archaeological an Bioarchaeological Perspective. The Tucker (41DT104) and Sinclair (41DT105) Cemeteries of Delta County, Texas (United States)


    presence of abscesses and calculus deposits, agenesis, and the extent of antemortem tooth loss. The teeth were examined for caries using a new dental...childnood. Conversely. the absence of any chronic skeletal pathology, other than age-related degenerative arthritis, indicates this individual enjoyed good...and left acetabulum (rim and lunate surfaces), the apices of the sacroiliac auricular surfaces, a fragment of thv inferior demiface of the right

  12. Enfermedad de Chagas en perros: Descripción de un caso clínico en Raza Cimarrón y su Diagnóstico Histopatológico (CHAGAS DISEASE IN DOGS: Clinic case description in a Cimarrón and Histopatologic diagnosis)


    Dra. Heinsen, Teresita; Gonzalez, Mariana; Dra. Basmadjián, Yester; Dr. Terranova, Eduardo; Dr. De Oliveira, Victor;; Dr. Pacheco-da Silva, José P.


    ResumenEl día 17 de diciembre de 2008 en Médanos, Localidad de Canelones,Uruguay, llega a consulta un canino, macho, raza cimarrón, de 60días de vida, presentando debilidad, apatía e incordinación. Nacidopor parto natural en una camada de 5 cachorros, presentandodesarrollo normal hasta el día 53 de vida, comenzando con ptosispalpebral unilateral izquierda, acompañada de plejia de músculosfaciales y masticatorios, atrofia muscular generalizada posterior. A laclínica presentó sensorio normal, h...

  13. El giro neoconservador en la crítica literaria y cultural latinoamericana

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    John Beverley


    Full Text Available El artículo señala un posible "giro" neoconservador en la critica cultural y literaria latinoamericana actual, proveniente, de manera paradójica, de la "izquierda". Se argumenta que el "giro" es un efecto superestructural de la globalización y los nuevos movimientos sociales sobre sectores de la intelectualidad literaria-cultural latinoamericana, en procura de reterritorializar una forma de autoridad cultural "criolla", que piensan, ha sido erosionada, a expensas de hacer causa común con los sujetos políticos subalterno-populares emergentes y los movimientos sociales.

  14. Osteocondroma lumbar sintomático


    González Darder, José M.; Barcia, Juan Antonio; Vera Roman, J. Mª; Vargas, S.


    Se presenta un caso de osteocondroma solitario espinal localizado en la zona para-articular de la lámina izquierda de L4 y que producía una lumbociática secundaria a la estenosis del receso lateral. El osteocondroma espinal sintomático es una lesión neoplásica benigna poco frecuente y cuyo tratamiento de elección es la extirpación quirúrgica. A case of solitary spinal osteochondroma growing from the left L4 lamina, close to the facet joint, is presented. The tumor produced a st...

  15. Comunicación Política en Chile Análisis de las Elecciones Presidenciales 2009-2010


    Vergara Maldonado, Luis Felipe


    Este estudio pretende analizar la elección presidencial vivida en Chile en 2009-2010, como un ejemplo histórico de estrategia en la ejecución del marketing y la comunicación política. Luego de cuatro gobiernos de la coalición concertacionista (centro-izquierda), con 20 años en el poder y con un último gobierno cuya presidenta Michelle Bachelet terminó con una aprobación cercana al 80% , pierden sorprendentemente la elección. Paralelamente el conglomerado opositor (Alianza por Chile) logra ...

  16. Niveles urinarios de angiotensina-(1-7) y angiotensina II en pacientes con estenosis aórtica de importante repercusión hemodinámica


    López-de la Vega,César; Rosas-Peralta,Martín; Lomelí-Estrada,Catalina; Pastelín-Hernández,Gustavo; del Valle-Mondragón,Leonardo


    Objetivo:Reforzar el conocimiento sobre la fisiopatología de la estenosis aórtica. Métodos: Se compararon los niveles urinarios de angiotensina II y angiotensina-(1-7) entre dos muestras: a) 45 pacientes con estenosis aórtica de importante repercusión hemodinámica, sin hipertensión arterial sistémica y con funciones renal y sistólica ventricular izquierda normales; b) grupo de control con 21 voluntarios sin patología cardiovascular. Hipótesis nula: no habría diferencia entre los niveles urina...



    Ramos, Conrado; Scrollini, Fabrizio


    Resumen: Este trabajo analiza recientes intentos por construir una Alta Dirección Pública (ADP) en dos gobiernos de izquierda con instituciones democráticas sólidas en América Latina: Chile y Uruguay. Ambas reformas formaban parte de un paquete más ambicioso de profesionalización y modernización de los respectivos Servicios Civiles, con mayor o menor influencia de la Nueva Gestión Pública (NGP). En América Latina las reformas inspiradas en la NGP pretenden impulsar un cambio sustancial en el ...

  18. Concepto Bobath en traumatismo cráneo-encefálico


    Ibargoien Azcárate, Irati


    Paciente de 59 años que padece un TCE con hemiparesia izquierda de 7 años de evolución consecuencia de un accidente de moto que provocó un hematoma intraparenquimatoso parietal derecho y hemorragia subaracnoidea. Para su tratamiento se ha utilizado el concepto Bobath. Durante el periodo de intervención, recibe dos sesiones por semana de 45 minutos en ADACEN y tres sesiones a la semana de 2h de duración cada una con un fisioterapeuta privado, desde que le dieron el alta en Ubarmin hasta hoy...

  19. De avances e interrogantes : el proceso revolucionario Centroamericano en la revista mexicana cuadernos políticos (1979-1986)


    Bayle, Mariana


    El fin de la década del setenta y los inicios de los años ochenta constituyen un periodo de profundos contrastes para la izquierda latinoamericana. Al ser un espacio de confluencia del exilio, México se nos presenta como un escenario privilegiado para observar las dinámicas que tensionaron el debate político en aquel momento. El presente artículo busca evidenciar ciertas coordenadas relevantes de las polémicas político – intelectuales que suscitó el proceso revolucionario centroamericano en l...

  20. Valor clínico del análisis de la fase sistólica de la contracción ventricular con Doppler tisular en la discriminación de hipertrofia fisiológica de formas patológicas


    Chejtman, Demian; Baratta, Sergio; Fernández, Horacio; Marani, Alberto; Ferroni, Fabián; Bilbao, Jorge; Kotliar, Carol; Turri, Domingo; Hita, Alejandro


    Introducción La hipertrofia del ventrículo izquierdo (HVI) incluye diferentes etiologías, estados evolutivos y pronóstico. El Doppler tisular (DT) pulsado permite estudiar aspectos de la función miocárdica mediante el análisis de la velocidad regional. Objetivo Determinar la utilidad del análisis de las ondas del período isovolúmico (IVCa) y de la onda sistólica regional ("s") del DT pulsado para diferenciar formas de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda. Material y métodos Se conformaron cinco ...

  1. Reconstrucción de Piso Orbitario con esclera en Fracturas del Tercio Medio. Presentación de caso


    Alexis A. Amador-Velázquez; Martha Rodríguez-Milord; Reynaldo Oro-Canelles


    Presentó un caso el cual fue víctima de una agresión con un objeto cortante que le produjo una fractura compleja del tercio medio facial provocándole una Fractura Le Fort III unilateral izquierda y Le Fort II unilateral derecha con herida perforante y extensa en globo ocular izquierdo que fue necesario realizar su eviseración, extrayendo de este un fragmento de esclera del segmento anterior de mas menos 1cm de largo para reparar una fractura mediana en piso orbital derecho logrando su fijaci...

  2. Extracción de un catéter fracturado mediante cateterismo cardíaco intervencionista en un paciente prematuro de 1 600 g

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    Francisco Javier Ozores Suárez


    Full Text Available Se documenta el caso de un paciente de 1 mes de edad, prematuro, con peso de 1 600 g, cuyo catéter epicutáneo se fracturó y desplazó hasta ubicarse en la porción distal en la rama izquierda de la arteria pulmonar. El catéter se extrajo por vía femoral mediante un procedimiento de cateterismo cardíaco intervencionista, con lo que se demostró la efectividad de dicho procedimiento ante este tipo de complicación.

  3. Aplicación para Android para el control de un vehículo a través de un trazo


    Sánchez López, Juan Francisco


    El proyecto que se va a tratar en este documento surge a partir de la idea de poder controlar un coche de carreras radiocontrol desde un dispositivo móvil, haciendo uso para ello de la tecnología inalámbrica Bluetooth. decidimos introducir una dificultad añadida para innovar en el sector. En lugar de controlar el movimiento del coche radiocontrol en una aplicación con un sistema simple de botones (delante, atrás, izquierda y derecha) cambiamos la interfaz por una pantalla donde el usu...

  4. Movimiento Campesino Revolucionario y Consejos Comunales Campesinos de base. Una experiencia de Poder Popular en Chile


    Cárcamo Hernández, Ovidio


    Resumen: Salvador Allende llegó al poder el 4 noviembre de 1970 e Inauguró una serle de reformas estructurales en la economía y sociedad chilenas. En ese marco, la profundización de la Reforma Agraria, que comenzó en 1962, fue central para el nuevo gobierno que el 21 de diciembre de 1970 dictó el decreto 481 para crear el Consejo Nacional Campesino, encargado de canalizar las demandas de ese sector. En paralelo, el Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionarla, Inspirado en la Revolución cubana, bus...

  5. El compromiso político de Federico García Lorca

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    Jairo García Jaramillo


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aporta argumentos para rechazar definitivamente el supuesto apoliticismo con que se ha querido definir al poeta Federico García Lorca, demostrando que se trata únicamente de un rumor que extendió el régimen de Franco para enmascarar su asesinato como revuelta callejera o rencilla familiar. La base documental aportada, desde sus propios testimonios hasta el último informe oficial publicado, revela, por el contrario, un indudable compromiso con los valores democráticos republicanos y la tradición ideológica de la izquierda.

  6. Prensa y protesta social: la representación del Caso Atenco en La Jornada


    Colorado Ruiz, César Rogelio


    Desde una perspectiva discursiva, en esta tesis se analiza la representación de la protesta social en la prensa. El estudio se delimita a mostrar el modo en que La Jornada, un periódico de izquierda mexicano, realizó la cobertura periodística del caso Atenco, un conflicto social entre el movimiento de Atenco, liderado por el Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra (FPDT), y el gobierno mexicano. Con base en el análisis de las principales estructuras y estrategias discursivas empleadas ...

  7. Agnosia integrativa causada por una epilepsia focal occipital izquierda: estudio de caso

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    Óscar Mauricio Aguilar Mejía


    Full Text Available La agnosia integrativa es un tipo de agnosia visual asociada a lesiones occipitales bilaterales que se caracteriza por la incapacidad para identificar estímulos en fondos complejos, especialmente, cuando se trata de formas superpuestas o entrelazadas. Existen dificultades para codificar y agrupar el todo a partir de las partes del estímulo. Se presenta un caso de una paciente de 14 años, con una agnosia integrativa como consecuencia de una epilepsia focal sintomática refractaria, con un foco epileptogénico occipital izquierdo. Se plantean las características clínicas de la paciente y se hace un análisis de sus procesos de reconocimiento visual discutidos a partir de los diferentes modelos teóricos que tratan de explicar la percepción visual.

