
Sample records for logic met jawa


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    Akhmad Arif Junaidi


    Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi satu realitas budaya yang dihasilkan dari kehidupan masyarakat Muslim Jawa khususnya seni musik tradisional Islam-Jawa. Ekspresi kebudayaan Islam-Jawa dalam seni musik ini sangat beragam dan mencerminkan keberagaman “wajah” Islam yang telah beradaptasi dengan budaya lokal. Musik tradisional Islam-Jawa Janengan merupakan perwujudan dari perpaduan tiga unsur tradisi musik, yakni tradisi musik Jawa, tradisi musik Islam Timur Tengah (Arab dan kini telah dikembangkan dengan kombinasi musik Barat seperti pop. Perpaduan ketiga unsur tradisi musik yang berbeda ini membentuk suatu hasil kreativitas yang unik bercirikan musik Jawa. Musik tradisional Islam-Jawa ini juga melahirkan nilai-nilai yang meliputi nilai-nilai musikal, nilai-nilai kultural, dan nilai-nilai religius. Secara tematik syair-syair Janengan berisi berbagai ajaran seperti akidah (tauhid, syari’at dan tasawuf.


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    Maftukhin Maftukhin


    Full Text Available This article examines the translocal Islam Jawa (Javanese Islam that characterises the deterritorialisation of culture through space and time. Contrary to mainstream approaches to Islam Jawa that tends substantially picture Islam and Muslim in Java as a mere “localised form of Islam”, it sees Islam Jawa as a “translocal” practices. In addition, it sees that the idea of Islam Jawa travels, deterritorialises, and reterritorialises in different times and places. Therefore, what is imagined by scholars as “local Islam” is not local in traditional and geographical senses because Islam Jawa is formed, shaped and influenced by the mobility, entanglement, connectivity across oceans, regions, and borders. The Islam Jawa also travels to a different place, transcending the modern limits of nation-states' boundaries. Islam Jawa is a product and a consequence of the efforts to establish between “imagined” spatial and temporal congruence.

  3. Seismotektonik dan Potensi Kegempaan Wilayah Jawa

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    A. Soehaimi


    Full Text Available seismogenetic study shows the Jawa Island Arc and its subduction zone system belong to a highly active seismotectonic arc unit (west Jawa and Sumatera and an active seismotectonic arc unit (western part of West Jawa – Central Jawa – East Jawa. In general, these regions are part of the Indonesian Earthquake Hazard Zones No. VI, VII, VII and IX. The regions are characterized by the presence of rare earthquake of magnitude > 8.5 Richter Scale (western part of Java, frequent magnitude of 7 Richter Scale and common 5 - 6 Richter Scale (Southern part of Java. The potential hazardous earthquake in Jawa that is > 5,6 Richter Scale of magnitude and shallow depth (< 30 km is due to a subduction zone earthquake. Epicenter distance, magnitude, geological site conditions, population, and infrastructure are the index of earthquake hazard and risk in these regions. The earthquake hazard mitigation programme in the near future is a risk assesment based on macro and microzonation of earthquake hazard and risk. These macrozonation and microzonation assessments are essentially needed for provinces, districts, and cities.    

  4. Spiritualitas Budaya Jawa dalam Seni Tari Klasik Gaya Surakarta

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    Silvester Pamardi


    ABSTRAK   Seni tari klasik Jawa telah berkembang secara dinamis seiring dengan sejarah perkembang- an keraton-keraton di Jawa Tengah, terutama setelah abad XV yang dimulai pada era kerajaan Demak. Seni tari klasik Jawa hidup dan berkembang di lingkungan istana Mataram Islam sejak periode Panembahan Senapati di Kotagede, atau jaman Sultan Agung di keraton Plered sampai dengan berpindahnya keraton Mataram ke Kartasura. Metode penelitian ini konsentrasi utamanya pada penggunaan data kualitatif dengan per- tanyaan-pertanyaan ’mengapa’ dan ’bagaimana’ untuk mengungkap misteri yang berada di belakang fenomena yang ada. Tindakannya dilakukan dengan pendekatan multi disiplin dari ilmu-ilmu sejarah, sosial, dan koreografi. Peristiwa perjanjian Gianti pada tahun 1755 tidak saja berpengaruh dan berdampak pada kekuasaan raja Mataram yang harus membagi menjadi dua wilayah, yaitu wilayah Kasunanan Surakarta dan wilayah Kasultanan Yogyakarta, tetapi juga berimplikasi pada kehidupan ke- budayaan Jawa. Kebudayaan Jawa yang semula bersumber dari satu kerajaan, yaitu Mataram Kasunanan, kemudian menjadi dua corak, yaitu kebudayaan Jawa Surakarta dan Yogyakarta. Namun demikian, baik di istana Kasunanan Surakarta maupun istana Kasultanan Yogyakarta tetap mengembangkan kesenian klasik Jawa berdasarkan nilai-nilai budaya adiluhung walau- pun dalam corak atau gaya yang berbeda. Nilai-nilai spiritualitas ‘kejawen’ tetap menjadi sum- ber acuannya.   Kata kunci: seni tari, klasik, spiritualitas Jawa


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    Ristiyanto -


    Full Text Available ENGLISHReservoir Reference Study Collection Disease, particularly rats have been conducted in several areas such as the enzootic plague area in the district of Nongkojajar, Pasuruan, East Java and Ciwidey district, Bandung regency, West Java. These were organized in May-October 2007. The method used for the collection and reference reservoir of disease is rodentia survey methods. Result of the reference collection reservoir of disease is the house rat Rattus tanezumi Nongkojajar found either in the of Pasuruan, East Java (3 rats and the District of Ciwidey (4 rats. Polynesian rat R. exulans, three rats were only found in the District Nongkojajar, whereas three rats R. tiomanicus, three rats were found in Ciwidey. In addition another types of mice were also found 1 Insectivora mice Suncus murinus in the District Ciwidey. Type of rats captured in habitat homes in the District Ciwidey Bandung regency, West Java and Pasuruan, East Java is the same type, namely house rat Rattus tanezumi. Types of mice caught in the habitat garden in the District Ciwidey Bandung regency, West Java (tiomanicus R. tree rats were different from mice found in Pasuruan, East Java (Polynesian rat R. exulans. Local environment in plague enzootic area in Pasuruan, East Java is mountainous and forest conservation area Bromo-Tengger, while District Ciwidey, Bandung is the highland tourism areas / mountainous and agricultural areas.INDONESIAKoleksi referensi reservoir penyakit khususnya tikus telah dilakukan di beberapa daerah enzootik pes seperti di Kecamatan Nongkojajar, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur dan Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Oktober 2007. Metode yang digunakan untuk koleksi dan referensi reservoir penyakit adalah metode survei rodensia. Hasil koleksi referensi reservoir penyakit adalah tikus rumah Rattus tanezumi ditemukan baik di Kecamatan Nongkojajar, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur (3 ekor maupun


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    Wachid Eko Purwanto


    Full Text Available Epos Ramayana merupakan epos kuno yang ditulis dalam tujuh kanda terdiri atas 24.000 sloka. Di Jawa epos Ramayana pertama kali muncul secara lengkap dalam bentuk relief di Candi Lara Jonggrang yang dibangun sekitar tahun 782 hingga 872 M. Epos tua yang hidup di masyarakat Jawa ini pastilah mempunyai ajaran. Tokoh Rama sebagai tokoh utama merupakan simbol paling utama dalam epos ini. Berkait dengan simbol ajaran, tokoh Rama dalam epos Ramayana Jawa mempunyai fungsi bagi Raja Jawa dan masyarakat Jawa. Bagi raja simbol tokoh Rama memiliki tiga fungsi utama. Pertama sebagai fungsi spiritual. Kedua adalah fungsi legitimasi kekuasaan. Ketiga adalah fungsi pencitraan. Adapun bagi masyarakat Jawa, simbol tokoh Rama memiliki dua fungsi utama. Pertama adalah fungsi spiritual. Kedua adalah fungsi filosofis.

  7. Inisiasi dalam Kisah Perjalanan Model Jawa

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    Dhanu Priyo Prabowo


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap inisiasi dalam kisah perjalanan model Ja- wa. Sebagai karya fiksi, kisah perjalanan model Jawa memendam dan menyiratkan tan- da-tanda yang berupa simbol-simbol yang harus diungkapkan kerumitan-kerumitan ni- lainya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori semiotika. Teori semiotika menempatkan kar- ya sastra sebagai sistem tanda. Adapun metode yang dipergunakan adalah metode kuali- tatif. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui teknik studi pustaka. Dari hasil analisis dapat diungkapkan bahwa inisiasi dalam kisah perjalanan model Jawa dilakukan oleh tokoh cerita demi tujuan-tujuan tertentu yang berkaitan dengan pendewasaan dan pe- nyempurnaan diri selama hidup di dunia. Karya sastra Jawa genre kisah perjalanan mo- del Jawa ini mampu mentransformasikan budaya sastra Jawa yang lebih tua. Abstract: This paper aims to reveal initiation in Javanese model of travel writing. As fictional work, the travel writing in Javanese model contains and reflects signs in symbols that have to be revealed their detail values. The research was conducted using semiotics theory. The theory posits literary work as a sign symbol. The method conducted in this research was qualitative. The result shows that initiation in Javanese travel writing is conducted by those characters to perfect themself in living in the world. Javanese literary works in travel writing genre in Javanese model are able to transform older Javanese literary culture. Key Words: literature; transformation; initiations; educative; religious


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    Siti Sapardiyah Santoso


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian di propinsi Jawa Barat dan Bali, tentang kenakalan remaja yang meliputi sifat dan perilaku remaja dalam mengendarai kendaraan bermotor dengan kecepalan tinggi (ngebut. keterlibatan perkelahian antar pelajar, termasuk keinginan untuk tidak mengikuti pelajaran di sekolah (membolos, meninggalkan rumah tanpa seizin orang tua, dan melakukan coret-coret di dinding, tindakan kriminal termasuk pemerasan, pencurian serta perusakan gedung. Responden adalah remaja berumur 13—19 tahun yang masih sekolah atau sudah putus sekolah, belum menikah dan berada di wilayah puskesmas terpilih. Jumlah responden 1110 remaja di Jawa Barat (Bandung dan Cianjur dan 877 remaja di propinsi Bali (Denpasar dan Gianyar. Pengumpulan data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, sedangkan data kualitatif dikumpulkan melalui diskusi kelompok terarah (DKT. Sebagai hasil penelitian dapat dikemukakan disini bahwa remaja yang pernah mengendarai kendaraan bermotor dengan kecepatan tinggi di Jawa Barat-urban sebesar 22,4%, sementara di rural 10,6%. Sebaliknya di Bali di urban hanya 18,4%, sedangkan di rural 22,4%. Pengalaman pemah absen tidak mengikuti pelajaran di sekolah tanpa izin guru (membolos di Jawa Barat-urban 51,9%, rural 33,7%, sebaliknya di Bali-urban 30,1%, rural 37,1% dan meninggalkan rumah tanpa izin orang tua, secara berturut-turut dapat dikemukakan sebagai berikut : di Jawa Barat-urban 54,4%, rural 42,3% sementara di Bali-urban 58,4%, rural 52,7%. Kenakalan remaja berupa coret-coret dinding baik di propinsi Jawa Barat maupun di Bali cukup tinggi juga. Di propinsi Jawa Barat hampir seimbang yaitu untuk urban 26,3%, sedangkan di rural 23,6%. Sebaliknya di Bali-urban 31,7% lebih tinggi daripada di rural 19,6%. Bentuk kenakalan remaja yang lain kearah kriminalitas, meliputi pemerasan dan pencurian ditemukan pula melalui penelitian di Jawa Barat-urban, remaja yang pernah melakukan pemerasan hanya sekitar 2,2%. Nampaknya di rural agak


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    Sakirman Sakirman


    Full Text Available Islam masuk ke tanah Jawa dalam keadaan penduduknya telah memiliki tradisi dan budaya berupa kepercayaan adanya kekuatan pada benda-benda tertentu (dinamisme, adanya kekuatan pada arwah orang yang meninggal (animisme dan kepercayaan adanya kekuatan pada binatang-binatang (totemisme. Tradisi ini telah diwariskan secara turun temurun, diyakini, dan diamalkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ketika Islam datang, keyakinan dan kepercayaan tersebut  melebur dalam budaya Islam. Sehingga munculah apa yang disebut dengan sinkretisme Islam, yaitu akulturasi budaya Islam dengan tradisi lokal. Di antara bentuk akulturasi budaya lokal (Jawa dengan Islam adalah tradisi yang dianut oleh komunitas Islam Aboge. Komunitas ini melaksanakan tradisi-tradisi Jawa dengan dibumbui tradisi Islam, maka munculah Islam dengan cita rasa lokal (islam lokal. Kekhasan dari komunitas ini adalah masih menggunakan model Penanggalan Islam Jawa yakni Penanggalan Aboge untuk menetapkan awal Ramadhan, Hari Raya Idhul Fitri dan Idhul Adha. Kata Aboge adalah singkatan dari Alip Rebo Wage yang mempunyai arti Tanggal 1 Muharram Tahun Alif akan jatuh pada hari Rebo (Rabu pasaran Wage. Aboge adalah dasar perhitungan almanak (kalender dalam satu windu atau delapan tahun, maka yang dimaksud Aboge adalah dasar suatu perhitungan. Penggunaan penanggalan dengan sistem Aboge mengakibatkan pelaksanaan ibadah puasa, perayaan Idhul Fitri, dan Idhul Adha yang dilaksanakan oleh komunitas Aboge selalu mengalami perbedaan  dengan keputusan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah melalui sidang Itsbat.


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    Astiana Ajeng Rahadini


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis bentuk, nilai, dan fungsi kesantunan berbahasa Jawa dalam interaksi antara guru dan siswa ketika pembelajaran bahasa Jawa di SMP N 1 Banyumas serta implikasinya bagi pembelajaran. Jenis pendekatan yang digunakan, yaitu deskriptif. Metode pengumpula data yang digunakan, yaitu metode simak bebas libat cakap, teknik rekam, dan catat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1 bentuk kesantunan berbahasa Jawa direpresentasi-kan dalam modus deklaratif atau kalimat berita, modus interogatif atau kalimat pertanyaan, modus imperatif atau kalimat perintah yang merepresentasikan jenis tindak tutur representatif, direktif, ekspresif, dan komisif; (2 Nilai kesantunan berbahasa dilihat dari isi tuturan yang mematuhi prinsip kesantunan berbahasa Jawa dan penggunaan unggah-ungguh basa; (3 Fungsi kesantunan berbahasa meliputi fungsi kompetitif dan fungsi menyenangkan. (4 Implikasi hasil penelitian meliputi peng-gunaan bentuk-bentuk kesantunan berbahasa Jawa untuk menyamankan interaksi pembelajaran, peningkatan nilai kesantunan tuturan dengan memperhatikan isi tuturan dan penggunaan unggah-ungguh basa yang benar, dan penggunaan fungsi kesantunan menyenangkan dan ungkapan penanda kesantunan untuk tindak tutur direktif dan ekspresif. Kata kunci: kesantunan berbahasa Jawa, interaksi pembelajaran

  11. Audit Media Relations Humas Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah untuk Peningkatan Publisitas


    Farhatiningsih, Lizzatul; Pradekso, Tandiyo; Naryoso, Agus


    Nama : Lizzatul FarhatiningsihNIM : D2C009011Judul : Audit Media Relations Humas Sekretariat Daerah ProvinsiJawa Tengah untuk Peningkatan PublisitasABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena kurang berperannya Biro HumasSetda Jawa Tengah dalam melakukan fungsi kehumasan terhadap PemerintahProvinsi Jawa Tengah. Humas telah melakukan banyak kegiatan namun efeknyapada pemberitaan tentang Pemerintah Provinsi yang muncul belum terasa. Namunkesesuaian melakukan banyak kegiatan tersebut belum dii...


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    Utami Baroroh


    Full Text Available The objectives of this study are to analyze the influence of financial development to economic regional growth on Jawa region, using panel of province-level data on Jawa region for the period 2005-2010. The analysis method that used on this paper is panel data regression. The empirical results shown that financial asset and financial credit had a positive influence to economic regional growth on Jawa region, meanwhile third party fund had negative influence to economic regional growth on Jawa region.  The other result shown that individual effect from fixed effect model showed that DKI Jakarta, Banten and East Jawa have potential as the centre of economic growthDOI: 10.15408/etk.v11i2.1892


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    Agnes Marisca Dian Sari


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemiskinan dengan konsumsi rokok di Jawa Tengah tahun 2013 dan mengetahui pengaruh pajak rokok dengan konsumsi rokok di Jawa Tengah tahun 2013. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan ialah regresi Ordinary Least Square (OLS dengan data cross section tahun 2013 di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan 35 Kabupaten/Kota. Hasil penelitian ini adalah ketika Garis kemiskinan naik maka akan menaikan konsumsi rokok. Variabel Garis kemiskinan signifikan dan positif terhadap konsumsi rokok di Jawa Tengah tahun 2013.Variabel pajak rokok bernilai positif namun tidak signifikan. Variabel Kemiskinan dan pajak rokok mampu menjelaskan tingkat konsumsi rokok sebesar 0.1263% dan sisanya dijelaskan oleh variabel lain. F-statistik sebesar 2,31. F-tabel sebesar 1,37, dan t-tabel sebesar 2,034.Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan adanya pengaruh antara konsumsi rokok dengan kemiskinan di Jawa Tengah tahun 2013. Ketika konsumsi rokok di Jawa Tengah naik maka meningkatkan kemiskinan di Jawa Tengah pada Tahun 2013 dan pengaruh antara konsumsi rokok dan pajak rokok di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2013 tidak signifikan tapi bernilai positif. Artinya kebijakan pajak di Jawa Tengah belum mampu untuk mengurangi konsumsi rokok di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2013. Meskipun sudah ada pajak rokok namun konsumsi rokok tetap terus meningkat. The aims of this research were to find out the effects of poverty on cigarette consumption in Central Java in 2013 and to recognize the effects of tax cigarette on cigarette consumption in Central Java in 2013. The type of the data used was secondary data. The analysis method used was the regression of Ordinary Least Square (OLS with the cross section data of 2013 in 35 Districts of Central Java Province.The research results show that when the Poverty Line increases, it increases cigarette consumption. The variable on Poverty Line has effect on cigarette consumption in

  14. Aktualisasi Etika Kepemimpinan Jawa dalam Asthabrata

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    Pardi Suratno


    Full Text Available Nama Asthabrata sangat populer dalam kehidupan masyarakat Jawa karena sering muncul dalarn pagelaran wayang purwa. Ajaran Asthabrata mendapat apresiasi yang sangat luas oleh masyarakat Indonesia karena memuat ajaran kepemimpinan yang dapat dijadikan aspirasi bagi semua pihak yang sedang dan akan mengabdikan hidupnya bagi bangsa dan negara. Asthabrata merupakan kreativitas pujangga Jawa karena tidak dikcnal dalam Ramayana India (baru muncul dalam Ramayana Kakawin, Semua Asthabrata menampilkan figur pemimpin dalam sosok delapan dewa. Dalam perkernbangan lebih lanjut, budayawan Jawa memilih menampilkan figur pemimpin itu dalam sifat-sifat benda alam, yakni bumi, matahari, bulan, bintang, laut, angin, dan awan. Penampilan figur pernimpin dalam sifat benda-benda alam tersebut lebih netral sebagai pilihan cerdas pujangga Jawa. Abstract: The name of Asthabrata is very popular among Javanese live because of its frequent appearance in the wayang purwa performance. Asthabrata teachings have got a wide appreciation from Indonesian people because it carries leadership teachings which can be an aspiration to everyone who is dedicating and will dedicate their lives to their nation and country. Asthabrata is the creativity of the Javanese men of letters for not discovered in Indian's Ramayana (not until Ramayana Kakawin. All Asthabrata present a leader figure in the characters of eight gods. In further progress, Javanese culture vultures chose to present the leader figure in the characters of natural objects. namely earth, Sun, moon, star, ocean, wind, and cloud. The performance of a leader figure in the characters of the natural objects is more neutral as a smart choice of Javanese man of letters. " Keywords: creativity, Asthabrata, leader


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    Imam Sutardjo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1 mendeskripsikan berbagai genre sastra Jawa karya dan produk para wali; (2 mengungkapkan nilai-nilai keutamaan hidup yang dapat memerkaya khazanah batin pembaca. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Strategi penelitiannya menggunakan studi kasus terpancang (embedded research and case study. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pustaka, simak dan catat. Validasi data dilakukan dengan trianggulasi (sumber data. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode pembacaan Semiotik meliputi pembacaan heuristik dan hermeneutik. Hasil penelitiannya adalah: (1 sastra Jawa karya dan produk para Wali Sanga dikemas dalam sastra suluk, pewayangan, tembang macapat dan lagu-lagu dolanan; (2 Karya sastra para Wali Sanga nilai-nilai yang bermanfaat dalam memberikan berbagai ajaran keutamaan hidup agar menjadi manusia utama, berbudi pekerti luhur (akhlaqul karimah, unggul, wikan sangkan paran dan dapat mencapai kesempurnaan hidup. Ringkas, karya sastra para Wali Sanga mengandung mutiara terpendam dan lautan kekayaan nilai budaya Jawa yang bernafaskan Islam dan dapat menambah khasanah perkembangan kesusastraan Jawa yang adiluhung. Kata Kunci: sastra Jawa, produk Wali Sanga, nilai keutamaan hidup.

  16. Eupatorium capilifolium (Lam. Small ex Porter & Britton (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae, REKAMAN BARU UNTUK FLORA JAWA

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    Arifin Surya Dwipa Irsyam


    Full Text Available Abstrak Sebanyak 227 jenis tumbuhan Asteraceae terdapat di Pulau Jawa berdasarkan Flora of Java. Namun, suku Asteraceae di Pulau Jawa belum banyak ditinjau kembali sejak buku tersebut terbit 51 tahun yang lalu, sehingga memungkinkan adanya jenis-jenis tambahan yang belum terekam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi adanya jenis tambahan yang terdapat di Pulau Jawa. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode jelajah di Labuan (Banten, Bogor (Jawa Barat, Malang, dan Situbondo (Jawa Timur. Eupatorium capillifolium (Lam. Small ex Porter & Britton merupakan rekaman baru yang dapat melengkapi flora Jawa. Jenis tersebut dikelompokkan ke dalam puak Eupatorieae. Abstract There are 227 species of Asteraceae in Java Island recorded in the Flora of Java. However, only few review of this family for Java since Flora of Java has published 51 years ago. Some possibilities of unrecorded species may occur after this Flora of Java published. This research was conducted to provide information on additional species in Java Island. This research was carried out using exploration method in Labuan (Banten, Bogor (West Java, Malang and Situbondo (East Java. Eupatorium capillifolium (Lam. Small ex Porter & Britton is a new record for completing the flora of Java Island. This species belongs to Eupatorieae tribe.   


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    Handinoto Handinoto


    Full Text Available Political, economic and security situation after the end of War of Java (1825 - 1830 greatly influenced the morphology (shape and structure of towns in Java. The overruling power, which grew stronger and stronger on the remote towns after the war, had caused the colonial government to appoint Bandung with a garrison in Cimahi as the 'garrison town' for the hinterland of West Java, Magelang for Central Java, and Malang for East Java. Economically, the political decision to run 'Cultuurstelsel' (Enforced Cultivation, 1830 - 1870, and the published 'Law of Land Ownership' (1870 had caused the occurrence of 'central cities of production, distribution and trade' in several regions in Java. Besides this, the increase of prosperity level due to economic development especially at the beginning of the 20th century has created resort towns in the mountainous areas in West Java, Central Java and East Java. Traces of the formation process of these towns are still visible up to now. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Situasi politik, ekonomi dan keamanan sesudah selesainya Perang Jawa (1825-1830 , berpengaruh sangat besar terhadap morpologi (bentuk dan struktur kota-kota di P. Jawa. Cengkeraman kekuasaan yang makin kuat terhadap kota-kota pedalaman sesudah Perang Jawa mengakibatkan pemerintah kolonial menentukan kota Bandung dengan garnizun di Cimahi sebagai 'kota garnizun' untuk pedalaman Jawa Barat, Magelang untuk pedalaman Jawa Tengah dan Malang untuk pedalaman Jawa Timur. Sedangkan dalam bidang ekonomi keputusan politik untuk menjalankan sistim Tanam Paksa (Cultuurstelsel, th. 1830-1870, serta dikeluarkannya 'undang-undang agraria' (th.1870 mengakibatkan timbulnya 'kota sentra produksi, distribusi dan perdagangan' di berbagai tempat di Jawa. Sedangkan naiknya tingkat kemakmuran akibat kemajuan ekonomi terutama pada awal abad ke 20, mengakibatkan timbulnya 'kota peristirahatan' di daerah pegunungan di Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah maupun Jawa Timur. Jejak

  18. Feminisme dalam Sastra Jawa Sebuah Gambaran Dinamika Sosial

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    Sri Widati


    Full Text Available Artikel ini bertujuan membahas feminisme dalam sastra Jawa, salah satu sastra etnis di Indonesia yang masih eksis sampai saat ini. Sebelum kemunculan pengarang perempuan, perempuan dalam sastra Jawa ditulis oleh pengarang laki-laki sehingga mereka dideskripsikan sebagai makhluk tak berdaya dan setia pada pria, bukan sebagai sosok atau figur yang kuat. Baru tahun 1917-an, dengan munculnya pengarang perempuan muda dari Yogya dan Surabaya, persepsi feminisme dalam sastra Jawa berubah. Dalam karya-karyanya, mereka mendemonstrasikan solidaritas terhadap perempuan yang menjadi korban ketidaksetaraan gender. Saat ini, sastra Jawa feminis ditulis baik oleh pengarang perempuan maupun laki-laki. Pengarang perempuan menyuguhkan sebuah konsep feminisme yang mengarah pada kesetaraan gender, sementara pengarang laki- laki berusaha untuk membela perempuan tertindas dengan cara laki-laki Abstract: This article is aimed to discuss feminism in Javanese literature, one of the ethnical literatures in Indonesia which still exist up till now. Prior to the emergence of female authors, women in the Javanese literature had been written by male authors so that they had been described as being submissive and loyal to men instead of an image or figure of strong ones. Not until 1917s, by the emergence of young female authors from Yogya and Surabaya, did the perception of feminism in Javanese literature change. In the works, they have demonstrated solidarity to women who became the victims of gender inequality. At the present time, feminist Javanese literatures are written by either female or male author. Female authors present a feminism concept which leads to gender equality, whereas male authors make an effort to defend oppressed women by manly methods. Keywords: feminist, Javanese literature, gender equality, female authors


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    Josef Prijotomo


    Full Text Available Kawruh Kalang and Kawruh Griya are two Jawanese architectural texts being produced in the transitional period of the 19th to the 20th century. Following two of three steps of interpretation, as stated by Poespoprodjo, a study upon the guru-sector of Jawanese architecture is presented here. Among numerous findings of that study, one of them is the key position of the structural member named balandar-pangeret. This component not only direct and control the measurement of any Jawanese building, but also addressing the basic design chararacteristics of Jawa. It is then speculated that a Jawanese mode of design is embarked from the middle and then proceed downward to the earth and upward to reach the sky. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Teks Kawruh Kalang dan Kawruh Griya adalah teks arsitektur Jawa yang diproduksi dalam masa peralihan abad 19-20. Pengkajian atas teks tersebut dalam bentuk penafsiran-meng-'kata'-kan, memperlihatkan adanya pemikiran dasar penghadiran arsitektur yang bertolak dari balandar-pangeret, yakni balok-balok struktural yang ditopang oleh sakaguru. Masih dalam dimensi penafsiran sebagai meng-kata-kan, naskah yang dikaji diyakini mengindikasikan pemikiran arsitektural Jawa yang karakteristik yakni berawal dari tengah terus ke bawah, ke bumi, dan ke atas, ke angkasa. Kata kunci: griya jawa, sektor guru, balandar-pangeret, guru-acuan, guru-patokan.

  20. Perancangan dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Pepak Basa Jawa Menggunakan MobiOne Studio

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    Anglila Nayanggita


    Full Text Available Indonesia is a nation that has a diversity of cultures and the arts, one of which is Javanese language. Javanese language is a heritage that should be preserved because it is still taught in schools and used in everyday life. The main book to learn Javanese language is Pepak Basa Jawa; a book that contains the essence of Javanese language. The rapid increase of technological development provides easiness for people, especially the pressence of gadgets. Therefore, the making of Pepak Basa Jawa in an application it needed to be a learning media to learn and conserve Javanese language for Indonesian people. The application is practically and attractively packed through iOS based mobile devices. Application Pepak Basa Jawa is built using MobiOne Studio software. Multimedia development method used is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC which consists of six stages: concept, design, collection of material, manufacture, testing, and distribution. The Black Box test is used for application testing method. The results of this study is in the form of an application named Pepak Basa Jawa that can run well on mobile devices based on iOS. This application can be an alternative for the people of Indonesia as a medium of learning in learning the Javanese language.


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    Lilia Pasca Riani


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan memetakan kondisi financial literacy pengrajin logam di Propinsi Jawa Timur. Adapun pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menerapkan studi fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam dengan 8 pengrajin logam. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah peneliti memperoleh 4 dimensi kondisi financial literacy pengrajin logam di Propinsi Jawa Timur, yaitu dimensi pengetahuan tentang istilah keuangan, dimensi manajemen uang, dimensi pencatatan keuanga dan sistem kerjan, serta penjelasan kondisi financial literacy pengrajin logam dari sisi pengetahuan tentang pajak.


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    Harijani A. Marwoto


    Full Text Available Increasing of malaria cases in some places in Indonesia have been reported in the last 10 years. It has been noted by outbreak reports with some malaria-assumed fatal cases. Increasing of malaria cases occured especially in 1993 and increased tremendeously in 1997-1998. Malaria problem in Jawa-Bali mostly had been reported from Central Jawa. In general during the last 10 years, API of Central Jawa has increased sharply and from 1995- 1999 it reached up to > 16 times. Most of the case reports (65% came from Purworejo District. During the last 4 years (1998-2001,  malaria outbreaks in Java-Bali  have been reported 3 times from Central Java, and 1 time from Yogyakarta, East Java, West Jawa and Seribu Islands respectively. An outbreak has also been reported from Lampung in 1998. Malaria problem in Seribu Islands, one of the most interesting tourism areas in DKJ Jakarta, was turned up by case report from Kongsi Island in 1999 which has beenfastly spreading out. Up to August 2000 there were 28 fatal cases being reported. The malaria surveys in Pari Island in 2000 and 2001 showed the prevalence were as high as 42.56% and 31.oo%. The Health Services Office reported that malaria cases in Tangerang and North Jakarta where fisherman from Seribu Islands were frequently visited the areas, were highly increased in 2001-2002. Resurgence of malaria was also being reported from Lampung. This area which was so close to West Jawa has reported the prevalence of malaria as high as 44% in inland-Lampung area of Suka Maju and 60% in Legundi Island. Even the prevalence of P.malariae which has been mostly as low as ≤ 2%, reached 37%. Resurging factors for malaria were assumed varried from global/regional/local climate, alteration of environment  to economic  crisis that highly interfered the coverage and quality of malaria control.

  3. Penerapan Sistem Agribisnis Peternakan Kambing Jawa Randu dalam Kerangka Pengembangan Wilayah Kecamatan Karangpucung, Kabupaten Cilacap

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    Dewi Norytyas Prihatiningrum


    Full Text Available Karangpucung sub-district is centers of Jawa Randu Goats ranch developed by most of the local community. Thet kind of Jawa Randu goats is the result of a cross Jawa goats with Ettawa. The result of Jawa Randu goats ranch having high devotees, not only from local people but also from outside area even outside the province. Consumers of Jawa Randu goats derived from Banyumas, Banjarnegara, Purworejo, Kebumen, West Java and city and the surrounding area. However, development costs during this is only done in a traditional manner that hereditary and some even still are subsistence or only to even support their own, and have not oriented business. Of some of the problems, can be made the formulation of the problem, namely that the activities of the development of "Peternakan Goatie Java Randu" not oriented in a system of agribusiness overall because it still had difficulty in doing downstream off-farm agribusiness subsystem. The purpose of this research is to formulate the implementation of the Jawa Randu goats ranch agribusiness  system  within the framework of the Karangpucung sub-district development. The target of this study includes:   the activity of Jawa Randu goats ranch analysis, rural-urban linkage analysis, backward and forward linkage analysis, and analysis of the application of the Jawa Randu goats ranch agribusiness system within the framework of the Karangpucung sub- district development. Analysis techniques used covering quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis used by using a calculation method that calculates farming and also feasibility  analysis  of  financial  as  well  as  calculate  the  leather  processing  industry. Whereas qualitative analysis used with a method of descriptive qualitative as well as by the use of a scheme who described the existing conditions of Jawa Randu goats ranch activities. The result from this research is the application level system from the Jawa Randu

  4. Campursari Karya Manthous: Kreativitas Industri Musik Jawa dalam Ruang Budaya Massa

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    Wadiyo -


    Campursari karya Manthous adalah sebuah campuran dari musik pentatonik gamelan  Jawa  dengan  musik  populer  di  Indonesia  yang  mengacu  pada               musik   diatonis   Barat.   Nada   gamelan   dan   frekuensi   lagu   semuanya ditransformasikan menjadi nada frekuensi diatonis. Namun, harmonisasi yang digunakan adalah harmoni pentatonis gamelan Jawa. Campursari karya Manthous telah  berhasil  menjadi salah  satu  industri  musik  besar  karena didukung oleh tiga komponen, yaitu penyelenggara produksi musik, distribusi produksi musik, dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Peran media massa juga sangat membantu terhadap keberadaan karya ini. Berita tentang Manthous dan Campursarinya menyebar secara luas di masyarakat melalui media massa. Dalam waktu kemunculannya yang relatif singkat, Campursari karya Manthous telah menjadi musik Jawa dalam ruang budaya massa.     Kata kunci: Campursari, budaya massa, industri musik

  5. Optimalisasi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD Guna Meningkatkan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM di Jawa Barat

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    Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo


    Untuk itu, pemerintah daerah dapat menjalin kerjasama kemitraan dengan perguruan tinggi untuk dapat melakukan upaya optimalisasi PAUD guna meningkatkan IPM di Jawa Barat. Dengan kerjasama kemitraan ini diharapkan dapat membantu meningkatkan indeks rata-rata lama sekolah dan indeks melek huruf, sehingga IPM di Jawa Barat akan meningkat.


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    Akrom Muflih


    Full Text Available The objective of research was to determine the suitability and carrying capacity of Tanjung Pasir Coast and Untung Jawa Island for tourism. Research was conducted through survey descriptively and evaluative approaches to obtain primary data while secondary data also collected as supporting. The suitability of Tanjung Pasir Beach for tourism was 83.33% (highly suitable, Untung Jawa Beach 78.57 and 85.71% (highly suitable, mangrove 56.14% (suitable, but snorkeling 42.11% (not suitable and 56.14% (suitable. Carrying capacity for tourism in the beach of Tanjung Pasir were 162 tourists/day, Untung Jawa 74 tourists/day, mangrove tourism 69 tourists/day, and snorkeling 20 tourists/day. However, the actual numbers of tourists in the region have exceeded the carrying capacity. Therefore, the control of tourists number is needed in order to match the carrying capacity of its environment as a management measure.

  7. Concept and Planning of Site Preparation for Radioactive Waste Disposal in Jawa and Surrounding Area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heru Sriwahyuni; Sastrowardoyo, Pratomo B.; Teddy Sumantri; Dewi Susilowati; Hendra Adhi Pratama; Syarmufni, A.


    Concept and planning for radioactive waste disposal in Jawa and surrounding area have been done. These activities were part of the investigation for preparation of repository location in Jawa. In this report, the summary of previous sitting activities, the waste inventory in Radioactive Waste Technology Centre, and list of important factors for sitting on radioactive waste disposal location. Several potential areas such as Karawang, Subang, Majalengka, Rembang, Tuban, Madura will be the focus for next activities. The result will be part of activities report regarding the preparation of repository location in Jawa and surrounding area, that will be used as recommendation prior to radioactive waste management policy. (author)


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    Yunita Nurmayanti


    Full Text Available Tatanan spasial (ruang memperlihatkan hubungan antara arsitektur dan budaya masyarakat setempat. Manusia sebagai makhluk yang berpikir dinamis, memiliki peran besar untuk merubah lingkungan fisik maupun kebudayaan. Tatanan ruang tradisional merupakan warisan leluhur yang harmonis, senantiasa mengalami perubahan untuk beradaptasi dengan modernitas budaya global. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1 mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis unsur-unsur ruang yang berubah dan (2 menjelaskan faktor-faktor sosial-budaya yang mempengaruhinya, pada objek rumah tinggal tradisional di wilayah kebudayaan Jawa Panaragan. Objek penelitian berupa rumah-rumah berlanggam arsitektur Jawa, yang telah berdiri sejak sebelum era kemerdekaan RI, terletak di wilayah tertua dari permukiman Desa Kaponan. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif-rasionalistik dengan analisis deskriptif. Penggalian data melalui observasi langsung terhadap objek yang menjadi kasus penelitian dan wawancara silang dengan informan (narasumber dan keyperson terkait. Variabel penelitian meliputi organisasi, fungsi, hirarki, orientasi serta teritori ruang sebagai panduan untuk mengamati perubahan ruang dalam 2 (dua periode waktu. Objek/kasus penelitian dipilih secara sengaja berdasar kriteria meliputi rumah lurah, carik, pamong desa dan tokoh masyarakat yang menjabat pada masa lampau, dilengkapi dengan rumah petani serta buruh tani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa unsur spasial (ruang yang banyak berubah adalah organisasi dan teritori ruang sebagai konsekuensi dari penambahan jumlah, jenis dan fungsi ruang. Unsur spasial yang sedikit berubah adalah orientasi dan hirarki ruang karena kuatnya faktor kepercayaan leluhur. Faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya perubahan ruang terutama adalah struktur keluarga dan perubahan gaya hidup seiring meningkatnya pengetahuan dan pendidikan. Kata-kata kunci : perubahan ruang, rumah tradisional, Jawa Panaragan   THE TRADITION BASED ROOM CHANGES IN JAWA


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    Harun Joko Prayitno


    Full Text Available Studi ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan taksonomi tindak kesantunan direktif dikalangan andik SD yang berlatar belakang budaya Jawa. Tujuan spesifik studi iniadalah untuk merumuskan taksonomi dan pola semestaan realisasi tindakkesantunan direktif andik SD dalam hubungannya dengan prinsip dasar berbahasa PKS dan PSS; prinsip harmoni sosial PI dan PK. Objek penelitian ini adalah skala kelangsungan dan peringkat tindak kesantunandirektif dalam kaitannya PKS, PSS, prinsip harmoni sosial PI, PK, dn prinsip kultural budaya Jawa. Sumber data penelitian meliputi keseluruhan aktivitas berbahasa andik SD yang direfleksikan oleh guru kelas SD melalui FGD, baik dalam suasana formal maupun nonformal. Data penelitian berupa skala kelangsungan dan peringkat kesantunan pertuturan menurut PKS, PSS, PI, PK, dan Pk. Interpretasi perwujudan tindak kesantunan direktif dilakukan dengan kerja analisis pragmatik yang mengacu pada analisis heuristik model Grice, skala kelangsungan dan peringkat kesantunan model BrownLevinson. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa (1 perwujudan tindak kesantunan direktif (TKD di kalangan andik SD berlatar belakang budaya Jawa berkecenderungan diwujudkan melaui tipe menyuruh pada kategori memerintah dan tipe meminta pada kategori memohon. Temuan ini menggambarkah bahwa sesuai dengan kodratnya sebagai anak pada dasarnya masih memerlukan suri tauladan dari orang tuanya di rumah, gurunya di sekolah, dan panutannya sebagai yang difigurkan atau ditokohkan di lingkungan masyarakatnya masing-masing. (2 realisasi TKD di kalangan andik SD berlatar belakang budaya Jawa berkecenderungan dinyatakan dengan cara-cara tak langsung dan modus-modus nonliteral daripada dengan cara-cara langsung atau modus literal. Realisasi ini menggambarkan bahwa andik SD pada hakikatnya masih dalam masa perkembangan mental lingual sehingga masih memerlukan bimbingan yang bernilai positif, santun, dan berkarakter dari orang tua, guru, dan lingkungan


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    Susilawati Susilawati


    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah: pertama, untuk mengetahui serta menganalisis pengaruh Profesionalisme dan Independensi Auditor Internal secara simultan terhadap kualitas audit pada Inspektorat Provinsi Jawa Barat. Kedua, untuk mengetahui serta menganalisis pengaruh Profesionalisme dan Independensi Auditor Internal secara parsial terhadap kualitas audit pada Inspektorat Provinsi Jawa Barat DOI: 10.15408/etk.v13i2.1886



    Eko Dini Danafi; Djoko Winarso; Rahadi Swatomo; Ahmad Fauzi; Ida Masnur; Iwan Kurniawan; Nurina Titisari


    Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus) adalah satwa endemik Jawa dan Bali. Populasi lutung Jawa semakin mengalami penurunan dan masuk kategori satwa yang dilindungi. Penurunan populasi lutung jawa dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam penyakit yang diperparah dengan tingginya tingkat stres pada satwa. Javan Langur Center yang berlokasi di Cangar, Batu merupakan salah satu tempat untuk merehabilitasi lutung Jawa sebelum dilepasliarkan ke alam. Javan Langur Center terdiri dari tiga kandang yaitu k...


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    Irin Iriana Kusmini


    Full Text Available Ikan gabus di Indonesia awalnya hanya terdapat di Barat garis Wallace (Sumatera, Jawa, dan Kalimantan yang kemudian diintroduksi ke Indonesia bagian Timur. Ikan gabus termasuk ke dalam deretan ikan air tawar sebagai sumber daya genetik untuk menunjang diversifikasi usaha budidaya. Guna menyukseskan program diversifikasi tersebut, maka perlu diketahui keragaman genetik ikan gabus dari Jawa Barat, Sumatera Selatan, dan Kalimantan Tengah agar dapat direkomendasikan sebagai dasar pemuliaan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis keragaman dan kekerabatan antara populasi ikan gabus dari Jawa Barat, Sumatera Selatan, dan Kalimantan tengah. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan analisis fenotipe terhadap 16 ekor ikan sampel dari masing-masing daerah tersebut, sedangkan untuk analisis keragaman genotipe masing-masing digunakan 10 ekor ikan dari setiap daerah. Analisis tersebut dilakukan melalui truss morfometrik dan RAPD dengan primer OPA-10, OPA-11, dan OPA-15. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keragaman berdasarkan truss morfometrik dan hasil PCR ikan gabus asal Sumatera Selatan lebih tinggi dibandingkan Kalimantan Tengah dan Jawa Barat. Kekerabatan ikan gabus Kalimantan Tengah lebih dekat dengan ikan gabus Sumatera Selatan dibandingkan dengan ikan gabus Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi untuk pertimbangan dalam program pemuliaan.


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    Handinoto Handinoto


    Full Text Available Pecinan (Chinese Camp area is never absent in the town of Java. Although the specific characteristics of this mileu is not so strong any more at the present as it was in the past, its presency in diverse smaller towns in Java is still felt as something different. The specific atmosphere of the area, centered on the klenteng as the place of workship, its social environment, included the specific style of house construction, are easy to be recognized. In some world cities like San Fransisco and Manila, the socalled China Towns are just stimulated for its existence. It is even so far, that theyare recomended as tourist destination objects. During the rule of the New Order (1965-1998, Pecinan in the towns in Indonesia are systimatically abolished, because of sicio political considerations. This paper tries to trace back the history of those Chinese Camps in the older towns of Java, to have a certain picture of its existence in the past. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Lingkungan "Pecinan" selalu ada di hampir semua kota-kota di Jawa. Meskipun sekarang lingkungan ini sudah semakin kabur, tapi di beberapa kota kecil di Jawa bekas kehadirannya masih sangat terasa sekali. Atmosfir lingkungannya yang khas, diperkuat dengan kehadiran kelenteng sebagai pusat ibadah dan sosial, serta bentuk-bentuk bangunan yang khas pula sangat mudah untuk ditengarai. Di beberapa kota di dunia seperti San Fransisco, Manila dan sebagainya daerah Pecinan ini justru di perkuat kehadirannya. Bahkan daerah tersebut bisa dijadikan sebagai daerah tujuan wisata kota. Selama Orde baru, karena alasan sosial dan politik, kehadiran Pecinan di kota-kota Indonesia, mulai dihapuskan. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk menelusuri sejarah kehadiran daerah "Pecinan" pada kota-kota di Jawa pada masa lampau. Kata kunci : Kota di Jawa jaman kolonial, Pecinan.

  14. Evaluasi Program Corporate Social Responsibility “Organic Integrated System” PT. Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali Unit Pembangkitan Paiton


    Harianto, Ruth Carissa


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi program Corporate Social Responsibility “Organic Integrated System” yang dijalankan oleh divisi umum dan CSR PT. Pembangkitan Jawa – Bali Unit Pembangkitan Paiton. Di dalam melaksanakan program Corporate Social Responsibility “Organic Integrated System” ini, PT. Pembangkitan Jawa – Bali Unit Pembangkitan Paiton bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat Sekola Konang dan Kelompok Suko Tani sebagai publik sasarannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pe...

  15. Studi Hubungan Budaya dengan Aglomerasi Ekonomi (North-South Corridor Di Jawa Timur

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    Rachmad Kresna Sakti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT   There are two things that commonly identify economic activitivities spacially such as concentration and imbalance.  East Java has two concentration poles of Java economic activities spacially. One of the concentration areas in East Java is in Surabaya, and that concentration activity is called North-South Corridor which is close to temple/ archeological site in East Java. Based on the fact, this research answers some questions like (1 Is there any interaction between culture dimension (the people and economic dimension? (2 How does culture dimension interacts with economic dimension? The aims of the research are (a To know the interaction between culture dimension (the people and economic dimension partially and cumulatively, so there will be North-South Corridor in East Java; (b To know the flow of mechanism from the detail of culture dimension interacting with economic dimension. The research was done outside North-South Corridor  area in East Java. The result of the research shows (1 there is a relationship between culture and economic dimension. It can be showed from the difference of each economic subject both inside and outside North-South Corridor in facing Hofstede Culture; (2 the difference of culture is formed by the environment of area inside and outside North-South Corridor.   Keywords: North-South Corridor, culture, economic concentration   ABSTRAKS   Terdapat dua hal yang seringkali menjadi ciri menonjol dari kegiatan perekonomian secara spasial, yaitu adanya konsentrasi dan ketimpangan. Di Pulau Jawa Terdapat dua kutub konsentrasi kegiatan ekonomi di Jawa secara spasial. Salah satunya wilayah konsentrasi kegiatan ekonomi di Surabaya Jawa Timur. Konsentrasi kegiatan tersebut dikenal dengan koridor utara – selatan. Menariknya koridor Utara-Selatan berhimpit dengan letak situs purbakala/candi di Jawa Timur.  Berpijak pada kesenjangan realita tersebut, penelitan ini berusaha menjawab pertanyaan berikut, (1 apakah


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    Cindy Lidya


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKSejak berpisahnya Kabupaten Ciamis dengan Kabupaten Pangandaran, membuat daerah Ciamiskehilangan objek-objek destinasi wisata unggulan. Hal ini membuat Kabupaten Ciamis krisis destinasi wisata yang banyak orang kenal. Untuk itu, pemerintah provinsi Jawa Barat yang bergerak di bidang pariwisata, Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat, melakukan destination brandingyang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan tempat-tempat wisata yang dimiliki Kabupaten Ciamis saat ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan kelima tahap destination branding yaitumarket investigation, analysis and strategic recommendations, brand identity development, brandlaunch and introduction, brand implementation dan monitoring, evaluation and review yang dilakukanoleh Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat dalam memperkenalkan destinasi wisatadi Kabupaten Ciamis. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif jenis data kualitatifdengan paradigma positivisme. Tekhnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancaramendalam, observasi studi pustaka dan studi dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam memperkenalkan destinasi wisata di KabupatenCiamis, Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat melakukan market investigation,analysis and strategic recommendations dengan mengumpulkan data potensi pariwisata Ciamismelalui tiga sumber yaitu bank data Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat, bank dataDinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Kabupaten Ciamis serta internet. Adapun brand identity yangdigunakan selama aktivitas branding ialah logo West Java. Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan ProvinsiJawa Barat menggunakan tiga cara dalam brand launch and introduction, yaitu dengan special event West Java Familiarization Tour Ciamis, artikel yang dibuat oleh jurnalis serta paket wisata. Pada tahap implementasi, Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Jawa Barat menjalin komunikasidengan Dinas Pariwisata


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    Wiwit Santi Wahyuningsih


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi industri unggulan yang ada di Jawa Tengah, dan kemudian industri unggulan tersebut diidentifikasi mana saja yang mempunyai daya saing ekspor. Penelitian ini menggunakan data PDRB Jawa Tengah dan PDB Tahun 2010-2015, Tabel Input Output Jawa Tengah Tahun 2013, serta data Ekspor-Impor Jawa Tengah Tahun 1997-2015. Data tersebut diperoleh dari data sekunder, yaitu dengan memanfaatkan data yang telah tersedia pada instansi terkait. Penelitian ini mengunakan alat analisis Indeks Daya Penyebaran (IDP, Indeks Derajat Kepekaan (IDK dan Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA. Dari hasil IDP dan IDK terdapat 9 industri unggulan di Jawa Tengah yaitu industri pengolahan dan pengawetan ikan, industri minyak dan lemak, industri penggilingan padi, industri tepung terigu dan tepung lainnya, industri makanan ternak, industri pemintalan, industri tekstil, industri kayu dan bahan bangunan dari kayu, serta industri karet dan barang dari karet. Tetapi dari 9 industri unggulan tersebut yang memiliki daya saing ekspor tinggi hanya ada 3 industri yaitu industri dengan IDP>1, IDK>1 dan RCA>1 yang meliputi industri pemintalan, industri tekstil, dan industri kayu dan bahan bangunan dari kayu. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sektor industri yang dapat diandalkan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui ekspor dan memiliki daya saing ekspor yang sangat bagus serta memilki harga jual tinggi yaitu hanya industri pemintalan, industri tekstil, dan industri kayu dan bahan bangunan dari kayu. Maka dari itu sebaiknya kebijakan pemerintah lebih ditekankan pada sektor hulu dan sektor hilir dari industri-industri tersebut. This research’s aim is to identify the leading manufactures in central Java then identify which of those industries have the export competitiveness. This study used data of Central Java’s Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP and Gross National Product (GNP on 2010-2015, Input Output Table on 2013, as


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    Aryo Fajar Sunartomo


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKProvinsi Jawa Timur merupakan salah penyedia produk-produk pertanian. Oleh karena itu penguatan sektor pertanian melalui program peningkatan produktifitas perlu dilakukan dimana salah satunya berhubungan dengan peran penyuluh pertanian. Tujuan dari kegiatan penelitian ini adalah mengukur kinerja penyuluh pertanian dalam rangka meningkatkan produktifitas pertanian di Jawa Timur. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan/metode deskriptif, analitik dan korelasional. Daerah penelitian dilaksanakan secara purposive method pada 4 (empat kabupaten di Jawa Timur, yaitu Jember, Banyuwangi, Nganjuk, dan Kediri. kinerja penyuluh pertanian dalam rangka peningkatan produksi pertanian Di Jawa Timur memiliki kategori sangat baik. Strategi Kebijakan Penyuluhan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pertanian adalah meningkatkan program-program terkait kelembagaan, kuantitas dan kualitas penyuluh serta perbaikan kelembagaan kelompok tani. Tujuan yang harus dicapai adalah peningkatan mutu penyuluhan pertanian, sasaran dari tujuan tersebut adalah peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas penyuluh melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan, serta pemberdayaan kelompok tani. AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION CAPACITY IN EFFORTS TO INCREASE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY IN EAST JAVAABSTRACTEast Java province is one of provider agricultural products. Therefore, the strengthening of the agricultural sector through productivity improvement programs need to be done one which relates to the role of agricultural extension. The purpose of this research activity is to measure the performance of agricultural extension in order to increase agricultural productivity in East Java. This research approach using the approach / method descriptive, analytical and correlational. Research area by purposive method in 4 (four districts in East Java, that are Jember, Banyuwangi, Nganjuk and Kediri. Agricultural Extension Performance in order to increase agricultural production in East Java has a


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    J. Herudjati Purwoko, Ph.D.


    Full Text Available This paper deals with a Javanese joke commonly used by Javanese parents to teach their young children a kind of typical cultural wisdom in accordance with their effort of socializing subsistence ethics. The respondents are all postgraduate students. Their age is roughly distinguished into two broad categories: (1 around 30 years, and (2 above 40 years. Most of those in the first category do not understand the essence of the joke at all, whereas all of those in the second category do remember and completely understand it. The reasons for their un/intelligibility become of paramount importance. Besides, the discourse of the typical joke also shows that a tiny piece of such a traditional product may reveal the process of meaning-making, in the study of language use, which is very “political” in characteristics.  Makalah ini tentang lelucon Jawa yang digunakan oleh orangtua Jawa untuk mengajarkan kebijaksanaan khas kepada anak-anak sehubungan dengan usaha mereka dalam mensosialisasikan etika subsistensi. Para respondennya adalah mahasiswa pascasarjana. Usia mereka dibedakan dalam dua kategori: (1 sekitar 30 tahun, dan (2 di atas 40 tahun. Mereka yang dalam kategori satu tidak memahami esensi dari lelucon itu sama sekali, sementara yang dalam kategori dua mengingat dan memahaminya dengan baik. Alasan bagi mereka untuk tidak/memahami lelucon itu menjadi sangat penting. Di samping itu, wacana lelucon khas itu juga menunjukkan bahwa sebuah serpihan kecil dari produk tradisional semacam itu bisa mengungkap proses pembuatan-makna, dalam kajian penggunaan bahasa, yang bersifat sangat “politis”


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    Januar Israhmawan Putra


    Full Text Available Penggunaan internet di Indonesia yang tumbuh dengan pesat diikuti dengan banyak ber - munculan situs e-commerce yang merubah budaya dan gaya berbelanja masyarakat menjadi serba online. Pertumbuhan pasar e-commerce ini harus dibarengi dengan pelayanan yang akan diberikan kepada konsumennya secara baik agar konsumen merasa puas ketika bertran - saksi kepada perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kepuasan konsumen berbelanja online pada situs jual beli Lazada, Zalora, dan Mataharimall. Variabel independent yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Website Design, Security, Information Quality, Payment Method, E-service Quality, Product Quality, Product Variety, Delivery Service dan variebel dependent adalah Customer Satisfaction. �e- �e- �e - sponden dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen Lazada, Zalora, dan Mataharimall yang be - rada di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 400 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah nonprobability sampling yaitu porposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis data regresi berganda dan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil peneltian ini menunjukan bahwa website design, information quality, product vaiety, delivery service berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen dalam berbelanja online.


