
Sample records for las disfunciones temporomandibulares

  1. Corrientes diadinámicas y ultrasonido en el tratamiento de las disfunciones temporomandibulares

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    Ileana Grau León


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio preliminar en 20 pacientes sobre la aplicación de las corrientes diadinámicas y el ultrasonido para el tratamiento del dolor muscular, articular y dolor muscular y articular conjuntamente, en las disfunciones temporomandibulares. Se aplicaron un total de 10 sesiones de tratamiento a cada uno de los pacientes en el Hospital Docente «Calixto García» de Ciudad de La Habana y se utilizó el índice de dolor presente (IDP antes y después del tratamiento, para evaluar primero la intensidad del dolor y segundo la eficacia de estos tratamientos. Se obtuvo alivio total del dolor en 17 pacientes, lo cual representa el 85 % del total de tratados y los 3 restantes tuvieron un alivio parcial del dolor alcanzando un índice de dolor de 1. Este método resulta efectivo para tratar el dolor muscular, articular y muscular y articular conjuntamente en pacientes con trastornos temporomandibulares, aunque sólo sea en la primera etapa del tratamiento.Authors performed a preliminary study in 20 patients on application of diadynamic currents and ultrasound to treatment of muscular, articular pain, and muscular and articular pain together in temporomandibular dysfunctions. We applied a total of 10 treatment sessions to each patient in «Calixto García» Teaching Hospital in Havana City, and also, we used actual pain rate (APR before and after treatment, to evaluate firstly pain intensity and secondly, effectiveness os these treatments. There was a total relief of pain in 17 patients, whick represent a 85 % of total of treated patients and 3 remaining felt partial relief of pain, reaching a pain rate of 1. This method is effective to manage muscular, articular pain, and muscular and articular together in patient presenting temporomandibular disorders, even though only in early stage of treatment.

  2. Manejo ortopédico de la disfunción temporomandibular en niños: revisión de la literatura

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    Andrea Odilia Olaya Castillo


    Full Text Available Existen pocos reportes de la disfunción temporomandibular en niños, a pesar de los intentos en profundizar sobre la diversidad de patologías que pueda tener la articulación temporomandibular, ATM, en la infancia es necesario investigar si las influencias internas y externas deben ser tenidas en cuenta al momento de realizar un buen diagnóstico para posteriormente realizar un adecuado plan de tratamiento; este último puede ser realizado mediante fuerzas ortopédicas sobre la ATM por medio de aparatos funcionales, influyendo en la interacción del cóndilo mandibular y la fosa glenoidea. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una revisión de literatura acorde a los trastornos temporomandibulares que afectan la población infantil y las opciones terapéuticas a nivel ortopédico que puedan ayudar en dichas disfunciones. Como conclusión se plantea que el uso de aparatos de Ortopedia Funcional parece tener un impacto positivo en el tratamiento de las disfunciones temporomandibulares en los pacientes en crecimiento; sin embargo, la investigación debe continuar.

  3. las disfunciones tiroideas mínimas

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    Carlos Hernández-Cassis


    Full Text Available El hipotiroidismo subclínico y sus consecuencias clínicas ha sido objeto de debate científico por espacio de varias décadas. A raíz de la publicación de la declaración de consenso acerca de la disfunción tiroidea subclínica en el año 2005, realizada por la Sociedad Americana de Endocrinologìa (The Endocrine Society, la Asociación Americana de Endocrinólogos Clínicos (AACE y la Asociación Americana de la Tiroides (ATA se abrió un nuevo espacio para los endocrinólogos en el manejo de algunas disfunciones tiroideas que no habían sido tenidas en cuenta dentro del campo de accion terapéutico. Los autores hacen un recuento de cómo se produce el cambio en los paradigmas y en el enfoque diagnostico y terapéutico. Luego hacen un recuento de algunas de las experiencias desarrolladas en Colombia. Finalmente sugieren algunos derroteros a partir de su propia experiencia y también basados en logros científicos de otras fuentes obtenidos en otros campos de la Endocrinologìa moderna.

  4. Nuclear magnetic resonance in the evaluation of the disk luxation in the temporomandibular articulation conditioned for degenerative osseous changes; Resonancia magnetica nuclear en la valoracion de la luxacion discal en la articulacion temporomandibular condicionada por cambios degenerativos oseos

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    Marchegiani, Silvio; Guzman Urquhart, Romel; Marangoni, Alberto; Alvarez, Federico; Surur, Alberto [Sanatorio Allende, Cordoba (Argentina). Servicio de Diagnostico por Imagenes


    Purpose: The temporomandibular dysfunction is a common pathology. It appears with many symptoms as: joint pain, mechanic disturbance, and loss of mouth motion. The Magnetic Resonance Image is the chose method to study these alterations. The purposes of this paper are to demonstrate according to sex, the distribution of temporomandibular dysfunction and to determinant the relationships between the disc dislocation and the degenerative disease of the junction. Material and Method: 215 patients were evaluated between January 1999 and August 2004. An Elscint MRI 2 Tesla machine was used with Spin-echo (T1 and T2) Fat-sat sequences, in coronal, axial and sagittal planes. The follow alterations were evaluated: dislocation, degenerative disease of articular surface, osteochondritis, discal perforation, and retrodiscal lesions. Results: 175 of all showed pathologic alterations in IRM examination. The other 40 patients were excluded due to present a normal (MRI) study. The patients were 146 females and 29 men. The most common dislocation site was the anterior. Performance of the IRM was useful in all the cases to demonstrate degenerative changes in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). And was a very precise relationship between the dislocation and degenerative disease of the joint. Conclusion: the female patient is the most frequently affected by temporomandibular joint pathology. The IRM is the selection method to study the TMJ. The degenerative changes are responsible for joint dislocation without reduction. (author) [Spanish] Proposito: Las disfunciones temporomandibulares son muy frecuentes. Los sintomas pueden ser: dolor a nivel de la articulacion, alteracion en la traslacion discocondilar (chasquido) y dificultad en la apertura bucal; dichos problemas conllevan a una consulta creciente de medicos clinicos como de odontologos. En la actualidad la Imagen por Resonancia Magnetica Nuclear (RM) es el estudio de eleccion. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron demostrar la

  5. Algunas consideraciones sobre los trastornos temporomandibulares Some considerations on the temporomandibular disorders

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    Ileana Grau León


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión documental mediante revistas, libros, tesis y otros documentos en formato electrónico acerca de la epidemiología de los trastornos de la articulación temporomandibular, con el objetivo de actualizar el material existente y ampliar nuestros conocimientos sobre esta alteración. En nuestro país se han llevado a cabo en las 2 últimas décadas, varios estudios epidemiológicos sobre los trastornos temporomandibulares (TTM y se ha hecho un esfuerzo notable por esclarecer su causa. De forma general, se acepta la idea de que el origen de los disturbios funcionales del sistema estomatognático es multifactorial, pero a pesar de que tanto en niños como en adultos la prevalencia de los trastornos temporomandibulares (TTM ha sido alta, no se ha evidenciado un factor causal predominante. La literatura alude que estas disfunciones afectan a un porcentaje muy elevado de la población mundial (80 %, con una edad media de 34 años y una proporción de 3 mujeres por cada hombre. Este dato es muy interesante, porque los estudios precisan que las mujeres de edades comprendidas entre los 25 y los 35 años presentan trastornos temporomandibulares (TTM con más asiduidad.A documental review of different sources was carried out to study the disfunctions of temporal mandibular joint (TMJ with the objective of updating and enlarge our knowledge of this disorder. In or country in the last two decades several epidemiological studies about the temporal mandibular joint dysfunction were carried out. In a general wade the idea about of the origin of the functional problems of the stomatognatic system is multifactioral. But although, in children as well as in adults the prevalence of temporal mandibular dysfunction (DTM has been high, a casual predominant factor has not been evidenced. Literature states that this dysfunction affect a very high percentage of the world populations, 80 % , the mean age 34 years old and the proportion 3 woman for

  6. Disfunciones y permanencias : una aproximación a las desigualdadesen la escuela marroquí

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    Jordi Pàmies


    Full Text Available Los informes internacionales muestran un incremento de las tasas de escolarización en los últimos años en el sistema educativo marroquí, pero señalan también los desajustes y la pervivencia de ciertas disfunciones que condicionan los resultados obtenidos por las políticas educativas desde la época postcolonial hasta la actualidad. Una parte de los trabajos consideran también el papel del aparato escolar en los procesos de aculturación, su valor como instrumento para la movilidad social y su influencia en los procesos de reproducción de las desigualdades. El presente artículo pretende ser una aproximación a estas problemáticas. Y siguiendo una estructura basada en criterios históricos, considera las aportaciones de la literatura de investigación en educación desarrolladas desde la etapa previa al Protectorado hasta la actualidad. El artículo analiza el protagonismo de la institución en las diversas épocas, las problemáticas educativas en términos de equidad y la naturaleza de las desigualdades persistentes relativas a clase social, género y territorio en el país.International reports show an increase in schooling rates in the latest years in the Moroccan educational system, but also point out the disruptions and the survival of certain dysfunctions that condition the results the educational policies achieve since the post-colonial period up to the present. Some of the papers also consider the role of the school system in the process of acculturation, its value as a tool for social mobility and its influence on the reproductive processes of inequalities. This article tries to be an approach to these issues, following a structure based on historical criteria. It considers the contributions of the research literature on education from the period before the Protectorate until the present. The paper analyzes the role of the institution in each period, the educational problems in terms of equity and the nature of persisten

  7. Disfunciones sintácticas en la expresión escrita de alumnos con baja visión e invidencia

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El artículo contiene el análisis de las disfunciones sintácticas encontradas en textos narrativos producidos por alumnos con ceguera y deficiencia visual. Se realiza el contraste de las disfunciones más frecuentes entre tales grupos y, además, con respecto a las disfunciones cometidas por alumnos sin problemas de visión. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo basado en el estudio de casos. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que los alumnos con escasa visión cometen más errores que los alumnos sin visión y éstos, a su vez, más que los alumnos sin discapacidad visual.ABSTRACT: The article analyses the syntactic dysfunctions that have been found in narrative texts produced by students with blindness and visual deficiency. It verifies the most frequently occurring dysfunctions within these groups and furthermore contrasts them with those in pupils without visual problems. It is descriptive research based on the case study. The results show that poorly sighted students made bigger mistakes than blind students and students without visual problems.RÉSUMÉ: L'article décrit l'analyse des erreurs syntaxiques trouvées dans des textes narratifs produits par des eleves aveugles et des eleves malvoyants. On a mis en évidence les erreurs les plus fréquentes commises par ees deux groupes par rapport aux erreurs commises par les eleves n'ayant pas de problémes de visión. II s'agit d'une étude descriptive fondee sur l'étude de cas. Les résultats démontrent que les eleves ayant une visión faible commettent plus d'erreurs que les eleves non-voyants et que ceux-ci -a leur tour- commettent plus d'erreurs que les eleves sans insuffisance visuelle.

  8. Trastornos temporomandibulares en pacientes con maloclusiones

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    Luis Soto Cantero

    Full Text Available Introducción: existe una prevalencia de trastornos oclusales en gran medida relacionados con la presencia de disfunción temporomandibular. Objetivo: determinar el grado de disfunción temporomandibular según el Índice de Maglione en correspondencia con la prevalencia de maloclusiones en el área de salud del policlínico "Turcios Lima". Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal, en la consulta de ortodoncia, de junio del 2008 a junio del 2009. De un universo constituido por los 280 pacientes que acudieron al servicio de ortodoncia en el período señalado con presencia de maloclusiones, se seleccionó una muestra de 84 pacientes por muestreo aleatorio simple, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusión y exclusión realizados por criterios de expertos. Resultados: presentaban disfunción temporomandibular 74 pacientes y dentro de ellos 44 (52,4 % tenían disfunción grado II (Moderada. El 97 % de los pacientes con relación molar de clase II, presentaban disfunción temporomandibular. El 42,9 % de los pacientes con una maloclusión, presentaban disfunción grado I. El 60 % de los pacientes con dos maloclusiones presentaban disfunción grado II y el 66,7 % de los pacientes con tres maloclusiones, presentaban disfunción grado III. La mayor cantidad de pacientes tuvieron disfunción grado II (Moderada. Conclusiones: el mayor por ciento de los pacientes con disfunciones presentó una clase II molar y a medida que aumentó el número de maloclusiones aumentó también la severidad de la disfunción.

  9. Factores asociados con la aparición de disfunciones sexuales en una población femenina

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    Wilfredo Guibert Reyes


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio explicativo para determinar la frecuencia de las disfunciones sexuales y algunos de los factores biológicos, psicosociales, culturales y ambientales asociados con la aparición de éstas en el período de 1 año, a partir de agosto de 1993 en Alamar. Se expresa que la muestra está compuesta por 48 mujeres mayores de 15 años, un grupo de estudio de 24, e igual cantidad de controles. Se les aplica una encuesta de 30 preguntas, cuyos resultados se muestran en 5 tablas y se utiliza el cálculo porcentual para estimar la frecuencia y odds ratio con intervalo de confianza al 95 %, para valorar fuerza de asociación entre las variables. Se encuentra que las difunciones sexuales femeninas de mayor frecuencia son el deseo sexual inhibido y la anorgasmia, que las variables ingestión de fármacos, ausencia de salud física, poco deseo sexual, comunicación deficiente de pareja y no recibir educación sexual, son factores de riesgo que están fuertemente asociados con la aparición de disfunciones sexuales en nuestras mujeres y tienen relación causal con ellas. Se señala que los factores ambientales no se asocian con la aparición de disfunciones sexualesAn explanatory study was conducted to determine the frequency of sexual dysfunctions and some of the biological, psychosocial, cultural and environmental factors associated with the appearance of these disorders from August, 1993, to August, 1994, in Alamar. The sample was composed of 48 women over 15, a case-base study consisting of 24 women, and the same number of controls. A survey with 30 questions was applied and the results were shown in 5 tables. Percentage was calculated to estimate the frequency and odds ratio with a confidence interval at 95 % so as to assess the force of association among the variables. It was found that the most frequent female sexual dysfunctions are the inhibited sexual desire and the anorgasmy, and that drug taking, the absence of physical health

  10. El lingüista y las patologías del lenguaje


    Fernández Pérez, Milagros


    Se definen tres dimensiones básicas en las que la Lingüística resulta clave para aproximarse a las patologías del lenguaje, a saber, el enfoque, los procedimientos descriptivos y los sistemas de estimación de las disfunciones

  11. Evaluación de la oclusión en pacientes con trastornos temporomandibulares y desarmonías oclusales Occlusion assessment in patients with temporomandibular disorders and occlusal disharmony

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    Ileana Grau León


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio para identificar relación que existe entre los trastornos temporomandibulares y las desarmonías oclusales. Se estudiaron 40 pacientes de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 45 años, que solicitaron atención en el Servicio de Trastornos Temporomandibulares, del Departamento de Prótesis de la Facultad de Estomatología, que cumplieron los requisitos expresados para este estudio y refirieron signos y síntomas de trastornos temporomandibulares. Se analizó el comportamiento de las interferencias oclusales a los movimientos mandibulares. Se analizaron las interferencias oclusales a dichos movimientos en los modelos de estudios, montados en un articulador semiajustable. Los resultados obtenidos reflejaron un predominio en las interferencias oclusales, en los pacientes analizados con trastornos temporomandibulares. El mayor porcentaje de interferencias se encontró durante el movimiento propulsivo. Las interferencias fueron más frecuentes en el lado de no trabajo para los movimientos analizados y el grupo de molares resultó ser el más afectado, tanto para los movimientos de propulsión como de lateralidad.A study was conducted to identify the direct relation among the temporomandibular disorders and occlusal disharmonies, which always has been an attention matter by all Stomatology fields. Forty patients of both sexes were studied aged between 18 and 45 seeking care in the temporomandibular disorders service of Prosthesis Department from the Stomatology Faculty who fulfilled the expressed requirements for this type of study and presenting with signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders, thus we analyzed the occlusal interferences behavior to mandibular movements in study models, mounted in a semiadjustable articulator. Results obtained demonstrated predominance in occlusal interferences in study patients with temporomandibular disorders; the greater percentage of interferences was found during the

  12. Actualización terapéutica de los trastornos temporomandibulares Updating on the treatment of temporomandibular disorders.

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    Indira García Martínez


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de actualizar las diferentes alternativas terapéuticas que se disponen por parte de los profesionales para el tratamiento de los trastornos temporomandibulares, para lo cual los primeros esfuerzos están encaminados al alivio del dolor y al restablecimiento de la función, aunque previamente es necesario un buen diagnóstico y detección de los factores causales, enfatizando que el estrés es un elemento primordial que se debe considerar. La existencia de variados enfoques terapéuticos para los trastornos temporomandibulares queda justificada por la multifactorialidad de la etiología; las 2 alternativas más utilizadas son las férulas oclusales y el tallado selectivo. Se prefiere la fisioterapia a la quimioterapia, como coadyuvante terapéutica de los trastornos temporomandibulares, ya que disminuye el peligro de producir reacciones adversas. Solo se indicará el tratamiento quirúrgico cuando han fracasado los métodos conservadores.A literature review was made to provide updated information on the different therapeutic alternatives at the disposal of dental professionals for the treatment of termporomandibular disorders aimed at relieving pain and re-establish the functioning of the joint. However, it is necessary to firstly make a good diagnosis and then detect the causative factors, emphasizing that stress is a key element to be taken into consideration. The existence of various therapeutical approaches for temporomandibular disorders is due to the multiple factors present in the etiology; the two most used alternatives are occlusal splints and selective carving. Physiotherapy is prefered over chemotherapy, as therapeutic coadjuvant for temporomandibular disorders, because likely occurence of adverse reaction decreases. The surgical treatment will be advised only in the event of failure of standard methods.

  13. Trastornos temporomandibulares y su interacción con la postura corporal

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    José Miguel Montero Parrilla

    Full Text Available Introducción: en los últimos años se ha sugerido que los trastornos temporomandibulares pueden estar influenciados por la postura corporal. Objetivo: caracterizar los trastornos temporomandibulares basados en su interacción con las variables posturales. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo y transversal en el período comprendido entre febrero de 2011 y marzo 2012, en el cual a 122 estudiantes de 3er. año de la Facultad de Estomatología, se les realizó el examen clínico en dos momentos, primero se examinó la oclusión dentaria y posteriormente se realizó el examen postural. Se aplicó el Test de Krogh-Paulsen para diagnosticar trastornos temporomandibulares. Resultados: independientemente del tipo postural, los principales signos y síntomas encontrados fueron las irregularidades en abertura y cierre y los sonidos articulares, presentes en el 45,1 % y 31,2 % respectivamente. El 40,2 % de los estudiantes tuvo una postura del tipo B, seguida por la postura del tipo D, encontradas en el 29,5 % de los casos. Solo 36 de los estudiantes estaban sanos. El desequilibrio derecho de pelvis fue el más observado, presente en el 48,4 % de la muestra. Conclusiones: para todas las posibles clasificaciones del test de Krogh-Paulsen predominaron los pacientes con desequilibrio derecho de pelvis. Los pacientes con chasquidos de la articulación temporomandibular tenían las pelvis y los hombros desequilibrados en el mismo sentido, pero contrario al lugar donde aparecía el signo. No se evidencia una marcada relación entre las alteraciones posturales y los trastornos temporomandibulares.

  14. Advantages of ultrasonotherapy in patients with disorders of the temporomandibular joint; Ventajas de la ultrasonoterapia en pacientes con disfuncion de la articulacion temporomandibular

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    FrometaMatos, Katiusca [Clinica Estomatologica Provincial Docente ' Martires del Moncada' , Santiago de Cuba (Cuba); Guerra Santana, Arelis [Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirurgico ' Saturnino Lora Torres' , Santiago de Cuba (Cuba); Pinna Odio, Ibis [Clinica Estomatologica Provincial Docente ' Martires del Moncada' , Santiago de Cuba (Cuba); others, and


    A descriptive, comparative and prospective study of 132 patients with disorders of the temporomandibular joint, classified according to the degree of severity, who attended the specialized department of the Provincial Teaching Dental Clinic from Santiago de Cuba was carried out from March, 2009 to September, 2010, in order to determine the benefits obtained with the ultrasonic therapy in the sick persons. In the series, the most affected were: the female sex, the age group 40-49, and the severe cases were few in number, while the mild and moderate disorders had similar proportions. When applying the ultrasonic and conventional therapies, the group that received treatment with the first one was that with a satisfactory clinical course.

  15. Trastornos temporomandibulares en la mujer climatérica de edad mediana

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    José Miguel Montero Parrilla

    Full Text Available Introducción: el número de mujeres que llegan a la edad adulta es cada vez mayor, por lo que la menopausia y las modificaciones de la salud asociadas a ella son un problema de interés sanitario mundial. Objetivo: identificar la presencia de trastornos temporomandibulares en mujeres climatéricas de edad mediana (45-59 años. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo desde enero a marzo de 2012 en el Consultorio No. 1 del Policlínico Docente Universitario «Luis Galván» del municipio Centro Habana. De un universo de 427 mujeres de entre 45 y 59 años, se seleccionó una muestra de 200 pacientes. Resultados: de las encuestadas el 74,5 % presentó algún signo de trastorno en la articulación temporomandibular, el chasquido afectó al 34,5 % de ellas. Conclusiones: las mujeres en la perimenopausia y con una moderada severidad del síndrome climatérico fueron las más afectadas. Al aumentar la severidad del síndrome climatérico disminuyó la cantidad de mujeres libres de trastornos temporomandibulares.

  16. Evaluación de la oclusión en pacientes con trastornos temporomandibulares y desarmonías oclusales

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    Ileana Grau León


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio para identificar relación que existe entre los trastornos temporomandibulares y las desarmonías oclusales. Se estudiaron 40 pacientes de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 45 años, que solicitaron atención en el Servicio de Trastornos Temporomandibulares, del Departamento de Prótesis de la Facultad de Estomatología, que cumplieron los requisitos expresados para este estudio y refirieron signos y síntomas de trastornos temporomandibulares. Se analizó el comportamiento de las interferencias oclusales a los movimientos mandibulares. Se analizaron las interferencias oclusales a dichos movimientos en los modelos de estudios, montados en un articulador semiajustable. Los resultados obtenidos reflejaron un predominio en las interferencias oclusales, en los pacientes analizados con trastornos temporomandibulares. El mayor porcentaje de interferencias se encontró durante el movimiento propulsivo. Las interferencias fueron más frecuentes en el lado de no trabajo para los movimientos analizados y el grupo de molares resultó ser el más afectado, tanto para los movimientos de propulsión como de lateralidad.

  17. Expression of CGRP in the temporomandibular joint; Expresion de CGRP en la articulacion temporomandibular

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    Caviedes Bucheli, Javier [Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de Odontologia, Bogota, D.C. (Colombia); Medina Buitrago, Diana Marcela [Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, D.C. (Colombia)


    degeneracion osea es clasificada entre leve, moderada y severa, de acuerdo con hallazgos de resonancia nuclear magnetica. Las 15 muestras de tejido retrodiscal hiperplasico son tomadas de las pacientes sometidas a cirugia abierta de articulacion temporomandibular. Los especimenes fueron colocados en bloques plasticos con medio congelante y son almacenados a -70 grados centigrados hasta la extraccion del neuropeptido por radioinmunoensayo con el estuche para el CGRP. Una relacion directamente proporcional es establecida entre el grado de degeneracion osea y expresion del neuropeptido y entre la clasificacion de osteoartrosis con la escala visual analoga. Los hallazgos han mostrado correlacion definitiva entre niveles de dolor y expresion del neuropeptido. El CGRP es expresado en el tejido retrodiscal de articulacion temporomandibular en humanos con enfermedad degenerativa articular y es relacionado directamente con niveles de osteoartrosis y dolor.

  18. Distracción mandibular y articulación temporomandibular Mandibular distraction and the temporomandibular joint

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    F. Monje Gil


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con deformidades craneofaciales requieren generalmente multiples y, a veces, complejos procedimientos quirurgicos para reconstruir tejidos blandos y duros alterados. Un avance importante en cirugía reconstructiva es el alargamiento de la mandibula por distracción que tiene la ventaja de una cirugía menos agresiva que determinados tipos de osteotomías. Con esta técnica una osteotomía bicortical se hace en distintas zonas de la mandibula colocandose el distractor hasta alcanzar los efectos deseados. Aunque las fuerzas aplicadas se han mostrado eficaces para alargar la mandíbula, sus efectos en segmentos proximales y distales, incluyendo la articulación temporomandibular no han sido analizados sistemáticamente. En este artículo se repasa trabajos experimentales y clínicos en los que se detalla la relación entre distracción mandibular y articulación temporomandibular.Abstract: Patients with severe craniofacial abnormalities often require multiple and complex surgical procedures to reconstruct maldeveloped hard and soft tissues of the maxillofacial complex. An important advance in reconstructive surgery is mandibular lengthening by gradual distraction, which takes advantage to be less agressive surgery than some osteotomies. With this technique, a bicortical osteotomy is made at the angle of the deficient mandible, and an expansion appliance is placed across the osteotomy line. Although the applied forces have been shown to lengthen the mandible effectively in the region of the application, their effects on the proximal and distal mandibular segments, including the temporomandibular joint region, have not been analyzed systematically. In this article, we study several experimental and clinical papers where it describes the relationship between mandibular distraction and temporomandibular joint.

  19. Sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação em pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular crônica Sensibilidad dolorosa a la palpación en pacientes con disfunción temporomandibular crónica Painful sensitivity to palpation in patients presenting with chronic temporomandibular dysfunction

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    Ana Lúcia Franco


    Full Text Available Cefaléias primárias estão freqüentemente relacionadas à disfunção temporomandibular, sendo o aumento da sensibilidade dolorosa um achado comum nesses pacientes. Este estudo propôs investigar a sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação em pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular crônica, comparando grupos com presença ou ausência de cefaléias primárias. A disfunção temporomandibular e o tipo de cefaléia primária foram diagnosticados, respectivamente por meio dos critérios de diagnóstico para pesquisa das desordens temporomandibulares e por um questionário baseado na Classificação Internacional de Cefaléias (2004. A localização, avaliação e o agrupamento dos sítios musculares e articulares para palpação foram realizados segundo os critérios de diagnóstico para pesquisa das desordens temporomandibulares, considerando-se o temporal, masseter, articulação temporomandibular e sítios cervicais bilateralmente. A amostra foi composta por 213 (88,0 % mulheres e 29 (12,0 % homens, com faixa etária média de 37,41 anos. As médias do número de sítios positivos à palpação nos grupos sem cefaléia, cefaléia do tipo tensional, migrânea e cefaléia crônica diária e foram respectivamente: 12,43; 14,38; 15,21 e 15,62 (p= 0,107 (mínima 2 e máxima 22. Apenas para os sítios do músculo temporal foi detectada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos de cefaléia quanto à sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação (p= 0,007. O número de sítios dolorosos não foi estatisticamente diferente entre os grupos estudados e apenas o músculo temporal demonstrou diferença estatisticamente significante quanto ao grau de dor à palpação.Las cefaleas están frecuentemente relacionadas con los trastornos temporomandibulares, por esta razón es común encontrar un aumento de sensibilidad al dolor en los pacientes que padecen dicha enfermedad. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la sensibilidad a la palpación en

  20. Reemplazo articular temporomandibular debido a queratoquiste odontogénico Temporomandibular joint replacement because of odontogenic keratocyst

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    Pedro Angel Peñón Vivas


    Full Text Available Existen disímiles condiciones que hacen necesario el reemplazo articular temporomandibular; dentro de las más frecuentes se encuentran la anquilosis, la osteoatrosis, estadíos avanzados del Síndrome de disfunción temporomandibular, daño articular postrauma y procesos neoplásicos o tumorales. Los queratoquistes odontógenos que se agrupan para su estudio dentro de los quistes odontogénicos del desarrollo, representan cerca del 7 al 10 por ciento de todos los quistes maxilo-mandibulares. Se dice que tienen dos picos de incidencia entre la segunda y tercera década de vida y entre los 50 y 60 años de edad, con una ligera predilección por el sexo masculino. Aparece más frecuentemente en la región del tercer molar de la mandíbula con extensión a la rama ascendente El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo mostrar el caso de un paciente masculino de 57 años de edad en el que fue necesario el reemplazo articular temporomandibular debido a un queratoquiste odontogénico que involucraba la totalidad de la rama mandibular derecha, incluyendo el proceso condíleo y coronoideo, así como el ángulo hasta el tercio posterior del cuerpo mandibular. Tras un año de realizada la intervención quirúrgica la evolución del paciente fue satisfactoria.Temporomandibular joint replacement is required in a variety of conditions. Among the most frequent are ankylosis, osteoarthrosis, advanced stages of the temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome, post-traumatic joint damage, and neoplastic or tumoral processes. Odontogenic keratocysts, which are classified as developmental odontogenic cysts for study purposes, constitute 7-10 per cent of all maxillomandibular cysts. Two peaks have been identified in their incidence: between the second and third decades of life, and between 50 and 60 years of age, with a slight predominance of the male sex. They are most common in the third molar area of the mandibule, with expansion to the ascending branch. A case is

  1. Detección de interferencias oclusales en pacientes con trastornos temporomandibulares

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    Idalmis D González Quintana


    Full Text Available Se estudian 20 pacientes con signos y síntomas de trastornos temporo-mandibulares, a los que se le aplicaron técnicas de relajación multimodal con el objetivo de analizar el comportamiento de las interferencias oclusales a los movimientos de protusión y lateralidad. Se realizó la exploración clínica de las interferencias oclusales, a los movimientos protusivos y de lateralidad. Se analizaron las interferencias oclusales a dichos movimientos en los modelos de estudios, montados en un articulador semiajustable, con el empleo de la técnica de transporte por medio del arco facial y registro intraorales. Los resultados obtenidos reflejaron un predominio en las interferencias oclusales en los pacientes analizados con trastornos temporomandibulares; el mayor porcentaje de interferencias se encontró durante el movimiento protusivo; las interferencias fueron más frecuentes en el lado de no trabajo para los movimientos analizados y el grupo de molares resultó ser el más afectado, tanto para los movimientos de protusión como de lateralidad.20 patients with signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders were studied. Techniques of multimodal relaxation were applied in order to analyze the behaviour of occlusal interferences in the protrusion and lateral movements. The clinical scanning of this type of interference in the protrusion and lateral movements was carried out. The occlusal interferences in the protrusion and lateral movements were analyzed in the study models mounted in a semi-adjustable articulator by using the technique of transportation by means of facial arch and intraoral registries. The results obtained showed a predominance of the occlusal interferences in the studied patients with tremporomandibular disorders. The highest percentage of interferences was found during the protrusive movement. Interferences were more frequent on the non-working side for the analyzed movements. The group of molars proved to be the most affected

  2. Trastornos temporomandibulares en adictos al qat Temporomandibular disorders in qat addicted people

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    Orlando Guerra Cobián


    Full Text Available Introducción: los trastornos temporomandibulares se asocian frecuentemente al hábito de masticar qat, pero se carece de estudios que detallan sus particularidades, por lo que se realiza este trabajo, con los objetivos de determinar la prevalencia de trastornos temporomandibulares en pacientes adictos al qat, identificar los hallazgos clínicos- radiográficos asociados y clasificar los trastornos temporomandibulares presentes en la población estudiada. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, de corte transversal, en una muestra de 352 pacientes, del total de pacientes adictos, atendidos en el Departamento de Cirugía, Colegio Dental. Ibb,Yemen en el periodo octubre 2010-abril 2011. Se determinaron los hallazgos clínicos y radiográficos presentes, y se diagnosticó el tipo de trastorno temporomandibular. Resultados: se evidenció que estaban afectados por trastornos temporomandibulares el 55,7 % de los pacientes. Se encontró dolor articular agudo en 14,1 % y aplanamiento condilar anterior en 35,6 %. Conclusiones: los trastornos temporomandibulares afectaron más de la mitad de la población estudiada, adicta al qat. Los desórdenes en la relación cóndilo-disco fueron los más encontrados (41 %. El aplanamiento condilar anterior dominó en el análisis radiográfico.Introduction: the temporomandibular disorders has been associated frequently to the habit of chewing qat, but in previous studies, there are lack of specific details of this problem, for this reason this study is carried out ,to determine it prevalence, to identify clinical and radiografical findings associated , and to classify the temporomandibular disorders observed in the sample. Methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive and prospective study was done, in a sample of 352 patients of the total qat addicted patients which came to the Department of surgery, Dentistry College .Ibb Yemen October2010-April 2011. The clinical and radiographical findings were

  3. Temporomandibular disorder in otolaryngology: systematic review. (United States)

    Stepan, L; Shaw, C-K L; Oue, S


    Temporomandibular disorder poses a diagnostic challenge to otolaryngologists as orofacial pain, headache and otology symptoms are very common in temporomandibular disorder, and mimic a number of otolaryngological conditions. Missed diagnosis of temporomandibular disorder can lead to unnecessary investigation and treatment, resulting in further patient suffering. To review the current literature and propose management pathways for otolaryngologists to correctly differentiate temporomandibular disorder from other otolaryngological conditions, and to initiate effective treatment for temporomandibular disorder in collaboration with other health professionals. A systematic review using PubMed and Medline databases was conducted, and data on temporomandibular disorder in conjunction with otolaryngological symptoms were collected for analysis. Of 4155 potential studies, 33 were retrieved for detailed evaluation and 12 met the study criteria. There are questionnaires, examination techniques and radiological investigations presented in the literature to assist with distinguishing between otolaryngological causes of symptoms and temporomandibular disorder. Simple treatment can be initiated by the otolaryngologist. Initial temporomandibular disorder treatment steps can be undertaken by the otolaryngologist, with consideration of referral to dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, or physiotherapists if simple pharmacological treatment or temporomandibular disorder exercise fails.

  4. Factores de riesgo asociados a trastornos temporomandibulares

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    Elizabeth de la Torre Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Introducción: los trastornos temporomandibulares conforman un conjunto de condiciones músculo-esqueléticas que afectan la articulación temporomandibular, músculos de la masticación y estructuras anatómicas adyacentes; complejas y moldeadas por diversos factores de riesgo interactuantes. Resulta de gran valor el conocimiento de los mismos para poder actuar sobre ellos e impedir la aparición y/o agravamiento de la enfermedad. Objetivo: caracterizar a la población objeto de estudio según las variables sociodemográficas: edad y sexo, factores precipitantes, hábitos parafuncionales y trastornos oclusales. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, en el Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Universitario «Miguel Enríquez», en una población constituida por 181 pacientes que acudieron a la Consulta Multidisciplinaria de Atención Integral de la articulación temporomandibular en el período comprendido de enero del 2010 a enero del 2012. Resultados: del total de pacientes, 133 pertenecían al sexo femenino, para un 73 %. El grupo de edades de 25-35 años estuvo representado por 45 pacientes para un 24 %. En el 79 % se observó bruxismo, en el 24 % interposición lingual en tanto que el 52 % presentó dientes ausentes no restituidos. Conclusiones: el sexo predominante fue el femenino y el grupo de edades más representado es el de 25-35 años. El factor predisponente que más se observó fue los dientes ausentes no restituidos protésicamente. El factor precipitante que predominó fue el bruxismo y no se observaron factores perpetuantes de los trastornos temporomandibulares.

  5. Reconstrucción de la articulación temporomandibular postraumática con prótesis a medida: Planificación quirúrgica virtual Post-traumatic reconstruction with custom prosthesis of the temporomandibular joint: Computerized surgical planning

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    Aitor García Sánchez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las nuevas técnicas de planificación quirúrgica virtual, como la tecnología CAD/CAM, así como los avances en biomateriales, permiten abordar casos cada vez más complejos de reconstrucción de la articulación temporomandibular. La planificación y la fabricación de dispositivos aloplásticos a medida permiten una adaptación excelente a las estructuras anatómicas. Las deformidades dentofaciales coexisten en muchas ocasiones con la afección articular. Con estos métodos de planificación es posible asociar procedimientos de cirugía ortognática, a la vez que reconstruimos la articulación temporomandibular en un solo tiempo quirúrgico. Material y métodos: En este artículo presentamos nuestra experiencia en la planificación virtual y posterior cirugía de 3 casos de anquilosis articular bilateral (6 articulaciones, con simulación de osteotomías, movimientos maxilomandibulares y diseño de prótesis totales aloplásticas a medida de la articulación temporomandibular. Conclusiones: El abordaje integral de la biomecánica articular, la relación intermaxilar y la oclusión dental es imprescindible para obtener resultados predecibles y satisfactorios. La planificación virtual y la utilización de dispositivos aloplásticos a medida permiten la reconstrucción total articular de una forma precisa y segura.Introduction: New virtual surgery planning techniques like CAD/CAM and advances in biomaterials have made it possible to undertake increasingly complex cases of temporomandibular joint reconstruction. The planning and preparation of custom alloplastic devices makes it possible to accurately accommodate anatomic structures. Dental and facial deformities often coexist with articular pathology. Using computerized planning methods, orthognathic surgery procedures can be combined with temporomandibular joint reconstruction in a single procedure. Material and methods: The authors' experience with computerized planning and

  6. The temporomandibular joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campbell, W.


    Whilst the temporomandibular joint is in many ways unique, it is subject to all the diseases and disorders found in joints in other parts of the human skeleton. By far the most common disorder is injury, followed by arthropathy, acute and chronic dislocations, ankylosis, and in rare instances, neoplasms. The diagnosis and management of the temporomandibular joint are the primary responsibility of the oral surgeon. Nevertheless, this anatomical region is an area in which the cooperation of medical and dental disciplines may be required for the satisfactory conclusion of treatment. The more so when the disease process involves either associated psychosomatic illness or malignancy. The mainstay of the diagnosis is a careful radiological examination of the joint. There exists a delicate relationship between the dentition, the muscles of mastication, and the temporomandibular articulation, which is controlled by arthrokinetic reflex activity of the branches of the 5th cranial nerve. Imbalance between one or more of the components of this integrated system frequently leads to disturbances in function. Pain-dysfunction disorders constitute the larger part of temporomandibular joint disturbances generally encountered

  7. Temporomandibular disorders and migraine headache


    Demarin, Vida; Bašić Kes, Vanja


    Migraine headache and temporomandibular disorders show significant overlap in the area or distribution of pain, the gender prevalence and age distribution. Temporomandibular disorders may cause headaches per se, worsen existent primary headaches, and add to the burden of headache disorders. The patients with combined migraine and tension-type headaches had a higher prevelance of temporomandibular disorders. Evidence supporting a close relationship include the increased masticatory...

  8. Los trastornos temporomandibulares y la oclusión dentaria a la luz de la posturología moderna

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    José Miguel Montero Parrilla

    Full Text Available Introducción: la posturología es una especialidad de la ciencia de la salud que estudia el sistema tónico postural del ser humano, descrito en estrecha interacción con la oclusión dentaria y los trastornos temporomandibulares. Objetivo: identificar los antecedentes de la posturología moderna y los factores que determinan el equilibrio postural del cuerpo, así como la asociación entre las variables posturales, oclusales y los trastornos temporomandibulares. Métodos: por medio del sistema PubMed, Lilacs y el buscador Google se obtuvo la bibliografía impresa y digital, referida la tema y publicada desde 1995 hasta la actualidad. Resultados: la mayoría de las investigaciones sugieren algún tipo de correlación entre el tipo de oclusión, la existencia de signos y síntomas de trastornos temporomandibulares, dimensiones cráneo-faciales y el desequilibrio postural. Conclusiones: Los estudios relacionados con el tema generalmente han sido realizados con un número reducido de sujetos o con pobre metodología, por lo que no son concluyentes en sus resultados.

  9. La violencia contra las mujeres y la crisis de derechos humanos: de la narcoguerra a las guerras necropolíticas

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    Ariadna Estévez


    Full Text Available El artículo argumenta que las organizaciones de derechos humanos y sus reportes tienden a ignorar las continuidades de género que hay en la violencia criminal que origina la crisis de derechos humanos. Desarrolla la idea de las guerras necropolíticas como un tipo de conflicto que simultáneamente explica la violencia delincuencial y la de género, como parte de un contínuum de una violencia cuyo objetivo es asegurar el comercio de la droga y la mercantilización de los cuerpos de las mujeres para afirmar los mercados criminales. Con México como estudio de caso, se ofrece una tipología de las guerras necropolíticas: la guerra por la gubernamentalización necropolítica del Estado y la guerra por la desposesión de los cuerpos de las mujeres. Mientras que estas dos guerras tienen objetivos diferentes —cooptar y reconfigurar al Estado, y desposeer a las mujeres de sus cuerpos, respectivamente— comparten una característica: un espacio socio-legal disfuncional, permanentemente corrupto y deliberadamente letal que asegura la impunidad de las tecnologías de muerte del necropoder: masacre, feminicidio y desaparición forzada. Al analizar la violencia desde la perspectiva de las guerras necropolíticas, la violencia contra las mujeres se vuelve visible.

  10. Investigação da temporalidade das características definidoras do diagnóstico de resposta disfuncional ao desmame ventilatório La investigación de la temporalidad de las características definitorias de diagnóstico de la respuesta disfuncional para el destete ventilatorio Investigation of the temporality of the defining characteristics of the diagnostic response to dysfunctional ventilatory weaning

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    Fernanda Avellar Cerqueira


    Full Text Available Estudo que investigou a distribuição temporal das características definidoras da Resposta Disfuncional ao Desmame Ventilatório. Teve como objetivos: descrever a conformação da distribuição cronológica das características definidoras desse diagnóstico em pacientes sob ventilação prolongada na fase de interrupção da ventilação mecânica e verificar a existência de um padrão temporal predominante. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo descritivo-exploratório com abordagem quantitativa. Foram sujeitos os clientes adultos internados por causas clínicas no Centro de Terapia Intensiva do Hospital Pró-Cardíaco, sob ventilação mecânica prolongada e que estavam em desmame. Com os resultados se obteve a confirmação da hipótese de existência de uma distribuição temporal predominante na amostra observada. Foi possível distinguir os principais intervalos de observação/manifestação das Características Definidoras, a saber: precoce, intermediário e tardio. Em relação ao gerenciamento do processo de desmame foi possível indicar algumas contribuições ao aprimoramento das avaliações protocolares.Un estudio investigó la distribución temporal de las características definitorias de Respuesta Disfuncional al Destete Ventilatorio. Tuvo como objetivo describir la conformación de la distribución cronológica de las características definitorias de este diagnóstico en pacientes sometidos a ventilación prolongada durante el destete de la ventilación mecánica y para verificar la existencia de un patrón climático predominante. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de enfoque cuantitativo y exploratorio. Los sujetos fueron clientes adultos ingresados por razones clínicas en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Pro-cardiaco, bajo ventilación mecánica prolongada y que habían de ser destetados. Con los resultados se obtuvo la confirmación de la hipótesis de una distribución temporal que prevalecen en la muestra

  11. [Temporo-mandibular joint. Morpho-functional considerations]. (United States)

    Scutariu, M D; Indrei, Anca


    The temporo-mandibular joint is distinguished from most other synovial joints of the body by two features: 1. the two jointed components carry teeth whose position and occlusion introduce a very strong influence on the movements of the temporo-mandibular joint and 2. its articular surfaces are not covered by hyaline cartilage, but by a dense, fibrous tissue. This paper describes the parts of the temporo-mandibular joint: the articular surfaces (the condylar process of the mandible and the glenoid part of the temporal bone), the fibrocartilaginous disc which is interposed between the mandibular and the temporal surface, the fibrous capsule of the temporo-mandibular joint and the ligaments of this joint. All these parts present a very strong adaptation at the important functions of the temporo-mandibular joint.

  12. Anquilosis postraumatica unilateral de la articulación temporomandibular

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    Ivan Alberto Manotas Arévalo


    Full Text Available La Anquilosis Temporomandibular en una afección manifestada como la limitación del movimiento del cóndilo articular mandibular dentro de la cavidad glenoide del hueso temporal. Son frecuentes las osificaciones de las estructuras articulares intrínsecas, y en algunos otros casos fibrosis de las estructuras intrínsecas y extrínsecas que impiden la dinámica articular adecuada. Los pacientes afectados, generalmente niños y adultos jóvenes, limitan poco a poco su movilidad articular llegando a la inmovilización total de su mandíbula, con las subsecuentes alteraciones para la ingesta de alimentos sólidos, para la deglución, higiene bucal, erupción dental adecuada y para toda la fisiología bucomaxilar y la estética facial. Su corrección quirúrgica representa un reto pues se debe eliminar la masa osificada articular, reponer la fisiología articular, recuperar la estética facial y evitar la recurrencia.

  13. Trastornos temporomandibulares en adictos al qat


    Orlando Guerra Cobián; Raúl J Pupo Triguero; Humberto Sarracent Pérez; Kirenia M Rabilero Salgado


    Introducción: los trastornos temporomandibulares se asocian frecuentemente al hábito de masticar qat, pero se carece de estudios que detallan sus particularidades, por lo que se realiza este trabajo, con los objetivos de determinar la prevalencia de trastornos temporomandibulares en pacientes adictos al qat, identificar los hallazgos clínicos- radiográficos asociados y clasificar los trastornos temporomandibulares presentes en la población estudiada. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo...

  14. Trastornos temporomandibulares en adictos al qat

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    Orlando Guerra Cobián


    Full Text Available Introducción: los trastornos temporomandibulares se asocian frecuentemente al hábito de masticar qat, pero se carece de estudios que detallan sus particularidades, por lo que se realiza este trabajo, con los objetivos de determinar la prevalencia de trastornos temporomandibulares en pacientes adictos al qat, identificar los hallazgos clínicos- radiográficos asociados y clasificar los trastornos temporomandibulares presentes en la población estudiada. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, de corte transversal, en una muestra de 352 pacientes, del total de pacientes adictos, atendidos en el Departamento de Cirugía, Colegio Dental. Ibb,Yemen en el periodo octubre 2010-abril 2011. Se determinaron los hallazgos clínicos y radiográficos presentes, y se diagnosticó el tipo de trastorno temporomandibular. Resultados: se evidenció que estaban afectados por trastornos temporomandibulares el 55,7 % de los pacientes. Se encontró dolor articular agudo en 14,1 % y aplanamiento condilar anterior en 35,6 %. Conclusiones: los trastornos temporomandibulares afectaron más de la mitad de la población estudiada, adicta al qat. Los desórdenes en la relación cóndilo-disco fueron los más encontrados (41 %. El aplanamiento condilar anterior dominó en el análisis radiográfico.

  15. Augmented reality environment for temporomandibular joint motion analysis. (United States)

    Wagner, A; Ploder, O; Zuniga, J; Undt, G; Ewers, R


    The principles of interventional video tomography were applied for the real-time visualization of temporomandibular joint movements in an augmented reality environment. Anatomic structures were extracted in three dimensions from planar cephalometric radiographic images. The live-image fusion of these graphic anatomic structures with real-time position data of the mandible and the articular fossa was performed with a see-through, head-mounted display and an electromagnetic tracking system. The dynamic fusion of radiographic images of the temporomandibular joint to anatomic temporomandibular joint structures in motion created a new modality for temporomandibular joint motion analysis. The advantages of the method are its ability to accurately examine the motion of the temporomandibular joint in three dimensions without restraining the subject and its ability to simultaneously determine the relationship of the bony temporomandibular joint and supporting structures (ie, occlusion, muscle function, etc) during movement before and after treatment.

  16. La disfunción del cilio primario y su relación con las ciliopatías. Bases moleculares y celulares

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    Zulema Ramírez Carmenate


    Full Text Available bjetivo: explicar la relación estructural y funcional de la disfunción del cilio primario en enfermedades genéticas denominadas ciliopatías. Desarrollo: las disfunciones ciliares están estrechamente vinculadas con un amplio espectro de enfermedades denominadas ciliopatías, que se definen como un grupo de síndromes clínica y genéticamente heterogéneos. Son causadas por defectos en la formación o función de algunas variedades de cilios. Diversos estudios se enfocan en el esclarecimiento de cómo la disfunción ciliar puede desarrollar estas enfermedades que incluyen rasgos fenotípicos comunes tales como, los riñones poliquísticos, el retraso mental y la obesidad; también involucran malformaciones en el sistema esquelético y defectos en el desarrollo de órganos del sistema nervioso central. En la actualidad, la identificación de los componentes que participan en la generación y función de estos organelos así como, la relación estructura-función, se considera como un paso clave en el entendimiento de la biología ciliar y la etiología de las ciliopatías. La amplia distribución de las variedades de cilios y las funciones orgánicas fundamentalmente del cilio primario, permite que sus disfunciones se relacionen con las ciliopatías y abren un campo de explicaciones a numerosas enfermedades cuya causa estructural-molecular eran totalmente desconocidas. Conclusiones: los defectos en la formación y función de los cilios primarios son la base fundamental de las ciliopatías, que afectan el desarrollo y funciones de varios sistemas de órganos. El espectro de la función ciliar en los procesos celulares fundamentales, destaca la importancia de dilucidar las proteínas relacionadas con las ciliopatías a fin de encontrar nuevas terapias potenciales.


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    P. G. Sysolyatin


    Full Text Available The article presents the main stages of the historical development of the temporo-mandibular joint surgery. It was shown the evolution of treatments for diseases and injuries of joints. It summarizes the main work of domestic and foreign authors that influenced the development of surgery of the temporo-mandibular joint. 

  18. Dependency, detachment and psychopathology in a nonclinical sample: General relations and gender differences. Is there a new line of inquiry on paranoid pathology?

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    Manuel R. Abuín


    Full Text Available En este estudio, se administraron tanto el Test del Perfil de la Relación de Bornstein (RPT como el cuestionario de 90 síntomas de Derogatis (SCl-90-R a una muestra no clínica de 119 sujetos de Madrid. La dependencia saludable, el desapego disfuncional y la sobredependencia destructiva (subescalas del RPT fueron evaluadas y correlacionadas con las dimensiones de psicopatología del SCL-90- R. La sobredependencia destructiva correlacionó positivamente con todas las dimensiones de psicopatología. Por el contrario, la dependencia saludable correlacionó negativamente con todas estas dimensiones de psicopatología. Se han encontrado diferencias de género con respecto a la correlación entre el desapego disfuncional y la ideación paranoide. En las mujeres, el desapego disfuncional correlacionó positivamente con al ideación paranoide, mientras que en los hombres esta correlación fue negativa y no significativa. Estas diferencias de género en la relación entre el desapego disfuncional y la ideación paranoide sugieren una nueva línea de investigación sobre la patología paranoide. Se exploran además las puntuaciones de psicopatología del SCL-90-R en diferentes grupos de individuos con diferentes perfiles de dependenciadesapego, a partir de las puntuaciones del Test del Perfil de Relación.

  19. Temporomandibular joint involvement caused by Borrelia Burgdorferi. (United States)

    Lesnicar, Gorazd; Zerdoner, Danijel


    Lyme borreliosis is an endemic disease in Slovenia with an incidence of around 150 patients per 100,000 inhabitants. Although the large joints are most typically affected in Lyme borreliosis, there are also periods of disease activity with arthritis or arthralgias involving smaller joints, including the temporo-mandibular joint. During the years between 2000 and 2003, two patients with Lyme borreliosis affecting the temporo-mandibular joints were treated. The patients presented with fatigue and pain in diverse muscle groups accompanied by arthralgia, which was most pronounced in the temporomandibular joint area. None of the patients were febrile or had joint effusions. Both patients were examined by means of biochemical and serological examinations for Borrelia burgdorferi using ELISA assay and Western blot test (both for IgM and IgG), plain radiographs, MR and CT scans, and scinti-scan of the temporo-mandibular joints They both had positive serum markers for an acute B. burgdorferi infection and were treated with intravenous ceftriaxone. None of the patients had clinical or laboratory signs of chronic Lyme disease activity two and four years following therapy, respectively. Roentgenographic and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of the temporo-mandibular joints had not shown any persistent sign of acute inflammation. There are only few reports of patients with manifest temporo-mandibular joint involvement of Lyme borreliosis in the literature. This report emphasizes the importance of differential diagnosis of acute temporo-mandibular joint arthralgia, of early diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis, and of the necessity for prompt antibiotic treatment.

  20. Traumatic injuries of the temporomandibular joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puig, S.; Krestan, C.; Lomoschitz, F.; Robinson, S.; Glaser, C.; Staudenherz, A.


    Injuries of the temporomandibular joint are mostly due to injuries or fractures of the mandibular condyle. Fractures of the skull base involving the temporomandibular joint are rare. Classification of fractures refers to their anatomical positions and the presence or absence of a luxation. Further, it is important whether the fracture is intra- or extra-capsular. The primary imaging method should be orthopantomography. As for therapy planning, especially surgery, also evaluation of soft tissue is necessary, computed tomography is the imaging method of choice. For diagnosis of complications or internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint, magnetic resonance imaging is to be recommended. (orig.) [de

  1. Hacia la comunicación 2.0. El uso de las redes sociales por parte de las universidades españolas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Javier Paniagua Rojano


    Full Text Available Gracias a sus características (interactividad, transparencia e inmediatez, las redes sociales digitales ofrecen a las universidades la posibilidad de compartir abundante información con sus públicos de interés, permitiendo una relación directa con ellos sin el filtro de los medios de comunicación tradicionales. En este artículo se analiza el uso que las 76 universidades españolas hacen de las redes sociales más populares, cuantificando perfiles, seguidores y volumen de comentarios generados, con objeto de determinar su grado de adaptación al entorno 2.0 y las eventuales carencias o disfunciones de su actividad online. En muy poco tiempo, todas las universidades del país se han sumado a las redes sociales. Por número de perfiles, la más extendida es el canal Youtube (92 por ciento de campus, seguida por Facebook (89,5 por ciento, Twitter y Linkedin (86,8 por ciento en ambos casos. En conjunto, suman 534.347 seguidores o fans entre Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin y Tuenti, a lo que hay que añadir 14.576 suscriptores en Youtube. Sin embargo, hay indicios que llevan a pensar que la participación de las universidades en estas redes carece, con frecuencia, de una planificación estratégica: solo así se explica la poca accesibilidad de los enlaces directos en varias de las webs analizadas, o el reducido número de comentarios compartidos.

  2. Disfunções temporomandibulares: sinais, sintomas e abordagem multidisciplinar Temporomandibular Disorders: signs, symptoms and multidisciplinary approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariana Del Cistia Donnarumma


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: verificar perfil, queixa e principais sinais e sintomas de uma amostra de pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular que estiveram ou estão em tratamento ortodôntico e observar a ocorrência de atendimentos multidisciplinares. MÉTODOS: foram coletados dados de 125 prontuários em uma clínica odontológica da cidade de Sorocaba e os itens analisados nos prontuários foram: sexo, idade, profissão, queixa, três principais sinais e sintomas dos pacientes e se houve encaminhamento para avaliação fonoaudiológica, fisioterápica e psicológica. RESULTADOS: predominância feminina, sendo 107 mulheres (85,6% e 18 homens (14,4%. Média de idade de 35 anos, sendo a menor idade 14 anos e a maior 74 anos. Relação da disfunção temporomandibular com as profissões: 43 (34,4% eram profissionais com vínculo empregatício. Queixa trazida pelo paciente: dor na região da articulação temporomandibular e masseter: 86 - (68,8%. Três principais sinais e sintomas observados na avaliação ortodôntica: dor na região da articulação temporomandibular e masseter: 98 - 78,4%; estalos unilaterais: 55 - 44% e travamento: 23 - 18,4%. Conduta de encaminhamentos: fonoaudiologia 59 (47,2%; fisioterapia 40 (32% e psicologia 53 (42,4%. CONCLUSÃO: na amostra pesquisada, a prevalência de casos de disfunção temporomandibular foi maior no sexo feminino, com queixa de dor. Os principais sinais e sintomas foram: dor, estalo unilateral e travamento e houve encaminhamento para atendimentos multidisciplinares nas áreas de Fonoaudiologia, Fisioterapia e Psicologia.PURPOSE: to check the main signs and symptoms of a sample of patients with temporomandibular dysfunction that were or are under orthodontic treatment and observe if there was a possible multidisciplinary treatment. METHODS: data from 125 medical records collected in a orthodontic clinic located in Sorocaba and the analyzed items were: gender, age, profession, complains, three main signs and

  3. [Tinnitus and temporomandibular joint: State of the art]. (United States)

    Lina-Granade, G; Truy, E; Ionescu, E; Garnier, P; Thai Van, H


    Tinnitus has been described in temporomandibular joint dysfunction for a long time. Yet, other disorders, such as hearing loss, stress, anxiety and depression, play a major role in the pathophysiology of tinnitus. Temporomandibular joint dysfunctions seem to increase the risk of tinnitus in patients with other predisposing factors. Especially somatosensory tinnitus, which is characterized by sound modulations with neck or mandible movements, is frequently associated with temporomandibular joint dysfunction, but it is not pathognomonic of such a disorder. In such cases, functional therapy of the temporomandibular joint should be part of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation of patients with tinnitus. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  4. Gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva y su aplicación en el postparto


    Martínez Álvarez, Mercedes


    Introducción. La elevada prevalencia de disfunciones del suelo pélvico en las mujeres después del parto, promueve la necesidad de utilizar terapias como la Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva. Se trata de un método creado por el Dr. Marcel Caufriez, utilizado actualmente en fisioterapia uroginecológica, para el tratamiento de las disfunciones del suelo pélvico. Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad de la Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva mediante publicaciones con evidencia científica y analizar qué ef...

  5. Temporomandibular joint osteochondromatosis: an unusual cause of preauricular swelling.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Phelan, Eimear


    We report an unusual and rare cause of preauricular swelling and review the most recent literature concerning synovial osteochondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint. We report the clinical and radiologic findings of a case of synovial osteochondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint that presented as preauricular swelling in a female patient. This disease typically affects large joints; fewer than 100 cases reported in the literature affect the temporomandibular joint. This case illustrates that disorders of the temporomandibular joint should also be included in the differential diagnosis of patients who present with a preauricular mass.

  6. Desordem Temporomandibular: relações entre sintomas otológicos e orofaciais Temporomandibular Disorder: relationship between otologic and orofacial symptoms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cláudia Maria de Felício


    Full Text Available Os sintomas otológicos são freqüentes em pacientes com desordem temporomandibular, e estudos são necessários para elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo desse estudo clínico foi investigar a associação de sintomas otológicos (otalgia, zumbido e plenitude auricular com os achados audiológicos, os outros sinais/sintomas relacionados à desordem temporomandibular, e os hábitos parafuncionais orais. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Prospectivo clínico. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 27 pacientes com desordem temporomandibular, da Clínica de Oclusão da Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, responderam um questionário sobre sinais, sintomas e hábitos orais, e passaram por avaliações otorrinolaringológica e audiológica. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes Binomial, Exato de Fisher e correlação produto-momento de Pearson. O índice de significância adotado foi pThe otologic symptoms are frequents in temporomandibular disorder patients, and studies are needed to elucidate the involved mechanisms. AIM: The objective of the present study was to investigate the association of otology symptoms (otalgia, tinnitus, ear fullness with otologic findings, the other temporomandibular disorder signs and symptoms, and parafunctional habits. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical prospective. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 27 temporomandibular patients from Occlusion Clinic of the Dental School of Ribeirão Preto – University of Sao Paulo, answered a questionnaire which included questions about signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder and parafunctional habits; they were submitted to otorhinolaryngological and audiologic examination. The data obtained were analyzed through Binomial Test, Exact Test of Fisher and Pearson Correlation, with p value < 0.05. RESULTS: Otologic symptoms were presented in 88.88% of the patients (59.26% presented otalgia, 74.07 tinnitus and 74.07% ear fullness. There was no significance between the

  7. MR diagnosis of temporomandibular joint. A study of joint effusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaneda, Takashi; Yamashiro, Mitsuaki; Ozawa, Kaoru; Suzuki, Hiromi; Okada, Hiroyuki; Yamamoto, Hirotsugu


    The purposes of this study were to evaluate the relationship between correlation of MR joint effusion of the temporomandibular joint and disk position, to evaluate the relationship between joint effusion and aging, and to assess the frequency of MR joint effusion of bilateral temporomandibular joints. The temporomandibular joints of 192 patients with clinical symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders were imaged bilaterally using high field, surface-coil MR imaging. Oblique sagittal and coronal proton density-weighted and T2-weighted images were obtained. Imaging findings of joint effusion were correlated with disk position, aging, and bilateral temporomandibular joints. MR showed effusion in 4% of the joints with normal superior disk position, 36% of the joints with disk displacement with reduction, and 45% of the joints with disk displacement without reduction. There were significant differences in the incidence of joint effusion between normal disk position and anterior disk displacement with or without reduction. Younger patients less than 40 years were significant higher the incidence of joint effusion than those of older patients. A significant association was seen between joint effusion and aging. MR showed effusion in 17% of the unilateral temporomandibular joint, 24% of the bilateral temporomandibular joints. There was no significant difference between unilateral and bilateral case. These results indicated that joint effusion using MR imaging was associated with varied temporomandibular joint pathologic states. (author)

  8. Temporomandibular disorders in headache patients (United States)

    Mello, Christiane-Espinola-Bandeira; Oliveira, José-Luiz-Góes; Jesus, Alan-Chester-Feitosa; Maia, Mila-Leite-de Moraes; de Santana, Jonielly-Costa-Vasconcelos; Andrade, Loren-Suyane-Oliveira; Siqueira Quintans, Jullyana-de Souza; Quintans-Junior, Lucindo-José; Conti, Paulo-César-Rodrigues


    Objective: To identify the frequency of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and its seve-rity in individuals with headache. Study Design: 60 adults divided into three groups of 20 individuals: chronic daily headache (CDH), episodic headache (EH) and a control group without headache (WH). Headache diagnosis was performed according to the criteria of International Headache Society and the signs and symptoms of TMD were achieved by using a clinical exam and an anamnestic questionnaire. The severity of TMD was defined by the temporomandibular index (TMI). Results: The TMD signs and symptoms were always more frequent in individuals with headache, especially report of pain in TMJ area (CDH, n=16; EH, n=12; WH, n=6), pain to palpation on masseter (CDH, n=19; EH, n=16; WH, n=11) which are significantly more frequent in episodic and chronic daily headache. The mean values of temporomandibular and articular index (CDH patients) and muscular index (CDH and EH patients) were statistically higher than in patients of the control group, notably the articular (CDH=0.38; EH=0.25;WH=0.19) and muscular (CDH=0.46; EH=0.51; WH=0.26) indices. Conclusions: These findings allow us to speculate that masticatory and TMJ pain are more common in headache subjects. Besides, it seems that the TMD is more severe in headache patients. Key words:Temporomandibular dysfunction, headache disorders. PMID:22926473

  9. Do bruxism and temporomandibular disorders have a cause-and-effect relationship? (United States)

    Lobbezoo, F; Lavigne, G J


    Controversy continues to exist over the putative role of bruxism in the etiology of temporomandibular disorders. A commonly held concept is that bruxism leads to signs and symptoms characteristic of one or more of the subdiagnoses of temporomandibular disorders, while another hypothesis suggests that bruxism is a temporomandibular disorder itself that sometimes coexists with other forms of temporomandibular disorders. Following a thorough review of the literature in this article, it is concluded that the relationship between bruxism and temporomandibular disorders is still unclear. Future research should examine longitudinal epidemiologic and clinical/experimental data to establish or refute a cause-and-effect relationship. In doing so, the existence of various sub-groups of temporomandibular disorders should be taken into account, and sleep-related bruxism should be discriminated from its daytime variant.

  10. Cervical Musculoskeletal Impairments and Temporomandibular Disorders (United States)

    Magee, David


    ABSTRACT Objectives The study of cervical muscles and their significance in the development and perpetuation of Temporomandibular Disorders has not been elucidated. Thus this project was designed to investigate the association between cervical musculoskeletal impairments and Temporomandibular Disorders. Material and Methods A sample of 154 subjects participated in this study. All subjects underwent a series of physical tests and electromyographic assessment (i.e. head and neck posture, maximal cervical muscle strength, cervical flexor and extensor muscles endurance, and cervical flexor muscle performance) to determine cervical musculoskeletal impairments. Results A strong relationship between neck disability and jaw disability was found (r = 0.82). Craniocervical posture was statistically different between patients with myogenous Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and healthy subjects. However, the difference was too small (3.3º) to be considered clinically relevant. Maximal cervical flexor muscle strength was not statistically or clinically different between patients with TMD and healthy subjects. No statistically significant differences were found in electromyographic activity of the sternocleidomastoid or the anterior scalene muscles in patients with TMD when compared to healthy subjects while executing the craniocervical flexion test (P = 0.07). However, clinically important effect sizes (0.42 - 0.82) were found. Subjects with TMD presented with reduced cervical flexor as well as extensor muscle endurance while performing the flexor and extensor muscle endurance tests when compared to healthy individuals. Conclusions Subjects with Temporomandibular Disorders presented with impairments of the cervical flexors and extensors muscles. These results could help guide clinicians in the assessment and prescription of more effective interventions for individuals with Temporomandibular Disorders. PMID:24422022

  11. Cervical Musculoskeletal Impairments and Temporomandibular Disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susan Armijo-Olivo


    Full Text Available Objectives: The study of cervical muscles and their significance in the development and perpetuation of Temporomandibular Disorders has not been elucidated. Thus this project was designed to investigate the association between cervical musculoskeletal impairments and Temporomandibular Disorders. Material and Methods: A sample of 154 subjects participated in this study. All subjects underwent a series of physical tests and electromyographic assessment (i.e. head and neck posture, maximal cervical muscle strength, cervical flexor and extensor muscles endurance, and cervical flexor muscle performance to determine cervical musculoskeletal impairments. Results: A strong relationship between neck disability and jaw disability was found (r = 0.82. Craniocervical posture was statistically different between patients with myogenous Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD and healthy subjects. However, the difference was too small (3.3º to be considered clinically relevant. Maximal cervical flexor muscle strength was not statistically or clinically different between patients with TMD and healthy subjects. No statistically significant differences were found in electromyographic activity of the sternocleidomastoid or the anterior scalene muscles in patients with TMD when compared to healthy subjects while executing the craniocervical flexion test (P = 0.07. However, clinically important effect sizes (0.42 - 0.82 were found. Subjects with TMD presented with reduced cervical flexor as well as extensor muscle endurance while performing the flexor and extensor muscle endurance tests when compared to healthy individuals. Conclusions: Subjects with Temporomandibular Disorders presented with impairments of the cervical flexors and extensors muscles. These results could help guide clinicians in the assessment and prescription of more effective interventions for individuals with Temporomandibular Disorders.

