
Sample records for kari hansen wagner

  1. Penghentian Karies Gigi Sulung Anterior (Laporan Penelitian

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Titi Pratiwi Indra Yoga


    Full Text Available Salah satu cara menanggulangi karies pada gigi sulung anterior adalah dengan mengasah gigi menjadi bentuk self cleansing atau tapered dan kemudian mengolesnya dengan larutan SnF2 10%. Cara ini relatif mudah mengerjakannya serta murah biayanya. Keburukannya hanya pada masalah estetis, yaitu bentuk gigi menjadi lebih kecil, serta adanya staining kecoklatan karena pengendapan Sn. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah cara ini dapat menghentikan karies pada gigi sulung anterior, serta sampai berapa lama pengaruh SnF2 10% dapat menghentikan karies. Sampel diambil dari murid TK yang berusia 2,5 sampai 5 tahun, gigi sulung anteriornya terkena karies email pada bagian proksimal satu atau dua sisi. Mengingat usia sampel yang masih muda, maka sampai akhir penelitian hanya didapat 20 orang anak yang memenuhi kriteria, dan hasil penelitian dihitung secara statistik dengan X2 – test. Hasil penelitian ternyata prosedur perawatan ini berhasil secara bermakna setelah 3-6 bulan (X2 = 0.056, df = 1, dan p < 0.05.

  2. Biorsopsi Ion Logam Zink (II dalam Larutan Menggunakan Daun Kari (Murraya Koenigii

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    Bhayu Gita Bhernama


    Full Text Available Penyerapan ion logam Zn (II menggunakan daun kari (murraya koenigii telah dilakukan, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar ion logam Zn (II yang dapat diserap oleh daun kari (murraya koenigii. Kemampuan daun kari untuk menyerap ion logam Zn (II telah dievaluasi dengan variasi pH larutan, kosentrasi, ukuran partikel berat biomaterial. Kadar ion logam yang terserap diukur menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kondisi optimum penyerapan ion logam Zn 9II menggunakan daun kari dengan pH 5 kapasitas penyerapan 0,611 mg/g, ukuran partikel 150 µm kapasitas penyerapan 0,689 mg/g, konsentrasi 50 ppm dengan kapasitas penyerapan 0,443 mg/g dan berat material 0,5 g kapasitas penyerapan 1,505 mg/g. Berdasarkan persamaan isoterm Langmuir didapatkan kapasitas penyerapan maksimum Qmax -0,127. Hasil analisis FTIR memperlihatkan adanya gugus hidroksil yang dapat mengikat ion logam Zn (II. Kata kunci : logam berat Zn (II, penyerapan, daun kari

  3. [Kari Tarkiainen, Ülle Tarkiainen. Provinsen bortom havet : Estlands svenska historia 1561-1710; Kari Tarkiainen, Ülle Tarkiainen. Meretagune maa : Rootsi aeg Eestis 1561-1710] / Pärtel Piirimäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Piirimäe, Pärtel, 1972-


    Arvustus: Tarkiainen Kari, Tarkiainen Ülle. Provinsen bortom havet : Estlands svenska historia 1561-1710 Verlag Atlantis. Stockholm 2013; Tarkiainen, Kari, Tarkiainen, Ülle. Meretagune maa : Rootsi aeg Eestis 1561-1710. verlag Varrak Tallinn 2014

  4. Gambaran Histopatologik Lesi Karies pada Email dengan Aplikasi Fluor In Vitro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agoeng Tjahjani


    Full Text Available Tahap dini karies telah lama dikenal dengan istilah bercak putih. Untuk mengetahui terjadinya lesi karies di bawah permukaan email in vivo, maka dilakukan penelitian secara in vitro dengan merendam gigi Premolar dengan dan tanpa aplikasi fluor dalam perbenihan kuman Streptococcus mutans FA-1 (ATCC 16495. Enam puluh empat gigi Preolar tanpa karies dibagi dalam 2 kelompok. Pada kelompok perlakuan, gigi diaplikasi dengan fluor sedang pada kelompok kontrol gigi tanpa aplikasi fluor. Semua gigi dimasukkan dalam perbenihan tioglikolat air yang ke dalamnya telah ditanam Streptococcus mutans FA-4 (ATCC 16495 selama 4 dan 8 minggu. Pembentukan bercah putih diamati dengan mikroskop 'zoom-stereo'. Sedang besarnya porusitas di bawah permukaan email diaamti dengan mikroskop polarisasi. Pada akhir minggu ke-4 dan ke-8 pada kedua kelompok ditemukan peningkatan jumlah gigi dengan pembentukan bercak putih dan peningkatan nilai rata-rata kedalaman lapisan badan lesi. Uji statistik dengan chi-square test menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna pada p<0.05. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut di atas disimpulkan bahwa (1 aplikasi NaF hanya menghambat sebagian pembentukan lesi karies dan (2 sistem perbenihan kuman yang digunakan tidak dapat mencerminkan keadaan mulut yang sebenarnya.

  5. Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) (United States)

    ... with facebook share with twitter share with linkedin Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) Credit: NIAID Some classic histopathologic changes ... as Mycobacterium leprae . Why Is the Study of Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) a Priority for NIAID? At the ...

  6. Alfred Hansen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Ib; Wind, Peter; Pedersen, Henrik Ærenlund


    Nekrolog over botanikeren Alfred Hansen, leder af Dansk Herbarium på Botanisk Museum, Københavns Universitet, med gennemgang af hans videnskabelige og formidlende publikationer og indsats som samler af videnskabeligt materiale.......Nekrolog over botanikeren Alfred Hansen, leder af Dansk Herbarium på Botanisk Museum, Københavns Universitet, med gennemgang af hans videnskabelige og formidlende publikationer og indsats som samler af videnskabeligt materiale....

  7. National Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) Program (United States)

    ... Caring and Curing Since 1894 National Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) Program Caring and Curing Since 1894 A genetic ... Louisiana New York Texas The National Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) Program The National Hansen's Disease Program is the ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pawarti Pawarti


    Full Text Available Abstract: Topical Fluoride Application And Fissure Sealant To Prevent Dental Caries Permanent First Molars. Anatomy pits and fissures of teeth are caries initiation vulnerable areas of the permanent molars that grow at the age of 6 years where children can not perform oral hygiene. Caries prevention can be done by closing the pits and fissures or application of fluoride (topical fluoride application on the surface of the teeth. The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference fissure sealants and topical application of fluoride to prevent dental caries of first permanent molars. This study was a quasi-experimental study with time series, a sample was taken by purposive 117-second grade students of SDN District of North Pontianak. Data were analyzed using t-test. The result showed that fissure sealant more effective in caries prevention of first permanent molar than topical fluoride application where there were none caries teeth after and month fissure sealant, 25% sealant partially off and 11% fully off. Teeth that have done fluoride after 6 months of 3.9% of dental caries, the eighth month of 5.4% of dental caries. There was a significant difference between the effectiveness of fissure sealants with topical application of fluoride to prevent dental caries in first permanent molars p-value < 0.05, after 6-month p-value: 0.004 and after 8-month p-value: 0.001. Abstrak: Topical Fluoride Application Dan Fissure Sealant Untuk Mencegah Karies Pada Gigi Molar Satu Permanen. Anatomi pit dan fisura gigi merupakan daerah rentan inisiasi karies gigi molar satu permanen yang tumbuh pada usia 6 tahun anak belum bisa melakukan kebersihan mulutnya. Pencegahan karies dapat dilakukan dengan cara menutup pit dan fissure atau pengolesan fluor (topical fluoride application pada permukaan gigi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis perbedaan efektivitas fissure sealant dan topical fluoride application untuk mencegah karies gigi molar satu permanen anak

  9. Prediksi Risiko Karies Baru Berdasarkan Konsumsi Pempek pada Anak Usia 1112 Tahun Di Palembang (Tinjauan dengan Cariogram

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marlindayanti Marlindayanti


    Full Text Available Penyakit rongga mulut yang sering diderita anak adalah karies gigi. Hasil penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan prevalensi karies gigi anak di Palembang sebesar 92,43%. Pempek makanan khas jenis karbohidrat lengket yang dimakan bersama kuahnya (cuko, kebiasaan anak di Palembang mengkonsumsi pempek lebih dari 2 kali sehari. Frekuensi konsumsi karbohidrat yang sering berakibat karies gigi. Kebiasaan anak di Palembang mengkonsumsi pempek merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya karies gigi. Risiko karies gigi perlu diketahui untuk melihat kisaran karies baru yang dapat terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan memprediksi risiko terjadinya karies baru berdasarkan frekuensi konsumsi pempek di Palembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan tekhnik cluster, subjek penelitian sebanyak 305 anak dari 52 SD di Palembang. Pengukuran prediksi risiko karies menggunakan cariogram dengan cara mengumpulkan data survei diet frekuensi konsumsi secara keseluruhan dan frekuensi konsumsi pempek, DMF-T, kapasitas buffer, sekresi saliva, plak skor, program fluor dan penyakit umum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prediksi risiko karies anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang 65,72% (kategori tinggi kontribusi pempek 45,83% dari total konsumsi makan keseluruhan. Peluang menghindari karies sebesar 34,28%. Urutan penyebab risiko karies adalah kerentanan (31,0%, pola makan (17,36%, bakteri (8,91% dan keadaan lain yang berpengaruh (5,35%. Kesimpulan penelitian, prediksi risiko terjadinya karies baru pada anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang termasuk kategori tinggi, pempek menyumbang 45,83% dari total konsumsi keseluruhan. Urutan prediksi risiko karies anak usia 11-12 tahun di Palembang, kerentanan, pola makan, bakteri dan faktor lain yang berpengaruh.    Prediction of The Risk Of New Caries Base on Pempek Consumption on Children Age 11-12 Years Old In Palembang. The oral cavity disease often suffered by children is dental


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susi Susi


    Full Text Available AbstrakKaries merupakan masalah utama di rongga mulut anak. Kerusakan gigi sulung lebih cepat menyebar, meluas dan lebih parah dari pada gigi permanen. Karies lebih banyak ditemukan pada orang dengan status sosial ekonomi rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan status sosial ekonomi dengan kejadian karies pada gigi sulung anak usia 4 dan 5 tahun pada murid TK Adzkia II, TK Lillah, dan TK Mutiara Ananda di Kota Padang.Penelitian ini bersifat observasi analitik menggunakan metode cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah murid TK Adzkia II, TK Lillah, dan TK Mutiara Ananda yang berumur 4-5 tahun atau murid lokal A yang berjumlah sebanyak 59 orang, sampel yang diteliti 57 orang. Metode pengambilan data primer yaitu dengan melakukan wawancara dengan orang tua dan pemeriksaan status karies responden.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan status sosial ekonomi orang tua dari responden 75,4% tidak miskin dan status karies responden 50,9% baik. Dari responden yang tidak miskin, 46,5% memiliki status karies yang buruk, 53,5% memiliki status karies yang baik. Hasil uji statistik diperoleh tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna dari proporsi status karies responden dengan pendapatan orang tua responden.Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa responden dengan status sosial ekonomi tidak miskin dan status karies baik lebih dominan. Disarankan kepada sekolah agar memberikan pengetahuan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut secara rutin kepada murid – murid dan bagi orang tua lebih memperhatikan jajanan yang dikonsumsi oleh anaknya.Kata Kunci : karies, status sosial ekonomiAbstractCaries is a major issue in the oral cavity of children. Damage spreading deciduous teeth faster, more widespread and severe than in permanent teeth. Caries are more common in people with low socioeconomic status. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of socioeconomic parents status with the incidence of caries in primary teeth of kindergarten

  11. Development of the KARI Space Debris Collision Risk Management System (KARISMA) (United States)

    Kim, Hae-Dong; Lee, Sang-Cherl; Cho, Dong-Hyun; Seong, Jae-Dong


    Korea has been operating multi-purpose low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites such as the Korea multi-purpose satellite (KOMPSAT) since 1999 and the Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS), which was launched into geostationary orbit in 2006. The Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) consequently became concerned about the deteriorating space debris environment. This led to the instigation, in 2011, of a project to develop the KARI space debris collision risk management system (KARISMA). In 2014, KARISMA was adopted as an official tool at the KARI ground station and is operated to mitigate collision risks while being continuously upgraded with input from satellite operators. The characteristics and architecture of KARISMA are described with detailed operational views. The user-friendly user interfaces including 2D and 3D displays of the results, conjunction geometries, and so on, are described in detail. The results of our analysis of the space collision risk faced by the KOMPSAT satellites as determined using KARISMA are presented, as well as optimized collision avoidance maneuver planning with maneuvering strategies for several conjunction events. Consequently, the development of KARISMA to provide detailed descriptions is expected to contribute significantly to satellite operators and owners who require tools with many useful functions to mitigate collision risk.

  12. Faktor Bauran Pemasaram yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian di Rumah Makan Mak Kari Panam Pekanbaru


    Dwineti, Rifka Putri; Syahza, Almasdi; Syabrus, Hardisem


    Abstack: This study aims to determine what marketing mix factors considered by consumers in making purchasing decisions shopped at the restaurant Mak Kari Panam Pekanbaru. The population in this study are all consumers who shop at the restaurant mak kari. In determining the number of samples, researchers used a purposive sampling method, the sample size used as respondents in this study were 100 respondents. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis, t test and F test with ...

  13. Peter Andreas Hansen and the astronomical community - a first investigation of the Hansen papers. (German Title: Peter Andreas Hansen und die astronomische Gemeinschaft - eine erste Auswertung des Hansen-Nachlasses. ) (United States)

    Schwarz, Oliver; Strumpf, Manfred

    The literary assets of Peter Andreas Hansen are deposited in the Staatsarchiv Hamburg, the Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek Gotha and the Thüringer Staatsarchiv Gotha. They were never systematically investigated. We present here some results of a first evaluation. It was possible to reconstruct the historical events with regard to the maintenance of the Astronomische Nachrichten and the Altona observatory in 1854. Hansen was a successful teacher for many young astronomers. His way of stimulating the evolution of astronomy followed Zach's tradition.

  14. Genética e hanseníase


    Beiguelman Bernardo


    As diferentes linhas de pesquisa utilizadas para investigar a importância dos fatores hereditários humanos na determinação da resistência/suscetibilidade à infecção pelo Mycobacterium leprae foram discutidas no presente trabalho. Uma síntese dessas abordagens permitiu analisar os resultados das investigações sobre associação da hanseníase com polimorfismos genéticos, distribuição familial da hanseníase, prevalência da hanseníase e distância genética, concordância da hanseníase em gêmeos e est...

  15. Kondisi oral higiene dan karies gigi pada vegetarian dan non vegetarian di Maha Vihara Maitreya Medan


    Prawira, Albert


    Perbedaan pola makan antara vegetarian dan non vegetarian dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi oral higiene dan karies gigi pada umat vegetarian dan non vegetarian di Maha Vihara Maitreya Medan. Jenis penelitian adalah survei deskriptif. Sampel terdiri atas 74 vegetarian dan 65 non vegetarian. Pemeriksaan oral higiene dan karies gigi masing-masing menggunakan indeks OHIS Greene dan Vermillion dan indeks DMFT Klein, se...

  16. Peter Andreas Hansen und die astronomische Gemeinschaft - eine erste Auswertung des Hansen-Nachlasses. (United States)

    Schwarz, O.; Strumpf, M.

    The literary assets of Peter Andreas Hansen are deposited in the Staatsarchiv Hamburg, the Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek Gotha and the Thüringer Staatsarchiv Gotha. They were never systematically investigated. The authors present here some results of a first evaluation. It was possible to reconstruct the historical events with regard to the maintenance of the Astronomische Nachrichten and the Altona observatory in 1854. Hansen was a successful teacher for many young astronomers. His way of stimulating the evolution of astronomy followed Zach's tradition.

  17. Genética e hanseníase

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardo Beiguelman

    Full Text Available As diferentes linhas de pesquisa utilizadas para investigar a importância dos fatores hereditários humanos na determinação da resistência/suscetibilidade à infecção pelo Mycobacterium leprae foram discutidas no presente trabalho. Uma síntese dessas abordagens permitiu analisar os resultados das investigações sobre associação da hanseníase com polimorfismos genéticos, distribuição familial da hanseníase, prevalência da hanseníase e distância genética, concordância da hanseníase em gêmeos e estudos genéticos sobre a reação de Mitsuda.

  18. Tartu Pauluse kirik = St. Paul's Church in Tartu / Merja Nieminen, Kari Järvinen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nieminen, Merja


    Eliel Saarineni projekteeritud Tartu Pauluse kiriku restaureerimisest. Restaureerimisprojekti autorid Merja Nieminen, Kari Järvinen, sisearhitekt Markku Nors. Kultuurkapitali Arhitektuuri sihtkapitali aastapreemia 2016 laureaat

  19. Virtual screening and evaluation of Ketol-Acid Reducto-Isomerase (KARI as a putative drug target for Aspergillosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morya Vivek K


    Full Text Available Abstract Aspergillus is a leading causative agent for fungal morbidity and mortality in immuno-compromised patients. To identify a putative target to design or identify new antifungal drug, against Aspergillus is required. In our previous work, we have analyzed the various biochemical pathways, and we found Ketol Acid Reducto-Isomerase (KARI an enzyme involves in the amino acid biosynthesis, could be a better target. This enzyme was found to be unique by comparing to host proteome through BLASTp analysis. A homology based model of KARI was generated by Swiss model server. The generated model had been validated by PROCHECK and WHAT IF programs. The Zinc library was generated within the limitation of the Lipinski rule of five, for docking study. Based on the dock-score six molecules have been studied for ADME/TOX analysis and subjected for pharmacophore model generation. The Zinc ID of the potential inhibitors is ZINC00720614, ZINC01068126, ZINC0923, ZINC02090678, ZINC00663057 and ZINC02284065 and found to be pharmacologically active agonist and antagonist of KARI. This study is an attempt to Insilco evaluation of the KARI as a drug target and the screened inhibitors could help in the development of the better drug against Aspergillus.

  20. Pengaruh (pH Saliva terhadap Terjadinya Karies Gigi pada Anak Usia Prasekolah

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Made Ayu Lely


    Full Text Available AbstractDental caries is a multifactorial process that occurs through the interaction between teeth and saliva as host, the bacteria in the oral cavity, as well as easily fermented foods. Saliva is one of the factors that have a major influence on the severity of dental caries. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of salivary pH with dental caries among 564 preschool-age children in DIY Province and Banten Province. The results showed that pH levels of the preschool-age children’saliva are more than 75% basic ranging between 6.8 to 8.0 and the highest levels are in Serang District. Index def-t in Serang District is highest (8.83 and the lowest one is in Yogyakarta City (4.97. The mean number of cavities/ decay more than missing teeth or filling teeth. The study indicates that the acidity of saliva among preschool children in the two provinces is not associated with the occurrence of dental caries.It is more likely due to the habit of drinking sweet milk or eating sticky foods.Key words: thepH of saliva, dental caries,sweet food, sticky foods, preschool childrenageAbstrakKaries gigi merupakan proses multifaktor yang terjadi melalui interaksi antara gigi dan saliva sebagai pejamu, bakteri didalam rongga mulut, serta makanan yang mudah difermentasikan. Saliva merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempunyai pengaruh besar terhadap keparahan karies gigi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pH saliva terhadap terjadinya karies gigi pada anak usia prasekolah. Penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang pada 564 orang anak usia prasekolah di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Provinsi DIY dan Provinsi Banten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa derajat keasaman (pH saliva pada anak-anak usia prasekolah lebih dari 75% bersifat basa berkisar antara 6,8-8,0 dan tertinggi di Kabupaten Serang. Indeks def-t tertinggi 8,83 di Kabupaten Serang dan yang terendah 4,97 di Kotamadya Yogyakarta. Rerata jumlah gigi berlubang

  1. Government expenditure and economic growth nexus: Wagner's law ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Granger causality test was performed within vector error correction model and the results revealed strong support for both Wagner's law and Keynesian hypothesis when ... Wagner's law was only supported in one instance where causality runs from economic growth to development expenditure from domestic sources.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Desak Made Dwi Ambari Ningsih


    Full Text Available Kesehatan gigi masih menjadi masalah di Indonesia dilihat dari prevalensi karies gigi yang mencapai 73% dari jumlah penduduk. Di Puskesmas Sidemen, penyakit gigi, gusi dan pulpa merupakan urutan keempat dari 10 besar penyakit yang paling sering terjadi. Adanya fakta bahwa ketersediaan air bersih, sikat gigi dan pasta gigi di daerah Sidemen tidak sulit diperoleh, menunjukkan adanya faktor lain yang mempengaruhi tingginya kejadian karies gigi, misalnya perilaku menggosok gigi dan juga pengetahuan  orang tua dan anak terhadap karies gigi.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi karies gigi, perilaku menggosok gigi, dan gambaran perilaku menggosok gigi terhadap kejadian karies gigi pada siswa usia sekolah dasar di wilayah Puskesmas Sidemen, Kecamatan Sidemen, Kabupaten Karangasem. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif potong-lintang yang dilakukan pada bulan Juni sampai dengan Juli 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan 68 orang sampel yang ditentukan secara purposive random sampling pada siswa usia 7 hingga 12 tahun di SD Negeri 1 Telagatawang. Pada penelitian ini, didapatkan prevalensi karies gigi pada anak usia sekolah dasar di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sidemen  masih tinggi (58,8%. Sebanyak 58 orang (85,3% belum menerapkan perilaku menggosok gigi yang memenuhi standar dan hanya 10 orang (14,7% yang perilaku menggosok gigi sudah memenuhi standar. Karies gigi lebih banyak dialami oleh anak-anak yang tidak memenuhi standar dalam perilaku menggosok gigi, yaitu sebanyak 63,8% (37 orang dari total 58 orang yang perilaku menggosok gigi tidak memenuhi standar. Sedangkan dari 10 orang yang memenuhi standar perilaku menggosok ternyata didapatkan sebagian besar, yaitu 7 orang (70% tidak karies. Sehingga secara umum dari penelitian ini dapat ditarik simpulan bahwa terdapat kecenderungan peningkatan presentase kejadian karies gigi pada anak dengan perilaku menggosok gigi yang salah dibandingkan yang benar.    

  3. Väitlus : vastuseks eelolevale / Enn Küng, Kari Tarkiainen, Ülle Tarkiainen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Küng, Enn, 1963-


    Väitlus Enn Küngi ning Kari ja Ülle Tarkiaineni vahel, mille aluseks on 2015. a. Akadeemia 8. numbris ilmunud Enn Küngi arvustis Tarkiainenite raamatule "Provinsen bortom havet. Estlands svenska historia 1561-1710" (Lk. 1491-1499)

  4. Revisiting Hansen Solubility Parameters by Including Thermodynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Louwerse, Manuel J; Fernández-Maldonado, Ana María; Rousseau, Simon; Moreau-Masselon, Chloe; Roux, Bernard; Rothenberg, Gadi


    The Hansen solubility parameter approach is revisited by implementing the thermodynamics of dissolution and mixing. Hansen's pragmatic approach has earned its spurs in predicting solvents for polymer solutions, but for molecular solutes improvements are needed. By going into the details of entropy

  5. Wagner Discusses 'Unfinished Business'


    Center for Homeland Defense and Security


    Center for Homeland Defense and Security News and Stories, PRESS RELEASES After more than three decades of government service, Caryn Wagner has some unfinished business. And that business made for quality classroom time April 8-9 as the recently retired Department of...

  6. Hansen Solubility Parameters for Octahedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes (United States)


    1997, 80, 386-&. 5. Hansen, C. M. The three-dimensional solubility parameter -- key to paint component affinities I. J. Paint Technol. 1967, 39, 104...Chai, J.; Zhang, Q. X.; Han, D. X.; Niu, L. Synthesis and Application of Widely Soluble Graphene Sheets. Langmuir 2010, 26, 12314-12320. 12. Hansen, C

  7. Closed loop identification using a modified Hansen scheme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sekunda, André Krabdrup; Niemann, Hans Henrik; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad


    in closed loop [4], and one such method is the Hansen scheme [1]. Standard identification using Hansen scheme demands generating the identification signals indirectly. In this paper it is instead proposed to use the relationship between the Youla factorization of a plant and its stabilizing controller...... in order to keep the system stable. Furthermore because the dynamics of such a system depends on the rotational speed it is needed to conduct an identification while the system is part of a closed loop scheme. The authors believe the paper able to contribute towards a simpler and more direct way...... of identifying closed loop plants using Hansen scheme....

  8. Perception of Leitmotives in Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David J. Baker


    Full Text Available The music of Richard Wagner tends to generate very diverse judgments indicative of the complex relationship between listeners and the sophisticated musical structures in Wagner's music. This paper presents findings from two listening experiments using the music from Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen that explores musical as well as individual listener parameters to better understand how listeners are able to hear leitmotives, a compositional device closely associated with Wagner's music. Results confirm findings from a previous experiment showing that specific expertise with Wagner's music can account for a greater portion of the variance in an individual's ability to recognize and remember musical material compared to measures of generic musical training. Results also explore how acoustical distance of the leitmotives affects memory recognition using a chroma similarity measure. In addition, we show how characteristics of the compositional structure of the leitmotives contributes to their salience and memorability. A final model is then presented that accounts for the aforementioned individual differences factors, as well as parameters of musical surface and structure. Our results suggest that that future work in music perception may consider both individual differences variables beyond musical training, as well as symbolic features and audio commonly used in music information retrieval in order to build robust models of musical perception and cognition.

  9. Símbolo y forma: los hermanos Grimm en Richard Wagner

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    Miguel Salmerón Infante


    Full Text Available Este escrito estudia el cómo y el porqué de la presencia de los Cuentos de los Hermanos Grimm en la obra de Richard Wagner. Para dar un enfoque más concreto a esta reflexión el análisis se centra en Sigfrido, el drama musical de Wagner con más atmósfera de cuento, y las influencias y préstamos temáticos, formales y lingüísticos que le aportan los KHM. El artículo entiende que hay dos elementos que aprovecha Wagner de los Grimm para sus dramas musicales. El símbolo para su proyecto de tejido de la identidad alemana. Y la forma del cuento con sus temas y fórmulas recurrentes que el aplicó a su música y muy concretamente al Leitmotiv. Todo ello sin olvidar la muy frecuente presencia de la figura del huérfano tanto en Wagner como en los Grimm.  

  10. Kadar leptin saliva dan kejadian karies gigi anak obesitas (Salivary leptin levels and caries incidence in obese children

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    Elfrida Atzmaryanni


    Full Text Available Background: Children with obesity have a lower incidence of caries. Salivary leptin levels of obese children is higher than normal children. Leptin is protein hormone, contained in saliva. Salivary proteins maintain the balance of the ecosystem in the mouth. Purpose: The article was aimed to study the correlation of salivary leptin levels with caries incidence in obese children. Review: Mouth is reflection of the health status and so many changes occur as a weight gain. Child with obesity has a low incidence of caries than normal. This condition is associated with changes in oral cavity, especially the increase in salivary leptin. Caries is a disease of hard tissues cause by the activty of microorganisms, especially Streptococcus mutans. Salivary proteins maintain the balance of the ecosystem in the mouth. Leptin is a protein saliva, produced predominantly in adipose tissue and conduct active transport to saliva. Salivary leptin works in two ways: as an antimicrobial which prevents the attachment of bacteria on tooth surface or by inducing cytokine that affect the immune system in oral cavity. Conclusion: Salivary leptin is higher in obese children than in normal children. The low incidence of caries on obesity is associated with salivary leptin. Alteration in salivary composition and flow rate also decreased caries in obesity.Latar belakang: Anak yang mengalami obesitas memiliki insiden karies yang rendah. Kadar leptin saliva anak obesitas lebih tinggi dari anak normal. Leptin merupakan salah satu protein hormon yang terdapat di saliva. Protein saliva berfungsi untuk menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem di mulut. Tujuan: Artikel ini bertujuan mempelajari hubungan antara kadar leptin di dalam saliva dengan kejadian karies anak obesitas. Tinjauan pustaka: Rongga mulut merupakan cerminan dari status kesehatan dan banyak perubahan yang terjadi seiring peningkatan berat badan seseorang. Anak Obesitas memiliki insiden karies yang rendah jika dibandingkan

  11. Transitioning Students out of College: The Senior LC in Psychology at Wagner College (United States)

    Nolan, Laurence J.; Jenkins, Steve M.


    At Wagner College, students are required to participate in a series of three curriculum-based learning communities (C-BLCs) as the core of the undergraduate curriculum known as the Wagner Plan for the Practical Liberal Arts. This article describes the senior learning community (LC) in psychology at Wagner College, which is an example of a…

  12. O jovem Nietzsche leitor de Wagner

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    Hélio Sochodolak


    Full Text Available Seguindo as pistas do jovem leitor Nietzsche em sua relação intensa e apaixonada com a música, abordamos historicamente seu envolvimento inicial com a causa wagneriana, no final da década de 1860 e inícios da década de 1870. Nas ideias e escritos de Richard Wagner os anseios nietzscheanos ecoaram em sua busca por um estilo, por uma sonoridade na palavra e por um arrebatamento do leitor. Em sua correspondência e em seus textos, percebemos um jovem filólogo(sofo empolgado, mas, às vezes, desconfiado: Wagner representaria uma alternativa para um novo modelo cultural aos alemães na segunda metade do XIX? O músico poderia ensinar a nação a estabelecer novas relações com a palavra? Poderia ensinar a ler artisticamente?

  13. Assessment of the Rescorla-Wagner model. (United States)

    Miller, R R; Barnet, R C; Grahame, N J


    The Rescorla-Wagner model has been the most influential theory of associative learning to emerge from the study of animal behavior over the last 25 years. Recently, equivalence to this model has become a benchmark in assessing connectionist models, with such equivalence often achieved by incorporating the Widrow-Hoff delta rule. This article presents the Rescorla-Wagner model's basic assumptions, reviews some of the model's predictive successes and failures, relates the failures to the model's assumptions, and discusses the model's heuristic value. It is concluded that the model has had a positive influence on the study of simple associative learning by stimulating research and contributing to new model development. However, this benefit should neither lead to the model being regarded as inherently "correct" nor imply that its predictions can be profitably used to assess other models.


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    Ahmad Saikhu


    Full Text Available Lotting or purchasing raw materials is one step in Material Requirement Planning. Lotting technique that already known is the Wagner-Within algorithm. This algorithm is widely used because it provides optimal solutions for problem sizedeterministic dynamic reservation at a particular time period in which the needs of the entire period must be completed. It takes a application system of optimization planning raw material requirements using the Wagner-Whitin algorithm. The development of this process begins with building a power module of demand data using Arima method (1,1,1, then followed by forecasting modules of consumer demand for end product by using the multiplicative decomposition forecasting methods, and ends with the development of Materials Requirement Planning module (MRP I using the Wagner-Whitin algorithm. The results of the test system with test data is the generation of data will form the same pattern that is likely up from week to week. Forecasting results have high accuracy registration of 99.48%, 99.64% and 99.68%. Wagner-Whitin algorithm always produces the combination of weeks. Result of the combination in the first week will produces the minimum cost for the entire week of production.

  15. Truth and opinion in climate change discourse: the Gore-Hansen disagreement. (United States)

    Russill, Chris


    In this paper, I discuss the "inconvenient truth" strategy of Al Gore. I argue that Gore's notion of truth upholds a conception of science and policy that narrows our understanding of climate change discourse. In one notable exchange, Gore and NASA scientist, James Hansen, disagreed about whether scientific statements based on Hansen's computer simulations were truth or opinion. This exchange is featured in An Inconvenient Truth, yet the disagreement is edited from the film and presented simply as an instance of Hansen speaking "inconvenient truth". In this article, I compare the filmic representation of Hansen's testimony with the congressional record. I place their exchange in a broader historical perspective on climate change disputation in order to discuss the implications of Gore's perspective on truth.


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    Rainer Câmara Patriota


    Full Text Available A cultura musical romântica encontra em Richard Wagner– em sua obra musical e teórica – um de seus maiores protagonistas.A rejeição da Aufklärung e a exaltação da supremacia germânica –elementos constituidores da Weltanschauung romântica alemã –caracterizam fortemente o pensamento e a atitude de Wagner frenteà vida, assumindo conotações ainda mais radicais através de seucontumaz antissemitismo. De modo que pensar Wagner por ocasiãode seu bicentenário também significa retomar uma discussão crucialsobre o romantismo alemão e suas implicações políticas eideológicas.

  17. Wagner classification and culture analysis of diabetic foot infection

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    Fatma Bozkurt


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the concordance ratio between microorganisms isolated from deep tissue culture and those from superficial culture in patients with diabetic foot according to Wagner’s wound classification method.Materials and methods: A total of 63 patients with Diabetic foot infection, who were admitted to Dicle University Hospital between October 2006 and November 2007, were included into the study. Wagner’s classification method was used for wound classification. For microbiologic studies superficial and deep tissue specimens were obtained from each patient, and were rapidly sent to laboratory for aerob and anaerob cultures. Microbiologic data were analyzed and interpreted in line with sensitivity and specifity formula.Results: Thirty-eight (60% of the patients were in Wagner’s classification ≤2, while 25 (40% patients were Wagner’s classification ≥3. According to our culture results, 66 (69% Gr (+ and 30 (31% Gr (- microorganisms grew in Wagner classification ≤2 patients. While in Wagner classification ≥3; 25 (35% Gr (+ and 46 (65% Gr (- microorganisms grew. Microorganisms grew in 89% of superficial cultures and 64% of the deep tissue cultures in patients with Wagner classification ≤2, while microorganism grew in 64% of Wagner classification ≥3.Conclusion: In ulcers of diabetic food infections, initial treatment should be started according to result of sterile superficial culture, but deep tissue culture should be taken, if unresponsive to initial treatment.

  18. [Immune response of Hansen's disease. Review]. (United States)

    Rada, Elsa; Aranzazu, Nacarid; Convit, Jacinto


    Hansen's disease presents a wide spectrum of clinical and histopathological manifestations that reflect the nature of the immunological response of the host towards diverse Mycobacterium leprae components. The immunological system, composed by both innate and adaptive immunology, offers protection towards infections of various etiologies, among them bacterial. Bacteria, of course, have developed multiple strategies for evading host defenses, based on either very complex or simple mechanisms, but with a single purpose: to "resist" host attacks and to be able to survive. We have tried to summarize some recent studies in Hansen's disease, with more emphasis in the inmunology area. We think that in the future, all illnesses should also be very strongly related to other important aspects such as the social, environmental and economic, and whose development is not solved in a laboratory.

  19. SLO Eesti AS-il uus tegevdirektor / Jaanus Laikmaa, Pekka Syrjäkari ; interv. Rein Aro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laikmaa, Jaanus, 1970-


    Elektritarvikutega seotud hulgimüüjaid koondavasse rahvusvahelisse ettevõtete kooslusesse Sonepar Group kuuluva SLO Eesti AS tegevdirektor Jaanus Laikmaa ja juhatuse esimees Pekka Syrjäkari räägivad oma ettevõtte arengust, tootevalikust, kvaliteedipoliitikast, konkurentsist, elektrikaupade aastamessi SLO Sügispäev korraldamisest, ettevõtte perspektiividest Eesti praeguse majandusseisu taustal

  20. Darwin and Wagner: Evolution and Aesthetic Appreciation (United States)

    Ostergaard, Edvin


    Two of the most influential works of the Western nineteenth century were completed in 1859: Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species" and Richard Wagner's opera "Tristan and Isolde." Although created within very different cultural traditions, these works show some striking similarities: both brought about a critical, long-lasting debate and caused…

  1. Active Surveillance of Hansen's Disease (Leprosy): Importance for Case Finding among Extra-domiciliary Contacts (United States)

    Moura, Maria L. N.; Dupnik, Kathryn M.; Sampaio, Gabriel A. A.; Nóbrega, Priscilla F. C.; Jeronimo, Ana K.; do Nascimento-Filho, Jose M.; Miranda Dantas, Roberta L.; Queiroz, Jose W.; Barbosa, James D.; Dias, Gutemberg; Jeronimo, Selma M. B.; Souza, Marcia C. F.; Nobre, Maurício L.


    Hansen's disease (leprosy) remains an important health problem in Brazil, where 34,894 new cases were diagnosed in 2010, corresponding to 15.3% of the world's new cases detected in that year. The purpose of this study was to use home visits as a tool for surveillance of Hansen's disease in a hyperendemic area in Brazil. A total of 258 residences were visited with 719 individuals examined. Of these, 82 individuals had had a previous history of Hansen's disease, 209 were their household contacts and 428 lived in neighboring residences. Fifteen new Hansen's disease cases were confirmed, yielding a detection rate of 2.0% of people examined. There was no difference in the detection rate between household and neighbor contacts (p = 0.615). The two groups had the same background in relation to education (p = 0.510), household income (p = 0.582), and the number of people living in the residence (p = 0.188). Spatial analysis showed clustering of newly diagnosed cases and association with residential coordinates of previously diagnosed multibacillary cases. Active case finding is an important tool for Hansen's disease control in hyperendemic areas, enabling earlier diagnosis, treatment, decrease in disability from Hansen's disease and potentially less spread of Mycobacterium leprae. PMID:23516645

  2. Structure of the Wagner Basin in the Northern Gulf of California From Interpretation of Seismic Reflexion Data (United States)

    Gonzalez, M.; Aguilar, C.; Martin, A.


    The northern Gulf of California straddles the transition in the style of deformation along the Pacific-North America plate boundary, from distributed deformation in the Upper Delfin and Wagner basins to localized dextral shear along the Cerro Prieto transform fault. Processing and interpretation of industry seismic data adquired by Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) allow us to map the main fault structures and depocenters in the Wagner basin and to unravel the way strain is transferred northward into the Cerro Prieto fault system. Seismic data records from 0.5 to 5 TWTT. Data stacking and time-migration were performed using semblance coefficient method. Subsidence in the Wagner basin is controlled by two large N-S trending sub-parallel faults that intersect the NNW-trending Cerro Prieto transform fault. The Wagner fault bounds the eastern margin of the basin for more than 75 km. This fault dips ~50° to the west (up to 2 seconds) with distinctive reflectors displaced more than 1 km across the fault zone. The strata define a fanning pattern towards the Wagner fault. Northward the Wagner fault intersects the Cerro Prieto fault at 130° on map view and one depocenter of the Wagner basin bends to the NW adjacent to the Cerro Prieto fault zone. The eastern boundary of the modern depocenter is the Consag fault, which extends over 100 km in a N-S direction with an average dip of ~50° (up to 2s) to the east. The northern segment of the Consag fault bends 25° and intersects the Cerro Prieto fault zone at an angle of 110° on map view. The acoustic basement was not imaged in the northwest, but the stratigraphic succession increases its thickness towards the depocenter of the Wagner basin. Another important structure is El Chinero fault, which runs parallel to the Consag fault along 60 km and possibly intersects the Cerro Prieto fault to the north beneath the delta of the Colorado River. El Chinero fault dips at low-angle (~30°) to the east and has a vertical offset of about 0


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    José Beria


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to expose the current state of linguistic research on the Kari'na language. It is based on the review and analysis of published studies on Kari'na by experts from two perspectives: their own experience and the results from the study of the literature published on the subject. In the article, we examined and discussed the most relevant thesis and scientific articles of the highest level of reliability that have been published on Kari'na. Under the focus of a documentary research, we proceeded with the review of the literature which consisted of the location, selection and evaluation of the literature on primary studies, useful for the purpose of the study. Then we extracted and collected the relevant and necessary information for the research problem. The information collected is organized according to the different components of the grammar: phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicography. The scope and importance of each one of the works considered were highlighted. Rather than offering a critical assessment of published studies, we prepared a descriptive review to provide a synthesized material with relevant information about the language.

  4. A Return to the Human in Humanism: A Response to Hansen's Humanistic Vision (United States)

    Lemberger, Matthew E.


    In his extension of the humanistic vision, Hansen (2012) recommends that counseling practitioners and scholars adopt operations that are consistent with his definition of a multiple-perspective philosophy. Alternatively, the author of this article believes that Hansen has reduced the capacity of the human to interpret meaning through quantitative…

  5. The Value of Social Constructionism for the Counseling Profession: A Reply to Hansen (United States)

    Rudes, James; Guterman, Jeffrey T.


    The authors reply to J. T. Hansen's (2005) call for the profession to revalue the inner subjective experiences (ISE) of clients. Hansen argued that social constructionism has influenced the decline of the counseling profession by obscuring its unique focus on ISE. The authors maintain that social constructionism is a useful framework for…

  6. Validity of Hansen-Roach cross sections in low-enriched uranium systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Busch, R.D.; O'Dell, R.D.


    Within the nuclear criticality safety community, the Hansen-Roach 16 group cross section set has been the ''standard'' for use in k eff calculations over the past 30 years. Yet even with its widespread acceptance, there are still questions about its validity and adequacy, about the proper procedure for calculating the potential scattering cross section, σ p , for uranium and plutonium, and about the concept of resonance self shielding and its impact on cross sections. This paper attempts to address these questions. It provides a brief background on the Hansen-Roach cross sections. Next is presented a review of resonances in cross sections, self shielding of these resonances, and the use of σ p to characterize resonance self shielding. Three prescriptions for calculating σ p are given. Finally, results of several calculations of k eff on low-enriched uranium systems are provided to confirm the validity of the Hansen-Roach cross sections when applied to such systems

  7. Validity of Hansen-Roach cross sections in low-enriched uranium systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Busch, R.D.; O'Dell, R.D.


    Within the nuclear criticality safety community, the Hansen-Roach 16 group cross section set has been the standard for use in k eff calculations over the past 30 years. Yet even with its widespread acceptance, there are still questions about its validity and adequacy, about the proper procedure for calculating the potential scattering cross section, σ p , for uranium and plutonium, and about the concept of resonance self shielding and its impact on cross sections. This paper attempts to address these questions. It provides a brief background on the Hansen-Roach cross sections. Next is presented a review of resonances in cross sections, self shielding of these resonances, and the use of σ p to characterize resonance self shielding. Three prescriptions for calculating σ p are given. Finally, results of several calculations of k eff on low-enriched uranium systems are provided to confirm the validity of the Hansen-Roach cross sections when applied to such systems. (Author)

  8. Kerttu Wagner. Die historischen romane von Jaan Kross / Wolfgang Drechsler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Drechsler, Wolfgang, 1963-


    Arvustus: Wagner, Kerttu. Die historischen Romane von Jaan Kross : am Beispiel einer Untersuchung der deutschen und englischen Übersetzungen von "Professor Martensi ärasõit" (1984). Frankfurt am Main [etc.] : P. Lang, 2001.

  9. Imunologia da hanseníase Immunology of leprosy

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    Vanessa Amaral Mendonça


    Full Text Available A hanseníase é doença crônica infecciosa que se caracteriza por apresentar formas clínicas contrastantes, que são dependentes da interação do bacilo com a resposta imune do hospedeiro. O estudo dos processos imunológicos torna-se fundamental para o entendimento dos mecanismos envolvidos na apresentação e no desenvolvimento da doença. Neste artigo, é revisada a imunopatogênese da hanseníase.Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease characterized by contrasting clinical forms that are dependent on the interactions between the bacillus and the host immune response. Thus, the study of the immunological process is extremely relevant for the comprehension of the mechanisms involved in leprosy presentation and development. In this paper, the immunopathogenesis of leprosy is reviewed.

  10. A Modern History of 'Imperial Medicine' Surrounding Hansen's Disease: Strategies to Manage Public Opinion in Modern Japanese Media. (United States)

    Seo, Gijae


    The purpose of this study is to understand the reality of imperial medicine by exploring the strategic attitude of the Japanese authority targeting the public who were not patients of Hansen's disease. For this purpose, this study examines the mass media data related to Hansen's disease published in Korea and Japan during the Japanese colonial rule. Research on Hansen's disease can be divided into medical, sociohistorical, social welfare, and human rights approach. There are medical studies and statistics on the dissemination of medical information about Hansen's disease and management measures, the history of the management of the disease, guarantee of the rights of the patients and the welfare environment, and studies on the autobiographical, literary writings and oral statements on the life and psychological conflicts of the patients. Among existing research, the topics of the study on Hansen's disease under the Japanese colonial rule include the history of the Sorokdo Island Sanatorium, investigation on the forced labor of the patients in the island, human rights violations against the patients, oral memoirs of the patients and doctors who practiced at that time. All of these studies are important achievements regarding the research on the patients. An important study of Hansen's disease in modern Japan is the work of Hujino Utaka, which introduces the isolation of and discrimination against the patients of Hansen's disease. Hujino Utaka's study examines the annihilation of people with infectious diseases in Japan and its colonies by the imperial government, which was the consequence of the imperial medical policies, and reports on the isolation of Hansen's disease patients during the war. Although these researches are important achievements in the study of Hansen's disease in modernity, their focus has mainly been on the history of isolation and exploitation in the Sorokdo Island Sanatorium and discrimination against the patients within the sanatorium, which

  11. Estudo do roedor Akodon arviculoides, Wagner, 1842 (Cricetidae: importância nos focos pestosos no Brasil The rodent Akodon arviculoides, Wagner, 1842 (Cricetidae: importance in plague focus of Brazil

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    Célio Rodrigues de Almeida


    Full Text Available Relata-se a ocorrência do roedor Akodon arviculoides (Wagner, 1842 no foco pestoso do Agreste pernambucano, sua capacidade de sobrevivência, reprodução e o desenvolvimento no cativeiro, a susceptibilidade à infecção pela Yersinia pestis e a importãncia desse roedor nos focos pestosos do Brasil.The occurrence of the rodent Akodon arviculoides Wagner, 1842 in the plague focus of the "Agreste" region of the State of Pernambuco and a report on its ability for survival, reproduction and development in captivity, its susceptibility to Yersinia pestis infection and the role of this rodent species in Brazilian plague foci are reported.

  12. Testing wagner's law of government size for South Africa, 1950-2008

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    wise, the results imply that development plans of South Africa must incorporate such fiscal policy measures that would guarantee commensurate growth in government revenue. Keywords: Wagner's law; co-integration; causality; government size; ...

  13. Achados fonoaudiológicos na hanseníase: considerações teóricas Speech-language findings on Hansen's disease: theoretical considerations

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    Victor Gandra Quintas


    Full Text Available A hanseníase é uma doença que tem altos níveis de incidência no Brasil. De origem bacteriana crônica, com alta infectividade e baixa patogenicidade, tem como hospedeiro primário o homem e como agente etiológico o Mycobacterium leprae. O bacilo de Hansen, como também é conhecido o agente, se acumula principalmente na pele, nos nervos periféricos e pares cranianos, levando a diversas lesões cutâneas, também à perda da condução neural e, consequentemente, a severas alterações anatômicas e funcionais nas extremidades do corpo, como membros e região orofacial. De acordo com estas premissas, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura com intuito de mostrar a fisiopatologia da doença e sua classificação de acordo com as suas manifestações. Desta forma, a literatura, por intermédio de alguns estudos, mostrou que esta doença pode provocar alterações que comprometem significativamente a voz, a audição, os órgãos fonoarticulatórios e as funções estomatognáticas, tornando-se assim, de grande relevância à Fonoaudiologia.Hansen's disease is a malady that has high incidence levels in Brazil. It has a chronic bacterial origin, with high infectivity and low pathogenicity, having the man as its primary host, and the Mycobacterium leprae as its etiological agent. The Hansen's bacillus, as it is known, accumulates mainly in the skin, the peripheral nerves and the cranial nerves pairs, causing many skin lesions, as well as loss of neural conduction and, consequently, severe anatomical and functional changes in the ends of the body, such as members and the orofacial region. Based on these premisses, it was carried out a literature review in order to show the pathophysiology of the disease and its classification according to its manifestations. The literature review showed, through some studies, that the disease might cause alterations that significantly compromise the voice, the hearing, the phonoarticulatory organs, and the

  14. Nato and warsaw pact | Wagner | Scientia Militaria: South African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 8, No 4 (1978) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register. Nato and warsaw pact. N Wagner ...

  15. Wagner vitreoretinal degeneration with genetic linkage refinement on chromosome 5q13-q14. (United States)

    Zech, J C; Morlé, L; Vincent, P; Alloisio, N; Bozon, M; Gonnet, C; Milazzo, S; Grange, J D; Trepsat, C; Godet, J; Plauchu, H


    It has been previously described that Wagner disease is linked to chromosome 5q13-q14. This study was carried out to describe the ophthalmological aspects and report the results of genetic linkage analysis in a large pedigree affected by Wagner disease. Fourty members of one same family agreed to be examined. Twenty patients presented vitreoretinal degeneration in both eyes without any extra-ocular abnormalities. In young patients, visual acuity was usually normal after correction of frequent mild myopia. Presenile cataracts progressed by the third decade and required removal for visual rehabilitation. The primary disorder involved an abnormal vitreous. A few avascular vitreous bands were usually the only optical feature in the mostly empty vitreous cavity. A circumferential vitreous condensation formed in contact with the retina on many spots. Less common retinal findings included retinal detachment, abnormal retinal pigmentation, progressive atrophy of the RPE simulating choroideremia and lattice degeneration. Genetic analysis revealed a highly significant linkage (lod score >5.0) between the disease and 10 markers of the chromosome 5q13-q14 region. Two recombination events allowed us to refine the linked interval to 20 cM between the D5S650 and D5S618 markers. Ophthalmological aspects of Wagner's disease appear to progress with age. Regular ophthalmological examination is important for detecting retinal abnormalities. The gene involved in Wagner's disease lies in a 20 cM interval on chromosome 5q13-q14.

  16. Opiniões sobre a doença entre membros da rede social de pacientes de hanseníase no Recife Opinions about Hansen's disease among the members of patients' social network in Recife

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    Katia V. de O. Feliciano


    Full Text Available O presente artigo descreve um estudo realizado no Recife, Brasil, entre novembro de 1993 e julho de 1994, com a finalidade de explorar as opiniões dos membros da rede social (por exemplo, familiares, amigos e vizinhos de portadores de hanseníase na avaliação, interpretação e manejo das manifestações corporais da doença na trajetória que levou ao diagnóstico. A amostra constou de 93 membros da rede social, com idade entre 20 e 70 anos, que apoiaram o curso de ação de 83 pacientes diagnosticados no período do estudo. A análise buscou detectar variáveis capazes de discriminar os membros da rede de apoio dos pacientes de hanseníase classificados como casos (presença de incapacidades ou lesões precursoras de incapacidades ou controles. O estudo evidenciou a escassez de informações sobre a transmissão da hanseníase e revelou um quadro transicional onde se confrontam expectativa de cura e uma visão estigmatizante das conseqüências da doença. Apenas uma quarta parte dos sujeitos do estudo suspeitou, antes do diagnóstico, que o paciente era portador de hanseníase, o que sugere baixa percepção do risco representado pela doença e reforça a concepção da invisibilidade das suas manifestações corporais. Os resultados mostram um perfil de percepção e manejo da hanseníase que pode facilitar a propagação da doença e a instalação ou agravamento das suas conseqüências físicas e sociais.This article describes a study done in Recife, Brazil, between November 1993 and July 1994 to explore the opinions of the members of the social network (for example, family members, friends, and neighbors of carriers of Hansen's disease regarding their estimation, interpretation, and management of physical manifestations of the disease in the time leading up to diagnosis. The sample consisted of 93 members of the social network, ranging in age between 20 and 70 years, who supported the course of action of 83 patients diagnosed in the

  17. The origins of species: the debate between August Weismann and Moritz Wagner. (United States)

    Weissman, Charlotte


    Weismann's ideas on species transmutation were first expressed in his famous debate with Moritz Wagner on the mechanism of speciation. Wagner suggested that the isolation of a colony from its original source is a preliminary and necessary factor for speciation. Weismann accepted a secondary, facilitating role for isolation, but argued that natural and sexual selection are the primary driving forces of species transmutation, and are always necessary and often sufficient causes for its occurrence. The debate with Wagner, which occurred between 1868 and 1872 within the framework of Darwin's discussions of geographical distribution, was Weismann's first public battle over the mechanism of evolution. This paper, which offers the first comprehensive analysis of this debate, extends previous analyses and throws light on the underlying beliefs and motivations of these early evolutionists, focusing mainly on Weismann's views and showing his commitment to what he later called "the all sufficiency of Natural Selection." It led to the crystallization of his ideas on the central and essential role of selection, both natural and sexual, in all processes of evolution, and, already at this early stage in his theoretical thinking, was coupled with sophisticated and nuanced approach to biological organization. The paper also discusses Ernst Mayr's analysis of the debate and highlights aspects of Weismann's views that were overlooked by Mayr and were peripheral to the discussions of other historians of biology.

  18. Reproducibility of the Lauge-Hansen, Danis-Weber, and AO classifications for ankle fractures

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    Lucas Lopes da Fonseca

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective: This study evaluated the reproducibility of the three main classifications of ankle fractures most commonly used in emergency clinical practice: Lauge-Hansen, Danis-Weber, and AO-OTA. The secondary objective was to assess whether the level of professional experience influenced the interobserver agreement for the classification of this pathology. Methods: The study included 83 digitized preoperative radiographic images of ankle fractures, in anteroposterior and lateral views, of different adults that had occurred between January and December 2013. For sample calculation, the estimated accuracy was approximately 15%, with a sampling error of 5% and a sampling power of 80%. The images were analyzed and classified by six different observers: two foot and ankle surgeons, two general orthopedic surgeons, and two-second-year residents in orthopedics and traumatology. The Kappa statistical method of multiple variances was used to assess the variations. Results: The Danis-Weber classification indicated that 40% of the agreements among all observers were good or excellent, whereas only 20% of good and excellent agreements were obtained using the AO and Lauge Hansen classifications. The Kappa index was 0.49 for the Danis-Weber classification, 0.32 for Lauge Hansen, and 0.38 for AO. Conclusion: The Hansen-Lauge classification presented the poorest interobserver agreement among the three systems. The AO classification demonstrated a moderate agreement and the Danis-Weber classification presented an excellent interobserver agreement index, regardless of professional experience.

  19. The Effect of Richard Wagner's Music and Beliefs on Hitler's Ideology

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    Carolyn S. Ticker


    Full Text Available The Holocaust will always be remembered as one of the most horrific and evil events in all of history. One question that has been so pervasive in regards to this historical event is the question of why. Why exactly did Hitler massacre the Jewish people? Why did he come to the conclusion that the Jews were somehow lesser than him, and that it was okay to kill them? What and who were his influences and how did they help form Hitler’s opinions leading up to the Holocaust? Although more than one situation or person influenced Hitler, I believe that one man in particular really helped contribute to Hitler’s ideas, especially about the Jewish people. This man is the famous musician Richard Wagner. While musicologists admit that Wagner was a musical genius, one aspect of his career that is hard to ignore is his strong antisemitism. In addition to speaking about his hatred for the Jews, he also wrote about it in his music, making it hard to glance over. Hitler had been close to the Wagner family, and had an obsessive, cult-like infatuation with Wagner’s music beginning in his childhood. This infatuation with Wagner’s music and his closeness to his later family helped facilitate and solidify his negative views about the Jewish people. In this paper I will explore the antisemitism that is within Wagner’s music and writing, and then I will discuss how Wagner’s antisemitism helped inform, influence, and shape Hitler’s ideas, indirectly assisting in the propagation of the Holocaust.

  20. The divergence of Hansen-Sengupta method applied on Trapezoidal

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Hansen-Sengupta operator is discussed in the light of circular interval arithmetic for the algebraic inclusion of zeros of nonlinear interval systems of equations which is known to be efficient for handling such problems. It was the aim of this paper to extend such good convergence behavior possessed by ...

  1. Muusikamaailm : Lihavõttemuusikat siit ja sealt. Los Angelese Ooperi plaanid. Bayreuthi tuleb Eva Wagner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Salzburgi lihavõttefestivalist, lihavõttekavast New Yorgi Metropolitan Operas ja Roomas. Tulevikukavadest Los Angelese Ooperis. Bayreuthi ooerpifestivali uueks kunstiliseks juhiks valiti E.Wagner-Pasquier

  2. Epidemiologia da hanseníase em coorte de contatos intradomiciliares no Rio de Janeiro (1987-1991

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    Matos Haroldo José de


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi desenvolvido para estudar os fatores que influem no adoecimento dos contatos intradomiciliares de hanseníase. Foi estabelecida uma coorte de contatos intradomiciliares de hanseníase no setor de Hanseníase da Fiocruz, no Rio de Janeiro. Entre 1987 e 1991, em que foram acompanhados 670 contatos saudáveis, a taxa de incidência por pessoa-ano de follow-up foi de 0,01694. Porém, houve variação com o tempo de acompanhamento de cada indivíduo, sendo de 0,06385 ao final do primeiro ano, de 0,03299 ao final do segundo, 0,02370 ao final do terceiro, 0,018622 ao final do quarto e 0,01694 ao final do período. Foi especificado um modelo de regressão logística para os indivíduos acompanhados nos primeiros cinco anos, envolvendo 758 contatos, incluindo nessa situação os casos co-prevalentes. O risco de incidência de hanseníase está relacionado com a negatividade do teste de Mitsuda, com OR de 3,093 (IC95% = 1,735-5,514, com a vacinação pelo BCG, OR de 0,3802 (IC95% = 0,2151-0,66719, e com a forma multibacilar do caso-índice, OR de 2,547 (IC95% = 1,249-5,192. Os resultados indicam que a incidência da hanseníase em contatos está associada à forma multibacilar da doença e aos fatores imunes dos contatos.

