
Sample records for lateralidad manual sobre

  1. Influencia de variables sociodemográficas y lateralidad manual sobre el rendimiento perceptivo-motor en la conducción de vehículos

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    José Antonio Portellano Pérez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación es estudiar la influencia de determinadas variables sociodemográficas, (género, edad, nivel educativo y lateralidad manual, en las pruebas perceptivo-motoras que se utilizan para la obtención o renovación del carné de conducir en España. La muestra estudiada está formada por 196 sujetos con lateralidad manual diestra, divididos en dos grupos (D+ y D-, según la mayor o menor consistencia de su lateralidad. Las variables sociodemográficas y el tipo de lateralidad manual se correlacionaron con los resultados obtenidos por los sujetos de la muestra en la batería informatizada Driver-Test. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto peor rendimiento perceptivomotor en mujeres, sujetos de mayor edad, menor nivel educativo y en personas con lateralidad manual diestra bien consolidada (D+.

  2. Influencia de la edad y el género en los fenotipos y coeficientes de lateralidad en niños de 6 a 15 años

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    M. Carmen Mayolas Pi


    Full Text Available Este estudio valora la lateralidad manual, podal y ocular de 798 niños de 6 a 15 años. Se obtienen los fenotipos de lateralidad de cada niño (homogéneo, cruzado o no definido y se comparan los resultados según el género y la edad (de 6-7 años, de 8-10 y de 11-15 años. Finalmente, se correlacionan las pruebas comparan y los coeficientes de lateralidad. Según nuestro estudio, el género no influye en la lateralidad del miembro superior, pero sí en el miembro inferior y en el ocular. La lateralidad manual se afianza entre los 8-10 años, la podal no se afianza a estas edades y la ocular tiende a la dextralidad en las chicas hasta los 15 años, pero se afianza en los chicos a los 8-10 años. Según los fenotipos de lateralidad se observa la influencia de la edad, con un aumento significativo de lateralidad homogénea a costa de una disminución de lateralidad cruzada en las edades evaluadas, pero no del género. Las correlaciones entre los tres coeficientes de lateralidad son bajas.

  3. Relación entre la lateralidad y los aprendizajes escolares

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    M.ª Carmen Mayolas Pi


    Full Text Available Muchos son los autores que relacionan los problemas de aprendizaje de un niño con su lateralidad, achacando a la lateralidad contrariada, cruzada o no definida los problemas en la adquisición, entre otras, de habilidades lecto-escritoras. En el presente trabajo hemos pasado un test de lateralidad a 170 niños de entre 6 y 7 años (primero y segundo de primaria con pruebas de miembro superior, miembro inferior y ojo, así como de discriminación de derecha-izquierda y de orientación espacial. A su vez, los profesores tutores han valorado varios ítems del aprendizaje escolar de los niños, con cuestiones sobre su comprensión lectora, su razonamiento matemático y su atención en clase, entre otras. Según nuestros resultados, los niños con lateralidad homogénea diestra son los que obtienen mejores valoraciones en todos los ítems de aprendizaje con respecto a los homogéneos zurdos, los cruzados y los no confirmados, siendo los pocos casos que tenemos de homogéneos zurdos (un 3% de la muestra los que tienen peores valoraciones. Además, los niños que discriminan entre derecha e izquierda también tienen mejor sus aprendizajes con respecto a los que no lo hacen, así como los que se orientan bien en el espacio con respecto a los que se orientan mal.



    Cañamero-de-León, Ana


    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es ver la influencia que puede ejercer la lateralidad sobre la adquisición de la escritura. Comprobar si realmente la lateralidad afecta significativamente a la hora de aprender a escribir correctamente. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo en un centro concertado de Madrid capital. Los alumnos que han participado en el presente estudio pertenecen a una clase de 3º de Primaria. Para ello se han medido ambas variables (lateralidad y escritura), y se ha lleva...

  5. A lateralidade cruzada e o desempenho da leitura e escrita em escolares

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    Francisco Rosa Neto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar o desempenho da leitura e escrita em escolares com lateralidade cruzada. MÉTODO: fizeram parte da amostra 166 escolares do terceiro ano do ensino fundamental, com idade entre oito e nove anos. Para avaliação da lateralidade, foi utilizada a escala de desenvolvimento motor -EDM, e para a analise da leitura e escrita foi utilizado o Manual de Desempenho Escolar - MDE. Na análise comparativa do desempenho da leitura e escrita em função da lateralidade (Cruzada, a amostra foi dividida em 2 grupos. Para análise e interpretação dos dados foram utilizados os programas Excel e SPSS for Windows 17.0 e para a análise comparativa entre os dois grupos, o teste "t" para amostras independentes quando os dados se mostraram simétricos, e o teste Mann-Whitney para os dados assimétricos, e para a distribuição dos dados, o teste Shapiro-Wilk. O nível de significância adotado nesse estudo foi p< 0,05. RESULTADOS: verificou- se que de todas as variáveis do desempenho da leitura e da escrita, foram maiores para o grupo das crianças com dominância lateral completa do que para o grupo das crianças com lateralidade cruzada. Na escrita, houve diferença significante entre os dois grupos, sendo atribuído melhor desempenho às crianças com lateralidade destro-completa. CONCLUSÃO: evidencia-se que as crianças com lateralidade cruzada apresentam desempenho inferior na leitura e escrita quando comparadas às crianças com dominância lateral completa. Estes dados justificam a relevância do desenvolvimento psicomotor na infância como fator essencial no processo de aprendizagem escolar.



    Monroy-Pérez, Ana Cristina


    El bajo rendimiento en matemáticas es un problema que afecta a muchos alumnos y que ocasiona problemas tanto a nivel curricular como de desarrollo personal El presente trabajo trata de mostrar la relación existente entre la lateralidad y el rendimiento en las matemáticas en alumnos de Educación Primaria. Se han realizado pruebas de lateralidad y matemáticas a 49 alumnos de una es-cuela rural de edades entre los 6 y 12 años. La muestra fue dividida según lateralidad bien definida o mal defi...

  7. Influencia de la edad y el género en los fenotipos y coeficientes de lateralidad en niños de 6 a 15 años


    M. Carmen Mayolas Pi; Joaquín Reverter Masià


    Este estudio valora la lateralidad manual, podal y ocular de 798 niños de 6 a 15 años. Se obtienen los fenotipos de lateralidad de cada niño (homogéneo, cruzado o no definido) y se comparan los resultados según el género y la edad (de 6-7 años, de 8-10 y de 11-15 años). Finalmente, se correlacionan las pruebas comparan y los coeficientes de lateralidad. Según nuestro estudio, el género no influye en la lateralidad del miembro superior, pero sí en el miembro inferior y en el ocular. La lateral...

  8. La influencia de la lateralidad en el rendimiento matemático


    Vega-Sabaté, Beatriz


    La aparición de dificultades en el rendimiento matemático, es habitual en las aulas . Por ello, el presente trabajo, estudia dicho problema, desde un punto de vista neuropsicológico, concretamente desde la lateralidad. Para ello, se realiza una prueba de lateralidad, en alumnos de 3º de Educación Primaria. Una vez detectado el tipo de lateralidad de cada persona, se relaciona el tipo de lateralidad, con el nivel de rendimiento matemático de cada alumno y su grado de Inteligenci...

  9. Lateralidad y rendimiento académico, su relación.


    Repila-Ronderos, Ana Magdalena


    La práctica profesional en el ámbito de los problemas de aprendizaje destaca la importancia del adecuado desarrollo de la lateralidad a modo de prevención de dificultades en la lectura, la escritura, la organización témporo-espacial y el desarrollo motriz, entre otras. El objetivo del trabajo fue el de establecer la relación existente entre el desarrollo de la lateralidad y el rendimiento académico. Se evaluó la lateralidad en 76 niños de 2° de Primaria con una prueba específica y se relacion...

  10. Lateralidad y rendimiento lectoescritor y matemático


    González-Ponce, Antonia


    Actualmente el fracaso escolar es un gran problema en nuestra sociedad. Sus consecuencias económicas y personales son graves tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Un mal establecimiento de la lateralidad puede originar dificultades de aprendizaje en lectoescritura y matemáticas. Se evaluó la lateralidad 57 alumnos (61.4% alumnas) de 1º de Educación Primaria del Centro de educación Infantil y Primaria “Rafael García Valiño” y su rendimiento matemático y de lecto-escritura con las pruebas del PAIB....

  11. Propuesta de un test de lateralidad de fácil realización en los colegios y su aplicación en los primeros años de primaria. Relación de la lateralidad en estas edades con las dificultades de aprendizaje

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    M.ª Carmen Mayolas Pi


    Full Text Available Dado que son muchos los autores que relacionan los aprendizajes escolares con la lateralidad y el esquema corporal y dado que es en la asignatura de educación física donde se trabajan estos dos aspectos, se presenta una nueva batería de pruebas para valorar la lateralidad de los niños pensada para ser realizada desde el área de educación física. Dicha batería se pasa a 109 niños (entre 6 y 10 años, de entre los cuales en 49 casos se hace un estudio longitudinal en tres años consecutivos. Finalmente, se compara la lateralidad de los niños de seis y siete años con sus aprendizajes escolares utilizando un cuestionario con siete ítems que contestan los profesores tutores de los niños. El test de lateralidad que se propone consta de 12 pruebas, una de orientación espacial y de diferenciación entre derecha e izquierda, cuatro de miembro superior (señalar zonas corporales, lanzar con puntería, colocar con precisión y lanzar con fuerza, cuatro de miembro inferior (equilibrio sobre un pie, subir y bajar un escalón de forma alternativa, salto de zancada y lanzamiento con puntería, dos oculares (tubo de cartón y sighting u hoja agujereada y una de sentido de giro (de pie realizar 1800 y 3600. Dentro de las conclusiones destacan dos: primero, que el test es fiable y útil, aunque se propone anular la prueba de equilibrio pues los valores difieren del de las otras pruebas y, segundo, que los niños que tienen las valoraciones más altas de los ítems de aprendizaje son los que tienen lateralidad homogénea diestra, siendo las valoraciones más bajas para los pocos casos del estudio con lateralidad homogénea zurda, y además, los niños con cruce a nivel ocular y podal son los que tienen mayores dificultades dentro de la lateralidad no homogénea, tanto en aprendizaje y comprensión lectora como en organización y atención en clase.

  12. Un estudio sobre formas de predominancia lateral en niños de 6 años

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    María Dolores PÉREZ GRANDE


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Este trabajo presenta un estudio sobre las formas de predominancia lateral en una muestra de 576 niños de 6 años pertenecientes a 18 colegios urbanos. Se constata que el 77,3% de los niños tienen la lateralidad manual definida. Los datos apoyan la teoría de una lateralización más temprana en las niñas y diferencias significativas entre sexos respecto a los porcentajes de zurdera. La lateralidad del ojo según las pruebas está ya definida en un mayor porcentaje de niños que la de la mano, y la de la mano está más definida que la del pie. Los niños zurdos utilizan mejor (más rápido y más hábilmente la mano derecha que los niños diestros la izquierda, y la mayoría de niños con lateralidad aún no definida tiende a usar y manejar más la derecha que la izquierda. La lateralidad manual no definida, no va necesariamente asociada a torpeza motriz manual. EL 22,9% de los niños no definidos presentan torpeza; la diferencia con el grupo de niños ya definidos es estadísticamente significativa, pero los datos también indican que el 5,3% de no definidos presentan una habilidad motriz superior con ambas manos.SUMMARY: The work studies the forms of lateral predominance in a sample of 576 6- years old from 18 city schools. 77,3% of the children have defined manual laterality. The data support the theory of an earlier lateralization in girls and significant differences between the sexes with respect to the percentages of left-handedness. According to the tests, visual laterality is already defined in a higher percentage of children than manual handedness and manual handedness is more defined than that of the feet. The left-handed children use their right hands better (speed an dexterity than the right-handed children their left hands, and most children with as yet undefined laterality tend to use and manipulate their right hands more than their left hands. Undefined manual laterality is not necessarily associated with manual motor


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    S. Márquez


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    El presente trabajo intenta hacer una comparación de la eficiencia manual entre el brazo derecho e izquierdo tanto en diestros como en zurdos, analizando la diferencia entre las manos no dominantes de zurdos y diestros e investigando si el brazo de mayor rendimiento coincide con el brazo preferente. El estudio se realizó con un grupo de niños de edades comprendidas entre los 5 y los 10 años. En el test de eficiencia manual se detectaron las mayores diferencias entre el brazo dominante y el no dominante para la frecuencia. En general, los diestros obtuvieron mayor rendimiento con su brazo dominante que los zurdos, tanto en frecuencia, como en velocidad de reacción, fuerza y manipulación.
    PALABRAS CLAVE: Lateralidad, Eficiencia, Zurdo, Diestro



    This study was aimed to compare left-arm and right-arm efficiency both in left-handed and right-handed children. Differences beteween non-dominant hands of left-handed and right-handed and coincidence between preferent arm and that of better performance were evaluated. The investigation was carried out on children aged 5 to 10 years. Maximal differences between dominant and non-dominant arm were detected for frquency in the efficiency test. Performance of the dominant arm in frequency, reaction time, force and manipulation, was better for right-handed that for left-handed.
    KEY WORDS: Laterality, Efficiency, Left-handed, Right-handed

  14. Valorar la precisión gestual y la fijación postural en la práctica deportiva mediante un instrumento de observación de la lateralidad motriz LATMO

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    Juan Antonio Andueza Azcona


    Full Text Available La lateralidad o hemidominancia corporal es un factor clave para el análisis de las habilidades motrices en la práctica deportiva. A pesar de la existencia de un buen número de tests y pruebas para valorar la lateralidad consideramos no del todo exhaustivas las aportaciones clásicas de valoración de la lateralidad puesto que sólo atienden a habilidades de manipulación, de praxia fina y de acciones cotidianas, en detrimento de las habilidades de estabilidad y de locomoción (Gallahue y Cleland Donnelly, 2003 inherentes a toda acción motriz humana. A su vez se obvia la valoración de los factores de fijación postural y de precisión gestual que intervienen en el uso de la hemidominancia corporal. Ambos son factores que consideramos esenciales puesto que actúan simultáneamente y será objeto de análisis en este artículo puesto que permite obtener la eficacia en la ejecución de un gran abanico de habilidades motrices y deportivas. El instrumento de registro LATMO que aportamos aborda este tipo de análisis. Está compuesto por un conjunto de pruebas exhaustivas que permiten diversas lecturas de valoración: (1 con relación a la tipología de habilidades de estabilidad, de locomoción y de manipulación; (2 con relación a la movilidad articular; (3 con relación a la lateralidad motriz y la lateralidad sensorial; (4 con relación a los factores de fijación postural y de precisión gestual segmentaria. Hemos comprobado la eficacia del instrumento sobre una muestra de 142 deportistas de diversos perfiles deportivos con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 22 años.

  15. Relación entre la capacidad creativa y el asentamiento de la lateralidad en alumnos del Segundo Ciclo de Educación Primaria


    Lorenzo-Macías, María Isabel


    El objetivo de este estudio es examinar la relación a nivel neuropsicológico entre la lateralidad y los procesos creativos, es decir, explorar la posible relación entre los niveles de capacidad creativa con los distintos tipos de lateralidad (establecida y no establecida). Se aplicaron el test de Pensamiento Creativo de Torrance (expresión figurada) (1974) para valorar creatividad y test de lateralidad de la prueba neuropsicológica (adaptado por Martín Lobo, Gª -Castellón, Rodr...

  16. Relación de la lateralidad y la inteligencia visoespacial con la competencia matemática en alumnos de 2º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.


    Ortega-Garijo, Soledad


    Cada persona desarrolla la competencia matemática de una manera distinta y a distinto nivel. Con este estudio se pretende analizar los efectos que puedan tener la lateralidad y la inteligencia visoespacial sobre el desarrollo de la competencia matemática en alumnos de 2º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Los resultados que se han obtenido nos demuestran que sí se puede establecer una relación significativa entre inteligencia viso espacial y competencia matemática, sin embargo entre late...

  17. Motricidade fina e lateralidade de idosos/Dainty motor skills and laterality of the elderly

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    Kátine Marchezan Estivalet


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as habilidades motoras finas e o comportamento da lateralidade de idosos praticantes de hidroginástica. Participaram da pesquisa 39 idosos com idade entre 60 e 79 anos. O instrumento de avaliação utilizado foi a Bateria de Testes de Performances Motoras do Sistema de Testes de Viena. Utilizou-se estatística descritiva e inferencial para todos os dados. Como resultados, aponta-se que os idosos têm uma maior estabilidade, precisão e também a rapidez do movimento braço-mão do lado não dominante. Já o lado dominante tem melhor precisão do movimento na coordenação olho-mão, movimentos de apanhar e de alcançar e também na velocidade punho-dedos. Todas as variáveis apresentaram correlação significativa no desempenho de ambas as mãos, exceto a variável segurança da faixa etária entre 60 e 69 anos. Destaca-se, ainda, as variáveis precisão, inserção de pinos longos e tapping, que apresentaram forte correlação, sugerindo a diminuição da preferência de mãos ao longo dos anos. Discute-se, então, as alterações diante do envelhecimento, sendo o idoso ativo com desempenho positivo nas habilidades psicomotoras envolvendo o movimento das mãos, e a prática de hidroginástica um exercício físico benéfico para a motricidade fina e lateralidade. Conclui-se que idosos ativos, além de apresentar diminuição da assimetria, também tem uma possível mudança da lateralidade com o envelhecimento. Assim, em casos de comprometimentos na mão dominante, estratégias de reabilitação juntamente com estimulação do uso da mão não dominante em idosos são válidas, uma vez que há uma possibilidade de troca de lateralidade. Abstract The purpose of the study was to analyze the fine motor skills and the laterality behavior of old-aged people that practice hydroaerobics. 39 elderly people aged between 60 and 70 years took part in the research. The mechanism of assessment used was the Array of Motor

  18. Handedness of children determines preferential facial and eye movements related to hemispheric specialization La lateralidad manual determina la preferencia motora ocular y facial en relación con la especialización hemisférica en niños

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    Carmina Arteaga


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Despite repeated demonstrations of asymmetries in several brain functions, the biological bases of such asymmetries have remained obscure. OBJECTIVE: To investigate development of lateralized facial and eye movements evoked by hemispheric stimulation in right-handed and left-handed children. METHOD: Fifty children were tested according to handedness by means of four tests: I. Mono-syllabic non-sense words, II. Tri-syllabic sense words, III. Visual field occlusion by black wall, and presentation of geometric objects to both hands separately, IV. Left eye and the temporal half visual field of the right eye occlusion with special goggles, afterwards asking children to assemble a three-piece puzzle; same tasks were performed contra-laterally. RESULTS: Right-handed children showed higher percentage of eye movements to right side when stimulated by tri-syllabic words, while left-handed children shown higher percentages of eyes movements to left side when stimulated by the same type of words. Left-handed children spent more time in recognizing non-sense mono-syllabic words. Hand laterality correlated with tri-syllabic word recognition performance. Age contributed to laterality development in nearly all cases, except in second test. CONCLUSION: Eye and facial movements were found to be related to left- and right-hand preference and specialization for language development, as well as visual, haptic perception and recognition in an age-dependent fashion in a complex process.CONTEXTO: A pesar de las repetidas demostraciones de asimetría en varias funciones cerebrales, sus bases biológicas permanecen no bien conocidas aún. OBJECTIVO: Investigamos el desarrollo de la lateralización de los movimientos faciales y oculares provocados por la estimulación hemisférica preferencial en niños diestros y zurdos. MÉTODO: Se examinaron 50 niños que se dividieron de acuerdo a su lateralidad manual, se les aplicaron 4 pruebas: I. Discriminación de

  19. Detección y programa de entrenamiento en Infantil para las dificultades visuales, auditivas, motrices y de lateralidad influyentes en la lectoescritura


    Barroso-Cortés, Laura


    Esta investigación se basa en el estudio neuropsicológico de factores tales como la funcionalidad visual, auditiva y motriz y la lateralidad y su influencia en el aprendizaje lectoescritor del alumnado correspondiente al tercer nivel de Educación infantil, entre 5 y 6 años de edad. Para ello, se ha contado con un total de 43 niños que han sido evaluados a través de una batería de pruebas: K-D, P.A.F, Cumanin y Test de Lateralidad de la prueba Neuropsicológica. Los resultados indican que exist...

  20. Efeitos da terapia manual sobre a dor em mulheres com fibromialgia: uma revisão de literatura = Effects of manual therapy on pain in women with fibromyalgia: a literature review

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    Ziani, Marciele Monzon


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar, através de uma revisão de literatura, os efeitos da terapia manual sobre a dor em mulheres com fibromialgia (FM. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa, realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, Lilacs, PEDro e Scielo, selecionando ensaios clínicos ou estudos quase experimental, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, que objetivassem avaliar os efeitos da terapia manual sobre a dor em mulheres com FM. As palavras-chave e os operadores boleanos utilizados foram: “Musculoskeletal Manipulations OR manual therapy AND Fibromyalgia”. Resultados: De um total de 133 artigos encontrados, 9 deles foram selecionados para inclusão final no presente estudo. Desses, grande parte (55,5% dos estudos foram realizados no continente Europeu e apenas um foi conduzido na população brasileira. O tamanho amostral dos artigos variou de 12 a 86 indivíduos entre cada grupo estudado, sendo que 8 (88,8% deles utilizaram os critérios do Colégio Americano de Reumatologia para diagnóstico clínico da FM. As técnicas mais utilizadas foram à liberação miofascial (33,3%, a massagem de tecido conjuntivo (22,2% e a drenagem linfática manual (22,2%, sendo que a duração total do tratamento oscilou entre 3 e 20 semanas. Todos os estudos verificaram melhora da dor através das técnicas de terapia manual, com efeitos positivos também sobre os sintomas de ansiedade, sono, função física e qualidade de vida. Conclusão: Os achados da presente revisão demonstram que as técnicas de terapia manual parecem benéficas para o tratamento da dor em mulheres portadoras de FM

  1. Motor laterality as a training skill. Learning effects over the change of lateral tendency LA LATERALIDAD MOTORA COMO HABILIDAD ENTRENABLE. EFECTOS DEL APRENDIZAJE SOBRE EL CAMBIO DE TENDENCIA LATERAL

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    A. Bilbao


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    The motor laterality is a traditional problem in the field of physical education. The explanation about this problem has been suported on genetics and byologics models, which considere it as a general human being condition to use one side of our body prior to the other one. This human disposition is determined by a brain hemisphere dominance that is behind all kind of behaviors; this hemisphere dominance, right or left, will be determined by the genetic code of each human subject, therefore the behaviors of choice between left and right for each limb of our body will be very difficult to modificate by learning. The present research is aim to explain motor laterality from a different model (behavioral model to the biologic and genetic traditional model, where learnig be the key factor to understand it. By means a within-subject experimental design with three and four years old children we tried to probe the effects of learning in different lateralized behavior. We applied a technique of behavior modification which included, positive reiforcement, and feedback. We found that it is possible to change by learning the normal tendency to use one side of our body, left or right, instead the other side and to change, too, the knowledge of the side used.
    KEY WORDS: Laterality, handedness, dominane, motor control


    La lateralización motora constituye un problema tradicional del ámbito de la educación física. Sus explicaciones han estado situadas dentro del modelo genetista y biológico que la consideran como una capacidad general del ser humano para utilizar un lado de nuestro cuerpo preferentemente sobre otro. Esta interpretación se ha basado en un supuesto dominio de un hemisferio cerebral sobre el otro hemisferio, que permanece subyacente a toda conducta y determinado por nuestro código genético, y, por tanto, de difícil modificación a trav

  2. Influencia de la lateralidad dominante de la jugadora en puesto específico de base en el juego de ataque en Liga Femenina 2 [Laterality dominance of female point guard influences in the offensive patterns in LF2

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    Alejandra Manzano Rivera


    Full Text Available Resumen La lateralidad de la jugadora con el rol de base puede ser sólo una característica individual, o bien un factor influyente en el juego de su equipo, y por tanto, una herramienta a considerar por  parte del equipo rival. El trabajo de investigación se centra en la necesidad de reflejar si la lateralidad de una jugadora con rol de base en baloncesto, al iniciar la acción de juego (bote o pase influye de manera determinante en la toma de decisiones. El contexto de trabajo utilizado es la segunda categoría de baloncesto femenino nacional, Liga Femenina 2. En la observación han participado varios equipos de dicha categoría, con total de 10 partidos analizados y un total de 170 situaciones de juego analizadas (N=170. Para establecer las relaciones entre las variables se utilizó el Coeficiente de Contingencia. Los resultados muestran una relación estadísticamente significativa de la lateralidad de la base y el lado del campo en el que se empieza a jugar (c2(1, N=170 = 4.789, pPalabras clave: Baloncesto, Lateralidad, Base, Análisis de juego.   AbstractLaterality of the point-guard can be an individual characteristic, or in the other hand, an important factor in the offensive patterns of the team. In this way, it will be a useful information for the other team.  This research has focused in the laterality of the point guard, and it influences in the decision making. The League studied was the second female Spanish basketball league, LF2. 10 matches were observed and 170 game situations analyzed (N=170. Crosstabs Command and the Contingency Coefficient were used to establish the relationship between variables. The results shows a significant relationship between the laterality of the point guard and the side of the field where the attack begin (c2(1, N=170 = 4.789, pKey words:  Basketball, laterality, point guard, game analysis.

  3. Estudio y Análisis de la Lateralidad Izquierda en la ciudad de Guayaquil: El Gen Leucine-Rich Repeat Transmembrane Neural Protein 1 (LRRTM1 como factor determinante.

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    Antonio Vergara


    Los resultados de la investigación sirven de aporte para que las personas poseedoras de lateralidad izquierda puedan ser inducidas desde sus primeros años a desarrollar su talento humano en las ramas de las ciencias exactas, arte y humanidades o varias al mismo tiempo, siendo tarea de la educación del siglo XXI fomentar la ciencia y la técnica a nivel país.

  4. Manual de LinkedIn


    Blázquez Sevilla, Alegría; Borrás Gené, Oriol


    Manual básico sobre la red profesional LinkedIn, donde se analiza la red y se explica a fondo cómo crear un perfil y gestionarlo. Incluye información sobre las diferentes secciones características de la red LinkedIn y ofrece consejos para la correcta gestión de un perfil, buscando su mejor rendimiento.

  5. Influencia de la memoria de trabajo y lateralidad en el rendimiento académico en matemáticas de niños de segundo de primaria.


    Gordillo-Ballen, Diana Patricia


    Introducción: El aprendizaje y comprensión del pensamiento lógico matemático es un proceso en el cual intervienen factores de tipo cognitivo, cognoscitivo y emocional. Objetivo: La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal conocer la relación existente entre memoria de trabajo, lateralidad y rendimiento académico en matemáticas. Metodología: El diseño es no experimental, cuantitativo y de correlación. Para la valoración de las variables de estudio se utilizó primero del WISC-IV los...

  6. ¿Para qué sirve un manual de estilo?

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    Martín F. Yriart


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone una reflexión y abre un debate acerca de los manuales de estilo periodístico, como fenómeno socio comunicacional y sobre todo como herramienta profesional. Enfatiza la noción de Manual de Estilo, como Manual de producción que engloba no solo los aspectos léxicos, semánticos y gramaticales sino, sobre todo, las herramientas y operaciones que garantizan que el producto sea lo que sus editores desean y que pretenden, según el autor, legitimar al medio frente a sus consumidores.

  7. Aplicação de manual educativo sobre a pele do recém-nascido com estudantes de enfermagem

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    Ronald Robson Rodrigues Santos


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou descrever e avaliar, na perspectiva dos alunos, a implementação de manual educativo sobre as características da pele do recém-nascido, como estratégia no processo ensino-aprendizagem da disciplina Enfermagem no Processo do Cuidar I (Criança e Adolescente. Realizado em Fortaleza, entre janeiro/junho de 2006 com 42 alunos do curso de graduação em enfermagem da UFC, que cursaram a disciplina entre 2005/2006. Para tanto foi aplicado um instrumento para avaliar a estrutura, linguagem e importância do manual para a prática de enfermagem. Destes 42 alunos, 12 se encontravam também em atividades práticas em Neonatologia, os quais responderam a outro instrumento que registrava a avaliação dos discentes acerca da contribuição do manual na sua atuação em prática com o RN. O manual foi avaliado como “satisfatório” em termos de clareza, coerência da linguagem, e conteúdo, por 100% (42 dos sujeitos. Referente à “qualidade das fotos” 90,5% (38 dos discentes o avaliou como “satisfatório” e 9,5% (4 como “não satisfatório”. Os alunos que desenvolveram atividades práticas durante a pesquisa consideraram o manual como recurso facilitador para avaliar a pele do recém-nascido. Conforme os resultados expostos, o manual revelou-se adequado à população alvo, assim como sua utilização para aprendizagem da temática.

  8. Lateralidad, capacidades perceptivas y rendimiento matemático en alumnos de Educación Primaria. Programa de intervención para mejorar el aprendizaje matemático


    López-Luengo, Maialen


    El informe PISA más actual, llevado a cabo en el año 2015, sigue mostrando el fracaso escolar de los alumnos españoles (MEC, 2016), entre cuyas asignaturas cabe destacar las matemáticas como asignatura en la que obtienen bajo rendimiento, en comparación con los miembros de la OCDE (OECD, 2016). La neuropsicología se está abriendo camino en el ámbito educativo donde, entre otros muchos aspectos neuropsicológicos, se destaca la importancia del adecuado desarrollo de la lateralidad, por su incid...


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    Roberto Serpa Florez


    Full Text Available

    La Academia Sueca de Ciencias al conceder en 1981 el Premio Nobel de Medicina a Roger Sperry, David Hubbel y Torsten Wiesel, no hizo más que reconocer, un poco tardíamente, quizás, la rigurosa, tenaz y admirable obra científica de muchos años, de tres eminentes
    investigadores de las neurociencias: Hubbel y Wiesel por su trabajos sobre la corteza visual del cerebro, y Sperry por su labor sobre el funcionamiento de los hemisferios cerebrales que ya desde hace veinte años se publicó en muy conocidas revistas científicas.

    El estudio experimental de las modificaciones producidas por la comisurotomía en la conducta
    de los pacientes, se hizo utilizando métodos ingeniosísimos de investigación. "Los resultados indican, en palabras de Sperry, Gazzaniga y Bogen: "una desunión funcional de los hemisferios derecho e izquierdo, para casi todas las actividades cognoscitivas y otras
    actividades psíquicas. Se ha encontrado que el aprendizaje y la memoria proceden independientemente de cada hemisferio separado. Cada hemisferio parece tener su propia esfera de conciencia para la sensación, la percepción, la ideación y otras actividades mentales y el dominio interno total de la experiencia gnóstica propia está dividida de las experiencias correspondientes del otro hemisferio, con pocas excepciones solamente"...

  10. Prevalência da dissociação óculo-manual em crianças com dislexia do desenvolvimento - doi: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v34i1.7499 Prevalence of eye-hand preference dissociation in childrens with development dyslexia - doi: 10.4025/actascihealthsci.v34i1.7499

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    José Alexandre Bastos


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa caracterizou-se em determinar a prevalência da dissociação ocular e manual em crianças com dislexia do desenvolvimento em idade escolar comparadas com crianças normais, pertencentes a escolas públicas. Participaram do estudo crianças entre sete e 12 anos. O Grupo I foi constituído por crianças diagnosticadas com dislexia do desenvolvimento (n = 64 e o Grupo II constituído por crianças- padrão na mesma faixa etária (n = 80. Foi aplicada a Bateria Psicomotora. As crianças disléxicas obtiveram escores significativos de prevalência manual esquerda e ocular direita. Tais resultados sugerem que esta falta de especialização da lateralidade pode comprometer a execução motora.

  11. O papel do professor de primeiras letras no manual de pedagogia de Jean Baptiste Daligault: reflexões sobre a formação de virtudes e valores

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    Olivia Rochadel


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva identificar o papel do professor, refletindo sobre ele, a partir das definições contidas no manual Cours Pratique de Pédagogie, do francês Jean Baptiste Daligault. A obra analisada foi a segunda edição da tradução realizada na província de Santa Catarina. Este manual foi distribuído aos inspetores e aos professores de instrução pública elementar pelo governo provincial, na segunda metade do século XIX. Considerando que esta atitude do governo concebe o manual como uma obra relevante para a formação dos professores da província, e também que Santa Catarina, ainda, conta com poucas pesquisas sobre a educação escolar no século XIX, a compreensão do papel do professor definido por Daligault pode contribuir para ampliar o conhecimento dessa história. Assim, partindo do entendimento de que a educação é resultado de um processo histórico, das relações que os homens mantêm entre si e com a natureza, constata-se que o papel do professor descrito por Daligault é o de formar as futuras gerações dentro dos ideais da sociedade moderna de ordem burguesa, caracterizada como civilizada e coerente com o projeto de Estado nacional brasileiro, em processo de construção naquele momento.

  12. Manual de la práctica 3 de laboratorio 2010 (revisado)


    Candelas Herías, Francisco Andrés; Puente Méndez, Santiago Timoteo


    Esta versión del manual ha sido actualizada y revisada, y tiene varios errores corregidos. Manual de la práctica 3 de laboratorio sobre gestión de la Calidad de Servicio con routers Cisco y análisis de redes IEEE 802.11, para el curso 2009-10.

  13. Por y para en los manuales de ELE

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    Sidoti, Rossana


    Full Text Available La oposición por / para es una de las cuestiones gramaticales que comportan mayor dificultad a la hora de acercarse al estudio del español como L2 sobre todo cuando remiten a conceptos lingüísticos difíciles de entender por no tener ésta referente alguno en el mundo extralingüístico. Si, por un lado, nos resulta fácil entender lo que tiene un referente en el mundo concreto; por otro, no podemos advertir el referente extralingüístico de preposiciones como por / para, si este no existe. Si las preposiciones son elementos abstractos, difíciles de aferrar de por sí, podemos sólo examinar los elementos que éstas ponen en relación y en qué contextos esta relación se determina. Para poder utilizar con precisión las dos preposiciones, es importante no reducirlas a una sola preposición como ocurre en otros idiomas, y sobre todo no relacionarlas sólo a los conceptos de causa y finalidad. Este trabajo se propone individualizar los manuales de español como lengua extranjera más utilizados en las universidades italianas para luego comparar las distintas fuentes de información sobre por / para y exponer comentarios, reflexiones y sugerencias sobre el tema con el fin de precisar en qué medida se puede mejorar lo que los manuales reducen o generalizan, puesto que para los estudiantes de ELE estos representan una herramienta valiosa a la que acudir.

  14. Notas sobre la historia de la garza morena ardea cocoi (aves en Colombia

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    José Ignacio Borrero H.


    Full Text Available Una revisión de la bibliografía sobre esta especie, demuestra que si bien existe una serie de notas relacionadas con su distribución geográfica, prácticamente nada se ha escrito en relación con sus costumbres, fuera claro está, de comentarios muy generales consignados en manuales sobre faunas regionales.

  15. Prevalência da dissociação óculo-manual em crianças com dislexia do desenvolvimento = Prevalence of eye-hand preference dissociation in childrens with development dyslexia

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    Marielza Regina Ismael Martins


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa caracterizou-se em determinar a prevalência da dissociação ocular e manual em crianças com dislexia do desenvolvimento em idade escolar comparadas com crianças normais, pertencentes a escolas públicas. Participaram do estudo crianças entre sete e 12 anos. O Grupo I foi constituído por crianças diagnosticadas com dislexia do desenvolvimento (n = 64 e o Grupo II constituído por crianças- padrão na mesma faixa etária (n = 80. Foi aplicada a Bateria Psicomotora. As crianças disléxicas obtiveram escores significativos de prevalência manual esquerda e ocular direita. Tais resultados sugerem que esta falta de especialização da lateralidade pode comprometer a execução motora.This research was characterized to determine the prevalence of dissociation eye and hand in children with developmental dyslexia at school age compared with normal children from public schools. Study participants were children between seven and 12 years. Group I consisted of children diagnosed with developmental dyslexia (n = 64 and Group II consists of standard children the same age (n = 80. Psychomotor Battery was applied. Dyslexic children scored significant prevalence of left hand and right eye. These results suggest that this lack of expertise of laterality may impair motor execution.

  16. Manual de manipuladores de alimentos


    Montoya Campuzano, Olga Inés


    Resumen: en este manual esta referenciado en módulos, los conceptos básicos sobre las normas y hábitos; protección y conservación de alimentos; limpieza y desinfección; saneamiento básico e intoxicaciones alimentarias, que deben conocer, recordar y practicar cualquier persona que manipule alimentos, con el fin de cumplir con los requisitos higiénico sanitarios exigidos por las autoridades sanitarias competentes. EI personal Manipulador es quien en forma directa y permanente, está en contacto ...

  17. Efeito da preensão manual sobre o equilíbrio de judocas Effect of hand grip on the balance of judokas

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    Jonathan Ache Dias


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existe efeito da preensão manual máxima (o ato de realizar ou não a preensão sobre o controle do equilíbrio de judocas em postura restrita, além de verificar se existe correlação entre a força de preensão manual (FPM e o controle do equilíbrio. Foram avaliados sete judocas com um dinamômetro e uma plataforma estabilométrica sendo mensuradas, concomitantemente, a FPM e o centro de pressão (CP. Foi verificado que até 80% da variabilidade do CP pode ser atrelada a preensão manual indicando que a mesma gera perturbações no controle do equilíbrio. Entretanto, foram encontradas correlações (r = 0,348 até 0,816 entre a FPM e o deslocamento do CP. Com isso pode-se concluir que, apesar da preensão manual gerar perturbações no equilíbrio, seu comportamento parece estar relacionado com os movimentos do corpo realizados para manter o equilíbrio, indicando uma possível correlação entre esses fenômenos.The purpose of this study was to verify if there is an effect of maximum hand grip (the act of performing or not the hand grip on the balance control of judokas in a restrict posture, and also to verify if there is a correlation between the hand grip strength (HGS and the balance control. Seven judokas were evaluated with a dynamometer and a stabilometric force platform, being measured, at the same time, the HGS and the center of pressure (COP. It was found that up to 80% of the COP variability was related to the hand grip demonstrating that it generates perturbations to the balance control. However, It was found correlations (r = 0,348 to 0,816 between de HGS and de COP displacement. With that, it can be concluded that, despite the hand grip generating perturbation on the balance, its behavior appears to be related to the body movements performed to sustain balance, indicating a possible correlation between this phenomenons.

  18. Representación discursiva sobre la homosexualidad en el manual diagnóstico y estadístico de trastornos mentales (revisión de 1995

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    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se resalta la construcción y significación discursiva que da el sistema DSM IV (Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de Trastornos Mentales a la homosexualidad, entendiendo que el significado que hace referencia al contenido interno del discurso y a la significación concierne al contenido externo (visible. El método de investigación se concentra en el análisis de contenidos: discusión, críticas y descripción de la metodología constructiva del manual. La técnica que se adelantó fue la de análisis de contenidos; identificación del discurso dominante y estilo. Los resultados descritos evidencian que la forma dominante del discurso es institucional frente a las formas no discursivas (sexuālis diversus. No se evidencian cambios en el discurso psiquiátrico porque su método de construcción es de retroalimentación circular, es decir, en algún lugar del proceso, la homosexualidad será considerada como un trastorno o como un tema de revisión psiquiátrica. La investigación revela que el sistema DSM IV se ajusta a la construcción discursiva poder-saber ampliamente documentada por Foucault en la que el discurso dominante ejerce poder sobre las sexuālis diversus, las define en un ejercicio del saber y las inscribe en un manual diagnóstico.


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    Fernanda Carneiro Mussi

    Full Text Available Baseado em pesquisa das expectativas de 30 pacientes internados em unidade coronária, os autores apresentam um manual de orientação para o paciente com diagnóstico de Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio. O objetivo do manual é ser um complemento do tratamento dos pacientes com Infarto do Miocárdio, a principal causa de morte em nosso pais. É composto por informações sobre o que é a doença, os fatores de risco a ela associados, retorno as atividades e tratamento.

  20. Subjetividades emergentes en el manual de convivencia de la IED Nicolás Buenaventura y el Colegio Liceo Homérico


    Gaviria De Lima, Christian Alan; Rojas Cordero, William


    Si bien las instituciones educativas ya sean de carácter oficial o privado poseen la autonomía para construir sus Manuales de Convivencia, los mismos deben tener en cuenta las disposiciones que el Ministerio de Educación Nacional refiere al respecto. Se hace evidente la puesta en escena de Manuales de Convivencia que no responden al contexto que viven los establecimientos, sin embargo, si tienen un efecto sobre la configuración del individuo. Los Manuales de Convivencia transportan un saber, ...

  1. Del manual de urbanidad al manual de la medicina legal: el pederasta, una manifestación del hombre degenerado.


    Bustamante Tejada, Walter Alonso


    Este artículo utiliza como pretexto el pederasta, un objeto construido por el saber médico legal, para presentar uno de los puntos de articulación de dos saberes: el pedagógico y el médico, partes del dispositivo de verdad sobre la homosexualidad que se presentó a finales del siglo XIX en Antioquia. Dicho dispositivo sienta parte de sus bases y modelos en los manuales de urbanidad, que son evaluados posteriormente por el saber médico legal cuando el sujeto llega hasta él, una vez se convie...


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    Ana Paula Padilha


    Full Text Available Objetivo: construir un manual educativo para personas con diabetes mellitus con pie diabético. Método : scoping study, aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación, realizado en un hospital escuela del Estado de Santa Catarina (Brasil. La recolección de datos, fue realizada entre septiembre y noviembre de 2016, incluyó revisión narrativa y consulta a 14 interesados (11 enfermeros, un profesor de enfermería y dos médicos y tres personas con diabetes y sus acompañantes sobre los contenidos del manual educativo. Se utilizó la técnica Delphi, en la consulta con los expertos, y se estableció la necesidad del 70%, o más, de concordancia total para permanencia de los contenidos en el manual. Con las personas con diabetes y acompañantes se aplicó formulario evaluativo, conteniendo escala Likert para evaluación de los contenidos y pregunta abierta cuestionando opinión sobre el manual. Resultados: la literatura existente y la consulta a los interesados subsidió la elaboración de los contenidos del manual. A partir de la consulta en la literatura y con los interesados, fue construido el manual, que fue revisado por los expertos. En la primera ronda de consulta con expertos, de los 21 contenidos construidos, a partir del estudio de revisión, ocho no alcanzaron el 70% de concordancia. Los porcentuales oscilaron entre el 45% y el 90%. En la segunda ronda, todos los contenidos se consideraron pertinentes. Las personas con diabetes consideraron que el manual era adecuado y de fácil compresión. Conclusión: el método posibilitó la construcción del manual que resultó en un producto de enfermería para uso en la educación en salud, para el cuidado de la persona con diabetes con pie diabético.

  3. Manual sobre el desarrollo integral de la Cuenca Pacífica Colombiana


    Cardona, Jose Gerardo


    En el presente documento nos ocupamos en trazar las pautas que consideramos deben seguirse para los trabajos de investigación científica y tecnológica, indispensables para los programas de desarrollo agroforestal y pecuario de la Cuenca del Pacífico Colombiano; advirtiendo que nuestras sugerencias no tienen carácter dogmático, sencillamente constituyen, a nuestro juicio, complemento al diagnóstico y propuestas consignados en el Manual Nº 1 El Litoral Pacífico Colombiano, referentes a los sect...

  4. Efecto del tratamiento quirúrgico de los terceros molares inferiores sobre el síndrome de disfunción temporomandibular

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    José Manuel Díaz Fernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación con la finalidad de determinar el efecto del tratamiento quirúrgico de los terceros molares inferiores no erupcionados sobre el síndrome de disfunción temporomandibular en 44 estudiantes, a quienes les efectuaron estudios clinicoestomatognáticos durante los períodos preoperatorio y posoperatorio. El índice de disfunción de Helkimo arrojó disfunción ligera en el 55 % y moderada en el resto durante la fase preoperatoria, mientras que el examen posoperatorio reveló disfunción ligera en el 45 % y moderada o severa en el 55 %. Se comprobaron notables cambios en el rango del movimiento mandibular durante la apertura bucal máxima y en los movimientos de lateralidad de la mandíbula.An investigation was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of surgical treatment of unerupted lower third molars on the temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome in 44 students who underwent clinical and stomatognathic studies during the preoperative and postoperative period. The index of Helkimo's dysfunction yielded a mild dysfunction in 55 % of cases, and a moderate dysfunction in the remaining patients during the preoperative phase, while the postoperative examination revealed a mild dysfunction in 45 % of patients and a moderate to severe dysfunction in 55 % of cases. Remarkable changes were proved regarding the rank of mandibular movement during maximum oral opening and in lateral movements of the jaw.