  12. The Temporomandibular Joint Pain Dysfunction Syndrome


    Speck, John E.


    When a patient complains of headache, neckache, or earache and these are associated with noisy temporomandibular joint function, restricted opening or increased pain when chewing, a temporomandibular joint or masticatory muscle disorder should be considered in the differential diagnosis, because signs and symptoms of these disorders are common in all age groups. This article indicates the more common etiological contributions, that is, microtrauma, repeated microtrauma, muscle hyperactivity, ...


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) osteoarthrosis and disk displacement seem to be strongly related, but they may also represent mutually independent temporomandibular disorders. This paper presents relevant aspects of normal physiology and degeneration of synovial joints, aspects of normal

  14. Tomographic study of temporomandibular joints before orthodontic treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwon, Ki Jeong [Kyung Hee Univ. College of Dentistry, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To determine whether there is a relationship between abnormal temporomandibular joint radiographic findings and age or gender in a sample of preorthodontic patients. Individualized corrected sagittal tomographs of 188 temporomandibular joints in 94 preorthodontic patients, aged 11 to 29 years, were taken and viewed by an observer blinded to clinical records. The study population was divided into 2 aged groups (11-15 years and 16-29 years) for comparative purpose. Temporomandibular joint radiographic findings were classified as normal or abnormal. There was no difference in ratio of abnormal to normal findings between the both aged groups. The frequency of osseous abnormalities was similar with that of abnormalities of condylar position. Abnormalities in CP and JS were most frequent in all aged groups. There is no significant difference between ages or genders for temporomandibular joint radiographic abnormalities.

  15. Cervical Musculoskeletal Impairments and Temporomandibular Disorders


    Susan Armijo-Olivo; David Magee


    ABSTRACT Objectives The study of cervical muscles and their significance in the development and perpetuation of Temporomandibular Disorders has not been elucidated. Thus this project was designed to investigate the association between cervical musculoskeletal impairments and Temporomandibular Disorders. Material and Methods A sample of 154 subjects participated in this study. All subjects underwent a series of physical tests and electromyographic assessment (i.e. head and neck posture, maxima...

  16. Diagnostic criteria for headache attributed to temporomandibular disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schiffman, Eric; Ohrbach, Richard; List, Thomas


    We assessed and compared the diagnostic accuracy of two sets of diagnostic criteria for headache secondary to temporomandibular disorders (TMD).......We assessed and compared the diagnostic accuracy of two sets of diagnostic criteria for headache secondary to temporomandibular disorders (TMD)....

  17. Reconstrucción de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM: prótesis aloplástica Reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ: alloplastic prostheses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Goizueta Adame


    Full Text Available La incapacidad de desarrollar sistemas inertes eficaces para la sustitución completa de la articulación temporo-mandibular durante décadas ha generado una variedad de soluciones biológicas para un problema biomecánico. Los injertos autólogos no ofrecen garantías en funcionalidad, simetría, o estabilidad oclusal; resultan técnicamente más complejos y tienen mayor potencial morbilidad. El paciente candidato a reconstrucción completa de la ATM debe contar con la posibilidad de una prótesis si otras opciones fracasan. La reconstrucción aloplástica garantiza estabilidad oclusal, técnica sencilla y reproducible, estancia hospitalaria predecible y baja tasa de complicaciones con los sistemas protésicos actuales. Siempre van a existir pacientes en los que ésta sea la única opción, por lo tanto es primordial la medición de la magnitud de las fuerzas implicadas en la mecánica de la ATM para poder diseñar prótesis en base a modelos fiables como en otras articulaciones en las que ya han resuelto el problema.Incapabability to develop effective inert systems to total temporomandibular joint substitution during decades has genered several biologic solutions for a biomecanic question. Autologous grafts don´t offer security in functioning, simmetry, or oclusal estability; its have more coplex technique and more potencial morbility. Alloplastic reconstruction guarantees oclusal stability, single and reproducible technique, predictable time in hospital, and low morbility with actual prosthetic systems. Patients whos prostheses is only one option are going to exist always, so that it is primordial measures of magnitude of implicated strenghts in TMJ mecanic to can design prosthesis based on reliable models like others articulations which have just resolved the question.

  18. Hallazgos clínico-radiológicos de la articulación temporomandibular en pacientes con artritis reumatoide: Clinicoradiological findings Temporomandibular joint from patients presenting with rheumatoid arthritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gisselle M. Chávez Andrade


    Full Text Available Se realiza este estudio con el propósito de describir y evaluar los hallazgos clínico-radiológicos de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM en un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de artritis reumatoide (AR. La muestra fue de 61 pacientes, con una edad media de 54 años y 5 meses. Todos fueron interrogados y examinados clínicamente, luego sometidos al examen radiográfico de ambas ATMs, utilizando la técnica de proyección transcraneal, con boca cerrada y en máxima apertura. El estudio recoge los signos y síntomas de la ATM hallados, tales como dolor, tumefacción, luxación, clicking y limitada apertura bucal. El estudio de los aspectos radiográficos indicó cambios en las superficies del cóndilo y la fosa temporal, en la movilidad condilar y espacio articular. Se concluyó que en pacientes con artritis reumatoide es frecuente la presencia de hallazgos clínicos-radiológicos en la articulación temporomandibular y que tanto la edad y género del paciente como el grado de actividad y tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad (AR, son factores que influyen en el estado general de las ATMs.Aim of present paper is to describe and to assess the Clinicoradiological findings of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ in a group of patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA. Sample included 61 patients with a mean age of 54 years and 5 months. All of them were interrogated and clinically examined and then underwent to a radiographic examination of both TMJs, using the transcranial projection technique, with the closed mouth and in maximal opening. Study includes the TMJ syndrome founded such as pain, tumefaction, luxation, clicking, and a limited oral opening. The study of radiographic features showed the presence of changes in condyle surface and temporal fossa, in condylar motility, and articulation space. We conclude that in patients presenting with rheumatoid arthritis is frequent the presence of clinicoradiological findings in the TMJ

  19. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (United States)

    ... Baby Bottle Tooth Decay? Pacifiers Have Negative and Positive Effects What is Dental Amalgam (Silver Filling)? Check Menstrual Calendar for Tooth Extraction Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Learn what those dental words mean. Check out how your teeth and mouth ...

  20. Fisioterapia no tratamento da dor orofacial de pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular crônica Physiotherapy as treatment of orofacial pain in patients with chronic temporomandibular dysfunction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Lúcia Franco


    Full Text Available Estudos recentes têm demonstrado resultados consistentes com o uso das terapias físicas nos casos de dor e limitação de movimentos em Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM. Dessa forma, nosso objetivo foi avaliar o efeito de dez sessões de fisioterapia, exercícios e laserterapia no tratamento da dor muscular e da artralgia em uma mulher com DTM. O alívio médio dos sintomas dolorosos obtidos por sessão foi de 20%, atingindo valor zero nas últimas semanas e mantendo-se estável por 60 dias após o término do tratamento. Os resultados demonstraram que o protocolo de tratamento utilizado foi efetivo no alívio da dor da região articular, assim como da tensão do músculo masseter, levando a paciente a reduzir a ingestão de medicamentos para controle da dor. Entretanto, estudos adicionais são necessários para se definir com maior precisão o efeito de outros programas de fisioterapia, assim como sua interação com as demais modalidades de tratamento.Estudios recientes han demostrado resultados consistentes con el uso de la terapia física en casos de dolor y limitación del movimiento por disfunción temporomandibular. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de 10 sesiones de terapia física, ejercicio y terapia por láser en el tratamiento del dolor muscular y artralgias en una mujer con disfunción temporomandibular. El alivio de los síntomas dolorosos obtenido por sesión fue sobre un 20 % al acercarse a 0 en las últimas semanas y se mantuvo estable después de 60 días de finalizar el tratamiento. Los resultados mostraron que el protocolo de tratamiento utilizado fue eficaz para reducir el dolor de la articulación temporomandibular y la tensión del músculo masetero, a su vez le permitió al paciente reducir el uso de medicamentos. Sin embargo, son necesarios más estudios para definir con mayor precisión el efecto de otros programas de fisioterapia y su interacción con otras modalidades de tratamiento

  1. Three-dimensional (3D) analysis of the temporomandibular joint

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kitai, N.; Kreiborg, S.; Murakami, S.

    Symposium Orthodontics 2001: Where are We Now? Where are We Going?, three-dimensional analysis, temporomandibular joint......Symposium Orthodontics 2001: Where are We Now? Where are We Going?, three-dimensional analysis, temporomandibular joint...

  2. MR diagnosis of temporomandibular arthrosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suenaga, Shigeaki [Kagoshima Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Dentistry


    This review described lesions of articular disk and its surrounding tissues revealed by MR examination in temporomandibular arthrosis, and problems and limits of the examination. Apparatus and imaging methods: Spin echo method was generally used and gradient echo method was alternatively used. Author`s apparatus was 1.5 tesla Signa, Advantage type, equipped with surface coil for temporomandibular joint. Imaging conditions were T1-weighted spin echo method, T2-weighted fast spin echo method, spoiled GRASS (gradient recalled acquisition in the steady state) method and GRASS method. MR findings of articular disk: MR images of normal and abnormal temporomandibular joint were presented together with computed radiographic findings. The role of dynamic imaging was described for evaluation and analysis of the joint functioning. MR findings of surrounding tissues of the disk: Dynamic MRI of the tissues was found useful to see whether the cause of pain was present inside or outside of the articular capsule. Joint effusion could not be fully imaged in T2-weighted conditions. (K.H.)

  3. MR diagnosis of temporomandibular arthrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suenaga, Shigeaki


    This review described lesions of articular disk and its surrounding tissues revealed by MR examination in temporomandibular arthrosis, and problems and limits of the examination. Apparatus and imaging methods: Spin echo method was generally used and gradient echo method was alternatively used. Author's apparatus was 1.5 tesla Signa, Advantage type, equipped with surface coil for temporomandibular joint. Imaging conditions were T1-weighted spin echo method, T2-weighted fast spin echo method, spoiled GRASS (gradient recalled acquisition in the steady state) method and GRASS method. MR findings of articular disk: MR images of normal and abnormal temporomandibular joint were presented together with computed radiographic findings. The role of dynamic imaging was described for evaluation and analysis of the joint functioning. MR findings of surrounding tissues of the disk: Dynamic MRI of the tissues was found useful to see whether the cause of pain was present inside or outside of the articular capsule. Joint effusion could not be fully imaged in T2-weighted conditions. (K.H.)

  4. Influencia del Estrés en la eficacia del tratamiento en pacientes con Trastornos Temporomandibulares Stress influence in efficacy of treatment in patients with temporomandibular disorders

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    Ileana Grau León


    Full Text Available El efecto del estrés emocional en el dolor, el sufrimiento y la conducta de dolor es significativo y debe tenerse en cuenta cuando se evalúa o se trata cualquier trastorno doloroso. El estado emocional del paciente en gran medida depende del estrés psicológico que experimente y en el momento en que se inicia el dolor puede influir enormemente en la experiencia dolorosa. El estudio fue de tipo cuasiexperimental, se consideraron 80 pacientes que fueron diagnosticados con trastornos temporomandibulares. A los pacientes participantes en el estudio les fue aplicada una escala sintomática del estrés y terapia combinada para la reducción del dolor y relajación muscular que incluyó terapia oclusal, farmacológica, sustitutiva y técnicas de autorelajación, arribando a las conclusiones que un elevado por ciento de los pacientes refirieron síntomas de estrés que se estima puede afectar negativamente los resultados del tratamiento en pacientes con trastorno tempormandibulares.Emotional stress effect on pain, suffering and pain behavior is significant and we must to consider in assessment or treatment of any painful disorder. The emotional status of patient in large extent depends of psychological stress experimented and at moment where s(? and upe(? starts off the pain may influence extremately in painful experience. A quasi-experimental study was conducted considering 80 patients diagnosed with temporomandibular disorders. In study participating patients we applied a stress symptomatic scale and combined therapy to reduce pain and the muscular relaxation included occlusal, pharmacologic, substitute therapy and self-relaxation techniques, concluding that a high percentage of patient refered to stress symptoms considered that may to affect negatively the treatment results in patients with temporomandibular disorders.

  5. Temporomandibular disorders, facial pain, and headaches. (United States)

    Bender, Steven D


    Headaches and facial pain are common in the general population. In many cases, facial pain can be resultant from temporomandibular joint disorders. Studies have identified an association between headaches and temporomandibular joint disorders suggesting the possibility of shared pathophysiologic mechanisms of these 2 maladies. The aim of this paper is to elucidate potential commonalities of these disorders and to provide a brief overview of an examination protocol that may benefit the headache clinician in daily practice. © 2012 American Headache Society.

  6. Patients profiles and outcomes of care in temporomandibular disorders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Su, N.


    Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are a frequent disease in general population. Patients with TMDs may have orofacial pain, jaw functional limitation and joint sounds, which may negatively affect patients’ physical and psychological wellbeing. Temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJ OA) and

  7. Influência do tratamento das desordens temporomandibulares na dor e na postura global


    Azato, Flaviane Keiko; Castillo, Daisilene Baena; Coelho, Tulio Marcos Kalife; Taciro, Charles; Pereira, Paulo Zarate; Zomerfeld, Valquiria; Silva, Marcela Galdina da; Insarraulde, Elizeu; Vinholi, Gustavo


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A disfunção temporomandibular é uma síndrome clínica que acomete principalmente músculos mastigatórios e articulações temporomandibulares. Como a articulação temporomandibular está diretamente relacionada à região cervical e escapular por meio de cadeias musculares, alterações posturais da coluna podem acarretar distúrbios de articulação temporomandibular, e vice-versa. A relação entre a postura corporal e a disfunção temporomandibular pode estabelecer uma forma de ...

  8. Temporomandibular joint involvement as a positive clinical prognostic factor in necrotising external otitis. (United States)

    Yeheskeli, E; Eta, R Abu; Gavriel, H; Kleid, S; Eviatar, E


    Necrotising otitis externa is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. This study investigated whether temporomandibular joint involvement had any prognostic effect on the course of necrotising otitis externa in patients who had undergone hyperbaric oxygen therapy after failed medical and sometimes surgical therapy. A retrospective case series was conducted of patients in whom antibiotic treatment and surgery had failed, who had been hospitalised for further treatment and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Twenty-three patients with necrotising otitis externa were identified. The temporomandibular joint was involved in four patients (17 per cent); these patients showed a constant gradual improvement in C-reactive protein and were eventually discharged free of disease, except one patient who was lost to follow up. Four patients (16 per cent) without temporomandibular joint involvement died within 90 days of discharge, while all patients with temporomandibular joint involvement were alive. Three patients (13 per cent) without temporomandibular joint involvement needed recurrent hospitalisation including further hyperbaric oxygen therapy; no patients with temporomandibular joint involvement required such treatment. Patients with temporomandibular joint involvement had lower rates of recurrent disease and no mortality. Therefore, we suggest considering temporomandibular joint involvement as a positive prognostic factor in necrotising otitis externa management.

  9. Relação entre bruxismo e o grau de sintomatologia de disfunção temporomandibular The relationship between the bruxism and the severity of symptoms in the temporomandibular disorder

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    Cíntia Corrêa Blini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: verificar a ocorrência de bruxismo em sujeitos adultos do sexo feminino com queixa de disfunção temporomandibular e sua relação com o grau de sintomatologia da disfunção. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo 28 mulheres na faixa etária de 19 a 56 anos, que apresentavam sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular e que não haviam realizado tratamento anterior. Todas responderam o questionário de Índice Anamnésico proposto por Fonseca et al (1994, o qual possibilita a classificação do grau de sintomatologia de disfunção temporomandibular e verificação da queixa do hábito parafuncional bruxismo; e realizaram uma avaliação odontológica, constituída de exame da musculatura mastigatória, por meio de palpação digital intra e extra-oral, inspeção das articulações temporomandibulares e exame dental. Os resultados foram analisados descritivamente e, para verificar a relação entre o grau de severidade da disfunção temporomandibular com a ocorrência de bruxismo, foram realizados o Teste de Independência do Qui-quadrado e o Teste Exato de Fisher, ambos ao nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: verificou-se que o bruxismo esteve presente em 50% dos casos de disfunção temporomandibular. Não houve relação entre o bruxismo e o grau de sintomatologia de disfunção temporomandibular, estabelecido pelo Índice Anamnésico. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados deste estudo sugerem que sujeitos com sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular devem ser questionados e avaliados quanto à presença de bruxismo, independentemente do grau de sintomatologia da disfunção. Assim como deve ser realizado diagnóstico e tratamento do bruxismo em sujeitos assintomáticos de disfunção temporomandibular como forma de prevenir o desenvolvimento de lesões nas articulações temporomandibulares e demais estruturas do sistema estomatognático.PURPOSE: to check the occurrence of bruxism in female gender adult subject, with temporomandibular

  10. [Self-assembly tissue engineering fibrocartilage model of goat temporomandibular joint disc]. (United States)

    Kang, Hong; Li, Zhen-Qiang; Bi, Yan-Da


    To construct self-assembly fibrocartilage model of goat temporomandibular joint disc and observe the biological characteristics of the self-assembled fibrocartilage constructs, further to provide a basis for tissue engineering of the temporomandibular joint disc and other fibrocartilage. Cells from temporomandibular joint discs of goats were harvested and cultured. 5.5 x 10(6) cells were seeded in each agarose well with diameter 5 mm x depth 10 mm, daily replace of medium, cultured for 2 weeks. One day after seeding, goat temporomandibular joint disc cells in agarose wells were gathered and began to self-assemble into a disc-shaped base, then gradually turned into a round shape. When cultured for 2 weeks, hematoxylin-eosin staining was conducted and observed that cells were round and wrapped around by the matrix. Positive Safranin-O/fast green staining for glycosaminoglycans was observed throughout the entire constructs, and picro-sirius red staining was examined and distribution of numerous type I collagen was found. Immunohistochemistry staining demonstrated brown yellow particles in cytoplasm and around extracellular matrix, which showed self-assembly construct can produce type I collagen as native temporomandibular joint disc tissue. Production of extracellular matrix in self-assembly construct as native temporomandibular joint disc tissue indicates that the use of agarose wells to construct engineered temporomandibular joint disc will be possible and practicable.

  11. Chronic Temporomandibular Pain Treatment Using Sodium Diclofenac


    Kurita Varoli, Fernando; Sato, Sandra; Sucena Pita, Murillo; do Nascimento, Cássio; Pedrazzi, Vinícius


    This study evaluate spontaneous pain after and before administration of sodium diclofenac, isolated or associated to carisoprodol, acetaminophen and caffeine, in chronic temporomandibular disorders (TMD) patients. Were selected eighteen volunteers, both men and women, between 35-70 years of age (mean age 50 years). The inclusion criteria was masticatory muscle pain, and the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) was used on the diagnose. The selection of treatm...

  12. Association between otalgia, tinnitus, vertigo and hypoacusia, with temporomandibular disorders

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    Francisco Guedes Pereira de Alencar Junior


    Full Text Available Because nonespecific symptoms and signs are associated with others well-established in the temporomandibular disorders, it is difficult for the clinician to decide what symptoms and signs should be considered during the diagnosis and the treatment plan. Therefore, the aim of this literature review was to evaluate the prevalence of aural symptoms (otalgias, tinnitus, dizziness and deafness in patients with orofacial pain. Although several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the association between aural symptoms and temporomandibular disorders, the results of the previous studies differed in magnitude. For this reason, it is difficult to establish the prevalence of these aural symptoms concomitantly with temporomandibular disorders. Moreover, such relationship does not necessarily imply a cause-effect relationship. Because of the diagnosis complexity, different treatments must be considered, so the nonespecific symptoms of temporomandibular disorders can be effectively controlled as well. It is crucial for the the clinician to be aware of the possible etiology of aural symptoms, so he should determine if such symptoms may be associated with temporomandibular disorders and thus include them in the treatment.

  13. Oclusión y estrés en el síndrome dolor disfunción temporo-mandibular

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    María del Carmen García Cubillas


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una paciente femenina de 35 años con síndrome dolor disfunción temporo-mandibular, cuyo motivo de consulta fue el dolor relacionado con el lado no habitual de masticación y de dormir. Los datos fueron tomados de su historia clínica inicial. El diagnóstico se realizó fundamentalmente por el método clínico. Para ello se hizo interrogatorio y el examen clínico de músculos, articulaciones temporo-mandibulares y oclusión. Se detectaron como posibles causas el estrés y una interferencia oclusal grosera. Se realizó un tratamiento múltiple: laserterapia, exodoncias, control de las interferencias oclusales, control de placa dentobacteriana e higiene bucal, charlas educativas y remisión al psicólogo. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente


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    Heru Suryonegoro


    Full Text Available The temporomandibular joint has a very important role in the stomatognathic system. Its main function is for the opening and closing movement, mastication, and speech. It is located anterior to the ear. The temporomandibular joint connects maxilla and mandible through the articular fossa, hence the slightest change that happens would cause serious matters such as pain, exiting, speech disorder, difficulty in opening and closing movement, headache, and even trismus. In a child or an adolescent, the symptoms are often vague; everything is interpreted as “pain”. This is probably why temporomandibular disorder are often undetected by dentists. Therefore, patience and accuracy is needed to determine the actual disorder through means of clinical and radiographic examination. The radiographic examination suitable for child is the transcranial projection. This projection is believed to be more accurate amongst other projection for child patients.

  15. Comportamiento del síndrome dolor disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular con tratamiento medicamentoso y láser


    Lidice Esther Mesa Rodríguez; Maydelyn Ureña Espinosa; Yadira Rodríguez González; Nilvia Medero Rodríguez


    Los trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular son las causas más comunes del dolor facial después del dolor dental. Se realizó un estudio tipo longitudinal prospectivo en la consulta de Máxilo Facial del Hospital General Docente “Ernesto Guevara de la Serna”; en el período comprendido entre enero de 2011 y mayo de 2012, en la Provincia de Las Tunas; con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad del tratamiento conjunto de terapia de apoyo medicamentosa y láser, aplicadas a los pacientes ...

  16. Condromatosis sinovial de la articulación temporomandibular con extensión a la base de cráneo Synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint. A rare case with subcranial extension

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    Ana Belén Marín Fernández


    Full Text Available La condromatosis sinovial (CS es una metaplasia cartilaginosa de los remanentes mesenquimales del tejido sinovial de las articulaciones. Es una enfermedad de etiología desconocida y poco frecuente. Puede definirse como un proceso benigno sinovial caracterizado por la formación de nódulos cartilaginosos (cuerpos libres. La CS afecta principalmente a grandes articulaciones sinoviales siendo poco común su aparición en la articulación temporomandibular. La sintomatología predominante es dolor, inflamación, limitación de los movimientos mandibulares, crepitación y laterodesviación mandibular. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante el estudio radiológico y artroscópico de la articulación. El tratamiento adecuado englobaría la extirpación completa de los cuerpos libres y de la sinovial afecta, bien mediante artroscopia o mediante cirugía abierta. Cuando está afectada la articulación temporomandibular las lesiones suelen estar localizadas en la cavidad articular, siendo rara su extensión extraarticular. En este artículo describimos un caso excepcional de condromatosis sinovial con extensión a la fosa craneal media.Synovial chondromatosis (SC is a cartilaginous metaplasia of the mesenchymal remnants of the synovial tissue of joints. It is an uncommon disease of unknown origin. This benign synovial process involves the formation of cartilaginous nodules (loose bodies in the synovium and within the articular space. SC mainly affects large synovial joints, and only very rarely affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ. The main symptoms are pain, swelling, mouth opening limitation, crepitation, and lateral mandibular deviation. Diagnosis can be made by panoramic radiograph, computed tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, and arthroscopy of the TMJ. The main treatment includes complete removal of the loose bodies in conjunction with excision of the affected synovium. It can be performed by arthroscopy or by open surgery. In cases with

  17. Gnathological splint therapy in temporomandibular joint disorder


    Gnanashanmugham, K.; Saravanan, B.; Sukumar, M. R.; Tajir, T. Faisal


    Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) forms an integral functional part of stomatognathic system. Position, shape, structure and function of teeth have an influence on the proper functioning and health of TMJ. But a problem associated with TMJ is often neglected, and treatment for it is mostly restricted to palliative therapy. A proper understanding of the underlying cause of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is necessary to device a proper treatment plan. Etiology of TMDs varies from idiopathic...

  18. Relação entre disfunção temporomandibular e alterações auditivas The relationship among temporomandibular dysfunction and hearing alterations

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    Daniela de Campos Barreto


    Full Text Available TEMA: o equilíbrio das estruturas e funções do sistema estomatognático depende do adequado funcionamento da Articulação Temporomandibular, e esta, por sua vez, precisa da oclusão dental correta para a realização das funções ao movimentar a mandíbula. O desequilíbrio muscular ou estrutural da Articulação Temporomandibular poderá acarretar em uma disfunção dessa articulação e causar sinais e sintomas diversos como manifestações auditivas do tipo zumbido e otalgia. OBJETIVO: realizou-se a revisão de literatura das áreas de fonoaudiologia, otorrinolaringologia e odontologia com pesquisas em bases de dados, artigos e livros, sendo selecionadas as literaturas de 1992 a 2008 relacionadas ao tema do trabalho, a fim de associar sintomas audiológicos com a Disfunção Temporomandibular e apontar a importância da atuação multiprofissional, dando ênfase à atuação fonoaudiológica, em tal disfunção. CONCLUSÃO: várias são as hipóteses que tentam explicar a relação existente entre a Disfunção Temporomandibular e as alterações auditivas. Verificamos que há um vínculo entre o sistema estomatognático e o sistema auditivo. Contudo, mais importante que somente associar os sistemas estomatognático e auditivo, a equipe multiprofissional envolvida na assistência à pacientes com Disfunção Temporomandibular, precisa ter conhecimento a respeito da anatomia e fisiologia da Articulação Temporomandibular, de suas disfunções, causas e consequências, sendo capaz de distinguir a terapêutica eficiente para cada disfunção e, por fim, analisar a conduta com encaminhamentos adequados para a evolução do caso.BACKGROUND: the balance referring to the structures and functions of the stomatognatic system depends on the appropriate functioning of the Temporomandibular Joint, and this one, needs the correct teeth occlusion for accomplishing the functional needs when moving the jaw. The muscle or structural unbalance of the

  19. Temporomandibular joint - normal features and disc displacements: magnetic resonance imaging; Articulacao temporomandibular - aspectos normais e deslocamentos de disco: imagem por ressonancia magnetica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramos, Ana Carolina Araujo; Sarmento, Viviane Almeida; Campos, Paulo Sergio Flores; Gonzalez, Maria Olivia Dias [Bahia Univ., Salvador, BA (Brazil). Faculdade de Odontologia]. E-mail:


    Disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint has been defined as an abnormal relationship between the articular disc and the mandibular condyle, fossa and articular eminence. Disc displacements may occur without immediate interference in the function of the joint. Magnetic resonance imaging shows high diagnostic accuracy in the determination of articular disc position and has been indicated as the diagnostic method of choice for soft tissue abnormalities of the temporomandibular joint. The aim of this study is to review the literature including the normal features and different types of disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint as well as the imaging findings, emphasizing the role of magnetic resonance imaging. (author)

  20. The severity of temporomandibular joint disorder by teeth loss in the elderly

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    Indry Herdiyani


    Full Text Available Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is a term that covers a number of clinical problems that involves masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joints, and related structures, or both. Loss of tooth was an etiology of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. The purpose of this study was to obtain the description of temporomandibular joint dysfunction level that caused by tooth loss of elderly in three nursing home Bandung. This was a descriptive study using the survey method of the elderly in three nursing home Bandung. A total of 34 people consist 6 males and 28 females. The subjects were examined by symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction and the dysfunction level was assessed by Helkimo Clinical Dysfunction Index. The result of this study shows that elderly in Nursing Home Bandung have mild dysfunction level was 7 (14.71%, moderate dysfunction level was 22 (64.71%, and severe dysfunction level is 5 (20.58%. It can be concluded that loss of the teeth is one of the etiologies of temporomandibular joint disorder. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that all elderly with teeth loss will have the temporomandibular joint disorder and the most severity happens based on teeth loss by using the Helkimo Clinical Disfunction Index score was the moderate disorder.

  1. Temporomandibular disorders and bruxism in childhood and adolescence: review of the literature. (United States)

    Barbosa, Taís de Souza; Miyakoda, Luana Sayuri; Pocztaruk, Rafael de Liz; Rocha, Camila Pinhata; Gavião, Maria Beatriz Duarte


    The aim of this article was to review the literature about temporomandibular disorders and bruxism and their relationships in children and adolescents. The literature was searched using Medline, ISI, Cochrane Library, Scielo and the Internet, from March 1970 to the end of June 2007. The inclusion criteria were: they evaluated a possible association between TMD and bruxism, and they dealt with child and/or adolescent samples. Furthermore, interim reports, related Internet sites and chapters in textbooks were considered. From 64 records found, 30 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in children and adolescent varies widely in the literature. Temporomandibular disorders are often defined on the basis of signs and symptoms, of which the most common are: temporomandibular joint sounds, impaired movement of the mandible, limitation in mouth opening, preauricular pain, facial pain, headaches and jaw tenderness on function, having mainly a mild character, fluctuation and progression to severe pain and dysfunction is rare. One of the possible causal factors suggested that temporomandibular disorders in children is a functional mandibular overload variable, mainly bruxism. Bruxism, defined as the habitual nonfunctional forceful contact between occlusal tooth surfaces, is involuntary, excessive grinding, clenching or rubbing of teeth during nonfunctional movements of the masticatory system. Its etiology is still controversial but the multifactorial cause has been attributed, including pathophysiologic, psychologic and morphologic factors. Moreover, in younger children, bruxism may be a consequence of the masticatory neuromuscular system immaturity. Complications include dental attrition, headaches, temporomandibular disorders and masticatory muscle soreness. Some studies have linked oral parafunctional habits to disturbances and diseases of the temporomandibular joint, mainly bruxism, suggesting its association with temporomandibular

  2. Relation of the otological symptoms in the temporomandibular dysfunctions

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    Machado, Ilza Maria


    Full Text Available Introduction: The temporomandibular joint dysfunctions (TMJ include several clinical problems which wrap the masticatory muscle, the joint itself and structures associated to the ear region. Objective: To analyze the relation between temporomandibular dysfunction and otological symptoms. Method: Were part of a retrospective study 20 women with mean age of 22, 38 years. This study was realized by a multidisciplinary team that wrapped otorhinolaryngologist, speech therapist and orthodontist. The participants were submitted to the filling of a questionnaire that addressed questions about otological symptoms and later they were submitted to an otoscopy exam and a clinical examination of the temporomandibular joint. Results: Eighty-five per cent had simultaneously temporomandibular dysfunction with otological symptoms complaints. The otological symptoms more mentioned were auricular plenitude (50%, tinnitus (35%, and dizziness (10%. Conclusion: The results showed high percentage between DTMs and otological symptoms. Other researches with a larger sample are suggested with the aim of confirm the correlation between DTM and otological symptoms.

  3. A retrospective analysis of the headache associated with temporomandibular joint disorder. (United States)

    Ungari, C; Quarato, D; Gennaro, P; Riccardi, E; Agrillo, A; Mitro, V; Cascino, F; Reale, G; Rinna, C; Filiaci, F


    Headache is a common symptom, that can be extremely disabling, affecting 26 million of patients only in Italy. ICHD-II has reported two categories: "primary headaches" and "secondary headaches". Temporomandibular joint disorders can lead to a secondary headaches. We want to evaluate the prevalence and clinical features of headache among a series of patients having temporomandibular joint disorders and we illustrate the evolution of headache following medical treatament of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. This is a retrospective study carried out on chart review of 426 consecutive patients with various degrees of temporomandibular disorders and treated with medical devices from 2007 to 2011. Headache was reported by 73 patients (17.14%). Headache was observed in 36 of 51 patients with lock and in 32 out of 130 patients with mandibular deflections (Table I). The remaining 5 patients with headache had articular noise. Headache is not a rare finding in a population with temporomandibular dysfunctions and is more often a tension-type rather than trigeminal headache.

  4. Temporomandibular disorders and tension-type headache. (United States)

    Mongini, Franco


    Pathologies currently defined as temporomandibular disorders may be different in nature. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and craniofacial and cervical myogenous pain (MP) are distinct pathologies but may be superimposed and share some etiologic factors. Tension-type headache (TTH) may often be associated with craniofacial and cervical pain, and the same pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatment may be efficacious for both. Psychiatric comorbidity (depression and/or anxiety disorder) is less frequent in sheer TMJ disorders, compared with MP and TTH. A screening for the presence of an underlying psychiatric disorder should be part of the clinical evaluation in patients suffering from headache and facial pain.

  5. Synovial osteochondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint; Osteocondromatosis sinovial en la articulacion temporomandibular

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nemnon, Jorge; Nemnon, Marcelo; Staffieri, Roberto; Villavicencio, C; Marconi, G; Masjoan, Diego [Fundacion Villavicencio, Rosario (Argentina). Diagnostico Medico


    Synovial osteochondromatosis (SO) is a meta plastic process by which synovial mesenchymal cells transform into chondroblasts and chondrocytes. This disease affects most frequently the knee, the hip, the elbow, and uncommonly the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The authors present 2 cases of synovial osteochondromatosis of the TMJ. (author)

  6. Entre la ciencia ficción y las ciencias sociales: el "lado oscuro" de las ciudades americanas

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    Alain Mussei


    Full Text Available Desde la Metropolis de Frkz Lang hasta el planeta-ciudad de Coruscant inventado por George Lucas en las películas de Star Wars, la ciudad del futuro (o la de otra galaxia parece diseñada solo para reflejar el lado oscuro de las megalopolis contemporáneas, que padecen problemas y disfunciones presentados como insuperables: congestión, contaminación, degradación del medio ambiente, deficiencia de los servicios públicos, crecimiento de las disparidades sociales y espaciales, conflictos étnicos, violencia cotidiana. Para desarrollar esta geografía imaginaria del miedo, las ciudades latinoamericanas son a menudo una fuente de inspiración para los autores de la ciencia ficción, ya que les resultan a la vez extrañas y extranjeras, antiguas y modernas, acogedoras y peligrosas. Es esta estrecha relación entre las representaciones de la ciudad latinoamericana y la realidad de las ciudades imaginarias que proponemos explorar aquí, en un estudio de geoficción, basado en la comparación de dos mundos urbanos paralelos que juegan un papel importante en nuestras mentalidades colectivasFrom the Metropolis de Fritz Lang to the city-planet of Coruscant, invented by George Lucas in the films of Star Wars, the city of the future (or of another galaxy seems designed only to reflect the "dark side" of contemporary megalopolis, which suffer problems and dysfunctionality which are presented as insurmountable: traffic jams, contamination, environmental degradation, ethnic conflicts, deficienct public services, rising social and spatial disparities, daily violence. In order to develop this imaginary geography of fear, Latin American cities are ofien a source of inspiration for science fiction authors because they seem to them simultaneously both strange and foreign, old and modern, welcoming and dangerous. It is this tight relationship between representations of the Latin American city and the reality of the imaginary cities that we explore here, in a

  7. Radiodiagnosis of occlusal temporomandibular joint dysfunctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kundert, M.


    The diagnostic value of conventional oblique-lateral transcranial standard projections for radiography of the temporomandibular joints is limited by various anatomical factors and the projection geometry. Improved results are obtained by individualization of the projection. The author describes a method for determining the individually optimum oblique-lateral projection, a method which is based on pre-exposure fluoroscopy of the temporomandibular joint with an electronic image intensifier system incorporating a television chain. The method has been employed as routine practice for 15 years; it has been modified several times and enables documentation studies to be made with an unusually high degree of reproducibility with respect to beam projection. (Auth.)

  8. [Trigeminal motor paralysis and dislocation of the temporo-mandibular joints]. (United States)

    Ohkawa, S; Yoshida, T; Ohsumi, Y; Tabuchi, M


    A 64-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus was admitted to our hospital with left hemiparesis of sudden onset. A brain MRI demonstrated a cerebral infarction in the ventral part of the right lower pons. When left hemiparesis worsened, she had dislocation of the temporo-mandibular joints repeatedly. Then, her lower jaw deviated to the right when she opened her mouth. Also, there was decreased contraction of the right masseter when she clenched her teeth. These findings suggest that there was trigeminal motor paralysis on the right side resulting from involvement of the intrapontine trigeminal motor nerve. She has no history of dislocation of the temporo-mandibular joints. An X-ray film showed that the temporo-mandibular joints were intact. Thus, it is possible that deviation of the lower jaw was the cause of this dislocation. We suspect that dislocation of the temporo-mandibular joints may occur as a complication of unilateral trigeminal motor paralysis. This has not been reported to our knowledge.

  9. Preliminary optical coherence tomography investigation of the temporo-mandibular joint disc (United States)

    Mărcăuteanu, Corina; Demjan, Enikö; Sinescu, Cosmin; Negrutiu, Meda; Motoc, Adrian; Lighezan, Rodica; Vasile, Liliana; Hughes, Mike; Bradu, Adrian; Dobre, George; Podoleanu, Adrian G.


    Aim and objectives. The morphology and position of the temporo-mandibular disc are key issues in the diagnosis and treatment of arthrogenous temporo-mandibular disorders. Magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopy are used today to identify: flattening of the pars posterior of the disc, perforation and/or adhesions in the pars intermedia of the disc and disc displacements. The present study proposes the investigation of the temporo-mandibular joint disc by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Material and methods. 8 human temporo-mandibular joint discs were harvested from dead subjects, under 40 year of age, and conserved in formalin. They had a normal morphology, with a thicker pars posterior (2,6 mm on the average) and a thinner pars intermedia (1mm on the average). We investigated the disc samples using two different OCT systems: an en-face OCT (time domain (TD)-OCT) system, working at 1300 nm (C-scan and B-scan mode) and a spectral OCT system (a Fourier domain (FD)-OCT) system , working at 840 nm (B-scan mode). Results. The OCT investigation of the temporo-mandibular joint discs revealed a homogeneous microstructure. The longer wavelength of the TD-OCT offers a higher penetration depth (2,5 mm in air), which is important for the analysis of the pars posterior, while the FD-OCT is much faster. Conclusions: OCT is a promising imaging method for the microstructural characterization of the temporo-mandibular disc.

  10. The relationship between forward head posture and temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Lee, W Y; Okeson, J P; Lindroth, J


    This study investigated the relationship between forward head posture and temporomandibular disorder symptoms. Thirty-three temporomandibular disorder patients with predominant complaints of masticatory muscle pain were compared with an age- and gender-matched control group. Head position was measured from photographs taken with a plumb line drawn from the ceiling to the lateral malleolus of the ankle and with a horizontal plane that was perpendicular to the plumb line and that passed through the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra. The distances from the plumb line to the ear, to the seventh vertebra, and to the shoulder were measured. Two angles were also measured: (1) ear-seventh cervical vertebra-horizontal plane and (2) eye-ear-seventh cervical vertebra. The only measurement that revealed a statistically significant difference was angle ear-seventh cervical vertebra-horizontal plane. This angle was smaller in the patients with temporomandibular disorders than in the control subjects. In other words, when evaluating the ear position with respect to the seventh cervical vertebra, the head was positioned more forward in the group with temporomandibular disorders than in the control group (P < .05).

  11. Prevalencia de trastornos temporomandibulares en el adulto mayor institucionalizado

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    Zenia Masiel Criado Mora

    Full Text Available Introducción: los trastornos temporomandibulares (TTM son una serie de signos y síntomas buco faciales de etiología multifactorial. En Cuba existen varias investigaciones que tratan sobre los TTM %sobre todo en jóvenes dentados% no conociéndose amplias referencias de este tipo de estudio en el adulto mayor. Objetivo: identificar la prevalencia de TTM en los adultos mayores institucionalizados, los signos y síntomas más frecuentes según edad y sexo. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 113 adultos mayores de ambos sexos, institucionalizados en dos hogares de ancianos de la Habana, de marzo a abril de 2012. Se aplicó una encuesta donde se recogió sexo, edad, signos y síntomas. Las manifestaciones clínicas evaluadas fueron: la presencia de dolor muscular, dificultad al movimiento de abertura y cierre, dolor articular, dolor muscular articular, ruidos articulares, limitación de la abertura bucal, limitación de los movimientos de lateralidad y propulsión, desviación de la mandíbula. Resultados: el 40,70 % de los adultos mayores estudiados, presentaron afectación en la articulación temporomandibular. Los ruidos articulares fue el síntoma con mayor predominio en todos los grupos etarios (76,08 %, afectando al 82,35 % de los hombres y al 72,41 % de las mujeres. Seguido por el dolor muscular que se manifestó en el 52,17 % de los afectados, con mayor porcentaje en mujeres (58,62 % que en hombres (41,17 %. La dificultad para realizar los movimientos de abertura y cierre se detectó en el 28,26 % de los afectados con mayor prevalencia en el sexo femenino (34,48 % que en el masculino (17,14 %. Conclusiones. se observó una elevada prevalencia de TTM en los adultos mayores estudiados. Los signos y síntomas más frecuentes por edad y sexo fueron los ruidos articulares y el dolor muscular y la dificultad para realizar los movimientos de abertura y cierre.

  12. Relación entre funcionalidad familiar y las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por adolescentes embarazadas

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    Gloria Esperanza Zambrano Plata


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la relación que existe entre la funcionalidad familiar y las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por las adolescentes embarazadas usuarias de tres Instituciones Prestadoras de Salud (IPS pertenecientes a la Empresa Social del Estado Imsalud en el primer semestre de 2011. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo correlacional y probabilístico, la muestra conformada por 150 adolescentes inscritas en el Programa de Atención a la Adolescente Gestante. Resultados: se destacó que la mayoría de adolescentes embarazadas se encontraban en el rango de edad de 17-19 años con un promedio de 18 años, la menarquía se presentó principalmente a edades tempranas cuando las adolescentes tenían 12 años; y la edad de inicio de las relaciones sexuales fue a los 16 años. En el sistema familiar de las adolescentes embarazadas se encontró que un gran porcentaje del total de participantes, tienen un sistema familiar disfuncional (54% y en menor medida tienen sistema familiar funcional correspondiente al 46%. Conclusiones: respecto a la funcionalidad familiar y las estrategias de afrontamiento se encontró asociación directa y positiva entre estas variables demostrándose que a mayor nivel de funcionalidad familiar se utilizaran estrategias más productivas y viceversa.

  13. The arterial blood supply of the temporomandibular joint: an anatomical study and clinical implications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cuccia, Antonino Marco; Caradonna, Carola; Caradonna, Domenico [Dept. of Surgical and Oncological Disciplines, University of Palermo, Palermo (Italy); Anastasi, Giuseppe; Milardi, Demetrio; Favaloro, Angelo; Caradonna, Luigi; Cutroneo, Giuseppina [Biomorphology and Biotechnologies, University of Messina, Messina (Italy); De Pietro, Anita; Angileri, Tommaso Maurizio [Villa Santa Teresa, Diagnostica per Immagini, Palermo (Italy)


    The aim of this study was to analyze three-dimensional images of the arterial supply to the temporomandibular joint. Ten patients (five men and five women, mean age 36 years) without signs or symptoms of temporomandibular disorders, who underwent contrast-enhanced computed tomographic (CT) scanning with intravenous contrast, were studied. The direct volume rendering technique of CT images was used, and a data set of images to visualize the vasculature of the human temporomandibular joint in three dimensions was created. After elaboration of the data through post-processing, the arterial supply of the temporomandibular joint was studied. The analysis revealed the superficial temporal artery, the anterior tympanic artery, the deep temporal artery, the auricular posterior artery, the transverse facial artery, the middle meningeal artery, and the maxillary artery with their branches as the main arterial sources for the lateral and medial temporomandibular joint. The direct volume rendering technique was found to be successful in the assessment of the arterial supply to the temporomandibular joint. The superficial temporal artery and maxillary artery ran along the lateral and medial sides of the condylar neck, suggesting that these arteries are at increased risk during soft-tissue procedures such as an elective arthroplasty of the temporomandibular joint.

  14. Trastornos menstruales y dismenorrea en laadolescencia

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    P. Carolina Sghulin-Zeuthen, Dra.


    En este artículo revisaremos la fisiología del ciclo menstrual normal y las características de éste en las adolescentes. Además describiremos las alteraciones más frecuentes como son: amenorrea, metrorragia disfuncional y dismenorrea desde el punto de vista etiológico y propondremos un enfoque diagnóstico.

  15. Temporomandibular disorders after whiplash injury

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kasch, Helge; Hjorth, Tine; Svensson, Peter


    Aims: Whiplash injury to the neck, is often considered a significant risk factor for development of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), and has been proposed to produce internal derangements of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Few studies however have examined TMD-related pain in acute whiplash...... patients compared with a matched control group. The aim of the present study was to assess pain and sensorimotor function in the craniofacial region in an unselected group of patients sustaining a motor vehicle accident involving a rear collision. Methods: Prospectively, 19 acute whiplash patients exposed...... obtained at each visit. Results: One whiplash patient and I ankle-injury patient bad jaw pain at the first visit. Palpation scores of the TMJ and the summated palpation scores only tended to be higher in patients sustaining a whiplash injury than in ankle-injury controls at the first visit. However, MPQ...

  16. Enfermedad por depósito de cristales de pirofosfato cálcico en la articulación temporomandibular con extensión intracraneal: A propósito de un caso Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease of the temporomandibular joint with intracranial extension: A case report

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    I. Zubillaga Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Introducción: La articulación temporomandibular (ATM humana es un conjunto de estructuras que permite la relación anatómica y funcional entre el hueso temporal y la mandíbula. Los síntomas y signos asociados a los procesos neoplásicos-seudotumorales de la ATM son similares a los asociados a los trastornos temporomandibulares. Caso clínico: Presentamos un nuevo caso clínico de enfermedad por depósito de cristales de pirofosfato cálcico deshidratado (EDCPCD con afectación de la ATM e invasión intracraneal. Se trata de una artropatía microcristalina que comparte características clínicas con la condromatosis sinovial. Se exponen los aspectos claves relativos al diagnóstico y el tratamiento de dicha patología. Discusión: Los tumores que más frecuentemente afectan la ATM son las metástasis de tumores malignos. Entre las lesiones tumorales-seudotumorales que se originan directamente de la membrana sinovial se encuentran la condromatosis sinovial, la sinovitis villo-nodular, el sarcoma sinovial, la gota tofácea y la EDCPCD. Esta última es relativamente común en edades avanzadas, particularmente en la rodilla. El análisis de los cristales es esencial para establecer un diagnóstico de certeza. El tratamiento es eminentemente quirúrgico. Conclusiones: La EDCPCD en la ATM es extremadamente rara. Las masas tumorales que surgen como tumores primarios en la ATM representan un problema diagnóstico desafiante. La variada presentación de estas lesiones a menudo enmascara la patología de base y conlleva su retraso en el diagnóstico.Introduction: The human temporomandibular joint (TMJ is the structural complex that supports the functional and anatomic relations between the temporal bone and mandible. Symptoms and signs related to neoplastic or pseudotumoral disease of this joint are similar to the symptoms associated with temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Case report: We report a new case of calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease

  17. Electronic Health Record for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders – Support in Therapeutic Process

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hippmann, R.; Nagy, Miroslav; Dostálová, T.; Zvárová, Jana; Seydlová, M.; Feltlová, E.


    Roč. 6, č. 1 (2010), s. 27-32 ISSN 1801-5603 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 1M06014 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : electronic health record * automatic speech recognition * dental cross * temporomandibular joint * temporomandibular joint disorders * structured data entry * dentistry * data model * text-to-speech system * Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science electronic - health - record -for-temporomandibular-joint-disorders-support-in-therapeutic-process.html

  18. Expression of CGRP in the temporomandibular joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caviedes Bucheli, Javier; Medina Buitrago, Diana Marcela


    The presence and content of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is evaluated in the hyperplastic retrodiscal tissue of the temporomandibular joint in patients with joint degenerative disease by radioimmunoassay. Study population has included 8 female patients in pre-menopausic status, without to be pregnant, without to be lactating for a year and with diagnostic of joint degenerative disease (osteoarthrosis). Pain levels are registered with visual analog scale, where 0 is absence of pain and 16 acute pain. A bone degeneration is classified as mild, moderate and severe, according to findings of nuclear magnetic resonance. The 15 retrodiscal hyperplastic tissue samples are taken from patients undergoing to open surgery of temporomandibular joint. The specimens were placed in plastic blocks with freezing medium and are stored at -70 degrees celsius until neuropeptide extraction by radioimmunoassay with kit for CGRP. A directly proportional relationship is established between the degree of bone degeneration and neuropeptide expression and between the osteoarthrosis classification with analogue visual scale. Findings have shown definitive correlation between pain levels and expression of neuropeptide. CGRP is expressed in the retrodiscal tissue of temporomandibular joint in human with joint degenerative disease and is directly related with levels osteoarthrosis and pain [es

  19. Nonsurgical Management of Pediatric Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. (United States)

    Scrivani, Steven John; Khawaja, Shehryar Nasir; Bavia, Paula Furlan


    Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a subgroup of craniofacial pain problems involving the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), masticatory muscles, and associated head and neck musculoskeletal structures. These disorders are subclassified into TMJ articular disorders and masticatory muscle disorders. Patients with TMD most commonly present with pain, restricted or asymmetric mandibular motion, and TMJ sounds during mandibular movements. The prevalence tends to increase with age. Management of TMJ articular disorders consists of a combination of patient education, home-care plan, biobehavioral therapy, physical therapy, orthotic jaw appliance therapy, pharmacotherapy, and/or surgery. The goal is to increase function, reduce pain, and improve quality of life. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. A parsimonious model to forecast financial distress, based on audit evidence

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    Carlos Piñeiro Sánchez


    Full Text Available Este artículo proporciona evidencia de que los informes de auditoría contienen evidencias relevantes para inferir la existencia de disfunciones financieras latentes. A diferencia de trabajos previos, que han estudiado el fallo financiero en grandes empresas cotizadas, fundamentalmente de EE.UU., nuestro trabajo se centra en Pymes españolas sometidas a tensiones financieras latentes. Nuestros resultados indican que la auditoría de las Pymes financieramente desequilibradas posee varias características distintivas: una tasa mayor de rotación de auditores, más informes con salvedades e incumplimientos de los plazos legales para aprobar y registrar las cuentas anuales. Empleamos estas evidencias para construir y verificar un modelo simple, o parsimonioso, capaz de anticipar eficazmente esas disfunciones. Se discuten las implicaciones para la independencia del auditor, la calidad de la información, y el pronóstico del fallo.

  1. Temporomandibular disorders dysfunction in headache patients. (United States)

    Melo, Christiane-Espinola-Bandeira; Oliveira, José-Luiz-Góes; Jesus, Alan-Chester-Feitosa; Maia, Mila-Leite-de Moraes; de Santana, Jonielly-Costa-Vasconcelos; Andrade, Loren-Suyane-Oliveira; Quintans, Jullyana-de Souza Siqueira; Quintans-Junior, Lucindo-José; Conti, Paulo-César-Rodrigues; Bonjardim, Leonardo-Rigoldi


    To identify the frequency of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and its severity in individuals with headache. 60 adults divided into three groups of 20 individuals: chronic daily headache (CDH), episodic headache (EH) and a control group without headache (WH). Headache diagnosis was performed according to the criteria of International Headache Society and the signs and symptoms of TMD were achieved by using a clinical exam and an anamnestic questionnaire. The severity of TMD was defined by the temporomandibular index (TMI). The TMD signs and symptoms were always more frequent in individuals with headache, especially report of pain in TMJ area (CDH, n=16; EH, n=12; WH, n=6), pain to palpation on masseter (CDH, n=19; EH, n=16; WH, n=11) which are significantly more frequent in episodic and chronic daily headache. The mean values of temporomandibular and articular index (CDH patients) and muscular index (CDH and EH patients) were statistically higher than in patients of the control group, notably the articular (CDH=0.38; EH=0.25;WH=0.19) and muscular (CDH=0.46; EH=0.51; WH=0.26) indices. These findings allow us to speculate that masticatory and TMJ pain are more common in headache subjects. Besides, it seems that the TMD is more severe in headache patients.

  2. Avaliação vestibular em mulheres com disfunção temporomandibular Vestibular evaluation in women with temporomandibular dysfunction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bianca Simone Zeigelboim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar o comportamento vestibular em pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular. MÉTODOS: avaliaram-se 27 pacientes do sexo feminino, na faixa etária de 30 a 53 anos, encaminhadas do Centro de Diagnóstico e Tratamento da Articulação Temporomandibular para o Laboratório de Otoneurologia da Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná. Realizaram-se os seguintes procedimentos: anamnese, inspeção otológica e avaliação vestibular por meio da vectoeletronistagmografia. RESULTADOS: as queixas mais freqüentes foram: dificuldade ou dor ao movimento do pescoço (77,7%, dor irradiada para ombro/braço (77,7%, zumbido e formigamento de extremidade superior (77,7%, tontura e dor de cabeça (66,6%, ansiedade (55,5%, sensação de cabeça oca (51,8%, agitação durante o sono (51,8% e depressão (51,8%. O exame vestibular esteve alterado em 20 pacientes (74,0% na prova calórica. Houve freqüência de alteração no sistema vestibular periférico. Houve predomínio das síndromes vestibulares periféricas deficitárias. CONCLUSÃO: ressalta-se a importância de se estudar a relação do sistema vestibular com a disfunção temporomandibular uma vez que observamos, na presente pesquisa, um número elevado de alteração no exame labiríntico.PURPOSE: to evaluate the vestibular functioning in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction. METHODS: 27 female patients were evaluated, with age varying from 30 to 53-year-old, referred from the Centre of Diagnosis and Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction to the Otoneurological Laboratory of Tuiuti University of Paraná. The following exams were carried out: anamnesis, otoscopy and vestibular evaluations through vectoelectronystagmography. RESULTS: the most frequent complaints were: difficulty or pain with movement of the neck (77.7%, pain irradiated to the shoulder/arm (77.7%, tinnitus and paresthesia of superior extremities (77.7% in each one, dizziness and headaches (66,6%, anxiety (55

  3. Comprehensive treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders. (United States)

    Navrátil, Leos; Navratil, Vaclav; Hajkova, Simona; Hlinakova, Petra; Dostalova, Tatjana; Vranová, Jana


    Changing lifestyles, decreasing physical activity, which is increasing the number of degenerative joint diseases of various etiology, and certain dental procedures are increasing the number of patients complaining of pain in their temporomandibular joints. The aim of the study was to assess the benefits of comprehensive physiotherapy sessions in order to decrease the number of temporomandibular joint problems, thereby improving the patient's quality of life. An examination by a dentist determined each patient's treatment plan, which consisted of a medical exam, physical therapy and education. Each form of treatment was applied 10 times at intervals of 7-14 days. The main goal of the therapeutic physical education was to redress the muscle imbalance in the mandibular joint. This was achieved by restoring balance between the masticatory muscles, along with releasing the spastic shrouds found in the masticatory muscles. The aim of education was to teach the patient exercises focused on the temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscles. The intensity of the exercises and their composition were individually adjusted and adapted to their current state. Physical therapy consisted of the application of pulsed magnetic therapy, laser therapy, and non-invasive positive thermotherapy. The above procedure was conducted on a therapeutic group of 24 patients (3 men and 20 women). In the course of therapy, there were no complications, and all patients adhered to the prescribed regime. None reported any side effects. The mean treatment duration was 123 +/- 66 days. The outcome of the therapy was evaluated as described in the methodology, the degree of pain affecting the joint, and the opening ability of the mouth. In both parameters, there was a significant decline in patient pain. In a study devoted to tactics of rehabilitation treatment for temporomandibular joint disorders, the need for comprehensive long-term therapy, involving education, and learning proper chewing habits


    Eweka, O M; Ogundana, O M; Agbelusi, G A


    Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome (TMJPDS) is the most common temporomandibular disorder. This condition presents with symptoms of pain, restricted jaw movement and joint noise. Other symptoms include otalgia, headache, neck pain and trismus. To determine the pattern of Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome patients managed at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria. A descriptive study of patients with signs and symptoms of Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome attending the Oral Medicine Clinic of Lagos University Teaching Hospital. Twenty-one patients with Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome were enrolled into the study, out of which 10(48%) were females and 11(52%) were males. The age range was 23-81years with a mean of 45.2 ± 18.9 years. Majority of the patients 20(95.2%) complained of pain around the joint, in the pre-auricular region, in the muscles of mastication and the ear. While 7(35%) complained of clicking sounds, 10(47.6%) complained of pain on mouth opening and during mastication only. In all 5(23.8%) had impaired movement of the jaws, mouth opening was normal in 18(85.7%) but reduced in 3(14.3%) patients. Over half of patients 12(57%) experienced clicking sounds, there was tenderness around the temporomandibular joint in 16(76.2%) cases, pain in the ear of 7(33.3%) patients and 13(61.9%) people presented with tenderness of the muscles of mastication. Conservative management of all the cases resulted in resolution of the symptoms. Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome has diverse clinical presentation and though distressing, it responds to prompt and effective conservative management.

  5. Temporomandibular Disorders: The Habitual Chewing Side Syndrome (United States)

    Santana-Mora, Urbano; López-Cedrún, José; Mora, María J.; Otero, Xosé L.; Santana-Penín, Urbano


    Background Temporomandibular disorders are the most common cause of chronic orofacial pain, but, except where they occur subsequent to trauma, their cause remains unknown. This cross-sectional study assessed chewing function (habitual chewing side) and the differences of the chewing side and condylar path and lateral anterior guidance angles in participants with chronic unilateral temporomandibular disorder. This is the preliminary report of a randomized trial that aimed to test the effect of a new occlusal adjustment therapy. Methods The masticatory function of 21 randomly selected completely dentate participants with chronic temporomandibular disorders (all but one with unilateral symptoms) was assessed by observing them eat almonds, inspecting the lateral horizontal movement of the jaw, with kinesiography, and by means of interview. The condylar path in the sagittal plane and the lateral anterior guidance angles with respect to the Frankfort horizontal plane in the frontal plane were measured on both sides in each individual. Results Sixteen of 20 participants with unilateral symptoms chewed on the affected side; the concordance (Fisher’s exact test, P = .003) and the concordance-symmetry level (Kappa coefficient κ = 0.689; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.38 to 0.99; P = .002) were significant. The mean condylar path angle was steeper (53.47(10.88) degrees versus 46.16(7.25) degrees; P = .001), and the mean lateral anterior guidance angle was flatter (41.63(13.35) degrees versus 48.32(9.53) degrees P = .036) on the symptomatic side. Discussion The results of this study support the use of a new term based on etiology, “habitual chewing side syndrome”, instead of the nonspecific symptom-based “temporomandibular joint disorders”; this denomination is characterized in adults by a steeper condylar path, flatter lateral anterior guidance, and habitual chewing on the symptomatic side. PMID:23593156

  6. Temporomandibular disorders: the habitual chewing side syndrome.

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    Urbano Santana-Mora

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Temporomandibular disorders are the most common cause of chronic orofacial pain, but, except where they occur subsequent to trauma, their cause remains unknown. This cross-sectional study assessed chewing function (habitual chewing side and the differences of the chewing side and condylar path and lateral anterior guidance angles in participants with chronic unilateral temporomandibular disorder. This is the preliminary report of a randomized trial that aimed to test the effect of a new occlusal adjustment therapy. METHODS: The masticatory function of 21 randomly selected completely dentate participants with chronic temporomandibular disorders (all but one with unilateral symptoms was assessed by observing them eat almonds, inspecting the lateral horizontal movement of the jaw, with kinesiography, and by means of interview. The condylar path in the sagittal plane and the lateral anterior guidance angles with respect to the Frankfort horizontal plane in the frontal plane were measured on both sides in each individual. RESULTS: Sixteen of 20 participants with unilateral symptoms chewed on the affected side; the concordance (Fisher's exact test, P = .003 and the concordance-symmetry level (Kappa coefficient κ = 0.689; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.38 to 0.99; P = .002 were significant. The mean condylar path angle was steeper (53.47(10.88 degrees versus 46.16(7.25 degrees; P = .001, and the mean lateral anterior guidance angle was flatter (41.63(13.35 degrees versus 48.32(9.53 degrees P = .036 on the symptomatic side. DISCUSSION: The results of this study support the use of a new term based on etiology, "habitual chewing side syndrome", instead of the nonspecific symptom-based "temporomandibular joint disorders"; this denomination is characterized in adults by a steeper condylar path, flatter lateral anterior guidance, and habitual chewing on the symptomatic side.

  7. A Case of Chondrosarcoma Arising in the Temporomandibular Joint

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    Tsutomu Nomura


    Full Text Available Chondrosarcoma is a malignant tumor originating in cartilaginous cells. And there are only few reports of the case of chondrosarcoma in temporomandibular joint. We discuss a case of chondrosarcoma in temporomandibular joint in a 28-year-old man. Tumor was in contact with the dura, but en bloc resection was performed. After surgical resection of the tumor, face defect was reconstructed by rectus abdominis-free flap. And there is no recurrence after ten years from the resection.

  8. Gnathological splint therapy in temporomandibular joint disorder

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    K Gnanashanmugham


    Full Text Available Temporomandibular joint (TMJ forms an integral functional part of stomatognathic system. Position, shape, structure and function of teeth have an influence on the proper functioning and health of TMJ. But a problem associated with TMJ is often neglected, and treatment for it is mostly restricted to palliative therapy. A proper understanding of the underlying cause of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD is necessary to device a proper treatment plan. Etiology of TMDs varies from idiopathic reasons to systemic disorders. The option of Gnathological splint is a conservative, safe and an effective mode of therapy for TMDs caused by occlusal discrepancies (fulcrum/interferences. This article presents a case report of a patient with TMD caused by occlusal discrepancy

  9. On the radiation exposure in temporomandibular joint examinations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rother, U.; Hildebrandt, K.H.


    The radiation exposure caused by standardized examinations of the temporomandibular joint has been determined with the aid of 660 exposures of an Alderson phantom. Comparative examinations were performed with the classic contact technique according to Parma to elucidate the results obtained. The lowest surface exposure was observed in contact examinations of the temporomandibular joint. Application of a flat cone led to a 13-fold reduction in surface exposure compared to contact examinations according to Parma. Furthermore, radiation exposure strongly decreased from the irradiation field to the adjacent area if a cone (flat cone and ear cone) was used. (author)

  10. [Diagnosis and treatment of temporo-mandibular disorders in orthodontics]. (United States)

    Bocquet, Emmanuelle; Moreau, Alexis; Danguy, Michel; Danguy, Chantal


    Orthodontists are fully prepared to treat the problems of occlusion that they are called upon to deal with every day. On the other hand temporo-mandibular joint disorders present more obscure difficulties from the point of view of detection and diagnosis as well the management of their treatment. That is why a profound understanding of the anatomical and physiological functioning of the temporo-mandibular joint has become indispensable for today's orthodontists who are now asked to detect and diagnose an assortment of TMJ disturbances whose etiology may vary greatly. By performing a rigorous diagnostic procedure, based on a thorough clinical examination supported by careful axiographic and radiological studies, of temporo-mandibular malfunctioning and its underlying etiological causes, which are primarily dento-alveolar and occlusal in nature, orthodontists will be able to adopt an appropriate therapeutic approach that might be purely orthodontic or multi-disciplinary and carried out with the collaboration of specialists in occlusion, oral surgery, and even osteopathy. EDP Sciences, SFODF, 2010.

  11. Paisajes del delito y la inseguridad en las ciudades intermedias

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    Quim Bonastra


    Full Text Available Until very recently, phenomena like delinquency were only considered dysfunctions of the system. However, nowadays this phenomenon has become inherent to its way of functioning. This dynamic is influenced by factors such as the increasing polarization of developed economies or the enormous masses of displaced people, due to either economic or political reasons, from developing countries who, in rich countries, often fall in situations of precariousness. In the following text we will see how all these pieces are interrelated in an intermediate city, and we will analyse the fluctuation of violent or intimidating thefts, as well as the most common places where these are committed.Si hasta hace bien poco se había considerado que fenómenos como la delincuencia no eran más que disfunciones del sistema, en el mundo en el que vivimos este fenómeno se ha convertido en inherente a su manera de funcionar. Influyen en esta dinámica factores como la polarización creciente de las economías desarrolladas o las ingentes masas de desplazados, ya sea por razones económicas o políticas, de países en vías de desarrollo que, en los países ricos, caen las más de las veces en la precariedad. En el texto que sigue se verá como se engarzan todas estas piezas en una ciudad intermedia y se analizará la fluctuación de los robos con violencia o intimidación, así como los lugares típicos en los que éstos se cometen.DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  12. Imaging of the temporomandibular joint: An update

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Asim; K; Bag; Santhosh; Gaddikeri; Aparna; Singhal; Simms; Hardin; Benson; D; Tran; Josue; A; Medina; Joel; K; Curé


    Imaging of the temporomandibular joint(TMJ) is continuously evolving with advancement of imaging technologies. Many different imaging modalities are currently used to evaluate the TMJ. Magnetic resonance imaging is commonly used for evaluation of the TMJ due to its superior contrast resolution and its ability to acquire dynamic imaging for demonstration of the functionality of the joint. Computed tomography and ultrasound imaging have specific indication in imaging of the TMJ. This article focuses on state of the art imaging of the temporomandibular joint. Relevant normal anatomy and biomechanics of movement of the TMJ are discussed for better understanding of many TMJ pathologies. Imaging of internal derangements is discussed in detail. Different arthropathies and commontumors are also discussed in this article.


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    Full Text Available The study describes a rare clinical case of synovial chondromatosis of the temporo-mandibular joint, in a 53 year-old patient. In the prehospital stage, the patient was examined by additional diagnostic methods – 3D CT and subsequent computer simulation, in view of subsequent surgery. In January 2015, partial synovektomy of the right temporo-mandibular joint with removal of cartilaginous impurities was performed under general anesthesia. After histopathological confirmation of the clinical diagnosis, the patient was discharged in satisfactory condition, with recommendations for further examination and radiological control. Synovial chondromatosis of the temporo-mandibular joint is a disease characterized by impaired formation of cartilage or of intraarticular, cartilaginous, and relatively rare bone impurities. An important role in the diagnosis of joints’ synovial chondromatosis is played by the instrumental research methods, especially X-ray. Surgical treatment is recommended as a function of the prevalence of lesions.