  3. Social representation of Hansen's disease thirty years after the term 'leprosy' was replaced in Brazil

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    Oliveira Maria Leide Wand-del-Rey de


    Full Text Available Based on the theories of social representation (SC and Central Core (CC, a structural study was undertaken regarding the neologism hanseníase (Hansen's disease, the term adopted by Brazil's Ministry of Health in the 1970s. Carried out during 2001, this study interviewed eight hundred housewives residing in the Rio de Janeiro and Duque de Caxias municipalities. It found that Hansen's disease is part of a process of modernization of common thinking, anchored in the traditional representation of leprosy. This finding is understandable from the perspective that the central structure of a social representation has a historical determination, so short- and middle-term changes are not to be expected. Furthermore, there has been no ongoing investment in social marketing to make the new terminology more widely known. The authors discuss the relation between social representation and the concept of the history of mentalities.

  4. Utilization of KENO-IV computer code with HANSEN-ROACH library

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lima Barros, M. de; Vellozo, S.O.


    Several analysis with KENO-IV computer code, which is based in the Monte Carlo method, and the cross section library HANSEN-ROACH, were done, aiming to present the more convenient form to execute criticality calculations with this computer code and this cross sections. (E.G.) [pt

  5. An analogue of Wagner's theorem for decompositions of matrix algebras

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, D N


    Wagner's celebrated theorem states that a finite affine plane whose collineation group is transitive on lines is a translation plane. The notion of an orthogonal decomposition (OD) of a classically semisimple associative algebra introduced by the author allows one to draw an analogy between finite affine planes of order n and ODs of the matrix algebra M n (C) into a sum of subalgebras conjugate to the diagonal subalgebra. These ODs are called WP-decompositions and are equivalent to the well-known ODs of simple Lie algebras of type A n-1 into a sum of Cartan subalgebras. In this paper we give a detailed and improved proof of the analogue of Wagner's theorem for WP-decompositions of the matrix algebra of odd non-square order an outline of which was earlier published in a short note in 'Russian Math. Surveys' in 1994. In addition, in the framework of the theory of ODs of associative algebras, based on the method of idempotent bases, we obtain an elementary proof of the well-known Kostrikin-Tiep theorem on irreducible ODs of Lie algebras of type A n-1 in the case where n is a prime-power.

  6. Gallium scintigraphy in Hansen's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Braga, F.J.H.N.; Sao Paulo Univ., SP; Araejo, E.B.; Camargo, E.E.; Tedesco-Marchesi, L.C.M.; Rivitti, M.C.M.; Bouladour, H.; Galle, P.


    Gallium 67 imaging was used in 12 patients with documented Hansen's disease undergoing treatment or not in an attempt to determine the pattern of the disease. Diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology in all patients. The Mitsuda reaction was seen in all patients. Specific nuclear studies were performed when needed to evaluate particular organs better. Gallium 67 images show homogeneous, diffuse and moderate accumulation over the entire skin surface (except for the face) of untreated patients with multibacillary disease. The face skin in these cases presented homogeneous, diffuse but very marked uptake of gallium. Internal organ involvement was variable. There was a very good correlation among clinical, scintigraphical, immunological and histopathological data. The pattern of the body skin ('skin outlining') and face skin ('beard distribution') may be distinct for untreated patients with multibacillary leprosy. (orig.)

  7. Panorama sobre a hanseníase: quadro atual e perspectivas A panorama of Hansen's disease: present status and perspectives

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    Tadiana Alves Moreira


    Full Text Available A entrevistada fala sobre a endemia no Brasil, atualmente com 4.4 casos por dez mil habitantes, sendo o segundo país em número de doentes. Ao discorrer sobre o engajamento do Brasil no programa lançado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, Tadiana explica que o objetivo da OMS é eliminar a hanseníase até 2005. No entanto, ela diz que a meta brasileira é, neste prazo, reduzir a incidência da doença a até menos de um caso por dez mil pessoas. Em nosso país, a estrutura e organização de tal programa, que engloba desde a formação e especialização de profissionais para garantir o diagnóstico precoce, ao acompanhamento do paciente durante o tratamento, é realizado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, implantado em todos os estados da federação. O tratamento poliquimioterápico dura, em média, um ano, se for seguido à risca. Em muitos casos, a doença volta a se manifestar posteriormente. Ela comenta as diferenças de incidência da hanseníase, dependendo da região: já foi eliminada em dois dos três estados do Sul do país, ao passo que em estados do Norte e Centro-Oeste atinge índices hiperendêmicos. Trabalhando em estreita articulação com as associações de pacientes e ex-pacientes, inicialmente como enfermeira e, depois, na implantação das políticas de atenção ao hanseniano, Tadiana Alves Moreira fala sobre a importância do diagnóstico precoce visando evitar seqüelas físicas que a doença provoca quando alcança estágios avançados, e assim, reduzir o estigma que recai sobre os seus portadores.The interviewee speaks about the endemic disease, which at present contaminates 4.4 out of ten thousand inhabitants in Brazil, the country with the second highest number of patients. When Tadiana speaks about the Brazilian participation in the program launched by the World Health Organization, she explains that WHO's objective is to extinguish Hansen's disease on the planet until 2005. However, she says that Brazilian

  8. Seismic reflection-based evidence of a transfer zone between the Wagner and Consag basins: implications for defining the structural geometry of the northern Gulf of California (United States)

    González-Escobar, Mario; Suárez-Vidal, Francisco; Hernández-Pérez, José Antonio; Martín-Barajas, Arturo


    This study examines the structural characteristics of the northern Gulf of California by processing and interpreting ca. 415 km of two-dimensional multi-channel seismic reflection lines (data property of Petróleos Mexicanos PEMEX) collected in the vicinity of the border between the Wagner and Consag basins. The two basins appear to be a link between the Delfín Superior Basin to the south, and the Cerro Prieto Basin to the north in the Mexicali-Imperial Valley along the Pacific-North America plate boundary. The seismic data are consistent with existing knowledge of four main structures (master faults) in the region, i.e., the Percebo, Santa María, Consag Sur, and Wagner Sur faults. The Wagner and Consag basins are delimited to the east by the Wagner Sur Fault, and to the west by the Consag Sur Fault. The Percebo Fault borders the western margin of the modern Wagner Basin depocenter, and is oriented N10°W, dipping (on average) ˜40° to the northeast. The trace of the Santa María Fault located in the Wagner Basin strikes N19°W, dipping ˜40° to the west. The Consag Sur Fault is oriented N14°W, and dips ˜42° to the east over a distance of 21 km. To the east of the study area, the Wagner Sur Fault almost parallels the Consag Sur Fault over a distance of ˜86 km, and is oriented N10°W with an average dip of 59° to the east. Moreover, the data provide new evidence that the Wagner Fault is discontinuous between the two basins, and that its structure is more complex than previously reported. A structural high separates the northern Consag Basin from the southern Wagner Basin, comprising several secondary faults oriented NE oblique to the main faults of N-S direction. These could represent a zone of accommodation, or transfer zone, where extension could be transferred from the Wagner to the Consag Basin, or vice versa. This area shows no acoustic basement and/or intrusive body, which is consistent with existing gravimetric and magnetic data for the region.

  9. Prevalência de olho seco em portadores de hanseníase de um hospital-colônia em Goiânia Prevalence of dry eye in Hansen's disease patients from a colony hospital in Goiânia, Brazil

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    Karys Carvalho Frazão


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de olho seco em hansenianos do Hospital de Dermatologia Sanitária de Goiânia. MÉTODOS: A amostra do presente estudo incluiu 70 hansenianos, do Hospital de Dermatologia Sanitária de Goiânia, e 30 controles, da Fundação Banco de Olhos de Goiás, ambos localizados em Goiânia-GO. Foram realizados exame oftalmológico e testes de Schirmer I, "break-up time" (BUT e rosa bengala em todos estes indivíduos em uma única avaliação. Para o diagnóstico de olho seco foi considerado o teste de Schirmer I menor ou igual a 5 mm e o rosa bengala grau II ou III, em pelo menos um olho. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e quatro (63,0% hansenianos eram do sexo masculino e 22 (73,3% controles, do sexo feminino (p=0,001. A idade média dos hansenianos foi de 61,1±12,5 anos e no grupo controle, 55,7±9,6 anos. Quinze (21,4% hansenianos e quatro (13,3% controles apresentaram diagnóstico de olho seco (p=0,429. A forma virchowiana (HV (74,2% da hanseníase foi a mais prevalente e o olho seco (66,7% foi mais freqüente nesta forma clínica da doença. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de olho seco foi maior no grupo de hansenianos, apesar de não ter havido diferença significativa.PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence of dry eye in Hansen's disease patients from the "Hospital de Dermatologia Sanitária de Goiânia". METHODS: The sample of the present study included 70 patients with Hansen's disease, from the "Hospital de Dermatologia Sanitária de Goiânia", and 30 controls, from the "Fundação Banco de Olhos de Goiás", both located in Goiânia-GO, Brazil. Ophthalmologic examination and Schirmer I, break-up time (BUT and rose Bengal staining tests were carried out for all patients in a single evaluation. For the diagnosis of dry eye the Schirmer I equal or less than 5 mm and rose Bengal grade II or III, in at least one eye were considered. RESULTS: Forty-four (63.0% patients with Hansen's disease were male and 22 (73.3% controls were female

  10. A hanseníase no laboratório Hansen's disease in the laboratory

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    Euzenir Nunes Sarno


    Full Text Available Médica, doutora em patologia, Euzenir Sarno é estudiosa da imunopatologia da hanseníase, infecção crônica das mais antigas que constitui uma doença exclusivamente humana. Integrante de um dos ambulatórios de referência sobre a doença no Brasil, no qual são diagnosticados de 220 a 250 pacientes novos/ano, ressalta que uma das conseqüências da impossibilidade de se cultivar o Mycobacterium leprae é a permanência das mesmas questões seculares a respeito da transmissão e a suscetibilidade à doença. Há, também, muitas interrogações no terreno epidemiológico que permanecem sem resposta. Estima-se que entre as pessoas que mantêm contato com pacientes multibacilares, 90% são infectados mas apenas 8% mais ou menos ficam doentes. O índice elevado de infecção de quem convive com doentes multibacilares, sem que a doença se manifeste, indica que apenas um pequeno número de indivíduos não tem resistência ao Mycobacterium leprae. Essa é uma das questões que a imunologia não consegue responder: por que algumas pessoas têm resistência e outras não. A proporção é menor se o contato ocorrer com pacientes paucibacilares, uma forma de manifestação com poucos bacilos. A hanseníase é conhecida como uma doença dermatológica, mas a especialista destaca que a primeira lesão é anestésica: o nervo é atingido. Além dos nervos sensitivos da pele, há danos que determinam lesões motoras e deformidades irreversíveis, que levam à amputação de extremidades. O Mycobacterium leprae foi uma das primeiras bactérias patogênicas que tiveram o genoma completamente seqüenciado, em 2000. Agora é que se está começando a ter realmente condições para obter testes mais precisos. A doença não é hereditária e apenas em 1986 os serviços de saúde no Brasil passaram a se organizar para combatê-la, pois durante os vinte anos de ditadura militar o sistema foi desmantelado. Em 1991, o tratamento de um ano que inclui tr

  11. Uudised : RAMi lauljad Iisraelis. Lauluvõistlus Pärnus. Wagner, ka Eestis. Juuniküüditamise mälestuskontsert / Joosep Sang

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sang, Joosep


    Osa RAMi lauljaist osaleb Tel Avivis Iisraeli Uue Ooperi etendustel, B.Britteni ooperi "Billy Budd" lavastuses. Pärnus 2.-6. mail toimunud II Klaudia Taevi nim. noorte lauljate konkursi tulemustest. 17. mail EMAs toimuvast teaduskonverentsist "Richard Wagner, ka Eestis", 18. mail toimuvast galakontserdist ja näituse "Wagner Eesti laval" avamisest Estonia kontserdisaalis. 15. mail Narvas ja 16. mail Rakveres toimuvast Mozarti "Reekviemi" ettekandest juuniküüditamise mälestuseks

  12. [Problems and complications of leg lengthening with the Wagner apparatus]. (United States)

    Herzog, R; Hefti, F


    Since 1971, we have performed 189 leg lengthening procedures using the Wagner method at our institution. The results obtained in the first 26 cases (1971-1973) showed a high complication rate, which led us to reconsider the indications for this procedure. In the present paper, we analyze the results of 37 leg lengthening procedures carried out in 32 patients during the last 10 years (1981-1990) in the children's unit of the orthopedic department of the University of Basle. We found a complication rate of 78%, and in 46% of cases there was more than one major complication. We did not distinguish between "complications" and "problems", because such distinctions are of little importance to the patient. The average age at the time of surgery was 14.8 years, and the average increase in length was 4.3 (2.2-9.2) cm. For each 1 cm of lengthening, an average of 21 days in hospital and 64 days of reduced weight-bearing were needed. Our conclusion is that the Wagner method makes it possible to attain the goal of leg lengthening, but the second step cannot reduce the length of stay in hospital or the length of time the patient needs the help of crutches. Bone remodeling is disturbed. Our preliminary experience with the Ilizarov method is more encouraging.

  13. Comparison of Hansen--Roach and ENDF/B-IV cross sections for 233U criticality calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McNeany, S.R.; Jenkins, J.D.


    A comparison is made between criticality calculations performed using ENDF/B-IV cross sections and the 16-group Hansen-- Roach library at ORNL. The area investigated is homogeneous systems of highly enriched 233 U in simple geometries. Calculations are compared with experimental data for a wide range of H/ 233 U ratios. Results show that calculations of k/sub eff/ made with the Hansen--Roach cross sections agree within 1.5 percent for the experiments considered. Results using ENDF/B-IV cross sections were in good agreement for well-thermalized systems, but discrepancies up to 7 percent in k/sub eff/ were observed in fast and epithermal systems

  14. TSKT-ORAM: A Two-Server k-ary Tree Oblivious RAM without Homomorphic Encryption

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    Jinsheng Zhang


    Full Text Available This paper proposes TSKT-oblivious RAM (ORAM, an efficient multi-server ORAM construction, to protect a client’s access pattern to outsourced data. TSKT-ORAM organizes each of the server storages as a k-ary tree and adopts XOR-based private information retrieval (PIR and a novel delayed eviction technique to optimize both the data query and data eviction process. TSKT-ORAM is proven to protect the data access pattern privacy with a failure probability of 2 - 80 when system parameter k ≥ 128 . Meanwhile, given a constant-size local storage, when N (i.e., the total number of outsourced data blocks ranges from 2 16 – 2 34 , the communication cost of TSKT-ORAM is only 22–46 data blocks. Asymptotic analysis and practical comparisons are conducted to show that TSKT-ORAM incurs lower communication cost, storage cost and access delay in practical scenarios than the compared state-of-the-art ORAM schemes.

  15. Tundmatud kohad ja asjade loomus / Katrine Gram Sloth, Johna Hansen ; intervjueerinud Laura Põld

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gram Sloth, Katrine, 1983-


    Taani kunstnik Katrine Gram Sloth ja Rootsi arhitekt Johna Hansen räägivad oma lapsepõlvest, kunstnikuteest, loomingust. Johna Hanseni jaapanipärasest einelaua installatsioonist "Laud" (2015-2016), Katrine Gram Slothi Islandil loodud teosest "Vista Revisited" (2015)

  16. Use of skin graft "punch graft" type for the healing of leg ulcers in treated hansen's disease patients


    Cardia, Carla Christiane de Oliveira


    Hansen's disease is an infectious illness caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It affects preferentially the skin and the peripheral nervous system leading to incapacities, such as leg ulcers, which happens due to the direct action of the bacillus on the organs or its indirect action on the peripheral nervous system. Leg ulcers can occur by two physiopathologic processes. There are many treatments for general leg ulcers, which include the ones caused by Hansen's disease sequels. Among them, surgic...

  17. Tendências da hanseníase no Tocantins, um estado hiperendêmico do Norte do Brasil, 2001-2012

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    Lorena Dias Monteiro


    Full Text Available A hanseníase é hiperendêmica no Estado do Tocantins, Brasil. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as tendências dos indicadores da hanseníase no Tocantins em 2001-2012. Análise de dados advindos do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN. Incluíram-se casos novos de residentes no Tocantins. Calcularam-se os indicadores da hanseníase e analisaram-se as tendências temporais por meio de regressão polinomial. Houve tendência significativa e decrescente para a detecção geral (R2 = 0,40; p 0,05, detecção de casos com grau 2 de incapacidade física (R2 = 0,37; p > 0,05 e proporção de casos com grau 2 (R2 = 0,49; p > 0,05. Houve aumento significativo para a proporção de casos com grau 1 de incapacidade (R2 = 0,82; p < 0,05 e proporção de casos multibacilares (R2 = 0,81; p < 0,05. O Tocantins apresenta regiões com alta transmissão e diagnóstico tardio da hanseníase, apontando a expansão da doença de forma heterogênea na análise temporal.

  18. Bayo Azteca, primera variedad mejorada de frijol con resistencia a Apion godmani Wagner Bayo Azteca, first improved bean variety with resistance to Apion godmani Wagner


    Ramón Garza-García; Carmen Jacinto-Hernández; Dagoberto Garza-García


    Bayo Azteca, la primera variedad mejorada de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), con resistencia a una plaga insectil, ha sido obtenida por el programa de frijol del Campo Experimental Valle de México, del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias por cruzas múltiples, esto involucró un largo proceso de mejora genética. Bayo Azteca es la primera variedad mejorada resistente al picudo del ejote (Apion godmani Wagner), un curculiónido que ataca al frijol en las zonas t...

  19. 42 CFR 22.1 - Duty at a station of the Service devoted to the care of Hansen's disease patients; additional pay. (United States)


    ... care of Hansen's disease patients and who continues to be assigned to such duty, shall receive special... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Duty at a station of the Service devoted to the care of Hansen's disease patients; additional pay. 22.1 Section 22.1 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH...

  20. Dialogens kunstner : Dialog og performativitet hos Martin A. Hansen – med særligt henblik på hans ikke-fiktive forfatterskab

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bay, A.


    This thesis is about the Danish writer Martin A. Hansen (1909-1955) and focusses on his essayistic works in which he acts as an engaged – but more importantly – also as a dialogical social critic. I have primarily looked into the way Martin A. Hansen (MAH) uses dialogue in his writings about modern

  1. A family with Wagner syndrome with uveitis and a new versican mutation


    Rothschild, Pierre-Rapha?l; Br?zin, Antoine P.; Nedelec, Brigitte; des Roziers, Cyril Burin; Ghiotti, Tiffany; Orhant, Lucie; Boimard, Mathieu; Valleix, Sophie


    Purpose To report the clinical and molecular findings of a kindred with Wagner syndrome (WS) revealed by intraocular inflammatory features. Methods Eight available family members underwent complete ophthalmologic examination, including laser flare cell meter measurements. Collagen, type II, alpha 1, versican (VCAN), frizzled family receptor 4, low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5, tetraspanin 12, and Norrie disease (pseudoglioma) genes were screened with direct sequencing. Resul...

  2. Durand, Guadet e Wagner. L'evoluzione del metodo compositivo tra XIX e XX secolo / Durand, Guadet and Wagner. The evolution of the compositive method between 19th and 20th Century

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    Andrés Caballero Lobera


    Full Text Available Il XIX secolo fu un’epoca convulsa per quanto riguarda l’evoluzione del pensiero architettonico. In quanto apice del pensiero illuminista del secolo precedente, tale epoca si manifestò nelle forme dell’architettura storica e allo stesso tempo divenne l’immagine della modernità, stabilendo le basi di quel razionalismo, che avrebbe costruito, ai margini della storia, la sua idea di forma. Tre dei maggiori protagonisti di questo sviluppo, sia per quanto riguarda il loro lavoro di architetti, che come insegnanti, furono Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand, Julien Guadet e Otto Wagner / The 19th century was a time of upheaval in the development of architectonic thinking. As culmination of the enlightened thinking of the previous century it expressed itself through historical form, and as a reflection of modernity, it established the bases for a rationalist-based architecture that would construct its wish for form outside the margins of history. We highlight the teaching work of three professors and architects in the construction of that thinking: Durand, Guadet and Wagner.

  3. Revolutionary Art – Nationalism – Anti-Semitism: The Case of Wagner

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    Goran Gretić


    Full Text Available The article deals with the political aspects of revolutionary art of Richard Wagner. Through reading of Wagner’s artistic-philosophical project by his most influential interpreters – Friedrich Nietzsche, Thomas Mann and Theodor Adorno – author offers intellectual history of the reception of this project. Discourse on Wagner’s revolutionary art leads to the assessment of the influence Wagner’s cultural anti-Semitism and nationalism had on European politics in 20th century.

  4. Podometry: a critical evaluation of its use in Hansen's disease

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    Júlia Maria D'Andréa Greve

    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of podometry to measure the pressure developed over the feet and the value of these findings to help in the prevention of the plantar neuropathic ulcer in patients bearing Hansen's disease. We evaluated 13 patients with impaired plantar pain and touch sensations and 17 normal patients. All the patients were submitted to static evaluation using the podometer. The system employed was the "Midcapteur" commercial podometer composed of a platform for acquisition of analogic data capable of registering the segmental pressures applied to the feet. These data are read by a 386 IBM/PC compatible computer that registers the graphic patterns obtained from the pressures developed and also calculates the modes of pressure distribution in the four quadrants of the foot. These data obtained by means of static podometry were compared to the clinical evaluation of pain and touch sensation of the feet in hansenian patients. The results demonstrate that podometery is an efficient method for evaluating the pressure in impaired feet in Hansen's disease and is a progression of neuropathic ulcer; it is sensitive in the identification of the spots of increased pressure in anesthetic and anomalous areas, asymmetries and in correlating the presence of ulcers with increased pressure.


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    Hendy Tannady


    Full Text Available Tidak bisa dipungkiri, setelah melewati tahapan dimana faktor Kualitas dan Kapabilitas Memproduksi Masal merupakan dimensi yang dianggap penting bagi industri dalam terus mempertahankan eksistensi dan mampu terus berkompetisi, kini kompetisi industri tengah memasuki era kompetisi dimana kapabilitas yang baik dalam Information Technology dan Supply Chain Management dipandang dapat menjadi bagian penting kompetensi pokok untuk terus bersaing. Penelitian ini membahas tentang perancangan pemenuhan permintaan terhadap permintaan gula rafinasi dari sebuah perusahaan yang berlokasi di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Saat ini pemerintah memiliki kebijakan untuk membatasi jumlah perusahaan yang memiliki akses produksi dan menjual gula rafinasi, sedangkan pertumbuhan permintaan domestik terus tumbuh, mengantisipasi hal ini, diperlukan sebuah perencanaan terhadap strategi pemenuhan pesanan. Penelitian menggunakan metode Wagner Within dalam membantu perusahaan membuat rancangan persediaan. Tujuan jangka panjang adalah mencari metode terbaik yang dapat meringkas anggaran perusahaan tanpa mengesampingkan kepuasan customer. Menurut John dan Riley (1985 Supply Chain Management berhubungan dengan total aliran material dari supplier hingga customer akhir. Penelitian berfokus kepada aliran material dari Manufaktur kepada distributor dan manufaktur rekanan yang membutuhkan bahan baku untuk memproduksi produk lain. Data yang digunakan diambil menggunakan data riil sekunder, pengolahan data juga memasukkan variabel seperti biaya yang ditimbulkan akibat persediaan (Holding Cost dan set up cost. Hasil akhir penelitian adalah diperoleh data tabel perencanaan persediaan untuk periode permintaan 12 periode kedepan untuk pemenuhan permintaan di area Makassar dan Manado, untuk area Makassar pemenuhan persediaan dilakukan setiap periode permintaan, sedangkan untuk area Manado pemenuhan persediaan dilakukan pada periode 1 dan 3. Kata Kunci : supply chain management, wagner within

  6. Deprescribing for frail older people - Learning from the case of Mrs. Hansen. (United States)

    Granas, Anne Gerd; Stendal Bakken, Marit; Ruths, Sabine; Taxis, Katja


    Drug treatment is often an essential part in treatment and prevention of diseases in older people, but there is much concern about inappropriate medication use. This paper aims to describe the complexity of medication safety issues and clinical judgments when optimizing prescribing in older individuals. It uses the case of Mrs. Hansen, an aged nursing home resident, to illustrate the facilitators and barriers of this process. With decreasing life expectancy, medication use should shift from cure to care, focusing on symptomatic treatment to increase the patient's well-being. In Mrs. Hansen's case, the number of (potentially) dangerous medications were reduced, and non-pharmacological alternatives were considered. There were some medicines added, as underprescribing can also be a problem in older people. Deprescribing long-standing treatment can be interpreted by the patient and family as "giving up hope". More clinical evidence and practical communication tools are needed to guide deprescribing decisions, taking medical and patient-centered priorities into account. Studies evaluating such interventions should select outcome measures that are particularly relevant for frail old individuals. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  7. Hansen solubility parameters for a carbon fiber/epoxy composite

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Launay, Helene; Hansen, Charles M.; Almdal, Kristoffer


    In this study, the physical affinity between an epoxy matrix and oxidized, unsized carbon fibers has been evaluated using Hansen solubility (cohesion) parameters (HSP). A strong physical compatibility has been shown, since their respective HSP are close. The use of a glassy carbon substrate...... as a model for unsized carbon fiber has been demonstrated as appropriate for the study of interactions between the materials in composite carbon fiber-epoxy systems. The HSP of glassy carbon are similar to those of carbon fibers and epoxy matrix. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved....

  8. Fatal Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in a patient with diabetes mellitus and Hansen's disease. (United States)

    Gopal, Vani; Mangaiyarkarasi, T; Gopal, R


    Klebsiella is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes different types of health care-associated infections including pneumonia, bloodstream infections, surgical site infections and meningitis. We report here a case of Klebsiella pneumoniae meningitis in a patient with diabetes mellitus and Hansen's disease. A middle-aged man with a known case of diabetes mellitus and Hansen's disease presented with the complaints of blurred vision in the left eye and the patient was found to have cataract. Patient was operated for cataract and Intraocular lens implanted. Patient developed headache and vomiting on the 4th post-operative day. Lumbar puncture was carried out and gram stain of cerebrospinal fluid showed Gram-negative bacilli in the direct smear and culture yielded a heavy growth of K. pneumoniae. The patient was treated with antimicrobials according to the susceptibility pattern. He initially showed improvement but later on developed altered sensorium and hypotension. Patient succumbed to infection in spite of all medical attention.

  9. Detecção de casos novos de hanseníase no município de Prudentópolis, PR: uma análise de 1998 a 2005


    Sanches,Lucas Augusto Thomé; Pittner,Elaine; Sanches,Hermes Francisco; Monteiro,Marta Chagas


    Este trabalho teve como objetivo detectar os casos novos de hanseníase do período de 1998 a 2005 no município de Prudentópolis, PR. Assim como, verificar a faixa etária e a forma clínica predominante entre os casos de hanseníase. Os dados foram obtidos através das fichas clínico-epidemiológicas de casos com diagnóstico definitivo de hanseníase notificado no Sistema de Informação sobre Agravos de Notificação, de 1998 a 2005. Neste período, foram relatados 222 casos de hanseníase, dos quais 63%...

  10. Social representation of Hansen's disease thirty years after the term "leprosy" was replaced in Brazil. (United States)

    Oliveira, Maria Leide Wand-del-Rey; Mendes, Carla Maria; Tardin, Rachel Tebaldi; Cunha, Mônica Duarte; Arruda, Angela


    Based on the theories of social representation (SC) and Central Core (CC), a structural study was undertaken regarding the neologism hanseniase (Hansen's disease), the term adopted by Brazil's Ministry of Health in the 1970s. Carried out during 2001, this study interviewed eight hundred housewives residing in the Rio de Janeiro and Duque de Caxias municipalities. It found that Hansen's disease is part of a process of modernization of common thinking, anchored in the additional representation of leprosy. This finding is understandable from the perspective that the central structure of a social representation has a historical determination, so short -and middle-term changes are not to be expected. Furthermore, there has been no ongoing investment in social marketing to make the new terminology more widely known. The authors discuss the relation between social representation and the concept of the history of mentalities.

  11. Empirical Asset Pricing: Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, and Robert Shiller


    Campbell, John Y.


    The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for 2013 was awarded to Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen, and Robert Shiller for their contributions to the empirical study of asset pricing. Some observers have found it hard to understand the common elements of the laureates research, preferring to highlight areas of disagreement among them. This paper argues that empirical asset pricing is a coherent enterprise, which owes much to the laureates seminal contributions, and that important themes in ...

  12. 22 tundi tõde ja õigust Anton Hansen Tammsaare moodi / Risto Berendson, Marika Rajamäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Berendson, Risto, 1975-


    30. okt. kirjutati Anton Hansen Tammsaare sünniaastapäeva puhul alla lepingule, mis toob Vargamäele maratonetenduse kogu "Tõe ja õiguse" põhjal. Etendus toimub 21.-22. juunini. Kommenteerib Ülo Tonts

  13. Significados e usos de materiais educativos sobre hanseníase segundo profissionais de saúde pública do Município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Meanings and use of educational materials on Hansen disease according to public health officials in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Adriana Kelly-Santos


    Full Text Available O artigo objetiva refletir sobre os processos comunicativos de Programas de Controle de Hanseníase (PCH do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, por meio da análise da recepção de materiais educativos por profissionais de dois serviços de saúde pública no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. O trabalho discute em que medida a análise de impressos favorece a negociação dos sentidos e das práticas sobre hanseníase vigentes nos PCH. Foram analisados 38 materiais produzidos entre 1993 a 2005, por instituições governamentais e não-governamentais e realizados dois grupos focais com profissionais atuantes no PCH. Durante os grupos focais 6 materiais foram examinados. Os resultados revelaram a verticalidade e fragmentação nos processos comunicativos, expressas pela: ênfase em campanhas, produção centralizada, homogeneização dos públicos e conteúdos e privilégio dado ao saber biomédico. As atividades horizontais e participativas não eram comuns. Foi identificada uma lacuna entre a institucionalização do discurso da hanseníase, como alternativa à terminologia da lepra, e a sua circulação e consumo entre os diferentes atores sociais.This article reflects on the communications processes in the Hansen Disease Control Programs under the Unified National Health System (SUS in Brazil, analyzing how professionals at two public health services in Rio de Janeiro perceive the educational materials on the disease. The article discusses how analysis of printed materials favors negotiation of prevailing meanings and practices on Hansen disease in the programs. Thirty-eight different educational materials were analyzed (produced from 1993 to 2005 by governmental and nongovernmental institutions through two focus groups with program staff. Six materials were examined during the focus groups. The findings showed the communications processes are vertical and fragmented, with an emphasis on campaigns, centralized production of materials, homogenization of

  14. Prevenção de incapacidade na hanseníase com apoio em um manual de autocuidado para pacientes


    Rodini,Fernanda Carvalho Batista; Gonçalves,Mayara; Barros,Ana Regina de Souza Bavaresco; Mazzer,Nilton; Elui,Valéria Meirelles Carril; Fonseca,Marisa de Cássia Registro


    A hanseníase é uma doença infectocontagiosa, de evolução lenta, que se manifesta por sinais e sintomas dermatoneurológicos, com lesões na pele e nos nervos periféricos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o status físico e funcional de olhos, mãos e pés de pacientes com hanseníase, em relação ao aparecimento e evolução de deficiências sensitivo-motoras, grau de incapacidade e qualidade de vida, tendo os pacientes recebido e utilizado durante um ano um manual especialmente elaborado, com orien...

  15. Avaliação da dor em portadores de hanseníase submetidos à mobilização neural


    Véras,Larissa Sales Téles; Vale,Rodrigo Gomes de Souza; Mello,Danielli Braga de; Castro,José Adail Fonseca de; Dantas,Estélio Henrique Martin


    Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito da técnica de mobilização neural sobre a percepção da dor em portadores de hanseníase. A amostra de 56 indivíduos portadores de hanseníase foi randomizada em: grupo experimental (GMN) composto por 29 indivíduos submetidos ao tratamento com mobilização neural e grupo controle (GC) composto por 27 indivíduos que foram submetidos ao tratamento convencional. A percepção da dor foi avaliada através da Escala Visual Analógica, indicando-se em uma extre...

  16. 75 FR 49516 - Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge and the Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian... (United States)


    ... that dredge-spoil islands provide benefits for wildlife. Julia Butler Hansen Refuge Alternative 1 Under... safety purposes, studying potential wilderness lands, developing a bicycling and hiking trail, installing...

  17. Vivências compartilhadas de filhos separados pela hanseníase no RN a luz da história oral de vida


    Cabral, Ana Michele de Farias


    Várias epidemias marcaram a vida das pessoas e coletividades, em todos os períodos históricos, sendo um dos principais exemplos a hanseníase, doença infecto-contagiosa, marcada pelo estigma, preconceito e exclusão social. No passado, o isolamento compulsório dos pacientes portadores de hanseníase causou sérios problemas sociais e psicológicos, resultando no afastamento e na ruptura total ou parcial do vínculo familiar. Os filhos privados desse convívio, retirados muitas vezes de forma desuman...

  18. Tectonoestratigraphic and Thermal Models of the Tiburon and Wagner Basins, northern Gulf of California Rift System (United States)

    Contreras, J.; Ramirez Zerpa, N. A.; Negrete-Aranda, R.


    The northern Gulf of California Rift System consist sofa series faults that accommodate both normal and strike-slip motion. The faults formed a series of half-greens filled with more than 7 km of siliciclastic suc­cessions. Here, we present tectonostratigraphic and heat flow models for the Tiburón basin, in the southern part of the system, and the Wag­ner basin in the north. The models are constrained by two-dimensional seis­mic lines and by two deep boreholes drilled by PEMEX­-PEP. Analysis of the seismic lines and models' results show that: (i) subsidence of the basins is controlled by high-angle normal faults and by flow of the lower crust, (ii) basins share a common history, and (iii) there are significant differences in the way brittle strain was partitioned in the basins, a feature frequently observed in rift basins. On one hand, the bounding faults of the Tiburón basin have a nested geometry and became active following a west-to-east sequence of activation. The Tiburon half-graben was formed by two pulses of fault activity. One took place during the protogulf extensional phase in the Miocene and the other during the opening of Gulf of California in the Pleistocene. On the other hand, the Wagner basin is the result of two fault generations. During the late-to middle Miocene, the west-dipping Cerro Prieto and San Felipe faults formed a domino array. Then, during the Pleistocene the Consag and Wagner faults dissected the hanging-wall of the Cerro Prieto fault forming the modern Wagner basin. Thermal modeling of the deep borehole temperatures suggests that the heat flow in these basins in the order of 110 mW/m2 which is in agreement with superficial heat flow measurements in the northern Gulf of California Rift System.

  19. Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and rheumatic disease in the Warao, Kari'ña, and Chaima indigenous populations of Monagas State, Venezuela. (United States)

    Granados, Ysabel; Rosillo, Celenia; Cedeño, Ligia; Martínez, Yanira; Sánchez, Gloris; López, Geovalis; Pérez, Fernando; Martínez, Damarys; Maestre, Gabriela; Berbin, Sol; Chacón, Rosa; Stekman, Iván; Valls, Evart; Peláez-Ballestas, Ingris


    This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and rheumatic diseases in the Warao, Kari'ña, and Chaima indigenous populations of Monagas State, Venezuela. A cross-sectional, analytical, community-based study was conducted in 1537 indigenous subjects ≥18 years old (38.6 % male, mean age 41.4 ± 17.5 years). The cross-culturally validated Community Oriented Program for the Control of Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) diagnostic questionnaire was applied. Subjects with a positive COPCORD diagnosis (either historic or current pain) were evaluated by primary care physicians and rheumatologists. A descriptive analysis was performed and comparisons made using analysis of variance and the chi-square test. Pain in the last 7 days was reported by 32.9 %, with pain intensity, according to a Likert-type scale [no pain, 195 (38.5 %); minimal pain, 231 (45.6 %); strong pain, 68 (13.4 %); intense pain, 5 (0.9 %)], 38.0 % reported historical pain, and 641 (41.7 %) had either historic or current pain. Of the COPCORD-positive subjects, pain most frequently occurred in the knee, back, and hands. Musculoskeletal and rheumatic diseases included osteoarthritis (14.1 %), back pain (12.4 %), rheumatic regional pain syndromes (RRPS) (9.7 %), undifferentiated arthritis (1.5 %), rheumatoid arthritis (1.1 %), and fibromyalgia (0.5 %). Chaima (18.3 %) and Kari'ña (15.6 %) subjects had a high prevalence of osteoarthritis, and Warao subjects had a high prevalence of low back pain (13.8 %). The prevalence of RRPS was high in all three ethnic groups. The Chaima group had the highest prevalence of rheumatic diseases, with 2.0 % having rheumatoid arthritis. This study provides useful information for health care policy-making in indigenous communities.

  20. Surviving the "School of Slavery": Acculturation in Sharon Draper's "Copper Sun" and Joyce Hansen's "The Captive" (United States)

    Chandler, Karen Michele


    Although children's literature has long alluded to cultural connections between Africans and African Americans, very few texts establish clear lines of influence between particular African ethnic groups and African American characters and communities. Joyce Hansen's "The Captive" (1994) and Sharon Draper's "Copper Sun" (2006)…

  1. Atuação do enfermeiro no controle epidemiológico da hanseníase

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    Sara Augusta dos Santos


    Full Text Available Analisou-se seníase, na Seção de Dermatologia Sanitária do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, UERJ. Pretendeu-se alcançar três objetivos entre eles comparar a qualidade do controle epidemiológico dos casos novos de hanseníase em registro ativo de 1986, com os mesmos casos relativos ao período de 1987. Aplicou-se o método descritivo e análise de documentos dos prontuários desses clientes. Utilizou-se um formulário com questões de múltipla escolha e preenchimento de claros, totalizando 27 itens. Constatou-se que o enfermeiro interfere nas variáveis: exames para firmar diagnóstico, exames de contatos e educação para saúde, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade assistencial do hanseniano. Conclui-se que há diferença significativa na qualidade do controle epidemiológico da hanseníase entre os grupos constituídos.


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    Indirawati Tjahja N


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Background: Dental caries are usual/y caused by poor oral hygiene, resulting in the accumulation of plaque that contains a variety of bacteria. Method: This study uses diagnostic test research design. The study was conducted at the health center Kedondong, Ketapang district of West Kalimantan. Subjects numbered 30 children, consisting of men and women aged 15 years, each subject wil/ be examined by 10 dentists and 10 non-dentists. Non-dentists include nursing academy, academy of nutrition, pharmaceutical academy, academy of enviromental health and public health scholers. The research objective was to compare the results of the DMF- T (Decay Missing Fil/ing Treatment between a dentist and non-dentist. Result: The results obtained, the smal/est difference mean DMF- T with the dentist examiner was between 3.8000-3.8667, while the non-dentist examiner is 3.1333. Conclusion: The measurement of non-dentists is lower than the measurement of the dentist. Key words: dental caries, DMF- T, dentist and non-dentist, aged 15 years ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Karies gigi umumnya disebabkan, karena kebersihan mulut yang buruk, sehingga terjadi akumulasi plak yang mengandung berbagai macam bakteri. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian uji Diagnostik. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Kedondong kabupaten Ketapang Kalimantan Barat. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 30 anak, yang terdiri dari laki-laki dan perempuan yang berusia 15 tahun, Masing-masing subjek akan diperiksa oleh 10 orang dokter gigi dan 10 orang non-dokter gigi. Non-dokter gigi meliputi Akademi Keperawatan, Akademi Gizi, Akademi Farmasi, Akademi Kesehatan Lingkungan, dan Sarjana Kesahatan Masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah membandingkan hasil pemeriksaan DMF- T (Decay Missing Fil/ing Treatment antara dokter gigi dengan non-dokter gigi. Hasil: Hasil penelitian didapatkan, beda mean yang terkecil DMF- T dengan pemeriksa dokter gigi adalah diantara 3.8000-3.8667, sedang pemeriksa non

  3. Læremiddeltjek af Fandange - dansk for 5. klasse af Trine May og Susanne Arne-Hansen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Mette Vedsgaard


    Fandango 5 er skrevet af Trine May og Susanne Arne-Hansen og er første gang udgivet i 2009. Systemet er siden kommet i flere oplag. Fandango – dansk for 5. klasse består af en grundbog (264 sider) Arbejdsbog A (64 sider) Arbejdsbog B (64 sider), en lærervejledning (ca. 220 sider) og en hjemmeside...

  4. Edema na hanseníase: aspectos clínicos e terapêuticos


    Valentini,Attilio; Nery,José A.C.; Salles,Ana Maria; Vieira,Leila M.M.; Sarno,Euzenir N.


    Durante o curso da hanseníase, o edema comumente descrito como um sintoma de estados reacionais, pode ocorrer. Tanto o diagnóstico como a terapêutica adequada são, freqüentemente, difíceis de conseguir e assim podem acarretar permanente dano aos membros inferiores. Em um ano de acompanhamento, pacientes hansenianos - 10 multibacilares e 1 paucibacilar -, que foram submetidos a um protocolo clínico para o diagnóstico e classificação histopatológica, apresentaram clinicamente edema, localizado ...

  5. Amiloidose e insuficiência renal crônica terminal associada à hanseníase Amyloidosis and end-stage renal disease associated with leprosy

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    Geraldo Bezerra da Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available O envolvimento renal na hanseníase é diverso, incluindo glomerulonefrites, amiloidose e nefrite túbulo-intersticial. Um homem de 58 anos foi admitido com edema de membros inferiores e dispnéia. Na admissão, havia retenção de escórias nitrogenadas, anemia, hipercalemia e acidose metabólica, com necessidade de hemodiálise. Referia história de hanseníase virchoviana. Foi realizada biopsia renal, compatível com amiloidose. O paciente evoluiu estável, sem recuperação da função renal, permanecendo em tratamento hemodialítico. A hanseníase deve ser investigada em todo paciente com perda de função renal, sobretudo naqueles que apresentam lesões cutâneas ou outras manifestações sugestivas de hanseníase.Renal involvement in leprosy includes glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis and tubulointerstitial nephritis. A 58-year-old man was admitted with complaints of lower limb edema and dyspnea. At admission, nitrogen retention, anemia, hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis were observed, requiring hemodialysis. The patient had a history of lepromatous leprosy. A renal biopsy was performed that was compatible with amyloidosis. The patient had a stable outcome, but without renal function recovery and remained on regular hemodialysis. Leprosy should be investigated in every patient with renal function loss, particularly in those with cutaneous lesions or other manifestations suggestive of leprosy.

  6. Rapid Communication. Tamarixia monesus (Walker (Hym.: Eulophidae parasitoid of Bactericera tremblayi (Wagner, 1961 (Hemiptera: Triozidae in Iran

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    Lotfalizadeh Hossein


    Full Text Available Bactericera tremblayi (Wagner, 1961 (Hemiptera: Triozidae is reported on Brassica oleracea var. capitata (Brassicaceae in northwestern Iran. Tamarixia monesus (Walker (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Eulophidae was reared for the first time on B. tremblayi, and compared with Tamarixia tremblayi, another parasitoid of B. tremblayi. This is a new record of T. monesus from the Middle East.

  7. Edema na hanseníase: aspectos clínicos e terapêuticos

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    Valentini Attilio


    Full Text Available Durante o curso da hanseníase, o edema comumente descrito como um sintoma de estados reacionais, pode ocorrer. Tanto o diagnóstico como a terapêutica adequada são, freqüentemente, difíceis de conseguir e assim podem acarretar permanente dano aos membros inferiores. Em um ano de acompanhamento, pacientes hansenianos - 10 multibacilares e 1 paucibacilar -, que foram submetidos a um protocolo clínico para o diagnóstico e classificação histopatológica, apresentaram clinicamente edema, localizado ou sistêmico. Entre estes pacientes, cinco apresentaram simultaneamente outros sintomas de reação, 4 foram classificados como reação Tipo I e um como reação tipo II. Por outro lado, três pacientes não apresentaram reação no momento do diagnóstico, mas desenvolveram alguns aspectos de reação posteriormente (2 tiveram neurite e um teve reação tipo I. Os edemas observados precedendo ou associados a quadros reacionais apresentaram ótima resposta clínica às drogas de ação anti-inflamatória (corticóide, talidomida e pentoxifilina utilizadas para o tratamento dos estados reacionais, na ausência de qualquer outro tratamento normalmente usado para edema. Embora necessitem ser confirmados por estudos controlados, estes dados sugerem fortemente que mecanismos imunológicos estejam envolvidos na fisiopatologia dos edemas na hanseníase.

  8. A geometria fractal da rede de drenagem da bacia hidrográfica do Caeté, Alfredo Wagner-SC Fractal geometry of the drainage network of the Caeté river watershed, Alfredo Wagner-SC

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    Leandro Redin Vestena


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estimar e avaliar a dimensão fractal da rede de drenagem da bacia hidrográfica do Caeté, em Alfredo Wagner, SC, a partir de diferentes métodos, com o propósito de caracterizar as formas geomorfológicas irregulares. A rede de drenagem apresenta propriedades multifractais. As dimensões fractais para os segmentos individuais (df e para a rede de drenagem inteira (Df foram determinadas por métodos que se fundamentaram nas razões de Horton e pelo método da contagem de caixas (Box-Counting. A rede de drenagem tem característica de autoafinidade. A dimensão fractal proveniente da relação de parâmetros obtidos pelas Leis de Horton apresentou resultados dentro dos limiares da teoria da geometria fractal.The objective of the present work was to evaluate the fractal dimensions of the drainage network of the Caeté river watershed, Alfredo Wagner/SC, with different methods in order to characterize the irregular geomorphologic forms. The drainage network possesses multi-fractal properties. That is why the fractal dimensions for the individual segments (df and for the entire network (Df were evaluated with Horton's Laws and the Box-Counting method. The drainage network has self-affinity characteristics. The fractal dimension obtained through the parameters relationship of Horton's Laws showed the results within the thresholds of the fractal geometry theory.


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    Pandji Winata Nurikhwan


    Full Text Available Abstract: Inflammation in patients with diabetic foot will activate platelets and cause aggregation and lead to stasis of blood flow. This inflammation is caused by infection of the diabetic foot. Management of diabetic foot infections in patients is the use of antibiotics. However, the presence of vascularization disorders causing antibiotic delivery to the site of infection to be disrupted so that the process of eradication of infection would be inhibited. One of inflamation markers on patient with diabetic foot is increasing of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESRs.The general objective of this study was to determine the efficacy difference between cilostazol and aspirin as an adjuvant to accelerate tissue healing of diabetic foot care Wagner Grade II – III based on erythrocyte sedimentation rate. This study is a descriptive study using the double-blind and randomized pretest-posttest design. A total of 14 samples is obtained by consecutive sampling. The results showed that four patients given cilostazol showed a 35% reduction in ESR and ten patients were given aspirin showed a 35% reduction in ESR. It can be concluded giving cilostazol and aspirin as adjuvant diabetic foot Wagner II and III showed a decrease in ESR.

  10. Efficient Nazarov cyclization/Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement terminated by a Cu(II)-promoted oxidation: synthesis of 4-alkylidene cyclopentenones. (United States)

    Lebœuf, David; Theiste, Eric; Gandon, Vincent; Daifuku, Stephanie L; Neidig, Michael L; Frontier, Alison J


    The discovery and elucidation of a new Nazarov cyclization/Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement/oxidation sequence is described that constitutes an efficient strategy for the synthesis of 4-alkylidene cyclopentenones. DFT computations and EPR experiments were conducted to gain further mechanistic insight into the reaction pathways. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Tratamiento de la enfermedad de Hansen en Colombia: medicalización y control de la enfermedad a lo largo del siglo XX

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    Natalia Botero-Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: investigar el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Hansen durante el siglo XX en Colombia, para analizar el proceso de medicalización, la biopolítica, el significado de la curación y su impacto en el control de la enfermedad y en los enfermos. Metodología: estudio histórico, descriptivo y analítico sobre los tratamientos para la enfermedad de Hansen a lo largo del siglo XX, por medio de metodologías cualitativas como entrevistas con relatos de vida y entrevistas temáticas, y se trabajó con fuentes documentales primarias y secundarias en archivos nacionales y locales. Resultados y discusión: La enfermedad de Hansen, causada por el microorganismo Mycobacterium leprae, fue controlada mediante el aislamiento y reclusión de los enfermos de lepra en hospitales y lazaretos. El desarrollo de algunos tratamientos y el descubrimiento de la terapia antibiótica, las sulfas, que representó una cura efectiva desde la medicina y su poder político y social, participaron en la transformación de las políticas de manejo de la enfermedad y de la comprensión de la misma, en los Lazaretos de Contratación y Agua de Dios.

  12. 78 FR 28643 - Program Year (PY) 2013 Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Allotments; PY 2013 Wagner-Peyser Act Final... (United States)


    ...This notice announces allotments for PY 2013 for WIA Title I Youth, Adults and Dislocated Worker Activities programs; final allotments for Employment Service (ES) activities under the Wagner- Peyser Act for PY 2013 and Workforce Information Grants allotments for PY 2013. Allotments for the Work Opportunity Tax Credits will be announced separately. WIA allotments for States and the State final allotments for the Wagner-Peyser Act are based on formulas defined in their respective statutes. The WIA allotments for the outlying areas are based on a formula determined by the Secretary of Labor (Secretary). As required by WIA section 182(d), on February 17, 2000, a notice of the discretionary formula for allocating PY 2000 funds for the outlying areas (American Samoa, Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Northern Marianas, Palau, and the Virgin Islands) was published in the Federal Register at 65 FR 8236 (February 17, 2000) which included both the rationale for the formula and methodology. The formula for PY 2013 is the same as used for PY 2000 and is described in the section on Youth Activities program allotments. Comments are invited on the formula used to allot funds to the outlying areas.

  13. Fractal geometry of the drainage network of the Caeté river watershed, Alfredo Wagner-SC


    Vestena, Leandro Redin; Kobiyama, Masato


    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estimar e avaliar a dimensão fractal da rede de drenagem da bacia hidrográfica do Caeté, em Alfredo Wagner, SC, a partir de diferentes métodos, com o propósito de caracterizar as formas geomorfológicas irregulares. A rede de drenagem apresenta propriedades multifractais. As dimensões fractais para os segmentos individuais (df) e para a rede de drenagem inteira (Df) foram determinadas por métodos que se fundamentaram nas razões de Horton e pelo método da conta...

  14. Statistical ultrasonics: the influence of Robert F. Wagner (United States)

    Insana, Michael F.


    An important ongoing question for higher education is how to successfully mentor the next generation of scientists and engineers. It has been my privilege to have been mentored by one of the best, Dr Robert F. Wagner and his colleagues at the CDRH/FDA during the mid 1980s. Bob introduced many of us in medical ultrasonics to statistical imaging techniques. These ideas continue to broadly influence studies on adaptive aperture management (beamforming, speckle suppression, compounding), tissue characterization (texture features, Rayleigh/Rician statistics, scatterer size and number density estimators), and fundamental questions about how limitations of the human eye-brain system for extracting information from textured images can motivate image processing. He adapted the classical techniques of signal detection theory to coherent imaging systems that, for the first time in ultrasonics, related common engineering metrics for image quality to task-based clinical performance. This talk summarizes my wonderfully-exciting three years with Bob as I watched him explore topics in statistical image analysis that formed a rational basis for many of the signal processing techniques used in commercial systems today. It is a story of an exciting time in medical ultrasonics, and of how a sparkling personality guided and motivated the development of junior scientists who flocked around him in admiration and amazement.

  15. Perfil clínico-epidemiológico da hanseníase em menores de 15 anos no município de Juazeiro-BA

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    Igara Cavalcanti Feitosa Luna


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico e clínico dos casos novos de hanseníase em menores de 15 anos notificados à Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SMS de Juazeiro-BA, no período de 2001 a 2010. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, de natureza exploratória e descritiva, realizado a partir da análise dos dados contidos no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN municipal. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que145 (7,94% casos novos de hanseníase ocorreram em menores de 15 anos. Verificaram-se taxas de detecção altas para essa faixa etária, com predominância no sexo feminino (n=81; 55,86% e maior acometimento na faixa etária entre 10 e 14 anos (n=85; 58,62%. As formas paucibacilares (n=107; 74,48% da doença predominaram sobre as formas multibacilares (n=37; 25,52%, sendo a forma clínica tuberculoide (n=80; 55,17% a mais prevalente. As incapacidades atingiram 18 (12,41% dos pacientes avaliados no diagnóstico e 15 (10,34% na alta. Uma grande parte de casos (n=58; 40,07% deixou de ser avaliada ou foi ignorada. Conclusão: O perfil epidemiológico e clínico da ocorrência de casos novos de hanseníase no município de Juazeiro-BA evidenciou que os coeficientes de detecção geral de hanseníase e em menores de 15 anos se mantiveram em nível hiperendêmico no período avaliado.

  16. Hanseníase: a realidade do ser adolescente Lepra: la realidad para el adolescente Leprosy: the reality for the adolescent

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    Keila Maria de Azevedo Ponte


    Full Text Available A hanseníase é uma doença contagiosa, estigmatizante, de grande potencial incapacitante, e os adolescentes por estarem numa fase de mudanças e de adaptação, esta doença pode interferir na construção de sua vida. O estudo objetiva caracterizar os adolescentes portadores de hanseníase segundo aspectos sócio-demograficos; realizar análise epidemiológico-operacional da hanseníase; verificar o conhecimento dos adolescentes sobre a hanseníase e as reações manifestadas pelos mesmos após sua descoberta; Identificar as mudanças ocorridas após a doença na vida do adolescente e as dificuldades vivenciadas pelo mesmo após a da doença. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, constituída de 31 adolescentes portadores de hanseníase, assistido pela Estratégia Saúde da Família no Município de Sobral- Ceará. Os resultados sinalizam a necessidade de uma assistência integral e continuada ao adolescente portador de hanseníase, evitando que essa doença provoque mudanças significativas em sua vida, dificultando na construção de sua nova identidade.La lepra es una enfermedad contagiosa, de un gran potencial incapacitante y los adolescentes por estaren viviendo en una fase de cambios e adaptación esta enfermedad puede interferir en la construcción de sus vidas. Esta investigación apunta caracterizar los adolescentes portadores de lepra según aspectos sociales-demográficos; hacer un análisis epidémico-operacional de la enfermedad lepra; verificar el conocimiento de los adolescentes sobre la lepra y las relaciones manifestadas por los mismos después de su descubierta; identificar los cambios ocurridos en la vida del adolescente después de la descubierta de la enfermedad. Tratase de una investigación exploratoria y descriptiva donde participarón 31 adolescentes portadores de lepra ayudados por la Estrategia Salud de la Familia en el municipio de Sobral - Ceará. Los resultados señalan la necesidad de una

  17. Hanseníase e vulnerabilidade social: uma análise do perfil socioeconômico de usuários em tratamento irregular

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    Viviane Aparecida Siqueira Lopes

    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a determinação social da hanseníase, a partir do reconhecimento da vulnerabilidade social dos usuários em tratamento irregular, no Programa de Controle da Hanseníase do município de Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ. Para isso, apresenta uma pesquisa documental, com base nas Fichas de Cadastro Social dos usuários mencionados, destacando aspectos como trabalho, renda, formação familiar e acesso a políticas públicas. Seus resultados registram significativa presença de trabalho precarizado associado a baixos níveis de renda e de escolaridade, sendo a maioria considerada pobre ou indigente (51,5% e não usuária de benefícios assistenciais (66,7%.