  5. Que Sucede? Manual Informativo Sobre Rehabilitacion y Educacion Especial en Costa Rica (What's Happening? Informative Manual on Rehabilitation and Special Education in Costa Rica). (United States)

    de Mezerville, Gaston; And Others

    The manual, in Spanish, provides descriptions of rehabilitation, medical, and special education services; centers and institutions which offer physical and mental rehabilitation services; and lists of professionals and advocacy organizations in Costa Rica. Part 1 includes an overview of rehabilitation and special education, a short history of…

  6. Reflexiones sobre ética mínima

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    Fernando Soto Aparicio


    Full Text Available La ética puede definirse como un manual de convivencia, como un tratado de buenas maneras, como un compromiso para la tolerancia. Pero dada la diversidad de costumbres, creencias religiosas, enfoques políticos y maneras de vivir de los distintos pueblos de la tierra, generalizar sobre la ética es casi imposible. Por eso, si tratamos de una ética mínima, estamos refiriéndonos a la parte sustancial del vivir en comunidad; a las pequeñas circunstancias, a las elementales exigencias que posibilitan que pueblos disímiles se entiendan en lo primario, y aprendan a tolerarse y a buscar ámbitos de concordia por encima de sus diferencias

  7. Los signos manuales como sistema de comunicación alternativa y aumentativa. Artículo de revisión


    Vega Llobera, Fàtima; Gràcia Garcia, Marta


    Hay una larga tradición científica sobre el uso de los signos manuales de manera simultánea a la lengua oral para promover el desarrollo de la comunicación y el lenguaje en niños con o sin discapacidad. Este artículo tiene como objetivo revisar y analizar trabajos de intervención centrados en el uso de signos manuales como sistema de comunicación aumentativa (AAC) en participantes oyentes. Se han utilizado diversos criterios para delimitar la búsqueda, selección, codificación y síntesis de lo...

  8. Peace Corps Aquaculture Training Manual. Training Manual T0057. (United States)

    Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Information Collection and Exchange Div.

    This Peace Corps training manual was developed from two existing manuals to provide a comprehensive training program in fish production for Peace Corps volunteers. The manual encompasses the essential elements of the University of Oklahoma program that has been training volunteers in aquaculture for 25 years. The 22 chapters of the manual are…

  9. Manual de atención psicológica a Equipos de primera respuesta especializados en Emergencias pre-hospitalarias, rescates y operaciones en desastres


    Cortez Andrade, Gabriel Eduardo


    Los efectos de los desastres sobre la salud física y mental de un equipo de primera respuesta pretenden ser conocidas por medio de este manual, ya que existen secuelas a corto, mediano y largo plazo. Hasta hoy lamentablemente en el Ecuador, no siempre se reconoce los efectos sobre la salud mental en los equipos de primera respuesta, a pesar de haberse demostrado que, en situaciones de desastre y emergencias complejas, se produce un incremento de los signos de sufrimiento psicológico, como la...

  10. Intervención educativa comunitaria sobre la diabetes en el ámbito de la atención primaria

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    Ana Gladys Aráuz


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Ofrecer una alternativa de educación sobre la diabetes con la participación de pacientes, familiares y personal sanitario, adaptada a las condiciones locales y a las necesidades sentidas por estas personas. Métodos. Se describe la metodología utilizada en una intervención educativa comunitaria sobre la diabetes de tipo 2, dirigida al primer nivel de atención. El estudio se realizó en el área de salud de El Guarco, Costa Rica. En una primera etapa se hizo un estudio cualitativo sobre los conocimientos y prácticas de los pacientes y del personal sanitario en relación con la prevención y el tratamiento de la diabetes y sobre la disponibilidad de alimentos en la comunidad. A partir de estos resultados, se desarrolló la metodología educativa, para lo cual se diseñaron un manual y dos procesos de capacitación sobre la diabetes, uno dirigido al personal sanitario y otro a los pacientes. Además, se desarrollaron estrategias comunitarias para dar sostenibilidad al proceso educativo. Resultados. Se verificó que los pacientes no asocian el origen de la enfermedad con los antecedentes familiares ni el sobrepeso, que confunden los síntomas de hiperglucemia e hipoglucemia y que no hay homogeneidad en los mensajes de nutrición que reciben. Sobre la base del manual sobre diabetes, se capacitó al personal sanitario, cuyos conocimientos sobre el tratamiento y la prevención de la diabetes y sobre la metodología educativa mejoraron (promedio de 85%. A su vez, el personal sanitario capacitó a los pacientes diabéticos de su comunidad (edad: 57,0 ± 8,9 años, 92% mujeres, quienes mostraron después del curso una disminución de la glucemia, de 189 ± 79 mg/dL a 157 ± 48 mg/dL (P = 0,03, y de la hemoglobina glucosilada, de 11,3 ± 2,4% a 9,7 ± 2,3% (P = 0,05. No hubo cambios significativos del peso ni del perfil lipídico, a excepción de los triglicéridos, que disminuyeron (P = 0,04. Conclusiones. El nivel primario de atenci

  11. Terapia manual no tratamento da espondilólise e espondilolistese: revisão de literatura Manual therapy for treating spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis: a literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabrício José Jassi


    Full Text Available A espondilólise é um defeito na pars interarticularis da vértebra com descontinuidade óssea do segmento intervertebral; a progressão do defeito resulta em deslizamento de uma vértebra sobre a outra, chamado espondilolistese, o que pode provocar dor. O tratamento não-cirúrgico é a escolha inicial na maioria dos casos de espondilolistese, mas poucos estudos verificam a eficácia dos tratamentos conservadores. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre esses tratamentos, sobretudo no que concerne à terapia manual, a fim de ajudar os terapeutas na prescrição de intervenções eficazes. Os resultados mostram que tanto a terapia manual como a fisioterapia convencional apresentam efeitos benéficos na redução da dor lombar e na melhora funcional do paciente. As terapias manuais envolvem manipulação da coluna vertebral e articulação sacroilíaca, músculo-energia e alongamento dos músculos afetados. Exercícios de estabilização lombopélvica, fortalecimento dos músculos posturais e alongamento dos isquiotibiais e psoas também foram considerados importantes. O paciente deve ser avaliado individualmente em seu quadro clínico e radiográfico para determinação do plano de tratamento. Dentre as opções conservadoras de tratamento encontradas, nenhuma se mostrou conclusivamente superior às outras e todas podem ser incluídas no tratamento sintomático de pacientes com espondilólise/listese.Spondylolysis is a defect in the pars interarticularis of a vertebra with a disruption in the intervertebral segment. Progression of the defect leads to one vertebra slipping over another - which is called spondylolisthesis - which may cause low-back pain. Non-surgical treatment is the initial course of action in most cases of spondylolisthesis. However, few studies have assessed the efficacy of conservative treatment. The purpose of the present study is to review literature on conservative treatment for spondylolysis

  12. ¿Lo aprecias o lo odias? Tus gestos al hablar pueden delatarte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miriam Sicre Márquez


    Full Text Available Los diestros tienden a valorar positivamente la derecha y los zurdos la izquierda. En un estudio reciente se analizaron los gestos que acompañaban los discursos de los candidatos a presidente de EE.UU. John Kerry y George Bush (ambos diestros en las elecciones de 2004, y de John McCain y Barack Obama (ambos zurdos en las de 2008. Los candidatos diestros usaron más la mano derecha cuando hablaban de cosas positivas y la mano izquierda para cosas negativas, en tanto que los zurdos hicieron lo contrario. Esto revela un vínculo hasta ahora desconocido entre la lateralidad manual, los gestos expresivos y la emoción.

  13. O discurso sobre álcool na Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem: 1932-2007 El discurso sobre el alcohol en la Revista Brasileña de Enfermería: 1932-2007 The discourse on alcohol in the Brazilian Journal of Nursing: 1932-2007

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    Gislene Farias de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este é um estudo de revisão de literatura que analisou o tema álcool nos artigos da Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, de 1932 a 2007. Realizou-se busca manual, utilizando as palavras-chave: álcool, alcoolismo, drogas e substâncias psicoativas. O discurso sobre álcool, utilizado pelos autores, foi analisado segundo o referencial metodológico de Bardin. Foram encontrados oito artigos que evidenciaram três categorias: aspectos biopsiquicossociais, concepções do álcool e do alcoolismo e imagem do alcoolista. O estudo demonstra a evolução no discurso sobre o álcool e alcoolismo de senso comum para a cientificidade, correspondendo ao momento histórico de sua produção.Se trata de un estudio de revisión de la literatura, que examinó el tema del alcohol en los artículos de la Revista Brasileña de Enfermería de 1932 a 2007. Se realizó una búsqueda manual a través de las palabras clave: alcohol, alcoholismo, drogas y sustancias psicoactivas. El discurso sobre el alcohol, usado por los autores, fue analizado de acuerdo a la metodología de Bardin. Fueron encontrados ocho artículos que mostraron tres categorías: los aspectos biopsicosociales, las concepciones del alcohol y del alcoholismo y, la imagen del alcohólico. El estudio muestra cómo el discurso sobre el alcohol y el alcoholismo evolucionan del sentido común al científico, lo que corresponde al momento histórico de su producción.This was a literature review study which examined the theme of alcohol in the papers of the Brazilian Journal of Nursing, from 1932 to 2007. A manual search was performed using the keywords: alcohol, alcoholism, drugs and psychoactive substances. The discourse on alcohol, used by the authors, was analyzed according to the methodological proposals of Bardin. Eight papers were found that showed three categories: biopsychosocial aspects, conceptions of alcohol and alcoholism, and image of the alcoholic. The study shows how the discourse on alcohol

  14. Análisis de contenidos de ecosistemas y ciclos geoquímicos en los manuales portugueses

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    Rosa Branca Cameira TRACANA


    Full Text Available Son muchos los estudios, en los últimos tiempos, sobre el tema Ecosistemas y ciclos geoquímicos. Pretendemos analizar la transposición didáctica del tema Ecosistemas y ciclos geoquímicos, en los manuales escolares, en el sistema de enseñanza portugués. Fueron analizados manuales de ciencias naturales, ciencia de la naturaleza, biología, geología y geografía, en el sistema educativo portugués y aun estudios sociales, química, biología, ciencias naturales, geología, geografía y ecología. En lo que se refiere a los manuales, constatamos que los del Tiempo I (1991-2000 se presentan más desarrollados en la presentación de los temas cuando se comparan con los del Tiempo II (2000-2006. En el tema Ecosistemas y ciclos geoquímicos, el abordaje de los manuales es esencialmente ecocéntrico. Sin embargo, nuestros resultados llevan a cuestionar la calidad de los manuales al respecto de este tema, porque no sólo es necesario tratarlo de modo más profundo, sino también se deben incluir en los manuales las competencias en educación ambiental para así poder transmitirlas a las generaciones futuras, y de este modo contribuir a una mejora de la calidad de vida en la Tierra.





    En el mundo y particularmente en América Latina, la minería no mecanizada o manual ha sido utilizada como medio de sustento por los pobladores rurales o migrantes de ciudades que van a trabajar a estas zonas y que la llevan a cabo en condiciones sociales desfavorables por lo que resulta importante conocer los aspectos socio-jurídicos que envuelven la actividad. Con el fin de llevar a cabo lo anterior, se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptivo sobre tres variables dependientes: conceptu...

  16. Coder Training aplicado a la investigación sobre la publicidad de alimentos


    González-Díaz, Cristina; Iglesias-García, Mar


    Tomando como punto de partida el manual de codificación (codebook), este estudio tiene como objetivo general plantear el proceso de trabajo y entrenamiento de los codificadores llevado a cabo para el abordaje de codificación y pilotaje de una plantilla de análisis, aplicado a un proyecto de investigación sobre la publicidad de alimentos. Los principales resultados apuntan a una modificación en la descripción de determinadas variables para ser mejor comprendidas por los codificadores, la neces...

  17. Notas sobre publicaciones medievales portuguesas

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    José Luis MARTÍN


    Full Text Available Contra lo que debiera suceder, la proximidad con Portugal no incita al conocimiento de su historia y son muy raros los manuales de Historia de España en los que se concede a la Edad Media Portuguesa la importancia que realmente tiene, y en los tratados de Historia Medieval Europea el espacio dedicado a Portugal es mínimo, al menos hasta la época de los Descubrimientos; por otra parte, son contados los medievalistas españoles que se interesan por la historia de Portugal. Ante estos silencios y ante la escasa presencia en las bibliotecas españolas de obras portuguesas el estudiante de historia puede pensar que el país vecino carece de medievalistas de relieve, que su historia medieval está por hacer... y nada más lejos de la realidad como intentaré probar en este breve comentario, sin ánimo exhaustivo, sobre algunas de las últimas publicaciones aparecidas en Portugal.

  18. Manual Therapy


    Hakgüder, Aral; Kokino, Siranuş


    Manual therapy has been used in the treatment of pain and dysfunction of spinal and peripheral joints for more than a hundred years. Manual medicine includes manipulation, mobilization, and postisometric relaxation techniques. The aim of manual therapy is to enhance restricted movement caused by blockage of joints keeping postural balance, restore function and maintain optimal body mechanics. Anatomic, biomechanical, and neurophysiological evaluations of the leucomotor system is essential for...

  19. Design/CPN. A Reference Manual

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen et. al, Kurt

    /CPN WWW pages. To speed up the access to the Design/CPN manuals we recommend to keep a local copy - which may be shared by all users in your organisation. In this way you do not need to go via our WWW server each time you need to look in a manual. For some of the largest manuals, we also supply files......Note: The manuals are available as PDF files . There are two sets of manuals - one for the Unix platform and another for the Mac platform. Each set of manual consists of: Tutorial (for the Design/CPN editor and simulator) Reference Manual (for the Design/CPN editor and simulator) Programmer......'s Manual (with Design/OA functions and Charts) Occurrence Graph Manual (integrated tutorial and reference manual) OE/OS Graph Manual (integrated tutorial and reference manual) Other Manuals (e.g. a short overview of CPN ML).   The Tutorial, Reference Manual and Programmer's Manual are made for Design...

  20. Caltrans : construction manual (United States)


    Caltrans intends this manual as a resource for all personnel engaged in contract administration. The manual establishes policies and procedures for the construction phase of Caltrans projects. However, this manual is not a contract document. It impos...

  1. CSTEM User Manual (United States)

    Hartle, M.; McKnight, R. L.


    This manual is a combination of a user manual, theory manual, and programmer manual. The reader is assumed to have some previous exposure to the finite element method. This manual is written with the idea that the CSTEM (Coupled Structural Thermal Electromagnetic-Computer Code) user needs to have a basic understanding of what the code is actually doing in order to properly use the code. For that reason, the underlying theory and methods used in the code are described to a basic level of detail. The manual gives an overview of the CSTEM code: how the code came into existence, a basic description of what the code does, and the order in which it happens (a flowchart). Appendices provide a listing and very brief description of every file used by the CSTEM code, including the type of file it is, what routine regularly accesses the file, and what routine opens the file, as well as special features included in CSTEM.

  2. Framework en estructuras con direccionamiento IPV6 sobre OSSTMM para la corrección de vulnerabilidades de seguridad en un laboratorio de la academia CISCO de la ESPOCH


    Martínez Santander, Carlos José


    Se elaboró una propuesta para realizar un Framework en estructuras con direccionamiento IPv6 sobre Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM) para la corrección de vulnerabilidades de seguridad en un laboratorio de Academia Local de redes (CISCO) de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo.Se recopilo tendencias sobre vulnerabilidades de seguridad, además de una experimentación, análisis y aplicación, para solucionar errores de seguridad en arquitecturas I...

  3. EMSL Operations Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foster, Nancy S.


    This manual is a general resource tool to assist EMSL users and Laboratory staff within EMSL locate official policy, practice and subject matter experts. It is not intended to replace or amend any formal Battelle policy or practice. Users of this manual should rely only on Battelle’s Standard Based Management System (SBMS) for official policy. No contractual commitment or right of any kind is created by this manual. Battelle management reserves the right to alter, change, or delete any information contained within this manual without prior notice.

  4. EMSL Operations Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foster, Nancy S.


    This manual is a general resource tool to assist EMSL users and Laboratory staff within EMSL locate official policy, practice and subject matter experts. It is not intended to replace or amend any formal Battelle policy or practice. Users of this manual should rely only on Battelle’s Standard Based Management System (SBMS) for official policy. No contractual commitment or right of any kind is created by this manual. Battelle management reserves the right to alter, change, or delete any information contained within this manual without prior notice.


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    Miguel Enrique Carvajal Vallejo


    Full Text Available Se presenta un recorrido epistémico por losartículos publicados en la revista AmericanJournal of Psychiatry (AJP —órgano de laAmerican Psychiatric Association (APA,institución que además de agrupar a la mayoríade psiquiatras norteamericanos, es la creadora delos manuales DSM (Diagnostic and StatisticalManual of Mental Disorders—, en los cuales, alocuparse de la histeria, puede observarse surecurso a conceptos freudianos referentes alsíntoma histérico. La revisión es iniciada en 1890y finalizada en el año 1980, cuando la publicacióndel DSM-III, evacúa toda teoría etiológica sobre elpadecimiento histérico, renunciando por tanto a lateoría psicoanalítica sobre la histeria, obteniendofinalmente una fragmentación de ella, a lo largo dedicho manual, en múltiples trastornos que sepresentan en ausencia de lesión orgánica.Algunas consecuencias para la psiquiatría, elpsicoanálisis y el paciente ―histérico‖ sonobservadas. El artículo es el resultado de lainvestigación ―Recorrido epistemológico de lateoría freudiana sobre la Histeria en la psiquiatríanorteamericana‖, realizado dentro de la «Maestríaen Investigación Psicoanalítica», de laUniversidad de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia // An epistemic overview of the papers published inthe American Journal of Psychiatry (AJP is herepresented. The AJP is an organ of the AmericanPsychiatric Association (APA, an institution thatgroups most of the American psychiatrists and thatis also the creator of the DSM (Diagnostic andStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In thesepapers, when considering hysteria, the appeal toFreudian concepts concerning the hystericalsymptom can be observed. The review begins in1890 and ends in 1980, when the publication ofDSM-III evacuates every aetiological theory aboutthe hysterical condition, refusing thepsychoanalytic theory of hysteria, gettingthroughout such manual a fragmentation of thephenomenon in multiple disorders that occur in

  6. INTRA/Mod3.2. Manual and code description. Volume 2 - User's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersson, Jenny; Edlund, O.; Hermann, J.; Johansson, Lise-Lotte


    The INTRA Manual consists of two volumes. Volume I of the manual is a thorough description of the code INTRA, the physical modelling of INTRA and the ruling numerics, and volume II, the User's Manual is an input description. This document, the User's Manual, Volume II, contains a detailed description of how to use INTRA, how to set up an input file, how to run INTRA and also post-processing

  7. Structures manual (United States)


    This manual was written as a guide for use by design personnel in the Vermont Agency of Transportation Structures Section. This manual covers the design responsibilities of the Section. It does not cover other functions that are a part of the Structu...

  8. Ciencias 2. Manual do Professor (Science Teacher's Manual). (United States)

    Raposo, Lucilia

    This is the teacher's manual for Ciencias 2, the second in a series of elementary science textbooks for Portuguese-speaking students. The student textbook contains 10 chapters and 57 activities. The teacher's manual presents an explanation of the educational goals and the organization of the content, Topics included are environment, the human,…

  9. Radiological Control Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This manual has been prepared by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory to provide guidance for site-specific additions, supplements, and clarifications to the DOE Radiological Control Manual. The guidance provided in this manual is based on the requirements given in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 835, Radiation Protection for Occupational Workers, DOE Order 5480.11, Radiation Protection for Occupational Workers, and the DOE Radiological Control Manual. The topics covered are (1) excellence in radiological control, (2) radiological standards, (3) conduct of radiological work, (4) radioactive materials, (5) radiological health support operations, (6) training and qualification, and (7) radiological records.

  10. Radiological Control Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This manual has been prepared by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory to provide guidance for site-specific additions, supplements, and clarifications to the DOE Radiological Control Manual. The guidance provided in this manual is based on the requirements given in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 835, Radiation Protection for Occupational Workers, DOE Order 5480.11, Radiation Protection for Occupational Workers, and the DOE Radiological Control Manual. The topics covered are (1) excellence in radiological control, (2) radiological standards, (3) conduct of radiological work, (4) radioactive materials, (5) radiological health support operations, (6) training and qualification, and (7) radiological records

  11. Egyptian Mythological Manuals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Jens Kristoffer Blach

    From the hands of Greek mythographers a great number of myths have survived along with philosophical discussions of their meaning and relevance for the Greeks. It is little known that something similar existed in ancient Egypt where temple libraries and archives held scholarly literature used...... by the native priesthood, much of which has only been published in recent years. As part of this corpus of texts, the ancient Egyptian mythological manuals offer a unique perspective on how the Egyptian priesthood structured and interpreted Egyptian myths. The thesis looks at the different interpretative...... techniques used in the Tebtunis Mythological Manual (Second century CE) and the Mythological Manual of the Delta (Sixth century BCE) and the place of these manuals within the larger corpus of priestly scholarly literature from ancient Egypt. To organize the wealth of local myths the manuals use model...

  12. Manual de Adiestramiento sobre Terapia de Rehidratacion Oral y Control de las Enfermedades Diarreicas (Oral Rehydration Therapy and the Control of Diarrheal Diseases). Training for Development. Peace Corps Information Collection & Exchange Training Manual No. T-53. (United States)

    Clark, Mari; And Others

    This Spanish-language manual was developed to train Peace Corps volunteers and other community health workers in Spanish-speaking countries in oral rehydration therapy (ORT) and the control of diarrheal diseases. Using a competency-based format, the manual contains three training modules (organized in seven sessions) that focus on interrelated…

  13. La minería manual en colombia: una comparación con américa latina


    Güiza Suárez, Leonardo


    En el mundo y particularmente en América Latina, la minería no mecanizada o manual ha sido utilizada como medio de sustento por los pobladores rurales en condiciones sociales desfavorables por lo que resulta importante conocer los aspectos socio-jurídicos que envuelven la actividad. Con el fin de llevar a cabo lo anterior, se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptivo sobre tres variables dependientes: conceptualización, legalidad y formalidad minera, cuyos datos se obtuvieron a través de ...

  14. Análise radiográfica da coluna cervical em indivíduos assintomáticos submetidos a tração manual Radiographic analysis of the cervical spine in healthy individuals submitted to manual traction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roger Burgo de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar, radiograficamente, o efeito da tração manual sobre o comprimento da coluna cervical. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Cinqüenta e cinco participantes de ambos os gêneros - 12 masculinos (22% e 43 femininos (78% - sem história de distúrbios cervicais contituíram a amostra deste estudo. Eles foram submetidos a dois procedimentos radiológicos, um antes e outro durante a tração manual sustentada por 120 segundos. As distâncias entre as bordas anteriores e posteriores da segunda à sétima vértebras cervicais foram mensuradas e comparadas antes e durante a tração manual. RESULTADOS: A mediana da distância anterior antes da tração foi de 8,40 cm e durante a tração aumentou para 8,50 cm (p=0,002. A mediana da distância posterior antes da tração foi de 8,35 cm e durante a tração aumentou para 8,50 cm (pOBJECTIVE: To evaluate radiographically the effect of manual traction on the length of the cervical spine in healthy individuals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample of the present study included 55 individuals - 12 men (22% and 43 women (78% - with no previous history of cervical disorders, submitted to two radiological procedures previously and during manual traction sustained for 120 seconds. Distances between the anterior and posterior edges from the second to the seventh cervical vertebrae were measured and compared before and during manual traction. RESULTS: The median of pre-traction anterior length was 8.40 cm, increasing to 8.50 cm during the traction (p=0.002; and the median of pre-traction posterior length was 8.35 cm, increasing to 8.50 cm during traction (p<0.001. CONCLUSION: Application of manual traction resulted in a statistically significant increase in the length the cervical spine in healthy individuals.

  15. INTRA/Mod3.2. Manual and code description. Volume 2 - User`s manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andersson, Jenny; Edlund, O.; Hermann, J.; Johansson, Lise-Lotte


    The INTRA Manual consists of two volumes. Volume I of the manual is a thorough description of the code INTRA, the physical modelling of INTRA and the ruling numerics, and volume II, the User`s Manual is an input description. This document, the User`s Manual, Volume II, contains a detailed description of how to use INTRA, how to set up an input file, how to run INTRA and also post-processing

  16. Camp Health Aide Manual = Manual para trabajadores de salud. (United States)

    Robinson, June Grube; And Others

    This bilingual manual serves as a textbook for migrant Camp Health Aides. Camp Health Aides are members of migrant labor camps enlisted to provide information about health and social services to migrant workers and their families. The manual is divided into 12 tabbed sections representing lessons. Teaching notes printed on contrasting paper…

  17. HVAC system operation manual of IMEF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baek, Sang Yeol; Park, Dae Kyu; Ahn, Sang Bok; Ju, Yong Sun.


    This manual is operation procedures of the IMEF(Irradiated Material Examination Facility) HVAC(Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) System. General operation procedures and test method of the IMEF HVAC system are described. The manual is as follows; 1. HVAC system operation manual 2. HVAC system management guide 3. HVAC system maintenance manual 4. HVAC system air velocity and flowrate measurement manual 5. HVAC system HEPA filter leak test manual 6. HVAC system charcoal filter leak test manual 7. HVAC system HEPA and charcoal filter exchange manual. (author). 8 tabs

  18. Factores biológicos asociados al retardo primario del lenguaje en niños menores de cinco años

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ileana Valdivia Álvarez

    Full Text Available Introducción: el retardo primario del lenguaje está presente entre 6 y 10 % de niños menores de 6 años, y constituye un frecuente motivo de consulta pediátrica, sobre el que se puede actuar, una vez conocidos los factores de riesgo. Objetivos: identificar factores biológicos o personales asociados al retardo primario del lenguaje, en niños entre 18 meses y 5 años de edad. Metodos: estudio analítico caso-control, en niños entre 18 meses y 5 años, atendidos en la Consulta de Neuropediatría del Hospital Pediátrico "Juan Manuel Márquez", por retardo del lenguaje, entre enero de 2010 y julio de 2011, en relación con un grupo control de niños sanos. Resultados: el retardo primario del lenguaje es más frecuente en varones a razón de 1:4,6, que son diagnosticados a una edad media de 3,05 (+0,95 años, con antecedentes familiares de retardo de lenguaje (p= 0,001 y enfermedades neuropsiquiátricas (p= 0,012. Presentaron más antecedentes de malformaciones, traumas y distermia al nacer (p= 0,007, y también mayor retardo en el desarrollo de la lateralidad (p= 0,025. Conclusiones: se consideran factores de riesgo para el retardo primario del lenguaje, el género masculino, los antecedentes familiares de trastornos del lenguaje y enfermedades neuropsiquiátricas, la lateralidad demorada y los eventos posnatales patológicos.

  19. A Manual of Style. (United States)

    Nebraska State Dept. of Education, Lincoln.

    This "Manual of Style" is offered as a guide to assist Nebraska State employees in producing quality written communications and in presenting a consistently professional image of government documents. The manual is not designed to be all-inclusive. Sections of the manual discuss formatting documents, memorandums, letters, mailing…

  20. MARS CODE MANUAL VOLUME III - Programmer's Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Bub Dong; Hwang, Moon Kyu; Jeong, Jae Jun; Kim, Kyung Doo; Bae, Sung Won; Lee, Young Jin; Lee, Won Jae


    Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute (KAERI) conceived and started the development of MARS code with the main objective of producing a state-of-the-art realistic thermal hydraulic systems analysis code with multi-dimensional analysis capability. MARS achieves this objective by very tightly integrating the one dimensional RELAP5/MOD3 with the multi-dimensional COBRA-TF codes. The method of integration of the two codes is based on the dynamic link library techniques, and the system pressure equation matrices of both codes are implicitly integrated and solved simultaneously. In addition, the Equation-Of-State (EOS) for the light water was unified by replacing the EOS of COBRA-TF by that of the RELAP5. This programmer's manual provides a complete list of overall information of code structure and input/output function of MARS. In addition, brief descriptions for each subroutine and major variables used in MARS are also included in this report, so that this report would be very useful for the code maintenance. The overall structure of the manual is modeled on the structure of the RELAP5 and as such the layout of the manual is very similar to that of the RELAP. This similitude to RELAP5 input is intentional as this input scheme will allow minimum modification between the inputs of RELAP5 and MARS3.1. MARS3.1 development team would like to express its appreciation to the RELAP5 Development Team and the USNRC for making this manual possible

  1. Quality Manual (United States)

    Koch, Michael

    The quality manual is the “heart” of every management system related to quality. Quality assurance in analytical laboratories is most frequently linked with ISO/IEC 17025, which lists the standard requirements for a quality manual. In this chapter examples are used to demonstrate, how these requirements can be met. But, certainly, there are many other ways to do this.

  2. SHARP User Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, Y. Q. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Shemon, E. R. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Thomas, J. W. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Mahadevan, Vijay S. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Rahaman, Ronald O. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Solberg, Jerome [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    SHARP is an advanced modeling and simulation toolkit for the analysis of nuclear reactors. It is comprised of several components including physical modeling tools, tools to integrate the physics codes for multi-physics analyses, and a set of tools to couple the codes within the MOAB framework. Physics modules currently include the neutronics code PROTEUS, the thermal-hydraulics code Nek5000, and the structural mechanics code Diablo. This manual focuses on performing multi-physics calculations with the SHARP ToolKit. Manuals for the three individual physics modules are available with the SHARP distribution to help the user to either carry out the primary multi-physics calculation with basic knowledge or perform further advanced development with in-depth knowledge of these codes. This manual provides step-by-step instructions on employing SHARP, including how to download and install the code, how to build the drivers for a test case, how to perform a calculation and how to visualize the results. Since SHARP has some specific library and environment dependencies, it is highly recommended that the user read this manual prior to installing SHARP. Verification tests cases are included to check proper installation of each module. It is suggested that the new user should first follow the step-by-step instructions provided for a test problem in this manual to understand the basic procedure of using SHARP before using SHARP for his/her own analysis. Both reference output and scripts are provided along with the test cases in order to verify correct installation and execution of the SHARP package. At the end of this manual, detailed instructions are provided on how to create a new test case so that user can perform novel multi-physics calculations with SHARP. Frequently asked questions are listed at the end of this manual to help the user to troubleshoot issues.

  3. SHARP User Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Y. Q.; Shemon, E. R.; Thomas, J. W.; Mahadevan, Vijay S.; Rahaman, Ronald O.; Solberg, Jerome


    SHARP is an advanced modeling and simulation toolkit for the analysis of nuclear reactors. It is comprised of several components including physical modeling tools, tools to integrate the physics codes for multi-physics analyses, and a set of tools to couple the codes within the MOAB framework. Physics modules currently include the neutronics code PROTEUS, the thermal-hydraulics code Nek5000, and the structural mechanics code Diablo. This manual focuses on performing multi-physics calculations with the SHARP ToolKit. Manuals for the three individual physics modules are available with the SHARP distribution to help the user to either carry out the primary multi-physics calculation with basic knowledge or perform further advanced development with in-depth knowledge of these codes. This manual provides step-by-step instructions on employing SHARP, including how to download and install the code, how to build the drivers for a test case, how to perform a calculation and how to visualize the results. Since SHARP has some specific library and environment dependencies, it is highly recommended that the user read this manual prior to installing SHARP. Verification tests cases are included to check proper installation of each module. It is suggested that the new user should first follow the step-by-step instructions provided for a test problem in this manual to understand the basic procedure of using SHARP before using SHARP for his/her own analysis. Both reference output and scripts are provided along with the test cases in order to verify correct installation and execution of the SHARP package. At the end of this manual, detailed instructions are provided on how to create a new test case so that user can perform novel multi-physics calculations with SHARP. Frequently asked questions are listed at the end of this manual to help the user to troubleshoot issues.

  4. Evaluation of manual and automatic manually triggered ventilation performance and ergonomics using a simulation model. (United States)

    Marjanovic, Nicolas; Le Floch, Soizig; Jaffrelot, Morgan; L'Her, Erwan


    In the absence of endotracheal intubation, the manual bag-valve-mask (BVM) is the most frequently used ventilation technique during resuscitation. The efficiency of other devices has been poorly studied. The bench-test study described here was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of an automatic, manually triggered system, and to compare it with manual BVM ventilation. A respiratory system bench model was assembled using a lung simulator connected to a manikin to simulate a patient with unprotected airways. Fifty health-care providers from different professional groups (emergency physicians, residents, advanced paramedics, nurses, and paramedics; n = 10 per group) evaluated manual BVM ventilation, and compared it with an automatic manually triggered device (EasyCPR). Three pathological situations were simulated (restrictive, obstructive, normal). Standard ventilation parameters were recorded; the ergonomics of the system were assessed by the health-care professionals using a standard numerical scale once the recordings were completed. The tidal volume fell within the standard range (400-600 mL) for 25.6% of breaths (0.6-45 breaths) using manual BVM ventilation, and for 28.6% of breaths (0.3-80 breaths) using the automatic manually triggered device (EasyCPR) (P < .0002). Peak inspiratory airway pressure was lower using the automatic manually triggered device (EasyCPR) (10.6 ± 5 vs 15.9 ± 10 cm H2O, P < .001). The ventilation rate fell consistently within the guidelines, in the case of the automatic manually triggered device (EasyCPR) only (10.3 ± 2 vs 17.6 ± 6, P < .001). Significant pulmonary overdistention was observed when using the manual BVM device during the normal and obstructive sequences. The nurses and paramedics considered the ergonomics of the automatic manually triggered device (EasyCPR) to be better than those of the manual device. The use of an automatic manually triggered device may improve ventilation efficiency and decrease the risk of

  5. Poda e raleio manual de tangerineira (Citrus deliciosa Tenore) cv. Montenegrina no Sudoeste do Paraná


    Rosa, Rafael Dalla; Nava, Gilmar Antônio; Piva, André Luiz; Mezzalira, Éder Júnior; Paulus, Dalva


    O bom calibre e a coloração adequada dos frutos cítricos para consumo in natura são importantes fatores de qualidade que elevam o seu consumo e melhoram os preços do produto. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes intensidades de raleio manual dos frutos e da poda sobre a produção e qualidade dos frutos da tangerina Montenegrina. O experimento foi realizado em pomar comercial no município de Dois Vizinhos, no Sudoeste do Paraná. O experimento bifatorial (raleio x poda...

  6. Fuel Element Technical Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burley, H.H. [ed.


    It is the purpose of the Fuel Element Technical Manual to Provide a single document describing the fabrication processes used in the manufacture of the fuel element as well as the technical bases for these processes. The manual will be instrumental in the indoctrination of personnel new to the field and will provide a single data reference for all personnel involved in the design or manufacture of the fuel element. The material contained in this manual was assembled by members of the Engineering Department and the Manufacturing Department at the Hanford Atomic Products Operation between the dates October, 1955 and June, 1956. Arrangement of the manual. The manual is divided into six parts: Part I--introduction; Part II--technical bases; Part III--process; Part IV--plant and equipment; Part V--process control and improvement; and VI--safety.

  7. Radiological control manual. Revision 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kloepping, R.


    This Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Radiological Control Manual (LBNL RCM) has been prepared to provide guidance for site-specific additions, supplements and interpretation of the DOE Radiological Control Manual. The guidance provided in this manual is one methodology to implement the requirements given in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 835 (10 CFR 835) and the DOE Radiological Control Manual. Information given in this manual is also intended to provide demonstration of compliance to specific requirements in 10 CFR 835. The LBNL RCM (Publication 3113) and LBNL Health and Safety Manual Publication-3000 form the technical basis for the LBNL RPP and will be revised as necessary to ensure that current requirements from Rules and Orders are represented. The LBNL RCM will form the standard for excellence in the implementation of the LBNL RPP.

  8. Radiological control manual. Revision 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kloepping, R.


    This Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Radiological Control Manual (LBNL RCM) has been prepared to provide guidance for site-specific additions, supplements and interpretation of the DOE Radiological Control Manual. The guidance provided in this manual is one methodology to implement the requirements given in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 835 (10 CFR 835) and the DOE Radiological Control Manual. Information given in this manual is also intended to provide demonstration of compliance to specific requirements in 10 CFR 835. The LBNL RCM (Publication 3113) and LBNL Health and Safety Manual Publication-3000 form the technical basis for the LBNL RPP and will be revised as necessary to ensure that current requirements from Rules and Orders are represented. The LBNL RCM will form the standard for excellence in the implementation of the LBNL RPP

  9. CRISP instrument manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bucknall, D.G.; Langridge, Sean


    This document is a user manual for CRISP, one of the two neutron reflectomers at ISIS. CRISP is highly automated allowing precision reproducible measurements. The manual provides detailed instructions for the setting-up and running of the instrument and advice on data analysis. (UK)

  10. Salinas : theory manual.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walsh, Timothy Francis; Reese, Garth M.; Bhardwaj, Manoj Kumar


    This manual describes the theory behind many of the constructs in Salinas. For a more detailed description of how to use Salinas , we refer the reader to Salinas, User's Notes. Many of the constructs in Salinas are pulled directly from published material. Where possible, these materials are referenced herein. However, certain functions in Salinas are specific to our implementation. We try to be far more complete in those areas. The theory manual was developed from several sources including general notes, a programer-notes manual, the user's notes and of course the material in the open literature.

  11. PCs The Missing Manual

    CERN Document Server

    Karp, David


    Your vacuum comes with one. Even your blender comes with one. But your PC--something that costs a whole lot more and is likely to be used daily and for tasks of far greater importance and complexity--doesn't come with a printed manual. Thankfully, that's not a problem any longer: PCs: The Missing Manual explains everything you need to know about PCs, both inside and out, and how to keep them running smoothly and working the way you want them to work. A complete PC manual for both beginners and power users, PCs: The Missing Manual has something for everyone. PC novices will appreciate the una

  12. John Dewey e os embates sobre a psicologia do número

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafaela Silva Rabelo

    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente artigo teve como foco as representações de John Dewey acerca da educação matemática. Especificamente, teve como objetivo explorar as representações de Dewey sobre o ensino de aritmética e o conceito de número, com base em textos que escreveu após a publicação do manual The psychology of number (TPN, do qual foi coautor. Subsidiaram a análise duas cartas de Dewey em resposta a críticas feitas ao TPN e uma resenha. Alguns dos conceitos mobilizados foram representação, campo e lugar social/institucional, com base em Roger Chartier, Michel de Certeau e Pierre Bourdieu. Ficaram evidentes as disputas entre campos, principalmente entre psicologia e matemática, na determinação de quem possui legitimidade para arbitrar sobre o ensino de aritmética. Também transparecem representações de Dewey acerca da educação matemática, sendo que ele reiterou algumas posições presentes no TPN, como a natureza psíquica do número e a relação com os conceitos de medida e razão.

  13. Eco-Innovation Manual

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    O'Hare, Jamie Alexander; McAloone, Tim C.; Pigosso, Daniela Cristina Antelmi

    Aim of this manual is to introduce a methodology for the implementation of eco‐innovation within small and medium sized companies in developing and emerging economies. The intended audience of this manual is organizations that provide professional services to guide and support manufacturing compa...... companies to improve their sustainability performance....

  14. Relación entre Capacidad Aeróbica e Índices Antropométricos en los Trabajadores Manuales Venezolanos


    Francisco José Burgos Navarrete; Evelin Escalona


    Al iniciar el presente estudio no se encontró literatura nacional sobre data antropométrica de los trabajadores manuales venezolanos, que determinase la relación entre la potencia aeróbica o capacidad aeróbica relativa (mlO2/kg-min), ni la capacidad aeróbica absoluta (kcal/min) vs los índices antropométricos: edad, estatura, sexo, masa corporal, perímetro abdominal, índice de masa corporal, frecuencia cardíaca después del ejercicio. En este contexto el objetivo de esta investigación fue deter...

  15. FINAS. Example manual. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwata, Koji; Tsukimori, Kazuyuki; Ueno, Mutsuo


    FINAS is a general purpose structural analysis computer program which was developed by Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute for the analysis of static, dynamic and thermal responses of elastic and inelastic structures by the finite element method. This manual contains typical analysis examples that illustrate applications of FINAS to a variety of structural engineering problems. The first part of this manual presents fundamental examples in which numerical solutions by FINAS are compared with some analytical reference solutions, and the second part of this manual presents more complex examples intended for practical application. All the input data images and principal results for each problem are included in this manual for beginners' convenience. All the analyses are performed by using the FINAS Version 13.0. (author)

  16. Biosafety Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    King, Bruce W.


    Work with or potential exposure to biological materials in the course of performing research or other work activities at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) must be conducted in a safe, ethical, environmentally sound, and compliant manner. Work must be conducted in accordance with established biosafety standards, the principles and functions of Integrated Safety Management (ISM), this Biosafety Manual, Chapter 26 (Biosafety) of the Health and Safety Manual (PUB-3000), and applicable standards and LBNL policies. The purpose of the Biosafety Program is to protect workers, the public, agriculture, and the environment from exposure to biological agents or materials that may cause disease or other detrimental effects in humans, animals, or plants. This manual provides workers; line management; Environment, Health, and Safety (EH&S) Division staff; Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) members; and others with a comprehensive overview of biosafety principles, requirements from biosafety standards, and measures needed to control biological risks in work activities and facilities at LBNL.

  17. ACT Plan: Technical Manual. 2013/2014 (United States)

    ACT, Inc., 2013


    This manual contains information about the American College Test (ACT) Plan® program. The principal focus of this manual is to document the Plan program's technical adequacy in light of its intended purposes. This manual supersedes the 2011 edition. The content of this manual responds to requirements of the testing industry as established in the…

  18. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis


    Londoño, Fabio


    Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  19. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Londoño


    Full Text Available Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  20. Las inteligencias múltiples en los manuales de ELE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pons Dasí, Victoria


    Full Text Available Suplemento del número 16 de marcoELE (enero - junio de 2013 Este trabajo tiene como objetivo conocer en qué medida aparecen las inteligencias múltiples en el aula de ELE y cuál es el enfoque que mayor variedad de ellas incluye en sus propuestas de trabajo. Con este fin se ha revisado la Teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples de Gardner, así como las aportaciones de otros autores, y sobre esa base, se ha analizado en profundidad una muestra de actividades de cuatro manuales de ELE representativos de distintos enfoques: dos comunicativos y dos con un tratamiento más estructural. Así, hemos comprobado por un lado, la diferencia en el uso de las inteligencias en relación al modelo de enseñanza, y por el otro, como cabría esperar, que es la inteligencia lingüística la que predomina en todos ellos. Pero también, cómo las diferentes inteligencias pueden apoyar a la comprensión y a la memorización de los contenidos lingüísticos, actuando como elemento motivador y facilitador en la adquisición de la lengua. Por último, se exponen algunas propuestas didácticas para completar las carencias de los manuales a este respecto que, a modo de actividades e ideas extra adaptadas a la secuencia didáctica del libro, representan un ejemplo de fácil aplicación para la clase.

  1. GRACE manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishikawa, T.; Kawabata, S.; Shimizu, Y.; Kaneko, T.; Kato, K.; Tanaka, H.


    This manual is composed of three kinds of objects, theoretical background for calculating the cross section of elementary process, usage and technical details of the GRACE system. Throughout this manual we take the tree level process e + e - → W + W - γ as an example, including the e ± -scalar boson interactions. The real FORTRAN source code for this process is attached in the relevant sections as well as the results of calculation, which might be a great help for understanding the practical use of the system. (J.P.N.)

  2. EML procedures manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Volchok, H.L.; de Planque, G.


    This manual contains the procedures that are used currently by the Environmental Measurements Laboratory of the US Department of Energy. In addition a number of analytical methods from other laboratories have been included. These were tested for reliability at the Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratory under contract with the Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research of the AEC. These methods are clearly distinguished. The manual is prepared in loose leaf form to facilitate revision of the procedures and inclusion of additional procedures or data sheets. Anyone receiving the manual through EML should receive this additional material automatically. The contents are as follows: (1) general; (2) sampling; (3) field measurements; (4) general analytical chemistry; (5) chemical procedures; (6) data section; (7) specifications

  3. Algunos aspectos de los manuales de mercaduría. El valor del aprendizaje. La pereza es llave de la pobreza

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caunedo del Potro, Betsabé


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to present some key aspects of the learning of the merchant’s trade that appear closely linked in various mediaeval merchants’ manuals. With very illustrative titles, their aim was to produce able merchants deserving of success. For that purpose, they provided rigorous and necessary mercantile information, they demonstrated techniques that were considered essential and they also presented a set of precepts, rules and recommendations relative to attitudes and behaviour, which should and could be learnt. Putting all this into practice would assist the emerging merchant class in obtaining the benevolence of society and their definitive social redemption, while reinforcing their coherence as a group. Mentioned among these merchants’ manuals is a brief fragment from a hitherto unknown Portuguese manual for merchants, on which there is still work to be done.El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar algunos aspectos claves del aprendizaje mercantil que aparecen indisolublemente ligados en diferentes manuales de mercaduría medievales. Con títulos muy esclarecedores, pretendieron la forja de un buen mercader merecedor de éxito. Para ello, le proporcionan una información mercantil rigurosa y necesaria, le muestran unas técnicas consideradas imprescindibles, pero también un conjunto de preceptos, reglas y recomendaciones relativas a su forma de comportamiento, que podían y debían aprenderse. Su práctica ayudaría al nuevo grupo mercantil a conseguir la benevolencia de la sociedad y su definitiva redención social a la vez que reforzaba su coherencia grupal. Entre estos manuales de mercaduría se menciona un brevísimo fragmento de un hasta ahora desconocido manual para mercaderes portugués, sobre el que es necesario seguir trabajando.