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    Panji Irawan Yogyadipratama


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1 mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan tingkat ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi Provinsi Jawa Tengah menurut Indeks Williamson; (2 mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh angkatan kerja terhadap tingkat pembangunan ekonomi Provinsi Jawa Tengah; dan (3 mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh alokasi dana bantuan pembangunan kabupaten/kota terhadap pembangunan ekonomi Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan digunakan data panel, data time series (tahun 2002-2011 dan cross section (35 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis regresi linier berganda data panel dengan metode FEM digunakan alat bantu software Eviews 7. Hasil penelitian adalah menunjukan(1 ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi antar daerah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang dihitung dengan menggunakan indeks Williamson selama periode 2008-2011 menunjukkan ketimpangan semakin melebar; (2 alokasi dana bantuan pembangunan dari pemerintah pusat yang tidak merata dan daerah yang mendapat bantuan terlalu besar dapat meningkatkan tingkat ketimpangan antar daerah. Hal ini akibat pembangunan yang terkonsentrasi dengan daerah-daerah yang sudah maju dibandingkan daerah yang masih tertinggal, karena daerah yang maju memiliki fasilitas lebih baik dari daerah yang belum maju; dan (3 nilai R2 sebesar 0,9949 artinya variasi variabel ketimpangan pembangunan ekonomi di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel angkatan kerja dan alokasi dana pembangunan daerah sebesar 95,5% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 0,05% dijelaskan faktor-faktor lainnya di luar model. The purpose of this study were (1 to know how the development level of inequality of economic development in Central Java Province according to Williamson Index; (2 determine the extent of the influence of the labor force to the


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    Diana Setia Dewi


    Full Text Available Studi ini dimasudkan untuk menelusuri makna khususnya ikon, indek dan simbol yang terdapat dalam pernikahan ponoragan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini secara teoritik dapat menjelaskan tentang teori semiotika visual dan mengembangkan konsep tentang makna dari ikon, indeks dan simbol pada pernikahan ponoragan di Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur yang berkarakter lokal. Penelitian ini memadukan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode etnografi. Instrumen utama berupa rekaman video dan foto pernikahan ponoragan. Instrumen pendukung berupa wawancara dengan perias, budayawan, pengantin dan sesepuh pernikahan ponoragan di Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara dan perekaman di lapangan. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi, dokumenatsi, perekaman dan wawancara dengan narasumber digabungkan untuk memperoleh gambaran makna ikon, indeks dan simbol yang mewakili dalam lingkup pernikahan ponoragan. Hasil makna ikon, indeks dan simbol yang diperoleh dari analisis hubungan diantaranya, selanjutnya diinterpertasi, dianalisis untuk memperoleh gambaran menyeluruh makna ikon, indeks dan simbol pernikahan ponoragan.


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    Eko Dini Danafi


    Full Text Available Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus adalah satwa endemik Jawa dan Bali. Populasi lutung Jawa semakin mengalami penurunan dan masuk kategori satwa yang dilindungi. Penurunan populasi lutung jawa dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam penyakit yang diperparah dengan tingginya tingkat stres pada satwa. Javan Langur Center yang berlokasi di Cangar, Batu merupakan salah satu tempat untuk merehabilitasi lutung Jawa sebelum dilepasliarkan ke alam. Javan Langur Center terdiri dari tiga kandang yaitu kandang perawatan, kandang karantina dan kandang sosialisasi. Respon stress pada primata dapat dievaluasi dengan menggunakan indikator pengukuran hormon kortisol dan rasio neutrofil per limfosit. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar kortisol dan rasio neutrofil per limfosit sebagai indikator stres pada lutung Jawa di kandang perawatan dengan kandang karantina. Lutung Jawa dengan umur 2-7,5 tahun dan berjenis kelamin jantan dan betina. Pengukuran kadar kortisol dengan metode ELISA Indirect gelombang pada 450 nm dan diferensial leukosit diukur dengan hematology analizer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampel pada kandang perawatan memiliki rata-rata kadar kortisol yang lebih tinggi (116,1 ng/mL daripada kandang karantina (87,5 ng/mL, dan pengukuran rasio N/L pada kandang perawatan lebih tinggi (11,3 daripada kandang karantina (1,2.


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    Ade Ermasari


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran pada variasi dan pengembangan kemiskinan (angka kemiskinan di Jawa-Madura berbasis pada kabupaten / kota tahun 2002 hingga 2007, dan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dapat menjelaskan perubahan kemiskinan. Penelitian ini makro, dengan skala analisis adalah pulau Jawa-Madura secara keseluruhan.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis data sekunder. Sumber data utama diambil dari Data Dan Informasi Kemiskinan, Tahun 2002 2005/2006, dan 2007  Buku 2: Kabupaten / Kota diterbitkan oleh BPS. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah berbagai seperti tabulasi silang, Chi Square, grafik, peta, dan analisis regresi linier ganda disediakan oleh analisis kuadran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar kabupaten / kota di Jawa-Madura dari tahun 2002 hingga 2007 tingkat kemiskinan berfluktuasi terutama di pusat dan timur Jawa. Selain itu, ada perbedaan nyata antara tingkat kemiskinan di kabupaten dan kotamadya. Kabupaten cenderung dominan dalam kemiskinan kelas menengah dan kotamadya yang dominan dalam kemiskinan kelas rendah. Walaupun PDRB per kapita secara signifikan faktor berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kemiskinan di Jawa-Madura khususnya di kabupaten tahun 2002-2007, mempengaruhi relatif tidak signifikan (R2 selalu di bawah 20 persen. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah persentase orang yang bekerja di sektor informal dengan nilai R2 yang selalu di atas 40 persen pada tahun 2002-2007. Untuk alasan bahwa tingkat pengangguran masalah di Jawa-Madura cukup tinggi, faktor tenaga kerja lebih berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kemiskinan di Jawa-Madura pada tahun 2002-2007 (R2 selalu di atas 35 persen dibandingkan faktor-faktor sosio-ekonomi lainnya , terutama di kabupaten. Sementara itu di kota, faktor ekonomi secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kemiskinan pada tahun 2007 saja dan memiliki pengaruh yang paling dalam periode 2005 sampai dengan 2007 (nilai R2 adalah

  5. Student Well-being pada Remaja Jawa

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    Tri Na'imah


    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sumber student well-being pada remaja Jawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dan didukung dengan kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian di Banyumas dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan skala student well-being dan openquesioner sumber student well-being serta panduan wawancara. Analisis data kuantitatif menggunakan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah: 1 Sumber-sumber student well-being adalah dimensi hubungan sosial, kognitif, emosi dan spiritual. 2 Faktor penghambat tercapainya student well-being adalah jika ada masalah dalam dimensi sosial, kognitif, emosi, fisik dan spiritual.



    Irin Iriana Kusmini; Vitas Atmadi Prakoso; Kusdiarti Kusdiarti


    Ikan gabus di Indonesia awalnya hanya terdapat di Barat garis Wallace (Sumatera, Jawa, dan Kalimantan) yang kemudian diintroduksi ke Indonesia bagian Timur. Ikan gabus termasuk ke dalam deretan ikan air tawar sebagai sumber daya genetik untuk menunjang diversifikasi usaha budidaya. Guna menyukseskan program diversifikasi tersebut, maka perlu diketahui keragaman genetik ikan gabus dari Jawa Barat, Sumatera Selatan, dan Kalimantan Tengah agar dapat direkomendasikan sebagai dasar pemuliaan. Tuju...

  7. ARBO-VLV: beoordeling met fuzzy logic van arbeidsomstandigheden in een vleesvarkensstal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Drost, H.; Satter, I.H.G.


    Until now, assessment of working conditions occurs mainly in a qualitative way or quantitative but in different variables. Because of this, interpretation results of similar data differ between researchers. The aim of this study is to develop a fuzzy logic model for quantitative assessment of

  8. Penerapan Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor Internal Pemerintah dalam Mendeteksi Kecurangan (Studi Kasus pada Auditor Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Sarina Gabryela Aprilyanti Butar Butar


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan skeptisisme profesional auditor internal pemerintah di Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam mendeteksi kecurangan. Penerapan skeptisisme profesional akan dipahami berdasarkan karakteristik sikap yang membentuknya sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh Hurtt et al., (2010 antara lain questioning mind, suspension on judgment, search for knowledge, interpesonal understanding, self-confidence, dan self-determination. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan mengacu pada proposisi teori. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara kepada auditor investigasi dari setiap jabatan fungsional tim audit. Responden wawancara ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling yaitu auditor investigasi yang pernah menerima gugatan terkait hasil audit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa auditor investigasi Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi Jawa Tengah menerapkan skeptisisme profesional dalam mendeteksi kecurangan. Auditor mampu mempertanggungjawabkan kebenaran laporan hasil auditnya dengan ditolaknya lima gugatan dari enam gugatan yang diterima Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Sedangkan satu gugatan masih dalam proses pengadilan.

  9. Variasi Genetik Trenggiling Sitaan di Sumatra, Jawa, dan Kalimantan Berdasarkan Control Region DNA Mitokndria (GENETIC VARIATION ON CONFISCATED PANGOLIN OF SUMATRA, JAWA, AND KALIMANTAN BASED ON CONTROL REGION MITOCHONDRIAL DNA

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    Wirdateti Wirdateti


    Full Text Available High levels of illegal trading on Java pangolin (Manis javanica, Desmarest. 1822 for the basic ingredient of Traditional Chinese Medicine have caused sharp decline in its wild population. The purposes of this study were to assess the level of quality and genetic diversity, and to identify the origin of the confiscated individuals by molecular analysis. The original species used as a control were obtained from known areas in Java, Kalimantan, and Sumatera. Molecular analysis was carried out using non-coding region control region (D-loop of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA. The results of phylogenic tree analysis showed that 44 confiscated pangolins were from Kalimantan (24 individuals, from Sumatra (seven individuals, and from Java (13 individuals. As many as 19 haplotypes were found on the basis of their base substitutions consisting of nine from Kalimantan, seven from Java and three from Sumatra. Average genetic distance (d between those from Kalimantan-Java was d = 0.0121 ± 0.0031; those from Borneo-Sumatra was d =0.0123 ± 0.0038 and those from Sumatra-Java was d = 0.0075 ± 0.038, respectively. Overall genetic distance between populations was d = 0.0148 ± 0.0035, with the nucleotide diversity (ð of 0.0146. These results indicate that over 50% of pangolins seized came from Kaimantan, and Kalimantan populations show a separate group with Java and Sumatra with boostrap 98%. ABSTRAK Tingginya tingkat perburuan trenggiling (Manis javanica; Desmarest 1822 Indonesia untuk diperdagangkan secara illegal sebagai bahan dasar obat terutama di China, menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan populasi di alam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat tingkat kualitas dan keragaman genetik trenggiling serta mengetahui asal usul satwa sitaan berdasarkan analisis molekuler. Sebagai kontrol asal usul trenggiling sitaan digunakan sampel alam berdasarkan sebaran populasi yang diketahui pasti yang berasal dari Jawa, Kalimantan, dan Sumatera. Analisis molekuler menggunakan


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    Agung Yudhi Pramono


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan, rasio ketergantungan penduduk dan pendapatan perkapita terhadap pembangunan manusia yang diukur dengan IPM. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari 35 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, menggunakan data sekunder dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Biro Keuangan Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam periode 2009 sampai 2013. Variabel penelitian ini indeks pembangunan manusia, pengeluran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan, rasio ketergantungan penduduk, dan pendapatan perkapita. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi data panel model efek tetap (FEM dengan metode Generalized Least Square (GLS. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor pendidikan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, pengeluaran pemerintah daerah sektor kesehatan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, rasio ketergantungan penduduk berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap IPM, sementara pendapatan perkapita tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap IPM. This research has purpose to analyze how much influence of the local government expenditure in educational sector, local government expenditure in health sector, dependency ratio, and per capita income of a human development measured by HDI. the population of this research consists of 35 regionals in Central Java and region bureau money secretary of Central Java province among 2009 and 2013 period. the variables used in this research are HDI, local government expenditure in educational sector, local government expenditure in health sector, dependency ratio, and per capita income. in this research, quantitative and regression analysis of Fixed Effect Model is used as well as

  11. Analisis Spasial Kejadian Filariasi di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah


    Nurjazuli Nurjazuli; Hanan Lanang Dangiran; Asty Awiyatul Bari'ah


    Latar Belakang: Filariasis merupakan salah satu penyakit tular vektor yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian, termasuk kelompok Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). Kabupaten Demak merupakan salah satu wilayah di Propinsi Jawa Tengah  yang merupakan daerah endemis filarisis (mf rate>1%). Kejadian filarisis di daerah ini diduga berkaitan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik dan biologis (nyamuk) yang mempunyai peran penting dalam penyebaran penyakit filarisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan ada...


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    Rusli Abdulah


    Full Text Available Perhatian ekonom terhadap masalah ketimpangan sangatlah kurang. Kondisi ini juga dilakukan oleh lembaga dunia (Bank Dunia dan UNDP terutama di bidang kemiskinan, serta pemerintah kita. Dampak kebijakan yang bias antara kemiskinan dan penanggulangan ketimpangan sosial dapat dilihat dari data. Di Indonesia, khususnya Jawa Tengah, selama periode 2002-2011, pertumbuhan ekonomi di Jawa Tengah meningkat disertai dengan pengurangan kemiskinan. Namun ketimpangannya meningkat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis determinan pendapatan yang timpang di Jawa Tengah dari tahun 2002 sampai dengan 2011. Panel metode Data regerssion digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini. Ada 35 data cross section yang mewakili setiap kabupaten dan data seri selama 10 tahun Uji F dan uji Hausman menunjukkan bahwa model efek random terbatas adalah yang terbaik untuk analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya ada dua variabel yang signifikan yang menyebabkan ketimpangan (share of economic output received by employers wages. Sementara itu, dua variabel lain tidak signifikan (urbanization and dependency ratio.The attention of economist to the problem of inequality is weak. This condition is followed by the world institution (World Bank and UNDP which concerns in the areas of poverty, as well as our government. The impact of biased policy between poverty and inequality reduction can be seen from the data. In Indonesia, especially Central Java, during the period of 2002 to 2011, economic growth in Central Java increased accompanied by poverty reduction. However inequality increasedThe purpose of the study is to analyze the determinant of inequality income in Central Java from 2002 up to 2011. Panel data regerssion method is used to achieve the objectives of this study. There are 35 cross section data represent every regency and 10-years data series. F test and Hausman test indicate that restricted random effect models are best for analysis. The result

  13. Unsur-unsur Kefilsafatan dalam Buku "Butir-butir Budaya Jawa"

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    Slamet Sutrisno


    Full Text Available This research investigated the book of "Butir-butor Budaya Jawa" 1990, 205p. The aim of this study is to sound out the possibility of transforming the philosophical values of this book to the course of branch of philosophy, that is, Metaphysic/Ontology, Epistemology, and Logic: Ethics. This research also studied the specific contens of philosophy, for example are the philosophy of social and politics:: philosophy of laws; philosophy of man and theodiceae. Feurtheremore, it will try to estimate some contents of system of philosophy in order to express the implicit tenets of Javanese culture. This research will be able to give two important benefits covered the development and academic benefit. Firstly, on the scope national development this research will support a reference of national ethos and development ethics. Secondly, in term of academic knowledge, it can expand the contens of philosophy of culture and Indonesian or Pancasila philosophy. This research emphasize on the literacy study which analysis data carried out by qualitative method by applying the hermeneutics-interpretation concerning the text. The research findings show that the six themes--Belief in the Supreme God; Spirituality; Humanity; Nationhood; and On malerial Goods--contained the three elements of philosophy mentioned above. The book also expressed the naunce of several specific philosophy, tenets of wisdom and also the elements of existentialistic and pragmatic thought/ The three elements of philosophy were not made up separated form to show some interrelation so that expressed the whole of Javanese tenets.


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    Suherman Banon Atmaja


    Full Text Available Studi pendahuluan tentang perikanan cumi-cumi yang berasal dari kapal purse seine telah dilakukan di sentra pendaratan ikan utara Pulau Jawa.  Setelah deplesi stok ikan pelagis di Laut Jawa, pada perikanan purse seine semi industri peralihan spesies target dan diversifikasi usaha penangkapan merupakan strategi dan respon adaptif pengusaha (pemilik kapal dan nelayan terhadap perubahan dalam kelimpahan sumber daya, kondisi lingkungan dan hambatan peraturan. Berdasarkan atas data kapal keluar–masuk di PPS Nizam Zachman Jakarta dan data sistem pemantauan kapal (VMS, vessel monitoring system menunjukkan daerah penangkapan menyebar ke 5 wilayah pengelolaan perikanan, yaitu WPP 712 Laut Jawa, WPP 572 Samudera Hindia, WPP 711 Selat Karimata dan Laut Cina Selatan, WPP 714 Selat Makassar dan Laut Flores, WPP 718 Laut Aru dan Laut Arafuru.  Rata–rata hari operasi di Laut Jawa dan Selat Karimata berkisar 40-110 hari, sedangkan rata–rata hari operasi di Laut Aru dan Laut Arafuru berkisar 126-253 hari. Perubahan kapal purse seine menjadi kapal cumi-cumi menunjukkan sinyal yang nyata mengenai terjadinya penurunan biomassa ikan-ikan tertentu dan kenaikan kelimpahan ikan lainnya.   This paper presents a preliminary study of the squid fishery originally come from purse seiners in center of fish landing at Northern of Java Island.  After depletion of pelagic fish stocks in the Java Sea, shift target species and fishing effort diversification of semi-industrial purse seine fishery is a strategy and an adaptive response of enterpreneur (owner’s and fishermen to changes in the abundance of the resources, environmental conditions and regulatory barriers.  Based on data entry–exit vessel in landing sites of Nizam Zachman Jakarta and VMS data showed that the fishing ground spreaded to five fisheries management areas, i.e., FMA 712 Java Sea, FMA 572 Indian Ocean, FMA 711 Karimata Strait and South China Sea, FMA 714 Macassar Strait and Flores Sea, FMA 718


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    Finsensius Yuli Purnama


    Full Text Available Disaster has always been one of the topics of media attention. There are many sensitive issues that encourage the emergence of a special study in the field of journalism, related to disaster journalism. Disaster journalism in this research is intended as any journalism principle used by Jawa Pos and Kompas related to disaster. It contains two dimensions in disaster journalism that is process dimension and result dimension. This research focuses on the result dimension of AirAsia QZ8501 aircraft crash report that occurred on December 28, 2014. There are four principles that should be used by media in covering disaster: accuracy principle, humanist principle especially victim voice principle, commitment principle towards rehabilitation, and control and advocacy principle . By using content analysis method, the result of this research shows that the principle of disaster journalism applied by Jawa Pos is the principle of accuracy and humanist. While the principle of disaster journalism applied by Kompas is the principle of accuracy only.   Bencana selalu menjadi salah satu topik yang mendapat sorotan media. Terdapat banyak isu sensitif yang mendorong munculnya sebuah kajian khusus di bidang jurnalistik, terkait dengan jurnalisme bencana. Jurnalisme bencana dalam penelitian ini dimaksudkan sebagai prinsip jurnalisme apa saja yang digunakan oleh Jawa Pos dan Kompas terkait bencana. Terkandung dua dimensi dalam jurnalisme bencana yaitu dimensi proses dan dimensi hasil. Penelitian ini berfokus pada dimensi hasil yaitu berita kecelakaan pesawat AirAsia QZ8501 yang terjadi pada 28 Desember 2014. Terdapat empat prinsip yang harus digunakan media dalam meliput bencana: prinsip akurasi, prinsip humanis khususnya prinsip suara korban, prinsip komitmen menuju rehabilitasi, serta prinsip kontrol dan advokasi. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prinsip jurnalisme bencana yang diterapkan Jawa Pos adalah prinsip


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    Ningsi Soisana Lakilaf


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa  setelah penerapan model pembelajaran Think-Pear-Share bermediakan gambar pada siswa kelas II Semester I di SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa, Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018.Pelaksanaan penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 silklus,  setiap siklus  terdiri dari 2 pertemua, dengan tahapan yang terdiri dari (1 perencanaan, (2 pelaksanaan, (3 pengamatan, dan (4 refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas II SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa  dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik tes dan nontes.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Think-Pair-Share bermedia gamabar diketahui bahwa ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan dalam pembelajaran dengan hasil presentasi mendeskripsikan secara tertulis sebelum pelaksanaan tindakan 27%, siklus I 77% dan Siklus II 90 %. Pembelajaran dengan menerapkan model Think-Pair-Share bermedia gambar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah melalui penerapan model Think- Pair-Share bermedia gambar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan  menulis siswa kelas II SD Negeri 3 Banjar Jawa,. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah sebaiknya guru lebih aktif dan kreatif dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan menyenangkan.   Kata Kunci : Keterampilan menulis, model Think-Pair-Share


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    Paundra Pristyasiwi


    Full Text Available Pemerolehan bahasa kedua tidak lepas dari beberapa faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh dalam keberhasilan proses pemerolehan bahasa kedua adalah usia, jenis kelamin dan tentunya perbedaan kepribadian setiap individu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan efek gender dan tipe kepribadian terhadap pemerolehan bahas Jawa sebagai bahasa kedua pada siswa di SMK Giki 1 Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas sebelas dan duabelas yang berasal dari luar Jawa (Surabaya tahun akademik 2017/2018. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan model analisis kategoris deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa (1 terdapat perbedaan pada proses pemerolehan bahasa kedua atara siswa perempuan dan laki-laki, siswa perempuan memiliki kemauan dan kemampuan yang lebih tinggi daripada siswa laki-laki, (2 terdapat perbedaan penguasaan pemerolehan bahasa pada siswa berkepribadian ekstrovert dan introvert, siswa ektrovert memiliki kompetensi pemerolehan lebih tinggi daripada siswa berkepribadian introvert.


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    Badrudin Badrudin


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini menyajikan data dan informasi tentang present status perikanan demersal di Laut Jawa, dan tingkat pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan di sub area Laut Jawa yang tidak merata. Data yang dianalisis merupakan sebagian hasil survei Balai Riset Perikanan Laut di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Tegal pada tahun 2010 dan pada periode tahun sebelumnya. Eksploitasi sumber daya ikan demersal di perairan Laut Jawa sudah berlangsung sejak lama dan mencapai puncaknya pada sekitar tahun 1970-an di mana trawl dioperasikan secara intensif terutama di sepanjang pantai utara Jawa. Tingginya tekanan penangkapan di perairan pantai sampai kedalaman 40-an m telah menyebabkan menurunnya kelimpahan sumber daya, sebagaimana tampak pada hasil tangkapan cantrang kecil dan jaring arad yang dioperasikan secara harian. Kelimpahan dan ukuran individu ikan demersal di kawasan yang lebih dalam tampak cukup besar sebagaimana tercermin dari hasil tangkapan cantrang besar yang dioperasikan lebih lama. Dari fenomena tersebut dapat diduga bahwa sumber daya ikan demersal di perairan pantai sudah mengalami tangkap lebih (overfishing yang mengarah kepada penurunan stok atau bahkan depleted. Kegiatan penangkapan ikan di perairan yang lebih dalam di mana tekanan penangkapan relatif lebih rendah tampak memberikan keuntungan.   Based on data analysis and information collected, this paper describes the present status of demersal fisheries in the Java Sea and the uneven level of exploitation of the fish resources in the Java Sea sub areas. Data analyzed provide part of research results carried out by the Research Institute for Marine Fisheries. Data were obtained from a number of surveis carried out in Tegal landing place in 2010 and from the previous years. Demersal resources in the Java Sea have been exploited for years, where high fishing intensity occurred in the north coast of Java. High fishing pressure in the coastal waters lead to the decreasing fish resources abundance, as

  19. Metric propositional neighborhood logics on natural numbers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bresolin, Davide; Della Monica, Dario; Goranko, Valentin


    Metric Propositional Neighborhood Logic (MPNL) over natural numbers. MPNL features two modalities referring, respectively, to an interval that is “met by” the current one and to an interval that “meets” the current one, plus an infinite set of length constraints, regarded as atomic propositions...

  20. Pengaruh Islam terhadap Perkembangan Budaya Jawa: tembang Macapat

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    Asmaun Sahlan, Mulyono


    Full Text Available Islam came to Indonesia since the seventh century AD has a major influence on the transformation of the local culture. From cultures that were previously heavily influenced by Hinduism is primarily based on two major books from India, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata to the new culture that is influenced by Islamic values. One form of cultural transformation in the field of Javanese literature is the birth of the tembang macapat (song of macapat. Tembang macapat is a form of transformation from Javanese literature of the form kakawin literary dan kidung (ancient Javanese song became a form of Java new song (gending. During its development, macapat song contains a lot of Islamic values so utilized by teachers, preachers, religious scholars and Ulama’ to the means of education and transformation of Islamic values.   Islam datang ke Indonesia sejak abad ke tujuh Masehi memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap transformasi budaya setempat. Dari kebudayaan yang sebelumnya banyak dipengaruhi oleh agama Hindu terutama didasarkan pada dua karya besar dari India yaitu Ramayana dan Mahabharata menuju kepada kebudayaan baru yang dipengaruhi oleh nilai-nilai Islam. Salah satu bentuk transformasi kebudayaan dalam  bidang sastra Jawa adalah lahirnya tembang macapat. Tembang macapat merupakan bentuk transformasi sastra Jawa dari bentuk kakawin dan kidung menjadi sastra puisi yang berupa lagu/gending. Dalam perkembangannya, tembang macapat banyak mengandung nilai-nilai Islam sehingga dimanfaatkan oleh para guru, mubaligh, kyai maupun ulama’ untuk sarana pendidikan dan dakwah nilai-nilai Islam.

  1. Fuzzy Logic vs. Neutrosophic Logic: Operations Logic

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    Salah Bouzina


    Full Text Available The goal of this research is first to show how different, thorough, widespread and effective are the operations logic of the neutrosophic logic compared to the fuzzy logic’s operations logical. The second aim is to observe how a fully new logic, the neutrosophic logic, is established starting by changing the previous logical perspective fuzzy logic, and by changing that, we mean changing changing the truth values from the truth and falsity degrees membership in fuzzy logic, to the truth, falsity and indeterminacy degrees membership in neutrosophic logic; and thirdly, to observe that there is no limit to the logical discoveries - we only change the principle, then the system changes completely.


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    Joko Sukoyo


    Full Text Available Kegiatan workshop ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Semarang Utara dalam hal penyusunan soal digital bahasa Jawa dengan menggunakan program adobe captivate. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah: ceramah, demonstrasi, praktik langsung, tanya jawab, dan penugasan. Peserta yang mengikuti workshop sebanyak 47 guru SD di Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Materi yang diberikan kepada peserta meliputi pengenalan program adobe captivate, penginstalan program adobe captivate, dan penulisan soal digital bahasa Jawa dengan menggunakan program adobe captivate. Kegiatan workshop ini berdampak positif kepada guru-guru SD di Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Sebelum diadakan kegiatan workshop, mereka sama sekali tidak dapat membuat soal digital dengan program adobe captivate. Setelah diadakan kegiatan worshop dan diadakan evaluasi terjadi peningkatan yang sangat signifikan, lebih dari 75% dapat membuat soal digital.



    Apriyanti, Selly; Damayanti, Nyoman Anita


    Patient satisfaction is one of the most important thing for a hospital because  patient satisfaction is one of indicators which is assessed in hospital minimum service standards. One of the factors that can affect p atient satisfaction on a service is s ervice convenience, which means patient perception about time and effort related to purchase or use of services offered. The aim of this research was to analyze  service convenience of UPT RSMM Jawa Timur which consists of decision convenience...


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    Yozi Aulia Rahman


    Full Text Available Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi merupakan kondisi utama bagi kelangsungan pembangunan ekonomi daerah. Untuk mengukur kemajuan perekonomian daerah dengan mengamati seberapa besar laju pertumbuhan ekonomi yang dicapai daerah tersebut yang tercermin dari kenaikan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB. PDRBKabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah selama tahun 2008- 2012 mengalami pertumbuhan karena banyak yang mempengaruhinya, seperti: Tabungan, Kredit, PAD dan Belanja Daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa besar faktor-faktor tersebut mempengaruhi tingkat PDRB kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah selama tahun 2008-2012. Variabel dependen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah PDRB, sedangkan variabel-variabel independen yaitu Tabungan, Kredit, Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD dan Belanja Daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda melalui metode OLS dengan menggunakan data    time series 2008  –2012 dan data crosssection 35 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah atau yang dimaksud dengan data panel. Pengujian model dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode FixedEffect. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa hasil analisis regresi pada α=5%menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial  variabel tabungan   dan kredit berpengaruh signifikan, sedangkan variabel PAD, dan Belanja Daerah tidak signifikan terhadap PDRB kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2008–2012. High economic growth is the main condition for the continuation of regional economic development. To measure the progress of the regional economy, observation on the economyc growth rate in each area can be conducted. It is reflected in the increase of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP. The increase of GDP of regency/city in Central Java during the year of 2008- 2012 was influenced by several factors such as savings, credit, local generated revenue (PAD, and Expenditure. This study intends to analyze the affect of these factors to the level of GDP on districts

  5. Sebaran Populasi dan Potensi Tanaman Ganitri ( Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb di Jawa Tengah

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    Asep Rohandi


    Full Text Available Ganitri (Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb merupakan jenis tanaman multiguna yang cukup potensial untuk dikembangkan. Jenis ini sudah mulai dikenal dan dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat khususnya diwilayah Jawa Tengah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran populasi dan mengetahui potensi tanaman ganitri meliputi informasi geografi dan kondisi ekologisnya. Metode yang dilakukan meliputi : (1 studi literatur dan komunikasi langsung dengan pihak terkait dan masyarakat, (2 survei lapangan untuk pengumpulan data penampilan dan produktifitas tegakan ganitri meliputi : lokasi, luas, tahun tanam, kerapatan tegakan, tinggi, diameter, bentuk batang, sistem penanaman, (3 pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder kondisi tempat tumbuh tanaman ganitri meliputi : letak geografis, ketinggian, curah hujan dan jenis tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman ganitri di wilayah Jawa Tengah tersebar di hutan tanaman pada ketinggian 0-1.300 m dpl pada jenis tanah regosol, andosol, podsolik coklat, atosol dengan curah hujan 3.500-4.500 mm/tahun. Sebaran hutan tanaman ganitri tidak ditemukan di semua kabupaten, tetapi hanya terdapat di beberapa wilayah/kabupaten yang secara umum ditanam dengan beberapa tujuan yaitu terutama untuk dimanfaatkan bijinya sebagai hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK, selain untuk kayu pertukangan serta fungsi lindung. Sebaran hutan tanaman ganitri di Jawa Tengah ditemukan di Kabupaten Cilacap, Kebumen, Kendal, Brebes, Purworejo, Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, Banyumas, Temanggung, Semarang dan Karanganyar. Secara umum, ganitri memiliki kisaran wilayah yang cukup luas mulai dari dataran tinggi sampai dataran rendah, khususnya berada diwilayah Jawa Tengah bagian tengah dan selatan. Pengembangan tanaman ganitri untuk produksi biji dapat ditemukan di Kabupaten Cilacap,Kebumen,Purworejo, dan Banjarnegara. Katakunci: Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb, hutan rakyat, Jawa Tengah, sebaran populasi, potensi   Distribution and the potential growth of ganitri

  6. Pola Perubahan Transmisi Infeksi HIV di Jawa Barat Periode Tahun 2002–2012

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    Ridiani Prawitri


    Full Text Available Abstrak Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV adalah retrovirus yang termasuk golongan virus RNA yang menginfeksi sel sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia. Infeksi HIV masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di dunia dan dilaporkan terjadi pola perubahan transmisi infeksi HIV dari tahun ke tahun di negara tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pola perubahan transmisi infeksi HIV di Jawa Barat pada periode tahun 2002 sampai 2012. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan retrospektif melalui data tersier berupa laporan pengidap infeksi HIV dan kasus AIDS yang diterima oleh Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barat dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota dan Rumah Sakit di Jawa Barat pada tahun 2002 sampai dengan 2012. Penelitian dilakukan selama Desember 2013–Juli 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola perubahan transmisi yang terjadi di Jawa Barat pada tahun 2002 sampai dengan tahun 2012. Jumlah kasus infeksi HIV melalui transmisi homoseksual yaitu 286 kasus, transmisi heteroseksual 1.519 kasus, jarum suntik 1.408 kasus, transmisi ibu ke anak 140 kasus, dan transfusi darah sebanyak 7 kasus. Terjadi perubahan pada tahun 2011 sampai dengan tahun 2012 yaitu peningkatan transmisi heteroseksual menggantikan posisi transmisi pengguna jarum suntik. Keadaan sempat menurunnya transmisi kasus infeksi HIV melalui jarum suntik di Jawa Barat karena penanggulangan pemerintah yang melakukan terapi rumatan metadon. Peningkatan transmisi heteroseksual yang terjadi dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor norma budaya, maraknya industri prostitusi, status ekonomi, dan pergaulan remaja muda hedonis yang terjadi di lingkungan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Infeksi HIV, pola perubahan, transmisi   Changes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in West Java Indonesia in Year 2002–2012 Abstract Human immunodeficiency virus is a class of retrovirus which has RNA carrying its molecular genetic that infects the human immune system cells

  7. Analisis Hubungan Kluster Industri dengan Penentuan Lokasi Pelabuhan: Studi Kasus Pantai Utara Pulau Jawa

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    Maulana Prasetya Simbolon


    Full Text Available Proses distribusi barang merupakan suatu rangkaian proses yang terkait dalam upaya penguasaan areal pasar terluas melalui maksimisasi penjualan dan minimisasi biaya produksi (transportasi. Sebagian contoh nyata di beberapa wilayah, proses distribusi barang tidak didasarkan pada aspek minimisasi biaya transportasi/trucking (teori lokasi tradisional dimana pengiriman barang tidak melalui pelabuhan muat yang dekat dengan lokasi industri. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan hubungan antara industri dengan penentuan lokasi pelabuhan serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode komparasi hasil perhitungan model deterministik (Linear Programming dan Gravitasi dengan Pembatas Tunggal dengan data yang ada, serta analisis korelasi (model uji kebebasan dan Crammer’s-Coefficient of Association dalam mengukur keeratan hubungan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam penentuan lokasi pelabuhan. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan adanya hubungan/ korespondensi antara lokasi pelabuhan dengan lokasi industri dimana lokasi kluster industri terlebih dahulu ada dan diikuti lokasi pelabuhan. Faktor utama yang berpengaruh dalam penentuan lokasi pelabuhan adalah jumlah kunjungan kapal. Prosentase hasil komparasi (selisih hasil perhitungan model gravitasi dengan data yang ada untuk variabel jumlah kunjungan kapal (2,2%; daya tampung gudang/CY (2,3%; biaya transportasi/trucking (12,7%. Nilai koefisien korelasi variabel jumlah kunjungan kapal = 0,866 (keeratan hubungan: kuat/tinggi, daya tampung gudang/CY = 0,878 (kuat/tinggi, biaya transportasi (inland = 0,699 (sedang/cukup. Persebaran muatan (ekspor dari: Jawa Timur ke pelabuhan Tanjung Perak (97%, Tanjung Emas (1%, Tanjung Priok (2%; Jawa Tengah & D.I.Yogyakarta ke pelabuhan Tanjung Emas (72%, Tanjung Perak (15%, Tanjung Priok (13%; Jawa Barat ke pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (97,2%, Tanjung Emas (1,5%, Tanjung Perak (1,3%; DKI Jakarta & Banten ke pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (99

  8. Morfologi dan kekerabatan antara Leopoldamys siporanus (Thomas, 1985 dan L. sabanus (Thomas, 1987 (Muridae asal Kepulauan Mentawai, Sumatra, Kalimantan dan Jawa

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    Ibnu Maryanto


    Full Text Available Jawa, Anamba, and Leopoldamys siporanus from Siberut and Pagai-Mentawai Islands was analyzed using discriminant analysis. The analysis showed that the morphological shape of Sumatran L. sabanus was an intermediate between Jawa and Kalimantan populations. The population of L. sabanus from Anamba Island was predicted to be closed to the intermediate from between Kalimantan and Sumatra. Specimens of L. siporanus from Siberut and Pagai indicated that their morphology was closer to that of L. sabarus from Kalimantan than it was from Sumatra or Jawa. In Sumatra L. sabarus has three subspecies which are distributed in northern side of West Sumatra (L.s. tapanulius, southern side of West Sumatra (L.s. ululans and Mount Kerinci at Sumatra (L.s. vociferans. Furthermore, specimens examined in this study were collected from Leuser and Bengkulu where they are located at the corner of tapanulius and ululans type locality, and they were predicted as one population. This finding raises the possibility that the Sumatrans has one shape of L. sabanus, but this argument should be confirmed from prototype specimens of ululans, vociferans, and tapanulius.


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    Rusyida Baniya Savira


    Full Text Available Teknologi Informasi memiliki peran yang sangat penting untuk mendukung tujuan pencapaian suatu kegiatan dalam organisasi mupun instansi. Apabila pemanfaatan TI sudah berjalan dan mampu berintegrasi dengan baik dengan organisasi, maka TI mampu mendorong terjadinya peningkatan kinerja organisasi. Untuk mendukungnya, dibutuhkan suatu kegiatan monitoring, evaluasi, dan penilaian kinerja suatu organisasi. Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah merupakan suatu instansi pemerintahan yang bertindak sebagai penyelenggara untuk penyediaan layanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat di daerah Jawa Tengah. Permasalahan yang pada Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah adalah dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengawasan dan evaluasi masih ditemukan beberapa kekurangan seperti kurang lengkapnya Standart Operational Procedure (SOP mengenai detail proses pengawasan dan penilaian kinerja, proses tata kelola TI yang belum dilakukan secara menyeluruh, serta kurangnya pengawasan dalam peningkatan kebutuhan pemakaian e-health. Dari hasil studi dokumen, wawancara dan kuesioner berdasarkan COBIT 5 dihasilkan level kapabilitas tata kelola proses monitoring, evaluasi, dan penilaian kinerja dan kesesuaian (MEA01 saat ini adalah level 1 yaitu Performed, dengan tingkat pencapaian Largely Achieved sebesar 83,33% atau setara dengan 1,83 yang menunjukkan bahwa proses monitoring kinerja dan kesesuaian yang telah diimplementasikan berhasil mencapai tujuan instansi tetapi masih belum sepenuhnya dikelola dengan baik. Untuk mencapai level kapabilitas 2, dapat dilakukan strategi perbaikan secara bertahap dari proses atribut level 1 sampai 2. Kata kunci: COBIT 5, Analisis Tata Kelola TI, E-health, Proses Monitoring Evaluate and Assess Performance and Conformance (MEA01, Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah.

  10. Peran Perguruan Tinggi, Pemerintah dan Investor dalam Membangun Wisata Pedesaan Di Jawa Barat Sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Kemiskinan

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    Dede R Oktini


    Full Text Available Jumlah penduduk miskin di Jawa Barat semakin lama semakin bertambah, sumber  mengatakan bahwa pada bulan Februari  2005 tingkat kemiskinan di Jawa Barat hanya 16 %, sedangkan per Juli 2005 naik menjadi 18,7% dan estimasi sementara untuk maret 2006 mencapai 22 %. ( Jumlah penduduk miskin di pedesaan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan di perkotaan, misalnya saja pada tahun 2005 persentase kemiskinan di perkotaan hanya 11,37 % sedangkan di pedesaan mencapai 19,51 %. Demikian pula pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya jumlah penduduk miskin yang ada di pedesaan selalu lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan di perkotaan. Fenomena kemiskinan ini juga tampak dari aktivitas sehari-hari yang mana di pedesaan lebih terlihat bahwa banyak orang yang hanya menghabiskan waktu dengan duduk-duduk, sementara gadis dan pemudanya berkumpul di pos-pos ronda mengobrol hal-hal yang kurang bermanfaat. Kondisi buruk seperti ini tentunya tidak bisa dibiarkan dan masyarakat pedesaan khususnya di Jawa Barat tidak bisa tinggal diam hanya mengharapkan belas kasihan dari pemerintah, namun harus segera bergerak untuk berupaya terlepas dari  kemiskinan yang membelenggu. Di setiap daearah di Jawa Barat memiliki potensi yakni lahan pertanian seperti sawah, kebun dan ladang yang hingga saat ini hanya dimanfaatkan sesuai dengan fungsi dasarnya saja yaitu menanam padi dan tanaman lain, padahal sebenarnya lahan-lahan tersebut dapat lebih dimanfaatkan misalnya dijadikan lokasi pariwisata pedesaan tradisional. Namun demikian untuk mewujudkannya tentu diperlukan dukungan dari berbagai pihak yakni Perguruan Tinggi sebagai lembaga ilmiah berperan dalam mengembangkan sumber daya manusia / masyarakat setempat sebagai calon pramuwisata atau calon wirausaha, penghubung antara calon pramuwisata/ wirausahawan dengan pihak investor, sedangkan pemerintah berperan dalam menyediakan infrastruktur seperti jalan raya, listrik serta mendidik masyarakat agar lebih mencintai alam pedesaan. Sedangkan

  11. Implementasi Data Mining Dalam Data Bencana Tanah Longsor Di Jawa Barat Menggunakan Algoritma Fp-Growth

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    Castaka Agus Sugianto


    Full Text Available Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu zona rawan longsor di Indonesia. Pengurangan resiko bencana diantaranya adalah peringatan dini dengan langkah awal menganalisis data yang ada. Salah satu cara menganalisis data ini yaitu dengan teknik data mining. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola hubungan aturan assosiatif antara suatu kombinasi data dan membentuk pola kombinasi datasets dengan menggunakan algoritma Fp-growth dalam data bencana tanah longsor yang di dapat dari Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana dan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat periode data dari 2011 sampai dengan 2016. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan nilai confidence tertinggi sebesar 1 dengan premises malam, jalan rusak dan conclusion hujan deras dan premises tanah labil, korban jiwa, sore dengan conclusion hujan deras yang berarti keterkaitan satu kondisi dengan kondisi lain sebesar 100%. Untuk nilai support tertinggi dalam pola asosiatif didapatkan sebesar 0,629 dengan confidence 0,901 dengan premises rumah rusak dan conclusion hujan deras yang berarti 90% keterkaitan dengan kejadian 63% kemunculan.



    Dwi Bambang Putut Setiyadi


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur dan karakteristik wacana tembang macapat Tripama, Wulangreh, and Kalatidha, sasmita, dan sistem kognisi, serta kearifan lokal etnik Jawa. Objek penelitian yang berupa wacana tembang macapat disediakan dengan teknik pustaka, simak, dan catat. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis wacana. Hasil penelitian: (1) Strktur wacana macapat Tripama, Wulangreh, and Kalatidha disusun dalam pola purwa wacana, madya wacana, dan wasana wacana. Ketiga...

  13. Answer Sets in a Fuzzy Equilibrium Logic (United States)

    Schockaert, Steven; Janssen, Jeroen; Vermeir, Dirk; de Cock, Martine

    Since its introduction, answer set programming has been generalized in many directions, to cater to the needs of real-world applications. As one of the most general “classical” approaches, answer sets of arbitrary propositional theories can be defined as models in the equilibrium logic of Pearce. Fuzzy answer set programming, on the other hand, extends answer set programming with the capability of modeling continuous systems. In this paper, we combine the expressiveness of both approaches, and define answer sets of arbitrary fuzzy propositional theories as models in a fuzzification of equilibrium logic. We show that the resulting notion of answer set is compatible with existing definitions, when the syntactic restrictions of the corresponding approaches are met. We furthermore locate the complexity of the main reasoning tasks at the second level of the polynomial hierarchy. Finally, as an illustration of its modeling power, we show how fuzzy equilibrium logic can be used to find strong Nash equilibria.


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    Hastangka Hastangka


    beragam. Batik adalah karya asli (genuine dari bangsa Indonesia. UNESCO telah menetapkan batik pada 2 Oktober 2009 sebagai Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Sejak pengakuan dari UNESCO tersebut, batik menjadi trend setter nasional dan bahkan dunia. Batik yang dulunya dianggap sebagai hasil karya rakyat biasa, saat ini menjadi bernilai budaya tinggi dan bahkan bernilai jual tinggi. Berbagai events berupa pameran, seminar, fashion show, dan bazaar batik marak dilakukan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia, bahkan di luar negeri. Dalam konteks budaya sekarang ini batik tidak sekedar karya seni dan identitas budaya tetapi sebagai trend fashion masa kini. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk melacak dimensi metafisis batik Jawa sebagai teks dan sebagai trend fashion masa kini.

  15. Morphostructural Development of Gunungsewu Karst, Jawa Island

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    H. D. Tjia


    Full Text Available DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v8i2.157Gunungsewu Karst (also known as Sewu karst in the literature is synonymous with morphology of a carbonate terrain dominated by hills crowned by accordant-level tops that developed in a humid tropical environment by comparatively more rapid dissolution and denudation. In addition, the hills are sinoid to cone-shaped. Surface drainage is negligible compared to subsurface water flow. Abandoned channel segments and spatial arrangements of karst hills have been found to correspond with fracture patterns that are genetically associated with the regional compression direction of Jawa Island. Images derived from space platforms show many landform patterns that were neither known from ground-based nor from aerial photograph study. Landforms arranged in ring, multi-ring, spiral, polygonal, and long linear to serpentine patterns are common beside the expected depressions of dolines, poljes, and uvalas. The orientations of the long linear ridges appear to change systematically from those near the coast to those located inland. These linear ridges are interpreted as depositional fronts, most likely representing breaker zones. The youngest depositional ridge fronts, located nearest to the present shoreline, are parallel to the geological strike of Jawa Island. Toward the island’s interior, linear depositional fronts deviate in orientation by as much as 40o. This is now interpreted to have resulted from counterclockwise rotation of the Gunungsewu microplate since the late Middle Miocene. Similar CCW rotations are indicated by the paleomagnetic orientations of igneous rocks located farther east in the southern range of the island. Active tectonics is expressed in stage-wise net uplift of Gunungsewu whereas regional tilting appears negligible. Stacked and often paired river terraces (thus suggesting land uplift have been used to relatively date paleoarcheological finds. Very recent uplift on the coast show up in lazy-V limestone

  16. Lack of neural compensatory mechanisms of BDNF val66met met carriers and APOE E4 carriers in healthy aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease. (United States)

    Gomar, Jesus J; Conejero-Goldberg, Concepcion; Huey, Edward D; Davies, Peter; Goldberg, Terry E


    Compromises in compensatory neurobiologic mechanisms due to aging and/or genetic factors (i.e., APOE gene) may influence brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) val66met polymorphism effects on temporal lobe morphometry and memory performance. We studied 2 cohorts from Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: 175 healthy subjects and 222 with prodromal and established Alzheimer's disease. Yearly structural magnetic resonance imaging and cognitive performance assessments were carried out over 3 years of follow-up. Both cohorts had similar BDNF Val/Val and Met allele carriers' (including both Val/Met and Met/Met individuals) distribution. In healthy subjects, a significant trend for thinner posterior cingulate and precuneus cortices was detected in Met carriers compared to Val homozygotes in APOE E4 carriers, with large and medium effect sizes, respectively. The mild cognitive impairment/Alzheimer's disease cohort showed a longitudinal decline in entorhinal thickness in BDNF Met carriers compared to Val/Val in APOE E4 carriers, with effect sizes ranging from medium to large. In addition, an effect of BDNF genotype was found in APOE E4 carriers for episodic memory (logical memory and ADAS-Cog) and semantic fluency measures, with Met carriers performing worse in all cases. These findings suggest a lack of compensatory mechanisms in BDNF Met carriers and APOE E4 carriers in healthy and pathological aging. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Komunikasi Konseling Lintas Budaya di MAN 2 Brebes Jawa Tengah

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    Nurma Ali Ridlwan


    upaya membantu individu (siswa mewujudkan pribadi utuh, bimbingan dan konseling peduli terhadap pengembangan kemampuan tersebut agar siswa dapat hidup lebih baik dan benar. Upaya bimbingan dalam merealisasikan fungsi-fungsi pendidikan, terarah kepada upaya membantu individu untuk memperluas, menginternalisasi, memperbaharui, dan mengintegrasikan sistem nilai ke dalam perilaku mandiri. Dalam upaya tersebut, bimbingan dan konseling amat mungkin menggunakan berbagai metode dan pendekatan serta teknik, untuk memahami dan memfasilitasi perkembangan individu yang bersandar dan terarah kepada pengembangan manusia sesuai dengan hakikat eksistensialnya. Oleh karena tampak keragaman budaya yang tumbuh dan berkembang di masyarakat, maka salah satu pendekatan komunikasi dalam konseling yang dapat digunakan yaitu komunikasi konseling lintas budaya. Penelitian ini berupaya menggali dan menganalisis data terkait dengan komunikasi konseling lintas budaya yang dilakukan oleh guru Madrasah Aliah Negeri (MAN 2 Brebes kepada siswa yang berlatar belakang etnis Sunda dan etnis Jawa. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian lapangan dengan metode pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis datan menggunakan teknik reduksi data, penyajian data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa, Pertama; terdapat persamaan komunikasi konseling lintas budaya yang dilakukan oleh guru kepada siswa berlatar belakang etnis Sunda dan Jawa yaitu; secara bahasa menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai sarana komunikasi, pada kasus tertentu menggunakan pendekatan klinikal, menggunakan keterampilan komunikasi seperti keterampilan empatik, bertanya, asertif dan konfrontasi, menempatkan posisi guru sebagai teman bahkan orangtua siswa, dan memperlakukan siswa sama sesuai dengan hak dan kewajibannya. Kedua, perbedaan komunikasi konseling lintas budaya kepada keduanya (siswa Sunda dan Jawa hanya tampak pada penggunaan pendekatannya, yaitu pendekatan pada siswa


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    Setya Triharyuni


    Full Text Available Dalam rangka menjaga pelestarian sumberdaya ikan di kawasan perairan tertentu, maka tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan tersebut harus seimbang dengan potensi produksinya. Ikan layang (Decapterus spp. merupakan hasil tangkapan dominan mencapai 60% dari total tangkapan perikanan pukat cincin yang beroperasi di Laut Jawa. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian beberapa model produksi surplus pada dinamika perikanan layang di Laut Jawa (WPP-712 dengan menggunakan pendekatan lima model produksi, yaitu model Schaefer, Fox, Walter & Hilborn, Clarke Yoshimoto Pooley (CYP dan Schnute. Model produksi yang sesuai digunakan untuk estimasi tangkapan maksimum lestari (MSY dan upaya optimum (Fopt serta parameter pertumbuhan stok ikan layang. Data yang digunakan adalah data hasil tangkapan ikan layang dan jumlah trip penangkapan kapal pukat cincin yang berpangkalan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Tegal, Pekalongan, Juana dan Rembang yang beroperasi di Laut Jawa selama periode 2004-2012. Ketepatan model dianalisis dengan membandingkan tanda regresi, uji F, uji t dan nilai konstanta determinasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan model Fox merupakan model yang paling tepat dengan estimasi MSY sebesar 24.447 ton dan upaya penangkapan sebesar 5.784 trip/tahun setara pukat cincin. Berdasarkan model Fox juga diperoleh nilai parameter pertumbuhan stok ikan layang, yaitu nilai pertumbuhan intrinsik (r sebesar 0,7172, koefisien penangkapan (q sebesar 5,075 x 10-5 dan daya dukung lingkungan perairan (K sebesar 48.072 ton. Perikanan layang di Laut Jawa telah berada pada kondisi lebih tangkap sehingga intervensi pengelolaan, yaitu pengurangan intensitas upaya penangkapan ke titik optimal atau pengaturan hasil tangkapan di bawah tangkapan lestari untuk menjamin keberlanjutannya perlu dilakukan.   The general principle to sustain fish resources in a certain area is the exploitation level should not exceed its carrying capacity. Round scads (Depcaterus spp. are

  19. ANALISIS SPASIAL DISTRIBUSI BULAN BASAH DAN BULAN KERING DI JAWA TIMUR (Spatial Distribution of Wet Month and Dry Month in East Java Region

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    Indarto Indarto


    Makalah ini memaparkan distribusi spasial Bulan Basah (BB dan Bulan Kering (BK di Jawa Timur.  Data hujan diperoleh dari 943 lokasi stasiun hujan yang tersebar merata di seluruh wilayah Provinsi Jawa Timur.  Hujan bulanan dihitung dari kumulatif hujan harian. Selanjutnya, nilai BB dan BK ditentukan berdasarkan metode klasifikasi Iklim Oldeman.  Analisa spasial dilakukan menggunakan tool  ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis yang terdapat pada ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst. Tool yang digunakan mencakup:  Histogram, Voronoi Map, dan QQ-Plot.  Hasil analisa menunjukkan grafik Histogram dan Normal QQPlot untuk Bulan Basah dan Bulan Kering (BK mendekati distribusi normal.  Nilai statistik BB  yang diperoleh adalah: minimal = 1 bulan/tahun dan maksimal = 9 bulan/tahun. Nilai bulan basah (BB rerata dari seluruh stasiun untuk semua periode adalah 3,67 bulan/tahun dan nilai median = 4 bulan/tahun.  Histogram bulan basah  menghasilkan nilai standar deviasi = 1,2; koefisien skewness = 0,05;  dan koefisien curtosis sebesar (3,09.  Histogram Bulan Kering, menghasilkan nilai minimal 2 bulan/tahun dan maksimal = 11 bulan/tahun.  Sedangkan, nilai BK rerata dari seluruh stasiun untuk semua periode adalah 6,4 bulan/tahun dan nilai median = 6 bulan/tahun.  Histogram juga menampilkan nilai standar deviasi = 1,21; koefisien skewness = 0,11;  dan koefisien curtosis = (3,6.   Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisa menggunakan : histogram, Voronoi Map, Normal QQ-Plot dapat menggambarkan lebih detail variabilitas spasial Bulan Basah  dan Bulan Kering di Jawa Timur. Kata kunci: ESDA, Histogram, Voronoi-Map, QQ-Plot,  Bulan basah, Bulan kering, Jawa Timur


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    Imam Taufik


    Full Text Available Penggunaan pestisida merupakan salah satu sumber pencemar yang potensial bagi sumberdaya dan lingkungan perairan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pencemaran pestisida pada lahan perikanan budidaya di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Penelitian diawali dengan penentuan lokasi, dilanjutkan dengan pengambilan contoh (air, sedimen, biota air, preparasi, identifikasi, dan analisis data, serta pelaporan. Analisis contoh menggunakan alat Gas Chromatograph (GC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada lahan perikanan air tawar di daerah Sukabumi terdapat residu pestisida dari golongan organoklorin, organofosfat, piretroid, dan karbamat dengan konsentrasi di bawah Batas Maksimal Residu (BMR. Jenis dan konsentrasi residu pestisida tersebut yang terbesar terdapat pada ikan, kemudian di dalam tanah dan yang terakhir adalah dalam air.