  14. Fibromyalgia syndrome and temporomandibular disorders with muscular pain. A review. (United States)

    Moreno-Fernández, Ana Maria; Jiménez-Castellanos, Emilio; Iglesias-Linares, Alejandro; Bueso-Madrid, Débora; Fernández-Rodríguez, Ana; de Miguel, Manuel


    Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) refer to a group of clinical picture affecting the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joint that are characterized by muscular or joint pain, dysfunction (limited or altered functions) and joint noises, as well as other associated symptoms, such as tension headaches, otalgia, dizziness, tinnitus, and others. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome of unknown etiology involving generalized chronic pain accompanied, in a high percentage of cases, by other symptoms such as asthenia, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, and other less frequent symptoms, such as temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Data were compiled by two experienced examiners following a specific form. An electronic search was carried out in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), PUBMED, and SCOPUS electronic databases (up to April 2016, unrestricted by date or language). Comparative clinical studies with patients with both clinical pictures involving the study of pathogenic processes. Fibromyalgia and temporomandibular disorders with muscle pain both have profiles that affect the muscular system and therefore share many epidemiological, clinical, and physiopathological symptoms. Because of this, we are led to think that there is, if not a common etiology, at least a common pathogenesis. This article revises the physiopathological processes of both clinical pictures in an attempt to determine their similarities and likenesses. This would undoubtedly help in providing a better therapeutic approach.

  15. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease: an integrative literature review

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    Taysa Vannoska de Almeida Silva

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is a set of disorders involving the masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joint and associated structures. It is known that the progression of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease is an indication that these people are more prone to the development of this dysfunction. Thus, this study aims to investigate the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction in people with Parkinson's disease. The search was performed in the databases: MEDLINE/ PubMed, LILACs, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Web of Science and PEDro, without timing or language restriction. Specific descriptors were used for each database and keywords, evaluated by the instruments: Critical Appraisal Skill Program and Agency for Health care and Research and Quality. A total of 4,209 articles were found but only 5 were included. After critical analysis of the methodology of the articles, one did not reach the minimum score required by the evaluation instruments, thus, it was excluded. The selected articles addressed, as signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, the following: myofascial pain, bruxism, limitation of mouth opening, dislocation of the articular disc and asymmetry in the distribution of occlusal contacts. Further studies are needed in order to determine the relationship between cause and effect of the analyzed variables, so as to contribute to more specific and effective therapeutic interventions.

  16. Assessment of the relationship between stress and temporomandibular joint disorder in female students before university entrance exam (Konkour exam). (United States)

    Mottaghi, Ahmad; Razavi, S Mohammad; Pozveh, Elham Zamani; Jahangirmoghaddam, Milad


    Temporomandibular joint is one of the most complicated joints of the body and plays an important role in the head and neck system. One of the factors affecting the temporomandibular joint and lead to temporomandibular disorder is anxiety with all the events causing it. The aim of this study was to determine a relationship between anxiety and temporomandibular disorders. In this prospective study, subjects were randomly selected. One hundred and thirty pre-university students in Isfahan were evaluated with Ketel's test of anxiety, exam stress test and temporomandibular disorder questionnaires. The evaluation was done in two stages 10 months and 1 month prior to the university entrance exam (Konkour), clinical assessments consisted of masticatory muscles and sternocleidomastoid muscle palpation, temporomandibular joint palpation for pain and noise and its movement, and mouth opening limitations. The Wilcoxon rank test and paired t-test were used to analyze the data and the P value under 0.05 was considered significant. The level of anxiety and occurrence of temporomandibular disorders were increased between two stages and had the highest level in the second stage. There was a significant increase between two stages (Ptemporomandibular disorders and anxiety between the two stages can suggest a possible relationship between anxiety and temporomandibular disorders. Therefore, the effect of anxiety in triggering temporomandibular disorder symptoms is probable.

  17. Temporomandibular Disorders and Parafunctional Habits in Children and Adolescence: A Review


    B. Seraj; R. Ahmadi; M. Mirkarimi; S. Ghadimi; M. Beheshti


    The aim of this study is to review the existing literature about temporomandibular disorders(TMD) and parafunctional habits (bruxism) and their relationship in children and adolescents,which is still controversial. TMD is a collective term used to identify a group ofmusculoskeletal conditions of the temporomandibular region. Bruxism defined as the habitual nonfunctional forceful contact between occlusal tooth surfaces. Some studies have linked oral parafunctional habits to TMD, whereas others...

  18. [The temporo-mandibular articulation]. (United States)

    Dargaud, J; Vinkka-Puhakka, H


    The standing posture of humans has created both morphological and functional adaptations in the temporo-mandibular joint and the masticatory function. This biped state is the one of the most important characteristic of human evolution. It is furthermore the agent determining most of the functional changes in the whole body. This survey will be carried out in several levels including, a descriptive anatomy, biomechanics, radiological imaging, functioning in the articulation of TMJ. The descriptive anatomic picture will be obtained by the traditional dissection techniques. 20 TMJ joints are dissected from 10 cadavers: 7 cadavers, 65-75 year old, 3 cadavers, 60-65 year old. The x-rays are lateral view and the subjects of the radiological imaging are young's, adults and olds: 1, 3 y-old Male; 1, 7 y-old Female; 1, 14 y-old Female; 10, 19-23 y-old Male; 1, 26 y-old Female; 1, 34 y-old Male; 1, 75 y-old Female. The anatomic elements in the TMJ well resembled the ones described in the literature of the capsule, the ligament, the masticator muscles (masseter, temporal, medial and lateral pterygoids). The temporo-mandibular ligament proved to be difficult to separate from the capsule in some of the specimens. Sometimes it was not always found after a dissection.

  19. Assessment of the relationship between stress and temporomandibular joint disorder in female students before university entrance exam (Konkour exam

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    Ahmad Mottaghi


    Conclusion: The parallel increase of temporomandibular disorders and anxiety between the two stages can suggest a possible relationship between anxiety and temporomandibular disorders. Therefore, the effect of anxiety in triggering temporomandibular disorder symptoms is probable.

  20. Pluralidad sociodemográfica y cultural de la inmigración extranjera en España

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    Josefa Gómez Fayrén


    Full Text Available Las personas que llegan del extranjero para largas estancias traen su propia cultura, tradiciones y modos de vida que nacen de diferentes elementos como: la edad, la familia, la formación, el trabajo, etc. el objeto de esta aportación es conocer algunos de estos componentes a fin de ayudar a distinguir las causas de las disfunciones que se están produciendo en nuestro entorno.

  1. A patient's view on the location of the temporomandibular joint. (United States)

    Koole, Paul; Zonnenberg, Adriaan J J; Mulder, Jan


    Objective A survey was held to establish whether laypeople knew the location of their temporomandibular joint. Methods A sample of 61 participants, visiting their dental office for a routine check-up, was given a three-question survey of whether they knew the location of their temporomandibular joint and could point to this location. Results Thirty-eight participants answered the question affirmatively. Only 13 pointed to the correct location. Of these, six participants received consultation for TMD in the past, three participants were healthcare providers, and four participants actually had knowledge of the exact location. Out of 23 participants who did not know the location, one accidently designated the correct position. Conclusion The location of the temporomandibular joint is not a well-known site for many patients. In the presence of orofacial pain, it seems advisable to let the patient designate and record the site of the pain on a drawing on the patient chart.

  2. Temporomandibular joint motion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeda, M.; Kawamura, Y.; Matsuda, T.; Itou, S.; Odori, T.; Ishii, Y.; Torizuka, K.


    This paper evaluates MR imaging with the therapeutic effect after splint therapy in internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Fifteen patients (19 TMJs) with internal derangement of the TMJ and five normal volunteers (10 TMJs) were examined with sagittal T1-weighted spin-echo and gradient recalled acquisition in a steady state (GRASS) MR imaging. MR studies of the patients undergoing splint therapy were performed with an without splints. Pseudodynamic images of TMJ motion provide information that was not available from spin-echo T1-weighted images

  3. Evaluation of aural manifestations in temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction. (United States)

    Sobhy, O A; Koutb, A R; Abdel-Baki, F A; Ali, T M; El Raffa, I Z; Khater, A H


    Thirty patients with temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction were selected to investigate the changes in otoacoustic emissions before and after conservative treatment of their temporo-mandibular joints. Pure tone audiometry, transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE), distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) as well as a tinnitus questionnaire were administered to all patients before and after therapy. Therapy was conservative in the form of counselling, physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory agents, muscle relaxants, and occlusal splints. Results indicated insignificant changes in the TEOAEs, whereas there were significant increases in distortion product levels at most of the frequency bands. These results were paralleled to subjective improvement of tinnitus.

  4. Psychoneuroimmunological disorders and temporomandibular joint pain: A review

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    Ranjani Shetty


    Full Text Available Psychoneuroimmunology characterizes a disease entity that combines psychological components, central nervous system regulation, and immunology, to explain the etiological complexity of a disease. Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs include a heterogeneous group of painful conditions that involve the temporomandibular joint (TMJ, muscles of mastication, and the adjacent anatomic structures. This review focuses on the psychoneuroimmunological diseases and disorders that mimic the symptoms of TMDs. The differentiation of these disorders is of great significance to the oral physician - differentiating and diagnosing the cause of TMJ pain and treating it effectively to benefit the patient.The literature for this review was taken from Medline/PubMed, other indexed journals, standard text books, and online material.

  5. Synovial osteochondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nemnon, Jorge; Nemnon, Marcelo; Staffieri, Roberto; Villavicencio, C.; Marconi, G.; Masjoan, Diego


    Synovial osteochondromatosis (SO) is a meta plastic process by which synovial mesenchymal cells transform into chondroblasts and chondrocytes. This disease affects most frequently the knee, the hip, the elbow, and uncommonly the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The authors present 2 cases of synovial osteochondromatosis of the TMJ. (author)

  6. [Diagnosis and classification of headache and temporomandibular disorders, a new opportunity]. (United States)

    Koole, P; Koole, R


    Patients with orofacial pains are generally treated by physicians. A small number of patients are treated for pain in the temporomandibular joint, the masticatory and the neck muscles, by dentists and orofacial surgeons. Among half of the patients being treated in neurological headache clinics, the temporomandibular joint and the masticatory muscles are the source of the pain. In order to achieve better research and a classification, the International Headache Society, consisting largely of neurologists, developed a classification system. A comparable development occurred among oral health specialists. Employing these 2 methods with the same patients leads to different diagnoses and treatments. Both the International Classification of Headache Disorders II and the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders are being revised. This creates the opportunity to establish a single classification for these orofacial pains, preferably within the new International Classification of Headache Disorders.

  7. Diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Gauer, Robert L; Semidey, Michael J


    Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a heterogeneous group of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions involving the temporomandibular joint complex, and surrounding musculature and osseous components. TMD affects up to 15% of adults, with a peak incidence at 20 to 40 years of age. TMD is classified as intra-articular or extra-articular. Common symptoms include jaw pain or dysfunction, earache, headache, and facial pain. The etiology of TMD is multifactorial and includes biologic, environmental, social, emotional, and cognitive triggers. Diagnosis is most often based on history and physical examination. Diagnostic imaging may be beneficial when malocclusion or intra-articular abnormalities are suspected. Most patients improve with a combination of noninvasive therapies, including patient education, self-care, cognitive behavior therapy, pharmacotherapy, physical therapy, and occlusal devices. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants are recommended initially, and benzodiazepines or antidepressants may be added for chronic cases. Referral to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon is indicated for refractory cases.

  8. Evaluation relationship between temporomandibular joint disorder and headache: A review literature


    Farzaneh Aghahosseini; Nafiseh Sheykhbahaei


    Background and Aims: Headache is among the most common complaints in patients suffering from temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD). Thus, it seems that evaluation of patients with headache in terms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders is necessary. In people with TMD, parafunctional activities play an important etiologic role. Considering the high prevalence of bruxism and TMDs in patients with headache, assessment the accuracy and severity of this association can play a key role in d...

  9. Temporomandibular joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westesson, P.L.; Hatala, M.; Tallents, R.H.; Katzberg, R.W.; Musgrave, M.; Levitt, S.


    This paper determines the frequency of MR signs of abnormal temporomandibular joints (TMJs) in asymptomatic volunteers. Forty-two volunteers with 84 clinically normal TMJs were imaged in the sagittal and coronal planes with surface coil MR imaging. Sagittal closed and open and coronal closed views were obtained bilaterally in all volunteers. The images were classified as normal (superior disk position) or abnormal (disk displacement of degenerative joint disease). Eighteen joints in 11 volunteers were abnormal; 12 had disk displacement with reduction and six had disk displacement without reduction, with associated degenerative joint disease in three of the six. Asymptomatic internal derangement and degenerative joint disease occur in about one-fourth of asymptomatic volunteers

  10. Indication for and accuracy of CT and MRI of the temporomandibular joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greess, H.; Anders, K.


    Recurrent pains of the temporomandibular joint represent a frequent symptom with numerous different causes. CT and MRI can reliably show the cause of these disorders and therefore have substituted conventional X-ray imaging. Modern multi-slice-CT (MSCT) allows for examination of the skull base including the mandible in a very short time with thinnest slice collimation (0.75 mm). With 2D- and 3D- reformations reconstructed out of this volume data set in parasagittal, coronal or any other arbitrary slice orientation excellent imaging of fractures and bony changes of arthrosis as well as benign and malignant tumors of the temporomandibular joint can be performed. MRI offers very good soft tissue contrast in order to visualize the intra-articular disc, the ligaments and muscles, as well the possibility to acquire cross sectional images in any user-defined orientation. MRI is the method of choice to diagnose 'internal derangement', particularly displacement of the intra-articular disc and inflammatory disease of the temporomandibular joint. The present paper will provide diagnostic strategies for the use of MSCT or MRI imaging concerning the different causes of disorders to the temporomandibular joint. (orig.)

  11. The relationship between temporomandibular dysfunction and head and cervical posture. (United States)

    Matheus, Ricardo Alves; Ramos-Perez, Flávia Maria de Moraes; Menezes, Alynne Vieira; Ambrosano, Gláucia Maria Bovi; Haiter-Neto, Francisco; Bóscolo, Frab Norberto; de Almeida, Solange Maria


    This study aimed to evaluate the possibility of any correlation between disc displacement and parameters used for evaluation of skull positioning in relation to the cervical spine: craniocervical angle, suboccipital space between C0-C1, cervical curvature and position of the hyoid bone in individuals with and without symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction. The patients were evaluated following the guidelines set forth by RDC/TMD. Evaluation was performed by magnetic resonance imaging for establishment of disc positioning in the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) of 30 volunteer patients without temporomandibular dysfunction symptoms and 30 patients with symptoms. Evaluation of skull positioning in relation to the cervical spine was performed on lateral cephalograms achieved with the individual in natural head position. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by Fisher's exact test at 5% significance level. To measure the degree of reproducibility/agreements between surveys, the kappa (K) statistics was used. Significant differences were observed between C0-C1 measurement for both symptomatic (p=0.04) and asymptomatic (p=0.02). No statistical differences were observed regarding craniocervical angle, C1-C2 and hyoid bone position in relation to the TMJs with and without disc displacement. Although statistically significant difference was found in the C0-C1 space, no association between these and internal temporomandibular joint disorder can be considered. Based on the results observed in this study, no direct relationship could be determined between the presence of disc displacement and the variables assessed.

  12. Caracterización clínica de pacientes parcialmente desdentados con disfunciones articulares

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    Marcia Hortensia Corona Carpio


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 374 desdentados parciales con disfunción mandibular, quienes acudieron al servicio de prótesis Estomatológica de la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada" de Santiago de Cuba desde octubre de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para determinar la presencia de ruidos articulares en su articulación temporomandibular. Entre los principales resultados prevalecieron el sexo femenino, el grupo etario de 20-29 años y como manifestaciones clínicas de disfunción articular: el sonido articular en forma de chasquido al inicio y final de la apertura bucal (51,6 y 38,7 %, respectivamente, así como la desviación mandibular (42,4 %

  13. 21 CFR 872.3940 - Total temporomandibular joint prosthesis. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES DENTAL DEVICES Prosthetic Devices § 872.3940 Total temporomandibular joint... implanted in the human jaw to replace the mandibular condyle and augment the glenoid fossa to functionally...

  14. O TDAH: entre as funções, disfunções e otimização da atenção El TDAH: entre las funciones, disfunciones y optimización de la atención The ADHD: between attentive functions, dysfunctions, and enhancement

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    Luciana Vieira Caliman


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a expansão do diagnóstico do Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH e suas controvérsias. Desde a década de 80 o TDAH tem sido descrito como uma disfunção neuropsiquiátrica que inicia na infância e continua na vida adulta. O TDAH é visto pelas autoridades médicas internacionais como um problema de ordem pública. Não obstante, apesar de sua legitimidade médica e biológica ser defendida pelo discurso neuropsiquiátrico, a polêmica ao seu redor cresce e se fortalece. Dentre os aspectos críticos do diagnóstico, nosso objetivo principal é analisar as fronteiras frágeis que ele estabelece com as funções e disfunções da atenção e sua otimização. Como diferenciar os sintomas do transtorno da atenção das queixas dos indivíduos que buscam sua otimização? Concluímos o artigo sugerindo questionamentos éticos que devem ser incorporados à clínica diagnóstica e terapêutica do TDAH.Este artículo analiza la expansión del diagnóstico del Trastorno del Déficit de Atención/Hiperactividad (TDAH y sus controversias. Desde la década de los 80, el TDAH está siendo descrito como una disfunción neuropsiquiátrica que se inicia en la infancia y sigue en la vida adulta. El TDAH es visto por las autoridades médicas internacionales como un problema de orden público. Pero a pesar de su legitimidad médica y biológica ser defendida por el discurso neuropsiquiátrico, la polémica alrededor crece y se fortalece. De entre los aspectos críticos del diagnóstico, nuestro objetivo principal es analizar las fronteras frágiles que se establece con las funciones y disfunciones de la atención y su optimización. Como diferenciar los síntomas del trastorno de la atención de las quejas de los individuos que buscan su optimización? Concluimos el artículo sugiriendo dudas éticas que deben ser incorporados a la clínica diagnóstica y terapéutica del TDAH.The expansion of the diagnostic category

  15. Differential diagnostics of different nosological forms of the temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome

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    Kameneva L.A.


    Full Text Available Research objective: to carry out differential diagnostics of various nosological forms of a temporal and temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome. Material and methods. On clinical base of orthopedic odontology chair of SamSMU inspection of 244 patients with temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome was performed. Diagnostics was carried out according to the special card of inspection which was developed on orthopedic odontology chair of SamSMU and included subjective, objective and special methods of research. As a result of research it is taped: 71 — an occlusal-articulation dysfunctional syndrome, 44 — a neuromuscular dysfunctional syndrome, 76 patients have a hardly set dislocation of intra joint disk and 53 — a habitual dislocation and a subluxation of a temporomandibular joint. We used Yu.A. Petrosov's classification as it displays most precisely the processes happening at pathology of the intra joint relations. Conclusion: On the basis of the obtained data the table of differential diagnostics of various nosological forms of temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome has been made.

  16. Muscle Fatigue in the Temporal and Masseter Muscles in Patients with Temporomandibular Dysfunction

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    Krzysztof Woźniak


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to evaluate muscle fatigue in the temporal and masseter muscles in patients with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD. Two hundred volunteers aged 19.3 to 27.8 years (mean 21.50, SD 0.97 participated in this study. Electromyographical (EMG recordings were performed using a DAB-Bluetooth Instrument (Zebris Medical GmbH, Germany. Muscle fatigue was evaluated on the basis of a maximum effort test. The test was performed during a 10-second maximum isometric contraction (MVC of the jaws. An analysis of changes in the mean power frequency of the two pairs of temporal and masseter muscles (MPF% revealed significant differences in the groups of patients with varying degrees of temporomandibular disorders according to Di (P<0.0000. The study showed an increase in the muscle fatigue of the temporal and masseter muscles correlated with the intensity of temporomandibular dysfunction symptoms in patients. The use of surface electromyography in assessing muscle fatigue is an excellent diagnostic tool for identifying patients with temporomandibular dysfunction.

  17. Prolotherapy: A new hope for temporomandibular joint pain

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    A Vijay Kumar


    Full Text Available The most common cause of orofacial pain is the Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD, a collective term used to describe a group of medical disorders causing temporomandibular joint (TMJ pain and dysfunction. As the causes of TMD are varied and run the gamut from mechanical issues, such as disc degeneration and dislocation or erosion of the fibrocartilaginous surfaces of the condyle, fossa, and articular eminence, the treatment approaches for the chronic TMJ case are also quite varied. As surgery is considered a last resort for TMD, it is common for sufferers to seek out alternatives and one of the alternative treatments is ′Prolotherapy,′ which is also known as Regenerative Injection Therapy. This article provides an overview of this new alternative therapy.

  18. The cost-effectiveness of TheraBite® as treatment for acute myogenic temporomandibular disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heres Diddens, A.; Kraaijenga, S.; Coupe, V.; Hilgers, F.; van der Molen, L.; Smeele, L.; Retèl, V.P.


    Objective: Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a very common and costly pain problem concerning the temporomandibular joint. A previous study has shown that for the treatment of acute myogenic TMD, TheraBite® (TB) offers a faster and greater effect than usual care consisting of physical therapy

  19. The headache of temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Virdee, J


    This article endeavours to revise the key guidance and evidence on temporomandibular disorders (TMD), with a particular focus on myofascial pain. It highlights the important role that primary care dental practitioners play in providing holistic care during the patient's journey to manage this painful condition. I hope to give an insight into my own personal experiences to highlight the challenges patients can face in seeking appropriate support.

  20. Las afueras de la justicia

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    Óscar Ortega Ruiz


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo pretende ser una reflexión acerca de las disfunciones visibles del concepto de justicia, que es capaz de configurar realidades urbanas tangibles, pero a la vez, cargadas de ideología. También pretende incidir en la idea de que la ciudad, y el territorio en general, no son realidades que se explican por sí mismas sin más implicaciones, sino que la forma en la que organizamos el espacio y el modo en que nos relacionamos entre nosotros son dos aspectos de una realidad única. Así pues, la relación que mantenemos con el territorio se encuentra también en el fondo de nuestra idea de justicia. The present work aims to be a political reflection about the importance of the management of territory, understood as scenario of human coexistence. Through the analysis of contributions from authors of social and philosophical relevance, it stands the mutual involvement among the diverse conceptions of Justice and its manifestations in spatial realities. It warns about the implementation of certain ideological prejudices from a coercive concept of law, in the way we currently conceive the city, which carries significant social dysfunctions, including the perpetuation of marginality, inequality and exclusion. To solve these scourges, it proposes the implementation of strategies of social dialogue from positions free of hierarchical prejudices.

  1. Temporomandibular disorders – validity of clinical diagnostics compared to magnetic resonance imaging




    Background and Purpose: Orthopedic examination techniques of the musculoskeletal system contribute to the successful diagnostics of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The purpose of this study is to determine the validity of TMD clinical diagnostics by comparing the findings of manual functional analysis (MFA) and the results of MRI of temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The diagnostic significance of limited mouth opening and pain upon passive mouth opening were taken into consideration. M...

  2. Topical versus systemic diclofenac in the treatment of temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction symptoms. (United States)

    Di Rienzo Businco, L; Di Rienzo Businco, A; D'Emilia, M; Lauriello, M; Coen Tirelli, G


    The most frequent symptom of craniomandibular dysfunction is pain in the preauricular area or in the temporo-mandibular joint, usually localized at the level of the masticatory musculature. Patients sometimes also complain of reflect otalgia, headaches and facial pain. Osteoarthrosis is a frequent degenerative debilitating chronic disorder that can affect the temporomandibular joint. It causes pain and articular rigidity, a reduction in mobility, and radiological alterations are visible in stratigraphy. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of a topically applied non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug that has recently become commercially available (diclofenac sodium in a patented carrier containing dimethyl sulfoxide, that favours transcutaneous absorption) which is commonly used to alleviate pain in knee or elbow joints, versus oral diclofenac, in the treatment of symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint was diagnosed in 36 adult patients. The patients were randomized in two age- and gender -matched groups. Group A (18 patients) received oral diclofenac sodium administered after a meal in 50-mg tablets twice a day for 14 days. Group B (18 patients) received 16 mg/ml topical diclofenac (diclofenac topical solution, 10 drops 4 times a day for 14 days). All patients completed a questionnaire at the start and end of therapy. Patients were asked to quantify on a graded visual analogue scale and to reply to questions about the pain and tenderness of the temporomandibular joint and the functional limitation of mouth opening. Patients were also requested to report side-effects of the treatment. All patients showed relief from pain after treatment: the difference between the two groups was not significant (p > 0.05). Post-treatment, 16 patients of group A had epigastralgic symptoms. Three patients treated with topical diclofenac showed a modest irritation of the temporomandibular joint region, and disappeared

  3. Magnetic resonance imaging-based temporomandibular joint space evaluation in temporomandibular disorders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nah, Kyung Soo [Pusan National Univ. College of Dentistry, Pusan (Korea, Republic of)


    Disc and condylar position were observed on MRIs of temporomandibular joint disorder patients and condylar position agreement between MRI and tranascranal radiography was evaluated. MRI and transcranial radiographs of both TM joints from 67 patients with temporomandibular disorder were used. On MRI, the position and shape of disc and condylar position as anterior, middle, posterior was evaluated at medial, center, and lateral views. On transcranial radiographs, condylar position was evaluated using the shortest distance from condyle to fossa in anterior, superior, and posterior directions. 1. On MRI, 96 joints (71.6%) of 134 had anterior disc dispalcement with reduction and 38 joints (28.4%) without reduction. 2. Fourteen (14.6%) of 96 reducible joints showed anterior condylar position. 19 (19.8%) showed central position, 63 joints (65.6%) showed posterior position. Two joints (5.3%) of 38 non-reducible joints showed anterior condylar position, while 9 (23.7%) showed central position, and 27 (71.1%)-posterior position. 3. In 85 joints (63.4%) of 134, the transcranial condylar position agreed with that of the central MRI view, 10 joints (7.5%) with that of medial, 16 joints (11.6%) with that of lateral, and 23 joints (17.2%) disagreed with that of MRI. On MRI, most of the reducible and non-reducible joints showed posterior condylar position. Transcranial radiographs taken with machine designed for TMJ had better agreement of condylar position with that of MRI. Extremely narrow joint spaces or very posterior condylar positions observed on transcranial radiographs had a little more than fifty percent agreement with those of MRIs.

  4. Three-dimensional temporomandibular joint modeling and animation. (United States)

    Cascone, Piero; Rinaldi, Fabrizio; Pagnoni, Mario; Marianetti, Tito Matteo; Tedaldi, Massimiliano


    The three-dimensional (3D) temporomandibular joint (TMJ) model derives from a study of the cranium by 3D virtual reality and mandibular function animation. The starting point of the project is high-fidelity digital acquisition of a human dry skull. The cooperation between the maxillofacial surgeon and the cartoonist enables the reconstruction of the fibroconnective components of the TMJ that are the keystone for comprehension of the anatomic and functional features of the mandible. The skeletal model is customized with the apposition of the temporomandibular ligament, the articular disk, the retrodiskal tissue, and the medial and the lateral ligament of the disk. The simulation of TMJ movement is the result of the integration of up-to-date data on the biomechanical restrictions. The 3D TMJ model is an easy-to-use application that may be run on a personal computer for the study of the TMJ and its biomechanics.

  5. Effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative treatment versus osteopathy in the cranial field in temporomandibular disorders - a pilot study. (United States)

    Gesslbauer, Christina; Vavti, Nadja; Keilani, Mohammad; Mickel, Michael; Crevenna, Richard


    Temporomandibular disorders are a common musculoskeletal condition causing severe pain, physical and psychological disability. The effect and evidence of osteopathic manipulative treatment and osteopathy in the cranial field is scarce and their use are controversial. The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative treatment and osteopathy in the cranial field in temporomandibular disorders. A randomized clinical trial in patients with temporomandibular disorders was performed. Forty female subjects with long-term temporomandibular disorders (>3 months) were included. At enrollment, subjects were randomly assigned into two groups: (1) osteopathic manipulative treatment group (20 female patients) and (2) osteopathy in the cranial field group (20 female patients). Examination was performed at baseline (E0) and at the end of the last treatment (E1), consisting of subjective pain intensity with the Visual Analog Scale, Helkimo Index and SF-36 Health Survey. Subjects had five treatments, once a week. 36 subjects completed the study (33.7 ± 10.3 y). Patients in both groups showed significant reduction in Visual Analog Scale score (osteopathic manipulative treatment group: p = 0.001; osteopathy in the cranial field group: posteopathy in the cranial field group: p = 0.003) and a significant improvement in the SF-36 Health Survey - subscale "Bodily Pain" (osteopathic manipulative treatment group: p = 0.04; osteopathy in the cranial field group: p = 0.007) after five treatments (E1). All subjects (n = 36) also showed significant improvements in the above named parameters after five treatments (E1): Visual Analog Scale score (posteopathy in the cranial field as an effective treatment modality in patients with temporomandibular disorders. The positive results in both treatment groups should encourage further research on osteopathic manipulative treatment and osteopathy in the cranial field and support the

  6. The relationship between temporomandibular dysfunction and head and cervical posture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Alves Matheus


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the possibility of any correlation between disc displacement and parameters used for evaluation of skull positioning in relation to the cervical spine: craniocervical angle, suboccipital space between C0-C1, cervical curvature and position of the hyoid bone in individuals with and without symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The patients were evaluated following the guidelines set forth by RDC/TMD. Evaluation was performed by magnetic resonance imaging for establishment of disc positioning in the temporomandibular joints (TMJs of 30 volunteer patients without temporomandibular dysfunction symptoms and 30 patients with symptoms. Evaluation of skull positioning in relation to the cervical spine was performed on lateral cephalograms achieved with the individual in natural head position. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by Fisher's exact test at 5% significance level. To measure the degree of reproducibility/agreements between surveys, the kappa (K statistics was used. RESULTS: Significant differences were observed between C0-C1 measurement for both symptomatic (p=0.04 and asymptomatic (p=0.02. No statistical differences were observed regarding craniocervical angle, C1-C2 and hyoid bone position in relation to the TMJs with and without disc displacement. Although statistically significant difference was found in the C0-C1 space, no association between these and internal temporomandibular joint disorder can be considered. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results observed in this study, no direct relationship could be determined between the presence of disc displacement and the variables assessed.

  7. [Clinical application of artificial condylar process for reconstructing temporomandibular joint]. (United States)

    Huang, Xiangdao; Shao, Zhanying; Wang, Fasheng; Duan, Yi


    To assess the feasibility and clinical outcomes of artificial condylar process in reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint. Between January 2005 and January 2010, the reconstructions of the temporomandibular joints with artificial condylar process were performed in 10 cases (11 sides, including 7 left sides and 4 right sides). There were 7 males and 3 females with an average age of 50 years (range, 40-68 years). Mandibular condyle defects were caused by mandible tumor in 7 patients with a mean disease duration of 15 months (range, 9-24 months) and by bilateral condylar fractures in 3 patients with the disease duration of 2, 3, and 2 days respectively. According to Neff classification, there were type M and A in 1 case, type M and B in 1 case, and type M in one side and subcondylar fracture in the other side in 1 case. Incisions in all patients healed by first intention, and no complication occurred. All cases were followed up 1 to 4 years, showed facial symmetry and good occluding relation, and the mouth opening was 22-38 mm (mean, 30 mm). No temporomandibular joint clicking or pain and no recurrence of tumor were observed. Most of the artificial condylar process were in good position except 1 deviated from the correct angle slightly. All the patients could have diet normally. The results of temporomandibular joint reconstruction after tumor resection with artificial condylar process are good, but the clinical outcome for intracapsular condylar fracture is expected to be further verified.

  8. Dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint - an uncommon circumstance of occurrence: vaginal delivery. (United States)

    El Bouazzaoui, Abderrahim; Labib, Smael; Derkaoui, Ali; Adnane Berdai, Mohammed; Bendadi, Azzeddine; Harandou, Mustapha


    Dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) is an infrequent disease but still spectacular. This disease consists of a permanent, to some extent complete disruption of the temporo-mandibular joint. These dislocations often occur in a context of yawning, and less frequently after a burst of laughing or relatively mild facial trauma (slap, punch on the chin). We report a case of TMJ occurring in an uncommon circumstance: vaginal delivery. A woman aged 24-years with no special past medical history; primipara was admitted in the Department of Maternity of the University Hospital Hassan II of Fez for an imminent delivery of a twin pregnancy. Ten minutes after admission, the patient delivered vaginally with episiotomy. She gave birth to twins weighing 2800 g and 2400 g. During labour, and due to efforts of crying, the patient developed a sudden and immediate loss of function of the temporo-mandibular joint, with difficulty of speaking, the mouth permanently opened and with the chin lowered and thrown forward. The examination found an empty glenoid fossa of the temporo-mandibular joint in both sides. The diagnosis of dislocation of the TMJ was established. A CT scan of facial bones was done, objectifying a bilateral dislocation of TMJ. The reduction of this dislocation was performed in the operating room under sedation.

  9. [Whiplash lesions and temporomandibular joint disorders]. (United States)

    Gola, R; Richard, O; Guyot, L; Cheynet, F


    Attributing dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) to whiplash injury is a difficult problem to solve. TMJ disorders do not seem to be secondary to direct articular trauma but rather caused by a postural disorder of the cervical spine. Occlusal disorders and stress further complicate the picture. Four clinical cases illustrate a new hypothetical approach.

  10. Spinal and temporo-mandibular disorders in male workers of the State Police. (United States)

    Sancini, Angela; Tomei, Francesco; Tomei, Gianfranco; Caciari, Tiziana; Capozzella, Assunta; Di Famiani, Manuela; Samperi, Ilaria; Scala, Barbara; Fiaschetti, Maria; Cetica, Carlotta; Ciarrocca, Manuela


    The aims of this study are to evaluate the prevalence of disorders of the lumbar region and the temporo-mandibular district co-morbidity in drivers and workers of the State Police employed for different office activities. The study population included 103 drivers as cases and 100 police officers as controls. The study was carried out through questionnaire and clinical evaluation of the spine and temporo-mandibular region. At clinical examination, the drivers were found to have a higher prevalence (p temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ), when compared with the controls. The results also showed a higher prevalence (p < 0.05) of co-morbidity in the two districts among the drivers, when compared with the controls. These results confirm that morbidity related to back and TMJ and increase in co-morbidity between the two districts are higher in professional drivers.

  11. The application of magnetic resonance imaging in temporomandibular joint pathology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ehmedov, E.T.; Qahramanov, E.T.


    The diseases and damages of temporomandibular joint have compleceted diagnostic unlike other bone-joint pathologies. In 2005 for the first time in history it was implemented the magnetic resonance imaging in diagnostics of patients with with temporomandibular joints pathology. The current researches are in place till today. Being the golden standart the application of magnetic resonance tomography has a great role in differential diagnostics of the chronic arthritis, sclerosanse, deformanse arthrosis and arthrosis with internal derancement. This method guaranteed the correct valuation of the bone, disc and muscle structures of the joint and therefore brought full clearance into the problem

  12. Is temporomandibular pain in chronic whiplash-associated disorders part of a more widespread pain syndrome? (United States)

    Visscher, Corine; Hofman, Nico; Mes, Carola; Lousberg, Richel; Naeije, Machiel


    The prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in patients with chronic whiplash-associated disorder is a controversial issue that may be influenced by the widespread pain character and psychologic distress frequently observed in patients with chronic pain. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of temporomandibular disorder pain, widespread pain, and psychologic distress in persons with chronic whiplash-associated disorder pain, using a controlled, single blind study design. The prevalence of temporomandibular disorder pain in the chronic whiplash-associated disorder pain group was compared with 2 control groups: a chronic neck pain group and a no neck pain group. From 65 persons, a standardized oral history was taken, a physical examination of the neck and the masticatory system was performed, widespread pain was investigated by tender point palpation, and psychologic distress was measured with a questionnaire (SCL-90). Because the recognition of temporomandibular disorder pain and neck pain remains a matter of debate, 3 well-defined classification systems were used: one based on the oral history, a second on a combination of oral history and pain on active movements and palpation, and a third one based on a combination of oral history and function tests. Irrespective of the classification system used, the chronic whiplash-associated disorder pain group more often suffered from temporomandibular disorder pain (0.001neck pain group. Moreover, patients with whiplash-associated disorder showed more psychologic distress (0.000disorder suggests that the higher prevalence of temporomandibular disorder pain in these patients is part of a more widespread chronic pain disorder.

  13. Evaluation of C-Reactive Protein Level in Patients with Pain Form of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malgorzata Pihut


    Full Text Available Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is a functional disorder concerned with the abnormal functioning of the muscles of the stomatognathic system and temporomandibular joints involved in the dynamic movements of the jaw and surrounding structures. The aim of the study was to compare the level of C-reactive protein in patients with pain and painless forms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Materials and methods. The study group consisted of 72 patients who reported to the prosthetic treatment because of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. The study group included 36 patients with pain form of dysfunction, and the control group included 36 patients with painless form of disorder. Each patient underwent specialized examination of functional disorders in order to diagnose the type of dysfunction and was commissioned to carry out a study of the blood test concerned with evaluation of the C-reactive protein (CRP level in the same analytical laboratory. The results of the investigation were subjected to statistical analysis. The research obtained approval from the Ethics Committee of the Jagiellonian University (KBET/125/L/2013. Level of Evidence for primary research was established as type V. Results. The mean values of C-reactive protein levels in both groups were in the normal range and did not differ statistically significantly, which indicates the fact that the pain form of the temporomandibular joint disorders is not associated with inflammation of the soft tissues of the joint. Conclusion. Painful form of the temporomandibular joint dysfunctions is not connected with the inflammation of joints.

  14. Patients' Priorities and Attitudes Towards Their Temporo-Mandibular Disorders. (United States)

    Kelleher, Martin; Ray-Chaudhuri, Arijit; Khawaja, Noman


    The diagnosis and appropriate management of temporo-mandibular disorders (TMDs) remains controversial. Current scientific evidence highlights the importance of psychosocial factors in sufferers and the reducing emphasis on occlusal or dental/prosthetic factors. This paper describes the findings of a survey of 211 patients reporting pain from their temporo-mandibular joint area and associated structures. This article offers busy primary dental care practitioners a cost effective questionnaire for obtaining relevant information from patients about the history of their condition and highlights what patients hope to achieve through the management of their disorder. It also emphasises the importance of communicating effectively with patients and offers practical tips for the management of TMDs in primary care.

  15. Evaluación diagnóstica y tratamiento de las disfunciones neurógenas de la micción


    Álvarez de Eulate Gámez, Inés


    La vejiga neurógena es resultado de alteraciones funcionales del tracto urinario inferior, como consecuencia de enfermedades y/o eventos que alteran elementos encargados del control del su funcionamiento. Existen distintos patrones de Vejiga Neurógena, dando lugar a gran variabilidad de pacientes. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar los métodos diagnósticos y terapéuticos recomendados por las principales Asociaciones en sus guías (EAU, AUA, ICS y NICE) mediante una revisión sistemática de ...

  16. Vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma mimicking temporomandibular disorders: a case report Schwannoma vestibular (neurinoma do acústico imitando desordens temporomandibulares: um relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurício A. Bisi


    Full Text Available Approximately 6 to 16% of patients with trigeminal neuralgia symptoms present intracranial tumors, the most common being the vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma. Some symptoms reported by patients include hearing loss, tinnitus, headaches, vertigo and trigeminal disturbances. An increased muscle response in the surrounding head and neck musculature may also be observed, which mimics signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders. In these cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI has proved to be a useful tool in tumor diagnosis. The differential diagnosis between myofascial and neuralgic pain is important, as both may present similar characteristics, while being of different origin, and demanding special treatment approaches. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship among trigeminal neuralgia symptoms, intracranial tumors and temporomandibular dysfunction by presenting a clinical case.Aproximadamente 6 a 16% dos pacientes com sintomas de neuralgia trigeminal apresentam tumores intracranianos, sendo mais comum o schwannoma vestibular (neurinoma do acústico. Alguns sintomas relatados pelos pacientes são perda da audição, zumbido, dores de cabeça, vertigens e distúrbios trigeminais. Uma resposta muscular aumentada na musculatura associada da cabeça e do pescoço também pode ser observada, o que pode mimetizar sinais e sintomas de desordens temporomandibulares. Nestes casos é de grande valia o uso de imagem de ressonância magnética (IRM para detecção de tumores. É importante, também, a diferenciação de dores miofasciais e neurálgicas, pois ambas podem apresentar características semelhantes, mas com origens e tratamentos diferentes. O objetivo desse trabalho foi demonstrar através de relato de caso clínico a associação entre sintomas de neuralgia trigeminal, tumores intracranianos e disfunção temporomandibular.

  17. Traumatic injuries of the temporomandibular joint; Die traumatischen Kiefergelenkverletzungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Puig, S.; Krestan, C.; Lomoschitz, F.; Robinson, S. [Vienna Univ. (Austria). Zentrales Inst. fuer Radiodiagnostik; Glaser, C. [Vienna Univ. (Austria). Klinik fuer Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde; Staudenherz, A. [Vienna Univ. (Austria). Universitaetsklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    Injuries of the temporomandibular joint are mostly due to injuries or fractures of the mandibular condyle. Fractures of the skull base involving the temporomandibular joint are rare. Classification of fractures refers to their anatomical positions and the presence or absence of a luxation. Further, it is important whether the fracture is intra- or extra-capsular. The primary imaging method should be orthopantomography. As for therapy planning, especially surgery, also evaluation of soft tissue is necessary, computed tomography is the imaging method of choice. For diagnosis of complications or internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint, magnetic resonance imaging is to be recommended. (orig.) [German] Die Verletzungen des Kiefergelenks gehen zumeist mit einer Verletzung oder Fraktur des Kieferkoepfchens bzw. des Kiefergelenkfortsatzes einher. Frakturen der Schaedelbasis unter Beteiligung der Kiefergelenkpfanne sind selten. Unterschieden werden die Frakturen des Gelenkfortsatzes nach anatomischer Lokalisation und danach, ob eine Luxation vorhanden ist oder nicht. Weiter ist von Bedeutung, ob der Frakturspalt intraoder extrakapsulaer verlaeuft. Die primaere Bildgebung sollte mittels Orthopantomographie erfolgen. Da fuer eine weitere operative Behandlung auch die etwaige Verletzung der Weichteile von Bedeutung ist, bietet sich die Computertomographie als bildgebende diagnostische Methode an. Zur Abklaerung von Komplikationen bzw. des so genannten ''internal derangement'' ist die Magnetresonanztomographie zu empfehlen. (orig.)

  18. A clinical study of temporomandibular disorder. The value of bone scintigraphy as an aid to diagnosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sugiura, Masashi [Nippon Dental Univ. (Japan). School of Dentistry at Niigata


    Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is still not defined with respect to the point of an entity, terminological problems, and clinical classification and gradings. Moreover, diagnostic problems of internal deranegement and osteodeformity at the temporomandibular joint such as type IV and mechanism of bone remodeling at condylar head are also still not clear. In this investigation, we tried to classify the severity and progressive grading according to the symptoms and objective laboratory data taken from soft tissues such as muscles related to mastication, discs and ligaments, and hard tissues such as condylar head and temporal bone changes around the temporomandibular joint. Preliminary diagnostic clinical tool of the assessment of temporomandibular joint by maens of bone scintigraphy was attributed to the additional diagnostic procedure and research for the bone remodeling for the temporomandibular disorder because this can be defined between subjective and objective symptoms in this disorder. Bone scintigraphy will solve many problems concerning undefined degenerative bone changes in TMD, enable more accurate diagnosis, and the selection of treatment and prognosis in future investigation. Also, it is believed single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) nuclear bone imaging is a highly accurate diagnostic method for craniomandibular disorders. (author)

  19. A clinical study of temporomandibular disorder. The value of bone scintigraphy as an aid to diagnosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sugiura, Masashi


    Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is still not defined with respect to the point of an entity, terminological problems, and clinical classification and gradings. Moreover, diagnostic problems of internal deranegement and osteodeformity at the temporomandibular joint such as type IV and mechanism of bone remodeling at condylar head are also still not clear. In this investigation, we tried to classify the severity and progressive grading according to the symptoms and objective laboratory data taken from soft tissues such as muscles related to mastication, discs and ligaments, and hard tissues such as condylar head and temporal bone changes around the temporomandibular joint. Preliminary diagnostic clinical tool of the assessment of temporomandibular joint by maens of bone scintigraphy was attributed to the additional diagnostic procedure and research for the bone remodeling for the temporomandibular disorder because this can be defined between subjective and objective symptoms in this disorder. Bone scintigraphy will solve many problems concerning undefined degenerative bone changes in TMD, enable more accurate diagnosis, and the selection of treatment and prognosis in future investigation. Also, it is believed single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) nuclear bone imaging is a highly accurate diagnostic method for craniomandibular disorders. (author)

  20. [Inferior hemiarthroplasty of the temporo-mandibular joint with articulated condylar prosthesis type Stryker]. (United States)

    Bucur, A; Dincă, O; Totan, C; Ghită, V


    The optimal reconstruction of the mandible and of the temporo-mandibular joint after mandibular hemi-resection with disarticulation is still controversial in literature. This paperwork presents our experience on four cases in the reconstruction of the mandible together with the inferior arthroplasty of the temporo-mandibular joint, after the resection of extended benign tumors of the mandible, based on fibular free vascularized grafts having attached a Stryker titanium condylar prosthesis reconstructing the inferior segment of the temporo-mandibular joint. Our results for the this technique were excellent, with a functional rehabilitation very close to normal. After reviewing the various techniques and their arguments in literature, with accent on the TMJ reconstruction, we consider this method to be optimal for the reconstruction of mandibular defects in patients with neoplastic conditions.

  1. Electronic System for Data Record and Automatic Diagnosis Assessment in the Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hippmann, R.; Nagy, Miroslav; Dostálová, T.; Zvárová, Jana; Seydlová, M.


    Roč. 7, č. 1 (2011), s. 11-16 ISSN 1801-5603 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 1M06014 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : temporomandibular joint * temporomandibular joint disorders * DentCross * electronic health record * AAOP classification Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science

  2. Termo do 1º Consenso em Disfunção Temporomandibular e Dor Orofacial Statement of the 1st Consensus on Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simone Vieira Carrara


    Full Text Available O Termo do 1º Consenso em Disfunção Temporomandibular e Dor Orofacial* foi criado com o propósito de substituir divergências por evidência científica dentro dessa especialidade da Odontologia. O documento oferece informações claras e fundamentadas para orientar o cirurgião-dentista e demais profissionais de saúde sobre os cuidados demandados pelo paciente, tanto no processo de diagnóstico diferencial quanto na fase de aplicação das terapias de controle da dor e disfunção. O Termo foi aprovado no mês de janeiro de 2010 em reunião realizada durante o Congresso Internacional de Odontologia do Estado de São Paulo e converge o pensamento dos profissionais mais conceituados do Brasil na especialidade Disfunção Temporomandibular e Dor Orofacial.This Statement of the 1st Consensus on Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain was created with the purpose of substituting controversies for scientific evidence within this specialty field of dentistry. The document provides clear and well-grounded guidance to dentists and other health professionals about the care required by patients both in the process of differential diagnosis and during the stage when they undergo treatment to control pain and dysfunction. The Statement was approved in January 2010 at a meeting held during the International Dental Congress of São Paulo and draws together the views of Brazil's most respected professionals in the specialty of Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain.

  3. MR of 2270 TMJs: prevalence of radiographic presence of otomastoiditis in temporomandibular joint disorders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Orhan, Kaan [Department of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Ankara University, 06500 Besevler, Ankara (Turkey)]. E-mail:; Nishiyama, Hideyoshi [Department of Oral Maxillofacial Radiology, Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University, Osaka (Japan); Tadashi, Sasaki [Department of Oral Maxillofacial Radiology, Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University, Osaka (Japan); Shumei, Murakami [Department of Oral Maxillofacial Radiology, Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University, Osaka (Japan); Furukawa, Souhei [Department of Oral Maxillofacial Radiology, Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University, Osaka (Japan)


    Objective: : The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of radiographic presence of otomastoiditis while examining temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders in magnetic resonance images (MRI) in a series of 2270 temporomandibular joint magnetic resonance images and to examine the relationship between otomastoiditis and TMJ disorders. Materials and methods: : 2270 temporomandibular joint magnetic resonance images and patients' data were retrospectively investigated. Magnetic resonance images were obtained from the patients who referred to Osaka University Dental Hospital Outpatient Clinic with TMJ complaints for the last four years (from January 1998 to January 2003). The patients, who were diagnosed as otomastoiditis based on their temporomandibular joint magnetic resonance images, were sent to Osaka University Hospital Department of Otolaryngology for a medical consultation in order to have their pathologies certified following their MR process. Age and sex were recorded for all patients and for otomastoiditis cases; location of the disease, symptoms of patients and TMJ findings were noted as well. Results: : Seven patients were diagnosed as acute otomastoiditis and one patient diagnosed as chronic active otitis media with cholesteatoma in the series of 2270 MR, which were representing a prevalence of 0.39%. Neurilemoma diagnosed in left mastoid process in one patient. The final diagnoses of all patients were made after medical consultation. Conclusion: : While examining temporomandibular joint magnetic resonance images; it is not only important to examine just the TMJ structures, but also to look at the nearby anatomical features to check evidence for inflammatory disease.

  4. MR of 2270 TMJs: prevalence of radiographic presence of otomastoiditis in temporomandibular joint disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orhan, Kaan; Nishiyama, Hideyoshi; Tadashi, Sasaki; Shumei, Murakami; Furukawa, Souhei


    Objective: : The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of radiographic presence of otomastoiditis while examining temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders in magnetic resonance images (MRI) in a series of 2270 temporomandibular joint magnetic resonance images and to examine the relationship between otomastoiditis and TMJ disorders. Materials and methods: : 2270 temporomandibular joint magnetic resonance images and patients' data were retrospectively investigated. Magnetic resonance images were obtained from the patients who referred to Osaka University Dental Hospital Outpatient Clinic with TMJ complaints for the last four years (from January 1998 to January 2003). The patients, who were diagnosed as otomastoiditis based on their temporomandibular joint magnetic resonance images, were sent to Osaka University Hospital Department of Otolaryngology for a medical consultation in order to have their pathologies certified following their MR process. Age and sex were recorded for all patients and for otomastoiditis cases; location of the disease, symptoms of patients and TMJ findings were noted as well. Results: : Seven patients were diagnosed as acute otomastoiditis and one patient diagnosed as chronic active otitis media with cholesteatoma in the series of 2270 MR, which were representing a prevalence of 0.39%. Neurilemoma diagnosed in left mastoid process in one patient. The final diagnoses of all patients were made after medical consultation. Conclusion: : While examining temporomandibular joint magnetic resonance images; it is not only important to examine just the TMJ structures, but also to look at the nearby anatomical features to check evidence for inflammatory disease

  5. Detection of degenerative disease of the temporomandibular joint by bone scintigraphy: concise communication

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldstein, H.A.; Bloom, C.Y.


    Nine patients with facial pain were evaluated with limited bone scans. The scintigrams correlated with microscopy in all patients, although radiographs correlated with microscopy in only five patients. The degenerative disease process in the temporomandibular joint was more extensive in the patients with radiographic and scintigraphic abnormalities than in those with scintigraphic abnormalities alone. The limited bone scan appears useful in detecting early degenerative changes in the temporomandibular joint

  6. Temporomandibular joint involvement in rheumatoid arthritis patients: association between clinical and tomographic data


    Cordeiro, Patrícia C. F; Guimaraes, Josemar P; de Souza, Viviane A; Dias, Isabela M; Silva, Jesca N. N; Devito, Karina L; Bonato, Leticia L


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation and synovial hyperplasia, which usually affects multiple joints. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) becomes susceptible to the development of changes resulting from RA. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of TMD and degenerative bone changes in TMJ in patients diagnosed with RA (rheumatoid arthritis). The Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/ TMD) questio...

  7. Acupuncture Therapy on Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    XIA Nai-nian; HUANG Ming-juan


    @@ Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) syndrome, an commonly and frequently encountered disease, is characterized by motor dysfunction of mandibular joint and snapping articular surface as major complaints, and then tinnitus, facial pain and occasional headache, most patients got limited mouth open and pain inside the joints or masseter muscle. The authors of this article have treated 68cases of TMJ syndrome since 2001.

  8. Correlação entre cefaléia e disfunção temporomandibular Correlation between headache and temporomandibular joint dysfunction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariana Sampaio Menezes


    Full Text Available A relação entre disfunções temporomandibulares (DTM e os diferentes tipos de cefaléias ainda não está bem compreendida, mas a dor de cabeça é provavelmente o sintoma mais comum da DTM. O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar cefaléia com o índice clínico de Fonseca de avaliação da DTM. Participaram 160 voluntários estudantes da Universidade Nove de Julho na faixa dos 18 aos 36 anos, sendo 80 mulheres e 80 homens. Foram aplicados dois questionários: o índice clínico de Fonseca e um questionário sobre cefaléia. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente e o nível de significância fixado em pThe relationship between temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD and different kinds of headaches is still not well understood, though headache is probably the most common symptom of TMD. The aim of this study was to correlate headache with Fonseca's TMD clinical index. A total of 160 university students aged 18 to 36 years old were selected, half women, half men. Two questionnaires were applied to them: the Fonseca clinical questionnaire and one on headache. Data were statistically analysed and significance level set at p<0.05. Results showed a higher prevalence of TMD among female individuals with headache, but a direct relationship between headache and degree of temporomandibular joint dysfunction could not be found.

  9. Association between temporomandibular joint symptoms, signs, and clinical diagnosis using the RDC/TMD and radiographic findings in temporomandibular joint tomograms. (United States)

    Wiese, Mie; Svensson, Peter; Bakke, Merete; List, Thomas; Hintze, Hanne; Petersson, Arne; Knutsson, Kerstin; Wenzel, Ann


    To identify associations between clinical symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders and radiographic findings. Two hundred four adult patients (156 women, 48 men, mean age 40 years) with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain/sounds or changes in mandibular motion were examined according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). Bilateral sagittal corrected TMJ tomograms in closed and open positions were assessed for the presence of flattening, erosion, osteophytes, and sclerosis in the joint components and the range of mandibular motion. Logistic regression analyses were performed with the radiographic findings as the dependent variables and the following clinical variables as independent variables: opening pattern, maximal jaw opening, TMJ sounds, number of painful muscle/TMJ sites, duration of pain, presence of arthritic disease, depression and somatization scores, graded chronic pain, and age and gender. Coarse crepitus on opening/closing (odds ratio [OR] > or = 3.12), on lateral excursions (odds ratio > or = 4.06), and on protrusion (OR > or = 5.30) was associated with increased risk of degenerative findings in tomograms. A clinical diagnosis of osteoarthritis increased the risk of radiographic findings (OR > or = 2.95) and so did increasing age (OR > or = 1.03 per year) and the female gender (OR > or = 2.36). Maximal assisted opening and maximal opening without pain (position (OR > or = 2.60). No other significant associations were observed. Age, gender, and coarse crepitus, but no pain-related variables, were associated with increased risk of degenerative findings in TMJ tomograms. Maximal opening < 40 mm was associated with a posterior condyle-to-articular tubercle relation on opening.

  10. Relationship between clinical findings of temporomandibular disorders and magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iizuka, Yasuyuki; Miura, Hiroyuki; Ishikawa, Fujiro; Kikuchi, Shiori; Konishi, Nobuhiro; Sakamaki, Kimio


    The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and clinical findings of patients having symptoms of temporomandibular disorders, and to consider the possibility to grasp the internal derangement of the TMJ from clinical findings. Subjects were 80 patients who visited to ask orthodontic treatment 16 males and 64 females. The average age was 22 years and 4 months. We performed a investigation of both their previous and present illness. In addition, to decide the correct condition concerning the internal derangement of the TMJ, patients were given MRI examinations (G. E. medical system Signa 1.5 Tesla) before orthodontic treatment. Results were as follows: The three symptoms of temporomandibular disorders-noise, pain, and abnormal mandibular movement, were not related to constant disk displacement. It seemed difficult to infer and obtain the diagnosis of the condition of internal derangement of the TMJ only from clinical findings. In a dental clinics having no medical imaging instrument such as MRI, it was, however, considered that the following items will make it possible to define the condition of internal derangements of the TMJ from clinical findings. As to respects concerning clinical findings, it is necessary to consider the previous illness as well as present illness. TMJ noise indicates a higher relationship to the disk displacement in MRI findings. The temporomandibular joint with plural symptoms indicated a higher incidence of disk displacement examined by MR Imaging than that with a single symptom. (author)

  11. The Diagnostic Value of Pressure Algometry for Temporomandibular Disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Włodzimierz Więckiewicz


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to determine the diagnostic value of pressure algometry in temporomandibular disorders. Two hundred volunteers aged 19.3 to 27.8 (mean 21.50, SD 0.97 participated in this study. An analogue pressure algometer was used for the evaluation of muscle tenderness of the following masticatory muscles: superficial and deep parts of the masseter muscle; anterior and posterior parts of the temporal muscle; and the tissues adjacent to the lateral and dorsal part of the temporomandibular joint capsule. Each patient described the algometry result for the individual components of the masticatory motor system, by selecting each time the intensity of pain on a 100 mm Visual Analogue Scale (VAS ruler. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC curve, indicating the discriminatory efficiency for asymptomatic subjects and patients with temporomandibular dysfunction according to the dysfunction Di index, was the largest for the mean pain value (AUC = 0.8572; SEM = 0.0531. The 7.4 VAS cut-off point marked 95.3% specificity for this variable in identifying healthy subjects and 58.4% sensitivity in identifying patients with symptoms of dysfunctions (accuracy 68.1%. Assuming comparable sensitivity (74.9% and specificity (74.2% for a diagnostic test, there was test accuracy of 74.5% at the 4.2 VAS cut-off point.

  12. Temporomandibular disorders in headache patients


    Mello, Christiane-Espinola-Bandeira; Oliveira, José-Luiz-Góes; Jesus, Alan-Chester-Feitosa; Maia, Mila-Leite-de Moraes; de Santana, Jonielly-Costa-Vasconcelos; Andrade, Loren-Suyane-Oliveira; Siqueira Quintans, Jullyana-de Souza; Quintans-Junior, Lucindo-José; Conti, Paulo-César-Rodrigues; Bonjardim, Leonardo-Rigoldi


    Objective: To identify the frequency of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and its seve-rity in individuals with headache. Study Design: 60 adults divided into three groups of 20 individuals: chronic daily headache (CDH), episodic headache (EH) and a control group without headache (WH). Headache diagnosis was performed according to the criteria of International Headache Society and the signs and symptoms of TMD were achieved by using a clinical exam and an anamnestic quest...

  13. Efficacy of splint therapy for the management of temporomandibular disorders: a meta-analysis


    Zhang, Chao; Wu, Jun-Yi; Deng, Dong-Lai; He, Bing-Yang; Tao, Yuan; Niu, Yu-Ming; Deng, Mo-Hong


    Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a group of clinical problems affecting temporomandibular joint (TMJ), myofascial muscles and other related structures. Splint therapy is the most commonly used approach to treatment of TMD, but its effectiveness is remains unclear. We therefore conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of splint therapy for TMD in adults. The electronic databases PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and were searched for reports published up ...

  14. Early diagnostics of temporomandibular joint structural elements injures caused by traumatic mandibular bone fractures. (United States)

    Pohranychna, Kh R; Stasyshyn, A R; Matolych, U D


    A rapidly increasing number of mandibular condylar fractures and some complications related to injuries of temporomandibular elements make this study important. Intra-articular disorders lead to secondary pathological findings such as osteoarthritis, deforming osteoarthrosis, and temporomandibular joint ankylosis that limits mouth opening, mastication, swallowing, breathing, and decreased/lost working capacity or disability. Early diagnosis of intra-articular disorders can prevent from long-lasting functional complications caused by temporomandibular joint injuries. This study was performed for the purpose of early detection and investigation of organic pathological changes in the cartilaginous and osseous tissues of the temporomandibular joint caused by traumatic fractures of the mandibular condyle. Twenty patients underwent a general clinical examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and immune-enzyme testing for biochemical markers of connective tissue injury (pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline) in urine. Disk dislocation, deformation, adhesion, perforation or squeeze, tension or disruption of ligaments, and injury of articular surfaces are among complications of mandibular fractures that can be revealed on MRI. As regards biochemical findings, we revealed a sharp rise in the levels of pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline before treatment and a lack of stabilization within 21 days of treatment.

  15. El reciclaje del hábitat social colectivo: estrategias y tecnologías


    Chacón Linares, Eva


    Esta investigación tiene como objeto de estudio las estrategias de intervención arquitectónica en la ciudad construida surgidas como respuesta a las distintas disfunciones del hábitat humano a la hora de auto-regenerarse. Dentro de este, nos centramos en el hábitat social, que engloba aquellas áreas de las ciudades en las que la vivienda social se halla inserta. El contexto actual de multicrisis está directamente relacionado con la lentitud o discontinuidad en la solución de problemas de segr...

  16. Design and clinical outcome of a novel 3D-printed prosthetic joint replacement for the human temporomandibular joint. (United States)

    Ackland, David; Robinson, Dale; Lee, Peter Vee Sin; Dimitroulis, George


    Stock prosthetic temporomandibular joint replacements come in limited sizes, and do not always encompass the joint anatomy that presents clinically. The aims of this study were twofold. Firstly, to design a personalized prosthetic total joint replacement for the treatment of a patient's end-stage temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis, to implant the prosthesis into the patient, and assess clinical outcome 12-months post-operatively; and secondly, to evaluate the influence of changes in prosthetic condyle geometry on implant load response during mastication. A 48-year-old female patient with Grade-5 osteoarthritis to the left temporomandibular joint was recruited, and a prosthesis developed to match the native temporomandibular joint anatomy. The prosthesis was 3D printed, sterilized and implanted into the patient, and pain and function measured 12-months post-operatively. The prosthesis load response during a chewing-bite and maximum-force bite was evaluated using a personalized multi-body musculoskeletal model. Simulations were performed after perturbing condyle thickness, neck length and head sphericity. Increases in prosthetic condyle neck length malaligned the mandible and perturbed temporomandibular joint force. Changes in condylar component thickness greatly influenced fixation screw stress response, while a more eccentric condylar head increased prosthetic joint-contact loading. Post-operatively, the prosthetic temporomandibular joint surgery reduced patient pain from 7/10 to 1/10 on a visual analog scale, and increased intercisal opening distance from 22 mm to 38 mm. This study demonstrates effectiveness of a personalized prosthesis that may ultimately be adapted to treat a wide-range of end-stage temporomandibular joint conditions, and highlights sensitivity of prosthesis load response to changes in condylar geometry. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. A pilot study of a chiropractic intervention for management of chronic myofascial temporomandibular disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    DeVocht, James W; Goertz, Christine M; Hondras, Maria


    BACKGROUND: Temporomandibular pain has multiple etiologies and a range of therapeutic options. In this pilot study, the authors assessed the feasibility of conducting a larger trial to evaluate chiropractic treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). METHODS: The authors assigned 80...... at baseline and at month 2 and month 6, including use of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders. RESULTS: The authors screened 721 potential participants and enrolled 80 people; 52 participants completed the six-month assessment. The adjusted mean change in current pain over six...... the study design and methodology to be manageable. They gained substantial knowledge to aid in conducting a larger study. AMCT, RIST and self-care should be evaluated in a future comparative effectiveness study. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This pilot study was a necessary step to prepare for a larger study...

  18. Temporomandibular joint involvement in psoriatic arthritis | Okkesim ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Psoriasis is a chronic, papulosquamous, and an inflammatory skin disease. It has been found that between 5% and 24% of patients develop psoriatic arthritis (PA) at the same time after or even prior to skin findings. The involvement of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a rare condition. In this report, a-46-year-old male ...

  19. [Bruxism, temporo-mandibular dysfunction and botulinum toxin]. (United States)

    Chikhani, L; Dichamp, J


    Tooth grinding and tooth clenching are unvoluntary mainly nocturnal habits that result in an hypertrophy of masseter and temporalis muscles with an unbalance between opening and closing muscles of the jaw and lead to an alteration of mandibular condyles movements and to hyper pressure in the temporo-mandibular joints (TMJ) which can generate severe pain. Intra muscular injections of botulinum toxin permit to restablish the balance between closing and opening muscles, to relieve pain, to treat masseteric hypertrophy with improvement of face outline and to recover a normal cinetic of temporo-mandibular joints. Moreover, botulinum toxin injections permit to quit habits of tooth grinding and clenching and one single session of injections is curative for 2/3 of the patients. There are no side effects apart from slight diffusion to superficial muscles of the face resulting in a "fixed" smile for about 6 to 8 weeks. So injections of botulinum toxin in masseter and temporalis muscles are an efficient treatment of bruxism and TMJ dysfunction, cheap with no lasting side effect.

  20. Results of MRI of the temporo-mandibular joint using optimised surface coils

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogl, T.; Kellermann, O.; Randzio, J.; Kniha, H.; Requardt, H.; Tiling, R.; Lissner, J.


    One hundred temporo-mandibular joints were examined with a super-conducting nuclear resonance tomograph (1.0 Tesla) using various high resolution surface coils. The optimal method proved to be a spin echo sequence with a repetition time of 1,000 msec and an echo period of 28 msec with a 4 mm slice width. There were significant advantages from the non-invasive MRT diagnosis of the temporo-mandibular joints when compared with CT and with arthrography in recognising abnormal discs, changes in the tissues and for post-operative control.