  8. Ação do fungo Beauveria bassiana associado a gel polimerizado de celulose no controle do carrapato Anocentor nitens em teste de campo Action of the fungus Beauveria bassiana associated with cellulose polymerized gel in the control of the tick Anocentor nitens in a field test

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    E.J. Souza


    Full Text Available Foram selecionados 20 equídeos naturalmente infestados por Anocentor nitens, dos quais seus pavilhões auriculares foram submetidos a quatro tratamentos distintos: gel associado a Beauveria bassiana, apenas gel, apenas B. bassiana e um grupo-controle. Procederam-se à contagem e ao registro do número total de fêmeas adultas (>3mm em cada pavilhão auricular, nos dias 0, 1, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25 e 28, para cálculo do percentual de controle. Foram coletadas e mantidas em laboratório 20 fêmeas pertencentes a cada tratamento, para cálculo dos períodos de pré-postura, postura, incubação e eclosão, e peso médio das posturas. No grupo tratado com o composto gel associado a B. bassiana, observou-se percentual de controle maior que 50%, entre o 4º e o 25º dia, assim como decréscimo progressivo do peso médio da postura das fêmeas coletadas no período entre o 7º e 14º dia. Para os outros tratamentos, o percentual de controle manteve-se abaixo de 20%, e o peso da postura não apresentou diferença significativa. Os percentuais de controle, assim como as reduções no peso médio da postura, sugerem que a utilização do composto gel associado a B. bassiana potencializou a virulência do entomopatógeno.Twenty horses naturally infected by Anocentor nitens were selected and their auricular pinna were submitted to four treatments: gel associated with Beauveria bassiana, gel only, B. bassiana only, and a control group. The count and the register of the total number of grown up tick females (>3mm were performed in each auricular pinna on days 0, 1, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, and 28 for the calculus of percentage of control. Twenty females from each treatment were collected and maintained in laboratory, to calculate the periods of pre-oviposition, oviposition, incubation, and hatching and mean weight of oviposition. In the group treated with the gel associated to B. bassiana, it was observed a control percentage higher than 50% from the 4º

  9. Efeito da direção da transferência interlateral no aprendizado de tarefa de sequência de toques de dedos Efecto de la dirección de la transferencia interlateral de aprendizaje en la tarea de secuencia de tocar los dedos Effect of interlateral transfer of learning direction in touching finger sequence task

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    Paulo César Andrean


    Full Text Available O presente estudo analisou o efeito da direção da transferência interlateral no aprendizado de tarefa de toques de dedos. Vinte participantes destros (18-30 anos foram divididos em 2 grupos: prática com a mão direita (GD e com a mão esquerda (GE. Os grupos foram avaliados em fases de pré-teste, pós-teste e retenção. A tarefa consistiu na realização do maior número de toques alternados entre o polegar e os demais dedos, durante 10 segundos, em sequência pré-estabelecida. O GE apresentou maior número de toques de dedos com a mão esquerda no pós-teste (Z=2,2; P=0,028 comparado ao pré-teste. O GD aumentou o número de toques de dedos do pré-teste para a retenção para a mão direita (Z=2,4; P=0,017 e esquerda (Z=2,6; P=0,009, indicando o aprendizado e a transferência interlateral. A transferência interlateral no sentido da mão direita para esquerda foi explicada pelo princípio da treinabilidade.Este estudio examinó el efecto de la dirección de la transferencia interlateral en la tarea de secuencia de tocar los dedos. Veinte participantes diestros (18-30 años fueron divididos en dos grupos: la práctica con la mano derecha (GD y la mano izquierda (GE. Los grupos fueron evaluados en el pre-test, post-test y la retención. La tarea era hacer el mayor número de movimientos alternantes entre el pulgar y otros dedos, por 10 segundos, con una secuencia preestablecida. GE realizado mayor número de toques de dedos con la mano izquierda en el post-test (Z = 2.2, P = 0,028 en comparación con el pre-test. El GD aumentado el número de movimientos del dedo en la retención de la mano derecha (Z = 2.4, P = 0,017 e izquierda (Z = 2.6, P = 0,009, lo que indica el aprendizaje y la transferencia interlateral. La transferencia interlateral hacia la mano derecha a la izquierda se explica por el principio de la treinabilidad.The present study analyzed the effect of interlateral transfer direction while learning a touching finger sequence

  10. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome with complete auriculoventricular block. A strange association

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vallejo, Franco J; Montana, Paula A; Vesga, Carlos; Miranda Antonio; Citelli Jose E; Negrete Alberto; Gil, Efrain


    A 22 years old male patient is admitted for a syncope episode. An electrocardiogram shows a Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern and signs of auricular overload with left ventricular hypertrophy and complete auriculoventricular block. The transthoracic echocardiogram is compatible with non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. An electrophysiological study is carried out, finding pre-excitation through an accessory way and infra-His auriculoventricular block. An ablation is performed and a bicameral pacemaker is implanted

  11. Cardiomiopatía hipertrófica: experiencia de 5 años

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    Fabián Dávila


    Conclusiones: La prevalencia de la cardiomiopatía hipertrófica en el período 2009-2013 fue del 2,35%, relacionado principalmente con la insuficiencia mitral y tenían antecedente de dolor torácico, la prevalencia de la fibrilación auricular en pacientes con cardiomiopatía hipertrófica en el presente estudio fue del 22,7% y la de enfermedad coronaria del 18%.

  12. Actividad farmacológica de la fracción de esteroles y alcoholes triterpenicos aislada del aceite de oliva virgen.


    Ruiz Gutiérrez, Valentina; Puerta Vázquez-Zafra, Rocío de la; Maestro Durán, Roberto


    The fraction of sterols and triterpenic dialcohols from unsaponifiable of virgin olive oil has been tested for Its possible antiinflamatory activity. The topical administration of these products produced a potent antioedematous effect, in the auricular oedema induced by TPA (12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol acetate) in experimental animals. This test has been widely used to determine the antiinflamatory action of phospholipase A2 inhibitors. The measure of myeloperoxidase, mar...

  13. Plasmocitoma extramedular nasal en un perro

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    Carlos Giraldo M.


    Full Text Available Se describe un caso de plasmocitoma nasal en un canino, macho entero, de raza Akita de 30 Kg de peso y veintiún meses de edad, con historia de epistaxis unilateral crónica. Se practicó examen clínico y biopsia de la neoplasia visible en la cavidad nasal izquierda. La ubicación y extensión del tumor fue determinada mediante tomografía computarizada de cabeza y cuello. Se realizaron análisis histopatológico e inmunohistoquímico (IHQ del tejido tumoral. La tomografía computarizada evidenció una masa con densidad de tejido blando de 10 cm de longitud x 3.5 cm de diámetro y escasa captación de medio de contraste, que comprometía en su totalidad la cavidad nasal derecha y parte de la porción posterior de la coana izquierda. El análisis histopatológico reveló numerosas células redondas pleomórficas con poco citoplasma, rodeadas por trama escasa de tejido conectivo y bajo índice mitótico. En el examen IHQ la muestra fue negativa a los antígenos CD3 y CD20 para linfocitos T y B, respectivamente. Los hallazgos clínicos y de la tomografía computarizada, así como los resultados del análisis histopatológico del tejido tumoral, fueron compatibles con un plasmocitoma extramedular nasal de bajo grado de malignidad.

  14. Método simplificado para determinar el potencial de crecimiento en pacientes de Ortodoncia

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    Gladia Toledo Mayarí


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación de innovación tecnológica, de corte transversal, con el objetivo de presentar un método simplificado para determinar el potencial de crecimiento en pacientes tributarios de tratamiento ortodóncico, en una muestra de 150 pacientes entre 8 y 16 años, que ingresaron en la Clínica de Ortodoncia de la Facultad de Estomatología de la Habana, entre los años 2004 y 2006. A cada paciente se le realizó una radiografía de la mano izquierda y por primera vez en Cuba se estudiaron en la misma muestra, tres métodos de evaluación del potencial de crecimiento (métodos TW2, Grave y Brown, y determinación de los estadios de maduración de la falange media del tercer dedo. Una vez determinados éstos, se calcularon la correlación y la concordancia entre los mismos. Hubo altos coeficientes de correlación (hembras rho= 0,888 y varones rho= 0,921 y de concordancia (hembras Kappa= 1,000 y varones Kappa= 0,964. Se concluyó que la evaluación del potencial de crecimiento que presentaron los pacientes de Ortodoncia puede ser efectuada mediante la realización de una radiografía de la falange media del tercer dedo de la mano izquierda, lo cual constituye un útil método simplificado de evaluación.

  15. El Socialista versus El debate (Enero-Septiembre 1933

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    Arbeloa, Víctor Manuel


    Full Text Available The author analyzes the first nine months of 1933 breakthrough year, and leave the judgment to the reader, the opinions and attitudes of two principal Spanish media-The Debate-Socialist and service, respectively, of the PSOE and the CEDA, concerning the Left and the Right, Socialism and political Catholicism, Fascism and Nazism, the socialist revolution, which is prepared in Spain, Orders and religious Congregations, whose law is discussed in Parliament, the “eternal issues” of the Spanish anticlericalism-antieclesialism: God, Jesus, the Church, the Pope, the bishops, clergy, Catholics...La lectura de El Socialista y de El Debate permite conocer mejor y interpretar las posiciones de la izquierda y de la derecha, del socialismo y del catolicismo político, entre enero y septiembre de 1933. En esos meses, se produce el ascenso del fascismo y del nazismo y un giro en la estrategia de la izquierda. La posición de la Santa Sede ante el Gobierno de México, reforzó la opción legalista de los católicos que dieron su sufragio a la CEDA. La línea de cada uno de los dos diarios, la confrontación entre ellos, enmarca y da fondo al bloque de los trabajos legislativos, a la solución de la crisis de junio, con la salida del Partido Radical, a la dimisión de Manuel Azaña en septiembre y a la convocatoria de elecciones legislativas, que dan paso a una nueva situación política.

  16. Gender Differences in Laser Acupuncture—Results of a Crossover Study with Green and Yellow Laser at the Ear Point Shenmen

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    Daniela Litscher


    Full Text Available Background: One of the most commonly used auricular acupuncture points selected for different pain treatment regimens is Shenmen. This point on the ear has been recognized as having a wide number of applications, as found by scientific investigation. Methods: Within this crossover study, the ear acupoint Shenmen was stimulated with two different kinds of laser (green, 532 nm and yellow, 589 nm in 22 healthy volunteers (13 female, 9 male; mean age ± SD = 25.3 ± 4.1 years; range 21–36 years. Both green and yellow lasers were used for 15 min in the same volunteers in two different sessions. Results: The most prominent finding was that systolic blood pressure decreased significantly (p = 0.048 after yellow laser stimulation. Heart rate also decreased significantly (p < 0.001, whereas heart rate variability ratio low frequency (LF/high frequency (HF (p < 0.001 increased. The effects were significantly more pronounced in females than in males. In addition, the temperature was measured, and temperature increases were demonstrated at different locations on the ear using imaging methods. Conclusions: This study shows evidence of the effect of auricular laser acupuncture. However, a comparison with other publications was impossible because this is the first study using green and yellow laser stimulation on the ear.

  17. Duplication of the External Auditory Canal: Two Cases and a Review of the Literature (United States)

    Goudakos, John K.; Blioskas, Sarantis; Psillas, George; Vital, Victor; Markou, Konstantinos


    The objective of the present paper is to describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic process, surgical treatment, and outcome of 2 patients with first branchial cleft anomaly. The first case was an 8-year-old girl presented with an elastic lesion located in the left infra-auricular area, in close relation with the lobule, duplicating the external auditory canal. The magnetic resonance imaging revealed a lesion, appearing as a rather well-circumscribed mass within the left parotid gland and duplicating the ear canal. A superficial parotidectomy was subsequently performed, with total excision of the cyst. The second patient was a 15-year-old girl presented with a congenital fistula of the right lateral neck. At superficial parotidectomy, a total excision of the fistula was performed. During the operation the tract was recorded to lay between the branches of the facial nerve, extending with a blind ending canal parallel to the external acoustic meatus. Conclusively, first branchial cleft anomalies are rare malformations with cervical, parotid, or auricular clinical manifestations. Diagnosis of first branchial cleft lesions is achieved mainly through careful physical examination. Complete surgical excision with wide exposure of the lesion is essential in order to achieve permanent cure and avoid recurrence. PMID:23213587

  18. Duplication of the External Auditory Canal: Two Cases and a Review of the Literature

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    John K. Goudakos


    Full Text Available The objective of the present paper is to describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic process, surgical treatment, and outcome of 2 patients with first branchial cleft anomaly. The first case was an 8-year-old girl presented with an elastic lesion located in the left infra-auricular area, in close relation with the lobule, duplicating the external auditory canal. The magnetic resonance imaging revealed a lesion, appearing as a rather well-circumscribed mass within the left parotid gland and duplicating the ear canal. A superficial parotidectomy was subsequently performed, with total excision of the cyst. The second patient was a 15-year-old girl presented with a congenital fistula of the right lateral neck. At superficial parotidectomy, a total excision of the fistula was performed. During the operation the tract was recorded to lay between the branches of the facial nerve, extending with a blind ending canal parallel to the external acoustic meatus. Conclusively, first branchial cleft anomalies are rare malformations with cervical, parotid, or auricular clinical manifestations. Diagnosis of first branchial cleft lesions is achieved mainly through careful physical examination. Complete surgical excision with wide exposure of the lesion is essential in order to achieve permanent cure and avoid recurrence.