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    Azizatun Nurhayati


    Full Text Available Pembangunan daerah dilakukan dengan memaksimalkan potensi sumber daya yang ada di suatu daerah. Karena sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia adalah petani, maka penting untuk mengetahui kontribusi sektor pertanian terhadap perekonomian suatu daerah. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi sektor pertanian terhadap multiplier output, pengganda pendapatan, dan pengganda tenaga kerja. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis Input Output yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2010. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komoditas tebu berada pada kuadran II, Dari keseluruhan data di atas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1 Komoditas tebu dapat mendorong berkembangnya industri gula di Jawa Timur, (2 di sektor peternakan, subsektor yang dapat dikembangkan adalah pakan ternak, pemotongan hewan, sapi, kambing dan domba, serta ayam (3 di sektor pengolahan subsektor pengolahan es krim, beras, dan penggilingan padi serta rokok. ABSTRACTLocal development is held by maximizing potential resources in a particular region. In addition, most of Indonesian people are farmers so it’s important to identify the agriculural contribution in local economic. The aim of this study are to study the contribution of agriculture  in ouput multiplier, income multiplier, and employment multiplier. The method which was used in this research was input-output analysis based on Badan Pusat Statistik East Java Province’s data in 2010. From the analysis, we can conclude that the sugarcane was formed in the second quadrant, in which (1sugarcane comodity promoted the sugar industry in East Java Province (2 in livestock subsector, the woof of livestock industry, animals truncation, sheeps, goats, and chicken husbandry (poultry were potentially to be developed (3 in processing subsector which was based on agriculture product, ice cream and processing, rice milling and cigarette were potentially to be developed. 

  2. Embedding Logics into Product Logic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Baaz, M.; Hájek, Petr; Krajíček, Jan; Švejda, David


    Roč. 61, č. 1 (1998), s. 35-47 ISSN 0039-3215 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1030601 Grant - others:COST(XE) Action 15 Keywords : fuzzy logic * Lukasiewicz logic * Gödel logic * product logic * computational complexity * arithmetical hierarchy Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics


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    Rofily Putriyandari


    Full Text Available Abstract - Plantation Office in West Java is the OPD environment of the Regional Government of West Java Province. The type of oil exploitation in West Java developed include the People's Plantations and Estates consisting of Private Estates and Country Estates.This study discusses the effect payroll and accounting information system of internal control Achievement Against the Plantation Office of West Java Province. With the aim to determine the extent to which accounting information system salaries for employees' performance. Metedologi study is a quantitative descriptive. Independent variable (X of the study is Payroll Accounting Information Systems, while the variable (Y is the internal control. The sample in this study were 35 people on a formula that raised by SolVin. Then the method of data collection using the method which is based on primary and secondary data. Obtained from the calculation of the test statistic used tcount = 5.2847 = 5% (0.05, N-2 = degrees of freedom (df 35-2 = 33, then earned a tTable = 2.0345. Means that Ha is received and Ho is rejected, meaning that the influence of payroll and accounting information system of internal control.  Keyword: Payroll And Accounting Information System Of Internal Control   Abstrak - Dinas Perkebunan Propinsi Jawa Barat merupakan OPD dilingkungan Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Adapun jenis pengusahaan perkebunan yang dikembangkan di Jawa Barat meliputi Perkebunan Rakyat  dan Perkebunan Besar yang terdiri atas Perkebunan Besar Swasta dan Perkebunan Besar Negara .Penelitian ini membahas tentang Pengaruh Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Terhadap Pengendalian Intern di Dinas Perkebunan Provinsi Jawa Barat. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana system informasi akuntansi penggajian terhadap pengendalian intern. Metedologi  penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Variabel bebas (X dari penelitian ini adalah Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penggajian sedangkan variabel (Y

  4. Perupaan dan Sinkronisasi Artefak Percandian Batujaya di Karawang, Jawa Barat dengan Borobudur di Jawa Tengah dan Mon-Dwarawati di Thailand

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    Nuning Damayanti


    Full Text Available Percandian Batujaya adalah sebuah kompleks sisa-sisa percandian Budha kuno yang terletak di Kecamatan Batujaya dan Kecamatan Pakisjaya, Kabupaten Karawang, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Adanya dua fase pembangunan pada Batujaya membuka kemungkinan terhadap interpretasi akan adanya gaya-gaya perupaan yang berbeda pada percandian Batujaya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa mazhab Budha yang diterapkan pada kompleks percandian Batujaya adalah mazhab Mahayana, dicirikan dengan keberadaan votive tablet dengan perupaan yang menggambarkan sosok-sosok bodhisattva dan Budha. Perbandingan gaya visual dengan artefak-artefak yang berasal dari periode Mon-Dwarawati di wilayah Thailand dan artefak Borobudur di Jawa Tengah menunjukkan bahwa artefak Batujaya cenderung memiliki gaya naturalis yang lebih serupa dengan Dwarawati terutama pada profil wajah dibandingkan gaya stilasi Borobudur yang lebih dekat secara geografis. Terdapat ciri khas pada arca Batujaya yaitu cenderung memiliki bentuk mata yang didistorsi menjadi lebih besar dan terkesan membelalak, serta hidung yang lebar. Kemungkinan hal ini didasari bentuk fisik masyarakat lokal atau pemikiran ideal lokal mengenai fisik yang sempurna.Kata kunci: arca; Batujaya; Budha Mahayana; gaya perupaan; votive tablet.Batujaya enshrinement complex is a remnant of ancient Buddhist monument, located in Kecamatan Batujaya and Kecamatan Pakisjaya, Karawang, West Java. The two development phases of Batujaya would open the possibility of different interpretations of visual style in Batujaya. Based on these results, it could be concluded that the Buddhist sect worshipped in Batujaya was Mahayana sect, characterized by votive tablets depicting bodhisattva and Budha. Comparison of visual style with the artifacts dating from Mon-Dvaravati period in Thailand region and Borobudur in Central Java indicated that Batujaya artifacts tend to have more naturalistic style similar to Dwarawati primarily onfacial


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    Suwarso Suwarso


    Full Text Available Sumberdaya ikan kembung (Rastrelliger brachysoma merupakan ikan ekonomis penting, umumnya hidup di perairan pantai (zona neritic dan menjadi komoditi utama bagi perikanan rakyat di perairan utara Jawa. Jenis ini ditangkap secara intensif menggunakan pukat cincin mini dan populasinya akhir-akhir ini semakin menurun. Kondisi tersebut sangat rawan apalagi stok yang dieksploitasi berasal dari unit stok sama. Penelitian ikan kembung dilakukan berdasarkan pengambilan contoh biologi di beberapa tempat pendaratan ikan (Jakarta, Indramayu, Blanakan dan Tegal untuk memperoleh karakter biologi reproduksi dan dugaan pemijahan ikan kembung di pantai utara Jawa. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai dengan November 2010. Rata-rata ukuran ikan yang tertangkap di Teluk Jakarta lebih besar dibanding perairan Blanakan dan Indramayu. Ikan betina yang tertangkap umumnya belum matang gonad. Ikan dengan kondisi matang gonad (TKG IV sekitar 7% dari keseluruhan contoh betina. Ikan dalam kondisi matang dengan ukuran gonadmaksimumdan telur transparent/ translucent sekitar 2% dan kondisi mijah (spent sebanyak 5%. Ikan betina mencapai kematangan pertama (length-at-first-maturity, Lm pada ukuran 16,4 cmFL. Ikan betina matang (fullymature female ditandai dengan berat gonad 24 gram dengan jumlah telur (batch fecundity sekitar 5.930 butir. Berdasarkan fluktuasi GSI musim pemijahan diduga berlangsung mulai bulan Oktober, khususnya perairan di Teluk Jakarta.


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    Mochamad Setyo Pramono


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Background: The aim of the MDGs improving maternal health, one indicator is the proportion of aid delivery by trained health personnel. Related to this field which is spearheading the village midwife. The presence of the midwife profession not within the vacant land, because the tradition of the existence of traditional birth attendants have been there first. In the geographical and social conditions of a diverse society, where they can be a wealth of cultural treasures. Becomes interesting when the two interests are aligned but different backgrounds met in the field. How their existence in society, especially in rural areas whose traditions are still strong. Methods: This study was conducted in 2011 in four districts in East Java is Sampang, Probolinggo, Jombang and Madison. Refers to the characteristics of the election districts in East Java community is Madura, pandalungan, arek and Mataraman. This study combines quantitative and qualitative research. The data was collected by observation and in-depth interviews, informants were village midwives and traditional birth attendants in each region was selected health centers. Results: There is a dichotomy of senior midwives and midwives young. Senior midwife came mostly from outside the region. While a limited number of wide area coverage, it is not un comm on to make them choose to live in the central districts. As aresuIt, service delivery is limited. Relations senior midwife with pregnant women is quite high. Meanwhile, a young midwife from the local community though, is not necessarily acceptable in the neighborhood. Midwives are considered inexperienced young because young age, unmarried status or newly married. Meanwhile, the role of traditional birth attendants in rural areas is still quite significant, especially in Sampang and Probolinggo, there are still bold to help direct labor. In addition to knowledge of hereditary shamans, also based on modern medical knowledge gained

  7. Pengaruh PDRB, Pengangguran, dan Inflasi Terhadap Penyaluran Dana Kredit PT. Pegadaian (Persero Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 1984-2013

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    Norma Yuristyana


    Full Text Available Pegadaian sebagai lembaga keuangan nonbank yang usaha intinya adalah bidang jasa penyaluran dana kredit kepada masyarakat atas dasar hukum gadai yang ditujukkan untuk membiayai investasi perusahaan, kegiatan konsumsi, serta kegiatan distribusi barang dan jasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh produk domestik regional bruto, jumlah pengangguran, dan tingkat inflasi terhadap penyaluran dana kredit pada PT. Pegadaian (Persero Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 1984 sampai 2013. Variabel penelitian ini produk domestik regional bruto, jumlah pengangguran, dan tingkat inflasi Jawa Tengah. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa produk domestik regional bruto berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penyaluran dana kredit, jumlah pengangguran tidak berpengaruh terhadap penyaluran dana kredit, dan tingkat inflasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penyaluran dana kredit. Variabel produk domestik regional bruto, pengangguran, dan inflasi secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap penyaluran dana kredit PT. Pegadaian (Persero Provinsi Jawa Tengah adapun pengaruhnya secara positif dan signifikan.  Pawnshops as nonbank financial institutions whose core business is credit fund distribution services to the public on the legal basis is recomended to pay the company's investment, consumption activities, as well as the activities of the distribution of goods and services. This study aims to analyze how much influence the gross domestic regional product, unemployment, and inflation rates against the disbursement of credit at Central Java Pawnshops. This study uses secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency of Central Java province from 1984 to 2013. The variables of this study

  8. Amblesan di daerah Porong, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur

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    Untung Sudarsono


    Full Text Available 29th May 2006, there was a huge mud outpouring in the Porong Subregency, Regency of Sidoarjo, East Jawa and for one year, it had flooded the area of more than 5 km2 including Porong, Tanggulangin and Jabon Sub-regencies. The mud known as Lumpur Sidoarjo. The impact of the mud outpouring was the presence of a subsidence around the main outpouring for the width of 6.3 km2 in ellipse stretching to the north. The subsidence area covered Tanggulangin Sub-regency: Kedungbendo Village, Porong Sub-regency: Siring, Jatirejo, Mindi, and Renokenongo Villages, and Jabon Sub-regency: Pejarakan and Besuki Villages. The rate of the subsidence is ap- proximately 2 cm/day.  


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    Ristiyanto Ristiyanto


    Full Text Available Dalam rangka menurunkan angka endemisilas malaria di Kabupaten Magelang telah dilakukan studi dinamika penularan. Tujuan survei dinamika penularan ini adalah mengetahui proses terjadinya penularan malaria dan faktor-faktor risiko kejadian malaria. Lokasi survei di Desa Banjaretno, Kecamatan Kajorun, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Juni 2004. Metode survei adalah metode survei dinamika penularan yang telah distandardkan dalam pelatihan ICDC. Hasil survei parasit malaria menunjukkan bahwa 5 orang (5,10% dari 98 orang mengandung parasit Plasmodium falciparum. Hasil survei entomologi di liga rumah kasus malaria diperoleh angka man baiting rate (MBR nyamuk Anopheles aconitus di dalam rumah 0,5/jam/orang dan di luar rumah 1,08/jam/orang. Parity rate nyamuk tersebut 0%. Tempat perindukan di sekitar rumah kasus malaria adalah sawah, kolam, dan saluran irigasi. Penanaman padi tidak serempak, sehingga, tempat perindukan An. aconitus tersedia sepanjang tahun. Kepadatan larva nyamuk An. aconitus berkisar antara 0,3-2,1 perciduk. Hasil survei perilaku pada 31 responden (5 kasus malaria dan 26 orang tetangga kasus malaria diketahui bahwa pengetahuan, dan sikap responden mendukung untuk melakukan pencegahan penularan malaria (80% dari 31 responden, tetapi tidak diikuti dengan tindakan mencegah malaria (39,76% dari 31 responden. Semua rumah kasus malaria berdinding kayu atau bambu, belum menggunakan langit-langit, jendela dan ventilasi belum rapat nyamuk (100% rumah kasus malaria. Kebiasaan pada malam hari (5 kasus malaria yang mendukung penularan malaria adalah kebiasaan menonton TV bersama-sama pada malam hari dengan keadaan pintu dan jendela terbuka. Pelayanan kesehatan oleh Puskesmas tidak melakukan kunjungan rutin ke daerah endemis malaria karena tidak ada JMD. Hasil survei dinamika penularan ini memperlihatkan bahwa penularan malaria di Desa Banjaretno. Kecamatan Kajoran, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah terjadi pada musim kemarau, di dalam rumah pada

  10. Integrasi Budaya Jawa Pada Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bumi Dan Alam Semesta

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    Sarwanto -


    Full Text Available Kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari IPA salah satunya disebabkan oleh sebagian besar materi IPA diadopsi dari sains Barat. Padahal budaya yang mendasari pengembangan sains Barat tidak sama dengan budaya Jawa, maka pembelajaran sains berpotensi menimbulkan kesenjangan (clash dengan sains lokal. Kesulitan lain disebabkan oleh pembelajaran IPA selama ini dilakukan memisahkan antara konten IPA dan pedagoginya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan Budaya Jawa dalam pembelajaran IPA yang meliputi proses dan produk (materi IPA menjadi satu kesatuan pengetahuan (Pedagogical Content Knowledge/PCK. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitan pengembangan (R&D. Tahap-tahap penelitian meliputi (1 studi pendahuluan; (2 pengembangan PCK; (3 validasi PCK; dan (4 pengembangan produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modul yang dikembangkan layak untuk diujicobakan pada tingkat yang lebih luas dalam perkuliahan Fisika Sekolah Menengah. Western-adoption of most material of science causes student’s difficulties in learning science. Meanwhile, the culture base of Western science development is different from the Javanese one. This is why science learning causes potentially clash to local science. Other difficulty is caused by learning science which has been done by separating content from its pedagogy. This study aims to integrate Javanese culture into science teaching that include process and product to become a unified science knowledge (Pedagogical Content Knowledge/PCK. The research method used was a research & development (R & D, with the stages of (1 preliminary study, (2 development of PCK, (3 validation PCK, and (4 product development. The results showed that the developed modul decent for piloting at a broader level in High School Physics class.


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    Zulia Agustiana


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh dan hubungan sebab-akibat pemakaian energi, hubungan againts penduduk terhadap PDB Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Data yang digunakan pada waktu seri, dari 1985 hingga 2012. Mereka berasal dari Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS. Metode yang digunakan adalah OLS dan analisis kausal. Temuan-temuan dari studi ini adalah bahwa ada hubungan langsung antara PDB hubungan againts penduduk, PDB untuk konsumsi energi dan konsumsi energi, energi konsumsi towward PDB. Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah konsumsi energi dan jumlah penduduk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap PDRB, konsumsi energi menyebabkan PDRB. Pemerintah maupun swasta sebaiknya meningkatkan usaha untuk mengembangkan energi terbarukan untuk dapat mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap energi terutama untuk energi yang bersifat unrenewable resourch. The aims of this study are to analyse influence and causal relationship of energy consumption, relations againts population toward GDP Provinsi Jawa Tengah. The data used was time series, from 1985 up to 2012. They were from Central Bureu of Statistics (BPS. The metode used is OLS and causal analysis. The findings of this study is that there is a direct relationship between GDP to relation againts population, GDP to energy consumption and energy consumption, energy consumption towward GDP. The conclusion of the research is the consumption of energy and positive and influential population significantly to GDP, energy consumption caused the GDP. Government or private sector should increase efforts to develop renewable energy to reduce reliance against energy especially for energy are unrenewable resourch.


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    Yanuar Yoga Prasetyawan


    Full Text Available AbstractInformation is major requirement for individuals in the information age. Individuals need information to improve their quality of life. For individuals who have limited access to information, it can be considered has the potential bad quality of life. Therefore, it behooves the government to provide the institutions that collect and disseminate information for free of charge regardless of social status, economic, and education, it is  public library. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of Perpustakaan Umum Daerah Jawa Tengah (Central Java Province Public Librariy through the bookmobile service, against forms of social exclusion. This research used a qualitative method with case study approach. The results showed that the public library have should be a social inclusion institution. With such an inclusive label then anyone can go into the library and enjoy a free library service. But there are still some of the community groups who judge the library is an unfriendly place to visit. Seeing the reality, Perpustakaan Umum Daerah Jawa Tengah provides pro-active service by visiting the patron who are far away from the information centre and have limited access to information due to social , economic or education status. The Places were visited include the penitentiary, the brothel, and even the base of the refugee community banned organization. Through bookmobile service  tried to attend as a remover form of social exclusion by providing access to information to the public.Keyword: Public Library; Social Exclussion; Bookmobile LibraryAbstrakKomoditas atau kebutuhan  utama bagi individu di era informasi seperti saat ini adalah informasi. Individu tersebut membutuhkan informasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Bagi individu yang memiliki keterbatasan untuk mengakses informasi, maka dapat ditengarai individu tersebut berpotensi memiliki kualitas hidup yang tidak baik. Oleh karena itu sudah sepatutnya pemerintah menyediakan

  13. Metric Propositional Neighborhood Logics: Expressiveness, Decidability, and Undecidability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bresolin, Davide; Della Monica, Dario; Goranko, Valentin


    Metric Propositional Neighborhood Logic (MPNL) over natural numbers. MPNL features two modalities referring, respectively, to an interval that is “met by” the current one and to an interval that “meets” the current one, plus an infinite set of length constraints, regarded as atomic propositions...... that MPNL is decidable in double exponential time and expressively complete with respect to a well-defined subfragment of the two-variable fragment FO2[N, =,...

  14. Valuasi Ekonomi Hutan Mangrove di Pulau Untung Jawa Kepulauan Seribu : Studi Konservasi Berbasis Green Economy

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    Dandy E Prasetiyo


    Full Text Available Promoting forest as one of green economy asset in Indonesia become an important agenda in the process of development. Forests have an important role as a source of foreign exchange and also as a form of natural resource wealth. The era of globalization with the accelerated economic growth increases the need for both, the fields of agriculture, infrastructure, land requirements and other sectors. Increased human needs are giving a positive correlation to the increased pressure on forests. Mangrove forests as one of the most productive ecosystems in the world are also experiencing the same threat. The expansion of settlements and ponds in coastal areas lead to degradation of mangrove forests is very high. The economic value of mangrove forests of diverse functions such as shoreline protection, habitat for aquatic organisms, carbon storage, and a variety of other functions has not been a lot of concern to the public and policy makers. This study aimed to quantify the economic value of mangrove forests in Untung Jawa Island, Thousand Islands as an effort to support the government's program to realize the green economy in the forestry sector. Method of economic calculation mangrove forests in this research is to calculate the Total Economic Value / Total Economic Valuation (TEV, which consists of direct use values (Direct Use Value and indirect use values (Indirect Use Value. The results showed that the direct use value of mangrove forests in Untung Jawa Island is Rp. 395,126,912 which includes the value of timber, fruit value, and the value of the fishery, while the indirect use value is Rp. 7,500,600,000 calculated from the value of coastal protection, the value of foraging, conservation value, educational value, and recreational value. The total economic value (total economic value of mangrove forests in Untung Jawa Island reached Rp. 7,895,726,912 Keywords : mangrove, green economy, total economic valuation

  15. Preparation of Radwaste Disposal Site in Jawa Island and Its Surrounding Areas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Budi Setiawan; Teddy Sumantry; Heru Sriwahyuni; Hendra A Pratama; Nurul Efri E; Achmad Sjarmufni; Pratomo Budiman; Dadang Suganda; Soegeng Waluyo; Ari Pudyo; Dewi Susilowati; Marwoto


    The task continuation and national needs indicate the important of starting for radioactive waste disposal preparation. As the IAEA procedures for the first step are to accomplished the conceptual and planning stage of radwaste disposal siting in Jawa island. Within the plan, the Milestone, the site important factors, the potential host rock, the possible areas, the aims and the investigation programs have been defined. From the procedures which are followed hopefully in the end of the activities, suitable site(s) to be able selected for radioactive waste disposal facility in near future. (author)

  16. Data Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nilsson, Jørgen Fischer

    A Gentle introduction to logical languages, logical modeling, formal reasoning and computational logic for computer science and software engineering students......A Gentle introduction to logical languages, logical modeling, formal reasoning and computational logic for computer science and software engineering students...

  17. PENGARUH BENTUK ATAP BANGUNAN TRADISIONAL DI JAWA TENGAH UNTUK PENINGKATAN KENYAMANAN (Sebuah pencarian model arsitektur tropis untuk aplikasi desain arsitektur

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    Ridwan Sanjaya


    Full Text Available In the architectural development recently, form of Java traditional roof is still commonly interested. While it is full of philosophic value, form of Java traditional roof also varies. On the other hand, Java traditional architecture concerns deeply in environmental aspect, which is formed in macro and micro concept as well, in order to become harmony and be comfort to dwell in. However, in the development and the application to modern buildings, which uses modern building materials, the thermal comfort aspect and the sturdy of construction are not considered. Therefore, it is necessary to understand well the basic concept of the forming traditional architecture in the context of trophical architecture and the sturdy of construction.This research aims to give descriptions to society, students and architects, in order to understand the importantance of thermal comfort, which can be achieved by well-designed roof.To achieve the expected result, the research is approached through analizing the sturdy of construction, to the original traditional buildings and the modern buildings using the Java traditional roof as well. The thermal comfort analysis is done with some equipments such as digital thermometer, digital hygrometer and digital anemometer. The research result is design recommendation to adjust the modern material to the form of Java traditional roof. By computer program using Visual Basic, it is expected that the research will be easily understood by society and it can be applied in building design. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Dalam perkembangan arsitektur saat ini, bentuk atap tradisional Jawa masih diminati oleh masyarakat. Selain sarat muatan filosofis, bentuk atap tradisional juga bervariasi. Di sisi lain, arsitektur tradisional Jawa sangat memperhatikan aspek lingkungan, yang tertuang dalam konsep makro dan mikro kosmosnya, sehingga selaras dan nyaman untuk dihuni. Namun dalam perkembangan dan penerapan pada bangunan modern, yang

  18. Extending Value Logic Thinking to Value Logic Portfolios

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Poul Houman; Ritter, Thomas


    Based on value creation logic theory (Stabell & Fjeldstad, 1998), this paper suggests an extension of the original Stabell & Fjeldstad model by an additional fourth value logic, the value system logic. Furthermore, instead of only allowing one dominant value creation logic for a given firm...... or transaction, an understanding of firms and transactions as a portfolio of value logics (i.e. an interconnected coexistence of different value creation logics) is proposed. These additions to the original value creation logic theory imply interesting avenues for both, strategic decision making in firms...

  19. Finanční analýza firmy JAWA Moto, s. r. o.


    Kváš, Martin


    This bachelors thesis focuses on the financial analysis of JAWA Moto spol. s r. o. from 2012 to 2015. The thesis is divided into two sections - the methodological and the practical. The first section describes methods and indicators of financial analysis. These are applied to the company data in the second section of the thesis. The analyses made are as follows: horizontal and vertical analysis, analysis of profitability, activity, liquidity, indebtedness, cost ratio and bankruptcy and credib...


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    Puji Riyanti


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan relasi sosial pedagang etnis Cina dan etnis Jawa di pasar tradisional. Penelitian dilakukan di Pasar Tradisional Klampok Purwaja. Relasi sosial antara pedagang etnis Cina dan pedagang etnis Jawa di pasar Purwareja Klampok tercermin dalam beberapa aktivitas yang dilakukan yaitu “relasi sosial di pasar” dan “diluar pasar”. Relasi diluar pasar masih terlihat adanya jarak sosial yang lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh etnisitas, tetapi relasi dalam pasar tampak lebih egalitarian. Pelayanan kepada para pelanggan tidak memperdulikan adanya perbedaan etnis. Secara umum, mereka dapat hidup berdampingan dengan baik, keduanya saling diuntungkan secara ekonomis. Namun stereotype etnis diantara keduanya masih tetap ada dan berkembang dalam masyarakat yang cukup mempengaruhi hubungan sosial kedua etnis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. The objective of this study is to describe the social relations between ethnic Chinese merchants and the Java community in traditional markets. The research was conducted in Klampok market, Purwareja. Social relations between ethnic Chinese merchants and traders in the market of ethnic Javanese Purwareja Klampok reflected in two forms: ”relations inside the market” and ”relations outside the market”. Relations outside the market is characterized with stereotypes, shaped by ethnicity. In contrast, relations inside the market is more egalitarian. Service to the customer is not influenced by ethnicity difference. In general, these two groups can coexist, and economically they are mutually advantaged. However, ethnic stereotypes still exist and thrive in a society and affect both ethnic social relations in everyday life.

  1. Desain Interior Four Points Solo untuk Menampilkan Citra Hotel Bisnis Elegan Kontemporer dengan Sentuhan Budaya Jawa


    Paramita, Trivesti Laksmi


    Kota Solo sebagai salah satu potensi pariwisata di sentral Jawa telah banyak kemajuan. Sebagai salah satu kota wisata MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition) di Indonesia, Solo melengkapi kemajuan infrastuktur kotanya dengan fasilitas penunjang, kemudahan akses dan akomodasi bagi para pebisnis. Hotel bisnis adalah hotel yang fasilitas utamanya dapat mengakomodasi seluruh kegiatan bisnis tamu hotel. Four Points by Sheraton yang merupakan hotel bisnis dengan klasifikasi bintang em...

  2. Desert agricultural terrace systems at EBA Jawa (Jordan) - Layout, water availability and efficiency (United States)

    Meister, Julia; Krause, Jan; Müller-Neuhof, Bernd; Portillo, Marta; Reimann, Tony; Schütt, Brigitta


    Located in the arid basalt desert of northeastern Jordan, the Early Bronze Age (EBA) settlement of Jawa is by far the largest and best preserved archaeological EBA site in the region. Recent surveys in the close vicinity revealed well-preserved remains of three abandoned agricultural terrace systems. In the presented study these archaeological features are documented by detailed mapping and the analysis of the sediment records in a multi-proxy approach. To study the chronology of the terrace systems optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is used. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the water management techniques and its impact on harvest yields, a crop simulation model (CropSyst) under today's climatic conditions is applied, simulating crop yields with and without (runoff) irrigation. In order to do so, a runoff time series for each agricultural terrace system and its catchment is generated, applying the SCS runoff curve number method (CN) based on rainfall and soil data. Covering a total area of 38 ha, irrigated terrace agriculture was practiced on slopes, small plateaus, and valleys in the close vicinity of Jawa. Floodwater from nearby wadis or runoff from adjacent slopes was collected and diverted via surface canals. The terraced fields were arranged in cascades, allowing effective water exploitation through a system of risers, canals and spillways. The examined terrace profiles show similar stratigraphic sequences of mixed unstratified fine sediments that are composed of small-scale relocated sediments with local origin. The accumulation of these fines is associated with the construction of agricultural terraces, forcing infiltration and storage of the water within the terraces. Two OSL ages of terrace fills indicate that the construction of these terrace systems started as early as 5300 ± 300 a, which fits well to the beginning of the occupation phase of Jawa at around 3.500 calBC, thus making them to the oldest examples of its kind in the Middle East

  3. Three-valued logics in modal logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kooi, Barteld; Tamminga, Allard


    Every truth-functional three-valued propositional logic can be conservatively translated into the modal logic S5. We prove this claim constructively in two steps. First, we define a Translation Manual that converts any propositional formula of any three-valued logic into a modal formula. Second, we

  4. Towards a Formal Occurrence Logic based on Predicate Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Badie, Farshad; Götzsche, Hans


    In this discussion we will concentrate on the main characteristics of an alternative kind of logic invented by Hans Götzsche: Occurrence Logic, which is not based on truth functionality. Our approach is based on temporal logic developed and elaborated by A. N. Prior. We will focus on characterising...... argumentation based on formal Occurrence Logic concerning events and occurrences, and illustrate the relations between Predicate Logic and Occurrence Logic. The relationships (and dependencies) is conducive to an approach that can analyse the occurrences of ”logical statements based on different logical...... principles” in different moments. We will also conclude that the elaborated Götzsche’s Occurrence Logic could be able to direct us to a truth-functional independent computer-based logic for analysing argumentation based on events and occurrences....

  5. Pengaturan Hasil Agroforestry Jabon (Neolamarckia Cadamba Miq.) dan Kapulaga (Amomum Compactum) di Kecamatan Pakenjeng, Garut, Jawa Barat


    Indrajaya, Yonky; Siarudin, M


    Agroforestry dapat berkontribusi pada pendapatan petani, baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Pola agroforestry jabon-kapulaga telah banyak diterapkan oleh petani di Pakenjeng, Garut, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis manajemen optimal agroforestry jabon-kapulaga menggunakan metode modeling bioekonomik yang dimodifikasi dari model Faustmann. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) daur optimal agroforestry jabon-kapulaga sesuai daur biologis tegakan jabon adalah lima tahun; 2) d...


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    I Putu Mas Dewantara


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana keefektifan budaya literasi di SD N 3 Banjar Jawa untuk meningkatkan minat baca siswa. Metode atau teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi: wawancara, observasi, angket, dan kuisioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model Miles dan Huberman, yaitu: reduksi, sajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Dari hasil penelitian terjadi peningkatan minat baca siswa sebesar 27%. Program budaya literasi ini dikemas dengan kegiatan 15 menit membaca sebelum jam pelajaran, melaksanakan sabtu literasi, menata perpustakaan, dan menciptakan lingkungan yang kaya teks.

  7. Logic programming extensions of Horn clause logic

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    Ron Sigal


    Full Text Available Logic programming is now firmly established as an alternative programming paradigm, distinct and arguably superior to the still dominant imperative style of, for instance, the Algol family of languages. The concept of a logic programming language is not precisely defined, but it is generally understood to be characterized buy: a declarative nature; foundation in some well understood logical system, e.g., first order logic.


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    M. Widyo Wartono


    Full Text Available Tumbuhan genus Piper mempunyai kandungan minyak atsiri hampir disemua bagiannya, namun komposisi kimianya belum semua dilaporkan. Pada laporan ini kami melakukan isolasi dan identifikasi senyawa kimia minyak atsiri pada bagian buah tumbuhan Piper. Isolasi minyak atsiri buah Piper dilakukan dengan destilasi air menggunakan destilasi Stahl dan analisis komposisi kimia dengan kromatografi gas-spektroskopi masa (GC-MS. Kandungan minyak atsiri buah sirih hijau (Piper betle 1,4% (v/b, cabe jawa (Piper retrofractum 1% (v/b, dan buah kemukus (Piper cubeba 1,7% (v/b. Hasil analisis GC-MS menunjukan kandungan utama minyak atsiri adalah senyawa golongan monoterpen, seskuiterpen dan fenil propanoid. Kandungan utama minyak atsiri buah sirih hijau (P. betle adalah eugenol (12,36%, isokaryofillena (9,55% dan β-selinena (8,09%, sedangkan komponen utama buah cabe jawa (Piper retrofractum adalah isokaryofilen (8,88%, β-bisabolen (7,01% dan zingiberen (6,32%, dan minyak atsiri buah kemukus (Piper cubeba adalah spathulanol (27,05%, sativen (8,73% dan germakren D (7,50%.

  9. Intuitionistic hybrid logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braüner, Torben


    Intuitionistic hybrid logic is hybrid modal logic over an intuitionistic logic basis instead of a classical logical basis. In this short paper we introduce intuitionistic hybrid logic and we give a survey of work in the area.......Intuitionistic hybrid logic is hybrid modal logic over an intuitionistic logic basis instead of a classical logical basis. In this short paper we introduce intuitionistic hybrid logic and we give a survey of work in the area....


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    Aditya Yudha Primantoro


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem pengelolaan arsip di Kantor Perum Perhutani Divisi Regional Jawa Tengah, kendala-kendala yang dihadapi setra upaya-upaya untuk mengatasi kendala dalam sistem pengelolaan arsip. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun subyek penelitian ini adalah petugas Sub.Bag. Umum dan petugas kearsipan di Kantor Perum Perhutani Divisi Regional Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan empat teknik yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, simpulan verivikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sistem pengelolaan arsip di Kantor Perum Perhutani tahap pertama pengumpulan warkat, selanjutnya memeriksa tanda-tanda pelepasan oleh pimpinan, penetapan indeks, pemberian kode warkat, penyortiran, penyimpanan dan penataan warkat, pemeliharaan dan pengamanan arsip, penyusutan arsip, pemusnahan arsip. Kendala yang dihadapi pada saa tmemerikasa tanda-tanda pelepasan serta pendistribusian surat. Upaya yang dilakukan dengan mengirim surat kembali serta menyerahkan kepada pimpinan. The purpose of this study was to determine the records management system in the Office of Perum Perhutani Central Java Regional Division, constraints faced by Setra's efforts to overcome the obstacles in the archive management system. This study used a qualitative approach. The subject of this research is Sub.Bag officer. General and archival officer in the Office of the Regional Division Perhutanioffice Central Java Province. Data were collected by using interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed using four techniques of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification conclusions. The results show records management system in the first phase of the Office Perhutanioffice collection slips, then check for signs of release by the leadership, the determination of the index, script coding, sorting, storage and slips

  11. Motif Dan Kepuasan Masyarakat Surabaya Dalam Menonton Program Dialog “Titik Tengah” Di Metro TV Jawa Timur


    Gunawan, Like


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kepuasan masyarakat Surabaya dalam menonton program dialog “Titik Tengah” di Metro TV Jawa Timur. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan teori Uses and Gratification dengan variabel Gratification Sought (GS) dan Gratification Obtained (GO) yang memiliki indikator yaitu informasi, identitas pribadi, integrasi dan interaksi sosial, dan hiburan.Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis eksplenatif dengan statistik infe...

  12. Classical logic and logicism in human thought


    Elqayam, Shira


    This chapter explores the role of classical logic as a theory of human reasoning. I distinguish between classical logic as a normative, computational and algorithmic system, and review its role is theories of human reasoning since the 1960s. The thesis I defend is that psychological theories have been moving further and further away from classical logic on all three levels. I examine some prominent example of logicist theories, which incorporate logic in their psychological account, includin...

  13. Learning Model of Unggah-Ungguh Basa Oriented to Noble Behavior in SMP (Junior High School) Jawa Timur (East Java) Indonesia (United States)

    Sudikan, Setya Yuwana


    Learning problem of "unggah-ungguh basa", is very complicated. It is needed reorientation and re-setting the approaches, strategies, methods, techniques, and learning contents that can give rise to a new model of learning of "unggah-ungguh basa" oriented to the character formation of children, especially in Jawa Timur. In…

  14. Fungsi dan Proses Pembuatan Topeng di Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robbi Hidajat


    Full Text Available AbstrakTopeng Malang adalah salah satu jenis topeng Jawa yang berkembang di Malang Jawa Timur. Memperhatikan bentuk raut topeng yang digambarkan tergolong dalam genre tokoh-tokoh lakon Panji. Topeng berfungsi sebagai properti seni pertunjukan Wayang Topeng. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian fungsi, baik dari sisi kegunaan material dan teknik pembuatan topeng. Permasalahan penelitian ini ada 2, yaitu (1 apakah fungsi Topeng Malang, (2 bagaimana teknik dan proses pembuatan Topeng Malang. Informan penelitian adalah perajin. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Teknik analisis adalah interpretasi simbolis. Hasil penelitian ini adalah deskripsi tentang fungsi wayang topeng sebagai alat untuk menutup wajah penari agar sebagai bentuk penyamaran bagi penari agar dapat melakukan komunikasi spiritual dengan roh leluhur untuk mengharapkan berkah kesuburan. Teknik dan proses pembuatan Topeng Malang yaitu teknik ukir menggunakan pisau pangot. Proses pembuatannya terdiri dari 4 tahap, mbakali, wiwit, meraeni, dan maesi. Tiga tahap proses ini berelasi dengan proses penggarapan lahan sawah.Kata kunci: topeng, teknik, wayang, kerajinan AbstractMask of Malang is a type of Javanese masks which develop in Malang, East Java. From the face form, the masks portray the figures from Panji tales. The main function of the masks is as a property in Mask Puppet art performance. This research is a study of functions, both in terms of material usability and mask making techniques. The problems discussed in this study are, (1 what the mask of Malang's function is, (2 how the mask making technique and process are. Research informants are craftsmen. Data collection methods are by observation and interviews. Analysis methods are by symbolic interpretation. The results of this study are description of mask puppet as an equipment to cover the dancer's face, as a camouflage in order to communicate spiritually with ancestors' spirits to ask for

  15. Logical labyrinths

    CERN Document Server

    Smullyan, Raymond


    This book features a unique approach to the teaching of mathematical logic by putting it in the context of the puzzles and paradoxes of common language and rational thought. It serves as a bridge from the author's puzzle books to his technical writing in the fascinating field of mathematical logic. Using the logic of lying and truth-telling, the author introduces the readers to informal reasoning preparing them for the formal study of symbolic logic, from propositional logic to first-order logic, a subject that has many important applications to philosophy, mathematics, and computer science. T

  16. AKULTURASI BUDAYA ISLAM DAN JAWA: Ruang Komunal pada Budaya Nyadran Dukuh Krajan, Desa Kromengan, Kabupaten Malang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sri Winarni


    Full Text Available Javanese and Islamic acculturations adhere to the people living at Dukuh Krajan. Javanese social and cultural aspects affect the spirit of Islamic activities. This is obvious by the use of Javanese/Islamic calendar system in every ritual. Yet, the high value of togetherness and communality is decreasing. This change will result in abandoning culture and growing social problem. It also influences the change of common space in the neighborhood. Therefore, it needs exploration on communal space established through Nyadran ritual. The purpose is to maintain the existence of the communal space as well as to develop togetherness and communality for the next generation. The study employs qualitative design with rationalistic approach. The data were collected through observation and interview. The communal space is formed by the activity, the physical area, the doers and the ritual time. The use of communal space in Nyadran ritual reflects togetherness and mutual cooperation value established as the result of the sense of care and the social awareness to share spaces for public interest.Akulturasi budaya Islam dan Jawa masih melekat pada kehidupan masyarakat Dukuh Krajan. Kegiatan Islam suasananya dipengaruhi oleh aspek budaya dan sosial Jawa. Tergambar jelas pada pemakaian kalender Jawa/Islam pada setiap kegiatan budaya. Namun, nilai-nilai kebersamaan dan kegotongroyangan dalam kegiatan sosial budaya saat ini semakin berkurang. Perubahan ini akan berpengaruh terhadap beberapa budaya setempat yang tersisihkan, dan masalah-masalah sosial yang mulai berkembang. Dampaknya akan berpengaruh juga terhadap perubahan ruang-ruang komunal di lingkungan pedesaan. Untuk itu perlu diteliti lebih detail tentang ruang komunal yang terbentuk, khususnya pada runtutan kegiatan budaya nyadran. Tujuannya agar ruang komunal yang terbentuk pada tradisi nyadran eksistensinya tetap ada dan terjaga dengan baik serta dapat bermanfaat dalam menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan rasa


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    Yusuf - Hasyim


    Full Text Available Perkembangan  teknologi informasi menjadi pemicu berbagai perusahaan, organisasi bahkan instansi pemerintah untuk memanfaatkan sistem informasi berbasis desktop maupun Web. Balai pelatihan pertanian Provinsi Jawa Timur pun membutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi manajemen pelatihan untuk mempercepat dan mempermudah pekerjaan di bidang administrasi. Permasalahan yang dialami oleh Balai pelatihan pertanian Provinsi Jawa Timur  yaitu pada kegiatan pelatihan seperti pendaftaran , rekapitulasi hasil pelatihan, dan pembuatan laporan, penjadwalan pelatihan dan administrasi peserta pelatihan. Metodologi pengembangan  yang digunakan dalam membangun sistem informasi manajemen pelatihan adalah prototyping. Implementasi desain program menggunakan bahasa PHP versi 6, Sedangkan DBMS menggunakan MySQL. Dalam sistem informasi ini terdapat fitur untuk melakukan registrasi (pendaftaran peserta secara online, pembuatan surat (pemangilan dan pengembalian peserta, fitur membuat laporan administrasi peserta pelatihan, fitur input materi dan download materi, fitur lihat jadwal, fitur lihat hasil evaluasi dan hasil pelatihan, fitur kelola data peserta pelatihan, dan fitur kelola data widyaiswara. Dengan adanya sistem informasi administrasi berbasis web ini dapat memberikan kemudahan dan meminimalkan kesalahan yang terjadi pada bagian administrasi serta stakeholders yang terkait dengan kegiatan pelatihan tersebut.

  18. Penyakit-Penyakit Penting Buah Naga di Tiga Sentra Pertanaman di Jawa Tengah

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arif Wibowo


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to identify the causal agent of some dragon fruit disease emerging in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY and Central Java. Samples were taken from the dragon fruit plantation from the district of Sleman and Kulonprogo, Province of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta as well as Magelang, Province of Central Java. Isolation of pathogen from symptomatic plant tissue was performed on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA for fungi and Nutrient Agar (NA for bacteria and continued with Koch's postulates testing. The results of field observation showed that the disease commonly occured in all 3 plantations of dragon fruit were stem rot caused by Erwinia sp. and scab caused by Pestalotiopsis sp. Other miscellaneous diseases found among the plantations were brown spot (Fusarium sp., anthracnose (Colletotrichum sp., mosaic that might be caused by Cactus Virus X, root knotnematode (Meloidogyne sp., black rot and red spot which were still unidentified. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyakit-penyait penting pada tanaman buah naga yang ditanam pada sentra pertanaman buah naga di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY dan Jawa Tengah, serta untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab penyakit penting tersebut. Sampel tanaman buah naga diambil dari pertanaman buah naga di Kabupaten Sleman dan Kulon Progo untuk Provinsi DIY serta Magelang untuk Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Isolasi patogen dari jaringan tanaman bergejala dilakukan pada medium Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA untuk jamur dan Nutrient Agar (NA untuk bakteri serta dilanjutkan dengan uji Postulat Koch. Hasil pengamatan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa penyakit yang umum terdapat di 3 lokasi pertanaman buah naga tersebut adalah busuk batang yang disebabkan oleh Erwinia sp. dan kudis yang disebabkan oleh Pestalotiopsis sp. Adapun penyakit-penyakit lain yang dijumpai antara lain bercak coklat (Fusarium sp., antraknosa (Colletotrichum sp., mosaik yang kemungkinan disebabkan oleh Cactus Virus X, puru akar


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    Arik Dwijayanto


    لبحث أن المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية في ماليزيا تحتفظ على قيم التراث المحلية التي تتحقق من خلال العادات والثقافات الموجودة. إن التحويل من قيم التراث المحلية من الأجيال إلى أجيال من قبل المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية قد أظهر طبيعة الإسلام نوسانتارا أو الإسلام الذي يبنى على التسامح. إن المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية في ماليزيا يمكن أن تكون مثالا في بناء المجتمع الإسلامي الذي يبنى على القيم الإسلامية الشاملة والمعتدلة والمتسامحة. ولا تختفي قيم التراث المحلية وعاداتها تحت قيم متطرفة ولكن من الممكن تراث المجتمعات الإسلامية الجاوية هناك يصوّر على القيم الإسلامية الشاملة، والسياقية، والمتسامحة. وهذه هي الثقافة الإسلامية من المجتمعات المسلمة الجاوية في منطقة سري ميدان وباتو بهات. وقد حصلت المجتمعات المسلمة على الجمع بين الثقافة المحلية والإسلام بشكل وثيق.   Abstrak: Komunitas muslim keturunan Jawa merupakan salah satu komunitas Muslim terbesar di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu. Keberadaannya telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap kehidupan sosial keagamaan di Semenanjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pola migrasi, adaptasi dan tradisi masyarakat Muslim keturunan Jawa di Malaysia khususnya dalam menjalankan keseharian kehidupan keagamaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data perpustakaan, lapangan dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan fakta bahwa komunitas Muslim keturunan Jawa di Malaysia tetap memegang teguh nilai

  20. Logical Characterisation of Ontology Construction using Fuzzy Description Logics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Badie, Farshad; Götzsche, Hans

    had the extension of ontologies with Fuzzy Logic capabilities which plan to make proper backgrounds for ontology driven reasoning and argumentation on vague and imprecise domains. This presentation conceptualises learning from fuzzy classes using the Inductive Logic Programming framework. Then......, employs Description Logics in characterising and analysing fuzzy statements. And finally, provides a conceptual framework describing fuzzy concept learning in ontologies using the Inductive Logic Programming....

  1. Model Manajemen Mutu Pembelajaran Entreprenuership Berbasis Sistem Nilai Studi Analisis Kualitatif Di Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri Pasuruan Jawa Timur


    Thoyib, Muhammad


    Realitas eksistensi pesantren itu semakin nyata pentingnya manakala melihat perkembangan pesantren di Indonesia saat ini, khususnya pesantren di wilayah Jawa Timur sebagai representasi ‘induk semang' lahirnya pondok pesantren di nusantara yang semakin pesat. Namun di tengah arus globalisasi yang begitu pesat ini, justru kondisi sebagian besar pesantren di Indonesia mengalami degradasi kualitas pembelajaran yang luar biasa, bahkan banyak yang ‘gulung tikar'. Dalam konteks itulah, upaya mengemb...

  2. Manipulating potential wells in Logical Stochastic Resonance to obtain XOR logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Storni, Remo; Ando, Hiroyasu; Aihara, Kazuyuki; Murali, K.; Sinha, Sudeshna


    Logical Stochastic Resonance (LSR) is the application of Stochastic Resonance to logic computation, namely the phenomenon where a nonlinear system driven by weak signals representing logic inputs, under optimal noise, can yield logic outputs. We extend the existing results, obtained in the context of bistable systems, to multi-stable dynamical systems, allowing us to obtain XOR logic, in addition to the AND (NAND) and OR (NOR) logic observed in earlier studies. This strategy widens the scope of LSR from the application point of view, as XOR forms the basis of ubiquitous bit-by-bit addition, and conceptually, showing the ability to yield non-monotonic input–output logic associations. -- Highlights: ► We generalize Logical Stochastic Resonance from bistable to multi-stable systems. ► We propose a tristable dynamical system formed of piecewise linear functions. ► The system can correctly reproduce XOR logic behavior using the LSR principle. ► The system yields different logic behavior without the need to change the dynamics.

  3. Classical Mathematical Logic The Semantic Foundations of Logic

    CERN Document Server

    Epstein, Richard L


    In Classical Mathematical Logic, Richard L. Epstein relates the systems of mathematical logic to their original motivations to formalize reasoning in mathematics. The book also shows how mathematical logic can be used to formalize particular systems of mathematics. It sets out the formalization not only of arithmetic, but also of group theory, field theory, and linear orderings. These lead to the formalization of the real numbers and Euclidean plane geometry. The scope and limitations of modern logic are made clear in these formalizations. The book provides detailed explanations of all proo

  4. Transforming equality logic to propositional logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zantema, H.; Groote, J.F.


    Abstract We investigate and compare various ways of transforming equality formulas to propositional formulas, in order to be able to solve satisfiability in equality logic by means of satisfiability in propositional logic. We propose equality substitution as a new approach combining desirable

  5. Penentuan Batas Pengelolaan Wilayah Laut Antara Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Provinsi Bali Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rainhard Sumarto Simatupang


    Full Text Available Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah merupakan pembaharuan dari undang-undang sebelumnya yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 dikarenakan beberapa hal yang sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan perkembangan keadaan pada saat ini[1]. Beberapa perubahan peraturan dalam hal penentuan batas wilayah pengelolaan laut daerah yang terkandung dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 dari undang-undang sebelumnya yaitu mengenai penentuan garis pantai, batas wilayah bagi hasil kabupaten/kota, serta kewenangan setiap daerah baik provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota. Dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 ditetapkan bahwa batas maksimal wilayah laut provinsi sejauh 12 mil laut, sedangkan batas bagi hasil kelautan kabupaten/kota maksimal sejauh 4 mil laut. Apabila wilayah laut antar provinsi tidak mencapai batas maksimal masing-masing, maka batas akan dibagi sama jarak dengan prinsip garis tengah (median line. Penelitian ini merupakan bentuk pengaplikasian Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 dalam memperbaharui penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut daerah. Dalam penelitian ini  dibahas bagaimana menentukan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut daerah serta dilakukan analisa dari hasil penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut. Lokasi Penelitian ini adalah Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Provinsi Bali tepatnya perbatasan pada Kabupaten Banyuwangi (Jawa Timur dan Kabupaten Buleleng (Bali sampai Kabupaten Jembrana (Bali. Penentuan batas pengelolaan wilayah laut dilakukan dengan metode kartometrik menggunakan data Citra Satelit SPOT 7 2015 dan data Peta Lingkungan Pantai Indonesia (LPI 2002. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan median line sepanjang 40,3 km yang dibentuk oleh 41 titik, serta diperoleh luas wilayah pengelolaan laut Provinsi Jawa Timur sebesar 233,37 km2 dan Provinsi Bali sebesar 233,77 km2 (sesuai batasan lokasi dengan selisih sebesar 0,4 km2 serta batas wilayah bagi hasil kelautan untuk kabupaten/kota. Dihasilkan juga peta batas

  6. MetHumi - Humidity Device for Mars MetNet Lander (United States)

    Genzer, Maria; Polkko, Jouni; Harri, Ari-Matti; Schmidt, Walter; Leinonen, Jussi; Mäkinen, Teemu; Haukka, Harri


    MetNet Mars Mission focused for Martian atmospheric science is based on a new semihard landing vehicle called the MetNet Lander (MNL). The MNL will have a versatile science payload focused on the atmospheric science of Mars. The scientific payload of the MetNet Mission encompasses separate instrument packages for the atmospheric entry and descent phase and for the surface operation phase. MetHumi is the humidity sensor of MetNet Lander designed to work on Martian surface. It is based on Humicap® technology developed by Vaisala, Inc. MetHumi is a capacitive type of sensing device where an active polymer film changes capacitance as function of relative humidity. One MetHumi device package consists of one humidity transducer including three Humicap® sensor heads, an accurate temperature sensor head (Thermocap® by Vaisala, Inc.) and constant reference channels. MetHumi is very small, lightweighed and has low power consumption. It weighs only about 15 g without wires, and consumes 15 mW of power. MetHumi can make meaningful relative humidity measurements in range of 0 - 100%RH down to -70°C ambient temperature, but it survives even -135°C ambient temperature.

  7. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism is associated with age-related change in reasoning skills. (United States)

    Harris, S E; Fox, H; Wright, A F; Hayward, C; Starr, J M; Whalley, L J; Deary, I J


    A polymorphism (Val66Met) in the gene encoding brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has previously been associated with impaired hippocampal function and scores on the Logical Memory subtest of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R). Despite its widespread expression in the brain, there have been few studies examining the role of BDNF on cognitive domains, other than memory. We examined the association between BDNF Val66Met genotype and non-verbal reasoning, as measured by Raven's standard progressive matrices (Raven), in two cohorts of relatively healthy older people, one aged 79 (LBC1921) and the other aged 64 (ABC1936) years. LBC1921 and ABC1936 subjects had reasoning measured at age 11 years, using the Moray House Test (MHT), in the Scottish Mental Surveys of 1932 and 1947, respectively. BDNF genotype was significantly associated with later life Raven scores, controlling for sex, age 11 MHT score and cohort (P = 0.001). MHT, Verbal Fluency and Logical Memory scores were available, in later life, for LBC1921 only. BDNF genotype was significantly associated with age 79 MHT score, controlling for sex and age 11 MHT score (P = 0.016). In both significant associations, Met homozygotes scored significantly higher than heterozygotes and Val homozygotes. This study indicates that BDNF genotype contributes to age-related changes in reasoning skills, which are closely related to general intelligence.

  8. Met kerse op met -konstruksies 1 : 'n Verwysingspuntperspektief ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Met kerse op met-konstruksies1: 'n Verwysingspuntperspektief. Johanna Messerschmidt, Luna Bergh. Abstract. This article analyses the usage of the Afrikaans preposition met ('with'). The analysis is done within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics and more specifically within the model proposed by Langacker (1993) ...

  9. Logic and Ontology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Newton C. A. da Costa


    Full Text Available In view of the present state of development of non classical logic, especially of paraconsistent logic, a new stand regarding the relations between logic and ontology is defended In a parody of a dictum of Quine, my stand May be summarized as follows. To be is to be the value of a variable a specific language with a given underlying logic Yet my stand differs from Quine’s, because, among other reasons, I accept some first order heterodox logics as genuine alternatives to classical logic I also discuss some questions of non classical logic to substantiate my argument, and suggest that may position complements and extends some ideas advanced by L Apostel.

  10. Structural Logical Relations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schürmann, Carsten; Sarnat, Jeffrey


    Tait's method (a.k.a. proof by logical relations) is a powerful proof technique frequently used for showing foundational properties of languages based on typed lambda-calculi. Historically, these proofs have been extremely difficult to formalize in proof assistants with weak meta-logics......, such as Twelf, and yet they are often straightforward in proof assistants with stronger meta-logics. In this paper, we propose structural logical relations as a technique for conducting these proofs in systems with limited meta-logical strength by explicitly representing and reasoning about an auxiliary logic...

  11. MetBaro - Pressure Device for Mars MetNet Lander (United States)

    Haukka, Harri; Polkko, Jouni; Harri, Ari-Matti; Schmidt, Walter; Leinonen, Jussi; Genzer, Maria; Mäkinen, Teemu


    MetNet Mars Mission focused for Martian atmospheric science is based on a new semihard landing vehicle called the MetNet Lander (MNL). The MNL will have a versatile science payload focused on the atmospheric science of Mars. The scientific payload of the MetNet Mission encompasses separate instrument packages for the atmospheric entry and descent phase and for the surface operation phase. MetBaro is the pressure sensor of MetNet Lander designed to work on Martian surface. It is based on Barocap® technology developed by Vaisala, Inc. MetBaro is a capacitive type of sensing device where capasitor plates are moved by ambient pressure. MetBaro device consists of two pressure transducers including a total of 4 Barocap® sensor heads of high-stability and high-resolution types. The long-term stability of MetBaro is in order of 20…50 µBar and resolution a few µBar. MetBaro is small, lightweighed and has low power consumption. It weighs about 50g without wires and controlling FPGA, and consumes 15 mW of power. A similar device has successfully flown in Phoenix mission, where it performed months of measurements on Martian ground. Another device is also part of the Mars Science Laboratory REMS instrument (to be launched in 2011).

