
Sample records for lsd guru timothy


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    Fauziyah Indahyani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat pengetahuan guru sekolah dasar tentang bullying di kecamatan Sokaraja, Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan tes pengetahuan, subjek penelitiannya adalah guru sekolah dasar di Sokaraja, Kabupaten Banyumas. Teknik pengambilan sampel data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah clustered sampling. Jumlah populasi penelitian adalah 403 guru dari sekolah dasar di kecamatan Sokaraja, Kabupaten Banyumas. 40% di antaranya diambil sebagai sampel, sehingga sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 130 guru sekolah dasar dari kecamatan Sokaraja, Banyumas kabupaten Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan guru tentang bullying rata-rata, hal ini ditunjukkan dalam analisis yang menunjukkan bahwa 130 guru sekolah dasar, 92 di antaranya 70,77% kategori rata-rata dalam mengetahui bullying verbal (70,77%. Sedangkan untuk pengetahuan bullying fisik, dari 130 guru, 91 guru atau 70,00% dikategorikan ke tingkat rata-rata. Kemudian, dari 130 guru sekolah dasar, 70,00% dikategorikan ke dalam pengetahuan rata-rata yang berhubungan dengan pengetahuan mental. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan tentang Bullying, Guru Sekolah Dasar


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    Bambang Budi Wiyono


    Full Text Available Abstract: A Grand Design Model of Teacher Professional Education Based on Teacher's Perfor­mace Determinant. One of the crucial factors that determines the quality of education is teachers. Thus, developing teachers' professionalism in carrying out their work is essential. This study aims at developing a grand design model of teacher professional education based on determinant factors of teachers' performance. It is a research and development study (R&D, in which data were collected through questionnaires, observations, and interviews, and analyzed using descriptive statistics, correla­tion analysis, and qualitative data analysis. The sample consists of 90 teachers and 28 headmasters selected using quota random sampling. The findings of the study show that the effective model of teacher pro­fessional education is the one conducted through five steps, namely, needs analysis, development of training and supervision programs, implementation of the programs, evaluation of the programs, and follow-ups of the programs. The development of the programs requires coordination among related in­stitutions. The implementation needs to refer to the right principles, approach, and training techniques and be supported by good facilities, media, trainers, and training places. Keywords: training model, teachers' professionalism, teachers' performance Abstrak: Grand Design Model Pembinaan Profesional Guru Berbasis Determinan Kinerja Guru. Salah satu faktor yang sangat menentukan mutu pendidikan adalah guru. Untuk itu diperlukan pening­katan profesionalisme guru dalam melaksanakan tugas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan grand design model pembinaan profesional guru yang efektif berbasis faktor-faktor determinan kinerja guru. Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian pengembangan. Sampel diambil sebesar 90 guru dan 28 kepala sekolah dengan quota random sampling. Data dikumpulan data kuesioner, observasi, dan wawancara. Hasil pengumpulan data dianalisis


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    Septian Fuji Yama


    Full Text Available Kurikulum 2013 merupakan kurikulum yang saat ini diterapkan di Indonesia. Kurikulum 2013 membawa perubahan mendasar pada guru dalam pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu guru dituntut untuk menyiapkan dirinya dalam melaksanakan kurikulum 2013. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan guru, kompetensi guru, dan pemanfaatan sarana prasarana terhadap kesiapan guru prodi bisnis manajemen dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 di SMK N 1 Purbalingga. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah guru prodi bisnis manajemen di SMK N 1 Purbalingga Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015 yaitu guru program pendidikan akuntansi, administrasi perkantoran, dan pemasaran berjumlah 24 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu sampel jenuh. Metode yang digunakan dalam dalam pengambilan data adalah angket. Data variabel dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif persentase dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini secara statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh secara simultan dan parsial pelatihan guru, kompetensi guru, dan pemanfaatan sarana prasarana terhadap kesiapan guru prodi bisnis manajemen dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 di SMK N 1 Purbalingga. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah guru harus berupaya menambah wawasan mengenai kurikulum 2013 dan guru lebih mengembangkan kompetensi kepribadiannya serta guru harus mempersiapkan dirinya untuk memahami pemanfaatan sumber belajar. Curriculum 2013 is the curriculum applied in Indonesia recently. It brings fundamental changes in teachers’ teaching and learning. Thus, teachers are required to prepare themselves in implementing curriculum 2013. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is influence of teacher training, teacher competence, and infrastructure towards manajement business department teacher’s readiness in curriculum 2013 implementation in SMK N 1 Purbalingga. The population of this study was manajement business department teachers in

  4. Validated ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for analyzing LSD, iso-LSD, nor-LSD, and O-H-LSD in blood and urine. (United States)

    Chung, Angela; Hudson, John; McKay, Gordon


    The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Forensic Science and Identification Services was looking for a confirmatory method for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). As a result, an ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method was validated for the confirmation and quantitation of LSD, iso-LSD, N-demethyl-LSD (nor-LSD), and 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD (O-H-LSD). Relative retention time and ion ratios were used as identification parameters. Limits of detection (LOD) in blood were 5 pg/mL for LSD and iso-LSD and 10 pg/mL for nor-LSD and O-H-LSD. In urine, the LOD was 10 pg/mL for all analytes. Limits of quantitation (LOQ) in blood and urine were 20 pg/mL for LSD and iso-LSD and 50 pg/mL for nor-LSD and O-H-LSD. The method was linear, accurate, and precise from 10 to 2000 pg/mL in blood and 20 to 2000 pg/mL in urine for LSD and iso-LSD and from 20 to 2000 pg/mL in blood and 50 to 2000 pg/mL in urine for nor-LSD and O-H-LSD with a coefficient of determination (R(2)) > or = 0.99. The method was applied to blinded biological control samples and biological samples taken from a suspected LSD user. This is the first reported detection of O-H-LSD in blood from a suspected LSD user.


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    Donny Toisuta


    Full Text Available Masalah penelitian dirumuskan: (1 Adakah hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kepuasan kerja dengan kebahagiaan guru pendidikan agama sekolah menengah di kota Ambon? (2 Adakah hubungan yang negatif signifikan antara stresguru dengan kebahagiaan guru pendidikan agama sekolah menengah di kota Ambon? Subjek penelitian berjumlah 117 orang guru agama sekolah menengah dari 5 kecamatan di kota Ambon. Keba-hagiaan diukur dengan Authentic Happiness Inventory (AHI dari Seligman, Kepuasan Kerja guru diukur dengan Teacher Job satisfaction Questionnaire dari Lester dan Stres Guru diukur dengan Angket Stres Guru yang dikem-bangkan oleh Kyriacou. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 Ada hubungan positif signifikan antara kepuasan kerja  dengan kebahagiaan guru pendidikan agama sekolah menengah di kota Ambon  dengan p = 0,014 0,05.

  6. Pengaruh Persepsi Tentang Sertifikasi Guru, Strategi Penyelesaian Konflik, dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Guru SMKN


    Atmadji Sutikno, Tri


    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi tentang sertifikasi guru, strategi penyelesaian konflik, motivasi kerja, terhadap produktivitas kerja. Populasi penelitian adalah guru-guru SMKN Malang Raya sedangkan sampel (278 guru) diambil secara acak. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif dan korelasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) persepsi tentang sertifikasi guru, strategi penyelesaian konflik, motivasi kerja dalam kategori tinggi, dan produktivitas...


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    Wiyaka, .


    Full Text Available Abstrak Berdasarkan PP No.1 tahun 2010 tentang Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan disebutkan bahwa guru wajib melakukan pengembangan profesinya. Diantaranya adalah dengan melakukan karya tulis ilmiah dan publikasi ilmiah.Selanjutnya berdasarkan peraturan tersebut juga disebutkan bahwa untuk kenaikan pangkat seorang guru dari Golongan III b ke berikutnya seorang guru harus memiliki kredit poin yang berhubungan dengan pengembangan diri dan karya tulis ilmiah. Salah satu upaya melakukan penelitian yang berkenaan dengan pembelajaran di kelas adalah dengan melakukan PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Di kota Semarang terdapat 89 SMK negeri dan swasta.Pada kenyataaannya. sebagian besar guru masih mengalami kesulitan untuk melakukan PTK?é?á yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengetahuan yang mendasar?é?á tentang PTK. Sedangkan permasalahan lain adalah?é?á pemahaman guru dan sekolah terhadap penelitian yang masih bervariasi sehingga mempengaruhi dalam penerapannya di lapangan. Terlebih untuk bidang studi bahasa Inggris di SMK, sebagian besar guru masih merasa kesulitan dalam melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas yang berkaitan dengan bidang studi yang diampunya. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut di atas,maka dipandang perlu adanya penataran, pelatihan, pembimbingan, dan pendampingan tentang PTK. Oleh karena itu, tim Pengabdian pada Masyarakat IKIP PGRI Semarang berencana membatu para guru dalam melaksanakan PTK di lapangan. Keluaran yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah berupa laporan pelaksanaan PTK serta artikel ilmiah yang siap dipublikasikan dalam jurnal penelitian. ?é?á Kata kunci: PTK, guru bahasa Inggris SMK, workshop ?é?á ?é?á Abstract Based on Government Regulation No. 1 of 2010 on Sustainable professional development mentioned that teachers are required to perform their professional development . Among them is to conduct the scientific papers and publications. Then, based on that regulation is also mentioned that for the promotion of a

  8. Detection of metabolites of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in human urine specimens: 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD, a prevalent metabolite of LSD. (United States)

    Poch, G K; Klette, K L; Hallare, D A; Manglicmot, M G; Czarny, R J; McWhorter, L K; Anderson, C J


    Seventy-four urine specimens previously found to contain lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were analyzed by a new procedure for the LSD metabolite 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD (O-H-LSD) using a Finnigan LC-MS-MS system. This procedure proved to be less complex, shorter to perform and provides cleaner chromatographic characteristics than the method currently utilized by the Navy Drug Screening Laboratories for the extraction of LSD from urine by GC-MS. All of the specimens used in the study screened positive for LSD by radioimmunoassay (Roche Abuscreen). Analysis by GC-MS revealed detectable amounts of LSD in all of the specimens. In addition, isolysergic diethylamide (iso-LSD), a byproduct of LSD synthesis, was quantitated in 64 of the specimens. Utilizing the new LC-MS-MS method, low levels of N-desmethyl-LSD (nor-LSD), another identified LSD metabolite, were detected in some of the specimens. However, all 74 specimens contained O-H-LSD at significantly higher concentrations than LSD, iso-LSD, or nor-LSD alone. The O-H-LSD concentration ranged from 732 to 112 831 pg/ml (mean, 16340 pg/ml) by quantification with an internal standard. The ratio of O-H-LSD to LSD ranged from 1.1 to 778.1 (mean, 42.9). The presence of O-H-LSD at substantially higher concentrations than LSD suggests that the analysis for O-H-LSD as the target analyte by employing LC-MS-MS will provide a much longer window of detection for the use of LSD than the analysis of the parent compound, LSD.


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    - Husin


    Full Text Available Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah seberapa besar pengaruh kepemimpinan dan komunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XII jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran yang terdiri dari 77 siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang positif pada kepemimpinan guru dan komunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Dalam upaya meningkatkan motivasi belajar siwa hendaknya kepemimpinan guru diterapkan pada siswa sehingga guru dapat membimbing dan mendorong siswa untuk lebih giat belajar, guru diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasinya agar pada saat penyampaian materi dapat diterima siwa dengan baik. Kata Kunci : Motivasi Belajar, Kepemimpinan Guru, Komunikasi Guru

  10. LC-ESI-MS/MS on an ion trap for the determination of LSD, iso-LSD, nor-LSD and 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD in blood, urine and vitreous humor. (United States)

    Favretto, Donata; Frison, Giampietro; Maietti, Sergio; Ferrara, Santo Davide


    A method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), its epimer iso-LSD, and its main metabolites nor-LSD and 2-oxo-3-hydroxy LSD in blood, urine, and, for the first time, vitreous humor samples. The method is based on liquid/liquid extraction and liquid chromatography-multiple mass spectrometry detection in an ion trap mass spectrometer, in positive ion electrospray ionization conditions. Five microliter of sample are injected and analysis time is 12 min. The method is specific, selective and sensitive, and achieves limits of quantification of 20 pg/ml for both LSD and nor-LSD in blood, urine, and vitreous humor. No significant interfering substance or ion suppression was identified for LSD, iso-LSD, and nor-LSD. The interassay reproducibilities for LSD at 20 pg/ml and 2 ng/ml in urine were 8.3 and 5.6%, respectively. Within-run precision using control samples at 20 pg/ml and 2 ng/ml was 6.9 and 3.9%. Mean recoveries of two concentrations spiked into drug free samples were in the range 60-107% in blood, 50-105% in urine, and 65-105% in vitreous humor. The method was successfully applied to the forensic determination of postmortem LSD levels in the biological fluids of a multi drug abuser; for the first time, LSD could be detected in vitreous humor.

  11. English Math For Kindergarten Bagi Guru-Guru Paud Nurul Ilmi Di Kecamatan Tembalang Semarang

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    Ririn Ambarini


    Full Text Available Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang akan di transfer kepada guru-guru PAUD Nurul Ilmi?é?á ?é?áSemarang adalah pelatihan bagaimana menerapkan pembelajaran English for Math untuk anak usia dini dan dengan materi Mathematics: What your Child Wil be Workig on in Kindergarten, Pembelajaran Matematika untuk Anak Usia Dini, Pembelajaran Bilingual untuk Anak Usia Dini, dan English Math for Early Childhood Education. Dengan adanya IbM English Math for Kindergarten Students?é?á?é?á sebagai game edukasi sekaligus?é?á ?é?áteaching aids maka diharapkan akan memberikan kontribusi bagi guru-guru PAUD untuk lebih mengembangkan ide-ide kreatif dalam mengajar sehingga suasana pembelajaran lebih menyenangkan selain juga memupuk kreatifitas dan mengembangkan potensi serta semangat belajar anak usia dini. ?é?á Kata kunci: English for Math, Pembelajaran, Anak Usia Dini.

  12. Metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) to 2-oxo-3-hydroxy LSD (O-H-LSD) in human liver microsomes and cryopreserved human hepatocytes. (United States)

    Klette, K L; Anderson, C J; Poch, G K; Nimrod, A C; ElSohly, M A


    The metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) to 2-oxo-3-hydroxy lysergic acid diethylamide (O-H-LSD) was investigated in liver microsomes and cyropreserved hepatocytes from humans. Previous studies have demonstrated that O-H-LSD is present in human urine at concentrations 16-43 times greater than LSD, the parent compound. Additionally, these studies have determined that O-H-LSD is not generated during the specimen extraction and analytical processes or due to parent compound degradation in aqueous urine samples. However, these studies have not been conclusive in demonstrating that O-H-LSD is uniquely produced during in vivo metabolism. Phase I drug metabolism was investigated by incubating human liver microsomes and cryopreserved human hepatocytes with LSD. The reaction was quenched at various time points, and the aliquots were extracted using liquid partitioning and analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. O-H-LSD was positively identified in all human liver microsomal and human hepatocyte fractions incubated with LSD. In addition, O-H-LSD was not detected in any microsomal or hepatocyte fraction not treated with LSD nor in LSD specimens devoid of microsomes or hepatocytes. This study provides definitive evidence that O-H-LSD is produced as a metabolic product following incubation of human liver microsomes and hepatocytes with LSD.

  13. Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method to quantify lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), iso-LSD, 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD, and nor-LSD and identify novel metabolites in plasma samples in a controlled clinical trial. (United States)

    Dolder, Patrick C; Liechti, Matthias E; Rentsch, Katharina M


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a widely used recreational drug. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the quantification of LSD, iso-LSD, 2-oxo-3-hydroxy LSD (O-H-LSD), and nor-LSD in plasma samples from 24 healthy subjects after controlled administration of 100 μg LSD in a clinical trial. In addition, metabolites that have been recently described in in vitro studies, including lysergic acid monoethylamide (LAE), lysergic acid ethyl-2-hydroxyethylamide (LEO), 2-oxo-LSD, trioxylated-LSD, and 13/14-hydroxy-LSD, should be identified. Separation of LSD and its metabolites was achieved on a reversed phase chromatography column after turbulent-flow online extraction. For the identification and quantification, a triple-stage quadrupole LC-MS/MS instrument was used. The validation data showed slight matrix effects for LSD, iso-LSD, O-H-LSD, or nor-LSD. Mean intraday and interday accuracy and precision were 105%/4.81% and 105%/4.35% for LSD, 98.7%/5.75% and 99.4%/7.21% for iso-LSD, 106%/4.54% and 99.4%/7.21% for O-H-LSD, and 107%/5.82% and 102%/5.88% for nor-LSD, respectively. The limit of quantification was 0.05 ng/mL for LSD, iso-LSD, and nor-LSD and 0.1 ng/mL for O-H-LSD. The limit of detection was 0.01 ng/mL for all compounds. The method described herein was accurate, precise, and the calibration range within the range of expected plasma concentrations. LSD was quantified in the plasma samples of the 24 subjects of the clinical trial, whereas iso-LSD, O-H-LSD, nor-LSD, LAE, LEO, 13/14-hydroxy-LSD, and 2-oxo-LSD could only sporadically be detected but were too low for quantification. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Is LSD toxic? (United States)

    Nichols, David E; Grob, Charles S


    LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) was discovered almost 75 years ago, and has been the object of episodic controversy since then. While initially explored as an adjunctive psychiatric treatment, its recreational use by the general public has persisted and on occasion has been associated with adverse outcomes, particularly when the drug is taken under suboptimal conditions. LSD's potential to cause psychological disturbance (bad trips) has been long understood, and has rarely been associated with accidental deaths and suicide. From a physiological perspective, however, LSD is known to be non-toxic and medically safe when taken at standard dosages (50-200μg). The scientific literature, along with recent media reports, have unfortunately implicated "LSD toxicity" in five cases of sudden death. On close examination, however, two of these fatalities were associated with ingestion of massive overdoses, two were evidently in individuals with psychological agitation after taking standard doses of LSD who were then placed in maximal physical restraint positions (hogtied) by police, following which they suffered fatal cardiovascular collapse, and one case of extreme hyperthermia leading to death that was likely caused by a drug substituted for LSD with strong effects on central nervous system temperature regulation (e.g. 25i-NBOMe). Given the renewed interest in the therapeutic potential of LSD and other psychedelic drugs, it is important that an accurate understanding be established of the true causes of such fatalities that had been erroneously attributed to LSD toxicity, including massive overdoses, excessive physical restraints, and psychoactive drugs other than LSD. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Neutrino astronomy at Mont Blanc: from LSD to LSD-2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saavedra, O.; Aglietta, M.; Badino, G.


    In this paper we present the upgrading of the LSD experiment, presently running in the Mont Blanc Laboratory. The data recorded during the period when supernova 1987A exploded are analysed in detail. The research program of LSD-2, the same experiment as LSD but with an higher sensitivity to search for neutrino burst from collapsing stars, is also discussed



    Nursalim Nursalim


    Abstrak: Guru harus memiliki empat kompetensi dasar yaitu; kompetensi pedagogik, kom­petensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial dan kompetensi profesional. Kompetensi profesional guru Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah yaitu: 1) Menguasai materi, struktur, konsep, dan pola pikir keilmuan yang mendukung mata pelajaran yang diampu, 2) menguasai standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar mata pelajaran/bidang pengembangan yang diampu, 3) mengembangkan materi membelajaran yang diampu secara kreatif, ...

  17. Modern Clinical Research on LSD. (United States)

    Liechti, Matthias E


    All modern clinical studies using the classic hallucinogen lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in healthy subjects or patients in the last 25 years are reviewed herein. There were five recent studies in healthy participants and one in patients. In a controlled setting, LSD acutely induced bliss, audiovisual synesthesia, altered meaning of perceptions, derealization, depersonalization, and mystical experiences. These subjective effects of LSD were mediated by the 5-HT 2A receptor. LSD increased feelings of closeness to others, openness, trust, and suggestibility. LSD impaired the recognition of sad and fearful faces, reduced left amygdala reactivity to fearful faces, and enhanced emotional empathy. LSD increased the emotional response to music and the meaning of music. LSD acutely produced deficits in sensorimotor gating, similar to observations in schizophrenia. LSD had weak autonomic stimulant effects and elevated plasma cortisol, prolactin, and oxytocin levels. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance studies showed that LSD acutely reduced the integrity of functional brain networks and increased connectivity between networks that normally are more dissociated. LSD increased functional thalamocortical connectivity and functional connectivity of the primary visual cortex with other brain areas. The latter effect was correlated with subjective hallucinations. LSD acutely induced global increases in brain entropy that were associated with greater trait openness 14 days later. In patients with anxiety associated with life-threatening disease, anxiety was reduced for 2 months after two doses of LSD. In medical settings, no complications of LSD administration were observed. These data should contribute to further investigations of the therapeutic potential of LSD in psychiatry.

  18. Genie in a blotter: A comparative study of LSD and LSD analogues' effects and user profile. (United States)

    Coney, Leigh D; Maier, Larissa J; Ferris, Jason A; Winstock, Adam R; Barratt, Monica J


    This study aimed to describe self-reported patterns of use and effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) analogues (AL-LAD, 1P-LSD, and ETH-LAD) and the characteristics of those who use them. An anonymous self-selected online survey of people who use drugs (Global Drug Survey 2016; N = 96,894), which measured perceived drug effects of LSD and its analogues. Most LSD analogue users (91%) had also tried LSD. The proportion of U.K. and U.S. respondents reporting LSD analogue use in the last 12 months was higher than for LSD only. LSD analogue users described the effects as psychedelic (93%), over half (55%) obtained it online, and almost all (99%) reported an oral route of administration. The modal duration (8 hr) and time to peak (2 hr) of LSD analogues were not significantly different from LSD. Ratings for pleasurable high, strength of effect, comedown, urge to use more drugs, value for money, and risk of harm following use were significantly lower for LSD analogues compared with LSD. LSD analogues were reported as similar in time to peak and duration as LSD but weaker in strength, pleasurable high, and comedown. Future studies should seek to replicate these findings with chemical confirmation and dose measurement. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  19. Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method to quantify lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), iso-LSD, 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD, and nor-LSD and identify novel metabolites in plasma samples in a controlled clinical trial


    Dolder, Patrick C.; Liechti, Matthias E.; Rentsch, Katharina M.


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a widely used recreational drug. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the quantification of LSD, iso-LSD, 2-oxo-3-hydroxy LSD (O-H-LSD), and nor-LSD in plasma samples from 24 healthy subjects after controlled administration of 100 μg LSD in a clinical trial. In addition, metabolites that have been recently described in in vitro studies, including lysergic acid monoethylamide...


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    Reni Daharti


    Full Text Available Seorang guru sebagai seorang pendidik merupakan komponen penting dalam proses pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1 menganalisis profil guru SLTP Komwil 05 Kabupaten Tegal, (2 menganalisis prioritas kebijakan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di daerah penelitian, (3 menentukan strategi untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru melalui prioritas kebijakan yang dapat diterapkan di daerah penelitian. Respondennya adalah 33 guru SLTP Komwil 05 Kabupaten Tegal. Mereka dipilih dengan menggunakan simple random sampling. Selain itu 15 orang dipilih untuk menjadi keyperson. Statistik Deskriptif dan Analisis Hierarchy Process digunakan untuk menganalisis data dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional guru adalah moderat dan guru memiliki kepribadian dan kompetensi sosial yang tinggi. Hal yang harus ditingkatkan adalah kompetensi guru. Prioritas utama dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di Kabupaten Tegal adalah (1 memilih moralitas calon guru 2 menyaring kualitas guru (3 mengirim guru untuk mengikuti berbagai pelatihan untuk meningkatkan karakter mereka.A teacher as an educator is an important component in the educational process. This study aims to (1 analyze the teacher profile of SLTP Komwil 05 Kabupaten Tegal,  (2 analyze the policy priorities in improving the competence of teachers in the study area, (3 determine the strategies for enhancing the competence of teachers through the policy priorities that can be applied in the study area. There are 33 junior high school teachers of SLTP Komwil 05 Kabupaten Tegal as the respondents. They were selected by using simple random sampling. Then, there are also15 key persons. Descriptive Statistics and Analysis Hierarchy Process were used to analyze the data in the study. The results show that pedagogical competence and professional competence are moderate and the teachers have high personality and social competence. The thing that should be


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    Adi Atmoko


    Full Text Available Abstract: A Model of Teachers' Responses to Students' Behavior in Teaching and Learning. This study examined the influences of factors suggested in the theoretical model of teachers' manners regarding students' behavior in teaching-learning processes. it involved 180 primary school teachers in the Municipality of Malang. Multistage cluster technique was employed for the selection of the sample. The data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling. The results indicate that structural model has some empirical supports, which suggests that educational perspectives bear impacts on the teachers' appraisal of the students' behavior in learning. The teachers' appraisal and emotional beliefs have some influences on their emotional stability, and, in turn, the emotional stability bears effects on the quality of their educative manners. Abstrak: Model Tindakan Guru Menanggapi Perilaku Siswa dalam Pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh antar faktor dalam model teoretik tindakan guru dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan rancangan causal relationship-explanation terhadap 180 guru SD di kota Ma­lang yang diambil dengan teknik multistage cluster. Data dianalisis dengan Structural Equation Modeling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model struktural telah layak dan memperoleh dukungan empiris. Artinya, wawasan kependidikan mempengaruhi anggitan guru terhadap perilaku siswa. Anggitan dan keyakinan emosi guru mempengaruhi stabilitas emosi guru, dan stabilitas emosi mempengaruhi kualitas tindakan guru.

  2. Timothy-specific IgG antibody levels vary with the pollen seasons. (United States)

    Nordvall, S L; Larsson, P H; Johansson, S G


    Serum samples were collected from eight grass pollen hypersensitive children during a 4-year period. The sera were assayed for contents of timothy-specific IgE antibodies by RAST. Timothy-specific IgG and IgA antibodies were quantified by a refined ELISA in which covalent binding of the antigen to the polystyrene solid phase had been performed. IgG antibodies were also assayed by a Sepharose-protein-A technique with radiolabelled timothy allergens as the antigen. It was possible to register clearcut seasonal variations with postseasonally boosted antibody levels not only of timothy-specific IgE but also of IgG antibody. Both IgG1 and IgG4 antibodies specific for timothy showed seasonal variations of a similar degree. It was not possible to register seasonal variations of the same magnitude of timothy-specific IgA antibodies.

  3. LSD. Specialized Information Service. (United States)

    Do It Now Foundation, Phoenix, AZ.

    The document presents a collection of articles about LSD. The first article discusses the increasingly popular use of blotter acid (tiny squares of absorbent paper soaked in liquid LSD). Article 2 furthers this look at the newer LSD formats and describes rumors of lick-'n-stick stamps and color-transfer tattoos as examples of techniques aimed at…



    Sahraini Sahraini; Suwarsih Madya


    Studi ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan model evaluasi kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris SMA yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kelebihan dan kekurangan guru dalam proses pemelajaran dan (2) mengetahui efektivitas implementasi evaluasi internal kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris SMA. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang dikembangkan oleh Borg & Gall (1983, p.775). Subjek penelitian berjumlah 17 guru yang berasal dari 7 SMA di Sulawesi Selatan. Konstruk instrume...

  5. Modern Clinical Research on LSD


    Liechti, Matthias E.


    All modern clinical studies using the classic hallucinogen lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in healthy subjects or patients in the last 25 years are reviewed herein. There were five recent studies in healthy participants and one in patients. In a controlled setting, LSD acutely induced bliss, audiovisual synesthesia, altered meaning of perceptions, derealization, depersonalization, and mystical experiences. These subjective effects of LSD were mediated by the 5-HT2A receptor. LSD increased fe...

  6. Penerapan Manajemen Pembelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru di MIN Kendari

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    Rasmi Rasmi


    Full Text Available Abstract This study aims to reveal about how the implementation of learning management to improve the competence of teachers in MIN  Kendari, how the forms teacher competence, and the factors that support and hinder the implementation of learning management to improve the competence of teachers. The result showed that the implementation of learning management to improve the competence of teachers in MIN Kendari not been implemented optimally in the planning stages of learning, organizational learning, learning implementation, evaluation of learning.  There factors supporting the implementation of learning management to improve the competence of teachers that is flexible and democratic principals in leading institutions, teachers have an average qualified Tier One and a few teachers qualified master, increased professionalism and competence of teachers that are specifically has been carried out by the head MIN Kendari to include teachers conduct seminars, workshops, training, availability of CCTV, LCD. While inhibiting factorss still the lack of availability of books supporting, the unavailability of rooms in the main learning laboratory science and language subjects, still lack the skills of teachers in the use of learning technology tools, the double post by teachers, teachers in addition to functional positions are also burdened with additional duty structural position.   Keywords: Management, Learning, Teacher Competency   Abstrak   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap tentang bagaimana penerapan manajemen pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN Kendari, bagaimana bentuk-bentuk kompetensi guru, dan faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat. Dan jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan yang sifatnya kualitatif deskriftif. Adapun sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah guru-guru dan staf tata usaha MIN Kendari, sedangkan metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara


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    Pramudjono Pramudjono


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan, tingkat hierarki moral, dan motivasi terhadap komitmen guru. Sampel diambil dengan teknik proportional sampling dengan jumlah sebesar 450 orang guru dari populasi 796 guru SMA PNS di Samarinda. Data dikumpulkan dengan pemberian angket dan analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1 gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap komitmen guru yang berarti peningkatan gaya kepemimpinan akan meningkatkan komitmen guru; (2 tingkat hierarki moral memiliki pengaruh pada komitmen guru yang berarti meningkatnya tingkat hierarki moral akan mengakibatkan peningkatan komitmen guru; (3 motivasi kerja guru memengaruhi komitmen guru yang berarti tingginya motivasi kerja akan menyebabkan tingginya komitmen; (4 gaya kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja guru yang berarti peningkatan gaya kepemimpinan akan meningkatkan motivasi kerja guru; dan (5 tingkat hierarki moral memengaruhi motivasi kerja guru yang berarti meningkatnya tingkat hierarki moral akan meningkatkan motivasi kerja guru. Peningkatan aspek-aspek tersebut akan memperkuat komitmen para guru terhadap sekolah. Kata Kunci: komitmen, gaya kepemimpinan, tingkat hierarki moral, motivasi THE INFLUENCE OF THE LEADERSHIP STYLES, MORAL HIERARCHY LEVELS, AND MOTIVATION TOWARDS TEACHER’S COMMITMENT Abstract: This study was aimed to find out the influence of the leadership styles, moral hierarchy levels, and motivation towards teachers’ commitment. The sample taken using the proportional sampling technique consisting of 450 teachers out of 796 senior high school teachers in Samarinda. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using the path analysis. The findings showed that (1 the leadership styles influence the teachers’ commitment, meaning that an improvement in the leadership styles would improve the teachers’ commitment; (2 the moral hierarchy levels


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    Aditya Yulianto


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh praktik pengalaman lapangan, minat menjadi guru, dan prestasi belajar terhadap kesiapan menjadi guru yang profesional. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa Progam Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Akuntansi tahun angkatan 2011 Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Semarang sebanyak 174 mahasiswa. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 122 mahasiswa yang ditentukan dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi, sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif presentase, statistik inferensial, dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan praktik pengalaman lapangan, minat menjadi guru, dan prestasi belajar berpengaruh baik secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap kesiapan menjadi guru yang profesional. Hasil adjusted R^2 menunjukan adanya hubungan antara praktik pengalaman lapangan, minat menjadi guru, dan prestasi belajar terhadap kesiapan mahasiswa menjadi guru yang profesional sebesar 0.574 atau 57,4%. Saran yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah hendaknya mahasiswa memperbanyak referensi tentang akuntansi, mengikuti berbagai forum diskusi akuntansi guna meningkatkan wawasan mengenai bidang studi akuntansinya; mahasiswa diharapkan meningkatkan minat untuk menjadi guru yang tinggi dengan mengenal lebih jauh tentang profesi guru, mencari tahu kabar dan informasi mengenai profesi keguruan, memanfatkan kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan dengan sungguh-sungguh yang dapat menunjang kesiapannya untuk menjadi guru. The purpose of that study was to determine the influence of practice field experience, interest becoming a teacher and learning achievement againts the readiness of the students to become a professional teacher. Population in this research are students of accounting education class of Faculty of Economic semarang state university as many as 174 students. Sample used in this study were 122 students


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    Mei Fita Aryani


    Full Text Available Pendekatan saintifik adalah pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kurikulum 2013. Sebagian besar guru di SMA N 1 Bawang belum menerapkan pendekatan saintifik. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA N 1 Bawang Kabupaten Batang dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif studi kasus. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu sumber data manusia dan benda. Teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara semiterstruktur dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data diuji melalui triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebagian guru belum menerapkan pendekatan saintifik dalam pembelajaran. Beberapa guru yang mengajar masih mengalami hambatan dalam penerapan pendekatan saintifik. Dalam perencanaan hambatan yang dialami guru yaitu: (1 hambatan dalam penyusunan RPP 2013, (2 pengembangan RPP, (3 kesulitan dalam menyiapkan media pembelajaran. Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran, hambatan yang dialami guru yaitu: (1 sulitnya menarik minat siswa untuk bertanya, (2 kurangnya waktu, (3 rumitnya persiapan, (4 guru kurang mampu mengelola kelas, (5 siswa banyak yang terlambat mengumpulkan tugas. Dalam kegiatan penilaian hambatannya yaitu (1 guru masih kesulitan dalam melakukan penilaian kepada siswa secara bersamaan, (2 guru masih bingung membuat instrument penilaian. Faktor pendukung penerapan pendekatan saintifik di SMA N 1 Bawang sangat di dukung oleh kemampuan guru dan sarana prasarana yang sudah cukup lengkap. Scientific approach is the approach used in the curriculum 2013. Most of the teachers SMA N 1 Bawang not apply scientific approach. This research was conducted in SMA N 1 Bawang in the Batang Regency using a qualitative case study approach. Sources of data used in this research that the human data sources and object. Data collection techniques of observation, semistructured interviews and documentation. The validity is tested through triangulation of data sources. The results showed that the majority of teachers have not applied a scientific approach to learning


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    Supriyo .


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan model motivasi kerja guru SMP Negeri yang sesuai. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 322 orang guru SMP Negeri di Kota Semarang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala numerikal. Analisis data melalui SEM dengan perangkat LISREL. Hasil penelitian model motivasi kerja guru SMP Negeri adalah fit. Secara keseluruhan, kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, kondisi lingkungan kerja, pelatihan, kompetensi, dan kepuasan kerja, pengaruhnya tinggi terhadap motivasi kerja guru (86%. Untuk meningkatkan motivasi kerja guru SMP Negeri hendaknya kepala sekolah dan pengawas memberdayakan guru secara optimal, menjadikan lingkungan kerja kondusif, merancang program pelatihan yang terarah. Dalam pengangkatan kepala SMPN, Dinas Pendidikan hendaknya memperhatikan kemampuan menejerial para calon. Kata Kunci: motivasi kerja, guru SMP STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS’ WORK MOTIVATION IN SEMARANG MUNICIPALITY Abstract: This study was aimed to find a fit model of State Junior High School Teachers’ work motivation. The sample consisted of 322 state junior high school teachers in Semarang municipality. The instrument used was in the form of a numerical scale. The data were analyzed through the SEM utilizing the LISREL program. The findings showed that the model was fit. As a whole, the school principal leadership, the work environment condition, training, competence, and work satisfaction had a high influence on the teachers’ work motivation (86%. To improve the teachers’ work motivation, it is suggested that the school principal and the supervisor empower the teachers optimally, create conducive work environment, and design a focused training program. In recruiting the school pricipal, the Local Office of Education should take into account the candidates’ managerial skill. Keywords: work motivation, junior high school teachers

  11. Response of mouse splenic lymphocytes to timothy pollen antigens in a microculture system. (United States)

    Fairchild, S S; Malley, A


    Spleen cells from LAF1 mice were stimulated in a microculture system with T and B cell mitogens or antigens of timothy pollen. Only cells from mice immunized with crude timothy pollen extract (WST) or a major antigen of timothy pollen conjugated to Ascaris (antigen B-Ascaris) responded to timothy antigens in vitro. Optimum responses were obtained at 120 to 144 hr of culture with 5 to 10 mug WST per culture and ranged from three to 10 times greater than cell background. No correlations could be found between the optimum antigen concentration or the maximum response and the immune status of the spleen cell donor. Response could be inhibited by a dialyzable fraction of timothy pollen, antigen D, which is a monovalent form of a major antigen of timothy pollen.

  12. Penerapan Supervisi Klinis untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar Gugus IV Sanankulon

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    Sri Utami


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dampak supervise klinis terhadap kinerja guru dalam proses belajar mengajar.Tindakan melalui supervise klinis.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kinerja guru dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar, siklus I mencapai 72% atau ada13 guru dari 18 guru sudah berhasil dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar, siklus II keberhasilan guru dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar mencapai 89%atau ada 16 guru dari 18 guru sudah berhasil dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar.

  13. LSD enhances suggestibility in healthy volunteers. (United States)

    Carhart-Harris, R L; Kaelen, M; Whalley, M G; Bolstridge, M; Feilding, A; Nutt, D J


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) has a history of use as a psychotherapeutic aid in the treatment of mood disorders and addiction, and it was also explored as an enhancer of mind control. The present study sought to test the effect of LSD on suggestibility in a modern research study. Ten healthy volunteers were administered with intravenous (i.v.) LSD (40-80 μg) in a within-subject placebo-controlled design. Suggestibility and cued mental imagery were assessed using the Creative Imagination Scale (CIS) and a mental imagery test (MIT). CIS and MIT items were split into two versions (A and B), balanced for 'efficacy' (i.e. A ≈ B) and counterbalanced across conditions (i.e. 50 % completed version 'A' under LSD). The MIT and CIS were issued 110 and 140 min, respectively, post-infusion, corresponding with the peak drug effects. Volunteers gave significantly higher ratings for the CIS (p = 0.018), but not the MIT (p = 0.11), after LSD than placebo. The magnitude of suggestibility enhancement under LSD was positively correlated with trait conscientiousness measured at baseline (p = 0.0005). These results imply that the influence of suggestion is enhanced by LSD. Enhanced suggestibility under LSD may have implications for its use as an adjunct to psychotherapy, where suggestibility plays a major role. That cued imagery was unaffected by LSD implies that suggestions must be of a sufficient duration and level of detail to be enhanced by the drug. The results also imply that individuals with high trait conscientiousness are especially sensitive to the suggestibility-enhancing effects of LSD.

  14. Akurasi dan Akuntabilitas Penilaian Kinerja Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Lubna Lubna


    Full Text Available Abstract:     There are a great number of teachers of Islamic religious education who hold a professional diploma and yet have not realized the tasks of competent professional teacher. The four indicators of competent and professional teacher, as these are elaborated in Statutes and Regulations, have not been integrated in teacher performance. This problem must be resolved. It requires a system that can control the implementation of the principles of professional teacher while at the same time does not ruin teacher’s profession and capability. This article offers professional-based assessment and evaluation of teacher performance as a medium for a regular control. This system will be able to measure teacher performance referring to their skills and to avoid deviation in the evaluation between what is taught and the subject being taught concerning teachers’ professional skills. With this professional-based evaluation system, the processes of evaluation and assessment become objective, accurate and accountable.Abstrak:      Banyak di antara guru PAI yang menyandang gelar profesional yang belum sepenuhnya mengusai kompetensi yang menjadi indikator guru profesional dalam pelaksaan tugas di kelas. Empat kompetensi inti guru profesional belum terintegrasi dalam kinerja guru sebagaimana amanah Undang-Undang dan berbagai peraturan yang mengawalnya. Menyikapi fenomena ini, dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat mengontrol kinerja guru sekaligus tidak meruntuhkan kredibilitas guru profesional. Tulisan ini menawarkan penilaian kinerja guru PAI berbasis profesional sebagai sistem kontrol yang dapat dilakukan secara berkala sampai tercipta budaya kerja yang profesional. Dengan penilaian kinerja berbasis profesional, akan dapat mengukur kinerja guru sesuai dengan bidang keahliannya, di samping menghindari terjadinya deviasi antara apa yang dinilai dengan bidang keahlian sesuai mata pelajaran. Dengan penilaian kinerja berbasis profesional


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    R. Ceha


    Full Text Available Dalam upaya peningkatan mutu mengajar dan mutu pembelajaran di era globalisasi, guru sebaiknya menguasai program komputer, agar dapat memanfaatkan teknologi yang telah tersedia dan untuk memudahkan dalam mengajar. Guru hendaknya dapat menggunakan peralatan yang lebih ekonomis, efisien, dan mampu dimiliki oleh sekolah, tidak menolak digunakannya peralatan teknologi modern yang relevan dengan tuntutan masyarakat dan perkembangan zaman, serta mempunyai berbagai keterampilan yang mendukung tugasnya dalam mengajar. Salah satu keterampilan tersebut adalah bagaimana seorang guru dapat menggunakan media pembelajaran (Syaiful Bahri, 2006. Guru dapat membuat kreasi dan variasi media interaktif, pembuatan CD pembelajaran interaktif, powerpoint, dan dengan media komputer. Masalah utama yang dihadapi mitra saat ini adalah kemampuan guru dalam pemanfaatan IT atau ICT untuk kegiatan pembelajaran belum merata. Selain itu juga masih adanya kesenjangan literasi TIK antar wilayah di satu sisi dan perkembangan internet yang juga membawa dampak negatif terhadap nilai dan norma masyarakat sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya secara aktif dari semua stakeholder sekolah dalam peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang diusulkan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru mengenai pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada kegiatan pembelajaran, meningkatkan kemampuan guru untuk membuat bahan ajar pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan potensi yang ada di sekolah mitra dalam pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi untuk peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran

  16. Kompetensi Pengelolaan Pembelajaran, Kecerdasan Interpersonal, Komitmen, dan Kepuasan Kerja Guru SMK

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    Rita Fahdila Sumantri


    Full Text Available Abstract: Learning-management Competence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Commitment, and  Job Satisfaction of Vocational High School Teachers. This survey is intended to describe how learning-management competence, interpersonal intelligence, and commitment influence the job satisfaction of vocational high school teachers. Eighty teachers were selected from the teacher population of 350 using proportional random sampling technique and were assigned to respond to a questionnaire. The results of path analyses reveal that learning-management competence has direct effects on commitment, interpersonal intelligence on commitment, learning-management competence on job satisfaction, interpersonal intelligence on job satisfaction, and commitment on job satisfaction. In other words, teachers' job satisfaction can be facilitated through improving learning-management competence, developing interpersonal intelligence, and strengthening teacher commitment. Abstrak: Kompetensi Pengelolaan Pembelajaran, Kecerdasan Interpersonal, Komitmen, dan Kepuasan Kerja Guru SMK. Tujuan penelitian survei ini adalah mendeskripsikan pengaruh kompetensi pengelolaan pembelajaran, kecerdasan interpersonal, dan komitmen terhadap kepuasan kerja guru SMK. Populasi berjumlah 350 guru dengan sampel sebanyak 80 guru yang dipilih secara rambang. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket, dan dianalisis dengan analisis jalur (path analysis. Hasil penelitian menun­jukkan bahwa kompetensi pengelolaan pembelajaran berpengaruh langsung terhadap komitmen; kecer­dasan interpersonal berpengaruh langsung terhadap komitmen; kompetensi pengelolaan pembelajaran berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan kerja guru; kecerdasan interpersonal berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan kerja guru; dan komitmen berpengaruh langsung terhadap kepuasan kerja guru. Kepuasan kerja guru dapat ditingkatkan melalui pengembangan kompetensi pengelolaan pembelajaran, peningkatan kecerdasan interpersonal dan penguatan

  17. LSD and Genetic Damage (United States)

    Dishotsky, Norman I.; And Others


    Reviews studies of the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on man and other organisms. Concludes that pure LSD injected in moderate doses does not cause chromosome or detectable genetic damage and is not a teratogen or carcinogen. (JM)


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    Mr Heri Sutarno


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kompetensi guru TIK berpengaruh terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran TIK. Penelitian ini dilakukan di sebuah sekolah sampel, dengan responden siswa SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survey eksplanatory. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 3 (tiga cara, yaitu: Nilai Skala (Nilai Interval, untuk mengetahui kondisi dari masing-masing variabel; Analisis varians (ANOVA satu jalur; dan Korelasi untuk mengetahui keterhubungan variabel. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa kompetensi pedagogik guru TIK yang ada di sekolah sampel tergolong cukup (56,07%, kompetensi kepribadian tergolong cukup (53,72%, kompetensi sosial tergolong cukup (45,22% dan kompetensi profesional tergolong tinggi (61,20%. Keterhubungan antara kompetensi guru dengan motivasi belajar diperkuat dengan kurangnya tingkat signifikansi sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada keterhubungan antara keempat kompetensi guru tersebut terhadap motivasi siswa untuk belajar mata pelajaran TIK. Secara parsial hanya kompetensi kepribadian (53,72% dan kompetensi profesional (61,20% yang terbukti dapat mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa. Untuk hasil belajar, dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan ternyata keterhubungan antara kompetensi guru dan motivasi belajar terhadap hasil belajar sangat kecil (50%. Sebagai saran dari penelitian ini yaitu instansi pencetak guru harus memastikan agar mahasiswa yang dididiknya memiliki kemampuan kompetensi guru seperti tertulis dalam PP No. 74 tahun 2008 sehingga dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa, yang pada akhirnya keberadaan guru benar-benar bermakna dalam sebuah pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: guru TIK, kompetensi guru, motivasi, hasil belajar


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    Apri Damai Sagita Krissandi


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kendala yang dialami guru SD dalam mengimplementasikan Kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 65 guru SD di Yayasan Kanisius Cabang Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta. Data dikumpulkan dengan instrumen angket dan wawancara. Keabsahan data diperoleh dengan menggunakan trianggulasi teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kendala-kendala yang dialami guru SD dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 berasal dari pemerintah, institusi, guru, orang tua, dan siswa. Kendala dari pemerintah meliputi pendistribusian buku, penilaian, administrasi guru, alokasi waktu, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan pembelajaran tematik, panduan pelaksanaan kurikulum, dan kegiatan pembelajaran dalam buku siswa. Kendala dari institusi meliputi sarana dan prasarana, dan rotasi guru baik vertikal dan horisontal. Kendala dari guru meliputi pembuatan media pembelajaran, pemahaman guru, pemaduan antarmuatan pelajaran dalam pembelajaran tematik, dan penguasan teknologi informasi. Kendala dari orang tua dan siswa meliputi rapor dan adaptasi terhadap pembelajaran tematik. Kata Kunci: kurikulum 2013, kendala implementasi THE CONSTRAINTS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 2013 CURRICULUM Abstract: This study was aimed to describe the constraints of elementary school teachers in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. This study was descriptive research. The subjects were 65 teachers in Central Java and Yogyakarta under the Kanisius Foundation. The data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. The validity of the data was obtained through the method triangulation. The data were analyzed using the descriptive analysis technique. The findings showed that the constraints in the 2013 curriculum impementation stemmed from the government, institution, teachers, parents, and students. The constraints from the government included the book


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    Sahraini Sahraini


    Full Text Available Studi ini bertujuan untuk: (1 mengembangkan model evaluasi kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris SMA yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kelebihan dan kekurangan guru dalam proses pemelajaran dan (2 mengetahui efektivitas implementasi evaluasi internal kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris SMA. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang dikembangkan oleh Borg & Gall (1983, p.775. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 17 guru yang berasal dari 7 SMA di Sulawesi Selatan. Konstruk instrumen terdiri atas instrumen untuk mengevaluasi kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris dalam merencanakan pemelajaran, instrumen untuk mengevaluasi kompetensi guru dalam melaksanaan proses pemelajaran, dan instrumen untuk mengevaluai kompetensi guru dalam mengevaluasi hasil proses pemelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kompetensi guru bahasa Inggris. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat efektivitas Model Evaluasi Internal Kompetensi Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA, model ini kemudian dievaluasi oleh teman sejawat guru bahasa Inggris dan guru bahasa Inggris itu sendiri. Mereka menyimpulkan bahwa komponen dari model tersebut adalah komprehensip, praktis, ekonomis, dan telah didukung oleh instrumen yang valid dan reliabel. Kata kunci: evaluasi internal, model evaluasi, kompetensi guru   INTERNAL EVALUATION MODEL OF ENGLISH TEACHERS’ COMPETENCY (IEMET FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Abstract High School that can be used to identify the teacher’s strengths and weaknesses in learning and teaching processes and (2 find out the implementation effectiveness of the Internal Evaluation Model of English Teachers’ Competency for Senior High School. This study used research & development methods by following the pattern of phases developed by Borg & Gall (1983, p.775.  The subjects of this study were seventeen English teachers from seven Senior High Schools in South Sulawesi. The constructs of instruments consist of the

  1. The effect of additives in silages of pure timothy and timothy mixed with red clover on chemical composition and in vitro rumen fermentation characteristics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hetta, M.; Cone, J.W.; Gustavsson, A.M.; Martinsson, K.


    The aim was to compare the effects of additives on direct cut silages of pure timothy and timothy mixed with tetraploid red clover. First and second growth cuts were ensiled during three consecutive years, 1994, 1995 and 1996, either without any additive or with the addition of formic acid, or

  2. Variation in the vernalization response of a geographically diverse collection of timothy genotypes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fiil, Alice; Jensen, Louise Bach; Fjellheim, Siri


    Timothy (Phleum pratense L.) has earlier been characterized as a long-day plant, which neither requires vernalization to induce flowering nor shows a vernalization response. Variation in flowering time of timothy has thus been ascribed to differences in critical photoperiods. We studied vernaliza......Timothy (Phleum pratense L.) has earlier been characterized as a long-day plant, which neither requires vernalization to induce flowering nor shows a vernalization response. Variation in flowering time of timothy has thus been ascribed to differences in critical photoperiods. We studied...

  3. Kompetisi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam pada Madrasah Tsanawiyah di Kota Mataram

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    Yustiani S


    Full Text Available AbstractThis study aims to measure the difference in competence between certified teachers  and non certified teachers in Mataram. Teachers examined in this study are teachers of religion in MTs. This articleis a quantitative research using causal comperative method. The research design use factoral design 2x2. The technical of analysis data in this research include descriptive analysis, requirements test analysis, and inferential analysis. The study shows that here are differences in Islamic Education Teachers’ competence in MTs in Mataram. Further test shows that the results of certified teachers competency arebetter than the teachers who have not been certified. There is no difference in Islamic Education Teachers’ competence based on the teacher’s tenure. There is no interaction between teacher’s status and teacher’s tenure. This means that the status and tenure arethe two factors which are mutually independent. There were no differences between the student learning result who is taught by certified teachers and uncertified teachers in Mataram. There is difference in student learning result based on the teacher’s tenure.There is no interaction between student learning result based on the status and the tenure of teachers in Mataram. It is concluded that certified teachers in Mataram has a good profile.Keywords: Competence, Islamic Education Teachers, Certification. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur perbedaan kompetensi guru PAI MTs antara yang telah tersertifikasi maupun yang belum tersertifikasi di Kota Mataram. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode perbandingan kausal (causal comparative desain faktoral 2x2. Teknis analisis data dalam penelitian ini meliputi analisis deskripstif, uji persyaratan, dan analisis inferensial. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh 7 temuan sebagai berikut. (1 Terdapat perbedaan kompetensi guru PAI MTs di kota Mataram. Hasil uji


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    Rahmah Johar


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis upaya guru mengembangkan karakter demokratis, kreatif, dan mandiri siswa melalui pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekatan realistic pada meteri perkalian di kelas III SD. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga orang guru, yang terdiri dari dua orang guru di Banda Aceh dan satu orang guru di Surabaya. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui pengamatan dan wawancara terhadap guru dan siswa. Sebelum pelaksanaan pembelajaran tim peneliti memberikan masukan kepada guru untuk menerapkan pendekatan realistik sehingga mengembangkan karakter siswa. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif berdasarkan indikator dari karakter yang diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya kolaborasi antara tim peneliti dan guru mengakibatkan upaya guru mengembangkan karakter siswa dalam hal demokratis, kreatif, dan mandiri mengalami peningkatan. Kata kunci: Karakter, Pendekatan Matematika Realistik, Demokratis, Kreatif, dan Mandiri DOI:

  5. The LSD1-Type Zinc Finger Motifs of Pisum sativa LSD1 Are a Novel Nuclear Localization Signal and Interact with Importin Alpha


    He, Shanping; Huang, Kuowei; Zhang, Xu; Yu, Xiangchun; Huang, Ping; An, Chengcai


    BACKGROUND: Genetic studies of the Arabidopsis mutant lsd1 highlight the important role of LSD1 in the negative regulation of plant programmed cell death (PCD). Arabidopsis thaliana LSD1 (AtLSD1) contains three LSD1-type zinc finger motifs, which are involved in the protein-protein interaction. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To further understand the function of LSD1, we have analyzed cellular localization and functional localization domains of Pisum sativa LSD1 (PsLSD1), which is a homolog ...

  6. The Genetics Underlying Vernalization in Timothy (Phleum pratense L.)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fiil, Alice

    Vernalization is the process where the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive state is promoted by a prolonged period of cold. Timothy (Phleum pratense L.) is an important forage grass in the Nordic countries. Unlike many other temperate grasses, a vernalization requirement has not been...... reported in this species. The objectives of this Ph.D. study were to obtain a better understanding of vernalization in timothy and knowledge about the genetics underlying the vernalization response. The vernalization response was analyzed in 38 genotypes of diverse geographic origin. Vernalization...... that significant genetic variation for the vernalization response is present within timothy and suggest that differential regulation of VRN1 transcription discriminates genotypes with contrasting vernalization responses. In addition, the nucleotide diversity and linkage disequilibrium were analyzed in nine genes...

  7. Kepribadian Guru PAI dan Tantangan Globalisasi

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    Susanna Susanna


    Full Text Available Education is the process of changing attitudes and code of conduct of a person or group of people within the framework of human mature through teaching and training efforts. Behavior is a very important factor in the success of a teacher as an agent in learning. Teacher's personality will determine whether he be a good educator and mentor for the students. The phenomenon shows that globalization, especially those that are negative, if not careful will destroy the young generation with deviant behaviors. Abstrak Pendidikan merupakan proses pengubahan sikap dan tata laku seseorang atau kelompok orang dalam usaha mendewasakan manusia melalui upaya pengajaran dan latihan. Kepribadian merupakan faktor yang sangat penting dalam kesuksesan seorang guru sebagai agen dalam pembelajaran. Kepribadian seorang guru akan menentukan apakah ia menjadi pendidik dan pembina yang baik bagi anak didiknya. Fenomena menunjukan bahwa arus globalisasi, terutama yang bersifat negative, bila tidak hati-hati akan menghancurkan generasi muda dengan perilaku-perilaku yang menyimpang. Kata Kunci: Kepribadian Guru PAI dan Globalisasi

  8. LSD1/KDM1 isoform LSD1+8a contributes to neural differentiation in small cell lung cancer

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    Takanobu Jotatsu


    Full Text Available Small cell lung cancer (SCLC is an aggressive neuroendocrine tumor characterized by rapid progression. The mechanisms that lead to a shift from initial therapeutic sensitivity to ultimate therapeutic resistance are poorly understood. Although the SCLC genomic landscape led to the discovery of promising agents targeting genetic alterations that were already under investigation, results have been disappointing. Achievements in targeted therapeutics have not been observed for over 30 years. Therefore, the underlying disease biology and novel targets urgently require a better understanding. Epigenetic regulation is deeply involved in the cellular plasticity that could shift tumor cells to the malignant phenotype. We have focused on a histone modifier, LSD1, that is overexpressed in SCLC and is a potent therapeutic target. Interestingly, the LSD1 splice variant LSD1+8a, the expression of which has been reported to be restricted to neural tissue, was detected and was involved in the expression of neuroendocrine marker genes in SCLC cell lines. Cells with high expression of LSD1+8a were resistant to CDDP and LSD1 inhibitor. Moreover, suppression of LSD1+8a inhibited cell proliferation, indicating that LSD1+8a could play a critical role in SCLC. These findings suggest that LSD1+8a should be considered a novel therapeutic target in SCLC.


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    Waras Kamdi


    Full Text Available Perfomance of Vocational School Teachers: Analysis on Teaching Work­load and Teaching Characteristics. The present study aims at describing vocational school teachers’ workload as measured from time on task, and teaching characteristics. For the purpose, the present study employs a survey in which a number of 155 teachers of 15 sampled vocational schools from 6 regions in East Java were drawn as the sample utilizing multi-stage sampling. Several points as follows are observed. First, vocatio­nal school teachers’ workload is greater than that of national standard of civil servants’ workload with a total ratio of 56.02:40.00 hours per week. Next, the average of their weekly credit hour, figures at 24.74 hours, greater than 24 hours as the national stan­dard. Thirdly, learning resources at voca­tional schools are dominated by electronic textbooks 89.03%, several of which are teacher-made modules 34.84%, and teacher-made job sheets 98.06%. Finally, most teachers 81.29% are used to group work assignment; however, 91.62% of the teachers claimed that they could not deliver their instruction without having a conventional class.   Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan beban kerja guru yang diukur ber­dasarkan time on task dan karakteristik pembelajaran. Responden berjumlah 155 guru, yang berasal dari 15 SMK Negeri dari 6 kota/ka­bu­paten di Jawa Timur yang diambil secara multi stage sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan angket dan wawancara, dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1 rerata beban kerja guru SMK 56,02 jam per minggu lebih tinggi daripada yang ditetapkan pemerin­tah mak­si­mum 40 jam per minggu; (2 rerata jam pelajaran tatap muka guru SMK 24,74, sedikit lebih tinggi dibanding ketentuan pemerintah 24 jam pelajaran; (3 sumber belajar di SMK didominasi buku teks elektronik 89,03%, di antaranya dilengkapi modul buatan guru 34,84% dan 98,06% guru telah menggunakan job sheet; dan (4 se­banyak  81

  10. Acute LSD effects on response inhibition neural networks. (United States)

    Schmidt, A; Müller, F; Lenz, C; Dolder, P C; Schmid, Y; Zanchi, D; Lang, U E; Liechti, M E; Borgwardt, S


    Recent evidence shows that the serotonin 2A receptor (5-hydroxytryptamine2A receptor, 5-HT2AR) is critically involved in the formation of visual hallucinations and cognitive impairments in lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)-induced states and neuropsychiatric diseases. However, the interaction between 5-HT2AR activation, cognitive impairments and visual hallucinations is still poorly understood. This study explored the effect of 5-HT2AR activation on response inhibition neural networks in healthy subjects by using LSD and further tested whether brain activation during response inhibition under LSD exposure was related to LSD-induced visual hallucinations. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over study, LSD (100 µg) and placebo were administered to 18 healthy subjects. Response inhibition was assessed using a functional magnetic resonance imaging Go/No-Go task. LSD-induced visual hallucinations were measured using the 5 Dimensions of Altered States of Consciousness (5D-ASC) questionnaire. Relative to placebo, LSD administration impaired inhibitory performance and reduced brain activation in the right middle temporal gyrus, superior/middle/inferior frontal gyrus and anterior cingulate cortex and in the left superior frontal and postcentral gyrus and cerebellum. Parahippocampal activation during response inhibition was differently related to inhibitory performance after placebo and LSD administration. Finally, activation in the left superior frontal gyrus under LSD exposure was negatively related to LSD-induced cognitive impairments and visual imagery. Our findings show that 5-HT2AR activation by LSD leads to a hippocampal-prefrontal cortex-mediated breakdown of inhibitory processing, which might subsequently promote the formation of LSD-induced visual imageries. These findings help to better understand the neuropsychopharmacological mechanisms of visual hallucinations in LSD-induced states and neuropsychiatric disorders.