  18. Participatory process in tourism planning at Alfredo Wagner/ SC rural spaces

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    Carlos Loch


    Full Text Available This paper is the outcome of a Master Theses focusing participatory processes as a tool for tourism planning in Alfredo Wagner (Santa Catarina State. The study was conducted to identify modifications in rural spaces in that place, where farmers are facing economic difficulties and have tried to enter tourism business to overcome them. The article analyzes participatory processes as starters to make rural producers and local agents get interested in tourism business, being participation the key factor for tourism planning. An exploratory research was conducted to describe the Municipality and also a bibliographic research. As e result it was observed that the main public agents do not dialog with each other and that partnership with private agents is needed. In spite of this lack of integration, involvement was achieved and it was possible to identify which are the necessary steps for tourism development.

  19. The pre-Anschluss Vienna School of Medicine - the physicians: Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), Julius Wagner-Jauregg (1857-1940) and Karel Wenckebach (1864-1940). (United States)

    Shaw, Lily Bzl; Shaw, Robert A


    Three physicians are discussed. Sigmund Freud, probably the best-known member of the Vienna School of Medicine, was the path-breaking pioneer in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Julius Wagner-Jauregg was a psychiatrist who discovered the link between iodine deficiency and goitre and also developed malaria therapy to treat progressive paralysis caused by syphilis for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Karel Wenckebach, the pioneering Dutch cardiologist, is best known for the Wenckebach block. After the Anschluss, fate dealt very different hands to these three physicians. Freud fled to London where he soon died. Wagner-Jauregg, who had some pan-Germanic sympathies as well as views on eugenics, left a controversial legacy. The Dutch cardiologist Wenckebach died in Vienna shortly after his homeland had been invaded in 1940 by that of his hosts. © IMechE 2014.

  20. Application of thermodynamics and Wagner model on two problems in continuous hot-dip galvanizing (United States)

    Liu, Huachu; He, Yanlin; Li, Lin


    Firstly in this paper, the influence of H 2 and water vapor content on selective oxidation occurred in continuous hot-dip galvanizing has been studied by thermodynamics and Wagner model, then, the Gibbs energy of each possible aluminothermic reducing reaction in zinc bath was calculated in order to judge the possibility of these reactions. It was found that oxides' amounts and oxidation type were greatly related to the H 2 and water content in the annealing atmosphere. And from the view of thermodynamics, surface oxides (MnO, Cr 2O 3, SiO 2 etc.) can be reduced by the effective Al in Zn bath.

  1. Application of thermodynamics and Wagner model on two problems in continuous hot-dip galvanizing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu Huachu; He Yanlin [School of Material Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, No.149 Yanchang Road Shanghai 200072 (China); Li Lin, E-mail: [School of Material Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, No.149 Yanchang Road Shanghai 200072 (China)


    Firstly in this paper, the influence of H{sub 2} and water vapor content on selective oxidation occurred in continuous hot-dip galvanizing has been studied by thermodynamics and Wagner model, then, the Gibbs energy of each possible aluminothermic reducing reaction in zinc bath was calculated in order to judge the possibility of these reactions. It was found that oxides' amounts and oxidation type were greatly related to the H{sub 2} and water content in the annealing atmosphere. And from the view of thermodynamics, surface oxides (MnO, Cr{sub 2}O{sub 3}, SiO{sub 2} etc.) can be reduced by the effective Al in Zn bath.

  2. A new species of the stilt bug genus Gampsocoris from Senegal and a new generic combination for Gampsocoris gomeranus Wagner (Heteroptera: Berytidae: Gampsocorinae) (United States)

    The relationships the African gampsocorine (Gampsocorinae) genera Gampsoacantha Josifov and Štusak, Gampsocoris Fuss, and Micrometacanthus are discussed. Gampsocoris gomeranus Wagner, having a median anterior spine, three basal processes on the pronotum, and a short, round antennal segment IV, is t...

  3. Estudo da microcirculação na hanseníase virchowiana com o uso da microscopia de luz ortogonal polarizada e com laser-doppler fluxometria


    Curt Mafra Treu


    A hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa com características únicas, dentre elas o fato de atingir intensamente a inervação da pele e seus anexos. Entremeando estes anexos, está a microcirculação cutânea, que a principio também tem sua inervação comprometida. Vários artigos apontam para alterações de disautonomia microcirculatória, citando como exemplo as alterações no reflexo vasomotor. O presente estudo se propõe a avaliar a microcirculação cutânea na hanseníase virchowiana, tanto em sua morfol...

  4. Mensuração do ângulo articular do cotovelo no teste de tensão neural em indivíduos com hanseníase


    Scheibe,Débora; Oliveira,Jaqueline Francieli Pacheco de; Gonçalves,Sibelly Blum; Gomes,Anna Raquel Silveira; Macedo,Ana Carolina Brandt de


    A hanseníase é uma patologia crônica e granulomatosa, que atinge a pele e o sistema nervoso periférico pela invasão no sistema imune do Mycobacterium leprae. O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar o ângulo articular do cotovelo com a aplicação do teste de tensão neural do nervo ulnar em pacientes com hanseníase. Na aplicação do teste de tensão neural, foram utilizadas a goniometria e a fotometria para a mensuração do ângulo articular do cotovelo, sendo que para a realização da fotometria foi ut...

  5. Physical and meteorological data from HELLAND-HANSEN from the Kara Sea from 08 June 1966 to 21 June 1966 (NODC Accession 9600035) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Physical and meteorological data from HELLAND-HANSEN from the Kara Sea. Data were collected by the University of Bergen Geophysical Institute from 08 June 1966 to 21...

  6. Desigualdade social, crescimento urbano e hanseníase em Manaus: abordagem espacial Desigualdad social, crecimiento urbano y hanseníasis en Manaus (Norte de Brasil: abordaje espacial Social inequality, urban growth and leprosy in Manaus: a spatial approach

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    Elsia Nascimento Belo Imbiriba


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a epidemiologia de hanseníase segundo a distribuição espacial e condições de vida da população. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico baseado na espacialização da hanseníase em Manaus (AM, entre 1998 e 2004. Os 4.104 casos obtidos do Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação foram georreferenciados de acordo com a localização dos endereços em 1.536 setores censitários urbanos, por meio de quatro técnicas: correios (73,7% dos endereços encontrados; Programa de Cadastro de Logradouros (7,3%; Programa Saúde da Família (2,1% e folhas de coleta do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (1,5%. Para cálculo do coeficiente de detecção utilizou a população de 2001. Na análise espacial foi aplicado o método bayesiano empírico local para produzir uma estimativa do risco da hanseníase, suavizando o efeito da flutuação das taxas, quando calculadas para pequenas áreas. Para análise da associação entre espacialização e fatores de risco empregou-se a regressão logística, tendo como variáveis explicativas a ocorrência de casos em menores de 15 anos (indicador de gravidade e o Índice de Carência Social construído a partir das variáveis do Censo 2000. RESULTADOS: O coeficiente de detecção apresentou-se hiperendêmico em 34,0% dos setores e muito alto em 26,7%. A medida de associação (odds ratio referente às variáveis explicativas foi significativa. A combinação de baixa condição de vida e ocorrência em menores de 15 anos foi adotada para identificar as áreas prioritárias para intervenção. CONCLUSÕES: A análise espacial da hanseníase mostrou que a distribuição da doença é heterogênea, atingindo mais intensamente as regiões habitadas por grupos em situação de maior vulnerabilidade.OBJETIVO: Analizar la epidemiología de hanseníasis según la distribución espacial y condiciones de vida de la población. MÉTODOS: Estudio ecológico basado en la especialización de la

  7. A ação educativa do enfermeiro educador na estratégia Saúde da Família ao portador de hanseníase


    Alberici, Priscila de Souza; UNIABEU; Jóia, Thalita; UNIABEU; Moreira, Leandro Arantes; UNIABEU


    Introdução: O enfermeiro na Estratégia Saúde da Família como educador, objetivando a promoção da saúde e a prevenção da doença. Problemática: Seria a falta de conhecimento/comprometimento do profissional de saúde em relação à gravidade da doença o motivo pelo qual o Brasil não erradicar a hanseníase? Objetivo: Refletir sobre a ação educativa do enfermeiro na ESF ao portador de hanseníase. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e exploratório, método de abordagem qualitativa. A revisão bibliográfica s...

  8. Sorologia da hanseníase utilizando PGL-I: revisão sistemática


    Moura,Rodrigo Scaliante de; Calado,Karla Lucena; Oliveira,Maria Leide W.; Bührer-Sékula,Samira


    A sorologia utilizando o antígeno espécie-específico do Mycobacterium leprae, PGL-I, pode ser um marcador de carga bacteriana em pacientes com hanseníase. Estudos identificaram potencial de uso da sorologia na classificação de pacientes para fins de tratamento, monitoramento de terapia, risco de recidiva e na seleção dos contatos com maior risco de adoecer. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática e 26 artigos foram incluídos na análise comparativa. Avaliamos os resultados do uso da sorologia PG...

  9. Methanetrisulfonic Acid: A Highly Efficient Strongly Acidic Catalyst for Wagner-Meerwein Rearrangement, Friedel-Crafts Alkylation and Acylation Reactions. Examples from Vitamin E Synthesis

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    Francesco Pace


    Full Text Available Methanetrisulfonic acid had been prepared for the first time over 140 years ago, but it was used only scarcely in chemical transformations. In the course of our activities dealing with key-steps of industrial syntheses of vitamins, e.g. economically important vitamin E (acetate, we found that methanetrisulfonic acid is an extremely effective catalyst in a variety of reactions. Examples of its applications are Wagner-Meerwein rearrangements, Friedel-Crafts alkylations and ring closures, as well as acylation reactions. Use of this catalyst in truly catalytic amounts (0.04-1.0 mol% resulted in highly selective transformations and yields over 95%. (Remark by the authors: We are describing only one example each for the various types of reactions. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to write (here and in the Introduction and in the Conclusion sections: “Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement, Friedel-Crafts alkylation and ring closure, as well as acylation reactions”

  10. Representações sociais e hanseníase em São Domingos do Capim: um estudo de caso na Amazônia Social representations and hansen's disease in São Domingos do Capim, state of Pará: a study in brazilian Amazon

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    Anete Umbelina Ferreira de Almeida Lins


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisa as representações sociais da hanseníase em São Domingos do Capim-PA, a partir da perspectiva da antropologia da doença. As representações são compreendidas como estruturas dinâmicas socialmente construídas que fundamentam as ações dos sujeitos e dos grupos na resolução dos episódios de doença e na produção de sentido para as experiências de adoecimento. Para compreender a lógica das interpretações da doença, foram reconstituídos os itinerários terapêuticos dos doentes, a partir de dados coletados na observação de campo, realizada ao longo de quatro anos, e entrevistas narrativas com doentes, familiares e agentes comunitários de saúde. Foram deduzidas quatro categorias nosológicas êmicas referentes aos sintomas da hanseníase - "manchas", "lepra", "feitiço" e "hanseníase" -, que constituem o repertório a partir do qual as interpretações e práticas são formuladas. O uso das diferentes categorias ocorre segundo esquemas locais que permitem a avaliação dos contextos pessoal e social de irrupção da doença numa dinâmica que articula as percepções do doente e de seus familiares, as interpretações e diagnósticos de curadores tradicionais e a abordagem dos profissionais da Biomedicina. O estudo mostra que o repertório interpretativo e os meios terapêuticos da Biomedicina são reinterpretados, pelos doentes, segundo a lógica das representações e das práticas locais de saúde, e que o controle da endemia hansênica pressupõe a compreensão das dinâmicas sociais implicadas nas interpretações e práticas da doença, de forma a possibilitar o estabelecimento de uma relação dialógica entre os profissionais de saúde e os atores locais.This study analyzes the social representations of Hansen's disease in São Domingos do Capim-PA, from the perspective of the anthropology of disease. The representations are understood as socially constructed dynamic structures that underlie the

  11. Necrose de canto medial associado a hanseníase virchowiana: relato de caso

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    Leiser Franco


    Full Text Available O caso em relato aborda uma etiologia rara para necrose de canto medial da pálpebra com comprometimento do sistema canalicular em uma paciente em tratamento para hanseníase virchowiana. O exame histopatológico da lesão necrótica evidenciou reação inflamatória granulomatosa com acúmulo de histiócitos e presença de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes. Após tratamento medicamentoso a paciente apresentou uma evolução favorável com recuperação espontânea da arquitetura do canto medial, porém com destruição total do sistema canalicular.

  12. Acervo de materiais educativos sobre hanseníase: um dispositivo da memória e das práticas comunicativas

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    Adriana Kelly-Santos

    Full Text Available Neste trabalho objetiva-se: descrever o processo de elaboração de um banco de 276 materiais sobre hanseníase produzidos por instituições públicas e não-governamentais, entre 1972-2008; analisar o tipo, o público e os objetivos. O banco foi elaborado numa base eletrônica de dados, contendo a análise descritiva e temática e um link para o documento completo dos materiais. Os materiais destinam-se ao público em geral (75%, profissionais de saúde (12%, público infanto-juvenil (6%, portadores de hanseníase (3% e outros (4%. Predominam panfletos (26%, folhetos (24%, cartazes (23%, seguidos de cartilhas (15%, álbuns seriados (3% e outros (9%. Objetivam aumentar a autossuspeição, detecção de casos e divulgar os serviços de saúde. Predomina o discurso biomédico, a linguagem técnica-prescritiva e as relações hierarquizadas entre enunciador-destinatário.

  13. Acervo de materiais educativos sobre hanseníase: um dispositivo da memória e das práticas comunicativas

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    Adriana Kelly-Santos


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho objetiva-se: descrever o processo de elaboração de um banco de 276 materiais sobre hanseníase produzidos por instituições públicas e não-governamentais, entre 1972-2008; analisar o tipo, o público e os objetivos. O banco foi elaborado numa base eletrônica de dados, contendo a análise descritiva e temática e um link para o documento completo dos materiais. Os materiais destinam-se ao público em geral (75%, profissionais de saúde (12%, público infanto-juvenil (6%, portadores de hanseníase (3% e outros (4%. Predominam panfletos (26%, folhetos (24%, cartazes (23%, seguidos de cartilhas (15%, álbuns seriados (3% e outros (9%. Objetivam aumentar a autossuspeição, detecção de casos e divulgar os serviços de saúde. Predomina o discurso biomédico, a linguagem técnica-prescritiva e as relações hierarquizadas entre enunciador-destinatário.

  14. El joven Th. W. Adorno y la crítica inmanente del idealismo: Kierkegaard, Husserl, Wagner

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    José Antonio ZAMORA ZARAGOZA


    Full Text Available Th. W. Adorno puso las bases de su programa de «crítica inmanente» en la temprana confrontación con Husserl, Kierkegaard y Wagner, a quienes consideraba exponentes clave de la cultura burguesa en los que era posible constatar las contradicciones de esa cultura, una conciencia agudizada de las mismas y la imposibilidad de obtener una salida satisfactoria dentro del marco de esa misma cultura. Este artículo hace un recorrido por la confrontación adorniana con esos autores como contribución al análisis del itinerario que conduce a la Dialéctica Negativa.

  15. Espaços vigiados: um estudo do isolamento compulsório dos portadores de hanseníase no asilo-colônia Santo Ângelo (1890/1960)


    Vânia Regina Miranda Postigo


    Esta pesquisa procura analisar o isolamento compulsório dos portadores de hanseníase no Asilo-colônia Santo Ângelo localizado em Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo, tendo como ponto de partida os anos 1890, época em que as primeiras medidas de controle da hanseníase e de outras doenças foram adotadas pelo poder público paulista. A criação de várias instituições e do primeiro código sanitário marcaram o início da construção de uma forte estrutura para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de saúde n...

  16. A geometria fractal da rede de drenagem da bacia hidrográfica do Caeté, Alfredo Wagner-SC


    Vestena,Leandro Redin; Kobiyama,Masato


    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estimar e avaliar a dimensão fractal da rede de drenagem da bacia hidrográfica do Caeté, em Alfredo Wagner, SC, a partir de diferentes métodos, com o propósito de caracterizar as formas geomorfológicas irregulares. A rede de drenagem apresenta propriedades multifractais. As dimensões fractais para os segmentos individuais (df) e para a rede de drenagem inteira (Df) foram determinadas por métodos que se fundamentaram nas razões de Horton e pelo método da conta...

  17. Revisiting hansen's disease: Recognizing the many neurodermatologic faces and its diagnostic challenges

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    Bhaskara P Shelley


    Full Text Available Hansen's disease (HD looms still as a public health problem. Conventional wisdom and teaching largely view HD as a predominantly dermatologic disorder with much emphasis in the dermatology postgraduate curriculum. This review attempts to reorient this view and reemphasize that HD has primarily neurologic underpinnings since Mycobacterium leprae is an intracellular neurotropic bacterium. The main thrust of this article would, therefore, be a neurologist's perspective of HD. The cutaneous manifestations of HD are the sequelae of the neurobiology of M. leprae, its selective predilection to human Schwann cells, neurovascular bundle and its localization in the intracutaneous nerve plexus of the skin. We discuss the nuances of HD as a “great imitator,” the many faces of its neurodermatologic clinical presentation, the neurologic basis of HD clinical examination, and its diagnostic and therapeutic challenges.

  18. Estudo da microcirculação na hanseníase usando videomicroscopia (Microscan) e laser-Doppler associado à iontoforese: um modelo de disautonomia vascular por denervação


    Livia Cristina de Melo Pino Machado


    A hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa com características únicas, dentre elas o fato de atingir intensamente a inervação da pele e seus anexos. Entremeando estes anexos, está a microcirculação cutânea, que a principio também tem sua inervação comprometida. Vários artigos apontam para alterações de disautonomiamicrocirculatória. O presente estudo se propõe a avaliar a microcirculação cutânea na hanseníase tuberculóide. Utilizamos a videomicroscopia de campo escuro (Microscan), a análise de Four...

  19. Pure neural leprosy: steroids prevent neuropathy progression Corticosteróides previnem a neuropatia na hanseníase

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcia R. Jardim


    Full Text Available Multidrug therapy (MDT, with rifampicin, dapsone, and clofazimine, treats leprosy infection but is insufficient in arresting or preventing the nerve damage that causes impairments and disabilities. This case-series study evaluates the benefits of the combined use of steroids and MDT in preventing nerve damage in patients with pure neural leprosy (PNL. In addition to MDT, 24 patients (88% male aged 20-79 years, median=41 received a daily morning dose of 60 mg prednisone (PDN that was gradually reduced by 10 mg during each of the following 5 months. PNL was clinically diagnosed and confirmed by nerve histopathology or PCR. A low prevalence (8.3% of reaction was observed after release from treatment. However, most of the clinical parameters showed significant improvement; and a reduction of nerve conduction block was observed in 42% of the patients. The administration of full-dose PDN improved the clinical and electrophysiological condition of the PNL patients, contributing to the prevention of further neurological damage.A poliquimioterapia (PQT, com rifampicina, dapsona, e clofazimina, trata a infecção na hanseníase, mas é insuficiente para interromper ou prevenir o comprometimento neurológico que causa as incapacidades e desabilidades, nesta enfermidade. Este estudo de série de casos avalia o benefício do uso combinado de prednisona e PQT na prevenção do dano neurológico em pacientes com a forma neural pura da hanseníase (FNP. Além do PQT, 24 pacientes (88% homens, com idade variando entre 20-79, mediana=41 receberam uma dose diária de 60 mg prednisona que foi reduzida gradualmente na dose de 10 mg durante cada um dos 5 meses subseqüentes. FNP foi diagnosticada clinicamente e confirmada através do estudo histopatológico ou PCR. Baixa prevalência de reação (8,3% foi observada apenas após o final do tratamento. A maioria dos parâmetros clínicos mostrou melhora significativa e redução do bloqueio de condução foi observada

  20. Validation of KENO, ANISN and Hansen-Roach cross-section set on plutonium oxide and metal fuel system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Tadakuni; Yumoto, Ryozo; Nakano, Koh.


    In the previous report, the authors discussed the validity of KENO, ANISN and Hansen-Roach 16 group cross-section set on the critical plutonium nitrate solution systems with various geometries, absorbers and neutron interactions. The purpose of the present report is to examine the validity of the same calculation systems on the homogeneous plutonium oxide and plutonium-uranium mixed oxide fuels with various density values. Eleven experiments adopted for validation are summarized. First six experiments were performed at Pacific Northwest Laboratory of Battelle Memorial Institute, and the remaining five at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. The characteristics of core fuel are given, and the isotopic composition of plutonium, the relation between H/(Pu + U) atomic ratio and fuel density as compared with the atomic ratios of PuO 2 and mixed oxides in powder storage and pellet fabrication processes, and critical core dimensions and reflector conditions are shown. The effective multiplication factors were calculated with the KENO code. In case of the metal fuels with simple sphere geometry, additional calculations with the ANISN code were performed. The criticality calculation system composed of KENO, ANISN and Hansen-Roach cross-section set was found to be valid for calculating the criticality on plutonium oxide, plutonium-uranium mixed oxide, plutonium metal and uranium metal fuel systems as well as on plutonium solution systems with various geometries, absorbers and neutron interactions. There seems to remain some problems in the method for evaluating experimental correction. Some discussions foloow. (Wakatsuki, Y.)

  1. O diálogo da tradição e da renovação sobre a montagem de Tristão e Isolda de Richard Wagner por Peter Konwitschny

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    Alexandre Sobreira Martins


    Full Text Available A presente comunicação busca fazer uma leitura da montagem de Peter Konwitschny do drama musical Tristan und Isolde, do compositor alemão Richard Wagner encenada no Teatro Nacional de Munique durante o Festival de Ópera de Munique de 1998, considerando-o como uma revisão pós-moderna que busca romper com a tradição de encenações wagnerianas, trazendo o conteúdo do drama de Wagner para nosso contexto atual; essa leitura será feita à luz das propostas de Christopher Innes e Artaud sobre a representação teatral e as leituras de Homi Bhabha e Michel Foucault sobre a pós-modernidade.

  2. The wish for annihilation in 'love-death' as collapse of the need for recognition, in Wagner's Tristan und Isolde. (United States)

    Bergstein, Moshe


    Wagner's Tristan und Isolde holds a central position in Western music and culture. It is shown to demonstrate consequences of interruption of developmental processes involving the need for recognition of subjectivity, resulting in the collapse of this need into the wish for annihilation of self and other through 'love-death' [Liebestod]. A close reading of the musical language of the opera reveals how this interruption is demonstrated, and the consequent location of identity outside of language, particularly suitable for expression in music. Isolde's dynamics are presented as distinct from that of Tristan, and in contrast to other interpretations of Tristan and Isolde's love as an attack on the Oedipal order, or as a regressive wish for pre-Oedipal union. Isolde's Act I narrative locates the origin of her desire in the protagonists' mutual gaze at a traumatic moment. In this moment powerful and contrasting emotions converge, evoking thwarted developmental needs, and arousing the fantasy of redemption in love-death. By removing the magical elements, Wagner enables a deeper understanding of the characters' positions in relation to each other, each with his or her own needs for recognition and traumatic experiences. These positions invite mutual identifications resulting in rising tension between affirmation of identity and annihilation, with actual death as the only possible psychic solution. The dynamics described in the opera demonstrate the function of music and opera in conveying meaning which is not verbally expressible. Copyright © 2013 Institute of Psychoanalysis.

  3. Family Health Strategy professionals' view on the effects of Hansen's disease training

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    Ana Lúcia Alves de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVEEvaluating how professionals of family health teams from three municipalities of Pernambuco perceive and interpret the effects of Hansen's disease training.METHODSA qualitative study using the perspective of Habermas. Six focus groups, totaling 33 nurses and 22 doctors were formed. The guide consisted of: reactions to training, learning, transfer of knowledge and organizational results.RESULTSThere were recurrent positive opinions on instructor performance, course materials, and an alert attitude to the occurrence of cases; the negative points were about lack of practical teaching, a lot of information in a short period of time and little emphasis on basic content. Low perceived self-efficacy and low locus of control, ambiguity, conflict of skills and the lack of support for the learning application. Nurses showed greater dissatisfaction with the organizational support.CONCLUSIONThe low effectiveness of training reveals the need to negotiate structured training from work problematization, considering performance conditions.

  4. Comparative Study on Dispersion and Interfacial Properties of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composites Using Hansen Solubility Parameters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ma, Jing; Larsen, Mikael


    fabricated by solution blending 1 wt % SWNTs with various modification (nonmodified, nitric acid functionalized, and amine functionalized SWNTs) and three kinds of polymeric materials (polycarbonate, polyvinylidene fluoride, and epoxy). Chemical compatibilities between SWNTs and solvents or polymers...... are calculated by the Hansen solubility parameters (HSP) method. The dispersion of the SWNTs in solvents is evaluated by dynamic light scattering. The dispersion of SWNTs in polymers evaluated by a light optical microscope (LOM) generally agrees with the HSP prediction. The strain transfer from the matrix...

  5. Avaliação dos parâmetros de solubilidade de Hildebrand/Hansen na seleção de solventes para a extração de pesticidas organoclorados do solo

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    Ricardo D Villa


    Full Text Available This work evaluated the use of the Hildebrand/Hansen solubility parameters for selection of solvents for extraction of the organochlorine pesticides pp' DDT, pp' DDE, Aldrin and a-Endossulfan from soil using columns packed with Al2O3. The mixtures hexane:dichloromethane (7:3; v/v, hexane:acetonitrile (1:1; v/v, hexane:acetone (1:1; v/v and pure hexane were chosen as extracting solutions. In the addition and recovery tests, different extraction solutions provided high recoveries percentages (>75% with coefficients of variation below 15%. The recoveries are in agreement with the Hildebrand/Hansen parameters, demonstrating its applicability in the selection of extracting solution and in the replacement of toxic solvents, as dichloromethane

  6. Avaliação do programa de controle da hanseníase em um município hiperendêmico do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, 1991-1995

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    Aquino Dorlene Maria Cardoso de


    Full Text Available Estudo descritivo, objetivando avaliar o programa de controle da hanseníase do Município de Buriticupu, Maranhão. Foram analisados 214 prontuários de pacientes portadores das diversas formas clínicas de hanseníase, atendidos na unidade de saúde da Universidade Federal do Maranhão, localizada no referido município. A população de estudo foi constituída de 110 casos de hanseníase das formas paucibacilares (PB e 104 das formas multibacilares (MB registrados no período de janeiro de 1991 a dezembro de 1995. As informações referentes à forma clínica, número de contatos registrados, examinados e avaliados, grau de incapacidade no início e final do tratamento e situação de registro, foram coletadas num formulário específico. A análise dos resultados foi baseada nos parâmetros dos indicadores operacionais definidos pelo Ministério da Saúde. Houve um discreto predomínio da forma PB da doença. Observou-se baixos percentuais em relação aos pacientes com grau de incapacidade física avaliada no início e final do tratamento, a alta por cura e contatos examinados. O percentual de abandono foi elevado. O programa foi considerado "precário" em todos os indicadores utilizados para o estudo.

  7. Environmental assessment related to the operation of Hansen uranium mill project, WM-24, Cyprus Mines Corporation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    An environmental assessment was prepared by the staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, in response to a request for technical assistance from the State of Colorado in connection with licensing action on the proposed Cyprus Mines Corporation, Hansen uranium project. The major components of discussion are (1) a summary and recommended licensing conditions, (2) a description of the site environment and the proposed facility operation as well as alternatives in comparison with NRC's performance objectives for tailings management, and (3) a radiological assessment for estimating the facility's compliance with 10 CFR 20 and 40 CFR 190 dose regulations. The NRC recommends licensing the proposed mill subject to stipulated license conditions

  8. Avaliação da limitação das atividades diárias e qualidade de vida de pacientes com hanseníase submetidos à cirurgia de neurólise para tratamento das neurites


    Reis,Felipe José Jandre dos; Gomes,Maria Kátia; Cunha,Antonio José Ledo Alves da


    A neurólise é indicada para reduzir o ­sofrimento neural e impedir a instalação de sequelas e incapacidades em pacientes com hanseníase. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o grau de limitação das atividades e a qualidade de vida de pacientes com hanseníase submetidos a neurólise para tratamento das neurites. Participaram do estudo os pacientes submetidos à neurólise no período de 1998 a 2011. Foram coletadas informações sociodemográficas e clínicas, limitações das atividades (SALSA) e a qu...

  9. Study of physiological properties of some probiotics in multiple cultures with mesophilic lactic acid bacteria by Flora Danica Ch. Hansen commercial starter




    The aim of this study was to establish the growth ability and stability of probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus (commercial code La-5®), Lactobacillus casei ssp. paracasei (commercial code L. casei 431®) and Bifidobacterium bifidus (commercial code BB-12®) in multiple cultures with mesophilic lactic bacteria, Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris, Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis ssp. diacetylactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides spp. cremoris, as Flora Danica Chr. Hansen co...

  10. A family with Wagner syndrome with uveitis and a new versican mutation. (United States)

    Rothschild, Pierre-Raphaël; Brézin, Antoine P; Nedelec, Brigitte; Burin des Roziers, Cyril; Ghiotti, Tiffany; Orhant, Lucie; Boimard, Mathieu; Valleix, Sophie


    To report the clinical and molecular findings of a kindred with Wagner syndrome (WS) revealed by intraocular inflammatory features. Eight available family members underwent complete ophthalmologic examination, including laser flare cell meter measurements. Collagen, type II, alpha 1, versican (VCAN), frizzled family receptor 4, low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5, tetraspanin 12, and Norrie disease (pseudoglioma) genes were screened with direct sequencing. The index case was initially referred for unexplained severe and chronic postoperative bilateral uveitis following a standard cataract surgery procedure. Clinical examination of the proband revealed an optically empty vitreous with avascular vitreous strands and veils, features highly suggestive of WS. The systematic familial ophthalmologic examination identified three additional unsuspected affected family members who also presented with the WS phenotype, including uveitis for one of them. We identified a novel c.4004-6T>A nucleotide substitution at the acceptor splice site of intron 7 of the VCAN gene that segregated with the disease phenotype. We present a family with WS with typical WS features and intraocular inflammatory manifestations associated with a novel splice site VCAN mutation. Beyond the structural role in the retinal-vitreous architecture, versican is also emerging as a pivotal mediator of the inflammatory response, supporting uveitis predisposition as a clinical manifestation of WS.

  11. Hansen Re-Visited: Alternative Methodology for Istanbul Land Use Pattern

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    Kerem Yavuz Arslanlı


    Full Text Available In this paper, Hansen model applied to Istanbul districts and increasing the distribution of the population of 3 million were calculated. Istanbul, population and income growth, the service sector, based in the city's development as a result of advances in transportation and telecommunications, the restructuring of the city, and this encourages residential, commercial and office create opportunities for investments. Land-use decision-making process is a very complex includes site selection. Estimates of population growth, starting from the development potential on the one hand, depending on the location of the settlements, and the physical, socio-economic, legal and political characteristics of the functional needs of the city overlaps with each other to create the most effective form is required. In addition, the sub-centers produced a gradual effect of the interaction and the environment as a result of a lot of alternatives for the purpose of evaluating the size of the new centers and, instead, may be decided taking into account the dimension of time. Thus, the development of the whole city and the economic development of the system to provide the most effective when planned. By investing just as it is today, at certain points, and the creation of high-quality urban services bringing the speculation, raising the quality of life of city-wide, but can provide a healthy socio-economic development.

  12. Artificial domain duplication replicates evolutionary history of ketol-acid reductoisomerases. (United States)

    Cahn, Jackson K B; Brinkmann-Chen, Sabine; Buller, Andrew R; Arnold, Frances H


    The duplication of protein structural domains has been proposed as a common mechanism for the generation of new protein folds. A particularly interesting case is the class II ketol-acid reductoisomerase (KARI), which putatively arose from an ancestral class I KARI by duplication of the C-terminal domain and corresponding loss of obligate dimerization. As a result, the class II enzymes acquired a deeply embedded figure-of-eight knot. To test this evolutionary hypothesis we constructed a novel class II KARI by duplicating the C-terminal domain of a hyperthermostable class I KARI. The new protein is monomeric, as confirmed by gel filtration and X-ray crystallography, and has the deeply knotted class II KARI fold. Surprisingly, its catalytic activity is nearly unchanged from the parent KARI. This provides strong evidence in support of domain duplication as the mechanism for the evolution of the class II KARI fold and demonstrates the ability of domain duplication to generate topological novelty in a function-neutral manner. © 2015 The Protein Society.

  13. Modelo natural de dicotomía TH1-TH2: La enfermedad de Hansen Th1-TH2 balance. Natural model: Hansen'disease

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    N. L Vaquero


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Hansen producida por el Mycobacterium leprae, es una enfermedad infecciosa cuyo amplio espectro clínico e inmunopatológico se correlaciona con los diferentes patrones de respuesta Th1/Th2. La activación preferencial de esas subpoblaciones de linfocitos T CD4 juega un rol importante en su patogenia y constituye un modelo natural de esa dicotomía de la respuesta inmune. Ambas formas polares de la lepra presentan un perfil definido de secreción de citoquinas: Th1 (IL2 e IFN? en el polo tuberculoide y Th2 (IL4, IL5, IL10 en el polo lepromatoso. En el primer caso, la respuesta celular adecuada estimula la activación macrofágica y lleva a la destrucción del bacilo. Las lesiones son escasas y limitadas a la piel y nervios periféricos. En el segundo en cambio, la respuesta celular es casi nula y los bacilos se multiplican descontroladamente dentro de los macrófagos, llevando a la diseminación de las lesiones y afectación de otros órganos. La inmunidad humoral está exacerbada y hay un alto nivel de anticuerpos que no pueden eliminar el germen intracelular. Los factores que determinan la diferenciación hacia una respuesta Th1 ó Th2 no se han esclarecido totalmente. Se han postulado varias hipótesis que hacen referencia a factores genéticos, prevalencia de citoquinas en el microambiente celular, disfunción macrofágica; alteración en los receptores Toll de la inmunidad innata, en la expresión de moléculas coestimulatorias, etc En los últimos años se han descubierto nuevas subpoblaciones de linfocitos, (CD4+ CD25+, Tr1, Th3 y Th17 que estarían implicadas en la desregulación de estas respuestas inmunes.Hansen' disease, caused by Mycobacterium leprae, is an infectious illness whose wide clinical and immunopathologic spectrum correl with different Th1/Th2 responses patterns. The prefferencial activation of the CD4 T cells subset play an important rol in it's pathogenia and provides a natural model of that balance

  14. Atingidos pela hanseníase, reparados pelo Estado : as múltiplas histórias performadas da Lei 11.520/2007


    Glaucia Cristina Maricato Moreto


    Esta dissertação gira em torno da lei nº 11.520, que em setembro de 2007 estabeleceu o direito a uma pensão especial a todas as pessoas atingidas pela hanseníase e compulsoriamente internadas em colônias hospitalares até 31 de dezembro de 1986. Por um lado, alinhado ao trabalho de diversas pesquisadoras, tais como Vianna (2013), Bevilaqua (2013), Schuch (2008), Das e Polle (2008), Vecchioli (2001) e Ferreira (2009), o enfoque não é direcionado à letra da lei 11.520/2007 (enquanto conjunto de ...

  15. 76 FR 18532 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Assessment... (United States)


    ... interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR (See FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT to request an invitation providing webinar access information.) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske...-mail: . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic, and...

  16. The Exile of Hansen's Disease Patients to Moloka'i: A Diffusion of Innovations Perspective. (United States)

    Pitman Harris, Adrea; Matusitz, Jonathan


    This article analyzes the exile of patients with Hansen's disease (leprosy) to Moloka'i (Hawaii) by applying the diffusion of innovations (DoI) theory. Developed by Rogers, DoI posits that an innovation (i.e., idea, movement, or trend) is initiated within a culture. Then, it is diffused via particular channels across diverse cultures. Instead of evolving independently, innovations diffuse from one culture to another through various forms of contact and communication. In the context of this analysis, the objective is to examine how the diffusion of certain ideas, namely, abolishing the stigma associated with leprosy, could have improved the lives of Hawaiians. An important premise of this article is that the Hawaiian government barely applied the tenets of DoI, which is the reason why many people lost their lives. So, this article seeks to explore what could have been done to improve their situation and what pitfalls should be avoided in the future.

  17. 77 FR 35358 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Gulf of Mexico... (United States)


    ... contact Kari Fenske and Ryan Rindone at SEDAR (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) to request an invitation providing webinar access information. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR...: ; or Ryan Rindone, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North...

  18. 76 FR 10007 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting (United States)


    ... contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR (See FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) to request an invitation providing webinar access information. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail:

  19. 76 FR 77491 - Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR... (United States)


    ... Kari H. Fenske at SEDAR (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT) to request an invitation providing webinar access information. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari H. Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; email:

  20. 75 FR 42378 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); South Atlantic... (United States)


    ... public. Those interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR. See FOR FURTHER... CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; (843) 571- 4366; . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic...

  1. 76 FR 35856 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting (United States)


    ... public. Those interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR (See FOR FURTHER... CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail: . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Webinar Date Day Time...

  2. 75 FR 47266 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); South Atlantic... (United States)


    ... participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR. See FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT to request an invitation providing webinar access information. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail: kari.fenske...

  3. 76 FR 47564 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Assessment... (United States)


    ... open to the public. Those interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR (See Contact... CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail: . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf of Mexico...

  4. 77 FR 11065 - Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR... (United States)


    ... public. Those interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR (See FOR FURTHER... invitations at least 24 hours in advance of each webinar. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Dr. Suite 201; phone (843) 571-4366. Email:

  5. 75 FR 39918 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); South Atlantic... (United States)


    ... interested in participating should contact Kari Fenske at SEDAR. See FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT to... CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail: . SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Gulf of Mexico...

  6. Incidence of contralateral versus ipsilateral neurological signs associated with lateralised Hansen type I disc extrusion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, J.D.; Newell, S.M.; Budsberg, S.C.; Bennett, R.A.


    Asymmetrical neurological signs were noted in 50 dogs presenting with Hansen type I thoracolumbar disc extrusion. Thoracolumbar myelograms and surgical decompression were performed in all cases. Dogs were divided into two groups (acute and chronic) based on the duration of clinical signs prior to presentation to the University of Georgia. Lateralising extradural cord compressive lesions were noted on all myelograms. In the acute group, 35 per cent of the dogs had asymmetrical neurological signs contralateral to the myelographic and surgical lesion, while in the chronic group only 11 per cent had neurological signs contralateral to the lesion. There was found to be no significant difference in frequency of contralateral asymmetrical clinical signs between the two groups (Fischer's exact test; P = 0.095). The high frequency of contralateral signs documents the importance of thoracolumbar myelography for accurate localisation of the disc material before decompressive surgery


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    José A.C. NERY


    Full Text Available It is well known that reactions are commonplace occurrences during the course of leprosy disease. Stigmatization may even be attributable to reactions which are also responsible for the worsening of neural lesions. A cohort of 162 newly-diagnosed baciloscopically positive patients from the Leprosy Care Outpatient Clinic of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ was selected for this study. While 46% of the multibacillary (MB patients submitted to the 24 fixed-dose multidrug therapy (MDT regimen suffered reactions during treatment, it was found that all MBs were susceptible and that constant attention and care were required at all times. Fourteen per cent were classified as BB, 52% as BL, and 33% as LL. None of the variables under study, such as, sex, age, clinical form, length of illness, length of dermatological lesions, baciloscopic index (BI, or degree of disability proved to be associate with reaction among the patients studied. Reversal Reaction (RR occurred in 45%, and Erythema Nodosum Leprosum (ENL occurred in 55%. Among BB patients who developed reactions (15 patients, 93% presented RR; while among the LL patients who developed reactions (34 patients, 91% presented ENL. Likewise, ENL was very frequent among those with disseminate lesions, while RR was most often observed in patients with segmentary lesions. RR was also most likely to occur during the initial months of treatment. It was demonstrated that the recurrence rate of ENL was significantly higher than that of RR. Neither grade of disability nor BI was shown to be associated with RR and ENL reaction. However, the RR rate was significantly higher among patients showing BI 3.Reações são ocorrências comuns no curso da hanseníase e são responsáveis pelo agravamento das lesões neurais. Uma coorte de 162 pacientes recém-diagnosticados, baciloscopicamente positivos, em acompanhamento no Ambulatório de Hanseníase da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ foi selecionada para estudo

  8. Babesia behnkei sp. nov., a novel Babesia species infecting isolated populations of Wagner's gerbil, Dipodillus dasyurus, from the Sinai Mountains, Egypt. (United States)

    Bajer, Anna; Alsarraf, Mohammed; Bednarska, Małgorzata; Mohallal, Eman M E; Mierzejewska, Ewa J; Behnke-Borowczyk, Jolanta; Zalat, Sammy; Gilbert, Francis; Welc-Falęciak, Renata


    Although a number of new species of Babesia/Theileria have been described recently, there are still relatively few reports of species from Africa. In this study based on the evaluation of morphology and phylogenetic relationships, we describe a novel species from Wagner's gerbil, Babesia behnkei n. sp. Rodents (n = 1021) were sampled in four montane valleys (wadies) in 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012 in the Sinai Mountains, Egypt. The overall prevalence of Babesia spp. was highest in the Wagner's gerbil (Dipodillus dasyurus; 38.7%) in comparison to the prevalence in the spiny mice species, Acomys dimidiatus and A. russatus. Morphological investigations were conducted for the comparison of trophozoites of the novel species of Babesia with the B. microti King's 67 reference strain. Thirty-two isolates derived from D. dasyurus over a 9 year period (2004-2012) from two wadies (29 isolates from Wadi Gebel and 3 from Wadi El-Arbaein) were investigated by microscopic, molecular and phylogenetic analysis. A near-full-length sequence of the 18S rRNA gene and the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) region were amplified, sequenced and used for the construction of phylogenetic trees. A novel species of Babesia was identified in two isolated populations of D. dasyurus. Phylogenetic analysis of 18S rDNA and ITS2 sequences revealed that B. behnkei n. sp. is most closely related to B. lengau from cheetahs from South Africa and to Nearctic species found only in North America (the pathogenic B. duncani and B. conradae) and that it is more distant to the cosmopolitan rodent parasite B. microti. Trophozoites of B. behnkei were smaller and less polymorphic than trophozoites of B. microti. Babesia behnkei n. sp. is a novel species of the 'Duncani group' maintained in isolated populations of Dipodillus dasyurus occurring in the Sinai Mountains of Egypt.

  9. Estudo comparativo preliminar entre os alongamentos proprioceptivo e estático passivo em pacientes com seqüelas de hanseníase


    Diaz, Augusto Floricel; Moro, Fabio Luiz; Binotto, Jussara Machado; Fréz, Andersom Ricardo


    A proposta deste estudo foi comparar a aplicação de alongamento estático passivo e alongamento proprioceptivo no tratamento de seqüelas de hanseníase. Doze pacientes com essas seqüelas participaram da pesquisa, separados aleatoriamente em dois grupos: o grupo FNP, tratado com facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva, e o grupo AEP, com alongamento estático passivo. Ambos realizaram dez sessões de alongamentos, sendo submetidos à avaliação inicial e final nas quais foram aplicados o questionár...

  10. Hanseníase: a implicação da educação em saúde para o autocuidado


    Duarte, Lucelia Maria Carla Paulo da Silva


    A hanseníase é um problema de saúde em nível mundial devido principalmente ao seu potencial incapacitante. A estratégia de combate à doença adotada pelo Ministério de Saúde é o diagnóstico e tratamento precoces, prevenção e tratamento de incapacidades físicas e vigilância dos contatos domiciliares. Tudo isso fundamentado na educação em saúde como sustentáculo para compreensão do processo de adoecimento, da doença em si, sua aceitação e, principalmente, das ações de autocuidado para prevenção ...

  11. Techniques used in the exploration of turbidite reservoirs in a frontier setting - Helland Hansen setting, Voering Basin, offshore Mid Norway

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez-Ferrer, F.; James, S.D.; Lak, B.; Evans, A.M.


    In the 15th Norwegian licensing round there was awarded operation of the Helland Hansen deep water license. Subsurface interpretation commenced towards the end of 1996, following completion of a 1540 km{sup 2} 3-D seismic survey. The main exploration target comprise Turonian to Coniacian turbidite sands within a large fault-bound dip closure. This presentation describes various techniques applied in the exploration of this new turbidite play, with emphasis on the study of the reservoir potential. A methodology of integrated analysis is presented. Through these efforts, a greater understanding of the lithological and depositional models in this non-calibrated area has progressively been achieved. 5 refs., 11 figs.

  12. Malting Characteristics of Some Sorghum and Millet Grain Varieties Grown in Kenya

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makokha, A.O; Makwaka, A.M; Oniang'o, R.O; Njoroge, S.M


    Industrial malt in Kenya for commercial beer production is made exclusively from barley. This study explored the potential of producing suitable malt from some sorghum and finger millet grain varieties grown in Kenya. Malting characteristics of two sorghum grain varieties, KARI Mtama-1 and local Red variety, and that of finger millet was done and compared to that of barley. Among the grain characteristics determined before malting were water sensitivity, polyphenol (tannin) content and total protein. The grain was malted by striping in water for 48 h, followed by germination for four days at 25 degrees celcious, then kilned at 50 degrees celcious for 24 h. The malting characteristics determined included total soluble N, free amino N, wort pH and fermentable sugars. The local red sorghum and millet had high polyphenol content while KARI Mtama-1 and barley had low levels. KARI Mtama-1 had positive water sensitivity while barley had negative sensitivity. Finger millet and local red sorghum were water insensitive. Free amino N was 113, 125, 144, and 154mg 100g - 1 malt for millet, barley, local Red and KARI Mtama-1, respectively. Total fermentation sugars were 307, 477, 610 and 178 mg 1 - 1 for finger millet, local red, barley and KARI Mtama 1 , respectively. The results showed that that the proteolytic and amyloytic characteristics of the KARI Mtama-1 malt are largely similar to those of barley. Hence the KARI Mtama-1 malt are largely similar to those of barley. Hence the KARI Mtama-1 has good potential fro conventional lager beer production. Malts of local Red sorghum grain and millet may be more suitable for industrial production of opaque/cloudy beer

  13. Systematic heat flow measurements across the Wagner Basin, northern Gulf of California (United States)

    Neumann, Florian; Negrete-Aranda, Raquel; Harris, Robert N.; Contreras, Juan; Sclater, John G.; González-Fernández, Antonio


    A primary control on the geodynamics of rifting is the thermal regime. To better understand the geodynamics of rifting in the northern Gulf of California we systematically measured heat-flow across the Wagner Basin, a tectonically active basin that lies near the southern terminus of the Cerro Prieto fault. The heat flow profile is 40 km long, has a nominal measurement spacing of ∼1 km, and is collocated with a seismic reflection profile. Heat flow measurements were made with a 6.5-m violin-bow probe. Although heat flow data were collected in shallow water, where there are significant temporal variations in bottom water temperature, we use CTD data collected over many years to correct our measurements to yield accurate values of heat flow. After correction for bottom water temperature, the mean and standard deviation of heat flow across the western, central, and eastern parts of the basin are 220 ± 60, 99 ± 14, 889 ± 419 mW m-2, respectively. Corrections for sedimentation would increase measured heat flow across the central part of basin by 40 to 60%. We interpret the relatively high heat flow and large variability on the western and eastern flanks in terms of upward fluid flow at depth below the seafloor, whereas the lower and more consistent values across the central part of the basin are suggestive of conductive heat transfer. Moreover, heat flow across the central basin is consistent with gabbroic underplating at a depth of 15 km and suggests that continental rupture here has not gone to completion.

  14. Sorologia da hanseníase utilizando PGL-I: revisão sistemática Leprosy serology using PGL-I: a systematic review


    Rodrigo Scaliante de Moura; Karla Lucena Calado; Maria Leide W. Oliveira; Samira Bührer-Sékula


    A sorologia utilizando o antígeno espécie-específico do Mycobacterium leprae, PGL-I, pode ser um marcador de carga bacteriana em pacientes com hanseníase. Estudos identificaram potencial de uso da sorologia na classificação de pacientes para fins de tratamento, monitoramento de terapia, risco de recidiva e na seleção dos contatos com maior risco de adoecer. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática e 26 artigos foram incluídos na análise comparativa. Avaliamos os resultados do uso da sorologia PG...

  15. Oral history and memories of Hansen's disease patients in two Colombian leper colonies: life trajectories, conflicts and resistance strategies. (United States)

    Botero-Jaramillo, Natalia; Mora-Blanco, Jessica; Quesada-Jiménez, Nelson Daniel


    The paper examines the oral history of Hansen's disease in two Colombian communities that were leper colonies until 1961. The oral history around the disease allows us to connect individuals' memories with collective memory. This history remains an oral one, and few academic studies have documented it. We use oral history as a qualitative research method in order to analyze how the patients and those who lived alongside them positioned themselves in terms of the disease and how it permeated their entire existence, re-signifying the concepts of health and disease, normality and abnormality. We examine how, over the course of their lives, they engaged in resistance strategies that allowed them to get closer to normality, in their own sociocultural terms.

  16. A relação entre soroprevalência de anticorpos contra o glicolipídeo fenólico-I entre crianças em idade escolar e endemicidade da hanseníase no Brasil The relation between seroprevalence of antibodies against phenolic glycolipid-I among school children and leprosy endemicity in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samira Bührer-Sékula


    Full Text Available Os programas de controle da hanseníase se beneficiariam de um método fácil para estimar prevalência e avaliar o impacto das ações de controle na prevalência da doença. A determinação da soroprevalência de anticorpos contra PGL-I através de estudos com crianças em idade escolar foi sugerida como indicador útil da taxa de prevalência da hanseníase a nível municipal.Para investigar se a soropositividade estaria associada aos coeficientes de detecção da hanseníase e se poderia ser usada como indicador da prevalência em outras áreas, 7.073 crianças em três estados endêmicos de hanseníase no Brasil foram testadas. Resultados mostram uma considerável variação da distribuição de soropositividade nas comunidades, independente do número de casos de hanseníase detectados. A soroprevalência foi significativamente menor nos colégios. Nenhuma diferença na distribuição da soropositividade determinada por ELISA ou dipstick foi observada. Nenhuma correlação entre o coeficiente de detecção da hanseníase e soropositividade pôde ser estabelecida.Leprosy control programs would benefit expressively from an easy method to estimate disease prevalence and to assess the effect of leprosy control measures on disease prevalence. Determination of the seroprevalence of antibodies to PGL-I through school children surveys might be a useful indicator of leprosy prevalence at the district level. To investigate whether seropositivity rates could be related to leprosy detection rates and whether seropositivity could be used as a proximal indicator to predict the leprosy incidence in other areas, 7,073 school children in three different leprosy-endemic states in Brazil were tested. The results show a widely varying distribution of seropositivity in the communities independent of the number of leprosy cases detected. Seroprevalence was significantly lower at private schools. No differences in the patterns of seropositivity between ELISA

  17. Avaliação das capacitações de hanseníase: opinião de médicos e enfermeiros das equipes de saúde da família Evaluación de las capacitaciones de Hanseníasis: la visión de médicos y enfermeros de los equipos de salud de la familia Evaluation of training programs in Hansen's Disease: opinion of physicians and nurses of family health teams

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    Cléa Maria da Costa Moreno


    Full Text Available A hanseníase é uma doença milenar, infectocontagiosa, causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae; manifesta-se em células cutâneas e nervos periféricos. Na década de 1990, as ações de controle foram descentralizadas, passando do estado para o município. Um estado do nordeste brasileiro elaborou, então, uma série de treinamentos em hanseníase para capacitar os profissionais da rede básica. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar esses treinamentos a partir da opinião de médicos e enfermeiros das equipes de saúde da família. Os resultados indicam que os profissionais avaliaram os treinamentos positivamente quanto à sua implementação e ao objetivo de capacitá-los para a detecção da doença. Conclui-se que os treinamentos precisam ser continuados e lançam-se algumas reflexões para os próximos.La Lepra es una enfermedad milenaria, infectocontagiosa, provocada por el Mycobacterium leprae; se manifiesta en células cutáneas y nervios periféricos. En la década del 1990, las acciones de control fueron descentralizadas, pasando de la provincia para el municipio. Una provincia del nordeste brasileño elaboró, entonces, una serie de entrenamientos en hanseniasis para capacitar a los profesionales de la red básica. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar esos entrenamientos, a partir de la opinión de médicos y enfermeros de los equipos de salud de la familia. Los resultados indican que los profesionales evaluaron los entrenamientos positivamente en cuanto a su implementación y el objetivo de capacitarlos para la detección de la enfermedad. Se concluye que los entrenamientos necesitan ser continuados y se lanzan algunas reflexiones para los próximos.Hansen's Disease is a contagious, milenar disease caused by the Mycobacterium leprae that manifests itself in the cutaneal cells and the peripheral nerves. In the decade of 1990, the control for the disease was descentralized from the state to the municipality level. A northeastern state in

  18. Single lesion as an indicator to monitor the leprosy trend to elimination in hyperendemic areas Lesão única como indicador de monitoramento de tendência de eliminação da hanseníase em áreas hiperendêmicas

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    Eliane Ignotti


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Prevalence and detection rates of leprosy are not sufficient to show the real magnitude of changes in epidemiological patterns. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of the proportion of new leprosy patients with a single skin lesion (SSL as a potential indicator of the elimination of leprosy. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study based on secondary data analyzing newly reported cases of leprosy between 1997 and 2002, in the city of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil. Patients with a single lesion were compared to remaining patients, and the odds ratio was used as measure of association. RESULTS: Out of the 1,303 new cases of leprosy, 481 (36.9% had a SSL. An increasing time-trend was observed in the proportion of new cases detected with a single lesion, which grew from 20.3% in 1999 to 49.1% in 2002 (linear trend pINTRODUÇÃO: As taxas de detecção e prevalência de hanseníase não são suficientes para mostrar a real magnitude de mudanças nos padrões epidemiológicos da doença. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a aplicabilidade e utilidade da medida de proporção de casos de hanseníase com lesão única de pele como potencial indicador de avaliação do progresso da eliminação da hanseníase em áreas hiperendêmicas. METODOLOGIA: Estudo retrospectivo baseado na análise de dados secundários de casos novos de hanseníase notificados entre 1997 e 2002 na cidade de Palmas, estado de Tocantins, Brasil. Os registros de pacientes com lesão única foram comparados àqueles registrados com mais de uma lesão. Odds ratio foi utilizado como medida de associação. RESULTADOS: De um total de 1.303 casos novos de hanseníase notificados, 481 (36,9% apresentavam lesão única de pele. Verificou-se tendência de incremento na proporção de casos de casos novos diagnosticados com lesão única variando de 20,3% em 1999 para 49,1% em 2002 (p < 0,001, simultaneamente à redução do registro de número de casos novos após 1999. Maior

  19. Saladused ja narri kuju Anton Hansen Tammsaare poeetikas. Secrets and the Figure of the Fool in Anton Hansen Tammsaare’s Poetics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maarja Vaino


    Full Text Available This article examines the poetics of Anton Hansen Tammsaare’s texts with a focus on the manifestation and function of the irrational. Tammsaare has been regarded first and foremost as the author of earthy, realistic novels about the peasantry; as a writer he has been deemed a rationalist and a skeptic. However, the criticism of the 1930s also recognizes a dimension of irrationality in his works. A variety of features are listed through which Tammsaare communicates the non-realistic aspects of his characters` perception of the world: the creation of a mysterious quality in the text; paradoxical situations and trains of thought; impulsive and intuitive behaviour on the part of the characters. This line of research was interrupted after World War II: in Soviet literary scholarship, topics that diverged from realism, or „closeness to life” were frowned upon. Therefore the dimension of irrationality in Tammsaare’s works has yet to receive in-depth consideration. This article seeks to develop the insights of earlier, pre-war Tammsaare critics and carry them further. Closer examination is devoted to the secret as an impetus for events in Tammsaare’s texts, as well as to that dimension of the irrational in Tammsaare which is expressed through the archetype of the fool. Though secrets in the abstract sense could be seen as an aspect influencing interpersonal relations between characters, Tammsaare uses the figure of the fool to bring characters into his works whose strange and incomprehensible behaviour keeps events „going”, creating more and more complicated or insoluble situations, and throwing the well-ordered world into chaos. Tammsaare characteristically constructs his fictional world in such a way that externally plausible circumstances underscore the behaviour patterns of characters in a state of psychological tension, thereby bringing their internal and unconscious worlds into view. What emerges out of this process is a particular

  20. Validation of the Monte Carlo criticality program KENO IV and the Hansen-Roach sixteen-energy-group-cross sections for high-assay uranium systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Handley, G.R.; Masters, L.C.; Stachowiak, R.V.