  12. Gampong Jawa Landfill of Banda Aceh: a Case Study of Dumpsite Rehabilitation to a Sustainable Landfill


    Mirzayanto; Yulian Gressando


    Gampong Jawa dumpsite was established in 1994 as part of Banda Aceh Municipality (BAM) efforts to participate in Adipura Award for the category of clean and green city. The 12 ha area was a dumpsite for most of wastes from BAM and Aceh Besar District. When earthquake/tsunami hit Banda Aceh in December 2004, it was completely destroyed and all the wastes were swept away. This paper is aimed to present the lessons of how a dumpsite is rehabilitated to a landfill. Some issues and ...

  13. BDI Logics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meyer, J.J.Ch.; Broersen, J.M.; Herzig, A.


    This paper presents an overview of so-called BDI logics, logics where the notion of Beliefs, Desires and Intentions play a central role. Starting out from the basic ideas about BDI by Bratman, we consider various formalizations in logic, such as the approach of Cohen and Levesque, slightly

  14. Many-valued logics

    CERN Document Server

    Bolc, Leonard


    Many-valued logics were developed as an attempt to handle philosophical doubts about the "law of excluded middle" in classical logic. The first many-valued formal systems were developed by J. Lukasiewicz in Poland and E.Post in the U.S.A. in the 1920s, and since then the field has expanded dramatically as the applicability of the systems to other philosophical and semantic problems was recognized. Intuitionisticlogic, for example, arose from deep problems in the foundations of mathematics. Fuzzy logics, approximation logics, and probability logics all address questions that classical logic alone cannot answer. All these interpretations of many-valued calculi motivate specific formal systems thatallow detailed mathematical treatment. In this volume, the authors are concerned with finite-valued logics, and especially with three-valued logical calculi. Matrix constructions, axiomatizations of propositional and predicate calculi, syntax, semantic structures, and methodology are discussed. Separate chapters deal w...

  15. Quantum Logic as a Dynamic Logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baltag, A.; Smets, S.

    We address the old question whether a logical understanding of Quantum Mechanics requires abandoning some of the principles of classical logic. Against Putnam and others (Among whom we may count or not E. W. Beth, depending on how we interpret some of his statements), our answer is a clear “no”.

  16. Quantum logic as a dynamic logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baltag, Alexandru; Smets, Sonja

    We address the old question whether a logical understanding of Quantum Mechanics requires abandoning some of the principles of classical logic. Against Putnam and others (Among whom we may count or not E. W. Beth, depending on how we interpret some of his statements), our answer is a clear "no".

  17. Risiko Kerugian Akibat Longsor di Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fathiyya Ulfa


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan provinsi yang memiliki riwayat kejadian longsor tertinggi di Indonesia. Salah satu wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang sering terjadi longsor adalah Desa Cibanteng, Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur. Pada dua tahun terakhir telah terjadi dua kali pergerakan tanah di daerah yang berbeda di Desa Cibanteng. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi besar risiko kerugian bencana longsor pada masa akan datang sehingga bantuan saat terjadi longsor dapat dioptimalkan. Untuk memprediksi besar risiko kerugian digunakan variabel bahaya, kerentanan dan kapasitas kebencanaan longsor. Masing-masing variabel memiliki beberapa indikator tertentu yakni penggunaan tanah, lereng, dan kepadatan penduduk. Penghitungan risiko kerugian dilakukan menggunakan metode overlay masing-masing variabel. Hasil penelitian adalah berupa prediksi risiko kerugian sebesar Rp. 10,1 milyar. Besar risiko kerugian tersebut didapat dari nilai bangunan, jaringan jalan, jaringan listrik dan produktivitas pertanian. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wilayah risiko bencana longsor mendominasi dibagian selatan Desa Cibanteng.   ABSTRACT West Java Province is a province have a high landslide history in Indonesia. One of the area in West Java Province which often occuring a landslide is Cibanteng Village, Sukaresmi District, Cianjur Regency. In the last two years has been soil movement twice in different areas in the village Cibanteng. This study aims to predict big losses from landslides in future so that assistance can be optimized during a landslide. To predict the risk of loss used hazards variable, vulnerabilities and capacities of landslide disasters. Each variables have some specific indicators namely landuse, slope, and population density. The calculation of losses risk using overlay method in each variable. The results are prediction of losses risk of Rp. 10.1 billion. Great of losses risk can be assessed from value of building , road networks


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    Roibin Roibin


    Full Text Available Empirical analysis on the religion and culture dialectics in the selamatan ritual of Javanese wedding has not been explored by teologist, social scientist or religion anthropologist. Their studies on such a case mostly concern with ontological-philological text analysis not directly related with the religious tradition and socio-culture which is more dynamic and realistic. This study employs social definition paradigm and phenomenological theory approach limited to the dialectic pattern between religion and myth in the ritual selamatan of Javanese wedding. The data were collected though interviewing and observing religious leaders, ethnic leaders, and Muslim preacher in Ngajum, Malang. The study found two models of dialectic pattern namely theological-compromistic and theological-humanistic. The earlier describes the theological shift from emotional-naturalistic to rational-formalistic. The later describes the theological shift from personal to social awareness theology. Telaah empirik seputar pola dialektika antara agama dan budaya dalam kasus ritual selamatan pernikahan adat Jawa, belum banyak dilakukan oleh para pakar agama, ilmuan sosial, maupun ilmuan antropolog agama. Kajian mereka terhadap kasus ini pada umumnya masih menekankan pada objek pembacaan teks secara ontologis-filologis, yang tidak bersinggungan secara langsung terhadap tradisi keagamaan dan budaya masyarakat yang lebih dinamis dan realistis. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma definisi sosial dan pendekatan teori fenomenologis, yang dibatasi pada pola dialektika antara agama dan mitos dalam kasus ritual selamatan pernikahan adat Jawa. Data diperoleh dengan cara menginterview dan mengobservasi para tokoh agama, tokoh adat, dan para da’i yang ada di Ngajum, Malang. Penelitian ini menemukan dua model yaitu pola dialektika teologis-kompromistik dan pola dialektika teologis-humanistik. Pola dialektika pertama, menggambarkan pergeseran teologis, dari teologi yang bersifat

  19. Product Lukasiewicz Logic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Horčík, Rostislav; Cintula, Petr


    Roč. 43, - (2004), s. 477-503 ISSN 1432-0665 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1030004; GA ČR GA201/02/1540 Grant - others:GA CTU(CZ) project 0208613; net CEEPUS(SK) SK-042 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1030915 Keywords : fuzzy logic * many-valued logic * Lukasiewicz logic * Lpi logic * Takeuti-Titani logic * MV-algebras * product MV-algebras Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.295, year: 2004

  20. Against Logical Form

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    P N Johnson-Laird


    Full Text Available An old view in logic going back to Aristotle is that an inference is valid in virtue of its logical form. Many psychologists have adopted the same point of view about human reasoning: the first step is to recover the logical form of an inference, and the second step is to apply rules of inference that match these forms in order to prove that the conclusion follows from the premises. The present paper argues against this idea. The logical form of an inference transcends the grammatical forms of the sentences used to express it, because logical form also depends on context. Context is not readily expressed in additional premises. And the recovery of logical form leads ineluctably to the need for infinitely many axioms to capture the logical properties of relations. An alternative theory is that reasoning depends on mental models, and this theory obviates the need to recover logical form.

  1. Analisis Spasial Kejadian Filariasi di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah

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    Nurjazuli Nurjazuli


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang: Filariasis merupakan salah satu penyakit tular vektor yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian, termasuk kelompok Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs. Kabupaten Demak merupakan salah satu wilayah di Propinsi Jawa Tengah  yang merupakan daerah endemis filarisis (mf rate>1%. Kejadian filarisis di daerah ini diduga berkaitan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik dan biologis (nyamuk yang mempunyai peran penting dalam penyebaran penyakit filarisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan adanya penderita baru,  mengidentifikasi kondisi lingkungan fisik dan biologi yang berkaitan dengan sebaran filarisis di Kabupaten Demak. Matede: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional. Sebanyak 30 kasus filariasis dijadikan indek kasus yang selanjutnya dipilih secara purposif sebanyak 140 yang tinggal di sekitar 30 kasus tersebut untuk dilakukan pengamblan darah jari. Observasi lingkungan dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi lingkungan (breeding places dan resting places dari yang diduga sebagai nyamuk vektor filariasis. Penangkapan nyamuk dilakukan di sekitar rumah penderita filariasis. Pengukuran koordinat kasus filariais dilakukan dengan pesawat Geographic Positioning System (GPS. Pemeriksaan darah jadi jari dilakukan di Laboratorium Kesehatan Daerah (LABKESDA Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Sedang bedah nyamuk dilakukan di Balai Penelitian Vektor Penyakit Banjarnegara. Analisis data dlakukan secara deskriptif, analisis spasial dilakukan dengan software ArcGis 9.3. Hasil: Penelitian ini tidak menemukan penderita baru filarisis (mf rate=0%. Sebanyak 129 ekor nyamuk telah dilakukan pembedahan dengan hasil semuanya negatip cacing filaria. Hasil identifikasi nyamuk menemukan spesies nyamuk Culex quinquefasciatus merupakan nyamuk yang dominan (72,86% di lokasi penelitian.Terdapat breeding places (40% berupa genangan air terbuka (SPAL dan resting places (83,3% berupa semak-semak di sekitar rumah penderita. Analisis spasial

  2. Superconductor fluxoid logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andronov, A.A.; Kurin, V.V.; Levichev, M.Yu.; Ryndyk, D.A.; Vostokov, V.I.


    In recent years there has been much interest in superconductor logical devices. Our paper is devoted to the analysis of some new possibilities in this field. The main problems here are: minimization of time of logical operations and reducing of device scale. Josephson systems are quite appropriate for this purpose because of small size, short characteristic time and also small energy losses. Two different types of Josephson logic have been investigated during last years. The first type is based on hysteretic V-A characteristic of a single Josephson junction. Superconducting and resistive (with nonzero voltage) states are considered as logical zero and logical unit. The second one - rapid single flux quantum logic, has been developed recently and is based on SQUID-like bistability. Different logical states are the states with different number of magnetic flux quanta inside closed superconducting contour. Information is represented by voltage pulses with fixed ''area'' (∫ V(t)/dt). This pulses are generated when logical state of SQUID-like elementary cell changes. The fundamental role of magnetic flux quantization in this type of logic leads to the necessity of large enough self-inductance of superconductor contour and thus to limitations on minimal device dimensions. (orig.)

  3. Advances in Modal Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Modal logic is a subject with ancient roots in the western logical tradition. Up until the last few generations, it was pursued mainly as a branch of philosophy. But in recent years, the subject has taken new directions with connections to topics in computer science and mathematics. This volume...... is the proceedings of the conference of record in its fi eld, Advances in Modal Logic. Its contributions are state-of-the-art papers. The topics include decidability and complexity results for specifi c modal logics, proof theory of modal logic, logics for reasoning about time and space, provability logic, dynamic...... epistemic logic, and the logic of evidence....

  4. Mathematical logic

    CERN Document Server

    Kleene, Stephen Cole


    Undergraduate students with no prior instruction in mathematical logic will benefit from this multi-part text. Part I offers an elementary but thorough overview of mathematical logic of 1st order. Part II introduces some of the newer ideas and the more profound results of logical research in the 20th century. 1967 edition.

  5. Indeterministic Temporal Logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trzęsicki Kazimierz


    Full Text Available The questions od determinism, causality, and freedom have been the main philosophical problems debated since the beginning of temporal logic. The issue of the logical value of sentences about the future was stated by Aristotle in the famous tomorrow sea-battle passage. The question has inspired Łukasiewicz’s idea of many-valued logics and was a motive of A. N. Prior’s considerations about the logic of tenses. In the scheme of temporal logic there are different solutions to the problem. In the paper we consider indeterministic temporal logic based on the idea of temporal worlds and the relation of accessibility between them.

  6. Classical Logic and Quantum Logic with Multiple and Common Lattice Models

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    Mladen Pavičić


    Full Text Available We consider a proper propositional quantum logic and show that it has multiple disjoint lattice models, only one of which is an orthomodular lattice (algebra underlying Hilbert (quantum space. We give an equivalent proof for the classical logic which turns out to have disjoint distributive and nondistributive ortholattices. In particular, we prove that both classical logic and quantum logic are sound and complete with respect to each of these lattices. We also show that there is one common nonorthomodular lattice that is a model of both quantum and classical logic. In technical terms, that enables us to run the same classical logic on both a digital (standard, two-subset, 0-1-bit computer and a nondigital (say, a six-subset computer (with appropriate chips and circuits. With quantum logic, the same six-element common lattice can serve us as a benchmark for an efficient evaluation of equations of bigger lattice models or theorems of the logic.

  7. MetBaro - Pressure Instrument for Mars MetNet Lander (United States)

    Polkko, J.; Haukka, H.; Harri, A.-M.; Schmidt, W.; Leinonen, J.; Mäkinen, T.


    THE METNET MISSION FOCUSED ON THE Martian atmospheric science is based on a new semihard landing vehicle called the MetNet Lander (MNL). The MNL will have a versatile science payload focused on the atmospheric science of Mars. The scientific payload of the MetNet Mission encompasses separate instrument packages for the atmospheric entry and descent phase and for the surface operation phase. MetBaro is the pressure instrument of MetNet Lander designed to work on Martian surface. It is based on Barocap® technology developed by Vaisala, Inc. MetBaro is a capacitic type of sensing device where capasitor plates are moved by ambient pressure. MetBaro device consists of two pressure transducers including a total of 6 Barocap® sensor heads of high-stability and high-resolution types. The long-term stability of MetBaro is in order of 20…50 µBar and resolution a few µBar. MetBaro is small, lightweighed and has low power consumption. It weighs about 50g without wires and controlling FPGA, and consumes 15 mW of power. A similar device has successfully flown in Phoenix mission, where it performed months of measurements on Martian ground. Another device is also part of the Mars Science Laboratory REMS instrument (to be launched in 2011).

  8. Real Time Implementation of a DC Motor Speed Control by Fuzzy Logic Controller and PI Controller Using FPGA

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    G. Sakthivel


    Full Text Available Fuzzy logic control has met with growing interest in many motor control applications due to its non-linearity, handling features and independence of plant modelling. The hardware implementation of fuzzy logic controller (FLC on FPGA is very important because of the increasing number of fuzzy applications requiring highly parallel and high speed fuzzy processing. Implementation of a fuzzy logic controller and conventional PI controller on an FPGA using VHDL for DC motor speed control is presented in this paper. The proposed scheme is to improve tracking performance of D.C. motor as compared to the conventional (PI control strategy .This paper describes the hardware implementation of two inputs (error and change in error, one output fuzzy logic controller based on PI controller and conventional PI controller using VHDL. Real time implementation FLC and conventional PI controller is made on Spartan-3A DSP FPGA (XC3SD1800A FPGA for the speed control of DC motor. It is observed that fuzzy logic based controllers give better responses than the conventional PI controller for the speed control of dc motor.

  9. Propositional Logics of Dependence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yang, F.; Väänänen, J.


    In this paper, we study logics of dependence on the propositional level. We prove that several interesting propositional logics of dependence, including propositional dependence logic, propositional intuitionistic dependence logic as well as propositional inquisitive logic, are expressively complete


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    Fanny Longa Romero


    Full Text Available The wayuu are an Indian people of the Arawak linguistic family which lives in the Guajira Peninsula, in Northeast Colombia, on the Caribbean Sea, and the Western border of Venezuela. This paper studies the relation between existing and expressed ajapüjawa (dream spirit and other beings (plants, dead people, with intent, that will guide and influence the daily practices of the wayuu. The purpose here is to explore the agency from these existing rituals of death and revenge. I claim that these rituals provide information about the construction of the notion of person by the wayuu people through a symbolic economy of alterity. The wayuu people build, experience, and signify their cultural dynamics through the interference of active spiritual entities that impinge both upon life and death as two continuous, though separate, realms of social life.

  11. Differences in MetS marker prevalence between black African and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Multiple linear regression analysis, independent of covariates, showed that the albumin:creatinine ratio is explained only by glucose in Africans. Conclusion: African women, as a group, present with few MetS risk factors, and glucose is associated with renal function risk in Africans. Keywords: MetS, metabolic syndrome, ...

  12. Abductive Logic Grammars

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Henning; Dahl, Veronica


    By extending logic grammars with constraint logic, we give them the ability to create knowledge bases that represent the meaning of an input string. Semantic information is thus defined through extra-grammatical means, and a sentence's meaning logically follows as a by-product of string rewriting....... We formalize these ideas, and exemplify them both within and outside first-order logic, and for both fixed and dynamic knowledge bases. Within the latter variety, we consider the usual left-to-right derivations that are traditional in logic grammars, but also -- in a significant departure from...

  13. Applications of Logic Coverage Criteria and Logic Mutation to Software Testing (United States)

    Kaminski, Garrett K.


    Logic is an important component of software. Thus, software logic testing has enjoyed significant research over a period of decades, with renewed interest in the last several years. One approach to detecting logic faults is to create and execute tests that satisfy logic coverage criteria. Another approach to detecting faults is to perform mutation…

  14. Budaya Makan di Luar Rumah di Perkotaan Jawa pada Periode Akhir Kolonial

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    Gregorius Andika Ariwibowo


    Full Text Available Eating out behavior is one of picturesque studies which reviewing about people behavior and life style. This article developed from author thesis which described about culinary culture in Javanese Cities during late colonial era. This development is done by inserting Alan Warde and Lydia Martens concept that’s research about eating out culture in England. They resumed that eating out behavior related with pleasure and amusement. According with that concept this research will describe about how eating out behavior provide an influence to life style behavior on Javanese urbans people, especially for elite and middle class society. This study used Historical studies method that focus on research of mass media, advertisement publicity, and traveloque from that’s period. This study inference that eating out culture and behavior not just related with need complianced but furthemore to show a behavior and life style which  measure to a social and cultural symbol for the subject.   Perilaku makan di luar rumah merupakan salah satu kajian yang menarik terutama dalam mengkaji mengenai perilaku dan gaya hidup dalam masyarakat. Kajian merupakan pengembangan dari tesis penulis yang sebelumnya membahas mengenai budaya makan d perkotaan Jawa pada periode kolonial. Pengembangan ini dilakukan dengan memasukan konsep Alan Warde dan Lydia Marteens yang mengkaji mengenai budaya makan luar rumah di Inggris. Mereka menyimpulkan bahwa perilaku makan di luar rumah berkaitan dengan perilaku kesenangan dan hiburan. Maka berdasarkan konsep tersebut pada tulisan ini dibahas hal mengenai bagaiamana pengaruh perkembangan budaya makan di luar rumah dalam keterkaitan dengan perilaku gaya hidup masyarakat perkotaan Jawa, terutama bagi kalangan elit dan menengah. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi ilmu sejarah dengan menggunakan sumber-sumber dari media massa, iklan, dan jurnal perjalanan yang berasal dari periode tersebut.  Hasil dari kajian ini bahwa perilaku dan budaya


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    Kamaluddin Kasim


    Full Text Available Ikan tenggiri (Scomberomorus spp. di Laut Jawa merupakan jenis ikan pelagis ekonomis penting yang banyak dieksploitasi karena permintaan dan harga yang tinggi. Agar pengelolaan dapat dilakukan dengan benar maka   diperlukan informasi mengenai status pemanfaatan dan musim penangkapannya. Data primer untuk  penelitian ini diperoleh dengan metode wawancara sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan melalui pencatatan hasil tangkapan ikan tenggiri periode 1999-2012 oleh enumerator di PPN Pekalongan dan kajian hasil peneitian terdahulu. Metode analisis model surplus produksi dan indeks musim penangkapan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY ikan tenggiri di Laut Jawa sebesar 438 ton sedangkan effort maksimum sebesar 1000 trip setara jaring insang (gill net < 30 GT. Nilai CPUE cenderung menurun selama periode tahun 1999 hingga tahun 2012 yakni sebesar 1,73 ton/trip pada tahun 2005 menjadi hanya sebesar 0,37 ton/trip pada tahun 2011. Indeks musim Penangkapan (IMP menunjukkan bahwa ikan tenggiri melimpah pada periode Maret sampai dengan Juni dan periode Oktober hingga Desember sepanjang tahun. Narrow-barred spanish mackerel (Scomberomorous commerson is an economically important pelagic species in Java Sea that continue to be exploited due to the high demand and prices. The research regarding status of utilization and fishing season was conducted in order to obtain the optimal efforts and sustainable management. The research was conducted through interviews method to fishermen while the secondary data collected during the period of 1999-2012 through field enumerators in PPN Pekalongan as well as reviewing previous research studies. The results showed that Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY was 243.5 tons, while the maximum effort as much as 1000 trips equivalent to gill nets. Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE was declined during the period 1999 through 2012 of 0.251 tons / trip in 2005 became 0.052 tons

  16. Studi Analisa Stabilitas Transien Sistem Jawa-Madura-Bali (Jamali 500kV Setelah Masuknya Pembangkit Paiton 1000 MW Pada Tahun 2021

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    Prima Prahasta Rezky


    Full Text Available Dengan kebutuhan akan listrik yang setiap tahunnya meningkat khususnya di pulau jawa dan sekitarnya, pemerintah melalui PLN merencanakan pengembangan kapasitas dan energi listrik guna mengatasi meningkatnya kebutuhan tersebut. Sehingga pada tahun 2021 sistem kelistrikan di Jawa-Bali menambahkan satu unit pembangkit Paiton 1000 MW. Dengan adanya pembangkit baru tersebut maka diperlukan rekonfigurasi jaringan dan perlu dilakukan analisis ulang terhadap kinerja sistem secara keseluruhan. Dari hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa untuk kasus lepasnya generator, lepasnya satu saluran dan saluran dobel sirkit tidak menyebabkan sistem lepas sinkron. Karena ketika generator lepas, daya supply yang hilang hanya 2% dari total pembangkitan dan lepasnya saluran dapat di backup oleh sistem interkoneksi. Begitu juga dengan kasus single pole auto reclosing dengan waktu CB kembali tertutup sebesar 500 ms setelah gangguan, hasil respon sudut rotor, frekuensi dan tegangan menunjukkan sistem tetap stabil. Kemudian untuk kasus waktu pemutusan kritis (CCT, nilai CCT pada sistem berada pada kisaran 300 ms – 400 ms. Sehingga dengan standart batas pemutusan CB untuk sistem transmisi adalah 120 ms – 140 ms maka dapat dikatakan sistem tetap stabil ketika terjadi hubung singkat tiga fasa ke tanah.

  17. Stochastic coalgebraic logic

    CERN Document Server

    Doberkat, Ernst-Erich


    Combining coalgebraic reasoning, stochastic systems and logic, this volume presents the principles of coalgebraic logic from a categorical perspective. Modal logics are also discussed, including probabilistic interpretations and an analysis of Kripke models.


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    Bagus Ananda Kurniawan


    Full Text Available Abstrak Pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada langsung Jawa Timur putaran kedua sebentar lagi akan dimulai. Calon kepala daerah telah mempersiapkan diri dalam usaha untuk memenangkan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah. Beberapa metode telah dilakukan oleh kedua pasangan pemenang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah di Wilayah Jawa Timur ini. Usaha yang dilakukan tentu saja memiliki tujuan akhir agar mendapatkan suara dari masyarakat. Pada proses political marketing, ada empat hal yang harus diperhatikan kontestan yaitu, product (platform, karakter personal, janji-janji kampanye, price (biaya kampanye, lobi-lobi politik, place (basis massa, tim sukses, dan promotion (advertising, publicity, kampanye. Selain itu, dalam berkampanye kontestan juga harus memperhatikan banyak faktor yang dapat memengaruhi jumlah perolehan suara, seperti bentuk kelompok gaya hidup masyarakat yang beranekaragam, hal-hal yang mempengaruhi pemilih dalam memilih para kontestan, tipologi pemilih, serta segmentasi dan positioning politik. Hal lain yang menjadi perhatian dan pokok kajian pemikiran politik Tan Malaka dalam keyakinan politik adalah strategi dan taktik. Kata Kunci: Political Marketing, Demokrasi yang Berkualitas, pemikiran Politik dan Sosial Tan Malaka


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    Frestiana Dyah Mulasari


    Full Text Available Kesenjangan antara perempuan dan laki-laki di Provinsi Jawa Tengah masih tinggi baik dalam bidang kesehatan, pendidikan, dan ketenagakerjaan. Semakin tumbuhnya perekonomian justru membuat kaum perempuan semakin terpinggirkan dan masuk semakin dalam pada kemiskinan. Oleh karena itu, perlu diteliti tentang peran gender perempuan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Jawa Tengah dilihat dari Angka Harapan Hidup Perempuan, Rata-rata Lama Sekolah Perempuan, dan Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja Perempuan. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana peran Gender Perempuan dilihat dari sisi kesehatan yaitu Angka Harapan Hidup Perempuan, Rata-rata Lama Sekolah Perempuan dari sisi pendidikan, dan Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja Perempuan dari sisi ketenagakerjaan terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2008-2012. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode dokumentasi dengan jenis data sekunder. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis statistik deskriptif.Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah peran perempuan dilihat dari angka harapan hidup perempuan memiliki nilai yang lebih baik dibandingkan laki-laki, rata-rata lama sekolah perempuan masih berada di bawah rata-rata lama sekolah laki-laki, tingkat partisipasi angkatan kerja perempuan masih di bawah tingkat partisipasi angkatan kerja laki-laki. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah peningkatan dalam pendidikan perempuan, pendidikan dan kesehatan perempuan adalah dua hal yang saling berkaitan. Apabila perempuan pendidikannya baik maka kelak generasi penerus akan memiliki kualitas yang baik pula. Dalam ketenagakerjaan adalah dilakukan peninjauan kembali kebijakan yang membuat perempuan termarginalkan dalam dunia kerja.  Discrepancy between man and woman in Central Java which still high in health, education, and employment areas. The growing economy makes women increasingly marginalized in deeper poverty

  20. Towards an arithmetical logic the arithmetical foundations of logic

    CERN Document Server

    Gauthier, Yvon


    This book offers an original contribution to the foundations of logic and mathematics, and focuses on the internal logic of mathematical theories, from arithmetic or number theory to algebraic geometry. Arithmetical logic is the term used to refer to the internal logic of classical arithmetic, here called Fermat-Kronecker arithmetic, and combines Fermat’s method of infinite descent with Kronecker’s general arithmetic of homogeneous polynomials. The book also includes a treatment of theories in physics and mathematical physics to underscore the role of arithmetic from a constructivist viewpoint. The scope of the work intertwines historical, mathematical, logical and philosophical dimensions in a unified critical perspective; as such, it will appeal to a broad readership from mathematicians to logicians, to philosophers interested in foundational questions. Researchers and graduate students in the fields of philosophy and mathematics will benefit from the author’s critical approach to the foundations of l...



    M. Widyo Wartono; Ahmad Ainurofiq; Maya Ismaniar


    Tumbuhan genus Piper mempunyai kandungan minyak atsiri hampir disemua bagiannya, namun komposisi kimianya belum semua dilaporkan. Pada laporan ini kami melakukan isolasi dan identifikasi senyawa kimia minyak atsiri pada bagian buah tumbuhan Piper. Isolasi minyak atsiri buah Piper dilakukan dengan destilasi air menggunakan destilasi Stahl dan analisis komposisi kimia dengan kromatografi gas-spektroskopi masa (GC-MS). Kandungan minyak atsiri buah sirih hijau (Piper betle) 1,4% (v/b), cabe jawa ...



    Indah Anisykurlillah; Agus Wahyudin; Kustiani -


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh role conflict, role ambiguity dan role overload pada kepuasan kerja, pengaruh role conflict, role ambiguity dan role overload pada komitmen organisasi serta pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer berupa kuesioner di mana subyek penelitian ini adalah auditor yang bekerja pada Kantor Akuntansi Publik ( KAP ) di Jawa Tengah. Sampel yang diambil adalah non probabi...

  3. Meta-Logical Reasoning in Higher-Order Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villadsen, Jørgen; Schlichtkrull, Anders; Hess, Andreas Viktor

    The semantics of first-order logic (FOL) can be described in the meta-language of higher-order logic (HOL). Using HOL one can prove key properties of FOL such as soundness and completeness. Furthermore, one can prove sentences in FOL valid using the formalized FOL semantics. To aid...

  4. Connections among quantum logics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lock, P.F.; Hardegree, G.M.


    In this paper, a theory of quantum logics is proposed which is general enough to enable us to reexamine a previous work on quantum logics in the context of this theory. It is then easy to assess the differences between the different systems studied. The quantum logical systems which are incorporated are divided into two groups which we call ''quantum propositional logics'' and ''quantum event logics''. The work of Kochen and Specker (partial Boolean algebras) is included and so is that of Greechie and Gudder (orthomodular partially ordered sets), Domotar (quantum mechanical systems), and Foulis and Randall (operational logics) in quantum propositional logics; and Abbott (semi-Boolean algebras) and Foulis and Randall (manuals) in quantum event logics, In this part of the paper, an axiom system for quantum propositional logics is developed and the above structures in the context of this system examined. (author)

  5. Instrumen Musik Barat dan Gamelan Jawa dalam Iringan Tari Keraton Yogyakarta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.M. Surtihadi


    Full Text Available Perpaduan instrumen musik Barat dengan instrumen gamelan Jawa untukmengiringi tari di Keraton Yogyakarta sudah berlangsung sejak lampau. Hingga saatini perpaduan tersebut masih dapat dijumpai. Bermula dari peristiwa kontak budayaBarat dan Timur, instrumen musik Barat telah menjadi bagian dari kelengkapanupacara protokoler Keraton Yogyakarta. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk membuat kajianhistoris perpaduan gamelan Jawa dengan seperangkat instrumen musik orkestraBarat untuk mengiringi pertunjukan tari putri pada bagian kapang-kapang Bedhaya,Srimpi, dan tari putra Lawung Ageng Keraton Yogyakarta. Beberapa instrumenmusik Barat seperti instrumen genderang, tambur (percussion section, instrumengesek (string sections, instrumen tiup kayu (woodwind sections dan tiup logam (brasssections digunakan dalam mengiringi tarian-tarian tersebut di atas. Metode kualitatifanalisis data dipakai untuk mengupas masalah ini. Namun, pendekatan sosial-politikjuga akan dipakai dalam mengulas permasalahan yang terkait. Berdasarkan penelitianini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dampak peristiwa intrik politik yang terjadi di keratonterbukti telah memengaruhi kehidupan keseniannya. Kebutuhan upacara protokoleryang merupakan kegiatan rutin pada saat itu dilengkapi dengan berbagai macamsajian pertunjukan musik untuk menambah hidup suasana pesta dansa dengandiiringi musik berirama waltz.   Blend of Western Musical Instruments and Javanese Gamelan in DanceAccompaniment and Protocol Ceremonies of Keraton Yogyakarta. Westernmusical intruments have been combined with the Javanese gamelan instruments toaccompany dances performed in Keraton Yogyakarta (the Yogyakarta Palace. It startedwith the coming of the Western culture which then ‘interacting’ with the East. Sincethen, the Western musical instruments have completed the protocol ceremonies held byKeraton Yogyakarta. The objective to be obtained with this research is to historicallystudy the blend of the Javanese gamelan with the Western

  6. Pengetahuan Masyarakat Sunda Perdesaan Kabupaten Garut dan Kabupaten Cianjur Jawa Barat tentang Peraturan Kebahasaan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dindin Samsudin


    Full Text Available The reality of the language usage that exists in Indonesia is still apprehensive. If we observed, until now there are so many language usages in public spaces, both billboards and instructional boards still use foreign languages or a mix between Indonesian language and foreign languages. That reality of language is not relevant with the legislations which prevail in Indonesia because the legislations stipulate the preferential using of Indonesian language in public space. However, the legislations about language are not well known by the society, so they still prefer using the foreign languages. This research aimed to reveal the knowledge of rural Sundanese society in Garut and Cianjur Regency, West Java about the language regulations. This research used quantitative approach with survey method. The result showed that in general the knowledge of rural Sundanese society in Garut and Cianjur Regency, West Java about language regulations can be categorized not good because the average value only reached 34.25% of the ideal standard.   Abstrak Kenyataan kebahasaan yang ada di Indonesia masih saja memprihatinkan. Jika diamati, hingga kini masih banyak pemakaian bahasa di ruang publik, baik papan nama maupun papan petunjuk, yang menggunakan bahasa asing atau campuran bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa asing. Kenyataan kebahasaan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia karena peraturan perundang-undangan mengharuskan pengutamaan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dalam ranah publik. Namun, peraturan perundang-undangan tentang kebahasaan tersebut sepertinya belum diketahui oleh masyarakat sehingga mereka masih mengutamakan bahasa asing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pengetahuan masyarakat Sunda pedesaan di Kabupaten Garut dan Cianjur Jawa Barat tentang peraturan kebahasaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara umum

  7. Paraconsistent Computational Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Andreas Schmidt; Villadsen, Jørgen


    In classical logic everything follows from inconsistency and this makes classical logic problematic in areas of computer science where contradictions seem unavoidable. We describe a many-valued paraconsistent logic, discuss the truth tables and include a small case study....

  8. What are Institutional Logics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berg Johansen, Christina; Waldorff, Susanne Boch

    This study presents new insights into the explanatory power of the institutional logics perspective. With outset in a discussion of seminal theory texts, we identify two fundamental topics that frame institutional logics: overarching institutional orders guides by institutional logics, as well...... as change and agency generated by friction between logics. We use these topics as basis for an analysis of selected empirical papers, with the aim of understanding how institutional logics contribute to institutional theory at large, and which social matters institutional logics can and cannot explore...

  9. Dispositional logic (United States)

    Le Balleur, J. C.


    The applicability of conventional mathematical analysis (based on the combination of two-valued logic and probability theory) to problems in which human judgment, perception, or emotions play significant roles is considered theoretically. It is shown that dispositional logic, a branch of fuzzy logic, has particular relevance to the common-sense reasoning typical of human decision-making. The concepts of dispositionality and usuality are defined analytically, and a dispositional conjunctive rule and dispositional modus ponens are derived.

  10. Logic and structure

    CERN Document Server

    Dalen, Dirk


    A book which efficiently presents the basics of propositional and predicate logic, van Dalen’s popular textbook contains a complete treatment of elementary classical logic, using Gentzen’s Natural Deduction. Propositional and predicate logic are treated in separate chapters in a leisured but precise way. Chapter Three presents the basic facts of model theory, e.g. compactness, Skolem-Löwenheim, elementary equivalence, non-standard models, quantifier elimination, and Skolem functions. The discussion of classical logic is rounded off with a concise exposition of second-order logic. In view of the growing recognition of constructive methods and principles, one chapter is devoted to intuitionistic logic. Completeness is established for Kripke semantics. A number of specific constructive features, such as apartness and equality, the Gödel translation, the disjunction and existence property have been incorporated. The power and elegance of natural deduction is demonstrated best in the part of proof theory cal...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yudistira Dian Hastiti


    Full Text Available Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi dan Informatika (Dinhubkominfo Provinsi Jawa tengah sebagai perumus dan pelaksana kebijakan teknis, fasilitator, dan evaluator terkait penyelengaraan kegiatan penimbangan kendaraan bermotor melalui 16 jembatan timbang yang tersebar di wilayah provinsi jawa tengah telah mengimplementasikan sebuah system yang dipergunakan untuk kemudahan dalam menimbang kendaraan dengan mendata setiap kendaraan pada suatu system yang disebut Sistem Informasi Manajemen Jembatan Timbang (SIM JT. Masalah yang ditemukan saat ini yaitu, melihat padatnya antrian panjang kendaraan yang akan ditimbang disebabkan karena SIM JT yang belum memiliki database identitas kendaraan dan tidak dapat terpantau secara real time yang terjadi saat local server dalam keadaan down. Berdasarkan hal tersebut Dinhubkominfo berupaya mengoptimalkan kinerja SIM JT baik dari segi sumber daya manajemen manusia, TI, serta keuangan untuk meminimalkan kesalahan serta meningkatkan efektifitas pelayanan. Dari hasil studi dokumen, wawancara, dan kuesioner  berdasarkan COBIT 5 menghasilkan tingkat kapabilitas tata kelola proses optimalisasi sumer daya (EDM04 pada Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Jawa Tengah saat ini berada di level 3 dengan status pencapaian Largely Achieved sebesar 80,18% setara dengan 3,80 dimana level 0, 1, dan 2 mencapai status Fully Achieved. Hal ini menunjukan telah mengelola dengan baik proses optimalisasi sumber daya dan diimplementasikan untuk mendukung pengerjaan proses standar dan efektif. Untuk mencapai tingkat target, Dinhubkominfo dapat melakukan strategi perbaikan dengan memperhatikan secara bertahap dari proses atribut level 1 sampai 4 Kata Kunci: Analisis Tata Kelola TI, COBIT 5, Sistem Informasi Manajemen Jembatan Timbang, Analisis Tingkat Kapabilitas, Analisis Kesenjangan.

  12. First-Order Hybrid Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braüner, Torben


    Hybrid logic is an extension of modal logic which allows us to refer explicitly to points of the model in the syntax of formulas. It is easy to justify interest in hybrid logic on applied grounds, with the usefulness of the additional expressive power. For example, when reasoning about time one...... often wants to build up a series of assertions about what happens at a particular instant, and standard modal formalisms do not allow this. What is less obvious is that the route hybrid logic takes to overcome this problem often actually improves the behaviour of the underlying modal formalism....... For example, it becomes far simpler to formulate proof-systems for hybrid logic, and completeness results can be proved of a generality that is simply not available in modal logic. That is, hybridization is a systematic way of remedying a number of known deficiencies of modal logic. First-order hybrid logic...

  13. Metamathematics of fuzzy logic

    CERN Document Server

    Hájek, Petr


    This book presents a systematic treatment of deductive aspects and structures of fuzzy logic understood as many valued logic sui generis. Some important systems of real-valued propositional and predicate calculus are defined and investigated. The aim is to show that fuzzy logic as a logic of imprecise (vague) propositions does have well-developed formal foundations and that most things usually named `fuzzy inference' can be naturally understood as logical deduction.

  14. Equational type logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Manca, V.; Salibra, A.; Scollo, Giuseppe


    Equational type logic is an extension of (conditional) equational logic, that enables one to deal in a single, unified framework with diverse phenomena such as partiality, type polymorphism and dependent types. In this logic, terms may denote types as well as elements, and atomic formulae are either

  15. Henkin and Hybrid Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blackburn, Patrick Rowan; Huertas, Antonia; Manzano, Maria


    Leon Henkin was not a modal logician, but there is a branch of modal logic that has been deeply influenced by his work. That branch is hybrid logic, a family of logics that extend orthodox modal logic with special proposition symbols (called nominals) that name worlds. This paper explains why...... Henkin’s techniques are so important in hybrid logic. We do so by proving a completeness result for a hybrid type theory called HTT, probably the strongest hybrid logic that has yet been explored. Our completeness result builds on earlier work with a system called BHTT, or basic hybrid type theory...... is due to the first-order perspective, which lies at the heart of Henin’s best known work and hybrid logic....

  16. Institutional Logics in Action

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lounsbury, Michael; Boxenbaum, Eva


    This double volume presents state-of-the-art research and thinking on the dynamics of actors and institutional logics. In the introduction, we briefly sketch the roots and branches of institutional logics scholarship before turning to the new buds of research on the topic of how actors engage...... institutional logics in the course of their organizational practice. We introduce an exciting line of new works on the meta-theoretical foundations of logics, institutional logic processes, and institutional complexity and organizational responses. Collectively, the papers in this volume advance the very...... prolific stream of research on institutional logics by deepening our insight into the active use of institutional logics in organizational action and interaction, including the institutional effects of such (inter)actions....

  17. Greek, Indian and Arabic logic

    CERN Document Server

    Gabbay, Dov M


    Greek, Indian and Arabic Logic marks the initial appearance of the multi-volume Handbook of the History of Logic. Additional volumes will be published when ready, rather than in strict chronological order. Soon to appear are The Rise of Modern Logic: From Leibniz to Frege. Also in preparation are Logic From Russell to Gödel, Logic and the Modalities in the Twentieth Century, and The Many-Valued and Non-Monotonic Turn in Logic. Further volumes will follow, including Mediaeval and Renaissance Logic and Logic: A History of its Central. In designing the Handbook of the History of Logic, the Editors have taken the view that the history of logic holds more than an antiquarian interest, and that a knowledge of logic's rich and sophisticated development is, in various respects, relevant to the research programmes of the present day. Ancient logic is no exception. The present volume attests to the distant origins of some of modern logic's most important features, such as can be found in the claim by the authors of t...

  18. The Third Life of Quantum Logic: Quantum Logic Inspired by Quantum Computing


    Dunn, J. Michael; Moss, Lawrence S.; Wang, Zhenghan


    We begin by discussing the history of quantum logic, dividing it into three eras or lives. The first life has to do with Birkhoff and von Neumann's algebraic approach in the 1930's. The second life has to do with attempt to understand quantum logic as logic that began in the late 1950's and blossomed in the 1970's. And the third life has to do with recent developments in quantum logic coming from its connections to quantum computation. We discuss our own work connecting quantum logic to quant...

  19. Real Islamic Logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bergstra, J.A.


    Four options for assigning a meaning to Islamic Logic are surveyed including a new proposal for an option named "Real Islamic Logic" (RIL). That approach to Islamic Logic should serve modern Islamic objectives in a way comparable to the functionality of Islamic Finance. The prospective role of RIL

  20. What are Institutional Logics


    Berg Johansen, Christina; Bock Waldorff, Susanne


    This study presents new insights into the explanatory power of the institutional logics perspective. With outset in a discussion of seminal theory texts, we identify two fundamental topics that frame institutional logics: overarching institutional orders guided by institutional logics, as well as change and agency generated by friction between logics. We use these topics as basis for an analysis of selected empirical papers, with the aim of understanding how institutional logics contribute to...

  1. Three challenges to the complementarity of the logic and the pragmatics of science. (United States)

    Uebel, Thomas


    The bipartite metatheory thesis attributes to Rudolf Carnap, Philipp Frank and Otto Neurath a conception of the nature of post-metaphysical philosophy of science that sees the purely formal-logical analyses of the logic of science as complemented by empirical inquiries into the psychology, sociology and history of science. Three challenges to this thesis are considered in this paper: that Carnap did not share this conception of the nature of philosophy of science even on a programmatic level, that Carnap's detailed analysis of the language of science is incompatible with one developed by Neurath for the pursuit of empirical studies of science, and, finally, that Neurath himself was confused about the programme of which the bipartite metatheory thesis makes him a representative. I argue that all three challenges can be met and refuted. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Some relationships between logic programming and multiple-valued logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rine, D.C.


    There have been suggestions in the artificial intelligence literature that investigations into relationships between logic programming and multiple-valued logic may be helpful. This paper presents some of these relationships through equivalent algebraic evaluations

  3. Pengaruh Kualitas Sistem Informasi Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Unit Pembangkitan Paiton)


    Ningrum, Ika Rosita; Susilo, Heru


    The aim of this study was to asses and know the condition of quality information system and work environment applied in PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB UP) Paiton. The type of study used is expalantive with through quantitative approach. The population in this study were employees of ellipse users of PT PJB UP Paiton with a sample of 62 respondents. The data analysis in this study used multiple linier regression. The testing showed that there was a partial and simultaneous effect which signifi...

  4. People Like Logical Truth: Testing the Intuitive Detection of Logical Value in Basic Propositions.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hiroko Nakamura

    Full Text Available Recent studies on logical reasoning have suggested that people are intuitively aware of the logical validity of syllogisms or that they intuitively detect conflict between heuristic responses and logical norms via slight changes in their feelings. According to logical intuition studies, logically valid or heuristic logic no-conflict reasoning is fluently processed and induces positive feelings without conscious awareness. One criticism states that such effects of logicality disappear when confounding factors such as the content of syllogisms are controlled. The present study used abstract propositions and tested whether people intuitively detect logical value. Experiment 1 presented four logical propositions (conjunctive, biconditional, conditional, and material implications regarding a target case and asked the participants to rate the extent to which they liked the statement. Experiment 2 tested the effects of matching bias, as well as intuitive logic, on the reasoners' feelings by manipulating whether the antecedent or consequent (or both of the conditional was affirmed or negated. The results showed that both logicality and matching bias affected the reasoners' feelings, and people preferred logically true targets over logically false ones for all forms of propositions. These results suggest that people intuitively detect what is true from what is false during abstract reasoning. Additionally, a Bayesian mixed model meta-analysis of conditionals indicated that people's intuitive interpretation of the conditional "if p then q" fits better with the conditional probability, q given p.

  5. Concurrent weighted logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Xue, Bingtian; Larsen, Kim Guldstrand; Mardare, Radu Iulian


    We introduce Concurrent Weighted Logic (CWL), a multimodal logic for concurrent labeled weighted transition systems (LWSs). The synchronization of LWSs is described using dedicated functions that, in various concurrency paradigms, allow us to encode the compositionality of LWSs. To reflect these......-completeness results for this logic. To complete these proofs we involve advanced topological techniques from Model Theory....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mardiana Mardiana


    Full Text Available Malaria masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di beberapa daerah pedesaan di Jawa Tengah. Usaha pemberantasan malaria telah dilakukan oleh program baik secara kimiawi maupun hayati, guna memutuskan rantai penularan. Penelitian fauna dan tempat perindukan potensial nyamuk Anopheles telah dilakukan di Desa Buaran, Kecamatan Mayong I, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah. Penangkapan nyamuk dengan umpan orang dilakukan di dalam dan di luar rumah pada malam hari dari pukul 18.00-24.00 yang masing-masing dilakukan oleh dua orang kolektor. Penangkapan nyamuk yang istirahat di dalam dan luar rumah (vegetasi pada pagi hari dilakukan pukul 06.00-08.00, yang dilakukan satu bulan 4 kali penangkapan selama 6 bulan. Pengambilan larva dan pupa dilakukan dari pukul 06.00-08.00 pagi di tempat genangan air dan sawah serta tempat yang potensial diduga sebagai perindukan Anopheles. Hasil penangkapan selama 6 bulan, diperoleh 1248 ekor nyamuk Anopheles yang terdiri dari 6 spesies yaitu: An. aconitus 442 ekor (35,42%, An. annularis 69 ekor (5,53% , An. barbirostris 30 ekor (2,4%, An. maculatus 2 ekor (0,16%, An. tesselatus 5 ekor (0,40% dan An. vagus 700 ekor (56,09%. Populasi aconitus ditemukan dari penangkapan di luar rumah, pada bulan Juli (56,40%, Agustus (42,80% dan Oktober (39,50% sedangkan pada bulan Mei (52,9%, Juni (44% dan September (50,40% dari penangkapan di kandang sapi. Pengambilan larva dan pupa Anopheles dilakukan di tempat habitat seperti sawah yang pada bulan Aguslus terbanyak ditemukan sebesar 85 (1.70, di sungai ditemukan hanya 4 (0.08 serta di genangan air bekas telapak kaki/kobokan ditemukan sebesar 6 (0.12. Ternyata tempat perindukan yang potensial larva Anopheles pada musim kemarau, ditemukan pada sungai yang ditanami kangkung oleh masyarakat selempat. Kata kunci: Fauna, tempat perindukan, Anopheles, vector

  7. KETERKAITAN JALUR KERETA API BATAVIA – CILACAP DENGAN SISTEM PERTAHANAN HINDIA BELANDA DI PULAU JAWA The Relation between The Railway Routes of Batavia - Cilacap And The Defense System of Dutch Colonial Government in Java Island

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iwan Hermawan


    Abstrak Tujuan penulisan ini adalah mengungkapkan keterkaitan antara jaringan jalan kereta api dengan pertahanan pemerintah kolonial Belanda di pulau Jawa. Pendekatan Deskriptif digunakan pada tulisan ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kegiatan studi pustaka, studi peta, dan survei. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan keruangan. Pembangunan jaringan kereta api bertujuan utama untuk memperlancar lalu lintas barang dan jasa. Keberadaannya juga memiliki arti penting dalam sistem pertahanan pulau Jawa. Kereta api merupakan angkutan massal bagi prajurit dan persenjataan ke medan perang. Pada kondisi darurat, kereta api juga merupakan sarana transportasi untuk mengevakuasi warga sipil dan pemimpin pemerintahan ke tempat pengungsian yang terlindung dan aman.   Kata  kunci : jalan kereta api, strategi militer, angkutan massal

  8. Action Type Deontic Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bentzen, Martin Mose


    A new deontic logic, Action Type Deontic Logic, is presented. To motivate this logic, a number of benchmark cases are shown, representing inferences a deontic logic should validate. Some of the benchmark cases are singled out for further comments and some formal approaches to deontic reasoning...... are evaluated with respect to the benchmark cases. After that follows an informal introduction to the ideas behind the formal semantics, focussing on the distinction between action types and action tokens. Then the syntax and semantics of Action Type Deontic Logic is presented and it is shown to meet...

  9. Quantifiers for quantum logic


    Heunen, Chris


    We consider categorical logic on the category of Hilbert spaces. More generally, in fact, any pre-Hilbert category suffices. We characterise closed subobjects, and prove that they form orthomodular lattices. This shows that quantum logic is just an incarnation of categorical logic, enabling us to establish an existential quantifier for quantum logic, and conclude that there cannot be a universal quantifier.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ari Kristin Prasetyoningrum


    Full Text Available Implementasi balanced scorecard dalam rangka revitalisasi Lembaga Pengelola Zakat menunju Good Organzation Governance pada LAZISMA Jawa Tengah belum dilaksanakan secara maksimal khususnya dalam perspektif keuangan. Sedangkan dari perspektif pelanggan yang didasarkan pada kepuasan pelanggan dalam menerima pelayanan dari lembaga cenderung baik karena sebagai organisasi sosial kemasyarakatan yang berdasarkan Islam mereka memperlakukan mustahik sebagai keluarga. Perspektif bisnis internal yang meliputi pembelajaran, kemampuan untuk berubah, penanganan keluhan pelanggan, waktu yang diperlukan untuk menangani keluhan dan akuntabilitas organisasi juga dirasakan kurang karena bukan berorientasi profit, melainkan untuk kepentingan ibadah. Perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran didasarkan pada pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran SDM (karyawan didasarkan pada kepuasan karyawan sebagai human capital bagi organisasi menunjukkan bahwa karyawan yang dimiliki oleh lembaga zakat tersebut relatif masih dilandasi oleh faktor ibadah, loyalitas yang ditunjukkan oleh karyawan dan usaha untuk belajar secara otodidak dilandasi untuk ibadah dan mencari ridha Allah SWT semata.

  11. Logic delays of 5-μm resistor coupled Josephson logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sone, J.; Yoshida, T.; Tahara, S.; Abe, H.


    Logic delays of resistor coupled Josephson logic (RCJL) have been investigated. An experimental circuit with a cascade chain of ten RCJL OR gates was fabricated using Pb-alloy Josephson IC technology with 5-μm minimum linewidth. Logic delay was measured to be as low as 10.8 ps with power dissipation of 11.7 μW. This demonstrates a switching operation faster than those reported for other Josephson gate designs. Comparison with computer-simulation results is also presented

  12. Radiation tolerant combinational logic cell (United States)

    Maki, Gary R. (Inventor); Gambles, Jody W. (Inventor); Whitaker, Sterling (Inventor)


    A system has a reduced sensitivity to Single Event Upset and/or Single Event Transient(s) compared to traditional logic devices. In a particular embodiment, the system includes an input, a logic block, a bias stage, a state machine, and an output. The logic block is coupled to the input. The logic block is for implementing a logic function, receiving a data set via the input, and generating a result f by applying the data set to the logic function. The bias stage is coupled to the logic block. The bias stage is for receiving the result from the logic block and presenting it to the state machine. The state machine is coupled to the bias stage. The state machine is for receiving, via the bias stage, the result generated by the logic block. The state machine is configured to retain a state value for the system. The state value is typically based on the result generated by the logic block. The output is coupled to the state machine. The output is for providing the value stored by the state machine. Some embodiments of the invention produce dual rail outputs Q and Q'. The logic block typically contains combinational logic and is similar, in size and transistor configuration, to a conventional CMOS combinational logic design. However, only a very small portion of the circuits of these embodiments, is sensitive to Single Event Upset and/or Single Event Transients.

  13. Erotetic epistemic logic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Peliš, Michal


    Roč. 26, č. 3 (2017), s. 357-381 ISSN 1425-3305 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GC16-07954J Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : epistemic logic * erotetic implication * erotetic logic * logic of questions Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion OBOR OECD: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology

  14. The Football of Logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Schang Fabien


    Full Text Available An analogy is made between two rather different domains, namely: logic, and football (or soccer. Starting from a comparative table between the two activities, an alternative explanation of logic is given in terms of players, ball, goal, and the like. Our main thesis is that, just as the task of logic is preserving truth from premises to the conclusion, footballers strive to keep the ball as far as possible until the opposite goal. Assuming this analogy may help think about logic in the same way as in dialogical logic, but it should also present truth-values in an alternative sense of speech-acts occurring in a dialogue. The relativity of truth-values is focused by this way, thereby leading to an additional way of logical pluralism.

  15. The Logic of Practice in the Practice of Logics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raviola, Elena; Dubini, Paola


    of logics through a six months full-time ethnographic study at Il Sole-24 Ore, the largest Italian financial newspaper, between 2007 and 2008. An original conceptual framework is developed to analyse how the logic of journalism is enacted vis-à-vis that of advertising in a setting in which an old technology...... for news production – print newspaper – coexists with a new one – website – and thus encounters between new and old technological possibilities make workings of institutional logics particularly visible. The findings point out different mechanisms of institutional work dealing with actions that, made...

  16. A fast-slow logic system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawashima, Hideo.


    A fast-slow logic system has been made for use in multi-detector experiments in nuclear physics such as particle-gamma and particle-particle coincidence experiments. The system consists of a fast logic system and a slow logic system. The fast logic system has a function of fast coincidences and provides timing signals for the slow logic system. The slow logic system has a function of slow coincidences and a routing control of input analog signals to the ADCs. (auth.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nike Esti Kurniawati


    Full Text Available Penelitian Bahan ajar teks novel berbahasa Jawa melalui simplifikasi dikembangkan atas persepsi kebutuhan peserta didik dan guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kebutuhan peserta didik dan guru berkaitan dengan pengembangan bahan ajar membaca teks novel melalui simplifikasi, menyusun karakteristik bahan ajar membaca teks novel berbahasa Jawa melalui simplifikasi, membuat model novel yaitu Jemini, Asmarani, dan Para Pawestri Pejuwang karya Suparto Brata sebagai bahan ajar membaca teks novel di SMA, dan memperoleh keefektifan menggunakan bahan ajar membaca teks novel melalui simplifikasi. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Research and Development (R&D oleh Borg and Gall yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penelitian. Langkah penelitian Borg and Gall diadaptasi menjadi tujuh tahap, yakni analisis teoretis dan praktis, analisis kebutuhan pengembangan menurut persepsi guru dan peserta didik, penyusunan draf produk, uji ahli, revisi produk, uji keefektifan produk, revisi hasil uji penggunan produk pengembangan. Hasil uji keefektifan yang dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Bergas menunjukkan ada peningkatan nilai rata-rata pretes dan postes pembelajaran membaca teks novel melalui simplifikasi. Uji t hitung = 9,734, sedangkan t tabel  =2,00. Artinya t hitung > t tabel. Maka dapat dikatakan produk tersebut efektifNovel text teaching materials through simplification Javanese developed on the perception of the needs of learners and teachers.This study aims to determine the needs of the students and teachers associated with the development of teaching materials text reading novels through simplification, compiling the characteristics of teaching materials text reading novels in Java through simplification, models making novel that Jemini, Asmarani, and the Pawestri Pejuwang works soeparto Brata as material instructional text reading novels in high school, and obtain the effectiveness of using text reading novel teaching


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rachmalina Soerachman


    . Responden penelitian adalah pelajar usia13-15 tahun di 49 sekolah di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatra yang dipilih berdasarkan stratified random sampling.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner oleh pelajar sendiri. Analisa data menggunakanEpi-info. Sebanyak 10.9% - 21.6% of pelajar laki-laki di Jawa-Sumatra merokok sehari atau lebih darisehari dalam jangka waktu sebulan terakhir. Diantara pelajar yang merokok tersebut, 71.1% diantara mulaimerokok umur 13 bahkan sebelum umur 13 tahun. Sebanyak 37%-41% pelajar di Jawa-Sumatra pernahberkelahi sekali atau lebih dalam kurun waktu setahun terakhir. Prevalens perilaku berkelahi lebih tinggipada pelajar laki-laki dari pada pelajar perempuan. Sebagian besar masalah kesehatan pelajar ternyatamasih kurang mendapat perhatian dari kesehatan masyarakat. Temuan diatas perlu mendapat tindak lanjutlebih khusus dan ditujukan pada pelajar, terutama mengenai perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat yang sesuaidengan tingkatan pelajar. Hal ini untuk mencegah timbulnya penyakit tidak menular akibat perilakuberisiko tersebut.Kata kunci: factor risiko perilaku, pelajar, penyakit tidak menular

  19. Logic for Physicists (United States)

    Pereyra, Nicolas A.