  4. Partners Plus: Families and Caregivers in Partnerships. A Family-Centered Guide to Respite Care. Trainer's Workshop Manual [and] Community Planning Manual [and] A Family Manual [and] Caregiver Manual. (United States)

    Ownby, Lisa L.; Hooke, Amanda C.; Moore, Dee Wylie; Garland, Corinne W.; Frank, Adrienne

    Four manuals on implementing the Partners Respite Model, which provides respite care for children with disabilities or chronic illnesses, comprise this document. The Community Planning Manual offers a step-by-step guide to replication of the Partners Respite Model and is divided into sections on developing the Partners program, implementing the…

  5. Trabalho, classe trabalhadora e proletariado ensaio sobre as contradições e crises do capitalismo contemporâneo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrián Sotelo Valencia


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute de forma concisa conceitos chaves do modo de produção capitalista, apartir de O Capital de Karl Marx. Parte-se da premissa que há em O Capital uma unidadelógica, senão dialética, para compreender suas categorias, conceitos e suas leisfundamentais, para relacioná-las com o processo histórico-social do modo de produçãocapitalista. Desta forma, confronta-se O Capital em uma perspectiva de totalidade com atese e concepções desenvolvidas por Ségio Lessa, demonstrando seu caráter sumamente,débil e carente de elementos de demonstração, pois incapaz de pensar a obra marxiana emsua unidade e totalidade. Expõe-se a profundidade das categorias de O Capital sobre oprocesso de exploração do capital sobre o trabalho, visando recolocar o problema dotrabalho produtivo e improdutivo, manual e intelectual, concreto e abstrato nos verdadeirossentidos marxianos.

  6. The ISIS Open GENIE user manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akeroyd, F.A.; Ashworth, R.L.; Campbell, S.I.; Johnston, S.D.; Martin, J.M.; Moreton-Smith, C.M.; Sivia, D.S.


    This manual should enable you to become familiar with Open GENIE quickly and easily. It therefore complements the Open GENIE Reference Manual which should be used to understand the full meaning of Open GENIE commands. The reference manual is accessible on the ISIS web server at: and the user manual is planned to be accessible by January '98 at The Open GENIE User Manual is separated into two parts: Part A. The User Manual. An introduction to the use of Open GENIE. Part B. The Installation Guide. General information on how to install and run Open GENIE. Assuming that you are new to Open GENIE and have just downloaded a copy you will need to consult the Installation Guide to get Open GENIE installed on your machine. After this we recommend you experiment with some of the example files to get an idea of the capabilities of Open GENIE. For further information, comments, additions of routines that you feel should be included, please contact us at genie at

  7. The operation and maintenance manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stoll, A.; Krotil, H.; Klein, W.


    The operating manual is one of many technical documents which the nuclear power plant operator needs for ensuring safe operation. For the operating staff, however, there is only one document, namely the operating manual. The operating manual is an essential element in bringing man and machine in harmony. This is necessary for safe and, as far as possible, uninterrupted operation of the power plant. The operating manual is the only document containing binding instructions for plant operation. All the tasks of plant operation which are carried out by plant staff are described in the operating manual in a form which is as clear and comprehensible as possible. A considerable number of these tasks can only be carried out by man, namely: 1) tasks concerning operational organization, 2) all non-automated areas of plant operation. (orig./TK) [de

  8. Fire Protection Program Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharry, J A


    This manual documents the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Fire Protection Program. Department of Energy (DOE) Orders 420.1B, Facility Safety, requires LLNL to have a comprehensive and effective fire protection program that protects LLNL personnel and property, the public and the environment. The manual provides LLNL and its facilities with general information and guidance for meeting DOE 420.1B requirements. The recommended readers for this manual are: fire protection officers, fire protection engineers, fire fighters, facility managers, directorage assurance managers, facility coordinators, and ES and H team members.

  9. ARS-Media for excel instruction manual (United States)

    ARS-Media for Excel Instruction Manual is the instruction manual that explains how to use the Excel spreadsheet ARS-Media for Excel application. ARS-Media for Excel Instruction Manual is provided as a pdf file....

  10. Salinas : theory manual.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walsh, Timothy Francis; Reese, Garth M.; Bhardwaj, Manoj Kumar


    Salinas provides a massively parallel implementation of structural dynamics finite element analysis, required for high fidelity, validated models used in modal, vibration, static and shock analysis of structural systems. This manual describes the theory behind many of the constructs in Salinas. For a more detailed description of how to use Salinas, we refer the reader to Salinas, User's Notes. Many of the constructs in Salinas are pulled directly from published material. Where possible, these materials are referenced herein. However, certain functions in Salinas are specific to our implementation. We try to be far more complete in those areas. The theory manual was developed from several sources including general notes, a programmer notes manual, the user's notes and of course the material in the open literature.

  11. TJ-II Library Manual (Version 2)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tribaldos, V.; Milligen, B. Ph. van; Lopez-Fraguas, A.


    This is a manual of use of the TJ2 Numerical Library that has been developed for making numerical computations of different TJ-II configurations. This manual is a new version of the earlier manual CIEMAT report 806. (Author)

  12. GERTS GQ User's Manual. (United States)

    Akiba, Y.; And Others

    This user's manual for the simulation program Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT) GQ contains sections on nodes, branches, program input description and format, and program output, as well as examples. Also included is a programmer's manual which contains information on scheduling, subroutine descriptions, COMMON Variables, and…

  13. Nuclear electronics laboratory manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Nuclear Electronics Laboratory Manual is a joint product of several electronics experts who have been associated with IAEA activity in this field for many years. The manual does not include experiments of a basic nature, such as characteristics of different active electronics components. It starts by introducing small electronics blocks, employing one or more active components. The most demanding exercises instruct a student in the design and construction of complete circuits, as used in commercial nuclear instruments. It is expected that a student who completes all the experiments in the manual should be in a position to design nuclear electronics units and also to understand the functions of advanced commercial instruments which need to be repaired or maintained. The future tasks of nuclear electronics engineers will be increasingly oriented towards designing and building the interfaces between a nuclear experiment and a computer. The manual pays tribute to this development by introducing a number of experiments which illustrate the principles and the technology of interfacing

  14. 14 CFR 121.141 - Airplane flight manual. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Airplane flight manual. 121.141 Section 121... REQUIREMENTS: DOMESTIC, FLAG, AND SUPPLEMENTAL OPERATIONS Manual Requirements § 121.141 Airplane flight manual. (a) Each certificate holder shall keep a current approved airplane flight manual for each type of...

  15. Nosotros y otros en manuales escolares de geografía de Colombia (1970-199

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Cerón Rengifo


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de examinar la identificación de la población hecha en los manuales escolares de las ciencias sociales, se realizó un estudio sobre las construcciones del nosotros y los otros, en una muestra de manuales escolares de geografía de Colombia, destinados a la educación secundaria y publicados entre 1970-1990. Se trabajó con herramientas metodológicas propuestas por Van Dijk (2008 y Wodak (2003, para estudiar el discurso ideológico de identidad de los grupos sociales, a partir del seguimiento a la representación positiva del nosotros y negativa de los otros. Se encontró el fomento de una identidad nacional homogénea culturalmente, y una clasificación jerarquizada de la población mediante categorías basadas en la idea de raza, la posición social y el territorio. El gobierno y las élites, conformadas por blancos, urbanos y ricos que habitan el altiplano cundi-boyacense, son denominados como el nosotros y representados en forma positiva, mientras la población categorizada como campesino, pueblo, indio, negro, mulato, zambo, es delimitada como los otros y se representa negativamente.

  16. Oil Spill Response Manual

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marieke Zeinstra; Sandra Heins; Wierd Koops


    A two year programme has been carried out by the NHL University of Applied Sciences together with private companies in the field of oil and chemical spill response to finalize these manuals on oil and chemical spill response. These manuals give a good overview of all aspects of oil and chemical

  17. 46 CFR 160.176-21 - User manuals. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false User manuals. 160.176-21 Section 160.176-21 Shipping...: SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROVAL LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT Inflatable Lifejackets § 160.176-21 User manuals. (a) The manufacturer must develop a user's manual for each model of inflatable lifejacket. The content of the manual...

  18. US Department of Energy radiological control manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This manual establishes practices for the conduct of Department of Energy radiological control activities. The Manual states DOE's positions and views on the best courses of action currently available in the area of radiological controls. Accordingly, the provisions in the Manual should be viewed by contractors as an acceptable technique, method or solution for fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. This Manual shall be used by DOE in evaluating the performance of its contractors. This Manual is not a substitute for Regulations; it is intended to be consistent with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements and shall be revised whenever necessary to ensure such consistency. Some of the Manual provisions, however, challenge the user to go well beyond minimum requirements. Following the course of action delineated in the Manual will result in achieving and surpassing related statutory or regulatory requirements

  19. Technical Manual: 2002 Series GED Tests (United States)

    Ezzelle, Carol; Setzer, J. Carl


    This manual was written to provide technical information regarding the 2002 Series GED (General Educational Development) Tests. Throughout this manual, documentation is provided regarding the development of the GED Tests, data collection activities, as well as reliability and validity evidence. The purpose of this manual is to provide evidence…

  20. Technical Manual. The ACT® (United States)

    ACT, Inc., 2014


    This manual contains technical information about the ACT® college readiness assessment. The principal purpose of this manual is to document the technical characteristics of the ACT in light of its intended purposes. ACT regularly conducts research as part of the ongoing formative evaluation of its programs. The research is intended to ensure that…

  1. Relación entre eficacia, lateralidad y zona de lanzamiento del penalti en función del nivel de competición en fútbol. (Relationship between efficacy, laterality of foot strike, and shot zone of the penalty in relation to competition level in soccer.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel López-Montero


    Full Text Available ResumenEl objetivo del presente trabajo fue conocer cómo varía la lateralidad, la zona de lanzamiento y la eficacia del penalti en lanzadores especialistas profesionales de fútbol en función del nivel de la competición. La muestra estudiada fue de 642 penaltis de competiciones profesionales españolas de 1ª División, 2ª División A, y 2ª División B de las temporadas 2004/2005, 2005/2006 y 2006/2007. Se realizó un diseño de investigación descriptivo correlacional intra e intergrupo. Las variables objeto de estudio fueron: resultado del lanzamiento (gol, parado, poste, y fuera, lateralidad del lanzador, zona de destino, y nivel de competición (1ª División, 2ª División A, y 2ª División B. Se realizó un análisis de los datos descriptivo e inferencial (Test de Chi-cuadrado y tablas de contingencia. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se pueden extraer las siguientes conclusiones: los lanzadores de penalti analizados obtienen gol en siete de cada 10 lanzamientos. Los diestros tienden a lanzar a la derecha del portero, y los zurdos a la izquierda del portero. Tanto diestros como zurdos son más efectivos lanzando a la derecha del portero. Los lanzamientos dirigidos a las zonas altas presentan un 10% mayor de eficacia que los lanzamientos dirigidos a las zonas bajas. Ninguno de los lanzamientos dirigidos a las zonas altas de la portería fue parado por el portero. A menor nivel de la competición, menos lanzamientos a las zonas altas.AbstractThe purpose of this paper was to study the relationship between competition level, laterality of foot strike, and shot zone on penalty efficacy in professional penalty-taking specialist football players. A total of 642 penalty shots from the Spanish professional divisions (first, second, and third levels of competition in the 2004-2005, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 seasons were analyzed. A descriptive and correlational intra- and inter-group study design was used. The variables studied were: shot

  2. Environment, safety, and health manual, closeout report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A coordination draft of the Environment, Safety, and Health (ES and H) manual was submitted on 2 September 1975. Comments provided by Operational Safety personnel were being incorporated by a task team when the effort was terminated on 31 October 1975. This report documents the development history of the manual and provides a status of the manual up to the time the efforts were discontinued. Also discussed are issues which effect completion of the manual. Additionally a plan for completion of the manual is suggested

  3. Efecto de la aplicación de bioactivadores y del raleo manual de frutos sobre el rendimiento y la calidad de melón (Cucumis melo L. bajo cultivo protegido en Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tania Alvarado-Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del raleo manual de frutos y de la aplicación de los bioactivadores Algamix y Engordone sobre el rendimiento y la calidad del melón amarillo var. JMX-902. No se encontraron diferencias significativas con respecto a la firmeza del fruto, concentración de sólidos solubles totales, peso del fruto, rendimiento total, peso del fruto comercializable, rendimiento comercializable, y rendimiento por planta. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos para el número de frutos por planta; las plantas tratadas con solo Engordone y solo Algamix presentaron mayor número de frutos por planta con respecto a otros tratamientos, pero estos resultados no fueron distintos de los del Testigo. Se encontraron diferencias significativas al distribuir la producción según distintas categorías de peso; el rendimiento de frutos de melón con un peso de entre 601-800 gramos fue superior en plantas tratadas con solo Algamix respecto a los demás tratamientos; el rendimiento de frutos de melón con un peso de entre 801-1000 gramos fue superior en plantas tratadas con solo Engordone respecto a los demás tratamientos.

  4. Marketing Research. Instructor's Manual. (United States)

    Small Business Administration, Washington, DC.

    Prepared for the Administrative Management Course Program, this instructor's manual was developed to serve small-business management needs. The sections of the manual are as follows: (1) Lesson Plan--an outline of material covered, which may be used as a teaching guide, presented in two columns: the presentation, and a step-by-step indication of…

  5. Indoor Air Quality Manual. (United States)

    Baldwin Union Free School District, NY.

    This manual identifies ways to improve a school's indoor air quality (IAQ) and discusses practical actions that can be carried out by school staff in managing air quality. The manual includes discussions of the many sources contributing to school indoor air pollution and the preventive planning for each including renovation and repair work,…

  6. 25 CFR 175.5 - Operations manual. (United States)


    ... Provisions § 175.5 Operations manual. (a) The Area Director shall establish an operations manual for the... Director shall amend the operations manual as needed. (b) The public shall be notified by the Area Director... shall be published in local newspaper(s) of general circulation, posted at the utility office(s), and...

  7. AFM-CMM integrated instrument user manual

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marinello, Francesco; Bariani, Paolo

    This manual gives general important guidelines for a proper use of the integrated AFM-CMM instrument. More information can be collected reading: • N. Kofod Ph.D thesis [1]; • P. Bariani Ph.D thesis [2]; • Dualscope DME 95-200 operation manuals [3]; • SPIP help [4] • Stitching software user manual...

  8. Regulations and Procedures Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Young, Lydia J. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    The purpose of the Regulations and Procedures Manual (RPM) is to provide LBNL personnel with a reference to University and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL or Laboratory) policies and regulations by outlining normal practices and answering most policy questions that arise in the day-to-day operations of Laboratory organizations. Much of the information in this manual has been condensed from detail provided in LBNL procedure manuals, Department of Energy (DOE) directives, and Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231. This manual is not intended, however, to replace any of those documents. RPM sections on personnel apply only to employees who are not represented by unions. Personnel policies pertaining to employees represented by unions may be found in their labor agreements. Questions concerning policy interpretation should be directed to the LBNL organization responsible for the particular policy. A link to the Managers Responsible for RPM Sections is available on the RPM home page. If it is not clear which organization is responsible for a policy, please contact Requirements Manager Lydia Young or the RPM Editor.

  9. Regulations and Procedures Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Young, Lydia [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    The purpose of the Regulations and Procedures Manual (RPM) is to provide Laboratory personnel with a reference to University and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory policies and regulations by outlining the normal practices and answering most policy questions that arise in the day-to-day operations of Laboratory departments. Much of the information in this manual has been condensed from detail provided in Laboratory procedure manuals, Department of Energy (DOE) directives, and Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231. This manual is not intended, however, to replace any of those documents. The sections on personnel apply only to employees who are not represented by unions. Personnel policies pertaining to employees represented by unions may be found in their labor agreements. Questions concerning policy interpretation should be directed to the department responsible for the particular policy. A link to the Managers Responsible for RPM Sections is available on the RPM home page. If it is not clear which department should be called, please contact the Associate Laboratory Director of Operations.

  10. Manual for subject analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document is one in a series of publications known as the ETDE/INIS Joint Reference Series and also constitutes a part of the ETDE Procedures Manual. It presents the rules, guidelines and procedures to be adopted by centers submitting input to the International Nuclear Information System (INIS) or the Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE). It is a manual for the subject analysis part of input preparation, meaning the selection, subject classification, abstracting and subject indexing of relevant publications, and is to be used in conjunction with the Thesauruses, Subject Categories documents and the documents providing guidelines for the preparation of abstracts. The concept and structure of the new manual are intended to describe in a logical and efficient sequence all the steps comprising the subject analysis of documents to be reported to INIS or ETDE. The manual includes new chapters on preparatory analysis, subject classification, abstracting and subject indexing, as well as rules, guidelines, procedures, examples and a special chapter on guidelines and examples for subject analysis in particular subject fields. (g.t.; a.n.)



    Guedes, Janesca Mansur; Bortoluzzi, Marília Guedes; Matte, Luciana Pauline; Andrade, Ciele Maria de; Zulpo, Nilciane Coppatti; Sebben, Vanessa; Tourinho Filho, Hugo


    RESUMO Introdução: O envelhecimento traz várias modificações, entre as quais o declínio progressivo das funções fisiológicas do organismo. Tanto o treino de força quanto um programa de resistência aeróbica são importantes para evitar o declínio funcional associado à idade. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de um programa de treinamento combinado de força e resistência aeróbica sobre a força de preensão manual, a massa muscular, a resistência e potência aeróbica de idosas. Métodos: Trinta e cinc...

  12. Effect of bio activators’ application and manual fruit thinning on yield and quality of melon (Cucumis melo L.) grown under protected cultivation in Costa Rica


    Alvarado-Sánchez, Tania; Monge-Pérez, José Eladio


    Se evaluó el efecto del raleo manual de frutos y de la aplicación de los bioactivadores Algamix y Engordone sobre el rendimiento y la calidad del melón amarillo var. JMX-902. No se encontraron diferencias significativas con respecto a la firmeza del fruto, concentración de sólidos solubles totales, peso del fruto, rendimiento total, peso del fruto comercializable, rendimiento comercializable, y rendimiento por planta. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos para el nú...

  13. Reconceptualising manual therapy skills in contemporary practice. (United States)

    Rabey, Martin; Hall, Toby; Hebron, Clair; Palsson, Thorvaldur Skuli; Christensen, Steffan Wittrup; Moloney, Niamh


    With conflicting evidence regarding the effectiveness of manual therapy calls have arisen within some quarters of the physiotherapy profession challenging the continued use of manual skills for assessment and treatment. A reconceptualisation of the importance of manual examination findings is put forward, based upon a contemporary understanding of pain science, rather than considering these skills only in terms of how they should "guide" manual therapy interventions. The place for manual examination findings within complex, multidimensional presentations is considered using vignettes describing the presentations of five people with low back pain. As part of multidimensional, individualised management, the balance of evidence relating to the effectiveness, mechanisms of action and rationale for manual skills is discussed. It is concluded that if manual examination and therapeutic skills are used in a manner consistent with a contemporary understanding of pain science, multidimensional patient profiles and a person-centred approach, their selective and judicious use still has an important role. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Intervención educativa comunitaria sobre la diabetes en el ámbito de la atención primaria A community diabetes educational intervention at the primary-care level

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Gladys Aráuz


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Ofrecer una alternativa de educación sobre la diabetes con la participación de pacientes, familiares y personal sanitario, adaptada a las condiciones locales y a las necesidades sentidas por estas personas. Métodos. Se describe la metodología utilizada en una intervención educativa comunitaria sobre la diabetes de tipo 2, dirigida al primer nivel de atención. El estudio se realizó en el área de salud de El Guarco, Costa Rica. En una primera etapa se hizo un estudio cualitativo sobre los conocimientos y prácticas de los pacientes y del personal sanitario en relación con la prevención y el tratamiento de la diabetes y sobre la disponibilidad de alimentos en la comunidad. A partir de estos resultados, se desarrolló la metodología educativa, para lo cual se diseñaron un manual y dos procesos de capacitación sobre la diabetes, uno dirigido al personal sanitario y otro a los pacientes. Además, se desarrollaron estrategias comunitarias para dar sostenibilidad al proceso educativo. Resultados. Se verificó que los pacientes no asocian el origen de la enfermedad con los antecedentes familiares ni el sobrepeso, que confunden los síntomas de hiperglucemia e hipoglucemia y que no hay homogeneidad en los mensajes de nutrición que reciben. Sobre la base del manual sobre diabetes, se capacitó al personal sanitario, cuyos conocimientos sobre el tratamiento y la prevención de la diabetes y sobre la metodología educativa mejoraron (promedio de 85%. A su vez, el personal sanitario capacitó a los pacientes diabéticos de su comunidad (edad: 57,0 ± 8,9 años, 92% mujeres, quienes mostraron después del curso una disminución de la glucemia, de 189 ± 79 mg/dL a 157 ± 48 mg/dL (P = 0,03, y de la hemoglobina glucosilada, de 11,3 ± 2,4% a 9,7 ± 2,3% (P = 0,05. No hubo cambios significativos del peso ni del perfil lipídico, a excepción de los triglicéridos, que disminuyeron (P = 0,04. Conclusiones. El nivel primario de atenci

  15. TRUBA User Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tereshchenko, M. A.; Castejon, F.; Cappa, A.


    The TRUBA (pipeline in Russian) code is a computational tool for studying the propagation of Gaussian-shaped microwave beams in a prescribed equilibrium plasma. This manual covers the basic material handed to use the implementation of TRUBA (version 3,4) interfaced with the numerical library of the TJ-II stellarator. The manual provides a concise theoretical background of the problem, specifications for setting up the input files and interpreting the output of the code, and some information useful in modifying TRUBA. (Author) 13 refs

  16. TRUBA User Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tereshchenko, M. A.; Castejon, F.; Cappa, A.


    The TRUBA (pipeline in Russian) code is a computational tool for studying the propagation of Gaussian-shaped microwave beams in a prescribed equilibrium plasma. This manual covers the basic material handed to use the implementation of TRUBA (version 3,4) interfaced with the numerical library of the TJ-II stellarator. The manual provides a concise theoretical background of the problem, specifications for setting up the input files and interpreting the output of the code, and some information useful in modifying TRUBA. (Author) 13 refs.

  17. Developing a Pupil Transportation Manual. (United States)

    Douglas, Dave


    District-level pupil transportation manuals that contain clear, concise information about objectives, policies, and regulations are a must. These manuals should also specify procedures concerning evaluation processes, personnel recruitment and selection, and the driver training program. (MLH)

  18. Representación discursiva sobre la homosexualidad en el manual diagnóstico y estadístico de trastornos mentales (revisión de 1995)




    En el presente artículo se resalta la construcción y significación discursiva que da el sistema DSM IV (Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de Trastornos Mentales) a la homosexualidad, entendiendo que el significado que hace referencia al contenido interno del discurso y a la significación concierne al contenido externo (visible). El método de investigación se concentra en el análisis de contenidos: discusión, críticas y descripción de la metodología constructiva del manual. La técnica que se ad...

  19. Determinación de cromo hexavalente sobre el crecimiento de Selenastrum capricornutum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovanna Lida Arboleda Díaz


    Full Text Available Sobre cultivos de Selenastrum capricornutum, se ensayaron algunas condiciones ambientales,como iluminación (continua y fotoperíodo, agitación (continua y manual y nutricionalescomo la relación nitrógeno y fósforo (N:P, 50:1 y 25:1 en el medio de cultivo. (En este casosobre el medio sugerido por la EPA (1994. La finalidad de estos experimentos era la de de-terminar y escoger las condiciones con las cuales se habría de trabajar en el laboratorio, tantopara el mantenimiento y propagación del cultivo como para la realización de pruebas de toxici-dad de Selenastrum capricornutumcon Cromo hexavalente (Cr+6 . Fue evidente que cada uno delos factores tuvo un efecto directo sobre el crecimiento, sin embargo en la selección de lascondiciones se debió tener en cuenta que los resultados fueron una suma de factores queinteractuaban de manera simultánea en el tiempo sobre los cultivos. Finalmente, los análisisllevaron a la selección de las condiciones de iluminación continua, con una intensidad de 4000Lux, agitación continua a 100 rpm y la relación N:P en el medio de cultivo de 50:1. Una vezfueron establecidas las condiciones con las que se debía trabajar en el laboratorio se procedióa realizar los ensayos de toxicidad, se determinó la CI50-72h (concentración inhibitoria cin-cuenta a las setenta y dos horas de Selenastrum capricornutumcon Cr+6, obteniendo la cartacontrol, y cuyo valor al tóxico de referencia fue de 0.127mg/l, con un coeficiente de variaciónde 18.6%, y con un intervalo de sensibilidad de 0.080-0.174mg/l.

  20. Missouri Highway Safety Manual Recalibration (United States)


    The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) is a national manual for analyzing the highway safety of various facilities, including rural roads, urban arterials, freeways, and intersections. The HSM was first published in 2010, and a 2014 supplement addressed fre...

  1. US Department of Energy Radiological Control Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This manual establishes practices for the conduct of radiological control activities. The Manual states DOE's positions and views on the best courses of action currently available in the area of radiological controls. Accordingly, the provisions in the Manual should be viewed by contractors as an acceptable technique, method or solution for fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. This Manual shall be used by DOE in evaluating the performance of its contractors. (VC)

  2. Reconceptualising manual therapy skills in contemporary practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rabey, Martin; Hall, Toby; Hebron, Clair


    With conflicting evidence regarding the effectiveness of manual therapy calls have arisen within some quarters of the physiotherapy profession challenging the continued use of manual skills for assessment and treatment. A reconceptualisation of the importance of manual examination findings is put...

  3. New highway accident location manual for Missouri. (United States)


    The Missouri HAL manual is used to identify, analyze, and correct high crash locations, and has not been updated since : 1999. This new edition brings the manual up to date, while incorporating the methodology of the national Highway Safety : Manual ...

  4. Aircraft operations management manual (United States)


    The NASA aircraft operations program is a multifaceted, highly diverse entity that directly supports the agency mission in aeronautical research and development, space science and applications, space flight, astronaut readiness training, and related activities through research and development, program support, and mission management aircraft operations flights. Users of the program are interagency, inter-government, international, and the business community. This manual provides guidelines to establish policy for the management of NASA aircraft resources, aircraft operations, and related matters. This policy is an integral part of and must be followed when establishing field installation policy and procedures covering the management of NASA aircraft operations. Each operating location will develop appropriate local procedures that conform with the requirements of this handbook. This manual should be used in conjunction with other governing instructions, handbooks, and manuals.

  5. ETAP user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Norio; Higuchi, Suminori.


    The event tree analysis technique has been used in Probabilistic Safety Assessment for LWRs to delineate various accident scenarios leading to core melt or containment failure and to evaluate their frequencies. This technique often requires manual preparation of event trees with iterative process and time-consuming work in data handling. For the purpose of reducing manual efforts in event tree analysis, we developed a new software package named ETAP (Event Tree Analysis Supporting Program) for event tree analysis. ETAP is an interactive PC-based program which has the ability to construct, update, document, and quantify event trees. Because of its fast running capability to quantify event trees, use of the EATP program can make it easy to perform the sensitivity studies on a variety of system/containment performance issues. This report provides a user's manual for ETAP, which describes the structure, installation, and use of EATP. This software runs on NEC/PC-9800 or compatible PCs that have a 640 KB memory and MS-DOS 2.11 or higher. (author)

  6. OASIS User Manual

    CERN Document Server

    Bojtar, L


    The OASIS system has been operational for years now. After a long development the project has reached a state where the number of features it provides exceeds largely what most of its users knows about. The author felt it was time to write a user manual explaining all the functionality of the viewer application. This document is a user manual, concentrating on the functionality of the viewer from the user’s point of view. There are already documents available on the project’s web site about the technical aspects at . There was an attempt to produce a tutorial on the viewer, but it didn’t get much further than the table of contents, that however is well thought. The structure of this user manual follows the same principle, the basic and most often used features are grouped together. Advanced or less often used features are described in a separate chapter. There is a second organizational principle, features belong to different levels: chann...

  7. Manually controlled neutron-activation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johns, R.A.; Carothers, G.A.


    A manually controlled neutron activation system, the Manual Reactor Activation System, was designed and built and has been operating at one of the Savannah River Plant's production reactors. With this system, samples can be irradiated for up to 24 hours and pneumatically transferred to a shielded repository for decay until their activity is low enough for them to be handled at a radiobench. The Manual Reactor Activation System was built to provide neutron activation of solid waste forms for the Alternative Waste Forms Leach Testing Program. Neutron activation of the bulk sample prior to leaching permits sensitive multielement radiometric analyses of the leachates

  8. Methane measurements manual; Handbok metanmaetningar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holmgren, Magnus Andreas (SP Technical research institute of Sweden, Boraas (Sweden))


    Emissions to air in different parts of the system may arise in biogas plants, where there is biological treatment of organic matter by anaerobic degradation, and during upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel. There are mainly four reasons why these emissions must be minimized. These are safety, greenhouse gas emissions, economy and smell. This manual gathers experience of several years of work with measurement of methane emissions from biogas and upgrading facilities. This work has been done mainly in the context of Swedish Waste Management's system of voluntary commitment. The purpose of this manual is to standardize methods and procedures when methane measurements are carried out so that the results are comparable between different providers. The main target group of the manual is measurement consultants performing such measurements. Calculation template in Excel is part of the manual, which further contributes to the measurements evaluated in a standardized way. The manual contains several examples which have been calculated in the accompanying Excel template. The handbook also contains a chapter mainly intended for facility staff, in which implementation of accurate leak detection is described, and where there are hints of a system of so-called intermediate inspections to detect leaks in time

  9. The minimal manual: is less really more?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lazonder, Adrianus W.; van der Meij, Hans


    Carroll, Smith-Kerker, Ford and Mazur-Rimetz (The minimal manual, Human-Computer Interaction , 3, 123-153, 1987) have introduced the minimal manual as an alternative to standard self-instruction manuals. While their research indicates strong gains, only a few attempts have been made to validate

  10. Efectos del nivel socioecómico de la zona de residencia sobre el proceso de estratificación social en Monterrey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricio Solís


    Full Text Available En este estudio exploramos los efectos de la composición socioeconómica de las áreas de residencia en el proceso de estratificación social de la ciudad de Monterrey. A partir de una versión modificada del modelo clásico de logro de estatus propuesto por Blau y Duncan, utilizamos modelos multinivel de regresión lineal y de tiempo al evento para probar algunas hipótesis sobre los efectos del nivel socioeconómico de la zona de residencia en ocho resultados educativos y ocupacionales: los años de escolaridad aprobados; la salida de la escuela; la entrada al primer trabajo la ocupación a los 21 años (o la primera ocupación si la entrada al trabajo ocurrió más tarde; la salida de una ocupación; y los cambios de trabajos hacia ocupaciones no manuales de alta calificación, no manuales de baja calificación y manuales. Los efectos son significativos en cinco de estos ocho resultados, lo cual sugiere que el nivel socioeconómico de la zona de residencia desempeña un papel importante de las trayectorias educativas y ocupacionales a lo largo del curso de la vida.

  11. Manual on indoor air quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diamond, R.C.; Grimsrud, D.T.


    This reference manual was prepared to assist electric utilities in helping homeowners, builders, and new home buyers to understand a broad range of issues related to indoor air quality. The manual is directed to technically knowledgeable persons employed by utility companies - the customer service or marketing representative, applications engineer, or technician - who may not have specific expertise in indoor air quality issues. In addition to providing monitoring and control techniques, the manual summarizes the link between pollutant concentrations, air exchange, and energy conservation and describes the characteristics and health effects of selected pollutants. Where technical information is too lengthy or complex for inclusion in this volume, reference sources are given. Information for this manual was gathered from technical studies, manufacturers' information, and other materials from professional societies, institutes, and associations. The aim has been to provide objective technical and descriptive information that can be used by utility personnel to make informed decisions about indoor air quality issues

  12. Manual on indoor air quality

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diamond, R.C.; Grimsrud, D.T.


    This reference manual was prepared to assist electric utilities in helping homeowners, builders, and new home buyers to understand a broad range of issues related to indoor air quality. The manual is directed to technically knowledgeable persons employed by utility companies - the customer service or marketing representative, applications engineer, or technician - who may not have specific expertise in indoor air quality issues. In addition to providing monitoring and control techniques, the manual summarizes the link between pollutant concentrations, air exchange, and energy conservation and describes the characteristics and health effects of selected pollutants. Where technical information is too lengthy or complex for inclusion in this volume, reference sources are given. Information for this manual was gathered from technical studies, manufacturers' information, and other materials from professional societies, institutes, and associations. The aim has been to provide objective technical and descriptive information that can be used by utility personnel to make informed decisions about indoor air quality issues.

  13. Manual for reactor produced radioisotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Radioisotopes find extensive applications in several fields including medicine, industry, agriculture and research. Radioisotope production to service different sectors of economic significance constitutes an important ongoing activity of many national nuclear programmes. Radioisotopes, formed by nuclear reactions on targets in a reactor or cyclotron, require further processing in almost all cases to obtain them in a form suitable for use. Specifications for final products and testing procedures for ensuring quality are also an essential part of a radioisotope production programme. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has compiled and published such information before for the benefit of laboratories of Member States. The first compilation, entitled Manual of Radioisotope Production, was published in 1966 (Technical Reports Series No. 63). A more elaborate and comprehensive compilation, entitled Radioisotope Production and Quality Control, was published in 1971 (Technical Reports Series No. 128). Both served as useful reference sources for scientists working in radioisotope production worldwide. The 1971 publication has been out of print for quite some time. The IAEA convened a consultants meeting to consider the need for compiling an updated manual. The consultants recommended the publication of an updated manual taking the following into consideration: significant changes have taken place since 1971 in many aspects of radioisotope production; many radioisotopes have been newly introduced while many others have become gradually obsolete; considerable experience and knowledge have been gained in production of important radioisotopes over the years, which can be preserved through compilation of the manual; there is still a need for a comprehensive manual on radioisotope production methods for new entrants to the field, and as a reference. It was also felt that updating all the subjects covered in the 1971 manual at a time may not be practical considering the

  14. 21 CFR 868.1030 - Manual algesimeter. (United States)


    ... DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 868.1030 Manual algesimeter. (a) Identification. A manual algesimeter is a mechanical device intended to determine a patient's sensitivity to pain after...

  15. Digital signage sobre IP


    Casademont Filella, Albert


    Projecte que versa sobre el disseny i la implementació d'un sistema de Digital Signage (Cartelleria Digital) sobre IP, creant un gestor que permeti controlar de forma remota tot un conjunt de petits dispositius connectats a pantalles que emeten continguts multimèdia com vídeos, imatges, feeds rss...

  16. 21 CFR 868.5915 - Manual emergency ventilator. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Manual emergency ventilator. 868.5915 Section 868...) MEDICAL DEVICES ANESTHESIOLOGY DEVICES Therapeutic Devices § 868.5915 Manual emergency ventilator. (a) Identification. A manual emergency ventilator is a device, usually incorporating a bag and valve, intended to...

  17. Dental Chairside Technique. Student's Manual. (United States)

    Apfel, Maura; Weaver, Trudy Karlene

    This manual is part of a series dealing with skills and information needed by students in dental assisting. The individualized student materials are suitable for classroom, laboratory, or cooperative training programs. This student manual contains four units covering the following topics: local anesthesia; dental office emergencies; oral hygiene;…

  18. Nuclear material operations manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tyler, R.P.


    This manual provides a concise and comprehensive documentation of the operating procedures currently practiced at Sandia National Laboratories with regard to the management, control, and accountability of nuclear materials. The manual is divided into chapters which are devoted to the separate functions performed in nuclear material operations-management, control, accountability, and safeguards, and the final two chapters comprise a document which is also issued separately to provide a summary of the information and operating procedures relevant to custodians and users of radioactive and nuclear materials. The manual also contains samples of the forms utilized in carrying out nuclear material activities. To enhance the clarity of presentation, operating procedures are presented in the form of playscripts in which the responsible organizations and necessary actions are clearly delineated in a chronological fashion from the initiation of a transaction to its completion

  19. Nuclear material operations manuals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tyler, R.P.


    This manual is intended to provide a concise and comprehensive documentation of the operating procedures currently practiced at Sandia Laboratories with regard to the management, control, and accountability of radioactive and nuclear materials. The manual is divided into chapters which are devoted to the separate functions performed in nuclear material operations-management, control, accountability, and safeguards, and the final two chapters comprise a document which is also issued separately to provide a summary of the information and operating procedures relevant to custodians and users of radioactive and nuclear materials. The manual also contains samples of the forms utilized in carrying out nuclear material activities. To enhance the clarity of presentation, operating procedures are presented in the form of playscripts in which the responsible organizations and necessary actions are clearly delineated in a chronological fashion from the initiation of a transaction to its completion

  20. Análisis penal, psicopatológico y jurisprudencial sobre delitos contra la vida humana independiente perpetrados por sujetos afectos de transtornos mentales


    Al-Fawal Portal, Meriam


    El objeto de la presente tesis doctoral versa sobre el estudio de homicidios y asesinatos perpetrados por sujetos afectos de trastornos mentales catalogados por los manuales diagnósticos CIE-10 (OMS) y DSM-IV (APA). El estudio se ha dividido en dos partes claramente diferenciadas; en primer lugar se ha procedido al estudio teórico de las figuras tipificadas en el Código Penal español de 1995 en los artículos 138 y 139, así como las circunstancias modificativas de la responsa...

  1. Manual vs. computer-assisted sperm analysis: can CASA replace manual assessment of human semen in clinical practice? (United States)

    Talarczyk-Desole, Joanna; Berger, Anna; Taszarek-Hauke, Grażyna; Hauke, Jan; Pawelczyk, Leszek; Jedrzejczak, Piotr


    The aim of the study was to check the quality of computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system in comparison to the reference manual method as well as standardization of the computer-assisted semen assessment. The study was conducted between January and June 2015 at the Andrology Laboratory of the Division of Infertility and Reproductive Endocrinology, Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Poland. The study group consisted of 230 men who gave sperm samples for the first time in our center as part of an infertility investigation. The samples underwent manual and computer-assisted assessment of concentration, motility and morphology. A total of 184 samples were examined twice: manually, according to the 2010 WHO recommendations, and with CASA, using the program set-tings provided by the manufacturer. Additionally, 46 samples underwent two manual analyses and two computer-assisted analyses. The p-value of p CASA and manually. In the group of patients where all analyses with each method were performed twice on the same sample we found no significant differences between both assessments of the same probe, neither in the samples analyzed manually nor with CASA, although standard deviation was higher in the CASA group. Our results suggest that computer-assisted sperm analysis requires further improvement for a wider application in clinical practice.

  2. Geothermal reservoir assessment manual; 1984-1992 nendo chinetsu choryusou hyoka shuhou manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A geothermal reservoir assessment manual was prepared for the promotion of the development of geothermal power generation, based on the results of the 'geothermal reservoir assessment technique development project' implemented during the fiscal 1984-1992 period and on the results of surveys conducted in Japan and abroad. Of the geothermal systems generally classified into the steam dominant type and the hot water dominant type, encounters with the steam dominant type are but seldom reported. This manual therefore covers the hot water dominant type only. In addition to the explanation of the basic concept and the outline of geothermal reservoirs, the manual carries data necessary for reservoir assessment; geological and geophysical data analyses; geochemistry in reservoir assessment; data of underground logging and of fuming; conceptual models; simulators and models for reservoir simulation; natural-state simulation, history-matching simulation, and reservoir behavior predicting simulation; case history (modeling of a geothermal reservoir prior to exploitation), references, and so forth. (NEDO)

  3. Geothermal reservoir assessment manual; 1984-1992 nendo chinetsu choryusou hyoka shuhou manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A geothermal reservoir assessment manual was prepared for the promotion of the development of geothermal power generation, based on the results of the 'geothermal reservoir assessment technique development project' implemented during the fiscal 1984-1992 period and on the results of surveys conducted in Japan and abroad. Of the geothermal systems generally classified into the steam dominant type and the hot water dominant type, encounters with the steam dominant type are but seldom reported. This manual therefore covers the hot water dominant type only. In addition to the explanation of the basic concept and the outline of geothermal reservoirs, the manual carries data necessary for reservoir assessment; geological and geophysical data analyses; geochemistry in reservoir assessment; data of underground logging and of fuming; conceptual models; simulators and models for reservoir simulation; natural-state simulation, history-matching simulation, and reservoir behavior predicting simulation; case history (modeling of a geothermal reservoir prior to exploitation), references, and so forth. (NEDO)

  4. Light-water-reactor hydrogen manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camp, A.L.; Cummings, J.C.; Sherman, M.P.; Kupiec, C.F.; Healy, R.J.; Caplan, J.S.; Sandhop, J.R.; Saunders, J.H.


    A manual concerning the behavior of hydrogen in light water reactors has been prepared. Both normal operations and accident situations are addressed. Topics considered include hydrogen generation, transport and mixing, detection, and combustion, and mitigation. Basic physical and chemical phenomena are described, and plant-specific examples are provided where appropriate. A wide variety of readers, including operators, designers, and NRC staff, will find parts of this manual useful. Different sections are written at different levels, according to the most likely audience. The manual is not intended to provide specific plant procedures, but rather, to provide general guidance that may assist in the development of such procedures

  5. 21 CFR 872.6855 - Manual toothbrush. (United States)


    ... remove adherent plaque and food debris from the teeth to reduce tooth decay. (b) Classification. Class I... DEVICES DENTAL DEVICES Miscellaneous Devices § 872.6855 Manual toothbrush. (a) Identification. A manual...

  6. 14 CFR 125.75 - Airplane flight manual. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Airplane flight manual. 125.75 Section 125... OPERATIONS: AIRPLANES HAVING A SEATING CAPACITY OF 20 OR MORE PASSENGERS OR A MAXIMUM PAYLOAD CAPACITY OF 6... Airplane flight manual. (a) Each certificate holder shall keep a current approved Airplane Flight Manual or...

  7. Impacts of Panicum maximum Jacq. invasion and its manual weeding on the wood plant regeneration in the understory of a restoration site Efeitos da invasão por Panicum maximum Jacq. e do seu controle manual sobre a regeneração de plantas lenhosas no sub-bosque de um reflorestamento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Ribeiro de Andrade


    ínea exótica invasora, pois resultados preliminares apontam-na como barreira para o estabelecimento de espécies nativas. Neste estudo, foram implantadas 20 parcelas de 5m x 5m (25m² distribuídas em dois tratamentos, controle e remoção de capim-colonião, para se avaliar o impacto da capina manual sobre o sub-bosque num período de 90 dias. Dados acerca da cobertura de P. maximum e a porcentagem de abertura do dossel foram coletados. A cobertura de capim-colonião teve correlação negativa com a abundância de plantas, com a riqueza de espécies e com a abundância de espécies arbóreas. A abertura do dossel influenciou negativamente a riqueza de espécies, a abundância e a riqueza de espécies arbóreas, mas não teve correlação com a cobertura de P. maximum. Após a remoção da gramínea, tanto a abundância de regenerantes quanto a riqueza de espécies não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos, logo a capina manual não causou impacto negativo em curto prazo na regeneração do sub-bosque, já que poucas plantas foram acidentalmente arrancadas. Porém, um impacto positivo é esperado somente após um período maior de observação, após sucessivas remoções da herbácea invasora e aumento de chance de colonização da área por regenerantes.

  8. Plataformas de colheita e colheita manual com trilha mecânica sobre a qualidade de sementes de arroz ( Oryza sativa, L. Harvest header and manual harvest with mechanical strip on rice ( Oryza sativa, L. seeds quality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Fernandez Franco


    Full Text Available Durante a colheita do arroz irrigado ocorrem perdas e danos físicos e fisiológicos às sementes. No final da década de oitenta, surgiram as plataformas recolhedoras, que retiram ou arrancam o grão ao invés de cortar a panícula, porém, pouco se conhece a respeito dos danos físicos e fisiológicos que este sistema de plataforma pode causar às sementes. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os danos mecânicos causados às sementes dos cultivares de arroz BR-IRGA 409 e BR-IRGA 410, por três formas de colheita: (a colheita manual e trilha mecânica; (b colheita com plataforma de corte; (c colheita com plataforma recolhedora. Quando a colheita foi mecânica, realizou-se a coleta das amostras diretamente no graneleiro. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com seis repetições. Os resultados demonstraram que as sementes de arroz irrigado dos cultivares estudados não apresentaram diferenças significativas em suas qualidades físicas e fisiológicas, quando colhidas com plataforma de corte e com a plataforma recolhedora. Estes dois métodos de colheita, porém, apresentaram danos significativamente maiores quando comparados à colheita manual e trilha mecânica.During irrigated rice harvesting occur losses and physical and phisiological seed damage. Late 80's, appeared the strippers headers that strip the grain, instead of cutting the spike. However, little is know about physical and phisiological seed damage by harvest header. The objective of this work was to evaluate the mechanical damage caused to BR-IRGA 409 and BR-IRGA 410 rice cultivars by three harvesting methods: (a manual harvesting and mechanical strip; (b cutterbar harvesting and; (c stripper header harvesting. Samples were collected directly in the grain tank when the harvest was mechanical. The experimental design was randomized blocks with six replications. Results demonstrated that the rice seeds of the studied variety didn't showed significant differences in

  9. Kinesiology Workbook and Laboratory Manual. (United States)

    Harris, Ruth W.