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    Wenny Hulukati


    Abstrak: Perangkat Pengembangan Diri untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru dan Pengembangan Kepribadian Siswa SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat pengembangan diri untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru dan pengembangan kepribadian siswa SMA. Kegiatan penelitian ini diawali dengan studi pendahuluan yang berkaitan dengan kompentensi guru pembimbing dalam melaksanakan pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dan kecenderungan kepribadian siswa SMA. Langkah berikutnya adalah mendesain dan mengembangkan draf, dan diakhiri dengan kegiatan uji keefektifan produk. Dari kegiatan penelitian pengembangan ini telah dihasilkan produk pengembangan yang valid dan handal yang meliputi panduan guru, panduan siswa, dan panduan penilaian. Berdasarkan hasil uji keefektifan terhadap produk pengembangan diperoleh informasi bahwa perangkat panduan pengembangan diri efektif diguna­kan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru pembimbing dalam melaksanakan pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dan pengembangan kepribadian siswa SMA.

  12. Crystal Structure of an LSD-Bound Human Serotonin Receptor. (United States)

    Wacker, Daniel; Wang, Sheng; McCorvy, John D; Betz, Robin M; Venkatakrishnan, A J; Levit, Anat; Lansu, Katherine; Schools, Zachary L; Che, Tao; Nichols, David E; Shoichet, Brian K; Dror, Ron O; Roth, Bryan L


    The prototypical hallucinogen LSD acts via serotonin receptors, and here we describe the crystal structure of LSD in complex with the human serotonin receptor 5-HT 2B . The complex reveals conformational rearrangements to accommodate LSD, providing a structural explanation for the conformational selectivity of LSD's key diethylamide moiety. LSD dissociates exceptionally slow from both 5-HT 2B R and 5-HT 2A R-a major target for its psychoactivity. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations suggest that LSD's slow binding kinetics may be due to a "lid" formed by extracellular loop 2 (EL2) at the entrance to the binding pocket. A mutation predicted to increase the mobility of this lid greatly accelerates LSD's binding kinetics and selectively dampens LSD-mediated β-arrestin2 recruitment. This study thus reveals an unexpected binding mode of LSD; illuminates key features of its kinetics, stereochemistry, and signaling; and provides a molecular explanation for LSD's actions at human serotonin receptors. PAPERCLIP. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Immunoassay screening of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and its confirmation by HPLC and fluorescence detection following LSD ImmunElute extraction. (United States)

    Grobosch, T; Lemm-Ahlers, U


    In all, 3872 urine specimens were screened for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) using the CEDIA DAU LSD assay. Forty-eight samples, mainly from psychiatric patients or drug abusers, were found to be LSD positive, but only 13 (27%) of these could be confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) following immunoaffinity extraction (IAE). Additional analysis for LSD using the DPC Coat-a-Count RIA was performed to compare the two immunoassay screening methods. Complete agreement between the DPC RIA assay and HPLC-FLD results was observed at concentrations below a cutoff concentration of 500 pg/mL. Samples that were LSD positive in the CEDIA DAU assay but not confirmed by HPLC-FLD were also investigated for interfering compounds using REMEDI HS drug-profiling system. REMEDI HS analysis identified 15 compounds (parent drugs and metabolites) that are believed to cross-react in the CEDIA DAU LSD assay: ambroxol, prilocaine, pipamperone, diphenhydramine, metoclopramide, amitriptyline, doxepine, atracurium, bupivacaine, doxylamine, lidocaine, mepivacaine, promethazine, ranitidine, and tramadole. The IAE/HPLC-FLD combination is rapid, easy to perform and reliable. It can reduce costs when standard, rather than more advanced, HPLC equipment is used, especially for labs that perform analyses for LSD infrequently. The chromatographic analysis of LSD, nor-LSD, and iso-LSD is not influenced by any of the tested cross-reacting compounds even at a concentration of 100 ng/mL.

  14. LSD in pubic hair in a fatality. (United States)

    Gaulier, Jean-michel; Maublanc, Julie; Lamballais, Florence; Bargel, Sophie; Lachâtre, Gérard


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a potent hallucinogen, active at very low dosage and its determination in body fluids in a forensic context may present some difficulties, even more so in hair. A dedicated liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ES-MS/MS) assay in hair was used to document the case of a 24-year-old man found dead after a party. Briefly, after a decontamination step, a 50mg sample of the victim's pubic hair was cut into small pieces (LSD. A LSD concentration of 0.66pg/mg of pubic hair was observed. However, this result remains difficult to interpret owing to the concomitant LSD presence in the victim's post mortem blood and urine, the lack of previously reported LSD concentrations in hair, and the absence of data about LSD incorporation and stability in pubic hair. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Isna Rafianti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masalah dalam penguasaan konsep geometri yang membutuhkan pola berpikir dalam menerapkan konsep dan keterampilan dalam memecahkan masalah tersebut. Tetapi dalam kenyataannya siswa-siswa masih mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari dan memecahkan soal-soal geometri. Mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa merupakan mahasiswa yang dipersiapkan untuk menjadi guru sekolah dasar yang profesional. Bukan hanya penguasaan konsep yang harus dimiliki seorang guru, tetapi kesiapan dalam hal mengajar juga harus diperhatikan, terutama pada materi geometri. Guru sebaiknya mengetahui tahapan atau level berpikir geometri siswanya berada pada tahap apa, agar proses pembelajaran dapat dipahami oleh siswa. Sebelum guru mengetahui tahapan berpikir siswanya, sebaiknya guru juga mengetahui tahap berpikir geometri yang dimilikinya, agar guru dapat mengevaluasi diri ketika nanti akan mengajar. Tahap berpikir yang menjadi acuan adalah tahap berpikir geometri dari Van Hiele. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tahap berpikir geometri calon guru Sekolah Dasar ditinjau dari tahap  berpikir Van Hiele. Metode yang digunakan adalah menggunakan penelitian deskriptif. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan yaitu angket berupa tes tertulis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahap berpikir geometri calon guru Sekolah Dasar ditinjau dari tahap  berpikir Van Hiele sebagian besar (50% hanya mencapai tahap 1 atau tahap pengenalan. Kata Kunci: Geometri, Tahap Berpikir



    Muhamad Yasin


    Komunikasi antara guru dan siswa merupakan faktor penting dalam proses belajar mengajar sehingga materi yang disampaikan terserap oleh siswa dengan baik. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana gaya komunikasi guru dalam mengajar matematika di MTs N Mranggen ditinjau dari teori komunikasi logika desain pesan. Secara umum tujuan penelitian ini adalah didiskripsikannya gaya komunikasi guru matematika di MTs N Mranggen ditinjau dari teori komunikasi logika desain pesan. Penelitian ini m...


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    Nurul Fitriani


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ada tidaknya pengaruh persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi pedagogi guru, persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi profesional guru, dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas X IIS SMAN 3 Slawi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X IIS SMAN 3 Slawi tahun ajaran 2014/2015, dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 92 siswa yang diambil menggunakan proportionate random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda menggunakan SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh pengaruh secara simultan maupun parsial persepsi siswa tentang pedagogi guru, persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi profesional guru, dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar mata pelajaran ekonomi siswa kelas X IIS SMAN 3 Slawi sebesar 67,2%. Saran yang diberikan hendaknya untuk penelitian selanjutnya agar mengambil sampel lebih dari satu wilayah. Bagi siswa diharapkan dapat lebih memperhatikan hasil penilaian serta evaluasi dari guru, karena dari penilaian guru siswa dapat mengetahui kemudian memperbaiki kekurangannya ataumateri mana saja yang perlu dipelajari lagi. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of student’s perceptions about teacher pedagogy competence, student’s perceptions about teacher profesional competence and learning motivation that simultant and partial against students learning achievement Economy Classes X IIS SMAN 3 Slawi. The population in this study was all students of X IIS classes SMAN 3 Slawi at 2014/2015 year, they are 119 students, it taken samples by proportionate random sampling as much as 92 students. Method of data collection was using questionnare. The analysing data used descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 16. The results of the study, indicate that there was effect in simultant of student


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    Hilal Muhammad


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap: (1 pelaksanaan pengembangan kinerja guru melalui PTK pada SMA Negeri di Kota Palopo; dan (2 hambatan da-lam pelaksanaan pengembangan kinerja guru melalui PTK pada SMA Negeri di Kota Palopo. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian lapangan yang kajiannya bersifat kualitatif-verifikatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan fenomeno-logi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dua hal. Pertama, pengembangan kinerja guru melalui PTK pada SMA Negeri di Kota Palopo belum berjalan optimal dan baru sebatas memenuhi kebutuhan persyarat-an kenaikan pangkat. Potensi guru belum dimanfaatkan melalui pemberdayaan, khususnya penelitian tindakan kelas. Kedua, hambatan dalam pelaksanaan pe-ngembangan kinerja guru melalui PTK pada SMA Negeri di Kota Palopo adalah keterbatasan waktu, dana, sumber referensi kurang, lingkungan tidak kondusif, dan motivasi kurang. Selain itu, sebagian guru juga masih mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan dan menyusun laporan hasil PTK.

  19. Simultaneous determination of LSD and 2-oxo-3-hydroxy LSD in hair and urine by LC-MS/MS and its application to forensic cases. (United States)

    Jang, Moonhee; Kim, Jihyun; Han, Inhoi; Yang, Wonkyung


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is administered in low dosages, which makes its detection in biological matrices a major challenge in forensic toxicology. In this study, two sensitive and reliable methods based on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) were established and validated for the simultaneous determination of LSD and its metabolite, 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD (O-H-LSD), in hair and urine. Target analytes in hair were extracted using methanol at 38°C for 15h and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. For urine sample preparation, liquid-liquid extraction was performed. Limits of detection (LODs) in hair were 0.25pg/mg for LSD and 0.5pg/mg for O-H-LSD. In urine, LODs were 0.01 and 0.025ng/ml for LSD and O-H-LSD, respectively. Method validation results showed good linearity and acceptable precision and accuracy. The developed methods were applied to authentic specimens from two legal cases of LSD ingestion, and allowed identification and quantification of LSD and O-H-LSD in the specimens. In the two cases, LSD concentrations in hair were 1.27 and 0.95pg/mg; O-H-LSD was detected in one case, but its concentration was below the limit of quantification. In urine samples collected from the two suspects 8 and 3h after ingestion, LSD concentrations were 0.48 and 2.70ng/ml, respectively, while O-H-LSD concentrations were 4.19 and 25.2ng/ml, respectively. These methods can be used for documenting LSD intake in clinical and forensic settings. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    samsuadi PEP


    Full Text Available Tujuan  penelitian  adalah  (1  untuk mengetahui pengaruh supervisi akademik pengawas dan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap disiplin kerja guru SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng, (2 untuk  mengetahui  pengaruh  supervisi akademik  pengawas   terhadap   disiplin   kerja   guru   SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng,   (3  untuk   mengetahui   pengaruh   kepemimpinan   kepala   sekolah terhadap disiplin kerja guru SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng. Populasi   penelitian   ini  adalah   guru   SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng yang  berjumlah 80 orang,  melalui rumus Slovin diperoleh sampel sebanyak  67 orang. Teknik penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik proportionate stratified  random sampling. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket dengan memakai  skala Likert modifikasi Hadi. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa supervisi akademik pengawas dan  kepemimpinan kepala sekolah berada pada katregori tinggi. Sedangkan dari hasil uji prasyarat tidak ditemukan gejala multikolinieritas,  sehingga  memenuhi  syarat  untuk  melakukan  analisis  regresi ganda.  Dari  hasil  uji  hipotesis  ditemukan  bahwa supervisi akademik pengawas dan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah  secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap disiplin kerja guru SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng. Secara parsial supervisi  akademik pengawas tidak berpengaruh terhadap disiplin kerja guru SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng, sedangkan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah berpengaruh terhadap disiplin kerja guru SMK Negeri 1 Bantaeng. 


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    Tarsisia Devi


    Full Text Available Artikel ini ditulis dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui peran guru dalam pembentukkan arif budaya siswa melalui model pembelajaran Think Pair Share. Model pembelajaran Think Pair Share diterapkan untuk meningkatkan daya pikir siswa dalam memecahkan suatu persoalan materi pelajaran, sehingga tercipta budaya siswa untuk berpikir cerdas. Guru mampu membentuk arif budaya siswa. Oleh karena itu guru harus dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi siswa, mampu mengerakkan minat siswa untuk dapat tercipta arif budaya yang baik bagi dirinya. Guru tidak hanya menjadi pendidik, numun juga harus mampu membangkitkan semangat siswa untuk tidak malas berpikir. Metode kajian yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah observasi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa guru dituntut sebagai transformator, fasilitator dan motivator dalam pembentukkan arif budaya siswa.


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    Eko Handoyo


    Full Text Available Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah a meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam memetakan kurikulum, b meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam menyusun lembar kerja, c meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam memanfaatkan media pembelajaran, d meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam menyusun rubrik penilaian, dan e meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam menyusun jurnal refleksi. Pelatihan Better Teacher and Learning Bagi Guru Mata Pelajaran IPS SMP dan MTs Swasta di Kecamatan Genuk Kota Semarang mempunyai manfaat bagi guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran yang berkualitas. Melalui kegiatan tersebut, guru dapat memdapatkan manfaat berupa peningkatan keterampilan dalam memetakan kurikulum, peningkatan keterampilan dalam menyusun lembar kerja, peningkatan keterampilan dalam memanfaatkan media pembelajaran, peningkatan keterampilan dalam menyusun rubrik penilaian, dan peningkatan keterampilan dalam menyusun jurnal refleksi. Kata Kunci: Pengajaran Profesional, Pembelajaran Bermakna, Better Teacher and Learning

  3. Response of cluster headache to psilocybin and LSD. (United States)

    Sewell, R Andrew; Halpern, John H; Pope, Harrison G


    The authors interviewed 53 cluster headache patients who had used psilocybin or lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) to treat their condition. Twenty-two of 26 psilocybin users reported that psilocybin aborted attacks; 25 of 48 psilocybin users and 7 of 8 LSD users reported cluster period termination; 18 of 19 psilocybin users and 4 of 5 LSD users reported remission period extension. Research on the effects of psilocybin and LSD on cluster headache may be warranted.


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    Laeli Mafudah


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan observasi awal tentang kinerja guru di Kabupaten Semarang menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat kendala dalam pencapaian kinerja guru yang maksimal khususnya guru mata pelajaran produktif di SMK Bisnis dan Manajemen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran produktif Akuntansi, Administrasi Perkantoran dan Manajemen SMK di Kabupaten Semarang yang berjumlah 30 guru. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data variabel dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman kurikulum, motivasi kerja dan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru SMK sebesar 82,7%. Pengaruh secara parsial juga didapatkan pada variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen. Pemahaman kurikulum berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru SMK sebesar 18,84%. Motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru SMK sebesar 20,43%, serta kepemimpinan kepala sekolah berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru SMK sebesar 21,62%. Based on beginning observation abaout teacher performance in Semarang Regency it is known that there are obstacles in achieving maximum performance of teachers especially productive subject teachers in Business and Management vocational high school. The population of this research was productive teachers of Accounting, Office Administration and Management in Semarang Regency consisted 30 teachers. Method used in collecting data was questionnaire. Variable data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that curriculumunderstanding, work motivation and principalsleadership simultaneously positive and significant influence on the performance of vocational teachers to 82.7%. Partial effect was also obtained on the independent variable on the dependent variable. Curriculumunderstandinghas positive and significant

  5. Hubungan antara Hasil Penilaian Kinerja Guru dengan Kompetensi Guru PAI Tingkat SLTP/MTs di Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Jombang

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    Moh. Yahya Ashari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan tentang hubungan antara hasil penilaian kinerja guru dengan kompetensi guru PAI tingkat SLTP/MTs di Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Jombang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan atau tidak antara kedua variabel tersebut. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan uji analisis statistik korelasi product moment. Dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari dua variabel, yaitu hasil penilaian kinerja guru (variabel X dan kompetensi guru PAI (variabel Y. Adapun data penelitian diperoleh dari dokumentasi data , interview dan penyebaran angket dengan bentuk tertutup. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa variabel X tergolong baik, dengan hasil perhitungan sebesar 79 %. Sedangkan untuk variabel Y juga tergolong baik, dengan perolehan prosentase sebesar 85%. Dari hasil analisis statistik korelasi product moment didapatkan hasil rxy=0,98 untuk taraf kesalahan ditetapkan 5% dan N=24, maka r tabel=0,40. Dari hasil tersebut didapatkan data bahwa r hitung lebih besar dari r tabel, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara hasil penilaian kinerja guru dengan kompetensi guru PAI tingkat SLTP/MTs di pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Jombang. || It’s field research that discusses the connection between teacher performance appraisal results and the competence of PAI (Islamic lessons teachers in MTs (junior high school located in Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Jombang. The purpose of this study was to determine the existence of a connection between two variables. This quantitative research uses statistical analysis on product moment correlation test. This research consisted of two variables, namely the assessment of teacher performance (variable X and the competence of PAI teachers (variable Y. The data obtained from documentation, interviews and questionnaires with a closed form. The results of this research is


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    Rachman Halim Yustiyawan


    Full Text Available This research aims to find relationship between career development, competence professional, motivation, with the performance teachers. This research using method quantitative approach with analysis statistic descriptif and path analysis. Research results indicate (1 there is a direct relationship between career development with the performance teachers; between career development with the motivation teachers; between competence professional with the performance teachers; between competence professional with the motivation teachers; and between motivation with the performance teachers; (2 there is a indirect relationship between career development with teacher performance through motivation teachers; between competence professional with teacher performance through motivation teachers. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari hubungan antara pengembangan karir, kompetensi profesional, motivasi, dengan kinerja guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis jalur atau (path analysis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1 terdapat hubungan langsung antara pengembangan karir dengan kinerja guru; antara pengembangan karir dengan motivasi kerja guru; antara kompetensi profesional dengan kinerja guru; antara kompetensi profesional dengan motivasi guru; dan antara motivasi dengan kinerja guru; (2 terdapat hubungan tidak langsung antara pengembangan karir dengan kinerja guru melalui motivasi guru; antara kompetensi profesional dengan kinerja guru melalui motivasi guru


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    Andi Tenriningsih


    Full Text Available Abstract: The Relationship Among Instructional Supervision, Work Motivation, Teachers' Per­formance, and Students' School Achievement. The study tries to investigate the direct and indirect rela­tionships among the principals' supervision, work motivation, teachers' performance and students' school achievement in Public Elementary Schools in Barru. The data were analyzed by using SEM. 297 teachers were selected as the sample of the study representing a population of 1,329 teachers of public elementary schools in Barru. The result shows that the principals' supervision, work motivation, teachers' performance and students' learning achievement have positive and significant, relationship directly and/or indirectly. Abstrak: Supervisi Pengajaran, Motivasi Kerja, Kinerja Guru, dan Prestasi Belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan hubungan langsung dan tidak langsung antara supervisi kepala sekolah dengan motivasi kerja, kinerja guru dan prestasi belajar siswa SD Negeri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kore­lasional, menggunakan SEM AMOS 4.0.1. Populasi meliputi guru SD Negeri se Kabupaten Barru sejum­lah 1.329 orang, dengan sampel sebanyak 297 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa supervisi kepala sekolah, motivasi kerja, kinerja guru, dan prestasi belajar siswa memiliki hubungan yang bersifat positif dan signifikan, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.


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    Rif’ati Dina Handayani


    ABSTRAK Lesson study merupakan suatu model pengembangan kemampuan mengajar melalui pengkajian pembelajaran secara kolaboratif dan berkelanjutan. Lesson study dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahapan, yaitu plan, do, see yang dilaksanakan secara terstruktur, bersiklus dan berkelanjutan. Dalam penelitian ini subjek dari pelaksanaan lesson study adalah empat orang  mahasiswa calon guru fisika yang sedang melaksanakan PPL di salah satu SMP Negeri di Bondowoso. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan lesson study dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengajar mahasiswa calon guru fisika dari kriteria kurang baik menjadi kriteria sangat baik. Kata kunci: Calon guru fisika, Lesson Study, Kemampuan Mengajar


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    Tomoliyus .


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan kemampuan guru pendidikan jasmani (penjas sekolah dasar yang sudah bersertifikasi dalam memahami pengertian pendidikan jasmani dan penilaian berbasis kinerja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru penjas yang sudah bersertifikasi sekolah dasar Kabupaten Bantul di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Teknik pengambilan subjek penelitian menggunakan purposive random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1 guru penjas yang sudah bersertifikasi sekolah dasar sebagian besar kurang paham terhadap pengertian penjas modern; (2 guru penjas sekolah dasar sebagian besar kurang paham terhadap penilaian berbasis kinerja. Kata Kunci: pendidikan jasmani, penilaian berbasis kinerja, guru penjas TEACHERS‘ ABILITY ABOUT PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND PERFORMANCE-BASED ASSESSMENT Abstract: This study was aimed at describing the ability of the certified elementary school teachers of physical education to understand the definition of physical education and performance-based assessment. This study is categorised as descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were the certified elementary school teachers of physical education in Bantul regency of Yogyakarta Special Province. The research subjects were selected using a purposive random sampling technique. The data were analyzed using a descriptive analysis technique. The findings of the study revealed that: (1 most of the certified eelementary school teachers of physical education lacked their understanding of the concept of the modern physical education; and (2 most of them lacked understanding of performancebased assessment. Keywords: physical education, performance-based assessment, teachers of physical education


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    Sitti Hartinah DS, Teguh Setiawan


    Full Text Available Abstract: Kindergarten Teachers’ Attitudes toward Mathematics Learning. This study was aimed to know the attitudes of kindergarten teachers to mathematics teaching and learning. The study, carried out in the Regency of Tegal, took 340 kindergarten teachers into the pool of the sample (65% of the population of 523 teachers. Proportional random sampling was used in the selection of the sample. Questionnaires in the form of attitude scale were distributed to the sample to elicit their responses. t-test was used to analyze the differences of the attitudes and Croncbach’s Alpha was used to arrive at the reliability index. The study found out that, in general, kindergarten teachers  have positive attitudes towards the teaching and learning of mathematics. Abstract: Sikap Guru TK terhadap Pembelajaran Matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui sikap guru TK terhadap pembelajran matematika. Sampel sebanyak 340 dari 523 guru TK di Kabupaten Tegal (65% dari populasi yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik rambang proporsional. Data dikum­pulkan dengan kuesioner berupa skala sikap yang dikembangkan dengan metode Likert. Pembobotan menggunakan deviasi normal. Kriteria pemilihan butir pernyataan terbaik menggunakan uji t yaitu uji kesa­maan dua rata-rata uji satu pihak dan analisis reliabilitas menggunakan Formula Croncbach’s Alpha. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa guru TK pada umumnya bersikap positif terhadap pembelajaran matematika.


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    Ajeng Marga Kusuma


    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1 ada pengaruh secara parsial kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Guru SMK PGRI Wonoasri, 2 ada pengaruh secara parsial  komunikasi internal terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Guru SMK PGRI Wonoasri, 3 Ada Pengaruh secara simultan kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dan komunikasi internal terhadap efektivitas kerja guru SMK PGRI Wonoasri

  12. Modern status of the LSD experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dadykin, V.L.; Zatsepin, G.T.; Korchagin, V.B.


    Possibility of experiment statement using LSD neutrino detector is considered in order to investigate probability of detection of solar neutrino flux within >or approx. 7 MeV energy range. Main sources of background, its characteristics, energy yield spectrum of γ quanta in LSD counter are presented


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    Yusrizal Yusrizal


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan (1 mengembangkan instrumen evaluasi kinerja guru yang valid dan reliabel, (2 mengevaluasi kinerja guru Fisika, Biologi, dan Kimia SMA yang sudah terser-tifikasi/menerima tunjangan profesi. Populasi penelitian yaitu seluruh guru Fisika, Biologi dan Kimia SMA tersertifikasi/pene-rima tunjangan profesi yang berada di Kota Banda Aceh, Kabupaten Aceh Besar dan Kabupaten Pidie. Validitas konstruk instrumen yang dikembangkan dibuktikan melalui analisis fak-tor, dan reliabilitasnya diestimasi dengan rumus alpha Cron-bach. Analisis tingkat kinerja ditentukan dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 instrumen yang dikembang-kan terdiri atas 33 butir pernyataan, dan memiliki koefisien reliabilitas konsistensi internal sebesar 0,953; (2 kinerja guru Fisika, Biologi, dan Kimia SMA yang sudah lulus sertifikasi dan sudah menerima tunjangan belum seluruhnya berkinerja tinggi; (3 kinerja guru Kimia relatif lebih baik dari pada kinerja guru Biologi dan guru Fisika. Kata kunci: evaluasi, kinerja guru, validitas, reliabilitas ______________________________________________________________ AN EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF CERTIFIED SCIENCE TEACHERS (PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS Abstract This study was aimed at (1 developing a valid and reliable performance evaluation instruments for teachers, and (2 evaluating the level of Physics, Biology and Chemistry teachers of senior high schools who have been certified and received theprofession allowance. The population of this study included all certified Physics, Biology and Chemistry teachers of senior high schools who have received profession allowance in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, and Pidie. The construct validity of the instrument developed was assessed through factor analysis, and the reliability was estimated by using Cronbach’s Alpha formula. The level of teachers’performance was analyzed by the percentage. The result of the research shows that (1 the


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    Asep Agus Sulaeman


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kreativitas guru Biologi SMA dalam memetakan topik-topik dari berbagai aspek komoditas hayati unggulan lokal melalui penggunaan metode mind map dan mengetahui kemampuan guru dalam memetakan topik-topik komoditas hayati unggulan lokal ke dalam pembelajaran Biologi di SMA. Analisis data kreativitas guru Biologi SMA dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif terhadap mind map dengan menggunakan kriteria sesuai instrumen yang dikembangkan. Adapun analisis data tentang jumlah topik-topik Biologi dan jenis kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis komoditas hayati unggulan lokal dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantatif dan kualitatif. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan nilai aspek-aspek kreativitas guru Biologi yang tinggi, yaitu kemampuan berpikir asli (91,67, peka terhadap masalah (91,67, kemampuan berpikir lancar (90, kemampuan berpikir luwes (88,33, dan kemampuan berpikir terperinci (86,67. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan yang dilakukan guru, dapat diidentifikasi 15 topik Biologi SMA yang berkaitan dengan komoditas hayati unggulan lokal di Kabupaten Majalengka. Adapun kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis komoditas hayati unggulan yang diusulkan oleh guru tersebar di masing-masing tingkatan kelas dan semesternya dengan jumlah yang berbeda-beda.


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    Muh Nashiruddin


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara: 1 kreativitas guru PAI terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti  , 2 motivasi kerja guru PAI terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti , dan 3 kreativitas dan motivasi kerja guru terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama dan Budi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi korelasional dengan melibatkan 33 orang sampel yang dipilih secara dengan metode sensus.  Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan angket/kuesioner. Teknikanalisis data diawali dengan  uji prasyarat yaitu uji normalitas dan linieritas. Uji hipotesis menggunakanuji regresi sederhana danuji regresi ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ; 1 Kreativitas guru berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti.  2  motivasi kerja guru  berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan mutu pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti.  3 kreativitas guru  dan motivasi kerja guru secara bersama-sama atau simultan berpengaruh terhadap mutu pembelajaran.  Hasil analisis juga  menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai dari ketiga variabel tersebut hanya dapat dimasukkan dalam kategori sedang, sehingga  untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru dalam mengajar perlu diperhatikan faktor-faktor lain seperti: gaji, jaminan kerja, jaminan hari tua, penghargaan atas prestasi kerja, dan sebagainya.   Kata kunci: kreativitas, motivasi, mutupembelajaran   Abstract [The Relationship Between Teachers’ Creativity and Motivation Toward Learning Improvement]. This research aim at determine the correlation between the creativity of teachers on the improvement of learning quality of religious education and behavior, the work motivation of teachers on the improvement of learning quality of religious education and behavior, and  the creativity and the work motivation of eachers on the improvement  of learning quality of religious education and

  16. Omaenese edevuse ohver Timothy Treadwell / Mati Kaal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaal, Mati, 1946-


    Dokumentaalfilm "Grislimees" ("Grizzly Man") Timothy Treadwellist, kes elas 13 aastat Alaskal koos grislidega, režissöör Werner Herzog (Ameerika Ühendriigid, 2005). Tallinna Loomaaia direktor arutleb inimliku edevuse teemal, mis metsikus looduses viis režissööri traagilise hukuni

  17. LSD Acutely Impairs Fear Recognition and Enhances Emotional Empathy and Sociality. (United States)

    Dolder, Patrick C; Schmid, Yasmin; Müller, Felix; Borgwardt, Stefan; Liechti, Matthias E


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is used recreationally and has been evaluated as an adjunct to psychotherapy to treat anxiety in patients with life-threatening illness. LSD is well-known to induce perceptual alterations, but unknown is whether LSD alters emotional processing in ways that can support psychotherapy. We investigated the acute effects of LSD on emotional processing using the Face Emotion Recognition Task (FERT) and Multifaceted Empathy Test (MET). The effects of LSD on social behavior were tested using the Social Value Orientation (SVO) test. Two similar placebo-controlled, double-blind, random-order, crossover studies were conducted using 100 μg LSD in 24 subjects and 200 μg LSD in 16 subjects. All of the subjects were healthy and mostly hallucinogen-naive 25- to 65-year-old volunteers (20 men, 20 women). LSD produced feelings of happiness, trust, closeness to others, enhanced explicit and implicit emotional empathy on the MET, and impaired the recognition of sad and fearful faces on the FERT. LSD enhanced the participants' desire to be with other people and increased their prosocial behavior on the SVO test. These effects of LSD on emotion processing and sociality may be useful for LSD-assisted psychotherapy.

  18. Modeling Guru: Knowledge Base for NASA Modelers (United States)

    Seablom, M. S.; Wojcik, G. S.; van Aartsen, B. H.


    Modeling Guru is an on-line knowledge-sharing resource for anyone involved with or interested in NASA's scientific models or High End Computing (HEC) systems. Developed and maintained by the NASA's Software Integration and Visualization Office (SIVO) and the NASA Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS), Modeling Guru's combined forums and knowledge base for research and collaboration is becoming a repository for the accumulated expertise of NASA's scientific modeling and HEC communities. All NASA modelers and associates are encouraged to participate and provide knowledge about the models and systems so that other users may benefit from their experience. Modeling Guru is divided into a hierarchy of communities, each with its own set forums and knowledge base documents. Current modeling communities include those for space science, land and atmospheric dynamics, atmospheric chemistry, and oceanography. In addition, there are communities focused on NCCS systems, HEC tools and libraries, and programming and scripting languages. Anyone may view most of the content on Modeling Guru (available at, but you must log in to post messages and subscribe to community postings. The site offers a full range of "Web 2.0" features, including discussion forums, "wiki" document generation, document uploading, RSS feeds, search tools, blogs, email notification, and "breadcrumb" links. A discussion (a.k.a. forum "thread") is used to post comments, solicit feedback, or ask questions. If marked as a question, SIVO will monitor the thread, and normally respond within a day. Discussions can include embedded images, tables, and formatting through the use of the Rich Text Editor. Also, the user can add "Tags" to their thread to facilitate later searches. The "knowledge base" is comprised of documents that are used to capture and share expertise with others. The default "wiki" document lets users edit within the browser so others can easily collaborate on the


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    Thoha Firdaus


    Full Text Available Pendidikan IPA menekankan pada pemberian pengalaman langsung untuk mengembangkan kompetensi agar peserta didik mampu menjelajahi dan memahami alam sekitar secara ilmiah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keterampilan dasar kinerja ilmiah pada mahasiswa calin guru fisika. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan sampel 36 mahasiswa calon guru fisika. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket respon mahasiswa terhadap keterlaksanaan kegiatan praktikum dan wawancara dengan dosen pengampu. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 50% mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menganalisis data dan membuat kesimpulan.

  20. LSD Flashbacks: An Overview of the Literature for Counselors. (United States)

    Silling, S. Marc


    Surveyed the literature to delineate the etiology of LSD flashbacks. Concluded that adverse experiences while using LSD are predictive of flashbacks; physiological effects of LSD use may linger after the drug has been metabolized; and individuals who have flashbacks are highly suggestive and play a flashback "role."

  1. Crystal Structure of an LSD-Bound Human Serotonin Receptor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wacker, Daniel; Wang, Sheng; McCorvy, John D.; Betz, Robin M.; Venkatakrishnan, A.J.; Levit, Anat; Lansu, Katherine; Schools, Zachary L.; Che, Tao; Nichols, David E.; Shoichet, Brian K.; Dror, Ron O.; Roth, Bryan L. (UNCSM); (UNC); (Stanford); (Stanford-MED); (UCSF)


    The prototypical hallucinogen LSD acts via serotonin receptors, and here we describe the crystal structure of LSD in complex with the human serotonin receptor 5-HT2B. The complex reveals conformational rearrangements to accommodate LSD, providing a structural explanation for the conformational selectivity of LSD’s key diethylamide moiety. LSD dissociates exceptionally slow from both 5-HT2BR and 5-HT2AR—a major target for its psychoactivity. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations suggest that LSD’s slow binding kinetics may be due to a “lid” formed by extracellular loop 2 (EL2) at the entrance to the binding pocket. A mutation predicted to increase the mobility of this lid greatly accelerates LSD’s binding kinetics and selectively dampens LSD-mediated β-arrestin2 recruitment. This study thus reveals an unexpected binding mode of LSD; illuminates key features of its kinetics, stereochemistry, and signaling; and provides a molecular explanation for LSD’s actions at human serotonin receptors.

  2. Kemampuan Guru PAI dalam Merencanakan dan Melaksanakan Penilaian Autentik

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    Ulpah Sya’idah


    Full Text Available In conducting the assessment in accordance with the 2013 curriculum, a teacher is required to apply an authentic assessment in accordance with the Standards of Assessment. Teachers are also required to have the ability to make conformity between assessment techniques and assessment instruments which are the requirements of instruments that have been set in Permendikbud No. 66 of 2013. However, in fact teachers are difficult to make assessment instruments tailored to the form of assessment. This study aims to understand more about the ability of PAI teachers in conducting learning evaluation through non-test assessment (authentic assessment. In this study, researchers used qualitative research with case study research. The data collection techniques through interviews and documentation. The result of this research shows that PAI teacher in SMA 53 Jakarta has understood in doing authentic assessment planning through learning implementation plan (RPP. As for carrying out authentic assessment actually PAI teacher in SMA 53 Jakarta has been able, just because of lack of self motivation or work ethic in teacher to do pedagogic competence, and also professional attitude especially in doing assessment or evaluation. Keywords: Authentic Assessment, Master's Ability. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami lebih dalam tentang kemampuan guru PAI dalam melakukan evaluasi pembelajaran melalui penilaian non tes (penilaian autentik. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus.  Adapun teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa guru PAI di SMA Negeri 53 Jakarta sudah paham dalam melakukan perencanaan penilaian autentik melalui rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP. Adapun dalam melaksanakan penilaian autentik sebenarnya guru PAI di SMA Negeri 53 Jakarta telah mampu, hanya karena kurangnya motivasi diri atau etos kerja dalam diri

  3. Does Guru Granth Sahib describe depression? (United States)

    Kalra, Gurvinder; Bhui, Kamaldeep; Bhugra, Dinesh


    Sikhism is a relatively young religion, with Guru Granth Sahib as its key religious text. This text describes emotions in everyday life, such as happiness, sadness, anger, hatred, and also more serious mental health issues such as depression and psychosis. There are references to the causation of these emotional disturbances and also ways to get out of them. We studied both the Gurumukhi version and the English translation of the Guru Granth Sahib to understand what it had to say about depression, its henomenology, and religious prescriptions for recovery. We discuss these descriptions in this paper and understand its meaning within the context of clinical depression. Such knowledge is important as explicit descriptions about depression and sadness can help encourage culturally appropriate assessment and treatment, as well as promote public health through education.

  4. Automated extraction of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and N-demethyl-LSD from blood, serum, plasma, and urine samples using the Zymark RapidTrace with LC/MS/MS confirmation. (United States)

    de Kanel, J; Vickery, W E; Waldner, B; Monahan, R M; Diamond, F X


    A forensic procedure for the quantitative confirmation of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and the qualitative confirmation of its metabolite, N-demethyl-LSD, in blood, serum, plasma, and urine samples is presented. The Zymark RapidTrace was used to perform fully automated solid-phase extractions of all specimen types. After extract evaporation, confirmations were performed using liquid chromatography (LC) followed by positive electrospray ionization (ESI+) mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (MS/MS) without derivatization. Quantitation of LSD was accomplished using LSD-d3 as an internal standard. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) for LSD was 0.05 ng/mL. The limit of detection (LOD) for both LSD and N-demethyl-LSD was 0.025 ng/mL. The recovery of LSD was greater than 95% at levels of 0.1 ng/mL and 2.0 ng/mL. For LSD at 1.0 ng/mL, the within-run and between-run (different day) relative standard deviation (RSD) was 2.2% and 4.4%, respectively.

  5. LSD enhances the emotional response to music. (United States)

    Kaelen, M; Barrett, F S; Roseman, L; Lorenz, R; Family, N; Bolstridge, M; Curran, H V; Feilding, A; Nutt, D J; Carhart-Harris, R L


    There is renewed interest in the therapeutic potential of psychedelic drugs such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). LSD was used extensively in the 1950s and 1960s as an adjunct in psychotherapy, reportedly enhancing emotionality. Music is an effective tool to evoke and study emotion and is considered an important element in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy; however, the hypothesis that psychedelics enhance the emotional response to music has yet to be investigated in a modern placebo-controlled study. The present study sought to test the hypothesis that music-evoked emotions are enhanced under LSD. Ten healthy volunteers listened to five different tracks of instrumental music during each of two study days, a placebo day followed by an LSD day, separated by 5-7 days. Subjective ratings were completed after each music track and included a visual analogue scale (VAS) and the nine-item Geneva Emotional Music Scale (GEMS-9). Results demonstrated that the emotional response to music is enhanced by LSD, especially the emotions "wonder", "transcendence", "power" and "tenderness". These findings reinforce the long-held assumption that psychedelics enhance music-evoked emotion, and provide tentative and indirect support for the notion that this effect can be harnessed in the context of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Further research is required to test this link directly.

  6. Perbedaan Pemahaman Guru BK Tentang Konseling Kelompok antara Alumni Unnes dan Non-Unnes

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    Desta Rizky Budiarti


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran pemahaman guru BK alumni Unnes dan guru BK alumni non-Unnes tentang konseling kelompok, dan perbedaan pemahaman diantara keduanya. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian survey komparatif. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu guru BK di SMP Negeri se-Kota Semarang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Cluster Proportional Random Sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan tes tentang pemahaman konseling kelompok. Analisis datanya menggunakan analisis kuantitatif yang mencakup deskriptif prosentase dan uji beda t-test polled varian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan, dimana pemahaman guru BK alumni Unnes tentang konseling kelompok berada pada kategori sangat tinggi dengan persentase 84,26% dibandingkan dengan guru BK alumni non-Unnes yang memiliki persentase 63,9% berada pada kategori sedang. Simpulan dari penelitian ini, pemahaman guru BK tentang konseling kelompok antara alumni Unnes lebih tinggi daripada guru BK alumni non-Unnes. The purpose of this study to describe the understanding of BK teacher Unnes graduate and BK teacher non - Unnes graduates about group counseling, and understanding the differences between them . This type of research is a comparative survey research. The population of this study are in Junior High School teacher BK as the city of Semarang. The sampling technique used is proportional cluster random sampling. Methods of data collection using test on understanding group counseling. Analysis of the data using descriptive quantitative analysis that includes the percentage and t - test different test variants polled. The results showed that there were significant differences, where the understanding of BK teacher Unnes graduate  abaout  the counseling group in the category with a very high percentage of 84.26 % compared to a BK teacher non - Unnes graduates who have a percentage only 63.9 % are in the medium category. The conclusions of this study


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    Adi Wahyudi


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh simultan dan parsial disiplin kerja, motivasi kerja, dan supervisi kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 37 guru, penentuan sampel menggunakan rumus yang dikembangkan oleh Isaac & Michael yang berjumlah 34 guru. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik sample random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner tertutup. Analisis yang digunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial parametriks. Hasil penelitian diperoleh terdapat pengaruh simultan disiplin kerja,motivasi kerja, dan supervisi kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 65,4 %. Terdapat pengaruh parsial disiplin kerja sebesar 17.56%, motivasi kerja sebesar 27.77%, dan supervisi kepala sekolah sebesar 15.21% terhadap kinerja guru. Dengan adanya disiplin kerja, motivasi kerja, dan supervisi kepala sekolah dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there was influences of working discipline, working motivation, school principal supervision toward working performance teachers. The population in this research was 37 teacher’s, determination of the sample using the formula developed by Isaac & Michael, amounting to 34 teacher’s. Samples were taken using simple random sampling technique. The data collection methods used a closed questionnaire. The analysis technique use were descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The research results are simultaneous the influence of working discipline, working motivation, and school principal supervision toward working performance teachers is 65.4%. There is a partial influence of working discipline is 17.56%, work motivation is 27.77%, and school principal supervision of 15:21% toward performance of teachers. With the existence of working discipline, working motivation, and school principal supervision can improve teacher performance.

  8. Kepemimpinan Kharismatis-Transformatif Tuan Guru Dalam Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Sasak-Lombok Melalui Pendidikan

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    Mohamad Iwan Fitriani


    Full Text Available Abstract: This article studies about  social change of Lombok Moslems under Tuan Guru’s Leadership. Here, Tuan Guru won’t be studied personally but focused on rationale, forms, sources of influence and leadership type of Tuan Guru in social change of Moslem Lombok community. Term of Tuan Guru derives from Tuan (al ha>jj dan guru (teacher, but not all of al ha>jj and teachers are called Tuan Guru for a main reason that Tuan Guru is a name for someone which is obtained from social legitimation and based on his knowledge and behaviour. Tuan Guru is sometimes called as Kyai, but not all of Kyais are Tuan Guru. This article showed that social changes done by Tuan Guru since there’s a gap between ideal and behavioral pattern among Lombok Moslem community, evolutif and planned form of change through educating society, Tuan Guru’s sources of influence consist of positional and personal power where Tuan Guru is regarded as waratsatu al-anbiya>’i and the legitimated interpreter or custodian of islamic teaching. What is said and done by Tuan Guru will be referrence of Lombok Moslems and the last is charismatic-transformative leadership type of Tuan Guru consists of idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration and inspirational motivation.    الملخص: درست هذه المقالة التغيّر الإجتماعي في المجتمع اللومبوكي تحت رياسة توان غورو. ولا تدرس هذه المقالة توان غورو كفرد وإنما تركّز في الحجة والشكل ومصدر الـتأثير ونمط رياسته في تغيّر المجتمع اللومبوكي المسلم.  وأصل مصطلح توان غورو من كلمة tuan  (الحاجّ و   guru (مدرّس ، ولكن ليس كل حاجّ يدرّس  هو توان غورو. لأن هذا المصطلح  من اعتراف المجتمع على أساس العلم وصلاح سلوك الشخص


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    Aji Zul Hakim


    Full Text Available Homeschooling is an alternative education model for child who find it less suited to formal school. In the development of this model reap the pros and cons in the society. Various attemps were made by institutions and association to change the paradigm of society, on of them by optimizing the role of teacher. Research with phenomenological approach is sought to know the communications behavior of homeschooling teacher. Eight teacher from four homeschooling institutions are involved through some in-depth interviews. In addition, data collection is done through participant obersvation and study of literature. The result showed the meaning of homeschooling affected by their experience in teaching, which affects their act in the form of personal branding, including their communications behaviour in contributing to the socialization of homeschooling. Homeschooling merupakan model pendidikan alternative bagi anak yang merasa kurang cocok dengan sekolah formal. Dalam perkembangannya model pendidikan ini menuai pro dan kontra di masyarakat. Berbagai upaya dilakukan oleh lembaga dan asosiasi untuk merubah paradigma masyarakat, salah satunya dengan optimalisasi peran guru. Penelitian dengan pendekatan fenomenologis ini berupaya mengetahui perilaku komunikasi Guru Homeschooling. Delapan orang Guru Homeschooling dari empat lembaga di Kota Bandung dilibatkan melalui wawancara mendalam. Selain itu, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi partisipatif dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pemaknaan homeschooling oleh guru dipengaruhi pengalaman mereka selama mengajar, yang mempengaruhi tindak lanjut mereka dalam membentuk personal branding, termasuk perilaku komunikasi mereka dalam berkontribusi pada sosialisasi homeschooling.





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    Suroso Mukti Leksono


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penguasaan konsep konservasi biodiversitas guru biologi dan cara mengajarkannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan angket pada 31 guru SMA/MA di Kota/Kab Serang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 52% guru telah memahami konsep biodiversitas, namun hanya 3% yang memahami konsep konservasi. Model yang digunakan guru dalam mengajarkan konservasi biodiversitas, 58% menggunakan observasi, 45% diskusi, 23% ceramah dan 16% tanya jawab. Untuk tingkat kesukaran, 87% guru beranggapan mudah memahami materi konservasi biodiversitas dan 81% beranggapan mudah mengajarkannya dibandingkan dengan materi IPA lainnya. Guru-guru selama ini hanya 6% saja yang memperoleh pengetahuan tentang konservasi biodiversitas pada saat pelatihan. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan pelatihan-pelatihan melalui Continuing Professional Development (CPD. Kata Kunci: guru profesional, konservasi biodiversitas, continuing professional development (CPD BIOLOGY TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL ABILITY IN UNDERSTANDING AND DESIGNING INSTRUCTION ON BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN SMA Abstract: The purpose of this study was to gain the knowledge about biology teachers’ concept mastery on biodiversity conservation as well as how to teach it. This study used descriptive methods with the questionnaires to 31 respondents of SMA/MA in Kota/KabSerang. The research result showed that 52% respondents had mastered the biodiversity concept. However, only 3% of respondents had fully mastered biodiversity conservation. In addition, for the teaching methods 58% respondents used observation, 45% respondents used discussion, 23% respondents used lecturing and 16% respondents used an interactive method. Moreover, for the difficulty level, 87% of respondents argued that it was easy to master the biodiversity conservation materials and 81% said that it was easier to teach the concept than other concepts. Only 6% of the teachers had gained

  12. Medicinal chemistry insights in the discovery of novel LSD1 inhibitors. (United States)

    Wang, Xueshun; Huang, Boshi; Suzuki, Takayoshi; Liu, Xinyong; Zhan, Peng


    LSD1 is an epigenetic modulator associated with transcriptional regulation of genes involved in a broad spectrum of key cellular processes, and its activity is often altered under pathological conditions. LSD1 inhibitors are considered to be candidates for therapy of cancer, viral diseases and neurodegeneration. Many LSD1 inhibitors with various scaffolds have been disclosed, and a few potent molecules are in different stages of clinical development. In this review, we summarize recent biological findings on the roles of LSD1 and the current understanding of the clinical significance of LSD1, and focus on the medicinal chemistry strategies used in the design and development of LSD1 inhibitors as drug-like epigenetic modulators since 2012, including a brief consideration of structure-activity relationships.

  13. Lsd1 Ablation Triggers Metabolic Reprogramming of Brown Adipose Tissue

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    Delphine Duteil


    Full Text Available Previous work indicated that lysine-specific demethylase 1 (Lsd1 can positively regulate the oxidative and thermogenic capacities of white and beige adipocytes. Here we investigate the role of Lsd1 in brown adipose tissue (BAT and find that BAT-selective Lsd1 ablation induces a shift from oxidative to glycolytic metabolism. This shift is associated with downregulation of BAT-specific and upregulation of white adipose tissue (WAT-selective gene expression. This results in the accumulation of di- and triacylglycerides and culminates in a profound whitening of BAT in aged Lsd1-deficient mice. Further studies show that Lsd1 maintains BAT properties via a dual role. It activates BAT-selective gene expression in concert with the transcription factor Nrf1 and represses WAT-selective genes through recruitment of the CoREST complex. In conclusion, our data uncover Lsd1 as a key regulator of gene expression and metabolic function in BAT.


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    Harif Amali Rivai


    Full Text Available AbstractThe current research examines fit model of relationships among antecedents of organizational commitment (i.e. perceived organizational support, participative leadership style, psychological empowerment and its impact on job performance of teachers. A theoretical model was estimated using senior high school teachers in Padang. Anonym questionnaires were distributed to maintain confidentiality of the respondents. Two hundred eighty two respondents voluntarily participated and included into statistical analysis. The results of testing model using AMOS 16 found that parti¬cipative leadership style and perceived organizational support have significant effect on organiza¬tional commitment of the teachers. Organizational commitment also demonstrated significant im¬pact on job performance of teachers. Meanwhile, psychological empowerment did not significantly influence on organizational commitment. This study provides insight to help police makers how to improve tearchers’ performance. Implication of the research was also discussed in this study.Key words:Perceived organizational support, participative leadership, psychologival empower¬ment, organizational commitment, job performance.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji ketepatan model yang menjelaskan anteseden komitmen organisasional (persepsi atas dukungan organisasional, gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif, pemberdayaan psikologis dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja tugas guru. Model teoritis penelitian diestimasi dengan menggunakan sampel dari guru-guru yang mengajar pada Sekolah Menengah Atas di kota Padang. Kuesioner tanpa nama (anonym didistribusikan untuk menjaga kerahasiaan responden. Sebanyak 282 responden dianalisis dalam penelitian ini. Hasil pengujian dengan menggunakan aplikasi AMOS 16.0. menemukan bahwa model teoritikal dapat memenuhi kriteria goodness of fit model. Hasil penelitian mendukung bahwa variable persepsi yang terdiri dari gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif dan

  15. 21 CFR 862.3580 - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) test system. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) test system. 862... Test Systems § 862.3580 Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) test system. (a) Identification. A lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) test system is a device intended to measure lysergic acid diethylamide, a...

  16. Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Pembelajaran Guru Pendidikan Jasmani Di SMA Muhammadiyah Kediri

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    Hendra Mashuri


    Full Text Available Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi tentang persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran guru pendidikan jasmani di SMA Muhammadiyah Kediri. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran guru pendidikan jasmani di SMA Muhammadiyah Kediri? Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei. Populasi yang digunakan adalah seluruh siswa SMA Muhammadiyah Kediri, sampel yang diambil berjumlah 60 siswa yang terdiri dari 20 siswa dari masing-masing kelas. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi siswa terhadap proses pembelajaran SMA Muhammadiyah Kediri mendapatkan skor 3115 atau rata-rata jawaban siswa 51,917 dengan persentase sebesar 74% dan masuk dalam kategori “Baik”. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran guru pendidikan jasmani adalah baik.

  17. Analysis of psilocin, bufotenine and LSD in hair. (United States)

    Martin, Rafaela; Schürenkamp, Jennifer; Gasse, Angela; Pfeiffer, Heidi; Köhler, Helga


    A method for the simultaneous extraction of the hallucinogens psilocin, bufotenine, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) as well as iso-LSD, nor-LSD and O-H-LSD from hair with hydrochloride acid and methanol is presented. Clean-up of the hair extracts is performed with solid phase extraction using a mixed-mode cation exchanger. Extracts are measured with liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. The method was successfully validated according to the guidelines of the 'Society of Toxicological and Forensic Chemistry' (GTFCh). To obtain reference material hair was soaked in a solution of the analytes in dimethyl sulfoxide/methanol to allow incorporation into the hair. These fortified hair samples were used for method development and can be employed as quality controls. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:


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    Josef Prijotomo


    Full Text Available Kawruh Kalang and Kawruh Griya are two Jawanese architectural texts being produced in the transitional period of the 19th to the 20th century. Following two of three steps of interpretation, as stated by Poespoprodjo, a study upon the guru-sector of Jawanese architecture is presented here. Among numerous findings of that study, one of them is the key position of the structural member named balandar-pangeret. This component not only direct and control the measurement of any Jawanese building, but also addressing the basic design chararacteristics of Jawa. It is then speculated that a Jawanese mode of design is embarked from the middle and then proceed downward to the earth and upward to reach the sky. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Teks Kawruh Kalang dan Kawruh Griya adalah teks arsitektur Jawa yang diproduksi dalam masa peralihan abad 19-20. Pengkajian atas teks tersebut dalam bentuk penafsiran-meng-'kata'-kan, memperlihatkan adanya pemikiran dasar penghadiran arsitektur yang bertolak dari balandar-pangeret, yakni balok-balok struktural yang ditopang oleh sakaguru. Masih dalam dimensi penafsiran sebagai meng-kata-kan, naskah yang dikaji diyakini mengindikasikan pemikiran arsitektural Jawa yang karakteristik yakni berawal dari tengah terus ke bawah, ke bumi, dan ke atas, ke angkasa. Kata kunci: griya jawa, sektor guru, balandar-pangeret, guru-acuan, guru-patokan.

  19. Alterations of consciousness and mystical-type experiences after acute LSD in humans. (United States)

    Liechti, Matthias E; Dolder, Patrick C; Schmid, Yasmin


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is used recreationally and in clinical research. Acute mystical-type experiences that are acutely induced by hallucinogens are thought to contribute to their potential therapeutic effects. However, no data have been reported on LSD-induced mystical experiences and their relationship to alterations of consciousness. Additionally, LSD dose- and concentration-response functions with regard to alterations of consciousness are lacking. We conducted two placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over studies using oral administration of 100 and 200 μg LSD in 24 and 16 subjects, respectively. Acute effects of LSD were assessed using the 5 Dimensions of Altered States of Consciousness (5D-ASC) scale after both doses and the Mystical Experience Questionnaire (MEQ) after 200 μg. On the MEQ, 200 μg LSD induced mystical experiences that were comparable to those in patients who underwent LSD-assisted psychotherapy but were fewer than those reported for psilocybin in healthy subjects or patients. On the 5D-ASC scale, LSD produced higher ratings of blissful state, insightfulness, and changed meaning of percepts after 200 μg compared with 100 μg. Plasma levels of LSD were not positively correlated with its effects, with the exception of ego dissolution at 100 μg. Mystical-type experiences were infrequent after LSD, possibly because of the set and setting used in the present study. LSD may produce greater or different alterations of consciousness at 200 μg (i.e., a dose that is currently used in psychotherapy in Switzerland) compared with 100 μg (i.e., a dose used in imaging studies). Ego dissolution may reflect plasma levels of LSD, whereas more robustly induced effects of LSD may not result in such associations.

  20. LSD1 is Required for Hair Cell Regeneration in Zebrafish. (United States)

    He, Yingzi; Tang, Dongmei; Cai, Chengfu; Chai, Renjie; Li, Huawei


    Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1/KDM1A) plays an important role in complex cellular processes such as differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis, and cell cycle progression. It has recently been demonstrated that during development, downregulation of LSD1 inhibits cell proliferation, modulates the expression of cell cycle regulators, and reduces hair cell formation in the zebrafish lateral line, which suggests that LSD1-mediated epigenetic regulation plays a key role in the development of hair cells. However, the role of LSD1 in hair cell regeneration after hair cell loss remains poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate the effect of LSD1 on hair cell regeneration following neomycin-induced hair cell loss. We show that the LSD1 inhibitor trans-2-phenylcyclopropylamine (2-PCPA) significantly decreases the regeneration of hair cells in zebrafish after neomycin damage. In addition, immunofluorescent staining demonstrates that 2-PCPA administration suppresses supporting cell proliferation and alters cell cycle progression. Finally, in situ hybridization shows that 2-PCPA significantly downregulates the expression of genes related to Wnt/β-catenin and Fgf activation. Altogether, our data suggest that downregulation of LSD1 significantly decreases hair cell regeneration after neomycin-induced hair cell loss through inactivation of the Wnt/β-catenin and Fgf signaling pathways. Thus, LSD1 plays a critical role in hair cell regeneration and might represent a novel biomarker and potential therapeutic approach for the treatment of hearing loss.

  1. Dark Classics in Chemical Neuroscience: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD). (United States)

    Nichols, David E


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is one of the most potent psychoactive agents known, producing dramatic alterations of consciousness after submilligram (≥20 μg) oral doses. Following the accidental discovery of its potent psychoactive effects in 1943, it was supplied by Sandoz Laboratories as an experimental drug that might be useful as an adjunct for psychotherapy, or to give psychiatrists insight into the mental processes in their patients. The finding of serotonin in the mammalian brain in 1953, and its structural resemblance to LSD, quickly led to ideas that serotonin in the brain might be involved in mental disorders, initiating rapid research interest in the neurochemistry of serotonin. LSD proved to be physiologically very safe and nonaddictive, with a very low incidence of adverse events when used in controlled experiments. Widely hailed by psychiatry as a breakthrough in the 1950s and early 1960s, clinical research with LSD ended by about 1970, when it was formally placed into Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 following its growing popularity as a recreational drug. Within the past 5 years, clinical research with LSD has begun in Europe, but there has been none in the United States. LSD is proving to be a powerful tool to help understand brain dynamics when combined with modern brain imaging methods. It remains to be seen whether therapeutic value for LSD can be confirmed in controlled clinical trials, but promising results have been obtained in small pilot trials of depression, anxiety, and addictions using psilocybin, a related psychedelic molecule.

  2. Masses and fission barriers of nuclei in the LSD model

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    Pomorski, Krzysztof


    Recently developed Lublin-Strasbourg Drop (LSD) model together with the microscopic corrections taken r is very successful in describing many features of nuclei. In addition to the classical liquid drop model the LSD contains the curvature term proportional to the A{sup 1/3}. The r.m.s. deviation of the LSD binding energies of 2766 isotopes with Z,N>7 from the experimental ones is 0.698 MeV only. It turns out that the LSD model gives also a satisfactory prediction of the fission barrier heights. In addition, it was found in that taking into account the deformation dependence of the congruence energy proposed by Myers and Swiatecki significantly approaches the LSD-model barrier-heights to the experimental data in the case of light isotopes while the fission barriers for heavy nuclei remain nearly unchanged and agree well with experiment. It was also shown in that the saddle point masses of transactinides from {sup 232}Th to {sup 250}Cf evaluated using the LSD differ by less than 0.67 MeV from the experimental data.

  3. Pola Pembinaan Kompetensi Kepribadian dan Kompetensi Sosial Guru di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo

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    Bambang Wahrudin


    Full Text Available This research is motivated by the importance of personal competence and social competence teacher as the spirit of education. The focus of reasearch is know the program fostering personal competence and social competence teacherin SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo . Deep observation and interview used in this research by qualitative aproach. The result shows that personality competence development programs conducted in six (6 forms include: 1 Dhuhr and Asr prayers in congregation, 2 Baitul Arqom for teachers and employees, 3 Course / tahsin read the Koran for teachers and employees, 4 Pray tahajud ahad congregation every morning, and 5 Training Motivation and 6 Counseling, whereas social competence training program conducted by three (3 forms, namely: 1 Piket Sympathetic, 2 MGMPs and 3 Sinergy Building. These patern have made theacher have stong  professionaly and  authority Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya kompetensi kepribadian dan kompetensi sosial bagi guru sebagai ruh pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui program pembinaan kompetensi kepribadian dan kompetensi sosial guru di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo. Reset mendalam dilakukan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkaan bahwa Program pembinaan kompetensi kepribadian dan kompetensi sosial sumber daya manusia di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo menggunakan 6 (enam bentuk meliputi: 1. sholat Dhuhur dan Ashar berjamaah, 2. baitul Arqom untuk guru dan karyawan, 3. kursus/tahsin baca al-Qur’an untuk guru dan karyawan, 4. sholat tahajud berjamaah setiap ahad dini hari, dan 5. training motivasi dan 6. konseling, sedangkan program pembinaan kompetensi sosial dilakukan dengan 3 (tiga bentuk, yaitu: 1. paket Simpatik, 2.  MGMP dan 3. sinergy Building. Pola ini telah berhasil menghantarkan guru sebagai guru yang profesional yang kuat dan berwibawa.


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    Eka Andriani


    Full Text Available This study aims to improve teachers' pedagogical competence and academic achievement of students through lesson study based learning. The design of this study is classroom action research method of observation and written tests. The data were analyzed by quantitative descriptive. The research was conducted on a geography teacher and students of class XI social science programe specialization courses in high school. The results showed an increase pedagogical competence of teachers of the first cycle to the second cycle. This can be seen from the ability of teachers prepare lesson plans and implementing learning. Based learning lesson study also impact on improving the academic skills of students in the form of activity and learning outcomes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik guru dan prestasi akademik siswa melalui pembelajaran berbasis lesson study. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan metode observasi dan tes tertulis. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada guru Geografi dan siswa kelas XI program peminatan ilmu sosial di SMA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru dari siklus I ke siklus II. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari kemampuan guru menyusun RPP dan melaksanakan pembelajaran. Pembelajaran berbasis lesson study juga berdampak pada peningkatan kemampuan akademis siswa berupa aktivitas dan hasil belajar.