    This book gives a rigorous yet 'physics-focused' introduction to mathematical logic that is geared towards natural science majors. We present the science major with a robust introduction to logic, focusing on the specific knowledge and skills that will unavoidably be needed in calculus topics and natural science topics in general (rather than taking a philosophical-math-fundamental oriented approach that is commonly found in mathematical logic textbooks).

  20. Logic of likelihood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wall, M.J.W.


    The notion of open-quotes probabilityclose quotes is generalized to that of open-quotes likelihood,close quotes and a natural logical structure is shown to exist for any physical theory which predicts likelihoods. Two physically based axioms are given for this logical structure to form an orthomodular poset, with an order-determining set of states. The results strengthen the basis of the quantum logic approach to axiomatic quantum theory. 25 refs

  1. Microelectromechanical reprogrammable logic device

    KAUST Repository

    Hafiz, Md Abdullah Al; Kosuru, Lakshmoji; Younis, Mohammad I.


    on the electrothermal frequency modulation scheme of a single microelectromechanical resonator, capable of performing all the fundamental 2-bit logic functions as well as n-bit logic operations. Logic functions are performed by actively tuning the linear resonance

  2. One reason, several logics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Evandro Agazzi


    Full Text Available Humans have used arguments for defending or refuting statements long before the creation of logic as a specialized discipline. This can be interpreted as the fact that an intuitive notion of "logical consequence" or a psychic disposition to articulate reasoning according to this pattern is present in common sense, and logic simply aims at describing and codifying the features of this spontaneous capacity of human reason. It is well known, however, that several arguments easily accepted by common sense are actually "logical fallacies", and this indicates that logic is not just a descriptive, but also a prescriptive or normative enterprise, in which the notion of logical consequence is defined in a precise way and then certain rules are established in order to maintain the discourse in keeping with this notion. Yet in the justification of the correctness and adequacy of these rules commonsense reasoning must necessarily be used, and in such a way its foundational role is recognized. Moreover, it remains also true that several branches and forms of logic have been elaborated precisely in order to reflect the structural features of correct argument used in different fields of human reasoning and yet insufficiently mirrored by the most familiar logical formalisms.

  3. GOAL Agents Instantiate Intention Logic


    Hindriks, Koen; van der Hoek, Wiebe


    It is commonly believed there is a big gap between agent logics and computational agent frameworks. In this paper, we show that this gap is not as big as believed by showing that GOAL agents instantiate Intention Logic of Cohen and Levesque. That is, we show that GOAL agent programs can be formally related to Intention Logic.We do so by proving that the GOAL Verification Logic can be embedded into Intention Logic. It follows that (a fragment of) Intention Logic can be used t...

  4. Noise-based logic: Binary, multi-valued, or fuzzy, with optional superposition of logic states

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kish, Laszlo B. [Texas A and M University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College Station, TX 77843-3128 (United States)], E-mail:


    A new type of deterministic (non-probabilistic) computer logic system inspired by the stochasticity of brain signals is shown. The distinct values are represented by independent stochastic processes: independent voltage (or current) noises. The orthogonality of these processes provides a natural way to construct binary or multi-valued logic circuitry with arbitrary number N of logic values by using analog circuitry. Moreover, the logic values on a single wire can be made a (weighted) superposition of the N distinct logic values. Fuzzy logic is also naturally represented by a two-component superposition within the binary case (N=2). Error propagation and accumulation are suppressed. Other relevant advantages are reduced energy dissipation and leakage current problems, and robustness against circuit noise and background noises such as 1/f, Johnson, shot and crosstalk noise. Variability problems are also non-existent because the logic value is an AC signal. A similar logic system can be built with orthogonal sinusoidal signals (different frequency or orthogonal phase) however that has an extra 1/N type slowdown compared to the noise-based logic system with increasing number of N furthermore it is less robust against time delay effects than the noise-based counterpart.

  5. Noise-based logic: Binary, multi-valued, or fuzzy, with optional superposition of logic states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kish, Laszlo B.


    A new type of deterministic (non-probabilistic) computer logic system inspired by the stochasticity of brain signals is shown. The distinct values are represented by independent stochastic processes: independent voltage (or current) noises. The orthogonality of these processes provides a natural way to construct binary or multi-valued logic circuitry with arbitrary number N of logic values by using analog circuitry. Moreover, the logic values on a single wire can be made a (weighted) superposition of the N distinct logic values. Fuzzy logic is also naturally represented by a two-component superposition within the binary case (N=2). Error propagation and accumulation are suppressed. Other relevant advantages are reduced energy dissipation and leakage current problems, and robustness against circuit noise and background noises such as 1/f, Johnson, shot and crosstalk noise. Variability problems are also non-existent because the logic value is an AC signal. A similar logic system can be built with orthogonal sinusoidal signals (different frequency or orthogonal phase) however that has an extra 1/N type slowdown compared to the noise-based logic system with increasing number of N furthermore it is less robust against time delay effects than the noise-based counterpart

  6. Noise-based logic: Binary, multi-valued, or fuzzy, with optional superposition of logic states (United States)

    Kish, Laszlo B.


    A new type of deterministic (non-probabilistic) computer logic system inspired by the stochasticity of brain signals is shown. The distinct values are represented by independent stochastic processes: independent voltage (or current) noises. The orthogonality of these processes provides a natural way to construct binary or multi-valued logic circuitry with arbitrary number N of logic values by using analog circuitry. Moreover, the logic values on a single wire can be made a (weighted) superposition of the N distinct logic values. Fuzzy logic is also naturally represented by a two-component superposition within the binary case ( N=2). Error propagation and accumulation are suppressed. Other relevant advantages are reduced energy dissipation and leakage current problems, and robustness against circuit noise and background noises such as 1/f, Johnson, shot and crosstalk noise. Variability problems are also non-existent because the logic value is an AC signal. A similar logic system can be built with orthogonal sinusoidal signals (different frequency or orthogonal phase) however that has an extra 1/N type slowdown compared to the noise-based logic system with increasing number of N furthermore it is less robust against time delay effects than the noise-based counterpart.

  7. Understanding Social Media Logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José van Dijck


    Full Text Available Over the past decade, social media platforms have penetrated deeply into the mech­anics of everyday life, affecting people's informal interactions, as well as institutional structures and professional routines. Far from being neutral platforms for everyone, social media have changed the conditions and rules of social interaction. In this article, we examine the intricate dynamic between social media platforms, mass media, users, and social institutions by calling attention to social media logic—the norms, strategies, mechanisms, and economies—underpin­ning its dynamics. This logic will be considered in light of what has been identified as mass me­dia logic, which has helped spread the media's powerful discourse outside its institutional boundaries. Theorizing social media logic, we identify four grounding principles—programmabil­ity, popularity, connectivity, and datafication—and argue that these principles become increas­ingly entangled with mass media logic. The logic of social media, rooted in these grounding principles and strategies, is gradually invading all areas of public life. Besides print news and broadcasting, it also affects law and order, social activism, politics, and so forth. Therefore, its sustaining logic and widespread dissemination deserve to be scrutinized in detail in order to better understand its impact in various domains. Concentrating on the tactics and strategies at work in social media logic, we reassess the constellation of power relationships in which social practices unfold, raising questions such as: How does social media logic modify or enhance ex­isting mass media logic? And how is this new media logic exported beyond the boundaries of (social or mass media proper? The underlying principles, tactics, and strategies may be relat­ively simple to identify, but it is much harder to map the complex connections between plat­forms that distribute this logic: users that employ them, technologies that

  8. Reprogrammable Logic Gate and Logic Circuit Based on Multistimuli-Responsive Raspberry-like Micromotors. (United States)

    Zhang, Lina; Zhang, Hui; Liu, Mei; Dong, Bin


    In this paper, we report a polymer-based raspberry-like micromotor. Interestingly, the resulting micromotor exhibits multistimuli-responsive motion behavior. Its on-off-on motion can be regulated by the application of stimuli such as H2O2, near-infrared light, NH3, or their combinations. Because of the versatility in motion control, the current micromotor has great potential in the application field of logic gate and logic circuit. With use of different stimuli as the inputs and the micromotor motion as the output, reprogrammable OR and INHIBIT logic gates or logic circuit consisting of OR, NOT, and AND logic gates can be achieved.

  9. Conference Trends in Logic XI

    CERN Document Server

    Wansing, Heinrich; Willkommen, Caroline; Recent Trends in Philosophical Logic


    This volume presents recent advances in philosophical logic with chapters focusing on non-classical logics, including paraconsistent logics, substructural logics, modal logics of agency and other modal logics. The authors cover themes such as the knowability paradox, tableaux and sequent calculi, natural deduction, definite descriptions, identity, truth, dialetheism, and possible worlds semantics.   The developments presented here focus on challenging problems in the specification of fundamental philosophical notions, as well as presenting new techniques and tools, thereby contributing to the development of the field. Each chapter contains a bibliography, to assist the reader in making connections in the specific areas covered. Thus this work provides both a starting point for further investigations into philosophical logic and an update on advances, techniques and applications in a dynamic field.   The chapters originate from papers presented during the Trends in Logic XI conference at the Ruhr University ...

  10. Logic analysis and verification of n-input genetic logic circuits

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baig, Hasan; Madsen, Jan


    . In this paper, we present an approach to analyze and verify the Boolean logic of a genetic circuit from the data obtained through stochastic analog circuit simulations. The usefulness of this analysis is demonstrated through different case studies illustrating how our approach can be used to verify the expected......Nature is using genetic logic circuits to regulate the fundamental processes of life. These genetic logic circuits are triggered by a combination of external signals, such as chemicals, proteins, light and temperature, to emit signals to control other gene expressions or metabolic pathways...... accordingly. As compared to electronic circuits, genetic circuits exhibit stochastic behavior and do not always behave as intended. Therefore, there is a growing interest in being able to analyze and verify the logical behavior of a genetic circuit model, prior to its physical implementation in a laboratory...

  11. Prospects of luminescence based molecular scale logic gates and logic circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Speiser, Shammai


    In recent years molecular electronics has emerged as a rapidly growing research field. The aim of this review is to introduce this subject as a whole with special emphasis on molecular scale potential devices and applications. As a particular example we will discuss all optical molecular scale logic gates and logic circuits based on molecular fluorescence and electronic excitation transfer processes. Charge and electronic energy transfers (ET and EET) are well-studied examples whereby different molecules can signal their state from one (the donor, D) to the other (the acceptor, A). We show how a half-adder logic circuit can be implemented on one molecule that can communicate its logic output as input to another half-adder molecule. This is achieved as an electronic energy transfer from a donor to an acceptor, thus implementing a molecular full adder. We discuss a specific pair, the rhodamine–azulene, for which there is considerable spectroscopic data, but the scheme is general enough to allow a wide choice of D and A pairs. We present results based on this pair, in which, for the first time, an all optical half-adder and full-adder logic circuits are implemented. - Highlights: • Molecular scale logic • Photoquenching • Full adder

  12. Prospects of luminescence based molecular scale logic gates and logic circuits

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Speiser, Shammai, E-mail:


    In recent years molecular electronics has emerged as a rapidly growing research field. The aim of this review is to introduce this subject as a whole with special emphasis on molecular scale potential devices and applications. As a particular example we will discuss all optical molecular scale logic gates and logic circuits based on molecular fluorescence and electronic excitation transfer processes. Charge and electronic energy transfers (ET and EET) are well-studied examples whereby different molecules can signal their state from one (the donor, D) to the other (the acceptor, A). We show how a half-adder logic circuit can be implemented on one molecule that can communicate its logic output as input to another half-adder molecule. This is achieved as an electronic energy transfer from a donor to an acceptor, thus implementing a molecular full adder. We discuss a specific pair, the rhodamine–azulene, for which there is considerable spectroscopic data, but the scheme is general enough to allow a wide choice of D and A pairs. We present results based on this pair, in which, for the first time, an all optical half-adder and full-adder logic circuits are implemented. - Highlights: • Molecular scale logic • Photoquenching • Full adder.

  13. Application of linear logic to simulation (United States)

    Clarke, Thomas L.


    Linear logic, since its introduction by Girard in 1987 has proven expressive and powerful. Linear logic has provided natural encodings of Turing machines, Petri nets and other computational models. Linear logic is also capable of naturally modeling resource dependent aspects of reasoning. The distinguishing characteristic of linear logic is that it accounts for resources; two instances of the same variable are considered differently from a single instance. Linear logic thus must obey a form of the linear superposition principle. A proportion can be reasoned with only once, unless a special operator is applied. Informally, linear logic distinguishes two kinds of conjunction, two kinds of disjunction, and also introduces a modal storage operator that explicitly indicates propositions that can be reused. This paper discuses the application of linear logic to simulation. A wide variety of logics have been developed; in addition to classical logic, there are fuzzy logics, affine logics, quantum logics, etc. All of these have found application in simulations of one sort or another. The special characteristics of linear logic and its benefits for simulation will be discussed. Of particular interest is a connection that can be made between linear logic and simulated dynamics by using the concept of Lie algebras and Lie groups. Lie groups provide the connection between the exponential modal storage operators of linear logic and the eigen functions of dynamic differential operators. Particularly suggestive are possible relations between complexity result for linear logic and non-computability results for dynamical systems.

  14. Quantum logics with existence property

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schindler, C.


    A quantum logic (σ-orthocomplete orthomodular poset L with a convex, unital, and separating set Δ of states) is said to have the existence property if the expectation functionals on lin(Δ) associated with the bounded observables of L form a vector space. Classical quantum logics as well as the Hilbert space logics of traditional quantum mechanics have this property. The author shows that, if a quantum logic satisfies certain conditions in addition to having property E, then the number of its blocks (maximal classical subsystems) must either be one (classical logics) or uncountable (as in Hilbert space logics)

  15. Flat Coalgebraic Fixed Point Logics (United States)

    Schröder, Lutz; Venema, Yde

    Fixed point logics are widely used in computer science, in particular in artificial intelligence and concurrency. The most expressive logics of this type are the μ-calculus and its relatives. However, popular fixed point logics tend to trade expressivity for simplicity and readability, and in fact often live within the single variable fragment of the μ-calculus. The family of such flat fixed point logics includes, e.g., CTL, the *-nesting-free fragment of PDL, and the logic of common knowledge. Here, we extend this notion to the generic semantic framework of coalgebraic logic, thus covering a wide range of logics beyond the standard μ-calculus including, e.g., flat fragments of the graded μ-calculus and the alternating-time μ-calculus (such as ATL), as well as probabilistic and monotone fixed point logics. Our main results are completeness of the Kozen-Park axiomatization and a timed-out tableaux method that matches ExpTime upper bounds inherited from the coalgebraic μ-calculus but avoids using automata.

  16. MEMS Logic Using Mixed-Frequency Excitation

    KAUST Repository

    Ilyas, Saad


    We present multi-function microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) logic device that can perform the fundamental logic gate AND, OR, universal logic gates NAND, NOR, and a tristate logic gate using mixed-frequency excitation. The concept is based on exciting combination resonances due to the mixing of two or more input signals. The device vibrates at two steady states: a high state when the combination resonance is activated and a low state when no resonance is activated. These vibration states are assigned to logical value 1 or 0 to realize the logic gates. Using ac signals to drive the resonator and to execute the logic inputs unifies the input and output wave forms of the logic device, thereby opening the possibility for cascading among logic devices. We found that the energy consumption per cycle of the proposed logic resonator is higher than those of existing technologies. Hence, integration of such logic devices to build complex computational system needs to take into consideration lowering the total energy consumption. [2017-0041

  17. Amplifying genetic logic gates. (United States)

    Bonnet, Jerome; Yin, Peter; Ortiz, Monica E; Subsoontorn, Pakpoom; Endy, Drew


    Organisms must process information encoded via developmental and environmental signals to survive and reproduce. Researchers have also engineered synthetic genetic logic to realize simpler, independent control of biological processes. We developed a three-terminal device architecture, termed the transcriptor, that uses bacteriophage serine integrases to control the flow of RNA polymerase along DNA. Integrase-mediated inversion or deletion of DNA encoding transcription terminators or a promoter modulates transcription rates. We realized permanent amplifying AND, NAND, OR, XOR, NOR, and XNOR gates actuated across common control signal ranges and sequential logic supporting autonomous cell-cell communication of DNA encoding distinct logic-gate states. The single-layer digital logic architecture developed here enables engineering of amplifying logic gates to control transcription rates within and across diverse organisms.

  18. The Quantum Logical Challenge: Peter Mittelstaedt's Contributions to Logic and Philosophy of Science (United States)

    Beltrametti, E.; Dalla Chiara, M. L.; Giuntini, R.


    Peter Mittelstaedt's contributions to quantum logic and to the foundational problems of quantum theory have significantly realized the most authentic spirit of the International Quantum Structures Association: an original research about hard technical problems, which are often "entangled" with the emergence of important changes in our general world-conceptions. During a time where both the logical and the physical community often showed a skeptical attitude towards Birkhoff and von Neumann's quantum logic, Mittelstaedt brought into light the deeply innovating features of a quantum logical thinking that allows us to overcome some strong and unrealistic assumptions of classical logical arguments. Later on his intense research on the unsharp approach to quantum theory and to the measurement problem stimulated the increasing interest for unsharp forms of quantum logic, creating a fruitful interaction between the work of quantum logicians and of many-valued logicians. Mittelstaedt's general views about quantum logic and quantum theory seem to be inspired by a conjecture that is today more and more confirmed: there is something universal in the quantum theoretic formalism that goes beyond the limits of microphysics, giving rise to interesting applications to a number of different fields.

  19. Querying Natural Logic Knowledge Bases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Troels; Bulskov, Henrik; Jensen, Per Anker


    This paper describes the principles of a system applying natural logic as a knowledge base language. Natural logics are regimented fragments of natural language employing high level inference rules. We advocate the use of natural logic for knowledge bases dealing with querying of classes...... in ontologies and class-relationships such as are common in life-science descriptions. The paper adopts a version of natural logic with recursive restrictive clauses such as relative clauses and adnominal prepositional phrases. It includes passive as well as active voice sentences. We outline a prototype...... for partial translation of natural language into natural logic, featuring further querying and conceptual path finding in natural logic knowledge bases....

  20. Questions and dependency in intuitionistic logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ciardelli, Ivano; Iemhoff, Rosalie; Yang, Fan


    In recent years, the logic of questions and dependencies has been investigated in the closely related frameworks of inquisitive logic and dependence logic. These investigations have assumed classical logic as the background logic of statements, and added formulas expressing questions and

  1. Logic Meeting

    CERN Document Server

    Tugué, Tosiyuki; Slaman, Theodore


    These proceedings include the papers presented at the logic meeting held at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, in the summer of 1987. The meeting mainly covered the current research in various areas of mathematical logic and its applications in Japan. Several lectures were also presented by logicians from other countries, who visited Japan in the summer of 1987.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cahaya Jatmoko


    Full Text Available Salah satu penyebab terjadinya tanah longsor dan banjir adalah rusaknya kawasan hutan, namun karena illegal logging , pembukaan ilegal taman , dan perambahan hutan memicu pencabutan hak pengusahaan hutan ( HPH , yang diserahkan kepada kendali lokal , tapi tidak berjalan dengan baik . Dari area data akses terbuka pada tahun 2010 ada sekitar 20 juta hektar dan tidak ditindaklanjuti pengelolaannya.Hutan yang telah mengalami kerusakan akibat penebangan liar perlu direhabilitasi.Dengan menggunakan data spasial ini , kegiatan rehabilitasi dapat diidentifikasi dan dimonitor dengan lebih baik. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat memantau kegiatan rehabilitasi yang dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data Landsat TM, Data penginderaan jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis ( GIS merupakan suatu metode yang dapat diterapkan bersama-sama , untuk memantau dan menganalisa data dengan cepat dan akurat . Penelitian ini menggunakan data penginderaan jauh dengan mengumpulkan fitur tutupan lahan di daerah tertentu yang terjangkau ke seluruh pelosok area hutan penampung air tanah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah . Sistem Informasi Geografis digunakan untuk menangkap dan menganalisa data pertumbuhan pohon . Hasil yang diharapkan adalah terwujudnya sistem informasi geografis yang dapat memantau pertumbuhan pohon di area hutan penampung air tanah di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Kata Kunci : data spasial, Landsat TM, Remote Sensing

  3. What is mathematical logic?

    CERN Document Server

    Crossley, J N; Brickhill, CJ; Stillwell, JC


    Although mathematical logic can be a formidably abstruse topic, even for mathematicians, this concise book presents the subject in a lively and approachable fashion. It deals with the very important ideas in modern mathematical logic without the detailed mathematical work required of those with a professional interest in logic.The book begins with a historical survey of the development of mathematical logic from two parallel streams: formal deduction, which originated with Aristotle, Euclid, and others; and mathematical analysis, which dates back to Archimedes in the same era. The streams beg

  4. Introduction to mathematical logic

    CERN Document Server

    Mendelson, Elliott


    The new edition of this classic textbook, Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Sixth Edition explores the principal topics of mathematical logic. It covers propositional logic, first-order logic, first-order number theory, axiomatic set theory, and the theory of computability. The text also discusses the major results of Gödel, Church, Kleene, Rosser, and Turing.The sixth edition incorporates recent work on Gödel's second incompleteness theorem as well as restoring an appendix on consistency proofs for first-order arithmetic. This appendix last appeared in the first edition. It is offered in th

  5. A Logic for Choreographies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lopez, Hugo Andres; Carbone, Marco; Hildebrandt, Thomas


    We explore logical reasoning for the global calculus, a coordination model based on the notion of choreography, with the aim to provide a methodology for specification and verification of structured communications. Starting with an extension of Hennessy-Milner logic, we present the global logic (GL...... ), a modal logic describing possible interactions among participants in a choreography. We illustrate its use by giving examples of properties on service specifications. Finally, we show that, despite GL is undecidable, there is a significant decidable fragment which we provide with a sound and complete proof...

  6. Fuzzy Logic and Arithmetical Hierarchy III

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hájek, Petr


    Roč. 68, č. 1 (2001), s. 129-142 ISSN 0039-3215 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1030004 Institutional research plan: AV0Z1030915 Keywords : fuzzy logic * basic fuzzy logic * Lukasiewicz logic * Godel logic * product logic * arithmetical hierarchy Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  7. Representasi Keluarga Jawa Dalam Film Jokowi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sapto Hudoyo


    Full Text Available Javanese family is smallest scope of Javanese society. Social conditions of thefamily can be represented in various ways through various media, such as through themedium of movie. Movie entitled Jokowi is a biopic film with Javanese background.The film tells the struggle of life in chronological order. The film depicts a life conditionsof character with the Javanese family, set in the period of 1960 through 2012. TheJavanese family concept from literature books that according with time frames or yearsof the story, is used as references for a family reading of social interaction that appearsfrom the primary data, they are pieces of movie scenes. This study aims to determinehow the Javanese family represented through the Jokowi film. The method used in thisresearch is descriptive qualitative method, with approach a representation theory ofStuart Hall as the reading method. Representation approach is used to posit the film asa medium that can construct the meaning through language (constructionist. So, it canappears 6 selected sequences, contains scenes which may represent a social life ofJavanese family inside the film. The results of this study showed a nearly balanced,which appears three equations, two shifts, and one difference. Equations that appearare: (1 social relations childhood in a family through the closeness between father andson was a toddler; (2 the status of teenage boys who attend school; and (3 a patternof domestic cooperation through the division of labor. Then, a shift that appears are: (1the social status of the family through a way of having a baby; (2 the role of parentsthrough of punishing the child after a fight. In addition, one significant difference thatappear is the closeness of father and son through the way of greeting each other. Keywords: family, Jawa, representation, and Jokowi

  8. Modern logic and quantum mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garden, R.W.


    The book applies the methods of modern logic and probabilities to ''interpreting'' quantum mechanics. The subject is described and discussed under the chapter headings: classical and quantum mechanics, modern logic, the propositional logic of mechanics, states and measurement in mechanics, the traditional analysis of probabilities, the probabilities of mechanics and the model logic of predictions. (U.K.)

  9. Semantic theory for logic programming

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brown, F M


    The author axiomatizes a number of meta theoretic concepts which have been used in logic programming, including: meaning, logical truth, nonentailment, assertion and erasure, thus showing that these concepts are logical in nature and need not be defined as they have previously been defined in terms of the operations of any particular interpreter for logic programs. 10 references.

  10. Logic and Learning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hendricks, Vincent Fella; Gierasimczuk, Nina; de Jong, Dick


    Learning and learnability have been long standing topics of interests within the linguistic, computational, and epistemological accounts of inductive in- ference. Johan van Benthem’s vision of the “dynamic turn” has not only brought renewed life to research agendas in logic as the study of inform......Learning and learnability have been long standing topics of interests within the linguistic, computational, and epistemological accounts of inductive in- ference. Johan van Benthem’s vision of the “dynamic turn” has not only brought renewed life to research agendas in logic as the study...... of information processing, but likewise helped bring logic and learning in close proximity. This proximity relation is examined with respect to learning and belief revision, updating and efficiency, and with respect to how learnability fits in the greater scheme of dynamic epistemic logic and scientific method....

  11. Magnonic logic circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khitun, Alexander; Bao Mingqiang; Wang, Kang L


    We describe and analyse possible approaches to magnonic logic circuits and basic elements required for circuit construction. A distinctive feature of the magnonic circuitry is that information is transmitted by spin waves propagating in the magnetic waveguides without the use of electric current. The latter makes it possible to exploit spin wave phenomena for more efficient data transfer and enhanced logic functionality. We describe possible schemes for general computing and special task data processing. The functional throughput of the magnonic logic gates is estimated and compared with the conventional transistor-based approach. Magnonic logic circuits allow scaling down to the deep submicrometre range and THz frequency operation. The scaling is in favour of the magnonic circuits offering a significant functional advantage over the traditional approach. The disadvantages and problems of the spin wave devices are also discussed.

  12. Relativistic quantum logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mittelstaedt, P.


    on the basis of the well-known quantum logic and quantum probability a formal language of relativistic quantum physics is developed. This language incorporates quantum logical as well as relativistic restrictions. It is shown that relativity imposes serious restrictions on the validity regions of propositions in space-time. By an additional postulate this relativistic quantum logic can be made consistent. The results of this paper are derived exclusively within the formal quantum language; they are, however, in accordance with well-known facts of relativistic quantum physics in Hilbert space. (author)

  13. Implementing conventional logic unconventionally: photochromic molecular populations as registers and logic gates. (United States)

    Chaplin, J C; Russell, N A; Krasnogor, N


    In this paper we detail experimental methods to implement registers, logic gates and logic circuits using populations of photochromic molecules exposed to sequences of light pulses. Photochromic molecules are molecules with two or more stable states that can be switched reversibly between states by illuminating with appropriate wavelengths of radiation. Registers are implemented by using the concentration of molecules in each state in a given sample to represent an integer value. The register's value can then be read using the intensity of a fluorescence signal from the sample. Logic gates have been implemented using a register with inputs in the form of light pulses to implement 1-input/1-output and 2-input/1-output logic gates. A proof of concept logic circuit is also demonstrated; coupled with the software workflow describe the transition from a circuit design to the corresponding sequence of light pulses. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Gezondheidsrisico's in verband met het werken met Pentachloorfenol : een onderzoek

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geuskens, R.B.M.; Nossent, S.M.; Koëter, H.B.W.M.; Dreef-van der Meulen, H.C.; Stijkel, A.; Zielhuis, R.l.


    De gezondheidsrisico's i.v.m. het werken met pentachloorfenol (PCP) wordt geevalueerd. Het gebruik van PCP in Nederlandse arbeidssituaties neemt sterk af en is beperkt tot de formulering van emeltenkorrels en de, met name preventieve, houtverduurzaming. De totale risicopopulatie is niet omvangrijk

  15. A Logic for Choreographies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Carbone


    Full Text Available We explore logical reasoning for the global calculus, a coordination model based on the notion of choreography, with the aim to provide a methodology for specification and verification of structured communications. Starting with an extension of Hennessy-Milner logic, we present the global logic (GL, a modal logic describing possible interactions among participants in a choreography. We illustrate its use by giving examples of properties on service specifications. Finally, we show that, despite GL is undecidable, there is a significant decidable fragment which we provide with a sound and complete proof system for checking validity of formulae.

  16. Relational Parametricity and Separation Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Birkedal, Lars; Yang, Hongseok


    Separation logic is a recent extension of Hoare logic for reasoning about programs with references to shared mutable data structures. In this paper, we provide a new interpretation of the logic for a programming language with higher types. Our interpretation is based on Reynolds's relational...... parametricity, and it provides a formal connection between separation logic and data abstraction. Udgivelsesdato: 2008...

  17. Heterogeneous logics of competition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mossin, Christiane


    of competition are only realized as particular forms of social organization by virtue of interplaying with other kinds of logics, like legal logics. (2) Competition logics enjoy a peculiar status in-between constructedness and givenness; although competition depends on laws and mechanisms of socialization, we...... still experience competition as an expression of spontaneous human activities. On the basis of these perspectives, a study of fundamental rights of EU law, springing from the principle of ‘free movement of people’, is conducted. The first part of the empirical analysis seeks to detect the presence...... of a presumed logic of competition within EU law, whereas the second part focuses on particular legal logics. In this respect, the so-called ‘real link criterion’ (determining the access to transnational social rights for certain groups of unemployed people) is given special attention. What is particularly...

  18. Basic logic and quantum entanglement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zizzi, P A


    As it is well known, quantum entanglement is one of the most important features of quantum computing, as it leads to massive quantum parallelism, hence to exponential computational speed-up. In a sense, quantum entanglement is considered as an implicit property of quantum computation itself. But... can it be made explicit? In other words, is it possible to find the connective 'entanglement' in a logical sequent calculus for the machine language? And also, is it possible to 'teach' the quantum computer to 'mimic' the EPR 'paradox'? The answer is in the affirmative, if the logical sequent calculus is that of the weakest possible logic, namely Basic logic. - A weak logic has few structural rules. But in logic, a weak structure leaves more room for connectives (for example the connective 'entanglement'). Furthermore, the absence in Basic logic of the two structural rules of contraction and weakening corresponds to the validity of the no-cloning and no-erase theorems, respectively, in quantum computing

  19. Logic regression and its extensions. (United States)

    Schwender, Holger; Ruczinski, Ingo


    Logic regression is an adaptive classification and regression procedure, initially developed to reveal interacting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genetic association studies. In general, this approach can be used in any setting with binary predictors, when the interaction of these covariates is of primary interest. Logic regression searches for Boolean (logic) combinations of binary variables that best explain the variability in the outcome variable, and thus, reveals variables and interactions that are associated with the response and/or have predictive capabilities. The logic expressions are embedded in a generalized linear regression framework, and thus, logic regression can handle a variety of outcome types, such as binary responses in case-control studies, numeric responses, and time-to-event data. In this chapter, we provide an introduction to the logic regression methodology, list some applications in public health and medicine, and summarize some of the direct extensions and modifications of logic regression that have been proposed in the literature. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Using Abductive Research Logic: "The Logic of Discovery", to Construct a Rigorous Explanation of Amorphous Evaluation Findings (United States)

    Levin-Rozalis, Miri


    Background: Two kinds of research logic prevail in scientific research: deductive research logic and inductive research logic. However, both fail in the field of evaluation, especially evaluation conducted in unfamiliar environments. Purpose: In this article I wish to suggest the application of a research logic--"abduction"--"the logic of…

  1. Connections among quantum logics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lock, P.F.; Hardegree, G.M.


    This paper gives a brief introduction to the major areas of work in quantum event logics: manuals (Foulis and Randall) and semi-Boolean algebras (Abbott). The two theories are compared, and the connection between quantum event logics and quantum propositional logics is made explicit. In addition, the work on manuals provides us with many examples of results stated in Part I. (author)

  2. Safety logic systems of PFBR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sambasivan, S. Ilango


    Full text : PFBR is provided with two independent, fast acting and diverse shutdown systems to detect any abnormalities and to initiate safety action. Each system consists of sensors, signal processing systems, logics, drive mechanisms and absorber rods. The absorber rods of the first system are Control and Safety Rods (CSR) and that of the second are called as Diverse Safety Rods (DSR). There are nine CSR and three DSR. While CSR are used for startup, control of reactor power, controlled shutdown and SCRAM, the DSR are used only for SCRAM. The respective drive mechanisms are called as CSRDM and DSRDM. Each of these two systems is capable of executing the shutdown satisfactorily with single failure criteria. Two independent safety logic systems based on diverse principles have been designed for the two shut down systems. The analog outputs of the sensors of Core Monitoring Systems comprising of reactor flux monitoring, core temperature monitoring, failed fuel detection and core flow monitoring systems are processed and converted into binary signals depending on their instantaneous values. Safety logic systems receive the binary signals from these core-monitoring systems and process them logically to protect the reactor against postulated initiating events. Neutronic and power to flow (P/Q) signals form the inputs to safety logic system-I and temperature signals are inputs to the safety logic system II. Failed fuel detection signals are processed by both the shut down systems. The two logic systems to actuate the safety rods are also based on two diverse designs and implemented with solid-state devices to meet all the requirements of safety systems. Safety logic system I that caters to neutronic and P/Q signals is designed around combinational logic and has an on-line test facility to detect struck at faults. The second logic system is based on dynamic logic and hence is inherently safe. This paper gives an overview of the two logic systems that have been

  3. Logic from A to Z the Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy glossary of logical and mathematical terms

    CERN Document Server

    Bacon, John B; McCarty, David Charles; Bacon, John B


    First published in the most ambitious international philosophy project for a generation; the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Logic from A to Z is a unique glossary of terms used in formal logic and the philosophy of mathematics. Over 500 entries include key terms found in the study of: * Logic: Argument, Turing Machine, Variable * Set and model theory: Isomorphism, Function * Computability theory: Algorithm, Turing Machine * Plus a table of logical symbols. Extensively cross-referenced to help comprehension and add detail, Logic from A to Z provides an indispensable reference source for students of all branches of logic.

  4. A Paraconsistent Higher Order Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villadsen, Jørgen


    of paraconsistent logics in knowledge-based systems, logical semantics of natural language, etc. Higher order logics have the advantages of being expressive and with several automated theorem provers available. Also the type system can be helpful. We present a concise description of a paraconsistent higher order...... of the logic is examined by a case study in the domain of medicine. Thus we try to build a bridge between the HOL and MVL communities. A sequent calculus is proposed based on recent work by Muskens. Many non-classical logics are, at the propositional level, funny toys which work quite good, but when one wants...

  5. Breaking the fault tree circular logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lankin, M.


    Event tree - fault tree approach to model failures of nuclear plants as well as of other complex facilities is noticeably dominant now. This approach implies modeling an object in form of unidirectional logical graph - tree, i.e. graph without circular logic. However, genuine nuclear plants intrinsically demonstrate quite a few logical loops (circular logic), especially where electrical systems are involved. This paper shows the incorrectness of existing practice of circular logic breaking by elimination of part of logical dependencies and puts forward a formal algorithm, which enables the analyst to correctly model the failure of complex object, which involves logical dependencies between system and components, in form of fault tree. (author)

  6. Indexical Hybrid Tense Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blackburn, Patrick Rowan; Jørgensen, Klaus Frovin


    In this paper we explore the logic of now, yesterday, today and tomorrow by combining the semantic approach to indexicality pioneered by Hans Kamp [9] and refined by David Kaplan [10] with hybrid tense logic. We first introduce a special now nominal (our @now corresponds to Kamp’s original now...... operator N) and prove completeness results for both logical and contextual validity. We then add propositional constants to handle yesterday, today and tomorrow; our system correctly treats sentences like “Niels will die yesterday” as contextually unsatisfiable. Building on our completeness results for now......, we prove completeness for the richer language, again for both logical and contextual validity....

  7. Reversible logic gates on Physarum Polycephalum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schumann, Andrew


    In this paper, we consider possibilities how to implement asynchronous sequential logic gates and quantum-style reversible logic gates on Physarum polycephalum motions. We show that in asynchronous sequential logic gates we can erase information because of uncertainty in the direction of plasmodium propagation. Therefore quantum-style reversible logic gates are more preferable for designing logic circuits on Physarum polycephalum

  8. Logical entropy of quantum dynamical systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ebrahimzadeh Abolfazl


    Full Text Available This paper introduces the concepts of logical entropy and conditional logical entropy of hnite partitions on a quantum logic. Some of their ergodic properties are presented. Also logical entropy of a quantum dynamical system is dehned and ergodic properties of dynamical systems on a quantum logic are investigated. Finally, the version of Kolmogorov-Sinai theorem is proved.

  9. A beginner's guide to mathematical logic

    CERN Document Server

    Smullyan, Raymond M


    Combining stories of great philosophers, quotations, and riddles with the fundamentals of mathematical logic, this new textbook for first courses in mathematical logic was written by the subject's creative master. Raymond Smullyan offers clear, incremental presentations of difficult logic concepts with creative explanations and unique problems related to proofs, propositional logic and first-order logic, undecidability, recursion theory, and other topics.

  10. From Logical to Distributional Models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne Preller


    Full Text Available The paper relates two variants of semantic models for natural language, logical functional models and compositional distributional vector space models, by transferring the logic and reasoning from the logical to the distributional models. The geometrical operations of quantum logic are reformulated as algebraic operations on vectors. A map from functional models to vector space models makes it possible to compare the meaning of sentences word by word.

  11. Logic reversibility and thermodynamic irreversibility demonstrated by DNAzyme-based Toffoli and Fredkin logic gates. (United States)

    Orbach, Ron; Remacle, Françoise; Levine, R D; Willner, Itamar


    The Toffoli and Fredkin gates were suggested as a means to exhibit logic reversibility and thereby reduce energy dissipation associated with logic operations in dense computing circuits. We present a construction of the logically reversible Toffoli and Fredkin gates by implementing a library of predesigned Mg(2+)-dependent DNAzymes and their respective substrates. Although the logical reversibility, for which each set of inputs uniquely correlates to a set of outputs, is demonstrated, the systems manifest thermodynamic irreversibility originating from two quite distinct and nonrelated phenomena. (i) The physical readout of the gates is by fluorescence that depletes the population of the final state of the machine. This irreversible, heat-releasing process is needed for the generation of the output. (ii) The DNAzyme-powered logic gates are made to operate at a finite rate by invoking downhill energy-releasing processes. Even though the three bits of Toffoli's and Fredkin's logically reversible gates manifest thermodynamic irreversibility, we suggest that these gates could have important practical implication in future nanomedicine.

  12. Functions and generality of logic reflections on Dedekind's and Frege's logicisms

    CERN Document Server

    Benis-Sinaceur, Hourya; Sandu, Gabriel


    This book examines three connected aspects of Frege's logicism: the differences between Dedekind's and Frege's interpretation of the term 'logic' and related terms and reflects on Frege's notion of function, comparing its understanding and the role it played in Frege's and Lagrange's foundational programs. It concludes with an examination of the notion of arbitrary function, taking into account Frege's, Ramsey's and Russell's view on the subject. Composed of three chapters, this book sheds light on important aspects of Dedekind's and Frege's logicisms. The first chapter explains how, although he shares Frege's aim at substituting logical standards of rigor to intuitive imports from spatio-temporal experience into the deductive presentation of arithmetic, Dedekind had a different goal and used or invented different tools. The chapter highlights basic dissimilarities between Dedekind's and Frege's actual ways of doing and thinking. The second chapter reflects on Frege's notion of a function, in comparison with ...

  13. An Algebraic View of Super-Belnap Logics

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Albuquerque, H.; Přenosil, Adam; Rivieccio, U.


    Roč. 105, č. 6 (2017), s. 1051-1086 ISSN 0039-3215 R&D Projects: GA ČR GBP202/12/G061 Grant - others:EU(XE) PIRSES- GA-2012-31898 Institutional support: RVO:67985807 Keywords : Super-Belnap logics * Four-valued logic * Paraconsistent logic * Belnap–Dunn logic * FDE * Logic of Paradox * Kleene logic * Exactly True logic * De Morgan algebras * Abstract Algebraic Logic * Leibniz filters * Strong versions of logics Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics OBOR OECD: Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8) Impact factor: 0.589, year: 2016

  14. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene Val66Met polymorphism affects memory performance in older adults. (United States)

    Azeredo, Lucas A de; De Nardi, Tatiana; Levandowski, Mateus L; Tractenberg, Saulo G; Kommers-Molina, Julia; Wieck, Andrea; Irigaray, Tatiana Q; Silva, Irênio G da; Grassi-Oliveira, Rodrigo


    Memory impairment is an important contributor to the reduction in quality of life experienced by older adults, and genetic risk factors seem to contribute to variance in age-related cognitive decline. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is an important nerve growth factor linked with development and neural plasticity. The Val66Met polymorphism in the BDNF gene has been associated with impaired episodic memory in adults, but whether this functional variant plays a role in cognitive aging remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on memory performance in a sample of elderly adults. Eighty-seven subjects aged > 55 years were recruited using a community-based convenience sampling strategy in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The logical memory subset of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised was used to assess immediate verbal recall (IVR), delayed verbal recall (DVR), and memory retention rate. BDNF Met allele carriers had lower DVR scores (p = 0.004) and a decline in memory retention (p = 0.017) when compared to Val/Val homozygotes. However, we found no significant differences in IVR between the two groups (p = 0.088). These results support the hypothesis of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism as a risk factor associated with cognitive impairment, corroborating previous findings in young and older adults.

  15. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF gene Val66Met polymorphism affects memory performance in older adults

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucas A. de Azeredo

    Full Text Available Objective: Memory impairment is an important contributor to the reduction in quality of life experienced by older adults, and genetic risk factors seem to contribute to variance in age-related cognitive decline. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF is an important nerve growth factor linked with development and neural plasticity. The Val66Met polymorphism in the BDNF gene has been associated with impaired episodic memory in adults, but whether this functional variant plays a role in cognitive aging remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on memory performance in a sample of elderly adults. Methods: Eighty-seven subjects aged > 55 years were recruited using a community-based convenience sampling strategy in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The logical memory subset of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised was used to assess immediate verbal recall (IVR, delayed verbal recall (DVR, and memory retention rate. Results: BDNF Met allele carriers had lower DVR scores (p = 0.004 and a decline in memory retention (p = 0.017 when compared to Val/Val homozygotes. However, we found no significant differences in IVR between the two groups (p = 0.088. Conclusion: These results support the hypothesis of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism as a risk factor associated with cognitive impairment, corroborating previous findings in young and older adults.

  16. Logic Programming: PROLOG. (United States)

    Lopez, Antonio M., Jr.


    Provides background material on logic programing and presents PROLOG as a high-level artificial intelligence programing language that borrows its basic constructs from logic. Suggests the language is one which will help the educator to achieve various goals, particularly the promotion of problem solving ability. (MVL)

  17. Introduction to fuzzy logic using Matlab

    CERN Document Server

    Sivanandam, SN; Deepa, S N


    Fuzzy Logic, at present is a hot topic, among academicians as well various programmers. This book is provided to give a broad, in-depth overview of the field of Fuzzy Logic. The basic principles of Fuzzy Logic are discussed in detail with various solved examples. The different approaches and solutions to the problems given in the book are well balanced and pertinent to the Fuzzy Logic research projects. The applications of Fuzzy Logic are also dealt to make the readers understand the concept of Fuzzy Logic. The solutions to the problems are programmed using MATLAB 6.0 and the simulated results are given. The MATLAB Fuzzy Logic toolbox is provided for easy reference.

  18. Basic logic and quantum entanglement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zizzi, P A [Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Via Trieste 63, 35121 Padova (Italy)


    As it is well known, quantum entanglement is one of the most important features of quantum computing, as it leads to massive quantum parallelism, hence to exponential computational speed-up. In a sense, quantum entanglement is considered as an implicit property of quantum computation itself. But... can it be made explicit? In other words, is it possible to find the connective 'entanglement' in a logical sequent calculus for the machine language? And also, is it possible to 'teach' the quantum computer to 'mimic' the EPR 'paradox'? The answer is in the affirmative, if the logical sequent calculus is that of the weakest possible logic, namely Basic logic. - A weak logic has few structural rules. But in logic, a weak structure leaves more room for connectives (for example the connective 'entanglement'). Furthermore, the absence in Basic logic of the two structural rules of contraction and weakening corresponds to the validity of the no-cloning and no-erase theorems, respectively, in quantum computing.

  19. Implicational (semilinear) logics III: completeness properties

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Cintula, Petr; Noguera, Carles


    Roč. 57, 3-4 (2018), s. 391-420 ISSN 0933-5846 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-14654S EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 689176 - SYSMICS Institutional support: RVO:67985807 ; RVO:67985556 Keywords : abstract algebraic logic * protoalgebraic logics * implicational logics * disjunctional logics * semilinear logics * non-classical logics * completeness theorems * rational completeness Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics; BA - General Mathematics (UTIA-B) OBOR OECD: Computer science s, information science , bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8) Impact factor: 0.394, year: 2016

  20. Implicational (semilinear) logics III: completeness properties

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Cintula, Petr; Noguera, Carles


    Roč. 57, 3-4 (2018), s. 391-420 ISSN 0933-5846 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-14654S EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 689176 - SYSMICS Institutional support: RVO:67985807 ; RVO:67985556 Keywords : abstract algebraic logic * protoalgebraic logics * implicational logics * disjunctional logics * semilinear logics * non-classical logics * completeness theorems * rational completeness Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics; BA - General Mathematics (UTIA-B) OBOR OECD: Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8) Impact factor: 0.394, year: 2016

  1. Microelectromechanical reprogrammable logic device (United States)

    Hafiz, M. A. A.; Kosuru, L.; Younis, M. I.


    In modern computing, the Boolean logic operations are set by interconnect schemes between the transistors. As the miniaturization in the component level to enhance the computational power is rapidly approaching physical limits, alternative computing methods are vigorously pursued. One of the desired aspects in the future computing approaches is the provision for hardware reconfigurability at run time to allow enhanced functionality. Here we demonstrate a reprogrammable logic device based on the electrothermal frequency modulation scheme of a single microelectromechanical resonator, capable of performing all the fundamental 2-bit logic functions as well as n-bit logic operations. Logic functions are performed by actively tuning the linear resonance frequency of the resonator operated at room temperature and under modest vacuum conditions, reprogrammable by the a.c.-driving frequency. The device is fabricated using complementary metal oxide semiconductor compatible mass fabrication process, suitable for on-chip integration, and promises an alternative electromechanical computing scheme. PMID:27021295

  2. Microelectromechanical reprogrammable logic device

    KAUST Repository

    Hafiz, Md Abdullah Al


    In modern computing, the Boolean logic operations are set by interconnect schemes between the transistors. As the miniaturization in the component level to enhance the computational power is rapidly approaching physical limits, alternative computing methods are vigorously pursued. One of the desired aspects in the future computing approaches is the provision for hardware reconfigurability at run time to allow enhanced functionality. Here we demonstrate a reprogrammable logic device based on the electrothermal frequency modulation scheme of a single microelectromechanical resonator, capable of performing all the fundamental 2-bit logic functions as well as n-bit logic operations. Logic functions are performed by actively tuning the linear resonance frequency of the resonator operated at room temperature and under modest vacuum conditions, reprogrammable by the a.c.-driving frequency. The device is fabricated using complementary metal oxide semiconductor compatible mass fabrication process, suitable for on-chip integration, and promises an alternative electromechanical computing scheme.

  3. Using logic model methods in systematic review synthesis: describing complex pathways in referral management interventions. (United States)

    Baxter, Susan K; Blank, Lindsay; Woods, Helen Buckley; Payne, Nick; Rimmer, Melanie; Goyder, Elizabeth


    There is increasing interest in innovative methods to carry out systematic reviews of complex interventions. Theory-based approaches, such as logic models, have been suggested as a means of providing additional insights beyond that obtained via conventional review methods. This paper reports the use of an innovative method which combines systematic review processes with logic model techniques to synthesise a broad range of literature. The potential value of the model produced was explored with stakeholders. The review identified 295 papers that met the inclusion criteria. The papers consisted of 141 intervention studies and 154 non-intervention quantitative and qualitative articles. A logic model was systematically built from these studies. The model outlines interventions, short term outcomes, moderating and mediating factors and long term demand management outcomes and impacts. Interventions were grouped into typologies of practitioner education, process change, system change, and patient intervention. Short-term outcomes identified that may result from these interventions were changed physician or patient knowledge, beliefs or attitudes and also interventions related to changed doctor-patient interaction. A range of factors which may influence whether these outcomes lead to long term change were detailed. Demand management outcomes and intended impacts included content of referral, rate of referral, and doctor or patient satisfaction. The logic model details evidence and assumptions underpinning the complex pathway from interventions to demand management impact. The method offers a useful addition to systematic review methodologies. PROSPERO registration number: CRD42013004037.

  4. Coherent quantum logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finkelstein, D.


    The von Neumann quantum logic lacks two basic symmetries of classical logic, that between sets and classes, and that between lower and higher order predicates. Similarly, the structural parallel between the set algebra and linear algebra of Grassmann and Peano was left incomplete by them in two respects. In this work a linear algebra is constructed that completes this correspondence and is interpreted as a new quantum logic that restores these invariances, and as a quantum set theory. It applies to experiments with coherent quantum phase relations between the quantum and the apparatus. The quantum set theory is applied to model a Lorentz-invariant quantum time-space complex

  5. Logical database design principles

    CERN Document Server

    Garmany, John; Clark, Terry


    INTRODUCTION TO LOGICAL DATABASE DESIGNUnderstanding a Database Database Architectures Relational Databases Creating the Database System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Systems Planning: Assessment and Feasibility System Analysis: RequirementsSystem Analysis: Requirements Checklist Models Tracking and Schedules Design Modeling Functional Decomposition DiagramData Flow Diagrams Data Dictionary Logical Structures and Decision Trees System Design: LogicalSYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION The ER ApproachEntities and Entity Types Attribute Domains AttributesSet-Valued AttributesWeak Entities Constraint

  6. CITRA PERUSAHAAN DALAM BERITA KRISIS PERUSAHAAN: Konstruksi Citra Perusahaan Daerah Taman Satwa (PDTS Kebun Binatang Surabaya dalam Teks Berita Kematian Michael di Harian Jawa Pos dan Sindo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Theresia Intan Putri Hartiana


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana Harian Jawa Pos dan Sindo membentuk citra Perusahaan Daerah Taman Satwa (PDTS Kebun Binatang Surabaya (KBS dikonstruksikan dalam berita krisis kematian Michael. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah framing Entman dengan merujuk pada pemberian definisi, penelasan, evaluasi, dan rekomendasi acana untuk melihat penekanan pada kerangka berpikir terhadap peristiwa yang dicanangkan. Citra PDTS KBS dalam Harian Jawa Pos memperlihatkan adanya kondisi Kebun Binatang Surabaya sudah tidak layak bagi satwanya dan kesengajaan keterlibatan orang dalam menjadi penyebab kematian Singa KBS mati tergantung. Citra PDTS KBS oleh Koran Sindo ditampilkan sebagai pihak yang harus bertanggungjawab atas kelalaian dan kecerobohannya dalam memelihara satwa sehingga mengakibatkan terjadi kematian satwa yang tidak wajar. Hal tersebut terlihat dari analisis makrostruktur teks yang memaparkan bahwa kepolisian dilibatkan untuk menyelidiki singa yang mati tergantung akibat kelalaian PDTS KBS dalam pengelolaan satwa. Pemberitaan yang dimunculkan oleh media massa patut menjadi perhatian oleh praktisi Public Relations. Berita yang dikonstruksi negatif secara terus menerus dapat memberikan pengaruh negatif pula di dalam benak pembaca. Beberapa pernyataan negatif yang muncul dalam teks pemberitaan dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar perencanaan bagi humas PDTS KBS dalam penanganan krisis dan perbaikan citra setelah krisis.

  7. Proposal for the Formalization of Dialectical Logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Usó-Doménech


    Full Text Available Classical logic is typically concerned with abstract analysis. The problem for a synthetic logic is to transcend and unify available data to reconstruct the object as a totality. Three rules are proposed to pass from classic logic to synthetic logic. We present the category logic of qualitative opposition using examples from various sciences. This logic has been defined to include the neuter as part of qualitative opposition. The application of these rules to qualitative opposition, and, in particular, its neuter, demonstrated that a synthetic logic allows the truth of some contradictions. This synthetic logic is dialectical with a multi-valued logic, which gives every proposition a truth value in the interval [0,1] that is the square of the modulus of a complex number. In this dialectical logic, contradictions of the neuter of an opposition may be true.

  8. Modern logic 1850-1950, East and West

    CERN Document Server

    Fuller, Mark


    This book presents diverse topics in mathematical logic such as proof theory, meta-mathematics, and applications of logic to mathematical structures. The collection spans the first 100 years of modern logic and is dedicated to the memory of Irving Anellis, founder of the journal 'Modern Logic', whose academic work was essential in promoting the algebraic tradition of logic, as represented by Charles Sanders Peirce. Anellis’s association with the Russian logic community introduced their school of logic to a wider audience in the USA, Canada and Western Europe. In addition, the collection takes a historical perspective on proof theory and the development of logic and mathematics in Eastern Logic, the Soviet Union and Russia. The book will be of interest to historians and philosophers in logic and mathematics, and the more specialized papers will also appeal to mathematicians and logicians.

  9. Lectures on Logic and Computation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) is organized every year by the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI) in different sites around Europe. The main focus of ESSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, logic and computation. ESSLLI offers fo...