    This manual is written for students in anatomy, kinesiology, or introductory biomechanics courses. The book is divided into two sections, a kinesiology workbook and a laboratory manual. The two sections parallel each other in content and format. Each is divided into three corresponding sections: (1) Anatomical bases for movement description; (2)…

  10. Tank waste remediation system process engineering instruction manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    ADAMS, M.R.


    The purpose of the Tank Waste Remediation System (TWRS) Process Engineering Instruction Manual is to provide guidance and direction to TWRS Process Engineering staff regarding conduct of business. The objective is to establish a disciplined and consistent approach to business such that the work processes within TWRS Process Engineering are safe, high quality, disciplined, efficient, and consistent with Lockheed Martin Hanford Corporation Policies and Procedures. The sections within this manual are of two types: for compliance and for guidance. For compliance sections are intended to be followed per-the-letter until such time as they are formally changed per Section 2.0 of this manual. For guidance sections are intended to be used by the staff for guidance in the conduct of work where technical judgment and discernment are required. The guidance sections shall also be changed per Section 2.0 of this manual. The required header for each manual section is illustrated in Section 2.0, Manual Change Control procedure. It is intended that this manual be used as a training and indoctrination resource for employees of the TWRS Process Engineering organization. The manual shall be required reading for all TWRS Process Engineering staff, matrixed, and subcontracted employees

  11. Radiology Aide. Instructor Key [and] Student Manual. (United States)

    Hartwein, Jon; Dunham, John

    This manual can be used independently by students in secondary health occupations programs or by persons receiving on-the-job training in a radiology department. The manual includes an instructor's key that provides answers to the activity sheets and unit evaluations. The manual consists of the following five units: (1) orientation to radiology;…

  12. Nuclear material operations manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tyler, R.P.; Gassman, L.D.


    This manual is intended to provide a concise and comprehensive documentation of the operating procedures currently practiced at Sandia Laboratories with regard to the management, control, and accountability of radioactive and nuclear materials. The manual is divided into chapters which are devoted to the separate functions performed in nuclear material operations--management, control, accountability, and safeguards, and the final two chapters comprise a document which is also issued separately to provide a summary of the information and operating procedures relevant to custodians and users of radioactive and nuclear materials. The manual also contains samples of the forms utilized in carrying out nuclear material activities. To enhance the clarity of presentation, operating procedures are presented in the form of ''play-scripts'' in which the responsible organizations and necessary actions are clearly delineated in a chronological fashion from the initiation of a transaction to its completion

  13. WAM-E user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rayes, L.G.; Riley, J.E.


    The WAM-E series of mainframe computer codes have been developed to efficiently analyze the large binary models (e.g., fault trees) used to represent the logic relationships within and between the systems of a nuclear power plant or other large, multisystem entity. These codes have found wide application in reliability and safety studies of nuclear power plant systems. There are now nine codes in the WAM-E series, with six (WAMBAM/WAMTAP, WAMCUT, WAMCUT-II, WAMFM, WAMMRG, and SPASM) classified as Type A Production codes and the other three (WAMFTP, WAMTOP, and WAMCONV) classified as Research codes. This document serves as a combined User's Guide, Programmer's Manual, and Theory Reference for the codes, with emphasis on the Production codes. To that end, the manual is divided into four parts: Part I, Introduction; Part II, Theory and Numerics; Part III, WAM-E User's Guide; and Part IV, WAMMRG Programmer's Manual

  14. Managerial Accounting. Course Administrative Manual. (United States)

    Central Michigan Univ., Mount Pleasant. Inst. for Personal and Career Development.

    This manual is part of the materials for a college-level programmed course in managerial accounting and intended to aid instructors in helping students to work their way through the self-instructional study guide around which the course is organized. The manual describes the various materials and components used in the self-instructional sequence…


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This manual contains the radiological control requirements to be used for all radiological activities conducted by programs under the purview of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office (NNSA/NSO) and the Yucca Mountain Office of Repository Development (YMORD). Compliance with these requirements will ensure compliance with Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 835 (10 CFR 835), Occupational Radiation Protection. Programs covered by this manual are located at the Nevada Test Site (NTS); Nellis Air Force Base and North Las Vegas, Nevada; Santa Barbara and Pleasanton, California; and at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. In addition, field work by NNSA/NSO at other locations is also covered by this manual.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This manual contains the radiological control requirements to be used for all radiological activities conducted by programs under the purview of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office (NNSA/NSO) and the Yucca Mountain Office of Repository Development (YMORD). Compliance with these requirements will ensure compliance with Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 835 (10 CFR 835), Occupational Radiation Protection. Programs covered by this manual are located at the Nevada Test Site (NTS); Nellis Air Force Base and North Las Vegas, Nevada; Santa Barbara and Pleasanton, California; and at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. In addition, field work by NNSA/NSO at other locations is also covered by this manual

  17. Radiological Control Manual. Revision 0, January 1993

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This manual has been prepared by Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory to provide guidance for site-specific additions, supplements, and clarifications to the DOE Radiological Control Manual. The guidance provided in this manual is based on the requirements given in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 835, Radiation Protection for Occupational Workers, DOE Order 5480.11, Radiation Protection for Occupational Workers, and the DOE Radiological Control Manual. The topics covered are (1) excellence in radiological control, (2) radiological standards, (3) conduct of radiological work, (4) radioactive materials, (5) radiological health support operations, (6) training and qualification, and (7) radiological records.

  18. Influencia de cuatro distancias de trasplante sobre el rendimiento agrícola del cultivar de arroz Amistad-82.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander Calero Hurtado


    Full Text Available El trabajo consistió en comparar cuatro distancias de trasplante sobre el rendimiento agrícola del cultivar de arroz Amistad-82, durante la siembra de primavera de 2012, el trasplante se realizó de forma manual, sobre un suelo pardo sialítico carbonatado en la finca “La Rosita” perteneciente a la CCS “Heriberto Orellane”, en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus, se utilizó un diseño de bloques al azar, se tomaron posturas jóvenes de 18 días de germinadas, cuatro distancias de plantación 10x15, 15x15, 20x15 y 20x20 cm y una postura por sitio. Se evaluaron los indicadores productivos como el número de tallos, panículas por metro cuadrado, longitud de la panícula, granos por panículas, granos llenos y vanos por panículas, peso de 1000 granos, el rendimiento, así como las ganancias y los costos de producción. Los mejores resultados sobre el rendimiento agrícola del cultivar de arroz Amistad-82 lo alcanzaron las distancias de trasplante 10x15 y 20x15 cm, porque lograron rendimientos superiores a las distancias 15x15 y 20x20 cm, mayor cantidad de granos por panículas y mayores porcentajes de granos llenos por panículas y superaron también el peso en 1000 granos y las ganancias.

  19. Users Manual for the FEHMN application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zyvoloski, G.A.; Robinson, B.A.; Dash, Z.V.; Trease, L.L.


    The user's manual documents the use of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Projects Finite element heat and mass transfer code (FEHMN) application. The manual covers: Program considerations, data files, input data, output, system interface, and examples

  20. Inferencias sobre Grafos


    Sira M. Allende; Carlos N. Bouza


    El estudio de un juego puede ser modelado asumiendo que solo algunas partidas son observadas. Entonces el árbol del juego debe ser estimado utilizando información muestral. Similarmente ocurre al obtener información sobre el comportamiento de las decisiones tomadas por individuos muestreados sobre un árbol de decisión teórico. Al considerar una medida de probabilidad que caracterice el comportamiento de redes aleatorias se puede obtener un estimado del árbol asociado. Este problema es el anal...

  1. Development of an environmental safety case guidance manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wellstead, Matthew John


    NDA RWMD is currently considering the scope, purpose and structure of a safety case manual that covers the development of nuclear operational, transport and environmental safety cases for a geological disposal facility in the United Kingdom. This paper considers the Environmental Safety Case (ESC) input into such a manual (herein referred to as the 'ESC Manual'), looking at the drivers and benefits that a guidance manual in this area may provide. (authors)

  2. Sobre software libre


    Matellán Olivera, Vicente; González Barahona, Jesús; Heras Quirós, Pedro de las; Robles Martínez, Gregorio


    220 p. "Sobre software libre" reune casi una treintena de ensayos sobre temas de candente actualidad relacionados con el software libre (del cual Linux es su ex- ponente más conocido). Los ensayos que el lector encontrará están divididos en bloques temáticos que van desde la propiedad intelectual o las cuestiones económicas y sociales de este modelo hasta su uso en la educación y las administraciones publicas, pasando por alguno que repasa la historia del software libre en l...

  3. Site security personnel training manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    As required by 10 CFR Part 73, this training manual provides guidance to assist licensees in the development of security personnel training and qualifications programs. The information contained in the manual typifies the level and scope of training for personnel assigned to perform security related tasks and job duties associated with the protection of nuclear fuel cycle facilities and nuclear power reactors

  4. Radiation protection manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spang, A.


    According to the Radiation Protection Ordinance, radiation protection experts directing or supervising the handling of radioactive materials must have expert knowledge. The concept of expert knowledge has been clearly defined by the Fachverband e.V. in a catalogue of instruction goals. The manual follows the principles of this catalogue; it presents the expert knowledge required in a total of 15 subject groups. There is an index which helps the reader to find his specific subject group and the knowledge required of him in this subject group. However, the manual gives only an outline of the subject matter in many instances and should therefore not be regarded as a textbook in the proper sense. (orig./HP) [de

  5. Gravel Roads: Maintenance and Design Manual (United States)

    This manual was developed with a major emphasis on the maintenance of gravel roads, including some basic design elements. The purpose of the manual is to provide clear and helpful information for doing a better job of maintaining gravel roads.

  6. Radar and ARPA manual

    CERN Document Server

    Bole, A G


    Radar and ARPA Manual focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of electronic navigation. The manual first discusses basic radar principles, including principles of range and bearing measurements and picture orientation and presentation. The text then looks at the operational principles of radar systems. Function of units; aerial, receiver, and display principles; transmitter principles; and sitting of units on board ships are discussed. The book also describes target detection, Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA), and operational controls of radar systems, and then discusses radar plo

  7. HASL procedures manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harley, J.H.


    Additions and corrections to the following sections of the HASL Procedures Manual are provided: General, Sampling, Field Measurements; General Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Procedures, Data Section, and Specifications

  8. Efeito de épocas de irrigação e de parcelamento de adubação sobre a produtividade do cafeeiro 'Catuaí' Effect of times of irrigation and splitting of fertilizer on the productivity of 'Catuaí' coffee plant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilberto Coelho


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar o efeito de épocas de irrigação e de parcelamentos de adubação sobre a produtividade do cafeeiro. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdividas em faixas. O experimento foi composto por 4 blocos (repetições, cada bloco foi dividido em 4 parcelas, que receberam o efeito de diferentes parcelamentos de adubação (4, 12, 24 e 36 aplicações de fertilizantes, as parcelas foram subdivididas em 5 subparcelas, correspondentes às diferentes épocas de irrigação: "A" entre 01/06 e 30/09, "B" entre 15/07 e 30/09, "C" de 01 a 30/09, "D" entre 01/06 e 30/09 com adubação manual e "E" não irrigada. Promoveu-se análise de variância sobre os dados de produtividade, identificando-se que houve efeito apenas do fator épocas de irrigação sobre a mesma. O teste de comparação de médias possibilitou concluir que a irrigação entre 01/06 e 30/09, seja com o uso de fertirrigação ou com aplicação manual de fertilizantes, proporcionou as melhores médias de produtividade.This work aimed to evaluate the irrigation time and fertilizer splitting effects on coffee crop productivity. Random blocks with parcels subdivided into strips were the experimental design applied. The blocks had four replications and were divided into four plots. These plots (4, 12, 24 and 36 fertilizer applications were subdivided into five subplots associated to different irrigation times: "A" between 06/01 and 09/30, "B" between 07/15 and 09/30, "C" between 09/01 and 09/30, "D" between 06/01 and 09/30 with manual application of fertilizer and "E" without irrigation. Analysis of variance was applied to evaluate the coffee crop productivity, which showed that only the irrigation time factor was effective. The mean comparison test allowed concluding that irrigation between 06/01 and 09/30, with fertigation or with manual application of fertilizer, produced the best productivity means.

  9. 21 CFR 892.5650 - Manual radionuclide applicator system. (United States)


    ... system. (a) Identification. A manual radionuclide applicator system is a manually operated device... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Manual radionuclide applicator system. 892.5650.... This generic type of device may include patient and equipment supports, component parts, treatment...

  10. Tributos sobre a folha ou sobre o faturamento? Efeitos quantitativos para o Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiago V Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Este artigo estuda os impactos alocativos e de bem-estar de uma reforma tributária que substitui os impostos sobre a folha de salários por outro que incide sobre a receita. Para isso, desenvolve-se um modelo neoclássico de crescimento econômico com impostos sobre a receita e sobre a folha de salários. As simulações com parâmetros da economia brasileira mostram que tal reforma tributária tem um efeito negativo no bem-estar, no estoque de capital de longo prazo e consequentemente no produto per capita de longo prazo. Contudo, o emprego aumenta.This paper studies the impacts of a tax reform which substitutes taxes on labor income by taxes on total revenue. In order to accomplish that, we construct and solve a general equilibrium neoclassical growth model with taxes on labor income and total revenue. The numerical simulations with Brazilian parameters show that such tax reforms would negatively affect welfare, the capital stock, and consequently per capita output. However, employment would increase. Such effects are quantitatively important.

  11. Waste Management Technical Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buckingham, J.S. [ed.


    This Manual has been prepared to provide a documented compendium of the technical bases and general physical features of Isochem Incorporated`s Waste Management Program. The manual is intended to be used as a means of training and as a reference handbook for use by personnel responsible for executing the Waste Management Program. The material in this manual was assembled by members of Isochem`s Chemical Processing Division, Battelle Northwest Laboratory, and Hanford Engineering Services between September 1965 and March 1967. The manual is divided into the following parts: Introduction, contains a summary of the overall Waste Management Program. It is written to provide the reader with a synoptic view and as an aid in understanding the subsequent parts; Feed Material, contains detailed discussion of the type and sources of feed material used in the Waste Management Program, including a chapter on nuclear reactions and the formation of fission products; Waste Fractionization Plant Processing, contains detailed discussions of the processes used in the Waste Fractionization Plant with supporting data and documentation of the technology employed; Waste Fractionization Plant Product and Waste Effluent Handling, contains detailed discussions of the methods of handling the product and waste material generated by the Waste Fractionization Plant; Plant and Equipment, describes the layout of the Waste Management facilities, arrangement of equipment, and individual equipment pieces; Process Control, describes the instruments and analytical methods used for process control; and Safety describes process hazards and the methods used to safeguard against them.

  12. US Department of Energy radiological control manual. Revision 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This manual establishes practices for the conduct of Department of Energy radiological control activities. The Manual states DOE`s positions and views on the best courses of action currently available in the area of radiological controls. Accordingly, the provisions in the Manual should be viewed by contractors as an acceptable technique, method or solution for fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. This Manual shall be used by DOE in evaluating the performance of its contractors. This Manual is not a substitute for Regulations; it is intended to be consistent with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements and shall be revised whenever necessary to ensure such consistency. Some of the Manual provisions, however, challenge the user to go well beyond minimum requirements. Following the course of action delineated in the Manual will result in achieving and surpassing related statutory or regulatory requirements.



    Claude Ziad Bayeh


    The “Manual Logic Controller” also called MLC, is an electronic circuit invented and designed by the author in 2008, in order to replace the well known PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) in many applications for its advantages and its low cost of fabrication. The function of the MLC is somewhat similar to the well known PLC, but instead of doing it by inserting a written program into the PLC using a computer or specific software inside the PLC, it will be manually programmed in a manner to h...

  14. Security electronics circuits manual

    CERN Document Server



    Security Electronics Circuits Manual is an invaluable guide for engineers and technicians in the security industry. It will also prove to be a useful guide for students and experimenters, as well as providing experienced amateurs and DIY enthusiasts with numerous ideas to protect their homes, businesses and properties.As with all Ray Marston's Circuits Manuals, the style is easy-to-read and non-mathematical, with the emphasis firmly on practical applications, circuits and design ideas. The ICs and other devices used in the practical circuits are modestly priced and readily available ty

  15. Towards Automatic Capturing of Manual Data Processing Provenance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wombacher, Andreas; Huq, M.R.


    Often data processing is not implemented by a work ow system or an integration application but is performed manually by humans along the lines of a more or less specified procedure. Collecting provenance information during manual data processing can not be automated. Further, manual collection of

  16. Creating Web Sites The Missing Manual

    CERN Document Server

    MacDonald, Matthew


    Think you have to be a technical wizard to build a great web site? Think again. For anyone who wants to create an engaging web site--for either personal or business purposes--Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual demystifies the process and provides tools, techniques, and expert guidance for developing a professional and reliable web presence. Like every Missing Manual, you can count on Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual to be entertaining and insightful and complete with all the vital information, clear-headed advice, and detailed instructions you need to master the task at hand. Autho

  17. IOLMaster versus Manual Keratometry after Photorefractive Keratectomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hasan Razmju


    Full Text Available Purpose: To compare keratometric measurements using a Javal type manual keratometer with IOLMaster in eyes undergoing photorefractive keratectomy (PRK for myopia. Methods: In this comparative case series, we studied patients aged 21 to 27 years scheduled for myopic PRK. Keratometry was performed preoperatively and three months after the procedure using a Javal type manual keratometer and the IOLMaster. We compared postoperative measurements obtained by both instruments with the clinical history method (CHM. Results: Seventy eyes of 35 patients with mean age of 23.45±1.55 years were studied. Mean preoperative spherical equivalent was -4.53±1.3 D. Average preoperative IOLMaster and manual keratometric readings were 45.95±1.23 D and 46.32±1.18 D, respectively. Postoperatively, mean IOLMaster measurements was 38.03±0.68 D and that of manual keratometry was 43.15±1.1 D. Compared to CHM measurements, the 95% limits of agreement were ‑5.95 to -0.85 for the IOLMaster and -1.44 to 4.04 for manual keratometry. Conclusion: Keratometric measurements with the IOLMaster and a Javal type manual device are comparable after PRK; both are largely deviant from the CHM and can yield misleading results.

  18. Incidence rates of surgically treated rhegmatogenous retinal detachment among manual workers, non-manual workers and housewives in Tuscany, Italy


    Curti, Stefania; Coggon, David; Baldasseroni, Alberto; Cooke, Robin M. T.; Fresina, Michela; Campos, Emilio C.; Semeraro, Francesco; Zanardi, Francesca; Farioli, Andrea; Violante, Francesco S.; Mattioli, Stefano


    Purpose Candidate risk factors for idiopathic rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) include heavy manual handling (requiring Valsalva’s maneuver). We assessed incidence rates of surgically treated idiopathic RRD among manual workers, non-manual workers and housewives resident in Tuscany, Italy. Methods We retrieved all hospital discharge records bearing a principal diagnosis corresponding to RRD coupled with retinal surgery for any resident of Tuscany during 1997–2009. After elimination of ...

  19. The Northern States Power Company welding manual advisor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu, Yi; Wood, R.M.


    The Welding Manual Advisor (WMA) is an object oriented expert system designed to assist Northern States Power (NSP) personnel in implementing the company's Welding Manual. The expert system captures the knowledge of welding experts, addresses important issues in welding activities and automates the use of the Welding Manual. It is estimated that use of the WMA will save $81,000 over the next six years at NSP, because of the reduction of labor and errors in the use of the Welding Manual, and facilitation of training of NSP personnel. The important features of the WMA include the accuracy and consistency in determining welding procedure and requirements, update capability, user friendly interface, on-line help function, back-up capability, and well-documented manuals

  20. Missouri DECA: 2010-2011 Policy Manual (United States)

    Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2011


    This paper presents the Missouri DECA Policy Manual. This manual contains the following sections: (1) DECA Board of Directors; (2) State Sales Projects; (3) State Officers; (4) Districts; (5) Competitive Events; (6) General Conference Information; (7) Fall Leadership & State Officer Election Conference; (8) Central Region Leadership…

  1. NDS EXFOR manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemmel, H.D.


    EXFOR is the agreed exchange format for the transmission of nuclear reaction data between national and international nuclear data centers for the benefit of nuclear data users in all countries. The IAEA Nuclear Data Section uses the EXFOR system not only for the center-to-center data exchange but also as its data storage and retrieval system. This NDS EXFOR MANUAL therefore contains the agreed EXFOR coding rules and format, supplemented by NDS internal compilation rules. The EXFOR system and the EXFOR nuclear data library with several million data records originate from the cooperation of an increasing number of data centers whose names and addresses can be found inside the Manual. Their contributions and cooperative efforts are gratefully acknowledged. (author)

  2. REBA experimenters' manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuch, R.L.


    The REBA is a high-energy, pulsed electron beam or bremsstrahlung x-ray generator whose operational purpose is to provide an energy source of short duration for conducting experiments, primarily to determine material responses to rapid surface and in-depth deposition of energy. The purpose of this manual is to serve as a basic source of information for prospective users of REBA. Included is a brief discussion of the design and operation of the facility as well as a summary of output characteristics for electron beam modes and environmental data for x-ray operation. The manual also contains a description of the REBA experimental facilities, including geometry of the test cell, instrumentation and data collection capabilities, and services and support available to experimenters

  3. NDS EXFOR manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemmel, H.D.


    EXFOR is the agreed exchange format for the transmission of nuclear reaction data between national and international nuclear data centers for the benefit of nuclear data users in all countries. The IAEA Nuclear Data Section uses the EXFOR system not only for the center-to-center data exchange but also as its data storage and retrieval system. This NDS EXFOR MANUAL therefore contains the agreed EXFOR coding rules and format, supplemented by NDS internal compilation rules. The EXFOR system and the EXFOR nuclear data library with several million data records originate from the cooperation of an increasing number of data centers whose names and addresses can be found inside the Manual. Their contributions and cooperative efforts are gratefully acknowledged. (author)

  4. Investigación educativa reciente sobre México


    Núñez-DelaPeña, Francisco J.; Mejía-Arauz, Rebeca


    Se presenta una muestra de la investigación educativa sobre México: 22 disertaciones doctorales aceptadas en universidades norteamericanas entre 1982 y 1984. Dos estudios conciernen a la teoría del capital humano; cinco tratan diversos aspectos relacionados con la administración educativa; uno es sobre la televisión; otro sobre las habilidades fonéticas de los niños; uno más es sobre profesionalización de los médicos; cuatro tocan aspectos de política educativa; tres tratan sobre los maestros...

  5. 21 CFR 866.2180 - Manual colony counter. (United States)


    ...) MEDICAL DEVICES IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY DEVICES Microbiology Devices § 866.2180 Manual colony counter. (a) Identification. A manual colony counter is a device intended for medical purposes that consists...

  6. State Energy Program Operations Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Office of Building Technology, State and Community Programs


    The State Energy Program Operations Manual is a reference tool for the states and the program officials at the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Building Technology, State and Community Programs and Regional Support Offices as well as State Energy Offices. The Manual contains information needed to apply for and administer the State Energy Program, including program history, application rules and requirements, and program administration and monitoring requirements.

  7. Manual for a Volunteer Services System. (United States)

    Helgerson, Linda; And Others

    This manual presents guidelines for planning, monitoring, and controlling the development and operation of volunteer assistance programs. The materials included address questions related to both the process of establishing a volunteer program and the administration of a volunteer management system. The manual is not intended to provide a blueprint…

  8. Host Families Matter: The Homestay Manual. (United States)

    Peace Corps, Washington, DC. Information Collection and Exchange Div.

    This manual provides guidelines, sample documents, and sample lesson plans for the trainers, trainees, and host families involved in homestays for Peace Corps volunteers. The manual contains 11 sections that deal with the following topics: (1) introduction; (2) policy, timelines, and responsibilities; (3) medical and financial issues; (4) host…

  9. 21 CFR 886.1770 - Manual refractor. (United States)


    ... DEVICES OPHTHALMIC DEVICES Diagnostic Devices § 886.1770 Manual refractor. (a) Identification. A manual refractor is a device that is a set of lenses of varous dioptric powers intended to measure the refractive error of the eye. (b) Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the...

  10. 21 CFR 890.5180 - Manual patient rotation bed. (United States)


    ...) MEDICAL DEVICES PHYSICAL MEDICINE DEVICES Physical Medicine Therapeutic Devices § 890.5180 Manual patient rotation bed. (a) Identification. A manual patient rotation bed is a device that turns a patient who is... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Manual patient rotation bed. 890.5180 Section 890...

  11. TV Trouble-Shooting Manual. Volumes 7-8. Part 3: Synchronisation and Deflection Circuits. Student and Instructor's Manuals. (United States)

    Mukai, Masaaki; Kobayashi, Ryozo

    These volumes are, respectively, the self-instructional student manual and the teacher manual that cover the third set of training topics in this course for television repair technicians. Both contain identical information on synchronization and deflection circuits, including sections on the principle of synchronized deflection, synchronization…

  12. Unraveling the Mechanisms of Manual Therapy: Modeling an Approach. (United States)

    Bialosky, Joel E; Beneciuk, Jason M; Bishop, Mark D; Coronado, Rogelio A; Penza, Charles W; Simon, Corey B; George, Steven Z


    Synopsis Manual therapy interventions are popular among individual health care providers and their patients; however, systematic reviews do not strongly support their effectiveness. Small treatment effect sizes of manual therapy interventions may result from a "one-size-fits-all" approach to treatment. Mechanistic-based treatment approaches to manual therapy offer an intriguing alternative for identifying patients likely to respond to manual therapy. However, the current lack of knowledge of the mechanisms through which manual therapy interventions inhibit pain limits such an approach. The nature of manual therapy interventions further confounds such an approach, as the related mechanisms are likely a complex interaction of factors related to the patient, the provider, and the environment in which the intervention occurs. Therefore, a model to guide both study design and the interpretation of findings is necessary. We have previously proposed a model suggesting that the mechanical force from a manual therapy intervention results in systemic neurophysiological responses leading to pain inhibition. In this clinical commentary, we provide a narrative appraisal of the model and recommendations to advance the study of manual therapy mechanisms. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2018;48(1):8-18. doi:10.2519/jospt.2018.7476.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neni Oktiyani


    Full Text Available Hitung jumlah eritrosit dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode manual dan metode otomatis. Metode manual menggunakan alat Hemositometer dapat memberikan hasil yang dipercaya dan akurat tergantung keahlian dari teknisi laboratorium. Metode otomatis memberikan hasil yang lebih mudah, cepat dan teliti dibandingkan dengan cara manual. Tujuan penelitian untuk membandingkan akurasi hitung jumlah eritrosit metode manual dan metode otomatis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Penelitian ini membandingkan data hasil hitung jumlah eritrosit antara metode manual dengan metode otomatis dengan menggunakan 3 jenis darah kontrol hitung jumlah eritrosit high, normal, dan low dengan 9 kali pengulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rerata hitung jumlah eritrosit darah kontrol high metode manual sebesar 7,08 juta/µl dengan nilai bias 1,4% dan metode otomatis sebesar 7,03 juta/µl dengan nilai bias 0,7%. Rerata hitung jumlah eritrosit darah kontrol normal metode manual sebesar 4,50 juta/µl dengan nilai bias 0,9% dan metode otomatis sebesar 4,43 juta/µl dengan nilai bias 2,4%. Rerata hitung jumlah eritrosit darah kontrol low metode manual sebesar 1,72 juta/µl dengan nilai bias 4,4% dan metode otomatis sebesar 1,67 juta/µl dengan nilai bias 1,2%. Uji statistik menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan akurasi yang bermakna antara hitung jumlah eritrosit metode manual dengan metode otomatis.

  14. Sodium safety manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayes, D.J.; Gardiner, R.L.


    The sodium safety manual is based upon more than a decade of experience with liquid sodium at Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories (BNL). It draws particularly from the expertise and experience developed in the course of research work into sodium fires and sodium water reactions. It draws also on information obtained from the UKAEA and other sodium users. Many of the broad principles will apply to other Establishments but much of the detail is specific to BNL and as a consequence its application at other sites may well be limited. Accidents with sodium are at best unpleasant and at worst lethal in an extremely painful way. The object of this manual is to help prevent sodium accidents. It is not intended to give detailed advice on specific precautions for particular situations, but rather to set out the overall strategy which will ensure that sodium activities will be pursued safely. More detail is generally conveyed to staff by the use of local instructions known as Sodium Working Procedures (SWP's) which are not reproduced in this manual although a list of current SWP's is included. Much attention is properly given to the safe design and operation of larger facilities; nevertheless evidence suggests that sodium accidents most frequently occur in small-scale work particularly in operations associated with sodium cleaning and special care is needed in all such cases. (U.K.)

  15. Equipment Qualification Data Base user manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Decker, Q.R.; Fackrell, L.J.; Fitch, L.R.; Meeky, O.B.


    This manual details the Equipment Qualification Data Base (EQDB), its usage, and contents. The EQDB consists of two files; the Plant Qualification File (PQF) and the Equipment Qualification File (EQF). The PQF contains plant specific environmental data and the EQF contains summaries of various test results. Two data management systems are used to manipulate the data and are discussed in this manual. SAS Institute System 2000 (S2K) is the management system for the PQF and Query Update (QU) is the operating system for the EQF. Each management system contains report writers. These writers and how to use them are discussed in detail in this manual

  16. El juego entre el nacimiento y los 7 anos: Un manual para ludotecarias. Investigacion-accion sobre la Familia y la Primera Infancia. UNESCO Sector de Educacion Monografia (Play between Birth and 7 Years: A Manual for Preschool Teachers. Action Research in Family and Early Childhood. UNESCO Education Sector Monograph). (United States)

    Grellet, Carolina

    The purpose of this Spanish-language manual is to help preschool teachers better understand theoretical concepts related to children's play. Following a preface that discusses UNESCO's activities related to early childhood education, the two main sections of the manual discuss children's play between 0-2 years and 2-7 years. Each section includes…

  17. Sierra Structural Dynamics Theory Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reese, Garth M. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    Sierra/SD provides a massively parallel implementation of structural dynamics finite element analysis, required for high fidelity, validated models used in modal, vibration, static and shock analysis of structural systems. This manual describes the theory behind many of the constructs in Sierra/SD. For a more detailed description of how to use Sierra/SD , we refer the reader to Sierra/SD, User's Notes . Many of the constructs in Sierra/SD are pulled directly from published material. Where possible, these materials are referenced herein. However, certain functions in Sierra/SD are specific to our implementation. We try to be far more complete in those areas. The theory manual was developed from several sources including general notes, a programmer notes manual, the user's notes and of course the material in the open literature. This page intentionally left blank.

  18. Laboratory Waste Disposal Manual. Revised Edition. (United States)

    Stephenson, F. G., Ed.

    This manual is designed to provide laboratory personnel with information about chemical hazards and ways of disposing of chemical wastes with minimum contamination of the environment. The manual contains a reference chart section which has alphabetical listings of some 1200 chemical substances with information on the health, fire and reactivity…

  19. Manual for Training Leprosy Rehabilitation Workers. (United States)

    Itoh, Masayoshi; Eason, Alice L.

    The purpose of this manual is to introduce the general concepts and techniques in leprosy rehabilitation to physical therapy aides. Because of the lack of well-trained, qualified, physical therapists, the committee on leprosy rehabilitation considers it necessary to publish a teaching manual outlining leprosy rehabilitation for those who work with…

  20. Beyond the Manual Channel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    , the main focus there is on spoken languages in their written and spoken forms. This series of workshops, however, offers a forum for researchers focussing on sign languages. For the fourth time, the workshop had sign language corpora as its main topic. This time, the focus was on any aspect beyond...... the manual channel. Not surprisingly, most papers deal with non-manuals on the face. Once again, the papers at this workshop clearly identify the potentials of even closer cooperation between sign linguists and sign language engineers, and we think it is events like this that contribute a lot to a better...

  1. RELAP-7 Theory Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berry, Ray Alden [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Zou, Ling [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Zhao, Haihua [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Zhang, Hongbin [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Peterson, John William [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Martineau, Richard Charles [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Kadioglu, Samet Yucel [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Andrs, David [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States)


    This document summarizes the physical models and mathematical formulations used in the RELAP-7 code. In summary, the MOOSE based RELAP-7 code development is an ongoing effort. The MOOSE framework enables rapid development of the RELAP-7 code. The developmental efforts and results demonstrate that the RELAP-7 project is on a path to success. This theory manual documents the main features implemented into the RELAP-7 code. Because the code is an ongoing development effort, this RELAP-7 Theory Manual will evolve with periodic updates to keep it current with the state of the development, implementation, and model additions/revisions.

  2. Data collection system. Volume 1, Overview and operators manual; Volume 2, Maintenance manual; Appendices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caudell, R.B.; Bauder, M.E.; Boyer, W.B.; French, R.E.; Isidoro, R.J.; Kaestner, P.C.; Perkins, W.G.


    Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Instrumentation Development Department was tasked by the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) to record data on Tektronix RTD720 Digitizers on the HUNTERS TROPHY field test conducted at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) on September 18, 1992. This report contains a overview and description of the computer hardware and software that was used to acquire, reduce, and display the data. The document is divided into two volumes: an overview and operators manual (Volume 1) and a maintenance manual (Volume 2).

  3. Microbial ecology laboratory procedures manual NASA/MSFC (United States)

    Huff, Timothy L.


    An essential part of the efficient operation of any microbiology laboratory involved in sample analysis is a standard procedures manual. The purpose of this manual is to provide concise and well defined instructions on routine technical procedures involving sample analysis and methods for monitoring and maintaining quality control within the laboratory. Of equal importance is the safe operation of the laboratory. This manual outlines detailed procedures to be followed in the microbial ecology laboratory to assure safety, analytical control, and validity of results.

  4. Matematica 2. Manual do Professor (Mathematics 2. Teacher's Manual). (United States)

    D'Alu, Maria Jose Miranda de Sousa

    This teacher's manual accompanies a mathematics textbook for second graders, written in Portuguese. Developed from objectives set forth by the National Portuguese Materials Development Center, it follows closely the objectives and methodology of major curricula used in schools of the United States. Consideration was given to the Portuguese child's…

  5. Análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia


    Dowd Aguirre, Jessica Alexandra; Tirado Naranjo, Lina María


    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia dado el desarrollo del sector y la importancia de este hidrocarburo como fuente alternativa de generación eléctrica. 73 p. Contenido parcial: Situación actual del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Expectativas del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Mercados de derivados sobre gas natural en Europa y Estados Unidos -- Mercado de gas natural ...

  6. Study of developing nuclear fabrication facility's integrated emergency response manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Taeh Yeong; Cho, Nam Chan; Han, Seung Hoon; Moon, Jong Han; Lee, Jin Hang; Min, Guem Young; Han, Ji Ah


    Public begin to pay attention to emergency management. Thus, public's consensus on having high level of emergency management system up to advanced country's is reached. In this social atmosphere, manual is considered as key factor to prevent accident or secure business continuity. Therefore, we first define possible crisis at KEPCO Nuclear Fuel (hereinafter KNF) and also make a 'Reaction List' for each crisis situation at the view of information-design. To achieve it, we analyze several country's crisis response manual and then derive component, indicate duties and roles at the information-design point of view. From this, we suggested guideline to make 'Integrated emergency response manual(IERM)'. The manual we used before have following few problems; difficult to applicate at the site, difficult to deliver information. To complement these problems, we searched manual elements from the view of information-design. As a result, we develop administrative manual. Although, this manual could be thought as fragmentary manual because it confined specific several agency/organization and disaster type

  7. Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant technical manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Larson, D.E. [ed.; Watrous, R.A.; Kruger, O.L. [and others


    A key element of the Hanford waste management strategy is the construction of a new facility, the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant (HWVP), to vitrify existing and future liquid high-level waste produced by defense activities at the Hanford Site. The HWVP mission is to vitrify pretreated waste in borosilicate glass, cast the glass into stainless steel canisters, and store the canisters at the Hanford Site until they are shipped to a federal geological repository. The HWVP Technical Manual (Manual) documents the technical bases of the current HWVP process and provides a physical description of the related equipment and the plant. The immediate purpose of the document is to provide the technical bases for preparation of project baseline documents that will be used to direct the Title 1 and Title 2 design by the A/E, Fluor. The content of the Manual is organized in the following manner. Chapter 1.0 contains the background and context within which the HWVP was designed. Chapter 2.0 describes the site, plant, equipment and supporting services and provides the context for application of the process information in the Manual. Chapter 3.0 provides plant feed and product requirements, which are primary process bases for plant operation. Chapter 4.0 summarizes the technology for each plant process. Chapter 5.0 describes the engineering principles for designing major types of HWVP equipment. Chapter 6.0 describes the general safety aspects of the plant and process to assist in safe and prudent facility operation. Chapter 7.0 includes a description of the waste form qualification program and data. Chapter 8.0 indicates the current status of quality assurance requirements for the Manual. The Appendices provide data that are too extensive to be placed in the main text, such as extensive tables and sets of figures. The Manual is a revision of the 1987 version.

  8. Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant technical manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larson, D.E.; Watrous, R.A.; Kruger, O.L.


    A key element of the Hanford waste management strategy is the construction of a new facility, the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant (HWVP), to vitrify existing and future liquid high-level waste produced by defense activities at the Hanford Site. The HWVP mission is to vitrify pretreated waste in borosilicate glass, cast the glass into stainless steel canisters, and store the canisters at the Hanford Site until they are shipped to a federal geological repository. The HWVP Technical Manual (Manual) documents the technical bases of the current HWVP process and provides a physical description of the related equipment and the plant. The immediate purpose of the document is to provide the technical bases for preparation of project baseline documents that will be used to direct the Title 1 and Title 2 design by the A/E, Fluor. The content of the Manual is organized in the following manner. Chapter 1.0 contains the background and context within which the HWVP was designed. Chapter 2.0 describes the site, plant, equipment and supporting services and provides the context for application of the process information in the Manual. Chapter 3.0 provides plant feed and product requirements, which are primary process bases for plant operation. Chapter 4.0 summarizes the technology for each plant process. Chapter 5.0 describes the engineering principles for designing major types of HWVP equipment. Chapter 6.0 describes the general safety aspects of the plant and process to assist in safe and prudent facility operation. Chapter 7.0 includes a description of the waste form qualification program and data. Chapter 8.0 indicates the current status of quality assurance requirements for the Manual. The Appendices provide data that are too extensive to be placed in the main text, such as extensive tables and sets of figures. The Manual is a revision of the 1987 version

  9. Oregon School Bond Manual. Fourth Edition. (United States)

    Oregon State Dept. of Education, Salem.

    The manual is intended to guide attorneys and officials of school districts in the issuance and sale of school district bonds. Purchasers of school district bonds rely on the recommendations of accredited bond attorneys who render opinions concerning the validity and legality of bond issues offered for sale. This manual is designed to assist in…

  10. Dynamic delivery of the National Transit Database Sampling Manual. (United States)


    This project improves the National Transit Database (NTD) Sampling Manual and develops an Internet-based, WordPress-powered interactive Web tool to deliver the new NTD Sampling Manual dynamically. The new manual adds guidance and a tool for transit a...

  11. Hoisting and rigging manual: Uncontrolled document

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document is a draft copy of a Hoisting and Rigging Manual for the Department of Energy. The manual is divided into ten chapters. The chapter titles follow: terminology and definitions; operator training and qualification; overhead and gantry cranes; mobile cranes; forklift trucks; hoists; hooks; wire rope, slings, and rigging accessories; construction hoisting and rigging equipment requirements; references.

  12. Requirements to be met by the operation manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The rule applies to the contents and the lay-out of the operating manual for stationary nuclear power plants. The draft contains: 1. General requirement to be met by the contents of the operating manual. The operating manual to be arranged in 4 parts (part 1: internal rules and regulations; part 2: operation overall plant; part 3: incidents; part 4: operation systems). Safety specifications to be included in the manual, the exemption being the system of technical documentation. 2. General requirements to be met by the lay-out of the operating manual. Comprehensibility; legibility; structure and subdivisions; arrangement of the instructions and design of the manuals cover. 3. Requirements to be met by part 1. Defining the various internal rules and regulations (personnel management); rules and regulations concerning inspections and shift work; maintenance and repair; radiation protection; guard duty and admission; alarm; fire protection; first aid. 4. Requirements to be met by part 2. Provisions and operational limitations; limit values important from the point of view of safety; normal operation; anomalous operation; in-service inspections. 6. Requirements to be met by part 3. 7. Annex: Rules, regulations and stipulations mentioned in the rule draft. (orig.)

  13. Os manuais escolares franceses de educação física, de higiene e de moral seriam sexistas? (1880-2004 Were the French school manuals of physical education, hygiene and morals between 1880 and 2004 sexist?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacques Gleyse


    Full Text Available Este artigo situa-se como um estudo panorâmico sobre as relações de gênero e a co-educação no âmbito da Educação Física na França ao longo do século XX. Em seu desenvolvimento são privilegiados três domínios discursivos orientados em direção ao mesmo objeto: os manuais de higiene, os manuais de moral e, finalmente, os manuais e textos oficiais no domínio da educação física e do esporte. Nesta pesquisa pode-se constatar que os manuais escolares que tratam do exercício físico não apenas são sexistas, mas servem também para ensinar as diferentes modalidades de sexismo através do domínio específico dos exercícios físicos. As fontes aqui pesquisadas estão disponíveis nos arquivos do Centre d'Etude, de Documentation en Histoire et Recherche en Education (CEDHRE do Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres (IUFM de Montpellier, um dos mais completos sobre manuais escolares na França.The following paper is based on an overview study about gender relations and co-education in Physical Education in France during the 20th century. In the development of this work three important discursive domains were approached towards the same object: the hygiene manuals, the morals manuals and the manuals and official texts in the field of physical education and sports. In this research it was possible to observe that the school manuals about physical exercise are not only sexist; they are also used as tools to teach different forms of sexism through physical exercise. The sources used in this study are available in files at the Centre d'Etudes de Documentation et de Recherche en Histoire de l'Education (CEDHRE of the Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres (IUFM in Montpellier, one of the educational centers with the most complete documentation about school manuals in France.

  14. Accountability methods for plutonium and uranium: the NRC manuals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gutmacher, R.G.; Stephens, F.B.


    Four manuals containing methods for the accountability of plutonium nitrate solutions, plutonium dioxide, uranium dioxide and mixed uranium-plutonium oxide have been prepared by us and issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. A similar manual on methods for the accountability of uranium and plutonium in reprocessing plant dissolver solutions is now in preparation. In the present paper, we discuss the contents of the previously issued manuals and give a preview of the manual now being prepared.

  15. Accountability methods for plutonium and uranium: the NRC manuals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gutmacher, R.G.; Stephens, F.B.


    Four manuals containing methods for the accountability of plutonium nitrate solutions, plutonium dioxide, uranium dioxide and mixed uranium-plutonium oxide have been prepared by us and issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. A similar manual on methods for the accountability of uranium and plutonium in reprocessing plant dissolver solutions is now in preparation. In the present paper, we discuss the contents of the previously issued manuals and give a preview of the manual now being prepared

  16. Netbooks The Missing Manual

    CERN Document Server

    Biersdorfer, J


    Netbooks are the hot new thing in PCs -- small, inexpensive laptops designed for web browsing, email, and working with web-based programs. But chances are you don't know how to choose a netbook, let alone use one. Not to worry: with this Missing Manual, you'll learn which netbook is right for you and how to set it up and use it for everything from spreadsheets for work to hobbies like gaming and photo sharing. Netbooks: The Missing Manual provides easy-to-follow instructions and lots of advice to help you: Learn the basics for using a Windows- or Linux-based netbookConnect speakers, printe

  17. Radiological control technician: Training program management manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This manual defines and describes the DOE Radiological Control Technician Core Training Program qualification and training process, material development requirements, standards and policies, and administration. The manual applies to Radiological Control Technician Training Programs at all DOE contractor sites

  18. Free manual of cadaver dissection modifiable by other anatomists. (United States)

    Chung, Beom Sun; Chung, Min Suk


    Even in the rapidly changing field of cadaver dissection, published guide books still play an important role in the anatomy lab. However, commercial manuals with lengthy volumes and inflexible copyrights have several limitations which can be complemented by open-source manuals. Recently, the authors have manufactured and distributed a free electronic dissection manual (, where descriptions are written concisely and images are drawn schematically. Moreover, simplified signs are employed to represent the cadaver viewing angles and manner of dissection. Based on the original files of this manual, other anatomists can revise and utilize the descriptions and figures. We expect many updated versions of our manual to be shared between students all over the world.