  1. Signs of temporomandibular disorders in migraine patients: a prospective, controlled study. (United States)

    Stuginski-Barbosa, Juliana; Macedo, Henrique R; Bigal, Marcelo Eduardo; Speciali, José Geraldo


    To identify signs of temporomandibular disorders and cervical pain in individuals with episodic and chronic (transformed) migraine (CM), relative to controls without headaches. In this prospective, controlled, double-blind study, we examined 93 individuals divided in 3 groups: episodic migraine EM, (n=31), CM chronic migraine (n=34), and controls without migraine (n=28). We recorded signs of temporomandibular disorders, and of pain in the neck, after the protocol of Helkimo (1974). We calculated the odds ratio (OR) and confidence intervals (CI) of symptoms as a function of headache status. Data from all groups were paired and compared using the chi test. The level of significance was 5% in 2-tailed tests. Relative to controls, participants with EM and CM were significantly more likely to have tenderness in the masticatory muscles [controls=28%, migraine=54%, (OR=3.0, 95% CI=1.1-8.9), CM=73% (OR=6.9, 95% CI=2.3-21.2)], and in the temporomandibular joint [controls=25%, migraine=61%, (OR=4.7, 95% CI=1.5-14.5), CM=61% (OR=4.8, 95% CI=1.6-14.5)]. They were numerically (but nonsignificantly) more likely to have limited lateral jaw movements (CM=34%; EM=26%; NP=18%), joint sounds (CM=44%; EM=29%; NP=28%), and tenderness in neck muscles (CM=64%; EM=51%; NP=35%). In a tertiary care population, individuals with EM and CM are more likely to have tenderness at the temporomandibular joint and on the masticatory muscles, relative to controls. Studies are needed to investigate whether treatment of 1 disorder will improve the other.

  2. MRI and CBCT image registration of temporomandibular joint: a systematic review. (United States)

    Al-Saleh, Mohammed A Q; Alsufyani, Noura A; Saltaji, Humam; Jaremko, Jacob L; Major, Paul W


    The purpose of the present review is to systematically and critically analyze the available literature regarding the importance, applicability, and practicality of (MRI), computerized tomography (CT) or cone-beam CT (CBCT) image registration for TMJ anatomy and assessment. A systematic search of 4 databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE, EBM reviews and Scopus, was conducted by 2 reviewers. An additional manual search of the bibliography was performed. All articles discussing the magnetic resonance imaging MRI and CT or CBCT image registration for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) visualization or assessment were included. Only 3 articles satisfied the inclusion criteria. All included articles were published within the last 7 years. Two articles described MRI to CT multimodality image registration as a complementary tool to visualize TMJ. Both articles used images of one patient only to introduce the complementary concept of MRI-CT fused image. One article assessed the reliability of using MRI-CBCT registration to evaluate the TMJ disc position and osseous pathology for 10 temporomandibular disorder (TMD) patients. There are very limited studies of MRI-CT/CBCT registration to reach a conclusion regarding its accuracy or clinical use in the temporomandibular joints.

  3. Temporomandibular Disorders and Parafunctional Habits in Children and Adolescence: A Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. Seraj


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to review the existing literature about temporomandibular disorders(TMD and parafunctional habits (bruxism and their relationship in children and adolescents,which is still controversial. TMD is a collective term used to identify a group ofmusculoskeletal conditions of the temporomandibular region. Bruxism defined as the habitual nonfunctional forceful contact between occlusal tooth surfaces. Some studies have linked oral parafunctional habits to TMD, whereas others did not observe this relationship.The role of bruxism -as is currently described- can be considered a controversial and unresolved issue. Taking all evidence together, the authors suggest that there is not any clear relationship between bruxism and TMD.

  4. Temporo-mandibular joint kinetics and chewing cycles in children. A 3-year follow-up. (United States)

    Bodin, C; Lodetti, G; Marinone, M G


    To report the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) kinetics and masticatory function in healthy children. Temporo-mandibular joint palpation and electrognathographic registrations of chewing cycles were repeated for 3 years in order to evaluate changes. Healthy children without systemic pathologies, decayed cavities and previous dental treatment. Electrognathographic (EGN) registration of masticatory cycles and TMJ palpation were carried out on 52 patients (mean age: 5 years 8 months, range: 5 years 1 month, 6 years 8 months), by two university researchers, once a year for 3 consecutive years. TMJ palpation, differentiated TMJ synchronism (simultaneous bilateral opening movement) and TMJ asynchronism (not simultaneous bilateral opening movement), TMJ subluxation and click were observed. Electrognathographic registrations differentiated normal and abnormal jaw chewing cycles, and narrow and large cycles. Temporo-mandibular joint asynchronism was evident in 34 of 52 patients in the primary dentition, in 42 of 52 patients after the eruption of the first permanent molar, and in 31 of 52 patients after the eruption of the permanent incisors. TMJ subluxation increased during the full period of observation. Three temporomandibular clicks appeared after the eruption of the permanent incisors. Altered mastication was not always associated with TMJ disorders. In children, normal chewing cycles can coexist with occlusal discrepancies, cranio-facial growth and TMJ alterations.

  5. Psychological stress associated with aphthous ulcers and temporomandibular disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aslam, A.; Hassan, S.H.; Khan, D.A.; Chaudhary, M.A.G.


    To assess the prevalence of stress as an etiological factor for aphthous ulcers and temporomandibular disorders. Study Design: Cross sectional descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry Rawalpindi, from Oct 2015 to May 2016. Material and Methods: Two groups of patients were selected. Group I included 119 patients presenting with Aphthous Ulcers while group II had 64 subjects with complaints of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). After a thorough history, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to assess stress in the patients. AHADS-A score of 7 was taken as significant anxiety while a HADS-D score of 7 depicted significant depression. Both groups were then subjected to laboratory examinations. Serum cortisol levels were assessed for both groups while Serum Folate, Ferritin and Vitamin B12 level for group I only. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21 to calculate descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviations as well as frequencies and percentages. Relationship between HADS score and serum cortisol levels was assessed using Pearson's correlation coefficient. A p-value<0.05 was considered significant. Results: For TMDs, 53 (82.8%) patients were found positive for stress while for aphthous ulcers, 61 (51.3%) were positive for stress. The correlation between HADS score and serum cortisol levels was found significant for both groups at a p=<0.001. Conclusions: Patients showed a high prevalence of stress as an etiological factor for aphthous ulcers and temporomandibular disorders in a local setting. (author)

  6. Tinnitus in Temporomandibular Joint Disorders: Is it a Specific Somatosensory Tinnitus Subtype? (United States)

    Algieri, Giuseppe Maria Antonio; Leonardi, Alessandra; Arangio, Paolo; Vellone, Valentino; Paolo, Carlo Di; Cascone, Piero


    The most significant otologic symptoms, consisting of ear pain, tinnitus, dizziness, hearing loss and auricolar "fullness", generally arise within the auditory system, often are associated with extra auricolar disorders, particularly disorder of the temporo-mandibular joint. In our study we examined a sample of 200 consecutive patients who had experienced severe disabling symptom. The patiens came to maxillofacial specialist assessment for temporomandibular disorder. Each patient was assessed by a detailed anamnestic and clinical temporomandibular joint examination and they are divided into five main groups according classification criteria established by Wilkes; tinnitus and subjective indicators of pain are evaluated. The results of this study provide a close correlation between the joint pathology and otologic symptoms, particularly regarding tinnitus and balance disorders, and that this relationship is greater the more advanced is the stage of joint pathology. Moreover, this study shows that TMD-related tinnitus principally affects a younger population (average fifth decade of life) and mainly women (more than 2/3 of the cases). Such evidence suggests the existence of a specific tinnitus subtype that may be defined as "TMD-related somatosensory tinnitus".

  7. Hacia un sistema armonizado de clasificación hotelera


    Sola Teyssiere, Javier


    El análisis comparativo de las normativas autonómicas sobre las actividades turísticas muestra que su diversidad genera distorsiones en el funcionamiento del sector. Específicamente, la disparidad de regulaciones autonómicas sobre establecimientos hoteleros resulta especialmente disfuncional en un aspecto relevante de su régimen jurídico como es la clasificación. La disección de las diversas áreas que integran la competencia sobre turismo permite valorar aspectos en los que un tratamiento dif...

  8. Temporomandibular joint arthrography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Hyung Sik; Lee, Kyung Soo; Kim, Myoung Joon; Jun, Young Hwan; Chang, Duk Soo; Jung, Don Young; Jung, In Won


    The stress and occlusion disturbance are very important etiologic factors in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain dysfunction syndromes. Authors performed TMJ arthrograms in the patients with TMJ problem such as pain, click sound, limited motion and locking, etc. The following results noted: 1. The arthrographic findings of 22 TMJ were analyzed. a) Normal: 6 cases b) Anterior disc displacement with rediction: 6 cases · Early reduction: 2 cases · Intermediate reduction: 3 cases · Late reduction: 1 case c) Anterior disc displacement without reduction: 6 cases · Two cases had adhesion between the posterior portion of disc and the posterior surfaces of the articular eminence. 2. Among 22 cases, the clinical findings of 16 cases (73%) were compatible with arthrographic findings. 6 cases showed disparity between them.

  9. The use of surface electromyography as a tool in differentiating temporomandibular disorders from neck disorders. (United States)

    Ferrario, Virgilio F; Tartaglia, Gianluca M; Luraghi, Francesca E; Sforza, Chiarella


    The aim of this study was to assess the electromyographic characteristics of the masticatory muscles (masseter and temporalis) of patients with either "temporomandibular joint disorder" or "neck pain". Surface electromyography of the right and left masseter and temporalis muscles was performed during maximum teeth clenching in 38 patients aged 21-67 years who had either (a) temporomandibular joint disorder (24 patients); (b) "neck pain" (13 patients). Ninety-five control, healthy subjects were also examined. During clenching, standardized total muscle activities (electromyographic potentials over time) were significantly different in the three groups: 75 microV/microVs% in the temporomandibular joint disorder patients, 124 microV/microVs% in the neck pain patients, and 95 microV/microVs% in the control subjects (analysis of variance, Ptemporomandibular joint disorder patients also had significantly (Pneck pain patients (87%) or control subjects (92%). A linear discriminant function analysis allowed a significant separation between the two patient groups, with a single patient error of 18.2%. Surface electromyographic analysis during clenching allowed to differentiate between patients with a temporomandibular joint disorder and patients with a neck pain problem.

  10. Comorbidity of internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint and silent dysfunction of the cervical spine. (United States)

    Stiesch-Scholz, M; Fink, M; Tschernitschek, H


    The aim of this evaluation was to examine correlations between internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and cervical spine disorder (CSD). A prospective controlled clinical study was carried out. Thirty patients with signs and symptoms of internal derangement but without any subjective neck problems and 30 age- and gender-matched control subjects without signs and symptoms of internal derangement were examined. The investigation of the temporomandibular system was carried out using a 'Craniomandibular Index'. Afterwards an examiner-blinded manual medical investigation of the craniocervical system was performed. This included muscle palpation of the cervical spine and shoulder girdle as well as passive movement tests of the cervical spine, to detect restrictions in the range of movement as well as segmental intervertebral dysfunction. The internal derangement of the TMJ was significantly associated with 'silent' CSD (t-test, P temporomandibular system exhibited significantly more often pain on pressure of the neck muscles than patients without muscle tenderness of the temporomandibular system (t-test, P < 0.05). As a result of the present study, for patients with internal derangement of the TMJ an additional examination of the craniocervical system should be recommended.

  11. [The temporomandibular joint in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: what radiologists need to look for on magnetic resonance imaging]. (United States)

    De La Hoz Polo, M; Navallas, M


    The term "juvenile idiopathic arthritis" (JIA) encompasses a group of arthritis of unknown cause with onset before the age of 16 years that last for at least 6 weeks. The prevalence of temporomandibular joint involvement in published series ranges from 17% to 87%. Temporomandibular joint involvement is difficult to detect clinically, so imaging plays a key role in diagnosis and monitoring treatment. MRI is the technique of choice for the study of arthritis of the temporomandibular joint because it is the most sensitive technique for detecting acute synovitis and bone edema. Power Doppler ultrasonography can also detect active synovitis by showing the hypervascularization of the inflamed synovial membrane, but it cannot identify bone edema. This article describes the MRI technique for evaluating the temporomandibular joint in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, defines the parameters to look for, and illustrates the main findings. Copyright © 2013 SERAM. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  12. Dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint - an uncommon circumstance of occurrence: vaginal delivery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abderrahim El Bouazzaoui


    Full Text Available Dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ is an infrequent disease but still almost spectacular. This disease consists of a permanent, to some extent complete disruption of the temporo-mandibular joint. These dislocations often occurs in a context of yawning, and less frequently after a burst of laughing or relatively mild facial trauma (slap, punch on the chin.We report a case of TMJ occurring in an uncommon circumstance : vaginal delivery. A young woman aged 24-years with no special past medical history; primipara was admitted in the Department of Maternity of the University Hospital Hassan II of Fez for an imminent delivery of a twin pregnancy. Obstetrical analgesia was not possible so the parturient cried in a strong manner during labour. Ten minutes after admission, the patient delivered vaginally with episiotomy. She gave birth to twins weighing 2800g and 2400g. During labour, and effort of crying, the patient presented a sudden and immediate loss of function of the temporo-mandibular joint, with difficulty of speaking, the mouth permanently opened, with the chin lowered and thrown forward. The examination found an emptiness of the glenoid fossa of the temporo-mandibular joint in both sides. The diagnosis of dislocation of the TMJ has established. Performance of special radiologic screening to study the TM was technically not possible. A CT scan of facial bones has been achieved so objectifying a bilateral dislocation of TMJ. The reduction of this dislocation was performed in the operating room under sedation

  13. Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in adolescents Sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular em adolescentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Rigoldi Bonjardim


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD in adolescents and its relationship to gender. The sample comprised 217 subjects, aged 12 to 18. The subjective symptoms and clinical signs of TMD were evaluated, using, respectively, a self-report questionnaire and the Craniomandibular Index, which has 2 subscales; the Dysfunction Index and the Palpation Index. The results of muscle tenderness showed great variability (0.9-32.25%. In relation to the temporomandibular joint, tenderness of the superior, dorsal and lateral condyle regions occurred in 10.6%, 10.6% and 7.83%, respectively, of the sample. Joint sound during opening was present in 19.8% of the sample and during closing in 14.7%. The most prevalent symptoms were joint sounds (26.72% and headache (21.65%. There was no statistical difference between genders (p > 0.05, except for the tenderness of the lateral pterygoid muscles, which presented more prevalence in girls. In conclusion, clinical signs and symptoms of TMD can occur in adolescents; however, gender influence was not perceived.O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a prevalência de sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM em adolescentes e sua relação com o gênero. A amostra foi constituída de 217 voluntários, com idade entre 12 e 18 anos. Os sintomas subjetivos e os sinais clínicos de DTM foram avaliados usando-se, respectivamente, um questionário e o "Craniomandibular Index", o qual possui 2 subescalas: "Dysfunction Index" e "Palpation Index". Os resultados para sensibilidade muscular mostraram grande variabilidade (0,9-32,25%. Com relação à articulação temporomandibular, a sensibilidade à palpação nas regiões superior, dorsal e lateral do côndilo ocorreu, respectivamente, em 10,6%, 10,6% e 7,83% da amostra. A prevalência do ruído articular no movimento de abertura foi de 19,8% e no fechamento, 14,7%. Os sintomas relatados mais

  14. The importance of the postural evaluation in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction


    Amantéa, Daniela Vieira; Novaes, Ana Paula; Campolongo, Gabriel Denser; Barros, Tarley Pessoa de


    O equilíbrio do corpo bem como os movimentos da cabeça são originados pelo posicionamento do crânio sobre a região cervical determinando assim a postura do indivíduo. Estando a articulação temporomandibular (ATM) diretamente relacionada com a região cervical e escapular através de um sistema neuromuscular comum, alterações posturais da coluna cervical podem acarretar em distúrbios na ATM e vice-versa. O número crescente de pacientes com disfunção da articulação temporomandibular (DTM) que apr...

  15. Temporomandibular disorders and headaches. (United States)

    Graff-Radford, Steven B; Bassiur, Jennifer P


    Headache and temporomandibular disorders should be treated together but separately. If there is marked limitation of opening, imaging of the joint may be necessary. The treatment should then include education regarding limiting jaw function, appliance therapy, instruction in jaw posture, and stretching exercises, as well as medications to reduce inflammation and relax the muscles. The use of physical therapies, such as spray and stretch and trigger point injections, is helpful if there is myofascial pain. Tricyclic antidepressants and the new-generation antiepileptic drugs are effective in muscle pain conditions. Arthrocentesis and/or arthroscopy may help to restore range of motion. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Temporomandibular Disorders and Headache. (United States)

    Graff-Radford, Steven B; Abbott, Jeremy J


    Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and primary headaches can be perpetual and debilitating musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. The presence of both can affect up to one-sixth of the population at any one time. Initially, TMDs were thought to be predominantly musculoskeletal disorders, and migraine was thought to be solely a cerebrovascular disorder. The further understanding of their pathophysiology has helped to clarify their clinical presentation. This article focuses on the role of the trigeminal system in associating TMD and migraine. By discussing recent descriptions of prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment of headache and TMD, we will further elucidate this relationship. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Bone changes in the condylar head and mandibular fossa in patients with temporomandibular disorders. Helical CT observation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimahara, Satoru; Ariyoshi, Yasunori; Kimura, Yoshihiro; Shimahara, Masashi


    In the present study, we investigated whether bone changes are present in sites impossible to observe by panoramic X-ray and Schuller's X-ray examination, namely the medial of the condylar head and mandibular fossa, in patients with type IV temporomandibular joint disorders. We observed the articular fossa using computed tomography, which is able to obtain detailed 3-dimensional information, in patients with type IV temporomandibular disorders. We examined 120 joints of 60 patiens who visited the Department of Oral Surgery, Osaka Medical College Hospital. Each condylar head was clearly visualized in panoramic X-ray and Schuller's X-ray examination findings, and shown to have possible changes unilaterally. Each joint was diagnosed as type IV, according to the diagnostic guidelines set by Japanese Society for Temporomandibular Joint, and further examined using helical CT. Changes in condylar head; We concluded that bone changes were present with considerable probability in the medial of condylar head in a manner similar to those found in the lateral and center of joints with type IV temporomandibular disorders. Changes in mandibular fossa; The bone changes occurred in various locations of the mandibular fossa, while they appeared significantly more frequently in the condylar head. We think that our finding will contribute to development of treatment strategies for temporomandibular disorders, as they clarify bone changes in sites previously unreported. (author)

  18. Statistical approaches to orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders research

    CERN Document Server

    Manfredini, Daniele; Nardini, Luca Guarda; Carrozzo, Eleonora; Salmaso, Luigi


    This book covers the biostatistical methods utilized to interpret and analyze dental research in the areas of orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders. It will guide practitioners in these fields who would like to interpret research findings or find examples on the design of clinical investigations. After an introduction dealing with the basic issues, the central sections of the textbook are dedicated to the different types of investigations in sight of specific goals researchers may have. The final section contains more elaborate statistical concepts for expert professionals. The field of orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders is emerging as one of the most critical areas of clinical research in dentistry. Due to the complexity of clinical pictures, the multifactorial etiology, and the importance of psychosocial factors in all aspects of the TMD practice, clinicians often find it hard to appraise their modus operandi, and researchers must constantly increase their knowledge in epidemiology and ...

  19. Prevalencia de los trastornos temporomandibulares en la población de 15 años y más de la Ciudad de La Habana Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in the 15 years and over population from the City of Havana.

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    Zuilen Jiménez Quintana


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio en 1 201 personas de 15 años y más de Ciudad de La Habana con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de los trastornos temporomandibulares y el índice de severidad sintomatológica de estos, así como el conocimiento que presentaba la población sobre las alteraciones de la articulación temporomandibular. Se utilizó el muestreo por conglomerados polietápicos con asignación proporcional equiprobabilístico. La información se recogió por la anamnesis y examen clínico mediante un formulario confeccionado según los criterios de los Indices Anamnésico y Clínicos de Disfunción de Helkimo. Presentaron disfunción el 31,89 % de los examinados según índice anamnésico y el 47,33 % según índice clínico, lo que evidenció que el porcentaje de encuestados con signos clínicos de disfunción fue mayor que los que refirieron algún síntoma, con predominio del sexo femenino y proporcional con la edad, con mayor frecuencia de la disfunción leve tanto en el índice clínico como anamnésico. La sintomatología principal fueron los ruidos articulares durante los movimientos de abertura y cierre mandibular. Con respecto al nivel de conocimiento se evidenció escasa información sobre el tema.A study of 1 201 persons aged 15 years and over from the City of Havana was carried out to determine the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders and their symptom severity index as well as the knowledge of the population about the temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD. Multistage cluster sampling with equal probability proportional allocation was used. Data were collected through anamnesis and clinical examination on the basis of a form created according to Helkimo´s Anamnesic and Clinical Indexes of Dysfunction. Dysfunction affected 31.89% of the patients according to the anamnesic index whereas 47,33% according to the clinical index, which evidenced that the percentage of surveyed people with clinical signs of dysfunction was


    Bisi, Maurício A.; Selaimen, Caio M. P.; Chaves, Karen D.; Bisi, Melissa C.; Grossi, Márcio L.


    Approximately 6 to 16% of patients with trigeminal neuralgia symptoms present intracranial tumors, the most common being the vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma). Some symptoms reported by patients include hearing loss, tinnitus, headaches, vertigo and trigeminal disturbances. An increased muscle response in the surrounding head and neck musculature may also be observed, which mimics signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders. In these cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has proved to be a useful tool in tumor diagnosis. The differential diagnosis between myofascial and neuralgic pain is important, as both may present similar characteristics, while being of different origin, and demanding special treatment approaches. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship among trigeminal neuralgia symptoms, intracranial tumors and temporomandibular dysfunction by presenting a clinical case. PMID:19089251

  1. Frequency of temporomandibular joint dysfunction with clicking symptom due to primary molar premature loss in children aged 6-12 years old

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    Riana Hestu Laksitowati


    Full Text Available Temporomandibular joint dysfunction with clicking symptom is sound “click” when open and close the mouth. The purpose of this study was to obtain the description of the frequency of temporomandibular joint dysfunction with clicking symptom caused by premature loss of primary molar teeth in children aged 6-12 years old at SDIT Imam Bukhari. The study was a descriptive survey, 136 students as samples were taken by purposive sampling technique. Premature loss of primary molar teeth examined by checking up the first and second primary molars upper and lower jaw using the hand mirror and explorer. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction examined by palpation and using a stethoscope. The result of this study showed that from 136 students having premature loss there are 49 students (36,03% had temporomandibular joint dysfunction with clicking symptom. The conclusion of this study indicates that more than one-fourth students at SDIT Imam Bukhari with premature loss of primary molar teeth had temporomandibular joint dysfunction with clicking symptom.

  2. Association between condylar morphology and changes in bony microstructure and subsynovial inflammation in experimental temporomandibular joint arthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Kasper Dahl; Hauge, Ellen Margrethe; Dalstra, Michel


    Association between condylar morphology and changes in bony microstructure and subsynovial inflammation in experimental temporomandibular joint arthritis. 86. Congress of the European Orthodontic Society, Slovenien, 2010.......Association between condylar morphology and changes in bony microstructure and subsynovial inflammation in experimental temporomandibular joint arthritis. 86. Congress of the European Orthodontic Society, Slovenien, 2010....

  3. Disk abnormality coexists with any degree of synovial and osseous abnormality in the temporomandibular joints of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirkhus, Eva; Smith, Hans-Joergen; Arvidsson, Linda Z.; Larheim, Tore A.; Flatoe, Berit; Hetlevik, Siri O.


    MRI manifestation of temporomandibular joint arthritis is frequently reported in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. However, little attention has been paid to temporomandibular joint disk abnormalities. To assess combinations of MRI findings in the symptomatic temporomandibular joint in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis with focus on disk abnormalities. This was a retrospective study of 46 patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, mean age 12 years (range: 5-17 years). Mean disease duration was 70 months (standard deviation: 61 months). MR images of 92 temporomandibular joints were scored for thickness of abnormally enhancing synovium (synovitis), joint effusion, bone marrow oedema, abnormal bone shape, bone erosion and disk abnormalities. The 92 temporomandibular joints were categorized as A: No synovitis and normal bone shape (30/92; 33%), B: Synovitis and normal bone shape (14/92: 15%), C: Synovitis and abnormal bone shape (38/92; 41%) and D: No synovitis but abnormal bone shape (10/92; 11%). Thirty-six of the 46 patients (78%) had synovitis and 33/46 (72%) had abnormal bone shape, most frequently in combination (30/46; 65%). Disk abnormalities (flat disk, fragmented disk, adherent disk and displaced disk) were found in 29/46 patients (63%). Disk abnormalities were found in all categories of juvenile idiopathic arthritis involved temporomandibular joints (B: 8/14 [57%]; C: 25/38 [66%] and D: 7/10 [70%]). Disk displacement was found in half of the joints (7/14) in category B. Synovitis was most pronounced in this category. Disk abnormalities were frequent. Disk displacement also occurred in joints with early temporomandibular joint arthritis, i.e., with normal bone shape. Other disk abnormalities were found in joints with bone abnormalities. Attention should be paid to disk abnormalities both in early and long-standing temporomandibular joint arthritis in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. (orig.)

  4. Disk abnormality coexists with any degree of synovial and osseous abnormality in the temporomandibular joints of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kirkhus, Eva; Smith, Hans-Joergen [Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Oslo (Norway); University of Oslo, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Oslo (Norway); Arvidsson, Linda Z.; Larheim, Tore A. [University of Oslo, Department of Maxillofacial Radiology, Institute of Clinical Dentistry, Oslo (Norway); Flatoe, Berit; Hetlevik, Siri O. [Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Department of Rheumatology, Oslo (Norway); University of Oslo, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Oslo (Norway)


    MRI manifestation of temporomandibular joint arthritis is frequently reported in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. However, little attention has been paid to temporomandibular joint disk abnormalities. To assess combinations of MRI findings in the symptomatic temporomandibular joint in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis with focus on disk abnormalities. This was a retrospective study of 46 patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, mean age 12 years (range: 5-17 years). Mean disease duration was 70 months (standard deviation: 61 months). MR images of 92 temporomandibular joints were scored for thickness of abnormally enhancing synovium (synovitis), joint effusion, bone marrow oedema, abnormal bone shape, bone erosion and disk abnormalities. The 92 temporomandibular joints were categorized as A: No synovitis and normal bone shape (30/92; 33%), B: Synovitis and normal bone shape (14/92: 15%), C: Synovitis and abnormal bone shape (38/92; 41%) and D: No synovitis but abnormal bone shape (10/92; 11%). Thirty-six of the 46 patients (78%) had synovitis and 33/46 (72%) had abnormal bone shape, most frequently in combination (30/46; 65%). Disk abnormalities (flat disk, fragmented disk, adherent disk and displaced disk) were found in 29/46 patients (63%). Disk abnormalities were found in all categories of juvenile idiopathic arthritis involved temporomandibular joints (B: 8/14 [57%]; C: 25/38 [66%] and D: 7/10 [70%]). Disk displacement was found in half of the joints (7/14) in category B. Synovitis was most pronounced in this category. Disk abnormalities were frequent. Disk displacement also occurred in joints with early temporomandibular joint arthritis, i.e., with normal bone shape. Other disk abnormalities were found in joints with bone abnormalities. Attention should be paid to disk abnormalities both in early and long-standing temporomandibular joint arthritis in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. (orig.)

  5. Superluminous Devices Versus Low-Level Laser for Temporomandibular Disorders

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    Sveshtarov Vasil


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to compare the pain intensity reduction between the mean radiation doses per session of gallium-aluminum-arsenide (GaAIAs laser with superluminous diodes (SLD in four of the most common pain-related chronic temporomandibular disorders (TMD - local myalgia, myofascial pain, myofascial pain with a referral, and arthralgia. This study was implemented on 124 patients with pain-related temporomandibular disorders according to the DC/TMD criteria. We applied trigger point oriented near-infrared laser (785 nm, 100 s, 8 J/cm2 and SLD cluster sessions (the cluster is composed of 49 SLDs with a combination of visible red (633 nm and infrared (880 nm diodes, 200 mW, 300 s, 8 J/cm2 for the temporomandibular joints and the affected muscles. Patients were evaluated at the start of the treatment, and after the 6th session of combined phototherapy. The pain intensity scores were measured according to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS. Our results show that the most statistically manifested pain reduction is found for the SLD dose, р = 0,000118, followed by the overall dose (laser plus SLD; р = 0,001031, and the laser dose; р = 0,030942 (ANOVA dispersion analyses. Consequently, it can be concluded that myalgia is better treated through lower doses of red light compared to infrared laser doses because SLDs combine the prooxidative effect of photons with 633 nm wavelength, a large area of exposure, sufficient tissue penetration, and some positive warming thermal impact of the SLD clusters.

  6. Descripci??n del dolor y el tono vagal en mujeres supervivientes de c??ncer de mama y efectos f??sicos de un programa de fisioterapia acu??tica


    Caro Mor??n, Elena


    El diagn??stico precoz, los avances en los tratamientos y la prevenci??n de la recurrencia son factores responsables del aumento de la supervivencia en las pacientes de c??ncer de mama. Estas pacientes sufren numerosas secuelas o trastornos cr??nicos relacionados con la propia enfermedad o derivadas de los tratamientos recibidos que repercuten sobre su calidad de vida. Las mujeres supervivientes de c??ncer de mama (SCM), objeto de nuestro estudio, presentan disfunciones card??a...

  7. The craniocervical connection: a retrospective analysis of 300 whiplash patients with cervical and temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Friedman, M H; Weisberg, J


    Because the concept of whiplash as a causative factor for temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is highly controversial, we decided to do a retrospective analysis of patients treated in our office who had sustained whiplash injuries and were treated for cervical and temporomandibular disorders. The records of 300 patients with TMD preceded by a motor vehicle accident were examined retrospectively. The most common presenting symptoms, in order, were: jaw pain, neck pain, post-traumatic headache, jaw fatigue, and severe temporomandibular joint (TMJ) clicking. The most common TMD diagnoses were: masseter trigger points, closing jaw muscle hyperactivity, TMJ synovitis, opening jaw muscle hyperactivity, and advanced TMJ disk derangement. Based primarily on the physical examination, we concluded that the TMJ and surrounding musculature should be examined similarly to other joints, with no preconceived notion that TMD pathology after whiplash is unlikely.

  8. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography of the temporomandibular joint: beyond dysfunction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia, Marcelo de Mattos; Machado, Karina Freitas Soares [Clinica Axial Centro de Imagem, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Radiologia; Mascarenhas, Marcelo Henrique [Associacao Brasileira de Odontologia de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Curso de Especializacao em Disfuncao Temporomandibular e Dor Orofacial


    Several diseases should be considered in the differential diagnosis of disorders affecting the temporomandibular joints. Internal derangement is the main condition responsible for pain related to this joint. Clinical signs may, though, be quite non-specific, and many other conditions present with similar and not infrequently indistinguishable signs and symptoms. In the present study, the authors describe several non-dysfunctional conditions affecting the temporomandibular joints through computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, emphasizing the importance of these imaging methods in the diagnosis of inflammatory, neoplastic and traumatic diseases of this region. Considering that clinical presentations are frequently non-specific, radiologists play a critical role in the differential diagnosis. (author)

  9. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography of the temporomandibular joint: beyond dysfunction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia, Marcelo de Mattos; Machado, Karina Freitas Soares; Mascarenhas, Marcelo Henrique


    Several diseases should be considered in the differential diagnosis of disorders affecting the temporomandibular joints. Internal derangement is the main condition responsible for pain related to this joint. Clinical signs may, though, be quite non-specific, and many other conditions present with similar and not infrequently indistinguishable signs and symptoms. In the present study, the authors describe several non-dysfunctional conditions affecting the temporomandibular joints through computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, emphasizing the importance of these imaging methods in the diagnosis of inflammatory, neoplastic and traumatic diseases of this region. Considering that clinical presentations are frequently non-specific, radiologists play a critical role in the differential diagnosis. (author)

  10. Evaluation relationship between temporomandibular joint disorder and headache: A review literature

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    Farzaneh Aghahosseini


    Conclusion: Bruxism and temporomandibular disorders are the two main contributing factors in initiation and perpetuation of headache. Treatment of these two phenomena would be effective in the treatment of headache.

  11. Evaluation of the research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders for the recognition of an anterior disc displacement with reduction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Naeije, M.; Kalaykova, S.; Visscher, C.M.; Lobbezoo, F.


    The aim of this Focus Article is to review critically the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) for the recognition of an anterior disc displacement with reduction (ADDR) in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This evaluation is based upon the experience gained

  12. Orofacial pain, jaw function, and temporomandibular disorders in adult women with a history of juvenile chronic arthritis or persistent juvenile chronic arthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bakke, M.; Zak, M.; Jensen, B.L.


    Orofacial pain, jaw function, temporomandibular disorders, adult women persistent juvenil chronic arthritis......Orofacial pain, jaw function, temporomandibular disorders, adult women persistent juvenil chronic arthritis...

  13. Replacement of Missing Anterior Teeth in a Patient with Temporomandibular Disorder

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    Satheesh B. Haralur


    Full Text Available The loss of anterior teeth leads to extreme psychological trauma, along with functional and esthetic debilitations. Healthy anterior teeth play an important role of protecting the posterior teeth during excursive mandibular movement. Loss of anterior teeth induces posterior interference with extended disocclusion time. Posterior disocclusion is critical to remove the harmful force on the teeth temporomandibular joint and eliminate muscle hypertonicity. Occlusal interference is considered as contributing factor to temporomandibular disorder (TMD symptoms. Prosthesis design should eliminate deleterious tooth contacts. Establishing optimum anterior guidance is a key to establishing harmonious functional occlusion in addition to the correction of the esthetic and phonetic disabilities. This case report explains the steps involved in the rehabilitation of the TMD patient with loss of maxillary anterior teeth.

  14. Temporomandibular disorders, headaches and chronic pain. (United States)

    Zakrzewska, Joanna M


    Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are a major cause of non-dental orofacial pain with a suggested prevalence of 3% to 5% in the general population. TMDs present as unilateral or bilateral pain centered round the pre-auricular area and can be associated with clicking and limitation in jaw movements. It is important to ascertain if there are other comorbid factors such as headaches, widespread chronic pain and mood changes. A biopsychosocial approach is crucial with a careful explanation and self-care techniques encouraged.

  15. Parapharyngeal space tumors: another consideration for otalgia and temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Grosskopf, Courtney C; Kuperstein, Arthur S; O'Malley, Bert W; Sollecito, Thomas P


    Parapharyngeal space (PPS) tumors are rare, accounting for 0.5% of all head and neck neoplasms. PPS tumors are difficult to diagnose due to limited presenting signs and symptoms and because of their location deep within the neck. A 60-year-old woman presented with complaints of otalgia, which appeared to be consistent with a temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Due to disproportionate symptoms, an MRI of the temporomandibular joints was ordered. The MRI revealed a mass within the PPS, which was later diagnosed as a mucoepidermoid carcinoma. A literature search failed to reveal otalgia, and facial pain, thought to be related to a TMD, as the primary presenting symptoms of a PPS neoplasm. Patients presenting with disproportionate signs and symptoms of a TMD should be evaluated with advanced imaging to rule out occult pathology. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Oral splint for temporomandibular joint disorders with revolutionary fluid system

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    Rahul Srivastava


    Full Text Available Temporomandibular joint (TMJ diseases and disorders refer to a complex and poorly understood set of conditions, manifested by pain in the area of the jaw and associated muscles and limitations in the ability to make the normal movements of speech, facial expression, eating, chewing, and swallowing. The conventional soft occlusal splint therapy is a much safer and effective mode of a conservative line of therapy in comparison to the surgical therapy for temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD. The purpose of this article is to review the Aqualizer TM , an hydrostatic oral splint, as accurate, effective treatment and differential diagnostic tool in TMD that allow treating the patient′s pain quickly and accurately saving valuable treatment time. The review article has been prepared doing a literature review from the world-wide web and pubmed/medline.

  17. Effect of treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in patients with cervicogenic headache: a single-blind, randomized controlled study. (United States)

    von Piekartz, Harry; Lüdtke, Kerstin


    The present study was comprised of 43 patients (16 men) with cervicogenic headaches for over three months, diagnosed according to the International Classification of Diagnostic Criteria of Headaches (ICDH-II). The patients were randomly assigned to receive either manual therapy for the cervical region (usual care group) or additional manual therapy techniques to the temporomandibular region to additionally influence temporomandibular disorders (TMD). All patients were assessed prior to treatment, after six sessions of treatment, and at a six-month follow-up. The outcome criteria were: intensity of headaches measured on a colored analog scale, the Neck Disability Index (Dutch version), the Conti Anamnestic Questionnaire, noise registration at the mandibular joint using a stethoscope, the Graded Chronic Pain Status (Dutch version), mandibular deviation, range of mouth opening, and pressure/pain threshold of the masticatory muscles. The results indicate in the studied sample of cervicogenic headache patients, 44.1% had TMD. The group that received additional temporomandibular manual therapy techniques showed significantly decreased headache intensities and increased neck function after the treatment period. These improvements persisted during the treatment-free period (follow-up) and were not observed in the usual care group. This trend was also reflected on the questionnaires and the clinical temporomandibular signs. Based on these observations, we strongly believe that treatment of the temporomandibular region has beneficial effects for patients with cervicogenic headaches, even in the long-term.

  18. Case-Based Learning for Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders. (United States)

    Clark, Glenn T.; And Others


    The use of interactive computer-based simulation of cases of chronic orofacial pain and temporomandibular joint disfunction patients for clinical dental education is described. Its application as a voluntary study aid in a third-year dental course is evaluated for effectiveness and for time factors in case completion. (MSE)

  19. Management of pain secondary to temporomandibular joint syndrome with peripheral nerve stimulation. (United States)

    Rodriguez-Lopez, Manuel J; Fernandez-Baena, Mariano; Aldaya-Valverde, Carlos


    Temporomandibular joint syndrome, or Costen syndrome, is a clinically diagnosed disorder whose most common symptoms include joint pain and clicking, difficulty opening the mouth, and temporomandibular joint discomfort. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is supplied by the auriculotemporal nerve, a collateral branch of the mandibular nerve (the V3 branch of the trigeminal nerve). The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness and safety of permanent peripheral nerve stimulation to relieve TMJ pain. This case series is a prospective study. Pain Unit of a regional universitary hospital. The study included 6 female patients with temporomandibular pain lasting from 2 to 8 years that did not respond to intraarticular local anesthetic and corticoid injections. After a positive diagnostic block test, the patients were implanted with quadripolar or octapolar leads in the affected preauricular region for a 2-week stimulation test phase, after which the leads were connected to a permanent implanted pulse generator. Results of the visual analog scale, SF-12 Health Survey, Brief Pain Inventory, and drug intake were recorded at baseline and at 4, 12, and 24 weeks after the permanent implant. Five out of 6 patients experienced pain relief exceeding 80% (average 72%) and received a permanent implant. The SF-12 Health Survey results were very positive for all specific questions, especially items concerning the physical component. Patients reported returning to normal physical activity and rest at night. Four patients discontinued their analgesic medication and 1 patient reduced their gabapentin dose by 50%. Sample size; impossibility of placebo control. Patients affected with TMJ syndrome who do not respond to conservative treatments may find a solution in peripheral nerve stimulation, a simple technique with a relatively low level of complications.

  20. Efficacy of Temporomandibular Joint Arthrocentesis with Sodium Hyaluronate in the Management of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders: A Prospective Randomized Control Trial. (United States)

    Gorrela, Harsha; Prameela, J; Srinivas, G; Reddy, B Vijay Baskar; Sudhir, Mvs; Arakeri, Gururaj


    This study was designed to investigate the efficacy of the temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis with and without injection of sodium hyaluronate (SH) in the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders. A total of sixty two TMJs in 34 males and 28 females aged 20-65 years comprised the study material. The patients' complaints were limited mouth opening, TMJ pain, and joint noises during function. Patients were randomly divided into 2 groups in which arthrocentesis plus intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate was performed in 1 group and only arthrocentesis was performed in the other group. Both groups contained patients with disc displacement with reduction and without reduction. Clinical evaluation of the patients was done before the procedure, immediately after the procedure, at 1 week and 1, 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Intensity of TMJ pain was assessed using visual analog scales. Maximal mouth opening and lateral jaw movements also were recorded at each follow-up visit. Both techniques increased maximal mouth opening, lateral movements, and function, while reducing TMJ pain and noise. Although patients benefitted from both techniques, arthrocentesis with injection of SH seemed to be superior to arthrocentesis alone.

  1. Variaciones horizontales, verticales y transversales en la relación céntrica (RC) en pacientes con disfunción temporomandibular (DTM) y síntomas otológicos (SO)


    Zenón Técotl, Laura Georgina; Quiroz Barrios, Julio César; Sánchez Ramos, Francisco


    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la magnitud de las variaciones horizontales, verticales y transversales en la relación céntrica (RC) en pacientes con disfunción temporomandibular (DTM) y síntomas otológicos (SO) comparando con pacientes que no presenten DTM ni SO, mediante el uso del articulador MG2, fueron valorados en la División de Estomatología-Ortodoncia del Hospital General (HGMGG). En un periodo comprendido del 2005 al 2006, con rango de edad entre 20 a 60 años. Para la realizació...

  2. Is playing string or wind musical instruments a risk factor for temporomandibular dysfunction? A Systematic Review.

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    Alessandro Leite Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Aim. Medical problems specifically affecting professional musicians are commonly mentioned in the literature. The present study is aimed to evaluate, through a systematic review, the possible association between the practice of string with bow and wind musical instruments and the occurrence of Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD. Methods. The search for articles was conducted in PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs, Cochrane Library, and Open Gray databases, and there was no restriction on language or date of publication. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA guidelines were followed. The MeSH terms used were: “music”; “temporomandibular joint”; “temporomandibular joint disorders”; “temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome”; and “occupational diseases”. Cross-sectional studies, case-control, cohort and clinical trials were included that involved the practice of string with bow and wind musical instruments and the occurrence of Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD. Articles were previously selected by title and abstract. Qualitative evaluation was done through the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Results. The literature search identified 732 studies, of which 10 met the inclusion criteria, nine of them cross-sectional studies and one a clinical intervention study. The TMD prevalence ranged from 47.0% to 89.0%. Recruitment of participants took place in professional schools and orchestras, and in bands of professional musicians. All studies reported associations between TMD and the practice of musical instruments, and violinists presented higher prevalence rates when compared to other instrument groups. Conclusion. All studies pointed to a possible association between TMD and the practice of string and wind musical instruments. More longitudinal and clinical trials studies are needed to verify any possible interrelationship.

  3. Temporomandibular joint arthrography: normal anatomy and technique of examination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duvoisin, B.; Schnyder, P.; Klaus, E.; Jacques, B.


    Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction is common. This entity is most often consecutive to internal derangements of the TMJ, which are not recognizable on plain films and tomograms. TMJ arthrography has proved a valuable tool in diagnosing these abnormalities. The technique of examination and normal arthrographic anatomy are reviewed. (author) [pt

  4. Multidisciplinary treatment in a patient with temporomandibular disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Alexandre Camara


    Full Text Available Adult patients with a multitude of problems require seamless integration of interdisciplinary protocols. This article presents a case of an adult female who reported with temporomandibular disorders, a crossbite and a Class III skeletal pattern. An interdisciplinary approach using expansion and surgery was used to treat the condition, followed by an esthetic/restorative protocol, achieving excellent results.

  5. Expanding the taxonomy of the diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peck, C C; Goulet, J-P; Lobbezoo, F


    There is a need to expand the current temporomandibular disorders' (TMDs) classification to include less common but clinically important disorders. The immediate aim was to develop a consensus-based classification system and associated diagnostic criteria that have clinical and research utility f...

  6. Expanding the taxonomy of the diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peck, C.C.; Goulet, J-P; Lobbezoo, F.; Schiffman, E.L.; Alstergren, P.; Anderson, G.C.; De Leeuw, R.; Jensen, R.; Michelotti, A.; Ohrbach, R.; Petersson, A.; List, T.


    There is a need to expand the current temporomandibular disorders' (TMDs) classification to include less common but clinically important disorders. The immediate aim was to develop a consensus-based classification system and associated diagnostic criteria that have clinical and research utility for

  7. Diagnostic accuracy of temporomandibular disorder pain tests: a multicenter study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visscher, C.M.; Naeije, M.; de Laat, A.; Michelotti, A.; Nilner, M.; Craane, B.; Ekberg, E.; Farella, M.; Lobbezoo, F.


    AIMS: To estimate the diagnostic accuracy of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) clinical examination and of the dynamic/static tests for the recognition of TMD pain. Since the diagnosis of TMD pain is especially complicated in persistent orofacial pain

  8. Occlusion and Temporomandibular Function among Subjects with Mandibular Distal Extension Removable Partial Dentures (United States)

    Creugers, N. H. J.; Witter, D. J.; Van 't Spijker, A.; Gerritsen, A. E.; Kreulen, C. M.


    Objective. To quantify effects on occlusion and temporomandibular function of mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures in shortened dental arches. Methods. Subjects wearing mandibular extension removable partial dentures (n = 25) were compared with subjects with shortened dental arches without extension (n = 74) and with subjects who had worn a mandibular extension removable partial denture in the past (n = 19). Subjects with complete dentitions (n = 72) were controls. Data were collected at baseline and at 3-, 6-, and 9-year observations. Results. Occlusal activity in terms of reported awareness of bruxism and occlusal tooth wear of lower anterior teeth did not differ significantly between the groups. In contrast, occlusal tooth wear of premolars in shortened dental arches with or without extension dentures was significantly higher than in the controls. Differences amongst groups with respect to signs and symptoms related to temporomandibular disorders were not found. Occlusal support of the dentures did not influence anterior spatial relationship. Occlusal contacts of the denture teeth decreased from 70% for second premolars via 50% for first molars, to 30% for second molars. Conclusions. Mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures in moderate shortened dental arches had no effects on occlusion and temporomandibular function. PMID:20671961

  9. Etiological factors correlated with temporomandibular disorder in complete denture wearers: a comparative analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Alexandre Zavanelli


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this study was to make a comparative evaluation of the prevalence of temporomandibular disorder in complete denturewearers, with regard to the etiological factors, such as gender, age, and complete dentures clinical conditions, according to the anamnestic(Ai and clinical (Di dysfunction index, developed by Helkimo.Methods: The randomized sample was composed of 90 institutionalized patients and bimaxillary complete denture wearers, with a mean ageof 67.2 years, who were included in this study. The collected data were tabulated and the Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square statistical tests were applied, at the level of significance of 5% (p<0.05.Results: Statistically significant difference in the prevalence of temporomandibular disorder was observed with regard to the ages of the current complete dentures, free-way space, wear of the occlusal surfaces of the artificial teeth, and the conditions of retention and stability of the maxillary and mandibular complete dentures, according to both the indexes. Conclusion: The patients who wore complete dentures in adequate clinical conditions presented fewer signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder than the patients who wore complete dentures in poor clinical conditions.

  10. Radiographic analysis of temporomandibular joint arthrosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    You, Dong Soo [Department of Oral Radiology, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The author analysed the bone changes, the positional relationships between condylar head and articular fossa, and the interrelationship between the bone changes and the abnormal position of condylar head, from 1,036 radiographs of 259 patients with temporomandibular joint arthrosis, which were obtained by the oblique-lateral transcranial projection and orthopantomograms. The results were as follows: 1. Among the radiographic bone changes of the temporomandibular joint arthrosis, deformity was 36..90% (217 cases), sclerosis 34.18% (201 cases), erosive change 25.58% (152 cases) and marginal proliferation 3.06% (18 cases) respectively. 2. In the positional changes between condylar head and articular fossa, the downward positioning of condylar head in centric occlusion was most frequent (36.90%), of which frequency was significantly higher than forward positioning (11.22%) and backward positioning (4.76%) in same condition. Also, radiographs showed that the enlargement of articular space showed higher frequency than its narrowing. In the opening position of mouth, the restrict ed movement of condylar head within articular fossa was most frequent (35.03%). The forward positioning and the downward positioning was 15.65% and 9.52% respectively. Also, radiographs revealed that the incomplete movement or no positional change of condylar head was most frequent. 3. In the interrelationship between bone changes and abnormal position of condylar head, deformity was 42.79% in the cases of downward positioning of condylar head in centric occlusion and 37.50% in those of normal positioning of condylar head in same condition. This revealed that deformity was most frequent bone change in above condylar positionings. However, erosive change was 34.62% in the cases of downward positioning of condylar head in centric occlusion and 33 .33% in those of forward positioning. In opening position of condylar head, and deformity in the cases of norma l positioning, forward positioning and

  11. Radiographic analysis of temporomandibular joint arthrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    You, Dong Soo


    The author analysed the bone changes, the positional relationships between condylar head and articular fossa, and the interrelationship between the bone changes and the abnormal position of condylar head, from 1,036 radiographs of 259 patients with temporomandibular joint arthrosis, which were obtained by the oblique-lateral transcranial projection and orthopantomograms. The results were as follows: 1. Among the radiographic bone changes of the temporomandibular joint arthrosis, deformity was 36..90% (217 cases), sclerosis 34.18% (201 cases), erosive change 25.58% (152 cases) and marginal proliferation 3.06% (18 cases) respectively. 2. In the positional changes between condylar head and articular fossa, the downward positioning of condylar head in centric occlusion was most frequent (36.90%), of which frequency was significantly higher than forward positioning (11.22%) and backward positioning (4.76%) in same condition. Also, radiographs showed that the enlargement of articular space showed higher frequency than its narrowing. In the opening position of mouth, the restrict ed movement of condylar head within articular fossa was most frequent (35.03%). The forward positioning and the downward positioning was 15.65% and 9.52% respectively. Also, radiographs revealed that the incomplete movement or no positional change of condylar head was most frequent. 3. In the interrelationship between bone changes and abnormal position of condylar head, deformity was 42.79% in the cases of downward positioning of condylar head in centric occlusion and 37.50% in those of normal positioning of condylar head in same condition. This revealed that deformity was most frequent bone change in above condylar positionings. However, erosive change was 34.62% in the cases of downward positioning of condylar head in centric occlusion and 33 .33% in those of forward positioning. In opening position of condylar head, and deformity in the cases of norma l positioning, forward positioning and

  12. [The transverse movement of the temporo-mandibular joint (translation movement) of the dog, also with reference to dysplasia of this joint in the dachshund]. (United States)

    Vollmerhaus, B; Roos, H


    Contrary to the accepted opinion, transverse movement is possible in the temporo-mandibular joint of the dog. This movement is arched and is important for mastication. Analysis of transverse movement of the temporo-mandibular joint was done in 20 dog breeds. Accidentally dysplasia of the temporo-mandibular joint was found in the dachshund, a phenomenon which has not been described before.

  13. Temporomandibular disorders in adolescents with headache. (United States)

    Sojka, Anna; Żarowski, Marcin; Steinborn, Barbara; Hedzelek, Wiesław; Wiśniewska-Spychała, Beata; Dorocka-Bobkowska, Barbara


    Headache is a common complaint in all age groups and is a frequent cause of medical consultations and hospitalization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of bite and non-bite parafunctions as well as the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) in adolescents presenting with primary headaches. Parents of adolescents presented with headaches to the Department of Developmental Neurology within a 12-month period were asked to complete a questionnaire developed by the authors of this study. Of the 1000 patients evaluated, 19 females and 21 males, aged 13 to 17 years, met the inclusion criterion - a confirmed clinical diagnosis of migraine or a tension headache according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition. The diagnostic algorithm of the study group consisted of a full medical history, an assessment of the occurrence of bite habits and a physical examination based on the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). Bite and non-bite parafunctions were found in 36 of the study group patients. A significant difference (p = 0.0003) between the number of bite parafunctions and non-bite parafunctions was found in females but not in males. However, bite parafunctions were more frequent in boys compared to girls (p = 0.01). Our findings suggest that it may be useful for pediatricians and neurologists to include TMD dysfunctions as a part of a standard examination of adolescents presenting with persistent headaches.

  14. Auditory characteristics of individuals with temporomandibular dysfunctions and dentofacial deformities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tatiane Totta


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether there is any relationship between otological as well as vestibular symptoms, audiological findings and type of temporomandibular disorder (articular, muscular and mixed; and to check the distribution of the temporomandibular disorders (TMD dysfunction degree in the research population. METHODS: A retrospective study involving 30 patients of both sexes, aged between 18 and 49 years old, diagnosed with TMD and dentofacial deformities, who were subject to clinical evaluation (muscle palpation, auscultation of temporomandibular joint during mandibular motion and measurement of jaw movement, audiological testing (pure tone audiometry and immittance testing and two questionnaires, one on otological and vestibular symptoms and the other on TMD anamnesis. Based on both the anamnesis questionnaire and the clinical assessment, the subjects were divided according to the type and degree of TMD dysfunction (mild, moderate and severe, and compared regarding the occurrence of auditory signs and symptoms, vestibular symptoms and audiological findings according to TMD type. RESULTS: The anamnesis questionnaire demonstrated higher prevalence (83.33% of severe TMD. Subjects with mixed TMD had more complaints about hypoacusis than those with muscular TMD (p < 0.05. The results showed no change in either audiological and immittance testing for all assessed individuals. CONCLUSION: Otological symptoms are present in subjects with TMD and dentofacial deformities, regardless of the classification of TMD (articular, muscular or mixed. Those with mixed TMD may have higher incidence of complaints about hypoacusis than subjects with muscular TMD. Further studies are needed to investigate the relationship between otological symptoms and the different types of TMD.

  15. Voice-supported Electronic Health Record for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hippmann, R.; Dostálová, T.; Zvárová, Jana; Nagy, Miroslav; Seydlová, M.; Hanzlíček, Petr; Kříž, P.; Šmídl, L.; Trmal, J.


    Roč. 49, č. 2 (2010), s. 168-172 ISSN 0026-1270 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 1M06014 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : electronic health record * structured data entry * dentistry * temporomandibular joint disorder Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science Impact factor: 1.472, year: 2010

  16. [The para-clinic investigation of temporo-mandibular joint changes in patients with acromegaly]. (United States)

    Morăraşu, C; Burlui, V; Olaru, C; Boza, C; Bortă, C; Morăraşu, G; Brînză, M


    The Acromegaly is an endocrinological disease determined by the hypersecretion of STH in a certain period of the body evolution and it causes the hypertrophy of bones in general and of mandible and cranio-facial bones, determining a disorder due to this development of bones, associated with troubles in the activity of muscles and of the phospho-calcium metabolism. This study was made on a group of 33 acromegaly patients. Their temporo-mandibular joint was investigated by ortopantomography, tomography, computer tomography and scintigraphy. All of these exams shows the changes in temporo-mandibular joint due to the cells hyperactivity determined by the hypersecretion of STH.

  17. The Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia for Temporomandibular Disorders (TSK-TMD)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visscher, C.M.; Ohrbach, R.; van Wijk, A.J.; Wilkosz, M.; Naeije, M.


    For musculoskeletal disorders like low back pain and fibromyalgia, evidence is growing for fear of movement to play an important role in the development of chronic pain. In temporomandibular disorder (TMD) patients, however, this construct has not received any attention yet. Therefore, in this

  18. Relación entre síntomas de los trastornos temporomandibulares y los trastornos emocionales


    Molinari, María Emelina; Rimoldi, Marta Lidia; Capece, María del Carmen; Hernández, Sandra Fabiana; Beti, María Mónica; Levalle, María José; Jáuregui, Rossana Miriam; Lambruschini, Vanessa Alejandra; Ruiz, Miriam Ester; Nucciarone, Milena; Maurer, Florencia; Llanos, Antonella


    Los trastornos temporomandibulares son un conjunto de condiciones musculoesqueléticas dolorosas que afectan a la articulación temporomandibular y/o los músculos de la masticación, huesos de la región bucofacial y estructuras faciales asociadas. Su etiología suele ser compleja y multifactorial. Estudios anteriores muestran una mayor frecuencia en el sexo femenino, sin que haya estudios significativos sobre la edad de incidencia de esta patología. Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre los tras...

  19. Association between headache and temporomandibular disorder. (United States)

    Abouelhuda, Amira Mokhtar; Kim, Hyun-Seok; Kim, Sang-Yun; Kim, Young-Kyun


    Headaches are one of the most common conditions associated with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). In the present paper, we evaluated the relationship between headache and TMD, determined whether headache influences the symptoms of TMD, and reported two cases of TMD accompanied by headache. Our practical experience and a review of the literature suggested that headache increases the frequency and intensity of pain parameters, thus complicating dysfunctional diseases in both diagnostic and treatment phases. Therefore, early and multidisciplinary treatment of TMD is necessary to avoid the overlap of painful events that could result in pain chronicity.

  20. Synovial membrane involvement in osteoarthritic temporomandibular joints - A light microscopic study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkgraaf, LC; Liem, RSB; deBont, LGM

    Objective. To study the light microscopic characteristics of the synovial membrane of osteoarthritic temporomandibular joints to evaluate synovial membrane involvement in the osteoarthritic process. Study design. Synovial membrane biopsies were obtained during unilateral arthroscopy in 40 patients.

  1. Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis. (United States)

    Grozdinska, Alina; Hofmann, Elisabeth; Schmid, Matthias; Hirschfelder, Ursula


    Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD), also known as Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT), is a degenerative inflammatory disease with high prevalence among women and has been associated with fibromyalgia and widespread chronic pain. The goal was to determine the frequency of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in patients with HT. In all, 119 women (age 19-60 years) were divided into a study (52 women diagnosed with HT) and a control (67 healthy individuals, of which 15 were excluded) group. Serum concentrations of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free triiodothyronine (fT3), free thyroxine (fT4), anti-thyroglobulin (Tg) and anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibody levels were measured. The temporomandibular jaw and muscles were examined using the German Society of Functional Diagnostics and Therapy guidelines. The Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) was used to assess TMD. Standardized questionnaires, incorporating epidemiological criteria, state and treatment of the thyroid disease, Helkimo Index (HI), and Fonseca Anamnestic Index (FAI), were filled out by all patients. The two groups did not differ in terms of demographic parameters or mandibular jaw mobility. Significantly higher levels of anti-TPO and anti-Tg were attested in all subjects of the HT group. Markedly elevated prevalence of TMD was found in the HT group. Muscle pain and stiffness were found in 45 (86.5%) subjects of the HT group (p < 0.001), of whom 33 (63.4%) also had disc displacement with reposition (p < 0.001). Whereas 50% of the control group showed no TMD symptoms, all subjects in the HT group had symptoms. A significantly elevated prevalence of TMD was found in patients with HT. Thus, patients with TMD who do not respond to therapy should be referred for thyroid diagnostic workup.

  2. Orotracheal intubation and temporomandibular disorder: a longitudinal controlled study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cláudia Branco Battistella


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To determine the incidence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder in elective surgery patients who underwent orotracheal intubation. METHODS: This was a longitudinal controlled study with two groups. The study group included patients who underwent orotracheal intubation and a control group. We used the American Academy of Orofacial Pain questionnaire to assess the temporomandibular disorder signs and symptoms one-day postoperatively (T1, and the patients' baseline status prior to surgery (T0 was also recorded. The same questionnaire was used after three months (T2. The mouth opening amplitude was measured at T1 and T2. We considered a pvalue of less than 0.05 to be significant. RESULTS: We included 71 patients, with 38 in the study group and 33 in the control. There was no significant difference between the groups in age (study group: 66.0 [52.5-72.0]; control group: 54.0 [47.0-68.0]; p = 0.117 or in their belonging to the female gender (study group: 57.9%; control group: 63.6%; p = 0.621. At T1, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups in the incidence of mouth opening limitation (study group: 23.7% vs. control group: 18.2%;p = 0.570 or in the mouth opening amplitude (study group: 45.0 [40.0-47.0] vs. control group: 46.0 [40.0-51.0];p = 0.278. At T2 we obtained similar findings. There was no significant difference in the affirmative response to all the individual questions in the American Academy of Orofacial Pain questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: In our population, the incidence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder of muscular origin was not different between the groups.

  3. Relação entre as disfunções temporomandibulares e a postura cervical


    Elias, Millie Bouskela


    As disfunções temporomandibulares (DTMs) afetam os músculos da mastigação e/ou a articulação temporomandibular, bem com, estruturas associadas podendo levar ao aparecimento de uma série de sinais e sintomas muito diversos. Devido à íntima relação existente entre os músculos da cabeça e região cervical com o sistema estomatognático, e sendo crescente o número de pacientes com DTMs e concomitantemente com alterações posturais, alguns autores, sugerem a participação da postura cor...

  4. Congenital Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis: Case Report and Literature Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ryan Chin Taw Cheong


    Full Text Available Congenital temporomandibular joint (TMJ ankylosis is an uncommon condition that presents itself at or soon after birth in the absence of acquired factors that could have contributed to the ankylosis such as infection and trauma. The experience of managing one such case is reported in light of a review of the literature on this condition. Key management principles include adequate removal of the ankylotic mass, costochondral grafting, and post-op physiotherapy. Most patients reported in the literature with the condition experienced relapse. This echoes our own experience where there was recurrence of the ankylosis. However, after removal of the ankylotic mass, the patient maintains a satisfactory maximal incisal opening (MIO till the present day. The additional challenges faced in the congenital form in addition to the already complex management of acquired paediatric temporomandibular joint ankylosis are (1 much earlier insult to the TMJ, (2 reduced opportunity for neuromuscular development of the muscles of mastication, and (3 reduced compliance with postoperative physiotherapy programmes due to the younger age of these patients.

  5. Motion Artifact in the MR imaging of temporomandibular disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tamamura, Kiyoharu; Miyajima, Hisashi; Nihei, Yoshinobu; Nemoto, Ryuichi; Ohno, Tomoya


    Recently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is indispensable for the diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Motion Artifacts of MRI occur more frequently than in other conventional methods, because it takes a long time to obtain the images. This paper reported on Motion Artifacts on MRI. MRI studies of 232 temporomandibular joints were performed in 116 patients with TMD by using a 0.5-T magnetic resonance (MR) scanner, with spin echo sequence: protondensity-weighted. And we took MRI slices at opening phase and closing phase. So 232 slices were gathered and we evaluated clinically the incidence of Motion Artifacts, that is to say, double and multiple images and other factors. The 103 slices in 56 patients showed Motion Artifacts. There is no significant difference between sexes. By age group, those in their teens were most frequent, followed by those in their fifties, forties, thirties and twenties. Also the same results were obtained for double image and multiple image. Incidence of Motion Artifact was most frequent at the opening phase. There is no significant difference between double and multiple image. (author)

  6. Application of Infrared Thermal Imaging in a Violinist with Temporomandibular Disorder. (United States)

    Clemente, M; Coimbra, D; Silva, A; Aguiar Branco, C; Pinho, J C


    Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) consist of a group of pathologies that affect the masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joints (TMJ), and/or related structures. String instrumentalists, like many orchestra musicians, can spend hours with head postures that may influence the biomechanical behavior of the TMJ and the muscles of the craniocervicomandibular complex (CCMC). The adoption of abnormal postures acquired during performance by musicians can lead to muscular hyperactivity of the head and cervical muscles, with the possible appearance of TMD. Medical infrared thermography is a non-invasive procedure that can monitor the changes in the superficial tissue related to blood circulation and may serve as a complement to the clinical examination. The objective of this study was to use infrared thermography to evaluate, in one subject, the cutaneous thermal changes adjacent to the CCMC that occur before, during, and after playing a string instrument.

  7. Professional karate-do and mixed martial arts fighters present with a high prevalence of temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Bonotto, Daniel; Namba, Eli Luis; Veiga, Danielle Medeiros; Wandembruck, Fernanda; Mussi, Felipe; Afonso Cunali, Paulo; Ribeiro Rosa, Edvaldo Antonio; Azevedo-Alanis, Luciana Reis


    Facial trauma in sports has been associated with temporomandibular disorders. Because of the intensity and duration of training needed for elite-level competitions, high-performance athletes can have two to five times more traumatic injuries than recreational athletes. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in high-performance martial arts fighters and compare it with the prevalence in recreational athletes and non-athletes. The Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders was used to diagnose and classify professional karate-do practitioners (group I; n = 24), amateur karate-do practitioners (group II; n = 17), high-performance mixed martial arts fighters (group III; n = 13), and non-athletes (n = 28). The groups were compared with the chi-square test and tested for the difference between two proportions using a significance level of 5% (P 0.05). A diagnosis of arthralgia from disk displacement was made more frequently in groups I (45.8%; P = 0.013) and III (38.5%; P = 0.012) than in group IV (7.1%). The chronic pain associated with TMD was low intensity and low disability. While there was a high prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in the professional athletes in our study, the prevalence of the condition in recreational athletes was similar to that in individuals who did not practice martial arts. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Disfunção Temporomandibular como Síndrome Inaugural de Artrite Idiopática Juvenil


    Ribeiro, N; Fonseca, L; Fernandes, F; Pinheiro, J; Proença, F


    A artrite idiopática juvenil abrange um grupo vasto de doenças articulares inflamatórias de causa desconhecida, com aparecimento antes dos 16 anos de idade. A articulação temporomandibular está envolvida na Artrite Idiopática Juvenil em mais de 80% dos casos, embora assintomática em 70% destes. Este trabalho relata um caso de uma doente de 15 anos, previamente saudável, com antecedentes de tratamento ortodôntico, que inicia sintomatologia de disfunção temporomandibular. Devido ao início sú...

  9. Long-term follow-up on total reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint - functional, psychosocial and radiological assessments in a case-series study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kristian

    Long-term follow-up on total reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint - functional, psychosocial and radiological assessments in a case-series study......Long-term follow-up on total reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint - functional, psychosocial and radiological assessments in a case-series study...