    Validation of the Monte Carlo criticality code, KENO IV, and the Hansen-Roach sixteen-energy-group cross sections was accomplished by calculating the effective neutron multiplication constant, k/sub eff/, of 29 experimentally critical assemblies which had uranium enrichments of 92.6% or higher in the uranium-235 isotope. The experiments were chosen so that a large variety of geometries and of neutron energy spectra were covered. Problems, calculating the k/sub eff/ of systems with high-uranium-concentration uranyl nitrate solution that were minimally reflected or unreflected, resulted in the separate examination of five cases

  1. Historial oral y memoria de los enfermos de Hansen en dos lazaretos de Colombia: trayectorias de vida, conflictos y resistencias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Botero-Jaramillo

    Full Text Available Resumen Investiga la historia oral de la enfermedad de Hansen en dos comunidades de Colombia que fueron hasta 1961 lazaretos. La historia oral en torno de la enfermedad ha permitido conjugar la memoria individual con la memoria colectiva. Esta historia ha quedado en la oralidad y pocos trabajos académicos la han recopilado. Utilizamos la historia oral como método de investigación cualitativo, para analizar cómo enfermos y convivientes se posicionan ante la enfermedad y cómo atraviesa toda su existencia, resignificando los conceptos de salud y enfermedad, de normalidad y anormalidad, y cómo en sus trayectorias de vida emprendieron estrategias de resistencia que les permitiera aproximarse a la normalidad, desde sus propias significaciones socioculturales.

  2. 76 FR 13986 - Fisheries of the South Atlantic; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Public Meetings (United States)


    ..., SC 29405. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kari Fenske, SEDAR Coordinator, 4055 Faber Place Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC 29405; telephone: (843) 571-4366; e-mail:

  3. Gambaran densitas kamar pulpa gigi sulung menggunakan cone beam CT-3D (Description of pulp chamber density in deciduous teeth using cone beam CT-3D

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    Herdiyati Y


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is the most common chronic diseases. Detection of caries is needed, especially on the deciduous teeth. An examination such as radiological examination is essential. The radiographic figures distinguish radiolucent of the crown. Digital radiography cone beam computed tomography (CBCT is able to show a more detailed picture. Purpose: This study was aimed to get value of the density of pulp chamber of caries and non caries deciduous teeth using CBCT radiographs. Methods: The study was conducted by using simple descriptive. The samples were all the data CBCT of pediatric patients aged 7-10 years who visited the Dental Hospital of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Padjadjaran. The samples were teeth with single and double root. Results: The results showed that the value of the normal pulp density is 422.56 Hu, while the condition of caries decreased becomes -77.89 Hu. Conclusion: The tooth with caries showed a lower density than the non caries/tooth.Latar belakang: Karies gigi merupakan penyakit kronis yang sering terjadi. Deteksi terhadap karies sangat diperlukan terutama pada gigi decidius. Pemeriksaan penunjang berupa pemeriksaan radiologis sangat diperlukan. Secara umum gambaran radiografi dapat membedakan karies berupa gambaran radiolusent pada mahkota. Radiografi digital cone beam computed tomografi (CBCT, merupakan jenis radiografi yang mampu memperlihatkan gambaran yang lebih detail. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan nilai densitas kamar pulpa gigi sulung yang karies dan non karies menggunakan radiografi CBCT. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode simple deskriptif. Sampel penelitian adalah semua data CBCT dari pasien anak berusia 7 - 10 tahun yang berkunjung ke RSGM Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran. Gigi yang dianalisa meliputi gigi berakar tunggal dan berakar ganda. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai densitas pulpa normal adalah 422,56 Hu, sedangkan pada kondisi

  4. Detection of Mycobacterium leprae DNA for 36kDa protein in urine from leprosy patients: a preliminary report Detecção do DNA do Mycobacterium leprae para proteína 36 kDa na urina de pacientes com hanseníase: relato preliminar

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    Om Parkash


    Full Text Available We have searched for Mycobacterium leprae DNA for 36kDa protein in urine using a M. leprae specific PCR technique. A limited number of 16 patients (of which 11 belonged to lepromatous leprosy and five to tuberculoid leprosy and eight healthy individuals were included for the present study. The number of urine samples positive by PCR were 36.4% (4/11 in lepromatous patients and 40% (2/5 in tuberculoid patients. None of the samples from healthy individuals was positive. To our knowledge, the results indicate, for the first time, the presence of M. leprae DNA in urine from leprosy patients. Another important finding obtained out of the study is that amongst treated patients 66.6% (4/6 were positive whereas amongst untreated only 20% (2/10 were positive. From the present indicative data it appears that treatment improves the PCR results with urine as a sample. Thus, the approach could prove to be useful for monitoring the treatment response of individual patients and needs to be further evaluated with a large number of patients.Pesquisamos o DNA do Mycobacterium leprae para proteína 36 kDa na urina usando a técnica do PCR específica para M. leprae. Um número limitado de 16 pacientes (dos quais 11 tinham hanseníase multibacilar e cinco hanseníase paucibacilar e oito indivíduos saudáveis foram incluídos neste estudo. O número de amostras de urina positivas pelo PCR foi de 36,4% (4/11 em pacientes com hanseníase multibacilar e 40% (2/5 em pacientes com hanseníase paucibacilar. Nenhuma das amostras de indivíduos saudáveis foi positiva. Até onde chega o nosso conhecimento, os resultados indicam, pela primeira vez, a presença de DNA do M. leprae na urina de pacientes com hanseníase. Outro fato importante obtido através do exame é que entre os pacientes tratados 66.6% (4/6 eram positivos enquanto entre os não tratados somente 20% (2/10 foram positivos. Pelos presentes dados indicativos parece que o tratamento melhora os resultados do

  5. Taotlused ja tulemus / Rein Tootmaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tootmaa, Rein


    Helle Karise kavandatava portreefilmide sarja "Contra mortem" esimene film "Dr. Andres Ellamaa" : operaatorid Peter Murdmaa ja Marko Piirsoo : monteerija Eero Karis : produtsendid Helle Karis ja Maret Hirtentreu : kasutatud Carl Orffi muusikat : Myth Film 2002

  6. Doktor Ellamaa elutants / Linnar Priimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Priimägi, Linnar, 1954-


    Helle Karise kavandatava portreefilmide sarja "Contra mortem" esimene film "Dr. Andres Ellamaa" : operaatorid Peter Murdmaa ja Marko Piirsoo : monteerija Eero Karis : produtsendid Helle Karis ja Maret Hirtentreu : kasutatud Carl Orffi muusikat : Myth Film 2002

  7. Neurite silenciosa na hanseníase multibacilar avaliada através da evolução das incapacidades antes, durante e após a poliquimioterapia

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    Pimentel Maria Inês Fernandes


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: A neurite silenciosa é definida como deterioração da função nervosa na ausência de dor neural, diferenciando-se da neurite franca, em que ocorre dor no nervo periférico, com ou sem prejuízo da função nervosa. Sua detecção precoce é importante para tentar impedir o estabelecimento de seqüelas decorrentes da hanseníase. OBJETIVOS: Conhecer a freqüência das neurites silenciosas em portadores de formas multibacilares de hanseníase. MÉTODOS: Cento e três pacientes (18,4% BB, 47,6% BL e 34% LL foram acompanhados durante o período médio de 64,6 meses a partir do momento do diagnóstico, durante e após a poliquimioterapia, por meio da avaliação do grau de incapacidade. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados doentes que tiveram piora do grau de incapacidade no término de tratamento, ou ao fim do seguimento, em relação ao grau manifestado antes do tratamento ou no término do tratamento medicamentoso. Ao todo, pelo menos cinco pacientes (4,9% do total evoluíram com neurite silenciosa, durante ou após a poliquimioterapia. CONCLUSÃO: Preconiza-se exame neurológico seqüencial cuidadoso dos pacientes multibacilares, de modo a detectar e tratar precocemente a neurite silenciosa.

  8. Electronic conductivity of Ce(0.9)Gd(0.1)O(1.95-δ) and Ce(0.8)Pr(0.2)O(2-δ): Hebb-Wagner polarisation in the case of redox active dopants and interference

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chatzichristodoulou, Christodoulos; Hendriksen, Peter Vang


    of the steady state I-V curve from the standard Hebb-Wagner equation was observed for the case of Ce(0.8)Pr(0.2)O(2-δ). It is shown that the I-V curve can be successfully reproduced when the presence of the redox active dopant, Pr(3+)/Pr(4+), is taken into account, whereas even better agreement can be reached...

  9. Hanseníase históide de localização restrita Histoid leprosy of restricted location

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    Antônio Pedro Mendes Schettini


    Full Text Available A hanseníase permanece importante problema de saúde pública, e os técnicos de unidades básicas de saúde devem estar capacitados para reconhecer as diversas formas de apresentação clínica da doença. Relata-se caso de paciente com lesões pouco habituais, cujo diagnóstico foi importante por se tratar de doente multibacilar, principal elo da cadeia de transmissão da doença. O diagnóstico e tratamento oportuno desses casos contribuem para atingir as metas de eliminação da doença no país.Leprosy remains a public health problem in Brazil. Every health professional at the primary health care level should be able to detect all presentation forms of leprosy. We report the case of a multibacillary patient with unusual lesions, whose diagnosis was important to interfere in the transmission chain. Diagnosis and adequate treatment contribute to reach the leprosy elimination goal in our country.

  10. Contrapontos da história da hanseníase no Brasil: cenários de estigma e confinamento Contrapuntos de la historia de la enfermedad de Hansen en Brasil: escenarios de estigma y confinamiento Counterpoints in the history of Hansen's disease in Brazil: situations of stigma and seclusion

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    Luiz Antonio de Castro Santos


    Full Text Available Ao discutir a luta contra a hanseníase no Brasil, em especial em São Paulo e no Maranhão, o trabalho focaliza as múltiplas formas da história institucional e da "cultura de reclusão" dos hansenianos. Critica-se a visão corrente de um cenário único de disciplina e vigilância para, ao contrário, sugerir a existência de cenários cambiantes, marcados por conflitos, negociações e distintas propostas de prevenção ou de combate à doença. O texto aborda as diferentes concepções médicas e "profanas" da lepra, bem como as propostas e práticas de intervenção social no Brasil e, em particular, nos estados de São Paulo e do Maranhão, desde os primeiros tempos da República até as primeiras décadas da Era Vargas. O combate à doença sempre desafiou conceitos e convicções sobre tratamento, propagação, confinamento e regeneração, sob múltiplos significados epidemiológicos, médicos, culturais e sociais, referidos ao estigma da doença, do pecado e da impureza. O texto procura estabelecer alguns cenários brasileiros nos quais se revelam as identidades coletivas deterioradas, a exclusão social e as políticas de confinamento institucional e de regeneração dos doentes.Al discutir la lucha contra la enfermedad de Hansen en Brasil, en especial en San Pablo y en Maranhão, el trabajo enfocará las múltiples formas de la historia institucional y de la "cultura de reclusión" de los hansenianos (leprosos. Se critica la visión corriente de un escenario único de disciplina y vigilancia para, al contrario, sugerirse la existencia de escenarios cambiantes, marcados por conflictos, negociaciones y distintas propuestas de prevención o de combate a la enfermedad. El texto abordará las diferentes concepciones médicas y 'profanas' de la lepra, así como las propuestas y prácticas de intervención social en Brasil y, en particular, en los estados de San Pablo y de Maranhão, desde los primeros tiempos de la República hasta las

  11. Distribution of class ii major histocompatibility complex antigenexpressing cells in human dental pulp with carious lesions

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    Tetiana Haniastuti


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is a bacterial infection which causes destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth. Exposure of the dentin to the oral environment as a result of caries inevitably results in a cellular response in the pulp. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC is a group of genes that code for cell-surface histocompatibility antigens. Cells expressing class II MHC molecules participate in the initial recognition and the processing of antigenic substances to serve as antigen-presenting cells. Purpose: The aim of the study was to elucidate the alteration in the distribution of class II MHC antigen-expressing cells in human dental pulp as carious lesions progressed toward the pulp. Methods: Fifteen third molars with caries at the occlusal site at various stages of decay and 5 intact third molars were extracted and used in this study. Before decalcifying with 10% EDTA solution (pH 7.4, all the samples were observed by micro-computed tomography to confirm the lesion condition three-dimensionally. The specimens were then processed for cryosection and immunohistochemistry using an anti-MHC class II monoclonal antibody. Results: Class II MHC antigen-expressing cells were found both in normal and carious specimens. In normal tooth, the class II MHC-immunopositive cells were observed mainly at the periphery of the pulp tissue. In teeth with caries, class II MHC-immunopositive cells were located predominantly subjacent to the carious lesions. As the caries progressed, the number of class II MHC antigen-expressing cells was increased. Conclusion: The depth of carious lesions affects the distribution of class II MHC antigen-expressing cells in the dental pulp.Latar belakang: Karies merupakan penyakit infeksi bakteri yang mengakibatkan destruksi jaringan keras gigi. Dentin yang terbuka akibat karies akan menginduksi respon imun seluler pada pulpa. Kompleks histokompatibilitas utama (MHC merupakan sekumpulan gen yang mengkode histokompatibilitas

  12. Application of the Maxwell-Wagner-Hanai effective medium theory to the analysis of the interfacial polarization relaxations in conducting composite films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adohi, B J-P; Bouanga, C Vanga; Fatyeyeva, K; Tabellout, M


    A new approach to explain the interfacial polarization phenomenon in conducting composite films is proposed. HCl-doped poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and polyamide-6 (PA-6) matrices with embedded polyaniline (PANI) particles as filler were investigated and analysed, combining dielectric spectroscopy and AFM electrical images with the effective medium theory analysis. Up to three relaxation peaks attributed to the interfacial polarization phenomena were detected in the studied frequency range (0.1 Hz-1 MHz). The AFM electrical images revealed that the doped PA-6/PANI composite can be modelled as a single-type particle medium and the PET/PANI one as a two-type particle medium. A simple dielectric loss expression was derived from the Maxwell-Wagner-Hanai mixture equation and was applied to the experimental data to identify the interfaces involved in each of the relaxation peaks. The parameter values (permittivity, conductivity, volume fraction of the PANI particles) were found to agree well with the measured one, hence validating the models.

  13. Study of physiological properties of some probiotics in multiple cultures with mesophilic lactic acid bacteria by Flora Danica Ch. Hansen commercial starter

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    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to establish the growth ability and stability of probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus (commercial code La-5®, Lactobacillus casei ssp. paracasei (commercial code L. casei 431® and Bifidobacterium bifidus (commercial code BB-12® in multiple cultures with mesophilic lactic bacteria, Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris, Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis ssp. diacetylactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides spp. cremoris, as Flora Danica Chr. Hansen commercial starters. Under the controlled fermentative conditions described below, a good starter combination, for the high rate of cells multiplication and for the good viability during storage, was identified in the mixture of L. casei 431®, BB-12® and Flora Danica, in ratio of 1:1:1 (9 log CFU/mL for each starter culture.

  14. Late Holocene earthquake history of the Brigham City segment of the Wasatch fault zone at the Hansen Canyon, Kotter Canyon, and Pearsons Canyon trench sites, Box Elder County, Utah (United States)

    DuRoss, Christopher B.; Personius, Stephen F.; Crone, Anthony J.; McDonald, Greg N.; Briggs, Richard W.


    Of the five central segments of the Wasatch fault zone (WFZ) having evidence of recurrent Holocene surface-faulting earthquakes, the Brigham City segment (BCS) has the longest elapsed time since its most recent surface-faulting event (~2.1 kyr) compared to its mean recurrence time between events (~1.3 kyr). Thus, the BCS has the highest time-dependent earthquake probability of the central WFZ. We excavated trenches at three sites––the Kotter Canyon and Hansen Canyon sites on the north-central BCS and Pearsons Canyon site on the southern BCS––to determine whether a surface-faulting earthquake younger than 2.1 ka occurred on the BCS. Paleoseismic data for Hansen Canyon and Kotter Canyon confirm that the youngest earthquake on the north-central BCS occurred before 2 ka, consistent with previous north-central BCS investigations at Bowden Canyon and Box Elder Canyon. At Hansen Canyon, the most recent earthquake is constrained to 2.1–4.2 ka and had 0.6–2.5 m of vertical displacement. At Kotter Canyon, we found evidence for two events at 2.5 ± 0.3 ka and 3.5 ± 0.3 ka, with an average displacement per event of 1.9–2.3 m. Paleoseismic data from Pearsons Canyon, on the previously unstudied southern BCS, indicate that a post-2 ka earthquake ruptured this part of the segment. The Pearsons Canyon earthquake occurred at 1.2 ± 0.04 ka and had 0.1–0.8 m of vertical displacement, consistent with our observation of continuous, youthful scarps on the southern 9 km of the BCS having 1–2 m of late Holocene(?) surface offset. The 1.2-ka earthquake on the southern BCS likely represents rupture across the Weber–Brigham City segment boundary from the penultimate Weber-segment earthquake at about 1.1 ka. The Pearsons Canyon data result in a revised length of the BCS that has not ruptured since 2 ka (with time-dependent probability implications), and provide compelling evidence of at least one segment-boundary failure and multi-segment rupture on the central WFZ. Our

  15. Aspectos da doença de hansen relevantes para o cirurgião-dentista: revisão da literatura = Relevant aspects of hansen’s disease to dentists: literature review

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    Russo, Michelle Pereira


    Full Text Available Tendo em vista o elevado número de casos de Doença de Hansen no Brasil, caracterizando um problema de saúde pública, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica visando informar o cirurgião-dentista sobre a situação atual da DH no Brasil, suas manifestações bucais, seqüelas que repercutem na saúde bucal e dar subsídios para que o profissional participe do diagnóstico desta doença

  16. A Quantum Mermin-Wagner Theorem for a Generalized Hubbard Model

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    Mark Kelbert


    Full Text Available This paper is the second in a series of papers considering symmetry properties of bosonic quantum systems over 2D graphs, with continuous spins, in the spirit of the Mermin-Wagner theorem. In the model considered here the phase space of a single spin is ℋ1=L2(M, where M is a d-dimensional unit torus M=ℝd/ℤd with a flat metric. The phase space of k spins is ℋk=L2sym(Mk, the subspace of L2(Mk formed by functions symmetric under the permutations of the arguments. The Fock space H=⊕k=0,1,…ℋk yields the phase space of a system of a varying (but finite number of particles. We associate a space H≃H(i with each vertex i∈Γ of a graph (Γ,ℰ satisfying a special bidimensionality property. (Physically, vertex i represents a heavy “atom” or “ion” that does not move but attracts a number of “light” particles. The kinetic energy part of the Hamiltonian includes (i -Δ/2, the minus a half of the Laplace operator on M, responsible for the motion of a particle while “trapped” by a given atom, and (ii an integral term describing possible “jumps” where a particle may join another atom. The potential part is an operator of multiplication by a function (the potential energy of a classical configuration which is a sum of (a one-body potentials U(1(x, x∈M, describing a field generated by a heavy atom, (b two-body potentials U(2(x,y, x,y∈M, showing the interaction between pairs of particles belonging to the same atom, and (c two-body potentials V(x,y, x,y∈M, scaled along the graph distance d(i,j between vertices i,j∈Γ, which gives the interaction between particles belonging to different atoms. The system under consideration can be considered as a generalized (bosonic Hubbard model. We assume that a connected Lie group G acts on M, represented by a Euclidean space or torus of dimension d'≤d, preserving the metric and the volume in M. Furthermore, we suppose that the potentials U(1, U(2, and V are G-invariant. The result

  17. Estudo da mucosa nasal de contatos de hanseníase, com positividade para o antígeno glicolipídio fenólico 1 Nasal mucosa study of leprosy contacts with positive serology for the phenolic glycolipid 1 antigen

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    Ana Cristina da Costa Martins


    Full Text Available A hanseníase é uma doença infecciosa de evolução crônica causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae que acomete com maior frequência a mucosa nasal. Esse acometimento independe da forma clínica da doença e pode ocorrer mesmo antes do aparecimento de lesões na pele ou em outras partes do corpo. Faz-se necessário a vigilância epidemiológica dos contatos de casos novos de hanseníase para o diagnóstico precoce da doença. OBJETIVOS: Identificar lesões específicas e precoces de hanseníase por meio de exame endoscópico, baciloscópico, histopatológico e da reação em cadeia da polimerase em Tempo Real da mucosa das cavidades nasais dos contatos domiciliares e peridomiciliares com sorologia positiva para o antígeno glicolipídio fenólico. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo transversal em 31 contatos de pacientes de hanseníase com sorologia positiva (PGL-1, 05 controles negativos e 01 positivo no período de 2003 a 2006. RESULTADOS: Entre os contatos soropositivos a PCR-RT foi positiva para a presença de DNA de M. leprae em 06 (19,35% destes e o maior número de cópias do genoma do bacilo foi encontrado no contato que adoeceu. CONCLUSÃO: Isoladamente os exames da mucosa nasal não permitiram o diagnóstico precoce da hanseníase, mas com a combinação de vários métodos, o exame dos contatos pôde ajudar na identificação da infecção subclínica e monitoramento daqueles que poderiam ter papel importante na transmissão da doença.Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The disease more frequently affects the nasal mucosa and can occur independently of its clinical form or even before lesions on the skin or on other parts of the body. It is necessary to employ epidemiological surveillance of household contacts with new leprosy cases for early disease diagnosis. AIM: identify specific and early leprosy lesions through endoscopic, baciloscopy, histopathology exams, and real time polymerase chain

  18. [Dental enamel prisms of Mesopithecus pentelicus Wagner, 1839, compared with recent cercopithecids (Primates: Cercopithecidae)]. (United States)

    Dostal, A; Zapfe, H


    The dental enamel prisms of Cercopithecidae were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The main task of this study was to show the prism morphology representatives of different genera as well as their comparison with the fossil Mesopithecus pentelicus Wagner, 1839. The method used to show the enamel prisms was to etch the tooth surface with hydrochloric acid. In this way the outlines of the prisms were better contrasted for the descriptive morphology of the prisms than in etching with phosphoric acid. Two types were determined, in accord with the systematic division into subfamilies. In the subfamily Cercopithecinae elongated slender prisms were dominating, some with pointed, others with truncated tops. Most characteristic of this type were Macaca and Cercopithecus. An exception was Papio hamadryas which had broader, rounded prisms. In this way it differed largely from P. anubis whose prisms were short and mostly triangular. A very interesting fact was that very different patterns were found in P. anubis and P. hamadryas, although these two species are regarded as only one species by many authors. The second subfamily, the Colobinae, was characterized by broader prisms with a rounded shape, nearly as long as wide. Exceptions of the 'Colobine type' were at first Colobus with prisms little longer than wide and secondly Nasalis, with mostly parallel sides and truncated tops of the prisms. The prism outlines of Mesopithecus showed the greatest similarity to those of Presbytis which represents the characteristic 'Colobine type'. This fact confirmed the actual systematic position of the fossil Mesopithecus within the subfamily Colobinae. In addition to previously known primitive features of Mesopithecus within the subfamily of Colobinae, we present here a further concrete, common feature with asiatic Colobines.

  19. Insecticide-Treated Rodent Baits for Sand Fly Control (United States)


    Agricul- tural Research Institute study area (KARI; lat 0.47, long 36.00) was comprised of land used for small-scale farming and for forage by goats area. The sites at the KARI and Bogoria study areas had large numbers of a variety of non-reservoir ani- mals, including other small mammals, goats

  20. [Outcome of operative treatment for supination-external rotation Lauge-Hansen stage IV ankle fractures]. (United States)

    Kołodziej, Łukasz; Boczar, Tomasz; Bohatyrewicz, Andrzej; Zietek, Paweł


    Ankle fractures are among the most common musculoskeletal injures. These fractures occur with an overall age- and sex-adjusted incidence rate around 180 per 100 000 person-years. The most frequent mechanism is considered to be supination-external rotation (60 to 80% of all ankle fractures) consisting of pathologic external rotation of the foot initially placed in some degree of supination. According to Lauge-Hansen classification, ankle joint structures are damaged in a sequence where the final, stage IV injuries, represents transverse fracture of the medial malleolus or its equivalent-rupture of the deltoid ligament. The aim of this study is to compare the results of two subtypes of supination-external rotation stage IV fractures. 43 patients treated surgically in 2006 to 2007 at Authors institution because of stage IV supination-external rotation ankle fracture were submitted to retrospective analysis. There were 25 patients with bimalleolar fracture (type 1) and in 18 patients with lateral malleolar fracture with accompanying rupture of the deltoid ligament (type 2). The mean age was 46 years (from 20 to 82 years). Average follow up period was 37 months (from 24 to 46 months). For the evaluation of treatment AOFAS hind-foot score (American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society) was used. The mean AOFAS score scale for Type 1 fractures was 85 points and for type 2 was significantly higher and amounted to 91 points (p ankle fractures with medial malleolar fracture, requires the implementation of additional diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and procedures in order to improve the outcome of results.

  1. Analysis of Hansen's Inferior and Superior Partial Anomalies and the Division of the Elliptic Orbit into Two Segments (United States)

    Sharaf, M. A.; Saad, A. S.


    In this paper, a novel analysis was established to prove how Hansen's inferior and superior partial anomalies k and k_1 can divide the elliptic orbit into two segments. The analysis depends on the departures of r (for k) and 1/r (for k1) from their minima. By these departures, we can find: (i) Transformations relating the eccentric anomaly to k and the true anomaly to k1. (ii) Expressions for k and k_1 in terms of the orbital elements. (iii) The interpretation and the intervals of definition of two moduli (X, S) related to k and k_1. (iv) The extreme values of r and the elliptic equations in terms of k and k1. (v) For r' and r'', the modulus X as a measure of the asymmetry of r' (or r'') from r'' (or r'), and the modulus S12 as a measure of the asymmetry of r' and r'' from the minimum value of r. (vi) A description of the segments represented by k and k1. (vii) The relative position of the radius vector at k0° and k1=180°.

  2. Dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome in an adolescent during treatment during of leprosy Síndrome de hipersensibilidade à dapsona em uma adolescente durante tratamento de hanseníase

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    Fábio Bucaretchi


    Full Text Available A 12 y old girl was admitted 24 days after start a WHO multidrug therapy scheme for multibacillary leprosy (dapsone, clofazimine and rifampicin with intense jaundice, generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatoesplenomegaly, oral erosions, conjunctivitis, morbiliform rash and edema of face, ankles and hands. The main laboratory data on admission included: hemoglobin, 8.4 g/dL; WBC, 15,710 cells/mm³; platelet count, 100,000 cells/mm³; INR = 1.49; increased serum levels of aspartate and alanine aminotransferases, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, direct and indirect bilirubin. Following, the clinical conditions had deteriorated, developing exfoliative dermatitis, shock, generalized edema, acute renal and hepatic failure, pancytopenia, intestinal bleeding, pneumonia, urinary tract infection and bacteremia, needing adrenergic drugs, replacement of fluids and blood product components, and antibiotics. Ten days after admission she started to improve, and was discharged to home at day 39th, after start new supervised treatment for leprosy with clofazimine and rifampicin, without adverse effects. This presentation fulfils the criteria for the diagnosis of dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome (fever, generalized lymphadenopathy, exfoliative rash, anemia and liver involvement with mixed hepatocellular and cholestatic features. Physicians, mainly in geographical areas with high prevalence rates of leprosy, should be aware to this severe, and probably not so rare, hypersensitivity reaction to dapsone.Menina, 12 anos, foi admitida referindo o uso de esquema de poliquimioterapia preconizado pela OMS para tratamento de hanseníase forma multicibacilar (dapsona, rifampicina e clofazimina há 24 dias, apresentando icterícia, linfadenomegalia generalizada, hepatoesplenomegalia, conjuntivite, úlceras orais, exantema morbiliforme e edema de face, mãos e tornozelo. Os principais achados laboratoriais à admissão incluíam: hemoglobina, 8,4 g

  3. Suspected resistance of MDT-MB in Multibacillary Leprosy of Hansen's disease: Two case reports

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    Yudo Irawan


    Full Text Available Resistance to multidrug therapy (MDT is one of the complications in the treatment of Hansen’s disease/Morbus Hansen (MH. There are two types of resistancy, which are primary and secondary. MDT-multibacillary (MB resistance must be suspected when no clinical improvement and the acid-fast bacilli (AFB index is not reduced after 12 months of therapy. A 28-year-old woman with paresthesia on her face, arms and legs since 2.5 years ago, accompanied by thickening of the right posterior tibial nerve. The AFB examination showed a bacteriological index (BI of 15/6 and morphological index (MI of 0.50%. The second case, a 42-year-old man came with paresthetic lesions on his face, chest, back, both arms and legs since 2 years ago, accompanied by thickening of ulnar and lateral peroneal nerve. The BI was 12/5 and the MI was 0.40%. Both patients were diagnosed with borderline lepromatous type of MH and received MDT-MB for 12 months. Diagnosis of suspected resistance was established because no clinical improvement or any significant decrease of AFB index after completing the MDT treatment. The patients had secondary resistance after polymerase chain reaction evaluation showed that they were still rifampicin-sensitive. There was clinical improvement and significant decrease in FAB index after the patients continued the MDT-MB treatment with 600 mg additional rifampicin. The diagnosis of bacterial resistance should be made based on clinical evaluation before completion of treatment. Based on the two case reports, the resistance suspected may be secondary. Treatment using additional regimen can be initiated once the resistance has been proven.

  4. En torno al arte europeo de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Aspectos de las relaciones forma–contenido o forma–función en la obra de Lawrence Alma–Tadema, Gottfried Semper y Richard Wagner


    Moreno Dopazo, Ángel


    El trabajo se plantea como una reflexión sobre la dificultad actual para apreciar los valores, a menudo denostados, de los ya supuestamente lejanos arte y cultura del siglo XIX. De aquel rico mundo de referentes y asociaciones se destacan aquí las figuras del pintor realista Alma-Tadema, los arquitectos del Ring de Viena, con Semper como singular protagonista, y el músico Richard Wagner. Junto al análisis del complejo universo pictórico del artista holandés afincado en Inglaterra se presenta ...

  5. Management of anterior teeth damage caused by complex caries through aesthetic endorestoration

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    Nanik Zubaidah


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is a microbiological disease that result in localized dissolution and destruction of the calcified tissue. It is multifactorial, therefore prevention must be based on a multifactorial approach. The damage of anterior teeth due to complex caries, for certain person may interfere their performance and decrease their self confidence aesthetically. Restoration of tooth form and function, especially on anterior teeth is highly valuable. Purpose: To present a case of maxillary anterior teeth with complex caries, through endorestoration treatment for recovering its original function and aesthetic. Case: The 21 years old male patient with complex carries on maxillary anterior teeth number 12, 11, 21, 22 and 23. The patient felt bad about his performance and affect his self confidence. The patient visited the clinic to repair his teeth and to get its form and function aesthetically. Case management: The endorestoration treatment was performed for carious teeth through pulpectomy followed by insertion of post retention and porcelain fused to metal crowns. Conclusion: Anterior teeth with severed complex caries can be managed through endorestoration treatment to recover its performance and function aesthetically.Latar belakang: Dental karies adalah penyakit infeksi yang berakibat kerusakan jaringan kalsifikasi dan bersifat multifactorial. Oleh karena itu pencegahan dilakukan dengan pendekatan multifactorial. Kerusakan gigi anterior karena karies kompleks untuk orang-orang tertentu mungkin berdampak pada penampilan dan penurunan kepercayaan diri karena factor estetik. Perbaikan gigi anterior dari berbagai kerusakan baik dalam hal bentuk maupun fungsinya sangat besar nilainya. Tujuan: Untuk menunjukkan kasus gigi anterior rahang atas karena karies kompleks melalui perawatan endorestorasi untuk mengembalikan fungsi gigi asli dan estetik. Kasus: Laki-laki usia 21 tahun dengan karies kompleks pada gigi anterior rahang atas 12, 11, 21

  6. The frequency of bottle feeding as the main factor of baby bottle tooth decay syndrome

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    Mochamad Fahlevi Rizal


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries remains as main problem in Indonesia and its prevalence is high (90.05%. However, there is no appropriate data that can be used to analyze dental caries in toddlers, especially baby bottle tooth decay syndrome (BBTD, though the number of BBTD cases is high in some pediatric dental clinics (90% of patients visiting the clinics. Even though some factors have already been considered to be the risk factor of BBTD, the main risk factor of BBTD is still unknown, especially BBTD in Indonesia. Purpose: This research was aimed to obtain data relating with bottle-feeding habit in 3-5 year old children in Indonesia and its caries risk. Method: The study was an observational research conducted with clinical examination through caries status (deft of each child deserved by pediatric dentists and through questionnaire distributed to parents to examine the risk factor of BBTD. Observation was conducted on 62 children in the range of age 3 to 5 years old with bottle-feeding habit. Result: The results revealed that status of caries was various. The data showed that the frequency of bottle feeding more than twice could trigger BBTD 2.27 times higher than other factors such as the use of bottle feeding as a pacifier prior sleeping, the period of bottle-feeding, and the breast-feeding experience. Conclusion: though milk as subtract can possibly become a factor triggering caries, the frequency of bottle-feeding is highly considered as main factor. Since it could modulated the bacterial colonization on dental surface, which affects its virulence.Latar belakang: Karies masih menjadi masalah utama di Indonesia. Dalam praktek sehari-hari prevalensi karies masih sangat tinggi (90.05%. Belum ada data yang memadai dalam penelaahan karies yang spesifik pada anak balita selama ini khususnya kasus sindroma karies botol (SKB sementara itu kasus SKB ditemukan sangat tinggi di beberapa klinik gigi anak (90% dari jumlah pasien yang datang ke klinik

  7. Sorologia da hanseníase utilizando PGL-I: revisão sistemática Leprosy serology using PGL-I: a systematic review

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    Rodrigo Scaliante de Moura


    Full Text Available A sorologia utilizando o antígeno espécie-específico do Mycobacterium leprae, PGL-I, pode ser um marcador de carga bacteriana em pacientes com hanseníase. Estudos identificaram potencial de uso da sorologia na classificação de pacientes para fins de tratamento, monitoramento de terapia, risco de recidiva e na seleção dos contatos com maior risco de adoecer. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática e 26 artigos foram incluídos na análise comparativa. Avaliamos os resultados do uso da sorologia PGL-I em diferentes situações, suas limitações e possíveis aplicações. Estudos mostraram eficácia da sorologia PGL-I na classificação de pacientes, monitoramento da terapia, e nas reações hansênicas como teste preditivo. Para diagnóstico precoce e seguimento de população de alto risco, as metodologias utilizadas ainda não demonstraram custo-benefício favorável, porém estudos indicam que a utilização do teste poderá influenciar positivamente nos programas de controle da hanseníase. Com técnicas simples e robustas, o uso da sorologia PGL-I é viável.Serology using a species-specific antigen for Mycobacterium leprae, PGL-I, could be a marker for the bacterial load of patients with leprosy. Various studies have identified the potential use of serology in the classification of patients for treatment purposes, case monitoring, identification of the risk of relapse and selection of household contacts with a higher risk of contracting the disease. A systematic review of the literature was conducted and 26 articles were included in this comparative analysis. The results of the use of PGL-I serology in different situations, its limitations and possible applications were evaluated. Studies show the efficacy of PGL-I serology in the classification of patients, treatment monitoring and as a predictive test for leprosy reactions. To improve early diagnosis and follow-up of the population at greatest risk of developing leprosy, the

  8. UVB suscetibilidade como fator de risco para o desenvolvimento da hanseníase virchowiana UVB susceptibility as a risk factor to the development of lepromatous leprosy

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    Mecciene Mendes Rodrigues


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: A radiação ultravioleta B (RUVB é o mais importante fator ambiental capaz de modificar a função imunológica da pele humana. OBJETIVO: estudar a associação entre o fenótipo de suscetibilidade ou resistência à radiação RUVB e as formas polares da hanseníase. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 38 pacientes com hanseníase virchowiana (MHV e 87 pacientes com hanseníase tuberculoide (MHT de acordo com a classificação de Ridley e Jopling (1966. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos ao teste para determinação do fenótipo de suscetibilidade ou resistência à RUVB por meio da aplicação de um disco de dinitroclorobenzeno (DNCB a 2% em uma área de pele previamente irradiada com duas vezes a dose eritematosa mínima (DEM. Após 21 dias, outra aplicação de um disco similar de DNCB a 0,05% na região escapular (área não exposta à RUVB foi realizada para avaliar se houve sensibilização, com leitura após 48 horas. Os pacientes que apresentaram reação positiva ao DNCB foram considerados UVB-resistentes e o oposto foi considerado para aqueles que não apresentaram resposta (UVB-suscetíveis. RESULTADOS: A frequência de UVB-suscetíveis foi de 63,2% (24 pacientes no grupo MHV e 34,4% (30 pacientes no grupo MHT (OR = 3,26; IC = 1,36-7,87; x² = 7,73; p = 0,005. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que a UVB-suscetibilidade é um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento da MHV.BACKGROUNDS: Ultraviolet radiation B (UVRB is the most important environmental factor capable of altering the immune function of human skin. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of the phenotypes of susceptibility or resistance to ultraviolet radiation B (UVRB and the polar forms of leprosy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We evaluated 38 patients with lepromatous leprosy (LL and 87 patients with tuberculoid (TT leprosy, according to the classification by Ridley and Jopling (1966. All the patients were submitted to a test to determine the phenotypes of

  9. Avaliação da expressão de interleucina 1 beta (IL-1β e antagonista do receptor de interleucina 1 (IL-1Ra em pacientes com hanseníase Evaluation of the expression of interleukin 1 beta(IL-1β and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra in leprosy patients

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    Rosane Dias Costa


    Full Text Available A hanseníase é uma doença infectocontagiosa espectral que acompanha-se por uma série de eventos imunológicos desencadeados pela resposta do hospedeiro frente ao agente etiológico, o Mycobacterium leprae. Evidências sugerem que a indução e manutenção da resposta imune/inflamatória na hanseníase estão vinculadas a interações de múltiplas células e fatores solúveis, particularmente através da ação de citocinas. Nesse estudo, foram mensurados níveis de IL-1β e IL-1Ra de 37 casos novos de hanseníase acompanhados ao longo do tratamento e 30 controles sadios pelo teste ELISA. A coleta de sangue periférico foi realizada em quatro tempos para os casos de hanseníase (pré-tratamento com PQT, 2ª dose, 6ª dose e pós-PQT e em único momento para os controles. Na comparação dos níveis das moléculas de casos no pré-PQT e controles, houve diferença estatisticamente significativa somente para IL-1β. Nossos resultados sugerem a participação dessa citocina no processo imune/inflamatório.Leprosy is an infectious and contagious spectral disease accompanied by a series of immunological events triggered by the host's response to the etiologic agent, Mycobacterium leprae. Evidence suggests that the induction and maintenance of the immune/inflammatory response in leprosy are linked to multiple cell interactions and soluble factors, mainly through the action of cytokines. The ELISA test was used to measure the levels of IL-1β and IL-1Ra in 37 new leprosy patients followed-up during treatment and 30 healthy controls. Peripheral blood was collected four times during the treatment of leprosy patients (MDT pretreatment, 2nd dose, 6th dose and post-MDT, and only once from the controls. The comparison of molecular levels in pre-MDT patients and controls showed a statistically significant difference for IL-1β. The results suggest the participation of this cytokine in the genesis of the immune/inflammatory process.

  10. Vigilância da hanseníase em Olinda, Brasil, utilizando técnicas de análise espacial Leprosy surveillance in Olinda, Brazil, using spatial analysis techniques

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    Tiago Lapa


    Full Text Available Contribui-se com o sistema de Vigilância Epidemiológica em nível local por meio de análise espacial em razão do predomínio do caráter urbano da hanseníase em nosso meio e por sua distribuição não homogênea - em parte, pela forma de ocupação e transformação do espaço urbano. Trabalha-se o conceito de risco coletivo pela definição de micro-áreas homogêneas mediante o indicador de carência social, verificando-se sua coerência com padrões da distribuição da hanseníase obtidos da base de dados do SINAN para o Município de Olinda no período 1991-96. Para cada estrato, definido segundo níveis semelhantes dos indicadores, foi calculado o coeficiente de detecção médio para o período. Ao exame da associação entre carência social (risco e coeficiente de detecção de hanseníase obteve-se coeficiente de explicação de 66,1% no modelo multiplicativo, acrescido para 84,3% com a variável renda. Para atender à lógica de intervenção, definiram-se estratos de alto, médio e baixo risco nos distritos sanitários e área programática. A construção desses mapas mostrou-se útil a instrumentalizar o planejamento em nível local.In the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, leprosy has been mainly an urban disease, with an uneven geographical distribution related at least partially to the way urban space has been occupied and transformed. Spatial analysis may thus become an important tool to establish an epidemiological surveillance system for leprosy. Homogeneous micro-areas were defined in the city of Olinda through the integration of two databases, the Population Census and SINAN, and through the use of digital maps and geoprocessing techniques. Census tracts were classified according to a social deprivation index (SDI, and micro-area homogeneity was based on similar values for this indicator. Cluster analysis (K-means was used to define cut-offs between strata. The same procedure was repeated using the income variable only

  11. Achieving concentrated graphene dispersions in water/acetone mixtures by the strategy of tailoring Hansen solubility parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yi Min; Shen Zhigang; Zhang Xiaojing; Ma Shulin


    Although exfoliating graphite to give graphene paves a new way for graphene preparation, a general strategy of low-boiling-point solvents and high graphene concentration is still highly required. In this study, using the strategy of tailoring Hansen solubility parameters (HSP), a method based on exfoliation of graphite in water/acetone mixtures is demonstrated to achieve concentrated graphene dispersions. It is found that in the scope of blending two mediocre solvents, tailoring the HSP of water/acetone mixtures to approach the HSP of graphene could yield graphene dispersions at a high concentration of up to 0.21 mg ml -1 . The experimentally determined optimum composition of the mixtures occurs at an acetone mass fraction of ∼75%. The trend of concentration varying with mixture compositions could be well predicated by the model, which relates the concentration to the mixing enthalpy within the scope of HSP theory. The resultant dispersion is highly stabilized. Atomic force microscopic statistical analysis shows that up to ∼50% of the prepared nanosheets are less than 1 nm thick after 4 h sonication and 114g centrifugation. Analyses based on diverse characterizations indicate the graphene sheets to be largely free of basal plane defects and oxidation. The filtered films are also investigated in terms of their electrical and optical properties to show reasonable conductivity and transparency. The strategy of tailoring HSP, which can be easily extended to various solvent systems, and water/acetone mixtures here, extends the scope for large-scale production of graphene in low-boiling-point solutions.

  12. Establishing the reliability and construct validity of the Igbo version of Screening Activity Limitation and Safety Awareness scale in persons with Hansen disease. (United States)

    Ibikunle, Peter Olanrewaju; Oladipo, Samuel Ekundayo; Chukwu, Joseph Ngozi; Odole, Adesola Christiana; Okeke, Adaigwe Ifeoma


    Leprosy or Hansen's disease is an infectious disease affecting skin and peripheral nerves. The World Health Organization (WHO) Recent Report reveals Africa as having 20,599 new cases, America 36, 178, Eastern Asia 166,445, Western pacific 5,400; totally up to 232,875 new cases. Nigeria as at 2012 had 3,805 new cases. Nerve dysfunction can lead to severe impairments, such as wounds, clawing and shortening of digits, and visual impairments that are often indicated as WHO Grade 2 disabilities. The Screening Activity Limitation Safety Awareness (SALSA) scale however, was developed to-measure self-reported activity limitation in people affected by peripheral neuropathy, and has been translated into several languages world-wide, including two of the three major indigenous languages in Nigeria (i.e. Yoruba and Hausa), leaving the Igbo language yet to be translated. This resulted in the present study, in which the scale was translated into Igbo and the psychometric properties also established to help in data collection and to promote research among the Igbo speaking people living with disabilities from Hansen's disease. The research design was a cross-sectional survey, facility based with 70% RFT and 30% on MDT. Data were analysed using Cronbach's alpha and factor analyses. A quantitative exploration of participants' characteristics revealed that of the 40 respondents that participated in the study; 87.5% of them were predominantly from a rural population; 42.5% were males and 57.5% females. Their ages ranged between 15 and 64 years; 55% were uneducated; while 45% were educated. The SALSA Scale was interviewer-administered to the participants. Reliability analysis conducted on the data revealed high Cronbach's alpha co-efficient of 0.93 - 0.94 for the entire items on the scale. Firstly, most of the scale items correlated at least 0.3 with at least one other item on the scale, Secondly, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.71, Bartlett's test of

  13. Atenção básica de saúde e a assistência em Hanseníase em serviços de saúde de um município do Estado de São Paulo La atención básica a la salud y la asistencia a la Lepra en servicios de salud de un municipio del Estado de São Paulo The basic health and assistance to Hansen's Disease in health care services of a municipality of São Paulo State

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    Adriana Jimenez Pereira


    Full Text Available Este é um estudo descritivo desenvolvido em um município do Estado de São Paulo. Objetivo: identificar e caracterizar as ações do Programa de Controle da Hanseníase nos serviços de saúde municipais. Metodologia: entrevistas gravadas com gestor municipal de saúde e profissionais da assistência à hanseníase. Resultados: a política pública municipal em saúde prioriza o desenvolvimento da atenção básica com ênfase na saúde pública. As ações são realizadas por profissionais capacitados e experientes em hanseníase. Ve rificou-se a não realização da busca ativa dos casos, necessária para o real conhecimento da situação epidemiológica, e das ações de educação em saúde, importante para a redução do estigma e aproximação do sujeito à nova situação de vida e enfrentamento de limitações.Este estudio descriptivo es una investigación que analizó la situación de la atención de la Lepra en un municipio del Estado de Sao Paulo. Objetivo: identificar y caracterizar las acciones del Programa de Control de Lepra de los servicios de salud de ese municipio. Metodología: se entrevistaron a los profesionales encargados de la atención de lepra y al director municipal de políticas de salud. Resultados: las políticas públicas municipales de salud priorizaron el desarrollo de la atención básica, con énfasis en la salud pública tradicional. Las acciones de control de lepra son realizadas por trabajadores capacitados y con significativa experiencia profesional. Se resalta la ausencia de busca activa de los casos, necesaria para un conocimiento real de la situación epidemiológica y la importancia de educación en salud, para reducir el estigma y aproximar el sujeto a las adaptaciones necesarias en la nueva situación de vida para afrontar las limitaciones.This descriptive study was carried out in a municipality of Sao Paulo State. The objective was to identify and to characterize the Leprosy Control Program in

  14. The role of Hsp0, CD-8 and IFN-γ in immunopathobiogenesis of periapical granuloma in dental caries

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    Risya Cilmiaty


    Full Text Available Background: The incidence of dental caries with periapical granulomas in Indonesia is quite high. However, the mechanism of the formation of periapical granulomas in dental caries caused by bacterial infection in immunopathobiogenesis cannot be explained completely. Thus, this explanation is necessary in order to be used as a basis for diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic measures. Purpose: This research was aimed to determine the role of Hsp60, CD-8 and IFN-γ in immunopatobiogenesis of periapical granuloma in dental caries. Methods: This research was an analytic observational study with cross sectional approach. Samples of this research were 36 teeth of patients with dental caries, consisting of 18 caries teeth with periapical granulomas and 18 caries teeth without periapical granulomas. The variables observed in this research were Hsp60, CD-8 and IFN-γ. Measurements were conducted by using immunohistochemical methods on periapical tissue. Results: The mean of Hsp60, CD-8 and IFN-γ in granuloma group was significantly higher than those in non granuloma group (p<0.05. The positive role of IFN-γ on the incidence of granulomas appeared to be more prominent. Conclusion: The study suggested that in immunopathobiogenesis of periapical granuloma in dental caries, Hsp60, CD-8 and IFN-γ played important roles, but the role of IFN-γ was found to be more prominent.Latar belakang: Angka kejadian gigi karies dengan granuloma periapikal di Indonesia cukup tinggi, Namun mekanisme terbentuknya granuloma periapikal pada gigi karies yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri secara imunopatobiogenesis belum dapat dijelaskan secara tuntas. Adanya penjelasan ini diperlukan agar dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pengembangan diagnosis, langkah preventif dan terapinya. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran Hsp60, CD-8 dan IFN-γ dalam immunopatobiogenesis dari granuloma periapikal karies gigi. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional

  15. Pulp nerve fibers distribution of human carious teeth: An immunohistochemical study

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    Tetiana Haniastuti


    Full Text Available Background: Human dental pulp is richly innervated by trigeminal afferent axons that subserve nociceptive function. Accordingly, they respond to stimuli that induce injury to the pulp tissue. An injury to the nerve terminals and other tissue components in the pulp stimulate metabolic activation of the neurons in the trigeminal ganglion which result in morphological changes in the peripheral nerve terminals. Purpose: The aim of the study was to observe caries-related changes in the distribution of human pulpal nerve. Methods: Under informed consents, 15 third molars with caries at various stages of decay and 5 intact third molars were extracted because of orthodontic or therapeutic reasons. All samples were observed by micro-computed tomography to confirm the lesion condition 3-dimensionally, before decalcifying with 10% EDTA solution (pH 7.4. The specimens were then processed for immunohistochemistry using anti-protein gene products (PGP 9.5, a specific marker for the nerve fiber. Results: In normal intact teeth, PGP 9.5 immunoreactive nerve fibers were seen concentrated beneath the odontoblast cell layer. Nerve fibers exhibited an increased density along the pulp-dentin border corresponding to the carious lesions. Conclusion: Neural density increases throughout the pulp chamber with the progression of caries. The activity and pathogenicity of the lesion as well as caries depth, might influence the degree of neural sprouting.Latar belakang: Pulpa gigi manusia diinervasi oleh serabut saraf trigeminal yang berespon terhadap stimuli penyebab perlukaan dengan menimbulkan rasa sakit. Perlukaan pada akhiran saraf dan komponen lain dari pulpa akan menstimulasi aktivasi metabolik dari neuron pada ganglion trigeminal sehingga mengakibatkan perubahan morfologi pada akhiran saraf perifer. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati perubahan distribusi saraf pada pulpa gigi manusia yang disebabkan oleh proses karies. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan

  16. Estudo comparativo preliminar entre os alongamentos proprioceptivo e estático passivo em pacientes com seqüelas de hanseníase Preliminary comparative study between proprioceptive and passive static stretching in patients with leprosy sequelae


    Augusto Floricel Diaz; Fabio Luiz Moro; Jussara Machado Binotto; Andersom Ricardo Fréz


    A proposta deste estudo foi comparar a aplicação de alongamento estático passivo e alongamento proprioceptivo no tratamento de seqüelas de hanseníase. Doze pacientes com essas seqüelas participaram da pesquisa, separados aleatoriamente em dois grupos: o grupo FNP, tratado com facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva, e o grupo AEP, com alongamento estático passivo. Ambos realizaram dez sessões de alongamentos, sendo submetidos à avaliação inicial e final nas quais foram aplicados o questionár...

  17. Verificação da infecção de moscas da família Tachinidae pela Empusa Cohn, 1855: essas moscas, sugando ulceras lepróticas, se infestaram com o bacilo de Hansen

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    H. C. de Souza-Araujo


    Full Text Available The A. refers that, in his last study, in his last studying trip to Colonia Santa Fé, Minas Gerais State, last month of March (autumn, had captured many wild flies (all from Tachinidae family, according to various entomologists of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, on a leprotic ulceration of the left leg of a lepromatous case of leprosy. The microscopical examination of the abdominal material from sch flies proved the presence, in rather great number, of HANSEN bacilli and a fungus of the genus Empusa COHN 1855. The A. intends to continue, next summer, such interesting research.

  18. ANTI-CIUDAD COMO INFRAESTRUCTURA. EL SISTEMA LINEAL CONTINUO DE OSKAR HANSEN / Anti-city as infrastructure. Oskar Hansen’s Linear Continuous System

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    Marta López-Marcos


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Durante las décadas de la Guerra Fría, el continente europeo se encuentra sumido en un complejo proceso de transformación, reconstrucción y planteamiento de nuevos proyectos políticos y territoriales. Esta situación es especialmente convulsa en la franja centroeuropea, donde en estados como Hungría, Polonia o la antigua Yugoslavia se daban profundos debates acerca de su identidad y su organización geopolítica. El progresivo aperturismo hacia los países occidentales, junto a la necesidad de modernizar en profundidad los sistemas e infraestructuras estatales, sirvieron como catalizadores para la proliferación de grandes proyectos territoriales y urbanos con el fin no solo de mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes, sino también de reforzar la posición de dichos estados en el continente y el resto del mundo. Este texto se centra en el caso de la República Popular de Polonia, donde estas cuestiones se trataron con gran profusión desde diversas ramas. Concretamente, la propuesta del arquitecto Oskar Hansen para un Sistema Lineal Continuo aúna la visión socialista del estado como agente productor del espacio con la participación individual dentro del colectivo –siguiendo su Teoría de la Forma Abierta y sus conexiones con el Team X- sobre un soporte arquitectónico : un modelo de “anti-ciudad” que abriría cuestiones que todavía hoy permanecen vigentes. SUMMARY During the decades of the Cold War, Europe was plunged into a complex process of transformation, reconstruction and the emergence of new political and territorial projects. This situation caused particular upheaval in the central European strip, where states such as Hungary, Poland and the former Yugoslavia were struck by a profound quandary as to their identity and their geopolitical organisation. As they gradually opened up towards western countries and understood the need to drastically modernise the states’ systems and infrastructures, this triggered

  19. Características da reação tipo 1 e associação com vírus B e C da hepatite na hanseníase Type 1 reaction in leprosy: characteristics and association with hepatitis B and C viruses

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    Vitória P.A. Rego


    Full Text Available O episódio reacional tipo 1 ou reação reversa é ocorrência inflamatória aguda que atinge a pele e nervos periféricos, encontrada em até 30% dos pacientes com hanseníase, sendo causa comum de incapacidade física. Fatores de risco associados incluem uso de poliquimioterapia e infecções virais. Neste estudo, foram avaliados 620 pacientes com hanseníase. Reação reversa foi diagnosticada em 121 (19,5% casos, sendo mais freqüente nos indivíduos borderlines (48%. Início da poliquimioterapia foi considerado fator de risco para reação reversa, com 52% dos casos apresentando o primeiro episódio neste momento. Neurite foi documentada em 73% dos casos. A presença de vírus B ou C da hepatite foi documentada em 9% de 55 pacientes com reação reversa e em nenhum dos 57 pacientes sem reação (p = 0, 026; teste exato de Fisher, sugerindo possível papel destes agentes como fatores de risco para desenvolvimento de reação reversa na hanseníase.Type 1 reaction or reversal reaction is an acute inflammatory episode in the skin and peripheral nerves that is found in up to 30% of leprosy patients and commonly causes physical disabilities. Multidrug chemotherapy and viral infections are associated risk factors. In this study, 620 leprosy patients were evaluated. Reversal reactions were diagnosed in 121 cases (19.5% and were most frequently found in borderline patients (48%. Starting on multidrug chemotherapy was considered to be a risk factor for reversal reaction: 52% of the cases presented their first episode at this time. Neuritis was found in 73% of the cases. The presence of hepatitis B or C virus was documented in 9% of the 55 patients with reversal reaction, while it was not detected in any of the 57 patients without reaction (p = 0.026, Fisher’s exact test. This suggests that these agents may have a role as risk factors for developing reversal reactions.