  19. The operation and maintenance manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klein, W.; Krotil, H.; Stoll, A.


    The Operating Manual is one of many technical documents which the nuclear power plant operator needs for ensuring safe operation. For the operating staff, however, there is only one document, namely the Operating Manual. It contains, appropriately arranged, the necessary system and other diagrams, drawings, lists, licensing documents and similar material, which are necessary for understanding the design, for testing, for obtaining the operating licence and for the operation of individual systems and of the entire plant. (orig./RW) [de

  20. Manual therapy and exercise for rotator cuff disease. (United States)

    Page, Matthew J; Green, Sally; McBain, Brodwen; Surace, Stephen J; Deitch, Jessica; Lyttle, Nicolette; Mrocki, Marshall A; Buchbinder, Rachelle


    Management of rotator cuff disease often includes manual therapy and exercise, usually delivered together as components of a physical therapy intervention. This review is one of a series of reviews that form an update of the Cochrane review, 'Physiotherapy interventions for shoulder pain'. To synthesise available evidence regarding the benefits and harms of manual therapy and exercise, alone or in combination, for the treatment of people with rotator cuff disease. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2015, Issue 3), Ovid MEDLINE (January 1966 to March 2015), Ovid EMBASE (January 1980 to March 2015), CINAHL Plus (EBSCO, January 1937 to March 2015), and the WHO ICTRP clinical trials registries up to March 2015, unrestricted by language, and reviewed the reference lists of review articles and retrieved trials, to identify potentially relevant trials. We included randomised and quasi-randomised trials, including adults with rotator cuff disease, and comparing any manual therapy or exercise intervention with placebo, no intervention, a different type of manual therapy or exercise or any other intervention (e.g. glucocorticoid injection). Interventions included mobilisation, manipulation and supervised or home exercises. Trials investigating the primary or add-on effect of manual therapy and exercise were the main comparisons of interest. Main outcomes of interest were overall pain, function, pain on motion, patient-reported global assessment of treatment success, quality of life and the number of participants experiencing adverse events. Two review authors independently selected trials for inclusion, extracted the data, performed a risk of bias assessment and assessed the quality of the body of evidence for the main outcomes using the GRADE approach. We included 60 trials (3620 participants), although only 10 addressed the main comparisons of interest. Overall risk of bias was low in three, unclear in 14 and high in

  1. HASL procedures manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Addition and corrections to the following sections of the HASL Procedures Manual are provided: Table of Contents; Bibliography; Fallout Collection Methods; Wet/Dry Fallout Collection; Fluoride in Soil and Sediment; Strontium-90; Natural Series; Alpha Emitters; and Gamma Emitters

  2. EMAP Users Manual. (United States)

    Kotz, Arnold; Redondo, Rory

    Presented is the user's manual for the Educational Manpower Information Sources Project (EMAP), an information file containing approximately 325 document abstracts related to the field of educational planning. (The EMAP file is described in document SP 006 747.) (JB)

  3. Inferencias sobre Grafos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sira M. Allende


    Full Text Available El estudio de un juego puede ser modelado asumiendo que solo algunas partidas son observadas. Entonces el árbol del juego debe ser estimado utilizando información muestral. Similarmente ocurre al obtener información sobre el comportamiento de las decisiones tomadas por individuos muestreados sobre un árbol de decisión teórico. Al considerar una medida de probabilidad que caracterice el comportamiento de redes aleatorias se puede obtener un estimado del árbol asociado. Este problema es el analizado en este trabajo. Algunos resultados experimentales obtenidos usando Recocido Simulado ilustran el procedimiento. Su papel en el estudio de modelos económicos y de mercadeo es discutido.

  4. TA-55 change control manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blum, T.W.; Selvage, R.D.; Courtney, K.H.


    This manual is the guide for initiating change at the Plutonium Facility, which handles the processing of plutonium as well as research on plutonium metallurgy. It describes the change and work control processes employed at TA-55 to ensure that all proposed changes are properly identified, reviewed, approved, implemented, tested, and documented so that operations are maintained within the approved safety envelope. All Laboratory groups, their contractors, and subcontractors doing work at TA-55 follow requirements set forth herein. This manual applies to all new and modified processes and experiments inside the TA-55 Plutonium Facility; general plant project (GPP) and line item funded construction projects at TA-55; temporary and permanent changes that directly or indirectly affect structures, systems, or components (SSCs) as described in the safety analysis, including Facility Control System (FCS) software; and major modifications to procedures. This manual does not apply to maintenance performed on process equipment or facility SSCs or the replacement of SSCs or equipment with documented approved equivalents

  5. 21 CFR 864.6160 - Manual blood cell counting device. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Manual blood cell counting device. 864.6160 Section 864.6160 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES HEMATOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY DEVICES Manual Hematology Devices § 864.6160 Manual...

  6. [Manual lifting and manual transport: risk assessment and prevalence of work-related diseases in construction companies in Basilicata]. (United States)

    Nicoletti, S; Battevi, N; Colafemmina, G; Di Leone, G; Satriani, G; Ragone, P; Occhipinti, E


    The Basilicata Regional Headquarters of the Italian Institute for Insurance against Occupational Accidents and Disease (INAIL) and the Basilicata association of small building enterprises (Edilcassa di Basilicata) promoted a research project to assess the risk of manual lifting and manual transport in construction enterprises in the Basilicata Region and estimate the prevalence of related diseases. Manual lifting risk assessment was performed by calculating the VLI of 204 working days in as many building workers. Manual transport risk assessment was carried out comparing the weights transported (on the 204 days tested) with the reference values of the "Snoock and Ciriello" tables. Manual Ifting risk was present on 195 of the 204 days, with an average value of VLI equal to 2.1 (min 0.4, max 8.5), with higher values in the restructuring sector (VLI average of 2.3, min 0.4, max 8.5), and no significant differences between the different tasks. Manual transport risk was present on 129 of the 204 days, with average values of 1.2 (min 0.2, max 3.3), with no significant differences between the different tasks analyzed For both risks additional factors were present that were not analyzed by the methods of assessment used (for manual lifting: 8.8% of the geometries in the critical area; for manual transport: 39% of transport on shoulders, 42.5% on a route with uneven surface and 31.9% on a sloping route), so it is likely that the actual risk is greater than that indicated by the synthetic indices of exposure. The medical questionnaire showed from the case histories that 148 out of 546 subjects were positive for the threshold forpain or discomfort in the lumbosacral spine area and 99 out of 546 subjects reported suffering from an already diagnosed herniated spinal disk. Only 18% of osteoarticular diseases was reported to the Insurance Institute, al though there was widespread awareness that the diseases in question might be related to work. Diseases of the spine were

  7. Conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria en pacientes hospitalizados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Otto Guillen Lopez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria (IU en pacientes hospitalizados. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo; se entrevistó una muestra por saturación de 325 pacientes hospitalizados de 30 años a más del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH, Lima - Perú, utilizando un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre incontinencia, considerándose como adecuado conocimiento cuando había más de 50% de aciertos en él. Resultados: Solamente 35.7% tuvieron conocimiento adecuado sobre IU. Hasta 90% conocía acerca del éxito del tratamiento y posibilidad de curación de los pacientes incontinentes. Sin embargo, 75% consideraron erróneamente que la IU era consecuencia inevitable del envejecimiento, mientras menos de 50% de pacientes conocía el papel de ciertos medicamentos y ejercicios en la IU. Conclusiones: Se demostró un pobre conocimiento general sobre la IU, siendo necesaria una intervención de los profesionales de la salud en la educación de la población, sobre todo hospitalizada y con factores predisponentes para desarrollar IU, para así poder modificar las ideas erróneas que existen sobre el tema. (Rev Med Hered 2003; 14: 186-194.

  8. Develpment of quality assurance manual for fabrication of DUPIC fuel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Young Gun; Lee, J. W.; Kim, S. S. and others


    The Quality Assurance Manual for the fabrication of DUPIC fuel with high quality was developed. The Quality Assurance Policy established by this manual is to assure that the DUPIC fuel element supplied to customer conform to the specified requirements of customer, applicable codes and standards. The management of KAERI is committed to implementation and maintenance of the program described by this manual. This manual describes the quality assurance program for DUPIC fuel fabrication to comply with CAN3-Z299.2-85 to the extent as needed and appropriate. This manual describes the methods which DUPIC Fuel Development Team(DFDT) personnel must follow to achieve and assure high quality of our product. This manual also describes the quality management system applicable to the activities performed at DFDT.

  9. Develpment of quality assurance manual for fabrication of DUPIC fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Young Gun; Lee, J. W.; Kim, S. S. and others


    The Quality Assurance Manual for the fabrication of DUPIC fuel with high quality was developed. The Quality Assurance Policy established by this manual is to assure that the DUPIC fuel element supplied to customer conform to the specified requirements of customer, applicable codes and standards. The management of KAERI is committed to implementation and maintenance of the program described by this manual. This manual describes the quality assurance program for DUPIC fuel fabrication to comply with CAN3-Z299.2-85 to the extent as needed and appropriate. This manual describes the methods which DUPIC Fuel Development Team(DFDT) personnel must follow to achieve and assure high quality of our product. This manual also describes the quality management system applicable to the activities performed at DFDT

  10. The comparison of automated urine analyzers with manual microscopic examination for urinalysis automated urine analyzers and manual urinalysis. (United States)

    İnce, Fatma Demet; Ellidağ, Hamit Yaşar; Koseoğlu, Mehmet; Şimşek, Neşe; Yalçın, Hülya; Zengin, Mustafa Osman


    Urinalysis is one of the most commonly performed tests in the clinical laboratory. However, manual microscopic sediment examination is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and lacks standardization in high-volume laboratories. In this study, the concordance of analyses between manual microscopic examination and two different automatic urine sediment analyzers has been evaluated. 209 urine samples were analyzed by the Iris iQ200 ELITE (İris Diagnostics, USA), Dirui FUS-200 (DIRUI Industrial Co., China) automatic urine sediment analyzers and by manual microscopic examination. The degree of concordance (Kappa coefficient) and the rates within the same grading were evaluated. For erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells, bacteria, crystals and yeasts, the degree of concordance between the two instruments was better than the degree of concordance between the manual microscopic method and the individual devices. There was no concordance between all methods for casts. The results from the automated analyzers for erythrocytes, leukocytes and epithelial cells were similar to the result of microscopic examination. However, in order to avoid any error or uncertainty, some images (particularly: dysmorphic cells, bacteria, yeasts, casts and crystals) have to be analyzed by manual microscopic examination by trained staff. Therefore, the software programs which are used in automatic urine sediment analysers need further development to recognize urinary shaped elements more accurately. Automated systems are important in terms of time saving and standardization.

  11. Operating manual for the Bulk Shielding Reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The BSR is a pool-type reactor. It has the capabilities of continuous operation at a power level of 2 MW or at any desired lower power level. This manual presents descriptive and operational information. The reactor and its auxillary facilities are described from physical and operational viewpoints. Detailed operating procedures are included which are applicable from source-level startup to full-power operation. Also included are procedures relative to the safety of personnel and equipment in the areas of experiments, radiation and contamination control, emergency actions, and general safety. This manual supercedes all previous operating manuals for the BSR

  12. Operating manual for the Bulk Shielding Reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The BSR is a pool-type reactor. It has the capabilities of continuous operation at a power level of 2 MW or at any desired lower power level. This manual presents descriptive and operational information. The reactor and its auxiliary facilities are described from physical and operational viewpoints. Detailed operating procedures are included which are applicable from source-level startup to full-power operation. Also included are procedures relative to the safety of personnel and equipment in the areas of experiments, radiation and contamination control, emergency actions, and general safety. This manual supersedes all previous operating manuals for the BSR

  13. Operating manual for the Bulk Shielding Reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The BSR is a pool-type reactor. It has the capabilities of continuous operation at a power level of 2 MW or at any desired lower power level. This manual presents descriptive and operational information. The reactor and its auxiliary facilities are described from physical and operational viewpoints. Detailed operating procedures are included which are applicable from source-level startup to full-power operation. Also included are procedures relative to the safety of personnel and equipment in the areas of experiments, radiation and contamination control, emergency actions, and general safety. This manual supersedes all previous operating manuals for the BSR.

  14. Operating manual for the Bulk Shielding Reactor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The BSR is a pool-type reactor. It has the capabilities of continuous operation at a power level of 2 MW or at any desired lower power level. This manual presents descriptive and operational information. The reactor and its auxillary facilities are described from physical and operational viewpoints. Detailed operating procedures are included which are applicable from source-level startup to full-power operation. Also included are procedures relative to the safety of personnel and equipment in the areas of experiments, radiation and contamination control, emergency actions, and general safety. This manual supercedes all previous operating manuals for the BSR.

  15. A user's manual to the PMBOK guide

    CERN Document Server

    Stackpole Snyder, Cynthia


    The must-have manual to understand and use the latest edition of the Fifth Edition The professional standard in the field of project management, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide-Fifth Edition) published by the Project Management Institute (PMI) serves as the ultimate resource for professionals and as a valuable studying and training device for students taking the PMP® Exam. A User''s Manual to the PMBOK® Guide takes the next logical step to act as a true user''s manual. With an accessible format and easy-to-understand language, it helps to not only distill es

  16. FBR metallic materials test manual (English version)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Odaka, Susumu; Kato, Shoichi; Yoshida, Eiichi


    For the development of the fast breeder reactor, this manual describes the method of in-air and in-sodium material tests and the method of organization the data. This previous manual has revised in accordance with the revision of Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) and the conversion to the international unit. The test methods of domestic committees such as the VAMAS (Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards) workshop were also refereed. The material test technologies accumulated in this group until now were also incorporated. This English version was prepared in order to provide more engineers with the FBR metallic materials test manual. (author)

  17. Training Psychiatry Residents in Psychotherapy: The Role of Manualized Treatments. (United States)

    Pagano, Joshua; Kyle, Brandon N; Johnson, Toni L; Saeed, Sy Atezaz


    Evidence-based treatment and manualized psychotherapy have a recent but rich history. As interest and research have progressed, defining the role of treatment manuals in resident training and clinical practice has become more important. Although there is not a universal definition of treatment manual, most clinicians and researchers agree that treatment manuals are an essential piece of evidence-based therapy, and that despite several limitations, they offer advantages in training residents in psychotherapy. Requirements for resident training in psychotherapy have changed over the years, and treatment manuals offer a simple and straightforward way to meet training requirements. In a search limited to only depression, two treatment manuals emerged with the support of research regarding both clinical practice and resident training. In looking toward the future, it will be important for clinicians to remain updated on further advances in evidence based manualized treatment as a tool for training residents in psychotherapy, including recent developments in online and smartphone based treatments.

  18. DOE explosives safety manual. Revision 7

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This manual prescribes the Department of Energy (DOE) safety rules used to implement the DOE safety policy for operations involving explosives. This manual is applicable to all DOE facilities engaged in operations of development, manufacturing, handling, storage, transportation, processing, or testing of explosives, pyrotechnics and propellants, or assemblies containing these materials. The standards of this manual deal with the operations involving explosives, pyrotechnics and propellants, and the safe management of such operations. The design of all new explosives facilities shall conform to the requirements established in this manual and implemented in DOE 6430.1A, ``General Design Criteria Manual.`` It is not intended that existing physical facilities be changed arbitrarily to comply with these provisions, except as required by law. Existing facilities that do not comply with these standards may continue to be used for the balance of their functional life, as long as the current operation presents no significantly greater risk than that assumed when the facility was originally designed and it can be demonstrated clearly that a modification to bring the facility into compliance is not feasible. However, in the case of a major renovation, the facility must be brought into compliance with current standards. The standards are presented as either mandatory or advisory. Mandatory standards, denoted by the words ``shall,`` ``must,`` or ``will,`` are requirements that must be followed unless written authority for deviation is granted as an exemption by the DOE. Advisory standards denoted by ``should`` or ``may`` are standards that may be deviated from with a waiver granted by facility management.

  19. Auxiliary mine ventilation manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Workplace Safety North


    An adequate ventilation system is needed for air quality and handling in a mine and is comprised of many different pieces of equipment for removing contaminated air and supplying fresh air and thereby provide a satisfactory working environment. This manual highlights auxiliary ventilation systems made up of small fans, ducts, tubes, air movers, deflectors and additional air flow controls which distribute fresh air delivered by the primary system to all areas. A review of auxiliary ventilation is provided. Design, operation and management issues are discussed and guidelines are furnished. This manual is limited to underground hard rock operations and does not address directly other, specific auxiliary systems, either in underground coal mines or uranium mines.

  20. Auxiliary mine ventilation manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Workplace Safety North


    An adequate ventilation system is needed for air quality and handling in a mine and is comprised of many different pieces of equipment for removing contaminated air and supplying fresh air and thereby provide a satisfactory working environment. This manual highlights auxiliary ventilation systems made up of small fans, ducts, tubes, air movers, deflectors and additional air flow controls which distribute fresh air delivered by the primary system to all areas. A review of auxiliary ventilation is provided. Design, operation and management issues are discussed and guidelines are furnished. This manual is limited to underground hard rock operations and does not address directly other, specific auxiliary systems, either in underground coal mines or uranium mines.

  1. Manual airway labeling has limited reproducibility

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Jens; Feragen, Aasa; Thomsen, Laura Hohwü

    Purpose: Quantitative airway assessment is often performed in specific branches to enable comparison of measurements between patients and over time. Little is known on the accuracy in locating these branches. We determined inter- and intra-observer agreement of manual labeling of segmental bronch...... disagreement in expert labeling, possibly reflecting large anatomical heterogeneity and changes with inspiration. Consistent airway measurement cannot be guaranteed based on manual localization....

  2. MINTEQ user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, S.R.; Hostetler, C.J.; Deutsch, W.J.; Cowan, C.E.


    This manual will aid the user in applying the MINTEQ geochemical computer code to model aqueous solutions and the interactions of aqueous solutions with hypothesized assemblages of solid phases. The manual will provide a basic understanding of how the MINTEQ computer code operates and the important principles that are incorporated into the code and instruct a user of the MINTEQ code on how to create input files to simulate a variety of geochemical problems. Chapters 2 through 8 are for the user who has some experience with or wishes to review the principles important to geochemical computer codes. These chapters include information on the methodology MINTEQ uses to incorporate these principles into the code. Chapters 9 through 11 are for the user who wants to know how to create input data files to model various types of problems. 35 refs., 2 figs., 5 tabs

  3. Developing hospital identity manuals: a reference tool for illustrators. (United States)

    Schaffer, J A; Zimmerman, S B


    Because of an increase in hospital marketing efforts, medical illustrators may be asked to assist in developing and implementing hospital identity manuals, which specify the graphic standards for visual communications media. A checklist survey of existing identity manuals and a literature review were conducted by one of the authors, a medical illustrator, to help her to develop a manual for her hospital employer. This article documents the literature review, the study, and the identity manual development, and presents recommendations to help other medical illustrators who might become involved in similar assignments.

  4. 14 CFR 21.5 - Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual. 21.5... CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTS AND PARTS General § 21.5 Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual. (a) With each airplane or rotorcraft that was not type certificated with an Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual...

  5. Salinas. Theory Manual Version 2.8

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reese, Garth M. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Walsh, Timothy [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Bhardwaj, Manoj K. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    Salinas provides a massively parallel implementation of structural dynamics finite element analysis, required for high fidelity, validated models used in modal, vibration, static and shock analysis of structural systems. This manual describes the theory behind many of the constructs in Salinas. For a more detailed description of how to use Salinas , we refer the reader to Salinas, Users Notes. Many of the constructs in Salinas are pulled directly from published material. Where possible, these materials are referenced herein. However, certain functions in Salinas are specific to our implementation. We try to be far more complete in those areas. The theory manual was developed from several sources including general notes, a programmer notes manual, the user's notes and of course the material in the open literature.

  6. Manual for Cyclic Triaxial Test

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shajarati, Amir; Sørensen, Kris Wessel; Nielsen, Søren Kjær

    This manual describes the different steps that is included in the procedure for conducting a cyclic triaxial test at the geotechnical Laboratory at Aalborg University. Furthermore it contains a chapter concerning some of the background theory for the static triaxial tests. The cyclic/dynamic tria......This manual describes the different steps that is included in the procedure for conducting a cyclic triaxial test at the geotechnical Laboratory at Aalborg University. Furthermore it contains a chapter concerning some of the background theory for the static triaxial tests. The cyclic...

  7. Fast matching of sensor data with manual observations. (United States)

    Jit, Biswas; Maniyeri, Jayachandran; Louis, Shue; Philip, Yap Lin Kiat


    In systems and trials concerning wearable sensors and devices used for medical data collection, the validation of sensor data with respect to manual observations is very important. However, this is often problematic because of feigned behavior, errors in manual recording (misclassification), gaps in recording (missing readings), missed observations and timing mismatch between manual observations and sensor data due to a difference in time granularity. Using sleep activity pattern monitoring as an example we present a fast algorithm for matching sensor data with manual observations. Major components include a) signal analysis to classify states of sleep activity pattern, b) matching of states with Sleep Diary (SD) and c) automated detection of anomalies and reconciliation of mismatches between the SD and the sensor data.

  8. Kajian Proses Pembuatan Perhiasan Perak Cara Manual dan Masinal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joni Setiawan


    Full Text Available Perhiasan dapat dibuat dengan 2 cara yaitu manual dan masinal. Masing-masing cara mempunyai kekurangan dan kelebihan. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya kajian dari dua cara tersebut sehingga bisa mengetahui cara apa yang lebih optimal dalam memproduksi perhiasan. Dalam kajian ini perhiasan yang dibuat adalah cincin dengan bahan perak 100 gram dan dicampur dengan tembaga 5 gram dengan 2 (dua model yaitu model A (cincin motif polos dan model B (cincin motif parang.Metode yang dipakai adalah dengan membandingkan hasil produk dari dua cara tersebut. Parameter yang dibandingkan adalah kualitas, waktu dan biaya dari produk tersebut.Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa kadar produk rata-rata dengan cara masinal lebih tlnggi 1,25%dibanding cara manual, dimensi produk rata-rata dengan cara masinal lebih presisi dibanding cara manual. Waktu proses rata-rata dengan cara masinal lebih cepat 97% dibanding cara manual dan biaya produksi cara masinal lebih rendah 63% dibanding cara manual.Dengan melihat hasil kajian tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa cara masinal lebih efisien dan efektif dibanding cara manual.

  9. Spanish for Agricultural Purposes: The Basic Manual. (United States)

    Mainous, Bruce H.; And Others

    This manual, part of a one-semester course for North American agriculture specialists preparing to work in Latin America, is built around specimens of agricultural writing in Spanish. The manual contains 12 lessons on general agriculture, sugar production, grain production, geography, forestry, animal husbandry, soy bean production, agricultural…

  10. A Manual for Teachers of Indochinese Students. (United States)

    Phap, Dam Trung

    This is a manual for teachers of Indochinese students. The manual begins with brief cultural, linguistic, and historical descriptions of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodian people. The tenets of animism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Christianity, as practiced in Indochina are reviewed. Also discussed are Indochinese attitudes toward learning and…

  11. PFP MICON maintenance manual. Revision 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silvan, G.R.


    This manual covers the use of maintenance displays, maintenance procedures, system alarms and common system failures. This manual is intended to supplement the MICON maintenance training not replace it. It also assumes that the user is familiar with the normal operation of the MICON A/S system. The MICON system is a distributed control computer and, among other things, controls the HVAC system for the Plutonium Finishing Plant

  12. Axillary Hodgkin's disease in manual workers. (United States)

    Andrieu, J M; Weh, H J; Teillet, F; Asselain, B


    Between 1965 and 1974, 16 patients were clinically staged as having unique axillary localizations of Hodgkin's disease. Sex ratio (4.3), mean age (40.8 years) and professional occupations (12 out of the 16 patients were engaged in manual work) were significantly different from that of all patients observed during the same period. These facts lead us to suppose the existence of a link between manual work and initial axillary localizations.

  13. Obturação tridimensional dos canais radiculares: lentulo ou lima endodôntica? = Tridimensional filling of root canal: lentulo spiral or endodontic file?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Souza, Joice Maciel


    Full Text Available No protocolo UFSC para tratamento endodôntico de dentes decíduos, é utilizado Ca(OH² em propilenoglicol para curativos de demora e OZE para obturação definitiva do canal, sendo levados a ele pela espiral lentulo ou lima endodôntica. Portanto, foi objetivo desta pesquisa verificar in vitro a eficiência da obturação em profundidade(P e lateralidade (L com pasta de Ca(OH² e cimento OZE, nos limites pré-estabelecidos pelo preparo biomecânico. Para isto, 4 grupos de 10 dentes cada, foram obturados com: Ca(OH² levado com lentulo e lima (GI e GII, e os dois grupos restantes (GIII e GIV obturados com OZE levados também com lentulo e lima, respectivamente. A obediência da obturação aos limites pré-estabelecidos foram analisados em radiografias, nos sentidos M-D e V-L, por 3 examinadores. As distâncias em profundidade foram medidas, conferindo escore 0 (distância de 0 a -1 mm do limite ideal, escore 1 (distância de ±2 e ±3 mm do limite ideal. Para lateralidade as obturações eram adequadas (A quando todo o espaço M-D do canal estava preenchido, caso contrário eram consideradas inadequadas (I. Os resultados demonstraram que o GII apresentou melhores resultados, obedecendo ao limite apical de obturação (Teste de Mann-Whitney/p = 0,0059. Quando o OZE foi utilizado não houve diferença entre GIII e GIV com 80% de obturações adequadas. O Teste de Proporção mostrou que a lentulo preenche os canais em lateralidade de forma mais efetiva independente de ser Ca(OH² ou OZE (Z = 4,05/p < 0,001. Concluísse que a lentulo e a lima são efetivos, em obturar os canais em profundidade, porém em lateralidade a lentulo é superior à lima, sugerindo que em alguns casos devemos utilizar os métodos combinados, para evitar o extravasamento do material obturador

  14. Pollutant Assessments Group procedures manual: Volume 2, Technical procedures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This is volume 2 of the manuals that describes the technical procedures currently in use by the Pollution Assessments Group. This manual incorporates new developments in hazardous waste assessment technology and administrative policy. Descriptions of the equipment, procedures and operations of such things as radiation detection, soil sampling, radionuclide monitoring, and equipment decontamination are included in this manual. (MB)

  15. Quality manual. Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This quality manual of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic (UJD) is presented. Basic characteristics of the UJD, Quality manual operative control, and Quality management system (QMS) are described. Management responsibility, Processes realization, Measurement, analysis (assessment) and improvement of the quality management system, Cancellation provision as well as abbreviations used in the Quality Manual are presented.

  16. Effects of mechanical cleaning by manual brushing and abrasive blasting on lime render coatings on Architectural Heritage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iglesias-Campos, M. A.


    Full Text Available This research studies the effects of mechanical cleaning by brushing and by abrasive blasting on the lime render coating of a façade. After analysing the properties of the material, the deposits to be removed and their possible influence on the treatment, different cleaning tests were made by manual brushing and by blasting with three varieties of abrasives at 45° and 75° angles, keeping the other parameters constant. Taking the restorer’s perspective as a starting point, and in order to fulfil the practical requirements of an intervention, tests were evaluated with macro-photography, USB digital microscope and stereomicroscope with 3D visualization and measurement. From the results can be concluded that abrasives with low friability and greater grain size than the space between mortar aggregates blasted at a 75° angle reduce the differential erosion compared to other abrasives; although manual brushing has less impact on the surface.En este trabajo se estudian los efectos de las limpiezas mecánicas con cepillado y con proyección de abrasivos sobre un revestimiento exterior de cal. Tras documentar las propiedades del material, de los depósitos superficiales y de su posible influencia en el tratamiento, se realizaron diferentes catas de limpieza con cepillado manual y con proyección de tres abrasivos con ángulos de 45° y 75° manteniendo constantes el resto de parámetros. Partiendo de la visión del conservador-restaurador y de un carácter práctico según las necesidades reales de intervención, los ensayos se evaluaron con macrofotografía, microscopio digital USB y microscopio estereoscópico con visualización y medición en 3D. De los resultados se determina que los abrasivos de baja friabilidad y granulometría mayor que el espacio entre los áridos del mortero proyectados con un ángulo de 75° reducen la erosión diferencial en comparación a otros abrasivos, aunque el cepillado manual altera menos la superficie.

  17. Postural adjustments are modulated by manual task complexity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Augusto Teixeira


    Full Text Available Daily life activities of humans are characterized by dual tasks, in which a manual task is performed concomitantly with a postural task. Based on the assumption that both manual and postural tasks require attentional resources, no consensus exists as to how the central nervous system modulates postural adjustments in dual tasks. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of a manual task requiring attentional resources on shoulder and ankle adjustments as a function of the direction and predictability of postural perturbation. The participants (n=6 were evaluated during the performance of a simple and a complex manual task, while the base of support was moved backward or forward. Latency of activation of the tibialis anterior and gastroc-nemius muscles and angular acceleration of the shoulder were analyzed. The results showed that execution of the complex manual task delayed postural adjustment. Moreover, this delay occurred differently depending on the direction of postural perturbation. The delay in postural adjustment occurred proximally in the case of anterior displacement of the platform, and distally in the case of posterior displacement. Postural adjustments were more affected by the attentional task than by the predictability of platform displacement. These results are consistent with the concept of an integrated control between manual actions and the maintenance of static posture.

  18. Manual fire fighting tactics at Nuclear Power Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jee, Moon Hak; Moon, Chan Kook


    The general requirements of fire protection at nuclear power plant (NPP) are fire protection program, fire hazard analysis, and fire prevention features. In addition, specific fire protection requirements such as water supplies, fire detection, fire protection of safe related equipment, and safe shutdown capabilities must be provided. Particularly, manual fire fighting is required as specific requirements with the provisions to secure manual fire suppression, fire brigade and its training, and administrative controls for manual fire fighting. If a fire is alarmed and confirmed to be a real fire, the fire brigade must take manual fire fighting activities as requested at fire protection program. According to the present requirements in itself, there is not any specific manual fire fighting ways or practical strategies. In general, fire zones or compartments at NPPs are built in a confined condition. In theory, the fire condition will change from a combustible-controlled fire to a ventilation-governing fire with the time duration. In case of pool fire with the abundant oxygen and flammable liquid, it can take just a few minutes for the flash-over to occur. For the well-confined fire zone, it will change from a flame fire to a smoldering state before the entrance door is opened by the fire brigade. In this context, the manual fire fighting activities must be based on a quantitative analysis and a fire risk evaluation. At this paper, it was suggested that the fire zones at NPPs should be grouped on the inherent functions and fire characteristics. Based on the fire risk characteristics and the fire zone grouping, the manual fire fighting tactics are suggested as an advanced fire fighting solution


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sayuri P. Tamura M.


    Full Text Available «Disertación sobre equidad y justicia» es básicamente una respuesta a una inquietud en particular que yo tenía sobre las distintas posiciones que existen sobre estos dos temas y cómo definir cuál es la más acertada. Hice una descripción del punto de vista de Amartya Sen –la violación de los derechos sobre la propiedad privada es justificable si evitan las hambrunas2– frente al de Robert Nozick –la propiedad privada es un derecho fundamental y como tal debe ser respetado3–, sin embargo, aunque ambos enfoques son totalmente contrarios tienen mucho sentido, por lo cual es bastante difícil decidirse por uno en particular. Fue de esta forma, enfrentando sus opiniones, que yo logré desarrollar una posición frente a estas dos perspectivas, y así dar mi opinión al DISERTACIÓN SOBRE JUSTICIA Y EQUIDAD SAYURI P. TAMURA M. Estudiante de Economía y Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad ICESI. respecto. Al final, llegué a una conclusión, que aunque no es la más original y tampoco es la única, tiene mucho sentido y seguramente de ser posible, la situación del país podría cambiar para bien.

  20. ABCC publication manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The reporting policy of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission is described in detail in this manual. Specific topics covered are: research project register; research publication policy; USA publication procedures; Japan publication procedures, report preparation instructions; and a glossary of institutions terms, phrases, and symbols. 15 figures. (DMC)

  1. NDS EXFOR Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemmel, H.D.


    This manual contains the coding rules and formats and NDS internal compilation rules for the exchange format (EXFOR) for the transmission of nuclear reaction data between national and international nuclear data centres, and for the data storage and retrieval system of the IAEA Nuclear Data Section

  2. CANAL user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faya, A.; Wolf, L.; Todreas, N.


    CANAL is a subchannel computer program for the steady-state and transient thermal hydraulic analysis of BWR fuel rod bundles. The purpose of this manual is to introduce the user into the mechanism of running the code by providing information about the input data and options

  3. AELIB user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, L.E.; Klawitter, G.L.


    This report is an updatable manual for users of AELIB, the AECL Library of FORTRAN-callable routines for the CRNL CDC 6600/CYBER 170 system. It provides general advice on the use of this library and detailed information on the selection and usage of particular library routines

  4. Nuclear medicine. 1 part. Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shlygina, O.E.; Borisenko, A.R.


    Current manual is urged to give wide-scale readers a submission on a key principles and methods of nuclear medicine, and it opportunities and restrictions in diagnostics and treatment of different diseases. Nuclear medicine is differing first of all by combination of diverse knowledge fields: special knowledge of a doctor, knowledge of physical processes bases, related with radiation, grounds of radiopharmaceutics, dosimetry. In the base of the book the 5th edition of 'Nuclear medicine' manual in 2 parts of German authors - Schicha, G.; Schober, O. is applied. In the book publishing the stuff of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the National Nuclear Center of Republic of Kazakhstan has been worked. Modifications undergo practically all chapters: especially the second one, forth and sixth was enlarged. The 1 part of the book was published due to support of IAEA within the Technical cooperation project 'Implementation of Nuclear Medicine and Biophysics Center' (KAZ/6/007). The manual second part - devoted to applications of nuclear medicine methods for diagnostics and treatment - will be published in 2007

  5. The comparison of automated urine analyzers with manual microscopic examination for urinalysis automated urine analyzers and manual urinalysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fatma Demet Ä°nce


    Full Text Available Objectives: Urinalysis is one of the most commonly performed tests in the clinical laboratory. However, manual microscopic sediment examination is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and lacks standardization in high-volume laboratories. In this study, the concordance of analyses between manual microscopic examination and two different automatic urine sediment analyzers has been evaluated. Design and methods: 209 urine samples were analyzed by the Iris iQ200 ELITE (Ä°ris Diagnostics, USA, Dirui FUS-200 (DIRUI Industrial Co., China automatic urine sediment analyzers and by manual microscopic examination. The degree of concordance (Kappa coefficient and the rates within the same grading were evaluated. Results: For erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells, bacteria, crystals and yeasts, the degree of concordance between the two instruments was better than the degree of concordance between the manual microscopic method and the individual devices. There was no concordance between all methods for casts. Conclusion: The results from the automated analyzers for erythrocytes, leukocytes and epithelial cells were similar to the result of microscopic examination. However, in order to avoid any error or uncertainty, some images (particularly: dysmorphic cells, bacteria, yeasts, casts and crystals have to be analyzed by manual microscopic examination by trained staff. Therefore, the software programs which are used in automatic urine sediment analysers need further development to recognize urinary shaped elements more accurately. Automated systems are important in terms of time saving and standardization. Keywords: Urinalysis, Autoanalysis, Microscopy

  6. BBC users manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ltterst, R.F.; Sutcliffe, W.G.; Warshaw, S.I.


    BBC is a two-dimensional, multifluid Eulerian hydro-radiation code based on KRAKEN and some subsequent ideas. It was developed in the explosion group in T-Division as a basic two-dimensional code to which various types of physics can be added. For this reason BBC is a FORTRAN (LRLTRAN) code. In order to gain the 2-to-1 to 4-to-1 speed advantage of the STACKLIB software on the 7600's and to be able to execute at high speed on the STAR, the vector extensions of LRLTRAN (STARTRAN) are used throughout the code. Either cylindrical- or slab-type problems can be run on BBC. The grid is bounded by a rectangular band of boundary zones. The interfaces between the regular and boundary zones can be selected to be either rigid or nonrigid. The setup for BBC problems is described in the KEG Manual and LEG Manual. The difference equations are described in BBC Hydrodynamics. Basic input and output for BBC are described

  7. Manual Therapy With Cryotherapy Versus Manual Therapy With Kinesio Taping for Males With Lumbar Discopathy: A Pilot Randomized Trial. (United States)

    Lizis, Pawel; Kobza, Wojciech


    Context • Numerous modalities of therapeutic interventions exist for lumbar discopathy. Manual therapy is one option, although its effectiveness remains controversial. The addition of cryotherapy to manual therapy may enhance the health benefits in patients with lumbar discopathy.  Objective • The study intended to evaluate the efficacy of manual therapy combined with cryotherapy vs manual therapy combined with Kinesio taping for males with lumbar discopathy. Design • The research team designed a pilot randomized trial with concealed allocation, assessor blinding, and intention-to-treat analysis. Setting • The study occurred in the Physiotherapy Outpatient Department of the Regional Hospital (Zywiec, Poland). Participants • The participants were 40 males with lumbar discopathy, aged 30-75 y, who were patients in the department at the hospital. Intervention • The participants were randomly assigned to an intervention group that received Kaltenborn-Evjenth orthopedic manual therapy (KEOMT) combined with cryotherapy, the KEOMT-C group (n = 20), or to a control group that received KEOMT combined with Kinesio taping, the KEOMT-K group (n = 20). The participants in both groups received 10 treatments, 2 per wk for 5 wk. Outcome Measures • The primary outcome was measured using a visual analog scale and the Laitinen scale pain ratings. The secondary outcome measured the quality of life using the short form-36 questionnaire. The participants completed the tests at baseline and postintervention. Results • After the treatments, the intervention group had significantly lower scores than the control group for pain as well as significantly higher scores for quality of life. Conclusions • Patients achieved better health benefits from manual therapy when it was combined with cryotherapy.

  8. Danglers in Patient Information Leaflets and Technical Manuals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Køhler Simonsen, Henrik


    in fact been proved. The analysis and the discussion showed that dangling participles are not very frequent in PILs, but much more common in technical manuals. The data showed that there were no “ludicrous” danglers,(see Matthews and Matthews 2008:146), in PILcorp. However, the analysis showed that both......Dangling participles and other types of ambiguous or unclear sentence constructions in directive and informative medical and technical texts, such as patient information leaflets (PILs) and technical manuals, render instructions unclear and potentially dangerous for the layman reader, i......, and readability on the basis of two corpora: a corpus of PILs (PILcorp) and a corpus of technical manuals (TECHcorp). The hypothesis is that patient information leaflets will contain fewer dangling constructions than technical manuals because of the strict regulations on product information texts including PILs...

  9. Maintenance Personnel Performance Simulation (MAPPS) model. Users' Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kopstein, F.F.; Wolf, J.J.


    This report (MAPPS User's Manual) is the last report to be published from this program and provides detailed guidelines for utilization of the MAPPS model. Although the model has been developed to be highly user-friendly and provides interactive means for controlling and running of the model, the user's manual is provided as a guide for the user in the event clarification or direction is required. The user will find that in general the model requires primarily user input that is self explanatory. Once initial familiarization with the model has been achieved by the user, the amount of interaction between the user's manual and the computer model will be minimal. It is suggested however that even the experienced user keep the user's manual handy for quick reference. 5 refs., 10 figs., 7 tabs

  10. The organizational measurement manual

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Wealleans, David


    ... Relationship of process to strategic measurements Summary 37 36Contents 19/10/2000 1:23 pm Page vi vi THE ORGANIZATIONAL MEASUREMENT MANUAL 4 PART 2 ESTABLISHING A PROCESS MEASUREMENT PROGRAMME...

  11. Contents Development of Library Signage Manual in Korea


    In-Ja Ahn


    There is an increase in the need of an unified manual for library signage system, due to recent increase in library construction or remodeling. This paper, therefore, can be a basic research to develop library signage system manual. Based on an anual released from KLA and the sum of opinions of expert groups, this research proposes a concrete list of contents for library signage system manual as follows. First, there is a need of theoretical basis of library signage system. Second, for the ac...

  12. Droid X The Missing Manual

    CERN Document Server

    Gralla, Preston


    Get the most from your Droid X right away with this entertaining Missing Manual. Veteran tech author Preston Gralla offers a guided tour of every feature, with lots of expert tips and tricks along the way. You'll learn how to use calling and texting features, take and share photos, enjoy streaming music and video, and much more. Packed with full-color illustrations, this engaging book covers everything from getting started to advanced features and troubleshooting. Unleash the power of Motorola's hot new device with Droid X: The Missing Manual. Get organized. Import your contacts and sync wit

  13. Cuerpo de Paz Manual de Sistema de Programacion y Capacitacion (Peace Corps Programming and Training System Manual): T0063. (United States)

    Peace Corps, Washington, DC.

    This Spanish version of the Peace Corps Programming and Training System Manual is designed to help field staff members of the Peace Corps train volunteers. Its task descriptions, guidelines, examples, and definitions are intended to be practical and informative rather than restrictive. The manual is divided into six major sections: (1)…

  14. NCDC Archive Documentation Manuals (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The National Climatic Data Center Tape Deck Documentation library is a collection of over 400 manuals describing NCDC's digital holdings (both historic and current)....

  15. The stormwater management manual for Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Md Nasir Md Noh


    The government of Malaysia considers land and water as two very important natural resources. Consequently, the conservation practice of these natural resources remain top priority agenda with various laws and policies apart from manuals and guidelines available for practitioners to follow right from planning, design and implementation stages. Among the laws and regulations are national land code, land conservation act, local government act, street, drainage and building act, town and country planning act, and environmental quality act among others. In addition, stormwater management manual for Malaysia developed by department of irrigation and drainage, guidelines on the prevention and control of soil erosion and siltation in Malaysia developed by department of environment, standard specification for road works established by public works department, use of flood detention ponds as part of open space set up by department of town and country planning, and guideline for agricultural development at slope terrain published by department of agriculture are some of the established manuals and guidelines utilized around the country. The stormwater management manual for malaysia (msma) is the latest of the series of guidelines available in the country for inculcating up to date stormwater management apart from ensuring sustainable soil and water conservation practice in Malaysia. This manual has been published in 2000 and started to be utilized since 1 January 2001. Ever since msma has been widely used for the planning, design and implementation of various land development activities in the country. Among the key points highlighted in this manual are water quantity control and water quality control. Water quantity control focuses on the flash flood control technique due to the increase rate of water flowing out of developed areas while water quality control meant for the controlled of non-point source pollution generated by developed areas by contemplating on the best

  16. Matematica 3. Manual. (United States)

    D'Alu, Maria Jose Miranda de Sousa

    This teachers manual accompanies a mathematics textbook, written in Portuguese, for third graders. It closely follows the objectives and methodology of the major curricula used throughout the schools in the United States. The 11 chapters deal with: numeration (0-999,999); addition with and without regrouping; subtraction with and without…

  17. Tokai densitometer manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sprinkle, J.K. Jr.; Hsue, S.T.; Junck, K.


    In 1979, the Tokai densitometer was installed at the Tokai Reprocessing Plant in Tokai, Japan. It uses a nondestructive active technique (K-edge absorption densitometry) to assay solutions for plutonium content. The original hardware was upgraded in 1984 and 1985. This manual describes the instrument's operation after the upgrade. 2 refs

  18. Somos un envase : Discursos sobre el aborto


    Löcher, Jennifer Irene


    No hay persona que no tenga opinión acerca del asunto y, cada vez más, la sociedad argentina debate sobre la pregunta de si se debe legalizar/despenalizar el aborto o no. Nunca antes se habló tanto sobre el tema públicamente: se publican artículos en los diarios, hay manifestaciones a favor y hay manifestaciones en contra de la legalización del aborto. El siguiente trabajo pretende relevar y analizar discursos que circulan socialmente alrededor del debate sobre el aborto. (Párrafo extraíd...

  19. Los Alamos waste drum shufflers users manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rinard, P.M.; Adams, E.L.; Painter, J.


    This user manual describes the Los Alamos waste drum shufflers. The primary purpose of the instruments is to assay the mass of 235 U (or other fissile materials) in drums of assorted waste. It can perform passive assays for isotopes that spontaneously emit neutrons or active assays using the shuffler technique as described on this manual

  20. New Mexico Response to Intervention Framework Manual (United States)

    New Mexico Public Education Department, 2014


    This manual details the instructional framework and guidance on the Response to Intervention (RtI) process in New Mexico. The manual includes: (1) a section on each of the three instructional tiers; (2) a glossary of key terms; (3) sample forms to assist with the Student Assistance Team (SAT) process; and (4) key resources for teachers.

  1. Trayectorias (sobre ruedas): un ensayo visual sobre los carritos de supermercado en la ciudad


    Cruz, Edgar Gómez


    El siguiente trabajo es un breve bosquejo de las posibilidades del concepto de trabajo “trayectoria”. Una trayectoria no es sólo, en el sentido literal del término, el trazo del movimiento sobre un camino, sino que busca establecer una reflexión sobre las posibilidades de recolección de registros visuales/digitales/móviles para la investigación etnográfica desde la aleatoriedad del movimiento por la ciudad. El concepto de trayectoria busca dialogar con el de “flâneur” de De Certeau y Benjamin...