  10. Dynamic 3D FE modelling of the human temporomandibular joint during whiplash. (United States)

    Pérez del Palomar, A; Doblaré, M


    Rear-end impacts account for more than one-third of vehicle accidents, and nearly 40% of these accidents produce whiplash injuries. Whiplash injury to the neck has often been considered a significant risk factor for the development of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The objective of this study was to simulate the dynamic response of the temporomandibular joint during two types of impacts: a rear end and a frontal impact. To understand the dynamic forces acting on the joint, we extended a previous human temporomandibular joint model and analyzed the stress distributions in the soft elements of the joint. In the rear-end impact, it could be appreciated that the inertia of the mandible caused it to move posteriorly slower than the head, and this resulted in downward and forward displacements of the disc-condyle complex relative to the cranial base. Consequently, a rapid and big mouth opening occurs. In contrast, during the frontal impact, the mouth hardly opened, because the superior maxilla pushed the mandible to move together. There was not differential movement between bony components of the joint and therefore the soft tissues of the joint were not subjected to high loads. From these results, and despite the limitations of the simulations performed, we could conclude that neither a rear-end impact at low-velocity nor a frontal impact would produce damage to the soft tissues of the joint.

  11. [3D mandibular distraction planification in a case of severe temporomandibular ankylosis]. (United States)

    Weber, E; Meyer, C; Ernoult, C; Chatelain, B; Benassarou, M


    When occurring in childhood, temporomandibular ankylosis joint is responsible for complex maxillofacial deformities, including mandibular growth deficiency. We present a case of temporomandibular joint ankylosis associated with severe mandibular asymmetry treated by mandibular bone distraction performed under computer assistance. A 27-year-old patient presented with a severe facial asymmetry consisting in hypoplasia of the left hemi-mandible and maxilla. Mouth opening was non-existent. The CT-scan showed a left temporomandibular ankylosis. A left mandibular distraction was decided. The distraction characteristics (choice and positioning of the distractor, axis and amount of distraction) were determined preoperatively on the 3D CT-scan. The planning has been transferred to a navigation console (Kolibri®, Brainlab®). A combined intraoral and cutaneous was performed. Navigation allowed for an appropriate placement of the osteotomy line and fixation of the distractor. Distraction was started at the 5th postoperative day at the rate of 1mm per day and lasted 25 days without complication. 3D planning allows for better indication setting, better preparation of the procedure, reducing complications and operative time. It may help as an educational tool for young surgeons and for a better understanding from the patient. Navigation is an accurate method for the transfer of the planning in the operation room. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  12. [Intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid for anterior disc displacement of temporomandibular joint]. (United States)

    Long, X


    Anterior disc displacement (ADD) of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is regarded as one of the major findings in temporomandibular disorders (TMD). It is related to joint noise, pain, mandibular dysfunction, degenerative change and osteoarthritis. In the mean time, the pathological changes were found in synovial membrane and synovial fluid. Hyaluronic acid is a principal component of the synovial fluid which plays an important role in nutrition, lubrication, anti-inflammation and cartilage repair. The synthesis, molecule weight, and concentration of hyaluronic acid are decreased during TMD and cause TMJ degenerative changes. The clinical conditions, pathological changes, the mechanism of action for hyaluronic acid and the treatment of anterior disc displacement of TMJ are discussed in this article.

  13. On the anatomy of the temporomandibular joint and the muscles that act upon it: observations on the gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus. (United States)

    El Adli, Joseph J; Deméré, Thomas A


    The temporomandibular joint and its associated musculature are described in a neonate gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) and serve as the basis for direct anatomical comparisons with the temporomandibular region in other clades of baleen whales (Mysticeti). Members of the right whale/bowhead whale clade (Balaenidae) are known to possess a synovial lower jaw joint, while members of the rorqual clade (Balaenopteridae) have a nonsynovial temporomandibular joint characterized by a highly flexible fibrocartilaginous pad and no joint capsule. In contrast, the gray whale possesses a modified temporomandibular joint (intermediate condition), with a vestigial joint cavity lacking a fibrous capsule, synovial membrane, and articular disk. In addition, the presence of a rudimentary fibrocartilaginous pad appears to be homologous to that seen in balaenopterid mysticetes. The intrinsic temporomandibular musculature in the gray whale was found to include a multibellied superficial masseter and a single-bellied deep masseter. The digastric and internal pterygoid muscles in E. robustus are enlarged relative to the condition documented in species of Balaenoptera. A relatively complex insertion of the temporalis muscle on the dentary is documented in the gray whale and the low, knob-like process on the gray whale dentary is determined to be homologous with the prominent coronoid process of rorquals. Comparison with the anatomy of the temporomandibular musculature in rorquals reveals an increased importance of alpha rotation of the dentary in the gray whale. This difference in muscular morphology and lines of muscle action is interpreted as representing adaptations for suction feeding. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Temporomandibular joint movement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeda, M.; Itou, S.; Ishii, Y.; Yamamoto, K.; Kawamura, Y.; Matsuda, T.; Hayashi, N.; Ishii, J.


    Ten temporomandibular joints (TMJs) of 5 healthy volunteers and 19 TMJs of internal derangements in 16 patients with splint therapy were examined with MR imaging. T1-weighted images were obtained only in the closed mouth position, and gradient recalled acquisition in steady state (GRASS) images were obtained in active opening and closing phases, allowing a pseudodynamic display of TMJ movement. All patients received protrusive splint treatment. The usefulness of MR imaging to assess the efficacy of splint therapy was evaluated. Corrected disk position with the splint in place was clearly demonstrated in 9 TMJs, corresponding with elimination of reciprocal clicking. Ten other TMJs of anterior disk displacement without reduction showed uncorrected disk position by the splint. This information could confirm the therapeutic efficacy, or suggest other treatment alternatives. GRASS MR imaging can provide accurate and physiologic information about disk function in initial and follow-up assessment of protrusive splint therapy. (orig.)

  15. Craniocervical posture analysis in patients with temporomandibular disorder


    Iunes,DH; Carvalho,LCF; Oliveira,AS; Bevilaqua-Grossi,D


    OBJECTIVE: To compare head positioning and cervical spine alignment between individuals with and without temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), by means of positional evaluation using photographs, radiographs and visual observation, and to investigate whether the type of TMD influences head posture and cervical spine positioning. METHODS: Ninety randomly chosen women were diagnosed using the research diagnostic criteria for TMDs (RDC/TMD) by a trained examiner and were divided into three groups:...

  16. O uso do laser na reabilitação das desordens temporomandibulares

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    Thiago de Oliveira Assis

    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Entende-se disfunção temporomandibular comoum termo coletivo que envolve um grande número de problemas clínicos que afetam os músculos mastigatórios, a articulação temporomandibular (ATM e estruturas associadas. Dentre os principais sinais e sintomas, incluem-se dores nos músculos da mastigação ou na ATM, ruídos articulares, limitação de abertura, retração gengival, oclusão inadequada, distúrbios auditivos, cefaleias, sensibilidade em toda a musculatura do sistema estomatognático e cervical. OBJETIVOS: Estudar a influência da laserterapia de baixa intensidade (diodo no tratamento das desordens temporomandibulares. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática. Foram consultadas as seguintes bases de dados: BIREME, MEDLINE, PubMed, Science Direct e LILACS. Os termos de busca utilizados foram "temporomandibular laser therapy" e "ATM laser treatment", em inglês e português. Não foram estabelecidos limites de busca. Após a busca independente de dois revisores, foram encontrados 1.344 artigos e, após a aplicação dos critérios de exclusão, 12 artigos foram selecionados para a análise. RESULTADOS: Dos 12 artigos selecionados, apenas em 1 (um deles não foi verificada qualquer melhora do quadro doloroso na ATM em virtude dos diversos tipos de DTM. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar dos resultados satisfatórios do uso do laser na redução sintomática da dor nos DTM, ainda é controversa a utilização dos seus parâmetros para cada caso. Por isso, sugerimos a realização de outros estudos para que essas lacunas sejam preenchidas com o objetivo maior de promover uma melhor qualidade de vida para as pessoas que sofrem quaisquer transtornos na região da ATM.

  17. Occlusion and Temporomandibular Function among Subjects with Mandibular Distal Extension Removable Partial Dentures

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    N. H. J. Creugers


    Full Text Available Objective. To quantify effects on occlusion and temporomandibular function of mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures in shortened dental arches. Methods. Subjects wearing mandibular extension removable partial dentures (n=25 were compared with subjects with shortened dental arches without extension (n=74 and with subjects who had worn a mandibular extension removable partial denture in the past (n=19. Subjects with complete dentitions (n=72 were controls. Data were collected at baseline and at 3-, 6-, and 9-year observations. Results. Occlusal activity in terms of reported awareness of bruxism and occlusal tooth wear of lower anterior teeth did not differ significantly between the groups. In contrast, occlusal tooth wear of premolars in shortened dental arches with or without extension dentures was significantly higher than in the controls. Differences amongst groups with respect to signs and symptoms related to temporomandibular disorders were not found. Occlusal support of the dentures did not influence anterior spatial relationship. Occlusal contacts of the denture teeth decreased from 70% for second premolars via 50% for first molars, to 30% for second molars. Conclusions. Mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures in moderate shortened dental arches had no effects on occlusion and temporomandibular function.

  18. A comparative study of three-dimensional reconstructive images of temporomandibular joint using computed tomogram

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Suk Young; Koh, Kwang Joon


    The purpose of this study was to clarify the spatial relationship of temporomandibular joint and to an aid in the diagnosis of temporomandibular disorder. For this study, three-dimensional images of normal temporomandibular joint were reconstructed by computer image analysis system and three-dimensional reconstructive program integrated in computed tomography. The obtained results were as follows : 1. Two-dimensional computed tomograms had the better resolution than three dimensional computed tomograms in the evaluation of bone structure and the disk of TMJ. 2. Direct sagittal computed tomograms and coronal computed tomograms had the better resolution in the evaluation of the disk of TMJ. 3. The positional relationship of the disk could be visualized, but the configuration of the disk could not be clearly visualized on three-dimensional reconstructive CT images. 4. Three-dimensional reconstructive CT images had the smoother margin than three-dimensional images reconstructed by computer image analysis system, but the images of the latter had the better perspective. 5. Three-dimensional reconstructive images had the better spatial relationship of the TMJ articulation, and the joint space were more clearly visualized on dissection images.

  19. Condylar position on the lateral individualized corrected tomography in internal derangement of temporomandibular joint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Keun Min; Hwang, Eui Hwan; Lee, Sang Rae [College of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To examine the possible relationship between condylar position and disk displacement in the temporomandibular joint. 79 temporomandibular joints in 40 patients having temporomandibular disorders were classified into three categories: no disk displacement (NDD), disk displacement with reduction (DDWR), and disk displacement without reduction (DDWOR). Disk positions were assessed from clinical and MRI findings. The relationship between the three categories and condylar positions was evaluated using lateral individualized corrected tomography. Clinical findings regarding the relationship between condyle and disk positions having anterior, centric, and posterior positions were 27%, 27%, and 46%, respectively, in NDD, 43%, 17%, and 40%, respectively, in DDWR, and 44%, 22%, and 34%, respectively, in DDWOR. There were no significant differences in condylar positions between each of the groups (P>0.05). In the relationship between condyle and disk positions with MRI findings, anterior, centric, and posterior positions were 38%, 38%, and 24%, respectively, in NDD, 29%, 21%, and 50%, respectively, in DDWR, and 44%, 9%, and 47% respectively, in DDWOR. There were significant differences in the condylar positions when MRI was utilized (P<0.05). There was a significant correlation between the condyle and disk positions with MRI findings on lateral individualized corrected tomography.

  20. Radiographic appearance of the normal temporomandibular joint in newborns and small children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larheim, T.A.


    The radiographic anatomy of the normal temporomandibular joint in newborns and children up to 4 years of age was investigated, partly on specimens, obtained at autopsy, with methods corresponding to clinical procedures, and partly on patients. A rather flat mandibular fossa and immature mandibular head were found at birth, whereas a well-developed articular tubercle and an adult-like radiographic appearance of the joint were found at about one year of age. No evident changes of the radiographic anatomy seemed to occur from one to 4 years of age. A striking similarity was observed between the dystrophic temporomandibular joint in patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and micrognathia and the normal radiographic appearance in the first months of life, indicating an early involvement of this joint in patients developing micrognathia. (Auth.)

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis affecting temporomandibular joint

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    Amandeep Sodhi


    Full Text Available Rheumatoid arthritis (RA is a chronic, systemic, autoimmune inflammatory disorder that is characterized by joint inflammation, erosive properties and symmetric multiple joint involvement. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ is very rare to be affected in the early phase of the disease, thus posing diagnostic challenges for the dentist. Conventional radiographs fail to show the early lesions due to its limitations. More recently cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT has been found to diagnose the early degenerative changes of TMJ and hence aid in the diagnosis of the lesions more accurately. Our case highlights the involvement of TMJ in RA and the role of advanced imaging (CBCT in diagnosing the bony changes in the early phase of the disease.

  2. Rol del kinesiólogo en una unidad de piso pelviano

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    Fuentes V. Kine. Bernardita


    Full Text Available Las disfunciones del piso pélvico (DPP deben ser evaluadas y tratadas en forma multidisciplinaria. El kinesiólogo especialista en piso pelviano es un profesional que tiene un rol bien definido en este equipo de salud. La rehabilitación es considerada como tratamiento de primera línea en el abordaje de un número significativo de DPP. Los inicios del entrenamiento muscular del piso pélvico datan de los años 50, sin embargo desde la década de los 80, el kinesiólogo no solo realiza ejercicios, sino que su enfoque es más amplio incluyendo una serie de técnicas kinésicas y que se denomina reeducación pelviperineal (RPP. Los resultados de los tratamientos de rehabilitación han sido demostrados en distintas disfunciones del piso pelviano, teniendo además un rol fundamental en la prevención. El desarrollo de esta especialidad es nueva en nuestro país, pero ha ido adquiriendo poco a poco más relevancia y credibilidad. El objetivo del siguiente artículo es exponer el enfoque y el aporte del kinesiólogo, no sólo en el tratamiento sino también en la prevención de disfunciones del piso pelviano. Además se desea dar a conocer la indicación y las etapas y método de la reeducación pelviperineal y por último, el desarrollo que ha tenido esta especialidad kinésica en nuestro país.

  3. [Temporo-mandibular joints and orthognathic surgery]. (United States)

    Bouletreau, P


    Temporo-Mandibular Joints (TMJ) and orthognathic surgery are closely linked. In the past, some authors have even described (with mixed results) the correction of some dysmorphosis through direct procedures on the TMJs. Nowadays, performing orthognathic surgery involves the TMJ in three different occasions: (1) TMJ disorders potentially responsible for dento-maxillary dysmorphosis, (2) effects of orthognathic surgery on TMJs, and (3) condylar positioning methods in orthognathic surgery. These three chapters are developed in order to focus on the close relationships between TMJ and orthognathic surgery. Some perspectives close this article. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  4. Tinnitus with temporomandibular joint disorders: a specific entity of tinnitus patients? (United States)

    Vielsmeier, Veronika; Kleinjung, Tobias; Strutz, Jürgen; Bürgers, Ralf; Kreuzer, Peter Michael; Langguth, Berthold


    Tinnitus is frequently associated with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. However, the nature of the relationship is not fully understood. Here the authors compared 30 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of temporomandibular joint dysfunction and tinnitus to a group of 61 patients with tinnitus but without any subjective complaints of TMJ dysfunction with respect to clinical and demographic characteristics. Case-control study. Tertiary referral center. Tinnitus patients with and without TMJ dysfunction presenting at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and th: Tinnitus Clinic at the University of Regensburg. Tinnitus patients with TMJ disorder had better hearing function (P neck movements (P = .001). Classical risk factors for tinnitus (age, male gender, hearing loss) are less relevant in tinnitus patients with TMJ disorder, suggesting a causal role of TMJ pathology in the generation and maintenance of tinnitus. Based on this finding, treatment of TMJ disorder may represent a causally oriented treatment strategy for tinnitus.

  5. Diagnostic criteria for headache attributed to temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Schiffman, Eric; Ohrbach, Richard; List, Thomas; Anderson, Gary; Jensen, Rigmor; John, Mike T; Nixdorf, Donald; Goulet, Jean-Paul; Kang, Wenjun; Truelove, Ed; Clavel, Al; Fricton, James; Look, John


    We assessed and compared the diagnostic accuracy of two sets of diagnostic criteria for headache secondary to temporomandibular disorders (TMD). In 373 headache subjects with TMD, a TMD headache reference standard was defined as: self-reported temple headache, consensus diagnosis of painful TMD and replication of the temple headache using TMD-based provocation tests. Revised diagnostic criteria for Headache attributed to TMD were selected using the RPART (recursive partitioning and regression trees) procedure, and refined in half of the data set. Using the remaining half of the data, the diagnostic accuracy of the revised criteria was compared to that of the International Headache Society's International Classification of Headache Diseases (ICHD)-II criteria A to C for Headache or facial pain attributed to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Relative to the TMD headache reference standard, ICHD-II criteria showed sensitivity of 84% and specificity of 33%. The revised criteria for Headache attributed to TMD had sensitivity of 89% with improved specificity of 87% (p headache that is changed with jaw movement, function or parafunction and (2) provocation of that headache by temporalis muscle palpation or jaw movement. Having significantly better specificity than the ICHD-II criteria A to C, the revised criteria are recommended to diagnose headache secondary to TMD.

  6. Splint therapy for disc displacement with reduction of the temporomandibular joint. Part I: Modified mandibular splint therapy


    Huang, I-Yueh; Wu, Ju-Hui; Kao, Yu-Hsun; Chen, Chao-Ming; Chen, Chun-Ming; Yang, Yi-Hsin


    The aims of this preliminary study were to present a modified mandibular splint together with a treatment regimen and to evaluate their effects on the treatment of reciprocal joint sounds of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The study participants were recruited from 312 consecutive patients in the temporomandibular disorder clinic of a medical center in Taiwan from January 2003 to December 2003. From among these, 59 cases with typical reciprocal clicking were selected for this study. All pa...

  7. Los trastornos temporomandibulares y la radiación láser Temporomandibular disorders and the application of laser therapy.

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    Ileana Grau León


    Full Text Available Los trastornos temporomandibulares constituyen un problema de salud mundial. Estudios epidemiológicos en relación con su prevalencia indican que más del 50 % de la población ha padecido de signos y síntomas relacionados con esta patología, entre los que se encuentran ruidos, dolor articular y limitación al movimiento. El grupo de estudio estuvo constituido por 40 pacientes con trastornos de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM, de ambos sexos y mayores de 20 años, que acudieron a consulta en la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana. El diagnóstico se estableció por el interrogatorio y el examen clínico. Para la obtención de los datos se creó un formulario con el objetivo de evaluar la eficacia del uso del miniláser en la terapia de los trastornos de la ATM, evaluar la evolución de intensidad dolorosa presente, antes y después del tratamiento con láser y tratamiento farmacológico, así como determinar el número de aplicaciones necesarias para el alivio total o parcial del dolor y músculo con mayor afectación. La aplicación de la técnica se realizó en 2 grupos; el primero recibió terapia farmacológica activa y el segundo terapia láser. Al culminar el tratamiento se evaluaron los casos y se remitieron a la consulta de ATM para el tratamiento definitivo. Los resultados revelaron que el mayor porcentaje de los pacientes tuvo remisión total del dolor con el tratamiento con láser terapia, en relación con los que se trataron con fármacos, al igual que el índice de dolor presente.Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD are a world health problem. Epidemiological studies indicate that over 50% of population has suffered some kind of sign and sympton caused by this pathology like joint sounds, joint pain and restricted movement. The study group was composed by 40 patients of both sexes and over 20 years of age that had come to the dental service of the Faculty of Dentistry in Havana province because of their temporomandibular



    Andréa Corrêa CARRASCOSA; Juliana Alvares Duarte Bonini CAMPOS; João Bosco FARIA


    A relação existente entre as disfunções temporomandibulares (DTM), a dificuldade de alimentação e a conseqüente inadequação no processo de nutrição motivou a realização deste estudo de revisão de literatura. As bases de dados “Pubmed” (1966-2008) e “Lilacs” (1982-2008) foram consultadas com a utilização dos descritores temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome, fee...

  9. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders – A Few Interesting Experiences to Share

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    Sumit Chattopadhyay


    Full Text Available Temporomandibular joint disorders rarely present in a very direct way. Often, the complaints are far away from the joint itself, making the diagnosis difficult. But a high index of suspicion and a good clinical idea often clinches the diagnosis in many cases of otalgia with apparently no definitive finding.

  10. Temporomandibular Myofacial Pain Treated with Botulinum Toxin Injection

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    Niv Mor


    Full Text Available This article reviews the diagnoses and treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD and outlines of the role of botulinum toxin (BoNT in the treatment of myofacial TMD. This manuscript includes a brief history of the use of BoNT in the treatment of pain, the mechanism of action of BoNT, and the techniques for injections, adverse effects and contraindications when using BoNT to treat mayofacial pain caused by TMD.

  11. Long-standing temporomandibular joint dislocation: A rare experience

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    Kapil Malik


    Full Text Available Long-standing temporomandibular joint (TMJ dislocations persist for more than a month are most challenging to treat. The management of such condition varies widely, from closed reduction to complicated surgical procedures. The choice of an appropriate methodology is questionable. At present, there are no standard rules or conventions for the ideal strategy in different circumstances. This paper attempts to present the experience of managing two cases of long-standing TMJ dislocations.

  12. Botulinum Neurotoxin Injection for the Treatment of Recurrent Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation with and without Neurogenic Muscular Hyperactivity

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    Kazuya Yoshida


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to compare treatment outcomes following intramuscular injection of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT in patients with recurrent temporomandibular joint dislocation, with and without muscle hyperactivity due to neurological diseases. Thirty-two patients (19 women and 13 men, mean age: 62.3 years with recurrent temporomandibular joint dislocation were divided into two groups: neurogenic (8 women and 12 men and habitual (11 women and 1 man. The neurogenic group included patients having neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease or oromandibular dystonia, that are accompanied by muscle hyperactivity. BoNT was administered via intraoral injection to the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle. In total, BoNT injection was administered 102 times (mean 3.2 times/patient. The mean follow-up duration was 29.5 months. The neurogenic group was significantly (p < 0.001 younger (47.3 years than the habitual group (84.8 years and required significantly (p < 0.01 more injections (4.1 versus 1.7 times to achieve a positive outcome. No significant immediate or delayed complications occurred. Thus, intramuscular injection of BoNT into the lateral pterygoid muscle is an effective and safe treatment for habitual temporomandibular joint dislocation. More injections are required in cases of neurogenic temporomandibular joint dislocation than in those of habitual dislocation without muscle hyperactivity.

  13. Muscle disorders and dentition-related aspects in temporomandibular disorders: controversies in the most commonly used treatment modalities

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    Jerjes Waseem


    Full Text Available Abstract This review explores the aetiology of temporomandibular disorders and discusses the controversies in variable treatment modalities. Pathologies of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ and its' associated muscles of mastication are jointly termed temporomandibular disorders (TMDs. TMDs present with a variety of symptoms which include pain in the joint and its surrounding area, jaw clicking, limited jaw opening and headaches. It is mainly reported by middle aged females who tend to recognize the symptoms more readily than males and therefore more commonly seek professional help. Several aetiological factors have been acknowledged including local trauma, bruxism, malocclusion, stress and psychiatric illnesses. The Research Diagnostic Criteria of the Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD is advanced to other criteria as it takes into consideration the socio-psychological status of the patient. Several treatment modalities have been recommended including homecare practices, splint therapy, occlusal adjustment, analgesics and the use of psychotropic medication; as well as surgery, supplementary therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy. Although splint therapy and occlusal adjustment have been extensively used, there is no evidence to suggest that they can be curative; a number of evidence-based trials have concluded that these appliances should not be suggested as part of the routine care. Surgery, except in very rare cases, is discouraged since it is the most invasive alternative; recent studies have shown healthier outcome with cognitive behavioural therapy.

  14. Perfiles e indicadores psicológicos relacionados con la dispareunia y el vaginismo: Estudio cualitativo. Segunda parte


    Sánchez Bravo, Claudia; Carreño Meléndez, Jorge; Corres Ayala, Norma Patricia; Taracena Ruiz, Bertha Elvia


    Una de las metas de la psicología de la salud es la búsqueda de especificidad en la detección de factores relacionados con los trastornos psicológicos, entre los que se encuentran las disfunciones sexuales femeninas por dolor: la dispareunia y el vaginismo (no debidas a enfermedad médica). La dispareunia es la presencia de dolor genital en la relación sexual. El vaginismo se caracteriza por espasmos de la musculatura de la entrada vaginal que dificultan o hacen imposible la realización del co...

  15. Neurocisticercosis frontal y déficit de atención


    Miriam Barboza; Sandra Sepúlveda; Dilia Montalvo


    Introducción: La neurocisticercosis (NCC), es la parasitosis más frecuente del sistema nervioso central. La epilepsia, las disfunciones del tracto piramidal, el incremento de la presión intracraneana y el deterioro intelectual son las manifestaciones clínicas más usuales en esta entidad.Materiales y métodos: Se revisan cinco casos de neurocisticercosis de localización frontal comprobados por estudios de neuroimágenes; los pacientes presentaron como síntomas déficit de atención y en cuatro de ...



    Silva M., Héctor


    Las disfunciones de la columna vertebral que producen incapacidad laboral, son de alta prevalencia en el mundo. Este problema de salud pública afecta a la mayoría de las personas principalmente en la edad media de la vida. Los problemas de columna son multifactoriales y uno de ellos es el aumento de la lordosis lumbar, por aumentos del ángulo lumbosacro, ángulo lordótico y profundidad de la lordosis. El propósito del estudio fue conocer como se comportan nuestros adolescentes con respecto a l...

  17. Evaluation of inflammatory processes in temporomandibular joint employing technetium-99m-labelled autologous leukocytes in an animal model; Avaliacao de processos inflamatorios na articulacao temporomandibular empregando leucocitos autologos marcados com tecnecio-99m em modelo animal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brasileiro, Claudia Borges [Centro Universitario Newton Paiva, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)]. E-mail:;; Cardoso, Valbert Nascimento; Ruckert, Bianca [Minas Gerais Univ., Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Faculdade de Farmacia; Campos, Tarcisio Passos Ribeiro de [Minas Gerais Univ., Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Escola de Engenharia. Dept. de Engenharia Nuclear


    Objective: the present study was aimed at identifying temporomandibular joint inflammatory processes employing technetium-99m hexamethyl propylene amine oxime (99mTc-HMPAO)-labeled autonomous leukocytes. Materials and methods: we have utilized an experimental model of arthritis induction in ten adult male New Zealand rabbits by means of ovalbumin intra-articular injection into each left temporomandibular joint. For control purposes, saline solution was injected. After leukocytes radiolabeling with 99mTc-HMPAO and injection into rabbits, scintigraphic images were obtained. Results: a higher 99mTc-HMPAO-leukocytes uptake was observed in left temporomandibular joint in comparison with the contralateral joint. Wilcoxon non-parametric test was applied for statistical analysis. There was a statistically significant difference between counts of radioactivity per minute in the inflamed joint and the contralateral one (p = 0.0073). Conclusion: the method employing 99mTc-HMPAO-labelled autologous leukocytes allows an early and accurate detection of inflammatory processes, contributing to the adoption of a therapeutic conduct for patients before structural alterations have occurred. (author)

  18. [Temporomandibular disorders and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, hypermobility type: A case-control study]. (United States)

    Diep, D; Fau, V; Wdowik, S; Bienvenu, B; Bénateau, H; Veyssière, A


    The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, hypermobility type (EDS-HT) is a rare genetic disease. Diagnosis is based on a combination of clinical criteria described in the classification of Villefranche. Diagnosis is difficult to make because of the lack of specific clinical signs and the absence of genetic testing. The EDS-TH manifests itself manly by musculoskeletal pain and joint hypermobility. Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are also reported. Our aim was to objectify the presence and to qualify the type of TMD associated with the EDS-HT in order to propose an additional diagnostic argument. A prospective, monocenter case-control study, comparing a cohort of patients suffering from EDS-HT to a paired control group of healthy volunteers has been conducted. Clinical examination was standardized, including a general questioning, an oral examination and a temporomandibular joint examination following the TMD/RDC (temporomandibular disorders/research diagnostic criteria). Fourteen EDS-HT patients and 58 control patients were examined. The prevalence of TMDs (n=13; 92.9% vs. n=4; 6.9%; P=10(-11)) was significantly higher in the EDS-HT group. TMDs occurring in the EDS-HT group were complex, combining several mechanisms in contrast to the control group, where only one mechanism was found in all the patients (n=13; 92.9% vs. n=0; 0.0%). TMDs are strongly associated with RDS-HT. TMDs could therefore be used in the diagnosis of this disease. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  19. Temporomandibular Joint and its Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Modelling

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hliňáková, P.; Dostálová, T.; Daněk, Josef; Nedoma, Jiří; Hlaváček, Ivan


    Roč. 80, č. 6 (2010), s. 1256-1268 ISSN 0378-4754 Grant - others:GA MZd(CZ) NS9902 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504; CEZ:AV0Z10190503 Keywords : dentistry * temporomandibular joint * mathematical modelling * contact problem * finite element method Subject RIV: FF - HEENT, Dentistry Impact factor: 0.812, year: 2010

  20. Treatment of temporomandibular disorder using occlusal splint

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    Agus Dahlan


    Full Text Available Background: Patient suffering from occlusal abnormality is usually detected months or even years when the acute patient visits a dentist, and generally the patient does not receive direct treatment upon his complaints since minimum information is available on this type of treatment. In general, the dentist provides medication only or conducts incorrect selective grinding where in fact, the patient does not feel better from the previous conditions. Purpose: The objective of this study is to discuss the treatment on the dysfunctional temporomandibular joint followed by orofacial pain caused by occlusal disorder using occlusal splint. Case: In this case, a forty three years old male having trouble with the joint on the left jaw followed by orofacial pain caused by occlusal disorder. Case Management: Initial treatment with occlusal splint makes the patient comfortable and recovers from his complaints since the patient could restructure the chewing muscles. This treatment will be more successful if the dentist has the knowledge to use and choose occlusal splint method properly. Occlusal Splint could be used as a supporting therapy and consideration as one of the therapies to avoid the unwanted side effects. The use of occlusal splint is meant as an alternative of the main therapy in overcoming the problem of occlusal splint. Conclusion: Finally, therapy with occlusal splint is very effective as an alternative treatment to handle the dysfunction of temporomandibular joint caused by occlusion.

  1. Examining the links between attachment, perfectionism, and job motivation potential with job engagement and workaholism

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    Aharon Tziner


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo fue investigar las asociaciones entre los estilos de apego, el perfeccionismo y el potencial de motivación laboral con el compromiso con el trabajo y la adicción al trabajo. Una muestra de 139 empleados cumplimentó un cuestionario de autoinforme que incluía medidas psicométricamente sólidas de los constructos clave. Se realizó un análisis de correlaciones, una regresión múltiple jerárquica y un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para poner a prueba las relaciones propuestas y las hipótesis de mediación. Se encontró que el perfeccionismo funcional se relacionaba con el compromiso con el trabajo, mientras que el perfeccionismo disfuncional emergía asociado a los estilos de apego seguros y no seguros. Además, sólo un estilo de apego (no seguro y un tipo de perfeccionismo (disfuncional estaban ligados a la adicción al trabajo. Los directivos deberían prestar atención a los empleados que se caractericen por un es- tilo de apego no seguro y por una personalidad perfeccionista. También se debería hacer un esfuerzo para mejorar el compromiso entre los empleados y facilitar la adicción constructiva al trabajo.

  2. Evaluation of body posture in individuals with internal temporomandibular joint derangement. (United States)

    Munhoz, Wagner Cesar; Marques, Amélia Pasqual; de Siqueira, José Tadeu Tesseroli


    Temporomandibular dysfunctions (TMD) comprise a great number of disruptions that may affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the masticatory muscles, or both. TMJ internal derangement is a specific type of TMD, of which the etiology and physiopathology are broadly unknown, but have been suggested to be linked to head, neck, and body posture factors. This study aimed at verifying possible relationships between body posture and TMJ internal derangements (TMJ-id), by comparing 30 subjects presenting typical TMJ-id signs to 20 healthy subjects. Subjects' clinical evaluations included anamnesis, stomatognatic system evaluation, and plotting analysis on body posture photographs. No statistically significant differences were found between the groups. Results do not support the assertion that body posture plays a role in causing or enhancing TMD; however, these results should be cautiously considered because of the small number of subjects evaluated and the many posture variables submitted to statistical procedures that lead to high standard deviations.

  3. The effects of a global postural exercise program on temporomandibular disorder

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    Alexandre Fiorelli

    Full Text Available Abstract Changes in the suboccipital muscles and the hamstrings may interfere with head posture and the biomechanics of the temporomandibular joint, both of which contribute to the severity of temporomandibular disorders (TMD. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effects of a global postural exercise program (GPEP on pain intensity and mouth-opening range of motion (ROM in women with TMD. The participants were comprised of 30 women with TMD who were divided into two groups: an experimental group (EG and a control group (CG. A pressure algometer was used for pain assessment and a paquimeter was used to measure ROM. The duration of the GPEP was six weeks. In the EG, there was a reduction in pain intensity and an increase in mouth-opening ROM compared to the CG. Therefore, we concluded that the GPEP was effective in relieving pain in all of the evaluated muscles and regions, and in increasing mouth-opening ROM in women with TMD.

  4. Arthrocentesis as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint arthropathy : A randomized controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vos, L. M.; Huddleston Slater, J. J. R.; Stegenga, B.

    Objective: To determine the effectiveness of arthrocentesis compared to conservative treatment as initial treatment with regard to temporomandibular joint pain and mandibular movement. Patients and methods: In this randomized controlled trial, 80 patients with arthralgia of the TMJ (classified


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Separate entities of temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis and internal derangement are operationally defined. Criteria are based on an analysis of the diagnostic significance of symptoms and signs, principles of synovial joint pathology in general, and on therapeutic considerations. The primary

  6. Chronic hematic cyst of the temporomandibular joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orhan, K.; Delilbasi, C.; Nishiyama, H.; Furukawa, S.; Mitsunobu, K.


    Hematic cyst refers to accumulation of blood or blood breakdown products in a non epithelium-lined fibrous tissue capsule. Hepatic cyst is a term often used for deeply placed, incompletely resorbed hematoma hemorrhagic cyst, which may remain unchanged and unidentified for long periods of time. Trauma is the major causative factor, although it is often vague or totally uncalled by the patient. Chronic hematic cysts are uncommon lesions those can present diagnostic challenge. In this article we report a first case of a chronic hematic cyst of the temporomandibular joint TMJ. (author)

  7. Temporomandibular joint space in children without joint disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larheim, T.A.


    Bilateral assessment of the temporomandibular joint space in children without joint disease is reported. Twenty-eight children were examined with conventional radiography and 23 with tomography. High prevalence of asymmetric joint spaces with both techniques indicated that great care should be taken when using narrowing or widening of the joint space as a diagnostic criterion in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Other signs, such as restricted translation of the mandibular head, and clinical symptoms should be evaluated. (Auth.)

  8. Association between clinical and cone-beam computed tomography findings in patients with temporomandibular disorders

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    Mahrokh Imanimoghaddam


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND AND AIM: The aim of this study was to assess the association between the clinical and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT findings in relation to bony changes in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD. METHODS: According to the research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorder (RDC/TMD, forty-one patients with type II TMD (42 TM joints and type III TMD (40 TM joints were recruited for this study. Condylar position and bony changes including flattening, sclerosis, osteophytes, resorption, and erosion of joint were evaluated by CBCT and compared with clinical findings. Data were analyzed by SPSS software. RESULTS: Condylar flattening, sclerosis, resorption, and erosion were not significantly associated with joint/masticatory muscles pain or crepitus sound. The vertical or horizontal position of the condyle showed no significant relationship with the clinical findings. Condylar osteophyte was significantly associated with pain in masticatory muscles and crepitus (P = 0.030 and P = 0.010, respectively. There was no association between the condylar range of motion and pain in joint or masticatory muscles. CONCLUSION: Condylar osteophyte was significantly associated with both masticatory muscles pain and crepitus sound. No significant relationship was found between the other temporomandibular joint (TMJ radiographic and clinical findings in patients with TMD.


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    Vitor Vieira


    Full Text Available A Desordem temporomandibular (DTM é uma condição em que há um comprometimento da articulação temporomandibular e/ou das estruturas adjacentes. Na maioria dos casos, seus sintomas são discretos e cíclicos, podendo ter variações no grau da limitação de abertura da boca e da dor, mas esta disfunção, pode também proporcionar um grande desconforto tornando-se uma doença gravemente incapacitante.  Para a solução de problemas de desordem na articulação temporomandibular existem várias opções cirúrgicas, dentre elas a artroscopia. Considerada como uma técnica segura, ela alivia a dor severa de pacientes e restabelece a amplitude dos movimentos mandibulares. A artroscopia não é considerada uma técnica invasiva, portanto os pacientes possuem uma rápida recuperação. Nos últimos anos, muito se evoluiu nessa técnica, principalmente devido à melhor qualidade das imagens de ressonância magnética (IRM, possibilitando um melhor diagnostico e tratamento mais rápido.

  10. Rehabilitación dental y trastornos temporomandibulares en adolescentes de Puebla, México / Dental rehabilitations and temporomandibular disorders in adolescents of Puebla, Mexico

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    Gabriel Muñoz Q


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar el factor de riesgo para desarrollar trastornos temporomandibulares (ttm en adolescentes sometidos a rehabilitación dental. Métodos: cohorte realizada en 153 adolescentes, (52,9% mujeres y 47% hombres libres de ttm. Para diagnosticar los ttm se utilizaron los Criterios Diagnósticos para la Investigación de los ttm (cdi/ttm, para determinar caries se aplicó el índice cpod. Se formaron dos grupos, el grupo expuesto a rehabilitación dental (74, y el grupo no expuesto (79. Se realizaron seguimientos a las dos semanas, tres y seis meses de la rehabilitación dental. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva y se calculó el riesgo relativo con intervalos de confianza al 95%. Para el grupo de los expuestos, se incluyeron adolescentes libres de ttm en los que fue necesario realizar tratamiento de rehabilitación dental en órganos posteriores con caries en esmalte y dentina en fosas y fisuras. Para el grupo no expuesto, se incluyeron adolescentes pareados por edad y sexo con los expuestos, libres de ttm sin necesidades de rehabilitación dental. Resultados: la incidencia de ttm a los quince días de los expuestos (18,9% fue superior en contraste con los no expuestos (5,0%. El riesgo relativo de desarrollar ttm en los adolescentes rehabilitados con resina a las dos semanas posteriores a la rehabilitación fue de 2.412 (I.C. 95% 1.001-5,81 veces más que en aquellos que no fueron sometidos a la rehabilitación. Conclusión: la rehabilitación dental es un factor de riesgo mínimo para desarrollar ttm a corto plazo (15 días de realizado el procedimiento, dicho padecimiento inducido por la rehabilitación dental es agudo y auto limitante Objective: determine the risk factor involved with developing temporomandibular disorders (tmd in adolescents undergoing dental rehabilitation. Methodology: cohort study carried out on 153 tmd-free adolescents (52.9% women and 47% women. In order to diagnose tmds the Diagnostic Criteria for Research

  11. [Temporo-mandibular ankylosis]. (United States)

    Bénateau, H; Chatellier, A; Caillot, A; Diep, D; Kün-Darbois, J-D; Veyssière, A


    Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint is defined as a permanent constriction of the jaws with less than 30mm mouth opening measured between the incisors, occurring because of bony, fibrous or fibro-osseous fusion. Resulting complications such as speech, chewing, swallowing impediment and deficient oral hygiene may occur. The overall incidence is decreasing but remains significant in some developing countries. The most frequent etiology in developed countries is the post-traumatic ankylosis occurring after condylar fracture. Other causes may be found: infection (decreasing since the advent of antibiotics), inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis mainly) and congenital diseases (very rare). Management relies on surgery: resection of the ankylosis block in combination with bilateral coronoidectomy… The block resection may be offset by the interposition temporal fascia flap, a costochondral graft or a TMJ prosthesis according to the loss of height and to the impact on dental occlusion. Postoperative rehabilitation is essential and has to be started early, to be intense and prolonged. Poor rehabilitation is the main cause of ankylosis recurrence. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  12. Temporomandibular joint dislocation due to acute propranolol intoxication

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    Abbas Aghabiklooei


    Full Text Available Abbas Aghabiklooei1, Homan Elahi2, Babak Mostafazadeh31Department of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; 2Firouzgar Hospital, Department of ENT, Tehran, Iran; 3Department of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine, Shaheed Beheshty University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IranAbstract: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ dislocation has not previously been reported as a complication of beta-blocker toxicity. We are reporting two cases of TMJ dislocation resulted from acute severe intoxication with pure propranolol (PPL for the first time. Bilateral TMJ dislocation happened in two patients who were admitted to intensive care unit with diagnosis of severe acute PPL toxicity. Clinical diagnosis of TMJ dislocation was obtained by physical examination. Successful reduction was performed for both patients without subsequent recurrence in two weeks following hospital discharge. Both of our subjects had no previous history of lower jaw dislocation. There was not any risk factor for dislocation such as convulsion during admission period, recent face trauma, or oral manipulation by the medical team. This study showed that TMJ dislocation may occur after severe acute PPL toxicity probably due to spastic contraction of the lateral pterygoid muscle. This is against previously mentioned hypothesis that stated masseteric muscles contraction as the main cause of a bilateral dislocated TMJ.Keywords: propranolol, toxicity, temporomandibular joint dislocation

  13. Avaliação de sinais e sintomas da disfunção temporomandibular e sua relação com a postura cervical


    Viana, Maíra de Oliveira; Lima, Ellis Isadora Castello Branco Mourão Ferreira; Menezes, José Nilson Rodrigues de; Olegario, Natália Bitar da Cunha


    Introdução As disfunções temporomandibulares (DTM) podem acarretar alterações gerais nos movimentos mandibulares devido à modificação nas condições musculares e articulares. Objetivo Avaliar os sinais e sintomas da disfunção temporomandibular e sua relação com a postura cervical. Material e método Estudo transversal e descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado na Universidade de Fortaleza, de agosto de 2011 a abril de 2012, em que 23 participantes com disfunção temporomandibular respon...

  14. Computed tomography and treatment of chronic temporomandibular joint arthritis in a sheep

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Warmerdam, E.P.L.; Weeren, P.R. van


    Diagnostic imaging and treatment of destructive right temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthritis in a sheep are discussed. Computed tomography (CT) appears to be an attractive technique for imaging TMJ lesions in sheep. Surgical curettage of a deformed TMJ can result in functional recovery

  15. Osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint organ and its relationship to disc displacement

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stegenga, B


    To overcome disagreements with regard to the relationship between disc displacement and osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the evidence for suggested disease mechanisms and clinical course of these disorders is reviewed. The TMJ behaves as a complex organ in which biochemical and

  16. Analysis of the frequency and degree of temporomandibular disorder in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing radiotherapy

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    Douglas Roberto Pegoraro

    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction: Head and neck cancer is responsible for an increasing incidence of primary malignant neoplasm cases worldwide. Radiotherapy is one of the treatments of choice for this type of cancer, but it can cause adverse effects, such as temporomandibular disorder. The objective of this study was to characterize the degree and frequency of temporomandibular disorder in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing radiotherapy. Method: This research was quantitative, descriptive and exploratory. The sample consisted of 22 patients that answered assessment questions and the Helkimo anamnestic questionnaire, modified by Fonseca (1992. The data were collected from May to October 2014, and statistically analyzed using the Chi-square test, with a significance level of p ≤ 0.05. Results: Of the 22 patients, 86.4 % were male, with a mean age of 58.86 ± 9.41 years. Temporomandibular disorder was present in 31.8% of the subjects, based on the assessment prior to radiotherapy, and in 59.1% in the post-treatment assessment. Among all questions, the most frequent was "Do you use only one side of the mouth to chew?" with 22.7% "yes" answers, both at the first assessment and at the post treatment. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, temporomandibular disorder is a disease that is present with a high prevalence in people diagnosed with head and neck cancer undergoing radiotherapy.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, P.U.; DEBONT, L.G.M.; VANDERWEELE, L.T.; Boering, G.

    The purpose of this paper was to study the relationship between temporomandibular joint (TMJ) mobility and mobility of joints and to study the general character of joint mobility in 83 subjects, 55 females and 28 males (mean age 26.7, range 13-46 years). The subjects were recruited from the

  18. Temporomandibular Joint Prosthesis - 3D-CT Reconstruction before and after Treatment

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Feltlová, E.; Dostálová, T.; Kašparová, M.; Daněk, J.; Hliňáková, P.; Hubáček, M.; Nedoma, Jiří


    Roč. 6, č. 1 (2010), s. 15-19 ISSN 1801-5603 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : dentistry * maxillofacial surgery * partial TMJ prosthesis * three-dimensional computed tomography * magnetic resonance imaging * temporomandibular joint Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  19. A study of the temporomandibular joint during bruxism


    Commisso Cuñarro, María Soledad; Martínez Reina, Francisco Javier; Mayo Nuñez, Juana María


    A finite element model of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the human mandible was fabricated to study the effect of abnormal loading, such as awake and asleep bruxism, on the articular disc. A quasilinear viscoelastic model was used to simulate the behaviour of the disc. The viscoelastic nature of this tissue is shown to be an important factor when sustained (awake bruxism) or cyclic loading (sleep bruxism) is simulated. From the comparison of the two types of bruxism, it was seen that s...

  20. Inter-tester reliability of selected clinical tests for long-lasting temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Julsvoll, Elisabeth Heggem; Vøllestad, Nina Køpke; Opseth, Gro; Robinson, Hilde Stendal


    Clinical tests used to examine patients with temporomandibular disorders vary in methodological quality, and some are not tested for reliability. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate inter-tester reliability of clinical tests and a cluster of tests used to examine patients with long-lasting temporomandibular disorders. Forty patients with pain in the temporomandibular area treated by health-professionals were included. They were between 18-70 years, had 65 symptomatic (33 right/32 left) and 15 asymptomatic joints. Two manual therapists examined all participants with selected tests. Percentage agreement and the kappa coefficient ( k ) with 95% confidence interval (CI) were used to evaluate the tests with categorical outcomes. For tests with continuous outcomes, the relative inter-tester reliability was assessed by the intraclass-correlation-coefficient (ICC 3,1 , 95% CI) and the absolute reliability was calculated by the smallest detectable change (SDC). The best reliability among single tests was found for the dental stick test, the joint-sound test ( k  = 0.80-1.0) and range of mouth-opening (ICC 3,1 (95% CI) = 0.97 (0.95-0.98) and SDC = 4 mm). The reliability of cluster of tests was excellent with both four and five positive tests out of seven. The reliability was good to excellent for the clinical tests and the cluster of tests when performed by experienced therapists. The tests are feasible for use in the clinical setting. They require no advanced equipment and are easy to perform.

  1. Evolución clínica del síndrome de disfunción dolorosa de la articulación temporomandibular con acupuntura Clinical evolution of the pain dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint using acupuncture

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    Felicia C Morejón Alvarez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio longitudinal y prospectivo con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad del tratamiento con acupuntura en el síndrome de disfunción dolorosa de la articulación temporomandibular, patología que aqueja a un por ciento elevado de la población y debido a su etiología multifactoria,l se hace difícil establecer un tratamiento. Esta investigación se desarrolló en el Hospital Universitario Abel Santamaría Cuadrado, durante el período de febrero a septiembre de 2006. La muestra estuvo constituida por 104 pacientes que asistieron a la consulta de cirugía maxilofacial, por presentar síntomas y signos propios del síndrome de disfunción dolorosa de la articulación temporomandibular. De manera aleatoria quedó la muestra dividida en dos grupos: un grupo control que se trató con el tratamiento convencional y uno de estudio, tratado con acupuntura. Los datos fueron recogidos en tablas y tabulados por el método estadístico de chi cuadrado. Se concluye que en la terapia con acupuntura no existieron reacciones adversas y a los cinco días de tratamiento solo un 29% presentó dolor a la masticación y un 27% a la palpación de la musculatura, mientras que por el tratamiento convencional un 40,4% y un 50% respectivamente tenían estas alteraciones. Con acupuntura el promedio de sesiones necesarias para la remisión de los síntomas fue de 9, quedó demostrada la efectividad de esta terapia en el tratamiento del dolor disfunción temporomandibular.A longitudinal prospective study is carried out aimed at studying the effectivity of the treatment with acupuncture in presence of pain temporomandibular joint dysfunction, present in a high percentage of patients.Due to the multifactorial etiology is hard to establish the treatment.The present research was carried out in "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado"University Hospital during February _September 2006. The sample was comprised of 104 patients attending to the dental surgeon office

  2. Temporomandibular disorder in chronic migraine

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    N. V. Latysheva


    Full Text Available Rationale: For many years, temporomandibular disorder (TMD has been studied primarily by dentists and maxillofacial surgeons. However, new data is emerging that TMD is comorbid with various types of headache; however this association has not been studied in detail. Aim: To analyze TMD prevalence and clinical structure in patients with migraine. Materials and methods: We assessed 84 patients with chronic migraine (CM and 42 patients with episodic migraine (EM. TMD was diagnosed according to the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders: Clinical Protocol and Assessment Instruments 2014. We also performed subgroup analysis for low-frequency EM (less than 4 headache days per month, LFEM vs. high-frequency EM and CM (over 10 headache days per month, HFEM + CM. Results: In both groups, myofascial pain was the most prevalent form of TMD. The prevalence of TMD was higher in CM as compared to EM (52.4% vs. 28.6%, correspondingly, р = 0.02. Even more evident differences were observed between LFEM and HFEM + CM (18.2% vs. 51.6%, correspondingly, р < 0.009. The difference was significant for painrelated TMD only. The prevalence of bruxism was comparable across LFEM and HFEM + CM (18% vs. 30.5%, correspondingly, р = 0.3 and significantly lower than TMD prevalence in HFEM + CM (30.5% vs. 51.6%, correspondingly, p = 0.005. The anxiety level in patients with and without TMD was also comparable (8.1 ± 4.1 vs. 8.3 ± 4.7, correspondingly, р = 0.8. Conclusion: CM patients have a high prevalence of pain-related TMD (52.4%. The prevalence of TMD in LFEM is comparable to that in the general population. The presence of bruxism or anxiety cannot be associated with a high TMD prevalence in our patients. In CM, pain in the masticatory muscles may be caused by anti-nociceptive dysfunction, mirroring central sensitization and disrupted descending modulation of pain.

  3. Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in the elderly. (United States)

    Camacho, José Gustavo Dala Déa; Oltramari-Navarro, Paula Vanessa Pedron; Navarro, Ricardo de Lima; Conti, Ana Cláudia de Castro Ferreira; Conti, Marcio Rodrigues de Almeida; Marchiori, Luciana Lozza de Moraes; Fernandes, Karen Barros Parron


    This study investigated the prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) in the elderly and its association with palpation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), masticatory and cervical muscles as well as the presence of headache and joint noises. The sample consisted of 200 elderly of both genders (mean age: 69.2±5.7 years). The clinical evaluation of TMD signs and symptoms was divided into three stages: an anamnestic questionnaire, a TMJ evaluation, and a muscular examination. The results were analyzed through descriptive statistics as well as using χ2 and the tendency tests. The presence of TMD was observed in 61% of the sample (mild: 43.5%, moderate: 13%, severe: 4.5%). A significantly greater prevalence of TMD was found for females (72.4%) compared with that for men (41.1%) (pheadaches and the presence of TMD (p=0.0001). The association between the presence of joint noises and sensitivity to TMJ palpation was not significant. The elderly presented high TMD prevalence, mostly in females, with mild severity and related to TMJ and masticatory/cervical muscles palpation. Thus, the accomplishment of a detailed clinical examination to investigate the presence of such disorders is essential and it must not be neglected during the treatment of elderly patients.

  4. Association between painful temporomandibular disorders, sleep bruxism and tinnitus

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    Giovana Fernandes


    Full Text Available The present cross-sectional study was designed to investigate the association between sleep bruxism (SB, tinnitus and temporomandibular disorders (TMD. The sample consisted of 261 women (mean age of 37.0 years. The Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders were used to classify TMD and self-reported tinnitus. SB was diagnosed by clinical criteria proposed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The results showed an association between painful TMD and tinnitus (OR = 7.3; 95%CI = 3.50-15.39; p < 0.001. With regard to SB, the association was of lower magnitude (OR = 1.9; 95%CI = 1.16-3.26; p < 0.0163. When the sample was stratified by the presence of SB and painful TMD, only SB showed no association with tinnitus. The presence of painful TMD without SB was significantly associated with tinnitus (OR = 6.7; 95%CI = 2.64-17.22; p < 0.0001. The concomitant presence of painful TMD and SB was associated with a higher degree of tinnitus severity (OR = 7.0; 95%CI = 3.00-15.89; p < 0.0001. It may be concluded that there is an association between SB, painful TMD and self-reported tinnitus; however, no relationship of a causal nature could be established.

  5. Prevalence of degree of severity of temporomandibular joint disorder based on sex and age group

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    Luciana Dewanti


    Full Text Available Temporomandibular joint disorders are disturbances of mastication system due to one or more component of mastication system does not properly function. The factors that play a role in this problem divided into three factors; a predisposition factor (systemic, occlusion disturbances and psychological trouble, b initiation factor (traumatic and c perpetuation factor (social behavior. These disorders are able to cause a variety of symptom suck as limitedness of jaw movement, clicking, deviation locked joint, muscle pain, joint pain, jaw movement pain and pain of ear and headache. The objective of this study was to obtain information about the prevalence degree of severity of the temporomandibular joint disorder, the differences of prevalence between man and woman and the different among age groups. The study was descriptive and analysis survey, done to 134 patients as an experimental sample of 3–75-year old that have visited Dental Hospital, Padjadjaran University Bandung, during February 2008. Sample consist of 57 men and 77 women were evaluated by using Helkimo Index and analysis by using Z statistical proportion test to know the existence of difference prevalence degree of severity between man and woman and using the chi-square test to know the difference prevalence among age groups.The result of this study shows that there is highly prevalence severity of temporomandibular joint disorder (84,33% and significantly different on prevalence severity between man and woman and among a group of ages.The conclusion can be drawn that patients who visited the dental hospital, Padjadjaran University have higher prevalence severity of temporomandibular joint disorder where a woman has higher level compare to man, and the young adult group has highest either man and woman. Clicking is the most often symptom appear to man and woman.

  6. The role of simultaneous gap arthroplasty and distraction osteogenesis in the management of temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis with mandibular deformity in children. (United States)

    Rao, Krishna; Kumar, Sudhir; Kumar, Vijay; Singh, Arun Kumar; Bhatnagar, Sudhir Kumar


    Temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis is a common cause of acquired deformity in children. Surgical correction of the ankylosis only leaves the patient with an uncorrected mandibular deformity. This study was to evaluate the use of distraction osteogenesis for simultaneous correction of the mandibular deformity. This study was done on six children with temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis and mandibular deformity. Uniaxial double pin distractors with Schanz pins were used in this study. The patients underwent simultaneous gap arthroplasty and mandibular osteotomy (retromolar) with distractor insertion. Distraction was started on the fifth post-operative day. The patients were put on dynamic temporo-mandibular joint exercises on the first post-operative day. All patients had a satisfactory mouth opening on follow-up. Satisfactory cosmetic correction of the mandibular deformity was also achieved in all these patients. Some degree of malocclusion resulted from treatment due to which the patients were placed on orthodontic treatment. Distraction osteogenesis can be used simultaneously with gap arthroplasty in patients with temporo-mandibular ankylosis, for the correction of the mandibular deformity.

  7. Autoantibody and environmental damage to the brain


    Arango, María-Teresa


    Las anormalidades de comportamiento y disfunciones cognitivas pueden presentarse en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes. Estos síntomas pueden fluctuar de leves hasta eventos potencialmente mortales. En su gran mayoría los mecanismos responsables de estas manifestaciones neuropsiquiatricas siguen siendo desconocidas, sin embargo se han identificado varias vías patogénicas. Por ejemplo; neurotoxicidad mediada por anticuerpos, vasculopatía inducida por anticuerpos anti-fosfolípidos, neurotox...

  8. Occlusion and Temporomandibular Function among Subjects with Mandibular Distal Extension Removable Partial Dentures.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Creugers, N.H.J.; Witter, D.J.; Spijker, A. van 't; Gerritsen, A.E.; Kreulen, C.M.


    Objective. To quantify effects on occlusion and temporomandibular function of mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures in shortened dental arches. Methods. Subjects wearing mandibular extension removable partial dentures (n = 25) were compared with subjects with shortened dental arches

  9. Temporo-mandibular joint disease in ankylosing spondylitis. (United States)

    Davidson, C; Wojtulewski, J A; Bacon, P A; Winstock, D


    The occurrence of temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) disease in ankylosing spondylitis is not widely recognized and its incidence is disputed. Seventy-nine patients attending two routine rheumatology clinics were therefore examined by dental surgeon and nine (11-5 per cent) were considered to have specific TMJ involvement. These patients were older than the remainder, and had more extensive spinal and peripheral joint disease. Symptoms were mild and the predominant clinical feature was restricted mouth opening, which could present considerable difficulties during emergency anaesthesia. Bilateral condylectomy was undertaken in one patient with some benefit. Images PMID:1124959

  10. Tinnitus in patients with temporo-mandibular joint disorder: Proposal for a new treatment protocol. (United States)

    Attanasio, Giuseppe; Leonardi, Alessandra; Arangio, Paolo; Minni, Antonio; Covelli, Edoardo; Pucci, Resi; Russo, Francesca Yoshie; De Seta, Elio; Di Paolo, Carlo; Cascone, Piero


    The present study was designed to verify the correlation between tinnitus and temporomandibular joint dysfunction.86 consecutive patients were enrolled in the study, all affected by subjective tinnitus without hearing impairment, from both genders, age between 18 and 60 years old. The final number of patients included in the study was 55. All patients received a temporo-mandibular joint examination. All the patients were asked to rate the severity of their symptoms before and after treatment using a VAS scale and the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) and they followed a standardized protocol for the investigation of tinnitus. All the subjects were monitored by the same researcher and they underwent the same splint treatment. The comparison between pre- and posttreatment phase scores showed in patients with predisposition of TMD and with TMD a statistically significant decrease of THI and VAS values. The characteristics of tinnitus and the degree of response to treatment confirmed the relationship between tinnitus and TMD. The authors believe that, when the most common causes of tinnitus, such as otologic disorders and neurological diseases are excluded, it is correct to evaluate the functionality of the temporo-mandibular joint and eventually treat its pathology to obtain tinnitus improvement or even resolution. Copyright © 2015 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Oral parafunctions, piercing and signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in high school students. (United States)

    Mejersjö, Christina; Ovesson, Daniel; Mossberg, Birgitta


    The use of chewing-gum and piercing has become common among adolescents and might result in increased oral muscle activity and overloading. Aim To investigate the frequency of oral piercing and parafunctions in relation to symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) among adolescents. One hundred and twenty-four third level high school students, living either in a city or in a small town, enrolled in either science or media programmes, were included. The students completed a questionnaire regarding different parafunctions and symptoms of TMD. A clinical examination of the temporomandibular system and estimation of the tooth wear was performed in 116 students. Chewing-gum was used by 86% of the students (25% with a daily use) and 14% had an oral piercing. The science students used more chewing gum than the media students (p = 0.008), while the media students had more piercings (p headache, 18% for clicking, 7% for facial pain and 6% for difficulty to open wide. Girls reported more headaches (p = 0.007) and more severe symptoms (p = 0.003), had more medical consultations and used more analgesics (both p headache (p temporomandibular joints and muscles (both p headache and muscle tenderness (both p headache (p < 0.05) and tooth wear (p = 0.004). There is an association between use of chewing gum, nail biting, oral piercing, and symptoms of TMD.

  12. Modified T-Plate Interpositional Arthroplasty for Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis: A New and Versatile Option

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    Imran Ahmad


    Full Text Available BackgroundThis study has been conducted with the aim of evaluating modified T-plate interpositional arthroplasty.MethodsA prospective comparative study in patients admitted with temporomandibular joint ankylosis. Ankylotic temporomandibular joint arthroplasty included condylectomy gap arthroplasty in 7, temporalis muscle flap interpositional arthroplasty in 8, and modified T-plate interpositional arthroplasty in 13 cases. The patients were followed for three years. Collected data were tabulated and subjected to Fisher's exact test, chi-square test and probability estimation.ResultsA significant increase in interincisal distance of 32 mm was seen in 12 (92.31% patients in the T-plate interposition group, in 2 (25% cases of the temporalis muscle flap interposition group, and in 1 case (14.28% of the condylectomy group at 12, 24, and 36 months. Re-ankylosis was observed in 1 case (9.69% of the T-plate interposition group, while as it was observed in 4 (50% cases in the temporalis muscle flap interposition group and 4 (57.14% cases in the condylectomy group, and these differences were statistically significant.ConclusionsOur clinical experience with the use of the T-plate over the past 5 years has been encouraging, and our physiotherapy technique is quite simple. Even illiterate parents can assess it easily. Hence, we recommend this easy technique that does not damage the temporalis muscle for the management of temporomandibular joint ankylosis.

  13. Indication for and accuracy of CT and MRI of the temporomandibular joint; Indikation und Aussagekraft von Computertomographie und Magnetresonanztomographie des Kiefergelenks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Greess, H.; Anders, K. [Erlangen-Nuernberg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Diagnostische Radiologie


    Recurrent pains of the temporomandibular joint represent a frequent symptom with numerous different causes. CT and MRI can reliably show the cause of these disorders and therefore have substituted conventional X-ray imaging. Modern multi-slice-CT (MSCT) allows for examination of the skull base including the mandible in a very short time with thinnest slice collimation (0.75 mm). With 2D- and 3D- reformations reconstructed out of this volume data set in parasagittal, coronal or any other arbitrary slice orientation excellent imaging of fractures and bony changes of arthrosis as well as benign and malignant tumors of the temporomandibular joint can be performed. MRI offers very good soft tissue contrast in order to visualize the intra-articular disc, the ligaments and muscles, as well the possibility to acquire cross sectional images in any user-defined orientation. MRI is the method of choice to diagnose 'internal derangement', particularly displacement of the intra-articular disc and inflammatory disease of the temporomandibular joint. The present paper will provide diagnostic strategies for the use of MSCT or MRI imaging concerning the different causes of disorders to the temporomandibular joint. (orig.)

  14. Atypical Presentation of Zoster Mimicking Headache and Temporomandibular Disorder: A Case Report. (United States)

    Zarei, Mohammad Reza; Chamani, Goli


    Herpes zoster in the prodromal stage may be mistaken for other diseases characterized by pain in the area of prodrome, such as dental pain. We report on a case of trigeminal herpes zoster, which presented as sudden onset headache and acute temporomandibular pain in the prodromal phase.


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    Andréa Corrêa CARRASCOSA


    Full Text Available

    A relação existente entre as disfunções temporomandibulares (DTM, a dificuldade de alimentação e a conseqüente inadequação no processo de nutrição motivou a realização deste estudo de revisão de literatura. As bases de dados “Pubmed” (1966-2008 e “Lilacs” (1982-2008 foram consultadas com a utilização dos descritores temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome, feeding, nutrition e dietary habits. A literatura ressalta o importante papel das DTM na alimentação e na nutrição bem como a relação destes processos na perpetuação da disfunção temporomandibular. Entretanto, frente à escassez de trabalhos que identifiquem as alterações alimentares e nutricionais específicas dos indivíduos portadores de DTM ou que estabeleçam sua relação de causa-efeito sugere-se a necessidade de realização de mais estudos.

  16. The presence of altered craniocervical posture and mobility in smartphone-addicted teenagers with temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Kee, In-Kyung; Byun, Jin-Seok; Jung, Jae-Kwang; Choi, Jae-Kap


    [Purpose] Smartphones are widely used by teenagers and adults for various purposes. As teenagers use smartphones more actively than adults, they are more prone to be addicted to smartphones. Furthermore, excessive usage of smartphones can lead to various psychosocial and physical symptoms. [Subjects and Methods] One hundred teenage subjects were recruited and divided into normal and addiction groups, based on the criteria of the smartphone addiction scale-short version questionnaire. Craniocervical posture and mobility were examined by lateral cephalometric analysis and a cervical range of motion instrument. [Results] Cephalometric analysis showed no significant difference in the craniocervical angles of the resting positions of the two groups. However, measurement using an inclinometer revealed a significantly flexed cervical posture while using smartphones and decreased cervical range of motion in the smartphone-addicted teenagers. The clinical profile of temporomandibular disorders revealed that muscular problems were more frequently presented in the smartphone-addicted teenagers. [Conclusion] These findings suggest that smartphone addiction has a negative influence on craniocervical posture and mobility. Further, it can be postulated that smartphone addiction among teenagers may have contributed to the occurrence of myogenous temporomandibular disorders. In conclusion, smartphone-addicted teenagers may be more frequently subjected to muscular disturbance in the craniocervical area, which probably affects the pathologic process of temporomandibular disorders in teenagers.

  17. Incidencia de los antecedentes de funcionalidad familiar, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y enfermedad mental frente al intento de suicidio

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    Jomaira Benedicta Gaona-Ordoñez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: valorar el antecedente de funcionalidad familiar, el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y enfermedad mental frente al intento de suicidio en los adolescentes. Materiales y Métodos: de naturaleza cuantitativa de tipo analítico retrospectivo de casos y controles teniendo una población de 20 personas en cada grupo (13 mujeres y 7 hombres. Para llevar a cabo la recolección de los datos, se utilizaron tres instrumentos Test De Goldberg, FF-SIL, y Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas. Resultados: se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa después de aplicar el T Student, los resultados de cada ítem se valoran en una escala de Likert: finalizando se realiza la sumatoria de los puntos que corresponden a la escala de categorías de funcionamiento familiar agrupándolas así: de 50 a 57 puntos corresponde a la familia funcional, de 56 a 43 puntos es la familia moderadamente funcional, de 42 a 28 puntos es la familia disfuncional y de 2 a 28 puntos es la que agrupa a la familia severamente disfuncional entre funcionalidad familiar y enfermedad mental frente al intento de suicidio principalmente en mujeres entre las edades de 19 a 22 años. Conclusiones: las conductas suicidas se presenta en las familias por el grado de disfuncionalidad familiar y enfermedad mental debido a que en los hogares predomina las preocupaciones y la falta armonía. El consumo sustancias psicoactivas no es incidente frente al intento de suicidio.