  5. Suplemen Panduan Guru dalam Pengembangan Pembelajaran Tematik Kompetensi Dasar Matematika Kelas IV


    Isti Hidayah; Sugiarto Sugiarto; Heri Sutarto


    AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar (SD) dengan penguatan tahapan enaktif-ikonik-simbolik berbantuan serang-kaian pertanyaan produktif. Perangkat pembelajaran berupa Panduan Guru sebagai suple-men dalam mengembangkan rancangan pembelajaran tematik kompetensi dasar (KD) Ma-tematika kelas IV semester gasal. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan Panduan Guru dengan perangkatnya, yaitu alat peraga sebagai representasi enaktif; media ...



    Agus Tri Susanto; Muhyadi Muhyadi


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru di SMP Negeri 4 Pakem Kabupaten Sleman terkait dengan peran kepala sekolah dan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi program pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan model Miles & Huberman, yang meliputi ...

  7. Reversal learning enhanced by lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (United States)

    King, A.R.; Martin, I.L.; Arabella Melville, K.


    1 Small doses of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (12.5-50 μg/kg) consistently facilitated learning of a brightness discrimination reversal. 2 2-Bromo-lysergic acid diethylamide (BOL-148), a structural analogue of LSD, with similar peripheral anti-5-hydroxytrypamine activity but no psychotomimetic properties, had no effect in this learning situation at a similar dose (25 μg/kg). 3 LSD, but not BOL-148, caused a small but significant increase in brain 5-hydroxytryptamine levels, but had no effect on the levels of catecholamines in the brain at 25 μg/kg. PMID:4458849

  8. [The substance experience, a history of LSD]. (United States)

    Beck, François; Bonnet, Nicolas


    This article reviews the recent knowledge on LSD stemming from various disciplines among which pharmacology, sociology and epidemiology. The d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a particularly powerful hallucinogenic substance. It produces distortions and hearing, visual and tactile hallucinations. Rarely used (only 1.7% of people aged 15-64 years old have tried it in their lifetime), this very powerful drug generates a strong apprehension within the general population, but the ethnographical studies show that its image seems rather good among illicit drug users. This representation relies both on the proper effects of this substance and also on the history of LSD very closely linked to the counterculture characteristic of the years 1960-1970. © 2013 médecine/sciences – Inserm / SRMS.

  9. Development and validation of a rapid turboflow LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of LSD and 2-oxo-3-hydroxy LSD in serum and urine samples of emergency toxicological cases. (United States)

    Dolder, Patrick C; Liechti, Matthias E; Rentsch, Katharina M


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a widely used recreational drug. The aim of the present study is to develop a quantitative turboflow LC-MS/MS method that can be used for rapid quantification of LSD and its main metabolite 2-oxo-3-hydroxy LSD (O-H-LSD) in serum and urine in emergency toxicological cases without time-consuming extraction steps. The method was developed on an ion-trap LC-MS/MS instrument coupled to a turbulent-flow extraction system. The validation data showed no significant matrix effects and no ion suppression has been observed in serum and urine. Mean intraday accuracy and precision for LSD were 101 and 6.84%, in urine samples and 97.40 and 5.89% in serum, respectively. For O-H-LSD, the respective values were 97.50 and 4.99% in urine and 107 and 4.70% in serum. Mean interday accuracy and precision for LSD were 100 and 8.26% in urine and 101 and 6.56% in serum, respectively. For O-H-LSD, the respective values were 101 and 8.11% in urine and 99.8 and 8.35% in serum, respectively. The lower limit of quantification for LSD was determined to be 0.1 ng/ml. LSD concentrations in serum were expected to be up to 8 ng/ml. 2-Oxo-3-hydroxy LSD concentrations in urine up to 250 ng/ml. The new method was accurate and precise in the range of expected serum and urine concentrations in patients with a suspected LSD intoxication. Until now, the method has been applied in five cases with suspected LSD intoxication where the intake of the drug has been verified four times with LSD concentrations in serum in the range of 1.80-14.70 ng/ml and once with a LSD concentration of 1.25 ng/ml in urine. In serum of two patients, the O-H-LSD concentration was determined to be 0.99 and 0.45 ng/ml. In the urine of a third patient, the O-H-LSD concentration was 9.70 ng/ml.

  10. Characterization of behavioral and endocrine effects of LSD on zebrafish. (United States)

    Grossman, Leah; Utterback, Eli; Stewart, Adam; Gaikwad, Siddharth; Chung, Kyung Min; Suciu, Christopher; Wong, Keith; Elegante, Marco; Elkhayat, Salem; Tan, Julia; Gilder, Thomas; Wu, Nadine; Dileo, John; Cachat, Jonathan; Kalueff, Allan V


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a potent hallucinogenic drug that strongly affects animal and human behavior. Although adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) are emerging as a promising neurobehavioral model, the effects of LSD on zebrafish have not been investigated previously. Several behavioral paradigms (the novel tank, observation cylinder, light-dark box, open field, T-maze, social preference and shoaling tests), as well as modern video-tracking tools and whole-body cortisol assay were used to characterize the effects of acute LSD in zebrafish. While lower doses (5-100 microg/L) did not affect zebrafish behavior, 250 microg/L LSD increased top dwelling and reduced freezing in the novel tank and observation cylinder tests, also affecting spatiotemporal patterns of activity (as assessed by 3D reconstruction of zebrafish traces and ethograms). LSD evoked mild thigmotaxis in the open field test, increased light behavior in the light-dark test, reduced the number of arm entries and freezing in the T-maze and social preference test, without affecting social preference. In contrast, LSD affected zebrafish shoaling (increasing the inter-fish distance in a group), and elevated whole-body cortisol levels. Overall, our findings show sensitivity of zebrafish to LSD action, and support the use of zebrafish models to study hallucinogenic drugs of abuse. Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. LSD Increases Primary Process Thinking via Serotonin 2A Receptor Activation

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    Rainer Kraehenmann


    Full Text Available Rationale: Stimulation of serotonin 2A (5-HT2A receptors by lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD and related compounds such as psilocybin has previously been shown to increase primary process thinking – an ontologically and evolutionary early, implicit, associative, and automatic mode of thinking which is typically occurring during altered states of consciousness such as dreaming. However, it is still largely unknown whether LSD induces primary process thinking under placebo-controlled, standardized experimental conditions and whether these effects are related to subjective experience and 5-HT2A receptor activation. Therefore, this study aimed to test the hypotheses that LSD increases primary process thinking and that primary process thinking depends on 5-HT2A receptor activation and is related to subjective drug effects.Methods: Twenty-five healthy subjects performed an audio-recorded mental imagery task 7 h after drug administration during three drug conditions: placebo, LSD (100 mcg orally and LSD together with the 5-HT2A receptor antagonist ketanserin (40 mg orally. The main outcome variable in this study was primary index (PI, a formal measure of primary process thinking in the imagery reports. State of consciousness was evaluated using the Altered State of Consciousness (5D-ASC rating scale.Results: LSD, compared with placebo, significantly increased primary index (p < 0.001, Bonferroni-corrected. The LSD-induced increase in primary index was positively correlated with LSD-induced disembodiment (p < 0.05, Bonferroni-corrected, and blissful state (p < 0.05, Bonferroni-corrected on the 5D-ASC. Both LSD-induced increases in primary index and changes in state of consciousness were fully blocked by ketanserin.Conclusion: LSD induces primary process thinking via activation of 5-HT2A receptors and in relation to disembodiment and blissful state. Primary process thinking appears to crucially organize inner experiences during both dreams and

  12. LSD Increases Primary Process Thinking via Serotonin 2A Receptor Activation (United States)

    Kraehenmann, Rainer; Pokorny, Dan; Aicher, Helena; Preller, Katrin H.; Pokorny, Thomas; Bosch, Oliver G.; Seifritz, Erich; Vollenweider, Franz X.


    Rationale: Stimulation of serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptors by lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and related compounds such as psilocybin has previously been shown to increase primary process thinking – an ontologically and evolutionary early, implicit, associative, and automatic mode of thinking which is typically occurring during altered states of consciousness such as dreaming. However, it is still largely unknown whether LSD induces primary process thinking under placebo-controlled, standardized experimental conditions and whether these effects are related to subjective experience and 5-HT2A receptor activation. Therefore, this study aimed to test the hypotheses that LSD increases primary process thinking and that primary process thinking depends on 5-HT2A receptor activation and is related to subjective drug effects. Methods: Twenty-five healthy subjects performed an audio-recorded mental imagery task 7 h after drug administration during three drug conditions: placebo, LSD (100 mcg orally) and LSD together with the 5-HT2A receptor antagonist ketanserin (40 mg orally). The main outcome variable in this study was primary index (PI), a formal measure of primary process thinking in the imagery reports. State of consciousness was evaluated using the Altered State of Consciousness (5D-ASC) rating scale. Results: LSD, compared with placebo, significantly increased primary index (p LSD-induced increase in primary index was positively correlated with LSD-induced disembodiment (p LSD-induced increases in primary index and changes in state of consciousness were fully blocked by ketanserin. Conclusion: LSD induces primary process thinking via activation of 5-HT2A receptors and in relation to disembodiment and blissful state. Primary process thinking appears to crucially organize inner experiences during both dreams and psychedelic states of consciousness. PMID:29167644


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    Sujianto Sujianto


    Full Text Available Continuous development of certified teachers in vocational high school tech­no­logy clump. The purpose of this study is to describe the continuing professionality deve­lop­ment of teachers certifiedcertified teachers through investments investing in self-development educators, scientific publications, and innovative work wetherboth independently, in groups, or insti­tutionalizedinsti­tutionally. This research uses a descriptive quantitative study design study, with and  a the research subjects are who is certified vocational teachers educators asin Malang Raya. The Research research instruments used in this study are questionnaires and interview guides. The results of this study indi­cate that continuing professionality development of certified teachers certified in vocational educators high school clumps technology clump is still relatively low, most teachers only are categorized in the categories category of sometimes doing self-development investments, scientific publications, and innovative works. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan profesionalitas berkelanjutan guru bersertifikat pendidik melalui investasi pengembangan diri, publi­kasi ilmiah, dan karya inovatif baik secara mandiri, berkelompok, atau melembaga. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan subjek penelitian guru kejuruan bersertifikat pendidik se-Malang Raya. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan profesionalitas berkelanjutan guru berser­tifikat pendidik di SMK rumpun teknologi se-Malang Raya masih tergolong rendah, sebagian besar guru hanya kadang-kadang me­lakukan investasi pengembangan diri, publikasi ilmiah, dan membuat karya inovatif.


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    Joko Sukoyo


    Full Text Available Kegiatan workshop ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Semarang Utara dalam hal penyusunan soal digital bahasa Jawa dengan menggunakan program adobe captivate. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah: ceramah, demonstrasi, praktik langsung, tanya jawab, dan penugasan. Peserta yang mengikuti workshop sebanyak 47 guru SD di Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Materi yang diberikan kepada peserta meliputi pengenalan program adobe captivate, penginstalan program adobe captivate, dan penulisan soal digital bahasa Jawa dengan menggunakan program adobe captivate. Kegiatan workshop ini berdampak positif kepada guru-guru SD di Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Sebelum diadakan kegiatan workshop, mereka sama sekali tidak dapat membuat soal digital dengan program adobe captivate. Setelah diadakan kegiatan worshop dan diadakan evaluasi terjadi peningkatan yang sangat signifikan, lebih dari 75% dapat membuat soal digital.

  15. Pengaruh Kompetensi Pedagogik dan Kompetensi Profesional Guru terhadap Economic Literacy melalui Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas XII IPS di SMA Kota Malang

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    Denik Wulandari


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh (1 kompetensi pedagogik guru terhadap economic literacy melalui prestasi belajar siswa, (2 kompetensi profesional guru terhadap economic literacy melalui prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap siswa kelas XII IPS di SMA RSBI se-Kota Malang pada tahun 2012, data diperoleh dari angket, tes, dan dokumentasi. Hasil pene-litian: (1 kompetensi pedagogik guru berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap economic literacy; (2 kompetensi pedagogik guru berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar; (3 prestasi belajar berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap economic literacy; (4 kompetensi profesional guru berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap economic literacy; dan (5 kompetensi profesional guru berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut secara keseluruhan dapat diketahui bahwa kompetensi pedagogik dan kompetensi profesional guru dapat mempengaruhi economic literacy siswa melalui prestasi belajar siswa. Kata kunci: kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi profesional, prestasi belajar, economic literacy

  16. Neurotoxicity and LSD treatment: a follow-up study of 151 patients in Denmark. (United States)

    Larsen, Jens Knud


    LSD was introduced in psychiatry in the 1950s. Between 1960 and 1973, nearly 400 patients were treated with LSD in Denmark. By 1964, one homicide, two suicides and four suicide attempts had been reported. In 1986 the Danish LSD Damages Law was passed after complaints by only one patient. According to the Law, all 154 applicants received financial compensation for LSD-inflicted harm. The Danish State Archives has preserved the case material of 151 of the 154 applicants. Most of the patients suffered from severe side effects of the LSD treatment many years afterwards. In particular, two-thirds of the patients had flashbacks. With the recent interest in LSD therapy, we should consider the neurotoxic potential of LSD. © The Author(s) 2016.


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    Agus Tri Susanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran kepala sekolah dalam pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru di SMP Negeri 4 Pakem Kabupaten Sleman terkait dengan peran kepala sekolah dan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi program pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan model Miles & Huberman, yang meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 perencanaan pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru dilakukan dengan pembentukan team; (2 jenis pengembangan kompetensi profesional guru yaitu penguasaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam pembelajaran; (3 melakukan evaluasi dengan membuat form/angket penilaian guru terhadap proses pembelajaran di kelas yang diisi oleh siswa; (4 peran kepala sekolah sebagai: (a pendidik; (b manajer; (c administrator; (d supervisor; (e peran sosial (f penggiat kewirausahaan; (g pemimpin; dan (h pencipta iklim. Kata kunci: peran kepala sekolah, pengembangan, kompetensi profesional guru THE PRINCIPAL’S ROLE IN DEVELOPING TEACHER COMPETENCY IN PUBLIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Abstract This study aims to describe the principal's role in developing professional competence of teachers in SMP Negeri 4 Pakem Sleman, related to the role of principal’s and the planning, implementation, evaluation of teacher professional competence development program. This study used a qualitative approach, with a case study type. The research data were collected through observation, interviews and study documentation. The data analysis is model of Miles & Huberman, which includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Results of the study: (1 the planning of teachers professional competence development is done by forming a team; (2 the type of teachers

  18. LSD Now: 1973 (United States)

    Chunko, John A.


    LSD NOW is a nationwide, statistical survey and analysis of hallucinogenic drug use by individuals presently in formal educational surroundings. Analysis, concentrating on the extent and rationale related to the use of such drugs, now offers a deeper and more meaningful understanding of a particular facet of the drug culture. This understanding…

  19. Seren Taun Guru Bumi Harmony of Islam and Pasundan Culture

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    Abdurrahman Misno BP


    Full Text Available The advent of Islam in Tatar Sunda (West Java lent a new color to the culture that had previously existed there. The nature of Islam which was friendly to the local culture, made it easy to be accepted by the Sundanese people without bloodshed. The results are a variety of cultural rituals rooted in Sundanese culture yet rich with Islamic culture. Seren Taun Guru Bumi is one of the rituals of the Sundanese people deeply-rooted in the belief of Nyi Pohaci (Dewi Sri as the goddess of fertility. The involvement of the researcher in this ritual made the data a primary source which is the implementation of Seren Taun Guru Bumi in Sindang Barang Cultural Village, Bogor, West Java. This research shows that the ritual of Seren Taun Guru Bumi is a form of Islamic harmony with the Sundanese culture. Islamic culture assimilates in the frame of Sundanese traditions in Tatar Sunda, in which both are brought together in the ritual as a form of gratitude to God Almighty.

  20. Transrepressive function of TLX requires the histone demethylase LSD1. (United States)

    Yokoyama, Atsushi; Takezawa, Shinichiro; Schüle, Roland; Kitagawa, Hirochika; Kato, Shigeaki


    TLX is an orphan nuclear receptor (also called NR2E1) that regulates the expression of target genes by functioning as a constitutive transrepressor. The physiological significance of TLX in the cytodifferentiation of neural cells in the brain is known. However, the corepressors supporting the transrepressive function of TLX have yet to be identified. In this report, Y79 retinoblastoma cells were subjected to biochemical techniques to purify proteins that interact with TLX, and we identified LSD1 (also called KDM1), which appears to form a complex with CoREST and histone deacetylase 1. LSD1 interacted with TLX directly through its SWIRM and amine oxidase domains. LSD1 potentiated the transrepressive function of TLX through its histone demethylase activity as determined by a luciferase assay using a genomically integrated reporter gene. LSD1 and TLX were recruited to a TLX-binding site in the PTEN gene promoter, accompanied by the demethylation of H3K4me2 and deacetylation of H3. Knockdown of either TLX or LSD1 derepressed expression of the endogenous PTEN gene and inhibited cell proliferation of Y79 cells. Thus, the present study suggests that LSD1 is a prime corepressor for TLX.

  1. Persepsi Guru BK Tentang Kompetensi Konselor di Sekolah Dasar Swasta Kota Semarang

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    Restu Setyoningtyas


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang persepsi guru BK tentang kompetensi konselor di sekolah dasar swasta Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif, responden penelitian adalah guru BK sekolah dasar swasta, teknik pengumpulan data berupa skala psikologi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan Analisis Deskriptif Persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi guru BK tentang kompetensi konselor mendapatkan hasil yang positif. Kompetensi pedagogik yaitu positif, kepribadian yaitu kurang positif, sosial yaitu kurang positif, profesional yaitu cukup positif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah persepsi guru BK tentang kompetensi konselor di sekolah dasar swasta Kota Semarang pada umumnya positif. The purpose of this research is determine perception guidance and counseling teacher about counselor competence in private elementary school on Semarang city. This research is quantitative. Respondens is guidance and counseling teacher from private elementary school, techniques of data collection are psychology scale and documentation. The data analysis using Analysis Descriptive Percentage. Result showed that research is perception  guidance and counseling teacher about counselor competence is positive. Pedagogic competence is positive, personality is not positive enough, social is not positive enough, professional is positive enough. The conclusion of this research is perception guidance and counseling teacher about counselor competence in private elementary school on Semarang city in general is positive.

  2. Development and validation of an ultra-fast and sensitive microflow liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (MFLC-MS/MS) method for quantification of LSD and its metabolites in plasma and application to a controlled LSD administration study in humans. (United States)

    Steuer, Andrea E; Poetzsch, Michael; Stock, Lorena; Eisenbeiss, Lisa; Schmid, Yasmin; Liechti, Matthias E; Kraemer, Thomas


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a semi-synthetic hallucinogen that has gained popularity as a recreational drug and has been investigated as an adjunct to psychotherapy. Analysis of LSD represents a major challenge in forensic toxicology due to its instability, low drug concentrations, and short detection windows in biological samples. A new, fast, and sensitive microflow liquid chromatography (MFLC) tandem mass spectrometry method for the validated quantification of LSD, iso-LSD, 2-oxo 3-hydroxy-LSD (oxo-HO-LSD), and N-desmethyl-LSD (nor-LSD) was developed in plasma and applied to a controlled pharmacokinetic (PK) study in humans to test whether LSD metabolites would offer for longer detection windows. Five hundred microlitres of plasma were extracted by solid phase extraction. Analysis was performed on a Sciex Eksigent MFLC system coupled to a Sciex 5500 QTrap. The method was validated according to (inter)-national guidelines. MFLC allowed for separation of the mentioned analytes within 3 minutes and limits of quantification of 0.01 ng/mL. Validation criteria were fulfilled for all analytes. PK data could be calculated for LSD, iso-LSD, and oxo-HO-LSD in all participants. Additionally, hydroxy-LSD (HO-LSD) and HO-LSD glucuronide could be qualitatively detected and PK determined in 11 and 8 subjects, respectively. Nor-LSD was only sporadically detected. Elimination half-lives of iso-LSD (median 12 h) and LSD metabolites (median 9, 7.4, 12, and 11 h for oxo-HO-LSD, HO-LSD, HO-LSD-gluc, and nor-LSD, respectively) exceeded those of LSD (median 4.2 h). However, screening for metabolites to increase detection windows in plasma seems not to be constructive due to their very low concentrations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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    Dwi Yulianti


    Full Text Available Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan kompetensi guru PAUD dalam alat bermain sains (ABS dari barang-barang habis pakai atau limbah. Metode yang diterapkan berupa pelatihan dan workshop yang meliputi kuliah, praktek membuat alat dan peer teaching. ABS yang berhasil dibuat diantaranya tikar warna, pengukuran, menimbang, menakar, magnet, bunyi, pncampuran warna, gravitasi, telepon dari gelas plastik. Setelah kegiatan berlangsung terjadi peningkatan jumlah alat pada masing-masing sekolah. Terjadi pula peningkatan kompetensi guru dalam membuat alat bermain sains. Dari hasil uji coba melalui kegiatan per teaching, hasil belajar kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik siswa meningkat secara signifikan.

  4. Increased Global Functional Connectivity Correlates with LSD-Induced Ego Dissolution. (United States)

    Tagliazucchi, Enzo; Roseman, Leor; Kaelen, Mendel; Orban, Csaba; Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh D; Murphy, Kevin; Laufs, Helmut; Leech, Robert; McGonigle, John; Crossley, Nicolas; Bullmore, Edward; Williams, Tim; Bolstridge, Mark; Feilding, Amanda; Nutt, David J; Carhart-Harris, Robin


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a non-selective serotonin-receptor agonist that was first synthesized in 1938 and identified as (potently) psychoactive in 1943. Psychedelics have been used by indigenous cultures for millennia [1]; however, because of LSD's unique potency and the timing of its discovery (coinciding with a period of major discovery in psychopharmacology), it is generally regarded as the quintessential contemporary psychedelic [2]. LSD has profound modulatory effects on consciousness and was used extensively in psychological research and psychiatric practice in the 1950s and 1960s [3]. In spite of this, however, there have been no modern human imaging studies of its acute effects on the brain. Here we studied the effects of LSD on intrinsic functional connectivity within the human brain using fMRI. High-level association cortices (partially overlapping with the default-mode, salience, and frontoparietal attention networks) and the thalamus showed increased global connectivity under the drug. The cortical areas showing increased global connectivity overlapped significantly with a map of serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptor densities (the key site of action of psychedelic drugs [4]). LSD also increased global integration by inflating the level of communication between normally distinct brain networks. The increase in global connectivity observed under LSD correlated with subjective reports of "ego dissolution." The present results provide the first evidence that LSD selectively expands global connectivity in the brain, compromising the brain's modular and "rich-club" organization and, simultaneously, the perceptual boundaries between the self and the environment. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. LSD: Still with Us after All These Years. (United States)

    Henderson, Leigh A., Ed.; Glass, William J., Ed.

    This volume offers insight for parents, counselors, and educators as to why young people in the 1990s are using LSD--its appeal, the experience, and where kids are getting it. Current studies and anecdotes are woven with recent statistics to create a clear picture of contemporary LSD use. The introduction offers some history and background on the…

  6. An animal model of schizophrenia based on chronic LSD administration: old idea, new results. (United States)

    Marona-Lewicka, Danuta; Nichols, Charles D; Nichols, David E


    Many people who take LSD experience a second temporal phase of LSD intoxication that is qualitatively different, and was described by Daniel Freedman as "clearly a paranoid state." We have previously shown that the discriminative stimulus effects of LSD in rats also occur in two temporal phases, with initial effects mediated by activation of 5-HT(2A) receptors (LSD30), and the later temporal phase mediated by dopamine D2-like receptors (LSD90). Surprisingly, we have now found that non-competitive NMDA antagonists produced full substitution in LSD90 rats, but only in older animals, whereas in LSD30, or in younger animals, these drugs did not mimic LSD. Chronic administration of low doses of LSD (>3 months, 0.16 mg/kg every other day) induces a behavioral state characterized by hyperactivity and hyperirritability, increased locomotor activity, anhedonia, and impairment in social interaction that persists at the same magnitude for at least three months after cessation of LSD treatment. These behaviors, which closely resemble those associated with psychosis in humans, are not induced by withdrawal from LSD; rather, they are the result of neuroadaptive changes occurring in the brain during the chronic administration of LSD. These persistent behaviors are transiently reversed by haloperidol and olanzapine, but are insensitive to MDL-100907. Gene expression analysis data show that chronic LSD treatment produced significant changes in multiple neurotransmitter system-related genes, including those for serotonin and dopamine. Thus, we propose that chronic treatment of rats with low doses of LSD can serve as a new animal model of psychosis that may mimic the development and progression of schizophrenia, as well as model the established disease better than current acute drug administration models utilizing amphetamine or NMDA antagonists such as PCP. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Marona-Lewicka, Danuta; Nichols, Charles D.; Nichols, David E.


    Many people who take LSD experience a second temporal phase of LSD intoxication that is qualitatively different, and was described by Daniel Freedman as “clearly a paranoid state.” We have previously shown that the discriminative stimulus effects of LSD in rats also occur in two temporal phases, with initial effects mediated by activation of 5-HT2A receptors (LSD30), and the later temporal phase mediated by dopamine D2-like receptors (LSD90). Surprisingly, we have now found that non-competitive NMDA antagonists produced full substitution in LSD90 rats, but only in older animals, whereas in LSD30, or in younger animals, these drugs did not mimic LSD. Chronic administration of low doses of LSD (>3 months, 0.16 mg/kg every other day) induces a behavioral state characterized by hyperactivity and hyperirritability, increased locomotor activity, anhedonia, and impairment in social interaction that persists at the same magnitude for at least three months after cessation of LSD treatment. These behaviors, which closely resemble those associated with psychosis in humans, are not induced by withdrawal from LSD; rather, they are the result of neuroadaptive changes occurring in the brain during the chronic administration of LSD. These persistent behaviors are transiently reversed by haloperidol and olanzapine, but are insensitive to MDL-100907. Gene expression analysis data show that chronic LSD treatment produced significant changes in multiple neurotransmitter system-related genes, including those for serotonin and dopamine. Thus, we propose that chronic treatment of rats with low doses of LSD can serve as a new animal model of psychosis that may mimic the development and progression of schizophrenia, as well as model the established disease better than current acute drug administration models utilizing amphetamine or NMDA antagonists such as PCP. PMID:21352832

  8. Quantification of LSD in illicit samples by high performance liquid chromatography

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    Pablo Alves Marinho


    Full Text Available In the present study, a method using high performance liquid chromatography to quantify LSD, in blotter papers seized in Minas Gerais, was optimized and validated. Linearity, precision, recovery, limits of detection and quantification, and selectivity were the parameters used to evaluate performance. The samples were extracted with methanol:water (1: 1 in an ultra-sound bath. The linearity between 0.05 and 20.00 μg/mL (0.5 and 200.0μg of LSD/blotter was observed with satisfactory mean intra and inter assay precision (RSDr = 4.4% and RSD R = 6.4%, respectively and with mean recoveries of 83.4% and 84.9% to the levels of 1.00 and 20.00 μg/mL (10 and 200μg LSD/blotter. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.01 and 0.05 μg/mL, respectively (0.1 and 0.5 μg of LSD/blotter. The samples of blotters (n =22 were analyzed and the mean value of 67.55 μg of LSD/blotter (RSD=27.5% was found. Thus, the method used showed satisfactory analytical performance, and proved suitable as an analytical tool for LSD determination in illicit samples seized by police forces.No presente trabalho, um método utilizando cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência foi otimizado e validado para quantificar o LSD em selos apreendidos em Minas Gerais. A linearidade, precisão, recuperação, limites de detecção e quantificação e seletividade foram os parâmetros de desempenho avaliados. As amostras foram extraídas com metanol: água (1:1 em banho de ultra-som. A linearidade entre 0,05 a 20,00 mg/mL (0,5 a 200 μg LSD/blotter foi observada com precisão média, intra e inter ensaio, satisfatória (RSDr = 4,4% e RSD R = 6,4%, respectivamente e com recuperações médias de 83,4% e 84,9% para os níveis de LSD de 1,00 e 20,00 mg/mL (10 e 200 μg LSD/selo. Os limites de detecção e quantificação encontrados foram de 0,01 e 0,05 mg/mL, respectivamente (0,1 e 0,5 μg LSD/selo. As amostras de selos (n = 22 foram analisadas e o valor médio encontrado foi de 67

  9. Altered network hub connectivity after acute LSD administration

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    Felix Müller

    Full Text Available LSD is an ambiguous substance, said to mimic psychosis and to improve mental health in people suffering from anxiety and depression. Little is known about the neuronal correlates of altered states of consciousness induced by this substance. Limited previous studies indicated profound changes in functional connectivity of resting state networks after the administration of LSD. The current investigation attempts to replicate and extend those findings in an independent sample. In a double-blind, randomized, cross-over study, 100 μg LSD and placebo were orally administered to 20 healthy participants. Resting state brain activity was assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Within-network and between-network connectivity measures of ten established resting state networks were compared between drug conditions. Complementary analysis were conducted using resting state networks as sources in seed-to-voxel analyses. Acute LSD administration significantly decreased functional connectivity within visual, sensorimotor and auditory networks and the default mode network. While between-network connectivity was widely increased and all investigated networks were affected to some extent, seed-to-voxel analyses consistently indicated increased connectivity between networks and subcortical (thalamus, striatum and cortical (precuneus, anterior cingulate cortex hub structures. These latter observations are consistent with findings on the importance of hubs in psychopathological states, especially in psychosis, and could underlay therapeutic effects of hallucinogens as proposed by a recent model. Keywords: LSD, fMRI, Functional connectivity, Networks, Hubs

  10. LC-mS analysis of human urine specimens for 2-oxo-3-hydroxy LSD: method validation for potential interferants and stability study of 2-oxo-3-hydroxy LSD under various storage conditions. (United States)

    Klette, Kevin L; Horn, Carl K; Stout, Peter R; Anderson, Cynthia J


    2-Oxo-3-hydroxy lysergic acid diethylamide (O-H-LSD), a major LSD metabolite, has previously been demonstrated to be a superior marker for identifying LSD use compared with the parent drug, LSD. Specifically, O-H-LSD analyzed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry has been reported to be present in urine at concentrations 16 to 43 times greater than LSD. To further support forensic application of this procedure, the specificity of the assay was assessed using compounds that have structural and chemical properties similar to O-H-LSD, common over-the-counter products, prescription drugs and some of their metabolites, and other drugs of abuse. Of the wide range of compounds studied, none were found to interfere with the detection of O-H-LSD or the internal standard 2-oxo-3-hydroxy lysergic acid methyl propylamide. The stability of O-H-LSD was investigated from 0 to 9 days at various temperatures, pH conditions, and exposures to fluorescent light. Additionally, the effect of long-term frozen storage and pH was investigated from 0 to 60 days. There was no significant loss of O-H-LSD under both refrigerated and frozen conditions within the normal human physiological pH range of urine (4.6-8.4). However, significant loss of O-H-LSD was observed in samples prepared at pH 4.6-8.4 and stored at room temperature or higher (24-50 degrees C).

  11. Guru Sahabat Siswa: Program Kesehatan Reproduksi bagi Guru

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    Rieka Esti Saraswati


    Full Text Available The issue of reproductive health is increasing year by year. Proper understanding of reproductive healt his absolutely necessary for students at school. Teacher is one of the important part in learning process, so teachers must have an understanding of reproductive healt has well as sufficient skills to deliver it properly to the students. The purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of the "Guru Sahabat Siswa” program to increase teachers’ skills to become facilitators in a group discussion on reproductive health theme. The study involves 16 teachers in Junior High School in Yogyakarta. The research will be applied by using the experimental untreated control group design with pretest and post test. This program was proved for improving teachers' skills to be a facilitator in group discussions about reproductive health (F=14,411, p


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    Muhamad Yasin


    Full Text Available Komunikasi antara guru dan siswa merupakan faktor penting dalam proses belajar mengajar sehingga materi yang disampaikan terserap oleh siswa dengan baik. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana gaya komunikasi guru dalam mengajar matematika di MTs N Mranggen ditinjau dari teori komunikasi logika desain pesan. Secara umum tujuan penelitian ini adalah didiskripsikannya gaya komunikasi guru matematika di MTs N Mranggen ditinjau dari teori komunikasi logika desain pesan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan deskriptif. penelitian deskriptif tidak bertujuan mencari hubungan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipasi, dan dokumentasi. Sumber data utama adalah guru matematika. Keabsahan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian dengan menggunakan uji credibility (triangulasi dan kecukupan referensial, uji transferability, uji dependability, dan uji confirmability. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah gaya komunikasi guru matematika dalam pembelajaran di MTs N Mranggen. Setelah dianalisis GM1,GM2, dan GM3 cenderung menggunakan gaya komunikasi asertif. Sedangkan untuk logika desain pesan GM1 adalah ekspresif, konvensional, retorika, sedangkan GM2 cenderung ekspresif, untuk GM3 cenderung konvensional dan retorika. Model gaya komunikasi guru matematika di MTs N Mranggen adalah kontemporer, paradigma lama, dan transisional. Communication between teachers and learners is an important factor in the learning process so that the material submitted by the students absorbed properly. This study is to determine how the communication styles of teachers of teaching mathematics in MTs N Mranggen be reviewed communication theory of message design logic. Purpose in this research is to describing communication styles mathematics teacher in MTs N Mranggen based on the theory of communication message design logic. This research is a qualitative research. Forms

  13. Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) destabilizes p62 and inhibits autophagy in gynecologic malignancies. (United States)

    Chao, Angel; Lin, Chiao-Yun; Chao, An-Ning; Tsai, Chia-Lung; Chen, Ming-Yu; Lee, Li-Yu; Chang, Ting-Chang; Wang, Tzu-Hao; Lai, Chyong-Huey; Wang, Hsin-Shih


    Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) - also known as KDM1A - is the first identified histone demethylase. LSD1 is highly expressed in numerous human malignancies and has recently emerged as a target for anticancer drugs. Owing to the presence of several functional domains, we speculated that LSD1 could have additional functions other than histone demethylation. P62 - also termed sequestasome 1 (SQSTM1) - plays a key role in malignant transformation, apoptosis, and autophagy. Here, we show that a high LSD1 expression promotes tumorigenesis in gynecologic malignancies. Notably, LSD1 inhibition with either siRNA or pharmacological agents activates autophagy. Mechanistically, LSD1 decreases p62 protein stability in a demethylation-independent manner. Inhibition of LSD1 reduces both tumor growth and p62 protein degradation in vivo . The combination of LSD1 inhibition and p62 knockdown exerts additive anticancer effects. We conclude that LSD1 destabilizes p62 and inhibits autophagy in gynecologic cancers. LSD1 inhibition reduces malignant cell growth and activates autophagy. The combinations of LSD1 inhibition and autophagy blockade display additive inhibitory effect on cancer cell viability. A better understanding of the role played by p62 will shed more light on the anticancer effects of LSD1 inhibitors.

  14. Suplemen Panduan Guru dalam Pengembangan Pembelajaran Tematik Kompetensi Dasar Matematika Kelas IV

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    Isti Hidayah


    Full Text Available AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah Dasar (SD dengan penguatan tahapan enaktif-ikonik-simbolik berbantuan serang-kaian pertanyaan produktif. Perangkat pembelajaran berupa Panduan Guru sebagai suple-men dalam mengembangkan rancangan pembelajaran tematik kompetensi dasar (KD Ma-tematika kelas IV semester gasal. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan Panduan Guru dengan perangkatnya, yaitu alat peraga sebagai representasi enaktif; media visual dalam bentuk po-werpoint sebagai representasi ikonik; lembar kegiatan peserta didik (LKPD dan lembar tu-gas peserta didik (LTPD, serta kartu masalah (contextual problem. Produk yang telah di-hasilkan akan membantu guru dalam mengembangkan rancangan pembelajaran dalam im-plementasi Kurikulum 2013. Hasil implementasi menunjukkan bahwa produk penelitian be-rupa Suplemen Panduan Guru membantu guru dalam mengembangkan rancangan dan pe-laksanaan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan ilmiah. Penyempurnaan Suplemen difokuskan pada keterpaduan aspek sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan.Kata kunci: suplemen panduan guru; pembelajaran tematik KD Matematika; contextual                         problem   AbstractThe purpose of this research is to develop elementary mathematics learning devices with reinforcement stages enactive-iconic-symbolic aidednquestion series of productive to strengthen the ability of solving Mathematics problem students since early. A learning device Teacher’s Guide as a supplement in developing basic competencies thematic lesson plan fourth grade Math odd semester. This research has produced a Teacher’s Guide with the device; witch is a representation enactive prop; visual media in the form of PowerPoint as iconic representations; students’ activity sheets (LKPD and students’ task sheet (LTPD, and card problems (contextual problem. The benefit of this research that has been produced to assist teachers in developing

  15. Identification of downstream metastasis-associated target genes regulated by LSD1 in colon cancer cells. (United States)

    Chen, Jiang; Ding, Jie; Wang, Ziwei; Zhu, Jian; Wang, Xuejian; Du, Jiyi


    This study aims to identify downstream target genes regulated by lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) in colon cancer cells and investigate the molecular mechanisms of LSD1 influencing invasion and metastasis of colon cancer. We obtained the expression changes of downstream target genes regulated by small-interfering RNA-LSD1 and LSD1-overexpression via gene expression profiling in two human colon cancer cell lines. An Affymetrix Human Transcriptome Array 2.0 was used to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs). We screened out LSD1-target gene associated with proliferation, metastasis, and invasion from DEGs via Gene Ontology and Pathway Studio. Subsequently, four key genes (CABYR, FOXF2, TLE4, and CDH1) were computationally predicted as metastasis-related LSD1-target genes. ChIp-PCR was applied after RT-PCR and Western blot validations to detect the occupancy of LSD1-target gene promoter-bound LSD1. A total of 3633 DEGs were significantly upregulated, and 4642 DEGs were downregulated in LSD1-silenced SW620 cells. A total of 4047 DEGs and 4240 DEGs were upregulated and downregulated in LSD1-overexpressed HT-29 cells, respectively. RT-PCR and Western blot validated the microarray analysis results. ChIP assay results demonstrated that LSD1 might be negative regulators for target genes CABYR and CDH1. The expression level of LSD1 is negatively correlated with mono- and dimethylation of histone H3 lysine4(H3K4) at LSD1- target gene promoter region. No significant mono-methylation and dimethylation of H3 lysine9 methylation was detected at the promoter region of CABYR and CDH1. LSD1- depletion contributed to the upregulation of CABYR and CDH1 through enhancing the dimethylation of H3K4 at the LSD1-target genes promoter. LSD1- overexpression mediated the downregulation of CABYR and CDH1expression through decreasing the mono- and dimethylation of H3K4 at LSD1-target gene promoter in colon cancer cells. CABYR and CDH1 might be potential LSD1-target genes in colon

  16. Pemahaman Guru BK Tentang Pelaksanaan Layanan Peminatan pada Kurikulum 2013

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    Finda Marsetyana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasar fenomena yaitu belum adanya kesiapan tentang program peminatan di SMK Negeri se-Kota Semarang. Tujuan penelitian secara umum untuk mengetahui pemahaman guru BK tentang pelaksanaan layanan peminatan pada kurikulum 2013 di SMK Negeri se-Kota Semarang. Medote pengumpulan data yaitu angket tertutup yang diberikan kepada 44 orang guru BK SMK Negeri se Kota Semarang. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian dari Pemahaman Guru BK Tentang Pelaksanaan Layanan Peminatan Pada Kurikulum 2013 Di SMK Negeri Se-Kota Semarang termasuk dalam kategori tinggi (71.59% dengan perincian indikator variabel yaitu pemahaman guru BK tentang kurikulum 2013 persentase sebesar 75.04% (tinggi, konsep dan strategi pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling pada kurikulum 2013 sebesar 69.31% (sedang, lingkup layanan peminatan sebesar 70.57% (tinggi, dan pelaksanaan layanan peminatan 72.22% (tinggi. Simpulan penelitian ini yakni guru BK SMK Negeri se-Kota Semarang telah mempunyai pemahaman tentang pelaksanaan layanan peminatan pada kurikulum 2013 dengan kriteria tinggi. This research was conducted based on the phenomenon that is there was no readiness about the students’ interest program vocational high schools in around Semarang.The general objective of this research was to know the counseling’s teachers deals with the implementation of students’ interest service towards the 2013 curriculum vocational high schools in around Semarang. Method of data collection is used closed questionnaire and it was given to 44 students vocational high schools in around Semarang in which the data obtained was analysed trough descriptive percentages. The research finding from counseling’s teachers about the implementation of students’ interest in the 2013 curriculum vocational high schools in around Semarang are in a high category (71.59%, with the details of the indicator variable are as follows; the understanding of

  17. Faktor-Faktor Hambatan Profesionalisasi Guru BK di SMA Negeri se- Kota Purwokerto

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    Cahya Dewi Rizkiwati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan tentang faktor-faktor hambatan yang terjadi dalam profesionalisasi guru BK. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri se-Kota Purwokerto. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian populasi atau sensus karena populasi guru BK berjumlah 25 orang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah  inventori dalam bentuk daftar cek masalah. Instrumen tersebut telah diuji validitasnya menggunakan rumus point biserial, sedangkan reliabilitas instrumen digunakan rumus KR-20. Data yang telah diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif prosentase. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan hambatan yang berasal dari faktor internal mendapat prosentase lebih tinggi daripada faktor eksternal. Faktor internal yang paling mempengaruhi profesionalisasi guru BK antara lain latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, motivasi kerja, kompetensi guru BK. Sedangkan faktor eksternal yang paling mempengaruhi profesionalisasi guru BK adalah sarana dan prasarana. The purpose of this research is to describe problems  occur in the professionalization of guidance and counseling teachers. The type of the research is survey research . This research was conducted in all of Senior High School in Purwokerto. Population research or census were used as sampling method, since  the population of guidance and counseling teachers were 25 people. Data collection technique was  using inventory with list of issues. The instrument validity has been tested using point biserial formula, whilst its reliability was tested using KR-20 formula. The data was analyzed using descriptive percentage techniques. The results of this research indicate that internal factors get higher percentage than external factors. Internal factors that have the most influence in the professionalization of guidance and counseling teachers include educational background, working experience , motivation, teacher

  18. LSD Dimensions: Use and Reuse of Linked Statistical Data

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meroño-Peñuela, Albert


    RDF Data Cube (QB) has boosted the publication of Linked Statistical Data (LSD) on the Web, making them linkable to other related datasets and concepts following the Linked Data paradigm. In this demo we present LSD Dimensions, a web based application that monitors the usage of dimensions and codes

  19. Timothy Coombs: kriise tekib maailmas üha enam / intervjueerinud Kristel Abel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Coombs, Timothy


    Intervjuu riski- ja kriisikommunikatsiooni tippspetsialisti dr W. Timothy Coombsiga, kes räägib kriisikommunikatsiooni hetkeseisust ning jagab nõu, kuidas kriisikommunikatsiooniga toime tulla. Ta on välja arendanud situatsiooni kriisikommunikatsiooni teooria


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    Nuryani Nuryani


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi komunikasi guru padasiswa ABK di SMK Balai Perguruan Putri Bandung, bagaimana komunikasi instruksional yang dilakukan guru pada siswa ABK di SMK BPP, dan mengapa sekolah memilih untuk melaksanakan komunikasi pembelajaran yang menggabungkan siswa ABK dan nonABK. Penelitian ini menggunakan tradisi studi kasus dengan metode kualitatif serta menggunakan beberapa teori yang melandasi penelitian yakni teori interaksi simbolik dan teori konvergensi simbolik. Kesimpulan penelitiaan ini adalah 1 beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan komunikasi pembelajaran di antaranya kompetensi guru, kesiapan siswa, dan dukungan lingkungan sekolah. Termasuk juga dukungan orang tua dan pendamping. 2 Komunikasi pembelajaran dilaksanakan dalam dua saluran yakni komunikasi pembelajaran di depan kelas dan komunikasi individual antara guru dan siswa. Teknik yang digunakan mulai dari ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi, demonstrasi, dan juga tutor sebaya. Bahasa verbal dan nonverbal digunakan seperti raut muka ekspresif, suara lantang, artikulasi jelas, gaya tubuh dan bahasa tubuh ekspresif, disertai dengan sentuhan, belaian, tatapan mata. 3 Alasan yang melatar belakangi penyelenggaraan komunikasi instruksional yang menggabungkan siswa ABK dan nonABK di SMK BPP Bandung dilakukan demi kepentingan tiga pihak, yakni siswa ABK, organisasi, serta siswa non ABK DOI: 10.24198/jkk.Vvol4n2.4



    Marona-Lewicka, Danuta; Nichols, Charles D.; Nichols, David E.


    Many people who take LSD experience a second temporal phase of LSD intoxication that is qualitatively different, and was described by Daniel Freedman as “clearly a paranoid state.” We have previously shown that the discriminative stimulus effects of LSD in rats also occur in two temporal phases, with initial effects mediated by activation of 5-HT2A receptors (LSD30), and the later temporal phase mediated by dopamine D2-like receptors (LSD90). Surprisingly, we have now found that non-competiti...

  2. The quantitation of 2-oxo-3-hydroxy lysergic acid diethylamide (O-H-LSD) in human urine specimens, a metabolite of LSD: comparative analysis using liquid chromatography-selected ion monitoring mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Poch, G K; Klette, K L; Anderson, C


    This paper compares the potential forensic application of two sensitive and rapid procedures (liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry) for the detection and quantitation of 2-oxo-3-hydroxy lysergic acid diethylamide (O-H-LSD) a major LSD metabolite. O-H-LSD calibration curves for both procedures were linear over the concentration range 0-8,000 pg/mL with correlation coefficients (r2) greater than 0.99. The observed limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ) for O-H-LSD in both procedures was 400 pg/mL. Sixty-eight human urine specimens that had previously been found to contain LSD by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were reanalyzed by both procedures for LSD and O-H-LSD. These specimens contained a mean concentration of O-H-LSD approximately 16 times higher than the LSD concentration. Because both LC methods produce similar results, either procedure can be readily adapted to O-H-LSD analysis for use in high-volume drug-testing laboratories. In addition, the possibility of significantly increasing the LSD detection time window by targeting this major LSD metabolite for analysis may influence other drug-free workplace programs to test for LSD.


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    Siti Imroatun


    Full Text Available Kinerja guru sangat menentukan keberhasilan proses belajar yang efektif dan efisien. Dengan kinerja yang baik maka tujuan pendidikan dapat tercapai. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten wonosobo yang berjumlah sembilan sekolah yang dilatar belakangi bahwa kinerja guru di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Wonosobo belum optimal. Hal ini dilihat dari hasil observasi awal yang menunjukkan kurangnya persiapan sebelum mengajar, penggunaan metode pembelajaran yang kurang inovatif, dan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi kurang dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 orang guru ekonomi yang tersebar di sembilan SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Wonosobo. Sampel yang digunakan adalah semua guru ekonomi yang ada di SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Wonosobo. Variabel yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah lingkungan kerja, kompensasi kerja, dan motivasi kerja sebagai variabel bebas, serta kinerja guru sebagai variabel terikat. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket atau kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial.Hasil analisis deskriptif masing-masing variabel menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan kerja, kompensasi kerja, motivasi kerja dan kinerja guru termasuk kriteria baik. Lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 16,65%; kompensasi kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 21,25%; dan motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 31,92%.Penelitian ini terdapat pengaruh positif antara lingkungan kerja, kompensasi kerja dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru, baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah agar guru ekonomi terus meningkatkan kompetensi professional dengan menyesuaikan kemampuan peserta didik. Selain itu juga perlu ditingkatkan fasilitas yang mendukung kinerja guru, memberikan kompensasi sesuai dengan beban kerja guru dan selalu memberikan motivasi kepada guru ekonomi. Teacher

  4. Increased Global Functional Connectivity Correlates with LSD-Induced Ego Dissolution

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tagliazucchi, E.; Roseman, Leor; Kaelen, Mendel; Orban, Csaba; Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh D; Murphy, Kevin; Laufs, Helmut; Leech, Robert; McGonigle, John; Crossley, Nicolas; Bullmore, Edward; Williams, Tim; Bolstridge, Mark; Feilding, Amanda; Nutt, David J; Carhart-Harris, Robin


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a non-selective serotonin-receptor agonist that was first synthesized in 1938 and identified as (potently) psychoactive in 1943. Psychedelics have been used by indigenous cultures for millennia [1]; however, because of LSD's unique potency and the timing of its

  5. LSD treatment in Scandinavia: emphasizing indications and short-term treatment outcomes of 151 patients in Denmark. (United States)

    Larsen, Jens Knud


    New research has suggested the clinical use of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin in selected patient populations. However, concerns about the clinical use of LSD were advanced in a large Danish follow-up study that assessed 151 LSD-treated psychiatric patients approximately 25 years after their treatment in the 1960s. The purpose of the present study was to give a retrospective account of the short-term outcome of LSD treatment in these 151 Danish psychiatric patients. The LSD case material in the Danish State Archives consists of medical case records of 151 LSD-treated patients, who complained and received economic compensation with the LSD Damages Law. The author carefully read and reviewed the LSD case material. LSD was used to treat a wide spectrum of mental disorders. Independent of diagnoses, 52 patients improved, and 48 patients worsened acutely with the LSD treatment. In a subgroup of 82 neurotic patients, the LSD dose-index (number of treatments multiplied by the maximal LSD dose) indicated the risk of acute worsening. In another subgroup of 19 patients with obsessive-compulsive neurosis, five patients later underwent psychosurgery. A small subgroup of 12 patients was treated with psilocybin. The long-term outcome was poor in most of the patients. Despite the significant limitations to a retrospective design, this database warrants caution in mental health patients. The use of LSD and psilocybin in mental health patients may be associated with serious short- and long-term side effects. Until further trials with rigorous designs have cleared these drugs of their potential harms, their clinical utility in these groups of patients has not been fully clarified.

  6. The paradoxical psychological effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). (United States)

    Carhart-Harris, R L; Kaelen, M; Bolstridge, M; Williams, T M; Williams, L T; Underwood, R; Feilding, A; Nutt, D J


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a potent serotonergic hallucinogen or psychedelic that modulates consciousness in a marked and novel way. This study sought to examine the acute and mid-term psychological effects of LSD in a controlled study. A total of 20 healthy volunteers participated in this within-subjects study. Participants received LSD (75 µg, intravenously) on one occasion and placebo (saline, intravenously) on another, in a balanced order, with at least 2 weeks separating sessions. Acute subjective effects were measured using the Altered States of Consciousness questionnaire and the Psychotomimetic States Inventory (PSI). A measure of optimism (the Revised Life Orientation Test), the Revised NEO Personality Inventory, and the Peter's Delusions Inventory were issued at baseline and 2 weeks after each session. LSD produced robust psychological effects; including heightened mood but also high scores on the PSI, an index of psychosis-like symptoms. Increased optimism and trait openness were observed 2 weeks after LSD (and not placebo) and there were no changes in delusional thinking. The present findings reinforce the view that psychedelics elicit psychosis-like symptoms acutely yet improve psychological wellbeing in the mid to long term. It is proposed that acute alterations in mood are secondary to a more fundamental modulation in the quality of cognition, and that increased cognitive flexibility subsequent to serotonin 2A receptor (5-HT2AR) stimulation promotes emotional lability during intoxication and leaves a residue of 'loosened cognition' in the mid to long term that is conducive to improved psychological wellbeing.


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    Veronika Agustini Srimulyani


    Full Text Available Keadilan organisasional memiliki potensi untuk menciptakan manfaat besar bagi organisasi dan karyawan, dan salah satu manfaatnya adalah menumbuhkan extra-role behavior (ERB atau organizational citizenship behavior (OCB. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis konsekuensi keadilan organisasional (keadilan distributif, keadilan prosedural, dan keadilan interaksional pada organizational citizenship behavior guru SMA dan guru SMK di Kota Madiun. OCB dibagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu citizenship behaviors directed toward individuals (OCB-I dan citizenship behaviors directed towards the organisation (OCB-O. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 409 guru, yang dipilih secara non-acak. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan: keadilan distributif dan keadilan interaksional berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap OCB-I dan OCB-O; keadilan prosedural tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap OCB-I tetapi keadilan prosedural berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap OCB-O.

  8. Tera Ulang Peran Profetik Tuan Guru dalam Konteks Kebebasan Beragama di Pulau Lombok

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    Fawaizul Umam


    Full Text Available Ulama (Islamic scholars play important role in culturally paternalistic societies. Their prophetic role is theologically idealized as successors of prophets’ risâlah, mission. However, historically speaking, history yet often features reality that differs from their normative role. This paper aims to reevaluate the prophetic role of ulama in Lombok, called tuan guru, in the context of religious freedom praxsis. It is found that what is held by tuan guru in the realm of socio-politico-cultural tend to differ from his own existential theological spirit as one of socio-religious institutions. In the context of the praxis of religious freedom, tuan guru in general tend to play a role as a breeder and booster of anti pluralism discourses. Considering the theological claims of Islam itself as a spreader of mercy for all as well as political-cultural claims that Lombok is religious island, the island of thousand mosques, the realm seems ironic.

  9. Crystal structure of histone demethylase LSD1 and tranylcypromine at 2.25 A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mimasu, Shinya; Sengoku, Toru; Fukuzawa, Seketsu; Umehara, Takashi; Yokoyama, Shigeyuki


    Transcriptional activity and chromatin structure accessibility are correlated with the methylation of specific histone residues. Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) is the first discovered histone demethylase, which demethylates Lys4 or Lys9 of histone H3, using FAD. Among the known monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tranylcypromine (Parnate) showed the most potent inhibitory effect on LSD1. Recently, the crystal structure of LSD1 and tranylcypromine was solved at 2.75 A, revealing a five-membered ring fused to the flavin of LSD1. In this study, we refined the crystal structure of the LSD1-tranylcypromine complex to 2.25 A. The five-membered ring model did not fit completely with the electron density, giving R work /R free values of 0.226/0.254. On the other hand, the N(5) adduct gave the lowest R work /R free values of 0.218/0.248, among the tested models. These results imply that the LSD1-tranylcypromine complex is not completely composed of the five-membered adduct, but partially contains an intermediate, such as the N(5) adduct

  10. Efficacy and enlightenment: LSD psychotherapy and the Drug Amendments of 1962. (United States)

    Oram, Matthew


    The decline in therapeutic research with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the United States over the course of the 1960s has commonly been attributed to the growing controversy surrounding its recreational use. However, research difficulties played an equal role in LSD psychotherapy's demise, as they frustrated researchers' efforts to clearly establish the efficacy of treatment. Once the Kefauver Harris Drug Amendments of 1962 introduced the requirement that proof of efficacy be established through controlled clinical trials before a drug could be approved to market, the value of clinical research became increasingly dependent on the scientific rigor of the trial's design. LSD psychotherapy's complex method of utilizing drug effects to catalyze a psychological treatment clashed with the controlled trial methodology on both theoretical and practical levels, making proof of efficacy difficult to obtain. Through a close examination of clinical trials performed after 1962, this article explores how the new emphasis on controlled clinical trials frustrated the progress of LSD psychotherapy research by focusing researchers' attention on trial design to the detriment of their therapeutic method. This analysis provides a new perspective on the death of LSD psychotherapy and explores the implications of the Drug Amendments of 1962.

  11. Transrepressive Function of TLX Requires the Histone Demethylase LSD1 ▿ † (United States)

    Yokoyama, Atsushi; Takezawa, Shinichiro; Schüle, Roland; Kitagawa, Hirochika; Kato, Shigeaki


    TLX is an orphan nuclear receptor (also called NR2E1) that regulates the expression of target genes by functioning as a constitutive transrepressor. The physiological significance of TLX in the cytodifferentiation of neural cells in the brain is known. However, the corepressors supporting the transrepressive function of TLX have yet to be identified. In this report, Y79 retinoblastoma cells were subjected to biochemical techniques to purify proteins that interact with TLX, and we identified LSD1 (also called KDM1), which appears to form a complex with CoREST and histone deacetylase 1. LSD1 interacted with TLX directly through its SWIRM and amine oxidase domains. LSD1 potentiated the transrepressive function of TLX through its histone demethylase activity as determined by a luciferase assay using a genomically integrated reporter gene. LSD1 and TLX were recruited to a TLX-binding site in the PTEN gene promoter, accompanied by the demethylation of H3K4me2 and deacetylation of H3. Knockdown of either TLX or LSD1 derepressed expression of the endogenous PTEN gene and inhibited cell proliferation of Y79 cells. Thus, the present study suggests that LSD1 is a prime corepressor for TLX. PMID:18391013

  12. Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Keterampilan Guru SD Muhammadiyah 4 Batu Dalam Mengelola Pembelajaran ABK melalui Lesson Study

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    Endang Poerwanti


    Full Text Available Anak-anak dengan kebutuhan khusus (ABK yang dikenal sebagai anak-anak cacat, atau anak-anak yang luar biasa, anak-anak yaitu yang menyimpang secara signifikan dari kriteria normal, baik dari aspek fisik, psikologis, emosional dan sosial. Mulai tahun 2001, pemerintah mulai program pendidikan inklusif, pendidikan inklusif adalah untuk memasukkan anak-anak dengan kebutuhan khusus belajar bersama dengan anak normal di kelas dan sekolah reguler. Masalahnya, guru di sekolah reguler tidak berpendidikan dan dipersiapkan khusus untuk mengelola proses belajar mengajar untuk ABK. Masalah juga dialami oleh SD Muhammadiyah 4 Batu, untuk membantu memecahkan masalah tim FKIP menerapkan aktivitas Lesson Study untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan guru dan keterampilan dalam mengelola ABK pembelajaran individual Lesson study yang dilakukan dalam tiga siklus yang dikemas dalam tiga model pembelajaran; ABK belajar sendiri di kelas khusus, pengajaran dan pembelajaran di kelas reguler dan pengajaran dan pembelajaran ABK di kelas reguler dengan bantuan GPK. Setiap siklus terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan. Studi pelajaran terdiri dari empat kegiatan yang disingkat PDCA; P (rencana atau perencanaan, D (lakukan adalah pelaksanaan pembelajaran oleh seorang guru sebagai model dan diamati oleh guru lainnya, C (cek merupakan cerminan dari perbaikan lebih lanjut proses pembelajaran, dan A (tindak adalah tindak lanjut.  Dari tiga tahapan pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar ABK dapat memberikan manfaat bagi para guru untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan untuk mengelola pembelajaran untuk ABK. Melalui Lesson Study diharapkan ABK mendapatkan layanan yang tepat dan belajar yang optimal. Beberapa temuan dampak pada perilaku siswa di kelas adalah bahwa siswa dapat menerima keberadaan ABK di. Meskipun keterbatasan kelas fasilitas guru mendapatkan pengalaman berharga yang terkait dengan pengembangan pembelajaran melalui forum ABK Lesson Study. Jadi kebutuhan untuk pelaksanaan tindak

  13. Interaction between LSD and dopamine D2/3 binding sites in pig brain. (United States)

    Minuzzi, Luciano; Nomikos, George G; Wade, Mark R; Jensen, Svend B; Olsen, Aage K; Cumming, Paul


    The psychoactive properties of the hallucinogen LSD have frequently been attributed to high affinity interactions with serotonin 5HT2 receptors in brain. Possible effects of LSD on dopamine D2/3 receptor availability have not previously been investigated in living brain. Therefore, we used PET to map the binding potential (pB) of [11C]raclopride in brain of three pigs, first in a baseline condition, and again at 1 and 4 h after administration of LSD (2.5 microg/kg, i.v.). There was a progressive treatment effect in striatum, where the pB was significantly reduced by 19% at 4 h after LSD administration. Concomitant maps of cerebral blood flow did not reveal significant changes in perfusion during this interval. Subsequent in vitro studies showed that LSD displaced [3H]raclopride (2 nM) from pig brain cryostat sections with an IC50 of 275 nM according to a one-site model. Fitting of a two-site model to the data suggested the presence of a component of the displacement curves with a subnanomolar IC50, comprising 20% of the total [3H]raclopride binding. In microdialysis experiments, LSD at similar and higher doses did not evoke changes in the interstitial concentration of dopamine or its acidic metabolites in rat striatum. Together, these results are consistent with a direct interaction between LSD and a portion of dopamine D2/3 receptors in pig brain, possibly contributing to the psychopharmacology of LSD. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  14. Chronic LSD alters gene expression profiles in the mPFC relevant to schizophrenia. (United States)

    Martin, David A; Marona-Lewicka, Danuta; Nichols, David E; Nichols, Charles D


    Chronic administration of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) every other day to rats results in a variety of abnormal behaviors. These build over the 90 day course of treatment and can persist at full strength for at least several months after cessation of treatment. The behaviors are consistent with those observed in animal models of schizophrenia and include hyperactivity, reduced sucrose-preference, and decreased social interaction. In order to elucidate molecular changes that underlie these aberrant behaviors, we chronically treated rats with LSD and performed RNA-sequencing on the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), an area highly associated with both the actions of LSD and the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and other psychiatric illnesses. We observed widespread changes in the neurogenetic state of treated animals four weeks after cessation of LSD treatment. QPCR was used to validate a subset of gene expression changes observed with RNA-Seq, and confirmed a significant correlation between the two methods. Functional clustering analysis indicates differentially expressed genes are enriched in pathways involving neurotransmission (Drd2, Gabrb1), synaptic plasticity (Nr2a, Krox20), energy metabolism (Atp5d, Ndufa1) and neuropeptide signaling (Npy, Bdnf), among others. Many processes identified as altered by chronic LSD are also implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, and genes affected by LSD are enriched with putative schizophrenia genes. Our results provide a relatively comprehensive analysis of mPFC transcriptional regulation in response to chronic LSD, and indicate that the long-term effects of LSD may bear relevance to psychiatric illnesses, including schizophrenia. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Mapping swamp timothy (Cripsis schenoides) seed productivity using spectral values and vegetation indices in managed wetlands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rahilly, P.J.A.; Li, D.; Guo, Q.; Zhu, J.; Ortega, R.; Quinn, N.W.T.; Harmon, T.C.