  20. Diagnóstico da hanseníase fora do município de residência: uma abordagem espacial, 2001 a 2009 Leprosy diagnosis in municipalities other than the patients' place of residence: spatial analysis, 2001-2009

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    Carlos Henrique Morais de Alencar


    Full Text Available Caracterizar o fluxo de pessoas afetadas pela hanseníase, do município de residência para o de diagnóstico, em área de alta endemicidade no Brasil. Estudo baseado em dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos e Notificação de 2001-2009, nos estados do Maranhão, Pará, Tocantins e Piauí. Dos 373 municípios, 349 (93,6% tiveram pelo menos um residente afetado pela hanseníase notificado em outro município (4.325 casos, 5,2% dos notificados. Os municípios com maior número de casos notificados fora de sua residência foram Timon (248 e São José de Ribamar (201, no Maranhão. Os municípios que mais receberam casos para diagnóstico foram São Luís (719 e Teresina (516. Destacam-se Goiânia (146 e o Distrito Federal (42 como polos de notificações de casos residentes no agregado, mesmo a mais de 1.000km de distância da área. O fluxo observado indica lacunas na descentralização do processo de atenção integral à pessoa afetada pela hanseníase e chama atenção para as dificuldades e desafios associados com o acompanhamento durante e após a poliquimioterapia.The study analyzed the flow of persons with leprosy from their municipality (county of residence to that of their diagnosis in a highly endemic area in Brazil. The study was based on data from the National Information System for Notifiable Diseases from 2001 to 2009 in the States of Maranhão, Pará, Tocantins, and Piauí. Of the 373 municipalities, 349 (93.6% had at least one resident with leprosy that had been diagnosed in a different municipality (4,325 cases, or 5.2% of the total. The municipalities with the most cases reported elsewhere were Timon (248 and São José de Ribamar (201, Maranhão State. The municipalities that received the most exogenous cases for diagnosis were São Luís (719, capital of Maranhão, and Teresina (516, capital of Piauí. Goiânia (146, capital of Goiás, and the Federal District (42 also reported numerous cases, even though they are

  1. Helenduvad nobelistid / Alar Karis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karis, Alar, 1958-


    Nobeli keemiapreemia saanud Columbia ülikooli bioloogi Martin Chalfie, California ülikooli teadlase Roger Tsieni ja Jaapani päritolu Woods Hole'i merebioloogialaboratooriumi emeriitprofessori Osamu Shimomura meduusi-uuringutest

  2. Helenduvad nobelistid / Alar Karis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karis, Alar, 1958-


    Nobeli keemiapreemia saanud Columbia ülikooli bioloogi Martin Chalfie, California ülikooli teadlase Roger Tsieni ja Jaapani päritolu Woods Hole'i merebioloogialaboratooriumi emeriitprofessori Osamu Shimomura meduusi-uuringutest

  3. O uso da sorologia como ferramenta adicional no apoio ao diagnóstico de casos difíceis de hanseníase multibacilar: lições de uma unidade de referência The use of serology as an additional tool to support diagnosis of difficult multibacillary leprosy cases: lessons from clinical care

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    Maria Leide W. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Sete casos de hanseníase multibacilar (MB e dois casos com suspeição de hanseníase atendidos em situações distintas do atendimento clínico-dermatológico na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro são descritos. Todos apresentaram dificuldades no diagnóstico visto que não tinham sinais e sintomas cardinais da hanseníase. Um teste sorológico utilizado como ferramenta auxiliar foi útil no processo de diagnóstico ou exclusão de cada caso e facilitou as discussões acadêmicas na hora do exame clínico. A sorologia e baciloscopia de linfa são consideradas como os únicos instrumentos rápidos e de baixo custo para a confirmação de casos MB atípicos, e as vantagens e desvantagens de cada exame são discutidas. Ambos os testes complementam o processo diagnóstico e classificação dos casos para fins terapêuticos. A vantagem da baciloscopia está na sua capacidade de confirmação do diagnóstico. As vantagens da sorologia são: (a sua aplicabilidade para uso direto por profissionais de saúde no momento da consulta, visto que os resultados são imediatos, (b a possibilidade da participação dos pacientes no processo, e (c oferece uma oportunidade para melhor ensino da patogênese da hanseníase.Seven multibacillary leprosy and two suspected cases assisted in different situations during clinical care activities at the university in Rio de Janeiro city are described. All cases presented some difficulties for diagnosis, since they evolved with few or no cardinal signs or symptoms of leprosy. A serological test used as an auxiliary tool was helpful in the diagnosis or exclusion procedure of each case, facilitating academic discussions at the time of case examination. Considering serology and bacilloscopy (skin smear as the only rapid and relatively cheap available tests for confirmation of atypical MB leprosy, the advantages and disadvantages of their use were discussed. Both tests support the diagnostic procedure and the

  4. En torno al arte europeo de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Aspectos de las relaciones forma–contenido o forma–función en la obra de Lawrence Alma–Tadema, Gottfried Semper y Richard Wagner

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    Ángel Moreno Dopazo


    Full Text Available El trabajo se plantea como una reflexión sobre la dificultad actual para apreciar los valores, a menudo denostados, de los ya supuestamente lejanos arte y cultura del siglo XIX. De aquel rico mundo de referentes y asociaciones se destacan aquí las figuras del pintor realista Alma-Tadema, los arquitectos del Ring de Viena, con Semper como singular protagonista, y el músico Richard Wagner. Junto al análisis del complejo universo pictórico del artista holandés afincado en Inglaterra se presenta una reducida selección de obras arquitectónicas que culminan con los nuevos espacios para el arte más decisivamente alemán del XIX, la música.

  5. Desafios na era pós genômica para o desenvolvimento de testes laboratoriais para o diagnóstico da hanseníase Challenges in the post genomic era for the development of tests for leprosy diagnosis

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    Mariane Martins de Araújo Stefani


    Full Text Available O diagnóstico da hanseníase se baseia em manifestações clínicas e não existe teste laboratorial para diagnosticar casos assintomáticos ou para prever progressão da doença entre indivíduos expostos. Novas análises genômicas comparativas in silico e ferramentas de biologia molecular têm sido empregadas para revelar proteínas exclusivas do Mycobacterium leprae que apresentem potencial aplicação diagnóstica. A hanseníase tuberculóide paucibacilar (PB apresenta baixo nível de anticorpos e forte resposta imune celular (RIC tipo Th1/interferon gamma (IFN-γ. A doença lepromatosa multibacilar (MB apresenta sorologia positiva e fraca RIC. Portanto, testes laboratoriais para diagnosticar hanseníase PB e MB devem contemplar testes de RIC e sorologia. Proteínas recombinantes do Mycobacterium leprae sorologicamente reativas podem ser incorporadas ao antígeno PGLI para melhorar o diagnóstico sorológico de pacientes MB. Proteínas recombinantes e peptídeos sintéticos do Mycobacterium leprae têm sido testados em ensaios de RIC/IFN-γ para diagnosticar casos PB. Sorologia anti-PGLI modificada incorporando novos antígenos do Mycobacterium leprae e ensaios baseados na RIC/produção de IFN-γ devem permitir a detecção precoce de casos MB e PB em países endêmicos.Leprosy diagnosis is based mainly on clinical manifestations and no laboratory test is available to diagnose asymptomatic disease or to predict disease progression among exposed individuals. Novel comparative genomic in silico analyses and molecular biology tools have discovered unique Mycobacterium leprae proteins with potential diagnostic application. Tuberculoid paucibacillary leprosy (PB shows low antibodies titers and strong Th1 type/ IFN-γ specific cell mediated immunity (CMI, while lepromatous multibacillary patients (MB show high antibody titers and low CMI. Therefore, laboratory tests for PB and MB leprosy diagnosis will require CMI and antibody based assays

  6. Fatores de risco para transmissão da Hanseníase Factores de riesgo para la transmisión de la Lepra Risk factors for Leprosy transmission

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    Andréia Soprani dos Santos


    Full Text Available Estudo caso controle que objetivou identificar fatores individuais de risco relacionados à transmissão da doença. O grupo caso, composto por 90 pacientes de hanseníase notificados no SINAN entre 2003 e 2006; o grupo controle, constituído por 270 indivíduos sadios, pareados por sexo e faixa etária. Houve associação significativa entre a ocorrência da doença e a presença atual (OR= 2,9 e antiga (OR=5,0 de hanseníase entre parentes co-sangüíneos. Sabendo-se que o exame único dos contatos, no ato do diagnóstico, detecta uma parcela mínima dos casos, propõe-se a realização de exames periódicos dos contatos de hansenianos a fim de detectar os novos casos.Estudio caso controle que objetivó identificar factores individuales del riesgo relacionados a transmisión de la enfermedad. El grupo caso, compuesto por 90 pacientes con lepra notificados en el SINAN entre 2003 y 2006; y el grupo controle, constituido por 270 individuos saludables, pareados por sexo y edad. Hubo asociación significativa entre la ocurrencia de la enfermedad y la presencia actual (OR= 2,9 y antigua (OR=5,0 de la lepra entre parientes co-sanguíneos. Sabiéndose que el examen único de los contactos en el acto del diagnóstico detecta una parcela mínima de los casos, se propone a la realización del examen periódico de los contactos de leprosos a fin de detectar los nuevos casos.This case-control study aimed to identify individual risk factors regarding the transmission of leprosy. The group case represented by 90 cases of leprosy sick people pontificated at SINAN during 2003 and 2006 and a group control constituted by 270 healthy people, paired by gender and age. There was significant statistical between occurrence of the disease and its current presence (OR: 2,9 and old cases (OR= 5,0 of leprosy among co-sanguine relatives. Knowing that the only exam of the contact in the act of the diagnostic detects a minimum part of the new cases, it is proposed to

  7. Hanseníase: subnotificação de casos em Fortaleza - Ceará, Brasil Leprosy: underreported cases in Fortaleza - Ceará, Brazil

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    Mônica Cardoso Façanha


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Visando à eliminação da hanseníase como problema de saúde pública no Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde tem como meta alcançar taxa de prevalência de menos de 1 caso/10.000 habitantes, estimulando o diagnóstico e tratamento dos casos e reduzindo a disseminação da doença. O Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN foi designado para acompanhar o cumprimento dessa meta. OBJETIVO: Verificar a proporção dos casos de hanseníase diagnosticados nas unidades de saúde do município de Fortaleza que foi notificada ao SINAN. MÉTODOS: Foi feita a identificação dos casos diagnosticados e registrados nas unidades de saúde e notificados à Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Fortaleza (SMSF entre 2002 e 2004 por meio da comparação nominal entre os registros locais e os registros do SINAN. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados e resgatados para o SINAN 411 casos que haviam sido diagnosticados e não notificados (17,5% do total informado de 15 (64% das unidades que informaram pelo menos um caso no período. Cerca 342 casos constavam nos livros e estavam notificados no banco de dados do SINAN das unidades de atendimento, mas não compunham o banco de dados do SINAN da SMSF. CONCLUSÕES: Constatou-se subnotificação de 14,9% dos casos detectados, fato que precisa ser prevenido para que os indicadores reflitam a real freqüência dos casos no município.BACKGROUND: To eliminate leprosy as a public health problem in Brazil, the Ministry of Health aims to achieve a prevalence rate of less than 1.0 case/10,000 inhabitants, encouraging diagnosis and treatment of patients and reducing dissemination of the disease. The National Disease Notification System (SINAN is in charge of verify the elimination plan results. OBJECTIVE: To verify the proportion of leprosy cases diagnosed and reported to SINAN by health centers of the city of Fortaleza, in Ceará, Northeastern region of Brazil. METHODS: Comparison between cases registered in

  8. Un hito en la legislación laboral estadounidense : la Ley Nacional de Relaciones Laborales o la Ley Wagner (1935

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    María Luz Arroyo Vázquez


    Full Text Available Durante el New Deal, la legislación laboral adquiere una especial importancia política. Este artículo aborda uno de los principales hitos legislativos sindicales en los Estados Unidos: la ley nacional de relaciones laborales o ley Wagner Atiora bien, mientras que el título de la ley nos incita a pensar en un ámbito extenso de regulación de las relaciones entre patronos y trabajadores, ésta se limita a proteger y garantizar la libertad de sindicarse, el proceso de la negociación colectiva y el derecho a la huelga. En este ensayo se analizan los antecedentes, el desarrollo, los objetivos, y el impacto que tiene esta ley en el mundo laboral estadounidense. Finalmente, se incluye una reflexión sobre la visión que presenta la prensa española coetánea sobre esta medida.During the New Deal, labor legislation acquires a special political importance. This article tackies one oí the main legislative landmarks in the New Deal: the National Labor Relations Act. However, whereas the title oí the law leads us to think of a very extended sphere in the regulation of the relationship between employers and workers, the law is limited to protecting and guaranteeing the freedom to enter a unión, the process of collective bargaining and the right to go on strike. This essay analyses the background, the development, the objectives, and the impact that this law has on the American worid of labor. Finally, a reflection on the visión presented by the coetaneous Spanish press upon this measure is included.

  9. A New Economic and Political State of Play in the Energy Sector: On Jean-Pierre Hansen and Jacques Percebois, Energy. Economy and politics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lesourne, J.


    If there is one sector in which the state of play has changed radically over a few decades, it is the energy sector. It has been affected simultaneously by the prospect that the main fossil fuels will become exhausted, by the impact on our planet's climate of the consumption of this fossil energy (implying increased recourse to renewable sources) and by the rapid economic development of large nations consuming increasing quantities of energy. Energy-related policies (particularly economic and technological policies) are, in fact, being developed in an increasingly complex and international context, which is, at times, very difficult to grasp. Fortunately, two specialists in energy matters, Jean-Pierre Hansen and Jacques Percebois, have published a very comprehensive survey of this new economic and political state of play in the energy field: 'Energie. Economie et politiques' [Energy: Economics and Policies] (Brussels: De Boeck, 2010). It clearly is not possible here to go into all the questions they confront, but in this review Jacques Lesourne, who has read the book for Futuribles, clearly demonstrates its importance and presents the reader with the main facets of the work that make it a reference tool for all involved in this sector, including the most highly specialized. (author)

  10. The relation between salivary sIgA level and caries incidence in Down syndrome children

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    Rosdiana Rosdiana


    Full Text Available Background: Down syndrome or Trisomy 21 is a genetic disorder caused by extra chromosome on chromosome 21. Down syndrome child, however, has good resistance against caries, and some of them even are caries-free. It is because the level of salivary sIgA in Down syndrome children is equal or even higher than that in normal children. Purpose: This review was aimed to review the relation between salivary sIgA level and caries incidence in Down syndrome children. Reviews: Down syndrome is a collection of symptoms caused by chromosomal abnormality that has a number of physical and mental disorders. Down syndrome children, nevertheless, have significantly lower incidence of caries than normal children. These conditions are thought to relate to characteristics of oral cavity and the level of salivary sIgA in Down syndrome children. Caries is a disease of dental hard tissues caused by the fermentation of sucrose into glucans by glucosyltransferase enzymes (GTF of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans. One of proteins in saliva that acts as a defense mechanism is imunoglubulin. Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA inhibits the activity of S. mutans as bacteria causing caries forming glucan. This immunoglobulin, sIgA, is the most abundant immunoglobulin in saliva. The level of salivary sIgA in Down syndrome children is significantly higher than that in normal children. Conclusion: Besides factors of tooth eruption delays, wide spaces among teeth, microdontia, pH, and high saliva contents (calcium, sodium, bicarbonate, the low incidence of caries in Down syndrome children is also related with the higher level of salivary sIgA in Down syndrome children than that in normal children.Latar belakang: Sindroma Down atau Trisomi 21 merupakan kelainan genetik yaitu adanya kromosom ekstra pada kromosom 21. Anak sindroma Down memiliki resistensi yang baik terhadap karies dan sebagian dari mereka bebas karies. Kadar sIgA saliva anak sindroma Down sama atau bahkan lebih tingi

  11. Hanseníase em menores de quinze anos no município de Paracatu, MG (1994 a 2001 Leprosy in patients under fifteen years of age in the city of Paracatu-MG (1994 to 2001

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    Isaias Nery Ferreira


    Full Text Available O Município de Paracatu-MG é considerado prioritário para ações de controle da hanseníase devido às suas taxas de detecção e prevalência desta nosologia, sobretudo em menores de quinze anos. Nos anos de 1998 e 1999, realizou-se um trabalho de esclarecimento sobre sinais e sintomas da doença para uma população de cerca de oito mil escolares, o que contribuiu para o incremento da taxa de detecção da doença em menores de quinze anos, sendo o município classificado como hiperendêmico entre os anos de 1997 e 2001. Realizou-se também um trabalho de desenho descritivo de quarenta e cinco pacientes diagnosticados e tratados no município de Paracatu entre 1994 e 2001. Cinqüenta e três por cento dos diagnósticos foram em crianças do sexo masculino, 75,5% dos casos se situavam entre dez e catorze anos de idade e a escolaridade da população deste estudo está defasada em relação à idade, sendo que 84% da clientela morava em zona urbana. Todos os inscritos (100% foram casos novos, 56,0% de forma multibacilar, forma clínica Dimorfa, e 44% de formas paucibacilares, como a forma clinica Indeterminada (30,8% e a Tuberculóide (13,2%. Todos foram tratados segundo esquema padrão, com 100% de cura. Vinte e quatro por cento dos doentes apresentaram reações no diagnóstico e durante o tratamento, e 9% apresentaram reações no pós-alta. Vinte e dois por cento dos doentes apresentavam algum grau de incapacidade no diagnóstico e 13% apresentavam algum grau de incapacidade na alta (índice considerado alto. Verificou-se que 62% dos pacientes tinham contatos intradomiciliares portadores de hanseníase, sendo que somente em 15,5% destes contatos foram verificadas as duas cicatrizes da vacina BCG. A hanseníase é um sério problema de saúde pública no município estudado, e o trabalho realizado com escolares foi fundamental para o aumento da detecção dos casos.The city of Paracatu-MG is considered a priority for leprosy control

  12. O exame neurológico inicial na hanseníase multibacilar: correlação entre a presença de nervos afetados com incapacidades presentes no diagnóstico e com a ocorrência de neurites francas

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    Pimentel Maria Inês Fernandes


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: As incapacidades constituem o principal problema decorrente da hanseníase. É importante identificar os fatores de risco envolvidos, de modo a acompanhar os pacientes mais propensos com maior atenção. OBJETIVOS: Determinar se a presença de nervos periféricos espessados e/ou dolorosos no momento do diagnóstico se correlaciona com a ocorrência de incapacidades físicas no exame inicial, bem como com episódios posteriores de neurite, em pacientes multibacilares, durante e após a poliquimioterapia. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 103 pacientes portadores de formas multibacilares de hanseníase, sendo anotados a presença de nervos periféricos acometidos no momento o diagnóstico, o grau de incapacidade antes do tratamento (GIAT, e a ocorrência de episódios de neurites durante e após a poliquimioterapia para multibacilares. RESULTADOS: A detecção de nervos periféricos acometidos à época do diagnóstico correlacionou-se estatisticamente (p 0. Do mesmo modo, correlacionou-se significativamente (p < 0,05 com a ocorrência de neurites, durante a poliquimioterapia e no acompanhamento subseqüente (período médio de seguimento dos pacientes de 64,6 meses, a partir do diagnóstico. CONCLUSÃO: Sublinha-se a necessidade de realização de cuidadoso exame dos nervos periféricos por ocasião do diagnóstico, tanto para uma maior atenção para incapacidades já instaladas, quanto com relação à prevenção de incapacidades posteriores. Os profissionais que lidam com os portadores desta enfermidade devem estar atentos ao acometimento neurológico inicial por constituir fator de suscetibilidade às neurites e seqüelas neurológicas.

  13. Bone island and leprosy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carpintero, P.; Garcia-Frasquet, A. [Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cordoba University, Medical School, Reina Sofia University Hospital, Cordoba (Spain); Tarradas, E. [Department of Imaging, Cordoba University, Medical School, Cordoba (Spain); Logrono, C. [Department of Dermatology, Reina Sofia University Hospital, Cordoba (Spain); Carrascal, A. [Department of Radiology, Infanta Elena Hospital, Huelva (Spain); Carreto, A. [Department of Radiology, Reina Sofia University Hospital, Cordoba (Spain)


    Objective. To determine the incidence of bone islands in leprosy patients. Design. X-rays of feet and hands of patients with Hansen`s disease (leprosy) were reviewed retrospectively. A second group of related age- and sex-matched patients who did not have Hansen`s disease was used for control purposes. Controls had undergone hand or foot X-rays during diagnosis of other pathologies. The patients with Hansen`s disease were compared with the control group, and were also analyzed as subgroups with different types of leprosy. The results were subjected to statistical analysis. Patients. Ninety patients with Hansen`s disease were randomly selected for this study. Patients who had had ulcers on hands or feet were excluded from the study. Results and conclusions. Bone islands were demonstrated in 20 patients with Hansen`s disease; no bone islands were observed in the controls. This was statistically significant (P<0.01). Bone islands were only seen in patients with lepromatous leprosy and borderline types but were not demonstrated in patients with tuberculoid leprosy. There was also a statistically significant relationship for a disease duration of 15 years or more. The cause of this raised incidence of enostosis in leprosy patients is not clear, but there may be a genetic predisposition in patients with leprosy, or it may be a side effect of leprosy, especially the lepromatous form. (orig.) With 4 figs., 2 tabs., 9 refs.

  14. O “drama” da hanseníase: Governador Valadares, as políticas públicas de saúde e suas implicações territoriais na década de 1980

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    Patrícia Falco Genovez

    Full Text Available Resumo A incidência da hanseníase em Governador Valadares nos anos 1980 propiciou à cidade tornar-se uma das pioneiras na introdução da poliquimioterapia. O objetivo aqui é compreender as relações entre os diversos “atores” inseridos nesse contexto, especialmente os funcionários da Fundação Serviço Especial de Saúde Pública e os pacientes. Para a identificação dos territórios que essas relações necessariamente constituíam, foram utilizados diversos instrumentos teóricos, como o “dramatismo” (Burke e a performance (Turner. Buscou-se, com a metáfora teatral, uma dinâmica na qual os diversos atores não só se apresentassem, mas também estabelecessem as suas relações mais significativas, num processo dinâmico de constituições e reconstituições de territórios.

  15. 30 January 2012 - Danish National Research Foundation Chairman of board K. Bock and University of Copenhagen Rector R. Hemmingsen visiting ATLAS underground experimental area, CERN Control Centre and ALICE underground experimental area, throughout accompanied by J. Dines Hansen and B. Svane Nielsen; signing the guest book with CERN Director for Research and Scientific Computing S. Bertolucci and Head of International Relations F. Pauss.

    CERN Document Server

    Jean-Claude Gadmer


    30 January 2012 - Danish National Research Foundation Chairman of board K. Bock and University of Copenhagen Rector R. Hemmingsen visiting ATLAS underground experimental area, CERN Control Centre and ALICE underground experimental area, throughout accompanied by J. Dines Hansen and B. Svane Nielsen; signing the guest book with CERN Director for Research and Scientific Computing S. Bertolucci and Head of International Relations F. Pauss.

  16. A mucosa oral na hanseníase: um estudo clínico e histopatológico The oral mucosa in leprosy: a clinical and histopathological study

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    Marilda Aparecida Milanez Morgado de Abreu


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: a anseníase multibacilar pode causar comprometimento da mucosa oral, com ou sem lesões aparentes. Há poucos estudos que tratam deste assunto na era da multidrogaterapia. OBJETIVO: Verificar a freqüência do comprometimento da mucosa oral em pacientes de hanseníase multibacilar. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal em vinte pacientes de hanseníase multibacilar, não-tratados, atendidos consecutivamente em Dracena, São Paulo, entre o período de 2000 e 2002. Foi realizado exame clínico completo da mucosa oral. Os pacientes foram submetidos a biópsias na mucosa jugal, na língua e no palato mole, em alteração ou em pontos pré-estabelecidos. Os cortes foram corados pelas técnicas da hematoxilina-eosina e Ziehl-Neelsen. O encontro de granuloma e bacilos álcool-ácido-resistentes ao exame histopatológico determinou o comprometimento específico. RESULTADOS: O estudo envolveu 19 pacientes multibacilares com tempo médio de evolução de 2,5 anos. Ocorreu comprometimento histopatológico específico em apenas um paciente virchowiano, com mucosa oral clinicamente normal, na língua e no palato mole. CONCLUSÕES: 1. Alteração clínica na mucosa oral não implica em comprometimento pela doença, é necessário confirmação histopatológica. 2. Alterações clínicas específicas aparentes são raras. 3. A mucosa oral clinicamente normal pode exibir comprometimento histopatológico específico.INTRODUCTION: Multibacillary leprosy may involve the oral mucosa, with or without apparent lesions. There are few studies that deal with this issue in the era of multidrug therapy. AIM: To assess the frequence of oral mucosa involvement in multibacillary leprosy patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A transversal study with twenty non-treated multibacillary leprosy patients. The patients were treated in Dracena, São Paulo, between 2000 and 2002. Clinical examination of the oral mucosa was carried out. All patients were

  17. Televaatajani jõuab kodumaine arstide seriaal / Marii Karell

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karell, Marii, 1980-


    12. veebruaril tutvustab Helle Karis kavandatava portreefilmide sarja "Contra mortem" esimest filmi "Dr. Andres Ellamaa". Sarja eesti arstidest hakatakse alates aprillikuust näitama Eesti Televisioonis

  18. Avameelne lugu teisest Välis-Eestist / Rainer Vilumaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vilumaa, Rainer


    Rootsieestlase Kari Bie Erenurme isikunäitus "Karmavõlg" Hobusepea galeriis. Kunstnik jutustab avameelset pihtimuslugu fotograafia, audio-video, installatsiooni ja kollaazhi vahenditega. Autori lühibiograafia

  19. Wagner and Co double their solar collector sales to 20,000 m sup 2. Ecological building installation practice on a 4,500 m sup 2 area in Coelbe near Marburg, FRG. Wagner und Co verdoppelt Absatz auf 20000 m sup 2 Kollektorflaeche. Oekologische Haustechnik jetzt auf einem 4500 m sup 2 grossen Grundstueck in Coelbe bei Marburg unter einem Dach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Urbanek, A.


    Wagner and Co Solartechnik GmbH, member of Deutscher Fachverband Solarenergie e.V. (DFS), was founded in 1979 as an autonomous company by one dormant partner and eight active partners. A 1991 solar collector sales volume of 20,000 m{sup 2} and a market-leading solar power position in Hesse place the company among today's major manufacturers of solar energy systems in the Federal Republic of Germany. In spite of this remarkable achievement the founders' exological philosophy has always been more than a mere product advertising strategy. The fact that the staff of 40 members has made 'ecological thinking' the matter-of-course basis of any of the company's transactions is manifest in the extensions to and equipment of the new 1,300 m{sup 2} production, storage, dispatch and office building the firm has been occupying since September 1991. The adopted scheme of using low-cost, massproduced components from other branches of the industry for solar systems production and provide them with high-quality absorbers to be offered as low-cost kits has been the company's reliable pillar. Meanwhile the reasonably priced materials are also used for pre-assembled lightweight collector production on the company premises. (orig.).

  20. Mermin-Wagner physics, (H ,T ) phase diagram, and candidate quantum spin-liquid phase in the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Ba8CoNb6O24 (United States)

    Cui, Y.; Dai, J.; Zhou, P.; Wang, P. S.; Li, T. R.; Song, W. H.; Wang, J. C.; Ma, L.; Zhang, Z.; Li, S. Y.; Luke, G. M.; Normand, B.; Xiang, T.; Yu, W.


    Ba8CoNb6O24 presents a system whose Co2 + ions have an effective spin 1/2 and construct a regular triangular-lattice antiferromagnet (TLAFM) with a very large interlayer spacing, ensuring purely two-dimensional character. We exploit this ideal realization to perform a detailed experimental analysis of the S =1 /2 TLAFM, which is one of the keystone models in frustrated quantum magnetism. We find strong low-energy spin fluctuations and no magnetic ordering, but a diverging correlation length down to 0.1 K, indicating a Mermin-Wagner trend toward zero-temperature order. Below 0.1 K, however, our low-field measurements show an unexpected magnetically disordered state, which is a candidate quantum spin liquid. We establish the (H ,T ) phase diagram, mapping in detail the quantum fluctuation corrections to the available theoretical analysis. These include a strong upshift in field of the maximum ordering temperature, qualitative changes to both low- and high-field phase boundaries, and an ordered regime apparently dominated by the collinear "up-up-down" state. Ba8CoNb6O24 , therefore, offers fresh input for the development of theoretical approaches to the field-induced quantum phase transitions of the S =1 /2 Heisenberg TLAFM.

  1. Hanseníase em populações indígenas do Amazonas, Brasil: um estudo epidemiológico nos municípios de Autazes, Eirunepé e São Gabriel da Cachoeira (2000 a 2005 Leprosy in indigenous populations of Amazonas State, Brazil: an epidemiological study in the counties of Autazes, Eirunepé and São Gabriel da Cachoeira (2000 to 2005

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    Elsia Belo Imbiriba


    Full Text Available O Estado do Amazonas, Brasil, apresentou, em 2005, coeficientes hiperendêmicos de detecção de hanseníase e prevalência de média endemicidade. O estado detém a maior população indígena no país, mas inexistem informações sobre o perfil da hanseníase nesses grupos. O estudo objetivou a descrição e análise das características epidemiológicas das notificações de hanseníase nos municípios de Autazes, Eirunepé e São Gabriel da Cachoeira, comparando achados entre indígenas e não indígenas, segundo variáveis de interesse. Foram analisados os casos notificados no SINAN, no período de 2000 a 2005. Do total de 386 casos notificados, verificaram-se coeficientes médios de detecção de 3,55, 14,94 e 2,13/10 mil (entre os não indígenas e de 10,95, 1,93 e 0,78/10 mil (para os indígenas, para Autazes, Eirunepé e São Gabriel da Cachoeira, respectivamente. Houve predomínio de casos paucibacilares em indígenas e em não indígenas, no entanto, a forma dimorfa representou 1/3 das notificações. Apesar das limitações de cobertura e do sub-registro, os achados sugerem que a hanseníase representa importante problema de saúde pública para os indígenas no Amazonas. A classificação segundo "raça/etnicidade" se constituiu em ferramenta útil para elucidar desigualdades em saúde.In 2005, Amazonas State, Brazil, showed hyperendemic leprosy detection coefficients and prevalence with medium endemicity. Although this State has the largest indigenous population in Brazil, there are no data on the leprosy profile in these groups. This study aimed to describe and analyze the epidemiological characteristics of leprosy case reporting in the municipalities (counties of Autazes, Eirunepé, and São Gabriel da Cachoeira, comparing indigenous and non-indigenous findings according to target variables. A total of 386 cases reported to SINAN from 2000 to 2005 were analyzed. Mean detection rates were 3.55, 14.94, and 2.13/10,000 (among non

  2. Juta Rabe lubab tuukrid uuesti Estoniale saata / Antti Oolo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oolo, Antti, 1967-


    Juta Rabe ja tema tööandja Saksa Filmikompanii Top Story plaanivad kevadel uut tuukriekspeditsiooni Estonia vrakile ning tahavad paluda ametliku uurimiskomisjoni liikme Kari Lehtola endale eksperdiks

  3. Positividade sorológica antiPGL-I em contatos domiciliares e peridomiciliares de hanseníase em área urbana Seropositivity with anti-PGL-I of household and neighbours contacts of leprosy patients in an urban area

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    Karla Lucena Sampaio Calado


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: Pesquisas atuais buscam avaliar a prevalência de pessoas infectadas pelo M. leprae, bem como o valor preditivo dos testes utilizados, em meio aos quais está a sorologia, que detecta anticorpos contra um antígeno específico da parede do Mycobacterium leprae, o glicolipídio fenólico (PGL-I. OBJETIVOS: Conhecer a taxa de infecção em contatos intra e peridomiciliares, e a relação de soropositividade com sexo, idade e grupo multibacilar/paucibacilar. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Inquérito soroepidemiológico em contatos domiciliares e peridomiciliares dos casos notificados como hanseníase entre 1998 e 2002, no segundo distrito do Município de Duque de Caxias, RJ, utilizando o teste sorológico rápido de fluxo lateral ou ML Flow. RESULTADOS: Em 390 domicílios de casos de hanseníase foram identificados 2.130 contatos, e submetidos à sorologia 1.866 (12,4% de perda. A soropositividade foi de 15,7% (292/1.866, sendo 15,8% no domicílio e 15,6% no peridomicílio. Também não houve diferença na relação entre soropositividade e sexo e em maiores e menores de 15 anos. Observou-se diferença significativa na soropositividade de contatos de casos de hanseníase MB (67,5%, duas vezes maior do que a dos casos de PB (32,5%. DISCUSSÃO / CONCLUSÃO: Nas condições de moradia da periferia urbana de área endêmica devem ser submetidos igualmente à vigilância epidemiológica os contatos domiciliares e peridomiciliares.BACKGROUND: Actually many studies have been made to evaluate the predictive value of tests that identify patients infected by Mycobacterium leprae. Among then, the serology that determinates the presence o M. leprae specific antibody. OBJECTIVES: To know the infections tax among households and direct neighbours contacts, establish soropositivity relationship according to sex, household/ neighbour, age and classification of leprosy of the index case (paucibacillary x multibacillary. PATIENTS AND METHODS: seroepidemiological

  4. Civic engagement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Puuronen, Vesa; Saari, Kari; Neuvonen, Samuli


    Vesa Puuronen, Kari Saari, Samuli Neuvonen, Niko Eskelinen and Klaus Levinsen (2014). (Ch 6), in Mark Ellison and Gary Pollock: Deliverable 4.6: Measuring participation. Europe-wide thematic report....

  5. Tartu Pauluse kirik - made in Finland. Taastatud eksklusiivsemalt kui algupäraselt ehitatud / Egle Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamm, Egle, 1969-


    Eliel Saarinen kavandatud Tartu Pauluse kiriku renoveerimisest. 2006. aastal korraldatud konkursi võitsid soome arhitektid Merja Nieminen ja Kari Järvinen. Renoveerimisel kujunes keskseks Saarineni vaimu ja vormikeele tabamine

  6. Helsingis kerkib jääst kirik : Euroopa kultuuripealinn 2000 Helsingi võlub sauna ja maailmakultuuriga / Piret Tali

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tali, Piret, 1972-


    Helsingisse püstitatavatest lume- ja jääskulptuuridest, valgusinstallatsioonidest (Kide, Vahemere sosin). Arhitektid Kari Leppänen, Peter Ch. Butter, Dusan Janovich, Jyrki Sandell. Ürituste loetelu

  7. Perbandingan Jumlah Koloni Bakteri Saliva pada Anak-Anak Karies dan Non Karies Setelah Mengkonsumsi Minuman Berkarbonasi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rendra Chriestedy Prasetya


    Full Text Available Dental caries and periodontal disease are well established and common in Indonesia, and both of these diseases are major concerns for the oral and dental health. The objective of this study was to compare the differences in children with and without caries in terms of colony bacteria in the saliva, and the changes before and after consumption of carbonated drink. The study was conducted on Al-Qodiri elementary school students who were 10-12 years old. Saliva was collected before and after consumption (for 2 min of a carbonated drink. T-test was used to analyze the results. The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference (p<0.05 between the caries and non-caries groups.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v15i1.86

  8. Hubungan PH, Hidrasi, Kapasitas Bufer Saliva, Jumlah Streptococcus Mutans dengan Keparahan Karies pada Anak Rampan Karies


    Subekti, Ani; Kristiani, Nany; Rimbyastuti, Hermin


    Rampan caries is the habit of bottle feeding at night, sweets preference and often meals sucking. Saliva is one of the factors that may influence the occurrence of caries. Some of the factors that cause caries saliva such as saliva pH, hydration, microorganisms of the oral cavity and salivary buffer capacity.The research objective was to determine the relationship of hydration, pH, buffer capacity salivary and growth Streptoccoccus mutans against caries severity or deft.A sample of 30 kinderg...

  9. Need sinihallid veised... : Marie Under ja Villem Ridala / Ruth Mirov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mirov, Ruth, 1928-


    Vaadeldakse kahte ühest ja samast muistendist - merest tõusnud lehmakarjast - inspireeritud ballaadi: Marie Underi "Merilehmi" (ilm. kogus "Õnnevarjutus", 1929) ja Villem Ridala "Sinist karja" (ilm. kogus "Sinine kari", 1930)

  10. Avaliação do programa de controle da hanseníase em um município hiperendêmico do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, 1991-1995 Assessment of a leprosy control program in a hyperendemic county in the State of Maranhão, Brazil, 1991-1995

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dorlene Maria Cardoso de Aquino


    Full Text Available Estudo descritivo, objetivando avaliar o programa de controle da hanseníase do Município de Buriticupu, Maranhão. Foram analisados 214 prontuários de pacientes portadores das diversas formas clínicas de hanseníase, atendidos na unidade de saúde da Universidade Federal do Maranhão, localizada no referido município. A população de estudo foi constituída de 110 casos de hanseníase das formas paucibacilares (PB e 104 das formas multibacilares (MB registrados no período de janeiro de 1991 a dezembro de 1995. As informações referentes à forma clínica, número de contatos registrados, examinados e avaliados, grau de incapacidade no início e final do tratamento e situação de registro, foram coletadas num formulário específico. A análise dos resultados foi baseada nos parâmetros dos indicadores operacionais definidos pelo Ministério da Saúde. Houve um discreto predomínio da forma PB da doença. Observou-se baixos percentuais em relação aos pacientes com grau de incapacidade física avaliada no início e final do tratamento, a alta por cura e contatos examinados. O percentual de abandono foi elevado. O programa foi considerado "precário" em todos os indicadores utilizados para o estudo.This is a descriptive study to assess the leprosy control program in the municipality of Buriticupu in Maranhão State, Brazil. The records of 214 patients with different forms of leprosy were studied. Patients were treated at a health center of the Federal University in Maranhão located in the above-mentioned municipality. The study population was comprised of 110 cases with paucibacillary leprosy (PB and 104 with multibacillary leprosy (MB. The patients were registered between January 1991 and December 1995. Data on the form of the disease, number of contacts registered, examined, and assessed, degree of disability at the beginning and end of treatment, and the register's status were collected on a form designed specifically for this

  11. Hansen solubility parameters (HSP) for prescreening formulation of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN): in vitro testing of curcumin-loaded SLN in MCF-7 and BT-474 cell lines. (United States)

    Doktorovova, Slavomira; Souto, Eliana B; Silva, Amélia M


    Curcumin, a phenolic compound from turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa), has many interesting pharmacological effects, but shows very low aqueous solubility. Consequently, several drug delivery systems based on polymeric and lipid raw materials have been proposed to increase its bioavailability. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN), consisting of solid lipid matrix and a surfactant layer can load poorly water-soluble drugs, such as curcumin, deliver them at defined rates and enhance their intracellular uptake. In the present work, we demonstrate that, despite the drug's affinity to lipids frequently used in SLN production, the curcumin amount loaded in most SLN formulations may be too low to exhibit anticancer properties. The predictive curcumin solubility in solid lipids has been thoroughly analyzed by Hansen solubility parameters, in parallel with the lipid-screening solubility tests for a range of selected lipids. We identified the most suitable lipid materials for curcumin-loaded SLN, producing physicochemically stable particles with high encapsulation efficiency (>90%). Loading capacity of curcumin in SLN allowed preventing the cellular damage caused by cationic SLN on MCF-7 and BT-474 cells but was not sufficient to exhibit drug's anticancer properties. But curcumin-loaded SLN exhibited antioxidant properties, substantiating the conclusions that curcumin's effect in cancer cells is highly dose dependent.

  12. Perfil epidemiológico da hanseníase no município de Teresina, no período de 2001-2008 Epidemiologic profile of the leprosy of the city of Teresina, in the period of 2001-2008

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizane Viana Eduardo Pereira


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: A hanseníase é uma doença infectocontagiosa que pode levar a incapacidade física e funcional. É um importante problema de saúde pública em algumas regiões, sendo necessário o conhecimento das variações epidemiológicas para subsidiar estratégias de controle da doença. OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico do município de Teresina de 2001-2008. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados dados de hanseníase de Teresina entre 2001-2008, presentes no banco de dados oficial do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, da Fundação Municipal de Saúde. RESULTADOS: Os dados revelam um coeficiente de detecção de casos novos com média de 96,21 casos por 100.000 hab. Entre os menores que 15 anos, houve um pico de 40 casos em 100.000 hab. em 2003. O grau de incapacidade II avaliado no momento do diagnóstico variou de 5%-7% e no momento da alta de 2,77%- 0,14%. A prevalência é alta, variando entre 8-11 casos em 10.000 hab. Em relação à forma clínica no final da série há uma predominância das formas I com 30% dos casos e D com 28% dos casos. Quanto à classificação operacional a média é de 62% de casos paucibacilares e 37,86% multibacilares. Entre os casos registrados há uma discreta predominância no sexo feminino no final da série. CONCLUSÃO: A hanseníase é hiperendêmica em Teresina e pode levar à inatividade pessoas em idade produtiva.BACKGROUND: Leprosy is an infectious disease that can lead to functional and physical disability. It is a major public health problem in some regions, requiring knowledge of its epidemiological variations so that strategies for disease control can be subsidized. OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiological profile of the city of Teresina from 2001 to 2008. METHODS: Data on leprosy in the city of Teresina from 2001 to 2008, which were present on the official database of the Information System for Notifiable Diseases of the City Health Foundation, were analyzed. RESULTS: The

  13. La Gran financiarización

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Castellanos Elías


    Full Text Available Reseña al libro de Polanyi Levitt, Kari "From The Great Transformation to the Great Financialization. On Karl Polanyi and Other Essays”, Fernwood Publishing, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2013, 286 pp.

  14. South African Journal of Education - Vol 25, No 4 (2005)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effects of transformational leadership on human resource management in primary schools · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. Prakash Singh, Kari Lokotsch, 279-286 ...


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    Widijanto Sudhana


    Full Text Available Cigarette smoking has long been suspected to be associated with a variety of oral conditions including dental caries. However, the association between habitual smoking with the caries incidence have to be further elucidated. The caries epidemiological data were reported significantly higher among smokers compared to non-smokers. Further, a retrospective study on the relationship between habitual cigarette smoking and specific pattern of dental decay has been reported that a specific type of decay occurs in term of form, location, and pathology. Although there are still controversial data, in the respect of oral hygiene, plaque index reported greater in smokers, while smokers showed decreased levels of salivary IgA, buffer capacity, and pH when compared with non-smokers. It can be concluded, there are relationship between smoking and the caries incidence indicated by several epidemiological data. However, further biomedical and studies on the influence of smoking on the caries development are still needed.

  16. Sociodemographic and epidemiological profile of leprosy patients in an endemic region in Brazil

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    Ronald Jefferson Martins

    Full Text Available Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The incidence of Hansen's disease is high in overlooked populations. METHODS: Data of Hansen's disease cases reported in the information system of the Department of Informatics, Brazilian Unified Health System, from 2013 to 2014 were analyzed. RESULTS: Among 434 studied cases of Hansen's disease, the female sex (52.5%, adult age (73.7%, low educational level (61.8%, and multibacillary form were associated with higher prevalence rates. CONCLUSIONS: Hansen's disease is more frequent among female adults with a low educational level, and the prevalence of multibacillary leprosy reflects disease detection at late stages.

  17. Odontoblast layer structure alteration as a response to carious lesions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tetiana Haniastuti


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is a bacterial disease affecting the hard tissue of the teeth as well as the pulp. The human dental pulp consists of odontoblast which are organized as a densely packed cell layer. Odontoblasts is located at the periphery of the pulp; therefore, they are the first cells encountered by cariogenic bacteria and their products that are represented in the carious lesion. Purpose: This study aimed to elucidate the effect of cariogenic bacteria to odontoblasts of human teeth. Methods: Five intact third molars and 15 third molars with occlusal caries at various stages of decay were extracted because of orthodontic or therapeutic reasons. The tooth specimens were fixed, decalcified with 10% EDTA solution (pH 7.4, and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections of 5 μm thickness were cut and stained with haematoxylin eosin and Gram’s, in addition to nestin immunohistochemistry. The specimens were then examined under light microscopy. Results: In normal teeth, odontoblast layer were aligned along the pulp chamber showing normal morphology of the cells. Slight disorganization of odontoblast layer was seen in the cases of carious lesions confined to enamel. In the cases of carious lesions confined to dentin, odontoblast layer was not observed in the areas subjacent to the lesions, only single cells showing flattened cell morphology were found. Odontoblasts beneath the lesion suffered severe damage and diminished nestin immunoreaction were observed in all cases of carious lesions with pulp exposure. Conclusion: Cariogenic bacteria invasion may damage the odontoblasts by affecting the morphology and vitality of the cells. The severity of the damage of the odontoblasts may increase as the bacterial invasion progresses toward the pulp.Latar belakang: Karies merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri, yang dapat memengaruhi jaringan keras gigi maupun pulpa. Pada pulpa gigi manusia terdapat sel odontoblas yang tersusun atas lapisan sel

  18. Manager- bändikarjääri disainija ja kokkusõlmija / Paul Cheeetham, Tapio Korjus, Petri H. Lunden ...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Cheetham, Paul


    Muusikamanageride Paul Cheethami, Tapio Korjuse, Petri H. Lundeni, Kari Pössi ja Rasmus Stolbergi arvamusi oma tööst ja nõuannetest eesti ansamblitele, kes tahavad oma karjääri teha rahvusvahelisel areenil

  19. Muusikalised maiuspalad raekojas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    26. juulil Pärnu raekojas toimuvast kontserdist "Grande Serenade", esitusel Johann Hummeli serenaadid (Grande Serenade), esinevad Arvo Leibur (viiul), Heiki Mätlik (kitarr), Madis Kari (klarnet), Aare Tammesalu (tšello) ja Tarmo Eespere (klaver)

  20. The correct name in Oenothera for Gauradrummondii (Onagraceae). (United States)

    Wagner, Warren L; Hoch, Peter C; Zarucchi, James L


    In 2007, Wagner and Hoch proposed the new name Oenotheraxenogaura W.L.Wagner & Hoch for the species then known as Gauradrummondii (Spach) Torrey & A. Gray (non Oenotheradrummondii Hooker, 1834). However, the authors overlooked the availability of Gaurahispida Bentham (1840) for this species. Accordingly, we herewith make the appropriate new combination for this species, Oenotherahispida (Bentham) W.L.Wagner, Hoch & Zarucchi, and place Oenotheraxenogaura in synonymy.

  1. Debate about anthropogenic radiative forcing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    A recent paper by James Hansen and colleagues at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science has been widely interpreted in the media, incorrectly as it turned out, that Hansen has changed his earlier views and concerns about climate change, that he no longer considers fossil fuel combustion as the primary concern in international efforts to reduce the risk of climate change. Some have gone so far as to cite the Hansen paper as further evidence that the ratification and implementation of the Kyoto protocols would be inappropriate. Despite various rebuttals, the confusion about Hansen's conclusion continues to persist. This analysis attempts to summarize the the key points made by Hansen and his colleagues, and to place their comments in the general context of the international science community, and to assess the real policy implications. The gist of the comments by Hansen et al. is that future growth rates in CO 2 concentrations may be weaker than some 'business as usual' scenarios suggest. If so, efforts to control CO 2 growth would be easier than presently assumed. The slower growth appears to be due to larger uptake of emitted CO 2 into the oceans and terrestrial biosphere. However, Hansen et al. also acknowledge that this enhanced sink may be temporary, and have in fact been increasing in recent years, and therefore to maintain a continued slow growth rate for CO 2 concentrations, fossil fuel emissions have to become lower than currently projected in 'business as usual' scenarios. The alternative mitigation scenario proposed by Hansen et al. promotes concentrated efforts to reduce emissions of non-CO 2 greenhouse gases. Hansen and co-workers suggest that reduction of non C O 2 emissions would probably allow forcing due to CO 2 emissions to increase a further 1 W/sq m by 2050 without compromising efforts to avoid dangerous climate change. These reviewers believe that the key feature of the Hansen approach

  2. Study of Maxwell–Wagner (M–W) relaxation behavior and hysteresis observed in bismuth titanate layered structure obtained by solution combustion synthesis using dextrose as fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Subohi, Oroosa; Shastri, Lokesh; Kumar, G.S.; Malik, M.M.; Kurchania, Rajnish


    Graphical abstract: X-ray diffraction studies show that phase formation and crystallinity was reached only after calcinations at 800 °C. Dielectric constant versus temperature curve shows ferroelectric to paraelectric transition temperature (T c ) to be 650 °C. Complex impedance curves show deviation from Debye behavior. The material shows a thin PE Loop with low remnant polarization due to high conductivity in the as prepared sample. - Highlights: • Bi 4 Ti 3 O 12 is synthesized using solution combustion technique with dextrose as fuel. • Dextrose has high reducing capacity (+24) and generates more no. of moles of gases. • Impedance studies show that the sample follows Maxwell–Wagner relaxation behavior. • Shows lower remnant polarization due to higher c-axis ratio. - Abstract: Structural, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of bismuth titanate (Bi 4 Ti 3 O 12 ) obtained by solution combustion technique using dextrose as fuel is studied extensively in this paper. Dextrose is used as fuel as it has high reducing valancy and generates more number of moles of gases during the reaction. X-ray diffraction studies show that phase formation and crystallinity was reached only after calcinations at 800 °C. Dielectric constant versus temperature curve shows ferroelectric to paraelectric transition temperature (T c ) to be 650 °C. The dielectric loss is very less (tan δ < 1) at lower temperatures but increases around T c due to structural changes in the sample. Complex impedance curves show deviation from Debye behavior. The material shows a thin PE Loop with low remnant polarization due to high conductivity in the as prepared sample

  3. The Maastricht-Duke bridge: An era of mentoring in clinical research - A model for mentoring in clinical research - A tribute to Dr. Galen Wagner. (United States)

    Meijs, Loek; Zusterzeel, Robbert; Wellens, Hein Jj; Gorgels, Anton Pm

    With the passing of Dr. Galen Wagner, an exceptional collaboration between Maastricht University Medical Center, The Netherlands, and Duke Clinical Research Institute, USA, has come to an end. This article focuses on the background of what Galen coined the Maastricht-Duke bridge (MD-bridge), its merits, limitations and development throughout the years, and his special role. Between 2004 and 2015, 23 Maastricht University medical students and post-graduate students were enrolled in the 4-month research elective, mentored by Galen and the Maastricht co-mentor. They were asked to complete a survey about their MD-bridge experience. Sixteen out of the 23 students responded. None but 1 participant had prior research experience. Following their MD bridge-program most participants published 1 or more manuscripts and/or presented their research in an international setting. They felt they had full responsibility as a leader of their project with all participants developing meaningful skills useful in their current job. Fourteen out of 16 would recommend the MD-bridge experience to others. Participants considered the program of great value for their personal growth and independence, giving a feeling of achievement. In addition, for some participants it led to careers in foreign countries including medical practice and research, or obtaining PhDs. With Galen's impressive career of mentoring students, including the 23 MD-bridge participants, he has left behind an amazing concept of self-development in research and personal life. The successes of the MD-bridge prove that it is possible for students to be young investigators during or just after medical school with the potential to contribute to developing meaningful skills and noteworthy careers. Collaborations between international universities, such as the MD-bridge, are feasible and should be embraced by other institutions. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  4. Soome tippdisain Washingtonis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Soome disaininäitusest "Sauma". Lähemalt disainer Klaus Aalto kummutist "Take Out", sisearhitekt Esa Vesmaneni köögilahendusest "Koe" ("Proovi"), sisearhitekt Samuli Naamanka leiutatud graafilisest betoonist, disainer Kari Sivoneni leiutatud portatiivsest päikesepatareist "Photon"

  5. Tere taas, XIII sajand! / Kalle Käsper

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Käsper, Kalle, 1952-


    Helle Karise portreefilm alternatiivse meditsiini abil ravitsejast Aleksander Heintalust alias Vigala Sassist : operaatorid Ago Ruus, Peter Murdmaa ja Madis Mihkelsoo : monteerija Eero Karis : kostüümid Mare Raidmalt : kasutatud Veljo Tormise ballaadi "Raua needmine" : Myth Film 2002

  6. The correct name in Oenothera for Gaura drummondii (Onagraceae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Warren L. Wagner


    Full Text Available In 2007, Wagner and Hoch proposed the new name Oenothera xenogaura W.L.Wagner & Hoch for the species then known as Gaura drummondii (Spach Torrey & A. Gray (non O. drummondii Hooker, 1834. However, the authors overlooked the availability of Gaura hispida Bentham (1840 for this species. Accordingly, we herewith make the appropriate new combination for this species, O. hispida (Bentham W.L.Wagner, Hoch & Zarucchi, and place O. xenogaura in synonymy.

  7. The correct name in Oenothera for Gaura drummondii (Onagraceae)


    Wagner,Warren; Hoch,Peter C.; Zarucchi,James L.


    Abstract In 2007, Wagner and Hoch proposed the new name Oenothera xenogaura W.L.Wagner & Hoch for the species then known as Gaura drummondii (Spach) Torrey & A. Gray (non Oenothera drummondii Hooker, 1834). However, the authors overlooked the availability of Gaura hispida Bentham (1840) for this species. Accordingly, we herewith make the appropriate new combination for this species, Oenothera hispida (Bentham) W.L.Wagner, Hoch & Zarucchi, and place Oenothera xenogaura in synonymy.

  8. Väliseesti kadunud tütred on lõpuks koju jõudnud / Johannes Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Johannes, 1965-


    Rootsieesti kunstniku Kari Bie Erenurme korternäitus "Top Secret - the Lady is a Tramp" Tallinnas Väike-Karja 1-19/13 tutvustab tema ema elu paguluses. Eksponeeritud on märkmed, kirjad, fotod, esemed ja video "Kõrvarõngad"

  9. Effects of covering highland banana stumps with soil on banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) oviposition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Masanza, M.; Gold, C.S.; Huis, van A.; Ragama, P.E.


    The effect of covering post-harvest banana stumps with soil on banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) oviposition levels was investigated at three locations, Sendusu, Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) and Ntungamo district of southwestern Uganda. In the first experiment

  10. Atlantvolden i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Claus Bundgård


    Anmeldelse af Lulu Anne Hansen & Martin Rheinheimer (red.): Bunkers. Atlantvoldens perspektiver i Danmark.......Anmeldelse af Lulu Anne Hansen & Martin Rheinheimer (red.): Bunkers. Atlantvoldens perspektiver i Danmark....