  19. Bone regeneration in cranioplasty and clinical complications in rabbits with alloxan-induced diabetes

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    Evanice Menezes Marçal Vieira


    Full Text Available This research evaluated the bone repair process in surgical defects created on the parietal bones of diabetic rabbits using the guided bone regeneration technique to observe the effects of alloxan in the induction of diabetes mellitus. Twenty-four adult rabbits were divided into three study groups: control (C, diabetic (D and diabetic associated to polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE membrane (D-PTFE. For diabetes induction the animals received one dose of monohydrated alloxan (90 mg/kg by intravenous administration in the auricular or femoral vein. In group D-PTFE the membrane covered both the floor and the surface of the bone defect. In groups D and C, the bone defect was filled up with blood clot. The specimens were fixed in 10% formol and prepared for histomorphometric analysis. The results showed that the 90 mg/kg dose of monohydrate alloxan was sufficient to promote diabetes mellitus when administered in the auricular vein. Bone regeneration was slower in the diabetic group when compared with the control and diabetic-PTFE groups, but there was no significant statistical difference between the two experimental groups (D and D-PTFE. The oral and general clinical complications among the diabetics were weight loss, polyuria, polyphagia and severe chronic gingivitis.

  20. Síndrome branquio-oto-renal: A propósito de una familia Branchio-oto-renal síndrome: Apropos of a family

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    Gretsy Arcas Ermeso


    Full Text Available El síndrome branquio-oto-renal es un trastorno que se transmite con un patrón autosómico dominante caracterizado por lesiones producidas por un trastorno embriológico branquial (fístulas o quistes branquiales, alteraciones del oído (hoyuelos o fositas preauriculares, apéndices, hipoplasias de pabellones auriculares y sordera, así como diversos tipos de displasia renal que pueden ir desde duplicaciones, desplazamientos e hipoplasias, hasta la agenesia renal y otras malformaciones mayores. Se presenta una familia integrada por un padre y dos hijos de ambos sexos y de diferentes matrimonios, en la cual se constató la presencia de este síndrome poco frecuenteThe branchio-oto-renal syndrome is a disorder that is transmitted with a dominant autosomic pattern characterized y lesions produced by a branchial embriological disorder (fistulas or branchial cysts, alterations of the ear (preauricular small pits or fossae, appendices, hypoplasias of auricular pavilions and deafness, as well as diverse types of renal dysplasia that may go from duplications and displacements to renal agenesia and other major malformations. A family composed of a father and two children of both sexes from different marriages, in which the presence of this uncommon syndrome was confirmed, is presented

  1. The junction between hyaline cartilage and engineered cartilage in rabbits. (United States)

    Komura, Makoto; Komura, Hiroko; Otani, Yushi; Kanamori, Yutaka; Iwanaka, Tadashi; Hoshi, Kazuto; Tsuyoshi, Takato; Tabata, Yasuhiko


    Tracheoplasty using costal cartilage grafts to enlarge the tracheal lumen was performed to treat congenital tracheal stenosis. Fibrotic granulomatous tissue was observed at the edge of grafted costal cartilage. We investigated the junction between the native hyaline cartilage and the engineered cartilage plates that were generated by auricular chondrocytes for fabricating the airway. Controlled, prospecive study. In group 1, costal cartilage from New Zealand white rabbits was collected and implanted into a space created in the cervical trachea. In group 2, chondrocytes from auricular cartilages were seeded on absorbable scaffolds. These constructs were implanted in the subcutaneous space. Engineered cartilage plates were then implanted into the trachea after 3 weeks of implantation of the constructs. The grafts in group 1 and 2 were retrieved after 4 weeks. In group 1, histological studies of the junction between the native hyaline cartilage and the implanted costal cartilage demonstrated chondrogenic tissue in four anastomoses sides out of the 10 examined. In group 2, the junction between the native trachea and the engineered cartilage showed neocartilage tissue in nine anastomoses sides out of 10. Engineered cartilage may be beneficial for engineered airways, based on the findings of the junction between the native and engineered grafts. Copyright © 2012 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

  2. The Issue of Age Estimation in a Modern Skeletal Population: Are Even the More Modern Current Aging Methods Satisfactory for the Elderly? (United States)

    Cappella, Annalisa; Cummaudo, Marco; Arrigoni, Elena; Collini, Federica; Cattaneo, Cristina


    The main idea behind age assessment in adults is related to the analysis of the physiological degeneration of particular skeletal structures with age. The main issues with these procedures are due to the fact that they have not been tested on different modern populations and in different taphonomic contexts and that they tend to underestimate the age of older individuals. The purpose of this study was to test the applicability and the reliability of these methods on a contemporary population of skeletal remains of 145 elderly individuals of known sex and age. The results show that, due to taphonomic influences, some skeletal sites showed a lower survival. Therefore, the methods with the highest percentage of applicability were Lovejoy (89.6%) and Rougé-Maillart (81.3%), followed by Suchey-Brooks (59.3%), and those with the lowest percentage of applicability were Beauthier (26.2%) and Iscan (22.7%). In addition, this research has shown how for older adults the study of both acetabulum and auricular surface may be more reliable for aging. This is also in accordance with the fact that auricular surface and the acetabulum are the areas more frequently surviving taphonomic insult. © 2016 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  3. Edema agudo hemorrágico da infância: relato de três casos Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy: report of three cases

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    Paulo Sergio Emerich


    Full Text Available O Edema Agudo Hemorrágico da Infância é uma vasculite leucocitoclástica pouco frequente, que ocorre, quase exclusivamente, em crianças entre 4 meses e 2 anos de idade. Caracteriza-se, clinicamente, pela tríade febre, lesões purpúricas na face, pavilhões auriculares e extremidades e edema. Embora os achados cutâneos sejam dramáticos e de surgimento rápido, o prognóstico é favorável, com resolução espontânea dentro de 1 a 3 semanas. Descrevem-se três casos cujos achados clínicos e histopatológicos são característicos de edema agudo hemorrágico da infância.Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infancy is an infrequent leukocytoclastic vasculitis which occurs almost exclusively in children between 4 months and 2 years of age. It is clinically characterized by the triad fever, purpuric lesions on the face, auricular pinna and extremities, and edema. Although the cutaneous findings are dramatic and of rapid onset, the prognosis is favorable, with spontaneous resolution within 1 to 3 weeks. Three cases are described in which clinical and histopathological findings are characteristic of acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy.

  4. Histologic Evidence of New Collagen Formulation Using Platelet Rich Plasma in Skin Rejuvenation: A Prospective Controlled Clinical Study. (United States)

    Abuaf, Ozlem Karabudak; Yildiz, Hamza; Baloglu, Hüseyin; Bilgili, Memet Ersan; Simsek, Hasan Aktug; Dogan, Bilal


    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an autologous concentration of human platelets contained in a small volume of plasma and has recently been shown to accelerate rejuvenate aging skin by various growth factors and cell adhesion molecules. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intradermal injection of PRP in the human facial rejuvenation. This study was a prospective, single-center, single-dose, open-label, non-randomized controlled clinical study. PRP injected to the upper site of this right infra-auricular area and all face. Saline was injected to the left infra-auricular area. Histopathological examinations were performed before PRP treatment, 28 days after the PRP, and saline (control) treatments. Twenty women ranging in age from 40 to 49 years (mean age, 43.65±2.43 years) were enrolled in the study. The mean optical densities (MODs) of collagen in the pre-treatment, control, and PRP-treated area were measured. They were 539±93.2, 787±134.15, 1,019±178, respectively. In the MOD of PRP, 89.05 percent improvement was found when MOD of PRP was compared with MOD of pre-treatment. The mean MOD of collagen fibers was clearly highest on the PRP side ( p facial skin rejuvenation.

  5. Extraocular surgery for implantation of an active subretinal visual prosthesis with external connections: feasibility and outcome in seven patients. (United States)

    Besch, D; Sachs, H; Szurman, P; Gülicher, D; Wilke, R; Reinert, S; Zrenner, E; Bartz-Schmidt, K U; Gekeler, F


    Due to low energy levels in microphotodiode-based subretinal visual prostheses, an external power supply is mandatory. We report on the surgical feasibility and the functional outcome of the extraocular part of an approach to connect a subretinal prosthesis to an extracorporeal connector in the retro-auricular space via a trans-scleral, transchoroidal cable. Seven volunteers with retinitis pigmentosa received an active subretinal implant; energy was supplied by gold wires on a trans-sclerally, transchoroidally implanted polyimide foil leading to the lateral orbital rim where it was fixated and connected to a silicone cable. The cable was implanted subperiostally beneath the temporal muscle using a trocar to the retro-auricular space where it penetrated the skin for connection to a stimulator. To avoid subretinal movement of the implant, three tension relief points have been introduced. All implantations were performed as planned without complications, and no serious adverse events occurred in the postoperative period. Fixation of the implants was stable throughout the entire study duration of 4 weeks; permanent skin penetration proved to be uncomplicated. Motility was minimally restricted in downgaze and ab-/adduction. Explantation was uneventful. The above-described procedure provides a method for stable fixation of a subretinal device with a trans-scleral, transchoroidal cable connection to an extracorporeal connector.

  6. Pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa en la infancia: A propósito de un caso


    González Resina, R.; Barrero Candau, R.; Argüelles Salido, E.; Campoy Martínez, P.; Rodríguez Pérez, A.; Pérez Pérez, M.


    La pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa es una rara inflamación crónica del parénquima renal. Predomina en mujeres de edad media y es extremadamente rara en niños. Presentamos el caso de una niña de 4 años de edad, con infecciones del tracto urinario de repetición y mala respuesta a tratamiento médico. La paciente tenía retraso pondo-estatural y una masa en hemiabdomen izquierdo a la exploración y en las pruebas de imagen. Se realizó heminefrectomía superior izquierda, con posterior confirmación ...

  7. Elecciones en Honduras: reconfiguración del sistema de partidos

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    Erik Mejía


    Full Text Available En un proceso electoral marcado por el surgimiento de nuevos partidos políticos y por la polarización, el Partido Nacional (derecha ganó la Presidencia de la República al vencer por un margen electoral de 8.01% a su más cercano adversario el Partido LIBRE (izquierda. El sistema bipartidista tradicional comenzó a reconfigurarse, pasando a un multipartidismo en el Congreso Nacional. El presidente electo Juan Orlando Hernández asumirá la dirección de un país pobre “azotado” por la inseguridad

  8. La nueva narrativa identitaria del populismo: un análisis del discurso de Pablo Iglesias (Podemos) en Twitter


    Arroyas Langa, Enrique; Pérez, Pedro Luis


    El término «populista», que ha sido utilizado para identificar de forma peyorativa determinadas prácticas demagógicas tanto de la izquierda como de la de- recha, ha cobrado protagonismo en los últimos tiempos en un contexto de crisis de representación de las democracias, desafección política de la ciudadanía y pérdida de confianza en las instituciones. No obstante, también se ha abordado este fenóme- no político sin connotaciones negativas, de forma que pueda estudiarse el populismo como un d...

  9. Telecomunication Revolution in Brazil and its Impact in Self Imagen Percepions

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    Jacques A. Wainberg


    Full Text Available Brasil es testigo de una gran revolución en su infraestructura de telecomunicaciones. De facto, es este el último estagio de un ciclo de más de 100 años donde los sectores privados y estatales bien como nacionalistas e investidores cosmopolitas se han enfrentado para obtener el control de esta inmensa red. La disputa por el mercado brasileño ha alcanzado una nueva fase donde la globalización ha creado un sistema abierto, despecho del interés de la izquierda y de los estrategas brasileños.

  10. El PRT-La Verdad entre los trabajadores de la carne de Berisso: La agrupación El Activista de la Carne y la Lista Gris (1967-1972)


    Castillo, Christian


    Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de un proyecto más general referido al estudio de los conflictos obreros y estudiantiles y las estrategias de la izquierda en La Plata y Gran La Plata entre 1966 y 1973 y, más en particular, del estudio de la actividad en la región durante ese período del PRT-La Verdad. De las dos fracciones en las que se escindió el Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores a comienzos de 1968, el sector encabezado por Nahuel Moreno ?que pasó a denominarse "PRT-La Verdad"- fue...

  11. Mastocitoma cutáneo solitario: presentación de un caso Solitary cutaneous mastocytoma: a case report

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    AD Pérez-Elizondo

    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un lactante menor con tumoración cutánea benigna, localizada en el área submandibular izquierda de la cabeza, característico de un mastocitoma solitario. Su reconocimiento clínico precoz y la instauración terapéutica temprana aceleraron el tiempo de resolución, casi siempre espontánea.We present a case of an infant with benign cutaneous tumor, located in the left submandibular aspect of the head consistent with solitary mastocytoma. Its early clinical recognition and early treatment onset accelerates time to resolution almost always spontaneous.



    Bombin F,Juan; Kotlik A,Alejandro; Seguel S,Gabriel; Pizarro S,Carla; Aliaga S,Erik


    Introducción: Las Malformaciones Arterio-Venosas (MAV) son alteraciones estructurales congénitas del desarrollo del sistema vascular en que se observan comunicaciones anómalas arterio-venosas conformando un "nido" arterio-venoso-capilar. Caso Clínico: Mujer que consulta a los 15 años de edad por una MAV en la región cervical posterior izquierda desde su nacimiento. Se efectúa una resección amplia de la lesión hasta el plano aponeurótico cubriendo el defecto con un colgajo de rotación cutáneo-...