  18. Temporomandibular Joint Septic Arthritis

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    Gianfranco Frojo, MD


    Full Text Available Summary:. Infection of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ is a rare pediatric condition resulting from the introduction of pathogens into the joint by hematogenous seeding, local extension, or trauma. Early recognition of the typical signs and symptoms including fever, trismus, preauricular swelling, and TMJ region tenderness are critical in order to initiate further evaluation and prevent feared complications of fibrosis, ankylosis, abnormal facial structure, or persistence of symptoms. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography with ancillary laboratory analysis including erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, and white blood cell count are beneficial in confirming the suspected diagnosis and monitoring response to therapy. Initial intervention should include empiric parenteral antibiotics, early mandibular mobilization, and joint decompression to provide synovial fluid for analysis including cultures. This report describes a case of TMJ bacterial arthritis in a healthy 6-year-old male who was promptly treated nonsurgically with intravenous antibiotics and localized needle joint decompression with return to normal function after completion of oral antibiotics and physical therapy.

  19. Postural evaluation of patients with temporomandibular disorders under use of occlusal splints

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    Paulinne Junqueira Silva Andresen Strini


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Alterations in the temporomandibular complex can reflect in adaptations of the individual's entire muscular system, intervening with the head position and scapular waist, developing postural alterations and modifying all corporal biomechanics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the head position (HP and head postural alterations before and after installation of occlusal splints. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD underwent clinical and postural examination, before the installation of an occlusal splint, and after 1 week and 1 month of use. RESULTS: There were statistically differences for HP, between the initial values and after 1 week of use of the occlusal device (p= 0.048 and also between 1 week and 1 month of evaluation (p= 0.001. Decrease of the painful symptomatology and maintenance of the rectification were also observed. CONCLUSIONS: The individual's postural position can suffer biomechanical alterations due to stomatognathic alterations, causing clinically visible changes in dysfunctional individuals and affecting the performance of the involved structures.

  20. Is There a Relation between Tension-Type Headache, Temporomandibular Disorders and Sleep?

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    N. Caspersen


    Full Text Available Introduction. Tension-Type Headache (TTH is the most prevalent headache often associated with impaired function and quality of life. Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD and TTH frequently coexist; characterized by pericranial tenderness and impact on daily life. We aim to apply a standardized questionnaire for TMD to characterize and analyse an eventual relation between sleep and oral health in TTH in a controlled design. Material and Methods. 58 consecutive TTH patients and 58 healthy controls were included. The Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD questionnaire, Oral Health Impact profile (OHIP and questionnaires for sleep were applied. Results. TTH-patients had significantly higher pain scores (, decreased quality of life (, and higher total sleep scores ( compared to controls. Conclusion. For the first time we have identified a clear relation between TTH and TMD symptoms, depression, anxiety, poor sleep, and impairments of oral function in carefully classified patients. These findings indicate a close, but incomplete, overlap between TTH and TMD. Their underlying pathophysiological mechanisms need further research.

  1. Alloplastic temporomandibular joint replacement systems: a systematic review of their history. (United States)

    De Meurechy, N; Mommaerts, M Y


    This systematic review provides an overview of the historical evolution of the prosthetic temporomandibular joint and addresses the challenges and complications faced by engineers and surgeons, in an effort to shed light on why only a few systems remain available. A better understanding of the history of temporomandibular joint prostheses might also provide insights into the origin of the negative public opinion of the prosthesis, which is based on outdated information. A computerized search using the PubMed Central, ScienceDirect, Wiley Online, Ovid, and Cochrane Library databases was performed following the PRISMA guidelines. Out of 7122 articles identified, 41 met the inclusion criteria for this systematic review. Although several historical reviews have been published previously, none has covered such an extensive time period or has described all designs. Furthermore, besides providing a historical overview, this review discusses the rationale behind the evolution in design and biomaterials, which have largely contributed to the outcomes of the prosthetic systems. Copyright © 2018 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Reevaluating Antidepressant Selection in Patients With Bruxism and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. (United States)

    Rajan, Royce; Sun, Ye-Ming


    Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is a broad pain disorder that refers to several conditions affecting the temporomandibular joint of the jaw and the muscles of mastication. As with most pain disorders, a high prevalence of depression and anxiety is associated with TMD. Research has shown that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the first-line drug therapy for major depressive disorder, may not be suitable for TMD patients because SSRIs can induce teeth-grinding, otherwise known as bruxism. This is problematic because bruxism is believed to further exacerbate TMD. Therefore, the purpose of this literature review is to better understand the mechanism of SSRI-induced bruxism, as well as discuss alternative antidepressant options for treating depression and anxiety in patients with bruxism and TMD. Alternative classes of antidepressants reviewed include serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, atypical antidepressants, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Findings indicate that dopamine agonists and buspirone are currently the most effective medications to treat the side effects of SSRI-induced bruxism, but results regarding the effectiveness of specific antidepressants that avoid bruxism altogether remain inconclusive.

  3. Diagnostic accuracy of imaging modalities for internal derangements of temporomandibular joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Kaoru; Igarashi, Chinami; Yuasa, Masao; Imanaka, Masahiro; Kondoh, Toshirou


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate and review the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of imaging diagnosis for temporomandibular disorders. The role of diagnostic imaging is to detect and document specific anatomic abnormalities associated with the signs and symptoms in the temporomandibular joint. Magnetic resonance imaging (MR imaging) can accurately depict disc displacement and disc deformity. MR imaging is our first choice among the various imaging modalities for the patients with clinical signs and symptoms. However, it has been shown that intra-capsular adhesions and perforations of the disc and retrodiscal tissue are sometimes not detected by MR imaging. To improve the diagnostic technique for adhesions and perforations, double-contrast arthrotomography with fluoroscopy should be employed. The irregular surface of the eminences and the glenoid fossae shown by MR imaging and tomography are correlated with subchondral bone exposure by arthroscopy. Erosion of the condyles detected by MR imaging, tomography and rotational panoramic radiography is correlated with subchondral bone exposure detected by arthroscopy. (author). 69 refs

  4. Long-Term Symptoms Onset and Heterotopic Bone Formation around a Total Temporomandibular Joint Prosthesis: a Case Report

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    Luca Guarda-Nardini


    Full Text Available Background: The literature on total alloplastic temporomandibular joint (TMJ reconstructions is encouraging, and studies on total alloplastic TMJ replacements outcomes showed acceptable improvements in terms of both pain levels and jaw function. Nevertheless, some adverse events, such as heterotopic bone formation around the implanted prosthesis, may occur. In consideration of that, the present manuscript describes a case of heterotopic bone formation around a total temporomandibular joint prosthesis, which occurred several years after the implant. Methods: The present manuscript describes a case of heterotopic bone formation around a total TMJ prosthesis, which occurred several years after the implant in patients, who previously underwent multiple failed TMJ surgeries. Results: Ten years after the surgical TMJ replacement to solve an ankylotic bone block, the patient came to our attention again referring a progressive limitation in mouth opening. A computerized tomography showed evidence of marked heterotopic bone formation in the medial aspects of the joint, where a new-born ankylotic block occupied most part of the gap created by resecting the coronoid process at the time of the TMJ prosthesis insertion. Conclusions: Despite this adverse event has been sometimes described in the literature, this is the first case in which its occurrence happened several years after the temporomandibular joint replacement. It can be suggested that an accurate assessment of pre-operative risk factors for re-ankylosis (e.g., patients with multiple failed temporomandibular joint surgeries and within-intervention prevention (e.g., strategies to keep the bone interfaces around the implant separated should be better standardized and define in future studies.

  5. Nuclear magnetic resonance in the evaluation of the disk luxation in the temporomandibular articulation conditioned for degenerative osseous changes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marchegiani, Silvio; Guzman Urquhart, Romel; Marangoni, Alberto; Alvarez, Federico; Surur, Alberto


    Purpose: The temporomandibular dysfunction is a common pathology. It appears with many symptoms as: joint pain, mechanic disturbance, and loss of mouth motion. The Magnetic Resonance Image is the chose method to study these alterations. The purposes of this paper are to demonstrate according to sex, the distribution of temporomandibular dysfunction and to determinant the relationships between the disc dislocation and the degenerative disease of the junction. Material and Method: 215 patients were evaluated between January 1999 and August 2004. An Elscint MRI 2 Tesla machine was used with Spin-echo (T1 and T2) Fat-sat sequences, in coronal, axial and sagittal planes. The follow alterations were evaluated: dislocation, degenerative disease of articular surface, osteochondritis, discal perforation, and retrodiscal lesions. Results: 175 of all showed pathologic alterations in IRM examination. The other 40 patients were excluded due to present a normal (MRI) study. The patients were 146 females and 29 men. The most common dislocation site was the anterior. Performance of the IRM was useful in all the cases to demonstrate degenerative changes in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). And was a very precise relationship between the dislocation and degenerative disease of the joint. Conclusion: the female patient is the most frequently affected by temporomandibular joint pathology. The IRM is the selection method to study the TMJ. The degenerative changes are responsible for joint dislocation without reduction. (author) [es

  6. A clinical study of temporomandibular joint disorders by using arthrography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Seung Hyun; Hwang, Eui Hwan; Lee, Sang Rae


    The purpose of this study was to prove the relationship between arthrographic and clinical features in temporomandibular joint disorders. In order to carry out this study, ninety-eight arthrographic examinations of temporomandibular joints were performed in eighty-two patients who had the temporomandibular joint disorders. As the arthrographic examination, the cases were classified in three groups, disk displacement with reduction, disk displacement without reduction, within normal limit. After this, the cases were clinically examined, and the results were compared and analyzed in each other group. The obtained results were as follows ; 1. As the classification by arthrographic examination, three groups (disc displacement with reduction, disc displacement without reduction, within normal limit) were 41%, 54%, 5% of total cases in this study, respectively. 2. The third decade (65%) was most frequent in this study. The average age of each group (disc displacement with reduction, disc displacement without reduction, within normal limit) was 24, 28, 21, and disc displacement without reduction group was higher than any other group. 3. In the chief complaint, pain was the most frequent in all three groups. Joint sound was also frequent in disc displacement with reduction group, but in disc displacement without reduction group, limitation of mouth opening was more frequent. 4. Of the various pain, the movement pain was most frequent (61%) in this study. In joint sound, click (63%) was the most frequent in disc displacement with reduction group, but sound history (42%) and no sound (31%) were more frequent in disc displacement without reduction group. 5. The average maximum opening of each group (disc displacement with reduction, disc displacement without reduction, within normal limit) was 44 mm, 32.9 mm, 44 mm, and disc displacement without reduction group was less than any other group. 6. The masticatory disturbance of each group (disc displacement with reduction, disc

  7. Bilateral Dislocation of Temporomandibular Joint Induced by Haloperidol Following Suicide Attempt: A Case Report

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    Mosa Arghand Dargahi


    Full Text Available Drug induced dystonic reactions are among common presentations of patients in emergency departments, and typically occur with antidopaminergic agents as their extra-pyramidal side effects. Dystonic reactions usually occur within the first few hours or days after commencing a drug or dose increase. Unlike other extra-pyramidal side effects, a patient may experience acute dystonic reactions (ADRs with the administration of just a single dose. Oromandibular dystonia is a subtype of dystonia which can present with perioral manifestations. In extreme cases, it can lead to temporomandibular dislocation. Haloperidol, as a high potent typical antipsychotic drug, can induce dystonia with blocking D2 dopamine receptors. The present paper reports a case of bilateral dislocation of temporomandibular joint following ingestion of haloperidol in a suicidal attempt in a 17 years old girl.

  8. Internal derangements of the temporomandibular joint: A review of the anatomy, diagnosis, and management

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    Andrew L Young


    Full Text Available Internal derangements of the temporomandibular joint are conditions in which the articular disc has become displaced from its original position the condylar head. Relevant anatomic structures and their functional relationships are briefly discussed. The displacement of the disc can result in numerous presentations, with the most common being disc displacement with reduction (with or without intermittent locking, and disc displacement without reduction (with or without limited opening. These are described in this article according to the standardized Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders, as well as the less common posterior disc displacement. Appropriate management usually ranges from patient education and monitoring to splints, physical therapy, and medications. In rare and select cases, surgery may be necessary. However, in for the majority of internal derangements, the prognosis is good, particularly with conservative care.

  9. Therapeutic exercises for the control of temporomandibular disorders

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    Alberto da Rocha Moraes


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Temporomandibular disorder (TMD is a multifactorial disease. For this reason, it is difficult to obtain an accurate and correct diagnosis. In this context, conservative treatments, including therapeutic exercises classified as stretching, relaxation, coordination, strengthening and endurance, are oftentimes prescribed. OBJECTIVE: Thus, the aim of the present article was to conduct a literature review concerning the types of exercises available and the efficacy for the treatment of muscular TMD. METHODS: The review included researches carried out between 2000 and 2010, indexed on Web of Science, PubMed, LILACS and BBO. Moreover, the following keywords were used: Exercise, physical therapy, facial pain, myofascial pain syndrome, and temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome. Studies that did not consider the subject "TMD and exercises", used post-surgery exercises and did not use validated criteria for the diagnosis of TMD (RDC/TMD were not included. RESULTS: The results comprised seven articles which proved therapeutic exercises to be effective for the treatment of muscular TMD. However, these studies are seen as limited, since therapeutic exercises were not applied alone, but in association with other conservative procedures. In addition, they present some drawbacks such as: Small samples, lack of control group and no detailed exercise description which should have included intensity, repetition, frequency and duration. CONCLUSION: Although therapeutic exercises are considered effective in the management of muscular TMD, the development of randomized clinical trials is necessary, since many existing studies are still based on the clinical experience of professionals.

  10. Obesity as a risk factor for temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Jordani, P C; Campi, L B; Circeli, G Z; Visscher, C M; Bigal, M E; Gonçalves, D A G


    We conducted a clinical cross-sectional study to evaluate the association between obesity and the presence of painful temporomandibular disorders (TMD), controlling for age, gender, presence of migraine, depression, non-specific somatic symptoms and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) in an adult population. A total of 299 individuals (76·6% women) with a mean age of 36·8 ± 12·8 years were evaluated. TMD were classified using the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). Depression and non-specific somatic symptoms were scored by the Symptom Checklist-90, while pain and disability was rated by the Graded Chronic Pain Scale. Bioimpedanciometry (BIA) was used to assess obesity through total body fat percentage. Migraine was diagnosed according to the criteria of the International Classification of Headache Disorders-2 (ICHD-2). OSAS was classified according to the Berlin Questionnaire. We performed univariate and multivariate models, chi-square tests and odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). In the single regression analysis, TMD-pain was significantly associated with total body fat percentage (P = 0·01). In the multivariate analysis, migraine, age, non-specific somatic symptoms and OSAS showed to be stronger predictors of TMD-pain, and obesity did not retain in the regression model. The initial association found between obesity and TMD-pain is lost when it was corrected for gender, migraine, non-specific somatic symptoms and OSAS. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Caracterización de alteraciones craneofaciales en población con necesidades especiales: autismo y retardo mental. Revisión sistemática de la literatura / Craniofacial Abnormalities in Special-Needs Population. Systematic Review of Literature


    Erazo Cerón, Carol Renata; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Carrillo Estrada, Gloria Ángela; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Velosa Porras, Juliana; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


    Antecedentes: en los pacientes con discapacidad física y mental se han encontrado anomalías orales y dentales que pueden llevar a un mal funcionamiento del complejo estomatognático. Ello genera disfunciones en el habla, la masticación, la deglución y la respiración. La identificación de las características craneofaciales de estos pacientes permitirá orientar y efectuar una intervención temprana de cualquier problema dental o esquelético a fin de lograr una oclusión normal y una mejoría en las...

  12. The Sport’s Bar Grandpa: an unusual left temporo-mandibular and tongue pain

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    Paolo Leandri


    Full Text Available This case report describes the condition of an elderly patient admitted to hospital for a new onset headache and pain in the left temporo-mandibular joint, initially incorrectly interpreted as an angioedema, but that evolved into a tongue infarction.

  13. Influence of serotonin on the analgesic effect of granisetron on temporomandibular joint arthritis

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    Ülle Voog


    Full Text Available THE influence of circulating serotonin (5-HT on the effects of intra-articular administration of granisetron on temporomandibular joint (TMJ pain was investigated in 11 patients with chronic polyarthritides. An analgesic effect superior to placebo has been shown previously.

  14. Comorbid Disorders and Sociodemographic Variables in Temporomandibular Pain in the General Dutch Population

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visscher, Corine M.; Ligthart, Lannie; Schuller, Annemarie A.; Lobbezoo, Frank; de Jongh, Ad; van Houtem, Caroline M. H. H.; Boomsma, Dorret I.


    Aims: (1) To determine the prevalence of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain complaints in the general Dutch population; (2) to investigate its relationship with age, sex, educational attainment, and country of birth; (3) to determine its association with other pain complaints; and (4) to

  15. Comorbid disorders and sociodemographic variables in temporomandibular pain in the general Dutch population

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visscher, C.M.; Ligthart, L.; Schuller, A.A.; Lobbezoo, F.; de Jongh, A.; van Houtem, C.M.H.H.; Boomsma, D.I.


    Aims: (1) To determine the prevalence of temporomandibular disorder (TMD)-pain complaints in the general Dutch population; (2) to investigate its relationship with age, sex, educational attainment, and country of birth; (3) to determine its association with other pain complaints; and (4) to

  16. Alteration of Cartilage Degeneration and Inflammation Markers in Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis Occurs Proportionally

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vos, Lukas M.; Kuijer, Roel; Slater, James J. R. Huddleston; Stegenga, Boudewijn


    Purpose: There is a growing interest in markers for cartilage degradation in synovial joints because of their potential diagnostic and prognostic value. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify valuable degradation markers for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) osteoarthritis (OA) by comparing

  17. [Comparative evolution surgical accesses to temporo-mandibular joint]. (United States)

    Sysoliatin, P G; Novikov, A I; Sysoliatin, S P; Bobylev, N G; Brega, I N


    In experiment on 30 corpses of adult people criteria of an operational wound (depth of a wound, a corner of operational action, an axis of operational action, a corner of an inclination of operational action) were studied at preauricularis, intrauricularis, intrauriculo-temporalis and posterior mandibullaris access to temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ). New surgical intrauriculo-temporalis access to the joint is substantrated. On the basis of the analysis of 289 operations at 268 patients the indications to a choice of surgical access were developed at various diseases and damages of TMJ.

  18. Bone structure of the temporo-mandibular joint in the individuals aged 18-25. (United States)

    Parafiniuk, M; Gutsch-Trepka, A; Trepka, S; Sycz, K; Wolski, S; Parafiniuk, W


    Osteohistometric studies were performed in 15 female and 15 male cadavers aged 18-25. Condyloid process and right and left acetabulum of the temporo-mandibular joint have been studied. Density has been investigated using monitor screen linked with microscope (magnification 80x). Density in the spongy part of the condyloid process was 26.67-26.77%; in the subchondrial layer--72.13-72.72%, and in the acetabular wall 75.03-75.91%. Microscopic structure of the bones of the temporo-mandibular joint revealed no differences when compared with images of compact and cancellous bone shown in the histology textbooks. Sex and the side of the body had no influence on microscopic image and proportional bone density. Isles of chondrocytes in the trabeculae of the spongy structure of the condyloid process were found in 4 cases and isles of the condensed bone resembling the compact pattern in 7 cases.

  19. Metastatic melanoma misdiagnosed as a temporomandibular disorder: a case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Singh, Samir; Desai, Bhavik; Laskin, Daniel


    Malignancies in the head and neck region are difficult to diagnose because of their deep location and presence of symptoms mimicking those of temporomandibular disorders or other orofacial pain disorders. A 75-year-old woman reported experiencing right-sided jaw pain, temporal discomfort and paresthesia. She had undergone conservative therapy for temporomandibular joint disorder, which was unsuccessful. A magnetic resonance image of the midface revealed a mass on the base of the tongue along with possible metastatic lesions to the brain. Further investigation of the lesions revealed them to be metastatic melanoma. Patients with atypical symptoms of facial pain, including neurological signs, should undergo further investigation with advanced imaging to determine the source of the symptoms, which could include neoplasms.

  20. Temporomandibular disorders: Old ideas and new concepts. (United States)

    List, Thomas; Jensen, Rigmor Højland


    Background Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is an umbrella term for pain and dysfunction involving the masticatory muscles and the temporomandibular joints (TMJs). TMD is the most common orofacial pain condition. Its prominent features include regional pain in the face and preauricular area, limitations in jaw movement, and noise from the TMJs during jaw movements. TMD affects up to 15% of adults and 7% of adolescents. Chronic pain is the overwhelming reason that patients with TMD seek treatment. TMD can associate with impaired general health, depression, and other psychological disabilities, and may affect the quality of life of the patient. Assessment Evaluations indicate that the recently published Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (DC/TMD) are reliable and valid. These criteria cover the most common types of TMD, which include pain-related disorders (e.g., myalgia, headache attributable to TMD, and arthralgia) as well as disorders associated with the TMJ (primarily disc displacements and degenerative disease). As peripheral mechanisms most likely play a role in the onset of TMD, a detailed muscle examination is recommended. The persistence of pain involves more central factors, such as sensitization of the supraspinal neurons and second-order neurons at the level of the spinal dorsal horn/trigeminal nucleus, imbalanced antinociceptive activity, and strong genetic predisposition, which also is included in DC/TMD. Conclusion The etiology is complex and still not clearly understood, but several biological and psychosocial risk factors for TMD have been identified. Several studies indicate that patients with TMD improve with a combination of noninvasive therapies, including behavior therapy, pharmacotherapy, physical therapy, and occlusal appliances. More stringently designed studies, however, are needed to assess treatment efficacy and how to tailor treatment to the individual patient.

  1. MRI of the internal derangement of temporomandibular joint: Comparison with arthrographic and operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Mi Hye; Kim, Dong Ik; Kim, Hyung Gon; Suh, Jung Ho; Jung, Tae Sub


    We retrospectively reviewed the MRI findings of 100 temporomandibular joints in 78 patients who had complained temporomandibular joint dysfunction. MRI findings were classified according to Wilke's staging criteria. And these findings were compared with arthographic findings in 22 joint and surgical findings in 44 joints. According to Wilke's staging, they were classified into 6 stages of abnormality: stage 0 (33 cases), stage I (19 cases), stage II (10 cases), stage III (18 cases), stage IV (6 cases), stage V (14 cases). Among the 22 cases in which arthography and MRI were done, both studies were well correlated in 10 joints. In 7 joints, MRI was superior to arthography, which correctly demonstrated the meniscal displacement in 2 joints and meniscal deformity in 5 joints. In 5 joints, arthography was superior to MR, which demonstrated the perforation (1 joint), adhesion (2 joints) and recapture of meniscus (2 joints). Compared with surgical findings, MRI correctly demonstrated the displacement of meniscus in all 44 joints. However, in case of the 10 meniscal perforation, MRI demonstrated the meniscal discontinuity in only 4 joints. Retrospective MR findings in 10 proven cases were the defect in posterior attachment in 4, far anterior meniscal displacement without recapture in 8, condylar spur in 4, and close bone to bone contact in 1. In conclusion, MRI as a primary diagnostic modality of temporomandibular joint derangement, is superior for the grading of displacement and deformity of meniscus but inferior for the evaluation of perforation, adhesion and recapture of meniscus to conventional arthrography. In case of the suspected meniscal perforation, arthrographic correlation is recommended preoperatively

  2. Utilidad del sistema intrauterino liberador de levonorgestrel (Mirena) en el tratamiento de las metrorragias


    Peláez Mendoza, Jorge


    El uso continuo de anticonceptivos hormonales activos mediante la inserción del sistema intrauterino liberador de progestágenos (Levonorgestrel) ha sido de gran utilidad, pues además de la deseada acción anticonceptiva se le añade un efecto positivo de utilidad para el manejo de algunas afecciones ginecológicas, como son la endometriosis, fibromatosis uterina y ciertas disfunciones menstruales, a los que se han ido agregando recientemente nuevas indicaciones. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la utilidad del...

  3. MRI of the temporomandibular joint in patients with rheumatic disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okochi, Kiyoshi; Ida, Mizue; Ohbayashi, Naoto


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the MRI findings of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in patients with rheumatic disease. The characteristic MRI findings of the TMJs in rheumatic patients were considered the obscurity of temporal posterior attachment (TPA) visualization and the presence of osseous changes of the condyle. As for the osseous changes, nearly 50% of the condyles had erosive changes and 20% showed severe bone destruction. (author)

  4. Temporomandibular joint formation requires two distinct hedgehog-dependent steps. (United States)

    Purcell, Patricia; Joo, Brian W; Hu, Jimmy K; Tran, Pamela V; Calicchio, Monica L; O'Connell, Daniel J; Maas, Richard L; Tabin, Clifford J


    We conducted a genetic analysis of the developing temporo-mandibular or temporomandi-bular joint (TMJ), a highly specialized synovial joint that permits movement and function of the mammalian jaw. First, we used laser capture microdissection to perform a genome-wide expression analysis of each of its developing components. The expression patterns of genes identified in this screen were examined in the TMJ and compared with those of other synovial joints, including the shoulder and the hip joints. Striking differences were noted, indicating that the TMJ forms via a distinct molecular program. Several components of the hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway are among the genes identified in the screen, including Gli2, which is expressed specifically in the condyle and in the disk of the developing TMJ. We found that mice deficient in Gli2 display aberrant TMJ development such that the condyle loses its growth-plate-like cellular organization and no disk is formed. In addition, we used a conditional strategy to remove Smo, a positive effector of the Hh signaling pathway, from chondrocyte progenitors. This cell autonomous loss of Hh signaling allows for disk formation, but the resulting structure fails to separate from the condyle. Thus, these experiments establish that Hh signaling acts at two distinct steps in disk morphogenesis, condyle initiation, and disk-condyle separation and provide a molecular framework for future studies of the TMJ.

  5. Headache attributed to temporomandibular disorders and masticatory myofascial pain. (United States)

    Hara, Kazuhiko; Shinozaki, Takahiro; Okada-Ogawa, Akiko; Matsukawa, Yumiko; Dezawa, Ko; Nakaya, Yuka; Chen, Jui-Yen; Noma, Noboru; Oka, Shunichi; Iwata, Koichi; Imamura, Yoshiki


    We investigated the temporal association between temporomandibular disorders (TMD)-related symptoms and headache during TMD treatment for patients who fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for headache attributed to TMD (HATMD) specified in the Diagnostic criteria for TMD (DC/TMD) and International classification of headache disorders (ICHD)-3 beta. The study enrolled 34 patients with HATMD induced by masticatory myofascial pain but not by temporomandibular arthralgia. Facial pain intensity, the pressure pain threshold of pericranial muscles, and maximum unassisted opening of the jaw were assessed at an initial examination and before and after physical therapy. The intensity and frequency of headache episodes and tooth contact ratio were also recorded before and after the intervention. Headache intensity and frequency significantly decreased, and these reductions were temporally related to improvements in facial pain intensity, maximum unassisted opening, and pressure pain threshold during TMD treatment. Linear regression analysis showed significant correlations between facial pain intensity and headache intensity and between tooth contact ratio and pressure pain threshold. Among patients who fulfilled the DC/TMD and ICHD-3 beta diagnostic criteria for HATMD, headache improved during TMD treatment, and the improvement was temporally related to amelioration of TMD symptoms. These findings suggest that sensitization in the central and peripheral nervous systems is responsible for HATMD. (J Oral Sci 58, 195-204, 2016).

  6. Occlusal Grinding Pattern during Sleep Bruxism and Temporomandibular Disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yeni Wijaya


    Full Text Available Sleep Bruxism is a significant etiology of temporomandibular disorder (TMD and causes many dental or oral problems such as tooth wear or facet. There is no study analyzing the relationship between sleep bruxism and TMD. Objective: To investigate any relationship between occlusal grinding pattern during sleep bruxism and temporomandibular disorder. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 30 sleep bruxism patients attended the Faculty Dentistry Universitas Indonesia Teaching Hospital (RSGMP FKG UI. Completion of 2 forms of ID-TMD index and questionnaire from American Academy of Sleep Medicine were done. BruxChecker was fabricated and used for two nights to record the occlusal grinding pattern. The occlusal grinding pattern was categorized into laterotrusive grinding (LG and mediotrusive side. Further divisons of LG were: incisor-canine (IC, incisor-caninepremolar (ICP and incisor-canine-premolar-molar (ICPM. Mediotrusive side was classified as mediotrusive contact (MC and mediotrusive grinding (MG. Results: It was found that occlusal grinding pattern in non-TMD subjects were IC+MC, in subjects with mild TMD were ICP+MG and in subjects with moderate TMD were ICP+MG and ICPM+MG. TMJ was more significantly affected by ICP and ICPM grinding pattern than that of IC. Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between occlusal grinding pattern during sleep bruxism and TMD.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v20i2.149

  7. Correlation between headache and temporomandibular joint dysfunction


    Menezes, Mariana Sampaio; Bussadori, Sandra Kalil; Fernandes, Kristianne Porta Santos; Biasotto-Gonzalez, Daniela Aparecida


    A relação entre disfunções temporomandibulares (DTM) e os diferentes tipos de cefaléias ainda não está bem compreendida, mas a dor de cabeça é provavelmente o sintoma mais comum da DTM. O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar cefaléia com o índice clínico de Fonseca de avaliação da DTM. Participaram 160 voluntários estudantes da Universidade Nove de Julho na faixa dos 18 aos 36 anos, sendo 80 mulheres e 80 homens. Foram aplicados dois questionários: o índice clínico de Fonseca e um question...

  8. The temporomandibular joint in computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pomaroli, A.; Lener, M.


    The first part describes details of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) which are of interest for the examination by computed tomography. In the second part three new planes of reference for scanning of the ventral, middle or dorsal part of the joint are presented. CT examinations were made of 14 TMJ of corpses to identify the medial or ventral parts of the articular disc, medial wall of the articular capsule and medial or triangular recessus to achieve this were scanned the corpses with opened and closed mouth, as well as with closed sets of teeth using a sort of hypomochlion in the molar region to distract the TMJ. More over we applicated different contrast mediums like air and niob. (orig.) [de

  9. Magnetic resonance imaging in elderly patients with temporomandibular disorders. Comparison with other age groups

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yura, Shinya; Mabuchi, Akiko; Izumiyama, Yuri; Deyama, Ayako; Totsuka, Yasunori; Inoue, Nobuo [Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Graduate School of Dental Medicine


    To estimate the incidence of disc displacement, disc deformity, and bone changes of the temporomandibular joint in elderly patients with temporomandibular disorders, 55 elderly patients (110 joints) were examined by magnetic resonance imaging. The ages of the patients ranged from 65 to 89 years (average, 70 years). They consisted of 13 men and 42 women. Normal disc position was found in 40 joints (36.4%), anterior disc displacement with reduction in 17 joints (15.5%), and anterior disc displacement without reduction in 53 joints (48.2%) on magnetic resonance imaging. Thirty-eight (71.6%) of the 53 joints with anterior disc displacement without reduction had disc deformity and 33 (62.3%) had bone changes. The frequency of bone changes in the elderly group was higher than that in the younger group. Women had a higher incidence of bone changes than men. (author)

  10. The presence of altered craniocervical posture and mobility in smartphone-addicted teenagers with temporomandibular disorders (United States)

    Kee, In-Kyung; Byun, Jin-Seok; Jung, Jae-Kwang; Choi, Jae-Kap


    [Purpose] Smartphones are widely used by teenagers and adults for various purposes. As teenagers use smartphones more actively than adults, they are more prone to be addicted to smartphones. Furthermore, excessive usage of smartphones can lead to various psychosocial and physical symptoms. [Subjects and Methods] One hundred teenage subjects were recruited and divided into normal and addiction groups, based on the criteria of the smartphone addiction scale-short version questionnaire. Craniocervical posture and mobility were examined by lateral cephalometric analysis and a cervical range of motion instrument. [Results] Cephalometric analysis showed no significant difference in the craniocervical angles of the resting positions of the two groups. However, measurement using an inclinometer revealed a significantly flexed cervical posture while using smartphones and decreased cervical range of motion in the smartphone-addicted teenagers. The clinical profile of temporomandibular disorders revealed that muscular problems were more frequently presented in the smartphone-addicted teenagers. [Conclusion] These findings suggest that smartphone addiction has a negative influence on craniocervical posture and mobility. Further, it can be postulated that smartphone addiction among teenagers may have contributed to the occurrence of myogenous temporomandibular disorders. In conclusion, smartphone-addicted teenagers may be more frequently subjected to muscular disturbance in the craniocervical area, which probably affects the pathologic process of temporomandibular disorders in teenagers. PMID:27065516

  11. Tracheostomy-dependent child with temporomandibular ankylosis and severe micrognathia treated by piezosurgery and distraction osteogenesis: case report. (United States)

    de Castro e Silva, Lucas Martins; Pereira Filho, Valfrido Antonio; Vieira, Eduardo Hochuli; Gabrielli, Mário Francisco Real


    Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint in children is one the most difficult and complex conditions managed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and often leads to some facial deformity. Distraction osteogenesis of the mandible provides an excellent treatment for mandibular airway obstruction in children who do not respond to conservative measures, and allows for early removal of the tracheostomy. We report the case of a 1-year-old boy with severe micrognathia and temporomandibular ankylosis who was dependent on a tracheostomy; he was treated with piezosurgery and mandibular advancement by distraction osteogenesis. Copyright © 2010 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Mandibular function, temporomandibular disorders, and headache in prematurely born children. (United States)

    Paulsson, Liselotte; Ekberg, Ewacarin; Nilner, Maria; Bondemark, Lars


    To evaluate mandibular function, signs, and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) and headache in prematurely born 8- to 10-year-old children, and to compare the findings with matched full-term born controls. Seventy-three preterm children were selected from the Medical Birth Register--one group comprising 36 extremely preterm children born before the 29th gestational week, the other group 37 very preterm children born during gestational weeks 29 to 32. The preterm children were compared with a control group of 41 full-term children matched for gender, age, nationality, and living area. The subjective symptoms of TMD and headache were registered using a questionnaire. Mandibular function, signs, and symptoms of TMD and headache were registered. TMD diagnoses were set per Research Diagnostic Criteria for temporomandibular disorders (RDC/TMD). No significant differences between groups or gender were found for TMD diagnoses according to RDC/TMD or for headache. The preterm children had smaller mandibular movement capacity than the full-term control group, but when adjusting for weight, height, and head circumference mostly all group differences disappeared. Prematurely born children of 8 to 10 years of age did not differ from full-term born children when considering diagnoses according to RDC/TMD, signs, and symptoms of TMD or headache.

  13. Associação entre pressão sangüínea com sinais e sintomas de dor orofacial e disfunção temporomandibular = Relationship between blood pressure with signs and symptons of orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haesbaert, Bibiana M.


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é o de determinar a função da pressão sangüínea como possível fator diagnóstico em pacientes com desordens temporomandibulares (DTM. Foram examinadas as pressões sanguíneas de mulheres entre 17 e 40 anos de idade, com sinais e sintomas de desordens temporomandibulares (DTM, versus grupo controle (sem DTM, usando o aparelho “Digital Blood Pressure Meter” da A&D Engineering, Inc. Sendo assim, observou-se uma tendência à hipotensão nos pacientes com DTM em relação ao grupo controle

  14. [Course of action in front of children or adolescent suffering from temporomandibular disorders]. (United States)

    Robin, Olivier


    Temporomandibular disorders are described in children from the age of 4. Their prevalence and severity increase strongly during the second decade, which corresponds to the period of orthodontic treatments. At this age the most common symptoms are joint clicking sounds (more than 70% of the cases), sometimes accompanied by episodes of intermittent locking. They would be favored by oral parafunctional activities (gum chewing, biting habits, bruxism...), ligamentous hyperlaxity and modification of the intra-articular space relations during growth. The questioning of the patient and his parents and clinical examination (muscular, articular and occlusal) are essential and very often sufficient for establishing the diagnosis. Even more than in the adult, the therapeutic attitude must rely on conservative and non-irreversible methods (explanations, suppression of the parafunctions, occlusal splints in the case of severe bruxism). These considerations are illustrated by the presentation of two representative clinical cases of temporomandibular disorders frequently encountered in children and adolescents. © EDP Sciences, SFODF, 2013.

  15. The relationship of whiplash injury and temporomandibular disorders: a narrative literature review☆ (United States)

    Fernandez, Charles E.; Amiri, Abid; Jaime, Joseph; Delaney, Paul


    Objective The purpose of this article is to offer a narrative review and discuss the possible relationship between temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) and whiplash injuries. Methods Databases from 1966 to present were searched including PubMed; Manual, Alternative, and Natural Therapy Index System; and Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Search terms used included whiplash injury, temporomandibular disorders and craniomandibular disorders. Inclusion criteria consisted of studies on orofacial pain of a musculoskeletal origin addressing the following topics: posttraumatic temporomandibular disorder (pTMD) incidence and prevalence, mechanism of injury, clinical findings and characteristics, prognosis (including psychologic factors). Excluded were studies of orofacial pain from nontraumatic origin, as well as nonmusculoskeletal causes including neurologic, vascular, neoplastic, or infectious disease. Results Thirty-two studies describing the effects of whiplash on TMD were reviewed based on inclusion/exclusion criteria. The best evidence from prospective studies indicates a low to moderate incidence and prevalence. Only 3 studies addressed mechanism of injury theories. Most studies focusing on clinical findings and characteristics suggest significant differences when comparing pTMD to idiopathic/nontraumatic patients. Regarding prognosis, most studies suggest a significant difference when comparing pTMD to idiopathic/nontraumatic TMD patients, with pTMD having a poorer prognosis. Conclusions There is conflicting evidence regarding the effects of whiplash on the development of TMD. Furthermore, because of lack of homogeneity in the study populations and lack of standardization of data collection procedures and outcomes measured, this review cannot conclusively resolve the controversies that exist concerning this relationship. This review of the literature is provided to clarify the issues and to provide useful clinical information for health care

  16. Dynamic MR imaging of the temporomandibular joint arthrosis using spoiled GRASS sequence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suenaga, Shigeaki; Hamamoto, Sadatoshi; Kawano, Kazunori


    The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate contrast enhancement effects of the posterior disk attachment in the temporomandibular joint arthrosis using dynamic MRI with bilateral surface coils. One hundred twenty-four temporomandibular joints in 96 symptomatic patients and 27 control subjects were examined with a spoiled GRASS pulse sequence (TR: 35 ms, TE: 8 ms, flip angle: 60deg). One sagittal scan was performed prior to injection, then 0.1 mmol/kg of Gd-DTPA was given as a rapid bolus injection, immediately after which scans were performed at 30 seconds intervals for a period of 5 minutes. Signal intensity (SI) was measured from the ROI of the posterior disk attachment region. The contrast enhancement effects may be calculated by SI ratio (SIR) = ( SI post -SI pre )/SI pre , where SI post and SI pre were the signal intensities after and before administration of contrast medium. The time intensity curve of SIR versus time after injection was obtained on each symptoms. Join pain group (85 joints) tended to show a rapid enhancement pattern, while control group (54 joints), joint sound or opening limitation group (39 joints), and asymptomatic group (68 joints) showed a relatively gradual enhancement pattern. The drop of SIR in four groups were hardly observed during examination. Mean peak SIR of control group, joint pain group, joint sound or opening limitation group, and asymptomatic group was 0.62±0.24 (SD), 1.53±0.69, 0.73±0.38 and 0.78±0.44 respectively. The mean SIR of pain group was significantly (P<0.001, t-test) higher than that of other groups. These results suggested that dynamic MRI of the temporomandibular joint may effectively depict the inflammatory changes of the posterior disk attachment. (author)

  17. Dynamic MR imaging of the temporomandibular joint arthrosis using spoiled GRASS sequence

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suenaga, Shigeaki; Hamamoto, Sadatoshi; Kawano, Kazunori (Kagoshima Univ. (Japan). Dental School) (and others)


    The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate contrast enhancement effects of the posterior disk attachment in the temporomandibular joint arthrosis using dynamic MRI with bilateral surface coils. One hundred twenty-four temporomandibular joints in 96 symptomatic patients and 27 control subjects were examined with a spoiled GRASS pulse sequence (TR: 35 ms, TE: 8 ms, flip angle: 60deg). One sagittal scan was performed prior to injection, then 0.1 mmol/kg of Gd-DTPA was given as a rapid bolus injection, immediately after which scans were performed at 30 seconds intervals for a period of 5 minutes. Signal intensity (SI) was measured from the ROI of the posterior disk attachment region. The contrast enhancement effects may be calculated by SI ratio (SIR) = ( SI[sup post]-SI[sup pre])/SI[sup pre], where SI[sup post] and SI[sup pre] were the signal intensities after and before administration of contrast medium. The time intensity curve of SIR versus time after injection was obtained on each symptoms. Join pain group (85 joints) tended to show a rapid enhancement pattern, while control group (54 joints), joint sound or opening limitation group (39 joints), and asymptomatic group (68 joints) showed a relatively gradual enhancement pattern. The drop of SIR in four groups were hardly observed during examination. Mean peak SIR of control group, joint pain group, joint sound or opening limitation group, and asymptomatic group was 0.62[+-]0.24 (SD), 1.53[+-]0.69, 0.73[+-]0.38 and 0.78[+-]0.44 respectively. The mean SIR of pain group was significantly (P<0.001, t-test) higher than that of other groups. These results suggested that dynamic MRI of the temporomandibular joint may effectively depict the inflammatory changes of the posterior disk attachment. (author).

  18. The Association between Headaches and Temporomandibular Disorders is Confounded by Bruxism and Somatic Complaints

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Meer, Hedwig A.; Speksnijder, Caroline M.; Engelbert, Raoul; Lobbezoo, Frank; Nijhuis – van der Sanden, Maria W G; Visscher, Corine M.

    OBJECTIVES:: The objective of this observational study was to establish the possible presence of confounders on the association between temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and headaches in a patient population from a TMD and Orofacial Pain Clinic. METHODS:: Several subtypes of headaches were

  19. Association between headache and temporomandibular joint disorders in children and adolescents. (United States)

    Branco, Luciana P; Santis, Tatiana O; Alfaya, Thays A; Godoy, Camila H L; Fragoso, Yara D; Bussadori, Sandra K


    The aim of the present study was to assess the relationship between temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD) and headache in children and adolescents. A prospective cross-sectional cohort study was carried out involving 93 children and adolescents (6 to 14 years of age) at the outpatient service of a dental school. All participants underwent a clinical examination involving Axis 1 of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders, along with a characterization of headache and an anthropometric evaluation. Statistical analysis involved the chi-squared test for quantitative variables and the Student's t-test, ANOVA and Tukey's test for quantitative data. An adjusted logistic regression model was used to determine significant associations among gender, age, TMJD and headache. Mild TMJD was identified in 35.8% of the sample and was not associated the presence of headache. Moderate TMJD was found in 25.8% of patients and severe TMJD was found in 11.8%; both forms of TMJD were associated with headache. A significant correlation was found between the intensity of TMJD and the risk of headache. The present findings demonstrate a positive correlation between TMJD and headache in children and adolescents, independently of gender and age.

  20. Is There a Relation between Tension-Type Headache, Temporomandibular Disorders and Sleep? (United States)

    Caspersen, N; Hirsvang, J R; Kroell, L; Jadidi, F; Baad-Hansen, L; Svensson, P; Jensen, R


    Introduction. Tension-Type Headache (TTH) is the most prevalent headache often associated with impaired function and quality of life. Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and TTH frequently coexist; characterized by pericranial tenderness and impact on daily life. We aim to apply a standardized questionnaire for TMD to characterize and analyse an eventual relation between sleep and oral health in TTH in a controlled design. Material and Methods. 58 consecutive TTH patients and 58 healthy controls were included. The Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) questionnaire, Oral Health Impact profile (OHIP) and questionnaires for sleep were applied. Results. TTH-patients had significantly higher pain scores (P < 0.001), decreased quality of life (P < 0.001), and higher total sleep scores (P < 0.001) compared to controls. Conclusion. For the first time we have identified a clear relation between TTH and TMD symptoms, depression, anxiety, poor sleep, and impairments of oral function in carefully classified patients. These findings indicate a close, but incomplete, overlap between TTH and TMD. Their underlying pathophysiological mechanisms need further research.

  1. Temporomandibular Disorders and Headache: A Retrospective Analysis of 1198 Patients


    Di Paolo, Carlo; D'Urso, Anna; Papi, Piero; Di Sabato, Francesco; Rosella, Daniele; Pompa, Giorgio; Polimeni, Antonella


    Aim. Headache is one of the most common diseases associated with Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs). The aim of this study was to evaluate, retrospectively, if headache influences TMD’s symptoms. Material and Methods. A total sample of 1198 consecutive TMD patients was selected. After a neurological examination, a diagnosis of headache, according to the latest edition of the International Classification of Headache Disorders, was performed in 625 subjects. Patients were divided into two group...

  2. [Temporomandibular joint, occlusion and bruxism]. (United States)

    Orthlieb, J D; Ré, J P; Jeany, M; Giraudeau, A


    Temporomandibular joint and dental occlusion are joined for better and worse. TMJ has its own weaknesses, sometimes indicated by bad functional habits and occlusal disorders. Occlusal analysis needs to be addressed simply and clearly. The term "malocclusion" is not reliable to build epidemiological studies, etiologic mechanisms or therapeutic advice on this "diagnosis". Understanding the impact of pathogenic malocclusion is not just about occlusal relationships that are more or less defective, it requires to locate them within the skeletal framework, the articular and behavioural context of the patient, and above all to assess their impact on the functions of the masticatory system. The TMJ-occlusion couple is often symbiotic, developing together in relation to its environment, compensating for its own shortcomings. However, a third partner may alter this relationship, such as bruxism, or more generally oral parafunctions, trauma or an interventionist practitioner. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  3. Artrosis en la articulación temporo-mandibular


    Muñoz, Pablo Nicolás


    Se presenta un caso clínico de una paciente de 70 años que acusa dolor orofacialsimétrico y dolor local a nivel de la articulación temporo-mandibular (ATM) derecha. La exploración clínica muestra disminución del rango de movimiento articular, crepitación a la auscultación, y puntos gatillos miofascialesa nivel de la musculatura masticatoria. El estudio radiológico confirma artrosis en la ATM y se termina concluyendo que la sintomatología es provocada, principalmente, por el síndrome de dolor ...

  4. The association between head and cervical posture and temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review. (United States)

    Olivo, Susan Armijo; Bravo, Jaime; Magee, David J; Thie, Norman M R; Major, Paul W; Flores-Mir, Carlos


    To carry out a systematic review to assess the evidence concerning the association between head and cervical posture and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). A search of Medline, Pubmed, Embase, Web of Science, Lilacs, and Cochrane Library databases was conducted in all languages with the help of a health sciences librarian. Key words used in the search were posture, head posture, cervical spine or neck, vertebrae, cervical lordosis, craniomandibular disorders or temporomandibular disorders, temporomandibular disorders, and orofacial pain or facial pain. Abstracts which appeared to fulfill the initial selection criteria were selected by consensus. The original articles were retrieved and evaluated to ensure they met the inclusion criteria. A methodological checklist was used to evaluate the quality of the selected articles and their references were hand-searched for possible missing articles. Twelve studies met all inclusion criteria and were analyzed in detail for their methodology and information quality. Nine articles that analyzed the association between head posture and TMD included patients with mixed TMD diagnosis; 1 article differentiated among muscular, articular, and mixed symptomatology; and 3 articles analyzed information from patients with only articular problems. Finally, 2 studies evaluated the association between head posture and TMD in patients with muscular TMD. Several methodological defects were noted in the 12 studies. Since most of the studies included in this systematic review were of poor methodological quality, the findings of the studies should be interpreted with caution. The association between intra-articular and muscular TMD and head and cervical posture is still unclear, and better controlled studies with comprehensive TMD diagnoses, greater sample sizes, and objective posture evaluation are necessary.

  5. Analysis of pain and painless symptoms in temporomandibular joints dysfunction in adult patients. (United States)

    Górecka, Małgorzata; Pihut, Małgorzata; Kulesa-Mrowiecka, Małgorzata


    Recent years have shown an increase in the number of patients reporting for treatment of pain due to musculoskeletal joint, associated with temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Therefore, studies were undertaken, aimed at analyzing the symptoms of the dysfunction, because of which patients come to the prosthetic treatment. Aim of the thesis: The aim of the study was a retrospective analysis of symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction reported by patients diagnosed with this problem. The research material was a retrospective medical records of 120 patients, aged 19 to 45 years who have taken prosthetic treatment due to temporomandibular joint dysfunction in the Consulting Room in Prosthetics Department in Kraków, from June 2015 to December 2016. During the test patients, in addition to interviewing a physician, completed a personal survey in their own study. The material has been divided into I group of patients who reported pain form of dysfunction and II group, who had no symptoms of pain within the stomatognatic system. The analysis covered type of symptoms, the share of local factors (para-functions) and systemic, as well as the time a er which the patients reported for the treatment of functional disorders since the appearance of the first symptoms. Analysis of the research material showed that the main reason for reporting patients was pain in one or both temporal joints of significant intensity (5 to 8 in VAS scale,) accompanied by acoustic symptoms. A large group of questioners reported problems with the range of jaw movement and head and face pain, as well as subjective symptoms from the auditory, sight, neck, neck and shoulder areas.

  6. Prevalence of the types of the petrotympanic fissure in the temporomandibular joint dysfunction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cakur, Binali; Sumbullu, Muhammed Akif; Durna, Dogan; Akgul, Hayati Murat


    Background Petrotympanic fissure (PTF) is a fissure in the temporal bone that runs from the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) to the tympanic cavity (TC). In PTF, the discomallear ligament (DML) connects the malleus in the tympanic cavity and the articular disc and capsule of the temporomandibular joint. PTF with the DML is a possible cause of aural symptoms related to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD). Purpose To investigate the prevalence of different types of PTF in TMD using dental volumetric tomography (DVT) and determine whether PTF type correlates with age. Material and Methods DVT scans in the sagittal planes of PTFs of 134 patients with TMD were examined for the types of PTF present. Three main PTF types were described: wide, tunnel-shaped structure (type 1); tunnel-shaped structure that is wide open in the PTF entrance to the mandibular fossa and gradually thins out in the tympanic cavity (type 2), tunnel-shaped structure that is wide open in the entrance of the mandibular fossa, with a middle region with a flat-shaped tunnel structure and a narrow exit in the tympanic cavity (type 3). Results In DVT scans, PTF types 1, 2 and 3 were seen in 67.2%, 1.5%, and 31.3% of cases, respectively. We found no significant relationship between age or gender and PTF type. Conclusion The low percentage of type 2 PTF and high percentage of type 1 PTF must be taken into consideration during pre-surgical planning related to TMD. However, future well-designed clinical studies involving larger numbers of subjects will be necessary to confirm the findings of this study

  7. Prevalence of the types of the petrotympanic fissure in the temporomandibular joint dysfunction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cakur, Binali; Sumbullu, Muhammed Akif; Durna, Dogan; Akgul, Hayati Murat (Dept. of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Ataturk Univ., Erzurum (Turkey)), email:


    Background Petrotympanic fissure (PTF) is a fissure in the temporal bone that runs from the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) to the tympanic cavity (TC). In PTF, the discomallear ligament (DML) connects the malleus in the tympanic cavity and the articular disc and capsule of the temporomandibular joint. PTF with the DML is a possible cause of aural symptoms related to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD). Purpose To investigate the prevalence of different types of PTF in TMD using dental volumetric tomography (DVT) and determine whether PTF type correlates with age. Material and Methods DVT scans in the sagittal planes of PTFs of 134 patients with TMD were examined for the types of PTF present. Three main PTF types were described: wide, tunnel-shaped structure (type 1); tunnel-shaped structure that is wide open in the PTF entrance to the mandibular fossa and gradually thins out in the tympanic cavity (type 2), tunnel-shaped structure that is wide open in the entrance of the mandibular fossa, with a middle region with a flat-shaped tunnel structure and a narrow exit in the tympanic cavity (type 3). Results In DVT scans, PTF types 1, 2 and 3 were seen in 67.2%, 1.5%, and 31.3% of cases, respectively. We found no significant relationship between age or gender and PTF type. Conclusion The low percentage of type 2 PTF and high percentage of type 1 PTF must be taken into consideration during pre-surgical planning related to TMD. However, future well-designed clinical studies involving larger numbers of subjects will be necessary to confirm the findings of this study

  8. The Association Between Headaches and Temporomandibular Disorders is Confounded by Bruxism and Somatic Symptoms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meer, H.A. van der; Speksnijder, C.M.; Engelbert, R.H.; Lobbezoo, F.; Nijhuis-Van der Sanden, M.W.G.; Visscher, C.M.


    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this observational study was to establish the possible presence of confounders on the association between temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and headaches in a patient population from a TMD and Orofacial Pain Clinic. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Several subtypes of headaches

  9. Ankylosis of temporomandibular joint in children

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    Das U


    Full Text Available Background: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ ankylosis or hypomobility involves fusion of the mandibular condyle to the base of the skull. It is a major clinical problem that affects many patients suffering from facial trauma, infection, or systemic disease. The treatment of TMJ ankylosis poses a significant challenge because of technical difficulties and a high incidence of recurrence. Case Report: This report describes a case of a 4-year-old boy with inability to open mouth, diagnosed with unilateral right bony TMJ ankylosis. The surgical approach consisted of gap arthroplasty followed by vigorous physiotherapy. Conclusion: A detailed history, clinical and functional examination, radiographic examination facilitating correct diagnosis followed by immediate surgical intervention, and physiotherapy can help us to restore physical, psychological, and emotional health of the child patient.

  10. Disfonia e disfunção temporomandibular: há relação? Dysphonic voice and temporomandibular dysfunction: is there any relation?

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    Aline Tenório Lins Carnaúba


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: verificar se existe relação entre disfonia e disfunção temporomandibular (DTM. MÉTODOS: este estudo foi realizado com 21 indivíduos, do gênero feminino, com faixa etária variando entre 18 - 27 anos, que não referiram sintomas de DTM, antes de serem apresentados ao questionário de triagem e, após o mesmo terem apresentado pelo menos um sintoma. Foram excluídos os indivíduos que não concordaram com o termo da pesquisa, não concluíram o protocolo de coleta de dados e os que apresentaram história de traumas e/ou cirurgia de face. A seleção dos sujeitos ocorreu de forma não probabilística por conveniência, utilizando-se pacientes que foram submetidos à triagem da Clínica Prof. Jurandir Bóia Rocha da Faculdade de Fonoaudiologia de Alagoas apresentando como queixa alterações vocais, levando em consideração os critérios de inclusão. Foram realizadas as seguintes avaliações: Fonoaudiológica (perceptivo-auditiva da Voz e específica para DTM e Odontológica. Após os dados obtidos serem caracterizados com a utilização de técnicas de estatística descritiva, foi aplicado o Teste de correlação bivariada. Os cálculos foram obtidos através do software SPSS, na versão 16.0. RESULTADOS: dos indivíduos com DTM: 46,15% (N=6 apresentaram qualidade de voz soprosa; 30,76% (N=4 articulação travada; 23,07% (N=3 loudness reduzida e 23,07% (N=3 com ressonância alterada. CONCLUSÃO: não houve correlação entre alterações vocais e disfunção temporomandibular, provavelmente devido ao número reduzido de sujeitos avaliados.PURPOSE: to check whether there is a relationship between dysphonia and temporomandibular disorders (TDM. METHODS: this study was conducted with 21 individuals, females, with ages ranging from 18 - 27 years, who did not report TMD symptoms, before being submitted to the screening questionnaire and, after they had submitted at least one symptom. Subjects who did not complete the protocol for

  11. Impact of sound production by wind instruments on the temporomandibular system of male instrumentalists. (United States)

    Pampel, Michael; Jakstat, Holger A; Ahlers, Oliver M


    Playing a wind instrument can be either a reason for overuse or a protecting factor against certain diseases. Some individuals have many findings but low morbidity while others have few findings but high morbidity. This contradictory phenomenon should be researched. The temporomandibular system (TMS) is a functional unit which comprises the mandible, associated muscles and bilateral joints with the temporal bone. The TMS is responsible for the generation of sound when wind instruments are played. Over the long-term and with intensive usage, this causes changes in the musculature and in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of wind musicians, often resulting in temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The aim of this study is to examine evidence that TMD constitute an occupational disease in wind musicians. TMD patients and wind musicians were examined by dental clinical functional analysis. 102 male subjects were divided into three groups: "healthy" individuals, wind musicians, and patients with TMD. Dental Examination was carried out based on focused inclusion of the research diagnostic criteria - TMD [1,7]. Findings were evaluated for statistical significance by first transferring data into a digital database [2,15], then generating T-Test und Wilcoxon-Test when non-Gaussian distribution appears and applying the Mann-Whitney rank sum test using Sigmaplot Version 1.1 software (Systat Software Inc, Washington, USA). The evaluation revealed that wind instrument musicians show a high incidence of developing TMD as the researchers found almost 100% morbidity regarding parafunctional habits and preauricular muscle pain of each adult and highly active musician. The result is highly significant (pTMS.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The aim of this study was to evaluate with radiographs the long-term status of temporomandibular joints that were treated nonsurgically for reducing disk displacement (group 1) or permanent disk displacement (group 2) 30 years ago. Transcranial and transpharyngeal radiographs were made before (T1),

  13. Evaluation of condylar positions in patients with temporomandibular disorders: A cone-beam computed tomography study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Imanimoghaddam, Mahrokh; Mahdavi, Pirooze; Bagherpour, Ali; Darijani, Mansoreh; Ebrahimnejad, Hamed [Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases Research Center, School of Dentistry, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Madani, Azam Sadat [Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases Research Center, School of Dentistry, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    This study was performed to compare the condylar position in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs) and a normal group by using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). In the TMD group, 25 patients (5 men and 20 women) were randomly selected among the ones suffering from TMD according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). The control group consisted of 25 patients (8 men and 17 women) with normal temporomandibular joints (TMJs) who were referred to the radiology department in order to undergo CBCT scanning for implant treatment in the posterior maxilla. Linear measurements from the superior, anterior, and posterior joint spaces between the condyle and glenoid fossa were made through defined landmarks in the sagittal view. The inclination of articular eminence was also determined. The mean anterior joint space was 2.3 mm in the normal group and 2.8 mm in the TMD group, respectively. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between the superior and posterior joint spaces in both the normal and TMD groups, but it was only in the TMD group that the correlation coefficient among the dimensions of anterior and superior spaces was significant. There was a significant correlation between the inclination of articular eminence and the size of the superior and posterior spaces in the normal group. The average dimension of the anterior joint space was different between the two groups. CBCT could be considered a useful diagnostic imaging modality for TMD patients.

  14. Evaluation of condylar positions in patients with temporomandibular disorders: A cone-beam computed tomography study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imanimoghaddam, Mahrokh; Mahdavi, Pirooze; Bagherpour, Ali; Darijani, Mansoreh; Ebrahimnejad, Hamed; Madani, Azam Sadat


    This study was performed to compare the condylar position in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs) and a normal group by using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). In the TMD group, 25 patients (5 men and 20 women) were randomly selected among the ones suffering from TMD according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). The control group consisted of 25 patients (8 men and 17 women) with normal temporomandibular joints (TMJs) who were referred to the radiology department in order to undergo CBCT scanning for implant treatment in the posterior maxilla. Linear measurements from the superior, anterior, and posterior joint spaces between the condyle and glenoid fossa were made through defined landmarks in the sagittal view. The inclination of articular eminence was also determined. The mean anterior joint space was 2.3 mm in the normal group and 2.8 mm in the TMD group, respectively. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between the superior and posterior joint spaces in both the normal and TMD groups, but it was only in the TMD group that the correlation coefficient among the dimensions of anterior and superior spaces was significant. There was a significant correlation between the inclination of articular eminence and the size of the superior and posterior spaces in the normal group. The average dimension of the anterior joint space was different between the two groups. CBCT could be considered a useful diagnostic imaging modality for TMD patients

  15. Infertilidad y sexualidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ignacio González Labrador


    Full Text Available Se realizó un conjunto de reflexiones acerca de la repercusión que en parejas infértiles puede tener esta entidad nosológica, sus causas y sus múltiples tratamientos en la esfera sexual, y cómo a consecuencia de ello, pueden aparecer variadas alteraciones de la sexualidad, entre las que se pueden citar las disfunciones sexuales.A series of reflections are made on the repercussion this nosological entity may have on infertile couples, its causes and multiple treatments in the sexual sphere and on how as a result of it different alterations of sexuality, such as sexual dysfunctions, may appear.

  16. Posterior crossbite and temporomandibular disorders (TMDs): need for orthodontic treatment? (United States)

    Thilander, Birgit; Bjerklin, Krister


    The aim of this work was to update the bibliography regarding the concept of 'temporomandibular disorder (TMD)' and 'posterior crossbite' and try to find out if there is any association between some special signs/symptoms of TMD and type of posterior crossbite. A literature search from 1970 to 2009, due to specified criterion, resulted in 14 publications that were found to be relevant for the present systematic review. An association between TMD and posterior crossbite (Yes-group) was reported as often as absence of such a relationship (No-group). The samples in the two groups showed similarities as well as differences with respect to number, gender, and age. Most articles reported only on 'presence' or 'absence' of crossbite and only few on type of crossbite opposite to a thorough account of clinical signs and symptoms of TMD. This review seems, however, to state that a functional posterior crossbite (mandibular guidance with midline deviation) is associated with headache, temporomandibular joint and muscular pain, and clicking. As evident from the discussion, such type needs orthodontic treatment to rehabilitate the asymmetric muscular activity between the crossbite and non-crossbite sides and the changed condyle/temporal relationship caused by mandibular deviation. Whether this treatment also will avoid future TMD problems can be answered only after clinical follow-up studies have been performed.

  17. Can pterygoid plate asymmetry be linked to temporomandibular joint disorders ?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guerrero, Maria Eugenia; Jacobs, Reinhilde [OIC, OMFS IMPATH Research Group, Department of Imaging and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Leuven and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven (Belgium); Beltran, Jorge [Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Post-Graduate School, Universidad Privada Cayetano Heredia, Lima (Peru); Laat, Antoon [Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dept. of Oral Health Sciences, KU Leuven, Leuven (Belgium)


    This study was performed to evaluate the relationship between pterygoid plate asymmetry and temporomandibular joint disorders. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of 60 patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) involving pain were analyzed and compared with images of 60 age- and gender-matched controls. Three observers performed linear measurements of the lateral pterygoid plates. Statistically significant differences were found between measurements of the lateral pterygoid plates on the site that had pain and the contralateral site (p<0.05). The average length of the lateral pterygoid plates (LPPs) in patients with TMD was 17.01±3.64 mm on the right side and 16.21±3.51 mm on the left side, and in patients without TMD, it was 11.86±1.97 mm on the right side and 11.98±1.85 mm on the left side. Statistically significant differences in the LPP length, measured on CBCT, were found between patients with and without TMD (p<0.05). The inter-examiner reliability obtained in this study was very high for all the examiners (0.99, 95% confidence interval: 0.98-0.99). Within the limits of the present study, CBCT lateral pterygoid plate measurements at the side with TMD were found to be significantly different from those on the side without TMD. More research is needed to explore potential etiological correlations and implications for treatment.

  18. Effectiveness of Low-Level Laser Therapy in Temporomandibular Joint Disorders: A Placebo-Controlled Study

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fikáčková, H.; Dostálová, T.; Navrátil, L.; Klaschka, Jan


    Roč. 25, č. 4 (2007), s. 297-303 ISSN 1549-5418 Grant - others:GA MZd(CZ) NR8112 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : temporomandibular joint disorder * laser therapy Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research Impact factor: 1.230, year: 2007

  19. Evidence-based review on temporomandibular disorders among musicians. (United States)

    van Selms, M K A; Ahlberg, J; Lobbezoo, F; Visscher, C M


    Playing a musical instrument that loads the masticatory system has frequently been linked to temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Previous literature reviews on this topic do not conform to the current standards of evidence-based medicine. To investigate the effects of playing a musical instrument (i.e. violin/viola and wind instruments) or singing on the presence of TMDs, based on evidence derived from observational studies. Databases of Medline, Web of Science and Google Scholar were searched using MeSH and other relevant terms. For each study, a quality assessment was undertaken using a modified version of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). Fifteen relevant papers were identified for inclusion in this review. Of the seven possible points that could be scored with the NOS, the majority of these studies scored under half. Based on the available evidence, the purported relationship between the playing of specific musical instruments and TMDs was not as evident as reported in previous literature reviews. There is limited evidence to conclude that playing a wind instrument is a hazard to the temporomandibular system. Furthermore, there is no available evidence to suggest that vocalists experience more TMDs than controls. The studies that investigated the presence of TMDs among violists and violinists yielded ambiguous outcomes; some studies reported no association between the playing of these instruments and the presence of signs and symptoms of TMDs, whereas in studies where a clinical examination was performed (though of lower methodological quality), an association was found. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Occupational Medicine. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  20. Cost effectiveness of arthrocentesis as initial treatment for temporomandibular joint arthralgia: A randomized controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vos, L.M.; Stant, A.D.; Quik, E.H.; Huddleston Slater, J.J.R.; Stegenga, B.


    Objective: To determine the cost effectiveness of arthrocentesis as initial treatment compared to care as usual (CAU) for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthralgia. Materials and methods: 80 patients were randomly allocated to arthrocentesis as initial treatment (n = 40) or CAU (n = 40).

  1. Why seek treatment for temporomandibular disorder pain complaints? A study based on semi-structured interviews

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rollman, A.; Gorter, R.C.; Visscher, C.M.; Naeije, M.


    AIMS: To identify potential predictors of self-reported sleep bruxism (SB) within children's family and school environments. METHODS: A Aims: To assess possible differences between care seekers and non-care seekers with temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain complaints, by using semi-structured

  2. Uruguay 1985-2005: Dimensiones y tensiones de la democracia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yamandú Acosta


    Full Text Available El texto es una aproximación problematizadora a la democracia uruguaya desde su recuperación en 1985 hasta el inicio del primer gobierno de izquierda en 2005. Se expone sobre el sentido de las condiciones posautoritaria y postransicional de la misma, se la caracteriza como democracia de seguridad mercantil en sinergia con la construcción politicista de la misma que, reducida a régimen de gobierno, parece promover una institucionalidad funcional a lo estructural y disfuncional a las necesidades humanas, que mediadas por las sucesivas y coexistentes generaciones de derechos humanos hace a sus dimensiones y tensiones centrales, desde las cuales el protagonismo democratizador de los actores supone articular dinámicamente las relaciones y tensiones entre las instituciones y el sujeto, en una democracia con las singularidades de la dimensión histórica y utópica de la uruguaya, que finalmente se esboza.