  10. Strong Completeness for Markovian Logics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kozen, Dexter; Mardare, Radu Iulian; Panangaden, Prakash


    In this paper we present Hilbert-style axiomatizations for three logics for reasoning about continuous-space Markov processes (MPs): (i) a logic for MPs defined for probability distributions on measurable state spaces, (ii) a logic for MPs defined for sub-probability distributions and (iii) a log...

  11. Linear Logic on Petri Nets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engberg, Uffe Henrik; Winskel, Glynn

    This article shows how individual Petri nets form models of Girard's intuitionistic linear logic. It explores questions of expressiveness and completeness of linear logic with respect to this interpretation. An aim is to use Petri nets to give an understanding of linear logic and give some apprai...

  12. The logic of actual obligation. An alternative approach to deontic logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voorbraak, F.

    In this paper we develop a system of deontic logic (LAO, the logic of actual obligation) with a rather limited scope: we are, only interested in obligations as far as they: are relevant for deciding what actions actually ought to be done in a particular situation, given some normative system N.

  13. Lipid ratio as a suitable tool to identify individuals with MetS risk: A case- control study. (United States)

    Abbasian, Maryam; Delvarianzadeh, Mehri; Ebrahimi, Hossein; Khosravi, Farideh


    This study aimed to compare the serum lipids ratio in staff with and without metabolic syndrome (MetS) who were working in Shahroud University of Medical Sciences. This case-control study was conducted in 2015 on 499 personnel aged 30-60 years old. ATP III criteria were used to diagnose patients with MetS. The data were analyzed by using logistic regression and ROC curve. Mean lipid ratio was higher in individuals having the MetS in both sexes compared with those without. In addition, the mean levels of lipid ratios significantly increased with increasing number of MetS components in both sexes. Also it could be concluded that TG/HDL-C ratio is the best marker for the diagnosis of MetS in men and women. Moreover, the cut-off point for the TG/HDL-C was 2.86 in women and 4.03 in men. It was found that for any unit of increases in the TG/HDL-C, the risk of developing the MetS will increase by 2.12 times. TG/HDL-C ratio is found to be the best clinical marker for the diagnosis of MetS compare with other lipid ratios, therefore it is recommended to be used as a feasible tool to identify individuals with MetS risk. Copyright © 2016 Diabetes India. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. From the history of logic. Semantics of homonymy in Porphyry’s logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Garin Sergey Vyacheslavovich


    Full Text Available The article deals with the logical and semantic aspects of the theory of homonyms in Aristotle’s “Categories” within the context of Porphyry’s commentaries. We consider the logical formation of the doctrine of homonymy of nouns, verbs, and conjunctions in Ancient Greek. We reveal the difficulty in interpreting the terms “κατηγορίαι”, “ὄνομα” and “ῥῆμα”. The paper has shed some light on different aspects of Porphyry’s logic.

  15. Modal Logics for Cryptographic Processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frendrup, U.; Huttel, Hans; Jensen, N. J.


    We present three modal logics for the spi-calculus and show that they capture strong versions of the environment sensitive bisimulation introduced by Boreale et al. Our logics differ from conventional modal logics for process calculi in that they allow us to describe the knowledge of an attacker ...

  16. Popular lectures on mathematical logic

    CERN Document Server

    Wang, Hao


    A noted logician and philosopher addresses various forms of mathematical logic, discussing both theoretical underpinnings and practical applications. Author Hao Wang surveys the central concepts and theories of the discipline in a historical and developmental context, and then focuses on the four principal domains of contemporary mathematical logic: set theory, model theory, recursion theory and constructivism, and proof theory.Topics include the place of problems in the development of theories of logic and logic's relation to computer science. Specific attention is given to Gödel's incomplete

  17. Optimization methods for logical inference

    CERN Document Server

    Chandru, Vijay


    Merging logic and mathematics in deductive inference-an innovative, cutting-edge approach. Optimization methods for logical inference? Absolutely, say Vijay Chandru and John Hooker, two major contributors to this rapidly expanding field. And even though ""solving logical inference problems with optimization methods may seem a bit like eating sauerkraut with chopsticks. . . it is the mathematical structure of a problem that determines whether an optimization model can help solve it, not the context in which the problem occurs."" Presenting powerful, proven optimization techniques for logic in

  18. Logic and Philosophy of Time

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    By blending historical research with current research, this collection (loosely inspired by themes from the work of Arthur Prior) demonstrates the importance of Prior's writings and helps us to gain a deeper understanding of time, its logic(s), and its language(s).......By blending historical research with current research, this collection (loosely inspired by themes from the work of Arthur Prior) demonstrates the importance of Prior's writings and helps us to gain a deeper understanding of time, its logic(s), and its language(s)....

  19. Logical independence and quantum randomness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paterek, T; Kofler, J; Aspelmeyer, M; Zeilinger, A; Brukner, C; Prevedel, R; Klimek, P


    We propose a link between logical independence and quantum physics. We demonstrate that quantum systems in the eigenstates of Pauli group operators are capable of encoding mathematical axioms and show that Pauli group quantum measurements are capable of revealing whether or not a given proposition is logically dependent on the axiomatic system. Whenever a mathematical proposition is logically independent of the axioms encoded in the measured state, the measurement associated with the proposition gives random outcomes. This allows for an experimental test of logical independence. Conversely, it also allows for an explanation of the probabilities of random outcomes observed in Pauli group measurements from logical independence without invoking quantum theory. The axiomatic systems we study can be completed and are therefore not subject to Goedel's incompleteness theorem.

  20. Logic an introductory course

    CERN Document Server

    Newton-Smith, WH


    A complete introduction to logic for first-year university students with no background in logic, philosophy or mathematics. In easily understood steps it shows the mechanics of the formal analysis of arguments.

  1. A Resolution Prover for Coalition Logic


    Nalon, Cláudia; Zhang, Lan; Dixon, Clare; Hustadt, Ullrich


    We present a prototype tool for automated reasoning for Coalition Logic, a non-normal modal logic that can be used for reasoning about cooperative agency. The theorem prover CLProver is based on recent work on a resolution-based calculus for Coalition Logic that operates on coalition problems, a normal form for Coalition Logic. We provide an overview of coalition problems and of the resolution-based calculus for Coalition Logic. We then give details of the implementation of CLProver and prese...

  2. On Witnessed Models in Fuzzy Logic III - Witnessed Gödel Logics

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hájek, Petr


    Roč. 56, č. 2 (2010), s. 171-174 ISSN 0942-5616 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 1M0545 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : mathematical fuzzy logic * Gödel logic * witnessed models * arithmetical complexity Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.361, year: 2010

  3. Design and experimentation of BSFQ logic devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosoki, T.; Kodaka, H.; Kitagawa, M.; Okabe, Y.


    Rapid single flux quantum (RSFQ) logic needs synchronous pulses for each gate, so the clock-wiring problem is more serious when designing larger scale circuits with this logic. So we have proposed a new SFQ logic which follows Boolean algebra perfectly by using set and reset pulses. With this logic, the level information of current input is transmitted with these pulses generated by level-to-pulse converters, and each gate calculates logic using its phase level made by these pulses. Therefore, our logic needs no clock in each gate. We called this logic 'Boolean SFQ (BSFQ) logic'. In this paper, we report design and experimentation for an AND gate with inverting input based on BSFQ logic. The experimental results for OR and XOR gates are also reported. (author)

  4. Combining Paraconsistent Logic with Argumentation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grooters, Diana; Prakken, Hendrik


    One tradition in the logical study of argumentation is to allow for arguments that combine strict and defeasible inference rules, and to derive the strict inference rules from a logic at least as strong as classical logic. An unsolved problem in this tradition is how the trivialising effect of the

  5. Anticoincidence logic using PALs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bolanos, L.; Arista Romeu, E.


    This paper describes the functioning principle of an anticoincidence logic and a design of this based on programing logic. The circuit was included in a discriminator of an equipment for single-photon absorptiometry

  6. Contextual logic for quantum systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Domenech, Graciela; Freytes, Hector


    In this work we build a quantum logic that allows us to refer to physical magnitudes pertaining to different contexts from a fixed one without the contradictions with quantum mechanics expressed in no-go theorems. This logic arises from considering a sheaf over a topological space associated with the Boolean sublattices of the ortholattice of closed subspaces of the Hilbert space of the physical system. Different from standard quantum logics, the contextual logic maintains a distributive lattice structure and a good definition of implication as a residue of the conjunction

  7. Tensor product of quantum logics (United States)

    Pulmannová, Sylvia


    A quantum logic is the couple (L,M) where L is an orthomodular σ-lattice and M is a strong set of states on L. The Jauch-Piron property in the σ-form is also supposed for any state of M. A ``tensor product'' of quantum logics is defined. This definition is compared with the definition of a free orthodistributive product of orthomodular σ-lattices. The existence and uniqueness of the tensor product in special cases of Hilbert space quantum logics and one quantum and one classical logic are studied.

  8. Microelectromechanical resonator based digital logic elements

    KAUST Repository

    Hafiz, Md Abdullah Al


    Micro/nano-electromechanical resonator based mechanical computing has recently attracted significant attention. However, its full realization has been hindered by the difficulty in realizing complex combinational logics, in which the logic function is constructed by cascading multiple smaller logic blocks. In this work we report an alternative approach for implementation of digital logic core elements, multiplexer and demultiplexer, which can be used to realize combinational logic circuits by suitable concatenation. Toward this, shallow arch shaped microresonators are electrically connected and their resonance frequencies are tuned based on an electrothermal frequency modulation scheme. This study demonstrates that by reconfiguring the same basic building block, the arch microresonator, complex logic circuits can be realized.

  9. Microelectromechanical resonator based digital logic elements

    KAUST Repository

    Hafiz, Md Abdullah Al; Kosuru, Lakshmoji; Younis, Mohammad I.; Fariborzi, Hossein


    Micro/nano-electromechanical resonator based mechanical computing has recently attracted significant attention. However, its full realization has been hindered by the difficulty in realizing complex combinational logics, in which the logic function is constructed by cascading multiple smaller logic blocks. In this work we report an alternative approach for implementation of digital logic core elements, multiplexer and demultiplexer, which can be used to realize combinational logic circuits by suitable concatenation. Toward this, shallow arch shaped microresonators are electrically connected and their resonance frequencies are tuned based on an electrothermal frequency modulation scheme. This study demonstrates that by reconfiguring the same basic building block, the arch microresonator, complex logic circuits can be realized.

  10. Students’ logical-mathematical intelligence profile (United States)

    Arum, D. P.; Kusmayadi, T. A.; Pramudya, I.


    One of students’ characteristics which play an important role in learning mathematics is logical-mathematical intelligence. This present study aims to identify profile of students’ logical-mathematical intelligence in general and specifically in each indicator. It is also analyzed and described based on students’ sex. This research used qualitative method with case study strategy. The subjects involve 29 students of 9th grade that were selected by purposive sampling. Data in this research involve students’ logical-mathematical intelligence result and interview. The results show that students’ logical-mathematical intelligence was identified in the moderate level with the average score is 11.17 and 51.7% students in the range of the level. In addition, the level of both male and female students are also mostly in the moderate level. On the other hand, both male and female students’ logical-mathematical intelligence is strongly influenced by the indicator of ability to classify and understand patterns and relationships. Furthermore, the ability of comparison is the weakest indicator. It seems that students’ logical-mathematical intelligence is still not optimal because more than 50% students are identified in moderate and low level. Therefore, teachers need to design a lesson that can improve students’ logical-mathematical intelligence level, both in general and on each indicator.

  11. Fuzzy Versions of Epistemic and Deontic Logic (United States)

    Gounder, Ramasamy S.; Esterline, Albert C.


    Epistemic and deontic logics are modal logics, respectively, of knowledge and of the normative concepts of obligation, permission, and prohibition. Epistemic logic is useful in formalizing systems of communicating processes and knowledge and belief in AI (Artificial Intelligence). Deontic logic is useful in computer science wherever we must distinguish between actual and ideal behavior, as in fault tolerance and database integrity constraints. We here discuss fuzzy versions of these logics. In the crisp versions, various axioms correspond to various properties of the structures used in defining the semantics of the logics. Thus, any axiomatic theory will be characterized not only by its axioms but also by the set of properties holding of the corresponding semantic structures. Fuzzy logic does not proceed with axiomatic systems, but fuzzy versions of the semantic properties exist and can be shown to correspond to some of the axioms for the crisp systems in special ways that support dependency networks among assertions in a modal domain. This in turn allows one to implement truth maintenance systems. For the technical development of epistemic logic, and for that of deontic logic. To our knowledge, we are the first to address fuzzy epistemic and fuzzy deontic logic explicitly and to consider the different systems and semantic properties available. We give the syntax and semantics of epistemic logic and discuss the correspondence between axioms of epistemic logic and properties of semantic structures. The same topics are covered for deontic logic. Fuzzy epistemic and fuzzy deontic logic discusses the relationship between axioms and semantic properties for these logics. Our results can be exploited in truth maintenance systems.

  12. Logical independence and quantum randomness

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paterek, T; Kofler, J; Aspelmeyer, M; Zeilinger, A; Brukner, C [Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Boltzmanngasse 3, A-1090 Vienna (Austria); Prevedel, R; Klimek, P [Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna (Austria)], E-mail:


    We propose a link between logical independence and quantum physics. We demonstrate that quantum systems in the eigenstates of Pauli group operators are capable of encoding mathematical axioms and show that Pauli group quantum measurements are capable of revealing whether or not a given proposition is logically dependent on the axiomatic system. Whenever a mathematical proposition is logically independent of the axioms encoded in the measured state, the measurement associated with the proposition gives random outcomes. This allows for an experimental test of logical independence. Conversely, it also allows for an explanation of the probabilities of random outcomes observed in Pauli group measurements from logical independence without invoking quantum theory. The axiomatic systems we study can be completed and are therefore not subject to Goedel's incompleteness theorem.

  13. Marketing Logics, Ambidexterity and Influence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tollin, Karin; Schmidt, Marcus


    in four CMOs have taken on this challenge, or adopted a marketing logic which could be referred to as ambidextrous. Furthermore, the study shows that this logic exerts a stronger impact on marketing's influence, compared to logics related to assuring brand consistency and measuring the performance...... of marketing processes. Three other ways to enact marketing management were also revealed, namely: an innovation; a communication; and a supporting marketing logic. This leads us to conclude that the influence of companies' marketing functions show up a heterogeneous picture within which the marketing logics......The duties of companies' chief marketing officers (CMOs) seem incompatible. They are expected to ensure that their company's market assets are properly exploited and recorded, while simultaneously enacting a proactive role in the company's business development. This study shows that about one...

  14. Optical programmable Boolean logic unit. (United States)

    Chattopadhyay, Tanay


    Logic units are the building blocks of many important computational operations likes arithmetic, multiplexer-demultiplexer, radix conversion, parity checker cum generator, etc. Multifunctional logic operation is very much essential in this respect. Here a programmable Boolean logic unit is proposed that can perform 16 Boolean logical operations from a single optical input according to the programming input without changing the circuit design. This circuit has two outputs. One output is complementary to the other. Hence no loss of data can occur. The circuit is basically designed by a 2×2 polarization independent optical cross bar switch. Performance of the proposed circuit has been achieved by doing numerical simulations. The binary logical states (0,1) are represented by the absence of light (null) and presence of light, respectively.

  15. Pulse coded safety logic for PFBR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anwer, Md. Najam; Satheesh, N.; Nagaraj, C.P.; Krishnakumar, B.


    Full text: Reactor safety logic is designed to initiate safety action against design basis events. The reactor is shutdown by de-energizing electromagnets and dropping the absorber rods under gravity. In prototype fast breeder reactor (PFBR), shutdown is affected by two independent shutdown systems, viz., control and safety rod drive mechanism (CSRDM) and diverse safety rod drive mechanism (DSRDM). Two separate safety logics are proposed for CSRDM and DSRDM, i.e. solid state logic with on-line fine impulse test (FIT) for CSRDM and pulse coded safety logic (PCSL) for DSRDM. The PCSL primarily utilizes the fact that the vast majority of faults in the logic circuitry result in static conditions at the output. It is arranged such that the presence of pulses are required to hold the shutdown actuators and any DC logic state, either logic 0 or logic 1 releases them. It is a dynamic, self-testing logic and used in a number of reactors. This paper describes the principle of operation of PCSL, its advantages, the concept of guard line logic (GLL), detection of stuck at 0 and stuck at 1 faults, fail safe and diversity features. The implementation of PCSL using Altera Max+Plus II software for PFBR trip signals and the results of simulation are discussed. This paper also describes a test jig using 80186 based system for testing PCSL for various input parameter's combinations and monitoring the outputs

  16. Towards rational closure for fuzzy logic: The case of propositional Godel logic

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Casini, G


    Full Text Available In the field of non-monotonic logics, the notion of rational closure is acknowledged as a landmark and we are going to see whether such a construction can be adopted in the context of mathematical fuzzy logic, a so far (apparently) unexplored...

  17. A Resolution Prover for Coalition Logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cláudia Nalon


    Full Text Available We present a prototype tool for automated reasoning for Coalition Logic, a non-normal modal logic that can be used for reasoning about cooperative agency. The theorem prover CLProver is based on recent work on a resolution-based calculus for Coalition Logic that operates on coalition problems, a normal form for Coalition Logic. We provide an overview of coalition problems and of the resolution-based calculus for Coalition Logic. We then give details of the implementation of CLProver and present the results for a comparison with an existing tableau-based solver.

  18. Logical design for computers and control

    CERN Document Server

    Dodd, Kenneth N


    Logical Design for Computers and Control Logical Design for Computers and Control gives an introduction to the concepts and principles, applications, and advancements in the field of control logic. The text covers topics such as logic elements; high and low logic; kinds of flip-flops; binary counting and arithmetic; and Boolean algebra, Boolean laws, and De Morgan's theorem. Also covered are topics such as electrostatics and atomic theory; the integrated circuit and simple control systems; the conversion of analog to digital systems; and computer applications and control. The book is recommend

  19. Hibriditas Medium pada Film Opera Jawa Karya Garin Nugroho sebagai Sebuah Dekonstruksi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Riksa Belasunda


    Full Text Available Di tengah penyeragaman ide, gagasan, pesan, dan estetika pada film-film nasional, menarik menjadikan film Opera Jawa karya Garin Nugroho sebagai obyek penelitian sekaligus menjadi alasan kenapa penelitian ini dilakukan. Penelitian ini sebagai upaya peningkatan peran aktif produktif penonton dalam memahami dan memaknai teks film. Dengan fokus bagaimana pesan dan makna tersebut dibaca melalui elemen-elemen visual teks film yang dikonstruksi oleh keragaman penggunaan medium. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan estetika posmodern melalui metode semiotika dengan teknik deskriptif interpretatif. Membongkar struktur kode bahasa film, melalui analisis struktur dramatik naratif dan unsur pembentuk film, yang berkaitan dengan aspek non-verbal berupa tanda-tanda elemen visual dan gerak pada shot film. Elemen-elemen tersebut dikonstruksi oleh pilihan medium ungkap yang menjadi gaya ungkap (ekspresi sineas dalam menyampaikan pesannya. Ekspresi sineas dalam menyampaikan ide gagasan, dan konsep tersebut, berupa idiom estetik parodi, dengan pelencengan makna, eksplorasi medium (hibriditas medium, dan gaya ungkap, sebagai kritik atau sindiran atas bentuk yang dijadikan rujukan. Lewat film ini, Garin Nugroho melakukan dekonstruksi terhadap tokoh-tokoh, ruang, pesan dan makna, serta narasi dari epik Ramayana karya Walmiki yang menjadi rujukannya. Merefleksikan persoalan gender, feminisme, dominasi maskulinitas, dominasi kekuasaan, pertentangan kelas, dan kapitalisme. Kata kunci: hibriditas medium; semiotika film postmodern; dekonstruksi.In the midst of the ideas, concepts, messages, and aesthetics uniformity at national films, it is interesting to make Opera Jawa movie by Garin Nugroho the object of study. That is the reason why the study was conducted. The research was an effort to improve the audience's productive and active role in understanding and interpreting the subtitles by focusing on how to read the message and meaning through subtitles constructed by

  20. Separation Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reynolds, John C.


    In joint work with Peter O'Hearn and others, based on early ideas of Burstall, we have developed an extension of Hoare logic that permits reasoning about low-level imperative programs that use shared mutable data structure. The simple imperative programming language is extended with commands (not...... with the inductive definition of predicates on abstract data structures, this extension permits the concise and flexible description of structures with controlled sharing. In this paper, we will survey the current development of this program logic, including extensions that permit unrestricted address arithmetic...

  1. How Objects Shape Logics in Construction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tryggestad, Kjell; Georg, Susse


    The notion of institutional logics is a key tenet in institutional theory but few studies have attended to the micro‐foundations of logics. The sociology of associations is used to explore the micro‐foundations of logics, their emergence and temporal–spatial importance. A case study of the constr......The notion of institutional logics is a key tenet in institutional theory but few studies have attended to the micro‐foundations of logics. The sociology of associations is used to explore the micro‐foundations of logics, their emergence and temporal–spatial importance. A case study...... and identities as emergent and contingent outcomes of the material practices of building construction. The argument is concluded by considering the building construction as a materially mediated meaning structure....

  2. C-MET overexpression and amplification in gliomas. (United States)

    Kwak, Yoonjin; Kim, Seong-Ik; Park, Chul-Kee; Paek, Sun Ha; Lee, Soon-Tae; Park, Sung-Hye


    We investigated c-Met overexpression and MET gene amplification in gliomas to determine their incidence and prognostic significance. c-Met immunohistochemistry and MET gene fluorescence in situ hybridization were carried out on tissue microarrays from 250 patients with gliomas (137 grade IV GBMs and 113 grade II and III diffuse gliomas). Clinicopathological features of these cases were reviewed. c-Met overexpression and MET gene amplification were detected in 13.1% and 5.1% of the GBMs, respectively. All the MET-amplified cases showed c-Met overexpression, but MET amplification was not always concordant with c-Met overexpression. None of grade II and III gliomas demonstrated c-Met overexpression or MET gene amplification. Mean survival of the GBM patients with MET amplification was not significantly different from patients without MET amplification (P=0.155). However, GBM patients with c-Met overexpression survived longer than patients without c-Met overexpression (P=0.035). Although MET amplification was not related to poor GBM prognosis, it is partially associated with the aggressiveness of gliomas, as MET amplification was found only in grade IV, not in grade II and III gliomas. We suggest that MET inhibitor therapy may be beneficial in about 5% GBMs, which was the incidence of MET gene amplification found in the patients included in this study.

  3. Doa daLam Tradisi Islam Jawa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdul Wahab Rosyidi


    Full Text Available Doa etymologically means request something to God in certain ways. while some ulama define doa is a self statement presence to Allah the Almighty about our weakness, shortages, inabilities, and disgraces, then we ask Allah the Almighty in order the weaknesses, shortages, inabilities, and humiliations are removed and replaced with the strengths, capabilities and a high degree both in human sight and in Allah sight. In the theory needs said, that basically human beings need to feel safe (safety need, and the safety need leads to the two forms, namely: safety needs of life and safety needs of the property. Safety needs emerged as the most important requirement if psychology needs have been fullfilled. this behavior as reflected in the lives of Javanese who always do doa  in the form of slametan ceremony. Slametan aims to achieve slamet (safety, namely a condition in which the events will move smoothly to follow a predetermined path and will not happen misfortunes to just anyone.   Doa Secara etimologi artinya memohon sesuatu kepada Allah SWT dengan cara- cara tertentu. Sedangkan beberapa ulama mendefinisikan doa berarti pernyataan diri ke hadirat Allah SWT tentang kelemahan, kekurangan, ketidakmampuan serta kehinaan kita, kemudian kita memohon sesuatu kepada Allah SWT agar kelemahan, kekurangan, ketidakmampuan serta kehinaan ini diangkat dan digantikan dengan kelebihan, kemampuan serta derajat yang tinggi baik di sisi manusia maupun di sisi-Nya. Dalam teori kebutuhan dikatakan; bahwa pada dasarnya manusia membutuhkan rasa aman (safety need, dan rasa aman itu mengarah pada dua bentuk yakni kebutuhan keamanan jiwa dan keamanan harta. Kebutuhan rasa aman muncul sebagai kebutuhan yang paling penting kalau kebutuhan psikologis telah terpenuhi. Hal tersebut sebagaimana tercermin dalam perilaku hidup orang Jawa yang selalu melakukan Doa dalam bentuk upacara slametan. Slametan bertujuan untuk mencapai keadaan slamet, yaitu suatu keadaan dimana peristiwa

  4. Logic and Philosophy of Time

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    A.N. Prior (1914-69) in the course of the 1950s and 1960s founded a new and revolutionary paradigm in philosophy and logic. Its most central feature is the preoccupation with time and the development of the logic of time. However, this was inseparably interwoven with fundamental questions about h...... human freedom, ethics, and existence. This remarkable integration of themes also embodies an original and in fact revolutionary conception of logic. The book series, Logic and Philosophy of Time, is dedicated to a deep investigation and also the further development of Prior’s paradigm. ...

  5. Reliability evaluation programmable logic devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srivani, L.; Murali, N.; Thirugnana Murthy, D.; Satya Murty, S.A.V.


    Programmable Logic Devices (PLD) are widely used as basic building modules in high integrity systems, considering their robust features such as gate density, performance, speed etc. PLDs are used to implement digital design such as bus interface logic, control logic, sequencing logic, glue logic etc. Due to semiconductor evolution, new PLDs with state-of-the-art features are arriving to the market. Since these devices are reliable as per the manufacturer's specification, they were used in the design of safety systems. But due to their reduced market life, the availability of performance data is limited. So evaluating the PLD before deploying in a safety system is very important. This paper presents a survey on the use of PLDs in the nuclear domain and the steps involved in the evaluation of PLD using Quantitative Accelerated Life Testing. (author)

  6. Generator of combined logical signals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laviron, Andre; Berard, Claude.


    The invention concerns a generator of combined logical signals to form combinations of two outputs at logical level 1 and N-2 outputs at logical level 0, among N generator outputs. This generator is characterized in that it includes a set of N means for storing combinations. Means enable the N storage means to be loaded with the logical levels corresponding to a pre-set starting combination, to control the operations for shifting the contents of the storage means and to control, by transfer facilities, the transfers of contents between these storage means. Controls enable the storage means to be actuated in order to obtain combinations of logical levels 1 and 0. The generation of combinations can be stopped after another pre-set combination. Application is for testing of safety circuits for nuclear power stations [fr

  7. Flow Logic for Process Calculi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming; Pilegaard, Henrik


    Flow Logic is an approach to statically determining the behavior of programs and processes. It borrows methods and techniques from Abstract Interpretation, Data Flow Analysis and Constraint Based Analysis while presenting the analysis in a style more reminiscent of Type Systems. Traditionally...... developed for programming languages, this article provides a tutorial development of the approach of Flow Logic for process calculi based on a decade of research. We first develop a simple analysis for the π-calculus; this consists of the specification, semantic soundness (in the form of subject reduction......, and finally, we extend it to a relational analysis. A Flow Logic is a program logic---in the same sense that a Hoare’s logic is. We conclude with an executive summary presenting the highlights of the approach from this perspective including a discussion of theoretical properties as well as implementation...

  8. A multiplicity logic unit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bialkowski, J.; Moszynski, M.; Zagorski, A.


    The logic diagram principle of operation and some details of the design of the multiplicity logic unit are presented. This unit was specially designed to fulfil the requirements of a multidetector arrangement for gamma-ray multiplicity measurements. The unit is equipped with 16 inputs controlled by a common coincidence gate. It delivers a linear output pulse with the height proportional to the multiplicity of coincidences and logic pulses corresponding to 0, 1, ... up to >= 5-fold coincidences. These last outputs are used to steer the routing unit working with the multichannel analyser. (orig.)

  9. Logical inference and evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perey, F.G.


    Most methodologies of evaluation currently used are based upon the theory of statistical inference. It is generally perceived that this theory is not capable of dealing satisfactorily with what are called systematic errors. Theories of logical inference should be capable of treating all of the information available, including that not involving frequency data. A theory of logical inference is presented as an extension of deductive logic via the concept of plausibility and the application of group theory. Some conclusions, based upon the application of this theory to evaluation of data, are also given

  10. Layered Fixed Point Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Filipiuk, Piotr; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis


    We present a logic for the specification of static analysis problems that goes beyond the logics traditionally used. Its most prominent feature is the direct support for both inductive computations of behaviors as well as co-inductive specifications of properties. Two main theoretical contributions...... are a Moore Family result and a parametrized worst case time complexity result. We show that the logic and the associated solver can be used for rapid prototyping of analyses and illustrate a wide variety of applications within Static Analysis, Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Model Checking. In all cases...

  11. Description logics of context

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Klarman, S


    Full Text Available We introduce Description Logics of Context (DLCs) - an extension of Description Logics (DLs) for context-based reasoning. Our approach descends from J. McCarthy's tradition of treating contexts as formal objects over which one can quantify...

  12. Hybrid Logic and its Proof-Theory

    CERN Document Server

    Brauner, Torben


    This is the first book-length treatment of hybrid logic and its proof-theory. Hybrid logic is an extension of ordinary modal logic which allows explicit reference to individual points in a model (where the points represent times, possible worlds, states in a computer, or something else). This is useful for many applications, for example when reasoning about time one often wants to formulate a series of statements about what happens at specific times. There is little consensus about proof-theory for ordinary modal logic. Many modal-logical proof systems lack important properties and the relatio

  13. Samen in Zee met Zelfregulatie: Een Design-Based Aanpak met Vmbo Leraren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jossberger, Helen; Brand-Gruwel, Saskia; Boshuizen, Els; Van de Wiel, Margje


    Jossberger, H., Brand-Gruwel, S., Boshuizen, H. P. A., & Van der Wiel, M. (2010, June). Samen in Zee met Zelfregulatie: Een Design-Based Aanpak met Vmbo Leraren. Poster presented at the 37th Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD), Enschede, Nederland.

  14. The logic of ACP

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A. Ponse (Alban); M.B. van der Zwaag


    textabstractWe distinguish two interpretations for the truth value `undefined' in Kleene's three-valued logic. Combining these two interpretations leads to a four-valued propositional logic that characterizes two particular ingredients of process algebra: ``choice' and ``inaction'. We study two

  15. All optical programmable logic array (PLA) (United States)

    Hiluf, Dawit


    A programmable logic array (PLA) is an integrated circuit (IC) logic device that can be reconfigured to implement various kinds of combinational logic circuits. The device has a number of AND and OR gates which are linked together to give output or further combined with more gates or logic circuits. This work presents the realization of PLAs via the physics of a three level system interacting with light. A programmable logic array is designed such that a number of different logical functions can be combined as a sum-of-product or product-of-sum form. We present an all optical PLAs with the aid of laser light and observables of quantum systems, where encoded information can be considered as memory chip. The dynamics of the physical system is investigated using Lie algebra approach.

  16. Aspects and modular reasoning in nonmonotonic logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ostermann, Klaus


    Nonmonotonic logic is a branch of logic that has been developed to model situations with incomplete information. We argue that there is a connection between AOP and nonmonotonic logic which deserves further study. As a concrete technical contribution and "appetizer", we outline an AO semantics de...... defined in default logic (a form of nonmonotonic logic), propose a definition of modular reasoning, and show that the default logic version of the language semantics admits modular reasoning whereas a conventional language semantics based on weaving does not....

  17. Logic feels so good-I like it! Evidence for intuitive detection of logicality in syllogistic reasoning. (United States)

    Morsanyi, Kinga; Handley, Simon J


    When people evaluate syllogisms, their judgments of validity are often biased by the believability of the conclusions of the problems. Thus, it has been suggested that syllogistic reasoning performance is based on an interplay between a conscious and effortful evaluation of logicality and an intuitive appreciation of the believability of the conclusions (e.g., Evans, Newstead, Allen, & Pollard, 1994). However, logic effects in syllogistic reasoning emerge even when participants are unlikely to carry out a full logical analysis of the problems (e.g., Shynkaruk & Thompson, 2006). There is also evidence that people can implicitly detect the conflict between their beliefs and the validity of the problems, even if they are unable to consciously produce a logical response (e.g., De Neys, Moyens, & Vansteenwegen, 2010). In 4 experiments we demonstrate that people intuitively detect the logicality of syllogisms, and this effect emerges independently of participants' conscious mindset and their cognitive capacity. This logic effect is also unrelated to the superficial structure of the problems. Additionally, we provide evidence that the logicality of the syllogisms is detected through slight changes in participants' affective states. In fact, subliminal affective priming had an effect on participants' subjective evaluations of the problems. Finally, when participants misattributed their emotional reactions to background music, this significantly reduced the logic effect. (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved.

  18. Co-constructive Logics for Proofs and Refutations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trafford James


    Full Text Available This paper considers logics which are formally dual to intuitionistic logic in order to investigate a co-constructive logic for proofs and refutations. This is philosophically motivated by a set of problems regarding the nature of constructive truth, and its relation to falsity. It is well known both that intuitionism can not deal constructively with negative information, and that defining falsity by means of intuitionistic negation leads, under widely-held assumptions, to a justification of bivalence. For example, we do not want to equate falsity with the non-existence of a proof since this would render a statement such as “pi is transcendental” false prior to 1882. In addition, the intuitionist account of negation as shorthand for the derivation of absurdity is inadequate, particularly outside of purely mathematical contexts. To deal with these issues, I investigate the dual of intuitionistic logic, co-intuitionistic logic, as a logic of refutation, alongside intuitionistic logic of proofs. Direct proof and refutation are dual to each other, and are constructive, whilst there also exist syntactic, weak, negations within both logics. In this respect, the logic of refutation is weakly paraconsistent in the sense that it allows for statements for which, neither they, nor their negation, are refuted. I provide a proof theory for the co-constructive logic, a formal dualizing map between the logics, and a Kripke-style semantics. This is given an intuitive philosophical rendering in a re-interpretation of Kolmogorov's logic of problems.

  19. Specifying real-time systems with interval logic (United States)

    Rushby, John


    Pure temporal logic makes no reference to time. An interval temporal logic and an extension to that logic which includes real time constraints are described. The application of this logic by giving a specification for the well-known lift (elevator) example is demonstrated. It is shown how interval logic can be extended to include a notion of process. How the specification language and verification environment of EHDM could be enhanced to support this logic is described. A specification of the alternating bit protocol in this extended version of the specification language of EHDM is given.

  20. Continuous Markovian Logics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mardare, Radu Iulian; Cardelli, Luca; Larsen, Kim Guldstrand


    Continuous Markovian Logic (CML) is a multimodal logic that expresses quantitative and qualitative properties of continuous-time labelled Markov processes with arbitrary (analytic) state-spaces, henceforth called continuous Markov processes (CMPs). The modalities of CML evaluate the rates...... of the exponentially distributed random variables that characterize the duration of the labeled transitions of a CMP. In this paper we present weak and strong complete axiomatizations for CML and prove a series of metaproperties, including the finite model property and the construction of canonical models. CML...... characterizes stochastic bisimilarity and it supports the definition of a quantified extension of the satisfiability relation that measures the "compatibility" between a model and a property. In this context, the metaproperties allows us to prove two robustness theorems for the logic stating that one can...



  2. Cybernetic systems based on inductive logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fry, Robert L.


    Recent work in the area of inductive logic suggests that cybernetics might be quantified and reduced to engineering practice. If so, then there are considerable implications for engineering, science, and other fields. This paper attempts to capture the essential ideas of cybernetics cast in the light of inductive logic. The described inductive logic extends conventional logic by adding a conjugate logical domain of questions to the logical domain of assertions intrinsic to Boolean Algebra with which most are familiar. This was first posited and developed by Richard Cox. Interestingly enough, these two logical domains, one of questions and the other of assertions, only exist relative to one another with each possessing natural measures of entropy and probability, respectively. Examples are given that highlight the utility of cybernetic approaches to neuroscience, algorithm design, system engineering, and the design and understanding of defensive and offensive systems. For example, the application of cybernetic approaches to defense systems suggests that these systems possess a wavefunction which like quantum mechanics, collapses when we 'look' through the eyes of the system sensors such as radars and optical sensors

  3. A Denotational Semantics for Logic Programming

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Gudmund Skovbjerg

    A fully abstract denotational semantics for logic programming has not been constructed yet. In this paper we present a denotational semantics that is almost fully abstract. We take the meaning of a logic program to be an element in a Plotkin power domain of substitutions. In this way our result...... shows that standard domain constructions suffice, when giving a semantics for logic programming. Using the well-known fixpoint semantics of logic programming we have to consider two different fixpoints in order to obtain information about both successful and failed computations. In contrast, our...... semantics is uniform in that the (single) meaning of a logic program contains information about both successful, failed and infinite computations. Finally, based on the full abstractness result, we argue that the detail level of substitutions is needed in any denotational semantics for logic programming....

  4. All-optical symmetric ternary logic gate (United States)

    Chattopadhyay, Tanay


    Symmetric ternary number (radix=3) has three logical states (1¯, 0, 1). It is very much useful in carry free arithmetical operation. Beside this, the logical operation using this type of number system is also effective in high speed computation and communication in multi-valued logic. In this literature all-optical circuits for three basic symmetrical ternary logical operations (inversion, MIN and MAX) are proposed and described. Numerical simulation verifies the theoretical model. In this present scheme the different ternary logical states are represented by different polarized state of light. Terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer (TOAD) based interferometric switch has been used categorically in this manuscript.

  5. On Structural Completeness of Tabular Superintuitionistic Logics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Citkin, Alexander


    As usual, the superintuitionistic (propositional) logics (that is, logics extending intuitionistic logic) are being studied “modulo derivability”, meaning such logics are viewed extensionally — they are identified with the set of formulae that are valid (derivable in the corresponding calculus) in

  6. A Logical Characterisation of Static Equivalence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hüttel, Hans; Pedersen, Michael D.


    -order logic for frames with quantification over environment knowledge which, under certain general conditions, characterizes static equivalence and is amenable to construction of characteristic formulae. The logic can be used to reason about environment knowledge and can be adapted to a particular application...... by defining a suitable signature and associated equational theory. The logic can furthermore be extended with modalities to yield a modal logic for e.g. the Applied Pi calculus....

  7. Modal logics are coalgebraic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cirstea, C.; Kurz, A.; Pattinson, D.; Schröder, L.; Venema, Y.


    Applications of modal logics are abundant in computer science, and a large number of structurally different modal logics have been successfully employed in a diverse spectrum of application contexts. Coalgebraic semantics, on the other hand, provides a uniform and encompassing view on the large

  8. Criteria for logical formalization

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Peregrin, Jaroslav; Svoboda, Vladimír


    Roč. 190, č. 14 (2013), s. 2897-2924 ISSN 0039-7857 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP401/10/1279 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : logic * logical form * formalization * reflective equilibrium Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion Impact factor: 0.637, year: 2013

  9. Honesty in partial logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    W. van der Hoek (Wiebe); J.O.M. Jaspars; E. Thijsse


    textabstractWe propose an epistemic logic in which knowledge is fully introspective and implies truth, although truth need not imply epistemic possibility. The logic is presented in sequential format and is interpreted in a natural class of partial models, called balloon models. We examine the

  10. PDL as a multi-agent strategy logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    D.J.N. van Eijck (Jan); B.C. Schipper


    textabstractPropositional Dynamic Logic or PDL was invented as a logic for reasoning about regular programming constructs. We propose a new perspective on PDL as a multi-agent strategic logic (MASL). This logic for strategic reasoning has group strategies as first class citizens, and

  11. Temporal logics and real time expert systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blom, J.A.


    This paper introduces temporal logics. Due to the eternal compromise between expressive adequacy and reasoning efficiency that must decided upon in any application, full (first order logic or modal logic based) temporal logics are frequently not suitable. This is especially true in real time expert

  12. PM 3655 PHILIPS Logic analyzer

    CERN Multimedia

    A logic analyzer is an electronic instrument that captures and displays multiple signals from a digital system or digital circuit. A logic analyzer may convert the captured data into timing diagrams, protocol decodes, state machine traces, assembly language, or may correlate assembly with source-level software. Logic Analyzers have advanced triggering capabilities, and are useful when a user needs to see the timing relationships between many signals in a digital system.

  13. Weakly Intuitionistic Quantum Logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hermens, Ronnie


    In this article von Neumann's proposal that in quantum mechanics projections can be seen as propositions is followed. However, the quantum logic derived by Birkhoff and von Neumann is rejected due to the failure of the law of distributivity. The options for constructing a distributive logic while

  14. Synthesizing biomolecule-based Boolean logic gates. (United States)

    Miyamoto, Takafumi; Razavi, Shiva; DeRose, Robert; Inoue, Takanari


    One fascinating recent avenue of study in the field of synthetic biology is the creation of biomolecule-based computers. The main components of a computing device consist of an arithmetic logic unit, the control unit, memory, and the input and output devices. Boolean logic gates are at the core of the operational machinery of these parts, and hence to make biocomputers a reality, biomolecular logic gates become a necessity. Indeed, with the advent of more sophisticated biological tools, both nucleic acid- and protein-based logic systems have been generated. These devices function in the context of either test tubes or living cells and yield highly specific outputs given a set of inputs. In this review, we discuss various types of biomolecular logic gates that have been synthesized, with particular emphasis on recent developments that promise increased complexity of logic gate circuitry, improved computational speed, and potential clinical applications.

  15. Non-commutative multiple-valued logic algebras

    CERN Document Server

    Ciungu, Lavinia Corina


    This monograph provides a self-contained and easy-to-read introduction to non-commutative multiple-valued logic algebras; a subject which has attracted much interest in the past few years because of its impact on information science, artificial intelligence and other subjects.   A study of the newest results in the field, the monograph includes treatment of pseudo-BCK algebras, pseudo-hoops, residuated lattices, bounded divisible residuated lattices, pseudo-MTL algebras, pseudo-BL algebras and pseudo-MV algebras. It provides a fresh perspective on new trends in logic and algebras in that algebraic structures can be developed into fuzzy logics which connect quantum mechanics, mathematical logic, probability theory, algebra and soft computing.   Written in a clear, concise and direct manner, Non-Commutative Multiple-Valued Logic Algebras will be of interest to masters and PhD students, as well as researchers in mathematical logic and theoretical computer science.

  16. Synthesizing Biomolecule-based Boolean Logic Gates (United States)

    Miyamoto, Takafumi; Razavi, Shiva; DeRose, Robert; Inoue, Takanari


    One fascinating recent avenue of study in the field of synthetic biology is the creation of biomolecule-based computers. The main components of a computing device consist of an arithmetic logic unit, the control unit, memory, and the input and output devices. Boolean logic gates are at the core of the operational machinery of these parts, hence to make biocomputers a reality, biomolecular logic gates become a necessity. Indeed, with the advent of more sophisticated biological tools, both nucleic acid- and protein-based logic systems have been generated. These devices function in the context of either test tubes or living cells and yield highly specific outputs given a set of inputs. In this review, we discuss various types of biomolecular logic gates that have been synthesized, with particular emphasis on recent developments that promise increased complexity of logic gate circuitry, improved computational speed, and potential clinical applications. PMID:23526588

  17. Advances in temporal logic

    CERN Document Server

    Fisher, Michael; Gabbay, Dov; Gough, Graham


    Time is a fascinating subject that has captured mankind's imagination from ancient times to the present. It has been, and continues to be studied across a wide range of disciplines, from the natural sciences to philosophy and logic. More than two decades ago, Pnueli in a seminal work showed the value of temporal logic in the specification and verification of computer programs. Today, a strong, vibrant international research community exists in the broad community of computer science and AI. This volume presents a number of articles from leading researchers containing state-of-the-art results in such areas as pure temporal/modal logic, specification and verification, temporal databases, temporal aspects in AI, tense and aspect in natural language, and temporal theorem proving. Earlier versions of some of the articles were given at the most recent International Conference on Temporal Logic, University of Manchester, UK. Readership: Any student of the area - postgraduate, postdoctoral or even research professor ...

  18. Quantum supports and modal logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Svetlichny, G.


    Recently Foulis, Piron, and Randall introduced a new interpretation of empirical and quantum logics which substitute for the notion of a probabilistic weight a combinatorial notion called a support. The informal use of the notion of ''possible outcomes of experiments'' suggests that this interpretation can be related to corresponding formal notions as treated by modal logic. The purpose of this paper is to prove that in fact supports are in one-to-one correspondence with the sets of possibly true elementary propositions in Kripke models of a set of modal formulas associated to the empirical or quantum logic. This hopefully provides a sufficiently detailed link between the two rather distinct logical systems to shed useful light on both

  19. Processing device with self-scrubbing logic (United States)

    Wojahn, Christopher K.


    An apparatus includes a processing unit including a configuration memory and self-scrubber logic coupled to read the configuration memory to detect compromised data stored in the configuration memory. The apparatus also includes a watchdog unit external to the processing unit and coupled to the self-scrubber logic to detect a failure in the self-scrubber logic. The watchdog unit is coupled to the processing unit to selectively reset the processing unit in response to detecting the failure in the self-scrubber logic. The apparatus also includes an external memory external to the processing unit and coupled to send configuration data to the configuration memory in response to a data feed signal outputted by the self-scrubber logic.

  20. ¿Qué es lo lógico? La logicidad dentro y fuera de la lógica (What is Logical? Logicality Inside and Outside Logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Soler Toscano


    Full Text Available Resumen: La pregunta por la logicidad busca los criterios que hacen que cierto objeto se pueda considerar un objeto lógico. Los diferentes criterios de logicidad posibles marcarán no solo las distintas formas de concebir la lógica como disciplina académica, sino también distintos modos de entender, en el lenguaje ordinario o en otras disciplinas, qué quiere decir que algo es o no lógico. Mostramos que las aportaciones de las lógicas no clásicas y la pragmática, así como del estudio de otras formas de inferencia distintas de la deducción, enriquecen la caracterización intuitiva de la lógica, lo cual resulta de un interés especial cuando se trata de aplicar la lógica al entrenamiento y evaluación del razonamiento humano.Abstract: The question of logicality searches for criteria that make that a given object can be considered a logical object. Different criteria of logicality establish not only the different possible ways of conceiving logic as an academic discipline, but also the different ways of understanding, in natural language or in other disciplines, what means that something is logical or not. We show that the contribution of non-classical logics and pragmatics, and the study of other kinds of inference different to deduction, enrich the intuitive characterization of logic, which is of particular interest when trying to apply the logic for training and evaluating human reasoning.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Evanita Evanita


    Full Text Available Di Indonesia kepadatan arus lalu lintas terjadi pada jam berangkat dan pulang kantor, hari-hari libur panjang atau hari-hari besar nasional terutama saat hari raya Idul Fitri (lebaran. Mudik sudah menjadi tradisi bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang ditunggu-tunggu menjelang lebaran, berbondong-bondong untuk pulang ke kampung halaman untuk bertemu dan berkumpul dengan keluarga. Kegiatan rutin tahunan ini banyak di lakukan khususnya bagi masyarakat kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta, dimana diketahui bahwa Jakarta adalah Ibu kota negara Republik Indonesia dan menjadi tujuan merantau untuk mencari pekerjaan yang lebih layak yang merupakan harapan besar bagi masyarakat desa. Volume kendaraan bertambah sejak 7 hari menjelang lebaran sampai 7 hari setelah lebaran tiap tahunnya terutama pada arah keluar dan masuk wilayah Jawa Tengah yang banyak menjadi tujuan mudik. Volume kendaraan saat arus mudik yang selalu meningkat inilah yang akan diteliti lebih lanjut dengan metode ANFIS agar dapat menjadi alternatif solusi langkah apa yang akan dilakukan di tahun selanjutnya agar pelayanan lalu lintas, kemacetan panjang dan angka kecelakaan berkurang. Dengan input parameter ANFIS yang digunakan yaitu pengclusteran hingga 5 cluster, epoch 100, error goal 0 diperoleh performa terbaik ANFIS dengan K-Means clustering yang terbagi menjadi 3 cluster, epoch terbaik sebesar 20 dengan RMSE Training terbaik sebesar 0,1198, RMSE Testing terbaik sebesar 0,0282 dan waktu proses tersingkat sebesar 0,0695.Selanjutnya hasil prediksi diharapkan dapat bermanfaat menjadi alternatif solusi langkah apa yang akan dilakukan di tahun selanjutnya agar pelayanan lalu lintas lebih baik lagi. Kata kunci: angkutan lebaran, Jawa Tengah, ANFIS.

  2. Automata, Logic, and XML


    NEVEN, Frank


    We survey some recent developments in the broad area of automata and logic which are motivated by the advent of XML. In particular, we consider unranked tree automata, tree-walking automata, and automata over infinite alphabets. We focus on their connection with logic and on questions imposed by XML.

  3. Temporalized Epistemic Default Logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Hoek, W.; Meyer, J.J.; Treur, J.; Gabbay, D.


    The nonmonotonic logic Epistemic Default Logic (EDL) [Meyer and van der Hoek, 1993] is based on the metaphore of a meta-level architecture. It has already been established [Meyer and van der Hoek, 1993] how upward reflection can be formalized by a nonmonotonic entailment based on epistemic states,


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denni Sulistio Mirza


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to know the influences of poverty, economic growth and capital expenditures to the Human Development Index (HDI in Central Java. The result of Panel data regression indicates that poverty significantly and negative related to IPM. The economic growth has positive and significant impact on IPM. Next, the capital expenditures have a positive and significant effect on the HDI. It is recommended that the planning policy of government does not only view the achievement of economic growth but also the target of human development. It is because economic growth has not been able enough to improve the quality of human resources, especially in the aspects of education, health and income.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh kemiskinan, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan belanja modal terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM di Jawa Tengah. Hasil regresi data panel menunjukkan bahwa kemiskinan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap IPM. Pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM dan belanja modal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap IPM. Disarankan agar dalam merencanakan kebijakan pemerintah tidak hanya melihat dari pencapaian target peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi saja namun juga target peningkatan pembangunan manusia karena pertumbuhan ekonomi sendiri belum memadai untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia terutama pada aspek pendidikan, kesehatan dan pendapatan masyarakat.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Meta Khairunnisa


    Full Text Available [Title: Traditional Cosmologycal Space as Kampung Naga Setlement Identity, Tasikmalaya - Jawa Barat] Located far from the city, an architectural masterpiece grows and developes in traditional settlement. The form and settlement identity merges with emotional’s people inside that not only creates an identity but also influences in the development of surrounding area . local wisdom is created from local identity and cultural that becomes soul and character of the settlement (Haryanto,2007:89. Place is created by experience memories in the past that makes the familiar space and indepth meaning (Tuan,2010:73. Kampung Naga is one of the Sundanesse traditional settlement in West Java that maintains the culture and local wisdom, nevertheless globalisation begin to influences the meaning of cultural space inside. Its has a cosmology cocept, proper behaviour and religion that is created naturally and transmitted orally from generation to generation.The research is to understand cultural themes in Kampung Naga as an identity of Naga’s people. Etnography metodology is used to describe the space indepth and connectivity of the meaning. Cultural spaces that is created from cosmologycal persception and traditional low are Pamali space, Sacred Space and Gender space, the elements of space inside give indepth meaning and create local identity of Sundanese people.

  6. A vindication of logical necessity against scepticism


    Philie, Patrice


    Some philosophers dispute the claim that there is a notion of logical necessity involved in the concept of logical consequence. They are sceptical about logical necessity. They argue that a proper characterisation of logical consequence - of what follows from what - need not and should not appeal to the notion of necessity at all. Quine is the most prominent philosopher holding such a view. In this doctoral dissertation, I argue that scepticism about logical necessity is not successful. Quine...

  7. Logical analysis of biological systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mardare, Radu Iulian


    R. Mardare, Logical analysis of biological systems. Fundamenta Informaticae, N 64:271-285, 2005.......R. Mardare, Logical analysis of biological systems. Fundamenta Informaticae, N 64:271-285, 2005....

  8. Formalization of Many-Valued Logics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villadsen, Jørgen; Schlichtkrull, Anders


    Partiality is a key challenge for computational approaches to artificial intelligence in general and natural language in particular. Various extensions of classical two-valued logic to many-valued logics have been investigated in order to meet this challenge. We use the proof assistant Isabelle...... to formalize the syntax and semantics of many-valued logics with determinate as well as indeterminate truth values. The formalization allows for a concise presentation and makes automated verification possible....

  9. Quantum logics and convex geometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bunce, L.J.; Wright, J.D.M.


    The main result is a representation theorem which shows that, for a large class of quantum logics, a quantum logic, Q, is isomorphic to the lattice of projective faces in a suitable convex set K. As an application we extend our earlier results, which, subject to countability conditions, gave a geometric characterization of those quantum logics which are isomorphic to the projection lattice of a von Neumann algebra or a JBW-algebra. (orig.)

  10. Towards new social media logic in healthcare and its interplay with clinical logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smailhodzic, E.; Boonsta, A.; Langley, D.J.


    Social media enable patients to communicate with a large number of their peers, share experiences, and provide each other with emotional and informational support. In this way, social media using patients develop a new logic in healthcare, which we propose as social media logic. This raises the

  11. A crash course in arrow logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Venema, Y.

    This contribution gives a short introduction to arrow logic. We start by explaining the basic idea underlying arrow logic and the motivation for studying it (sections 1 and 2) We discuss some elementary duality theory between arrow logic and the algebraic theory of binary relations (section 3).

  12. Enabling Concise and Modular Specifications in Separation Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jonas Buhrkal


    logics and examples of using these logics to verify challenging programs. The article Modular Verification of Linked Lists with Views via Separation Logic reports on verification of a practical data structure with separation logic. The challenges identified in this work has served as motivation for later...... unstructured control flow and the lack of basic facilities in the language such as memory allocation and procedure calls. Finally, the chapter Techniques for Model Construction in Separation Logic surveys the mathematical techniques used to develop the previous separation logics and many other logics...

  13. Fuzzy logic

    CERN Document Server

    Smets, P


    We start by describing the nature of imperfect data, and giving an overview of the various models that have been proposed. Fuzzy sets theory is shown to be an extension of classical set theory, and as such has a proeminent role or modelling imperfect data. The mathematic of fuzzy sets theory is detailled, in particular the role of the triangular norms. The use of fuzzy sets theory in fuzzy logic and possibility theory,the nature of the generalized modus ponens and of the implication operator for approximate reasoning are analysed. The use of fuzzy logic is detailled for application oriented towards process control and database problems.

  14. Observations on the Monoidal t-norm Logic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hájek, Petr


    Roč. 132, č. 1 (2002), s. 107-112 ISSN 0165-0114 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1030004 Institutional research plan: AV0Z1030915 Keywords : non-classical logics * basic fuzzy logic * monoidal t-norm logic * product logic Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.550, year: 2002

  15. Anselm's logic of agency

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Uckelman, S.L.


    The origins of treating agency as a modal concept go back at least to the 11th century when Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, provided a modal explication of the Latin facere ‘to do’, which can be formalized within the context of modern modal logic and neighborhood semantics. The agentive logic

  16. A note on domains of discourse. Logical know-how for integrated environmental modelling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerstengarbe, F.W. (ed.); Jaeger, C.C.