  13. Sigmoid colon cancer in an incarcerated left inguinal hernia


    González González, Daniel Alfredo; Tarigo, Nicolás


    Resumen: El cáncer de colon como contenido de una hernia inguinal es una situación infrecuente. Pocos casos se han reportado en la literatura. Habitualmente ocurre en hernias inguinales izquierdas y es el colon sigmoides su contenido. La palpación de una tumoración en una hernia que previamente no existía y la aparición de sintomatología intestinal orientan el diagnóstico. El colon por enema constituye el examen paraclínico por excelencia para su confirmación. El tratamiento quirúrgico se imp...

  14. Juventud rebelde, campesinado indígena y la instalación del discurso de clases en los campos de Cautín. Movimiento Campesino Revolucionario. Chile, 1967-1973


    Ovidio Cárcamo Hernández


    El propósito de este artículo es analizar el itinerario seguido por algunos militantes del Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), en el marco de la Reforma Agraria chilena entre 1967 y 1973, en la provincia de Cautín, en el surde Chile. Además buscamos describir el proceso de vinculación entre los militantes del MIR y el campesinado indígena, relación de la cual nació el Movimiento Campesino Revolucionario (MCR) a fines de 1970, iniciándose así una importante embestida contra la gran p...



    Rosalvina Otálora Cortés


    En las últimas décadas, el populismo ha recuperado prominencia en América Latina. Se expresa en formas de gobierno de izquierda o derecha como sucede en Venezuela con Hugo Chávez y Álvaro Uribe en Colombia, así como en la movilización de algunos sectores de la población. Este concepto ambiguo toma sobre diferentes significados. Desde el punto de vista económico, el populismo macroeconómico destaca el crecimiento mediante políticas de redistribución a corto plazo para aumentar el consumo, des...

  16. Auricular Split-Thickness Skin Graft for Ear Canal Coverage. (United States)

    Haidar, Yarah M; Walia, Sartaaj; Sahyouni, Ronald; Ghavami, Yaser; Lin, Harrison W; Djalilian, Hamid R


    Split-thickness skin graft (STSG) continues to be the preferred means of external auditory canal (EAC) reconstruction. We thus sought to describe our experience using skin from the posterior aspect of the auricle (SPAA) as a donor site in EAC reconstruction. Grafts were, on average, 5 × 10 mm in size and obtained with a No. 10 blade after tumescence injection. The cases of 39 patients who underwent 41 procedures were retrospectively reviewed. Of the 38 patients with both 3- and 6-month follow-ups, no postoperative stenosis or bony exposure occurred. STSG from the SPAA can be a good option in EAC reconstruction. Total EAC/tympanic membrane coverage can be obtained with STSG from the SPAA. © American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Foundation 2016.

  17. Manufacturing implant supported auricular prostheses by rapid prototyping techniques. (United States)

    Karatas, Meltem Ozdemir; Cifter, Ebru Demet; Ozenen, Didem Ozdemir; Balik, Ali; Tuncer, Erman Bulent


    Maxillofacial prostheses are usually fabricated on the models obtained following the impression procedures. Disadvantages of conventional impression techniques used in production of facial prosthesis are deformation of soft tissues caused by impression material and disturbance of the patient due to. Additionally production of prosthesis by conventional methods takes longer time. Recently, rapid prototyping techniques have been developed for extraoral prosthesis in order to reduce these disadvantages of conventional methods. Rapid prototyping technique has the potential to simplify the procedure and decrease the laboratory work required. It eliminates the need for measurement impression procedures and preparation of wax model to be performed by prosthodontists themselves In the near future this technology will become a standard for fabricating maxillofacial prostheses.

  18. Manufacturing Implant Supported Auricular Prostheses by Rapid Prototyping Techniques


    Karatas, Meltem Ozdemir; Cifter, Ebru Demet; Ozenen, Didem Ozdemir; Balik, Ali; Tuncer, Erman Bulent


    Maxillofacial prostheses are usually fabricated on the models obtained following the impression procedures. Disadvantages of conventional impression techniques used in production of facial prosthesis are deformation of soft tissues caused by impression material and disturbance of the patient due to. Additionally production of prosthesis by conventional methods takes longer time. Recently, rapid prototyping techniques have been developed for extraoral prosthesis in order to reduce these disadv...

  19. Lepromatous leprosy presenting as a swelling in the neck

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    Dogra Devraj


    Full Text Available A 25-year-old electrician presented with gradually, asymptomatic swelling on left of the neck since 2 years. The swelling which was initially diagnosed as cervical lymphadenitis by the internist represented the enlarged left great auricular nerve. Cutaneous examination revealed an ill-defined, hypoaesthetic macule with minimal atrophy on the pinna of the left ear. The histopathology of the nerve showed a lepromatous neuritis with bacteriological index (BI of 5+.

  20. Registro Español de Ablación con Catéter. V Informe Oficial (2005

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    Miguel Álvarez López


    Conclusiones: Con un número de procedimientos de ablación superior a 6.000 y con la participación más numerosa de centros de todo el Estado, el Registro Español de Ablación con Catéter aumenta su representatividad y su valor como referencia. El número de procedimientos de ablación de fibrilación auricular se incrementa progresivamente en nuestro país.

  1. A new species of Probursata Bravo-Hollis, 1984 (Mogenea: Heteraxinidae: Heteraxininae) parasite of Oligoplites spp. (Osteichthyes: Carangidae) from the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Ricardo M. Takemoto; J. F. R. Amato; José Luis Luque


    Probursata brasiliensis n. sp., a gill filament parasite of carangid fishes, O. palometa (Cuvier), Oligoplites saurus (Bloch & Schneider), and O. saliens (Bloch), from the Brazilian coast, is described and illustrated. The new species differs from Probursata veraecrucis Bravo-Hollis, 1984, the type and only species of this genus by the presence of spines in the auricular expansions of the genital atrium, by the trifurcate supplementary process of the clamp's midsclerite, and by having a l...

  2. Gestión municipal y participación popular: la experiencia en Cusco, 1980-1987

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    Full Text Available Après avoir brièvement évoqué le cadre légal, dans l'histoire récente, de l'organisation municipale, l'article s'attache à analyser les trois administrations municipales qui se sont succédées à Cusco, depuis 1981: celle de Acción Popular (1981-1983, de la Izquierda Unida (1984-1936 et de l'APRA depuis 1987. L'étude est centrée sur le degré et les formes de la participation populaire dans ces administrations. Dans une dernière partie, sont mis en relief quelques problèmes propres à la participation populaire: le peuple enregistre plus qu'il ne peut proposer il revendique plus qu'il ne peut offrir d'alternative les conduites traditionnelles clientélistes demeurent de même que la propension à aller au secours de la victoire enfin, le pouvoir et ses mécanismes restent bien souvent opaques. Después de una breve reseña sobre el marco legal, en la historia reciente, de la organización municipal, el artículo trata de analizar las tres administraciones municipales que se sucedieron en Cusco desde 1981: la de Acción Popular (1981-1983, la de Izquierda Unida (1984-1986, la del Apra desde 1987. El estudio se centra sobre el grado y las formas de participación popular en estas administraciones. En la última parte, se destacan algunos problemas planteados por la participación popular: el pueblo convalida pero no puede proponer reivindica pero no tiene la oportunidad de ofrecer alternativas las conductas tradicionales clientelistas perduran así como el voto hacia el vencedor por fin, el poder y sus mecanismos quedan a menudo opacos. After a brief review of the legal framework of the municipal organization in recent history, the article attempts to analyze the three municipal administrations which have succeeded each other since 1981 in Cusco: Acción Popular (1981-1983, Izquierda Unida (1984-1986 and Apra, since 1987. The study centers itself on the grade of popular participation and the forms it has taken during these

  3. Determinación de la edad ósea a través del desarrollo dental en pacientes de Ortodoncia Assessment of bone age by dental developmental seen in Orthodontia patients

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    Gladia Toledo Mayarí


    Full Text Available La tendencia actual en Ortodoncia consiste en reducir el número de radiaciones con fines diagnósticos a las estrictamente necesarias, por lo que se han desarrollado índices de maduración ósea a través del desarrollo dental, dentro de los que se encuentra el método de Demirjian y colaboradores, sustituyéndose la radiografía de la mano que constituye una radiografía adicional para los pacientes, además de que la misma no se realiza en los servicios de Estomatología. Con el objetivo de determinar la edad ósea a través del desarrollo dental, se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, para lo cual fueron realizadas una radiografía de la mano izquierda y una radiografía panóramica o periapicales de la hemiarcada mandibular izquierda, a 150 pacientes de Ortodoncia y se determinó la edad ósea, a través de los métodos Tanner-Whitehouse 2 (TW2 y Demirjian y colaboradores. Se encontraron correlaciones altas muy significativas entre las edades óseas calculadas en ambos sexos (hembras r= 0,828 y varones r= 0,957. Concluyéndose que la edad ósea calculada a través del desarrollo dental, en nuestra muestra, puede ser aplicada para predecir la edad ósea a través del método TW2, siendo posible sustituir la radiografía de la mano izquierda.Present trend in Orthodontics is to reduce the number of strictly needed diagnostic radiations that is why bone maturation indexes have been created by dental developmental including the Demirjian et al method, substituting the hand radiography which is an additional strategy for patients due to it is not performed in Stomatology Services. To determine the bone age by dental developmental, a cross-sectional and transversal study was carried out and also a left hand radiography and a panoramic and a periapical one of left mandibular hemicardia in 150 orthodontic patients determining the bone age by Tanner-Whitehouse 2 method (TW2 and Demirjian et al. There were very significant high

  4. Disfunción ventricular izquierda subclínica en diabéticos tipo 1 con menos de 10 años de evolución de la diabetes Subclinical left ventricular dysfunction in type 1 diabetics with less than 10 years of evolution of diabetes

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    Manuel Licea Puig


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio transversal en 32 diabéticos tipo 1 con menos de 10 años de evolución de la enfermedad, edades entre 17 y 40 años, para conocer la frecuencia de disfunción ventricular izquierda (DVI subclínica y factores asociados a la misma. Se excluyeron los pacientes que presentaron valvulopatías, cardiopatía isquémica, hipertensión arterial y otras enfermedades que provocan miocardiopatías. Se les realizó una historia clínica completa y se les indicó: glucemia en ayunas, HbA1, colesterol total, triglicéridos totales, HDL-colesterol, excreción urinaria de albúmina (EUA, velocidad de conducción motora y sensitiva de los miembros inferiores, electrocardiograma y ecocardiograma modo M, bidimensional y con Doppler pulsado. Se adoptaron los criterios propuestos por la Sociedad Americana de Ecocardiografía para el diagnóstico ecocardiográfico de DVI. Se comprobó DVI en el 25 %. Las alteraciones estructurales cardíacas se observaron en el 6,2 %. La neuropatía periférica se presentó en 6 de 8 pacientes con DVI. Los niveles de EUA fueron significativamente mayores en los afectados de DVI (219,5 ± 170,2 mg/L vs. 66,9 ± 86,9 mg/L. En conclusión, se afirmó que la DVI es de observación relativamente frecuente en los diabéticos con menos de 10 años de evolución y los niveles de EUA pudieran constituir un marcador de riesgo para el desarrollo de esta complicación.A cross-sectional study in 32 type l diabetics aged 17-40 with less than 10 years of evolution of the disease was conducted to know the frequency of subclinical left ventricular dysfunction (LVD and its associated factors. Patients with valvulopathies, ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension and other diseases causing myocardiopathies, were excluded. Complete medical histories were obtained and fasting glycemia, HbAl, total cholesterol, total triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, urinary excretion of albumin (USA, velocity of motor and sensitive conduction

  5. Miocarditis eosinofílica como causa de disfunción ventricular izquierda reversible

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    María Juliana Rodríguez-González


    Se logra el destete del soporte circulatorio, presenta mejoría de la función sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo con recuperación total del cuadro clínico. Este caso es relevante en cuanto a diagnóstico de disfunción ventricular aguda, con una asociación previamente no descrita con antimoniato de meglumina (glucantime, nos recuerda la importancia de realizar: la biopsia endomiocárdica para definir la etiología, la toma de decisiones de terapias avanzadas, conociendo que en ciertas circunstancias puede presentarse reversibilidad de la disfunción miocárdica y mejoría del cuadro clínico.

  6. Niña lactante con estenosis traqueal y arteria pulmonar izquierda en hamaca

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    Fabiola Pérez-Juárez


    Full Text Available Niña de 3 meses y 16 días de edad que acudió al Servicio de Urgencias del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría (Ciudad de México con un cuadro respiratorio de rápida evolución y falleció horas después.