    This work examines the potential to predict the seed productivity of a key wetland plant species using spectral reflectance values and spectral vegetation indices. Specifically, the seed productivity of swamp timothy (Cripsis schenoides) was investigated in two wetland ponds, managed for waterfowl habitat, in California's San Joaquin Valley. Spectral reflectance values were obtained and associated spectral vegetation indices (SVI) calculated from two sets of high resolution aerial images (May 11, 2006 and June 9, 2006) and were compared to the collected vegetation data. Vegetation data were collected and analyzed from 156 plots for total aboveground biomass, total aboveground swamp timothy biomass, and total swamp timothy seed biomass. The SVI investigated included the Simple Ratio (SR), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (TSAVI), Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI), and Global Environment Monitoring Index (GEMI). We evaluated the correlation of the various SVI with in situ vegetation measurements for linear, quadratic, exponential and power functions. In all cases, the June image provided better predictive capacity relative to May, a result that underscores the importance of timing imagery to coincide with more favorable vegetation maturity. The north pond with the June image using SR and the exponential function (R{sup 2}=0.603) proved to be the best predictor of swamp timothy seed productivity. The June image for the south pond was less predictive, with TSAVI and the exponential function providing the best correlation (R{sup 2}=0.448). This result was attributed to insufficient vegetal cover in the south pond (or a higher percentage of bare soil) due to poor drainage conditions which resulted in a delay in swamp timothy germination. The results of this work suggest that spectral reflectance can be used to estimate seed productivity in managed seasonal

  16. Acute effects of LSD on amygdala activity during processing of fearful stimuli in healthy subjects. (United States)

    Mueller, F; Lenz, C; Dolder, P C; Harder, S; Schmid, Y; Lang, U E; Liechti, M E; Borgwardt, S


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) induces profound changes in various mental domains, including perception, self-awareness and emotions. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the acute effects of LSD on the neural substrate of emotional processing in humans. Using a double-blind, randomised, cross-over study design, placebo or 100 μg LSD were orally administered to 20 healthy subjects before the fMRI scan, taking into account the subjective and pharmacological peak effects of LSD. The plasma levels of LSD were determined immediately before and after the scan. The study (including the a priori-defined study end point) was registered at before study start (NCT02308969). The administration of LSD reduced reactivity of the left amygdala and the right medial prefrontal cortex relative to placebo during the presentation of fearful faces (PLSD-induced amygdala response to fearful stimuli and the LSD-induced subjective drug effects (PLSD modulates the engagement of brain regions that mediate emotional processing.

  17. Clinical studies of a purified timothy pollen extract: desensitization therapy with a purified timothy pollen preparation compared to a crude timothy pollen extract. II. Results of the tests in vitro and their relation to symptoms and tests in vivo. (United States)

    Nordvall, S L; Berg, T; Johansson, S G; Lanner, A


    Perennial desensitization therapy was given during a period of 3.5 years to 40 children allergic to grass pollen allergens. 20 patients were treated with a crude and another 20 with a purified timothy pollen extract. 8 children served as untreated controls. The concentration of total and specific IgE in the treated groups covaried with those in the control group. Neither a suppression of the seasonal booster effect nor a suppression of IgE synthesis attributable to the treatment was found. The rise of timothy-specific "blocking' IgG antibodies was more pronounced in the group treated with the purified extract than in the group treated with the crude extract. A significant difference was found only after 3.5 years of treatment. The amplitude of rise of IgG antibodies correlated significantly with the effect of the treatment as judged by repeated conjunctival titration test. The results suggest that a good IgG response is an indication of successful therapy and that a better IgG response may be achieved with purified allergen extracts.


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    Sheilla Az Zahra


    Full Text Available Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini antara lain : (1 Perencanaan pembelajaran PBL oleh guru Ekonomi (2 Pelaksanaan pembelajaran PBL oleh guru Ekonomi di SMAN 1 Sliyeg (3 Evaluasi pembelajaran PBL oleh guru Ekonomi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Sliyeg Kabupaten Indramayu. Alat analisis data adalah analisis interaksi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Informan utama adalah guru mata pelajaran Ekonomi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini meliputi : pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru mata pelajaran Ekonomi di SMAN 1 Sliyeg selalu membuat perangkat pembelajaran di awal semester dan selalu menyusun dan mempersiapkan RPP sebelum mengajar. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran PBL oleh guru Ekonomi sudah cukup baik dan guru pun cukup memahami mengenai PBL dan mendapat respon positif dari siswa. Evaluasi dan penilaian dari guru Ekonomi masing-masing mempunyai cara yang berbeda, seperti quiz dan tanya jawab, lalu guru memberi nilai tambahan kepada siswa yang aktif dalam menjawab. Saran yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah guru sebaiknya meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai pembelajaran PBL. Guru harus lebih berwawasan luas, meningkatkan kretivitas dan inovatif dalam pelaksanaan PBL. Guru harus memperluas wawasan dan lebih kreatif lagi dalam mengembangkan cara evaluasi pada akhir pembelajaran. One of these models is the learning of model PBL (Problem Based Learning. It is expected that a better model of PBL to increase student activity when compared with the model konvesional.So far this learning process is still dominated by a paradigm that states that a knowledge of the facts is to be memorized. Problems in this study include: (1 Planning of PBL learning by teachers of Economics (2 The implementation of PBL learning by Economics teacher at SMAN 1

  19. Interaction of electron neutrino with LSD detector (United States)

    Ryazhskaya, O. G.; Semenov, S. V.


    The interaction of electron neutrino flux, originating in the rotational collapse mechanism on the first stage of Supernova burst, with the LSD detector components, such as 56Fe (a large amount of this metal is included in as shielding material) and liquid scintillator barNnH2n+2, is being investigated. Both charged and neutral channels of neutrino reaction with 12barN and 56Fe are considered. Experimental data, giving the possibility to extract information for nuclear matrix elements calculation are used. The number of signals, produced in LSD by the neutrino pulse of Supernova 1987A is determined. The obtained results are in good agreement with experimental data.

  20. LSD-induced entropic brain activity predicts subsequent personality change. (United States)

    Lebedev, A V; Kaelen, M; Lövdén, M; Nilsson, J; Feilding, A; Nutt, D J; Carhart-Harris, R L


    Personality is known to be relatively stable throughout adulthood. Nevertheless, it has been shown that major life events with high personal significance, including experiences engendered by psychedelic drugs, can have an enduring impact on some core facets of personality. In the present, balanced-order, placebo-controlled study, we investigated biological predictors of post-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) changes in personality. Nineteen healthy adults underwent resting state functional MRI scans under LSD (75µg, I.V.) and placebo (saline I.V.). The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) was completed at screening and 2 weeks after LSD/placebo. Scanning sessions consisted of three 7.5-min eyes-closed resting-state scans, one of which involved music listening. A standardized preprocessing pipeline was used to extract measures of sample entropy, which characterizes the predictability of an fMRI time-series. Mixed-effects models were used to evaluate drug-induced shifts in brain entropy and their relationship with the observed increases in the personality trait openness at the 2-week follow-up. Overall, LSD had a pronounced global effect on brain entropy, increasing it in both sensory and hierarchically higher networks across multiple time scales. These shifts predicted enduring increases in trait openness. Moreover, the predictive power of the entropy increases was greatest for the music-listening scans and when "ego-dissolution" was reported during the acute experience. These results shed new light on how LSD-induced shifts in brain dynamics and concomitant subjective experience can be predictive of lasting changes in personality. Hum Brain Mapp 37:3203-3213, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) administration selectively downregulates serotonin2 receptors in rat brain. (United States)

    Buckholtz, N S; Zhou, D F; Freedman, D X; Potter, W Z


    A dosage regimen of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) that reliably produces behavioral tolerance in rats was evaluated for effects on neurotransmitter receptor binding in rat brain using a variety of radioligands selective for amine receptor subtypes. Daily administration of LSD [130 micrograms/kg (0.27 mumol/kg) intraperitoneally (IP)] for 5 days produced a decrease in serotonin2 (5-hydroxytryptamine2, 5-HT2) binding in cortex (measured 24 hours after the last drug administration) but did not affect binding to other receptor systems (5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, beta-adrenergic, alpha 1- or alpha 2-adrenergic, D2-dopaminergic) or to a recognition site for 5-HT uptake. The decrease was evident within 3 days of LSD administration but was not demonstrable after the first LSD dose. Following 5 days of LSD administration the decrease was still present 48 hours, but not 96 hours, after the last administration. The indole hallucinogen psilocybin [1.0 mg/kg (3.5 mumol/kg) for 8 days] also produced a significant decrease in 5HT2 binding, but neither the nonhallucinogenic analog bromo-LSD [1.3 mg/kg (2.4 mumol/kg) for 5 days] nor mescaline [10 mg/kg (40.3 mumol/kg) for 5 or 10 days] affected 5-HT2 binding. These observations suggest that LSD and other indole hallucinogens may act as 5-HT2 agonists at postsynaptic 5-HT2 receptors. Decreased 5-HT2 binding strikingly parallels the development and loss of behavioral tolerance seen with repeated LSD administration, but the decreased binding per se cannot explain the gamut of behavioral tolerance and cross-tolerance phenomena among the indole and phenylethylamine hallucinogens.

  2. Interaction of D-LSD with binding sites in brain: a study in vivo and in vitro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebersole, B.L.J.


    The localization of [ 3 H]-d-lysergic acid diethylamide ([ 3 H]LSD) binding sites in the mouse brain was compared in vivo and in vitro. Radioautography of brain sections incubated with [ 3 H]LSD in vitro revealed substantial specific [ 3 H]LSD binding in cortical layers III-IV and areas CA1 and dentate gyrus in hippocampus. In contrast, in brain sections from animals that received [ 3 H]LSD in vivo, binding in hippocampus was scant and diffuse, although the pattern of labeling in cortex was similar to that seen in vitro. The low specific binding in hippocampus relative to cortex was confirmed by homogenate filtration studies of brain areas from mice that received injections of [ 3 H]LSD. Time-course studies established that peak specific binding at ten minutes was the same in cortex and hippocampus. At all times, binding in hippocampus was about one-third of that in cortex; in contrast, the concentration of free [ 3 H]LSD did not vary between regions. This finding was unexpected, because binding studies in vitro in membrane preparations indicated that the density and affinity of [ 3 H]LSD binding sites were similar in both brain regions. Saturation binding studies in vivo showed that the lower amount of [ 3 H]LSD binding in hippocampus was attributable to a lower density of sites labeled by [ 3 H]LSD. The pharmacological identify of [ 3 H]LSD binding sites in vivo may be relevant to the hallucinogenic properties of LSD and of other related hallucinogens

  3. Hubungan kompetensi pedagogis dan kompetensi profesional guru PPKn dengan prestasi belajar siswa sekolah menengah

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    Vinta Larasati


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kompetensi pedagogis dan kompetensi profesional guru PPKn dengan prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Negeri se-Kota Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian ini adalah korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif.  Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui angket dan dokumentasi. Analisis data untuk pengujian hipotesis menggunakan korelasi product moment sederhana dan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa: 1 terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara kompetensi pedagogis guru PPKn dengan prestasi belajar PPKn siswa. Kekuatan hubungan menunjukkan arah kekuatan dalam kategori sangat kuat. 2 terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara kompetensi profesional guru PPKn dengan prestasi belajar PPKn siswa. Kekuatan hubungan antara kedua variabel menunjukkan arah dalam kategori sangat kuat. 3 Terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan kompetensi pedagogis dan kompetensi profesional guru PPKn dengan prestasi belajar siswa. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This research was aimed at explaining the relationship between pedagogical and professional competency among PPKn teachers and students’ achievement at SMAN (State-owned Senior High Schools in Yogyakarta city. It was a correlational study with quantitative approach. Data was analyzed statistically to test the hypotheses using product moment test. The results are follows. 1 there is a positive and significant correlation between teachers’ pedagogical competency and students’ achievement. 2 there is a positive and significant correlation between teachers’ professional competency and students’ achievement. 3 there is a positive and significant correlation between teachers’ pedagogical and professional competency and students’ achievement.


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    Lutviani Rahayu


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja guru di SMP Negeri 5 Magelang baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah guru PNS di SMP Negeri 5 Magelang sebanyak 38 responden. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa persamaan garis regresi linier berganda yaitu Y = 0,182 + 0,283 + e; Y (kinerja guru, X1 (motivasi, X2 (kepuasan kerja. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh antara motivasi dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja guru di SMP Negeri 5 Magelang. OutputSPSS pengaruh X1 terhadap Y sebesar 0,643 dengan nilai hubungan parsial sebesar 12,1% pada taraf signifikansi 0,035, sedangkan X2 terhadap Y sebesar 0,178 dengan hubungan parsial sebesar 17,8% pada taraf signifikansi 0,011. Jadi semakin baik motivasi dan kepuasan kerja maka semakin baik pula kinerja guru. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an influence of motivation and job satisfaction on theteachers’ performance in SMP Negeri 5 Magelang either simultaneously or partially. The population in this research was a public civil servants in SMP Negeri 5 Magelang are 38 respondents. The collecting method was questionnaire and documentation. The analysis data technique were descriptive. The analysis showed that the multiple linear regression equation is Y = 0,182X1 + 0,283X2 + E, with Y (teachers’ performance, X1 (motivation, X2 (job satisfaction. These results indicated that there was an influence of motivation and job satisfaction on the teachers’s performance in SMP Negeri 5 Magelang. The SPSS output effect of X1 on Y of 0.643 with a value 12.1% partial relationship at a significance level of 0.035, while the X2 to Y of 0.178 with 17.8% partial relations at a significance level of 0.011. So the better motivation and job satisfaction, the better the

  5. d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) as a Model of Psychosis: Mechanism of Action and Pharmacology. (United States)

    De Gregorio, Danilo; Comai, Stefano; Posa, Luca; Gobbi, Gabriella


    d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) is known for its hallucinogenic properties and psychotic-like symptoms, especially at high doses. It is indeed used as a pharmacological model of psychosis in preclinical research. The goal of this review was to understand the mechanism of action of psychotic-like effects of LSD. We searched Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar and articles' reference lists for preclinical studies regarding the mechanism of action involved in the psychotic-like effects induced by LSD. LSD's mechanism of action is pleiotropic, primarily mediated by the serotonergic system in the Dorsal Raphe, binding the 5-HT 2A receptor as a partial agonist and 5-HT 1A as an agonist. LSD also modulates the Ventral Tegmental Area, at higher doses, by stimulating dopamine D₂, Trace Amine Associate receptor 1 (TAAR₁) and 5-HT 2A . More studies clarifying the mechanism of action of the psychotic-like symptoms or psychosis induced by LSD in humans are needed. LSD's effects are mediated by a pleiotropic mechanism involving serotonergic, dopaminergic, and glutamatergic neurotransmission. Thus, the LSD-induced psychosis is a useful model to test the therapeutic efficacy of potential novel antipsychotic drugs, particularly drugs with dual serotonergic and dopaminergic (DA) mechanism or acting on TAAR₁ receptors.

  6. The Role of Programmed Cell Death Regulator LSD1 in Nematode-Induced Syncytium Formation

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    Mateusz Matuszkiewicz


    Full Text Available Cyst-forming plant-parasitic nematodes are common pests of many crops. They inject secretions into host cells to induce the developmental and metabolic reprogramming that leads to the formation of a syncytium, which is the sole food source for growing nematodes. As in other host-parasite models, avirulence leads to rapid and local programmed cell death (PCD known as the hypersensitive response (HR, whereas in the case of virulence, PCD is still observed but is limited to only some cells. Several regulators of PCD were analyzed to understand the role of PCD in compatible plant–nematode interactions. Thus, Arabidopsis plants carrying recessive mutations in LESION SIMULATING DISEASE1 (LSD1 family genes were subjected to nematode infection assays with juveniles of Heterodera schachtii. LSD1 is a negative and conditional regulator of PCD, and fewer and smaller syncytia were induced in the roots of lsd1 mutants than in wild-type Col-0 plants. Mutation in LSD ONE LIKE2 (LOL2 revealed a pattern of susceptibility to H. schachtii antagonistic to lsd1. Syncytia induced on lsd1 roots compared to Col0 showed significantly retarded growth, modified cell wall structure, increased vesiculation, and some myelin-like bodies present at 7 and 12 days post-infection. To place these data in a wider context, RNA-sequencing analysis of infected and uninfected roots was conducted. During nematode infection, the number of transcripts with changed expression in lsd1 was approximately three times smaller than in wild-type plants (1440 vs. 4206 differentially expressed genes, respectively. LSD1-dependent PCD in roots is thus a highly regulated process in compatible plant–nematode interactions. Two genes identified in this analysis, coding for AUTOPHAGY-RELATED PROTEIN 8F and 8H were down-regulated in syncytia in the presence of LSD1 and showed an increased susceptibility to nematode infection contrasting with lsd1 phenotype. Our data indicate that molecular regulators

  7. The Role of Programmed Cell Death Regulator LSD1 in Nematode-Induced Syncytium Formation (United States)

    Matuszkiewicz, Mateusz; Sobczak, Miroslaw; Cabrera, Javier; Escobar, Carolina; Karpiński, Stanislaw; Filipecki, Marcin


    Cyst-forming plant-parasitic nematodes are common pests of many crops. They inject secretions into host cells to induce the developmental and metabolic reprogramming that leads to the formation of a syncytium, which is the sole food source for growing nematodes. As in other host-parasite models, avirulence leads to rapid and local programmed cell death (PCD) known as the hypersensitive response (HR), whereas in the case of virulence, PCD is still observed but is limited to only some cells. Several regulators of PCD were analyzed to understand the role of PCD in compatible plant–nematode interactions. Thus, Arabidopsis plants carrying recessive mutations in LESION SIMULATING DISEASE1 (LSD1) family genes were subjected to nematode infection assays with juveniles of Heterodera schachtii. LSD1 is a negative and conditional regulator of PCD, and fewer and smaller syncytia were induced in the roots of lsd1 mutants than in wild-type Col-0 plants. Mutation in LSD ONE LIKE2 (LOL2) revealed a pattern of susceptibility to H. schachtii antagonistic to lsd1. Syncytia induced on lsd1 roots compared to Col0 showed significantly retarded growth, modified cell wall structure, increased vesiculation, and some myelin-like bodies present at 7 and 12 days post-infection. To place these data in a wider context, RNA-sequencing analysis of infected and uninfected roots was conducted. During nematode infection, the number of transcripts with changed expression in lsd1 was approximately three times smaller than in wild-type plants (1440 vs. 4206 differentially expressed genes, respectively). LSD1-dependent PCD in roots is thus a highly regulated process in compatible plant–nematode interactions. Two genes identified in this analysis, coding for AUTOPHAGY-RELATED PROTEIN 8F and 8H were down-regulated in syncytia in the presence of LSD1 and showed an increased susceptibility to nematode infection contrasting with lsd1 phenotype. Our data indicate that molecular regulators belonging to the

  8. URGENSI TUNTUTAN PROFESIONALISME DAN HARAPAN MENJADI GURU BERKARAKTER (Studi Kasus: Sekolah Dasar dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kabupaten Batubara

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    Deny Setiawan


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan profesionalisme guru, kualitas anak didik, dan guru yang berkarakter. Populasi penelitian adalah guru SD di Provinsi Sumatera Utara dengan sampel yang diambil secara purposive, yaitu Kabupaten Batubara. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes, wawancara, FGD, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan teknik statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa nilai UKG SD dan SMP tahun 2013 di Kabupaten Batubara secara nasional sangat rendah, bahkan ada yang memiliki nilai kompetensi 1,0. Nilai rata-rata kompetensi guru hanya sebesar 39,61 untuk guru SD, masih berada di bawah nilai rata-rata secara nasional dan Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Nilai UKG SMP sebesar 46,86 masih berada di bawah nilai rata-rata nasional. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa sebagian guru di Batubara masih memiliki profesionalisme yang rendah dalam melakukan tugas profesinya sehingga ke depan diharapkan perkembangan karakter guru yang berkualitas. THE URGENT DEMAND FOR PROFESSIONALISM AND THE HOPE FOR TEACHERS WITH GOOD CHARACTERS Abstract: The purpose of this research is to describe the improvement of teachers’ professionalism, students’ quality and teachers’ characters. The research population was primary school teachers in North Sumatra in Batubara Regency who were recruited through purposive sampling. Data were collected through test, interview, FGD and documentation study. The research results show that the value of UKG at elementary and secondary schools in 2013 in Batubara Regency, is very low, and some schools even have the competence value as much as 1.0. The average of primary school teachers’ competence is only 39.61, below the national and provincial average. While the SMP UKG value is 46.86 which is still below the national average. It shows that some teachers in Batubara are still less professional and thus need to further develop

  9. LSD, 5-HT (serotonin), and the evolution of a behavioral assay. (United States)

    Appel, James B; West, William B; Buggy, James


    Research in our laboratory, supported by NIDA and facilitated by Roger Brown, has indicated that serotonergic neuronal systems are involved in the discriminative stimulus effects of LSD. However, the only compounds that fully antagonize the LSD cue act at both serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) receptors. In addition, substitution for LSD in standard drug vs. no-drug (DND) discriminations does not necessarily predict either similar mechanisms of action or hallucinogenic potency because 'false positives' occur when animals are given drugs such as lisuride (LHM), quipazine, or, possibly, yohimbine. These effects can be greatly reduced by using drug vs. drug (D-D), drug vs. drug vs. no drug (D-ND), or drug vs. ' other' drug (saline, cocaine, pentobarbital) training procedures. Additional studies, in which drugs were administered directly into the cerebral ventricles or specific brain areas, suggest that structures containing terminal fields of serotonergic neurons might be involved in the stimulus effects of LSD.

  10. In vivo binding of 125I-LSD to serotonin 5-HT2 receptors in mouse brain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartig, P.R.; Scheffel, U.; Frost, J.J.; Wagner, H.N. Jr.


    The binding of 125 I-LSD (2-[ 125 I]-lysergic acid diethylamide) was studied in various mouse brain regions following intravenous injection of the radioligand. The high specific activity of 125 I-LSD enabled the injection of low mass doses (14ng/kg), which are well below the threshold for induction of any known physiological effect of the probe. The highest levels of 125 I-LSD binding were found in the frontal cortex, olfactory tubercles, extra-frontal cortex and striatum while the lowest level was found in the cerebellum. Binding was saturable in the frontal cortex but increased linearly in the cerebellum with increasing doses of 125 I-LSD. Serotonergic compounds potently inhibited 125 I-LSD binding in cortical regions, olfactory tubercles, and hypothalamus but had no effect in the cerebellum. Dopaminergic compounds caused partial inhibition of binding in the striatum while adrenergic compounds were inactive. From these studies the authors conclude that 125 I-LSD labels serotonin 5-HT 2 receptor sites in cortical regions with no indication that other receptor sites are labeled. In the olfactory tubercles and hypothalamus, 125 I-LSD labeling occurs predominantly or entirely at serotonic 5-HT 2 sites. In the striatum, 125 I-LSD labels approximately equal proportions of serotonergic and dopaminergic sites. These data indicate that 125 I-LSD labels serotonin receptors in vivo and suggests that appropriate derivatives of 2I-LSD may prove useful for tomographic imaging of serotonin 5-HT 2 receptors in the mammalian cortex

  11. Chronic intraventricular administration of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) affects the sensitivity of cortical cells to monocular deprivation. (United States)

    McCall, M A; Tieman, D G; Hirsch, H V


    In kittens, but not in adult cats, depriving one eye of pattern vision by suturing the lids shut (monocular deprivation or MD) for one week reduces the proportion of binocular units in the visual cortex. A sensitivity of cortical units in adult cats to MD can be produced by infusing exogenous monoamines into the visual cortex. Since LSD interacts with monoamines, we have examined the effects of chronic administration of LSD on the sensitivity to MD for cortical cells in adult cats. Cats were assigned randomly to one of four conditions: MD/LSD, MD/No-LSD, No-MD/LSD, No-MD/No-LSD. An osmotic minipump delivered either LSD or the vehicle solution alone during a one-week period of MD. The animals showed no obvious anomalies during the administration of the drug. After one week the response properties of single units in area 17 of the visual cortex were studied without knowledge of the contents of the individual minipumps. With the exception of ocular dominance, the response properties of units recorded in all animals did not differ from normal. In the control animals (MD/No-LSD, No-MD/LSD, No-MD/No-LSD) the average proportion of binocular cells was 78%; similar to that observed for normal adult cats. However, in the experimental animals, which received LSD during the period of MD, only 52% of the cells were binocular. Our results suggest that chronic intraventricular administration of LSD affects either directly or indirectly the sensitivity of cortical neurons to MD.

  12. Radioimmunoassay of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in serum and urine by using antisera of different specificities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ratcliffe, W.A.; Fletcher, S.M.; Moffat, A.C.; Ratcliffe, J.G.; Harland, W.A.; Levitt, T.E.


    We raised high-titre antisera to two LSD-bovine serum albumin conjugates, one linked via the indole nitrogen, the other via the amide side-chain. The antisera were specific for different parts of the LSD molecule, as demonstrated by cross-reactivity studies with LSD, its metabolites, ergot alkaloids, and closely related compounds. The antisera were used to develop a double-antibody radioimmunoassay with a detection limit of about 0.4 μg of LSD per liter of unextracted urine or serum. We saw no nonspecific interference by urine, serum, or from a series of commonly used drugs. There was good correlation between immunoassay values obtained with the two antisera (r = 0.91). However, the antiserum linked via the indole nitrogen gave consistently higher results for samples from persons who had taken LSD, owing to greater cross-reactivity with LSD metabolites. Radioimmunoassay by use of two such antisera is a more specific screening procedure for LSD abuse than has been available previously. In addition, antisera cross-reacting with LSD metabolites allow measurement of these compounds, for which there is no satisfactory method at the concentrations found in biological fluids in man

  13. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) for alcoholism: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. (United States)

    Krebs, Teri S; Johansen, Pål-Ørjan


    Assessments of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the treatment of alcoholism have not been based on quantitative meta-analysis. Hence, we performed a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in order to evaluate the clinical efficacy of LSD in the treatment of alcoholism. Two reviewers independently extracted the data, pooling the effects using odds ratios (ORs) by a generic inverse variance, random effects model. We identified six eligible trials, including 536 participants. There was evidence for a beneficial effect of LSD on alcohol misuse (OR, 1.96; 95% CI, 1.36-2.84; p = 0.0003). Between-trial heterogeneity for the treatment effects was negligible (I² = 0%). Secondary outcomes, risk of bias and limitations are discussed. A single dose of LSD, in the context of various alcoholism treatment programs, is associated with a decrease in alcohol misuse.

  14. Posthumous Pardons, the Home Office and the Timothy Evans Case


    Rubin, Gerry


    Examines the legal issues surrounding the exercise of the prerogative of mercy to grant posthumous pardons either to those convicted of a capital offence or those executed for offences under military law, specifically during the First World War. Focuses on the policy considerations leading to the Home Secretary’s decision to recommend the grant of a posthumous pardon for Timothy Evans in 1966.


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    Oky Estiana Putri


    Full Text Available Pada era globalisasi dewasa ini pendidikan menjadi sangatpenting. Bekal pendidikan yang dimiliki suatu masyarakat akan berkembang secara baik, dan tidak dapat dipungkiri masyarakat tersebut semakin berkualitas sertamampu bersaing secara kompetitif di era persaingan yang semakin ketat. Dalam suasana kompetitif semacam ini diperlukan sumber daya yang berkualitas. Untuk menciptakan sumber daya berkualitas diperlukan pendidik yang profesional. Keprofesionalan seorang pendidik dapat dilihat melalui kinerjanya yang baik. Kondisi di lapangan, kinerja guru di Kota Magelang masih belum optimal. Populasi penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran Ekonomi/Akuntasi SMA/MA Negeri di Kota Magelang yang berjumlah 30 orang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data variabel dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman kurikulum, supervisi akademik, dan fasilitas kerja berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 82,8%. Pengaruh secara parsial juga didapatkan pada variable independen terhadap variabel dependen. Pemahaman kurikulum berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru ekonomi SMA/MA Negeri sebesar 24,70%. Supervisi akademik berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru ekonomi SMA/MA Negeri sebesar 19,54%, serta fasilitas kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 23,42%. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah para guru hendaknya lebih meningkatkan pemahaman kurikulum supaya kinerjanya semakin baik. Bagi kepala sekolah hendaknya lebih memperhatikan lagi guru-guru dengan kegiatan supervisi akademik, dengan merasa diperhatikan, mendapat dorongan dan bantuan dari kepala sekolah guru akan lebih berusaha meningkatkan kinerjanya menjadi semakin baik. Sekolah hendaknya menyediakan fasilitas kerja yang lebih baik lagi, nyaman dan lengkap supaya guru merasa puas dan kinerjanya akan semakin baik. In the era of globalization


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    Umasih Umasih


    Full Text Available This article reveals how the educational policy in Indonesia during The Old Order. The domination of government (Soekarno as expressed in the domination theory by Antonio Gramsci which a politic is a commander and it can dominate whole Indonesia society life including an educational aspect. Furthermore, Soekarno as an individual manivesto has given a space for PKI because of their closeness. When the Minister, Prijono, issued a decision concerning about Pancawardhana Educational System, The Institution of National Education which is affiliated by PKI giving a formulation of Pancacinta. An education in the political manifesto obliges teachers enter into a practical politics life, teachers have to be revolutionary . It means that the learning practice is given toward students through indoctrination.  No less than 2000 teachers in the East java and the Cental Java finally became PKI members, then about  580 teachers of elementary school from the West Java. Even PKI has succeeded to divide the organization of teacher’s membership into The Cental Vak PGRI and  non Vak Central PGRI. Keywords : The Old Order, The Pacawardhana Educational System, the performance of elementary teachers.  Artikel ini mengungkapkan bagaimana kebijakan pendidikan Indonesia pada masa Orde Lama. Dominasi pemerintah (Soekarno seperti diungkapkan dalam teori  dominasi oleh ntonio Gramsci di mana politik adalah panglima dan dapat mendominasi segala kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia termasuk dalam bidang pendidikan. Tidak hanya itu, Presiden Soekarno sebagai manivesto perseorangan  juga  telah  memberi ruang gerak pada PKI karena kedekatan hubungannya dengan Presiden Soekarno.  Ketika Menteri Prijono mengeluarkan keputusan tentang Sistem Pendidikan Pancawardhana, Lembaga Pendidikan Nasional yang berafiliasi dengan PKI memberi rumusan tentang Pancacinta. Pendidikan dalam alam manipol mengharuskan guru terjun dalam kehidupan politik praktis, guru harus revolusioner yang


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    - Susilawati


    Full Text Available Abstract:. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of Project Based Learning (PjBL of writing skills on Science teaching materials to elementary school teachers candidates.This research used experimental methods (single-one group pretest-posttest design with instruments such as portofolio assessment sheets, observation sheets, and  questionnaire sheets .The effectiveness of analyzing used n-gain and t-test .The subject of this research is elementary school teachers candidates who contracted “Science Learning”subject  in a program study teacher education of elementary school at University Muhammadiyah Cirebon. The findings of this study has produced a contextual book for Science teaching material. In addition, there is an increased of elementary school teachers candidates who prepared the teaching materials in a printed form relevant to the needs and characters of the students as well as the curriculum. It is proven by assessments that the ability rose significantly from 2,71 (category  is adequate skill to 3,83 (category is skilled and supported by the n-gain value  at 0,87. Based on the t-test count of 8,050 larger than t-table 2,045. Recommendations from this research is that PjBL as a learning model could become one of the alternative learning models to improve writing skills material for elementary school teachers candidates. Keyword: Project-Based-Learning, science-materials-teaching, elementary-schoo-teachers- candidates.   Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis efektivitas Project Based Learning (PjBL terhadap keterampilan menulis bahan ajar IPA Calon Guru SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen (Single-One Group Pretest-Posttest Design dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa lembar penilaian portofolio, lembar observasi, dan lembar angket. Efektivitas dianalisis menggunakan n-gain dan uji T. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa calon guru yang mengontrak matakuliah Pembelajaran IPA di

  18. LSD1 dual function in mediating epigenetic corruption of the vitamin D signaling in prostate cancer. (United States)

    Battaglia, Sebastiano; Karasik, Ellen; Gillard, Bryan; Williams, Jennifer; Winchester, Trisha; Moser, Michael T; Smiraglia, Dominic J; Foster, Barbara A


    Lysine-specific demethylase 1A (LSD1) is a key regulator of the androgen (AR) and estrogen receptors (ER), and LSD1 levels correlate with tumor aggressiveness. Here, we demonstrate that LSD1 regulates vitamin D receptor (VDR) activity and is a mediator of 1,25(OH) 2 -D 3 (vitamin D) action in prostate cancer (PCa). Athymic nude mice were xenografted with CWR22 cells and monitored weekly after testosterone pellet removal. Expression of LSD1 and VDR (IHC) were correlated with tumor growth using log-rank test. TRAMP tumors and prostates from wild-type (WT) mice were used to evaluate VDR and LSD1 expression via IHC and western blotting. The presence of VDR and LSD1 in the same transcriptional complex was evaluated via immunoprecipitation (IP) using nuclear cell lysate. The effect of LSD1 and 1,25(OH) 2 -D 3 on cell viability was evaluated in C4-2 and BC1A cells via trypan blue exclusion. The role of LSD1 in VDR-mediated gene transcription was evaluated for Cdkn1a , E2f1 , Cyp24a1 , and S100g via qRT-PCR-TaqMan and via chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. Methylation of Cdkn1a TSS was measured via bisulfite sequencing, and methylation of a panel of cancer-related genes was quantified using methyl arrays. The Cancer Genome Atlas data were retrieved to identify genes whose status correlates with LSD1 and DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1). Results were correlated with patients' survival data from two separate cohorts of primary and metastatic PCa. LSD1 and VDR protein levels are elevated in PCa tumors and correlate with faster tumor growth in xenograft mouse models. Knockdown of LSD1 reduces PCa cell viability, and gene expression data suggest a dual coregulatory role of LSD1 for VDR, acting as a coactivator and corepressor in a locus-specific manner. LSD1 modulates VDR-dependent transcription by mediating the recruitment of VDR and DNMT1 at the TSS of VDR-targeted genes and modulates the epigenetic status of transcribed genes by altering H3K4me2 and H3K9Ac and DNA

  19. ERRα induces H3K9 demethylation by LSD1 to promote cell invasion (United States)

    Carnesecchi, Julie; Forcet, Christelle; Zhang, Ling; Tribollet, Violaine; Barenton, Bruno; Boudra, Rafik; Cerutti, Catherine; Billas, Isabelle M. L.; Sérandour, Aurélien A.; Carroll, Jason S.; Beaudoin, Claude; Vanacker, Jean-Marc


    Lysine Specific Demethylase 1 (LSD1) removes mono- and dimethyl groups from lysine 4 of histone H3 (H3K4) or H3K9, resulting in repressive or activating (respectively) transcriptional histone marks. The mechanisms that control the balance between these two antagonist activities are not understood. We here show that LSD1 and the orphan nuclear receptor estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) display commonly activated genes. Transcriptional activation by LSD1 and ERRα involves H3K9 demethylation at the transcriptional start site (TSS). Strikingly, ERRα is sufficient to induce LSD1 to demethylate H3K9 in vitro. The relevance of this mechanism is highlighted by functional data. LSD1 and ERRα coregulate several target genes involved in cell migration, including the MMP1 matrix metallo-protease, also activated through H3K9 demethylation at the TSS. Depletion of LSD1 or ERRα reduces the cellular capacity to invade the extracellular matrix, a phenomenon that is rescued by MMP1 reexpression. Altogether our results identify a regulatory network involving a direct switch in the biochemical activities of a histone demethylase, leading to increased cell invasion. PMID:28348226

  20. ERRα induces H3K9 demethylation by LSD1 to promote cell invasion. (United States)

    Carnesecchi, Julie; Forcet, Christelle; Zhang, Ling; Tribollet, Violaine; Barenton, Bruno; Boudra, Rafik; Cerutti, Catherine; Billas, Isabelle M L; Sérandour, Aurélien A; Carroll, Jason S; Beaudoin, Claude; Vanacker, Jean-Marc


    Lysine Specific Demethylase 1 (LSD1) removes mono- and dimethyl groups from lysine 4 of histone H3 (H3K4) or H3K9, resulting in repressive or activating (respectively) transcriptional histone marks. The mechanisms that control the balance between these two antagonist activities are not understood. We here show that LSD1 and the orphan nuclear receptor estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) display commonly activated genes. Transcriptional activation by LSD1 and ERRα involves H3K9 demethylation at the transcriptional start site (TSS). Strikingly, ERRα is sufficient to induce LSD1 to demethylate H3K9 in vitro. The relevance of this mechanism is highlighted by functional data. LSD1 and ERRα coregulate several target genes involved in cell migration, including the MMP1 matrix metallo-protease, also activated through H3K9 demethylation at the TSS. Depletion of LSD1 or ERRα reduces the cellular capacity to invade the extracellular matrix, a phenomenon that is rescued by MMP1 reexpression. Altogether our results identify a regulatory network involving a direct switch in the biochemical activities of a histone demethylase, leading to increased cell invasion.

  1. ERRα protein is stabilized by LSD1 in a demethylation-independent manner.

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    Julie Carnesecchi

    Full Text Available The LSD1 histone demethylase is highly expressed in breast tumors where it constitutes a factor of poor prognosis and promotes traits of cancer aggressiveness such as cell invasiveness. Recent work has shown that the Estrogen-Related Receptor α (ERRα induces LSD1 to demethylate the Lys 9 of histone H3. This results in the transcriptional activation of a number of common target genes, several of which being involved in cellular invasion. High expression of ERRα protein is also a factor of poor prognosis in breast tumors. Here we show that, independently of its demethylase activities, LSD1 protects ERRα from ubiquitination, resulting in overexpression of the latter protein. Our data also suggests that the elevation of LSD1 mRNA and protein in breast cancer (as compared to normal tissue may be a key event to increase ERRα protein, independently of its corresponding mRNA.

  2. ERRα protein is stabilized by LSD1 in a demethylation-independent manner. (United States)

    Carnesecchi, Julie; Cerutti, Catherine; Vanacker, Jean-Marc; Forcet, Christelle


    The LSD1 histone demethylase is highly expressed in breast tumors where it constitutes a factor of poor prognosis and promotes traits of cancer aggressiveness such as cell invasiveness. Recent work has shown that the Estrogen-Related Receptor α (ERRα) induces LSD1 to demethylate the Lys 9 of histone H3. This results in the transcriptional activation of a number of common target genes, several of which being involved in cellular invasion. High expression of ERRα protein is also a factor of poor prognosis in breast tumors. Here we show that, independently of its demethylase activities, LSD1 protects ERRα from ubiquitination, resulting in overexpression of the latter protein. Our data also suggests that the elevation of LSD1 mRNA and protein in breast cancer (as compared to normal tissue) may be a key event to increase ERRα protein, independently of its corresponding mRNA.

  3. Dreamlike effects of LSD on waking imagery in humans depend on serotonin 2A receptor activation. (United States)

    Kraehenmann, Rainer; Pokorny, Dan; Vollenweider, Leonie; Preller, Katrin H; Pokorny, Thomas; Seifritz, Erich; Vollenweider, Franz X


    Accumulating evidence indicates that the mixed serotonin and dopamine receptor agonist lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) induces an altered state of consciousness that resembles dreaming. This study aimed to test the hypotheses that LSD produces dreamlike waking imagery and that this imagery depends on 5-HT2A receptor activation and is related to subjective drug effects. Twenty-five healthy subjects performed an audiorecorded guided mental imagery task 7 h after drug administration during three drug conditions: placebo, LSD (100 mcg orally) and LSD together with the 5-HT2A receptor antagonist ketanserin (40 mg orally). Cognitive bizarreness of guided mental imagery reports was quantified as a standardised formal measure of dream mentation. State of consciousness was evaluated using the Altered State of Consciousness (5D-ASC) questionnaire. LSD, compared with placebo, significantly increased cognitive bizarreness (p < 0.001). The LSD-induced increase in cognitive bizarreness was positively correlated with the LSD-induced loss of self-boundaries and cognitive control (p < 0.05). Both LSD-induced increases in cognitive bizarreness and changes in state of consciousness were fully blocked by ketanserin. LSD produced mental imagery similar to dreaming, primarily via activation of the 5-HT2A receptor and in relation to loss of self-boundaries and cognitive control. Future psychopharmacological studies should assess the differential contribution of the D2/D1 and 5-HT1A receptors to cognitive bizarreness.

  4. A review of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the treatment of addictions: historical perspectives and future prospects. (United States)

    Liester, Mitchell B


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a semisynthetic compound with strong psychoactive properties. Chemically related to serotonin, LSD was initially hypothesized to produce a psychosislike state. Later, LSD was reported to have benefits in the treatment of addictions. However, widespread indiscriminate use and reports of adverse affects resulted in the classification of LSD as an illicit drug with no accepted medical use. This article reviews LSD's storied history from its discovery, to its use as a research tool, followed by its widespread association with the counterculture movement of the 1960s, and finally to its rebirth as a medicine with potential benefits in the treatment of addictions. LSD's pharmacology, phenomenology, effects at neurotransmitter receptors, and effects on patterns of gene expression are reviewed. Based upon a review of the literature, it is concluded that further research into LSD's potential as a treatment for addictions is warranted.


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    Rosita Primasari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi yang menggambarkan tentang penggunaan media pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh guru biologi dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lima MAN yang ada di Jakarta Selatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah lima orang guru biologi dan 153 siswa kelas X. Hasil penelitian yang didapat bahwa media yang sering digunakan oleh guru di kelas pada pembelajaran biologi adalah ICT atau multimedia, media gambar diam, dan media gambar gerak, sedangkan media yang jarang digunakan adalah media relia dan film dengan suara. Guru mempertimbangkan karakteristik konsep biologi dalam menentukan media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi yang menggambarkan tentang penggunaan media pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh guru biologi dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lima MAN yang ada di Jakarta Selatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah lima orang guru biologi dan 153 siswa kelas X. Hasil penelitian yang didapat bahwa media yang sering digunakan oleh guru di kelas pada pembelajaran biologi adalah ICT atau multimedia, media gambar diam, dan media gambar gerak, sedangkan media yang jarang digunakan adalah media relia dan film dengan suara. Guru mempertimbangkan karakteristik konsep biologi dalam menentukan media pembelajaran. Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE LsdException Locked="false" Pri

  6. LSD modulates music-induced imagery via changes in parahippocampal connectivity. (United States)

    Kaelen, Mendel; Roseman, Leor; Kahan, Joshua; Santos-Ribeiro, Andre; Orban, Csaba; Lorenz, Romy; Barrett, Frederick S; Bolstridge, Mark; Williams, Tim; Williams, Luke; Wall, Matthew B; Feilding, Amanda; Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh; Nutt, David J; Carhart-Harris, Robin


    Psychedelic drugs such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) were used extensively in psychiatry in the past and their therapeutic potential is beginning to be re-examined today. Psychedelic psychotherapy typically involves a patient lying with their eyes-closed during peak drug effects, while listening to music and being supervised by trained psychotherapists. In this context, music is considered to be a key element in the therapeutic model; working in synergy with the drug to evoke therapeutically meaningful thoughts, emotions and imagery. The underlying mechanisms involved in this process have, however, never been formally investigated. Here we studied the interaction between LSD and music-listening on eyes-closed imagery by means of a placebo-controlled, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. Twelve healthy volunteers received intravenously administered LSD (75µg) and, on a separate occasion, placebo, before being scanned under eyes-closed resting conditions with and without music-listening. The parahippocampal cortex (PHC) has previously been linked with (1) music-evoked emotion, (2) the action of psychedelics, and (3) mental imagery. Imaging analyses therefore focused on changes in the connectivity profile of this particular structure. Results revealed increased PHC-visual cortex (VC) functional connectivity and PHC to VC information flow in the interaction between music and LSD. This latter result correlated positively with ratings of enhanced eyes-closed visual imagery, including imagery of an autobiographical nature. These findings suggest a plausible mechanism by which LSD works in combination with music listening to enhance certain subjective experiences that may be useful in a therapeutic context. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.

  7. LSD-based analysis of high-resolution stellar spectra (United States)

    Tsymbal, V.; Tkachenko, A.; Van, Reeth T.


    We present a generalization of the method of least-squares deconvolution (LSD), a powerful tool for extracting high S/N average line profiles from stellar spectra. The generalization of the method is effected by extending it towards the multiprofile LSD and by introducing the possibility to correct the line strengths from the initial mask. We illustrate the new approach by two examples: (a) the detection of astroseismic signatures from low S/N spectra of single stars, and (b) disentangling spectra of multiple stellar objects. The analysis is applied to spectra obtained with 2-m class telescopes in the course of spectroscopic ground-based support for space missions such as CoRoT and Kepler. Usually, rather high S/N is required, so smaller telescopes can only compete successfully with more advanced ones when one can apply a technique that enables a remarkable increase in the S/N of the spectra which they observe. Since the LSD profiles have a potential for reconstruction what is common in all the spectral profiles, it should have a particular practical application to faint stars observed with 2-m class telescopes and whose spectra show remarkable LPVs.

  8. LSD1 activates a lethal prostate cancer gene network independently of its demethylase function. (United States)

    Sehrawat, Archana; Gao, Lina; Wang, Yuliang; Bankhead, Armand; McWeeney, Shannon K; King, Carly J; Schwartzman, Jacob; Urrutia, Joshua; Bisson, William H; Coleman, Daniel J; Joshi, Sunil K; Kim, Dae-Hwan; Sampson, David A; Weinmann, Sheila; Kallakury, Bhaskar V S; Berry, Deborah L; Haque, Reina; Van Den Eeden, Stephen K; Sharma, Sunil; Bearss, Jared; Beer, Tomasz M; Thomas, George V; Heiser, Laura M; Alumkal, Joshi J


    Medical castration that interferes with androgen receptor (AR) function is the principal treatment for advanced prostate cancer. However, clinical progression is universal, and tumors with AR-independent resistance mechanisms appear to be increasing in frequency. Consequently, there is an urgent need to develop new treatments targeting molecular pathways enriched in lethal prostate cancer. Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) is a histone demethylase and an important regulator of gene expression. Here, we show that LSD1 promotes the survival of prostate cancer cells, including those that are castration-resistant, independently of its demethylase function and of the AR. Importantly, this effect is explained in part by activation of a lethal prostate cancer gene network in collaboration with LSD1's binding protein, ZNF217. Finally, that a small-molecule LSD1 inhibitor-SP-2509-blocks important demethylase-independent functions and suppresses castration-resistant prostate cancer cell viability demonstrates the potential of LSD1 inhibition in this disease.

  9. Return of the lysergamides. Part I: Analytical and behavioral characterization of 1-propionyl-d-lysergic acid diethylamide (1P-LSD) (United States)

    Brandt, Simon D.; Kavanagh, Pierce V.; Westphal, Folker; Stratford, Alexander; Elliott, Simon P.; Hoang, Khoa; Wallach, Jason; Halberstadt, Adam L.


    1-Propionyl-d-lysergic acid diethylamide hemitartrate (1P-LSD) has become available as a ‘research chemical’ in form of blotters and powdered material. This non-controlled derivative of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) has previously not been described in the published literature despite being closely related to 1-acetyl-LSD (ALD-52), which was developed in the 1950s. This study describes the characterization of 1P-LSD in comparison with LSD using various chromatographic, mass spectrometric methods and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. An important feature common to LSD and other serotonergic hallucinogens is that they produce 5-HT2A-receptor activation and induce the head-twitch response (HTR) in rats and mice. In order to assess whether 1P-LSD displays LSD-like properties and activates the 5-HT2A receptor, male C57BL/6J mice were injected with vehicle (saline) or 1P-LSD (0.025–0.8 mg/kg, IP) and HTR assessed for 30 min using magnetometer coil recordings. It was found that 1P-LSD produced a dose-dependent increase in HTR counts, and that it had ~38% (ED50 = 349.6 nmol/kg) of the potency of LSD (ED50 = 132.8 nmol/kg). Furthermore, the HTR was abolished when 1P-LSD administration followed pre-treatment with the selective 5-HT2A receptor antagonist M100907 (0.1 mg/kg, SC), which confirms that the behavioral response is mediated by activation of the 5-HT2A receptor. These results indicate that 1P-LSD produces LSD-like effects in mice, consistent with its classification as a serotonergic hallucinogen. Nevertheless, the extent to which 1P-LSD might show psychoactive effects in humans similar to LSD remains to be investigated. PMID:26456305


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    Akhmad Busyaeri


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKSikap merupakan sesuatu yang dipelajari dan sikap menentukan bagaimana individu bereaksi terhadap situasi serta menentukan apa yang dicari individu dalam kehidupannya. Sikap mengandung tiga komponen, yaitu komponen kognitif, komponen afektif dan tingkah laku. Sikap selalu berkenaan dengan suatu objek dan sikap terhadap objek ini disertai dengan perasaan positif dan negatif. Sikap dari seorang guru adalah salah satu faktor yang menentukan bagi perkembangan jiwa anak didik selanjutnya. Karena sikap seorang guru tidak hanya dilihat dalam waktu mengajar saja, tetapi juga dilihat tingkah lakunya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari oleh anak didiknya.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantitatif, untuk pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan teknik penyebaran angket dan studi dokumentasi. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara populasi sampel dan dipilih kelas V yang berjumlah 24 siswa. yang dijadikan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V. Dan untuk menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan analisis regresi dengan bantuan program SPSS 17.0 for windows. Pengaruh sikap guru di MI Madinatunajah kota Cirebon berada dalam kategori sedang. Hal ini dapat diketahui bahwa hasil angket pengaruh sikap guru sebesar 42,08 berada pada interval 36-55 (sedang, Dan pengembangan karaktr (peduli social kelas V di MI Madinataunnajah  mencapai 43,42 sedangkan median (nilai tengahnya adalah 44,00, serta modus (nilai yang sering muncul juga diperoleh dengan nilai 44. Dari hasil analisis menunjukan Koefisien Korelasi sebesar 0,511 dan Koefisien Determinasi sebesar 26,11 %. Dan nilai thitung  sebesar 2,787. Karena thitung > ttabel yakni 2,787 > 1,717. Maka hipotesis diterima.

  11. IgE-binding capacity of recombinant timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen allergens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laffer, S.; Vrtala, S.; Duchêne, M.; van Ree, R.; Kraft, D.; Scheiner, O.; Valenta, R.


    A panel of 60 cDNA clones coding for IgE-binding proteins from timothy grass pollen was immunocharacterized with sera from 30 patients allergic to grass pollen and antibodies raised against natural grass pollen allergens. In the cases of five representative patients in whom the IgE reactivity

  12. Tantangan Guru Sejarah: Pesan Sejarah sebagai Konsep Pendidikan Nilai

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    Anwar Senen


    Full Text Available Keberhasilan guru sejarah menyampaikan pesan sejarah sebagai suatu nilai moral yang perlu difahami siswa, terletak pada bagaimana cara guru mengembangkan materi pelajaran di depan kelas. Penggunaan metode pengajaran secara tepat yang dikemas secara kreatif akan memungkinkan pesan sejarah dapat disampaikan kepada siswa. Penekanan pada pesan sejarah ini penting, karena selama ini masih terkesan bahwa mata pelajaran sejarah hanya dianggap sebagai pengetahuan hafalan sejumlah peristiwa masa lalu. Hal demikian menyebabkan pemahaman siswa terhadap pelajaran sejarah sebatas pada pengetahuan deskriptif konsep apa, di mana, kapan dan mengapa suatu peristiwa sejarah terjadi, menjadi dasar mempelajari sejarah. Dalam kerangka memori tidaklah keliru. Tetapi sejarah sebagai mata pelajaran di sekolah dalam konsep pendidikan masih jauh dari harapan. Sebagai konsep pendidikan, pelajaran sejarah dapat bercerita kepada siswa. Oleh sebab itu, metode pengajaran sejarah oleh gum dengan pendekatan moral akan lebih tepat digunakan. Pendekatan moral sebagai konsep belajar mengajar lebih memungkinkan menjadikan pelajaran sejarah dinamis dalam menyikapi situasi yang berkembang dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Dengan demikian bahwa belajar sejarah memiliki dimensi masa lalu, kini dan akan datang akan terjawab melalui pendekatan moral dalam konsep pembelajarannya.

  13. A placebo-controlled investigation of synaesthesia-like experiences under LSD. (United States)

    Terhune, Devin B; Luke, David P; Kaelen, Mendel; Bolstridge, Mark; Feilding, Amanda; Nutt, David; Carhart-Harris, Robin; Ward, Jamie


    The induction of synaesthesia in non-synaesthetes has the potential to illuminate the mechanisms that contribute to the development of this condition and the shaping of its phenomenology. Previous research suggests that lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) reliably induces synaesthesia-like experiences in non-synaesthetes. However, these studies suffer from a number of methodological limitations including lack of a placebo control and the absence of rigorous measures used to test established criteria for genuine synaesthesia. Here we report a pilot study that aimed to circumvent these limitations. We conducted a within-groups placebo-controlled investigation of the impact of LSD on colour experiences in response to standardized graphemes and sounds and the consistency and specificity of grapheme- and sound-colour associations. Participants reported more spontaneous synaesthesia-like experiences under LSD, relative to placebo, but did not differ across conditions in colour experiences in response to inducers, consistency of stimulus-colour associations, or in inducer specificity. Further analyses suggest that individual differences in a number of these effects were associated with the propensity to experience states of absorption in one's daily life. Although preliminary, the present study suggests that LSD-induced synaesthesia-like experiences do not exhibit consistency or inducer-specificity and thus do not meet two widely established criteria for genuine synaesthesia. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. ERRα induces H3K9 demethylation by LSD1 to promote cell invasion


    Carnesecchi, Julie; Forcet, Christelle; Zhang, Ling; Tribollet, Violaine; Barenton, Bruno; Boudra, Rafik; Cerutti, Catherine; Billas, Isabelle M. L.; Sérandour, Aurélien A.; Carroll, Jason S.; Beaudoin, Claude; Vanacker, Jean-Marc


    Dynamic demethylation of histone residues plays a crucial role in the regulation of gene expression. Lysine Specific Demethylase 1 (LSD1) can remove both transcriptionally permissive and repressive histone marks. How these activities are controlled is not clearly understood. Here, we show that the estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) induces LSD1 to erase repressive marks in vitro. Through such a mechanism, LSD1 and ERRα commonly activate a set of transcriptional targets that include genes invo...


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    Ahmad Suriansyah


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menderskripsikan strategi kepala sekolah, guru, orang tua, dan masyarakat dalam pembentukan karakter siswa di sekolah dasar. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Instrumen penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipasi dan dokumentasi. Responden penelitian bersifat snow-ball. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model Creswell (2014. Keabsahan data digunakan kriteria kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dependabilitas, dan komfirmabilitas. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah strategi kepala sekolah dalam membentuk karakter siswa dengan filosofis kepemimpinan, keteladanan, kedisiplinan, kepemimpinan instruksional, kepemimpinan mutu, serta pemberdayaan guru dan tenaga kependidikan. Strategi guru adalah keteladanan, pembiasaan, dan sentuhan kalbu. Strategi orang tua dan masyarakat adalah komunikasi efektif dan kemitraan efektif. Kata Kunci: strategi, kepala sekolah, guru, masyarakat, karakter THE LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES OF SCHOOL PRINCIPALS, TEACHERS, PARENTS, AND THE COMMUNITIES IN BUILDING THE STUDENTS’ CHARACTER Abstract: This study was aimed to analyze the strategies of the school principals, teachers, parents, and communitiesinbuilding the student character in elementary schools. This study used the qualitative approach using the case study type. The research instrumentswere researhers themselves. The data were collected using the in-depth interview, participation observation, and documentation. The respondents were selected using the snowball sampling technique. The data were analyzed using the model developed by Creswell (2014. The verification of the data was done through credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability criteria. The findings showed that the strategies of the school principals in building the students’ character were the philosophy of leadership, modelling, discipline

  16. Return of the lysergamides. Part I: Analytical and behavioural characterization of 1-propionyl-d-lysergic acid diethylamide (1P-LSD). (United States)

    Brandt, Simon D; Kavanagh, Pierce V; Westphal, Folker; Stratford, Alexander; Elliott, Simon P; Hoang, Khoa; Wallach, Jason; Halberstadt, Adam L


    1-Propionyl-d-lysergic acid diethylamide hemitartrate (1P-LSD) has become available as a 'research chemical' in the form of blotters and powdered material. This non-controlled derivative of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) has previously not been described in the published literature despite being closely related to 1-acetyl-LSD (ALD-52), which was developed in the 1950s. This study describes the characterization of 1P-LSD in comparison with LSD using various chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. An important feature common to LSD and other serotonergic hallucinogens is that they produce 5-HT2A -receptor activation and induce the head-twitch response (HTR) in rats and mice. In order to assess whether 1P-LSD displays LSD-like properties and activates the 5-HT2A receptor, male C57BL/6 J mice were injected with vehicle (saline) or 1P-LSD (0.025-0.8 mg/kg, IP) and HTR assessed for 30 min using magnetometer coil recordings. It was found that 1P-LSD produced a dose-dependent increase in HTR counts, and that it had ~38% (ED50  = 349.6 nmol/kg) of the potency of LSD (ED50  = 132.8 nmol/kg). Furthermore, HTR was abolished when 1P-LSD administration followed pretreatment with the selective 5-HT2A receptor antagonist M100907 (0.1 mg/kg, SC), which was consistent with the concept that the behavioural response was mediated by activation of the 5-HT2A receptor. These results indicate that 1P-LSD produces LSD-like effects in mice, consistent with its classification as a serotonergic hallucinogen. Nevertheless, the extent to which 1P-LSD might show psychoactive effects in humans similar to LSD remains to be investigated. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  17. Effects of LSD on grooming behavior in serotonin transporter heterozygous (Sert⁺/⁻) mice. (United States)

    Kyzar, Evan J; Stewart, Adam Michael; Kalueff, Allan V


    Serotonin (5-HT) plays a crucial role in the brain, modulating mood, cognition and reward. The serotonin transporter (SERT) is responsible for the reuptake of 5-HT from the synaptic cleft and regulates serotonin signaling in the brain. In humans, SERT genetic variance is linked to the pathogenesis of various psychiatric disorders, including anxiety, autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Rodent self-grooming is a complex, evolutionarily conserved patterned behavior relevant to stress, ASD and OCD. Genetic ablation of mouse Sert causes various behavioral deficits, including increased anxiety and grooming behavior. The hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a potent serotonergic agonist known to modulate human and animal behavior. Here, we examined heterozygous Sert(+/-) mouse behavior following acute administration of LSD (0.32 mg/kg). Overall, Sert(+/-) mice displayed a longer duration of self-grooming behavior regardless of LSD treatment. In contrast, LSD increased serotonin-sensitive behaviors, such as head twitching, tremors and backwards gait behaviors in both Sert(+/+) and Sert(+/-) mice. There were no significant interactions between LSD treatment and Sert gene dosage in any of the behavioral domains measured. These results suggest that Sert(+/-) mice may respond to the behavioral effects of LSD in a similar manner to wild-type mice. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. The 5-HT1A Receptor and the Stimulus Effects of LSD in the Rat (United States)

    Reissig, C.J.; Eckler, J.R.; Rabin, R.A.; Winter, J.C.