  2. 39 CFR 20.3 - Availability of the International Mail Manual. (United States)


    ... 39 Postal Service 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Availability of the International Mail Manual. 20.3 Section 20.3 Postal Service UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE INTERNATIONAL MAIL INTERNATIONAL POSTAL SERVICE § 20.3 Availability of the International Mail Manual. Copies of the International Mail Manual may...

  3. Quality manual for Laboratories of the Nuclear Materials Characterization Division

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabato, S.F.


    This publication presents the first Quality Manual for the Laboratories at the Nuclear Materials Characterization Division. The Manual describes the laboratories, its organization structure, fields of activities, personnel records, equipments, maintenance and calibration. The main aspects concerning quality assurance in the analysis were discussed. The whole system of receiving, identifying and processing analysis of the samples is shown. Since there are many information to be contained in several subjects of the Quality Manual, there were produced separate documents that are cross referenced in the manual. (author)

  4. Thoracic manual therapy is not more effective than placebo thoracic manual therapy in patients with shoulder dysfunctions: A systematic review with meta-analysis. (United States)

    Bizzarri, Paolo; Buzzatti, Luca; Cattrysse, Erik; Scafoglieri, Aldo


    Manual treatments targeting different regions (shoulder, cervical spine, thoracic spine, ribs) have been studied to deal with patients complaining of shoulder pain. Thoracic manual treatments seem able to produce beneficial effects on this group of patients. However, it is not clear whether the patient improvement is a consequence of thoracic manual therapy or a placebo effect. To compare the efficacy of thoracic manual therapy and placebo thoracic manual treatment for patients with shoulder dysfunction. Electronic databases (MEDLINE, CENTRAL, PEDro, CINAHL, WoS, EMBASE, ERIC) were searched through November 2016. Randomized Controlled Trials assessing pain, mobility and function were selected. The Cochrane bias estimation tool was applied. Outcome results were either extracted or computed from raw data. Meta-analysis was performed for outcomes with low heterogeneity. Four studies were included in the review. The methodology of the included studies was generally good except for one study that was rated as high risk of bias. Meta-analysis showed no significant effect for "pain at present" (SMD -0.02; 95% CI: -0.35, 0.32) and "pain during movement" (SMD -0.12; 95% CI: -0.45, 0.21). There is very low to low quality of evidence that a single session of thoracic manual therapy is not more effective than a single session of placebo thoracic manual therapy in patients with shoulder dysfunction at immediate post-treatment. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Experience with the EPA manual for waste minimization opportunity assessments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bridges, J.S.


    The EPA Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment Manual (EPA/625/788/003) was published to assist those responsible for managing waste minimization activities at the waste generating facility and at corporate levels. The Manual sets forth a procedure that incorporates technical and managerial principles and motivates people to develop and implement pollution prevention concepts and ideas. Environmental management has increasingly become one of cooperative endeavor whereby whether in government, industry, or other forms of enterprise, the effectiveness with whirl, people work together toward the attainment of a clean environment is largely determined by the ability of those who hold managerial position. This paper offers a description of the EPA Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment Manual procedure which supports the waste minimization assessment as a systematic planned procedure with the objective of identifying ways to reduce or eliminate waste generation. The Manual is a management tool that blends science and management principles. The practice of managing waste minimization/pollution prevention makes use of the underlying organized science and engineering knowledge and applies it in the light of realities to gain a desired, practical result. The early stages of EPA's Pollution Prevention Research Program centered on the development of the Manual and its use at a number of facilities within the private and public sectors. This paper identifies a number of case studies and waste minimization opportunity assessment reports that demonstrate the value of using the Manual's approach. Several industry-specific waste minimization assessment manuals have resulted from the Manual's generic approach to waste minimization. There were some modifications to the Manual's generic approach when the waste stream has been other than industrial hazardous waste

  6. Manual Hydraulic Structures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Molenaar, W.F.; Voorendt, M.Z.

    This manual is the result of group work and origins in Dutch lecture notes that have been used since long time. Amongst the employees of the Hydraulic Engineering Department that contributed to this work are S. van Baars, ir.K.G.Bezuijen, ir.G.P.Bourguignon,,

  7. Idaho Safety Manual. (United States)

    Idaho State Dept. of Education, Boise. Div. of Vocational Education.

    This manual is intended to help teachers, administrators, and local school boards develop and institute effective safety education as a part of all vocational instruction in the public schools of Idaho. This guide is organized in 13 sections that cover the following topics: introduction to safety education, legislation, levels of responsibility,…

  8. Political Education Manual. (United States)

    League of United Latin American Citizens, Washington, DC.

    Written to help Hispanics understand the electoral process more thoroughly and to encourage them to participate more actively in the political arena, this manual begins by describing the present status of the Hispanic electorate and then explains how laws are made, how Hispanics can influence legislation, and how to organize a voter registration…

  9. Breve estudio sobre la influencia de la History of Spanish Literature de George Ticknor en manuales posteriores: aparición y desaparición de las mujeres en el canon literario.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gemma Delicado Puerto.


    Full Text Available Resumen: George Ticknor, autor de una Historia de la literatura española (1849, que comprende desde el s. XIII hasta principios del s. XIX, ha influido sobremanera en manuales de literatura posteriores y, por ende, en el canon literario oficial. Ticknor y más tarde el erudito británico James Fitzmaurice-Kelly borran de la historia de la literatura española a numerosas escritoras por dos motivos: al no incluir sus nombres en la obra y de los incluidos hacer referencias negativas en la mayoría de los casos. En este artículo se analizan estas ausencias, las referencias negativas, los posibles motivos que parecen haber llevado al autor a hacerlas y las consecuencias de todo ello en manuales posteriores.Summary: George Ticknor, author of a History of Literature that covers the period from early 18th century to the XIX, has influenced in later literature manuals, and therefore in the official literary canon. Ticknor and later on the British scholar James Fitzmaurice-Kelly contributed to erase the names of a great number of women writers from the history of Spanish literature for two main reasons: by no including their names in the manual and comment negatively most of those included. Absences, negative comments, and the possible reasons that lead the authors to do so, together with the consequences of these facts are analyzed in this article.

  10. Factors associated with high physical exertion during manual lifting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Lars L.; Sundstrup, Emil; Brandt, Mikkel


    BACKGROUND: High physical exertion during work is a risk factor for back pain and long-term sickness absence. OBJECTIVE: To investigate which factors are associated with physical exertion during manual lifting. METHODS: From 14 workplaces across Denmark, 200 blue-collar workers reported perceived...... physical exertion (Borg-CR10) during manual lifting from floor to table height of 5, 10, 20 and 30 kg at the beginning and end of the working day. The workers also responded to a questionnaire and went through testing of isometric back muscle strength. Associations were modelled using logistic regression...... during manual lifting in blue-collar workers. These factors should be considered when planning work with manual lifting for individual workers....

  11. VDOT manual of practice for planning stormwater management. (United States)


    The final report is in the form of a manual of practice for the VDOT to use in planning its stormwater management strategies. The manual was proposed to aid in the selection and design of erosion control practices and stormwater control practices for...


    The purpose of this manual is to provide the engineering community and related industry with a new source of information to be used in the planning, design, and operation of present and future wastewater pollution control facilities. This manual supplements this existing knowledg...

  13. 39 CFR 20.4 - Amendments to the International Mail Manual. (United States)


    ... 39 Postal Service 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Amendments to the International Mail Manual. 20.4 Section 20.4 Postal Service UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE INTERNATIONAL MAIL INTERNATIONAL POSTAL SERVICE § 20.4 Amendments to the International Mail Manual. New issues of the International Mail Manual will be...

  14. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosario Silva Gilli


    Full Text Available Contenido: Las creaciones en la agricultura. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales. El Convenio Internacional para la protección de las obtenciones vegetales (París 1961 y sus revisiones de Ginebra 1972, 1978,1991 Objeto de la protección legal. Condiciones del cultivar. Alcance de la protección. La protección de obtenciones vegetales en el Mercosur. Los Derechos de autor en el Mercosur. El Protocolo de Armonización de normas sobre Propiedad Intelectual en el Mercosur. El Acuerdo de Cooperación y facilitación sobre la protección de las obtenciones vegetales en los Estados Partes del Mercosur.  Alcance de la normativa Mercosur. Los Derechos sobre cultivares en Uruguay. Los Derechos de autor como derechos humanos. ¿Derechos de autor vs. derecho de propiedad intelectual? Reflexión final

  15. Geochemical engineering reference manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Owen, L.B.; Michels, D.E.


    The following topics are included in this manual: physical and chemical properties of geothermal brine and steam, scale and solids control, processing spent brine for reinjection, control of noncondensable gas emissions, and goethermal mineral recovery. (MHR)

  16. Stepping motor control processor reference manual. Volume I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holloway, F.W.; VanArsdall, P.J.; Suski, G.J.; Gant, R.G.; Rash, M.


    This manual is intended to serve several purposes. The first goal is to describe the capabilities and operation of the SMC processor package from an operator or user point of view. Secondly, the manual will describe in some detail the basic hardware elements and how they can be used effectively to implement a step motor control system. Practical information on the use, installation and checkout of the hardware set is presented in the following sections along with programming suggestions. Available related system software is described in this manual for reference and as an aid in understanding the system architecture. Section two presents an overview and operations manual of the SMC processor describing its composition and functional capabilities. Section three contains hardware descriptions in some detail for the LLL-designed hardware used in the SMC processor. Basic theory of operation and important features are explained

  17. User's manual of Tokamak Simulation Code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Yukiharu; Nishino, Tooru; Tsunematsu, Toshihide; Sugihara, Masayoshi.


    User's manual for use of Tokamak Simulation Code (TSC), which simulates the time-evolutional process of deformable motion of axisymmetric toroidal plasma, is summarized. For the use at JAERI computer system, the TSC is linked with the data management system GAEA. This manual is forcused on the procedure for the input and output by using the GAEA system. Model equations to give axisymmetric motion, outline of code system, optimal method to get the well converged solution are also described. (author)

  18. Davis PV plant operation and maintenance manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This operation and maintenance manual contains the information necessary to run the Photovoltaics for Utility Scale Applications (PVUSA) test facility in Davis, California. References to more specific information available in drawings, data sheets, files, or vendor manuals are included. The PVUSA is a national cooperative research and demonstration program formed in 1987 to assess the potential of utility scale photovoltaic systems.

  19. ARIES NDA Robot operators' manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scheer, N.L.; Nelson, D.C.


    The ARIES NDA Robot is an automation device for servicing the material movements for a suite of Non-destructive assay (NDA) instruments. This suite of instruments includes a calorimeter, a gamma isotopic system, a segmented gamma scanner (SGS), and a neutron coincidence counter (NCC). Objects moved by the robot include sample cans, standard cans, and instrument plugs. The robot computer has an RS-232 connection with the NDA Host computer, which coordinates robot movements and instrument measurements. The instruments are expected to perform measurements under the direction of the Host without operator intervention. This user's manual describes system startup, using the main menu, manual operation, and error recovery

  20. Motorola Xoom The Missing Manual

    CERN Document Server

    Gralla, Preston


    Motorola Xoom is the first tablet to rival the iPad, and no wonder with all of the great features packed into this device. But learning how to use everything can be tricky-and Xoom doesn't come with a printed guide. That's where this Missing Manual comes in. Gadget expert Preston Gralla helps you master your Xoom with step-by-step instructions and clear explanations. As with all Missing Manuals, this book offers refreshing, jargon-free prose and informative illustrations. Use your Xoom as an e-book reader, music player, camcorder, and phoneKeep in touch with email, video and text chat, and so

  1. Manual on decontamination of surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The manual is intended for those who are responsible for the organization and implementation of decontamination programmes for facilities where radioactive materials are handled mainly on a laboratory scale. It contains information and guidelines on practical methods for decontaminating working spaces, equipment, laboratory benches and protective clothing. Useful information is also provided on the removal of loose skin contamination from personnel by mild, non-medical processes. Methods of removing skin contamination needing medical supervision, or of internal decontamination, which is entirely a medical process, are not covered in this manual. Large-scale decontamination of big nuclear facilities is also considered as outside its scope

  2. iPod The Missing Manual

    CERN Document Server

    Biersdorfer, J D


    Apple's iPod still has the world hooked on portable music, pictures, videos, movies, and more, but one thing it doesn't have is a manual that helps you can get the most out this amazing device. That's where this book comes in. Get the complete scoop on the latest line of iPods and the latest version of iTunes with the guide that outshines them all-iPod: The Missing Manual. The 10th edition is as useful, satisfying, and reliable as its subject. Teeming with high-quality color graphics, each page helps you accomplish a specific task-everything from managing your media and installing and browsi

  3. INIS: Database manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document is one in a series of publications known as the INIS Reference Series. It is intended for users of INIS (International Nuclear Information System) output data on various media (FTP file, CD-ROM, e-mail file, earlier magnetic tape, cartridge, etc.). This manual provides a description of each data element including information on contents, structure and usage as well as historical overview of additions, deletions and changes of data elements and their contents that have taken place over the years. Each record contains certain control data fields (001-009), one, two or three bibliographic levels, a set of descriptors, and zero, one or more abstracts, one in English and optionally one or more in another language. In order to facilitate the description of the system, the sequence of data elements is based on the input or, as it is internally called, worksheet format which differs from the exchange format described in the manual IAEA-INIS-7. A separate section is devoted to each data element and deviations from the exchange format are indicated whenever present. As the Record Leader and the Directory are sufficiently explained in Chapter 3.1 of IAEA-INIS-7, the contents of this manual are limited to control fields and data fields; the detailed explanations are intended to supplement the basic information given in Chapter 3.2 of IAEA-INIS-7. Bibliographic levels are used to identify component parts of a publication, i.e. chapters in a book, articles in a journal issue, conference papers in a proceedings volume. All bibliographic levels contained in a record are given in a control data field. Each bibliographic level identifier appears in the subdirectory with a pointer to its position in the record

  4. SEVERO code - user's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sacramento, A.M. do.


    This user's manual contains all the necessary information concerning the use of SEVERO code. This computer code is related to the statistics of extremes = extreme winds, extreme precipitation and flooding hazard risk analysis. (A.C.A.S.)

  5. Ensaios sobre economia do empreendorismo


    Gabrielito Rauter Menezes


    Esta tese é composta por três ensaios sobre Economia do Empreendedorismo. O primeiro deles trata sobre os determinantes do empreendedorismo no Brasil a partir de modelos de escolha ocupacional, usando os microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra por Domicílios (PNAD) do ano de 2012. A estratégia empírica adotada empregou os modelos de escolha discreta na estimação da escolha ocupacional. Os resultados demonstraram que existem efeitos significativos para as variáveis: anos de estudos iniciai...

  6. Contents Development of Library Signage Manual in Korea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    In-Ja Ahn


    Full Text Available There is an increase in the need of an unified manual for library signage system, due to recent increase in library construction or remodeling. This paper, therefore, can be a basic research to develop library signage system manual. Based on an anual released from KLA and the sum of opinions of expert groups, this research proposes a concrete list of contents for library signage system manual as follows. First, there is a need of theoretical basis of library signage system. Second, for the actual practices of signage system, planning, check list, and standard terms shall be necessary.

  7. Energy statistics manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Manual is written in a question-and-answer format. The points developed are introduced with a basic question, such as: What do people mean by 'fuels' and 'energy'? What units are used to express oil? How are energy data presented? Answers are given in simple terms and illustrated by graphs, charts and tables. More technical explanations are found in the annexes. The Manual contains seven chapters. The first one presents the fundamentals of energy statistics, five chapters deal with the five different fuels (electricity and heat; natural gas; oil; solid fuels and manufactured gases; renewables and waste) and the last chapter explains the energy balance. Three technical annexes and a glossary are also included. For the five chapters dedicated to the fuels, there are three levels of reading: the first one contains general information on the subject, the second one reviews issues which are specific to the joint IEA/OECD-Eurostat-UNECE questionnaires and the third one focuses on the essential elements of the subject. 43 figs., 22 tabs., 3 annexes.

  8. ARDS User Manual (United States)

    Fleming, David P.


    Personal computers (PCs) are now used extensively for engineering analysis. their capability exceeds that of mainframe computers of only a few years ago. Programs originally written for mainframes have been ported to PCs to make their use easier. One of these programs is ARDS (Analysis of Rotor Dynamic Systems) which was developed at Arizona State University (ASU) by Nelson et al. to quickly and accurately analyze rotor steady state and transient response using the method of component mode synthesis. The original ARDS program was ported to the PC in 1995. Several extensions were made at ASU to increase the capability of mainframe ARDS. These extensions have also been incorporated into the PC version of ARDS. Each mainframe extension had its own user manual generally covering only that extension. Thus to exploit the full capability of ARDS required a large set of user manuals. Moreover, necessary changes and enhancements for PC ARDS were undocumented. The present document is intended to remedy those problems by combining all pertinent information needed for the use of PC ARDS into one volume.

  9. Program Management System manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Program Management System (PMS), as detailed in this manual, consists of all the plans, policies, procedure, systems, and processes that, taken together, serve as a mechanism for managing the various subprograms and program elements in a cohesive, cost-effective manner. The PMS is consistent with the requirements of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 and the ''Mission Plan for the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program'' (DOE/RW-0005). It is based on, but goes beyond, the Department of Energy (DOE) management policies and procedures applicable to all DOE programs by adapting these directives to the specific needs of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management program. This PMS Manual describes the hierarchy of plans required to develop and maintain the cost, schedule, and technical baselines at the various organizational levels of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program. It also establishes the management policies and procedures used in the implementation of the Program. These include requirements for internal reports, data, and other information; systems engineering management; regulatory compliance; safety; quality assurance; and institutional affairs. Although expanded versions of many of these plans, policies, and procedures are found in separate documents, they are an integral part of this manual. The PMS provides the basis for the effective management that is needed to ensure that the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program fulfills the mandate of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. 5 figs., 2 tabs

  10. Metrication manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harper, A.F.A.; Digby, R.B.; Thong, S.P.; Lacey, F.


    In April 1978 a meeting of senior metrication officers convened by the Commonwealth Science Council of the Commonwealth Secretariat, was held in London. The participants were drawn from Australia, Bangladesh, Britain, Canada, Ghana, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Trinidad and Tobago. Among other things, the meeting resolved to develop a set of guidelines to assist countries to change to SI and to compile such guidelines in the form of a working manual

  11. The design of operating procedures manuals for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bohr, E.; Preuss, W.; Reinartz, G.; Thau, G.


    This report describes the findings of a research on the desirable design of operating procedures manuals for nuclear power plants. The work was supported by a grant of the Federal Department of the Interior. Information was acquired from different sources. Interviews and discussions on manual design were carried out with manual users in nuclear power plants. Moreover, tasks carried out using procedures were either observed or, alternatively, the manner of using procedures was elicited by interviews. In addition, manual writers, managers from manufacturers and utilities, nuclear experts, and individuals involved in manual specification activities were interviewed. A major source of information has been the pertinent scientific and technical findings scattered in the literature on topics such as instructional technology, engineering psychology, psycholinguistics, and typography. A comprehensive bibliography is included. General rules are established on designing instructional material for use on the job, aiming at increasing their legability, comprehensibility, and suitability to guide human performance. The application of these rules to the design of individual operating procedures is demonstrated. Recommendations are given on the design, layout, development and implementation of manuals. (orig.) [de

  12. Large Hadron Collider manual

    CERN Document Server

    Lavender, Gemma


    What is the universe made of? How did it start? This Manual tells the story of how physicists are seeking answers to these questions using the world’s largest particle smasher – the Large Hadron Collider – at the CERN laboratory on the Franco-Swiss border. Beginning with the first tentative steps taken to build the machine, the digestible text, supported by color photographs of the hardware involved, along with annotated schematic diagrams of the physics experiments, covers the particle accelerator’s greatest discoveries – from both the perspective of the writer and the scientists who work there. The Large Hadron Collider Manual is a full, comprehensive guide to the most famous, record-breaking physics experiment in the world, which continues to capture the public imagination as it provides new insight into the fundamental laws of nature.

  13. Transmission pipeline calculations and simulations manual

    CERN Document Server

    Menon, E Shashi


    Transmission Pipeline Calculations and Simulations Manual is a valuable time- and money-saving tool to quickly pinpoint the essential formulae, equations, and calculations needed for transmission pipeline routing and construction decisions. The manual's three-part treatment starts with gas and petroleum data tables, followed by self-contained chapters concerning applications. Case studies at the end of each chapter provide practical experience for problem solving. Topics in this book include pressure and temperature profile of natural gas pipelines, how to size pipelines for specified f

  14. Innovative and Alternative Technology Assessment Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This four chapter, six appendix manual presents the procedures and methodology as well as the baseline costs and energy information necessary for the analysis and evaluation of innovative and alternative technology applications submitted for federal grant assistance under the innovative and alternative technology provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977. The manual clarifies and interprets the intent of Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency in carrying out the mandates of the innovative and alternative provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977. [DJE 2005

  15. Emotional Development: Fostering the Child's Identity. Instructor's Manual. (United States)

    McFadden, Emily Jean

    "Emotional Development: Fostering the Child's Identity" is a manual for use in training families providing service to foster children. Consisting of information to be covered in eight class sessions and numerous appendices providing supplementary material, this instructor's manual contains instructor's materials and participants' course content.…

  16. Coulometer operator's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Criscuolo, A.L.


    The coulometer control system automates the titration of uranium and plutonium as performed by the CMB-1 group. The system consists of a printer, microcontroller, and coulometer, all of which are controlled by an algorithm stored in the microcontroller read-only memory. This manual describes the titration procedure using the coulometer control system, its theory and maintenance

  17. Default Management Manual. (United States)

    Dent, Richard A.

    This manual is designed to instruct administrators of the Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL) Program in how to take every step possible to administer the program effectively and to minimize the program costs of serving the high risk student. It shows schools how to work with students throughout their time in school, create ownership of the loan(s) by…

  18. Update of the Dutch manual for costing studies in health care.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tim A Kanters

    Full Text Available Dutch health economic guidelines include a costing manual, which describes preferred research methodology for costing studies and reference prices to ensure high quality studies and comparability between study outcomes. This paper describes the most important revisions of the costing manual compared to the previous version.An online survey was sent out to potential users of the costing manual to identify topics for improvement. The costing manual was aligned with contemporary health economic guidelines. All methodology sections and parameter values needed for costing studies, particularly reference prices, were updated. An expert panel of health economists was consulted several times during the review process. The revised manual was reviewed by two members of the expert panel and by reviewers of the Dutch Health Care Institute.The majority of survey respondents was satisfied with content and usability of the existing costing manual. Respondents recommended updating reference prices and adding some particular commonly needed reference prices. Costs categories were adjusted to the international standard: 1 costs within the health care sector; 2 patient and family costs; and 3 costs in other sectors. Reference prices were updated to reflect 2014 values. The methodology chapter was rewritten to match the requirements of the costing manual and preferences of the users. Reference prices for nursing days of specific wards, for diagnostic procedures and nurse practitioners were added.The usability of the costing manual was increased and parameter values were updated. The costing manual became integrated in the new health economic guidelines.

  19. The comparison of automated urine analyzers with manual microscopic examination for urinalysis automated urine analyzers and manual urinalysis


    ?nce, Fatma Demet; Ellida?, Hamit Ya?ar; Koseo?lu, Mehmet; ?im?ek, Ne?e; Yal??n, H?lya; Zengin, Mustafa Osman


    Objectives: Urinalysis is one of the most commonly performed tests in the clinical laboratory. However, manual microscopic sediment examination is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and lacks standardization in high-volume laboratories. In this study, the concordance of analyses between manual microscopic examination and two different automatic urine sediment analyzers has been evaluated. Design and methods: 209 urine samples were analyzed by the Iris iQ200 ELITE (Ä°ris Diagnostics, USA), Dirui...

  20. Apuntes sobre el 'teatro civile'. Entrevista a Daniele Biacchessi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniele Biacchessi


    Full Text Available Unas pocas líneas no bastan para presentar la figura del periodista, escritor y dramaturgo Daniele Biacchessi. Su amplia labor como periodista en algunos de los medios de difusión más relevantes de Italia y su constante producción como divulgador y creador  del llamado teatro civil hacen de él una figura que no puede dejarse de lado a la hora de hablar del teatro de inspiración cívica de la última década. Interesado en denunciar desde desastres medioambientales como en La fabbrica dei profumi o las matanzas nazis en Sant'Anna di Stazzema y Marzabotto a finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, basta dar un vistazo a algunos de sus títulos para tener una idea de la amplitud de temas tratados por Biacchessi, entre los que destacan Giovanni e Nori. Una storia di amore e di resistenza (2014, Passione reporter (2009, Il paese della vergogna (2007, Una stella a cinque punte. Le inchieste D'Antona e Biagi e le nuove Br (2007. Completan la entrevista hecha por Massimiliano Vellini dos pequeños fragmentos de uno de los manuales fundamentales sobre el llamado teatro de carácter cívico, Teatro civile, nei luoghi dell'inchiesta e della narrazione (Milán: Edizioni Ambiente, 2010.

  1. Manual tracing versus smartphone application (app) tracing: a comparative study. (United States)

    Sayar, Gülşilay; Kilinc, Delal Dara


    This study aimed to compare the results of conventional manual cephalometric tracing with those acquired with smartphone application cephalometric tracing. The cephalometric radiographs of 55 patients (25 females and 30 males) were traced via the manual and app methods and were subsequently examined with Steiner's analysis. Five skeletal measurements, five dental measurements and two soft tissue measurements were managed based on 21 landmarks. The durations of the performances of the two methods were also compared. SNA (Sella, Nasion, A point angle) and SNB (Sella, Nasion, B point angle) values for the manual method were statistically lower (p < .001) than those for the app method. The ANB value for the manual method was statistically lower than that of app method. L1-NB (°) and upper lip protrusion values for the manual method were statistically higher than those for the app method. Go-GN/SN, U1-NA (°) and U1-NA (mm) values for manual method were statistically lower than those for the app method. No differences between the two methods were found in the L1-NB (mm), occlusal plane to SN, interincisal angle or lower lip protrusion values. Although statistically significant differences were found between the two methods, the cephalometric tracing proceeded faster with the app method than with the manual method.

  2. HERMES II experimenters' manual (revised)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuch, R.L.


    The HERMES II is a high-intensity laboratory photon source for gamma-ray radiation effects experiments as well as a high-energy pulsed electron beam generator for a variety of potential applications. The purpose of this manual is to serve as a basic source of information for prospective users of HERMES. Included is a brief discussion of the design and operation of the accelerator system as well as a summary of environmental data for x-ray operation and output characteristics for electron beam modes. The manual also contains a description of the HERMES experimental facilities, including geometry of the test cell, instrumentation and data collection capabilities, and services and support available to experimenters

  3. Hanford whole body counting manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palmer, H.E.; Brim, C.P.; Rieksts, G.A.; Rhoads, M.C.


    This document, a reprint of the Whole Body Counting Manual, was compiled to train personnel, document operation procedures, and outline quality assurance procedures. The current manual contains information on: the location, availability, and scope of services of Hanford's whole body counting facilities; the administrative aspect of the whole body counting operation; Hanford's whole body counting facilities; the step-by-step procedure involved in the different types of in vivo measurements; the detectors, preamplifiers and amplifiers, and spectroscopy equipment; the quality assurance aspect of equipment calibration and recordkeeping; data processing, record storage, results verification, report preparation, count summaries, and unit cost accounting; and the topics of minimum detectable amount and measurement accuracy and precision. 12 refs., 13 tabs

  4. SRS Station 2.3 manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, C.; Miller, M.; MacLean, E.


    The objective of this manual is to effectively provide assistance to users so that they can perform successful experiments at Station 2.3 during their visits. In order to compile a comprehensive document, the functions of the instrument hardware and software are described in detail. Where appropriate it also contains useful information and other documentation for help and/or reference. In addition, suggestions and instructions are available to overcome problems which inevitably face the users in the performing of complex experimental tasks. This document can provide help as part of the overall user support facility, and it is therefore intended that the manual is readily available in hard copy as well as in electronic form. (author)

  5. Dilemma-focused intervention for unipolar depression: a treatment manual. (United States)

    Feixas, Guillem; Compañ, Victoria


    This article introduces a new treatment protocol for depression. Based on previous research which indicated the presence of cognitive conflicts in depression, this study created an intervention manual to address these conflicts. The therapy manual for depressive patients followed the guideline for inclusion in clinical trials (stage II), which has received high recognition. A preliminary version (stage I) of this manual was formulated based on other, more general dilemma-focused therapy publications, inspired by personal construct theory (PCT), and input from clinical experience. The resulting version was then applied during the 8-session format of a pilot study with patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder or dysthymia. Finally, feedback was requested from seasoned and highly respected therapists, some of whom were familiar with PCT. According to the mentioned guideline, the intervention manual selected the theoretical framework, in this case PCT, to include its conceptualization of depression and resolution of dilemmas (to foster clinical improvement) as a main treatment goal. The manual was then contrasted with psychoanalytic psychotherapy, cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing (MI), and other similar approaches such as cognitive-analytic therapy and coherence therapy. Following these conceptual clarifications, the specific interventions included in the manual were defined according to both categories: their unique and essential components and those conceived as common psychotherapeutic factors. Next, the general structure and content for each session were presented. The structure consisted of seven well-defined individual sessions with an additional session, which could complement any of the former sessions to address the patient's issues in greater depth, if needed. This Dilemma-Focused Intervention manual aimed to improve the treatment outcome for depression by offering an intervention that could be combined with other general

  6. Grado de conocimiento sobre algunas cuestiones técnicas de la lactancia materna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Freddie Hernández Cisneros


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con 2 grupos de madres de lactantes con el fin de identificar el grado de conocimiento sobre algunas cuestiones técnicas de la lactancia materna. El grupo de estudio se constituyó con 29 madres atendidas por 6 consultorios del médico de la familia del Policlínico Comunitario Centro de Camagüey y el grupo testigo por igual número de madres de lactantes no pertenecientes a esta área de salud y cuyos hijos se encontraban ingresados en ese momento en el Hospital Pediátrico Provincial. A ambos grupos se les aplicó un modelo de encuesta con variables seleccionadas y se procesan los datos obtenidos de forma manual. Los resultados más importantes obtenidos fueron: un predominio de madres adolescentes en el grupo testigo con un mayor grado de conocimiento en el grupo de estudio acerca de la rotación de los pechos, el horario de las tetadas, la realización de la expresión de las mamas y la utilización de otros alimentos, con evidentes fallos en los 2 grupos de la educación a impartir en la consulta de puericultura prenatal. Se concluyó que en ambos grupos hay que mejorar el grado de conocimiento sobre estas cuestiones técnicas, y también, la educación sanitaria que se debe impartir en dicha consulta.A cross-sectional study with two groups of nursing mothers was conducted aimed at identifyng their degree of knowledge about some technical questions of breast feefindg. The case-base study was composed of 29 mothers who were attended at 6 family physician's offices of the central Community Policlinic in Camagüey; whereas the control group consisted of the same number of nursing mother, whose children were admitted in the Provincial Pediatric Hospital at that time, eventhough they were not from the same health area. A survey with selected variables was applied to both groups and the datra obtained were manually processed. The most important results were: a predominance of adolecent mother in the

  7. Faktor Risiko Manual Handling dengan Keluhan Nyeri Punggung Bawah Pembuat Batu Bata

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heru Subaris Kasjono


    Full Text Available During done manual work handling for objects work hard, it will cause risk of injury or cause musculoskeletal systems. Risk assessment manual work handling with the methods indicators key-Leitmerkmal Method (LMM intended to know the relationship between time, burden, attitudes of the body, and working conditions manual handling with complaints of the lower back pain at all stages making bricks perceived maker bricks. The kind of research used is surveyed such data is cross sectional. The data taken by lower back pain questionnaire assisted examination physically by nurses and checklist Key-LMM. Analysis relations use the spearman. The results of research acquired at variable time manual handling based frequency raised or operation the transfer of on stage excavation raw materials, the formation and drying bricks there are relations with complaints of  low back pain with p value each are 0,039, 0,047, 0,038 while on the variables of working conditions manual handling in stage excavation raw materials obtained p value of 0,028 with so it can be said there was a correlation between working conditions manual handling with complaints low back pain. A variable load manual handling and attitudes of the body manual handling do not relate in significant to lower back pain all stages making bricks. Conclusion researchers that the variable time manual handling relate in significant with complaints lower back pain in stage excavation raw materials, the formation and drying bricks, while the phase processing raw materials that there was no correlation, in a variable load manual handling and attitudes of the body manual handling all these stage there was no correlation with complaints lower back pain, while variable working conditions manual handling only in stage excavation the raw materials there are relations with complaints lower back pain in the third stage other there was no correlation.

  8. Manual for Scoring the Test of Directed Imagination. (United States)

    Veldman, Donald J.; And Others

    A scoring manual for the Directed Imagination Test, a projective technique wherein the subject is instructed to write four fictional stories (four minutes are allowed for each) about teachers and their experiences, is presented. The manual provides detailed instructions for rating each story by fifteen dimensions relevant to teacher education…

  9. Interactive hypermedia training manual for spent-fuel bundle counters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Basso, R.A.


    Spent-fuel bundle counters, developed by the Canadian Safeguards Support Program for the International Atomic Energy Agency, provide a secure and independent means of counting the number of irradiated fuel bundles discharged into the fuel storage bays at CANDU nuclear power stations. Paper manuals have been traditionally used to familiarize IAEA inspectors with the operation, maintenance and extensive reporting capabilities of the bundle counters. To further assist inspectors, an interactive training manual has been developed on an Apple Macintosh computer using hypermedia software. The manual uses interactive animation and sound, in conjunction with the traditional text and graphics, to simulate the underlying operation and logic of the bundle counters. This paper presents the key features of the interactive manual and highlights the advantages of this new technology for training

  10. Sampling large landscapes with small-scale stratification-User's Manual (United States)

    Bart, Jonathan


    This manual explains procedures for partitioning a large landscape into plots, assigning the plots to strata, and selecting plots in each stratum to be surveyed. These steps are referred to as the "sampling large landscapes (SLL) process." We assume that users of the manual have a moderate knowledge of ArcGIS and Microsoft ® Excel. The manual is written for a single user but in many cases, some steps will be carried out by a biologist designing the survey and some steps will be carried out by a quantitative assistant. Thus, the manual essentially may be passed back and forth between these users. The SLL process primarily has been used to survey birds, and we refer to birds as subjects of the counts. The process, however, could be used to count any objects. ®

  11. Study of developing nuclear fabrication facility's integrated emergency response manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Taeh Yeong; Cho, Nam Chan; Han, Seung Hoon; Moon, Jong Han; Lee, Jin Hang [KEPCO, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Min, Guem Young; Han, Ji Ah [Dongguk Univ., Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Public begin to pay attention to emergency management. Thus, public's consensus on having high level of emergency management system up to advanced country's is reached. In this social atmosphere, manual is considered as key factor to prevent accident or secure business continuity. Therefore, we first define possible crisis at KEPCO Nuclear Fuel (hereinafter KNF) and also make a 'Reaction List' for each crisis situation at the view of information-design. To achieve it, we analyze several country's crisis response manual and then derive component, indicate duties and roles at the information-design point of view. From this, we suggested guideline to make 'Integrated emergency response manual(IERM)'. The manual we used before have following few problems; difficult to applicate at the site, difficult to deliver information. To complement these problems, we searched manual elements from the view of information-design. As a result, we develop administrative manual. Although, this manual could be thought as fragmentary manual because it confined specific several agency/organization and disaster type.

  12. IAEA safeguards technical manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The necessity for statistical inference procedures arises because of time and cost limitations imposed on inspection activities, and also because of inherent limitations of inspection measurement instruments and techniques. This manual produces statistical concepts and techniques in the field of nuclear material control

  13. SNL Abuse Testing Manual.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Orendorff, Christopher [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Lamb, Joshua [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Steele, Leigh Anna Marie [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    This report describes recommended abuse testing procedures for rechargeable energy storage systems (RESSs) for electric vehicles. This report serves as a revision to the FreedomCAR Electrical Energy Storage System Abuse Test Manual for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications (SAND2005-3123).

  14. Evolution of Godoy & Godoy manual lymph drainage. Technique with linear movements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Maria Pereira de Godoy


    Full Text Available Manual lymph drainage has become the mainstay in the treatment of lymphedema for decades now. Five evolving variants have been described by Godoy & Godoy over the years: i manual lymph drainage using rollers; ii self-applied manual lymph drainage using rollers; iii manual lymph drainage using the hands (manual lymphatic therapy; iv mechanical lymphatic therapy using the RAGodoy® device; and v lymphatic therapy using cervical stimulation in general lymphatic treatment. After breast cancer treatment using adapted technique with intermittent compression therapy. Lymphoscintigraphy, volumetry and bioimpedance were employed to analyze such treatment techniques applied to the upper and lower extremities. These treatment and evaluation topics are described in this brief report.

  15. A student manual for promoting mental health among high school students. (United States)

    Gigantesco, Antonella; Del Re, Debora; Cascavilla, Isabella


    We describe a school program based on a student manual for promoting mental health and preventing mental illness. A preliminary version of the manual was assessed for face validity by two focus groups. The final version was evaluated for acceptability among 253 students in 10 high schools and 1 middle school in Italy. The manual included 18 chapters (or "units") which address skills for enabling students to cope with their daily lives: communication skills, problem-solving, assertive skills, negotiation, stress management, anger management and conflict resolution. The manual was found to have been acceptable by high school students. The effectiveness of the manual in actually promoting mental health and preventing mental illness is currently being evaluated.

  16. The environmental survey manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance to the Survey and Sampling and Analysis teams that conduct the one-time Environmental Survey of the major US Department of Energy (DOE) operating facilities. This manual includes a discussion of DOE's policy on environmental issues, a review of statutory guidance as it applies to the Survey, the procedures and protocols to be used by the Survey teams, criteria for the use of the Survey teams in evaluating existing environmental data for the Survey effort, generic technical checklists used in every Survey, health and safety guidelines for the personnel conducting the Survey, including the identification of potential hazards, prescribed protective equipment, and emergency procedures, the required formats for the Survey reports, guidance on identifying environmental problems that need immediate attention by the Operations Office responsible for the particular facility, and procedures and protocols for the conduct of sampling and analysis

  17. UMTRA [Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action] Project site management manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of this manual is to summarize the organizational interfaces and the technical approach used to manage the planning, design development, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance, engineering, and remedial action required to stabilize and control the designated Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project sites. This manual describes the Project's objective, participants' roles and responsibilities, technical approach for accomplishing the objective, and planning and managerial controls to be used in performing the site work. The narrative follows the flow of activities depicted in Figure 1.1, which provides the typical sequence of key Project activities. A list of acronyms used is presented at the end of the manual. The comparable manual for UMTRA Project vicinity properties is the ''Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual'' (VPMIM) (UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601). Together, the two manuals cover the remedial action activities associated with UMTRA Project sites. The UMTRA Project's objective is to stabilize and control the uranium mill tailings, vicinity property materials, and other residual radioactive materials at the designated sites (Figure 1.2) in a safe and environmentally sound manner in order to minimize radiation health hazards to the public. 26 figs., 6 tabs

  18. Transportation security personnel training manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This volume is the instructor's manual for the training of SNM guards. Covered are: self-defense, arrest authority, civil liability, report writing, stress, tactics, and situational training scenarios

  19. Recursos y enlaces sobre comunidades de aprendizaje


    Ferrer Esteban, Gerard


    Obras y artículos sobre el proyecto Comunidades de Aprendizaje desarrollado en el Estado español. Tesis doctorales sobre comunidades de aprendizaje. Fundamentación teórica de las comunidades de aprendizaje. Sitios en Internet relacionados con las comunidades de aprendizaje y proyectos afines de desarrollo comunitario en contextos escolares.

  20. Operator's manual actions in case of fire; Acciones manuales del operador en caso de incendio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saez de Tejada Madina, P.; Perez Lobo, E. M.; Velasco Ramirez, R.; Velasco Ramirez, R.; Fernandez Ramos, P.


    Vandellos II, following the guidelines GS 01.19 of CSN and RG 1.189 rev. 2, has identified the need to consider a number of local manual actions to be performed by the staff of shift operation and need to be validated according NUREG 1852. The local manual actions include corrective and preventive actions, such as local start and shooting of bombs, checking positions ... According NUREG-1852 these actions must be validated with conditions as similar as possible to those expected, in conjunction with the operating of Vandellos II.

  1. Creating a goaltending development manual for Belgium Ice Hockey


    Guay, Eddy


    The objective of the thesis and was to create a goalie development manual for the Royal Belgian Ice Hockey Federation (RBIHF). The manual will provide goalies and coaches a guide for developing players in the position. The manual aims to provide a technical resources for goalies and coaches on the skills that goalies need to focus on to allow them to improve their play. ! “The backbone of a hockey team”or “The most important position in sports” are two of many phrases that i...

  2. Developing a manual for strengthening mental health nurses' clinical supervision

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buus, Niels; Cassedy, Paul; Gonge, Henrik


    In this article, we report findings from a study aimed at developing the content and implementation of a manual for a research-based intervention on clinical supervision of mental health nursing staff. The intervention was designed to strengthen already existing supervision practices through...... educational preparation for supervision and systematic reflection on supervision. The intervention consists of three sessions and was implemented on two groups of mental health hospital staff. We present an outline of the manual and explain how the trial sessions made us adjust the preliminary manual....... The effects of implementing the manual will subsequently be analysed in an independent randomised controlled trial....

  3. The Wheeling and Transmission Manual, Second Edition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weiss, L.; Spiewak, S.


    The Wheeling and Transmission Manual addresses the key issues involved in the debate: the need for coordination, the extent to which access should be permitted, various pricing methodologies which might be employed, obstacles to the addition of new transmission capacity, and contractual matters which should be considered in negotiations between the parties. As one shall see, these matters are all interrelated and the resolution of any of them may affect the outcome of the others. The Manual is designed to give an overview of the issues involved. It is not intended exclusively for the expert engineer or attorney, although both might benefit from it. Rather, the Manual was written with the objective of providing decisionmakers and policymakers with detailed, timely and understandable materials to evaluate the specific circumstances affecting their companies. Each chapter of the book is indexed separately

  4. Manual on quality assurance programme auditing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The objective of this Manual is to provide guidance and illustrative examples of the methodology and techniques of internal and external audits that are consistent with the requirements and recommendations of the Code and the Safety Guide. The methodology and techniques are based on the practices of Member States having considerable experience in auditing QA programmes. This Manual is directed primarily towards QA programme auditors and managers and presents methods and techniques considered appropriate for the preparation and performance of audits and the evaluation of results. Its scope includes the techniques and methods used to carry out QA programme audits variously described as 'System', 'Product' and 'Process' audits. The techniques and methods described here may be used as one approach to the evaluation of suppliers' QA capabilities as defined in 50-SG-QA10. Although the Manual is primarily directed towards purchasers and suppliers, it is also relevant to regulatory organizations, such as government offices responsible for quality assurance, which carry out external audits independent of purchasers and suppliers. In such cases similar methods, procedures and techniques may be used

  5. The Use of Treatment Manuals in Cognitive Therapy: Experience and Issues. (United States)

    Dobson, Keith S.; Shaw, Brian F.


    Traces historical developments in use of treatment manuals in psychotherapy research and reviews characteristics that have facilitated development of cognitive therapy manuals. Reviews arguments in favor of and opposed to further development of treatment manuals. Discusses relevant research and suggests three areas for future treatment manual…

  6. Development of a health and safety manual for emergency response operations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riland, C.A.; Junio, S.S.


    The Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) Health and Safety Manual, which has been under development by a multi-agency group, is nearing completion and publication. The manual applies to offsite monitoring during a radiological accident or incident. Though written for multi-agency offsite monitoring activities (FRMAC), the manual is generic in nature and should be readily adaptable for other emergency response operations. Health and safety issues for emergency response situations often differ from those of normal operations. Examples of these differences and methodologies to address these issues are discussed. Challenges in manual development, including lack of regulatory and guidance documentation, are also discussed. One overriding principle in the Health and Safety Manual development is the overall reduction of risk, not just dose. The manual is broken into several chapters, which include Overview of Responsibities, Health Physics, Industrial Hygiene and Safey, Medical, and Environmental Compliance and Records. Included is a series of appendices, which presents additional information on forms and plans for default scenarios

  7. Age and Practice Effects on Inter-manual Performance Asymmetry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karen L Francis


    Full Text Available Manual dexterity declines with increasing age however, the way in which inter-manual asymmetry responds to aging is unclear. Our purpose was to determine the effect of age and practice on inter-manual performance asymmetry in an isometric force pinch line tracing task that varied in difficulty within segments. Thirty right handed participants, 5 males and 5 females in each of three age groups, young (Y20, young-old (O70, and old-old (O80, practiced an isometric force pinch task for 10 trials with each hand on each of five consecutive days. Inter-manual performance asymmetry of the right and left hands was analyzed with a repeated measures ANOVA of asymmetry with age groups, practice, task difficulty, and hand as factors. The within-individual magnitude of asymmetry was also analyzed with a repeated measures ANOVA of manual asymmetry calculated as an asymmetry index (AI. Post hoc pair-wise comparisons were performed when significance was found. We observed no inter-manual performance asymmetry on this isometric tracing task among any of the age groups, either in the hand performance differences or in the magnitude of the asymmetry index (AI. Age and practice interacted in terms of manual performance: the Y20 and O70 group improved accuracy and task time across the five days of practice but the O80 group did not. However, practice did not differentially affect the AI for accuracy or task time for any group. Accuracy of performance of the two hands was differentially affected by practice. All age groups exhibited poorer performance and larger AIs on the most difficult segments of the task (3 and 6 and this did not change with practice.