  7. Niña lactante con estenosis traqueal y arteria pulmonar izquierda en hamaca


    Fabiola Pérez-Juárez; Natalia Alemán-Sánchez; Eduardo López-Corella


    Niña de 3 meses y 16 días de edad que acudió al Servicio de Urgencias del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría (Ciudad de México) con un cuadro respiratorio de rápida evolución y falleció horas después.

  8. The effect of carbon dioxide therapy on composite graft survival


    Durães, Eliana Ferreira Ribeiro; Durães, Leonardo de Castro; Carneiro, Fabiana Pirani; Lino Júnior, Ruy de Souza; Sousa, João Batista de


    PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of carboxytherapy in auricular composite grafts in rabbits. METHODS: An experimental study was conducted using 20 rabbits randomly assigned to a treatment group of carboxytherapy or a control group of saline solution. In each ear, a circular graft with 1.5 cm or 2 cm of diameter was amputated and reattached. Animals underwent carbon dioxide or saline injection four times during the experiment. We analyzed clinical evolution of the animals, grafts survival, h...

  9. An unusual outcome of a right atrium wall abscess in an infant. A case report

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    F. Jebri


    Full Text Available Echocardiography is known as an accurate tool for the diagnosis of myocardial abscess (MA. Surgery resection is compulsory as therapy for this intracardiac mass. Though, we report the first case in an infant, of a right auricular MA without valvular involvement, diagnosed retrospectively in a occasion of a purulent pericarditis, leaving place spontaneously to a new cavity and displacing the tricuspid ring. Treatment is not codified and remains different depending on each case.

  10. Enfermedad cerebrovascular en mujeres: estado del arte y visión del cardiólogo

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    Johanna P. Contreras


    Full Text Available Resumen: La enfermedad cerebrovascular tiene varias denominaciones; en la actualidad se habla globalmente de ataque cerebrovascular, términos en los que se abarcan tanto manifestaciones hemorrágicas como isquémicas. Las mujeres son una población especial, con un riesgo relevante y mayores implicaciones pronósticas. Comparado con los hombres, comorbilidades como la hipertensión y la fibrilación auricular tienen mayor impacto vital y funcional en las mujeres. En el manejo no hay consideraciones que las diferencien de manera contundente, excepto en las mujeres embarazadas que requieren un ajuste especial al tratamiento, y en algunos casos no hay suficiente información para emitir una recomendación. Abstract: Cerebrovascular disease has several names and it is currently referred to as stroke, which encompasses hemorrhagic and ischemic manifestations. Women are a special population, with a relevant risk and greater prognostic implications. Comorbidities such as hypertension and atrial fibrillation have a greater impact at a vital and functional level, compared to men. Regarding management, there are no considerations that differentiate them in a definitive way, except in pregnant women (who require a special adjustment to the treatment, and in some cases there is not enough data to issue a recommendation. Palabras clave: Ataque cerebrovascular, Embarazo, Fibrilación auricular, Keywords: Stroke, Pregnancy, Atrial fibrillation

  11. Rugby injury-associated pseudocyst of the auricle: report and review of sports-associated dermatoses of the ear. (United States)

    Kallini, Joseph R; Cohen, Philip R


    To describe a man with pseudocyst of the auricle, summarize the salient features of this condition, and review other sports-associated dermatoses of the ear. Pseudocyst of the auricle is an intracartilaginous collection of viscous straw-colored fluid typically located in the triangular fossa of the upper half of the auricle. It is usually asymptomatic. It can result in a permanent auricular deformity. A 63-year-old man developed a pseudocyst of the auricle following a traumatic rugby-related injury to his left ear. The lesion has persisted for many years; chronic massage has slightly decreased its size. The etiology of pseudocyst of the auricle has been described as either traumatic or developmental. Our patient developed his pseudocyst after a rugby-related injury. This condition is usually unilateral. Aspirate of the content is usually sterile. Histology shows an intracartilaginous cyst devoid of an epithelial lining. Treatment involves either partial removal of the cartilage or chemical irritation to enhance adhesiveness. Subsequent compression (via button bolsters) minimizes recurrence. Pseudocyst of the auricle is a benign cystic dilatation, which is intracartilaginous, devoid of an epithelial lining, and may be traumatic or non-traumatic in origin. A man with rugby-associated trauma to his left ear developed this condition. Auricular pseudocyst can be added to the list of sports-associated dermatoses of the ear.

  12. Púrpura de Henoch-Schönlein com acometimento incomum de face Unusual face involvement in Henoch-Schönlein purpura

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    Carolina Bassoli de Azevedo


    Full Text Available A Púrpura de Henoch-Shönlein é uma vasculite de causa idiopática, que se caracteriza pelo depósito predominante de IgA na parede dos pequenos vasos, envolvendo tipicamente pele, intestino, articulações e glomérulo renal. O acometimento cutâneo ocorre principalmente em membros inferiores e região glútea, sendo raramente encontrado em face e membros superiores. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, com seis anos de idade, que apresentava lesões púrpuricas em região auricular, periorbital, malar, mentoniana e membros superiores, além de artralgia e volvo intestinal. Após tratamento cirúrgico e pulsoterapia com glicocorticoide, houve regressão dos sintomas, sem maiores complicações.Henoch-Schönlein Purpura is an idiopathic vasculitis characterized by deposits of immunoglobulin, mainly IgA, on the walls of small vessels, typically involving the skin, gut, joints, and renal glomeruli. Cutaneous involvement affects specially the lower limbs and buttocks, and it is seldom found on the face and upper limbs. We report the case of a 6-year old girl with purpuric lesions over the auricular, periorbital, malar, and mentonian regions and the upper limbs, arthralgia, and intestinal torsion. After surgical treatment and pulse therapy with glucocorticoids, her symptoms subsided without further complications.

  13. Battlefield acupuncture: Opening the door for acupuncture in Department of Defense/Veteran's Administration health care. (United States)

    Walker, Patricia Hinton; Pock, Arnyce; Ling, Catherine G; Kwon, Kyung Nancy; Vaughan, Megan


    Battlefield acupuncture is a unique auricular acupuncture procedure which is being used in a number of military medical facilities throughout the Department of Defense (DoD). It has been used with anecdotal published positive impact with warriors experiencing polytrauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, and traumatic brain injury. It has also been effectively used to treat warriors with muscle and back pain from carrying heavy combat equipment in austere environments. This article highlights the history within the DoD related to the need for nonpharmacologic/opioid pain management across the continuum of care from combat situations, during evacuation, and throughout recovery and rehabilitation. The article describes the history of auricular acupuncture and details implementation procedures. Training is necessary and partially funded through DoD and Veteran's Administration (VA) internal Joint Incentive Funds grants between the DoD and the VA for multidisciplinary teams as part of a larger initiative related to the recommendations from the DoD Army Surgeon General's Pain Management Task Force. Finally, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences School of Medicine and Graduate School of Nursing faculty members present how this interdisciplinary training is currently being integrated into both schools for physicians and advanced practice nurses at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. Current and future research challenges and progress related to the use of acupuncture are also presented. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  14. Bone pain caused by swelling of mouse ear capsule static xylene and effects on rat models of cervical spondylosis (United States)

    Zhang, Xuhui; Xia, Lei; Hao, Shaojun; Chen, Weiliang; Guo, Junyi; Ma, Zhenzhen; Wang, Huamin; Kong, Xuejun; Wang, Hongyu; Zhang, Zhengchen


    To observe the effect of intravenous bone pain Capsule on the ear of mice induced by xylene, swelling of rat models of cervical spondylosis. Weighing 18 ˜ 21g 50 mice, male, were randomly divided into for five groups, which were fed with service for bone pain static capsule suspension, Jingfukang granule suspension 0.5%CMC liquid and the same volume of. Respectively to the mice ear drop of xylene 0.05 ml, 4h after cervical dislocation, the mice were sacrificed and the cut two ear, rapid analytical balance weighing, and calculate the ear swelling degree and the other to take the weight of 200 - 60 250g male SD rats, were randomly divided into for 6 groups, 10 rats in each group, of which 5 groups made cervical spondylosis model. Results: with the blank group than bone pain static capsule group and Jingfukang granule group can significantly reduce mouse auricular dimethylbenzene swelling, significantly reduce ear swelling degree (P cervical spondylosis. With the model group ratio, large, medium and small dose of bone pain static capsule group, Jingfukang granule group (P pain static capsule group, Jingfukang granule group can significantly reduce the rat X-ray scores (P pain static capsule can significantly reduce mouse auricular dimethylbenzene swelling. The bone pain capsule has a good effect on the rat model of cervical spondylosis.

  15. Análisis de coste-utilidad del manejo de la fibrilación auricular concomitante en España Cost-utility analysis of concomitant atrial fibrillation management in Spain

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    María Jesús López Gude


    Full Text Available Objetivos: La fibrilación auricular (FA es la arritmia más común en la práctica clínica; es un factor de riesgo de accidente cerebrovascular (ACV, y está asociada a una importante morbilidad y mortalidad. Nuestro objetivo fue realizar un análisis de coste-utilidad de las diferentes opciones de tratamiento en pacientes >40 años con FA concomitante con valvulopatía mitral en España, desde la perspectiva del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Métodos: Se realizó una evaluación económica mediante un modelo de Markov con cuatro estados de salud (ritmo sinusal, FA, ACV dependiente, muerte simulando una cohorte de 1.000 pacientes en cada opción de tratamiento más cirugía de válvula mitral (tratamiento farmacológico, ablación quirúrgica y ablación por catéter. El horizonte temporal fue de 5 años, con ciclos de 3 meses. Los datos de costes y efectos se obtuvieron de la revisión de la literatura y de la opinión de expertos clínicos, descontados al 3,5% anual. Se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad probabilístico para determinar la robustez de nuestros resultados. Resultados: Los años de vida ajustados por calidad (AVAC ganados fueron 3,29, 3,89 y 3,83, respectivamente, para las alternativas de no ablación, ablación quirúrgica y ablación por catéter. Los costes por paciente fueron de 5.770€, 10.034€ y 11.289€, respectivamente. La razón coste/AVAC de ablación quirúrgica frente a no ablación fue de 7.145€. La ablación quirúrgica resultó dominante frente a la ablación por catéter. El análisis probabilístico de sensibilidad mostró que los resultados del modelo fueron robustos. Conclusiones: La ablación quirúrgica es una opción de tratamiento coste-efectiva en los pacientes con FA concomitante, con una razón coste-efectividad por debajo del umbral de eficiencia comúnmente aceptado en España.Objectives: Atrial fibrillation (AF is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice; this disorder is a risk factor

  16. Hemiplejía aguda infantil asociada a infección por enterovirus


    Muñoz, Erika; Caramuta, Luciana; Frenkel, Susana; Cáceres, Lidia


    El ictus isquémico en la infancia es una entidad infrecuente, en el 50% de los casos no existe una causa identificable. Sin embargo, con el advenimiento de nuevas técnicas diagnósticas se han podido conocer más afecciones causales. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 9 años con hemiplejía aguda izquierda, con estudios de neuroimágenes poco significativos y en la cual el análisis del líquido cefalorraquídeo por método de reacción en cadena de polimerasa (PCR) para ARN viral, fue positivo pa...

  17. Diestros y zurdos no ven el mismo lado bueno a las cosas

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    Julio Santiago


    Full Text Available A pesar de la asociación casi universal de la derecha con la vida, lo correcto, positivo, y bueno, y de la izquierda con la muerte, lo inadecuado, negativo y malo, descubrimientos recientes demuestran que las personas zurdas mantienen la asociación contraria. Los zurdos se convierten así en un caso crítico en el que las asociaciones conceptuales fruto de la experiencia sensoriomotora y las que se apoyan en usos lingüísticos y culturales se contradicen. Sus datos demuestran que la experiencia sensoriomotora por sí sola es capaz de generar asociaciones conceptuales abstractas.

  18. Andrés Rivera, Escritor social

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    Marta Waldegaray


    Full Text Available La narrativa de Andrés Rivera hace de la historia el material de origen de la escritura y de su convicción política de izquierda el molde en el cual desde hace ya más de cuatro décadas su escritura adquiere forma.Acontecimiento histórico, circunstancia política, poseen en sus primeras novelas el valor de verdad política, de testimonio social. La convicción ideológica que sus libros exhiben se acompaña de una trayectoria literaria que, en su práctica inicial, fue confiada a la representación r...