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lendrawati Lendrawati


    Full Text Available AbstrakKaries merupakan masalah kesehatan gigi yang banyak diderita oleh anak-anak seluruh dunia terutama negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Kerusakan gigi pada anak-anak terjadi lebih cepat dibandingkan orang dewasa karena gigi yang baru erupsi masih dalam proses maturasi dan proses mineralisasi belum sempurna. Tubuli dentin anak anak yang masih lebar menyebabkan pembentukan jaringan sklerotik tidak sempurna dan buffer saliva masih kurang sehingga aktivitas proteolitik menjadi lebih banyak di dalam mulut. Fluor merupakan zat mineral yang digunakan sebagai bahan yang efektif mencegah terjadinya karies gigi dapat membuat lapisan email tahan terhadap kerusakan yang disebabkan pelarutan email oleh zat asam. Strategi pencegahan karies lebih efektif sejak diperkenalkannya silver diamina fluoride (SDF yang merupakan cairan tidak berwarna mengandung ion fluoride yang digunakan untuk memacu terjadinya proses remineralisasi hidoksiapatit mineral gigi. Penggunaan SDF ini merupakan metoda Arresting Caries Treatment (ACT. SDF menggabungkan efek penguatan gigi dari natrium fluoride (NaF dan efek nitrat perak.Konsentrasi efektif solusi SDF 38% (44.800 ion fluoride ppm digunakan untuk menghambat perkembangan karies pada gigi sulung anak-anak, terutama anak-anak yang sulit untuk dilakukan perawatan. SDF sederhana, mudah dalam mengaplikasikan dan biaya pemakaian lebih murah. SDF merupakan bahan yang tepat untuk digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan gigi masyarakat terutama pada anak-anak.Kata Kunci : karies gigi, silver diamine fluoride, Arresting Caries Treatment, topikalAbstractDental caries is a health problem that affects many children all over the world, especially in developing countries, including Indonesia. Tooth decay in children occurs more rapidly than adults because the new tooth eruption is still in the process of maturation and mineralization process is not perfect. Dentin tubules of children is still wide lead sclerotic tissue formation

  12. Fatores associados à soropositividade do teste ML Flow em pacientes e contatos de pacientes com hanseníase menores de 18 anos Factors associated with ML Flow test seropositivity in leprosy patients and household contacts under the age of 18

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Aparecida Alves Ferreira


    Full Text Available Estudo transversal em menores de 18 anos, sendo 115 casos novos de hanseníase e 1.011 contatos intradomiciliares. Determinaram-se as proporções da soropositividade do ML Flow e fatores associados ao teste positivo. Observou-se soropositividade em 21,7% dos pacientes e 19,7% dos contatos. Nos pacientes, a regressão logística indicou associação com baciloscopia positiva e número de lesões cutâneas maior que cinco. A análise por árvore de decisão mostrou associação com baciloscopia, classificação de Madri, número de nervos acometidos e idade. Nos contatos, as duas análises indicaram as mesmas associações: classificação do caso-índice, idade e tipo de serviço de saúde. As variáveis que explicaram melhor a soropositividade, em menores de 18 anos, são aquelas associadas à maior carga bacilar. Assim, o teste ML Flow poderia ser utilizado também na infância para ajudar na correta classificação dos pacientes para tratamento e na identificação dos contatos com maior risco de desenvolver hanseníase.This article presents the results of a cross-sectional study involving 115 newly-diagnosed leprosy patients and 1,011 household contacts, all under the age of 18. Seropositivity ratios and factors associated with a positive ML Flow were determined. The test was positive in 21.7% of patients and in 19.7% of contacts. Among patients, logistic regression indicated the association of seropositivity with positive slit skin smear and having more than five skin lesions. The tree method analysis indicated associations with skin smear, Madrid classification, number of nerves affected and age. In the contact group, index case classification, age and type of health service were associated with seropositivity in both analyses. The variables that best explained seropositivity are those associated with higher bacterial load. Therefore, the ML Flow test could be used in children to aid correct classification of patients for treatment and to

  13. Distribuição espacial da hanseníase na população escolar em Paracatu - Minas Gerais, realizada por meio da busca ativa (2004 a 2006 Spatial distribution of leprosy among schoolchildren in Paracatu, State of Minas Gerais, through active case finding (2004 to 2006

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    Isaias Nery Ferreira


    Full Text Available A detecção da hanseníase no município de Paracatu é elevada em menores de quinze anos, abrangendo cerca de 6,8/10.000 hab. em 2003, e classificada como hiperendêmica. O estudo objetiva distribuir territorialmente os casos de hanseníase em adolescentes e crianças escolares menores de 20 anos, utilizando a estratégia da busca ativa de casos. Realizou-se um estudo de coorte prospectivo e ecológico com 16.623 escolares entre janeiro de 2004 a junho de 2006. No banco de dados utilizou-se o software Excel e na análise o chi2, Intervalo de Confiança - (IC 95% e Risco Relativo - (RR. Para o geoprocessamento das informações, aplicou-se o Auto CAD - release 2000. Foram diagnosticados 68 casos da doença, sendo 25,1%, multibacilares. Cerca de 85,2% residiam na área urbana, 55,8% eram mulheres e a doença predominava no grupo de 10 a 14 anos (IC95%: 0,49-0,89% e chi2 = 7,376. Houve um incremento de 38,2% na detecção dos casos no período, com visibilidade à prevalência oculta. Ao considerar a busca ativa em 2004, as microrregiões do Alto do Açude e Vista Alegre apresentaram maior detecção de casos com 41,5/10.000 habitantes, e RR = 10,9 vezes maior do que o Centro de Paracatu, com detecção de 3,8/10.000 habitantes. Em 2005, destacaram-se Paracatuzinho, Chapadinha, São João Evangelista I e II, Bandeirantes, Aeroporto e Bom Pastor, com detecção de 21,8/10000 habitantes, e RR = 8,7 vezes maior do que Nossa Senhora de Fátima e JK com detecção de 2,5/10.000 habitantes. A hanseníase entre escolares foi predominante nas áreas norte, leste, sudeste e central de Paracatu. O geoprocessamento das informações, por meio da busca ativa nas escolas, permitiu a visibilidade da hiperendemia da hanseníase por região, possibilitando aperfeiçoamento da vigilância da enfermidade.The detection rate of leprosy in the district of Paracatu is high in people younger than fifteen years of age, with about 6.8/10,000 inhabitants in 2003

  14. Relationship between salivary fluor concentration and caries index in 12–15 years old children

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    Vidyana Pratiwi


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries is a bacterial infection leading to dissolution and localized damage of hard tissues. The assessment of caries risk is based on several caries indicators including clinical conditions (DMF-T index, environment (fluor, and general health. Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between salivary fluor concentration and caries index in children aging 12–15 years old at SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII Pangalengan. Methods: This study is an observational analytical study using crosssectional approach and is conducted in a field trial manner. The study sample consists of 80 students in the age of 12 to 15 years old at SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII selected through Probability Sampling manner using simple random sampling method. Results: The result of this study shows a DMF-T index of 4.32 and salivary fluor concentration mean of 0.018. Pearson Product Moment correlation test shows that there is a weak correlation between salivary fluor concentration and DMF-T index. Conclusion: It is concluded that the salivary fluor concentration has an insignificant correlation with the DMF-T index since the fluor concentration in saliva is very low.Latar belakang: Karies gigi adalah penyakit infeksi bakteri yang berakibat pada disolusi dan kerusakan terlokalisasi jaringan keras. Penilaian risiko karies berdasarkan atas beberapa indikator karies yaitu kondisi klinis (indeks DMF-T, lingkungan (fluor, dan kesehatan umum. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan konsentrasi fluor yang terdapat dalam saliva dengan indeks karies pada anak usia 12-15 tahun di SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII Pangalengan. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang dilakukan di lapangan. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 80 orang siswasiswi usia 12–15 tahun di SMP Negeri 2 PTPN VIII Pangalengan yang dipilih secara Probability Sampling dengan metode simple random sampling. Hasil

  15. A combinatorial proof of Postnikov's identity and a generalized enumeration of labeled trees


    Seo, Seunghyun


    In this paper, we give a simple combinatorial explanation of a formula of A. Postnikov relating bicolored rooted trees to bicolored binary trees. We also present generalized formulas for the number of labeled k-ary trees, rooted labeled trees, and labeled plane trees.

  16. Papers in Language Learning and Language Acquisition. AFinLA Yearbook 1980. No. 28. (United States)

    Sajavaara, Kari, Ed.; And Others

    Papers include: (1) "Language Acquisitional Universals: L1, L2, Pidgins, and FLT" (Henning Wode); (2) "Language Acquisition, Language Learning and the School Curriculum" (Norman F. Davies); (3) "Language Teaching and Acquisition of Communication" (Kari Sajavaara, Jaakko Lehtonen); (4) "On the Distinction between…

  17. Differential effects of adding and removing components of a context on the generalization of conditional freezing. (United States)

    González, Felisa; Quinn, Jennifer J; Fanselow, Michael S


    Rats were conditioned across 2 consecutive days where a single unsignaled footshock was presented in the presence of specific contextual cues. Rats were tested with contexts that had additional stimulus components either added or subtracted. Using freezing as a measure of conditioning, removal but not addition of a cue from the training context produced significant generalization decrement. The results are discussed in relation to the R. A. Rescorla and A. R. Wagner (1972), J. M. Pearce (1994), and A. R. Wagner and S. E. Brandon (2001) accounts of generalization. Although the present data are most consistent with elemental models such as Rescorla and Wagner, a slight modification of the Wagner-Brandon replaced-elements model that can account for differences in the pattern of generalization obtained with contexts and discrete conditional stimuli is proposed.

  18. SMI Compatible Simulation Scheduler Design for Reuse of Model Complying with SMP Standard

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cheol-Hea Koo


    Full Text Available Software reusability is one of key factors which impacts cost and schedule on a software development project. It is very crucial also in satellite simulator development since there are many commercial simulator models related to satellite and dynamics. If these models can be used in another simulator platform, great deal of confidence and cost/schedule reduction would be achieved. Simulation model portability (SMP is maintained by European Space Agency and many models compatible with SMP/simulation model interface (SMI are available. Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI is developing hardware abstraction layer (HAL supported satellite simulator to verify on-board software of satellite. From above reasons, KARI wants to port these SMI compatible models to the HAL supported satellite simulator. To port these SMI compatible models to the HAL supported satellite simulator, simulation scheduler is preliminary designed according to the SMI standard.

  19. 78 FR 77770 - Aldine Capital Fund II, L.P.; Notice Seeking Exemption Under Section 312 of the Small Business... (United States)


    ... financing to Koontz-Wagner Maintenance Services, LLC., 3801 Voorde Drive, South Bend, IN 46628. The....P. is an Associate of Aldine Capital Fund II, L.P. and owns more than ten percent of Koontz- Wagner...

  20. Analisis Daya Dukung Tanah Pondasi Dangkal Dengan Beberapa Metode


    Martini, Martini


    This analysis aim to obtain variation of bearing capacity of soil foundation for the same case based on methods is Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Vesic, Hansen and Ohsaki. And gets comparison of bearing capacity value from some the methods.Method Terzaghi and Ohsaki to have bearing capacity value of soil foundation which approximately equal. Method Hansen and Vesic also has value tending to same, only Meyerhof having different value x'self. For incline load, method Hansen, Vesic is tnding to same and ju...

  1. Productivité agricole et changements climatiques dans les régions ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Skills development program involving CALESA and KARI-IDRC Climate Change project scientists [Annex B]. Download PDF. Journal articles. Characterization of climate risks in dryland crop-livestock systems of Kenya. Download PDF. Journal articles. Assessing climate induced risks to rainfed crop production in arid and ...

  2. Tartu Jaani kiriku taastamisest / Kaur Alttoa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alttoa, Kaur, 1947-


    Arhitekt Udo Tiirmaa, ARC Projekt. Insenerid: Heino Uuetalu, Kari Avellan. Kunstiajaloolane Kaur Alttoa. Valguslahendus: Üllar Võrno. Teostus: AS Rand ja Tuulberg, OÜ Wunibald. Kirik pühitseti 29. VI 2005. a. Ill: 2 joonist: plaan, vaade, 2 fotot, 8 värv. fotot

  3. 76 FR 62899 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the... (United States)


    ... wind and runoff from seasonal precipitation. Even so, Hansen (in litt. 2010a, p. 1) describes the... Wake 2005, p. 693; Hansen 2009b pers. comm.). Further, road run-off from precipitation may contribute...

  4. 78 FR 40738 - Proposed CERCLA Administrative Cost Recovery Settlement; Double H Pesticide Burial Site (United States)


    ... are Double H, L.P.; James T. Hansen; Linda L. Hansen; George W. Higgins; and Edith M. Higgins. The... their original terms. Dated: June 27, 2013. Chris D. Field, Manager, Emergency Management Program, U.S...

  5. A. H. T. lahkumine Koitjärvelt : lapse sünd "Kõrboja peremehes" / Toomas Haug

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haug, Toomas, 1956-


    Anton Hansen Tammsaare romaanist "Kõrboja peremees", selle kokkupuudetest Knut Hamsuni loominguga ning romaani religioossetest aspektidest, samuti Kõrboja Anna tegelaskujust. Sisaldab värsse Soome eeposest "Kalevala". Räägitakse ka Anton Hansen Tammsaare suhetest Käthe Hanseniga

  6. Estudo comparativo preliminar entre os alongamentos proprioceptivo e estático passivo em pacientes com seqüelas de hanseníase Preliminary comparative study between proprioceptive and passive static stretching in patients with leprosy sequelae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Augusto Floricel Diaz


    Full Text Available A proposta deste estudo foi comparar a aplicação de alongamento estático passivo e alongamento proprioceptivo no tratamento de seqüelas de hanseníase. Doze pacientes com essas seqüelas participaram da pesquisa, separados aleatoriamente em dois grupos: o grupo FNP, tratado com facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva, e o grupo AEP, com alongamento estático passivo. Ambos realizaram dez sessões de alongamentos, sendo submetidos à avaliação inicial e final nas quais foram aplicados o questionário SF-36, mensuradas a amplitude de movimento (ADM do punho e tornozelo, testados os reflexos e a sensibilidade. No grupo FNP foi observada melhora na ADM do tornozelo e em três domínios do SF-36; no grupo AEP, em cinco domínios do SF-36. Quando comparados os grupos, o FNP obteve melhora significativa na extensão do punho, dorsiflexão e plantiflexão em relação ao AEP. A facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva parece ser um método mais eficaz para ganhar alongamento muscular e ADM de tornozelo e punho em pacientes com seqüelas de hanseníase. Não foi observada relação entre acréscimo na ADM e melhora na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde nos pacientes dos dois grupos.The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of two kinds of stretching - passive, static stretching, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF - in patients with leprosy sequel. Twelve patients were randomly assigned into two groups: the PNF group and the SS group, that was submitted to static stretching. Both groups attended ten stretching sessions, being submitted to initial and final evaluations in which were assessed: health-related quality of life, by means of he SF-36 questionnaire; ankle and wrist range of motion (ROM; and sensitivity and reflex testing. Improvements in ankle movement and in three SF-36 domains were observed in PNF group; and in five SF-36 domains in SS group. PNF group showed better improvement in wrist extension and

  7. Tallinna Teletorn = Tallinn Television Tower

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rekonstrueeritud Tallinna Teletorn Kloostrimetsa tee 58a, valminud 2012. Eesti kultuurkapitali aastapreemia 2012. Arhitekt David Basiladze. Rekonstrueerimise projekti arhitektid Raivo Kotov, Andrus Kõresaar, Indrek Mikk, Margit Aule, Jaanus Männik, Lea Laidra, Karis Kahr (KOKO Arhitektid). Sisearhitektid Liis Lindvere, Raili Paling, Margit Argus (KOKO Arhitektid). Konstruktor Neoprojekt

  8. Koolijuhid kaalukeelteks / Jevgeni Karavajev, Matti Martinson ; interv. Peeter Ernits, Anneli Sihvart, Jüri Leesment

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karavajev, Jevgeni


    Tallinna linnapea Edgar Savisaare kukutamist kommenteerivad Keskerakonnast Res Publicasse üle läinud Kari gümnaasiumi direktor Jevgeni Karavajev ja Reformierakonna poolt Madagaskarilt koju toodud Rahumäe põhikooli direktor Matti Martinson, kelle hääled said umbusaldushääletusel otsustavateks

  9. Den kolde videnskab og den varme omsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højlund, Susanne


    This essay focusses on the cultural understanding of the nursing profession as a practice of contrasts. The criticism of dualism put forward by Gregory Bateson is presented and discussed in relation to the thinking of Kari Martinsen. Bateson's ideas about 'third position' and 'interface' are used...

  10. Piano - puust paviljon puupealinnas Lahtis / Agneta Land

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Land, Agneta


    Rahvusvahelisest preemiast Spirit of Nature, mis antakse üle Lahtis Sibeliustalos. Rootsi arhitekti Gert Wingõrdh'i projekteeritud Piano paviljonist Lahtis. Terrassmööbli valmistas puusepp Kari Virtanen, kohviku interjööri toolid ja lauad disainis Tapio Anttila. 7 fotot välis- ja sisevaadetega

  11. Kuni 24. XII on Y-galerii P- ja T-saalis vaadata näitus "Võõras mure"...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Näitusel "Võõras mure" on väljas EKA avatud akadeemia lõpetanud kunstnike Anniki Kari, Ellen-Reet Türi ja Ulvi Kuldkepi maalid. A- ja E-saalis avatud Lauri Pajose näitusel "Tonal" näeb suuremõõtmelisi sürreaalabstraktseid maale


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    Magdarina Destri Agtini


    Full Text Available Worldwide caries is still mainly problem in oral and dental diseases. In developing countries 30%-90% of 12-years old children do not get oral and dental treatment. In Indonesia, several programs have been implemented to improve oral and dental health status for all age groups. How over, a few reports/National dental health profile showed that mean DMF-T tend to increase, year 1970 DMF-T=0,70, 1980 DMF-T= 2,30, 1990 DMF-T=2,70, and National Health Research (Riskesdas 2007 DMFT=4,8. In National Health Research 2007, it was revealed 29,8% of active caries found in 12-years old children. If the active caries are not managed further complication will occure that may cause teeth extraction. An early teeth extraction can influence mastication and general health. Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART is a preventive and restorative approach for managing carious lesions ofthe teeth. It constitutes of hand instruments only (no electric drills used for widening cavity openings and for excavating soft decayed tissue from within the cavity, followed by the application of an adhesive dental material, usually a high-viscosity glass-ionomer (GIC filling material, into the cavity and over the adjacent pits and fissures. ART-GIC consepts are minimally invasive, inhibit further progression ofdental caries., preventive, as well as curative. Effectiveness of ART-GIC can be determined by successrate of ART-GIC fillings (F and effect of ART-GIC on both Decayed (D and Performance Treatment Index (PTI. Several studies showed that success rate ART-GIC are varies, around 71%-85%. There is no significant difference of success rate ART-GIC between dentis and dental nurses. The highest rate of Fluor release occurred on the first day after ART-GIC filling. Further more ART-GIC also inhibit new caries, as well as inhibit increased DMF-T. The increasing of F, may influence improvement of PTI (PTI around 50%-52%. Additional can improve dental health services. It is suggested that implementation of ART-GIC is needed in outreach areas with limited facilities; in all primary schools,all health services, under-5 years children, geriatric groups (Panti Wreda. As an alternative way to conduct ART-GIC development through dental nurses. More over suggested, although it is a simple method, a careful implementation of ART-GIC are need to be concern. Thus sustainability of continuing ART-GIC education and training is needed. Key words: Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART, Glass lonomer Cement (GiC, Efektifitas ART dan GIC

  13. Revision of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae in the Marquesas Islands

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    Warren Wagner


    Full Text Available During the preparation of the Vascular Flora of the Marquesas Islands three new species of Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae have come to light and are described herein: C. uapouensis W. L. Wagner & Lorence, C. uahukaensis W. L. Wagner & Lorence, and C. kenwoodii W. L. Wagner & A. J. Wagner. Amended descriptions of the eight previously described Marquesan species are also provided as well as a key to the species. With the description of these the new species Cyrtandra in the Marquesas Islands consists of 11 species, six of which have been included in recent molecular phylogenetic studies of Pacific Cyrtandra, and appear to have arisen from one original introduction. If the other five species are members of this Marquesas clade then Cyrtandra would represent the largest lineage of Marquesas vascular plants. Psychotria is largest genus in the Marquesas Islands with 13 species, but is thought to consist of three separate lineages.

  14. Screwed Up

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    About the (Im)material Artefacts project by Sarah Younan: Emerging digital technologies provide new ways to engage with artefacts and recent developments in 3D print are rapidly bridging the gap between digital and physical objects. For the (Im)material Artefacts project ceramic artefacts from...... practice Hansen combines digital processing with an intuitive grasp of form and materials. Hansen develops software and models his born-digital objects from scratch before 3D printing them. His participation in the (Im)material Artefacts project presented Hansen with a different challenge; to re...

  15. On The Use Of Network Sampling In Diabetic Surveys | Nafiu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Two estimators: Hansen-Hurwitz estimator and Horvitz-Thompson estimator were considered; and the results were obtained using a program written in Microsoft Visual C++ programming language. Keywords: Graph, Sampling Frame, Households, Hansen-Hurwitz estimator and Horvitz-Thompson estimator. JORIND Vol.

  16. Roman for unge - og deres voksne - fra Nick Hornby

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haarder, Jon Helt


    Nick Hornby: SLAM. Oversat fra engelsk. af Jan Hansen. 280 sider, 249 kr. Lindhardt og Ringhof. Fire stjerner Udgivelsesdato: 071207......Nick Hornby: SLAM. Oversat fra engelsk. af Jan Hansen. 280 sider, 249 kr. Lindhardt og Ringhof. Fire stjerner Udgivelsesdato: 071207...

  17. Genetics Home Reference: Wagner syndrome (United States)

    ... 3 [updated 2016 Jan 7]. In: Pagon RA, Adam MP, Ardinger HH, Wallace SE, Amemiya A, Bean LJH, Bird TD, Ledbetter N, Mefford HC, Smith RJH, Stephens K, editors. GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): ...

  18. Gesamtkunstwerk as Modern Concept of Art

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munch, Anders V.


    Tracing Richard Wagners idea of the Gesamtkunstwerk as the art work of the future as inspiration for many later utopian artforms of modern art up till installations and context art today the text is a discussion of Wagner's influence on the modern concept of art....

  19. Enumerating submultisets of multisets

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hage, J.


    In this paper we consider the problem of enumerating the submultisets of a multiset, in which each element has equal multiplicity. The crucial property is that consecutive submultisets in this listing differ one in the cardinality of only one of the elements. This is a generalization to k-ary

  20. chemotherapy at the uch, ibadan.

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    (Review) Neurologia, Neurochirurga Polska 1999;. 33(6): 1425—33. 2. Tarja Tertu Pelliniemi, Kerty Irjsla, Kri Mattila Kari Pulkki,. Allah Rajamaki et al. Immunoreactive Interkeukin-6 and Acute. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, December 2001, Vol. 4(2) phase proteins as prognostic factors in multiple myeloma. Blood.

  1. Mineviku pantvangid / Vootele Hansen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hansen, Vootele, 1962-


    Kommunistliku režiimi kuritegelikkusest. Autor: Rahvaerakond Mõõdukad. Parlamendisaadik. Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 16. juuni 2001, lk. 2; Meie Maa, 16. juuni 2001, lk. 2; Võrumaa Teataja, 19. juuni 2001, lk. 2; Sakala, 20. juuni 2001, lk. 2; Lääne Elu, 19. juuni 2001, lk. 4

  2. Eelarvamustest lahti / Katt Hansen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hansen, Katt


    PÖFFi naistekeskseid mängufilme : taanlase Morten Arnfredi "Õnne tänav", tšehh Michaela Pavlatova "Truudusetud mängud", prantsuse filmid "29 Palms" (Bruno Dumont) ja "Väike Lili" (Claude Miller) ning prantsuse-tuneesia "Satin Rouge" (Raja Amari)

  3. Conceptual Design of Simulation Models in an Early Development Phase of Lunar Spacecraft Simulator Using SMP2 Standard (United States)

    Lee, Hoon Hee; Koo, Cheol Hea; Moon, Sung Tae; Han, Sang Hyuck; Ju, Gwang Hyeok


    The conceptual study for Korean lunar orbiter/lander prototype has been performed in Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI). Across diverse space programs around European countries, a variety of simulation application has been developed using SMP2 (Simulation Modelling Platform) standard related to portability and reuse of simulation models by various model users. KARI has not only first-hand experience of a development of SMP compatible simulation environment but also an ongoing study to apply the SMP2 development process of simulation model to a simulator development project for lunar missions. KARI has tried to extend the coverage of the development domain based on SMP2 standard across the whole simulation model life-cycle from software design to its validation through a lunar exploration project. Figure. 1 shows a snapshot from a visualization tool for the simulation of lunar lander motion. In reality, a demonstrator prototype on the right-hand side of image was made and tested in 2012. In an early phase of simulator development prior to a kick-off start in the near future, targeted hardware to be modelled has been investigated and indentified at the end of 2012. The architectural breakdown of the lunar simulator at system level was performed and the architecture with a hierarchical tree of models from the system to parts at lower level has been established. Finally, SMP Documents such as Catalogue, Assembly, Schedule and so on were converted using a XML(eXtensible Mark-up Language) converter. To obtain benefits of the suggested approaches and design mechanisms in SMP2 standard as far as possible, the object-oriented and component-based design concepts were strictly chosen throughout a whole model development process.

  4. Tammsaare-aastat ilmestavad ka raamatud / Marika Rajamäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rajamäe, Marika, 1952-


    Tammsaare muuseumis esitleti kahte raamatut: Tammsaare, Anton Hansen. Siin mägi, seal mägi... Anton Hansen Tammsaare oma koduloodusest : fotoalbum (koostanud Ann Marvet. Tallinn : Huma, 2008) ja Liivak, Age-Li. Tammsaare kirjanduspreemia laureaadid Hugo Hiibuse sulega. (Türi : Saarakiri, 2008)

  5. stage/page/play

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    context. Contributors: Per Brask, Dario Fo, Jette Barnholdt Hansen, Pil Hansen, Sven Åke Heed, Ulla Kallenbach, Sofie Kluge, Annelis Kuhlmann, Kela Kvam, Anna Lawaetz, Bent Flemming Nielsen, Franco Perrelli, Magnus Tessing Schneider, Antonio Scuderi. stage/page/play is published as a festschrift...

  6. Korea Earth Observation Satellite Program (United States)

    Baek, Myung-Jin; Kim, Zeen-Chul

    via Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) as the prime contractor in the area of Korea earth observation satellite program to enhance Korea's space program development capability. In this paper, Korea's on-going and future earth observation satellite programs are introduced: KOMPSAT- 1 (Korea Multi Purpose Satellite-1), KOMPSAT-2 and Communication, Broadcasting and Meteorological Satellite (CBMS) program. KOMPSAT-1 satellite successfully launched in December 1999 with Taurus launch vehicle. Since launch, KOMPSAT-1 is downlinking images of Korea Peninsular every day. Until now, KOMPSAT-1 has been operated more than 2 and half years without any major hardware malfunction for the mission operation. KOMPSAT-1 payload has 6.6m panchromatic spatial resolution at 685 km on-orbit and the spacecraft bus had NASA TOMS-EP (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer-Earth Probe) spacecraft bus heritage designed and built by TRW, U.S.A.KOMPSAT-1 program was international co-development program between KARI and TRW funded by Korean Government. be launched in 2004. Main mission objective is to provide geo-information products based on the multi-spectral high resolution sensor called Multi-Spectral Camera (MSC) which will provide 1m panchromatic and 4m multi-spectral high resolution images. ELOP of Israel is the prime contractor of the MSC payload system and KARI is the total system prime contractor including spacecraft bus development and ground segment. KARI also has the contract with Astrium of Europe for the purpose of technical consultation and hardware procurement. Based on the experience throughout KOMPSAT-1 and KOMPSAT-2 space system development, Korea is expecting to establish the infrastructure of developing satellite system. Currently, KOMPSAT-2 program is in the critical design stage. are scheduled to launch in 2008 and in 2014, respectively. The mission of CBMS consists of two areas. One is of space technology test for the communications mission, and the other is of a real

  7. Salapärane mustlashobune / Ingrid Randlaht

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randlaht, Ingrid


    Ristandhobustest, ametliku nimega Irish cob (iiri cob), ingliskeelses maailmas valdavalt Gypsy Horse ehk mustlashobusena tuntud ning Mandri-Euroopas peremeeste järgi tinkeriteks kutsutavatest hobustest, samuti Iirimaa kuulsast Ballinasloe hobulaadast, kus müüakse tinkereid, ning Mätta turismitalust Lääne-Virumaal, kus on suurim tinkerite kari Eestis

  8. Agricultural Productivity and Climate Change in Arid and Semiarid ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    This project aims to strengthen the capacity of the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) to undertake climate change adaptation studies in the context of agricultural research. ... La gestion de l'eau dans les milieux urbains et ruraux, élément fondamental des villes qui savent s'adapter aux changements climatiques.

  9. An Analysis of Alterity in Teachers' Inclusive Pedagogical Practices (United States)

    Sagner-Tapia, Johanna


    This investigation contributes to understanding how teachers reflect on the other with a disability and on their own practices. Literature suggests that inclusion takes place when barriers are removed, allowing participation. However, scholars agree that teachers still struggle with pedagogical practices in inclusive classrooms. Hansen (Hansen,…

  10. Vliv kariérového přechodu na kariérní úspěch zaměstnance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hana Klupáková


    Full Text Available Purpose of the article: The career has in the 21st century new direction. The classic career ladder has no more importance. This new career direction brings new perception of career success. So it has to be identified career success factors. Methods: It was conducted quantitative research; data were collected by questionnaires for employees who made a career transition in the last five years. The data were processed with MS Excel and Statistics. Data were purified, and characterized with descriptive statistics. To identify factors it was performed factor analysis using PCA with Varimax factors rotation. Relationships between variables were tested by analysis of variance and t-tests. Scientific aim is to prove the career transition effect on employees’ career success and characterize these effects of variable type of career transition. Findings: It was proved the detention between mobility type and type of career transition. Employees, who are transferred within a company, are changing job usually upward, while the transition between companies is mostly to jobs unrelated to last job position. Furthermore it was identified three factors of career success, one subjective and 2 objective. It was statistically confirm the influence of career transition type on subjective career success and impact of mobility type on the objective career success. Conclusions: Results indicate that the greatest satisfaction brings career transition up the career ladder, while transition into unrelated jobs (decisions under risk leads to dissatisfaction increase. We can say that employees who remain in company feel usually „happier“ and although they may feel relatively unhappy, cannot suffer the disappointment in expectations. Career transition affects career success in a predictable direction. So companies can prepare to provide certainty and stability in familiar situations, as they have to anchor employees in the company and work group if they come for unrelated job position or environment.

  11. Airspace Technology Demonstration 3 (ATD-3): Applied Traffic Flow Management Project Overview (United States)

    Gong, Chester


    ATD-3 Project Overview for 3rd Joint Workshop for KAIA-KARI - NASA ATM Research Collaboration. This presentation gives a high level description of the ATD-3 project and related technologies. These technologies include Multi-Flight Common Routes (MFCR), Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Requests (TASAR) and Dynamic Routes for Arrivals in Weather (DRAW).

  12. Subscriptions

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Subscriptions Contact. Rachel Rege Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, P O Box 57811, Nairobi, KENYA Email: East Africa Kssh 4000; Sterling 40; USA $62; including postage by surface mail. Postage by air mail can be arranged at cost on request. Payments to be made to the Editor, East African ...

  13. Prospective Evaluation of Mental Health and Deployment Experience Among Women in the US Military (United States)


    Beverly Sheppard, Katherine Snell, Steven Speigle, Kari Sausedo, Jennifer Walstrom, Martin White, James Whitmer, and Char- lene Wong; Madigan Army Medical...what physicians should know. J Gen Intern Med. 2006; 21(suppl 3):S5–S10. 13. Lindstrom KE, Smith TC, Wells TS, et al. The mental health of U.S

  14. Tudengite nappus seab kõrgkoolid raskustesse / Madis Filippov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Filippov, Madis


    Gümnasistide arvu vähenemine nõuab kõrgkoolide töö ümberhindamist. Arvamust avaldavad Tallinna Ülikooli rektor Rein Raud, Tartu Ülikooli rektor Alar Karis, Eesti Maaülikooli rektor Mait Klaassen, Euroülikooli rektor Jüri Martin, Estonian Business Schooli rektor Peeter Kross ja haridusminister Tõnis Lukas

  15. Substitution-induced near phase transition with Maxwell-Wagner polarization in SrBi{sub 2}(Nb{sub 1-x}A{sub x}){sub 2}O{sub 9} ceramics [A = W, Mo and x = 0, 0.025

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Banerjee, Prasun; Franco, Adolfo Jr. [Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Goias, Goiania (Brazil)


    The synthesis, micro-structure, spectroscopic, and dielectric properties of SrBi{sub 2}(Nb{sub 1-x}A{sub x}){sub 2}O{sub 9} [with A=W, Mo and x = 0, 0.025] ceramics were systematically studied. A relative density of ≥98% was obtained for all the samples using a two-step solid state sintering process. XRD images showed that a single phase layered perovskite structure of SrBi{sub 2}Nb{sub 2}O{sub 9} (SBN) was formed. The orthorhombic structure with A2{sub 1}am phase group was found up to ∝2.5 at.% substitution of W and Mo into the SBN matrix. SEM revealed the rod-like grain structure similar to the Maxwell-Wagner (MW) parallel plate capacitor model in SBN ceramic, whereas smaller heterogeneous grain structure was observed in W and Mo donor doped ceramics. The initial high value of real and imaginary part of relative permittivity also indicated the presence of interfacial MW relaxation in the SBN ceramics. The experimental data fit well to the theoretical data obtained from MW polarization model in SBN ceramics. The possible origin of the difference of the properties present in the doped sample has been explained based on grain size, orientation, and modification done in the ceramic matrices. (copyright 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  16. Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Danish Version: Wheelchair Users Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Camilla Marie; Hansen, Sabrina S.; Hansen, Line S.

    Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Danish Version: Wheelchair Users Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI). Larsen CM1,2; Hansen SS2; Hansen LH2; Bruun P1; Juul-Kristensen B1,3. 1Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark. 2Health Sciences Research...

  17. Birth of a Canon: The Historiography of Early Republican Educational Thought. Historiographical Essay. (United States)

    Moroney, Siobhan


    Focuses on Allen O. Hansen's "Liberalism and American Education in the Eighteenth Century" and Frederick Rudolph's "Essays on Education in the Early Republic." Explores the influence of Hansen and Rudolph on other works of educational thought. Contends that a more accurate picture of the early republic is needed. (CMK)

  18. Korelasi Jumlah Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans dan Level Ekspresi Interlukin 8 (IL-8 pada Severe Early Childhood Caries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muhammad Luthfi


    Full Text Available Karies gigi pada anak usia dini merupakan masalah kesehatan yang sangat serius karena merupakan penyakit infeksi kronis yang menular. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir pandangan tentang neutrofil telah berubah secara dramatis. Neutrofil tidak hanya berperan sebagai pembunuh mikroba melalui proses fagositosis, pelepasan reactive oxigen species (ROS dan peptida antimikrobialnya tetapi neutrofil turut mengatur aktifasi respon imun. Interleukin-8 (IL-8 berfungsi sebagai aktivator kuat dan kemoatraktan neutrofil oleh karena itu IL-8 merupakan mediator kunci dalam migrasi neutrofil ke lokasi peradangan dan infeksi. Untuk menganalisis hubungan dari jumlah S. mutans dan ekspresi IL-8 neutrofil saliva pada anak usia dini bebas karies dan severe early childhood caries (S-ECC. Perlakuan dilakukan pada dua kelompok yaitu isolasi dan menghitung jumlah S. mutans pada sampel saliva dan sampel hasil kumur dengan NaCl 1,5% yang diisolasi neutrofilnya kemudian dianalisis ekspresi IL-8 menggunakan flow cytometry dari 20 anak bebas karies dan 20 anak severe early childhood caries. Hasil nilai rata-rata diketahui bahwa jumlah S. mutans anak usia dini bebas karies lebih rendah (513.500,00±185.565,28 CFU/ml dibandingkan dengan S-ECC (977.000,00±222.500,15 CFU/ml, sedangkan ekspresi IL-8 neutrofil saliva anak usia dini bebas karies lebih tinggi (3,31±0,50 dibandingkan dengan S-ECC (2,95+0,56. Penurunan ekspresi IL-8 neutrofil saliva kemungkinan sebagai penyebab meningkatnya jumlah S. mutans pada S-ECC. Correlation of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans Level and Interleukin 8 (IL-8 Expressions of Salivary Neutrophils in Severe Early Childhood Caries. Early childhood caries is a very serious health problem because it is a chronic infectious disease that is contagious. Dental caries begins after the primary teeth grow and develop on the tooth surface very quickly and progressively. In recent years the views of neutrophils have changed dramatically. Neutrophils

  19. Assistência de enfermagem ao portador de Hanseníase: abordagem transcultural Asistencia de enfermería al portador de Lepra: abordaje transcultural Nursing assistance to a Leprosy-infected patient: transcultural approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando José Guedes da Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo de caso, desenvolvido em um Centro de Saúde em Teresina - PI, que abordou a problemática da assistência de enfermagem prestada a uma paciente com Hanseníase Multibacilar, enfocando o cuidado de Enfermagem Transcultural, Diagnósticos e Intervenções de Enfermagem segundo a Taxonomia II da NANDA. Realizou-se a entrevista semi-estruturada e observação participante, que possibilitaram a coleta dos dados, os quais foram tratados baseados nos padrões normativos, valores e prática diárias, modos de cuidado popular e cuidados requeridos no sistema profissional. Neste estudo, constatou-se que o planejamento da assistência de enfermagem visou, principalmente, contribuir para a adesão ao tratamento da doença, diminuindo os riscos potenciais e utilizando a preservação, negociação e re-padronização do sistema profissional. Observou-se também a adesão ao tratamento e a realização de autocuidado voltado para a hanseníase de forma culturalmente satisfatória.Es un estudio de caso, desarrollado en un centro de salud en Teresina-PI, que abordó la problemática de la asistencia de enfermería dada a una paciente con lepra multibacilar, enfocando el cuidado de Enfermería Transcultural, Diagnósticos, e Intervenciones de Enfermería segundo la Taxonomía II de NANDA. Se realizó una entrevista semi-estructurada y observación participante, que posibilitaron la colecta de los datos, los cuales fueron tratados basados em los padrones normativos, valores y prácticas diárias, modos de cuidado popular y cuidados requeridos en el sistema profesional. En este estudio, se constató que el planeamiento de la asistencia de enfermería objetivó, principalmente, contribuir para la adhesión al tratamiento de la enfermidad, disminuyendo los riscos potenciales y utilizando la preservación, negociación y repradonización del sistema profesional. Se observó también la adhesión al tratamiento y la realización del auto cuidado

  20. [Peculiar history to formation of 'Freely recuperate zone' in the National Sanatorium Kuryu Rakusen-en, Gunma, Japan (relation between the 'Old Yunosawa-ward' and 'Freely recuperate zone' in the National Sanatorium Kuryu Rakusen-en)]. (United States)

    Kitahara, Makoto


    Hansen's disease sufferers had been visiting the hot spring, Kusatsu-Spa, in Gunma, Japan, for Toji (which means 'hot springs treatment' in Japanese) since the middle ages, as it was known reportedly for a long time to be effective in curing the disease. In 1869, Kusatsu-Spa was hit by a massive fire. The innkeepers, who suffered devastating damages, were trying to reconstruct the economy quickly by promoting the medical benefits of the hot spring. This made many Hansen's disease patients to visit and of which many stayed on a long term bases. They would use the hot spring with ordinary visitors. And, they had received the treatment of the spotted moxa cautery with the hot-spring treatment. Later on, Kusatsu- Spa became well known throughout Japan and as the numbers of ordinary visitors increased, they voiced their concerns in sharing the hot spring with the Hansen's disease patients. Therefore, the innkeepers decided to move the patients to another district called Yunosawa and suggested to make a special village of just the patients. In 1887, the representative of the patients came to an agreement with the mayor of Yunosawa to establish a treatment centre there. Yunosawa became part of an administrative area of Kusatsu Town. The area seemed to become a local-governing area mainly shaped by Hansen's disease sufferers and the first legal residential area where Hansen's disease sufferers were given citizenships and may convalesce freely. However, in 1931, leprosy prevention law was passed, and the Japanese government built a new medical treatment centre of Hansen's disease, 4km away from Kusatsu- Spa, which is called National Sanatorium Kuryu Rakusen-en. After deliberations with the representative of the Hansen's disease patients living in the Yunosawa area and the governor of Gunma Prefecture, who received the order from the Japanese government to move them, had agreed to the mass relocation in 1941. This is how Yunosawa had closed its 55 years history and many

  1. Hanseníase virchowiana associada ao uso de inibidor do fator de necrose tumoral α: relato de caso Lepromatous leprosy associated with the use of anti-TNF α therapy: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniele S Freitas


    Full Text Available A terapia anti-TNFα tem sido amplamente utilizada em diversas artropatias inflamatórias crônicas, em especial artrite reumatoide (AR. No entanto, há preocupações quanto à segurança e ao risco de doenças infecciosas nos pacientes. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever um caso de hanseníase, forma virchowiana, em paciente com AR em uso de terapia anti-TNFα. Dessa forma, a vigilância dos eventos adversos deve ser rigorosa, especialmente no que diz respeito às doenças infecciosas. É recomendada investigação apropriada de lesões cutâneas em paciente recebendo terapia anti-TNFα, visto que o quadro clínico inicial pode ser inespecífico, especialmente em regiões endêmicas como o Brasil.TNF blockers have been used in the treatment of several types of chronic inflammatory arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis. However, many doubts regarding the safety and high risk of infectious diseases in these patients remain. The main objective of this report was to present a case of lepromatous leprosy in a rheumatoid arthritis patient using TNF blockers. The development of adverse events should be rigorously observed, especially those related to infectious agents. Thus, appropriate investigation of skin lesions in patients receiving anti-TNFa therapy is recommended, as the initial clinical manifestation may be unusual, particularly in endemic regions in Brazil.

  2. Developing Conceptual Understanding of Fractions with Year Five and Six Students (United States)

    Mills, Judith


    This paper presents findings from classroom observations of one teacher (Beth). It focusses on the development of conceptual understanding of fractions with her students, articulated in Kieren's sub-constructs (Kieren, 1980,1988), and Hansen's progressions (Hansen, 2005). The study covers three lessons within a six week unit. Findings from this…

  3. Music Education as a Mirror to Humane Education (United States)

    Hansen, David T.


    Music and philosophy travel together through time in human culture, and in this article, David Hansen responds to Randall Allsup's recent book, "Remixing the Classroom: Toward an Open Philosophy of Music Education." Hansen says that a singular feature of Randall's new book is how marvelously he demonstrates the organic union between…

  4. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    27 janv. 2014 ... revenue normale. La patiente est mise sous traitement antibacillaire, pendant 9 mois, selon le protocole: rifampicine,isoniazide, pirazinamide et éthambutol pendant 2 mois, puis 7 mois de rifampicine et d'isoniazide. L'évolution après .... PubMed | Google Scholar. 2. Moutaouakil A, Kari B, Zadnass A. La ...

  5. Prescription Stimulants and the Development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among U.S. Service Members (United States)


    Medina-Torne, M.P.H.; Anna Nagel, M.P.H.; Roy Nesbitt, M.A.; Christopher Phillips, M.D., M.P.H.; Roy Nesbitt, M.A.; Toni Rush, M.P.H.; Kari Sausedo...RJ, Robbins BW, Caiola E, Joynt M, Halterman JS. Prescribing of controlled medications to adolescents and young adults in the United States

  6. Bone island and leprosy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carpintero, P.; Garcia-Frasquet, A.; Tarradas, E.; Logrono, C.; Carrascal, A.; Carreto, A.


    Objective. To determine the incidence of bone islands in leprosy patients. Design. X-rays of feet and hands of patients with Hansen's disease (leprosy) were reviewed retrospectively. A second group of related age- and sex-matched patients who did not have Hansen's disease was used for control purposes. Controls had undergone hand or foot X-rays during diagnosis of other pathologies. The patients with Hansen's disease were compared with the control group, and were also analyzed as subgroups with different types of leprosy. The results were subjected to statistical analysis. Patients. Ninety patients with Hansen's disease were randomly selected for this study. Patients who had had ulcers on hands or feet were excluded from the study. Results and conclusions. Bone islands were demonstrated in 20 patients with Hansen's disease; no bone islands were observed in the controls. This was statistically significant (P<0.01). Bone islands were only seen in patients with lepromatous leprosy and borderline types but were not demonstrated in patients with tuberculoid leprosy. There was also a statistically significant relationship for a disease duration of 15 years or more. The cause of this raised incidence of enostosis in leprosy patients is not clear, but there may be a genetic predisposition in patients with leprosy, or it may be a side effect of leprosy, especially the lepromatous form. (orig.)

  7. Leprosy: an educational approach with high school

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mônica Gisele Costa Pinheiro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analisar o conhecimento de escolares do ensino médio sobre hanseníase antes e após a prática da educação em saúde nas salas de aula. Método: Estudo exploratório, descritivo, com população de 358 estudantes do ensino médio e amostra de 200 escolares. Critérios de seleção da amostra: alunos matriculados na escola selecionada para estudo, presentes em sala de aula e que assinaram o TCLE. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário contendo questões fechadas sobre a hanseníase. O projeto foi submetido e aprovado pelo CEP da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, com número de protocolo 085/08 e CAAE 00780051000-09. Resultados: Em princípio, a hanseníase era pouco conhecida pelos escolares. Entretanto, esta realidade logo se transformou após a realização da palestra como instrumento de educação em saúde. Conclusão: Enfatizou-se a importância de ações de educação em saúde sobre hanseníase realizada pela enfermagem. Descritores: Educação em Saúde, Hanseníase, Enfermagem.

  8. From Test Takers to Test Makers (United States)

    Smith, Kari


    As a classroom teacher, Kari Smith realized that traditional objective tests don't always assess what students actually know. But tests are so deeply embedded in the education system that it would be difficult to do away with them entirely. Smith decided to make tests into learning tools. In this article, Smith describes three strategies for…

  9. Kariogram dan Peranannya dalam Meramalkan Kemungkinan Terjadinya Karies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Safrida Hoesin


    Full Text Available Cariogram is an instrument which was prepared to estimate caries occurrence among the 18 years old (Branthall et al. 1996. In the Cariogram, parameters of caries interation were consist of diet, susceptible tooth, bacteria and circumstances. However, some of the points in parameters such as colony count and topical fluoride or water fluoridation were not widely known in Indonesia. The aim of this report is to modify a Cariogram for the 12 year old children based on an epidemiological observation which subjects were selected in a randomized stratified sampling. The data were analysed in a multiple logistic regression technique. As a result of the study revealed that new parameters of a modified Cariogram model were slightly different from the original: however, it could be introduced as a model of caries reduction to support the national promotive and preventice program.

  10. Central Delta languages: An overview | Kari | Stellenbosch Papers ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper presents an overview of the phonology, morphology and syntax of Central Delta languages. It also provides information on the geo-linguistic, demographic and sociolinguistic situation of these languages. It notes that Central Delta languages have a 20-vowel system, which divides into two sets of 10 vowels ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Retno Indrawati Roestamadji


    Full Text Available Dental caries is a unique multifactorial infectious disease. In recent years, the prevalence of dental caries in most western countries has steadily declined. By contrast study done in some developing countries such as Zambia, Nigeria, Thailand and Indonesia showed a marked increase in dental caries. Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans is the most important agent of human caries. Cariogenic feature of these bacteria include synthesis intracellular polysaccharide, extracellular polysaccharide, lactic acid production and ability to survive in low pH levels. Potentially, caries can be reduced by interfering with transmission of S . mutans, eliminating established S. mutanspopulations from the oral cavity, increasing the acid resistance of the teeth and control and control of the carbohydrate composition of the diet. Oral anti mutans vaccines have been demonstrated in the laboratory, the costs involved in the development for human are relatively high. Studies Strain replacement therapy is a great promise in implantation of benign oral microbial strain capable of successfully competing with S. mutans.

  12. Neural Computation as a Tool to Differentiate Perceptual from Emotional Processes: The Case of Anger Superiority Effect (United States)

    Mermillod, Martial; Vermeulen, Nicolas; Lundqvist, Daniel; Niedenthal, Paula M.


    Research findings in social and cognitive psychology imply that it is easier to detect angry faces than happy faces in a crowd of neutral faces [Hansen, C. H., & Hansen, R. D. (1988). Finding the face in the crowd--An anger superiority effect. "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology," 54(6), 917-924]. This phenomenon has been held to have…

  13. The nurse and the theme of leprosy in the school context: case studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mônica Gisele Costa Pinheiro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar o conhecimento de escolares sobre a hanseníase e proporcionar ações de educação em saúde. Métodos: Trata-se de um como descritivo, uma vez que descreve a experiência vivenciada por graduandos de enfermagem durante a execução de uma atividade de extensão focada na realização de diálogos relacionados à hanseníase, como forma de educação e promoção da saúde. Foram considerados os princípios éticos da pesquisa envolvendo seres humanos, e após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, sob parecer nº 072/09 e CAAE 00780051000-09, a pesquisa foi iniciada. Resultados: Evidenciou-se que as atividades de educação em saúde, dirigidas aos escolares, com ênfase na hanseníase, são de fundamental importância, pois denotam a apropriação de conhecimento relacionado à doença. Conclusão: O empedramento sobre hanseníase pode contribuir com a disseminação de tais conhecimentos, visto que os escolares poderão se sentir instigados a divulgar as informações a outras pessoas, como familiares. Descritores: Enfermagem, Educação em Saúde, Hanseníase.

  14. Equilibria of perceptrons for simple contingency problems. (United States)

    Dawson, Michael R W; Dupuis, Brian


    The contingency between cues and outcomes is fundamentally important to theories of causal reasoning and to theories of associative learning. Researchers have computed the equilibria of Rescorla-Wagner models for a variety of contingency problems, and have used these equilibria to identify situations in which the Rescorla-Wagner model is consistent, or inconsistent, with normative models of contingency. Mathematical analyses that directly compare artificial neural networks to contingency theory have not been performed, because of the assumed equivalence between the Rescorla-Wagner learning rule and the delta rule training of artificial neural networks. However, recent results indicate that this equivalence is not as straightforward as typically assumed, suggesting a strong need for mathematical accounts of how networks deal with contingency problems. One such analysis is presented here, where it is proven that the structure of the equilibrium for a simple network trained on a basic contingency problem is quite different from the structure of the equilibrium for a Rescorla-Wagner model faced with the same problem. However, these structural differences lead to functionally equivalent behavior. The implications of this result for the relationships between associative learning, contingency theory, and connectionism are discussed.

  15. Pärt, Arvo. Fratres / Rainer Wagner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wagner, Rainer


    Uuest heliplaadist "Pärt, Arvo. Fratres, Cantus (in Memory of Benjamin Britten), summa, Festina Lente; Peter Manning, France Springuel, Mireille Gleizes, Huub Righarts, I Fiamminghi, Rudolf Werthen" (AD: 1994) Telarc/in-akustik CD 80 387 (WD: 79'00")

  16. Prevotella intermedia and Porphyromonas gingivalis in dental caries with periapical granuloma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Risya Cilmiaty


    Full Text Available Background: Dental caries with necrotic pulp is a multifactorial disease that attacks enamel involving tooth pulp. The anaerobic bacteria infection in the pulp chamber could induce the formation of periapical granuloma. However, the presence of the most frequently anaerobic bacteria identified in apical periodontitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia, in periapical granuloma have not been confirmed. Purpose: The aims of study were to determine the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia in dental caries with necrotic pulp and to determine its relation to periapical granuloma. Methods: Thirty-six patients of dental caries with necrotic pulp in Dr. Moewardi General Hospital in Surakarta, Indonesia were involved and classified into two groups, the group of patients with periapical granuloma and the group of patients without periapical granuloma. The caries tooth was extracted, and the chronic periapical tissue was swabbed and cultured on blood agar medium in anaerobic condition. The bacterial DNA was extracted from the positive cultures and subjected for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR. Results: Periapical granuloma was more likely found in women (OR 5.5, 95% CI=1.277-23.693; RR 2.5, 95% CI= 1.025-6.100. Black colonies bacteria were associated with periapical granuloma (OR 2.2, 95% CI=0.517-9.594; RR 1.5, 95% CI=0.655-3.623. Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia were detected in group with or without periapical granuloma, however, only Prevotella intermedia was associated with periapical granuloma (OR 1.6, 95% CI=0.418-5.903; RR 1.3, 95% CI=0.653-2.393. Conclusion: The presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia in periapical granuloma were confirmed, however, only Prevotella intermedia were associated with periapical granuloma.Latar belakang: Karies gigi dengan pulpa nekrosis adalah penyakit multifaktorial yang menyerang enamel hingga ruang pulpa gigi. Infeksi bakteri anaerob

  17. Neli korda restoranis / Pekka Toivanen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toivanen, Pekka


    Kultuurirestoran "Hima ja Sali" (Talberginkatu 1 C 10), mille sisustuse ja kinnise mööbli on kujundanud Kari Lappalainen. Telekokk Jyrki Sukula restoran "Via" (Ludviginkatu 8-10), mille sisustuse on kujundanud Jani Koivula ja Mikael Mantila. Restoran "Mother" (Eerikinkatul) Stefan Lindforsi kujunduses ning Antti Rouhunkoski ja Sami Sorvali kaasajastatud kujunduses. Büroo Valvomo kujundatud "Wrong Nuudle Bar". 13 ill

  18. Vammaisten henkilöiden osallisuus ja sen monet tasot : "saa olla osallinen arjessa"


    Liinamaa, Piia


    TIIVISTELMÄ VAMMAISTEN HENKILÖIDEN OSALLISUUS JA SEN MONET TASOT “Saa olla osallinen arjessa” Piia Liinamaa Sosiaalityö Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos Pro gradu -tutkielma Jyväskylän yliopisto / Kokkolan yliopistokeskus Chydenius Ohjaaja: YTT Kari Ilmonen Syksy 2016 Sivumäärä: 87 sivua, 3 liitettä ____________________________________________________________________________ Tämä kvalitatiivinen pro gradu -tutkimus liittyy vammaisten henkilöiden o...

  19. Eesti Meremuuseumi hoone Lennusadamas = Estonian Maritime Museum in the Tallinn Seaplane Harbour

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Meremuuseumi rekonstrueeritud vesilennukite angaarid Tallinnas Vesilennuki 6, valminud 2012. Eesti kultuurkapitali aastapreemia 2012. Arhitektid Raivo Kotov, Andrus Kõresaar, Indrek Mikk, Margit Aule, Tõnis Savi, Lea Laidra, Karis Kahr, Jelena Altmäe, Jaanus Männik (KOKO Arhitektid). Sisearhitektid Margit Argus, Andrus Kõresaar, Olga Batuhtina (KOKO Arhitektid). Raudbetoonkonstruktsioonide renoveerimisprojekt Karl Õiger, Heiki Onton (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool). Uued konstruktsioonid Neoprojekt

  20. The NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program - Presentation to Korean Aerospace Research Institute (United States)

    LaBel, Kenneth A.; Sampson, Michael J.


    This presentation will provide basic information about NASA's Electronic Parts and Packaging Program (NEPP), for sharing with representatives of the South Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) as part of a larger presentation by Headquarters Office of Safety and Mission Assurance. The NEPP information includes mission and goals, history of the program, basic focus areas, strategies, deliverables and some examples of current tasks.

  1. Movement influences carambola leaflet chlorophyll fluorescence and temperature under sunny conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marler, T.E.; Lawton, P.D.


    Leaflets of 'Arkin', 'B-10', 'Kary', and 'Sri Kembangan' carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.) trees were restrained in a horizontal position for 3.5 h during midday under full sun conditions to determine the influence of overriding natural leaflet movement on adaxial chlorophyll fluorescence and temperature. Induced chlorophyll fluorescence obtained after 30 minutes of dark adaptation following the period of full sun exposure was affected by leaflet movement. Restrained leaflets exhibited a variable fluorescence (Fv)/peak fluorescence (Fm) of 0.48, while that of unrestrained leaflets was 0.65. Adaxial leaflet temperature of restrained leaflets was 6C higher than that of leaflets that were allowed to move. The influence of leaflet movement on temperature or chlorophyll fluorescence was not different among the four cultivars. However, mean Fv/Fm of 'Kary' and 'Sri Kembangan' was lower than that of 'B-10'. Our results indicate that the ability of carambola to change leaflet angle leads to lower temperature and higher photochemical efficiency than occurs when leaflets are not allowed to move naturally (vertically orient) under full sun conditions

  2. "Man skal altid gå tilbage til en fuser"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Steen Nepper


    Anmeldelse af Center for Vild Analyse. Brian Benjamin Hansen, Rasmus Ugilt, Steen Thykjær, Kasper Porsgaard, Henrik Jøker Bjerre: Særklasse. Den tøvende revolution, Informations Forlag, 2012, 203 sider......Anmeldelse af Center for Vild Analyse. Brian Benjamin Hansen, Rasmus Ugilt, Steen Thykjær, Kasper Porsgaard, Henrik Jøker Bjerre: Særklasse. Den tøvende revolution, Informations Forlag, 2012, 203 sider...

  3. The Prussian and American General Staffs: An Analysis of Cross-Cultural Imitation, Innovation, and Adaptation (United States)


    Weimar period, but the Prussian general staff would never again control the military destinies of the German people. Before its defeat and dissolution...Publishers (New York: International Publishers, 1925), p. 4. 90. Norman Stone, The Eastern Front 1914-1917 (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1975), p. 61...Lieutenant (later Brigadier General) Arthur L. Wagner was assigned to the school as an instructor in the Department of Military Art. Wagner , a 1875

  4. Fator de desconto estocástico no mercado acionário brasileiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Borges Catalão


    Full Text Available Este trabalho implementa as fronteiras de variância mínima para o fator de desconto estocástico, conforme Hansen e Jagannathan (1991 e Cochrane e Hansen (1992, no mercado acionário brasileiro. São consideradas duas abordagens em termos dos retornos das ações e dos prêmios das ações: o Equity Premium Puzzle e o Low Interest Rate Puzzle em face destas metodologias. Adicionalmente, aplicamos o teste econométrico de Burnside (1994 nestes casos. Verificamos que a primeira abordagem produz um fator de desconto estocástico inválido no caso brasileiro. Por outro lado, a formulação com base no prêmio, conforme Cochrane e Hansen (1992, não invalida o fator de desconto estocástico. Assim, não identificamos estes dois puzzles no mercado acionário brasileiro. De fato, o chamado "equity premium puzzle" tem que satisfazer estes dois critérios. Neste sentido, este puzzle não se verifica no mercado acionário brasileiro.This article implements the minimum variance frontier for the stochastic discount factor, according to both Hansen and Jagannathan (1991 and Cochrane and Hansen (1992, for the Brazilian stock market. Two approaches are considered in terms of equity returns and equity premium, respectively, the Equity Premium Puzzle and the Low Interest Rate Puzzle. Furthermore, we apply also the econometric test of Burnside (1994 in these approaches. The criteria based on equity return results in an invalid discount factor. On the other hand, the approach using the equity premium, according to Cochrane and Hansen (1992, does not reject the discount factor. Thus, we do not corroborate these two puzzles for the Brazilian equity market. In fact, the equity premium puzzle has to satisfy both criterias above. Thus, in these sense this puzzle does not happen in the Brazilian stock market.