  8. Aquatic Microbiology Laboratory Manual. (United States)

    Cooper, Robert C.; And Others

    This laboratory manual presents information and techniques dealing with aquatic microbiology as it relates to environmental health science, sanitary engineering, and environmental microbiology. The contents are divided into three categories: (1) ecological and physiological considerations; (2) public health aspects; and (3)microbiology of water…

  9. NACS Store Planning Manual. (United States)

    College Store Journal, 1979


    Topics discussed by the NACS Store Planning/Renovation Committees in this updated version of the college store renovation manual include: short- and long-range planning, financial considerations, professional planning assistance, the store's image and business character, location considerations, building requirements, space requirements, fixtures,…

  10. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at Hanford. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 835, DOELAP, DOE-RL, ORP, PNSO, and Hanford contractor requirements. The dosimetry system is operated by PNNL's Hanford External Dosimetry Program which provides dosimetry services to all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. Rev. 0 marks the first revision to be released through PNNL's Electronic Records & Information Capture Architecture (ERICA) database

  11. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at Hanford. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 835, DOELAP, DOE-RL, ORP, PNSO, and Hanford contractor requirements. The dosimetry system is operated by PNNL’s Hanford External Dosimetry Program which provides dosimetry services to all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. Rev. 0 marks the first revision to be released through PNNL’s Electronic Records & Information Capture Architecture (ERICA) database.

  12. Power: A Repossesion Manual: Organizing Strategies for Citizens. (United States)

    Speeter, Greg

    The purpose of this manual is to encourage the growth of community organization and to make the process of mobilizing a community and the skills involved known to those who participate in the organizing process. It offers practical suggestions on understanding the organizing process, diagnosing, and improving it. The manual is written with the…

  13. Manual for investigation and correction of feedwater heater failures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bell, R.J.; Diaz-Tous, I.A.; Bartz, J.A.


    The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has sponsored the development of a recently published manual which is designed to assist utility personnel in identifying and correcting closed feedwater heater problems. The main portion of the manual describes common failure modes, probable means of identifying root causes and appropriate corrective actions. These include materials selection, fabrication practices, design, normal/abnormal operation and maintenance. The manual appendices include various data, intended to aid those involved in monitoring and condition assessment of feedwater heaters. This paper contains a detailed overview of the manual content and suggested means for its efficient use by utility engineers and operations and maintenance personnel who are charged with the responsibilities of performing investigations to identify the root cause(s) of closed feedwater problems/failures and to provide appropriate corrective actions. 4 refs., 3 figs., 2 tabs

  14. SYVAC3 manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andres, T.H.


    SYVAC3 (Systems Variability Analysis Code, generation 3) is a computer program that implements a method called systems variability analysis to analyze the behaviour of a system in the presence of uncertainty. This method is based on simulating the system many times to determine the variation in behaviour it can exhibit. SYVAC3 specializes in systems representing the transport of contaminants, and has several features to simplify the modelling of such systems. It provides a general tool for estimating environmental impacts from the dispersal of contaminants. This report describes the use and structure of SYVAC3. It is intended for modellers, programmers, operators and reviewers who deal with simulation codes based on SYVAC3. From this manual they can learn how to link a model with SYVAC3, how to set up an input file, and how to extract results from output files. The manual lists the subroutines of SYVAC3 that are available for use by models, and describes their argument lists. It also gives an overview of how routines in the File Reading Package, the Parameter Sampling Package and the Time Series Package can be used by programs outside of SYVAC3. (author)

  15. SYVAC3 manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andres, T.H


    SYVAC3 (Systems Variability Analysis Code, generation 3) is a computer program that implements a method called systems variability analysis to analyze the behaviour of a system in the presence of uncertainty. This method is based on simulating the system many times to determine the variation in behaviour it can exhibit. SYVAC3 specializes in systems representing the transport of contaminants, and has several features to simplify the modelling of such systems. It provides a general tool for estimating environmental impacts from the dispersal of contaminants. This report describes the use and structure of SYVAC3. It is intended for modellers, programmers, operators and reviewers who deal with simulation codes based on SYVAC3. From this manual they can learn how to link a model with SYVAC3, how to set up an input file, and how to extract results from output files. The manual lists the subroutines of SYVAC3 that are available for use by models, and describes their argument lists. It also gives an overview of how routines in the File Reading Package, the Parameter Sampling Package and the Time Series Package can be used by programs outside of SYVAC3. (author)

  16. Manual Therapy: The Historical, Current, and Future Role in the Treatment of Pain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Russell Smith


    Full Text Available Manual therapy has been an approach in the management of patients with various disorders dating back to ancient times and continues to play a significant role in current health care. The future role of manual therapy in health care is an important area of research. This paper reviews the history of manual therapy, examines the current literature related to the use of manual techniques (including manipulation, massage, and nerve manipulation, and discusses future research topics. The literature related to manual therapy has historically been anecdotal and theoretical, and current research tends to have a generic approach with broad definitions of manual therapy and inconsistencies in the classification of specific disorders. Systematic reviews of various types of manual therapy have differed on their conclusions regarding the effectiveness of this treatment modality. The current demand in health care for evidence-based practice necessitates a movement towards more specificity in the research of the effectiveness of manual therapy, with emphasis on specific patient signs and symptoms and specific manual techniques that result in effective care.

  17. Manual Therapy: The Historical, Current, and Future Role in the Treatment of Pain (United States)

    Smith, A. Russell


    Manual therapy has been an approach in the management of patients with various disorders dating back to ancient times and continues to play a significant role in current health care. The future role of manual therapy in health care is an important area of research. This paper reviews the history of manual therapy, examines the current literature related to the use of manual techniques (including manipulation, massage, and nerve manipulation), and discusses future research topics. The literature related to manual therapy has historically been anecdotal and theoretical, and current research tends to have a generic approach with broad definitions of manual therapy and inconsistencies in the classification of specific disorders. Systematic reviews of various types of manual therapy have differed on their conclusions regarding the effectiveness of this treatment modality. The current demand in health care for evidence-based practice necessitates a movement towards more specificity in the research of the effectiveness of manual therapy, with emphasis on specific patient signs and symptoms and specific manual techniques that result in effective care. PMID:17334604

  18. Tracer manual on crops and soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The manual serves as a reference for agricultural scientists planning to use nuclear techniques. Training courses are held at various locations with different staff. The existence of a laboratory training manual is helpful to organizers, visiting lecturers, demonstrators and participants. It was primarily written for soil scientists from developing countries participating in training courses on the use of isotopes and radiation in soil-water-plant relations research. The training courses are designed to give soil scientists the basic terms and principles necessary for understanding ionizing radiation, its detection and measurement, its associated hazards and most of the more common applications. Due consideration is also given to the detection of stable isotopes and providing a clear understanding of their potential in research on crops and soils. Each experiment included this revised and updated manual (see IAEA Technical Reports Series No. 29: The Laboratory Training Manual on the Use of Isotopes and Radiation in Soil-Plant Relations Research, published in 1964) has been performed and tested for suitability in training courses. To facilitate the task of organizers in preparing for and planning the programmes of training courses, detailed information is provided on each experiment, indicating the time required for its performance and the necessary equipment, glassware, isotopes, chemicals, etc. A comprehensive glossary is included so that scientists may easily understand terms, units and expressions commonly used in this work. The glossary may also serve as an index since it includes the page number referring to the first mention of the term or expression

  19. A student manual for promoting mental health among high school students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonella Gigantesco


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES. We describe a school program based on a student manual for promoting mental health and preventing mental illness. METHODS. A preliminary version of the manual was assessed for face validity by two focus groups. The final version was evaluated for acceptability among 253 students in 10 high schools and 1 middle school in Italy. RESULTS. The manual included 18 chapters (or "units" which address skills for enabling students to cope with their daily lives: communication skills, problem-solving, assertive skills, negotiation, stress management, anger management and conflict resolution. The manual was found to have been acceptable by high school students. CONCLUSIONS. The effectiveness of the manual in actually promoting mental health and preventing mental illness is currently being evaluated.

  20. comparative analysis of mechanical and manual modes of traffic

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    with a difference of (0.999x10^6 ) between the mechanical and manual, this value shows a downward effect using manual data .... Various methods can be adopted for verification such as listed ..... Maintenance cost is high using mechanical.

  1. Manual versus mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation. An experimental study in pigs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wohlfart Björn


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Optimal manual closed chest compressions are difficult to give. A mechanical compression/decompression device, named LUCAS, is programmed to give compression according to the latest international guidelines (2005 for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR. The aim of the present study was to compare manual CPR with LUCAS-CPR. Methods 30 kg pigs were anesthetized and intubated. After a base-line period and five minutes of ventricular fibrillation, manual CPR (n = 8 or LUCAS-CPR (n = 8 was started and run for 20 minutes. Professional paramedics gave manual chest compression's alternating in 2-minute periods. Ventilation, one breath for each 10 compressions, was given to all animals. Defibrillation and, if needed, adrenaline were given to obtain a return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC. Results The mean coronary perfusion pressure was significantly (p Conclusions LUCAS-CPR gave significantly higher coronary perfusion pressure and significantly fewer rib fractures than manual CPR in this porcine model.

  2. Manual for environmental radiological surveillance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sumiya, Shuichi; Matsuura, Kenichi; Nakano, Masanao; Takeyasu, Masanori; Morisawa, Masato; Onuma, Toshimitsu; Fujita, Hiroki; Mizutani, Tomoko; Watanabe, Hajime; Sugai, Masamitsu


    Environmental radiation monitoring around the Tokai Reprocessing Plant has been conducted by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories, based on 'Safety Regulations for the Reprocessing Plant of JAEA, Chapter IV - Environmental monitoring' and Environmental Radiation Monitoring Program decided by the Ibaraki prefectural government. The radiation monitoring installations and equipments were also prepared for emergency. This manual describes; (1) the installations of radiological measurement, (2) the installations of meteorological observation, and (3) environmental data processing system for executing the terrestrial environmental monitoring by Environmental Protection Section, Radiation Protection Department. The environmental monitoring has been operated through the manual published in 1993 (PNC TN8520 93-001). Then the whole articles were revised because the partially of installations and equipments having been updated in recent years. (author)

  3. High School and Beyond: Twins and Siblings' File Users' Manual, User's Manual for Teacher Comment File, Friends File Users' Manual. (United States)

    National Center for Education Statistics (ED), Washington, DC.

    These three users' manuals are for specific files of the High School and Beyond Study, a national longitudinal study of high school sophomores and seniors in 1980. The three files are computerized databases that are available on magnetic tape. As one component of base year data collection, information identifying twins, triplets, and some non-twin…

  4. Training manual for precision hand deburring, Part 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gillespie, L.K.


    Part 2 is presented of a 4-part training manual to be used by machinist trainees, production workers, and others removing burrs from precision miniature parts. The manuals are written to be self-teaching and are intended to be used with two hours of training each day along with another six hours of bench work in deburring.

  5. Smog and Your Automobile. [Teacher's Manual, Filmstrip, Record]. (United States)

    California State Dept. of Public Health, Berkeley.

    A filmstrip, 33 1/3 RPM record, and teacher's manual are combined in this set to be used in driver education classes at the senior high school level. Their main purpose is to inform future drivers how they can minimize pollution from their automobiles through proper car maintenance and good driving habits. Content of the manual is divided into…

  6. Step-by-Step Visual Manuals: Design and Development (United States)

    Urata, Toshiyuki


    The types of handouts and manuals that are used in technology training vary. Some describe procedures in a narrative way without graphics; some employ step-by-step instructions with screen captures. According to Thirlway (1994), a training manual should be like a tutor that permits a student to learn at his own pace and gives him confidence for…

  7. Softball for Boys and Girls. Skills Test Manual. (United States)

    Rikli, Roberta E., Ed.

    The first section of this manual provides information on the history of softball and the development of testing for proficiency in the game. The tests in the manual cover batting, fielding ground balls, overhand throwing, and baserunning. Test norms are listed for males and females at each grade level. A review is included of proper techniques and…

  8. 22 CFR 308.10 - Security of records systems-manual and automated. (United States)


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 true Security of records systems-manual and automated... Security of records systems—manual and automated. The head of the agency has the responsibility of... destruction of manual and automatic record systems. These security safeguards shall apply to all systems in...

  9. iLife '05 The Missing Manual

    CERN Document Server

    Pogue, David


    The incomparable iLife '05 is the must-have multimedia suite for everyone who owns a Mac--and the envy of everyone who doesn't. iLife '05: The Missing Manual is the definitive iLife '05 book--and what should have come with the suite. There's no better guide to your iLife experience than the #1 bestselling Macintosh author and expert--and Missing Manual series creator--David Pogue. Totally objective and utterly in-the-know, Pogue highlights the newest features, changes, and improvements of iLife '05, covers the capabilities and limitations of each program within the suite, and delivers count

  10. Interpretation manual of emergency cranial tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mejias Soto, Carolina


    A manual has been prepared for the correct evaluation of tomographic studies in emergencies. The literature review was developed selecting printed books, journal articles, electronic of cases in etiopathogenesis, and neuroimaging findings frequently made emergencies. The information has been consulted in major bibliographic databases such as MD-Consult and Med-Line, radiology journals such as: Radiology, Radiographics, Clinics of North America, American Journal of Roetnology and newly available texts on neuroimaging. The manual has been a guide for radiology resident physicians, of the topics of greatest interest to collaborate in the diagnosis, monitoring of patients and therapeutic decisions [es

  11. Laboratory biosafety manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This book is in three sections; basic standards of laboratory design and equipment; procedures for safe laboratory practice; and the selection and use of essential biosafety equipment. The intention is that the guidance given in the book should have a broad basis and international application, and that it should be a source from which manuals applicable to local and special conditions can be usefully derived.

  12. La ceguera como motivo en Ensayo sobre la ceguera de José Saramago e Informe sobre ciegos de Ernesto Sábato


    Fonseca, Marco Antonio


    El trabajo de investigación, El motivo de la ceguera en el Ensayo sobre la ceguera de José Saramago e Informe sobre ciegos de Ernesto Sábato, analiza desde el área y la metodología de la literatura comparada el uso del motivo literario de la ceguera en los dos textos mencionados, resaltando las similitudes y diferencias del tratamiento del motivo dentro de las dos obras y como éste sostiene una serie de obsesiones e ideas sobre el estado actual del mundo que comparten los autores de las dos n...

  13. Simplified operation manual PA-720 particle counter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Draper, V.F.


    The model PA-720 Automatic Particle Size Analyzer is a simple, relatively high speed device designed to provide accurate size distributions in both tabular and graphic forms. This model has two dynamic ranges; 50 to 2500 microns and 200 to 1600 microns. This is an abbreviated version of the manufacturer's operating manual. It provides all the necessary information for the novice and experienced user. For more detailed explanations and servicing procedures one should reference the full manual

  14. Safety Training: "Manual Handling" course in September

    CERN Multimedia

    Safety Training, HSE Unit


    The next "Manual Handling" course will be given, in French, on 26 September 2016. This course is designed for anyone required to carry out manual handling of loads in the course of their work.   The main objective of this course is to adopt and apply the basic principles of physical safety and economy of effort. There are places available. If you are interested in following this course, please fill an EDH training request via our catalogue. 

  15. PC/FRAM, Version 3.2 User Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelley, T.A.; Sampson, T.E.


    This manual describes the use of version 3.2 of the PC/FRAM plutonium isotopic analysis software developed in the Safeguards Science and Technology Group, NE-5, Nonproliferation and International Security Division Los Alamos National Laboratory. The software analyzes the gamma ray spectrum from plutonium-bearing items and determines the isotopic distribution of the plutonium 241Am content and concentration of other isotopes in the item. The software can also determine the isotopic distribution of uranium isotopes in items containing only uranium. The body of this manual descenies the generic version of the code. Special facility-specific enhancements, if they apply, will be described in the appendices. The information in this manual applies equally well to version 3.3, which has been licensed to ORTEC. The software can analyze data that is stored in a file on disk. It understands several storage formats including Canberra's S1OO format, ORTEC'S 'chn' and 'SPC' formats, and several ASCII text formats. The software can also control data acquisition using an MCA and then store the results in a file on disk for later analysis or analyze the spectrum directly after the acquisition. The software currently only supports the control of ORTEC MCB'S. Support for Canbema's Genie-2000 Spectroscopy Systems will be added in the future. Support for reading and writing CAM files will also be forthcoming. A versatile parameter fde database structure governs all facets of the data analysis. User editing of the parameter sets allows great flexibility in handling data with different isotopic distributions, interfering isotopes, and different acquisition parameters such as energy calibration, and detector type. This manual is intended for the system supervisor or the local user who is to be the resident expert. Excerpts from this manual may also be appropriate for the system operator who will routinely use the instrument


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carla Letuza Moreira e Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo é um recorte da tese de doutoramento apresentada em 2012, no Programa de Pós-Graduação e Letras e Linguística da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL, em Maceió, sobre os discursos da/sobre a criança e as infâncias, no Brasil. O objetivo central é o de apresentar os efeitos de sentido que demandam dos dizeres oficiais no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA, 1990 em vigor no Brasil, sobre a criança, e que determinam modos de pensar e agir sobre as crianças e a infância na contemporaneidade. As noções de sujeito e formação discursiva da análise do discurso francesa (AD, iniciada em Pêcheux (1997, permeiam as análises e elucidam os papéis históricos e ideológicos que determinam e são determinados nos/pelos dizeres dos discursos da/sobre. Faz-se necessário, portanto, adentrar os discursos da e sobre a criança e a infância para entender as contradições e os confrontos dos discursos entre dizeres e silenciamentos.


    Pacheco, Adhemar Monteiro; Mendes, Carlos José Lazzarini


    There are few authors focused on the study of preparing manuals criteria, often criticized for methodological rigor of the information. However, it is interesting to understand what is going wrong; to understand prognosis in self-handling; in prevention of complications; in identifying better services and information; in encouraging the pursuit of excellence in the healthcare. In its preparation should be valued the basic requirements of a manual, which are: 1) wrote in simple words, being concise, efficient, clear with index or table of contents; 2) using the existing institutional rules; 3) being flexible; and 4) having ongoing process of review, update and distribution. In the process of evaluation of Medicine III manuals may have the following stratification: M4 - 100 points: when there is ISBN registration and disclosure in other languages; M3 - 75 points: registration with the ISBN only in our country; M2 - 50 points: registered in regional libraries; M1 - 25 points: manual use for inter-departmental or intra-institutional groups; M0 - 0 point: use of manual in intra-departmental teaching. In conclusion, it is known that the use of manuals is focused to the ones who do not know the subject; however, it is also an important tool that can minimize errors, avoid professional misconduct, optimize resources, and at the end allowing assessment of the subject at hand. Poucos são os autores que se debruçam no estudo dos critérios de elaboração de manuais, sendo muitas vezes criticados pelo rigor metodológico das informações. Contudo, eles são interessantes no entender o que é errado, compreender prognóstico, na autoassistência, na prevenção de complicações, para identificar melhores serviços e informações, motivando a busca pela excelência no atendimento assistencial. Em sua elaboração devem ser valorizados os requisitos básicos de um manual, que são: 1) conter redação simples, concisa, eficiente e clara, contendo índice ou sumário; 2

  18. General Drafting. Technical Manual. (United States)

    Department of the Army, Washington, DC.

    The manual provides instructional guidance and reference material in the principles and procedures of general drafting and constitutes the primary study text for personnel in drafting as a military occupational specialty. Included is information on drafting equipment and its use; line weights, conventions and formats; lettering; engineering charts…

  19. Manually operated coded switch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnette, J.H.


    The disclosure related to a manually operated recodable coded switch in which a code may be inserted, tried and used to actuate a lever controlling an external device. After attempting a code, the switch's code wheels must be returned to their zero positions before another try is made

  20. Water Quality Monitoring Manual. (United States)

    Mason, Fred J.; Houdart, Joseph F.

    This manual is designed for students involved in environmental education programs dealing with water pollution problems. By establishing a network of Environmental Monitoring Stations within the educational system, four steps toward the prevention, control, and abatement of water pollution are proposed. (1) Train students to recognize, monitor,…

  1. 46 CFR 112.01-5 - Manual emergency lighting and power system. (United States)


    ... EMERGENCY LIGHTING AND POWER SYSTEMS Definitions of Emergency Lighting and Power Systems § 112.01-5 Manual emergency lighting and power system. A manual emergency lighting and power system is one in which a single... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Manual emergency lighting and power system. 112.01-5...

  2. Wastes power generation introduction manual. Material edition; Haikibutsu hatsuden donyu manual. Shiryohen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper collects and puts into order the materials used in preparing the manual. The materials were classified into the power generation system database related to discussion of the economic performance, case studies, technical materials, other referential materials and glossary. The database shows power generation efficiency, auxiliary power ratio, construction cost, utility cost and number of operators. The case studies present examples of economy calculations on the five recommended power generation systems at a wastes treatment capacity of 180 tons a day. Technical materials put into order the technological discussions on efficiency improvement, environmental measures (suppression of discharge of dioxins, measures for their removal, and the effects thereof), refuse derived fuel (RDF) and power plant operating techniques. The other referential materials collect laws, notifications, and guidelines related to the Welfare Ministry, laws, notifications, criteria and related to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, and materials related to LCA, forms of power generation business entities, general wastes disposal business, and electric business bonds. The glossary explains terms required for operation and understanding of the manual. (NEDO)

  3. Are Manual Typewriters Becoming Obsolete? (United States)

    Johnston, Jean


    A University of Akron survey of the Akron area revealed that the general trend is for large companies to use manual typewriters in their business offices. Implications for typewriting instruction are discussed. (JT)

  4. Variaciones sobre el concepto de ética


    Pérez Oliva, Elizabeth; Velasco, José Armando


    A lo largo de la historia, pensadores han dado ideas y teorías sobre la ética, pero todos concuerdan en que es una arte de la filosofía que trata de los actos morales, normas de conducta sobre el bien y el mal en el ser humano; término desarrollado a través del tiempo.

  5. Vessel size measurements in angiograms: Manual measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoffmann, Kenneth R.; Dmochowski, Jacek; Nazareth, Daryl P.; Miskolczi, Laszlo; Nemes, Balazs; Gopal, Anant; Wang Zhou; Rudin, Stephen; Bednarek, Daniel R.


    Vessel size measurement is perhaps the most often performed quantitative analysis in diagnostic and interventional angiography. Although automated vessel sizing techniques are generally considered to have good accuracy and precision, we have observed that clinicians rarely use these techniques in standard clinical practice, choosing to indicate the edges of vessels and catheters to determine sizes and calibrate magnifications, i.e., manual measurements. Thus, we undertook an investigation of the accuracy and precision of vessel sizes calculated from manually indicated edges of vessels. Manual measurements were performed by three neuroradiologists and three physicists. Vessel sizes ranged from 0.1-3.0 mm in simulation studies and 0.3-6.4 mm in phantom studies. Simulation resolution functions had full-widths-at-half-maximum (FWHM) ranging from 0.0 to 0.5 mm. Phantom studies were performed with 4.5 in., 6 in., 9 in., and 12 in. image intensifier modes, magnification factor = 1, with and without zooming. The accuracy and reproducibility of the measurements ranged from 0.1 to 0.2 mm, depending on vessel size, resolution, and pixel size, and zoom. These results indicate that manual measurements may have accuracies comparable to automated techniques for vessels with sizes greater than 1 mm, but that automated techniques which take into account the resolution function should be used for vessels with sizes smaller than 1 mm

  6. Development of a SCAT data management manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lamarche, A.; Owens, E.H.


    The Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT) is a commonly used method in North America to document oiling conditions in the aftermath of an oil spill. The data generated by SCAT can support all aspects of the process needed to develop and apply shoreline treatment methods such as planning treatment strategies, selecting treatment methods, providing detailed instructions to response personnel and evaluating the response effort. In order to be effective, SCAT data must be validated, entered within computerized systems, and transformed into support documents such as maps, tables and reports. This paper describes the development of a guidance manual for SCAT data coordinators and spill response managers that use the results of SCAT data. Guidance is presented for emergency procedures that enable the generation of minimal, but adequate, SCAT data management services. The creation of the manual involved the development of formal descriptions of the role, responsibilities and abilities of the SCAT data management team. The manual provides solution to several data processing issues, including those related to the presence of multiple parallel bands of oil within a segment of shoreline. Summary tables were created to report the length of oiled shoreline by oiling category and to present surface oiling characteristics in overview maps. The manual also includes details on how SCAT data is used for response planning, decision making and to support operations. 12 refs., 7 tabs., 8 figs

  7. Field manual for reclamation of salt contaminated soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burley, M.J.; Lesky, M.; Warren, R.J.


    Saltwater is often produced with crude oil and must be separated from it at a processing facility prior to deep-well injection. Increasing volumes of saltwater have led to pipeline corrosion and an increasing frequency of saltwater spills. A field manual for treating saltwater-contaminated soil was prepared by the Production Research Department of Esso Resources Canada Limited and Husky Oil Operations Limited. The purpose of the manual is to provide field and plant operations with a practical guide for reclaiming brine spills on mineral (agricultural) soil. The manual covers background scientific theory about how saltwater affects the soil, initial steps for treating new spills, site assessment, and reclamation program design, implementation and monitoring. A sample spill site assessment form is included. 8 refs

  8. Data acquisition for X ray microprobe. User's manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A modified data acquisition software for X ray microprobe was developed by the Physics Group, Instrumentation Unit, IAEA Laboratories at Seibersdorf, with assistance from M. Bogovac, Croatia. The software consists of data acquisition (scanning and calibration), automatic positioning and micro-movement of sample, data reduction and evaluation. The acquisition software was designed in order to support different measurement set-ups which are applied in low-energy nuclear physics. The modification was done in 1999-2000 under the projects Nuclear Spectrometry and Utilization of Particle Accelerators. The manual supersedes the first version entitled Microanalysis Data Acquisition and Control Program published under Computer Manual Series, No. 9 in 1996. The software described in this manual is freely available from the IAEA upon request

  9. Comparison of automated and manual shielding block fabrication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weeks, K.J.; Fraass, B.A.; McShan, D.L.; Hardybala, S.S.; Hargreaves, E.A.; Lichter, A.S.


    This work reports the results of a study comparing computer controlled and manual shielding block cutting. The general problems inherent in automated block cutting have been identified and minimized. A system whose accuracy is sufficient for clinical applications has been developed. The relative accuracy of our automated system versus experienced technician controlled cutting was investigated. In general, it is found that automated cutting is somewhat faster and more accurate than manual cutting for very large fields, but that the reverse is true for most smaller fields. The relative cost effectiveness of automated cutting is dependent on the percentage of computer designed blocks which are generated in the clinical setting. At the present time, the traditional manual method is still favored

  10. 77 FR 19077 - Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual (United States)


    ... practice, publication for notice and comment is not required under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA...-30008] Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission. ACTION: Final... Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval System (EDGAR) Filer Manual to reflect updates to the...

  11. 76 FR 73506 - Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual (United States)


    ... practice, publication for notice and comment is not required under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA...-29868] Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission. ACTION: Final... Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval System (EDGAR) Filer Manual to reflect updates to the...

  12. Procedures manual for the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhat, M.R.


    This manual is a collection of various notes, memoranda and instructions on procedures for the evaluation of data in the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF). They were distributed at different times over the past few years to the evaluators of nuclear structure data and some of them were not readily avaialble. Hence, they have been collected in this manual for ease of reference by the evaluators of the international Nuclear Structure and Decay Data (NSDD) network contribute mass-chains to the ENSDF. Some new articles were written specifically for this manual and others are reivsions of earlier versions

  13. Development of a mobile application for manual traffic counts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghanim Mohammad


    Full Text Available The use of technology in performing traffic counts has become widely used by many transportation agencies and private sectors. Different technologies have been employed to perform such counts, such as inductive loops, image processing, Bluetooth technologies, and laser and infrared technologies. However, the use of these advanced technologies come with extra cost to develop, install, and maintain. While the use of advanced technologies provide reliable traffic counts and vehicle classifications data, the use of manual traffic is an inevitable task. Manual traffic counts can serve different purposes, such as performing quality control or conducting short-term traffic survey. Manual traffic counts are usually conducted with the use of the traditional paper-and-pencil approach or the use of hand-held devices that are specifically developed to assess performing manual traffic counts. In this paper, the development of a mobile app that can be used to assist those who need to perform manual traffic counts. The app can be used by many public agencies, private sectors, and college students to collect their traffic data. It also provides users with the capabilities of sharing their traffic counts instantly, where traffic counts can be extracted and processed quickly by other parties.

  14. US Fish and Wildlife Service lands biomonitoring operations manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rope, R.C.; Breckenridge, R.P.


    This is Volume 1 of an operations manual designed to facilitate the development of biomonitoring strategies for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lands. It is one component of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lands Biomonitoring Operations Manual. The Volume contains the Introduction to the Manual, background information on monitoring, and procedures for developing a biomonitoring strategy for Service lands. The purpose of the Biomonitoring Operations Manual is to provide an approach to develop and implement biomonitoring activities to assess the status and trends of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service trust resources. It also provides field sampline methods and documentation protocols for contaminant monitoring activities. The strategy described in the Manual has been designed as a stand alone process to characterize the presence of contaminants on lands managed by the Service. This process can be sued to develop a monitoring program for any tract of real estate with potential threats from on- or off-site contaminants. Because the process was designed to address concerns for Service lands that span the United States from Alaska to the Tropical Islands, it has a generic format that can be used in al types of ecosystems, however, significant site specific informtion is required to complete the Workbook and make the process work successfully.

  15. Construction inspection manual of procedures (United States)


    This manual provides highway construction personnel with relevant, practical information in order to perform accurate inspections and provide relevant construction procedural information for the various roadway and structures items of work. It is the...

  16. Field manual for identifying and preserving high-water mark data (United States)

    Feaster, Toby D.; Koenig, Todd A.


    This field manual provides general guidance for identifying and collecting high-water marks and is meant to be used by field personnel as a quick reference. The field manual describes purposes for collecting and documenting high-water marks along with the most common types of high-water marks. The manual provides a list of suggested field equipment, describes rules of thumb and best practices for finding high-water marks, and describes the importance of evaluating each high-water mark and assigning a numeric uncertainty value as part of the flagging process. The manual also includes an appendix of photographs of a variety of high-water marks obtained from various U.S. Geological Survey field investigations along with general comments about the logic for the assigned uncertainty values.

  17. Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Operations Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    IRWIN, J.J.


    This document provides the Operations Manual for the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility (CVDF). The Manual was developed in conjunction with HNF-553, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Final Safety Analysis Report Annex B--Cold Vacuum Drying Facility. The HNF-SD-SNF-DRD-002, 1999, (Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Design Requirements), Rev. 4. and the CVDF Final Design Report. The Operations Manual contains general descriptions of all the process, safety and facility systems in the CVDF, a general CVD operations sequence and references to the CVDF System Design Descriptions (SDDs). This manual has been developed for the SNFP Operations Organization and shall be updated, expanded, and revised in accordance with future design, construction and startup phases of the CVDF until the CVDF final ORR is approved

  18. Extract from IAEA's Resources Manual in Nuclear Medicine - Part 2. - Human Resources Development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Nuclear Medicine Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency is now engaged in finalizing a reference manual in nuclear medicine, entitled, 'Resources Manual in Nuclear Medicine'. Several renowned professionals from all over the world, from virtually all fields of nuclear medicine have contributed to this manual. The World Journal of Nuclear Medicine will publish a series of extracts from this manual as previews. This is the second extract from the Resources Manual, Part-2 of the chapter on Human Resources Development. (author)

  19. Sandia SWiFT Wind Turbine Manual.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    White, Jonathan; LeBlanc, Bruce Philip; Berg, Jonathan Charles; Bryant, Joshua; Johnson, Wesley D.; Paquette, Joshua


    The Scaled Wind Farm Technology (SWiFT) facility, operated by Sandia National Laboratories for the U.S. Department of Energy's Wind and Water Power Program, is a wind energy research site with multiple wind turbines scaled for the experimental study of wake dynamics, advanced rotor development, turbine control, and advanced sensing for production-scale wind farms. The SWiFT site currently includes three variable-speed, pitch-regulated, three-bladed wind turbines. The six volumes of this manual provide a detailed description of the SWiFT wind turbines, including their operation and user interfaces, electrical and mechanical systems, assembly and commissioning procedures, and safety systems. Further dissemination only as authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors; other requests shall be approved by the originating facility or higher DOE programmatic authority. 111 UNCLASSIFIED UNLIMITED RELEASE Sandia SWiFT Wind Turbine Manual (SAND2016-0746 ) approved by: Department Manager SWiFT Site Lead Dave Minster (6121) Date Jonathan White (6121) Date SWiFT Site Supervisor Dave Mitchell (6121) Date Note: Document revision logs are found after the title page of each volume of this manual. iv

  20. Manual for implementing residual radioactivity guidelines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gilbert, T.L.; Eckerman, K.F.; Hansen, W.R.; Healy, J.W.; Kennedy, W.E.; Napier, B.A.; Solday, J.K.


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) has recently issued guidelines for residual radioactivity at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and remote Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) sites. A manual for implementing these guidelines has been prepared jointly by four DOE laboratories (ANL, LANL, ORNL, and PNL) and is being issued as a supplement to the guidelines. The manual presents procedures and tables for deriving site-specific guidelines for levels of residual radionuclide concentrations in soil that must not be exceeded if a site is to be released for unrestricted use. Guidance for implementing DOE ALARA policy for remedial actions is also included. The concentration factor method is used in the pathway analysis for deriving soil guidelines. The analysis has been structured in a manner that explicitly identifies all of the factors involved. Tables are provided for dose-conversion factors and pathway factors from which environmental transport factors for each radionuclide and pathway may be calculated. The scenarios used for deriving the environmental transport factors and dose conversion factors, and the manner in which the information provided in the manual is used to derive site-specific soil guidelines will be presented

  1. Sexism in Parenting Manuals (United States)

    DeFrain, John D.


    Parental roles, as delineated in many of the popular parenting manuals on the market, are reviewed and assessed. It is concluded that the vast majority of authors of child-rearing guides implicity or explicitly endorse the traditional roles of father as the dominant breadwinner and mother as the nurturant caretaker. (Author)

  2. Functional Assessment Inventory Manual. (United States)

    Crewe, Nancy M.; Athelstan, Gary T.

    This manual, which provides extensive new instructions for administering the Functional Assessment Inventory (FAI), is intended to enable counselors to begin using the inventory without undergoing any special training. The first two sections deal with the need for functional assessment and issues in the development and use of the inventory. The…

  3. Rescue Manual. Module 6. (United States)

    Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Instructional Materials Lab.

    This learner manual for rescuers covers the current techniques or practices required in the rescue service. The sixth of 10 modules contains 4 chapters: (1) industrial rescue; (2) rescue from a confined space; (3) extrication from heavy equipment; and (4) rescue operations involving elevators. Key points, an introduction, and conclusion accompany…

  4. Washington Manual: A New Tool for Local School Accounting (United States)

    Federal Aid Planner, 1972


    An advance glimpse of the revised financial accounting methods for school districts recommended in a new manual from the U. S. Office of Education. The manual is designed to help school districts modernize their financial accounting procedures and their entire range of fiscal management practices. (Author/DN)

  5. 78 FR 29616 - Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual (United States)


    ... made in electronic format.\\3\\ Filers may consult the Filer Manual in conjunction with our rules.... We will post electronic format copies on the Commission's Web site; the address for the Filer Manual... the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).\\5\\ It follows that the requirements of the Regulatory...

  6. Manualization of Occupational Therapy Using Ayres Sensory Integration® for Autism. (United States)

    Hunt, Joanne; van Hooydonk, Elke; Faller, Patricia; Mailloux, Zoe; Schaaf, Roseann


    This article reports on the development of a Stage 3 manual (following pilot effectiveness study) for implementing occupational therapy using Ayres Sensory Integration® (OT/ASI) for children with autism spectrum disorders to enhance participation in daily occupations. Three stakeholder groups were surveyed to aid in translation of manual from research to practice (i.e., Stage 3 manual) and an expert consensus meeting was held to finalize recommendations. Data indicated that the manuals usability could be improved by including a section on frequently encountered problems and solutions, and by including video case examples. Also recommended were greater chapter uniformity, improved clarity of forms and charts, and inclusion of a glossary. Changes were made and subject to expert review and consensus using modified Delphi process. The Stage 3 manual has been rigorously vetted and is ready for practice and research replication.

  7. Transportation security personnel training manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Objective of this manual is to train security personnel to protect special nuclear materials and nuclear facilities against theft and sabotage as required by 10 CFR Part 73. This volume contains the introduction and rationale

  8. The highway capacity manual a conceptual and research history

    CERN Document Server

    Roess, Roger P


    Since 1950, the Highway Capacity Manual has been a standard used in the planning, design, analysis, and operation of virtually any highway traffic facility in the United States. It has also been widely used abroad, and has spurred the development of similar manuals in other countries. The twin concepts of capacity and level of service have been developed in the manual, and methodologies have been presented that allow highway traffic facilities to be designed on a common basis, and allow for the analysis of operational quality under various traffic demand scenarios. The manual also addresses related pedestrian, bicycle, and transit issues.   This book details the fundamental development of the concepts of capacity and level of service, and of the specific methodologies developed to describe them over a wide range of facility types. The book is comprised of two volumes. Volume 1 (this book) focuses on the development of basic principles, and their application to uninterrupted flow facilities: freeways, multila...

  9. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford site. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with requirements of 10 CFR 835, the DOE Laboratory Accreditation Program, the DOE Richland Operations Office, DOE Office of River Protection, DOE Pacific Northwest Office of Science, and Hanford’s DOE contractors. The dosimetry system is operated by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Hanford External Dosimetry Program which provides dosimetry services to PNNL and all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since its inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. The first revision to be released through PNNL’s Electronic Records & Information Capture Architecture database was designated Revision 0. Revision numbers that are whole numbers reflect major revisions typically involving significant changes to all chapters in the document. Revision

  10. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford site. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with requirements of 10 CFR 835, the DOE Laboratory Accreditation Program, the DOE Richland Operations Office, DOE Office of River Protection, DOE Pacific Northwest Office of Science, and Hanford’s DOE contractors. The dosimetry system is operated by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Hanford External Dosimetry Program which provides dosimetry services to PNNL and all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since its inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. The first revision to be released through PNNL’s Electronic Records & Information Capture Architecture database was designated Revision 0. Revision numbers that are whole numbers reflect major revisions typically involving significant changes to all chapters in the document. Revision

  11. Outcome of manual hemorrhoidopexy in the management of hemorrhoids

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sujit Kumar


    Full Text Available Background: Manual hemorrhoidopexy is a new technique of treating second degree hemorrhoids. In contrast to the conventional resectional techniques (Milligan-Morgan, manual hemorrhoidopexy is a novel technique as described by T Carlo. It does not involve excision but plication with fixation of the prolapsing hemorrhoid. Objective: To study the outcome of manual hemorrhoidopexy and to compare manual hemorrhoidopexy with the traditional hemorrhoidectomy. Methods: This is a prospective study conducted over 16 months (January 2012 to April 2013 in the College of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital (COMS-TH, Bharatpur, Chitwan, Department of Surgery. The patients who presented with third degree internal-hemorrhoids on a random basis, and underwent either conventional hemorrhoidectomy (Group A or Manual hemorrhoidopexy (Group B by senior consultant surgeons were included. The patients who had external hemorrhoids in addition to internal were excluded. Preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative characteristics were evaluated. Results: Twenty five patients with median age group 42.5 years underwent conventional (Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy (Group A and 25 patients with mean age of 40.1 years underwent manual hemorrhoidopexy (Group B. Male patients were predominant in both groups. The patients in group A had more postoperative pain as compared to group B (as assessed by the visual analogue scale and requirement of post-operative analgesic and this was statistically significant (p<0.001. There was no significant difference among the other post-operative urinary retention. Twelve percent (n=3 patients in group A had post-operative bleeding and only 4% (n=1 in group B which was statistically significant (p<0.001. Mean duration of hospital stay in group A was 2.5 days as compared to 1.5 day in group B. Median follow up in both the study group was 3 (2-4 months. Conclusion: Manual hemorrhoidopexy has comparable outcomes in term of postoperative

  12. Reproducibility of Manual Platelet Estimation Following Automated Low Platelet Counts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zainab S Al-Hosni


    Full Text Available Objectives: Manual platelet estimation is one of the methods used when automated platelet estimates are very low. However, the reproducibility of manual platelet estimation has not been adequately studied. We sought to assess the reproducibility of manual platelet estimation following automated low platelet counts and to evaluate the impact of the level of experience of the person counting on the reproducibility of manual platelet estimates. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, peripheral blood films of patients with platelet counts less than 100 × 109/L were retrieved and given to four raters to perform manual platelet estimation independently using a predefined method (average of platelet counts in 10 fields using 100× objective multiplied by 20. Data were analyzed using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC as a method of reproducibility assessment. Results: The ICC across the four raters was 0.840, indicating excellent agreement. The median difference of the two most experienced raters was 0 (range: -64 to 78. The level of platelet estimate by the least-experienced rater predicted the disagreement (p = 0.037. When assessing the difference between pairs of raters, there was no significant difference in the ICC (p = 0.420. Conclusions: The agreement between different raters using manual platelet estimation was excellent. Further confirmation is necessary, with a prospective study using a gold standard method of platelet counts.

  13. The use of manual therapy in paediatric physiotherapy


    Skoutelis V


    Introduction: Manual therapy is the most common complementary or alternative treatment approach for orthopedic and non-musculoskeletal conditions in adult patients. In recent years, manual therapy techniques are increasingly used by physiotherapists in therapeutic programmes for children with neurological and orthopedic impairments. There is also a continuous increase in the number of children visits to alternative therapies, especially joint manipulation procedures. The purpose o...

  14. Technical reference manual for TIME4. Vol. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilmot, R.D.; Ringrose, P.S.; Larkin, J.P.A.; Kleissen, F.A.T.


    This document is the Technical Reference Manual for the TIME4 model. TIME4 is the environmental change model developed for use in the probabilistic risk analysis of deep disposal of radioactive waste. The Technical Reference Manual describes the theoretical background to the model. The modelling method is described, followed by a review of related work and a detailed description for each sub-model. (author)

  15. Manual dexterity aptitude testing: a soap carving study. (United States)

    Tang, Christopher G; Hilsinger, Raymond L; Cruz, Raul M; Schloegel, Luke J; Byl, Fred M; Rasgon, Barry M


    Currently there are few validated metrics for predicting surgical skill among otolaryngology residency applicants. To determine whether manual dexterity aptitude testing in the form of soap carving during otolaryngology residency interviews at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Oakland predicts surgical skill at the time of graduation from otolaryngology residency programs. This study was conducted to determine how applicants with the best and worst soap carvings compared at the time of graduation with respect to various metrics including visuospatial ability and manual dexterity. Over the last 25 years, applicants to the residency program at Kaiser Permanente Oakland were required to carve soap during their residency interview. The 3 best and 3 worst soap carvings from 1990 through 2006 were determined. Of the individuals who carved those soaps, 62 qualified for the study and matriculated into otolaryngology residency programs. Surveys were sent to the 62 individuals' residency programs to evaluate those individuals on a 5-point Likert scale in various categories as well as to rank those individuals as being in the top 50% or bottom 50% of their graduating class. All else being equal, we hypothesized that applicants who had the manual dexterity and visuospatial skills to accurately carve a bar of soap would more likely possess the skills necessary to become a good surgeon. There was no difference between individuals with the best soap carvings and those with the worst soap carvings in all categories: cognitive knowledge, visuospatial ability, manual dexterity, decision making, and overall score (P > .10 for all categories). There was a 95% response rate, with 35 of 37 residency programs responding and 59 of 62 surveys returned. Manual dexterity aptitude testing in the form of soap carving does not appear to correlate with surgical skill at the time of graduation. Further studies need to be conducted to determine the role of manual dexterity and visuospatial

  16. Fundamentalism in Psychological Science. The Publication Manual as "Bible." (United States)

    Walsh-Bowers, Richard


    Analyzes the content of the fourth edition of the "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association" (1994) as if it were a biblical text. Draws on socio-historical studies and critical feminist perspectives to discuss the manual's function as a fundamentalist "bible" in relation to psychologists' culture. (SLD)

  17. 78 FR 4766 - Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual (United States)


    ..., publication for notice and comment is not required under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).\\7\\ It follows...-68644; 39-2488; IC-30348] Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual AGENCY: Securities and Exchange...) Filer Manual and related rules to reflect updates to the EDGAR system. The revisions are being made...