  19. La infracción adolescente a la ley penal en el centro del debate sobre seguridad pública en Uruguay

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    Carolina González-Laurino


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca reflexionar sobre el debate uruguayo de laseguridad pública centrado en la infracción penal juvenil, en el marco de la presentación de unproyecto que propone bajar la edad de imputabilidad penal de dieciocho a dieciséis años presentadaa plebiscito en 2014, y de las ambigüedades planteadas a nivel legislativo por la izquierda en elgobierno desde 2005, que se debate entre el discurso de la represión y el de la rehabilitación social.Asimismo se propone un debate acerca de la rehabilitación social en contextos de encierro.

  20. Parálisis de Bell y dolor facial asociados con infección por Toxocara sp


    Bachtiar, Arian; Auer, Herbert; Finsterer, Josef


    Objetivos: La toxocarosis que compromete los nervios craneales es extremadamente infrecuente y afecta casi exclusivamente al nervio óptico. No ha sido comunicada la toxocarosis que afecte al séptimo nervio cranial por lo que se expone un caso clínico. Caso clínico: Varón de 33 años que había presentado seis años antes, una otalgia izquierda seguida dos días más tarde de una parálisis de Bell ipsilateral. A pesar de un exhaustivo estudio, la causa de esta parálisis quedó sin etiología. En los ...

  1. Agenesia pulmonar y riñón en herradura en la edad adulta: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura

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    D.I. Navarro Vergara


    Full Text Available La agenesia pulmonar es una malformación congénita rara que se define como la ausencia total de parénquima pulmonar, bronquios y vasculatura. En la literatura se encuentran pocos casos de esta malformación en la edad adulta, debido a la presencia de otras malformaciones coincidentes, como desplazamiento mediastinal y cardiaco severos. La mayoría de los casos mueren prematuramente en los primeros 5 años de vida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 31 años de edad con agenesia pulmonar izquierda asociada a malformación genitourinaria: riñón en herradura.

  2. Autotrasplante de células madre adultas en defecto óseo de rama mandibular por quiste dentígero


    Torres Rodríguez, Luís E; Marimón Torres, Maria E; Morejón Álvarez, Felicia C; Camacho Díaz, René; León Amado, Liseet


    Propósitos del estudio: indagar en la formación ósea de cavidades quísticas de los maxilares a partir de células madres adultas. Método: se realiza la presentación de un paciente que presentaba un quiste dentígero en rama mandibular izquierda y que había provocado gran destrucción ósea, lo cual se comprobó al examen físico y estudios complementarios, tomografía axial compuarizada (TAC) e imágenes gráficas (Fotos). Se decide colocar las células madres adultas, previa valoración y preparación d...

  3. Asistencia miocárdica con matrices bioartificiales

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    Jorge C. Trainini


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la cardiomioplastia celular es regenerar el miocardio mediante el implante de células vivas. Sin embargo, en corazones isquémicos hay alteraciones en la matriz extracelular. El colágeno tipo I, responsable del soporte estructural, disminuye desde el 80% al 40%, mientras que el colágeno tipo III aumenta del 10% al 35%. De esta manera, se hace importante asociar las células implantadas con una matriz extracelular bioartificial. El propósito de esta revisión es evaluar la performance de las células junto con una matriz biodegradable ubicadas en la superficie ventricular izquierda.



    Verónica Valdivia Ortiz de Zárate


    Este artículo analiza la relación del régimen militar del general Augusto Pinochet con los sectores populares durante la década de 1970, poniendo en cuestión las afirmaciones de un entendimiento excluyente con la alta burguesía. La hipótesis sostiene que el régimen se propuso cooptar al mundo popular, históricamente asociado al centro y la izquierda política y que, por lo tanto, su relación con el “pueblo” no se remitió exclusivamente a la represión. Ello se habría debido a que la “guerra” de...

  5. Distinción ideológica en las élites latinoamericanas


    Selios, Lucía


    [ES] Si bien la distinción ideológica surge en Francia hace más de doscientos años, durante gran parte del siglo XX ésta tuvo connotaciones políticas muy precisas y georeferenciadas: la izquierda era el comunismo y la derecha el fascismo. Pero antes, durante, y aún después de esta etapa de la historia política mundial, la distinción ideológica también ha sido utilizada a fin de simplificar el espacio político, entender la competencia electoral, la formación de coaliciones políticas, la orient...

  6. Herida precordial por arma blanca


    Marcelo F. Jiménez; Nuria Novoa; José Luis Aranda; Gonzalo Varela


    Varón de 42 años con esquizofrenia paranoide. Intento de suicidio con tres autolesiones por arma blanca (Fig. 1). Fue traído al hospital en estado consciente, taquicárdico, taquipneico y con tensión arterial (TA) de 140/90 mmHg. Fue trasladado al quirófano, donde se practicó una toracotomía axilar izquierda sin extraer el arma. Durante la intervención se apreciaron tres heridas incisas, dos no penetrantes, hemotórax de 150 ml, herida pericárdica de 4 cm, sin lesiones cardíacas. La hoja del ar...

  7. Relapsing polychondritis: commentary

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    R.D. Altman


    Full Text Available Relapsing Polychondritis (RP is a multisystem disease of unknown etiology characterized by episodic inflammation of cartilage and potentially progressive degeneration of cartilaginous tissue, such as auricular, nasal and laryngotracheobronchial cartilage. However, many other proteoglycan- rich structures may be involved, such as inner ear, eyes, blood vessels, heart and kidneys (1- 4. RP was first described by Jacksh-Wartenhorst in 1923, who named it “polychondropathia” (5. Pearson et al. (6 introduced the term “relapsing polychondritis” in 1960...

  8. Temporomandibular disorders, headaches and chronic pain. (United States)

    Zakrzewska, Joanna M


    Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are a major cause of non-dental orofacial pain with a suggested prevalence of 3% to 5% in the general population. TMDs present as unilateral or bilateral pain centered round the pre-auricular area and can be associated with clicking and limitation in jaw movements. It is important to ascertain if there are other comorbid factors such as headaches, widespread chronic pain and mood changes. A biopsychosocial approach is crucial with a careful explanation and self-care techniques encouraged.

  9. Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease presenting as a pseudotumor of the temporomandibular joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vargas, A.; Teruel, J.; Pont, J.; Velayos, A.; Trull, J.; Lopez, E.


    We report a case of a 66-year-old white woman with calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystal deposition disease. The patient related a 2-month history of swelling with tenderness over the left pre-auricular region. A CT scan suggested a synovial chondromatosis. Surgical removal was done and histologic study showed CPPD crystals. This disease rarely involves the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and is not usually considered in the differential diagnosis. To our knowledge, only 14 cases have been reported in the literature. (orig.)

  10. Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy: report of three cases. (United States)

    Emerich, Paulo Sergio; Prebianchi, Patricia Almeida; Motta, Luciene Lage da; Lucas, Elton Almeida; Ferreira, Leonardo Mello


    Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infancy is an infrequent leukocytoclastic vasculitis which occurs almost exclusively in children between 4 months and 2 years of age. It is clinically characterized by the triad fever, purpuric lesions on the face, auricular pinna and extremities, and edema. Although the cutaneous findings are dramatic and of rapid onset, the prognosis is favorable, with spontaneous resolution within 1 to 3 weeks. Three cases are described in which clinical and histopathological findings are characteristic of acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy.

  11. Prenatal detection of microtia by MRI in a fetus with trisomy 22

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milic, Andrea; Blaser, Susan; Robinson, Ashley; Viero, Sandra; Halliday, William; Winsor, Elizabeth; Toi, Ants; Thomas, Micki; Chitayat, David


    Trisomy 22 is a rare chromosomal abnormality infrequently detected prenatally. External ear abnormalities, in particular microtia, are often associated with trisomy 22, but prenatal detection of microtia has not been reported in association with trisomy 22. We report a fetus with trisomy 22, with fetal MRI findings of microtia, craniofacial dysmorphism, and polygyria. Fetal MRI is a useful tool for auricular assessment and might have utility in the prenatal detection of chromosomal abnormalities, especially among fetuses with structural anomalies. (orig.)

  12. Cirugía de reemplazo valvular aórtico aislado en pacientes octogenarios: evaluación, riesgo operatorio y resultados a mediano plazo

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    Fernando Piccinini


    Full Text Available RESUMENIntroducciónLas indicaciones y los beneficios del reemplazo valvular aórtico han sido claramente establecidos, aun para poblaciones añosas, de aumentada comorbilidad. Aun así, la manipulación de ateromas aórticos, el uso de circulación extracorpórea y de clampeo aórtico, el paro cardíaco y la descalcificación ligadas a esta técnica y sus eventuales consecuencias generan dudas acerca de su indicación en este grupo de pacientes.ObjetivosComunicar la morbimortalidad del procedimiento en octogenarios y validar la utilidad de los puntajes de predicción de riesgo utilizados más frecuentemente.Material y métodosSe estudiaron 87 pacientes octogenarios sometidos a reemplazo aórtico aislado; se analizaron variables preoperatorias, intraoperatorias y posoperatorias y se aplicó el Euroscore; para facilitar el subanálisis del Euroscore logístico, la población se dividió en tres grupos: riesgo bajo, moderado y alto. Se utilizó técnica quirúrgica convencional. Para el seguimiento, se analizó la historia clínica y/o se realizó encuesta telefónica.ResultadosLa mediana de edad fue de 83 ± 2,5 años, con un rango de 80 a 89 años. El 60% de la población en estudio era de sexo femenino. La indicación quirúrgica fue estenosis 92%, endocarditis activa 4,6% y enfermedad valvular 3,4%. Antecedentes: hipertensión 71%, tabaquismo 31%, dislipidemia 39%, diabetes 11,5%, EPOC 10%, IRC-diálisis 2,3%, ACV 11,5%, IAM previo 8%, fibrilación auricular 16%, reoperación 15%. Cuadro clínico: asintomático 3,45%, angina crónica estable 10,3%, angina inestable 11%, ICC 13,8%, disnea CF III-IV 60%. Disfunción ventricular izquierda moderada-grave 18,3%. Riesgo por Euroscore logístico 12,4% ± 15%. El tiempo operatorio promedio fue de 200 ± 61,7 min, el de CEC de 86 ± 32,5 min y el de clampeo aórtico de 65 ± 18,2 min. Complicaciones: sangrado médico 17,2%, reoperación sangrado 5,7%, bajo gasto cardíaco 13,8%, inotrópicos > 48 horas

  13. Claudio Katz Claudio Katz

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    Full Text Available Claudio Katz nació en Argentina, en 1954. Es economista, integrante del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la República Argentina, profesor en la Universidad de Buenos Aires y director de varios proyectos de investigación. Es autor de numerosos textos de interpretación del capitalismo contemporáneo y de la crisis económica global. Participa activamente en los foros continentales de impugnación del libre-comercio, el endeudamiento externo y la militarización. Como integrante del EDI (Economistas de Izquierda ha publicado varios estudios sobre la coyuntura política y social de la Argentina y de América Latina. Entre sus publicaciones, se destacan sus libros El porvenir del socialismo (2004 y Las disyuntivas de la izquierda en América Latina (primera edición, 2008, que recibieron menciones honoríficas del Premio Libertador al Pensamiento Crítico, además de 'El rediseño de América Latina. Alca, Mercosur y Alba' (2006 y 'La economía marxista, hoy. Seis debates teóricos' (2009. En esta entrevista, concedida a la revista Trabalho, Educação e Saúde en junio de 2010, Katz expone algunas reflexiones sobre la realidad latinoamericana contemporánea, destacando la crítica al llamado 'nuevo desarrollismo', la perspectiva socialista del concepto de democracia y la vigencia del marxismo latinoamericano.Claudio Katz was born in Argentina in 1954. He is an economist, a member of the National Council for Science and Technology of Argentina, a professor at the University of Buenos Aires, and the director of several research projects. Katz is the author of numerous interpretation texts of contemporary capitalism and about the global economic crisis. He participates actively in continental forums on free trade disputes, external debt, and militarization. As a member of the of EDI (Leftist Economists, he has published several studies on the political and social situation of both Argentina and of Latin America. Among his publications

  14. Miíase por Lucilia eximia (Diptera: Calliphoridae em Didelphis albiventris (Mammalia: Didelphidae no Brasil Central

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    Edison Cansi


    Abstract. In May 2009 were collected 18 larvae of Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann, a fly responsible for primary and secondary myiasis in livestock and humans. The larvae were taken from the myiasis on anal and auricular regions of an opossum Didelphis albiventris (Lund, in Brasília Zoo, and later identified in the laboratory. After 15 days, 15 adults emerged from L. eximia. This is the first record of this blowfly causing a primary myiasis in a marsupial species in the Brasília Cerrado.