  5. Kunst aitab klisheesid lõhkuda : prostitutsioon / Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varblane, Reet, 1952-


    Prostitutsiooniteemast kunstis, praeguste prostitutsiooni käsitlevate näituste ("Sex Work. Kunst. Mythos. Realität" Berliinis, Ann-Sofi Sideni projekt "Warte mal! Prostitutsion after the Velvet Revolution" jt.) rollist. Pikemalt näitusest "Kehaturg / Sex market" Tallinna Kunstihoones. Anu Juuraku, Foxy Haze'i, Teemu Mäki, Tatjana Antoshina, Kari Bie Erenurme, Sandra Jõgeva, Shula Kesheti, Deimantas Narkeviciuse ja Pal Hollenderi töödest

  6. Näitused / Mari Sobolev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sobolev, Mari, 1968-


    Rotermanni Soolaladu: "Cweesti" (maastikuarhitektuur- ruum mere ja maa piiril); Tarbekunstimuuseum: "Pro Arte" (soome nüüdisaegse käsitöö näitus); Linnagalerii Tallinnas: Eve Kask "29 1Ü2"; Sammas-galerii: Rene Kari maalid; Kunstihoone galerii: Anne Türn "Hundid" (keraamika); Tammsaare muuseum. Karl Manbergi maalid ja pisiplastika (1914 Tallinn - 1993 Sidney); Eesti Loodusmuuseum: Marielle Liiveti maalid ja kompositsioonid; Raatus-galerii. "Euroopa koolis".

  7. Musta Torstai : Summan tehtaan lopettaminen traumaattisen kriisin ja urakehityksen näkökulmasta


    Stenman, Kari


    TIIVISTELMÄ KYMENLAAKSON AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Palveluyrittäjyys STENMAN, KARI Musta Torstai, Summan tehtaan lopettaminen traumaattisen kriisin ja urakehityksen näkökulmasta Opinnäytetyö 49 sivua + 2 liitesivua Työn ohjaajat lehtori Sinikka Pekkalin, lehtori Ari Lindeman Kesäkuu 2010 Avainsanat selviytyminen, traumaattinen kriisi, ura-ankkurit Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli analysoida, miten Summan tehtaalta vuonna 2007 irtisanottu ihminen selviytyy koettuaan traum...

  8. New pteridophyte species and combinations from the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Lorence


    Full Text Available Intensive botanical exploration of the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia for the Vascular Flora of the Marquesas Islands and Flore de la Polynésie française projects has resulted in numerous additional new collections from these islands. Study of these collections has brought to light 11 new species of pteridophytes (ferns and lycophytes which are described herein: Blechnum pacificum Lorence & A. R. Sm., sp. nov., Cyclosorus castaneus  A. R. Sm. & Lorence, sp. nov.,  Cyclosorus florencei A. R. Sm. & Lorence, sp. nov., Dryopteris macropholis Lorence & W. L. Wagner, sp. nov., Dryopteris sweetorum Lorence & W. L. Wagner, sp. nov., Polystichum kenwoodii Lorence & W. L. Wagner, sp. nov., Polystichum uahukaense Lorence & W. L. Wagner, sp. nov., Pteris hivaoaensis Lorence & K. Wood, sp. nov., Pteris marquesensis Lorence & K. R. Wood, sp. nov., Pteris tahuataensis Lorence & K. R. Wood, sp. nov., and Thelypteris marquesensis Lorence & K. R. Wood, sp. nov. One new combination is made: Cyclosorus marquesicus (Holttum Lorence & A. R. Sm., comb. nov. (based on Plesioneuron marquesicum Holttum.  An analysis of the conservation status of these new Marquesas Islands taxa reveals they are in need of inclusion in the IUCN Red List with conservation status ranging from vulnerable (one species, and endangered (four species, to critically endangered (five species.

  9. Hitos de la perspectiva molar del condicionamiento clásico

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    Andrés M. Pérez Acosta


    Full Text Available En este artículo se revisan los acontecimientos históricos fundamentales en la teoría del condicionamiento clásico como fenómeno psicológico –comportamental o cognoscitivo–, es decir, desde una perspectiva molar, en oposición a una perspectiva molecular, que es propia de las neurociencias. Se analizan los siguientes acontecimientos o hitos: la teoría reflexológica de Vladimir Bechterev, la perspectiva conductista radical de B. F. Skinner, el modelo de Rescorla y Wagner (1972, los modelos atencionales de Mackintosh (1975 y de Pearce y Hall (1980, las teorías que se basan en los procesos oponentes, de Allan Wagner (1981; Wagner & Brandon, 1989, y las teorías que se basan en el control temporal del comportamiento (Gallistel & Gibbon, 2002.

  10. The Imaginary Significations of Modernity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carleheden, Mikael


    This article deals with the concept of modernity upon which one of the most interesting contemporary theories about modern social change is based - Peter Wagner's theory of successive modernities. Wagner understands modernity as a double imaginary signification which entails a basic tension between...... liberty and discipline. This conception is almost directly taken from Cornelius Castoriadis. I argue that this tension exists in two versions in Castoriadis' philosophy and that the two versions are incompatible. It is further claimed that the two versions reappear in Wagner's theory, which makes his...... theory of successive modernities partly inconsistent. A stance is taken for one of these versions and it is argued that the theory of successive modernities should appropriate that version as its point of departure in order to grasp the history of modernity in a consistent way. Keywords: Cornelius...

  11. Revision of Coprosma (Rubiaceae, tribe Anthospermeae in the Marquesas Islands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Warren Wagner


    Full Text Available During the preparation of the Vascular Flora of the Marquesas Islands three new species of Coprosma (Rubiaceae, tribe Anthospermeae have come to light and are described herein: C. fatuhivaensis W. L. Wagner & Lorence, C. meyeri W. L. Wagner & Lorence, and C. temetiuensis W. L. Wagner & Lorence. Descriptions, illustrations, conservation status, and specimen citations are provided. Amended descriptions of three previously described Marquesan Coprosma species are also provided as well as a key to the species, four of which fall into the Critically Endangered (CR and two into the Endangered (EN category. With the description of these the new species, Coprosma becomes the sixth largest lineage in the Marquesas Islands with six species after Psychotria (one lineage which has 9 spp., Cyrtandra (8 spp., Bidens (8 spp., and Melicope (7 spp., and Ixora (7 spp..

  12. The Atiri Concept for Scaling up Demand-Driven Technologies: The Experience from its Application by Dairy Goat Farmers in Embu

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiruiru, E.M.


    Agriculture production on smallholder farms of Kenya has continued to decline despite years of agriculture research by the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI). Farmers to access agricultural technologies resulting from poor coverage mainly attributed this to a low ability by regular extension and use of inappropriate mechanisms for transferring proven technologies. The evolvement of the Agricultural Technology and Information Response Initiative (ATIRI) in KARI in 2002 was aimed at catalyzing delivery of Impact- oriented agricultural technologies to the beneficiaries at grass-root levels on a demand-driven basis. The basic hypothesis was that both the demand for technologies and their adoption would be enhanced. The Manyatta Dairy Goat-keeping Self-help Group (MDGSG) in Embu was among the initial community-based organization (CBO) facilitated within the framework of ATIRI concept to acquire various technologies aimed at improving dairy goat productivity. Following the demand for suitable forages, the scale of planting as well as skills and knowledge of forage utilization practices significantly increased after 1.5 years. In particular, fodder trees (Calliandra calothyrsus and Leucaena trichandra) and dual-purpose sweet potato recorded the highest expansion of 500 and 1300% respectively. The mean daily milk yield per head recorded in 1996 was 0.8 compared to 2.5 lt. by 2002. The relative number of goats per household in 2002 (5.7 heads) was also significantly higher than the one recorded in 1996 (1.5 heads). These changes were generally attributed to improve feeding especially from the period 2000 when the ATIRI activities started resulting in faster growth rate and improved reproductive efficiency. The major indication to adoption of technologies is the opportunity it created for farmers to increase cash income from either sale of animals or manure. The approach to involve farmers has shown tremendous potential for scaling up technology transfer since over

  13. Perfil epidemiológico da hanseníase na microrregião de araçuaí e sua relação com ações de controle Perfil epidemiológico de la lepra en la micro región de araçuaí y su relación con las acciones de control Epidemiological profile of leprosy at the microregion of araçuaí and its relation with actions control

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    Francisco Carlos Félix Lana


    Full Text Available A hanseníase representa um problema de saúde pública no Brasil pelos altos índices de prevalência e incidência. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a situação epidemiológica da hanseníase e sua relação com o desenvolvimento das ações de controle na microrregião de Araçuaí. Trata-se de estudo epidemiológico, descritivo, cujos dados foram coletados das fichas de notificação de casos de hanseníase de municípios da microrregião, período 1998-2007, disponibilizados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação - SINAN. Foram construídos e analisados indicadores epidemiológicos e operacionais preconizados pelo Ministério da Saúde. Foram notificados 343 casos, resultando em uma detecção geral média de 28,5 casos/100.000 habitantes/ano. A proporção de casos detectados com grau II de incapacidade e o predomínio de formas passivas de detecção sugerem diagnóstico tardio e corroboram a importância da integração das ações de controle da hanseníase na atenção básica.La lepra representa un problema de salud pública en Brasil debido a los altos índices de detección y prevalencia. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la situación epidemiológica de la lepra y su relación con acciones de control en micro región de Araçuaí en el periodo 1998-2007. El estudio es epidemiológico, descriptivo y los dados fueran recogidos de formularios de notificación de casos de lepra de las ciudades de la región, período 1998-2007, disponible en el Sistema de Información de Agravos de Notificación - SINAN. Indicadores operacionales y epidemiológicos fueran construidos y analizados de acuerdo con los parámetros del Ministerio de la Salud. En el periodo, 343 casos de lepra fueran notificados y la detección fue 28,5 casos/100.000 habitantes/año. La proporción de casos detectados con el grado de incapacidad II y la prevalencia de las formas pasivas de detección sugiere un diagnóstico tardío y confirma la

  14. Professor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henrik


    DEBAT: Danske bistandskroner skal øge den interregionale handel i Afrika - det skaber vækst i Afrika og indirekte handel med danske virksomheder, mener Henrik Hansen, professor ved Økonomisk Institut på KU.......DEBAT: Danske bistandskroner skal øge den interregionale handel i Afrika - det skaber vækst i Afrika og indirekte handel med danske virksomheder, mener Henrik Hansen, professor ved Økonomisk Institut på KU....

  15. Evolution of Both Host Nation Police Advisory Missions and the Support Provided by the Department of Defense (United States)


    American forces to train throughout the nation, often in partnership with the Panamanian Defense Forces (PDF), until the rise in Manuel Noriega’s power and...Peace and Stability Operations". Annika Hansen, From Congo to Kosovo: Civilian Police in Peace Operations (New York, NY: Oxford University Press...Soldier Support for Operation Uphold Democracy." Armed Forces & Society 23, no. 1 (Fall 1996): 81-96. Hansen, Annika. From Congo to Kosovo: Civilian

  16. Surface Chemistry of CWAs for Decon Enabling Sciences (United States)


    This work was followed by investigations of organophosphate CWA decomposition on alumina.37 In addition, Wagner and colleagues have employed coupled to a 1,500 cfm Venturi blower (McMaster- Carr ). This design provides a constant negative pressure inside the vacuum chamber and is...G. W.; Koper, O. B.; Lucas, E.; Decker, S.; Klabunde, K. J. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2000 , 104, 5118. (41) Wagner, G. W.; Procell, L. R

  17. Melancholia - verdens dionysiske undergrund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Bodil Marie Stavning


    Med afsæt i en stilistisk analyse af Lars von Triers Melancholia (2011) inddrager artiklen filosofiske overvejelser i relation til Nietzches fortolkning af den 'dionysiske undergrund'. Dette i relation til inspirationen fra Wagner og Schopenhauer.......Med afsæt i en stilistisk analyse af Lars von Triers Melancholia (2011) inddrager artiklen filosofiske overvejelser i relation til Nietzches fortolkning af den 'dionysiske undergrund'. Dette i relation til inspirationen fra Wagner og Schopenhauer....

  18. Preliminary study of mysid community on seagrass bed of Pulau Tinggi, Johor (United States)

    Siang, Tan Hai; Rahim, Azman Abdul; Ross, Othman Haji


    This study aims to elucidate the abundance and species composition of the mysid community from seagrass bed of Pulau Tinggi. Samples were taken from July 2009 until October 2009 excluding September 2009 by using epibenthic sledge from Kampung Pasir Panjang and Kampug Sebirah Kecil. A greater abundance of mysids occurred in the seagrass area of Kampung Pasir Panjang (69.10%) compared to the Kampung Sebirah Kecil (30.90%). Maximum mysid abundance occurred during October at both study sites for the whole study period. A total of 1136 mysid individuals comprising 14 species from 5 subfamilies were identified. They were Erythrops minuta Hansen, 1910, Anchialina dentata Pillai, 1964, Haplostylus bengalensis (Hansen, 1910), Haplostylus sp. 1, Haplostylus sp. 2, Pseudanchialina inermis (Illig, 1906), Prionomysis aspera Ii, 1937, Acanthomysis longispina Fukuoka & Murano, 2002, Acanthomysis platycauda (Pillai, 1961), Acanthomysis quadrispinosa Nouvel, 1965, Anisomysis aikawai Ii, 1964, Lycomysis spinicauda Hansen, 1910 and Siriella vulgaris Hansen, 1910. Maximum species richness occurred in the Kampung Sebirah Kecil (10) during July 2009 followed by October 2009 (9) and August 2009 (8) while for Kampung Pasir Panjang highest species richness occurred during October 2009 (8), July 2009 (7) and August 2009 (6). Siriella vulgaris was the most dominant species consisting 41.20% (195ind/m3) of the total mysids sampled.

  19. Attitudes towards English in Ghana Kari Dako Millicent Akosua ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    always put the local languages at a disadvantage for it is only through the official ... Primary Four it is, or is supposed to be, the language of instruction in all subjects, ... persistent features of usage should be accepted as local variety markers or ...

  20. Föräldrars kunskaper om kost och karies


    Hamiti, Edona; Weinås, Ingrid


    The purpose of this study was to investigate parents' knowledge about diet and dental caries. The survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire consisting of 19 questions regarding knowledge of diet and caries, and preventive measures. The questionnaires were distributed to parents who were visiting a dental hygienist or prophylaxis nurse with their children aged 0-3 years. A total of 88 completed surveys were collected. The study showed that the majority of the parents had knowledge ...

  1. Google Forms aitab treeningpäevikut luua / Karis Niisuke

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niisuke, Karis


    1.09.2015 riigigümnaasiumina alustanud Jõhvi Gümnaasium seadis õpetajad uude olukorda, tuli leida toimivad lahendused muutunud õppekorraldusega toimetulekuks. Nii sündis veebipõhise treeningpäeviku lahendus Google Forms näol

  2. Špecifiká kariérneho rozvoja žien


    Oleárová, Petra


    Main goal of diploma thesis is to show what motivates women in their career, where they see the barriers. It also gives a look at the specific organizations, institutions and documents which focus on equal opportunities.


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    Ratna Meidyawati


    Full Text Available Therapy of radiation is chosen therapy for oral cancer especially Carcininoma Nasopharynx, however, often caused changes in normal tissue in the oral cavity. Based on the anamneses of the patient, they have dry mouth since the disturbance of the function of parotid salivary gland has causing the saliva amount become lower. This condition can encourage the caries process. From all of the five cases occurred after the radiation between one month until six years the time, extended damage is seen, demineralization with a small cavity, and discoloring teeth color into brown.

  4. Nailfold capillaroscopy in leprosy


    Lima,Adma Silva de; Pizzol,Vanessa Irusta dal; Fritsch,Scheila; Fonseca,Gabriela Poglia; Mulinari-Brenner,Fabiane Andrade; Muller,Carolina de Souza; Ottoboni,Vanessa Cristhine Dalombo


    Abstract: Due to mounting evidences of interaction between Hansen's bacilli with endothelial cells and the paucity of studies addressing the presence of nailfold capillaroscopic alterations in patients with Hansen's disease, a study was carried out in order to verify the presence of capillaroscopic alterations in patients with leprosy in its various forms and its correlation with clinical parameters. Ten patients were evaluated at a specialized university service. Sixty percent of those had s...

  5. Oil in Ice Project Final Report (United States)


    Great Lakes, as well as technology exclusively demonstrated in the Arctic (RDC, 2012; GPC, 2012; Hansen, 2012; Hansen, et al., 2014; Story et. al. 2015...2010. Story , J., Tripp, S., Jenkins, S., Decker, D., Hastings, D.J., and Dunn, S. (2015) “After Action Report – Arctic Technology Evaluation 2015...The CG needs better technologies for responding to oil spills in these extreme cold weather environments both in the Arctic and the northern

  6. Reactional state and nutritional profile among leprosy patients in the primary health care system, Greater Vitória, Espírito Santo State, Brazil Estado reacional e perfil nutricional em portadores de hanseníase acompanhados na rede de atenção primária à saúde da Grande Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil

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    Rosa Maria Natalli Montenegro


    Full Text Available Leprosy may present acute/subacute inflammatory processes (leprosy reactions. The study characterized the reactional states of patients at health clinics in Vitória, Espírito Santo State, Brazil, and associated them with sociodemographic factors and clinical/nutritional variables. between January and December 2009, longitudinal follow-up of patients with leprosy continued until leprosy reactions occurred or patients completed 6 months of multidrug therapy. Of the 151 patients participating, 78 (51.7% were females, 48 (31.8% had 5 to 8 years schooling, 93 (61.6% worked and earned from 1 to 3 minimum wages, and 55 (36.4 % had leprosy reactions, but with no statistical association to socioeconomic characteristics or nutritional status. However, absence of reaction was more common in the low-weight group, suggesting a trend in this group to protection from the reaction (p = 0.0906. The study found no association between nutritional status and leprosy reaction.A hanseníase pode apresentar processos inflamatórios agudos/subagudos (reações hansênicas. Os objetivos foram caracterizar os estados reacionais de pacientes de Unidades de Saúde da Grande Vitória (Espírito Santo, Brasil e associá-los aos fatores sociodemográficos e a variáveis clínicas/nutricionais. Estudo longitudinal, de monitoramento de portadores de hanseníase acompanhados até o aparecimento da reação hansênica ou até 6 meses iniciais da poliquimioterapia, de janeiro a dezembro de 2009. Participaram 151 pacientes, sendo 78 (51,7% femininos; 48 (31,8% estudaram de cinco a oito anos; 93 (61,6% trabalhavam e ganhavam de um a três salários mínimos; 55 (36,4% apresentaram reação hansênica, sem associação estatística às características socioeconômicas nem ao estado nutricional. Porém, a ausência de reação foi maior no grupo baixo peso, sugerindo neste grupo tendência na proteção da reação (p = 0,0906. No estudo não houve associação do estado

  7. Välipääomarahoitusinstrumentit : Yhtiöoikeudellinen tutkimus vieraan pääoman ehtoisen välipääomarahoittajan asemasta osakeyhtiössä.


    Lautjärvi, Kari


    Kari Lautjärvi MEZZANINE FINANCE INSTRUMENTS - A COMPANY LAW STUDY ON THE DEBT BASED MEZZANINE INSTRUMENT HOLDER´S LEGAL POSITION IN A FINNISH COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES 1. Object and methods of the dissertation This doctoral dissertation provides a comprehensive discussion on various equity and debt financing instruments that Finnish limited liability companies (limited by shares) generally use. The main focus of the dissertation is examining mezzanine debt instruments incorpor...

  8. Jeg véd, hvad jeg véd, men jeg fejler sikkert alligevel!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Torben


    Om en publiceret forskningsartikel: Hansen, Torben & Thyra Uth Thomsen (2013): I Know what I Know, but I'll Probably Fail Anyway: How Learned Helplessness Moderates the Knowledge Calibration - Dietary Choice Quality Relationship. In: Psychology & Marketing, 30(11), 1008-1028.......Om en publiceret forskningsartikel: Hansen, Torben & Thyra Uth Thomsen (2013): I Know what I Know, but I'll Probably Fail Anyway: How Learned Helplessness Moderates the Knowledge Calibration - Dietary Choice Quality Relationship. In: Psychology & Marketing, 30(11), 1008-1028....

  9. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug or glucosamine reduced pain and improved muscle strength with resistance training in a randomized controlled trial of knee osteoarthritis patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Susanne G; Beyer, Nina; Hansen, Mette


    Petersen SG, Beyer N, Hansen M, Holm L, Aagaard P, Mackey AL, Kjaer M. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug or glucosamine reduced pain and improved muscle strength with resistance training in a randomized controlled trial of knee osteoarthritis patients.......Petersen SG, Beyer N, Hansen M, Holm L, Aagaard P, Mackey AL, Kjaer M. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug or glucosamine reduced pain and improved muscle strength with resistance training in a randomized controlled trial of knee osteoarthritis patients....

  10. Overview of Organic Marketing Initiatives in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Thorkild; Kristensen, Niels Heine; Hansen, Mette Weinreich


    Nielsen T, Kristensen NH, Hansen MW (2004): Overview of Organic Marketing Initiatives in Europe. Chapter in: Organic Marketing Initiatives and Rural Development. Volume 7, from the OMIaRD project. University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK. ISBN: 0-9543279-7-1......Nielsen T, Kristensen NH, Hansen MW (2004): Overview of Organic Marketing Initiatives in Europe. Chapter in: Organic Marketing Initiatives and Rural Development. Volume 7, from the OMIaRD project. University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK. ISBN: 0-9543279-7-1...

  11. Development of Azeotropic Blends to Replace TCE and nPB in Vapor Degreasing Operations (United States)


    York, NY August 4, 2014, pp 1–3. (7) Abbott, S.; Hansen, C. M.; Yamamoto, H. Hansen Solubility Parameters in Practice Complete with eBook , Software...OPERATING PROCEDURE SOLVENT COMPARISON FOR GREASE Page 5 of 7 Note: Do not allow the residue to get cooked to the vials or pans! 2.11. Allow...Pour the dirty solvent from the degreaser into properly labeled containers for solvent- recovery distillation. 3.7. Close the valve on the bath

  12. The Role of High Pressure and Inert Gases in the Production and Reversal of the High Pressure Neurological Syndrome. (United States)


    R., Crowe, J., Wagner, W. ble a successful model can only be shown & Saltzman , H. A. (1967) Science, 158, 793-794. to have properties consistent with...accroisacmcnts marqu~s (>90 atm) ont Wt not~s dana [a pression mottelle malssE mane compression lin~aise fixe. Quclquca diffrences ditaill~es parmi lea...Nantz R, Crowe J, Wagner W, Saltzman HA. Hydraulic compression of mice to 166 atm. Science 1967; 158:793-794. 4. Brauer RW, Way RO, Perry RA. Narcotic

  13. Lucio's phenomenon: another case reported in Brazil Fenômeno de Lúcio: mais um caso relatado no Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Monteiro


    Full Text Available Lucio's phenomenon is defined as a variant of type 2 leprosy reaction. It is a rare event, occurring in the evolution of leprosy of Lucio and other forms of lepromatous leprosy. It has an exacerbated proliferation of Hansen bacilli in its pathophysiology, which invade blood vessel walls and injure endothelial cells, causing endothelial proliferation and decreasing the vascular lumen. This fact, associated with inflammatory reactions and changes in the coagulation system causes vascular thrombosis, ischemia, infarction and tissue necrosis, leading to the histopathological characteristic of the phenomenon. We report a case of lepromatous leprosy with irregular treatment that developed Lucio's phenomenon. Treatment with multidrug therapy, antibiotics, steroids and thalidomide achieved a favorable outcome.Define-se o fenômeno de Lúcio como uma variante da reação hansênica do tipo 2. Evento raro, que ocorre na evolução da hanseníase de Lúcio e de outras formas de hanseníase virchowiana. Tem na sua fisiopatologia uma proliferação exacerbada dos bacilos de Hansen, que invadem a parede dos vasos sanguíneos e agridem as células endoteliais, causando proliferação endotelial e diminuição do lúmen vascular, fato este, que associado a reações inflamatórias e a alterações no sistema da coagulação, causa trombose vascular, isquemia, infarto e necrose tecidual, gerando as alterações histopatológicas características do fenômeno. Relatamos um caso de hanseníase virchowiana, com tratamento irregular, que desenvolveu o fenômeno de Lúcio. Recebeu tratamento com poliquimioterapia, antibióticos, corticosteróide e talidomida, evoluindo com desfecho clínico favorável.

  14. The extrudate swell of HDPE: Rheological effects (United States)

    Konaganti, Vinod Kumar; Ansari, Mahmoud; Mitsoulis, Evan; Hatzikiriakos, Savvas G.


    The extrudate swell of an industrial grade high molecular weight high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in capillary dies is studied experimentally and numerically using the integral K-BKZ constitutive model. The non-linear viscoelastic flow properties of the polymer resin are studied for a broad range of large step shear strains and high shear rates using the cone partitioned plate (CPP) geometry of the stress/strain controlled rotational rheometer. This allowed the determination of the rheological parameters accurately, in particular the damping function, which is proven to be the most important in simulating transient flows such as extrudate swell. A series of simulations performed using the integral K-BKZ Wagner model with different values of the Wagner exponent n, ranging from n=0.15 to 0.5, demonstrates that the extrudate swell predictions are extremely sensitive to the Wagner damping function exponent. Using the correct n-value resulted in extrudate swell predictions that are in excellent agreement with experimental measurements.

  15. Dielectric dispersion of porous media as a fractal phenomenon (United States)

    Thevanayagam, S.


    It is postulated that porous media is made up of fractal solid skeleton structure and fractal pore surface. The model thus developed satisfies measured anomalous dielectric behavior of three distinctly different porous media: kaolin, montmorillonite, and shaly sand rock. It is shown that the underlying mechanism behind dielectric dispersion in the kHz range to high MHz range is indeed Maxwell-Wagner mechanism but modified to take into account the multiphase nature of the porous media as opposed to the traditional two-phase Maxwell-Wagner charge accumulation effect. The conductivity of the surface water associated with the solid surface and charge accumulation across the surface irregularities, asperity, and bridging between particles at the micro-scale-level pores are shown to contribute to this modified Maxwell-Wagner mechanism. The latter is dominant at low frequencies. The surface water thickness is calculated to be about 2-6 nm for a variety of porous media.

  16. Maternidade e hanseníase: as vivências de separação devido ao isolamento compulsório Being a mother with leprosy: the experiences of separation due to compulsory isolation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suellen Santos Lima de Almeida


    Full Text Available As mulheres portadoras de hanseníase, durante grande parte do século XX, não puderam exercer a maternidade devido à política de isolamento compulsório dos doentes adotada para controlar a doença. Os filhos ao nascerem eram levados para os preventórios e o contato com estes era realizado pelo olhar. Visando compreender a experiência da maternidade no hospital colônia foi realizada pesquisa narrativa com três mães que viveram o período de internação compulsória. Os discursos revelam dois momentos distintos da vivência de maternidade: a separação dos filhos com sua posterior volta para casa e a adoção de crianças para realizar a maternidade. Considera-se que a adoção promoveu o encontro com o sentido da existência que havia sido rompido e possibilitou a experiência de ser-mãe.In the twentieth century, women with leprosy could not carry on their maternity because of the statement of compulsory isolation of patients, adopted to control the disease. Their children were taken at birth to prevention centers and the contact of mothers with their babies was only visual. In order to understand the experience of maternity in the leprosaria it was carried out an investigated narrative research with three mothers who lived through the period of compulsory internment. The speeches reveal two distinct moments in the experience of motherhood: the separation of the children with their subsequent return to home and the adoption of other children to achieve motherhood. It is considered that the adoption has promoted the meeting with the meaning of existence that had been broken and allowed the experience of being a parent.

  17. Kilde soome proosa kuldajast / Ann-Christine Snickars ; rootsikeelsest käsikirjast tõlkinud Anu Saluäär

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Snickars, Ann-Christine


    Soome proosast, mehe ja naise rollist kirjanduses, ajaloo mõjust soome proosale. Näiteid soome prosaistidest Kari Hotakaisest, Frederik Långist, Kjell Westöst, Pirkko Saisiolist, Asko Sahlbergist, Pirjo Hassisest, Monika Fagerholmist, Anja Snellmanist, Leena Landerist, Anna-Leena Härkösest, Mari Möröst, Heidi Köngäsest, Riitta Jalosest, Kreetta Onkelist, Sofi Oksasest, Henrikka Ringbomist, Sanna Tahvasest, Malin Kivelöst, Lars Sundist, Susanne Ringellist ja Petri Tammisest

  18. Complementary and alternative exercise for fibromyalgia: a meta-analysis


    Mist, Scott; Firestone,Kari; Jones,Kim Dupree


    Scott David Mist, Kari Firestone, Kim Dupree Jones Fibromyalgia Research and Treatment Group, School of Nursing, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR, USA Abstract: Complementary and alternative medicine includes a number of exercise modalities, such as tai chi, qigong, yoga, and a variety of lesser-known movement therapies. A meta-analysis of the current literature was conducted estimating the effect size of the different modalities, study quality and bias, and adverse events....

  19. The reablement team`s voice:a qualitative study of how an integrated multidisciplinary team experiences participation in reablement


    Hjelle, Kari Margrete; Skutle, Olbjørg; Førland, Oddvar; Alvsvåg, Herdis


    Kari Margrete Hjelle,1,2 Olbjørg Skutle,2,3 Oddvar Førland,2,4 Herdis Alvsvåg4 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Radiography, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway; 2Centre for Care Research Western Norway, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway; 3Department of Health and Social Educators, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway; 4VID Specialized Universi...

  20. Possibilities and limitations of the sequential injection chromatography technique for the determination of anticoccidial agents in water, pharmaceutical formulations and feed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjørklund, E.; Maya, Fernando; Bak, S A


    ... hyphenated with sensitive mass spectrometry have been employed for analysis of ionophores in various water bodies as recently summarized by Hansen and coworkers [9]. On the contrary, the synthetic chemicals have not been monitored in the environment before, while other ...... hyphenated with sensitive mass spectrometry have been employed for analysis of ionophores in various water bodies as recently summarized by Hansen and coworkers [9]. On the contrary, the synthetic chemicals have not been monitored in the environment before, while other ...

  1. Two layers of Australian impact ejecta in the Indian Ocean

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    ShyamPrasad, M.; Gupta, S.M.; Kodagali, V.N.

    34:369–384.Storzer D. and Wagner G. A. 1980. Two discrete tektite formingevents 140,000 years apart in the Australian-Southeast Asian area (abstract). Meteoritics 15:372.Storzer D., Jessberger E. K., Klay N., and Wagner G. A. 1984. 40Ar/39Ar... evidence for 2 discrete tektite-forming events in theAustralian-Southeast Asian area (abstract). Meteoritics 19:317. Schnetzler C. C. and Pinson W. H., Jr. 1963. The chemical composition of tektites. In Tektites, edited by O’Keefe J. A...

  2. A letter about Water and Sensing & Dancing - an architect reflecting upon Fortuny and Wagner - Wagnerism in the visual arts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fisker, Anna Marie


    Contribution to symposium catalogue - presenting the vision for a future dance performance devoted to sensing and water. Published at the final symposium for the artistic research project "Sense & Dance"....

  3. [Virchowian Hansen's disease, Lucio's phenomenon, cryptococcosis]. (United States)


    A 75 years old white male, for 3 years on treatment for virchowian hanseniasis, was admitted with active HD lesions, infiltration on the base of right lung, leg ulcer and malaise. After two days he developed purpura and hemorrhagic blisters in the limbs. The biopsy of these lesions revealed Lucio phenomenon. The patient worsened with mental confusion, psychomotor agitation and anisocoric pupils. In the 18th day of internation the patient died. Necropsy revealed virchowian infiltration plenty of bacilli in the skin and viscera as well as tuberculoid granuloma with acid-fast bacilli in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. These findings lead us to review the patient's classification from virchowian to borderline. In the lungs, leptomeninge, renal papile, prostate and thyroid it was found loose tuberculoid granuloma with a great amount of fungi surrounded by a gelly halo resembling Criptococcus neoformans. These findings and the onset of Lucio phenomenon are discussed in a patient that has been treated for 3 years and still having several virchowian lesions and a great amount of acid-fast bacilli.

  4. Erratum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Erik Hviid; Amstrup, Jan


    The authors regret that there are errors in Figs. 10 and 111 of the article referenced above. In subsequent experimentation, the results of the original study generated by J. Amstrup (GenBank: AY02676) could not be reproduced. In the laboratory of E.H. Larsen, this was discovered by Svend Erik...... Westh Hansen, who subsequently cloned and verified a significant piece of the gene as listed in GenBank: AY02676[1.2] (submitted by Westh Hansen, S.E. and Hviid Larsen, E.). The wrong data has been rectified in this corrigendum by replacing the original Figs. 10 and 11 by the revised versions given......RNA clones were isolated that span 1400 bp of CFTR, including the R-domain and the first nucleotide binding domain, NBD1. The cloned DNA was assembled into a consensus sequence of CFTR coding regions (3-1394) and listed in GenBank with accession number AY02676[1.2] (authors: Svend Erik Westh Hansen and Erik...

  5. Avaliação por imagem do comprometimento osteoarticular e de nervos periféricos na hanseníase Imaging methods evaluation in osteoarticular and peripheral nerves involvement in leprosy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Lúcia Alves Pereira


    Full Text Available Na hanseníase, lesões ósseas por invasão direta do bacilo são de baixa incidência, e os achados radiológicos destas lesões são de osteomielite aguda ou crônica similares aos de outras infecções granulomatosas. As lesões ósseas mais comuns são devidas ao trauma e a infecção secundária nos tecidos denervados. Radiograficamente, são observados vários graus de reabsorção das extremidades distais envolvendo mãos e pés, ocasionando perda dos dígitos e osteoartropatia neuropática de pequenas articulações. Os achados radiológicos são semelhantes às outras condições nas quais há déficit sensorial, como esclerodermia, siringomielia e diabetes mellitus. A ultra-sonografia (US e a ressonância magnética (RM podem ser úteis na avaliação do comprometimento dos nervos periféricos auxiliando no diagnóstico das neurites, abscessos e no diagnóstico diferencial das síndromes compressivas.In leprosy, bone lesions due direct invasion of bacilli are low in incidence and these lesions exhibit radiologic findings of acute and chronic osteomyelitis similar to those of other granulomatous infectious agents. The more common bone lesions are those due to injurious effects of trauma and infection imposed upon denervated tissues. Radiographycally are seen various degrees of reabsorption of the extremities involving hands and feet with the loss of digits and disorganizing arthropathies in small joints. The radiologic appearance are similar to other conditions in which there is sensory impairment like scleroderma, syringomielia and diabetes mellitus. The ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI can be helpful in evaluation of the involvement of the peripheral nerves helping in the diagnosis of the neuritis, abscess and differential diagnosis in compressive syndromes.

  6. A note on oblique water entry

    KAUST Repository

    Moore, M. R.


    A minor error in Howison et al. (J. Eng. Math. 48:321-337, 2004) obscured the fact that the points at which the free surface turns over in the solution of the Wagner model for the oblique impact of a two-dimensional body are directly related to the turnover points in the equivalent normal impact problem. This note corrects some of the earlier results given in Howison et al. (J. Eng. Math. 48:321-337, 2004) and discusses the implications for the applicability of the Wagner model. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lutfi Salisa Setiawati


    Full Text Available Generally, expert system only show types of disease after user choose symptoms. In the study is done the addition of disease severity level. The method applied in the calculation of the severity is a method of Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (Method of Sugeno. This study attempts to know whether method Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno-Kang can work for expert system in giving the diagnosis diseases of the teeth. The result of this research or severity for diseases of pulpitis reversible 38,53%, pulpitis irreversible 59,64%, periodontitis 69,62%, acute periodontitis 51,43%, gingivitis 45.5%, acute pericoronitis 53,93%, sub acute pericoronitis 52,14%, chronic pericoronitis 46,05%, caries dentist an early stage 37,61%, caries dentist toward an advanced stage 43,89%, caries dentist an advanced stage 51,76%, gangrene pulpa 42,5%, polyps pulpa 56,43%, and periostitis 58,55%. A conclusion that was obtained from the study that is a method of Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno-Kang could be applied to expert system of the teeth. Key Word: Teeth , Expert System , Expert System Teeth , Fuzzy Logic , Fuzzy Inference System , Takagi-Sugeno-Kang , Fuzzy Sugeno Pada umumnya, istem pakar hanya menampilkan jenis penyakit setelah user memilih gejala-gejala. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan tingkat keparahan penyakit. Metode yang diterapkan dalam perhitungan tingkat keparahan ini yaitu Metode Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (Metode Sugeno. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah metode Fuzzy Inference System Takagi-Sugeno-Kang dapat diterapkan pada sistem pakar dalam memberikan diagnosa penyakit gigi. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan tingkat keparahan untuk penyakit Pulpitis Reversibel 38,53%, Pulpitis Irreversibel 59,64%, Periodontitis 69,62%, Periodontitis Akut 51,43%, Gingivitis 45,5%, Perikoronitis Akut 53,93%, Perikoronitis Sub Akut 52,14%, Perikoronitis Kronis 46,05%, Karies Denties Tahap Awal 37,61%, Karies

  8. Raskauden vaikutukset suun terveyteen : Oppimateriaali raskaana olevien suun terveydestä Oulun Ammattikorkeakoulun kätilöopiskelijoille


    Lesonen, Jemina; Pääkkönen, Pauliina


    Raskaus vaikuttaa suuhun usealla tavalla esimerkiksi estrogeenin ja progesteronin pitoisuuksien muutosten vuoksi. Raskausaikana sylki happamoituu ja sen puskurointikyky heikkenee, suu voi tuntua kuivalta ja mikrobien määrä suussa kasvaa. Esimerkiksi nämä tekijät yhdessä mahdollisen napostelun ja raskauspahoinvoinnin kanssa vaikuttavat raskaana olevan karies- ja eroosioriskiin. Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa selkeä ja asiantuntijatietoon perustuva sähköinen o...

  9. Do Prostate Cancer Exosomes Generate a Field Effect Leading to Tumor Multifocality (United States)


    Undergraduate Research program (to K. Gabriel and E. Frisch), and a generous gift from Melinda and Edward Subia of Orange County CA. Abstract Field effect or...kind gift of Dr. W. Xiao, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China. pLKO.1 control and pLKO.1/EGR-1 shRNA plasmids were from...Pathology and Hospital: Trisha Fleet for procuring prostate tissues through patient consent; Myra Zucker, Cathy Martinez, and Kari Rigg for skillfully

  10. A recursive algorithm for trees and forests


    Guo, Song; Guo, Victor J. W.


    Trees or rooted trees have been generously studied in the literature. A forest is a set of trees or rooted trees. Here we give recurrence relations between the number of some kind of rooted forest with $k$ roots and that with $k+1$ roots on $\\{1,2,\\ldots,n\\}$. Classical formulas for counting various trees such as rooted trees, bipartite trees, tripartite trees, plane trees, $k$-ary plane trees, $k$-edge colored trees follow immediately from our recursive relations.

  11. RanGTP-mediated nuclear export of karyopherin α involves its interaction with the nucleoporin Nup153


    Moroianu, Junona; Blobel, Günter; Radu, Aurelian


    Using binding assays, we discovered an interaction between karyopherin α2 and the nucleoporin Nup153 and mapped their interacting domains. We also isolated a 15-kDa tryptic fragment of karyopherin β1, termed β1*, that contains a determinant for binding to the peptide repeat containing nucleoporin Nup98. In an in vitro assay in which export of endogenous nuclear karyopherin α from nuclei of digitonin-permeabilized cells was quantitatively monitored by indirect immunofluorescence with anti-kary...

  12. The role of natural resources in path development. The case of the bioeconomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Teis; Klikou, Antje; Tanner, Anne Nygaard

    ., 2016; Pollack, 2012; Staffas, Gustavsson, & McCormick, 2013). Arguably, the bioeconomy necessitates and opens new opportunities for industrial development and restructuring, yet, a deeper understanding of these processes in the bioeconomy context is currently lacking. A central analytical perspective......-based products (i.e. a so-called biorefinery, see Bauer, Coenen, Hansen, McCormick, & Voytenko, 2016; Hansen & Coenen, 2016; OECD, 2009). The analysis is centred on a subsidiary, Treklyngen, of a large forest owner association, Viken Skog. The subsidiary was established in 2012 with the main goal of ensuring...

  13. Drama is Served

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svømmekjær, Heidi Frank


    This article focuses on how the theme of food is used for making social, gender, and other distinctions in the weekly Danish radio series The Hansen Family (The Danish Broadcasting Corporation, 1929-49) and in relation to other radio programmes from the 1930s and 1940s. These distinctions serve t...... with the wife. To Mrs. Hansen, it is the fruit of hard labour rather than a meal to be enjoyed. On a more general level, food is a limited resource, which often causes social tensions to burst onto the surface of human interaction....

  14. Estimating the number of sources in a noisy convolutive mixture using BIC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsson, Rasmus Kongsgaard; Hansen, Lars Kai


    The number of source signals in a noisy convolutive mixture is determined based on the exact log-likelihoods of the candidate models. In (Olsson and Hansen, 2004), a novel probabilistic blind source separator was introduced that is based solely on the time-varying second-order statistics of the s......The number of source signals in a noisy convolutive mixture is determined based on the exact log-likelihoods of the candidate models. In (Olsson and Hansen, 2004), a novel probabilistic blind source separator was introduced that is based solely on the time-varying second-order statistics...

  15. The absolute calibration of KOMPSAT-3 and 3A high spatial resolution satellites using radiometric tarps and MFRSR measurments (United States)

    Yeom, J. M.


    Recently developed Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-3A (KOMPSAT-3A), which is a continuation of the KOMPSAT-1, 2 and 3 earth observation satellite (EOS) programs from the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) was launched on March, 25 2015 on a Dnepr-1 launch vehicle from the Jasny Dombarovsky site in Russia. After launched, KARI performed in-orbit-test (IOT) including radiometric calibration for 6 months from 14 Apr. to 4 Sep. 2015. KOMPSAT-3A is equipped with two distinctive sensors; one is a high resolution multispectral optical sensor, namely the Advances Earth Image Sensor System-A (AEISS-A) and the other is the Scanner Infrared Imaging System (SIIS). In this study, we focused on the radiometric calibration of AEISS-A. The multispectral wavelengths of AEISS-A are covering three visible regions: blue (450 - 520 nm), green (520 - 600 nm), red (630 - 690 nm), one near infrared (760 - 900 nm) with a 2.0 m spatial resolution at nadir, whereas the panchromatic imagery (450 - 900 nm) has a 0.5 m resolution. Those are the same spectral response functions were same with KOMPSAT-3 multispectral and panchromatic bands but the spatial resolutions are improved. The main mission of KOMPSAT-3A is to develop for Geographical Information System (GIS) applications in environmental, agriculture, and oceanographic sciences, as well as natural hazard monitoring.

  16. Relationships between mineralization and silicic volcanism in the central Andes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Francis, P.W.; Halls, C.; Baker, M.C.W.


    Studies of late Tertiary silicic volcanic centers in the Western and Eastern Cordilleras of the Central Andes show that three volcanic environments are appropriate sites for mineralization: (1) ring-fracture extrusions post-dating large calderas; (2) similar extrusions within ignimbrite shields; and (3) isolated, small silicic volcanoes. Subvolcanic tin mineralization in the Eastern Cordillera is located in silicic stocks and associated breccias of Miocene age. The Cerro Rico stock, Potosi, Bolivia, contains tin and silver mineralization and has an intrusion age apparently millions of years younger than that of the associated Kari Kari caldera. Similar age relationships between mineralization and caldera formation have been described from the San Juan province, Colorado. The vein deposits of Chocaya, southern Bolivia, were emplaced in the lower part of an ignimbrite shield, a type of volcanic edifice as yet unrecognized in comparable areas of silicic volcanism. The El Salvador porphyry copper deposit, Chile, is related to silicic stocks which may have been intruded along a caldera ring fracture. Existing models for the genesis of porphyry copper deposits suggest that they formed in granodioritic stocks located in the infrastructure of andesitic stratovolcanoes. The dome of La Soufriere, Guadeloupe is proposed as a modern analog for the surface expression of subvolcanic mineralization processes, the phreatic eruptions there suggesting the formation of hydrothermal breccia bodies in depth.

  17. New records and updated checklist of Cicadomorpha (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) species from Greece. (United States)

    Thanou, Zoi N; Afentoulis, Dimitrios G; Koufopoulou, Panagiota; Ampatzi, Argyro P; Lekkou, Sofia D; Koutsogiannopoulou, Αikaterini; Bravou, Anastasia A; Stamatakou, Georgia D; Voulgaraki, Konstantina N; Piperkas, Anastasios; Chaldaiou, Aikaterini; Kalaitzaki, Argyro P; Tsagkarakis, Antonios E


    Seventeen auchenorrhynchan species of the family Cicadellidae are recorded from Greece for the first time: Euscelidius variegatus (Kirschbaum 1858), Euscelis ohausi (Wagner 1939), Psammotettix notatus (Melichar 1896), Psammotettix striatus (Linnaeus 1758), Psammotettix sabulicola (Curtis 1837), Anzygina honiloa (Kirkaldy 1906), Arboridia versuta (Melichar 1897), Edwardsiana ishidae (Matsumura 1932), Edwardsiana tersa (Edwards 1914), Eupteryx decemnotata (Rey 1891), Eupteryx curtisii (Flor 1861), Eupteryx rostrata (Ribaut 1936), Frutioidia sanguinosa (Rey 1891), Zygina rosea (Flor 1861), Zygina suavis (Rey 1891), Zygina tiliae (Fallen 1806), Anaceratagallia frisia (Wagner 1939). Faunistic and distributional data notes are given for each species and a complete, updated species checklist for Greece is provided.

  18. Marcas em si: vivenciando a dor do (auto preconceito

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iací Proença Palmeira


    Full Text Available Pesquisa qualitativa cujo objetivo foi compreender as representações sociais do corpo por mulheres com alterações provocadas pela hanseníase, para que os cuidados de enfermagem possam atender de forma mais abrangente às suas necessidades. O referencial foi o da teoria das representações sociais. Participaram quarenta e três mulheres de uma unidade de referência especializada em dermatologia sanitária. Realizaram-se entrevistas, cujos conteúdos foram processados pelo software ALCESTE, o qual gerou uma classe cujos vocábulos associaram-se ao preconceito ancorado na autopercepção negativa da hanseníase. O esquema explicativo das representações sociais mostrou uma forte marca da memória social da lepra, cuja construção simbólica ampara-se no medo da doença. Concluiu-se sobre a necessidade de se investir na desconstrução de crenças arcaicas sobre a lepra para que se tenham novos modos de agir frente à hanseníase.

  19. Nailfold capillaroscopy in leprosy* (United States)

    de Lima, Adma Silva; Pizzol, Vanessa Irusta dal; Fritsch, Scheila; Fonseca, Gabriela Poglia; Mulinari-Brenner, Fabiane Andrade; Muller, Carolina de Souza; Ottoboni, Vanessa Cristhine Dalombo


    Due to mounting evidences of interaction between Hansen's bacilli with endothelial cells and the paucity of studies addressing the presence of nailfold capillaroscopic alterations in patients with Hansen's disease, a study was carried out in order to verify the presence of capillaroscopic alterations in patients with leprosy in its various forms and its correlation with clinical parameters. Ten patients were evaluated at a specialized university service. Sixty percent of those had some capillaroscopic change, such as micro-hemorrhages, ectatic, bushy and corkscrew capillaries. Such changes were unspecific, which suggests there is not a specific pattern for this disease. PMID:27828654

  20. Nailfold capillaroscopy in leprosy. (United States)

    Lima, Adma Silva de; Pizzol, Vanessa Irusta Dal; Fritsch, Scheila; Fonseca, Gabriela Poglia; Mulinari-Brenner, Fabiane Andrade; Muller, Carolina de Souza; Ottoboni, Vanessa Cristhine Dalombo


    Due to mounting evidences of interaction between Hansen's bacilli with endothelial cells and the paucity of studies addressing the presence of nailfold capillaroscopic alterations in patients with Hansen's disease, a study was carried out in order to verify the presence of capillaroscopic alterations in patients with leprosy in its various forms and its correlation with clinical parameters. Ten patients were evaluated at a specialized university service. Sixty percent of those had some capillaroscopic change, such as micro-hemorrhages, ectatic, bushy and corkscrew capillaries. Such changes were unspecific, which suggests there is not a specific pattern for this disease.

  1. Timoshenko-Wagner-Kappus Torsion Bending Theory and Wind ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Theory and Wind Tunnel Balance Design. S P Govinda ... The study of torsion and bending has always been a favourite ... Since it was difficult to work quietlyin Petersburg, .... should be stiff and strong to endure shocks and ensure long life.

  2. Timoshenko-Wagner-Kappus Torsion Bending Theory and Wind ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    space Engineering. Department, Indian. Institute of Science,. Bangalore. His interests are fluid mechanics, aircraft design, testing and analysis. K R Y Simha is a .... Address for Correspondence. S P Govinda Raju. Department of Aerospace. Engineering. Indian Institute af Science. Bangalore 560012, India. K RYSimha.

  3. International Project Management Committee: Overview and Activities (United States)

    Hoffman, Edward


    This slide presentation discusses the purpose and composition of the International Project Management Committee (IMPC). The IMPC was established by members of 15 space agencies, companies and professional organizations. The goal of the committee is to establish a means to share experiences and best practices with space project/program management practitioners at the global level. The space agencies that are involved are: AEB, DLR, ESA, ISRO, JAXA, KARI, and NASA. The industrial and professional organizational members are Comau, COSPAR, PMI, and Thales Alenia Space.

  4. Suuhygienistin käyttämät fluorilakat ja niiden vaikutus suun terveyteen


    Korpiaho, Teija


    Karies on maailman yleisimpiä infektiotauteja ja aina kun se on mahdollista, kariesvaurioiden eteneminen tulee pysäyttää. Fluorin saanti on ensiarvoisen tärkeää karieksen ehkäisyssä, estetään sairauden syntyminen. Suun omahoidolla on keskeinen merkitys karieksen hallinnassa. Suun omahoitoon kuuluu pesu 2 kertaa vuorokaudessa fluorihammastahnaa käyttäen, mutta myös säännölliset suun terveystarkastukset. Suunhoidon ammattilaiset arvioivat kotihoidon riittävyyden ja vaikutukset, näkevät alk...

  5. Venus näitas lillekleite / Regina Hansen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hansen, Regina


    Sunflower Beauty Contest esitles ööklubis Venus eluslilledest valmistatud kleite. Parimaks tunnistati kaupluse Annilill floristid tööga "My Bunny", teiseks tunnistati Katrin Pedaru ja Ninell Soosaare "C'est la vie", kolmanda koha pälvis Karina Saberi töö "Unistus"

  6. Unilateral demodicidosis of face mimicking Hansens disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deepak Vashisht


    Full Text Available Demodicosis is a common parasitic infection of the hair follicles and the pilosebaceous unit by the Demodex mites viz. Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis. Infection by this parasite is common among immunocompromised and elderly. We report a case of facial Demodicosis which presented like atypical rosacea with a gradually progressing swelling and redness on right side of face which was initially diagnosed as a case of Hansen’s disease. Skin biopsy revealed follicular dilatation with presence of Demodex mite along with intense perifollicular lymphomononuclear infiltrate. Patient was treated with oral tab Ivermectin 12 mg stat along with topical gel metronidazole twice daily to which he responded favourably.

  7. Disability prevention in leprosy using a self-care manual for patients


    Rodini, Fernanda Carvalho Batista; Gonçalves, Mayara; Barros, Ana Regina de Souza Bavaresco; Mazzer, Nilton; Elui, Valéria Meirelles Carril; Fonseca, Marisa de Cássia Registro


    A hanseníase é uma doença infectocontagiosa, de evolução lenta, que se manifesta por sinais e sintomas dermatoneurológicos, com lesões na pele e nos nervos periféricos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o status físico e funcional de olhos, mãos e pés de pacientes com hanseníase, em relação ao aparecimento e evolução de deficiências sensitivo-motoras, grau de incapacidade e qualidade de vida, tendo os pacientes recebido e utilizado durante um ano um manual especialmente elaborado, com orien...

  8. Mensuration of elbow joint angle in the application of the neural tension test in individuals with leprosy


    Scheibe, Débora; Oliveira, Jaqueline Francieli Pacheco de; Gonçalves, Sibelly Blum; Gomes, Anna Raquel Silveira; Macedo, Ana Carolina Brandt de


    A hanseníase é uma patologia crônica e granulomatosa, que atinge a pele e o sistema nervoso periférico pela invasão no sistema imune do Mycobacterium leprae. O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar o ângulo articular do cotovelo com a aplicação do teste de tensão neural do nervo ulnar em pacientes com hanseníase. Na aplicação do teste de tensão neural, foram utilizadas a goniometria e a fotometria para a mensuração do ângulo articular do cotovelo, sendo que para a realização da fotometria foi ut...

  9. Pain in leprosy patients undergoing neural mobilisation treatment


    Véras, Larissa Sales Téles; Vale, Rodrigo Gomes de Souza; Mello, Danielli Braga de; Castro, José Adail Fonseca de; Dantas, Estélio Henrique Martin


    Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito da técnica de mobilização neural sobre a percepção da dor em portadores de hanseníase. A amostra de 56 indivíduos portadores de hanseníase foi randomizada em: grupo experimental (GMN) composto por 29 indivíduos submetidos ao tratamento com mobilização neural e grupo controle (GC) composto por 27 indivíduos que foram submetidos ao tratamento convencional. A percepção da dor foi avaliada através da Escala Visual Analógica, indicando-se em uma extre...

  10. Theory-Based Stakeholder Evaluation – applied. Competing Stakeholder Theories in the Quality Management of Primary Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Balle; Heilesen, J. B.

    In the broader context of evaluation design, this paper examines and compares pros and cons of a theory-based approach to evaluation (TBE) with the Theory-Based Stakeholder evaluation (TSE) model, introduced by Morten Balle Hansen and Evert Vedung (Hansen and Vedung 2010). While most approaches...... to TBE construct one unitary theory of the program (Coryn et al. 2011), the TSE-model emphasizes the importance of keeping theories of diverse stakeholders apart. This paper applies the TSE-model to an evaluation study conducted by the Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA) of the Danish system of quality......-model, as an alternative to traditional program theory evaluation....

  11. Maskinunderhållets utveckling från forntiden till framtiden


    Sundius, Erik


    Mitt examensarbete består av två delar, en teoretisk och en praktisk del. Den praktiska delen gjordes i Axxells metallverkstad i Karis. Metallverkstaden erbjuder yrkesutbildning för både ungdomar och vuxna. Arbetet inleddes den 23 februari 2012 och tog ungefär ett år i anspråk. Syftet med arbetet var, enligt uppdragsavtalet, att "förbättra arbetssäkerheten och kvaliteten på undervisningen genom dokumenterade rutiner för service och underhåll" och arbetsrubriken var "Servicehandbok för Axxell ...

  12. Meie kobar PÖFFi peamises põõsas / Tarmo Teder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teder, Tarmo, 1958-


    Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivalist, Eesti filmide võistlusprogrammist, mille auhinna rahastajaks on Scottish Leader Eesti. Konkurssprogrammis on 12 täispikka filmi: "Sügisball" (rezh. Veiko Õunpuu), "Nuga" (rezh. Marko Raat), "Dirigendi kõla" (rezh. Helle Karis, Peter Murdmaa), "Vastutuulesaal" (rezh. Priit Valkna), "Klass" (rezh. Ilmar Raag), "Kuhu põgenevad hinged" (rezh. Rainer Sarnet), "Tervitusi Nõukogude Eestist!" (rezh. Urmas Eero Liiv), "Jonathan Austraaliast" (rezh. Sulev Keedus), "Georg" (rezh. Peeter Simm), "Debora Vaarandi aeg" (rezh. Katrin Laur), "Jan Uuspõld läheb Tartusse" (rezh. Andres Maimik, Rain Tolk), "Põdra kuningriik" (rezh. Rein Maran)


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    Jean Yves Calvez


    Full Text Available Jean Yves Calvez, um dos maiores especialistas contemporâneos do pensamento de Marx, autor, dentre outros numerosos livros e artigos, da obra clássica "La Pensée de KarI Marx", traduzida em todos os principais idiomas (trad. port. de Agostinho Velloso S.J., ed. Livraria Tavares Martins, 2 vols., analisa o problema que, sob variantes diversas se renova constantemente na Igreja, nos últimos decênios, a saber, o dos cristãos que intentam adoptar o marxismo "com distingos", isto é, adoptar parte do mesmo,dissociada do todo.