    Building computer models means implementing a mathematical structure on a piece of hardware in such a way that insights about some other phenomenon can be gained, remembered and communicated. For meaningful computer modelling, the phenomenon to be modelled must be described in a logically coherent way. This can be quite difficult, especially when a combination of highly heterogeneous scientific disciplines is needed, as is often the case in environmental research. The paper shows how the notion of a domain of discourse as developed by logicians can be used to map out the cognitive landscape of integrated modelling. This landscape is not a fixed universe, but a multiverse resonating with an evolving pluralism of domains of discourse. Integrated modelling involves a never-ending activity of translation between such domains, an activity that often goes hand in hand with major efforts to overcome conceptual confusions within given domains. For these purposes, a careful use of mathematics, including tools of formal logic presented in the paper, can be helpful. The concept of vulnerability as currently used in global change research is discussed as an example of the challenges to be met in integrated environmental modelling. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anang Hari Kristanto


    Full Text Available Ikan tambakan (Helostoma temminckii digemari sebagai ikan konsumsi, di daerah Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Dalam rangka pengembangan budidayanya melalui program domestikasi, informasi terkait variasi fenotipe dan genotipe induk asal perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan karakteristik fenotipe dan genotipe ikan tambakan dari Jawa Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, dan Jambi. Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Riset Perikanan Budidaya Air Tawar dan Penyuluhan Perikanan (BRPBATPP, Bogor. Data diperoleh melalui pengukuran jarak bagian tubuh berdasarkan metode truss morphometric dan analisis DNA menggunakan metode RAPD. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa nilai polimorfisme (81,25% dan heterozigositas (0,3544 tertinggi terdapat pada populasi ikan tambakan asal Kalimantan Tengah. Jarak genetik tertinggi antara populasi Jambi dengan Kalimantan Tengah sebesar 0,1452; sedangkan jarak genetik terendah adalah 0,1044 yaitu antara populasi Jambi dengan Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan uji karakter morfometrik diketahui terdapat 13 karakter yang berbeda nyata yaitu A1, A2, A4, A5, B3, C1, C3, C4, C5, D3, D4, D5, dan D6. Populasi Jambi dengan Jawa Barat memiliki hubungan kekerabatan lebih dekat dibanding dengan populasi Kalimantan Tengah. Kissing gouramy (Helostoma temminckii is a favored fish for consumption in Sumatra and Kalimantan area. Currently, information related to phenotypic variation and genotypes of the original broodstocks of kissing gouramy is limited to develop the fish’s culture technology through a domestication program. Therefore, the study was conducted to determine the characteristics of phenotype, and genotype of original kissing gouramy broodstocks. The research was conducted at the Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture Research and Development, Bogor. Data collection was carried out by measuring the body length using truss morphometric method and DNA analysis using the RAPD method. The results showed that the highest polymorphism (81

  18. Logics of Business Education for Sustainability (United States)

    Andersson, Pernilla; Öhman, Johan


    This paper explores various kinds of logics of "business education for sustainability" and how these "logics" position the subject business person, based on eight teachers' reasoning of their own practices. The concept of logics developed within a discourse theoretical framework is employed to analyse the teachers' reasoning.…

  19. The Dynamic Turn in Quantum Logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baltag, A.; Smets, S.


    In this paper we show how ideas coming from two areas of research in logic can reinforce each other. The first such line of inquiry concerns the "dynamic turn" in logic and especially the formalisms inspired by Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL); while the second line concerns research into the

  20. Quantum team logic and Bell's inequalities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hyttinen, T.; Paolini, G.; Väänänen, J.


    A logical approach to Bell’s Inequalities of quantum mechanics has been introduced by Abramsky and Hardy (Abramsky & Hardy, 2012). We point out that the logical Bell’s Inequalities of Abramsky & Hardy (2012) are provable in the probability logic of Fagin, Halpern and Megiddo (Fagin et al., 1990).

  1. The dynamic turn in quantum logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baltag, Alexandru; Smets, Sonja

    In this paper we show how ideas coming from two areas of research in logic can reinforce each other. The first such line of inquiry concerns the "dynamic turn" in logic and especially the formalisms inspired by Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL); while the second line concerns research into the

  2. Logic and Automata History and Perspectives

    CERN Document Server

    Gradel, Erich; Wilk, Thomas


    Mathematical logic and automata theory are two scientific disciplines with a fundamentally close relationship. The authors of Logic and Automata take the occasion of the sixtieth birthday of Wolfgang Thomas to present a tour d'horizon of automata theory and logic. The twenty papers in this volume cover many different facets of logic and automata theory, emphasizing the connections to other disciplines such as games, algorithms, and semigroup theory, as well as discussing current challenges in the field. Title: Logic and Automata : History and Perspectives Print ISBN: 9789053565766 Author(s): Flum, Jörg; Gr; del, Erich; Wilke, Thomas eISBN: 9789048501281 Publisher: Amsterdam University Press Dewey: 511.3 Publication Date: 01 Jan, 2007 Pages: 737 Category: Mathematics LCCN: Language: English Edition: N/A LCSH:

  3. 5th World Congress of Paraconsistent Logic

    CERN Document Server

    Chakraborty, Mihir; Dutta, Soma


    The present book discusses all aspects of paraconsistent logic, including the latest findings, and its various systems. It includes papers by leading international researchers, which address the subject in many different ways: development of abstract paraconsistent systems and new theorems about them; studies of the connections between these systems and other non-classical logics, such as non-monotonic, many-valued, relevant, paracomplete and fuzzy logics; philosophical interpretations of these constructions; and applications to other sciences, in particular quantum physics and mathematics. Reasoning with contradictions is the challenge of paraconsistent logic. The book will be of interest to graduate students and researchers working in mathematical logic, computer science, philosophical logic, linguistics and physics.

  4. Proof systems for Moss’ coalgebraic logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bílková, M.; Palmigiano, A.; Venema, Y.


    We study Gentzen-style proof theory of the finitary version of the coalgebraic logic introduced by L. Moss. The logic captures the behaviour of coalgebras for a large class of set functors. The syntax of the logic, defined uniformly with respect to a finitary coalgebraic type functor T , uses a

  5. Strategies and logics of internationalization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahjouba Ben Salem


    Full Text Available The race between firms to acquire capacities worldwide has evolved in a chronological order which centered at first around products, then around position to move later on to skills and to focus currently on networks. Similarly, when observing the evolution of the different international development strategies, it was found out that they have started by the exportation and the setting up of production subsidiaries to move more recently to such strategies as mergers & acquisitions and international alliances. The present paper investigates the relationship between the internationalization strategies and logics and comes to the conclusion that, a particular logic is behind every choice made. Indeed, the present work was conducted within the Tunisian food enterprises and helped confirm this hypothesis as it was found out that the position logic is behind the choice of exportation and the creation of production subsidiaries while the choice of partnership is based on the logic of skills. The option for merger, on the other hand, is motivated by the networks logic.

  6. A new hierarchy of infinitary logics in abstract algebraic logic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lávička, Tomáš; Noguera, Carles


    Roč. 105, č. 3 (2017), s. 521-551 ISSN 0039-3215 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-14654S EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 689176 - SYSMICS Institutional support: RVO:67985556 ; RVO:67985807 Keywords : Abstract algebraic logic * consequence relations * infinitary logics * completeness properties Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics; BA - General Mathematics (UIVT-O) OBOR OECD: Pure mathematics; Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8) (UIVT-O) Impact factor: 0.589, year: 2016

  7. Sereniteit met een dip

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    dr Ed de Jonge


    Boekbespreking van Serendipiteit. De ongezochte vondst. Het boek opent met een verzameling van citaten die direct of indirect met het onderwerp samenhangen. Daarna volgt een kort voorwoord van Hans Clevers, de toenmalige president van de KNAW, die een lans breekt voor serendipiteit in de biologie.

  8. Probabilistic logics and probabilistic networks

    CERN Document Server

    Haenni, Rolf; Wheeler, Gregory; Williamson, Jon; Andrews, Jill


    Probabilistic Logic and Probabilistic Networks presents a groundbreaking framework within which various approaches to probabilistic logic naturally fit. Additionally, the text shows how to develop computationally feasible methods to mesh with this framework.

  9. Logic and discrete mathematics a concise introduction

    CERN Document Server

    Conradie, Willem


    A concise yet rigorous introduction to logic and discrete mathematics. This book features a unique combination of comprehensive coverage of logic with a solid exposition of the most important fields of discrete mathematics, presenting material that has been tested and refined by the authors in university courses taught over more than a decade.  The chapters on logic - propositional and first-order - provide a robust toolkit for logical reasoning, emphasizing the conceptual understanding of the language and the semantics of classical logic as well as practical applications through the easy

  10. Asynchronous Operators of Sequential Logic Venjunction & Sequention

    CERN Document Server

    Vasyukevich, Vadim


    This book is dedicated to new mathematical instruments assigned for logical modeling of the memory of digital devices. The case in point is logic-dynamical operation named venjunction and venjunctive function as well as sequention and sequentional function. Venjunction and sequention operate within the framework of sequential logic. In a form of the corresponding equations, they organically fit analytical expressions of Boolean algebra. Thus, a sort of symbiosis is formed using elements of asynchronous sequential logic on the one hand and combinational logic on the other hand. So, asynchronous

  11. Parametric Linear Dynamic Logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter Faymonville


    Full Text Available We introduce Parametric Linear Dynamic Logic (PLDL, which extends Linear Dynamic Logic (LDL by temporal operators equipped with parameters that bound their scope. LDL was proposed as an extension of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL that is able to express all ω-regular specifications while still maintaining many of LTL's desirable properties like an intuitive syntax and a translation into non-deterministic Büchi automata of exponential size. But LDL lacks capabilities to express timing constraints. By adding parameterized operators to LDL, we obtain a logic that is able to express all ω-regular properties and that subsumes parameterized extensions of LTL like Parametric LTL and PROMPT-LTL. Our main technical contribution is a translation of PLDL formulas into non-deterministic Büchi word automata of exponential size via alternating automata. This yields a PSPACE model checking algorithm and a realizability algorithm with doubly-exponential running time. Furthermore, we give tight upper and lower bounds on optimal parameter values for both problems. These results show that PLDL model checking and realizability are not harder than LTL model checking and realizability.

  12. Karst: Ditambang atau Dilestarikan, Konflik Sosial Rencana Pembangunan Pabrik Semen di Kabupaten Pati Jawa Tengah

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    - Suharko


    Full Text Available The establishment of cement industry at regions with rich content of karst has increasingly grown in recent years. As a consequence, conflict of interest between cement company and local people groups has arised. The article aims to mapping out a natural resource based-conflict in district of Pati, province of Jawa Tengah. The social conflict has taken place at the stage of pra-construction of cement plant in the south Pati. The cement company, supported by local government, has continuously tried to establish the plant. The local people groups have always rejected it. Through organizing indigenous people, building social networks, and undertaking various collective actions, the local people groups have refused any efforts for establishing the plant. While this social conflict has continued, so far there is no an adequate conflict resolution. However, the new government of Central Java resulted from the 2013 election provides an opportunity to end the conflict.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Devi Permatasari


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keinginan berpindah auditor dari Kantor Akuntan Publik, yaitu faktor-faktor gaya kepemimpinan, konflik peran, ambiguitas peran, kesempatan promosi, kepuasan gaji, kebutuhan untuk berkembang, komitmen organisasi, dan kepuasan kerja. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua auditor yang bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 127 responden yang bekerja sebagai auditor di Kantor Akuntan Publik yang tersebar di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, yaitu kota Semarang, Surakarta, Purwokerto, dan Yogyakarta. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis regresi menggunakan teknik multivariat Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa keinginan berpindah auditor dari Kantor Akuntan Publik banyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor, seperti gaya kepemimpinan, konflik peran, ambiguitas peran, kesempatan promosi, kepuasan gaji, dan kebutuhan untuk berkembang yang dimediasi oleh variabel komitmen organisasi dan kepuasan kerja The objective of this research is to investigate the factors of auditor’s turnover intention at public accountant firms, there are leadership style, role conflict, role ambiguity, promotion opportunities, pay satisfaction, personal growth needs, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Population of the research is all of auditors who have been working at public accountant firms in Central Java and DIY. Whereas the sample is 127 respondents who have been working as an auditor at public accountant firms, spread in Central Java and DIY, there are Semarang, Surakarta, Purwokerto, and Yogyakarta. The hypothesis test was done by regression analysis using multivariate techniques Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. Based on the results of hypothesis test, then the conclusions are auditor’s turnover

  14. Modal Logics with Counting (United States)

    Areces, Carlos; Hoffmann, Guillaume; Denis, Alexandre

    We present a modal language that includes explicit operators to count the number of elements that a model might include in the extension of a formula, and we discuss how this logic has been previously investigated under different guises. We show that the language is related to graded modalities and to hybrid logics. We illustrate a possible application of the language to the treatment of plural objects and queries in natural language. We investigate the expressive power of this logic via bisimulations, discuss the complexity of its satisfiability problem, define a new reasoning task that retrieves the cardinality bound of the extension of a given input formula, and provide an algorithm to solve it.

  15. Paraconsistency properties in degree-preserving fuzzy logics

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ertola, R.; Esteva, F.; Flaminio, T.; Godo, L.; Noguera, Carles


    Roč. 19, č. 3 (2015), s. 531-546 ISSN 1432-7643 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP202/10/1826 Institutional support: RVO:67985556 Keywords : Mathematical fuzzy logic * degree-preserving fuzzy logics * paraconsistent logics * logics of formal inconsistency Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 1.630, year: 2015

  16. Quantum Logic and Quantum Reconstruction


    Stairs, Allen


    Quantum logic understood as a reconstruction program had real successes and genuine limitations. This paper offers a synopsis of both and suggests a way of seeing quantum logic in a larger, still thriving context.

  17. General Logic-Systems and Consequence Operators


    Herrmann, Robert A.


    In this paper, general logic-systems are investigated. It is shown that there are infinitely many finite consequence operators defined on a fixed language L that cannot be generated from a finite logic-system. It is shown that a set map is a finite consequence operator iff it is defined by a general logic-system.

  18. Logical Theories for Agent Introspection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bolander, Thomas


    Artificial intelligence systems (agents) generally have models of the environments they inhabit which they use for representing facts, for reasoning about these facts and for planning actions. Much intelligent behaviour seems to involve an ability to model not only one's external environment...... by self-reference. In the standard approach taken in artificial intelligence, the model that an agent has of its environment is represented as a set of beliefs. These beliefs are expressed as logical formulas within a formal, logical theory. When the logical theory is expressive enough to allow...... introspective reasoning, the presence of self-reference causes the theory to be prone to inconsistency. The challenge therefore becomes to construct logical theories supporting introspective reasoning while at the same time ensuring that consistency is retained. In the thesis, we meet this challenge by devising...

  19. Preferential reasoning for modal logics

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Britz, K


    Full Text Available Modal logic is the foundation for a versatile and well-established class of knowledge representation formalisms in artificial intelligence. Enriching modal logics with non-monotonic reasoning capabilities such as preferential reasoning as developed...

  20. Optically controllable molecular logic circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishimura, Takahiro; Fujii, Ryo; Ogura, Yusuke; Tanida, Jun


    Molecular logic circuits represent a promising technology for observation and manipulation of biological systems at the molecular level. However, the implementation of molecular logic circuits for temporal and programmable operation remains challenging. In this paper, we demonstrate an optically controllable logic circuit that uses fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) for signaling. The FRET-based signaling process is modulated by both molecular and optical inputs. Based on the distance dependence of FRET, the FRET pathways required to execute molecular logic operations are formed on a DNA nanostructure as a circuit based on its molecular inputs. In addition, the FRET pathways on the DNA nanostructure are controlled optically, using photoswitching fluorescent molecules to instruct the execution of the desired operation and the related timings. The behavior of the circuit can thus be controlled using external optical signals. As an example, a molecular logic circuit capable of executing two different logic operations was studied. The circuit contains functional DNAs and a DNA scaffold to construct two FRET routes for executing Input 1 AND Input 2 and Input 1 AND NOT Input 3 operations on molecular inputs. The circuit produced the correct outputs with all possible combinations of the inputs by following the light signals. Moreover, the operation execution timings were controlled based on light irradiation and the circuit responded to time-dependent inputs. The experimental results demonstrate that the circuit changes the output for the required operations following the input of temporal light signals

  1. Fuzzy Logic and Education: Teaching the Basics of Fuzzy Logic through an Example (By Way of Cycling) (United States)

    Sobrino, Alejandro


    Fuzzy logic dates back to 1965 and it is related not only to current areas of knowledge, such as Control Theory and Computer Science, but also to traditional ones, such as Philosophy and Linguistics. Like any logic, fuzzy logic is concerned with argumentation, but unlike other modalities, which focus on the crisp reasoning of Mathematics, it deals…

  2. A Look at Informal Logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iryna Khomenko


    Full Text Available The challenges of the global time require new solutions and up-to-date ways of thinking and communication. These challenges call for the ability to use critical thinking to face the ever-changing world and the ability to maintain a dialog based on the effective skills of communication. Studies in the fields of logic and argumentation theory are of particular importance in this regard. Nowadays they can be presented as a mix of theoretical and practical approaches. In this paper, I will present my reflections on informal logic, which was formed in the late 1970s. Unfortunately, in spite of numerous papers, books, and text-books published over the last forty years, consensus on many issues in this field has not been achieved so far. Therefore, it is difficult to treat informal logic as one of the well-defined approaches to argumentation. The goal of this paper is to take a look at the place of informal logic in state-of-the art study of argumentation by clarifying its subject matter and figuring out the realm to which informal logic belongs.

  3. Modal Logics and Definability


    Kuusisto, Antti


    In recent years, research into the mathematical foundations of modal logic has become increasingly popular. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that modal logic seems to adapt well to the requirements of a wide range of different fields of application. This paper is a summary of some of the author’s contributions to the understanding of modal definability theory.

  4. Metsämaisema ulkoilijoiden kokemana


    Vuohijoki, Jaana


    Työn aiheena oli tutkia, miten ulkoilijat kokevat metsämaiseman Tampereella. Tavoitteena oli selvittää ulkoilijoiden maisema-arvostuksia sekä suhtautumista metsänhoidon toimenpiteisiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin maastohaastatteluina Tampereella kolmella eri asuinalueella: Hallilassa, Leinolassa ja Tesomajärvellä. Otoskooksi muodostui kymmenen haastattelua aluetta kohti, mutta yhdeltä vastaajalta ei ehditty kysyä kaikkia kysymyksiä. Vastaajat olivat yleisesti ottaen tyytyväisiä alueiden metsän...

  5. Miniaturization of Josephson logic circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ko, H.; Van Duzer, T.


    The performances of Current Injection Logic (CIL) and Resistor Coupled Josephson Logic (RCJL) have been evaluated for minimum features sizes ranging from 5 μm to 0.2 μm. The logic delay is limited to about 10 ps for both the CIL AND gate and the RCJL OR gate biased at 70% of maximum bias current. The maximum circuit count on an 6.35 x 6.35 chip is 13,000 for CIL gates and 20,000 for RCJL gates. Some suggestions are given for further improvements

  6. Nanoelectromechanical resonator for logic operations

    KAUST Repository

    Kazmi, Syed N. R.


    We report an electro-thermally tunable in-plane doubly-clamped nanoelectromechanical resonator capable of dynamically performing NOR, NOT, XNOR, XOR, and AND logic operations. Toward this, a silicon based resonator is fabricated using standard e-beam lithography and surface nanomachining of a highly conductive device layer of a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer. The performance of this logic device is examined at elevated temperatures, ranging from 25 °C to 85 °C, demonstrating its resilience for most of the logic operations; thereby paving the way towards nano-elements-based mechanical computing.

  7. Diversitas Kelelawar (Chiroptera Penghuni Gua, Studi Gua Ngerong di Kawasan Karst Tuban Jawa Timur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatag Bagus Putra Prakarsa


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui diversitas kelelawar penghuni gua di gua Ngerong. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Nature Snapshop Experiment (NSE. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November - Desember 2011 di gua Ngerong, Desa Rengel, Kecamatan Rengel, Kabupaten Tuban, Jawa Timur. Penangkapan dilakukan dengan metode tangkap langsung. Penangkapan dilakukan dengan menggunakan misnet dan handnet. Kelelawar diidentifikasi berdasarkan pengukuran morfometri dan ciri morfologi mengacu kunci identifikasi Suyanto, 2001 dan Payne et al., 2000. Seluruh data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Di gua Ngerong terdapat 9 spesies dari 4 famili atau 60% dari total spesies kelelawar penghuni gua di kawasan karst Tuban. Enam spesies anggota Subordo Microchiroptera yang merupakan insectivor dan 3 spesies anggota Subordo Megachiroptera yang merupakan frugivor dan nictivor. Keanekaragaman di gua Ngerong tergolong tinggi dengan nilai Simpson's Diversity Index sebesar 0,76. Tingginya diversitas kelelawar penghuni gua Ngerong berbanding lurus dengan panjang lorong gua Ngerong. gua Ngerong merupakan gua terpanjang di kawasan karst Tuban, dengan panjang lorong mencapai 1800m.kata kunci: Kelelawar (Chiroptera, Diversitas, Gua Ngerong, Biospeleologi, Karst

  8. Analisis Pembebanan Ekonomis pada Jaringan 500 kV Jawa Bali Menggunakan Software PowerWorld

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Badru Tamam Arozaq


    Full Text Available Pada jaringan 500 kV Jawa Bali, PT. PLN (Persero P3B menentukan kombinasi pembangkit yang akan beroperasi pada setiap level beban tertentu. Oleh karena itu, Economic Dispatch (ED atau pembagian pembebanan secara ekonomis dilakukan untuk menghasilkan pembebanan pembangkit yang optimal. Namun, hasil dari Economic Dispatch tersebut belum tentu dapat memenuhi batasan sistem seperti batasan pembakitan generator dan batasan saluran. Untuk itu, Optimal Power Flow (OPF perlu dilakukan dalam rangka pembagian pembebanan secara ekonomis, sekaligus memenuhi batasan-batasan sistem. Pada tugas akhir ini, perhitungan pembagian pembebanan pembangkit dilakukan dengan menggunakan software PowerWorld. Software ini memiliki keunggulan dalam teknik analisis, interaktif, dan disertai dengan grafik, sehingga mempermudah pembaca dalam memahami informasi yang diberikan. Dari hasil pengujian, terbukti bahwa pada keadaan normal ED dan OPF dalam penggunaan software PowerWorld, menghasilkan nilai yang sama yaitu sebesar 662.264,94 $/h. Tetapi pada saat terjadi pelanggaran batas saluran transmisi, hasil simulasi ED lebih murah yaitu sebesar 665.834,06 $/h sedangkan hasil OPF sebesar 863.630,50 $/h.

  9. Mars MetNet Mission Status (United States)

    Harri, A.-M.; Aleksashkin, S.; Arruego, I.; Schmidt, W.; Genzer, M.; Vazquez, L.; Haukka, H.; Palin, M.; Nikkanen, T.


    New kind of planetary exploration mission for Mars is under development in collaboration between the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Lavochkin Association (LA), Space Research Institute (IKI) and Institutio Nacional de Tecnica Aerospacial (INTA). The Mars MetNet mission is based on a new semihard landing vehicle called MetNet Lander (MNL). The scientific payload of the Mars MetNet Precursor [1] mission is divided into three categories: Atmospheric instruments, Optical devices and Composition and structure devices. Each of the payload instruments will provide significant insights in to the Martian atmospheric behavior. The key technologies of the MetNet Lander have been qualified and the electrical qualification model (EQM) of the payload bay has been built and successfully tested.


    ECO Logic has developed a thermal desorption unit 0"DU) for the treatment of soils contaminated with hazardous organic contaminants. This TDU has been designed to be used in conjunction with Eco Logic's patented gas-phase chemical reduction reactor. The Eco Logic reactor is the s...

  11. Reprogammable universal logic device based on mems technology

    KAUST Repository

    Hafiz, Md Adbdullah Al


    Various examples of reprogrammable universal logic devices are provided. In one example, the device can include a tunable AC input (206) to an oscillator/resonator; a first logic input and a second logic input to the oscillator/resonator, the first and second logic inputs provided by separate DC voltage sources (VA, VB), each of the first and second logic inputs including an on/off switch (A, B); and the oscillator/resonator including an output terminal (215). The tunable oscillator/resonator can be a MEMS/NEMS resonator. Switching of one or both of the first or second logic inputs on or off in association with the tuning of the AC input (206) can provide logic gate operation. The device can easily be extended to a 3-bit or n-bit device by providing additional logic inputs. Binary comparators and encoders can be implemented using a plurality of oscillators/resonators.

  12. Methods in Logic Based Control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Georg Kronborg


    Desing and theory of Logic Based Control systems.Boolean Algebra, Karnaugh Map, Quine McClusky's algorithm. Sequential control design. Logic Based Control Method, Cascade Control Method. Implementation techniques: relay, pneumatic, TTL/CMOS,PAL and PLC- and Soft_PLC implementation. PLC...

  13. A logical treatment of secondary storage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foster, I.T.; Kusalik, A.J.


    Existing logic programming environments usually rely on highly imperative primitives and side-effects to achieve I/O with peripheral devices such as disks. This paper describes an alternate approach where the concepts of information input and output are described declarativley. Using a model of a logic-based open system, independent logic systems communicate their beliefs by means of ground logic clauses. The interface to a physical disk is defined as a node in such a system. The contents of the disk are treated as a knowledge base. The model provides the disk with a simple inference mechanism that allows it to assimilate (or reject) assertions made to it by other nodes of the logic system. This disk can also process queries about its contents. An executable specification for such a storage model is given in the parallel logic programming language PARLOG, as well as an actual implementation that uses very low-level term I/O primitives. It is also shown how this model can be extended so that the disk records entity histories, rather than simple clauses. This enables file systems to be constructed very naturally, and allows garbage collection of ''old'' knowledge

  14. Silicon photonic crystal all-optical logic gates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fu, Yulan [State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics and Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871 (China); Hu, Xiaoyong, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics and Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871 (China); Gong, Qihuang, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics and Department of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871 (China)


    All-optical logic gates, including OR, XOR, NOT, XNOR, and NAND gates, are realized theoretically in a two-dimensional silicon photonic crystal using the light beam interference effect. The ingenious photonic crystal waveguide component design, the precisely controlled optical path difference, and the elaborate device configuration ensure the simultaneous realization of five types of logic gate with low-power and a contrast ratio between the logic states of “1” and “0” as high as 20 dB. High power is not necessary for operation of these logic gate devices. This offers a simple and effective approach for the realization of integrated all-optical logic devices.

  15. Electronic logic circuits

    CERN Document Server

    Gibson, J


    Most branches of organizing utilize digital electronic systems. This book introduces the design of such systems using basic logic elements as the components. The material is presented in a straightforward manner suitable for students of electronic engineering and computer science. The book is also of use to engineers in related disciplines who require a clear introduction to logic circuits. This third edition has been revised to encompass the most recent advances in technology as well as the latest trends in components and notation. It includes a wide coverage of application specific integrate

  16. Completeness Results for Linear Logic on Petri Nets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engberg, Uffe Henrik; Winskel, Glynn


    Completeness is shown for several versions of Girard's linear logic with respect to Petri nets as the class of models. The strongest logic considered is intuitionistic linear logic, with $otimes$, $-!circ$, &, $oplus$ and the exponential ! (''of course´´), and forms of quantification. This logic ...

  17. Word je met Donkey Konga een betere muzikant? : Muziek leren spelen met de spelcomputer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tom Langhorst


    Kan de spelcomputer behulpzaam zijn bij de ontwikkeling van het muzikale gevoel? Met die vraag in het achterhoofd bekijkt Tom Langhorst hier kritisch het Nintendo-spel Donkey Konga, waarin de speler mee kan drummen met bekende popsongs.

  18. A Verification Logic for GOAL Agents (United States)

    Hindriks, K. V.

    Although there has been a growing body of literature on verification of agents programs, it has been difficult to design a verification logic for agent programs that fully characterizes such programs and to connect agent programs to agent theory. The challenge is to define an agent programming language that defines a computational framework but also allows for a logical characterization useful for verification. The agent programming language GOAL has been originally designed to connect agent programming to agent theory and we present additional results here that GOAL agents can be fully represented by a logical theory. GOAL agents can thus be said to execute the corresponding logical theory.

  19. Translating Dominant Institutional Logics in Practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agger Nielsen, Jeppe; Jensen, Tina Blegind

    In this paper we examine the proliferation of a new mobile technology in a structured setting of home care in Denmark, focusing on how actions at multiple levels interact to enable technology diffusion and institutionalization. The case study shows how a dominating field level logic...... that combining an institutional logic perspective with a translation perspective furthers our understanding of the malleability of institutional logics....

  20. Mars MetNet Mission Status (United States)

    Harri, Ari-Matti; Aleksashkin, Sergei; Arruego, Ignacio; Schmidt, Walter; Genzer, Maria; Vazquez, Luis; Haukka, Harri


    New kind of planetary exploration mission for Mars is under development in collaboration between the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Lavochkin Association (LA), Space Research Institute (IKI) and Institutio Nacional de Tecnica Aerospacial (INTA). The Mars MetNet mission is based on a new semi-hard landing vehicle called MetNet Lander (MNL). The scientific payload of the Mars MetNet Precursor [1] mission is divided into three categories: Atmospheric instruments, Optical devices and Composition and structure devices. Each of the payload instruments will provide significant insights in to the Martian atmospheric behavior. The key technologies of the MetNet Lander have been qualified and the electrical qualification model (EQM) of the payload bay has been built and successfully tested. 1. MetNet Lander The MetNet landing vehicles are using an inflatable entry and descent system instead of rigid heat shields and parachutes as earlier semi-hard landing devices have used. This way the ratio of the payload mass to the overall mass is optimized. The landing impact will burrow the payload container into the Martian soil providing a more favorable thermal environment for the electronics and a suitable orientation of the telescopic boom with external sensors and the radio link antenna. It is planned to deploy several tens of MNLs on the Martian surface operating at least partly at the same time to allow meteorological network science. 2. Scientific Payload The payload of the two MNL precursor models includes the following instruments: Atmospheric instruments: 1. MetBaro Pressure device 2. MetHumi Humidity device 3. MetTemp Temperature sensors Optical devices: 1. PanCam Panoramic 2. MetSIS Solar irradiance sensor with OWLS optical wireless system for data transfer 3. DS Dust sensor The descent processes dynamic properties are monitored by a special 3-axis accelerometer combined with a 3-axis gyrometer. The data will be sent via auxiliary beacon antenna throughout the

  1. Energy-Efficient Wide Datapath Integer Arithmetic Logic Units Using Superconductor Logic (United States)

    Ayala, Christopher Lawrence

    Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technology is currently the most widely used integrated circuit technology today. As CMOS approaches the physical limitations of scaling, it is unclear whether or not it can provide long-term support for niche areas such as high-performance computing and telecommunication infrastructure, particularly with the emergence of cloud computing. Alternatively, superconductor technologies based on Josephson junction (JJ) switching elements such as Rapid Single Flux Quantum (RSFQ) logic and especially its new variant, Energy-Efficient Rapid Single Flux Quantum (ERSFQ) logic have the capability to provide an ultra-high-speed, low power platform for digital systems. The objective of this research is to design and evaluate energy-efficient, high-speed 32-bit integer Arithmetic Logic Units (ALUs) implemented using RSFQ and ERSFQ logic as the first steps towards achieving practical Very-Large-Scale-Integration (VLSI) complexity in digital superconductor electronics. First, a tunable VHDL superconductor cell library is created to provide a mechanism to conduct design exploration and evaluation of superconductor digital circuits from the perspectives of functionality, complexity, performance, and energy-efficiency. Second, hybrid wave-pipelining techniques developed earlier for wide datapath RSFQ designs have been used for efficient arithmetic and logic circuit implementations. To develop the core foundation of the ALU, the ripple-carry adder and the Kogge-Stone parallel prefix carry look-ahead adder are studied as representative candidates on opposite ends of the design spectrum. By combining the high-performance features of the Kogge-Stone structure and the low complexity of the ripple-carry adder, a 32-bit asynchronous wave-pipelined hybrid sparse-tree ALU has been designed and evaluated using the VHDL cell library tuned to HYPRES' gate-level characteristics. The designs and techniques from this research have been implemented using

  2. Evidence logics with relational evidence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baltag, Alexandru; Occhipinti, Andrés


    We introduce a family of logics for reasoning about relational evidence: evidence that involves an ordering of states in terms of their relative plausibility. We provide sound and complete axiomatizations for the logics. We also present several evidential actions and prove soundness...

  3. Binary logic is rich enough

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zapatrin, R.R.


    Given a finite ortholattice L, the *-semigroup is explicitly built whose annihilator ortholattice is isomorphic to L. Thus, it is shown that any finite quantum logic is the additive part of a binary logic. Some areas of possible applications are outlined. 7 refs

  4. Kandungan Komponen Fenolat, Kadar Fenolat Total, dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Madu dari Beberapa Daerah di Jawa dan Sumatera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ichda Chayati


    Full Text Available KANDUNGAN KOMPONEN FENOLAT, KADAR FENOLAT TOTAL, DAN AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN MADU DARI BEBERAPA DAERAH DI JAWA DAN SUMATERA Study of Phenolic Compounts, Total Phenolic, and Antioxidant Activities of Monofloral Honeys from Some Areas in Java and Sumatera ABSTRACT Background. Many diseases resulted from degenerative processess which can be inhibited by antioxidant systems. Honey is one of food with antioxidant activity. Objective. This study aims to investigate antioxidant activities of several types of monofloral honey from Java and Sumatera. Method. A laboratory experimental study, conducted on 4 types of floral honeys: coffee, palm trees, cottonwoods and rambutan. Determination of phenolic compounds was performed with High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC and measurement of total phenolic contents performed with Folin-Ciocalteu’s reagent. Antioxidant activity was conducted in two ways, those were by 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrasyl (DPPH free radical scavenging method and linoleic acid peroxidation method using butylated hydroxytoluene(BHT as a standard. Data were analyzed using Analysis of varian (Anova and continued with Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT. Result. Four types of Javanese and Sumateranese honeys contained some phenolic compounds. Those are chlorogenic acid, cafeic acid, ρ-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, pinobanksin, quercetin, luteolin, pinocembrin and chrysin while the dominant fenolic compound varies between honeys. Total phenolic contents from four types of honey were between 2.000 to 4.400 ppm. The highest phenolic content was in honey from cottonwoods, but the best antioxidant activity was found in honey from coffee. Antioxidant activities were found in honey which come from the following order: coffee, cottonwoods, palm trees, and rambutan honey. Antioxidant activities did not correlated with total phenolic content. Conclusion. Javanese and Sumateranese honey contained nine active substances that varies in total

  5. Characterization of quantum logics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lahti, P.J.


    The quantum logic approach to axiomatic quantum mechanics is used to analyze the conceptual foundations of the traditional quantum theory. The universal quantum of action h>0 is incorporated into the theory by introducing the uncertainty principle, the complementarity principle, and the superposition principle into the framework. A characterization of those quantum logics (L,S) which may provide quantum descriptions is then given. (author)

  6. A Conceptual Space Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nilsson, Jørgen Fischer


    Conceptual spaces have been proposed as topological or geometric means for establishing conceptual structures and models. This paper, after briey reviewing conceptual spaces, focusses on the relationship between conceptual spaces and logical concept languages with operations for combining concepts...... to form concepts. Speci cally is introduced an algebraic concept logic, for which conceptual spaces are installed as semantic domain as replacement for, or enrichment of, the traditional....

  7. Classical Limit and Quantum Logic (United States)

    Losada, Marcelo; Fortin, Sebastian; Holik, Federico


    The analysis of the classical limit of quantum mechanics usually focuses on the state of the system. The general idea is to explain the disappearance of the interference terms of quantum states appealing to the decoherence process induced by the environment. However, in these approaches it is not explained how the structure of quantum properties becomes classical. In this paper, we consider the classical limit from a different perspective. We consider the set of properties of a quantum system and we study the quantum-to-classical transition of its logical structure. The aim is to open the door to a new study based on dynamical logics, that is, logics that change over time. In particular, we appeal to the notion of hybrid logics to describe semiclassical systems. Moreover, we consider systems with many characteristic decoherence times, whose sublattices of properties become distributive at different times.

  8. Model Checking the Logic of Allen's Relations Meets and Started-by is P^NP-Complete

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Bozzelli


    Full Text Available In the plethora of fragments of Halpern and Shoham's modal logic of time intervals (HS, the logic AB of Allen's relations Meets and Started-by is at a central position. Statements that may be true at certain intervals, but at no sub-interval of them, such as accomplishments, as well as metric constraints about the length of intervals, that force, for instance, an interval to be at least (resp., at most, exactly k points long, can be expressed in AB. Moreover, over the linear order of the natural numbers N, it subsumes the (point-based logic LTL, as it can easily encode the next and until modalities. Finally, it is expressive enough to capture the ω-regular languages, that is, for each ω-regular expression R there exists an AB formula Φ such that the language defined by R coincides with the set of models of Φ over N. It has been shown that the satisfiability problem for AB over N is EXPSPACE-complete. Here we prove that, under the homogeneity assumption, its model checking problem is Δ^p_2 = P^NP-complete (for the sake of comparison, the model checking problem for full HS is EXPSPACE-hard, and the only known decision procedure is nonelementary. Moreover, we show that the modality for the Allen relation Met-by can be added to AB at no extra cost (AA'B is P^NP-complete as well.

  9. Molecular processors: from qubits to fuzzy logic. (United States)

    Gentili, Pier Luigi


    Single molecules or their assemblies are information processing devices. Herein it is demonstrated how it is possible to process different types of logic through molecules. As long as decoherent effects are maintained far away from a pure quantum mechanical system, quantum logic can be processed. If the collapse of superimposed or entangled wavefunctions is unavoidable, molecules can still be used to process either crisp (binary or multi-valued) or fuzzy logic. The way for implementing fuzzy inference engines is declared and it is supported by the examples of molecular fuzzy logic systems devised so far. Fuzzy logic is drawing attention in the field of artificial intelligence, because it models human reasoning quite well. This ability may be due to some structural analogies between a fuzzy logic system and the human nervous system. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Genesis endapan aluvium Dataran Purworejo Jawa Tengah; Implikasinya terhadap sumber daya geologi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sutikno Bronto


    Full Text Available is part of the Southern Central Jawa alluvial plain that is bordered by the South Sera- yu Mountains and Sumbing Volcano in the north, West Progo Mountains in the east, Indian Ocean in the south, and Kebumen-Banyumas plain in the west. This Purworejo plain comprises reworked allu- vial deposits, particularly from Tertiary volcanic rocks of the South Serayu and West Progo Mount- ains, and the Sumbing Quaternary Volcano. In the northern part older reworked material has formed Purworejo alluvial fan in the east and Kutoarjo alluvial fan in the west. Those alluvial fans developed from northeast side of studied area. The central part of Purworejo plain consists of older coastal alluvial deposits which have been covered by recent fluvial deposits that transported by Wawar River in the west, Jali River in the middle, and Bogowonto River in the east. The southern part of Purworejo plain, starting from the Lereng River until present coastal line is composed of younger alluvial coast- al deposits. It is suggested that groundwater resources are abundant under the Purworejo plain, and the young alluvial coastal deposits contain highly potential iron sand and associated minerals.  

  11. Cylindric-like algebras and algebraic logic

    CERN Document Server

    Ferenczi, Miklós; Németi, István


    Algebraic logic is a subject in the interface between logic, algebra and geometry, it has strong connections with category theory and combinatorics. Tarski’s quest for finding structure in logic leads to cylindric-like algebras as studied in this book, they are among the main players in Tarskian algebraic logic. Cylindric algebra theory can be viewed in many ways:  as an algebraic form of definability theory, as a study of higher-dimensional relations, as an enrichment of Boolean Algebra theory, or, as logic in geometric form (“cylindric” in the name refers to geometric aspects). Cylindric-like algebras have a wide range of applications, in, e.g., natural language theory, data-base theory, stochastics, and even in relativity theory. The present volume, consisting of 18 survey papers, intends to give an overview of the main achievements and new research directions in the past 30 years, since the publication of the Henkin-Monk-Tarski monographs. It is dedicated to the memory of Leon Henkin.

  12. r-Universal reversible logic gates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vos, A de; Storme, L


    Reversible logic plays a fundamental role both in ultra-low power electronics and in quantum computing. It is therefore important to know which reversible logic gates can be used as building block for the reversible implementation of an arbitrary boolean function and which cannot

  13. Quantum design rules for single molecule logic gates. (United States)

    Renaud, N; Hliwa, M; Joachim, C


    Recent publications have demonstrated how to implement a NOR logic gate with a single molecule using its interaction with two surface atoms as logical inputs [W. Soe et al., ACS Nano, 2011, 5, 1436]. We demonstrate here how this NOR logic gate belongs to the general family of quantum logic gates where the Boolean truth table results from a full control of the quantum trajectory of the electron transfer process through the molecule by very local and classical inputs practiced on the molecule. A new molecule OR gate is proposed for the logical inputs to be also single metal atoms, one per logical input.

  14. The conditional in quantum logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hardegree, G.M.


    In this article it is argued that orthodox quantum logic, which is represented by the lattice of projections on Hilbert space, does in fact admit an operation which possesses the essential properties of a material conditional. It is proposed that this connective can be interpreted as a Stalnaker (counter factual) conditional, where the nearness ordering among 'worlds' (in this case, QM pure states) derives in a natural way from the Hilbert space inner-product metric. It is a characteristic of the quantum logic conditional that the law of modus ponens is equivalent to the orthomodular law of conventional quantum logic. (B.R.H.)

  15. A Hedge for Gödel Fuzzy Logic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hájek, Petr; Harmancová, Dagmar


    Roč. 8, č. 4 (2000), s. 495-498 ISSN 0218-4885 Grant - others:COST(XE) Action 15 Institutional research plan: AV0Z1030915 Keywords : fuzzy logic * Gödel logic * intuitionistic logic * hedges Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.145, year: 2000

  16. Dynamic logic architecture based on piecewise-linear systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng Haipeng; Liu Fei; Li Lixiang; Yang Yixian; Wang Xue


    This Letter explores piecewise-linear systems to construct dynamic logic architecture. The proposed schemes can discriminate the two input signals and obtain 16 kinds of logic operations by different combinations of parameters and conditions for determining the output. Each logic cell performs more flexibly, that makes it possible to achieve complex logic operations more simply and construct computing architecture with less logic cells. We also analyze the various performances of our schemes under different conditions and the characteristics of these schemes.

  17. Logic, reasoning, and verbal behavior


    Terrell, Dudley J.; Johnston, J. M.


    This paper analyzes the traditional concepts of logic and reasoning from the perspective of radical behaviorism and in the terms of Skinner's treatment of verbal behavior. The topics covered in this analysis include the proposition, premises and conclusions, logicality and rules, and deductive and inductive reasoning.

  18. Epistemic logics for sceptical agents

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bílková, M.; Majer, Ondrej; Peliš, Michal


    Roč. 26, č. 6 (2016), s. 1815-1841 ISSN 0955-792X R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA13-21076S Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : epistemic logic * substructural logic * frame semantics Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion Impact factor: 0.909, year: 2016

  19. Jauch-Piron logics with finiteness conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rogalewicz, V.


    An event structure (so-called quantum logic) of a quantum mechanical system is commonly assumed to be an orthomodular poset L. A state of such a system is then interpreted as a probability measure on L. It turns out that the orthomodular posets which may potentially serve as logics must have reasonably rich spaces of states. Moreover, the following condition on the state space appears among the axioms of a quantum system: if Φ is a state on a logic L, and Φ(a) = Φ(b) = 1 for some a, b element-of L, then there is a c element-of L such that c ≤ a, c ≤ b, and Φ(c) = 1. Such a state is said to be a Jauch-Piron state. If all states on L fulfill this condition, then L is called a Jauch-Piron logic. The condition was originally introduced by Jauch (1968) and Piron (1976). The author investigates unital Jauch-Piron logics with finitely many blocks (maximal Boolean subalgebras). He shows that such a logic is always Boolean, i.e., it represents a purely classical system. In other words, and orthomodular poset must have infinitely many blocks in order to describe a (nonclassical) quantum system

  20. Petri Nets as Models of Linear Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engberg, Uffe Henrik; Winskel, Glynn


    The chief purpose of this paper is to appraise the feasibility of Girad's linear logic as a specification language for parallel processes. To this end we propose an interpretation of linear logic in Petri nets, with respect to which we investigate the expressive power of the logic...

  1. Dependence logic theory and applications

    CERN Document Server

    Kontinen, Juha; Väänänen, Jouko; Vollmer, Heribert


    In this volume, different aspects of logics for dependence and independence are discussed, including both the logical and computational aspects of dependence logic, and also applications in a number of areas, such as statistics, social choice theory, databases, and computer security. The contributing authors represent leading experts in this relatively new field, each of whom was invited to write a chapter based on talks given at seminars held at the Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz Center for Informatics in Wadern, Germany (in February 2013 and June 2015) and an Academy Colloquium at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (March 2014). Altogether, these chapters provide the most up-to-date look at this developing and highly interdisciplinary field and will be of interest to a broad group of logicians, mathematicians, statisticians, philosophers, and scientists. Topics covered include a comprehensive survey of many propositional, modal, and first-order variants of dependence logic; new results concerning ...

  2. Simultaneous G-Quadruplex DNA Logic. (United States)

    Bader, Antoine; Cockroft, Scott L


    A fundamental principle of digital computer operation is Boolean logic, where inputs and outputs are described by binary integer voltages. Similarly, inputs and outputs may be processed on the molecular level as exemplified by synthetic circuits that exploit the programmability of DNA base-pairing. Unlike modern computers, which execute large numbers of logic gates in parallel, most implementations of molecular logic have been limited to single computing tasks, or sensing applications. This work reports three G-quadruplex-based logic gates that operate simultaneously in a single reaction vessel. The gates respond to unique Boolean DNA inputs by undergoing topological conversion from duplex to G-quadruplex states that were resolved using a thioflavin T dye and gel electrophoresis. The modular, addressable, and label-free approach could be incorporated into DNA-based sensors, or used for resolving and debugging parallel processes in DNA computing applications. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. Evidence that logical reasoning depends on conscious processing. (United States)

    DeWall, C Nathan; Baumeister, Roy F; Masicampo, E J


    Humans, unlike other animals, are equipped with a powerful brain that permits conscious awareness and reflection. A growing trend in psychological science has questioned the benefits of consciousness, however. Testing a hypothesis advanced by [Lieberman, M. D., Gaunt, R., Gilbert, D. T., & Trope, Y. (2002). Reflection and reflexion: A social cognitive neuroscience approach to attributional inference. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 34, 199-249], four studies suggested that the conscious, reflective processing system is vital for logical reasoning. Substantial decrements in logical reasoning were found when a cognitive load manipulation preoccupied conscious processing, while hampering the nonconscious system with consciously suppressed thoughts failed to impair reasoning (Experiment 1). Nonconscious activation (priming) of the idea of logical reasoning increased the activation of logic-relevant concepts, but failed to improve logical reasoning performance (Experiments 2a-2c) unless the logical conclusions were largely intuitive and thus not reliant on logical reasoning (Experiment 3). Meanwhile, stimulating the conscious goal of reasoning well led to improvements in reasoning performance (Experiment 4). These findings offer evidence that logical reasoning is aided by the conscious, reflective processing system.

  4. Logic verification system for power plant sequence diagrams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukuda, Mitsuko; Yamada, Naoyuki; Teshima, Toshiaki; Kan, Ken-ichi; Utsunomiya, Mitsugu.


    A logic verification system for sequence diagrams of power plants has been developed. The system's main function is to verify correctness of the logic realized by sequence diagrams for power plant control systems. The verification is based on a symbolic comparison of the logic of the sequence diagrams with the logic of the corresponding IBDs (interlock Block Diagrams) in combination with reference to design knowledge. The developed system points out the sub-circuit which is responsible for any existing mismatches between the IBD logic and the logic realized by the sequence diagrams. Applications to the verification of actual sequence diagrams of power plants confirmed that the developed system is practical and effective. (author)

  5. Hybrid Logical Analyses of the Ambient Calculus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bolander, Thomas; Hansen, Rene Rydhof


    In this paper, hybrid logic is used to formulate three control flow analyses for Mobile Ambients, a process calculus designed for modelling mobility. We show that hybrid logic is very well-suited to express the semantic structure of the ambient calculus and how features of hybrid logic can...

  6. Dialogues as a dynamic framework for logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rückert, Helge


    Dialogical logic is a game-theoretical approach to logic. Logic is studied with the help of certain games, which can be thought of as idealized argumentations. Two players, the Proponent, who puts forward the initial thesis and tries to defend it, and the Opponent, who tries to attack the

  7. Structural Completeness in Fuzzy Logics

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Cintula, Petr; Metcalfe, G.


    Roč. 50, č. 2 (2009), s. 153-183 ISSN 0029-4527 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 1M0545 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : structral logics * fuzzy logics * structural completeness * admissible rules * primitive variety * residuated lattices Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  8. First-order modal logic theorem proving and standard PROLOG


    Nonnengart, A.


    Many attempts have been started to combine logic programming and modal logics. Most of them however, do not use classical PROLOG, but extend the PROLOG idea in order to cope with modal logic formulae directly. These approaches have the disadvantage that for each logic new logic programming systems are to be developed and the knowledge and experience gathered from PROLOG can hardly be utilized. Modal logics based on Kripke-style relational semantics, however, allow a direct translation from mo...

  9. Diagnosable structured logic array (United States)

    Whitaker, Sterling (Inventor); Miles, Lowell (Inventor); Gambles, Jody (Inventor); Maki, Gary K. (Inventor)


    A diagnosable structured logic array and associated process is provided. A base cell structure is provided comprising a logic unit comprising a plurality of input nodes, a plurality of selection nodes, and an output node, a plurality of switches coupled to the selection nodes, where the switches comprises a plurality of input lines, a selection line and an output line, a memory cell coupled to the output node, and a test address bus and a program control bus coupled to the plurality of input lines and the selection line of the plurality of switches. A state on each of the plurality of input nodes is verifiably loaded and read from the memory cell. A trusted memory block is provided. The associated process is provided for testing and verifying a plurality of truth table inputs of the logic unit.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wina Erwina


    ABSTRAK Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakan provinsi yang memiliki angka buta aksara mencapai angka 10 %.  Indeks Pembangunan Manusia  (IPM di Jawa Barat terus ditingkatkan. Berbagai program dicanangkan untuk mendongkrak angka IPM tersebut agar menjadi lebih baik. Salah satu indikator yang diperhatikan adalah peningkatan minat baca masyarakat. Sumber inspirasi kegiatan ini adalah bahwa perpustakaan Desa dan TBM (Taman Bacaan Masyarakat di Jawa Barat belum memiliki solusi praktis mengatasi masalah dalam mengembangkan perpustakaan/TBM yang mereka kelola. Belum ada kesiapan dalam menyelenggarakan layanan perpustakaan/TBM berbasis sistem. perpustakaan/TBM  masih memerlukan tambahan bahan bacaan. Pihak pengelola belum memiliki Tenaga Teknis yang siap mengelola koleksi bahan bacaan. Metode yang dilakukan adalah Survey Kebutuhan Informasi, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan , Konsultasi dan Focus Group Discussion (FDG serta simulasi Ipteks, yakni diperkenalkan kepada para pengelola taman bacaan masyarakat dan perpustakaan desa adalah Sofware Pustaka Access Versi 0.1. Software ini dimanfaatkan untuk pengolahan koleksi bahan pustaka dengan mengunakan software Pustaka Acces Versi 0.1 yang digagas dan dikembangkan oleh staf pengajar pada Departemen Ilmu Informasi dan perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Unpad. Karya Utama kegiatan ini adalah berupa Software Pustaka Acces Versi 0.1, Modul  Pengolahan Koleksi, Modul Perpustakaan Sekolah dan Modul Pengelolaan Taman Bacaan Masyarakat. Software “Pustaka Access versi 0.1” dikembangkan dengan menggunakan Database Microsoft Access 2007.Oleh karena itu, Software ini hanya bisa digunakan pada komputer yang sudah terinstal Microsoft Office 2007 (atau Microsoft Office versi yang lebih baru. Modul pengolahan koleksi merupakan pedoman yang dapat digunakan dalam mengoperasikan system pengolahan koleksi berbasis elektronik. Modul perpustakaan sekolah, dapat digunakan bagi sekolah dalam menjalankan pengelolaan perpustakaan sekolahnya secara ringkas

  11. Against All Odds: When Logic Meets Probability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Benthem, J.; Katoen, J.-P.; Langerak, R.; Rensink, A.


    This paper is a light walk along interfaces between logic and probability, triggered by a chance encounter with Ed Brinksma. It is not a research paper, or a literature survey, but a pointer to issues. I discuss both direct combinations of logic and probability and structured ways in which logic can

  12. Computational logic: its origins and applications. (United States)

    Paulson, Lawrence C


    Computational logic is the use of computers to establish facts in a logical formalism. Originating in nineteenth century attempts to understand the nature of mathematical reasoning, the subject now comprises a wide variety of formalisms, techniques and technologies. One strand of work follows the 'logic for computable functions (LCF) approach' pioneered by Robin Milner, where proofs can be constructed interactively or with the help of users' code (which does not compromise correctness). A refinement of LCF, called Isabelle, retains these advantages while providing flexibility in the choice of logical formalism and much stronger automation. The main application of these techniques has been to prove the correctness of hardware and software systems, but increasingly researchers have been applying them to mathematics itself.

  13. Wave Pipelining Using Self Reset Logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel E. Litvin


    Full Text Available This study presents a novel design approach combining wave pipelining and self reset logic, which provides an elegant solution at high-speed data throughput with significant savings in power and area as compared with other dynamic CMOS logic implementations. To overcome some limitations in SRL art, we employ a new SRL family, namely, dual-rail self reset logic with input disable (DRSRL-ID. These gates depict fairly constant timing parameters, specially the width of the output pulse, for varying fan-out and logic depth, helping accommodate process, supply voltage, and temperature variations (PVT. These properties simplify the implementation of wave pipelined circuits. General timing analysis is provided and compared with previous implementations. Results of circuit implementation are presented together with conclusions and future work.

  14. Optical reversible programmable Boolean logic unit. (United States)

    Chattopadhyay, Tanay


    Computing with reversibility is the only way to avoid dissipation of energy associated with bit erase. So, a reversible microprocessor is required for future computing. In this paper, a design of a simple all-optical reversible programmable processor is proposed using a polarizing beam splitter, liquid crystal-phase spatial light modulators, a half-wave plate, and plane mirrors. This circuit can perform 16 logical operations according to three programming inputs. Also, inputs can be easily recovered from the outputs. It is named the "reversible programmable Boolean logic unit (RPBLU)." The logic unit is the basic building block of many complex computational operations. Hence the design is important in sense. Two orthogonally polarized lights are defined here as two logical states, respectively.

  15. Handling Pressures of Community Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Minbaeva, Dana; Hotho, Jasper; Muratbekova-Touron, Maral


    The paper aims at investigating how in pluralistic societies, such as emerging economies and countries in transition, organizational decision-makers respond to pressures of community logics in non-community settings, such as the work place. We theorize that in non-community settings, social...... relations and interactions with community members can act as social cues that induce and expose individuals to community logics. We subsequently propose that properties of these relations – immediacy and relatedness - will affect individual response strategies towards community logics. We test these ideas...... with an experimental vignette study of the effects of clan and kinship ties on recruitment and selection decisions in Kazakhstan, followed by qualitative interviews....