  15. Cryptococcal cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection treated with fluconazole

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    Daniel Eymard


    Full Text Available A 37-year-old woman with a cadaveric renal allotransplantation required intra-cranial shunting devices after a presumptive episode of tuberculous meningitis. Six months later, she developed a culture-proven cryptococcal meningitis. Without having her ventriculo-auricular shunt removed, she was successfully treated with a short course of amphotericin B (335 mg and flucytosine (nine days followed by prolonged therapy with oral fluconazole (400 mg daily for 72 days. Three years post treatment she had no evidence of relapse, and normal renal graft function.

  16. Pinturas Rupestres Esquemáticas en Fresnedo Taverga (Asturias. Avance de su estudio

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    Full Text Available Si desde la Plaza (Teverga se toma la carretera que a través de Puerto Ventana lleva a San Emiliano, de la vecina provincia de León, en el km. 7 se encuentra un corto desfiladero por cuyo fondo discurre serpenteante el río Val de Sampedro que, con fluctuante caudal siempre sujeto a los tributos del deshielo, va excavando la trinchera que le sirve de cauce, paralela al cual y en un plano pocos metros superior, va la mencionada carretera.En el dintel del desfiladero, conocido por el nombre de Estrechura, se abre la boca de Cueva Huertas, bajo la que se sume el río que en su labor cárstica continúa ampliando la ya extensísima red de galerías de esta importante cavidad.La pared izquierda del mencionado desfiladero con verticalidad absoluta en algunas partes y de empinada pendiente en otras, corresponde a las estribaciones del Cordal de la Sobia, en el que se alza como techo geográfico de la zona el Pico de Las Saleras.En el punto kilométrico antes indicado y a la izquierda, un pequeño ramal de carretera lleva al pueblo de Fresnedo, perteneciente a la parroquia de San Salvador de Alesga y desde el que, en dirección SE., se dominan visualmente las descarnadas y abruptas laderas que mueren en blancos y calizos farallones, los cuales corona La Tesa Pezones, primer escalón del cordal. Allí, en esas laderas, es donde se inicia la serie de abrigos pintados, motivo de este trabajo y que fueron descubiertos gracias a la perspicacia y dotes de observación de nuestro buen amigo Maximino Fernández Miranda a quien desde aquí deseamos felicitar muy sinceramente.


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    Alessandro Santoni


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda el tema de la solidaridad con el exilio chileno en Italia a lo largo del periodo 1973-1977. Muchos dirigentes de la actual Concertación han insistido en la influencia que el eurocomunismo, el gramscismo y el "compromesso storico" tuvieron en la renovación de la izquierda. En esta línea, el autor destaca cómo los comunistas italianos tuvieron un específico interés político por la causa de los exiliados, lo que se tradujo en un esfuerzo para influir en los contenidos y significados de la solidaridad y no solo en la ayuda material. El enfoque adoptado busca relacionar la temática de la renovación con los procesos de transformación que vivieron las izquierdas europeas a partir de los setenta y, sobre todo, con el papel simbólico qué estas atribuyeron a la causa chilena.This article deals with the theme of solidarity with the Chilean exile in Italy from the years 1973-1977. Many of the leaders of the actual Concertación have insisted on the influence that Eurocommunism, Gramscism, and the "compromesso storico" had during the renovation of the left. Along this line the author highlights how the Italian communists had a specific political interest for the cause of the exiled, which resulted in the effort to influence the contents and the meanings of the solidarity and not only with material help. The focus adopted looks to relate the theme of la renovación with the processes of transformation that lived within leftist Europeans from the seventies and especially, with the symbolic role that they attributed to the Chilean cause.

  18. Descripción del patrón y el recorrido de la apertura mandibular en niños con dentición mixta

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    Ramírez S


    Full Text Available Introducción: El recorrido de la apertura mandibular y las desviaciones que se presentan al abrir la boca, pueden ser un parámetro excelente para detectar de manera oportuna cualquier anomalía a nivel de del complejo temporomandibular. El recorrido normal de la apertura mandibular en el adulto se encuentra entre los 53 y los 58 mm, con un promedio de 40 mm, un niño a partir de los 7 años puede lograr estos promedios de apertura mandibular. Solo el 1.2% de los adultos jóvenes abren menos de 40 mm, por lo tanto una apertura mandibular menor puede ser calificada como restringida de acuerdo a la edad y la talla del paciente. Con el objetivo de determinar el patrón y el recorrido de la apertura mandibular con un método de diagnóstico validado, en un estudio observacional, descriptivo, se incluyeron 139 niños sanos con dentición mixta completa de 8 a 12 años de edad. Los resultados demostraron que el 30.9% de los niños presentó un patrón de apertura mandibular alterado, siendo la desviación mandibular izquierda corregida la más frecuente (16.5%, la apertura mandibularl promedio fue de 50±4.77mm, y las lateralidades; derecha 8.3±3,1 mm, y la izquierda 8.45±3.00mm. Lo cual permite concluir que la apertura mandibular en la dentición mixta, se encuentra dentro del recorrido descrito para los adultos en la literatura, con un porcentaje considerable de alteración en el patrón de apertura mandibular, lo cual puede ser considerado uno de los primeros signos de alteración en la función del sistema Temporomandibular.

  19. Las izquierdas en América Latina: cómo caracterizar el caso argentino

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    Graciela Ducatenzeiler


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the differences between the many "left" in Latin America and interpret the Argentine case, discussing the usefulness of the concept to describe this political phenomenon. We'll see how far the Kirchner government meets the objectives of the new left and if there is consistency between public policies and their results. Our argument is that the progressive rhetoric of these governments is not accompanied by appropriate public policies or by institutional reforms leading to the establishment of a more democratic and more egalitarian society.

  20. El fundamento humanista del pensamiento de izquierda latinoamericano. ¿De qué humanismo hablamos?

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    Dra. Vilda Rodríguez-Méndez


    Full Text Available La cuestión del humanismo ocupa un importante lugar en los estudios latinoamericanos actuales, sin embargo, la reflexión teórica en torno a esta problemática no ha conseguido la atención que la actualidad está demandando de los investigadores. En el presente estudio se hace un análisis de los factores que, a juicio de la autora, influyen en la visión fragmentada y parcial que prevalece en el enfoque histórico del humanismo, particularmente aquellos que han dejado su huella en las investigaciones cubanas, las cuales han estado fuertemente influenciadas por la visión del marxismo. Al mismo tiempo, se propone la consideración de algunos elementos, esenciales para la comprensión más cabal del humanismo, desde una perspectiva que integre la historia con la lógica del propio concepto.

  1. Histologic Evidence of New Collagen Formulation Using Platelet Rich Plasma in Skin Rejuvenation: A Prospective Controlled Clinical Study (United States)

    Abuaf, Ozlem Karabudak; Baloglu, Hüseyin; Bilgili, Memet Ersan; Simsek, Hasan Aktug; Dogan, Bilal


    Background Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an autologous concentration of human platelets contained in a small volume of plasma and has recently been shown to accelerate rejuvenate aging skin by various growth factors and cell adhesion molecules. Objective This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intradermal injection of PRP in the human facial rejuvenation. Methods This study was a prospective, single-center, single-dose, open-label, non-randomized controlled clinical study. PRP injected to the upper site of this right infra-auricular area and all face. Saline was injected to the left infra-auricular area. Histopathological examinations were performed before PRP treatment, 28 days after the PRP, and saline (control) treatments. Results Twenty women ranging in age from 40 to 49 years (mean age, 43.65±2.43 years) were enrolled in the study. The mean optical densities (MODs) of collagen in the pre-treatment, control, and PRP-treated area were measured. They were 539±93.2, 787±134.15, 1,019±178, respectively. In the MOD of PRP, 89.05 percent improvement was found when MOD of PRP was compared with MOD of pre-treatment. The mean MOD of collagen fibers was clearly highest on the PRP side (pmesotherapy technique 'point by point'). PRP application could be considered as an effective (even a single application) and safety procedure for facial skin rejuvenation. PMID:27904271

  2. Branchial cleft anomalies: CT evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seok, Eul Hye; Park, Chan Sup [College of Medicine, Inha University, Seongnam (Korea, Republic of)


    The purpose of this paper is to describe the CT findings of a variety of branchial cleft anomalies in the head and neck area. We reviewed the CT findings of 16 patients with neck lesion pathologically proved as branchial cleft anomalies. There were two first and 12 second branchial cleft cysts, one first and one second branchial cleft sinuses. Two cases of first branchial cleft cysts were manifested as thin-walled, cystic masses at auricular area. One first branchial cleft sinus was an external opening type and manifested as an ill-defined, enhancing solid lesion at posterior auricular area. All 12 cases of second branchial cleft cysts demonstrated a typical location, displacing the sternocleidomastoid muscle posteriorly, the carotid artery and internal jugular vein complex medially and the submandibular gland anteriorly. Eight cases of second branchial cleft cysts were seen as fluid-filled, round or ovoid-shaped cysts, and 3 cases of them were seen as irregular-shaped cysts. In one case, suppurative adenopathy with loss of soft tissue planes around the cyst was observed. One case of second branchial cleft sinus was manifested as a tubular-shaped, enhancing lesion at submental area and containing external opening site draining into the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. We conclude that CT provides important diagnostic and therapeutic information in patients with a neck mass believed to be a branchial cleft anomaly, as it can differentiate various forms of the branchial anomalies by their characteristic location and shape.

  3. Branchial cleft anomalies: CT evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seok, Eul Hye; Park, Chan Sup


    The purpose of this paper is to describe the CT findings of a variety of branchial cleft anomalies in the head and neck area. We reviewed the CT findings of 16 patients with neck lesion pathologically proved as branchial cleft anomalies. There were two first and 12 second branchial cleft cysts, one first and one second branchial cleft sinuses. Two cases of first branchial cleft cysts were manifested as thin-walled, cystic masses at auricular area. One first branchial cleft sinus was an external opening type and manifested as an ill-defined, enhancing solid lesion at posterior auricular area. All 12 cases of second branchial cleft cysts demonstrated a typical location, displacing the sternocleidomastoid muscle posteriorly, the carotid artery and internal jugular vein complex medially and the submandibular gland anteriorly. Eight cases of second branchial cleft cysts were seen as fluid-filled, round or ovoid-shaped cysts, and 3 cases of them were seen as irregular-shaped cysts. In one case, suppurative adenopathy with loss of soft tissue planes around the cyst was observed. One case of second branchial cleft sinus was manifested as a tubular-shaped, enhancing lesion at submental area and containing external opening site draining into the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. We conclude that CT provides important diagnostic and therapeutic information in patients with a neck mass believed to be a branchial cleft anomaly, as it can differentiate various forms of the branchial anomalies by their characteristic location and shape

  4. Actividad farmacológica de la fracción de esteroles y alcoholes triterpénicos aislada del aceite de oliva virgen

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    de la Puerta, R.


    Full Text Available The fraction of sterols and triterpenic dialcohols from unsaponifiable of virgin olive oil has been tested for Its possible antiinflamatory activity. The topical administration of these products produced a potent antioedematous effect, in the auricular oedema induced by TPA (12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol acetate in experimental animals. This test has been widely used to determine the antiinflamatory action of phospholipase A2 inhibitors. The measure of myeloperoxidase, marker enzyme of the accumulation of neutrophils in the inflamed tissue, demonstrated a significant reduction of the cellular infiltration produced by assayed fraction.

    La fracción de esteroles y dialcoholes triterpénicos obtenida por cromatografía en capa fina a partir del insaponificable del aceite de oliva virgen ha sido ensayada para evaluar su posible actividad farmacológica en relación a su efecto antiinflamatorio. La administración tópica de estos productos produjo un potente efecto antiedematoso, en el edema auricular provocado por la aplicación de TPA (acetato de tetradecanoilforbol en animales de experimentación. Este test ha sido ampliamente utilizado para evaluar la acción antiinflamatoria de inhibidores de la enzima fosfolipasa A2. La medida de la mieloperoxidasa, enzima marcadora del acumulo de neutrófilos en el tejido dérmico inflamado, mostró un alto poder inhibitorio sobre la infiltración celular ejercida por la fracción ensayada.