  3. Tratamiento simultáneo de anquilosis temporomandibular unilateral congénita y del microlaterognatismo asociado Simultaneously treament of congenital unilateral temporomandibular ankylosis and consecutive microlatherognathism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Felipe Basulto Varela


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo reportar los resultados obtenidos a corto y largo plazo, del tratamiento con enfoque multidisciplinario de una anquilosis unilateral congénita de la articulación temporomandibular asociada a un síndrome de malformación embrionaria, en un niño de 12 años de edad, en el que se utilizó un distractor externo bidimensional con un doble propósito: como fijador para mantener el espacio logrado con la artroplastia y como distractor para elongar la rama mandibular hipotrófica, activado 5 días después de la osteotomía, con el objetivo de eliminar la anquilosis y el microlaterognatismo mandíbular consecutivo de ella, simultaneamente de manera funcional y dinámica.The paper reports the short- and long-term results obtained from the multidisciplinary treatment of a congenital unilateral ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint associated to an embryonic malformation in a 12-year-old boy, using an external bidimensional distraction device with a two-fold purpose: as fixator to maintain the space achieved by arthroplasty, and as distractor to elongate the hypotrophic mandibular branch, activated 5 days after osteotomy, with the purpose of eliminating ankylosis and consecutive mandibular microlaterognatism, both functionally and dynamically.

  4. Temporo-mandibular joint dislocation: an unusual complication of transoesophageal echocardiography. (United States)

    Anantharam, Brijesh; Chahal, Navtej; Stephens, Nigel; Senior, Roxy


    Temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation is an unusual complication of transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE). We report a rare case of bilateral TMJ dislocation in an 84-year-old man prior to DC cardioversion (DCCV) for atrial flutter. Shortly after TEE and DCCV, the patient complained of bilateral facial pain. An orthopantomogram revealed bilateral TMJ dislocation. A closed reduction was performed by maxillo-facial surgeons under intravenous anaesthesia. Although very uncommon, the physician should be aware of the complication and its management.

  5. Factores de riesgo en pacientes con disfunción temporomandibular


    Martínez Brito, Isabel; Toledo Martínez, Tomás; Prendes Rodríguez, Ana Ma; Carvajal Saborit, Tahimí; Delgado Ramos, Ariel; Morales Rigau, José M


    La controversia existente en cuanto al carácter multifactorial que rodea la disfunción temporomandibular dificulta el conocimiento pleno de esta entidad, por lo que se ha estudiado el comportamiento de diferentes factores de riesgo que pueden manifestarse de forma individual o no, pero que contribuyen en muchos casos al desencadenamiento de este problema clínico. El propósito de este trabajo fue realizar un estudio descriptivo y transversal sobre la identificación de algunos factores de riesg...

  6. A study of the temporomandibular joint during bruxism. (United States)

    Commisso, María S; Martínez-Reina, Javier; Mayo, Juana


    A finite element model of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the human mandible was fabricated to study the effect of abnormal loading, such as awake and asleep bruxism, on the articular disc. A quasilinear viscoelastic model was used to simulate the behaviour of the disc. The viscoelastic nature of this tissue is shown to be an important factor when sustained (awake bruxism) or cyclic loading (sleep bruxism) is simulated. From the comparison of the two types of bruxism, it was seen that sustained clenching is the most detrimental activity for the TMJ disc, producing an overload that could lead to severe damage of this tissue.


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    Diego Rodrigues Pessoa


    Full Text Available A disfunção temporomandibular (DTM é a condição mais frequente de dor orofacial crônica. A DTM é caracterizada pela a presença de sinais e sintomas na região orofacial. A acupuntura e Terapia a laser de baixa intensidade (TLBI vêm sendo empregadas no tratamento da DTM. A acupuntura consiste na inserção de agulhas em acupontos específicos do corpo para promover efeitos terapêuticos. A TLBI é uma modalidade de tratamento não invasiva, que vem sendo utilizada com frequência na prática clínica para o tratamento das DTM. Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar revisão de literatura, acerca da eficácia clinica do laser acupuntural em pacientes com a DTM. O emprego do laseracupuntural no tratamento das DTM favorece o controle antálgico, miorrelaxante e anti-inflamatório, no entanto, são necessárias novas pesquisas acerca do tema para determinar a eficácia do laser acupuntural em longo prazo para o tratamento de desordens temporomandibulares.

  8. Temporomandibular disorders in patients with schizophrenia using antipsychotic agents: a discussion paper

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    de Araújo AN


    Full Text Available Arão Nogueira de Araújo,1 Marion Alves do Nascimento,1 Eduardo Pondé de Sena,1,2 Abrahão Fontes Baptista3,4 1Postgraduate Program in Interactive Processes of Organs and Systems, 2Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Health Sciences, 3Department of Biomorphology, Institute of Health Sciences, 4Postgraduate Program in Medicine and Health, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil Abstract: Patients with psychiatric problems show a tendency to develop temporomandibular disorders (TMD. Particularly, patients with schizophrenia are quite likely to have signs and symptoms of TMD due to the impairment of their oral health, the use of antipsychotic drugs, and other general health problems. In nonschizophrenic populations, TMD have been considered as the main cause of nondental pain in the orofacial region, involving mechanisms associated with changes in masticatory activity at the cortical and neuromuscular levels. Individuals with schizophrenia do not usually complain of pain, and TMD is misdiagnosed in this population. In this paper, we aimed to review the clinical aspects of TMD in people with schizophrenia on antipsychotic drug therapy. Keywords: schizophrenia, temporomandibular joint, pain, antipsychotic agents

  9. Osseous temporomandibular joint abnormalities in rheumatic disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larheim, T.A.; Kolbenstvedt, A.; Rikshospitalet, Oslo


    Computed tomography (CT) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) was compared with hypocycloidal tomography in 30 joints of 15 adults with rheumatic disease. CT included 1.5 mm thick axial scans (at 1.0 mm intervals) with reformatted oblique sagittal and oblique coronal sections. Multisection (at 2.0 mm intervals) tomography included oblique sagittal and occasionally, oblique coronal sections. CT demonstrated bone abnormalities in 21 and tomography in 20 joints, indicating high agreement between the imaging modalities regarding number of abnormal TMJs. Bone structures were, however, better visualized by multiplanar CT due to superior contrast and spatial resolution particularly in the most lateral and medial parts of the joint, indicating superiority of CT for depicting subtle bony TMJ abnormalities in patients with rheumatic disease. (orig.)

  10. El sistema de financiación de las comunidades autónomas de régimen común: un análisis crítico y algunas propuestas de reforma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángel de la Fuente


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se identifican los elementos del sistema de financiación regional español que no se adecuan satisfactoriamente a los principios de equidad, autonomía y eficiencia que han de orientar su diseño. Nuestra principal conclusión es que aunque el sistema actual presenta carencias importantes que exigen una reforma en profundidad, su lógica básica de igualación de la capacidad de prestación de servicios de las distintas administraciones territoriales es la más acorde con el principio constitucional de igualdad y con nociones de equidad horizontal ampliamente compartidas en nuestro país y merece en consecuencia ser preservada. De hecho, el principal defecto del sistema es, en nuestra opinión, el deficiente cumplimiento del principio de igualdad que se observa en la práctica. A esto hay que añadir un fuerte déficit de transparencia, un cumplimiento francamente mejorable de los principios de responsabilidad y autonomía (en su vertiente de ingreso y la ausencia de mecanismos adecuados de reequilibrio vertical en el reparto de recursos entre los distintos niveles de la Administración. Partiendo de este diagnóstico, en el trabajo se avanzan una serie de recomendaciones para la reforma del sistema que intentan corregir las disfunciones del mismo.

  11. Automated quantification and analysis of facial asymmetry in children with arthritis in the temporomandibular joint

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Darvann, Tron A.; Hermann, Nuno V.; Demant, Sune


    We present an automated method of spatially detailed 3D asymmetry quantification of face surfaces obtained in a stereophotogrammetric system, and the method was applied to a population of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) who have involvement of one temporomandibular joint (TMJ). ...

  12. Relationship between bruxism and temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review of literature from 1998 to 2008

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Manfredini, D.; Lobbezoo, F.


    Objectives: The present paper aims to systematically review the literature on the temporomandibular disorders (TMD)-bruxism relationship published from 1998 to 2008. Study design: A systematic search in the National Library of Medicine's PubMed database was performed to identify all studies on

  13. Investigation of an autologous blood treatment strategy for temporomandibular joint hypermobility in a pig model

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Štembírek, Jan; Matalová, Eva; Buchtová, Marcela; Machoň, V.; Míšek, Ivan


    Roč. 42, č. 3 (2013), s. 369-375 ISSN 0901-5027 Grant - others:GA MŠk(CZ) 1M0528 Institutional support: RVO:67985904 Keywords : temporomandibular joint * pig * autologous blood * hypermobility Subject RIV: FF - HEENT, Dentistry Impact factor: 1.359, year: 2013

  14. Executive summary of the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders for clinical and research applications. (United States)

    Schiffman, Eric; Ohrbach, Richard


    In this executive summary, the authors describe a protocol for assessing patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). It is based on the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD) for clinical and research applications. The DC/TMD was developed using published Axis I physical diagnoses for the most common TMDs. Axis I diagnostic criteria were derived from pertinent clinical TMD signs and symptoms. Axis II consists of psychosocial and behavioral questionnaires already in the public domain. A panel of experts vetted and modified the Axis I and Axis II diagnostic protocols. Recommended changes were assessed for diagnostic accuracy by using the Validation Project's data set, which formed the basis for the development of the DC/TMD. Axis I diagnostic criteria for TMD pain-related disorders have acceptable validity and provide definitive diagnoses for pain involving the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and masticatory muscles. Axis I diagnostic criteria for the most common TMJ intra-articular disorders are appropriate for screening purposes only. A definitive diagnosis for TMJ intra-articular disorders requires computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Axis II questionnaires provide valid assessment of psychosocial and behavioral factors that can affect management of TMD. The DC/TMD provides a questionnaire for the pain history in conjunction with validated clinical examination criteria for diagnosing the most common TMDs. In addition, it provides Axis II questionnaires for assessing psychosocial and behavioral factors that may contribute to the onset and perpetuation of the patient's TMD. The DC/TMD is appropriate for use in clinical and research settings to allow for a comprehensive assessment of patients with TMD. Copyright © 2016 American Dental Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Fluid extravasation of the articular capsule as a complication of temporomandibular joint pumping and perfusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sasaki, Kenichi; Watahiki, Ryuichirou; Tamura, Hidetoshi; Ogura, Motoi; Shibuya, Masayuki [Kameda General Hospital, Kamogawa, Chiba (Japan)


    This report is a retrospective study of fluid extravasation as a complication of temporomandibular joint pumping and perfusion. Contrast-enhanced 3D-CT of the upper joint compartment was performed for presurgical diagnosis before temporomandibular joint arthroscopic surgery in our hospital from 1996 to 2000. From these cases, 43 joints and 38 patients were selected because they had not improved under conservative treatment during the previous six months. Fluid extravasation of the articular capsule was recognized in 9 joints (20.9%) in 9 patients, 3 males and 6 females. Two of the nine patients had undergone arthroscopic observation before surgery. This test had revealed only thin articular capsule, not a perforation, in any of these cases. The data indicate only extremely tiny perforations or infiltration leakage due to the fluid pressure in the upper joint compartment during pumping or perfusion. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons should be aware of this complication. (author)

  16. Pain detection by clinical questionnaire in patients referred for temporomandibular disorders in a Chilean hospital.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomás Maturana


    Full Text Available Aim: To determine pain frequency by means of a clinical screening questionnaire in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD referred to the general Hospital of Valdivia (HBV between September and December 2014. Material and method: A descriptive study, which included patients referred to the TMD Unit of the dental service at HBV between September and December 2014, was carried out. A clinical screening questionnaire was applied by an examiner in order to detect painful Temporomandibular Joint Disorders. The variables age, sex, wait time, and presence of related TMD pain were measured. Results: 101 patients were surveyed; 88.17% (84 patients were women. Average age was 33.5 (11-70 years; 66% of patients had mandibular pain or stiffness upon awakening; 80% informed pain related to painful TMD. Conclusion: Most surveyed patients were women. Pain was highly frequent in the surveyed population; its main location was in temporal areas.

  17. Comportamiento clínico del síndrome dolor disfunción del aparato temporomandibular en una consulta de urgencias estomatológicas Clinical behavior of the dysfunction pain temporomandibular joint syndrome assessed in a Stomatology emergence consultation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yudit Algozaín Acosta


    Full Text Available Introducción: el síndrome dolor disfunción del aparato temporomandibular (SDDAT comprende el conjunto de signos y síntomas como resultado de las alteraciones cuantitativas y cualitativas de la función de los componentes del aparato masticatorio. Se presenta con frecuencia y resulta molesto para el paciente, por lo que se realiza este estudio, con el objetivo de caracterizarlo clínicamente. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, de corte transversal, con los pacientes que acudieron al Servicio de Urgencias de la Clínica Estomatológica de Artemisa, en el período comprendido entre julio de 2007 hasta marzo de 2008 con el diagnóstico de SDDAT. Resultados: del total de pacientes atendidos solo el 1,1 % presentó un diagnóstico de SDDAT. El intervalo de edad de mayor frecuencia fue el de 22 a 59 años, el dolor a la masticación y el ruido articular fueron el síntoma y el signo predominante, respectivamente. Se identificaron como factores de riesgo principales el estrés y el bruxismo. Más del 67 % de los pacientes eran del sexo femenino, en las cuales apareció la mayor recurrencia del síndrome. Conclusiones: la población del municipio de Artemisa presentó una baja incidencia del SDDAT en la consulta de urgencias estomatológicas, encontrándose una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el sexo femenino y la aparición de este síndrome, donde el estrés desempeña un papel importante.Introduction: Dysfunction pain temporomandibular joint syndrome (DPTJS includes signs and symptoms as a result of quantitative and qualitative alterations of the masticatory tract component function. Is frequently present and annoying for patient, thus we made this study to clinically characterize it. Methods: We made a cross-sectional, descriptive and prospective study of patients seen in Emergence Service of Stomatology Clinic in Artemisa municipality from July, 2007 and March, 2008 diagnosing DPTJS. Results: From the

  18. Airway Management in a Mental Retardation Patient with Temporo-mandibular Joint Ankylosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rauf GÜL


    Full Text Available Temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ ankylosis makes it impossible orotracheal intubation for general anesthesia because of limited mouth opening. We applied a nasotracheal intubation via fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB guidance on a 36 years old mental retarded (MR patient with bilateral TMJ, having extremely limited mouth opening. As a result, nasotracheal intubation via FOB is reliable technique on even mental retarded patients with extremely limited opening.

  19. Do subjects with acute/subacute temporomandibular disorder have associated cervical impairments: A cross-sectional study. (United States)

    von Piekartz, Harry; Pudelko, Ani; Danzeisen, Mira; Hall, Toby; Ballenberger, Nikolaus


    There is preliminary evidence of cervical musculoskeletal impairment in some temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain states. To determine whether people with TMD, classified as either mild or moderate/severe TMD, have more cervical signs of dysfunction than healthy subjects. Cross-sectional survey. Based on the Conti Amnestic Questionnaire and examination of the temporomandibular joint (Axis I classification of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD), of 144 people examined 59 were classified to a mild TMD group, 40 to a moderate/severe TMD group and 45 to an asymptomatic control group without TMD. Subjects were evaluated for signs of cervical musculoskeletal impairment and disability including the Neck Disability Index, active cervical range of motion, the Flexion-Rotation Test, mechanical pain threshold of the upper trapezius and obliquus capitis inferior muscles, Cranio-Cervical Flexion test and passive accessory movements of the upper 3 cervical vertebrae. According to cervical musculoskeletal dysfunction, the control group without TMD were consistently the least impaired and the group with moderate/severe TMD were the most impaired. These results suggest, that the more dysfunction and pain is identified in the temporomandibular region, the greater levels of dysfunction is observable on a number of cervical musculoskeletal function tests. The pattern of cervical musculoskeletal dysfunction is distinct to other cervical referred pain phenomenon such as cervicogenic headache. These findings provide evidence that TMD in an acute/subacute pain state is strongly related with certain cervical spine musculoskeletal impairments which suggests the cervical spine should be examined in patients with TMD as a potential contributing factor. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Are intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid effective for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders? A systematic review. (United States)

    Goiato, M C; da Silva, E V F; de Medeiros, R A; Túrcio, K H L; Dos Santos, D M


    This systematic review aimed to investigate whether intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid (HA) are better than other drugs used in temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis, for the improvement of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) symptoms. Two independent reviewers performed an electronic search of the MEDLINE and Web of Science databases for relevant studies published in English up to March 2016. The key words used included a combination of 'hyaluronic acid', 'viscosupplementation', 'intra-articular injections', 'corticosteroids', or 'non steroidal anti inflammatory agents' with 'temporomandibular disorder'. Selected studies were randomized clinical trials and prospective or retrospective studies that primarily investigated the application of HA injections compared to other intra-articular medications for the treatment of TMD. The initial screening yielded 523 articles. After evaluation of the titles and abstracts, eight were selected. Full texts of these articles were accessed and all fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Intra-articular injections of HA are beneficial in improving the pain and/or functional symptoms of TMDs. However, other drug therapies, such as corticosteroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug injections, can be used with satisfactory results. Well-designed clinical studies are necessary to identify an adequate protocol, the number of sessions needed, and the appropriate molecular weight of HA for use. Copyright © 2016 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Magnetic resonance images of patients with temporomandibular disorders: Prevalence and correlation between disk morphology and displacement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amaral, Ruana de Oliveira, E-mail: [Faculty of Dentistry, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais (Brazil); Damasceno, Naiana Nolasco de Lima, E-mail: [Faculty of Dentistry, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais (Brazil); Azevedo de Souza, Lílian, E-mail: [Faculty of Dentistry, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais (Brazil); Devito, Karina Lopes, E-mail: [Faculty of Dentistry, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais (Brazil)


    Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), this study aimed to evaluate the morphology of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). There were 218 TMJ of 109 assessed patients; 88 were females and 21 males, and all were diagnosed as symptomatic for temporomandibular disorder. The articular disc positions were classified in the normal position and with anterior disc displacement with and without reduction. Regarding the morphology, the discs were classified as follows: biconcave (normal), biplanar, rounded, biconvex, folded, thickening in the posterior band, thickening in the anterior band and hemiconvex. The results indicated that females were the most affected by morphological changes of the articular disc (p = 0.008/Cramer's V = 0.295). There was no statistical significance when correlating the disc morphology with the sides (right and left). There was a significant correlation between the position and morphology of the articular disc (p < 0.001/Cramer's V = 0.609), and in the normal position of the discs presenting biplanar and biconcave morphologies. In TMJ with anterior displacement of the disc with reduction (ADDR), there was a greater correlation with rounded, hemiconvex and biconvex morphologies. Already in the TMJ with displacement without reduction (ADDWR), there was a higher prevalence of folded discs. It can be concluded that morphological changes in the disc are influenced by the type of displacement, and more serious deformations are associated with ADDWR cases.

  2. Occlusal Support and Temporomandibular Disorders Among Elderly Vietnamese. (United States)

    Nguyen, Minh Son; Jagomägi, Triin; Nguyen, Toai; Saag, Mare; Voog-Oras, Ülle

    The aim of this study was to analyze the associations between missing teeth, occlusal support, and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) among elderly Vietnamese. The study consisted of 145 TMD and 112 non-TMD (control group) participants aged 65 to 74 years. TMD was evaluated using Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD) Axis I. An occlusal unit (OU) was defined as the cusp of a tooth coupled with the fossa of its antagonist tooth. A premolar pair was counted as one OU and a molar pair as two OUs. Dentition was divided into four occlusal support zones (OSZs) based on occluding pairs of posterior teeth by using Eichner classification: Class A had 4 OSZs, Class B had 1 to 3 OSZs or only anterior teeth, and Class C had no OSZ. The TMD group lost significantly more posterior teeth (mean ± SD 5.1 ± 4.7) than the control group (4.0 ± 3.9, P = .033). The mean ± SD OUs of the TMD and control groups were 5.1 ± 4.6 and 6.0 ± 4.3, respectively, which was nonsignificant (NS). The distribution of Class A (40.7%), Class B (40.0%), and Class C (19.3%) among the TMD group was not significantly different from the control group (50.0%, 38.4%, and 11.6%, respectively, NS). The odds of having TMD were positively associated with total unilateral loss of OUs (OR = 3.4, 95% CI = 1.2-9.4, P = .020) and total bilateral loss of OUs (OR = 2.7, 95% CI = 1.2-6.6, P = .027). Total loss of OSZs on one or both sides of the mouth were found to be predictors of TMD among elderly Vietnamese.

  3. Evaluation of Pain Syndromes, Headache, and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders in Children. (United States)

    Horswell, Bruce B; Sheikh, Jason


    After a thorough review of the history and presentation of a child's facial pain, a targeted head and neck examination is critical to the appropriate diagnosis of facial pain and temporomandibular joint disorders. It is critical to distinguish between the structural (trauma, degenerative disease, and tumor) and nonstructural (neurogenic, myogenic, and psychological) causes of pain, which will allow for incorporation of appropriate strategies of medical, psychological, dental, and surgical therapies. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis for internal derangement with disc displacement without reduction. (United States)

    Bhargava, Darpan; Jain, Megha; Deshpande, Ashwini; Singh, Ajita; Jaiswal, Jagdish


    Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc derangement is defined as a malpositioning of the articular disc relative to the condyle and eminence. Arthrocentesis of the TMJ is a minimally invasive chair side procedure for the patients with TMJ internal derangement. This case report presents convincing results to keep arthrocentesis as an imperative procedure to relieve such patients of their acute symptoms. TMJ dynamics has also been discussed for an in-depth understanding of the pathology in cases with internal derangement.

  5. [An attempt to use ultrasonic technique for confirming the diagnosis, planning and observation of long-term treatment results of painful temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction]. (United States)

    Ey-Chmielewska, H


    The author presents an attempt of using ultrasonographic technique in diagnosis, planning and observation of treatment results of temporo-mandibular joint pain dysfunctions. Temporo-mandibular joint pain dysfunctions are interchangeably also called temporo-mandibular joint functional disorders. The assessment of pain symptoms in temporo-mandibular joint dysfunctions pain symptoms is principally based on a subjective estimation by the examining practitioner. There is no univocal definition of the disease or a simple index evidencing important symptoms in decision making. Additionally X-ray technique examinations, being hitherto used, in early stages of the disorder do not allow to diagnose it, and are also burdensome to a patient. The aim of this study was to confirm visibility of anatomical elements of the temporo-mandibular joint in an ultrasound examination, assess the mobility of the articular disc before, during and after prosthetic treatment with and without the use of ultrasound technique, and to determine the period of time necessary to obtain a therapeutic effect. The study material consisted of 180 patients, 128 women and 52 men, aged 20 to 60 years, treated by applying prostheses because of temporo-mandibular joint pain dysfunction, in the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry of the Pomeranian Medical Academy. The patients were divided into 2 groups, control and study group. The control group consisted of 90 patients, 63 women and 27 men. In this group prosthetic treatment planning and observation of results was based on a subjective estimation of the practitioner. The study group here comprised 90 patients, 65 women and 25 men, aged 26 to 60 years. In this group prosthetic treatment planning and observation of treatment results were carried on with the use of ultrasound technique. Data from both groups concerning history, results of examinations carried out by ultrasound technique, and the assessment of ultrasound examination were noted on standard

  6. The relationship of temporomandibular disorders with headaches: a retrospective analysis. (United States)

    Özkan, Nilüfer Cakir; Ozkan, Fatih


    The objective of this study was to retrospectively analyze the incidence of the concurrent existence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and headaches. Forty patients (36 female, 4 male, mean age: 29.9±9.6 years) clinically diagnosed with TMD were screened. Patient records were analyzed regarding: range of mouth opening, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) noises, pain on palpation of the TMJ and masticatory muscles and neck and upper back muscles, and magnetic resonance imaging of the TMJ. According to patient records, a total of 40 (66.6%) patients were diagnosed with TMD among 60 patients with headache. Thirty-two (53%) patients had TMJ internal derangement (ID), 8 (13%) patients had only myofascial pain dysfunction (MPD) and 25 (41.6%) patients had concurrent TMJ ID/MPD. There were statistically significant relationships between the number of tender masseter muscles and MPD patients (p=0.04) and between the number of tender medial pterygoid muscles and patients with reducing disc displacement (RDD) (p=0.03). The TMJ and associated orofacial structures should be considered as possible triggering or perpetuating factors for headaches, especially tension-type. There might be a significant connection between TMD and headache. However, most medical and dental practitioners are unaware of this relationship. Therefore, a careful evaluation of the TMJ and associated orofacial structures is required for a correct interpretation of the craniofacial pain in headache patients, and these patients should be managed with a multidisciplinary approach.

  7. Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in women and men. (United States)

    Ferreira, Claudia Lúcia Pimenta; Silva, Marco Antônio Moreira Rodrigues da; Felício, Cláudia Maria de


    Women are more likely to present temporomandibular disorders (TMD); however, studies comparing genders in Brazilian samples are rare. To analyze the proportion of men and women, as well as the association between gender and age, problem duration, and TMD symptoms in patients admitted to an university clinic for treatment. Interview and assessment data of protocols from 1,000 patients diagnosed with TMD were collected and analyzed and then divided into two groups, male (n = 177) and female (n = 823). The exploratory analysis was based on contingency tables and χ2 test was carried out. Subsequently, the logistic regression model was used and the odds ratios (OR) concerning the evaluated comparisons were calculated. Females were more prevalent in the sample, and mean ages and TMD duration were similar between the groups, with higher occurrence in young adults (19 to 40 years old). The OR values showed an association between the female gender and the signs/symptoms of pain in the temporomandibular joint, pain in the facial muscles, neck and shoulders, headache, fatigue in the muscles of mastication, otologic symptoms, and dysphonia. Women had two times higher chances of presenting these symptoms than men. In the sample of Brazilian patients with TMD, the number of women who presented a higher prevalence of painful symptoms was greater, followed by otologic symptoms and complaints of dysphonia. The prevalence of joint noise was similar in both studied groups.

  8. CT imaging in the surgical treatment of one-sided extraarticular temporomandibular joint ankylosis; Uso da tomografia computadorizada no planejamento cirurgico da anquilose temporomandibular extra-articular unilateral

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Villamizar, Lenin A.; Ghirelli, Carolina de Oliveira; Baroni, Carina Outi; Ferro, Daniel; Pinto, Ana Carolina Brandao de Campos Fonseca, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia. Dept. de Cirurgia


    Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) ankylosis is characterized by difficulty to open the mouth. The ankylosis may be articular when TJM is involved and extra-articular when other factors lead to a restriction of chewing movements without TJM involvement. Case report of one patient with unilateral ankylosis and his surgical planning through the tomography imaging. CT imaging helps preoperative planning because it can locate the exact point of injury and can make the difference between the true and false ankylosis of the TJM. (author)

  9. Is there an association between temporomandibular disorders and playing a musical instrument? A review of literature

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Atallah, M.M.; Visscher, C.M.; van Selms, M.K.A.; Lobbezoo, F.


    Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) have a multifactorial etiology. Among others, parafunctions and oral habits have been suggested as important initiating and perpetuating factors. Playing a musical instrument that loads the masticatory system, like wind instruments and the violin or viola, has been

  10. CT of the temporomandibular joint: The conservative approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jend, H.H.; Jend-Rossmann, I.; Heller, M.


    Until recently, CT investigation of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders has been regarded as a sophisticated procedure. A method of investigation was developed that allows easy evaluation of axial scans. The method was evaluated in a series of 65 joints with arthrographically diagnosed internal derangements. In anterior disk displacement CT findings led to an identical diagnosis in 56 of 65 joints (sensitivity, 86%). In clinically asymptomatic joints investigated for other reasons, only one of 12 showed signs of internal derangement on CT (specificity, 92%). This conservative approach to CT evaluation of internal derangement seems to be as accurate as more sophisticated methods. It is easy to perform, requires no additional manpower or computer time, and has a very good reproducibility

  11. Application of an oral health-related quality of life questionnaire in primary care patients with orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders (United States)

    Blanco-Aguilera, Antonio; Biedma-Velázquez, Lourdes; Serrano-del-Rosal, Rafael; González-López, Laura; Blanco-Aguilera, Elena; Segura-Saint-Gerons, Rafael


    Objectives: To examine whether patients who report orofacial pain (OP) and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) have a poorer perception of their oral health-related quality of life and, if so, to what extent, and to analyze the association between oral health perception, sociodemographic variables and reported pain duration. Study Design: 407 patients treated at the OP and TMD units in the Healthcare District of Cordoba, Spain, diagnosed following the standard criteria accepted by the scientific community – the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) – were administered the Spanish version of the Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire (OHIP-14). Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were performed to determine the degree of association between the patients’ OHIP-14 score and pain duration, pain intensity, and various sociodemographic variables. Results: The observed distribution was 89.4% women and 10.6% men. The mean OHIP-14 score was 20.57 ± 10.73 (mean ± standard deviation). A significant association (ppain grade, self-perceived oral health status and pain duration. Conclusions: The analysis of self-perceived oral health status in patients with OP and TMD, as measured by the OHIP-14, showed that oral health is perceived more negatively by women. Moreover, a one-point increase in the Chronic Pain Grade indicator increases the OHIP-14 indicator by 4.6 points, while chronic pain, defined as pain suffered by patients for one year or more, increases the OHIP-14 indicator by 3.2 points. Key words:Orofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders, Oral Health Impact Profile, sociodemographic variables, primary care, Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). PMID:24121906

  12. [Topographological-anatomic changes in the structure of temporo-mandibular joint in case of fracture of the mandible condylar process at cervical level]. (United States)

    Volkov, S I; Bazhenov, D V; Semkin, V A


    Pathological changes in soft tissues surrounding the fracture site as well as in the structural elements of temporo-mandibular joint always occured in condylar process fracture with shift at cervical mandibular jaw level. Other changes were also seen in the joint on the opposite normal side. Modelling of condylar process fracture at mandibular cervical level by means of three-dimensional computer model of temporo-mandibular joint contributed to proper understanding of this pathology emergence as well as to prediction and elimination of disorders arising in adjacent to the fracture site tissues.

  13. Dental occlusion and temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Stone, J Caitlin; Hannah, Andrew; Nagar, Nathan


    Data sourcesMedline, Scopus and Google Scholar.Study selectionTwo reviewers selected studies independently. English language clinical studies assessing the association between temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and features of dental occlusion were considered.Data extraction and synthesisStudy quality was assessed based on the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) and a narrative synthesis was presented.ResultsIn all 25 studies (17 case-control, eight comparative) were included. Overall there was a high variability between occlusal features and TMD diagnosis. Findings were consistent with a lack of clinically relevant association between TMD and dental occlusion. Only two studies were associated with TMD in the majority (≥50%) of single variable analyses in patient populations. Only mediotrusive interferences are associated with TMD in the majority of multiple variable analyses.ConclusionsThe findings support the absence of a disease-specific association, there is no ground to hypothesise a major role for dental occlusion in the pathophysiology of TMDs. Dental clinicians are thus encouraged to move forward and abandon the old-fashioned gnathological paradig.

  14. Clinical Utility of bone Scan in the Diagnosis of Temporomandibular disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, In Joo; Kang, Yang Ho; Son, Seok Man; Lee, Kyoung Seog; Lee, Jae Bok; Kim, Yong Ki; Seo, Bong Jik; Park, June Sang; Park, June Sang; Ko, Myung Yun; Son, Seong Pyo


    Bone scan is a very sensitive diagnostic imaging test for detecting bone and joint disorders. So it might be useful in the diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders of the joint origin. Thus, the effectiveness of bone scan for detecting temporomandibular joint(TMJ) diseases and differentiating the TMJ disc displacement from the TMJ arthritis was evaluated. Bone scan was done in 21 patients with TMJ disc displacement (I3 unilaterally affected, 8 bilaterally affected), 26 patients with TMJ arthritis (23 unilateral, 3 bilateral), and 39 volunteers with no signs, symptoms, or history of TMJ disease TMJ simple uptake rate(SUR) and difference of both TMJ SUR were calculated from the 100,000 count lateral image of head and neck region in 99m Tc MDP bone scan. Transcranial and panorama X-ray examination was also done in all patients. TMJ SUR(%) were 1.67 ±0.606 in TMJs affected with arthritis, 1.350±0.351 in TMJs affected with disc displacement, and 1.084±0.172 in TMJs of controls Significant differences were demonstrated among them(p mean+2SD of controls) in unilateral TMJ arthritis patients were significantly higher than those in patients with unilateral TMJ disc displacement(69.6% and 87% vs 23.1% and 23%). Conclusively, bone scan may help to detect TMJ disease and differentiate TMJ disc displacement from TMJ arthritis.

  15. Occlusion and temporomandibular disorders: a malpractice case with medical legal considerations. (United States)

    Bucci, M B; Aversa, M; Guarda-Nardini, L; Manfredini, D


    Occlusion and temporomandibular The issue of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) diagnosis and treatment has become a matter of increasing interest in the medical legal field in recent years. The old-fashioned theories based on the occlusal paradigm was proven to be erroneous, and clinicians who still provide irreversible treatments to TMD patients have to be conscious of the potential legal consequences of their behavior. The present paper described an illustrative case report of a patient to whom extensive and irreversible occlusal therapies were performed with the unique aim to provide relief from TMD symptoms. The treatment was unsuccessful and the dental practitioner was called into cause for a professional liability claim. The clinician was judged guilty of malpractice on the basis of the lack of scientific evidence of the irreversible occlusal approaches to TMD, which were erroneously used and did not give the patient any benefit, thus forcing him to a non necessary financial and biological cost. The failure to satisfy the contract with the patient, which is usually not covered by any insurance company, forced the practitioner to give the money back to the patient. The ethical and legal implications of such case were discussed, with particular focus on the concept that medical legal advices need to satisfy the highest standards of evidence and have to be strictly based on scientific knowledge.

  16. Management of temporomandibular joint disorders caused by complication of teeth extraction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Endang Syamsuddin


    Full Text Available Complicated tooth extractions may lead to various post-extraction complications, including Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD. Despite of the rare incidence, a delayed treatment of the TMD will cause more problems in the future as well as increased morbidity rate. The purpose of the current study was to elaborate the symptoms as well as the management of TMD as a post tooth extraction complication. The types of TMD as a post tooth extraction complication includes dislocated condyle, osteoarthritis, fracture condyle and disc displacement. These type of complications may resulted from an extensive opening of the mouth as well as an over pressure on the mandible during tooth extraction. In relation to this, some of the TMD symptoms that might cause a certain level of interference for patients may include pain, limited mouth opening and joint sounds, with pain and limited mouth opening as the initial symptoms. The first measure of the pain management would be warm light compress around the TMJ followed by a soft diet for food intake. A definitive treatment should then be based on the diagnosis of the TMD. It is concluded that TMD may occur as a complication of a tooth extraction that initiated by pain and limited mouth opening. Immediate treatment would be pain relieve and load reduction of the Temporomandibular Joint by employing soft diet and mandibular movement restriction.

  17. Signs of Bruxism and Temporomandibular Disorders among Patients with Bipolar Disorder

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    Gurbuz Ozlem


    Full Text Available Background/Aim: There is an abundance of data regarding temporomandibular disorders (TMD and bruxism specific to patients with bipolar disorder (BD. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of TMD signs in subjects with and without BD. Material and Methods: The case group included 242 adult patients (103 men and 139 women with BD and and the control group included 187 subjects without BD (89 men and 98 women. The case and control groups were compared for the presence of bruxism and the signs of TMD including muscle and temporomandibular joint (TMJ tenderness to palpation, limitation of maximum mouth opening, and TMJ sounds. Results: The frequency of at least one sign of TMD was significantly higher in patients with BD (191 ⁄242, 78.9% than the control group (95 ⁄187, 50.8% (p<0.001. Statistically significant differences were found between the case and control groups in terms of joint pain on palpation (p<0.05, masseter muscle pain on palpation (p<0.01, joint clicks (p<0.001 and limited mouth opening (p<0.001. Bruxism was significantly higher in patients with BD (49.6% than the control group (19.8% (p<0.001. Conclusions: Patients with BD appear to be more prone to having TMD signs and bruxism compared to the control group, but this comorbidity should be better understood by further studies.

  18. Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint and mandibular growth disturbance caused by neglected condylar fracture in childhood

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    Endrajana Endrajana


    Full Text Available Background: Fractures of the mandibular condyle may lead to complications such as disturbance of occlusal function, internal derangement of the joint, ankylosis and mandibular growth disturbance. When treating young patients with the history of mandible trauma, ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint and mandibular growth disturbance are two most important complications of condyle fracture that should be considered. Purpose: This case report attempts to emphasize the long term complication of neglected condylar fracture in children i.e. ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint and subsequently lead to mandibular growth disturbance. Case: A case of right temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis and mandibular growth disturbance in a 28 years old male patient is presented. He had a history of trauma to the mandible after a traffic accident when he was 8 years old. Since then, he experienced difficulty in mouth opening which eventually developed into severe trismus. Case management: The case was treated surgically with gap and interpositional arthroplasty using Mersilen mesh™. Conclusion: Mandibular fractures involving temporomandibular joint in young children should be examined thoroughly and treated adequately in order to prevent ankylosis of the TMJ and the subsequent mandibular growth disturbance.Latar belakang: Fraktur pada kondilus mandibula dapat menyebabkan beberapa komplikasi berupa: gangguan oklusi, internal derangement sendi, ankilosis serta gangguan pertumbuhan mandibula. Pada perawatan penderita usia muda dengan riwayat trauma pada mandibula, perlu diwaspadai dua macam komplikasi akibat fraktur pada kondilus, yaitu ankilosis sendi temporo mandibula dan adanya gangguan pertumbuhan mandibula. Tujuan: Laporan kasus ini bertujuan untuk menekankan bahwa fraktur kondilus pada anak-anak yang tidak mendapatkan perawatan yang semestinya akan mengakibatkan komplikasi jangka panjang berupa ankilosis sendi temporomandibula yang diikuti dengan

  19. Prevalence of the different Axis I clinical subtypes in a sample of patients with orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders in the Andalusian Healthcare Service (United States)

    Blanco-Aguilera, Antonio; Blanco-Aguilera, Elena; Serrano-del-Rosal, Rafael; Biedma-Velázquez, Lourdes; Rodríguez-Torronteras, Alejandro; Segura-Saint-Gerons, Rafael


    Background The main objective of this paper is to analyze the prevalence of each of the different clinical subtypes of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in a sample of patients with this pathology. In addition, a second objective was to analyze their distribution according to gender. Material and Methods To this end, the results of 1603 patients who went to the Unit of Temporomandibular Disorders in the Córdoba Healthcare District because they suffered from this pathology were analyzed. In order to diagnose them, the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) were applied, analyzing the different Axis I subtypes (myopathy, discopathy and arthropathy) and obtaining the combined Axis I for each patient and the relation of all these variables according to gender. The null-hypothesis test confirmed the lack of connection between the gender variable and the different subtypes in the clinical analysis, and between the former and the combined Axis I of the RDC/TMD. Results The prevalence was high for the muscle disorders subtype in general, showing an 88.7% prevalence, while the presence of discopathies or arthropathies was much lower. Among discopathies, the most frequent ones were disc displacements with reduction, with 39.7% and 42.8% for the left and right temporomandibular joints (TMJ), respectively, while the prevalence of arthropathies was 26.3% for the right TMJ and 32.9% for the left TMJ. The bivariate analysis on the connection with gender reveals a p≥ 0.05 value for the muscle and arthralgia subtypes. Conclusions The patients seen at the TMD Unit where mostly middle-aged women whose main clinical axis subtype was the muscle disorder subtype. For their part, both discopathies and arthropathies, although present, are much less prevalent. Key words:RDCTMD, axis I, orofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders, gender. PMID:26615508

  20. Anquilose temporomandibular bilateral: aspectos fonoaudiológicos e procedimentos clinidos Bilateral ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint: oral miofunctional aspects and clinical procedure

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    Silvana Regina Marzotto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: apresentar uma proposta terapêutica miofuncional orofacial, os procedimentos utilizados e resultados em caso de anquilose temporomandibular bilateral, buscando ressaltar a importância do trabalho interdisciplinar e a contribuição da fonoaudiologia para a reabilitação do sistema estomatognático nesses casos. MÉTODOS: relato de caso de paciente adulto, gênero masculino, encaminhado para avaliação e procedimentos fonoaudiológicos após três meses da realização de cirurgia articular, tendo como queixa principal grande restrição na abertura da boca. Na avaliação fonoaudiológica foi constatado: abertura da boca máxima em 25 mm, ausência de movimentos de lateralidade e de protrusiva, mordida aberta anterior em 8 mm, dor constante em região temporal, dificuldade para realizar mastigação, deglutição, articulação da fala. Constou dos objetivos terapêuticos: estimular e possibilitar a execução de movimentos mandibulares minimizando progressão de tecido cicatricial restritivo e reabilitação miofuncional. Procedimentos quanto ao aumento da amplitude através de relaxamentos, alongamentos, massagens, movimentos isotônicos, isométricos, isocinéticos e manobras específicas foram essenciais para estabilizar a abertura da boca, liberar os movimentos mandibulares e coordená-los, melhorando a funcionalidade do sistema estomatognático. RESULTADOS: após 24 sessões: ganho de 16 mm na abertura passando para 41 mm; redução da mordida aberta anterior para 4 mm, melhora da higiene oral, da articulação da fala, das condições alimentares com ganho de força mastigatória e redução dos mecanismos compensatórios; eliminação da dor em região temporal, além de melhora na estética facial. CONCLUSÃO: a terapêutica fonoaudiológica miofuncional orofacial mostrou-se eficiente em adulto com anquilose temporomandibular bilateral pós-cirúrgico, com estabilidade dos resultados mantida segundo controle anual

  1. Effectiveness of global postural reeducation in the treatment of temporomandibular disorder: case report. (United States)

    Monteiro, Wagner; Francisco de Oliveira Dantas da Gama, Thomaz; dos Santos, Robiana Maria; Collange Grecco, Luanda André; Pasini Neto, Hugo; Oliveira, Claudia Santos


    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of global postural reeducation in the treatment of temporomandibular disorder through bilateral surface electromyographic (EMG) analysis of the masseter muscle in a 23-year-old volunteer. EMG values for the masseter were collected at rest (baseline) and during a maximal occlusion. There was a change in EMG activity both at rest and during maximal occlusion following the intervention, evidencing neuromuscular rebalancing between both sides after treatment as well as an increase in EMG activity during maximal occlusion, with direct improvement in the recruitment of motor units during contractile activity and a decrease in muscle tension between sides at rest. The improvement in postural patterns of the cervical spine provided an improvement in aspects of the EMG signal of the masseter muscle in this patient. However, a multidisciplinary study is needed in order to determine the effect of different forms of treatment on this condition and compare benefits between interventions. Therefore, this study can provide a direction regarding the application of this technique in patients with temporomandibular disorder. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Prevalence of temporomandibular joint disorders and neck pain in musicians: a sytematic review

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    Bennatan Ferreira dos Santos

    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction: The instrumental practice for a long time, the high performance level, the strict technique and the specific shape of each musical instrument can take musicians to overcome their physiological limits, giving a high prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries. Objective: Investigate the prevalence of temporomandibular joint disorder and neck pain in musicians. Methods: Between August and September 2015 were reviewed five databases: LILACS, SciELO, Medline / PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. The articles were read and evaluated by the criteria of the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE, items, that obtained a percentage above of 50 percent, were considered in the analysis of this work. Results: 15 articles attended the inclusion criteria. Among all musicians the prevalence of TMJ pain ranged from 10 - 81% and the prevalence of neck pain ranged from 29 - 80%. Conclusion: In this study was observed that the musicians showed both, temporomandibular joint disorders and neck pain, watching a high prevalence especially in violinists and the horn players. In the risk factors identified in the literature for the emergence of painful symptoms in musicians, stand out the biomechanical factors involved in maintaining anti-physiologic postures.

  3. High-resolution ultrasonography in assessing temporomandibular joint disc position. (United States)

    Talmaceanu, Daniel; Lenghel, Lavinia Manuela; Bolog, Nicolae; Popa Stanila, Roxana; Buduru, Smaranda; Leucuta, Daniel Corneliu; Rotar, Horatiu; Baciut, Mihaela; Baciut, Grigore


    The purpose of this study was to determine the diagnostic value of high-resolution ultrasonography (US) in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc displacements. A number of 74 patients (148 TMJs) with signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders, according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders, were included in this study. All patients received US and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of both TMJs 1 to 5 days after the clinical examination. MRI examinations were performed using 1.5 T MRI equipment (Siemens Avanto, Siemens, Erlangen). Ultrasonographic examination was performed on a Hitachi EUB 8500 (Hitachi Medical Corp., Tokyo, Japan) scanner with L 54 M6.5-13 MHz linear transducer. MRI depicted 68 (45.95%) normal joints, 47 (31.76%) with disc displacement with reduction, 33 (22.3%) with disc displacement without reduction and 34 (22.97%) with degenerative changes. US detected 78 (52.7%) normal joints, 37 (25%) with disc displacement with reduction, 33 (22.3%) with disc displacement without reduction and 21 (14.19%) with degenerative changes. Compared to MRI, US showed a sensitivity of 93.1%, specificity of 87.88%, accuracy of 90.32%, a positive predictive value of 87.1% and a negative predictive value of 93.55% for overall diagnosis of disc displacement. The Youden index was 0.81. Based on our results, high-resolution ultrasonography showed high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy in the diagnosis of TMJ disc displacement. It could be a valuable imaging technique in assessing TMJ disc position. The diagnostic value of high-resolution ultrasonography depends strictly on the examiner's skills and on the equipment used.

  4. Temporomandibular joint examination reviewed

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    L. Guarda Nardini


    Full Text Available The temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ it’s a joint closely related to the skull base, the spine, and the jaws; all these anatomical structures must be taken in consideration when evaluating pain involving the tmj. In order to detect patients affected by pathology or dysfunctions of the tmj, physical examination is of great value in orienting the diagnosis. Inspection must consider the symmetry of the body, the dental status and the type of occlusion. Palpation is a way to assess contractiont involving the muscles of the masticatory system and of the neck. Auscultation, based on articular noise provides means to determine whether we are dealing with degeneration of the joint or a dislocation of the intrarticular disc. In order to confirm the diagnosis obtained with the clinical evaluation, it’s useful to perform imaging techniques as opt, tomography and TC of the tmj and electromyokineosiography – index of the mandibular functionality and of the muscles status. MRI and dynamic MRI are among the non invasive exams which give the greatest amount of information, regarding the disc position and the joint degeneration. Arthroscopy is an invasive technique that allows early diagnosis of degeneration and is helpful to reveal early inflammatory processes of the joint.

  5. Temporomandibular Joint Regenerative Medicine

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    Xavier Van Bellinghen


    Full Text Available The temporomandibular joint (TMJ is an articulation formed between the temporal bone and the mandibular condyle which is commonly affected. These affections are often so painful during fundamental oral activities that patients have lower quality of life. Limitations of therapeutics for severe TMJ diseases have led to increased interest in regenerative strategies combining stem cells, implantable scaffolds and well-targeting bioactive molecules. To succeed in functional and structural regeneration of TMJ is very challenging. Innovative strategies and biomaterials are absolutely crucial because TMJ can be considered as one of the most difficult tissues to regenerate due to its limited healing capacity, its unique histological and structural properties and the necessity for long-term prevention of its ossified or fibrous adhesions. The ideal approach for TMJ regeneration is a unique scaffold functionalized with an osteochondral molecular gradient containing a single stem cell population able to undergo osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation such as BMSCs, ADSCs or DPSCs. The key for this complex regeneration is the functionalization with active molecules such as IGF-1, TGF-β1 or bFGF. This regeneration can be optimized by nano/micro-assisted functionalization and by spatiotemporal drug delivery systems orchestrating the 3D formation of TMJ tissues.

  6. Is There a Relation between Tension-Type Headache, Temporomandibular Disorders and Sleep?


    Caspersen, N.; Hirsvang, J. R.; Kroell, L.; Jadidi, F.; Baad-Hansen, L.; Svensson, P.; Jensen, R.


    Introduction. Tension-Type Headache (TTH) is the most prevalent headache often associated with impaired function and quality of life. Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and TTH frequently coexist; characterized by pericranial tenderness and impact on daily life. We aim to apply a standardized questionnaire for TMD to characterize and analyse an eventual relation between sleep and oral health in TTH in a controlled design. Material and Methods. 58 consecutive TTH patients and 58 healthy control...

  7. Arthroscopic lysis and lavage in patients with temporomandibular anterior disc displacement without reduction

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Machoň, V.; Šedý, Jiří; Klíma, K.; Hirjak, D.; Foltán, R.


    Roč. 41, č. 1 (2012), s. 109-113 ISSN 0901-5027 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) LC554; GA ČR GAP304/10/0320 Grant - others:GA MŠk(CZ) 1M0538 Program:1M Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50390703 Keywords : temporomandibular joint * arthroscopic lysis * arthroscopic lavage Subject RIV: FJ - Surgery incl. Transplants Impact factor: 1.521, year: 2012

  8. Diagnosis of temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome - image quality at 1.5 and 3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmid-Schwap, Martina; Bristela, Margit; Piehslinger, Eva [Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry, Department of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics, Vienna (Austria); Drahanowsky, Wolfgang; Robinson, Soraya [Diagnostic Center Urania, Vienna (Austria); Kundi, Michael [Medical University of Vienna, Institute of Environmental Health, Center for Public Health, Vienna (Austria)


    The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in expert ratings of quality of magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the temporomandibular joint in 24 patients with suspected anterior disc displacement examined in randomized order at 1.5 and 3.0 T. Parasagittal (closed and opened mouth) and paracoronal sections were performed with a surface coil. Two experienced examiners blinded to patient status and type of MRI diagnosed the images according to position of condyle, position and changes in the signal, and disc shape. In addition, perceptibility of position and disc shape were assessed. A highly significant difference in the perceptibility of disc shape (P < 0.001) and position (P < 0.001) was obtained. With comparable examination sequences and identical resolution, the 3.0 T MRI of the temporomandibular joint increases the perceptibility of joint structures. (orig.)

  9. Synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint. (United States)

    Reyes Macías, Juan Francisco; Sánchez Prieto, Martín


    Synovial Chondromatosis (SC) is a disease whose etiology is unknown, can be defined as a benign synovial process characterized by the formation of metaplastic cartilaginous nodes inside connective tissue of articular surfaces, is considered an active metaplastic phenomenon better than a neoplastic process; it presents a greater preference to affect women who constitute almost 70% of reported cases, the age range is wide and oscillates between 18-75 years (average 44.6 years). Between the main clinical findings are: pain, crackle, volume augmentation and a limited buccal opening. SC is an unusual state and the reports in the English literature are no more than 75 cases, only 66 of those where histologically verified, most of those were affecting great joints like hip, knee and shoulder, but if SC is not frequent in this sites, is even more infrequent on temporomandibular joint. The aim of this paper is to report a clinical case and at the same time to realize a brief review of the literature.



    segovia miranda, fabian josue


    El potencial patogénico de los auto-anticuerpos en las disfunciones del sistema nervioso central ha atraído gran interés en los últimos años. La identificación de autoanticuerpos neuropatogénicos dirigidos contra componentes de la superficie neuronal ayuda a entender la influencia que el sistema inmune puede ejercer sobre procesos que involucran memoria, cognición y comportamiento. También provee herramientas para entender mejor la función de componentes ya conocidos, o de nuevos com...

  11. Temporomandibular Joint: MRT Diagnostics; Temporomandibulargelenk: MRT-Diagnostik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kress, B. [Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg (Germany). Abteilung Neuroradiologie; Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg (Germany). Neurologische Klinik; Schmitter, M. [Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg (Germany). Poliklinik fuer zahnaerztliche Prothetik; Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg (Germany). Abteilung Neuroradiologie


    MRI of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) requires 1.5 T. The radiologist must be familiar with the anatomy and pathology of the TMJ. This review gives a description of MRI protocols for the TMJ, and MRI anatomy and pathology of the TMJ (open and closed mouth) by means of MR images and drawings. Diagnosing of the TMJ related diseases depends on standardized clinical and MR examinations. Therefore close interdisciplinary cooperation between dentist and radiologist is necessary. (orig.) [German] Magnetresonanztomographie bei Kiefergelenkbeschwerden erfordert neben guter technischer Ausstattung Kenntnisse der Anatomie und Pathologie des Kiefergelenks. Diese Uebersicht stellt neben MRT-Protokollen die Anatomie und die pathologischen Befunde des Kiefergelenks bei geoeffnetem und geschlossenem Mund anhand von Abbildungen und Graphiken systematisch dar. Bildgebende Diagnostik des Kiefergelenks gruendet sich auf eine standardisierte klinische und magnetresonanztomographische Untersuchung und erfordert eine enge interdisziplinaere Kooperation zwischen Zahnmedizin und Radiologie. (orig.)

  12. Orofacial myofunctional disorder in subjects with temporomandibular disorder. (United States)

    Ferreira, Cláudia Lúcia Pimenta; Da Silva, Marco Antônio M Rodrigues; de Felício, Cláudia Maria


    To determine the frequency and degree of orofacial myofunctional disorder (OMD) in a sample of patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD), the dental records of 240 patients with a diagnosis of TMD were reviewed. Mean patient age and mean TMD duration, gender frequency, complaints, and signs and symptoms were calculated. The results showed that the sample studied was quite characteristic of a TMD group. The presence of the following signs/symptoms was significant: muscular pain, TMJ pain, joint noise, at least one otologic symptom, headache, and neck and shoulder pain. Most subjects presented some degree of OMD, with grade high prevailing over grade low. The importance of evaluating the stomatognathic structures and functions during the clinical examination of patients with TMD is emphasized.

  13. Postoperative diagnosis of the temporomandibular joint; Postoperative Kiefergelenkdiagnostik

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robinson, S. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Radiodiagnostik, Vienna (Austria). Abt. fuer Osteologie; Undt, G. [Universitaetsklinik fuer Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, Vienna (Austria)


    Postoperative management of patients suffering from symptoms of the temporomandibular joint does not differ considerably from the one of preoperative examination protocols. Knowledge of previous surgery helps to plan patient work-up and to interpret normal postoperative findings (eminectomy, discectomy, susceptibility artefacts from metallic residues..) and typical complications (intraarticular loose bodies, dislocations, avascular necrosis, foreign body granulomatous reactions) appropriately. (orig.) [German] Wie auch in anderen Koerperregionen differiert das Diagnoseprotokoll von prae- und postoperativen Patienten mit Beschwerden des Kiefergelenks nicht wesentlich voneinander. Die Kenntnis des vorangegangenen Eingriffs hilft allerdings, die Untersuchung entsprechend zu planen und den Befund im Kontext richtig zu bewerten, um moegliche Komplikationen (intraartikulaere Fragmente, Dislokationen, avaskulaere Nekrose, Fremdkoerperreaktionen) und zu erwartende Befunde (Eminektomie, Diskektomie, Metallartefakte usw.) richtig zu interpretieren. (orig.)

  14. Expanding the taxonomy of the diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Peck, C C; Goulet, J-P; Lobbezoo, F; Schiffman, E L; Alstergren, P; Anderson, G C; de Leeuw, R; Jensen, R; Michelotti, A; Ohrbach, R; Petersson, A; List, T


    There is a need to expand the current temporomandibular disorders' (TMDs) classification to include less common but clinically important disorders. The immediate aim was to develop a consensus-based classification system and associated diagnostic criteria that have clinical and research utility for less common TMDs. The long-term aim was to establish a foundation, vis-à-vis this classification system, that will stimulate data collection, validity testing and further criteria refinement. A working group [members of the International RDC/TMD Consortium Network of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), members of the Orofacial Pain Special Interest Group (SIG) of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), and members from other professional societies] reviewed disorders for inclusion based on clinical significance, the availability of plausible diagnostic criteria and the ability to operationalise and study the criteria. The disorders were derived from the literature when possible and based on expert opinion as necessary. The expanded TMDs taxonomy was presented for feedback at international meetings. Of 56 disorders considered, 37 were included in the expanded taxonomy and were placed into the following four categories: temporomandibular joint disorders, masticatory muscle disorders, headache disorders and disorders affecting associated structures. Those excluded were extremely uncommon, lacking operationalised diagnostic criteria, not clearly related to TMDs, or not sufficiently distinct from disorders already included within the taxonomy. The expanded TMDs taxonomy offers an integrated approach to clinical diagnosis and provides a framework for further research to operationalise and test the proposed taxonomy and diagnostic criteria. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Effect of Surgery First Orthognathic Approach on the Temporomandibular Joint. (United States)

    Pelo, Sandro; Saponaro, Gianmarco; De Angelis, Paolo; Gasparini, Giulio; Garagiola, Umberto; Moro, Alessandro


    Correction of severe malocclusions with skeletal discrepancies requires orthodontic treatment in combination with orthognathic surgery. Even though conventional orthognathic surgery (COS) is a common and well-accepted approach its influence on the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) is still debated. Recently with the introduction of surgery first approach, a different timing for the management of dentoskeletal imbalances has been proposed. The present study is aimed at assessing the relationship between surgery first approach and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. The study sample consisted of 24 patients who were selected to be treated with surgery first approach. Clinical follow-ups after surgery were performed every week for the first month, at 3 months, 6 months, and at 1 year. A radiological follow-up was performed at 1 week and at 1 year after the operation with a panorex and a latero-lateral teleradiograph. To assess the effect of surgery first approach on the TMDs signs and symptoms, a clinical assessment was performed 4 days before surgery (T1), 6 months after surgery (T2), and 1 year postoperatively (T3). The results of the authors' study show that pain assessment revealed a general improvement of this symptom in correspondence to TMJ and masticatory muscles except in the masseter and neck region. Also joint noises, TMJ functioning, migraine, and headache underwent a considerable improvement. Surgery first approach is an innovative orthognathic procedure and, by undergoing surgery first approach, patients with pre-existing TMJ dysfunction may experience a significant improvement or even resolution of the TMDs signs and symptoms.

  16. Disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular en pacientes con artritis reumatoide

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    Norma Guadalupe Ibáñez-Mancera


    Full Text Available La artritis reumatoide (AR es una enfermedad sistémica crónica inflamatoria caracterizada por una respuesta inmune patogénica que ocasiona daño articular el cual puede ser incapacitante e incluso condicionar una muerte prematura. Entre las articulaciones afectadas puede encontrarse la articulación temporomandibular (ATM ocasionando dolor, crepitación, inflamación y limitación de los movimientos mandibulares. La disfunción de la ATM es una entidad muy común, por lo que el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar en qué medida los pacientes con AR tienen afección de la ATM comparado con pacientes sanos e identificar las principales diferencias en la presentación clínica, para lo cual se realizó un estudio de casos y controles. Se incluyeron 37 pacientes en cada grupo. En el grupo de pacientes con AR se encontró una afección de la ATM en el 75% de los pacientes (28 casos, mientras que en el grupo control solo el 13,5% (5 casos. Los hallazgos identificados en el grupo de pacientes con AR y disfunción de ATM fueron principalmente desviación mandibular, ruidos articulares, pérdida dental, dolor articular y limitación de la apertura. En este estudio se pudo identificar que existe un riesgo 82% (OR 19,9, IC = 0,71-0,89 veces mayor de desarrollar disfunción de ATM en pacientes con AR comparado con pacientes sanos, por lo que resulta de suma importancia realizar revisiones periódicas de la ATM con el fin de identificar signos y síntomas tempranos para así evitar la progresión de la disfunción, lo cual se verá reflejado en una mejor nutrición y calidad de vida del paciente.

  17. Management of acute dislocation of the temporomandibular joint in dental practice.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McGoldrick, David M


    Acute dislocation of the temporomandibular joint is a situation that, although rare, may present to the dentist in practice at any time. A number of activities, such as removal of a tooth, may cause dislocation. The event is painful and distressing for the patient, their family and the dental team. Prompt management minimises discomfort, distress and long-term morbidity to the patient. We describe the aetiology of acute dislocation and outline a number of techniques that will aid the clinican in dealing with this event.

  18. Evaluation of the mechanism and principles of management of temporomandibular joint dislocation. Systematic review of literature and a proposed new classification of temporomandibular joint dislocation. (United States)

    Akinbami, Babatunde O


    Virtually all the articles in literature addressed only a specific type of dislocation. The aim of this review was to project a comprehensive understanding of the pathologic processes and management of all types of dislodgement of the head of the mandibular condyle from its normal position in the glenoid fossa. In addition, a new classification of temporomandibular joint dislocation was also proposed. A thorough computer literature search was done using the Medline, Cochrane library and Embase database. Key words like temporo-mandibular joint dislocation were used for the search. Additional manual search was done by going through published home-based and foreign articles. Case reports/series, and original articles that documented the type of dislocation, number of cases treated in the series and original articles. Treatment done and outcome of treatment were included in the study. A total of 128 articles were reviewed out which 79 were found relevant. Of these, 26 were case reports, 17 were case series and 36 were original articles. 79 cases were acute dislocations, 35 cases were chronic protracted TMJ dislocations and 311 cases were chronic recurrent TMJ dislocations. Etiology was predominantly trauma in 60% of cases and other causes contributed about 40%. Of all the cases reviewed, only 4 were unilateral dislocation. Various treatment modalities are outlined in this report as indicated for each type of dislocation. The more complex and invasive method of treatment may not necessarily offer the best option and outcome of treatment, therefore conservative approaches should be exhausted and utilized appropriately before adopting the more invasive surgical techniques.

  19. MRI-based stereolithographic models of the temporomandibular joint: technical innovation. (United States)

    Undt, G; Wild, K; Reuther, G; Ewers, R


    A new technique of manufacturing dual-colour stereolithographic models of hard and soft tissues of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is presented. Sagittal T1/PD weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images of joints with and without disc displacement were obtained in the closed and open mouth positions. Individual interactive contour identification of bony structures and the articular disc followed by binary interpolation provided the data for the generation of acrylic TMJ models. Three dimensional in vivo visualization of the articular disc in relation to bony structures in the closed and open mouth positions allows a new perception of normal and pathological TMJ anatomy.

  20. Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD) for Clinical and Research Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schiffman, Eric; Ohrbach, Richard; Truelove, Edmond


    AIMS: The original Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) Axis I diagnostic algorithms have been demonstrated to be reliable. However, the Validation Project determined that the RDC/TMD Axis I validity was below the target sensitivity of ≥ 0.70 and specificity of ≥...... comprehensive instruments augment short and simple screening instruments for Axis I and Axis II. These validated instruments allow for identification of patients with a range of simple to complex TMD presentations....

  1. Body posture changes in women with migraine with or without temporomandibular disorders


    Ferreira, Mariana C.; Bevilaqua-Grossi, Débora; Dach, Fabíola É.; Speciali, José G.; Gonçalves, Maria C.; Chaves, Thais C.


    Background: Migraine and temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are reported to be associated. However, there are no reports on the association among migraines, TMDs and changes in body posture. Objectives : To assess changes in body posture in women suffering migraines with or without TMD compared with a control group. Method: Sixty-six women with a mean age of 18 to 45 years participated in this study. The groups were composed of 22 volunteers with migraine and TMD (MTMD), 22 volunteers ...

  2. Reported concepts for the treatment modalities and pain management of temporomandibular disorders


    Wieckiewicz, Mieszko; Boening, Klaus; Wiland, Piotr; Shiau, Yuh-Yuan; Paradowska-Stolarz, Anna


    Background Pain related to temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a common problem in modern societies. The aim of the article is to present the concepts of TMD pain clinical management. Methods A survey was performed using the PubMed, SCOPUS and CINAHL databases for documents published between 1994 and 2014. The following search keywords were selected using MeSH terms of the National Library of Medicine in combination: TMD pain, TMD, TMJ, TMJ disorders, occlusal splint, TMD physiotherapy, TMJ ...

  3. Effect of facial massage on static balance in individuals with temporomandibular disorder - a pilot study. (United States)

    El Hage, Yasmin; Politti, Fabiano; Herpich, Carolina Marciela; de Souza, Dowglas Fernando Magalhães; de Paula Gomes, Cid André Fidelis; Amorim, Cesar Ferreira; de Oliveira Gonzalez, Tabajara; Biasotto-Gonzalez, Daniela Aparecida


    The influence of the neuromuscular system on the cervical region and mastication is directly associated with mandibular movements and neck posture. Normal occlusal homeostasis depends on complex sensory feedback mechanisms of the periodontal ligament, temporomandibular joint and other structures of the stomatognathic system. This feedback serves as a regulatory mechanism that helps determine the force and nature of muscle contractions. Alterations in the muscles of mastication, neck muscles, and occlusal characteristics constitute causal factors of imbalances in the postural muscle chains, leading to alterations in the center of pressure (CoP) of the feet. Thus, therapies that seek occlusal reestablishment, such as muscle relaxation techniques, may lead to a restructuring of the global equilibrium of the neuromuscular system and an improvement in body posture. The aim of the present pilot study was to investigate the immediate effect of facial massage on the CoP in the anteroposterior (CoPAP) and mediolateral (CoPML) directions in individuals with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Twenty individuals with a diagnosis of TMD based on the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) were submitted to a facial massage technique. CoPAP and CoPML were evaluated using a force plate. Evaluations were performed under two visual conditions (eyes open and eyes closed) prior to resting in dorsal decubitus (baseline), after 10 minutes of rest (premassage) and after the administration of the massage technique (postmassage). No significant differences were found regarding CoPAP velocity with eyes open or the following aspects under either visual condition (eyes open or closed): CoPML velocity, RMS of CoPAP, RMS of CoPML, and sway area. The only significant difference was found for mean CoPAP velocity with eyes closed. While the results of the present study demonstrate the reliability of the reproduction of the data, facial massage had no immediate

  4. Analysis of Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders Based on the Latest Diagnostic Criteria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Svechtarov V.