    Rationale It has been suggested that the 5-HT1A receptor plays a significant modulatory role in the stimulus effects of the indoleamine hallucinogen lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Objectives The present study sought to characterize the effects of several compounds with known affinity for the 5-HT1A receptor on the discriminative stimulus effects of LSD. Methods 12 Male F-344 rats were trained in a two-lever, fixed ratio10, food reinforced task with LSD (0.1 mg/kg; IP; 15 min pretreatment) as a discriminative stimulus. Combination and substitution tests with the 5-HT1A agonists, 8-OH-DPAT, buspirone, gepirone, and ipsapirone, with LSD-induced stimulus control were then performed. The effects of these 5-HT1A ligands were also tested in the presence of the selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist, WAY-100,635 (0.3 mg/kg; SC; 30 min. pretreatment). Results In combination tests stimulus control by LSD was increased by all 5-HT1A receptor ligands with agonist properties. Similarly, in tests of antagonism, the increase in drug-appropriate responding caused by stimulation of the 5-HT1A receptor was abolished by administration of WAY-100,635. Conclusions These data, obtained using a drug discrimination model of the hallucinogenic effects of LSD, provide support for the hypothesis that the 5-HT1A receptor has a significant modulatory role in the stimulus effects of LSD. PMID:16025319

  19. Complex discriminative stimulus properties of (+)lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in C57Bl/6J mice. (United States)

    Benneyworth, Michael A; Smith, Randy L; Barrett, Robert J; Sanders-Bush, Elaine


    The drug discrimination procedure is the most frequently used in vivo model of hallucinogen activity. Historically, most drug discrimination studies have been conducted in the rat. With the development of genetically modified mice, a powerful new tool has become available for investigating the mechanisms of drug-induced behavior. The current paper is part of an ongoing effort to determine the utility of the drug discrimination technique for evaluating hallucinogenic drugs in mice. To establish the training procedures and characterize the stimulus properties of (+)lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in mice. Using a two-lever drug discrimination procedure, C57Bl/6J mice were trained to discriminate 0.45 mg/kg LSD vs saline on a VI30 sec schedule of reinforcement, with vanilla-flavored Ensure serving as the reinforcer. As in rats, acquisition was orderly, but the training dose was nearly five-fold higher for mice than rats. LSD lever selection was dose-dependent. Time-course studies revealed a rapid loss of the LSD stimulus effects. The 5-HT(2A/2C) receptor agonist, 2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine [(-)DOB] (1.0 mg/kg), substituted fully for LSD and the 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist, 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)-tetralin (8-OH-DPAT) (1.6 mg/kg), substituted partially for LSD. Pretreatment with the 5-HT(2A) receptor-selective antagonist, MDL 100907, or the 5-HT(1A)-selective antagonist WAY 100635, showed that each antagonist only partially blocked LSD discrimination. Substitution of 1.0 mg/kg (-)DOB for LSD was fully blocked by pretreatment with MDL 100907 but unaltered by WAY 100635 pretreatment. These data suggest that in mice the stimulus effects of LSD have both a 5-HT(2A) receptor and a 5-HT(1A) receptor component.


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    Totok Rochana


    Full Text Available Materi pembelajaran  Sosiologi dan Antropologi yang diajarkan di SMA senantiasa mengalami perubahan. Sementara  kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi FIS UNNES tidak banyak mengalami perubahan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis membahas bagaimana relevansi antara Kurikulum Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi FIS UNNES dengan kebutuhan mengajar bagi guru Sosiologi dan Antropologi SMA Negeri di Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan  bersifat kasus, pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara tertutup dan terbuka, dan analisis data  menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian  disimpulkan bahwa kurikulum  Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi FIS UNNES, masih relevan dengan materi pembelajaran Sosiologi dan Antropologi yang diajarakan di SMA. Saran yang diajukan adalah: perlu diselenggarakan penataran-penataran/diklat-diklat peningkatan penguasaan materi pembelajaran Sosiologi dan Antropologi bagi guru-guru Sosiologi dan Antropologi yang bukan berlatar belakang Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi. Pengangkatan CPNS Guru Sosiologi dan Antropologi perlu diprioritaskan dari lulusan Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi. Pengembangan kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi tetap mengacu pada relevansinya dengan kebutuhan di lapangan.Sociology and Anthropology instructional materials taught in high school are constantly changing, though the curriculum of Sociology and Anthropology FIS Unnes does not change much. In this study, the author discusses the relevance of the curriculum of Sociology and Anthropology of Education Unnes FIS to the needs of teaching for teachers of Sociology and Anthropology Senior high school in Central Java. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach using descriptive methods. Based on the results of the study it is concluded that the curriculum of Sociology and Anthropology

  1. Peningkatan Keterampilan Memberi Umpan Balik Guru Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan Kecamatan Taman Kabupaten Sidoarjo

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    Muhammad Yanuar Rizky


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tindakan pendampingan yang mampu meningkatkan keterampilan mengajar terutama pada aspek memberi umpan balik guru pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kecamatan Taman kabupaten sidoarjo setelah diberikan pendampingan. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan (action reseach. Tindakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, 1. Pemberian tayangan video keterampilan memberi umpan balik pada data primer, 2. Pendampingan perekaman dan diskusi hasil dilapangan, 3. Refleksi. Subjek dari penelitian ini ada 4 Guru Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan SDN di Kecamatan Taman Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Data hasil dari penelitian yang diperoleh dari nilai keterampilan memberi umpan balik pada 4 guru pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan yaitu: (1 SDN Sepanjang I sebelumnya mendapatkan nilai 2 menjadi 5, (2 SDN Ketegan I sebelumnya mendapatkan nilai 2 menjadi 5, (3 SDN Trosobo I sebelumnya mendapatkan nilai 0 menjadi 2, (4 SDN Kramat Jegu II sebelumnya mendapatkan nilai 0 menjadi 2. Rata- rata pre-test 1 dan rata-rata post-test 3.5. Berdasarkan perhitungan statistik diketahui bahwa nilai 8.70 > 2.35 sehingga dapat disumpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara pre-test dan post-test, dimana nilai pre-test lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan nilai post-test.

  2. Lsd1 regulates skeletal muscle regeneration and directs the fate of satellite cells. (United States)

    Tosic, Milica; Allen, Anita; Willmann, Dominica; Lepper, Christoph; Kim, Johnny; Duteil, Delphine; Schüle, Roland


    Satellite cells are muscle stem cells required for muscle regeneration upon damage. Of note, satellite cells are bipotent and have the capacity to differentiate not only into skeletal myocytes, but also into brown adipocytes. Epigenetic mechanisms regulating fate decision and differentiation of satellite cells during muscle regeneration are not yet fully understood. Here, we show that elevated levels of lysine-specific demethylase 1 (Kdm1a, also known as Lsd1) have a beneficial effect on muscle regeneration and recovery after injury, since Lsd1 directly regulates key myogenic transcription factor genes. Importantly, selective Lsd1 ablation or inhibition in Pax7-positive satellite cells, not only delays muscle regeneration, but changes cell fate towards brown adipocytes. Lsd1 prevents brown adipocyte differentiation of satellite cells by repressing expression of the novel pro-adipogenic transcription factor Glis1. Together, downregulation of Glis1 and upregulation of the muscle-specific transcription program ensure physiological muscle regeneration.

  3. Acute effects of LSD on amygdala activity during processing of fearful stimuli in healthy subjects


    Mueller, F.; Lenz, C.; Dolder, P. C.; Harder, S.; Schmid, Y.; Lang, U. E.; Liechti, M. E.; Borgwardt, S.


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) induces profound changes in various mental domains, including perception, self-awareness and emotions. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the acute effects of LSD on the neural substrate of emotional processing in humans. Using a double-blind, randomised, cross-over study design, placebo or 100 μg LSD were orally administered to 20 healthy subjects before the fMRI scan, taking into account the subjective and pharmacological pea...

  4. Supporting Structure of the LSD Wave in an Energy Absorption Perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukui, Akihiro; Hatai, Keigo; Cho, Shinatora; Arakawa, Yoshihiro; Komurasaki, Kimiya


    In Repetitively Pulsed (RP) Laser Propulsion, laser energy irradiated to a vehicle is converted to blast wave enthalpy during the Laser Supported Detonation (LSD) regime. Based on the measured post-LSD electron number density profiles by two-wavelength Mach Zehnder interferometer in a line-focusing optics, electron temperature and absorption coefficient were estimated assuming Local Thermal Equilibrium. A 10J/pulse CO 2 laser was used. As a result, laser absorption was found completed in the layer between the shock wave and the electron density peak. Although the LSD-termination timing was not clear from the shock-front/ionization-front separation in the shadowgraph images, there observed drastic changes in the absorption layer thickness from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm and in the peak heating rate from 12-17x10 13 kW/m 3 to 5x10 13 kW/m 3 at the termination

  5. The User Perspective in Lexicography: The Lemmatisation of Fixed Expressions in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona

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    Nomalanga Mpofu


    Full Text Available

    Abstract: The article discusses the user perspective and information retrieval in relation to the lemmatisation of specific multi-word lexical units, namely fixed expressions, in the Shona monolingual dictionary, Duramazwi Guru reChiShona. It shows that the decisions arrived at in lemmatising fixed expressions were influenced by a user-driven approach. The article gives a comparative analysis of how fixed expressions were treated in previous Shona dictionaries and how they were subsequently dealt with in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona. Previous dictionaries have grappled with the problem of giving fixed expressions as run-on entries. Against the background of the user perspective, it will be argued that the lemmatisation of fixed expressions in monolingual dictionaries has certain advantages over previously used strategies.


    Opsomming: Die gebruikersperspektief in die leksikografie: Die lemma-tisering van vaste uitdrukkings in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona. Die artikel bespreek die gebruikersperspektief en inligtingsherwinning met betrekking tot die lemmatisering van spesifieke meerwoordige leksikale eenhede, naamlik vaste uitdrukkings, in die Sjona- eentalige woordeboek Duramazwi Guru reChiShona. Dit toon dat die besluite waartoe gekom is by die lem-matisering van vaste uitdrukkings beïnvloed is deur 'n gebruikersgedrewe benadering. Die artikel gee 'n vergelykende ontleding van hoe vaste uitdrukkings in vorige Sjonawoordeboeke bewerk is en hoe hulle vervolgens in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona behandel is. Vorige woordeboeke het met die probleem geworstel om vaste uitdrukkings as deurloopinskrywings te gee. Teen die agtergrond van die gebruikersperspektief word aangevoer dat die lemmatisering van vaste uitdrukkings in eentalige

  6. d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD as a Model of Psychosis: Mechanism of Action and Pharmacology

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    Danilo De Gregorio


    Full Text Available d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD is known for its hallucinogenic properties and psychotic-like symptoms, especially at high doses. It is indeed used as a pharmacological model of psychosis in preclinical research. The goal of this review was to understand the mechanism of action of psychotic-like effects of LSD. We searched Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar and articles’ reference lists for preclinical studies regarding the mechanism of action involved in the psychotic-like effects induced by LSD. LSD’s mechanism of action is pleiotropic, primarily mediated by the serotonergic system in the Dorsal Raphe, binding the 5-HT2A receptor as a partial agonist and 5-HT1A as an agonist. LSD also modulates the Ventral Tegmental Area, at higher doses, by stimulating dopamine D2, Trace Amine Associate receptor 1 (TAAR1 and 5-HT2A. More studies clarifying the mechanism of action of the psychotic-like symptoms or psychosis induced by LSD in humans are needed. LSD’s effects are mediated by a pleiotropic mechanism involving serotonergic, dopaminergic, and glutamatergic neurotransmission. Thus, the LSD-induced psychosis is a useful model to test the therapeutic efficacy of potential novel antipsychotic drugs, particularly drugs with dual serotonergic and dopaminergic (DA mechanism or acting on TAAR1 receptors.

  7. Intrahippocampal LSD accelerates learning and desensitizes the 5-HT(2A) receptor in the rabbit, Romano et al. (United States)

    Romano, Anthony G; Quinn, Jennifer L; Li, Luchuan; Dave, Kuldip D; Schindler, Emmanuelle A; Aloyo, Vincent J; Harvey, John A


    Parenteral injections of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), a serotonin 5-HT(2A) receptor agonist, enhance eyeblink conditioning. Another hallucinogen, (±)-1(2, 5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane hydrochloride (DOI), was shown to elicit a 5-HT(2A)-mediated behavior (head bobs) after injection into the hippocampus, a structure known to mediate trace eyeblink conditioning. This study aims to determine if parenteral injections of the hallucinogens LSD, d,l-2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine, and 5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine elicit the 5-HT(2A)-mediated behavior of head bobs and whether intrahippocampal injections of LSD would produce head bobs and enhance trace eyeblink conditioning. LSD was infused into the dorsal hippocampus just prior to each of eight conditioning sessions. One day after the last infusion of LSD, DOI was infused into the hippocampus to determine whether there had been a desensitization of the 5-HT(2A) receptor as measured by a decrease in DOI-elicited head bobs. Acute parenteral or intrahippocampal LSD elicited a 5-HT(2A) but not a 5-HT(2C)-mediated behavior, and chronic administration enhanced conditioned responding relative to vehicle controls. Rabbits that had been chronically infused with 3 or 10 nmol per side of LSD during Pavlovian conditioning and then infused with DOI demonstrated a smaller increase in head bobs relative to controls. LSD produced its enhancement of Pavlovian conditioning through an effect on 5-HT(2A) receptors located in the dorsal hippocampus. The slight, short-lived enhancement of learning produced by LSD appears to be due to the development of desensitization of the 5-HT(2A) receptor within the hippocampus as a result of repeated administration of its agonist (LSD).


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    Natalia Rosa Keliat


    center. Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Salatiga, Jawa Tengah dengan subjek penelitan adalah guru bidang studi IPA yang berjumlah 23 orang dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendata strategi pembelajaran IPA yang dilakukan guru SMP Kota Salatiga, kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam melaksanakan strategi pembelajaran di kelas, persentase pemahaman dan penerapan mind map oleh guru IPA SMP Kota Salatiga, serta kendala dalam melaksanakan strategi mind map di kelas. Analisis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil menunjukkan persentase guru IPA yang menggunakan strategi diskusi mencapai 78.26%, peta konsep 21,74%, demonstrasi 30,43%, ce-ramah 39,13%, mind map 34,78% dan strategi-strategi lain seperti permainan kartu, cerdas cer-mat, project based learning, discovery, problem based learning, CTL, inquiry mencapai 43,8%. Dalam menerapkan strategi yang bervariasi guru mengalami kesulitan dalam mengatur alokasi waktu pembelajaran di kelas dikarenakan peserta didik yang memiliki tingkat kemampuan kogni-tif rendah membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama untuk memahami strategi pembelajaran yang dipakai di kelas. Dalam penerapan mind map, menunjukkan persentase jumlah guru yang menggunakan mind map dalam pembelajaran di SMP Kota Salatiga hanya mencapai 34,78% dan yang masih belum menerapkan pembelajaran model mind map mencapai 65,22%. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara diketahui bahwa sekitar 47,83% guru tersebut memahami prosedur pembelajaranmodel mind map, selebihnya sebesar 52,17% mengatakan belum memahami prinsip pembelajaran menggunakan mind map. Guru menjelaskan bahwa mind map sangat potensial digunakan se-bagai suatu teknik untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran peserta didik. Meskipun demikian, dalam penerapannya di kelas guru mengalami kendala dalam pengaplikasian mind map, misalnya dibu-tuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk menerapkan mind map sehingga materi lainnya tidak dapat diselesaikan tepat waktu. Selain itu

  9. Correlations between background events of the LSD 23.02.87 detector and Baksan telescope registered

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alekseev, E.N.; Alekseeva, L.N.; Zakidyshev, V.N.


    After publishing the results of analysis of time correlations between events of the LSD installation and two gravitational antennas detected in the time range 1:45-3:45 UT on 23.02.87 the exchange of experimental data between LSD and the Baksan telescope was performed. Joint analysis of data from the LSD and Baksan telescope installations recorded in 1:45-3:45 UT on 23.02.87 has shown the presence of correlation between natural radioactivity and high-energy cosmic muons

  10. Neural correlates of the LSD experience revealed by multimodal neuroimaging. (United States)

    Carhart-Harris, Robin L; Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh; Roseman, Leor; Kaelen, Mendel; Droog, Wouter; Murphy, Kevin; Tagliazucchi, Enzo; Schenberg, Eduardo E; Nest, Timothy; Orban, Csaba; Leech, Robert; Williams, Luke T; Williams, Tim M; Bolstridge, Mark; Sessa, Ben; McGonigle, John; Sereno, Martin I; Nichols, David; Hellyer, Peter J; Hobden, Peter; Evans, John; Singh, Krish D; Wise, Richard G; Curran, H Valerie; Feilding, Amanda; Nutt, David J


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is the prototypical psychedelic drug, but its effects on the human brain have never been studied before with modern neuroimaging. Here, three complementary neuroimaging techniques: arterial spin labeling (ASL), blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) measures, and magnetoencephalography (MEG), implemented during resting state conditions, revealed marked changes in brain activity after LSD that correlated strongly with its characteristic psychological effects. Increased visual cortex cerebral blood flow (CBF), decreased visual cortex alpha power, and a greatly expanded primary visual cortex (V1) functional connectivity profile correlated strongly with ratings of visual hallucinations, implying that intrinsic brain activity exerts greater influence on visual processing in the psychedelic state, thereby defining its hallucinatory quality. LSD's marked effects on the visual cortex did not significantly correlate with the drug's other characteristic effects on consciousness, however. Rather, decreased connectivity between the parahippocampus and retrosplenial cortex (RSC) correlated strongly with ratings of "ego-dissolution" and "altered meaning," implying the importance of this particular circuit for the maintenance of "self" or "ego" and its processing of "meaning." Strong relationships were also found between the different imaging metrics, enabling firmer inferences to be made about their functional significance. This uniquely comprehensive examination of the LSD state represents an important advance in scientific research with psychedelic drugs at a time of growing interest in their scientific and therapeutic value. The present results contribute important new insights into the characteristic hallucinatory and consciousness-altering properties of psychedelics that inform on how they can model certain pathological states and potentially treat others.

  11. Melatonin exerts anti-oral cancer effect via suppressing LSD1 in patient-derived tumor xenograft models (United States)

    Yang, Cheng-Yu; Lin, Chih-Kung; Tsao, Chang-Huei; Hsieh, Cheng-Chih; Lin, Gu-Jiun; Ma, Kuo-Hsing; Shieh, Yi-Shing; Sytwu, Huey-Kang; Chen, Yuan-Wu


    Aberrant activation of histone lysine-specific demethylase (LSD1) increases tumorigenicity; hence, LSD1 is considered a therapeutic target for various human cancers. Although melatonin, an endogenously produced molecule, may defend against various cancers, the precise mechanism involved in its anti-oral cancer effect remains unclear. Patient-derived tumor xenograft (PDTX) models are preclinical models that can more accurately reflect human tumor biology compared with cell line xenograft models. Here, we evaluated the anticancer activity of melatonin by using LSD1-overexpressing oral cancer PDTX models. By assessing oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) tissue arrays through immunohistochemistry, we examined whether aberrant LSD1 overexpression in OSCC is associated with poor prognosis. We also evaluated the action mechanism of melatonin against OSCC with lymphatic metastases by using the PDTX models. Our results indicated that melatonin, at pharmacological concentrations, significantly suppresses cell proliferation in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The observed suppression of proliferation was accompanied by the melatonin-mediated inhibition of LSD1 in oral cancer PDTXs and oral cancer cell lines. In conclusion, we determined that the beneficial effects of melatonin in reducing oral cancer cell proliferation are associated with reduced LSD1 expression in vivo and in vitro. PMID:28422711

  12. LSD: Large Survey Database framework (United States)

    Juric, Mario


    The Large Survey Database (LSD) is a Python framework and DBMS for distributed storage, cross-matching and querying of large survey catalogs (>10^9 rows, >1 TB). The primary driver behind its development is the analysis of Pan-STARRS PS1 data. It is specifically optimized for fast queries and parallel sweeps of positionally and temporally indexed datasets. It transparently scales to more than >10^2 nodes, and can be made to function in "shared nothing" architectures.

  13. Reversal learning enhanced by lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): concomitant rise in brain 5-hydroxytryptamine levels. (United States)

    King, A R; Martin, I L; Melville, K A


    1 Small doses of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (12.5-50 mug/kg) consistently facilitated learning of a brightness discrimination reversal.2 2-Bromo-lysergic acid diethylamide (BOL-148), a structural analogue of LSD, with similar peripheral anti-5-hydroxytrypamine activity but no psychotomimetic properties, had no effect in this learning situation at a similar dose (25 mug/kg).3 LSD, but not BOL-148, caused a small but significant increase in brain 5-hydroxytryptamine levels, but had no effect on the levels of catecholamines in the brain at 25 mug/kg.

  14. Detection of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in urine by gas chromatography-ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Sklerov, J H; Kalasinsky, K S; Ehorn, C A


    A confirmatory method for the detection and quantitation of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is presented. The method employs gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS-MS) using an internal ionization ion trap detector for sensitive MS-MS-in-time measurements of LSD extracted from urine. Following a single-step solid-phase extraction of 5 mL of urine, underivatized LSD can be measured with limits of quantitation and detection of 80 and 20 pg/mL, respectively. Temperature-programmed on-column injections of urine extracts were linear over the concentration range 20-2000 pg/mL (r2 = 0.999). Intraday and interday coefficients of variation were LSD-positive samples in this laboratory. Comparisons with alternate GC-MS methods and extraction procedures are discussed.

  15. An Advanced Dictionary? Similarities and Differences between Duramazwi ReChiShona and Duramazwi Guru ReChiShona *

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    Emmanuel Chabata


    Full Text Available

    Abstract: In this article a comparative analysis of Duramazwi ReChiShona (DRC and Duramazwi Guru ReChiShona (DGC is made. Both DRC and DGC are monolingual Shona dictionaries compiled by a team of researchers under the African Languages Lexical (ALLEX Project, now the African Languages Research Institute (ALRI. During the compilation process, DRC was known as the General Shona Dictionary and DGC as the Advanced Shona Dictionary. A simple analysis of these titles shows that the dictionaries are similar in some ways and also different in others. The writer tries to show the ways in which DGC is regarded as a more advanced dictionary when compared to DRC. Although the argument of the article is mainly built on those differences which make DGC the more advanced, attention is also paid to the similarities between the dictionaries.


    Opsomming: 'n Gevorderde woordeboek? Ooreenkomste en verskille tussen Duramazwi ReChiShona en Duramazwi Guru ReChiShona. In hierdie artikel word 'n vergelykende ontleding van Duramazwi ReChiShona (DRC en Duramazwi Guru ReChiShona (DGC gemaak. Sowel die DRC en DGC is eentalige Sjonawoordeboeke, saamgestel deur ?n span navorsers by die African Languages Lexical (ALLEX Project, tans die African Languages Research Institute (ALRI. Gedurende die samestellingsproses was DRC bekend as die Algemene Sjonawoordeboek en DGC as die Gevorderde Sjonawoordeboek. 'n Eenvoudige ontleding van hierdie titels toon dat die woordeboeke op sommige maniere eenders en op ander ook verskillend is. Die skrywer probeer die maniere aantoon waarop DGC beskou word as 'n meer gevorderde woordeboek wanneer dit met DRC vergelyk word. Alhoewel die argument van die artikel hoofsaaklik gebou is op daardie verskille wat DGC die gevorderdste maak, word ook aandag gegee aan


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    Isyatul Karimah


    Full Text Available The change of the curriculum affects the process of teaching and learning activities of teachers with students, so that required documentation of teaching and learning activities. The objective is to apply portfolio assessments and to obtain learning documentation from planning, implementation, and evaluation that embraces Lesson Study principles and to obtain student learning outcomes and to know how to implement teacher competencies. The method used using case study, type of research using grounded theory with data collection using snowball sampling as well as searching the validity of research findings using source triangulation techniques and method triangulation. The result of the research is the learning process which is planned, implemented, and evaluated by the teacher for one semester. Pergantian kurikulum memengaruhi proses kegiatan belajar mengajar guru dengan siswa sehingga diperlukan dokumentasi kegiatan belajar mengajar. Tujuannya adalah untuk menerapkan penilaian portofolio dan mendapatkan dokumentasi pembelajaran mulai dari perencanaan (plan, pelaksanaan (do, dan evaluasi (see yang menganut prinsip Lesson Study serta untuk mendapatkan hasil belajar siswa dan mengetahui cara mengimplementasikan kompetensi guru. Metode yang digunakan mengunakan studi kasus, jenis penelitian menggunakan grounded theory dengan penjaringan data menggunakan snowball sampling serta mencari keabsahan temuan penelitian menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi metode. Hasil penelitian berupa proses pembelajaran yang direncanakan, dilaksanakan, dan dievaluasikan oleh guru selama satu semester.


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    Adeng Slamet


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan model perkuliahan fisiologi hewan yang diharapkan mampu membekali kemampuan rekonstruksi konsep bagi mahasiswa calon guru biologi. Strategi perkuliahan ditempuh melalui implementasi model tutorial berbasis komputer. Sebanyak 80 orang mahasiswa S1 calon guru biologi dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok, 41 mahasiswa mengikuti perkuliahan model tutorial komputer, dan 39 mahasiswa mengikuti perkuliahan konvensional. Kemampuan rekonstruksi konsep diukur dengan membandingkan skor sebelum pembelajaran (pretes dengan setelah implementasi model (postes di antara kedua kelompok belajar. Selain itu, untuk mengungkap pandangan mahasiswa mengenai pengalaman belajarnya, seperangkat angket disebarkan kepada mahasiswa yang mengikuti model perkuliahan.  Efektivitas program perkuliahan dievaluasi dengan tes tertulis bentuk respon terbatas pada mahasiswa yang mengikuti program perkuliahan model tutorial komputer dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa dari kelompok konvensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan terjadi peningkatan  kemampuan rekonstruksi konsep pada kedua kelompok belajar, namun mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan model tutorial berbasis komputer menunjukkan peningkatan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok mahasiswa peserta perkuliahan konvensional. Mahasiswa menanggapi positif implementasi model tutorial berbasis komputer dalam perkuliahan fisiologi hewan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model tutorial berbasis komputer pada penelitian ini dinyatakan lebih efektif dan mampu  membekali mahasiwa calon guru biologi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan  rekonstruksi konsep.

  18. a Variant of Lsd-Slam Capable of Processing High-Speed Low-Framerate Monocular Datasets (United States)

    Schmid, S.; Fritsch, D.


    We develop a new variant of LSD-SLAM, called C-LSD-SLAM, which is capable of performing monocular tracking and mapping in high-speed low-framerate situations such as those of the KITTI datasets. The methods used here are robust against the influence of erronously triangulated points near the epipolar direction, which otherwise causes tracking divergence.

  19. LSD Flashbacks - The Appearance of New Visual Imagery Not Experienced During Initial Intoxication: Two Case Reports. (United States)

    G Lerner, Arturo; Goodman, Craig; Rudinski, Dmitri; Lev-Ran, Shaul


    A side effect associated with the use of synthetic hallucinogens such as lysergic acid diethylamide-(LSD) is the partial or total recurrence of perceptual disturbances which previously appeared during intoxication, despite absence of recent use. These are commonly referred to as "flashbacks" or Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD). Here we present two cases of patients with a prior history of LSD use who turned to psychiatric consultation following brief episodes of HPPD. Surprisingly, in both cases new visual imagery appeared during episodes of flashbacks which was not experienced during primary LSD use. Both subjects reported the ability to discern between LSD-associated visual disturbances and new visual imagery. This phenomenon did not cause functional impairment and in both cases caused gradual concern due to its persistence. Both patients refused medical treatment and continued psychiatric follow-up. At one year follow-up both patients reported almost complete spontaneous remission. To the best of our knowledge these are the first reported cases of LSD-related benign flashbacks in which new imagery is experienced. Reasons for this reversible and apparently harmless side effect are proposed. Conclusions from case reports should be taken with caution.

  20. GURU v2.0: An interactive Graphical User interface to fit rheometer curves in Han’s model for rubber vulcanization


    Milani, G.; Milani, F.


    A GUI software (GURU) for experimental data fitting of rheometer curves in Natural Rubber (NR) vulcanized with sulphur at different curing temperatures is presented. Experimental data are automatically loaded in GURU from an Excel spreadsheet coming from the output of the experimental machine (moving die rheometer). To fit the experimental data, the general reaction scheme proposed by Han and co-workers for NR vulcanized with sulphur is considered. From the simplified kinetic scheme adopted, ...

  1. The hallucinogen d-lysergic acid diethylamide (d-LSD) induces the immediate-early gene c-Fos in rat forebrain. (United States)

    Frankel, Paul S; Cunningham, Kathryn A


    The hallucinogen d-lysergic acid diethylamide (d-LSD) evokes dramatic somatic and psychological effects. In order to analyze the neural activation induced by this unique psychoactive drug, we tested the hypothesis that expression of the immediate-early gene product c-Fos is induced in specific regions of the rat forebrain by a relatively low, behaviorally active, dose of d-LSD (0.16 mg/kg, i.p.); c-Fos protein expression was assessed at 30 min, and 1, 2 and 4 h following d-LSD injection. A time- and region-dependent expression of c-Fos was observed with a significant increase (PLSD administration. These data demonstrate a unique pattern of c-Fos expression in the rat forebrain following a relatively low dose of d-LSD and suggest that activation of these forebrain regions contributes to the unique behavioral effects of d-LSD. Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.

  2. Positive expression of LSD1 and negative expression of E-cadherin correlate with metastasis and poor prognosis of colon cancer. (United States)

    Jie, Ding; Zhongmin, Zhang; Guoqing, Liao; Sheng, Liu; Yi, Zhang; Jing, Wen; Liang, Zeng


    The first identified lysine-specific demethylase, LSD1, plays an important role in the metastatic progression of several types of cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate LSD1, E-cadherin, and N-cadherin expression in colon cancer specimens and their clinical significance. The expression of LSD1, E-cadherin, and N-cadherin in colon cancer specimens was determined by immunohistochemistry, and the relationship between the expression of the respective molecules and clinicopathological characteristics was analyzed. The positive expression rates of LSD1, E-cadherin, and N-cadherin in colon cancer specimens were 66.7 % (72/108), 85.2 % (92/108), and 41.7 % (45/108), respectively. LSD1 was significantly more highly expressed in colon cancer specimens classified as high TNM stage lesions and with distant metastasis (P colon cancer specimens classified as high TNM stage lesions and with distant metastasis (P clinical and pathological characteristics (P > 0.05). Correlation analysis revealed that LSD1 expression was negatively correlated with E-cadherin expression (r s = -0.318, P = 0.001), but not evidently correlated with N-cadherin expression (r s = 0.182, P = 0.06). Colon cancer specimens with positive LSD1 expression and negative E-cadherin expression were correlated with significantly lower overall survival. LSD1 showed a significantly higher expression, in contrast to the significantly lower expression of E-cadherin, in colon cancer specimens classified as high TNM stage lesions and with distant metastasis. Positive expression of LSD1 and negative expression of E-cadherin may be predictors of a worse colon cancer prognosis.

  3. Persepsi Siswa Tentang Peranan Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Membantu Arah Peminatan

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    Ikha Idfikhoda


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini didasarkan atas observasi dilengkapi wawancara yang menunjukkan bahwa siswa kurang memahami tentang peranan guru BK dalam arah peminatan siswa, hal ini merujuk pada persepsi siswa yang negatif kepada Guru BK. Data awal diperoleh dari dinas pendidikan tentang satuan pendidikan pada jenjang SMA yang melaksanakan kurikulum 2013 di Kabupaten Semarang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa tentang peranan guru BK dalam membantu arah peminatan pada siswa kelas X di SMA Se-Kabupaten Semarang Tahun 2015 Jenis penelitianini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan metode survei. Penelitian ini melibatkan siswa SMA kelas X se-Kabupaten Semarang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan skala persepsi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif prosentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1 SMA Negeri 1 Ungaran memperoleh persentase 70,99% (tepat, (2 SMA Negeri 1 Ambarawa memperoleh persentase 73,34% (tepat, (3 SMA Negeri 1 Tengaran memperoleh persentase 78,14% (tepat, dan (4 SMA Islam Sudirman Ambarawa memperoleh persentase 73,10% (tepat.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa persepsi siswa tentang peranan guru BK dalam membantu arah peminatan pada siswa kelas X di SMAse-Kabupaten Semarang Tahun 2015 menunjukkan kriteria tepat dengan persentase 73,86%. This research is based on observations including interviews which shows that students lack an understanding about the roles ofcounseling teachers to directof students’s specialization, it refers to negative students's perception to counseling teachers. Preliminary data from the education department about high school level who implementthe curriculum 2013 in the Semarang District. The purpose isto determine students’s perceptions about the roles of counseling teachers to helpdirectinggrade X students toward specialization. The type is descriptive quantitative with survey method. This research  involving the senior high school students

  4. Elujõuline Eesti etnoloogia / Terje Anepaio, Aivar Jürgenson, Timothy King, Art Leete ; interv. Maarja Kaaristo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Etnoloogia hetkeseisu ja tuleviku üle arutlevad Eesti Rahva Muuseumi teadusdirektor Terje Anepaio, Ajaloo Instituudi etnoloogia osakonna juhataja vanemteadur Aivar Jürgenson, Tallinna Ülikooli antropoloogia õppekava juht Timothy King ja Tartu Ülikooli etnoloogia õppetooli professor Art Leete

  5. Prohibited or regulated? LSD psychotherapy and the United States Food and Drug Administration. (United States)

    Oram, Matthew


    Over the 1950s and early 1960s, the use of the hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) to facilitate psychotherapy was a promising field of psychiatric research in the USA. However, during the 1960s, research began to decline, before coming to a complete halt in the mid-1970s. This has commonly been explained through the increase in prohibitive federal regulations during the 1960s that aimed to curb the growing recreational use of the drug. However, closely examining the Food and Drug Administration's regulation of LSD research in the 1960s will reveal that not only was LSD research never prohibited, but that the administration supported research to a greater degree than has been recognized. Instead, the decline in research reflected more complex changes in the regulation of pharmaceutical research and development. © The Author(s) 2016.

  6. Lessons from Queer Bioethics: A Response to Timothy F. Murphy. (United States)

    Richie, Cristina


    'Bioethics still has important work to do in helping to secure status equality for LGBT people' writes Timothy F. Murphy in a recent Bioethics editorial. The focus of his piece, however, is much narrower than human rights, medical care for LGBT people, or ending the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Rather, he is primarily concerned with sexuality and gender identity, and the medical intersections thereof (i.e. DSM diagnosis; access to SrS or ARTs). It is the objective of this response to provide an alternate account of bioethics from a Queer perspective. I will situate Queer bioethics within Queer studies, and offer three 'lessons' that bioethics can derive from this perspective. These are not definitive rules for Queer bioethics, since it is a field which fundamentally opposes categorizations, favoring pastiche over principles. These lessons are exploratory examples, which both complement and contradict LGBT bioethics. My latter two lessons - on environmental bioethics and disability - overlap with some of Murphy's concerns, as well as other conceptions of LGBT bioethics. However, the first lesson takes an antithetical stance to Murphy's primary focus by resisting all forms of heteroconformity and disavowing reproduction as consonant with Queer objectives and theory. The first lesson, which doubles as a primer in Queer theory, does heavy philosophical lifting for the remainder of the essay. This response to Timothy F. Murphy, whose work is certainly a legacy in bioethics, reveals the multiplicity of discourses in LGBT/Queer studies, many of which are advantageous - even essential - to other disciplines like bioethics. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. The hallucinogen d-lysergic diethylamide (LSD) decreases dopamine firing activity through 5-HT1A, D2 and TAAR1 receptors. (United States)

    De Gregorio, Danilo; Posa, Luca; Ochoa-Sanchez, Rafael; McLaughlin, Ryan; Maione, Sabatino; Comai, Stefano; Gobbi, Gabriella


    d-lysergic diethylamide (LSD) is a hallucinogenic drug that interacts with the serotonin (5-HT) system binding to 5-HT 1 and 5-HT 2 receptors. Little is known about its potential interactions with the dopamine (DA) neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Using in-vivo electrophysiology in male adult rats, we evaluated the effects of cumulative doses of LSD on VTA DA neuronal activity, compared these effects to those produced on 5-HT neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), and attempted to identify the mechanism of action mediating the effects of LSD on VTA DA neurons. LSD, at low doses (5-20μg/kg, i.v.) induced a significant decrease of DRN 5-HT firing activity through 5-HT 2A and D 2 receptors. At these low doses, LSD did not alter VTA DA neuronal activity. On the contrary, at higher doses (30-120μg/kg, i.v.), LSD dose-dependently decreased VTA DA firing activity. The depletion of 5-HT with p-chlorophenylalanine did not modulate the effects of LSD on DA firing activity. The inhibitory effects of LSD on VTA DA firing activity were prevented by the D 2 receptor antagonist haloperidol (50μg/kg, i.v.) and by the 5-HT 1A receptor antagonist WAY-100,635 (500μg/kg, i.v.). Notably, pretreatment with the trace amine-associate receptor 1 (TAAR 1 ) antagonist EPPTB (5mg/kg, i.v.) blocked the inhibitory effect of LSD on VTA DA neurons. These results suggest that LSD at high doses strongly affects DA mesolimbic neuronal activity in a 5-HT independent manner and with a pleiotropic mechanism of action involving 5-HT 1A, D 2 and TAAR 1 receptors. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Increased thalamic resting-state connectivity as a core driver of LSD-induced hallucinations. (United States)

    Müller, F; Lenz, C; Dolder, P; Lang, U; Schmidt, A; Liechti, M; Borgwardt, S


    It has been proposed that the thalamocortical system is an important site of action of hallucinogenic drugs and an essential component of the neural correlates of consciousness. Hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD can be used to induce profoundly altered states of consciousness, and it is thus of interest to test the effects of these drugs on this system. 100 μg LSD was administrated orally to 20 healthy participants prior to fMRI assessment. Whole brain thalamic functional connectivity was measured using ROI-to-ROI and ROI-to-voxel approaches. Correlation analyses were used to explore relationships between thalamic connectivity to regions involved in auditory and visual hallucinations and subjective ratings on auditory and visual drug effects. LSD caused significant alterations in all dimensions of the 5D-ASC scale and significantly increased thalamic functional connectivity to various cortical regions. Furthermore, LSD-induced functional connectivity measures between the thalamus and the right fusiform gyrus and insula correlated significantly with subjective auditory and visual drug effects. Hallucinogenic drug effects might be provoked by facilitations of cortical excitability via thalamocortical interactions. Our findings have implications for the understanding of the mechanism of action of hallucinogenic drugs and provide further insight into the role of the 5-HT 2A -receptor in altered states of consciousness. © 2017 The Authors Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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    Enis Purnawanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan: (1 teknik yang digunakan, (2 faktor pendukung dan pendayagunaan, (3 kendala dan cara mengatasi nya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan studi multi situs di gugus sekolah I dan gugus Sekolah II Unit Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kecamatan Munjungan melalui teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data melalui dua tahap: (1 analisis data tiap gugus, (2 analisis lintas gugus. Hasil penelitian: Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik kelompok. Faktor pendukung dan pendayagunaan, yaitu (1 kesetiakawanan antar guru dan lembaga cukup tinggi pendayagunaan nya dengan menjalin komunikasi yang efektif antar personil dan antar lembaga; (2 Adanya dana sertifikasi dengan mewajibkan guru mengikuti kegiatan KKG dengan biaya swadaya; (3 wilayah gugus yang tidak luas pendayagunaan dengan melaksanakan koordinasi antar sekolah dan antar personil secara intens. Kendala dan cara mengatasinya yaitu: (1 tidak ada aturan yang resmi dari pemerintah tentang pelaksanaan KKG dan pengelolaan gugus solusinya dengan melaksanakan kegiatan berdasarkan RKAG; (2 komitmen guru masih rendah cara mengatasinya dengan melibatkan semua unsur yang ada di gugus dalam perencanaan, pengawasan dan evaluasi kegiatan; (3 minimnya sarana prasarana penunjang kegiatan, adapun solusinya dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas dari sekolah inti dan lembaga lain. This study aims to describe: (1 the techniques used, (2 supporting factors and utilization, (3 problems and how to resolve it. This study used a qualitative approach with a multi-site study design in school cluster I and group II Unit School Department of Education and Culture District of Munjungan through observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the data in two steps: (1 analysis of the data of each group, (2 analysis across the group. RESULTS: The technique used is the technique of the group. Factors supporting and utilization, namely: (1


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    Sudarno Shobron


    pendidikan terakhir; 3 Kurangnya sarana prasarana misalnya ruangan UKS, dan laboratorium, sehingga masih kesulitan saat praktek pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: kinerja guru; sertifikasi; manajemen mutu; pendidikan.

  11. Approach for domestic preparation of standard material (LSD spike) for isotope dilution mass spectrometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishikawa, Fumitaka; Sumi, Mika; Chiba, Masahiko; Suzuki, Toru; Abe, Tomoyuki; Kuno, Yusuke


    The accountancy analysis of the nuclear fuel material at Plutonium Fuel Development Center of JAEA is performed by isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS; Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry). IDMS requires the standard material called LSD spike (Large Size Dried spike) which is indispensable for the accountancy in the facilities where the nuclear fuel materials are handled. Although the LSD spike and Pu source material have been supplied from foreign countries, the transportation for such materials has been getting more difficult recently. This difficulty may affect the operation of nuclear facilities in the future. Therefore, research and development of the domestic LSD spike and base material has been performed at JAEA. Certification for such standard nuclear materials including spikes produced in Japan is being studied. This report presents the current status and the future plan for the technological development. (author)

  12. „Skrwawione ziemie” Timothy Snydera. Krytyczne uwagi na temat konstrukcji krajobrazu historycznego

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jürgen Zarusky


    Full Text Available Timothy Snyder’s "Bloodlands". Critical comments on the construction of historical landscape Jürgen Zarusky's text is an extensive deconstruction of Timothy Snyder's narration presented in Bloodlands. The narration is based on the assumption, that both regimes – Nazi and Soviet – and their extermination practicies were similar. In Bloodlands Stalin's crimes are presented as a form of ethnic extermination. Thus Snyder suggested ideological kinship between both dictators without analysing specific ideologies. Although the author specifies the differences between these two ideologies he does not ask about their significance to the enemy image and extermination practicies. Snyder's narration concentrates excessively on Poland – as the core of “bloodlands”. In the closing chapter of the book Poles are depicted as the actual martyrs of “bloodlands” in Poland, as well as on the territory of the Soviet Union. Yet up to this day there are ethinc gorups – like Sinti and Romany -  who have to fight for the recognition of their tragic experiences as the victims of crimes commited by German authorities. The author also does not mention about the victims of the agressive wars against the Soviet Union. Thus the point of Bloodlands is not to present all the victims of totalitarianism and the war, all the victims from “bloodlands”, but to present only the victims selected by the author.   „Skrwawione ziemie” Timothy Snydera. Krytyczne uwagi na temat konstrukcji krajobrazu historycznego Tekst Jürgen Zarusky'ego to obszerna dekonstrukcja narracji Timothy Snydera zaprezentowanej w książce Skrwawione ziemie. Zasadza się ona na założeniu, że oba reżimy - niemiecki i radziecki - oraz ich praktyki eksterminacyjne były bardzo do siebie zbliżone. W książce przedstawiono stalinowskie zbrodnie masowe jako formę etnicznej eksterminacji. W ten sposób Snyder zasugerował ideologiczne pokrewieństwo między obu dyktatorami, nie

  13. Interaction of electron neutrinos with 56Fe in the LSD for Eνe≤50 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaponov, Yu.V.; Semenov, S.V.; Ryazhskaya, O.G.


    The neutrino pulses, detected by LSD (liquid scintillator detector) on February 23, 1987, are analyzed on the base of two-stage model of supernova explosion. The number of events due to the electron neutrino interaction with 56 Fe in the LSD is calculated. The obtained results is in a agreement with experimental data [ru

  14. Failure of cellulolysis in the rumen of reindeer fed timothy silage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monica A. Olsen


    Full Text Available Three male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus calves were brought from mountain pastures in April and fed regrowth timothy (Phleum pratense silage with 76% leaves and 24.0% dry matter (DM ad libitum. The silage contained (on DM basis 25.4% cellulose, 12.0% crude protein and 19-6% water soluble carbohydrates. After an initial period of 11 days the daily silage intake rose to almost similar values for all animals, but independently of food intake, body mass (BM increased by as much as 13.3 kg for animal R3 during the first 21 days, compared to 4.4 kg and 2.8 kg for Rl and R2, respectively. At slaughter the wet weight of the rumen contents of animal R3 constituted 30.2% of the total BM, compared to 18.5% and 19.1% in animals Rl and R2, respectively. A reduced ability of the rumen micro-biota to ferment pure cellulose in vitro was observed in R3. The ruminal pH was 7.07 and the concentration of volatile fatty acids was only 50.0 mM in R3, indicating a low rate of fermentation. The initial rates of in vitro dry matter digestibility of timothy silage and standard hay were also affected by the rumen fermentation failure in animal R3. Depressed rumen cellulolysis, which may be related to natural periods of starvation prior to the feeding experiment, could have caused the low rate of fermentation and the large rumen size observed in this animal.

  15. Connectome-harmonic decomposition of human brain activity reveals dynamical repertoire re-organization under LSD. (United States)

    Atasoy, Selen; Roseman, Leor; Kaelen, Mendel; Kringelbach, Morten L; Deco, Gustavo; Carhart-Harris, Robin L


    Recent studies have started to elucidate the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on the human brain but the underlying dynamics are not yet fully understood. Here we used 'connectome-harmonic decomposition', a novel method to investigate the dynamical changes in brain states. We found that LSD alters the energy and the power of individual harmonic brain states in a frequency-selective manner. Remarkably, this leads to an expansion of the repertoire of active brain states, suggestive of a general re-organization of brain dynamics given the non-random increase in co-activation across frequencies. Interestingly, the frequency distribution of the active repertoire of brain states under LSD closely follows power-laws indicating a re-organization of the dynamics at the edge of criticality. Beyond the present findings, these methods open up for a better understanding of the complex brain dynamics in health and disease.


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    Rizkia Yulikasari


    Full Text Available Motivasi merupakan keseluruhan daya penggerak dari dalam maupun luar diri siswa yang menimbulkan kegiatan belajar sehingga tujuan yang dikehendaki dapat tercapai secara maksimal. Motivasi belajar siswa diantaranya dipengaruhi oleh faktor intern yang berasal dari dalam diri siswa yakni kesiapan belajar dan faktor ekstern yang berasal dari luar diri siswa yakni kompetensi profesional guru dan lingkungan belajar. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal ada indikasi bahwa motivasi belajar siswa kelas X Program Keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran di SMK N 1 Kendal masih rendah. Masalah yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini yaitu adakah pengaruh kesiapan belajar, kompetensi profesional guru, dan lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi belajar mata pelajaran kearsipan secara simultan maupun parsial. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu adakah pengaruh kesiapan belajar, kompetensi profesional guru, dan lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi belajar mata pelajaran kearsipan secara simultan maupun parsial. Populasi yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini merupakan siswa kelas X Program Keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran tahun ajaran 2014/2015 sebanyak 71 siswa. Variabel yang dikaji yaitu kesiapan belajar, kompetensi profesional guru, lingkungan belajar, dan motivasi belajar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif dan regresi berganda. Hasil dari analisis regresi linier berganda diperoleh persamaan Y = -14,855+ 0,571X1 + 0,309X2 + 0,519X3 + e. Ada pengaruh secara simultan antara kesiapan belajar, kompetensi profesional guru dan lingkungan belajar terhadap motivasi belajar sebesar 63,3%, sedangkan pengaruh secara parsial kesiapan belajar sebesar 38,5%, kompetensi profesional guru sebesar 7,9%, dan lingkungan belajar sebesar 20,25%. Motivation was the entire driving force from within and outside the student who raised learning activities so that the desired objectives could be achieved optimally. Student's motivation

  17. Advantages of analyzing postmortem brain samples in routine forensic drug screening—case series of three non-natural deaths tested positive for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mardal, Marie; Johansen, Sys Stybe; Thomsen, Ragnar


    Three case reports are presented, including autopsy findings and toxicological screening results, which were tested positive for the potent hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). LSD and its main metabolites were quantified in brain tissue and femoral blood, and furthermore hematoma...... and urine when available. LSD, its main metabolite 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD (oxo-HO-LSD), and iso-LSD were quantified in biological samples according to a previously published procedure involving liquid-liquid extraction and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography − tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC......-MS/MS). LSD was measured in the brain tissue of all presented cases at a concentration level from 0.34 −10.8 μg/kg. The concentration level in the target organ was higher than in peripheral blood. Additional psychoactive compounds were quantified in blood and brain tissue, though all below toxic concentration...

  18. Print and Electronic Resources: Usage Statistics at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Library (United States)

    Kapoor, Kanta


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to quantify the use of electronic journals in comparison with the print collections in the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Library. Design/methodology/approach: A detailed analysis was made of the use of lending services, the Xerox facility and usage of electronic journals such as Science Direct,…

  19. Disrupted integration of sensory stimuli with information about the movement of the body as a mechanism explaining LSD-induced experience. (United States)

    Juszczak, Grzegorz R


    LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a model psychedelic drug used to study mechanism underlying the effects induced by hallucinogens. However, despite advanced knowledge about molecular mechanism responsible for the effects induced by LSD and other related substances acting at serotonergic 5-HT 2a receptors, we still do not understand how these drugs trigger specific sensory experiences. LSD-induced experience is characterised by perception of movement in the environment and by presence of various bodily sensations such as floating in space, merging into surroundings and movement out of the physical body (the out-of-body experience). It means that a large part of the experience induced by the LSD can be simplified to the illusory movement that can be attributed to the self or to external objects. The phenomenology of the LSD-induced experience has been combined with the fact that serotonergic neurons provide all major parts of the brain with information about the level of tonic motor activity, occurrence of external stimuli and the execution of orienting responses. Therefore, it has been proposed that LSD-induced stimulation of 5-HT 2a receptors disrupts the integration of the sensory stimuli with information about the movement of the body leading to perception of illusory movement. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Development of a high specific activity radioligand, 125I-LSD, and its application to the study of serotonin receptors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kadan, M.J.


    125 I-Labeled receptor ligands can be synthesized with specific activities exceeding 2000 Ci/mmol, making them nearly 70-fold more sensitive in receptor site assays than (mono) tritiated ligands. We have synthesized and characterized 125 I-lysergic acid diethylamide ( 125 I-LSD), the first radioiodinated ligand for serotonin receptor studies. The introduction of 125 I at the 2 position of LSD increased both the affinity and selectivity of this compound for serotonin 5-HT 2 receptors in rat cortex. The high specific activity of 125 I-LSD and its high ratio of specific to nonspecific binding make this ligand especially useful for autoradiographic studies of serotonin receptor distribution. We have found that 125 I-LSD binds with high affinity to a class of serotonin receptors in the CNS of the marine mollusk Aplysia californica

  1. Feed intake, gastrointestinal system and body composition in reindeer calves fed early harvested first cut timothy silage (Phleum pratense

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harri J. Norberg


    Full Text Available Early harvested first cut (EFC timothy silage was fed to five reindeer calves (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L. taken from their natural summer pasture and brought to Tromsø for feeding trial. The calves were housed indoors in metabolism cages and fed EFC timothy silage ad lib. during the trial, which lasted from late November 1994 until the end of February 1995, when animals subsequently were slaughtered. Daily feed intake, gastrointestinal (GI anatomy, body weight and body composition of the animals were examined. Timothy silage {Phleum praténse was harvested 21 June, 1994 in Tromsø, prewilted and stored as round bales containing 97% leaves. The EFC silage contained 42.1% dry matter (DM, and 18.1% crude protein, 20.7% cellulose, 16.9% hemicellulose and 28.0% water soluble carbohydrates (WSC of DM. Mean feed intake (DM 24 hours after the trial started (day 1 was 9-4 g/kg body mass (BM (S.D.+ 3-9, while the mean daily DM intake during days 15-74 comprised 24.2 g/kg BM (S.D.+ 6.1. All animals except one gained body weight during the trial. The median (range BM at start and at slaughter was 48.5 kg (34.5¬58.0 kg and 50.0 kg (42.0-53.5 kg, respectively. Median (range carcass weight % of BM was 58.0% (51.2-58.7% and muscle index value 0.0132 (0.0106-0.0176. The median reticulo-rumen (RR content wet weight (WW was 4601 g (range 2697-5000 g comprising 9.3% of the BM, and 85.1% of the total gastrointestinal wet weight content. The median (range gastrointestinal tract weight was 14.1% of BM (10.7-16.4%. Based on feed intake during the trial and body composition at slaughtet we conclude that first cut timothy silage is suitable as emergency feed to reindeer, as long as it is harvested in early growth stage with high proportion of leaves.

  2. LSD alters eyes-closed functional connectivity within the early visual cortex in a retinotopic fashion. (United States)

    Roseman, Leor; Sereno, Martin I; Leech, Robert; Kaelen, Mendel; Orban, Csaba; McGonigle, John; Feilding, Amanda; Nutt, David J; Carhart-Harris, Robin L


    The question of how spatially organized activity in the visual cortex behaves during eyes-closed, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)-induced "psychedelic imagery" (e.g., visions of geometric patterns and more complex phenomena) has never been empirically addressed, although it has been proposed that under psychedelics, with eyes-closed, the brain may function "as if" there is visual input when there is none. In this work, resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) data was analyzed from 10 healthy subjects under the influence of LSD and, separately, placebo. It was suspected that eyes-closed psychedelic imagery might involve transient local retinotopic activation, of the sort typically associated with visual stimulation. To test this, it was hypothesized that, under LSD, patches of the visual cortex with congruent retinotopic representations would show greater RSFC than incongruent patches. Using a retinotopic localizer performed during a nondrug baseline condition, nonadjacent patches of V1 and V3 that represent the vertical or the horizontal meridians of the visual field were identified. Subsequently, RSFC between V1 and V3 was measured with respect to these a priori identified patches. Consistent with our prior hypothesis, the difference between RSFC of patches with congruent retinotopic specificity (horizontal-horizontal and vertical-vertical) and those with incongruent specificity (horizontal-vertical and vertical-horizontal) increased significantly under LSD relative to placebo, suggesting that activity within the visual cortex becomes more dependent on its intrinsic retinotopic organization in the drug condition. This result may indicate that under LSD, with eyes-closed, the early visual system behaves as if it were seeing spatially localized visual inputs. Hum Brain Mapp 37:3031-3040, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Advantages of analyzing postmortem brain samples in routine forensic drug screening-Case series of three non-natural deaths tested positive for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). (United States)

    Mardal, Marie; Johansen, Sys Stybe; Thomsen, Ragnar; Linnet, Kristian


    Three case reports are presented, including autopsy findings and toxicological screening results, which were tested positive for the potent hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). LSD and its main metabolites were quantified in brain tissue and femoral blood, and furthermore hematoma and urine when available. LSD, its main metabolite 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD (oxo-HO-LSD), and iso-LSD were quantified in biological samples according to a previously published procedure involving liquid-liquid extraction and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). LSD was measured in the brain tissue of all presented cases at a concentration level from 0.34-10.8μg/kg. The concentration level in the target organ was higher than in peripheral blood. Additional psychoactive compounds were quantified in blood and brain tissue, though all below toxic concentration levels. The cause of death in case 1 was collision-induced brain injury, while it was drowning in case 2 and 3 and thus not drug intoxication. However, the toxicological findings could help explain the decedent's inability to cope with brain injury or drowning incidents. The presented findings could help establish reference concentrations in brain samples and assist in interpretation of results from forensic drug screening in brain tissue. This is to the author's knowledge the first report of LSD, iso-LSD, and oxo-HO-LSD measured in brain tissue samples. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Enhancing action of LSD on neuronal responsiveness to serotonin in a brain structure involved in obsessive-compulsive disorder. (United States)

    Zghoul, Tarek; Blier, Pierre


    Potent serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitors are the only drugs that consistently exert a therapeutic action in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Given that some hallucinogens were reported to exert an anti-OCD effect outlasting their psychotomimetic action, possible modifications of neuronal responsiveness to 5-HT by LSD were examined in two rat brain structures: one associated with OCD, the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and another linked to depression, the hippocampus. The effects of concurrent microiontophoretic application of LSD and 5-HT were examined on neuronal firing rate in the rat OFC and hippocampus under chloral hydrate anaesthesia. In order to determine whether LSD could also exert a modification of 5-HT neuronal responsiveness upon systemic administration, after a delay when hallucinosis is presumably no longer present, it was given once daily (100 microg/kg i.p.) for 4 d and the experiments were carried out 24 h after the last dose. LSD attenuated the firing activity of OFC neurons, and enhanced the inhibitory effect of 5-HT when concomitantly ejected on the same neurons. In the hippocampus, LSD also decreased firing rate by itself but decreased the inhibitory action of 5-HT. The inhibitory action of 5-HT was significantly greater in the OFC, but smaller in the hippocampus, when examined after subacute systemic administration of LSD. It is postulated that some hallucinogens could have a beneficial action in OCD by enhancing the responsiveness to 5-HT in the OFC, and not necessarily in direct relation to hallucinosis. The latter observation may have theoretical implications for the pharmacotherapy of OCD.

  5. Application of directional solidification ingot (LSD) in forging of PWR reactor vessel heads

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Benhamou, C.; Poitrault, I.


    Creusot-Loire Industrie uses this type of ingot for manufacture of Framatome 1300 and 1450 MW 4-loop PWR reactor vessel heads. This type of ingot offers a number advantages: improved internal soundness; greater chemical, structural and mechanical homogeneity of the finished part; simplified forging process. After a brief description of the pouring and solidification processes, this paper presents an analysis of the results of examinations performed on the prototype forging, as well as review of results obtained during industrial fabrication of dished heads from LSD ingots. The advantages of the LSD ingot over conventional ingots are discussed in conclusion

  6. The serotonergic system and mysticism: could LSD and the nondrug-induced mystical experience share common neural mechanisms? (United States)

    Goodman, Neil


    This article aims to explore, through established scientific research and documented accounts of personal experience, the similarities between religious mystical experiences and some effects of D-lysergic diethylamide or LSD. LSD predominantly works upon the serotonergic (serotonin-using neurons) diffuse neuromodulatory system, which projects its axons to virtually all areas of the brain including the neocortex. By its normal action it modulates awareness of the environmental surroundings and filters a high proportion of this information before it can be processed, thereby only allowing the amount of information that is necessary for survival. LSD works to open this filter, and so an increased amount of somatosensory data is processed with a corresponding increase in what is deemed important. This article describes the effects and actions of LSD, and due to the similarities with the nondrug-induced mystical experience the author proposes that the two could have common modes of action upon the brain. This could lead to avenues of research into mysticism and a wealth of knowledge on consciousness and how we perceive the universe.