  5. Cutaneous injuries of complicated herpes zoster in an elderly immunocompetent patient

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    Luis Arthur Brasil Gadelha Farias


    Full Text Available A 81-years-old caucasian man presented with acute burning pain in external auricular region and inside the auditory canal of right ear, associated with vesicular lesions on face, jugal and lingual mucosa. Physical examination revealed vesicular lesions in external auricular region and inside the auditory canal. Red blood cell count, leukocytes and platelets were normal. Presented HIV-1 and 2 both negative. Patient denied previous history of Diabetes and Hypertension. Treatment was initiated with Ceftriaxone 2g, Acyclovir 250mg, Prednisone 60mg and Bicarbonate Water for rinsing. After eight days of hospitalization, patient reported hearing loss in the right ear, chewing difficulty and mild pain in face. Auditory hearing loss and hypoacusis may suggest involvement of vestibulocochlear nerve. Figure 1 shows cicatricial crusted lesions following trigeminal nerve mandibular branch trajetory. Figure 2 reveals cicatricial crusted lesions following trigeminal nerve maxilar branch, trigeminal branch and erythematous scarring lesions in tongue, hypoglossal nerve region. Figure 3 reveals small crusted lesions following the trigeminal ophthalmic branch. Herpes zoster is caused by Varicella zoster virus (VZV reactivation in individuals who had Varicella in childhood or who were vaccinated. The presence of more than one dermatome affected is rare in immunocompetent individuals, being more prevalent in immunosuppressed individuals such as HIV positive and transplanted patients.1Disseminated herpes zoster can occur in any immunocompetent patient but predominates in elderly due to factors that compromise cellular immune response. 2,3

  6. Description of a novel approach to engineer cartilage with porous bacterial nanocellulose for reconstruction of a human auricle. (United States)

    Feldmann, Eva-Maria; Sundberg, J F; Bobbili, B; Schwarz, S; Gatenholm, P; Rotter, N


    In this study, we investigated the effects of human primary chondrocytes, derived from routine septorhino- and otoplasties on a novel nondegradable biomaterial. This biomaterial, porous bacterial nanocellulose, is produced by Gluconacetobacter xylinus. Porosity is generated by paraffin beads embedded during the fermentation process. Human primary chondrocytes were able to adhere to bacterial nanocellulose and produce cartilaginous matrix proteins such as aggrecan (after 14 days) and collagen type II (after 21 days) in the presence of differentiation medium. Cells were located within the pores and in a dense cell layer covering the surface of the biomaterial. Cells were able to re-differentiate, as cell shape and extra cellular matrix gene expression showed a chondrogenic phenotype in three-dimensional bacterial nanocellulose culture. Collagen type I and versican expression decreased during three-dimensional culture. Variations in pore sizes of 150-300 µm and 300-500 µm did not influence cartilaginous extra cellular matrix synthesis. Varying seeding densities from 9.95 × 10(2) to 1.99 × 10(3) cells/mm(2) and 3.98 × 10(3) cells/mm(2) did not result in differences in quality of extra cellular matrix neo-synthesis. Our results demonstrated that both nasal and auricular chondrocytes are equally suitable to synthesize new extra cellular matrix on bacterial nanocellulose. Therefore, we propose both cell sources in combination with bacterial nanocellulose as promising candidates for the special needs of auricular reconstruction.

  7. Auriculoterapia na diminuiçao da disforia e desconfortos da síndrome pré-menstrual - um estudo piloto

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    Jessica Gomes Vieira


    Full Text Available Objective: To verify the analgesic effects of auriculotherapy on the discomforts and on the dysphoria or mood swings caused by PMS. Methods: Application of semi-permanent needles of 1.8mm, alcohol at 70% for hygiene of the auricular pavilion, cotton, forceps and micropore 3M for fixing the points. Use of the following ear points: Shen-men, followed by the Kidney, Sympathetic, Uterus, Bladder, Anxiety, liver yang and analgesia points of the auricular pavilion. Descriptive and observational analytical study of the experimental type. Four women with PMS symptoms and dysphoria before or during the menstrual period were selected. The intensity of the pain was evaluated by the DASS21 questionnaires and the visual analog scale of the EVA pain, the data evaluated by the Student's T-Test for paired samples with a significance level of 95%. Results: It is possible to observe a statistically significant improvement in pain reduction (p = 0.01. In the comparison of DASS 21 as a whole, it was also possible to find a decrease in the scores answered by the participants, and these responses in comparison and before treatment were statistically significant at p = 0.05. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated the efficacy of Auriculotherapy in significantly reducing the dysmenorrhea of the study participants, and a slight decrease in dysphoric symptoms. As these results significantly improve the productivity of academics and their quality of life

  8. Arteria sinuosa del colon: su importancia en la circulación colateral intestinal

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    Edgar Giovanni Corzo Gómez,


    Full Text Available La circulación colateral de la vascularización mesentéricaha sido bien descrita. La arteria Marginal o arteria deDrummond, se ubica paralela al borde mesentérico delintestino grueso, y el arco de Riolan, conecta la ramaizquierda de la arteria cólica media con la rama ascendentede la arteria cólica izquierda a través de una porción de laarteria Marginal. Recientemente Moskowitz y colabora-dores describieron la arteria mesentérica sinuosa, como unnuevo vaso colateral con grandes implicacionesquirúrgicas. El objetivo de este artículo es describir laimportancia clínica y quirúrgica de esta arteria.

  9. UNASUR: poder y acción en Suramérica en el siglo XXI


    Sánchez Cabarcas, Fabio Bernardo


    A partir del año 2000, Suramérica experimentó un proceso de autonomía regional favorecido por factores sistémicos y domésticos: la pérdida de interés e influencia de Estados Unidos en la región luego de los atentados del 11-S en Nueva York, y el liderazgo promovido por las Élites de Política Exterior (EPEs) brasileñas. A lo anterior se sumó el ascenso de líderes de una nueva izquierda suramericana favorables a la integración. En este contexto nos preguntamos: ¿por qué se crea la Unión Suramer...

  10. Elecciones presidenciales peruanas 2016: La fuerza del antifujimorismo

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    Andrés Ernesto Ferrari Haines


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza el proceso electoral presidencial peruano del año 2016. La segunda vuelta electoral fue disputada entre Pedro Pablo Kuczynski y Keiko Fujimori Higuchi. Fujimori Higuchi es hija del ex-presidente Alberto Fujimori quien cumple una condena de 25 años en prisión por violación a los derechos humanos y corrupción. En este análisis se destaca el papel que ejerció la izquierda peruana en el triunfo de Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. Diversas fuerzas políticas junto con una gran movilización ciudadana se manifestaron a favor de la candidatura de Kuczynski como una muestra del voto antifujimorista.

  11. Las hematodermias la luz de un caso de leucemia cutis

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    Rafael Carrizosa Argáez


    años de edad, procedente de Funes (Nariño cuyos padres nos informan que hace más o menos un año se inició la enfermedad con la aparición de un tumor en la región malar izquierda, tumor que fue aumentando de volumen hasta cubrir el ojo izquierdo; que entonces se practicó la extirpación quirúrgica del tumor; pero que, al cabo de poco tiempo, aquél reapareció, y que simultáneamente comenzaron a formarse tumores semejantes en el resto de la cara así como también en las extremidades y en la región pectoral.

  12. Caso Clínico del Departamento de Medicina Interna: Carcinoma verrucoso de pene, Tratamiento con criocirugía

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    Alvaro Acosta de Hart


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente hombre, de 62 años de edad, natural y procedente de Bogotá, de ocupación conductor, que consulto a la Unidad de Dermatología del Hospital San Juan de Dios de Bogotá, por presentar durante varios meses de evolución, una lesión tumoral, exofítica, localizada en la región dorsal izquierda del surco balanoprepucial, de tres por dos centímetros, de bordes netos, ondulantes, centro exofítico, ulcerado y base infiltrada. Antecedente importante, cuadro de mastocitosis cutánea de aproximadamente 20 años de evolución.

  13. La infracción adolescente a la ley penal en el centro del debate sobre seguridad pública en Uruguay

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    Carolina González-Laurino, Uruguay


    Full Text Available (descriptivo Este artículo busca reflexionar sobre el debate uruguayo de la seguridad pública centrado en la infracción penal juvenil, en el marco de la presentación de un proyecto que propone bajar la edad de imputabilidad penal de dieciocho a dieciséis años presentada a plebiscito en 2014, y de las ambigüedades planteadas a nivel legislativo por la izquierda en el gobierno desde 2005, que se debate entre el discurso de la represión y el de la rehabilitación social. Asimismo se propone un debate acerca de la rehabilitación social en contextos de encierro.

  14. La insurgencia reprimida. Regímenes de Seguridad Nacional contra la revolución

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    Pedro Rivas Nieto


    Full Text Available En este artículo se estudia tanto el concepto que los regímenes de Seguridad Nacional tenían de la llamada guerra revolucionaria como la respuesta que le dieron. Allá en donde implantaron su dominio -especialmente en el Cono Sur de América- pensaban que las guerras revolucionarias eran nuevas técnicas de lucha más que un tipo definido de guerra, que todas respondían al mismo modelo revolucionario y que eran la estrategia del comunismo internacional para adueñarse del mundo. Por eso atacaron con especial dureza a los movimientos de izquierda, pensando que eran la avanzadilla moscovita para acabar con las democracias latinoamericanas.

  15. Armando Plebe, maestro de transgresión

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    Pietro Emanuele


    Full Text Available Figura fascinante y controvertida, el filósofo italiano Armando Plebe se formó en el Turín neoilustrado de la posguerra. Empezó su actividad combatiendo la estética de Croce cuando todavía era una obligación ser crociano, y combatió, en calidad de marxista, las hipocresías de la respetabilidad intelectual cuando era arriesgado declararse marxista. En 1968, cuando la izquierda occidental abrazó la “revolución”, Plebe, intolerante a las tendencias dominantes, no dudó en tomar partido por la valiente minoría de la “reacción”. Gracias a su versatilidad extraordinaria, ha dejado huella en diferentes campos de la cultura.

  16. Rastreo de familiares de una paciente con miocardiopatía hipertrófica obstructiva

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    Eliza Kaori Uenishi


    Conclusión: Con el estudio de los familiares de la paciente índice se logró descubrir la afectación de esta enfermedad en 2 familiares de primer grado y en 2 familiares de segundo grado, con predominancia para el sexo masculino (3:1; en la paciente femenina se encontró, además, hipertensión arterial y miocardiopatía hipertrófica asociadas a fibrilación auricular. Ninguno de ellos tuvo historia personal de síncope o resucitación de muerte súbita.

  17. [Changes in the ECG telemetry of lambs infected with Cysticercus ovis]. (United States)

    Kostov, I; Georgieva, D


    Six lambs were experimentally infected with Cysticercus ovis. Some changes were followed up in the ECG by means of the radiotelemetric method. The infection process led to the following more important changes, such as sinus tachicardia and arhythmia, auricular fibrilation, sinoauricular block, atrial dissociation, the incidence of a pathologic Q deflection; lowering of the R deflection amplitude, and inversion of the T wave. It was found that the changes referred to persist for a longer period (in the case of infarction), and could be made use of in dispensary studies.

  18. Congenital milia En plaque on scalp

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    Sangita Ghosh


    Full Text Available Milia en plaque is a rare disease entity characterized by confluence of multiple keratin-filled cysts resulting from the obstruction of hair follicle without any preceding primary dermatosis. Fewer than 40 cases have been reported so far in dermatological literature, and most cases are described to occur in adults and in the peri-auricular area. We describe a case of congenital MEP on scalp of a five-year-old boy with a blaschkoid extension into posterior nuchal area. This case report claims its uniqueness because of the unusual site and congenital presentation.

  19. Ectopic external auditory canal and ossicular formation in the oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Supakul, Nucharin [Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Indianapolis, IN (United States); Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology, Bangkok (Thailand); Kralik, Stephen F. [Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Indianapolis, IN (United States); Ho, Chang Y. [Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Indianapolis, IN (United States); Riley Children' s Hospital, MRI Department, Indianapolis, IN (United States)


    Ear abnormalities in oculo-auricular-vertebral spectrum commonly present with varying degrees of external and middle ear atresias, usually in the expected locations of the temporal bone and associated soft tissues, without ectopia of the external auditory canal. We present the unique imaging of a 4-year-old girl with right hemifacial microsomia and ectopic location of an atretic external auditory canal, terminating in a hypoplastic temporomandibular joint containing bony structures with the appearance of auditory ossicles. This finding suggests an early embryological dysfunction involving Meckel's cartilage of the first branchial arch. (orig.)

  20. Comparación de dos tratamientos a base de progestágenos para la sincronización de celos ovinos


    Omar Urete-Barrera; José Luis Porras-Vargas


    Objetivo. Determinar la respuesta a dos programas de sincronización de estros en 30 ovejas vacías. Materiales y métodos. Las ovejas fueron seleccionadas por ecografía y distribuidas al azar en tres grupos de 10 ovejas cada uno. Las ovejas de los grupos 1 y 2 recibieron el día 0 un implante auricular con 3 mg de Norgestomet junto con la inyección intramuscular de 1.5 mg de Norgestomet, 2.5 mg de Valerato de Estradiol y una esponja intravaginal con acetato de medroxiprogesterona respectivamente...