    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to analyze the distribution of the most common diagnoses observed in patients with chronic temporomandibular disorders, based on the new diagnostic criteria (DC/TMD adopted in 2014. The previous Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC/TMD adopted in 1992, consisted of three main groups of eight diagnostic subgroups and is currently transformed into two main groups and twelve subgroups, respectively. All subgroups correspond to the nomenclature of the ICD-10. The new clinical diagnostic indices are also modified. The analysis showed a prevalence of Pain-Related TMD compared with that of intra-articular disorders in ratio 57.89% to 42.10%. In Pain-Related TMD arthralgia was represented in 55% of cases; local myalgia - in 12%, myofascial pain - in 18%, myofascial pain with referral - in 14%, headache attributed to TMD - in 1%. In Intra-articular TMD disc displacement with reduction was found in 23% of the cases, disc displacement with reduction with intermittent locking - in 3%, disc displacement without reduction with limited opening - in 25%, disc displacement without reduction and without limited opening - in 8%. Degenerative diseases were found in 14.28%, and hypermobility and subluxations - in 26.98%. These analyzes differ and can only partly be compared with previous analyzes based on RDC system. The changes in the diagnostic criteria require new clinical studies in order to refine the picture of temporomandibular pathology in accordance with the modern views on the matter.

  5. Different association between specific manifestations of bruxism and temporomandibular disorder pain. (United States)

    Berger, Marcin; Szalewski, Leszek; Szkutnik, Jacek; Ginszt, Michał; Ginszt, Apolinary

    A growing body of evidence suggests that bruxism exists in two separate manifestations. However, little is known about the association between specific manifestations of bruxism and temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain. The aim of our study was to analyze the association between TMD pain and specific diagnoses of bruxism (sleep, awake, and mixed diagnosis of sleep and awake bruxism). 508 adult patients (296 women and 212 men), aged between 18 and 64 years (mean age 34±12 years), attending to a clinic for general dental treatment. Patients were asked to fill an anonymous questionnaire, consisting of three questions, verifying the presence of TMD pain and two forms of bruxism. All questions were based on the Polish version of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders patient history questionnaire. Cross tabulation was done, and χ 2 was used as a test of significance to find the association between the variables. Awake bruxism was associated with TMD pain only in men (χ 2 =7.746, pbruxism was associated with TMD pain in both women (χ 2 =10.486, pbruxism and TMD pain. Gender-related differences in the presence of all bruxism diagnoses were also statistically insignificant. Interaction between sleep and awake bruxism may increase the risk for TMD pain. We suggest considering concomitance as a confounder, when studying sleep or awake bruxism. Copyright © 2016 Polish Neurological Society. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.

  6. Orofacial Manifestations and Temporomandibular Disorders of Systemic Scleroderma: An Observational Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vito Crincoli


    Full Text Available Scleroderma is a disorder involving oral and facial tissues, with skin hardening, thin lips, deep wrinkles, xerostomia, tongue rigidity, and microstomia. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of oral manifestations and temporomandibular disorders (TMD in Systemic Sclerosis (SSc patients compared with healthy people. Eighty patients (6 men, 74 women fulfilling ACR/EULAR SSc Criteria were enrolled. A randomly selected group of 80 patients, matched by sex and age served as control group. The examination for TMD signs and symptoms was based on the standardized Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD through a questionnaire and clinical examination. SSc patients complained more frequently (78.8% of oral symptoms (Xerostomia, dysgeusia, dysphagia and stomatodynia than controls (28.7% (χ2 = 40.23 p = 0.001. TMD symptoms (muscle pain on chewing, difficulty in mouth opening, headaches were complained by 92.5% of SSc patients and by 76.2% of controls (χ2 = 8.012 p = 0.005. At the clinical examination, 85% of SSc patients showed restricted opening versus 20.0% of controls (χ2 = 67.77 p = 0.001, 81.2% of SSc showed reduced right lateral excursion versus 50% of controls (χ2 = 17.316 p = 0.001; 73.8% of SSc showed limited left lateral excursion versus 53.8% of controls (χ2 = 6.924 p = 0.009; and 73.8% of SSc had narrow protrusion versus 56.2% of controls (χ2 = 5.385 p = 0.02.

  7. The efficiency of botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of masseter muscle pain in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction and tension-type headache. (United States)

    Pihut, Malgorzata; Ferendiuk, Ewa; Szewczyk, Michal; Kasprzyk, Katarzyna; Wieckiewicz, Mieszko


    Temporomandibular joint dysfunction are often accompanied by symptoms of headache such as tension-type headache which is the most frequent spontaneous primary headache. Masseter muscle pain is commonly reported in this group. The purpose of the study was to assess the efficiency of intramuscular botulinum toxin type A injections for treating masseter muscle pain in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction and tension-type headache. This prospective outcome study consisted of 42 subjects of both genders aged 19-48 years diagnosed with masseter muscle pain related to temporomandibular joint dysfunction and tension-type headache. The subjects were treated by the intramuscular injection of 21 U (mice units) of botulinum toxin type A (Botox, Allergan) in the area of the greatest cross-section surface of both masseter bellies. Pain intensity was evaluated using visual analogue scale (VAS) and verbal numerical rating scale (VNRS) 1 week before the treatment and 24 weeks after the treatment. The obtained data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon matched pairs test (p ≤ 0,005). The results of this study showed a decrease in the number of referred pain episodes including a decrease in pain in the temporal region bilaterally, a reduction of analgesic drugs intake as well as a decrease in reported values of VAS and VNRS after injections (p = 0,000). The intramuscular botulinum toxin type A injections have been an efficient method of treatment for masseter muscle pain in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction and tension-type headache.

  8. A importância da avaliação postural no paciente com disfunção da articulação temporomandibular The importance of the postural evaluation in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Vieira Amantéa


    Full Text Available O equilíbrio do corpo bem como os movimentos da cabeça são originados pelo posicionamento do crânio sobre a região cervical determinando assim a postura do indivíduo. Estando a articulação temporomandibular (ATM diretamente relacionada com a região cervical e escapular através de um sistema neuromuscular comum, alterações posturais da coluna cervical podem acarretar em distúrbios na ATM e vice-versa. O número crescente de pacientes com disfunção da articulação temporomandibular (DTM que apresentavam alterações posturais levou ao desenvolvimento de estudos que procuram demonstrar suas relações. Este trabalho propôs-se realizar uma revisão de literatura que demonstre a relação entre má postura e DTM. Salienta ainda a necessidade de uma equipe multidisciplinar, formada pelo médico ortopedista, o cirurgião dentista e o fisioterapeuta, para realizarem juntos o diagnóstico e o tratamento de tais alterações.The position of the head over the neck determines the posture of the body and is responsible for the body balance and head movements. The temporomandibular joint (TMA is directly related to the cervical and the scapular region by a common neuromuscular system. Changes in the cervical spine can cause lead to TMA disorders and contra wise. The increasing number of patients with TMA disorders who also had postural disorders led to the development of studies to evaluate their interactions. The present study aimed to review the papers that have shown a relationship between wrong posture and TMA disorders. It emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary team formed by an orthopedist, dental surgeon, and physiotherapist in the diagnosis and treatment of TMA disorders and wrong posture.

  9. Headache associated with temporomandibular disorders among young Brazilian adolescents. (United States)

    Franco, Ana L; Fernandes, Giovana; Gonçalves, Daniela A G; Bonafé, Fernanda S S; Camparis, Cinara M


    To verify whether headaches (HAs) are associated with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in young Brazilian adolescents. From a population sample, 3117 public school children (12 to 14 y) were randomly invited to participate in this study. TMD was assessed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) Axis I, in addition to questions #3, #4, and #14 of Axis II history questionnaire. HAs were investigated with question #18 of RDC/TMD Axis II. Chronic TMD pain was considered as pain that has persisted for 6 months or more, as proposed by the International Association for the Study of Pain. The statistical analysis consisted of χ tests, odds ratio (OR), and logistic regression models, adopting a significance level of 5%. The sample included 1307 individuals (a response rate of 41.93%), and 56.8% (n=742) were girls. Overall, 330 adolescents (25.2%) were diagnosed with painful TMD and 595 (45.5%) presented with HAs. Individuals presenting with HAs were more likely to present painful TMD (OR=4.94; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.73-6.54, P<0.001), especially combined muscle and joint painful TMD (OR=7.58; 95% CI, 4.77-12.05, P<0.001). HAs also increased the risk to a higher magnitude for chronic TMD pain (OR=6.12; 95% CI, 4.27-8.78, P<0.0001). All estimated ORs remained essentially unchanged after adjusting for sex. HAs were a potential risk factor for TMD in adolescents, and the risk was particularly higher for painful and chronic TMD. When HAs are present in young adolescents, a complete examination is strongly recommended with regard to the presence of painful TMD, and vice versa.

  10. Headache and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder: an epidemiological study. (United States)

    Gonçalves, Daniela A G; Bigal, Marcelo E; Jales, Luciana C F; Camparis, Cinara M; Speciali, José G


    A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of migraine, episodic tension-type headaches (ETTH), and chronic daily headaches (CDH), as well as the presence of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in the adult population. The potential comorbidity of headache syndromes and TMD has been established mostly based on clinic-based studies. A representative sample of 1230 inhabitants (51.5% women) was interviewed by a validated phone survey. TMD symptoms were assessed through 5 questions, as recommended by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain, in an attempt to classify possible TMD. Primary headaches were diagnosed based on the International Classification of Headache Disorders. When at least 1 TMD symptom was reported, any headache happened in 56.5% vs 31.9% (P headache as the reference, the prevalence of at least 1 TMD symptom was increased in ETTH (prevalence ratio = 1.48, 95% confidence interval = 1.20-1.79), migraine (2.10, 1.80-2.47) and CDH (2.41, 1.84-3.17). At least 2 TMD symptoms also happened more frequently in migraine (4.4, 3.0-6.3), CDH (3.4; 1.5-7.6), and ETTH (2.1; 1.3-3.2), relative to individuals with no headaches. Finally, 3 or more TMD symptoms were also more common in migraine (6.2; 3.8-10.2) than in no headaches. Differences were significant for ETTH (2.7 1.5-4.8), and were numerically but not significant for CDH (2.3; 0.66-8.04). Temporomandibular disorder symptoms are more common in migraine, ETTH, and CDH relative to individuals without headache. Magnitude of association is higher for migraine. Future studies should clarify the nature of the relationship.

  11. Radiologic Study of Meniscus Perforations in the Temporomandibular Joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kee Duck; Park, Chang Seo


    Thirty-nine patients (forty-four joints) who had been diagnosed as having meniscus perforation of the temporomandibular joint by inferior joint space arthrography and had been treated by surgical procedures were evaluated retrospectively. Information of clinical findings, arthrotomographic findings and surgical findings was collected on a standardized form and evaluated. The results were as follows: 1. On the 34 patients of 38 joints which were surgically confirmed perforation of meniscus or its attachments of the temporomandibular joint, there were 29 females and 5 males (5.8:1). The average age was 36 years (range 17 to 70). 2. The common clinical findings of group that had meniscus displacement without reduction and with perforation were pain on the affected joint and limitation of mouth opening. In the group showing meniscus displacement with reduction and with perforation the common clinical findings were pain and clicking on the affected joint. 3. 32 joints (84.2%) were arthrotomographically anterior meniscus displacement without reduction and with perforation, 6 joints (15.8%) showed anterior meniscus displacement with reduction and with perforation. 4. Joints categorized arthrotomographically as having meniscus displacement without reduction and with perforation were less likely to have full translation of the condyle in comparison with the normal or meniscus displacement with reduction and with perforation groups (p<0.05) 5. The arthrographic findings of 44 joints having meniscus perforation were compared with surgical findings, there were 6 false positive findings of meniscus perforation, the reliability of arthrographic findings of meniscus perforation was a 86.4% correlation with surgical findings. 6. On the site of perforations of 38 joints which were surgically confirmed perforation of meniscus or its attachments, twenty-three of perforations (60.5%) were in location at the junction of the meniscus and posterior attachment, fourteen (36.9%) were

  12. Temporomandibular disorders after whiplash injury: a controlled, prospective study. (United States)

    Kasch, Helge; Hjorth, Tine; Svensson, Peter; Nyhuus, Lone; Jensen, Troels S


    Whiplash injury to the neck is often considered a significant risk factor for development of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), and has been proposed to produce internal derangements of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Few studies, however, have examined TMD-related pain in acute whiplash patients compared with a matched control group. The aim of the present study was to assess pain and sensorimotor function in the craniofacial region in an unselected group of patients sustaining a motor vehicle accident involving a rear collision. Prospectively, 19 acute whiplash patients exposed to a motor vehicle accident involving a rear collision participated in a study of TMD. The control group consisted of 20 age- and gender-matched ankle-injury patients. Participants were seen within 4 weeks and again at 6 months post-injury. The masticatory system was examined in accordance with the research diagnostic criteria. Participants underwent structured interviews, filled out the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), and had their masticatory system examined by a trained dentist, blinded to their diagnosis. Pain detection threshold (PDT) to pressure stimuli, and maximal voluntary occlusal force (MVOF) were obtained at each visit. One whiplash patient and 1 ankle-injury patient had jaw pain at the first visit. Palpation scores of the TMJ and the summated palpation scores only tended to be higher in patients sustaining a whiplash injury than in ankle-injury controls at the first visit. However, MPQ, TMD symptoms and signs, MVOF and PDT were not significantly different in whiplash-injury and ankle-injury patients after 4 weeks and 6 months. TMD pain after whiplash injury and ankle injury is rare, suggesting that whiplash injury is not a major risk factor for the development of TMD problems. Further studies are needed to identify which other factors may contribute to TMD pain.

  13. Evaluación de un protocolo para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los trastornos inflamatorios temporomandibulares

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Ros Santana


    Full Text Available Los trastornos inflamatorios de la articulación temporomandibular se caracterizan por un dolor profundo y continuo en el área articular, que se acentúa generalmente a la función y puede llegar a producir efectos de excitación central secundarios. Se realizó un estudio cuasi-experimental en 29 pacientes mayores de 15 años con trastornos inflamatorios temporomandibulares, en la Clínica de Especialidades Estomatológicas de Bayamo, provincia Granma, desde enero a julio de 2014, con el propósito de evaluar los resultados de la aplicación de un protocolo para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los trastornos inflamatorios temporomandibulares. Se evaluaron algunas variables de interés, tales como: intensidad del dolor, presencia de dolor articular espontáneo, a la palpación, durante los movimientos, así como dolor muscular asociado y restricción al movimiento de apertura. A los datos obtenidos se les realizó análisis estadístico. A los tres meses de evolución hubo un incremento estadísticamente significativo (p<0,05 del número de pacientes sin dolor y una reducción del número de pacientes con restricción al movimiento de apertura bucal. El protocolo de tratamiento resultó efectivo, pues se logró reducir el dolor e incrementar el rango de apertura bucal en más del 70 % de los pacientes tratados

  14. Magnetic resonance in temporomandibular articulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duarte Filho, D.L.; Ferreira, R.


    Dysfunction of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is extremely common, mainly in women. The indication of imaging study of TMJ is the evaluation of its internal derangements, since disc dislocation is treated by different way than other intrinsic mechanical conditions and of the painful myofacial dysfunction, as well where there is no anatomic lesion. The patients, who do not improve with the clinical approach, should be referred to imaging evaluation, in order to rule out mechanical disorder. When the patient is supposed to be operated upon, imaging of the contralateral TMJ is necessary. The presence of a thick and stiff disc perforated with adhesion to the mandibular condyle will change the surgical management. The plain x-ray film is able to demonstrate the bone outlines and joint space but it is not able to show the soft articular tissues. Arthrography is very reliable to demonstrate perforation. However it is an invasive method and demands skilled radiographer radiologist. MRI has shown to be reliable method and it is becoming to be progressively used in routine investigation of TMJ. Nevertheless, MRI still has some limitations concerning to disc perforation. (author). 16 refs, 9 figs

  15. Prevalence of diagnosed temporomandibular disorders: A cross-sectional study in Brazilian adolescents.

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    Fernanda Mara de Paiva Bertoli

    Full Text Available The prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD increases during adolescence and adulthood. Few studies have examined TMD prevalence in Brazilian adolescents.To investigate the prevalence of TMD in Brazilian adolescents.A representative population-based sample of 934 adolescents (10-14-years-old was examined. TMD screening was performed using a questionnaire by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain. TMD diagnoses used research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (RDC/TMD-Axis-I. Examinations were performed by a single calibrated examiner (kappa > 0.80.The prevalence of TMD symptoms was 34.9%; the most frequently reported symptoms were headache and neck ache (20.9%, followed by joint sounds (18.5%. Myofascial pain was the most prevalent type (10.3%, followed by disc displacement with reduction (8.0% and arthralgia (3.5%. There was a significant association between sex and TMD symptoms; prevalence was significantly higher in girls (RP = 1.37; 95% CI = 1.14-1.65; p = 0.001. Myofascial pain of TMD and displacement with reduction were more prevalent in girls (RP = 1.76; p = 0.007 and RP = 2.06; p = 0.004, respectively.TMD symptoms were present in 34.9% of adolescents, with myofascial pain being the most prevalent type (10.3%. TMD was significantly more common in girls. Routine pediatric dental care should include a TMD screening.

  16. Management of pain in patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD: challenges and solutions

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    Gil-Martínez A


    Full Text Available Alfonso Gil-Martínez,1–3 Alba Paris-Alemany,1–4 Ibai López-de-Uralde-Villanueva,1–3 Roy La Touche1–4 1Department of Physiotherapy, 2Motion in Brains Research Group, Instituto de Neurociencias y Ciencias del Movimiento, Centro Superior de Estudios Universitarios La Salle, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 3Hospital La Paz Institute for Health Research, IdiPAZ, 4Institute of Neuroscience and Craniofacial Pain (INDCRAN, Madrid, Spain Abstract: Thanks to advances in neuroscience, biopsychosocial models for diagnostics and treatment (including physical, psychological, and pharmacological therapies currently have more clinical support and scientific growth. At present, a conservative treatment approach prevails over surgery, given it is less aggressive and usually results in satisfactory clinical outcomes in mild–moderate temporomandibular disorder (TMD. The aim of this review is to evaluate the recent evidence, identify challenges, and propose solutions from a clinical point of view for patients with craniofacial pain and TMD. The treatment we propose is structured in a multimodal approach based on a biobehavioral approach that includes medical, physiotherapeutic, psychological, and dental treatments. We also propose a new biobehavioral model regarding pain perception and motor behavior for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with painful TMD. Keywords: biobehavioral, review, temporomandibular disorders, biobehavioral orofacial pain, multimodal approach, motor behavior, disability

  17. Post-traumatic changes of the temporo-mandibular joint by bone scintigraphy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harris, S.A.; Rood, J.P.; Testa, H.J.


    13 patients who sustained mandibular trauma were investigated with radiographs and scintiscans. The scintiscans showed abnormal uptake of radiopharmaceutical in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). In patients with a long history of traumatic arthrosis, there was more positive correlation between the scintiscans, and clinical symptoms and histology than between radiographs, and symptoms and histology. In patients with mandibular body fractures and no TMJ symptoms, the scans showed abnormal uptake in the TMJ in 7/8 joints, in the absence of radiographic abnormality. The significance of the abnormal uptake and the value of scintigraphy is discussed.

  18. Post-traumatic changes of the temporo-mandibular joint by bone scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harris, S.A.; Rood, J.P.; Testa, H.J.


    13 patients who sustained mandibular trauma were investigated with radiographs and scintiscans. The scintiscans showed abnormal uptake of radiopharmaceutical in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). In patients with a long history of traumatic arthrosis, there was more positive correlation between the scintiscans, and clinical symptoms and histology than between radiographs, and symptoms and histology. In patients with mandibular body fractures and no TMJ symptoms, the scans showed abnormal uptake in the TMJ in 7/8 joints, in the absence of radiographic abnormality. The significance of the abnormal uptake and the value of scintigraphy is discussed. (author)

  19. Chewing ability as a parameter for evaluating the disability of patients with temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Kurita, H; Ohtsuka, A; Kurashina, K; Kopp, S


    Restoration of chewing ability is an important aspect of the treatment for temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). However, too little attention has been paid to it. We have used a questionnaire to evaluate and score the chewing ability of TMD patients. The questionnaire includes 19 kinds of food and a chewing task. The patient was asked if she/he experiences difficulty in enjoying eating. The aim of this study was to evaluate correlations between score of chewing ability (SCA) and other symptoms/signs of TMD. Four hundred and seventy-three consecutive TMD patients were evaluated for SCA and other symptoms/signs including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain, TMJ and muscle tenderness, TMJ noise (clicking and crepitus), and maximum mouth opening. The relationship between SCA and other symptoms/signs were analysed by multiple regression analysis. Score of chewing ability correlated significantly with TMJ pain and mouth opening capacity but not with TMJ noise and muscle tenderness. Age was a background factor but sex was not. The result of this study suggests that SCA correlated with dysfunction of the TMD patients. This method could be used to evaluate the ability of chewing in assessment of TMD.

  20. Treatment of tophaceous pseudogout with custom-fitted temporomandibular joint: a two-staged approach

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    Robert Pellecchia, DDS


    Full Text Available Tophaceous pseudogout, a variant of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition, is a relatively rare juxta-articular disease. It is a metabolic condition, in which patients develop pseudo-tumoral calcifications associated with peri-articular structures secondary to calcium pyrophosphate deposition into joints with fibrocartilage rather than hyaline cartilage. These lesions are reported in the knee, wrist, pubis, shoulder, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ and induce a histocytic foreign body giant cell reaction. We report a case of tophaceous pseudogout affecting the left TMJ with destruction of the condyle and glenoid and middle cranial fossa that was reconstructed with a TMJ Concepts (Ventura, CA custom-fitted prosthesis in a 2-staged surgical approach using a silicone spacer. The surgical management using a patient-specific TMJ is a viable option when the fossa or condylar component has been compromised due to breakdown of bone secondary to a pathologic process. Our case describes and identifies the lesion and its rare occurrence in the region of the temporomandibular region. The successful management of tophaceous pseudogout of the TMJ must include a thorough patient workup including the involvement of other joints as well as the modification of bone of the glenoid fossa and condylar relationship of the TMJ.

  1. High-resolution computed tomography of the osseous temporomandibular joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larheim, T.A.; Kolbenstvedt, A.; Rikshospitalet, Oslo


    A standardized CT procedure for examination of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) with axial and coronal scanning as well as reformatted coronal and sagittal sections, was performed on 32 adults. These included subjects with normal TMJ and patients suffering from muscular dysfunction/disc displacement, arthrosis or rheumatoid arthritis. Some normal CT appearances simulating disease were presented. Axial CT scanning appeared to be the most useful method for demonstrating osseous abnormalities of the TMJ. The diagnostic information was occasionally supplemented by the coronal scanning, which may be difficult to perform on patients with neck stiffness. Reformatted coronal or sagittal sections mostly confirmed TMJ abnormality and supplemented the findings at axial scans in about one third of the patients. (orig.)

  2. Visión binocular : diagnóstico y tratamiento


    Borràs García, M. Rosa


    Este libro está dirigido a todos los profesionales del campo de la optometría que quieran profundizar en la visión binocular. También está indicado para los alumnos de tercer curso de Optometría, tanto en asignaturas troncales como optativas. Sus contenidos están divididos en capítulos que pueden ser leídos de forma independiente, aunque es recomendable comprender el presente texto como una unidad. Su estructura abarca desde las disfunciones binoculares más frecuentes al estrabismo, la amblio...

  3. Perfiles e indicadores psicológicos relacionados con la dispareunia y el vaginismo. Estudio cuantitativo. Primera parte


    Sánchez Bravo, Claudia; Carreño Meléndez, Jorge; Corres Ayala, Norma Patricia; Henales Almaraz, Consuelo


    Antecedentes En el Departamento de Psicología del Instituto Nacional de Perinatología Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes (INPerIER), se encontró una alta prevalencia de disfunciones sexuales: 52% en las mujeres y 38.8% en los hombres, además de que otros estudios comparativos indican que la población que presentó alteraciones en la vida sexual mostró siempre desventaja en factores como el autoconcepto, la asertividad, la satisfacción marital, el estilo de comunicación y la comunicación marital, en ...


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    Hernán Burbano Orjuela


    Full Text Available Este artículo examina la relación entre suelo, vida y sociedad y destaca que el primero es el soporte del complejo sistema propio del planeta. Señala que en las disfunciones del sistema terrestre se inscriben los problemas del suelo. Alude a los cambios globales contemporáneos y al rol del suelo en este contexto. Y, finalmente, destaca que el suelo se ubica en un planeta que funciona como un sistema que se debe mantener en condiciones adecuadas para la vida.

  5. Integración de tecnologías eye-tracking con vídeos interactivos para neurorrehabilitación cognitiva


    Martinez Moreno, Jose Maria; Solana Sánchez, Javier; Gómez Pérez, C.; Cáceres Taladriz, César; González Palmero, S.; Morell Vilaseca, Marc; Roig Rovira, Teresa; Tormos Muñoz, Josep M.; Gómez Aguilera, Enrique J.


    La integración de las nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de rehabilitación permite la generación de terapias personalizadas, ubicuas y basadas en la evidencia. Tecnologías como el vídeo interactivo son propicias para el desarrollo de entornos virtuales en los que el paciente se ve inmerso dentro de actividades de la vida diaria en los que tiene que lograr un objetivo ecológico en un contexto seguro, controlado y adaptado a su perfil disfuncional. Dentro de este marco de rehabilitación l...

  6. Efectividad de la gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva frente al entrenamiento perineal clásico en el fortalecimiento del suelo pélvico de la mujer: revisión sistemática


    Díaz Águila, María Estrella


    Antecedentes: La Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva es un método creado en la década de los 80 por el Dr. Marcel Caufriez en el ámbito de la reeducación postparto. En Fisioterapia Uroginecológica se emplea como terapia para el tratamiento de las disfunciones del suelo pélvico y desde el año 2007 se utiliza también como forma de entrenamiento abdominal. Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar la evidencia publicada sobre la efectividad de la Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva en el fortale...

  7. Hypersensitivity to mechanical and intra-articular electrical stimuli in persons with painful temporomandibular joints

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ayesh, Emad; Jensen, Troels Staehelin; Svensson, P


    This study tested whether persons with TMJ arthralgia have a modality-specific and site-specific hypersensitivity to somatosensory stimuli assessed by quantitative sensory tests (QST). Forty-three healthy persons and 20 with TMJ arthralgia participated. The QST consisted of: sensory and pain dete...... of sensitization of the TMJs as well as central nociceptive pathways. QST may facilitate a mechanism-based classification of temporomandibular disorders. Udgivelsesdato: 2007-Dec...

  8. Modified mandibular splint therapy for disc displacement with reduction of the temporomandibular joint


    Ju-Hui Wu; Yu-Hsun Kao; Chao-Ming Chen; Ching-Wei Shu; Chun-Ming Chen; I-Yueh Huang


    Occlusal splints are a standard method to treat disc displacement with reduction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). They can be classified into three major groups on the basis of function: stabilization splints, distraction splints (pivot), and anterior repositioning splints. The aim of this paper is to introduce a modified mandibular splint, the Kaohsuing Medical University splint, and its associated treatment regimen for management of disc displacement with reduction of the TMJ. The key ...


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    Niha Siraj Mulla


    Full Text Available Background:A temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction or TMD is a group of conditions characterized by pain in the muscles of mastication, the temporo-mandiblar joint or both. Rocabado has described techniques includes the Rocabado’s manipulation and Rocabado’s exercises which have both been individually advocated for treatment of TMD. The purpose of study is to determine the effectiveness of Rocabado’s techniques on TMJ dysfunction symptoms, pain, TMJ Range of Motion (ROM and jaw functional limitation for subjects with temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction. Method: Pre to post test experimental study design, subjects with temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction randomized into two groups with 15 subjects into each group with total of 30 subjects in Study and control group, respectively. The study group received the Rocabado’s technique which consisted of Rocabado’s non-thrust TMJ manipulation and Rocabado’s exercises along with conventional TMJ exercises and the control group received only conventional TMJ exercises. The exercises were performed for 6 times per each session, six times in a day, one session under supervision and remaining five sessions by the subject at home for 6 days in a week for duration of 2 weeks. The outcome measurements such as VAS for pain, TMJ ROM, Fonseca’s questionnaire rating for TMJ dysfunction symptoms and jaw function limitation score (JFLS was measured before and after two weeks of intervention. Results: Comparative analysis, using Independent ‘t’ test and Mann Whitney U- test found that the means of VAS, TMJ ROM, Fonseca’s questionnaire and JFLS scores showed statistically significant difference (p <0.05 when the pre-intervention means and post-intervention means were compared between two groups. Conclusion: It is concluded that Rocabado’s technique found to have statistically and clinically significant added effect with conventional TMJ exercises shown greater percentage of improvements obtained

  10. Laser acupuncture therapy in patients with treatment-resistant temporomandibular disorders.

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    Wen-Long Hu

    Full Text Available To investigate the clinical effects of laser acupuncture therapy for temporomandibular disorders (TMD after ineffective previous treatments.A retrospective observational study was conducted in 29 treatment-resistant TMD patients (25 women, 4 men; age range, 17-67 years. Subjects were treated 3 times per week for 4 weeks with the Handylaser Trion (GaAlAs laser diode, 810 nm, 150 mW, pulsed waves, which delivered 0.375 J of energy (5 s to ST7, ST6, and LI4 and 3 J (40 s to each Ashi point, 7.5-26.25 J/cm2 in total. The visual analog scale (VAS and maximal mouth opening (MMO were evaluated before and after treatment.VAS analysis showed that the patients were free of pain at rest (endpoint after 5.90±6.08 sessions of laser acupuncture for acute TMD and after 16.21±17.98 sessions for chronic TMD. The VAS score on palpation of the temporomandibular joint reduced to 0.30±0.67 for patients with acute TMD (p = 0.005 and to 0.47±0.84 for those with chronic TMD (p<0.001. The MMO significantly increased in patients with acute TMD (7.80±5.43 mm, p = 0.008 and in patients with chronic TMD (15.58±7.87 mm, p<0.001.Our study shows that laser acupuncture therapy improves the symptoms of treatment-resistant TMD. Further studies with a more appropriate design, involving long-term follow-up examinations in a larger patient sample, are needed to evaluate its efficacy.

  11. Can Preoperative Psychological Assessment Predict Outcomes After Temporomandibular Joint Arthroscopy? (United States)

    Bouloux, Gary F; Zerweck, Ashley G; Celano, Marianne; Dai, Tian; Easley, Kirk A


    Psychological assessment has been used successfully to predict patient outcomes after cardiothoracic and bariatric surgery. The purpose of this study was to determine whether preoperative psychological assessment could be used to predict patient outcomes after temporomandibular joint arthroscopy. Consecutive patients with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) who could benefit from arthroscopy were enrolled in a prospective cohort study. All patients completed the Millon Behavior Medicine Diagnostic survey before surgery. The primary predictor variable was the preoperative psychological scores. The primary outcome variable was the difference in pain between the pre- and postoperative periods. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient and the Pearson product-moment correlation were used to determine the association between psychological factors and change in pain. Univariable and multivariable analyses were performed using a mixed-effects linear model and multiple linear regression. A P value of .05 was considered significant. Eighty-six patients were enrolled in the study. Seventy-five patients completed the study and were included in the final analyses. The mean change in visual analog scale (VAS) pain score 1 month after arthroscopy was -15.4 points (95% confidence interval, -6.0 to -24.7; P psychological factors was identified with univariable correlation analyses. Multivariable analyses identified that a greater pain decrease was associated with a longer duration of preoperative symptoms (P = .054) and lower chronic anxiety (P = .064). This study has identified a weak association between chronic anxiety and the magnitude of pain decrease after arthroscopy for TMD. Further studies are needed to clarify the role of chronic anxiety in the outcome after surgical procedures for the treatment of TMD. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  12. Do women with migraine have higher prevalence of temporomandibular disorders? Mulheres com enxaqueca têm maior prevalência de disfunção temporomandibular?

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    Maria C Gonçalves


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD, using the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD in women with episodic and chronic migraine (M and CM, as well as in asymptomatic women. METHOD: Sample consisted of 61 women, being 38 with M and 23 with CM, identified from a headache outpatient center; we also investigated 30 women without headaches for at least 3 months (women without headache group - WHG. Assessment of TMD was conducted by a physical therapist who was blind to the headache status. RESULTS: The prevalence of TMD, assessed through the RDC, was 33.3% in the WHG, 86.8% in the M group and 91.3% of the CM group. Differences were significant when comparing M and CM groups with WHG (p0.05 as well as higher risk for TMD [odds ratio (OR=3.15, 95% confidence interval (CI 1.73-5.71 and OR=3.97, 95%CI 1.76-8.94]. CONCLUSION: Women with migraine are more likely to have muscular and articular TMD, suggesting that both disorders might be clinically associated, which demonstrate the importance of physical therapy assessment in the multidisciplinary team.OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a presença de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM usando o Critério Diagnóstico em pesquisa para disfunção temporomandibular (RDC/TMD em mulheres com migrânea episódica e migrânea crônica (M e MC, bem como em mulheres sem nenhuma cefaleia. MÉTODO: A amostra foi composta por 61 mulheres, 38 com M e 23 com MC, selecionadas em um centro terciário de saúde; também foram avaliadas 30 mulheres sem nenhuma cefaleia nos últimos três meses (grupo de mulheres sem cefaleia - MSC. A avaliação da DTM foi realizada por um fisioterapeuta que não tinha conhecimento do diagnóstico das pacientes. RESULTADOS: Por meio do RDC/TMD, a frequência de DTM foi de 33.3% no grupo MSC, 86.8% no grupo M e 91.3% no grupo MC. A diferença foi significativa entre os grupos com migrânea e o grupo MSC (p0,05, bem como maior fator de

  13. Do women with migraine have higher prevalence of temporomandibular disorders? Mulheres com enxaqueca têm maior prevalência de disfunção temporomandibular?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria C Gonçalves


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD, using the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD in women with episodic and chronic migraine (M and CM, as well as in asymptomatic women. METHOD: Sample consisted of 61 women, being 38 with M and 23 with CM, identified from a headache outpatient center; we also investigated 30 women without headaches for at least 3 months (women without headache group - WHG. Assessment of TMD was conducted by a physical therapist who was blind to the headache status. RESULTS: The prevalence of TMD, assessed through the RDC, was 33.3% in the WHG, 86.8% in the M group and 91.3% of the CM group. Differences were significant when comparing M and CM groups with WHG (p0.05 as well as higher risk for TMD [odds ratio (OR=3.15, 95% confidence interval (CI 1.73-5.71 and OR=3.97, 95%CI 1.76-8.94]. CONCLUSION: Women with migraine are more likely to have muscular and articular TMD, suggesting that both disorders might be clinically associated, which demonstrate the importance of physical therapy assessment in the multidisciplinary team.OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a presença de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM usando o Critério Diagnóstico em pesquisa para disfunção temporomandibular (RDC/TMD em mulheres com migrânea episódica e migrânea crônica (M e MC, bem como em mulheres sem nenhuma cefaleia. MÉTODO: A amostra foi composta por 61 mulheres, 38 com M e 23 com MC, selecionadas em um centro terciário de saúde; também foram avaliadas 30 mulheres sem nenhuma cefaleia nos últimos três meses (grupo de mulheres sem cefaleia - MSC. A avaliação da DTM foi realizada por um fisioterapeuta que não tinha conhecimento do diagnóstico das pacientes. RESULTADOS: Por meio do RDC/TMD, a frequência de DTM foi de 33.3% no grupo MSC, 86.8% no grupo M e 91.3% no grupo MC. A diferença foi significativa entre os grupos com migrânea e o grupo MSC (p0,05, bem como maior fator de

  14. Evaluation of the mechanism and principles of management of temporomandibular joint dislocation. Systematic review of literature and a proposed new classification of temporomandibular joint dislocation

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    Akinbami Babatunde O


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Virtually all the articles in literature addressed only a specific type of dislocation. The aim of this review was to project a comprehensive understanding of the pathologic processes and management of all types of dislodgement of the head of the mandibular condyle from its normal position in the glenoid fossa. In addition, a new classification of temporomandibular joint dislocation was also proposed. Method and materials A thorough computer literature search was done using the Medline, Cochrane library and Embase database. Key words like temporo-mandibular joint dislocation were used for the search. Additional manual search was done by going through published home-based and foreign articles. Case reports/series, and original articles that documented the type of dislocation, number of cases treated in the series and original articles. Treatment done and outcome of treatment were included in the study. Result A total of 128 articles were reviewed out which 79 were found relevant. Of these, 26 were case reports, 17 were case series and 36 were original articles. 79 cases were acute dislocations, 35 cases were chronic protracted TMJ dislocations and 311 cases were chronic recurrent TMJ dislocations. Etiology was predominantly trauma in 60% of cases and other causes contributed about 40%. Of all the cases reviewed, only 4 were unilateral dislocation. Various treatment modalities are outlined in this report as indicated for each type of dislocation. Conclusion The more complex and invasive method of treatment may not necessarily offer the best option and outcome of treatment, therefore conservative approaches should be exhausted and utilized appropriately before adopting the more invasive surgical techniques.

  15. Clinical assessment of patients with orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders. (United States)

    Stern, Ilanit; Greenberg, Martin S


    Accurate diagnosis of chronic pain disorders of the mouth, jaws, and face is frequently complex. It is common for patients with chronic orofacial pain to consult multiple clinicians and receive ineffective treatment before a correct diagnosis is reached. This problem is a significant public health concern. Clinicians can minimize error by starting the diagnostic procedure with a careful, accurate history and thorough head and neck examination followed by a thoughtfully constructed differential diagnosis. The possibility that the patient has symptoms of a life-threatening underlying disease rather than a more common dental, sinus, or temporomandibular disorder must always be considered. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  16. MR imaging of the juvenile temporomandibular joint before orthodontic treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lieberman, J.M.; Hans, M.G.; Rozencweig, G.; Goldberg, J.S.; Bellon, E.M.


    This paper determines the prevalence of internal derangement (ID) of the temporomandibular joint (TM) in a population of children prior to orthodontic therapy. Thirty-two children, aged 7-15 years, with a variety of orthodontic disorders underwent both MR imaging and physical examination to assess ID of the TMJ. With MR imaging, the disks were graded as normal, borderline anterior displaced, or anterior displaced. Fifty-nine TMJs in 32 patients were successfully imaged. Five TMJ MR examinations could not be interpreted because of patient motion. Fifty seven of the 59 joints (97%) were normal. One disk (1.7%) was anterior displaced, and one (1.7%) was considered borderline

  17. Zumbido em indivíduos sem perda auditiva e sua relação com a disfunção temporomandibular Tinnitus in individuals without hearing loss and its relationship with temporomandibular dysfunction

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    Aline Albuquerque Morais


    Full Text Available Pesquisas apontam que disfunções da articulação temporomandibular estão freqüentemente associadas ao zumbido. OBJETIVO: caracterizar o zumbido de indivíduos com audição normal e buscar possível relação com a Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM. Forma do estudo: prospectivo tranversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: participaram 20 adultos de ambos os sexos com queixa de zumbido e limiares auditivos dentro da normalidade à audiometria convencional. Foi realizada a pesquisa das características psicoacústicas do zumbido, aplicação do checklist de sinais e sintomas de DTM e aplicação do Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI. RESULTADOS: o zumbido de pitch agudo, contínuo e bilateral foi o mais freqüente. À acufenometria, o pitch médio do zumbido referido pelos indivíduos foi de 8,6 kHz e a loudness média foi de 14,1 dBNS. O grau do incômodo causado pelo zumbido foi leve. Observou-se que quanto mais agudo o pitch, menor foi a loudness e maior a pontuação no THI. Verificou-se que 90% dos indivíduos apresentaram pelo menos um sinal ou sintoma de DTM. CONCLUSÕES: o tipo de zumbido mais frequente é o de pitch agudo, contínuo e bilateral, 90% dos indivíduos apresentaram pelo menos um sinal ou sintoma de DTM e não há correlação do zumbido com a acufenometria, THI e checklist para DTM.Research has shown that dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is often associated with tinnitus. AIM: to characterize tinnitus in individuals with normal hearing and search for a possible relationship with Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD. Study design: prospective and cross-sectional. MATERIALS AND METHODS: the participants included 20 adults of both genders with tinnitus and normal hearing thresholds on audiometry. We studied tinnitus psychoacoustic characteristics and employed the checklist of TMD signs and symptoms from the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI. RESULTS: the high pitch, continuous and bilateral tinnitus was the most frequent. Upon

  18. Dynamic 3 T MRI of temporomandibular joint in diagnosing a stuck disk

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    J Sureka


    Full Text Available Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI is the imaging modality of choice in the evaluation of internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ. Dynamic MRI including the open and close mouth views in sagittal plane determine the exact position of articular disk and thus help to evaluate the joint for internal derangement. We also highlight the role of dynamic MRI of TMJ in diagnosis of stuck disk in a 17-year-old male who presented with symptoms of pain and difficulty in opening the mouth.

  19. Análise da sintomatologia em pacientes com disfunções intra-articulares da articulação temporomandibular Analysis of symptomatology in patients with intra-articular disorders of the temporomandibular joint

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    Sílvio Henrique de Paula DONEGÁ


    Full Text Available Foi realizado estudo analisando a sintomatologia em pacientes com disfunções intra-articulares da articulação temporomandibular. A queixa mais citada foi de dor na região pré-auricular (40,7%. Sintomatologia dolorosa articular (63,2% e ruídos articulares (83,3% foram os achados mais comuns ao exame clínico. Os ruídos articulares mais freqüentes foram os estalos (66,6%. Dor muscular ocorreu, em especial, nos músculos pterigóideo medial e lateral e na inserção do temporal. Houve decréscimo na amplitude para a protrusão dentre os movimentos mandibulares máximosThe study analyzed the symptomatology in patients with intra-articular disorders of the temporomandibular joint. The most frequent complaint was pain in the preauricular region (40.7%. Articular pain (63.2% and articular sounds (83.3% were the most common findings during clinical examination. Muscular pain occurred particularly in the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles and at the insertion of the temporalis muscle. The most frequent articular sound was clicking (66.6%. There was a decrease in extent of protrusion among the mandibular border positions.

  20. Cephalometric deviations present in children and adolescents with temporomandibular joint disorders

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    Leticia Vilaça Willeman Bastos


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Temporomandibular disorders (TMD have proved to be a risk factor for developing hyperdivergent facial growth patterns. OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were: (1 Assess differences between the cephalometric measurements in children with articular TMD and a control group, before and after mandibular growth peak according to cervical vertebral maturation; and (2 Identify a predictive model capable of differentiating patients with TMD and control group patients based on early cephalometric characteristics. METHOD: The study included children and adolescents with maximum age of 17 years, divided into experimental group (n=30 diagnosed with articular TMD-according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD for children and adolescents-subdivided according to growth stage, called pre-peak (n=17 and post-peak (n=13 and control group (n = 30, matched by gender, skeletal maturity stage of the cervical vertebrae and classification of malocclusion. Lateral cephalometric and craniofacial structures were traced and their relations divided into: Cranial base, maxilla, mandible, intermaxillary relations, vertical skeletal relations and dental relations. Differences between the means for each variable were evaluated by applying the statistical Student t test for independent samples. RESULTS: The means of the variables analyzed in the pre-peak showed no statistically significant differences. However, analysis of post-peak showed that the experimental group displayed decreased SNA and SNB and increased SN.Gn and 1.NB (p<0.05. CONCLUSION: It was possible to identify a predictive model able to differentiate patients with TMD and asymptomatic controls from early cephalometric characteristics.

  1. Osteoarthrosis of Temporomandibular Joint Related to the Defects of Posterior Dentition: A Retrospective Study


    Jitka Levorová; Vladimír Machoň; Anasuya Guha; René Foltán


    Osteoarthrosis (OA) of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a progressive degenerative disease, gradually affecting cartilage, synovial membrane and bone structures. OA of TMJ clinically manifests with joint noises, pain and restricted mouth opening. In late stages, it results in severe damage of TMJ structures and development of ankylosis. Osteoarthrosis is a multifactorial disease; the occurrence is associated with TMJ overloading. The cohort included 619 patients [538 women (87%) and 81 men (1...

  2. Magnetic resonance imaging signal intensity of temporomandibular joint disk and posterior attachment in patients with internal derangement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Yeon Hwa; Cho, Bong Hae


    To analyze the possible association between magnetic resonance imaging signal intensity of temporomandibular joint disk and posterior attachment, and the type and extent of disk displacement, disk donfiguration, effusion and clinical signs in patients with internal derangement. Magnetic resonance images of the 132 temporomandibular joints of 66 patients with temporomandibular joint displacement were analyzed. The clinical findings were obtained by retrospective review of the patients' records. The type and extent of disk displacement, disk configuration and effusion were evaluated on the proton density MR images. The signal intensity from the anterior band, posterior band and posterior attachment were measured on MR images. The associations between the type and extent of disk displacement, disk configuration, effusion and clinical signs and the MR signal intensity of disk and posterior attachment were statistically analyzed by student's t-test. Of 132 joints, 87 (65.9%) showed anterior disk displacement with reduction (ADR) and 45 (34.1%) showed anterior disk displacement without reduction (ADnR). This signals from posterior attachments were lower in joints with ADnR than those of ADR (p<0.05). The results showed statistically significant (p<0.05) association between the type and extent of disk displacement and disk configuration, and decreased signal intensity of posterior attachment. There were no statistical associations between pain, noise and limited mouth opening, and signal intensity of disk and posterior attachment. The average signal from posterior attachment was lower in joints with ADnR than that of ADR. The type and extent of disk displacement and disk configuration appeared to be correlated with the signal intensity from posterior attachment

  3. Management of temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis in growing children. (United States)

    Shashikiran, N D; Reddy, S V V; Patil, R; Yavagal, C


    Although temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) ankylosis is one of the most common pathologies afflicting the facial skeleton, it is also the most overlooked and under-managed problem in children. The TMJ forms the very cornerstone of cranio-facial integrity and hence its ankylosis in growing children adversely affects the growth and development of the jaws and occlusion. Impairment of speech, difficulty in mastication, poor oral hygiene, rampant caries and acute compromise of the airway pose a severe psychologic burden on the tender minds of children. The aim of this article is to present an overview of efficient management strategies, based on a case report, so as to increase its awareness among all dental surgeons involved in the treatment of children.

  4. Management of temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis in growing children

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    Shashikiran N


    Full Text Available Although temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ ankylosis is one of the most common pathologies afflicting the facial skeleton, it is also the most overlooked and under-managed problem in children. The TMJ forms the very cornerstone of cranio-facial integrity and hence its ankylosis in growing children adversely affects the growth and development of the jaws and occlusion. Impairment of speech, difficulty in mastication, poor oral hygiene, rampant caries and acute compromise of the airway pose a severe psychologic burden on the tender minds of children. The aim of this article is to present an overview of efficient management strategies, based on a case report, so as to increase its awareness among all dental surgeons involved in the treatment of children.

  5. Retrograde Intubation in Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis-A Double Guide Wire Technique

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    Vitha K Dhulkhed


    Full Text Available Intubating a patient with temporomandibular joint ankylosis is always a challenge particularly when fibreoptic laryngo-scope is not available. In a 20-year-old male patient we successfully carried out endotracheal intubation with 7 mm portex cuffed PVC tube with the help of two flexible J tipped guide wires. One guide wire was passed into the airway from cricothyroid puncture site and another from subcricoid site. Both were brought out through the nose. The first guide wire was used for retracting the epiglottis and the second as a guide for passing the endotracheal tube.

  6. Analyzing Menton Deviation in Posteroanterior Cephalogram in Early Detection of Temporomandibular Disorder

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    Trelia Boel


    Full Text Available Introduction. Some clinicians believed that mandibular deviation leads to facial asymmetry and it also had a correlation with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs. Posteroanterior (PA cephalogram was widely reported as a regular record in treating facial asymmetry and craniofacial anomalies. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship of menton deviation in PA cephalogram with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs symptoms. Materials and Methods. TMJ function was initially screened based on TMD-DI questionnaire. PA cephalogram of volunteer subjects with TMDs (n=37 and without TMDs (n=33 with mean age of 21.61±2.08 years was taken. The menton deviation was measured by the distance (mm from menton point to midsagittal reference (MSR horizontally, using software digitized measurement, and categorized as asymmetric if the value is greater than 3 mm. The prevalence and difference of menton deviation in both groups were evaluated by unpaired t-test. Result. The prevalence of symmetry group showed that 65.9% had no TMDs with mean of 1,815 ± 0,71 mm; in contrast, the prevalence of asymmetry group showed that 95.5% reported TMDs with mean of 3,159 ± 1,053 mm. There was a significant difference of menton deviation to TMDs (p=0.000 in subjects with and without TMDs. Conclusion. There was a significant relationship of menton deviation in PA cephalogram with TMDs based on TMD-DI index.

  7. 弱激光治疗颞下颌关节紊乱病疼痛的研究进展%The research progress of low level laser therapy for temporomandibular disorders pain

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    徐高丽; 谷志远; 柳毅


    疼痛是颞下颌关节紊乱病患者最常见的临床表现之一,也是大多数人治疗颞下颌关节紊乱病的原因。弱激光在牙科领域的应用越来越广泛,且在颞下颌关节紊乱病治疗中的应用也越来越多,用来抗炎和缓解疼痛。本文对弱激光疗法在治疗颞下颌关节紊乱病疼痛机理方面进行概述。了解弱激光疗法的机制对弱激光治疗颞下颌关节紊乱病具有重要意义。%Pain is a symptom of temporomandibular disorders. It is also the reason for most people to treat temporomandibular disor-ders. Low-level laser is more and more widely applied in the field of dentistry,and is often used in the clinical treatment of temporoman-dibular joint pain for anti-inflammation and pain relief. In this paper,the mechanisms of the low-level laser therapy in treatment of tem-poromandibular disorders pain are summarized. Understanding its mechanism is of great significance for the clinical application of low-level laser in treating temporomandibular disorders.

  8. Perceived coercion of noninstitutionalized elderly patients undergoing research for the diagnosis of temporomandibular joint dysfunction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria de Oliveira Alves Cavalcanti

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate perceived coercion (PC of noninstitutionalized elderly patients undergoing research for the diagnosis of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. METHOD: A cross-sectional study conducted with 1,112 elderly individuals aged 60 or older, enrolled in the Family Health Programme of the municipality of Areia, State of Paraíba, Brazil, from January to June 2013. The data collection tool was the Perceived Cohesion Scale (PSC. RESULTS: The participants were predominantly women (62.5% in the 60 to 69 age group (45.9%, illiterate (57.9% percent, married or in a common law marriage (54.1%, retired (83.6%, and receiving a monthly income under the minimum wage (72.0%. The average overall PC was 1.25+ 1.15 and Trend 1 (41,4%. There was a difference between the group of individuals who were literate, married and in a common law marriage and the members of the other groups. CONCLUSION: Results showed that the elderly patients were minimally coerced when deciding whether to participate in research for diagnosing temporomandibular joint dysfunction. They also revealed a significant association of PC with literacy and marital status.

  9. Post-operative orofacial pain, temporomandibular dysfunction and trigeminal sensitivity after recent pterional craniotomy: preliminary study. (United States)

    Brazoloto, Thiago Medina; de Siqueira, Silvia Regina Dowgan Tesseroli; Rocha-Filho, Pedro Augusto Sampaio; Figueiredo, Eberval Gadelha; Teixeira, Manoel Jacobsen; de Siqueira, José Tadeu Tesseroli


    Surgical trauma at the temporalis muscle is a potential cause of post-craniotomy headache and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of pain, masticatory dysfunction and trigeminal somatosensory abnormalities in patients who acquired aneurysms following pterional craniotomy. Fifteen patients were evaluated before and after the surgical procedure by a trained dentist. The evaluation consisted of the (1) research diagnostic criteria for TMD, (2) a standardized orofacial pain questionnaire and (3) a systematic protocol for quantitative sensory testing (QST) for the trigeminal nerve. After pterional craniotomy, 80% of the subjects, 12 patients, developed orofacial pain triggered by mandibular function. The pain intensity was measured by using the visual analog scale (VAS), and the mean pain intensity was 3.7. The prevalence of masticatory dysfunction was 86.7%, and there was a significant reduction of the maximum mouth opening. The sensory evaluation showed tactile and thermal hypoesthesia in the area of pterional access in all patients. There was a high frequency of temporomandibular dysfunction, postoperative orofacial pain and trigeminal sensory abnormalities. These findings can help to understand several abnormalities that can contribute to postoperative headache or orofacial pain complaints after pterional surgeries.

  10. Dexmedetomidine premedication for fiberoptic intubation in patients of temporomandibular joint ankylosis: A randomized clinical trial

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    Kumkum Gupta


    Full Text Available Background : Fiberoptic intubation is the gold standard technique for difficult airway management in patients of temporomandibular joint. This study was aimed to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of dexmedetomidine as premedication with propofol infusion for fiberoptic intubation. Methods: Consent was obtained from 46 adult patients of temporomandibular joint ankylosis, scheduled for gap arthroplasty. They were enrolled for thisdouble-blind, randomized, prospective clinical trial with two treatment groups - Group D and Group P, of 23 patients each. Group D patients had received premedication of dexmedetomidine 1 μg/kg infused over 10 min followed by sedative propofol infusion and the control Group P patients were given only propofol infusion to achieve sedation. Condition achieved at endoscopy, intubating conditions, hemodynamic changes and postoperative events were evaluated as primary outcome. Results : The fiberoptic intubation was successful with satisfactory endoscopic and intubating condition in all patients. Dexmedetomidine premedication has provided satisfactory conditions for fiberoptic intubation and attenuated the hemodynamic response of fiberoptic intubation than the propofol group. Conclusion : Fiberoptic intubation was found to be easier with dexmedetomidine premedication along with sedative infusion of propofol with complete amnesia of the procedure, hemodynamic stability and preservation of patent airway.

  11. Relationship between pain and effusion on magnetic resonance imaging in temporomandibular disorder patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Ha Na; Kim, Kyoung A; Koh, Kwang Joon


    This study was performed to find the relationship between pain and joint effusion using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in temporomandibular disorder (TMD) patients. The study subjects included 232 TMD patients. The inclusion criteria in this study were the presence of spontaneous pain or provoked pain on one or both temporomandibular joints (TMJs). The provoked pain was divided into three groups: pain on palpation (G1), pain on mouth opening (G2), and pain on mastication (G3). MRI examinations were performed using a 1.5-T MRI scanner. T1- and T2-weighted images with para-sagittal and para-coronal images were obtained. According to the T2-weighted image findings, the cases of effusions were divided into four groups: normal, mild (E1), moderate (E2), and marked effusion (E3). A statistical analysis was carried out using the chi2 test with SPSS (version 12.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Spontaneous pain, provoked pain, and both spontaneous and provoked pain were significantly related to joint effusion in TMD patients (p 0.05). Spontaneous pain was related to the MRI findings of joint effusion; however, among the various types of provoked pain, pain on palpation of the masticatory muscles and TMJ was not related to the MRI findings of joint effusion. These results suggest that joint effusion has a significant influence on the prediction of TMJ pain.

  12. Temporomandibular joint ankylosis as part of the clinical spectrum of Carey-Fineman-Ziter syndrome? (United States)

    Pasetti, Martina; Mazzoleni, Fabio; Novelli, Giorgio; Iascone, Maria; Bozzetti, Alberto; Selicorni, Angelo


    The Carey-Finema-Ziter syndrome (CFZS, MIM 254940) is an apparently autosomal recessively inherited disorder consisting of the combination of non-progressive congenital myopathy with Moebius and Pierre Robin sequence, facial anomalies and growth delay. Mental development has been described as normal or delayed. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) ankylosis is the immobility of the joint caused by ankylotic fusion of the mandible to the cranial base or zygoma. It is a serious and disabling condition that may cause problems in mastication, digestion, speech, appearance, and oral hygiene. Most often is a true ankylosis of the TMJ but other pathological mechanisms are described (i.e., the fusion of the coronoid process to temporal bone or with the zygoma, or a variety of soft tissues disorders like Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva). Here we report a 2-year-old girl fitting with a clinical diagnosis of CFZS associated with a limited mouth opening in which temporomandibular joint ankylosis was suspected. Because it has been postulated that many clinical features in CFZS may only be secondary effects of brainstem anomalies and muscle weakness during development, the limited opening of the mouth observed in our patient could represent a rare clinical feature of CFZS itself. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Radiographic changes in the condyle of the temporomandibular joint in psoriatic arthritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koenoenen, M.; Helsinki Univ.


    One hundred and ten patients with psoriatic arthritis (PA) and 100 matched control patients were examined by using orthopantomography to discover radiographic changes in the condyle of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). 31% of the PA patients and 13% of the control patients had radiographic changes in the condyle of the TMJ. The most common radiographic finding in PA patients was unilateral erosion of the condyle. Of the radiographic changes in the PA group, cortical erosions correlated negatively with age, whereas osteophytes correlated positively with the duration of PA. (orig.)

  14. Nanostructured diamond film deposition on curved surfaces of metallic temporomandibular joint implant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fries, Marc D; Vohra, Yogesh K [Department of Physics, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Birmingham, AL (United States)


    Microwave plasma chemical vapour deposition of nanostructured diamond films was carried out on curved surfaces of Ti-6Al-4V alloy machined to simulate the shape of a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dental implant. Raman spectroscopy shows that the deposited films are uniform in chemical composition along the radius of curvature of the TMJ condyle. Thin film x-ray diffraction reveals an interfacial carbide layer and nanocrystalline diamond grains in this coating. Nanoindentation hardness measurements show an ultra-hard coating with a hardness value of 60{+-}5 GPa averaged over three samples. (rapid communication)

  15. Estudo comparativo da eminectomia e do uso de miniplaca na eminência articular para tratamento da luxação recidivante da articulação temporomandibular Comparative study of eminectomy and use of bone miniplate in the articular eminence for the treatment of recurrent temporomandibular joint dislocation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Álvaro B. Cardoso


    Full Text Available AA luxação da articulação temporomandibular ocorre quando o côndilo mandibular move-se para fora da cavidade glenóide e permanece travado anteriormente à eminência articular, sendo sua ocorrência repetitiva (luxação recidivante geralmente associada a hipermobilidade mandibular e a inclinação da eminência articular. OBJETIVO: Neste estudo avaliou-se, clínica e radiograficamente, a técnica de eminectomia e do uso de miniplaca na eminência articular para tratamento da luxação recidivante da articulação temporomandibular de pacientes operados no Hospital Universitário Osvaldo Cruz (HUOC/UPE, no período de janeiro de 2001 a setembro de 2003. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: A amostra foi composta por 11 pacientes. A cirurgia de eminectomia foi realizada em nove articulações de cinco pacientes, enquanto a cirurgia para colocação de miniplaca na eminência articular em 11 articulações de seis pacientes. A obtenção dos dados foi efetuada através da análise de prontuários e de nova consulta pós-operatória. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram não haver maiores complicações pós-operatórias para as duas técnicas. A abertura bucal máxima foi maior nos pacientes operados pela técnica de eminectomia e nenhum dos pacientes apresentou recorrência da luxação. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que as duas técnicas mostraram-se eficientes para o tratamento da luxação recidivante da articulação temporomandibular.Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint occurs when the mandibular condyle exits the glenoidal cavity and remains anteriorly locked to the articular eminence. It is repetitive (recurrent dislocation, usually associated with mandibular hypermobility and inclination of the articular eminence. AIM: This study intended to clinically and radiologically assess the technique of eminectomy and the use of a miniplate on the articular eminence for the treatment of recurrent dislocation of the

  16. Temporomandibular disorders, sleep bruxism, and primary headaches are mutually associated. (United States)

    Fernandes, Giovana; Franco, Ana Lúcia; Gonçalves, Daniela Aparecida; Speciali, José Geraldo; Bigal, Marcelo Eduardo; Camparis, Cinara Maria


    To investigate the association among temporomandibular disorders (TMD), sleep bruxism, and primary headaches, assessing the risk of occurrence of primary headaches in patients with or without painful TMD and sleep bruxism. The sample consisted of 301 individuals (253 women and 48 men) with ages varying from 18 to 76 years old (average age of 37.5 years). The Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders were used to classify TMD. Sleep bruxism was diagnosed by clinical criteria proposed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and primary headaches were diagnosed according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders-II. Data were analyzed by chi-square and odds ratio tests with a 95% confidence interval, and the significance level adopted was .05. An association was found among painful TMD, migraine, and tension-type headache (P headache (3.7; 1.59-8.75). With regard to sleep bruxism, the association was significant only for chronic migraine (3.8; 1.83-7.84). When the sample was stratified by the presence of sleep bruxism and painful TMD, only the presence of sleep bruxism did not increase the risk for any type of headache. The presence of painful TMD without sleep bruxism significantly increased the risk in particular for chronic migraine (30.1; 3.58-252.81), followed by episodic migraine (3.7; 1.46-9.16). The association between painful TMD and sleep bruxism significantly increased the risk for chronic migraine (87.1; 10.79-702.18), followed by episodic migraine (6.7; 2.79-15.98) and episodic tension-type headache (3.8; 1.38-10.69). The association of sleep bruxism and painful TMD greatly increased the risk for episodic migraine, episodic tension-type headache, and especially for chronic migraine.

  17. Pseudoaneurysm of the facial artery following bilateral temporomandibular joint replacement: A case report

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    Lanit Anand


    Case report: A 59-year-old male presented to our department with bony ankylosis of his temporomandibular joints bilaterally as a result of previous osteomyelitis. He underwent bilateral temperomandibular joint replacements in a two-stage procedure. Six weeks post discharge he presented to the emergency department in haemorrhagic shock, having lost significant blood volume from a pulsatile lesion over his right mandible. Computed tomography angiography revealed a pseudoaneurysm of the right facial artery. He proceeded to emergent embolisation with resolution of the pseudoaneurysm.

  18. Functional disorders of the temporomandibular joints: Internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint. (United States)

    Chang, Chih-Ling; Wang, Ding-Han; Yang, Mu-Chen; Hsu, Wun-Eng; Hsu, Ming-Lun


    Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the most complex joints of the human body. Due to its unique movement, in terms of combination of rotation and translator movement, disc of the joint plays an important role to maintain its normal function. In order to sustain the normal function of the TMJ, disc must be kept in proper position as well as maintain normal shape in all circumstances. Once the disc is not any more in its normal position during function of the joint, disturbance of the joint can be occurred which will lead to subsequent distortion of the disc. Shape of the disc can be influenced by many factors i.e.: abnormal function or composition of the disc itself. Etiology of the internal derangement of the disc remains controversial. Multifactorial theory has been postulated in most of previous manuscripts. Disc is composed of mainly extracellular matrix. Abnormal proportion of collagen type I & III may also leads to joint hypermobility which may be also a predisposing factor of this disorder. Thus it can be recognized as local manifestation of a systemic disorder. Different treatment modalities with from conservative treatment to surgical intervention distinct success rate have been reported. Recently treatment with extracellular matrix injection becomes more and more popular to strengthen the joint itself. Since multifactorial in character, the best solution of the treatment modalities should be aimed to resolve possible etiology from different aspects. Team work may be indication to reach satisfied results. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Taiwan.

  19. Can palpation-induced muscle pain pattern contribute to the differential diagnosis among temporomandibular disorders, primary headaches phenotypes and possible bruxism? (United States)

    Porporatti, André-Luís; Calderon, Patrícia-dos-Santos; Conti, Paulo-César-Rodrigues; Bonjardim, Leonardo-Rigoldi


    Background The evaluation of possible differences in the distribution or characteristics of palpation-induced pain in the masticatory muscles could be valuable in terms of diagnostic assessment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of different combinations of anterior temporalis (AT) and masseter palpation-induced pain in the diagnostic of temporomandibular disorder (TMD), primary headaches and bruxism. Material and Methods A total of 1200 dental records of orofacial pain adult patients were analyzed. The outcomes were dichotomously classified (presence/absence) as following: a) AT and/or masseter palpation-induced pain; b) myogenous TMD; c) temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthralgia (arthrogenous TMD); d) migraine; e) tension-type headache (TTH); f) self-reported bruxism. Binomial logistic regression model (α = 5%) was applied to the data considering the palpation-induced muscle pain as the dependent variable. Results Mean age (SD) were 35.7 years (13.4) for 635 included dental records (83% females). Myogenous and arthrogenous TMD, migraine, TTH and bruxism were mainly associated with, respectively, masseter palpation-induced pain (ppain (ppain (ppain (p=0.009 - OR=1.62, 95%CI 1.12-2.33) and bilateral masseter palpation-induced pain (p=0.01 - OR=1.74, 95%CI 1.13-2.69). Conclusions Palpation-induced pain in the masticatory muscles may play a role in the differential diagnosis among painful TMD, primary headaches and bruxism. Key words:Diagnosis, temporomandibular joint disorders, migraine, tension-type headache, bruxism. PMID:26615507

  20. Incidental finding of an extensive oropharyngeal mass in magnetic resonance imaging of a patient with temporomandibular disorder: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Omolehinwa, Temitope T.; Mupparapu, Mel; Akintoye, SundayO. [Dept. of Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (United States)


    In this report, we describe the incidental finding of an oropharyngeal mass in a patient who presented with a chief complaint of temporomandibular pain. The patient was initially evaluated by an otorhinolaryngologist for complaints of headaches, earache, and sinus congestion. Due to worsening headaches and trismus, he was further referred for the management of temporomandibular disorder. The clinical evaluation was uneventful except for limited mouth opening (trismus). An advanced radiological evaluation using magnetic resonance imaging revealed a mass in the nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal region. The mass occupied the masticatory space and extended superioinferiorly from the skull base to the mandible. A diagnostic biopsy of the lesion revealed a long-standing human papilloma virus (HPV-16)-positive squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx. This case illustrates the need for the timely radiological evaluation of seemingly innocuous orofacial pain.