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    Tri Atmadji Sutikno


    Kata Kunci: sertifikasi guru, strategi penyelesaian konflik, motivasi kerja, produktivitas kerja THE INFLUENCE OF PERCEPTION ON TEACHER CERTIFICATION, CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGIES, AND WORK MOTIVATION ON WORK PRODUCTIVITY OF SMKN TEACHERS IN MALANG Abstract: This study was aimed to investigate the influence of perception on teacher certification, conflict resolution strategies, and work motivation on work productivity. The population was SMK teachers in Malang and the sample (278 teachers was taken randomly. The data were analyzed using descriptive and correlational analyses. The findings showed: (1 perception about teacher certification, conflict resolution strategies, work motivation belonged to the high category while the work productivity belonged to the fair category, (2 there are relationships between (a perception about teacher certification, conflict resolution strategies and work motivation, (b conflict resolution strategies, work motivation and work productivity, (3 there is no relationship between perception about teacher certification and work productivity. Keywords: teacher certification, conflict resolution strategies, work motivation, and work productivity

  8. Changes in global brain connectivity in LSD-induced altered states of consciousness are attributable to the 5-HT2A receptor


    Anticevic, Alan; Vollenweider, Franz; Murray, John; Krystal, John; Repovs, Grega; Staempfli, Philipp; Adkinson, Brendan; Schleifer, Charles; Ji, Jie; Burt, Joshua; Preller, Katrin


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a psychedelic drug with predominantly agonist activity at various serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine receptors. Despite the therapeutic and scientific interest in LSD, the specific receptor contributions to its neurobiological effects remain largely unknown. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a double-blind, randomized, counterbalanced, cross-over study during which 24 healthy participants received either i) placebo+placebo, ii) placebo+LSD (100 microgr...

  9. The histone demethylase LSD1 is required for estrogen-dependent S100A7 gene expression in human breast cancer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Seung Eun; Jang, Yeun Kyu


    Highlights: ► S100A7 gene is up-regulated in response to estrogen in breast cancer cells. ► Histone demethylase LSD1 can associate physically with S100A7 gene promoters. ► E2-induced S100A7 expression requires the enzymatic activity of LSD1. ► S100A7 inhibits cell proliferation, implying its tumor suppressor-like function. -- Abstract: S100A7, a member of S100 calcium binding protein family, is highly associated with breast cancer. However, the molecular mechanism of S100A7 regulation remains unclear. Here we show that long-term treatment with estradiol stimulated S100A7 expression in MCF7 breast cancer cells at both the transcriptional and translational levels. Both treatment with a histone demethylase LSD1 inhibitor and shRNA-based knockdown of LSD1 expression significantly decreased 17β-estradiol (E2)-induced S100A7 expression. These reduced E2-mediated S100A7 expression are rescued by the overexpressed wild-type LSD1 but not by its catalytically inactive mutant. Our data showed in vivo association of LSD1 with S100A7 promoters, confirming the potential role of LSD1 in regulating S100A7 expression. S100A7 knockdown increased both normal cell growth and estrogen-induced cell proliferation, suggesting a negative influence by S100A7 on the growth of cancer cells. Together, our data suggest that estrogen-induced S100A7 expression mediated by the histone demethylase LSD1 may downregulate breast cancer cell proliferation, implying a potential tumor suppressor-like function for S100A7.

  10. A Critique of Timothy Vang’s Hmong Religious Conversion and Resistance Study

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    Nao Xiong


    Full Text Available We review Timothy Vang’s dissertation on the growth and decline of the Hmong Christian church. We argue that Vang’s arguments are methodologically and theoretically flawed. Furthermore, we try to show that his dissertation is not so much an objective analysis of Hmong religious adaptation, but rather an attempt to define and subjugate certain Hmong cultural and religious beliefs and practices as backward and inferior to Christianity. We suggest that it is these kinds of problematic arguments, often couched in academic language, that further perpetuate misinterpretations and misrepresentations about “culture” and “religion” in Hmong American communities.


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    Diah Ayu


    Full Text Available Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan: 1 Kompetensi profesional guru administrasi perkantoran dalam proses pembelajaran, 2 Penerapan kompetensi profesional guru administrasi perkantoran dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif persentase. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa X, XI, XII program keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin diperoleh sampel sejumlah 60 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi profesional guru administrasi perkantoran dalam proses pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa 76% dalam kriteria baik. Guru sudah menerapkan kompetensi profesional dalam proses pembelajaran dari indikator keterampilan membuka dan menutup pelajaran sebesar 73% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan menjelaskan sebesar 83% dalam kriteria sangat baik. Indikator keterampilan bertanya sebesar 78% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan memberi penguatan sebesar 70% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan menggunakan media pembelajaran sebesar 63% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator membimbing diskusi kelompok sebesar 81% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan mengelola kelas sebesar 85% dalam kriteria sangat baik. Indikator keterampilan mengadakan variasi sebesar 80% dalam kriteria baik. Indikator keterampilan mengajar perorangan dan kelompok kecil sebesar 75% dalam kriteria baik. The purpose of this research is to analyze and describe: 1 teacher's professional competence of the administrative offices in the learning process in vocational Enlisted Prembun Kebumen, (2 Is the professional competence of teachers office administration already applied in the process of learning in vocational Enlisted Prembun Kebumen. The population is students of class X, XI, XII Administrative skills program

  12. miR-137 forms a regulatory loop with nuclear receptor TLX and LSD1 in neural stem cells. (United States)

    Sun, GuoQiang; Ye, Peng; Murai, Kiyohito; Lang, Ming-Fei; Li, Shengxiu; Zhang, Heying; Li, Wendong; Fu, Chelsea; Yin, Jason; Wang, Allen; Ma, Xiaoxiao; Shi, Yanhong


    miR-137 is a brain-enriched microRNA. Its role in neural development remains unknown. Here we show that miR-137 has an essential role in controlling embryonic neural stem cell fate determination. miR-137 negatively regulates cell proliferation and accelerates neural differentiation of embryonic neural stem cells. In addition, we show that the histone lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1), a transcriptional co-repressor of nuclear receptor TLX, is a downstream target of miR-137. In utero electroporation of miR-137 in embryonic mouse brains led to premature differentiation and outward migration of the transfected cells. Introducing a LSD1 expression vector lacking the miR-137 recognition site rescued miR-137-induced precocious differentiation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that TLX, an essential regulator of neural stem cell self-renewal, represses the expression of miR-137 by recruiting LSD1 to the genomic regions of miR-137. Thus, miR-137 forms a feedback regulatory loop with TLX and LSD1 to control the dynamics between neural stem cell proliferation and differentiation during neural development.

  13. Possible role of biochemiluminescent photons for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)-induced phosphenes and visual hallucinations. (United States)

    Kapócs, Gábor; Scholkmann, Felix; Salari, Vahid; Császár, Noémi; Szőke, Henrik; Bókkon, István


    Today, there is an increased interest in research on lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) because it may offer new opportunities in psychotherapy under controlled settings. The more we know about how a drug works in the brain, the more opportunities there will be to exploit it in medicine. Here, based on our previously published papers and investigations, we suggest that LSD-induced visual hallucinations/phosphenes may be due to the transient enhancement of bioluminescent photons in the early retinotopic visual system in blind as well as healthy people.

  14. EKSISTENSI SD GMIT DI ROTE NDAO (Studi Deskriptif Penempatan Guru PNS pada SD GMIT Rote Ndao-NTT

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    Melki Manafe


    berasal dari Negara. Hasil-hasil inimenempatkan SD GMIT di Rote Ndao pada status quasistate school dimana SD GMIT adalah milik GMIT akan tetapi semua operasional (subsidi pendidikan dan sumber daya manusia/guru selalu bergantung pada Negara.

  15. Peran dan Karya Roh Kudus serta Implikasinya terhadap Pengembangan Pribadi dan Kualitas Pengajaran Guru Kristen [Roles and Work of the Holy Spirit and the Implications for the Personal Development and Teaching Quality of Christian Teachers

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    Imanuel Adhitya Wulanata


    BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRAK: Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas peran dan karya Roh Kudus serta impilikasinya terhadap pengembangan pribadi dan kualitas pengajaran guru Kristen di era globalisasi. Tugas utama seorang guru dalam konteks pendidikan Kristen adalah membantu para siswa untuk belajar mengenal Allah di dalam Yesus Kristus dan melalui firman-Nya tersebut, mereka dapat bertumbuh dan menjadi serupa dengan Kristus dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Oleh sebab itu, penting sekali peran dan karya Roh Kudus sebagai Roh Hikmat untuk membantu guru Kristen membedakan antara kebenaran sejati dan kebenaran yang bersifat humanisme belaka. Dengan demikian, pengajaran yang disampaikan oleh guru Kristen tersebut tidak akan membawa para siswanya ke dalam hal-hal yang bersifat negatif pasca pengajaran, tetapi memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap perkembangan spiritual, karakter, intelegensi, dan perilaku mereka.

  16. Determination of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in mouse blood by capillary electrophoresis/ fluorescence spectroscopy with sweeping techniques in micellar electrokinetic chromatography. (United States)

    Fang, Ching; Liu, Ju-Tsung; Chou, Shiu-Huey; Lin, Cheng-Huang


    The separation and on-line concentration of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in mouse blood was achieved by means of capillary electrophoresis/fluorescence spectroscopy using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as the surfactant. Techniques involving on-line sample concentration, including sweeping micellar electrokinetic chromatography (sweeping-MEKC) and cation-selective exhaustive injection-sweep-micellar electrokinetic chromatography (CSEI-sweep-MEKC) were applied; the optimum on-line concentration and separation conditions were determined. In the analysis of an actual sample, LSD was found in a blood sample from a test mouse (0.1 mg LSD fed to a 20 g mouse; approximately 1/10 to the value of LD(50)). As a result, 120 and 30 ng/mL of LSD was detected at 20 and 60 min, respectively, after ingestion of the doses.

  17. Electrochemistry and analytical determination of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) via adsorptive stripping voltammetry. (United States)

    Merli, Daniele; Zamboni, Daniele; Protti, Stefano; Pesavento, Maria; Profumo, Antonella


    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is hardly detectable and quantifiable in biological samples because of its low active dose. Although several analytical tests are available, routine analysis of this drug is rarely performed. In this article, we report a simple and accurate method for the determination of LSD, based on adsorptive stripping voltammetry in DMF/tetrabutylammonium perchlorate, with a linear range of 1-90 ng L(-1) for deposition times of 50s. LOD of 1.4 ng L(-1) and LOQ of 4.3 ng L(-1) were found. The method can be also applied to biological samples after a simple extraction with 1-chlorobutane. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



    Susi Fatikhah Setiyawati; Heru Kuswanto


    Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) menghasilkan buku pedoman guru untuk pembelajaran fisika SMA menggunakan model problem solving sesuai level inkuiri yang layak digunakan; (2) mendeskripsikan keberhasilan pembelajaran fisika menggunakan model problem solving (MPS) sesuai dengan level inkuiri sesuai dengan buku pedoman terhadap peningkatan aktivitas peserta didik dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan, sesuai langkah yang dikembangkan oleh Bor...

  19. Verification measurements of the IRMM-1027 and the IAEA large-sized dried (LSD) spikes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jakopic, R.; Aregbe, Y.; Richter, S.


    In the frame of the accountancy measurements of the fissile materials, reliable determinations of the plutonium and uranium content in spent nuclear fuel are required to comply with international safeguards agreements. Large-sized dried (LSD) spikes of enriched "2"3"5U and "2"3"9Pu for isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) analysis are routinely applied in reprocessing plants for this purpose. A correct characterisation of these elements is a pre-requirement for achieving high accuracy in IDMS analyses. This paper will present the results of external verification measurements of such LSD spikes performed by the European Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency. (author)

  20. GURU v2.0: An interactive Graphical User interface to fit rheometer curves in Han's model for rubber vulcanization (United States)

    Milani, G.; Milani, F.

    A GUI software (GURU) for experimental data fitting of rheometer curves in Natural Rubber (NR) vulcanized with sulphur at different curing temperatures is presented. Experimental data are automatically loaded in GURU from an Excel spreadsheet coming from the output of the experimental machine (moving die rheometer). To fit the experimental data, the general reaction scheme proposed by Han and co-workers for NR vulcanized with sulphur is considered. From the simplified kinetic scheme adopted, a closed form solution can be found for the crosslink density, with the only limitation that the induction period is excluded from computations. Three kinetic constants must be determined in such a way to minimize the absolute error between normalized experimental data and numerical prediction. Usually, this result is achieved by means of standard least-squares data fitting. On the contrary, GURU works interactively by means of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to minimize the error and allows an interactive calibration of the kinetic constants by means of sliders. A simple mouse click on the sliders allows the assignment of a value for each kinetic constant and a visual comparison between numerical and experimental curves. Users will thus find optimal values of the constants by means of a classic trial and error strategy. An experimental case of technical relevance is shown as benchmark.

  1. Fatty acid composition of ruminal digesta and longissimus muscle from lambs fed silage mixtures including red clover, sainfoin, and timothy. (United States)

    Campidonico, L; Toral, P G; Priolo, A; Luciano, G; Valenti, B; Hervás, G; Frutos, P; Copani, G; Ginane, C; Niderkorn, V


    This work investigated the effects of feeding silage mixtures of a plant containing polyphenol oxidase (PPO; red clover [; RC]), a plant containing tannins (sainfoin [; SF]), and a grass species not containing these compounds (timothy [; T]) on ruminal and intramuscular (i.m.) fatty acids of lambs. Forty 4-mo-old castrated male Romane lambs, divided into 5 groups, received 1 of the following silages: 1) T (100%), 2) a binary mixture of timothy and tannin-containing sainfoin ( cv. Perly; 50:50 [T-SF]), 3) a binary mixture of timothy and PPO-containing red clover ( cv. Mervius; 50:50 [T-RC]), 4) a ternary mixture of timothy, sainfoin, and red clover containing both tannins and PPO (50:25:25, respectively [T-SF-RC]), and 5) a binary mixture of tannin-containing sainfoin and PPO-containing red clover (50:50 [SF-RC]). In the rumen digesta, the partial or total replacement of T with forage legumes was associated with greater concentrations of PUFA ( forage legumes in the silage favored the accumulation of 18:3 -3 ( Forage legumes decreased the -11 18:1 to 30% of T in rumen digesta ( Forage legumes decreased the total concentration of branched-chain fatty acids in the rumen digesta (on average, -28%; comparison with T. The dietary treatment tended to affect the proportion of MUFA ( = 0.081) and of PUFA ( = 0.079) in the i.m. fat of the LM, respectively, at the highest and lowest numerical value in the T group. The sum of -3 fatty acids was less in the T and T-SF groups compared with the mixture of legumes without T (SF-RC; comparison with lambs given T-RC, T-SF-RC, and SF-RC. Rumenic acid (-9 -11 CLA) was detected at a greater percentage in the LM from the animals fed the T silage compared with animals fed the T-SF-RC treatment ( = 0.004). Contrarily, -9 -12 -15 18:3 was found at a greater concentration in the muscle from lambs in the SF-RC treatment compared with lambs in the other treatments ( forage for growing lambs in terms of i.m. fatty acid composition.


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    Nida Aulia


    Full Text Available Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan formal bertujuan mempersiapkan lulusan untuk masuk ke dunia kerja. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kompetensi guru produktif pemasaran masih kurang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pengalaman mengajar dan etos kerja terhadap kompetensi profesional guru produktif pemasaran SMK Binis dan Manajemen di Kota Semarang baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 50 guru produktif pemasaran SMK Binis dan Manajemen di Kota Semarang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1 ada pengaruh pengalaman mengajar terhadap kompetensi profesional sebesar 17,47%, (2 ada pengaruh etos kerja terhadap kompetensi profesional sebesar 18,31% dan (3 ada pengaruh antara pengalaman mengajar dan etos kerja terhadap kompetensi profesional guru produktif pemasaran SMK Binis dan Manajemen di Kota Semarang secara simultan sebesar 59,5%. Hasil persamaan regresi diperoleh Y = 4,823 + 0,277X1 + 0,660X2. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu, ada pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara pengalaman mengajar dan etos kerja terhadap kompetensi profesional guru produktif pemasaran baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Vocational High School (SMK is one of the formal educational institutions aimed at preparing graduates to enter the workforce. Based on the results of preliminary observations indicate that the level of competence of teachers of productive marketing is still not good. This study aimed to analyze the influence of teaching experience and work ethic to the professional competence of teachers of productive marketing vocational high school Binis and management in Semarang. either partially or simultaneously. the population of this research is 50 teachers of productive marketing vocational

  3. Pengaruh pelatihan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi pada guru sekolah dasar sistem full day terhadap perubahan status kebersihan mulut siswa

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    Anne Agustina Suwargiani


    counselling materials; teacher’s feeling of knowledge limitations; and forgetfulness of the usage of the dental model replica. There was a signicant effect of the action towards the oral hygiene status of the students, but there was no signicant inuence of knowledge and attitude towards the oral hygiene status of the students. Conclusions: Dental care training on full-day primary school teachers did not signicantly change their knowledge and attitude of toothbrushing, but continuous and proper practice after training, however, gave signicant effect on student’s oral hygiene status. Inhibiting factors of alteration were coming from internal environment of both teachers and students, and also due to lack of facilities.   ABSTRAK Usia Sekolah Dasar merupakan usia yang tepat untuk mengajarkan teknik menyikat gigi  yang  baik  dan  benar, karena pada usia ini anak sedang dalam memasuki periode gigi campuran  dan sudah harus mampu menyikat  gigi baik dan benar. Penerapan penyikatan gigi di Sekolah Dasar dengan sistem full day sangat diperlukan, mengingat waktu anak di sekolah lebih lama dan melewati waktu makan siang sehingga anak harus mampu menjaga kesehatan giginya sendiri. Penerapan tersebut sangat membutuhkan peran guru. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan penyikatan gigi pada guru terhadap status kebersihan mulut siswa. Mixed methode terdiri dari tahap penelitian kuantitatif dengan pemberian kuisioner pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan guru setelah pelatihan penyikatan gigi dan keterampilan menyikat gigi siswa diukur melalui status kebersihan mulut (OHIS green Vermillion dan tahap penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi menggunakan cek list observasi untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat transfer hasil pelatihan pada siswa. Metode penelitian deskriptif analitik. Sampel penelitian diambil dari seluruh populasi, dimana semua guru diambil sebagai sampel penelitian. Hasil penelitian melalui uji korelasi linier menunjukkan hubungan

  4. Role of androgen receptor and associated lysine-demethylase coregulators, LSD1 and JMJD2A, in localized and advanced human bladder cancer. (United States)

    Kauffman, Eric C; Robinson, Brian D; Downes, Martin J; Powell, Leagh G; Lee, Ming Ming; Scherr, Douglas S; Gudas, Lorraine J; Mongan, Nigel P


    Bladder cancer is approximately three times more common in men as compared to women. We and others have previously investigated the contribution of androgens and the androgen receptor (AR) to bladder cancer. JMJD2A and LSD1 are recently discovered AR coregulator proteins that mediate AR-dependent transcription via recently described histone lysine-demethylation (KDM) mechanisms. We used immunohistochemistry to examine JMJD2A, LSD1, and AR expression in 72 radical cystectomy specimens, resulting in evaluation of 129 tissue samples (59 urothelial carcinoma, 70 benign). We tested levels of these proteins for statistical association with clinicopathologic variables and patient survival. Expression of these markers was also assessed in human bladder cancer cell lines. The effects of pharmacological inhibition of LSD1 on the proliferation of these bladder cancer cells was determined. JMJD2A and AR levels were significantly lower in malignant versus benign urothelium, while increased LSD1 levels were observed in malignant urothelium relative to benign. A significant reduction in all three proteins occurred with cancer stage progression, including muscle invasion (JMJD2A/LSD1/AR), extravesical extension (JMJD2A/LSD1), and lymph node metastasis (JMJD2A/AR). Lower JMJD2A intensity correlated with additional poor prognostic features, including lymphovascular invasion, concomitant carcinoma in situ and tobacco usage, and predicted significantly worse overall survival. Pharmacological inhibition of LSD1 suppressed bladder cancer cell proliferation and androgen-induced transcription. Our results support a novel role for the AR-KDM complex in bladder cancer initiation and progression, identify JMJD2A as a promising prognostic biomarker, and demonstrate targeting of the KDM activity as an effective potential approach for bladder cancer growth inhibition. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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    Wahyu Ramadoni


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to: (1 describe the leadership style of the principal in improving teacher performance; (2 describe the role of the school principal; (3 describe the factor endowments and a barrier in improving the performance of teachers; and (4 describe the effort completed the obstacle in improving the performance of the teacher in PAUD Islam Sabilillah and SDN 1 Tanjungsari District of Sidoarjo. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach with multi- case study design. The data in this research was obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, and study the documentation. Data analysis is divided into two stages, namely the individual data analysis and data analysis of cross cases. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1 mendeskripsikan gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru; (2 mendeskripsikan peran kepala sekolah; (3 mendeskripsikan faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru; dan (4 mendeskripsikan usaha menyelesaikan hambatan dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru di PAUD Islam Sabilillah dan SDN Tanjungsari 1 Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan rancangan studi multi kasus. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dibagi dalam dua tahap, yakni analisis data individu dan analisis data lintas kasus.

  6. Numerical predictions of particle dispersed two-phase flows, using the LSD and SSF models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avila, R.; Cervantes de Gortari, J.; Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City. Facultad de Ingenieria)


    A modified version of a numerical scheme which is suitable to predict parabolic dispersed two-phase flow, is presented. The original version of this scheme was used to predict the test cases discussed during the 3rd workshop on TPF predictions in Belgrade, 1986. In this paper, two particle dispersion models are included which use the Lagrangian approach predicting test case 1 and 3 of the 4th workshop. For the prediction of test case 1 the Lagrangian Stochastic Deterministic model (LSD) is used providing acceptable good results of mean and turbulent quantities for both solid and gas phases; however, the computed void fraction distribution is not in agreement with the measurements at locations away from the inlet, especially near the walls. Test case 3 is predicted using both the LSD and the Stochastic Separated Flow (SSF) models. It was found that the effects of turbulence modulation are large when the LSD model is used, whereas the particles have a negligible influence on the continuous phase if the SSF model is utilized for the computations. Predictions of gas phase properties based on both models agree well with measurements; however, the agreement between calculated and measured solid phase properties is less satisfactory. (orig.)

  7. GURU v2.0: An interactive Graphical User interface to fit rheometer curves in Han’s model for rubber vulcanization

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    G. Milani


    Full Text Available A GUI software (GURU for experimental data fitting of rheometer curves in Natural Rubber (NR vulcanized with sulphur at different curing temperatures is presented. Experimental data are automatically loaded in GURU from an Excel spreadsheet coming from the output of the experimental machine (moving die rheometer. To fit the experimental data, the general reaction scheme proposed by Han and co-workers for NR vulcanized with sulphur is considered. From the simplified kinetic scheme adopted, a closed form solution can be found for the crosslink density, with the only limitation that the induction period is excluded from computations. Three kinetic constants must be determined in such a way to minimize the absolute error between normalized experimental data and numerical prediction. Usually, this result is achieved by means of standard least-squares data fitting. On the contrary, GURU works interactively by means of a Graphical User Interface (GUI to minimize the error and allows an interactive calibration of the kinetic constants by means of sliders. A simple mouse click on the sliders allows the assignment of a value for each kinetic constant and a visual comparison between numerical and experimental curves. Users will thus find optimal values of the constants by means of a classic trial and error strategy. An experimental case of technical relevance is shown as benchmark.

  8. Tolerance to LSD and DOB induced shaking behaviour: differential adaptations of frontocortical 5-HT(2A) and glutamate receptor binding sites. (United States)

    Buchborn, Tobias; Schröder, Helmut; Dieterich, Daniela C; Grecksch, Gisela; Höllt, Volker


    Serotonergic hallucinogens, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and dimethoxy-bromoamphetamine (DOB), provoke stereotype-like shaking behaviour in rodents, which is hypothesised to engage frontocortical glutamate receptor activation secondary to serotonin2A (5-HT2A) related glutamate release. Challenging this hypothesis, we here investigate whether tolerance to LSD and DOB correlates with frontocortical adaptations of 5-HT2A and/or overall-glutamate binding sites. LSD and DOB (0.025 and 0.25 mg/kg, i.p.) induce a ketanserin-sensitive (0.5 mg/kg, i.p., 30-min pretreatment) increase in shaking behaviour (including head twitches and wet dog shakes), which with repeated application (7× in 4 ds) is undermined by tolerance. Tolerance to DOB, as indexed by DOB-sensitive [(3)H]spiroperidol and DOB induced [(35)S]GTP-gamma-S binding, is accompanied by a frontocortical decrease in 5-HT2A binding sites and 5-HT2 signalling, respectively; glutamate-sensitive [(3)H]glutamate binding sites, in contrast, remain unchanged. As to LSD, 5-HT2 signalling and 5-HT2A binding, respectively, are not or only marginally affected, yet [(3)H]glutamate binding is significantly decreased. Correlation analysis interrelates tolerance to DOB to the reduced 5-HT2A (r=.80) as well as the unchanged [(3)H]glutamate binding sites (r=.84); tolerance to LSD, as opposed, shares variance with the reduction in [(3)H]glutamate binding sites only (r=.86). Given that DOB and LSD both induce tolerance, one correlating with 5-HT2A, the other with glutamate receptor adaptations, it might be inferred that tolerance can arise at either level. That is, if a hallucinogen (like LSD in our study) fails to induce 5-HT2A (down-)regulation, glutamate receptors (activated postsynaptic to 5-HT2A related glutamate release) might instead adapt and thus prevent further overstimulation of the cortex. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Origin of a signal detected with the LSD detector after the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Agafonova, N. Yu., E-mail:; Malgin, A. S., E-mail: [Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Nuclear Research (Russian Federation); Fulgione, W. [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, and Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario (Italy)


    A rare signal was detected at 23:53 Moscow time on April 27, 1986 with the LSD low-background scintillation detector located under Mont Blanc at a distance of 1820 km from Chernobyl. To reveal the origin of this signal, we discuss the results obtained with other instruments operating within a similar program, as well as analyze the characteristics of the pulses of the signal and facts referring to the explosion of the Chernobyl reactor. A hypothesis based on detection with the LSD of gamma-quanta from {beta} decays of {sup 135}I nuclei ejected into atmosphere by the reactor explosion and carried in the underground detector camera with air of positive ventilation is considered. The explosion origin of the LSD signal indicates a new technogenic source of the background in the search for neutrino bursts from cores of collapsing stars.

  10. [Statement on Recent Research on LSD, Marihuana, and Other Dangerous Drugs. (United States)

    Yolles, Stanley F.

    The National Institute of Mental Health is continuing support of several studies designed to measure trends in the use of hallucinogens. Indications are that the evidence for persisting psychological and birth defect damage from chronic LSD use is minimal. Though they are a continuing problem, admissions to psychiatric units of persons with "bad…

  11. Perilaku Bullying dan Peranan Guru BK/Konselor dalam Pengentasannya (Studi Deskriptif terhadap Siswa SMP Negeri 3 Lubuk Basung

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    Ilfajri Yenes


    Full Text Available Bullying merupakan suatu situasi di mana terjadinya penyalahgunaan kekuatan/kekuasaan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang/kelompok. Perilaku bullying merupakan  salah satu bentuk kekerasan dan agresif siswa di sekolah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku bullying yang ditampilkan siswa SMPN 3 Lubuk Basung dan peranan guru BK/konselor dalam pengentasannya. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa di SMP Negeri 3 Lubuk Basung berjumlah  564 orang dengan sampel 138 orang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik propotonal stratified random. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan angket. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis perilaku bullying yang dominan terjadi yaitu menyakiti secara verbal dilanjutkan dengan menyakiti secara fisik kemudian menyakiti secara mental dengan faktor keluarga. Faktor teman sebaya merupakan faktor yang lebih dominan sebagai penyebab perilaku bullying siswa. Secara umum guru BK/konselor cukup berperan mengatasi perilaku bullyingdengan memberikan  layanan informasi sebagai layanan yang lebih dominan diberikan dilanjutkan dengan layanan bimbingan kelompok dan konseling kelompok serta pemberian layanan konseling individual.

  12. Serotonergic and dopaminergic distinctions in the behavioral pharmacology of (±)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOI) and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). (United States)

    Schindler, Emmanuelle A D; Dave, Kuldip D; Smolock, Elaine M; Aloyo, Vincent J; Harvey, John A


    After decades of social stigma, hallucinogens have reappeared in the clinical literature demonstrating unique benefits in medicine. The precise behavioral pharmacology of these compounds remains unclear, however. Two commonly studied hallucinogens, (±)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOI) and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), were investigated both in vivo and in vitro to determine the pharmacology of their behavioral effects in an animal model. Rabbits were administered DOI or LSD and observed for head bob behavior after chronic drug treatment or after pretreatment with antagonist ligands. The receptor binding characteristics of DOI and LSD were studied in vitro in frontocortical homogenates from naïve rabbits or ex vivo in animals receiving an acute drug injection. Both DOI- and LSD-elicited head bobs required serotonin(2A) (5-HT(2A)) and dopamine(1) (D(1)) receptor activation. Serotonin(2B/2C) receptors were not implicated in these behaviors. In vitro studies demonstrated that LSD and the 5-HT(2A/2C) receptor antagonist, ritanserin, bound frontocortical 5-HT(2A) receptors in a pseudo-irreversible manner. In contrast, DOI and the 5-HT(2A/2C) receptor antagonist, ketanserin, bound reversibly. These binding properties were reflected in ex vivo binding studies. The two hallucinogens also differed in that LSD showed modest D(1) receptor binding affinity whereas DOI had negligible binding affinity at this receptor. Although DOI and LSD differed in their receptor binding properties, activation of 5-HT(2A) and D(1) receptors was a common mechanism for eliciting head bob behavior. These findings implicate these two receptors in the mechanism of action of hallucinogens. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Epigenetic silencing of the DNA mismatch repair gene, MLH1, induced by hypoxic stress in a pathway dependent on the histone demethylase, LSD1 (United States)

    Lu, Yuhong; Wajapeyee, Narendra; Turker, Mitchell S.; Glazer, Peter M.


    SUMMARY Silencing of the MLH1 gene is frequently seen in sporadic cancers. We report that hypoxia causes decreased H3K4 methylation at the MLH1 promoter via the H3K4 demethylases, LSD1 and PLU-1, and promotes long-term silencing of the promoter in a pathway that requires LSD1. Knockdown of LSD1 or its co-repressor, CoREST, also prevents the re-silencing (and cytosine DNA methylation) of the endogenous MLH1 promoter in RKO colon cancer cells following transient reactivation by the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC). The results demonstrate that hypoxia is a critical driving force for silencing of MLH1 through chromatin modification and indicate that the LSD1/CoREST complex is essential for MLH1 silencing. PMID:25043185

  14. Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru dengan Motivasi Karir Sebagai Variabel Moderasi dan Kepuasan Karir Sebagai Variabel Mediasi pada YP IPPI [Effect of Job Satisfaction on Teacher Performance with Career Motivation as a Moderating Variable and Career Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable at the YP IPPI – Education Foundation/Indonesian Educational Development Institute

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    Ferdy Ardiansyah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja guru dengan motivasi karir sebagai variabel moderasi dan kepuasan karir sebagai variabel mediasi pada YP IPPI, Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel moderasi motivasi karir dan variabel mediasi pada hubungan antara kepuasan kerja dan kinerja. Penelitian ini menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 74 guru dari total 208 guru di YP IPPI di Jakarta dan dilakukan dengan random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja dengan dimediasi oleh kepuasan karir dan di moderasi oleh motivasi karir, namun temuan yang unik variabel moderasi motivasi karir memberikan dukungan pengaruh yang negatif pada guru-guru di sekolah tersebut.

  15. A Single Dose of LSD Does Not Alter Gene Expression of the Serotonin 2A Receptor Gene (HTR2A) or Early Growth Response Genes (EGR1-3) in Healthy Subjects (United States)

    Dolder, Patrick C.; Grünblatt, Edna; Müller, Felix; Borgwardt, Stefan J.; Liechti, Matthias E.


    Rationale: Renewed interest has been seen in the use of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in psychiatric research and practice. The repeated use of LSD leads to tolerance that is believed to result from serotonin (5-HT) 5-HT2A receptor downregulation. In rats, daily LSD administration for 4 days decreased frontal cortex 5-HT2A receptor binding. Additionally, a single dose of LSD acutely increased expression of the early growth response genes EGR1 and EGR2 in rat and mouse brains through 5-HT2A receptor stimulation. No human data on the effects of LSD on gene expression has been reported. Therefore, we investigated the effects of single-dose LSD administration on the expression of the 5-HT2A receptor gene (HTR2A) and EGR1-3 genes. Methods: mRNA expression levels were analyzed in whole blood as a peripheral biomarker in 15 healthy subjects before and 1.5 and 24 h after the administration of LSD (100 μg) and placebo in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. Results: LSD did not alter the expression of the HTR2A or EGR1-3 genes 1.5 and 24 h after administration compared with placebo. Conclusion: No changes were observed in the gene expression of LSD’s primary target receptor gene or genes that are implicated in its downstream effects. Remaining unclear is whether chronic LSD administration alters gene expression in humans. PMID:28701958

  16. Cultural Aspects in the Shona Monolingual Dictionary Duramazwi Guru reChiShona*

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    Nomalanga Mpofu


    Full Text Available

    Abstract: In the compilation of dictionaries, lexicographers also take cognisance of the culture which is inherent in a language. This article will look at the way the cultural aspect is interwoven in the practice of dictionary making. Language is at the core of culture and it is the major vehicle for the transmission of a people's beliefs and values. Language is also an expression of social struc-tures and attitudes. No culture can exist which does not have a natural language at its centre. A language thus reflects a particular culture. Culture in this article will be taken to mean whatever a person must know in order to function in a particular society (Wardhaugh 1998: 215. The article will look at two aspects: (1 the interrelationship between language and culture and its bearing on lexicography; and (2 the treatment of cultural aspects in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona (2001. Examples used in this article are drawn from the advanced Shona monolingual dictionary Duramazwi Guru reChiShona, and other Shona dictionaries, both monolingual and bilingual.


    Opsomming: Kulturele aspekte in die Sjona- eentalige woordeboek. By die samestelling van woordeboeke neem leksikograwe ook kennis van die kultuur wat inherent aan 'n taal is. Hierdie artikel sal kyk na die manier waarop die kulturele aspek verweef is met die praktyk van woordeboekmaak. Taal lê aan die kern van kultuur en dit is die hoofmedium vir die oordrag van 'n volk se opvattings en waardes. Taal is ook 'n uitdrukking van sosiale strukture en houdings. Geen kultuur kan bestaan wat nie 'n natuurlike taal as middelpunt het nie. 'n Taal weerspieël gevolglik 'n bepaalde kultuur. Kultuur in hierdie artikel sal verstaan word om alles te beteken wat 'n persoon moet weet om in 'n betrokke maatskappy te funksioneer


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    Muhammad Taufiq Halim


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh jauhnya lokasi sekolah dari pusat perkotaan sehingga menyebabkan kurangnya informasi yang masuk ke sekolah ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan konstruksi sosial guru terhadap pembelajaran IPS, mendeskripsikan implementasi pembelajaran IPS di SD Inpres 6/86 Laburasseng, mendeskripsikan dampak pembelajaran IPS di SD Inpres 6/86 Laburasseng. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan model interaktif yakni pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa konstruksi sosial guru terhadap pembelajaran IPS berbeda-beda khususnya pada tahap objektifikasi dan terjadi pergeseran pandangan terhadap pembelajaran IPS yang ideal yang menyebabkan implementasi dari pembelajaran IPS menyimpang sehingga berdampak pada perilaku siswa. Berdasarkan hal tersebut disarankan agar guru-guru lebih aktif untuk mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan serta diklat-diklat dan mencari informasi yang lebih banyak untuk menambah wawasan tentang pembelajaran IPS. The research was distributed by school location away from urban centres so that the cause of the lack of information coming into this school. The purpose of this study is to describe the social construction of teachers towards social science learning, social science learning implementation described in the primary presidential instruction 6/86 Laburasseng, described the impact of  social science learning in the primary presidential instruction 6/86 Laburasseng. This research includes qualitative research. The technique of data collection conducted in-depth interviews with, observation and documentation. Analytical techniques in the study with the use of interactive models i.e., data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The research found that

  18. Blended Learning Implementation in “Guru Pembelajar” Program (United States)

    Mahdan, D.; Kamaludin, M.; Wendi, H. F.; Simanjuntak, M. V.


    The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT), especially the internet, computers and communication devices requires the innovation in learning; one of which is Blended Learning. The concept of Blended Learning is the mixing of face-to-face learning models by learning online. Blended learning used in the learner teacher program organized by the Indonesian department of education and culture that a program to improve the competence of teachers, called “Guru Pembelajar” (GP). Blended learning model is perfect for learning for teachers, due to limited distance and time because online learning can be done anywhere and anytime. but the problems that arise from the implementation of this activity are many teachers who do not follow the activities because teachers, especially the elderly do not want to follow the activities because they cannot use computers and the internet, applications that are difficult to understand by participants, unstable internet connection in the area where the teacher lives and facilities and infrastructure are not adequate.

  19. Advantages of analyzing postmortem brain samples in routine forensic drug screening—case series of three non-natural deaths tested positive for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mardal, Marie; Johansen, Sys Stybe; Thomsen, Ragnar


    Three case reports are presented, including autopsy findings and toxicological screening results, which were tested positive for the potent hallucinogenic drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). LSD and its main metabolites were quantified in brain tissue and femoral blood, and furthermore hematoma...

  20. SFPQ associates to LSD1 and regulates the migration of newborn pyramidal neurons in the developing cerebral cortex. (United States)

    Saud, K; Cánovas, J; Lopez, C I; Berndt, F A; López, E; Maass, J C; Barriga, A; Kukuljan, M


    The development of the cerebral cortex requires the coordination of multiple processes ranging from the proliferation of progenitors to the migration and establishment of connectivity of the newborn neurons. Epigenetic regulation carried out by the COREST/LSD1 complex has been identified as a mechanism that regulates the development of pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex. We now identify the association of the multifunctional RNA-binding protein SFPQ to LSD1 during the development of the cerebral cortex. In vivo reduction of SFPQ dosage by in utero electroporation of a shRNA results in impaired radial migration of newborn pyramidal neurons, in a similar way to that observed when COREST or LSD1 expressions are decreased. Diminished SFPQ expression also associates to decreased proliferation of progenitor cells, while it does not affect the acquisition of neuronal fate. These results are compatible with the idea that SFPQ, plays an important role regulating proliferation and migration during the development of the cerebral cortex. Copyright © 2016 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Cok Istri Raka Marsiti


    Full Text Available Education is a key in improving quality of the nation. Human resource development is a strategic attempt that should be carried out by the government. Professional teacher is a whole building that covers thinking and acting in learning activities. As a consequence evaluation instrument of competency is a building unit that can be used to measure teachers competency. Professional teacher requires professional in teaching and training. Teachers roles are to generate learning activity, however, they face problems in executing their tasks, community perceptions on teachers, and teachers prosperity. Therefore, regeneration of teachers and continued development of human resource are answering these problems. Kata kunci: Mutu Pendidikan, SMK, profesionalisme guru.

  2. C/EBPα creates elite cells for iPSC reprogramming by upregulating Klf4 and increasing the levels of Lsd1 and Brd4

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Di Stefano, Bruno; Collombet, Samuel; Jakobsen, Janus Schou


    reprogrammed into iPSCs by the Yamanaka factors OSKM. Here we show that C/EBPα post-transcriptionally increases the abundance of several hundred proteins, including Lsd1, Hdac1, Brd4, Med1 and Cdk9, components of chromatin-modifying complexes present at super-enhancers. Lsd1 was found to be required for B cell...


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    Alberta Parinters Makur


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE An increasing number of Papuans qualified teachers realized by sending young people from Papua to continue their education in the College of Education. But the basic capabilities, especially mathematics, which owned high school students graduated from Papua that continuing education is very low. This, presumably because the students have math anxiety, thus preventing them from material master mathematics. By using a qualitative research approach, particularly the case study method, this research describes what factors are the cause of math anxiety prospective teacher students from Papua, based on the results of questionnaires and interviews that have been analyzed. LsdExcep


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    Ekasari Prastia


    Full Text Available Minat membaca dapat mempengaruhi kualitas pencapaian hasil belajar siswa dalam bidang-bidang studi tertentu seperti halnya membaca. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa cukup rendahnya minat membaca di perpustakaan bagi siswa SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. Hal ini dilihat dari jumlah pengunjung, peminjam buku dan daftar pembaca di perpustakaan SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh peranan guru, fasilitas perpustakaan dan pelayanan pustakawan terhadap minat membaca di perpustakaan bagi siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Metode analisis data menggunakan regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik, uji hipotesis dan analisis deskriptif. Uji keberartian persamaan regresi dilihat dari uji F hitung = 47,074 dengan probabilitas sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga diperoleh hasil analisis regresi linier berganda dengan persamaan Y= 10,165+ 0,533X1 + 0,079X2 + 0,053X3+ e. Besarnya pengaruh secara simultan antara pengaruh peranan guru, fasilitas perpustakaan, dan pelayanan pustakawan terhadap minat membaca sebesar 64.4%. Pengaruh secara parsial variabel peranan guru terhadap minat membaca yaitu 83%, fasilitas perpustakaan yaitu 80%, sedangkan pelayanan pustakawan yaitu 66%. Interest as understood and used by people during this time may affect the quality of student achievement in specific areas of study as well as reading . The problem in this research note that the relatively low interest in reading in the library for students of SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. It is seen from the number of visitors , the borrower's books and readers in the library list SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. This study aims to know is there any influence of the role of teachers , library facilities and services librarians to interest in reading in the library for students of classes XI SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga .This study includes quantitative research. Methods of

  5. Detecting Signatures of Positive Selection along Defined Branches of a Population Tree Using LSD. (United States)

    Librado, Pablo; Orlando, Ludovic


    Identifying the genomic basis underlying local adaptation is paramount to evolutionary biology, and bears many applications in the fields of conservation biology, crop, and animal breeding, as well as personalized medicine. Although many approaches have been developed to detect signatures of positive selection within single populations and population pairs, the increasing wealth of high-throughput sequencing data requires improved methods capable of handling multiple, and ideally large number of, populations in a single analysis. In this study, we introduce LSD (levels of exclusively shared differences), a fast and flexible framework to perform genome-wide selection scans, along the internal and external branches of a given population tree. We use forward simulations to demonstrate that LSD can identify branches targeted by positive selection with remarkable sensitivity and specificity. We illustrate a range of potential applications by analyzing data from the 1000 Genomes Project and uncover a list of adaptive candidates accompanying the expansion of anatomically modern humans out of Africa and their spread to Europe.

  6. Phospholipase C mediates (±)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOI)-, but not lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)-elicited head bobs in rabbit medial prefrontal cortex. (United States)

    Schindler, Emmanuelle A D; Harvey, John A; Aloyo, Vincent J


    The phenethylamine and indoleamine classes of hallucinogens demonstrate distinct pharmacological properties, although they share a serotonin(2A) (5-HT(2A)) receptor mechanism of action (MOA). The 5-HT(2A) receptor signals through phosphatidylinositol (PI) hydrolysis, which is initiated upon activation of phospholipase C (PLC). The role of PI hydrolysis in the effects of hallucinogens remains unclear. In order to better understand the role of PI hydrolysis in the MOA of hallucinogens, the PLC inhibitor, 1-[6-((17β-3-methoxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-yl)amino)hexyl]-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione (U73122), was used to study the effects of two hallucinogens, the phenethylamine, (±)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOI), and the indoleamine, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). PI hydrolysis was quantified through release of [3H]inositol-4-phosphate from living rabbit frontocortical tissue prisms. Head bobs were counted after hallucinogens were infused into the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of rabbits. Both DOI and LSD stimulated PI hydrolysis in frontocortical tissue through activation of PLC. DOI-stimulated PI hydrolysis was blocked by 5-HT(2A/2C) receptor antagonist, ketanserin, whereas the LSD signal was blocked by 5-HT(2B/2C) receptor antagonist, SB206553. When infused into the mPFC, both DOI- and LSD-elicited head bobs. Pretreatment with U73122 blocked DOI-, but not LSD-elicited head bobs. The two hallucinogens investigated were distinct in their activation of the PI hydrolysis signaling pathway. The serotonergic receptors involved with DOI and LSD signals in frontocortical tissue were different. Furthermore, PLC activation in mPFC was necessary for DOI-elicited head bobs, whereas LSD-elicited head bobs were independent of this pathway. These novel findings urge closer investigation into the intracellular mechanism of action of these unique compounds. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  7. Perilaku Komunikasi antara Guru dengan Siswa Broken Home

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    Emilsyah Nur


    Full Text Available Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan beberapa informan sebagai narasumber untuk menjawab permasalahan tentang opini publik terhadap komunikasi interpersonal dalam mengatasi orang tua broken home. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku komunikasi siswa broken home di sekolah belum sepenuhnya efektif. Hal ini disebabkan oleh: intensitas komunikasi antara orang tua dan anak yang masih kurang sehingga anak enggan untuk terbuka kepada orang tuanya mengenai prestasi belajar. Kurangnya dukungan, rasa empati serta sikap positif yang diberikan orang tua kepada anak juga mempengaruhi hubungan interpersonal diantara orang tua dan anak yang menyebabkan anak lebih terbuka kepada teman atau kerabatnya daripada orang tuanya sendiri.Kesetaraan antara orang tua dan anak masih kurang. Perilaku komunikasi yang demikian sangat berpengaruh terhadap perilaku anak di sekolah. Beberapa faktor yang menghambat prilaku komunikasi siswa broken home  diantaranya yaitu  orang tua yang kurang bisa membagi waktu antara pekerjaan dan memberikan perhatian kepada anak di rumah sehingga komunikasi dengan anak tidak berjalan dengan lancar, sikap acuh tak acuh yang ditunjukkan orang tua membuat anak menjauhkan diri dan tidak terbuka kepada orang tua dan ketidakterbukaan siswa terhadap Guru.

  8. Correlations between muons and low energy pulses at LSD of the Mont Blanc laboratory near the time of SN1987A explosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dadykin, V.L.; Khalchukov, F.F.; Korchagin, P.V.; Korolkova, E.V.; Kudryavtsev, V.A.; Mal'gin, A.S.; Ryasny, V.G.; Ryazhskaya, O.G.; Yakushev, V.F.; Zatsepin, G.T.; Aglietta, M.; Badino, G.; Bologna, G.; Castagnoli, C.; Castellina, A.; Fulgione, W.; Galeotti, P.; Saavedra, O.; Trinchero, G.; Vernetto, S.; Turin Univ.


    We have analysed the data of LSD from February 10, 1987, to March 7, 1987, in order to search for autocorrelations between all pulses detected by LSD with energy higher than 5 MeV like those occurred at ∼ 3:00 UT on February 23, 1987, between the pulses detected by 3 neutrino telescopes and 2 gravitational wave antennae. We have found 9 pairs of correlated pulses (muon + low energy pulse) from 5:42 UT to 10:13 UT on February 23, 1987. The time differences of pulses in the pairs are less than 2 s, the first pulse in the pair being either muon or low energy pulse. The frequency of such random poissonian fluctuations is ∼1/(10 years). There are no correlations outside statistics between low energy, low energy pulses and muon, muon pulses detected by LSD during the whole time period

  9. Anxiety and depression symptoms in Brazilian sexual minority ecstasy and LSD users

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    Lysa S. Remy


    Full Text Available Abstract Background This study examined drug use patterns and psychiatric symptoms of anxiety and depression among young Brazilian sexual minority ecstasy and LSD users and compared findings with those reported for their heterosexual peers. Method This cross-sectional study employed targeted sampling and ethnographic mapping approaches via face-to-face interviews conducted at bars and electronic music festivals using an adapted, semi-structured version of the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs questionnaire. The sample comprised 240 male and female young adults who had used ecstasy and/or LSD in the 90 days prior to the interview and who were not on treatment for alcohol and drug abuse. Results Of the 240 subjects enrolled (mean age: 22.9±4.5 years, 28.7% were gay or bisexuals. Multivariate regression analysis showed that the prevalence of depression symptoms in the past 12 months in the sexual minority group was 37% higher than among heterosexuals (prevalence ratio [PR]=1.79; 95% confidence interval [95%CI] 1.03-3.11; p=0.037. Conclusion Strategies should be developed to assess and address individual needs and treatment approaches should be tailored to address depressive symptoms in young, sexual minority club drug users.


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    Ulfiani Rahman


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Ada  tiga  tujuan  penelitian  ini  yaitu  untuk  mengetahui  hubungan  antara  efikasi diri dengan perilaku organisasi, hubungan antara kepuasan kerja dengan perila- ku kerja organisasi dan peranan kepuasan kerja sebagai mediator dalam hubung- an antara efikasi diri dengan perilku kerja organisasi. Ada tiga skala yang digu- nakan dalam penelitian ini, yakni skala perilaku kerja organisasi, skala efikasi diri guru,  dan  angket  kepuasan  Minnesta.  Penelitian  ini  dilaksanakan  di  11  sekolah agama  yang  berlokasi  di  bagian  Utara,  Timur,  Selatan,  Barat,  dan  Tengah provinsi  Sulawesi  Selatan.  Sampel  terdiri  dari  208  guru.  Hasil  penelitian  ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara efikasi diri dan perilaku  kerja  organisasi.  Hasil  penelitian  ini  juga  menunjukkan  bahwa  ada hubungan  positif  dan  signifikan  antara  kepuasan  kerja  dengan  perilaku  kerja organisasi.  Ada  peranan  kepuasan  kerja  dalam  hubungan  antara  efikasi  diri dengan  perilaku  kerja  organisasi.  Hal  ini  berarti  bahwa  efikasi  diri  mempe- ngaruhi  perilaku  kerja  organisasi  guru  di  MAN  dimana  kepuasan  kerja  sebagai mediasi.  Abstract : There are three objectives in this study namely to know the relationship between self efficacy and  organizational citizenship  behavior, relationship between  job satis- faction  and  organizational  citizenship  behavior,  and  the  role  of  job  satisfaction  as mediator in the relationship between self efficacy and organizational citizenship be- havior (OCB. There are three scales used in this research which are organizationnal citizenship  behavior  scale,  teacher  self  efficacy,  and  minnesta  satisfaction  ques- tionnaire. The study was conducted on 11 religious schools located in a portion of North, East, South, West, and the Middle of South


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    Desy Irsalina Savitri


    Full Text Available This study aims to describe in depth observations on the role of the family and teachers in building the character of students broken home at primary school age. This study used a qualitative approach - a case study. Technique data collecting by interview and observation (at school and home visit in depth. Subjects of the study included two students broken home. This study menunjukkan that parents (mother and another family (grandparents, aunts, uncles that play a role in the child's everyday life. The results of this study are expected to package and represent the role of parents and teachers in building the character of students broken home. So as to cover all levels of students victims of a broken home. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan hasil pengamatan secara mendalam tentang peran keluarga dan guru dalam membangun karakter kepada siswa broken home di usia sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif - studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara, dan observasi (di sekolah dan home visit secara mendalam. Subjek dari penelitian mencakup 2 siswa broken home. Penelitian ini menujnjukkan bahwa orangtua (ibu dan keluarga lain (kakek, nenek, bibi, paman yang berperan dalam keseharian anak. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mampu mengemas dan mewakili peran orangtua dan guru dalam membangun karakter siswa broken home. Sehingga mampu mengcover semua lapisan siswa korban keluarga broken home.


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    Ahmad Afandi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini berjudul Penggunaan Biografi Tuan Guru Kiyai Haji Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Majid dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah Lokal di Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul Wathan Senyiur Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Salah satu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat sejauh mana proses pembelajaran berangsung dan bagaimana dampaknya bagi siswa dalam rangka meningkatkan kreatifitas dan sikap nasionalisme siswa yang berlandaskan beberapa indikator yang peneliti sodorkan, misalnya 1 memiliki rasa bangga terhadap bangsa, 2 peduli terhadap nasib bangsa, 3 mempertahankan identitas atau jati diri sebagai bangsa timur, 4 menerima kemajemukan, 5 memiliki rasa keterpautan dan rasa memiliki (Sense of Belonging. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa aktifitas siswa di dalam kelas selama proses pembelajaran mengalami peningkatan secara signifikan. Hal tersebut terlihat dari proses tanya jawab selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Salah satu kendala dalam pembelajaran ini adalah terkait minimnya sumber-sumber pendukung pembelajran, misalnya buku maupun literatur-literatur yang membahas tentang tokoh Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Majid. Kata kunci: biografi, pembelajaran Sejarah.

  13. Immunogold electron microscopic localization of timothy grass (Phleum pratense) pollen major allergens Phl p I and Phl p V after anhydrous fixation in acrolein vapor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grote, M.; Dolecek, C.; van Ree, R.; Valenta, R.


    We used the vapor phase of acrolein as an anhydrous fixative for timothy grass pollen in an immunogold double-labeling localization study of two different major allergens, Phl p I and Phl p V. More than 48 hr of fixation were needed for the subcellular pollen structures to be satisfactorily

  14. Serotonin 2A Receptor Signaling Underlies LSD-induced Alteration of the Neural Response to Dynamic Changes in Music. (United States)

    Barrett, Frederick S; Preller, Katrin H; Herdener, Marcus; Janata, Petr; Vollenweider, Franz X


    Classic psychedelic drugs (serotonin 2A, or 5HT2A, receptor agonists) have notable effects on music listening. In the current report, blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal was collected during music listening in 25 healthy adults after administration of placebo, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and LSD pretreated with the 5HT2A antagonist ketanserin, to investigate the role of 5HT2A receptor signaling in the neural response to the time-varying tonal structure of music. Tonality-tracking analysis of BOLD data revealed that 5HT2A receptor signaling alters the neural response to music in brain regions supporting basic and higher-level musical and auditory processing, and areas involved in memory, emotion, and self-referential processing. This suggests a critical role of 5HT2A receptor signaling in supporting the neural tracking of dynamic tonal structure in music, as well as in supporting the associated increases in emotionality, connectedness, and meaningfulness in response to music that are commonly observed after the administration of LSD and other psychedelics. Together, these findings inform the neuropsychopharmacology of music perception and cognition, meaningful music listening experiences, and altered perception of music during psychedelic experiences. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  15. The upper limit of the solar antineutrino flux according to the LSD array data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al'etta, M.; Antonioli, P.; Badino, D.


    The analysis of the experimental data obtained at the LSD liquid scintillation detector is carried out with the aim of searching the possible flux of electron antineutrinos from Sun. The most strong at present upper limit for the electron antineutrino flux of solar origin is determined: ≤ 1.0 x 10 5 cm -2 x s -1 (the reliability level of 90%)

  16. An automated system for the preparation of Large Size Dried (LSD) Spikes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verbruggen, A.; Bauwens, J.; Jakobsson, U.; Eykens, R.; Wellum, R.; Aregbe, Y.; Van De Steene, N.


    Large size dried (LSD) spikes have been produced to fulfill the existing requirement for reliable and traceable isotopic reference materials for nuclear safeguards. A system to produce certified nuclear isotopic reference material as a U/Pu mixture in the form of large size dried spikes, comparable to those produced using traditional methods has been installed in collaboration with Nucomat, a company with a recognized reputation in design and development of integrated automated systems. The major components of the system are a robot, two balances, a dispenser and a drying unit fitted into a glove box. The robot is software driven and designed to control all movements inside the glove-box, to identify unambiguously the penicillin vials with a bar-code reader, to dispense the LSD batch solution into the vials and to weigh the amount dispensed. The system functionality has been evaluated and the performance validated by comparing the results from a series of samples dispensed and weighed by the automated system with the results by manual substitution weighing. After applying the proper correction factors to the data from the automated system balance no significant difference was observed between the two. However, an additional component of uncertainty of 3*10 -4 is introduced in the uncertainty budget for the certified weights provided by the automatic system. (authors)

  17. An automated system for the preparation of Large Size Dried (LSD) Spikes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Verbruggen, A.; Bauwens, J.; Jakobsson, U.; Eykens, R.; Wellum, R.; Aregbe, Y. [European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM), Retieseweg 211, B2440 Geel (Belgium); Van De Steene, N. [Nucomat, Mercatorstraat 206, B9100 Sint Niklaas (Belgium)


    Large size dried (LSD) spikes have been produced to fulfill the existing requirement for reliable and traceable isotopic reference materials for nuclear safeguards. A system to produce certified nuclear isotopic reference material as a U/Pu mixture in the form of large size dried spikes, comparable to those produced using traditional methods has been installed in collaboration with Nucomat, a company with a recognized reputation in design and development of integrated automated systems. The major components of the system are a robot, two balances, a dispenser and a drying unit fitted into a glove box. The robot is software driven and designed to control all movements inside the glove-box, to identify unambiguously the penicillin vials with a bar-code reader, to dispense the LSD batch solution into the vials and to weigh the amount dispensed. The system functionality has been evaluated and the performance validated by comparing the results from a series of samples dispensed and weighed by the automated system with the results by manual substitution weighing. After applying the proper correction factors to the data from the automated system balance no significant difference was observed between the two. However, an additional component of uncertainty of 3*10{sup -4} is introduced in the uncertainty budget for the certified weights provided by the automatic system. (authors)

  18. The research program of the Liquid Scintillation Detector (LSD) in the Mont Blanc Laboratory (United States)

    Dadykin, V. L.; Yakushev, V. F.; Korchagin, P. V.; Korchagin, V. B.; Malgin, A. S.; Ryassny, F. G.; Ryazhskaya, O. G.; Talochkin, V. P.; Zatsepin, G. T.; Badino, G.


    A massive (90 tons) liquid scintillation detector (LSD) has been running since October 1984 in the Mont Blanc Laboratory at a depth of 5,200 hg/sq cm of standard rock. The research program of the experiment covers a variety of topics in particle physics and astrophysics. The performance of the detector, the main fields of research are presented and the preliminary results are discussed.


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    Rizki Nugrahani


    Full Text Available Motivasi belajar merupakan segala sesuatu yang dapat memotivasi siswa atau individu untuk belajar. Hasil observasi awal menunjukkan masih banyak siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi siswa mengenai kepemimpinan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI-IPS SMA Negeri 1 Sayung Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014. Populasi seluruh siswa kelas XI-IPS SMA Negeri 1 Sayung Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014 berjumlah 50 siswa, seluruhnya dijadikan responden. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi siswa mengenai kepemimpinan dan kemampuan berkomunikasi guru secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi (65%. Secara parsial persepsi siswa mengenai kepemimpinan guru berpengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi (38,2%. Sedangkan persepsi siswa mengenai kemampuan berkomunikasi guru berpengaruh (33,8% terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. Motivation to learn is everything that can motivate students or individuals to learn. The results of preliminary observations indicate there are still many students who have alow learning motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of students perceptions about leadership and communication skills of teachers to students motivation on economic subjects in class XI Social SMA Negeri 1 Sayung school year 2013/2014. The population in this study are all students of class XI Social SMAN 1 Sayung school year 2013/2014 amounted to 50 students, and they are the respondent. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires. Data analysis method used is deskripstif analysis technique and multiple regression linier analysis. The results showed that the students

  20. Group 5 allergens of timothy grass (Phl p 5) bear cross-reacting T cell epitopes with group 1 allergens of rye grass (Lol p 1). (United States)

    Müller, W D; Karamfilov, T; Bufe, A; Fahlbush, B; Wolf, I; Jäger, L


    Selected human T cell clones reactive with group 5 allergens of timothy grass (Phl p 5) were cross-stimulated in specific proliferation assays with group 1 allergens of rye grass (Lol p 1). Such interspecies cross-reactivities result obviously from structural motifs presented on defined Phl p 5 fragments as shown with recombinant Phl p 5 products.