  14. I skuggan av mitt forna jag : Unga kvinnors upplevelser av våldsutsatthet


    Hellgren, Åsa; Nordström, Alexandra


    Bakgrund: Våld i parrelationer hos ungdomar har ökat de senaste åren och blivit ett stort problem. Våldet kan leda till att de utsatta unga kvinnorna kan få både fysiska och psykiska hälsoproblem som påverkar deras framtid. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Som teoretisk referensram används Kari Martinsens teori om omsorg, inkluderande Martinsens begrepp om det förnimmande och det registrerade ögat, samt begreppen skuld och skam. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva de unga kv...

  15. Aportación a la obra y la estética de Eulogio Varela (1868-1955

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lourdes Jiménez Fernández


    Full Text Available La contribución de Eulogio Várela al panorama gráfico finisecular español, esencialmente desde el núcleo madrileño, es coetánea y explicable a la recepción de los nuevos estilos el Simbolismo y su posterior versión decorativa delArt Nouveau. La incorporación y traducción a su producción artística de estos nuevos motivos iconográficos, lo convierten en uno de los mejores receptores de las formas modernistas en España. Como ejemplo de ello, voy a estudiar los primeros dibujos que realizó sobre la imaginería wagneriana para Blanco y Negro, en una temática la de las óperas de Richard Wagner, que tenían en esos momentos su mayor repercusión en la capital con el estreno de sus obras más influyentes.By the late nineteenth-century, Eulogio s Várela works can be explained by the use of the new styles like Symbolism and its later versión, the Art Nouveau. His contribution is quite remarkable in spanish graphic arts and specially in Madrid. Eulogio Várela brought in these new iconographic motives and reinterpretated them and so then he became one of the best followers of Modernism in Spain. The aim of this paper is to pointed out this hypoteses by examining Várela s first designs for "Blanco y Negro" where he uses iconographics elements from Wagner s music. The influence of Wagner on Várela 's works is not strange since the first performances of Wagner s music-dramma were being succesful in the capital.


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    Rinati Adrin


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the difference of oral hygiene and teeth caries in children with asthma bronchiale, age 3-6 years with several levels of frequency of asthma attack. Fifty children with asthma bronchiale were chosen from Pulmonology Clinic University of Indonesia RSCM. This study used Green and Vermilion to assess the oral hygiene and def-t index for measured caries. The frequency of asthma attack was amount of attack of children using drugs per year. The sample was divided into 3 groups. The first group consists of children with asthma 2-6 attacks per year. Second group with 7-12 attacks per year, and the third group more than 12 times per year. One way ANOVA test showed that the oral hygiene and def-t had significant differences between the three groups (p>0.001. Tukey test showed that oral hygiene had significant differences between the group I-II, I-III, II-III respectively (p>0.001. There was a strong correlation between oral hygiene and frequency of asthma attack (r=0.68, def-t and frequency of asthma attacks (r-0.75, and oral hygiene and caries (r-0.85.

  17. Russian oil exports : the Baltic Sea remains important route / Kari Liuhto

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liuhto, Kari


    Kui Venemaa jätkab naftatranspordi suurendamist Läänemere sadamate kaudu, siis paneb see EL-i ja Venemaa suhted tõsiselt proovile, leiab autor ning et keskkonnale kõige ohutum viis naftat Venemaalt läände eksportida oleks läbi Murmanski sadama Põhja-Jäämeres. Tabel: Venemaa toornafta eksport 2002. aastal.

  18. Vanhan Suomen arkistot : arkiven från Gamla Finland / Kari Takiainen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tarkiainen, Kari, 1938-


    Arvustus: Vanhan Suomen arkistot: arkiven från Gamla Finland, toimittaneet Eljas Orman, Jyrki Paaskoski, Arkistolaitoksen yleiluettelo VI, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden seuran toimituksia, 1385 (Porvoo 2012), 400 lk.

  19. Rootsi tülikas provints 17. sajandi lõpul / Kari Tarkiainen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tarkiainen, Kari, 1938-


    Arvustus: Kasper Kepsu. Den besvärliga provinsen. Reduktion, skattearrending och bondeoroligheter i det svenska Ingermanland under slutet av 1600-talet. Helsingfors, 2014. Ingerimaa erinevusest Eestimaast ja Liivimaast

  20. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Wolfgang Wagner loobub Bayreuthi festivalist, "Towards the Millennium" Londonis, Kammerkontserdite mammutsari Põhja-Rhein-Westfaali liidumaal, Kreneki päevad Viinis, Leipzigi ooperi järgmine hooaeg

  1. Art history in nineteenth-century Estonia? / Rene Mäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõekalda, Kristjan, 1971-


    Kunstiajaloodistsipliini teke Baltikumis, Tartu Ülikooli kunstiajaloo-alane tegevus. Kunstiajaloo esimesed viljelejad Eesti alal: Gotthard von Hansen, Friedrich Amelung, Reinhold Guleke ja Wilhelm Neumann

  2. Implementing Environmental Management Accounting: Status and Challenges

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cost Accounting - and its Interaction with Eco-Efficiency Performance Measurement and Indicators; Stefan Schaltegger and Marcus Wagner. 4. Environmental Accounting Dimensions: Pros and Cons of Trajectory Convergence and Increased Efficiency; Pontus Cerin and Staffan Laestadius. 5. Process and Content......Table of contents Preface. 1. Environmental Management Accounting: Innovation or Managerial Fad?; Pall Rikhardsson, Martin Bennett, Jan Jaap Bouma and Stefan Schaltegger. Section 1 Progress. 2. Challenges for Environmental Management Accounting; Roger L. Burritt 3. Current Trends in Environmental......: Visualizing the Policy Challenges of Environmental Management Accounting; Dick Osborn. Section 2 Exploring EMA implementation issues. 6. Environmental Performance and the Quality of Corporate Environmental Reports: The Role of Environmental Management Accounting; Marcus Wagner. 7. Environmental Risk...

  3. Maximum Entropy and Probability Kinematics Constrained by Conditionals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan Lukits


    Full Text Available Two open questions of inductive reasoning are solved: (1 does the principle of maximum entropy (PME give a solution to the obverse Majerník problem; and (2 isWagner correct when he claims that Jeffrey’s updating principle (JUP contradicts PME? Majerník shows that PME provides unique and plausible marginal probabilities, given conditional probabilities. The obverse problem posed here is whether PME also provides such conditional probabilities, given certain marginal probabilities. The theorem developed to solve the obverse Majerník problem demonstrates that in the special case introduced by Wagner PME does not contradict JUP, but elegantly generalizes it and offers a more integrated approach to probability updating.


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    Fx. Sintawati


    Full Text Available Abstak:Latar Belakang: Provinsi Bangka Belitung merupakan wilayah dengan tingkat kerusakan gigi penduduknya tertinggi di Indonesia. Pada Riskesdas 2007 dilaporkan di Provinsi Bangka Belitung, penduduk usia 12 tahun ke atas pernah mengalami karies sebesar 86,8 % dan yang mengalami karies aktif yang belum memperoleh perawatan sebesar 50,8%. Dari penelitian terdahulu di Provinsi Bangka Belitung diketahui bahwa rata-rata 5 gigi per-orang pernah mengalami kerusakan meliputi 3,6 gigi dicabut, 0,35 gigi dibiarkan karies tanpa perawatan dan hanya 0,05 yang ditumpat.  Ini mengambarkan situasi layanan kesehatan gigi di Provinsi Bangka Belitung yang didominasi oleh pelayanan pencabutan gigi.  Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui status kesehatan gigi dan pola berobat gigi di Provinsi Bangka Belitung. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan rancangan cross sectional (potong lintang, adapun  jumlah responden penelitian  adalah 1152 orang. Hasil: Status kesehatan gigi terendah (indeks DMF-T tertinggi  pada  golongan usia > 60 tahun dimana pada perempuan lebih tinggi daripada laki-laki. Upaya untuk mengatasi  sakit  gigi atau kelainan gigi yang paling banyak  adalah dengan pencabutan gigi (77,6%, pemberian obat untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit (77,3%, konseling atau penyuluhan (34,8%, dan penambalan gigi (33,1%. Kesimpulan: Status kesehatan gigi di Provinsi Bangka Belitung sangat rendah, dengan indeks DMF-T yang sangat tinggi dijumpai pada golongan umur > 60 tahun, diikuti golongan umur  35-44 tahun. Upaya pengobatan yang dilakukan  lebih banyak pencabutan gigi, ini berarti upaya perawatan/pengobatan yang dilakukan masyarakat sudah sangat terlambat. Saran: Perlu peningkatan kemampuan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan juga akses ke tempat pelayanan kesehatan gigi  karena ini berhubungan erat dengan kejadian karies gigiABSTRACT Background: Bangka Belitung Province is the region with the highest population rate of tooth decay in

  5. An open circuit voltage equation enabling separation of cathode and anode polarization resistances of ceria electrolyte based solid oxide fuel cells (United States)

    Zhang, Yanxiang; Chen, Yu; Yan, Mufu


    The open circuit voltage (OCV) of solid oxide fuel cells is generally overestimated by the Nernst equation and the Wagner equation, due to the polarization losses at electrodes. Considering both the electronic conduction of electrolyte and the electrode polarization losses, we express the OCV as an implicit function of the characteristic oxygen pressure of electrolyte (p* [atm], at which the electronic and ionic conductivities are the same), and the relative polarization resistance of electrodes (rc = Rc/Ri and ra = Ra/Ri, where Ri/c/a [Ωcm2] denotes the ionic resistance of electrolyte, and the polarization resistances of cathode and anode, respectively). This equation approaches to the Wagner equation when the electrodes are highly active (rc and ra → 0), and approaches to the Nernst equation when the electrolyte is a purely ionic conductor (p* → 0). For the fuel cells whose OCV is well below the prediction of the Wagner equation, for example with thin doped ceria electrolyte, it is demonstrated that the combination of OCV and impedance spectroscopy measurements allows the determination of p*, Rc and Ra. This equation can serve as a simple yet powerful tool to study the internal losses in the cell under open circuit condition.

  6. Mineralogical characterization of Greda clays and monitoring of their phase transformations on thermal treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chavez Panduro, E.; Bravo Cabrejos, J.


    The mineralogical characterization of two clay samples from the Central Andean Region of Peru, denominated White Greda and Red Greda, is reported. These clays contain the clay minerals mica and illite respectively. Both clays were treated thermally in an oxidising atmosphere under controlled conditions up to 1,100 deg. C with the purpose of obtaining information about structural changes that may be useful for pottery manufacture. X-ray fluorescence was used for the elemental characterization of the samples and X-ray diffractometry was used to determine the collapse and formation of the mineral phases present in the samples caused by thermal treatment. At temperatures above 1,000 deg. C it is observed the formation of spinel in the case of White Greda and of hematite, corundum and cristobalite in the case of Red Greda. Room temperature transmission Moessbauer spectroscopy allowed the monitoring of the variation of the hyperfine parameters with the thermal treatment temperature; In the case of the evolution of the quadruple splitting of the paramagnetic Fe 3+ sites with temperature, in both clays, the analyses reproduced results such as the 'camel back' curve shape, found by other workers (Wagner and Wagner, Hyperfine Interact 154:35-82, 2004; Wagner and Kyek, Hyperfine Interact 154:5-33, 2004).

  7. Mineralogical characterization of Greda clays and monitoring of their phase transformations on thermal treatment (United States)

    Panduro, E. Chavez; Cabrejos, J. Bravo


    The mineralogical characterization of two clay samples from the Central Andean Region of Peru, denominated White Greda and Red Greda, is reported. These clays contain the clay minerals mica and illite respectively. Both clays were treated thermally in an oxidising atmosphere under controlled conditions up to 1,100°C with the purpose of obtaining information about structural changes that may be useful for pottery manufacture. X-ray fluorescence was used for the elemental characterization of the samples and X-ray diffractometry was used to determine the collapse and formation of the mineral phases present in the samples caused by thermal treatment. At temperatures above 1,000°C it is observed the formation of spinel in the case of White Greda and of hematite, corundum and cristobalite in the case of Red Greda. Room temperature transmission Mössbauer spectroscopy allowed the monitoring of the variation of the hyperfine parameters with the thermal treatment temperature; In the case of the evolution of the quadruple splitting of the paramagnetic Fe3 + sites with temperature, in both clays, the analyses reproduced results such as the “camel back” curve shape, found by other workers (Wagner and Wagner, Hyperfine Interact 154:35-82, 2004; Wagner and Kyek, Hyperfine Interact 154:5-33, 2004).

  8. Mineralogical characterization of Greda clays and monitoring of their phase transformations on thermal treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chavez Panduro, E., E-mail:; Bravo Cabrejos, J., E-mail: [Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas (Peru)


    The mineralogical characterization of two clay samples from the Central Andean Region of Peru, denominated White Greda and Red Greda, is reported. These clays contain the clay minerals mica and illite respectively. Both clays were treated thermally in an oxidising atmosphere under controlled conditions up to 1,100 deg. C with the purpose of obtaining information about structural changes that may be useful for pottery manufacture. X-ray fluorescence was used for the elemental characterization of the samples and X-ray diffractometry was used to determine the collapse and formation of the mineral phases present in the samples caused by thermal treatment. At temperatures above 1,000 deg. C it is observed the formation of spinel in the case of White Greda and of hematite, corundum and cristobalite in the case of Red Greda. Room temperature transmission Moessbauer spectroscopy allowed the monitoring of the variation of the hyperfine parameters with the thermal treatment temperature; In the case of the evolution of the quadruple splitting of the paramagnetic Fe{sup 3+} sites with temperature, in both clays, the analyses reproduced results such as the 'camel back' curve shape, found by other workers (Wagner and Wagner, Hyperfine Interact 154:35-82, 2004; Wagner and Kyek, Hyperfine Interact 154:5-33, 2004).

  9. Annäherungen an das Phänomen Computerspiel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kelvin Autenrieth


    Full Text Available Rezension zu: Swertz, Christian, und Michael Wagner, Hrsg. 2010. Game\\\\Play\\\\Society: contributions to contemporary computer game studies. Wiener Medienpädagogik. München: kopaed.

  10. Socioeconomic and demographic profile of leprosy carriers attended in nursing consultations Perfil socioeconómico y demográfico de portadores de lepra atendidos en consulta de enfermería Perfil socioeconômico e demográfico de portadores de hanseníase atendidos em consulta de enfermagem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marli Teresinha Cassamassimo Duarte


    Full Text Available Leprosy is a contagious infectious disease that manifests due to unfavorable socioeconomic factors, endemic levels and individual conditions. This study aimed to recognize the socioeconomic and demographic profile and degree of incapacity installed in leprosy carriers attended at the School Health Center in Botucatu. Data were obtained through nursing consultation performed in 37 patients. The results showed a predominance of individuals with stable union (78%, whites (92%, age between 30 and 49 years old (51%, low level of schooling (68% with incomplete primary education and those with per capita familial income less than one minimum salary (59 %. More than one third of the patients investigated (35% presented some degree of physical incapacity. The association of low socioeconomic profile with the presence of physical incapacities assigns greater vulnerability to this population and can negatively influence their quality of life.La lepra es una enfermedad infecto-contagiosa que se manifiesta debido a factores socioeconómicos desfavorables, niveles de endemia y condiciones individuales. El objetivo de este estudio fue reconocer el perfil socioeconómico y demográfico y el grado de incapacidad instalado de los portadores de lepra atendidos en el Centro de Salud Escuela de Botucatu. Los datos fueron obtenidos a través de consulta de enfermería realizada en 37 pacientes. Los resultados mostraron una predominancia de individuos con unión estable (97,8%, blancos (92%, con edad entre 30 y 49 años (51%, con bajo nivel de escolaridad (68 % con enseñanza primaria incompleta y con renta familiar per capita menor que un salario mínimo (59 %. Más de un tercio de los pacientes investigados (35% presentaban algún grado de incapacidad física. La asociación del bajo perfil socioeconómico con la presencia de incapacidades físicas imprime mayor vulnerabilidad a esa población, lo que puede influenciar negativamente su calidad de vida.A hansen

  11. New Roles of Folate Receptor Alpha in Oncogenic Cell Signalling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Mariann Fagernæs

    I løbet af sine ph.d.-studier har Mariann Fagernæs Hansen undersøgt proteinet Folat Receptoren, der naturligt kan binde folinsyre. Folat Receptoren har betydning for cellevækst og er til stede på overfladen af mange kræftceller. I mange lande tilsættes folinsyre aktivt i f.eks. mel- og morgenmads......I løbet af sine ph.d.-studier har Mariann Fagernæs Hansen undersøgt proteinet Folat Receptoren, der naturligt kan binde folinsyre. Folat Receptoren har betydning for cellevækst og er til stede på overfladen af mange kræftceller. I mange lande tilsættes folinsyre aktivt i f.eks. mel- og...

  12. Reação hansênica reversa associada à síndrome de reconstituição imune

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    Karla Linhares Pinto


    Full Text Available Hanseníase é uma doença causada pelo Mycobacterium leprae que afeta principalmente pele e nervos. Em muitos países subdesenvolvidos, a prevalência de HIV e Hanseníase tem aumentado, consequentemente o número de pessoas coinfectadas também. Relata-se o caso de uma paciente coinfectada por essas duas doenças apresentando quadro de úlceras profundas e muito dolorosas em antebraço direito 3 meses após a introdução de terapia antirretroviral. Após investigação para descartar outras causas de lesões cutâneas ulcerativas, a paciente obteve diagnóstico de reação reversa atípica fazendo parte de um quadro de síndrome de reconstituição imune. A paciente recebeu tratamento com prednisona e obteve resolução do quadro. Apesar da infecção pelo vírus HIV ter baixo impacto no desenvolvimento e evolução da Hanseníase, essa micobacteriose, bem como os quadros reacionais associados a ela, podem se apresentar como manifestação de síndrome de reconstituição imune.

  13. Analysis of preliminary phytochemical screening of Typhonium ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    -creamish precipitate colour is expected; with. Wagner's reagents in the presence of alkaloids, a brownish red precipitate is produced while an orange precipitate was observed using the Dragendroff's reagent. Flavonoids.

  14. Esimene väitekiri Jaan Krossist / Cornelius Hasselblatt ; saksa keelest tõlkinud Vahur Aabrams

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hasselblatt, Cornelius, 1960-


    Wagner, Kerttu. Die historischen Romane von Jaan Kross : am Beispiel einer Untersuchung der deutschen und englischen Übersetzungen von "Professor Martensi ärasõit" (1984). Frankfurt/M : P. Lang, 2001.

  15. Suveprojekt - igalt teatrilt korraga. II / Jaak Allik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Allik, Jaak, 1946-


    Anton Hansen Tammsaare - Margus Kasterpalu 'Tõde ja õigus', lavastanud Andres Noormets (Ugala suvelavastus Vargamäel). Charles Dickensi 'Nicholas Nickleby elu ja seiklused', lavastanud Georg Malvius (Eesti Draamateatris)

  16. Die erste Dissertation über Jaan Kross / Cornelius Hasselblatt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hasselblatt, Cornelius


    Arvustus: Wagner, Kerttu. Die historischen Romane von Jaan Kross : am Beispiel einer Untersuchung der deutschen und englischen Übersetzungen von "Professor Martensi ärasõit" (1984). Frankfurt/M : P. Lang, 2001.

  17. Koomiksiraamatu avab külmetav kuningas / Raimu Hanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanson, Raimu, 1957-


    Ilmus Joonas Sildre kujundatud koomiksiraamat "Teistmoodi Tammsaare", toimetaja Mari Laaniste. Raamat sisaldab ka lühikokkuvõtte Anton Hansen Tammsaare elust ja loomingust ning ülevaate eesti koomiksi ajaloost

  18. Nüganen lavastab taas Tammsaaret / Margus Mikomägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikomägi, Margus, 1956-


    Elmo Nüganen otsustas lavastada Tallinna Linnateatris Anton Hansen Tammsaare romaani "Ma armastasin sakslast". Romaani dramatiseeringu kirjutas lavastaja ise oma lavakooli esimese kursuse üliõpilastele mängimiseks

  19. Jeunesse oblige! : The literary group and its meaning / Sirje Olesk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Olesk, Sirje, 1954-


    Kirjandusrühmitusest Noor-Eesti, selle tähtsamatest tegelastest: Gustav Suitsust, Friedebert Tuglasest, Anton Hansen Tammsaarest ja Aino Kallasest. Noor-Eesti tähendusest 20. sajandi eesti kirjandusajaloos

  20. Coral Reefs and Their Management in Tanzania | Wagner | Western ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    management approaches and strategies implemented by various ICM programs, conservation areas and marine parks in Tanzania. It also provides recommendations for further research and coral reef management strategies. Keywords: coral reefs, threats, management, recent initiatives, Tanzania West Indian Ocean ...

  1. Molecular orbital studies on the Wagner-Meerwein migration in ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Meerwein migration of various groups during the pinacol-pinacolone rearrangement of some acyclic systems. Pinacol first protonates and dehydrates to form a carbocation that undergoes a 1,2-migration to form a protonated ketone, which then ...

  2. Sibelius: Scaramouche op. 71, Neeme Järvi / Rainer Wagner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wagner, Rainer


    Uuest heliplaadist "Sibelius: Scaramouche op. 71 [World Premiere REcording of the Complete Score]. Hochzeitmarsch aus der Musik zum Drama Die Sprache der Vögel [Wedding March "The Language of the Birds"]. Göteborger Sinfoniker, Neeme Järvi. BIS/Disco-Ccenter CD 502 (WD:68'28") DDD

  3. The first scholarly South African interpretation of Wagner? Ramsden ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... and engaged indefatigably in social reform efforts, which generally meshed with the ideological precepts he had brought from England. To a significantly greater extent than Shaw he delved into individual traits of Wagnerian characters rather than perceiving them almost exclusively as manifestations of social classes.

  4. An Econometric Investigation into the Wagner's Law in the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Sep 28, 2012 ... in that our models achieved stability and are also Cointegrated to justify that although short-term instability do exist in the data set, there still exist a long-run equilibrium among ... government expenditure on economic growth.

  5. Kas teie arvates tuleks Ülejõe pargid Emajõe vasakkaldal taashoonestada? / intervjueerinud Ivi Drikkit ja Jüri Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vastasid: Mati Tolmoff, Veljo Ipits, Toomas Savi, Verni Loodmaa, Väino Kull, Toomas Kapp, Triin Anette Kaasik, Kristjan Karis, Hele Everaus, Margot Fjuk, Janika Mölder, Hannes Astok, Jaak Adamsoo, Martin Parmas, Toivo Kabanen, Oleg Nesterenko, Tõnu Ints, Piret Uluots, Peep Peterson, Marju Lauristin, Jarno Laur, Arno Arukask, Ülo Veldre, Toomas Jürgenstein, Veera Sirg, Maie Pastik, Elmut Paavel, Avo Rosenvald, Toivo Maimets, Peeter Tulviste, Joel Luhamets, Jüri Kõre, Ants Kask, Enn Tarto, Tarmo Punger, Merle Jääger, Vladimir Šokman, Boris Habramov, Jevgenia Lindevaldt, Harri Jallajas, Natalja Trošina, Olev Raju, Nikolai Põdramägi

  6. Reviews of recent publications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    various authors


    Full Text Available Elisabeth Bronfen. Over Her Dead Body: Death, Feminity and the Aesthetic by Lisa Maruca Jacques Dupin: Selected Poems . (Translated by Paul Auster, Stephen Romer, and David Shipiro. by Maryann De Julio Carolyn A. Durham. The Contexture of Feminism: Marie Cardinal and Multicultural Literacy by Yolanda Astarita Patterson Mike Gonzalez and David Treece. The Gathering of Voices: The Twentieth-Century Poetry of Latin America by Steven F. White Emily D. Hicks. Border Writing: The Multidimensional Text by Roselyn Constantino Robin Régine. Socialist Realism: An Impossible Aesthetic by Peter Hitchcock Kari Weil. Androgyny and the Denial of Difference by Brigitte Roussel

  7. Riskien hallinta, vahinkokäynnistyksen esto


    Ruotsalainen, Jarmo


    Tiivistelmä Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tehdä proseduurit vahinkokäynnistysten estämiseksi Jeld-Wen Oy:n Kuopion ovitehtaan kaikille koneille. Yrityksellä ei ollut ennestään toimivia proseduureja. Lisäksi tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tehdä korjaus- ja huoltotyöt turvalliseksi vahinkokäynnistysten osalta ja estää niistä johtuvat onnettomuudet. Työ on aloitettu alusta ja sitä tehtiin yhdessä projektijohtaja Kari Kuosmasen kanssa. Hänen vastuualueena oli vastata kysymyksiin...

  8. managing hiv as a chronic disease: using interactive data collection ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 2, 2004 ... Clinical Director, Reproductive Health Research Unit, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg ... In the Chronic Care Model described by Ed Wagner,11 this interaction can be ... pharmacists re-enter demographic.

  9. Tallinna Linnateater noppis "Tõe ja õiguse" eest auhindu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Anton Hansen Tammsaare "Tõe ja õiguse" neljanda osa lavaversioon tõi Linnateatrile parima lavastaja - Elmo Nüganen, parima naispeaosatäitja - Hele Kõre ja parima naiskõrvalosa auhinna - Evelin Pang

  10. Racism, empire and sociology


    Smith, Andrew


    Reviews of Gurminder K Bhambra, Connected Sociologies; Peo Hansen and Stefan Jonsson, Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism; Wulf D. Hund, Alana Lentin (eds) Racism and Sociology

  11. Leprosy Specific Orofacial Aspects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vathsala Naik


    Full Text Available Leprosy is a chronic infection caused by Mycobactenum leprae, GHA- Hansen first identified the organism in 1873, so called Hansen disease. Mycobacterium leprae is a bacillus that presents a peculiar tropism for the skin and peripheral nerves. The upper airway has a great importance as a route of M. Leprae infection. The clinical spectrum of leprosy ranges from the tuberculoid form (TT to the disseminative and progressive lepromatous form (LL. Cell-mediated immunity is considered to be the crucial defence against the disease and the magnitude of this immunity defines the extent of the disease- Facial lesions in leprosy can occur in all form of the disease and also in lepra reaction, oral lesions are rare but, when present, occur in the lepromatous form

  12. Model-checking dense-time Duration Calculus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fränzle, Martin


    Since the seminal work of Zhou Chaochen, M. R. Hansen, and P. Sestoft on decidability of dense-time Duration Calculus [Zhou, Hansen, Sestoft, 1993] it is well-known that decidable fragments of Duration Calculus can only be obtained through withdrawal of much of the interesting vocabulary...... of this logic. While this was formerly taken as an indication that key-press verification of implementations with respect to elaborate Duration Calculus specifications were also impossible, we show that the model property is well decidable for realistic designs which feature natural constraints...... suitably sparser model classes we obtain model-checking procedures for rich subsets of Duration Calculus. Together with undecidability results also obtained, this sheds light upon the exact borderline between decidability and undecidability of Duration Calculi and related logics....

  13. Flat plate approximation in the three-dimensional slamming; Heiban kinji ni yoru sanjigen suimen shogeki keisanho ni tsuite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toyama, Y. [Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    A slamming load generated by interactive motions between a ship body and water face is an important load in ensuring safety of the ship. A flat plate approximation developed by Wagner is used as a two-dimensional slamming theory, but it has a drawback in handling edges of a flat plate. Therefore, an attempt was made to expand the two-dimensional Wagner`s theory to three dimensions. This paper first shows a method to calculate water face slamming of an arbitrary axisymmetric body by using circular plate approximation. The paper then proposes a method to calculate slamming pressure distribution and slamming force for the case when shape of the water contacting surface may be approximated by an elliptic shape. Expansion to the three dimensions made clear to some extent the characteristics of the three-dimensional slamming. In the case of two dimensions or a circular column for example, the water contacting area increases rapidly in the initial stage generating large slamming force. However, in the case of three dimensions, since the water contacting area expands longitudinally and laterally, the slamming force tends to increase gradually. Maximum slamming pressure was found proportional to square of moving velocity in a water contacting boundary in the case of three dimensions, and similar to stagnation pressure on a gliding plate. 12 refs., 17 figs., 1 tab.

  14. Flat plate approximation in the three-dimensional slamming; Heiban kinji ni yoru sanjigen suimen shogeki keisanho ni tsuite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toyama, Y [Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    A slamming load generated by interactive motions between a ship body and water face is an important load in ensuring safety of the ship. A flat plate approximation developed by Wagner is used as a two-dimensional slamming theory, but it has a drawback in handling edges of a flat plate. Therefore, an attempt was made to expand the two-dimensional Wagner`s theory to three dimensions. This paper first shows a method to calculate water face slamming of an arbitrary axisymmetric body by using circular plate approximation. The paper then proposes a method to calculate slamming pressure distribution and slamming force for the case when shape of the water contacting surface may be approximated by an elliptic shape. Expansion to the three dimensions made clear to some extent the characteristics of the three-dimensional slamming. In the case of two dimensions or a circular column for example, the water contacting area increases rapidly in the initial stage generating large slamming force. However, in the case of three dimensions, since the water contacting area expands longitudinally and laterally, the slamming force tends to increase gradually. Maximum slamming pressure was found proportional to square of moving velocity in a water contacting boundary in the case of three dimensions, and similar to stagnation pressure on a gliding plate. 12 refs., 17 figs., 1 tab.

  15. 48 CFR 4.602 - General. (United States)


    ... the Nation's economy and the extent to which small, veteran-owned small, service-disabled veteran... nonprofit agencies operating under the Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act, are sharing in Federal contracts; and (3) A...

  16. Lüüriline ingel Baltoscandalil / Madli Pesti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pesti, Madli, 1980-


    Rootsi näitleja, laulja, tantsija Charlotte Engelkes, kes Baltoscandalile tuleb oma soololavastuse "Forellen and me" maailmaesietendusega ja 2006. aastal valminud lavastusega "Miss Very Wagner". Lähemalt esimesest lavastusest. Lisaks tutvustus "Esietendused Baltoscandalil"

  17. An investigation of strategies for integrated learning experiences ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    (NCS, 2002) integrated music, dance, drama and visual arts where possible, while ... for the development of literacy skills, the latter term used by Wagner, ..... for movement ..... Qualitative investigation of young children's music preferences.

  18. Leprosy (United States)

    ... Seniors, WomenTags: ancient infections, blindness, chronic granulomatous disease, chronic infection, hand and foot deformities, hansen's disease, infections, leprosy, mycobacterium, rashes, skin lesions, testicle damage November 1, 2009 Copyright © American ...

  19. DOJ News Release: Local Contractor Pleads Guilty To Defrauding City Of Sacramento Of Stimulus Funds (United States)

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. — US Attorney Benjamin B. Wagner announced today that Peter Scott, President of Advantage Demolition and Engineering (ADE), 47, of Roseville, pleaded guilty today to two counts of submitting false contractor bonds.

  20. 20 CFR 1001.100 - Purpose and scope of subpart. (United States)


    ... system established pursuant to the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended. (b) This subpart describes the roles... performance standards for determining compliance of State agencies in carrying out the provisions of 38 U.S.C...

  1. 75 FR 13653 - Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision (United States)


    ... D. Bennett, Johnny W. Bradford Sr., Levi A. Brown, Charlie F. Cook, Clifford H. Dovel, Arthur L..., Steven L. Valley, Thomas E. Voyles, Jr., Darel G. Wagner, Bernard J. Wood. These exemptions are extended...

  2. Baltoscandali avavad vigurmarss ja Schubert / Marina Steinmo ; interv. Eva Kübar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Steinmo, Marina


    Baltoscandali teatrifestivalil esineva Eesti päritolu Rootsi tantsija ja koreograafi Charlotte Engelkesi klassikalisel muusikal põhinevatest lavastustest "Forellen and Me" ja "Miss Very Wagner" (dramaturg, teksti ja etenduse kontseptsiooni autor on Marina Steinmo)

  3. Rahvusooper alustab hooaega festivaliga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rahvusooperi Estonia 101. hooaja alustamisest 6.-24. septembrini teatri juubelifestivaliga "Estonia - 100". René Eespere ooperist "Gurmaanid-2" 8. sept., galaetendusest 16. sept. ja Anton Hansen Tammsaare draama "Juudit" etendusest 22. septembril

  4. Some perceptions and preferences of residents' use of community ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    poor physical and mental health, crime, and ... People's perceptions of parks will ultimately determine whether the parks ... disability, and home ownership), .... general feelings of being unsafe, ..... and problematic youth (Hansen, 2006; Payne.

  5. 75 FR 9877 - Notice of Petitions by Firms for Determination of Eligibility To Apply for Trade Adjustment... (United States)


    ... countertops, ceramic Lee's Summit, MO tile floors and walls. Carpet, vinyl and 64064. wood. R.E. Hansen... primary products, filter presses, tube filters and pressure leaf filters. Colorado Case, Inc 1713 E...

  6. 王弼《老子注》的詮釋辨證/ Interpretative Dialectics of Wang Bi’s Exegesis of Lao-Tzu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jung-Tao TSAI


    Wang Bi, the most prominent scholar of metaphysics of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, was an unprecedented genius throughout the history of Chinese philosophy. In this article, the author examines the brilliant contributions made by Lin Li Zhen, Yu Dun Kang and Rudolf G. Wagner, who are noticed for their research of Exegesis of Lao-Tzu. It is a synthesis of the directions of investigation, approaches, and significant findings they have come up with. Among the three interpretations, Lin focuses on the explanation of Wang’s metaphysic thinking while Yu emphasizes Wang’s secular concerns by proposing the “philosophy of thoroughness” and political holism. As for Wagner, he approaches this work with the views of linguistic philosophy and suggests refined stylistics as interpretative strategy, which functions to enrich the textual contents.

  7. Pengaruh Pengunyahan Permen Karet dengan Pemanis Xylitol terhadap Penurunan Risiko Karies Gigi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wahyu Sulistiadi


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to assess the relation between the use of xylitol chewing gum and risk of dental caries. The sample was taken from a population of 800 (120 samples. Standard equipment was used in observing the dental plaque, salivary flow rate and pH of the saliva from patients using xylitol chewing gum or non xylitol chewing gum. The results were analyzed using the t-test (one tailed with 95% confidence intervals (α ≤ 0.05. The results show a significant effect of chewed xylitol gum with increased pH in saliva, increased salivary flow rate (SFR, and decreased plaque score.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Okti Nadia Poetri


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to explore IgY anti Streptococcus mutan production and the ability of Igy Streptococcus mutans blocking adhesion process. The eggs was collected from Single Comb Brown Leghorn which have been immunized by S. mutan. Agar gel precipitation test was done to detect IgY anti S. mutans in serum and egg. Egg which Countain IgY anti S. mutans was collected. IgY anti S. mutans extracted from egg yolk by mean s PEG-Amonium sulfat and purified using fast protein liquid chromatography. The purity of Igy anti S. mutans was determined by UV spectropometer. Biological activities of Igy anti S. mutans to inhibit adhession process was learned by anti adhesion test. We use two dose of IgY, which is 100 ug and 500 ug. Igy anti S. mutans formen in serum five weeks after the first immunization while it formed in egg nine weeks after the first immunization. Igy anti S. mutanss still present in serum andegg until twelve weeks from the first immunization. Igy anti S. mutanss could decrease the amount of bacteria which attach the epithelial cell surface. The amount of sticky bacteria on epithelial cell (without IgY are 40 cell bacteria/epithelial cell. After blocked by IgY anti S. mutanss the amount of bacteria turn into 30 cell bacteria/epithelial cell (for dose of 100 ug IgY and 28 cell bacteria/epitheelial cell (for dose of 500 ug IgY. This research concluded that hens were capable producing IgY anti S. mutanss in egg yolk and it can be used to solve dental caries problem which caused by S. mutanss.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laksmi Dwiati


    Full Text Available In dental health community programmes there are several kind of efficiency application patron such as dental health programme worthy to do, like comparing various alternatives procedures in a dental health programmes. Cost effectiveness analysis (CEA is becoming increasingly popular as society moved toward rationalizing dental health cost to optimized programmes. CEA compares the cost of procedure with its effectiveness thus helping an adiminstrator to judge whether the procedure is worth itrs cost. CEA also permit comparison of various interventions that result in a similar dental health outcome. A major benefit of CEA is that it forces decision maker to confront the trade-offs implicit in all decision regarding alternative approaches. Caries dentis and gingivitis are still aserious oral health problem to solve especially for primary school student. Curative effort is relative more expensive, so it was chosen alternative for preventing caries must be together with preventing gingivtis. The purpose of the research is gerring the cost effective moel of preventive caries and gingivitis for a primary school student at DKI Jakarta. The opportunity cost of alternative model preventive caries and gingivitis intervention such a modern dentistry approach (Fissure Sealant and Oral-Hygiene instruction procedures by the dentist to compare against model routine intervention approach (fluoride mouth rinsing and ART procedures by the full time dentist or by dentist together with teachers along with the relative effectiveness of preventive treatment. In this quasi experiment research with multistage randomized designed we use respondent of all primary school student in DKI Jakarta for two different treatment group. Fissure Sealant and Oral Hygiene Instruction procedures by the Dentist were judged to be more cost effective than fluoride mouthrinsing and ART procedures by the dentist together with teachers, or by the full time dentist.

  10. Effective synthesis route for red-brown pigments based on Ce – Pr ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Chemical Laboratory, Central Leather Research Institute, Council of Scientific and Industrial .... Self propagation RT. 59. Ce–Ti– .... ated by the conventional determination of mass tone as ..... Wagner C D and Muilenberg G E 1979 Handbook.

  11. Spor o konfiskáty

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Uhlíková, Kristina


    Roč. 76, č. 2 (2016), s. 214-220 ISSN 1210-5538 Institutional support: RVO:68378033 Keywords : Zdeněk Wirth * Václav Wagner * history of monument preservation Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  12. 75 FR 4622 - Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Diabetes (United States)


    .... Bauer, Michael P. Berger, William D. Blosch, Michael Bohlen, Bradley N. Brown, Victor M. Brunner, Tom L..., Eugene G. Friedman, Edward L. Gilbert, Donald W. Hansen, Joseph S. Hernandez, Corrine J. Hoffman, Robert...

  13. A Systematic Methodology for Uncertainty Analysis of Group Contribution Based and Atom Connectivity Index Based Models for Estimation of Properties of Pure Components

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hukkerikar, Amol; Sarup, Bent; Sin, Gürkan

    , entropy of vaporization, surface tension, viscosity, flash point, auto ignition temperature, Hansen solubility parameters, Hildebrand solubility parameter, aqueous solubility, octanol/water partition coefficient, compressibility factor, molar volume, molar refraction, refractive index and lethal...

  14. Uus sugupõlv - kaotanud sugupõlv? / Liis Kolle

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kolle, Liis, 1971-


    Kolmest Berliinis nähtud Wagneri aasta üritusest: Näitus ja ürituste sari "Wagner 2013 - kunstnike positsioonid", üliõpilaste ühisprojekt "Armee. Neli operatsiooni Wagneri "Sõrmuse" kallal" ning koolinoorteprojekt ""Sõrmus": uus põlvkond"

  15. Kunstnikukeskne näitus / Heie Treier

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Treier, Heie, 1963-


    Näitus "Pseudo" EKKMis. Kuraator Marten Esko, kujundaja Allan Appelberg, kunstnikud Dénes Farkas ja Taavi Talve, Dora García, Flo Kasearu, Jevgeni Zolotko, Kristiina Hansen ja Sigrid Viir ning Neeme Külm

  16. Mis saab maaärist? / Ester Šank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Šank, Ester, 1956-


    Maaostu piirava seaduseelnõu Riigikogu menetlusest välja arvamist kommenteerib Vootele Hansen. Lisatud ka eelnõu autorite Jaanus Marrandi, Harri Õunapuu ja töörühma liikme Ain Kendra seisukohad

  17. African Journal of AIDS Research - Vol 13, No 4 (2014)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Clemens Ley, Lloyd Leach, María Rato Barrio, Susan Bassett ... Charles Omondi Olang'o, Erick Nyambedha, Jens Aagaard-Hansen ... Bierhuizen, Arlinda Zango, Nienke Veldhuijzen, Fidelina Cumbe, Paul J Feldblum, Janneke van de Wijgert.

  18. Fuel properties of loofah (Luffa cylindrica L.) biofuel blended with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Fuel properties of loofah oil and its ethyl ester blended with diesel were experimentally determined. ... The escalating prices of petroleum fuels, the .... equation developed by Bamgboye and Hansen (2008) was used to ..... Renewable Energy.

  19. Morfologia do Mycobacterium leprae hominis e do M. leprae muris: estudo baseado na microscopia electrônica e de contraste de fases Morphology of Mycobacterium leprae hominis and M. leprae muris based on electron and phases contrast microscopy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    H. C. de Souza-Araújo


    Full Text Available Hansen's Bacillus: By electron microscopy this bacillus shows membrane and halo, this being more visible when sorrounding the globi or bundles of bacilli; shows, also, free granules of various sizes which were before considered as dust of the dyes; shows external granules bound with the membrane and some times branching. By phases contrast microscopy examining leproma suspensions and subcataneous lymph at 400 x we saw many free granules with intense rotatory movement; granulated bacilli with screw, skip or stroke motion, producing slow progressive motion. All such elementes are surrounded by a halo, corresponding to the classical gloea. By a patient and delayed examination we were able to see that the internal granules are motile and help the progression of the bacilli, giving the impression that the cytoplasm is liquid. By a lasting observation we could see the larger granules form prolapse, like a pseudopode and abandon the bacilli and going in very rapid rotatory movement. There are branched bacilli; there are pedunculated fred granules like comets. The addition of a drop of formol at the preparation stops all movements. Stefansky's Bacillus: Repeated examination by RCA electron microscope, type EMU-25 of fresh suspensions of rat lepromas, led us to confirm the close relationship between human and murine leprosy agents. We examined also material from carabo (Lepra bubalorum from Java, but due to fixation, the material was unsuitable for comparative studies. The Stefansky's bacilli showed also emmbranes and halos, internal or external granules (smaller than those of Hansen's bacillus. The bacilli shaded by chromium look thicker and shorter than those of Hansen. Due to electron bombardment both, Hansen's and Stefansky's baccilli suffer considerable alterations in their structure, showing black barrs of chromatin condensation at their extremities as also in their centers. By phase microscopy the Stefansky's bacilli showed elements with 1, 2

  20. Cardiac Toxicity after definitive Radiotherapy of locally advanced NSCLC

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schytte, Tine; Hansen, Olfred; Stohlberg-Rohr, Thomine


        Cardiac Toxicity after definitive Radiotherapy of locally advanced NSCLC Tine Schytte, Olfred Hansen, Thomine Stolberg-Rohr* and Carsten Brink*. Dept. Oncology and Radiophysic Lab.* Odense University Hospital, Denmark   Keyword: Radiotherapy, Locally advanced NSCLC, Cardiac toxicity   Backgro......    Cardiac Toxicity after definitive Radiotherapy of locally advanced NSCLC Tine Schytte, Olfred Hansen, Thomine Stolberg-Rohr* and Carsten Brink*. Dept. Oncology and Radiophysic Lab.* Odense University Hospital, Denmark   Keyword: Radiotherapy, Locally advanced NSCLC, Cardiac toxicity......   Background: Lung and oesophageal toxicity have been regarded as main toxicity in definitive radiotherapy (RT) of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), whereas cardiac toxicity has not been offered much concern. This is probably due to the poor prognosis for patients with unresectable NSCLC. In this study we...

  1.  Adiponectin in early and chronic rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laurberg, Trine Bay

      Dato 31. januar 2006Title Adiponectin in early and chronic rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritisAuthors:Trine Bay Laurberg,Torkell Ellingsen,Jan Frystyk,Ib Hansen,Anette Jørgensen,Ulrik Tarp,Merete Lund Hetland,Kim Hørslev-Petersen,Nete Hornung,Jørgen Hjelm Poulsen,Allan Flyvbjerg,Kristian St......  Dato 31. januar 2006Title Adiponectin in early and chronic rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritisAuthors:Trine Bay Laurberg,Torkell Ellingsen,Jan Frystyk,Ib Hansen,Anette Jørgensen,Ulrik Tarp,Merete Lund Hetland,Kim Hørslev-Petersen,Nete Hornung,Jørgen Hjelm Poulsen,Allan Flyvbjerg......,Kristian Stengaard-PedersenBackground: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic, chronic, autoimmune disease, which affects the joints with inflammation leading to destruction of cartilage and bone. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease characterised by low level of chronic inflammation, slow...

  2. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of step size adaptation rules

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krause, Oswin; Glasmachers, Tobias; Igel, Christian


    We present a comparison of step size adaptation methods for evolution strategies, covering recent developments in the field. Following recent work by Hansen et al. we formulate a concise list of performance criteria: a) fast convergence of the mean, b) near-optimal fixed point of the normalized s...... that cumulative step size adaptation (CSA) and twopoint adaptation (TPA) provide reliable estimates of the optimal step size. We further find that removing the evolution path of CSA still leads to a reliable algorithm without the computational requirements of CSA.......We present a comparison of step size adaptation methods for evolution strategies, covering recent developments in the field. Following recent work by Hansen et al. we formulate a concise list of performance criteria: a) fast convergence of the mean, b) near-optimal fixed point of the normalized...

  3. Materialitet og modalitet som didaktiske kategorier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høegh, Tina


    English summary Materiality and modality as didactic categories The article is a response to articles by Nikolaj Frydensbjerg Elf, Thomas Illum-Hansen & Morten Misfeldt, and Leon Dalgas Jensen in this volume. The response discusses the apparent lack of didactic categories for materiality...... and modality in teaching practices, in subject didactics and in comparative subject didactics. The article problematizes the important findings and analyses concerning IT-teaching material described by Elf as well as Illum-Hansen & Misfeldt, and asks whether choices of modality and media-materiality...... are an unreflective practise in respect to teaching targets, skills and subject specialized language as well as in respect to goals for student productions. The article asks whether the analysis of teaching materials could be qualified further by the two categories materiality and modality from multimodal analysis...

  4. A Dynamic Stall Model for Airfoils with Deformable Trailing Edges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andersen, Peter Bjoern; Gaunaa, Mac; Bak, Christian; Hansen, Morten Hartvig


    The present work contains an extension of the Beddoes-Leishman (B-L) type dynamic stall model, as described by Hansen et al. In this work a Deformable Trailing Edge Geometry (DTEG) has been added to the dynamic stall model. The model predicts the unsteady aerodynamic forces and moments on an airfoil section undergoing arbitrary motion in heave, lead-lag, pitch, Trailing Edge (TE) flapping. In the linear region, the model reduces to the inviscid model of Gaunaa, which includes the aerodynamic effect of a thin airfoil with a deformable camberline in inviscid flow. Therefore, the proposed model can be considered a crossover between the work of Gaunaa for the attached flow region and Hansen et al. The model will be compared to wind tunnel measurements from Velux described by Bak et al

  5. Černý výpadek versus zelená elektřina

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Řípa, Milan

    -, Květen (2015) Institutional support: RVO:61389021 Keywords : Tokamak * stellarator * wind * eolika * Fritz Wagner Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics

  6. Are Majhgawan–Hinota pipe rocks truly group-I kimberlite?

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    mineralogical characteristics of group II kimberlite or. ''orangeite'' which were .... have demonstrated that the ratios may exceed 10 as in the case of south Indian ...... Transvaal Leader, Johannesburg, South Africa. Wagner P A 1928 S. Afr. J.

  7. 1. IV avati Tallinna Kunstihoone galeriis šoti videokunstinäitus "Nähtamatud väljad"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kuraatorid Sarah Felton ja Su Grierson, osalevad kunstnikud Victoria Clare Bernie, Samantha Clark, Maria Doyle, S. Felton, S. Grierson, Belinda Guidi, Anne Bjerge Hansen, Metacorpus, Jane McInally, Rosalind Nashashibi, Susannah Silver ja Susan Sloan

  8. Olulised isikud Tammsaare elus / Berit Kaschan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaschan, Berit


    Vend Jüri Hansen, õed Marta ja Marie, südamedaamid Lucie Martna, Anette Mikkelsaar, Hilda Lõhmus ja Madlena Ploompuu, sõbrad Berhard Linde, Anton Palvadre, Rein Eliaser, August Arras, August Hanko ja Aleksander Sibul

  9. Näiteid rahvusvaheliste kultuuriprojektide turundamisest

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ilmunud ka: International cultural marketing conference : November 3-4, 2005, Tartu : a collection of speeches. lk. 27-34. Lars Blicher-Hansen tutvustab Hans Christian Anderseni aasta ja Urmas Kõiv XXV rahvusvaheliste hansapäevade turundusstrateegiaid

  10. Transcranial Doppler study in patients with cluster headache

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Soleiman A.M. Tahoon


    Mar 11, 2013 ... ities and vasoreactivity in cluster headache patients as baseline values and after ... Peer review under responsibility of Alexandria University Faculty of. Medicine. .... Dahl A, Russel D, Nyberg-Hansen R, Rootwelt K. Cluster.

  11. Development of Ozone Detector for Ksr-Iii and Preliminary Test Results

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seung-Hyun Hwang


    Full Text Available KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute has measured the ozone density profiles over the Korean Peninsular since the launch of the Korean Sounding Rocket-I (KSR-I in 1993. The purpose of ozone measurements is to obtain the stratospheric and mesospheric vertical ozone density profiles over the Korean Peninsular with solar UV radiometers. With the visible channel of the radiometer, the attitude variation of the rocket was corrected and compensated. Developed system is based on ozone detector designs onboard the KSR-I and KSR-II. We discuss the development of ozone detector which will be onboard the KSR-III and its circuit and vibration test results for EM Model.

  12. Chitinase, beta-1,3-glucanase, osmotin, and extensin are expressed in tobacco explants during flower formation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Neale, A D; Wahleithner, J A; Lund, Marianne


    be considered a pathogenesis-related protein. These genes, which were highly expressed in explants during de novo flower formation but not in explants forming vegetative shoots [Meeks-Wagner et al. (1989). Plant Cell 1, 25-35], were also regulated developmentally in day-neutral and photoresponsive tobacco......Sequence analysis of five gene families that were isolated from tobacco thin cell layer explants initiating floral development [Meeks-Wagner et al. (1989). Plant Cell 1, 25-35] showed that two encode the pathogenesis-related proteins basic chitinase and basic beta-1,3-glucanase, while a third...... encodes the cell wall protein extensin, which also accumulates during pathogen attack. Another sequence family encodes the water stress-induced protein osmotin [Singh et al. (1989). Plant Physiol. 90, 1096-1101]. We found that osmotin was also induced by viral infection and wounding and, hence, could...

  13. W7-AS contributions to: 10. topical conference on radio frequency power in plasmas, Boston, 1993 - Local transport studies on fusion plasmas, Varenna, 1993 - 5. European theory conference, El Escorial, 1993 - 4. int. workshop on plasma edge theory in fusion devices, Varenna, 1993 - 5. international Toki conference on plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion, physics and technology of plasma heating and current drive, Toki, 1993

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report contains the following contribution (titles and authors): High Power 140 GHz ECRH Experiments on W7-AS (V. Erckmann); Heat Wave Studies on W7-AS Stellarator (H.J. Hartfuss); Evidence for Temperature Fluctuations in the W7-AS Stellarator (H.J. Hartfuss); Transient Transport Studies in W7-AS (U. Stroth); Open Magnetic Surfaces for Modelling Plasma Transport in the Boundary of Stellarators (F. Sardei); Electron Cyclotron Current Drive and Bootstrap Current (U. Gasparino); Parametrization of Open Magnetic Structures for Modelling Plasma Transport in the Boundary of W7-AS (F. Sardei); 140 GHz ECRH Experiments at the W7-AS Stellarator (V. Erckmann); H.-Mode of W7-AS Stellarator (F. Wagner); New Subjects of H-Mode (F. Wagner); Recent Results with 140 GHz ECRH at the W7-AS Stellarator (V. Erckmann). (orig./HP)

  14. Evaluation of self-interaction parameters from binary phase diagrams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellison, T.L.


    The feasibility of calculating Wagner self-interaction parameters from binary phase diagrams was examined. The self-interaction parameters of 22 non-ferrous liquid solutions were calculated utilizing an equation based on the equality of the chemical potentials of a component in two equilibrium phases. Utilization of the equation requires the evaluation of the first and second derivatives of various liquidus and solidus data at infinite dilution of the solute component. Several numerical methods for evaluating the derivatives of tabular data were examined. A method involving power series curve fitting and subsequent differentiation of the power series was found to be the most suitable for the interaction parameter calculations. Comparison of the calculated self-interaction parameters with values obtained from thermodynamic measurements indicates that the Wagner self-interaction parameter can be successfully calculated from binary phase diagrams

  15. On the rate of convergence of the alternating projection method in finite dimensional spaces (United States)

    Galántai, A.


    Using the results of Smith, Solmon, and Wagner [K. Smith, D. Solomon, S. Wagner, Practical and mathematical aspects of the problem of reconstructing objects from radiographs, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 83 (1977) 1227-1270] and Nelson and Neumann [S. Nelson, M. Neumann, Generalizations of the projection method with application to SOR theory for Hermitian positive semidefinite linear systems, Numer. Math. 51 (1987) 123-141] we derive new estimates for the speed of the alternating projection method and its relaxed version in . These estimates can be computed in at most O(m3) arithmetic operations unlike the estimates in papers mentioned above that require spectral information. The new and old estimates are equivalent in many practical cases. In cases when the new estimates are weaker, the numerical testing indicates that they approximate the original bounds in papers mentioned above quite well.

  16. Parties now talk about the EU in national election campaigns, but they still tend to talk past each other

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Senninger, Roman; Wagner, Markus


    How important is the issue of European integration to national election campaigns? Roman Senninger and Markus Wagner write that while the EU previously played only a very small role in national elections, the onset of the Eurozone crisis has resulted in the issue becoming more prominent in campai......How important is the issue of European integration to national election campaigns? Roman Senninger and Markus Wagner write that while the EU previously played only a very small role in national elections, the onset of the Eurozone crisis has resulted in the issue becoming more prominent...... in campaigns in several countries. However, using an analysis of party press releases in Austria, they illustrate that parties still differ greatly in how they address the issue, with parties exhibiting a tendency to talk past each other rather than genuinely engaging with the subject....

  17. Violence and Democracy in Khayelitsha, Governing Crime through the ‘Community’

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gail Super


    Full Text Available Waving placards that read “Sonele zizikoli, sanele yicrime (we have had enough of crime and thugs,” more than 60 angry residents protested outside the Khayelitsha Police Station on Tuesday. [ . . . ] Residents’ leader Unathi Mabengwana said: “Given the high crime rate in our area, we are of the view that whatever cops do to fight crime here is not enough. We demand that cops should be more harsh when dealing with criminals.” Greg Wagner, spokesman for community safety department said [Member of the Executive Council] Dan Plato will meet with the Western Cape police commissioner, General Arno Lamoer, to discuss the issue next week. Wagner said the meeting would also be a follow up on the recent vigilante attacks, in which three alleged crime suspects were burnt to death at Enkanini squatter camp (Mnyakama 2012.

  18. Thermodynamic behavior of very stable binary compounds with a wide homogeneity range: Their influence in the liquid phase in ternary and higher component systems in the solid state

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoch, M.


    The Hoch-Arpshofen model is combined with the Schottky-Wagner disorder model to describe first binary liquid systems, where a very stable solid protrudes into the liquid. We analyze the systems K-I 2 , Cs-I 2 , U-UO 3 , Ag-S and Al-Sb. The system Al-Sb can be described as Al-Sb and as Al-AlSb-Sb. Then we examine the Al-Co, Al-Ni, and Al-Fe systems to describe the stable compounds CoAl, NiAl, and FeAl, which all have a wide homogeneity range in the solid state. Here the Schottky-Wagner model is sufficient. Finally we describe a model which treats the influence of these stable binary compounds in ternary and larger systems such as Al-Cr-Ni and Al-Cr-Fe, again in the solid state. (orig./IHOE) [de

  19. Special Feature: Teaching about High Tech. (United States)

    Kopf, Michael; And Others


    Includes four articles: "Virtual Reality" (Kopf), description of its uses in computer-assisted design, architecture, and technical training; "SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers) Robotics Contest Opens Doors to Future" (Wagner); "Superconductivity" (Canady), description of classroom demonstrations and experiments;…

  20. Sample (S): SE53_S01 [Metabolonote[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available tted in 1/2000 a Wagner pot containing compost soil (Kureha, Tokyo, Japan) for the soil experiment. Seeds we... pilot and HC experiments) and late summer (the soil experiment) in 2006, 2008, and 2009.