  18. Apparel Marketing. [Student Manual] and Answer Book/Teacher's Guide. (United States)

    Gaskill, Melissa Lynn

    This document on apparel marketing contains both a student's manual and an answer book/teacher's guide. The student's manual contains the following 16 assignments: (1) introduction to fashion and fashion merchandising; (2) current fashion; (3) careers in fashion; (4) buying; (5) retailing; (6) merchandise basics; (7) merchandise--promotion and…

  19. 47 CFR 1.1705 - Forms; electronic and manual filing. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Forms; electronic and manual filing. 1.1705... Operations and Licensing System (COALS) § 1.1705 Forms; electronic and manual filing. (a) Application forms... Cable Television Relay Service (CARS) shall use the following forms and associated schedules: (1) FCC...

  20. Modifikasi Alat Pengupas Kulit Dan Pemotong Buah Nanas Tipe Manual


    Lubis, Rizky Adrian Ramadhan


    Until this time, peeling of pineapple fruit is known only through manual tools by kitchen knife. However, later on pineapple peeler has begun to be developed in the form of pineapple peeler manually press by using human operator. Therefore through this research design, the author tried to ease the peeling of pineapple peel by designing a pineapple peeler equipment which had a larger capacity which to be more effective and efficient in pineapple peeling. This principle of the manual pineapple...

  1. Radiation protection technician job task analysis manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This manual was developed to assist all DOE contractors in the design and conduct of job task analysis (JTA) for the radiation protection technician. Experience throughout the nuclear industry and the DOE system has indicated that the quality and efficiency in conducting a JTA at most sites is greatly enhanced by using a generic task list for the position, and clearly written guidelines on the JTA process. This manual is designed to provide this information for personnel to use in developing and conducting site-specific JTAs. (VC)

  2. Escrito sobre el cuerpo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Malalana Ureña


    Full Text Available El catálogo, en una edición bilingüe español-inglés, es una pequeña guía de la exposición Shirin Neshat. Escrito sobre el cuerpo, muestra que se integra dentro de los actos de PHOTOESPAÑA13, el festival internacional de fotografía y artes visuales. El esquema del libro es sencillo y los textos son extremadamente divulgativos. El primero de ellos, Escrito sobre el cuerpo (pp. 10-15, cuyo autor es Octavio Zaya, comisario de la exposición, resume la trayectoria de esta intelectual, que "interactúa" con la fotografía y los formatos audiovisuales, y nos presenta la argumentación narrativa de los documentos expuestos, contextualizando la obra recopilada.

  3. Consumer Decisions. Student Manual. (United States)

    Florida State Dept. of Education, Tallahassee. Div. of Vocational Education.

    This student manual covers five areas relating to consumer decisions. Titles of the five sections are Consumer Law, Consumer Decision Making, Buying a Car, Convenience Foods, and Books for Preschool Children. Each section may contain some or all of these materials: list of objectives, informative sections, questions on the information and answers,…

  4. Southern Ductile Training Manual. (United States)

    Alabama State Dept. of Education, Montgomery.

    This instructor's manual contains the materials required to conduct the competency-based workplace literacy program that was developed to help employees at a foundry that has evolved from a small, family-owned business into a major foundry group with several automated production systems. The workplace literacy program consists of 24 lessons in…

  5. Los manuales de quimica en Espana (1788--1845): Protagonistas, terminologia, clasificaciones y orden pedagogico (United States)

    Munoz Bello, Maria Rosa

    La presente tesis doctoral es una investigacion sobre los manuales de quimica utilizados en Espana de 1788 a 1845. Este trabajo proporciona una perspectiva general de un tema relevante en las ultimas decadas en Historia de la Ciencia, el estudio de los libros de texto. De acuerdo con las ultimas investigaciones realizadas en este terreno, el acto pedagogico es considerado como un proceso creativo, como espacio de encuentro de actores e intereses muy diversos, matizando las ideas defendidas por Thomas S. Kuhn. Recordemos que segun Kuhn, los libros de texto ofrecen una vision consensuada y normalizada del estado de la ciencia de su epoca, por lo que sus autores eliminan deliberadamente toda controversia y presentan asi una imagen distorsionada de la actividad cientifica. En cambio, se ha mostrado, por ejemplo, que en la ensenanza participan no solamente profesores y alumnos sino tambien otros muchos actores y todos ellos no unicamente con intereses puramente pedagogicos sino tambien con diversos intereses politicos y economicos que pueden conocerse a traves del estudio de los manuales. En esta tesis se pretende analizar los manuales de quimica en Espana desde 1788 hasta 1845. Para poder llevar a cabo la investigacion ha sido necesario precisar el objeto de estudio (libro de texto de quimica) durante el periodo estudiado (1788-1845) ya que no es adecuado adoptar la imagen actual de una disciplina que sufrio sustanciales cambios durante la epoca estudiada. Esta investigacion se centra en un momento especialmente importante para la quimica y que algunos historiadores han llegado a considerar "revolucionario". Durante estos anos se produjo un cambio importante en las teorias quimicas sobre la combustion y el concepto de elemento, asi como una reforma terminologica que originaron la aparicion de importantes controversias. Ademas, debido a la relacion de la quimica con otras disciplinas como la historia natural o la fisica ha sido necesario restringir el objeto de estudio

  6. Electronic manual of the nuclear characteristics analysis code-set for FBR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makino, Tohru


    Reactor Physics Gr., System Engineering Technology Division, O-arai Engineering Center has consolidated the nuclear design database to improve analytical methods and prediction accuracy for large fast breeder cores such as demonstration or commercial FBRs from the previous research. The up-to-date information about usage of the nuclear characteristics analysis code-set was compiled as a part of the improvement of basic design data base for FBR core. The outlines of the electronic manual are as follows; (1) The electronic manual includes explanations of following codes: JOINT : Code Interface Program. SLAROM, CASUP : Effective Cross Section Calculation Code. CITATION-FBR : Diffusion Analysis Code. PERKY : Perturbative Diffusion Analysis Code. SNPERT, SNPERT-3D : Perturbative Transport Analysis Code. SAGEP, SAGEP-3D : Sensitivity Coefficient Calculation Code. NSHEX : Transport Analysis Code using Nodal Method. ABLE : Cross Section Adjustment Calculation Code. ACCEPT : Predicting Accuracy Evaluation Code. (2) The electronic manual is described using HTML file format and PDF file for easy maintenance, updating and for easy referring through JNC Intranet. User can refer manual pages by usual Web browser software without any special setup. (3) Many of manual pages include link-tags to jump to related pages. String search is available in both HTML and PDF documents. (4) User can download source code, sample input data and shell script files to carry out each analysis from download page of each code (JNC inside only). (5) Usage of the electronic manual and maintenance/updating process are described in this report and it makes possible to enroll new code or new information in the electronic manual. Since the information has been taken into account about modifications and error fixings, added to each code after the last consolidation in 1994, the electronic manual would cover most recent status of the nuclear characteristics analysis code-set. One of other advantages of use

  7. Semi-automating the manual literature search for systematic reviews increases efficiency. (United States)

    Chapman, Andrea L; Morgan, Laura C; Gartlehner, Gerald


    To minimise retrieval bias, manual literature searches are a key part of the search process of any systematic review. Considering the need to have accurate information, valid results of the manual literature search are essential to ensure scientific standards; likewise efficient approaches that minimise the amount of personnel time required to conduct a manual literature search are of great interest. The objective of this project was to determine the validity and efficiency of a new manual search method that utilises the scopus database. We used the traditional manual search approach as the gold standard to determine the validity and efficiency of the proposed scopus method. Outcome measures included completeness of article detection and personnel time involved. Using both methods independently, we compared the results based on accuracy of the results, validity and time spent conducting the search, efficiency. Regarding accuracy, the scopus method identified the same studies as the traditional approach indicating its validity. In terms of efficiency, using scopus led to a time saving of 62.5% compared with the traditional approach (3 h versus 8 h). The scopus method can significantly improve the efficiency of manual searches and thus of systematic reviews.

  8. Health and Safety Procedures Manual for hazardous waste sites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thate, J.E.


    The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Chemical Assessments Team (ORNL/CAT) has developed this Health and Safety Procedures Manual for the guidance, instruction, and protection of ORNL/CAT personnel expected to be involved in hazardous waste site assessments and remedial actions. This manual addresses general and site-specific concerns for protecting personnel, the general public, and the environment from any possible hazardous exposures. The components of this manual include: medical surveillance, guidance for determination and monitoring of hazards, personnel and training requirements, protective clothing and equipment requirements, procedures for controlling work functions, procedures for handling emergency response situations, decontamination procedures for personnel and equipment, associated legal requirements, and safe drilling practices.

  9. Manual of functions, assignments, and responsibilities for nuclear safety: Revision 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The FAR Manual is a convenient easy-to-use collection of the functions, assignments, and responsibilities (FARs) of DOE nuclear safety personnel. Current DOE directives, including Orders, Secretary of Energy Notices, and other assorted policy memoranda, are the source of this information and form the basis of the FAR Manual. Today, the majority of FARs for DOE personnel are contained in DOE`s nuclear safety Orders. As these Orders are converted to rules in the Code of Federal Regulations, the FAR Manual will become the sole source for information relating to the functions, assignments, responsibilities of DOE nuclear safety personnel. The FAR Manual identifies DOE directives that relate to nuclear safety and the specific DOE personnel who are responsible for implementing them. The manual includes only FARs that have been extracted from active directives that have been approved in accordance with the procedures contained in DOE Order 1321.1B.

  10. Deformaciones faciales y sus influencias sobre el psiquismo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo Nieto Cano


    Full Text Available Creemos haber dejado establecido, en síntesis, que todas las minusvalías físicas repercuten sobre el psiquismo, y que entre éstas las deformaciones faciales, por su ostentosa evidencia, son las que afectan más seriamente al individuo y modifican por eso más radicalmente su conducta, incidiendo así, en forma trascendental, sobre la colectividad. Tales defectos constituyen, por consiguiente, un serio problema humano, cuyo estudio y remedio incumbe no solamente al esteta cirujano, sino que interesa a todos aquellos que puedan influir sobre la estabilidad armónica y la buena marcha de la sociedad en que viven.

  11. Development of the Coordination between Posture and Manual Control (United States)

    Haddad, Jeffrey M.; Claxton, Laura J.; Keen, Rachel; Berthier, Neil E.; Riccio, Gary E.; Hamill, Joseph; Van Emmerik, Richard E. A.


    Studies have suggested that proper postural control is essential for the development of reaching. However, little research has examined the development of the coordination between posture and manual control throughout childhood. We investigated the coordination between posture and manual control in children (7- and 10-year-olds) and adults during…

  12. Assessment of Deafblind Access to Manual Language Systems (ADAMLS) (United States)

    Blaha, Robbie; Carlson, Brad


    This document presents the Assessment of Deafblind Access to Manual Language Systems (ADAMLS), a resource for educational teams who are responsible for developing appropriate adaptations and strategies for children who are deafblind who are candidates for learning manual language systems. The assessment tool should be used for all children with a…

  13. MAP user's manual copyright

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pillsbury, R.D. Jr.


    The program MITMAP represents a set of general purpose, two- dimensional, finite element programs for the calculation of magnetic fields. It consists of the program MAP and MAP2DJ. The two programs are used to solve different electromagnetic problems, but they have a common set of subrountines for pre- and postprocessing. Originally separate programs, they have been combined to make modification easier. The manuals, however, will remain separate. The program MAP is described in this manual. MAP is applicable to the class of problems with two-dimensional-planar or axisymmetric - geometries, in which the current density and the magnetic vector potential have only a single nonvanishing component. The single component is associated with the direction that is perpendicular to the plane of the problem and is invariant with respect to that direction. Maxwell's equations can be reduced to a solver diffusion equation in terms of the single, nonvanishing component of the magnetic vector potential for planar problems and to a single component of a vector potential for planar problems and to a single component of a vector diffusion equation for axisymmetric problems. The magnetic permeability appears in the governing equation. The permeability may be a function of the magnetic flux density. In addition, any electrically conducting material present will have eddy currents induced by a time varying magnetic field. These eddy currents must be included in the solution process. This manual provides a description of the structure of the input data and output for the program. There are several example problems presented that illustrate the major program features. Appendices are included that contain a derivation of the governing equations and the application of the finite element method to the solution of the equations

  14. National Best Practices Manual for Building High Performance Schools (Revised)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Best Practices Manual was written as a part of the promotional effort for EnergySmart Schools, provided by the US Department of Energy, to educate school districts around the country about energy efficiency and renewable energy. Written specifically for architects and engineers, The Best Practices Manual is designed to help those who are responsible for designing or retrofitting schools, as well as their project managers. This manual will help design staff make informed decisions about energy and environmental issues important to the school systems and communities.

  15. Internal dosimetry technical basis manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The internal dosimetry program at the Savannah River Site (SRS) consists of radiation protection programs and activities used to detect and evaluate intakes of radioactive material by radiation workers. Examples of such programs are: air monitoring; surface contamination monitoring; personal contamination surveys; radiobioassay; and dose assessment. The objectives of the internal dosimetry program are to demonstrate that the workplace is under control and that workers are not being exposed to radioactive material, and to detect and assess inadvertent intakes in the workplace. The Savannah River Site Internal Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual (TBM) is intended to provide a technical and philosophical discussion of the radiobioassay and dose assessment aspects of the internal dosimetry program. Detailed information on air, surface, and personal contamination surveillance programs is not given in this manual except for how these programs interface with routine and special bioassay programs

  16. Internal dosimetry technical basis manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The internal dosimetry program at the Savannah River Site (SRS) consists of radiation protection programs and activities used to detect and evaluate intakes of radioactive material by radiation workers. Examples of such programs are: air monitoring; surface contamination monitoring; personal contamination surveys; radiobioassay; and dose assessment. The objectives of the internal dosimetry program are to demonstrate that the workplace is under control and that workers are not being exposed to radioactive material, and to detect and assess inadvertent intakes in the workplace. The Savannah River Site Internal Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual (TBM) is intended to provide a technical and philosophical discussion of the radiobioassay and dose assessment aspects of the internal dosimetry program. Detailed information on air, surface, and personal contamination surveillance programs is not given in this manual except for how these programs interface with routine and special bioassay programs.

  17. Comentarios sobre la Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial Sostenible

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arturo J. Yglesias


    Full Text Available La denominada Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial Sostenible, no fue bien recibida en el medio jurídico. Tanto los profesores de las diferentes materias de Derecho de nuestra Facultad como las asociaciones profesionales y otros grupos e juristas de nuestro medio, formularon reservas de diverso calibre sobre el texto de la ley que van desde sus aspectos adjetivos como la terminología y redacción hasta cuestiones sustanciales como lo que ella dice sobre el régimen de la propiedad territorial y otras cuestiones vinculadas.Desde el discurso político vimos lanzar opiniones iracundas y alarmistas sobre las modificaciones que la ley estaría haciendo al régimen de la propiedad privada, sobre su supuesta inconstitucionalidad.Nosotros nos vamos a referir a la ley a sus antecedentes y de las críticas que se le hacían, en la parte que toca a nuestra materia, esto es en lo relativo al régimen de la propiedad y debemos decir, a vía de adelanto, que no vemos en ella nada que afecte el derecho de propiedad consagrado por la Constitución de la República, ni los principios generales que regulan la propiedad territorial conforme al Código Civil, conforme a la vieja ley de Centros Poblados, sus modificativas ni demás normas sobre la materia.

  18. Preparing Payroll Register, Employee Earnings' Records, and Paychecks. Student's Manual and Instructor's Manual. (United States)

    McElveen, Peggy C.

    Supporting performance objective 28 of the V-TECS (Vocational-Technical Education Consortium of States) Secretarial Catalog, both a set of student materials and an instructor's manual on preparing a payroll register, employee earnings' records, and paychecks are included in this packet, which is one in a series. The student materials include a…

  19. Computer Processing 10-20-30. Teacher's Manual. Senior High School Teacher Resource Manual. (United States)

    Fisher, Mel; Lautt, Ray

    Designed to help teachers meet the program objectives for the computer processing curriculum for senior high schools in the province of Alberta, Canada, this resource manual includes the following sections: (1) program objectives; (2) a flowchart of curriculum modules; (3) suggestions for short- and long-range planning; (4) sample lesson plans;…

  20. A Course on Operational Considerations in Wastewater Treatment Plant Design. Instructor's Manual. (United States)

    Cooper, John W.; And Others

    This manual contains 17 instructional units (sequenced to correspond to parallel chapters in a student's manual) focusing on upgrading the design of wastewater plant facilities and serving as a reference source for establishing criteria for upgrading wastewater treatment plants. The manual also furnishes information for modifying plant design to…

  1. Dysfunctional Workers, Functional Texts: The Transformation of Work in Institutional Procedure Manuals. (United States)

    Sullivan, Francis J.


    Examines how conflicts between management and workers over division of labor are enacted in two manuals--the official manual operationalizing Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations and a "translation" of the official manual--governing tax examiners' work in an IRS Service Center. Finds that systemic differences between the manuals…

  2. Caltrans : transit funding manual : managing the delivery of transit projects (United States)


    This manual attempts to provide a step by step transit funding process. Included in this manual : is an overview of Caltrans Division of Mass Transportation, roles and responsibilities in : assisting local agencies to deliver transit projects. Transi...

  3. Towards an outcome documentation in manual medicine: a first proposal of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) intervention categories for manual medicine based on a Delphi survey. (United States)

    Kirchberger, I; Stucki, G; Böhni, U; Cieza, A; Kirschneck, M; Dvorak, J


    The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) provides a useful framework for the comprehensive description of the patients' functional health. The aim of this study was to identify the ICF categories that represent the patients' problems treated by manual medicine practitioners in order to facilitate its application in manual medicine. This selection of ICF categories could be used for assessment, treatment documentation and quality management in manual medicine practice. Swiss manual medicine experts were asked about the patients' problems commonly treated by manual medicine practitioners in a three-round survey using the Delphi technique. Responses were linked to the ICF. Forty-eight manual medicine experts gave a total of 808 responses that were linked to 225 different ICF categories; 106 ICF categories which reached an agreement of at least 50% among the participants in the final Delphi-round were included in the set of ICF Intervention Categories for Manual Medicine; 42 (40%) of the categories are assigned to the ICF component body functions, 36 (34%) represent the ICF component body structures and 28 (26%) the ICF component activities and participation. A first proposal of ICF Intervention Categories for Manual Medicine was defined and needs to be validated in further studies.

  4. Manual Labour as praxis pietatis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Mette Birkedal


    This article describes the role played by the topos of manual labour in the Cistercian reform at La Trappe in the 1660s. According to the reformer Armand-Jean de Rancé, manual labour serves partly as a link from the reform to the Rule of Benedict's prescriptions about opus manuum, partly as an ep...... as an epitome of the biblical definition of the post-lapsarian condition as a matter of eating bread by the sweat of one's face and finally as a device for the cultivation of monastic humility and penitence....

  5. Pistas para pensar las significaciones imaginarias sobre la invariancia


    Bilyk, Pablo Andrés


    Este escrito propone un primer esbozo de nominalizaciones sobre las significaciones imaginarias en torno a la idea de invariancia, con el fin de comenzar a mapear categorías para transitar que nos permitan pensar las construcciones fantasmáticas sobre el no-cambio. En definitiva, se trata de avanzar sobre la problematización de los modos de funcionamiento, constitución y reconfiguraciones de las hegemonías en los entramados sociales contemporáneos. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Soc...

  6. Small Business Management. Instructor's Manual. Volume I. Third Edition. (United States)

    Jeanneau, Joseph A.; And Others

    The instructor's manual is one of four prepared as a guide in conducting a small Business Management course for American Indians to prepare them for jobs as owners/managers of their own businesses and for management positions with business owned by bonds, cooperatives, and others. The manual contains lesson plans, suggested methodologies, and…

  7. Resource Manual for Functional Vision Evaluation. Technical Assistance Bulletin. (United States)

    Texas Education Agency, Austin. Div. of Special Education.

    The manual was intended to help school personnel (either an educator of the visually handicapped and/or a certified orientation and mobility instructor) evaluate the functional use of residual vision. The manual is organized in three major sections, which cover the following: (1) the general areas addressed in functional vision evaluation (such as…

  8. Management Matters. Virtual School Library Media Center Management Manual (United States)

    Pappas, Marjorie L.


    In this article, the author describes a management manual she maintained while working as a school library media specialist. She started the manual when she was a student in the organization and administration course in the library science program and kept it current with information gleaned from conferences, workshops, and networking with other…

  9. Does bipedality predict the group-level manual laterality in mammals? (United States)

    Giljov, Andrey; Karenina, Karina; Malashichev, Yegor


    Factors determining patterns of laterality manifestation in mammals remain unclear. In primates, the upright posture favours the expression of manual laterality across species, but may have little influence within a species. Whether the bipedalism acts the same in non-primate mammals is unknown. Our recent findings in bipedal and quadrupedal marsupials suggested that differences in laterality pattern, as well as emergence of manual specialization in evolution might depend on species-specific body posture. Here, we evaluated the hypothesis that the postural characteristics are the key variable shaping the manual laterality expression across mammalian species. We studied forelimb preferences in a most bipedal marsupial, brush-tailed bettong, Bettongia penicillata in four different types of unimanual behavior. The significant left-forelimb preference at the group level was found in all behaviours studied. In unimanual feeding on non-living food, catching live prey and nest-material collecting, all or most subjects were lateralized, and among lateralized bettongs a significant majority displayed left-forelimb bias. Only in unimanual supporting of the body in the tripedal stance the distribution of lateralized and non-lateralized individuals did not differ from chance. Individual preferences were consistent across all types of behaviour. The direction or the strength of forelimb preferences were not affected by the animals' sex. Our findings support the hypothesis that the expression of manual laterality depends on the species-typical postural habit. The interspecies comparison illustrates that in marsupials the increase of bipedality corresponds with the increase of the degree of group-level forelimb preference in a species. Thus, bipedalism can predict pronounced manual laterality at both intra- and interspecific levels in mammals. We also conclude that quadrupedal position in biped species can slightly hinder the expression of manual laterality, but the evoked biped

  10. [A survey on diet manuals in Italian hospitals]. (United States)

    Donini, L M; Riti, M; Castellaneta, E; Ceccarelli, P; Civale, C; Passaretti, S; del Balzo, V; Cannella, C


    Hospital catering is very important to counteract the onset of malnutrition due to either undernutrition or overnutrition and for dietetic treatment. The aim of the study was to evaluate nutritional quality of the hospital dietetic manual used in some Italian hospitals and to analyze the role of the institutional Catering Service and of the Department of Clinical Nutrition. A survey has been carried out, in some Italian hospitals, using a questionnaire to point out the characteristics of hospitals, the typology of catering service, of the diets and of the staff of the Department of Clinical Nutrition. Only 22% of the hospitals has answered; three Italian regions (Umbria, Molise, Basilicata) are completely missing; -each hospital has a specific dietetic manual in most cases completely different from structure and nutritional quality point of view; the staff acting in this field is absolutely insufficient in term of numerousness and of professional typologies. Hospital in-patients are not homogeneous as for age, dietary needs and diseases, so it's necessary to treat them with an ad hoc nutritional intervention not established in advance in a dietetic manual; if from an organisation point of view it is necessary to have such a dietetic manual, it has to be based on nutritional guidelines and recommended dietary allowances.

  11. Surface Environmental Surveillance Procedures Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanf, RW; Dirkes, RL


    This manual establishes the procedures for the collection of environmental samples and the performance of radiation surveys and other field measurements. Responsibilities are defined for those personnel directly involved in the collection of samples and the performance of field measurements.

  12. Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rathbone, Bruce A.


    The Hanford External Dosimetry Technical Basis Manual PNL-MA-842 documents the design and implementation of the external dosimetry system used at Hanford. The manual describes the dosimeter design, processing protocols, dose calculation methodology, radiation fields encountered, dosimeter response characteristics, limitations of dosimeter design under field conditions, and makes recommendations for effective use of the dosimeters in the field. The manual describes the technical basis for the dosimetry system in a manner intended to help ensure defensibility of the dose of record at Hanford and to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 835, DOELAP, DOE-RL, ORP, PNSO, and Hanford contractor requirements. The dosimetry system is operated by PNNL’s Hanford External Dosimetry Program (HEDP) which provides dosimetry services to all Hanford contractors. The primary users of this manual are DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford using the dosimetry services of PNNL. Development and maintenance of this manual is funded directly by DOE and DOE contractors. Its contents have been reviewed and approved by DOE and DOE contractors at Hanford through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee (HPDAC) which is chartered and chaired by DOE-RL and serves as means of coordinating dosimetry practices across contractors at Hanford. This manual was established in 1996. Since inception, it has been revised many times and maintained by PNNL as a controlled document with controlled distribution. The first revision to be released through PNNL’s Electronic Records & Information Capture Architecture (ERICA) database was designated Revision 0. Revision numbers that are whole numbers reflect major revisions typically involving changes to all chapters in the document. Revision numbers that include a decimal fraction reflect minor revisions, usually restricted to selected chapters or selected pages in the document.

  13. 78 FR 60684 - Adoption of Updated EDGAR Filer Manual (United States)


    ... acceptance and processing of filings made in electronic format.\\2\\ Filers may consult the Filer Manual in... electronic format copies on the Commission's Web site; the address for the Filer Manual is Act (APA).\\6\\ It follows that the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act \\7\\ do not apply. \\6...

  14. FTMP (Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor) programmer's manual (United States)

    Feather, F. E.; Liceaga, C. A.; Padilla, P. A.


    The Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor (FTMP) computer system was constructed using the Rockwell/Collins CAPS-6 processor. It is installed in the Avionics Integration Research Laboratory (AIRLAB) of NASA Langley Research Center. It is hosted by AIRLAB's System 10, a VAX 11/750, for the loading of programs and experimentation. The FTMP support software includes a cross compiler for a high level language called Automated Engineering Design (AED) System, an assembler for the CAPS-6 processor assembly language, and a linker. Access to this support software is through an automated remote access facility on the VAX which relieves the user of the burden of learning how to use the IBM 4381. This manual is a compilation of information about the FTMP support environment. It explains the FTMP software and support environment along many of the finer points of running programs on FTMP. This will be helpful to the researcher trying to run an experiment on FTMP and even to the person probing FTMP with fault injections. Much of the information in this manual can be found in other sources; we are only attempting to bring together the basic points in a single source. If the reader should need points clarified, there is a list of support documentation in the back of this manual.

  15. Manual therapy and exercise for neck pain: A systematic review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miller, Jordan; Gross, Anita; D'Sylva, Jonathan; Burnie, Stephen J.; Goldsmith, Charles H.; Graham, Nadine; Haines, Ted; Brønfort, Gert; Hoving, Jan L.


    Manual therapy is often used with exercise to treat neck pain. This cervical overview group systematic review update assesses if manual therapy, including manipulation or mobilisation, combined with exercise improves pain, function/disability, quality of life, global perceived effect, and patient

  16. An annotated outline for a traffic management center operations manual (United States)


    This draft Traffic Management Center (TMC) and Operations manual outline is meant to serve as a model "checklist" for the development of similar manuals used in deployed environments. The purpose of this outline is to provide a reference for agencies...

  17. Development of an in vitro laboratory manual for nuclear medicine technology students

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meyers, A.


    This study evaluated existing in vitro education materials in qualitative and quantitative parameters that currently exist to educate potential clinicians of nationally accredited nuclear medicine programs. A review of over 300 articles, texts, and manuals pertaining to in vitro nuclear medicine procedures clearly demonstrated that no in vitro laboratory manual for undergraduate students presently exited. Every nuclear medicine program director in the United States was surveyed. They were asked for their overall philosophy in terms of developing an in vitro manual and requested to evaluate the significant of 22 general principles/concepts and 34 specific laboratory testing procedures. From the response to the survey, an in vitro nuclear medicine manual was created and appended to the study. The manual consists of lecture and study material, chapter reviews, and laboratory assignments and exercises

  18. Assessment of the Problems of Manual Automobile Tyre Bead ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The tyre-rim bead bond must be broken to carry out repairs on a failed automobile tyre. The use of the locally fabricated manual bead breaking equipment as it is being practiced today by commercial tyre repair artisans in Nigeria is characterized by drudgery. This article reports a study of the local manual bead breaking ...

  19. INTRA/Mod3.2. Manual and Code Description. Volume I - Physical Modelling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersson, Jenny; Edlund, O.; Hermann, J.; Johansson, Lise-Lotte


    The INTRA Manual consists of two volumes. Volume I of the manual is a thorough description of the code INTRA, the Physical modelling of INTRA and the ruling numerical methods and volume II, the User's Manual is an input description. This document, the Physical modelling of INTRA, contains code characteristics, integration methods and applications

  20. INTRA/Mod3.2. Manual and Code Description. Volume I - Physical Modelling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andersson, Jenny; Edlund, O; Hermann, J; Johansson, Lise-Lotte


    The INTRA Manual consists of two volumes. Volume I of the manual is a thorough description of the code INTRA, the Physical modelling of INTRA and the ruling numerical methods and volume II, the User`s Manual is an input description. This document, the Physical modelling of INTRA, contains code characteristics, integration methods and applications

  1. Estimator's electrical man-hour manual

    CERN Document Server

    Page, John S


    This manual's latest edition continues to be the best source available for making accurate, reliable man-hour estimates for electrical installation. This new edition is revised and expanded to include installation of electrical instrumentation, which is used in monitoring various process systems.

  2. Summary Staging Manual 2000 - SEER (United States)

    Access this manual of codes and coding instructions for the summary stage field for cases diagnosed 2001-2017. 2000 version applies to every anatomic site. It uses all information in the medical record. Also called General Staging, California Staging, and SEER Staging.

  3. Narrativas sobre género y sexualidad en médicos mexicanos. Sus implicaciones sobre las regulaciones corporales, sexuales y reproductivas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Itzel A. Sosa-Sánchez

    Full Text Available Resumen A partir de un estudio cualitativo, exploramos los vínculos entre discursos médicos sobre género y sexualidad, y las regulaciones corporales, sexuales y reproductivas en los espacios de salud reproductiva. Entrevistamos a médicos de servicios públicos de salud en México e indagamos sobre las prácticas reproductivas y sexuales de las usuarias, así como sobre las asignaciones sociales y profesionales de cuidado del cuerpo en las relaciones sexuales. Los testimonios revelan cómo los discursos y normatividades sobre género y sexualidad legitiman, en los espacios de salud reproductiva, las desigualdades sociales, especialmente las de género, y la doble moral sexual imperantes en la sociedad mexicana. Las mujeres emergen como saturadas de una sexualidad “desordenada” que debe ser controlada a través de diversas regulaciones corporales, sexuales y reproductivas. Estas regulaciones inciden en el reconocimiento de su autonomía sexual y reproductiva, e impactan negativamente en sus derechos.

  4. State of laboratory manual instruction in California community college introductory (non-majors) biology laboratory instruction (United States)

    Priest, Michelle

    College students must complete a life science course prior to graduation for a bachelor's degree. Generally, the course has lecture and laboratory components. It is in the laboratory where there are exceptional opportunities for exploration, challenge and application of the material learned. Optimally, this would utilize the best of inquiry based approaches. Most community colleges are using a home-grown or self written laboratory manual for the direction of work in the laboratory period. Little was known about the motivation, development and adaptation of use. It was also not known about the future of the laboratory manuals in light of the recent learning reform in California Community Colleges, Student Learning Outcomes. Extensive interviews were conducted with laboratory manual authors to determine the motivation, process of development, who was involved and learning framework used in the creation of the manuals. It was further asked of manual authors their ideas about the future of the manual, the development of staff and faculty and finally, the role Student Learning Outcomes would play in the manual. Science faculty currently teaching the non-majors biology laboratories for at least two semesters were surveyed on-line about actual practice of the manual, assessment, manual flexibility, faculty training and incorporation of Student Learning Outcomes. Finally, an evaluation of the laboratory manual was done using an established Laboratory Task Analysis Instrument. Laboratory manuals were evaluated on a variety of categories to determine the level of inquiry instruction done by students in the laboratory section. The results were that the development of homegrown laboratory manuals was done by community colleges in the Los Angeles and Orange Counties in an effort to minimize the cost of the manual to the students, to utilize all the exercises in a particular lab and to effectively utilize the materials already owned by the department. Further, schools wanted to

  5. CTF Theory Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Avramova, Maria N. [Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA (United States); Salko, Robert K. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    Coolant-Boiling in Rod Arrays|Two Fluids (COBRA-TF) is a thermal/ hydraulic (T/H) simulation code designed for light water reactor (LWR) vessel analysis. It uses a two-fluid, three-field (i.e. fluid film, fluid drops, and vapor) modeling approach. Both sub-channel and 3D Cartesian forms of 9 conservation equations are available for LWR modeling. The code was originally developed by Pacific Northwest Laboratory in 1980 and had been used and modified by several institutions over the last few decades. COBRA-TF also found use at the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) by the Reactor Dynamics and Fuel Management Group (RDFMG) and has been improved, updated, and subsequently re-branded as CTF. As part of the improvement process, it was necessary to generate sufficient documentation for the open-source code which had lacked such material upon being adopted by RDFMG. This document serves mainly as a theory manual for CTF, detailing the many two-phase heat transfer, drag, and important accident scenario models contained in the code as well as the numerical solution process utilized. Coding of the models is also discussed, all with consideration for updates that have been made when transitioning from COBRA-TF to CTF. Further documentation outside of this manual is also available at RDFMG which focus on code input deck generation and source code global variable and module listings.

  6. Mars 2.2 code manual: input requirements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Bub Dong; Lee, Won Jae; Jeong, Jae Jun; Lee, Young Jin; Hwang, Moon Kyu; Kim, Kyung Doo; Lee, Seung Wook; Bae, Sung Won


    Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute (KAERI) conceived and started the development of MARS code with the main objective of producing a state-of-the-art realistic thermal hydraulic systems analysis code with multi-dimensional analysis capability. MARS achieves this objective by very tightly integrating the one dimensional RELAP5/MOD3 with the multi-dimensional COBRA-TF codes. The method of integration of the two codes is based on the dynamic link library techniques, and the system pressure equation matrices of both codes are implicitly integrated and solved simultaneously. In addition, the Equation-of-State (EOS) for the light water was unified by replacing the EOS of COBRA-TF by that of the RELAP5. This input manual provides a complete list of input required to run MARS. The manual is divided largely into two parts, namely, the one-dimensional part and the multi-dimensional part. The inputs for auxiliary parts such as minor edit requests and graph formatting inputs are shared by the two parts and as such mixed input is possible. The overall structure of the input is modeled on the structure of the RELAP5 and as such the layout of the manual is very similar to that of the RELAP. This similitude to RELAP5 input is intentional as this input scheme will allow minimum modification between the inputs of RELAP5 and MARS. MARS development team would like to express its appreciation to the RELAP5 Development Team and the USNRC for making this manual possible

  7. MARS code manual volume II: input requirements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Bub Dong; Kim, Kyung Doo; Bae, Sung Won; Jeong, Jae Jun; Lee, Seung Wook; Hwang, Moon Kyu


    Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute (KAERI) conceived and started the development of MARS code with the main objective of producing a state-of-the-art realistic thermal hydraulic systems analysis code with multi-dimensional analysis capability. MARS achieves this objective by very tightly integrating the one dimensional RELAP5/MOD3 with the multi-dimensional COBRA-TF codes. The method of integration of the two codes is based on the dynamic link library techniques, and the system pressure equation matrices of both codes are implicitly integrated and solved simultaneously. In addition, the Equation-Of-State (EOS) for the light water was unified by replacing the EOS of COBRA-TF by that of the RELAP5. This input manual provides a complete list of input required to run MARS. The manual is divided largely into two parts, namely, the one-dimensional part and the multi-dimensional part. The inputs for auxiliary parts such as minor edit requests and graph formatting inputs are shared by the two parts and as such mixed input is possible. The overall structure of the input is modeled on the structure of the RELAP5 and as such the layout of the manual is very similar to that of the RELAP. This similitude to RELAP5 input is intentional as this input scheme will allow minimum modification between the inputs of RELAP5 and MARS3.1. MARS3.1 development team would like to express its appreciation to the RELAP5 Development Team and the USNRC for making this manual possible

  8. Análisis comparativo entre escritura manual y electrónica en la toma de apuntes de estudiantes universitarios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available La toma de apuntes es una estrategia generalizada del alumnado de Educación Superior y se ha constatado su influencia en el rendimiento académico. El uso del ordenador está desplazando al método tradicional de lápiz y papel. El presente estudio pretende arrojar luz sobre las ventajas y los inconvenientes derivados del uso de uno u otro método en la toma de apuntes en las aulas universitarias. Un total de 251 estudiantes universitarios de ciencias sociales y ciencias de la salud participaron en el estudio. Se plantearon dos condiciones experimentales: toma de notas de forma manual (n=211 y de manera electrónica (n=40. Se hallaron diferencias a favor del grupo que usó el ordenador en las tareas basadas en completar el abecedario, escribir frases y reconocer palabras anotadas previamente (p<.05. Sin embargo, en la tarea de recuerdo libre los resultados reflejaron un mejor desempeño del grupo que tomó notas manualmente (p<.05. Se rechazó la hipótesis de igualdad entre los grupos (X2=60,98; p<.0001. Además, el análisis discriminante confirmó que el 77,3% de los alumnos fueron clasificados correctamente según su condición experimental. El uso del ordenador resultó muy útil cuando se trataba de anotar datos con rapidez; sin embargo, en las tareas de recuerdo los alumnos de escritura manual obtuvieron mejores puntuaciones que los de escritura electrónica.

  9. Principles and Practices of Occupational Safety and Health: Student Manual: Booklet One. (United States)

    Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Washington, DC.

    The manual is the first of six student manuals for use in a course on occupational health and safety for supervisory personnel. The manual contains lessons 1-3 of the 15 consecutively-numbered lessons, each of which contains study questions (and answers) interwoven with the text and review questions at the end of each section. Lesson 1 (three…

  10. Principles and Practices of Occupational Safety and Health: Student Manual: Booklet Five. (United States)

    Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Washington, DC.

    The manual is the fifth of six student manuals for use in a course on occupational health and safety for supervisory personnel. The manual contains lessons 14 and 15 of the 15 consecutively-numbered lessons, each of which contains study questions (and answers) interwoven with the text and review questions at the end of each section. Lesson 14…

  11. BLOCKAGE 2.5 reference manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaffer, C.J.; Brideau, J.; Rao, D.V.; Bernahl, W.


    The BLOCKAGE 2.5 code was developed by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as a tool to evaluate license compliance regarding the design of suction strainers for emergency core cooling system (ECCS) pumps in boiling water reactors (BWR) as required by NRC Bulletin 96-03, ''Potential Plugging of Emergency Core Cooling Suction Strainers by Debris in Boiling Water Reactors''. Science and Engineering Associates, Inc. (SEA) and Software Edge, Inc. (SE) developed this PC-based code. The instructions to effectively use this code to evaluate the potential of debris to sufficiently block a pump suction strainer such that a pump could lose NPSH margin was documented in a User's Manual (NRC, NUREG/CR-6370). The Reference Manual contains additional information that supports the use of BLOCKAGE 2.5. It contains descriptions of the analytical models contained in the code, programmer guides illustrating the structure of the code, and summaries of coding verification and model validation exercises that were performed to ensure that the analytical models were correctly coded and applicable to the evaluation of BWR pump suction strainers. The BLOCKAGE code was developed by SEA and programmed in FORTRAN as a code that can be executed from the DOS level on a PC. A graphical users interface (GUI) was then developed by SEA to make BLOCKAGE easier to use and to provide graphical output capability. The GUI was programmed in the C language. The user has the option of executing BLOCKAGE 2.5 with the GUI or from the DOS level and the Users Manual provides instruction for both methods of execution

  12. Manual for guided home exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nilza Aparecida de Almeida Carvalho


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Physiotherapy is one of the most important components of therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee. The objective of this prospective case series was to assess the efficiency of a guidance manual for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee in relation to pain, range of movement , muscle strength and function, active goniometry, manual strength test and function. METHODS: Thirty-eight adults with osteoarthritis of the knee (> 45 years old who were referred to the physiotherapy service at the university hospital (Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo were studied. Patients received guidance for the practice of specific physical exercises and a manual with instructions on how to perform the exercises at home. They were evaluated for pain, range of movement, muscle strength and function. These evaluations were performed before they received the manual and three months later. Patients were seen monthly regarding improvements in their exercising abilities. RESULTS: The program was effective for improving muscle strength, controlling pain, maintaining range of movement of the knee joint, and reducing functional incapacity. DISCUSSION: A review of the literature showed that there are numerous clinical benefits to the regular practice of physical therapy exercises by patients with osteoarthritis of the knee(s in a program with appropriate guidance. This study shows that this guidance can be attained at home with the use of a proper manual. CONCLUSIONS: Even when performed at home without constant supervision, the use of the printed manual for orientation makes the exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee beneficial.

  13. Camellia v1.0 Manual: Part I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roberts, Nathan V. [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). Argonne Leadership Computing Facility


    Camellia began as an effort to simplify implementation of efficient solvers for the discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) finite element methodology of Demkowicz and Gopalakrishnan. Since then, the feature set has expanded, to allow implementation of traditional continuous Galerkin methods, as well as discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods, hybridizable DG (HDG) methods, first-order-system least squares (FOSLS), and the primal DPG method. This manual serves as an introduction to using Camellia. We begin, in Section 1.1, by describing some of the core features of Camellia. In Section 1.2 we provide an outline of the manual as a whole.

  14. How 2 HAWC2, the user's manual

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Torben J.; Hansen, Anders Melchior

    The report contains the user's manual for the aeroleastic code HAWC2. The code is intended for calculating wind turbine response in time domain and has a structural formulation based on multi-body dynamics. The aerodynamic part of the code is based on the blade element momentum theory, but extended...... from the classic approach to handle dynamic inflow, dynamic stall, skew inflow, shear effects on the induction and effects from large deflections. It has been developed within the years 2003-2006 at the aeroelastic design research programme at Risoe, National laboratory Denmark. This manual is updated...

  15. Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) Operations Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gopalakrishnan, Bhaskaran [West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV (United States); Nimbalkar, Sachin U. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Wenning, Thomas J. [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Thirumaran, Kiran [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    IAC Operations Manual describes organizational model and operations of the Industrial Assessment Center (IAC), Center management activities, typical process of energy assessment, and energy assessment data for specific industry sectors.

  16. Plant nutrition and soil fertility manual

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Jones, J. Benton


    .... With over 70 percent new material, the second edition of the Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Manual discusses the principles determining how plants grow and the elements essential for successful...

  17. Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Cold Vacuum Drying (CVD) Facility Operations Manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    IRWIN, J.J.


    This document provides the Operations Manual for the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility (CVDF). The Manual was developed in conjunction with HNF-553, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Final Safety Analysis Report Annex B--Cold Vacuum Drying Facility. The HNF-SD-SNF-DRD-002, 1999, Cold Vacuum Drying Facility Design Requirements, Rev. 4, and the CVDF Final Design Report. The Operations Manual contains general descriptions of all the process, safety and facility systems in the CVDF, a general CVD operations sequence and references to the CVDF System Design Descriptions (SDDs). This manual has been developed for the SNFP Operations Organization and shall be updated, expanded, and revised in accordance with future design, construction and startup phases of the CVDF until the CVDF final ORR is approved.

  18. Manual on industrial radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This manual is intended as a source of educational material to personnel seeking certification as industrial radiographers, and as a guide and reference text for educational organizations that are providng courses in industrial radiography. It covers the basic principles of x-ray and gamma radiation, radiation safety, films and film processing, welding, casting and forging, aircraft structures and components, radiographic techniques, and records

  19. RRFC hardware operation manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abhold, M.E.; Hsue, S.T.; Menlove, H.O.; Walton, G.


    The Research Reactor Fuel Counter (RRFC) system was developed to assay the 235 U content in spent Material Test Reactor (MTR) type fuel elements underwater in a spent fuel pool. RRFC assays the 235 U content using active neutron coincidence counting and also incorporates an ion chamber for gross gamma-ray measurements. This manual describes RRFC hardware, including detectors, electronics, and performance characteristics

  20. Supporting Local Seed Businesses : A Training Manual for ISSD Uganda

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mastenbroek, A.; Chebet, A.; Muwanika, C.T.; Adong, C.J.; Okot, F.; Otim, G.; Birungi, J.; Kansiime, M.; Oyee, P.; Ninsiima, P.


    The training manual is developed in Uganda to train partner organisations in coaching farmer groups to become sustainable local seed businesses. It introduces the Integrated Seed Sector Development Programme in Uganda and the concept of local seed businesses (LSBs). The manual has 5 modules covering