  16. Graded Alternating-Time Temporal Logic (United States)

    Faella, Marco; Napoli, Margherita; Parente, Mimmo

    Graded modalities enrich the universal and existential quantifiers with the capability to express the concept of at least k or all but k, for a non-negative integer k. Recently, temporal logics such as μ-calculus and Computational Tree Logic, Ctl, augmented with graded modalities have received attention from the scientific community, both from a theoretical side and from an applicative perspective. Both μ-calculus and Ctl naturally apply as specification languages for closed systems: in this paper, we add graded modalities to the Alternating-time Temporal Logic (Atl) introduced by Alur et al., to study how these modalities may affect specification languages for open systems.

  17. Formalized Epistemology, Logic, and Grammar (United States)

    Bitbol, Michel

    The task of a formal epistemology is defined. It appears that a formal epistemology must be a generalization of "logic" in the sense of Wittgenstein's Tractatus. The generalization is required because, whereas logic presupposes a strict relation between activity and language, this relation may be broken in some domains of experimental enquiry (e.g., in microscopic physics). However, a formal epistemology should also retain a major feature of Wittgenstein's "logic": It must not be a discourse about scientific knowledge, but rather a way of making manifest the structures usually implicit in knowledge-gaining activity. This strategy is applied to the formalism of quantum mechanics.

  18. Fuzzy logic and neural networks basic concepts & application

    CERN Document Server

    Alavala, Chennakesava R


    About the Book: The primary purpose of this book is to provide the student with a comprehensive knowledge of basic concepts of fuzzy logic and neural networks. The hybridization of fuzzy logic and neural networks is also included. No previous knowledge of fuzzy logic and neural networks is required. Fuzzy logic and neural networks have been discussed in detail through illustrative examples, methods and generic applications. Extensive and carefully selected references is an invaluable resource for further study of fuzzy logic and neural networks. Each chapter is followed by a question bank

  19. Kontribusi Higiene Mulut terhadap Timbulnya Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (ANUG (Survei Epidemiologi di Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Cianjur Jawa Barat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Mirna


    Full Text Available This analytical epidemiological survey was aimed to investigate the correlation between oral hygiene and the onset of an infectious, necrotic, ulcerative disease called acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG. The study involved 319 elementary school children consisting of 163 (52% male and 156 (48% female pupils from Kecamatan Pacet, Cianjur, WestJawa. Samples were chosen by stratified simple random sampling. The obtained data were analyzed with Bivariant Test (Chi2Ttest, and the results showed a quite high prevalence of ANUG, aboout 15.3% in total and consisting 9% male and 6.3% female subjects. The correlation between oral hygiene and the onset of ANUG was found to be significant (p<0.05. It was concluded that oral hygiene has an important contribution to the onset of ANUG.

  20. Fuzzy logic control of nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yao Liangzhong; Guo Renjun; Ma Changwen


    The main advantage of the fuzzy logic control is that the method does not require a detailed mathematical model of the object to be controlled. In this paper, the shortcomings and limitations of the model-based method in nuclear power plant control were presented, the theory of the fuzzy logic control was briefly introduced, and the applications of the fuzzy logic control technology in nuclear power plant controls were surveyed. Finally, the problems to be solved by using the fuzzy logic control in nuclear power plants were discussed

  1. Towards a formal logic of design rationalization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Galle, Per


    Certain extensions to standard predicate logic are proposed and used as a framework for critical logical study of patterns of inference in design reasoning. It is shown that within this framework a modal logic of design rationalization (suggested by an empirical study reported earlier) can...... be formally defined in terms of quantification over a universe of discourse of ‘relevant points of view’. Five basic principles of the extended predicate logic are listed, on the basis of which the validity of ten modal patterns of inference encountered in design rationalization is tested. The basic idea...

  2. From Interpreter to Logic Engine by Defunctionalization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Biernacki, Dariusz; Danvy, Olivier


    Starting from a continuation-based interpreter for a simple logic programming language, propositional Prolog with cut, we derive the corresponding logic engine in the form of an abstract machine. The derivation originates in previous work (our article at PPDP 2003) where it was applied to the lam......Starting from a continuation-based interpreter for a simple logic programming language, propositional Prolog with cut, we derive the corresponding logic engine in the form of an abstract machine. The derivation originates in previous work (our article at PPDP 2003) where it was applied...

  3. From Interpreter to Logic Engine by Defunctionalization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Biernacki, Dariusz; Danvy, Olivier


    Starting from a continuation-based interpreter for a simple logic programming language, propositional Prolog with cut, we derive the corresponding logic engine in the form of an abstract machine. The derivation originates in previous work (our article at PPDP 2003) where it was applied to the lam......Starting from a continuation-based interpreter for a simple logic programming language, propositional Prolog with cut, we derive the corresponding logic engine in the form of an abstract machine. The derivation originates in previous work (our article at PPDP 2003) where it was applied...

  4. From Interpreter to logic Engine by Defunctionalization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Biernacki, Dariusz; Danvy, Olivier


    Starting from a continuation-based interpreter for a simple logic programming language, propositional Prolog with cut, we derive the corresponding logic engine in the form of an abstract machine. The derivation originates in previous work (our article at PPDP 2003) where it was applied to the lam......Starting from a continuation-based interpreter for a simple logic programming language, propositional Prolog with cut, we derive the corresponding logic engine in the form of an abstract machine. The derivation originates in previous work (our article at PPDP 2003) where it was applied...

  5. A Dynamic Logic for Learning Theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baltag, Alexandru; Gierasimczuk, Nina; Özgün, Aybüke


    Building on previous work that bridged Formal Learning Theory and Dynamic Epistemic Logic in a topological setting, we introduce a Dynamic Logic for Learning Theory (DLLT), extending Subset Space Logics with dynamic observation modalities, as well as with a learning operator, which encodes the le...... the learner’s conjecture after observing a finite sequence of data. We completely axiomatise DLLT, study its expressivity and use it to characterise various notions of knowledge, belief, and learning. ...

  6. 15 CFR 970.601 - Logical mining unit. (United States)


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Logical mining unit. 970.601 Section... ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SERVICE DEEP SEABED MINING REGULATIONS FOR EXPLORATION LICENSES Resource Development Concepts § 970.601 Logical mining unit. (a) In the case of an exploration license, a logical mining unit is an...

  7. Fuzzy logic of Aristotelian forms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perlovsky, L.I. [Nichols Research Corp., Lexington, MA (United States)


    Model-based approaches to pattern recognition and machine vision have been proposed to overcome the exorbitant training requirements of earlier computational paradigms. However, uncertainties in data were found to lead to a combinatorial explosion of the computational complexity. This issue is related here to the roles of a priori knowledge vs. adaptive learning. What is the a-priori knowledge representation that supports learning? I introduce Modeling Field Theory (MFT), a model-based neural network whose adaptive learning is based on a priori models. These models combine deterministic, fuzzy, and statistical aspects to account for a priori knowledge, its fuzzy nature, and data uncertainties. In the process of learning, a priori fuzzy concepts converge to crisp or probabilistic concepts. The MFT is a convergent dynamical system of only linear computational complexity. Fuzzy logic turns out to be essential for reducing the combinatorial complexity to linear one. I will discuss the relationship of the new computational paradigm to two theories due to Aristotle: theory of Forms and logic. While theory of Forms argued that the mind cannot be based on ready-made a priori concepts, Aristotelian logic operated with just such concepts. I discuss an interpretation of MFT suggesting that its fuzzy logic, combining a-priority and adaptivity, implements Aristotelian theory of Forms (theory of mind). Thus, 2300 years after Aristotle, a logic is developed suitable for his theory of mind.

  8. Fibred Coalgebraic Logic and Quantum Protocols

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Marsden


    Full Text Available Motivated by applications in modelling quantum systems using coalgebraic techniques, we introduce a fibred coalgebraic logic. Our approach extends the conventional predicate lifting semantics with additional modalities relating conditions on different fibres. As this fibred setting will typically involve multiple signature functors, the logic incorporates a calculus of modalities enabling the construction of new modalities using various composition operations. We extend the semantics of coalgebraic logic to this setting, and prove that this extension respects behavioural equivalence. We show how properties of the semantics of modalities are preserved under composition operations, and then apply the calculational aspect of our logic to produce an expressive set of modalities for reasoning about quantum systems, building these modalities up from simpler components. We then demonstrate how these modalities can describe some standard quantum protocols. The novel features of our logic are shown to allow for a uniform description of unitary evolution, and support local reasoning such as "Alice's qubit satisfies condition" as is common when discussing quantum protocols.

  9. Towards the future of fuzzy logic

    CERN Document Server

    Trillas, Enric; Kacprzyk, Janusz


    This book provides readers with a snapshot of the state-of-the art in fuzzy logic. Throughout the chapters, key theories developed in the last fifty years as well as important applications to practical problems are presented and discussed from different perspectives, as the authors hail from different disciplines and therefore use fuzzy logic for different purposes.  The book aims at showing how fuzzy logic has evolved since the first theory formulation by Lotfi A. Zadeh in his seminal paper on Fuzzy Sets in 1965. Fuzzy theories and implementation grew at an impressive speed and achieved significant results, especially on the applicative side. The study of fuzzy logic and its practice spread all over the world, from Europe to Asia, America and Oceania. The editors believe that, thanks to the drive of young researchers, fuzzy logic will be able to face the challenging goals posed by computing with words. New frontiers of knowledge are waiting to be explored. In order to motivate young people to engage in the ...

  10. Semantic foundation for preferential description logics

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Britz, K


    Full Text Available Description logics are a well-established family of knowledge representation formalisms in Artificial Intelligence. Enriching description logics with non-monotonic reasoning capabilities, especially preferential reasoning as developed by Lehmann...

  11. Technologies for faults diagnosis of FPGA logic blocks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. U. Ngene


    Full Text Available The critical issues of testing field programmable gate arrays (FPGA with a view to diagnosing faults are an important step that ensures the reliability of FPGA designs. Correct diagnosis of faulty logic blocks of FPGAs guarantees restoration of functionality through replacement of faulty block with replacement units. This process can be done autonomously or without the intervention of an engineer depending on application area. This paper considers two methods for analysing test results of FPGA logic blocks with the purpose of localising and distinguishing faults. The algebraic logic and vector-logical methods are proposed for diagnosing faulty logic blocks in FPGA fabric. It is found that the algebraic logic method is more useful for processing of sparse faults tables when the number of coordinates with 1s values with respect to zero values ​​is not more than 20%, whereas the vector-logical method facilitates the analysis of faults table with predominance of 1s values.

  12. Interpreting Quantum Logic as a Pragmatic Structure (United States)

    Garola, Claudio


    Many scholars maintain that the language of quantum mechanics introduces a quantum notion of truth which is formalized by (standard, sharp) quantum logic and is incompatible with the classical (Tarskian) notion of truth. We show that quantum logic can be identified (up to an equivalence relation) with a fragment of a pragmatic language LGP of assertive formulas, that are justified or unjustified rather than trueor false. Quantum logic can then be interpreted as an algebraic structure that formalizes properties of the notion of empirical justification according to quantum mechanics rather than properties of a quantum notion of truth. This conclusion agrees with a general integrationist perspective that interprets nonstandard logics as theories of metalinguistic notions different from truth, thus avoiding incompatibility with classical notions and preserving the globality of logic.

  13. Contribution of Warsaw Logicians to Computational Logic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Damian Niwiński


    Full Text Available The newly emerging branch of research of Computer Science received encouragement from the successors of the Warsaw mathematical school: Kuratowski, Mazur, Mostowski, Grzegorczyk, and Rasiowa. Rasiowa realized very early that the spectrum of computer programs should be incorporated into the realm of mathematical logic in order to make a rigorous treatment of program correctness. This gave rise to the concept of algorithmic logic developed since the 1970s by Rasiowa, Salwicki, Mirkowska, and their followers. Together with Pratt’s dynamic logic, algorithmic logic evolved into a mainstream branch of research: logic of programs. In the late 1980s, Warsaw logicians Tiuryn and Urzyczyn categorized various logics of programs, depending on the class of programs involved. Quite unexpectedly, they discovered that some persistent open questions about the expressive power of logics are equivalent to famous open problems in complexity theory. This, along with parallel discoveries by Harel, Immerman and Vardi, contributed to the creation of an important area of theoretical computer science: descriptive complexity. By that time, the modal μ-calculus was recognized as a sort of a universal logic of programs. The mid 1990s saw a landmark result by Walukiewicz, who showed completeness of a natural axiomatization for the μ-calculus proposed by Kozen. The difficult proof of this result, based on automata theory, opened a path to further investigations. Later, Bojanczyk opened a new chapter by introducing an unboundedness quantifier, which allowed for expressing some quantitative properties of programs. Yet another topic, linking the past with the future, is the subject of automata founded in the Fraenkel-Mostowski set theory. The studies on intuitionism found their continuation in the studies of Curry-Howard isomorphism. ukasiewicz’s landmark idea of many-valued logic found its continuation in various approaches to incompleteness and uncertainty.

  14. Mathematical Fuzzy Logic - State of Art 2001

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hájek, Petr


    Roč. 24, - (2003), s. 71-89 ISSN 0103-9059. [WOLLIC'2001. Brasília, 31.07.2001-03.08.2001] R&D Projects: GA MŠk LN00A056 Keywords : fuzzy logic * many valued logic * basic fuzzy logic BL Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  15. Logical Normativity and Common Sense Reasoning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Evandro Agazzi


    Full Text Available Logic, considered as a technical discipline inaugurated by Aristotle and typically represented by the variety of the modern logical calculi, constitutes a clarification and refinement of a conviction and practice present in common sense, that is, the fact that humans believe that truth can be acquired not only by immediate evidence, but also by means of arguments. As a first step logic can be seen as a “descriptive” record of the main forms of the arguments present in common sense, but the fact that some of these patterns can actually allow for the derivation of false consequences from true premises imposes the task of making explicit what patterns correspond to a “correct reasoning” and what not. At this point logic (that contains the presentation of such patterns appears endowed with a “normative” characteristic. This amounts to saying that logical calculi are intended to adequately mirror the intuitive notion of “logical consequence” and in this sense they cannot be totally arbitrary or conventional, but must satisfy certain basic requirements such as the conditions of soundness and (as far as possible of semantic completeness. In such a way they are “judged” according to the fundamental requirements present at the level of common sense and appear as “idealizations” of the kinds of reasoning practiced in common sense. For this reason also several kinds of logical calculi are fully justified since they make explicit in an idealized form the concrete ways of reasoning that are imposed by the particular domain of reference of the discipline in which they are used and which are basically recognized in common sense.

  16. Phase I Trial of Anti-MET Monoclonal Antibody in MET-Overexpressed Refractory Cancer. (United States)

    Lee, Jeeyun; Kim, Seung Tae; Park, Sungju; Lee, Sujin; Park, Se Hoon; Park, Joon Oh; Lim, Ho Yeong; Ahn, Hongmo; Bok, Haesook; Kim, Kyoung-Mee; Ahn, Myung Ju; Kang, Won Ki; Park, Young Suk


    Samsung Advance Institute of Technology-301 (SAIT301) is a human immunoglobulin G2 antibody that can specifically target mesenchymal epithelial transition factor (c-MET). This novel antibody has higher priority over hepatocyte growth factors when binding to the Sema domain of c-MET and accelerates the internalization and degradation of c-MET, proving its powerful antitumor activities in intra- as well as extracellular areas. SAIT301 was administered intravenously once every 3 weeks in c-MET overexpressed solid tumor patients, focusing on metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) according to common clinical phase I criteria. Dose escalation was performed according to a modified Fibonacci design, following the conventional 3+3 design. The purpose of this phase I study was to assess the safety profile, to establish the recommended dose for clinical phase II studies and to assess potential anticancer activity of the compound. Sixteen patients with a median age of 56 (range, 39-69) years were enrolled in the study. The most common adverse events were decreased appetite (50.0%), hypophosphatemia, fatigue and dizziness (25.0%, respectively), and diarrhea, blood alkaline phosphatase increased and dyspnea (18.8%, respectively). For tumor response, no patients achieved complete response. One (9.1%) CRC patient had a partial response in the 1.23 mg/kg group, 4 (36.4%) patients achieved stable disease (2 in the 0.41 mg/kg group, 2 in the 1.23 mg/kg group, 0 in the 3.69 mg/kg group, and 1 in the 8.61 mg/kg group). Because of the increase in dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs) at 8.61 mg/kg, the 3.69 mg/kg dose was considered the maximum tolerated dose and selected for further assessment in phase II. We successfully completed a phase I trial with MET antibody in a MET-overexpressed patient population focusing on CRC, and found that the DLTs were alkaline phosphatase elevation or hypophosphatemia. The recommended dose of SAIT301 for phase II is the dose of 3.69 mg/kg. Copyright © 2018

  17. A Case for Embedded Natural Logic for Ontological Knowledge Bases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Troels; Nilsson, Jørgen Fischer


    We argue in favour of adopting a form of natural logic for ontology-structured knowledge bases as an alternative to description logic and rule based languages. Natural logic is a form of logic resembling natural language assertions, unlike description logic. This is essential e.g. in life sciences...... negation in description logic. We embed the natural logic in DATALOG clauses which is to take care of the computational inference in connection with querying...

  18. Introduction to mathematical logic

    CERN Document Server

    Mendelson, Elliott


    The Propositional CalculusPropositional Connectives. Truth TablesTautologies Adequate Sets of Connectives An Axiom System for the Propositional Calculus Independence. Many-Valued LogicsOther AxiomatizationsFirst-Order Logic and Model TheoryQuantifiersFirst-Order Languages and Their Interpretations. Satisfiability and Truth. ModelsFirst-Order TheoriesProperties of First-Order Theories Additional Metatheorems and Derived Rules Rule C Completeness Theorems First-Order Theories with EqualityDefinitions of New Function Letters and Individual Constants Prenex Normal Forms Isomorphism of Interpretati

  19. Orthogonal Algorithm of Logic Probability and Syndrome-Testable Analysis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    A new method,orthogonal algoritm,is presented to compute the logic probabilities(i.e.signal probabilities)accurately,The transfer properties of logic probabilities are studied first,which are useful for the calculation of logic probability of the circuit with random independent inputs.Then the orthogonal algoritm is described to compute the logic probability of Boolean function realized by a combinational circuit.This algorithm can make Boolean function “ORTHOGONAL”so that the logic probabilities can be easily calculated by summing up the logic probabilities of all orthogonal terms of the Booleam function.

  20. Fuzzy logic in management

    CERN Document Server

    Carlsson, Christer; Fullér, Robert


    Fuzzy Logic in Management demonstrates that difficult problems and changes in the management environment can be more easily handled by bringing fuzzy logic into the practice of management. This explicit theme is developed through the book as follows: Chapter 1, "Management and Intelligent Support Technologies", is a short survey of management leadership and what can be gained from support technologies. Chapter 2, "Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic", provides a short introduction to fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations, the extension principle, fuzzy implications and linguistic variables. Chapter 3, "Group Decision Support Systems", deals with group decision making, and discusses methods for supporting the consensus reaching processes. Chapter 4, "Fuzzy Real Options for Strategic Planning", summarizes research where the fuzzy real options theory was implemented as a series of models. These models were thoroughly tested on a number of real life investments, and validated in 2001. Chapter 5, "Soft Computing Methods for Reducing...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trya Agung Pahlevi


    Full Text Available Implementasi penyiaran televisi digital dengan menggunakan media teresterial telah menjadi kenyataan di Indonesia. Sistem penyiaran televisi digital (Digital Video Broadcast over Terrestrial / DVB-T memungkinkan untuk penggunaan Single Frequency Network (SFN, sehingga dapat memperluas wilayah jangkauan siaran dengan menggunakan satu kanal frekuensi. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah merencanakan koordinat dan parameter teknis sistem SFN DVB-T di wilayah TVRI Jawa Barat, berdasarkan rekomendasi dari akta-akta akhir International Telecommunication Union (ITU dalam Sidang Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06, untuk mendapatkan jangkauan wilayah yang paling maksimal dan efisien. Simulasi perancangan menggunakan  perangkat lunak "Mobile RF" dan "CHIRplus_BC"dalam menentukan koordinat pemancar, parameter daya dan tinggi pemancar, serta keekonomian perancangan. Hasil akhir dari penelitian adalah dengan sistem SFN dapat meningkatkan wilayah jangkauan siaran dari kondisi awal 11.609.819 orang (persentase coverage population 55,51%, menjadi 12.060.282 orang (persentase coverage population 57,66% sampai dengan 17.563.586 orang (persentase coverage population 83,98%, dengan total jumlah pemirsa adalah 20.914.885  orang.

  2. Microbewerking met behulp van lasers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ezendam, M.M.M.


    Het bewerken van materialen met behulp van lasers staat momenteel enorm in de belangstelling, en terecht. De ontwikkeling van bestaande en nieuwe typen lasers staat alles behalve stil. Ontwikkelingen bevinden zich met name in het gebied van hogere vermogens, betere bundelkwaliteit en hogere

  3. Piaget's Logic of Meanings: Still Relevant Today (United States)

    Wavering, Michael James


    In his last book, "Toward a Logic of Meanings" (Piaget & Garcia, 1991), Jean Piaget describes how thought can be categorized into a form of propositional logic, a logic of meanings. The intent of this article is to offer this analysis by Piaget as a means to understand the language and teaching of science. Using binary propositions, conjunctions,…

  4. Fuzzy logic applications in engineering science

    CERN Document Server

    Harris, J


    Fuzzy logic is a relatively new concept in science applications. Hitherto, fuzzy logic has been a conceptual process applied in the field of risk management. Its potential applicability is much wider than that, however, and its particular suitability for expanding our understanding of processes and information in science and engineering in our post-modern world is only just beginning to be appreciated. Written as a companion text to the author's earlier volume "An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Applications", the book is aimed at professional engineers and students and those with an interest in exploring the potential of fuzzy logic as an information processing kit with a wide variety of practical applications in the field of engineering science and develops themes and topics introduced in the author's earlier text.

  5. The Immateriality of Material Practices in Institutional Logics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jones, Candace; Boxenbaum, Eva; Anthony, Callen


    as practices and structures, and rarely as physical objects. We explore some consequences of omitting physical materials as an object of study in institutional logics research and point to avenues for future research that may enhance theory development of institutional logics by explicitly attending......According to most theoretical formulations, institutional logics contain both an ideational and a material dimension. Whereas the ideational aspect, such as cognitive frames and symbols, has received significant attention in the growing literature on institutional logics, the material aspect has...... remained largely invisible and often implicit. We analyze the 16 most central theoretical and empirical works on institutional logics with the aim of exploring how the material dimension of logics has been conceptualized and researched. Our findings suggest that materiality has been interpreted primarily...

  6. Generic physical protection logic trees

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paulus, W.K.


    Generic physical protection logic trees, designed for application to nuclear facilities and materials, are presented together with a method of qualitative evaluation of the trees for design and analysis of physical protection systems. One or more defense zones are defined where adversaries interact with the physical protection system. Logic trees that are needed to describe the possible scenarios within a defense zone are selected. Elements of a postulated or existing physical protection system are tagged to the primary events of the logic tree. The likelihood of adversary success in overcoming these elements is evaluated on a binary, yes/no basis. The effect of these evaluations is propagated through the logic of each tree to determine whether the adversary is likely to accomplish the end event of the tree. The physical protection system must be highly likely to overcome the adversary before he accomplishes his objective. The evaluation must be conducted for all significant states of the site. Deficiencies uncovered become inputs to redesign and further analysis, closing the loop on the design/analysis cycle

  7. Generic physical protection logic trees

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paulus, W.K.


    Generic physical protection logic trees, designed for application to nuclear facilities and materials, are presented together with a method of qualitative evaluation of the trees for design and analysis of physical protection systems. One or more defense zones are defined where adversaries interact with the physical protection system. Logic trees that are needed to describe the possible scenarios within a defense zone are selected. Elements of a postulated or existing physical protection system are tagged to the primary events of the logic tree. The likelihood of adversary success in overcoming these elements is evaluated on a binary, yes/no basis. The effect of these evaluations is propagated through the logic of each tree to determine whether the adversary is likely to accomplish the end event of the tree. The physical protection system must be highly likely to overcome the adversary before he accomplishes his objective. The evaluation must be conducted for all significant states of the site. Deficiencies uncovered become inputs to redesign and further analysis, closing the loop on the design/analysis cycle.

  8. A superposition principle in quantum logics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pulmannova, S.


    A new definition of the superposition principle in quantum logics is given which enables us to define the sectors. It is shown that the superposition principle holds only in the irreducible quantum logics. (orig.) [de

  9. Mathematical logic foundations for information science

    CERN Document Server

    Li, Wei


    This book presents the basic principles and formal calculus of mathematical logic. It covers core contents, extensions and developments of classical mathematical logic, and it offers formal proofs and concrete examples for all theoretical results.

  10. MMPM - Mars MetNet Precursor Mission (United States)

    Harri, A.-M.; Schmidt, W.; Pichkhadze, K.; Linkin, V.; Vazquez, L.; Uspensky, M.; Polkko, J.; Genzer, M.; Lipatov, A.; Guerrero, H.; Alexashkin, S.; Haukka, H.; Savijarvi, H.; Kauhanen, J.


    We are developing a new kind of planetary exploration mission for Mars - MetNet in situ observation network based on a new semi-hard landing vehicle called the Met-Net Lander (MNL). The eventual scope of the MetNet Mission is to deploy some 20 MNLs on the Martian surface using inflatable descent system structures, which will be supported by observations from the orbit around Mars. Currently we are working on the MetNet Mars Precursor Mission (MMPM) to deploy one MetNet Lander to Mars in the 2009/2011 launch window as a technology and science demonstration mission. The MNL will have a versatile science payload focused on the atmospheric science of Mars. Detailed characterization of the Martian atmospheric circulation patterns, boundary layer phenomena, and climatology cycles, require simultaneous in-situ measurements by a network of observation posts on the Martian surface. The scientific payload of the MetNet Mission encompasses separate instrument packages for the atmospheric entry and descent phase and for the surface operation phase. The MetNet mission concept and key probe technologies have been developed and the critical subsystems have been qualified to meet the Martian environmental and functional conditions. Prototyping of the payload instrumentation with final dimensions was carried out in 2003-2006.This huge development effort has been fulfilled in collaboration between the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), the Russian Lavoschkin Association (LA) and the Russian Space Research Institute (IKI) since August 2001. Currently the INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial) from Spain is also participating in the MetNet payload development. To understand the behavior and dynamics of the Martian atmosphere, a wealth of simultaneous in situ observations are needed on varying types of Martian orography, terrain and altitude spanning all latitudes and longitudes. This will be performed by the Mars MetNet Mission. In addition to the science aspects the

  11. Temporal logics and real time expert systems. (United States)

    Blom, J A


    This paper introduces temporal logics. Due to the eternal compromise between expressive adequacy and reasoning efficiency that must decided upon in any application, full (first order logic or modal logic based) temporal logics are frequently not suitable. This is especially true in real time expert systems, where a fixed (and usually small) response time must be guaranteed. One such expert system, Fagan's VM, is reviewed, and a delineation is given of how to formally describe and reason with time in medical protocols. It is shown that Petri net theory is a useful tool to check the correctness of formalised protocols.

  12. A functional language for describing reversible logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Michael Kirkedal


    Reversible logic is a computational model where all gates are logically reversible and combined in circuits such that no values are lost or duplicated. This paper presents a novel functional language that is designed to describe only reversible logic circuits. The language includes high....... Reversibility of descriptions is guaranteed with a type system based on linear types. The language is applied to three examples of reversible computations (ALU, linear cosine transformation, and binary adder). The paper also outlines a design flow that ensures garbage- free translation to reversible logic...... circuits. The flow relies on a reversible combinator language as an intermediate language....

  13. Application of fuzzy logic control in industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van der Wal, A.J.


    An overview is given of the various ways fuzzy logic can be used to improve industrial control. The application of fuzzy logic in control is illustrated by two case studies. The first example shows how fuzzy logic, incorporated in the hardware of an industrial controller, helps to finetune a PID controller, without the operator having any a priori knowledge of the system to be controlled. The second example is from process industry. Here, fuzzy logic supervisory control is implemented in software and enhances the operation of a sintering oven through a subtle combination of priority management and deviation-controlled timing

  14. MET gene exon 14 deletion created using the CRISPR/Cas9 system enhances cellular growth and sensitivity to a MET inhibitor. (United States)

    Togashi, Yosuke; Mizuuchi, Hiroshi; Tomida, Shuta; Terashima, Masato; Hayashi, Hidetoshi; Nishio, Kazuto; Mitsudomi, Tetsuya


    MET splice site mutations resulting in an exon 14 deletion have been reported to be present in about 3% of all lung adenocarcinomas. Patients with lung adenocarcinoma and a MET splice site mutation who have responded to MET inhibitors have been reported. The CRISPR/Cas9 system is a recently developed genome-engineering tool that can easily and rapidly cause small insertions or deletions. We created an in vitro model for MET exon 14 deletion using the CRISPR/Cas9 system and the HEK293 cell line. The phenotype, which included MET inhibitor sensitivity, was then investigated in vitro. Additionally, MET splice site mutations were analyzed in several cancers included in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) dataset. An HEK293 cell line with a MET exon 14 deletion was easily and rapidly created; this cell line had a higher MET protein expression level, enhanced MET phosphorylation, and prolonged MET activation. In addition, a direct comparison of phenotypes using this system demonstrated enhanced cellular growth, colony formation, and MET inhibitor sensitivity. In the TCGA dataset, lung adenocarcinomas had the highest incidence of MET exon 14 deletions, while other cancers rarely carried such mutations. Approximately 10% of the lung adenocarcinoma samples without any of driver gene alterations carried the MET exon 14 deletion. These findings suggested that this system may be useful for experiments requiring the creation of specific mutations, and the present experimental findings encourage the development of MET-targeted therapy against lung cancer carrying the MET exon 14 deletion. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Coinductive Logic Programming with Negation (United States)

    Min, Richard; Gupta, Gopal

    We introduce negation into coinductive logic programming (co-LP) via what we term Coinductive SLDNF (co-SLDNF) resolution. We present declarative and operational semantics of co-SLDNF resolution and present their equivalence under the restriction of rationality. Co-LP with co-SLDNF resolution provides a powerful, practical and efficient operational semantics for Fitting's Kripke-Kleene three-valued logic with restriction of rationality. Further, applications of co-SLDNF resolution are also discussed and illustrated where Co-SLDNF resolution allows one to develop elegant implementations of modal logics. Moreover it provides the capability of non-monotonic inference (e.g., predicate Answer Set Programming) that can be used to develop novel and effective first-order modal non-monotonic inference engines.

  16. Quantum probabilistic logic programming (United States)

    Balu, Radhakrishnan


    We describe a quantum mechanics based logic programming language that supports Horn clauses, random variables, and covariance matrices to express and solve problems in probabilistic logic. The Horn clauses of the language wrap random variables, including infinite valued, to express probability distributions and statistical correlations, a powerful feature to capture relationship between distributions that are not independent. The expressive power of the language is based on a mechanism to implement statistical ensembles and to solve the underlying SAT instances using quantum mechanical machinery. We exploit the fact that classical random variables have quantum decompositions to build the Horn clauses. We establish the semantics of the language in a rigorous fashion by considering an existing probabilistic logic language called PRISM with classical probability measures defined on the Herbrand base and extending it to the quantum context. In the classical case H-interpretations form the sample space and probability measures defined on them lead to consistent definition of probabilities for well formed formulae. In the quantum counterpart, we define probability amplitudes on Hinterpretations facilitating the model generations and verifications via quantum mechanical superpositions and entanglements. We cast the well formed formulae of the language as quantum mechanical observables thus providing an elegant interpretation for their probabilities. We discuss several examples to combine statistical ensembles and predicates of first order logic to reason with situations involving uncertainty.

  17. Conference Cultures of Mathematics and Logic

    CERN Document Server

    Löwe, Benedikt; Müller, Thomas; Xie, Yun


    This book gathers the proceedings of the conference "Cultures of Mathematics and Logic," held in Guangzhou, China. The event was the third in a series of interdisciplinary, international conferences emphasizing the cultural components of philosophy of mathematics and logic. It brought together researchers from many disciplines whose work sheds new light on the diversity of mathematical and logical cultures and practices. In this context, the cultural diversity can be diachronical (different cultures in different historical periods), geographical (different cultures in different regions), or sociological in nature.

  18. Boolean Logic Tree of Label-Free Dual-Signal Electrochemical Aptasensor System for Biosensing, Three-State Logic Computation, and Keypad Lock Security Operation. (United States)

    Lu, Jiao Yang; Zhang, Xin Xing; Huang, Wei Tao; Zhu, Qiu Yan; Ding, Xue Zhi; Xia, Li Qiu; Luo, Hong Qun; Li, Nian Bing


    The most serious and yet unsolved problems of molecular logic computing consist in how to connect molecular events in complex systems into a usable device with specific functions and how to selectively control branchy logic processes from the cascading logic systems. This report demonstrates that a Boolean logic tree is utilized to organize and connect "plug and play" chemical events DNA, nanomaterials, organic dye, biomolecule, and denaturant for developing the dual-signal electrochemical evolution aptasensor system with good resettability for amplification detection of thrombin, controllable and selectable three-state logic computation, and keypad lock security operation. The aptasensor system combines the merits of DNA-functionalized nanoamplification architecture and simple dual-signal electroactive dye brilliant cresyl blue for sensitive and selective detection of thrombin with a wide linear response range of 0.02-100 nM and a detection limit of 1.92 pM. By using these aforementioned chemical events as inputs and the differential pulse voltammetry current changes at different voltages as dual outputs, a resettable three-input biomolecular keypad lock based on sequential logic is established. Moreover, the first example of controllable and selectable three-state molecular logic computation with active-high and active-low logic functions can be implemented and allows the output ports to assume a high impediment or nothing (Z) state in addition to the 0 and 1 logic levels, effectively controlling subsequent branchy logic computation processes. Our approach is helpful in developing the advanced controllable and selectable logic computing and sensing system in large-scale integration circuits for application in biomedical engineering, intelligent sensing, and control.

  19. Digital logic circuit test

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yun, Gil Jung; Yang, Hong Young


    This book is about digital logic circuit test, which lists the digital basic theory, basic gate like and, or And Not gate, NAND/NOR gate such as NAND gate, NOR gate, AND and OR, logic function, EX-OR gate, adder and subtractor, decoder and encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer, flip-flop, counter such as up/down counter modulus N counter and Reset type counter, shift register, D/A and A/D converter and two supplements list of using components and TTL manual and CMOS manual.

  20. An Adequate First Order Logic of Intervals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chaochen, Zhou; Hansen, Michael Reichhardt


    This paper introduces left and right neighbourhoods as primitive interval modalities to define other unary and binary modalities of intervals in a first order logic with interval length. A complete first order logic for the neighbourhood modalities is presented. It is demonstrated how the logic can...... support formal specification and verification of liveness and fairness, and also of various notions of real analysis....

  1. Integration of biomolecular logic gates with field-effect transducers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poghossian, A., E-mail: [Institute of Nano- and Biotechnologies, Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Campus Juelich, Heinrich-Mussmann-Str. 1, D-52428 Juelich (Germany); Institute of Bio- and Nanosystems, Research Centre Juelich GmbH, D-52425 Juelich (Germany); Malzahn, K. [Institute of Nano- and Biotechnologies, Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Campus Juelich, Heinrich-Mussmann-Str. 1, D-52428 Juelich (Germany); Abouzar, M.H. [Institute of Nano- and Biotechnologies, Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Campus Juelich, Heinrich-Mussmann-Str. 1, D-52428 Juelich (Germany); Institute of Bio- and Nanosystems, Research Centre Juelich GmbH, D-52425 Juelich (Germany); Mehndiratta, P. [Institute of Nano- and Biotechnologies, Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Campus Juelich, Heinrich-Mussmann-Str. 1, D-52428 Juelich (Germany); Katz, E. [Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science, NanoBio Laboratory (NABLAB), Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699-5810 (United States); Schoening, M.J. [Institute of Nano- and Biotechnologies, Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Campus Juelich, Heinrich-Mussmann-Str. 1, D-52428 Juelich (Germany); Institute of Bio- and Nanosystems, Research Centre Juelich GmbH, D-52425 Juelich (Germany)


    Highlights: > Enzyme-based AND/OR logic gates are integrated with a capacitive field-effect sensor. > The AND/OR logic gates compose of multi-enzyme system immobilised on sensor surface. > Logic gates were activated by different combinations of chemical inputs (analytes). > The logic output (pH change) produced by the enzymes was read out by the sensor. - Abstract: The integration of biomolecular logic gates with field-effect devices - the basic element of conventional electronic logic gates and computing - is one of the most attractive and promising approaches for the transformation of biomolecular logic principles into macroscopically useable electrical output signals. In this work, capacitive field-effect EIS (electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor) sensors based on a p-Si-SiO{sub 2}-Ta{sub 2}O{sub 5} structure modified with a multi-enzyme membrane have been used for electronic transduction of biochemical signals processed by enzyme-based OR and AND logic gates. The realised OR logic gate composes of two enzymes (glucose oxidase and esterase) and was activated by ethyl butyrate or/and glucose. The AND logic gate composes of three enzymes (invertase, mutarotase and glucose oxidase) and was activated by two chemical input signals: sucrose and dissolved oxygen. The developed integrated enzyme logic gates produce local pH changes at the EIS sensor surface as a result of biochemical reactions activated by different combinations of chemical input signals, while the pH value of the bulk solution remains unchanged. The pH-induced charge changes at the gate-insulator (Ta{sub 2}O{sub 5}) surface of the EIS transducer result in an electronic signal corresponding to the logic output produced by the immobilised enzymes. The logic output signals have been read out by means of a constant-capacitance method.

  2. Integration of biomolecular logic gates with field-effect transducers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poghossian, A.; Malzahn, K.; Abouzar, M.H.; Mehndiratta, P.; Katz, E.; Schoening, M.J.


    Highlights: → Enzyme-based AND/OR logic gates are integrated with a capacitive field-effect sensor. → The AND/OR logic gates compose of multi-enzyme system immobilised on sensor surface. → Logic gates were activated by different combinations of chemical inputs (analytes). → The logic output (pH change) produced by the enzymes was read out by the sensor. - Abstract: The integration of biomolecular logic gates with field-effect devices - the basic element of conventional electronic logic gates and computing - is one of the most attractive and promising approaches for the transformation of biomolecular logic principles into macroscopically useable electrical output signals. In this work, capacitive field-effect EIS (electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor) sensors based on a p-Si-SiO 2 -Ta 2 O 5 structure modified with a multi-enzyme membrane have been used for electronic transduction of biochemical signals processed by enzyme-based OR and AND logic gates. The realised OR logic gate composes of two enzymes (glucose oxidase and esterase) and was activated by ethyl butyrate or/and glucose. The AND logic gate composes of three enzymes (invertase, mutarotase and glucose oxidase) and was activated by two chemical input signals: sucrose and dissolved oxygen. The developed integrated enzyme logic gates produce local pH changes at the EIS sensor surface as a result of biochemical reactions activated by different combinations of chemical input signals, while the pH value of the bulk solution remains unchanged. The pH-induced charge changes at the gate-insulator (Ta 2 O 5 ) surface of the EIS transducer result in an electronic signal corresponding to the logic output produced by the immobilised enzymes. The logic output signals have been read out by means of a constant-capacitance method.

  3. Molecular sensors and molecular logic gates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Georgiev, N.; Bojinov, V.


    Full text: The rapid grow of nanotechnology field extended the concept of a macroscopic device to the molecular level. Because of this reason the design and synthesis of (supra)-molecular species capable of mimicking the functions of macroscopic devices are currently of great interest. Molecular devices operate via electronic and/or nuclear rearrangements and, like macroscopic devices, need energy to operate and communicate between their elements. The energy needed to make a device work can be supplied as chemical energy, electrical energy, or light. Luminescence is one of the most useful techniques to monitor the operation of molecular-level devices. This fact determinates the synthesis of novel fluorescence compounds as a considerable and inseparable part of nanoscience development. Further miniaturization of semiconductors in electronic field reaches their limit. Therefore the design and construction of molecular systems capable of performing complex logic functions is of great scientific interest now. In semiconductor devices the logic gates work using binary logic, where the signals are encoded as 0 and 1 (low and high current). This process is executable on molecular level by several ways, but the most common are based on the optical properties of the molecule switches encoding the low and high concentrations of the input guest molecules and the output fluorescent intensities with binary 0 and 1 respectively. The first proposal to execute logic operations at the molecular level was made in 1988, but the field developed only five years later when the analogy between molecular switches and logic gates was experimentally demonstrated by de Silva. There are seven basic logic gates: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR and XNOR and all of them were achieved by molecules, the fluorescence switching as well. key words: fluorescence, molecular sensors, molecular logic gates

  4. Instantons in Self-Organizing Logic Gates (United States)

    Bearden, Sean R. B.; Manukian, Haik; Traversa, Fabio L.; Di Ventra, Massimiliano


    Self-organizing logic is a recently suggested framework that allows the solution of Boolean truth tables "in reverse"; i.e., it is able to satisfy the logical proposition of gates regardless to which terminal(s) the truth value is assigned ("terminal-agnostic logic"). It can be realized if time nonlocality (memory) is present. A practical realization of self-organizing logic gates (SOLGs) can be done by combining circuit elements with and without memory. By employing one such realization, we show, numerically, that SOLGs exploit elementary instantons to reach equilibrium points. Instantons are classical trajectories of the nonlinear equations of motion describing SOLGs and connect topologically distinct critical points in the phase space. By linear analysis at those points, we show that these instantons connect the initial critical point of the dynamics, with at least one unstable direction, directly to the final fixed point. We also show that the memory content of these gates affects only the relaxation time to reach the logically consistent solution. Finally, we demonstrate, by solving the corresponding stochastic differential equations, that, since instantons connect critical points, noise and perturbations may change the instanton trajectory in the phase space but not the initial and final critical points. Therefore, even for extremely large noise levels, the gates self-organize to the correct solution. Our work provides a physical understanding of, and can serve as an inspiration for, models of bidirectional logic gates that are emerging as important tools in physics-inspired, unconventional computing.

  5. Effects of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and met allele load on declarative memory related neural networks. (United States)

    Dodds, Chris M; Henson, Richard N; Suckling, John; Miskowiak, Kamilla W; Ooi, Cinly; Tait, Roger; Soltesz, Fruzsina; Lawrence, Phil; Bentley, Graham; Maltby, Kay; Skeggs, Andrew; Miller, Sam R; McHugh, Simon; Bullmore, Edward T; Nathan, Pradeep J


    It has been suggested that the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism modulates episodic memory performance via effects on hippocampal neural circuitry. However, fMRI studies have yielded inconsistent results in this respect. Moreover, very few studies have examined the effect of met allele load on activation of memory circuitry. In the present study, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the effects of the BDNF polymorphism on brain responses during episodic memory encoding and retrieval, including an investigation of the effect of met allele load on memory related activation in the medial temporal lobe. In contrast to previous studies, we found no evidence for an effect of BDNF genotype or met load during episodic memory encoding. Met allele carriers showed increased activation during successful retrieval in right hippocampus but this was contrast-specific and unaffected by met allele load. These results suggest that the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism does not, as previously claimed, exert an observable effect on neural systems underlying encoding of new information into episodic memory but may exert a subtle effect on the efficiency with which such information can be retrieved.

  6. Effects of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and met allele load on declarative memory related neural networks.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chris M Dodds

    Full Text Available It has been suggested that the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism modulates episodic memory performance via effects on hippocampal neural circuitry. However, fMRI studies have yielded inconsistent results in this respect. Moreover, very few studies have examined the effect of met allele load on activation of memory circuitry. In the present study, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the effects of the BDNF polymorphism on brain responses during episodic memory encoding and retrieval, including an investigation of the effect of met allele load on memory related activation in the medial temporal lobe. In contrast to previous studies, we found no evidence for an effect of BDNF genotype or met load during episodic memory encoding. Met allele carriers showed increased activation during successful retrieval in right hippocampus but this was contrast-specific and unaffected by met allele load. These results suggest that the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism does not, as previously claimed, exert an observable effect on neural systems underlying encoding of new information into episodic memory but may exert a subtle effect on the efficiency with which such information can be retrieved.

  7. Access control, security, and trust a logical approach

    CERN Document Server

    Chin, Shiu-Kai


    Access Control, Security, Trust, and Logic Deconstructing Access Control Decisions A Logical Approach to Access Control PRELIMINARIES A Language for Access ControlSets and Relations Syntax SemanticsReasoning about Access Control Logical RulesFormal Proofs and Theorems Soundness of Logical RulesBasic Concepts Reference Monitors Access Control Mechanisms: Tickets and Lists Authentication Security PoliciesConfidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Discretionary Security Policies Mandatory Security Policies Military Security Policies Commercial PoliciesDISTRIBUTED ACCESS CONTROL Digital Authenti

  8. A Decidable Recursive Logic for Weighted Transition Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Xue, Bingtian; Larsen, Kim Guldstrand; Mardare, Radu Iulian


    In this paper we develop and study the Recursive Weighted Logic (RWL), a multi-modal logic that expresses qualitative and quantitative properties of labelled weighted transition systems (LWSs). LWSs are transition systems labelled with actions and real-valued quantities representing the costs of ...... extends previous results that we have demonstrated for a similar but much more restrictive logic that can only use one variable for each type of resource to encode logical properties....

  9. A functorial semantics for quantum logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holdsworth, D.G.


    The author uses category theory to examine a quantum logical interpretation of quantum theory. The central thesis is that logical structure is an objective feature of reality, not merely a feature of representation of reality inherent in particular theories. A non-classical foundation for mathematics is adopted, one that uses morphisms as its primitives. The author argues that all propositions in a physical theory are theoretical and that observation statements constitute a subclass of theoretical statements. Inferences to micro- and macro-objects are on the same pragmatic and logical level, and defending realism for quantum theory involves providing a new criterion of objectivity that coheres with the general constraints of the theory. The criterion proposed has the consequence that certain structural features of reality are to be considered theoretically determined or objective. These features are closely related to logical structure

  10. Reconfigurable chaotic logic gates based on novel chaotic circuit

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Behnia, S.; Pazhotan, Z.; Ezzati, N.; Akhshani, A.


    Highlights: • A novel method for implementing logic gates based on chaotic maps is introduced. • The logic gates can be implemented without any changes in the threshold voltage. • The chaos-based logic gates may serve as basic components of future computing devices. - Abstract: The logical operations are one of the key issues in today’s computer architecture. Nowadays, there is a great interest in developing alternative ways to get the logic operations by chaos computing. In this paper, a novel implementation method of reconfigurable logic gates based on one-parameter families of chaotic maps is introduced. The special behavior of these chaotic maps can be utilized to provide same threshold voltage for all logic gates. However, there is a wide interval for choosing a control parameter for all reconfigurable logic gates. Furthermore, an experimental implementation of this nonlinear system is presented to demonstrate the robustness of computing capability of chaotic circuits

  11. Reversible logic synthesis methodologies with application to quantum computing

    CERN Document Server

    Taha, Saleem Mohammed Ridha


    This book opens the door to a new interesting and ambitious world of reversible and quantum computing research. It presents the state of the art required to travel around that world safely. Top world universities, companies and government institutions  are in a race of developing new methodologies, algorithms and circuits on reversible logic, quantum logic, reversible and quantum computing and nano-technologies. In this book, twelve reversible logic synthesis methodologies are presented for the first time in a single literature with some new proposals. Also, the sequential reversible logic circuitries are discussed for the first time in a book. Reversible logic plays an important role in quantum computing. Any progress in the domain of reversible logic can be directly applied to quantum logic. One of the goals of this book is to show the application of reversible logic in quantum computing. A new implementation of wavelet and multiwavelet transforms using quantum computing is performed for this purpose. Rese...

  12. VHDL for logic synthesis

    CERN Document Server

    Rushton, Andrew


    Many engineers encountering VHDL (very high speed integrated circuits hardware description language) for the first time can feel overwhelmed by it. This book bridges the gap between the VHDL language and the hardware that results from logic synthesis with clear organisation, progressing from the basics of combinational logic, types, and operators; through special structures such as tristate buses, register banks and memories, to advanced themes such as developing your own packages, writing test benches and using the full range of synthesis types. This third edition has been substantially rewritten to include the new VHDL-2008 features that enable synthesis of fixed-point and floating-point hardware. Extensively updated throughout to reflect modern logic synthesis usage, it also contains a complete case study to demonstrate the updated features. Features to this edition include: * a common VHDL subset which will work across a range of different synthesis systems, targeting a very wide range of technologies...

  13. Fuzzy forecasting based on two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship groups and the probabilities of trends of fuzzy logical relationships. (United States)

    Chen, Shyi-Ming; Chen, Shen-Wen


    In this paper, we present a new method for fuzzy forecasting based on two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship groups and the probabilities of trends of fuzzy-trend logical relationships. Firstly, the proposed method fuzzifies the historical training data of the main factor and the secondary factor into fuzzy sets, respectively, to form two-factors second-order fuzzy logical relationships. Then, it groups the obtained two-factors second-order fuzzy logical relationships into two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship groups. Then, it calculates the probability of the "down-trend," the probability of the "equal-trend" and the probability of the "up-trend" of the two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationships in each two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship group, respectively. Finally, it performs the forecasting based on the probabilities of the down-trend, the equal-trend, and the up-trend of the two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationships in each two-factors second-order fuzzy-trend logical relationship group. We also apply the proposed method to forecast the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX) and the NTD/USD exchange rates. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods.

  14. Recent Trends in Spintronics-Based Nanomagnetic Logic (United States)

    Das, Jayita; Alam, Syed M.; Bhanja, Sanjukta


    With the growing concerns of standby power in sub-100-nm CMOS technologies, alternative computing techniques and memory technologies are explored. Spin transfer torque magnetoresistive RAM (STT-MRAM) is one such nonvolatile memory relying on magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) to store information. It uses spin transfer torque to write information and magnetoresistance to read information. In 2012, Everspin Technologies, Inc. commercialized the first 64Mbit Spin Torque MRAM. On the computing end, nanomagnetic logic (NML) is a promising technique with zero leakage and high data retention. In 2000, Cowburn and Welland first demonstrated its potential in logic and information propagation through magnetostatic interaction in a chain of single domain circular nanomagnetic dots of Supermalloy (Ni80Fe14Mo5X1, X is other metals). In 2006, Imre et al. demonstrated wires and majority gates followed by coplanar cross wire systems demonstration in 2010 by Pulecio et al. Since 2004 researchers have also investigated the potential of MTJs in logic. More recently with dipolar coupling between MTJs demonstrated in 2012, logic-in-memory architecture with STT-MRAM have been investigated. The architecture borrows the computing concept from NML and read and write style from MRAM. The architecture can switch its operation between logic and memory modes with clock as classifier. Further through logic partitioning between MTJ and CMOS plane, a significant performance boost has been observed in basic computing blocks within the architecture. In this work, we have explored the developments in NML, in MTJs and more recent developments in hybrid MTJ/CMOS logic-in-memory architecture and its unique logic partitioning capability.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agus Rahmat


    Full Text Available Kebutuhan pemerintah Indonesia atas Humas pemerintah tidak lagi dalam tataran wacana atau sekedar konsep secara keIlmuan, keberadaan Humas pemerintah didorong atas kebutuhan pemerintah untuk menjelaskan apa yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah kepada ,asyarakat guna memperoleh dukungan dan untuk menerangkan apa dan bagaimana yang dilakukan pemerintah sehingga lingkungan masyarakat dalam dan masyarakat luar percaya. sudah sejak lama pemerintah di Indonesia termasuk pemerintah daerah memiliki Humas pemerintah, bahkan khusus di lingkungan pemerintah, profesi ini tergabung dalam wadah BakoHumas. Fakta yang ada dan berkembang mengisyaratkan sekaligus mempertanyakan mengenai kinerja Humas Pemerintah selama ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsi kinerja Humas pemerintah khususnya Humas Pemerintah kabupaten dan kota di Jawa Barat. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran angket. Temuan dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa: pertama, kinerja Humas pemerintah lebih banyak menerimaan teguran dibanding pujian/penghargaan atas hasil kerja; kedua, pegawai di bagian Humas pemerintah sangat sedikit yang berlatar belakang pendidikan formal komunikasi, terlebih lulusan keHumasan selain itu pegawai juga jarang mendapat pendidikan non formal bidang keHumasan; ketiga, aktivitas Humas pemerintah lebih tertumpu pada kegiatan rutin berupa penyediaan informasi bagi media. Konsekuens dari temuan penelitian ini adalah perlunya pengembangan kompetensi pegawai Humas pemerintah melalui linieritas bidang kerja dan pendidikan bagi pegawai baru dan pelatihan bidang keHumasan bagi petugas yang sudah ada. DOI: 10.24198/jkk.vol4n2.2

  16. Reprogammable universal logic device based on mems technology

    KAUST Repository

    Hafiz, Md Adbdullah Al; Kosuru, Lakshmoji; Younis, Mohammad I.


    Various examples of reprogrammable universal logic devices are provided. In one example, the device can include a tunable AC input (206) to an oscillator/resonator; a first logic input and a second logic input to the oscillator/resonator, the first

  17. Project W-058 monitor and control system logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This supporting document contains the printout of the control logic for the Project W-058 Monitor and Control System, as developed by Programmable Control Services, Inc. The logic is arranged in five appendices, one for each programmable logic controller console

  18. Mapping Modular SOS to Rewriting Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braga, Christiano de Oliveira; Haeusler, Edward Hermann; Meseguer, José


    and verification of MSOS specifications, we have defined a mapping, named , from MSOS to rewriting logic (RWL), a logic which has been proposed as a logical and semantic framework. We have proven the correctness of and implemented it as a prototype, the MSOS-SL Interpreter, in the Maude system, a high......Modular SOS (MSOS) is a framework created to improve the modularity of structural operational semantics specifications, a formalism frequently used in the fields of programming languages semantics and process algebras. With the objective of defining formal tools to support the execution...

  19. Abductive Inference using Array-Based Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frisvad, Jeppe Revall; Falster, Peter; Møller, Gert L.

    The notion of abduction has found its usage within a wide variety of AI fields. Computing abductive solutions has, however, shown to be highly intractable in logic programming. To avoid this intractability we present a new approach to logicbased abduction; through the geometrical view of data...... employed in array-based logic we embrace abduction in a simple structural operation. We argue that a theory of abduction on this form allows for an implementation which, at runtime, can perform abductive inference quite efficiently on arbitrary rules of logic representing knowledge of finite domains....

  20. Molecular implementation of simple logic programs. (United States)

    Ran, Tom; Kaplan, Shai; Shapiro, Ehud


    Autonomous programmable computing devices made of biomolecules could interact with a biological environment and be used in future biological and medical applications. Biomolecular implementations of finite automata and logic gates have already been developed. Here, we report an autonomous programmable molecular system based on the manipulation of DNA strands that is capable of performing simple logical deductions. Using molecular representations of facts such as Man(Socrates) and rules such as Mortal(X) logical deductions and delivers the result. This prototype is the first simple programming language with a molecular-scale implementation.