  1. Chronic treatment with LY341495 decreases 5-HT2A receptor binding and hallucinogenic effects of LSD in mice (United States)

    Moreno, José L.; Holloway, Terrell; Rayannavar, Vinayak; Sealfon, Stuart C.; González-Maeso, Javier


    Hallucinogenic drugs, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), mescaline and psilocybin, alter perception and cognitive processes. All hallucinogenic drugs have in common a high affinity for the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor. Metabotropic glutamate 2/3 (mGlu2/3) receptor ligands show efficacy in modulating the cellular and behavioral responses induced by hallucinogenic drugs. Here, we explored the effect of chronic treatment with the mGlu2/3 receptor antagonist 2S-2-amino-2-(1S,2S-2-carboxycyclopropan-1-yl)-3-(xanth-9-yl)-propionic acid (LY341495) on the hallucinogenic-like effects induced by LSD (0.24 mg/kg). Mice were chronically (21 days) treated with LY341495 (1.5 mg/kg), or vehicle, and experiments were carried out one day after the last injection. Chronic treatment with LY341495 down-regulated [3H]ketanserin binding in somatosensory cortex of wild-type, but not mGlu2 knockout (KO), mice. Head-twitch behavior, and expression of c-fos, egr-1 and egr-2, which are responses induced by hallucinogenic 5-HT2A agonists, were found to be significantly decreased by chronic treatment with LY341495. These findings suggest that repeated blockade of the mGlu2 receptor by LY341495 results in reduced 5-HT2A receptor-dependent hallucinogenic effects of LSD. PMID:23333599

  2. Chronic treatment with LY341495 decreases 5-HT(2A) receptor binding and hallucinogenic effects of LSD in mice. (United States)

    Moreno, José L; Holloway, Terrell; Rayannavar, Vinayak; Sealfon, Stuart C; González-Maeso, Javier


    Hallucinogenic drugs, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), mescaline and psilocybin, alter perception and cognitive processes. All hallucinogenic drugs have in common a high affinity for the serotonin 5-HT(2A) receptor. Metabotropic glutamate 2/3 (mGlu2/3) receptor ligands show efficacy in modulating the cellular and behavioral responses induced by hallucinogenic drugs. Here, we explored the effect of chronic treatment with the mGlu2/3 receptor antagonist 2S-2-amino-2-(1S,2S-2-carboxycyclopropan-1-yl)-3-(xanth-9-yl)-propionic acid (LY341495) on the hallucinogenic-like effects induced by LSD (0.24mg/kg). Mice were chronically (21 days) treated with LY341495 (1.5mg/kg), or vehicle, and experiments were carried out one day after the last injection. Chronic treatment with LY341495 down-regulated [(3)H]ketanserin binding in somatosensory cortex of wild-type, but not mGlu2 knockout (KO), mice. Head-twitch behavior, and expression of c-fos, egr-1 and egr-2, which are responses induced by hallucinogenic 5-HT(2A) agonists, were found to be significantly decreased by chronic treatment with LY341495. These findings suggest that repeated blockade of the mGlu2 receptor by LY341495 results in reduced 5-HT(2A) receptor-dependent hallucinogenic effects of LSD. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. LSD1 demethylase and the methyl-binding protein PHF20L1 prevent SET7 methyltransferase-dependent proteolysis of the stem-cell protein SOX2. (United States)

    Zhang, Chunxiao; Hoang, Nam; Leng, Feng; Saxena, Lovely; Lee, Logan; Alejo, Salvador; Qi, Dandan; Khal, Anthony; Sun, Hong; Lu, Fei; Zhang, Hui


    The pluripotency-controlling stem-cell protein SRY-box 2 (SOX2) plays a pivotal role in maintaining the self-renewal and pluripotency of embryonic stem cells and also of teratocarcinoma or embryonic carcinoma cells. SOX2 is monomethylated at lysine 119 (Lys-119) in mouse embryonic stem cells by the SET7 methyltransferase, and this methylation triggers ubiquitin-dependent SOX2 proteolysis. However, the molecular regulators and mechanisms controlling SET7-induced SOX2 proteolysis are unknown. Here, we report that in human ovarian teratocarcinoma PA-1 cells, methylation-dependent SOX2 proteolysis is dynamically regulated by the LSD1 lysine demethylase and a methyl-binding protein, PHD finger protein 20-like 1 (PHF20L1). We found that LSD1 not only removes the methyl group from monomethylated Lys-117 (equivalent to Lys-119 in mouse SOX2), but it also demethylates monomethylated Lys-42 in SOX2, a reaction that SET7 also regulated and that also triggered SOX2 proteolysis. Our studies further revealed that PHF20L1 binds both monomethylated Lys-42 and Lys-117 in SOX2 and thereby prevents SOX2 proteolysis. Down-regulation of either LSD1 or PHF20L1 promoted SOX2 proteolysis, which was prevented by SET7 inactivation in both PA-1 and mouse embryonic stem cells. Our studies also disclosed that LSD1 and PHF20L1 normally regulate the growth of pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cells and PA-1 cells by preventing methylation-dependent SOX2 proteolysis. In conclusion, our findings reveal an important mechanism by which the stability of the pluripotency-controlling stem-cell protein SOX2 is dynamically regulated by the activities of SET7, LSD1, and PHF20L1 in pluripotent stem cells. © 2018 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.


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    Rahmawati Setia Utami


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh lingkungan kerja dan kompensasi kerja melalui motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru di SMA Negeri 7 Semarang pada tahun 2013/2014 secara simultan maupun parsial. Populas penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru di SMA Negeri 7 Semarang, kemudian diambil sampel sejumlah 60 orang guru dengan teknik proposional random sample. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi dan angket. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi berganda, dan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Hasil uji simultan ( uji F diperoleh F hitung sebesar 5,174 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,003, karena nilai signifikansi jauh lebih kecil dari 0,05 maka Ho ditolak, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis yang berbunyi ada pengaruh yang signifikan mengenai lingkungan kerja dan kompensasi kerja melalui motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru diterima. Uji parsial ( uji t berdasarkan pengujian diperoleh koefisien untuk variabel lingkungan kerja (X1 diperoleh t hitung = 1,622 dengan signifikansi 0,011 < 0,05, maka Ho ditolak. Hasil pengujian untuk variabel kompensasi kerja (X2 diperoleh t hitung = 2,641 dengan signifikansi 0,021 < 0,005, maka Ho ditolak. Sedangkan untuk variabel motivasi kerja (Y1 diperoleh t hitung = 1,940 dengan signifikansi =0,050. This study aims to investigate the work environment and the work compensation thourgh motivation to the teacher’s performance at SMA Negeri 7 in the academic year 2013/2014 Semarang with work motivation as intervening variabels there any simultaneous and partial. The population in the reasearch is all the teachers at SMA Negeri 7 Semarang amounting to 60 teachers and then samples of the variables use all the teachers with a proportional random sample technique. Methods of data collection using the documentation and questionnaires. Methods of data analysis using descriptive analysis , regression analysis, and path analysis. The results obtained F

  5. Epoxide hydrolase Lsd19 for polyether formation in the biosynthesis of lasalocid A: direct experimental evidence on polyene-polyepoxide hypothesis in polyether biosynthesis. (United States)

    Shichijo, Yoshihiro; Migita, Akira; Oguri, Hiroki; Watanabe, Mami; Tokiwano, Tetsuo; Watanabe, Kenji; Oikawa, Hideaki


    Polyether metabolites are an important class of natural products. Although their biosynthesis, especially construction of polyether skeletons, attracted organic chemists for many years, no experimental data on the enzymatic polyether formation has been obtained. In this study, a putative epoxide hydrolase gene lsd19 found on the biosynthetic gene cluster of an ionophore polyether lasalocid was cloned and successfully overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Using the purified Lsd19, a proposed substrate, bisepoxyprelasalocid, and its synthesized analogue were successfully converted into lasalocid A and its derivative via a 6-endo-tet cyclization mode. On the other hand, treatment of the bisepoxide with trichloroacetic acid gave isolasalocid A via a 5-exo-tet cyclization mode. Therefore, the enzymatic conversion observed in this study unambiguously showed that the bisepoxyprelasalocid is an intermediate of the lasalocid biosynthesis and that Lsd19 catalyzes the sequential cyclic ether formations involving an energetically disfavored 6-endo-tet cyclization. This is the first example of the enzymatic epoxide-opening reactions leading to a polyether natural product.

  6. Regulation of protein quality control by UBE4B and LSD1 through p53-mediated transcription.

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    Goran Periz


    Full Text Available Protein quality control is essential for clearing misfolded and aggregated proteins from the cell, and its failure is associated with many neurodegenerative disorders. Here, we identify two genes, ufd-2 and spr-5, that when inactivated, synergistically and robustly suppress neurotoxicity associated with misfolded proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans. Loss of human orthologs ubiquitination factor E4 B (UBE4B and lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1, respectively encoding a ubiquitin ligase and a lysine-specific demethylase, promotes the clearance of misfolded proteins in mammalian cells by activating both proteasomal and autophagic degradation machineries. An unbiased search in this pathway reveals a downstream effector as the transcription factor p53, a shared substrate of UBE4B and LSD1 that functions as a key regulator of protein quality control to protect against proteotoxicity. These studies identify a new protein quality control pathway via regulation of transcription factors and point to the augmentation of protein quality control as a wide-spectrum antiproteotoxicity strategy.


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    Yunik Sulistyowati,


    Full Text Available Prestasi belajar merupakan indikator yang penting untuk mengukur keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar. Prestasi belajar dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, di antaranya motivasi belajar dan kompetensi profesional guru. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah adakah pengaruh motivasi belajar dan kompetensi profesional guru terhadap prestasi belajar IPS ekonomi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Magelang Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012 baik secara simultan maupun parsial.Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Magelang dengan sampel berjumlah 133 siswa. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari variabel bebas yaitu motivasi belajar (X1 dan kompetensi profesional guru (X2, dan variabel terikat yaitu prestasi belajar (Y. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian deskriptif persentase menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar siswa dalam kategori tinggi, kompetensi profesional guru� dalam kategori baik, dan prestasi belajar siswa dalam kategori tuntas. Hasil penelitian diperoleh persamaan regresi yaitu ?= 48,387 + 0,607(X1 + 0,101(X2. Dari hasil uji F diperoleh nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 dan menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara motivasi belajar dan kompetensi profesional guru terhadap prestasi belajar IPS ekonomi sebesar 47,7% sedangkan sisanya 52,3% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak dikaji dalam penelitian ini. Secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh antara motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar sebesar 22,09%, dan ada pengaruh kompetensi profesional guru terhadap prestasi belajar sebesar 28,40%. Learning achievement is an indicator that it is important to measure the success of the process of teaching and learning. Learning achievement are influenced by many factors, such as learning motivation and teacher�s professional competence.The problem in this study is whether there is influence of learning motivation and teacher�s professional competence toward learning

  8. Identifikasi Komponen Model Pelatihan Pedagogi untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Calon Guru Kejuruan

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    Rina Febriana


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan komponen model pelatihan pedagogi untuk meningkatkan profesionalitas calon guru kejuruan. Studi ini direncanakan akan memerlukan waktu tiga tahun. Pada tahun pertama dihasilkan komponen model pelatihan pedagogik beserta ujicoba pada skala internal UNJ. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang berdurasi selama tiga tahun. Luaran penelitian pada tahun pertama adalah identifikasi komponen model pelatihan pedagogik, tahun kedua menghasilkan model pelatihan pedagogi dan tahun ketiga menguji efektivitas model dengan mengintegrasikan mata kuliah kependidikan yang bersifat prerequisit sehingga setiap mahasiswa yang telah menyelesaikan matakuliah kependidikan akan memiliki kompetensi pedagogik yang dapat meningkatkan profesionalitas keguruannya.Penelitian ini menggunakan desain research and development dengan mengadopsi model latihan keterampilan kerja (skill training for the job. Subyek penelitian adalah mahasiswa di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Tahun pertama menempuh alur sebagai berikut: (1 studi literatur, (2 pengumpulan data lapangan dan triangulasi data, (3 deskripsi dan analisis temuan terhadap komponen model pembelajaran yang terdapat pada pendidikan kejuruan. Target yang dicapai pada tahun pertama yaitu identifikasi komponen model pelatihan pedagogik.


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    Aan Subhan Pamungkas


    Full Text Available Abstrak. Literasi merupakan kemampuan yang perlu dikembangkan agar individu manpu memahami berbagai macam permasalahan sesuai dengan konteks yang terjadi. Ketersediaan bahan ajar yang mengacu pada kemampuan literasi masih sangat jarang dikembangkan, terutama di Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar FKIP Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Dari masalah tersebut maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan suatu bahan ajar matematika berbasis literasi bagi mahasiswa calon guru sekolah dasar. Materi dalam bahan ajar ini adalah bilangan pada mata kuliah konsep dasar matematika. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model pengembangan meliputi Concept, Design, Collecting Materials, Assembly dan Test Drive and Distribution. Untuk menguji kualitas bahan ajar maka dilakukan uji kevalidan dan kepraktisan yang dinilai oleh ahli (ahli materi dan ahli pendidikan serta dosen dan mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  produk hasil pengembangan termasuk kedalam kategori sangat valid menurut para ahli, praktis menurut penilaian dosen dan mahasiswa.  Kata Kunci: Bahan Ajar, Literasi, Bilangan  Abstract. Literacy is an ability that needs to be developed so that individuals are able to understand various problems in accordance with the context that occurs. The availability of teaching materials that refer to the literacy capability is still very rarely developed, especially in the Primary Teacher Education of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University. From the problem, the purpose of this research is to produce a literacy-based mathematics teaching material for students. The content in this teaching material is the numbers of the Konsep Dasar Matematika. This research is a research and development with development model consist of Concept, Design, Collecting Materials, Assembly and Test Drive and Distribution. To test the quality of instructional materials then tested the validity and practicality assessed by experts (material

  10. Responsiveness to timothy grass pollen in individuals without known natural exposure in an allergen challenge chamber. (United States)

    Ramirez, Daniel A; Andrews, Charles P; Rather, Cynthia G; Jacobs, Robert L


    The responsiveness to a nonendemic grass species is unknown and cannot be research without an allergen challenge chamber. To determine the clinical responsiveness to timothy grass pollen (TGP) in participants without known natural exposure in an allergen challenge chamber (ACC). Of the 26 screened participants, 22 met screening criteria and completed the 2 chamber exposures. The study consisted of an initial screening visit that included a blood draw for serum specific IgE (ssIGE) to Bermuda grass pollen and TGP followed by a 4½-day run-in phase and two 3-hour ACC exposure visits. This study was performed early in the first week of December 2013, when no seasonal pollens were detected in San Antonio, Texas. Symptom scores were recorded at baseline and every 30 minutes. Of the 26 screened participants, 22 met the screening criteria and completed the 2 chamber exposures. Thirteen participants had always lived in South Texas without natural exposure, and 9 had previously lived in areas with TGP exposure. All participants tested positive to TGP and Bermuda grass pollen. Twelve and 13 of 22 had positive ssIgE test results to Timothy and Bermuda allergens, respectively, with 11 having positive results for both allergens. There were strong correlations among skin prick test size, a positive ssIgE test result, and high symptoms from TGP exposure. There was little difference in symptoms between those who had lived their entire lives in South Texas and those who had lived elsewhere. In Texas, where exposure to TGP is minimal, strongly positive SPT and ssIgE test results were predictors of high symptoms to TGP exposure. Never exposed participants in South Texas reacted to TGP similar to those who had previous natural exposure, suggesting that in vivo cross-reactivity may be higher than predicted by prior in vitro data and may allow the use in clinical trials of allergens not endemic to the locale of an ACC. Copyright © 2015 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

  11. Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Keterampilan Guru Sebagai Prevensi terhadap Kekerasan Seksual Pada Anak

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    Mentari Marwa


    Full Text Available This paper aims to examine the provision of child protection training at the elementary school teachers as primary prevention of child sexual abuse to increase knowledge, attitudes and skills to convey information in Tulungagung, East Java. The research method using untreated control group design with pre-test and post-test. There are 21 elementary school teachers who are involved in the research. The instrument used was a questionnaire, observation. Test Mann Whitney U-test to test for differences in gain score the experimental group and the control group. The results showed no significant effect giving child protection programs against KSA by Guru to the increase of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of teachers as primary prevention of sexual assault at elementary school children in Tulungagung, East Java, as indicated by the results of Mann Whitney p value below a significant level 0,05 (p <0.05

  12. Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.): receptor profiling of lysergic acid amide and other potential psychedelic LSD-like compounds by computational and binding assay approaches. (United States)

    Paulke, Alexander; Kremer, Christian; Wunder, Cora; Achenbach, Janosch; Djahanschiri, Bardya; Elias, Anderson; Schwed, J Stefan; Hübner, Harald; Gmeiner, Peter; Proschak, Ewgenij; Toennes, Stefan W; Stark, Holger


    The convolvulacea Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) is well known as an important medical plant in the traditional Ayurvedic system of medicine and it is used in numerous diseases (e.g. nervousness, bronchitis, tuberculosis, arthritis, and diabetes). Additionally, in the Indian state of Assam and in other regions Argyreia nervosa is part of the traditional tribal medicine (e.g. the Santali people, the Lodhas, and others). In the western hemisphere, Argyreia nervosa has been brought in attention as so called "legal high". In this context, the seeds are used as source of the psychoactive ergotalkaloid lysergic acid amide (LSA), which is considered as the main active ingredient. As the chemical structure of LSA is very similar to that of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), the seeds of Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) are often considered as natural substitute of LSD. In the present study, LSA and LSD have been compared concerning their potential pharmacological profiles based on the receptor binding affinities since our recent human study with four volunteers on p.o. application of Argyreia nervosa seeds has led to some ambiguous effects. In an initial step computer-aided in silico prediction models on receptor binding were employed to screen for serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, muscarine, and histamine receptor subtypes as potential targets for LSA. In addition, this screening was extended to accompany ergotalkaloids of Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.). In a verification step, selected LSA screening results were confirmed by in vitro binding assays with some extensions to LSD. In the in silico model LSA exhibited the highest affinity with a pKi of about 8.0 at α1A, and α1B. Clear affinity with pKi>7 was predicted for 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT1D, 5-HT6, 5-HT7, and D2. From these receptors the 5-HT1D subtype exhibited the highest pKi with 7.98 in the prediction model. From the other ergotalkaloids, agroclavine and festuclavine also seemed to be highly affine to the 5-HT1D

  13. Sequential Treatment Initiation with Timothy Grass and Ragweed Sublingual Immunotherapy Tablets Followed by Simultaneous Treatment Is Well Tolerated. (United States)

    Maloney, Jennifer; Berman, Gary; Gagnon, Remi; Bernstein, David I; Nelson, Harold S; Kleine-Tebbe, Jörg; Kaur, Amarjot; Li, Qing; Nolte, Hendrik


    Dual treatment with grass and ragweed sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) tablets has not been studied. To characterize the safety and tolerability of dual grass and ragweed SLIT-tablet administration. This open-label, multicenter trial (NCT02256553) enrolled North American adults (N = 102) allergic to grass and ragweed. The trial had 3 periods, each of 2 weeks duration. In period 1, subjects received once-daily timothy grass SLIT tablet (2800 bioequivalent allergen unit; Merck, Inc, Kenilworth, NJ/ALK, Hørsholm, Denmark). In period 2, subjects received a short ragweed SLIT tablet (12 Ambrosia artemisiifolia 1-U; Merck/ALK) every morning and a grass SLIT tablet every evening. In period 3, subjects received once-daily grass and ragweed SLIT tablets within 5 minutes (simultaneous intake). The primary end point was the proportion of subjects with 1 or more local swelling events in each period. Secondary end points were the proportion of subjects with 1 or more local adverse events (AEs), that discontinued the treatment because of AEs, and subjects with 1 or more local AEs requiring treatment. No severe swellings, systemic allergic reactions, asthma attacks, or reactions requiring epinephrine were reported. Most (99%) AEs were graded mild to moderate. The proportions of subjects with 1 or more local swelling events were 14%, 22%, and 15% for periods 1, 2, and 3, respectively. For periods 1, 2, and 3, the proportions of subjects with 1 or more local AEs were 71%, 69%, and 56%, respectively; the proportions discontinuing the treatment because of treatment-related AEs were 5%, 1%, and 2%, and the proportions with 1 or more local AEs requiring treatment were 4%, 4%, and 1%. In this trial, a 4-week sequential SLIT-tablet dosing schedule followed by simultaneous intake of timothy grass and ragweed tablets was well tolerated. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. The bacterial population adherent to plant particles in the rumen of reindeer fed lichen, timothy hay or silage

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    Monica Alterskjær Olsen


    Full Text Available Male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus calves taken from a natural winter pasture were given ad lib. access to lichen (n = 3, timothy silage (n = 3 and hay (n = 3 for 7 weeks. Median numbers of viable anaerobic bacteria adherent to the plant particles (cells/g wet weight of rumen solids, growing on a habitat simulating medium (M8V, were significantly higher (P = 0.05 in the rumen of reindeer fed lichen (26.5 x 109- 53.0 x 109 and hay (4.0 x 109- 40.5 x 109, compared to reindeer fed silage (1.15 x 109 - 3.25 x 109. Anaerobic bacterial strains (n = 551 from the plant particles obtained from the rumen of the nine reindeer examined, were isolated using an acid swollen cellulose medium (M8SC and tested for their ability to hydrolyse carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC. The proportion of CMC hydrolysing adherent bacteria isolated from M8SC was significantly higher in reindeer fed hay (21.5% compared ro animals fed lichen (5.3% and silage (2.7% (P = 0.05. The CMC hydrolysing bacterial srrains (n=42 isolated from reindeer fed hay where characterised as non-cellulolytic Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens (9.5%, cellulolytic B. fibrisolvens (50.0%, Clostridium sp. (2.4% and unknowns (38.1%, while CMC hydrolysing strains (n=11 isolated from animals fed lichen and strains (n=4 isolated from animals fed silage where all characterised as B. fibrisolvens. None of the bacterial strains isolated from the rumen solids of reindeer fed lichen or silage were found to be cellulolytic. This study suggests that both lichen and timothy silage have a negative influence, compared to hay, on the numbers of cellulolytic bacteria adherent to the plant particles in the rumen of reindeer.

  15. Illicit use of LSD or psilocybin, but not MDMA or nonpsychedelic drugs, is associated with mystical experiences in a dose-dependent manner. (United States)

    Lyvers, Michael; Meester, Molly


    Psychedelic drugs have long been known to be capable of inducing mystical or transcendental experiences. However, given the common "recreational" nature of much present-day psychedelic use, with typical doses tending to be lower than those commonly taken in the 1960s, the extent to which illicit use of psychedelics today is associated with mystical experiences is not known. Furthermore the mild psychedelic MDMA ("Ecstasy") is more popular today than "full" psychedelics such as LSD or psilocybin, and the contribution of illicit MDMA use to mystical experiences is not known. The present study recruited 337 adults from the website and newsletter of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), most of whom reported use of a variety of drugs both licit and illicit including psychedelics. Although only a quarter of the sample reported "spiritual" motives for using psychedelics, use of LSD and psilocybin was significantly positively related to scores on two well-known indices of mystical experiences in a dose-related manner, whereas use of MDMA, cannabis, cocaine, opiates and alcohol was not. Results suggest that even in today's context of "recreational" drug use, psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin, when taken at higher doses, continue to induce mystical experiences in many users.

  16. The effects of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (DOM) and d-amphetamine on operant responding in control and 6-hydroxydopamine-treated rats. (United States)

    Commissaris, R; Lyness, W H; Cordon, J J; Moore, K E; Rech, R H


    The purpose of the present study was to determine the role of central catecholaminergic neuronal systems in the effects of LSD, DOM and d-amphetamine on fixed ratio (FR) operant responding in rats. Food-deprived male rats were trained to press a bar for food reinforcement on a FR-40 schedule. Control responding on this schedule is characterized by a rapid, constant rate of responding (approximately 100 responses/min) throughout a 40 min test session. LSD and DOM, as with other hallucinogens, produced dose-dependent periods of nonresponding or "pausing," followed by reinstatement of responding at or near the control rate. Administration of the non-hallucinogen, d-amphetamine, did not produce "pausing," but caused the response rate to slow and become erratic. In animals pretreated intraventricularly with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA; 200 micrograms/10 microliter X 2), the response to LSD and DOM was unchanged, while the response to d-amphetamine was significantly diminished. The neurotoxin significantly decreased brain catecholamines to less than 25 percent of control in al regions examined, without altering 5-HT concentrations in these same regions. These data demonstrate that the effects of LSD and DOM on FR-40 responding are quite different from those of d-amphetamine, and that this difference may be due to the extent of catecholamine involvement in the effects of these agents.

  17. Hallucinogens as discriminative stimuli in animals: LSD, phenethylamines, and tryptamines. (United States)

    Winter, J C


    Although man's first encounters with hallucinogens predate written history, it was not until the rise of the sister disciplines of organic chemistry and pharmacology in the nineteenth century that scientific studies became possible. Mescaline was the first to be isolated and its chemical structure determined. Since then, additional drugs have been recovered from their natural sources and synthetic chemists have contributed many more. Given their profound effects upon human behavior and the need for verbal communication to access many of these effects, some see humans as ideal subjects for study of hallucinogens. However, if we are to determine the mechanisms of action of these agents, establish hypotheses testable in human subjects, and explore the mechanistic links between hallucinogens and such apparently disparate topics as idiopathic psychosis, transcendental states, drug abuse, stress disorders, and cognitive dysfunction, studies in animals are essential. Stimulus control by hallucinogens has provided an intuitively attractive approach to the study of these agents in nonverbal species. The intent of this review is to provide a brief account of events from the time of the first demonstration of hallucinogen-induced stimulus control to the present. In general, the review is limited to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and the hallucinogenic derivatives of phenethylamine and tryptamine. The pharmacological basis for stimulus control by LSD and hallucinogenic phenethylamines and tryptamines is serotonergic in nature. The 5-HT(2A) receptor appears to be the primary site of action with significant modulation by other serotonergic sites including 5-HT(2C) and 5-HT(1A) receptors. Interactions with other neurotransmitters, especially glutamate and dopamine, are under active investigation. Most studies to date have been conducted in the rat but transgenic mice offer interesting possibilities. Hallucinogen-induced stimulus control provides a unique behavioral tool for the

  18. Method of LSD profile asymmetry for estimating the center of mass velocities of pulsating stars (United States)

    Britavskiy, N.; Pancino, E.; Tsymbal, V.; Romano, D.; Cacciari, C.; Clementini, C.


    We present radial velocity analysis for 20 solar neighborhood RR Lyrae and 3 Population II Cepheids. High-resolution spectra were observed with either TNG/SARG or VLT/UVES over varying phases. To estimate the center of mass (barycentric) velocities of the program stars, we utilized two independent methods. First, the 'classic' method was employed, which is based on RR Lyrae radial velocity curve templates. Second, we provide the new method that used absorption line profile asymmetry to determine both the pulsation and the barycentric velocities even with a low number of high-resolution spectra and in cases where the phase of the observations is uncertain. This new method is based on a least squares deconvolution (LSD) of the line profiles in order to an- alyze line asymmetry that occurs in the spectra of pulsating stars. By applying this method to our sample stars we attain accurate measurements (+- 2 kms^-1) of the pulsation component of the radial velocity. This results in determination of the barycentric velocity to within 5 kms^-1 even with a low number of high- resolution spectra. A detailed investigation of LSD profile asymmetry shows the variable nature of the project factor at different pulsation phases, which should be taken into account in the detailed spectroscopic analysis of pulsating stars.


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    Mega Prani Ningsih


    menjelaskan bentuk implementasi Program PPG SM3T dalam membangun kompetensi guru geografi alumni program SM3T. Bentuk implementasi Program PPG SM3T meliputi proses pengembangan kurikulum hingga penilaian kompetensi guru geografi. Kompetensi yang dimaksud adalah kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial, dan kompetensi profesional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus di Universitas Negeri Malang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk implementasi Program PPG meliputi beberapa tahapan, yaitu (1 tahap pengembangan silabus oleh pihak terkait sesuai kebijakan universitas; (2 tahap pra kondisi sebagai gabungan tahap pra kondisi dan pleno 1; (3 tahap sistem pembelajaran yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan dan kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu (a tahap workshop SSP terdiri atas tahapan kegiatan pleno 2, yaitu pendalaman materi kurikulum 2013, pre-test, diskusi kelompok yaitu diskusi materi geografi dan pedagogik yang belum dipahami, kerja kelompok mandiri yaitu menyusun perangkat pembelajaran, gabungan tahap pleno 3, revisi dan persetujuan RPP, yaitu peer teaching, tes formatif, KKL dan melakukan kegiatan insidental seperti menulis jurnal dan artikel ilmiah; (b tahap PPL terdiri dari tahapan prosesi penyerahan mahasiswa PPL ke sekolah, pelatihan KMD oleh pihak PPG, melakukan kegiatan mengajar dan non mengajar, penelitian PTK, dan uji kinerja berupa Lesson Study; dan (c tahap uji kompetensi terdiri dari, pendalaman materi subtansial geografi, Ujian Tulis Lokal, dan Ujian Tulis Nasional. Tahapan implementasi diarahkan dalam membangun kompetensi guru geografi, yaitu pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional.


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    Regina Lichteria Panjaitan


    Full Text Available The role of technology, especially information technology in Indonesia in the building society XXI century. Indonesia has begun to enter the stage of the telematics community will certainly have a major impact on all levels of life of the Indonesian nation, especially in children. The emergence of a great revolution throughout the world of children's playground, Internet presence replaces the open airy space for children's play, besides presenting impression's Internet pornography and violence can harm the development of children's personality. Sexual deviance behavior at the level of schooling is quite surprising, of course. This is a challenge for education and should be used as a rationale for the need for innovation in learning. Things into consideration are for this. Sex education in early childhood is considered taboo in society. Guru is one of the determining factors of high and low quality of education has a strategic position in transforming sex education to learners. Therefore, this study tries to analyze how perceptions of teachers on sex education at the primary school level, the research method used is a descriptive method. Keywords: Perception of teachers, sex education, learners in primary schools.

  1. Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Menuju Pelaksanaan Dan Tanggung Jawab Secara Mandiri

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    Muhammad Lukman Syafii


    Full Text Available Teacher competency standards include pedagogical, personal, professional and social competences. In line with the global challenges of life, the roles and responsibilities of teachers in the future will become more complex, so it requires teachers to constantly perform various improvements and adjustments in the mastery of their competences. To add to the quality standards of teachers, Kemdikbud will propose three teacher training patterns, e.g. competency testing, Penilaian Kinerja Guru (PKG, and training on an ongoing basis and sustainable (PKB. One of the many activities of PKB for self-development is the activities performed by the teacher independently and carried out by teachers in collaboration with other teachers in the school. Implementation of this activity is relatively more independent and different from one teacher to another teacher in the school, as well as between oneto another school. Technically, this activity is not set by default. It is very likely to cause a variety of problems for teachers, perhaps even confusion can arise. All of which is feared will lead to the counter-productive, particularly with regard to achievement standards to increase the competence of teachers should meet the need independently.

  2. Faith Maturity and Mental Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study of Indian American Followers of a Guru Tradition. (United States)

    Pandya, Samta P


    This article is based on a longitudinal study of Indian Americans devoted to a guru tradition, aiming to explore how faith contributes to their mental well-being. Respondent sample size at phase 1 (2003-2004) was 1872 and at phase 2 (2013-2014) was 1764. Two scales were used to measure faith maturity and well-being. Results showed that phase 2 well-being scores of the devotees were higher, influenced by faith maturity and engagement regularity, thereby corroborating the faith-religiosity-well-being link, further reinforced by the structural equation model. Faith emerges as critical variable in working with this cohort and planning interventions towards promoting their well-being.

  3. Adolescent alcohol exposure alters lysine demethylase 1 (LSD1) expression and histone methylation in the amygdala during adulthood. (United States)

    Kyzar, Evan J; Zhang, Huaibo; Sakharkar, Amul J; Pandey, Subhash C


    Alcohol exposure in adolescence is an important risk factor for the development of alcoholism in adulthood. Epigenetic processes are implicated in the persistence of adolescent alcohol exposure-related changes, specifically in the amygdala. We investigated the role of histone methylation mechanisms in the persistent effects of adolescent intermittent ethanol (AIE) exposure in adulthood. Adolescent rats were exposed to 2 g/kg ethanol (2 days on/off) or intermittent n-saline (AIS) during postnatal days (PND) 28-41 and used for behavioral and epigenetic studies. We found that AIE exposure caused a long-lasting decrease in mRNA and protein levels of lysine demethylase 1(Lsd1) and mRNA levels of Lsd1 + 8a (a neuron-specific splice variant) in specific amygdaloid structures compared with AIS-exposed rats when measured at adulthood. Interestingly, AIE increased histone H3 lysine 9 dimethylation (H3K9me2) levels in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) and medial nucleus of the amygdala (MeA) in adulthood without producing any change in H3K4me2 protein levels. Acute ethanol challenge (2 g/kg) in adulthood attenuated anxiety-like behaviors and the decrease in Lsd1 + 8a mRNA levels in the amygdala induced by AIE. AIE caused an increase in H3K9me2 occupancy at the brain-derived neurotrophic factor exon IV promoter in the amygdala that returned to baseline after acute ethanol challenge in adulthood. These results indicate that AIE specifically modulates epizymes involved in H3K9 dimethylation in the amygdala in adulthood, which are possibly responsible for AIE-induced chromatin remodeling and adult psychopathology such as anxiety. © Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.

  4. Peningkatan Kemampuan Problem Solving Mahasiswa Sebagai Calon Guru Fisika Menggunakan Socratic Dialogue

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    Nurita Apridiana Lestari


    Full Text Available Mastery of the concepts of physics students can be measured by its ability to solve the problems of physics. Problem solving ability is one component that must be owned by the students as a physics teacher candidates. Based on the results of initial observations, it is known that the problem solving ability of students is still low, especially associated with the use of physics concepts to solve problems. Therefore, the ability of problem solving should be trained in teaching as a form of scaffolding for students. Scaffolding can be done through the method of Socratic dialogue which is the provision of structured questions to help students find answers to the problems of physics using the right concept. This type of research is the Classroom Action Research  with two cycles were performed on physics student teachers in the subjects Physics 1 with a fluid material. Improved problem solving ability was measured using test items at the end of the cycle. The results qualitatively show their developments and increased activity in the classroom compared to learning before the action. These results are supported quantitatively by an increase in average test scores of the first cycle of 70.00 into 75.86 in the second cycle. Keywords: problem solving, socratic dialogue Penguasaan konsep fisika mahasiswa dapat diukur dari kemampuannya dalam memecahkan permasalahan fisika (problem solving. Kemampuan problem solving merupakan salah satu komponen yang harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa sebagai calon guru fisika. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal, diketahui bahwa kemampuan problem solving mahasiswa masih rendah, khususnya terkait dengan penggunaan konsep fisika untuk memecahkan masalah. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan problem solving perlu dilatihkan dalam pembelajaran sebagai bentuk scaffolding bagi mahasiswa. Scaffolding dapat dilakukan melalui metode socratic dialogue yang merupakan pemberian pertanyaan terstruktur untuk membantu mahasiswa menemukan jawaban

  5. Hallucinogenic 5-HT2AR agonists LSD and DOI enhance dopamine D2R protomer recognition and signaling of D2-5-HT2A heteroreceptor complexes. (United States)

    Borroto-Escuela, Dasiel O; Romero-Fernandez, Wilber; Narvaez, Manuel; Oflijan, Julia; Agnati, Luigi F; Fuxe, Kjell


    Dopamine D2LR-serotonin 5-HT2AR heteromers were demonstrated in HEK293 cells after cotransfection of the two receptors and shown to have bidirectional receptor-receptor interactions. In the current study the existence of D2L-5-HT2A heteroreceptor complexes was demonstrated also in discrete regions of the ventral and dorsal striatum with in situ proximity ligation assays (PLA). The hallucinogenic 5-HT2AR agonists LSD and DOI but not the standard 5-HT2AR agonist TCB2 and 5-HT significantly increased the density of D2like antagonist (3)H-raclopride binding sites and significantly reduced the pKiH values of the high affinity D2R agonist binding sites in (3)H-raclopride/DA competition experiments. Similar results were obtained in HEK293 cells and in ventral striatum. The effects of the hallucinogenic 5-HT2AR agonists on D2R density and affinity were blocked by the 5-HT2A antagonist ketanserin. In a forskolin-induced CRE-luciferase reporter gene assay using cotransfected but not D2R singly transfected HEK293 cells DOI and LSD but not TCB2 significantly enhanced the D2LR agonist quinpirole induced inhibition of CRE-luciferase activity. Haloperidol blocked the effects of both quinpirole alone and the enhancing actions of DOI and LSD while ketanserin only blocked the enhancing actions of DOI and LSD. The mechanism for the allosteric enhancement of the D2R protomer recognition and signalling observed is likely mediated by a biased agonist action of the hallucinogenic 5-HT2AR agonists at the orthosteric site of the 5-HT2AR protomer. This mechanism may contribute to the psychotic actions of LSD and DOI and the D2-5-HT2A heteroreceptor complex may thus be a target for the psychotic actions of hallunicogenic 5-HT2A agonists. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. (125I)LSD labels 5-TCsub(IC) recognition sites in pig choriod plexus membranes. Comparison with (3H)mesulergine and (3H)5-HT binding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoyer, D.; Srivatsa, S.; Pazos, A.; Engel, G.; Palacios, J.M.


    The mammalian choroid plexus is enriched in a newly described serotonin recognition site, the binding characteristics of ( 125 I)LSD, ( 3 H)mesulergine and ( 3 H)serotonin to pig choroid plexus membranes were compared. These ligands labelled with high affinity a similar number of sites. The binding profiles of the sites labelled with these radioligands are indistinguishable as illustrated by highly significant correlation parameters. These sites are very similar to those labelled by Nsub(I)-methyl-2-( 125 I)LSD in pig and rat choroid plexus membranes. The data demonstrate that these ligands label 5-HTsub(IC) recognition sites in the pig and rat choroid plexus membranes. (author)

  7. Complementary DNA cloning of the major allergen Phl p I from timothy grass (Phleum pratense); recombinant Phl p I inhibits IgE binding to group I allergens from eight different grass species

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laffer, S.; Valenta, R.; Vrtala, S.; Susani, M.; van Ree, R.; Kraft, D.; Scheiner, O.; Duchêne, M.


    BACKGROUND: Grass pollens, such as pollen from timothy grass (Phleum pratense), represent a major cause of type I allergy. OBJECTIVE: In this report we attempted to determine how cross-reactive allergenic components of grass pollens from different species can be represented by a minimum number of

  8. Proses Individuasi Carl Gustav Jung pada Tokoh Erika Kohut dalam Novel Sang Guru Piano Karya Elfriede Jelinek

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    M. Oktavia Vidiyanti


    Full Text Available A personality structure that appears in Erika is similar to one of an important part of Carl Gustav Jung psychology. Jung states that personality is a psiko that covers consciousness and unconsciousness. This psiko will develop to be a stable unity. If every system develops in every individual absolutely, so a health and integrated personality will be achieved. That process in Jung is known as a self­ individualized process. The aim of individualism is a self­achievement. Individual is not only as a psiko centre but also as a representation of the whole individual that unites consciousness and unconsciousness. It is like the character "Erika Kohut" in the novel "Sang Guru Piano".


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    Aditya Chandra Setiawan


    Full Text Available One of the phenomenon in the 20th century that is currently being discussed is about emerging and the development of many social networking media. The media is now a trend all over among the people regardless of age, it is because social networking media provides convenience services in communicating, in particular interact and share information between human. If associated in the context of education, then social networking media to be one of the means of communication that can be utilized in the process of education management and learning for teachers. Salah satu fenomena pada abad ke-20 yang saat ini sedang ramai diperbincangkan adalah tentang berkembangnya media jejaring sosial. Media tersebut kini menjadi trend di seluruh kalangan masyarakat tanpa memandang usia, hal itu dikarenakan media jejaring sosial memberikan kemudahan layanan dalam berkomunikasi, khususnya berinteraksi dan berbagi informasi antar manusia. Jika dikaitkan dalam konteks pendidikan, maka media jejaring sosial menjadi salah satu sarana komunikasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam proses manajemen pendidikan dan pembelajaran bagi guru. Pemanfaatan media tersebut tentu memiliki dampak positif dan negatif yang dapat memengaruhi keberhasilan lembaga pendidikan dalam mencapai tujuan.

  10. On-line identification of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in tablets using a combination of a sweeping technique and micellar electrokinetic chromatography/77 K fluorescence spectroscopy. (United States)

    Fang, Ching; Liu, Ju-Tsung; Lin, Cheng-Huang


    This work describes a novel method for the accurate determination of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in tablets. A technique involving sweeping-micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) was used for the initial on-line concentration and separation, after which a cryogenic molecular fluorescence experiment was performed at 77 K. Using this approach, not only the separation of LSD from the tablet extract was achieved, but on-line spectra were readily distinguishable and could be unambiguously assigned. The results are in agreement with analyses by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Thus, this method, which was found to be accurate, sensitive and rapid, has the potential for use as a reliable complementary method to GC-MS in such analyses.

  11. Self-Reported and Judged Personality, Value, and Attitudinal Patterns: A Comparison of Users and Non Users of LSD-25. (United States)

    Jones, Allan P.

    This study is designed to assess the benefits of LSD use as well as to examine personality, value, and attitudinal variables in order to characterize users and non users. The main assessment tool used was the in-depth interview. Subjects were 31 male and 8 female users and a non user group matched for education and age. The user was characterized…

  12. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on the protein quality of timothy grass and silage

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    Liisa Syrjälä-Qvist


    Full Text Available Timothy grass given N fertilizer at the rates of 40, 80 and 120 kg N/ha was preserved in 3 glass-fibre silos of 0.4 m3. The crude protein content of DM in the grass increased with the increase of N fertilization as follows: N40 14.8 %, N80 18.4 % and N120 22.1 %, but the proportion of true protein in crude protein decreased: N40 82 %, N80 78 % and N120 76 %. The proportion of watersoluble N in the total N in the grass was: N40 27 %, N80 30 % and N120 33 %. The higher was the N fertilization level, the more rapidly was the protein of the grass degraded in the rumen. The amino acid profile of the protein was similar at all the N fertilization levels. The quality of all the silages was good. The NH3-N fraction of total N was 2.8—3.9 % and the proportion of water-soluble N in total N was 51—55 %, In silage the decrease during ensiling in the proportion of true protein in crude protein and the increase in the proportion of water-soluble N in total N were smaller than in the other silages. The rumen degradability of protein during the first two hours was also lowest in this silage.

  13. An image overall complexity evaluation method based on LSD line detection (United States)

    Li, Jianan; Duan, Jin; Yang, Xu; Xiao, Bo


    In the artificial world, whether it is the city's traffic roads or engineering buildings contain a lot of linear features. Therefore, the research on the image complexity of linear information has become an important research direction in digital image processing field. This paper, by detecting the straight line information in the image and using the straight line as the parameter index, establishing the quantitative and accurate mathematics relationship. In this paper, we use LSD line detection algorithm which has good straight-line detection effect to detect the straight line, and divide the detected line by the expert consultation strategy. Then we use the neural network to carry on the weight training and get the weight coefficient of the index. The image complexity is calculated by the complexity calculation model. The experimental results show that the proposed method is effective. The number of straight lines in the image, the degree of dispersion, uniformity and so on will affect the complexity of the image.

  14. Persistent effects of chronic clozapine on the cellular and behavioral responses to LSD in mice (United States)

    Moreno, José L.; Holloway, Terrell; Umali, Adrienne; Rayannavar, Vinayak; Sealfon, Stuart C.


    Rationale In schizophrenia patients, optimal treatment with antipsychotics requires weeks to months of sustained drug therapy. However, single administration of antipsychotic drugs can reverse schizophrenia-like behavioral alterations in rodent models of psychosis. This raises questions about the physiological relevance of such antipsychotic-like activity. Objective This study evaluates the effects of chronic treatment with clozapine on the cellular and behavioral responses induced by the hallucinogenic serotonin 5-HT2A receptor agonist lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) as a mouse model of psychosis. Method Mice were treated chronically (21 days) with 25 mg/kg/day clozapine. Experiments were conducted 1, 7, 14, and 21 days after the last clozapine administration. [3H]Ketanserin binding and 5-HT2A mRNA expression were determined in mouse somatosensory cortex. Head-twitch behavior, expression of c-fos, which is induced by all 5-HT2A agonists, and expression of egr-1 and egr-2, which are LSD-like specific, were assayed. Results Head-twitch response was decreased and [3H]ketanserin binding was downregulated in 1, 7, and 14 days after chronic clozapine. 5-HT2A mRNA was reduced 1 day after chronic clozapine. Induction of c-fos, but not egr-1 and egr-2, was rescued 7 days after chronic clozapine. These effects were not observed after short treatment (2 days) with clozapine or chronic haloperidol (1 mg/kg/day). Conclusion Our findings provide a murine model of chronic atypical antipsychotic drug action and suggest downregulation of the 5-HT2A receptor as a potential mechanism involved in these persistent therapeutic-like effects. PMID:22842765

  15. MUSLIM-CHRISTIAN DEBATES IN THEEARLY ‘ABBASID PERIOD: The Cases of Timothy I and Theodore Abu Qurra

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    Hans Abdiel Harmakaputra


    Full Text Available The era of the early ‘Abbasid caliphate made an important mark on the history of the world by the event of the Greek translation movement, i.e. the translation of Greek thoughts into the Arabic language. In addition to this development, the era also saw the flourishing of interreligious discourse, in both polemical literatures and religious debates, especially between Christians and Muslims. This article tries to describe how those two historical remarks are correlated under the light of other factors such as politics and religious identity. The earliest debate was happened between caliph al-Mahdi (r. 755-785 CE and a Nestorian Catholicos, Timothy I (728- 823 CE, as the first sample of religious discourses. The second one is the debate between the caliph al-Ma’mun (r. 813-833CE, who arranged many religious debates in his court, with Theodore Abu Qurra (755 – 830 CE, Bishop of Harran. By knowing the motives of the two caliphs who sponsored those events, readers would catch a better picture of the historical contexts of that time.

  16. Results of low energy background measurements with the Liquid Scintillation Detector (LSD) of the Mont Blanc Laboratory (United States)

    Aglietta, M.; Badino, G.; Bologna, G. F.; Castagnoli, C.; Fulgione, W.; Galeotti, P.; Saavedra, O.; Trinchero, G. C.; Vernetto, S.; Dadykin, V. L.


    The 90 tons liquid scintillation detector (LSD) is fully running since October 1984, at a depth of 5,200 hg/sq cm of standard rock underground. The main goal is to search for neutrino bursts from collapsing stars. The experiment is very sensitive to detect low energy particles and has a very good signature to gamma-rays from (n,p) reaction which follows the upsilon e + p yields n + e sup + neutrino capture. The analysis of data is presented and the preliminary results on low energy measurements are discussed.

  17. Results of low energy background measurements with the liquid scintillation detector (LSD) of the Mont Blanc Laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aglietta, M.; Badino, G.; Bologna, G.F.


    The 90 tons liquid scintillation detector (LSD) has been fully running since October 1984 at a depth of 5,200 hg/sq cm of standard rock underground. The main goal is to search for neutrino bursts from collapsing stars. The experiment is very sensitive to detect low energy particles and has a very good signature to gamma rays from (n,p) reactions which follows the upsilon e + p yields n + e sup + neutrino capture. The analysis of data is presented and the preliminary results on low energy measurements are discussed. 1 ref

  18. Obituary: Timothy Hawarden (1943-2009) (United States)

    Robson, Ian


    British astronomy lost one of its most respected and liked members with the sudden death of Dr Timothy (Tim) Hawarden. Hawarden was one of those people who changed his wavelength and discipline as the emerging challenges of astronomy dictated, and was successful in all of his ventures. He experienced a huge breadth of achievement; moving from photographic plates, through electronic detectors to infrared astronomy from the ground and subsequently from space. He was an acknowledged leader in his fields around the world and, in addition to his professional accomplishments, he was a keen practitioner of culinary technique. His bouillabaisse was legendary. In his later years he was a source of inspiration for young children in his outreach work. Tim Hawarden began his career as an optical astronomer in South Africa. He graduated from the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg in 1966 with a BSc in Physics and Applied Mathematics, followed by an MSc in Astronomy from the University of Cape Town in 1970 and a PhD in 1975. Hawarden's early years were formed by learning the precise art of photometry from the legendary Cousins, and this focus on precision has stood him in good stead throughout his career. He then moved Australia in 1975, where he spent three years as Deputy Astronomer-in-Charge of the UK Schmidt Telescope, from where he moved to the Royal Observatory Edinburgh, where he remained for the rest of his career. Hawarden rapidly moved into the newly emerging field of infrared astronomy. His research moved from stars and stellar clusters to barred spiral galaxies and he was keen to employ the new tools coming on-line to pursue this work. The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (KIRT) was the world's premier facility and Tim Hawarden became the Head of the unit at the ROE in 1981, a post he held for the next six years, overseeing a range of developments that have stood the test of time and have provided the platform on which UKIRT has retained its world-class standing

  19. A selective and sensitive method for quantitation of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in whole blood by gas chromatography-ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Libong, Danielle; Bouchonnet, Stéphane; Ricordel, Ivan


    A gas chromatography-ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (GC-ion trap MS-MS) method for detection and quantitation of LSD in whole blood is presented. The sample preparation process, including a solid-phase extraction step with Bond Elut cartridges, was performed with 2 mL of whole blood. Eight microliters of the purified extract was injected with a cold on-column injection method. Positive chemical ionization was performed using acetonitrile as reagent gas; LSD was detected in the MS-MS mode. The chromatograms obtained from blood extracts showed the great selectivity of the method. GC-MS quantitation was performed using lysergic acid methylpropylamide as the internal standard. The response of the MS was linear for concentrations ranging from 0.02 ng/mL (detection threshold) to 10.0 ng/mL. Several parameters such as the choice of the capillary column, the choice of the internal standard and that of the ionization mode (positive CI vs. EI) were rationalized. Decomposition pathways under both ionization modes were studied. Within-day and between-day stability were evaluated.

  20. 3D-QSAR (CoMFA, CoMSIA), molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations study of 6-aryl-5-cyano-pyrimidine derivatives to explore the structure requirements of LSD1 inhibitors. (United States)

    Ding, Lina; Wang, Zhi-Zheng; Sun, Xu-Dong; Yang, Jing; Ma, Chao-Ya; Li, Wen; Liu, Hong-Min


    Recently, Histone Lysine Specific Demethylase 1 (LSD1) was regarded as a promising anticancer target for the novel drug discovery. And several small molecules as LSD1 inhibitors in different structures have been reported. In this work, we carried out a molecular modeling study on the 6-aryl-5-cyano-pyrimidine fragment LSD1 inhibitors using three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR), molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) and comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) were used to generate 3D-QSAR models. The results show that the best CoMFA model has q 2 =0.802, r 2 ncv =0.979, and the best CoMSIA model has q 2 =0.799, r 2 ncv =0.982. The electrostatic, hydrophobic and H-bond donor fields play important roles in the models. Molecular docking studies predict the binding mode and the interactions between the ligand and the receptor protein. Molecular dynamics simulations results reveal that the complex of the ligand and the receptor protein are stable at 300K. All the results can provide us more useful information for our further drug design. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  1. Safety of sublingual immunotherapy Timothy grass tablet in subjects with allergic rhinitis with or without conjunctivitis and history of asthma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maloney, J; Durham, S; Skoner, D


    BACKGROUND: Patients with asthma may be more susceptible to adverse events (AEs) with sublingual immunotherapy tablet (SLIT-tablet) treatment, such as severe systemic reactions and asthma-related events. Using data from eight trials of grass SLIT-tablet in subjects with allergic rhinitis with....../without conjunctivitis (AR/C), AE frequencies were determined in adults and children with and without reported asthma. METHODS: Data from randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of Timothy grass SLIT-tablet MK-7243 (2800 BAU/75 000 SQ-T, Merck/ALK-Abelló) were pooled for post hoc analyses. Subjects...... with asthma treated with grass SLIT-tablet versus subjects without asthma in or outside of pollen season. There were 6/120 asthma-related TRAEs assessed as severe with grass SLIT-tablet and 2/60 with placebo, without a consistent trend among subjects with and without asthma (5 and 3 events, respectively...

  2. To Call or Not to Call a Spade a Spade: The Dilemma of Treating 'Offensive' Terms in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona

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    Emmanuel Chabata


    Full Text Available

    ABSTRACT: As noted by Béjoint (2000: 6, the main objective in dictionary-making is to define words and terms. This is especially the case if the fact is accepted that dictionaries are mostly con-sulted for word meaning and that, in the consultation process, the user hopes to acquire and/or verify certain information. However, as again noted by Jackson (1988, Landau (1984, Svénsen (1993 and Zgusta (1971, among others, the description of word meaning is one of the greatest difficulties with which the lexicographer has to cope. This article discusses some of the challenges facing lexicographers when defining 'offensive' headwords in a monolingual dictionary. It is based on experiences of defining such headwords for the general-purpose, medium-sized, synchronic, monolingual Shona dictionary, Duramazwi Guru reChiShona (henceforth DGC (Chimhundu et al. 2001. DGC was compiled and edited by a six-member team of mother-tongue speakers of Shona who are researchers at the African Languages Research Institute (ALRI. The article also discusses some of the strategies the team of editors adopted as ways of dealing with offensive words in DGC. One such strategy is the use of euphemism in defining.



    OPSOMMING: Om die kind by sy naam te noem of nie te noem nie: Die dilemma van die behandeling van "aanstootlike" terme in Duramazwi Guru reChiShona. Soos deur Béjoint (2000: 6 opgemerk, is die hoofdoel van woordeboekmaak om woorde en terme te definieer. Dit is veral die geval as die feit aanvaar word dat woordeboeke meestal geraadpleeg word vir woordbetekenis en dat, by die raadplegingsproses, die gebruiker hoop om sekere inligting te bekom en/of te kontroleer. Soos weer eens opgemerk deur onder andere Jackson (1988, Landau (1984, Svénsen (1993 en Zgusta (1971, is

  3. Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert (Ram Dass) and the changing definition of psilocybin. (United States)

    Wark, Colin; Galliher, John F


    This research focuses on the events leading to the 1968 U.S. federal prohibition of psilocybin. It is a study of duelling moral entrepreneurs-Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert vs. the Harvard University Administration. The goal is to show how the primary active compound in an ostensibly harmless fungus (the psilocybin mushroom) became controversial in less than a decade. We used books, newspapers, magazine articles and previously unpublished materials (including documents from the Harvard Archives) to analyze Leary and Alpert's lives and careers through the early 1970s. The prohibition of psilocybin in the U.S. was largely a product of Leary and Alpert's involvement in the "Harvard drug scandal" and their transformation from Harvard professors to countercultural icons. They tested the substance on a variety of human subjects and in doing so piqued the interest of Harvard undergraduates while drawing condemnation from other faculty and Harvard administrators. This case is theoretically interesting because unlike most illegal drugs, psilocybin was never linked to a threatening minority group, but to some of the nation's most privileged youth. The Harvard administrators were not really moral entrepreneurs but Leary and Alpert clearly were. Although they were far from being prohibitionists, they were self-righteous crusaders on different but equally holy missions for the good of young and minority Americans. Ironically, due to their successes the possession of psilocybin was criminalized under United States federal law in 1968 (Pub. L. No. 90-639, Stat. 1361 1968 and Boire, 2002). This case study demonstrates that crusaders can be successful in changing culture even when laws are passed in futile attempts to control their behaviour, just as Leary predicted. Copyright 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    S. E. Nugroho


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi struktur konsep mahasiswa calon guru tentang medan elektrostatik. Data diperolehdengan menggunakan metode thinks-aloud, didukung metode lain yaitu wawancara, diskusi, dan tes tertulis Responden penelitianterdiri atas delapan mahasiswa semester 2 yang telah menempuh fisika dasar sebagai kelompok I, dan sembilan mahasiswasemester 6 yang telah menempuh mata kuliah kelistrikan dan kemagnetan sebagai kelompok II. Mahasiswa tersebut diberipertanyaan real-worlds yang menyangkut konsep dasar medan dan memerlukan jawaban secara spontan. Hasil studi inimenunjukan bahwa (1 struktur konsep mahasiswa mengenai medan elektrostatik pada umumnya mengalami fragmentasi; (2mahasiswa mengalami kerancuan dalam memahami konsep medan elektrostatik; (3 Pada umumnya, mahasiswa masihberlandaskan konsep gaya dalam memahami tentang medan. The purpose of this research is to explore the concept structure of electrostatics field of teacher candidate student. In thisexperiment, we used thinks-aloud method and varied by others (interview, discussion and written-test. Respondent consisted ofeight students of second semester passing Basic Physics subject as the first group and nine students of sixth semester passingelectricity and magnetism subject as the second group. On these students the real world questions related to concept of field andneeded spontaneous answer are asked. The study result shows that (1 in general the concept structure of electrostatics field ofstudents undergoes fragmenting process; (2 the students experience contamination in understanding the electrostatics fieldconcept, and (3 in general the students are still based on the force concept in understanding the field.Keywords: framing analysis, teacher candidate student, concept structure

  5. Comments on Timothy F. Murphy's 'the afterlife of embryonic persons: what a strange place heaven must be'. (United States)

    Head, Ivan F


    In this issue, Timothy F. Murphy has written a thought-provoking and carefully nuanced article that focuses on the question of a link between a first moment of conception and an end-state beyond death in the resurrection of a human person. He is particularly concerned to probe the theological implications of asserting that the person exists from the moment of conception, and he does so by asking the reader to imagine what kind of resurrected persons would thus populate a heaven filled with, for instance, the resurrected that had in this biotic life lived but a few hours post conception, or had, say, a CV that covered no more than 5 days of cellular replication. By implication, he asks us to imagine a resurrected person whose earthly life lacked memory, consciousness or bodily form, and rather had persisted as a cluster of undifferentiated pluripotent cells. Murphy's candid and fair treatment of these topics is a helpful invitation to some theologians to follow more thoroughly all implications of dogmatically held positions and to consider more thoroughly new ways of thinking of the person as an emergent reality. Copyright © 2012 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Hari Amanto


    Full Text Available Competency, Attitude, Responsibility, and Number of Hours of Educator Cer­­­­t­i­­fied Teachers on Managing Learning in SMK.The objective of this research is to des­cribe the competency, attitude, responsibility, and number of hours of educator cer­­tified teachers on managing learning in public vocational high school in Malang. This research employs a descriptive-quantitative approach. The research sub­jects are the educator certified teachers in SMKN Malang area. The instruments used to collect data are observation sheet, questionnaire, and documentation. Data is analyzed using per­cen­tag­e. The re­sults of this research show that: (1 the profiles of pedagogical com­pe­tency, attitude, so­­cial, and pro­fessional variables are categorized as competent, (2 the profiles of cog­nitive, and conative attitude are categorized as good, (3 affective attitude is ca­te­go­ri­z­­ed as ve­ry good, (4 the responsibility on applying the curriculum development is categorized as very high, (5 the performance of learning process is categorized as very high, (6 the process of conceling students ca­te­go­ry ve­­ry high, and (7 the total number of managing learn­­ing ho­urs is ca­t­egorized as qualified.   Tujuan penelitian ini un­tuk mendeskripsikan kompetensi, sikap, tang­gung jawab, dan jumlah jam guru bersertifikat pendidik dalam me­nge­lola pembelajaran pada SMK Negeri se-Malang Raya. Pe­nelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian des­krip­­tif kuantitatif, dengan subjek pe­ne­litian guru bersertifikat pendidik SMKN se-Ma­lang Raya. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar pengamatan, angket dan dokumentasi. Data di­ana­lisis dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian me­nun­juk­­­­kan bahwa: (1 kompetensi pe­da­­gogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional ma­suk kate­­­gori kompeten, (2 sikap kog­ni­tif, konatif kategori baik, (3 sikap afektif kategori sangat baik, (4 tanggung jawab

  7. Increased spontaneous MEG signal diversity for psychoactive doses of ketamine, LSD and psilocybin (United States)

    Schartner, Michael M.; Carhart-Harris, Robin L.; Barrett, Adam B.; Seth, Anil K.; Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh D.


    What is the level of consciousness of the psychedelic state? Empirically, measures of neural signal diversity such as entropy and Lempel-Ziv (LZ) complexity score higher for wakeful rest than for states with lower conscious level like propofol-induced anesthesia. Here we compute these measures for spontaneous magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals from humans during altered states of consciousness induced by three psychedelic substances: psilocybin, ketamine and LSD. For all three, we find reliably higher spontaneous signal diversity, even when controlling for spectral changes. This increase is most pronounced for the single-channel LZ complexity measure, and hence for temporal, as opposed to spatial, signal diversity. We also uncover selective correlations between changes in signal diversity and phenomenological reports of the intensity of psychedelic experience. This is the first time that these measures have been applied to the psychedelic state and, crucially, that they have yielded values exceeding those of normal waking consciousness. These findings suggest that the sustained occurrence of psychedelic phenomenology constitutes an elevated level of consciousness - as measured by neural signal diversity.

  8. Experiências com a dietilamina do ácido lisérgico (LSD 25

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    Paulo Luiz Vianna Guedes


    Full Text Available São relatados os resultados de 5 experiências realizadas em 3 pacientes com LSD 25, sendo salientadas as propriedades terapêuticas dêste medicamento como auxiliar da psicoterapia. Entre outras, são ressaltadas como principais qualidades: a ação regressiva sôbre o ego que facilita o aparecimento, sob forte carga afetiva, dos conflitos internos na transferência; b ação não uniforme sôbre o ego, poupando umas partes que, assim, não só assistem, mas podem, durante a experiência, analisar o material surgido; c conservação da memória que permite em dias ulteriores e fora da ação lisérgica, a análise das vivências ocorridas na experiência. O método só terá tôda sua utilidade, na opinião do autor, em mãos de médico psicanalista capacitado a lidar com material derivado do inconsciente.

  9. Gaddum and LSD: the birth and growth of experimental and clinical neuropharmacology research on 5-HT in the UK. (United States)

    Green, A R


    The vasoconstrictor substance named serotonin was identified as 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) by Maurice Rapport in 1949. In 1951, Rapport gave Gaddum samples of 5-HT substance allowing him to develop a bioassay to both detect and measure the amine. Gaddum and colleagues rapidly identified 5-HT in brain and showed that lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) antagonized its action in peripheral tissues. Gaddum accordingly postulated that 5-HT might have a role in mood regulation. This review examines the role of UK scientists in the first 20 years following these major discoveries, discussing their role in developing assays for 5-HT in the CNS, identifying the enzymes involved in the synthesis and metabolism of 5-HT and investigating the effect of drugs on brain 5-HT. It reviews studies on the effects of LSD in humans, including Gaddum's self-administration experiments. It outlines investigations on the role of 5-HT in psychiatric disorders, including studies on the effect of antidepressant drugs on the 5-HT concentration in rodent and human brain, and the attempts to examine 5-HT biochemistry in the brains of patients with depressive illness. It is clear that a rather small group of both preclinical scientists and psychiatrists in the UK made major advances in our understanding of the role of 5-HT in the brain, paving the way for much of the knowledge now taken for granted when discussing ways that 5-HT might be involved in the control of mood and the idea that therapeutic drugs used to alleviate psychiatric illness might alter the function of cerebral 5-HT.

  10. Gaddum and LSD: the birth and growth of experimental and clinical neuropharmacology research on 5-HT in the UK (United States)

    Green, A R


    The vasoconstrictor substance named serotonin was identified as 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) by Maurice Rapport in 1949. In 1951, Rapport gave Gaddum samples of 5-HT substance allowing him to develop a bioassay to both detect and measure the amine. Gaddum and colleagues rapidly identified 5-HT in brain and showed that lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) antagonized its action in peripheral tissues. Gaddum accordingly postulated that 5-HT might have a role in mood regulation. This review examines the role of UK scientists in the first 20 years following these major discoveries, discussing their role in developing assays for 5-HT in the CNS, identifying the enzymes involved in the synthesis and metabolism of 5-HT and investigating the effect of drugs on brain 5-HT. It reviews studies on the effects of LSD in humans, including Gaddum's self-administration experiments. It outlines investigations on the role of 5-HT in psychiatric disorders, including studies on the effect of antidepressant drugs on the 5-HT concentration in rodent and human brain, and the attempts to examine 5-HT biochemistry in the brains of patients with depressive illness. It is clear that a rather small group of both preclinical scientists and psychiatrists in the UK made major advances in our understanding of the role of 5-HT in the brain, paving the way for much of the knowledge now taken for granted when discussing ways that 5-HT might be involved in the control of mood and the idea that therapeutic drugs used to alleviate psychiatric illness might alter the function of cerebral 5-HT. PMID:18516072

  11. A case study of the intraseasonal oscillation traversing the TOGA-COARE LSD. [large-scale domain (United States)

    Vincent, Dayton G.; Schrage, Jon M.; Sliwinski, L. D.


    The paper presents examination of tree intraseasonal (30-60 day) oscillations (ISOs) that occurred during the southern summer season (December 1, 1985 - February 28, 1986) traversing the Large-Scale Domain (LSD) TOGA-COARE, the region which also plays an important role in ENSO, Australian monsoon, and extratropical circulations. Data presented include Hovmoeller diagrams of 5-day running means of 250-mb velocity potential anomalies and OLR anomalies; graphs of five-day running means of OLR in precipitable water (W) per sq m, averaged over 10 x 10 deg boxes centered on 5 S and (1) 145 E, (2) 155 E, (3) 165 E, and (4) 165 D, indicating the midpoint of each ISO; and vertical profiles of zonal wind in m/s averaged over the time period that each ISO spends in the 10 x 10 deg box centered at 5 S, and 175 E and 145 E.


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    Slamet Yulianto


    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan proses pembelajaran PJOK yang dilakukan guru seiring dengan tuntutan perubahan kurikulum sebagai kompetensi keprofesionalan guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi untuk menggali data alamiah dari subjek guru PJOK. Pengumpulan data dilakukan oleh peneliti sebagai instrumen kunci dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen kepada subjek guru PJOK di SD inti kota Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, guru PJOK telah memenuhi standar profesi guru, guru PJOK telah memahami konsep perubahan kurikulum dan konsep PJOK, namun proses pembelajaran PJOK tidak maksimal sesuai dengan tuntutan perubahan kurikulum sebagai kompetensi keprofesionalan guru.

  13. Antidepressive, anxiolytic, and antiaddictive effects of ayahuasca, psilocybin and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): a systematic review of clinical trials published in the last 25 years (United States)

    dos Santos, Rafael G.; Osório, Flávia L.; Crippa, José Alexandre S.; Riba, Jordi; Zuardi, Antônio W.; Hallak, Jaime E. C.


    To date, pharmacological treatments for mood and anxiety disorders and for drug dependence show limited efficacy, leaving a large number of patients suffering severe and persistent symptoms. Preliminary studies in animals and humans suggest that ayahuasca, psilocybin and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) may have antidepressive, anxiolytic, and antiaddictive properties. Thus, we conducted a systematic review of clinical trials published from 1990 until 2015, assessing these therapeutic properties. Electronic searches were performed using the PubMed, LILACS, and SciELO databases. Only clinical trials published in peer-reviewed journals were included. Of these, 151 studies were identified, of which six met the established criteria. Reviewed studies suggest beneficial effects for treatment-resistant depression, anxiety and depression associated with life-threatening diseases, and tobacco and alcohol dependence. All drugs were well tolerated. In conclusion, ayahuasca, psilocybin and LSD may be useful pharmacological tools for the treatment of drug dependence, and anxiety and mood disorders, especially in treatment-resistant patients. These drugs may also be useful pharmacological tools to understand psychiatric disorders and to develop new therapeutic agents. However, all studies reviewed had small sample sizes, and half of them were open-label, proof-of-concept studies. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies with more patients are needed to replicate these preliminary findings. PMID:27354908

  14. Antidepressive, anxiolytic, and antiaddictive effects of ayahuasca, psilocybin and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): a systematic review of clinical trials published in the last 25 years. (United States)

    Dos Santos, Rafael G; Osório, Flávia L; Crippa, José Alexandre S; Riba, Jordi; Zuardi, Antônio W; Hallak, Jaime E C


    To date, pharmacological treatments for mood and anxiety disorders and for drug dependence show limited efficacy, leaving a large number of patients suffering severe and persistent symptoms. Preliminary studies in animals and humans suggest that ayahuasca, psilocybin and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) may have antidepressive, anxiolytic, and antiaddictive properties. Thus, we conducted a systematic review of clinical trials published from 1990 until 2015, assessing these therapeutic properties. Electronic searches were performed using the PubMed, LILACS, and SciELO databases. Only clinical trials published in peer-reviewed journals were included. Of these, 151 studies were identified, of which six met the established criteria. Reviewed studies suggest beneficial effects for treatment-resistant depression, anxiety and depression associated with life-threatening diseases, and tobacco and alcohol dependence. All drugs were well tolerated. In conclusion, ayahuasca, psilocybin and LSD may be useful pharmacological tools for the treatment of drug dependence, and anxiety and mood disorders, especially in treatment-resistant patients. These drugs may also be useful pharmacological tools to understand psychiatric disorders and to develop new therapeutic agents. However, all studies reviewed had small sample sizes, and half of them were open-label, proof-of-concept studies. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies with more patients are needed to replicate these preliminary findings.

  15. Large-scale digitizer system (LSD) for charge and time digitization in high-energy physics experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Althaus, R.F.; Kirsten, F.A.; Lee, K.L.; Olson, S.R.; Wagner, L.J.; Wolverton, J.M.


    A large-scale digitizer (LSD) system for acquiring charge and time-of-arrival particle data from high-energy-physics experiments has been developed at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. The objective in this development was to significantly reduce the cost of instrumenting large-detector arrays which, for the 4π-geometry of colliding-beam experiments, are proposed with an order of magnitude increase in channel count over previous detectors. In order to achieve the desired economy (approximately $65 per channel), a system was designed in which a number of control signals for conversion, for digitization, and for readout are shared in common by all the channels in each 128-channel bin. The overall-system concept and the distribution of control signals that are critical to the 10-bit charge resolution and to the 12-bit time resolution are described. Also described is the bit-serial transfer scheme, chosen for its low component and cabling costs

  16. Problem Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pendidikan Sosial di Jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    Hetty Rufaidah Siambaton


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui proses implementasi Kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran IPS kelas VII SMP N 6 Magelang dari proses perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi hasil belajar, kendala yang dihadapi guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan reduksi, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1 guru belum menyiapkan RPP Kurikulum 2013 tahun ajaran 2015/2016, namun dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran guru mengajar dengan baik, siswa menerima dengan baik materi yang disampaikan guru, (2 pelaksanaan pembelajaran sudah menggunakan pendekatan saintifik, (3 guru mampu merancang rambu-rambu penilaian untuk menilai hasil belajar siswa dari segi sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan. (4 kendala yakni waktu dan kemauan guru yang masih kurang dalam menyusun RPP, media pembelajaran belum memadai, guru masih belum paham penilaian berbasis Kurikulum 2013. Saran yang diajukan yakni guru perlu menyusun RPP Kurikulum 2013 tepat waktu, pemerintah perlu meningkatkan sosialisasi penilaian Kurikulum 2013, buku guru dan siswa segera didistribusikan agar pembelajaran berjalan lancar.

  17. Karakteristik Pengembangan Tes Keterampilan Berpiki Kritis Bumi dan Antariksa Untuk Calon Guru

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    Taufik Ramlan Ramalis


    Full Text Available Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the f critical thinking skills test and measurement errors according to classical test theory and item response theory. The test is based on the basic concepts and essential principles of the Earth Space, with reference to the core critical thinking skills. The research method used a mixed methods design with embedded experimental models. The analysis in this study is based on 41 responses of students teacher prospective who have taken IPBA courses at the Physics education department of FPMIPA UPI. Based on classical test theory indicates that of 18 test items were analyzed 15 items were good quality, reliability index of 0.89. From information function and standard error measurement of item response theory, the overall conclusion of this evaluation is that the model 2PL is better to use when evaluating the test. Keywords: critical thinking skills, earth and space, classical test theory, item response theory Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis karakteristik tes keterampilan berpikir kritis serta kesalahan pengukuran menurut teori tes klasik dan teori respons item. Tes disusun berdasarkan konsep dasar dan prinsip esensial sains Bumi dan Antariksa, dengan mengacu pada inti keterampilan berpikir kritis. Metode penelitiannya menggunakan mixed methods dengan desain embedded experimental model. Analisis dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada respons 41 mahasiswa calon guru yang telah mengambil matakuliah IPBA di departemen pendidikan Fisika FPMIPA UPI. Berdasarkan teori tes klasik menunjukkan bahwa dari 18 item tes yang dianalisis 15 item yang berkualitas baik, indeks reliabilitas 0,89. Dari fungsi informasi dan pengukuran kesalahan baku pada teori respons item, kesimpulan keseluruhan dari evaluasi ini adalah bahwa model 2PL adalah lebih baik untuk digunakan ketika mengevaluasi tes. Kata-kata kunci: keterampilan berpikir kritis, bumi dan antariksa, teori tes klasik

  18. KDM1A/LSD1 regulates the differentiation and maintenance of spermatogonia in mice.

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    Dexter A Myrick

    Full Text Available The proper regulation of spermatogenesis is crucial to ensure the continued production of sperm and fertility. Here, we investigated the function of the H3K4me2 demethylase KDM1A/LSD1 during spermatogenesis in developing and adult mice. Conditional deletion of Kdm1a in the testis just prior to birth leads to fewer spermatogonia and germ cell loss before 3 weeks of age. These results demonstrate that KDM1A is required for spermatogonial differentiation, as well as germ cell survival, in the developing testis. In addition, inducible deletion of Kdm1a in the adult testis results in the abnormal accumulation of meiotic spermatocytes, as well as apoptosis and progressive germ cell loss. These results demonstrate that KDM1A is also required during adult spermatogenesis. Furthermore, without KDM1A, the stem cell factor OCT4 is ectopically maintained in differentiating germ cells. This requirement for KDM1A is similar to what has been observed in other stem cell populations, suggesting a common function. Taken together, we propose that KDM1A is a key regulator of spermatogenesis and germ cell maintenance in the mouse.

  19. A highly active endo-levanase BT1760 of a dominant mammalian gut commensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron cleaves not only various bacterial levans, but also levan of timothy grass

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mardo, Karin; Visnapuu, Triinu; Vija, Heiki


    of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, its mutant Asp300Asn, levansucrases of Zymomonas mobilis, Erwinia herbicola, Halomonas smyrnensis as well as on levan isolated from timothy grass. For the first time a plant levan is shown as a perfect substrate for an endo-fructanase of a human gut bacterium. BT1760 degraded...... levans to FOS with degree of polymerization from 2 to 13. At optimal reaction conditions up to 1 g of FOS were produced per 1 mg of BT1760 protein. Low molecular weight (grass levan and levan synthesized from sucrose by the Lsc3Asp300Asn, were degraded most rapidly...... whilst levan produced by Lsc3 from raffinose least rapidly. BT1760 catalyzed finely at human body temperature (37°C) and in moderately acidic environment (pH 5-6) that is typical for the gut lumen. According to differential scanning fluorimetry, the Tm of the endo-levanase was 51.5°C. All tested levans...


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    Nur Kamilah


    Penelitian ini memaparkan hasil studi kasus terhadap seorang guru bahasa Inggris SMA di Situbondo yang resistan untuk menggunakan TIK di kelas. Berawal dari keprihatinan terhadap guru yang memilih untuk abai terhadap penggunaan TIK, terlepas dari penting dan berpotensinya TIK tersebut dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa siswa. Ditemukan bahwa variabel usia yang lanjut menjadi penyebab munculnya variabel lain seperti kurangnya motivasi belajar TIK dan rendahnya kemampuan menggunakannya yang berujung pada pilihannya untuk tidak menggunakan TIK di kelas sehingga tetap menggunakan metode mengajar konvensional. Variabel usia tersebut ternyata bukanlah pemicu utama sikap resistan tersebut, melainkan lemahnya kemampuan guru dalam memahami dan memenuhi tuntutan profesinya sebagai guru bahasa Inggris. Oleh karenanya, saran penelitian ditujukan pada guru agar lebih siap terhadap tuntutan dan tantangan lain dalam profesinya sehingga menjadi guru profesional.

  1. ‘The woman was deceived and became a sinner’ – a literary-theological investigation of 1 Timothy 2:11–15

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    Abiola I. Mbamalu


    Full Text Available In 1 Timothy 2:11–15 women are forbidden to teach and have authority over men in the church. The ground for this instruction is the creation account in Genesis 2 that asserts the priority of Adam over Eve in the order of creation. The second reason for the instruction is the deception of Eve according to the account of the Fall in Genesis 3. This pericope has elicited arguments between advocates of egalitarianism and complementarianism revolving over the issues of grammar, the context of the Ephesian church with regard to false teachings and the comparison of this text with the other writings of Paul, for those that subscribe to the authorship of Paul. The contention of this article is that verse 15 provides a major clue as to how this text should be understood. In addition, the author’s rhetoric in this text is interrogated with regard to the text’s own internal literary and theological logic. In this regard, the author is found to be inconsistent in his outlook, for the grace that was poured out abundantly on him: a blasphemer, a persecutor and a violent man and on account of his ignorance andunbelief (1 Tm 1:12–16 is apparently, being denied women on account of Eve’s deception.


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    T. V. Danylova


    Full Text Available Introduction. The complex multifaceted essence of human as a biological, psychological, social being has attracted the attention of researchers and has caused hot debates during centuries. Still now, human being, her/his nature requires a broader understanding in the context of the synthesis of long-standing philosophical, psychological, religious traditions and contemporary sciences. Purpose. This paper aims to explore the phenomenon of human being through the lens of the Eastern philosophy and T. Leary’s transpersonal perspective. Methodology. Exploratory research design was used for conducting this study. The author has used philosophical hermeneutics, secondary data collected from reports, journals, and periodicals along with own transpersonal experience. Theoretical basis and results. The essence of Eastern worldview is an awareness of unity and coherence of all things and phenomena. All things are the interdependent and interrelated parts of the One Whole: they are the different manifestations of the same unconditional reality. This is Tao for Taoists, Dharmakaya for Buddhists, Brahman for Hindus. These non-dualistic traditions emphasize: we have to transcend our dual thinking in order to perceive true nature of our inner self and to achieve the state of the absolute unity with everything that exists. “Subject – object” duality is illusory. Being disintegrated from the Oneness, a human is dissociated into different parts. The goal of a new interpretation of a human is to reintegrate these poles and transcend them. Merely theoretical approach to the problem of reintegration is insufficient. Reintegration requires a vivid experience of the “liberation” – the experience of enlightenment. This is a transpersonal experience that overcomes our common perception and goes beyond the usual “body-mind” frame. This experience was breathtakingly described by T. Leary. Experimenting with psilocybin and LSD, T. Leary was astonished


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    Ali Rahim


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi peningkatan kualitas pendi-dikan Madrasah Aliyah di Kabupaten Sidrap ditinjau dari segi implementasi ku-rikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data adalah; observasi, wawancara, observasi dan penelu-suran referensi dengan teknik analisis data reduksi data, penyajian data dan veri-fikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; 1 Umumnya guru MA sudah meng-implementasikan KTSP. 2 Sebagian guru tidak maksimal karena kondisi sarana yang tidak mendukung. 3 Faktor pendukung yaitu; manajemen kepala madra-sah, kurikulum, kompetensi guru, anggaran pendidikan, optimalisasi kerjasama dengan masyarakat. 4 Faktor penghambat; kurangnya sarana prasarana, guru mengajar tidak sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikannya, rendahnya kesejah-teraan guru. 5 Untuk mengatasi faktor penghambat adalah; meningkatkan kuali-tas sarana prasarana. 6 Bentuk strategi yaitu; peningkatan kualitas manajemen kurikulum dan program pengajaran, peningkatan kompetensi guru, peningkatan kesejahteraan guru, peningkatan prestasi akademik siswa, terpenuhinya kebu-tuhan sarana dan prasarana, peningkatan kualitas pelaksanaan tugas kepala madrasah, peningkatan kualitas ketakwaan kepada Allah swt. serta akhlak mulia, dan meningkatkan manajemen hubungan madarasah dengan masyarakat.

  4. Seed germination and seedling vigour of italian ryegrass, cocksfoot and timothy following harvest and storage Germinação de sementes e o vigor de plantas jovens de azevem italiano, dactilis e timóteo após a colheita e o armazenamento

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    Rade Stanisavljevic


    Full Text Available During post-harvest maturation, different species vary in the length of dormancy breaking or germination increases. Seed dormancy and slow seedling development often limit establishment of forage grass stands. Seed germination and seedling vigour of Italian ryegrass (Lolium italicum A. Braun, Synonym Lolium multiflorum L., cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L. and timothy (Phleum pretense L. were observed after harvest and storage. After harvest in June, seeds were stored under standard storage conditions and sampled every 30 days after harvest (DAH, up to 270 DAH, and then every 60 days up to 990 DAH. At each date, seeds were tested for final germination percentage and for seedling vigour traits. Timothy seeds had a maximum germination (88% and the best seedlings vigour at 90 DAH, which implies that early autumn (September-October is the best sowing period for freshly harvested seeds of timothy. Timothy seed germination was poor from 270 DAH (73%. The best germination and vigour of Italian ryegrass and cocksfoot seedlings were between 270 and 330 DAH, which equates to spring sowing time (March-April in the succeeding year. Cocksfoot and Italian ryegrass seeds maintained satisfactory germination levels up to 630 DAH (81% and 810 DAH (81%, respectively. The data can serve for the determination of a proper storage duration management between harvest and sowing of the tested species under ambient conditions of south-eastern Europe.Durante o armazenamento, diferentes espécies comportam-se diferentemente quanto à dormência e crescimento de plântulas. A dormência o desenvolvimento lento das plântulas limitam a época do plantio das gramíneas forrageiras plurianuais. A germinação de sementes e o crescimento das plântulas de azevem italiano (Lolium italicum A. Braun sin. Lolium multiflorum L., Dactilis (Dactilis glomerata L. e de timoteo (Phleum pratense L. foi pesquisada durante a maturação pós-colheita e a silagem. Após a colheita, em junho


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    Siti Supeni


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengembangkan model internalisasi pendidikan karakter se- bagai penguatan nilai-nilai Pancasila, mengetahui langkah dan efektivitas model, mengembangkan strategi yang efektif, serta memperoleh hasil pengembangan bahan ajar oleh guru PAUD di Kota Surakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan model penelitian dan pengembangan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, focus group discussion, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, sedang teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan membuat reduksi data dan sajian data secara terus-menerus. Strategi pengembangan model pendidikan karakter disesuaikan dengan materi melalui media bermain peran, gambar, menyanyikan lagu nasional, dan rasa cinta tanah air. Out bond efektif pada praktik pendidikan karakter melalui nilai-nilai dasar etika dan moral dijadikan sebagai basis pendidikan Pancasila. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model yang dilakukan valid dan reliabel. Penelitian berhasil mengembangkan model pendidikan karakter dalam internalisasi pendidikan Pancasila pada anak usia dini lewat beberapa model strategi pengembangan pendidikan karakter dalam menginternalisasikan Pancasila pada PAUD melalui tabel model yang akan diterapkan dalam proses pendidikan. Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, Pancasila, PAUD DEVELOPING A MODEL OF THE PANCASILA CHARACTER EDUCATION INTERNALISATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHERS Abstract: This study was aimed to develop a model of the internalisation of the Pancasila character education, to find out the stages and effectiveness of the model, to develop an effective strategy, and to obtain the result of the materials developed by early childhood teachers in Surakarta Municipality. This study used a research and development model. The data were collected through observations, focus group discussion, interviews, and documentation, and the data were analyzed by reducing the data and displaying the data continuously. The strategi of developing the model of character


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    Mr. Suatma


    Untuk menjadi seorang guru peneliti, mahasiswa calon guru harus memiliki keterampilan riset pendidikan yang memadai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran experiential terhadap kemampuan dan keterampilan mahasiswa calon guru biologi dalam merancang riset penelitian pendidikan. Sampel penelitian adalah 68 mahasiswa calon guru biologi yang mengambil mata kuliah Metodologi Penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes objektif dan rubrik penilaian proposal. Hasil tes objektif menunjukkan bahwa rerata pemahaman mahasiswa calon guru biologi tentang perancangan riset pendidikan pada saat pretes adalah 27,35% sedangkan untuk postes adalah 40,94%. Penghitungan N-Gain menghasilkan nilai N-Gain 0,18 dan nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan dari pretes ke postes termasuk dalam kategori rendah. Hasil penilaian proposal menunjukkan bahwa rerata penguasaan keterampilan merancang riset adalah 59,15%. Hasil penilaian proposal ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun pembelajaran Experiential  kurang berpengaruh pada peningkatan aspek kognitif, pendekatan ini dapat membantu mahasiswa calon guru biologi dalam merancang proposal riset pendidikan.

  7. GenBank blastx search result: AK243269 [KOME

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available AK243269 J100049H19 L41732.4 ABCLSDA Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus levansucrase precursor (lsd...A), levanase precursor (lsdB), pseudopilin G precursor (lsdG), prepilin peptidase and N-methyl...transferase O (gspO), kinase E (lsdE), LsdF (lsdF), pseudopilin H precursor (lsdH), pseudopilin I precursor (lsd...I), pseudopilin J precursor (lsdJ), LsdL (lsdL), LsdM (lsdM), and LsdN (lsdN)... genes, complete cds; secretin D (lsdD) gene, partial cds; and unknown gene. BCT 6e-26 1 ...

  8. Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK di SD Muhammadiyah Sapen Yogyakarta

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    Mayasari Mayasari


    Faktor pendukung terlaksananya kegiatan ini  meliputi adanya kerjasama yang baik antar guru dan orang tua dan adanya dukungan penuh dari pemerintah provinsi dan pemerintah kabupaten/kota. Pemerintah bertanggungjawab dalam mempersiapkan atau memberikan bantuan profesional kepada  guru dan kepala sekolah untuk melaksanakan kurikulum di kabupaten/kota terkait.  terjalinnya kerjasama yang baik dengan Diknas-diknas, diantaranya Diknas pariwisata. Faktor penghambatnya meliputi, belum tersedianya tenaga khusus untuk penanganan anak tunarungu dan tunagrahita, belum adanya Guru Pendamping Khusus, kurang efisiennya waktu pembelajaran, dan masih kurangnya pemahaman guru tentang penanganan masalah anak-anak ABK.

  9. Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking Lessons on introvert Students in Madrasah Aliyah (MA Ja-alHaq Bengkulu.

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    M. Arif Rahman Hakim


    Full Text Available Strategi Guru Bahasa Inggris Dalam Mengajar Materi Speaking Terhadap Siswa Yang Berkarakteristik Introvert di Madrasah Aliyah (MA Ja-alHaq Bengkulu. Kemampuan sesorang dalam berkomunikasi sering dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik kepribadiannya. Berdasarkan penelitian para ahli, terdapat dua karakter utama dalam diri seseorang, yaitu ekstrovert dan introvert. Siswa yang berkarakter introvert memiliki kemampuan yang tidak sama dengan siswa ektrovert dalam berkomunikasi bahasa asing. Untuk mengatasi problem tersebut, guru Madrasah Aliyah (MA Ja-alHaq—sebagai objek penelitian ini—beberapa strategi agar kemampuan speaking siswa-siswinya meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi dari guru bahasa Inggris di Indonesia yang berpengalaman dalam pengajaran speaking terkait dengan tantangan dan strategi dalam proses belajar mengajar bagi siswa yang berkarakteristik introvert. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa para guru disarankan untuk menerapkan diskusi, main peran, story telling, dan wawancara. Di samping itu, guru juga harus mengetahui karakter dari peserta didiknya karena dengan mengetahui kepribadian peserta didik, para guru dapat memilih strategi pembelajaran yang tepat untuk diterapkan di kelas.


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    Ratih Widya Nurcahyo


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini di bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1 kompetensi mahasiswa STKIP PGRI Pontianak dalam kegiatan PPL di SMK, SMA, SMP se Kota Pontianak; (2 pengaruh praktik persekolahan terhadap kompetensi mahasiswa STKIP PGRI Pontianak sebagai calon guru; (3 pengaruh rencana pembelajaran terhadap kompetensi mahasiswa STKIP PGRI Pontianak sebagai calon guru; (4 pengaruh pelaksanaan pembelajaran terhadap kompetensi mahasiswa STKIP PGRI Pontianak sebagai calon guru; (5 pengaruh secara bersama-sama antara praktik persekolahan, rencana pembelajaran, dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran terhadap kompetensi mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa (1 kompetensi pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, termasuk kategori cukup dan kompetensi profesional termasuk kategori baik;(2 terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara praktek persekolahan terhadap kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru dengan nilai R2 = 0,515; p= 0,000; (3 terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara rencana pembelajaran terhadap kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru dengan nilai R2=0,272; p=0,000; (4 terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara pelaksanaan pembelajaran terhadap kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru dengan nilai R2= 0,515; p= 0,000; dan (5terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara praktik persekolahan, rencana pembelajaran, dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran secara bersama-sama terhadap kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru dengan nilai R2= 0,931. Prediksi perubahan Y ditunjukan oleh persamaan garis regresi Y = 9,463 + 0,759X1 + 0,819X2+0,763X3

  11. and the quality of silage

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    Liisa Syrjälä-Qvist


    Full Text Available Five silages having different proportions of red clover and timothy (100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 and 0/100 were preserved in five glass-fibre silos of 0.4 m 3. Chopped red clover and timothy were mixed during ensiling and preserved with AIV II solution (80 % formic acid and 2 % orthophosphoric acid, applied at the rate of 6 l/1000kg fresh material. The timothy sward was fertilized with 100kg N/ha and the red clover with 15kg N/ha. The dry matter content in red clover was 14.5 % and in timothy 18.6%, and the crude protein content of DM 22.9 % and 11.5 %, respectively. True protein formed 75—76 % of crude protein in both herbages and the proportion of watersoluble N in total N was 32 % in red clover and 36 % in timothy. The rumen degradability of protein during the first two hours was under 10 % in both herbages; after 18 and 24h ours it was 76 % and 87 % in red clover, and 65 % and 70 % in timothy. In red clover the contents of lysine, methionine and cysteine were 5.7 g, 0.4 g and 0.9 g/16 g N, respectively, the corresponding values for timothy being 4.8 g, 0.7 g and 1.4g/16 g N. In red clover the content of water-soluble carbohydrates was 10.6 % of DM and in timothy 16.5 %; the contents of plant acids were 6.7 % and 3.5 % of DM, respectively. Red clover contained 10.9g Ca/kg DM and timothy 3.1 g Ca. The total amount of inorganic constituents was also higher in red clover than in timothy. Although the chemical composition of red clover was less suitable for ensiling than the composition of timothy, the quality of all the silages was good. During ensiling the decrease in the proportion of true protein in crude protein and the increase in the proportion of watersoluble N in total N were smaller in red clover than in timothy silage. These changes were reflected in the ruminal protein degradation, which seemed to be slower when they were small. The amino acid profile of the protein did not alter during ensiling. The ensiling losses were higher in

  12. Manajemen kelas dalam pembelajaran matematika di SMA Negeri Yogyakarta


    Nisak Ruwah Ibnatur Husnul; Heri Retnawati


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen kelas yang berupa perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan/kepemimpinan dan pengevaluasian dari pembelajaran matematika yang dilakukan oleh guru matematika di SMA Negeri Yogyakarta. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif jenis studi kasus ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 5, 8 dan 9 Yogyakarta dengan subjek data adalah kepala sekolah, guru kurikulum, guru matematika dan siswa. Untuk teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan pedoman observasi dan pedom...

  13. Kemampuan Guru Mengelola Pembelajaran Fisika di SLTPN Kota Banjarmasin

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    Sugiarto Sugiarto


    working motivation and the teachers'ability in managing of learning of physics (rt (2ti4ii} — 0.814; 8There was a positive and significant correlation between the working spirit and the teachers'ability in managing of learning of physics (r2ra34i> = 0.59; 2 There was a positive correlation between the teaching experience and the teachers'ability in managing of learning of physics (r3 a 24i = 0.549; 10 There was a positive correlation between the trainings and the teachers'ability in managing of learning of physics (r4^lt2,3t4,s= 0.574; 11 There was a positive correlation between the educational level and the teachers'ability in managing of learning of physics (rMlJt3Ai— 0.542; 12 There was a positive correlation between the working spirit, the teaching experience, the trainings, and the educational level simultaneously, and the teachers' ability in managing of learning of physics with (IV (Ujt4 = 0.931; 13 The contribution of the working motivation, the working spirit, the teaching experience, the trainings, and the educational level simultaneously to the teachers'ability in managing of learning of physics was 86.7% (R = 0.867, the contribution of the work motivation was 22.7% , the contribution of the working spirit was 17.1%, the contribution of the teaching experience was 20.4%, the constribution of the trainings was 11.00% and that of the educational level was 15.5%; Kata kunci: kemampuan guru mengelola, pembelajaran fisika.

  14. Comparative study of transgenic Brachypodium distachyon expressing sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferases from wheat and timothy grass with different enzymatic properties. (United States)

    Tamura, Ken-Ichi; Sanada, Yasuharu; Tase, Kazuhiro; Kawakami, Akira; Yoshida, Midori; Yamada, Toshihiko


    Fructans can act as cryoprotectants and contribute to freezing tolerance in plant species, such as in members of the grass subfamily Pooideae that includes Triticeae species and forage grasses. To elucidate the relationship of freezing tolerance, carbohydrate composition and degree of polymerization (DP) of fructans, we generated transgenic plants in the model grass species Brachypodium distachyon that expressed cDNAs for sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferases (6-SFTs) with different enzymatic properties: one cDNA encoded PpFT1 from timothy grass (Phleum pratense), an enzyme that produces high-DP levans; a second cDNA encoded wft1 from wheat (Triticum aestivum), an enzyme that produces low-DP levans. Transgenic lines expressing PpFT1 and wft1 showed retarded growth; this effect was particularly notable in the PpFT1 transgenic lines. When grown at 22 °C, both types of transgenic line showed little or no accumulation of fructans. However, after a cold treatment, wft1 transgenic plants accumulated fructans with DP = 3-40, whereas PpFT1 transgenic plants accumulated fructans with higher DPs (20 to the separation limit). The different compositions of the accumulated fructans in the two types of transgenic line were correlated with the differences in the enzymatic properties of the overexpressed 6-SFTs. Transgenic lines expressing PpFT1 accumulated greater amounts of mono- and disaccharides than wild type and wft1 expressing lines. Examination of leaf blades showed that after cold acclimation, PpFT1 overexpression increased tolerance to freezing; by contrast, the freezing tolerance of the wft1 expressing lines was the same as that of wild type plants. These results provide new insights into the relationship of the composition of water-soluble carbohydrates and the DP of fructans to freezing tolerance in plants.


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    Susi Fatikhah Setiyawati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1 menghasilkan buku pedoman guru untuk pembelajaran fisika SMA menggunakan model problem solving sesuai level inkuiri yang layak digunakan; (2 mendeskripsikan keberhasilan pembelajaran fisika menggunakan model problem solving (MPS sesuai dengan level inkuiri sesuai dengan buku pedoman terhadap peningkatan aktivitas peserta didik dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan, sesuai langkah yang dikembangkan oleh Borg & Gall. Subjek coba menggunakan delapan kelas. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket respon peserta didik, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan proses pembelajaran, lembar observasi aktivitas belajar dan tes kemampuan berfikir kritis peserta didik. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji multivariat (Manova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan ditinjau dari aspek materi, petunjuk umum buku, RPP & LKPD, dan perangkat penilaiam pembelajaran menurut ahli materi dan ahli media berkategori baik dan terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan berfikir kritis dan aktivitas belajar peserta didik yang signifikan antara keenam level inkuiri yang diujicobakan. Kata Kunci: model problem solving, level inkuiri, kemampuan berfikir kritis, aktivitas belajar   DEVELOPING A HANDBOOK FOR TEACHER IN TEACHERS HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL PHYSICS USE THE MODEL OF PROBLEM SOLVING LEVEL OF INQUIRY Abstract This study aims to: (1 to produce a handbook for teachers high school level physics use a model of problem solving with level of inquiry fit for use; (2 to determine the successful learning of physics using a model of problem solving in accordance with the level of inquiry to increase learning activities of learners and critical thinking abilities of learners. This research is the development, which refers to measures developed by Borg & Gall. The subject try consists of eight classes. Data collection using the questionnaire responses of learners, observation sheets learning

  16. Psychedelics as medicines for substance abuse rehabilitation: evaluating treatments with LSD, Peyote, Ibogaine and Ayahuasca. (United States)

    Winkelman, Michael


    Substances known as psychedelics, hallucinogens and entheogens have been employed in ethnomedical traditions for thousands of years, but after promising uses in the 1950's and 1960's they were largely prohibited in medical treatment and human research starting in the 1970's as part of the fallout from the war on drugs. Nonetheless, there are a number of studies which suggest that these substances have potential applications in the treatment of addictions. While these substances are generally classified as Schedule I, alleging no established medical uses and a high drug abuse potential, there is nonetheless evidence indicating they might be safe and effective tools for short term interventions in addictions treatment. Evidence suggests that the psychedelics have a much greater safety profile than the major addictive drugs, having extremely low levels of mortality, and producing little if any physical dependence. This paper reviews studies evaluating the use of LSD, peyote, ibogaine and ayahuasca in the treatment of dependencies and the possible mechanisms underlying the indications of effectiveness. Evidence suggests that these substances help assist recovery from drug dependency through a variety of therapeutic mechanisms, including a notable "after-glow" effect that in part reflects their action on the serotonin neurotransmitter system. Serotonin has been long recognized as central to the psychedelics' well-known phenomenological, physical, emotional and cognitive dynamics. These serotonin-based dynamics are directly relevant to treatment of addiction because of depressed serotonin levels found in addict populations, as well as the role of serotonin as a neuromodulators affecting many other neurotransmitter systems.


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    Christina Bielinski Ramalho


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    A. F.C. Wijaya


    Full Text Available Kurangnya kemampuan mahasiswa dalam proses membangun konsep dan keterampilan generik sains membuat kompetensi mereka tidaklah utuh sebagai calon guru. Collaborative Ranking Tasks (CRT sebagai format baru dari latihan konseptual dan dilakukan secara kolaboratif dan ditunjang multimedia pembelajaran dalam sistem managemen e-Learning diharapkan dapat menjadi solusinya. Penelitian kuasi eksperimen pada 120 mahasiswa perkuliahan IPBA semester genap 2010-2011 yang dipilih secara purposive sampling dan terbagi menjadi dua kelompok kontrol dan eksperimen, penerapan CRT berbantuan e-Learning diarahkan untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap penguasaan konsep dan keterampilan generik sains (KGS mereka. Dengan menggunakan instrumen pilihan ganda pada kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol, penguasaan konsep dan KGS mahasiswa dianalisis berdasarkan nilai rata-rata gain yang dinormalisasi mereka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan penguasaan konsep pada kelompok eksperimen berbeda secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan peningkatan penguasaan konsep pada kelompok kontrol. Dengan demikian penerapan CRT berbantuan e-learning pada perkuliahan IPBA berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap peningkatan penguasaan konsep dan KGS mahasiswa. Lackof developing mastery concept and generic science skills of physics university students causes them as a prospective physics teacher having incomplete competence. Collaborative Ranking Tasks (CRTas a new form of conceptual exercise that is built collaborativelyby means of multimedia assistance hopefuly becomes the solution.By employing quasi-experimental research method, this study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of CRT with e-Learning support system to improve university students’ mastery concepts and generic skills. The subjects of the study were 120 university students which were chosen through purposive sampling and divided into experimental group and control group. The research instruments were


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    Ganggang Canggi Arnanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan keefektifan pembelajaran berbantuan internet di sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK Se-Kota  Yogyakarta. Sekolah-sekolah tersebut dipilih yang memiliki kompetensi keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ dan sudah melaksanakan pembelajaran berbantuan internet sebagai persiapan untuk menyambut Asian Community 2015 pada kerjasama Promoting Information and Comunication Technology (ICT, sehingga perlu diketahui sejauh mana keefektifannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian expost facto. Variabel penelitiannya adalah penguasaan strategi pembelajaran guru, sikap siswa, kualifikasi guru, dan kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana laboratorium komputer. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 2 dan seluruh guru yang mengajar kelas 2 kompetensi keahlian teknik komputer dan jaringan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa angket untuk guru dan siswa, dan lembar observasi untuk kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana laboratorium komputer. Hasil analisis deskriptif mengungkapkan bahwa penguasaan strategi pembelajaran guru berada pada kategori baik (rerata 150,52 dengan tingkat kecendrungan sebesar 53,29% belum memenuhi standar yang telah ditetapkan pada kategori pembelajaran yang efektif, dan sikap siswa berada pada kategori baik (rerata 62,95 dengan tingkat kecendrungan sebesar 54,31%. Secara keseluruhan pembelajaran berbantuan internet di SMK Se-Kota Yogyakarta sudah efektif, meskipun penguasaan strategi pembelajaran guru perlu ditingkatkan dengan mengikutsertakan mereka pada pelatihan-pelatihan yang berhubungan dengan pembelajaran berbantuan internet.Kata kunci: keefektifan pembelajaran, sekolah menengah kejuruan, teknik komputer dan jaringan


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    Ani Adibatin


    Full Text Available Berhasil tidaknya pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran sangat ditentukan oleh kemampuan guru dalam mengelola kelas, mengelola siswa, memilih strategi pembelajaran, serta kebermaknaan dalam memberikan tugas pada siswa. Berkaitan dengan permasalahan tersebut, penulis sebagai pengawas mengembangkan alat permainan inovatif yang bisa dipakai oleh semua guru, baik guru kelas, guru mata pelajaran, maupun guru ekstra kurikuler. Alat permainan ini bisa dipakai oleh semua siswa dari berbagai tingkatan kelas, berbagai tingkat jenjang sekolah, dan untuk pembelajaran materi yang berbeda. Alat permainan inovatif pembelajaran ini dikembangkan dengan tujuan agar peserta didik bisa belajar sambil bermain dan bermain sambil belajar. Disamping itu, untuk membantu para guru dalam menanamkan pendidikan karakter, sehingga peserta didik menjadi anak yang berkarakter, berwatak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Pancasila demi terwujudnya tujuan pendidikan nasional. Uji coba alat permainan inovatif ini dilakukan di 9 SD binaan Kecamatan Tuntang. Dari hasil uji coba diperoleh temuan bahwa ada perbedaan yang sangat signifikan antara pendidikan karakter pada pembelajaran tanpa alat permainan inovatif dibandingkan dengan pembela-jaran yang menggunakan alat permainan cincin akik di jempol tangan. Nilai rata-rata pembelajaran tanpa alat inovatif 76,55 %, sedangkan nilai rata-rata dengan menggunakan alat permainan cincin akik di jempol sebesar 86,88 %. Hasil pembelajaran menggunakan alat peraga inovatif ini menunjukkan bah-wa melalui strategi pembelajaran PAKEM dengan bermain cincin akik di jempol tangan dapat membangun karakter peserta didik sampai 11,33 %.

  4. Music in the Gurus' View: Sikh Religious Music, Memory, and the Performance of Sikhism in America


    Townsend, Charles Michael


    This dissertation is an ethnographic and historical study of transnational Sikhism through the lens of Gurbani kirtan, the living Sikh tradition and central religious practice of musically performing the hymns of the Guru Granth Sahib (the central Sikh scripture). It traces the history of Gurbani kirtan from the time of Guru Nanak (1469-1539, the first Guru of Sikhism) through its major developments and current practice in south Asia, and its role in the transference of Sikhism around the wor...


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    Saiful Arif


    Full Text Available Pendidikan Agama Islam perlu dilakukan langkahlangkah inovasi, termasuk pengembangan guru agama yang merupakan upaya terus-menerus dari suatu organisasi profesi keguruan. Pengembagan profesi guru agama Islam diarahkan pada peningkatan karir, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang dapat dilaksanakan secara formal dan informal. Pengembangan formal diselenggarakan dan menjadi tanggung jawab institusi penyelenggara pendidikan agama Islam itu, baik melalui penataran, tugas belajar, lokakarya dan sejenisnya. Sedangkan pengembangan informal merupakan tanggungjawab guru agama Islam yang dilaksanakan sendiri atau bersama dengan rekan kerjanya. Hambatan terhadap upaya ini timbul karena guru agama Islam sering terlalu terikat dengan pekerjaan rutinitas, kurangnya penyediaan sarana dan prasarana, dan atau kurang termotivasi diri dalam upaya mengembangkan profesionalitasnya. Sudah tentu pada aspek ini dibutuhkan adanya bantuan dan bimbingan dari seorang supervisor pendidikan Agama Islam, dan disinilah dibutuhkan adanya pelaksanaan supervisi klinis.

  6. Individualized Education Program (IEP Mata Pelajaran Kimia untuk Siswa Slow Learner

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    Rovik Rovik


    [Siswa slow learner menempati populasi tertinggi untuk siswa berkebutuhan khusus. Sebagai salah satu jenis learning disability, slow learner masih dapat belajar dengan teman sebayanya asalkan guru mempersiapkan program pembelajaran khusus yang telah dimodifikasi dari pembelajaran reguler. Program ini disebut Individualized Education Program (IEP. Penelitian ini mencoba mengembangkan IEP mata pelajaran kimia untuk slow learner, mengidentifikasi komponen yang dibutuhkan dalam menyusun IEP untuk slow learner, dan menganalisis judgement reviewers (guru kimia dan guru pendamping khusus dan peer reviewers terhadap IEP yang dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan slow learner membutuhkan IEP sebagai dokumen utama panduan guru dalam pembelajaran kimia di kelas. Komponen pengembangan IEP meliputi identitas peserta didik, tim pengembangan dan pelaksana, asesmen yang pernah dilakukan, hambatan dan kekuatan, kebutuhan dan perlakuan, faktor pendukung dan penghambat, rencana perlakuan, dan modifikasi terhadap perangkat pembelajaran kimia reguler

  7. NATO Independent Cost Estimating and the Role of Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Managing the Defence Enterprise (Estimation independante des couts de l’OTAN et role de l’analyse des couts globaux de possesssion au sen de l’OTAN) (United States)


    Tortuga LSD 46 LSD 6 1990 United States Rushmore LSD 47 LSD 7 1991 United States Ashland LSD 48 LSD 8 1992 United States Harpers Ferry LSD 49 LSD 1...LM5 LM6 LM7 LM8 LM9 Svalbard Carlskrona Thomaston Plymouth Rock Lyme Bay Anchorage Whidbey Island Raleigh Tortuga Protecteur Atle Largs Bay Fort...8217 Comstock Tortuga Rushmore Ashland ’Harpers Ferry’ ’Carter Hall’ ’Oak Hill’ ’Pearl Harbour’ Siroco Albion Bulwark ’Largs Bay’ ’Lyme Bay’ ’Mounts Bay

  8. Germline mutations in lysine specific demethylase 1 (LSD1/KDM1A) confer susceptibility to multiple myeloma. (United States)

    Wei, Xiaomu; Calvo-Vidal, M Nieves; Chen, Siwei; Wu, Gang; Revuelta, Maria V; Sun, Jian; Zhang, Jinghui; Walsh, Michael F; Nichols, Kim E; Joseph, Vijai; Snyder, Carrie; Vachon, Celine M; McKay, James D; Wang, Shu-Ping; Jayabalan, David S; Jacobs, Lauren M; Becirovic, Dina; Waller, Rosalie G; Artomov, Mykyta; Viale, Agnes; Patel, Jayeshkumar; Phillip, Jude M; Chen-Kiang, Selina; Curtin, Karen; Salama, Mohamed; Atanackovic, Djordje; Niesvizky, Ruben; Landgren, Ola; Slager, Susan L; Godley, Lucy A; Churpek, Jane; Garber, Judy E; Anderson, Kenneth C; Daly, Mark J; Roeder, Robert G; Dumontet, Charles; Lynch, Henry T; Mullighan, Charles G; Camp, Nicola J; Offit, Kenneth; Klein, Robert J; Yu, Haiyuan; Cerchietti, Leandro; Lipkin, Steven M


    Given the frequent and largely incurable occurrence of multiple myeloma (MM), identification of germline genetic mutations that predispose cells to MM may provide insight into disease etiology and the developmental mechanisms of its cell of origin, the plasma cell. Here we identified familial and early-onset MM kindreds with truncating mutations in lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1/KDM1A), an epigenetic transcriptional repressor that primarily demethylates histone H3 on lysine 4 and regulates hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal. Additionally, we found higher rates of germline truncating and predicted deleterious missense KDM1A mutations in MM patients unselected for family history compared to controls. Both monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) and MM cells have significantly lower KDM1A transcript levels compared with normal plasma cells. Transcriptome analysis of MM cells from KDM1A mutation carriers shows enrichment of pathways and MYC target genes previously associated with myeloma pathogenesis. In mice, antigen challenge followed by pharmacological inhibition of KDM1A promoted plasma cell expansion, enhanced secondary immune response, elicited appearance of serum paraprotein, and mediated upregulation of MYC transcriptional targets. These changes are consistent with the development of MGUS. Collectively, our findings show KDM1A is the first autosomal dominant MM germline predisposition gene, providing new insights into its mechanistic roles as a tumor suppressor during post-germinal center B cell differentiation. Copyright ©2018, American Association for Cancer Research.

  9. Virtual reality and hallucination: a technoetic perspective (United States)

    Slattery, Diana R.


    Virtual Reality (VR), especially in a technologically focused discourse, is defined by a class of hardware and software, among them head-mounted displays (HMDs), navigation and pointing devices; and stereoscopic imaging. This presentation examines the experiential aspect of VR. Putting "virtual" in front of "reality" modifies the ontological status of a class of experience-that of "reality." Reality has also been modified [by artists, new media theorists, technologists and philosophers] as augmented, mixed, simulated, artificial, layered, and enhanced. Modifications of reality are closely tied to modifications of perception. Media theorist Roy Ascott creates a model of three "VR's": Verifiable Reality, Virtual Reality, and Vegetal (entheogenically induced) Reality. The ways in which we shift our perceptual assumptions, create and verify illusions, and enter "the willing suspension of disbelief" that allows us entry into imaginal worlds is central to the experience of VR worlds, whether those worlds are explicitly representational (robotic manipulations by VR) or explicitly imaginal (VR artistic creations). The early rhetoric surrounding VR was interwoven with psychedelics, a perception amplified by Timothy Leary's presence on the historic SIGGRAPH panel, and the Wall Street Journal's tag of VR as "electronic LSD." This paper discusses the connections-philosophical, social-historical, and psychological-perceptual between these two domains.

  10. Semi Quantitative MALDI TOF for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing in Staphylococcus aureus (United States)


    Semi- quantitative MALDI-TOF for antimicrobial susceptibility testing in Staphylococcus 1 aureus 2 3 4 Tucker Maxson,a Cheryl L. Taylor-Howell,a...Timothy D. Minoguea# 5 6 Diagnostic Systems Division, United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious 7 Disease, Fort Detrick, MD...USAa 8 9 Running Title: Quantitative MALDI for AST in S. aureus 10 #Address correspondence to Timothy D. Minogue,

  11. Timothy Garton Ash : eurovalimiste tulemus hakkab meenutama loomaaeda / Timothy Garton Ash

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garton Ash, Timothy, 1955-


    Intervjuu Briti ajaloolase ja politoloogiga praegusest kriisist, protektsionismist, Euroopast ja selle ühtsuse suurendamise vajadusest, Euroopa Parlamendist ja selle valimistest, Euroopa Liidust. Professori arvates võiks kaaluda Euroopa Nõukogu ja Euroopa Komisjoni presidendi otsevalimist

  12. Gross anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract in reindeer, free-living and fed baled timothy silage in summer and winter

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    Tove H. Aagnes


    Full Text Available The gross anatomy of the gastrointestinal (GI tract was investigated in reindeer calves (Rangtfer tarandus tarandus, free-living and fed two different qualities of timothy silage in September 1992 (summer and April 1993 (winter and related to the body condition. At both seasons nine male reindeer calves were taken from a natural pasture. Three animals were slaughtered directly (NP reindeer, three offered first cut (FC silage and three regrowth (RG silage ad lib., for 46 days. The FC silage contained 27% leaves and 57.8% dry matter (DM cell wall content (CWC and the RG silage 89 % leaves, and 38.7% DM CWC. The reticulo-rumen (RR digesta wet weight in the NP reindeer in summer was 6.7-7.7% of body mass (BM, compared to 25.1-32.8% and 9.6-12.9% of BM, respectively, in the animals fed FC and RG silage. In winter the RR digesta wet weight relative to BM in the NP reindeer and in the animals fed FC and RG silages were 9-5-11.5%, 25.4-33.3% and 10.4-18.3%, respectively. The distal fermentation chamber (DFC digesta wet weight in the NP animals in summer was 0.48-0.80% of BM, compared to 0.77-1.26% and 0.57¬0.65% of BM, respectively, in the animals fed FC and RG silage. In winter the DFC digesta wet weight relative to BM in the animals fed FC and RG silage did not differ significantly from the summer values (P>0.05, while in the NP reindeer it was 1.0-1.2% of BM which is significantly greater than in summer (P<0.05. The differences in relative weight of the fermentation chambers between the animals fed FC and RG silage both summer and winter were not reflected in total BM, which was similar in all groups fed silage. This is explained by a significantly lower carcass weight in the animals fed FC silage compared to the animals fed RG silage. Thus, the GI-tract gross anatomy in the silage fed animals seem to be highly affected by the plant structure and composition, and not by the season.

  13. La medicina tradicional

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    Canencio Doris


    LockedState="false" DefUnhideWhenUsed="true" DefSemiHidden="true" DefQFormat="false" DefPriority="99" LatentStyleCount="267"> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="0" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Normal" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="9" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="heading 1" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="9" QFormat="true" Name="heading 2" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="9" QFormat="true" Name="heading 3" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="9" QFormat="true" Name="heading 4" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="9" QFormat="true" Name="heading 5" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="9" QFormat="true" Name="heading 6" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="9" QFormat="true" Name="heading 7" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="9" QFormat="true" Name="heading 8" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="9" QFormat="true" Name="heading 9" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" Name="toc 1" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" Name="toc 2" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" Name="toc 3" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" Name="toc 4" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" Name="toc 5" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" Name="toc 6" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" Name="toc 7" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" Name="toc 8" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="39" Name="toc 9" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="0" Name="footer" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="35" QFormat="true" Name="caption" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="10" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Title" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="0" Name="Default Paragraph Font" /> LsdException Locked="false" Priority="11" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Subtitle" /> Lsd


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    José Luis Quirós García


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  1. Triggers of Violence in New Religious Movements (United States)


    71Brandon M. Stickney, All-American Monster: The Unauthorized Biography of Timothy McVeigh (New York: Prometheus Books, 1996), Kindle edition, 1503...and the one who was to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem just as Solomon had after his father’s death.85 Infighting between the two continued in... Biography of Timothy McVeigh. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1996. Kindle Edition. Toft, Monica, Daniel Philpott, and Timothy Shah. God’s Century. New

  2. Pop / Bertil Tüvi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tüvi, Bertil


    Heliplaatidest: Earth "The Bees Made Honey In The Lions Skull", The Dynamite Vikings "Meaning of the Party", Guru "The Best Of Guru's Jazzmatazz", The Darkness "The Platinum Collection", The Tremolo Beer Gut "Nous Sommes The Tremolo Beer Gut - Qui Le Fuck Etes-Vous?"

  3. Behavioral tolerance to lysergic acid diethylamide is associated with reduced serotonin-2A receptor signaling in rat cortex. (United States)

    Gresch, Paul J; Smith, Randy L; Barrett, Robert J; Sanders-Bush, Elaine


    Tolerance is defined as a decrease in responsiveness to a drug after repeated administration. Tolerance to the behavioral effects of hallucinogens occurs in humans and animals. In this study, we used drug discrimination to establish a behavioral model of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) tolerance and examined whether tolerance to the stimulus properties of LSD is related to altered serotonin receptor signaling. Rats were trained to discriminate 60 microg/kg LSD from saline in a two-lever drug discrimination paradigm. Two groups of animals were assigned to either chronic saline treatment or chronic LSD treatment. For chronic treatment, rats from each group were injected once per day with either 130 microg/kg LSD or saline for 5 days. Rats were tested for their ability to discriminate either saline or 60 microg/kg LSD, 24 h after the last chronic injection. Rats receiving chronic LSD showed a 44% reduction in LSD lever selection, while rats receiving chronic vehicle showed no change in percent choice on the LSD lever. In another group of rats receiving the identical chronic LSD treatment, LSD-stimulated [35S]GTPgammaS binding, an index of G-protein coupling, was measured in the rat brain by autoradiography. After chronic LSD, a significant reduction in LSD-stimulated [35S]GTPgammaS binding was observed in the medial prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex. Furthermore, chronic LSD produced a significant reduction in 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine-stimulated [35S]GTPgammaS binding in medial prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex, which was blocked by MDL 100907, a selective 5-HT2A receptor antagonist, but not SB206553, a 5-HT2C receptor antagonist, indicating a reduction in 5-HT2A receptor signaling. 125I-LSD binding to 5-HT2A receptors was reduced in cortical regions, demonstrating a reduction in 5-HT2A receptor density. Taken together, these results indicate that adaptive changes in LSD-stimulated serotonin receptor signaling may mediate tolerance

  4. Navy Program Guide 2011 (United States)


    USS Rushmore (LSD 47) USS Tortuga (LSD 46) USS Gunston Hall (LSD 44) USS Higgins (DDG 76) (w/Task Force 150) USS Fletcher (DD 992) (w...USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7) USS Shreveport (LPD 17) USS Tortuga (LSD 46) USS Whidbey Island (LSD 41) USS Grapple (ARS 53) USNS Comfort (T...Harpers Ferry (LSD 49) Storm Ketsana / FHA USS Tortuga 29 Sep - 4 Oct 2009 America Samoa / Tsunami Relief / HA USS Ingraham (FFG 61

  5. Studi Biblika Dan Teologis Surat 2 Petrus Pasal 3

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliezer Lewis


    Full Text Available Pengajaran yang benar tentang Kedatangan Kristus yang kedua kali sangat penting agar umat Allah tetap setia menanti kedatangan Kristus yang kedua kali. Kemunculan guru-guru palsu yang memberikan pengajaran yang tidak benar yang dialami oleh gereja mula-mula, menjadi pembelajaran bagi gereja masa kini. Ajaran guru-guru palsu berkaitan dengan adanya penolakan terhadap firman Allah, penolakan terhadap keilahian Kristus, dan penolakan terhadap kedatangan Kristus yang kedua kalinya. Secara biblika, Surat 2 Petrus 3 mengajarkan tentang penciptaan dan peristiwa air bah. Secara teologis surat ini menekankan tentang Kedatangan Kristus yang kedua kali, langit baru dan bumi baru, keselamatan untuk hidup yang kekal dan Alkitab sebagai firman Allah yang berotoritas.Kata-kata kunci: guru-guru palsu, Kedatangan Kristus kedua kali, penciptaan, pengajaran KristenCorrect teaching concerning the Second Coming of Christ is essential so that the Church is faithful in waiting for Jesus Christ’s return. The emergence of false teachers which was experienced by the early church serves as a lesson for the contemporary church. The teaching of the false teachers is related to rejection of the Word of God, the rejection of the divinity of Christ, and the rejection of theteaching about the Second Coming of Christ. From a biblical point of view, 2 Peter 3 teaches about creation and the flood. Theologically, this letter emphasizes the Second Coming of Christ, a new heaven and earth, salvation that leads to eternal life, and the Bible as the authoritative Word of God. Keywords: false teachers, the Second Coming of Christ, creation, Christian teaching

  6. Análisis del Sistema de Información SEC95 bajo una metodología contable

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    Guillermo J. Sierra Molina


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  1. El anciano, una realidad del mundo actual

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    Guevara de Báez Mariela


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